0. WILL FURNISH HARNESS MAKERS WITH LOOP PLATES Of every description and size, by the sett or single. EMBOS SING & PRINTING H ROLLS, FOR Saddle and Trunk MAKERS. And Marking Brands for Names, Post office stamps. Society and office Seals and Stamps. HATTERS' GILDING DIES, EMBOSSING & SECTIONAL WREATHS* &c., &c., At the lowest market prices. ) A CASE, containing specimens of work, may be seen at the Drug Store of R. H. Trippe, cor. of Broad and Market streets, Newark. N. J., | Where all orders left, will be punctually attended to CABINET MANUFACTORY, AND 119 Market Street. ALSO,. General Furnishing Upholstery, Such as Mattrasses, Feather Beds, Church cushions, Draperv, Window Curtains, Gilt and metal Cornices, Gimp Fringes, Tassels, Cords, Shades of Linen or trans- parencies, paper Hangings, &c. ( FOWLER'S Improved Patent Premium BEDSTEA1 1 N. B. Mahogany, Black Walnut, Cherry and Whit, ; V 'Wood Coffins, also, Plates, Caps, Shrouds, Hearses, &.< ^furnished at short notice and on reasonable terms. eCX^gg, ' MANUFACTURING COMPANY. VNN Offer for sale as above, on liberal terms, a large .._ ^superior assortment of India Rubber Goods, embracing/^ ^.almost every article manufactured from Goodyear's M/ ? Patent Metalic Insoluble Rubber. >^ < > MP Among the articles are to be found India Rubber Shoes^ ///for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, of the most beauti-^ >y>ful finish yet acquired for this article, all of which are^ ^warranted. \fo < CARRIAGE CLOTHS. > Coach trimmings, aprons, curtains and Enamelled Cloth, o^x a most beautiful article. 3& i No person should be without this article, who has the^; of a Hydrant, on their premises. It is very dura-w and perfectly clean, can be taken into any part of the HP S house without soiling carpets or other furniture. )^ S India Rubber Machine Banding, >>> v " V^i 1* Experience has proved this article to be the best now ^ JS in use for this purpose. ^ INDIA RUBBER WHIPS. > V> These Whips (made exclusively by this Company,) are^ a most excellent article, and are warranted to all purcha-^v jNsers, and will be furnished in quantities on very liberal^ 5^ terms to the trade. Jfr 3s The above goods are warranted to be of the best quali-w r ^ty, and this company hold themselves responsible to make^ // v^good the warrantee. ^ (&(<< H. HUTCHINSON, President. -AND ENGRAVER, M the Turnpike Roar Pi ak i ic-hl, N.J. s^PW ^M^ f^\ ^\i supplied with Gilding and Blank Rolls and Stamps. Side Hack Orn: Pi-ess Work, Steel and V Border lines. Lettering Blocks and Boxes for Press, Leiic-rintr pallets for Ei .ers, Round and Flat, Back iting Har, Plates, &c. The above are offered to the public at reduced prices, and war- 1 I rallied to an>\vi-r tin- pu: ; o- {which they are made, or the ar- fiicle may be reiurned and the ' Tuti-:. FeTt with A- &> Holbrook. Book ai.d Job Primer, icar 333 Broad St., or J. Smith Book Binder. No. 1 Commerce st. crR. EL Trippe, Druggist cor- i Broad and A1;i : G. IJ. Jones' City Coff.e . No. 1J52 Mari. punctually attended to & prompt- ly executed. DODD & AKEIAI, AND SUSPENDER WEBBING. No. 131 Market Street, . DODD, ) . P. WAKEMAN. \ NEWARK, N. J. J ALSO, MANDFACTURERS OP ! St SPENDER, VEST AND PANTAI.OON BUCKLES. SCARLETT, DODD & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF StJSPiNDBHS, Pantaloon ana Hedenbergs Works, Inclined Plane. ? NEWARK, N. J. SCARLETT, BETHUEL DODD. . P. WAKEMAN. Looking Glass Manufactory, 125 Market Street, )A FEW DOORS WEST OF BROAD STREET.! Every description and size of Looking Glasses may be| | had at the above Factory, of the best quality and at as low ( prices as can be had any where for the same quality of( (articlei FRENCH PIER GLASSES, Of the largest sizes put up in the most fashionable style. Frames PORTRAITS AND PICTURE FRAMES, On hand and made to order, of the newest and most ! fashionable pattern. Portrait Frames, Engravings, Cer- tificates, Needlework and Pictures of all kinds, framed | at short notice in Gold or Rosewood. GLASS. Large size Window and Picture Glass, French and American, cut to order. N. B. All kinds Repairing, Regilding and Plating] Jdone with despatch. C. G. Campbell, A. Campbell. CORNELIUS WALSH, 52T HD d_i=i3 o IPANTALOON & VEST BUCKLEi MANUFACTURER, Foot Hamilton Street, Rail Road Avenue. :O^CXCXQ^OCCXCKCXOXOCO:CXCXCXCXC:( sST S. O. HEATON, OAK HALL * n frfi Tr 3 r 11 ! n fiNi ^ ZP J iia IkJ \1 Ull U LKJ .- Vifl ! 31 ESTABLISHMENT, 276 Broad street, Newark, N, J, gTRUNKS, CARPET BAGS & UMBRELLAS' 7 ' > 'MV t-J- CtSl. Constantly on hand from the best manufactories. ate HATS AND CAPS SUPERIOR STYLE & WORKMANSHIP* Constantly on hand and for sale cheap for cash. DRAPERS AND TAILORS, 298 Broad St near Market, AT OLD STAND, Would call the attention of the inhabitants of Newark and its vicinity, to their CASH Tailoring Establishment where they have on hand an assortment of French, English and BLACK, BLUE, BLUE BLACK, &c., &c, ALSO A VARIETY OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND AMERICAN DOESKINS AND CASSIMERES, BLACK, PLAIN AND FIGURED SATIN AND SILK VESTINGS. They also have on hand a suitable stock of Summer Goods, such as Drop d? Ete, Anglo Tweeds, and Cassimeres, which they will make to order In the best manner and on reasonable terms', They, have on hand, in addition to the above, an assort-j ment of Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Stocks, Suspenders, Gloves, &c., &c., which they offer for salej on the most reasonable terms. B. F. Heaton, J- L. Currie. JACOB STUCKY, 11 ; I No. 252 Broad, between Bank and Academy Street. (THE OLD STAND,) r \ i Would call the attention of his friends and the public | f to his extensive assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, j (READY MADE,) Comprising Gentlemens' wear of every description Warranted well made. He has constantly on hand, French and English BHOiD CIOTH8, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, DRILLINGS, SATINETTS, &c. &c., which he will make up and warrant to fit, or no sale. In addition to which he keeps constantly on hand Hosiery, * Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Cellars, / Bosoms, Cravats and every article in the gentle- man's furnishing line, which will be sold CHEAP FOR READY PAY. GEORGE H, VERNON UVV.O MERCHANT TAILOR, , 310 BROAD ST. ^Tb r"*ND^/"^ j^y^IIaving taken the abovo store for the manufacture ol^Q ci "\o o> >r 8y> GR& fgQIN ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES,^ now prepared to furnish those who may favor hir '^ with their custom, on as favorable terms as any other establishment of the kind in the city. Having: on hand a large assortment of fine French a English Broad cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Dress goods- Also Shirts, Drawers, Bosoms and Collars, ^Stocks? Suspenders, Cravats, Gloves, Scarfs, Silk ""-' Handkerchiefs, and every article in the made to order at the shortest notice. if A share of patronage is respectfully solicited. NEWARK JEWELRY STORE, IMPORTERS OF FINE LONDON WATCHES, Receive regularly and directly from the manufacturers; the first quality of WATCH MOVEMENTS, Which are sold at Wholesale and Retail. THE BEST QUALITY OF CHRONOMETER, DUPLEX. AND E S A P E M E N T , |Can be obtained to order, with the name of the person! ordering engraved on the movement by the maker, if desired. Also a general assortment of JENGLTSH& FRENCH GOLD &SILVER WATCHES? CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SILVER WORK, [SPECTACLES, GOLD PINS, PLATED WARE AND] For Sale at the Sign of Hie Newark Jewrlry Store; 268 BROAD STREET. S. BALDWIN, RICH'D SMITH. \Fine Watches carefully and skilfully repaired. - ' THEODORE R. LAFOY, No 314 Broad Street, WASHINGTON HAXiL BUILDINGS. Has constantly on hand a full and complete assortment of Jewelry, Fancy Articles, Music and Musical Instruments. JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Duplex, Anchor, 5 cal, Lepine, Verge and Detached Lever Watches, _ polished and Swi^s Guard Chains, Fob and Vest Chains;^: all patterns; Silver, Shell and Russet Card Cases ;.j Id and Silver Enameled, Engraved and Plain Pencils;^} 'Ladies' Single Stoned, Cluster, Mosaic, Cameo, ' v^lian, Jet, Enamelled, Mourning and Plain Brooches.^ ^Gent's Cluster, Single Stoned, Enamelled, and Plairr* ! Studs; Finger Rings of all patterns, &c. MUSICAL DEPARTMENT. Piano Fortes, from the best makers ; Violins; Clario- jnetts, Flutes, Fifes, Flageolets, Bass Violins, Drums, Me- tronomes, Violin Bows, Accordeons, Tuning Forks, Vio- (lin, Violincello and Guitar Strings, Trimmings for all In- Jstruments ; a large assortment of songs, Duetts, &c., com- j prising all the latest publications; also Instrumental Mu- ;sicand Sacred Songs, &c., &c. \ > Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired in the best style and Warranted. ! Old Gold and Silver taken in Exchange. :c* HENRY EVANS CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, 289 Broad Street, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Which he offers for sale at a fair profit. Clock and watch repairing done at the shortest notice and in the best manner. JONAS. S. CRANE, CLOCK and WATCH MAKER, 262 Broad Street, (ADJOINING THE OLD BANK) KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GOOD ASSORTMENT pF JEWELRY. ^CjpParticular attention pmd to Repairing^QQ ANDREW L. WILLIAMS, WATCH and CLOCK MAKER, 226i Broad Street. