UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF ^>^.. \j 0^,.<-A/'-V-^""'.-^-'. "... W.^.-t^^s-^yLx? Class LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON RECIPROCITY COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER FIRST EDITION APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN SECOND EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS H. H. B. MEYER For aale by the Snpei-intendent of Documents Government Printing OflBce WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFIOH 1910 Price 16c ^L^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS LIST OF REFERENCES ON RECIPROCITY COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER FIRST EDITION APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN SECOND EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS H. H. B. MEYER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 L. C. card, 10-35003 PREFATORY NOTE The first edition of a "List of references on reciprocity" was pub- lished in 1902 and a "Select list of books, with references to periodi- cals, on reciprocity with Canada," in 1907, and later a typewritten list on Cuban reciprocity was prepared. The material contained in these has now been brought together, with the addition of later literature, and grouped under the following headings: Reciprocity in the United States [comprehensive]. Reciprocity with Canada and Newfoundland. Reciprocity with Hawaii. Reciprocity under the McKinley act, 1890-1894. Reciprocity with Cuba. Reciprocity in Great Britain and other countries. To the general works to which special attention was directed in the first edition, such as Adams's "American economic supremacy," Bastable's "Theory of international trade;" Chapman's "History of trade between the United Kingdom and the United States;" Rogers's "Economic interpretation of history," should now be added Ashley's "Modern tariff history;" Dietzel's "Retaliatory duties;" Fisk's "International commercial policies, with special reference to the United States," and Laughlin and Willis's "Reciprocity." Documents and treaties.— In a subject of this kind the public docu- ments are of the first importance, and this fact is emphasized by placing them at the head of each section. By means of them the leg- islative history of the reciprocity treaties or projects from the year 1815 to the present time may be traced. The texts of the various treaties and agreements are given in "Treaties, conventions . . . and agreements between the United States of America and other powers, 1776-1909" (Senate document no. 357, 6lst Congress, 2d session). ^ The diplomatic negotiations in connection with the treaties of 1815 and 1818 with Great Britain are set forth in Lyman's "The diplomacy of the United States;" Wharton's "Digest of international law" devotes a section to the Hawaiian reciprocity treaty, and another to "Treaty regulations of reciprocity with Great Britain." Wharton is practically superseded by Moore's "Digest of international law," which discusses in addition the fate of the reciprocity treaties negoti- ated under the McKinley act. Foster's ^'A century of American diplomacy" considers the Canadian reciprocity treaty; Schuyler's 2 PREFATORY NOTE "Amcriciin diplomacy and the furtheianceof commerce'' <,aves a good survey of the commercial treaties from ITH-i to 1884. Canada — The Canadian reciprocity treat}'' of 1854 is the subject of a monograph by F. E. HaN'nes, forming American economic associa- tion publication, volume 7, no. 6, and is one of the two treaties in C. Robinson's ''History of two reciprocity^ treaties." The following give the Canadian view of the treaty: Gray's "Con- federation; or, The political and parliamentary histor}^ of Canada;" Laurence Oliphaut's ''Episodes of a life of adventure;" Mrs. Oli- phant's ''Memoir of Laurence Oliphant;" Sir E. W. Watkin's ''Canada and the United States." Hopkins, "Canada; an encj^clopte- dia of the countrv;" Porritt's "Sixty 3'ears of protection in Canada." The British and Canadian parliamentary papers containing- the oflfi- cial record of the treaty negotiations, diplomatic correspondence, etc., are given in a g-roup immediately after the United States documents. The movement for the abrogation of the treaty in 1864 brought out several reports, notably Derby's "Preliminary report on the treaty of reciprocity," Washington, 1866, which examined the effects of the operations under the treaty of 1854. This was reprinted in his "Let- ter to the Hon. William H. Seward," 1867, and in Senate executive document no. 30, 39th Congress, 2d session. The negotiations for the renewal of the treaty iu 1868-69 are discussed in Gray's "Confederation," in the Sessional papers (no. 47) of the Canadian Parliament, and in the United States documents of the period. For later negotiations the documents remain the most important sources, but the periodical literature becomes of increasing significance. Official Canadian statistical publications to be noted are the "Tables of the trade and navigation of the Dominion of Canada" and the "Unrevised monthly statements of imports entered for consumption" and "Exports of the Dominion of Canada," both published })v the department of customs; the "Annual report of the Department of trade and commerce." the "Monthly report" of the same department, and the "Statistical yearbook of Canada," issued by the Department of agriculture. Non-official publications containing material on trade relations of Canada are: "The Canadian annual review," Toronto; "The Canadian manufacturer," semi-monthly, Toronto; "The Cana- dian gazette,'' weekly, London; and "Canada," weekly, Montreal. Reciprocity tvlth Spairinh America. — The greater part of the mate- rial under the heading "Reciprocity under the McKinley act, 1890- 1894" treats of the negotiations with the Spanish American states. The minutes and reports of the International American conference, held at Washington in 1890, and Curtis's "Trade and transportation between the United States and Spanish America" afford valuable information on reciprocity with the American republics. Secretar}-^ PREFATORY NOTE 3 Blaine's writings on the subject are noted in the list. Consult further the Bulletins of the International bureau of the American republics. Among the discussions, mostly periodical, called out by theMcKinley act may be mentioned Kasson's ''Reciprocity^" Washington, 1901; John P. Young's "Economic aspects of reciprocity," in the Protec- tionist, vol. 13, pp. 80-91: Brooks Adams's "Reciprocity or the alter- native," in the Atlantic monthly, vol. 88, pp. 145-155; J. B. Osborne's "Expansion through reciprocity^" in the Atlantic monthly, vol. 88, pp. 721-731; G. B. Waldron's "A calm view of reciprocity," in the Chautauquan, vol. 34, pp. 237-242; E. J. Gibson's "Reciprocity and the foreign trade," in the Forum, vol. 32, pp. 466-480; George Gun- ton's "Our industrial foreign policy," in Institute of social economics, Lecture bulletin, December 2, 1901, pp. 131-151; A. H. U. Colqu- houn's "The reciprocity of to-day," in the Canadian magazine, vol. 18, pp. 226-228; John Charlton's "Reciprocity with Canada" in the Forum, vol. 32, pp. 582-693; and A. B. Farquhar\s "The manufac- turer's need of reciprocity," in Annals of the American academy of political and social science, vol. 19, pp. 21-39. Current statistics of American foreign trade in tabulated form are printed annually in the "Statistical abstract of the United States." More detailed statistics are given in the annual report on "Foreign commerce and navigation of the United States," and similar statistics in monthly form appear in the "Monthly summary of conniierce and finance of the United States." These are all published by the Bureau of statistics of the Department of commerce and labor. The consu- lar reports of the United States and of Great Britain contain reports on specific subjects of commerce. In the compilation of this list, it has not been considered feasible to include works concerned with the commodities which have been the subject of reciprocity unless they illustrate general principles; for example, sugar. This subject alone required a list of 238 pages, which shows the inadvisability of attempting to include works on commodi- ties. The purpose, in brief, has been to present materials dealing with the principles and history of reciprocit3\ The following were examined too late for inclusion in the body of the list: Butler, Charles Henry. The treaty-making power of the United States. New York: The Banks law pub. CO., J 902. 2 vols. 8°. See index under headings Commercial treaties, " Most favored nation " clause, Reci- procity, etc. Tazewell, Littleton Waller. A. review of the negociations between the United States of America and Great Britain, respecting the commerce of the two countries, and more especially concerning the trade of the former with the West Indies. London: J. Murray, 1829. iv, 130, (2) pp. 8°. Printed with the signature "Senex" in the Norfolk (Va.) herald. 4 PREFATORY NOTE United States. Supreme court. Field v. Clark. Appeal from the Circuit court of the United States for the Northern district of Illinois. Boyd v. United States. Sternbach v. United States. Appeals from the Circuit court of the United States for the Southern district of New York. Nos. 1052, 1049, 1050. Argued Nov. 30, Dec. 1, 2, 1891.— Decided Feb. 29, 1892. (In its United States reports, vol. 143, pp. 649-700. New York, 1892. S°.) "The authority conferred upon the President by section 3 of the act of October 1, 1890, to reduce the revenue and equalize duties on imports, and for other purposes, 26 Stat. c. 1244, pp. 567, 612, to suspend by proclamation the free introduction of sugar, molasses, coffee, tea, and hides, when he is satisfied that any country producing such article imposes duties or other exactions upon the agricultural or other products of the United States, vhich he may deem to be reciprocally unequal or unreasonable, is not open to the objection that it unconstitucionally transfers legislative power to the President (Fuller, C. J., and Lamar, J., dissenting;) but even if it were it does not follow that other parts of the act imposing duties upon imported articles are inoperative." H. H. B. Meyer Chief Bibliograjpher Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, June 27, 1910 TABLE OF CONTENTS General— United States: United States documents— ^*^^- General - ^^^ Chronological list Foreign documents ■ni ^6—6 1 ^«°^^--. -.-y.--; .. 38-50 Articles in periodicals Reciprocity with Canada and Newfoundland: United States documents Canadian and British documents ^^^^ Books 74-82 Articles in periodicals Reciprocity with Hawaii: ^^^ United States documents -r,, oo-yu Books Qj^ Articles in periodicals Reciprocity under the INlcKinley act, 1890-1894: ^^^^ United States documents 90 Foreign documents ^^_gg Books - gg_jQQ Articles in periodicals Reciprocity with Cuba: 101-104 United States documents 105-107 Books..------...-.- ;-;; ^^^^^^ Articles in periodicals Reciprocity in Great Britain and other countries: IH-IU '^ook^.. ------ ;;;; ^^^_^^^ A rticles m periodicals ^ ^^ ^^^ Author index 125-137 Subject index LIST OF REFERENCES ON RECIPROCITY GENERAL WORKS. RECIPROCITY IN THE UNITED STATES UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS GENERAL United States. Bureau of statistics (Department of commerce and labor). Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States, July lS66-June 1893; new series, July 1893-date. vol. i-date. Washington: Government printing office, 1866-date. 4°- Bureau of statistics (Treasury depaHment). Modern tariff systems. The maximum and minimum, conventional, and general tariff systems of the principal countries of the world. Washington: Government printing office, 1904. Hi, 3333- . 3431 pp. h°- "The most favored nation clause:" pp. 3335-3337. Congress. House. Committee on ways and means. Imports and duties, 1894-1907. Comparative statement of import- ed merchandise entered for consumption in the United States, by articles, with the quantity, value, duty collected, average price, rate of duty, and equivalent ad valorem rate of duty for each; showng operations under the general tariff laws of 1890, 1894, and 1897; the Porto Rican and Philippine tariff acts, and the reciprocity treaties with Cuba, France, Germany, Hawaii, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland, during the fiscal years ende(l June 30, 1894 to 1907, inclusive. Compiled under the direction of the Committee on ways and means, from the annual reports of commerce and navigation, by William W. Evans. Washington: Government printing office, 1909. 1000 pp. 8°. (60th Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. 1504.) 5548 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on foreign relations. C'ompilation of reports of Committee, 1789-1901, First Congress, first session, to Fifty-sixth Congress, second session. Washington: Government printing office, 1901. 8 vols. Plates. Maps. Plans. 8°. {56th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 231, pts. 1-8.) 4047-4054 Department of state. General index to the piibhshed vol- umes of the Diplomatic correspondence and Foreign relations of the United States. 1861-1899. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. 9J^5 pp. 8°. See entries under headings Reciprocity, Treaties, etc. Laws, statutes, etc. Compilation of customs laws and digest of decisions thereunder rendered by the courts and Board of United States general appraisers. Washington: Government printing office, 1908. 1383 pp. 8°. (Treasury department. Document no. 2499. Customs.) "Contains the tariff acts of 1897, 1894, 1890, and 1883, complete, except certain provisions relating to internal revenue and other matters not germane to this work, and also the customs admin- istrative act of 1890." cf. Prefatory note, p. 3. For references to decisions under the various reciprocity agree- ments, consult the index. Tariff acts passed by the Congress of the United States from 1789 to 1897, including all acts, resolutions, and proclamations modifying or changing those acts. Compiled and indexed under the direction of the Joint committee on printing, by Robert G. Proctor. Washington: Government printing office, 1898. 689 pp. 8°. (55th Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. 562.) 3700 Treaties, etc. Reciprocity treaties and agreements between the United States and foreign countries since 1850. (In U. S. Bureau of statistics (Dept. of commerce and labor). Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States, n. s., vol. 12, Aug. 1904, pp. 525-558. Washington, 1904. 4°.) Treaties, conventions, international acts, protocols and agieements between the United States of America and other powers, 1776-1909; compiled by WiUiam M. Malloy under resolution of the Senate of January 18, 1909. Washington: Government printing office, 1910. 2 vols. 8°. (61st Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 357.) For reciprocity treaties and agreements, see index. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST Note.— The heavy-face numerals at the end of the titles are the serial numbers used in the check list of documents, published by the Superintendent of documents. 1816. Correspondence between the American and British pleni- potentiaries relative to the commercial convention con- cluded on the 3d of July, 1815. January 16, 1816. Printed by order of the House of representatives. 50 pp. Folded sheet. 8°. Ij^th Congress, 1st session. House of RepreseiHatives, no. 27. 1818. Report of the committee to whom was referred that part of the President's messao;e, which relates to the commercial intercourse of the United States with the British West India islands and North American colonies, and also on the petition of sundry inhabitants of different parts of Maine, on the same subject. Feb. 9, 1818. 25 pp. Folded tables. 8°. 15th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 87. 8 1818. Great Britain — convention of Oct. 20, 1818. Convention signed at London, Oct. 20, 1818, between the United States and Great Britain, together with the documents showing the course and progress of the negotiation. Dec. 29, 1818. 15th Congress, 2d session. Senate. {In Annals of Congress, vol. 34, col. 1445-1594. Washington, 1855. 8°.) 1819. British colonial trade. Report by Mr. Macon, from the Com- mittee on foreign relations, to whom was referred so much of the documents accompanying the commercial conven- tion with Great Britain, as relates to the colonial trade. Feb. 19, 1819. 15ih Congress, 2d session. Senate. (In Annals of Congress, vol. 33, col. 249-250. Washington, 1855. 8°.) 1823. Message from the President transmitting (pursuant to a reso- lution of the House of Representatives, of the 22d ult.) the correspondence between the government of the United States and Great Britain, relating to the negotia- tion of the convention of the 2()th October, 1818. Feb. 15, 1823. 152 pp. 8°. 17th Congress, 2d session. House ex. pa/pers, no. 71 . 76 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1825. Message from the President, Dec. 6, 1825. 188 pp. Folded tables. 8°. 19ih Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 2. 125 Pp. 4-5, on commercial relations with other nations, favoring reciprocity. Recommends negotiation of treaties "with all the independent South American states on the basis of entire and unqualified reciprocity." ^ 1839. Report from the Secretary of state . . . showing the nature and extent of the privileges and restrictions of the commercial intercourse of the United States, with all foreign nations. Dec. 30, 1839. 73 pp. 8°. 26tli Congress, 1st session. Senate reimrt no. 80. 356 1839. Trade with the British colonial ports. Letter from the Sec- retary of the treasury, transmitting a report on the effect and operations of the existing arrangements between the United States and Great Britain, regulating the trade with the British American colonies. Dec. 30, 1839. 31 pp. 8°. 26th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 14- 364 1842. Colonial trade— Great Britain. April 14, 1842. [Report of the Committee on foreign affairs.] 218, 40 pp. 8°. 27tli Congress, 2d session. House report no. 650. 409 An investigation of the effect upon American commerce of the reciprocity treaty concluded between the United States and Great Britain in 1815. 1844. Report by Senator Rufus Choate, from the Committee on foreign relations, to whom was recommitted, on the 1st instant, the convention with Prussia and the other states of the Germanic association of customs and commerce. June 14, 1844. 28th Congress, 1st session. Senate. (In Journal of the executive proceedings of the Senate, vol. 6, pp. 333-336. Washington, 1887. 8°.) 1845. Report by Mr. Archer, from the Committee on foreign rela- tions, to whom was referred, on the 10th of December last, a message relating to the convention with Prussia, and other states of the Germanic association of customs and commerce, and to whom was referred, on the 23 December, the said convention. Feb. 26, 1845. 28th Congress, 2d session. Seriate. (In Journal of the executive proceedings of the Senate, vol. 6, pp. 406-410. Washington, 1887. 8°.) reciprocity: u. s, documents 11 1860. Consideration by the Senate, in Committee of the whole, of the treaty of transits and commerce between the United States and the Mexican Repubhc, dated at Vera Cruz, Dec. 14, 1859. {In Journal of the executive proceedings of the Senate, vol. 11, pp. 192-199. Washington, 1887. 8°.) 1863. Tonnage duties — United States and Spain. Letter from the Secretary of state addressed to the Committee on com- merce, in relation to reciprocal duties between Spanish ports and the United States. Jan. 13, 1863. 5 pp. 8°. 37th Congress, 3d session. House misc. doc. no. 12. 1171 1870. Message of the President of the United States communicat- ing . . . information in relation to the condition of the commercial relations between the United States and the Spanish-American states on this continent, and between those countries and other nations. July 14, 1870. 13 pp. 8°. Jf-lst Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 112. 1407 Report from the Secretary of state, with accompanying documents. 1871. Foreign commerce and the practical workings of maritime reciprocity. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury [Geo. S. Boutwell] in relation to the foreign commerce of the United States. Jan. 25, 1871. 64 pp. Folded charts. 8°. Jflst Congress, 3d session. House ex. doc. no. 76. 1454 1871. Memorial of a committee appointed by the Commercial con- vention, held at the city of Cincinnati, in October, 1870, urging that measures be taken for a congress of repre- sentatives of all the governments on the western con- tinent to consult upon the best means for inaugurating an American system of commercial intercourse. Feb. 3, 1871. 5 pp. 8°. Jflst Congress, 3d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 51. 1442 Committee: Peter Clark, of New York; Thomas C. Fletcher, of Missouri; William M. Burwell, of Louisiana. 1878. Report antl accompanying documents of the Committee on foreign afl'airs on the relations of the United States with Mexico. April 25, 1878. xlii, 461, 173, (1) pp. 8°. Ji.5th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 701. 1824 Commercial relations with Mexico: pp. xxix-xxxvi. Appendix F. Commercial relations with Mexico; [Documents]: pp. 389-433. The report considers the desirability of a treaty of reciprocity with Mexico and reaches an adverse conclusion. 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1882. Report of the Tariff commission, appointed under act of Congress approved May 15, 1882. 2 vols. 8°. 47ih Congress, 2d session. House misc. doc. no. 6, pt. 1, 2. 2116-2117 1883. ^lessage from the President, transmitting a treaty of com- merce concluded on the 20th day of January, 1883, as amended, between the United States and Mexico. Feb- ruary 7, 1883. February 19, 1883. — Injunction of secrecy removed. 6 pp. 8°. IflQh Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 75. 2076 1884. Trade between Mexico and the United States. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting ... in- formation in regard to the trade between the United States and Mexico, and to the traffic over the railroads connecting the two countries. Feb. 8, 1884. 89 pp. 8°. 48th Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 86. 2200 1884. United States. Department of state. Commercial relations between the United States and Central and South America. Mar. 26, 1884. 3 pp. 8°. Communication from Secretary Frelinghuysen. "The true plan, it seems to me, is to make a series of reciprocity treaties with the states of Central and South America, taking care that those manufactures, and as far as is practicable those products, which would come into competition with our own manufactures and products should not be admitted to the free list." 1884. Report by Mr. Miller, of California, from the Committee on foreign relations. Apr. 10, 1884. 2 pp. 8°. 48th Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 432. 2175 Includes a letter from Secretary Frelinghuysen on proposed amendments to the consular and diplomatic bill for an appro- priation to defray the expenses of a conference of the independ- ent American nations to promote commerce and general peace. A series of reciprocity treaties advocated. 1884. Commercial rehxtions with South and Central America. [Report] from the Committee on foreign affairs. May 7, 1884. 6 pp. 8°. 48th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1445. 2257 Recommends the passage of a bill providing for the appointment of commissioners to investigate means and facilities for the promotion of closer commercial relations with the countries of Central and South America. RECIPROCITY : U. S. DOCUMENTS . 13 1885. Report from the Central and South American commissioners. Message from the President, transmitting a communica- tion from the Secretary of state, with a report from the Central and South American commissioners. February 13, 1885. 4.38 pp. 8°. /fSth Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 226. 2304 1886. Reports of the Commission appointed under an act of Con- gress, approved July 7, 1884, "To ascertain and report upon the best modes of securing more intimate interna- tional and commercial relations between the United States and the several countries of Central and South America." Jan. 12, 1886. 491 pp. Folded maps. 8°. Jf-Qth Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 50. 2392 1886. American customs union. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. Apr. 15, 1886. 1 page. 8°. JfQth Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1645. 2440 Adverse report on joint resolution requesting the President to invite the cooperation of the governments of American nations in securing the establishment of free commercial intercourse among those nations and an American customs union. 1886. Commercial relations between the United States and Mexico and Central and South America and Brazil. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. April 15, 1886. 1 page. 8°. 49th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1647 . 2440 Adverse report on bill "for the encouragement of closer com- mercial relationship," etc. 1886. American commerce and arbitration. Report from the Com- mittee on foreign affairs, to which was referred the bill (H. R. 7267) authorizing the President of the United States to arrange a conference for the purpose of promot- ing arbitration and encouraging reciprocal commercial relations between the United States of America and the republics of Mexico, Central and South America, and the empire of Brazil. April 15, 1886. 12 pp. 8°. 49th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1648. 2440 Favorable report. Views of the minority: pp. 5-12. 1886. ]\Iexican treaty of January 20, 18S3. Adverse report. May 25, 1886. 52 pp. Map. 8°. 49th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 2615. 2443 To accompany bill H. R. 1513. 27306°— 10 2 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1890. Trade and transportation between the United States and Latin America. By William Eleroy Curtis. February 13, 1890. xvi, 355 pp. 8°. ' 51st Congress, 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. 54- 2685 1896. Agricultural and manufactured products exported to foreign countries, etc. Feb. 4, 1896. 2 pp. 8°. 54th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 252. 3457 1896. Report of the Committee on ways and means concerning reciprocity and commercial treaties. June 6, 1896. 643 pp. 8°. 54tli Congress, 1st session. House report no. 2263. 3466 Contents. — Introductory, p. 5; History of the reciprocity policy, pp. 6-13; Results of reciprocity, pp. 14-20; Protests against the repeal of reciprocity, pp. 21-26; Effect of reciprocity upon exports of breadstuffs, pp. 27-34; The situation in France and Germany, pp. 35-37; Discriminations against American com- merce, pp. 38-39; The situation in Cuba, pp. 40-42; Present condition of our export trade, pp. 43-52; Views of the minority, pp. 53-60; Appendix: A. Reciprocity with Canada, pp. 61-76; B. Trade with the Argentine Republic and Uruguay, pp. 77- 104; C. Trade with Japan and China, pp. 105-124; D. Adulter- ated foods exported to the United States, pp. 125-133; E. Re- strictions on American products by foreign countries, pp. 135- 143; F. Replies of commercial and industrial organizations to inquiries from the Committee on ways and means, pp. 14.5-189; G. Addresses before the Committee on ways and means by representatives of the live-stock industry, pp. 191-200; II. Ad- dresses by representatives of the flour industry, pp. 201-262; I. Addresses by representatives of various industries, pp. 263- 291; J. Replies from merchants, manufacturers, exporting and commission houses, steamship companies, etc., pp. 293-545; K. Statistical tables relating to the foreign commerce of the United States, pp. 547-601; L. Rates of duty imposed by for- eign countries upon articles exported from the United States, pp. 603-625; Index to appendices, pp. 627-643. 1896-7. Tariff hearings before the Committee on ways and means. 1896-97. 2 vols. 8°. 54th Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. 338. 3542-3543 "Free list. Reciprocity and miscellaneous matters": vol. 2, pp. 2003-2105. 1898. United States. President (McKinley). Proclamation [of commercial agreement with France]. May 30, 1898. {In U. S. Statutes at large, vol. 30, pp. 1774-1776. Washington. 1899. 4°.) reciprocity: u. s. documents 15 1899. United States. President { Mc Kinley) . Reciprocity with Portuy;al. A proclamation [of commercial agreement with Portugal]. May 22, 1899. (In U. S. Statutes at large, vol. 31, pp. 1913-1914. Washington. 1901. 4°.) 1899. Commercial conventions between the United States and Great Britain for Barbados, Bermuda, British Guiana, Jamaica, and Turks and Caicos islands, signed in June and July, 1899. Dec. 11,1899. 26 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 20. 