^Jf ,^ fi*-.^. «y'V-i, lillillillHWII 22 01100 0296 !./•* ".*' / mm^m^, ^ :<:- ^'.^V If-. DR. KURTZ'S Text-Book of Ohuech Histoey. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. KURTZ'S MANUAL OF SACRED HISTORY; OE, A GUIDE TO THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE DIVINE PLAN OF SALVATION, ACCORDING TO ITS HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT. TRANSLATED FROM THE SIXTH GERMAN EDITION, BY CHARLES F. SCHAEFFER, D.D. Fourteenth Edition, lUnio. Price, $1.50, — «>«=:o<^ Extracts frona Notices of the Press- Bibliotheca Sacra, "This is the best book of tlie kind we have ever examined, and one of the best translations from German into Eno;lish we liave ever seen. The author makes no parade of learning in his book, but his exegetical state- ments are evidently founded on the most careful, thorough and extensive study, and can generally be relied upon as among the best results, the most surely ascertained conclusions, of modern philological investigation. We cordially recommend it to every minister, to every Sunday-school teacher, to every parent, and to every intelligent layman, as a safe and exceedingly instructive guide through the entire Bible History, the Old Testament and the New. It is a book which actually accomplishes more than its title promises." Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review. "This book is, according to the Lutheran standard, thoroughly orthodox in matters of doctrine, and is more thoroughly religious in spirit than any similar Oerman work with which we are acquainted. " The English translation is, in our ojtinion, highly creditable to its author; not only accurate, so far as we have yet had time to judge it, but less disfigured by »indue adherence to German idiom, by awkward stifiiiess, and by weak verbosity, than any version we have recently examined." Christian Clironicle (Baptist», "An admirable volume. Its literary and theological merits are of a high order, and entitle it to a wide circulation among the lovers of a religioug literature. The translator has faithfully executed his task." Lutheran Standard. "This volume deserves to be in every family; all may read and study it with profit. It is well adai)ted for schools and seminaries of learning and theology. . . . We know of no work in any language, in all the bounds of sacred literature, calculated to exeit a more wholesome and beneficial in- fluence in the cause of Christ, than this work." ii NOTICES OF THE PRESS. Protestant Churchman, The present volume treats the subject of sacred history on a tovei plan. It embraces the period covered by the Scriptures, and undertakes to develop the essential principles of human redemption in their historical manifestations. Without following in the steps of Prideaux and Shuck- ford, and tracing the relations between the Scriptural narratives and the course of external history, it furnishes a suggestive comment on the inci- dents recorded in the Bible, considered as illustrations of the Divine pur- pose in the salvation of man. The style is clear, compact, and forcible, presenting a mass of weighty thoughts, in simple and appropriate language." German Reformed Messenger. " It contains a vast amount of important information, conveniently and systematically arranged, throwing much light upon the teachings of the Sacred Volume. Its author is a very distinguished Lutheran divine, whose productions in the German language have met with great favor from the Christian public. The translator has done an important service to the in- terests of Christianity by putting this work into an English dress. He has also executed his task well." Harper's Magazine. "Profound in thought, vigorous in style, and thoroughly Christian in spirit, the student of theology will find it a suggestive and valuable guide. The translation has evidently been made with conscientious accuracy, and has succeeded to a remarkable degree in i-eproducing the spirit of the orig- inal. We regard it as an important and seasonable aid to the understanding of the Holy Scriptures." Puritan Recorder, "The work is remarkable for condensation and point; more being often crowded into a simple paragraph than would suffice many other writers 'for a dozen papers. The arrangement is exceedingly logical, and the style, notwithstanding it is a translation, is clear and agreeable, and very free from the German idiom. What we knew of this book previous to its appearance in an English dress, has led us to anticipate it with more than common interest ; and we can truly say, that it has more than answered our highest expectations." Philip Schaff, D.D. " I know of no work in the Englisli or German language which gives, in so short a compass, so full and clear an account of the gradual develop- ment of the divine plan of salvation, from the fall of man to the resur- rection of Christ and the founding of the apostolic church, and which is, at the same time, so sound in sentiment, so evangelical in tone, and, with- out being superficial, so well adapted for popular use, as the ' Manual of Sacred History,' by Dr. J. H. Kurtz. The translation of the Eev. Dr. Charles F. Schaeffer seems to me, as far as I have examined it, to do full justice to the German original, as well as to the English idiom." TEXT-BOOK OF Chuech Histoet. BY DR. JOHX HEXRY^URTZ, PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DOR