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF \Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Spoons, Spectacles, fyc CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Repairing Watches and Jewelry punctually ATTENDED TO. 'mm n I ,| VESLEYAN INSTITUTE { f for iHaie nub female i>ncatiou. ; { ' J SIDERA CHASE, VI. A. Principal, ff * ft / IJWJ t/dlt kj t t Assisted by twelve thorough and accomplished Teachers, J 5 Male and Female. i ' I ! ) ' This Institution is located between High and Shipman t t t t streets, near the corner of William The entrance for J J \ \ tlemen and ladies only meet in the presence of their tea- / i t chers ; their study rooms being entirely separate. You.'ig ' t { ' Ladies have the double advantage of studying under the j > / t supervision of Female teachers, and of hearing the lee- i t f t tures and receiving the instructions of the gentlemen Pro- ( J ' fessors, in the sciences and languages. t The Male and Female departments are each classified ' I ^ in three divisions, viz ; Primary, Middle, and Academic. / / I Each division is subdivided into grades, according to the ' f I advancement of scholars. / / \ \ Reading, Spelling, Defining, Grammar, Arithmetic, An- J ' St cient and Modern Geography, Philosophy. Penmanship, ( ? J Ancient and Modern History, the use of Globes, and the ^ ' construction of Maps, the Elements of Latin, and of Nat- ^ / t ural Science, Composition and Declamation, i t Drawing. K - ACADEMIC DIVISION. / Latin, Greek, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Men- i { suration of heights and distances, Surveying, Book Keep- ' t ing, Natural Philosophy. Chemistry, Botany, Mineralogy, t t ^Conchologv. Geology, Astronomy, Uranography, Intellec- J J Jtual and Moral Philosophy, Natural Theology, Rhetoric, f ' Logic, Criticism, Political Economy, Composition and ' f Elocution. i t i The Academic year commences on the first Monday in ( \ ( September, and is divided into four quarters of eleven j t t weeks each. t * { TERMS OF TUITION. J ' All bills to be paid on or before the fifth Wednesday in each t f J quarter. f ( i PRIMARY DIVISION. First grade, $3,50 Second grade, $4,00 MIDDLE DIVISION. J ( ACADEMIC DIVISION. I ) First and second grade $8,00. t t Normal Classes, $8,00 per quarter, t t f f One daily Recitation in Normal class, $4,00 per quarter. J ' EXTRA STUDIES. ) t French Language, $5,00 per quarter, j I ( Geiman Language; $5,00 per quarter, j i t Drawing and Painting in Academic j division, $5,00 per quarter. 404 ^roadt Street. BUTTIR AND B Received every week Fresh, direct from the farmers Also constantly on hand a full assortment of first quality of which they will deliver to any part of the City, FREE OF CHARGE. FLOUR AND FEED. Wholesale and Retail. ABUAII C. BERRY, AARON WARD, JR. No. 374 Broad Street, [Begs leave to return his sincere thanks to his patronsj for past favors, and at the same time state that he may be found at his old stand with a constant and FULL SUPPLY OF SNUFF OF EVERY VARIETY. LORILLARD'S, MRS G. B. MILLER'S, APPLEBY'S, BOGERT'S, LILLIENTHAL'S, ANDERSON'S, BUSH, & CAMPBELL'S, FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO, J , CAVENDISH, LADIES TWIST, PLUG TOBACCO. LORILLARD'S, MACCABOY, AND FRENCH lEFAllof which will be sold at wholesale prices. JESSE R. DONALDSON, SUCCESSOR TO A. TV. RAPP. |||I 364B Broad under City Hotel Bar room Manufacturer of the highly celebrated Put up in Glass Bottles, bearing his CHARLES AUBRY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURER, No. 118 Market street, near Broad. General Fruit and Confectionary Store, and 152 BROAD STREET, Opposite the Trinity Church. WOODWARD & DU&ENBERRY, (Eomntcrcial Agents, No. 45 William Street, New York, >i.\r 1' 1 THK CITV OF IN EWAR K ofNewJersey SURVEYED BY STEPHEN DOD A h,i,n.j,,,u; 3 1851 c > tH 135 ^ > ** & 1 > ,- C /; - f q ^. > : ; r - Q 2* *| oi II z I ag S c a g tn ?; g 2 c c I c J? Z ^S o z ~ * - - a O / ' - '^ 6 B M g 3 g r | ^ 1 . - i * N i 10 w 1 < | l - s i iSj 18 i; i: ->: 1 21 15 2. li 17 24 II c I' 1 18 1- ii i: 1 2 22 1 ' l j- * 39 1 31 g 1 2; 2 2. '- - s 1 f 1 . ; f ( 7 r S 1 - 8 ; 11 i ii| 3 w 1 8 t K il I-. i: 14 s ^ i \: K r is 1! 202* l "i u 17 18 U 2i 21 o j -2 22 y. > 2" 2 27 S* 5 i 2- 21 2] 2; 2( 2* 28 S (_ 2; -2; \\ 3 ^ "*> 1 2 ! o(. ^ * 1852 ? J - f 1 f ^^ 5 S 1 r f * 8 < ^ m 6 7 8 ( l' ( 1! 12 5 ^ 11 1:2 ir 1- 15 If 7 g 3 J { 2! 11 21 1.-) 22 (': 17 21 19 2G M .',- 19 2( 2; 2* 2 38 XI K ic 24 S 31 ^ 1 I 27 38 29 3t 31 & j| >: f 1 2 3 ; - E 7jC 3 /- 1 2 2 1 < 1 8 $ H ; l E- 3 4 ." G 7 6 9 > 15 i . ' S ( io 2 J li) 1! i: i:; I r 1C i 2-J 2 2- 2.; 2 j __7 o > 3 o i 17 18 19 2: 21 h 23 6. ^ i: 25 28 27 38 25 30 ^ ;i 5 r 1 '.' J 4 5 r i v a 1 6 6 7 8 c. 1 X' Q | 7 8 9 10 l J 13 'as <( ! 5 (j 7 c !) 11 ' i : 2! | g >". 17 2t g a 19 2:1 20 27 s l II 20 2!' ;0 21 ,1 ?5 u * 5 *- 38 2:! to ! C j :> ( 7 1 2 ! 3 4 11 J 4 5 (i 7 1 a 1 9 * ^ 12 3 1 1.') l 7 8 H / i i 5 Is 1 9 2C 2i fc, >: M 25 t~ 9 i) 1 .? 4 ^ i = ^ 2! 2: 28 2;j II " i ! 6 7 S (I WWWVVV'W^WVV'inf ^ t " RUNNER'S GUIDE, Containing a List of all the. Streets, Lanes, Alleys, Courts, Places, Parks, Avenues, fyc. now in use, With their commencement, progress and end. For ex- ample ; Commerce street, No. 1, is cor. Broad-st: No. 43 is cor. Mulberry, 148 is cor. Market, 175 is cor. South Market. And Spring-st. No 1, begins at Clay st., and 58 is cor Cross-st., 82 cor. Division. 100 cor. Orange, &c. And if a Court, I say foi example Ball's Court is 19 Fair- street, Halsey's Court is 12 South Bridge street, and Hal- sey's Alley 50 Plane st. So that the inquirer may know in what direction to go to find the place sought. ABEL STREET. From iSS^Commerce, N. E to the Canal Commerce Canal It ACADEMY STREET. From 248 Broad-st. West to Bank. Broad Halsey Washington Plane Comes High Summit Love Lane Henry Lock Newark Chatham Bank ADAMS STREET. From 160 South Market S. W. to Chestnut. South Market 1 Downing Ferry Elm Walnut New York Garden Oliver Kast Kinney Chestnut ALLING STREET. From 550 Market, S. W. to Hamilton ^Market 1 Rail Road Avenue 26 Hamilton 30 ALYEA STREET. From '^60 Ferry, South to Paterson. Ferry 1 Paterson 30 AMITY STREET ^rom Elm S. W. to beyond Chestnut 5 7 116 134 iValnut New York iarr)en Cinney )liver hestnut ANN-STREET. From 300 Elm N. E. towards Hamburg Place. ARCH STREET High Summit _, Love Lane l , . ** * JYlpphanff* Mechanic 313 31 5 EM I?..: rMm *^ a ' r 34l 343 (i Sr SS&siir 2 Franklin J',! Hamilton Hill 396 East Mechanic Court 4 ( BRUNSWICK STREET. Walnut 4 j Marshall 4-2 From Greenwich, East to Tichenor Kinney 45 Astor Chestnut 47 Thomas 21 28 Camp 48 South Park KD Tichenor 68 r\ ^ Church 51 BIJRNET STREET. Spruce 53 From 240 South Broad, East South Schoolhouse Park to R. Road Avenue. Tichenor 56 Washington 57- Thomas 60^ Astor CABINET STREET. From 40 Lock, West to Newark Lock i High 64i Elizabelhtown Road 723 Morris Turnpike 724 Newark * 30 CAM FIELD STREET. BROOM STREET. From 166 Washington, East to Harrison From 75 Springfield Avenue South to Spruce Washington 1 iarrison 26 Springfield Avenue 1 CAMMACK'S ALLEY. Mercer 10 Court 2'2 From 117 Market, North to Ra n lr Scribers Lane 44 i-JaIJtt /I o r Iff^t < Marshall 3y I- a. r KLl i -i n lr v* Baldwin -*.Ii n. Kinney CAMP STREET. Montgomery From 489 Broad, East to Spruce Mulberry Iroad j BROWN STREET. )rchard g From 30 Mill N. E. to Plume Mulberry 45 Avenue. CANAL STREET. Mill i Crane ee North and South Canal Streets. 8 CAROLINE STREET. From 89 Mill, North to near Bloomfield Avenue. Mill 1 Crane 19 Near Bloomfield Avenue CATHARINE STREET From 40 Market, S. W. to Court. Market 1 Augusta William 57 Nichol's Alley 6? $V Court 11 CEDAR STREET. From 228 Broad, West t Halsey Halsey 1 CENTRE STREET. From Park Place, East t River. Park Place Division Place 2 River 4 CHADWICK'S ALLE^ 3 Fulton Street. CHAMBERS STREET. From East River South to Ferry East River South Market CHARLTON STREET. rom 131 Springfield Ave. South to Marshall pringfield Avenue 1 3ourt 1315 larshall 37 CHATHAM STREET. 'rom 250 Bank N. E. to Orange Bank Academy iVarren Jondit N'ew 3onJ Canal nness Dicknrson Sussex Avenue )range CHERRY ALLEY. 103 Plane Street. CHERRY STREET. From 41 North Canal N. E. to River North Canal 1 Durand Park 15 River 33 Ferry CHAPEL COURT. (Late Clintock's Alley.) From 7 William South to Pearl. William Pearl CHESTNUT STREET. From 475 Broad S. E. to Elm- Broad 1 Orchard 22 24 Mulberry 53 55 Railroad Avenue 63 65 Prospect 170 Amity Adams CHRISTIE STREET. COLUMBIA STREET From East River S. E. to Ferry. East River Bowery Ferry CHURCH STREET, From 23 William S. W. to Broad. William Pearl Hill Court Marshall Kinney 42 44 54 5f 84 86 120 122 From 22 Hamilton S. W. to Elm. Hamilton Oak Green Elm COMES STREET. From 35 Market, North to Academy. 