3846 1899. Convention between the United States and Buenos Aires. Message from the President, transmitting a convention, signed at Buenos Aires, July 10, 1899, between the United States and the Argentine Republic. Dec. 6, 1899. 5 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 1st session. Seriate doc. no. 21. 3846 1899. Convention between the United States and France. Con- vention signed at Washington July 24, 1899, between the United States and France. Dec. 6, 1899. 7 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 22. 3846 1900. Documents relating to the reciprocity convention with France. March 16, 1900. 165 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 225. 3858 Reprinted in "Compilation of the reports of the Committee on foreign relations, United States Senate, 1789-1901" (56th Con- gress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 231), vol. 8, pp. 474-635. Contents.— Text of reciprocity convention with France; Sections from the United States tariff of July 24, 1897, as modified by the pending French treaty; Comparison of the actual concessions granted by the United States and by France under the provisions of the pending treaty, based upon United States statistics of imports and exports for the fiscal year 1898, the exports being those of domestic origin only; Statements and letters favoring ratification; Memoranda of facts relating to the pending French treaty; Statements and letters in opposition to ratification. 1900. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting additional and amendatory articles to the connnercial conventions between the United States and Great Britain for Bermuda, British Guiana, Jamaica, and Turks and Caicos islands, respectiveh^, signed at Washington, March 16,1900. March 19, 1900. 4 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 1st session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive A, Part 2. 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1900. Extending time for ratification of commercial convention between the United States and France. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting an addi- tional and amendatory article extending the period fixed for the ratification of the commercial convention between the United States and France, signed at Washington, July 24, 1899. March 21, 1900. 2 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 1st session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive E, pt. 2. 1900. Imports from France under reciprocal commercial arrange- ment, etc. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a statement showing the quantity and value of merchandise imported into the United States under the reciprocal commercial arrangement. May 8, 1900. 3 pp. 8°. 56t}i Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 34-6. 3875 1900. United States. President (McKinley). A proclamation [of commercial agreement with Portugal]. June 12, 1900. (In U. S. Statutes at large, vol. 31, pp. 1974-1976. Washington, 1901. 4°.) 1900. United States. President (McKinley). Reciprocity wdth Itaty. A proclamation [of commercial agreement wdth Italy]. July 18, 1900. (In U. S. Statutes at large, vol. 31, pp. 1979-1981. Washington, 1901. 4°.) 1900. Message from the President of the United States, trans- mitting a commercial convention between the United States and the Dominican Repubhc, signed at Washing- ton June 2 [i. e. 25] 1900. Dec. 5, 1900. 6 pp. 8°. 66th Congress, 2d session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive B. 1900. Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a commercial convention with the Republic of Ecua- dor, signed July 10, 1900. Dec. 5, 1900. 4 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 2d session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive C. 1900. Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a commercial convention between the United States and Nicaragua, signed October 20, 1899, and supplemen- tary convention extending the time within which the exchange of ratifications shall be effected. Dec. 5, 1900. 5 pp. 8°. 56th Congress, 2d session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive D. reciprocity: u. s. documents 17 1900 Commercial convention with Denmark for island of St. Croix, signed [Washington] June 5, 1900. Dec. 5, 1900. 3 pp. 8° 66th Congress, 2d session. Confidential. [Senate] Executive E. 1901 Message from the President of the United States, transmit- tincr a supplementary convention signed at Washmgton, March 8, 1901, by the plenipotentiaries of the United States and France, prolonging for eighteen months from March 24, 1901, the time for the ratifications of the com- mercial convention between the United States and the RepubHc of France, signed July 24, 1899. March 9, 1901. 57th Congress, Special session. Confidential. [Senate] Ex- ecutive A. 1901 Message from the President of the United States, transmit- tinc^ a convention between the United States and the Argentine RepubUc, extending the period within which may be exchanged the ratifications of the commercial conventionsignedJulyl0,1899. Dec.5,1901. 2 pp^ 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive F. 1901 Message from the President of the United States, transmit- tino- a convention between the United States of America and Denmark, extending the period within which may be exchano-ed ratifications of the commercial convention for the isknd of St. Croix, signed June 5, 1900. Dec. 5, 1901 2 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive G. 1901 Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a convention between the United States of America and Great Britain, extending the period withm which may be exchanged the ratifications of the commercial conventions for British Guiana, Turks and Caicos islands, Jamaica, and Bermuda, signed July [18-] 24, 1899. Dec. 5, 1901. 3 pp. 8°. . . ra . i n 57th Congress, 1st session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive H. 18 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1901. Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a convention between the United States of America and Great Britain, extending the period within which may be exchanged the ratifications of the commercial conven- tion for the colony of Barbados, signed June 16, 1899. Dec. 5, 1901. 2 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive I. 1901. Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a convention between the United States and the Dominican Republic, extending the period within which may be exchanged the ratifications of the commercial conventionsigned June 25, 1900. Dec. 5, 1901. 2 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive J. 1901. Charges imposed upon certain American products by London dock companies. Dec. 16, 1901. H pp- 8°. ^57th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 78. 4226 1902. Final report of the Industrial commission. Feb. 10, 1902. xi,. 1259 pp. 8°. 57t}i Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 380. 4349 Reciprocity: pp. 191-192. 1902. Charges imposed by London dock companies upon certain American products. Message from the President, trans- mitting a communication from the Secretary of state sub- mitting a copy of a report made by Ambassador Joseph H. Choate relative to certain charges imposed by the London dock companies upon American flour and other American products. January 7, 1902. 48 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 96. 4226 1902. Resolutions adopted by the American Chamber of commerce of Paris, France, at its annual meeting held in Paris January 18, 1902, favoring the ratification of the pending reciprocity treaty between the United States and France; presented by Mr. Cullom. Feb. 17, 1902. 1 page. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 199. 4234 1902. Convention with Great Britain, signed Washington, Mar. 15, 1902, extending time for exchange of ratifications of com- mercial conventions for British Guiana, Turks and Caicos islands and Jamaica [signed July 18-22, 1899]. Mar. 18, 1902. 3 pp. 8°. 57th Congress 1st session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive N. reciprocity: u. s. documents 19 1902. Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a convention signed at Washington on April 26, 1902, prolonging the time for the exchange of ratifications of the commercial convention with Great Britain for the island of Barbados, signed at Washington on June 16, 1899. Apr. 29, 1902. 2 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive P. 1902. Additional agreement, amendatory to reciprocal commercial agreement with France of May 28, 1898. Signed, Wash- ington, Aug. 20, 1902; proclaimed Aug. 22, 1902. {In United States. Treaties, etc. Compilation of treaties in force, page 278. Washington, 1904. 8°.) 1902. Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a convention with France, signed at Washington on September 24, 1902, further extending the time within which may be exchanged the ratifications of the commer- cial convention of July 24, 1899. Dec. 4, 1902. 2 pp. 8°. 57tli Congress, 2d session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive A. 1902. Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a convention with Denmark, signed at Washington on November 6, 1902, further extending the time within wliich may be exchanged the ratifications of the commer- cial convention for the island of Ste. Croix. Dec. 4, 1902. 2 pp. 8°. 57 th Congress, 2d session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive B. 1902. Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a convention with Great Britain, signed at Washing- ton on September 12, 1902, further extending the time within which may be exchanged the ratifications of the commercial conventions for the colonies of British Guiana, Turks and Caicos islands, and Jamaica. Dec. 4, 1902. 2 pp. 8°. o7th Congress, 2d session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive C. 1902. Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a convention with Great Britain, signed at Washing- ton on October 26, 1902, further extending the time within which may be exchanged the ratifications of the commercial convention for the colony of Barbados. Dec. 4, 1902. 2 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. Confidential. [Senate] Execu- tive D. 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1902. Jurisdiction of the Senate to act upon reciprocity treaties. Report from the Committee on foreign relations. Dec. 15, 1902. 3 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. J^l . 4420 Recommended, as to certain pending reciprocity treaties, without reference to the merits thereof, "that each of said treaties be amended by the Senate by inserting therein the following addi- tional provision: 'This treaty shall not take effect until the same shall have been approved by the Congress.' " 1903. Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a report by the Secretary of state, with accompanying papers, relative to the proceedings of the first Customs congress of the American republics, held at New York in January, 1903. Feb. 26, 1903. 195 pp. 8°. 57ih Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 180. 4419 English and Spanish. Contents. — Letters of transmittal. — Report of the United States delegation. — Resume of resolutions approved by the first Cus- toms congress of the American republics. — Resolutions of the second International conference of American states calling for the assembling of a customs congress. — Journal of proceedings of the first Customs congress of American republics. — Ap- pendices. 1904. Last speech of William McKinley. Delivered at the Pan- American exposition at Buffalo, September 5, 1901. April 13, 1904. Presented by Mr. Fairbanks, and ordered to be printed. 11pp. 8°. 58tli Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 268. 4592 1906. Commercial agreement between the United States and Spain under section 3, Tariff act, July 24, 1897. {In United States. Treaties, etc. Treaties, conventions, interna- tional acts, protocols and agreements . . . 1776-1909, vol. 2, pp. 1718-1721. Washington, 1910. 8°.) 1907. United States. Treaties, etc., 1901-1909 {Roosevelt). Com- mercial agreement between the United States and Ger- many. June, 1907. (2), 24 pp. 8°. {Bureau of manu- factures. Tariff series no. 5.) 1908. Brazil. Laws, statutes, etc. Brazil. Preferential tariff on American products. 4 pp. 8°. {Bureau of manufactures. Tariff series no. 16.) 1908. Commercial agreement between Germany and United States, with its annexes, etc. Message from the President . . . transmitting the commercial agreement . . . and tlie report of the American commission on which it is based. Jan. 22, 190S. 32 pp. 8°. 60th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 185. 5240 keciprocity: u. s. documents 21 1908. United States. Treaties, etc., 1901-1909 {Roosevelt). Com- iiieicial agreement between the United States and France. February 1, 1908. 4 pp. 8°. {Bureau of manufactures. Tariff series no. 6 A.) 1908. Commercial agreement between the United States and the Netherlands, under section 3, Tariff act, July 24, 1897. 7 pp. 8°. {Treaty series, no. 505.) English and Dutch. Signed at ^\'ashington, May 16, 1907; ratified by the Netherlands, July 11, 1908; proclaimed, August 12, 1908. Concerning tariff on brandies and other distilled spirits from the Netherlands, and on meat products from the United States. 1909. Supplemental commercial agreement effected by exchange of notes between United States and Spain. Signed at Wasliington, February 20, 1909. 5 pp. 8°. {Treaty series, no. 517.) Relates to tariff on Spanish sparkling wines. FOREIGN DOCUMENTS 1827. Great Britain. Foreign office. Correspondence relative to commercial intercourse between the United States of America, and the British West India colonies. August, 1826, to January, 1827. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, 1827. (4), 27 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1826/27, vol. 25.) 1830. Great Britain. Foreign office. Correspondence between Great Britain and the United States, relative to commer- cial intercourse between America and the British West India colonies. Dec, 1829, to Nov., 1830. Presented to both Houses of Parhament, 1830. (4), 31 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1830-31, vol. 16.) 1885. Great Britain. Foreign office. Commercial. No. 4(1885). Correspondence respecting the negotiation of a treaty regulating trade between the British West India colonies and the United States. 1885. (2), 24 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1884-85. vol. 71.) 1890. Mexico. Ministerio de fomento, colonizacion e industria. Reciprocidad comercial entre Mexico y los Estados Unidos. Mexico: Ojicina tip. de la Secretaria de fomento, 1890. 350, vi pp. 8°. Preface signed : M. Romero. Contents. — 1. pte. Documentos oficiales referentes al tratado de reciprocidad entre Mexico y los Estados Unidos, de 20 de enero de 1883. — 2. pte. Discusion en la prensa periodica respecto de lea tratados de reciprocidad. 22 BOOKS Adams, Brooks. America's economic supremacy. y„ York: The MaamlUn company, 1900. ix,^Mpp. «■ American academy of poUtical and social science, PKUdel- nliia. Tariff revision. ,. . -, j • i PUUdelpJiia: American academy of political and social sdence 1908. in AD, ^05 w 5°. {TU annah of the American academy of political and social science, vol. ^''"'XTTEfi-Tariff revision a public necessity [by] I>- M- Parry.- What provisions of the Dingley tariff require revision? [by] A^ Clarke -mat ought the tariff rates to be on iron and steel manufactures? [by] A. B. Farquhar. -Tariff rates on hardware ThvA C W Asbury .-Hides, leather, boots and shoes and the tariff [by] A A. Healv.-mat ought the tariff rates to be on paper and pulp? [by] C. W. Lyman. -Reciprocity in our foreagn trade relations [by] W. R. Corwine.-Tanff --^r^.^lSn; tion for American labor [by] J. R. Commons. -Tanff relations Xh Cuba-actual and desirable [by] E. F. Atkins. -Commercial rations of the United States -th Canada [by] J. B^ O^ We .- Notes on our tariff relations with Mexico [by] F. B Loomis. Waste in external trade in general and with the One.t in par- ticular [by] J. P. Young.-Our tariff relations with the Philip- pics- ctual and desirable [by] C. R. Edwards -The con ven Lnal tariff system [by] N. I. Sto- -The Amencan in e^^^^^^^^ tion of the "most favored nation" clause [by] C. L. Jones^-The Maximum and minimum tariff [by] J. F. Crowell.-Tanff mak- S^._fact and theory [by] H. E. Miles. -A permanent tanff commission [by] A. J. Beveridge.-Import duties: how they Should be levied [by] D. A. Tompkins^An argument for a permanent expert tariff commission [by] H. E. Miles. . Tariffs, reciprocity and foreign trade. AiudelvlL American academy of political and social science, 1907. (2), 118 pp. 8^. (The annaU of th American academy of poUtical and social science, vol. ''''c!';fNL.-Development of the foreign trade of the United States [by] E. Root.-Reciprocity with continental Europe b>] A. H. Landers.-A brief history of the ^Z^'IVl^ m'IZ^- Curtis.-Reciprocity and the middle West [by] D. M- Pa^ _ Reciprocity and its relation to foreign trade [by] G L. UuvaL What Americans must do to to make an export business [by] 24 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS J. W. Van Cleave. — The double tariff system [by] N. I. Stone. — Tariff provisions for promotion of foreign trade of the United States [by] G. G. Huebner. — American manufactures and for- eign markets [by] E. N. Foss. — The tariff and the price of agri- cultural machines [by] C. Deering. — Our tariff in its relation to the grain trade [by] L. Miiller. — The tariff and our foreign trade in meats [by] J. O. Armour. — The tariff and our foreign trade in electrical apparatus [by] M. Coster. — The leather industry and the tariff [by] A. A. Healy.— The tariff and the lumber trade [by] W. B. Mershon. American chamber of commerce, Paris. The tariff relations existing between France and the United States, compared with the customs duties determined by treaties of com- merce between France and other countries. Report printed by order of the American chamber of commerce, Paris. Stoddard Dew^ey, statistician. [Paris] 1897. 15 pp. 8°. Ashley, Percy Walter Llewellyn. Modern tariff history: Germany, United States, France. With a preface by the Rt. Hon. R. B, Haldane. London: J. Murray, 1904. ^xiii, (2), 367, (1) pp. 8°. Short bibliography with each part. "Reciprocity under the American tariff": pp. 252-262. Atkinson, Edw^ard. Reciprocity. Boston: Pub. hy the American free trade league, 1903. 17 pp. 8°. Barclay, Sir Thomas. Bearing and importance of commercial trea- ties in the twentieth century; a lecture delivered on 6th December, 1905. Manchester: At the University press, 1906. 27 pp. 8°. {Manchester university lectures, no. 3.) "United States tariff policy": pp. 15-19. Bass, William Louis. Reciprocidad. Exposicion presentada al go- bierno de la Republica Dominicana. Santo Domingo: R. D., Imp. "La Cuna de America," 1902. 126, U), 110 pp. 12°. Articles on reciprocity by several authors: 110 pp. at end. Bastable, Charles Francis. The commerce of nations. 2d ed., rev. London: Methuen <& co., 1899. x, 216 pp. 12°. (Social questions of to-day [5].) "Reciprocity and retaliation": pp. 187-201; "Treaties": pp. 62,71. reciprocity: general works 25 Bastable, Charles Francis. The theory of international trade, with some of its applications to economic policy. 4th ed., rev. London, New York: Macmillan and co., limited, 1903. xvi, 197 pp. 12°. Bastiat, Frederic. Fallacies of protection; being the Sophismes economiques of Frederic Bastiat, tr. from the 5th ed. of the French by Patrick James Stirling. London, New York [etc.]: Pub. for the Cobden club by Cassell and company, limited, 1909. viii, 230 pp. 8° . "Reciprocity": pp. 72-75; 96-98. Bates, William W. American marine. The shipping question in history and politics. 2d ed. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1897. xiv,479pp. Portrait. 8°. "Declension under reciprocity policy": pp. 125-149. American navigation; the political history of its rise and ruin and the proper means for its encouragement. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1902. xvi, 466, (2) pp. 8°'. "Extension of reciprocity by acts and conventions": pp. 234-253; "The second, third and last acts of reciprocity": pp. 254-276; "Maritime reciprocity in theory and practice": pp. 277-289. Beaujon, Anthony. Handel en Handelspolitiek. Haarlem: H. D. Tjeenk Willink, 1888. (8), 165, (3) jrp. 8°. "Retorsie en reciprociteit " : pp. 136-154. " Handelstractaten en het beding van meestbegunstiging " : pp. 155-165. Bolce, Harold. The new internationalism. New York: D. Appleton and company, 1907. (6), 309 pp. 12°. Contents. — The Arcady of Mammon. — The international ad- vance. — Reprisals and panics. — More reprisals and panics. — -The cost of commercial conflict. — Europe's wealth America's oppor- tunity. — Our fanciful picture of foreign trade. — The taste and trend of Europe. — Advertising in Europe. — No nation can monopolize commerce. — The standpatters.— Trade mistakes and successes. — A short cut to reciprocity. — Triumphs and tangles of reciprocity. — The world's progress. Bolen, George Lewis, The plain facts as to the trusts and the tariff, with chapters on the railroad problem and municipal monopolies. New York, London: The Macmillan company, 1902. viii, 451 pp. 12°. "List of books cited": p. viii. "Reciprociiy ": pp. 241, 298, 299, 302, 305, 346, 373, 389-391, 399, 408-437. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Borchardt^ Felix. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Meistbegiinstigung im Handelsvertragssystem. Kbnigsberg i. Pr.: Hartungsche BucMr., 1906. U), 83, (3) pp. 8°. Inaug.-diss. — Heidelberg. " Literaturverzeichnis " : 1 p. at end. Borght, Richard van der. Handel und Handelspolitik. 2. Aiifl. Leipzig: C. L. Hirschf eld, 1907. xi, (1), 648 pp. 4°- (Hand- und Lehrhucli der Staatswissenschaften . . . l.Abt.: Volks- wirtschaftslehre. xvi. Bd.) "Literatur" at beginning of chapters. "Die Handelsvertrage" : pp. 478-500. Borgius, Viktor Walther Paul. Deutschland und die Vereinigten Staaten. Ein handelspolitischer Riickblick bei Eroffnung des Internationalen Handelskongresses zu Philadelphia, Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1899. (8), 124 pp. 8°. {Schriftender Centralstellefur Vorhereitung von Handelsvertrdgen. 8. lift.) Bosc, L. Zollalliancen und Zollunionen in ihrer Bedeutung fur die Handelspolitik der Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Aus dem franzosischen ins deutsche tibertragen von Dr. S. Schilder. Berlin: E. Staude, 1907. {24), 365, viii pp. 8°. "Bibliographische Abriss": pp. i-viii. Calwer, Richard. Die Meistbegiinstigung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerica. Berlin [etc.]: Akademisclier Verlagfiir sociale WissenscJiaften, Dr. John Edelheim, 1902. 154 PP- 8°. Cavarretta, Giuseppe. La clausola della nazione piii favorita. Palermo: A. Reher, 1906. 236, {2) pp. 8°. Review, by Daniel Crick, in Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, 1906, 2. ser., t. 8, pp. 787-789. Chapman, Sydney J. The history of trade between the United Kingdom and the United States, with special reference to the effect of tariffs. London: Swan SonnenscTiein & co., 1899. vii, (2), 118 pp. Diagrams. Folded charts. 12°. Chiozza-Money, Leone George. Elements of the fiscal problem. London: P. S. King & son, 1903. (8), 237 pp. Table. 8°. "Most favoured nation ": pp. 148-161. reciprocity: general works 27 Chotteau, Leon. Franco-American treaty of commerce. My two campaigns in the United States. 1878-1879. New Yorl, 1879. 114 PP- S°. Le traite de commerce franco-americain. Avec une pre- face par M. Menier. Paris: Sandoz c€' FischhacJier, 1878. xix, 111, {2) pp. 12°. Clarke, Albert. The tariflf made i)lain; seven short conversations that bring out both sides, proofs cited and academic and popidar errors corrected. 35th thousand. Boston: The Home market club, 1906. 79 pp. 8°. (The bright and strong papers.) Reciprocity: pp. 25-32, 75-79. Cooke, H. B. The two tarifi' systems compared ; a plain statement of results; also concerning trusts and reciprocity. Louisville, Ky.: Brewers printing house, ['^WOS]. 218 pp. 12°. Reciprocity: pp. 138-153. Cummins, Albert B. Reciprocity. {In The Americana; a universal reference library, vol. 15, United States, no. 47 (4^ pp). New York, [1907]. 4°.) Curtis, W. E. Trade and transportation between the United States and Spanish America. Washington: Government printing office, 1889. xiii, 3^2 pp. 8°. Also issued as Senate ex. doc. no. 54, of 51st Congress, 1st session. Davenport, T. W. The tariff, the trusts, and the farmers. [Boston: American free trade league, 1901.] 7 pp. 8°. Dewey, D. R. Reciprocity in the United States. {In Palgrave, R. H. Inglis, ed. Dictionary of political economy, vol. 3, pp. 268-269. London, 1901. 8°.) Dietzel, Heinrich. Retaliatory duties. Tr. by D. W. Simon and W. Osborne Brigstocke. London: T. F. Unwin, 1906. 128 pp. 12°. Douglas, Stephen Arnold. An American continental commercial union or alliance. Ed. with preface by J. Madison Cutts. Washington, D. C: [T. McGill & co., pHnters], 1889. 36 pp. 8°. 28 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Dunbar, Edward E. The Mexican papers. The Mexican question, the great American question, with personal reminiscences. A serial issued semi-monthly. New York: J. A. H. Hashrouck cfc co., -printers, 1860. 83-129 pp. 8°. {First series, no. 3, Sept. 15, 1860.) Deals ■with the commercial treaty with Mexico, which the Senate, in 1860, failed to ratify. «■ Farquhar, Arthur B. The need of reciprocity. [Boston: American free trade league, 1902.] 6 pp. 8°. Fawcett, Henry. Free trade and protection. An inquiry into the causes which have retarded the general adoption of free trade since its introduction into England. London: Macmillan and co., 1878. xvi, 173 pp. 8°. "Free trade and reciprocity": pp. 48-73; "Commercial treaties": pp. 154-173. Ferme, Gabriel. O Brazil e o projecto da uniao aduaneira ameri- cana. Paris: A. Prince & c'% 1887. 92 pp. 4°. Fisk, George Mygatt. Die Handelspolitik der Yereinigten Staaten 1890-1900. Ubersetzt von Louis Katzenstein. {In Beitrage zur neuesten Handelspolitik Deutschlands, Bd. 1, pp. 1-101. Leipzig, 1900. 8°. Schriften des Vereins fiir Socialpolitik, no. 90.) Reciprocitat: pp. 23-33; "Die Klausel der meistbegiinstigten Nationen": pp. 34-46. Die handelspolitischen und sonstigen volkerrechtlichen Be- ziehungen zwischen Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Eine historisch-statistischc Studie. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'scJie BucMand. NacJif., 1897. xiv, 254 ])p. 8°. (MiincTiener volkswirtscJiaftlicTie Studien. 20. Stuck.) "Litteraturverzeichnis": pp. ix-xi. "DieMeistbegiinstigung": pp. 62-63, 252-254. International commercial policies, with special reference to the United States; a text book. New York, London: The Macmillan company, 1907. xvi, 288 pp. 12°. {The citizen's library of economics. p)olitics, and sociology, ed. hy R. T. Ely.) Bibliography at end of each chapter. "General bibliography": pp. 259-272. "Commercial treaties. Reciprocity and the most favored nation clause": pp. 161-176. Review, by H. S. Smalley, in Journal of political economy, vol. 16, Mar., 1908, pp. 168-170. reciprocity: general works 29 Flux, A. W. Do reciprocally preferential tariffs tend towards free trade ? {In American economic association. Publications. 3d eer., vol. 6, May, 1905, pp. 336-358. New York, 1905. 8°.) Discussion on reciprocity and preferential tariffs: pp. 359-375. Foss, Eugene Noble. Reciprocity as an economic policy in its relation to foreign trade. {In National association of manufacturers of the United States of America. Proceedings of the tenth annual convention, Atlanta, 1905, pp. 152-171. New York [1905]. 8°.) Furber, H. W., ed. Both protection and free trade. Articles from the most eminent political economists and statesmen. Boston: Boston 'publishing company, 1888. 528 pp. 8°. Glier, L. Die Meistbegiinstigungs-Klausel. Eine entwickelungsge- schichtliche Studie unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der deutschen Vertrage mit den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und mit Argentinien. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1905. xix, 434 PP- 4°- (Veroffentlich- ungen des Mitteleuropdischen Wirtschaftsverein, Hft. ii.) "Versuch einer Chronologic der Meistbegiinstigungs-Klausel (1703-1903)": pp. 376-434. Review, by Sigmund Schilder, in Zeitschrift fiir Socialwissen- schaft, Oct., 1905, vol. 8, pp. 622-636. Grunzel, Josef. System der HandelspoHtik. 2. verb. Aufi. Leipzig: Duncker & Humhlot, 1906. ix, 615, (1) pp^ 8°. Bibliographical references. "Reziprozitat und Meistbegiinstigung": pp. 455-471. Hadley, Arthur T. Reciprocity. {In Lalor, J. J., ed. Cyclopasdia of political science, vol. 3, pp. 537-539. New York, 1899. 4°.) Handelsvertrage . {In Meyers Grosses Konversations-lexikon. 6. Aufl., vol. 8, pp. 745-747. Leipzig und Wien, 1904. 