MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY ROLL OF SERVICE EXCHANGE MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY ROLL OF SERVICE Published by the University of Manchester at THE UNIVERSITY PRESS (H. M. McKechnie, M.A., Secretary) 12 Lime Grove, Oxford Road, MANCHESTER LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. London : 39 Paternoster Row, E.C.4 New York : Fourth Avenue and Thirtieth Street Chicago : Prairie Avenue and Twenty-fifth Street Bombay : 336 Hornby Road Calcutta : 6 Old Court House Street Madras: 167 Mount Road MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY ROLL OF SERVICE MANCHESTER AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 12 LIME GROVE, OXFORD ROAD LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. LONDON, NEW YORK, BOMBAY, ETC. 1922 PUBLICATIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER. No. CXLVI. &XCHAN<8K PREFACE On the publication of the final Roll of Service of members of the University in the recent War it is desirable to explain briefly the lines on which it has been prepared. The names are included of past and present members of the University, whether teachers, students, or officials,^ who served with the British Army, Navy, or Air Forces or with the armed Forces of the Overseas Dominions of the Empire or with our Allies. Women, too, are included who served with Queen Mary's Auxili- ary Corps or with similar organisations. It was decided to include those who entered the University for the first time after demobilisa- tion, provided their entry took place not later than April 1920, and also those whose connection with the University consisted only in the membership of the University Contingent of the Officers' Training Corps, provided they had been connected with that body for at least one month during the War, such members being denoted by an asterisk. We have not included the names of civilian workers or of Red Cross workers or members of Ambulance Units except in the case of those who have given their lives in the performance of their duties. It will be noted that only degrees and diplomas of the Manchester University have been recorded. Though it is hoped that nearly all important facts have been supplied, it is regretted that it has been impossible to collect in every case the full particulars required, and the editors must ask indulgence for any omissions or errors. The completion of the Record has involved much labour, and it is impossible to thank every one, whether members of the University or their relatives or friends, for the valuable information and advice which they have freely given, but we must express our special obligations to Captain Sinnatt of the Officers' Training Corps for the generous way in which he has placed at our disposal the exten- sive materials which he had compiled regarding the members of ^ Names of members of the University who studied at University College, Liverpool, and the Yorkshire College, Leeds, in the time of the Federal Con- stitution are omitted as they will appear more appropriately in the War Rolls of the Universities of Liverpool and Leeds. vi ROLL OF SERVICE the University. Without these documents no satisfactory record could have been produced. We also owe much to his valuable advice at every stage of the w^ork. We must also express our thanks for ungrudging assistance and information to the successive Editors. It has been the w^ish of the University in issuing this volume to erect a Memorial, however inadequate, to the willing sacrifice of her sons, and in particular of those who fell on the battlefields of three Continents. To future generations of our students the example of those who went out from the University and offered their lives for their country will always be an inspiration. Their own lives will doubtless be set in happier circumstances, but with the substitution of social service for military service the nation's call will be as urgent, and their own opportunities will be as great, as in the years of the War. If they can, with the memory of their pre- decessors before them, be animated by the same devotion and self- sacrifice, the legacy of the Great War to their generation will not be wholly one of increased difliculties, but it will be also the legacy of a spirit able to vanquish those difficulties. Heroism is no monopoly of war ; there are sacrifices as great as that of life, hardships equal to those of battle ; and upon the new spirit of service and the new army of those pledged to devote their lives to the welfare of their fellow-creatures will depend the progress of humanity in the near future. The present crisis will require the same qualities and the same courage which belonged to our lost comrades : the same disregard for personal advantage, the same buoyant and undismayed spirit. The legacy that they have left to us is the duty to follow in their footsteps, and it is for us to take up our call to arms with their courage, and to fight our battles with their fortitude. Think- ing of each one of them we shall say : Nothing is here for tears, no contempt. Dispraise, or blame ; nothing but well and fair And what may quiet us in a death so noble. There will I build him A monument, and plant it round with shade Of laurel ever green, and branching palm, With all his trophies hung, and acts enroll'd In copious legend or sweet lyric song. Thither shall all the valiant youth resort, And from his memory inflame their breasts To matchless valour, and adventures high. HENRY A. MIERS, Vice-Chancellor. CONTENTS Preface .... PAGE V General Summary ix List of Abbreviations . , xi Obituary List I General List . 87 Vll GENERAL SUMMARY Number of names in the Obituary List Number of names in the General List 500 • 3765 Members of the Officers' Training Corps Obituary . . . . Non-Obituary Extra-Mural Cadets : Obituary . . . . Non-Obituary Prisoners of War . . . . 298 1280 85 443 1578 528 61 Number of Distinctions gained, viz. : A.F.C C.B C.B.E Chevalier, Legion of Honour Chevalier de I'Ordre de Leopold Chevalier du Merite Agricole CLE. . C.M.G. Croce di Guerra Croix de Guerre D.C.M. . D.F.C. . D.S.C. . D.S.M. . D.S.O. (one with Bar) K.B.E. . K.C.LE. K.C.M.G. M.B.E. . M.C . M.C. (with one Bar) M.C. (with two Bars) I 3 9 6 4 I I 5 2 30 9 12 2 16 245 16 ROLL OF SERVICE Number of Distinctions gained {continued)- M.C. (Greek) . . Medaille des fipidemies Medaille d'Honneur avec Glaives Medaille du Roi Albert Mentioned in Despatches : Once Twice Thrice Four times Several Times Belgian Despatches Mercantile Marine Medal M.M. . Montenegrin Medal Montuori Medallion . M.S.M. O.B.E. . Order of the Nile Order of St. Stanislaus (Russia) Portuguese Orders Q.S. African Medal Roumanian Order Serbian Orders Star 1 9 14 Star 1 9 14-15 T.D. V.D. . 185 46 15 5 2 I 2 I X 8 43 I 2 2 I I 9 18 5S II 2 I 842 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (i) Academic. Anat. .... Anatomy. Asst Assistant. Cert Certificate. Chem Chemistry or Chemical. Coll CoUege. Comm Commercial or Commerce. Dem. .... Demonstrator. D. and Dipl. . . . Diploma. Elect Electrical. Engin Engineering. Eng English. Exhbtnr Exhibitioner. Exptl Experimental. G.S Grammar School. Hist History. Hons. .... Honours. Lab Laboratory. Lectr. .... Lecturer. M.U. . . . . Manchester University. Mech Mechanical. Mun Municipal. Path Pathology or Pathological. P.H. . . . . . Public Health. Prof. Professor. P.T.C Pupil Teachers' Centre. Res Research. S School. Sec Secondary. Tech Technical or Technology. (2) Military, etc. (a) Unit. A. Chplns. Dept. A.F. . A.F.A. . Afr. . . . Amb. A.Med.S. or A.M.S Army Chaplains' Department. Air Force. Australian Field Artillery. African. Ambulance. Army Medical Service. xii ROLL OF SERVICE (2) Military, etc. : (a) Unit {continued) — A.P.C Army Pay Corps. A.S.C Army Service Corps. A.T.C Army Troops Company. Aux. S.B. Res. . . Auxiliary Sick Berth Reserve. A.V.C. or A.Vet.C. . Army Veterinary Corps. Ball Balloon. Baty Battery. Bde Brigade. Bn Battalion. C Corps. Can Canadian. Cav Cavalry. CCS Casualty Clearing Station. CG Coast Guard. Ches Cheshire. CI Class. Contgt Contingent. Coy Company. CT.S Cadet Training School. D.A.C Divisional Ammunition Column. Div Division or Divisional. Divl. Art Divisional Artillery. D. of Corn. . . . Duke of Cornwall's. D. of Lane. O. Yeom. . Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry. D. of Well.'s. . . . Duke of Wellington's. E East. E.A. Bde East Anglian Brigade. E.B.R. Vol. Rif. . . Eastern Bengal Railway Volunteer Rifles. Emerg Emergency. Empld Employed. Enl Enlisted. Exptl. Sec. . . . Experimental Section. F.A Field Artillery. F.C Flying Corps. Fid Field. Fit Flight. Fus Fusiliers. G.A Garrison Artillery. Garr. Bn Garrison Battalion. Gaz Gazetted. Gds Guards. G.H.Q General Headquarters. Gren. .... Grenadiers. H.A.C Honourable Artillery Company. H.A Horse Artillery. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Xlll (2) Military, etc. : {a) Unit {continued) — Hamps. or Hants. . . Hampshire. . Heavy Battery. H.B. Hghdrs. H.M.T. I.A.R.O. Ind. M.S. Inf. . Insp. . InteU. Ir. Rif. Ir. Fus. K.B.S. . K.G.O. . K.O.R. Lane. K.O.S.B. . K.O.S.L.I. K.O.Y.L.I. K.R. Rif. C. Lane. L.L . . L.N. Lane. L.T.M.B. . Manch. M.F.P. . M.G.C. . Mob. Hyg. Lab M.T. N. . N. Mid. Northd. N.Z.M.C. Oper. Ordn. Ammn. O.C.B. . O.T.C. . R. . . R.A.M.C. Rang. R.A.O.C. . R.E. . . Res. . R.M.L.L . R.N. R.N.A.S. . Highlanders. His Majesty's Transport. Indian Army Reserve of Officers. Indian Medical Service. Infantry. Inspection. Intelligence. Irish Rifles. Irish Fusiliers. Kite Balloon Section. King George's Own. King's Own Royal Lancaster. King's Own Scottish Borderers. King's Own Shropshire Light Infantry. King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. King's Royal Rifle Corps. Lancashire. Light Infantry. Loyal North Lancashire. Light Trench Mortar Battery. Manchester. Military Foot Police. Machine Gun Corps. Mobile Hygienic Laboratory. Mechanical Transport. North. North Midland. Northumberland. New Zealand Medical Corps. Operating. Ordnance Ammunition. Officers' Cadet Battalion. Officers* Training Corps. Royal. Royal Army Medical Corps. Rangers or Ranging. Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Royal Engineers. Reserve. Royal Marine Light Infantry. Royal Navy. Royal Naval Air Service. XIV ROLL OF SERVICE (2) Military, etc. : {a) Unit ij:ontinued) — R.N.D Royal Naval Division. R.N.V.R. . R. War. . R.W. Fus. S. . . S.A.M.C. . S.B.A.C. . Seed. . . Sge. Bty. . Spec. Sec. . Squadn. S.T.C. . Subm. Flot. T.D.S. . T.F. . . T.M.B. . Transfd. . U.P.S. . V.B.M.R. . {b) Rank. A.C. A.D.C. Adjt. . Aer. OfFr. A.M. Bdr. . Brig.-Gen, B.S.M. Capt. C.F. . Cmdr. Cpl. . C.Q.M.S. C.S.M. D.G.T. Dvr. . Gnr. . G.S.O. I/C. L.-Cpl. L.M. . Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Royal Warwickshire. Royal Welsh Fusiliers. South. South African Medical Corps. Siege Battery Ammunition Column. Seconded. Siege Battery. Special Section. Squadron. Supply Transport Column. Submarine Flotilla. Training Depot Squadron. Territorial Force. Trench Mortar Battery. Transferred. University and Public Schools. Volunteer Battalion Manchester Regi- ment. Aircraftsman. Aide-de-Camp. Adjutant. Aeroplane Officer. Air Mechanic. Bombardier. Brigadier-General. Battery Sergeant-Major. Captain. Chaplain to the Forces. Commander. Corporal. Company Quartermaster-Sergeant. Company Sergeant -Major. Director of General Transport. Driver. Gunner. General Staflf Officer. In Command. Lance-Corporal. Leading Mechanic. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xv (2) Military, etc. : {b) Rank (^continued) — M.O Medical Officer. Obs Observer or Observation. O.C Officer Commanding. Offr Officer. Optr Operator. Pnr Pioneer. Pris Prisoner. Probnr Probationer. Pte Private. Q.M.A.A.C. . . . Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps. Rfmn Rifleman. R.S.M Regimental Sergeant-Major. Sgt Sergeant. Spr Sapper. Tpr Trooper. (c) Decorations. A.F.C Air Force Cross. C.B Companion of the Bath. C.B.E Companion of the British Empire. CLE Companion of the Indian Empire. C.M.G Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. D.C.M Distinguished Conduct Medal. D.F.C Distinguished Flying Cross. D.S.C Distinguished Service Cross. D.S.O Distinguished Service Order. K.B.E Knight of the British Empire. K.C.I.E Knight Commander of the Indian Empire. K.C.M.G. . . . Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. M.B.E Member of the British Empire. M.C Military Cross. M.M Military Medal. M.S.M Meritorious Service Medal. O.B.E Officer of the British Empire. Q.S. Afr. Med. . . Queen's South African Medal. XVI ROLL OF SERVICE (2) Military, etc. : (c) Decorations {continued) — T.D. . . V.C. . . V.D. . . {d) Appointments. A.D.M.S. Advr. A.D.V.S. A.E.O. A.P.M. DJV.A.G. D.A.D.E.S. D.A.D.M.S. D.A.D.V.S. Instr. . S.T.O. Territorial Distinction. Victoria Cross. Volunteer Distinction. Assistant Director Medical Service. Adviser. Assistant Director Veterinary Service. Area Education Officer. Army Paymaster. Deputy Assistant Adjutant -General. Deputy Assistant Director Engineering Stores. Deputy Assistant Director Medical Service. Deputy Assistant Director Veterinary Service. Instructor. Supply Transport Officer. ROLL OF SERVICE AcKROYD, Louis. Son of Dan Ackroyd, 12 Rydal Terrace, Heckmondwike. Born 1891 at Liversedge, Yorks. Mill- bridge National S. ; Heckmondwike Sec. S. ; Leeds Univ. M.U. : 191 2 ; Teacher's Dipl. Asst. Master Rastrick G.S. Enl. 1st Aug. 1915 ; R.E. (Chem. Corps) ; Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed 3rd Oct. 191 5 at Loos. *Adam, Gerald Wallace. Son of John Adam, Lee Wood Hotel, Buxton. Born 1899 at Heaton Moor. Bryn Derwent S., Old Colwyn ; Oundle S. O.T.C. Feb. 191 7 to Dec. 19 1 7. Enl. 25th Jan. 191 7 ; Gaz. 29th May 191 8 ; 3rd Bn. Leicester R., attd. 13th Bn. York. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; N. Russia ; Despatches. Died of dysentery on loth Aug. 19 1 9 on H.M.S. Glowworm on the Dvina, N. Russia. Adshead, Sydney Douglas. Son of Walter Adshead, Prestatyn Villa, Greenfield Road, Colwyn Bay. Born 1892 at Kirkby- in-Furness, Lanes. Glossop G.S. M.U. : 1909 ; M.Sc. 19 1 3 (2nd CI. Chem. Hons.) ; O.T.C. Feb. 1 910 to Sept. 191 2. Burroughs, Wellcome ; Res. Chemist. Gaz. 1914 ; R. Marine L.L and i8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Gallipoli and France. Killed 23rd April 19 17 near Arras. *AiNS WORTH, Herbert Green. Son of Green Ainsworth, 41 Sharpies Park, Bolton. Born 1894 at Egerton, Bolton. Bolton G.S. O.T.C. Nov. 1915 to Feb. 1916. Bank Clerk. Gaz. 24th June 191 7 ; 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 9th Oct. 191 7 at Passchendaele. Antrobus, Norman Briggs. Son of E. Antrobus, Park Road, Hale. Born 1893 at Blackley. St. Anselm's S. ; Bakewell ; Sedbergh. M.U. : 1910; Student, Elect. Eng. ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 1 to Oct. 1 9 14. Gaz. Sept. 1914; 4th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 2nd Oct. 19 15 at Hooge. MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Armstrong, William K.ingo. Son of John C. Armstrong, Roeskilde, Heald Green, Cheadle. Born 1892 at Eccles. Montauban S., St. Annes-on-Sea ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1910 ; Cert, in Tech. (Mech. Engin.) 1914 ; O.T.C. Nov. 1910 to Aug. 1 9 14. Student pupil, British Westing- house, Ltd. Gaz. 28th Aug. 1914 ; 4th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed nth April 19 18 at Locon (Battle of the Lys) ; Mentioned by Sir A. Conan Doyle, History of the British Campaign in France and Flanders^ vol. v. p. 231. *Aron, Frederick Adolphus. Son of Ludwig Aron, South Villa, Victoria Park, Manchester. Born 1888 at Manchester. Shrewsbury S. ; Caius College, Cambridge. O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 14 to Dec. 1 9 14. Commerce. Gaz. 24th Dec. 1914 ; loth Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 23rd Aug. 19 1 8 at Mount Kemmel. AsHTON, Hardric Grey. Son of John Ashton, 20 Lyndhurst Road, Withington. Born 1894 at Cardiff. High School, Dublin ; Wyggeston School, Leicester. M.U. : 191 3 j Student, Medicine ; O.T.C. Emerg. Gaz. 9th Oct. 1914 ; 4th Bn. E. Lane. R., attd. nth Bn. London R. ; R.F.C., H.Q. 25 Squadn. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Died nth March 19 18 at Bruay, of wounds received on 26th Feb. 191 8 at Lozinghem. Atkin, Keyser. Son of P. W. Atkin, Salford Stipendiary, 6 Park Lane, Kersal. Born 1892 at Birkenhead. Mostyn House S. ; Mill Hill S. ; Jesus Coll., Cambridge. M.U. : 1914 ; Res. Student, Medicine ; O.T.C. Feb. 1916 to Aug. 19 1 6. Gaz. 1916 ; R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Pris. of War at Holzminden and Freiburg ; Re- patriated in Feb. 19 18. Died of wounds 6th June 191 8 at Nanteuil-La-Fosse ; Montagne de Reims. Bailey, Ernest. Son of Samuel Bailey, Beech field, Hornby Road, Blackpool. Born 1892 at Ash ton-on-Ribble. Hutton G.S. M.U. : 1913; Student, Dentistry; O.T.C. Oct. 1913 to March 1915. Enl. March 1915 j i8th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. 4th Aug. 19 16 to 21st Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 28th Oct. 19 16 at Les Boeufs. *Bailey, Frank. Son of William Bailey, Elloughton, Birch Grove, Rusholme. Born 1890 at Manchester. Hulme ROLL OF SERVICE 3 G.S. ; Monmouth G.S. O.T.C. ist Dec. 1914 to 2nd March 191 5. Chartered Accountant. Gaz. 2nd March 1915 ; 8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. ; GallipoH, Egypt, Palestine, and Western Front. Killed 6th Sept. 191 7 near Ypres. Baird, Leonard Barron. Son of Dr. William James Baird, Springwells, Manchester Rd., Bury. Manch. G.S. M.U. : 1906 ; Student, Medicine. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; Gaz. i/ioth Bn. Manch. R.; Capt. ; Egypt, Dardanelles, France ; M.C.; Despatches (twice). Killed in France 20th April 191 7. Balshaw, Walter. Son of Walter Balshaw, 571 Chorley Road, Bolton. Born 1890 at Bolton. Bolton Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1910 ; Student, Science ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 10 to July 19 1 3. Asst, Master Lancaster G.S. Gaz. 30th July 191 3 ; Manch. R. 3rd Bn., attd. 2nd Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 20th Oct. 19 14 at La Bassee. ♦Barker, Percy. Son of Samuel Barker, Meadow Bank, Heywood. Born 1898 at Heywood. Bury G.S. ; Rossall S. O.T.C. June 1916 to June 191 7. Gaz. 1917 ; M.G.C. 33rd Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 15th April 19 1 8 at Meteren. *Barlow, Harold Carver. Son of Frank Barlow, J. P., Woodville, Marple, Stockport. Born 1891 at Marple. Syrrell House, Llandudno ; Leigh ton Park S., Reading. O.T.C. Feb. 19 1 5 to May 191 5. Partner in Thomas Barlow & Bro., Eastern Merchants. Gaz. May 1915 ; 20th Bn. Lane. Fus. and R.F.C. 9th Squadn. ; Lieut. (Obs.) ; Western Front. Killed i8th June 191 7. Barnett, Charles Titus. Son of John Barnett, 119 Chester Road, Manchester. Born 1 896 at Manchester. St. George's S., Hulme ; Manchester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1915 ; Student, Education ; O.T.C. July 191 5 to Jan. 191 6. Enl. 27th Jan. 191 6 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; 21st Bn. Manch. R. ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed 26th Nov. 191 6 at Beaumont-Hamel. Baron, William. Son of Matthew Baron, Diswilton House, Mesnes Park Terrace, Wigan. Born 1885 at Ince, Wigan. Wigan P.T.C. M.U. : 1905 ; B.A. 1908. Asst. Master Cockburn High S., Leeds. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 19th Oct. 191 7 in France. 4 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Baronian, Haron. Son of Z. Baronian, Brae Cottage, Knuts- ford. Born 1896 at Didsbury. Bowdon Coll. M.U. : 191 1 ; Student, Textile Industries; O.T.C. Nov. 1914 to Oct. 1 91 5. Enl. Dec. 191 5 ; 8th Bn. Ches. R. ; Pte. ; Mesopotamia; Wounded. Killed nth April 19 17 near Deltawa, Mesopotamia. Barrow, Ernest Isaac. Son of Isaac Barrow, 231 Green Lane, Bolton. Born 1889 at Westhoughton. Bolton Mun. Sec. S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1907 ; B.Sc. 19 10 Asst. Master Pen2:ance Sec. S. and Luton Modern S. Enl. 7 th Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. April 191 5 ; loth Bn. S. Lane. R., attd. 2nd Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; Despatches. Killed 23rd Oct. 19 1 6 at Guedecourt. Barry, Kenneth. Son of O. W. Barry, 83 Grafton Street, Coventry. Born 1896 at Coventry. Bablake S., Coventry. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Textile Industries ; O.T.C. Nov. 1914 to June 1915. Enl. Feb. 1916 ; 30th Bn. R. Fus., attd. 23rd Bn. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 27th July 1 9 1 6 at Delville Wood. Batey, John Percy. Son of Robert Batey, 221 Edgeley Road, Stockport. Born 1889 at Chorlton-cum- Hardy. Man- chester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1906 ; M.Sc. Tech. (Hons. Applied Chem.) 1909. Schuster Res. Fellowship. Res. Chemist. Enl. Jan. 1915 ; i6th Bn. Middlesex R. ; R.E. (Chem. Corps) ; C.S.M. ; Western Front ; D.C.M. ; Croix de Guerre (Belgian). Killed 9th April 191 8 near Armentieres. Bedale, Charles Lees (Rev.). Son of Thos. A. Bedale, Worsley, Manchester. Born 1879 at Eccles. Eccles G.S. ; Manchester G.S. ; Clare Coll., Cambridge, Classics and Theology. M.U. : 191 2 ; Lect. in Assyriology ; Tutor at Didsbury Coll. Author of Old Testament and Archaeology y etc. ; Member of Council of Governors of John Rylands Library. Gaz. 17th Jan. 191 6 ; R.A. Chaplns. Dept. ; C.F. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Died 8th March 1919 at Cambridge, of influenza contracted on active service. Beddow, John Frederick Heber. Son of George Beddow, Tyldesley, Lanes. Born 1887 at Tyldesley. Leigh P.T.C. M.U. : 1907 ; M.A. (2nd CI. History Hons.) 191 2 ; O.T.C. June 1908 to Sept. 191 1. Jesus Coll., Oxford ; Asst. Master Louth G.S. ; Senr. Master ROLL OF SERVICE 5 County S., Cambridge (O.C. School O.T.C.). Gaz. 191 1 ; Unattd List (T.F.) and 4th Bn. Essex R. ; Capt. ; Egypt, Western Front, and Palestine. Killed 3rd Nov. 191 7 at Gaza, Palestine. Bedford, Alan William. Son of William J. Bedford, 4 Laisteridge Lane, Horton, Bradford, Yorks. Born 1897 at Bradford. Bradford G.S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Textile Industries ; O.T.C. Dec. 19 15 to March 1917. Gaz. May 191 7 ; 2/6th Bn. W. York. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; Mentioned for gallantry in 62nd Divisional Routine Orders. Killed 20th Nov. 191 7 at Cambrai. Bedford, Robert Harold. Son of W. H. Bedford, Ashton Old Road, Higher Openshav^^, Manchester. Born 1893 at Openshaw. Varna St. Board S. ; Manchester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1911 ; M.A. (2nd CI. History Hons.) 191 7 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 911 to Oct. 1 9 14. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Eg)rpt, Gallipoli, Sinai, Western Front. Wounded twice ; Despatches. Killed 25th March 191 8 near Bapaume. Bell, John Murray. Son of Rev. Benjamin Bell, B.D., Upton, Birkenhead. Born 1886 in Manchester. Woodlands S. ; Manchester G.S. ; Trinity Coll., Oxford. M.U. : 1909 ; Teacher's Dipl. ist Class, 1910 ; Withers prize. Classical Master, Merchiston Castle S, ; Lieut. School O.T.C. Gaz. July 1916 ; 19th Bn. H.L.I., attd. 12th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 24th April 19 17 at Monchy near Arras. Bentham, Richard. Son of Robert Bentham, late of 63 Mackenzie Street, Longsight. Born 1895. Accrington Municipal Sec. S. M.U. : 191 2 j Student for Hons. Engin. ; O.T.C. ist Oct. 191 2 to 7th Oct. 19 14. Gaz. 7th Bn. Manch. R., attd. R.F.C. ; Capt. Killed Oct. 1916 while flying in England. Bentley, Basil. Son of George Bentley, 219 Bolton Road, Darwen. Born 1 894 at Darwen. Darwen Tech. S. M.U. : 1912 ; B.Sc. (ist CI. Geology Hons.) 1915 ; O.T.C. May 19 1 6 to Nov. 1 9 16. Gaz. i6th April 191 7 ; 5th Bn. York, and Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut.; Western Front. Killed nth Sept. 191 7 near Bapaume. Berry, James Frederick Wilkinson. Son of George F. Berry, Innellan, Portland Road, Swinton, Manchester. Born 1897 6 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY at Pendleton. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Photography and Printing ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Oct. 191 5. Gaz. 9th Nov. 1915 ; 17th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Died of influenza on 22nd Nov. 19 18 at Wimereux. *Berry, John Granville. Son of W. N. Berry, Hawthorn House, Earby, Colne. Born 1897 at Earby. Skipton G.S. ; Colne Mun. Sec. S. O.T.C. May 1916 to Oct. 19 16. Cotton Manufacturer. Gaz. 2nd Bn. W. York. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed i6th Aug. 191 7 near Zonnebeke. *BiCE, William Francis. Son of W. A. Bice, 45 Priestnall Road, Heaton Mersey, Manchester. Born at Roehampton, Surrey. Liverpool Coll. ; Manchester G.S. O.T.C. Jan. 19 15 to Jan. 19 1 6. Gaz. Dec. 191 5 ; lOth Bn. Norfolk R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 4th Sept. 19 16 at Falfemont Farm, Guillemont. BiGHAM, William. Son of W. H. Bigham, 2 Victoria Street, Basford, Stoke-on-Trent. Born 1894 at Stoke-on-Trent. Hanley Sec. S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Chemistry; O.T.C. Oct 1913 to Dec. 1914. Gaz. Dec. 1914 ; 13th Bn. Northumb. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Died in London, 6th Sept. 191 5, of illness contracted on active service. Billington, Leslie Charles. Son of Charles Billington, Watlands House, Longport, Staffs. Born 1895 at Wolstan- ton, N. Staffs. Bishop Stortford Coll. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Engineering ; O.T.C. Nov. 191 3 to Oct. 19 14. Gaz. 7th Oct. 1914 ; Lane. Fus. 4th Bn., attd. 2nd Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; Despatches. Killed 9th July 19 1 5 near Ypres. Billington, Whitworth Leonard. Son of Whitworth Billington, 11 Victoria Road, Horwich, Bolton. Born 1894 at Horwich. Rivington and Blackrod G.S. M.U.: 191 2 ; B.Sc. 191 5 ; Res. Student ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to July 1915. Gaz. July 1915 ; nth Bn. N. Staff. R., attd. York, and Lane. R. and R.E. (Spec. Sect.) ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 17 th May 191 7 at Lagnicourt. Blackledge, William Gregson. Son of Rev. Robert T. Black- ledge, Christ Church Rectory, Denton. Born 1896 at Ardwick. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Arts ; O.T.C. Oct. 1915 to Feb. 19 1 6. Enl. 25th Feb. 1916 ; ROLL OF SERVICE 7 O.C.B. No. 3 ; Cadet. Died of enteric, 3rd May 1916, at Bristol. Bloy, Bertram William. Son of William H. Bloy, Orchard House, Hindley Green, Wigan. Born 1895 at Hindley Green. Hindley and Abram G.S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Music ; Hargreaves Exhibitioner ; Inter. Mus. Bac. 191 5 > O.T.C. Oct. 1915 to Feb. 191 6. Organist at St. John's Church, Hindley Green. Enl, 191 6 ; London R. 19th Bn., attd. 7th Bn. ; Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed ist Dec. 191 7 at Messines. Bloy, Laurence Henry. Son of William H. Bloy, Orchard House, Hindley Green. Born 1892 at Hindley Green. Hindley and Abram G.S. M.U. : 191 1 ; Student, Science ; O.T.C. Oct. 1911 to 1914. Gaz. 14th Oct. 1914 ; 5th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. and Adj. ; Western Front. Died 29th June 19 16, of wounds received on 28th June at Blairville. Blue, James Richard. Son of James Blue, 12 Orford Hill, Norwich. Born 1895 at Norwich. City of Norwich S. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Engineering. Civil Engineer. Enl. 1 8th March 1916 ; H.A.C. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 8th Feb. 191 7 at Miraumont. ♦Blythe, Norman Harry. Son of Alfred J. Blythe, Swinton Schools, Swinton. Born 1898 at Belmont, Surrey. Man- chester G.S. O.T.C. 191 3-1 915. Gaz. 3rd Aug. 191 5 ; 1 2th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 3rd Aug. 1 9 1 6 at Delville Wood. Blythe, Percy Alfred. Son of Alfred J. Blythe, Swinton Schools, Swinton. Born 1 895 at Sutton, Surrey. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1913; St-udent, Hons. Chem. ; O.T.C. Emerg. Gaz. 21st Sept. 1914 ; i8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; M.C. ; Despatches. Killed 31st July 1 9 1 6 at Guillemont, Somme. Bolton, John. Son of Henry Hargreaves Bolton, Height- side, Newchurch-in-Rossendale. Born 1889 at Accrington. Tonbridge S. M.U. : 1906 ; Student, Engineering. Com- mercial Manager Accrington Collieries. Gaz. 19th June 191 3 ; 5th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Egypt and Gallipoli ; Commended by Divisional Commander. Killed 4th June 19 1 5 at Helles, GallipoH. Bolton, Reginald Lightbown. Son of John Bolton, High Wray Banks, High Wray, Nr. Ambleside. Born 1888 at 8 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Eccles. Eccles G.S. ; Monmouth G.S. M.U. : 1905 ; B.Com. 1909. Partner in John Bolton & Co., Manchester. Enl. 3rd Sept. 1914 ; i6th Bn. Manch. R. Gaz. 21st March 1915 ; 7 th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Drowned 3rd Aug. 191 8 on Transport Wartlda torpedoed in the EngHsh Channel. Bond, Frederick. Son of John R. Bond, 56 St. George's Road, Bolton. Born 1897 at Bolton. Private and Higher Grade Council S., Bolton. M.U. : 19 14; Student, Chemistry ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 14 to June 1915. Enl. 1915 ; R.E. (Chem. Corps) ; Cpl. 5 Western Front ; D.C.M. Died of wounds, nth April 191 7, received on 9th April at Vimy Ridge. BoRRELL, Lancelot. Son of Arthur Borrell, South Charlton, Alnwick. Born 1893 at Ilton, Yorks. Duke's S., Alnwick. M.U. : 1912 ; B.Sc. 1915 ; O.T.C. Nov. 1913 to Feb. 191 5. Gaz. 24th Feb. 1915 ; Northumb. Fus., 15th Bn., attd. 1 2th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Died loth July 19 1 6 at Oxford, of wounds received on 3rd July at Fricourt. BosTOCK, Clifford. Son of John Bostock, 1 1 Chandos Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Born 1890 at Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Surbiton S., Chorlton-cum-Hardy ; St. Margaret's, Whalley Range. M.U. : 1907 ; M.Sc. Tech. (Chem.) 1911 ; O.T.C. April 1908 to Sept. 1911. Chemist with Robert Clay of Cheadle. Gaz. 31st May 1915 ; lOth Bn. R. War. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 20th Sept. 191 7 in Menin Road Battle. Bourn, John. Son of John Bourn, Crowtress, Bleasdale, Gar- stang. Born at Bleasdale. Bleasdale S. ; St. Oswald's Coll., Shropshire; Keble Coll., Oxford. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Theology ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Jan. 19 15. Gaz. 1915 ; 1st Bn. N. Staff. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 31st July 19 1 7 at Klein Zillebeke. *BousKiLL, Edward. Son of George Edward Bouskill, Bramhall Grange, Bramhall, Cheshire. Born 1 896 at " The Hollies," Buxton Road, Stockport. Stockport Comm. S. ; Manchester G.S. ; Manchester Coll. of Technology. O.T.C. 1 6th Feb. 1915 to 6th May 1915. Gaz. April 1915 ; 21st Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 4th Oct. 191 7 at Broodseinde, Ypres. ROLL OF SERVICE 9 BowDEN, James. Son of J. H. Bowden, Woodfield, Grimsargh, Preston. Born 1897 at Cheadle, Cheshire. King Edward VII. S., Lytham. M.U. : 191 5 ; Student, Engineering. O.T.C. 23rd Jan. 191 6 to 3rd Oct. 1916. Gaz. 25th Feb. 1917 ; M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 30th March 191 8 at Aubercourt. Bowes, Roy. Son of Major John Bowes, M.D., Pen-y-Parc, Highbury Ave., Prestatyn, N. Wales. Born 1093 at Failsworth. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 191 1; Student, Architecture. Enl. 6th Oct. 1914 ; 21st Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. 5th Aug. 1916 ; 15th Bn. R. Welsh Fus.; Capt. ; Western Front; M.C. Died 5th Aug. 19 17 at Dozinghem, of wounds received 3rd Aug. near Steenbecke. Bowler, Thomas Chesters. Son of Samuel Bowler, The Mount, Wirswall, Whitchurch. Born 1899 at Didsbury. Rhos and Chatham House, Ramsgate. M.U. : 1916 ; Student, Chem. ; O.T.C. Oct. 1916 to Jan. 191 8. Gaz. 23rd June 191 8 ; 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Died on 3rd Oct. 191 8 at Givenchy, of wounds received on ist Oct. at Givenchy. Box, Raymond. Son of George Box, 6 Wellington Road, Whalley Range. Born 1893 at Manchester. Manchester Sec. S. M.U. : 191 1 ; B.Sc. Tech. (Chem.) 1914 ; O.T.C. Emerg. Gaz. Aug. 1914 j 14th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut.; Western Front; Wounded. Died nth July 1 9 1 7 at Abbeville, of wounds received on 26th April 191 7 at Arras. Bradbury, Harry. Son of Bennett Bradbury, 189 Windsor Road, Werneth, Oldham. Born 1893 at Saddleworth, Oldham. Hulme G.S., Oldham. M.U. : 1910 ; M.Sc. (ist Class Hons. Chem.) 1914 ; Leblanc Medallist (1913). Enl. I2th Aug. 1914 ; Gaz. 28th Aug. 1914 ; 7th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. and R.E., Special Bde. ; Capt. ; Western Front and Egypt ; Anti-gas Officer. Died of heart failure 3rd Dec. 191 8 at Alexandria, Egypt. Bradley, Reginald Ernest. Son of Dr. F. E. Bradley, M.A., " Stormarn," Wilbraham Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Born 1892 at Prestwich Park, Manchester. Lawrence House, St. Annes-on-Sea ; Haileybury. M.U. : 1909 ; Student, Arts; O.T.C. 1909 to 191 1. Articled to Nield, Son & Lees, Chartered Accountants. Enl. 7 th Oct. 1914 ; Cpl. R.E. (Motor Cyclist), Despatch Rider. Gaz. 2nd July lo MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY 1916 ; R.E. Signals ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; 19 14 Star. Killed 23rd Dec. 191 6 near Albert. Bramwell, Frederick. Son of William Bramwell, Church Street, Farnworth, Bolton. Born 1885 at Little Lever, Bolton. Central Higher Grade S., Bolton. M.U. : 1903 ; B.Sc. 1906. Asst. Master Burgess St. S., Harpurhey. Enl. June 1916 ; R.E. (Chem. Corps) ; Pnr. ; Western Front. Killed 25th Aug. 191 6 near Doullens. Brindle, John Lawrence. Son of F. W. Brindle, Beachhurst, Chorley. Born 1895. Shrewsbury S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Textile Industries. Gaz. 4th Bn. L. N. Lane. R. ; Capt. j Western Front. Invalided out in Jan. 19 18 through sickness ; Died of ill-health resulting, on 1 3th March 1 9 1 8 at Banchory. Brocklebank,. Charles Cyril. Son of Charles T. Brockle- bank, Wamgrowes, Ellesmere Road, Heaton Chapel. Born 1900 at Heaton Chapel. Hulme G.S. M.U. : 191 8 ; Student, Textiles 5 O.T.C. Jan. 19 18 to Nov. 191 8. With Greg Bros., Manchester. Cadet. Died November 1 91 8, at Heaton Chapel, of influenza and pneumonia. Brodrick, Edward. Son of Thomas Brodrick, Secretary Co- operative Wholesale Society, Manchester. Born 1893 at Eccles. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1909 ; LL.B. 191 2. Articled to Aston, Harwood & Somers, Solicitors. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. Nov. 1914 ; 13th Bn. Manch. R., attd. i6th Bn. ; Capt. ; Salonica and Western Front. Killed 31st July 191 7 near Ypres. *Brookes, Percy. Son of R. D. Brookes, 12 Arnold Avenue, Saylesville, Rhode Island, U.S.A. Born 1886. Stockport Technical S. O.T.C. May 19 16 to Jan. 19 17. Auc- tioneer and Valuer. Gaz. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 24th Dec. 191 7 at Gheluvelt. Brookes, Wilfred da Cunha. Son of Arthur Brookes, Morningside, Princes Road, Sale. Born 1890, Sale. Sale G.S. ; Manchester G.S. ; Bolton G.S. M.U. : 1908 ; Student, Textiles ; C. and G. of London Inst., 2nd year Certs., Spinning and Weaving. O.T.C. ist Feb. 1909 to 30th Sept. 1 9 II . Asst. Man. in Cotton-weaving Factory ; Inspect, of Mun. (Westinghouse). Enl. 30th April 1916 ; Tank Corps ; Cpl. ; Western Front ; M.M. ; Wounded. Died 2nd Feb. 191 8, Weymouth Isolation Hosp., of cerebro- spinal meningitis. ROLL OF SERVICE ii Brooks, Archibald Buckley. Son of Buckley Brooks, Manor House, Hale Barns, Cheshire. Born 1890 at Manchester. Dean Close S., Cheltenham. M.U. : 1907 ; Student, Architecture. Architect. Gaz. 29th Oct. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 7th Oct. 1 9 1 7 at Zonnebeke. Brooks, Frank Smith. Son of Arthur P. Brooks, Whiteholme, Bramhall Lane, Cheadle Hulme. Born 1893. Stockport G.S. M.U. : 1912; Student, Law; O.T.C. Emerg. Articled to Smith & Brooks, Sohcitors. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; N. Staff. R., attd. 20th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed ist July 19 16 at Fricourt, Som^me. Brown, John. Son of George Brown, 28 Darley Grove, Farn- worth. Born i890at Farnworth. Manchester G.S. M.U.: 1910 ; Student, Applied Chemistry; O.T.C. Oct. 19 11 to Sept. 1 9 14. Oil Merchant. Enl. 2nd Sept. 1914 ; 20th Hussars. Gaz. Feb. 191 7 ; R. Welsh Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Drowned 4th May 191 7 on the torpedoing of H.M.T. Transylvania in Mediterranean. *Brown, John. Son of William Brown, J. P., The Laurels, Heaton Mersey. Born 1888 at Heaton Moor, Stockport. Buxton Coll. ; The Leys, Cambridge. O.T.C. Feb. 1915 to May 19 1 5. Director of Affleck & Brown, Ltd., etc. Gaz. May 191 5 ; 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; M.C. Killed 21st March 191 8 at St. Quentin. Brown, Tom. Son of John Brown, 597 Stockport Road, Long- sight. Born 1888 at Manchester. Manchester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1907 ; B.Sc. 1910 ; M.A. 1912. Asst. Master James I. Grammar S., Bishop Auckland, Durham. Gaz. 2nd April 191 5 ; 7th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 1 3th Nov. 1 9 1 6 at Grandcourt. Brownridge, Frederick Walter. Son of Walter Brownridge, I Whalley Grove, Whalley Range. Born 1893 at Leeds. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Commerce. City Treasurer's Office, Manchester Corporation. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. ; France. Killed 20th July 1 9 1 6 at High Wood. Brownson, Alfred Reginald. Son of George Brownson, J. P., C.C., Burnside, Hyde. Born 1887 at Hyde. Tettenhall Coll., Staffs. M.U. : 1904 ; Student, Arts ; O.T.C. Nov. 191 5 to Feb. 191 6. Director of George Brownson, Ltd., Hyde. Gaz. 1916 ; nth Bn. Welch R. ; Lieut. ; 12 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Western Front, Salonica. Killed i8th Sept. 191 8 near the Grande Couronne, Salonica. Buckley, Edmund Maurice. Son of Sir Edmund Buckley, Plas Dinas, Mawddy, Merionethshire. Born 1880. Cheltenham College. M.U. : 1904 ; Student, Engin. Hons. Studied Engineering at the Humber Works at Beeston, Notts., and Coventry. Enl. Aug. 1914 ; Gaz. Sept. 1914 } R. Welsh Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Dardanelles. Died nth Aug. 191 5 at Suvla Bay, from wounds. BuDENBERG, DoNALD Harlow. Son of Christian F. Budenberg, M.Sc, Somerville, Marple. Born 1896 at Marple. Clifton Coll. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Engineering ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 14 to Oct. 1915. Gaz. Jan. 191 6 ; i6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 25th April 19 18 near Voormezeele, Ypres. Budge, Huyton Ernest Ulric. Son of Frank E. Budge, 10 Lome Road, Fallowfield. Born 1892 at Old Trafford. Abbotsford, Sale ; St. Margaret's Higher Grade ; Hulme G.S. ; and Princess St. Training Coll. M.U. : 191 1; B.Sc. 1 9 14. Enl. 25th Aug. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed 20th July 19 16 at High Wood. BuLLOUGH, Thomas Horrobin Stanley. Son of Thomas Bullough, Sandfield, Hall Lane, Hindley. Born 1896 at Hindley. Hindley Hall ; Wigan G.S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Medicine ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Aug. 19 1 5. Gaz. 26th Aug. 1915 ; nth Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 8th July 19 16 at La Boiselle. ♦Burgess, Charles. Son of Charles Burgess, Westholme, Lower Peover, Knutsford. Born 1889 at Plumbley. Manchester G.S. O.T.C. Feb. 19 15 to Aug. 19 15. Beith, Stevenson & Co., Manchester. Gaz. Sept. 191 5 j R.F.A., 2nd W. Lane. Brigade ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed nth Oct. 1 9 1 8 at Tilloy, Cambrai. Butterworth, Ben. Son of Alexander Butterworth, 429 Bury Rd., Rochdale. Born 1889 at Rochdale. Rochdale Parish Church S. M.U. : 1910 ; Cert, in Tech. (Mech. Engin.) 191 3 ; O.T.C. 1911 to 191 4. Apprenticed to fitter. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; Gaz. 17th Feb. 1915 ; Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; France and Mesopotamia ; Wounded. Killed 17 th March 19 17 at Kizil Rolat. ROLL OF SERVICE 13 Byers, Richard Knight. Son of Richard Hoare Byers, Hazeldean, Severn Road, Weston-super-Mare. Born 1895 at Weston - super - Mare. Brynmelyn School, Weston- super-Mare. Scholarship to Dalton Hall. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Chem. ; O.T.C. 191 3 to 19 14. Enl. Aug. 1914 ; Gaz. 8th Bn. Gloucester R. ; Major ; Western Front. Killed 20th July 1916 at Bazentin-le- Petit. Cade, Reginald Harry. Son of J. H. Cade, The Beeches, Grange Avenue, Levenshulme. Born 1891 at Rochdale. Rossall S. M.U. : 1910 ; LL.B. 1913 ; O.T.C. Jan. 1911 to 1 9 14. Messrs. Ogden, Hardiker & Hanson, Solicitors. Gaz. April 1914 ; 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Major; Galli- poli, Sinai, and Western Front ; Wounded three times. Killed 27th Sept. 191 8 in France. Cansino, Joshua Haim. Son of Haim Cansino, 64 Faulkner Street, Manchester. Born 1890 at Casablanca, Morocco. Cheetham Higher Grade S. M.U. : 1906 ; M.Sc. Tech., Applied Chemistry, 19 10. Studied at Berhn and Paris. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; 4th Bn. R. Sussex R. Gaz. Nov. 191 5 ; 26th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 2nd June 1 9 1 6 at Arras. ♦Carefull, John Holt. Son of Joseph Carefull, 19 Bidston Avenue, Claughton, Birkenhead. Born 1892 at Liver- pool. St. Silas S., Toxteth ; St. Andrews H.G.S., Birken- head ; Oulton Sec. S. O.T.C. Nov. 191 5 to 12th Jan. 1916. Clerk with H. W. Lighthouse, Timber Brokers, Liverpool. Enl. Nov. 1915 ; Gaz. 3rd Sept. 1916 ; 12th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Major ; Western Front. Killed 24th March 191 8 at St. Quentin. Caress, Frank Clare. Son of Herbert Caress, 9 Moss Road, Winnington, Northwich. Born 1890 at Winnington. Winnington Park S. ; Wilton G.S. ; Elstow S., Bedford. M.U. : 191 o ; Student, Hons. Eng. Weaver Navigation S., Northwich. Enl. 5th Bn. Ches. R. ; Pte. S.S. Irishman ; Ship's Engineer. Died 20th Oct. 191 8 at Greenwich Hosp. of illness due to active service. Carson, Charles Graham. Son of William L. Carson, Congleton. Born 1894 at Congleton. Denstone Coll. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Medicine. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; N. Staff. R. Gaz. Jan. 1915 ; 13th Bn. Essex R. ; Capt. ; Western Front 5 Wounded; M.C. Died 19th Nov. 19 16 at Rouen^ of w^oUnds received on 13th Nov. 19 16 at Serre. 14 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Case, Charles Henry. Son of Henry Case, 53 Deacon Road, Widnes. Born 1896 at Widnes. Widnes Sec. S. M.U. : 191 5 ; Student, Arts ; O.T.C. Nov. 19 15 to Jan. 1916. Enl. 13th Nov. 1916 ; 2/5th Bn. S. Lane. R. Gaz. Sept. 1917 ; nth Bn. Manch. R. and R.A.F. 20th Squadn. ; 2nd Lieut. (Obs.) ; Western Front. Killed 29th Sept. 191 8 near St. Quentin. Cass, Edward Charles. Son of W. H. Cass, Ivy Dene, Colne, Lanes. Born 1895 at Brough, Yorks. Colne Sec. S. M.U. : 1912 ; Student, Chemistry; O.T.C. Oct. 191 1 to Sept. 19 1 3. Apprentice with Levinsteins, Man- chester. Enl. Sept. 1914 > 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Sergt. ; Western Front. Killed 20th July 1916 at High Wood. Chapman, Charles Hamilton Murray. Son of C. Capel Chapman, formerly of War Office. Born 1892 at Chisle- hurst. Monmouth G.S. M.U. : 1910 ; Student (for Matric). Enl. i6th Oct. 1914 ; Wireless Operator on H.M.S. Revenge and on Minesweeper Isabella Fowlte. Gaz. 2ist June 1915 ; R.N.A.S. 4th Squadn. ; Instructor Gunnery Flight, Eastchurch ; Flight Lieut. R.N. ; France, North Sea, and Coast Defence Air Stat. ; Wounded. Accidentally killed whilst flying, 23rd Feb. 19 18, at Eastchurch. Cheshire, James. Son of Daniel Cheshire, Vasilli Ostroff, Petrograd. Born 1884 at Petrograd. St. Luke's S., Cheetham Hill; Salford Tech. S. M.U. : 1911 ; Cert, in Engin. 19 15. Enl. Jan. 191 5 ; ist Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. ; Mesopotamia. Died May 1 9 1 6 of cholera in Mesopotamia. Chronnell, Hubert. Son of Dr. Chronnell, Ash Cottage, Hindley, nr. Wigan. Born 1894 at Hindley. Stonyhurst Coll. M.U. : 191 3; Student, Medicine. Gaz. Oct. 1914 ; 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; M.C. ; Despatches. Killed 31st July 191 7 at St. Jean, near Ypres. ♦Clarke, David. Son of David Clarke, 914 Chester Road, Stretford. Born 1897 at Manchester. Manchester Central S. O.T.C. April 191 6 to Oct. 1916. Gaz. 1916 ; Ches. R. 3rd Bn., attd. i6th, nth, and 12th (Entrenching) Bns. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 22nd March 191 8 near La Fere Wood, St. Quentin. ROLL OF SERVICE 15 Clayton, Norman. Son of William Clayton, Hapton S., Burnley. Born 1887 at Hapton. Hapton Ch. S. ; Accrington Sec. S. M.U. : 1906 ; B.A. 1909. Asst. Master at Dollar, Ludlow, and Hutton, near Preston. Enl. 19 14 ; 4th Bn. R. Berks. R. Gaz. Dec. 191 5 ; 4th Bn. R. Berks. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front j Wounded 191 5. Killed 23rd July 19 16 at Pozieres. Clegg, Alexander. Son of Samuel Clegg, 20 Cobden Street, Bolton. Born 1892 at Bolton. Derby St. Congregational S. M.U. : 1911 ; B.Sc. 1914 ; Teacher's Cert. 1915 ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 1 to June 1915. Asst. Master Cork G.S. Gaz. 1 2th June 191 5 ; 13th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed June 19 16 on Somme. Clegg, Alford Victor. Son of Calder Hurst Clegg, Shore House, Littleborough. Born 1885. M.U. : 1904; B.Sc. (2nd CI. Chemistry Hons.) 1910. Leblanc Medallist. Director of E. Clegg & Son, Ltd., Littleborough, Cotton Manufacturers. Gaz. Jan. 1909 ; 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ; Gallipoh. Killed 7th Aug. 19 15 at Helles, Gallipoli. Clough, Harry Collier. Son of William Clough, 126 Rose- neath Road, Urmston. Born 1895 at Urmston. Urmston Council S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student (Classics Hons., Prehm. 1915) ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 3 to July 19 1 5. Gaz. 26th July 191 5 ; 14th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 30th July 191 6 at Guillemont, Somme. *Collier, Samuel Francis. Son of Rev. Samuel F. Collier, The Olives, Anson Road, Victoria Park. Born 1890. Bickerton House S., Southport ; Manchester G.S. O.T.C. Aug. 1914 to Sept. 1 914. Buyer, Messrs. Tootal, Broadhurst, Lee & Co. Enl. ist Sept. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Gaz. 30th Oct. 19 14 to same ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 22nd March 191 8 at Servacue Farm. ♦Collier, Sidney. Son of Rev. Samuel F. Collier, The Olives, Anson Road, Victoria Park. Born 1895 at Manchester. Epw^orth Coll., Rhyl. O.T.C. Aug. 19 14 to Sept. 19 14. With Messrs. Tootal, Broadhurst, Lee & Co. Gaz. Oct. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R. and R.F.C. ; Capt. ; Egypt, Gallipoli, Sinai, and Western Front ; Wounded (twice) ; M.C. and Despatches (twice). Killed whilst flying on 28th March 1 9 1 8 near Vimy. 1 6 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Connor, Samuel Maurice. Son of Rev. James Connor, Ock- brook, Nr. Derby. Born 1897 at Bristol. Fulneck, Leeds ; Bedford G.S. M.U. : 1916 ; Seaton Scholar elect. Gaz. 5th Feb. 191 7 ; 5th Bn. Bedford R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed loth Aug. 191 7 at Glencorse Wood, Ypres. CoNSTANTiNE, WiLLiAM. Son of William Constantine, South View, Croft Street, Bolton. Born 1895 at Bolton. Bolton Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Science. Enl. 6th Feb. 1915 ; R.A.M.C. Gaz. 8th Aug. 1916 ; 7th Bn. Border R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; M.C. Killed i8th Sept. 191 8 at Gauche Wood, N.E. of Peronne. Conway, Brian Wiseman. Son of Dr. Basil Conway, Overton House, Longsight. Born 1 894 at Longsight. Epsom Coll. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1912 ; Student, Medicine ; O.T.C. Oct. 1913 to Oct. 1914. Enl. 7th Sept. 1914; R.A.M.C. 30th Field Ambulance. Gaz. 5th Nov. 1915 ; 17th Bn. Durham L.I.,attd. 22nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Wounded 8th Sept. 191 6. Killed 4th Oct. 1 9 1 7 at Polygone Wood, Ypres. Cooke, John Howard. Son of William Cooke, The Thorns, Cheadle Hulme. Born 1892 at Cheadle Hulme. Holme Lee S., Buxton; Shrewsbury Coll. M.U. : 1911 ; Student, Architecture; O.T.C. Emerg. Gaz. 12th Oct. 1914 ; 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Lieut. ; A.D.C. to Gen. Gordon Stewart ; Western Front ; Wounded (twice). Died of pneumonia, 9th Oct. 19 18, at Trouville. CooKE, John Irwin. Son of John Cooke, 19 WeUington Road, Whalley Range. Born 1891 at Prestwich. Kilgrimol S., St. Annes-on-Sea. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Engineer- ing. Lane, and York. Railway Co. Gaz. 13th Bn. York, and Lane. R. and R.E. ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Accidentally killed 3rd Sept. 1 9 1 7 at Reninghelst. CooMBER, Horace Bertram. Son of William Horace Coomber, Glenholme, Prestwich Park. Born 1894 at Prestwich. Stand G.S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1911 ; Certificate in Engineering, 1914 ; O.T.C. Aug. 19 14 to Sept. 19 14. Gaz. 3rd Sept. 1914 ; 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; R.F.C. 45th Squadn. ; Capt. (Aer. Offr.) ; Western Front. Killed 1 2th Oct. 191 7 near Cambrai. Cooper, Joseph. Son of James Cooper, 94B Ainsworth Road, Radchffe. Born 1896 at Bury. Radcliffe Congreg. S. 5 ROLL OF SERVICE 17 Stand G.S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Chemistry ; O.T.C. Nov. 1 9 14 to March 19 15. Student Teacher. Gaz. 25th March 191 5 ; 14th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; GalHpoli, Sinai, and Western Front ; Despatches. Killed 26th Sept. 1 9 1 6 at Moquet Farm, Somme. Cooper, William Randolph. Son of Ernest N. Cooper, Counting House, Nether Shatton, Hope. Born 1897 at Bolton - le - Moors. Friern Barnet G.S., Hulme G.S. M.U. : 1915 ; Student, Textile Industries ; O.T.C. Jan. 1916 to Aug. 1916. Gaz. 25th Oct. 1916 ; 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. J 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 1 3th May 1 9 1 8 at Givenchy. CoRLESS, John Stanley. Son of William B. Corless, Ulcrigg, Greaves, and Caton Green, Lancaster. Born 1892 at Poulton-le-Fylde. Lancaster Royal G.S. M.U. : 1910 ; Student, Dental ; O.T.C. Oct. 1910 to Oct. 19 14. Gaz. 1 6th Sept. 1914 ; 4th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Resigned to resume Dental Studies ; Rejoined 2nd Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 19th Sept. 191 8 near Holnon, St. Quentin. Cornish, Gerald Warre. Son of F. W. Warre Cornish, Vice-Provost of Eton, late of The Cloisters, Eton. Born 1875 at Eton. Eton and King's Coll., Cambridge. M.U. : 191 1 ; Asst. Lectr. in Greek and Latin; O.T.C. May 19 II to Sept. 1 9 14. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; Somerset L.I. ; Major ; France. Killed i6th Sept. 1915 at Flers, near Bapaume. Cotton, Edv^ard Charles. Son of E. G. Cotton, i Raby St., Moss Side, Manchester. Born 1887 at Manchester. Central High S., Manchester. M.U. : 1903 ; L.D.S. 1908. Dentist. Enl. 17th April 1916 ; 6th and 12th Bns. Manch. R. ; Pte. ; France. Killed 25th April 191 7 at Arras. CowLiSHAv^^, Arthur Colin. Son of Wm. G. Covi^lishaw, 9 Temple Street, Basford, Stoke-on-Trent. Born 1892 at Basford. Hanley Sec. S. M.U. : 1910 ; Certificate in Tech. 191 3 j Apprenticed to Cowlishaw, Walker & Co., Engineers, Stoke-on-Trent. Enl. Aug. 1914 ; 5th Bn. N. Staff. R. J Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 26th Sept. 191 5 at Hill 60. CowPE, George Bleazard. Son of Alexander Cowpe, Pendle- hurst, Burnley. Born 1895 at Burnley. Burnley G.S. ; C r8 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Rydal Mt., Colwyn Bay. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Textile Industries ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Jan. 19 16. Gaz. 1 2th Jan. 1916 ; 6th Bn. Cheshire R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 31st July 191 7 at Winnipe, St. Julien. Cox, Clarence Rupert. Son of G. E. Cox, 7 Alexandra Road, Manchester. Born March 1888 at Manchester. Man- chester G.S. M.U. : 1908 j Law Student. Pte. Secre- tary to Mr. G. G. Armstrong, The Daily News, Manchester ; Assist. Sec. S.C.M. Entered Exeter Coll., Oxford, 191 3, for ordination. Enl. 1914 ; Gaz. Sussex R., transfd. R.F.C.; Capt. ; France and Egypt. Died of wounds 13th April 191 7 in Egypt. Crawford-Kehrmann, Jessel. Son of Louis Crawford-Kehr- mann, Bailey's Hotel, London. Born 1886 at Durban, Natal. South Africa and Germany. M.U. : 1907; B.Sc. (Hons. Engineering) 191 1 ; O.T.C. April 1908 to July 19 1 2. East Africa. Gaz. 191 2 ; 3rd Bn. Rifle Bde. ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; 1914 Star. Killed 24th Jan. 19 1 5 at Armentieres. Critchley, Roland. Son of Charles Critchley, 11 Prince's Road, Fairhaven, Lytham. Born 1895 at Chorley. Hol- linshead St. Congregational S. ; Chorley Sec. S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Dental ; O.T.C. Dec. 19 14 to March 1917. Gaz. 8th March 1917 ; R.F.C. 22nd Squadn. ; 2nd Lieut. (Observer) ; Western Front. Killed whilst flying, 2nd April 191 8, near Charlottenberg. Cryer, Liebig. Son of Thomas Cryer, Belvoir, Hurstead, Rochdale. Born 1888 at Deanhead, Littleborough. King William's Coll., I.O.M. M.U. : 1910 ; Student, Chem- istry. Chemical Works Manager. Enl. 5th December 1914 ; 13th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Sergt. ; France. Killed 26th Sept. 1916 near Moquet Farm, Thiepval. ♦CuMMiNG, George. Son of John Cumming, 149 Richmond Road, Crewe. Born 1896 at Crewe. Crewe Sec. S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student (Med.) ; O.T.C. 19th Oct. 1914 to 13th Sept. 19 1 5. Gaz. Sept. 1915; S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed on the Somme, 8th July 191 6. CuNLiFFE, Edward Gilbert. Son of James Cunliffe, Castle View, The Cliff, Higher Broughton. Born 1893 at Accrington. Manchester Central S. M.U. : 191 1 ; Cert. ROLL OF SERVICE 19 in Tech. (Textile Industries) 1914 ; O.T.C. Emerg. Gaz. Oct. 1914 ; 1 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. and 37th Bn. M.G.C. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 25th March 19 18 at Ypres. CuNLiFFE, Ernest Nicholson. Son of Thomas Cunliffe, Bolton. Born 1877 at Bolton. Bolton High S. ; Mon- mouth G.S. M.U. : 1896 j M.D. 1903. Lecturer in Clinical Medicine ; Consultant Physician. Gaz. 1908 ; R.A.M.C, T.F. ; Lieut.-Col. ; O.C. 2nd Western Gen. Mil. Hosp. ; Western Front ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Des- patches (War Sec). Died 31st March 1919 at Win- dermere of illness contracted on service. Cunliffe, James Grimshaw. Son of James Cunliffe, Castle View, The Cliff, Higher Broughton. Born 1 885 at Church, near Accrington. Accrington Tech. S. M.U. : 1901 ; M.Sc, Tech. (Elect. Engin.), 1908 j O.T.C. Emerg. Asst. Electrical Engineer to Manchester and Birmingham Corporations. Gaz. Aug. 1914 ; i8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; M.C. Died of wounds ist Aug. 191 7 in Flanders. *CuRRY, Vernon Edward. Son of E. J. Curry, 49 Langshaw Street, Old Trafford, Manchester. Born 1892. Princess Road S., Moss Side, Manchester. O.T.C. 9th July 19 15 to 5th Oct. 191 5. Fire Claims Dept. Guard. Assur. Co. Gaz. Oct. 191 5 ; 1st Bn. Bedford R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 23rd April 191 7 at Arras. Daintith, James. Son of William Daintith, 114 Manchester Road, Warrington. Born 1887 at Warrington. National S., Warrington. M.U.:- 1909; Cert, in Tech. (Sanitary Engin.) 191 2 ; O.T.C. Sept. 1909 to 19 14. Asst. Water Engineer, Wellingborough ; Asst. Surveyor, HaHfax Corporation. Gaz. May 191 7, R.E. ; 2nd Lieut.; Western Front. Killed 13th Aug. 191 7. Darbishire, Arthur Dukinfield. Son of Samuel Dukinfield Darbishire, M.D. Born 1879 in Kensington. Magdalen Coll. S. and Balliol Coll., Oxford. M.U. : 1903 j Dem. in Zoology. Lectr. in Edinburgh Univ. Enl. July 1915; Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Gaz. 28 th Dec. 1915 ; R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Died in camp at Gailes on Christmas Day, 191 5, of cerebral meningitis. *Darwin, John Henry Bradshaw. Son of Major G. H. Darwin, M.D., Wentworth, Lethbridge Road, Southport. 20 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Born 1 88 1 at West Didsbury. Private S., Manchester G.S. O.T.C. July 191 5 to Sept. 191 5 ; Clerk, Lanes, and Yorks. Railway. Gaz. 191 5 ; 8th Bn. Manch. R. j Lieut. ; Western Front. Died whilst in enemy hands, 5th Dec. 191 7, at Cambrai, of wounds received on 3rd Dec. Davie, Sydney John. Son of John P. Davie, 10 Hawthorn Terrace, Timperley. Born 1892 at Oldham. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1910 ; M.A. (Hist. Hons. 2nd Class) 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 14 to Feb. 191 6. Gaz. 22nd July 1916, 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Egypt ; Western Front. Killed i oth Oct. 1 9 1 7 at Nieuport. Dawes, Charles Edmund. Son of W. H. Dawes, of Cheetham Hill and Blackpool. Born 1893. Manch. Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1912; Teacher's Cert.; O.T.C. 1912 to 1914. Pupil-teacher at the Central High S., Manchester. Gaz. Aug. 1914 ; L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 28th January 19 15. Dawn, Harold Frederick. Son of W. A. W. Dawn, of Messrs. T. D. Findlay & Son, Moulmein, Burmah. Born 1893 in India. St. Paul's S., Darjeeling. M.U. : 191 1 ; B.Sc. 1914. Indian Army; 2nd Lieut. Killed ist Feb. 19 1 6 in Mesopotamia. Dean, Leonard Lawson. Son of Arthur Dean, Claremont Cottage, Irlams o' th' Height. Born 1898 at Pendleton. Keswick S. M.U.: 1915 ; Student, Law. Articled to Walker, Dean & Co., Solicitors, Manchester. Royal Military Coll., Sandhurst. Gaz. April 191 7 ; ist Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 3rd Oct. 19 18 at Sequehart, France. Dearden, Walter. Son of William Dearden, Holmedale, White- field. Born 1894 at Whitefield. Stand G.S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 191 3; Student, Engineering ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 3 to April 19 1 5. Apprentice Loco. Works, Horwich, L. & Y. Railway Co. Gaz. 7th April 1915 ; nth Bn. N. Staff. R., attd. 7th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Mesopotamia. Killed 19th Dec. 1916 near Kut. De Buriatte, John Philip. Son of W. W. de Buriatte, Wrays- bury Mills, Wraysbury, Bucks. Born 1887 at Aylesford, Kent. Slough S.: Dulwich Coll. M.U. : 1905; Certificate in Tech. 1908. Wraysbury Paper Mills, U.S.A. Gaz. 14th Feb. 191 5 ; E. Surrey R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed March 19 15 at Neuve Chapelle. ROLL OF SERVICE 21 Dehn, Thomas George Rudolph. Son of Rudolph Dehn, Anson Road, Victoria Park, Manchester. Born 1884 at Manchester. Manchester G.S. Balliol Coll., Oxford. M.U. : 1913-1914; Lecturer in Law. Barrister Northern Circuit. Gaz. Wilts. R. ; attd. R. Berks. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Died, 1 9th April 1 9 1 7 , at Havre, of wounds received on 14th April at Metz en Couture. Delbanco, James Robert. Son of Charles Delbanco, 7 Duke Street, Southport. Born 1 896 at Southport. University S., Southport. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Arts ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 1 3 to Nov. 1 9 1 4. Enl. 1 9 1 4 ; 20th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 30th July 19 1*6 at Guillemont. Del^pine, Helenus George Sheridan. Son of Prof. A. Sheridan Delepine (Prof, of Public Health), Birch Hall, Manchester. Born 1888 in London. Woodlands S. and Geneva. M.U. : 1907 ; M.Sc. (ist CI. Hons. Engineer- ing) 1914 ; O.T.C. April 1908 to Oct. 19 10. Gaz. 2nd Lieut. Junior Instructor in Drawing and Dem. in Engineer- ing ; Dem. in Civil Engineering, McGill University, Canada ; Asst. Engineer at Waddell's and Harrington, Kansas City ; Asst. Engineer in Airship Dept. of Messrs. Vickers, Barrow-in-Furness. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; 3rd Bn. D. of Corn. L.I. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Died of wounds 17 th April 19 15 at Ypres. Dewar, James Rodger. Son of William Dewar, 66 Oxford Avenue, Warrington. Born 1895 at Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire. Dunnikier Public S., Kirkcaldy ; Arpley S., Warrington ; Warrington Sec. S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Education ; Inter. B.Sc. 191 5. Enl. 9l:h July 1915 ; 8th Bn. Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) ; Pte. ; Western Front ; M.M. Killed 1 2th Oct. 1 9 1 7 at Ypres. Dickey, Robert George Alexander. Son of Dr. A. A. G. Dickey, M.B.E., J.P., Higgin House, Colne. Born 1894 at Colne. St. Bees S., Cumberland. M.U. : 191 3 ? Student, Chemistry; O.T.C. Oct. 19 13 to Nov. 19 14. Gaz. ist Nov. 1914 ; 5th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Gallipoli, Sinai, and Western Front ; Wounded (twice). Died 14th Nov. 19 1 8 at Greystones, Blackpool, of influenza, after gas poisoning. Dixon, George. Son of Isaiah Dixon, 19 Northenden Road, Sale. Born 1888 at Sale. Manchester Central S. 22 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY M.U. : 1910 ; Student, Mechanical Engin. ; O.T.C. April 1908 to May 19 1 2. Hans Renold, Ltd., Didsbury. Gaz. 1 8th May 191 2 ; 2nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Despatches. Killed 20th Oct. 19 14 at Les Trois Maisons near La Bassee. Docker, Fred. Son of Councillor R. F, Docker, Wellington Street, Millom. Born 1894 at Millom, Cumberland. Millom Sec. S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 191 3 ; B.Sc. ; 1916 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1914 to Feb. 1916. Enl. 1916 ; 28th Bn., attd. ist Bn. R. Fus. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 31st July 191 7. DoiG, Alexander McLaren. Son of G. McLaren Doig, late of 123 Plymouth Grove, Manchester. Born 1890 at Barrow-in-Furness. Ducie Avenue S., School of Tech. M.U. : 1906 ; Cert, in Technology (Elect. Engin.) 1909. O.T.C. 1912-1914. British Westinghouse Staff. Gaz. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; D.C.M. ; Gallipoli. Died of wounds August 191 5. Donald, Alan James Ingram. Son of Dr. Archibald Donald, 5 Conyngham Road, Victoria Park, Manchester. Born 1 894 at Manchester. The Leas, Hoylake, and Winchester Ss.; New Coll., Oxford. M.U. : 191 3 j Student, Medicine. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed 4th June 19 15 at Helles, Gallipoli. DoRMAN, Harold Mark. Son of C. M. Dorman, Whitehall, Brooklands, Cheshire. Born 1897 at Sale. Sale High S., and King William's Coll., I.O.M. M.U. : 1915 ; Student, Engineering. Enl. May 1916 ; R.E. ; Spr. Accidentally drowned 9th Sept. 191 7 at Marlow. DoRRiNGTON, Percy. Son of J. William Dorrington, Cleveleys, Harcourt Road, Llandudno. Born 1896 at Manchester. Hulme G.S. M.U. : 1912 ; B.A. (ist Class Hons. Classics) 191 5 ; Victoria Scholar ; Graduate Scholar ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 14 to Aug. 1 91 5. Gaz. Aug. 191 5 ; 13th Bn. Sherwood Foresters, attd. i oth Bn. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 1 2th Oct. 191 7 at Poelcappelle, Belgium. DowNiE, Robert Theodore Manners. Son of Manners Downie, Cornbrook, Knutsford. Born 1890. Glasgow Academy; Abroad. M.U. : 1907 ; Student. Director pf R. M. E)ownie &c Co,, Shippers, Manchester, Gaz, ROLL OF SERVICE 23 May 191 5 ; 5th Bn. Highland L.I. ; Lieut. Died of meningitis 24th Jan. 1 9 1 6 at Leeds. *DoYLE, Henry James. Son of M. J. Doyle, i Veronica Road, Didsbury. Born 1893 ^* Dumfries. St. Joseph's S., Dum- fries. O.T.C. Nov. 19 1 5 to Jan. 19 16. Cotton Manu- facturer. Gaz. March 1916 ; 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Died of wounds 1 1 th Oct. 1 9 1 7 at Passchendaele. Dreschfield, Henry Theodore. Born 1868. Manchester G.S. ; Tettenhall Coll. M.U. : 1885 ; Student, Dentistry. Hon. Dental Surg, to Dent. Hosp. Gaz. 1895 ; Rejoined Sept. 1914 ; 13th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Died 13th Feb. 19 1 5 at Eastbourne. Duckworth, Eric. Son of James Duckworth, Dunsterville, Rochdale. Born 1895 at Rochdale. Sandroyd Prep. S., Cobham, Surrey ; Rugby. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Polit. Econ. Appren. J. Duckworth, Ltd., Rochdale. Enl. 5th Aug. 1914 ; Gaz. 6th Aug. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Lane. Fus.; 2nd Lieut. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed in action on 7th Aug. 191 5. DuDDLE, William Kearsley. Son of James Duddle, Mus.B., 37 Richmond Grove, Rusholme. Born 1888 at Wigan. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1908 ; M.A. 191 2. Asst. Master, Cavendish Schools, All Saints. Gaz. ist Jan. 191 6 ; 8th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. Gloucester R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Gallipoli, Sinai, and Western Front ; Wounded (twice). Killed 19th Aug. 191 7 at St. Julien near Ypres. Dyson, Stanley William. Son of William B. Dyson, York. Born 1895. Rossall Preparatory and Wellington Coll. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Chemistry; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Jan. 191 5. Gaz. 1915 ; 14th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Gallipoli, Egypt, and Western Front. Died of wounds 5th Oct. 19 1 7 near Ypres. Eastwood, Frederick Arthur Jervis. Son of T. Crossley Eastwood, 2 St. James Square, Manchester. Born 1894. Sedbergh S. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Engin. Gaz. Nov. 1914 ; R.F.A., D Battery, 103rd Brigade ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 6th June 191 7 near Ypres. EcKERSLEY, Herbert. Son of George Eckersley, 16 Bertrand Road, Bolton. Born 1895 at Bolton. Mun. Sec. S., Bolton. M.U. : 1913; Student (Hist. Hons. Pt. I. 1915); 24 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY William Simpson Exhibitioner and Shuttleworth Exhibi- tioner. Friends Ambulance Unit. Gaz. 15th July 191 7 to Labour Corps ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 15 th Nov. 191 7 at Ypres. Eller, Cyrus Radcliffe. Son of John H. Eller, Hale Green, Dukinfield. Born 1891 at Dukinfield. Ashton-under-Lyne Sec. S. M.U. : 1910 ; B.Sc. 1914 ; O.T.C. Nov. 1910 to March 191 5. Gaz. March 1915 ; 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Gallipoli, Sinai, and Western Front ; Wounded ; Despatches. Died of wounds, 29th May 19 17, at Havrincourt, in enemy hands. Elliott, Frank Phelps. Son of Thomas Phelps Elliott, Holly Villa, Rectory Road, Crumpsall. Born 1898 at Crumpsall. Holly Bank S. ; North Manchester Preparatory ; Man- chester G.S. M.U. : 1916 ; Student, Medicine ; O.T.C. Oct. 1916 to May 191 7. Gaz. 191 7 ; loth Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 23rd Aug. 191 8 near Beaumont-Hamel. *Elliott, George Bartlett. Son of Thomas Phelps Elliott, Holly Villa, Rectory Road, Crumpsall. Born 1895 at Sale. Holly Bank S. ; Manchester G.S. O.T.C. Oct. 1915 to Jan. 1 9 1 6. Apprentice to the Cotton Trade. Enl. 1 9 1 6 ; 17th Bn. Manch. R. ; Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed 12th Oct. 19 1 6 at Flers, Somme. Elstob, Wilfrith (V.C). Son of Canon J. G. Elstob, Capes- thorne Vicarage, Chelford, Cheshire. Born 1888 at Chichester. Christ's Hospital. M.U. : 1906 ; B.A. 1909. Teacher's Dipl., 19 10. Asst. Master, Merchiston. Gaz. Aug. 1914 ; i6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lt.