18 Market Bank Academy 1 21 31 Crawford Broad CITY HALL. Head of Market Street. CLAY STREET. From 5a8 High South to the River. High Broad Spring 70 Ogden 86 To the River 120 CLINTON STREET. From 261 Broad, S. E. to Mulberry. Broad Beaver Mulberry CLINTON WORKS. Rear 333 Broad Street. COLDEN STREET. From North Canal, above Summit to Nesbitt. North Canal Warren 21 New Bleeker Inness Nesbitt 4i! COMMERCE STREET. From 247 Broad, East to South Market. Broad 1 Mulberry 43 Market 148 South Market 175 OMMERCIAL STREET. From T. V. Johnson's Dock S. E. to the Shipyard and Dry Dock. CONCERT HALL, No. 1 Harrison street, en' trance 110 Market. CONDIT STREET. From Chatham, West to Or- ange Road. Chatham 1 Hudson Morris Avenue First Second Third Orange Road CONGRESS STREET. From "iG South Market, S. W. to ^F.lm. South Market Ferry Elm 1 40 150 10 COREY'S BASIN. 90 North Canal street n. T. V. Johnson's Dock. COTTAGE STREET. From 1)8 Mulberry East to Railroad Avenue. Mulberry 1 Railroad Avenue 35 83 85 COURT STREET. From 408 Broad N. W. to Springfield Avenue. Broad 1 Church 21 Washington 37 Plane 5 1 Catharine 64 Shipman High West Grand 153 Broom 170 17-2 Prince 187 189 Charlton 204 2'M\ Bellemont Avenue 228 230 Springfield Averue CRANE'S BASIN. At the foot of Incline plane CRANE STREET. From the River West to Par- ker. The River 1 Ogden North Broad Webster High 30 Brown Stone 52 Caroline White Ridge Parker CRAWFORD STREET From 160 Church, West t< High. hurch 1 Washington High CROCKETT STREET, from Springfield Avenue N. E. to Prospect Place. Springfield Avenue 1 Prospect Place 30 CROSS STREET. From 47 Broad, East to the River. Broad Spring Ogden The River 1 30 40 50 D1CKERSON STREET. 7fi From Chatham North to the Canal. 133 Chatham 1 153 Canal 40 DIVISION PLACE. From 26 Centre S. W. to Smith. 1 44 DIVISION STREET, rom 61 Broad, E. to the River. 3road Spring 1 31 41 51 The River DODD STREET, from Merchant S. E. to Ferry. Merchant 1 i) reason berry DOWNING STREET. From Jefferson S. East to Merchant. Jefferson 1 .Madison Monroe 11 Adams Jackson Van Buren Merchant DRIFT STREET. From Washing M. VV. along I the Pond. DURAND STREET. From 4-3 Mulberry East Cherry. Mulberry Cherry EAST CHARLTON From East River Ferry. East Kiver Bowery Ferry " EAST FAIR S From 1 1 Liberty I Avenue. Liberty Railroad Avenue EAST GREEN 7 ST. From Railroad A to Union Railroad Avenue Bruen McWhorter Union Elm. Mulberry Railroad Avenue Prospect Amiiy Adams Elm EAST MECHANIC From 25 Railroad East to Ferry. Railroad Avenue Bruen Ferry EAST OGDEN STREET. Fr Merchant S. E. to Ferry. Merchant 1 Ferry 10 ET. EAST PRINCE ST. Factory From East River S. E. to torthside South Market. Kast River 1 EET. Bowery East to South Market F.AST RIVER STREET. 1 From Madison Piace East 39 to Richards. PON. Madison Place 1 3. E. to .lackson 16 Van Buren 24 1 Merchant Furguson Chambers REET. Frederick to R. R Providence Kast Prince 1 Lexington 15 Oxford QT Freeman o I . me East Christie Richards 1 EIGHTH STREET. 9 From Ornnge above the Canal 17 N. to above North Giove. 49 Orange 1 TDT? f?T Railroad 1 K r, F, I East to North Grove / KLIZABETHTOWN R'D 1 Kegins at 723 Broad street 21 23 and runs South to Eliza- bethtown. ELM STREET. From 146 Mulberry, East to Hanover. [C ST Mulberry 1 Avenue Columbia 18 Lit.erty 34 1 Railroad Avenue 48 14 Bruen 68 32 Me Whorter 94 12 Union Prospect 13H Gerard 148 Amity Adams Walnut New York Garden Oliver Ann East Kinney Napoleon Houston Chestnut Plan Hanover FACTORY STREET. From 164 Quarry N. E. to Mill. Quarry Mill 20 FAIR STREET. From 341 Bioad, East to Mulberry. Broad 1 Ball's Court lil Mulberry 49 117 Van Buren FERGUSON STREET. From East River South to Dodd. East River South Market Dodd FERRY STREET. From the Depot, S. E. and N E. to Richards. South Market East Mechanic McWhorter 27 Union Congress Jefferson Madison Monroe Adams 15 Jackson Merchant Hamburg Place- Alyea Wall f)odd Chambers Niagara Frederick ' South Market Lexington Oxford Freeman Christie Kast Charlton Richards FIFTH STREET. rom Orange Turnpike S. to Orange Road )range Turnpike 1 Sussex Avenue Orange Road FIRST STREET. from Orange Turnpike S. to Orange Road )range Turnpike Sussex Avenue Bond New Coiuiit Orange Road FOURTH STREET. From Orange Turnpike S. to Orange Road- Vange Turnpike ussex Avenue hange Road FRANKLIN COURT. 17 Franklin Street. FRANKLIN PLACE. From ^3 Lawrence, East to Ward. Lawrence Ward 24 13 FRANKLIN STREET. From 397 Broad, S. E. to Mulberry. Broad 1 Vroom's Alley 6 Franklin Court 17 Mulberry 46 FREDERICK STREET. From East River South to Ferry. East River 1 South Market Ferry FREEMAN STREET. From East River, S. East to Ferry East River 1 Bowery Ferry FRONT STREET. From 32 Fulton, North to South Bridge Fulton Lombardy 18 South Bridge 48 FULTON STREET. From 161 Broad, East to Lumber. Broad. Front Lumber 40 GALLAGER'S COURT. 44 Mulberry Street. GARDEN STREET. From 178 Mulberry, East to Union Elm. Mulberry Railroad Avenue Prospect Amity Adams Elm GARRABRANT'S CT- 1 Bridge street. GAS WORKS. 6 South Market, cor. Con- gress street. GERARD STREET. From 151 Elm N. E. to above Lafayette. Elm 1 afayette 40 To old South Ward Line. GOBLE STREET. ?rom 164 Thomas South. GRAND STREET. rom 59 Springfield Avenue South to Marshall Springfield Avenue 1 Mercer 20 ourt 40 Marshall 60 GRANT'S ALLEY. From 107 Market, North to Bank Market 1 Bank 10 GREEN STREET. From 369 Broad, East to Union. Broad Mulberry olumbia Liberty Railroad Avenue Bruen Me Whorter 1 48 61 75 85 GREENWICH STREET. From 648 Broad opposite High, S. E. to South Broad Broad I Brunswick South Broad 14 GROVE STREET. From 87 Bank South Market. Bank Market HALSEY'S ALLEY. 60 Plane street HALSEY'S COURT. 12 South Bridge street. HALSEY STREET. HANOVER PLACE. to From Astor N. E. to Park- hurst street. 1 Astor 1 15 Murray Parkhurst HANOVER STREET. From 370 Elm, South West HARRISON'S COURT. 26 Ward street. HARRISON STREET. From 2 Washington Place From South to Academy Washington Placa Nesbitt's Court Bleeker 26 New 4? Warren 7() Cedar 84 Canal 96 Academy 104 Market, South to William. Market 1 6 Camfield 18 Old Burying Ground Maiden Lane 42 William 56 HAMBURG PLACE. From 200 Ferry, S. E. to Locust. Ferry 1 Paterson Napoleon Houston Gotthart Jabez Locust HAMILTON STREET. Fiom 106 Mulberry East to From Union. Mulberry Columbia Lawrence Liberty Ward Railroad Avenue Bruen McWhorter Union HAYES STREET. rotn Springfield Avenue N. to South Orange Avenue. Springfield Avenuo 1 Prospct Place and South Or- ange Avenue 100 HEDGES ALLEY. From 396 High, West to Hoyt. High > 1 Summit 17 19 Golden Hoyt 48 50 HENRY STREET. 164 Bank, North to Academy. Bank 1 Academy 10 HIGH STREET. 55 From 648 Broad, N. E. to 65 Bloomfield Avenue. Broad 1 Spruce 71 Longworth 84 15 Crawford HOYT STREET. Montgomery From 145 Warren, N. E. to Kinney 130 Nesbitt Baldwin l5o Warren 1 Marshall 156 Court 194 Bleeker Mercer 236 (nness William 258 Xesbitt Market 294 Orange Road 324 HUDSON STREET. Bank 340 Academy 354 From Bank above Wallace, North to the Canal. Canal ' 36(' Bank 1 Warren 384 t-rfllln A \]\ t* rrcn Hedges Alley 34 New 4 1C Condit Bleeker 440 Bond Nesbit Brewery 514 The Canal Orange 528 53"> HUMES STREET. Morris Railroad 540 542 State 555 57* From Spruce above Belle- mont Avenue S. W. Plume 574 Quarry 586 INNESS STREET. Clay 5'JS The Creek 600 From 11 Summit West to Mill 604 Newark. Crane 625 Summit * 1 Bloomfield Avenue 700 Colden Hoyt HILL STREET. Lock Newark From 396J Broad, West to Washington. Broad 1 JACKSON STREET. From 16 East River, S. W. Church 15 to Ferry. Washington ^6 East River 1 South Market 14 HOPE BUILDINGS Downing 117 Washington Street cor. Ferry 94 96 of the Canal. JAMES STR.EET. HOUSTON STREET. From 19 Washington, West to High. From 340 ElmN. E. to Ham- Washington 1 burg Place. North Essex 18 Elm 1 Plane 28 Hamburg Place High 16 JEFFERSON STREET. From 130 South Market, S. W. to Ferry. South Market 1 Downing Ferry 7273 JOHN STREET. From 94 Springfield Avenue N. towards South Orange Avenue. Springfield Avenue 1 JONES STREET. From 200 Springfield Ave- North to South Orange Avenue. Springfield Avenue 1 South Orange Avenue 90 KEENE'S COURT. 14 Front Street. KING STREET. From 184 South Broad East to Railroad Avenue. South Broad Railroad Avenue 1 20 KINNEY STREET. From 193 Mulberry N. W. to Bellemont Avenue, Mulberry 1 Orchard 34 Broad 53 55 Church 81 83 Washington 105 107 High 159 161 West Broom Bellemont Avenue LAFAYETE STREET. From 97 Railroad Avenue S. E. to Gerard. Railroad Avenue 1 Bruen McWhorter Tnion Prospect Gerard 16 18 3638 54 56 6668 LAGRANGE PLACE. From 567 Broad S. E. to South Broad. LAWRENCE STREET. From 64 Commerce S. W. to Hamilton. Commerce 1 Market 31 Mechanic 41 42 Franklin Place 41 43 Hamilton 65 66 LEXINGTON STREET. From East River S. E. to Ferry. East River 1 Bowery Ferry LIBERTY STREET. From 38 Hamilton S. W. to Elm. Hamilton 1 Kast Fair Green 40 Elm 69 LIBRARY HALL. 115 & 117 Market Street. .LINDEN STREET. From. 60 Halsey, West to Washington. tfalsey 1 Washington 16 LOCK STREET. From 196 Bank, N. E. to Nesbitt. Bink I Academy 19 Cabinet 17 Warren 66 58 MADISON PLACE. New 83 Is bounded by the Canal, Bleeker East River and South Mar- Inness 130 ket streets. Sussex Avenue Nesbitt 180 182 MADISON STREET. LOMBARDY STREET. From 100 South Market, S. W. to Ferry. From 147 Broad, East to South Market 1 Front. Downing Broad 1 Ferry 64 65 South Bridge 20 MAIDEN LANE. Front 3( From 178 Washington, East LONGWORTH STREET. to Harrison. From 330 Washington, Wes 1 Washington 1 Harrison 21 to High. Washington 1 MARKET STREET. High 50 From 292 High S. E. to Pas- LOVE LANE. saic Hotel or the Canal. High 1 From 150 Bank, North to Shipman 16 Academy. Srove 15 Bank 1 'Jomes 35 Academy . 