4°.) Harris, C. A. Reciprocity. {In Palgrave, R. H. Inglis, ed. Dictionary of political economy, vol. 3, pp. 267-268. London, 1901. 8°.) Herod, Joseph Rogers. Favored nation treatment; an analysis of the most favored nation clause, with commentaries on its uses in treaties of commerce and navigation. New York: The Banks law publishing co., 1901. v, (1), 134 pp. 8°. 27306°— 10 3 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hesseltine, Norman F. The sham of RepubHcan reciprocity. [Boston: American free trade league, 1901.] (8)-ll pp. 8°. (In pamphlet with Davenport, T. W., The tariff, the trusts, and the farmers.) Hornbeck, Stanley Kuhl. The most-favored-nation clause in com- mercial treaties, its function i;^ theory and in practice and its relation to tariff policies. Madison, Wis., 1910. 121 pp. 8°. (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 343. Economics and political science series, vol. 6, no. 2) Bibliogi-aphy: pp. 113-121. International American conference. 1st, Washington, D. C, 1889-1890. Minutes of the International American con- ference. [Washington: Government printing office], 1890. (2), 905 pp. 4°. English and Spanish in parallel columns. Reports of committees and discussions thereon. (Revised under the directions of the executive committee by order of the conference, adopted March 7, 1890.) English ed. Washington: [Government printing office], 1890. 4 "^'ols. 4°- Vol. 1, pp. 103-264: "Reciprocity treaties." Includes majority and minority reports of the committee on customs union and discussion on the proposed customs union between the nations of America. Vol. 2: "Historical appendix. The congress of 1826 at Panama," etc. 2d, Mexico, 1901-1902. 'Organization of the conference, projects, reports, motions, debates, and resolutions. Edi- tion issued under the direction of the general sec^etar^^ English text. Mexico: Government jwinting office, 1902. (2), 403, (1) pp. F°. Report of the committee on commerce and reciprocity, with discussion and resolutions : pp. 123-130. Jefferson, Thomas. Report on the privileges and restrictions on the commerce of the United States in foreign countries. [Dec. 16, 1793.] (In his Writings. Definitive ed., vol. 3, pp. 261-283. Washing- ton, 1905. 8°.) On reciprocity: -pp. 274 etseq. Kasson, John Adam. Reciprocity; the benefits that will accrue to this country by the confirmation of the treaties now pend- ing in the United States Senate. [Chicago: Rogers and Wells printers, 1901.] 44, (6) pp. 12°. "Delivered before the Illinois manufacturers' association at Chi- cago, October 24, 1901." becipeocity: general works • 31 King, William F. International arbitration and reciprocity. • Work of the recent convention at Lake Mohonk — past and fu- ture considered in connection with national growth. Written for the New York Times. [New YorJc, W02f] 3-16 pp. 12°. Cover-title. Laughlin, James Laurence. Industrial America; Berlin lectures of 1906. New Y^or^{:: C. Scribner's so7is, 1906. viii, (4), 261 pp. Maps. Diagrams. 8°. Protectionism and reciprocity: pp. 33-66. Laughlin, James Laurence, and H. Parker Willis. Reciprocity. New Yorl: Tie Baker cfc Taylor co., [1903]. xi, 583 pp. Charts. 8°. Bibliography: pp. 439-471. Reviewed by W. H. Glasson, in South Atlantic quarterly, vol. 2, July, 1903, pp. 281-284; by I. M. Rubinow, in Political science quarterly, vol. 18, Sept. 1903, pp. 554-556, and by W. M. Daniels, in the Nation, vol. 77, Oct. 1, 1903, pp. 268-269. Lowe, Francis J. Articles on reciprocity. [Chicago? Farm implement news, 1906 f] (8) pj). 8°. Reprinted from Farm implement news, Chicago. Lyman, Theodore, jr. The diplomacy of the United States. Being an account of the foreign relations of the country from the first treaty with France, in 1778, to the present time. 2d ed. with additions. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1828. 2 vols. '8°. Commercial convention of 1815 with Great Britain: vol. 2, pp. 59-75; Commercial convention of 1818 with Great Britain: vol. 2, pp. 76-118; Convention of navigation and commerce of 1822 with France: vol. 2, pp. 170-190; Colonial trade with Great Britain: vol. 2, pp. 310-334. McKee, Thomas Hudson. The national conventions and platforms of all political parties, 1789 to 1904; convention, popular, and electoral vote. Also the political c©m^lexion of both houses of Congress at each biennial period. 5th ed., rev. and enl. Baltimore, Md.: The Friedenwald comjmny, 1904- (6), 4H) (2), 33,(1) pp. 12°. For mention of reciprocity in the various party platforms consult the index. 32 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS McKinley, William. The last speech of William McKinley, presi- dent of the United States, deUvered at the Pan-American exposition, Buffalo, New York, on the fifth of September, 1901. Canton, Pa.: Printed hy the Kirgate 'press of Lewis Buddy, 3rd, 1901. (6), 15 2)1). Portrait. 12°. President McKinley's Buffalo speech, with some thoughts suggested thereby. [Yonlcers, 1901] 20 pp. 12°. "Reprinted from The Yonkers statesman." President McKinley's last public address and proclamation. [St. Louis? 1902?] 7,(1) pp. Illustrations. Portrait. 24°. Cover-title. The tariff in the days of Henry Clay and since. An ex- haustive review of our tariff legislation from 1812 to 1896, New York: Henry Clay puhlisMng co., 1896. (2), 256, (6), pp. 8°. Mallet, Sir Louis. Reciprocity. A letter addressed to Mr. Thomas Bayley Potter, m. p., as chairman of the committee of the Cobden club. London, New Yoric [etc.]: Printed for the Cohden cluh, hy Cas- sell, Petter c& Galpin [1879]. 32 pp. 12°. Moore, John Bassett. A digest of international law. Washington: Government printing ofjice, 1906. 8 vols. 8°. {56th Congress, 2d session. House doc. no. 551.) By the act of Congress of February 20, 1897, a provision was made for "revising, reindexing, and otherwise completing and per- fecting by the aid of such documents as may be useful, the sec- ond edition of the Digest of the international law of the United States." The work thus referred to . . . edited by Francis Wharton, ll. d., was published in three volumes in 1886. A second issue, embracing about 160 pages of new matter, added to the third volume, was made in 1887. cf. Pref. Reciprocity with Hawaii: vol. 1, pp. 483, 485-488, 491-^94; Reci- procity treaty, 1854, between United States and Canada: vol. 1, pp. 791-792; vol. 5, pp. 722-723; Legislative abrogation of reci- procity treaties adopted under the McKinley act: vol. 5, pp. 359-363. National association of agricultural implement and vehicle manufacturers. Committee on national legislation. Commercial reciprocity. Chicago: F. E. Luhens, [1901]. 95 pp. 8°. reciprocity: general works 33 National association of manufacturers of the United States of America. Commercial reciprocit}'; [discussion and resolutions adopted]. (In Us Proceedings of the sixth annual convention, Detroit, 1901, pp. 95-115. Philadelphia [1901]. 8°.) Paper by James Deering, submitted by William ('. IJarker as part of his remarks: pp. 104-112. National board of trade. [Reports and debates on reciprocity.] (In its Proceedings of the . . . annual meeting, 1894-date. Bos- ton [etc.] 1894-date. 8°.) National reciprocity. A magazine devoted to reciprocity and its value to our trade with other nations, v. 1, no. 1-10; Sept. 1902-June 1903. Chicago: National reciprocity league, [1902-03]. 1 vol. in 2. 8°. Monthly. Official organ of the National reciprocity league. National reciprocity convention. 1st, Washington, D. C, 1901. Proceedings of the National reciprocity convention held under the auspices of the National association of manu- facturers of the United States of America. Washington, D. C, November 19 and 20, 1901. [Washington? 1901.] (2), 186 pp. 8°. Oncken, August. Handelsvertrage. (In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, hrsg. von J. Con- rad, 3d ed., vol. 5, pp. 346-362. Jena, 1910. 4°.) "Die Klaucel der meistbegiinstigten Nation" : pp. 351-353; "Das Prinzip des Gegenrechts (Reziprozitat) ": pp. 357-358. Osborne, John Ball. Expansion through reciprocity. (In La Follette, Robert M. ed. The making of America, vol. 2, pp. 375-391. Chicago, 1906. 8°.) Reciprocity in the American tariff system. Philadelphia: American academy of political and social sci- ence [1904?] 55-83 pp. 8°. (Publications of the Amer- ican academy of political and social science, no. 403.) Cover-title. Reprinted from The Annals of the American academy of political and social Science for January, 1904. Patten, Simon N. The economic basis of protection. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott company, 1890. 144 PP- ^^°- Philbert, V. De la liberte du commerce dans les traites de commerce. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1902. viii, 197, (2) pp. 8°. (Uni- versite de Paris. Faculte de droit.) "La clause d'6galit6 de traitement entre les Strangers et les nati- onaux": pp. 131-150. 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Pradier-Fodere, Paul Louis Ernest. Traite de droit international public europeen & americain, suivant les progres de la science et de la pratique contemporaines. Paris: G. Pedone-Lauriel, 1885-1906. 8 vols. 8°. La "clause de la nation la plus favorisee" : vol. 4, pp. 394-399; Clause d' " etre traite comme les nationaux eux-memes " : vol. 4, p. 399; Clause stipulant " Ip, plus exacte reciprocite": vol. 4, p. 399. Table generale analytique. Pans: A. Pedone, 1906. (4), 198, (2) i^p. 8°. Rabbeno, Ugo. The American commercial policy; three historical essays. 2d ed. partly rewritten and entirely revised by the author. Tr. at the Translations bureau, London, W. C. London and New YorJc: Macmillan and co., 1895. xxiv, 414 PP- 8°. Raunig, A. G. Der Zolltarif und die Reciprocitats-Vertrage der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Wien: " Industrieller club," 1901. 4^ pp- 8°. Ringwalt, Ralph Curtis, Briefs on public questions, with selected lists of references. New York [etc.]: Longmans, Green, and co., 1905. x, (2), 229 pp. 12°. "Commercial reciprocity ": pp. 105-112; "Reciprocity with Can- ada": pp. 113-120. Rogers, James E. Thorold. The economic interpretation of history. (Lectures delivered in Worcester college hall, Oxford, 1887-88.) New York: G.P.Putnam's sons, 1889. xmi,{l),547 pp. 8°. Romero, Matias. Articulos sobre Mexico publicados en los Estados Unidos de America en 1891-1892. Mexico: OJicina impresora de estampillas, 1892. 332, xi pp. 8°. " Reciprocidad y represalias " : pp. 216-217; "Datos estadisticos sobre el comercio de importacion y exportacion entre Mexico y los Estados Unidos": pp. 240-245. Geographical and statistical notes on Mexico. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1898. xiv, (2), 286 pp. Map. Plans. 8°. Also printed in his "Mexico and the United States." reciprocity: general works 35 Romero, Matias. Mexico and the United States. A study of sub- jects affecting their poUtical, commercial, and social rela- tions, made with a view to their promotion. Vol. I. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's sons,^ 1898. xxxv, {3) 759 fp. Facsimile. Map. Plans. 8°. ' Forei<^n trade of Mexico: pp. 154-169; Trade between Mexico and the'united States: pp. 170-186; 247-248; Reciprocity treaties in the Pan-American conference of 1889 : pp. 658-662. San Francisco. Chamber of commerce. Franco-American commerce. Statements and arguments in behalf of American industries against the proposed Franco-Amer- ican commercial treaty; submitted to the special commit- tee of the San Francisco Chamber of commerce, m con- formity with the resolutions of the Chamber, passed June 13th, 1879. San Francisco: Alia California booJc and job pnnhng house, 1879. 220 pp. 8°. Schippel, Max. Amerika und die Handelsvertragspolitik ; eine politische Studie. Berlin: Verlag der Sozialistischen Monatshefte, G. m. b. H., 1906 {1905]. 133 pp. 8°. Schraut, Max von. System der Handelsvertrage und der Meist- begiinstigung. Leipzig: Dunclcer d: Humblot, 188/,. x, 121, (1) pp. 8 . Schuyler, Eugene. American diplomacy and the furtherance of commerce. . New Yorl: Charles Scribner's sons, 1886. xiv, 469 pp. 8 . Commercial treaties : pp. 421-457. Seabury George J. The ''constructive and reconstructive forces that are essential to maintain American international commercial supremacy" and that - universal commercial reciprocity treaties and tariff revision are premature. [3d ed.] New YorJc, [1902]. 16 pp. 8°. Shaw, Leslie Mortier. Reciprocity. virions i2M (In his Current issues, pp. 153-185. New \ork, 1908. 12 .) CoNTENTS.-Reciprocity generally; Our trade policy; Canadian reciprocity; Canadian competing products; The proposed tariff agreement with Germany; Letter to the President; Germany 8 demand for a new commercial agreement; The trade agreement with Germany. 36 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS Smith, Richmond Ma^'o-, and Edwin R. A. Seligman. The commercial poUcy of the United States of America, 1860-1890. {In Verein fiir Socialpolitik. Die Handelspolitik der wichtigeren Kulturstaaten in den letzten Jahrzehnten, Bd. I, pp. 1-74. Leipzig, 1892. 8°. Schriften, Bd. 49.) Treaties of reciprocity and indirect regulations of commerce: pp. 34-57; The International AmWican conference: pp. 58-74. Snow, Freeman. Treaties and topics in American diplomacy. Boston: The Boston hook company, 1894- vii, (1), 515 pp. 8°. Reciprocity treaties with England, 1854: p. 90; 1871: p. 95; with Hawaiian Islands, 1875: pp. 165, 169. Stevens, Hazard. Reciprocity. Address before the Reform club, Boston, Feb. 26, 1902. Boston, 1902. 10 pp. 8°. In opposition to protection. Swank, James Moore. Notes and comments on industrial, economic, pohtical and historical subjects. ^ PhiladelpMa: The American iron cfe steel association, 1897. xi, 228 pp. 12°. "History of reciprocity legislation": pp. 195-201. Thompson, R. W. The history of protectiye tariff laws. Chicago: B. S. Peale and company, 1888. 526 pp. Portrait. 8°.' Trumbull, M. M. Earl Grey on reciprocity and civil service reform; with comments by Gen. M. M. Trumbull. Chicago: The Open court publishing co., 1893. (2), 27 pp. 12°. Articles reprinted from "Open court" of Dec. 1892, and Jan. 1893. United States. Congress. Extracts from the Congressional record 1854-1904. Philadelphia: Allied printing trades council [1904]- [510] pp. 8°. Reciprocity: pp. bl-bll. Vosberg-Rekow, Max. Meistbegiinstigung. {In Centralstelle fiir Vorbereitung von Handelsvertragen. Schrif- ten, 15. Hft., pp. 27-44. Berlin, 1901. 8°.) Die PoUtik der Handelsvertrage in ihren Grundziigen gemeinfasslich dargestellt. Berlin: Siemenroth & Troschel, 1898. viii, 189 pp. Folded tables. 8°. (Schriften der Centralstelle fiir Vorbereitung von Handelsvertragen. 3. Hft.) "Die Meistbegiinstigung": pp. 128-141. reciprocity: general works 37 Vosberg-Rekow, Max. Die Zolltarifvorlage unci iliie Begiiinduni^. 111! Auftrage tier Centralstelle ftir Vorbereitung von Ilandelsvertragen. Berlin: J. Guttentag, 1902. vii, (2), 62 jip. 8°. {Schriffen der Centralstelle fiir Vorbereitung von Handelsvertrdgen. 18. Hft.) "Front gegen die Meistbegiinstigung " : pp. 29-30. Webster, Daniel. Sound dues at Elsinore, and the German ZoU- Verein. [Letter to the President, May 24, 1841.] {In his Works, vol. 6, pp. 406-414. Boston, 1866. 8°.) [Letter to Mr. Everett, November 25, 1842.] {In Curtis, George Ticknor. Life of Daniel Webster, vol. 2, pp. 173-175. New York, 1870. 8°.) Commercial treaties: p. 174. Wharton, Francis. A digest of the international law of the United States. [2d ed.] Washington: Government jirinting office, 1887. 3 vols. 8°. Reciprocity with Sandwich Islands: sec. 62; Treaty regulations of reciprocity between Great Britain and the United States: sec- 302; Favored nation: sec. 134. Whitman, Wihiam. Objections to reciprocity on constitutional and practical grounds. Boston: The Rockwell and Churchill press, 190 Jf^. 35 jrp. 8°. Wilson, James H. Trade with the tropics. An address before the American free trade league, Nov. 9, 1901. [Boston: American free trade league, 1901]. 23 pp. 8°. Wise, Bernard R. Industrial freedom: a study in politics. London: Cassell c& company, 1892. xxxi, (1), 372 pp. 12°. Wolf, Julius. Der deutsch-amerikanische Handelsvertrag; die ku- banische Zuckerproduktion und die Zukunft der Zucker- industrie mit zahlreichen statistischen Tabellen und Ex- kursen. Jena: G. Fischer, 1906. vii, 158 pp. 8°. Woolsey, T. S. America's foreign policy. Essays and addresses. New York: The Century co., 1898. x, U), 294 pp- 12°. Pages 195-209 contain article on "The fishery question," in which are discussed the effects of reciprocity treaties upon fisheries. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1844. Commercial reciprocity. C. C. Haven. Hunt's merchants' magazine, vol. 10 (Apr., 1844)- 354-359. 1844. Commercial reciprocity and the American system. Democratic review, vol. I4 {May, 1844): 44^^-46 4- 1844. Germany, and the commercial treaty of Berlin. I. L. K. Hunt's merchants' magazine, vol. 11 {Dec, 1844): 4^1-501. 1845. Reciprocity treaties and commercial intercourse with British colonies. Hunfs merchants' magazine, vol. 12 {Mar., 1845): 262-266. 1846. Commercial treaties based on reciprocity, with reference to the advantages of a commercial treaty between the United States and the German ZoUverein. Hunt's merchants' magazine, vol. I4 {Jan., I846): 51-56. 1847. The commercial treaties of the United States: with reference to the progress of commercial freedom. Hunt's merchants' magazine, vol. 17 {Oct., 1847): 339-357. 1853. Reciprocal treaties of commerce. De Bow's review, vol. I4 {June, 1853): 525-535. 1885. The reciprocity treaties. Speech by Senator [J. S.] Morrill, Jan. 7, 1885. The American, vol. 9 {Jan. 10, 1885): 219-221. 1886. The treaty-making power under the Constitution. Simon Greenleaf Croswell. American law review, vol. 20 {new series, vol. 7), {July- August, 1886): 513-527. Upholds the validity of commercial treaties. 1890. Reciprocity and ship building. American law review, vol. 24 {May-June, 1890): 472-474- 1890. Reciprocity with Spanish America. Public opinion, vol 9 {June 28, 1890)< 263-266. 38 reciprocity: periodicals 39 1893. La clause de la nation la plus favorisee et la persistance de ses efTets. Ernest Lehr. Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, vol. 25 {1893): 313-316. 1896. Les societes etrangeres et la clause de la nation la plus favor- isee. P. Huvelin. Annales de droit commercial, vol. 10 {Feb. 1S96): 51-53. 1897. Keciprocity: is it elusive? D. O. Kellogg. Self culture, vol. 6 {Dec, 1897): 226-230. 1898. The author of reciprocity. A. D. Anderson. Intematiomil bureau of the American rejmblics. Monthly buUetin, vol. 5 {Jan., 1898): 1074-1076. 1898. The development of the poHcy of reciprocity. Jolin Ball Osborne. Forum, vol. 25 {Aug., 1898): 683-692. 1899. Die Tragweite der Meistbegiinstigungsklausel. Dr. Fuld. Zeitschrift fur internationales Privat- und Sfrafrecht, vol. 9 {1899): 361-369. 1899. Reciprocity treaty with Barbados. International bureau of the American republics. Montfity bulletin, vol. 7 {July, 1899): 51-52. 1899. Reciprocity treaty with Jamaica. International bureau of the American republics. Monthly buUetin, vol. 7 {July, 1899): 53. 1899 Trade poHcy with the colonies. Worthington C. Ford. Harper's magazine, vol. 99 {July, 1899): 293-303. 1899. Reciprocity with France. Puhlic opinion, vol. 27 {Aug. 3, 1899): 131-132. 1899. Reciprocity with the Argentine Republic. International bureau of the American republics. Monthly buUetin, vol. 7 {Nov., 1899): 866-867. 1899. The commercial relations of the United States and Germany. James Howard Gore. Forum, vol. 28 {Dec, 1899): ^93-502. 1900. Reciprocity treatv between the United States and France. Nation, vol. 70 {Mar. 29, 1900): 233-234- 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1900. The Republican pledge on reciprocity. D. W. D. Protectionist, vol 11 {Mar., 1900): 643-646. 1900. How to secure trade with the South American countries. J. H. Franz. Scientific American, vol. 82 {June 23, 1900): 390. 1900. The reciprocity treaty with Germany. Puhlic opinion, vol. 29 {July 26, 1900): IO4. Press comment. 1900. Das Ende der Meistbegtinstigung ? Otto, freiherr von Boe- nigk. Die Gegenwart, vol. 58 {Oct. 13, 1900): 225-226. 1900. The work of the reciprocity commission. John Ball Osborne. Forum, vol. 30 {Dec, 1900): 394-411. 1900. The reciprocity treaties and the Senate. John W. Foster. Independent, vol. 52 {Dec. 6, 1900): 2897-2899. 1901. The President's treaties of reciprocity. Independent, vol. 53 {Feb. 28, 1901): 509-510. 1901. Reciprocity and protection. (From the Washington post, Iron and steel bulletin, etc.) Protectionist, vol. 12 {Feh., 1901): 472-476. 1901. Protection and reciprocity. Commissioner [John A.] Kasson's reply to resolutions of Home market club and the Club committee's rejoinder. Protectionist, vol. 12 {Mar., 1901): 517-530. 1901. Reciprocity and economics. John P. Young. American economist, vol. 27 {Apr. 19, 1901): 181-183: {Apr. 26, 1901): 193-195. 1901. McKinley's new departure [reciprocity]. Nation, vol. 72 {May 9, 1901): 368. 1901. Economic aspects of reciprocity. John P. Young, Protectionist, vol. 13 {June, 1901): 80-91. Printed also in American economist, vol. 27, May 3-10, 1901, pp. 205-207, 217-219. 1901. Reciprocity and free trade. (From the Boston Commercial bulletin.) Protectionist, vol. 13 {June, 1901): 109-111. 1901. Reciprocity or the alternative. Brooks Adams. Atlantic montldy, vol. 88 {Aug., 1901): 145-155. reciprocity: periodicals 41 1901. Reciprocity or war. H. Wliite. Nation, iol. 73 {Aug. 15, 1901): 125-126. 1901. A business man's view of reciprocity. George A. Draper. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Aug., 1901): 190-191. 1901. Senator Lodge and reciprocity. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Aug., 1901): 198. 1901. The President on reciprocity. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Aug., 1901): 20^-205. 1901. Reciprocity. J. De Normandie. Nation, \^ol. 73 {Oct. 2^, 1901): 320. 1901. Beet sugar's protest against reciprocity. H. T. Oxnard. American economist, vol. 28 {Nov. 29, 1901): 263-264- 1901. Reciprocity or mutuality? IT. W. Taylor. Nation, iol. 73 {Nov. 14, 1901): 376. 1901. Reciprocity. Outlool, vol. 69 {Nov. 30, 1901): 808-810. 1901. Former reciprocity treaties. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Nov., 1901): 375-378. 1901. The reciprocity question. Some interesting and pertinent views from protection journals. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Nov., 1901): 397-401. 1901. Expansion through reciprocity. John Ball Osborne. Atlantic monthly, vol. 88 {Dec, 1901): 721-731. 1901. A calm view of reciprocity. George B. Waldron. Chautauquan, vol. 34 {Dec, 1901): 237-242. 1901. Reciprocity and foreign trade. E.J.Gibson. Forum, vol. 32 {Dec, 1901): 466-48O. 1901. Reciprocity agitation. Gunton's magazine, vol. 21 {Dec, 1901): 497-504. Opposed to reciprocity. 1901. The questions of reciprocity. William P. Wilson. Independent, vol. 53 {Dec 5, 1901): 2872-287 U. 1901. Our industrial foreign policy. George Gunton. Institute of social economics. Lecture bulletin {Dec 2, 1901): 131-151. Opposed to reciprocity. 42 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1901. The demand for reciprocity. John A. Kasson. National magazine, Boston, vol. 15 {Dec, 1901): 353. 1901. McKinley reciprocity. J. R. Dodge. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Dec, 1901): 439-U^. 1901. The National reciprocity convention. Notable gathering of manufacturers in Washington. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Dec, 1901): 464-475. 1901. The vital economic problem. C. L. Lorraine. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Dec, 1901): 479-484. A discussion of the tariff and reciprocity. 1901. The most favoured nation article. Wallwyn P. B. Shep- heard. Societij of comparative legislation. Journal, vol. 3 {D^c, 1901): 231-237. 1902. La clause de "la nation la plus favorisee" dans les traites de commerce. L. E. Visser. Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, 2^ ser., t.4 {1902): 66-87; 159-177; 270-280. 1903. Work of the Reciprocity convention. Chautanquan, vol. 34 {Jan., 1902): 257-258. 1902. The Rake's progress in tariff legislation. J. Schoenhof. Forum, vol. 32 {Jan., 1902): 608-622. A criticism of the Dingley tariff act and the reciprocity treaties arranged under it. 1902. Les Etats-Unis et la reciprocite commerciale. Achille Viallate. Journal des economistes, 5. ser., vol. 49 {Jan. 15, 1902) : 47-61 . A review of the history of reciprocity since 1803. 1902. The practical side of reciprocity. Albert Clarke. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Jan., 1902): 525-529. 1902. Le traitement de la nation la plus favorisee. D. Aubry. La Reforme economique, vol. 11 {Feh. 9, 1902): 204-206. 1902. The manufacturer's need of reciprocity. A. B. Farquhar. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 19 {Mar., 1902): 185-203. 1902. If reciprocity is the game, more than one industry must take a hand. A. J. D. American economist, vol. 29 {Mar. 21, 1902): 134-135. RECIPROCITY : PERIODICALS 43 1902. The earlier commercial policy of the United States. Thomas Walker Page. Journal of political economy, vol. 10 {Mar., 1902): 161-192. 1902. Reciprocity a questionable experiment. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Mar., 1902): 637. From an address on "Commercial expansion," by Charles A. Gardiner. 1902. Blaine reciprocity. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Mar., 1902): 645-648. 1902. Andrew Carnegie on reciprocity. American economist, vol. 29 {May 2, 1902): 208-209. 1902. Orthodox Republican reciprocity. F. W. Cushman. American economist, vol. 29 {May 9, 1902): 218-219, 22^- 1902. Meistbegiinstigung und nordamerikanische Konkurrenz. Paul Arndt. Die Nation, vol. 19 {May 24, 1902): 534-536. 1902. Our growing dependence upon the tropics. O. P. Austin. Forum, vol. 33 {June, 1902): 4OO-4O8. 1902. What is Republican reciprocity? Protectionist, vol. I4 {June, 1902): 76-80. 1902. Concurrence americaine. Henri Rhein. La Re forme econoynique, vol. 11 {June 15, 1902): 884-885. 1902. "The three R's": retahation, revision or reciprocity — which? Charles P. Harris. Protectionist, vol. I4 {July, 1902): 126-129. 1902. Reciprocity and nebulosity. [Editorial.] Protectionist, vol. I4 {July, 1902): 130-132. 1902. Reciprocity. Edwin Maxey. Anglo American, vol. 8 {Aug., 1902): 59-62. 1902. The W^est and reciprocity. Protectionist, vol. I4 {Aug., 1902): 196-198. 1902. President McKinley's last public address delivered at Buffalo, Sept. 5th, 1901. National reciprocity , vol. 1 [Sept., 1902): 4-IO. Reprinted in National reciprocity for June, 1903, pp. 16-19. 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1902. History of reciprocity. William E. Curtis. National reciprocity, vol. 1 {Sept., 1902) 1902. Die Zukunft der Meistbegiinstigung. Georg Gothein. Die Nation, vol. 20 {Oct. 11, 1902): 18-21. 1902. Foreign commerce. James Deefing. National reciprocity , vol. 1 {Nov., 1902): 4-13. 1902. Reciprocity treaties and tariff revision. [From the speech of Henry Cabot Lodge.] Protectionist, vol. I4 {Nov., 1902): SU-SdO. 1902. Protection a national doctrine. Gunton's magazine, vol. 23 (Dec, 1902): 465-475. "Reciprocity is only another name for a scheme to dicker away the American market by special bargain instead of by general policy." 1902. [Reciprocity]. A. B. Cummins. National reciprocity, vol. 1 {Dec, 1902): 13-30. 1903. Reciprocity" in and out of Congress. Chautauquan, vol. 36 {Feb., 1903): 454-456. 1903. Protection, not reciprocity. Gunton's magazine, vol. 24 {Feh., 1903): II4-II8. 1903. Most favored nation clause in treaties. G. G. Phillimore. Law magazine and review, vol. 28 {Feb., 1903): 208-213. 1903. Judge Nathaniel French's speech at Washington, D. C, Jan- uary 15, 1903. [Reciprocity.] National reciprocity , vol. 1 {Feh., 1903): 3-8. 1903. The famous reciprocity speech of Senator Dolhver of Iowa, dehvered in the United States Senate, January 13, 1903. National reciprocity, vol. 1 {Feh., 1903): 9-13. Reprinted in National reciprocity for June, 1903, pp. 20-23. 1903. A letter from Germany. Wilham C. Dreher. Atlantic montJily, vol. 91 {Mar., 1903): 388-398. On reciprocity and the commercial relations between Germany and the United States. 1903. German- American ''most favored nation" relations. George M. Fisk. Journal of political economy, vol. 11 {Mar., 1903): 220-236. RECIPROCITY : PERIODICALS 45 1903. Le mouvement ^conomique et social aux Etats-Unis. La reciprocite commerciale et le protectionnisme devant I'opinion. Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu. L' Economiste frangais, 31' annee, vol. 1 {Apr. 4, 1903): 463-405. 1903. McKinley's principles. Was the late President a tariff reformer by the competitive reciprocity route? J. W. Allfree. American economist, vol 31 (May 1, 1903): 214-215. 1903. The results of reciprocity with Brazil. Lincoln Hutchinson. Political science quarterly, vol. 18 {June, 1903): 2S2-312. 1903 Tariff revision and reciprocity. John F. Lacey. Protectionist, vol. 15 {July, 1903): 803-806. 1903. Die Meistbegunstigungsvertrage. Export, vol. 25 {Aug. 13, 1903): 4^1-4^2. 