-Col. ; Western Front; V.C. (21st March 1918}, D.S.O., M.C. ; Despatches (thrice), wounded (twice). Killed 21st March 191 8 at "Manchester Hill," St. Quentin. The Victoria Cross was awarded, " For most conspicuous bravery, devotion to duty, and self-sacrifice during the fight at ' Manchester Hill ' near St. Quentin, on the 2ist March 19 18. Lt.-Col. Elstob was killed in the final assault, having carried out to the end what he impressed on his men before the battle — * Here we fight and here we die.' " Emmott, John Barlow. Son of Prof. George Emmott, Liver- pool Univ., Oakdene, Park Road West, Birkenhead. Born 1888 at Nantucket, U.S.A. Birkenhead S. M.U. : 1905 ; B.Com. 1908. Emmott and Walshaw, Oldham, ROLL OF SERVICE 25 Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers. Gaz. 1913; loth Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Egypt ; Gallipoli. Killed 4th June 1 91 5 at Helles, Gallipoli. Emmott, Robert. Son of Robert Owen Emmott, 22 Sackville Street, Brierfield. Born 1886 at Brierfield. Brierfield Wesleyan S., Nelson Tech. S. M.U. : 1906 ; B.Sc. 1909. Asst. Master at Litherland Council S. Enl. Dec. 1914 ; 20th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Sergt. Instr. ; India. Died 1 8th March 19 19 of influenza, on his way home. EsDAiLE, George Augustus Churchill. Son of George Esdaile, Manchester. Born 1891 at Rusholme. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1909 ; B.Sc. (2nd Class Hons. Engin.) 191 2. Workshop Student, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Enl. 191 2 ; R.F.A., T.F. ; 6th Battery, 2nd London Brigade. Gaz. May 191 6 ; R.F.A., Headquarters Staff 281st Brigade ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed loth Aug. 191 7 near the Menin Road, Ypres. Evans, Norman Leigh. Son of L. C. Evans, Town Clerk, Salford. Born 1892 at West Didsbury. South Manchester Prep. S. ; Manchester G.S. ; BlundellsS., Tiverton. M.U.: 1909 ; Dental Student ; O.T.C. 1909 to 19 14. Enl. Oct. 1914 ; U.P.S. Bn. R. Fus. ; Sergt. Died 2nd July 19 15, at Mendip Hills, of tuberculosis. Fairley, Duncan. Son of Barker Fairley, 175 Park Grove, Barnsley. Born 1890 at Barnsley. St. John's Ch. S., Barnsley; Barnsley G.S. M.U.: 1908; Teacher's Dipl. 19 12. Asst. Master in English, Mun. Sec. S., Scarborough. Enl. 1st May 19 1 5. Gaz. July 191 5 ; 14th Bn. York. & Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed July 191 6 at Serre. Farmer, John Mallinson. Son of C. Farmer, Church St. Didsbury. Born 1897 at Didsbury. Didsbury National S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Junior Clerk, Bursar's Office. Enl. Sept. 19 16 ; 8th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 31st July 191 7 at Pont Fabre, Ypres. Farrimond, Harry Carrington. Son of William Farrimond, 365 Old Road, Ashton-in-Makerfield. Born 1 895 at Ashton- in-Makerfield. Ashton-in-Makerfield G.S. M.U. : 1914 ; Stud., Science; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to June 191 5. Enl. 1 8th June 191 5 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. 28th March 191 7 ; 2nd Bn. E. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Wounded ; Western Front and Salonica. Died 1 4th March 26 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY 19 19 at Ashton-in-Makerfield of ill-health caused by malarial fever contracted on service in Salonica. Farrimond, Joseph. Son of Henry Farrimond, 21 Wigan Road, Standish. Born 1883 at Standish. Wigan G.S. M.U. : 1903 ; M.A. 1907. Lectr. Merchant Venturers' Tech. Coll., Bristol. Enl. ist Oct. 19 14; Gaz. May 1915 ; 1 2th Bn. Gloucester R. and 3rd Bn. Northampton R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; France. Wounded and missing, believed killed, 2 1st July 19 16, at Pozieres. Fawsitt, Thomas Rubie. Son of Dr. Fav^sitt, Holmfield House, Union Street West, Oldham. Born 1886 at Oldham. Aysgarth and Shrewsbury S. ; Christ Church Coll., Cam- bridge. M.U. : 1908 ; Student, Medicine. Social v^ork, Cambridge House, Camberw^ell, London. Enl. Aug. 1914 > 1 6th (U.P.S.) Bn. R. Fus. Gaz. 3rd Bn. York. & Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed i6th Sept. 191 6 at Martinpuich. *Fernyhough, Samuel. Son of Samuel Fernyhough, Know^les House, Handforth, Cheshire. Born 1888 at Cheadle. Stockport G.S. O.T.C. Feb. 1915 to May 19 15. Architectural Student. Gaz. April 191 5 ; 4th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Wounded. Died after opera- tion 7th May 19 1 8 at GHmsley. Fielding, Herbert Hilton. Son of Harry F. P. Fielding, 7 St. Paul's Road, Withington. Born 1889 at Gorton, Man- chester. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1906; Student, Law^ ; O.T.C. 1 8th Nov. 19 1 5 to 1 2th Feb. 191 6. Solicitor. Enl. 1st Dec. 1915 ; Gaz. 28th Nov. 1916 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R., attd. 22nd Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 28th March 191 7 at Croisilles. Firth, Frederick. Son of Edward Firth, 29 Camm Street, Brighouse, Yorkshire. Born 1888 at Rastrick. Rastrick British S. M.U. : 1912 ; Cert, in Tech. 1915 ; O.T.C. I2th Oct. 1914 to 2nd July 1915. Gaz. 8th July 1915 ; West York. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front : Wounded. Killed 24th August 19 18 at Pozieres. Fisher, Stephen Ambrose. Son of Ambrose Brewin Fisher, H.M.I, of Schools, Birthw^aite Lodge, Windermere. Born 1 89 1 at Windermere. Blundell's, Tiverton, Devon. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Engin. Enl. 2nd Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. ; (Machine Gunner) 5 Western ROLL OF SERVICE 27 Front. Died on 23rd July 191 6 at Rouen, of wounds received on 20th July at High Wood. Fletcher, Harry. Son of A. M. Fletcher, Ferndale, Bryn, Wigan. Born 1 894 at Sutton-on-Sea, Lincolnshire. Wigan G.S. M.U. : 1913; Student, Arts; O.T.C. Oct. 1915 to Jan. 1916. Enl. 20th Jan. 1916 ; 5th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Rfm. ; Western Front. Killed 6th July .1917. Fletcher, John. Son of John Fletcher, Pendlebury Cottage, Lostock, Bolton. Born 1896 at Bolton. Bolton S. ; Hutton G.S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Engineering ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 914 to Dec. 19 14. Apprentice, Horwich Locomotive Works, L. & Y. Railway. Enl. Dec. 1914 ; 7th Bn. Manch. R. Gaz. 20th June 191 8, 3rd Bn. L. N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Gallipoli and Western Front ; Wounded (twice). Killed 28th Sept. 191 8 at Anneux, near Cambrai. Forrest, Frank. M.U. : 1895; Student. R.A.M.C; Capt. ; 1 9 14 Star. Killed Sept. 19 14. FoRSTER, Frederick. Son of Paul Forster, Malverleys, New- bury. Born 1879 at London. Eton ; Trinity Coll., Cam- bridge. M.U. : 191 3; Adjt. of O.T.C. Contingent, 191 3. Adjt. to the N. Nigerian Mounted Infantry, 1906-7. Gaz. 1st Bn. R. Fus., attd. 4th Bn. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; 19 14 Star. Killed 23rd Aug. 19 14 at Mons. *Forth, Charles. Son of Henry Forth, of Stoke Lacev, Marple. Born 1 896 at Nottingham. Mill Hill S. O.T.C 9th Nov. 1915 to 15th July 1916. Gaz. 23rd Nov. 1916 ; 2/ioth Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 30th July 1 9 1 7 at Nieuport. Fox, Sydney. Son of John Fox, Glenholme, 14 Lawton Road, Heaton Chapel. Born 1 894 at Manchester. Abbott Street S. ; Birley Street S. ; Manchester Central S. M.U. : 191 2; Student, Elect. Engineering; O.T.C. Oct. 191 2 to Sept. 1 9 14. Enl. 4th Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 20th July 1916 at High Wood, Somme. Francis, Dudley Collins. Son of Harry Francis, M.Inst. C.E., Lockyer Road, Plymouth. Born 1887 at Devonport. Ply- mouth Coll. M.U. : 1903 J Student, Engin. Chief Asst. Civil Engineer, Rand Water Board, Johannesburg. Enl. Nov. 1914 ; i8th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. 8th 28 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY July 1916 ; 5th Bn. York, and Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 13th Nov. 191 6 near Beaumont- Hamel. Freeman, Peter. Son of Thomas Freeman, 127 Wigan Road, Westhoughton. Born 1889 at Westhoughton. Hindley G.S. M.U. : 1907 ; B.Sc. 19 10. Teacher at Forfar Academy and St. Stephen's Boys' School, C.-on-M. Enl. 17th Nov. 1914 ; R.G.A., attd. R.E. (Chem. Sec.) ; C.Q.M.S. Gaz. 14th Sept. 1916 ; R.G.A., 210th Siege Batt. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 19th Sept. 191 8 at St. Quentin. Freemantle, William George. Son of William Chamberlain Freemantle, Northbrook Street, Newbury, Berks. Born 1 889 at Newbury. Sidcot S., Winscombe, Somerset. M.U. : 1907; B.Sc. 1910 ; O.T.C. April 1908 to Nov. 19 11. Chem. Analyst, Manchester Corporation Sewage Works. Gaz. 22nd June 191 3 ; 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed loth June 19 15 at Helles, Gallipoli. Frew, Robert Dunlop Black. Son of Col. D. Frew, i Burn- bank Terrace, Kilsyth, Glasgow. Born 1885 at Kilsyth. Kilsyth Academy; Glasgow University. M.U. : 1911 ; D.P.H. 1 9 14. Tuberculosis Officer for County Borough of Wallasey. Gaz. R.A.M.C., W. Lane. Field Ambulance ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Wounded 191 6. Killed 3rd Aug. 19 1 7 near Ypres. ♦Fullerton, Frank. Son of Hugh Fullerton, Brackenhoe, Sale. Born 1896 at Altrincham. Manchester G.S. O.T. C. May 1 9 1 6 to Oct. 1 9 1 6. Salesman. Gaz. 1 9 1 6 ; 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 31st July 191 7 at Ypres. Garner, Alfred. Son of William R. Garner, i Lock Street, Oswaldtwistle. Born 1896 at Accrington. United Methodist S., Oswaldtwistle ; Accrington Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Engin. ; Intermediate B.Sc. 1914; O.T.C. Emerg. Enl. 7th Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 20th July 191 6 at High Wood. Garrett-Smith, Godfrey. Son of Godfrey Garrett-Smith, Heathside, Treville Street, Roehampton. Born 1890 at Magdeburg, Germany. Tonbridge S. M.U. : 1908 ; Cert, in Tech. (Textile Industries) 19 12. Eagley Mills, Bolton, ROLL OF SERVICE 29 Enl. Sept. 1914; i8th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. May 191 5 ; 3rd Bn. R.W. Surrey R.,attd. 2nd Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front; Wounded. Killed May 191 7 at Bulle- court. *Gaukroger, James Kenneth. Son of Coun. J. Y. Gaukroger, Lyndholme, Beech Road, Northwich. Born 1897 at Todmorden. Sir John Deane G.S., Northwich. O.T.C. 22nd Jan. 19 1 5 to 1 8th Dec. 191 5. Asst. Works Manager. Gaz. May 191 7 ; R.A.F., Pilot Lieut. ; France. Last seen Peronne District, Brie, 8th Aug. 191 8. Gerard, Tom Overton. Son of Thomas Gerard, Sindsley House, Worsley. Born 1892 at Wigan. King William's Coll., Isle of Man. M.U. : 1910 ; M.Sc. (2nd Class Hons. Chem.) 19 14. Appointed to Indian Forest Service, studied at University Coll., Oxford. Gaz. loth March 1915 ; 4th Bn. Manch. R. and M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed loth July 19 16 at Contalmaison. Gerrard, Percy. Son of Peter Gerrard, Pennington Spinning Co., Leigh. Born 1892 at Leigh. Lowton Independent Methodist S. ; Leigh G.S. M.U. : 1911; B.Sc. 1914; O.T.C. Oct. 1914 to Oct. 1915. Asst. Master, Whalley Range. Enl. 1915 ; 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; L.-Cpl. ; Salonica ; Western Front. Killed i oth Oct. 1 9 1 8 at Le Cateau. Gilpin, Arthur. Son of Walter Gilpin, 34 Birch Grove, Rusholme. Born 1896 at Salford. Birley Street S. ; Man- chester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1913 ; B.Sc, Tech. (Apphed Chem.), 1916 ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to June 191 5. Enl. 1st July 191 5 ; R.E. (Chemical Corps) ; Sergt. ; Western Front. Killed 2nd Oct. 191 7 at Bethune. Glover, George Wright. Son of Thomas Glover, Pretoria, S. Africa. Born 1885 at Pretoria, South Africa. Leigh G.S. M.U. : 1907 ; M.A. (ist Class Modern Languages) 191 3. Lecturer in Marburg University, Germany, and at Princeton Univ., U.S.A. Gaz. 13th Aug. 191 6 ; 6th Bn. Rifle Brigade, attd. ist Bn. ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; D.S.O. ; Despatches; Wounded. Died on ist Sept. 191 8 of wounds received in August. GoLDSELLER, Leon David. Son of Ben Goldseller, 137 Palatine Road, West Didsbury. Born 1896 at Manchester. Man- chester G.S., and at Brussels. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, 30 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Elect. Engin. O.T.C. 2nd Oct. 1914 to lOth April 19 15. Gaz. 191 5 ; 2/5th Bn. W. Riding R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Died of wounds, 14th April 19 17, at Bullecourt. Goldsmith, Herbert Francis. Son of Josiah Goldsmith, West- wood, Somerset Road, Douglas, Isle of Man. Born 1894 at Douglas, Isle of Man. Douglas Sec. S. M.U. : 191 2 ; B.A. 1915 j O.T.C. Oct. 19 1 2 to Feb. 191 6. Gaz. 24th July 1916 ; 6th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. R.N.D. ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; Gassed. Killed 27th Sept. 191 8 on Canal du Nord. GooDALL, Arthur Morton. Son of Frederick Goodall, Durban, South Africa. Born 1892 at Lower Bebington, Cheshire. Diocesan Coll., Capetown. M.U. : 1910 ; Student, En- gineering ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 o to Sept. 191 3. Lever Bros., Durban, South Africa. Gaz. Jan. 1914 ; Durban L.I. (South African Forces) and 6th Bn. South African Infantry ; Lieut. ; German W. Africa and German E. Africa. Killed 2 1st March 1916 at Soko Nassai, Kilima 'Njaro, German E. Africa. Goodwin, Eric Lindsey. Son of A. K. Goodwin, Elmhurst, Ellesmere Park, Eccles. Born 1894 at Eccles. Eccles G.S. M.U. : 1910 ; B.Com. 191 3 ; O.T.C. 1914. Gaz. Nov. 1914 j 13th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 12th Oct. 191 6 at Flers. GoRTER, On NO. Son of F. O. Gorter of Almelo, Holland. Born 2ist Feb. 1897 at Almelo. H.B. School, Almelo. M.U. : 1914; Student, App. Chem. Gaz. Oct. 19 16, Dutch Army ; 2nd Lieut. Died on 28th Sept. 191 8 at Almelo of pneumonia. GouGH, George Henry Waldron. Son of Dr. Henry Edward Gough, Highfield House, Northwich. Born 1894 at Barn- ton, North wich. Elstree S., Herts. ; King's S., Canter- bury. M.U. : 191 3 j Student, Medicine. Enl. Aug. 1 9 14. Gaz. Aug. 191 5 ; 7th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. ; Egypt and Palestine ; Despatches. Killed 15th Dec. 191 7 at Jerusalem. Grant, Robert. Son of Robert Grant, Strathspey, Prestwich. Born 1893 at Uddingston, Glasgow. Stand G.S. M.U. : 1909 ; Student, Engin. Stewart and Lloyd's, Ltd., Man- chester. Enl. 20th Nov. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. Sept. 1916 ; R.F.C., 23rd Squadn. ; 2nd Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 31 (Aer. Officer) ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 1 3th June 191 7 at Hoogstade, Belgium. Grant, Robert William Gordon. Son of James Grant, 1 7 Gardner Road, Prestwich. Born 1896 at Prestwich. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student (Hons. Hist.); O.T.C. Oct. 191 3 to Sept. 19 14. Gaz. 2nd Sept. 1914 ; 7th Bn. Manch. R., attd. 5th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ; Egypt and Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 24th May 19 1 7 at Villers Plouich. Gray, Edward Cecil. Son of Rev. Edward Gray, The Manse, Richmond Hill, Leeds. Born 1894 at Sevenoaks, Kent. Kingswood S., Bath. M.U. : 1911 ; Student, Dentistry; O.T.C. Oct. 191 2 to Oct. 19 1 4. Gaz. Nov. 1914 ; 14th Bn. Manch. R., attd. nth Bn. ; Capt. ; Gallipoli, Egypt, and Western Front ; Wounded. Died on 2nd May 191 7 at Grevillers CCS. of wounds received on 23rd April near Bullecourt. Green, John Berks. Son of Robert Green, Kirkdene, Whalley Heyes, Macclesfield. Born 1897 at Macclesfield. Maccles- field G.S. M.U. : 1915 ; Student, Geology; O.T.C Oct. 191 5 to Feb. 191 6. Gaz. 191 6 ; Manch. R. ; 8th Bn., attd. 22nd Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed nth Jan. 191 7 in France. Green, Philip Sydney. Son of John Green, Oaklands, Lowton, Newton-le- Willows. Born 1885 at Lowton. WiganG.S.; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1903; M.B., Ch.B. 1911. Senior House Surgeon, Crescent Road Military Hospital, Crumpsall, and X-Ray Specialist, Deansgate, Manchester. Gaz. April 1916 ; R.A.M.C ; Capt. ; Mesopotamia and Western Front. Died of influenza 13th Nov. 191 8 at Wimereux. Greenhalgh, James Arthur. Son of Joseph Greenhalgh, The Cottage, Timperley. Born 1892 at Bolton. St. George the Martyr S. ; Bolton Church Institute. M.U. : 1907 ; M.A. 191 2 ; O.T.C. Nov. 1908 to Sept. 1911. Asst. Master at Thame G.S., Oxford, and Ashton-in-Makerfield G.S. Gaz. Dec. 1913 ; Lieut. ; ist Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 22nd Oct. 19 14 at Violaines. ♦Greenwood, Charles Thomas. Son of John Greenwood, Hazeldene, Rishton, Blackburn. Born 1898 at Rishton. Accrington Sec. S. ; Silcoates Coll., Wakefield. O.T.C 32 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY June 1916 to 191 7. Asst. Cotton Mill Manager. Gaz. July 191 7 ; R.N.A.S. ; Flight Sub.-Lieut. Drowned 15th March 1 9 1 8 on seaplane patrol duty off East Coast. Gregory, James Alfred. Son of Roger Gregory, Hawthorn Villa, Standish. Born 1890 at Standish. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1909; Student, Medicine. Gaz. R.A.M.C.; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 13th April 191 7 near Arras. ♦Grime, Joseph Crookes. Son of Councillor J. Crookes Grime, M.B.E., J.P., Sandhurst, South Shore, Blackpool. Born 1897 at Chorlton-cum- Hardy. Arnold House, Blackpool ; Blackpool High S. ; St. Peter's Coll., Brussels. O.T.C. March 191 6 to Oct. 19 16. Goods Manager's Office, L. & Y.R., Victoria Station. Gaz. Oct. 1916 ; 20th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 26th March 1 9 1 8 at Bray. Grimshaw, Harold Shrieves. Son of C. S. Grimshaw, 30 Plymouth Avenue, Chorlton-on-Medlock. Born 1889 at Chorlton-on-Medlock. Ardwick Higher Grade S. ; Man- chester Central S. ; Manchester P.T. Training Coll. M.U. : 1909 ; M.A. (Hons. English) 191 3. Asst. Master Bingley G.S. and Workington Tech. Coll. Enl. Jan. 1916 ; H.A.C. Gaz. 20th Jan. 191 7 ; 21st Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Died on 24th May 19 17 at Achiet le Grand of wounds received on 30th April. *Groome, Edward A. Son of E. E. Groome, The Dene, Harrop Road, Hale. Born 1899 at Hale. Bowdon Coll. ; Sedbergh S. O.T.C. Oct. 19 16 to Jan. 19 17. Enl. March 1917 ; R.A.F. ; i/A.M. 5 Western Front. Died of pneumonia on March 1 9 1 9 at Maubeuge. Gudgeon, Sidney. Son of Arthur T. Gudgeon, 248 Ayres Road, Old Trafford. Born 1892 at Manchester. Ducie Avenue S. M.U. : 1909 ; Cert, in Tech. (Elect. Engin.) 191 2 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1909 to 191 3. Electrical Designer. Gaz. 15th Aug. 1914 ; 3rd Bn., attd. 2nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded (twice). Killed 14th May 19 1 5 near Ypres. Hampson, Alfred Eric. Son of Rev. H. Hampson, Heyrod, Stalybridge. Born 1892 at Woodhouse Eaves, Leicester- shire. St. George's, Ascot ; Christ's Hospital, Horsham. M.U. : 1909; Cert, in Tech. (Applied Chem.), 1912; ROLL OF SERVICE 33 O.T.C. Emerg. Chemist ; Calico Printers' Association Ltd., Central Laboratory, Rhodes. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Sgt. Gaz. 23rd Nov. 1914 ; loth Bn. Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 7th July 191 6 at Thiepval. Hanna, William. Son of William Hanna, 18 Brook Road, Fallowfield. Born 1891 at Whitehaven. St. Bees S., Cum- berland. M.U.: 1907 ; M.Sc. (ist Class Hons. Engin.) 1911 ; O.T.C. April 1908 to Sept. 19 10. Asst. Engineer in the Chief Engineer's Department, Post Office, London. Enl. London R. and R.E. (Air Line Section) ; Spr. ; Western Front. Killed 28th Feb. 191 6 at Poperinghe. Hardman, Robert Taylor. Son of Robert T. Hardman, 32 Stockton Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Born 1889 at Higher Crumpsall. Bury G.S. ; Manch. Sec. S. M.U. : 1907 ; M.Sc. (2nd Class Hons. Chem.) 1911 ; Res. Fellow 19 12- 1913 ; O.T.C. April 1909 to Sept. 1913. 1913-14 Research Chemist in New York, U.S.A. Gaz. ist Nov. 1914 ; 7th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; R.E. (Spec. Brig.) ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed ist July 1 9 1 6 at Thiepval. Hardman, Tom Walker. Son of Arthur Hardman, Milner Avenue, Bury. Born 1891 at Bury. Bury G.S. M.U. : 1913 ; Student, Mech. Engin. ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Sept. 19 1 5. Gaz. Sept. 1915 ; 15th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; Despatches. Killed 1 8th July 191 7 at Wytschaete Ridge. Hardman, Wallace George. Son of James Hardman, M.A., Grove View, Delph, Oldham. Born 1897 at Oldham. Oxford Preparatory S., and Malvern. M.U. : 19 14? Student, Textile Industries ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to March 19 1 5. Gaz. March 1915 ; 13th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Mesopotamia ; Despatches. Killed 9th Jan. 191 7 at Kut, Mesopotamia. Harker, Howard Redmayne. Son of John Dent Harker, Architect, Manchester. Born 1891 at Prestwich. Laurence House S., St. Annes-on-Sea ; Rossall (Scholar). M.U. : 1910 ; B.Sc. (ist Class Hons. Engin.) 1913 ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 10 to Sept. 191 2. Royal Aircraft Factory, Experi- mental Dept. Gaz. 4th April 191 6 ; 57th Squadn. R.F.C. ; Major ; Western Front ; M.C. Died of influenza 27th Feb. 1919 at Tidworth. D 34 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Harris, Aubrey. Son of William Harris, late of Alderley, Whitegate Lane, Wrexham. Born 1893. Hawarden S. M.U. : 191 1 ; B.A. (Hons. French) 19 14; Merchiston Lodge S., Edinburgh. Gaz. Dec. 1914 ; 21st Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; France. Killed 4th Sept. 19 16 at Ginchy. Harrison, Leonard Arthur. Son of J. Herbert Harrison, Gleadale, Langham Road, Bowdon. Born 1884 at Man- chester. Bowdon Coll. ; Buxton Coll. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1905; M.Com. 19 11. Partner in Harrison, Son & Hague, Ltd. Enl. 5th Nov. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. May 1916 ; 12th Bn. Durham L.I. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 17th July 19 16 at Pozieres. Hartley, William Sadler. Son of William C. Hartley, Dental Surgeon, Shaw. Born 1893 at Shaw. Hulme G.S., Oldham ; Luxton S., Hereford. M.U. : 1910 ; Student, Medicine. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. ; Western Front ; Despatches ; Wounded. Killed 14th Nov. 1916 at Beaucourt. Haskins, Francis Winstanley. Son of C. E. Haskins, St. John's Coll., Cambridge. Born 1890. Charterhouse S. M.U. : 1914 ; Asst. Lectr. in Greek and Latin. Enl. Ches. R. ; Cpl. Died 21st June 1916. Hass^ , Edwin Ridgley. Son of Rev. L. St. A. Hass^, Bake- house Lane, Ockbrook, Derby. Born 1893 at Kimbolton, Hunts. Fulneck S., Leeds ; Koenigsfeld, Black Forest, Germany. M.U. : 1910 ; B.A. 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1910 to Sept. 191 3. Farming at Lac St. Ann, Alberta, Canada. Enl. Jan. 1915 ; 49th Bn. (Edmonton, Alberta) Canadian Infantry ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed nth July 191 6 at Ypres. Haswell, Frederick. Son of Robert Haswell, 27 Thornhill Gardens, Sunderland. Born 1895 at Sunderland. Bede Collegiate S., Sunderland. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Banking; O.T.C. Oct. 19 1 3 to Oct. 1 9 14. National Provincial Bank of England, Manchester. Gaz. 15th Aug. 1914 ; 3rd Bn. E. York. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 23rd April 19 1 5 near Ypres. Hebblethwaite, George. Son of Abraham Hebblethwaite, Sheep Ings, Hopton, Mirfield, Yorks. Born 1894 at Mirfield. Mirfield G.S. M.U. : 1912 ; Student, Arts ; O.T.C. Nov. 1913 to Oct. 1914. Enl. 7th Sept. 1914 ; ROLL OF SERVICE 35 lOth Bn. D. of Well.'s (W. Riding) R. Gaz. 30th Oct. 191 5 ; 13th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 7 th July 1916 at Contalmaison. *Hefferman, William. Son of William Hefferman, 54 Leng Grove, Newton Heath. Born 1 896 at Swinton, Manchester. St. Bede's Coll., Alexandra Park, Manchester. O.T.C. Nov. 191 5 to Jan. 1916. Enl. Jan. 191 6 ; 20th Bn. Manch. R. Gaz. April 1916 ; R.F.C.,attd. H.A.C. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Accidentally killed 25th Oct. 19 17 at Hesdin, Marconne, near St. Pol. ♦Helsby, Cyril Norman. Son of John Henry Helsby, 39 Rawlinson Road, Southport. Born 1891 in Manchester. Colwyn Bay Higher Grade S., Salford Tech. S. Cotton goods manufacturer. O.T.C. 25th Oct. 1915 to 24th Jan. 19 16. Enl. loth Bn. (Scottish) King's (Liverpool) R. ; Cpl. ; France. Killed on the Somme, i6th Aug. 191 6. Hemsley, Godfrey Hamilton. Son of Thomas Hemsley, Hilton Cottage, Steep Hill, Lincoln. Born 1886 at Lincoln. Lincoln G.S. M.U. : 1905 ; Student, Science ; O.T.C. April 1908 to Sept. 1909. Foreign Correspondent at the Hague ; Farming in Canada. Enl. Sept. 191 5 ; No. 10 Canadian Field Ambulance ; Staff Sergt. Gaz. 2 1st July 191 7 ; R.F.A., C Battery, 255th Brigade ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed I2th Oct. 19 17 at Poelcappelle, Belgium. Henderson, Frank. M.U. : 1914 ; Asst. Steward Pharm. Dept. Enl. Nov. 1914 ; R.N.D. and R. Marines. Killed in 1916. Henderson, James Greig Mitchell. Son of Rev. James Henderson, Bombay Presidency. Born 1894 at Karachi, Sind, India. Portsmouth G.S. M.U. : 191 2 ; B.Sc. (Chem.) 1916 (in absentia); O.T.C. Oct. 191 2 to Aug. 1 9 14. Gaz. 15th Aug. 1914 ; 3rd Bn. Rifle Brigade ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; M.C. ; Despatches ; Wounded (twice). Killed i8th Aug. 1916 at Guillemont, Somme. Herford, Siegfried Wedgwood. Son of Prof. C. H. Herford, 5 Parkfield Road, Didsbury. Born 1891 at Aberystwyth. Ladybarn House S. ; Boxgrove, Guildford ; Manchester G.S. ; Germany. M.U. : 1909 ; M.Sc. (ist Class Hons. Engineering) 1914 ; Research Fellow; O.T.C. Oct. 1909 to Sept. 191 3 ; Red Cross 1914. Enl. Feb. 1915 in 24th 26 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 28th Jan. 191 6 near Bethune. Hesketh, William Cecil. Son of William Hesketh, Brownlow Terrace, Pleasington, Blackburn. Born 1894 at Feniscowles. Blackburn Higher Grade S. ; Darwen Sec. S. ; King Edward VII. S., Lytham. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Chemistry ; O.T.C. Nov. 19 14 to March 19 15. Training in Cotton Mill at Hyde. Gaz. 21st May 1915 ; R.F.A., D Battery, 149th Brigade ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 9th Oct. 1 9 1 6 at Gueudecourt. *Hewitt, Guy Stevenson. Son of Edgar Hewitt, Banfield, Macclesfield Road, Buxton. Born 1898. Oundle S. O.T.C. May 1916 to Nov. 19 16. Enl. Dec. 191 6 ; Artists Rifles (28th Bn. London R.) ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 8th March 191 8 near Cambrai. Hewitt, Herbert. Son of William Hewitt, 55 Lowfield Road, Stockport. Born 1893 at Stockport. Portwood Wesleyan S. ; Stockport G.S. M.U. : 1911 ; B.Sc. (2nd Class Hons. Chemistry) 1914 ; Res. Student; O.T.C. 191 1 to 1 9 14. Enl. 8th Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus., and R.E. (Chem. Corps) ; Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed 13th Oct. 191 5 at Hulluch. HiGGiNS, Leonard Talbot. Son of Thomas F. Higgins, 25 Hyde Grove, Plymouth Grove, Manchester. Born 1892 at Preston. Manchester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 191 o ; B.A. 1913; O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 10 to Sept. 191 3. Teacher at St. Agnes' S., Longsight, and Lay Reader at St. James's, George St. Enl. Feb. 191 6 ; ist Bn. K. Shrops. L.I. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Wounded ; Pris. of War 21st March 191 8. Died as prisoner 6th Oct. 19 18 at Conde. ♦Hill, Henry Oswald William. Son of Mr. Hill, The Nook, Oughtrington, Lymm. Born 1888 at Davyhulme. St. Bede's Coll., Manchester. O.T.C. Oct. 1915 to Feb. 19 1 6. Architect. Gaz. 1916 ; R.A.F., 54th Squadn. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; M.C. Killed whilst flying over German trenches 21st Oct. 191 7 at Lombaertzyde. Hilton, Albert. Son of James Hilton, of Hurst, Ashton- under-Lyne. Born 1868 at Hurst, Ashton-under-Lyne. M.U. : 1888 ; M.D. ; D.P.H. ; Med. OfFr. Health, U.D.C., Hurst ; O.C.V.B., 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; R.A.M.C., attd. Manch. R. (T.F.) ; Major j Senr. Med. ROLL OF SERVICE 37 OfFr. at Cairo and Heliopolis. Died 4th March 1915 at Heliopolis. HisLOP, John Arthur. Son of James Hislop, 26 Brazennose Street, Manchester. Born 1887 at Manchester. Oriel Coll., Oxford. M.U. : 1909 ; Student, Medicine ; O.T.C. Emerg. Solicitor. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; 19th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Died on service 8 th July 191 6 at Oxford, after operation. HiTCHiN, George Robert. Son of Robert Hitchin, 1 5 Ormerod Road, Burnley. Born 1878 at Burnley. Burnley G.S. ; Ellesmere Coll., Shropshire. M.U. : 1897 ; M.B., Ch.B., 1903. Practice at Tottington, Bury. Gaz. Nov. 1914 ; R.A.M.C, attd. W. Lane. Field Ambulance ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 14th Aug. 1916 near Albert. Hodge, William Bardo. Son of Andrew Hodge, Wilford, Clifton Road, Heaton Moor. Born 1896 at Alexandria, Dumbartonshire. Vale of Leven Academy ; Buxton Coll. ; Silcoates S., Wakefield. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Ap- plied Chem. ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Jan. 191 5. Gaz. 28th Jan. 1915 ; 9th Bn. R. Scots, attd. 7th Bn. ; Captain ; Western Front ; Wounded (tw^ice). Died of broncho-pneumonia, 4th Nov. 1918, at Camiers. *HoDGSON, Albert Hodgson. Son of Julius Hodgson, 2o6a Upper Chorlton Road, Whalley Range. Born 1896 at Whalley Range. Manchester G.S. O.T.C. Oct. 1915 to Dec. 1915. Gaz. Aug. 191 6 ; R.F.C., 52nd Squadn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Accidentally killed w^hilst flying, 22nd Jan. 191 7, at St. Omer. HoLDEN, Legh. Son of Harry Holden, The Cottage, Thelwall, Warrington. Born 1886 at Lymm, Cheshire. King Wil- liam's Coll., Isle of Man. M.U. : 1904 ; B.Sc. 1908. Rylands Bros., Ltd., Warrington. Gaz. 4th Sept. 1914 ; 4th Bn. S. Lane. R. and R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 9th June 1915 at Hooge. HoLGATE, William Lawson. Son of Thomas Edward Holgate, 173 Blackburn Road, Darwen. Born 1895 at Darwen. Darwen Mun. Sec. S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. ; 1914 ; Student, Mech. Engin. ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Dec. 19 14. Apprentice to Engineering. Enl. 22nd Dec. 1914 ; i6th Bn. R. Welsh Fus. ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed loth July 1 9 1 6 at Mametz Wood, Somme. 38 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Holmes, Frederick. Born 1892. Stockport G.S. M.U. : 1909; Engin., Tech.; Cert. Sanit. Engineering, 191 2; O.T.C. 22nd March 191 1 to 30th Sept. 191 3. Articled to the Borough Surveyor, Leamington. Gaz. ; ist Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Wounded. Died in May 191 5 of wounds received on 8th May 1915. *HoLMES, Vernon Rains. Son of Arthur E. Holmes, 29 Manley Road, Whalley Range. Born 1893 at Young, N.S.W. Victoria Park S. ; Hulme G.S. O.T.C. Aug. 1914 to Sept. 1 9 14. Director of Holmes & Co., Ltd., Wholesale Clothiers. Gaz. 5th Oct. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; M.C. Killed 14th Oct. 191 6 at Thiepval. Holt, Hubert Granville. Son of Thomas Holt, Cross Hillock, Astley, Leigh. Born 1 894 at Astley. Astley National S. ; Leigh G.S. M.U. : 1913 ; B.A. 1916 ; O.T.C. 1915 to 1 91 6. Gaz. Jan. 191 6 ; loth Bn. Leicester R. ; and (Feb. 191 7) to R.F.C., 9th Squadn. ; Lieut. ; Western Front; M.C. Killed v^hilst flying, 6th Oct. 191 7, near Poperinghe. Holt, John Heber Goulburn. Son of John Edw^ard Holt, Redlands, East Beach, Lytham. Born 1898 at Urmston. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1915 ; Student, Med. ; O.T.C. 27th April 1916 to 29th March 191 7. Prelim. Course, O.C.B., Grantham ; Cadet. Died 7th June 191 7 at Gran- tham from haemorrhage of the brain, after German measles. HoLTON, Alfred Edward. Son of Francis Charles Holton, Ottoman (Aidin) Railway, Smyrna, Asia Minor. Born 1890 at Boudja, Smyrna. Private S., Boudja. M.U. : 191 2 ; B.Sc. (Hons. Engin.) 1916. Empld. Egidir Exten- sion of Ottoman (Aidin) Ry. under the late Dr. Hutcheson, Manch. Univ. Enl. Sept. 19 14, R.N.D., Divl. Eng. ; Spr. Gaz. Dec. 1915; R. Marine Art., 3rd How. Bde. ; Lieut. ; Gallipoli, France ; M.C. Died 22nd Feb. 1919 after an operation at 14th Gen. Hosp., Boulogne. HopwooD, Alan Clement. Son of Ernest A. Hopwood, 9 Stamford Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Born 1899 at Cam- berwell. Hulme G.S. M.U. : 1916 ; Student, Elect. Engin. ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 16 to Aug. 191 7. Gaz. 15th Dec. 1917 ; R.E., 152nd Field Company; 2nd Lieut.; Western Front. Died of wounds i8th Sept. 19 18 near Ruyaulcourt. ROLL OF SERVICE 39 ♦Horn, John Cyril. Son of John Horn, 12 Sunnyside, Princes Park, Liverpool. Born 1897 at Liverpool. Liverpool Coll. O.T.C. Oct. 1915 to Jan. 19 16. Gaz. 191 6 ; 13th Bn. E. York. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 29th April 19 17 near Arras. *HoRSFiELD, John Francis. Son of John Hors field, 2 Wood Cliffe, Dale Road, Buxton. Born 1889 at Buxton. Bake- v/eil G.S. O.T.C. Aug. 191 5 to Oct. 19 15. Architect and Surveyor. Gaz. Oct. 1915 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; Brigade Staff. Killed 26th July 19 1 6 in Flanders. Horton, Paul Frederick. Son of T. F. Horton, St. Peters, Bedford. Born 1888 at Bedford. Bedford Modern S. M.U. : 1906 ; M.A. (2nd Class Hist. Hons.) 1910. Asst. Minister at Fulneck Church. Enl. March 1916 ; 3rd Bn. W. York. R. ; transferred to 9th Bn. R. Scots. Gaz. as C.F. (notified day of death) ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed 28th Sept. 19 17 at Zonnebeke. Houghton, John Reginald. Son of Edwin Houghton, 242 Oxford Road, Manchester. Born 1896 at Manchester. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Medicine; O.T.C. Dec. 1912 to Oct. 1914. Gaz. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R., attd. 149th Company M.G.C. ; Major ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 22nd March 191 8 at Vermand, St. Quentin. ♦HousLEY, Edmund Otto Geiler. Son of Geiler Housley, Thornlea, Wardle Road, Sale. Born 1894 at Sale. Sale G.S. ; Giggleswick S. O.T.C. June 191 5 to Sept. 19 15. Enl. 9th Nov. 191 5 ; 6tH Bn. R. Highlanders (Black Watch) ; Sergt. ; Western Front. Died on 26th March 191 8 near Cambrai, of wounds received on 21st March. HovELL, Mark. Son of Mrs. Hovell, 8 Lisburn Avenue, Sale, Cheshire. Born 1888 at Harpurhey. Nelson Street S., Miles Platting; Manchester G.S. and P.T.C. M.U. : 1906; M.A. (ist Class Hist. Hons.) 191 o ; Langton Fellow- ship ; O.T.C. April 1908 to 30th Sept. 1 909, and 17th Nov. 1 914 to 25th June 19 1 5. Assist. Institut fur Kultur- und Universal Geschichte, Leipzig, 19 12-19 13. Lecturer W.E. Assn. (Manch.). Asst. Lectr. in Milit. Hist., 19 14. Author of The Chartist Movement. Gaz. July 191 5 ; 4th Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 13th August 19 16 at Vermelles. 40 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY HowARTH, Elmer. Son of Herbert Howarth, i6 Huddersfield Road, New Hey, Rochdale. Born 1895 at New Hey. Nev/ Hey Council S. ; Rochdale Mun. Sec. S. M.U.: 1913 ; Student, Mathematics ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 13 to Jan. 1916. Enl. 1st March 1916 ; 28th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed loth April 191 7 at Arras. *HowARTH, Tom Hartley. Son of Hartley Howarth, St. Annes-on-Sea. Born 1907 at St. Annes-on-Sea. Baine's G.S., Poulton-le-Fylde. O.T.C. Feb. 1916 to Nov. 19 16. Apprenticed to Motor Engineering. Gaz. March 191 7 ; M.G.C., 59th Company ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Died in enemy's hands, 6th Dec. 191 7 at Le Cateau, of wounds received in Battle of Cambrai on 30th Nov. 191 7. Howe, Ernest. Son of John Howe, 22 Davenport Road, Hazel Grove. Born 1886 at Dove Holes, Buxton. Tideswell G.S. M.U. : 1903 ; M.B., Ch.B., 1909. Practice at Hazel Grove. Gaz. ist Oct. 191 6 ; R.A.M.C. ; Medical Officer of loth Bn. Hampshire R. ; Lieut. ; Salonica. Died of wounds on 14th Dec. 19 16 at 53rd R.A.M.C. Ambulance, Salonica. *Ho wells, John Wesley. Son of William Howells, Arch House, Tenby, Pem. Born 1887 at Tenby. Wesleyan and County SS., Tenby ; Westminster Training Coll., London ; Handsworth Coll., Birmingham. Wesleyan Minister, Man- chester Mission. O.T.C. i8th May 191 5 to 20th Aug. 1 91 5. Gaz. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. and R.F.C. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Eastern Front. Killed whilst flying in Palestine 23rd July 1917. *Howes, Harold Edward. Parents late of Madison Avenue, Cheadle Hulme. O.T.C. 2nd May 1916 to 5th Aug. 1 91 6. Gaz. Ches. R. Killed in action. HoYLE, Harold. Son of Ernest Hoyle, 24 Glen Terrace, Hipperholme, Halifax. Born 1890 at Brighouse. St. Andrew's S., Brighouse ; Rastrick G.S. ; Leeds University. M.U. : 191 2; Teacher's Dipl. (ist Div.) 19 13. Asst. Master Aldershot Sec. S. Gaz. 20th Aug. 1915 ; nth Bn. L.N. Lane. R., attd. 7th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 23rd July 1916 at Bazentin-le-Petit. HuBBACK, Francis William. Son of John Henry Hubback, 32 Piazza di Spagna, Rome. Born 1884 at Rock Ferry, Cheshire. Westminster S. (Queen's and King's Scholar) ; ROLL OF SERVICE 41 Scholar of Trinity Coll., Cambridge. M.U. : 191 1 ; Lecturer in Economics and Industrial History for Workers' Educational Association. Junior Examiner, Board of Educa- tion. Gaz. July 191 5 ; 6th Bn. London R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Died of wounds 13th Feb. 19 17 near Bapaume. *HuDDLESTON, LoRiMER Fenton. Son of Mr. Huddleston, Redclyffe, Hale. Born 1895 at Levenshulme. Heaton Moor Coll. ; Manchester G.S. ; Vincennes Academy, Paris. O.T.C. Oct. 191 1 to Aug. 1914. Traveller. Enl. Aug. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed 4th June 191 5 at Helles, Gallipoli. Hudson, Robert Denis. Son of Commander W. Hudson, R.N., Frogmore, Ross-on-Wye. Born 1893 at Rushbrooke, Co. Cork. Mostyn House, Parkgate ; St. Bees S. M.U. : 191 1 ; B.Sc. (Engin.) 1914 ; O.T.C. Aug. 1914. Enl. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. 20th Dec. 19 14 to R.F.A., 109th Battery ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 25th Jan. 1916 in France. *HuLTON, Benjamin Wright. Son of Mr. Hulton, Mercedes, Harley Road, Blackpool. Born 1897 at Buenos Aires. Waterloo Sec. S., Oldham. O.T.C. Nov. 1915 to Jan. 191 6. Clerk. Enl. Jan. 191 6 ; i6th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. Gaz. June 191 7 ; M.G.C., transferred to Tank Corps ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 4th July 19 18 near Amiens. Hunsworth, Herbert. Son of John Hunsworth, 32 Elmfield Terrace, Halifax. Born 1884 at Halifax. Haugh Shaw S. ; Mun. Sec. S., Halifax. -M.U. : M.A. 1907. Asst. Master Rochdale P.T.C. Enl. 191 6 ; 3rd Bn. Lane. Fus. ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed i6th Aug. 191 7, at Langemarck, by the bursting of a shell. HuRRELL, Thomas Seymour. Son of T. S. Hurrell, 102 Hulton Street, Whalley Range. Born 1896 at Manchester. St. Margaret's S. ; Manchester Central High S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Hist. Hons. (Pt. I. 1916) ; O.T.C. Nov. 191 5 to March 19 16. Enl. 20th March 191 6 ; 29th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. and O.C.B. ; Cadet ; Western Front. Died of influenza 14th Dec. 191 8 at Catterick. *Hutchinson, Bert. Son of John Joseph Hutchinson, George Hotel, Cross Lane, Radcliffe. Born 1898 at Prestwich. Bury G.S. O.T.C. Nov. 1916 to June 19 17. Building 42 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Dept. C.W.S. Gaz. June 1917 ; 3rd Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. 15th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 29th Aug. 191 8 in France. Innes, Ronald Stewart. Son of George D. Innes, Harden Villa, 135 Dickenson Road, Rusholme. Born 1889 at Dalkeith, Midlothian. Victoria Park Private S. M.U. : 1908 ; Student, Banking, and Ancoats Univ. Settlement Work J O.T.C. Aug. 19 14 to Nov. 19 14. Parr's Bank ; Assoc, of Institute of Bankers. Enl. Aug. 19 14 in U.P.S. Bn. (R. Fus.). Gaz. Nov. 1914 ; nth Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Gallipoli. Killed 7th Aug. 191 5 at Suvla Bay, Gallipoli. loNiDES, Theodore Alexander. Son of Alexander Constan- tine lonides, 34 Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park, W.2. Born 1897 in London. Churchills S., Broadstairs, and Radley Coll., Oxford. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Textile Industries. Gaz. 52nd Bn. Oxf. and Bucks. L.I. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Died of vvrounds i6th Nov. 19 16, after the Battle of Ancre. IsHERV^^ooD, Norman. Son of Richard Isherw^ood, 17 Pem- berton Street, Astley Bridge, Bolton. Born 1 896 at Bolton. St. Paul's S., Astley Bridge ; Bolton Sec. S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Science ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to June 1915. Enl. June 19 1 5. Gaz. 12th Aug. 191 5 ; 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. ; Gallipoli, Sinai, and Western Fronts. Killed 6th Sept. 1 9 1 7 at Zonnebeke, near Ypres. Jackson, Ernest. Son of John Jackson, Bacup. Born 1889 at Bacup. New^church-in-Rossendale G.S. M.U. : 1906 ; M.A. 191 1. Asst. Master Boys' Modern S., Leeds. Enl. April 19 1 5 in Rif. Bde. Gaz. June 191 5 to Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed ist July 1916 at Thiepval. Jackson, Hugo Harrison. Son of Harrison Jackson, West Grove, Kendal. Born 1 890 at Wilmslow^, Cheshire. Stra- mongate, Kendal. M.U. : 1908; B.Sc. 191 1; Teacher's Dipl. ; Science Mastership. Joined Dec. 1914 ; Friends' Ambulance Unit, S.S.A. 14 j Western Front ; Croix de Guerre. Killed 27th May 19 18 at Braisne. Jackson, John Cooper. Son of Jethro Jackson, Wyberslegh, Mosley Avenue, Bury. Born 1898 at Bury. Bury G.S. ROLL OF SERVICE 43 M.U. : 1915 ; Student, Elect. Engin. ; O.T.C. Feb. 19 16 to Jan. 191 7. Gaz. 26th April 191 7 ; 3rd Bn. Manch. R., attd. i6th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 31st July 191 7 at Inverness Copse. Jackson, Stanley. Son of Mark Jackson, 27 Spring St., Oldham. Born 1890 at Oldham. Hulme G.S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Chemistry. Asst. Secretary. Enl. 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Gaz. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed Oct. 191 7 in France. Jackson, William Ewart. Son of Harry J. Jackson, East Avenue, Burnage Lane, Levenshulme. Born 1893 at Ashbourne, Derbyshire. Levenshulme Free Church S. ; Manch. Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1909 ; B.Sc. Tech. (Sanitary Engin.) 191 2 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1910 to Aug. 1 9 14. Asst. Valuer, Govt. Valuation Office, Inverness. Gaz. 3rd Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front and Mesopotamia. Killed 9th Jan. 191 7 at Kut. Jacobs, Jean Jacques Josef. Son of J. B. Jacobs, Rue Em. Carpentier 38, Anderlecht, Brussels. Born 1893 at Molenbeck-Saint-Jean, Belgium. L'Ecole des Mines de Mons, Belgium. M.U. : 191 5 ; Student, Medicine. 191 7, Head of Bacteriological Laboratory at Hopital St - Antoine, Paris. Armee Belgique ; 2nd Regiment de Chasseurs k pied ; soldat ; Wounded and lost right arm on Yser, Oct. 1914 ; Croix de Guerre (Beige) ; Croix de Chevalier de I'ordre de Leopold II (avec palmes). Died on 30th Sept. 191 8 at Paris, of influenza contracted on active service. *Jefferies, Maurice Arnold. Son of Charles JeflFeries, 131 Bishop Street, Alexandra Park, Manchester. Born 1888, Buttevant, Co. Cork. Stowell Memorial S., Salford Tech. S. O.T.C. 2nd Oct. 19 1 4 to 6th May 19 15. Civil Serv. Gaz. 5th May 191 5 ; S. Lane. R., attd. 2/7th War. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 19th July 191 6 on the Somme. Johnson, Percy Clarkson. Son of I. Clarkson Johnson, Northfield, Bury Old Road, Manchester. Born 1875 at Eccles. Repton S. and Stuttgart. M.U. : 1892 ; Student, Engin. Farming at Pemba, Northern Rhodesia. Served as Capt., 6th Bn. (Militia) Manch. R., in Boer War. Gaz. 7th Aug. 1 9 14, 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed i6th May 19 15 at Helles, Gallipoli. 44 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY *JoHNSON, William Herbert. Son of Herbert Johnson, 26 Beecham Road, Southport. Born 1897 at Southport. South- port Commercial S. O.T.C. Feb. 1916 to Nov. 19 16. Royal Insurance Co., Manchester. Gaz. ist March 191 7 j 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. 5 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Died on 28th June 191 7 of wounds received 3rd June 19 17 near Ypres. Jones, Arthur. Son of William Jones, 4 Aubrey Road, Withington. Born 1895 at Royton. Launderbrook S., Royton, and Mauldeth Road S., Withington. Clerk in Registrar's Office, 1911 to 191 3. Enl. May 1915 ; 7th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. Killed on the Somme, 7th July 1916. Jones, Edwin James. Son of Arthur E. Jones, Arden Grange, Bramhall Park, Cheadle Hulme. Born 1889. Sedbergh S. M.U. : 1908 ; Student, Engin. Mechanical Engineer. Gaz. II th Nov. 1 9 1 4 ; 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 13th June 191 7 at Festubert, Bethune. Jones, Raymond John. Son of R. Bellis Jones, Llanrhaiadr, Oswestry. Born 1877 at Oswestry. Oswestry High S. M.U. : 1896 j M.B., Ch.B., 1901. Practices at Brymbo and Cardiff. Gaz. 129th Field Ambulance, 38th Division, R.A.M.C. ; Lieut.; Western Front. Killed loth July 1 9 1 6 at Mametz Wood. *JoNES, Richard Harold. Son of Richard D. Jones, I Upper Kent Road, Victoria Park, Manchester. Born 1886 in Manchester. St. Mary's C.S., Hulme. O.T.C. 22nd Nov. 191 5 to 13th March 1916. Secretarial Dept., C.P.A. Enl. 8th Nov. 1915; Gaz. Sept. 1916 ; Lane. Fus., attd. R. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed January 191 7 at Laventie. Jones, William Orlando. Son of D. R. Jones, Maes-y- berllan, Tyfica Crescent, Pontypridd, Glamorgan. Born 1892 at Treherbert, Glamorgan. Porth County S. M.U. : 1910 ; M.A. (First Class Hons. Architecture) 191 4 ; Graduate Scholarship and Glam. County Travelling Scholarship in Italy. Student at Brit. School of Rome. Designs accepted for A. R.I. B. A. examination. Enl. Sept. 1914 in U.P.S. (R. Fus.). Gaz. ist Jan. 1915 ; loth Bn. S. Wales Borderers ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 26th Aug. 191 7 at Langemarck, Belgium. ROLL OF SERVICE 45 Kay, Collin Lowther. Son of George S. Kay, 87 Crompton St., Oldham. Born 1893 ^^ Oldham. Waterloo Sec. S., Oldham. M.U. : 191 2 ; B.Sc. (2nd Class Hons. Geology) 1915 ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 2 to July 191 5. Gaz. 12th July 1915 ; nth Bn. N. Staff. R., and 12th Bn., M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 1 2th Oct. 1 9 1 6 at Le Transloi, Somme. Keen, Edward William. Son of Rev. Edward Keen, Walker- fold, Chaigley, Clitheroe. Born 1885 at Wallisfield, Suffolk. Silcoates S., Wakefield. M.U. : 1903 ; Student, Arts. Asst. Manager, Bagracote Tea Estate, India. Enl. Feb. 191 1 ; Northern Bengal Mounted Rifles. Gaz. 20th June 191 7 ; 6th Bn. Ghurkha Rif. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Mesopotamia. Died of malaria 5th July 19 18 at Kut. Kershaw, John. Son of Rev. S. Kershaw, Moravian Church, Fairfield. Born 1891 at Belfast. Fulneck S., Leeds. M.U. : 1908 ; Student, Arts. Farming at Carron Downs, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Enl. 19 15, Australian Force ; Gaz. 191 7 to Australian Force; Lieut. ; Western Front ; Despatches. Killed 1 2th Aug. 1 9 1 8 at Proyart. Kershaw, Samuel Ryder. Son of James Kershaw, Holly House, Bury Old Road, Manchester. Born 1884 in Man- chester. Cheltenham Coll. O.T.C. 26th Nov. 191 5 to 22nd Feb. 191 6. Gaz. Oct. 191 6 ; 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; France. Killed nth May 191 7 at Tilloy- les-Moufflains. Kew, George Richard. Son of George Kew, Alms Hill, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. Born 1890 at Cheetham Hill. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Chem. ; O.T.C. Nov. 1 9 14 to Apr. 191 5. Levinstein & Co., Chem. Manufrs. Gaz. 191 5 ; 8th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Capt. (Commandant of 75th Inf. Bde. S. of Instruction) ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 8th Nov. 1917 at Le Proele. KiLLiCK, John Raymond. Son of Thos. W. Killick, Bowdon. Born 1890 at Altrincham. Dunchurch Hall ; Repton S. M.U. : 1907; B.Sc. (2nd Class Hons. Engin.) 1911. Burns & Co., Engineers, Calcutta. Enl. 19 15 in Calcutta Light Horse ; 19th Bn. London R. ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed 3rd Oct. 1 916 on the Somme. King, Samuel Perston. Son of Rev. S. King, Ockbrook, Derby. Born 1875 at Ayr. Moravian S., Fulneck, Leeds. 46 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY M.U. : 1892 ; Student, Arts. Bank Clerk, Bradford ; Business in Sydney, Australia ; and in England. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; Gaz. to Lincoln Yeomanry ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Accidentally killed 13th Oct. 191 7 at Banbury. *KiNGSLEY, Eric Reinold. Son of A. Kingsley, 28 Shakespeare Road, Bedford. Born 1890 at Leytonstone. Bedford S. O.T.C. 1911 to 191 2. Timber and Paper Business. Gaz. Nov. 1914 ; 1 2th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front; Wounded. Killed 7th July 191 6 near Mametz Wood. KipPAX, James. Son of James Kippax, 13 Powell Street, Burnley. Born 1891 at Burnley. Burnley G.S. M.U. : 1909 ; B.Sc. 191 2 ; Teacher's Dipl. Master at Burnley G.S. and Birmingham Sec. S. Enl. 3rd Nov. 191 5 ; R.A.M.C. ; Sergt. ; Mesopotamia. Died 6th March 19 1 9 at Burnley from congestion of lungs contracted on voyage home. Kirk, John Thomas. Son of W. W. Kirk, 100 Alkincoats Road, Colne. Born 1896 at Colne. Colne Sec. S. M.U.: 1914 ; Student, Textile Industries ; O.T.C. Nov. 1915 to Feb. 1916. Clerk. Enl. 12th Feb. 1916 in 4th Bn. E. Lane. R. Gaz. Oct. 191 6 to M.G.C., 225th Company ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; M.C. Killed 28th March 1 91 8 at Monchy, Arras. *Knott, Ernest. Son of Mr. Knott, Post Office, Miles Platting. Born at Miles Platting. Nelson Mun. S., Miles Platting ; O.T.C. Nov. 1 91 5 to Dec. 191 5. Shipping Clerk. Gaz. 1 916; 6th Bn. Manch. R., attd. 4th Bn. R. Berks. R. ; Capt. ; Gallipoli and Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 22nd March 1 9 1 8 at St. Quentin. Knott, Frederick Vernon. Son of William Frederick Knott, 250 Audenshaw Road, Audenshaw, Manchester. Born 1893 at Audenshaw. Audenshaw British S. ; Ashton-under- Lyne Sec. S. ; Hobson's Junior and Senior Scholarships. M.U. : 1910 ; M.Sc. 1914 ; O.T.C. 14th Oct. 1910 to 30th Sept. 191 3. Gaz. Aug. 1914 ; 9th Bn. Ches. R. and 19th Div. Cycl. C. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 21st March 1916 at Laventie, near La Bassee. Lailavoix, Louis. Son of Louis Lailavoix, 83 rue de Rome, Paris I7me. Born 1882 at St. Rambert. Lycee Condorcet, Paris ; Sorbonne (L. es h.}, and London. University^ ROLL OF SERVICE 47 M.U. : 1910 ; Lecturer in French. Mobilised 12th Aug. 19 14, soldat de 2nde Classe. Gaz. ist April 191 5 ; 79ieme Reg. d'Infanterie ; Sous-Lieutenant ; Western Front ; Legion of Honour. Killed i oth April 1 9 1 6 near Verdun. Lamb, Eric Robert. Son of Rev. F. Lamb, Wigan. Born 1889 at Manchester. Ashville Coll., Harrogate. M.U. : 191 o ; L.D.S. 191 2. Practice in Wigan. Gaz. May 191 5 ; 5th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Died of influenza 2nd Nov. 191 8 at Busigny. Langstreth, Edmund. Son of Councillor Edmund Langstreth, Temple Villa, Scotforth Road, Lancaster. Born 1887 at Bolton-le-Sands, Carnforth. Lancaster Royal G.S. M.U. : 1905 ; B.Sc. (ist Class Hons. Engin.) 1909. Indented Steel Bar Co., London. Gaz. April 1915 ; R.N.D. (Nelson Bn.) ; Sub-Lieut. ; Gallipoli and Western Front. Killed on 1 3th Nov. 1 9 1 6 at Beaucourt, Hamel. Lawson, Henry Heaton (Rev.). Son of William Henry Lawson, West House, The Greave, Rochdale. Born i888 at Urmston. Rochdale Sec. S. M.U. : 1907 ; M.A. 191 1. Curate at S. Andrew's, Stourton, Leeds. Gaz. Jan. 191 7 ; 2nd Bn. Northampton R. ; Capt. and Chpln. ; Western Front. Killed 25th March 191 8 in France. Lawton, William. Son of William C. Lawton, Woodbrooke, Leabridge, Newcastle, Staffs. Born 1896 at Hanley, Stoke- on-Trent. HanleySec. S. M.U. : 191 3; Student, Mathe- matics ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 3 to Feb. 19 15. Gaz. 23rd Feb. 191 5 ; I oth Bn. N. Staff. R., attd. 8th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 3rd July 1 9 1 6 at La Boiselle. Leahy, Eugene Patrick. Son of David Leahy, Elmfield, Glen- gormley, Belfast. Borni 889 at Belfast. St. Malachy's Coll., Belfast. M.U. : 1907 ; M.B., Ch.B., 1913. Surgeon at Chester Infirmary and in practice in Belfast. Gaz. Feb. 191 5 ; R.A.M.C, attd. 6 ist Field Ambulance ; Capt. ; Western Front. Died of wounds i8th Sept. 191 6 in France. Leak, Reginald. Son of F. O. S. Leak, Park Hall, Buxton. Born 1896 at Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Marlborough Coll. M.U. : 1912 ; Student, Law. Articled with F. O. S. Leak & Pratt, Solicitors, Manchester. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R. Gaz. Dec. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Gallipoli. Died 26th Aug. 191 5 at sea, of wounds received 7th Aug. 1915 at Helles, GaHipoh. 48 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Lechler, Henry Nicholson. Son of Christian Lechler, Brooklyn St., Yercaud, Madras Pres., S. India. Grandson of R. D. Foote, Indian geologist. Born 1894. Dollar Academy and Woodbridge S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Geology; O.T.C. 19 14. Gaz. Dec. 1914 ; loth Bn. S. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Dardanelles ; Mesopotamia ; Despatches. Killed in action 5th April 191 6 at the Battle of Falahiyeh. Lees, Alfred Robin Martyn. Son of James A. Lees, J.P., Moor House, near Congleton. Born 1884 at Middleton. Stubbington and Malvern Coll. M.U. : 1908 ; B.Sc. Tech. 19 1 2. Asst.- Manager, Chamber Colliery Co., Oldham. Enl. 9th Aug. 1914 ; R.A.S.C. (M.T.), attd. R.A.M.C. ; Driver ; Western Front. Killed 21st March 1 9 1 8 at Ecoust, near Bullecourt. Lees, Percy Beresford. Son of Col. C. Percy Lees, Heme Lodge, Oundle, Northants. Born 1890 at Middlewich. Wellington Coll. ; Camborne Mining S. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Geology Hons. ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 2 to Sept. 1 91 3. Asst. to Dr. Bell, Geologist, in Canada. Gaz. Oct. 1914 ; 3rd Bn. Northants R., attd. 2nd Bn. ; 2nd ' Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 12th March 191 5 at Neuve Chapelle. Lee Wood, Alfred. Son of J. Lee Wood, Elm House, Clifton, Manchester. Born 1886 at Clifton. South- port University S. M.U. : 1907 ; B.Sc. Tech. (Elect. Engin.) 1910 ; O.T.C. Emerg. Lanes. Dynamo and Motor Co., Ltd., Trafford Park. Gaz. Oct. 1914 ; 15th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed ist July 1 9 1 6 at Thiepval. Leigh, William Booth. Son of Harry Leigh, 251 Bury Road, Tottington, Bury. Born 1 890, at Elton, Bury. Walshaw C.E.S. ; Bury Sec. S. M.U. : 1908 ; B.Sc. 1913. Assist. Master, Bow Green C. School, Kent. Enl. Nov. 1915 ; Gaz. Aug. 191 7 ; Lane. Fus. and i/5th L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 30th Nov. 191 7 at Cambrai. Lewis, Frank. Son of N. J. Lewis, formerly of Blackburn and Blackpool. Born 1895. Hutton D.S. M.U. : 191 5 ; Student, Dental ; O.T.C. July 19 16 to Dee. 1916 ; M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Killed in action in France. ROLL OF SERVICE 49 Lewtas, Oscar. Son of George O. Lewtas, Park Lodge, Timperley. Born 1893 at Manchester. King Edward's S., Saffron Walden. M.U. : 1909 ; M.Sc. (Chem. Hons.) 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1909 to Sept. 191 3. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. Jan. 1915 ; 3rd Bn. Manch. R., attd. 2nd Bn. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 9th July 1 9 1 6 at Trones Wood, Somme. Lindsay, Henry, Son of Joseph Lindsay, Deane Mount, Wigan Road, Bolton. Born 1891 at Radcliffe. Pikes Lane Coun- cil S. ; Bolton G.S. M.U. : 1908; M.A. 1912 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1908 to Aug. 19 14. Asst. Master Anstruther G.S., Fifeshire. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. j Capt. ; Western Front ; M.C. ; Despatches. Killed 8th Aug. 1916 at Trones Wood, Somme. Lis BONA, NissiM. Son of Moses Lisbona, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester. Born 1882 at Manchester. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1900 ; M.A. (2nd Class Engl. Hons.) 1906 ; Barrister, Northern Circuit. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; U.P.S. Bn. R. Fus. and 251st Coy. R.E. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed in action 20th July 1916 at High Wood. LoMAS, Harold. Son of G. H. Lomas, Brooklands, Manchester. Born 1876 at Fairfield, Manchester. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1892 ; B.Sc. (Engin. Hons.) 1895. Electrical Engineer, U.S.A. Gaz. March 1915 ; 20th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed ist July 19 16 at Fri court. Lord, Arthur. Son of Dr. Robert Ellis Lord, Penlan, Wyn- nestay Road, Colwyn Bay. Born 1898. Clive House S., Old Colwyn ; Haileybury. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Med. ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 14 to Feb. 191 5. Gaz. Jan. 191 5 ; 3rd Bn. Welch R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Died 1 2th March 1 9 1 7 in France, of wounds received i oth Feb. 1917. LoRiNG, Walter Latham. Son of Rev. E. H. Loring, Rector of Gillingham, Norfolk. Born 1868 at Gillingham. Fauconberge S., Marlborough Coll., Trinity Hall, Camb. M.U. : 1908 ; Adjt. and Comdt. O.T.C. Gaz. March 1888 -, 2nd Bn. R. War. R. ; Lieut.-Col. ; India, Malta, Transvaal, and France ; D.S.O. ; 19 14 Star ; Queen's S. Afr. Medal ; Despatches (twice). Killed 24th Oct. 19 14 at the 1st Battle of Ypres. so MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY LovEDAY, Charles Norton. Son of Herbert E. Loveday, Old Buckenham, Attleborough, Norfolk. Born 1889 at Attle- borough. Banham G.S., Norfolk. M.U. : 1907 ; B.Sc. (ist Class Hons. Engin.) 1910. H.M. Inspector of Factories. Enl. April 191 5 ; 21st Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. 1 2th Sept. 191 6 ; M.G.C., 54th Coy. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 1 2th Oct. 1 9 1 7 at Poelcappelle. LovELL, Leslie Graham. Son of A. W. H. Lovell, Aberfoyle, Chesham Place, Bowdon. Born 1896 at Croydon. Wad- ham House S., Hale ; Bowdon Coll. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Architecture. Enl. 29th Sept. 1914 ; 2ist Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. 19th Aug. 1916 ; R.F.C, attd. 49th Squadn. ; 2nd Lieut, (obs.) ; Western Front. Killed nth April 191 7 at Gavrelle, Douai. Lowe, William. Son of Robert Lowe, 257 Hindley Road, Daisy Hill, Bolton. Born 1890 at Westhoughton. Daisy Hill S., Westhoughton ; Bolton Sec. S. M.U. : 1909 ; B.Sc. 1912; O.T.C. Feb. 1910 to Oct. 19 14. Gaz. Nov. 1914 ; 7th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 5th July 1916 at La Boiselle. Macarborski, Aaron Harry. Son of L. Macarborski, 67 Stocks Street, Cheetham. Born 1896. Manch. G.S. ; Manch. Corp. Scholarship. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student for B.Sc, Tech. Enl. 191 5 ; R.E. (Spec. Chem. Sect.) ; Cpl. Killed Jan. 191 6. McCartney, Harold Spencer. Son of James McCartney, no Hulton Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Born 1895, Stour- port, Worcestershire. Princes Road S. ; School of Art. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Architecture. Apprenticed Mr. Fenn, Architect, Chapel Walks, Manchester. Enl. Aug. 1914 ; 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lance-Cpl. ; Egypt and Dar- danelles ; Despatches. Killed 6th Aug. 191 5 in the Dardanelles. McClatchey, Samuel Edward. Son of Robert McClatchey, Town Clerk, Portadown, Co. Armagh, Ireland. Born 1880 at Portadown. M.U. : 1906; M.B., Ch.B., 1911. Junior House Surgeon at Preston Roy. Infirmary, afterwards in practice at Preston. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; R.A.M.C., 135th Field Ambulance, attd. nth Bn. Northumberland Fus. and 11 th Bn. Welch R. ; Capt. ; Serbia and Western Front ; Despatches ; Order of St. Sava, 5th Class (Serbia). Killed 25th March 19 18 near Envilliers, Arras. ROLL OF SERVICE 51 *M*DouGALL, George. Son of Alderman M'Dougall, 3 Swin- burne Grove, Withington. Born 1880 at Greenheys. Fulneck Moravian S., Leeds ; Manchester G.S. O.T.C. Aug. 1914 to Sept. 1 9 14. Secy, to Arthur McDougall, Ltd., City Flour Mills, Manchester. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; 8th Bn. Manch. R. and M.G.C. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; M.C. ; Despatches. Killed 30th March 1 9 1 8 at St. Quentin. McDougall, Sidney. Son of I. S. McDougall, The Orchard, Hale, Cheshire. Born 1876 at Middleton. King's Coll., Cambridge. M.U. : 1891 ; Student, Arts; O.T.C. Emerg. Managing Director of McDougall Bros., Ltd., Manchester. Gaz. 24th Oct. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Gallipoli. Killed 7th Aug. 191 5 at Helles, Gallipoli. McFarlane, Walter. Son of Walter McFarlane, The Lodge, Brinscall, Chorley. Born 1895 at Pollokshaws, Glasgow. Thornliebank S. ; Glasgow High S. ; Hanover. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Chem. ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Feb. 191 5. Gaz. Feb. 1915 ; loth Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Gallipoli and Mesopotamia. Died of wounds 13th Jan. 191 7 near Kut. Mackie, Norman Lindsay. Son of J. L. Mackie, H.M. Customs. Born 1891. Bancroft's S., Essex. University Coll., London, and Hertford Coll., Oxford. M.U. : 1914 ; Lectr. in Law. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; 14th Bn. London (Scottish) R. ; Capt. ; France. Killed 25th Sept. 19 15. McLellan, Harold Noble. Son of John McLellan, 67 The Promenade, Southport. Born 1897 at Blackburn. Univer- sity S., Southport. M.U. : 191 2 ; Cert, in Technology, Mech. Engin. Apprenticed Mather & Piatt, Ltd., Man- chester. Enl. 3rd Sept. 1914 ; Gaz. 13th April 1915 ; 13th Bn. Manch. R., attd. 2nd Bn. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 9th July 1916 at Ovilliers-la-Boiselle. Maiden, Joseph Percival. Son of Joseph Maiden, 24 Elm St., Burslem. Born 1888 at Newport Lane, Burslem. Pot- teries P.T.C. M.U. : 1907 ; B.A. 1912 ; O.T.C. Asst. Master, Sec. S., Waterloo, Seaforth. Enl. Oct. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Inniskilling Dragoons ; Cpl. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Died from wounds received in Nov. 191 8 at Cambrai, in German hands. 52 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Mann, John Bently. Son of Dr. Robert M. Mann, Bridge- water Street, Manchester. Born 1861 at Manchester. M.U. 1879 ; Student, Medicine. Practice in Manchester. Gaz. 1886 to Medical Staff Corps (Manch. Volunteers) ; later to R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Col. ; A.D.M.S. of 42nd Div. (E. Lane.) ; Egypt and Gallipoli ; Invalided out of the service. Died 15th Jan. 191 8 at Manchester of ill health caused by d)^entery contracted in Gallipoli. *Marlow, George. Son of George Marlow, 30 Manchester Road, Lostock Gralam. Born 1895 at Lostock Gralam. Sir John Deane's G.S., Northwich ; County Training Coll., Crewe. O.T.C. 2nd Nov. 19 15 to Feb. 191 6. Asst. Sch. Master. Gaz. 24 July 191 6 ; 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. j 2nd Lieut. Died 26th Aug. 19 16 in Bramshott Hospital, from wounds received in a bombing accident at Witley Camp, Milford. Marshall, Arthur Raymond. Son of C. William Marshall, Berhampur, India. Born 1890 at Mussoorie, India. Marlborough. M.U. : 1908 ; Student, Mathematics ; O.T.C. 1908. Caius Coll., Cambridge (Mech. Science Tripos) ; Premium apprentice Bellis & Morcom, Bir- mingham. Enl. 1st Sept. 19 14 in R.N.D. Engin. Units, 99th Signal Coy. Gaz. 28th Jan. 1917; R.G.A., 1 1 8th Siege Battery; Capt. and Adjutant to 34th Brigade ; Gallipoli and Western Front. Died on 2nd Feb. 191 8 at Rouen, of wounds received on 8th Dec. 191 7 near Cambrai. Marshall, Charles Bertram. Son of William Marshall, J. P., Greenwood Lee, Bramhall Park, Cheadle Hulme. Born 1888. Rochdale Central S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1904; M.D. 1913; D.P.H. 1911. Dem. in Anatomy; House Surgeon at Bradford Royal Infirmary. Gaz. Aug. 1914 ; R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; O.C. 2/3rd E. Lane. Field Amb. Drowned 13th Aug. 1915 in Aegean Sea by the torpedoing of H.M.T. Royal Edward. ♦Marshall, Harry. Son of Walter Marshall, i Allerton Road, Southport. Born 1885 at Manchester. Ducie Avenue S. ; Manchester G.S. O.T.C. Nov. 19 15 to Jan. 191 6. Civil Engineer. Gaz. 9th May 1 9 1 7 ; King's (Liverpool) R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 5th Nov. 191 8. Marston, Guy Eric Millett. Son of Thomas David Marston, of India. Born 1893. St. Joseph's Coll., Naini Tal, India. ROLL OF SERVICE 53 M.U. : 191 1 ; B.Sc. 1914. Gaz. 6th May 1915 ; 12th Bn. R. War. R., and R.E. 130th Field Co.; Lieut.; Western Front. Died of wounds 9th Feb. 1 9 1 8 at Bapaume, France. Martin, Thomas Whittle. Son of Dr. William Young Martin, Buckley House, Walkden. Born 1889. Rossall S. M.U. : 1906 ; M.B., Ch.B., 1912. House Surgeon of Manchester Infirmary and Barnes Convalescent Home, Cheadle. Gaz. 5th Oct. 1914 ; R.A.M.C, attd. nth Bn. R. Scots ; Capt. ; Western Front ; M.C. Killed 9th April 191 7 near Arras. Maule, Geoffrey Lamb. Son of Dr. William Maule, 29 Lancaster Road, Birkdale, Southport. Born 1891 at Birkdale. Shrewsbury S. ; Christ's College, Cambridge. M.U. : 191 1 ; Student, Medicine. O.T.C. 29th Feb. 1 91 6 to 15th Aug. 1 91 6. Gaz. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Mesopotamia. Died Nov. 1 9 1 8 at Baghdad of pneumonia. Maw, Arthur Rogers. Son of Walter Maw, Holmleigh, Windsor Road, Oldham. Born 1890 at Oldham. Hulme G.S., Oldham. M.U. : 1907 ; Student, Architecture. Architect with Taylor & Simister, Oldham. Gaz. ist Dec. 1914 ; 2/ioth Bn. Manch. R., attd. 2/9 th Bn. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 23rd March 19 18 near St. Quentin. Mawdsley, John Edmund. Son of Dr. J. B. Mawdsley, 331 Park Road, Oldham. Born 1895 at Oldham. St. Bede's Coll., Manchester. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Medicine. O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 14 to Sept. 1 91 5. Gaz. Sept. 191 5 ; K.O.R. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Mesopotamia. Killed 24th April 1 91 7 during an attack on Dohute, on River Shatt-el-Aohaim. Maycock, Charles Ernest. Son of Alexander George May- cock, 15 Lime Grove, Longsight, Manchester. Born 1891 at Longsight. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1907 ; M.Sc, Tech. (Mech. Engin.), 191 1. Schuster Research Scholar- ship ; O.T.C. Oct. 1909 to Oct. 19 14. Experimental Engin. to Hans Renolds, Ltd. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; I2th Bn. Rifle Brigade ; Sergt. ; Western Front ; Wounded (twice) ; Commended by Divisional General. Killed 30th Nov. 19 1 7 near Cambrai. Meir, Wilfrid Ault. Son of Joseph Meir, 240 Waterloo Road, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent. Born 1893 at Burslem. Leek 54 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY High S. M.U. : 1910 ; M,Sc. (ist Class Hons. in Chem.) 1914 ; Beyer Fellowship ; O.T.C. Emerg. Enl. Oct. 1 9 14, 5th Bn. Staff. R. Gaz. Nov. 1914 ; 8th Bn. N. Staff. R. Capt. ; Western Front ; Wounded ; Despatches. Killed lOth April 191 8 at Messines. Mellor, Roy. Son of Richard C. Mellor, Park Lane, Maccles- field. Born 1 895 at Macclesfield. Macclesfield G.S. M.U.: 191 3 ; Student, Chem. ; O.T.C. Nov. 191 3 to Sept. 19 14. Enl. Aug. 1914 ; (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; 22nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut and Adjutant ; Western Front. Killed 1st July 1916 at Mametz. ♦Merchant, Alfred. Son of William Merchant, 81 Claude Road, Chorlton-cum- Hardy. Born 1882 at Cheetham. HulmeG.S. ; O.T.C. Nov. 1915 to Feb. 1916. Cashier's Office, Fine Cotton Spinners and Doublers Assoc. Gaz. 20th July 1916; nth Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. 5 Western Front, k-illed loth April 191 8 at Steenwerck. MiDDLETON, Arthur Claude. Son of Arthur Thomas Middle- ton, Beechfield, Leyland, nr. Preston. Born 1888 at Adlington, nr. Chorley. Old College, Windermere, and Hanover, Germany. M.U. : 1905 ; Cert, in Tech. (Textile Industries) 1907. Empld. T. Middleton & Co., Ltd., Adlington, Lanes. Gaz. 29th August 1914 ; 8th Bn. Lane. Fus. 5 2nd Lieut. ; Egypt and Dardanelles. Died of vi^ounds, 7th June 191 5, at Cape Helles, GallipoH. MiEDE, Carl Heinrich Franz. Son of August Miede, 37 Upper Brook Street, Manchester. Born 1891 at Man- chester. Ducie Avenue Higher Grade S. ; Manchester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1909 ; B.Sc, Tech. (Sanitary Engin.) 191 2 ; O.T.C. 1909 to 1 9 14. Surveyor, Town Planning Dept., Manchester Corporation. Enl. i8th Aug. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. ; Signaller ; Western Front. Killed 2Cth July 191 6 at High Wood. MiLBOURNE, Leslie. Son of J. Parker Milbourne, Ash Bank, Half Edge Lane, Eccles. Born 1894 at Monton. Man- chester G.S. M.U. : 1912; B.Com. 1916 ; O.T.C. Emerg. ; Studying in Paris for Consular Service. Enl. Aug. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Gaz. Nov. 1914 ; 7th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Died of wounds received on lOth July 19 16 at La Boiselle. MoFFET, John Leeson. Son of Thomas Moffet, Ingleside, Kingfield Road, Watford. Born 1888 at Watford. Watford ROLL OF SERVICE 55 G.S. ; Finsbury Tech. Coll. M.U. : 1907 ; B.Sc. (2nd Class Hons. Engin.) 1910 ; O.T.C. April 1908 to Sept. 191 1. Staff of Chloride Company, Clifton, Manchester. Gaz. loth Sept. 1914 ; 3rd Bn., atta. 2nd Bn. R. Scots Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 13th March 19 15 at Neuve Chapelle. MooRHOUSE, Arthur John. Son of William Moorhouse, 62 George Street, Manchester. Born 1891 at Chorlton-cum- Hardy. Birkdale G.S. ; Buxton Coll. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Arts ; O.T.C. Aug. 19 14 to Sept. 19 14. Gaz. Aug. 1914 ; 1 2th Bn. Manch. R. ; Major ; Empld. Board of Trade ; Western Front ; Wounded ; Despatches. Died of influenza 28th Nov. 191 8 at London. MosELEY, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys. Son of H. N. Moseley, Linacre Prof., Oxford Univ. Born 1887. Eton and Oxford. M.U. : 1910 ; Lectr. and Dem. in Physics. John Harling Fellow. Gaz. Sept. 191 5 ; 38th Bde., 13th Div., R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Dardanelles. Killed loth Aug. 1915 in the attack on Chuneek Bair. *MoTLER, John Frederick. Son of John F. Motler, 580 Oldham Road, Newton Heath. Born 1894 at Eccles. St. Mary's S., Eccles ; Salford Mun. Sec. S. O.T.C. Feb. 1915 to May 1915. Gaz. 23rd May 1915 ; 4th Bn. Manch. R., attd. i8th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 30th July 19 16 at Guillemont, Somme. *MuDiE, Robert Alan. Son of S. R. Mudie, Briarfield, Upper Chorlton Road, Manchester. Born 1886 at Higher Brough- ton, Manchester. Hulme ^G.S. O.T.C. Aug. 191 5 to Oct. 191 5. Actor in U.S.A. Gaz. 191 5 ; 8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 20th Sept. 19 17 at Ypres. MuMFORD, Henry Walter. Son of Rev. H. P. Mumford, Moravian Church, Baildon, Shipley, Yorks. Born 1897 at Belfast. Fulneck S., Leeds. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Hist. ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Jan. 19 16. Enl. 3rd April 1916 ; Queen Victoria's Rifles (9th Bn.) City of London R. ; Rfmn. ; Western Front. Killed 29th April 191 7 at the battle of Arras. Mumford, John Houston. Son of John Mumford, i Wolseley Place, Withington. Born 1892 at Manchester. Hulme G.S. J Manchester G.S. M.U. : 191 1 ; B.Com., 1914 ; S6 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY O.T.C. July 191 5 to Sept. 191 5. Chartered Accountant with Jones, Crewdson & Youatt, Manchester. Gaz. ist Sept. 191 5 ; R.F.A., iioth Brigade, B. Baty. ; Lieut.; Western Front; M.C. and Bar. Killed 14th Aug. 191 7 near Ypres. MuNSEY, William Frederick. Son of W. Thomas Munsey, 16 Park Avenue, Longsight. Born 1887. Bromsgrove Coll. ; Edinburgh University. M.U. : 1904 ; Student, Medicine. Member of Pharmaceutical Society. Enl. 1915 ; 28th Bn. (Artists Rifles) London R. Gaz. 1916 ; K.R. Rif. C, 1 2th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 1 6th Aug. 19 1 7 at Langemarck. Naismith, Noel Lings. Son of Charles Naismith, Scar Foot, Underbarrow, Westmoreland. Born 1892 at Crumpsall. Bowdon Coll. M.U. : 1909; Student, Mod. Languages; London University and Strassburg ; Asst. Master, The Craig, Windermere. Enl. ist Sept. 1914 ; 2ist Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. ist May 1915 ; loth Bn. N. Staff. R. attd. 3rd Bn. ; 2nd Lieut . ; Mesopotamia. Killed nth Jan. 191 7 near Kut. Needham, Leonard. Son of Richard Needham, Ashdale, Stalybridge. Born 1884 at Stalybridge. Manchester G.S. ; King William's Coll., Isle of Man. M.U. : 1900 ; Student, Medicine. Pharmacist. Enl. Dec. 1914 ; 2nd Bn. Grenadier Guards ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 8th Oct. 19 1 5 at Loos. Neill, Geoffrey William. Son of John Neill, 52 Albert Road, Whalley Range. Born 1896 at Marple. Hulme G.S. M.U. : 1914; Student, Chemistry ; O.T.C. Oct. 1914 to Dec. 1914. Gaz. 2nd Dec. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Leinster R. and R.F.C. ; Lieut. (Aer. Officer) ; Gallipoli, Serbia, Palestine, and Egypt ; M.C. Accidentally killed whilst flying 8th June 191 8 at Abu-Souer, near Ismailia. Newell, Matthew Banks. Son of John Newell, Arnewood, 3 Bennett Road, Crumpsall. Born 1889 at Manchester. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1912; Student, Law ; O.T.C. Dec. 1 9 14 to Jan. 191 5. Practice as Solicitor in Manchester. Gaz. Jan. 191 5 ; Ches. R., 14th Bn., attd. 8th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Gallipoli and Mesopotamia. Killed 4th April 19 16 near Kut. NoRCROSS, Arthur. Son of James Norcross, i Lynton Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport. Born 1892 at Heaton Moor. ROLL OF SERVICE 57 Darwen Sec. S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1910 ; B.Sc. (ist Class Hons. Mathematics) 191 3 ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 10 to Oct. 1 9 14. Gaz. 1914 ; 4th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 9th Oct. 19 17 at Passchendaele. NuTTALL, Albert Armitage. Son of Robert Hewitt Nuttall, Hollins House, Marsden, Huddersfield. Born 1896 at Milnrow. Huddersfield High S. ; Huddersfield Tech. Coll M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Mech. Engin. ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 14 to Sept. 19 1 5. National Gas Engine Co., Ash ton. Gaz. 23rd Aug. 1915 ; 7th Bn. D. of Well.'s (W. Riding) R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 15th Aug. 1916 at Thiepval. Nuttall, John Ormerod. Son of Joshua Nuttall, 413 Spring Hill Terrace, Helmshore, Manchester. Born 1897 at Haslingden, Lane. Helmshore C.S. ; Haslingden Sec. S. M.U. : 191 5 ; Student, Hons. Maths. Enl. 29th Feb. 1916 ; 1st Bn. Grenadier Guards ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 2nd June 1 9 1 8 at Bienvilliers. Oakden, Arthur Marshall. Son of William Oakden, Bank House, Retford. Born 1889 at Nottingham. King Edward VI. S., Retford. M.U. : 191 1 ; Student, Engin. ; Whitworth Exhibitioner; O.T.C. Nov. 191 1 to Sept. 19 1 3. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; R.N.D., Engineers Unit (Chief Petty Oflicer). Gaz. 26th Oct. 1914. ; R.N.D. Engineers, 1st Field Coy. ; Lieut. ; Gallipoli ; Despatches. Killed 2 1st May 19 1 5 at Helles, GallipoH. *0' Donahue, Thomas Henderson. Son of Alderman James O' Donahue, J.P., Poplars, Wigan. Born 1897 at Wigan. Wigan G.S. O.T.C. May 191 6 to Feb. 19 17. Gaz. 28th March 191 7 ; 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 20th April 191 7 at Gorre, Bethune. Ogden, Arthur Haydock. Son of Charles Ogden, Holly Grove, Sale, Cheshire. Born 1889 at Sale. Sale High S. and Rossall. M.U. : 1907 ; B.Sc, Tech. (Elect. Engin.), 19 10. Lanes. Dynamo Co., TrafFord Park. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; R.N.D., Engineers Unit (Signals) ; Spr. ; Gallipoli. Killed 1 8th June 191 5 at Helles, GallipoH. Oldfield, Benjamin. Son of Benjamin Oldfield, Macclesfield. Born 1869 at Macclesfield. Christ Church S., Macclesfield. M.U. : Night Watchman. Enl. Sept. 19 14; Rifle Bde. ; C.Q.M.S. ; France. Died of wounds 4th Nov. 19 15 at Etaples. 58 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Ormerod, Walter. Son of Henry Ormerod, South Dene, New Barn Lane, Rochdale. Born 1899 at Rochdale. Manch. G.S. M.U. : 1915 ; Student, Photography ; O.T.C. Oct. 1916 to Aug. 1917. Enl. Aug. 1917 ; Gaz. June 1918 ; R.A.F. 5 2nd Lieut. Missing, presumed killed, 29th Aug. 191 8, in France. Ormesher, William. Son of Henry Ormesher, 6 Woodbine Crescent, Stockport. Born 1887 at Stockport. Brentnall Higher Grade S. ; Stockport G.S. M.U. : 1905 ; M.A. 1909 ; O.T.C. April 1908 to Sept. 1908. Asst. Master at Blandford S. ; Leytonstone S. ; Bridgenorth G.S. Gaz. Dec. 1914 ; i6th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R., attd. 2nd Bn. R. Fus. ; Lieut. ; Gallipoli. Died 3rd Dec. 191 5 at sea, of wounds received on 28th Nov. 191 5 at Helles, Gallipoli. Ormrod, Harry. Son of John Ormrod, 1 8 Alphonsus Street, Old Trafford. Born 1895 at Hulme. Manchester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1913 ; B.A. 1916 ; O.T.C. Nov. 1913 to Jan. 19 1 6. Gaz. Feb. 1916 ; 8th Bn. K.O. York. L.L ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed ist July 19 16 at Thiepval. Orr, Alexander Thomson. Son of Alexander Thomson Orr, The Hut, Fleet, Hants. Born 1892 at Tilbury. Larch- field, Helensburgh, and Friars S., Bangor. M.U. : 1908 ; Student, Mech. Engin. Probationer, L. & N.W. Railway. O.T.C. 1st Nov. 1908 to 30th Oct. 19 1 2. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; 9th Bn. R.W. Fus. ; R.E. ; Capt. ; Assist. Chem. Adviser to Gas Serv. G.H.Q., Italy ; France and Italy ; Despatches ; Wounded. Died 3rd Jan. 19 19 at No. 24 C.C.S., Italy, of broncho-pneumonia. Orrell, Keith Faulkner Andrew. Son of Samuel F. Orrell, 1 1 Smedley Lane, Manchester. Born 1894 at Heaton Park. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1912 ; Student, Law ; O.T.C. Jan. 191 5 to Aug. 191 5. Articled T. A. Orrell, Solicitor. Gaz. 8th Aug. 191 5 ; loth Bn., attd. 6th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Mesopotamia. Killed 13th Jan. 191 7 near Kut. Owen, Arthur Percy. Son of R. G. Owen, Heaton Park, Manchester. Born 1895 at Cheetham. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1911 ; B.Sc, Tech. (Applied Chem.), 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 91 2 to Aug. 1 9 14. Gaz. 20th Aug. 1914 ; 3rd Bn. Manch. R., attd. ist Bn. ; Capt. j Western Front ROLL OF SERVICE 59 and Mesopotamia} Wounded. Killed 17th March 19 16 at Kut. Owen, George Webster. Son of Thomas Owen, The Pollards, Penketh. Born 1882 at Eccleston, Preston. Warrington G.S. ; Warrington Tech. S. M.U. : 1901 ; Student, Chem. ; O.T.C. April 1908 to Feb. 191 0. Sanitary Dept. Manchester Corporation and afterwards Yarn Agent in Manchester. Gaz. April 1910 ; lOth Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed 6th June 191 5 at Helles, Gallipoli. Palmer, John Henry William. Son of Mr. Palmer, Pickering Lodge, Timperley. Born 1887 at St. Denis de 1' Hotel, Loiret, France. Rennes Coll., France. M.U. : 1904 ; M.Sc, Tech. (Elect. Engin.), 1907. Staff of Connolly Bros., Blackley. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. March 191 5 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 20th July 19 16 at High Wood, Somme. Pateman, Leonard. Son of Thomas Henry Pateman, 114 Avenue Parade, Accrington. Born 1897 at Accrington. Accrington Sec. S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Hons. Maths. ; O.T.C. 1913 to 1914. Enl. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed 20th July 191 6 at High Wood. Peters, Ashley. Son of James F. Peters, College Road, Windermere. Born 1897 at Rochdale. Loretto S. M.U. : 1915 ; Student, Science. Gaz. 14th Dec. 1915; 13th Bn. E. York. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 13th Nov. 19 16 near Serre. Pick, John William. Son of John Pick, Sunnyside, 4 York Place, Cheetham Hill. Born 1899 at Leicester. Quorn G.S. M.U. : 1916 ; Student, Chem. ; O.T.C. July 191 7 to Feb. 191 8. Enl. 191 8 ; 12th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Died 7th Nov. 191 8 at 59th CCS. of wounds received on 4th November. Pickles, Harry Thornton. Son of Stephen Pickles, Raygill House, Barnoldswick, Yorks. Born 1890 at Barnoldswick. SilcoatesS. M.U. : 1907 ; M.A. (ist Class Hons. History) 191 1 ; LL.B. (ist Division), 191 3 ; Clements Inn and Daniel Reardon Prizes in Solicitors' Final Exam. Elected Lecturer in English Law and Jurisprudence at Manchester 6o MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY University. Enl. 17th Sept. 1914 ; loth Bn. Duke of Well.'s (W. Riding) R. Gaz. Feb. 1915 ; 9th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 26th April 19 16 at Houplines, near Armentieres. PiNDER, Thomas Sydney. Son of Thomas Pinder, i o Grosvenor Street, Newton Heath, Manchester. Born 1890 at South Cave, E. Yorks. Manchester Central S. M.U. : 1910 ; M.A. (2nd Class Hons. French), 19 14. Asst. Master at Welshpool County S. Enl. Jan. 1916 : 24th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed 7th Oct. 19 16 at Flers. Pollard, Gilbert. Son of Hargreaves Pollard, Claremont Villa, New Mills, Stockport. Born 1896 at New Mills. New Mills Sec. S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Science ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 5 to Feb. 191 6. Student Teacher. Enl. 191 6 ; 23rd Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 14th Nov. 1 91 6 at Beaumont-Hamel. Porter, Harold James. Son of Dr. Thomas Porter, 2 Clifton Drive South, St. Annes-on-Sea. Born 1 896 at Manchester. King Edward VII. S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Medicine (ist M.B. 1914) ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 3 to Nov. 1914. Gaz. Dec. 1914 ; 5th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Gallipoli. Died on 15th Aug. 19 15 at Alexandria of wounds received on 6th Aug. at Helles, Gallipoli. Porter, Robert Nuttall. Son of Sir Alexander Porter, Lyme Park, Chinley. Born 1881 at Manchester. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1898; M.B., Ch.B., 1904. Med. Supt. of Dreadnought Hospital, Greenwich, and in practice at Derby. Gaz. June 191 8 ; R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Died 25th Jan. 1919 at Ruthin of illness contracted on service. PoTTS, Geoffrey Fildes. Son of William E. Potts, The Willows, Poulton-le-Fylde. Born 1893 at Bolton. Poulton- le-Fylde G.S. ; Leys S., Cambridge. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Engin. Hons. ; O.T.C. Emerg. Enl. Aug. 1914 ; 17th Bn. Manch. R. Gaz. 28th Oct. 1914 ; 17th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 23rd April 19 1 7 at Heninel, Arras. PowiCKE, Gertrude Mary. Daughter of Rev. Dr. Powicke, 4 Langford Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport. Born 1887 at Hatherlow. Milton Mount Coll., Gravesend ; Schwerin, ROLL OF SERVICE 6i Mecklenburg. M.U. : 1908 ; B.A. (2nd Class Hons. Modern Languages) 1911. Mistress at Manch. High S. Joined, May 19 15, Friends' War Victims Relief Expedition. France and Poland. Died 20th Dec. 19 19 of typhus at Warsaw, Poland. Price, Charles Frederick Tempest. Son of John Frederick Price, Cecil Avenue, Ash ton-on- Mersey. Born 1891 at Brooklands. Priory S., Malvern ; Manchester G.S. M.U.: 1 9 1 2 ; Student, Law. Passed Final Law Exam. June 1 9 1 4. Articled Town Clerk of Hyde. Enl. Aug. 1914 ; i6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. ; France. Killed 15th June 19 16 at Mariecourt. Price, Henry Wall. Son of Major Henry Wall Price, Lynton House, Manchester Road, Ashton-under-Lyne. Born 1 89 1 at Bath. Huish G.S., Taunton. M.U. : 1909 ; Student, Architecture ; O.T.C. Nov. 1909 to Sept. 19 12. Architect. Gaz. 19th Sept. 1914 ; 4th Bn. Manch. R. Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 4th July 1 9 1 6 at Areluy. Pritchard, William Bridgett. Son of Alderman W. B. Pritchard. Born 1867. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1886; Student, Medicine ; Hon. Anaesthetist to Dent. Hosp., Christie's Hosp., St. John's Hosp. for Ear and Throat ; O.C. 4th E. Lane. Fid. Amb. Gaz. Sept. 1914 j 2nd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Lieut.-Col. ; Egypt; Gallipoli. Fatally wounded 21st June 19 15 at Cape Helles. Proctor, George. Son of Thomas Proctor, late of New Inn, Gisburne, Clitheroe, Lanes. Born 1893. Giggleswick S. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Engin. ; O.T.C. 19th Jan. 191 5 to 24th Feb. 1 91 5. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Killed in action April 191 8. Proudfoot, Harold Heafford. Son of Mr. Proudfoot, 24 Frederick Street, Loughborough, Leicester. Born 1889 at Claremont, Jamaica, W.I. Quorn G.S. ; Loughborough G.S. M.U. : 1912 ; D.P.H. 1916. Resident Phys., Edinburgh R.I. ; Fever Hosp., Monsal, Manchester ; Bolton Infirmary. Gaz. April 191 6 ; R.A.M.C. attd. R.F.A. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 2nd Sept. 191 6 near Mametz. *Raby, William Donald. Son of William W. Raby, Rathen House, Didsbury. Born 1889 at Withington. Brynderwen, 62 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Old Colwyn ; Oundle S. O.T.C. April 191 7 to Jan. 191 8. Gaz. 1 2th June 191 8 ; 17th Bn. R. Welsh Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 8th Oct. 191 8 near Le Cateau. Radcliffe, James. Son of John RadcliflFe, Furlane, Greenfield. Born 1 892 at Furlane, Greenfield. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1909 ; Student, Architecture. Architect with Potts & Hennings, Manchester. Gaz. 1914 ; 7th Bn. D. of Well's (W. Riding) R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 24th Feb. 191 8 in France. Reed, Walter Nelson. Son of John Reed, Newcastle. Born 1892. Middlesbrough High S. M.U. : 1909 ; B.Sc. (2nd Class Hons. Engineering) 191 2. Asst. Engin. N.E.Ry. Co. Gaz. Aug. 1914 ; R.G.A. ; Capt. ; France ; M.C. Killed by bomb at Bazentin-le-Grand, 27th Oct. 1916. *Reid, Robert Vernon. Son of Thomas Reid, 1 2 Seedley Road, Pendleton. Born 1893 at Pendleton. Gardner Street S., Pendleton; Salford Tech. S. O.T.C. Nov. 191 5 to Jan. 1 91 6. Clerk with the Comptoir National D'Escompte de Paris, Manchester. Gaz. May 191 6 ; 9th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Brigade Signalling Officer ; Western Front ; M.C. Killed 26th March 191 8 near Bucquoy, Bapaume. Rennard, Edward Marmaduke. Son of Rev. D. S. Rennard, Vicar of Heapey. Born 1894 at Upholland. Upholland G.S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Dental. Gaz. 17th June 1912 ; 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Wounded ; Despatches. Killed 8th Aug. 1916 at Guillemont. Renshaw, Leonard. Son of Isaac Renshaw, Brotherod Hall, Rochdale. Born 1887 at Rochdale. Private S. M.U. : 1909 j Student, Commerce ; O.T.C. Aug. 19 14 to Oct. 19 14. Gaz. Oct. 1 9 14 5 1 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 13th May 19 16 at Maricourt, Somme. Rhodes, Arthur. Son of F. S. Rhodes, Redlands, Station Road, Marple. Born 1895 at Marple. Wadham House S., Hale ; Stockport G.S. M.U. : 1912 ; Student, Law (Inter. LL.B. 191 3) ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 2 to Oct. 1 9 14. Articled with father, F. S. Rhodes, Solicitor, Manchester. Gaz. 1 7th Sept. 1914 ; 7th Bn. Durham L.I. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 24th May 191 5 near Ypres, Heroic last ROLL OF SERVICE 63 stand described by Sir A. Conan Doyle in his History of the British Campaign in France and Flanders^ vol. i. Rhodes, Walter Eustace. Son of John Rhodes of Cheetham, Manchester. Born 1872 at Cheetham. Merton House S., Brooklands, Sale. M.U. : 1890 ; M.A. (ist Class Hons. Hist.) 1895 ; Jones Hist. Fellow. Librarian of Owens College from 1899 to 1902. Staff of Rylands Library. Enl. 29th June 191 8 ; 15th Bn. Devon R. ; Pte. Died of pneumonia 13th July 191 8 at Norwich. RiDGWAY, Isaac Althorp. Son of Thomas J. Ridgway, Wildersmoor, Lymm, Cheshire. Born 1886 at Lymm. Parkgate and Brighton Coll. M.U. : 1904 ; M.Sc. (Hons. Engin.) 1910. Asst. Engineer for Lighthouses to Australian Commonwealth. Gaz. 1914 j 6th Bn. Australian Infantry ; Lieut, and Adjt. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Died 1 2th May 19 15, at sea, of wounds received 8th May 1915 at Anzac, Gallipoh. *RiDGWAY, John Edwin. Son of John Ridgway, West Bank, Chatham Street, Stockport. Born 1891 at Stockport. Stock- port Tech. S. O.T.C. July 1915 to Nov. 19 15. Partner in Ridgways, Drapers, Edgeley. Gaz. Nov. 1915 ; 5th Bn. D. of Well.'s (W. Riding) R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 21st Nov. 191 7 at Cambrai. RiGBY, William Geoffrey Morris. Son of J. W. Rigby, 18 Halliwell Street, Chorley. Born 1896 at Chorley. King William Coll., Isle of Man. M.U. : 1913 ; Student, Dental. Gaz. 4th Oct. 1914 ; 2nd Bn. E. Lane. R. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Died of wounds 7th July 1 9 1 6 at Heilly-du-bois, Haring. Riley, Clifford. Son of W. H. Riley, i Lark Street, Padiham Road, Burnley. Born 1885 at Burnley. Sec. S., Tod- morden. M.U. : 1904 ; M.Sc. 191 o. Netherthorpe G.S. ; The Academy, Dumfries ; Sec. S., Goole ; Hendon County S. Enl. Nov. 1914 ; ist Bn. Q. Vict. Rif. (London R.) ; Rifleman ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed ist July 1 9 1 6 at Gommecourt. *RiLEY, John Reginald Newton. Son of E. J. Riley, The Hollies, Harboro' Road, Ashton-on- Mersey. Born 1892 at Timperley, Cheshire. Private S. O.T.C. July 19 15 to Nov. 19 15. Cotton Manufacturer. Gaz. Nov. 1915 ; 5th Bn. D. of Well.'s (W. Riding) R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 3rd Sept. 19 16 at Thiepval. 64 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY *RiLEY, Oliver. Son of J. E. Riley, Arden Hall, Accrington. Born 1882. Charterhouse S. ; Cambridge. O.T.C. June 191610 Dec. 1916. Enl. 1917 ; ist Bn. Lincoln R. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 27th April 191 8 at Berry au Bac. Roberts, Fred. Son of Edward Roberts, 49 Premier Street, Brooks Bar, Manchester. Born 1891 at Manchester. Manchester Central S. M.U. : 1910 ; M.A. (2nd Class Hons. French) 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Feb. 191 5. Asst. Master at Stand G.S. Gaz. loth Feb. 191 5 ; nth Bn. K.O.Y.L.I., attd. 6th Bn. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 23rd July 19 16 near Arras. Roberts, Victor George. Son of W. B. Roberts, Wilderspool, Lymm. Born 1885. Warrington G.S. M.U. : 1905 ; Student, Medicine. Enl. lOth Dec. 191 5 ; S. Lane. R. ; Pte. ; Western Front, Killed 9th May 191 8 at Arras. *RoBiNSON, Harold Fletcher. Son of T. Fletcher Robinson, Claremont Road, Pendleton. Born 1892 at Moston. Manchester G.S. O.T.C. Aug. 19 14 to Nov. 19 14. Ash ton Bros. & Co., Ltd., Manchester. Gaz. 27 th Oct. 1914 ; 15th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 1st July 19 16 at Thiepval. ♦Robinson, James. Son of R. J. Robinson, Euston Cottage, Wood Church Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. Born 1888 at Birkenhead. Birkenhead Institute. O.T.C. Nov. 19 15 to March 191 6. Live Stock and Meat Salesman. Gaz. 25th Oct. 1916 ; 9th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R., attd. 4th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Despatches. Killed 20th May 19 1 7 at Fontaine-les-Croiselles. Robinson, Kenneth. Son of James Robinson, M.D., Rock- field, Dunscar, Bolton. Born 1883 at Dunscar. Welling- borough. M.U. : 1900 ; Student, Medicine ; Research Student in Public Health. Practice at Dunscar, Bolton. Gaz. March 1915 ; R.A.M.C, attd. 12th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 25th Sept. 191 6 near Ypres. Robinson, Thomas. Son of William Robinson, 37 Haydn Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Born 1894 at Manchester. Cavendish Board S. ; Ducie Avenue Higher Grade S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Arts. SoHcitor's Office. Enl. 26th Sept. 1914 ; R.N.D. (Plymouth Bn.) ; L.-Cpl. ; Gallipoli. Killed 1 2th May 19 15 at Helles, Gallipoli. ROLL OF SERVICE 65 RoBSON, Ernest Weatherston. Son of William Robson, Tyneholme, Beechgrove Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Born 1892 at Newcastle-on-Tyne. Newcastle-on-Tyne Royal G.S. ; Rydal Mount Coll., Colwyn Bay. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Arts. Enl. 28th Oct. 191 5 ; 135th Field Ambulance, R.A.M.C. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 24th Nov. 191 7 at Cambrai. Rodger, Douglas. Son of Dr. Robert Rodger, Hale, Cheshire. Born 1886 at Cheetham Hill. Trent Coll. M.U. : 1902 ; M.B., Ch.B. 1907 ; O.T.C. 1915 to 1916. Studied also at Edinburgh. In practice at Eye Hospital, Manchester ; Sen. House Surg., R. Inf, Manchester. Gaz. Sept. 1915 ; R.A.M.C. ; Lieut. ; . Western Front. Killed ist July 1 916 in France. Rose, Charles Leigh. Son of J. Baron Rose, Towngate, Leyland. Born 1894 at Leyland. M.U. : 191 3 ; B.Sc. 19 1 6. Chemist for Ministry of Munitions and British Dyes, Ltd. Enl. 15th Oct. 1918; M.G.C. ; Pte. Died of influenza 2nd Nov. 191 8 at Cannock Chase. Ross, Alexander. Son of H. Ross, 52 Broadway, Northampton. Born 1892 at Northampton. Manchester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 191 1 j B.Sc, Tech. (Elec. Engin.), 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 1 to Sept. 1 9 14. Enl. 7th Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Sergt. ; Western Front. Killed 20th July 1 9 1 6 at High Wood, Somme. Rossi, Roberto. Son of Gaetano Rossi, ex-Member Italian Parliament, Vicenza, Italy. Born 1888 at Rocchette, Venete, Italy. Royal Tech/ Institute, Milan. M.U. : 1905 ; D.Sc. (ist Class Hons. Physics) 1914 ; Hon. Res. Fellow ; Research Student, Trinity Coll., Cambridge. Gaz. Aug. 191 5 j Italian Army, 4th Regiment Engineers ; 2nd Lieut. ; Venetian Front. Died 19th March 19 19 at Pasla, Italy, of illness contracted on active service. RowBOTHAM, John Edwin. Son of John Rowbotham, Brook Villa, Church Lane, Moston. Born 1888 at Manchester. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1906 ; M.A. (2nd Class Hons. Economics) 1910 ; B. Com. 1909; Theodores Exhibitioner ; Gartside Scholar ; O.T.C. Oct. 1908 to Sept. 191 1, and Nov. 1 9 1 2 to Oct. 1 9 1 4. Calico Printers' Association. Gaz. 7th Sept. 1914 ; 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Major ; Western Front ; M.C. Killed 24th March 191 8 at Peronne. F 66 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY *Rylands, Harold Bertram. Son of Richard Walter Rylands, Ashburn Lodge, Worsley. Born 1 895 at Eccles. Bloxham S. ; Lancing S. O.T.C. Nov. 19 14 to Dec. 19 14. Articled Clerk to David Smith, Garnett & Co., Chartered Accountants, Manchester, afterwards articled to Boote, Edgar, Grace & Rylands, Solicitors, Manchester. Gaz. Dec. 1914 ; 1 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 23rd Nov. 1916 at Beaumont- Hamel. Rylands, Reginald Victor. Son of Richard Walter Rylands, Ashburn Lodge, Worsley. Born 1891 at Eccles. Bloxham S. ; Shrewsbury S. M.U. : 1909 ; LL.B. 191 2. Articled to Boote, Edgar, Grace & Rylands, Solicitors, Manchester ; Passed Solicitors' Final Examination, 19 14. Gaz. 1910 ; yth Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed 29th May 191 5 at Helles, Gallipoli. Sandbach, Frank Stainton. Son of Edward Sandbach, J.P., Dunedin, Oakfield, Ashton-on-Mersey. Born 1888 at Sale. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1907 ; Student, Law; O.T.C. 8th May 191 6 to 8th Dec. 191 6. SoHcitor ; Managing Clerk with Slater, Heelis, Colley, Sandbach & Anderson. Gaz. March 191 7 ; R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 29th July 191 7 in France. Saunders, Alfred George. Son of George Saunders, Wesley Place, Holmerend, Newcastle-under-Lyme. Born 1893 at Holmerend. Newcastle-under-Lyme High S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Medicine. Enl. 29th Aug. 1914 ; 5th Bn. N, Staff. R. Gaz. Jan. 191 5 ; 8th Bn. N. Staff. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 30th July 1916 near High Wood. Sawers-Scott, Norman. Son of Dr. William Sawers-Scott, 59 Wilmslow Road, Withington. Born 1894 at Manchester. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 191 1 ; B.Com. 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 1 to June 191 3 (Thorburn Efficiency Cup). First Manchester University Nomination to a Commission in the Regular Army. Gaz. June 191 3 ; 2nd Bn. K.O. Scottish Borderers ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 23rd April 19 1 5 on Hill 60. Scholfield, Richard Denham. Son of Frank Scholfield, Whitefield, Manchester. Born 1891 at Prestwich. Riving- ton and Blackrod G.S. ; Rossall S. ; St. John's Coll., Cam- bridge. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Law. Articled to Town Clerk of Salford. Gaz. 1914 ; 6th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; ROLL OF SERVICE 67 2nd Lieut. ; Gallipoli. Killed 9th Aug. 191 5 at Suvla Bay, Gallipoli. Scully, Bernard Francis. Son of Edward Scully, 49 Derby Street, Moss Side. Born 1892 at Manchester. Manchester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1912 ; Student, Arts; O.T.C. Oct. 191 2 to Sept. 1 9 14. Enl. 20th Sept. 1914 ; 9th Bn. R. Munster Fus., attd. ist Bn. ; C.Q.M.S. ; Western Front ; Commended by Divisional General. Died 1 1 th Sept. 1 9 1 6 at 2 1 St CCS. of wounds received 9th Sept. 1916 at Neuville. Sedgley, Thomas Wilson. Son of S. D. Sedgley, 155 Mauldeth Road, Withington. Born 1893 at Southport. St. Chad's S., Ladybarn ; Ducie Avenue Central ; Manchester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1914; Student, Commerce ; O.T.C. Oct. 1914 to Dec. 1914. Enl. 3rd Dec. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed 20th July 1 9 1 6 at High Wood, Somme. *Senior, Herbert Godbert. Son of Hubert Senior, Bollin- holme, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Born 1896 at Chorlton-cum- Hardy. Bryn Derwen S., Old Colwyn ; Uppingham. O.T.C. Aug. 1915 to Oct. 19 15. Salesman. Gaz. 21st Nov. 191 5 ; 8th Bn. Manch R., attd. 2nd Bn. R. Berks. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 28th May 191 8 at Montigny, France. *Sharratt, Robert Weetman. Son of Albert V. Sharratt, 1 6 Mauldeth Road, Heaton Mersey. Born 1 895 at North- enden, Cheshire. Manchester G.S. O.T.C. ist Oct. 1912 to 1st Oct. 19 14. Assist. Clerk to the Manchester Justices. Gaz. Nov. 1914 > 1 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed nth March, 19 16 at Authuille, Somme. Shaw, Bernard Hudson. Son of Rev. W. Hudson Shaw, Rector of S. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, E.C Born 1894 at Keswick. Uppingham S. M.U. : 1911 ; Student, Hons. B.Sc. (Engin.). Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; 2nd Bn. H.A.C ; transfd. 13th Bn. Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed by poison gas, 22nd Jan. 19 17, at Ploegsteert. Sheppard, Asa Frederick. Son of Alfred Sheppard, 117 Great Cheetham Street, Higher Broughton. Born 1892 at Lower Broughton. Salford Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Textile Industries. Samuel Hunter, Yarn Agents, Man- chester. Enl. 19th Nov. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. Sept. 191 7 ; R.F.C ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Accidentally killed whilst flying, 23rd Feb. 191 7, at Gosport. 68 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Shorrocks, Ernest. Son of J. H. Shorrocks, 17 St. Clement's Road, Chorlton-cum- Hardy. Born 1875 at Middleton. Hulme G.S. M.U. : 1893 ; M.Sc. (ist Class Hons. Chem.) 1900. Master at Hulme G.S. ; Knaresborough G.S. ; Queen's Coll., Taunton ; Taunton G.S. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Sergt. ; Western Front. Killed 20th July 1916 at High Wood. Short, Walter (Rev.). Son of Walter Short, Sheffield. Born 1879 at Sheffield. Unitarian Home Missionary Coll., Man- chester. M.U. : 1904; B.A. 1907. Minister at Stalybridge and Bootle. Gaz. 22nd Nov. 1916 ; 7th Bn. K.O.Y.L.I., attd. 5th Bn. ; Capt. and Adjutant ; Western Front. Killed 20th July 191 5 at Coutmas, near Rheims. Author oi Pictures from France (Sherratt and Hughes). SiDEBOTHAM, Gerald. Son of John J. Sidebotham, 7 Brazennose Street, Manchester. Born 1893 at Brinnington, Stockport. Haileybury S. M.U. : 1910 ; LL.B. 1917 ; O.T.C. Jan. 19 1 3 to Aug. 19 14. Articled Clerk to J. J. Sidebotham, Solicitor, Manchester. Gaz. 23rd Aug. 1914 ; 4th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. ; Gallipoli, Egypt, and Palestine ; Wounded. Killed 9th March 1 9 1 8 north of Jerusalem. SiMCOCK, Gilbert Alexander. Son of Alexander Simcock, Allandale, Brooklands. Born 1891 at Salford. M.U. : 191 1 ; B.Sc, Tech. (Textile Industries), 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1912 to 191 4. Gaz. 14th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. ; Mesopotamia. Killed 9th April 19 16 at Sannaiyat, Meso- potamia. *SiMMONDS, Harold. Son of Charles Simmonds, 34 Crescent Road, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. Born 1897 at Cheet- ham. St. John's S., Cheetham ; North Manchester S. ; Manchester G.S. O.T.C. March 1916 to May 1916. Commercial Union Assurance Co. Enl. 25th May 1916 ; 30th Bn. R. Fus. Gaz. 26th April 191 7 ; i8th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 31st July 1 9 1 7 near Zillebeke. Sinclair, Kenneth. Son of A. J. Sinclair, Greenbank, Marple. Born 1890 at Prestwich. Liverpool Coll. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 191 2 ; B.Sc, Tech. (Mech. Engin.), 191 5 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 14 to Aug. 19 15. Apprenticeship in En- gineering with Pollock & Macnab, Bredbury. Gaz. 17th Aug. 1915 ; 429th and 432nd Field Coys., RE. ; Lieut.; Egypt, Sinai, and Western Front ; Wounded ; Despatches ROLL OF SERVICE 69 (twice). Died on 12th Oct. 191 8 at i8th CCS. of wounds received on i oth Oct. 1 9 1 8 near Le Cateau. Singleton, Frank Chester. Son of James Singleton, Newton- le-Willows. Born 1 890 at Newton-le- Willows. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1907; M.A. (Hons. Classics) 191 1 ; Teacher's Dipl. ; O.T.C Nov. 1908 to Sept. 191 1. Asst. Master at County School, Richmond, Surrey, and Sheffield Central S. Gaz. Nov. 1914; 1 2th Bn. Sherwood Foresters, attd. 19th Bn. ; Capt., Commandant of Brigade Bombing S. ; Western Front. Killed 3rd Sept. 1 9 1 6 at Beaumont- Hamel. *SiNKiNSON, Francis Geoffrey. Son of Frank Sinkinson, Monksfield, Lytham. Born 1897 at Oldham. Worksop Coll. O.T.C Mav 19 1 6 to Feb. 191 7. Gaz. 191 7 ; Tank Corps ; 2nd, Lieut. ; Western Front. Died of wounds April 19 17 at Ghent. Skemp, Arthur Rowland. Son of Rev. T. R. Skemp, Man- chester. Born 1882 at Eccles. Douglas Sec. S., Isle of Man. M.U. : 1901 ; M.A. (ist Class Hons. English) 1907 ; Faulkner Fellow, 1905 ; Lecturer at Strassburg University and Sheffield University, and Professor of English at Bristol University. Gaz. July 1916 ; ist Bn. Gloucester R. 5 Lieut. ; formerly Instructor in 3rd O.C.B. ; Western Front. Killed ist Nov. 191 8 at Le Cateau. Skitt, Harold George. Son of G. M. Skitt, Ashleigh, Elles- mere Road, Shrewsbury. Born 1 895 at Shrewsbury. Wel- lington Coll., Salop. M.U. : 1915 ; Dental Student ; O.T.C 3rd July 19 1 6 to 7th June 19 17. Enl. 20th Oct. 19 1 6. Gaz. 20th Sept. 1917 ; loth Bn. R. Ir. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed ist Oct. 191 8 at Dadizeele, Flanders. *Smallwood, Reginald. Son of John Smallwood, 2 Mount Pleasant, Bury New Road, Manchester. Born 1890 at Wrexham. Waterloo Road Board S., Manchester. O.T.C Oct. 19 1 5 to Feb. 19 1 6. Engineer's Clerk. Gaz. 27th Sept. 191 6 ; 5th Bn. Ches. R., attd. Pioneers ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed i8th April 191 8 at Wancourt, near Arras. Smith, Allan Higson. Son of J. Higson Smith, Cromwell House, Grimsby. Born 1893 at Grimsby. M.U. : 191 2 ; B.Sc. 191 6 ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 3 to Oct. 19 14. W. Foster & Co., Engineers, Lincoln. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; lOth Bn. 70 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Lincoln R. Gaz. 23rd Nov. 191 5 ; 19th Bn. Lincoln R., and R.F.C., 4th Squadn. ; Capt. ; Commandant Aerial Gunnery School ; Western Front ; M. C. Killed 2 1 st August 19 1 7 in France. Smith, James Norman. Son of Moses Smith, Mossley, Congle- ton. Born 1896 at Hanley. Hanley Sec. S. M.U. : 1913 ; Student, Engin. Hons. Part L, 19 15 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1914 to Sept. 1915. Gaz. nth Sept. 1915 ; 15th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R., attd. 9th Bn. Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 31st July 1916 at Becourt, Albert. Smith, Lionel Stockdale. Son of Lionel C. Smith, Oakfield, Ashton-on- Mersey. Born 1890 at Sheffield. Carlisle G.S., Reading G.S., Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1910 ; B.Sc. Tech., 1 9 14. Enl. Aug. 191 4 ; Gaz. Nov. 1914 ; R.E. (L Signal Coy.) ; Capt. ; France ; Despatches ; O.C. Despatch Rider Letter Serv. Died of illness contracted on service, 23rd March 19 19. Smith, Quintin Livingstone. Son of Robert Smith, 77 Davenport Street, Bolton. Born 1890 at Bolton. Bolton G.S. M.U. : 1907 ; B.A. 1910 ; Teacher's Dipl. 191 1 ; O.T.C. Nov. 1908 to Sept. 1 91 3. Asst. Master, Latymer Sec. S., Edmonton. Gaz. 2nd Nov. 191 5 ; 13th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed ist July 1916 at Thiepval. Smyth, Edmund Fitzgerald. Son of William Smyth, Brook- field, Banbridge, Devon. Born 1886 at Banbridge. St. Columba's Coll., Co. Dublin. M.U. : 1905 ; Student, Mech. Engin. Director of Smyth's Weaving Co., Ltd., Ban- bridge ; Managing Director of Lisburn Weaving Co. Gaz. 15th Sept. 1914 ; nth Royal Irish Rifles ; Major ; Western Front; Wounded; M.C. Killed 3rd Dec. 191 7 at Marcoing. Sneath, Wilfrid Archer. Son of Henry A. Sneath, Thurlby, Bourne, Lincoln. Born 1888 at Manthorpe, Lincolnshire. Thurlby Council S. ; Grantham Tech. Institute. M.U. : 1905 ; M.B., Ch.B. (ist Class Hons.), 19 10. Jun. Dem. in Anatomy. Practice with Dr. Cheetham of Ashton-under- Lyne. Gaz. 14th Aug. 1914 ; R.A.M.C., attd. Belgian Army Hospital, Calais, and M.O. to 6th Bn. Welch R. ; Capt. ; Western Front; M.C. Died 12th July 191 7 at La Panne of wounds received on 2nd July. ROLL OF SERVICE 71 Southward, Robert Kennaugh. Son of W. C. Southward, J.P., C.P., M.L.C., Milgwyn, Sulby, Isle of Man. Born 1896 at Douglas, Isle of Man. Douglas Sec. S. M.U. : 191 5 ; Student, Science ; O.T.C. Nov. 19 15 to March 19 1 6. Enl. 20th Jan. 1916 ; 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed i8th Aug. 19 16 at High Wood, Somme. Spence, William. Son of Thos. Spence, 3 Bell Street, Central Estate, Hartlepool. Born 1895 at Hartlepool. Hart Road S. ; Galley's Field S. ; Henry Smith's Sec. S. M.U. : 1914; Student, Arts ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Oct. 191 5. Enl. Nov. 191 5 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed 7th Oct. 19 16 at Flers, Combles. *Stead, Horace Stuart. O.T.C. ; i6th Nov. 19 15 to 5th Feb. 1916. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Killed 26th March 1918. *Stell, Jack. Son of Alexander Stell, 3 Brunei Street, Burnley. Born 1897 at Burnley. Burnley G.S. O.T.C. Feb. 19 16 to July 1 9 16. Cashier, Cotton Weaving Shed. Gaz. 25th Dec. 1916 ; 3rd Bn. R. Scots, and R.A.F., 120th Squadn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Accidentally killed 1 9th June 191 8 at Cramlington, Newcastle. Stevenson, Alan. Son of Rev. William Stevenson, Wesleyan Church, Widnes. Born 1887 at Blackpool. Bradford G.S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1904 ; M.A. (Hons. Classics) 1907. Asst. Master at Sandbach G.S. ; Duke's S., Alnwick, Northumberland. Enl. Aug. 1 9 14 ; Sherwood Foresters ; Gaz. Nov. 1914 ; 9th Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; Capt. ; Gallipoli, Egypt, and Western Front. Killed 26th Sept. 1 9 1 6 on the Somme. Stevenson, Talbert. Son of Francis Stevenson, 10 Dudhope Terrace, Dundee. Born 1895 at Dundee. Dundee High S. ; Oundle S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Applied Chem. Gaz. 2nd Sept. 1914 ; 4th Bn. Black Watch ; Capt. and Adjutant ; Western Front ; M.C. and Bar ; Despatches. Wounded (twice). Killed 14th Nov. 191 7 at Polderhoek, Ypres. *Stewart, John Stanley. Son of Robert Stewart, 35 Deramore Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Born 1895 at Manchester. Ducie Avenue S. O.T.C. July 19 15 to Jan. 191 6. Yarn Salesman. Gaz. 191 6 to K.O.R. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 17th Oct. 191 6 on the Somme. 72 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Stewart, Vernon Radcliffe. Son of Dr. J. Barclay Stewart, Well Bank, Haslingden. Born 1894 at Derby. Newchurch G.S. ; Haslingden Sec. S. ; Giggleswick S. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Science. Gaz. 12th Oct. 1914 ; R.F.C., attd. R.A.S.C. ; Lieut. ; Gallipoli and Western Front. Acci- dentally killed whilst flying on 5th Dec. 191 7 at West Bromwich. Storrs, James Parker. Son of James Storrs, J.P., C.C, Fern Bank, Stalybridge. Born 1890 at Stalybridge. Dingle- wood S., Colwyn Bay. M.U. : 191 1 ; LL.B. 1914. Articled to Mr. R. Innes, Solicitor, of Manchester, and passed his final examination in March 1915. Gaz. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 8th Aug. 191 7 at Ypres. *Stott, Walter Goodwin. Son of Thomas Henry Stott, 30 Victoria Avenue, Didsbury. Born 1886 at Manchester. Longsight G.S. O.T.C. Nov. 191 5 to Jan. 19 16. Cotton Salesman. Gaz. Sept. 191 6 ; 23rd Bn. Manch. R., attd. Ches. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed i8th Sept. 1 9 1 8 at Ypres. Stringer, Albert Edward. Son of Edward Stringer, J. P., Trafalgar Square, Ashton-u.-Lyne. Born 1 878 at Ashton-u.- Lyne. Trafalgar Square Day S., Ashton-u.-Lyne. M.U. : 1897 ; B.Sc. 1900. Deputy Head Master of Ashton-u.- Lyne Sec. S. Gaz. 2nd Sept. 1914 ; 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed 7th June 19 15 at Helles, Gallipoli. Stuart, Frank. Son of Harry T. R. Stuart, High Bank, Walshaw, Bury. Born 1891 at Thornliebank, Glasgow. Bolton G.S. M.U. : 1908 ; Cert, in Tech. (Applied Chem.) 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1909 to Sept. 191 2. Chemist with Know Mill Printing Co., Ltd., Bury. Enl. 4th Sept. 1914 ; U.P.S. Bn. R. Fus. Gaz. 1915 ; 7th Bn. S. Lane. R., attd. loth Bn. War. R. and T.M.B. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed i oth April 1 9 1 8 at Messines. SuTCLiFFE, Henry. Son of Alfred Sutcliffe, 29 Wellington Rd., Todmorden. Born 1879 at Todmorden. Cross Stone S., Todmorden. M.U. : 1897 ; B.Sc. 1900 ; Science Master. Enl. March 1916 ; 140th Hvy. Baty., R.G.A. ; Gnr. ; France. Died of pneumonia at nth C.C.S., 8th Nov. 191 8. ROLL OF SERVICE 73 Tate, Herbert Lloyd. Son of H. Tate, Park Lane, Kersal, Manchester. Born 1890 at Runcorn. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1909 j Student, Engin. ; O.T.C. Oct. 1909 to Oct. 1 9 14. Pupil with H. A. Reed, Engineer, Manchester Ship Canal ; Member of Tate & Gordon, Public Work Contractors. Gaz. Oct. 1914 ; 93rd Brigade, C Battery, R.F.A., and 187th Brigade R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 12th June 191 6 at Ploegsteert. *Taylor, Arthur Cuthbert Brooke. Son of Col. Herbert Brooke Taylor, The Close, Bakewell. Born 1888 at Bake well. Lady Manners S., Bakewell ; Cheltenham Coll. ; Cert, in Engin. Saunders & Taylor, Ltd. (Engineers). Gaz. 1 2th Nov. 1905 to 2nd Vol. Bn. Sherwood Foresters. Transferred 19th Sept. 191 3 to 6th Bn. Manch. R. (Musketry Instructor) ; Lieut. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed 4th June 191 5 at Helles, Gallipoli. *Taylor, Gilbert Elliott. Son of Job Taylor, 8 Lime Grove, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Born 1886 at Pendleton. Strawberry Road British S., Pendleton ; British S., Altrin- cham. O.T. C. April 1 9 1 5 to Aug. 1 9 1 5. Clerk to Stock and Share Broker. Gaz. 23rd Aug. 1915 ; York, and Lane. R. ; Lieut. Died of pneumonia on 1 3th July 1 9 1 8 at Colchester. Taylor, Thomas Ralph. Son of Edward Lyon Taylor, of Rochdale. Born 1888. Mill Hill S. M.U. •. 1906; Student, Law; LL.B. 1910 ; John Peacock Prize, Man- chester Law Assn. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; U.P.S. Bde. Gaz. Oct. 1914 ; L. Fus. (T.F.) ; 2nd Lieut. ; Egypt and Gallipoli ; wounded. Killed in action 7th Aug. 191 5 at Gallipoli. Tempest, Basil. Son of Dr. James Tempest, Clarendon Road, Whalley Range. Born 1892 at Longsight. Hulme G.S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Mech. Engin. ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Feb. 191 5. Completed student apprenticeship to Mather & Piatt, Ltd. Gaz. 28th Jan. 191 5 ; 13th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front and Salonica. Died of wounds received on 25th April 1917 at Salonica. Templar, John Franklin Hopwood. Son of John F. Templar, 17 Cranbourne Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy. Born 1893 at Park Street, Greenheys. Fielden S. ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 191 1 ; Student, Hons. English; O.T.C. Oct. 19 II to Aug. 1 9 14. Gaz. 26th Oct. 1914 ; 20th Bn. 74 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY (U.P.S.) R. Fus., attd. 2nd Bn. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Despatches ; Lectr. in Infantry Tactics at 8th Corps School. Died of pneumonia 8th Feb. 19 19 at Wimereux. Thewlis, Harold Darling. Son of James Herbert Thewlis, Daisy Mount, Victoria Park, Manchester. Born 1890 at Manchester. Woodlands S. ; Fallow field ; Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1909 ; B.Sc. 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1909 to Sept. 191 2. Student at Holmes Chapel Agricultural Coll. Gaz. 191 2 ; I /7 th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Second-in- Command British Sudan Camel Corps ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed 4th June 1915 at Helles, Gallipoli. *Thompson, Cecil William. Son of W. Thompson, Stanley Mount, Hoghton. Born 1897 at Hoghton, Preston. Charterhouse S. ; Caius Coll., Cambridge. O.T.C. 6th Sept. 19 15 to 5th Jan. 1916. Gaz. Jan. 1916 ; 6th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. ; France. Died of wounds 6th May 19 17. Thomson, A. M. M.U. : 1912 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Killed July 19 16. *TiNKER, Alan Hirst. Son of Albert Tinker, Oakfield, With- ington Road, Whalley Range. Born 1889 at Manchester. Hulme G.S. ; Clifton Coll. O.T.C. Jan. 1909 to Dec. 1911. Manufacturer. Gaz. 7th Bn. Manchester R. ; Capt. ; Western Front, Egypt, and Gallipoli ; Wounded. Killed 28th March 191 8 in France. *Tipping, Frank Blamphin. Son of Robert Tipping, Lathbury Cottage, Nantwich Road, Crewe. Born 1896 at Crewe. Crewe County Sec. S. ; Manchester Royal Coll. of Music. O.T.C. March 1915 to Sept. 19 15. Member Halle Or- chestra. Gaz. 3rd Sept. 191 5 ; R.A.F., 59th Squadn. ; Lieut. (Aer. Offr.) ; Western Front. Killed whilst flying, 19th Aug. 191 7, near St. Quentin. Todd, Charles Gordon. Son of Rev. James Todd, Sale. Born 1894 at York. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 191 o ; M.B., Ch.B., 1915 ; O.T.C. 1912 to 1914. Manchester Ear Hospital ; House Surgeon at Government Hospital, Addington, Durban. Gaz. R.A.M.C, attd. S. African Labour Corps ; Capt. ; S. Africa and France. Died of pneumonia 13th Oct. 191 8 at Dordrecht, S. Africa. Tough, Arnold Bannatyne. Son of Dr. W. R. Tough, Park Side, Accrington. Born 1890 at Crook, Durham. Ac- crington Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1909; L.D.S. 1911. ROLL OF SERVICE 75 Practice with J. Theakston, Bury & Accrington. Gaz. Oct. 1914 j nth Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Egypt and Western Front. Killed ist July 19 16 at Serre, Somme. Trevelyan, Wilfred. Son of Sir Ernest J. Trevelyan, D.C.L., I Marston Ferry Road, Oxford. Born 1893 at Calcutta. Rugby S. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Engin. (Mining) and Applied Chem. ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 2 to Aug. 1914. Gaz. 1914 ; 5th Bn. Rifle Brigade, attd. 4th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Died on 5th May 1915 of wounds received on 4th May at Ypres. Tuck, Henry Malpas. Son of James H. Tuck, 12 Kenilworth Avenue, West Didsbury. Born 1898 at Swinton, Man- chester. Manchester Central S. M.U. : 1916 ; Student, Applied Chem. ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 6 to March 191 7. Gaz. Oct. 191 7 ; 6th Bn. Middlesex R., attd. 26th Bn. R. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 26th Oct. 19 1 8 at Courtrai. TwEEDALE, Eric. Son of W. H. Tweedale, Serre, Cliff Place, Bispham, Blackpool. Born 1896 at Monton Green. M.U. : 1913 ; Student, Elect. Eng. ; O.T.C. Oct. 1914 to May 19 15. Gaz. 15th May 1915 ; W. York. R., 13th Bn., attd. i6th Bn. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Egypt and Western Front. Killed ist July 1916 on the Somme. Vernon, Leonard Patrick. Son of Captain W. H. Vernon, 26 Brighton Grove, Rusholme. Born 1894 at Wrexham. Grove Park S., Wrexham. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Banking ; O.T.C. Jan. 191 3 to Sept. 19 14. Bank Clerk, National Provincial Bank of England. Enl. 3rd Sept. 1 9 1 4 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus: Gaz. 14th Aug. 1915 ; 12th Bn. R. Welsh Fus. ; Lieut. ; Western Front ; M.C. Killed 1 8th June 191 7 at Infantry Hill, Somme. ViCKERS, Stephen Wynn. Son of Joseph Vickers, Ivy Nook, Bramhall Moor Lane, Hazel Grove, Stockport. Born 1895 at Leeds. Stockport G.S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Arts ; O.T.C. 17th Aug. 19 14 to 17th Sept. 19 14. Gaz. Sept. 1914 ; nth Bn. Ches. R.,and loist Squadn.and 200th N.T. Squadn. R.A.F. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; M.C, D.F.C. ; Wounded. Died 19th Feb. 1919, at Lincoln, of influenza. Wade, John Mayall. Son of Lieut.-Col. D. H. Wade, 40 Park Range, Victoria Park, Manchester. Born 1894 at 76 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Ashton-under-Lyne. Ashton Sec. S. M.U. : 191 1 ; B.Sc. 1914 ; O.T.C. 191 1 to Aug. 1914. Gaz. 2nd Sept. 1914 ; 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed i8th June 191 5 at Helles, Gallipoli. Wade, Percy Jackson. Son of Thomas Wade, J.P., Sedgley House, Middleton Junction. Born 1883 at Middleton Junction. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1904 ; Student, Law. Deputy Town Clerk of Middleton. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; 17th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 1st July 19 16 at Albert. Waite, Joseph Thorp. Son of Dr. William Waite, Park Road, Halifax. Born 1 870 at Halifax. Bootham S., York. M.U. : 1886; Student, Medicine. Edinburgh University. M.O. to West African Medical Staff, Northern Nigeria ; General Practice, Pluckley, Kent. Gaz. 1914 ; 5th Bn. E. Kent (Buffs) R. ; Lieut.; Mesopotamia. Killed 2istjulyi9i6 near Kut. Walker, John Has lam. Son of Joseph Walker, Northern Grove, West Didsbury. Born 1887 at Burton Road, W. Didsbury. Hulme G.S. M.U. : 1905; M.Sc. 191 1 (Engineering Hons.) ; O.T.C. April 1908 to Sept. 1909. Empld. by Taylor, Engineer, King Street, Manchester. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R. Gaz. Jan. 191 7 ; Sussex Yeomanry, attd. Sussex R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Egypt, Gallipoli, Sinai, Palestine. Died 22nd Dec. 191 7 at Cairo of wounds received on 6th Dec. in Palestine. *Wallace, George Frank. Son of George S. Wallace, Fern- side, Norwood Road, Stretford. Born 1899 at Halifax. Manchester G.S. O.T.C. 27th March 191 7 to 4th Jan. 191 8. Electrician. Gaz. ist Jan. 191 8 ; i/5th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; France. Died in France i8th Dec. 191 8 of pneumonia. Walsh, Arthur. Son of Stephen Walsh, M.P., late Parlia- mentary Secretary to Local Government Board, 8 Swinley Road, Wigan. Born 1892 at Brynn, Ashton-in-Makerfield. Wigan G.S. M.U. : 1908 (ist Class Hons. Modern Languages); M.A. 191 3 ; Faulkner Fellowship ; Gilchrist Travelling Scholarship ; Studied at Sorbonne, Paris (L. es L.) Asst. Master at Nelson Mun. Sec. S. Enl. 3rd Oct. 1914 ; 5th Bn. Manch. R. ; Gaz. i8th Feb. 191 5 ; 22nd Bn. Manch. R., attd. 12th Bn. L.N. Lane. R., and 4th Bn. S. ROLL OF SERVICE 77 Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Wounded ; M.C. Killed nth April 191 8 at Locon, Picardy. Walsh, Joseph. Son of Peter Walsh, 12 Spring Bank Street, Stalybridge. Born 1891 at Stalybridge. Hyde County Sec. S. M.U. : 1907 ; M.Sc. 191 2. Maths. Master, St. Philip's G.S., Birmingham. Enl. 6th Jan. 191 6 ; 29th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus., and R.E. Chem. Sect. (G. Special Co.) ; Spr. ; Western Front. Died 7 th May 191 7 at 3rd Aus- tralian C.S., near Bapaume, of wounds received at Bullecourt. Warburton, Harold John. Son of John Warburton, Newlands, Egerton Park, Worsley. Born 1897 at Clayton, near Bradford, Yorkshire. Tootal Road C.S. and Salford Sec. S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Chemistry; O.T.C. Nov. 1915 to March 19 16. Enl. i6th May 1916; R.N.V.R., s.s. Laurentic ; A.B. (Signaller). Drow^ned 25th Jan. 1917 off Ireland in torpedoing of s.s. Laurentic. Warburton, Stanley. Son of Thomas Warburton, Woodside, Poynton, Stockport. Born 1890 at Poynton. Lord Ver- non's S. ; Macclesfield G.S. M.U. : 1908 ; M.A. 191 3 ; O.T.C. Nov. 1908 to Sept. 191 1. Asst. Master at Colston's S., Stapleton, Bristol. Gaz. March 191 5 ; 12th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. (Machine Gun Officer) ; Western Front and Serbia. Killed 14th Sept. 191 6 at Machine Gun Hill near the Serbian frontier. Ward, Norman Hartley. Son of Thomas James Ward of Petrograd and Northwood, Middlesex. Born 1897 at Petrograd. Wadham House, Hale ; Clifton Coll. M.U. : 191 5 ; Student, Textiles ; O.T.C. 191 5. Gaz. Sept. 191 6 ; 5th Bn. Middlesex R., attd. ist Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; France. Died of w^ounds 8th March 191 7 at Bray sur Somme. Ward, Philip. Son of James Ward, Director of Education, Avenue Terrace, Leigh. Born 1 898 at Leigh. Leigh G.S. ; Rossall S. M.U. : 191 5 ; Student, Chem. ; O.T.C. Jan. 1916 to Jan. 1917. Gaz. i6th May 1917 ; 17th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 27th Dec. 1 9 1 7 at Polderhoek, near the Menin Road. Warrington, William Barnett. Son of John Thomas War- rington, J.P., Dinglefield, Liverpool. Born 1869 at Liver- pool. Sheffield Coll. M.U. : 1887 ; M.B., Ch.B., ist Class Hons. Medicine 1891. Consultant Specialist in 78 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Neurology, Liverpool. Gaz. R.A.M.C., ist Western Gen- eral Military Hospital ; Capt. Died 2nd Feb. 19 19 of influenza contracted on active service. Waterhouse, Harry Clegg. Son of John Clegg Waterhouse, J.P., Oldham. Born 1874 at Oldham. East Hardwick S., Pontefract. M.U. : 1896; ist M.B. Enl. 1915 ; i6th Bn. K.R. Rif Corps ; Rfmn. ; Western Front. Killed 1 3th April 1 9 1 8 at Neuve Eglise. Waterhouse, Rennie. Son of T. C. Waterhouse, Thorncliflre, Kersal Edge, Manchester. Born 1890 at Kersal Edge. Cheltenham. M.U. : 1907 ; B.Sc. 19 10. Gaz. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed May 19 1 5 at Helles, Gallipoli. Watson, Charles John. Son of C. J. Watson, The Sycamores, Broughton Park, Manchester. Born 1892 at Crumpsall. Manchester G.S. Senior Asst. Christie Library 19 10 to 19 1 5. O.T.C, Nov. 1 9 14 to Jan. 19 15. Gaz. 28th Jan. 1915 ; Ches. R., lOth Bn., attd. 8th Bn. ; Lieut. ; Western Front and Mesopotamia ; Wounded (twice). Died 26th Jan. 1 9 1 7 at Sheikh Saad, Mesopotamia, of w^ounds received on 1 2th Jan. near Kut. Watson, Harry. Son of James Watson, Field House, Mytholm- royd. Born 1886 at Winewall, Colne. Winewall G.S. ; Burnley G.S. M.U. : 1904 ; B.Sc. 1907. Asst. Master at Ormskirk G.S. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; Gaz. June 1916 ; 9th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 12th Aug. 19 16 near Guillemont. Watts, Harland. Son of Walker Watts, Prospect House, Thurlstone, Penistone. Born 1893 at Thurlstone. Peni- stone G.S. M.U. : 1912 ; M.A. (2nd Class Hons. Hist.) 1916 ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 3 to June 1915. Gaz. June 1 9 1 5 ; I oth Bn. S. Lane. R. j 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Died 22nd Nov. 19 1 6 of wounds received i8th Nov. near Contay. *Webb, Richard Joseph. Son of A. B. Webb, Fairhaven, Singleton Road, Kersal. Born 1898 at Manchester. Col- legiate S., St. Annes-on-Sea ; King Edward VII. S., Lytham. O.T.C. Nov. 191 5 to Feb. 19 16. Scottish Union and National Insurance Co. Gaz. 26th Jan. 191 7 j M.G.C., 1 6th Bn., i6th Div., and 25th Bn., 25th Div. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Died in enemy hands ist June 191 8 of wounds received 28th Feb. 191 8 at Roncy, Aisne. ROLL OF SERVICE 79 West, Tom. Son of John West, loi Spring Bank Street, Staly- bridge. Born 1888 at Stalybridge. Stalybridge Tech. S. William Summers Scholarship. M.U. : 1907 ; M.Sc. 191 1 ; O.T.C. Nov. 1908 to Sept. 191 3. Dem. in Metallurgy, McGill University, Canada. Gaz. ist Jan. 191 6 ; R. Highlanders of Canada (42nd Bn.) ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 29th Sept. 19 18 at Sailly. Westphal, Benjamin Augustus. Son of Bishop Westphal, Spur Tree, Jamaica. Born 1893 at Jamaica. FulneckS. M.U.: 1910 ; M.A. (2nd Class Hons. Hist.) 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1911 to Sept. 1913. Enl. Sept. 1914 ; 2ist Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. Gaz. 1916 ; i8th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 23rd April 191 7 at Vancourt. Westphal, Richard Arthur. Son of Bishop Westphal, Spur Tree, Jamaica. Born 1896 at Jamaica. FulneckS. M.U.: 1 9 14 ; Student, Arts ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Oct. 19 15. Enl. Sept. 1915 ; 24th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus.; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 8th May 19 16 in France. Weyman, Henry Morton. Son of A. W. Weyman, Dunoon, Rochdale Road, Blackley, Manchester. Born 1880 in Manchester. Manchester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1906 ; Student, Mech. Engin. ; O.T.C. April 1908 to Oct. 1914. Gaz. 1914 ; R.F.A., 331st Brigade ; Capt. ; Accidentally killed (by horse) Aug. 19 16 at Colchester. *Weyman, Percy. Son of A. W. Weyman, Dunoon, Rochdale Road, Blackley. Born 1894 in Manchester. Manchester Mun. Sec. S. O.T.C. 2r:id Oct. 19 14 to i8th Aug. 1915. With W. H. Sutton, Estate Agent, Manchester. Gaz. 1 8th Aug. 191 5; Lane. Fus. ; Lieut.; Egypt, Palestine, France. Died of w^ounds i6th Oct. 191 7. *Whitaker, Charles Warburton. Son of Henry Whitaker, I Links Gate, St. Annes-on-Sea. Born 1892 at Nelson. Urmston Higher Grade S. ; Manchester Roy. Coll. of Music. O.T.C. Oct. 19 15 to Feb. 19 16. Gaz. July 191 6 ; 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; Wounded ; M.C. Killed 1 8th Sept. 19 18 at Gouzeaucourt. Whitbread, Leslie George. Son of Rev. George Whitbread, Wesley Manse, Chatteris, Cambs. Born 1 891 at Ponsanooth, Falmouth. Kingswood S., Bath. M.U. : 1910 ; Student, Architecture. Articled with and assistant to Mr. Sidney 8o MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Moss, A.R.I.B.A., Manchester, afterwards assistant to Mr. A. Brocklehurst, Architect, Manchester. Enl. Oct. 1914 ; 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. ; Galhpoli. Died of dysentery on H.M.H.S. Cawdor Castle ^ at sea, off Spain, on nth Sept. 1915. White, Francis. Son of Dr. WilHam White, 124 Hadfield Road, Hadfield. Born 1892 at Hadfield. King Edward VI. S., Retford. M.U. : 1909; LL.B. 1912; Dauntesey (Legal) Scholarship and Graduate Scholarship ; Medical Student ; Dauntesey Medical Scholarship and Tom Jones Anatomy Prize. Gaz. Nov 191 2 ; 6th Bn. Ches. R., attd. 1st Bn. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 4th Sept. 19 16 at Guillemont, Somme. Whitfield, John Lawrence. Son of John Whitfield, 10 High Street, Chorley, Lanes. Born 1883. Sedbergh S. M.U. : 1902 ; LL.B. 1907. Gaz. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Died of wounds 23rd June 19 15 at Boulogne. Whitrow, John Moncur. Son of James Whitrow, 27 Rectory Road, Crumpsall. Born 1896 at Maldon, Essex. St. Margaret's S., Crumpsall. M.U. : 191 1 ; Cert, in Tech. 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 2 to Oct. 1 9 14. British Westing- house. Enl. 5th Jan. 191 5 ; 7th Bn. R. Scots Fus. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 26th Sept. 191 6 at Loos. WiDDOwsoN, Alfred John Harold Rhyder. Son of Alfred John Widdowson, Carlton House, Wilbraham Road, Chorl- ton-cum- Hardy. Born 1894 in Manchester. Sedbergh S. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Mech. Engineering ; O.T.C. 191 2 to 1913. Gaz. 1914; S. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; i9i4Star. Missing after Mons, presumed killed, Dec. 19 16. Wild, George. Son of Joseph William Wild, 9 Mottram Road, Mottram. Born 1898 at Mottram in Longdendale. Mottram G.S. ; Hyde County S. M.U. : 1916 ; Student, Elect. Engin. ; O.T.C. Feb. 191 7 to May 19 17. Enl. 2nd July 191 7 ; 2nd Bn. S. Wales Borderers ; Pte. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Died of wounds 8th Feb. 19 1 8 at Ypres. Wildblood, William Arthur. Son of Rev. Charles Wild- blood, 9 Park View, Wigan. Born 1889 at Bridport, Dorset. Halifax Higher Grade S. ; Kingswood S. M.U. : 1908 ; M.A. (2nd Class Hons. Hist.) 191 2. Asst. ROLL OF SERVICE 8i Master Hudders field Coll., and Colston S., Bristol. Gaz. 1915 ; R.A.S.C. (M.T.) 24th Divisional Train ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed i6th June 191 7 at Ouderdom, near Reninghelst, Flanders. Wilde, Wenden Ray. Son of William Wilde, Lode Clough, Uppermill. Born 1893 at Oldham. Oldham G.S. M.U. : 191 1 ; B.Sc. (ist Class Hons. Mathematics) 1914 ; Graduate Scholarship ; Teacher's Dipl. ; O.T.C. Oct. 191 1 to Sept. 191 5. Senior Mathematics Master, Car- marthen G.S. Enl. loth Jan. 191 6 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front j Wounded ; Recom- mended for commission on field. Killed i6th April 191 7 near Arras. Wilkinson, Eyre Spenser. Son of Prof. Spenser Wilkinson, Prof, of Military History, Oxford Univ. Born 1890 at Manchester. Doon House, Westgate ; Marlborough. M.U. : 1909 ; Student, Classics. Engineering Student at Skinningrove Works, Saltburn ; at London Univ., and at McGill Univ. Gaz. 5th Aug. 1914 ; ist Bn. London R. (R. Fus.), and Oct. 19 15 R.F.C., ist Flving Squadn. ; Lieut., Obs. ; Malta, Western Front. Killed w^hilst flying on 1 2th Jan. 1 9 1 6 near Roubaix, Lille. Wilkinson, Norman. Son of Fred Wilkinson, Ex-President of Lancashire County Teachers' Association, The Willows, Haslingden. Born 1889 at Haslingden. Newchurch G.S. ; Christ's Hospital. M.U. : 1907 ; Student, Med. Gaz. 1 2th Oct. 1914 ; 9th Bn. Manch. R., attd. 5th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R., and Norfolk R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 21st March J918 near St. Ouentin. Williams, George. Son of John Williams, Chapel Street, Leigh. Born 1883 at Leigh. Leigh G.S. M.U. : 1904 ; B.A. 1907 ; Teacher's Cert. Asst. Master Leigh G.S. Enl. 19th June 191 6 ; ist Bn. London R., attd. lOth Bn. ; Pte. ; Palestine. Killed 19th April 191 7 at Gaza, Palestine. Williamson, Andrev^^. Son of Andrev/ Williamson, Romiley, Cheshire. Born 1880 at Frodingham, Lincolnshire. Man- chester G.S. M.U. : 1899 ; Student, Engin. Appoint- ments with Derwent Valley Water Board and Belfast Water Board. Gaz. 191 5 ; R.E., 30th Bn., 12th Field Co. ; Major ; Western Front. Killed 21st March 191 8 at Morchies, Bapaume. G 82 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Williamson, Ernest. Son of Frank Williamson, i8 Albert Road, Withington. Born 1894 at Lees, Oldham. Hulme G.S. M.U. : 191 o ; M.Sc, Tech. (Mech. Engin.) 1914 ; O.T.C. Oct. 1910 to Aug. 1914. Enl. Sept. 1914 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Sergt. ; Western Front. Killed 20 July 19 16 at High Wood, Somme. Willis, Hugh Duberly. Son of Capt. H. G. Willis, J.P., 26 Apsley Road, Clifton. Born 1883 in Gloucestershire. Cheltenham Coll. M.U. : 1904; M.B., Ch.B., 1913 ; President of Union. House Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary. Gaz. loth Aug. 1914 ; R.A.M.C., attd. 3rd Bn. Worcester R. ; Capt. ; Western Front. Killed 12th Aug. 1 9 1 7 at Ypres. Willis, Russell. Son of William Willis, 16 Claremont Range, Gorton, Manchester. Born 1894 at Denton. Denton Russell Scott Memorial S., and Manch. Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1911 ; B.Sc, Tech. (Applied Chem.), 1914; Research Scholarship; O.T.C. Oct. 191 1 to March 19 14. Gaz. March 1914 ; 2nd Bn. York, and Lane. R., attd. ist Bn. Lincoln R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 25th Oct. 1 9 14 at Neuve Chapelle. Wilson, Albert Knowles. Son of John Wilson, 4 Hawthorne Road, Deane, Bolton. Born 1890 at Bolton. Pikes Lane C.S. ; Thomason Exhibitioner, 1902 ; Bolton G.S. M.U. : 1908; M. A. 19 1 2, Arts. O.T.C. Nov. 1908 to July 19 1 2. Asst. Master, Greenock Academy. 