10 Catharine 40 Piano fifl LOWER COMMONS. r i a lie o u Washington 72 Is bounded by Broad street Harrison 104 and Park Place. Grant's Alley 107 LUMBER STREET. Cammack's Alley 117 Wilbur's Alley 125 From 38 Fulton, S. & E. to TJ ;,*-*. Broad 137 Beaver 169 rviver. % T^iiltnn 1 Mulberry 187 r uiiun i Rector 15 River 32 Lawrence 215 Baldwin's Court 209 Ward 242 LUM'S COURT. Ailing 258 Railroad 285 Entrance 380 Broad and 10 Commerce 287 Chapel Court. Passaic Hotel 306 LUSH STREET. Fhe Canal From 175 South Orange Av- MARSHALL STREET. enue, North towards Bank ?rom 428 Broad, N. W. to South Orange Avenue 1 Bellemont Avenue. Towards Bank 60 Broad 1 18 Beacher 0] Church 16 Washington 36 High,, West Broom Bellemont Avenue McKENZIE STREET. From Spruce, above Belle- mont Avenue S. W. toward Camptown road. McWHORTER STREET. From 100 Elm, N. E. to Fer ry. Elm 1 Lafayette 39 41 Hamilton 69 71 Ferry 119 120 MECHANIC STREET. From 313 Broad, S. E. to Lawrence. Broad 1 Mulberry 4"J Lawrence 69 MERCER STREET. From 236 High, N. W. t( Piince and Springfield Av- enue. High 1 West 71 Grand Broom Prince 99 Springfield Avenue MERCHANT STREET. From 35 East River, S. W. to Ferry. East River 1 South Market 1C Downing Ferry MILITARY or Lower Com- mon is bounded by Broad street and Park Place, MILITARY HALL. 155 Market street. MILL STREET. From 10 North Broad, West to Ridge Street. North Broad 1 Webster la High 20 Brown 30 Stone 68 Sheffield 78 aroline 96 Ridge 125 MONMOUTH STREET. From Spruce, above High 8 MONROE STREET. From 150 South Market, S. W. to Ferry. South Market 1 Downing Ferry 75 76 MONTGOMERY ST., From 91 High, N. W. to Broom. High 1 West Broom MORRIS AVENUE. From Bank above Wallace, N. E- to Sussex Avenue. Bank 1 Condit New Bond The Canal Sussex Avenue MORRIS & ESSEX Railroad Avenue. From 64 Broad, JM. W. to Nesbitt. Broad 1 High 40 19 Boyden 50 NAPOLEON STREET. Sheffield 60 From about 320 Elm, East Mesbitt 80 to Hamburg PJace. Elm 1 MULBERRY STREET Hamburg Place 50 From 100 River, S. W. to NESBITT'S COURT. Thomas. River 1 6 Halsey Street. Smith 25 NESBITT STREET. Park Durand Small Park Gallager's Court Boudinot North Canal. South Canal 26 36 28 44 39 45 55 From 42 Washington, N. W. and North to Quarry. Washington 1 Plane 38 40 Orleans 7375 High 83 85 Summit Commerce 60 Colden 95 Clinton 7 Sheffield Market Mechanic 77 88 Hoyt 148 Lock 160 Hamilton 106 Sussex Avenue Fair Oak 112 114 Orange 225 Railroad Avenue Green Franklin 13-2 143 Quarry 275 Elm 146 NEW STREET. Walnut 154 From 176 Broad, N. W. to Cottage Beach 168 172 Orange Road Broad 1 Garden Kinney East Kinney 185 193 194 Halsey 23 25 Washington 41 South Essex 67 Chestnut 229 Plane 77 East Chestnut 230 Arch 87 Camp 243 Orleans 97 Pennington Railroad 286 294 High 114 Summit Tichenor 308 Colden South Thomas 330 340 Hoyt Searing MURRAY STREET. Lock Danal From Hanover Place , East Nuttman to Railroad Avenue Wilsey Hanover Place 1 Newark South Broad Chatham Railroad Avenue Hudson 20 Morris Avenue NINTH STREET. First From Orange above the Ca- Orange Road nal North to above North Grove. NEWARK STREET. Orange 1 From 240 Bank, N. E. to Railroad Orange North Grove Bank 1 NORFOLK STREET. Academy 19 Cabinet 2!) Warren 45 46 New 75 From 165 South Orange Avenue, N. E. to Bank. South Orange Avenue 1 Bank 100 Canal 85 Inness NORTH BROAD ST. Sussex Avenue From Stone Bridge, North to Orange the Cemetery. N, JERSEY ART UNION, Stone Bridge 1 Mill 10 115 Market si. Crane 40 42 NEW YORK STREET. Bloomfield Avenue 72 74 Plume Avenue From Railroad Avenue East Emmet to Elm. Irving Railroad Avenue 1 Bloomfield Avenue 294 206 Prospect Cemetery Gate 357 358 Amity NORTH BROOM. Adams Elm From 100 South Orange Ave- NIAGARA STREET. nue, South to Springfield Avenue. From 317 Ferry, South to South Orange Avenue 1 Paterson. Springfield Avenue 20 Ferry 1 NORTH CANAL ST. Paterson 30 From 239 Broad, S. E. to NICHOL'S ALLEY. Shipman's Basin. From 250 Plane, West to Broad I Catharine. Pine 2 Plane 1 Mulberry 13 14 Catharine 8 Cherry 41 42 River 71 72 NICHOL'S COURT. Corey's Basin 86 22 Marshall. Shipman's Basin 120 NICHOLSON STREET. NORTH ESSEX ST. From 76 William, North to From 18 James, N. E. to Augusta- Orange. William 1 James Augusta 39 Orange 36 21 NORTH JOHN STREET OLIVER STREET. From 38 State, N. E. to From 209 Mulberry East to Quarry. Railroad Avenue. State 3 Mulberry 1 Quarry 21 Railroad 10 NORTH PLANE ST. ORANGE STREET. From 85 Orange, N. E. to From 1 Ogden, W. N. W. to cor. Broad and State St. Orange Road. Ogden 1 NORTH PRINCE. Spring 19 From 112 South Orange Ave Broad 40 South to 13 John. Noith Essex 69 South Orange Avenue 1 Plane 81 83 13 John 21 Orleans NORTH PROSPECT. High 125 127 Boyden Fr. 1 Prospect, N. E. to Ferry Sheffield 168 Prospect 1 Nesbitt 200 Alley 44 Niewark Ferry 50 Chatham NUTTMAN PLACE. The Canal First Lower end of East River. Second Third NUTTMAN STREET. Fourth From 175 Warren, N. E. to Fifth the Canal, Sixth * Warren 1 New 30 Seventh Eighth Canal 50 Ninth OAK STREET. Tenth Eleventh From 114 Mulberry, S. E. to Twelfth Columbia- Thirteenth Mulberry 1 Columbia 16 Orange Road ORCHARD STREET OGDEN STREET. From 16 Walnut, S. W. to From 1 Orange, North to South. above Crane. Walnut 1 Orange 1 Beach 21 Division Kinney 41 43 Cross Chestnut 69 71 Clay Camp 79 81 Brook Pennington 119 121 Mill Tichenor 137 139 Crane South 149 150 22 ORLEANS STREET. Broad 1 From 66 Warren, N. E. to Brunswick 13 15 Orange. South Broad Warren 1 Railroad Avenue New 30 Bleeker 40 PATTERSON STREET. Nesbitt 50 From 40 Hamburg Place, E. Orange 100 to Niagara. OXFORD STREET. Hamburg Place 1 Alyea 10 From 116 E. River, S. E. to Wall 20 Ferry Niagara 30 East River 1 Bowery PAUL STREET. Ferry 30 From 230 South Broad, S. E. Railroad Avenue. PARK CHURCH PLACE South Broad From 208 Broad, N. W. to Railroad Avenue 10 Halsey. PEAR ALLEY. Tlrmrl 1 IJlUclU J. Halsey 18 From 9 Lawrence, East to Ward. PARK PLACE. Lawrence 1 Ward 10 From 1 Rector cor. Broad, S. E. and S. W. to the PEARL STREET. Canal. Rector cor. Broad 1 Centre 8 9 Smith 19 20 From 206 Washington; S. E. to Chapel Court. Washington 1 Church 17 19 North Canal 21 Chapel Court 29 PARK STREET. PENNINGTON STREET From 26 Mulberry, S. E. to From 30 South Broad S. E. Cherry. to the Marsh below Her- Mulberry 1 mon. Cherry 35 South Broad 1 PARKER STREET. Orchard 25 25 From upper end of Crane, North towards Bloomfield Mulberry 59 61 Railroad Avenue 59 61 Hermon 112 Avenue. r~^ i The Marsh 150 Crane Bloomfield Avenue PENNSYLVANIA AVE. PARKHURST STREET From 30 Thomas, S. W. to Burnet. From 609 Broad, S. E. to Thomas . 1 Railroad Avenue. Parkhurst Murray Aitor Greenwich fiurnet PHCEN1X WORKS. 204 206 208 Market stieet In the rear. PIERSON'S ALLEY. From 25 Market, N. E. to Bank. Market Bank PINE STREET. From 2 north Canal, N. E. to Smith. North Canal 1 Boudinot Smith 10 PLANE STREET. From 85 Orange, S. W. to Court. Orange James 4( Haley's Alley 50 Nesbitt Bleeker New Warren Canal Academy Bank Cherry Alley 163 Market Augusta 200 20-2 William 224 226 Nichols 1 Alley Willow Court PLUM STREET. From 138 Plane, East to Washington. Plane 1 Washington 20 PLUME STREET. From 570 High, N. W. to Boyden, High 1 Boyden 31 POINT LANE. From the Chemical Works East River, and runs South and crosses Ferry at 590. PRINCE STREET. From 100 Springfield Ave- S. W. to Marshall. Springfield Avenue 1 Court 23 Marshall 40 PROSPECT STREET. See North and South Pros- pect streets. PROSPECT PLACE. From Spiingfield Avenue N. 68 70 E. South Orange Avenue. 77 79 Springfield Avenue 1 96 Crockett 125 Wallace 137 Hayes 141 South Orange Avenue 150 PROVIDENCE STREET. 170 172 From East River, S. E. to 281 PLATT STREET. From about 300 Elm, a S. West course. South Market East River 1 250 254 Bowery 261 263 South Market QUARRY STREET. From 20 Broad, N. W. and W. to Nesbitt. Broad North John 1 3133 24 High 56 58 Springfield Avenue 1 Boyden 9? South Orange Avenue 49 Sheffield 128 Nesbitt 185 RECTOR STREET. From 181 Broad, F.]ast to RAILROAD AVENUE. Lumber. From New Jersey Railroad Depot, S. W. to South Broad 1 Lumber 42 Rrnurl XjrOaO Railroad Depot 1 RESERVOIR of the East Mechanic 25 Aqueduct Company 138 Hamilton 61 Orange. East Fair 87 Lafayette 97 RICHARDS STREET. Green 111 Elm 137 From East River, S. E. to Ferry. Walnut ; 157 159 East River 1 Cottage 175 Garden 199 Mowery Ferry East Kinney 215 Chestnut 2(>3 RICHMOND STREET. Camp 275 Pennington 313 315 Mulberry 312 313 Tichenor 325 From 150 South Orange Ave. N. E. to Bank. South Orange Avenue 1 Bank 90 South 340 Thomas 380 RIDGE STREET. Parkhurst 442 From 125 Mill N. E. towards Murray Paul's Shop 470 Bloomfield Avenue. Mill 1 Astor 488 Crane 10 King 504 Paul Bloomfield Avenue * 11 U 1 Burnet RIVER STREET. Snow From foot Market North to South Broad 606 above Lumber. RANK1N PLACE. Foot of Market 1 Canal 2 From 16 Market, N. E. to Railroad 4 15 Market. 