1903. The most-favoured-nation article. WallwynP. B. Shepheard. Society of comparative legislation. Journal, vol. 5 {Aug., 1903): 132-136. 1903. Genuine reciprocity. Lucius F. C. Garvm. Independent, vol 55 {Nov. 19, 1903): 2750-2753. 1903. The relation of reciprocity to protection. Edwin Maxey. Arena, vol 30 {Dec, 1903): 585-590. 1904. The origin and history of the Iowa idea. George E. Roberts. Iowa journal of history and politics, vol. 2 {Jan., 1904): 69-82. "A contemporary statement of the origin, meaning, and history of the proposal for tariff revision [and reciprocity] which has come to be known as the ' Iowa idea.' '" 1904. RepubUcan reciprocity. Protectionist, vol 15 {Jan., 1904): 1165-1170. 1904 Competitive reciprocitv always bad for the United States. Protectionist, vol 15 {Jan., 1904): 1203-1204- 1904. Principles of reciprocitv. Albert Clarke. Protectionist, vol 15 {Feb., 1904): 1241-1243. 1904. Republican reciprocity defined. From the speech of Hon. John Dalzell, of Pennsylvania, in the House of representa- tives, Feb. 29, 1904. American economist, vol 33 {Mar. 11, 1904): 121, 128-132. Reprinted from Congressional record, 58th Congress, 2d session, vol. 38, part 3, pp. 256.5-2571. 27306°— 10 4 46 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1904. American commercial union. Wliarton Barker. North American review, vol. 178 {Mar. 1904): 338-347. 1904. Commercial reciprocity; from speech of George J. Seabury, American economist, vol. 33 {Ajjr. 8, 1904): 178-179. 1904. Reciprocity: enlarging the homQ market. Henr}' Fairbanks. Protectionist, vol. 15 {Apr., 1904): 1354-1356. 1904. The reciprocity question in Congress: extracts from speeches. John F. Lacey, A. J. Volstead and John Dalzell. Protectionist, vol. 15 {Apr., 1904): 1367-1374- 1904. It [reciprocity] has never worked well. John S. Bird. American economist, vol. 34 {July 15, 1904): 32-33. 1904. The political significance of reciprocity. W. Jett Lauck. Journal of political economy, vol. 12 {Sept., 1904): 495-524. 1904. Tariff and reciprocity. W. L. Douglas. Independent, vol. 57 {Dec. 22, 1904): 1416-1417 1905. Kiindigung der Meistbegiinstigungsvertrage. Georg Gothein. Die Nation, vol. 22 {Feh. 18, 1905): 323-324. 1905. The international aspect of our tariff situation. N. I. Stone. North American review, vol. 180 {Mar., 1905): 381-393. 1905. Les traites de reciprocite. Jules Domergue. La Reforme economique, vol. 14 {July 9, 1905): 955-957. 1905. Two significant speeches. Senator Cullom and Governor Cummins at the Chicago reciprocity conference [Aug. 16-17, 1905]. American economist, vol. 36 {Aug. 25, 1905): 92-95. 1905. Reciprocity [convention] at Chicago. ^tion, vol. 81 {Aug. 24, 1905): 156-157. 1905. The Chicago reciprocity conference and our trade with Ger- many. Albert Clarke. Protectionist, vol. 17 {Aug., 1905): 161-177. 1905. The Chicago "reciprocity conference." Protectionist, vol. 17 {Sept., 1905): 219-230. 1905. The promise and problems of reciprocity. Harold Bolce. Appletons hoohlovers magazine, vol. 6 {Oct., 1905): 512-520. keciprocity: periodicals 47 1905. Die Meistbeo;iinstiort, vol. 28 (Mar. 8, 1906): 171-172. 1906. The reciprocity movement in 1905 and its present status. J. B. McPherson. National association of wool manufacturers. Bulletin, vol. 36 (Mar., 1906): 1-20. 1906. Most-favored-nation relations between Germany and the United States. N. I. Stone. North American review, vol. 182 (Mar., 1906): 433-445. 1906. Meistbegiinstigung und Reziprozitat in der Handelsvertrags- politik. Max Schippel. Socialistische Monatshefte, vol. 12 (May, 1906): 360-367. 1906. Revision and reciprocity. A permanent tariff commission advocated as the true solution of these questions. George J. Seabury. American economist, vol. 38 (Sept. 14, 1906): 128-129. 1907. Speaker Cannon on reciprocity and a dual tariff. Remarks of Hon. J. G. Cannon on the occasion of the visit of the delegates to the C^onvention to promote the foreign com- merce of the United States, Jan. 16, 1907. American economist, vol. 39 (Jan. 25, 1907): 37-S9. 48 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1907. The Root idea of reciprocity. What was the Secretary of state driving at in his commerce convention speech? Arthur J. Dodge. American economist, vol. 39 {Jan. 25, 1907): 47-^8. 1907. Inexpensive reciprocity. John Bates Clark. Forum, vol. 38 {J an.- Mar., 1907): 413-423. 1907. Reciprocity with Germany. H. Parker WilHs. J ournal of political economy, vol. 15 {June, 1907): 321-344^' {July, 1907): 385-397. 1907. Does the country want tariff readjustment? Wilham R. Corwine. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 36 {July, 1907): 47-50. 1907. German reciprocity. Basis of the secret negotiations dis- closed, involving a 20 per cent, reduction of Dingley tariff rates. H. P. R. American economist, vol. 40 {Nov. 8, 1907): 217-219, 225. 1907. Reciprocity complications. To be "more liberal" with France interferes with benefits granted to Germany. Arthur J. Dodge. American economist, vol. 40 {Nov. 29, 1907): 254-255. 1907. Effect of "Most-favoured-nation" clause in commercial treaties. Sir Thomas Barclay. Yale law journal, vol. 17 {Nov., 1907): 26-32. 1907. The German reciprocity agreement. Journal of political economy , vol. 15 {Dec, 1907): 628-631. 1908. Important tariff hearing... Remarks of Speaker Cannon and Chairman Payne on the subject of revision, reciprocity and a tariff commission. American economist, vol. 41 {Feh. 14, 1908): 73-75, 80-82. 1908. Sugar: a lesson on reciprocity and the tarifl'. F. W. Taussig. Atlantic monthly, vol. 101 {Mar., 1908): 334-344. 1908. [Reciprocity with Germany and France.] Journal of political economy, vol. 16 {Mar., 1908): 164-166. 1908. Zur Frage der Meistbegiinstigung. Franz Stibral. Osterreichische Rundschau, vol. 15 {Apr. 15, 1908): 79-80. reciprocity: periodicals 49 1908. Meistbegimstifj;iingsrecht und -Vcrtraf^e. Export, vol. 30 {Oct. 22, 190S): 637-638. 1909. Concerning the interpretation of treaties. Charles Cheney Hyde. American journal of international law, vol. 3 {Jan., 1909): 46-61. ' ' The most-favored-nation clause " : pp. 57-61. 1909. The most-favored-nation chiuse. Stanley K. Hornbeck. American journal of international law, vol. 3 (Apr., 1909): 395-422; {July, 1909): 619-647; {Oct., 1909): 797-827. 1909. Pour nous defendre contre les fitats-Unis. C. Clawy. La Reforme economique, vol. 18 {June 18, 1909): 745-747. 1910. La pohtica doganale degli Stati Uniti e I'atteggiamento delP Europa. Antonio Ravaioli. ISluova antologia, vol. 232 {July 16, 1910): 276-290. RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS 1849-1853. Debate on Canadian reciprocity. Congressional glohe, 30th Congress, 2d session {Jan. 8, 1849): 182-186; {Jan. 23, 1849): 327-332; 31st Congress, 1st ses- sion {May 21, 1850): 1009-1011; 32d Congress, 2d session {Feb. 23, 1853): 803-804; {Mar. 1, 1853): 953-958; 32d Congress, 2d session {Appendix) {Feb. 16, 1853): 197-199; {Feb. 24, 1853): 210-212; {Feb. 17, 1853): 229-231. 1850. Reciprocal trade with Canada. Message from the President relative to the reciprocal admission of the natural products of the United States and Canada free of duty. May 16, 1850. 37 pp. 8°. 31st Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 64. 577 "Copies of a correspondence between the Department of state and the British legation in this city, relative to the reciprocal admission of the natural products of the United States and Canada, free of duty, into the territories of both countries." 1851. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, in relation to the trade and commerce of the British American colonies with the United States and other countries since 1829. Feb. 6, 1851. 775, (1) pp. 8°. 31st Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 23. 590 Pages 3-51 contain report by I. D. Andrews. 1851. Commercial intercourse between the United States and the British North American provinces. [Correspondence be- tween the Department of state and the British legation, March, 1851, to June 24, 1851.] S2d Congress, 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. 1. 611 (In Message from the President, Dec. 2, 1851, pp. 83-92.) Same. 32d Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 2. 1852. Report of Israel D. Andrews, on the trade and commerce of the British North American colonies. Aug. 25, 1852. xix, (1), 906, (1) pp. 8°. 32d Congress, 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. 112. 622 Also printed a.^ House ex. doc. no. 136, 32d Congress, 1st session (serial no. 651). 51 52 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1853. [Report by the Secretary of state, Edward Everett], relative to the negotiations pending between the United States and Great Britain, on the subject of the fisheries, of recip- rocal intercourse \\ith the British North American prov- inces, [etc.]. Feb. 8, 1853. 3 pp. 8°. 32d Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 34- 660 Also printed as House ex. doc. no. 40, 32d Congress, 2d session (serial no. 677). 1853. Report [of] the Committee on commerce, relative to reciprocal trade with the British North American colonies. Feb. 11, 1853. 92 pp. 8°. 32d Congress, 2d session. House rejJort no. 4- 687 Reviews the history of negotiations in regard to reciprocal trade from 1815 to 1852. 1853. Report from the Secretary of state, in relation to the fisheries on the coasts of the British North American provinces. Feb. 28, 1853. 21 pp. 8°. 33d Congress, special session. Senate ex. doc. no. 3. 688 1854. United States. Treasury deft. Communication from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting . . . the report of Israel D. Andrews ... on the trade and commerce of the British North American colonies, and upon the trade of the great lakes and rivers; also, notices of the internal improvements in each state, of the Gulf of Mexico and straits of Florida, and a paper on the cotton crop of the United States. Washington: B. TucJcer, 1854. viii, 851 pp. and atlas of 4 fold. maps. 8°. Reprint of Senate ex. doc. 112 and House ex. doc. 136, 32d Con- gress, 1st session. 1854. [Report by Mr. Mason from] the Committee on foreign rela- tions, to whom was referred the treaty exter^ling the right of fishing, and regulating the commerce and navigation between Her Britannic Majesty's possessions in North America and the United States, concluded in the city of Washington on the 5th day of June, 1854, between the United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. July 11, 1854. S3d Congress, 1st session. Senate. 4054 (In U. S. Senate. Compilation of reports of the Committee on foreign relations, a'oI. 8, pp. 68-106. Washington, 1901. 8°. 56th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 231, part 8.) KECIPROCITY WITH CANADA: U. S. DOCUMENTS 53 1859. Memorial of the Board of trade of Portland, Maine, praying that the provisions of the treaty of 1854 between the United States and Great Britain, known as the reciprocity treaty, be extended so as to include the products of the workshop and the manufactory, and relieve the present trade of all onerous and unjust taxations. Feb. 14, 1859. 3 pp. 8°. 35th Congress, 2d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 44. 993 1859. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting sta- tistics of the trade under the reciprocity treaty with Great Britain. Feb. 15, 1859. 8 pp. 8°. 35tli Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 98. 1008 1860. Reciprocity treaty. Reports of Messrs. Hatch & Taylor, in reference to the operations of the reciprocity treaty. June 18, 1860. 60 pp. 8°. 36th Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 96. 1057 Reports by Israel T. Hatch and James W. Taylor, reviewing the effects of the reciprocity treaty of 1854. 1862. Report of the Committee on commerce, in relation to the treaty between the United States and Great Britain, commonly known as the "reciprocity treaty." Feb. 5, 1862. 36 pp. 8°. 37th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 22. 1144 Report by Hon. Elijah Ward. "Without doubt the best report made on the subject up to that time." — Robinson, History of two reciprocity treaties, p. 80. "The chief points for consideration are the extent, population, position, and resources of the British North American provinces and possessions; the present so-called 'reciprocity treaty'; the existing condition of our commercial and fiscal relations with Canada, and the line of policy most conducive to the interest and welfare of both countries; the tendencies of modern inven- tions and civilization on the intercourse of nations, including the leading principles of the German commercial union or ZoU- verein, and their applicability to the United States." 1862. Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a tabular statement showing the quantity and value of the different articles of merchandise imported into the United States from the British North American colonies during the fiscal years ending June 30, 1859, 1860, and 1861, under the treaty of reciprocity. June 13, 1862. 3 pp. 8°. 37th Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 60. 1122 54 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1862. Relations between the United States and northwest British America: abstract of the reports of James W. Taylor and of other papers relating to the subject. July 11, 1862. 85 pp. 8°. 37th Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. lJf.6. 1138 1862. Commercial intercourse with Canada. Letter from the Secre- tary of the Treasury in relation to commercial intercourse with Canada. July 12, 1862. 21 pp. 8°. 37ih Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 149. 1138 Tabular statements showing "the amount and kinds of the pro- ductions of the British colonies imported into the United States, free of duty, under the provisions of the treaty between Great Britain and the United States, signed June 4, 1854, known as the 'reciprocity treaty,' and of the amount and kinds of the productions of the United States exported to the British colonies under the stipulations of the said treaty from the ratification thereof to the present time," etc. 1864. Reciprocity treaty. Letter from the Secretary of the Treas- ury in relation to the operations of the reciprocity treaty [with Canada]. Feb. 1, 1864. 61 pp. 8°. 38th Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 32. 1189 1864. Reciprocity treaty. (To accompany H. res. no. 56.) Apr. 1, 1864. 8 pp. 8°. 38th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 39. 1206 1864-1865. Debate on termination of Canadian reciprocity treaty. Congressional globe, 38th Congress, 1st session (May 18, 1864): 2333-2338; (May 19, 1864): 2364-2371; {May 24, 1864): 2453-2456; {May 25, 186 4): 2476-2484; {May 26, 1864): 2502-2509; 38th Congress, 2d session {Dec. 21, 1864): 95-97; {Jan. 11, 1865): 204-213; {Jan. 12, 1865): 226-234. 1866. Derby, Elias Hasket. A preliminary report on the treaty of reciprocity with Great Britain, to regulate the trade between the United States and the provinces of British North America. Prepared by E. H. Derby, at the re- quest of the Secretary of the Treasuiy of the United States. Washington: Treasury department, 1866. 84 pp. 8°. 1866. Commercial relations with British America. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, in answer to a resolution of the House of representatives of Mar. 28, 1866, calling for information in regard to commercial relations with British America. June 14, 1866. 36 pp. 8°. 39th Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 128. 1263 RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA*. U. S. DOCUMENTS 55 1867 A report of Israel T. Hatch, of New York, upon our com- mercial relations with British provinces, and upon the comparative importance of American and Canadian com- mercial channels of transportation of property from the West to the seaboard. Jan. 30, 1867. 41pp. 8°. S9th Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 7S. 1293 1867 [A report from the Secretary of state, W. H. Seward] relative to the practicabihty of estabhshing equal reciprocal relations between the United States and the British North American provinces, and the actual condition of the question of the fisheries. Feb. 19, 1867. 186 pp. 8°^ 39th Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 30. 1277 Pp 2-28 contain report by E. H. Derby; pp. 29-66, "A prelimi- nary report on the treaty of reciprocity with Great Britain, to regulate the trade between the United States and the prov- inces^of British North America," by E. H. Derby. 1868 Trade with the British provinces. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting information as to the trade between the United States and the British North Ameri- can provinces since the abrogation of the reciprocity treaty. Mar. 31, 1868. 18 pp. 8°. 40tTi Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 2Ifi. I«i41 1868 Trade with the British provinces. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a supplemental report on trade with the British North American provinces. May 15,1868. 11pp. 8°. Ifitli Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 2^0, part 2. 1868. Letter from the Secretary of state [Wilham H. Seward] to the Hon. John Sherman, chairman of the Committee on finance, transmitting correspondence with the State department in relation to the injurious effect upon the Nova Scotia coal trade, occasioned by the abrogation of the reciprocity treaty. June 3, 1868. 3 pp. 8°. 40t]i Congress, 2d session. Senate misc. doc. no. 87. 1319 1869. Report of Israel T. Hatch upon the commercial relations of the United States with the Dominion of Canada. Jan. 12,1869. 26 pp. 8°. JtOih Congress, 3d session. House ex. doc. no. 36. 137^ 56 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 1869. Colonial trade and fisheries. Report of E. H. Derby. Feb. 8, 1869. 54 pp. 8°. Jfith Congress, 3d session. House ex. doc. no. 75. 1374 In regard to reciprocity with Canada. 1871. State of trade with British North American provinces. Let- ter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report on the state of trade between the United States and the British North American possessions. Feb. 3, 1871. .39 pp. 8°. 4.1st Congress, 3d session. House exec. doc. no. 94- 1454 Report of J. N. Larned, special agent. 1874. Confidential memorandum for the use of the Commissioners on the part of the United States in the American-British joint high commission, Washington, 1871. (In U. S. Dept. of state. Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1873, vol. 3, pp. 265-268, 277-370. Wash- ington, 1874. 8°.) "Reciprocal trade between the United States and the Dominion of Canada": pp. 292-305. 1876. Commercial relations with Canada. Report from the Sub- committee on commerce. Jan. 18, 1876. 9 pp. 8°. 44th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 9. 1708 Favoring appointment of commissioners "to investigate and ascertain on what basis a treaty of reciprocal trade for the mutual benefit of the people of the United States and the Dominion of Canada can be negotiated." Also printed as House report 389, part 2, 44th Congress, 1st session (serial no. 1709). 1876. Commercial relations with Canada. Views of the minority [of the Committee on commerce]. Apr. 11, 1876. 9 pp. 8°. 44th' Congress, 1st session. House report no. 389, part 2. 1709 Also printed as House report 9, 44th Congress, 1st session (serial no. 1708). 1880. Reciprocity treaty between United States and British prov- inces. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. Apr. 23, 1880. 5 pp. 8°. 46th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 1127, part 1. 1937 1880. Same. Views of the minority. June 7, 1880. 20 pp. 8°. 46tli Congress, 2d session. House report no. 1127, part 2. 1937 RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA: U. S. DOCUMENTS 57 1884, Commercial relations with Canada and other states on the American continent. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. July 5, 1884. 3 pp. 8°. IfSth Congress, 1st session. House report no. 2149. 2259 Report on a joint resolution requesting the President to negotiate with the government of Great Britain for the renewal of the reciprocity treaty of 1854. " The committee . . . in recognition of the fact that the Constitu- tion has prescribed that all measures affecting the revenues of the Government should originate in the House, consider it emi- nently fit that the House should give expression to its opinion regarding international agreements which may affect such revenues." Resolution recommended, "That in opinion of the House, closer commercial relations with the other states on the American conti- nent would be of mutual advantage, and that, should the Execu- tive see fit to consider propositions for freer commerce with the Dominion of Canada, such negotiations would be viewed with favor." 1888. Report of the Committee on foreign affairs, to promote com- mercial union with Canada. Mar. 16, 1888. 2 pp. 8°. 50th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1183. 2601 1890. Reciprocity with Canada. Resolution from the Committee on foreign affairs. May 2, 1890. 1 page. 8°. 51st Congress, 1st session. House misc. doc. no. 195. 2775 1890. Commercial union with Canada. [Report of the Com- mittee on foreign affairs.] May 2, 1890. 2 pp. 8°. 51st Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1870. 2812 1890. Relations with Canada. Testimony taken b}^ the Select com- mittee on relations with Canada. July 21, 1890. 1298 pp. 8°. 51st Congress, 1st session. Senxite report no. 1530, pts. 1, 2. 2712 1892. Message from the President, relative to negotiations for recip- rocal trade with Canada. June 20, July 1, 1892. 47, 11pp. 8°. 52d Congress, 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. 11 4, parts 1,2. 2901 Contains report of Secretary Blaine on negotiations recently held with representatives of the Dominion of Canada and the British government as to arrangements for reciprocal trade between Canada and the United States, with correspondence relating to trade regulations. Pt. 2, reports conferences with Canadian commissioners in regard to Canadian ^anal tolls. 58 LIBEAEY OF CONGEESS 1892. Reciprocal commercial relations with Canada. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. July 20, 1892. 8 pp. 8°. 1st session. House report no. 1957. 3051 1894. Statements prepared in the Bureau of statistics, showing the commercial relations betweto the United States and the Dominion of Canada since the year 1821. May 31, 1894. 97 pp. 2 folded diagrams. 8°. 53d Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 106. 3163 1897. Memorial from the coal producers, miners, and carriers, pro- testing against the increase in the tariff rate on coal, and favoring a reciprocal clause in the tariff bill relating to coal as to the Dominion of Canada. June 25, 1897. 3 pp. 8°. 55ih Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 158. 3563 1902. Papers and statistics in regard to Gloucester and New Eng- land fisheries [and effect thereon of proposed convention with Great Britain for improvement of commercial rela- tions with Newfoundland]; presented by Mr. Lodge. Dec. 4, 1902. 27 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 14- 4417 1902. Improvement of commercial relations with Newfoundland. Message from the President, transmitting a convention with Great Britain, signed at Washington on November 8, 1902, for the improvement of commercial relations with Newfoundland. December 17, 1902. 5 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. ^9. 4420 1902. Commercial relations with Newfoundland. Resolutions of the Central labor union of Gloucester, Mass., and protest of the Gloucester master mariners' association against the ratification of the proposed treat}^ with Great Britain with respect to commercial relations with Newfoundland. De- cember 17, 1902. 2 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 50. 4420 1903. Articles published in the Boston herald and the New York tribune relating to the Hay-Bond treaty. C. W. Fair- banks. January 5, 1903. 25 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 65. 4420 EECIPROCITY WITH CANADA: U. S. DOCUMENTS 59 1903. Memorial and letters from citizens of Massachusetts engaged in the fish business or owners of fishing vessels remonstrat- ing against the ratification of the Hay-Bond treaty. Jan- uary 6, 1903. 5 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 78. 4422 1903. Protest of the Fisheries company against the ratification of the Hay-Bond treaty for the improvement of commercial relations with Newfoundland. January 19, 1903. 4 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 94. 4422 1905. Reciprocity and preferential tariff discussions in Canada. Vice-Consul-General George Hill. {In United States. Bureau of statistics (Dept. of commerce and labor). Monthly consular repiorts, no. 292, Jan. 1905, pp. 128-129. Washington, 1905. 8°.) *p:BR^^ OF THE OF CANADIAN AND BRITISH DOCUMENTS 1854. Great Britain. Treaties, etc. Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America, relative to fisheries, commerce, and navigation. Signed at Washington, June 5, 1854. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, 1854. (2), 4 pp. F°. (In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1854-55, vol. 55.) 1855. Canada. Parliament. Legislative assemhly. Committee to inquire into commercial intercourse between Canada and Great Britain, British North American colonies, West India possessions, United States, and other foreign countries, Report on trade and commerce. Printed by order of the Legislative assembly. Quebec: Printed by Lovell cfc Lamoureux, 1855. 4^ PP- Frontispiece (map). 8°. Wm. Hamilton Merritt, chairman. 1855. Great Britain. Foreign office. North American colonies. Copiesof acts recently passed by the legislatures of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island for giving effect on the part of those provinces to the recent reciprocity treaty with the United States. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, 2d February, 1855. 8 pp. F°. (In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1855, vol. 36.) 1860. Canada. Parliament. Sessional papers (no. 30), 1860. Return to an address of the Legislative assembly, dated 28th March, 1860; for copy of correspondence which may have taken place in reference to the working of, or the repealing of, the reciprocity treaty. Apr. 3, 1860. 14 pp. 8°. {In Canada. Sessional papers, vol. 4. Third session of the sixth Parliament. Session, 1860.) 1862. Great Britain. Foreign office. North America, no. 10, 1862. Despatch from Lord Lyons respecting the reci- procity treaty. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, 1862. 25 pp. F°. (In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1862, vol. 62.) EECIPROCITY WITH CANADA: CANADIAN DOCUMENTS 61 1862. Canada. Parliament. Sessional papers (no. 23), 1862. Re- port of the Minister of finance on tlie reciprocity treaty with the United States; also, the Memorial of the Chamher of commerce of St. Paul, Minnesota, and Report of Con- gress (U. S.) thereon. Mar. 28, 1862. 45 pp. 8°. {In Canada. Sessional papers, vol. 4. First session of the seventh Parliament. Session, 1862.) Prepared by Sir Alexander T. Gait. 1865. Great Britain. Foreign office. North America, no. 2 (1S65). Papers respecting the termination of the reci- procity treaty of June 5, 1854, between Great Britain and the United States. Presented to both Houses of Par- hament, 1865. (2), 2 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1865, vol. 57.) 1865. Canada. Parliament. Sessional papers (no. 26), 1865. Return to an address of the Legislative assembly, dated 15th February, 1865, for copy of all correspondence be- tween the government of Canada and the United States or the British ambassador at Washington, and of all despatches from the Home government, and orders in council, on the subject of the reciprocity treaty. Feb. 17, 1865. 4 pp. 8°. {In Canada. Sessional papers, vol. 3. Third session of the eighth Parliament. Ses.sion, 1865.) 1866. Great Britain. Foreign office. Correspondence respect- ing the termination of the reciprocity treaty of June 5, 1854, between the United States and (jrreat Britain. Pre- sented to both Houses of Parliament, 1866. (2), 17 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1866, vol. 76.) 1869. Canada. Parliament. Sessional papers (no. 47), 1869. Return to two addresses of the House of commons, dated 22d and 29th April, 1869; for copies of all corresj)ondence which has passed since the 1st May last between the Impe- rial government, the cabinet at Washington, and the gov- ernment of the Dominion of Canada on the subject of the renewal of the reciprocity treaty with the United States, and of all negotiations entered upon in consequence of the abrogation of that treaty; and for copies of all corre- spondence and despatches between the government of Canada and that of Great Britain, or with the British ambassador at Washington, or other parties in the United States, since the 1st day of January, 1867, in reference to a renewal of the reciprocity treaty; and for copies of all orders in council on the same subject. May 14, 1869. 