3rd Bn., attd. ist Bn. Manch. R. (Lahore Div., Ind. Ex. F.) ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 12th March 191 5 at Neuve Chapelle. Wilson, John. Son of John Wilson, 113 Cecil Street, Moss Side, Manchester. Born 1891 at Cheadle Hulme. M.U. : 1907 ; B.Sc, Tech. (Mech. Engin.), 1910 ; O.T.C. Nov. 1908 to June 191 1. Gibbs & Hogg, Airdrie, Engineers, and A.E.G. Elect. Co., Glasgow. Gaz. Oct. 1914 ; R.E. 1st Lowland Field Co. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 9th May 191 5 in France. ♦Wilson, John Victor. Son of Joseph Wilson, 449 Oldham Road, Newton Heath. Born 1897 at Newton Heath. Manchester Central High S. O.T.C. March 191 6 to Aug. 19 1 6 ; 5th Bn., attd. 7th Bn. Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Palestine. Killed 27th April 191 7 at Gaza, Palestine. ROLL OF SERVICE 83 Wilson, William. Son of William Wilson, 43 Higher Ardwick, Manchester. Born 1896 at Manchester. Manchester Mun. Sec. S. M.U. : 1914; Student, Elect. Engin. ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 14 to Jan. 19 16. Enl. Jan. 1916 ; 6th Bn., Manch. R., attd. 2 1 St Bn. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 5th Sept. 1 9 1 6 at Delville Wood, Somme. Wolf, Percy. Son of Dr. Alfred Wolf, West Bank, Church, Lancashire. Born 1879 at Huddersfield. Blackburn G.S., Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1899 ; Student, Law. Asst. Solicitor to Barrow-in-Furness Corporation, and later Deputy Town Clerk of Blackburn. Gaz. 20th Feb. 1 9 1 3 ; 4th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Egypt and Gallipoli. Killed 4th June 19 1 5 at Helles, Gallipoli. Wood, Frederic James. Son of James Wood, Birch Villa, Droylsden Road, Newton Heath. Born 1897 at Newton Heath. Manchester G.S. M.U. : 1913 ; Student, Textile Industries. Enl. 7th Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. ; Western Front. Killed 20th July 191 6 at High Wood, Somme. Wood, William Leslie. Son of James Wood, 4 Manchester Terrace, Leyland. Born 1896 at Leyland. Balshaw's G.S. M.U. : 1915 ; Student, Chem. ; O.T.C. Oct. 1915 to Jan. 191 6. Gaz. 19th Jan. 1916 ; nth Bn. Gloucester R., attd. 15th Bn. R. Welsh Fus. ; Captain ; Western Front. Killed 7th May 191 7 at Boesinghe. Woodcock, Frederick. Son of F. A. Woodcock, Ravenswood, Whalley Range. Born 1897 at Derby. Riber Castle, Matlock, and Harrow S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Law ; O.T.C. Oct. 1 9 14 to Aug. 1915 ; Articled with F. A. Woodcock, Solicitor, Manchester. Gaz. 7th Aug. 191 5 ; R.G.A., 9th Brigade Heavy Artillery, and R.F.C., lOist Squadn. ; Capt. ; Western Front ; M.C. Killed 31st Oct. 1 9 1 8 at Peronne. *WooDHOUSE, Earnfaunce. Son of Earnfaunce Woodhouse, 186 Northenden Road, Sale. Born 1893 at Moston. Altrincham Higher Elementary S. O.T.C. Aug. 19 15 to Jan. 191 6. Commercial Traveller. Enl. Jan. 1916 ; 8th Bn. Manch. R. Gaz. July 191 7 ; 4th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 14th Sept. 191 7 at Passchendaele. Woodhouse, Frederick George. Son of J. Woodhouse, Corporation Farm, Crewe. Born 1896 at Crewe. Crewe 84 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Sec. S. ; Berkhamsted S. M.U. : 191 3 ; Student, Mech. Engin. ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Feb. 191 5. Gaz. 24th Feb. 1 9 1 5 ; i oth Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed I oth July 1916 in France. *WooDS, William Ellis. Son of Ellis Woods, GrifEndale, Brunswick Road, Douglas, Isle of Man. Born 1897 at Douglas. Avondale S., Douglas ; Douglas G.S. O.T.C. Feb. 1 916 to Oct. 19 1 6. Apprentice to Mr. H. Herrinsh, Chemist, Douglas. Enl. 1916 ; 2/ 19th London R. ; Pte. ; Salonica, Malta, Palestine ; Wounded. Killed 19th Sept. 191 8 in Palestine. WooLFENDEN, RoNALD. Son of R. S. H. Woolfenden, The Cottage, Reddish. Born 1895 at Reddish. Stockport G.S. ; Elmfield Coll., York. M.U. : 191 2 ; Student, Law. Articled to R. S. H. Woolfenden, Solicitor, Denton & Reddish. Enl. 5th Sept. 1914 ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus., attd. R.E., 251st Field Coy. ; Pte. ; Western Front ; M.M. Killed 1 8th Aug. 1 916 near Corbie-sur-Somme. WoRSWiCK, David Norman. Son of James Worswick, 159 Downall Green Road, Brynn, Wigan. Born 1 896 at Wigan. St. Peter's Mission S., Brynn ; Ashton-in-Makerfield G.S. M.U. : 1914 ; Student, Commerce ; O.T.C. Oct. 19 14 to Dec. 1 9 14. Enl. 6th Jan. 1915 ; 2nd Bn. Grenadier Guards ; L.-Cpl. ; Western Front. Killed 15th Sept. 1 91 6 at Les Bceufs, Somme. WoRTHiNGTON, Claude Swanwick. Son of Thomas Worthing- ton, F.R.I.B.A., Broomfield, Alderley Edge. Born 1877 at Alderley Edge. Sedbergh S. M.U. : 1894; Student, Law. Calico Printers' Association. Gaz. 6th Bn. Manch. R., attd. 8th Bn. D. of Well's (W. Riding) R., and 5th Bn. Dorset R. ; Lieut.-Col. ; Egypt, Gallipoli, Sinai, and Western Front ; Wounded (twice) ; D.S.O. and Bar ; Despatches (thrice) ; T.D. Died 14th Oct. 191 8 of wounds received 3rd Oct. at Epinoy, France. Wright, Arthur. Son of David Wright, 78 Winwick Street, Warrington. Born 1889 at Warrington. Warrington G.S. M.U. : 1907; M.A. 1912; Teacher's Dipl. ; O.T.C. Nov. 1908 to Sept. 191 1. Asst. Master Alton G.S., Hants. Gaz. lOth Bn. R. War. R., and 33rd M.G.C. ; Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 15th Sept. 1916 on the Somme. •Wrigley, Leonard Gordon. Son of Seth Wrigley, 16 Chambers Road, Southport. Born 1886 at Cheetham Hill. ROLL OF SERVICE 85 Manchester G.S. O.T.C. Nov. 191 5 to Jan. 1916. Incorporated Insurance Broker, L. G. & O. C. Wrigley, Southport. Gaz. Aug. 1916 ; 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 9th Oct. 191 7 at Passchen- daele Ridge. *Yearsley, Hubert A. Son of Jesse Yearsley, Edleston, West- field Road, Runcorn, Cheshire. Born 1884 at Everton, Liverpool. Widnes Sec. S. and Chester Coll. O.T.C. loth May 19 16 to 24th Feb. 191 7. Teacher. Gaz. June 191 7 ; 79th Fid. Coy., R.E., i8th Div. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front ; Wounded. Killed 9th April 191 8 at Amiens. Young, Frank Irvin. Son of Dr. Ralph Young, Park House, Royton. Born 1884 at Newcastle-on-Tyne. Hulme G.S., Knutsford G.S. M.U. : 1909 ; Student, Dentistry. Dental Surgeon. Enl. Feb. 191 5 ; Gaz. 12th May 1915 ; Northd. Fus. ; Bde. Staff ; 2nd Lieut. ; Western Front. Killed 25th July 19 16 near High Wood. ROLL OF SERVICE The following list contains the names of all members of the University known to have served in the Army and Navy during the war. Details concerning those who lost their lives will be found in the previous pages. Abbatt, Philip Dilworthy. 191 6 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Monthelia ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. Abram, Harold Helling. 1907; M.Sc. 2/A Bty. H.A.C. and R.E. ; Cpl. *AcKERLEY, Richard Faulkner. O.T.C. nth Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; M.C. Ackers, Robert. 1919 ; Student. R.N.A.S. ; S.B. Asst. AcKROYD, John Henry. 191 3 ; Student. 54th Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; 1 8th Div. ; Pte. AcKROYD, Louis. See page i. *jiDAMy Gerald Wallace. See page I. Adam, Robert Stuart. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Adami, John George. 1878 ; Student. Can. A. M.C. ; Col. ; A.D.M.S., C.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Author of War Story of the Canadimi Army Medical Corps, vol. i. *Adams, Henry. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Adams, Joseph. 1906 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 12th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Adams, Stephen. 1912 ; B.Sc; O.T.C. 13th Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; 2nd Lieut. Adamson, Alexander. 1905 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Adamson, George. 1909; B.Sc; O.T.C. 189th Coy. R.E. ; R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. 87 88 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Adamson, John. 1904 ; Student. R.A.Vet.C. (T.F.) ; Major ; M.C. ; 1914-15 Star; Despatches (thrice) ; D.A.D.V.S. ; 52ncl Div. Adshead^ Sydney Douglas. See page I. AiNSCouTH, John. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. 465th (N. Mid.) Fid. Coy. R.E. ; Lieut. *AiNS WORTH, Alfred Slater. O.T.C. Labour C. ; Capt. *AiNswoRTH, Harold Graham. O.T.C. R.F.C. ; Lieut. *JiNSWORTHj Herbert Green. See page i . AiNswoRTH, Hugh. 1889 ; M.B., Ch.B. Ind. M.S. ; Lieut.-Col. AiNS WORTH, John Cooper. 1904 ; M.A. (Architecture) 1908 ; R.A.F. ; Capt. *AiREY, Henry Alexander. O.T.C. 25th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Lieut. *Akenhead, Francis. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Albinson, James Henry. 191 i ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Albinson, John. 191 2 ; B.Sc. ; Res. Student. R.E. (Chem. Sec.) ; Cpl. Albiston, Edgar John. 191 3 ; Clerk, Registrar's Off. 6th Bn. Manch. R. and R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; C.Q.M.S. ; Staff-Sergt. Alcock, Frank. 1898; Student. R. A. M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. Alderson, Christopher. 1908 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Major ; D.S.O. ; Despatches. Aldred, Arthur. 1908 ; L.D.S. Spec. List, Dental Sur- geon ; Capt. *Aldred, John William. O.T.C. nth Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. and R.A.F. ; Capt. ; M.C. and Bar. Alexander, Thomas Stuart. 191 2 ; B.Sc. K Spec. Coy., Spec. Bde., R.E. ; Pnr. Allan-Smith, Ian Sydney. 1919 j Student. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. Allanson, Herbert Evelyn. 1904 ; M.D. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. and S.A.M.C. ; Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 89 Allanson, William Greenall. 1919 > Student. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Allcott, Arnold. 1904 ; B.Sc. 12th Bn. Manch. R. and R.E. j Capt. ; Despatches. Allen, Alfred Eric. 1916 ; Student. i/28th Bn. Lond. R. (Artists Rfls.) ; Pte. Allen, Alfred Llewellyn. 1895 ; M.Sc. nth Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Allen, Edgar. 1919; Student. A/Bty., 162nd Bde., R.F.A. ; 33rd Div. ; Dvr. Allen, Frederick Richard. 191 5 ; Student ; O.T.C. Tel. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Fishergate ; R.N.A.S. ; R.A.F., 236th and 254th Squadns. ; Lieut. Allen, John. 1902; M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. R.N. ; H.M.S. Canterbury ; Lieut, *Allen, Thomas. O.T.C. R.N. ; H.M.S. Bellerophon, Mag- nolia ; Engin. Lieut. *Allen, Vernon M. B. O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. Allen, Walter Edward. 1919; B.Sc. R.N. ; Warrant Schoolmaster. Allen, Willoughby C. 1908 ; Lectr. in Theol. R.A. Chplns.' Dept. ; C.F. (4th Class) 5 Hon. C.F. Allison, Oswald Roy. 1904 ; M.B., Ch.B., B.D.S. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Allison, Reginald John. 1912 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut. *Allison, William Fleming. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. Almond, Percy. 1919 ; Student. 9th Bn. and ist Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Signlr. Almond, Simon. 191 5 ; M.B., Ch.B., 5th Bn. R. Highrs. of Can. ; Pte. Alston, Rolf Molyneux. 1919 ; Student. 2 nth Squadn., R.A.F. ; Lieut. *Ambler, John Clifford. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. 90 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Anderson, Francis Hessey. 1912 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Legion, Gaillardta, Bruce ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. Anderson, George Peele. 1912 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Anderson, James Hamilton. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut., Spec. Empl. Anderton, Reginald. 1916; Student; O.T.C. R.N.V.R.; H.M.S. Onslaught ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. Andrade, Edward Neville da Costa. 191 3 ; John Harling Fell. ; O.T.C. R.G.A. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Andrew, Gerald. 191 5 ; Student ; O.T.C. 200th Bn. M.G.C. ; Sergt. Andrew, John Barton. 191 9 > Student. 2/ist Bn. Ches. Yeomanry ; Sergt. Andrews, John Oliver. 191 3 ; Student ; Jas. Gaskell Scholar ; O.T.C. 15th Bn. R. Scots and R.A.F. ; Major ; D.S.O. ; M.C. with 2 Bars ; Croix de Guerre ; Monte- negrin Med. ; Despatches (thrice). Angles, Albert. 1919 > Student. 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; C.Q.M.S. ; 19 14-15 Star. Antcliffe, John William. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. R.A.F. ; Lieut. (Tech. Offr.). Antrobus, Norman Briggs. See page i . Archer, George Eric. 1912 ; M.B., Ch.B.; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Archer, Norman. 1907 ; M.Sc. 102nd Fid. Coy. R.E. ; 23rd Div. ; C.S.M. ; D.C.M. Archibald, Robert Stephen. 1914 j Student ; O.T.C. ist E. Lane. Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Capt. Arden, John Edward. 1919 ; B.A. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Ches. R., attd. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. (Pilot). Ardern, George Percy. 1919 ; Student. R.W. Fus. ; Pte. Armitage, Frederick Louis. 1889 ; Student. N.Z.M.C. ; Capt. Armitage, William Bryan. 191 2 ; Student. 15th Bn, Lane. Fus. ; Major ; Despatches ; O.B.E. ROLL OF SERVICE 91 *Armstrong, Harold. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Gnr. ♦Armstrong, Norman. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. and Adjt. Armstrong, William Kingo. See page 2. Arnfield, Harold. 1903; Student. 6th Bn., attd. 15th Bn., Ches. R. ; Capt. Arnold, Miles Bracewell. 1895 ; M.D. ; Lectr. in Infect. Diseases. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Despatches ; Med. du Roi Albert. * Arnold, Walter Waldron. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Arnold-Forster, Mervyn Nevil. 1905 j Student. Gren. Guards, Empld. Gds. M.G.R. ; Capt. *Jron, Frederick Jdolphus. See page 2. Arthur, William Alfred. 19 10 ; B.Sc. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R., Empld. M.G.C. ; Capt. AscouGH, Matthew Thomas. 1894 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Pris. of War. AsHBY, Ernest. 1910 ; Asst. Bot. Dept. R.E. ; Cpl. Ashby, Leonard James. 191 2 ; B.Sc. j O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Fernon ; Lieut. AsHCROFT, Edward Maynard. 1893 ; M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. R.A.M.C, attd. 21st Glas. CCS. ; Capt. AsHCROFT, Philip Ardern. 191 5 > Student ; O.T.C R.A.M.C ; Capt. As H CROFT, Walter. 1914 j B.Sc. ; O.T.C i/4th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Ashforth, George Ernest. 1894 ; M.Sc. R.E. (Roads Directorate, D.G.T.), attd. ist Corps ; Capt. Ashley, Herbert Henry. 1919 j B.A. R.E. ; L/Cpl. (Despatch Rider). AsHTON, George. 1891 ; M.D. R.A.M.C, 2nd E. Lane. Fid. Amb. ; Lieut.-Col. JsHTON, Hardric Grey. See page 2. *AsHTON, Percival Moorhouse. O.T.C. 1st Bn. York, and Lane. R. ; 14th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Lieut. 92 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY * Ash WORTH, Cecil Henry. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. and 127th Bn. Baluchis L.I., I.A.R. ; Capt. AsHWORTH, Harold Senior. 1919 ; Student. loth Bn. London R. ; 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; R.A.F. ; Cdt. AsHWORTH, John Alfred. 191 3 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. R.A.O.C. ; Cpl. Ash WORTH, Robert Spencer. 1906 ; Student. 5th Bn. and 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 23rd Bn. Can. Fus. ; Major. AspiNALL, Henry Turner. 1919 ; Student. R.N. ; Pte. AsTBURY, William. 1914 ; B.Sc. Tech. Manch. R. ; Pte. ♦AsTELL, Godfrey Grant. O.T.C. R.A.S.C. ; Capt. *AsTiNGTON, John Frederick. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. R. West Kent R. ; Pte. Aston, Kenneth. 1910 ; B.Sc Tech. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Capt. *AsTON, Percy William. O.T.C. i6th H.B., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Atherton, Albert Edward. 1919; Student, ist Bn. Border R. ; L.Cpl. Atherton, James. 1908 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Atkin, Keyser. See page 2. Atkinson, Charles. 1919 ; Student. R.N.V.R. ; President Scottish C.G. IV. (Wireless See.) ; Telegraphist. Atkinson, Donald. 1919 > Reader in Ane. Hist. R.G.A. ; Gnr.-Signllr. Atkinson, George Scott. 1915 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 237th Fid. Coy. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Despatches. * Atkinson, Harry. O.T.C. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Atkinson, John. 191 3 > B.Sc., Tech. ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Atkinson, Raymond Alexander Hannay. 1898 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ♦AuKLAND, Harry. O.T.C. Spec. Coy. R.E. ; R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 93 Ayliffe, Lawrence. 1919 ; Student. Welsh R. and Wore. R. ; Pte. Bachtold, Heinrich. 1907 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. Austral. Engin. Contgt. ; Lieut.-Col. ; M.C. ; D.S.O. ; Despatches. *Bacon, John Leslie Walker. O.T.C. 7th Bn. Ches. R. and 63rd Squadn. R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; D.F.C. Bacon, William Basil. 1918 ; Student. R.N.V.R. ; H.M. Trawler Nancy Hague ; Telegraphist. Badgley, Jasper Mountain Chester. 1901 ; Student. Spec. List, Glouc. R. (T.F.) ; Capt. ; M.C. Bailey, Alfred. 1909 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 137th A.T.C., R.E. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Bailey, Alfred John. 1883 ; Student. 2/7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Col. ; T.D. ; C.B.E. (Mil. Div.) j Despatches (War Sec). Bailey, Ernest. See page 2. ^Bailey, Frank. See page 2. Bailey, Frederick William. 1905 ; Cert, in Tech. R.E. ; Sergt. Bailey, George Cyril. 1907 ; B.Sc. R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; Major ; D.S.O. ; Pris. of War. Bailey, Gilbert. 1906 ; Student, ist E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; 42nd Div, ; Capt. Bailey, Kenneth Vernon.^ 19 14 5 Student; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R., attd. T.M. Bty. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Des- patches ; Pris. of War. Baillie, Andrew Welcome. 1915 ; B.A. 135th Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Bain, David. 1909 ; M.Sc. Lothians and Border Horse (T.F.) ; Cpl. Bainbridge, James Maurice. 1919 j Student. R.A.F. ; Sergt. (Pilot). Baines, Thomas Humphreys. 1911 ; Student. R.N.V.R.; H.M.S. Lucia ; Xth Subm. Flot. ; Lieut. Baird, Leonard Barron. See page 3. 94 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Baker, George Arthur. 1901 ; LL.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.S.C. ; Capt. Baker, Guy Sandbach. 1898; Student. E. Afr. Forces, attd. Queen's (R.W. Surrey) R. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Baker, Norman Butler. 191 2 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 13th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. M.G.C. (7th Div.) ; Lieut. ; M.C. Balaban, Isidore Elkanah. 1914 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. King's (L'pool) R. ; Lieut. ; D.C.M. Baldick, George Sidney. 1912; B.A. ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. D. of Well's (W. Riding) R. ; Capt. ; Educ. OiFr., 178th Inf. Bde. Baldwin-Wiseman, William Ralph. 1892; M.Sc. 5th Bn. Hanips. R. and R.A.F. ; Bde. Major. Balk WILL, Francis. 1903; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Ball, John. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Bn. Wilts. R. ; Pte. Ball, John Albert. 1914; Student; O.T.C. i/5th Bn. Leicester R. ; Capt. Ballinger, Marcus Lloyd. 191 7 ; Student. S. Wales Borderers ; 2nd Lieut. Balshaw, Walter. See page 3. Bancroft, Alfred Ernest. 1904 ; M.A., M.Sc. R.A.M.C. ; Q.M. Sgt. ♦Bancroft, Cecil. O.T.C. 5th Bn. D. of Well.'s (W. Riding) R. ; Lieut. Bancroft, George Raymond Beeston. 1908 ; LL.B. 5th Bn. Durham L.I. ; Lieut. Bancroft, John Be vis Beeston. 1914 ; Student. R.G.A. ; Gnr. Bann, Reginald James. 1919 ; Student. R.F.A. ; Pte. Bannister, Sydney. 191 9 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Pte. Barber, George Alfred. 1901 ; M.Sc. R.N.V.R. ; Lieut. *Barber, Norman Thorpe. O.T.C. Sherwood Foresters ; 2nd Lieut Barclay, Sidney Eraser. 1900 ; Student. R.N.V.R. Barden, Alfred Vernon. 191 1; Student; O.T.C. 5th Bn. D. of Well.'s (W. Riding) R. ; Sergt. ROLL OF SERVICE 95 Barker, Arthur Gladstone. 191 5 ; Student. R.N.V.R., R. Marines, and R. A. Chapl. Dept. ; Lieut, and C.F. ; M.C. Barker, Leonard Emilius Harman Ross. 1910; Res. Student; D.P.H. ist E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *Barker, Percy. See page 3. Barker, Robert Beacroft. 1908; M.A. ; O.T.C. R.G.A. ; Lieut. Barker, Sydney Warren. 1919 ; B.Sc, Tech. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.T. Net/ Gow and H.M.B. V.4. ; Telegraphist. Barlow, Alfred. 191 6 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. S. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Barlow, Arthur. 191 8 ; Student. 44th Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Sergt. Barlow, Franklin Horrocks. 1914 ; Student. R.N.D. ; 1st Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. and R.A.F. ; Lieut. *Barlow^ Harold Carver. See page 3. ♦Barlow, James Francis. O.T.C. R. Fus. ; Sergt. Barlow, Richard. 1919 ; Student. C Bty., 190th Bde., R.E. ; 41st Div. ; Gnr. Barlow, Walter Sedgwick. 191 3 > Student. R.F.A., Motor M.G.S., and R.F.C. ; Cdt. for Pilot, R.F.A. Barnes, Douglas Molyneux. 1914 > Student ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. King's (L'pool) R. ; Lieut. Barnes, Harry Cheetham. ^ 1919 ; B.Sc., Tech. B/83rd Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut. Barnes, John. 191 9 ; Student. 4th Fid. Survey Coy., R.E. ; L/Cpl. Barnett, Charles Titus. See page 3. Barnett, Herbert Arthur. 1913 ; B.A., B.D. ; O.T.C 7th Bn. Dorset R. ; Lieut. ♦Barnsley, William John. O.T.C. R.E. ; Lieut. ♦Baron, Edward. O.T.C. i6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. Baron, JVilliam. See page 3. Baron I AN, Haron. See page 4. 96 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Baronian, Stephen. 191 2 ; B.Com. ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Ches. R. ; Pte. Barraclough, Frank Tweedale. 191 7 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. No. 17, O.C.B. ; Cadet. Barratt, Harry Sheldon. 1902 ; Sec. to Bursar ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. R. Berks. R. ; Lieut. Barrett, George Edward. 1919; Student. 331st Bde. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Barrett, Walter. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. *Barrington, Walter. O.T.C. E. Lane. Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. Barron, Sidney Norman. 1902 ; B.Sc. R.E. (T.F.) ; Major ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; M.C. ; Despatches (twice) ; Chevalier Legion of Hon. Barrow, Ernest Isaac. See page 4. Barry, Kenneth. See page 4. Barton, Albert Eaton. 1919 ; Student. Seaforth and Gordon Highdrs. ; Cpl. Barton, Thomas. 1919 ; B.Sc, Tech. R.N.R. (R. Fleet Aux.) ; Warrant Offr. Bass, William Henry. 191 o ; B.D. R.A. Chapl. Dept. ; C.F. Bateman, Gerald Ash worth. 191 3 > Student. R.N., H.M.S. Britannia^ Courageous^ etc. ; Lieut. ; 19 14-15 Star. *Bateman, Lionel. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. and 12th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Lieut. *Bateman, Reginald Andrew. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. and Bar. Bateman, Robert Wallace. 191 2 ; B.A. ; Roskill Scholar, 1919 and 1920 ; O.T.C. 24th and 3rd Bns. Manch. R. ; Major ; M.C. ; Montuori Medallion ; Despatches (4 times). Bateson, Hartley. 1908 ; B.A 3rd Garr. Bn. R. Welsh Fus. ; Pte. Batey, John Percy. See page 4. Batty, Edgar Douglas. 1910 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. Spec. List, Dental Surg. ; Capt. ; O.B.E. ROLL OF SERVICE 97 Batty, Laurence Coyne. 191 6; Student. B Squadn., 4th Res. R., Dragoons ; Tpr. Batty, Richard John. 1903 ; B.Sc, M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Baxter, Andrew. 1908 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut.- Col. ; D.A.D.M.S. ist Mounted Div. ; Despatches (twice) Bayes, John William. 1919; Student. R.A.F. ; Pte. Bayley, John Corfield PiTTER. 1906 ; Student. R.A.M.C. Capt. Beales, Hugh Lancelot. 1909 ; M.A. (Sec. Men's Appt Board). 270th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Bean, Kenneth Dobing. 1907 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. Capt. *Beard, Alan Arthur. O.T.C. 15th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. 2nd Lieut. Beard, Ralph. 1914 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 3rd Res. Bn. R.W, Fus. ; Pte. Bearn, Frederick Arnot. 1908; M.D. R.A.M.C; Capt.: M.C. ; D.S.O. ; Despatches (twice). Beaumont, John Somerville. 1908 ; B.A. i8th Bn Manch. R. ; Capt.; G.S.O. 3; Genl. List; M.C. Belgian Croix de Guerre ; Despatches (twice). Beck, Leonard. 1919 ; Student. 19th Bn. R. Fus. and 3rd Bn. R.W. Fus. ; Lieut. ; 19 14-15 Star ; Despatches. Beckwith, Frank. 1914 ; Attendant, P.H. Lab. Manch. R. (T.F.); Pte. Bed ALE, Charles Lees. See page 4. Bedale, Frederick Stanley. 1909; Student. R.A.M.C; Major ; M.C ; Despatches (twice). Beddow, John Frederick Heber. See page 4. Bedford, Alan William. See page 5. *Bedford, Herbert Alan. O.T.C 2nd K.O.R. Lane. R., attd. 84th Punjabis ; Lieut. ; Intell. Staff, G.H.Q. Const. Bedford, Robert Harold. See page 5. Beech, John Leslie. 1911 ; Student. R. Fus. ; Pte. H 98 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Beesley, Richard Moore. 1909 ; M.Sc. Lend. R. (T.F.) ; R.E. (Chem. C) ; Lieut. ; M.C. Bell, Alan Brewis. 191 9 j Student. 8th Bn. Tank C. 5 Cpl. Bell, Arthur Edwin. 1909 ; M.A. 249th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Capt. and Adjt, Bell, Eric Bryson. 191 3 > Student. 66th Sign. Coy., R.E. ; Spr. *Bell, Fred Alexander. O.T.C. 12th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Bell, Hugh Glover. 1910 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. and R.E. (Sign.) ; Capt. ; Empld. at Admiralty. Bell, John Murray. See page 5. *Bell, Robert Dunville. O.T.C. 23rd and 12th Bns. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Bellwood, William. 1919 ; Student. 7th Bn. W. York. R. ; Capt. Bennett, Archibald George. 1915; Student. R.N.D. Bennett, John. 1919; Student. 3rd Bn. Sherwood Foresters j 2nd Lieut. Bennett, John Barry. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. 462nd Bty., 179th Bde., A.F.A. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Bennett, John George. 1908; M.D. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C., attd. 220th Bde. R.F.A. ; Capt. ; M.C, Bennett, Samuel John. 1919; Student. A/22ist Bde. R.F.A. ; Gnr. Bennett, Thomas Harold. 191 2 ; Student. 15th Bn. North'd Fus. ; Lieut. Benson, Claude Ambro. 1914 j Student. North'd Fus. ; Lieut. Benson, Harry Trevor. 1914; Student. 20th Bn. R. Fus. 5 Pte. Benson, Leonard Ellis. 1914 ; B.Sc. S.S.A. 14 Motor Amb. Convoy, Friends' Amb. Unit, Dvr. ; 19 14-15 Star ; Croix de Guerre. ROLL OF SERVICE 99 Benstead, Charles Grey. 1919 ; Student. 8th Bn. Lond. R., attd. Tank C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Bentham, Richard. See page 5. Bentley, Basil. See page 5. Bentley, Harold. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Bentley, James Kay. 1919 ; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Pte. Bentley, James Priestley. 1919 ; Student. 2/1 oth Bn. R. Scots ; L.-Cpl. *Bentley, John. O.T.C. E. Lane. Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. Bentley, Norman Priestley. 1919 ; B.A. 2nd O.C.B. ; Cdt. Bentley, William Leonard. 1885 ; Student. R.A.M.C (T.F.); Lieut.-Col. Benton, Graham Miles. 1903 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Major ; Spec. Empld. Benton, Harold William. 1907 ; B.Sc. 3rd Bn. E. York. R. ; Lieut. Bentz, Frederick Colin. 1908 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. 2nd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Berg, Eric Charles. 1915 ; M.B., Ch.B. ist Bn. Artists' Rifles and ist Cdt. Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. Berlin, Jacob James. 1919; Student. 4th Inf. Labour Coy., Middlesex R. ; Pte. *Bernard, James Nettleton. O.T.C. 4th Bn. Maneh. R. ; Lieut. Bernard, John Tver. 19 14 .; Student. ; O.T.C. R.E. (Wireless Sec.) ; Spr. Berry, Frederick. 1906 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. Berry y James Frederick Wilkinson. See page 5. * Berry, John Granville. See page 6. Berry, Ronald Briers. 1907 ; M.D , D.P.H. ist Res. N. Mid. Amb., R.A.M.C. v Capt. loo MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Berry, Stanley. 1919 ; B.Sc. F Coy., No. 8 O.C.B. ; Cdt. Berry, Walter Richard. 1914 ; M.Sc. loth O.C.B. ; Pte. Berryman, James Septimus. 1919 ; B.A. R.F.A. ; Pte. Best, John Kenneth. 1910 ; B.D. R.A. Chapl. Dept. (T.F.), attd. R.F.A. (T.F.) ; ist Gren. Gds. ; M.C. ; Despatches. ♦Beswick, Frederick Thomas. O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Bevan, Thomas. 191 i ; M.Sc. Tech. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Beyts, Leonard Swinglehurst. 191 3 ; Student. 15th Bn. Lane. Fus. j Capt. *BicE, William Francis. See page 6. Bickerstaff, Robert Hinde. 1911 ; Student; O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Pte. *BiCKERSTAFF, RoLAND. O.T.C. 9th Bn. S. Lanc. R. ; Lieut. ♦BiCKHAM, Arthur Rushton. O.T.C. R.G.A. ; Capt. *BiCKLEY, Cyril Leslie. O.T.C. N. Staff. R. ; 2nd Lieut. BiCKNELL, Arthur. 1908; B.Sc; O.T.C. 2/5th Bn. Gloucester R. ; Brevet Major ; M.C. ; Despatches. BiDDOLPH, Albert Arthur. 1905 ; Gate Porter. R.G.A. ( 1 60th S. Bty.) ; SigUr. BiDDOLPH, William. 1906 ; Asst. Zoology Dept. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. S. Wales Borderers ; C.Q.M.S. Biggs, Henry Francis. 1914 ; M.Sc. ; Asst. Lectr. in Maths. ; O.T.C. R.E. (Sound Ranging) ; Capt. ; 9th Corps Educ. Offr. Biggs, John Purser. 1908; Student. H.M.S. Rainbow; 1st CI. Petty OfFr. BiGHAM, William. See page 6. BiLLiNGE, Frank. 1913 ; Student; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Manch. R. and R.A.F. ; Capt. ; D.F.C. ; Despatches. ♦BiLLiNGTON, Frank. O.T.C. 75th Divl. Amm. Col, 406th Baty., R.F.A. ; Cpl. Billington, Leslie Charles. See page 6. ROLL OF &ERVIGE 'r%'/-v.;i^oi BiLLiNGTONy Whitworth Leonard. Scc page 6. BiNNS, Alfred. 1905 ; M.A. R.G.A. ; Capt. *BiNNS, Tom Turner. O.T.C. loth Bn. Worcester R. ; Lieut. BiNNS, Vincent. 1915 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. P Coy., Spec. Bde., R.E. ; Pnr. *BiNNS, William Hugh Crossland. O.T.C. 12th Bn. E. Surrey R. ; Capt. BiON, Melvyn Robert. 191 o ; B.Sc. 6th Bn. Sherwood Foresters and R.E. (T.F.) ; Lieut. *BiRCH, Frank. O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Renown-, Lieut. (Elect.). Bird, Frank. 1903 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. i6th Bn. Welch R. ; Capt. BiRKETT, Stanley. 1904 ; Student. I2ist Pioneers, Ind. A.R.O. ; Lieut. BiRTiLL, Fuller Estcourt. 191 3 ; Student. 4th Bn., attd. 9th Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; Lieut. *Birtles, Samuel Roy. O.T.C. 4th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Bishop, Bernard Lees. 1919 ; Student. R.E. ; Capt. *BiSHOP, Francis William. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. Bishop, Harry Coghill Watson. 1903 ; M.Sc. Ind. A.R.O., attd. 66th Punjabis ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Pris. of War, escaped Aug. 1917; authof of J Kut Prisoner, Bishop, William Marcus Beaumont. 191 2 ; Student. 5th Bn. R. West Kent R. ; Pte. Bithell, Jethro. 1897 ; M.A. ; Asst. Lectr. in German. 4th Bn. E. Surrey R. and 15th Bn. R. Sussex R. ; Pte. Black, George. 1919 ; B.Sc. Tech. Bedford R. ; 2nd Lieut. Blackburn, John. 1915 ; Student. R.N.V.R. ; Telegraphist. Blackburn, Robert Henry. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. 392nd Sge. Baty., R.G.A. ; Cpl. ♦Blacker, George Oscar. O.T.C. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R., attd. 4th Bn. King's Afr. Rifles ; Lieut. Blackledge, William Gregson. See page 6. lo^ : ^ '^'MAfsGHESTER UNIVERSITY *Blackstock, Harold. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. and T.M. Baty. ; Capt. Blakemore, William Herbert. 1907 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Bland, John. 1908 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. and ist Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Bland, William Ravenshaw. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Blane, Edward Richardson. 1908 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Bleakley, Arthur Dixon. 1908; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. Manch. R. ; Major ; M.C. and Bar. Bleakley, James Franklin. 1904 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. loth Bn. Manch. R., attd. Lane. Fus. and M.G.C. 5 Major. Blears, Herbert. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student, nth Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Sergt. *Bloomer, Harry Powell. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R. and R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Bloor, Frederick. 191 3 > B.Sc. loth Bn. N. Staff. R. and M.G.C. ; Major. Blore, William Roy. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Major ; M.C. ; Despatches. Bloy, Bertram William. See page 7. Bloy, Laurence Henry. See page 7. Blue, James R. See page 7. *Blythe, Norman Harry. See page 7. Blythe, Percy .Alfred. See page 7. *Blythe, Wilfred Lawson. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. Boardman, James Robert. 1919 ; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Cpl. Boardman, John. 191 3 ; Student. ; O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Gnr. Boddington, James Edward. 1909; M.A. ; O.T.C. i8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Bde. Educ. Offr. ♦Bolton, George Duxbury. O.T.C. 5th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 103 Bolton, John. See page 7. Bolton, Reginald Light bow n. See page 7. Bolton, Robert. 1914 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. D/107 Baty. R.F.A. ; Lieut. Bond, Frederick. See page 8. ♦Booth, Charles. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Booth, Herbert. 1907 ; Student. R.A.M.C. and loth Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; 19 14 Star ; Despatches. *BooTH, James Herbert. O.T.C. ist Bn. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Booth, Norman. 1903 j M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. j Capt. Booth, Norman Gorton. 1907 ; Student. Australian Imp. Forces. Booth, Robert Wainhouse. 1907 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. and R.A.S.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. Booth, Sidney. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Booth, Thomas. 1905; M.Sc. R.A.M.C, (T.F.), ist Lend. Sanit. Coy. ; Cpl. Booth, Walter. 1919; B.A. nth Light A.M. Baty., M.G.C. ; Gnr. Booth, Walter Richard Baxter. 1915; Student ; O.T.C. 2/ ist D. of Lane. Yeomanry ; 2nd Lieut. Booth, William Seville. 1908 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Booth, William Sykes. 1914 5 B.A. , Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Staff-Sergt. BooTHBY, Orlando. 1919 ; Student. 29th Bn. Durham L.I. ; Pte. BooTHMAN, Clifford. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. BoRRELL, James Edward. 1914 > Student; O.T.C. 17th Armd. Car Bn., Tank C. ; Capt. Borrell, Lancelot. See page 8. BosTocK, Clifford. See page 8. I04 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Bos WELL, Joseph. 191 3 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 14th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2 1 St Bn. M.G.C. ; Capt. BouETTE, William Arthur. 191 3 > Student. 12th Bn. R. W. Fus. ; Lieut. Boul, William Thomas Garthorpe. 1912; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Boulton, Harry. 1905 ; M.A. 2/2nd City of Lond. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; L.-Cpl. ; M.M. Bounds, James Harvey. 191 3 ; Student. 2/3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Bourn, John. See page 8. *Bou SKILL, Edward. See page 8. BowcoTT, Charles. 1915 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. *BowDEN, Ernest. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. BowDEN, James. 1919 > Student. K.R. Rif. C. ; 2nd Lieut. Bow DEN, James. See page 9. BowDEN, James Philip. 1915 ; B.A. H.Q. Staff; Cpl. ; M.S.M. BowDEN, Thomas Hamilton. 1919 ; Student. i8th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. and 20th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. BowDEN, Wilfred. 191 3 ; Student. 145th Hvy. Baty., R.G.A. ; Bdr. BowEN, William Archer Forrest. 191 5 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Bower, Alfred Tennyson. 1912 ; B.Sc; O.T.C. R.F.A. (Ches. Bde.) (T.F.) ; Lieut. Bower, Ronald William. 191 3 > Student. ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. E. Lane. R. and R.E. ; Lieut. ♦Bowes, James. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Bowes, Roy. See page 9. ♦Bowler, Edward. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Middlesex R. ; Lieut. Bowler, Thomas Chesters. See page 9. Bowles, Reginald Ewart. 1914 ; B.Sc. Tech. i6th Bn. R. War. R. ; Pte. ROLL OF SERVICE 105 Bowman, Bernard. 191 5 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Redoubt, H.M.M.-S. Pansy j Surg. Sub-Lieut. *BowMAN, Frank. O.T.C. D. of Lane. O. Yeomanry ; 2nd Lieut. Bowman, Frank. 1907 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; Lectr. in Maths. R.N. ; H.M.S. Colossus ; Instr. Lieut. Bowman, Geoffrey Hilton. 191 2; Student. 3rd Bn. R. War. R. and 56th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Major ; M.C. and Bar ; D.S.O. ; D.F.C. ; Croix de Guerre (Belgique) ; Despatches (several times). Bowman, Henry Stanley. 1919 ; Student. 8th Bn. York, and Lane. R. ; Lieut. Bown, Herbert. 1910 ; Student. S. Lane. R. ; Major; O.B.E. ; D.A.A.G. Persia and India. Box, Raymond. See page 9. Boycott, Arthur Edwin. 191 2 ; Prof, of Path, and Path. Anat. R.A.M.C. ; Major. Boyd, Edgar James. 1907 ; Student. R.N. ; H.M.S. Illus- trious ; Surg. Boyle, Alan. 1898 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. Bozellec, Yves Marie. 191 i ; B.Com. 2me. Reg. Inf. Colon. ; Pte. ; Croix de Guerre. Brabant, Frank Herbert. 191 5 j Leetr. in Philos. 14th Bn. R. War. R., attd. R. Fus. (Intell. C.) ; L.-Cpl. Bracewell, Clifford Coates. 1916 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; M.C. *Bracewell, Harold. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Bradbury, Frank. 1914 ; B.A., Teach. Dipl. R.N.D., 148th Fid. Amb. ; Pte. Bradbury, Harry. See page 9. *Bradford, George. O.T.C. R.E. ; Spr. Bradley, Albert James. 1916 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Welch R. ; 2nd Lieut. Bradley, Ernest. 1920 (ApL) ; Student. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Valiant and Superb ; Midshipman. io6 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Bradley, Hilary. 1919 ; B.Sc. 4th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; L.-Cpl. Bradley, Reginald Ernest. See page 9. Bradshaw, George Arthur. 1905 ; M.Sc. 13th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. Brady, Donald Wood. 1914 ; Student.; O.T.C. nth Bn. Border R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Brady, Richard Peter. 1919 > Student. 3rd Bn. Irish Gds. ; L.-Cpl. Braham, George Noel. 1903 ; Student. RA.M.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Braide, George Frederick William. 1881 ; M.B., Ch.B. Ind. M.S. ; Lieut.-Col. B RAM WELL, Frederick. See page 10. Bramwell, John Crighton. 1912 ; M.B., Ch.B. ist E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Branthwaite, Raymond Helton. 191 o ; LL.B. 7th Bn. Maneh. R. ; Capt. ; Despatehes. Braunholtz, Gustav Ernst Karl. 191 3 ; Lectr. in Greek and Latin ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Maneh. R. ; Cpl. ♦Bray, Eric Osmond. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Maneh. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Brayford, Harry Barnes. 1919 > Student. lOth Bn. Sherwood Foresters j Pte. Brays HAW, Austin. 1919 ; B.A. R.G.A. ; Gnr. Breakell, Arnold. 1919 ; Student. R.A.S.C. ; R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; 2/A.M. Breakell, Charles Clayton. 191 6 ; Student ; O.T.C. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Breeze, George. 1919 ; Student. Fid. Serv. Coy., R.E. ; Spr. Brenan, Sydney Herbert. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Pte. ♦Brentford, Charles Graham. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Lond. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Brentnall, Charles Gordon. 1903; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.}, attd. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ; M.C. ROLL OF SERVICE 107 Brentnall, Charles Philip. 191 o ; Student. R.A.M.C. (T.F.); Major; M.C. Brentnall, Edward Stanley. 1908; M.B.,Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. Brentnall, Thomas Creswell. 1908 ; Student. R.N. ; H.M.S. Thunderer ; Surg. Lieut. Brettelle, Shirley Frederick. 191 7 > Student ; O.T.C. 53rd Bn. Welch R. ; Pte. Brewerton, Frank Asquith. 1905 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.E., 430th Fid. Coy., 66th Div. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Bride, John Webster. 1902; M.D. R.A.M.C; Capt. Bride, Thomas MiLNES. 1900; M.D. R.A.M.C; Capt. *Bridgford, Eric. O.T.C. R.E., 416th Fid. Coy.; 561st Works Coy. ; 33rd Fortress Coy. ; Lieut. *Briercliffe, Robert Dyson. O.T.C. R.W. Fus. ; Lieut. Briercliffe, Rupert. 1905 ; M.B., Ch.B., B.Sc, D.P.H. ; Asst. P.H. Lab. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Major; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.}; Despatches; D.A.D.M.S., O.E.T.A. (South) Jerusalem. Brierley, Eric. 1910 ; B.Com. A.P. Dept. ; Paymaster. Brierley, Frederick Walkden. 1914 ; Student. ; O.T.C. D Coy., Spec. Bde., R.E. ; Cpl. *Briggs, Richard Ward. O.T.C. i8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 35th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Lieut. *Briggs, Thomas Richard HenHy. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Briggs, Walter. 1897; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Major ; Spec. Surg., 64th CCS. ; Despatches. Briggs, Willoughby Edward Pellew. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Capt. Brindle, John Lawrence. See page 10. Brindley, William Harrison. 1909 ; Student. R.E. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Brinkley, Edward Graves. 1901 ; Student. R.F.A. ; Lieut. ♦Briscoe, William Carrington. O.T.C Tank C ; Lieut. io8 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Brittain, Herbert. 1912 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. io8th Baty. R.F.A. ; Major ; Despatches (twice). Brittlebank, Joseph William Forster. 1906 ; D.V.S.M. R.A.Vet.C. ; Lieut.-Col. ; C.M.G. ; A.D.V.S., West. Comd. ; Despatches (twice). *Brittorous, Frank. O.T.C. 8th Bn. transfd. 2nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; M.C. ; Despatches (thrice). Broadbent, Frank Reginald. 1919 ; Student. 4th Bn. Durham L.I. ; ist CI. Sgnllr. Broadbent, Harold. 1909 ; Student. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Staff- Capt. ♦Broadbent, John. O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. *Broadhurst, Albert George Wilson. O.T.C. ist Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Capt. Broadhurst, William. 1916 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Pte. Brockbank, George Robert. 1909 ; Student. 5th Bn. R. War. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Croix de Guerre avec Palmes; Despatches. Brocklebank, Charles Cyril. See page 10. *Brocklehurst, Sydney Thomas. O.T.C. Tank C. ; Lieut. Brodrick, Edward. See page 10. Bromley, Frank. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. H.Q., 19th Div. ; 58th Fid. Amb. ; Pte. Bromley, John Frederick. 1919 ; Student. R.G.A. ; Cdt. Brooke, George Victor. 1914 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. Tank C. j 2nd Lieut. ^Brookes, Percy. See page 10. Brookes, TVilfred da Cunha. See page 10. Brooks, Amos. 1910 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. Dental Surg., Spec. List J Capt. Brooks, j^rchibald Buckley. See page 1 1 . Brooks, Frank Smith. See page 1 1 . Brooks, Harry. 191 5 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. Spec. Bde. and Meteor. Sec, R.E. ; Cpl. Brooks, Hartley. 1915 ; LL.B. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Cpl. ROLL OF SERVICE 109 Brooks, James. 1909 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N. ; H.M.S. Q3, H.M.S. Starmounty H.M.S. Apollo \ Surg. Lieut. Brooks, John Edward. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Broome, Albert Henry. 1919 ; Student. R.N. ; Pte. Broome, Ernest Smith. 1919 ; Student. 6th Bn. Manch. R. L.-Cpl. Broome, Thomas Alfred. 1914 j Student. R.F.A. ; Bdr. Broth wood, Wilfred Cyril Vernon. 19 19 ; Student. 3rd Fid. Survey Bn. ; Spr. Broughton, Harry. 1909 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Dent. Surg., Spec. List ; Capt. Brown, Alan Miller. 1919 ; Student. R.F.C., R.A.F. ; 3rd Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R., attd. i6th O.C.B. ; Cdt. *Brown, Alexander. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. and Adjt. j Despatches ; Croix de Guerre (Belgique). Brown, Cedric Vipont. 1919 ; Student. Friends' Amb. Unit. Brown, Clifford. 191 5 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. Tank C, attd. R.A.S.C. ; Lieut. Brown, George Herbert. 1896 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Serbian Order, St. Sava, 5th CI. Brown, Harry Mewburn. 1891 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. Brown, Hugh Vipont. 1908 ; L.D.S. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. *Brown, John. See page 1 1 . *Brown, John. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Brown, John. See page 1 1 . Brown, Joseph Patrick. 19 14; B.Sc. R.N.A.S. and R.N. ; Chief Petty Offr. Brown, Phyllis Warden. 1913 ; B.A. Q.M.A.A.C. ; Unit Adminstr. ; M.B.E. (Mil. Div.}. Brown, Reginald Lewis. 1919 ; Student. 204th Squadn. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. no MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Brown, Richard Henry. 191 3 ; Student. 20th Bn. R. Fus. ; Lieut. Brown, Sydney. 1900 ; B.Sc. 6th Bn. North'd Fus. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Brown, Thomas Austin. 1919 ; Student. 20th Bn. R. Fus. ; Pte. Brown, Thomas Graham. 1914 ; Lectr. in Exper. Physiol. ; Q.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Brown, Tom. See page 1 1 . Brown, Vance Auberon. 1914 > B.Sc. Tech. R.E. (Wireless Sec.) ; Spr. Brown, Walter John. 1917 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. O.C.B. (Newark) R.E. ; Cdt. Brown, Wilfred Wheeler. 191 2 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 20th Bn. King's (L'pool) R. ; Lieut, and Adjt. Brownridge, Frederick ff alter. See page 1 1 . Brownson, Alfred Reginald. See page 11. Broxap, Ernest. 1897 ; M.A. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Brumwell, Walter. 1895; Student. H.A.C. ; R.F.A.,attd. H.Q. II. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Buchanan, Matthew Scott. 191 7 > B.Sc. Tech. R. Ir. Fus. ; Lieut. Buck, Howard. 1898 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; 57th Gen. Hosp., B.E.F. ; Major. Buck, Norman Anwyl. 1915; Student; O.T.C. 9th Bn. R. Welsh Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Buckley, Arthur. 191 2 ; B.Com. ; O.T.C. 13th Bn. Manch. R., attd. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Buckley, Edric Arthur Wharton. 191 5 ; Student. 9th Bn. Black Watch (R. Highdrs.) ; Sergt. Buckley, Edmund Maurice. See page 12. *BucKLEY, Frank. O.T.C. K.S.L.I. ; Lieut. Buckley, George Holden. 1914 j Student ; O.T.C. R.E. (Sec. Intell. C.) ; Capt. Buckley, Harold Eugene. 1919 ; B.Sc. i/i2th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE iii Buckley, Harry. 191 3 ; Student; O.T.C. Manch. R. (T.F.) ; Pte. Buckley, Henry. 191 3 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 12th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Buckley, John Antony. 1900 ; M.A. R.H.A., 20th Bde. ; Lieut. Buckley, John Philip. 1900 ; Student. ist E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Buckley, Lawrence Lees. 1919 j Student. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Buckley, William Henry. 1885 ; Student. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. BuDDEN, Gilbert. 1909 ; B.Sc. : O.T.C. R.E. ; R.A.F. ; Lieut. BuDENBERG, DoNALD Harlow. See page 12. Budge, Huyton Ernest Ulric. See page 12. Bull, Lionel Alfred. 1919 > Student. R.N.A.S. ; Pte. BuLLARD, Samuel. 191 9 ; Student. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. BuLLOUGH, Ernest. 1906 ; Student ; O.T.C. 14th and 20th Bns. Manch. R. and Labour C. ; Capt. BuLLouGH, Harold Hayhurst. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C, 36th Genl. Hosp., attd. R. Serb. A. ; Sergt. BuLLouGH, Thomas Horrobin Stanley. See page 12. Bunting, Samuel John. 1905 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. nth Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. BuRDiTT, Ralph Austin. 1888 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Burgess, Arthur. 1913 > B.Sc. 13th Bn. Ches. R. and Labour C. ; Lieut. Burgess, Arthur Henry. 1890; M.B., Ch.B., M.Sc; Lectr. in Pract. Surgery. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; Despatches. *BuRGESs, Charles. See page 12. ♦Burgess, Eric. O.T.C. 2/7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Pte. Burgess, William. 1919 ; Student. R.F.A. ; Bdr. 112 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY BuRGis, Edwin Cooper. 1902 ; LL.B. ; Lectr. in Law. 394th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Major. Burke, Frank. 1919 > Student. 5th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Pte. ♦Burke, Hubert James. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Gnr. BuRMAN, Albert Proctor. 1909 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. E. Lane. R. and R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Lieut. BuRNELL-NuGENT, Frank Harry. 1910 ; Hon. M.A. ; O.T.C. Adjt. ist Bn. Rifle Bde. ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. ; D.S.O. ; O.B.E. ; Despatches (thrice). *BuRNETT, Arthur. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches (twice) ; A. P.M. Burnett, Harold Young. 1919 ; Student. i/3rd S. Mid. Fid. Art. ; Gnr. Burnett, Leigh Matheson. 1919 ; Student. Labour Coy. ; Pte. Burnett, Thomas Gregory. 1901 ; M.B., Ch.B. S. Afr. Forces ; Capt. Burnham, William Arthur, 1907 ; Student. 98th and 65th Batys., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Burnley, John Fox. 1914 ; Student. Lane. (Fortress) R.E. ; L.-Cpl. Burns, Alan Chamley. 191 3 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. R. Scots R., and R.E., Chem. Sec. ; Lieut. Burns, William Robert Wheatley. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Burt, Brian Morton. 1919 ; B.Sc. Tech. R.A.F. ; Pte. Burt, Henry Charles. 1905 ; Student. 4th Bn. Dorset R., and R.A.S.C. ; Capt. ♦Burtinshaw, Lionel John. O.T.C. R. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Burton, Clarence Turner. 19 19; Student. North'd. Fus. ; Pte. Burton, Harold Matthews. 1915 ; Student. 3rd Bn. Ches. R. ; Pte. Bury, James Henry. 1909 ; M.A., Teach. Dipl. 2nd Bn. Monmouth R. ; Lieut. Bury, Judson Sykes. 1871 ; B.Sc. ; Prof, of Clin. Med. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; 2nd West, Gen, Hosp. 5 Major. ROLL OF SERVICE 113 *BuRY, William Nevill Broadbent. O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R., attd. Tank C. ; Capt. BusHELL, Thomas Oswald. 191 3 ; Student. 20th Bn. R. Fus. ; Pte. Butler, Carlton. 1919 ; B.Sc. R.E., Anti-Gas Sec. ; Spr. Butler, Frederick. 19 19 ; B.Sc. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Nairn ; Midshipman. Butler, Harry. 1905 ; Student. King's (L'pool) R. BuTTERFiELD, JosEPH Gerald. 1912 ; Student ; O.T.C. B Baty., 72nd Army Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut. ; M.C. ; Despatches. *BuTTERLEY, George Creighton. O.T.C. 5th Bn. King's (L'pool) R. ; M.G.C. 5 Lieut. BuTTERWORTH, Ben. See page 12. BuTTERwoRTH, Charles Edward. 1905 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. BuTTERwoRTH, Harold. 1912 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. ; Cdt. BuTTERwoRTH, Harry. 19! I J Student J O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. BuTTERWORTH, Harry Lewis. 1918 ; Student. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; R.E. ; Capt. ; M.C. and Bar. BuTTERWORTH, HuBERT. 1914J Student; Cert, of Dis- tinction ; O.T.C. R.E. (Signals) ; 2nd Lieut. BuTTERWORTH, Percy. 1916 j Student ; O.T.C. Inns of Court O.C.B. ; Cdt. BuTTERWORTH, Philip Stanley, i 9 i 9 ; Student. 4thSquadn. R.F.C. ; 4th Bn. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Buxton, Frank Louis. 191 o ; B.A. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. J 1 9 14-15 Star. Byers, Richard Knight. See page 1 3. Byrd, John Dutton. 1910 ; Student. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Victorian \ Surg. Probnr. Byrne, Austin William. 1909; D.P.H. R.A.M.C; Capt. Byrom, Richard. 1915 ; Student. R.N.V.R.; H.M.S. Arrogant ; Signalman, 114 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Byrom, William. 1910 ; B.A., Teach. Dipl. i8th Bn. Ches. R. ; Cpl. Bythell, William James Storey. 1893; M.D. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; 57th Gen. Hosp., France ; Capt. ; O.B.E. Cade, Reginald Harry. See page 13. Cafferky, Michael. 1919; Student. R. Line. Fus. ; Pte. Caiger, Stephen Langrish. 1909; B.D. R. A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. Calder, William Moir. 191 2 ; Hulme Prof, of Greek. Unattd. List T.F. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Admiralty Intell. Div. ; Hon. Capt. R.M. Callow, George Eric Cheslyn. 191 o; B.Sc. 555th Lane. A.T.C., R.E. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. ♦Calverley, Edwin Victor. O.T.C. Sherwood Foresters ; Lieut. Calverley, William. 1899 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *Calvert, Albert Spencer. O.T.C. 5th Bn. King's (L'pool) R. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Calvert, Ernest Frederick. 1919 ; Student, ist Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Sergt. Cambell, Archibald. 1898 ; M.B., Ch.B. 3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Major ; Despatches (twice). Campbell, Robert John. 1910; B.A., Teach. Dipl. R.A.S.C. (M.T.); Pte. Campion, Dennis Henry. 1919 j Student. R.A.F. ; Cdt. Candlish, Charles Gilbert. 1919 ; Student. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Cane, William Arthur. 1919 ; Student. 2nd Bn. S. Wales Borderers ; Pte. Cannell, Walter Arthur. 1919? Student. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Cansino. Joshua Haim. See page 13. Cant, Frederick Vaudrey. 191 2; Student. R.A.M.C; Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 115 *Cantrill, Jack Conway. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Capt. ; Croix de Guerre ; St. Stanislas (Russia). Capper, Stewart Henbest. 1903 ; M.A. ; Prof, of Archi- tecture ; O/C Univ. O.T.C. ; Genl. List. (T.F. Res.) ; Capt. j Deputy Chief Censor, G.H.Q., E.E.F. ; Despatches (twice). *Carberry, Arthur Aloysius. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. J Major ; M.C. ; Despatches. Career Y, Murtough. 1919 ; Student. R.F.A. ; Capt. Cardwell, Charles Ernest. 191 2 ; L.D.S. 7th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Cardwell, Henry. 1907 ; M.A., LL.B. ; Lectr. in Law ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. *Carefull, John Holt. See page 1 3. Caress, Frank Clare. See page 13. Carlisle, Henry Barry. 191 3 > Student. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; M.G.C. ; Major. Carnelly, Philip Matthew Guy. 1906 ; Student. loth (Scottish) Bn. King's (L'pool) R. ; Capt. j Despatches. Carpenter, Joseph William. 191 5 > Student. R.N.D. (Med.) ; Pte. Carr, William Graham. 1919 ; Student. i/4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; L.-Cpl. Carr, William Moncrieff. 1902 ; Student. R.E. (T.F.) ; Capt. Carruthers, Christopher Frank Johnstone. 1912 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Carson, Charles Graham. See page 13. Carson, Thomas. 1912 ; Student ; O.T.C. 2nd E. Lane. Bde., R.F.A. ; Major ; M.C. and Bar. Carter, Henry Septimus. 1919 ; Student. P. Spec. Coy., R.E. ; L.-Cpl. Carter, Joseph Henry. 191 2 ; Student. R.A.VetC. ; Lieut. Case, Charles Henry. See page 14. Casperd, Christopher Charles. 1906 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; Lieut. ti6 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Cass, Edward Charles. See page 14. Cass, Gordon William George. 1919 ; Student. R.A.S.C. and 79th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Fit. Lieut. Casstles, Sydney Arthur. 1919 ; Student, ist Bn. Sher- wood Foresters ; Pte. *Casswell, Rupert Frank. O.T.C. 52nd Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; Lieut. Castle, Leonard James. 1905 ; B.Sc. 3rd Bn. D. of Corn. L.L ; Staff-Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. ♦Catterall, Neil Campbell. O.T.C. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Cavanagh, Bernard. 191 9 > Student. Durham R.G.A. ; Gnr. Cavenagh, Francis Alexander. 1914 ; Lectr. in Education ; O.T.C. 541st Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Capt. ; A.E.O. attd. G.S. (Lond. Dist.). Cawley, George Middleton. 191 2 ; Cert, in Tech- Manch. R. (T.F.). ♦Chadderton, Sydney. O.T.C. 12th Bn. W. York. R. ; Lieut. ♦Chadwick, Arthur William. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Manch. R., attd. 9th Bn. R. Sussex R. ; Lieut. *Chadwick, Austin Whitaker. O.T.C. 80th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; D.F.C. Chadwick, Frank. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. ; M.C. Chadwick, Frederick Norman. 191 i ; Student. 8th Bn. Manch. R. and i8th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Capt. ; Croix de Guerre avec Palmes. Chadwick, Harold. 1914 ; Student. R.A.M.C; Capt. Chadwick, Hitchon. 1910 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Chadwick, Thomas. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Pte. Chadwick, Vincent, 191 5 5 Student ; O.T.C. K.R.Rif.C. ; Sergt. ROLL OF SERVICE 117 Challenor, Lionel Thomas. 1905 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Major. Challenor, Philip Austin. 191 3 ; Student. 8th Bn. Welch R. ; Capt. Chaloner, John Leopold. 1909 ; Cert, in Tech. R.E. (Inl. Water Transpt.) ; Lieut. Chaloner, Sam Richard. 1915 ; B.Com. ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. York. R. ; Lieut. Chambers, Joseph Stanley Claude. 191 1; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. A/Cyclist C. ; Capt. Chambers, Kenneth William. 1906 ; LL.B. 708th M.T. Coy., R.A.S.C. ; 2nd Lieut. *Chandler, Frank Ewart. O.T.C. R.E. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Chant, Herbert. 191 3 j B.A. 12th Bn. R. Welsh Fus. ; Capt. Ch ANTLER, Percy. 191 9 ; Student. 13th Bn. Welch R. ; Signlr. Chapman, Charles Hamilton Murray. See page 14. Chapman, Raymond John. 1908 ; D.P.H. 3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Ch APPLE, Albert William Ewart. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Charnley, Frank. 1919 ; Student. R.F.A. ; R.H.A. (S.T.C.); Cpl. Charnley, James. 1912 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C; Capt. Charnock, Walter Haworth. 19 19 ; Student. Rif. Bde. ; Pte. Chatham, Edward Alfrj^d. 191 2 ; Student ; O.T.C. K.S.L.I. and W. York. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Chatwood, Albert. 191 2; B.Sc. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; L-Cpl. Checkley, Harry Holton. 191 5 > B.A. ; O.T.C. M.G.C. and R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. *Chedlaw, Robert Lindsay. O.T.C. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Cheetham, Frederick Thomas. 1904; M,Sc. R.E. (Chem. Sec.) ; Pnr, ii8 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY *Cheetham, Thomas. O.T.C. Sherwood Foresters ; 2nd Lieut. ; M.C. Cheshire, James. See page 14. Chesters, Colin Flint. 1911 ; Student, nth Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Chevassut, Frederick George. 1906; B.Sc. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Chevassut, Robert. 1910 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. j Capt. ; Despatches. Childs, Hugh. 1910 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.E. (Chem. Sec.) ; Capt. Childs, Sidney. 1909 ; Student. Tr. Res. ; C.S.M. ♦Chorlton, John Terry. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. ; M.C. *Chorlton, William Derrick. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. 20th Bn. M.G.C. ; Capt. Christian, Albert Millais Crossley. 1919 > Student. King's (L'pool) R., attd. 149th Labour C. ; 2nd Lieut. Christopher, William. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Chronnell, Hubert. See page 14. Chronnell, James. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Mohawk ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. *Clark, Frederick. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Maneh. R. ; Lieut. Clark, Matthew. 191 i j M.A., B.Com. ; O.T.C. R.G.A. ; Gnr. Clarke, Alan Percival. 191 8 ; B.Sc. E. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. *Clarke, Alfred. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. and 2nd Bn. Lane. Fus.; Lieut. ; Despatches. * Clarke, David. See page 14. Clarke, Frank. 1914; Student. R.N.D. ; Signalman. Clarke, John. 1914 > Student ; O.T.C. 12th Bn. Scot- tish Rif. ; 2nd Lieut. Clarke, John Welham. 1909 ; M.A. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Staff-Sergt. ROLL OF SERVICE 119 Clarke, Robert Bertram Franks. 191 2 j Tech. Asst. P.H. Lab. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Clarkson, Charles Edwin. 191 3 ; B.Sc, Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. 2/4th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Capt. and Adjt. ; Despatches (War Sec). Clarkson, Herbert. 191 5 ; Student ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Lond. R. ; Lieut. Clarkson, Robert. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Claus, Frank Harold. 1906 ; B.Sc. R.F.A., 2nd E. Lane. Bde. ; Lieut. Clayson, Henry. 191 3 > Asst. Physiol. Dept. King's (L'pool) R. ; Pte. Clayton, Harold Verne Y. 1914 ; Student; O.T.C. nth Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Clayton, James Gillespie. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Clayton, John Alfred. 1908 ; B.Sc, Teach. Dipl. 3rd Bn. R.W. Fus. ; Lieut. Clayton, Leonard. 191 7 ; Student; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Clayton, Norman. See page 15. Clayton, Percy Charles. 1906 ; Student. 5th Bn. Manch. R. ; R.E. (Tunnell. Sec) ; Capt. ; DespatcJhes. Clayton, William Francis. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Bn. King's (L'pool Scottish) R. ; Sergt. Clegg, Alexander. See page 15. Clegg, Jlford Fictor. See page 1 5. Clegg, Arthur Wynford. '1912 ; B.Sc. R.A.F.; 2/A.M. Clegg, Edward Leslie Gilbert. 191 2 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. nth Bn. North'd Fus. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Clegg, John Edward. 191 8 ; Student. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus.; Pte. Clegg, Joseph. 1912 ; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Dvr. Clegg, Percy. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Pte. Clegg, Sydney Fletcher. 1919 ; Student. 121st Hvv. Baty., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. I20 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Clegg, Sydney James. 1904 ; M.D., D.P.H. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Major; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Despatches (thrice) ; Medaille des Epidemies (en Argent) ; D.A.D.M.S. and Spec. Sanit. OfFr., 3rd A. Corps. Clements, Robert William. 1904; Res. Student. A.Med.S. ; Col. ; A.D.M.S. ; C.M.G. ; D.S.O. ; Despatches (5 times). Clements, Waldo John. 1908 ; Cert, in Engin. A/Cyclist C. ; Capt. ; Asst. Area Gas Offr. ; Educ. Offr. Clemesha, William Wesley. 1889; M.D., D.P.H. Ind. M.S. ; Col. ; A.D.M.S. ; CLE. *Clemner, William Joseph Scott. O.T.C. 7th Bn. King's (L'pool) R. ; Lieut. Cleverly, Albert Mountain. 1919 ; B.Sc. R.E., N. Spec. Coy. ; Pnr. Clibborn, Ernest Raymond. 191 i ; Student. (U.P.S.) Bn. R. Fus. ; Pte. Clipshaw, George Frederick. 1919 > Student. Mech. Trans. ; Pte. Clough, Harry Collier. See page 15. ♦Clouston, James McGill. O.T.C. R.G.A. ; Lieut. Clowes, William. 19 14; Student; O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Lieut. CoATES, Archibald, i 9 i 9 ; Student. R.N.V.R.,attd. R.F.A. and R.G.A. ; Telegraphist. ♦CoATES, Harry Gordon. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Pte. ; M.M. Coates, William. 1884; Student. A.M.S. (T.F.) ; Hon. Col. ; C.B. (Mil. and Civil) ; C.B.E. ; V.D. ; De- spatches (4 times) ; A.D.M.S. West. Comd. Cochrane, George. 191 2 ; Student. O.T.C. 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; L.-Cpl. CoCKCROFT, Clement Randolph. 1903 ; B.A. 21st (Yeo. Rif.) Bn. K.R.Rif.C. ; Rfmn. ; Pris. of War. CocKCROFT, John Douglas. 1914 j B.Sc, Tech. ; O.T.C. B/92 Baty. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. CocKCROFT, William Lonsdale. 1908 ; Student, ist E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Major ; R. Hum. Soc. Med. ROLL OF SERVICE 121 CocKSHUTT, John Albert. 1908 ; M.Sc, Teach. Dipl. Sge. Bty. R.G.A. ; Capt. ; Gny. Instr. G.H.Q., France. Codling, William Garnett. 1907 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 142nd A.T.C., R.E. J Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Cohen, Harry. 1914 ; Student. Manch. R. 5 Pte. Coleman, Albert. 1919 ; Student. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Coleman, Frank Odell. 1911 ; B.A. i6th Bn. Middlesex R., and nth Bn. and ist Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. j Capt. Coleman, Guy William Jordan. 1919 ; Student.^ 5 35th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Coleridge, Reginald Ernest. 1919 ; Student. 2nd Bn. R.W. Kent R. ; 2nd Lieut. CoLLETT, Henry Robert Pyemont. 191 i ; Student. 49th Balloon Sec. R.A.F. ; Fit. Lieut. ; Despatches (twice). CoLLEY, Richard. 1911 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. CoLLEY, Thomas. 191 3; M.B.,Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C; Lieut. Collier, Donald. 191 i; B.A. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. ♦Collier, Samuel. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Capt. ; M.C. * Collier, Samuel Francis. See page 15. * Collier, Sidney. See page 15. *Collinge, William. O.T.C. D. of Well's (W. Riding) R. ; M.G.C. ; Lieut. Colombain, Maurice Emile Francois. 191 3 ; Student. 236 Inf. de Ligne ; Sergt. ; Croix de Guerre ; Despatches (twice). CoLwiN, Elias. 1911 j Student. R.E. (Chem. Sec.) ; Cpl. CoMBEN, Harold Cecil. 1919; Student. R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. (Pilot). CoNDLiFFE, George Edward. 191 ; B.Sc, Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Connolly, Henry. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. ist Bn. Irish Gds. ; Lieut. Connor, James. 191 3 > B.A, King's (L'pool) R. ; 3rd Bn, Sherwood Foresters ; Lieut. 122 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Connor, Samuel Maurice. See page i6. CONSTANTINE, TVlLLIAM. ScC page I 6. Conway, Albert Edwin. 1918 ; Student. 12th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Conway, Aubrey John. 1910 ; B.Sc. 6th Bn. Ches. R., attd. Hereford R. ; Lieut. Conway, Brian Wiseman. See page 16. Coogan, Thomas. 1898; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Cook, Francis Swinnerton. 1911 ; M.A., Teach. Dipl. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Cook, Gilbert. 1902 ; D.Sc. ; Senr. Lectr. in Engin. ; O.T.C. R.G.A. and R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Fernon ; Lieut. Cook, Vallance. 1919 ; Student. R.N.V.R. (Mot. Boat Sec.) ; Chief Motor Mech. Cook, William Norman. 1914 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 96th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. Cooke, John Howard. See page 16. Cooke, John Irwin. See page 1 6. Coomber, Horace Bertram. See page 16. *Coop, Guy Clifford. O.T.C. R.W. Surrey R. ; Lieut. CoopE, Frederick William. 1911 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Staff-Sergt. CooPE, Geoffrey. 1919 ; Student. Manch. R. and R.N.R. ; Pte. CooPE, George Malcolm. 1908 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; O/C 22nd Mob. Hyg. Lab. CoopE, Thomas Edwin. 1914 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. 15th Bn. Hants. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Cooper, Cecil Hamer. 1908 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. lOth Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Cooper, Emor Reuben. 1893 ; M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. 2nd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Staff Sanit. Offr. *CooPER, George Booth. O.T.C. Labour C. ; Sergt. ; Despatches. Cooper, Joseph. See page 16. ROLL OF SERVICE 123 Cooper, Tom. 1919 J Student. 70th Squadn., R.A.F. ; Lieut. Cooper, William Randolph, See page 17. CopELAND, Harold. 191 o ; Asst. Bot. Dept. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Copley, Edward. 191 1; B.Com. ; O.T.C. 149th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Cordingley, Reginald Annandale. 1919; Student. R.E. ; Pte. Core, Donald Elms. 1900 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. CoRKiLL, William Henry. 1919 j Student. i/5th Bn. King's (L'pool) R. ; Sergt. CoRLESs, John Stanley. See page 17. Corless, Thomas Arthur Bell. 1906 ; B.D.S. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. ^mW; Dent. Surg. CoRLETT, Edward Wattleworth. 191 9 > Student. R.E. ; Spr. Cornish, Gerald Warre. See page 17. Cornish, Harold Denson. 1913 J Student 5 O.T.C. Ghurkha Rfls. ; Lieut. Cornish, Ronald James. 1919 ; B.Sc. 150th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. CoRRiGAN, James Frederick. 191 8 ; B.Sc; Spec. Bde. R.E. ; Pnr. CoRSER, Harold Kenelm. 191 7 > B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R. War. R. ; 2nd Lieut. *CoRT, Arthur Henry. O.T.C. R.A.S.C. ; Lieut. Cory, Charles George Awdry. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. CosGRovE, Edward Thomas. 1912 ; Student; O.T.C. I St Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. *CossoN, Donald Arthur. O.T.C. 14th Bn. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. CosTOBADiE, Harry Crawfurd. 1912 ; Student ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Rif. Bde. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. 124 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Cotter, Robert. 191 9 ; Student. Brit. Merc. Marine ; Senr. ist Class Wireless Offr. ; Merc. Mar. M. Cotton, Edward Charles. See page 17. Cotton, Frederick Stanley. 191 2 ; Student. R.E. (Rail. Oper. Coy.) ; Capt. Cotton, Henry. 1907 ; B.Sc. R.E. (Meteor. Sec.) ; Cpl. Coulthurst, Colin. 1909; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 15th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Coupe, Arthur. 1908 ; Student. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Cowan, James. 1905 ; Res. Student. 3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Cowan, John. 1905; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Cowan, William Joshua. 1899 ; Student. 2nd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *CowGiLL, John William. O.T.C. 2nd Bn. London R. ; 2nd Lieut. *CowiE, Robert W. O.T.C. King's (Liverpool) R. ; 2nd Lieut. CowiN, Daniel. 1895 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Major. CowLisHAw, j^RTHUR CoLiN. See page 17. CowpE, George Bleazard. See page 17. CowPER, James Bert Francis. 1906 ; Student. 14th Bn. London (Scottish) R. ; L.-Cpl. Cox, Clarence Rupert. See page 18. Cox, Edward Harvie. 1897 5 M.B., Ch.B. 2/3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Lieut.-Col. ; D.S.O. Cox, Sydney George. 1898 ; LL.B. 8th Bn. Middlesex R. ; Lieut. Cox, Vernon Stanley. 1905 ; Student. R. Sussex R. ; Lieut. ; Bde. Bomb. Offr. Crabtree, Henry Victor. 1919 > Student. E. Lane. R. ; Pte. Craddock, Robert Steele. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2/A.C. Craig, Colin McKean. 1900; M.D., D.P.H. ; Jun. Dem. in Anat, R.A.M.C. 5 Capt. 5 O.B.E, ROLL OF SERVICE 125 Craig, John. 191 3 j Student ; O.T.C. 20th Bn. Manch. R. and R.E. ; Capt. Craig, Norman Stewart. 191 6; Student. R.N.V.R. j Surg. Sub-Lieut. *Craig, Wesley. O.T.C. ist Bn. Hampshire R., attd. nth T.M. Baty. ; Lieut. ; Commdt. Wessex Bde. Sch. of Musk. Crampton, Percy. 1911 ; Student. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R.; Lieut. ; M.C. Craven, Frederick Harold. 1905 ; M.A. loth Bn. S. Lane. R. and 7 th Bn. Border R. ; 2nd Lieut. Craw, John Woodruff. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Crawford, David McFarlane. 1904; M.Sc. R.E. (Sign.) ; Cpl. Crawford, Herbert Lindsay. 1908; B.A. nth Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ♦Crawford, James. O.T.C. Durham L.I. and 2nd Bn. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Crawford-Kehrmann, yEssEL. See page 18. Crawshaw, Charles Harold. 191 o ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.;, 64th CCS. ; Major ; Despatches. Crawshaw, Charles Herbert. 1911 ; B.A. ; O.T.C 3rd Bn., attd. ist Bn. K.O.S.B. ; Major ; D.S.O. ; M.C. and Bar ; Despatches (twice). Crawshaw, George. 1903 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.); Capt. Crawshaw, Harry Heaton. 1911 ; Student. i8th Bn. Manch. R. and Ind. A.R.O. ; Lieut. Crawshaw, John Edison^ 1914 > Student ; O.T.C 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. and Adjt. Creery, William Foster. 1910 ; B.Sc. j O.T.C. 7th Bn. Manch. R., ist Bn. Connaught Rang, and R.A.F. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Creeth, Norman Allen. 1903 ; M.Sc. Canadian En- gineers J Lieut. Cregan, George Theodore. 1904 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. Major ; M.C ; Croix de Guerre ; Despatches. 126 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Cregan, Thomas Cyril. 1909 ; L.D.S. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. ; Despatches. Critchley, Albert. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. R.F.C. ; Lieut. Critchley, Roland. See page 1 8. Critchley, Samuel Edward. 191 3 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Croft, Thomas Walsh. 1914 > Student. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Crofts, James Murray. 1910 ; D.Sc. Sec. Joint Matric. Board ; 5th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Spec. List j Major ; Chem. Adviser ; Despatches. ♦Cronshaw, Lewis Hayhurst. O.T.C. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. ; M.C. ♦Cronshaw, Norman. O.T.C. Tank C. ; Lieut. Cropper, Albert. 1919 ; Student. R.N., Aux. S.B.R., H.M.S. Pembroke ; Dent. Mech. Cropper, Frank. 1919 ; Student. 14th Divl. Sign. Coy. and 2nd Wireless Sign. Squadn. R.E. ; Spr. Cross, Ernest. 1912 ; Attend. P.H. Lab. R.A.M.C. j Pte. Cross, Leopold Harold. 1903 ; M.A. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; 32nd CCS. ; Capt. Crossl^, Henry Corry. 1903 ; B.Sc. Spec. List (Comdt. Labour C) ; Capt. Crossley, Arthur William. 1885 ; D.Sc. Head of Cotton Res. Assn. ; R.E. ; Lieut.-Col. ; Spec. Appt. Min. Muni- tions ; C.M.G. J CB.E. ; Offr. of the Legion of Honour ; Despatches (thrice). Crossley, Harry Newbold. 1908 ; M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C ; Capt. ; Surg. Speclst. 55th CCS., France. Crossley, Walker. 1912; Mus.D. ; O.T.C. 109th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. ♦Crossley, William Brierley. O.T.C 6th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. R.A.F. ; Major. Crowther, Frank. 1914 ; Student. ; O.T.C R.A.F. ; i/A.M. ROLL OF SERVICE 127 Crowther, James Arnold. 1919 ; Student. i/6th Bn. Manch. R. ; 4th Bn. K.S.L.I. ; Cpl. Croxson, Charles. 1913 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 234th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Crump, John Arthur. 1901 ; Student. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut.-Col. ; D.S.O. ; Despatches (thrice). Cryer, Liebig. See page 18. Cuming- Walters, Aubrey John. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Cum MING, George. See page 18. Cumming, James. 1919 ; Student. 63rd Bn. R.N. D. j Lieut. CuMMiNG, Patrick Grant. 1919 ; Student. R.N. ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. *CuNDiFF, Frederick William. O.T.C. C/Baty., 331st Bde. R.F.A. ; 2nd Squadn. R.A.F. ; Lieut. CuNLiFFE, Edward Gilbert. See page 1 8. CuNLiFFE, Ernest Nicholson. See page 19. CuNLiFFE, James Grimshaw. See page 19. CuNLiFFE, Richard Grimshaw. 1905 ; M.Sc. Tech. R.G.A. ; Lieut. CuNNAH, Jack Eric. 1919 ; Student. R.W. Fus. ; Pte. CuRPHEY, Douglas Carr. 1919 j Student. R.E., Spec. Coy. ; Pnr. *CuRRY, Fernon Edward. See page 19. CuRSETjEE, NosHiRVAN Jehangir Manockjee. 1910 ; B.Sc. Ind. Forces. CuRzoN, Thomas. 1907 ; M.Sc. ; Teach. Dipl. 5th Bn. York. R. J L.-Cpl. Daintith, James. See page 19. Dakeyne, Daniel Irving. 1902 ; M.D. Res. Fellow in P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Dale, Alfred John. 1916; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Dale, Frank. 191 1; Tech. Asst. P.H. Lab.; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; L.-Cpl. 128 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Dale, James Floyer. 1906 ; Student. R.E. (Lond. Elec. Engin.) ; Spr. *Dalgleish, Alan Bertric. O.T.C. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Dalton, Joshua Bower. 1899; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; 1 9 14-15 Star. Daniel, Frederick. 191 8 ; B.Sc. 3rd Bn. H.A.C. 5 3rd Bn. M.G.C. ; Pte. Darbishire, jiRTHUR DuKiNFiELD. See page 19. Darbishire, Otto Vernon. 1898 ; Asst. Lectr. in Botany ; Unattd. List (T.F.) for Serv. with Bristol Univ. O.T.C. ; Capt. Darlington, Walter Edward. 1908 ; Student. R.F.A, empld. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. Darrah, Noel. 1915 ; Student; O.T.C. i/yth Bn. King's (L'pool) R. ; Signllr. Darroch, Donald. 1912 ; Asst. in Path. Dept. Argyll and Suthld. Hghdrs. ; Yeomanry ; Lieut. Darwin, Charles George. 1914 ; Reader in Math. Physics ; Unattd. List (T.F.) for serv. with Manch. Univ. O.T.C. Capt. ; M.C. ; Seed. Spec. Service with R.E. Darwin, George. 191 2 ; B.Sc. R.E. (Meteor. Sec.) ; Spr. ^Darwin, John Henry Bradshaw. See page 19. Dash, Cyril Joseph. 1919; Student. 7th Bn. Manch. R. and M.G.C. ; Cpl. Da VEY, Alfred Frank Clifton, i 91 9 ; Student. R.A.M.C; L.-Cpl. Da VEY, Harry. 1911 ; Cert, in Tech. 8th Bn. Oxf and Bucks. L.I. ; Sergt. Davidson, Robert Sydney. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Davie, Andrew Fowler. 1919 ; Student. Gordon Hghdrs. ; Pte. Davie, Sydney John. See page 20. Da VIES, Arthur Thomas. 1908 ; Student. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Davies, Charles Bromley. 1900; Student. R.A.M.C; Major ; M.C and 2 Bars. ROLL OF SERVICE 129 Da VIES, Claude Reginald. 1914 ; Student; O.T.C. loth Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Da VIES, Edward Conference. 191 6 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. K.S.L.I. ; Pte. Da VIES, Harry Donald. 1914 ; Student. York and Lane. R. and R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Da VIES, Henry Campbell. 191 3 ; Student. 7th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. and M.G.C. ; Capt. and Adjt. Davies, John Alban. 1896; Student. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; Despatches. Davies, John Henry. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Davies, John Stanley Herbert. 1919 ; Student. R.E. ; Pnr. Davies, Sellick. 1919 ; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; 33rd Bn. M.G.C. ; Capt. ; M.B.E. (Mil.) ; Despatches. Davies, Thomas Charles Blagden. 1907 ; B.Sc. R.E. ; Major ; M.C. ; Despatches. Davies, Walter John, i 9 14 ; Student. R.A.F. ; i/A.M. Davies, Wilfred. 1916 ; B.Sc; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. (Anti- Subm. Div.) ; Sub-Lieut. Davies, William Solva. 191 3 ; B.A., B.D. ; O.T.C. 2/9th Bn. H.L.I. ; L.-Cpl. Davison, Neville Hollingworth. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Davy, Richard Humphrey. 1900 ; Student. 289th Bty., R.G.A. ; Despatches ; Croce di Guerra. Da we, Alfred. 1915 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. Hants. R.G.A. ; Lieut. Dawe, Thomas. 1912 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.G.A. (empld. Anti-Aircraft) ; Lieut. Dawes, Charles Edmund. See page 20. Dawn, Harold F. See page 20. Dawson, George Duncan. 1899 ; M.D., D.P.H. ; Jun. Res. Fell, in P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Day, Henry. 1912 ; M.Sc. ; Res. Student ; O.T.C. 8th Bn., attd. i8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. K I30 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Dean, Arthur Creswell. 1905 ; M.Sc. 82nd Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Capt. ; M.C. j Despatches. Dean, Edmund Stanley. 1919 > Student. R.N.A.S. and 246th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; A.F.C. Dean, Henry Roy. 1915 ; Procter Prof, of Pathology and Path. Anat. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; 3rd N. Gen. Hosp. and 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; Major. Dean, Leonard Lawson. See page 20. Deane, James Herbert. 1914 ; Student. Lane. Fus. (T.F.). Dearden, Walter. See page 20. Dearden, William John. 191 3; Student; O.T.C. R.A.M.C; Capt. De Buriatte, John Philip. See page 20. Degiarde, August Pira. 1910 ; Cert, in Tech. 9a Sez. (Radio-Teleg.), Ital. Engin. ; Tenento ; Croce di Guerra. Dehn, Curt Gustav. 1899 ; LL.B. 3rd Bn. Wilts. R. ; Lieut. Dehn, Richard Martin Rudolph. 1909; Student. Middle- sex R. Dehn, Thomas George Rudolph. See page 21. Delbanco, James Robert. See page 21. DELipiNE, Helenus George Sheridan. See page 21. Demel, William Henry. 1912 ; Student ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R. and 149th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Capt. ; D.F.C. ♦Denning, Frank. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. Denton, Harold. 1917 ; B.Sc, Tech.; O.T.C. R.A.F.; Cpl. Mech. ; 2/ A.M. Derbyshire, John. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F.; 2nd Lieut. Derham-Reid, James. 1896; Student. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) Major ; M.C. Descombes, Elise Alphonse. 1911 ; Cert, in Tech. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Desquesnes, Arnold. 1908; LL.B. 8th Bn. Lane. Fus.; Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 131 De Vine, Brennan. 1909 ; D.V.S.M. R.A. Vet. C. ; Major ; D.A.D.V.S. ; M.C. ; Despatches (twice) ; Medal and Order of Chevalier du Merite Agricole. Devine, Stanley. 1919; Student. Gloucester R. ; Capt Dewar, James Rodger. See page 21. DiBLE, James Henry. 1919; Lectr. in Pathology. No. 7 Mobile Lab., R.A. M.C. ; Capt. Dickey, John Porter Yeates. 1914 > Student ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. Manch. R. and nth Squadn. R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; 1 9 14-15 Star. Dickey, Robert George j^lexander. See page 21. Dickie, Archibald Campbell. 191 2 ; M.A. ; Prof, of Archi- tecture ; Unattd. List (T.F.) for serv. with Manch. Univ. O.T.C. Empld. in Admiralty Intell. Div.; Lieut. Dickie, Herbert. 191 3 ; Student. R. Fus. Dickinson, Norman Austin. 1918; Student. 13th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Dickinson, Thomas. 1913; Student. 20th Bn. Manch. R. and Army Gym. Staff ; Sergt. Instr. Dickson, John Charles Oswald. 191 3 ; Student. 9th Bn. S. Lane. R. and 31st Squadn. R.A.F. ; Capt. ; D.F.C. Digby, Ronald Yarham. 1919 ; B.Sc. L.N. Lane. R. ; Pte. DiGNEY, Harold Stewart. 1907 ; Student. loth Bn. R. Highrs. (Black Watch) ; Pte. *DisLEY, Harold Rostron. O.T.C. i/5th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Ditcham, Vernon. 1906; L.D.S. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Dixon, Frank Simon. 191 7 ; B.A. R.N. ; Wireless Tele- graphist. *Dixon, Geoffrey Robert Bloomfield. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Dixon, George. See page 2 1 . Dixon, Gerald Conroy. 1904 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. 132 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Dixon, James. 1919 > B.Sc. K.R. Rif. C. ; Pte. ; 19 14-15 Star. Dixon, William Graham. 191 i; B.Sc; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., attd. R.N.A.S. ; Lieut. ; Res. Staff W.O. Aircraft Fabric Dept. DoBSON, Alan. 1916 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Durham L.I. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Dobson, J. F. 1908 j Asst. Lectr. in Classics ; Unattd. List (T.F.) for serv. with Bristol Univ. O.T.C. ; Lieut. Dobson, Joseph Henry. 1900 ; M.Sc. S. Afr. Forces (Pnrs.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; D.S.O. ; Despatches. Docker, Fred. See page 22. DoDD, Rowland Pocock. 1909 ; B.D. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. DoDDS, James Allen. 1919 > Student. R. Sussex R. ; Lieut. DoHERTY, Patrick Joseph. 191 i ; B.A. 3rd Bn. Dorset R. ; Ind. A. Res. O. ; Lieut. DoiG, A. McL. See page 22. Donald, Alan James Ingram. See page 22. Donald, Archibald. 1904 ; Prof of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; Capt. Donald, Pollok. 1910 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *DoNALDSON, James Archibald. O.T.C. 4th Bn. K.O. Y.L.I. ; Capt. Done, Bertram. 191 3 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.E., 23 Airline Sec. ; Spr. Donnelly, Wilfrid Denholm. 1914 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.E. (Sign. Sec.) ; 2nd Lieut. Dorm AN, Harold Mark. See page 22. Dorrington, Percy. See page 22. DouGAL, Daniel. 1901 ; M.D. ; Dem. in Anat. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. (Spec. Res.) ; Major ; D.A.D.M.S. ; M.C. ; Despatches (twice) ; Croix de Guerre. ♦Doughty, Richard Wain. O.T.C. lOth Bn. Welch R. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 133 Douglas, Alexander. 1906 ; D.V.S.M. R.A. Vet. C. (T.F.) ; Major. Douglas, William Robert. 1899; M.B., Ch.B., B.Sc. ist E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Douglass, Arthur. 1911 ; B.Sc. ; Teach. Dipl. R.A.M.C; O.M.S. Dow, James Fleming. 1901 ; M.D. R.A.M.C; Capt. DowLiNG, Stephen Gerald John. 1908 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C., attd. Lincoln. R. and R.A.F. ; Capt. Downes, Aubrey Douglas Wheldal. 1919 ; Student. 2nd Life Gds. ; Tpr. DowNiE, Robert Theodore Manners. See page 22. DowzER, John Joseph Michael. 1892; D.P.H. R.A.M.C; Lieut. *DoYLE, Henry James. See page 23. ♦Draper, Arthur Reginald. O.T.C 29th Bn. and 8th Bn. R. Fus. ; Pte. Dreschfield, Henry Theodore. See page 23. *Drew, Alexander Sutherland. O.T.C. 9th Bn. (Highrs.) R. Scots R. ; Capt. ; Asst. Staff-C?pt. Drinkwater, Stanley Wilson. 1916; M.B., Ch.B.; O.T.C Northd. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Driver, George Phillips. 191 6; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Bryony ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. Driver, Harold. 1919 ; Student ; O.T.C. King's (Liver- pool) R. ; Cpl. Duckworth, Cyril. 191 7 ; Student; O.T.C Inns of Court, attd. 5th Res. Caval. R. ; Tpr. Duckworth, Eric. See page 23. Duckworth, Samuel. 1900; M.Sc. 3rd Bn. Monmouth R. ; Sergt. Duddle, Charles Leslie. 1919 ; Student. 7th Bn. Manch R. ; Pte. Duddle, William Kearsley. See page 23. *Duerden, William Richard West. O.T.C. K.O.R. Lane. R. and R.F.C ; Lieut. 134 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Duffy, Arthur. 1912 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. Duffy, Henry Carson. 1907 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Duffy, Kenneth. 191 3 ; Student ; O.T.C. King's (Liver- pool) R. ; Manch. R. ; Lond. (Scottish) R. ; C.S.M. DuGDALE, Thomas William. 191 o ; Cert, in Tech. 4th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R., transfd. R.A.S.C. ; Lieut. DuGGAN, James. 1910 ; Hd. Porter, Med. Sch. 6th Bn. R. Irish R. ; R.S.M. ; Egyptian Medal and Star, Clasp Tel-el- Kebir ; N.W. Front. India, Medal and Clasp ; Medal Long Serv. and Good Conduct ; ist Class Order of Merit, Corps of Commres. DuGGAN, Norman. 1906 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Despatches. DuGUiD, Leslie Newman. 1911 ; B.Sc. Tech. R.A.M.C. (Sanit. Serv.) (T.F.) ; Capt. DuiGEMAN, Alphonsus Hugh. 1908 ; Student. 59th Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C, 19th Div. ; Sergt. Dispenser. Duncan, Thomas Victor. 1909 ; Student ; O.T.C. ist Central Ontario R., Can. Inf. ; Lieut. DuNKERLEY, Thomas Wood, i 919 ; Student. R.A.S.C. ; Pte. *Dunkley, Donald Palmer. O.T.C. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Dunn, Albert. 1911 ; B.Com. ; R.A.O.C, 97th Ordn. Ammn. Sec. ; Sergt. Dunn, Frederick William Noble. 191 7 j Student ; O.T.C. ; Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Dunning, Robert. 1905 ; Student. E. Riding York. Yeomanry ; L.-Cpl. Durant, Nicholas John. 1919 ; Student. 819th M.T. Coy., R.A.S.C. ; 37th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Cdt. DuTHiE, Ogilvie Maxv^^ell. 191 6 ; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Flying Fox j Surg. Sub-Lieut. DuTTON, Edv^ard Charles. 1894 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Despatches. DuTTON, Fred. 191 3 ; B.A. 4th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; L.-Sergt. ♦DuTTON, Harry St. John. O.T.C. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 135 DuxBURY, Moses Harry. 1914; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Dye, Herbert. 1912 ; B.Sc. 9th Bn. Norfolk R. ; Lieut. *Dyson, Alfred Ernest. O.T.C. K.S.L.I. and Tank C. ; Capt. Dyson, James. 1899 ; Student. R.A. Chplns.' Dept. ; C.F. Dyson, Stanley William. See page 23. Dyson, William. 1889 ; M.D., Hon. Spec. Lectr. in Pathology of the Skin. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Major ; O.B.E. (Mil. T>iy.) ; Despatches. Dyson, William George Peacock. 1919 > Student. looth Squadn. R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Earnshaw, John. 1919 ; Student, nth Bn. Essex R. ; Pte. Easey, Harold Ernest. 1919 ; Student. 2/4th E.A. Bde., R.F.A., and 276th Bde., R.F.A. ; Gnr. Easton, William Cochrane Cairnie. 1906 j M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Eastwick, Rowland. 1910 ; Student, ist Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. *Eastwood, Donald C. O.T.C. R.A.S.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Eastwood, Frederick Arthur Jervis. See page 23. Eastwood, Robert Anderson. 1919 j Student. 7th Bn. Lond. R. ; Pte. Eastwood, Thomas. 1913; Student. R.A.Vet.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut. Eaton, Henry Rayner. 1909 ; LL.B. 7th Bn. Manch. R., attd. Tank C. ; Major ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.). Eaton, Richard Stanley. 1914 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 2/()yth. Bn. Inf Ind. A. Res. j Lieut. Eaton, Thomas Rayner. 1908; LL.B. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Eatough, Clifford. 1914 > B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.A.S.C. (M.T.); Pte. EccLESTON, Charles. 1919 > Student. 144th Sge. Bty. ; Lieut. EcHLiN, John Patrick. 1912 ; B.Sc; O.T.C. 428th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Cavalier of Order of Crown of Italy ; Despatches. 136 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY EcHLiN, Joseph Edward O'Brien. 191 2 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 428th Fid. Coy., R.E.; Major; R.E. Director of Works Staff, Cairo ; O.B.E. EcKERSLEY, Charles Ewart. 1912 j M.A. 127th Hvy. Baty., R.G.A. ; Signllr. EcKERSLEY, HERBERT. ScC page 23. Eckersley, p. p. 191 1 ; Cert, in Tech. R.F.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Eddowes, John Brindley. 191 5 ; Student ; O.T.C. ist Bn. Argyll and Sutherl. Hghrs. ; Pte. Eden, Thomas. 191 5 ; B.Sc. K Spec. Coy., R.E. ; Pnr. Edgar, Edward Charles. 1898 ; D.Sc. ; Senr. Lectr. in Chemistry ; O.T.C. Unattd. list (T.F.) for serv. with Manch. Univ. O.T.C. ; 2nd Lieut. *Edmondson, Eric Grimshaw. O.T.C. R.A.S.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Edmondson, Ralph. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Edwards, Frank Arthur Brereton. 1916; Student ; O.T.C. ; Cdt. Edwards, Frank Edward. 1913 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Wryneck ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. ; Despatches. Edwards, Frank Stanley. 191 7 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; 3/A.M. ♦Edwards, Hugh Gethin. O.T.C. Ches. R. ; Capt. ♦Edwards, John Bourne Robert. O.T.C. 2nd Bn. Border R. ; Lieut. Edwards, John Goronwy. 191 3 > M.A. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. R. W. Fus. ; Capt. and Adjt. ♦Edwards, Malcolm Frederick. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Bedford. R., and XVth Sikhs, Ind. Army, attd. XlXth Punjab ; Staff Capt. Edwards, Robert Edward. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. D. of Well. (W. Riding) R. ; Capt. and Adjt. ; M.C. Edwards, Sydney. 1919 ; B.Sc. 2/ist Bn. Shrops. Yeom. ; Pte. ♦Edwardson, Frederick. O.T.C. 4th Bn. R.W. Fus. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 137 Egan, James Patrick. 191 5 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. and 53rd Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; 2nd Lieut. Ege, Henrik Noel. 191 2 ; Student. Gen. List ; Lieut. EiLLS, William Galilee. 1909 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. York and Lane. R. ; Lieut. Elce, Norman. 191 2 ; B.Sc. Tech. 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; R.E. ; L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Eller, Cyrus Radcliffe. See page 24. Elliott, Frank Phelps. See page 24. * Elliott, George Bartlett. See page 24. Ellis, Gilbert George. 1910 ; Student. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Ellis, Harold Richardson. 1909 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. Tank C. ; M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. *Ellis, Henry Coppock. O.T.C. ; 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Ellis, Herbert John. 1910 ; Student. R.G.A. ; Signllr. Ellis, John Albert. 1914 ; Student. 3rd Bn. Scottish Rifles (Cameronians), and R.A.F. j Lieut.-Col. (Ret. List). Ellis, Oliver Coligny de Champfleur. 1907 ; M.Sc. R.N., H.M.S. Fividj Defiance^ and Conqueror \ Warrant OfFr. Ellis, Reginald. 1919 ; Student. R.N., S.B.S., Haslar Hosp. ; S.B.A. Ellison, Harold. 191 3 j Student. No 2 Spec. Coy., R.E. ; Cpl. Ellison, Reginald. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. R. A. M.C. (Dent. Sec.) ; L.-Cpl. Elmitt, George Lionel. 191 i ; L.D.S. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.), attd. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Elstob, Wilfrith. See page 24. Elstub, Arthur Douglas. 191 2 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Eltoft, Hilton Clayton Robinson. 1916 ; B.A. O.T.C. ; L.-Cpl. Elton, James Brandreth. 1920 (April) ; Student. 52nd Squadn. R.A.F. ; Lieut. 13^ MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Emmett, Eric. 191 5 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Emmett, Harold Edmund. 1916 ; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Sheldrake ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. Emmott, John Barlow, See page 24. EmmotTj Robert. See page 25. England, Philip Remington. 1896 ; Student. R.A.S.C. ; Lieut.-Col. ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Despatches (twice). Entwistle, Cyril Fallard. 1905 ; LL.B. R.G.A. (T.F.), attd. 235th Sge. Bty. ; Major ; M.C. ♦Entwistle, Roland Ross. O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Epstein, Benjamin. 1910 ; B.Com. 20th Bn. R. Fus. ; Pte. *Erskine, James. O.T.C. 4th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. EsDAiLE, George Augustus Churchill. See page 25. Ess AM, John Maltby. 1919 ; Student. Cyclist Bn. XI C. ; Pte. Eva, Wilfrid Harvey. 1910 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.G.A. ; Capt. ; M.C. ♦Evans, Cyril Arthur. O.T.C. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Evans, Edward Kapson. O.T.C. 25th Bn. Manch. R., and A.P.C. ; Capt. Evans, Evan Glyn. 1909 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Sergt. Evans, Harry Leonard. 1919 ; Student. Wore. R. ; Sergt. Evans, Herbert Farmer. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Evans, Herbert Oliver. 1919 ; Student. 390th Baty., 37th Bde., RF.A. ; Lieut. ♦Evans, John C. O.T.C. R.W. Fus. ; Lieut. Evans, Leslie Francis. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. K.R. Rif. C. ; Rfmn. Evans, Norman Leigh. See page 25. Evans, Thomas Allen. 1908 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. loth Bn. Essex R., R.E. (Sound Rang. Sec.) ; Capt. ♦Everett, Harry. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. and 9th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. ROLL OF SERVICE 139 Facer, John. 1913 ; D.V.S.M. R.A.Vet.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. Fairbairn, William Ronald Dodds. 191 3 5 Student. R.G.A., empld. R.A. ; Lieut. Fairbrother, Fred. 1912 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Flt.-Cdt. Fairbrother, William Henry. 1879 ; Student. 4th Bn. R. War. R., attd. No. 3 O.C.B. ; Capt. ; Despatches (War Sec). Fairclough, John. 1907 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. i6th Bn. R.W. Fus. ; Capt. ; M.C. Fairclough, Norman. 1919 ; Student. i/7th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. IVth Corps H.Q., G.S. ; Pte. Fairer, John Arnold. 1902 ; M.D., D.P.H. R.N. ; H.M.S. Conqueror', H.M. Hosp. S. London ; Surg. *Fairham, Frank Brydges. O.T.C. 2nd, 12th, and 22nd Bns. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ♦Fairhurst, Henry. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Fairley, Duncan. See page 25. Falconer, James Law. 1898 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut. Falkner, Ernest Basil. 1903 ; M.Sc. R.N.V.R., attd. R.N.A.S. ; Capt. Falle, Harold de Carteret. 1901 ; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Emperor of India ; Lieut.-Commdr. ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.). Faraday, Wilfrid Barnard. 1894 ; LL.B. 5th Bn. York and Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. *Faragher, Harold George. /O.T.C. 5th Bn. King's (Liver- pool) R. ; Capt. Farmer, Albert John. 1910 ; M. A., Faulkner Fellow. 20th Bn. R. Fus., attd. ist Army H.Q. (P.M. Dept.) ; Sergt. ; 1914-15 Star ; M.S.M. •Farmer, Gilbert George. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Maneh. R. and 2/5 th Bn. and 2/6th Bn. R. War. R. ; Capt. and Adjt. Farmer, John Mallinson. See page 25. Farmer, Thomas Charles. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. BufFs (E. Kent) R. ; Capt. ; 1914 Star. I40 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Farmer, William Thorpe. 1919 ; Student ; R.N., H.M.S. President V, j Mechanic. Farquhar, Joseph Douglas. 1919 ; Student. E. York R. j Pte. ♦Farr, Charles John Townsend. O.T.C. R. A.S.C. (M.T.), attd. 1 30th Sge. Bty. ; Lieut. Farrand, Henry Bromley. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. D. of Well.'s (W. Riding) R. ; Pte. Farrar, Harry Taylor. 1919 ; Student, ist Bde. (H.O. Sig. Sec.) R.E. ; Spr. ; 19 14-15 Star. Farrimond, Harry Carrington. See page 25. Farrimond, Joseph. See page 26. Farrington, Roy Leech. 1919 ; Student ; O.T.C. ist Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ♦Farrow, James Clegg. O.T.C. L.N. Lane. R. 5 Lieut. Fawcett, Edward George Duncan. 1908 ; Student. R.A.O.C. ; Capt. ; O.B.E. ; Despatches (twice). Fawcett, Oscar. 1905 ; Student. R.A.S.C. ; Lieut. Fawkes, Charles Hawkes worth. 1904 ; Student. 27th Bn. Canadian Forces, Sig. Sec. Fawkner, William. 1905; Student; O.T.C. Labour C. ; 2nd Lieut. Fawsitt, Thomas Rubie. See page 26. Fay, Hugh Patrick. 1914 ; Student; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Ferdun ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. Fearnley, Bertie Ernest. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. ist Garr. Bn. Worcester R. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Feeney, Frank. O.T.C. C Bty. 331st Div., R.F.A. ; Lieut. Fenn, Robert Matthew. 1896; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Major. Fennell, Theodore Llewellyn. 1894 ; M.B., Ch.B. 5th Bn. Ches. R., and R.A.M.C. ; Lieut.-Col. Ferguson, Charles Baldwin. 1893 ; M.A. ist S. Afr. Amb. ; Pte. Ferguson, Philip. 1901 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 141 Ferguson, Roderick Morrison. 1898 j M.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. *Fernyhough, Samuel. See page 26. Fernyhough, Walter Mitchell. 1911 ; B.Sc, Teach. Dipl. R.E. (Meteor. Sect.) ; Cpl. Fiddes, Joshua Coupe Thomas. 191 2 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Field, Charles Edgar. 191 7 > B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Field, Guy Cromwell. 191 2 ; Lectr. in Ethics and Politics and Asst. Lectr. Philosophy. 2/8th Bn. R. War. R. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. Fielden, Arthur. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.E. ; Lieut. FiELDEN, Leonard. 1916; B.Sc. 12th Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; Pte. Fielding, Charles Roberts. 1919; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Fielding, Herbert Hilton. See page 26. FiLDES, Geoffrey. 1907 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. FiLDES, Percival. 1913; Student; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Jchates and Oak ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. FiLDES, Walter Eric. 191 7 ; Student. S. Lane. R. ; Pte. Finch, Richard. 1907 ; D.V.S.M. R.A.Vet.C. (No. 2, A. Vet. Dept.) ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Finney, Albert Ernest. 1894; M.D. R.A.M.C; Capt. *FiRTH, Ernest Samson. O.T.C. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. and R.E. Signals (Wireless ^ Sec.) ; Lieut. Firth, Frederick. See page 26. Fish, Eric Wilfrid. 1910 ; M.B., Ch.B., L.D.S. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Fisher, John Carew. 1906 ; B.Sc. 225th and 202nd Fid. Coys., R.E. ; Lieut. Fisher, Stephen Jmbrose. See page 26. Fisher, Thomas Norman. 1916 ; M.B., Ch.B.; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Cdt. 142 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Fisher, William Noel Gerald. 1920 (Jan.); Student. 2/ist Bn. D.L.O. Yeom. ; loth, 9th, and i/6th Bns. Ches. R. ; Cpl. FiTTON, Arthur. 191 2 ; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Victory^ Royal Arthur^ etc. ; Paymaster Lieut. ; 19 14-15 Star. Fitzgerald, Charles Conway. 1910 ; Res. Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Fitzgerald, William Ernest. 1913 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C; Capt. FiTZPATRiCK, Reginald Tom. 1916; Student; O.T.C. R.E.; 2nd Lieut. Flack, Bertram. 1904 ; Student. R.N., H.M.S. Hamp- shire^ and Hoxa Baty., Scapa Flow ; Surg. Flack, Frederick Henry. 1894 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Flack, Isaac. 1913 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C; Capt.; Spec. Sanit. OfFr., Cherbourg Base. ♦Flanagan, Robert Stuart. O.T.C R. Inniskilling Fus. ; Lieut. ♦Fleming, James Gordon. O.T.C. 12th Bn. Ches. R. ; Pte. Fleming, William Aloysius Joseph. 1919 ; Student. 196th Hvy. Bty., R.G.A. ; B 98 Bty., R.F.A. ; Capt. i Des- patches. Fletcher, Alfred Woodroofe. 1887 ; LL.B. R.A. Chaplns. Dept. ; CF. ; 19 14-15 Star. Fletcher, Charles Norman. 191 6 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.E. ; R.G.A. ; Pnr. Fletcher, Francis Statham. 1887 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. Fletcher, Harold. 1910 ; Student. 20th Bn. and 13th Bn. R. Fus. ; Pte. Fletcher, Harry. See page 27. Fletcher, Herbert Frederick. 191 6 ; Student ; O.T.C 6th Bn. Worcester R. ; 2nd Lieut. Fletcher, John. See page 27. Florance, D. C H. 1910 ; Lectr. and Dem. in Physics. 74th Baty., R.F.A. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 143 Flowers, Charlie. 1907 ; B.Sc. R.E. (Hants. Fortress) ; Lieut. FoDEN, Arthur Moore. 1915 ; B.Sc, Tech. ist Garr. Bn, Gordon Highrs. ; Sergt.-Instr. of Signalling. *FoDEN, Thomas Milnes. O.T.C. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Fogg, Lawrence Alexander. 1909; Student; O.T.C. 74th Coy. Spec. Res., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Fogg, Walter. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F., 40 T.D.S. Harlax- ton ; 2nd Lieut. Forbes, Alexander Gardiner. 191 5 ; Student. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Pte. *FoRD, Frank Kershaw. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Forrest, Cyril Sagar. 191 6 ; Student ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Pte. Forrest, Frank. See page 27. FoRSHAW, Thomas Eric. 1911 ; Student. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. FoRSTER, Edward Seymour, i 9 i 3 ; Lectr. in Classical Archae- ology. Spec. List, Intell. C. ; Major ; Serbian Order of St. Sava ; M.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Despatches (twice). Forster, Frederick. See page 27. Forsyth, Robert. 1919 > Student. 4th (Res.) Dragoons ; Pte. Fort, Charles Wainwright. 1905 ; M.B., Ch.B. i/ist E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Fort, Henry Mellor. 1900 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Major ; Surg. Spec. 21st Stat. Hosp., Salonica. *FoRTH, Eric. O.T.C. R.F.A. (Manch. Art.) ; Lieut. Forth, Charles. See page 27. *Foster, Elliott. O.T.C. R.F.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Foster, Frank. 1900 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Foster, Trevor Thomas. 1902; M.Sc; O.T.C. 41st Sge. Bty. and 23rd Bde., R.G.A. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Fothergill, Albert Sandall Cyril. 1900 ; B.Sc. 6th Bn. Lane Fus. ; Capt. ; 19 14-15 Star. 144 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY FoTHERGiLL, George Harold. 1907 J B.Sc. J O.T.C. Y/i T.M.B. and 54th Baty. R.F.A. ; and Lieut. FouLDS, Edward James. 191 3 ; B.Sc. Friends' Amb. Unit. Fowler, Charles Edward. 1914 ; Student. R.N.D., R.N.V.R. ; Sgnlmn. Fox, CuTHBERT Lloyd. 1902 J Student. 502nd Wessex Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Major ; M.C. and Bar. Fox, Frederick Middleton. 1908 ; Student. R.N.V.R. ; Lieut. Fox, Henry Edward. 1895 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Fox, Sydney. See page 27. France, Ronald Allen. 1914 ; LL.B. 5th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Francis, Dudley Collins. See page 27. Francis, Marcus. 1919; B.Sc. Innsof Court O.T.C. ; Pte. Francis, Thomas George. 1919 ; Student. No. 5 Anti- Aircraft Searchlight Sec. j R.E. ; Lieut. Francis, William Charles. 1919 ; Student ; O.T.C. ist Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Labour C. ; Capt. Frangopulo, Themistocles John. 1916 ; Student; O.T.C. 8th Bn. R. Sussex R. ; 2nd Lieut. Frankland, Benjamin. 1909 ; Student. R.A.F. ; i /Clerk, Tech. Staff. Frankland, William. 1919 > Student. 23rd Bn. R.W. Fus. ; L.-Cpl. Franklin, Charles Leopold. 1900 ; M.B.,Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Lieut.-Col. ; M.C. ; Croix de Guerre avec Palmes ; A.D.M.S., 22nd Div. Eraser, Andrew. 1908 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Lieut. ♦Eraser, John William. O.T.C. 4th Bn. Black Watch ; Lieut. Eraser, Violet Marie. 1916 ; Asst. Christie Library. Q.M.A.A.C. ; Asst. Administrator ; Despatches. *Eray, James Henry. O.T.C. 31st T.D.S., R.AF, 5 2/A.C. Freeman, Peter. See page 28. ROLL OF SERVICE 145 Freemantle, William George. See page 28. Frew, Robert Dun lop Black. See page 28. *Fricker, Norman. O.T.C. ; D. of Lane. O. Yeomanry, attd. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Frith, Harold Ingram. 1919 ; Student. 8th Bn. Dorset R. ; Labour Coy. ; Pte. Frith, James Stretton. 1910 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Major ; M.C. ; Despatches. Frost, Thomas Milner. 191 9 ; Student. C Baty., 266th Bde., R.F.A. ; Bomdr. FuCHS, Arnold. 1919; B.Sc. Tech. Border R. ; 2nd Lieut. *Fullerton, Frank. See page 28. Fulton, Andrew Macpherson. 191 5 ; Student. R.A.Vet.C. ; Sergt. Fulton, Arthur. 1909 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. R.N., H.M.S. Europa ; Writer ; 19 14-15 Star. Fulton, James Boyd. 1915; Student, ist Bn. Black Watch; Pte. FuRNiss, Austin. 1913 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Matchless y Surg. Sub-Lieut. *Furnival, Tom Marchington. O.T.C. 2nd Res. R. of Hussars ; 2nd Lieut. Gabbott, Edgar Parr. 1904 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 151st Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Gabbott, Sydney Henry. 1909 ; Student ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. King's Afr. Rif. ; Lieut. Galbraith, Vivian Hunter. . 1907 ; B.A. ; Asst. Lectr. in History. 5th Bn. Queen's (R.W. Surrey) R. ; Capt. ; Croix de Guerre. Gallaher, Kenneth Erskine. 1918; Student. Manch. R. ; Pte. Galleymore, George Reginald. 1907 ; B.Sc. R.A.O.C. ; Capt. ; Insp. Ordn. OfFr., Scottish Cmd. Galloway, Walter Johnstone. 1919 ; Student. D Bty., 298th Bde., F.A.; R.E. (Sound Rang. Sec, 5th Fid. Surv. Bn.) ; Lieut. L 146 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Gamble, Charles William. 1905 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; Lectr. in Photography. R.A.F. ; Major ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Staff Offr. Gamble, Mercier. 1894; M.D. (Gold Medal); M.U., 2nd V.B.M.R., R.A.M.C. ; Lieut.-Col. ; M.B.E. *Gandy, Harold. O.T.C. j L.N. Lane. R., attd. i66th Inf. Bde., T.M.B. ; Lieut. Gardiner, Robert. 1919 ; Student ; B Baty., R.G.A., No. 32 ; 2nd Lieut. Gardner, Frank. 191 8 ; B.Sc. 65th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Sergt. Gardner, Geoffrey John. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. R. Scots R. ; 2nd Lieut. Gardner, Philip Anthony. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; L.-Cpl. Garner, Alfred. See page 28. Garner, Leopold. 1914 ; Student; O.T.C. nth Bn. L.N. Lane. R. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. Garnett, Charles. 191 3 j B.A., Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. Labour C. ; 2nd Lieut. Garnett, Ernest. 1908 ; Student. 2nd Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ♦Garnett, Samuel Cook. O.T.C. ; R.F.A. ; G.H.Q. ; Staff Capt. ; Despatches. Garnier, Bernard Dereck. 1908; Student. 31st Sig. Coy., R.E. ; Cpl. ; Despatches. Garrard, Paul Cox. 1905 ; Student; O.T.C. B Baty., 4th Bn. Canad. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Garrett, Philip Gell. 1900 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Administr., Hosp. for Serbs. ; Order of St. Sava (4th Class). Garrett-Smith, Godfrey. See page 28. Garside, Edward. 1877 ; Student. 9th Bn. Maneh. R. ; Lieut.-Col. ♦Garside, Harry. O.T.C. 23rd Bty., 40th Bde., R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Garside, Robert Ollerenshaw. 1919 j Student. R.E. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 147 Garside, Roy Hatton Gill. 191 7 ; Student; O.T.C. 89th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. Garstang, Wallace. 1919 ; Student. D Baty., 155th A. Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut. Garvey, Joseph. 191 5 ; Asst. University Press. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; C.Q.M.S. Gaskell, Sam. 1911 ; B.Sc. R.E. (Chem. Sect.) ; Cpl. Gatley, Geoffrey Higson. 1919 ; Student. 51st Bn. R. Fus. ; Sergt. *Gaukroger, James Kenneth. See page 29. Gaye, Allan Willis. 1907 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C., attd. R.A.S.C. ; Lieut. Geiler, Robert. 191 7 ; Student; O.T.C. A.P.C. ; Pte. George, Ralph Leonard. 1908 ; M.A., Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. 9th and 19th Bns. Lane. Fus. ; Fid. Survey Coy., R.E. ; Capt. ; Despatches. George, William. 1901. M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C, attd. 1/5 K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Geraghty, William. 1914 ; Student. R.N., S.B. Res., H.M.S. C/una. Gerard, Tom Overton. See page 29. Gerrard, Percy. See page 29. GiBB, Alec Terris. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; Leech Res. Fell. ; B.Sc. R.A.M.C. ; attd. 5th L.L, Baluchistan Fid. Force, Quetta ; Capt. ; Despatches. GiBBiNS, Leslie Brisbane. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. *Gibbons, Arthur John. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Glouc. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Gibbons, Frederick Ralph. 1919 > Student ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Line. R. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. GiBBS, Albert Edv^ard. 191 i ; Asst. Anat. Dept. Manch. R. (T.F.) ; Pte. ; 1914-15 Star ; Pris. of War. GiBBs, George Reginald. 1907 ; M.A., B.Sc. 7th Bn. Wore. R., attd. R.E. ; Staff Capt. ; G.H.Q., France (Gas Serv.). 148 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY *GiBBS, Hubert James. O.T.C. 2nd Bn, L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Gibson, Arnold. 1909 ; L.D.S. R.N.D., Spec. List. (Dent. Surg.), attd. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Gibson, Arnold Hartley. 1900 ; D.Sc. 2nd Highld. Bde., R.F.A. ; Capt. Gibson, Arnold William. 191 7 > Student. R.N.V.R. ; Sub-Lieut. Gibson, Frederick Roberts. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Gibson, John Leighton. 1912; B.A. ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Gibson, Thomas Herbert. 191 2 ; B.A. 37th Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Pte. ; M.M. ; Pris. of War. GiFFORD, Philip Henry. 1909; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Lucifer ; Lieut. ♦Giles, Eric Norman. O.T.C. R.F.A., transfd. Res. Bde. Art. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Gill, Alan Hartley. 1913 ; Student; O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Capt. Gill, Cecil Ernest. 1919 ; Student, ist Bn. H.A.C. (Inf.) ; Sergt. Instr. Gill, Thomas. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Pte. GiLLiAT, Frederick. 1909 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 14th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ♦GiLLOW, Joseph Leo. O.T.C. Gold Coast R. ; Lieut. GiLMORE, Edward Fitzgerald Gelston. 1910 ; B.Sc. ; R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Fernon ; Lieut. GiLMORE, Edward Raymond William. 191 1; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. GiLMORE, Eric St. George. 1913; B.Sc; O.T.C. D/i29th Baty., R.F.A. ; Capt. GiLMORE, Randolph Somers. 1909 ; LL.B. ; O.T.C 3rd Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Capt. Gilpin, Arthur. See page 29. ♦Ginger, Alfred. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 149 GiNNS, Ronald. 1914 ; Student; O.T.C. i/22nd Punjabis, Ind. A. Res. ; Capt. and Adjt. GiTTiNS, Arthur William. 1919 ; Student. S. Lane. R. ; Pte. Glenn, Allen. 1919 ; Student. 64th C.C.S., R.A.M.C. ; Pte. ♦Glossop, Owen. O.T.C. R.G.A. ; Sergt. Glover, Donald William. 1919 ; Student. R.W. Fus. ; Pte. Glover, George Wright. See page 29. Glynne, Arvon. 1919 ; Student ; Asst. Lectr. Physics. R.A.F. ; Lieut. (Pilot). GoBEY, Howard Francis. 191 7 ; Student. No. 18 O.C.B. (R.E.); Cdt. Godding, Percival. 1911 ; Student. 20th Bn. R. Ir. Rif., attd. Durham L.I. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. GoLDSELLER, Leon David. See page 29. Goldsmith, Herbert Francis. See page 30. Golland, Edgar. 1908 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; Lieut. Golland, Leonard. 1907 ; Student ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. *GoLLAND, Wilfred. O.T.C. 7th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Lieut. GoocH, Harold. 1902 ; B.Sc. 121st Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Major ; M.C. ; D.S.O. ; Despatches (twice). GooCH, Sydney. 1900 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. 20th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Capt. GooDALL, Jrthur Morton. See page 30. GooDALL, Ernest. 1915 ; B.Sc, Teach. Dipl. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Oriana ; Signmn. GooDALL, George. 1919 ; Student. A/23ist Bde., R.F.A. ; Bomdr. GooDALL, George Forrest. 1919 ; Student. 2nd Bn. Sea- forth Hghdrs. ; L.-Cpl. I50 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY GooDALL, James Robert Sergent. 1906 ; Cert, in Tech. ; 7th Bn. Manch. R., 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. GooDE, George. 1919 > Student. 2/1 st Mid. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; L.-Cpl. GooDLiFFE, Herbert. 1908 ; Union Steward ; 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. GooDSON, Frederick James. 1919; Student. R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; 2/A.C. Goodwin, Eric Lindsey. See page 30. Goodwin, Leslie Charles. 191 5 j B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.E. (Signals) ; 2nd Lieut. GooDWYN, Wyndham Thomasson. 1916 ; Student. 8th Bn. R. Irish R. ; Pte. Gordon, George. 1897; Student. Austral. Imp. Forces; Sergt. ; M.M. ; Despatches. Gordon, Robert Stanley. 1912 ; B.A. ; 9th, ist, nth Bns. E. Lane. R. ; Capt. GoRTER, On NO. See page 30. GouGH, Ernest Harley. 1913 ; Student. 77th Baty., R.G.A., and 8th Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut. GouGH, George Henry JValdron. See page 30. ♦GouGH, Percy Gerrard. O.T.C. N. Staff. R. ; Lieut. GouGH, Thomas. 1904; M.Sc. D Baty., 72nd Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut. Gould, Charles Alfred. 1909 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 3rd and ist Bns. Somerset L.I., and T.M.B., nth Bde. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Gould, Gerald. 1919 ; Student. 41st K.B.S. ; R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. *GouRLiE, Norman Elliot John. O.T.C. ist Bn. Q.O. Cameron Highrs. and Ind. Army, 2/34th Sikh Pnrs. ; 2nd Lieut. Gow, Ronald. 1915 ; Student. Innsof Court O.T.C. ; Pte. GowLAND, Cyril James. 1914 > Student ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. Gurkhas ; Capt. Gov/THORPE, Richard Cooper. 1919; Student. 2nd Bn. S. Afr. Inf. ; Sergt. ROLL OF SERVICE 151 Graham, Charles Lester. 1906; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. Graham, Frederick. 191 7 ; Student. S. Lane. R. ; Pte. Graham, Joseph Wallace. 1919 ; Student. i8th Bn. Scottish Rifles ; Cdt. Graham, Oliver. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Grainger, William Ewart. 1918; Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Obs. Offr. Grant, John Kelly. 1919; Student. R.N.V.R. ; Pte. Grant, Reginald Lindsay. 1915 ; B.Sc. Tech. 4th Bn. D. of Well's (W. Riding) R. ; Lieut. Grant, Robert. See page 30. Grant, Robert William Gordon. See page 31. Gratrix, William Henry. 1915 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Gray, Donald Dean. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Pte. Gray, Edward Cecil. See page 31. Gray, Joseph Alexander. 1909; D.Sc. Canad. Art. ; Gnr. Gray, Stanley Johnson. 191 9 > Student. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Grayson, Albert Victor. 1906 ; Student. N. Zealand Inf. ; Pte. ♦Greaves, Alan Sexton. O.T.C. M.G.C. j Capt. ; Despatches. Greaves, John. 1909 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. Lane. Fus. and 2/ioth 3n. Jats., Ind. Army ; Capt. ; Despatches (twice). Greaves, Reginald Douglas. 191 7 > Student ; O.T.C. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Green, Edward Allan Thomas. 1905 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Green, Ernest. 1909 ; M.Sc. R.N.V.R. ; Sub-Lieut. Green, Henry Marcus Culpepper. 1906 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Green, John Berks. See page 3 1 . 152 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Green, John Hugh Cuthbert. 1903 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Green, John Jabez. 1919 ; Student. 4th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Cpl. Green, John Singleton. 1914 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 430th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. Green, Philip Halbert. 1896 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Green, Philip Sydney. See page 31. Greenall, James Benson. 1907; Student; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Greene, John Wilmer. 1905 ; B.Com. R.N.R. ; H.M.S. Lucia ; Lieut. ; O.B.E. ; Despatches. ♦Greenhalgh, Archibald. O.T.C. 2/4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ♦Greenhalgh, Charles Reynolds. O.T.C. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. Greenhalgh, Frank. 191 2 ; Cert, in Tech. R. Fus. Greenhalgh, Fred. 1906 ; Student. 5th Bn. Manch. R., L.N. Lane. R., attd. ist Bn. E. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut, j M.C. *Greenhalgh, Harry Simpson. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Lieut. Greenhalgh, James Arthvr. See page 31. *Greenhow, Harold Stubbs. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Lieut. *Greenleaves, Herbert Leslie. O.T.C. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Greenwell, George Harold. 1900 ; Student. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; empld. R.E. ; 257th Tunnell. Coy. ; Capt. Greenwood, Alfred. 1890; M.D. ; B.Sc. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; Sanit. Offr. *Greenwood, Charles Thomas. See page 31. Greenwood, Ernest Talbot. 191 o j Student; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Devon R. ; Capt. Greenwood, Fred. 1914 ; B.Sc. R.N.V.R. ; Pte. Greenwood, Harold Cecil. 1904 ; D.Sc. R.N.V.R. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 153 Greenwood, Harry. 1907 ; B.Sc. R.N.V.R., R.A.F. ; Chief Petty Offr. and Chief Mech. ♦Greenwood, John David. O.T.C. R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; Capt. Greenwood, John Dennis. 1907 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. Essex R. ; Sergt. Instr. in Sign. Gregory, Arnold. Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ♦Gregory, Henry Percy. O.T.C. nth, 7th, 8ist (T.R.), and 5th Ens. York. R. ; Lieut. Gregory, James Alfred. See page 32. Gregory, Maurice Vincent. 1915 ; B.A., Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Grensted, Laurence William. 1908 ; B.D. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. Greswell, Eric. 191 3 ; Student. Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Grey, Edgar. 1905; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C., attd. nth Bn. Glouc. R. ; Capt. Grierson, John Turner. 1894 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Griffith, Alexander Hill. 1904 ; Lectr. in Ophthalmology. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; Major. Griffith, Arthur Stanley. 1894 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Griffiths, Griffith Walter Harding. 1919 > Student. Inns of Court O.T.C. ; Pte. Griffiths, John. 1917; Student; O.T.C. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. Griffiths, Thomas Alfred. 1919 ; Student. 205th Squadn. R.A.F. ; Hon. 2nd Lieut. ' *Grime, Joseph Crookes. See page 32. Grimshaw, Harold Charlesworth. 1915 ; B.Sc. i6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Grimshaw, Harold Shrieves. See page 32. Grocott, John Gerald Samuel. 1919; Student. M.G.C. and Intell. C. ; Pte. *Groome, Edward A. See page 32. *Gros, Henri Samuel. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Lieut. 154 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Grundy, William Hurst Roy. 1914 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. ist Garr. Bn., Suffolk R., attd. 3rd Scottish Rifles ; 2nd Lieut. Gudgeon, Sidney. See page 32. Guest, George. 1903 ; B.Sc, M.Ed. R.E. (T.F.) ; 2nd Lieut. ; M.C. Guest, Peter Healey. 1909 ; B.Sc, M.A. ; Inns of Court O.T.C. ; Cdt. Guilford, Alfred Leslie. 1919 ; Student. N. Staff. R. ; Pte. GwYTHER, Henry James. 1908 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Manch. R. ; Bde.-Major ; M.C. and Bar ; Despatches (twice). Gwyther, John Richard. 1907 ; M.A. j O.T.C. Manch. R. and 184th TunnelHng Coy., R.E. ; Major; M.C; Despatches (twice) ; D.A.D.E.S. Gwyther, Reginald Duncan. 1905 ; M.Sc. 148th A.T.C.; R.E. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Hacking, Douglas Hewitt. 1905 ; Student. 5th Bn. E. Lane. R.and R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Capt. ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.). Hacking, Richard Alan. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. (Sea Patrol) ; H.M. Seaplane Stat. Dundee ; 2nd Lieut. Hackney, Hubert Charles Langley. 191 8 ; Student. K.R.Rif.C. ; Pte. Haden, George Nelson. 191 7 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.E., O.C.B. ; Cdt. ♦Hadfield, Hubert Walton. O.T.C. D. of Lane. O. Yeom., attd. Ind. A. Res. O. ; 2nd Lieut. Hague, Sidney. 1909 ; B.Sc. R.E. ; Lieut. *Haighton, Eric Stout. O.T.C. loth Bn. Manch. R., attd 2nd Bn. Berks. R. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Hall, Alfred John. 1903 ; Student. 3rd Labour Bn. R.E. ; Works Directorate ; Capt. Hall, Frederic. 1919 ; Student. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Capt. Hall, Frederick. 1902 ; M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ♦Hall, George Bland. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 155 Hall, Harry. 1919 ; Student. R.N. Transport Serv., H.M.T. Frankbyy Wireless Opertr. Hall, Norman. 1909 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ♦Hall, Oscar Herbert. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. and 2nd Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Hall, Reginald Wilfred. 1919; Student. R.E., Fid. Coy., E. Lane. Div. ; Lieut. Hall, Sydney. 1903 ; B.Se. 6th Bn. S. Staff. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Hall, Wilfred Mark. 191 7 ; Student ; O.T.C. 103rd Squadn. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. (Fit. Offr., Obs.) Hall, William. 1913 ; M.Sc. Tech.; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Hallam, Vernon. 1919 ; Student. Lane. Fus. ; Pte. Halliday, Franklyn Leslie. 1919 ; Student. 19th Bn. North'd. Fus. ; Pte. Halliwell, John Leslie. 191 3 ; Student. 20th Bn. R. Fus. and Gloue. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ; 191 4- 15 Star. Halliwell, William. 1906 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Hallsworth, Harry Mainwaring. 1898 ; B.Sc, M.A. ; Leetr. in Economics. R.E. ; Staff Major ; Dep. Asst. Dir. of Transpt. ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.). Halson, Leonard. 191 9 ; Student. 20th Bde. H.Q., R.G.A.; Gnr. and Signlr. Halstead, William. 191 3 ; D.V.S.M. R.A.Vet.C, attd. 15th Bde. R.F.A. ; Major.^ *Hamer, Reginald Albert. O.T.C. 7th Bde. R.F.A. ; Lieut. Hamer, Robert. 1915 ; Student ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. Hamilton, Andrew Smyth. 191 2 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. i/ii9th and 2/224th Sge. Batys., R.A.S.C. (M.T.). ; Pte. Hamilton, Douglas Stewart. 1915 ; B.Com. ; O.T.C. 4th and I /5th Bns. L.N. Lane. R. ; i/i50th Inf. Ind. A. ; Capt. 1^6 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Hamilton, Herbert Alfred. 1915 ; B.A. 4th Bn. R.W. Fus. ; Lieut. ♦Hamilton, William McLaren. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. 1 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Hamlyn, G. a. 1914 j Lectr. in Ferment. Industries. R.E. (T.F.) ; 2nd Lieut. Hammond, George Grimshaw. 191 8 ; B.Sc. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Hampson, Jlfred Eric. See page 32. Hampson, Cyril Garforth. 1914 ; B.Sc. Tech. j O.T.C. loth Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. Hampson, James Robert. 1918 ; Student. 31st Bn. M.G.C. ; L.-Cpl. Hampson, John Leslie. 1910 ; M.A. Spec. Bde., N Spec. Coy., R.E. ; Intell. C. ; Sergt. Hamson, Paul. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Fit. Cdt. Hancock, Thomas Reginald. 1909 ; Student. R.F.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Handley, Hubert Leslie. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Pte. Handley, William Cecil. 191 6 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. Hankinson, George Reginald Davenport. 191 3 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Thunderer; Surg.-Lieut. Hanna, Walter. 1919 ; B.Sc. 3rd and 4th Bns. Manch. R., and H Sound Rang. Sec, ist Fid. Surv. Bn., R.E. ; L.-Sergt. Hanna, William. See page 33. Hannah, James Dickson. 1916 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Cpl. ♦Hanson, Cecil Earn worth. O.T.C. i/4th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Hanton, William Alexander. 1907; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 2/4th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; 432nd Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Capt. ; M.C. Harding, Gilbert. 1907 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.E., Gas C. ; Cpl. ♦Harding, John Main waring. O.T.C. R. Marine Art. j Gnr. ROLL OF SERVICE 157 Harding, William. 1919 > Student. R.A.F. (Meteorol. Sect.); A/M. Harding, William Eric. 19 19 ; Student. 46th Bn. M.G.C.; Lieut, j M.C. ♦Hardman, Arthur William. O.T.C. 574th A.T.C; R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Hardman, Edmund Simpkin. O.T.C. 17th Bn. Lane. Fus. and M.G.C. ; Capt. ; Chief Instr. Vickers M.G. Sch., Salonica. Hardman, Robert Taylor. See page 33. Hardman, Tom Walker. See page 33. Hardman, Wallace George. See page 33. Hard WICK, Ebenezer. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Bn. R. Ir. R. ; Sergt. Hargraves, Edgar. 1919; Student. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Hargreaves, Grainger Hope. 1910 ; B.Sc. R.E. ; Major ; 1914-15 Star; M.C; Despatches; Belgian Croix de Guerre ; D.A.D.E.S. Hargreaves, William. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Cpl. Mech. Harker, Howard Redmayne. See page 33. ♦Harling, Edgar. O.T.C. L.N. Lane. R. and R.A.F. ; Lieut., Obsr. Harlock, Harold Stephens. 1909 ; Student. D Squadn. War. Yeom. ; Imp. Camel C. ; R.A.F. ; Tpr. and Fit. Cdt. ; 1 9 14-15 Star. Harper, Cecil. 191 7 ; Student ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. Manch. R., attd. 9th Bn. Durham L.I. ; 2nd Lieut. Harrap, Frank Leslie. 1916; Student; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; 2nd Lieut. ; M.C. Harris, Aubrey. See page 34. Harris, Daniel Thomas. 1910 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; Lectr. in Physiology. R.A.M.C, attd. 29th Bde. R.F.A. ; Capt. Harris, Harry. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. 8th Labour Coy., Middlesex R. ; Pte. 158 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Harris, John Brian. 1913; Student; O.T.C. H.A.C. ; Pte. Harris, John Gordon. 1910 ; Student. Dental List ; Capt. Harris, William Evelyn Arnold. 1907 ; M.A. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. Harrison, Alwyn Archie. 1910; Student; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Harrison, Edgar Yates. 191 o ; LL.B. 8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Harrison, Harold Ainsworth. 1919 ; Student. R.G.A. ; Bomdr. Harrison, Henry Moore. 1907 ; B.Sc. Tech. Co. of Lend. Yeom. and R.E., 171st Tunnell. Coy. ; Lieut. Harrison, Leonard Jrthur. See page 34. Harrison, Thomas Smith. 1897; Student. R.N. ; H.M.S. Pembroke ; Surg. Harrison, Wilfrid. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. York and Lane. R., attd. Korelian R., N. Russian Ex. F. ; Capt. Harrison, William Harland. 191 5 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Cpl. Harrison, William Harold. 1915 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.G.A. ; Lieut. ♦Harrop, Frederick Hardy. O.T.C. 4th Bn. Tank C. ; Lieut. ♦Harrop, Joseph Worsley. O.T.C. W. York. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Harrop, Norman George Heathcote. 1919 ; Student. R.N.V.R. (Wireless Sec.) ; Leading Telegraphist. Harrop, Reginald. 1919 ; Student. 25th Bn. K.R.Rif.C. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Hart, Edmund John. O.T.C. I2th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Hart, Robert Cecil Howard. 1905 ; B.A. 5th Bn. Hamps. R. ; Capt. ; Spec. Empld. Hart, Thomas. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Pte. ROLL OF SERVICE 159 Hart, William Ellis. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Hartley, Arnold Meeson. 1914 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. R. Fus. ; Cpl. ♦Hartley, Charles Henry. O.T.C. R.A.F. (Kite Ball. Sect.) ; Lieut., Sign. Offr. Hartley, Frank. 1902 j M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Hartley, Gerard. 1906 ; Cert, in Tech. 5th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. ; M.C. j Despatches. Hartley, James. 1919? Student. R.A.F. ; Pte. Hartley, William Sadler. See page 34. Harvey, Bertram Lionel. 1906 ; B.Se. Ind. A. Res. O. j Major; O.B.E. *Harwood, John James. O.T.C. i6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. ; Despatches ; M.C. ♦Harwood, Thomas William. O.T.C. R.A.S.C. ; Sergt. ; M.S.M. Harwood, William Albert. 1905 ; M.Se. ; O.T.C. Ind. A. Res. O. (Miners and Sprs.) ; Lieut. Haskins, F. W. See page 34. Haslam, Robert. 1895 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *Hasleham, George Herbert. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Maneh. R. ; Lieut. Hassall, Handel. 1907 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. loth Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Hass^, Edwin Ridgley. See page 34. Hass^, Henry Ronald. 1900^ D.Sc. ; Lectr. in Maths. R.A.F. ; Capt. ; Staff of Dir. Genl. of Aircraft Production. Haswell, Frederick. See page 34. Hattersley, Clarence. 1900 ; Student. 82nd Ord, Ammn. Sec. R.A.O.C. ; Pte. Hatton, Arthur Barker. 1910 ; B.Sc. R.A.F. ; Capt. *Haughton, John Philip. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Connaught Rngrs. ; Lieut. Havekin, Thomas. 1919; Student. R.E. ; Sergt. i6o MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Haworth, Albert. 1908; M.Sc. ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Sergt. *Ha WORTH, Clement Brewin. O.T.C. ist Bn. North'd. Fus. ; Lieut. *Haworth, Edwin Harold. O.T.C. R. Marine L.I. ; R.A.F. (Airship Prod. Dept.) ; Staff Capt. Haworth, Harry Cecil. 1912 ; Student; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Haworth, Henry Dean. 1898 ; M.D., D.P.H. ; Res. Fell, in P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *Ha WORTH, James Clarke. O.T.C. 2nd Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Haworth, Peter. 