16 Market 1 15 Market 20 Cherry 69 70 Mulberry 99 100 Centre 109 110 RANKIN STREET. Lumber 139 140 To Simpsons 158 From 125 Springfield Ave N. E. to South Orange ROWEN'S COURT. Avenue. 212 Washington Street. 25 SCOTT STREET. From 58 Orchard, East to Mulberry. Orchard 1 Mulberry 20 SCRIBER'S LANE. From 44 Broom, S. E. to High. Broom 1 Grand 13 West 34 86 High 70 SCRIBNER'S COURT. 23 Prospect Street. SEARING STREET. From 155 Warren, N. E. to New. Warren State Railroad Orange Nesbitt 37 4950 125 New 4d SECOND STREET. From Orange Turnpike above the Canal, S. W. to Orange Road. Orange Turnpike Sussex Avenue Orange Road SEVENTH STREET From Orange Road above the Canal, N. E. to abovt North Grove. Orange Road 1 Sussex Avenue Orange Turnpike Railroad North Grove Blank SHEFFIELD STREET. From 78 Mill S. W. to Nes- bitt. Mill 1 The Creek Quarry SHIPMAN'S BASIN. 125 North Canal at the Steam Saw Mill. SHIPMAN STREET. From 18 Market, S. W. to Court Market 1 Augusta 10 William 30 Court 80 SIXTH STREET. From Orange Turnpike above the Canal, S. W. to Orange Road. Orange Turnpike 1 Sussex Avenue Orange Road SMITH STREET. From 20 Park Pltce, S. E. to Mulberry. Park Place ' 1 Pine 17 Division Place 34 Mulberry 50 SNOW STREET. From 250 South Broad, E. to Railroad Avenue. South Broad 1 Railroad Avenue SOMERSET STREET. From Spruce above High South West. Spruce 1 SOUTH BRIDGE ST. From 20 Lombardy, N. E. to Bridge. 13 Lombardy 3 26 Halsey's Court 12 Monroe 146 148 Front 24 Adams 164 166 Stephen's Court 28 Jackson 185 18-7 Bridge 39 VanBuren 195 197 Merchant SOUTH BROAD ST. Kerguson Prom 489 Broad S. W. to Chambers Rail Road Avenue Frederick 316 Broad 1 Providence 360 Camp 2 East Prince " 370 South Park Ferry 376 Pennington 30 J Tichenor 56 SOUTH ORANGE AVE. Sontli ill', KJUUlll U' 1 Thomas 85 87 Parkhurst Murray King 184 Paul From 1 Springfield Ave. W. to Mr. Joseph Heddens. Springfield Avenue . 1 North Prince 112 Boston 113 1 dUl Rn molt Rankin 123 i J U 1 I1CI b Richmond 131 o noNV Railroad Avenue 299 Upper Jefferson 137 Norfolk 147 SOUTH CANAL STREET Jones 157 From 241 Broad, S. E. to Hayes 175 South Market. Prospect Place 175 Broad 1 Lush 180 Mulberry 17 Market 69 Wallace 200 To Joseph Heddens South Market 126 SOUTH PARK. SOUTH ESSEX ST. From 67 New, S. W. to Warren. New 1 [s bounded by Broad, South Broad, Tichenor, and La- grange Place. Warren 37 SOUTH PROSPECT ST. SOUTH MARKET ST. From D. N. Gardner's Shop From Depot N. J. Railroad S. W. to Chestnut. S. E. to Ferry. Old South Ward Line 1 Depot Lafayette 3 5 Ferry 1 Scribner'g Court 23 Commerce 26 Elm 31 3S Union 36 Walnut 42 44 South Canal 40 New York 56 58 Congress 76 78 Garden 74 76 .Jefferson 126 128 East Kinney 111 Madison 136138 Chestnut 127 SOUTH STREET. From 66 South Broad, S. E. to the Marsh below Her- mon. South Broad Orchard Railroad Avenue Mulberry Hermon To the Marsh 1 24 26 45 47 49 51 110 112 136 SPRING STREET. From 70 Clay, S. to Bridge- Clay 1 Cross 62 Monmouth Somerset Broom Bellemont Avenue McKenzie Flumes To Springfield Avenue STATE STREET. From 36 Broad, West to Railroad Ave. and Nesbitt street. Broad Division Ortmge vs rtm Bridge North John High Boyden 84 Sheffield 100 Railroad Avenue 130 Nesbitt SPRINGFIELD ATE. From 1 South Orange Ave. W. to Camptown. South Orange Avenue 1 William 19 West 23 Grand 55 Broom 75 Mercer 95 Prince John Rankin Charlton Upper Jefferson Bellemont Avenue Jones Hayes Wallace Crockett Prospect Place On to Camptown I 38 40 51 53 86 88 100 102 155 STEPHEN'S COURT, 28 South Bridge. STILES STREET. From 57 River, East to the Railroad. Sliver 1 ilailroad 3 95 f 96 114 130 150 SPRUCE STREET. From 536 Broad, N. W. to Springfield Avenue. Broad Washington 10 12 High 58 60 Canal STONE STREET. <>om 68 Mill, North to Irv- ing. Mill l rane 46 Bloomfield Avenue Plume Avenue Emmet Irving SUMMIT STREET. From 109 Nesbitt, S. W. to Bank. Nesbitt 1 Inness 10 Bleeker 26 New 1 Hedges' Alley Warren 91 28 Academy Bank SUSSEX AVENUE. From 148 Nesbitt, N. W. t Orange Road. Nesbitt Newark Chatham Canal Morris Avenue First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Orange Road TELEGRAPH OFFICE. 305 Broad Street, (up etairs) TENTH STREET. From Orange Turnpike above the Canal, N. E. to above N. Grove. Orange Turnpike Railroad North Grove Blank THIRD STREET From OrangeTurnpike above the Canal, S. W. to Orange Road. Orange Turnpike 1 Sussex Avenue Orange Road THIRTEENTH STREET From the junction of the Or- ange Turnpike and Orange ' Road, N. E. to Railroad. THOMAS STREET. From 603 Broad, S. E. to the Marsh below Hermon. Broad 1 Brunswick 15 17 South Broad 53 55 Railroad Avenue 113 115 Mulberry 123 125 Goble 164 166 Hermon 187 189 To the Marsh 200 TICHENOR STREET. From 567 Broad, S. E. to the Marsh below Hermon. Broad Brunswick South Broad Orchard Mulberry Railroad Avenue Elermon The Marsh 1 12 14 22 24 4fi 50 7W78 141 143 TONTINE BUILDINGS. 370 372 374 Broad street TWELFTH STREET. ? romOrange Turnpike above the Canal, N. E. to above North Grove. 3range TurnpiWfe 1 lailroad Vorth Grove UNION STREET. rom 36 South Market, S. VV. to Elm. south Market -1 'erry 16 lamilton 72 74 afayette 92 94 1m 130 UPPER JEFFERSON. 'rom 178 Springfield Ave. N. E. to South Orange Ave pringfield Avenue 1 south Orange Avenue. 64 29 VAN BUREN STREET WARD STREET. From 24 East River, S. W to Ferry, East River South Market Downing Ferry 12 VINE STREET. Prom 126 Kinney South. VROOM'S ALLEY. From 6 Franklin, S. W. t Walnut. Franklin Wakut 1 WALL STREET. From 290 Ferry, South t Paterson. Ferry Paterson 3' WALLACE STREET. From Springfield Avenu< N. E. to Bank, at present from about 200 South Or ange Avenue to Bank. Springfield Avenue Prospect Place South Orange Avenue. ] Bank 12E WALNUT STREET. From 411 Broad, S. E. to Elm. Broad 1 Orchard 16 Mulberry 43 Railroad Avenue 85 87 Prospect 164 166 Amity Adams Elm From 242 Market* S. W. to Hamilton Market 1 Pear A.lley 9 Franklin Place 13 14 Harrison's Court 96 Hamilton 41 WARREN STREET. From 70 Halsey, N. W. to Orange Road. Halsey Washington South Essex Plane Arch Orleans High Summit Golden 118 Hoyt 147 Lock 167 anal 167 Nuttman 175 Wilsey 185 Newark 217 hatham Hudson Orange Road WASHINGTON ALLEY- rom 98 Kinney, S. W. lo Crawford. !inney 1 Crawford 10 WASHINGTON HALL. 16 318320 Broad street. VASHINGTON PLACE. rom 108 Broad, N. W. to Washington. 96 Broad Halsey Washington 30 WASHINGTON ST. Mercer 25 From 106 Broad, S. W. to Broad. Court 63 65 Scriber'g Lane 71 73 Bread 1 Marshall 79 81 James 17 19 Baldwin 8991 Upper Common Washington Place 27 Kinney Montgomery Nesbitt 42 Bleeker 54 56 WHITE STREET. New 69 71 From Crane near Ridge, N. Warren 95 97 E. towards Bloomneld Av- Canal 117 119 enue. Academy 132 134 Crane 1 Bank 133 135 Bloomneld Avenue Market 155 157 Camfield 166 168 Maiden Lane 178 18o WILBUR'S ALLEY. William 205 207 125 Market street. Pearl 206 206 Rowens' Court 21a WILLIAM STREET. Willow 2312314 From 368 Broad, JSi. W. to Hill 233 Springfield Avenue. Court 230 232 Broad 1 Baldwin 266 Chapel Court 7 Kiuney 279 28) Church 23 25 Crawford Harrison 92- 24 Longworth 332 Washington 47 Spruce 342 Plane 57 South Schoolhouse Catharine 64 Broad 351 Nicholson 76 Shipman 80 WEBSTER STREET. High 88 From 12 Mill, North to Crane. West 122 Springfield Avenue 126 Mill 1 Crane 20 WILLOW STREET. From 231 Washington W. to WEST MARKET PLACE. Plane. Washington 1 Is bounded by Shipman, Plane 10 High and Market streets. WILSEY STREET. WEST STREET. From 188 Warren, N. E. to From 122 William corner the Canal. Springfield Avenue S. W. Warren 1 to Montgomery New 30 William 1 Canal 50 ANNUAL REPORT OP INTERMENTS, From the First day of January, 1850, to the First day of January, 1851. Men 97|Boys 148 Women 85l Girls 137 Total, 467. Of one year or under Between 1 and 2 ' 2 and 3 " 5 and 10 " 10 and 20 " 20 and 30 " 30 and 40 AGES. Ill Between 40 and 50 61 61 26 24 44 36 Unknown DISEASES. 50 and 60 60 and 70 70 and 80 80 and 90 90 and 100 Apoplexy 4 Fever Bilious Bleeding from the Lungs 1 " Inflammatory Burned or Scalded 6 t Scarlet Cancer 3 " Typhoid Casualties 6 Inflammation Child Bed 5 " Bowels do Birth 5 " Brain Chin Cough 3 '* Chest Cholera 1 Lungs do Infantum 1 Throat do Morbus 2 Jaundice Colic 1 Killed Congestion of the Brain 5 Lock Jaw Consumption 97 Measles Convulsions 30 Old Age Croup or Hives 13 Palsey Debility 16 Rheumatism Diarrhoea 25 Spinal Disease Dropsy 9 Sprue do in the Head 8 Summer complaint do do Chest 2 Ulcer Drowned 5 Unknown Dysentery 37 Whooping Cough Epilepsy 2 Worms Erysipelas 4 PLACES OF NATIVITY. United States 330|France and Germany Ireland England and Scotland 91 Unknown 20 7 2 8 4 5 127 13 1 26 3 2 1 1 1 10 5 2 1 1 3 1 28 4 3 20 6 NEW-JERSEY EXECUTIVE. 1851. Democratic Members marked thus.* GOVERNOR. GEORGE F. FORT,* Salary $1,600 PRIVATE SEC. TO THE Gov. CAPT. A. H. MICKLE.*" SECRETARY OF STATE. THOMAS S. ALLISON.* PRESIDENT OF SENATE. SILAS D. CANFIELD.* SECRETARY OF SENATE. JOHN ROGERS.* SPEAKER or ASSEMBLY JOHN H. PHILIPS.