18 pp. 8°. {In Canada. Sessional papers, vol. 5. Second session of the first Parliament. Session, 1869.) 27.306°— 10 5 62 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1873. Canada. Parliament. Sessional papers (no. 40), 1873. Return to an address of the House of commons, dated 3rd April, 1873; for copies of all correspondence between the government of the Dominion and the government of the United States, on the subject of reciprocal trade between the two countries, or any other documents on that sub- ject. Apr. 8, 1873. 5 pp.. 8°. {Li Canada. Sessional papers, vol. 6. First session of the second Parliament. Session, 1873.) 1874. Great Britain. Foreign office. North America. No. 4 (1874). Correspondence relating to the negotiations for a reciprocity treaty between Canada and the United States. Presented to both Houses of Parliament, 1874. (2), 24 pp. F°. (C.-1060.) (In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1874, vol. 75.) 1875. Canada. Parliament. Sessional papers (No. 51), 1875. Supplementary return to an address of the Senate, dated 25th February, 1875; for such papers in connection with the negotiations with the government of the United States for a treaty of commercial reciprocity as may be com- patible with the public interest to submit. March 19, 1875. 12 pp. 8°. (In Canada. Sessional papers, vol. 8. Second session of the third Parliament. Session, 1875.) 1875. Debate on reciprocity with the United States. March 22, 1875. (In Canada. Parliament. House of commons. Debates, session 1875, vol. 1, pp. 835-842.) 1883. Debate on reciprocity with the United States. March 19, 1883. (In Canada. Parliament. House of commons. Official reports of the debates, 5th Parliament, 1st session, vol. 13, pp. 267-272.) 1883. Canada. Parliament. Sessional papers (no. 55), 1883. Return to an address of the House of commons, dated 19th March, 1883; for copies of all correspondence be- tween the government of Canada and the government of the United States, [etc.] upon the question of reciprocal trade relations between the two countries, on the general basis of the reciprocity treaty of 1854, since 1878. Mar. 29, 1883. 3 pp. 8°. (In Canada. Sessional papers, vol. 16, no. 11. Session, 1883.) 1884. Debate on reciprocity with the United States. March 28, 1884. (In Canada. Parliament. House of commons. Official report of the debates, 5th Parliament, 2d session, vol. 16, pp. 1176-1190.) EECIPROCITY WITH CANADA: CANADIAN DOCUMENTS 63 1885. Debate on reciprocity with the United States. April 10, 1885. {In Canada. Parliament. House of commons. Official report of the debates, 5th Parliament, 3d session, vol. 18, pp. 995-1022.) 1888. Debate on reciprocity with the United States. {In Canada. Parliament. House of commons. Official report of the debates, 6th Parliament, 2d session, vol. 25-26, pp. 161-646.) A resume of the debate is printed in Appleton's annual cyclopaedia, for 1888, vol. 28, pp. 278-283. 1889. Debate on reciprocity with the United States. {In Canada. Parliament. House of commons. Official report of the debates, 6th Parliament, 3d session, vol. 27-28, pp. 472-735.) 1892. Canada. Parliament. Sessional papers (No. 37), 1892. Copies of documents relating to the negotiations at the conference recently held at Washington between the dele- gates from the Canadian government and the Secretary of state of the United States respecting the extension and development of trade between the United States and the Dominion of Canada. Mar. 16, 1892. 6 pp. 8°. {In Canada. Sessional papers, vol. 12. Second session of the seventh Parliament. Session, 1892.) 1893. Canada. Parliament. Sessional papers (No. 52), 1893. Papers relating to the conference held at Washington in Februar}^, 1892, between the delegates of the Canadian government, and the Secretary of state of the United States upon the several subjects therein mentioned. Mar. 7, 1893. 8 pp. 8°. {In Canada. Sessional papers, vol. 26. Third session of the sev- enth Parliament. Session 1893.) The question of a new treaty of reciprocity was discu.ssed in the conference. 1894. Debate on reciprocity with the United States. April 17, 1894. {In Canada. Parliament. House of commons. Official report of the debates, 7th Parliament, 4th session, vol. 37, col. 1505-1563.) 1899. Canada. Parliament. Sessional papers (no. 5A), 1899. Special report on trade between Canada and the United States for use of the International commission, Quebec, August 1898. 259 pp. 8°. (/n Canada. Sessional papers, vol. 4. Fourth session of the eighth Parliament. Session, 1899.) 1902. Debate on reciprocity with the United States. Feb. 24, 1902. {In Canada. Parliament. House of commons. Official report of the debates, 9thNParliament, 2d session, vol. 56, col. 247-316.) BOOK? American iron and steel association. Canadian reciprocity. Why some Canadians want reciprocity. Why Enghsh- men want it. Why we don't want it. Philadelphia: The American iron and steel association., [1877]. 16 pp. 8°. Andrews, Israel DeWolf. Communication from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting . . . the report of Israel D. Andrews ... on the trade and commerce of the British North American colonies, and upon the trade of the great lakes and rivers ; also, notices of the internal improve- ments in each state, of the Gulf of Mexico and straits of Florida, and a paper on the cotton crop of the United States. Washington: B. Tucker, 1854- viii, 851 pp. and atlas of 4 fold. maps. 8°. Reprint of Senate ex. doc. 112 and House ex. doc. 136, 32d Con- gress, 1st session. * •— The reciprocity and fishery treaty: history of negotiations and statements of commercial results; address to Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Secretary of state. Washington: Printed hy L. Towers cfc co., 1862. {2), v, (1), [3], 272 pp. 8°. Imperfect. All after p. 272 missing. State department library. "It will be understood that the author has prepared this paper in justification of the treaty, without aid or compensation of any kind, from any source whatever, and no one but himself is accountable or responsible for the views, opinions, and state- ments therein contained." Barker, Wharton. Our Canadian relations. A letter to Hon. James A. Garfield. [Philadelphia: Press of E. Stern c& co., 1880]. 8 pp. 8°. [Letter to George Brown, esq., on the commercial relations between Canada and the United States.] Philadelphia, 1880. 4 jyp. 8°. * Not in Library of Congr 64 RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA: BOOKS 65 Blackwell, Henry B. Reciprocity, a Republican issue. Reciprocity with Canada and Newfoundland. 1. Is it desirable ? 2. Is it practicable ? 3. Is it timely? 4. Is it Republican? Addresses upon this topic by Henry B. Blackwell and Eugene N. Foss before the Massachusetts club, Boston, June 11, 1904. Boston: Issued by the New England reciprociti/ league [1904 ?]. [16] pp. 5°. Blaine, James G. Twenty years of Congress from Lincoln to Gar- field. With a review of the events which led to the political revolution of 1860. NorwicJi, Conn.: Henry Bill publishing company, 1884~86. 2 vols. Plates (portraits). 8°. Reciprocity treaties of 1782, 1818, 1854: vol. 2, pp. 615-637. Blake, John X. The true commercial policy for.._GreSter Britain. An address, delivered before the CcM^ntWfcial union club, Toronto, April 5th, 1888. Toronto: Hunter, Rose <& company, 1888. 4^ pp. Map. 8°. "Canadian mines and reciprocity. Being a paper read before the Commercial union club, by T. D. Ledyard": pp. 31-43. Boston. Board oflbrade. Special committee. The reciprocity treaty, between the United States and Great Britain, of June 5, 1854. Report. Boston: Press of T. R. Marvin & son, 1865. 23 pp. 8°. Also printed in 11th annual report of the Boston Board of trade. Chamber of commerce. Argument of the Committee on reciprocity with Canada and Newfoundland of the Boston Chamber of commerce in favor of the ratification of the Hay-Bond treaty before the Senate Committee on foreign relations at Washington, March 11, 1903. [ Washington? 1903.] 7 pp. 8°. Bourinot, Sir John George. Canada under British rule, 1760-1900. Cambridge: University j^ress, 1900. xi, {1),346 pp. Maps. 12°. (Cambridge historical series.) "Bibliographical note": pp. 327-330. Reciprocity: pp. 269, 304-310, 376. Lord Elgin, fid. de luxe. Toronto: G. N. Morang and company, limited, 1908. (12), 276 pp. Frontispiece (portrait). 8°. (The makers of Canada.) "Bibliographical note": pp. 269-270. Reciprocity treaty with United States argued by Lord Elgin, p. 82 treaty ratified, p. 142; signed, p. 198; its provisions, pp. 198-200 beneficial results, p. 201; repealed by the United States, p. 201 result of the repeal, p. 202. 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Brown, George. The reciprocity negotiations. {In Mackenzie, Alexander. The life and speeches of Hon. George Brown, pp. 348-374. Toronto, 1882. 8°.) Buchanan, Isaac. The relations of the industry of Canada, with the mother country and the United States, being a speech by Isaac Buchanan, together with a series of articles in defence of the national sentiments contained therein. Ed. by Henry J. Morgan. Montreal: Printed hy J. Lovell, 1864- 551 fp. Frontis- piece {portrait). Illustrations. 8°. Butterworth, Benjamin. Commercial union between Canada and the United States. (In Canadian club of New York. Canadian leaves, pp. 175-216. New York, 1887. 8°.) The Canadian annual review of public affairs. 1901-date. Toronto: The Annual review publishing company, limited, 1903-date. 8°. 1901-date, by J. Castell Hopkins. Includes an annual review of the movement for reciprocity between Canada and the United States. Carey, H. C. The British treaties of 1871 & 1874. Letters to the President of the United States. Philadelphia: Collins, printer, 1874- 38 pp. 8°. Discusses the commercial relations of the United States and Canada. Opposed to reciprocity. Charlton, John. The budget: preferential trade with Great Brit- ain — reciprocity with the United States. House of com- mons, April 21, 1903. Ottawa: Government printing bureau, 1903. 16 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Canadian trade relations with the United States. (In Hopkins, John C, ed. Canada: an encyclopsedia of the country, vol. 1, pp. 371-378. Toronto, [1898]. 4°.) Speech on trade relations, reciprocity in trade conditions. Ottawa, Monday, February 24, 1902. Ottawa: Government printing bureau, 1902. 13 pp. 8°. Cover- title. Chomley, C. H. Protection in Canada and Australasia. London: P. S. King cfc son, 1904. xiii, (3), 195 pp. 12°. Contents include: Canada: Early tariff history; The provincial tariffs; Tariffs in the Dominion; Effects of the national policy; The tariff reductions of 1897; The preferential tariff; The strength of protectionist feeling; Imperial preferential trade. EECIPROCITY WITH CANADA: BOOKS 67 Clarke, Albert. Reciprocity with Canada; status of negotiations and trade relations; speech before the Massachusetts state board of trade, January 21, 1902. Boston: Pub. hy the Home marJcet dub, [1902]. 13 pp. 8°. Cominercial convention, Detroit, 1865. Proceedings of the com- mercial convention, held in Detroit, July 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th, 1865. Pub. by order of the Convention. Detroit: Advertiser and Tribune company print, 1865. 276 pp. 8°. The subjects discussed by the convention were those of commerce, finance, transportation from the West to the seaboard, and reciprocal trade between the United States and the British North American provinces. Commercial union club of Toronto. Handbook of commercial union: a collection of papers read before the Commercial union club, Toronto, with speeches, letters and other documents in favour of unrestricted reciprocity with the United States. Preceded by an introduction, by Mr. Goldwin Smith. Ed. by G. Mercer Adam. Toronto: Hunter, Rose & company, 1888. xxxvi, 294, (^) PP- Map. 12°. Contents. — Reciprocity with the United States, speecli by the Hon. Sir Richard Cartwright, delivered in the House of com- mons, Ottawa, 14th March, 1888; A farmer's view of com- mercial union, by Thomas Shaw; Commercial union and the mining interests of Canada, by T. D. Ledyard; How unre- stricted reciprocity with the United States would affect the prosperity of Toronto, by S. H. Janes; The effect of commercial union on our relations with Great Britain, by W. H. Lockhart Gordon; Current objections to commercial union considered, by the Hon. J. W. Longley; Address on commercial union, by James Pearson; Address to the farmers of Ilaldimand, by John Charlton; How commercial union would affect the labour market, by Alfred F. Jury; Address before the West Peterboro' farmers' institute, by Wm. Cluxton; Reciprocity in the North- west, by F. C. Wade; The Ontario farmers' institutes and com- mercial union; Speech on commercial union at the Toronto Board of trade, by Henry W. Darling; The manufacturing interests in relation to commercial union (A reply to the Hon. James Young), with an article contributed to the press on a policy that would benefit Canada, by J. Dryden; A series of letters addressed by Mr. Goldwin Smith to the Toronto Mail, on the subject of commercial union, dealing with the discussif)n in its various phases, and meeting the arguments successively advanced against the measure; A letter addressed from Wash- ington by Mr. Goldwin Smith to the secretary of the Commercial union club, Toronto, on the progress of the movement in the United States; A letter addressed by Mr. Goldwin Smith to the 68 LIBRAEY OF CONGEESS Toronto Mail on imperial federation as an alternative to com- mercial union; A letter addressed by Mr. Goldwin Smith to the New York "Independent" on commercial union, and treating the subject in its relation to the Americans; A letter addressed by Mr. Goldwin Smith to the New York Chamber of commerce, from the New York "Times;" Speech in the House of com- mons, Ottawa, on the reciprocity debate, by Wm. Mulock; The effect of reciprocity with the United States on the lumber trade, by A. H. Campbell; A series of articles on commercial union from the Toronto "Mail," by Edward Farrer; Constitution (with list of executive officers) of the Commercial union club, Toronto. Derby, Elias Hasket. Letter to the Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of state, in answer to one from him on the reso- lution of the Senate as to the relations of the United States wdth the British provinces, and the actual condition of the fisheries. January, 1867. Washington, D. C, 1867. {8), 50, {2), 2^5 pp. 8°. A reprint of Senate executive document no. 30, 39th Congress, 2d session, issued in 1867, under title: Message from the President . . . communicating . . . information relative to the practica- bility of establishing equal reciprocal relations between the United States and the British North American provinces. . . Includes (pp. 1-84) a reprint of "A preliminary report on the treaty of reciprocity with Great Britain . . . Prepared by E. H. Derby . . . Washington, D. C: Treasury department, 1866." Detroit board of commerce. International commerce of North America, Statement showing correlation and mutuality of interest between Canada and the United States, and considerations in advocacy of a new commercial treaty. Submitted by the committee on international commerce. [Detroit]: Detroit hoard of commerce, 190 4. 15, (1) pp- 8°. E!dm.unds, George F. Canadian reciprocity treaty. Remarks in the Senate of the United States, January 22, 1875. Washington: Government printing office, 1875. 6 pp. 8°. Elgin, James Bruce, 8tTi earl of. Letters and journals. Ed. by Theodore Walrond. London: J. Murray, 1872. xii, 467 pp. 8°. "Reciprocity": pp. 102-109. Hy, Alfred. The reciprocity treaty. Speech delivered in the House of representatives, June 15, 1860. Washington: Printed hy L. Towers, 1860. 16 pp. 8°. Foss, Eugene Noble. Trade relations between the LTnited States and Canada, with some words of recognition also of the value of our trade with the British empire. Boston: Issued hy the New England reciprocity league, [1904]. [15] pp. 8°. (Bulletin no. 2. 1904.) From a series of addresses before the Canadian club of Boston. EECIPROCITY WITH CANADA: BOOKS 69 Foster, G. E. Preferential tariffs and reciprocity. {In American economic association. Publications, 3d ser., vol. 6, May, 1905, pp. 323-335. New York, 1905. 8°.) From a Canadian standpoint. Foster, John W. A century of American diplomacy; being a brief review of the foreign rehitions of the United States, 1776- 1876. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1900. xiii, {2), 497 pp. 8°. Canadian reciprocity treaty of 1854: pp. 337-339. Grant, George. Canada first. (/n Canadian Club of New York. Canadian leaves, pp. 247-267. New York, 1887. 8°.) Gray, John Hamilton. Confederation; or, The political and par- liamentary history of Canada, from the conference at Quebec, in October, 1864, to the admission of British Columbia, in July, 1871. Toronto: Copp, Clarl & co., 1872. 2 vols. 8°. Renewal of reciprocity treaty: vol. 1, pp. 294-304. Grey, Henry George Grey, 3d earl. The commercial polic}^ of the British colonies and the McKinley tariff. London and New York: Macmillan and co., 1892. 79 pp. 8°. Opposed to Canadian reciprocity with the United States. Haliburton, Robert Grant. American protection and Canadian reciprocity. (In Royal colonial institute. Proceedings, vol. 6, pp. 205-227. London, 1875. 8°.) Harvey, Arthur. The reciprocity treaty: its advantages to the United States and to Canada. Quebec: Printed hy Hunter, Rose d: co., 1865. 20 pp. 8°. Hatch, Israel T. Reciprocity. Speech in the convention at Detroit, July 14, 1865. Buffalo: Matthews & Warren, 1865. {In Hayes, J. D. "The Niagara ship canal," pp. 47-58. Buf- falo, 1865. 8°.) Hay, Eugene Gano. Reciprocity with Canada; report of Eugene G. Hay, to the advisory board of the Minnesota branch of the National reciprocity league, upon the present attitude of the United States and Canada and the prospects for reci- procity between the two countries. Minneapolis, Minn.: The Minnesota branch of the National reciprocity league^ \1903]. 20 pp. 8°. Printed also in National reciprocity, vol. 1, Apr. 1903, pp. 3-16. 70 LIBRAEY OF COXGEESS Hayes, Jolin D. "The Niagara ship canal": and "Reciprocity": papers wTitten for the "Buffalo commercial advertiser;" together with the speech of Hon. Israel T. Hatch, in the convention at Detroit, July 14, 1865. Matthews cfc Warren, 1865. (£), [5]-58 pp. 8°. Haynes, Frederick Emory. The reciprocity treaty with Canada of 1854. [Baltimore]: American economic association, 1892. 70 pp. 8°. {Publications of the American economic association. [Monographs], v. 7, no. 6.) " Principal references " : pp. 69-70. Hill, James J. Speech [on reciprocity with Canada]. ( In New York. Chamber of commerce. Fifty-first annual report, for the year 1908-1909, pp. 67-72. New York, 1909. 8°.) Hodgins, Thomas. British and American diplomacy affecting Can- ada. 1782-1899. A chapter of Canadian history. Toronto: The Publishers' syndicate, limited, 1900. 102, (2) pp. Maps. 8°. Home market club, Boston. The revision of the tariff. By Hon. Elihu Root. Reciprocity with Canada and affairs in the Philippines. By Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge. Speeches before the Home market club, April 2, 1903. Boston: Home marlet club, 1903. 28 pp. 8°. Hopkins, John Castell, ed. Canada: an encyclopaedia of tbe coun- try; the Canadian dominion considered in its historic re- lations, its natural resources, its material progress and its national development, by a corps of eminent writers and specialists. Toronto: Linscott pub. co., [1898-99]. 5 vols. Illustrations. Maps. Plans. 4°- "The reciprocity treaty of 1854, by the editor ": vol. 1, pp. 336-368; Editor's notes on reciprocity and trade relations: pp. 379-426. Howe, Joseph. The reciprocity treaty, its history, general features, and commercial results; a speech delivered at the great International commercial convention, Detroit. Hamilton: Pnnted by T. & R. White, 1865. 15 pp. 8°. Howes, Osborne. Reciprocity w4th Canada. (In U. S. Industrial commission. Report, vol. 9, pp. 712-718. Washington, 1901. 8°.) RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA: BOOKS 71 Jeans, James Stephen. Canada's resources and possibilities. With special reference to the iron and allied industries, and the increase of trade with the mother country. London: Offices of the British iron trade association, 190 4. XV, 298 pp. Frontispiece. Illustrations. Maps. 4°- "The reciprocity movement": pp. 43-47. [Johnson, Edwin F. ?] The reciprocity treaty with England. Its character, and our duty in regard to it. [Washington, 1866.] 17 pp. 8°. ^ Kelley, "William Darrah. The proposed reciprocity treaty: an ad- dress delivered by request of representatives of the leading manufacturing industries of the United States, at the Academy of music, Philadelphia, October 28, 1874. Philadelphia: Collins, printer, 1874- 35 pp. 8°. Lewis, John. George Brown. £d. de luxe. Toronto: Morang tfe co., limited, 1906. xv, 281 pp. Frontis- piece (portrait). 8°. {The makers of Canada.) The reciprocity treaty of 1874: pp. 223-233. Moffett, Samuel Erasmus. The Americanization of Canada. [New Yorl] 1907. 126 pp. 8°. ~ Thesis (ph. d.) — Columbia university. Bibliography: pp. 120-124. "Trade relations": pp. 78-90. National board of trade. Action in favor of the renewal of recip- rocal trade with Canada. Milwaukee, August, 1877. Boston: J. F. Cotter <& co., printers, 1877. 11 pp. 8°. New England free trade league. Reciprocity with Canada a mu- tual benefit as shown from both American and Canadian standpoints at a dinner given by the New England free trade league, March 16, 1901. 37 pp. {In New England free trade league. Tariff-trust articles, 1900- 1901. Boston, 1901. 8°.) . New York. Chamber of commerce of the state of New York. Report of the select committee on the reciprocity treaty, as to trade between the British North American prov- inces and the United States of America. New York: J. W. Amerman, printer, 1865. 72 pp. 8°. Oliphant, Laurence. Episodes in a life of adventure, or. Moss from a rolling stone. New York: Harper cfc brothers, 1887. 343 pp. 12°. Reciprocity treaty between United States and Canada: pp. 36-47. 72 LIBEAEY OF CONGEESS Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant (Wilson). Memoir of the life of Laurence Oliphant and of Alice Oliphant, his wife. New York: Harper d- hrothers, 1891. 2 vols. 8°. Treaty between Canada and Tnited States: vol. 1, pp. 106-132. Porritt, Edward. Sixty years of protection in Canada, 1846-1907, where industry leans on the politician. London: MacmUlan and co., limited, 1908. xii, Jf.78 pp. 12°. "Reciprocity: The movement for the Elgin-Marcy treaty, 1846- 1854 " : pp. 79-118 ; ' ' Reciprocity : The abrogation of the treaty — 1854-1866": pp. 119-158; "Reciprocity: Overtures by Canada since 1866": pp. 159-186. Robinson, Chalfant. A history of two reciprocity treaties; the treaty with Canada in 1854, the treaty with the Hawaiian Islands in 1876, with a chapter on the treaty-making power of the House of representatives. New Haven: The Tuttle, Morehouse c& Taylor press, 1904- 220 pp. Map. Table. Diagrams. 8°. Each treaty is followed by a bibliography. Smith, Gerrit. Letter to Senator Hamlin, on the reciprocity treaty. July 17, 1854. {In Smith, Gerrit. Speeches in Congress, pp. 315-334. New York, 1855. 12°.) Smith, Goldwin. Canada and the Canadian question. London & New York: MacmUlan and co., 1891 . 325 pp. 8°. Reciprocity: pp. 281-301. Review, by Robert Brown, in Academy, vol. 39, Apr. 11, 1891, pp. 339-340. Sumner, Charles. Termination of the Canadian reciprocity treaty. Speeches in the Senate on the joint resolution for the ter- mination of the Canadian reciprocity treaty. {In Ms Works, vol. 12, pp. 46-59. Boston, 1900. 8°.) Tuck, Amos. Speech on the New England fisheries, reciprocal trade with the British North American provinces, and the free navigation of the St. Lawrence, delivered in the House of representatives, August 27, 1852. Washington: Printed hy L. Towers, 1852. 2 4 pp. 8°. Ward, Elijah. Speeches on commercial, financial, and other sub- jects. NewYorJc: G.W.Carletondb co.,1877. 320 pp. PoHrait. 8°. Our commercial relations with the British North American prov- inces. Speeches in the House of representatives. May 18, 1864, and May 26, 1864, May 18, 1876, and Feb. 1, 1877: pp. 59-99, 124-182. RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA: BOOKS 73 Watkin, Sir Edward W. Canada and the States. Recollections, 1851 to 1SS6. London, New Yorlc: Ward, Lock and co., [18S7]. xvi, 524 pp. Portrait. Folded maps. 12°. "The reciprocity treaty with the United States": pp. 374^30. Willison, John Stephen. Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Liberal party; a political history. London: J .Murray, 1903. 2vols. Frontispiece {portrait). 8°. Commercial relations: vol. 2: pp. 119-150; The reciprocity cam- paign: pp. 151-185. Wiman, Erastus. The advantages of commercial union to Canada and the United States. {In Canadian club oi New York. Canadian leaves, pp. 269-281. New York, 1887. 8°.) ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1852. Commercial intercourse with British America. North American review, vol. 7 4 {Jan., 1852): 168-197. 1853. Reciprocity with the British provinces. Hunt's merchants' magazine, vol. 28 {Mar., 1853): 275-288. 1853. What is fair and equal reciprocity? J. McCord. De Bow's review, vol. 15 {Nov., 1853): 433-U7. 1854. The reciprocity treaty. North American review, vol. 79 {Oct., 185 If): 1^61^-1^85. 1861. Reciprocity: United States and Canada. Hunt's merchants' magazine, vol. J^lf. {Feh., 1861): 160-173. A report from the Committee of the Oswego Board of trade in favor of the reciprocity treaty 1873. A North American zoUverein. Charles Lindsey. Canadian monthly and national review, vol. 1 {Feb., 1872): 132-136. 1872. Our commercial relations with the United States. J. McL. Canadian monthly and national review, vol. 1 {Mar., 1872): 214-218. 1874. Reciprocity with Canada. R. E. T. Penn monthly, vol. 5 {July, 1874): 529-534. 1874. The reciprocity treaty [of 1854] — how it was annulled. Republic, vol. 3 {Sept., 1874): 158-160. 1880. Relations of Canada with the United States. F. Hincks. North American review, vol. 130 {Apr., 1880): 338-355. 1880. Commercial union with the United States. Arch. McGoun. Canadian monthly and national review, vol. 18 {July, 1880): 1-11. 1880. Canada and the United States. Goldwin Smith. North American review, vol. 131 {July, 1880): 14-25. 74 EECTPROCITV Willi CANADA: PERIODICALS 75 1880. The future of the Canadian Dominion. George Anderson. Contemporary review, vol. 38 {Sept., 1880): 396-411. 1881. Commercial union from a Canadian point of view. F. Ilincks. Fortni(jUlij review, n. s. vol. 29 {May, 1881): 618-633. 1887. Commercial union between the United States and Canada: a discussion. American {Philadelphia), vol. 13 {Apr. 9, 1887): 393-394; {Apr. 16, 1887): 407-409; {May 14, 1887): 56-57; {May 21, 1887): 74-75. Letters from Goldvrin Smith, J. W. Longley, Robert R. Ilitt, R. W. Townshend, and Addison F. Browne. 1888. Canada. Reciprocity, or commercial union. Prosper Bender. Magazine of American history, vol. 19 {Jan., 1888): 21-27. 1888. Commercial union between the United States and Canada. John Hamilton Gray. Overland monthly, 2d ser., vol. 11 {Feb., 1888): 186-159. 1888. Commercial union. Goldwin Smith. Independent, vol. 40 {July 12, 1888): 874-875. Reprinted in Our day, vol. 2, Aug., 1888, pp. 111-115. 1889. The relations of the United States and Canada. A Canadian view. Charles H. Lugrin. ■ Century magazine, n. s., vol. 16 {June, 1889): 236-244- 1889. What is the destiny of Canada? Erastus Wiman. North American review, vol. I48 {June, 1889): 665-675. An argument for the commercial union of Canada and the United States. 1890. A commercial union with Canada. L. E. Munson. New Englander, vol. 53 {July, 1890): 1-13. 1891. Canadian reciprocity within the Union — not "free trade" and false pretences. Joseph Sheldon. New Englander, vol. 54 {June, 1891): 543-559. 1891. "Reciprocity" and Canada. William H. Hurlbert. North American review, vol. 153 {Oct., 1891): 468-48O. 1892, Reciprocity with Canada. Erastus Wiman. Engineering magazine, vol. 4 {Oct., 1892): 109-114- 1892. Benefits of Canadian reciprocity. Erastus Wiman. Engineering magazine, vol. 4 {Dec, 1892): 337-344- 76 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1893. Canada and our new tariff. Erastus Wiman. Engineering magazine , vol. 6 {Nov., 1893): 125-133. 1897. Reciprocity trips to Washington. A page from political history. Arthur H. U. Colquhoun. Canadian magazine, vol. 8 {Mar., 1897): 423-^29. 1897. Our trade relations with Canada. John W. Russell. Nortli American review, vol. 164 {June, 1897): 710-718. 1897. American trade relations. John Charlton. Canadian magazine, vol. 9 {Oct., 1897): 602-506. 1897. Canada and the Dingley bill, John Charlton. North American review, vol. 165 {Oct., 1897): 4I 8-430. 