1909 ; M.A. K.O. Y.L.I. , Genl. List ; Lieut. ; Interpreter. Hayes, Leslie Fayle. 1920 (March) ; Student. Ches. Yeom. and M.G.C. ; 19th M.G. Squadn. ; Pte. Haygarth, John Eric. 1919 j Student. Northern Cyclist Bn. (T.F.) and North'd. Fus. ; Lieut. Haythornthwaite, William. 1908 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Haythornthwaite, William Maudsley. 1909 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. 22nd Bn. Lond. R. ; Queen's R. W. Surrey R. ; Capt. Hay WARD, George Eyes. 1912 ; Student ; O.T.C. i/9th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut, j Salvage Offr., E. Lane. Bde. Headley, Hugh Bridgnell. 19 19; Student; O.T.C. i6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Cpl. ; Pris. of War. Healey, Arthur Glaister. 1903 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Healey, Ernest Leslie. 1915 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 36th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Healey, John. 1887; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. Healey, John Edridge. 1892; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Lieut. ; M.B.E. ♦Healey, Walter David. O.T.C. C Baty., 330th Bde., R.F.A., 2/ist E. Lane. Bde. ; Lieut. Heap, Frank Leslie. 1913 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE i6i Heap, Geoffrey William. 191 5 ; Student; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Lane. Fus. and R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; Seaplane Offr. ♦Heap, George Mervyn. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Heapy, Harold Ernest. 1897 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Heard, Albert. 1912 ; M.Se. ; O.T.C. E. Lane. R. (T.F.) ; Capt. Heard, George Arthur. 1919 ; B.A. 46th Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Heath, Thomas. 1920 (Jan.); Student. 2nd Bn. Oxf. and Bueks. L.I. ; Pte. Heathcote, Charles Webb. 1919 ; Student. R.F.A. ; Pte. Heathcote, Godfrey. 1895 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Heathcote, Harold. 1905 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *Heatley, Norman Ken yon. O.T.C. 5th Bn. D. of Well.'s (W. Riding) R. ; 2nd Lieut. Hebblethwaite, George. See page 34. Hedley, Robert Moore. 191 6 ; Student. 4th Bn., attd. 2nd Bn. Maneh. R. ; Sergt. Heelan, Reginald Laurence. 1915 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Maneh. R. ; 2nd Lieut. *Hefferman, William. See page 35. Hegan, Alfred Desmond. 191 5 ; Student ; O.T.C. 22nd T Squadn. and 30th Squadn., R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Heggs, Oliver. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Helliwell, John Percival. 1906 ; Student. Chief Dent. Surg., W.O. ; Lieut.-Col. ; C.B.E. ; Despatches (War See., thriee). Helm, John Hay. 1909 ; B.Se. ; O.T.C. 5th Fid. Surv. Coy., S. Rang. Seet., R.E. ; Spr. ; Pris. of War. *Helsby, Cyril Norman. See page 35. Hemingway, Charles Stuart. 191 i; B.Se.; O.T.C. 2/5th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. M 1 62 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Hemsley, Godfrey Hamilton. See page 35. Henderson, Frank. See page 35. Henderson, James Greig Mitchell. See page 35. Henderson, William Walker. 1909 ; D.V.S.M. R.A. Vet. C. ; Capt. ♦Henriques, Lionel QuiXANO. O.T.C. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. *Henshall, Frank. O.T.C. 19th Bn. Manch. R. and 21st H.Q. Inf. Bde. ; Capt. ; Despatches. *Henshaw, John Edward. O.T.C. R.E., Kent Fort., 546th Fid. Coy., 103rd Fid. Coy. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Hepburn, Claude Archibald. 1905 ; Student. Spec. List, R. Marines ; Lieut. Heppell, Sidney Kirkness. 1910 ; Student. 76th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. Herbert, James Banks Morice. 1919 ; Student. 91st Coy. and 38th Coy., M.G.C. ; Lieut. Herford, Siegfried Wedgwood. See page 35. Herford, Theodore Welby. 1907 ; M.A. Life Gds. ; R.E. ; Lieut. *Heron, Andrew Parker Sheppard. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut, and Adjt. Hesketh, William Cecil. See page 36. Hetherington, Herbert. 1919 ; Student. 51st Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Hewitt, Donald. O.T.C. 14th Bn. North'd. Fus. (Pnrs.) ; Capt. j Despatches. ♦Hewitt, Edward Norman. O.T.C. 20th Bn. Lane. Fus. and 31st Squadn. R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. *Hewitt, Guy Stevenson. See page 36. Hewitt, Herbert. See page 36. *Hewitt, John. O.T.C. 19th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. Hewitt, Sidney Claude. 191 5 ; Student; O.T C. R.A.F. (Seaplane Squadn.) ; Pilot Offr. ♦Hewitt-Dean, Joseph^ O.TrC, 5th Bn, E. Lane. R. ; Lieut, ROLL OF SERVICE 163 *Hewitt-Dean, William Henry. O.T.C. 5th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Hey, Israel. 1919 ; Student. R.N.A.S., transfd. R.A.F. ; A/M. Hey, Wilson Harold. 1899 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Despatches ; Chevalier Legion d'Honneur. Heygate, Lancelot. 191 2; Student. R.E., Rly. Section; Capt. ; O.i/c. Woohner Instructional Milit. Rly. Heys, Eric Martineau. 191 7 j Student ; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Fit. Offr. Probnr. Heys, Frederick Arnold. 1904; B.A. nth Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Heys, George Duncan Arthur. 191 i ; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.G.A., attd. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Heywood, Frank. 191 7 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.E. (Meteor. Sect.) ; Spr. *Heywood, George Eyre. O.T.C. 24th T.D. Squadn. R.A.F. ; 2nd A/M. Heywood, Herbert. 191 8 ; B.Sc. ist Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Heywood, Horace. 1910 ; LL.B. ist Bn. Worcester R. and Genl. List ; 2nd Lieut. Heywood, William Johnson. 191 6 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. Heyworth, Albert Harold. 1919 ; Student, nth Bn. E. Lane. R., 31st Div. ; Cpl. ; 19 14-15 Star. Heyworth, Thomas Cuthbert. 1919 ; B.A. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. HiBBERT, Cecil. 1901 ; M.D. R.A.M.C, ist E. Lane. Fid. Amb. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. HiBBERT, Oliver Red VERS. 1917; Student; O.T.C. 218th Squadn., R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. (Obs.) ; Pris. ofWar. HiCKSON, Cuthbert Gollan. 191 o ; LL.B. 7th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. HiCKSON, Eric Blandford. 1910 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. 1 64 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY *HiCKSON, William Osborn. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. HiGGiN, Reginald. 1914; B.Sc. 145th Hvy. Baty., R.G.A.; Dvr. *HiGGiNBOTTOM, Ernest Henry W. O.T.C. N. Staff. R. ; Capt. HiGGiNS, James Basil. 1912 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; 19 14-15 Star. HiGGiNS, John Martin. 1913 ; B.Sc. Tech.; O.T.C. 5th Bn. R. Ir. Rif. ; 2nd Lieut. HiGGiNs, Leonard Talbot. See page 36. HiGGiNS, Thomas Twistington. 1904 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; Jun. Dem. in Physiology. R.A.M.C. ; Major j O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Despatches. HiGHAM, Charles Strachan Sanders. 191 3 ; Lectr. in Colonial History ; O.T.C. Unattd. List for serv. with M.U.O.T.C, transfd. 8th (Res.) Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ♦HiGSON, Geoffrey Firth. O.T.C. D. of Lane. O. Yeom. ; 2nd Lieut. HiGSON, Herbert Walker. 1908; Student; O.T.C. Manch. R. and 2nd Fid. Surv. Bn., R.E. ; Spr. HiGSON, Thomas. 1894 ; Student. R.A.M.C. (T.F.), attd. 66th (E. Lane.) R.F.A. ; Capt. *HiLL, Harold Reginald. O.T.C. S. Wales Borderers, attd. R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; M.C. *HiLL, Henry Oswald TFilliam. See page 36. Hill, James Cecil. 1919 ; Student. 52nd T.D. Squadn. R.A.F. ; Fit. Cdt. Hill, James Samuel. 1904 ; B.Sc. loth Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. *HiLL, John Norman. O.T.C. 4th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Hilton, Alan Howard. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. Spec. Bde., R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. Hilton, Albert. See page 36. Hilton, Arthur. 1919 ; Student. 17th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. ROLL OF SERVICE 165 Hilton, Hubert Howard. 191 6 ; Student ; O.T.C. 2/1 st Bn. D. of Lane. O. Yeom. ; 2nd Lieut. Hilton, William Owens. 191 6 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; A.M. HiME, Henry Charles Rupert. 1893 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut-Col. ; D.S.O. ; A.D.M.S. HiNDLE, Harold. 1917; Student. R.N.V.R. ; Midshipman. Hindle, James Newton. 1905; B.Sc. Tech. (R.E., Lond.) Elect. Engnrs. ; Spr. Hindle, John William. 1904 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. HiNDSON, Albert. 191 3 ; Attend. Chem. Dept. ; 2/3rd Bn. Monmouth R. ; Pte. *HiNNELL, Leonard Tatam. O.T.C. Cdt. *HiNSON, Robert Frederick. O.T.C. 3rd and 12th Bns. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut., and Asst. Adjt. HiNTON, Arthur Gerald. 1898 ; B.Sc. 442nd Fid. Coy. R.E. ; Lieut. Hirst, William. 191 8; Student. 26th Res. Baty., R.F.A. ; Gnr. HiSLOP, John Jrthur. See page 37. HiTCHiN, George Robert. See page 37. Hitching, Wilfred Wallace. 191 2; B.Sc. 152nd Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; 5th Fid. Surv. Bn., R.E. ; Lieut. HoBSON, Arthur Bertram. 1909 ; M.Sc. 14th Bn. Ches. R. and R.E. ; Lieut. *HoBSON, William Stuart. O.T.C. 6th and 2nd Sge. Btys., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. *HoDGE, Leonard Percival Guyon. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. North'd. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Hodge, William Bardo. See page 37. *HoDGKiNSON, Ernest. O.T.C. 13th Bn. Lond. R. and R.A.F. ; Art. Obs. School, Cairo ; A.M. HoDGKiNSON, Thomas. 191 9 ; Student. R.N. ; Pte. *HoDGSON, Albert Hodgson. See page 37. Hodgson - Jones, Russell Walbancke. 191 i ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. 1 66 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Hogarth, James Edward. 1908 ; Cert, in Tech. R.A.S.C. (N.Z. Divl. M.T.A.S.C.) ; Artificer. *HoLDEN, Alfred Hilton. O.T.C. 20th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Capt. ; Despatches (War Sec). Holden, George Atkinson. 1902; B.Sc. Ind. A. ; Madras Mounted Inf. Vol. C. ; Tpr. Holden, Henry Carlton Kay. 1911 ; Student. 8th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. *HoLDEN, Herbert Seymour. O.T.C. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut, j Pris. of War. Holden, Legh. See page 37. *HoLDS WORTH, ToM. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. 1 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. (Pnrs.) ; Lieut. HoLGATE, Percy Henry. 1908 ; B.A. 23rd Bn. M.G.C. ; Lieut. HoLGATE, William Lawson. See page 37. Holland, Charles. 1912 ; D.V.S.M. R.A. Vet. C. (T.F.) ; Capt. ; M.C. Holland, Sir Thomas Henry. 1889; LL.D. (Hon.); Prof, of Geology. Unattd. List (T.F.), Manch. Univ. O.T.C. ; Major ; K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E. ; Seed, to the India Office. Hollands, Charles John. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. M.G.C. ; Pte. *HoLLiDAY, Fred Clarke. O.T.C. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Pte. Holligan, Philip Terence. 1915; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Lieut. (Obs.) ; D.F.C. HoLLiNGWORTH, Francis Vernon. 1912 j B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Hollingworth, George Trevor. 1905 ; Student. R.E., 48th Div. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Hollingworth, John. 1914 ; Lectr. in Elect. Engin. ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., attd. R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. ; Capt. Hollows, James William. 191 2 ; LL.B. 4th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 167 Holme, Richard Carlyle. 1897 ; M.Sc. R.G.A. ; Bde. Major ; D.S.O. ; Despatches (four times) ; Belgian Despatches ; Croix de Guerre (Belgique) ; Chev. de L'Ordre de Leopold (Belgium) ; Order of Ariz (Portugal) ; Order of Christ (Portugal). *HoLMES, Arthur Bernard. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Holmes, Arthur Hillyard. 1906 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Order of R. Red Cross (Serbia) ; Order of St. Sava (Serbia). Holmes, Frederick. See page 38. Holmes, Fred Charles Victor. 1918 ; Student. North'd. Fus. ; Lieut. ♦Holmes, John Scott. O.T.C. 2/ist Bn. D. of Lane. O. Yeom., att. i/5th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Holmes, Montague. 1919 ; Student. 20th Bn. K.R.Rif.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Holmes, Richard Anthony. 1916 ; Student. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. Holmes, Richard Clive. 1909 ; B.Sc. R.E. ; Lieut. Holmes, Roger Parkinson. 1914; D.V.S.M. R.A.Vet.C. ; Capt. j 1 9 14-15 Star. Holmes, Fernon Rains. See page 38. Holt, Alan Thomas Selborne. 191 3 ; Student. 17th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; M.C. ; Pris. of War ; Despatches. Holt, Henry. 1894 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Holt, Herbert. 1908 ; B.Sc. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Fernon ; Lieut. Holt, Hubert Granville. See page 38. Holt, James. 1919 ; Student. 9th Bn. M.G.C. ; L/Cpl. Holt, John Heber Goulburn. See page 38. Holt, John Lloyd. 1919 ; Student. (U.P.S. Bn.) R. Fus. ; 2nd Bn. North'd. Fus. ; 13th Bn. Durham L.I. ; 9th Bn. York and Lane. R. ; Cpl. ; M.M. ; Despatches. Holt, Percy Ash worth. 191 5 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.E. (Signals), attd. 232nd A. Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut. 1 68 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Holt, Sydney. 1919 ; Student. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Holt, Thomas. 1894 ; Res. Student. R.A.M.C., 3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb. ; Lieut.-Col. ; T.D. Holt, Tom. 1910 ; B.Sc. R.E. Spec. Coy. ; Cpl. HoLTONy Alfred Edward. See page 38. Hooper, Ernest Thomas. 1919 ; Student. 9th Bn. Welch R. ; Pte. HooTON, William Arthur. 1882; Student. R.A.M.C.,2nd West. Gen. Hosp. and 57 th Gen. Hosp., France ; Capt. Hope, Harry. 1908 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. and 22nd Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 3rd Bn. R. Welsh Fus. ; Sergt. Hope, Harry Reginald. 1919 ; B.Sc. Tech. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. Hope, John. 1912 ; Student; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Hopkins, Harold. 1919 ; B.Sc. R.F.A. ; Lieut. ; M.C. HopKiNSON, Edward Campbell. 1906 ; Student ; O.T.C. 1st E. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches ; Instr. R. Mil. Coll., Duntroon, Australia. HopKiNSON, Harry Cunliffe. 1910; Student. 7th Bn. K.S.L.I. ; Lieut. Hopkinson, John Henry. 1905 ; Lectr. in Classical Archaeo- logy. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. HopwooD, Alan Clement. See page 38. HopwooD, Arthur Tindell. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F., attd. H.M.S. Indomitable ; Lieut. HopwooD, Cecil Hutchinson. 1897 ; M.B.,Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. HopwooD, Charles Ewart. 191 i; Student; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. HopwooD, Samuel. 1919 ; Student. R.N.V.R. and R.A.F. ; Cdt. *HoRN, yoHN Cyril. See page 39. Hornby, Henry Epton. 191 i ; D.V.S.M. S. Afr. Vet. C. ; Capt. ; Despatches ; O.B.E. ; O.C. Afr. Native Vet. C. Horner, John Wood. 1919 ; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Ferno/i ; C.P.O. Lab. ROLL OF SERVICE 169 HoRROCKS, Frank SuTCLiFFE. 1913 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Edgar ; Surg. Probnr. ; (Lieut.). HoRROCKS, George Barrowclough. 1904 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut. HoRRocKS, Sir William Heaton. 1875 ; B.Sc. ; A. Med. S. ; Brig.-Gen. ; Dir. of Army Hygiene ; K.C.M.G. ; C.B. (Mil.) ; Despatches (twice) (War Sec). HoRSBURGH, Edward Leslie. 1904 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. HoRSFALL, Edward. 1910 ; Student ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. j Major ; M.C. HoRSFALL, John Thorpe. 1914; B.Sc. R.A.F. ; i/A.M. *HoRSFiELD, John Francis. See page 39. Horsfield, Roderic. 1910 ; Student. K.R.Rif.C. and R.E. (Rly. Oper. Div.) ; Staff Capt. HoRTON, Paul Frederick. See page 39. HOTHERSALL, WiLLIAM CHRISTIAN. I9IO j M.Sc. Tech. ; 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; L.-Cpl. HoTTON, Donovan Holmes. 1919 ; Student. 2/ist Bn. West Kent Yeom. ; L.-Cpl. Houghton, John Reginald. See page 39. Houghton, Sidney Maurice. 1919 ; Student. Searchlight Sec, R.E. ; L.-Cpl. Houghton, Thomas Henry. 1919 ; Student. R. Marines Med. Unit, R.N.D. ; Pte. *HousLEY, Edmund Otto Geiler. See page 39. Houston, Thomas Hugh. 1913 ; Res. Student. R.A.M.C; Capt. HovELL, Mark. See page 39. *HovEY, Ernest Leslie. O.T.C. 432nd Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Howard, Charles Douglas. 1919 ; Student. 4th Bn. K.O.R. Lane R. ; Pte. Howard, Charles Malcolm. 1907; Student. 6ist M.G.C. ; Major ; M.C. *HowARD, Fred. O.T.C. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. I70 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Howard, Harold. 1907 ; Cert, in Tech. R.A.M.C. (Sanit. Coy.) and R.E. Fid. Surv. Bn. ; Spr. Howard, James. 1897 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Howard, Thomas. 1912 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. HowARTH, Edward. 1899 ; M.Sc. Can. Forces (Enginrs.) ; Spr. HowARTH, Elmer. See page 40. *HowARTH, Tom Hartley. See page 40. Ho WAT, Rudolph Henderson. 1919; Student. 6th and 1 2th Ens. King's (Liverpool) R. ; L.-CpL, ist Class Signllr. *HowcROFT, Arnold Sydney. O.T.C. 19th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. HowcROFT, Gilbert Burdett. 191 o ; M.A. 7th Bn. D. of Well's (W. Riding) R. ; Capt. and Adjt. ; M.C. Howe, Ernest. See page 40. Howe, John. 1888; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. Howell, Idris Llewellyn. 1909 ; B.A. R.G.A. ; Lieut. HowELLS, Ethel Nora. 1907 ; M.A. Q.M.A.A.C. ; Asst. Administr. * How ELLS, John Wesley. See page 40. *HowEs, Harold Edward. See page 40. ♦Howie, William John. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; i/A.M. HowLETT, Arthur Waltham. 1900 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C, attd. ist Bn. Gloucester R. ; Capt. and Brevet- Major ; 1 9 14 Star. HowLETT, Cecil George. 1902 ; M.B., Ch.B. Ind. M.S. ; Capt. HowLETT, Leslie William. 1906 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. HowoRTH, George Eric. 1906 ; B.Sc. R.E. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. HowoRTH, Wilfred. 1885; Student. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; Despatches j Brevet-Col. ; A.A.D.M.S., 42nd Div. ROLL OF SERVICE 171 HowoRTH, Wilfred Franklin. 191 6 ; Student ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. HoYLE, Bertram. 1906 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; Asst. Lectr. in Elect. Engineering. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Excellent and Victory ; Lieut. HoYLE, Harold. See page 40. *HoYLE, Harry. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Lieut. ♦Hoyle, Herbert. O.T.C. R.A.F. (Kite Ball. Sect.) ; Lieut. HoYLE, Joseph Dearden Spencer. 1919 > B.Sc. Tech. R.A.S.C. (M.T.), attd. 335th Baty. R.G.A. ; Pte. HoYLE, William Dickson. 1915 ; B.Sc. Tedi. ; O.T.C. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. Hub BACK, Francis William. See page 40. Hubball, William Harold. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. N. Staff. R. ; Lieut. HuDDLESTON, George REGINALD Graham. 1907 ; Student. 2 1 St Punjabis, Ind. Army ; Lieut. *HuDDLESTON, LoRiMER Fenton. See page 41. Hudson, Harold Payne. 191 2 ; Steward, Path. Dept. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Sergt. ♦Hudson, James Eric O.T.C. 5th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. and 4th Bn. N. Staff. R. ; Lieut. Hudson, John Newton. 1919 ; Student. 190th Hvy. Baty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Hudson, Robert Denis. See page 41. Hughes, Alfred Kenneth. 1914 ; Student. 9th Bn. E. York. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Hughes, Andrew. 1920 (Apl.) j Student. 367th P. of W. Coy. ; Cpl. Hughes, Edward. 1919 ;' Student. R.N.V.R. ; Wireless Optr. Hughes, Edward Suttle. 191 8 ; Student. M.G.C. ; Pte. Hughes, Frederick Leslie. 1914 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 2 1 St Bn. North'd. Fus. ; Pte. Hughes, Henry Glyn. 191 5 ; B.Com. 14th Flotilla, T.B.D. ; R.N.V.R. ; Sgnlmn. 172 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Hughes, John. 1886; Student. R.N. ; Surg. *HuGHES, John Ynur. O.T.C. E. Lane. Div., R.E. ; Capt. Hughes, Robert. 1896; Student. R.N. ; Fleet Surg. Hughes, Sydney James. 1905 ; Student. E. Lane. Div., R.E. ; Spr. Hughes, William John. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. HuLME, Ernest. 1897 5 M.B., Ch.B. i/3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *HuLTON, Benjamin Wright. See page 41. Hummel, John James. 1898 ; M.Se. i/2nd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; 19 14-15 Star. ♦Humphreys, Harry. O.T.C. 478th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Major ; M.C. ; Despatehes. Humphries, Cyril Antliff. 191 5; B.A. ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Maneh. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Humphries, Norman Samuel Antliff. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Pte. HuNswoRTH, Herbert. See page 41. Hunt, Geoffrey Howard. 1909 ; B.Se. 99th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Major ; M.C. Hunt, George Edward Draper. 191 o ; B.Se. ; O.T.C. nth Bn. S. Staff. R. ; Capt. and Adjt. Hunt, Owen Duke. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Hunt, Robert. 1919 ; Student. 4th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; L.-Cpl. Hunt, Walter James. 1907 ; Student. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. ♦Hunt, William Moslyn. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Hunter, Douglas Hamilton Keat. 1906; Student. R.F.A. ; Capt. Hurrell, Thomas Seymour. See page 41. Hurst, Edgar James. 1907 j M.A. Lane. Fus. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 173 Hurst, Gerald Berkeley. 1904 ; Lectr. in Law and Spec. Lectr. in Colonial History, i/jth Bn. Manch. R., attd. Cromarty Comd. ; Major. ♦HusTwiT, Charles Henry. O.T.C. Artists Rifles O.T.C. ; Cpl. Hutchinson, Arthur Milner. 1909 ; Student ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. D. of Well.'s (W. Riding) R. and Northamptons. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ^Hutchinson, Bert. See page 41. Hutchinson, Grant. 1917 ; Student; O.T.C. No. 2 O.C.B. ; Cdt. Hutchinson, Harry Fleming. 1908 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; D.P.H.; O.T.C. ; R.A.M.C. Capt. Hutchinson, Richard Cecil. 1905; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. HuTTON, Herbert Malcolm. 1919 > Student. R.A.F. ; Lieut. HuTTON, Samuel King. 1894; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. Hyde, Edgar Percy. 191 2 ; Asst. Cancer Res. Dept. ; O.T.C. Ches. R. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Hynes, James Edward. 1910 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.E. ; Lieut. Hyslop, Albert. 1919 ; B.A. R.A.M.C. ; Sergt. Hyslop, Fred. 1919 ; B.A. 93rd Bde., A.F.A. ; Gnr. *Hyson, Geoffrey Firth. O.T.C. D. of Lane. O. Yeom. ; 2nd Lieut. *Ideson, Gordon William. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. Illingworth, A. H. 1885 ; Student. R.N.V.R. ; Lieut. Ingham, Arthur. 1915 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Sab/e ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. *Ingham, Geoffrey. O.T.C. ist Bn. R. West Kent R. ; Lieut. Ingham, Harry. 1913 j M.Sc. Spec. Bde., R.E. ; Pnr. 174 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Ingham, William. 1907 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. i/5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; 19 14-15 Star. Inglefield, Aubrey Fitzmaurice. 191 3 5 Student. R.E. ; Lieut. Inglis, Cecil George. 191 2 ; Student. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Lieut. Innes, Ronald Stewart. See page 42. loNiDES, Theodore Alexander. See page 42. Irwin, Harlow. 1919 > Student. 52nd Bn. Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. *Irwin, Harry Greville Wood. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. ♦IsHERWooD, Harold Stanley. O.T.C. 9th Bn. Tank C. ; Lieut. I SHERWOOD, Norman. See page 42. I VERS, Harold Bradley. 1912 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. i/8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. ; M.C. IvERS, John Gladstone. 1905 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. I vers, William Ewart. 1915 ; Student. R.N.V.R. ; Sub- Lieut. Jackson, Albert Edward. 1906 ; Senr. Clerk, Bursar's Off. 4th Bn. RE., Spec. Bde. ; L.-Cpl. Jackson, Arthur Randell. 1894 ; M.Se., M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Jackson, Ernest. See page 42. ♦Jackson, Frank Douglas. O.T.C. 59th Bde. Sign., R.E. ; R.F.C. ; Lieut. Jackson, Fred. 1919 ; Student. lOth Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Jackson, George. 1907; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Major. Jackson, George Basil. 191 5 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 336th and 495th Sge. Btys., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Jackson, George Lord. 191 3 j Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; Sgnlmn. ROLL OF SERVICE 175 Jackson, George Norman. 1916; Student; O.T.C. No. 8 O.C.B. ; Cdt. Jackson, Glynn. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. 73rd Lane. Fus. 5 560th H.S. Labour Coy. ; Cpl. *Jackson, Harold Haygarth. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R. and 165th Inf. Bde. H.Q. ; Major ; M.C. ; Despatches. Jackson, Harold Heywood. 1902 ; Student j O.T.C. 9th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Capt. Jackson, Harry Yule Vivian. 1907; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 83rd Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Jackson, Herbert John. 1913 > B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Capt. Jackson, Hugo Harrison. See page 42. Jackson, Isaac. 1904 ; M.A. 5th Bn. Argyll and Suth. Hghrs. j Sergt. Jackson, James Alfred. 1901 ; Student. Spec. List. ; 2nd Lieut. Jackson, John. 1905 ; B.A. 4th Bn. Border R. ; Capt. ♦Jackson, John Arnold. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R., attd. 8th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Lieut. Jackson, John Baldvtin. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; i/A.C. Jackson, John Cooper. See page 42. Jackson, Samuel Chantler. 1919 ; Student. loth Squadn., R.F.C. ; Lieut. *Jackson, Sidney. O.T.C. 4th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Jackson, Stanley. See page 43. Jackson, Stanley Ridings. 1916 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 23rd Bn. Welch R. ; 2nd Lieut. Jackson, William Ewart. See page 43. Jackson, William Taylor. 1893 ; Student. R.A. M.C; Lieut, Jacobs, Charles Ernest. 1902 ; B.Sc. 45th Res. Batv., R.F.A. ; Dvr. Jacobs, Jean Jacques Josef. See page 43. Jacobs, Julius. 1909 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 38th (Judean) Bn. R. Fus. ; Capt. and Adjt. 176 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY ♦Jacobson, Sydney N. O.T.C. 8th Squadn., R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut., Pilot. Jaffrey, John Alan. 1917 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. O.C.B. No. 8 ; Cdt. Jagger, Edwin Rayner. 1914 ; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Obdurate j Surg. Probnr. Jagger, John Radcliffe. 1907 ; M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. 3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Jago, Frank Bernard. 1915 5 Student; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. Capt. Jalland, Arthur Edgar. 1906 ; LL.B. R.G.A. ; Lieut. James, Charles. 191 3 ; B.A. 215 Anti- Aircraft Sec. R.G.A. ; Cpl. James, Harold Ernest Oswald. 1914 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Cpl. James, R. W. 1919 j Senior Lectr. in Physics. R.E. (Sound Ranging Sect.) ; Capt. ; Despatches. James, Thomas Galloway. 1906 ; Student. 15th Bn. W. York. R. ; Pte. Jameson, George Battersby. 1906; Student. R.A.M.C; Capt. *Jameson, John Harrison. O.T.C. 234th Fid. Coy. and 2 1 St Coy. R.E. ; Lieut. Jarvis, Charles Richard. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. 6th Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Jarvis, Reginald Eric. O.T.C. 2nd Bn. Lond. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Jeeves, Frederick. 1893 ; Student R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. *Jefferies, Maurice Jrnold. See page 43. Jefferson, Charles Edgar. 191 9 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Fit. Cdt. Jefferson, James. 1918 ; Student ; 2nd Bn., attd. 3rd Bn. E. Lane. R., Spec. Res. ; Lieut. Jefferson, John Cecil. 1906; Student. i/3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Lieut. Jeffery, Norman Randell. 1919 ; Student. Maneh. R., attd. 203rd Bde. (Sig. Sec.) ; Pte. ROLL OF SERVICE 177 Jelly, George Aubrey. 1905 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ♦Jennings, James Claude Victor. O.T.C. 5th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Jennison, Hubert. 1909 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. ist Bn. W. York. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Jennison, Richard. 1908 ; Cert, in Tech, ; O.T.C. 12th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ♦Jepson, Norman. O.T.C. Rifle Bde. ; Rfmn. Jinks, James Richard Ashworth. 1919 ; Student, ist Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Pte. Johnson, Alfred Forbes. 1904 ; B.A. 28th Bn. (Artists Rifles) Lond. R. ; Pte. Johnson, Edward Petgrave. 1916 ; Student; O.T.C. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Johnson, Ernest. O.T.C. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Johnson, Frederick William. 1895 ; M.B., Ch.B. ist and 2nd N. Midi. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Lieut.-Col. ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; T.D. ; Despatches (twice). Johnson, Harold Carruthers. 1907 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 1st Fid. Amb. S. Afr. Forces ; Pte. ♦Johnson, Hubert Carleton. O.T.C. Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Johnson, Irvine Willis. 1911 ; B.Sc. R.E. (Lond.) (T.F.) ; L.-Cpl. ♦Johnson, Leslie Wright. O.T.C. K.O.R. Lane. R. and 2/ist Bn. Lothians and Border Horse ; Capt. and Adjt. Johnson, Maurice Cowper. 1903 ; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.); Lieut. Johnson, Oscar. 1906 ; Student. 5th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. yoHNsoN, Percy Clarkson. See page 43. Johnson, Percy George. 1919; Student. 403rd Baty., 220th Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut. Johnson, Richard Balderstone. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Bn. K.O. Y.L.I. ; 2nd Lieut. Johnson, Richard Roscoe. 1909 ; B.Com. 17th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Pte. N 178 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Johnson, Thomas Rumner. 1914; Student; O.T.C. H.M. Transpt. ; Wireless Optr. *yoHNSON. William Herbert. See page 44. Johnston, Alexander Robertson. 1919 j Student, 46th T.D.S., R.A.F. ; Sergt. Johnston, Donald John Gair. 1903 ; Res. Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Johnstone, Alan Broster. 1918 ; Student. Scottish Horse, attd. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Johnstone, William. 1903 ; Student. 7th Bn. K.O.Y.L.I.; Capt. ; Despatches. Johnstone-Douglas, Walter Henry George. 1906; Student. Lanarks. Yeom. ; Staff Capt. JoLLEY, Frederick Raby. 1908 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. D Baty., 72nd Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut. ; 1914-15 Star. Jones, Alun Morris. 191 8 ; Student. 8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. Jones, Arthur. 1902; M.A. Asst. Lectr. in History; R.F.A. (Lond. Div.) ; Gnr. yoNEs, j^RTHUR. See page 44. Jones, Arthur Langford. 1910 ; M.A. ; Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. 3rd Fid. Amb., Gds. Div., R.A.M.C. ; Cpl. Jones, Arthur Llewellyn. 1919 ; B.Sc. R.E. ; Pte. Jones, Brian Wheatley. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Cdt. Jones, Cyril Ernest Turner. 191 i ; B.Sc. 429th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Jones, Douglas Vivian. 1919 ; Student. R.A.S.C, Horse Transpt. ; Cdt. Jones, Edgar. 1905 ; Student. R.F.C. and R.F.A. ; Lieut. ; 1 9 14-15 Star. Jones, Edvv^ard. 1905 ; M.Sc. R.A.M.C, ist Lond. Sanit. Coy. ; Lieut. Jones, Edwin James. See page 44. Jones, Ellis Leslie. 1910 ; Student ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Jones, Eric Wolfe. 1919; Student. R.E. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 179 Jones, Ernest. 1900 ; M.Sc, M.B., Ch.B. R.E., Anti-Gas Sec, Res. Staff ; Lieut. Jones, Frank Carlton. 1914 ; M.B. ; Ch.B. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Orestes \ Surg. Sub-Lieut. Jones, Frederick Lindsay. 1908 ; Student ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. S. Wales Borderers, transfd. 20th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. *JoNES, George Ernest. O.T.C. i/6th Bn. N. Staff. R. and i6th Bn. K.R.Rif.C. ; Lieut. Jones, Harry. 1915 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. Labour C. ; Lieut. Jones, Harry Bannister. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. R.F.A., R.E. ; Bdr. Jones, Henry Beecher. 1912 ; Student ; O.T.C. 19th Bn. and 2/7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Jones, Henry Leonard. 1909 ; B.A. H.M.S. Victory ; Schoolmaster. Jones, Herbert. 1911 ; Student; O.T.C. R.E. ; Lieut. Jones, John Arnold. 1896 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Major. Jones, John Edward. 191 2 ; M.Sc. ; Lectr. in Maths. R.A.F. ; Lieut. (Pilot) ; Empld. Aeron. Research. Jones, John Williams. 191 2 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 66th Div. Sig. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. ; O.C. Wireless Sect. 4/A Sig. Co., R.E. Jones, Joseph Gwilym Cunliffe. 191 3 j Student. 3rd Bn. Wilts. R. and R.A.F. ; Hon. Capt. ; M.C. Jones, Leonard. 1919 > Student. 31st T.D.S., R.A.F. ; Flt.-Cdt. Jones, Percy Herbert. 1919 ; Student. 8th Bn. Lond. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Jones, Raymond John. See page 44. *JoNES, Richard Harold. See page 44. Jones, Robert Cyril Briscoe. 1919 > Student. 15th Bn. Lane. Fus. j Lieut. ; Despatches ; M.C. Jones, Sydney Clement Cuthbert. 1913 ; Student. 2nd Bn, Wilts. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Jones, Tom. 191 2 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. i8o MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Jones, William Griffith. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. (Welsh Students' Coy.) ; Pte. Jones, William Gwynn. 1915 ; Student. O.T.C. 9th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R., attd. R.E. (Sign. Serv.) ; 2nd Lieut. Jones, William Holden. 1909 ; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; 2nd Lieut. Jones, William Howard. 1898 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Jones, William Jacob, i 9 i o ; D.Sc, Senr. Lectr. in Chemistry j R. Welsh Fus. ; Capt. yoNES, IViLLiAM Orlando. See page 44. DE Jong, Edward Meyer. 1877 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. DE Jong, Oscar Meyer. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Jordan, Henry Paul. 1906 ; M.Sc. Tech. 6th Gurkha Rifs., Ind. A. ; 2nd Lieut. JowETT, Charles Joseph. 191 6 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.F.A., attd. 29th T.M.B. ; 2nd Lieut. *JowETT, William. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. R.W. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Joyce, Benjamin Frank. 1919 ; Student. nth Bn. K.R.Rif.C. ; Rfmn. Joyce, Charles Devine. 1919 ; Student. Manch. R. ; Capt. Joynt, Norman LocKH ART. 1 9 1 3 ; Res. Student. R.A.M.C; Capt. ; M.C. Julian, William Henry. 191 2 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. loth Bn. R. Fus. j Sergt. Jump, Leonard Barlow. 1914 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 3rd Res. Garr. Bn., R. Irish Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Kastner, Jack Cornelius. 191 7 ; Student ; O.T.C. No. 8 O.C.B. ; Cdt. Kauntze, William Henry. 1904 ; M.D., B.A. W. Afr. Forces, Nigerian Contgt. ; Lieut. Kay, Collin Lowther. See page 45. ROLL OF SERVICE i8i Kay, Fred. 191 8 ; Student. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Pte. Kay, Harold. 1910 ; M.A., Teach. Dipl. R.N.V.R., Wire- less Sect. ; Petty Offr., Telegrst. Kay, Herbert Davenport. 191 i ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. Genl. List ; Major ; Spec. Appt. (Chem. Advr.) ; Despatches ; O.B.E. Kay, John Bertram. 1907 ; B.Sc, Teach. Dipl. M.G.C. ; Lieut. *Kay, Ronald Grimshav^ Sellers. O.T.C. D. of Lane. O. Yeom. ; Lieut. Kay, Thomas Joseph. 1917 ; Student ; O.T.C. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Kay, William. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Sergt. Kaye, William Evtart. 1909 ; M.A. 'Sth Bn. R.W.Surrey R. j 2nd Lieut. Keen, Edward William. See page 45. ♦Keighley, James Philip. O.T.C. 9th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. *Kelley, William Henry. O.T.C. 5th Bn. S. Lane. R., attd. R.A.F. Kellord, Henry John Edward. 1911 ; Clerk, Registrar's Off. 6th Bn. R. Irish R., ; C.Q.M.Sergt. Kelly, Ernest John. 191 3 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. R.F.A., 2nd E. Lane. Bde. ; Capt. Kelly, John Philip. 1913 ; B.Sc. R.E., Spec. Bde. ; Pnr. Kelly, Julius Israel. 1916 ; Student. R.N.A.S. ; Pte. *Kelly, Reginald. O.T.C. 9th Bn. and 12th Bn. Manch R. ; Lieut. Kelly, Stanley Horace Llewellyn. 1919 ; Student R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Kelly, Thomas Joseph. 1909 ; B.Sc. R.E. Spec. Bde. Pnr. Kemp, Charles Percival. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Cpl Kemp, James. 191 7 ; Student. R.N.A.S. ; Prob. Fit. Offr. Kemp, James Edgar. 1916 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.A.F.; 2nd Lieut. ; Pris. of War. 1 82 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Kempsey, Harold. 1908 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C., attd. 24th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Kennedy, Hubert Porter. 1919 ; Student. 24th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Kennett, Edward John Benedict Manners. 191 2 ; B.D. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. Kenrick, David. 1919 > Student. R.A.F. ; Cdt. Ken worthy, Claude Turner. 1919 ; Student. Labour Corps ; Lieut. *Kenworthy, Tom. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; X/ss Baty. ; Lieut. Kenyon, Clifford. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. R.N.V.R. ; A.B. Seaman. Kenyon, Cyril. 1919 ; Student ; Ches. R. ; Lieut. Kenyon, George. 191 5 ; B.Sc. B/177, R.F.A. ; Sergt. ; M.M. Kenyon, Harold Leigh. 1903 ; M.Sc. 9th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. Kenyon, Harold Walton. 1913; Student. 19th Bn. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Kenyon, James Douglas. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B., B.Sc. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *Kenyon, John. O.T.C. 4th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. *Kermode, Robert. O.T.C. 4th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Kern, Hans Ewald. 1916 ; B.Sc. Tech. 31st Bn. Middle- sex R. j Pte. Kershaw, James Hervey. 1918 ; Student; O.T.C. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. and 170th L.T.M.B. ; Lieut. Kershaw, John. See page 45. Kershaw, Mark Alfred. 1908 ; Student ; O.T.C. ist Bn. L.N. Lane. R. and A.P.C. ; Cpl. Kershaw, Samuel Ryder. See page 45. Kershaw, Thomas. 1919 ; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Cumberland^ N. Atlantic Squadn. ; P.O. Convoy Staff ; Sgnllr. ROLL OF SERVICE 183 Kershaw, William Kenneth. 1897 ; Student. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Major. Kew, George Richard. See page 45. Keys, Stanley. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. Keyworth, Charles Daniell Martyn. 1909 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. 12th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; R.E. ; Capt. *Kidson, George Fleming. O.T.C. 22nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Kiernan, Anthony Raymond. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. 6th Bn. Connaught Rgrs. ; L.-Cpl. KiLBY, William. 1919 ; Student. Durham L.I. ; Pte. Killeen, Michael William Anthony. 1915 ; Student. ; O.T.C. i6th Bn. Manch. R., attd. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. *KiLLiCK, James Beilby. O.T.C. D. of Lane. O. Yeom., attd. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. KiLLiCK, yoHN Raymond. See page 45. Kilner, Charles. 191 2 ; Student. Manch. R. and R.E. (Inland Water Transpt. Serv.) ; Sergt. Kilner, Thomas Pomfret. 1907 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; Dem. in Anat. R.A.M.C, 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; Capt. King, Harry. 1919 ; B.Sc. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Lion ; Wireless Telegraphist. King, Oliver Bolton. 1917 ; Student; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; Sub-Lieut. King, Samuel Perston. See page 45. Kingsbury, John Godfrey. 1919 ; Student; R.A.F. ; Capt.; Fit. Group Commdr. *Kingsley, Eric R. See page 46. KiNGSLEY, Hyman Herbert. ' 1914; Student; O.T.C lOth Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Staff Lieut. ; Despatches. King-Smith, Ronald. 191 2 ; Student. 3rd Bn. Wilts. R. and R.E. ; Lieut. Kippax, James. See page 46. *KipPAx, Percy Walker. O.T.C. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. 1 84 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY KiRBY, Frederick Oscar. 1899 > M.Sc. R.E. (Kent For- tress), W. Lane. 419th Fid. Coy. and Works Directorate ; Capt. Kirk, John Thomas. See page 46. KiRKBRiDE, George Henry 1919 ; Student. 28th Bn. (Artists) London R. ; 25th Bn. North'd. Fus. ; Lieut. Kirkby, William Anthony. 1911 ; M.Sc. 28th Bn. (Artists Rfls.), Lond. R. ; Pte. KiRKHAM, Arthur Welsby. 1913 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.N.V.R. ; Surg. Probnr. *Kirkland, Robert Irwin. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Lieut. KiRKPATRiCK, Donald. 1919 ; Student. R.F.A. ; Bdr. Kitchen, John Edward. 1908 ; Student. R. Fus. and R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Kitchin, Walter. 191 3 > Student. 9th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; C.S.M. ; M.M. KiTCHiNG, Vernon Chadwick. 1919 ; Student. R.E. ; Sergt. Kitson, Walter. 1903 ; Student. R.A.Vet.C. ; Sergt. KiTTO, Thomas Edward. 1911 ; B.Sc. i6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Cpl. Kletz, Norman. 1912 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C; Capt. Knight, Geoffrey. 1906; Student; O.T.C. R.G.A. ; Lieut. Knight, Henry de Boyne. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Bn. Hants. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Knight-Coutts, Cecil. 1897 ; Student. R.F.A., 27th Baty., 32nd Bde., 4th Div. ; Major ; M.C. Knott, Cyril Wakefield. 1903; M.Sc. Labour C; Capt.; Empld. G.H.Q., Chinese Labour C. *Knott, Ernest. See page 46. Knott, Frederick Fernon. See page 46. Knott, Roger Birkbeck. 1905 ; M.A., LL.B. i6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Major ; M.C. ROLL OF SERVICE 185 Knowles, Henry. 1889 ; M.A. Attd. W. York. Inf. Bde. ; loth and 55th CCS. ; CF. Knowles, John Cecil. 1919 ; Student. School Spec. Flying ; R.A.F. and 27th Squadn. R.F.C ; A.M. Knowles, Percy. 191 i; B.Sc, Teach. Dipl. O.C.B. ; Cdt. Knowles, William Charles Gregson. 1919 ; Student. I /4th Bn. K.S.L.I. ; Pte. Knudsen, Harold James. 1913 j Student; O.T.C lOth Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Lieut. KoLLiGS, Fritz Ferdinand Hugo Ernest. 1910 ; L.D.S. nth Bn. L.N. Lane. R., attd. R.A.F. ; Lieut. *Lacey, Frank Hamilton. 1896 ; M.D. M.U. 2nd V.B.M.R. ; R.A.S.C (T.F.) ; R.A.M.C ; Major. Lailavoix, Louis. See page 46. *Laing, Horace. O.T.C. R.F.A., D/iyoth Bde. ; Lieut. Laing, John Preston. 191 3 ; Student. R.E. (M. and E. Sect.) ; Lieut. Lamb, Arthur Frederick Thurlow. 191 3 ; Student; O.T.C. 6th Bn. York, and Lane. R. ; Capt. ♦Lamb, Charles William. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Capt and Adjt. Lamb, Eric R. See page 47. Lamb, Ernest Horace. 1896; M.Sc. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Vernon ; Capt. ; D.S.C ; Despatches (twice). Lamb, Henry Taylor. 1901 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; M.C Lambert, Victor Francis. 191 8 ; Student. R.H.A. and R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Lamburn, John Battersby Crompton. 1910 ; Student. B.S. Afr. Police ; Tpr. Lander, Cecil Howard. 1902 ; D.Sc. ; Lectr. in Civil Engineering ; O.T.C. (Adjt.) R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Vernon ; Lieut. Landless, William. 191 7 ; Student ; O.T.C. No. 18 O.C.B., attd. 3rd Bn. Glouc. R. ; Cdt. *Lane, Harry Charles. O.T.C 3rd Bn. The BufFs (E. Kent) R. ; 2nd Lieut. 1 86 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Langdon, Colwell De Calis Winkley. 191 5 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N. ; H.M.S. Victory ; Surg.-Lieut. *Langford, Charles William Stenhouse. O.T.C. No. 5 O.C.B. ; Cdt. Langford, Geoffrey Ferns. 1919 j Student ; O.T.C. R.A.F. (Kite Ball. Sect.) ; Lieut. Langstaff, James William. 1905 ; Res. Student, P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut.-Col. ; A.D.M.S. ; D.S.O. ; De- spatches. Langstreth, Edmund. See page 47. Langtry, Herbert Ward. 1907 ; Student. 8th Bn. Lane. Fus. and R.A.S.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. Lantsberry, George Edward Hyatt. 1908; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. Labour C. ; Cpl. ; M.S.M. Lapage, Charles Paget. 1896 ; M.D., Lectr. on Diseases of Children ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. (T.F.), 2nd West. Gen. and 57th Gen. Hosps. ; Major ; Despatches. Lapage, Geoffrey. 1905 ; M.Sc, M.B., Ch.B. ; Lectr. and Dem. in Zoology ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Laski, Neville Jonas. 1908 ; Student. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. Las LETT, Harold. 19 12 ; Student ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Laslett, William Henry. 1906 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Latchford, John Henry. 1919 ; Student. 25th Squadn., R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; D.F.C. Latham, Leslie Sawyer. 1919 ; Student. 77th Squadn. R.F.C., and 36th Squadn., R.A.F. ; Lieut. Latham, Thomas. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Fivien ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. Latham, William. 1919 ; Student. D Baty., 173rd Bde., R.F.A., 36th Div. ; Lieut. Latta, James. 191 2 ; Student. R.A.VetC. ; Lieut. *Law, Albert. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Arg. and Suth. Hghrs. ; Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 187 Law, David Allan. 1919 ; B.Sc. i /5th Bn. King's (Liver- pool) R. ; Cpl. Lav^ford, Arthur Niven. 1907 ; Student. 3rd Fid. Coy., R.E. (Sign.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; Despatches. Lawrence, Frederick Charles. 1911 ; B.Sc. Tech.; O.T.C. 15th Bn. W. York. R. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Lawrie, Douglas McEwan. 1908 ; L.D.S. Spec. List, Dent. Surg. ; Capt. Lawson, Alexander Henry Drummond. 1895 ; Student ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. R. Ir. Rif. ; Capt and Adjt. Lawson, Harold Wood. 191 2 ; B.Sc. R.E. (Lond. Elect. Eng.) ; L.-Cpl. Lawson, Henry Heaton. See page 47. Lawson, Thomas Marland. 1919 > B.Sc. Tech. 28th Bn. (Artists Rif.) Lond. R. ; Pte. Lawton, Harold. 1911 ; Student. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Lawton, John Hardy. 191 2 ; LL.B. ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. D. of Well's (W. Riding) R. ; Capt. Lawton, Percy James. 1910 ; B.A. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Lawton, William. See page 47. Lazarus, Rupert. O.T.C. R.E. (Sign. Sect.) ; Lieut. Lea, Charles. 1916 ; B.Sc. Tech. W. York. R. ; Pte. Lea, Charles Edgar. 1899; M.D. ; Hon. Res. Fell., P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Leach, Abraham. 1908 ; Res. Student, P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *Leach, George Brown. O.T.C. Durham L.I. ; 2nd Lieut. Leach, Harold Taylor. 1919 ; Student. 221st Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Leach, William. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2/A.M. Leahy, Eugene Patrick. See page 47. Leak, Reginald. See page 47. Leather, James. 1914 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; H.M.S. Melpomene and China ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. 1 88 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Leaver, Harry Gray. 191 3 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 17th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Croix de Guerre (Ordre de Corps). ♦Leaver, William Eustace. O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Lebell, Feliciano Benedict. 1907 ; Student. 9th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Lieut. Lechler, Henry Nicholson. See page 48. *Lee, Eric. O.T.C. R.A.F. (Kite Ball. Sec.) ; Lieut. Lee, Frederick Henry. 1910 ; M.A. 22nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Leech, Ernest Bosdin. 1898 ; D.P.H. Asst. Lectr. and Dem. in Pharmacy and Therapeutics. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *Leeman, John Albert. O.T.C. Ind. A.R.O. ; 2nd Lieut. Leeper, Rennie. 191 2 ; Student ; O.T.C. S. Wales Borderers ; L.-Cpl. Lees, j^lfred Robin Marty n. See page 48. Lees, Clarence Gregory. 1908; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. Lees, George Herbert. 1913 ; M.B., Ch.B. U.P.S. Bn. R. Fus. ; Pte. Lees, James. 1910 ; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Capt. Lees, Percy Beresford. See page 48. ^ Lees, Samuel. 1914 ; Reader in App. Thermo- Dynamics ; O.T.C. R.N., H.M.S. Fisgard; Engr. Lieut.-Cmdr. Leese, Wilfrid. 1919 ; Student. loth Bn. W. York. R., 1 7th Div. ; Pte. Leeson, Brian Ernest. 1910 ; Student. Ches. R. (T.F.), and R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. *Leete, Thomas Athol Colclough. O.T.C. D. of Lane. O. Yeom. ; Lieut. Leeves, Arthur Henry. 191 3 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. R.E. (Signal Sec.) ; Lieut. Leeves, Frederick Horrocks. 1910 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; R.E. (Sign.) ; Lieut. ; Despatches. Lee Wood, Alfred. See page 48. ROLL OF SERVICE 189 ♦Leicester, Ernest. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Leicester R. ; R.A.F. ; Lieut. Leigh, Arthur. 1915 ; Student. R. Fus. ; Pte. Leigh, John Byron. 191 o; M.B., Ch.B.; O.T.C. R.A.M.C; Capt. Leigh, William Booth. See page 48. Leigh-Gilchrist, Samuel Gordon. 1912 ; Student. R.A.S.C. ; Sergt. Leighton, Frederick William. 1909; Student; O T.C. R.E. (Signals) ; 2nd Lieut. Leighton, Thomas William Parkinson. 1899 ; M.B., Ch. B. R.A.M.C., M.O. 2/7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Pris. of War. Le Marchant, Dennis. 1919 > Student. loth Bn. Lend. R. ; Cpl. Lempriere, Lancelot Raoul. i 894 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Medaille des Epidemics ; Despatches. Letcher, Owen Jameson. 191 3 j Student. R.A. Chplns.' Dept. ; C.F. (ist Class) ; Asst. Prin. Chpln. ; D.S.O. ; Despatches (thrice). Lever, Walter Ken yon. 191 2 ; L.D.S. ; Staff, Dent. Hosp. ; O.T.C. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Lewis, Albert E. 1919 ; Student. K.R.Rif.C. ; Cpl. ; 1 9 14 Star. Lewis, C. B. 1915 ; Junior Asst. Lectr. in French. R.G.A. ; Lieut. Lewis, Frank. See page 48. Lewis, Henry Wickham. 1916 ; Student. ; O.T.C. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. Lewis, Joseph Watson. 191 i ; B.Sc. ; Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. 202nd Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Lewis, Leonard. 1906; Gate Porter; O.T.C. 6th Baty., 172nd Bde., R.F.A. ; B.S.M. ; 1914-15 Star. *Lewis, Maynard Pearce. O.T.C. R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; Lieut. (Pilot). Lewis, Norman Bache. 1919 ; B.A. A Baty., 48th Fid. Bde., R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. I90 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Lewis, Philip Ivor. 1919 ; Student. 19th Bn. R. Fus. ; R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; 19 14-15 Star. *Lewis, Thomas Charles Stephens. O.T.C. 13th Cyclists Corps ; Capt. ; M.C. Lewis, Timothy. 1906 ; M.A. R.G.A., attd. 23rd A. Fid. Art. and 35th Div. Ammn. Echelon ; Gnr. Lewtas, George Selby. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Lieut. *Lewtas, Herbert Albert. O.T.C. R.A.F. Lewtas, Oscar. See page 49. Lewty, Richard Arthur. 191 8 ; Student. 141st Fid. Amb., nth E. Lane; 5th Bn. N. Staff. R. ; 2nd Lieut.; 1914-15 Star. Leyland, Arthur James. 1916 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. Artists Rif. ; Pte. LiCKLEY, James Dunlop. 1903 ; Senior Dem. in Anatomy. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. LiDDLE, Edward Marcus. 1918 ; Student. R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; Fit. Cdt. (Pilotj. LiGHTFOOT, Arthur. 1910 ; Student. R.F.A., ist E. Lane. Bde. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. *Lightfoot, Charles Eric. O.T.C. Asst. Embarkation Staff Offr. ; Capt. LiNDESAY, Victor Edward Hugh. 1888 ; M.B., Ch.B. Ind. M.S. ; Lieut.-Col. Lindsay, Henry. See page 49. Lindsay, Peter Thomson. 1910 ; Student. R.A.VetC. ; Lieut. LiNELL, Eric Ambrose. 1909 ; M.D. R.N. ; Surg.-Lieut. ; 19 14-15 Star. ♦LiNFooT, Gerald. O.T.C. 7th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt.; M.C. ♦Lingard, William. O.T.C. 7th Bn. Manch. R., attd. R.A.F. ; Capt. ; M.B.E. Linton, Stanley Fox. 1894; M.Sc, M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C., I /3rd Northumbrian Fid. Amb. ; Lieut.-Col. LiPTROT, Arthur Thornley. 1919 > Student. L.N. Lane. R. i C.Q.M.S. ROLL OF SERVICE 191 Lisbon A, Nissim. See page 49. LiTTLEMORE, WiLLiAM. 1920 (Jan.) j Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Littler, Charles. 1915 ; Student. R.N.D. ; Pte. Little WOOD, Albert Vincent. 191 5 ; Student ; O.T.C. 1 1 8th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Pte. Livens, Robert Geoffrey. 1909 ; M.Sc. ; Lectr. in Maths. ; 5th Bn. Wilts. R. ; Staff Lieut. Livingstone, Stanley. 1915 ; Student. R.N.D. ; Pte. Locke, Reginald. 1910; Student; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Lend. R. and R.A.F. (Tech. Offr.) ; Capt. ; Despatches ; Pilot and Tech. Offr. Lockhart, Frederick Ramsdale. 1919 ; Student. 25th Bn. M.G.C. ; Lieut. LoFTHOUSE, Stephen. 1914 ; Student. 3rd Bn. Monmouth R. and R.G.A. ; Lieut. LoMAS, A. D. 1908 ; Spec. Lectr. in Rly. Economics. R.A.S.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; T.D. t LoMAS, Ernest Courtney 1882; M.B., Ch.B. R.N. ; Fleet Surg. ; C.B. ; D.S.O. (S. Afr. War). LoMAS, Harold. See page 49. *LoMAS, John Wilmot. O.T.C. 331st Bde., R.F.A. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. LoMAX, Arthur Barber. 1905 ; Cert, in Tech. R.F.A. ; Major ; Bde.-Major, R.A., 66th Div. ; M.C. ; Croix de Guerre (French). LoMAX, Harold Aloysius. 1916 ; M.B., Ch.B. O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; Surg. Probnr. Long, David Stables. 191 3 j B.Sc, Teach. Dipl. Friends Amb. Unit ; Croix de Giierre. Long, Oswald Ambrose. 1919 ; Student. 28th Bn. (Artists) Lond. R. ; Border R. ; 2nd Lieut. Long, William Laurence. 1907 ; B.Sc. 20th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Pte. LoNGBOTTOM, John Charles. 1917 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. H.A.C. (Inf.); Pte. 192 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY *LoNGDiN, Harold Wardleworth. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Lieut. LoNGSON, Arthur Gerald. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. R.A.F, ; 2nd Lieut. ; Pilot. Lord, Jrthur. See page 49. Lord, Cecil Grundy. 1919 ; Student. R.G.A. ; Lieut. Lord, George Allan. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Lord, Lawrence Halliwell. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. ♦Lord, Sydney Herbert. O.T.C. 5th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. LoRiNG, ff^ ALTER L ATM AM. See page 49. Love, Harold Naylor. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Lieut. LovEDAY, Charles Norton. See page 50. LovEDAY, George Edward. 191 i ; Lectr. in Clin. Pathology. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. ; Despatches. LovEDAY, Oliver Herbert. 1906 ; B.A. 3rd Bn. Can. Contgt. ; Sergt. ; 19 14-15 Star. LovELL, Leslie Graham. See page 50. Lovelock, Charles William. 1919 ; Student. 12th Bn. Rif. Bde. ; Lieut. ; 19 14-15 Star. Lowe, Charles Edwin Maximilian. 1887 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Lowe, John. 1910 ; M.A., Teach. Dipl. 465th Batv., 65 A. Bde., R.F.A. ; Capt. ; M.C. Lowe, William. See page 50. Lowe, William Henry. 1909; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. nth Bn. Manch. R. and R.E., 435th E. Lane. Fid. Coy. ; Capt. Lowndes, Arthur. 1911 ; Student. R.A.M.C; Capt. Luke, Robert Bendall. 1902 ; Student. 4th Bn. Norfolk R. ; Capt. Lumley, Percy William, i 900 ; Student. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 193 Lund, John Knowles. 1898 ; Student. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. *LuNN, Philip. O.T.C. R.E. (Lond. Elect. Eng.) ; Capt. Lunt, George Harry. 1909 ; Student j O.T.C. R.G.A., L Anti-Aircraft Baty. ; Capt. LuxTON, Percival William. 1915 ; Student. R.A.M.C; Pte. Lyon, Edwin. 1918 ; B.Sc. Manch. R. ; Pte. Lyth, Frank. 1912 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *Lythgoe, Louis Gerard. O.T.C. i/yth Bn. Ches. R, ; Capt. Lythgoe, Norman Leigh. 1910 ; M.A., M.Ed. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Macalpine, Francis Geoffrey. 1911 ; B.Sc. nth Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Macalpine, James Barlow. 1900 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; Capt. Macarborski, a. H. See page 50. McBeath, John Gordon. 191 i; Student; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Ches. R. and 122nd and 154th Fid. Coys., R.E. ; Capt. and Adjt. McCaig, Alexander Neilson. 1915 ; Student. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. McCall, Ponsonby Vernon. 191 2 ; Student. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. McCall, Walter Bleasdale. 191 2 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn., attd. 6th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches. McCartney, Harold S, See page 50. McClatchey, Samuel Edward. 'See page 50. ♦McClelland, Henry. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Capt. ; D.S.C. McCoRMiCK, Peter Connolly. 19 14 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. McCuRRiCH, Laurence Oliphant. 1905 ; B.Sc. E.B.R. Vol. Rif. ; Pte. McDavid, James Wallace. 1910 ; M.Sc. R.F.A. ; Capt. 194 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Macdonald, William Kenneth. 191 3 ; Student ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Capt. McDonnell, Daniel Harrison. 1894 ; Student. Uganda Forces. "^McDouGALL, George. See page 5 1 . McDouGALL, Percy. 1886; M.B.,Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt.5 1 9 14 Star. McDouGALL, Sidney. See page 51. McDouGALL, William. 1886 ; M.Sc, Hon. D.Sc. R.A.M.C. ; Major. McElligott, Gerald Legh Malius. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. 3rd Bn. R. Munster Fus. ; Gold Coast R. ; W.A.F.F. ; Capt. McFarlane, Walter. See page 51. McFarlane, William Stark. 19 19; Student. 330th Bde., R.F.A. ; Sgnllr. Macfie, James. 1898; LL.B. Ind. A.R.O. ; Major; Dep. Judge Advoc. Genl. McGeorge, David Augustus. 1919 ; Student. R.F.A. ; Pte. McGowAN, Harold Stuart, i 9 19 ; Student. R.E. (Signals); 2nd Lieut. McGrath, Edward Henry. 191 2 ; Lectr. in German. Gen. List, Intell. G.H.Q. ; Lieut. ; Interpreter. McIlraith, James. 1895; M.D. R.A.M.C; Lieut. McIntyre, Charles Campbell. 1902 ; B.Sc. 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. ; M.M. Mackenzie, Donald Alexander. 1907 ; M.A. C/317 Bde., R. Divl. Art. ; Capt. ; M.C. Mackie, Norman Lindsay. See page 51. Mackie, ToM Fraser. 191 6; Student; O.T.C. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. McKiLLOP, Douglas. 1908 ; M.A. 9th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Sergt. McKinlay, James Gladstone. 1908; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; i/ist Welsh Fid. Amb. ; Major. ROLL OF SERVICE 195 Macklin, Alexander Hepburn. 1907 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Major ; M.C. ; O.B.E. ; Order of St. Stanislaus (2nd Class) ; Despatches (twice). Macklin, Roderic William. 1908 ; Student. 50th Sge. Bty. and 498th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Major ; M.C. ♦McLaren, Alexander Tassie. O.T.C. 15th Bn. R. Scots ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. McLaren, Douglas Oswald. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. ♦McLean, Robert Kettle. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Arg. and Suth. Hghdrs. ; Lieut. ♦McLellan, Ernest Angus. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. H.L.I. ; Capt. McLellan, Harold Noble. See page 51. Maclure, Alan Francis. 1891 ; Student. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut.-Col. ; T.D. MacMahon, Heber Hugh. 1906 ; M.Sc. Tech. 4th Bn. R. Irish R. ; Capt. MacMahon, Patrick Sarsfield. 1904 ; M.Sc. Irish Gds. ; StajfF Lieut. MacMahon, Tom. 1908 ; Cert, in Tech. Irish Gds. ; Capt. j M.C. McManus, George Edward. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. io8th Squadn., R.A.F. ; Lieut. (Obsvr.) ; Pris. of War. McNamara, John. 1908 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. i8th Bn. Manch. R. ; R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; D.C.M. MacNaughton, Alan. 1919 j Student, ist Bn. R. Berks. R. ; Pte. McPhail, Joseph CoRT. 191 8 ; Student, i /4th Black Watch (R. Hghdrs.) ; 2nd Lieut. McViE, John Greig. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. Merc. Mar. (Wireless) ; Lieut. McWilliam, Allan Stewart. 1909 ; B.Sc. 2nd Bn. York. R. ; Pte. ; Pris. of War. Maddock, Frederick Arthur. 191 3 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.A.O.C., 1 86th Sge. Bty. and 34th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Armament Staff Sergt. 196 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Maddock, William Trevor. 1902 ; Student. R.N.V.R.; Lieut. Maiden, Joseph Percival. See page 51. Maines, Albert. 1919 ; Student. 5th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. ♦Main waring, Harry. O.T.C. R.A.S.C. ; Staff Lieut. ; M.C. ♦Major, Ernest. O.T.C. ist Garr. Bn. K.O. Y.L.I. ; Lieut. ♦Makin, Frederick Arthur. O.T.C. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Makin, George. 1908 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Makinson, John Russell. 1902 ; Student. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Staff Capt., No. 5 a District Northn. Cmmd. Makower, Walter. 1904 ; Lectr. and Asst. Dirtr. of Phys. Lab. R.N.V.R. and R.A.F. ; Lieut. (Tech. Offr.). ♦Mallalieu, Joseph Thompson. O.T.C. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Maltby, Robert. 1906 ; Student ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. Lane. Fus. R., attd. T.M.B. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Malwin, Victor. 1917 ; B.Sc, Tech. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. S. Lane. R. and No. 6 O.C.B. ; Cdt. Mann, Christopher William. 1915 ; Student. R.N.D., ist Garr. Bn. Seaforth Hghdrs. ; Capt. Mann, Frederick Arthur Wheatley. 191 5 ; Student. R.N.V.R., S.B. Res. ; Petty Offr. Mann, George Thomas. 1919 > Student. ist T.D.S., R.A.F. ; Flt.-Cdt. Mann, John Bently. See page 52. Mansfield, Fred. 191 i ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 8th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Manson, John. 1919; Student. R.E. ; Cdt. Marland, Herbert Hyde. 1919 ; Student. H.A.C. ; Gnr. Marland, James. 1919 ; Student. 2nd Bn. R.W. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Marlor, Leslie Vernon. O.T.C. 8th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 197 *Marlow, George. See page 52. Marriott, Reginald. 1914 ; Student; O.T.C. 13th, 15th, and 19th Bns. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Marsden, Charles Arthur. 191 o ; B.Sc. R.N., H.M.S. War spite ; Lieut. Instr. ♦Marsden, Cyril Ernest. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R., attd. Labour C. (Staflr) ; Lieut. Marsden, Ernest George. 1906 ; D.Sc. ; Lectr. and Res. Asst. in Physics ; O.T.C. N. Zealand Enginrs. (Sign.), R.E. ; Major (Spec. List.). Marsden, George. 1919 > Student. 3rd Bn. Gren. Gds. ; Gdsman. ♦Marsden, George Douglas. O.T.C. 4th Bn. Ches. R, and M.G.C. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Marsden, Harold. 1919 ; Student. 3rd and 19th Bns. Manch. R. ; Cpl. ; Schoolmaster. Marsden, Norman Rowley. 1919 ; Student. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Marsden, Reginald. 1919; Student. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; L.-Cpl. Marsden, Richard Walter. 1885 ; M.D., B.Sc, D.P.H. ; Clin. Lectr. in Infect. Diseases. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. Marsden, Willie. 1919 ; Student. C/276 Bde., R.F.A. and 276 Bde. H.Q. ; 2nd Lieut, and Adjt. Marsh, Cyril Bernard. 191 3 > Student ; O.T.C, I2ist Hvy. Baty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Marsh, Cyril Herbert. 1919; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Pte. Marsh, Eric Haldane. 1919 > B.A. 2nd Bn. R. Fus., 29th Div. ; Lieut. Marsh, Frank Henry. 1911 ; Student; O.T.C. nth Bn. and 2nd Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. Marsh, Herbert. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. ist Bn. N. Staff. R. ; Lieut. Marsh, Richard William. 1919 ; Student. R.A.S.C. ; Cpl. Marsh, William Ewart. 1919 ; Student. R.A.O.C. ; Pte. 198 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Marshall, Jrthur Raymond. See page 52. Marshall, Charles Bertram. See page 52. Marshall, Cornelius Theobald. 1919 ; Student ; O.T.C. 17 th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut, and Asst. Bde. Transpt. Offr. ; Pris. of War, Marshall, Frederick William Dyson. 1901 ; M.Sc. ; Teach. Dipl. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; Cpl. Marshall, George Herbert, Rev. 1908 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. (4th Class) ; D.S.O. ; Des- patches. ^Marshall, Harry. See page 52. Marshall, John Dodds. 1900 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C., attd. 2nd Bn. Suffolk R. ; Capt. ; D.S.O. ; Despatches. Marshall, John Theobald. 191 3 ; LL.B. ; O.T.C. ist Garr. Bn. York. R. ; 14th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Marsland, Gilbert Gould. 1919; Student. 157th Squadn., R.A.F. ; Lieut. Marsland, Ronald Schofield. 1916 ; Student 5 O.T.C. 2nd Squadn., R.A.F. ; Sergt.-Mech. (Pilot). Marson, Edward Ault. 1919 > Student. 