* CLKRK OF ASSEMBLY. DAVID NAAR.* MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. term expires. IST DISTRICT Atlantic Joseph E. Potts.* 1854 Camden John Gill. 1852 Cape May Enoch Edmunds. 1853 Cumberland Enoch Fithian. 1854 Gloucester Charles Reeves. 1852 Salem John Summerill, Jr.* 1852 2ND DISTRICT Burlington Joseph Satterthwaite. 1853 Mercer William C. Alexander.* 1854 Monmouth John A. Morford.* 1852 Ocean Samuel Birdsall. 1854 3o DISTRICT Hunlerdon John Manners.* 1853 Sussex Joseph Greer* 1853 Warren George W. Taylor.* 1852 4TH DISTRICT Middlesex Edward Y. Rogers. 1853 Morris John A. Bleecker.* 1854 Somerset John W. Craig. 1852 5TH DisTfliCT Bergen John Van Brunt.* 1854 Essex Asa Whitehead. 1852 Hudson Aaron O. Zabriskie. 1854 Passaic Silas D. Canfield.* 1853 MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY. IST DISTRICT A tlantic Robert B. Risley.* Camden Charles D. Hineline.* Thomas W. Hurff.* Cape May Mackey Williams. Cumberland- Benjamin Ayres,Joel Moore Samuel Mayhew. Gloucester Benjamin C. Tatem. Edmund Wetherby. Salem Bilderback, Benner t Rich- man. 2o DISTRICT Burlington William R. Braddock, Sam- uel Stockton, William Brown, William S. Emley, Allen Jones. 33 Mercer John H. Phillips,* Eli Rogers,* Westley Danser.* Monmouth William H. Conover.* Bern- ard Conolly,* Samuel W. Jones,* Garret S. Smock.* Ocean Joel Haywood. 3o DISTRICT Hunterdon William Tinsman* John Mar- low,* John R. Young,* Luther Opdyke.* Sussex Daniel D. Decker,* William Si- monson,* Guy Price,* Warren Benjamin Fritz,* John Lollar,* Andrew Kibble.* 4TH DISTRICT Middlesex David Dunn, R. M. Crowell, P. W. Dey,J. B.Johnson. Morris Horace Chamberlain,* Jonathan P. Bartley,* Benjamin P. Dorernus,* Jo- siah Meeker. Somerset John Demott, Eugene A Dough- ty,* P. D. Brokaw. STH DISTRICT Bergen John Huyler,* John H, Hopper.* Essex David Wade, Isaac H. Pierson, Jonathan Valentine, Cornelius Boicei Beach Vanderpool, William M. White- head, John C. Beardsley. Hudson John Van Vorst. Passaic G. Geroe,* Thomas D. Hoxey. PARTIES IN THE LEGISLATURE. Senate. Assembly, Senate. Assembly, 1851. W. L. W. L. IST DISTRICT. .Atlantic* Camden 1 Cape .May, 1 Cumberland* 1 Gloucester, 1 Salem, 2o DISTRICT .. Burlington, 1 Mercer,* 1 MonmoutJi Ocean* So DISTRICT .. Hunterdon, . Sussex, Warren, 4TH DISTRICT. Middlesex, 1 Morris,* 1 Somerset, 1 STH DISTRICT. Bergen,* Essex, 1 Hudson* Passaic, . *New Senators. Whig majority 9 185O. W. L. W. L. . 1 . 1 2 Loco majority in joint ballot 2 34 FEMALE CHARITABLE SOCIETY OF NEWARK. Organized 1803 48 years ago. This society was formed in 1803. The object of which was to assist all the worthy poor females of this city, with- out denominational distinction, who are of good character and standing, and in need of assistance. An annual sermon has been preached by some one of our Clergymen, and a collection taken in aid of the society, which to- gether with donations from other sources, has enabled the society to ameliorate the conditions of thousands of suffering poor in this city. The total amount received from November 14, 1849 to November 14, 1850 was - 502 72 Whole amount expended it the same time 444 67 And the number of families assisted (more or less) 150 The last annual was preached the 19th of January, I85l f in which the claims of the society were ably, feelingly, and forcibly presented by Rev.Jona. F. Stearns, in the First Church, on Sunday evening. Amount of collection ----- 162 33 OFFICERS. Mrs. SMITH BURNET, 1st Directress. ' C. I. GRAHAM, 2d " J. R. DAVISON, Treasurer. " J. G. GOBLE, Secretary. MANAGERS. Mrs. Chas. Hall, Mrs. A. L. Burnet, { F. S. Thomas, " T. A. Waldron, " Rob'tDod, " Wm. A.Whitehead, " Oliver J. Hayes, " F. T. Frelinghuyserv The society meets for the transaction of business, the last Wednesday in each month, DIRECTORY Of the Newark Association for improving the Condition of the Poor. O :R G- AMPFzElD 1 848. NAMES OF OFFICERS. 'President JAMES MILLER. Treasurer Wm. T. MERCER. Secretary Wm, A WHITEHEAD. XT u, -nr~~j - CORTLAND PARKER, North Ward < c T T- D I Supt. L. D. BALDWIN. TT/- j -- J- D- VERMILYE. Ward. < ~ . v Supt. JOHN YOUNG. EI t TT7- J - - S. H. CONDICT. East Ward j g _ PETER LINDS LEY. .L T^r j P. DANIFL PRICE. South Ward | s _ A> g HuBBELL- -v-f.i TTT- j ^ ^ce P- HORACE J. POINIER. Fifth Ward -ROBERT DOD. The city is divided into Five Wards. Each of thesa Wards into Districts, to each of which is appropriated a Tisitor. Whole number of Districts in the City is 46. One object of this Association is to discourage indis- criminate alms giving. When an application is made for assistance, ascertain the Ward, Street and number of the residence of the applicant. This will enable you to find the District in which he lives, by referring to which you will see the name and residence of the Visitor, to whoia send him. VISITOR'S MANUAL. 1. Never relieve without first visiting, observing, and enquiring. You wrong the really poor if you give to th undeserving. 2. If deceived, report the case fo your Committee at once, for record. N. B. For the remainder of this society, I refer to the Directories for 1849 and 1850. 36 CENSUS OF NEW JERSEY. increase In increase 1840 1850 10 years. per ceni' Atlantic, 8,726 8,964 238 21 Bergen, 13,223 14,743 1,520 11 Burlington, 32,831 42,204 10,373 32 Camden, 14,152 25,569 11,417 80 Cape May, 5,324 6,482 1,108 21 Cumberland, 14,374 17,191 2,817 19 Essex, 44,621 73,995 29,374 67 Gloucester, 11,286 14,049 2,763 54 Hudson, 9,483 21,874 12.391 130 Hunterdon, 24,789 29,064 4,275 17 Mercer, 21,509 27.991 6,489 30 Middlesex, 21,893 28,671 6,778 31 Monmouth ) & Ocean, J 32,909 30,293 10,043 I 7,427 I 22 Morris, 25,844 30,178 4,329 16 Passaic, 16,734 22,577 5,843 35 Salem, 16,024 19,500 3,476 22 Somerset, 17,455 19,688 2,213 13 Sussex, 21,770 22,990 1,220 5* Warren 20,866 22.390 2,024 10 373,306 489,331 116,075 31 CITY OF NEWARK. East Ward, $ Fifth Ward, North Ward South Ward, West Ward, 1840 1850 Houses. Families, Inhabitants, Inhabitants. 749 698 1,104 979 I 4,287 6,166 4,591 1,192 1,814 3,647 9,170 3 1,334 1.881 4,756 9,958 1,133 1,662 4,512 8,987 5,106 7,450 17,202 38,882 ESSEX COUNTY. Belleville Bloomfield, Caldwell, Clinton, Elizabeth, Livingston, 3,518 3,385 2,379 2,507 5,583 1,151 Total New Providence 1,217 Orange 4,387 Rahway, 3,311 Springfield, 1,990 I'nion, 1,662 West & Plainfield, 4,022 74,000 37 PROGRESSIVE GROWTH OF OUR CITY. MR. B. T. PIERSON, Editor of the Newark Directory politely furnishes us (Newark Daily,) with the following table, showing the growth of our population during the last twenty-five years ; in which period it appears to have nearly quadrupled and that too by those regular grada- tions that indicate a sound and wholesome progress There is, in truth, nothing forced or factitious in this re- markable growth. The prosperity rests upon the surest of all possible grounds steady industry and sound morality. At the present rate of progress and we see nothing that is likely to check it the population must approach at least an hundred thousand within another 20 years. For- tunately there is room enough and to spare within our present city limits. POPULATION. 1826 8,0171840 U. S. Census 17,202 1830 10,995 1841 18.720 1831 12,500 1842 18,800 1832 14,000 1843 20,200 1833 15,000 1844 23,187 1834 16,500 845 City Census 25,433 1835 1st Direc pub 18,201 1846 26,000 1836 City census 19,73? 1847 28,000 1837 21.079 1848 30,000 1838 16,1-28 1849 32,000 1839 17,268 1850 U. S. Census 38,882 1851 40,000 DEATHS. DEATHS. 1839 410 Am't brought up 2,731 1840 3i)H 1846 402 1841 354 1847 555 184-2 377 1848 611 1843 363 1849 745 1844 456 1850 467 1845 37* Total deaths, 13 years, 5,51 1 BUILDINGS. 1842 were built 1843 1844 ' 1845 " 1846 105 Am't brought up 1847 were built 125 255 270 1848 1489 3101850 about Total 9 years 1,060 384 402 450 500 2,796 38 SUPREME COURT. Chancellor Oliver S. Halsted, Newark, Salary $1,800. Term expires Feb. 5, 1852. Chief Justice Henry W. Green, Trenton. Salary $1,500. Term expires November 2, 1853. Associate Justice Elias B D. Ogden, Paterson. Term expires Oct. 1855 James S. Nevius, New Brunswick. Term expires, Nov. 15, 1852. Jos. S. Randolph, Thomas P. Carpenter, terms expire, Feb. 27, 1852. Salaries $1,400. Attorney General Abram P. Browning, Camden. Fees and $iiO. Term expires February, 1850. Prosecutor of the Pleas Benjamin Williamson. Clerk James Wilson, Trenton, Term expires Nov. 2, 1852. Cl:ik in Chancery Jacob Van Arsdale, Newark. Term expires Nov. 17, 1857. Chancery Reporter George B. Halsted, Newark. Fees and $250. Term expires 1853. Law Reporter A. O. Zabriskie, Jersey City. Fees and $250. Term expires 1854. Chief Justice Green's District Bergen, Essex, Hudson. Justice Ogden's District Passaic, Morris, Sussex. Justice Nevius' 1 District Somerset, Middlesex, Warren, Monmoutlu Ocean. Justice Randolph's District Mercer, Burlington, Hun- terdon, Camden. Justice Carpenter's District Gloucester, Atlantic, Sa- lem, Cumberland, Cape May, Camden. Commissioners to take bail and Affidavits. Hudson Samuel Cassady, Stephen H. Lutkins, J. City. Essex John I. Plume, Henry Rodgers, Staats