1898. British and American diplomacy affecting Canada. Thomas Hodgins. Canadian magazine, vol. 10 {Mar., 1898): 379-389. 1899. Commercial relations between Canada and the United States. Robert McConnell. Canadian magazine, vol. 12 {Jan., 1899): 198-201. 1899. An open door with Canada. Erastus Wiman. Anglo-American magazine, vol. 1 {Apr., 1899): 292-297. 1899. Is the United States a good neighbor to Canada? Edward Porritt. New England magazine, n. s., vol. 20 {Aug. 1899): 731-736. 1899. The United States and Canada. L. E. Munson. Arena, vol. 22 {Bee, 1899): 667-682. 1900. American and Canadian trade relations. John Charlton. Eorum,, vol. 29 {June, 1900): 47I-48O. 1901. Reciprocity and the British North American fisheries. D. W. Prowse. Nation, vol. 72 {Jan. 10, 1901): 29-30. 1901. Our relations with Canada. J. D. Whelpley. World's worl, vol. 2 {July, 1901): 942-944. 1901. Reciprocity with Canada. [Philadelphia Press, Sept. 2.] Protectionist, vol. 13 {Oct., 1901): 340-342. 1901. Trade relations between Canada and the United States. Economist {London), vol. 59 {Nov. 9, 1901): 1654-1655. EECIPROCITY WTTII CANADA: PERIODICALS 77 1901. Commercial reciprocity with Camula. John W. Foster. Independent, vol. 53 {Dec. 5, 1901): 287^-2877. 1901. Canadian reciprocity. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Dec, 1901): U9-450. 1902 The reciprocity of to-day. Arthur 11. U. Colquhoim. Canadian magazine, vol. 18 {Jan., 1902): 226-228. 1902. Reciprocity with Canada. John Charlton. Forum, vol. 32 {Jan., 1902): 582-593. 1902 Recii)rocity with Canada. Albert Clarke. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Feb., 1902): 553-563. 1902 Reciprocity of trade with Canada. John Charlton. Independent, vol. 54 {Mar. 20, 1902): 667-671. 1902. Reciprocity with Canada. Albert Clarke. Protectionist, vol. H {May, 1902): 27-28. 1902 The United States and Canada. John Charlton. Independent, vol. 5J, {July 17, 1902): 1711-1715. 1902 Reciprocity with Canada. John Charlton. Outlool:, vol. 72 {Sept. 27, 1902): 209-212. 1902. Reciprocity in general; reciprocity with Newfoundland; and then with the Dominion! American monthlij review of reviews, vol. 26 {Oct., 1902): 392-394. 1902. Reciprocity versus repression. John Charlton. National reciprocity, vol. 1 {Oct., 1902): 3-14- 1902. [Canadian reciprocity from the New England point of view.] E. N. Foss. National reciprocity, vol. 1 {Dec, 1902): 32-38. 1902. [Canadian reciprocity.] John Lind. National reciprocity , vol. 1 {Dec, 1902): 42-48. 1903. The growth of reciprocity sentiment. John Charlton. OutlooTc, vol. 73 {Feb. 28, 1903): 483-488. Reprinted in National reciprocity, vol. 1, Mar., 1903, pp. 9-15. 1903. Reciprocity between the United States and Canada. J. W. Longley. North American review, vol. 176 {Mar., 1903): 4O 1-409. Reprinted in National reciprocity, vol. 1, Mar., 1903, pp. 23-29. 2730G°— 10 6 \ 78 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1903. Canada's growing commercial indepenctence. Erastus Wiman. North American review, vol. 176 {April, 1903): 602-609. 1903. Speech of William E. Brigham, secretary of the New England reciprocity league, at Boston, Mass., April 29, 1903. National reciprocity , vol. 1 {May, 1903): 1-8. 1903. Speech of John Charlton. Preferential trade with Great Brit- ain — reciprocity with the United States. National reciprocity , vol. 1 {May, 1903): 9-36. 1903. Reciprocity with Canada. Albert Clarke. Protectionist, vol. 15 {July, 1903): 827-828. 1903. The future of Canada and reciprocity with the United States. Eugene G. Hay. American montTily review of reviews, vol. 28 {Oct., 1903^: 462-466. 1903. Reciprocity with Canada. Foss and Clarke before the Maine state board of trade. Protectionist, vol. 15 {Oct., 1903): 1013-1029. 1904. The Canadian reciprocity question: and incidentally the future of Canada. Albert Clarke. Protectionist, vol. 15 {Jan., 1904): 1174-1176. 1904. The tariff as an issue: Secretary Shaw opposes reciprocity with Canada in competitive products. American economist, vol. 33 {Feb. 26, 1904): 98-99. 1904. Strong light on the question of Canadian reciprocity. American economist, vol. 33 {Feb. 26, 1904): 100-101. 1904. In natural products only: how that kind of reciprocity with Canada would affect our farmers. A. J. Volstead. American economist, vol. 33 {Feb. 26, 1904): IO4-IO6. 1904. Canada and reciprocity. John Charlton. North American review, vol. 178 {Feb., 1904): 205-215. 1904. Canadian reciprocity. Protectionist, vol. 15 {Feb., 1904): 1217-1223. 1904. Republican reciprocity defined from the speech of John Dal- zell, Feb. 29, 1904. American economist, vol. 33 {Mar. 11, 1904): 121,128-132. 1904. Commercial reciprocity with Canada. Charles A. Moore. American economist, vol. 33 {Apr. 29, 1904): 212-213. EECIPROCITY WITH CANADA : PERIODICALS 79 1904. Keciprocity in Canada. Joseph Howe Dickson. National magazine {Boston), vol. 20 {Apr., 1904): 49-51. 1904. Trading with CanacUi. Nation, vol. 78 {May 5, 1904): 345-346. 1904. Some aspects of the trade with Canada. Edward Stanwood. National association of wool naanufacturers. Bulletin, vol. 34 {June, 1904): 109-115. 1904. It is not needed. How our trade with Canada has increased without the aid of reciprocity. Walter J. Ballard. American economist, vol. 34 {July 1, 1904): 11-12. 1904. Lodge on reciprocity: convincing reasons for opposition to the proposed Newfoundland treaty. American economist, vol. 34 {Aug. 19, 1904): 92-94- 1904. Massachusetts and Canadian reciprocity. American economist, vol. 34 {Aug. 26, 1904): 101-102. 1904. Reciprocity with Canada: its impossibilit}^ demonstrated by past experiences and also by existing conditions. John Bruce McPherson. American economist, vol. 34 {Aug. 26, 1904): IO4-IO8, Hi. 1904. Reciprocity with the United States: a symposium. Camp- bell Shaw, Theo. M. Knappen, Nathaniel French, E, N. Foss, Solomon Bulkley Griffin, Eugene G. Hay. Canadian magazine, vol. 23 {Sept., 1904): 407-415. 1904. United States ideas of reciprocity with references to the recently adopted platforms of the two parties. Charles H. Mclntyre. Canadian magazine, vol. 23 {SejJt., 1904): 4^(^-4^^- 1904. Reciprocity with Canada as suggested by the Boston com- mittee of one hundred. J. B. McPherson. National association of wool manufacturers. Bulletin, vol. 34 {Sept., 1904): 227-251. 1904. Looks to British market: Canada opposed to reciprocity with the United States. Sir Howard Vincent. American economist, vol. 34 {Oct. I4, 1904): 182-183. 1904. Reciprocity with Canada. [Editorial.] Independent, vol. 57 {Dec. 1, 1904): 1278-1282. "Neither the commercial nor the political relations of the two countries can ever be too intimate for the good of both." 80 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1904. La politique fiscale de M. Chamberlain au Canada et aux Etats-Unis. Sir Howard Vincent. Revue economique intemationale, vol. 3 (Dec, 1904): 813-820. 1905. Future relations with Canada. W. L. R. Emmett. Harper's weeJcly, vol. 49 (Jan. 21, 1906): 84. 1905. Canada and the United States: ftdvantages of reciprocity. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 31 (Feb., 1905): 134-136. 1905. Commercial union with Canada. Protectionist, vol. 17 {May, 1905): 1-6. 1905. Reciprocity with Canada is a dead question and does not now interest the Canadian people. A. T. Freed. American economist, vol. 36 {Oct. 6, 1905): 164-165. 1906. Canada's trade policy; a free trader's view. James A. Hob- son. Canadian magazine, vol. 26 {Mar., 1906): 423-425. 1906. Canadian reciprocit}^. James J. Hill. Inter-nation, n. s. vol. 1 {Aj^r., 1906): 39-40. 1906. Canada's tariff mood towards the United States. Edward Porritt. North American review, vol. 182 {A2)r., 1906): 565-578. 1906. Reciprocity renascent. M. H. Nickerson. Inter-nation, n. s., vol. 1 {May, 1906): 88-90. 1906. Reciprocity with the Dominion. James J. Hill's remarkable plea for the open door with Canada, delivered before the Merchants' club, of Chicago, November 10. The Commercial West, vol. 10 {Nov. 17, 1906): 38-39. 1907. The new Canadian tariff. Analysis by the Chamberlain commission. Canadian gazette, vol. 48 {Jan. 24, 1907): 397-399. 1907. Leslie M. Shaw on reciprocity. American economist, vol. 39 {May 24, 1907): 242-243. "Address [in part] before the Canadian society in New York." 1907. The two great American issues. Henry M. Whitney. Inter-nation, n. s., vol. 1 {May, 1907): 40-50. On reciprocity with Canada and jailroad legislation. RECIPROCITY WITH CANADA: PERIODICALS 81 1907. The relations of Canada and the United States. P. T. M'Grath. American montJily review of reviews, vol. 35 {June, 1907): 717-724. 1907. The Canadian tariff revision. A. W. Fhix. Economic journal, vol. 17 {June, 1907): 276-283. "As to the prospect of reciprocity between Canada and the United States, the immediate future seems to promise little definite movement." 1909. How Canada looks at American tariff-making. Andrew Macphail. American review of reviews, vol. 39 {Jan., 1909): 86-87. 1909. Between Ottawa and Washington. Canadian gazette, vol. 53 {May 6, 1909): 132-133. On reciprocal tariff arrangements between Canada and the United States. 1909. Canada and the Payne bill. Edward Porritt. North American review, vol. 189 {May, 1909): 688-694. 1909. Give and take with Canada. Arthur Hawkes. Pearson's magazine, vol. 22 {Sejd., 1909): 361-368. 1910. The Washington wooing ; [effort to obtain a general reciprocity treaty between the United States and Canada]. Canadian gazette, vol. 55 {Apr. 7, 1910): 12-13. 1910. The tariff negotiations. Statement by Mr. Fielding in [the Canadian] Parliament. Canadian gazette, vol. 55 {Apr. 14, 1910): 38-39. 1910. Thoughts from New York [on reciprocity between the United States and Canada]. Canadian gazette, vol. 55 {June 2, 1910): 264-265. 1910. Great Britain, Canada, and the United States. Compatriot. National review, vol. 55 {July, 1910): 786-795. Regarding the movement for a new treaty of reciprocity between Canada and the United States. Reprinted in Living age, Aug. 6, 1910, vol. 2G6, pp. 323-329. 1910. Reciprocity with Canada. Henry M. Whitney. Atlantic monthly, vol. 106 {Oct. 1910): 46I-468. RECIPROCITY WITH HAWAII UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS 1867. Message of the President, communicating a report from the Secretary of the Treasury in relation to a treaty of com- mercial reciprocity with the Hawaiian Islands. Feb. 6, 1867. 5 pp. 8°. S9th Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 20. 1277 1867. [Report by Mr. Sumner from] the Committee on foreign rela- tions, to whom was referred the convention for commercial reciprocity between the United States and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, concluded at the city of San Francisco the 21st of May, 1867. Dec. 17, 1867. j^Oth Congress, 2d session. Senate executive F. 4054 {In U. S. Senate. Compilation of reports of the Committee on for- eign relations, vol. 8, pp. 145-160. Washington, 1901. 8°. 56th Congress, 2d session, Senate doc. no. 231, part 8.) 1875. United States. Treaties, etc., 1869-1877 {Grant). Hawaiian islands — commercial reciprocity. Convention between the United States of America and His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands. Commercial reciprocity. Con- cluded January 30, 1875. Proclaimed June 3, 1875. [Washington: Government printing office, 1875.] 4 pp. 8°. 1876, Hawaiian treaty. Report from the Committee on wa3's and means. Feb. 24, 1876. 12 pp. 8°. Jj-Jfth Congress, 1st session. House report no. 116. 1708 1876. Same. The views of the minority. 6 pp. 8°. 44th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 116, part 2. 1708 1876. Debates in the House and Senate on the Hawaiian reciprocity treaty. Congressional record, 44th Congress, 1st session, vol. 4, 1876 {March 2): 1 419-1 426; {March 4): I46O-I465; {March 6): 1488-1498; {March 9): 1596-1604; {Apr. 6): 2270- 2281; {Maxj8): 3031-3037; {Aug. 12): 5485-5491,5522- 5524, 5533-5535^ {Aug. I4): 5563-5572. 83 84 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1876. By the President of the United States, a proclamation [pro- mulgating the reciprocity treaty between the United States and Hawaii]. Sept. 9, 1876. {In United States. Statutes at large, vol. 19, pp. 666-667. Wash- ington, 1877. 4°.) 1878. *United States. Treasury dspartment. Report of James Scott, United States consul at Honolulu, relating to the effect of the reciprocity treaty between Hawaii and the United States, made under instruction from the Treasury department, [n. p., 1878] 12 pp. 8°. In Library of Department of state. 1883. Treaty with Hawaiian Islands. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. Jan. 16, 1883. 2 pp. 8°. 47th Congress, Sd session. House report no. 1860, pt. 1. 2159 1883. Hawaiian treaty. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. Views of the minority. Jan. 29, 1883. 10 pp. 8°. JfJih Congress, 2d session. House report no. 1860, pt. 2. 2159 1883. Report from the Committee on finance, to whom was referred the joint resolution (S. res. 122) providing for the termina- tion of the reciprocity treaty of January 30, 1875, between the United States of America and His IMajesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands. Feb. 27, 1883. 8 pp. 8°. 47 th Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. 1013. 2008 Views of the minority: pp. 7-8. 1884. Report from the Committee on foreign relations [on the ter- mination of the Hawaiian treaty]. Jan. 24, 1884. 9 pp. 8°. 48th Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 76. 2173 Report presented by Senator Morgan. "Whatever objections have so far been found to the workings or the results of this treaty are greatly overbalanced by the advan- tages we have acquired in a national sense; and by the benefits to our people of a profitable trade with the Hawaiian people; and by the duty we owe the people of both countries to give certainty and permanence to the gratifying prosperity which this treaty has created." 1884. Views of the minority [of the Committee on foreign relations on the termination of the Hawaiian treaty]. Jan 24, 1884. 5 pp. 8°. 48th Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 76, part 2. 2173 Report presented by Senator Sherman and includes the majority report of the Committee on finance, Feb. 27, 1883. (47th Con- gress, 2d session. Senate report no. 1013.) * Not in Library of Congress. RECIPROCITY WITH HAWAII: U. S. DOCUMENTS 85 1884. Report by Mr. Miller, of California, from the Committee on foreign relations, to whom was referred the report of the Secretary of state communicating the proposal of the King of Hawaii for the extension of the duration of the existing reciprocity treaty with the United States. June 19, 1884. /i.8th Congress, 1st session. Senate executive M. 4054 (/n U. S. Senate. Compilation of reports of the Committee on for- eign relations, vol. 8, pp. 242-243. Washington, 1901. 8°. 56th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 231, part 8.) 1886. Notice to terminate the convention of June 3, 1875, with the King of the Hawaiian Islands. Report from the Com- mittee on ways and means. Apr. 20, 1886. 36, (1) pp. 8°. 49th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1759. 2440 Includes tables of statistics of commerce with the Hawaiian Islands, 1871-1885. 1887. Hawaiian treaty. Message from the President, transmitting a report from the Secretary of state, with accompanying resolutions, relating to the treaty between the United States and the government of the Hawaiian Islands. Feb. 1, 1887. 4 pp. 8°. 49th Congress, 2d session. House ex. doc. no. 130. 2482 1887. Treaty with the Hawaiian Islands. Report from the Com- mittee on the judiciary. Mar. 3, 1887. 23 pp. 8°. 49th Congress, 2d session. House report no. 4177. 2501 This report was drawn up by John Randolph Tucker and Ls an ex- position of the treaty-making power as established by the Con- stitution and by precedent. 1887. Report of the Committee on foreign relations on resolution submitted in executive session, December 19, 1887, calling for copies of ofHcial correspondence concerning the ratifi- cation of the treaty between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands, from which the injunction of secrecy was removed. Feb. 24, 1888. 5 pp. 8°. 60th Congress, 1st session. Senate misc. doc. no. 64. 2516 1891. Reciprocity with the Hawaiian Islands. Report from the Committee on ways and means. Jan. 13, 1891. 1 page. 8°. 61st Congress, 2d session. House report no. 3422. 2885 1891. Debate in the House and Senate on Bill (H. R. 12333), pro- viding that no sections of the McKinley act of 1890 should be construed as abrogating the treaty with Hawaii. Congressional records, 61st Congress, 2d session, vol. 22 {Feb. 6, 1891): 2262-2263; {Feb. 28, 1891): 3616-3621. 86 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 1893. Message from the President of the United States, in response to Senate resolution of February 4, 1893, relative to the draft of an uncompleted treaty with Hawaii. Feb. 6, 1893. 14 pp. 8°. 52d Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. Jf5. 3056 1893. Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting correspondence respecting relations between the United States, and the Hawaiian Islands from Sept. 1820, to Jan. 1893. Feb. 17, 1893. 192 pp. 8°. 52d Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 77. 3062 For papers relating to reciprocity with Hawaii see subject index, p. 29. Reprinted in House ex. doc. 48, 53d Congress, 2d session. 1894. Report from the [Senate] Committee on foreign relations [on Hawaiian affairs]. Feb. 26, 1894. 809 pp. Maps. 8°. 63d Congress, 2d session. Senate report no. 227. 3180. "The Hawaiian treaty. A review of its commercial results" pp. 103-113. 1897. Memorial of the California state grange, requesting abroga- tion of reciprocity treaty with Hawaii. Apr. 21, 1897. 3 pp. 8°. 55th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 4-8. 3561 1897. Petition against abrogation of treaty between United States and Hawaii. Apr. 21, 1897. 4 pp. 8°. 55th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 49. 3561 "Signed by 260 bankers, merchants, and other business men." 1897. Importations of rice, sugar, and molasses from Hawaiian Islands. Table showing the quantities and values of rice, sugar, and molasses imported into the United States from the Hawaiian Islands since the reciprocity treaty went into effect. May 28, 1897. 2 pp. 8°. 55th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 124. 3562 1900. Progress of the beet-sugar industr}^ in the United States in 1899, with a supplementary report on the cane-sugar industry of the Hawaiian Islands. 200 pp. Maps. 8°. 56th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 699. 3985 1901 . Duty on coffee. Letter from the Secretary of the interior trans- mitting a memorial of the Legislature of Hawaii relating to a duty on coffee. Dec. 2, 1901. 2 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 27. 4322 RECIPEOCITY WITH HAWAII: U. S. DOCUMENTS 87 1903. The Hawaiian labor question — Reciprocit}^ with Hawaii. Letter from Truman G. Palmer to Hon. Henry M. Teller, chairman of the Committee on private land claims. Feb- ruary 25, 1903. 10 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 176. 4428 1903. History of Hawaiian treaty and Cuban reciprocity. His- tory of the Hawaiian treaty; with a report to terminate the treaty, signed by Justin S. Morrill, Daniel Voorhees, and Nelson W. Aldrich ; also a history of the agitation for Cuban reciprocity with the United States, and opinions as to the probable results of Cuban reciprocit}^, by Charles H. Dietrich. Data and tables compiled by Truman G. Palmer. March 2, 1903. 27 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 206. 4430 BOOKS [Brown, Henry Alvin]. Revised analyses of Hawaiian treaty blunders. And the profound foreign policy humbug. [ Washington, D. C, 1887f] 8 pp. 8°. Addendum no. 2 to Analyses of Hawaiian reciprocity treaty blunders (Depicted to Congress Jan. 31, Feb. 7, 1887). [Washington]: J udd & Detweiler, printers, [1887]. 8pp. 8°. Dated Feb. 17, 1887. Callahan, James Morton. American relations in the Pacific and the Far East, 1781-1900. Baltimore: The Johns HopJcins press, 1901. 177 pp. 8°. (Johns Hophins university studies in historical and political science, series 19, nos. 1-3.) "Americanization of Hawaii": pp. 114-134. Carpenter, Edmund Janes. America in Hawaii; a history of United States influence in the Hawaiian Islands. Boston: Small, Maynard & company, 1899. xi, 275 pp. Portraits. 12°. Hawaiian almanac and annual. — The reference book of information and statistics relating to the Hawaiian Islands. Thos. G. Thrum, comp. and pub. Honolulu: T. G. Thrum, 1875-date. 8°. Heazelton, George. Review of the objections to the Hawaiian reciprocity treaty. Washington, D. C: Gibson hros., printers, 1897. 7 pp. 8°. International bureau of the American republics, Washington, D. C. Hawaii. [Washington: Government printing office, 1897.] 184 VV- Folded map. 8°. (Its [Bulletin] no. 85. August, 1897.) "Historical sketch. Discovery and settlement . . . Relations with the United United States— annexation treaties": pp. 9-63. "Tariff and customs regulations": pp. 130-168. RECIPROCITY WITH HAWAII: BOOKS 89 Robinson, Chalfant. A history of two reciprocity treaties; the treaty with Canada in 1854, the treaty with the Hawaiian Islands in 1876, with a chapter on the treaty-making power of the House of representatives. New Haven: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor press, 1904- 220 pp. Map. Table. Diagrams. 8°. Each treaty is followed by a bibliography. Searles, John Ennis, jr. A few facts concerning the Hawaiian reciprocity treaty, by John E. Searles, jr., one of the commissioners to the Sandwich Islands by appointment of the Secretary of the Treasury. WasUngton, D. C: T. McGill & co., law printers, [1886]. 21,4 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Submitted to Hon. Roger Q. Mills, chairman of Subcommittee on Hawaiian treaty, House of representatives, ^^'ashington, D. C, Feb. 16, 1886. "Hawaiian reciprocity treaty": pp. 1-3 at end. Snow, Freeman. Treaties and topics in American diplomacy. Boston: Boston hooJc comp>any, 1894- 515 pp. 8°. The Hawaiian Islands: pp. 361-397. Spalding, Rufus Paine. A bird's-eye view of the Hawaiian Islands, with some reflections upon the reciprocity treaty with the United States. Cleveland, 0.: Leader printing company, 1882. I4 pp. 8°. United States. Supreme court. Bartram v. Robertson. Error to the Circuit court of the United States for the Southern district of New York. Argued Apr. 29, 1887.— Decided May 23, 1887. (In its United States reports, vol. 122, pp. 116-121. New York, 1887. 8°.) "The provisions in the treaty of friendship, commerce, and navi- -gation with the King of Denmark, concluded April 26, 1826, and revived by the convention of April 11, 1857, do not, by their own operation, authorize the importation, duty free from Danish dominions, of articles made duty free by the convention of January 30, 1875, with the King of the Hawaiian Islands, but otherwise subject to duty by a law of Congress, the King of Den- mark not having allowed to the United States the compensation for the concession which was allowed by the King of the Hawaiian Islands." 90 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS United States. Supreme court. Wliitney v. Robertson. Error to the Circuit court of the United States for the Southern district of New York. Argued Dec. 13, 14, 1887.— Decided Jan. 9, 1888. (In its United States reports, vol. 124, pp. 190-195. New York, 1888. 8°.) "The treaty of February 8, 1867, with the Dominican Republic (art. 9) provides that 'no higher or other duty shall be imposed on the importation into the United States of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture of the Dominican Republic . . . than are or shall be payable on the like articles ... of any other foreign country' . . . The convention of January 30, 1875, with the King of the Hawaiian Islands provides for the importation into the United States, free of duty, of various articles . . . (among which were sugars,) in consideration of certain concessions made by the King of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States. Ileld, that this provision in the treaty with the Dominican Republic did not authorize the admission into the United States, duty free, of similar sugars, the growth, produce, or manufacture of that republic, as a consequence of the agreement made with the King of the Hawaiian Islands, and that there was no distinction in principle between this case and Bartram v. Robertson, 122 U. S., 116." ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1875. Hawaiian reciprocity treaty. Penn monthly , vol. 6 {June, 1S75): 1^25-1^27. 1893. Our commercial relations with the Hawaiian Islands. Fred- erick R. Clow. Journal of 'political economy, vol. 1 {Mar., 1893): 280-28 J^. 1893. The Sandwich Islands. The advantages of annexation. Lorrin A. Thurston. North American review, vol. 156 {Mar., 1893): 265-281. 1893. America in Hawaii. The strategic position of the islands, and the history of American diplomacy and influence in Hawaiian affairs. Sereno Bishop. Review of reviews {New Yoric), vol. 7 {Mar., 1893): 180-185. 1895. Commercial development [of the Hawaiian Islands]. Thomas G. Thrum. Overland monthly, 2d ser., vol. 25 {June, 1895): 613-627. 1898. Hawaiian annexation. G. E. Belknap. Independent, vol. 50 {Jan. 20, 1898): 7^-75. 1898. [Opposition of the Sugar trust to the annexation of Hawaii.] Janet Jennings. Independent, vol. 50 {Jan. 20, 1898): 78-79. 1902. Our trade with Hawaii and Porto Rico. O. P. Austin. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 19 {May, 1902): 377-382. 1902. Reciprocity with Hawaii. Truman G. Palmer. American economist, vol. 30 {Nov. 28, 1902): 254- 1902. The sugar question in the United States. Frank R. Rutter. Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 17 {Nov., 1902): 44-^^- " Hawaiian sugar " : pp. 61-65. 91 RECIPROCITY UNDER THE McKINLEY ACT, 1890-1894 UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS 1890. Reciprocity treaties. Resolution from the Committee on foreign affairs. April 12, 1890. 1 page. 8°. 61st Congress, 1st session. House misc. doc. no. 193. 2776 1890. Reciprocity treaties. Report from the Committee on foreign affairs. May 1, 1890. 1 page. 8°. 51st Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1827. 2812 1890. Reciprocity treaties with Latin America. Message of the President and letter of the Secretary of state [J. G. Blaine], submitting the recommendations of the International American conference. June 19, 1890. 13 pp. 8°. 51st Congress, 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. 158. 2688 1891. Letter of Secretary of state [J. G. Blaine], and papers relative to the commercial arrangement with Brazil. Feb. 27, 1891. 9 pp. 8°. 51st Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 66. 2818 Consists of proclamation on reciprocity with Brazil, with preceding diplomatic correspondence. 1891. Reciprocity with Spain. By the President of the United States. — A proclamation. July 31, 1891. Preceding cor- respondence [of Secretary Blaine with Senor Suarez Guanes, Spanish minister. Jan. 3-June 16, 1891]. {In U. S. Bureau of foreign commerce. Reports from the consuls of the United States, vol. 36, July, 1891, pp. 481-504. Wash- ington, 1891. 8°.) 1891. United States. Department of state. Papers relating to the commercial arrangement between the United States of America and Salvador. Concluded December 30, 1891. — Proclaimed December 31, 1891. 12 pp. 8°. 1892. Trade between United States and the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury. Jan. 29, 1892. 2 pp. 8°. 52d Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 106. 2954 Statistics of trade with reciprocity countries, Brazil, Cuba, Porto Rico, Santo Domingo, 1890-1891. 1892. Trade with reciprocity countries. Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury. Jan. 29, 1892. 2 pp. 8°. 52d Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 107. 2954 Statistics of exports and imports to and from Santo Domingo and Porto Rico, 18^2-189 1. 27306°— 10 7 93 94 LIBRAE Y OF COXGRESS 1892. Report from the Secretary of state [James G. Blaine] in answer to a resolution of the House of representatives of Jan. 13, 1892. Feb. 9, 1892. 1 page. 8°. 52d Congress, 1st session. House ex. doc. no. 123. 2954 Answer to request for communications, etc., in relation to the reci- procity treaties with Spain for Cuba and Porto Rico, the Do- minican Republic, San Salvador, and the United States of Brazil. 1892. Message from the President, relative to commercial agree- ments made with other countries. June 27, 1892. 151 pp. 8°. 52d Congress, 1st session. Senate ex. doc. no. 119. 2901 Appendix contains reciprocity arrangements with Brazil, Cuba and Porto Rico, Santo Domingo, British colonies, Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, German Empire, Austria- Hungary. "Copies of all commercial agreements made with other countries and also report [on] what steps have been taken to negotiate a reciprocal commercial treaty with Mexico." 