4th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Pte. Marston, Guy Eric Millett. See page 52. Martin, Ernest. 191 5 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 3rd Garr. Bn. R. Welsh Fus., attd. 2/5th Bn. Durham L.I. j 2nd Lieut. Martin, Harold Eric. 1919; Student. 35th Coy., R.A.M.C. ; Pte. ♦Martin, Harold Taylor. O.T.C. 4th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Martin, James Harold. 1905 ; B.Com. 68th Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Sergt. ; Despatches. Martin, Thomas Whittle. See page 53. Martin, William Ernest. 191 2 ; B.Sc. Teach. Dipl. 3rd Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Martland, Edward Norman Platt. 1912 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. ROLL OF SERVICE 199 Martland, William Lionel. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. ; 2n(l Lieut. Mason, Charles Moir. 1905 ; M.Sc, Asst. Lectr. in Engin- eering ; O.T.C. 114th Baty., R.F.A. ; Major. Mason, George Harry. 191 i ; Student. D. of Lane. O. Yeom. ; Tpr. Mason, William Edward. 1914 ; M.D. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Laburnum ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. Masse Y, James. 191 5 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. nth Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Masters, Herbert. 191 2 ; Student. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.), attd. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Masterson, Edward Charles. 1914 > B.Sc. ; Kitchener Scholar ; O.T.C. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. ♦Mather, Charles Henry. O.T.C. N. Staff. R., transfd. ' R.A.F. ; Lieut. Mather, Ernest. 1903 ; B.Sc. R.N. (Expmtl. Stn., Chem. Sec); L.M. Mather, Gilbert. 1919 ; Student. R.N. Transpt. ; Wire- less Optr. ; Merc. Mar. Medal. Mather, Richard. 1907 ; Student. 19th Bn. Manch. R. ; Major. Mather, Stephen Moss. 1919 j Student. loth Bn. D. of WelL's (W. Riding) R. ; Lieut. Mather, William. 1919 > Student. i6th Bn. Lond. R., Queen's Westmstr. Rifles ; Rflmn. Matheson, Charles Edward Glen. 1919 ; Student. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. Matthews, John Hugoe. 1919 > Student. H.M.S. Thruster (Destroyer), attd. Harwich Force ; A.B. Matthews, Ronald William. 19 19. ist Lond. Sanit. Coy., R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; L-Cpl. Mattinson, Arthur Bowman. 1909; D.V.S.M. R.A.Vet.C; Brevet- Major ; O.B.E. ; M.C. ; Despatches (twice). Maule, Geoffrey Lamb. See page 53. Maurice, Frank. 1919; Student. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. 200 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Maw, Jrthur Rogers. See page 53. Maw Ds LEY, J. E, See page 53. Maxfield, Herbert Lightfoot. 191 i ; M.Sc. E. Lane. R. ; Pte. ♦Maxfield, Herbert Norbury. O.T.C. 4th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Maxwell, Alan. 1908 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. R. Fus. ; Major ; D.S.O. ; Despatches. Maxwell, George Barton. 1919 ; Student. 219th Coy., M.G.C. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Maxwell, Kenneth Graeme. 1908 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut.-CoL ; M.C. ; Pris. of War. May, David Walton. 1902 ; Asst. Christie Library. 2nd Bn. K.S.L.I. ; Pte. Maybury, Percy Tindell. 1904 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 503rd and 103rd Sge. Btys., R.G.A. j Major. Maycock, Charles Ernest. See page 53. Mayoh, Wilfrid. 1919 ; Student. B Baty., 285th Bde., R.F.A. ; Gnr. Meaby, John William Gaitskell. 1905 ; Student. R.E. ; Lieut. Meachim, George Leslie. 191 5 ; Student. R.N. ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. Mead, Percy John. 1906 ; B.A. i6th Bn. Manch. R., attd. Intell. C. ; Capt. ; Staff Lieut. (Intell.). Meadows, Harry. 191 3 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. N. Staff. R. ; Capt. and Adjt. *Medcalf, Thomas Ben yon. O.T.C. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Meek, Charles Francis Ullathorne. 1908 ; D.Sc. 17th Res. Baty., R.F.A. ; Major. Meek, Harold Matthews. 1906 ; Student. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; R.N.V.R. ♦Megson, Gerald Clay. O.T.C. 5th Bn. E. Kent R. ; 2nd Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 201 Meir, Wilfrid Avlt. See page 53. Meldrum, David Keith. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. i/7th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; R.E. ; Pnr. Melland, Charles Herbert. 1889 ; B.Sc. Med. Officer for Men Training Students. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Melling, Cecil Thomas. 191 7 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.E. (Fid. Coy.) ; 2nd Lieut. Melling, Herbert. 191 3 > Student. R.E. ; Lieut. ; In- terpreter. Mellor, Ernest. 1905 ; LL.B. 91st Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Mellor, Roy. See page 54. *Mellor, Wilfrid Law. O.T.C. R.E. ; Staff Lieut, (ist Class) ; M.C. Melrose, Malcolm MiTTON. 1905 ; Student. R.N., H.M.S. Princess Royal ; Surg. Menzies, Thomas. 1913 ; Student. R.A.Vet.C. ; Lieut. Mercer, Alfred. 1906 ; M.Sc. Ind. A., 5th Calcutta Bn., Ind. Def. C. ; 2nd Lieut. Mercer, Godfrey Alec Fletcher. 1915 ; Student ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. Northd. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Mercer, Thomas. 1885 ; Student. Hampshire R. ; Lieut. ^Merchant, Alfred. See page 54. Merriman, Frank Boyd. 1898 ; Student. 20th and 22nd Bns. Manch. R. ; Major; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; 1914-15 Star ; Despatches (thrice). *Messulam, Robert. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Metcalfe, Arthur William. 1909 ; Cert, in Tech. 17th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. Metcalfe, William Henry. 191 3 ; Student ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. and Bar. ♦Michaelis, Edgar. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Middleton, a. C. See page 54. MiDDLETON, James Albert. 1910 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. loth Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Staff Lieut. ; Despatches. 202 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY *MiDDLETON, William Hulton. O.T.C. D. of Corn.'s L.L ; 2nd Lieut. MiDDLETON, William Malcolm. 191 3 > Student ; O.T.C. B Baty., 95th Bde., R.F.A. ; Gnr. ; Pris. of War. Middleton-West, Stephen Harold. 1897 ; M.B., Ch.B. Ind. M.S. ; Capt. ; Despatches (twice). MiEDE, Carl Heinrich Franz. See page 54. MiLBOURNE, Leslie. See page 54. Miller, Alfred Albert. 1919 > Student. 19th Bn. Lond. R. ; Pte. Milligan, Sir William. 1893 ; Lectr. in Diseases of the Ear, Nose, and Throat. R.A.M.C. ; Major. Mills, Stephen George. 1919 ; Student. R.E. (S. Palestine Sig. Coy.) ; Spr. MiLNER, Charles Edward. 1905 ; Student. Ind. A.R.O. ; attd. 38th K.G.O. (Central Ind. Horse) ; Lieut. MiLNER, George Fell. 1908 ; Student ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. MiLNES, James. 191 3 ; Student. 23rd Baty., R.F.A. ; Gnr. MiLWARD, William Edward Arnold. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. I St Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; 1 914-15 Star ; Pris. of War. MiNTON, Thomas Hosker. 1915 ; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Sandhurst d^nd. Grenville ; Sub-Lieut. Mitchell, Frank. 191 7 > Student; O.T.C. 24th Bn. Ches. R. ; Cpl. Mitchell, Harold Ewart. 1919 j Student. R.A.F. ; Flt.- Cdt. Mitchell, James Frederick. 191 3 j B.Sc. ist Bn. King's (Liverpool Scottish) R. ; Sergt. Mitchell, John. 1906 ; Student. King's (Liverpool) R. Mitchell, William. 191 8 ; Student ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Mitchell, William Henry. 1906 ; Student. 21st Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus., Ches. R., R.E. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 203 MocKLER, George Stainbank. 191 2 ; B.Sc. Lane. Hussars, 39th Cent. Ind. Horse, 41st Ind. Cavalry R. ; Lieut, and Adjt. MoFFET, John Leeson. See page 54. MoFFET, Stanley Ormerod. 19055 M.A. 21st Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. MoFFET, William Percy. 1901 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; 34th (W. Lane.) CCS. ; Capt. MoiR, Edward. 1895; Student. R.A.M.C ; Major. MoLYNEUx, Fred. 1919 ; Student. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Pte. MoNCRiEFF, Andrew Mason. 1910 ; B.Se. R.G.A. ; Major. MoNKHOUSE, Robert Bridge. 19195 Student. R.A.M.C 5 2/ist E. Lane. Fid. Amb. 5 Pte. MoNTAGAN, Robert Dominique, i 9 i 2 5 Cert, in Teeh. Freneh Inf. Montague, Charles Edward. 1911 5 Member of Univ. Court. 24th Bn. R. Fus. and Spee. List, attd. Gen. Staff 5 Capt. 5 O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) 5 Knight of Order of Crown of Roumania (with Swords) 5 Despatehes (twiee). Montford, Ivan Claude. 191 2 5 B.Sc. 5 O.T.C. ist Bn. Rif. Bde. 5 Lieut.-Col. Montgomery, Alexander William. 191 9 5 B.Sc. Tech. 5 th Bn. Hampshire R. 5 Lieut. Moon, Harold Joseph. 1895 5 Student. R.A.M.C 5 Capt. Moon, Henry Joseph. 1911 5 Student 5 O.T.C. loth Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. 5 Lieut. Moor, Frank Herbert. 1911 5 Student. M.G.C 5 Lieut. Moore, Douglas Kinley. 19 19 5 Student. R.A.F. 5 2nd Lieut. Moore, Ernest John. 1914 5 B.Sc. 5 O.T.C i/ist High- land H.B. 5 R.G.A. 5 2nd Lieut. 5 M.C Moore, Frederick Craven. 1887 5 M.D., M.Sc. 5 Lectr. in Syst. Medicine. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) 5 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. 5 Lieut.-Col. Moore, Harold Ettrick. 1897 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. 5 Capt. 204 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Moore, Harold Victor. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. 208th Coy., R.A.S.C. ; Horse Transpt. ; Dvr. Moore, Joseph Albert. 1915 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Moores, Ralph Bradley. 1919 ; Student. 6th Bn. Wilts. R. ; Cpl. MooRHousE, Jrthur John. See page S^, Morgan, Edward Llewellyn. 1914 j L.D.S. ; O.T.C. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Lieut. Morgan, Henry Leslie. 1912 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. Border R. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Morgan, John Stanley. 1908 ; M.Sc. i6th Bn. Lane. Fus. and R.A.F. ; Lieut. MoRisoN, John Miller Woodburn. 1904 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut. ♦MoRLAND, Harold Merton. O.T.C. 9th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. MoRLEY, John. 1903 ; M.B., Ch.M. ; Lectr. in Clin. Anatomy. R.A.M.C., i/ist E. Lane. Fid. Amb. ; Capt. ; Chevalier, Legion of Honour (France). MoRRALL, James. 1916 ; Student; O.T.C. nth Bn. Sher- wood Foresters ; Lieut. MoRREY, Joseph. 1904 ; L.D.S. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. MoRREY, Percy. 1912 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 429th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. ; M.B.E. *MoRRis, Frederick. O.T.C. Tank C. ; Lieut. Morris, George Parker. 1908 ; Student. i6th Bn. Manch. R. ; M.G.C. ; Capt. Morris, Harold Ravenscroft. 1909 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. ; 4th Corps, Cyclist Bn. ; Lieut. Morris, Hubert Meredydd. 191 3 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. Res. Bn., Coldstream Gds. ; Gdsman. Morris, Manfred. 1904 ; M.D. ; Dem. in Anatomy. R.A.M.C., i/3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb. ; Lieut.-Col. Morris, Victor Allen. 1919 ; Student. Labour C. ; Lieut. Morrison, Frederick Alexander. 1894 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 205 *MoRRisoN, John Frederick. O.T.C. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ; M.C. Morse, Valentine Wheatstone. 191 5 ; L.D.S. 8th Baty. R.F.A. ; Gnr. MoRT, George Cecil. 1899 ; M.D. R.N., H.M.S. Victory, Cochrane^ Pomone ; Surg. Morton, Armitage. 1894; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *MoRTON, Arthur Ferris. O.T.C. 9th Bn. King's (Liver- pool) R. ; Lieut. Morton, Edgar. 1919 ; Student. 58 T.D.S., R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut., Tech. Offr. Morton, Harry. 19 10 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) and R.E. ; Capt. *MoRTON, Thomas Chalmers. O.T.C. R.G.A. ; Lieut MosELEY, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys. See page ^S, *Moseley, Oswald Vernon. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus., 2/6th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R., 57th M.T.M.B. ; Lieut. Moses, Benjamin. 1919 > Student. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Moss, Geoffrey Neville. 1919 ; Student. R.W. Fus. ; Lieut. Moss, LovELL. 1906 ; M.D. ; O.T.C. R.N., H.M.S. Paris ; R.N. Hosp., Gibraltar ; Surg.-Lieut. ; Medaille d'Honneur des Epidemies. Moss, Thomas. 191 3 ; B.Sc. R.E. (Chem. Sec.) ; Cpl. *MoTLER, John Frederick. See page S5» Motley, Herbert. 1908 ; Student. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. ; Despatches. *MoTTERSHEAD, JoHN Herbert./ O.T.C. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. MoTTERSHEAD, WiLLiAM. 1919 j Student. 199th, 200th and 1 2th Squadns., R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. MoTTRAM, Edward Neville. 1917 ; B.Sc; O.T.C. O.C.B. (R.G.A.); Cdt. MouNSEY, William Henry. 1916 ; B.A. R.E., Q Spec. Sec. ; Pnr. 2o6 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Mount, Ernest Edward. 191 3 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Sergt. Instr. MoxoN, Paul BouRCHiER. 1901 ; LL.B. R.F.C. andR.A.F. 5 Capt. ; Obs. OfFr. MoYNAN, Fred Knox Ouseley. 1908 ; Student. R.E. ; Lieut. MucKLOw, Graham Fernie. 1919 ; B.Sc. 17th Bn. North'd Fus. (Anti-Gas Serv.) ; Capt. MucKLOw, Stuart Leslie. 1919 > Student. 5th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. *MuDiE, Robert j^lan. See page SS' MuLLER, Ferdinand. 191 5 ; Student, nth Bn. and 7th Bn. Blaek Wateh ; Pte. Mulligan, Cyril Arthur. 1919? Student. R.A.F. ; Lieut. MuMFORD, Ernest Moore. 1908 ; M.Se. ; O.T.C. i6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Major ; Seed, to India Offiee. MuMFORD, Henry Walter. See page 55. MuMFORD, John Houston. See page S5» MuMFORD, Percival Brooke. 1914S M.B., Ch.B. J O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Lieut. MuMFORD, William Foskett. 19 19 ; Student, ist Bn. R. Fus. ; Sgnllr. Munro, James Mc Vicar. 1907 ; Student ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Gordon Hghdrs. ; Lieut.-Col. ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Despatches ; Chem. Advsr. Scottish Command. Munsey, William Frederick. See page 56. ♦Murdoch, Eric Holdsworth. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R.; 2nd Lieut. MuRGATROYD, Harry Hopkinson. 1912 5 M.A. j Res. Student. Q. Westmstr. Rif. (Lond. R.) ; Pte. ♦Murray, Arthur Ronald. O.T.C. Artists Rifles O.T.C. ; Cdt. Murray, George Redmayne. 1908 ; Prof, of Systematic Med. A. M.S., 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. and 57th Gen. Hosp., B.E.F. ; Col. Murray, Stuart. 1897 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.AM.C. \ Capt. ; O.B.E. ; Despatches. ROLL OF SERVICE 207 MusKETT, Joseph Bradburn. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. R.G. A. ; Pte. Mutch, Clement Hollinshead. 1907 ; B.Sc. R.A.S.C. (M.T.); Capt. Mutch, George. 191 i ; B.Sc. R.E. ; Lieut. *Mycock, Edwin. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Capt. ♦Myers, William. O.T.C. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Myers, William. 1914 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. N. Staff. R. and 56th L.T.M.B. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Mylrea, Frank. O.T.C. 12th R. Lancers ; Lieut. Naismith, Noel Lings. See page 56. Nanson, Musard Roper Curzon. 1897 ; B.Sc. R.G.A. ; 20th and 2 1 St Div. Art. ; 123rd H.B. and 26th Sge. Bty. ; Major ; Despatches. Nasmith, George William. 1906 ; Student. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Major ; Empld. Rlys. (R.E.) ; Despatches (twice) ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Order of White Eagle (Serbia), 5th Class. Nattrass, Henry. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. R.A.F. ; Pilot Offr. Naylor, Christopher Yates. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. nth Bn. K.O. Y.L.I, and R.E. ; Lieut. Naylor, Donald Sanderson. 1914; B.Sc. Tech. R.E., Spec. Bde. ; Cpl. Naylor, Joseph Armstrong. 1914 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Naylor, Thomas Martin. 1907 ; B.Sc. R.N. ; Lieut. (Engin.). Naylor, William. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. loth Bn. E. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. *Neal, Sedlie. O.T.C. 24th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Neave, Edwin Marrat. 1913 ; Student. R. Fus. Nedderman, Arthur. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Needham, Keith. 1909 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Dragoon Gds. and M.G.C. 5 Lieut. 2o8 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Needham, Leonard. See page 56. ♦Needham, Oscar Stockton. O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch R. ; Lieut. Needham, Richard Arthur. 1893 ; M.D., B.Sc, D.P.H. ; Dem. in Anatomy. I. M.S. ; Lieut.-Col. ; Asst. Dir. Genl. I.M.S. ; CLE., D.S.O. ; Despatches (thrice). ♦Neill, Denis Arthur. O.T.C. 4th Bn. Black Watch j Lieut. Neill, Geoffrey JVilliam. See page 56. Nelson, Cecil. 1916 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Nelson, John Bownas. 1919 ; Student. 6th Squadn. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. (Fit.). Nelson, Walter Ruthven. 1905 ; B.Sc. 22nd Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; R.F.C., 5th Ball. Coy. ; Major. Nelson, William Henry. 1919 ; Student. 24th Bn. R.W. Fus., 31st Div. ; Sgnllr. (ist CI.). ♦Nelstrop, James. O.T.C. ; 6ist Baty., R.F.A. ; Lieut. Nesfield, Stephen. 1883; Student. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; T.D. ; Despatches. Newell, Matthew Banks. See page 56. Newell, Robert Leech. 1911 ; M.B., Ch.B.; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Newman, Allan Cameron. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Sweetbriar ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. ♦Newman, Gustavus Thomas. O.T.C. 13th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches. ♦Newman, James Patrick. O.T.C. 14th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Newsome, Harold Firth Vessey. 1908 ; Asst. Lectr. in Sanit. Engineering ; O.T.C. King's (Liverpool) R., attd. 8 1st Coy., Labour C. ; Capt. Newton, Eric 1910 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Newton, Frank Leslie. 1907; M.B., Ch.B. ; Leech Fellow ; Dem. in Anatomy. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 209 Newton, Percy. 1919 ; B.Sc. R.G.A. ; Gnr. NiCHOL, James Harold. 1907; Student. R.A.M.C. j Capt. NiCHOL, John Oswald. 1894 ; B.Sc. R.N.V.R. ; Lieut.- Cmdr. ; Seaplane Instr. NiCHOL, Thomas Garrick. 191 8 ; Student. Spec. Bde., R.E. ; Pte. *NiCHOLAS, Reginald John Bolderson. O.T.C. 3rd, 21st, and 23rd Bns. Manch. R. ; attd. i/fth Bn. Border R. ; Staff Capt. ♦Nichols, George William. O.T.C. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. *NiCHOLS, John Victor. O.T.C. R.E. ; Lieut. Nicholson, Roger Brighouse. i 901 ; Student. I. M.S., attd. 36th Jacob's Horse ; Major ; M.C., O.B.E. ; Despatches. NiCKERSON, William Henry Snyder. 1891 ; M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. R.A.M.C, ; Lieut.-Col. ; V.C. (S. Afr. War) ; C.M.G. ; Despatches. NiCKSON, Frank. 1919 ; Student. R.E. ; Pte. NiDD, John Arthur Parkinson. 191 7 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. O.C.B. (R.E.) ; Cdt. Nightingale, Arthur Winfield. 1905 ; Student. Ind. A.R.O. ; Capt. Nixon, Kenneth Bevan. 1913; Student. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Lieut. NoALL, William Paynter. 1893 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Noble, John Wood. 1918 ; Student. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. NoRBURY, Alan Leslie. 1911 ; B.Sc. nth Bn. Manch. R. and R.E. ; Lieut. NoRBURY, Brian. 1906 ; Student ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. NoRBURY, Gilbert. 1905 ; Student. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. NoRCROSS, Arthur. See page 56. NoRCRoss, Thomas. 1907 ; B.Sc. 19th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Pte. P 2IO MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Norman, William James. 1919 ; Student. 6th Bn. K.S.L.I. ; Pte. NoRRis, Arthur. 1914 > Student. R.N., H.M.S. Impreg- nable ; Warrant Schoolmaster. NoRRis, Arthur Herbert. 1900; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. (T.F.), attd. I /6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. NoRRis, Denis Fothergill. 191 6 ; Student ; O.T.C. 89th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. NuNN, John Price. 1919 ; Student. C Baty., 331st Bde., R.F.A. ; Sgnllr. (ist Class). Nunn, Richard Edward. 1908 ; B.Sc. Ind. Forces, Jalaiput Vols. NuTTALL, Jlbert J rm IT AGE. See page 57. *NuTTALL, James Roth well. O.T.C. 6th Bn. W. York. R. 5 2nd Lieut. NuTTALL, John Mitchell. 1908 ; M.Sc. 3rd Fid. Surv. Bn., R.E. ; Capt. j Despatches (twice). •Nuttall, John Morris. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Grenadier Gds., attd. M.G.C. Gds. ; Lieut. NuTTALL, John Ormerod. See page 57. NuTTALL, Ronald. 1914 ; Clerk, Registrar's OiF. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Nuttall, William. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Oakden, Arthur Marshall, See page 57. O'Brien, Cornelius Joseph. 1907 ; Student. 21st Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. •O'Brien, Jack Gilmore. O.T.C. loth Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. O'Brien, Terence. 1913 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.E. ; Cpl. *OccLESHAW, Vincent Joseph. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Welch R. ; Sergt. OcKMAN, Tobias. 1916 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. No. 2 O.C.B., Cambridge ; Cdt. Odell, Ernest Walter. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. i/ist N. Mid. Hvy. Baty. ; R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 211 *O^DoNAHUE, Thomas Henderson. See page 57. O'DoNOHUE, John Michael. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. loth, 7th, 6th, 3rd Bns. L.N. Lane. R. j Capt. ; Despatches (twice). Ogden, Arthur Haydock. See page 57. *Ogden, George Edward. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. Ogden, Harold Leach. 1915 ; B.A. 2nd Bn. Artists Rif. ; O.T.C. ; Pte. Ogden, James Albert. 1919 > Student. E. Lane. R. and R.A.F. ; Fit. Cdt. Ogden, John Hains worth. 1899; Student; O.T.C. 196th Baty., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Oglethorpe, Edward Lewis. 1907 ; Student. R,A.S.C.; Lieut. O'Grady, James Fitzwilliam. 1908 ; Student ; O.T.C. i/7th Bn. Lane. Fus. and R.N., attd. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut, and Surg.-Lieut. O'Hanlon, Sydney Esmond. 191 3 ; Student. R.F.C. ; Lieut. Okell, Thomas Fryer. 1894 ; Student. R.A.M.C; Capt. Oldfield, Benjamin. See page 57. Oldfield, William Bromley. 1909 ; Student. E. of Chester's Imp. Yeom. ; Tpr. Oldham, Eric. 1909 ; B.Se. ; O.T.C. 22nd Bn. Manch. R. and M.G.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Oldham, Harold. 1911 ; B.Se.; O.T.C. A Baty., 56th Bde., R.F.A. ; Gnr. Oliver, Eric Norman Wellesley. 1902 ; Student. Malay States Vol. Rfls. ; Pte. Oliver, Leonard Fen wick. 1906 , Cert, in Tech. H.M.S. Pembroke ; Petty Offr. ♦Oliver, Thomas Wright. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R., attd. M.G.C. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Ollerenshaw, Robert. 1900 ; M.D. R. A. M.C, seed, with a Gen. Hosp. ; Major ; Surg. Specst. O'Meara, John Frederick Cooke. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. 212 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY O'Neill, Charles Sefton. 1898 ; M.D., D.P.H. R.A.M.C.; Capt. ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.). O'Neill, Douglas Quirk. icko ; Student. Lond. R. ; L.-Cpl. Oppenheimer, Frank. 1906 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Major. Ord, Wilfrid. 1904 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. The Queen's (R.W. Surrey) R. ; Capt. ; Despatches. ♦Orford, Harry Sydney. O.T.C. ; 8th Bn. Manch. R., attd. M.G.C. ; Lieut. *Ormerod, Arthur Duckworth. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Ormerod, Benjamin. 1908 ; LL.B. 4th Bn. E. Lane. R,, attd. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. Ormerod, Edgar. 1910 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Ormerod, Edwin Ronald. 1914 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Norman ; Surg. Probnr. Ormerod, Frank CuNLiFFE. 1911; M.D. R.A.M.C; Capt. Ormerod, Henry. 191 3 j Student ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. D, of Well's (W. Riding) R. ; Capt. Ormerod, Robert Edwin. 191 3 > B.A., Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; 2nd Lieut. Ormerod, Walter. See page 58. Ormesher, William. See page 58. Ormrod, Harry. See page 58. Orr, Alexander Thomson. See page 58. *Orr, Frank McCall. O.T.C. 22nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Orr, John. 191 3 > Prof, of French ; O.T.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Empld. in Admiralty Intell. Div. Orr, William Boyd. 1907 ; Student. 19th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. and Adjt. ; M.C. ; Despatches (twice). Orrell, Keith Faulkner Andrew. See page 58. Orrell, Walter Walsh. 1891 ; B.Sc. R.E., Exptl. Coy. ; Pnr. ROLL OF SERVICE 213 Orton, Douglas Catterall Leyland. 1899 ; Student. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. *OsBORN, Arthur Walter. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Lieut.; M.C. *OsBORN, Cecil Charles Frederick. O.T.C. Manch. R. and R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. OsGATHORPE, Herbert James. 1919 ; Student. R.E. (Sigs.) ; Spr. O'Shaughnessy, Cuthbert Leo. 1919 ; Student. 200th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; S. Lane. R. and M.G.C. ; Capt. ; Despatches. *OswALD, Samuel. O.T.C. 15th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. *Ouseley-Smith, Gerald. O.T.C. 212T.D. Squadn., R.A.F.5 Lieut. Owen, Arthur Percy. See page 58. Owen, Eustace Sidney. 191 9 j Student. R.E. ; Sergt. Owen, George Webster. See page 59. Owen, Robert Leslie. 191 2 ; Student. 7th Bn. Ches. R., empld. R.E. ; Lieut. *Owen, Robert Tranter. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. (Pilot). Owen, Thomas Walter. 1910 ; Clerk to the Fae. of Educa- tion. R.A.F., No. 90 C.T.S. ; Sergt. Owen, Wilfred Hubert. 191 3; B.Sc. Tech. R. Fus. and 3rd attd. 2nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Oxland, Charles Harold. 1901 ; M.Sc. ; Unattd. List (T.F.) for Serv. with Wellingboro' G.S. O.T.C. ; Lieut. Page, John Ferguson. 1915 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.A.F. (Marine Squadn.) ; Fit. Cdt. *Pailthorpe, Frederick Gerald. O.T.C. R.N., 3rd Mine- sweeping Flot. ; Surg.-Lieut. Paine, Maitland Francis Austen. 1894; B.Sc. R.A.F. ; Major. Painter, Edward Felix Lionel. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. R.E. ; Cpl. (Despatch Rider). Palmer, Albert Edwin. 1919; Student. 2nd Bn. Devon- shire R. ; Sgnllr. 214 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Palmer, Herbert Henry. 191 i ; B,Sc. 8th Bn. Manch. R. and 13th Bn. Durham L.I. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Palmer, Herbert Leslie. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane, Fus. ; Lieut. ; M.B.E. Palmer, John Henry TVilliam. See page 59. Palmer, Rupert William. 1908; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches ; M.C. Panton, John Allison. 1911 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Parker, Douglas Oxby. 1919 ; Student. D. of Well's (W. Riding) R. ; Pte. Parker, Gerald Frederic Staveley. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. ; R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Defender ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. Parker, William. 1894 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Parkes, George Bowden. 1910 ; B.Com. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Staff Capt., 197th Inf. Bde. Parkes, Miles. 1919 ; Student. R.E. ; Spr. Parkin, George. 1915; Student. 2nd Bn. and 7th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Parkinson, Allan Rycroft. 1918 ; Student; O.T.C. E. York. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Parkinson, Ernest George. 1914 ; Student. R.N.V.R. ; Dent. Surg. ; Surg.-Lieut. Parkinson, Harold Ainsworth. 1913 ; L.D.S. R.A.M.C; Pte. Parkinson, John Harold. 1916 ; B.Se. Teeh. R.N.V.R. (Convoy Serv.) ; Sgnlmn. Parkinson, Thomas Clifton. 1907 ; Student. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. Parr, Douglas Kermode. 191 3 ; Student. M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Parr, Percy. 191 8 ; B.Se. Teeh. nth Bn. King's (Liver- pool) R. ; 2nd Lieut. Parry, Robert Reginald. 191 3 ; Student. R.A.M.C, Fid. Amb. ; R.S.M. ; 1914-15 Star ; M.S.M. Parry, William Ronald Meldrum. 191 3 ; Student ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. and 17 th Bn. Maneh. R. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 215 Parry-Jones, Clive. 1910 ; Student. 5th Bn. S. Staff. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Parsonage, Frank Henry. 1910; Student. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Partington, Frederick William. 1911 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. S. Lane. R. and R.A.F. ; Capt. ; Tech. Offr. (Pilot). Partington, James Riddick. 1906 ; D.Sc, Bej^er Res. Fell. ; Exhibn. Scholar ; Asst. Lectr. and Dem. in Chemistry. R.E. ; Capt. ; M.B.E. Partington, Norman. 1919 > Student. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Pask, Edward Henry Allon. 1914; Student. R.A.M.C; Lieut. Pateman. Leonard. See page 59. Paterson, Malcolm Clark. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B., B.D.S. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Manch. R. and R.A.M.C. ; Lieut. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Paterson, Matthew Wallace. 1908; Student; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Major ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div,) ; M.C. ; Des- patches (twice) ; Med. d'Honneur avec Glaives " en Vermeil " ; D.A.D.M.S. IL Anzac and XXIL Corps. ♦Paterson, Robert Frank. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Lieut. Paterson, Ronald Simpson. 1911 ; M.B., Ch.B.; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Paterson, William Robert. 1904 ; Student. loth Bn. Gloucester R. ; Major. Patrick, Victor. 1919 > Student. Labour Coy. ; Pte. Patterson, Richard D'Arcy. 1906 ; Student. King's (Liver- pool) R. ; 2nd Lieut. Pattinson, William Ross. 1904 ; B.Sc. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Capt. ♦Paul, Edward Earl. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Pavion, Harry. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Peach, Lawrence Du Garde. 1909 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Peake, Henry Gilbert. 1905 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. 2i6 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Pearce, Harold Ellis Dallas. 1908 ; B,Sc. ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; M.C. *Pearn, Cyril Sinclair. O.T.C. R.G.A. ; Capt. Pearsall, William Harold. 1910 ; D.Sc. R.G.A., attd. Y Sound Rang. Sec, ist Fid. Surv. Bn., R.E. ; Bdr. Pearse, Norman Smith. 191 8 ; Student. 4th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Cpl. Pearson, Alec. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F., attd. 230th Bde., R.F.A. ; 2/A.M. ♦Pearson, Alfred. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Pearson, Ernest Leigh. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. R.N. ; Pte. ♦Pearson, Lloyd Mawson. O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Hawke j Sub-Lieut. Pease, Thomas Ormston Cave. 1908; Student. R.F.C. and R.F.A. ; Capt. ; Asst. Instr. in Gun. (M.G. See.). Peet, Thomas Eric. 1914 ; Leetr. in Egyptology, i8th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. and 199th L.T.M.B. ; Lieut. ♦Peirce, Peter Carrington. O.T.C. B/56 Baty., R.F.A. ; 2nd E. Lane. R.F.A. Bde. ; Capt. ; M.C. Pemberton, George. 1919 ; Cert, in Teeh. R.N., President 11. and President F, ; Petty Offr. ; D.S.M. Pemberton, Guy. 191 2 ; Student. 13th Bn. Can. R. Hghdrs.; Pte. Pendlebury, James William. 1909 ; B.Se. ; O.T.C. E. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. ♦Pendlebury, John Carlton. O.T.C. R.E. ; Capt. Pendlebury, Norman. 1910 ; Student. R.N.D. (Med.); Staff-Sergt. R.M. ♦Pendleton, Vivian Dyson. O.T.C. R.A.S.C. ; Capt. ; O.C. R.A.S.C. Offrs. Seh. of Instr. Penman, Henry. 1919 ; Student. loth Cameronians (Scottish Rfls.) ; 2nd Lieut. Penney, Humphrey Linthorne. 1914 ; B.Se. 17th Amb. Train ; Pte. ; 19 14-15 Star. Pennington, Donald. 1907; Student; O.T.C. 12th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. ROLL OF SERVICE 217 Percival, Barwise. 1904 ; Student. Fid. Surv. Coy., R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. Percival, F. G. 1914 ; Asst. Lectr. and Dem. in Geology. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Percival, Walter. 1919 ; Student, D.B. Cable Sec, R.E. (Signals) ; Spr. Perkins, William Hughes. 1901 ; M.Sc. Durham L.L j R.E. (Gas Serv., 8th Div.) ; Capt. ; O.B.E. ; Chevalier, Legion of Honour ; Despatches (twice). Perrens, William Joseph King. 1900 ; Student. 5th Bn, Devon. R. ; Lieut. Perry, Alfred Eovt^ARD. 1919 ; Student. i6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Perry, Charles Stanley. 1915 ; Student. 6th Bn. K.R.Rif.C. J L.-Cpl. Peters, Ashley. See page 59. Peters, Wilfrid Herbert. 191 5 ; Student ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. (Sign, and Intell. Offr.). Petrie, Norman John Charles. 1904 ; Student. R.A.S.C. ; H.Q. 57th Divl. Train ; Staff Q.M. Sergt. ; Despatches; M.S.M. ; T.D. *Petrie, Walter Harvey. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R., transfd. Dent. Serv. ; Lieut. Petty, John Darneley. 1910 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. loth Bn. E. York. R., attd. T.M.B. ; Lieut. ; M.M. ; Despatches. Pewtress, Alfred William. 1908 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. R.F.A., 41st Div. Art., X/41 T.M.B. ; Capt. ; M.C. Philbin, Edmund. 1915 ; Student. O.T.C. ; Cdt. Philip, Archibald. 191 9 ; B.Sc. Durham L.L ; Pte. Phillips, Albert James. 1914 j Student. 135th Labour Coy. ; Lieut. *Phillips, Arthur Thomas. O.T.C. 86th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Phillips, Edgar Giraldus. 1919 > B.Sc. 3rd Sge. Art., Res. Bde., 346th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Phillips, Ernest. 1911 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. and 12th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. 21 8 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Phillips, John Mills. 1911 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. R. Welsh Fus. ; Capt. Phillipson, Sydney. 1909 ; M.A. ; Teach. Dipl. 19th Bn. R. Welsh Fus. ; Lieut. *Phipp, Reginald Arthur Hyatt. O.T.C. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Phipps, John Degory Baron. 1919 ; Student. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Pick, John William. See page 59. PiCKFORD, Fred. 1901 ; M.Sc. ; Lectr. in Hydraulics ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Fernon ; Lieut. ; ist Class Tech. Offr. *PiCKFORD, James Henderson. O.T.C. 179th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. PiCKFORD, Stanley. 19 19 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Lieut. (Obs.). ♦PiCKFORD, Walter. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. and Adjt. Pickles, Harry Thornton. See page 59. Pickles, John Sydney. 191 8 ; B.Sc. Tech. 219th Squadn. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦PiCKSTONE, Albert. O.T.C. 4th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. 5 Lieut. PiCKSTONE, Fred. 1915 ; Student; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Pickup, Arthur. 191 8 ; Student. R.N.V.R. (H.M.S. Tren- chant) ; Sglmn. PiDGEON, Frank Holt. 1919 > Student. 200th Squadn., R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Pierce, Edward Richard. 1915 ; Student. R.N., S.B. Res. ; Petty Offr. PiLCHER, Archibald McLelland. 1891 5 M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Pilkington, Denis Fielden. 1919 ; B.Sc Tech. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Lieut. ; M.B.E. ; Despatches. Pilkington, Geoffrey Eaton. 1907; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. loth Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches ; Empld. Offr. Cdt. Bn. ROLL OF SERVICE 219 PiLKiNGTON, Sydney Verden. 1919 j Student, nth Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Capt. Pilling, Ernest. 1915 ; B.A. M.G.C. ; Pte. Pilling, George Frederick. 1909 ; Student. 3rd E. Lane. Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut. Pilling, Robert Harold. 1910 ; M.A. R.A.M.C., 123rd Ind. Comb. Fid. Amb. ; Pte. Binder, Thomas Sydney. See page 60. PiNTON, Charles Wilfred. 1901 ; B.Se. ; 102nd Sge. Bty., R.G.A., and 2nd Asst. Supert. R. Lab. Woolwieh Arsl. ; Lieut. ♦Pitt, Sydney. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Place, Alfred Noel. 191 3 j Student. S.W. Borderers and R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Place, James Frederick. 1904 ; Student. R.N. ; Lieut.- Cmdr., Dent. Surg. Place, Thomas Byron. 1910 ; L.D.S. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) j Capt. Place, Thomas Keen. 1908; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Plant, Arthur Starkie. 1907 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Platt, Akkey Bamber. 1912 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Platt, Bevis. 1907 ; M.Sc. R.E. (Signals) ; Lieut. ; M.C. Platt, Harry. 1904 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. ; 2nd West. Gen. and Grangethorpe Spec. Surg. Hosp. (Surg. Dir.). Platt, John Isaac. 1918 ; B.Sc. 6th Bn. Manch. R. and B Spec. Coy., R.E. ; L.-Cpl. Platt, Stanley. 1911 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. nth Bn. York and Lane. R., transfd. 94th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Platt, Wilfred. 1901 ; M.Se. 137th A.T. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. Plews, Arthur Ernest. 191 5 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 13th and 20th Bns. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. ; M.C. 220 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Plummer, Charles Harold. 1905 ; L.D.S. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. PoGSON, Herbert Seward. 191 2 ; Cert, in Tech. R.E., Spec. Coy. ; Cpl. ♦Pointer, William Norman. O.T.C. R.E. (E. Lane. Divl. Sig. Coy., T.F.) ; Lieut. Pollard, Benjamin. 1908 ; M.Sc. 5 O.T.C. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. Pollard, Gilbert. See page 60. Pollard, John. 1907 ; D.V.S.M. R.A.Vet.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. ♦Pollard, Peor. O.T.C. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; M.B.E. (Mil. Div.). Pollard, Reginald Sydney. 1909 ; M.Sc. R.A.M.C. ; 1 6th Amb. Tr. PoLLiACK, Mendel. 1914 ; B.Com. Russian Army. PoMFRET, Edwin. 191 8 ; Student. loth (Scottish) Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Pte. Pool, Godfrey Howard. 1911 ; B.Sc. R.N., H.M.S. Actaeon \ Warrant Offr. Poole, Arthur WiLMAN. 1919 ; Student. R.E. ; Spr. Poole, James. 1912 ; B.Sc; O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Cpl. Poole, John. 1919 > Student. 12th Bn. King's (L'pool) R. ; Pte. Pope, Gilbert. 1912 ; Asst. Cancer Res, Lab. R. Scots R. ; Pte. Pope, Samuel. 1915 ; Student. Signal Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. Porter, Alexander. 1904 ; M.D. 4th and loth Bns. Bedford. R. ; Surg. Porter, Eric Craig. 1915 ; Student ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Manch. R. (24th Bn. 7th Div.) ; 2nd Lieut. Porter, Ernest Walter. 1912 ; Student. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; 59th CCS. ; Cpl. Porter, Gerard Ford. 1901 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Surg. Specst. Porter, Harold James. See page 60. ROLL OF SERVICE 221 Porter, Robert Nuttall. See page 60. Porter, Ronald Philip. 1919; Student. R.A.F., No. i Wing, O.C.B. ; Fit. Cdt. Porter, Thomas. 1884 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. PosTLETHWAiTE, Joseph Marshall, i 9 i 3 ; Student. R.A.M.C, 1st E. Lane. Fid. Amb. ; Capt. ♦Potter, John Yates. O.T.C. 6th Bn., attd. 15th Bn. Sher- wood Foresters ; Lieut, and Asst. Adjt. Potter, Leslie Sharr. 1916 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; 2nd Lieut. Potts, Charles. 1897 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. Unattd. List (T.F.), Intell. Dept., W.O. (Imp. Gen. Staff) ; Brevet- Major ; O.B.E. ; Despatches (thrice). War Sec. ; G.S.O.2. Potts, Frank. 1911; B.A. Peshawar Garr., N.W.F.P., India; C.F. Potts, Frederick. 1916 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O T.C. i8th and 2nd Bns. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Potts, Geoffrey Fjldes. See page 60. Potts, Herbert. 191 3 > Student. 7th Bn. Ches. R. and A.P.C. ; Sergt. PouLTER, Eric Seymour. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. Labour C. ; 2nd Lieut. Powell, Arthur Joseph Howson. 1914; Student. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Powell, Frank Tattersall. 191 3 ; Student. R.E. (Chem. Sec); Cpl. *PowELL, James. O.T.C. R.A.F. (Kite Ball. Sec.) ; Lieut. *PowELL, John Richard. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. Powell, Winston Elias. 1916 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. 1 08th Hvy. Baty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. PowiCKE, Gertrude Mary. See page 60. PowNER, Harry. 1919 ; Student. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Prescott, Christopher James. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. 1 2th Bn. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. 222 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Prescott, Ronald Arthur. 1919 ; Student ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. Northumberland Fus. ; Lieut. Preston, Harold Draycott. 1914 ; Student. 3rd and 9th Bns. R.W. Fus. ; Pte. Prestwich, Frank Greenhalgh. 1908 ; Student ; O.T.C. i/3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Major. Price, Charles Frederick Tempest. See page 61. ♦Price, Edwin. O.T.C. 13th Bn. York and Lane. R. 5 Lieut. Price, Henry IVall. See page 61. Price, William George. 1889 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Cpl. Prince, Albert Edward. 1907 ; Jones Res. Fellowship ; M.A. ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. Maneh. R. ; Lieut. ; Staff Lieut. ; Despatches. Pring, John Norman. 1901 ; D.Se. ; Leetr. in Electro- chemistry ; O.T.C. R.A.O.C. ; Capt. ; M.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Insp. Ordn. OfFr. Pritchard, Harry Washington. 1886 j Student. R.A.M.C., 2nd E. Lane. Fid. Amb. 5 Major. Pritchard, William B, See page 61. Probyn, Frederick Stewart. 1910 ; Student. R.A.Vet.C; Major. Procter, Thomas. 191 6 ; Student. 3rd Bn. R.W. Kent R. ; 20th Bn. Lond. R. ; R.A.F. ; Pte. Proctor, George. See page 61. Proctor, William. 191 i ; LL.B. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Proudfoot, H. H. See page 61. Proudfoot, Robert. 191 2 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C, attd. 7th Bn. Ches. R. ; Major ; Order of White Eagle, 5th Class (Serbia) ; D.A.D.M.S., 53rd Div. ; Despatches. PuGH, Thomas Freer. 1896 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Pullman, Arthur Donald Rieber. 1907 ; B.Se. A Cyclist Corps. Punt, Errol Walter. 1907 ; Student. R.A.S.C. j Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 223 ♦PuRDY, Martin Manley. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. ; M.C. QuAYLE, Edwin. 1883; Student. R. A. M.C. (Vol.) ; Lieut- Col. ; M.B.E. (Mil. Div.). QuAYLE, Mark. 1908 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut, j Pris. of War. QuiLLiAM, Leslie. 191 6 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn., attd. 2/5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. QuiNE, Albert Edward. 1901 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Major. QuiNE, William James AiTKEN. 1904; D.P.H. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Collingwood ; Surg. *Raby, JVilliam Donald, See page 61. Radcliffe, Arthur Cecil. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. Gren. Gds., attd. Gds. M.G.R. ; 2nd Lieut. Radcliffe, Frank. 1899 ; Mus.D. i/8th Bn. R. War. R. 5 Lieut. Radcliffe, James. See page 62. ♦Radcliffe, John Herbert Illingworth. O.T.C. 3rd Bn., attd. 8th Bn. D. of Well's (W. Riding) R. ; Lieut. Radford, Frank. 1910 ; Cert, in Teeh. R.A.F. ; i/A.M. Radley, Oswald Alfred. 1906 ; Student. 7th Bn. Ches. R. ; Staff Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Radley, Sidney Bertram. 1906 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt.; Surg. Specst. ; Staff Surg. Raeside, Matthew. 1914 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Raine, David Coulthurst. 1919 ; Student. R.E., Spec. Bde. ; Pnr. Ralph, Albert James. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. loth Bn. S. Wales Borderers ; Lieut. ; 1914--15 Star. Ralph, Thomas Charles. 191 9 > Student. 93rd Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Pte. ♦Ralston, Walter. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. 224 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Ramsbottom, Albert. 1894 ; M.D., D.P.H. ; Prof, of Clin. Med. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; D.A.D.M.S. ; M.C. 5 Despatches. Ramsbottom, John William. 1908 ; M.A. 20th Bn. Manch. R., 20th Bn. R. Fus. and Genl. List ; Major. Ramsbottom, Robert. 1907 ; L.D.S. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Ramsden, Arthur. 1919 ; Student ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. S. Staff. R. and T.M.B. ; Capt. *Ramsden, William Guy. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Monm. R. and 2nd Bn. Tank C. ; Major. Ransford, Ernest Merrill. 1915; Student. 4th Bn. Suffolk R. ; Lieut. Ransome, Edwin Oakes. 1914 > B.Sc. Friends' Amb. Unit. ♦Rapaport, Cyril Frank. O.T.C. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Rapaport, Leo. O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Rapier, Leonard Aubrey. 1919 ; Student. 9th Bn. Leic. R. ; 3rd Bn. W. York. R. ; R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Ratcliffe, Thomas. 1919; Student; 29th Squadn., R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Ravald, Leonard Allan. 191 2 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 3/3rd Bn. E. Lane. Bde., attd. B/iiith and A/i68th Bdes., R.F.A. ; Capt. Ray, John Howson. 1889 ; M.B., Ch.M. ; Lectr. in Surg. Pathology. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; Offr. i/c Surg. Div., 57th Gen. Hosp., B.E.F. Rayner, Henry Herbert. 1895 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; Lectr. in Clin. Surg. ; R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. ; 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. and 57th Gen. Hosp., B.E.F. Read, Frederick. 1900 ; B.Sc. 3rd Bn. Dorset R. ; Lieut. Read, Grosvenor Woodhouse. 1919; Student. R.E. ; Pte. Read, Henry Lucas. 191 2 ; Student. 2/ist Bn. Monm. R. ; L,-Cpl. Read, Sydney. 1897; B.Sc. Inns of Court O.T.C. ; Cdt. Read, William John. 1905; M.Sc. R.A.M,C. ; 2nd Lond. Sanit. Coy. ; Capt. ; Despatches. ROLL OF SERVICE 225 Reddaway, Harold. 1909 ; Student. 6th Res. Bn. R. Fus. ; Lieut. Redfern, Arthur Reginald. 1914; Student. Motor M.G.C., 1 5th Baty. ; Lieut. Redfern, Thomas. 191 2 ; Student. i8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Cpl. Redford, Arthur. 191 2 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Manch. R. and Intell. C. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. *Redjeb, John Edmund. O.T.C. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; L.-Cpl. *Redman, William. O.T.C. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Redmond, Charles Henry Stennett. 1900 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. Reed, Walter Nelson. See page 62. Rees, William Pritchard. 1915 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 29th Bn. and 20th Bn. R. Fus. ; Pte. *Reeve, Alfred John. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R. and i/i09th Inf., LA. ; Capt. Regan, Thomas Edward. 1894 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; R.A.F.M.S. ; Major. Reid, David William. 1907 ; Student. R.A.M.C, attd. Manch. R. ; Capt. *Reid, Robert Fernon. See page 62. Rennard, Edward Marmaduke, See page 62. Rennie, Wallace. 1919 ; B.Sc. Tech. 53rd Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Renshaw, Arnold. 1905 ; D.P.H. ; B.D.S. ; Asst. Lectr, in Pathology. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Renshaw, Leonard. See page 62. Reynolds, Cecil Howard. 191 3 ; Student ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. D. of Corn. L.I. ; Lieut. Reynolds, Ernest Septimus. 1878 ; B.Sc. ; Prof, of Ch'n. Med. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; Despatches (War Sec). Rhodes, Arnold. 1915 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. M.G.C.; 2nd Lieut. Rhodes, Arthur. See page 62. 226 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Rhodes, Bertram. 1906 ; B.Sc. R.A.S.C. (M.T.), attd. 6 1 St S.B.A.C. ; Lieut. Rhodes, Edgar. 1914 ; Student. ; O.T.C. R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. Rhodes, George Preston. 1907 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.A.S.C. ; Lieut. Rhodes, Harold. 1907 ; Student. R.F.A. ; Capt. Rhodes, Kenneth. 1914; Student; O.T.C. R.F.A., 172nd Bde. (391st Baty.), and 75th D.A.C. ; Lieut. Rhodes, Walter Eustace. See page 63. Rich, Jacob Morris. 19165 Student; O.T.C. 38th Bn. R. Fus. (ist Judeans) ; Lieut. Richards, Ainsworth. 1915 ; Student; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; 2nd Lieut. Richardson, Granville Gardiner. 1907 ; Student. 19th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. and 3rd Gren. Gds. ; Pte. ♦Richardson, Harold Joseph. O.T.C. 124th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. Richardson, Harry. 1908; M.Sc. ; Dem. in Physics; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Femon ; Lieut. Richardson, Herbert Clifford. 1910 ; Student, nth Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Richardson, Walter. 191 i ; B.Sc. Tech. Manch. R. (T.F.). Richardson, Wilfrid Henry. 1893; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. RiDGWAY, Isaac Jlthorp. See page 63. *RiDGWAY, John Edwin. See page 63. Riding, George Albert. 1906 ; M.A. Northumberland Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. RiGBY, John. 1910 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C, attd. R.F.A., 2nd Div. ; Capt. RiGBY, Leonard. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. RiGBY, Walter Leonard. 191 6; B.Sc. Tech.; O.T.C. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. RiGBY, William Geoffrey Morris. See page 63. ROLL OF SERVICE 227 RiGG, James Rowland. 1902 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *RiHAN, Cecil. O.T.C. D. of Lane. O. Yeom. ; 2nd Lieut. Riley, Albert. 1919 ; Student. 9th and 13th Bns. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Riley, Clifford. See page 63. "^ Riley, John Reginald Newton. See page 63. *RiLEY, Oliver. See page 64. Riley, Thomas Nixon. 1900 ; M.Sc. R.E. ; Capt. *Riley, William Douglas. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. Ritchie, John Douglas. 1906 ; Student. 4th Bn. Gordon Hghdrs. ; Tank C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Ritchie, Thomas. 1908 ; Cert, in Tech. R.N.V.R. ; Lieut. Roberts, Arnold Edward. 191 2 ; Student, ist Bn. York and Lane. R. ; Capt. ; O.C. Native Labour, 28th Div., Salon. Forces. Roberts, Arnold Mitchell. 1913; B.Sc. R.A.F. ; Sergt.- Instr. Roberts, Arthur. 1908 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.E., 42nd Divl. Sig. Coy. ; Capt. ; M.C. and Bar ; Chevalier of Order of White Eagle (with Swords), Serbia ; Despatches. Roberts, Arthur. 1920 (Jan.); Student. R.A.F.; Lieut. (Pilot). Roberts, Charles. 1911 ; Lectr. in Orthopaedic Surg. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *RoBERTS, Edward Griffith. O.T.C. 58thSquadn., R.A.F. ; Lieut. Roberts, Eric Hugh. 1919 ; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Cormorant ; Signmn. Roberts, Fred. See page 64. Roberts, Henry David. 1874 ; Student. Spec. List (Rly. Traffic Offr.) ; Staff Lieut, (ist Class). *Roberts, Norman. O.T.C. 48th Squadn., R.A.F. ; Lieut. (Aer. Offr.) ; M.M. ; D.F.C. Roberts, Philip Leslie. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. A Squadn., D.L.O. Yeom. ; L.-Cpl. 228 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY ♦Roberts, Richard William. O.T.C. R.A.S.C. ; Sergt. Roberts, Robert Cecil. 191 7 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. Leicester R. ; 2nd Lieut. Roberts, Thomas. 191 3 ; Student. R.E. ; Pte. Roberts, Fictor George. See page 64. ♦Roberts, Walter. O.T.C. R.F.A., attd. R.E. Sign. Serv. ; Lieut. Roberts, William John. 1907 ; M.A. R.N.V.R., Anti- Aircraft C. ; A.B. Roberts, William Stanley. 1911 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Robertshaw, Leonard Gordon. 1911; Student; O.T.C. R.E. ; Lieut. Robertson, Andrew. 1902 ; D.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Major ; Tech. Offr. ; serving under Dir.-Genl. of Aircraft Prod. ♦Robertson, Charles Archibald. O.T.C. ; 8th Bn. Manch. R., attd. 5th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Robertson, Charles William Victor. 1914; Student; O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Robertson, Eric. 1911 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. K.O.S.B., attd. Ind. A. ; Capt. ♦Robertson, James. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. and loth Bn. Arg. and Suth. Hghdrs. ; Lieut. Robins, Albert Leslie. 1919 ; Student. 15th Bn. Lend. R. ;. Pte. ♦Robinson, Albert Abram. O.T.C. 7th Bn. King's (Liver- pool) R., attd. R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; M.C. ; D.F.C. Robinson, Beltran Ford. 1905 ; Student. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Spec. Empld. Robinson, Bernard Carlton. 1919 ; Student. 354th Coy. (EL and Mech.), R.E. ; Spr. Robinson, Fred. 191 3 ; Student; O.T.C. loth Bn. S. Staff. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Robinson, Gerald. 1907 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt.; Despatches (twice). ROLL OF SERVICE 229 Robinson, Harold. 1908 ; D.Sc. ; Senior Lectr. in Physics. R.G.A., attd. ist Fid. Surv. Bn., R.E. ; Lieut. O.B.E. j Despatches. * Robinson, Harold Fletcher. See page 64. Robinson, Henry. 1914 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 5th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. ; M.M. *Robinson, Herman. O.T.C. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. *RoBiNSON, James. See page 64. Robinson, James Etchells. 191 5 ; Student; O.T.C. York and Lane. R., transfd. M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. ; M.C. ; Belgian Croix de Guerre. Robinson, James Scott. 19 14; Student. 15th Bn. R. Fus. ; Lieut. Robinson, John Edgar. 191 3 ; LL.B. 12th Bn. Ches. R. ; Cpl. Robinson, Kenneth. See page 64. Robinson, Percy Ralph. 1914 ; B.Sc; O.T.C. 427th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. Robinson, Philip. 191 5 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.E., 4th Spec. Bde. and R.A.F. ; Lieut. (Aer. OfFr.). Robinson, Thomas. See page 64. Robinson, Tom. 1919 ; Student. 2/6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. *RoBiNSON, Victor Owen. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; Lieut.-Col. ; M.C, 2 Bars ; Despatches (twice). Robinson, William George Twemlow Kirkup. 191 6 ; Student; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Ficeroy ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. Robinson, William Salmond. , 1909 ; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Lieut. RoBisoN, Lionel MacDowall. 1905; B.A. Ceylon Planters Rif. C. ; Sergt. RoBsoN, Ernest Weatherston. See page 65. RoBSON, Leonard Seardison. 191 2 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 15th Bn. R. Scots R. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Croix de Guerre avec Palmes ; Pris. of War. 230 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY RoBsoN, William Newby. 1900; LL.B. R.A.S.C. ; 904th, 923rd, and 493rd M.T. Coys., attd. R.G.A. ; Capt. ; S.T.O. Kantara. Rock, Norman Cecil. 1919 ; B.Sc. Q Spec. Coy., R.E. ; Cpl. *RocKLiFF, Francis George. O.T.C. 4th Hussars ; 2nd Lieut. Rodger, Douglas. See page 65. Rogers, Emerson. 191 3 ; BA. R.A.M.C. (30th Fid. Amb.) ; and i/yth R. Welsh Fus. ; Pte. Rogers, James. 1909 ; B.Sc, Teach. Dipl. R.F.A., R.E. Sign., H.Q., R.A., 17th Div. ; Sergt. ; D.C.M. RoGERSON, Henry. 1910 ; B.A., Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R., attd. R.A.F. ; Capt. RoGERSON, John Mackenzie. 191 8 ; Student. loth Bn. R. W. Surrey R. ; Pte. RoGERSON, William Albert. 1909; Student. R.A.M.C; Capt. RoscoE, Ernest. 1906 ; Student. R.E. Sign., 42nd Div. ; Cpl. ; Despatch Rdr. ; M.M. Rose, Charles Leigh. See page 65. Ross, .Alexander. See page 65. Ross, Edward Andrew. 191 3 > Student ; O.T.C. 13th Bn. Manch. R., attd. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. and Adjt. ; M.C. Ross, George. 191 3 ; B.Sc, Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. 13th Bn. H.L.I. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Rossi, Roberto. See page 65. Roth well, Fred. 191 5 ; Student. 2nd Bn. H.A.C., and Sound Rang. Sec, Fid. Surv. Coy., R.E. ; Pte. Roth WELL, Thomas. 1907 ; L.D.S. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Roth WELL, Thomas Andrew. 1890 ; M.D. ; Asst. in P.H. Dept. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Despatches. RoTHWELL, Wilfrid Edwin. 1898 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C, 3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb. ; Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 231 RowBOTHAM, John Cheetham Selwyn. 191 2 ; Student. loth Bn. Manch. R. j Capt. and Adjt. ; M.C. RowBOTHAM, John Edwin. See page 65. Rowney, William Desmond. 191 5 ; Student; O.T.C. ist Bn. Connaught Rngrs. ; Lieut. RowsoN, Edmund. 1910 ; Student. 5th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; attd. R.A. Cycl. C. ; Capt. Roy, John Allen Chisholm. 1897 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Major ; D.A.D.M.S., XXII. Corps. RoYLE, Alan Gilbert. 1910 ; B.Sc. R.A.S.C. (M.T.), attd. R.A.O.C. ; Pte. *Royle, George Atherton. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R., attd. Oxf. and Bucks. L.I. ; Lieut. RoYLEY, George Cooke. 191 2 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Ruddin, Leo Gerald. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Rule, George Simpson. 1912 ; B.D. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. Rumney, Samuel Rowland. 191 2 ; Student ; O.T.C. i8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Runnals, Harry Boyle. 1902 ; Student. R.N.A.S. ; Fit. Sub-Lieut. RusDEN, Laurence Nelson. 191 7 j Student ; O.T.C. R.E. Sign. ; Lieut. ; Bde. Sign. Offr. Rushton, Frank Waddington. 1919 > Student, nth Bn. R.W. Kent R. ; R.A.F. and R.F.C. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Rushton, Thomas Bamber. 1919 ; B.Sc. R.A.F. ; Pte. Rush WORTH, James Arthur. 1919 ; Student. Artists Rfls. ; Pte. Russell, Alexander Smith. 191 i ; Res. Student. R.G.A., attd. T Sec. ist Fid. Surv. Bn., R.E. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Russell, George Herbert Heywood. 1898 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Russell, Harry William. 1894 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut- Col. ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Despatches. 232 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Russell, John Buchanan. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; Lieut. Russell, John Russell Brodie. 1908 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Major. Russell, William Charles. 1914 ; Student. R.A.M.C ; Pte. *RussuM, Walter Percival. O.T.C. E. Riding R.G.A. ; Lieut. Rutherford, Samuel Charles. 1907 ; Student. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. Ryder, Laurence Brads haw. 19 19 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Wireless Optr. *Rylands, Harold Bertram. See page 66. Rylands, Reginald Fictor. See page 66. Ryley, Edward Bernard. 1910 ; L.D.S. 46th Div., R.F.A. and Dent. List ; Capt. Sadd, Clarence Thomas Albert. 1909 ; Student. 5th Bn. R. War. R. ; Capt. ; Despatches (twice). Salomon, Sydney. 1904 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Salt, Ernest Oliver. 191 5 > Student ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Salt, Wilfrid Austin. 1910 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. and ist Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Staff Major ; M.C. ; Despatches ; 1914 Star ; Chev., Ordre de Leopold (Belgian) ; Croix de Guerre. Salt, William Edward. 1917 ; B.Com. ; O.T.C. R.Welsh Fus. ; Pte. Sams, John George Barwick. 1905 ; Student. R.N., H.M.S. Hannibal ; Eng.-Lieut.-Cmdr. Samuels, Edward. 1912 ; Student ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. York and Lane. R. ; Lieut. Samuels, Lazarus. 1913? Student; O.T.C. R.A.M.C; Pte. ; D.C.M. Sandbach, Frank Stainton. See page 66. *Sanderson, Charles Rupert. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. W. Riding R. and Gold Coast R., W. Afr. Frontier Force ; Lieut, and Adjt. ROLL OF SERVICE 233 Sanderson, William James. 1914; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.E. Spec. Bde. ; Pnr. Sandford, Walter. 1909 ; Asst. Eng. Dept. ; Manch. R. Sandiford, Brian Ratcliffe. 191 9 ; Student. O.T.C. ; Cdt. Sandiford, Cyril Ratcliffe. 1911 ; M.D. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut. Sandiford, Hugh Arthur. 1908 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Major ; M.C. ; Despatches ; Pris. of War. Sansom, Vernon Joseph. 1919 ; Student. H.M.S. G/^ry //^. ; A.B. Sargeant, Frank. 1908 ; M.A. R.A.M.C, 33rd Amb. Train ; Cpl. Saunders, j^lfred George. See page 66. *Saunders, Cyril Ernest Edward Hartt. O.T.C. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ; Despatches ; Chev., Ordre de Leopold (Belg.) ; Croix de Guerre (Belg.). Savage, Cyril Albert. 1919 ; Student. No. 2 R.F.A. Cdt. School ; Cdt. Sawers-Scott, Norman. See page 66. Sawers-Scott, William Edward. 1879 ; B.Sc. R.A.M.C; Capt. Saxon, Leonard. 1906 ; Cert, in Tech. R.A.M.C. and 113th Rly. Coy., R.E. ; L.-Cpl. ; 1914 Star. Scarlett, Eric Yorke. 191 9 ; Student. Spec. Bde., R.E. ; L.-Cpl. ScARR, William Fielden. 1919 ; Student. 52nd Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Pte. ; ist Class Sgnllr. Schmitt, Wilfred. 1914 ; B,.A. 274th Mt. Art Bde., R.F.A. ; Gnr. *Schofield, Arthur Harvey. O.T.C. ; Lond. R. (Artists Rfls. and Kensington) ; Pte. Schofield, Edgar. 1914 ; Student ; O T.C. 14th Bn. Ches. R., Imperial Camel C, and R.E. ; Lieut. Schofield, Francis William. 1897; M.B.,Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. ; Despatches. 234 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY ScHOFiELD, Frederick William. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Fit. Cdt. ScHOFiELD, Henry Norman. 1912 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. E. Surrey R. ; Capt. ScHOFiELD, Tom Graham. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Div. Sig. Coy., R.E. ; L.-Cpl. ScHOLES, George Ernest. 1901 ; M.Sc. R.E. ; Capt. ; Instr. of Electric Lighting ; M.B.E. ScHOLES, Harold Webb. 1911 ; Student. M.F.P. ; L.-Cpl. *ScHOLFiELD, Eric Radcliffe. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut, j M.C. ScHOLFiELD, RicHARD Denham. See page 66. Schroder, Harold. 1910 ; M.Sc. 17th Bn. King's (Liver- pool) R. ; Pte. Schwartz, Louis Jacob. 191 2 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Scott, Andrew Norman. 1908 ; Student. 3rd Bn. and ist Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. Scott, James Bethune. 1905 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (Spec. Res.); Major; M.C. and Bar; 1914 Star; Despatches. ScoTTS, George Newton. 191 i ; L.D.S. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Scully, Bernard Francis. See page 67. Searle, John Henry Charles. 1909 ; Asst. Lectr. in Maths. R.N., H.M.S. Malaya ; Lieut., Naval Instr. Searle, Milton Mazzini. 1908; B.Sc. 5th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Cpl. Seddon, Fred. 1907 ; B.Sc. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Seddon, George. 191 5 ; B.Com. R.N.V.R. ; Telegraphist. ♦Seddon, John Arthur. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Cpl.; M.M. Seddon, William. 1913 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. M.G.C. and R.A.F., No. 5 T.D. Squadn. ; Lieut., Pilot. Sedgley, Thomas Wilson. See page 67. *Seel, Eric Ricardo Brookhouse. O.T.C. B Baty., 75th Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 235 ♦Selbie, John Stuart. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Selby, Edgar Wynne. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. and R.E. ; Lieut. Sellars, Edwin Lloyd. 1909 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R, and R.E. (Spec. Coys.); Major; M.C. ; Des- patches. Sellers, Arthur. 1893 ; D.P.H. ; Lectr. in Pract. Comp. Pathology. R.A.M.C. (T.F) ; Brevet Major. Sellers, Henry Norman. 1912 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.E. (Signals) ; Lieut. Senior, Arthur William. 1885 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. * Senior, Herbert Godbert. See page 67. Sergeant, Frederick Walter Beatie. 1909 ; Student ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. *Se WELL, John Herbert Brereton. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Seymour, Bernard Gilbert. 1909 ; Student. 4th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Shackleton, Walter. 1909; B.Sc. io8th Squadn., R.A.F. ; Lieut., Pilot. Shallcross, Arthur. 1910 ; M.Sc. Tech. loth Bn. Worcs. R. and 59th Squadn., R.F.C. ; Lieut., Pilot. Sharp, Cyril Everard Moor. 1904 ; Student. Can.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Lieut. Sharp, George Cyril. 1919 > Student. 3rd Bn. Durham L.I. ; Sergt. Sharp, Thomas Marvel. 1919 ; Student. Line. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Sharples, Harry. 1919 j Student. No. 2 Cdt. Reception , Bn. ; Cdt. *Sharratt, Robert Weetman. See page 67. Sharratt, Walter. 1910 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. 15th Bn. Lane. Fus. and R.E. ; Capt. ; Despatches (twice) ; Divl. Gas OfFr., 32nd Div. Shatwell, Hugh George. 1908 ; B.Sc, M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Manch. R. ; Sec. R.E. (Gas Serv.) ; Capt. ; Divl. Gas Offr., 63rd (R.N.) Div. 236 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY *Shaw, Albert George. O.T.C. 13th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Shaw, B. H. See page 67. Shaw, Daniel Thornley. 1899 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Shaw, Ernest. 1905 ; M.Sc. Tech R.E. ; Lieut. ; M.C. ; Despatches. Shaw, Frank. 1910; M.Sc. Tech.; Lectr. in Elect. Engineer- ing. R.E. ; Capt. Shaw, Geoffrey. 