S, Mor- ris, L. C. Grover, Newark, Benjamin Williamson, Eliza- betlitown. Passaic James Speer, Benjamin W. Vandervoort. Morris David Day, Morristown. Sussex William T. Anderson, Newtofl ; Matthias H. Ogden, Vernon. Warren P. B. Kennedy, Belvidere. Times of holding the several Courts. The Circuit Court of the United States, for New Jersey, holds two sessions annually, at Trenton, to wit: On the first days of April and October; or, if Sunday be the first t on the first Monday. The District Court of the United States holds four ses- sions annually, to wit ; At New Brunswick the second 39 Tuesdays in March, and September, and at Burlington on the second Tuesdays in May and November. The Court of Appeals hold four terms annually, at Trenton to wit On the third Tuesdays of January and April, July and October. The Court of Chancery holds four teims annually, at Trenton, to wit : On the third Tuesdays in March, June, September and December The Supreme Court holds four terms annually, at Tren- ton, to wit ; On the first Tuesdays in January, April, July and October. The Circuit Courts and Courts of Oyer and Terminer, are held at the same time and places as the Courts of Common Pleas are respectively. Inferior Courts of Common Pleas, Orphan's Courts and Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, are held four times annually in each county, upon the follow- ing Tuesdays : Atlantic, 2 June. 2 Sept. 2 Dee. *1 March Bergen 1 Feb. 1 May. 1 Aug. 1 Nov. Burlington, 3 Feb 3 May. 3 Aug. 3 Nov. Camden, , 1 Feb. 1 May. 1 Aug. 1 Nov. Cape May, 2 March. 1 Aug. *1 June. *1 Dec. Cumberland, 2 Feb. 2 May. 2 Aug. 2 Nov. Essex, 4 Feb. 4 May. 4 Aug. 4 Nov. Gloucester, 4 Feb. 4 May. 4 Aug. 4 Nov. Hudson. 2 Feb. 2 May. 2 Aug. 2 Nov. Hunterdon, 2 Feb. 2 May. 2 Aug. 2 Nov. Mercer, 1 March. 1 June. 1 Sept. 1 Dec. Middlesex, 2 March, 2 June. 2 Sept. 2 Dec. Monmouth, 1 Feb. 1 May. 1 Aug. 1 Nov. Morris, 3 Feb. 3 May. 3 Aug. 3 Nov. Ocean, Passaic, 1 March. 1 June, 1 Sept 1 Dec. Salem, 3 Feb. 3 May, 3 Aug. 3 Nov. Somerset, 3 Feb. 3 May. 3 Aug. 3 Nov. Sussex, 1 Feb. 1 May, 1 Aug. 1 Nov. Warren, 4 Feb. 4 May, 4 Aug. 4 Nov. Inferior Court of Common Pleas, Cou<-t of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Orphan's Court only. TOWN MEETING The second Monday in April. ANNUAL ELECTION First Tuesday in November. CONGRESS MEETS First Monday in December. LEGISLATURE MEETS Second Tuesday in Jan'y. 40 NEWARK BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY. 264 Broad Street. Chartered February 17, 1R04. Capital, $400,000 Charter extended in 1821 for 15 years : and again renewed and capital increased in 1830, to $700,000. Amount paid in, $508,650. Dividends declared in July and Janu- ary. Opens for business at 10 o'clock A. M., and closes at 3 P. M. Offering Days Mondays and Thursdays Discount days Tuesdays, and Fridays. President John Taylor. Cashier Jacob D. Vermilye. Directors John Taylor, James Crane, James B Pinneo, Jeremiah C. Garthwaite, Isaac Baldwin. Beach Vander- pool, John R. Davison, Isaac Nichols, William Shugard, A. L Dennis, John Van Rensellaer. Notary Joseph N. Tuttle. Attorney Asa Whitehead. STATE BANK AT NEWARK, 315 Broad Street. Chartered January 28, 1812. Capital $400,000 Char- ter since been extended to the first Monday in February, 1873, and March 9, 18,36, the capital increased $300.000, making total capital $700,000-paid in 400,000 Dividends declared first weeks in April and October. Opens for business at 10 o'clock A. M., and closes at 3 P. M. Offeiing days, Tuesdays and Fridays Discount days, Wednesdays and Saturdays. President Elias Van Arsdale. Cashier James D Orton, Directors James Bruen, Ephraim Bolles, Jeptha Bald- win, Wm. Gibbons, Samuel Meeker, Archer Gifford, Silas II. Kitchell, Charles S. Macknett, Elias Van Arsdale, Demas Colton Jr., Marcus L Ward, Charles Ailing, Peter S. Duryee. Notary Jabez P. Pennington. Attorney Archer Gifford. 41 MECHANIC'S BANK AT NEWARK, 277 Broad Street. Chartered 1831. Capital, $500,000. Dividends de- clared 1st February and 1st August. Opens for business at 10 o'clock A. M , and closes at 3 P. M Offering days, Tuesdays and Fridays Discount days, Wednesdays and Saturdays. President Joseph A. Halsey. Cashier Matthias W. Day. Directors Joseph A. Halsey, John H. Stephens, Joel W. Condit, William Wright, Calvin Baldwin, Benjamin Olds, David J. Hays, William Stephens, Belleville, Whit- field Nichols, James H. Halsey, Peter Jacobus, John Og- den, Ferdinand S. Schenck. Notary William A. Myer. Attorney John P. Jackson. BANK AT ORANGE. Chartered in 1828. Capital, $100,000. Capital increas- ed in 1836, $200,000, making total capital, $300,000. Opens for business at 10 o'clock A- M., and closes at 3 P. M. Offering days, Wednesdays Discount day, Thurs- day. President Stephen D. Day. Cashiei Wm. H. Vermilye. Directors Stephen D. Day, Daniel Babbit, John C. Bailey, Edward Williams, Henry B. Campbell, Moses Reynolds, John H. Matthews, Daniel E. Williams, James R. Sayre Jr., Jonathan Provost, Charles Williams, Samuel Smith, Joseph A. Condit. Notary Phillip Kingsley. Attorney do. do. MORRIS COUNTY BANK. Chartered February 24, 1836. Capita), $100,000. Paid in $51,000. Opens for business at 10 A. M., and closes at 3 o'clock P. M. Offering day, Monday Discount day, Monday. President Henry A. Ford, Cashier Theodore T Wood. Directors Henry A. Ford, Dayton I. Canfield, William Brittin, Joseph Dalrymple, John Marsh, Henry Hilliard, Freeman Wood, Joseph Jackson, John F. Voorhees, The- odore T. Wood, George H. Ludlow, Hiram Smith. 4* 42 UNION BANK AT DOVER. Chartered 1S32. Capital, $100,000. All paid in. Opens for business at lo o'clock A. M., and closes at 3 P. M. Offering days, Mondays and Thursdays Discounts on Mondays and Thursdays. President G. M. Hinchman. Cashier Thomas B. Segur. Directors G. M. Hinchman, William Logan, Chilion F. De Camp, Heniy McFarlan, Jacob Hurd, Thomas C. Willis, Henry Baker, James L. Hurd, Jonas Hulse, Richard Brotherton, Manning Rutan. STATI BANK AT ELIZABETH. State Bank at Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown, chartered January 28, 1812. Capital $200,000. Paid in. Char- ter since been extended to the 1st Monday in February, 1851: again February 1846 to 1868. Dividends declared first weeks in April and October. Opens for business at 9 o'clock, A. M. and closes at 2 P. M. Offering day, Monday Discount day. Tuesday. President Chnrles Davis. Cashier James Crane. Directors Chas. Davis, Elijah Kellogg, Keen Pruden, John Kean, Elijah Stites, Ichabod Ogden, Looe Baker, James W. Wade, Jacob Geiger, M. M. Woodruff, Eu- gene S Doughty, Benjamin Williamson, William P. Mulford. RAHWAY BANK. Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank at Rahway, New Jer- sey, chartered in 1828. Capital paid in $150,000 Divi- dends declared in April and October. Opens for business at 9 o'clock, A. M., and closes at 2 P. M. Offering day, Monday Discount day, Tuesday. President Joseph O. Luf berry. Cashier Frederick King. Directors Samuel Oliver, David S. Craig, Joseph 0. Lufberry, Henry Mtindy, Adam Lee, Wm. Edgar, Jack- son Freeman, Henry R. Shotwell, Ira Campbell, Rolph Marsh, Wm. C. Squire. NEWARK SAVISGS INSTITUTION. 313 Broad, corner Mechanic street. President William Wright. Vice do Samuel Meeker. Treasurer Secretary Jabez G. Goble. NEWARK MUTUAL FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Office 230 Broad street, corner Cedar. Chartered in 1811. Charter renewed for 20 years from 1845. Capital $150. 000. Dividends declared 1st January. Directors William Pennington, James Keene, Oba Meeker, Aaron Nichols, Jas. Wheeler, Demas Colton, jr. Aaron S Day, Jacob T. Garthwaite, James Miller, Jacob Speer, D. Doremus, J. Van Wagenen, Marcus L. Ward. President Wm. Pennington. Sec^y Archibald Woodruff. MECHANICS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Office 279 Broad street. Chartered in 1824. Capital, $-200,000. Paid $100,000. Dividends declared 1st March and September. Directors Wm. A. Myer, Asa Whitehead, Wm. Garth- waite. Elihu Dav, Wm. S. Faitoute, Daniel Babbit, J. W. Condit, Archer Gifford, Zenas S. Crane, Wm. Wright, Wm. Pierson, Jr., Charles R. Akers, John J. Chetwoodl Wm. Rankin, Jas. M. Quinby, Caleb Baldwin, Blnomfield, Wm. Chetwood, J. P. Pennington, Charles S. Macknet, Wm. M. Babbit Fred. T Frelinghuysen, James 1 Crane, John Ogden, Stephen H. Plum, Edwin Van Antwerp, Abraham Brittin. David S Crane, Charles Williams, George A. Van Wagenen, David Smith. Preset Wm. A. Myer. Sec'y Edward S. Graham. NEW JERSEY INSURANCE COMPANY. Office, 278 Broad street. Chartered in 1834. Capital $300,000. Paid in $90,000 Dividends declared 4th January and July. Directors Jeremiah C. Garthwaite, Joseph A. Halsey, Isaac Baldwin, Peter Jacobus, William Rankin, Elias Van Arsdale, P. S. Durvee. Benjamin Olds, Albert Ailing, Matthias VV. Day, William Shugard, Henry G. Darcy, James H. Halsey. Charles M King, Charles T. Gray, Daniel Pierson, Stephen H. Condict, Tunis A. "Waldroni John H Stephens. H. K. Ingraham, Albert W. Canfield, J. Barnet, W. M. Lewis, H. N. Peters, D. B. Turnbull. Pres't.J. C. Garthwaite. Sec'y F. H. Smith. 