1893. To reduce taxation, to provide revenue for the goverment, and for other purposes. [Report.] Dec. 19, 1893. 61 pp. 8°. 63d Congress, 2d session. House report no. 234- 3269 To accompany H. R. 4864. Mews on the reciprocity provision of the McKinley tariff act. 1894. Report by the Secretary of state inclosing correspondence between the governments of the United States and Co- lombia, Venezuela, and Haiti, in reference to the Presi- dent's proclamation of March 15, 1892, levying import duties on certain products under the McKinley law. March 7, 1894. 55 pp. 8°. 53d Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 56. 3160 This correspondence is also printed in the following: United States. Department of state. Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1894, Appendix I, pp. 451-503. Washing- ton, 1895. 8°. 1894. Message from the President, communicating information in relation to the probable action of foreign governments by way of retaliation for the propvosed imposition, by the United States, of a duty on sugar. June 29, 1894. 4 pp. 8°. 53d Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 126. 3163 1896. United States. Bureau of statistics {Treasury dept.) . Com- merce of the United States and Europe with American countries, 1851-1895, with trade under reciprocity agree- ments of 1890. 84 pp. Frontispiece. Tables. 8°. EECIPROCTTY, 1890-1894: IT. S. DOCUMENTS 95 1897. Commercial arrangements concliuletl with foreign countries. Report from the Secretary of state [John Sherman] rela- tive to the commercial arrangements concluded with for- eign countries pursuant to section 3, of the act approved October 1, 1890, providing for reciprocity of trade be- tween the United States and foreign countries. Apr. 22, 1897. 150 pp. 8°. 65ih Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 52. 3561 Arrangements concluded with the United States of Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Spain for Cuba and Porto Rico, Guate- mala, the German Empire, Great Britain for her West India colo- nies (including Trinidad, Barbados, the Leeward Islands, the Windward Islands, British Guiana, Jamaica, and other depen- dencies), Nicaragua, Honduras, Austria-Hungary, and Salvador. A reprint of Senate executive document no. 119, 52d Congress, Ist session. FOREIGN DOCUMENTS 1892. Argentine Republic. Ministerio de relaciones exteriores. Reciprocidad comercial: negociaciones entre Estados Uni- dos y la Republica Argentina. Abril, 1892. [Buenos Aires: Imjyr. J. Peuser, 1892.] 57, (2) x>p. 8°. 1892. Great Britain. Foreign office. Brazil. Report for the years 1889-92 on the trade of Brazil. 32 pp. Folded map. 8°. (In Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1892. Annual series, no. 1136.) "Customs convention between Brazil and the United States of America": pp. 8-10. 1893. Great Britain. Foreign office. United States. Report on the effect, on the foreign commerce of the United States, of the agreements concluded under section 3 (reciprocity clause) of the McKinley act of October 1, 1890. 16 pp. 8°. (In Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. 1893. Miscellaneous series, no. 277.) 96 BOOKS Appleton's annual cyclopeedia. 18«0. New series, vol. 15. Whole series, vol. 30. ,.i (2-) S77 PV- New York: D.Appleionandcomi,a7iy IS91. rr, i^h^J'Pl- : :, oTs; ^y'B aine, jJce 4, 1890, submitting reportupon the American republicB, witl> favorable comments. Cudmore, Patrick. Buchanan's conspiracy, the Nicaragua canal, and reciprocity. ,nry fi\ >. 19° New Yorh P. J- Kenedy, 1892. 127, U) PP- 12 • New York ■ Pan-AmsHcan jmblishng company, 1896. xxm, ''^i;rcipr£ttT*;tKfMcKin>eyact:pp.6«-e5U 1891. 8°.) . 1 Ti J TTorirv Farauhar. Economic and indus- — -t^rf a:iLt ris^L o. ;He;ase .or prote.^^^^^^^^ New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1891. m%, (1),^^* 11 "Jodty: pp. Wl-135. 290-294, 332. 'tistical institute, at Chicago, September, 1893. Washington, 1893. iO pp- 8 . Hale. Eugene. ^^-^'^ ::^-^J:::^7^r:l^'^^:^^■ lT:::.^^z%::^::f r^nltetl states, September 2, WaTington: [Government printing office, 1890]. 23 pp^ 8". 98 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hale, Eugene. Reciprocity. It means more products and more manufactures here and more sales abroad. Speech in the Senate of the United States, January 28, 1892. WasJiington, 1892. 24 pp. S°. Hewes, Fletcher W., and Wilham McKinley, jr. What are the facts? Protection and reciprocity ilkistrated. Ques- tions of to-day answered in one hundred graphic studies, embracing a century of American politics, industries, and finance. New Yorl: Henry F. Clarl, [1892]. 126 pp. Charts. 8°. Reciprocity: pp. 77-82. International bureau of the American republics. Hand book of the American republics, 1893. Washington: Bureau of the American republics, 1893. 604 PP- Plates. Maps. 8°. {Bulletin no. 50, January, 1893.) "Reciprocal commercial arrangements of the United States": pp. 352-428. "List of articles affected by reciprocity arrangements": pp. 413- 428. How the Latin-American markets may be reached by the manufacturers of the United States. Washington: [Government printing office, 1893.] ix, (i), 505 pp. Map. 8°. {Bulletin no. 63.) Reciprocity and trade. [ Washington: Government printing office, 1897.] 29 p>P- 8°. {Bulletin no. 87.) Also printed as Senate doc. no. 178, pt. 15, 55th Congress, 2d session. MacVeagh, Frankhn. Foreign trade and reciprocity. (In Sunset club of Chicago. Echoes, pp. 195-199. Chicago, 1891. 8°.) Merrill, Nelson. Reciprocity and tariffs. New York: Printed by E. 0. JenMns' son, 1891. 32 pp. 8°. Rice, David Hall. Protective philosophy. A discussion of the prin- ciples of the American protective system as embodied in the McKinley bill. Boston: G. B. Reed, 1890. viii, 237, xvi pp. Illustrations. 8°. "Concerning reciprocity by treaty": pp. 193-200. Springer, William M. Tariff reform, the paramount issue. Speeches and writings on the questions involved in the Presidential contest of 1892. New Yorlc: C. L. Webster & company, 1892. {2), 420 pp. Portraits. 8°. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1890 Mr. Blaine and reciprocity. The Secretary writes again to Senator Frye. He recalls two treaties for reciprocity which failed to get the approval of Congress because they proposed free sugar. XfiD York daily tribune {July 22, 1890): 1, col. 5. 1890. Blaine on reciprocity. His speech at Waterville. An en thusiastic reception. Explaining his views as regards American republics to his former constituents. Speeches by Congressmen Mason and Lodge and Governor Burleigh. New Yorl daily tribune {Aug. 30, 1890): 1, col 6; 2, col. 1. 1890 Mr. Blaine's plea for reciprocal trade. American, vol. 20 {Sept. 6, 1890): flG-J^n. 1890. Benefits of reciprocity. Mr. Blaine discusses the policy to be pursued. The Secretary of state writes to Colonel W. W. Clapp of Boston, and answers some criticisms. New Yorl daily tribune {Sept. 17, 1890): 1, col. 6. 1891. Reciprocity-Why southward only? Roger Q. Mills. Forum, vol. 11 {May, 1891): 268-275. 1892 The constitutionality of the reciprocity clause of the McKin.ey tariff act. C. Stuart Patterson. American law register and review, vol. 31 {2d ser., vol. 5), {Feh., 1892): 65-75. 1892. The reciprocity acts of 1890-Are they constitutional? Ed- ward B. Whitnev. ^ Amencan law register and review, vol. 31 {2d ser., vol. o), {Mar., 1892): 173-188. 1892. A bungling attempt to patch up protection. E. V. Brook- shire. ^^ Tanff reform, vol. 5 {Mar. 30, 1892): 18-26. Speech delivered in Congress, Mar. 11, 1892. 1892. Reciprocity foolish and unfair. J. DeW. Warner. Tariff reform, vol. 5 {Mar. 30, 1892): 28-31. 100 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS 1892. Reciprocity and the farmer. Hilary A. Herbert. North American review, vol. 154 i^pr., 1892): 4^4-4^3. Reprinted in part in Tariff reform, vol. 5, Mar. 30, 1892, pp. 26-28. 1893. The Republican policy of reciprocity. William L. Wilson. Forum, vol I4 {Oct., 1892): 256-264. 1892. Reciprocity. F. W. Taussig. ' Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 7 {Oct., 1892): 26-39. "My object is chiefly to discuss the mode in which reciprocity treaties usually operate, to point out the peculiarities of the form of reciprocity which this country is now applying, and to say something of the general bearing of such arrangements on the problems of international trade." 1893. American reciprocity and what it means. Samuel M. Davis. American journal of politics, vol. 2 {Feb., 1893): 113-120. 1893. Reciprocity and South America. M. M. Trumbull. Open court, vol. 7 {Feb. 2, 1893): 3543-3544- 1893. Reciprocity. Public opinion, vol. 15 {Apr. 29, 1893): 97-98; {May 6, 1893): 121. Newspaper extracts. 1894. Reciprocity treaties and trade. International bureau of the American republics. Monthly bulletin, vol. 1 {Mar., 1894): 9-21. 1894. The reciprocal commercial arrangements of the United States under section third of the tariff act of 1890. [Eng- lish and Spanish.] International bureau of the American republics. Monthly bulletin, vol 2 {August, 1894): 185-187. RECIPROCITY WITH CUBA UNITED STATES DOCUMENTS 1884. Communication from the Secretary of state [F. T. Frelinghuy- sen], relative to the reciprocity treaty between the United States and Spain. Dec. 15, 1884. 6 pp. 8°. 48th Congress, 2d session. Senate ex. doc. no. 10. 2261 Treaty concerning Cuba and Porto Rico. 1901. Commercial reciprocity between the United States and Cuba. Petition addressed to the Senate by Senor Don F. Gamba and others urging the enactment of a law for commercial reciprocity between the United States and Cuba. Dec. 16, 1901. "^ 2 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 73. 4226 1902. Reciprocity with Cuba. Hearings before Committee on ways and means, January 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 1902. vii, (1), 766 pp. Illustrations. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 535. 4375 1902. Reciprocity with Cuba. Report from Mr. Payne [to accom- pany H. R. 12765]. Mar. 31, 1902. 4 pp!^ 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1276. 4403 1902. Reciprocity with Cuba. Views of the minority submitted by Mr. McClellan. [To accompany H. R. 12765.] Apr. 3, 1902. 8 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1276, part 2. 4403 1902. Reciprocity with Cuba. Minority views submitted by Mr. Newlands. [To accompany H. R. 12765.] Apr. 4, 1902. 11 pp. 8°. 57ih Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1276, part 3. 4403 1902. Reciprocity with Cuba. Minority views submitted by Mr. Robertson. [To accompany H. R. 12765.] Apr. 5, 1902. 4 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1276, part 4- 4403 1902. Reciprocity with Cuba. Minority views submitted by Mr. Cooper. [To accompany II. R. 12765.] Apr. 5, 1902. 3 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1276, part 5. 4403 101 102 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1902. Debate on. reciprocity with Cuba. Congressional record, vol. 35, 57th Congress, 1st session, 1902 {Ayr. 8): 381^7-3866; {Apr. 9): 3898-3920; {Apr. 10): 3948-3968; {Apr. 11): 3993-4025; {Apr. 14): 4116-4134; {Apr. 15): 4177-4205; {Apr. 16): 4255-4279; {Apr. 17): 4310-4346; {Apr. 18): 4375-4418. 1902. Communication regarding our commercial relations with Cuba and Philippine Islands, to accompany S. 6052 [to amend act to provide revenue for government, approved July 24, 1897, as to tariff on sugar, and to provide reciprocal trade relations with Cuba]; presented by Mr. Dietrich. June 3, 1902. 3 pp. 8°. 57tli Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 388. 4245 1902. Message from the President of the United States in reference to reciprocity with Cuba. June 13, 1902. 3 pp. 57tli Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 405. 4245 1902. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on relations with Cuba. Cuban sugar sales. Testimony taken b}" the Committee on relations with Cuba [May 1-June 16, 1902] under authority of Senate resolution of April 26, 1902. (1), 492 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. 1902. The ethics of the fight for Cuban reciprocity. Letter from Truman G. Palmer to Hon. Henry M. Teller, member Senate Committee on relations with Cuba. June 27, 1902. 28 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 434- 4247 1902. The ''deadly parallel" on Cuban tariff reduction, compiled by Truman G. Palmer. June 27, 1902. 186 pp. Folded table. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 439. 4249 1902. Payments of F. B. Thurber out of Cuban funds. Letter from the Acting Secretary of war, transmitting a copy of a let- ter from Brig. Gen. Leonard Wood, relating to payments to F. B. Thurber out of Cuban funds. Julv 1, 1902. 24 pp. 8°. 57th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. 679. 4377 "A statement of the expenses incurred in the cause of reciprocity between Cuba and the United States." BECIPBOCITY WITH CUBA: U. S. DOCUMENTS 103 1902 Messac-c from the President of the Unite,! St»tf • '""f f^" 1902. Mess c ^^^.^^ convention bet^v^en the Un>te,l Sta s and Cuba, signed at the city of Habana on December 11, 1902 Dee. [17) 1902. 7 pp. 8°. S7tk Congress, 2d session- Cmfdmtial. Senate. Execu- live I. MOS Supplementary conTention [signe.l Washington, Jan. 26 1903. Supple. y^^^ ^^^^ ^^.^^^^ States and Cuba extendmg time within which may be exchanged ™t>fi— "J commercial convention^signed December 11, 1902. Jan. 57Af<}^r^X ZdZsil' C»nfiientua. [SenaU} femfe 7, ft. i MOS History of Hawaiian treaty and Cuban reciprocity. History 1903. History ^,^^ ^ ^^^^^ to terminate the treaty signed by Justin S. Morrill, Daniel W. \oorhees, and Ndson W. Aldrieh; also a history of the agitation tor Cuban reciprocity with the United States, and opinions as to the pr'obable results of Cuban reciproeay by Charles H Dietrich. Data and tables compiled by Truman G. Palmer. March 2, 190.3. 27 pp. 8°. B7th Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 206. 44JU mercial reciprocity between the two countries. March 5, SsTconyrel^Xpeeiol session. Semite doc. no. 1. 4556 ,,03. The su^;^.st. ^^>P;S^ -t^MarK^ Ssl^Con^ess, Speciul session. Senate doc. no. 7. 4556 eighUr Congress. November 10, 1903. (1), 2 PP- 8^ 68th Congress, 1st session. House doc no. /. Regarding ihc commercial treaty with ( uba. vember 10, 1903s 5 pp. 8°. 58th Congress, 1st session. House doc. no. ^. 104 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1903. Hearings on Cuban reciprocity. Statements of Gen. T. 11. Bliss, A. Bijur, and Richard A. Bachia before the Com- mittee on foreign relations on the reciprocity treaty with Cuba. November 11, 1903. Injunction of secrecy removed and ordered to be printed as a document. 44 pp. 8°. bSth Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 2. 4563 1903. Reciprocity with Cuba. Report from the Committee on wa^^s and means. November 13, 1903. 4 pp. 8°. SStJi Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1. 4577 1903. Reciprocity with Cuba. Report from the Committee on ways and means. Views of the minority. November 16, 1903. 3 pp. 8°. BSth Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1, pt. 2. 4577 1903. Reciprocity with Cuba. Views of Mr. Cooper, of Texas. November 16, 1903. 5 pp. 8°. 58th Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1, pt. 3. 4577 1903. Reciprocity with Cuba. Report from the Committee on for- eign relations. November 23, 1903. 1 page. 8°. 58t7i Congress, 1st session. Senate report no. 2. 4570 1903. Debate in House and Senate on reciprocity with Cuba. Congressional record, vol. 37, 58th Congress, 1st session, 1903 (Nov. 16): 259-265; 273-276; (Nov. 17): 293-313; (Nov. 18): 323-349; (Nov. 19): 361-389; (Nov. 25): 479-^86; (Bee. 7): 13-15; (Dec. 8): 37-^7; (Dec. 9): 65-82; (Dec. 11): 116-126; (Dec. 12): 153-172; (Dec. 14): 178-194; (Dec. 15): 239-257; (Dec. 16): 277-286. 1904. United States. Treaties, etc. Commercial convention be- tween the United States and Cuba. Proclaimed, December 17, 1903. (In U. S. Dept. of state. Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1903, pp. 375-382. Washington, 1904. 8°.) Same. (In International bureau of the American republics. Monthly bulletin, vol. 16, Jan., 1904, pp. 104-111. Washington, 1904. 8°.) 1909. Free trade with Cuba. I^etter and speech of Gen. James H. Wilson, advocating the establishment of a commercial union, under which free trade should exist between Cuba and the United States in natural and manufactured prod- ucts, subject to an agreed tariff as between them and other foreign nations. Apr. 22, 1909. 19 pp. 8°. 61st Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 17. BOOKS Bass, William Louis. Reci})r()(i(la(l cubana-americana, septiembre 15, 1902. WasMngto7i, D. C.,U902]. (3), 69 pp. Plate. 16°. Keciprocidad cubana-americana, septiembre 20, 1902. Carta cubana, espanol, Cuban letter, English. [Washington? 1902 f] 33, (1) pp. Illustrations. 8°. Spanish and English. Reciprocidad cubana-americana, octobre 6, 1902. Section 4 American tariff law of 1897, seccion 4a ley arancilaria americana de 1897. Espanol, English, French, German. [Washington? 19029] 42, (1) pp. Illustrations. 8°. Cuba. Treaties, etc., 1902. The Cuban-American reciprocity protocol. El protocolo del tratado cubano-americano de reciprocidad comercial. Washington, D. C: Cuban- American reciprocity bureau, 1903. 16 pp. 8°. Spanish and English. Reprinted from La Discusion, Havana, Dec. 19, 1902; and from the Washington post, Dec. 26, 1902. Comite central de propaganda economica. Comite central de propaganda economica; dictamen de la Co- mision encargada del estudio y critica del convenio de reciprocidad comercial con los Estados Unidos segun fue aprobada por unanimidad en la sesion extraordinaria celebrada el dia 11 de febrero de 1892. Habana: Imprenta ''La Razon," 1892. 68, (2), 8, (83) pp. Tables. 16°. Cuban-American reciprocity bureau, Washington, D. C. Carta de Washington sobre reciprocidad. Nos. 1, 4, 8. Washington, D. C, 1902. 3 nos. Illustrations. 8°. * Comments on the Bliss-Pal ma protocol for a Cuban- American reciprocity treaty. Washington, D. C, 1903. 52 pp. Illustrations. 8°. * Not in Library of Congress 105 106 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS [Ham, E.] The case of Cuba. [ Washington, D. C, 1902.] 21^. pp. 5°. New York free-trade club. The Spanish treaty opposed to tariff reform. Report of a committee of enquiry appointed by the New York free-trade club. New Yorli: Puh.for the New Y ork free-trade club, by G. P. Putnam's sons, 1885. 31 pp. Folded diagram. 12°. (Questions of the day. — xvin.) Palraer, Truman G., comp. The story of Cuban distress as presented by witnesses favoring tariff reductions to Cuba, at the hearings before Committee on ways and means, Fifty- seventh Congress, 1st session, January 15th to 29th, 1902. A careful digest of the testimony of witnesses favoring Cuban tariff concessions. [ Washington] 1902. 42 pp. 8°. Robinson, Albert Gardner. Cuba and the intervention. New Yorlc [etc.]: Longmans, Green, and co., 1905. (10), 359 pp. 8°. The question of relations: pp. 224-242; Effect of the Piatt amend- ment: pp. 243-257; Acceptance of the Piatt amendment: pp. 258-277; Struggle for tariff concessions: pp. 278-293; Industry and commerce: pp. 294-303. Facts and figures on the Cuban situation. Prepared at the request of the Cuban planters' association by Albert G. Robinson, Washington, January, 1902. [ Washington: Press of Byron S. Adams, 1902.] 27 pp. 12°. United States. Circuit court (2d circuit.) Faber v. United States. (Circuit court, S. D. New York. Nov. 14, 1907.) No. 4,812. (In Federal reporter, vol. 157, pp. 140-142. St. Paul, 1908. 8°.) "1. Customs duties — Cuban treaty — preferential duty. Cuban commercial convention, art. 2, 33 Stat. 2137, prescribes that Cuban products 'shall be admitted ' at a reduction from the duty provided by the tariff act of 1897, 'or as may be provided by any tariff law of the United States subsequently enacted;' and article 8, 33 Stat. 2140, prescribes that 'the rates of duty herein granted * * * are and shall continue * * * prefer- ential in respect to all like imports from other countries.' Held, that the reduction contemplated was from the rates provided in any general tariff law, and not from those in special laws, like the Philippine tariff act, or reciprocal commercial agreements." "2. Same — 'other countries' — Philippines. The Philippines are not another country, within the meaning of Cuban commercial convention, art. 8, 33 Stat. 2140, prescribing on importations from Cuba treatment preferential in respect to like imports from 'other countries.' " RECIPROCITY WITH CUBA: BOOKS 107 United States. Supreme court. United States v. American sugar refining company. Appeal from the Circuit court of the Unitecf States for the Southern district of New York. No. 269. Argued Apr. 27, 1906.— Decided May 28, 1906. (In its United States reports, vol. 202, pp. 563-580. New York, - 1906. 8°.) "Under the treaty between the United States and Cuba of Decem- ber 11, 1902, and the act of Congress of December 17, 1903, imports from Cuba were not entitled to reduction of duties imposed by the tariff act of July 24, 1897, until December 27, 1903, the date proclaimed by the President of the United States and the President of Cuba for the commencement of the opera- tion of the treaty." ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1901. Cuba demands reciprocity. Emilio Nunez. IndejMndent, vol. 53 {Oct. 31, 1901): 2579-2581. 1901. The Cuban problem. L. V. De Abad. Gunton's magazine, vol. 21 {Dec, 1901): 515-525. 1901. The need for reciprocity with Cuba. Leonard "Wood. IndepeTident, vol. 53 (Dec. 12, 1901): 2927-2929. 1902. Our honor and Cuba's need. Marrion Wilcox. Forum, vol. 32 {Jan., 1902): 623-628. 1902. The outlook for Cuba. A. G. Robinson. Independent, vol. 5^ {Jan. 16, 1902): 135-138. 1902. The future of Cuba. Leonard Wood. Independent, vol. 54 {Jan. 23, 1902): 193-194. 1902. Political aspect of Cuba's economic distress. Josiah Quincy. North American review, vol. 174 {Jan., 1902): 12-19. 1902. Reasons for reciprocity between the L"'nited States and Cuba. Leonard Wood. OutlooTc, vol. 70 {Jan. 18, 1902): 169-171. 1902. The conflict of sugar interests. George Kennan. Outlool, vol. 70 {Feb. 8, 1902): 367-370. 1902. Sugar production, tariff and revenue. Protectionist, vol. 13 {Feb., 1902): 573-580. 1902. Cuba vs. the United States. I. The question of reciprocity. F. B. Thurber. Arena, vol. 27 {Mar., 1902): 234-238. 1902. The Cuban complication. A. G. Robinson. Independent, vol. 54 {Mar. 6, 1902): 556-558. 1902. Tariff and Cuban reciprocity. William Alden Smith. A7nerican economist, vol 29 {Apr. 25, 1902): 194-195, 200- 205. Speech in the House of representatives, Apr. 9, 1902. 108 RECIPROCITY WITH CUBA: PERIODICALS 109 1902 The sugar pautlomoniuni. Gunton's magazine, vol. 22 {Apr., 1902): 316-325. Against the proposed reduction of the tariff on Cuban sugar. 1902. The future of Cuba. Tomas Estrada Pahna. Independent, vol. 5 4 {JLpr. 3, 1902): 789-791. 1902. Takmg hberties with prosperity. T. Z. Cowles. American economist, vol. 29 {Apr. 18, 1902): 181-183, 188- 191. 1902. Warning from the census. George Gunton. Gunton's magazine, vol. 22 {June, 1902): 511-526. Argues that a protective tariff is indispensable to prosperity and that reciprocity with Cuba is a step toward free trade. 1902. ''Let US face the truth." Gunton's magazine, vol. 23 {Aug., 1902): 132-140. Reply to the Chicago Inter-ocean's criticism of the attitude of Gunton's magazine in opposing reciprocity with Cuba. 1902. Cuba's claim upon the United States. O. H. Piatt. North American review, vol. 175 {Aug., 1902): 145-151. 1902. Cuba and the Brussels sugar conference. Yale review, vol. 11 {Aug., 1902): 120-122. 1902. Cuban reciprocity — a moral issue. William Allen White. McClure's magazine, vol. 19 {Sept., 1902): 387-394. 1902. [The Cuban question.] Address delivered at the first annual meeting of the National reciprocity league. F. D. Pavey. National reciprocity , vol. 1 {Sept., 1902): 11-15. 1902. "Cuban reciprocity: a moral issue." Gunton's magazine, vol. 23 {Oct., 1902): 286-296. Reply to an article by \V. A. White in McClure's magazine for Sept., 1902. 1902. Where Cuba stands. Emilio Nunez. Independent, vol. 54 {Dec. 4, 1902): 2877-2880. 1902. [Reciprocity with Cuba.] F. D. Pavey. National reciprocity, vol. 1 {Dec, 1902): 38-42. 1902. The situation in Cuba. Marrion Wilcox. North American review, vol. 175 {Dec, 1902): 819-828. 1903. Latest aspects of the Cuban treaty. Nation, vol. 76 {Jan. 29, 1903): 84-85. 27306°— 10 8 "^ 110 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1903. Reciprocity: Cuban and otherwise. Gunton's magazine, vol. 2^ {Feb., 1903): 169-172. 1903. The proposed Cuban treaty. J. S. Crawford. American economist, vol. 31 {Apr. 24, 1903): 193, 201-203. ' 1903. Reciprocity with Cuba. H. P. Wilhs. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 22 {July, 1903): 129-147. 1904. Le traite de reciprocite entre Cuba et les !Cltats-Unis. Un depute. La Reforme economique, vol. 13 {Jan. 17, 1904): 4^^^^ • 1908. Tariff relations with Cuba — actual and desirable. Edwin F. Atkins. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 32 {Sept., 1908): 321-329. RECIPROCITY IN GREAT BRITAIN AND OTHER COUNTRIES BOOKS Augier, Charles. La France et les traites de commerce ; etude sur les tarifs des douanes de la France et de I'etranger. Pub. sous le patronage de la Chambre de commerce de Nice. Paris: Chevalier & Riviere, 1906. U), [7]-269, 5 pp. 8°. Bateman, William Bateman Bateman-Hanbury, 2d haron. Lord Bateman's plea for limited protection or for reciprocity in free trade. A letter reprinted from "The Times" of Nov. 12th, 1877, with a preface by the author. 4th thousand. London: W. Ridgway, 1S78. v, {7]-13 pp. 8°. [Boutarel, Aime.] Le traite de commerce et le libre-echange. Paris: Guillaumin et c'S 1862. 30 pp. 8°. Byng, G. Protection; the views of a manufacturer. London: Eyre and S pottiswoode , 1901. xi, 255 pp. 8°. "Retaliation and reciprocity": pp. 198-205. Chamberlain, Joseph. The French treaty and reciprocity. A speech delivered in the House of commons, August 12th, 1881. Revised. London, Paris d) New Yorl-: Published for the Cohden club by Cassell, Petter, Galpin & co. [1881].' 38 pp. 12°. Cobden club. Commercial policy of France, and the treaty with . England of 1860. London: Printed for the Cobden club, by Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 1871. 24 pp. 8°. Free trade and the European treaties of commerce; being 1. Report of proceedings at the dinner of the Cobden club, July 17, 1875 ... 2. Correspondence on the prospects of free trade ... 3. Discussion on the treaties of commerce. London, Paris, <& New YorJc: Cassell, Petter <£• Galpin, 1875. 175, U) pp. 12°. Ill 112 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS Cross, John Kynaston. Imports, exports, and the French treaty. A speech in the House of commons, 12th August, 1881. London, Paris, & New York: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & co. [1881]. 12 pp. 12°. Dawson, William Harbutt. Protection in Germany; a history of German fiscal poHcy duringHhe nineteenth century. London: P. 8. King & son, 1904. {8), 259 pp. 12°. {Pro- tection in various countries; ed. by W. H. Dawson.) "The commercial treaty era": pp. 98-127. Farrer, [Thomas Henry Farrer] 1st baron. Free trade versus fair trade. By the late Lord Farrer. New ed. with notes and latest statistics by C. H. Chomley. [London]: The Free trade union, 1904- xx, 465 pp. 12°. Fuchs, Karl Johannes. The trade policy of Great Britain and her colonies since 1860. Tr. by Constance H. M. Archibald. London, New York: Macmillan and co., limited, 1905. xxxviii, 413 2)p. 8°. "Movements in the direction of reciprocity, protection, and fair trade": pp. 188-210. [Garvin, J. L.] Imperial reciprocity, a study of fiscal policy; in a series of articles revised and reprinted from the Daily telegraph. London: Office of the 'Daily telegraph' [1902]. xx, 115 pp. — New ed., with a letter by the Right Hon. J. Cham- berlain. London: Office of 'the Daily telegraph' [1903?]. xii, 200 pp. 8°. Great Britain. Colonial office. Return of most-favoured-nation clauses in existing treaties of commerce and navigation between Great Britain and foreign powers, stating the period when terminable; and showing whether they apply to the British colonies: in force on the 1st January, 1907. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Harrison and sons, [1907]. Hi, 70, 70, (1) pp. F°. {[Gt. Brit. Par- liament. Papers by co7nmand]. Cd. 3395.) FOREIGN COUNTRIES: BOOKS 113 Great Britain. Colonial office. Return of national treatment clauses in existing treaties of commerce and navigation between Great Britain and foreign powers, stating the period when terminable; and showing whether they ai)pl3^ to the British colonies: in force on the 1st Januar\^, 1907. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hy Harrison and sons, [1907]. (2), (1), 71, 71, (1) pp. F°. {[Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers hy command]. Cd. 3396.) Foreign office. Return showing the countries between which commercial treaties were in force on January 1, 1908. Presented to the House of commons, by com- mand of His Majesty, in pursuance of their address dated March 19, 1906. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off'., hy Harrison and sons, [1908]. (2), 51, (1) pp. F°. {Commercial no. 4, 1908.) Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 4080. Herkless, William Robertson. The economics of fair trade. Glasgow: Wilson & McCormiclc, 1882. J^O pp. 8°. Knight, William Angus. Reciprocity in trade the empire's safe- guard, No. 1, London: W. Heinemann, 1903. 58 pp. 8°. Contents. — no. 1. Preferential colonial tariffs. Lang, Lajos. Hundert Jalire Zollpolitik. Autorisierte Ubersetzung aus dem ungarischen von Alexander Rosen. Wien und Leipzig: C. Fromme, 1906. xv, 620 pp. Tahles. Map. 4°- Contents. — England. — Amerika. — Frankreich. — DerZollverein. — Osterreich und Ungam vor 1848. — Das gemeinsame Zollgebiet zur Zeit des Absolutismus. — Die osterreichisch-ungarische Zoll- politik in der liberalen Ara. — Die Wendung zum Schutzzolle. — Derautonome ZoUtarif. — Die schutzzoUnerische Flat. — Das Re- sultat der autonomen Zollpolitik. — Die Riickkehr zur Yertrags- politik. — DieVertragemitdenwestlichenLiindem. — DieVertrag mit den ostlichen Liindern. — Das dcut.sche Zollgesetz vom Jahre 1902. — Das osterreichisch-ungarische ZoU- und Handelsbundnis und der ZoUtarif. — Chamberlain.— Statistische Tabellen und sonstige Beilagen. — Verzeichnis der derzeit in Geltungstehenden Vertrage der Osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie mit dem Auslande. — Alphabetisches Namen- und Sachregister. Medley, George W. Fair trade unmasked; or, Notes on the minor- ity report of the royal commission on the depression of trade and industry. London, New York [etc.]: Cassell db company, limited, [1887] 95 pp. 12°. 114 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Medley, George W. The reciprocity craze. A tract for the times. London: Cassell, Petter,Galpin <& co., 1881. 36 pp. 12°. Ricardo, John Lewis. The anatomy of the navigation laws. London: Charles Gilpin, 18J+7 . vi, (2), 336 pp. 8°. "Launch of reciprocity": pp. 38-39; "The reciprocity acts and the prophecies of the ship "owners " : pp. 39-48. Senex, a true Conservative, [pseud.] The British empire: can it be long maintained in all its integrity, under the unrestricted and unreciprocated free-trade (rather, free imports) pohcy ? London: W. Ridgway, 1878. (8), xv, (1), 369, (1) pp. 8° Smith, George Armitage- The free-trade movement and its results 2d ed. London, Glasgow and Dublin: Blackie cfc son, limited, 1903 {2), via, [9]-276 pp. 12°. ( The Victorian era series) "Arguments for protection, reciprocity, bounties, &c.": pp 110-130. Trumbull, M. M. The free trade struggle in England. 2d ed., re^ vised and enlarged. Chicago: The Open court publishing company, 1892. (8), 288 pp. 12°. "Reciprocity": pp. 150-165. Wilson, Alexander Johnstone. Reciprocity, bi-metallism, and land- tenure reform, London: Macmillan and co., 1880. viii, 256 pp. 8°. Contents. — Pages 1-50: Can reciprocity help us? — The general answer to the question; pp. 51-77: The futility of the reciproci- tarian proposals. Wolowski, Louis Francois Michel Raymond. La liberte commerciale et les resultats du traite de commerce de 1860. Paris: Guillaumin et c*«, 1869. viii, 472 pp. 8°. ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1827. Complaints of the ship owners— Reciprocity system. Edinburgli review, vol. J^5 {Mar., 1827): ^6-^58. 1832. The reciprocity system. Foreign quarterly review, vol. 9 {May, 1832): 261-289. 1838. The reciprocity and colonial systems. Blachwood's Edinburgh magazine, vol. 44 {Sept., 1838): 317- 334. 1870. Free trade and reciprocity. Bonamy Price. Contemporary review, vol. 13 {Mar., 1870): 321-345. 1878. Free trade or reciprocity? C. Halford Thompson. Eraser's magazine, vol. 97 {Jan., 1878): 89-92. 1879. Reciprocity. C. Halford Thompson. Eraser's magazine, vol. 99 {Eeb., 1879): 197-210. 1879. Can reciprocity help us ? A. J. Wilson. Macmillan's magazine, vol. 39 {Feb., 1879): 357-368. 1879. Free trade and reciprocity. Arthur Arnold. Gentleman's magazine, n. s., vol. 22 {Mar., 1879): 310-329. 1879. Reciprocity the true free trade. Alfred R. Wallace. Nineteenth century, vol. 5 {Apr., 1879): 638-649. Reprinted in his "Studies, scientific and social," London, 1900, V. 2, pp. 167-183. 1879. Commercial depression and reciprocity. Bonamy Price. Contemporary review, vol. 35 {May, 1879): 269-288. 1879. Reciprocity and free trade. Robert Lowe. Nineteenth century, vol. 5 {June, 1879): 992-1002. A reply to A. R. Wallace's article "Reciprocity the true free trade" in the Nineteenth century for April, 1879. 1879. A few words in reply to Mr. Lowe. Alfred R. Wallace. Nineteenth century, vol. 6 {July, 1879): 179-181. Reprinted in Wallace's "Studies, scientific and social," London, 1900, V. 2, pp. 183-187. 115 116 LIBRAEY OF CONGRESS 1879. Free trade, reciprocity, and foreign competition. Westminster review, vol. 112 {July, 1879): 1-^6 . 1892. Protection — free trade — fair trade — colonial trade. Earl Grey. Nineteenth century, vol 31 (Jan., 1892): 38-60. 1892. Fair trade and authority. M. S. Constable. National review, vol. 19 (Aj^r., 1892): 293-296. 1893. British trade and imperial reciprocity. Alexander McNeill. Canadian magazine, vol. 1 (Apr., 1893): 118-125. 1902. Free trade or protection for England? A plea for recon- sideration. John Beattie Crozier. Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 71 {Mar., 1902): 427-433. 1902. The approaching abandonment of free trade. J. A. Hobson. Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 71 {Mar., 1902): 434-U4- 1902. The promotion of trade within the Empire. John B. C. Ker- shaw. Monthly review, vol. 7 {June, 1902): 59-78. 1902. The promotion of trade within the Empire. A reply to Mr. Kershaw. R. H. Brand. Monthly review, vol. 8 {Aug., 1902): 56-72. "I propose to offer some criticisms on an article from the pen of Mr. Kershaw in the Monthly review for June on 'the promotion of trade within the Empire.' This will most conveniently bo done by adopting Mr. Kershaw's own arrangement of the sub- ject, and by considering in turn the three subjects firstly, of the Present position of England as an exporting country, secondly, of the Preferential tariff system, and thirdly, of a Reciprocity system." 1903. Imperial reciprocity. Herbert Maxwell, Sir Gilbert Parker, Benjamin Taylor. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 53 {June, 1903): 897-917. Reprinted in Living age, vol. 238 (July 4, 1903): 1-16. 1903. Die Zukunft der Meistbegiinstigung imd der englisch-canad- ische Streitfall. Max Schippel. Sozialistische Monatshefte, vol. 9 {Sept., 1903): 675-683. 1903. Shipping and reciprocity: a point in the fiscal controversy. Economist {London), vol. 61 {Oct. 24, 1903): 1796-1797. FOREIGN countries: PERIODICALS 117 1903. Retaliation and reciprocity. Quarfo'hj review, vol. 198 {Oct., 1903): 613-648. 1903. The retaliation fallacy. Franklin Thomasson. New Liberal review, vol. 6 {Dec, 1903): 612-621. 1905. L'Allemagne et la "clause de la nation la plus favorisee." Jules Domergue. Reforme economique, vol. 18 {June 25, 1905): 879-881. 1909. Die deutsch-franzosischen Handelsbeziehungen und die Meist- begiinstigungsklausel. W. Borgius. Deutsche WirtscJiafts-Zeitung, vol. 5, 1909 {June 1): col. 490-m; {June 15): col. 532-538. AUTHOR INDEX Page Adam, G. Mercer 67 Adams, Brooks 23, 40 Aldrich, Nelson W 87, 103 AUfree, J. W 45 American academy of political and social science 23 American chamber of commerce, Paris 24 American iron and steel association 64 Anderson, A. D 39 Anderson, George 75 Andrews, Israel De Wolf 51,52,64 Appleton's annual cyclopaedia 97 Archibald, Constance II. M 112 Argentine Republic. Minislerio de reladones exterior es 96 Armour, J. O 24 Arndt, Paul 43 Arnold, Arthur 115 Asbury, C. W 23 Ashley, Percy Walter Llewellyn. . 24 Atkins, Edwin F 23, 110 Atkinson, Edward 24 Aubry, D 42 Augier, Charles Ill Austin, O. P 43, 91 Bachia, Richard A 104 Ballard, Walter J 79 Barclay, Sir Thomas 24, 48 Barker, Wharton 46, 64 Bass, William Louis 24, 105 Bastable, Charles Francis 24, 25 Bastiat, Frederic 25 Bateman, William Bateman Bate- man-IIanbury , 2d baron Ill Bates, William W 25 Beaujon, Anthony 25 Belknap, G. E 91 Bender, Prosper 75 Beveridge, A. J 23 Bijur, A 104 Page Bird, Johns 46 Bishop, Sereno 91 Blackwell, Henry B 65 Blaine, James G. . 14, 57, 65, 93, 94, 97, 99 Blake, John N 65 Bliss, T. II 104 Boenigk, Otto, freihcrr von 40 Bolce, Harold 25, 46 Bolen, George Lewis 25 Borchardt, Felix 26 Borght, Richard van der 26 Borgius, Viktor Walther Paul. ... 26, 117 Bosc, L 26 Boston. Board of trade 65 Chamber of commerce 65 Bourinot, Sir John George 65 Boutarel, Aime Ill Boutwell, George S 11 Brand, R. H 116 Brazil. Laivs, statutes, etc 20 Brigham, William E 78 Brigstocke, W. Osborne 27 Brookshire, E. V 99 Brown, George 66 See also 71 Brown, Henry Alvin 88 Brown, Robert 72 Browne, Addison F 75 Buchanan, Isaac 66 Burleigh, Gov 99 Burwell, William M 11 Busbey, L.White 47 Butler, Charles U 3 Butterworth, lienjamin 66 Byng.G Ill Callahan, James Morton 88 Calwer, Richard 26 Campbell, A. II 68 Canada. Parliament 60,61,62,63 Cannon, Joseph G 47, 48 Carey, H. C 66 119 120 AUTHOR INDEX Page Carpenter, Edmund Janes Cartwright, Sir Richard Cavarretta, Giuseppe Chamberlain, Joseph Chapman, Sydney J 67 26 111,112 26 Charlton, John 66, 67, 76, 77, 78 Chiozza-Money, Leone George 26 Choate, Joseph H 18 Chomley, C. H 66,112 Chotteau, Leon 27 Clark, John Bates 48 Clark, Peter 11 Clarke, Albert. 23, 27, 42, 45, 46, 67, 77, 78 Clawy, C 49 Clow, Frederick R 91 Cluxton, William 67 Cobden club Ill Colquhoun, Arthur H. U 76,77 Commercial convention, Cincin- nati, 1870 _. 11 Commercial convention, Detroit, 1865 67 Commercial union club of Toronto. 67 Commons, J. R 23 Constable, M. S * ... 116 Cooke, H. B 27 Cooper, S. B 101,104 Corwine, William R 23, 48 Coster, M 24 Cowles, T. Z 109 Crawford, J. S 110 Crick, Daniel 26 Cross, John Kynaston 112 Croswell, Simon Greenleaf 38 Crowell, J. F 23 Crozier, John Beattie. 116 Cuba. Treaties, etc 105 Cuba. Comite central de propa- ganda economica 105 Cuban-American reciprocity bu- reau 105 Cudmore, Patrick 97 Cullom, Shelby M 46 Cummins, Albert B 27,44,46 Curtis, William Eleroy 14, 23, 27, 44 Curtiss, George Boughton 97 Cushman, F. W 43 Customs congress of the American republics, 1903 20 Cutts, J. Madison 27 D., A. J 42 D., D. W 40 Dalzell, John 45,46,78 Page Daniels, W. M 31 Darling, Henry W 67 Davenport, T. W 27 Davis, Samuel M 100 Dawson, William Harbutt 112 De Abad, L. V 108 Deering, C 24 Deering, James 33, 44 De Normandie, J 41 Derby, Elias Basket 54, 55, 56, 68 Detroit board of commerce 68 Dewey, D. R 27 Dewey, Stoddard 24 Dickson, Joseph Howe 79 Dietrich, Charles H 87, 103 Dietzel, Heinrich 27 Dodge, Arthur J 48 Dodge, J. R 42 Dolliver, Jonathan P 44 Domergue, Jules 46, 117 Douglas, Stephen Arnold 27 Douglas, W. L 46 Draper, George A 41 Dreher, William C 44 Dryden, J 67 Dunbar, Edward E 28 Dunham, Ransom W 97 Duval, G. L 23 Edmunds, George F 68 Edwards, C. R 23 Elgin, James Bruce, 8th earl of 68 See also 65 Ely, Alfred 68 Emmett, W. L. R 80 Evans, William W 7 Everett, Edward 52 Fairbanks, C. W 58 Fairbanks, Henry 46 Farquhar, Arthur B 23, 28, 42, 97 Farquhar, Henry 97 Farrer, Edward 68 Farrer, Thomas Henry Farrer, 1st baron 112 Fawcett, Henry 28 Ferme, Gabriel 28 Fielding 81 Fisk, George Mygatt 28, 44 Fletcher, Thomas C 11 Flux, A. W 29, 81 Ford, Worthington C 39, 97 Foss, Eugene Noble. . 24, 29, 65, 68, 77, 79 Foster, G. E 69 Foster, John W 40, 69, 77 AUTHOR INDEX 121 Page Franz, J. H 40 Freed, A. T 80 Frelin^huysen, F. T 12, 101 French, Nathaniel 44,79 Fuchs, Karl Johannes 112 Fuld, Dr ' 39 Furber, H. W 29 Gait, Sir Alexander T 61 Gamba, F 101 Gardiner, Charles A 43 Garvin, J. L 112 Garvin, Lucius F. C 45 Gibson, E.J 41 Glasson, W. H 31 Glier, L 29 Gordon, W. H. Lockhart 67 Gore, James Howard 39 Gothein, Georg 44, 46 Grant, George 69 Gray, John Hamilton 69, 75 Great Britain. Colonialoffice 112,113 Foreign office. . 22, 60, 61, 62, 96, 113 Treaties, etc 60 Grey, Henry George Grey, 3d earl. 69, 116 Griffin, Solomon Bulkley 79 Grunzel, Josef 29 Gunton, George 41, 109 Hadley, Arthur T 29 Haldane, R. B 24 Hale, Eugene 97, 98 Haliburton, Robert Grant 69 Ham, E 106 Harris, C. A 29 Harris, Charles P 43 Harvey, Arthur 69 Hatch, Israel T 53, 55, 69, 70 Haven, C. C 38 Hawaiian Islands. Legislature ... 86 Hawkes, Arthur 81 Hay, Eugene Gano 69, 78, 79 Hayes, John D 70 Ilaynes, Frederick Emory 70 Ilealy, A. A 23, 24 Ileazelton, George 88 Herbert, Hilary A 100 Herkless, William Robertson 113 Herod, Joseph Rogers 29 Ilesseltine, Norman F 30 Hewes, Fletcher W 98 Hill, George 59 Hill, James J 70, 80 Hincks, F 74, 75 Hitt, Robert R 75 Hobson, James A ''sO, 116 PaRO Ilodgins, Thomas 70, 76 Home market club, Boston 70 Hopkins, John Castell 66, 70 Hornbeck, Stanley K 30, 49 Howe, Joseph 70 Howes, Osborne 70 Huebner, G. G 24 Ilurlbert, William H 75 Hutch in.son, Lincoln 45 Huvelin, P 39 Hyde, Charles Cheney 49 International American confer- ence 30 International bureau of American republics 88, 98 Janes, S. H 67 Jeans, James Stephen 71 Jefferson, Thomas 30 Jennings, Janet 91 Johnson, Edwin F 71 Jones, C. L 23 Jury, Alfred F 67 K., I. L 38 Kasson, John Adam 30, 40, 42 Katzenstein, Louis 28 Kelley, William Darrah 71 Kellogg, D. O 39 Kennan, George 108 Kershaw, John B. C 116 King, William F 31 Knappen, Theodore M 79 Knight, William Angus 113 Lacey, John F 45, 46 Lang, Lajos 113 Larned, J. N 56 Lauck, W. Jett 46 Laughlin, James Laurence 31 Ledyard, T. D 65,67 Lehr, Ernest 39 Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre 45 Lewis, John 71 Lind, John 77 Lindsey, Charles 74 Lodge, Henry Cabot 44, 70, 79, 99 Longley, J. W 67, 75, 77 Loomis, F. B 23 Lorraine, C. L 42 Lowe, Francis J 31 Lowe, Robert 115 Lugrin, Charles H 75 Lyman, C. W 23 Lyman, Theodore, jr 31 McClellan, George B 101 McConnell, Robert 76 122 AUTHOR INDEX Page McCord, J 74 McGoun, Arch 74 M'Grath, P. T 81 Mclntyre, Charles H 79 McKee, Thomas Hudson 31 McKinley, William. 14, 15, 16,20,32,43,98 See also 45 McL., J 74 McNeill, Alexander 116 Macphail, Andrew 81 McPherson, John Bruce 47, 79 Mac Veagh, Franklin 98 Mallet, Sir Louis 32 Malloy, William M 8 Mason 52 Maxey , Edwin 43, 45 Maxwell, Herbert 116 Medley, George W 113,114 Menier, M 27 Merrill, Nelson 98 Merritt, William Hamilton 60 Mershon, W. B 24 Mexico. Ministerio de fomento, colonizacion e industria 22 Miles, H. E 23 Miller, John F 12, 85 Mills, Roger Q 99 Moffett, Samuel Erasmus 71 Moore, Charles A 78 Moore, John Bassett 32 Morgan, Henry J 66 Morrill, Justin S 38, 87, 103 Muller, L 24 Mulock, William 68 Munson, L. E 75, 76 National association of agricultural implement and vehicle manu- facturers 32 National association of manufac- turers 33 National board of trade 33, 71 National reciprocity convention. . 33 National reciprocity league 33 New England free trade league 71 New York. Chamber of commerce of the state of New York 71 New York free-trade club 106 Newlands, Francis G 101 Nickerson, M. H 80 Nunez, Emilio 108, 109 Oliphant, Laurence 71 See also 72 Page Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret O. W 72 Oncken, August 33 Osborne, John Ball. . 23, 33, 39, 40, 41, 47 Oxnard, H. T 41 Page, Thomas Walker 43 Palma, Tomas Estrada 109 Palmer, Truman G. . . 87, 91, 102, 103, 106 Parker, Sir Gilbert 116 Parry, D. M 23 Patten, Simon N 33 Patterson, C. Stuart 99 Pavey, F. D 109 Payne, Sereno E '. . 48, 101 Pearson, James 67 Philbert, V 33 Phillimore, G. G 44 Piatt, O. H 109 Porritt, Edward 72, 76, 80, 81 Portland, Me. Board of trade 53 Pradier-Fodere, Paul Louis Ernest. 34 Price, Bonamy 115 Proctor, Robert G 8 Prowse, D. W 76 Quincy, Josiah 108 R., H. P 48 Rabbeno, Ugo 34 Raunig, A. G 34 Ravaioli, Antonio 49 Rhein, Henri 43 Ricardo, John Lewis 114 Rice, David Hall 98 Ringwalt, Ralph Curtis 34 Roberts, George E 45 Robertson, S. M 101 Robinson, Albert Gardner 106, 108 Robinson, Chalfant 72, 89 Rogers, James E . Thorold 34 Romero, Matias 22, 34, 35 Roosevelt, Theodore 20, 21 Root, Elihu 23,70 Rosen, Alexander 113 Rubinow, I. M 31 Russell, John W 76 Rutter, Frank R 91 St. Paul, Minn. Chamber of com- merce 61 Sanders, A. II 23 San Francisco. Chamber of com- merce 35 Schilder, Sigmund 26, 29 Schippel, Max 35,47,116 Schoenhof, J 42 AUTHOR INDEX 123 Page Schraut, Max von 35 Schuyler, Eugene 35 Schwerin-Lowitz, Graf von 47 Scott, James 84 Seabury, George J 35, 46, 47 Searles, John Enni^, jr 89 Seligman, Edwin R. A 36 Senex 114 Seward, W. II 55 Shaw, Campbell 79 Shaw, Leslie Mortier 35, 80 Shaw, Thomas 67 Sheldon, Joseph 75 Shepheard, Wallwyn P. B 42, 45 Sherman, John 95 Simon, D. W 27 Smalley, H. S 28 Smith, George Armitage 114 Smith, Gerrit 72 Smith, Goldwin 67, 68, 72, 74, 75 Smith, Richmond Mayo- 36 Smith, William Alden 108 Snow, Freeman 36,89 Spalding, Rufus Paine 89 Springer, William M 98 Stanwood, Edward 79 Stevens, Hazard 36 Stibral, Franz 48 Stirling, Patrick James 25 Stone, N.I 23,24,46,47 Sudrez Guanes, Miguel 93 Sumner, Charles 72, 83 Swank, James Moore 36 T., R. E 74 Taussig, F. W 48, 100 Taylor, Benjamin 116 Taylor, H. W 41 Taylor, James W 53, 54 Tazwell, L. W 3 Thomasson, Franklin 117 Thompson, C. Halford 115 Thompson, R. W 36 Thrum, Thomas G 88, 91 Thurber, F. B 108 See also 102 Thurston, Lorrin A 91 Tompkins, D. A 23 Townshend, R. W 75 Trumbull, M. M 36, 100, 114 Tuck, Amos 72 Tucker, John Randolph 85 United States. Bureau of statistics {Dept. o/comm. and labor) 7 United States. Bureau of statistics ( Treasury dept.) 7, 58, 94 Circuit court 106 Commission to Central andSouth American stales, 1884 13 Congress 7, 8, 9-20, 36, 51-59, 61, 83-87, 93-95, 102 Department of state 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. 18, 20, 51, 52, 55, 57, 85, 93, 94, 95 Laics, statutes, etc 8 Supreme court 89, 90, 107 Tariff commission, 1882 12 Treasury dept 10-12, 16, 51-56, 83, 84, 93 Treaties, etc 8, 20, 21, 83, 104 Van Cleave, J. W 24 Viallate, Achille 42 Vincent, Sir Howard 79, 80 Visser, L. E 42 Volstead, A.J 46, 78 Voorhees, Daniel 87, 103 Vosberg-Rekow, Max 36, 37 Wade, F. C 67 Waldron, George B 41 Wallace, Alfred R 115 Walrond, Theodore 68 Ward, Elijah 53, 72 Warner, J. De W 99 Watkin, Sir Edward W 73 Webster, Daniel 37 Wharton, Francis 37 Whelpley, J. D 76 White, H 41 White, William Allen 109 Whitman, William 37 Whitney, Edward B 99 Whitney, Henry M 80, 81 Wilcox, Marrion 108, 109 Willis, H. Parker 31,48,110 Willison, John Stephen 73 Wilson, Alexander Johnstone... 114,115 Wilson, James H 37, 104 Wilson, William L 100 Wilson, William P 41 Wiman, Erastus 73, 75, 76, 78 Wise, Bernard R 37 Wolf, Julius 37 Wolowski, Louis Francois Michel Raymond 1 14 Wood, Leonard 102, 108 Woolsey, T. S 37 Young, John P 23, 40 SUBJECT INDEX Argentine Republic: Page Argentine Republic. Mhiisteno de relaciones exter lores 96 Glier,L -'9 Congressional docnmeuts — 1896 14 1899 15 1901 17 Periodicals — 1899 39 Austria-Hungary : Ldng,L 113 Congressional documents — 1892 94 1897 95 Barbados: Congressional documents — 1897 95 1899 15 1901 18 1902 19 Periodicals — 1899 39 Bermuda: Congressional documents — 1899, 1900 15 1901 17 Bibliography: Ashley, P. W. L 24 Borchardt, F 26 Bosc, L 26 Fisk, G. M 28 Grunzel, J 29 Haynes, F. E 70 Hornbeck, S. K 30 Laughiin, J. L 31 Moffett, S. E 71 Ringwalt, R. C 34 Robinson, C 72,89 Brazil: Brazil. Laws, statutes, etc 20 Ferme, G 28 27306°— 10 9 / Brazil: Page Great Britain. Foreign office . . 96 Congressional documents — 1886 13 1891 93 1892 93, 94 1897 95 Periodicals — 1903 45 Breadstuffs: Congressional documents — 1896 14 British America: Congressional documents — 1818,1819 9 1839,1842 10 1851 51 1862,1866 54 British Guiana: Congressional documents — 1897 95 1899,1900 15 1901 17 1902 18,19 British West Indies: See West Indies, British Brussels sugar conference, 1901-1902: See International confer- ence on sugar bounties Caicos Islands: Congressional documents — 1899,1900 15 1901 17 1902 18,19 Canada 14, 23, 32, 34-36, 51-81, 89, 99, 116 Commerce — Canada. Parliament.. 60,62,63 Great Britain — Jeans, J. S 71 125 126 SUBJECT INDEX Canada: Page Commerce — United States- American academy of po- litical and social science. 23 Andrews, I. D 64 Barker, W 64 Canada. Parliament 60 Charlton, J 66 Commercial convention, Detrait, 1865 67 Confidential memoran- dum 56 Derby, E. H 68 Detroit board of com- merce 68 Foss, E. N 68 Hopkins, J. C 70 Moffett, S. E 71 New York. Chamber of commerce 71 U. S. Treasury dept 52 Ward, E. 72 Willison, J. S 73 Congressional documents — 1818 9 1851,1852 51 1859 53 1862 53, 54 1866 54 1867,1868 55 1869 55, 56 1871,1876 56 1884,1890 57 1894 58 Periodicals — 1852,1872 74 1897,1899,1900,1901... 76 1904 79 Commercial policy — Grant,G 69 Grey, H. G. G., 5r?wW.. 69 Periodicals-— 1906 80 Commercial union with United States- Blake, J.N 65 Butterworth, B 66 Commercial union club of Toronto 67 Wiman, E 73 Congressional documents — 1888,1890 .., 57 Canada: Page Commercial union with United States- Periodicals — 1880 74 1881,1887,1888,1889,1890. 75 , 1905 80 See also Customs union, American Tariff relations with Great Britain — Charlton, J 66 Chomley, C. H 66 Foster, G.E 69 Hill, G 59 Periodicals — 1903 78,116 1904 79,80 1910 81 See also Coal; Fisheries; Lum- ber trade; Manufactures; Mines; New Brunswick; Newfoundland; Nova Sco- tia ; Prince Edward Island Central America: Hale.E 97 U. S. Dept. of state 12 Congressional documents — 1884 12 1885,1886 13 (See aZso Guatemala; Hondu- ras; Nicaragua; Salva- dor; Spanish America China: Congressional documents — 1896 14 Coal: Canada— Congressional documents — 1868 55 1897 58 See also Mines: Canada Coffee: Congressional documents — 1901 86 Colombia: Congressional docu m ents — 1894 94 Commercial union of Canada and United States: See Canada SUBJECT INDEX 127 Page Commercial inion of Ciba and United States: See Cuba COXSTITUTIONALITY of KKIIPKOCITY LAWS and treaties: U. S. Supreme 'court — Whitman, W 37 Period' cols — 1886 38 1892 99 Conventional tariff: See Tariff, Conventional Cuba . . 7, 14, 23, 37, 87, 93-95, 97, 101-1 10 Commercial union with United States— Congressional documenis — 1909 104 See also Sugar Customs union, American: Appleton's annual cyclopaedia. 97 Douglas, S. A 27 Ferine, G 28 International American con- ference, 1st 30 Congressional documents — 1886 13 Periodiads — 1872 74 1904 46 See also Canada: Commercial union with United States; Cuba: Commercial union with United States Customs unions: Bosc, L 26 See also Z»llverein, German, 1818-1871 Denmark: U.S. Supreme court 89 See also Santa Cruz; Treaties, Unratified: Santa Cruz DiNGLEY tariff ACT: See Tariff laws Dominican Republic: U. S. Supreme court 90 Congressional documents — 1892 93,94 1897... 95 1900 16 1901 18 Double tariff: See Tariff, Double Page Ecuador: Congressional documents— 1900 Elgin-Marcy treaty, 1854-1866: (See Treaties and agreements: Canada Europe: American a<'ademy of political and social science U. S. Bureau of statistics Fair trade: Farrer, T. H. F., 1st bar on.... Herkle'ss, W. R Medley, G. W Periodicals — 1892 Favored-nation clause: See Most -favored- nation CLAUSE Fisheries: Andrews, I. D Derby, E. H Great Britain. Treaties, etc. . . Tuck,A Woolsey, T. S Congressional documents — 1853 1867 1869 1902 1903 PeriodicaU — 1901 France: Augier, C Chotteau, L Lang, L San Francisco. Chamber of commerce U. S. Congress President Ireaties, etc Congressional documents — 1896 1899 1900 1901 1902 Periodicals — 1899 1907,1908 16 23 95 112 113 113 52 55 56 58. 59 76 111 27 113 35 7 14 21 14 15 15, 16 17 18, 19 128 SUBJECT INDEX France: Page Commerce with Germany — Periodicals — 1909 117 Great Britain- Cross, J. K 112 United States — Congressional documents — 1900 16 Commercial policy — Cobden club Ill Tariff relations with United States — American chamber of com- merce, Paris 24 Free Trade and reciprocity: Periodicals — 1870,1878 115 1879 115,116 1901 40 See also Protection Germanic association of customs and commerce: See ZoLLVEREiN, German, 1818-1871 Germany — Borgius, V. W. P 26 Glier,L.. 29 Shaw, L. M 35 U. S. Congress 7 Treaties, etc 20 Wolf, J 37 Congressional documents — 1892 94 1896 14 1897 95 1908 20 Periodicals — 1844,1846 38 1900 40 1905 117 1906 47 1907,1908 48 Commerce with France — Periodicals — 1909 -. 117 United States — Periodicals — 1899 39 1903 44 1905 46,47 Germany: Page Tariff relations with United States— Fisk, G. M 28 Glier, L 29 Periodicals — 1903 44 1905,1906 47 See also Prussia; Zollvereix, German, 1818-1871 Great Britain 9,10,15,17-19, 22, 26, 28, 31, 36-38, 52-54, 57, 58, 60-62,65-71,78,79,81,95,111-117. Colonies — Grey, H. G. G., 5(?mr?.. 69 Lyman, T 31 Congressional documents — 1892 94 1897 95 p'eriodicals — 1845 38 ASeeaZso Barbados; Bermuda; British Guiana; Caicos Islands; Canada; Ja- maica; Leeward Islands; Newfoundland; Trini- dad; Turks Islands; West Indies, British; Wind- ward Islands Commerce with Canada — Canada. Parliament 60 France — Cross, J. K 112 United States — Chapman, S. J 26 Tazewell, L. W 3 Congressional documents — 1842 10 Commercial policy — Blake, J. N 65 Fuchs, K. J 112 See also Fair trade. Tariff relations with Canada— See Canada Guatemala : Congressional documents — 1892 94 1897 95 Haiti: Congressional documents — 1894 94 SUBJECT INDEX 129 Page Hawaii 7, 32, 36, 37, 83-91, 103 See also Sugar Hay-Bond TREATY, 1902: See Treaties, Uxrai- kied: Newfoundland Honduras: Congressional documents — 1892 94 1897 95 International American confer- ence, 1889-1890: Romero, M •^S Smith, R. Mayo- 36 International conference on sugar bounties, 1901-1902: Periodicals — 1902 109 "Iowa idea: " Periodicals— 1904 45 Italy: \] . S. Congress 7 President 16 Jamaica: Congressional documents — 1897 95 1899,1900 15 1901 17 1902 18,19 Periodicals — 1899 39 Japan: Congressional documents — 1896 14 Kasson treaties: Kasson, J. A 30 Periodicals — 1900,1901 40 1902 42 See also Treaties, Unratified Latin America: See Spanish America Laurier, Sir Wilfrid: Willison, J. S 73 Leeward Islands: Congressional documents — 1897 95 Lumber trade: Commercial union club of Toronto 68 McKinley tariff act: See Tariff laws Page Manufactures: Canada- Commercial union club of Toronto 67 United States— Periodicals — 1902 42 Maximum and minimum tariff: See Tariff, Double Mexico: Dunbar,E.E 28 Mexico. Mirdsterio de fomenlo . 22 Romero, M 34, 35 Congressional documents — 1860 11 1883 12 1886 13 1892 94 Commerce — Romero, M 35 United States- Romero, M 34, 35 Congressional documents — 1878 11 1884 12 Tariff relations with United States- American academy of po- litical and social science. 23 Mines: Canada — Blake.J.N 65 Commercial union club of Toronto 67 See also Coal: Canada Molasses: Congressional documents— 1897 86 Most-fa vored-nation clause: American academy of political and social science 23 Beaujon, A 25 Borchardt, F 26 Calvver, R 26 Cavarretta, G 26 Chiozza-Money , L. (} 26 Fisk, G. M 28 Glier,L 29 Great I'.ritain. Colonial office . 112 Grunzel, J 29 Herod, J. R 29 Hornbeck, S. K 30 130 SUBJECT INDEX MOST-FAVORED-NATIOX CLAUSE: Page Oncken, A 33 Pradier-Fodere, P. L. E 34 Schraut, M. von 35 U. S. Pyureau of statistics 7 Vosberg-Rekow, M 36,37 Wharton, F 37 Periodicals — 1893, 1896, 1899 39 1900 40 1901 42 1902 42,43,44 1903 44,45,116 1905 46,47,117 1906 47 1907 48 1908 48, 49 1909 49,117 National reciprocity conven- tion, Washington, D. C, 1901: Periodicals — 1901,1902 42 National reciprocity conven- tion, Chicago, 1905: Periodicals — 1905 46 Netherlands: U. S. Treaties, etc 21 New Brunswick: Great Britain. Foreign office . . 60 Newfoundland: Blackwell, H. B 65 Boston. Chamber of com- merce 65 Congressional documents — 1902 58 1903 58,59 Periodicals — 1902 77 1904 79 Nicaragua: Congressional documents — 1892 94 1897 95 1900 16 Nova Scotia: Great Britain. Foreign office. 60 Congressional documents — 1868 55 Payne tariff act: See Tariff laws Philippines: American academy of political and social science 23 Philippines: Page U. S. Circuit court 106 Congress 7 Congressional documents — 1902 102 Porto Rico: Hale, E 97 sU. S. Congress 7 Congressional documents — 1884 101 1892 93,94 1897 95 Periodicals — 1902 91 Portugal: U. S. Congress 7 President 15,16 Prince Edward Island: Great Britain. Foreign office . . 60 Protection and reciprocity: Haliburton, R. G 69 Hewes, F. W 98 Laughlin, J. L 31 Periodicals — 1844 38 1892 99 1901 40,41 1902 44 1903 44,45 See also Free trade Prussia : Congressional documents — 1844,1845 10 Retaliation: Bastable, C. F 24 Byng, G Ill Dietzel, H 27 Periodicals — 1901 40,41 1902 43 1903 117 1905 47 Rice: Congressional documents — 1897 86 St. Croix: See Santa Cruz Salvador: Congressional documents — 1891 93 1892 94 1897 95 Sandwich Islands: See Hawaii SUBJECT INDEX 131 Santa Criz: Page Congressional doru ments — 1900, 1901 17 1902 19 Shipping and reciprocity : Bates, W. W 25 Great Britain. Treaties, etc.. 60 Kicardo, J. L 114 Congressional dorunie}its — 1901,1902 18 Periodicals — 1827 115 1890 38 1903 116 South America : Hale, E 97 U. S. Department «f ftate 12 Congresi