1919 ; Student. R.N. Experimental Sec, President V. ; Nav. Mech. Shaw, Harold Clifford. 191 6 ; Student ; O.T.C. S. Lane. R. ; Cpl. Shaw, Hugh Dunkerley. 1909 ; Cert, in Tech. R.E. ; L.-Cpl. Shaw, John William. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. 3rd Bn. W. York R. ; Pte. Shaw, Ronald CuNLiFFE. 1 9 1 5 ; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Hornet and Trident ; Surg. Probnr. Shaw, William. 1909 ; M.A. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Shaw, William Senior. 1910; M.Sc, Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. D. of Well.'s (W. Riding) R., and R.A.F. ; Lieut. Sheard, Walter. 1919 ; Student. 19th O.C.B. ; Cdt. *Shearer, Andrew Blair. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Lane Fus. ; Major ; Rly. Transpt. Offr. ; Mil. Landing Offr. ; Des- patches. Shearer, Ronald Grant. 191 3 ; Student. Motor M.G.C. ; Lieut. Sheldon, Harold. 1907 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Sheldon, John. 1911 ; B.Sc ; O.T.C. R.A.O.C. ; Sergt. ; Empld. Ordn. Coll., Woolwich. Sheldon, John Henry. 1892; M.D., D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; 2 1 St Ind. Def. Force ; Capt. Sheldon, Wilfrid. 1910 ; M.Sc. 21st Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. and R.E. ; Cpl. Shelley, Herbert John. 1913 ; B.Sc 231st Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Sergt. ROLL OF SERVICE 237 Shelley, James. 1910 ; Lectr. in Education. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) and R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Sheppard, Asa Frederick. See page 67. Sheppard, Ronald Freer. 1919; Student. 2/4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; L.-Cpl. Sherry, Joseph Aloysius. 1915 ; Student. Lend. R. Sheward, Cyril Godfrey. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; Fit. Cdt. Shorrock, James Norman. 1915 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.N.A.S. and R.N.E.S., President II. and F. ; Leading Mech. Shorrocks, David Martyn. 1915 ; Student. R.G.A. ; Pte. Shorrocks, Ernest. See page 68. Short, Walter. See page 68. Shortt, William Methuen. 1919 ; B.Sc. E. York R. ; Pte. Shrimpton, Harold Francis. 1914 ; Asst. Christie Library. 102nd Squadn., R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. (Pilot). Shubsachs, Abraham David. 1919 ; Student. 70th Squadn., R.A.F.; Sergt. *SiDDONS, Frank Cecil. O.T.C. 14th Bn. R. War. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Sidebotham, Gerald. See page 68. SiDEBOTTOM, Otho Nowell. 1913 ; LL.B. ; O.T.C. 5th Bn., attd. 15th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. SiDEBOTTOM, Ralph Bennett. 1878 ; Student. 6th Bn. Ches. R. and R. A. M.C. ; Major; T.D. ; D.A.D.M.S., 68th Welsh Div. Silk, Philip Baxter. 1919 ; Student. 63rd Wing, R.A.F. ; Capt. Fit. Cmdr. ; Despatches. *SiLL, John Palmer. O.T.C. 7th Bn. N. Staff. R. ; Capt. and Adjt. Silvester, Charles Edward. 1894; M.B.,Ch.B. R.A.M.C.; Major. *SiMCocK, Eric O.T.C. 6th Bn., attd. 9th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. 5 Sign. Offr. 238 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY SiMCOCK, Gilbert Jlexander, See page 68. *SiMMONDS, Harold. See page 68. SiMPKiN, Neville. 1916 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; 2/ A.M. *SiMPSON, David Clifford. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Simpson, Frederick Clifford. 1919 ; Student. 8th Bn. K.R. Ir. Hussars ; Lieut. Simpson, George Clark. 1897 ; D.Sc. ; Hon. Res. Fellow ; Lectr. in Meteorology. Spec. List (Meteorologist) ; Capt. *SiMPSON, Thomas Harvey. O.T.C. 9th Bn. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. Sinclair, Arthur Headley. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 2nd Garr. Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; L.-Cpl. Sinclair, Harold Paul. 1919 ; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Pte. Sinclair, Kenneth. See page 68. Singleton, Frank Chester. See page 69. *SiNKiNSON, Francis Geoffrey. See page 69. Sinnatt, Frank Sturdy. 1908 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; Lectr. in Fuels ; O.C. Manch. Univ. Contingent. Unattd. list (T.F.) for serv. with M.U.O.T.C, transfd. Spec. Bde., R.E. ; Capt. ; M.B.E. Sinnatt, Oliver Sturdy. 1901 ; M.Sc. 2nd Bn. Lond. R. and R.A.F. ; Capt. ; M.C. SissoNS, Arthur Tinley. 1891 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. (T.F.); Major. *Skelton, Wilfred. O.T.C. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Skemp, Arthur Rowland. See page 69. Skitt, Harold George. See page 69. Slack, Alvan Esmond. 191 3 ; Student; O.T.C. Lane. Fus. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. Slack, Arthur Birtles. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. T.M.B. ; Capt. ; M.C. ROLL OF SERVICE 239 Slack, Harry. 191 i ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. and R.E. (Spec. Bde., N Coy.) ; Cpl. ; D.C.M. Slack, John Rodley. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C.; Capt. Slade, Roland Edgar. 1903 ; D.Sc. R.E. (Spec Coy.) ; Capt. ; M.C. ; Despatches ; Chem. Adviser III. Corps. Slate, James. 1909 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Lieut. Slater, Arthur Evan Cross. 1917 ; Student; O.T.C. Cdt. Slater, Francis Philip. 1911 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 25th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Major ; M.C. ; Despatches (tv/ice). Slater, Leonard. 1911 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Border R. and R.E. ; Lieut. Slater, William Henry. 1919 ; Student. D Spec. Gas Coy., R.E. ; Cpl. Slee, Edv7IN Sheppard. 1919 ; Student. 5th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Sleep, Arthur. 191 3 ; B.Sc. 12th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. and 35th Squadn., R.A.F. ; Capt. *Slinger, James Douglas. O.T.C. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; 2nd Lieut. Sloman, Alfred James. 1907 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Smalley, Arthur AsHTON. 1904; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C, 57th Fid. Amb. ; Major ; M.C. and Bar ; Despatches. Smalley, James. 1897; M.B., Ch.B. I.M.S. ; Major; Despatches ; 19 14 Star. Smallman, Arthur Briton. 1891 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut.-Col. ; D.S.O. ; C.B.E. ; Despatches (four times) ; D.A.D.M.S. *Smallwood, Reginald. See page 69. Smart, Johnston EwART. 1913; B.Sc; O.T.C. 5th, 1 6th, and 1 8th Bns. Manch. R. and 5th Bn. L.N. Lane R. ; Capt.; M.C; Croix de Guerre (Belg.). Smart, Silas Allen, 1919; Student. loth Bn. K.S.L.I. ; Pte. ; M.M, 240 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Smethurst, Arthur. 1910 ; Student ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. R. Scots R. and King's Afr. Rfls. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Smith, Alfred William LuMSDEN. 19 19 j Student. istGarr. Bn. Suffolk R. ; Lieut. Smith, Jllan Higson. See page 69. Smith, Arthur Fowden. 191 2 ; Student ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. Smith, Arthur Henry. 1885 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Major. *Smith, Bernard Thornton. O.T.C. C.F., 4th Class. Smith, Douglas Swinton. 1919 ; Student. R.E. j Pnr. Smith, Francon James. 1919 ; Student. R. Fus. ; Pte. Smith, George. 191 9 ; Student. R.A.M.C, ist West. Gen. Hosp. ; Sergt. *Smith, George Hubert. O.T.C. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Smith, Gerald. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Smith, Harold Hall. 1909 ; B.Sc. R.E. ; Lieut. Smith, Harry Digby. 1915 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; 3/A.M. Smith, Henry. 1909 ; M.A. 5th Bn. Notts and Derby R. ; Pte. Smith, Henry Charles. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. E. York R. ; Lieut. ; 19 14-15 Star ; Greek Milit. Cross.. Smith, James Norman. See page 70. ♦Smith, John Harold Stott. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Fit. Cdt. Smith, John William. 1888 ; Prof, of Systematic Surgery. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; Brevet-Col. i/c Surg. Div. Smith, Leslie Walter. 191 7 ; Student ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. E. Surrey R. ; 2nd Lieut. Smith, Lionel Stockdale. See page 70. Smith, Norman Baldwin. 1905 ; Student. R.F.A. 5 Capt. Smith, Norman Heath. 1919 ; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Hornet ; A.B. Smith, Quintin Livingstone. See page 70. ROLL OF SERVICE 241 Smith, Reginald Hubert. 1919 ; Student. Ches. R. ; Sgnllr. Smith, Robert Stephen. 1911 ; L.D.S. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Smith, Sidney. 1910 ; B.Com. ; 7th Bn. and 5th Bn. Manch. R. and 14th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Cpl. Smith, Tom Bernard. 1905 ; L.D.S. i8th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Sergt. Smith, Vernon Turner. 191 3 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.N., H.M.S. Lancaster-, Surg.-Lieut. Smith, Walter Reginald. 1919 ; Student. Tank C. ; 2nd Lieut. Smith, Wilson. 191 8 ; Student. 107th Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C; Pte. Smithard, Walter Reginald Norman. 1895; M.B., Ch.B. ; Owens Coll. Vol. Coy. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut.-Col. Smithells, Arthur. 1877 ; B.Sc. ; Chairman of Convocation ; Asst. Lectr. and Dem. in Chemistry. Spec. List, G.H.Q. Staff; Lieut.-Col. ; C.M.G. ; Chief Chem. Advsr., Home Forces. Smithells, Thomas Archibald. 1907; B.Sc. R.E. (Signals), W. Riding Div. ; Lieut. Smyth, Edmund Fitzgerald. See page 70. Snape, Alfred Edward. 1897 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.A.F. 5 Major ; Tech. Offr. Snape, Harold. 1894 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. S NEATH, IV I LF RID Archer. See page 70. Sobee, Frederick James. 1919 ; Student. i/5th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. SouTHAM, Arthur Hughes. 1908 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Surg. Spec. South AM, Frederick Armitage. 1900 ; B.Sc. ; Prof, of Clin. Surgery. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; Lieut.-Col. Southern, Herbert Kenneth. 1919 ; Student. R.N.D. (Med.); Pte. R 242 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Southward, Robert Kennaugh. See page 71. *Sparkes, Thomas Malcolm. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. Sparrow, Samuel. 191 3 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. Manch. R., attd. nth Bn. N. Staff. R. ; Lieut.; M.C. and Bar. Spaven, Arthur Thomas. 1899 ; Student. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Speakman, Edward Gatenby. 1919 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. *Speakman, Eric Peter. O.T.C. i6th Bn. Manch. R. and 42nd Squadn., R.A.F. ; Lieut. Speakman, John Bamber. 1919 > B.Sc. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Speakman, Wilfred. 1919 > Student. Ches. R. ; Sergt. Spedding, Walter William. 1915 j B.A. 52nd Squadn., R.A.F. ; 3/A.M. ; Wireless Optr. S PENCE, William. See page 7 1 . Spencer, Cecil Arthur. 191 3 j Student ; O.T.C. loth Bn. N. Staff. R. ; Capt. ; Asst. Secy, to Chem. Warfare Committee. Spencer, Charles Edward Galbraith. 1902 ; M.A. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. *Spencer, Charles Herbert. O.T.C. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Spencer, Richard Decimus. 1903 ; M.Sc. 3/3rd E. Lane. Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut. Spencer, Thomas Percival. 1911 ; M.A. 2/6th N. Staff. R. ; Pte. Spencer, William Gordon. 1908 ; M.Sc. Tech. R.N.D. Engrs. ; Spr. Spiller, Harry Boden. 1914 ; Student. 14th Bn. Northum- berland Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Sprott, Norman Armitage. 1910; Student. R.N., H.M.S. Marlborough and R. Mar. Infirm., Deal ; Surg.-Lieut. Spruell, John. 1908; D.V.S.M. R.A.Vet.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 243 Spry, William James. 1914 j Student. loth Bn. K.O.S.B. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. Stagey, William Wrigley. 1900 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Empld. Laboratory Work. Stafford, Alfred Wheeler. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F., transfd. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Cdt. Stafford, Charles Herbert. 191 9 ; Student. 5th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Stafford, Francis John. 1910 ; M.A., M.Ed. ; O.T.C. Unattd. List (T.F.) for Serv. with Manch. G.S.O.T.C. ; Lieut. Stafford, George William. 1919 ; Student. Meteor. Sec, R.E., G.H.Q. ; Meteor. Obsvr. Stafford, Harry. 1913 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. *Stafford-Badger, Victor Cecil. O.T.C. nth Bn. and 1 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Staff Capt. Stainer, William Witcomb. 1912 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; Dem. in Physics. 4th Bn. R. Sussex R. and R.A.F., 8th and looth Squadns. ; Capt. and Pilot ; Tech. Staff Offr. ; Despatches (War Sec). Stale Y, John Douglas. 1897; Student. R.A.M.C; Lieut. Stallard, Charles Marshall. 1906 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; M.O. 6th Bn. K.S.L.I. and 6ist Fid. Amb. ; Capt. Stallard, John Prince. 1905 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; 1 9 14 Star. Standing, William. 191 i; Student; O.T.C. Shanghai Brit. Vol. Force ; Pte. Stansfield, Francis Oliver. 191 3 ; Student. 19th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R., i8th Bn. Lane Fus., 4th Bn. K. Afr. Rfls. ; Lieut. ; 1914-15 Star. Stansfield, Walter. 1915 ; Dem. in Anat. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Stanwell, William. 1879; Student. R.A.M.C; Capt. Staton, William. 1912 ; B.Sc ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; Lieut. ; Empld. Brd. of Invention and Research ; Anti- submarine Div. 244 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY *Stead, Horace Stuart. See page 71. *Stead, William Yeoman. O.T.C. 4th Bn. York. R. ; Lieut. Stedman, Ernest. 1905 ; M.Sc. 194th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. ; Res. Work, Gas Warfare, attd. R.E. Steel, Harry Cecil. 1919; Student. 373rd Bty., 8th Bde., 3rd (Lahore) Div. ; Gnr. and Bombdr. Steele, Alfred Ernest. 1909 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Capt. ; O.C. Southern Dist, Aeron. Insp. Dept. Steell, John Walter Graham. 191 o ; Student. 2nd E. Lane. Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Steinthal, Roger Ernest. 1916 ; Student. i/4th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Lieut. *Stell, Jack. See page 71. Stephen, Edward. 1919; Student. R.E. ; Pte. Stephens, Horace Elliott Rose. 1902 ; D.P.H. ; Jun. Dem. in Anat. R.N., H.M.S. Lion ; Staff Surg. ; Des- patehes ; Croix de Guerre ; O.B.E. Stephens, James Randolph William. 1910 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N., H.M.S. Fividy Dominion, etc. ; Surg.- Lieut. Stephens, Robert Tregelles. 191 o ; Student. R.E. ; L.-Cpl. Stephenson, Edgar. 1919 ; Student. 2nd Bn. S. Staff. R. ; R.Q.M. Sergt. ; Warrant Offr., Class IL ; M.M. Stephenson, John. 1887 ; M.B., Ch.B. LM.S. ; Lieut.- Col. Stevens, Edred Marshall. 1908 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Major. Stevenson, Jlan. See page 71. Stevenson, T albert. See page 71. Stewart, David. 1911 ; Student. R.A.M.C; Capt. *Stewart, John Stanley. See page 7 1 . Stewart, Roger Papillon. 1905 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Stewart, Vernon Radcliffe. See page 72. ROLL OF SERVICE 245 Stirland, John. 1908 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. K.S.L.I. and 52nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Stirling, Carl Ludwig. 1907 ; LL.B. R. Fus., 2nd City of Lond. ; Lieut. ; Despatches (War Sec). Stirling, George. 1913 ; Student; O.T.C. H Baty., Anti- Aircraft, R.F.A. ; Gnr.-Sgnllr. Stirling, William. 1905 ; M.D. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Stirrup, Walter. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Pte. Stitt, James Arthur. 1906 ; B.Sc. B Baty., 94th Bde., R.F.A., 2ist Div. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Stock, Alfred Farrer. 1915 ; Student ; O.T.C. H.M. Transpts. 838 and G 6093 » O.C. Wireless Telegraphy. Stock, Robert. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Bn. R.W. Fus. ; Capt. Stock, Thomas Dyson. 191 6 ; B.Com. ; O.T.C. 13th Bn. R. Innisklg. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Stockdale, William Henry. 1914 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; Sub-Lieut. Stocks, Arthur Vernon. 191 Q ; M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Stocks, Frederick Arnold. 191 3 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. Artists Rfls. O.T.C. ; Pte. Stocks, Fred Charles. 1909 ; Student. 2nd Garr. Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Capt. Stocks, Percy. 1910 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut. Stoddard, Charles Gordon. 1905 j Student. R.A.M.C; Capt. Stoddart, Arthur. 1911 ; Attend. Engin. Dept. Manch. R. ; Pte. *Stone, Cyril Jackson. O.T.C. 7th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. Stonehouse, Douglas. 1911 ; Student. 6th Bn. Manch. R. and M.G.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Stones, Hubert Horace. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; B.D.S. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Storey, Alan. 1913 ; Student. R.A.S.C. and R.A.F. (Fit. Cmdr.) ; Capt. ; D.F.C. ; Despatches. 246 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Storey, John Everard. 1904 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Capt., Fit. OflFr., Equipment OfFr. ist Class. Storey, Robert. 1905 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.A.S.C, 13th Divl. Train ; Major ; Despatches. Storrs, James Parker. See page 72. Stott, Christopher. 191 3; Student. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Stott, James. 1919 ; Student. A Squadn., i/ist Northumber- land Hussars ; Tpr. ; Pris. of War. *Stott, Walter Goodwin. See page 72. Stott, William. 1905 ; Student. D. of Lane. O. Yeom. ; Sergt. *Street, Harvey Farrington. O.T.C. 7th Bn. D. of Well's W. Riding R. ; Lieut. Strick, John Arkwright. 1887 ; Student. K.S.L.I. ; Brig.- Genl. ; D.S.O. ; Inspector- Gen. of Communications. Stringer, Albert Edward. See page 72. *Stromeyer, Charles Percy. O.T.C. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Struthers, John Henry. 191 3 ; Student. R.N., Aux. S.B. Res. ; Petty Offr. Struthers, Rupert Alexander. 1914 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.E. (E. Lane. T.F.) ; Lieut. ; M.C. Struthers, William Henderson. 1909 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Stuart, Frank. See page 72. Stubbs, Ernest Bagnall. 1919 ; Student. 70th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Bdr. *Sturman, William Edward Cedric. O.T.C. 7th Bn. and 9th Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Such, Herbert. 1907 ; Student. loth Bn. York. R. ; Lieut. Sullivan, John Arthur. 1919 ; Student. S. Lane. R. ; Pte. Summersgill, Arthur Williams. 191 2 ; Student. 13th Squadn., R.A.F. ; Fit. Lieut. Summersgill, John. 1908 ; Student. E. of Chester's Yeom. and R.F.A., 2nd Northumbrian Bde. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 247 SuTCLiFFE, Fred. 1919; Student. R.A.Vet.C. ; Q.M. Sergt. ; A.D.V.S., N. Russia Ex. F. *SuTCLiFFE, Harold. O.T.C. R.E. (Signals) ; Lieut. SuTCLiFFE, Henry. See page 72. SuTCLiFFE, Tom Halliwell. 1916 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 137th Hvy. Baty., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Sutherland, Donald McKay. 1911 ; M.D. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Sutton, Denis Herbert. 1907 ; L.D.S. lOth Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. *Sutton, George William. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Lane. Fus. Capt. and Adjt. ; D.S.O. ; Despatches. Sutton, Hubert. 191 2 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Sutton, Lawrence Henry. 1919 ; B.Sc. Tech. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Cambrian III. and Vanessa II. ; Sgnlmn. Sutton, Leslie. 1919 j B.Sc. Tech. i/8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Pte. Swale, William. 1911 ; Student. R.E. ; Cpl. Swales, John. 1912; B.Sc; O.T.C. 27th, 3rd, and 2/7th Bns. Manch. R. ; Sergt. ; Pris. of War. Swan, Enoch. 191 7 ; B.Sc. R.N., H.M.T. Sweeper ; Ord. Telegraphist. *SwANN, Gilbert Ralph. O.T.C. Cyclist C. ; Lieut. Swann, Harold. 1896 ; Student. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. SwARBRiCK, John William. 1914 ; B.A. R.A.M.C; Pte. SwEETLOVE, James Arthur. 1919 ; Student. 34th Squadn., R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Swindell, Alan Cawley. 1911 ; Student. R.F.A., 2nd W. Lane. Bde. ; Major ; M.C. Swindells, Raymond Herbert. 1897 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Swire, Herbert Livingstone. 1919 ; Student. 12th Bn. K.R. Rif. C. ; nth Bn. Sherwood Foresters; Lieut.; M.C. Swire, Robert Edgar. 1916 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. Cdt. 248 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Syers, Alexander James. 1912 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. loth Bn. S. Lane. R. ; R.E., 431st Fid. Coy., 66th Div. ; 43rd M.G.C., 14th Div. ; Lieut. Sykes, Benjamin. 1916 ; Student; O.T.C. R.A.F.; Lieut.; Aer. Offr. Sykes, Charles Ernest. 1919 ; Student. A Baty., 230th Bde., R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. *Talbot, Arthur Adolphus. O.T.C. 6th Bn. R.W. Fus. ; Lieut. Talbot, Ernest. 1908 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Talbot, Herbert Smith. 1909 ; B.Sc. R.E., Spec. Bde. ; C.Q.M. Sergt. Talbot, Richard. 191 9 ; B.Sc. Tech. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Pte. Tasker, Cyril. 1919 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. L Spec. Coy., Spec. Bde., R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. Tate, Herbert Lloyd. See page 73. Tate, Raymond Victor. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. i/3rd W. Riding Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; L.-Cpl. Tattersall, Arthur Cecil Alexander. 191 3; Student. R.A.M.C. L.-Cpl. Tattersall, Walter. 1914; Student; O.T.C. R.A.F.; Cpl. Tattersall, Walter Medley, i 899 ; D.Sc, Keeper of Univ. Museum. 212th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Taverner, Arthur. 1919 ; Student. 3rd O.C.B. ; Cdt. Taylor, Albert. 1907 ; B.Sc. Unattd. List (T.F.) for Serv. with King's School O.T.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Taylor, Alexander. 1916; B.Sc. Tech. 2/5th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. *Taylor, Alexander Boyd. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. and 12th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; 2nd Lieut. '^Taylor, Arthur Cuthbert Brooke. See page 73. ROLL OF SERVICE 249 Taylor, Arthur Gilbert. 1908 ; LL.B. ; O.T.C. R.E. (Signals), T.F. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Taylor, Bernard Donald. 1919 ; Student. 2/6th (Rifle) Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Rflmn. Taylor, Charles Arthur. 1906 ; Student. loth Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Taylor, Ernest Henry, i 890 ; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Lieut. *Taylor, Ferdinand Hall. O.T.C. R. Defence C. ; Lieut. *Taylor, Francis Joseph. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Taylor, George Eric. 191 8 ; B.Sc. 246th Squadn., R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; Despatches ; M.C. Taylor, Gilbert Bradbury. 1904 ; Student. loth Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ^Taylor, Gilbert Elliott. See page 73. Taylor, Harry. 1912 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Taylor, Hereford Phillips. 1915 ; Student. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; 3rd Bn. Dorset R. ; 2nd Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Pte. Taylor, John. 191 5 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Taylor, John Alexander Chisholm. 1909 ; Student. i/ioth Bn. Manch. R. ; Major j D.S.O. ; M.C. and Bar ; Despatches. Taylor, JosiAH. 1910 ; LL.B.; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Sherwood Foresters and R.E. (Signals) ; Lieut. ; Despatches. Taylor, Norman. 1904 ; B.Sc. R. Scots Fus. (T.F.), Ardeer Coy. ; Lieut. Taylor, Reginald Victor. 1919 ; Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Fividd^nA Orbita ; ^Midshipman. Taylor, Robert. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. 4th Bn. (Queen's) W. Surrey R. ; Capt. Taylor, Robert Lester. 191 3 ; B.A. i/9th Bn. Wore. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Taylor, Sidney Herbert. 191 3 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. York and Lane. R. ; Capt. ; O.B.E. ; Despatches ; Pris. of War. 250 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Taylor, Thomas Ralph. See page 73. Taylor, Thomas Whitehead. 1906 ; M.A. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. Taylor, William. 1919 j B.Sc. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Fictory, Pte. Teasdale, John Bertram. 1909 ; B.A. i/8th and 2/1 oth Bns. Manch. R. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. Telford, Evelyn Davison. 1897 ; Student ; 1910, Lectr. in Practical Surgery. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. Tempest, Basil. See page 73. Templar, John Franklin Hopwood. See page 73. *Terras, John Bleckley. O.T.C. D. of Lane. O. Yeom., attd. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Tetley, Humphrey. 1916 ; Res. Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. President ; Paymaster-Lieut. Thewlis, Harold Darling. See page 74. Thewlis, Harry Clifford. 1916 ; Student; O.T.C. S. Lane. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Thoday, David. 191 i ; Lectr. and Dem. in Botany ; O.T.C. Unattd. List for Serv. with Manch. Univ. O.T.C. ; Lieut. Thomas, David John. 1919; Student. R.E., Welsh Divl. Eng. ; Lieut. Thomas, Ethel. 1906 ; M.A. Q.M.A.A.C. ; Dep. Asst. Chief Controller. Thomas, Garfield. 1919 ; B.Sc. R.E. ; Pte. ♦Thomas, Harry Leslie. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Thomas, James Leslie. 1919 ; Student. B/63 Bde., R.F.A., 1 2th Div. ; 2nd Lieut. Thomas, Joseph Kelsall. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. 2nd Bn. S. Wales Borderers ; 29th Div. ; Sergt. Thomas, Oliver Frank. 1919 j Student. i/4th Bn. Ches. R. ; Cpl. Thomasson, John. 1919 j B.Sc. i/8th Bn. Manch. R. ; L.-Cpl. ; 1 9 14-15 Star. ^Thompson, Cecil TFilliam, See page 74. ROLL OF SERVICE 251 Thompson, Chadwick EcKERSLEY. 1917; Student. O.T.C. Cdt. Thompson, Clarence. 1919 ; Student. R.A.M.C., i/3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb. ; Pte. Thompson, Edward Redfern. 1908 ; Student. 12th Bn. Manch. R. ; Major ; M.C. Thompson, Francis Gerald. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. Ci65th Bde., R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Thompson, Frank Peberdy. 191 7 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.E., Spec. Coy., also Expertl. Coy. ; Pnr. ; O.B.E. Thompson, George Kenworthy. 1905 ; M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Thompson, John. 1904; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. Thompson, Leonard. 1916 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Thompson, Rolf Murray. 1907 ; Student. Devon R. and Ind. Army ; Lieut. Thomson, A. M. See page 74. Thomson, Harold. 1897 ; Student. Border R. ; Capt. and Adjt. Thomson, William Robert. 1911 ; B.Sc. Tech. nth Bn. S. Lane. R. and M.G.C. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. Thorburn, Sir William. 1878 ; B.Sc. ; Prof, of Clin. Surg.; Owens Coll. Vol. Coy. A. M.S. Col. ; Consulting Surg. G.H.Q., B.E.F. ; C.B. (Mil. Div.) ; C.M.G. ; K.B.E. ; Despatches. Thornhill, Norman. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 14th Bn. (City of Lond.) R. Fus. ; Lieut. ; Pris. of War. Thornley, Percy Robert. 1911 ; Student. 20th Bn. R. Fus. ; Cpl. Thornley, Philip John Callis. 1919 ; Student. i6th Bn. Lane. Fus. and 96th T.M.B. ; Lieut. Thornley, Sidney. 1916 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.E., Spec. Bde. ; Pnr. *Thornton, George Herbert. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Thornton, James Edwin. 1915 ; Student; O.T.C. ist Bn. W. York. R., attd. Dent. Staff ; Sgnllr. 252 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Thornton, Joseph Norman. 1912 ; Student. R.A.F., attd. R.G.A. ; Wireless Opertr. Thornton, William Haigh. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Thorpe, John William. 1911 ; B.Sc. R.E., Spec. Bde., A Res. Coy. ; Pnr. Thorpe, Thomas. 1919 ; Student. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Tierney, Thomas. 1895; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Timmis, Geoffrey Millward. 191 7 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. Sig. Serv. Cdt. Unit, R.E. ; Cdt. Timmis, Laurence Barnett. 191 5 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 244th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. TiMPERLEY, Robert Maywhort. 1919 ; Student. R.F.A. ; Genl. List ; 2nd Lieut. Tinker, Alan Hirst. See page 74. *TippiNG, Frank Blamphin. See page 74. Titcombe, Roland Hereward. 1904 ; M.D., D.P.H. R.A.M.C, 33rd Gen. Hosp., Mesopotamia ; Lieut. ToBE, Myer. 1919 ; B.Sc. R.E. ; Pte. *ToDD, Alfred Herbert. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. i/ist Bn. Lend. R. ; Lieut. Todd, Charles Gordon. See page 74. Todd, John Park. 1919 ; Student. i/6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Todd, Thomas WiNGATE. 1902; M.B., Ch.B. Can. A.M. C; Capt. Todd, William Alexander. 1908 ; Student. 20th Bn. R. Fus. and R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Tomb, James Alexander. 191 3 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C; Capt. ToMLiNSON, Frank Kershaw. 1908; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C, 3rd E. Lane. Fid. Amb. ; Capt. ToMLiNSON, Henry. 1912; M.B., Ch.B. R.N.V.R. ; Surg. Probnr. ToMLiNSON, Hubert John. 191 8 ; Student. 9th Baty., R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Tomlinson, John. 1895; M.Sc, B.A. R.A.M.C; Sergt. ROLL OF SERVICE 253 ToMLiNSON, William Henry. 1908 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. E. Lane. R. and R.A.O.C. ; Lieut. ; Empld. Insp. Ordn. Office, Scottish Cmd. and Lond. Dist. Staff. ToNGE, Edward Clough. 191 2 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. 63rd Fid. Coy., R.E. ; Cpl. ToPHAM, Leonard West. 1902 ; M.Sc. i8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Torrance, Harry Leitch. 191 3 ; D.V.S.M. A.Vet.C. ; Capt. Tough, Jrnold Bannatyne. See page 74. *Townend, Percy Eric. O.T.C. 6th Bn. and 15th Bn. Lane. Fus. j Capt. and Adjt. ; M.C. TowNLEY, Alfred Ernest. 1897 '•> M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. R.A.M.C. J Lieut. TowNLEY, Herbert, i 91 9 ; Student. 12th Squadn., R.A.F.; Lieut., Pilot. TowNSEND, John William. 1919 ; Student. R.F.A. ; Bdr. TowNSON, Eric. 1908 ; LL.B. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Travers, Archibald. 191 3 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Lieut. ; Tech. OfFr. and Pilot. *Travis, Alfred Edmund. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Capt. Travis, Charles Henry. 191 3 ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C. Leinster R. and Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Lieut. *Travis, John Leonard. O.T.C. 4th Bn. Manch. R. and R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Treadgold, Harry. 1910 ; Student. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. Trelease, John Stanley. 191 8 ; B.Sc. Tech. ist Bn. D. of Corn. L.I. ; Lieut. Trenbath, Jack. 1914 ; Student. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Trevelyan, PTilfred. See page 75. Trippier, Frank. 1913; B.Sc. R.N., Expmntl. Sec. ; Lead- ing Mech. Trueblood, Robert Percival. 191 i; B.A. ; O.T.C. 19th Bn. Welch R. ; 2nd Lieut. 254 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY ♦Truesdale, Reginald. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus.; Lieut. Tuck, Henry M alp as. See page 75. TuNSTALL, John Parry. 1919 ; Student. 9th Bn. Border R. ; Lieut. TuRNBULL, Alexander William. 191 2 ; Student. 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. and 3rd Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Turner, Anthony. 1919 j Student. 152nd Bde., R.F.A. ; Sergt. Turner, Frederick Bancroft. 1907 ; B.A., LL.B. 8th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ♦Turner, George. O.T.C. W. York. R. ; 2nd Lieut. •Turner, John. O.T.C. loth Border R., M.G.C., and R.A.F. ; Lieut. Turner, Joseph Clarkson. 1910 ; Student; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Norfolk R., attd. Labour C. ; Lieut. Turner, Richard TiMMis. 1887 ; M.D.; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-CoI. ; T.D. Turner, Wilfrid. 1919 ; Student. 5th Bn. Maneh. R. ; Pte. TuRRELL, Fred Clancy. 1919 ; Student, i/ist E. Anglian Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Pte. ♦TwEEDALE, Edric Earle. O.T.C. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Tweed ALE, Eric. See page 75. Tyacke, John Arthur. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Tyldesley, Horace. O.T.C. 4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Tylecote, Frank Edward. 1897; M.D., D.P.H.; Leetr. in Clin. Med. R.A.M.C. ; Major. Tyler, John Ronald Cather. 1908 ; B.Se. ; O.T.C. 7th Bn. York and Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; Despatehes. Tynan, John. 1909; M.A. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Tyson, Moses. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Garr. Bn. R.W. Fus., 1 8th Bn. Weleh R., and A.P.C. ; Pte. ROLL OF SERVICE 2SS Underwood, Harold Archie. 1914; Student. R.N.V.R.; Sgnlmn. Underwood, John Herbert. 191 3 ; Student; O.T.C. 15th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. *Unsworth, John. O.T.C. 7th Bn. Northumberland Fus. ; Capt. *Unsworth, Joseph. O.T.C. loth Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Unsworth, Leo. 1916; Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R. ; Surg. Probnr. Unsworth, Louis Fairclough. 1919 ; Student. K Spec. Coy., Spec. Bde., R.E. ; Pnr. Uttley, William Wilkinson. 1904 ; M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H., R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Valentine, Abraham Henriquez. 1888 ; M.Sc. 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. Van der Veen, Gerald Menno. 1910 ; M.A. 22nd Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Cpl. Van Groenendael, Joseph, i 9 i 6 ; Student. Belgian Army ; Sergt. ; Interpreter. Varley, Benjamin. 1907 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. Ches. R. ; Cpl. *Varley, George. O.T.C. D. of Corn. L.I. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Varley, Russell. 1909 ; B.A., Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Lieut. ; M.C. ; Greek M.C. Vaughan, Alfred Robert Leslie. 1919 ; Student. 12th Bn. Ches. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Vaughan, Henry Alexander. 1914 ; Fireman. R.N. ; Stoker Petty Offr. ; 19 14-15 Star. Vause, Frank. 1910 j M.B;, Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Veitch, Charles. 191 3 > Student. 75th Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. ; Sergt. Fernon, Leonard Patrick. See page 75. Vickers, James Frankland. 1919 ; Student. 4th Bn. Ches. R. and i8th Bn. R.A.S.C. ; Pte. 256 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY FicKERS, Stephen JVynn. See page 75. ViCKERS, William. 1908 ; B.Sc. Tech. 17th Bn. Manch. R. ; Sergt. ViNER, Edward. 1905 ; B.Sc. 24th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut.- Col. ; D.S.O. ; Despatches. VoLLMER, George Frederick. 1892; M.Sc. R.E. ; Capt. VoNBERG, William Martin Ronald. 1907 ; M.Sc. 30th Sig. Coy., R.E. ; Lieut. VuLLiAMY, Bertram Louis. 1912 ; Student. 19th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. Waddington, Harry. 191 i ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.G.A., attd. Labour Coy. ; Capt. Wade, John May all. See page JS- Wade, Percy Jackson. See page 76. Wadsworth, George Wade. 1906 ; B.Sc. Tech. R.E. Capt. *Wadsworth, Norman Grant. O.T.C. R.F.A. (T.F.) Lieut. *Wainwright, John Lancelot. O.T.C. S. Lane. R. Lieut. Waite, Harold. 1910 ; B.Sc. 92nd Fid. Amb., R.A.M.C. Cpl. ; 1 9 14-15 Star. Waite, Joseph Thorp. See page 76. Walbank, Thomas. 1919 > Student. 52nd Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Pte. Walch, Roger Charles. 1919 j Student. R.N.V.R., H.M.S- Bulldog ; Midshipman. Walker, Albert Norman. 1909; B.Sc. R.E. ; Capt. *Walker, Arnold Harrison. O.T.C. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Lieut. ; Sign, and Intell. OiFr. Walker, Charles Latchford. 1919 ; Student. R.N.R., H.M.T. Joseph C^?^/^^, Anti-Submarine Serv. ; Midshipman. Walker, Eric. 1914 ; Student; O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Lieut.; M.C. ROLL OF SERVICE 257 Walker, Ernest William. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut., Pilot. Walker, Frederick Dearden. 1902; M.B.,Ch.B. R.A.M.C.; Capt. Walker, Frederick Stanley. 1917 ; B.Sc. O.T.C. ; Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. *Walker, George Halliwell. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. *Walker, Harold. O.T.C. 2/7th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Walker, James. 1905 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. (T.F.); Major. Walker, John Ha slam. See page 76. Walker, John Titterington. 191 3 ; Student. Manch. R. (T.F.). Walker, Thomas. 1904 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Walker, Thomas Warburton. 1897 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Walker, William Eric. 1902 ; . M.Sc. R.F.A. (T.F.) ; Lieut. Walker, William Frank. 1909 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 517th (Lond.) Fid. Coy., RE. ; Major ; M.C. Walker, William John. 1914 ; Asst. Lectr. and Dem. in Mech. Engineering. R.A.F. ; Capt. ; Tech. OfFr. serving under Dir. Genl. of Aircraft Production. Walker, William Percival. 1896 ; Student. R.N. ; Staff Surg. Wall, John Derwent. 1918 ; Student; O.T.C. nth Bn. Sherwood Foresters ; 2nd Lieut. * Wallace, George Frank. See page 76. Wallace, Percy Arnott. 1911 ; Student. 2/9th Bn. Manch. R. and R.E. (Gas Serv.) ; C.S.M. ; M.M. Wallbridge, Percy Edward. 1919 > Student. 53rd Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Waller, Ross Douglas. 1915 ; M.A. ; O.T.C. ist Garr. Bn. K.O.Y.L.L ; 2nd Lieut. s 258 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY *Wallers, Frank. O.T.C. Lane. Fus. and Remount Serv. ; Lieut. Walley, William Stanley. 1915 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.F.C. and R.A.F. ; 3/A.M. ♦Wallis, William Norman. O.T.C. 25th Bn. M.G.C. ; Major ; M.C. ; Despatches (twice). Wallwork, Herbert. 1911; Student j O.T.C. loth Bn. Manch. R., attd. Tank C. ; Capt. Walmsley, Horace Pearson. 1908 ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Lieut. Walmsley, William Herbert Greenfield. 1919 ; Student. 2/ 1 St Pembroke Yeom. ; Sergt. IValsh, Arthur. See page 76. Walsh, Herbert. 1915 ; Student. R.E. ; Pnr. Walsh, Joseph. See page ']'], Walshaw, Norman. 1914 ; Student; O.T.C. R.E. (Chem. C.) ; Cpl. j 1 9 14-15 Star. Walthew, Reginald Carrington. 191 5 > B.Sc. Tech. j O.T.C. R.E., A Spec. Coy. ; Lieut. ♦Waltho, Stanton. O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Walton, Frank Pearson. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. 2/ist E. Lane. Fid. Amb. and 48th Coy., R.A.M.C. ; Cpl. Sec. to D.A.D.M.S. Embarkation, Liverpool. Walton, Harold. 1914 ; Student. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Pte. Walton, Joseph Matthew. 1915 ; Student. R.E. ; Pte. Walton, Louis. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Wamsley, William Bunting. 1903; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C, attd. ist Border R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Wand, Solomon. 1915; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. Labour C. ; 2nd Lieut. Warburton, Gilbert Bertram. 1902 ; M.B., Ch.M. R.A.M.C. ; Major. Warburton, Harold John. See page 77. ROLL OF SERVICE 259 JVarburton, Stanley. See page 77. Warburton, Thomas Edward. 1914 ; Student. i/4th Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; 55th Div. ; Pte. ; M.M. Warburton, Thomas Marshall. 1909; B.A. istGarr. Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. ; Capt. ; ist Class Intell. OfFr. ; 1 9 14-15 Star ; Order of the Nile (4th Class) ; Despatches. Ward, Charles Harold. 1908 ; B.Sc. 3rd Res. Bn., attd. 15th Bn. Devon R. ; 2nd Lieut. *Ward, David Harold. O.T.C. S. Lane. R. ; Lieut. *Ward, George. O.T.C. 20th Bn. (U.P.S.) R. Fus. ; Pte. *Ward, Harold Benn. O.T.C. R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Lieut. ♦Ward, Henry. O.T.C. D Baty., 210th Bde., R.F.A. ; Lieut. Ward, Herbert Gibbons. 1901 ; M.D., D.P.H. ; Jun. Asst. and Jun. Res. Fellow in Public Health. R.A.M.C.; Lieut. Ward, John Forbes. 1904; M.D. R.A.M.C ; Capt. Ward, Leonard Wallwork. 1907 ; L.D.S. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Ward, Noll Machill. 191 2 ; Student. 5th Bn. D. of Well's (W. Riding) R. ; L.-Cpl. *Ward, Norman Edward. O.T.C. nth Bn. Lane. Fus.; Capt. ; M.C. Ward, Norman Hartley. See page jy. Ward, Philip. See page 77. Ward, Robert Sydney. 1906 ; L.D.S. R.N.V.R. j Dent. Surg. Wardle, John. 191 9 > Student, ist Bn. and 3rd Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Wardle, Robert Arnold. 1909; M.Sc. ; Lectr. in Economic Zoology. 3rd Bn. Northumberland Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Wardleworth, Thomas Hatton. 191 5 ; Student. Ches. R. (T.F.). Warhaftig, Aaron. 1919 > Student. K.S.L.I. ; Sgnllr. Warhurst, William Henry. 1911 ; LL.B. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Fktory ; Sub-Lieut. S2 26o MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Waring, James Livingston, i 9 i i ; Student. 4th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R. and 104th Wellesley's Rfls., Ind. Army ; Capt. Warner, Edward Brown. 1910 ; L.D.S. Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Warren, Frederick William. 1916 ; B.Sc. Tech.; O.T.C. 3rd Garr. Bn. R. W. Fus. ; Lieut. Warren, William Norman. 191 5 ; Student. Chinese Labour C. ; Lieut. Warrington, George. 191 6 ; Student. R.N.V.R. ; Petty Offr. ; Despatches. IVarrington, JVilliam Barnett. See page 77. Warwick, Joseph Lester. 1915 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 24th Bn. Ches. R. and R.A.S.C. (M.T.) ; Pte. Waterhouse, Edgar. 1909 ; M.A. i6th Bn. (U.P.S.) Middlesex R. and Notts and Derby R. ; 2nd Lieut. Waterhouse, Gerald Vickers. 1909 ; Student. lOth Bn. R. Fus. and R.E. (Fortress) ; Lieut. Waterhouse, Harry Clegg. See page 78. Waterhouse, Rennie. See page 78. Waterhouse, Wilfrid. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student. 9th Bn. S. Staff. R. ; 3rd R. War. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Waterlow, Cecil Beauchamp. 1905 ; B.Sc. R.A.S.C. ; Capt. Waters, Percy Wharton. 191 2 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. nth Bn. York. R. and R.E. ; Lieut. Waterworth, Sidney. 191 7 ; M.B., Ch.B. 3rd Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Watkins, William Morris. 1910; B.Sc. R.E. ; L.-Cpl. Watman, Lisle. 1912 ; Student; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Lane. Fus.; 47th Squadn., R.F.C. and R.A.F.; Lieut. (Tech. Offr.). Watson, Alexander. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Watson, Arthur. 191 i ; B.Com. i6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Cpl. ; M.S.M. Watson, Arthur. 1890 ; Student. R.E. (T.F.), Rly. Eng. and Staff C. ; Major ; C.B.E. ROLL OF SERVICE 261 Watson, Charles John. See page 78. Watson, Clifford James Joseph. 1919 ; Student. io8th H.B., R.G.A. J Sgnllr. *Watson, Eric Entwistle. O.T.C. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. Watson, George Stanley. 1911 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Major. Watson, Harry. See page 78. Watts, Eric. 1910 ; Student. 9th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. ; G.S.O. III., 19th Div. ; Bde. Major, S. Afr. Inf. Bde. and 28th Inf. Bde. Watts, George Edward. 191 3 ; Student, i/ist Welsh Hvy. Baty., 129th Hvy. Baty., R.G.A., and R.A.F. ; Fit. Cdt. Watts, Harland. See page 78. Watts, William Newman. 191 3 ; Student. i6th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; 2nd Lieut. Webb, Charles Hurst. 191 3 ; Student ; O.T.C. nth Bn. and 5th Bn. K.O.Y.L.I. ; Capt. Webb, Estlin Horrox. 1906 ; Cert, in Tech. ; H.M.S. Garth Castle. Webb, Frank Burns. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. loth Bn. K.O.R. Lane. R. and 3/8th Ghurkhas, Ind. Army ; Capt. and Adjt. *Webb, James Tregenna. O.T.C. ; 249th Fid. Coy., R.E. ; 63rd R.N.D. ; Lieut. *Webb, Richard jfosEPH. See page 78. Webb-Johnson, Alfred Edward. 1897 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. A.M.S. ; Col. ; D.S.O. ; C.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Despatches (thrice) ; Consulting Surg, to G.H.Q., B.E.F. Webb-Johnson, Samuel James Cecil. 1898 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Webster, Clement Arthur. 1906; Student. R.A.M.C; I /2nd E. Lane. Fid. Amb. (42nd Div.) ; Major ; Despatches. Webster, Frederick Langton. 191 o; Student. R.A.M.C. Capt. Weitzman, David. 1919 ; B.A. Manch. R. and A.P.C. ; Pte. 262 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Wells, George. 1905 ; Asst. Chem. Dept., R.F.A. ; Gnr. Wells, Lionel Fortescue. 1895 ; B.Sc. R.E. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; D.S.O. ; Despatches (twice) 5 Serbian Order of Kara George (4th Class with Swords). West, Charles Lawrence. 1919; Student. R.N., H.M.S. Cormorant ; 3rd Writer. West, Joseph. 1912 ; B.Sc. ; Univ. Meteorological Obsvr. R.E., 1st Fid. Surv. Bn. ; Lieut. West, Tom. See page 79. Westmacott, Frederic Hibbert. 1884; B.Sc; O.C. Univ. Contgt. O.T.C., 1903-1905. R.A.M.C. (T.F.), O.C. West. Gen. Hosp. and 57th Gen. Hosp., B.E.F. ; Lieut.- CoL, Brevet-Col. ; A.D.M.S. ; C.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; T.D.; Despatches (twice) and by War Sec. (twice). *Weston, Frank Godwin. O.T.C. S. Staff. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Westphal, Benjamin ./Augustus. See page 79. Westphal, Richard Jrthur. See page 79. Weyman, Henry Morton. See page 79. Weyman, Percy. See page 79. Whalley, Edgar Leslie, i 9 i 2 ; Student. K.O.R. Lane. R. ; Lieut. Whalley, Harry. 1903 ; B.Sc. R.N., Expertl. Stn., Strat- ford ; Leading Mech. Whalley, Samuel. 1919 > Student. 122nd Labour C. ; Pte. Whalley, Wilfred. 1911 ; M.Ed., B.Sc. ; O.T.C. Unattd. List for Serv. with Glasgow H. Sch. O.T.C. ; Lieut. Whalley, William Cecil. 1913; Student; O.T.C. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. and R.E., ist N.D. Fid. Coy. ; Capt. Wharton, John. 1898 ; Dem. in Operat. Surgery. R.A.M.C, 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; Capt. ; Chief Ophthalmic Specst., West. Cmd. Wharton, John. 191 3 ; Cert, in Tech. ; O.T.C. loth Bn. L.N. Lane. R., 9th Bn. S. Staff. R„ and R.A.S.C. (M.T.),attd. 103rd Bn. M.G.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Wheelden, Charles. 1913; Asst. Zoology Dept; nth Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. ROLL OF SERVICE 263 Whincup, Frederick Lancelot. 1914 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut. *Whitaker, Charles Warburton. See page 79. *Whitaker, Frederick Norman. O.T.C; I.A.R.O.; Lieut.; M.S.M. ; Despatches ; Asst. Accts. Offr., Labour Dte. ; Mes. Ex. F. Whitbread, Leslie George. See page 79. White, Charles Francis. 1907 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. White, Edgar John. 1919; Student. i6th Bn. R.A.S.C.; Cpl. White, Francis. See page 80. ♦White, Harold Kelsall. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. White, Harry Vere. 1897 ; M.D. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ; M.C. *White, John. O.T.C. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. White, Thomas Turner. 1908 ; M.A. 3rd Bn. and 8th Bn. Ches. R. ; Pte. *White, Wallace. O.T.C. 22nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Whitehead, Cyril Spencer. 1909 ; B.A. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Whitehead, Gordon. 1904; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. Whitehead, James Edward. 1904 ; M.A., Teach. Dipl. R.G.A. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. Whitehead, Joseph Donaldson. 1907 ; D.V.S.M. R.A. Vet.C. ; Major. Whitehead, Norman. 191 5 j B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C 13th Bn. Welch R. ; 2nd Lieut, Whitehead, William. 191 3 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 13th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. Whitehouse, William Hardy. 1919 ; B.Sc. Tech. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. *Whitehurst, Henry. O.T.C. ; i/4th Bn. L.N. Lane. R., See. R.E. (Signals), attd. 55th Div. Sign. Coy. ; Lieut. ; Despatches. 264 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY ♦Whiteley, Arthur. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R., attd. i/i5th Bn. Lond. R. ; Capt. and Adjt. Whiteley, Frank. 19 15 ; Student. R.N. V.R. (S.B.) ; Surg. Probnr. Whiteley, Sydney Evan. 1916 ; Student. O.T.C. R.A.F., R.N.A.S. ; Lieut., Pilot. *Whitelock, Arthur Thomas. O.T.C. R.A.F.; Major, Aer. OfFr.; Despatches. Whiteside, Dennis. 1909 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Whiteside, Ellis. 191 3; Student; O.T.C. 5th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. and Tank C. ; Capt. ; M.C. Whiteside, Eric. 1916 ; Student; O.T.C. ist Res. Garr. Bn., K.O. Y.L.I. ; 2nd Lieut. Whitfield, Ernest Victor. 1915 ; B.Sc. nth Bn. R.G.A. ; Bombr. Whitfield, jfoHN Lawrence. See page 80. Whitham, Robert Parker Musgrave. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. Northumberland Fus. and R.A.F. ; Capt. ; M.C; Despatches ; Wing Flying Exam. Offr. Whitley, John Theodore. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. 3rd Bn. Border R. ; 2nd Lieut. Whitley, Joseph Erle. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R.; Lieut. Whitrow, John Moncur. See page 80. Whittaker, Alfred Stanley. 1920 (Apl.) ; Student, ist Fid. Amb., S. Afr. Forces ; Staff Sergt. *Whittaker, Gerald. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; 2nd Lieut. Whittaker, Wilfrid. 191 3 ; Student. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus.; 2nd Lieut. ♦Whittingham, Frederick Henry. O.T.C. ist Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. Whittingham, John Herbert. 1914 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.F.A., 2/2nd E. Lane. Bde. ; Lieut. Whittle, Herbert Henry. 1919 ; Student; O.T.C. Tank C. ; Lieut. Whittle, Jack. 1919 ; Student. R.F.A. ; Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 265 Whittles, Willie. 1905 ; B.Sc; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; i/istS.M., C.C.S. 5 3rd Water Tank Coy. ; Sergt. ; M.M.; 1 9 14-15 Star. *Whitworth, Arnold Rivett. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Lieut. Whitworth, Arthur William Thirkill. 1901 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; Owens Coll. Vol. Coy. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Whitworth, Sydney. 1919 > Student. 6th Bn. Manch. R. and R.E. (Gas Serv.) ; Capt. Whyatt, Gilbert Henderson. 191 9 ; Student. i6th Hvy. Baty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. *Whyman, Thomas. O.T.C. 2nd Bn. Ches. R. ; Lieut. WiDDowsoN, Alfred John Harold Rhyder. See page 80. Wiffen, William Arthur. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. i/5th L.N. Lane. R. ; Pte. WiGHTMAN, William Brewis. 1916; B.Sc. Tech.; O.T.C. R.A.F. ; Cdt. WiLCoCK, Donald. 1919 ; Student. R.N. ; Pte. WiLCocK, John. 1919 ; B.A. 3/4th K.O.R. Lane. R. ; C.Q.M.S. WiLCocKS, Charles. 1914; Student. O.T.C. 12th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Lieut. Wilcox, Ewart Gladstone. 191 8 ; B.Sc. Tech. S. Afr. Scottish R. ; Pte. Wilcox, Leonard. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Bn. Durham L.I. ; L.-Cpl. Wild, George. See page 80. Wild, Granville Burnett. 1911 ; M.B., Ch.B.; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Wild, Leonard. 1919 ; Student. 254th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Lieut. Wild, Robert Briggs. 1878 ; M.Sc. ; Leech Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therapeutics, Chairman of Convocation. R.A.M.C. (T.F.), 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; Major. Wild, Sydney Victor. 1916 ; B.Sc. Tech. ; O.T.C. R.N.D., Anson Bn. ; R.N.V.R. ; Sub-Lieut. ; Pris. of War. WiLDBLOOD, William Arthur. See page 80. 266 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY WiLDBORE, Edward William. 1919 > Student. R.A.M.C, Fid. Amb. ; Pte. Wilde, Wenden Ray. See page 81. Wilding, Leonard Scrivener. 1919; Student. K.R.Rif.C; 2nd Lieut. Wiles, James Herbert. 1909 ; Cert, in Tech. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. ; 19 14-15 Star. WiLKiNS, Arthur Godfrey. 1893 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. Wilkinson, Arthur Geden. 1907 ; M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Wilkinson, Bertie. 1915 ; M.A., Teach. Dipl. R.A.S.C. (M.T.); Dvr. Wilkinson, Eyre Spenser. See page 8 1 . Wilkinson, John Frederick. 1914 ; B.Sc. R.N., H.M.S. Vindictive \ attd. Tank C. Spec. Serv. ; Leading Mech. Wilkinson, John James. 1910 ; M.A. 20th Bn. Manch. R. J Lieut. Wilkinson, John Reed. 1919 ; B.Sc. R.F.A. ; 2nd Lieut. Wilkinson, Laurence. 1919 ; Student. Y/T.M.B., R.F.A., 14th Div. ; Gnr. Wilkinson, Lionel St. George. 1903 ; M.Sc. ; Owens Coll. Vol. Coy. loth Bn. Manch. R. ; Major; Staff Capt. ; M.C. ; 19 14-15 Star. Wilkinson, Norman, See page 81. Wilkinson, Percy John. 1884 ; Student. S. Afr. Med. C; Major ; Despatches. Wilkinson, Robert Dennis. 1916 ; B.Sc. Merc. Marine, s.s. Globe ; Senr. Wireless Opertr. Wilkinson, Sydney Carter. 1894 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C; Capt. WiLLAN, Philip Bertram Samuel. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C R.F.A. ; 38th Divl. Ammn. Column ; 2nd Lieut. WiLLAN, Richard. 1910 ; M.B.,Ch.B..; O.T.C. R.A.M.C; Capt. ROLL OF SERVICE 267 WiLLATT, John. 1909 ; M.A. 3rd Bn. N. Staff. R.; Lieut.; M.C. WiLLATT, Richard Leslie. 1909 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Glouc. R. and M.G.C. ; Lieut. WiLLETT, Edward. 191 1; Student; O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. *WiLLiAMS, Alan. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. Williams, Bernard. 1910 ; B.Sc. ; Teach. Dipl. R.A.F. ; Lieut. Williams, Evan Clifford. 191 i ; M.Sc. ; O.T.C. loth Bn. E. York. R. ; Capt. Williams, Frederic John. 1905 ; M.Sc. 206th Fid; Coy., R.E., 32nd Div. ; 2nd Lieut. Williams, George. See page 81. Williams, Harold ViNiTH. 191 6; Student ; O.T.C. R.A.F. (Kite Ball. Sect.) ; Lieut. Williams, Henry John Agate. 1919 ; Student. 9th Divl. Sig. Coy., R.E., and S. Afr. Bde.; Sergt. Williams, Herbert Wyndham FiTZROY. 1908; M.B., Ch.B. R.'N., n.M.S. Dryad', Surg. *WiLLiAMS, Hugh Davenport. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Lieut. *WiLLiAMS, James Arthur. O.T.C. Middlesex R. ; L.-Cpl. *WiLLiAMS, John. O.T.C. R.G.A. ; 2nd Lieut. ; M.M. Williams, John Clifford. 1911 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Sergt. Williams, John George. 191 i ; Steward, Mat. Med. Dept. 150th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Sgnllr. Williams, Lionel Ewart Humphrey. 1919; B.Sc. R. W. Fus. ; Lieut. Williams, Morris. 1910 ; Gate Porter. 306th Sge. Bty., R.G.A. ; Gnr. Williams, Noah Thomas. 1912; Lectr. in Mining; O.T.C. 103rd Coy., Chinese Labour C. ; 2nd Lieut. Williams, Philip. 1916 ; Student. R. Fus. ; Pte. Williams, Samuel. 1918 ; B.Sc; O.T.C. R.A.F.; 3/A.M.; Obsvr. 268 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Williams, Thomas Arthur. 1907 ; M.Sc. ; Teach. Dipl. R.N.D. ; A.B. Williams, William. 1919 ; Student. R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. Williams, William Frederick. Student; O.T.C. R. Fus. Williams, William Meirion. 191 3 ; B.Sc. Tech.; O.T.C. 1 20th Bde. and 29th Bde., R.F.A. ; Capt. and Adjt. Williamson, jIndrew. See page 81. WiLUAMsoN, Ernest. See page 82. Williamson, Ernest Frederick. 1920 (Jan.) ; Student. 28th Bn. Lend. R. (Artists Rif.) ; Pte. Williamson, Francis Herbert. 1910; B.Sc. Tech.; O.T.C. 7th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. Williamson, George. 1914 ; B.Sc; O.T.C. RA.M.C; Pte. Williamson, Richard Thomas. 1897 ; B.Sc. ; Lectr. in Med. and in School Hygiene. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Willis, Frank. 1907 ; B.A. ; O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Lieut. ; Cmdt., Pris. of War Camp. Willis, Hugh Duberly. See page 82. Willis, Malcolm Featherston. 1907 ; B.Sc. 14th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Willis, Reginald John. 1919 ; Student. 52nd Bn. Leic. R. ; Pte. Willis, Russell. See page 82. Wills, Frederick. 191 i ; LL.B. ; O.T.C. R.G.A. ; Capt. and Adjt. Wills, Maitland Cecil Melville. 191 i ; Student; O.T.C. R.E. (T.F.), 501st Wessex Fid. Coy. ; Capt. ; M.C. Wilmott, Frederick Arthur Neville. 1914 ; Asst. Lectr. and Dem. in Education ; O.T.C. 4th Bn. R. Berks. R. ; Lieut. ; M.C. Wilson, Jlbert Knowles. See page 82. Wilson, Alexander. 1876 ; Student ; Hon. Lectr. in Anaesthetics. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; O.C. 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ROLL OF SERVICE 269 Wilson, Alfred. 1919 ; Student. ist Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Pte. Wilson, Arthur Gordon. 1895 ; Student. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Wilson, Basil Mayor. 1896 ; M.D., D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *Wilson, Bernard. O.T.C. 12th Bn. Manch. R., attd. L.T.M.B. ; Capt. Wilson, Douglas. 191 3 > Student. R.E. ; Capt. Wilson, Frederick William. 1908 j Student. Coldstream Gds. ; Capt. ; Empld. R.E. Wilson, Harold Bertram. 191 3 j Asst. Christie Library. 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. ; M.M. Wilson, Henry. 1909 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C., attd. I /4th E. Lane. R. and i/6th Manch. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. JViLSON, John. See page 82. Wilson, John. 1906 ; M.Sc. i6th Bn. (O. Westmstr. Rfls.) Lend. R. ; Pte. ^ ♦Wilson, John. O.T.C. R.F.A., 275th B Baty. and io6th Baty. ; Capt. and Adjt. *WiLS0N, John Fictor. See page 82. Wilson, Joseph Reginald. 1919? Student. 7th Divl. Sign. Coy., R.E. ; Spr. ; M.M. Wilson, Sidney Rawson. 1900 ; M.B., Ch.B., M.Sc. ; Dem. in Botany, Physiology, and Histology. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. Wilson, Stanley Pierce. 1910 ; M.Sc. Tech. ; Dem. in Applied Chemistry ; O.T.C. lOth Bn. S. Lane. R., and R.E., 5th Fid. Surv. Bn. ; Capt. ; Despatches. Wilson, Thomas. 1914 ; Student; O.T.C. R.A.M.C; Capt. Wilson, Thomas Oakley. 1919 ; Student. 52nd Bn. Ches. R. ; Pte. Wilson, William. See page 83. Wilson, William. 1901 ; B.Sc, M.D. R.A.M.C; Capt. Winder, Richard. 191 3 ; B.Sc, Teach. Dipl. ; O.T.C 5th Bn. Ches. R. ; Pte. 270 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Winder, Richard Henry. 191 3 j M.A. ; O.T.C. 2nd Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Windsor, Frank Needham. 1884 ; B.Sc. I. M.S. ; Lieut- Col. ♦WiNKUP, Edward Hatton. O.T.C. 3rd Bn. S. Lane. R. ; Capt. *Winstanley, Walter Morgan. O.T.C. R.E.; Lieut. WiNTERBOTTOM, Frank Simcox. 1913 j B.Com. ; O.T.C. 1st Garr. Bn. Suffolk R. j 2nd Lieut. Wintle, Sidney Grey. 1909 ; Student. R.E. (T.F.) ; Lieut. Win WARD, Thomas. 1914 > B.Sc. 3rd Bn. Seaforth Hghrs. ; Pte. Witts, Leslie John. 1919 ; Student ; Theodores Exhbtnr. C/232 Baty., R.F.A. j 2nd Lieut. Wolf, Harry. 1919 ; Student. Middlesex R. ; Pte. Wolf, Percy. See page 83. Wolf, Walter Albert Louis. 191 5 ; B.Sc. 4th Bn. Middle- sex R., Labour Coy. ; Pte. Wolfendale, Richard Egbert. 1919 ; Student, i/yth Bn. Welsh Cyclist Div. ; 2nd Bn. Welch R. j Pte. WoLSTENCROFT, Harold. 1912; Student. R.A.O.C.; L.-Cpl. WoLSTENHOLME, Thomas Blackeway. 1 897 ; M.B., Ch.B. ; O.T.C. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Lieut.-Col. ; O.B.E. (Mil. Div.) ; Croix de Guerre (France). *Womersley, Albert Edward. O.T.C. nth Bn. E. Lane. R. J Lieut. WoMERSLEY, Arthur Sydney. 1904 ; Student. S. Afr. Forces ; 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; 8th Bn. L.N. Lane. R. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. Wood, Allan. 1907 ; Student. S. Afr. Rfls. (Rand Rfls.) ; Pte. ♦Wood, Arnold. O.T.C. 22nd Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Wood, Arthur Henry. 1914 ; LL.B. R.A.M.C. j Pte. Wood, Carl Sutcliffe. 1909 ; Student. 7th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. ROLL OF SERVICE 271 Wood, Frank Lomax. 1884; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt.j Surg. Spec. H.M.S. Essequibo, JVooD, Frederic James. See page 83. Wood, Geoffrey Ward. 1908 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *Wood, George. O.T.C. Worcester R. ; Capt. *Wood, George Frederick. O.T.C. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Wood, George Harry. 1919 ; Student ; O.T.C. 6th Bn. Lane. Fus., attd. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Wood, Harold. 1919 ; Student. i/5th Bn. King's (Liver- pool) R. ; Rfmn. Wood, Harold. 1919 ; Student. 7th Bn. K.S.L.I. ; Pte. Wood, Herbert Lee. 1913; Student. R.A.F. ; Capt. (Aer. Offr.). Wood, Humphrey Rayner. 1907; B.Sc; O.T.C. R.G.A.; Capt. Wood, James. 1877; Student. R.A.M.C; Lieut.-Col. *WooD, James Bonar. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Wood, John. 1908 ; B.Sc. ; Teach. Dipl. R.A.M.C. and R.E. (Sound Rang. Sect.) ; L.-Cpl. Wood, John. 1919; B.A. Durham L.I. ; Pte. ♦Wood, Jonathan Gartside. O.T.C. R.F.A. ; Lieut. ♦Wood, Leonard Cooper. O.T.C. ist Garr. Bn. Wore. R. ; 6th Garr. Bn. R.W. Fus. ; i/7th Bn. Essex R. ; Lieut. Wood, Martin Stanley. 1896; M.D. R.A.M.C; Capt. Wood, Norman. 1914 ; Student; O.T.C 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; 2nd Lieut. Wood, Norman Holroyd. 191 i ; L.D.S. ; O.T.C Spec. List (Dent. Surg.) ; Capt. Wood, Paul Butterworth. 1919 ; Student. 6th Bn. Ches. R., attd. L.T.M.B. ; Lieut. Wood, William Henry. 1905 ; M.B., Ch.B., B.Sc. ; Lectr. in Anatomy. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ♦Wood, William Henry. O.T.C R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Pem- broke and Attentive 11. ; Paymaster Sub-Lieut. 272 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY PVooD, William Leslie, See page 83. Woodcock, Frederick. See page 83. Woodcock, Oswald Hampson. 1893 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. WooDFiELD, Frederick William. 1919 ; Student. 3rd Bn., attd. 2nd Bn. Leic. R. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. ♦WooDHALL, Alfred Basil. O.T.C. R. Marines ; Lieut. *Woodhouse, Earnfaunce. See page 83. WooDHOUSE, Frederick George. See page 83. Woods, Frank Unsworth. 1914; B.A. S. Staff. R. ; 2nd Lieut. ♦Woods, James Royle. O.T.C. 8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Lieut. Woods, Thomas Clayton. 1914 ; B.Sc. ; O.T.C. 9th Bn. S. Staff. R. and R.E., 251st Coy. ; Capt. ; M.C. * Woods, William Ellis. See page 84. Woodward, Arthur. 1919 ; Student. 13th Bn. Middlesex R. ; Cpl. WOOLFENDEN, RoNALD. ScC page 84. *Woollam, Henry Morgan. O.T.C. Manch. R. ; Lieut. *Woollam, Samuel Edward. O.T.C. i8th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Brevet Major. WoRRALL, James Fletcher. 191 2 ; Student; O.T.C. 8th Bn. King's (Liverpool) R., attd. Labour C. ; Capt. ; M.C. *WoRRALL, Tom Austin. O.T.C. M.G.C. ; Lieut. Worsley, Robert Catterall. 1905 ; M.A. R.A. Chplns. Dept. ; C.F. WoRswiCK, David Norman. See page 84. WoRTHiNGTON, Claude Swanwick. See page 84. *WoRTHiNGTON, Geoffrey. O.T.C. 15th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. WoRTHiNGTON, James. 1916; Student; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Montrose ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. WoRTHiNGTON, JOHN HuBERT. I905 ; M.A. 1 6th Bn. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; Empld. Staff of 2ist O.C.B. ; Despatches. ROLL OF SERVICE 273 ♦WORTHINGTON, RoLLO. O.T.C. R.A.S.C. J Licut. *WoRTHiNGTON, Thomas Ryland. O.T.C. Manch. R. ; Capt. ; M.C. Wrapson, George. 1915 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.A.F. (Kite Ball. Sec.) ; Lieut. Wray, Gerald Gage. 1912 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. Wray, Robert Arnold. 1919 ; Student. 72nd Squadn., R.A.F. and R.F.C. ; 2/A.M. Wright, Andrew Rae. 1898 ; M.B., Ch.B. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. Wright, Arthur. See page 84. Wright, Bernard Arker. 19x1 ; Student. R.M.L.I., Ply- mouth Div. J Pte. Wright, Frank Leslie. 1919 ; Student. 5th Bn. Manch. R. ; Pte. Wright, Garnett. 1911 ; Lectr. in Oper. Surg. R.A.M.C; 2nd West. Gen. Hosp. ; Major. Wright, George Arthur. 1893 ; Prof, of Syst. Surg. R.A.M.C. ; Lieut.-Col. ; Despatches (War Sec.) twice. Wright, Joseph Farrell. 1919 ; Student. 46th T.D.S., R.A.F. ; 2nd Lieut. (Fit.). Wright, Richard Bertram. 1901 ; B.Sc. R.N., H.M.S. Vernon^ Cyclops ; Warrant Schoolmaster. Wright, Thomas Alexander. 1919 > Student ; O.T.C. O.C.B., No. 8 Lichfield ; Cdt. Wrighton, James. 1919 > Student. No. i Wireless School, R.A.F. ; 2/A.C. Wrigley, Frank Graham. 1904 ; M.D. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. *Wrigley, Leonard Gordon. See page 84. Wrigley, Philip Roscoe. 1894 ; Lectr. in Oper. Surg. R.A.M.C. (T.F.) ; Capt. Wylie, David Storey. 1892 ; M.B., Ch.B. N.Z.M.C. ; Lieut.-Col. ; C.M.G. Wylie, John Howie. 1899; Student. R. Fus. 274 MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY Wyncoll, Austen Wrench. 191 3 ; Student. K.O.R. Lane. R. and io8th Squadn., R.A.F. ; Lieut. Wynn, James. 1913 ; Student. 4th Bn. E. Lane. R. ; Capt. Wynne, Frederick Edward. 1909 ; D.P.H. R.A.M.C. ; Capt. ♦Yapp, George Harold. O.T.C. 5th Bn. Lane. Fus.; Lieut.; Bde. Intell. Offr. ; Pris. of War. Yarwood, Ernest Sydney. 1919 ; Student. 5th Bn. Lincoln. R. ; Capt. Yates, James. 1916 ; Student ; O.T.C. R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Jackal ; Surg. Sub-Lieut. Yates, James Ashton. 1919 ; B.Sc. Tech. 431st Fid. Coy., R.E. ; 66th Div. ; L.-Cpl. Yates, Thomas James Alfred. 1915 ; Student; O.T.C. 7 th Bn. Seaforth Hghrs. ; 2nd Lieut. Yearsley^ Hubert A. See page 85. YoRKE, John Maddox. 1914 ; Asst. Leetr. and Dem. in Education ; O.T.C. R.E. ; 2nd Lieut. ; Empld. Inland Water Transpt. *Yorston, Sydney. O.T.C. 6th Bn. Ches. R. ; Capt. ; Bde. Intell. Offr. ; M.C. JTouNG, Frank Irvin. See page 85. Young, John Stirling. 1898 ; M.D. N Coll. Coy., V.B.M.R. ; R.A.M.C. ; River Sick Convoy Coy. ; Capt. Young, Robert. 1907 ; M.Sc. 17th Bn. Lane. Fus. ; Capt. ; Pris. of War. Young, William. 1911 ; Student. R.A.M.C, 2nd E. Lane. Fid. Amb. ; Dvr. YoxALL, Richard. 191 1; Porter. R.N. ; Seaman Gnr. Ziver-Hagopian, Vahram. 1910 ; B.Sc. Tech. R.N.D. ; Interpreter. Printed in Great Britain by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. RET 10! Jj 4 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 J< ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6233 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAY 26 1990 N0V211989 in AUTO. D I SC. A UG 8 6 WSa CIRCULATIOh! |-UK/V\ INW. i^i GENERAL L/BBflBY-U.C. BERKELEY B000313'}44