44 THE AMERICAN Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance Go. AT NEWARK, N. J. This Institution, Chartered 1846, by the New Jersey Legislature, has been organized ; and is now in successful operation. Insurances against losses by fire and sea, may be effected in this Company on as favorable terms as are offered in any other institution. The charter is one of the most favorable ever granted by the Legislature. The most valuable features of the Mutual principle are possessed by the Company. All who insure are stockholders, and the profits, after paying expenses, belong to the insured. A fund of $15,000 has been reserved, to meet losses that may occur before the premiums received are adequate to pay the losses that may be sustained. The Company having been incorporated expressly as a New Jersey instilution and to meet the wants of this com- munity, the attention of the public is called to the superior advantages possessed by the company, that i's merits and claims may be investigated. For business or other infor- mation apply at the office of the company, 153 Market street, Insurance Buildings. DIRECTORS. T. V. Johnson, S. P. Smith. J. W. Poinier, John Young. S. G. Gould, A. L. Dennis, L. C. Grover, C. F. Decamp, S. B. Ailing, John Chadwick, David Campbell, H. J. Poinier. T. V. JOHNSON, President. J. W. POINIER, Vice Pres't. J. H. WOODHULL, Sec'y. 45 MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 151 Market street, Newark, N. J. Balance per statement Jan'y 1st, 1850, $935,994 96 Deduct for losses then unpaid, paid since 40,350 $895,644 96 Nett premiums received during the year 1850,$483,S04 75 Interest 54.556 80 Total, $1,434,006, 51 Losses and expenses paid, 168,651 19 Paid on dividend of 1847, 12,938 80 " " 1848, 50,47'.) 56 " interest on dividends, 9,495 30 $241,564 85 Nett Balance $1,192,441 66 ASSETS. Cash on hand 41,295 32 Newark City 6 per cent bonds, 1,900 Brooklyn " " u " 50,000 Bonds and Mortgages on real estate worth double the amount loaned, 370,951 48 Real Estate in Newark, 16,968 ll Premium notes drawing 6 per cent interest. secured by policies, 693,061 61 Loans on Scrip, 6,609 88 Premiums, premium notes, and cash in the hands of agents, 11,65526 1,192,441 66 DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS. Robert L. Patterson, Thomas B. Segur, Charles S. Macknet, Henry Me Farlan, Lewis C. Grover, William M. Simpson, Seth Low, Randall H. Green, John R. Weeks, Joel W. Condit, Andrew S. Snelling, Nehemiah Perry. ROBICRT L. PATTERSON, President. JOEL W. CONDIT, Vice President. B. C. MILLER. Sec'y LEWIS C. GROVER, Attorney and Counsel. JOSEPH B. JACKSON, M. D. Medical Exam'r. 46 FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. KING & BOND, No. 298 BROAD STREET, (up stairs,) Will effect Insurance against Loss and Damage by Fire in the following named Companies; all of sound capital and established reputation. Fireman's N. York, chart'd. 1824, $300,000 Howard " " 1824, 250,000 Manhattan City Fire Jefferson of Hartford, Ct. 1824, 250,000 1836, 210,000 1824, 200.000 1824, 200,000 1818, 250,000 Delaware Mutual Safety, Philadelphia. Incorporated in 1844 on the stock and Mutual principle. Present Capital, 200,000 Insurance in the above Companies will be effected at as low rate of premium as any responsible company doing business in this city, and losses promptly paid. LIFE INSURANCE. New York Life Insurance and Trust Company, char- tered in 1832 Capital $1,000,000 This company is chartered on the Stock and Mutual principle. Rates of premiums favorable. The amount of its Capital makes its policies safe beyond a perad- venture. DEEDS & MORTGAGES Written and acknowledged, and will go to any part of the city to do the same. Also, Leases, Agreements, Wills, and other instruments of Writing promptly attended to. JAMES F. BOND, has been appointed a Notary Public. MOSES R. KING, JAMES F. BOND, SAMUEL W. BOND. 47 STABIL.ITY-SECURITY-PERPETUITY. 1,280,000 ! STATEMENT OP THE AFFAIRS OF THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK NO. 35 WALL ST., For the year ending January 31st, 1851. Net assets on hand, January 31st, 1850,- - - $991,161,62 RECEIPTS. For Premiums, - - - $454,142,97 " Interest, .... 60,937,17 " Profit on sale of United States and State of New York Stocks, 15,826,24 530,906,38 1,522,068,00 DISBURSEMENTS. For Losses paid, (including $25,000 losses oflast year paid this year,) $160.640,00 For surrendered policies, - 16,641,23 For salaries, rent, physician's fees, staitonery, printing, postage, &c. 21,619,13 For commissions, advertising, ex- changes, c. 24,279,40 223,679,54 Assets 31st January, 1851. - - . 1,298,388,46 Losses incurred, not yet paid, awaiting proofs of death, - - 18,300,00 Net assets, all losses & expense* being paid, $1,280,08846 INVESTED AS FOLLOWS: In Bank of N. Y. & cash on hand, 16,410 91 In Mercantile Bank, temporary de- posit on interest. ... 8,688 75 In bonds and mortgages on real es- tate, principally in the cities of New York and Brooklyn, worth double the amount loaned, - 1,128,83122 In Stocks, United States and Cor- poration of N York, cost value 1 17,919 09 Balance due from agents,- - - 26,538 49 $1,298,388 46 JOSEPH B. COLLINS, Pres't. ISAAC ABBATT, Sec'y. CHAS. GILL, Actuary. MINTURN POST, M. M., Medical Examiner, New York. JOSEPH BLUNT, Counsellor J. G. GOBLE, M. D., Medical Examiner, Newark. L. S. GOBLE. Agent, 299 Broad st. (up stairs.) . CLINTON MUTUAL INSURANCE CO, 115 Market-st., (Library Hall Buildings.) Chartered March 7ih 1848. NUMBER OF POLICIES ISSUED, 4,000. Premium thereon $132,000. Losses & Expenses, $16,000- This Company is strictly mutual in its character, and offers advantages which need only to be understood to command public confidence and patronage. They insure none but the safest kind of property, and take no risk ex- ceeding $3000. Policies are made on fair and equitable principles, giving to the insured an opportunity to share in all the profits of the business; annual dividends being de- clared on all policies that have subsisted successively for five years. Every person insured becomes thereby a mem- ber of the company, and is entitled to vote at the election of its directors. The Company is responsible for all sur- veys made by its agents, and agrees to arbitrate all matters of difference should any occur. Discrimination is made in favor of safer risks, and such are taken at very low premi- ums. The Company invites the closest scrutiny into its character and business. The unparalleled success of this Company over all others of its kind in this state, is the strongest assurance of its merits and of the superior in- ducements which it offers to the public. DIRECTORS. Samuel H. Gardner, Aaron Coe, A. C. M. Pennington, Nehemiah Perry, John C. Beardsley, James J. Mapes, John R. Mulford, Daniel Squier, Samuel Baldwin, Alvah Sherman, William Brown, Henry Meeker, Lewis Pierson. CHAS. A. SHERMAN, SAMUEL H. GARDNER, Secretary. President. A. C. M. PENNINGTON, ALVAH SHERMAN, Treasurer. General Agent. 49 NEWARK COMPiNf The books for subscription to the Capital Stock were opened on the 14th of April, 1846, and the requisite num- ber of shares to ensure the completion of the works sub- scribed. A contract was made on the 20th day of May, with Mr. Joseph Battin for the erection of works to supply 'forty thousand cubic feet of Gas per day, and lay four miles of main pipes for the distribution of the same. On the 25th of December, 1846, the manufacture of Gas was com- menced, and on the 5th of January, 1847, the main pipes were filled, the whole having been accomplished in the short space of eight months. CHARLES ALLING, President, JOHN VAN WAGENEN. Secretary, JOHN VAN WAGENEN, Treasurer, CHARLES ALLING, Superintendent, GEORGE HOCK, Assistant do. DIRECTORS. James Keene, Jeremiah C. Garthwaite. Joseph Battin, John Chadwick, Beach Vanderpool, Samuel Meeker, E. Van Antwerp. Wm. Shugard, Charles Ailing. 5 50 NEWARK AQUEDUCT COMPANY. Chartered Nov. 17th, 1800. Dividends declared in February and August The Company have recently laid several miles of pipe, and greatly increased the supply of water, and have also contracted with the city to supply water for the extinguishment of fires. President John H. Stephens. Secretary L. 'A. Smith. Treasurer George Baldwin. Superintendent George Baldwin, Directors Wm. Wright, Samuel Baldwin, Jr. John H. Stephens, Edwin VanAntwerp, Wm. S. Faitoute, L. A. Smith, Joel W. Condit, John J. Bockee, George Baldwin, John M. Davies, John Chadwick, B. T. Nichols, O. B. Baldwin. ESSEX COUNTY INSTITUTE. For the promotion of Agriculture, Horticulture and Manufactures. President, WM. PENNINGTON, Newark, 1st Vice do DR. WM. PIERSON, Orange, 2d " PROF. JAS. J. MAPES, Clinton Reed. Sec'y T. C. MUNN, Orange, Cores'g, do DR. L. A. SMITH, Newark. Treasurer, JOHN R. WEEKS, Newark, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Abiathar Harrison, Orange, Sebastian Duncan, Belle'lle John Jelliff, Newark, H. N. Parkhurst, Newark, Thos. McKirgan, Clinton, Abraham VanRiper. Belle'lle, Wm. M. Littell, Newark, J. C. Beardsley, Clinton, H. H. Nichols, Newark, Dr. Jos. H Cross, Union, B. F. Harrison, Newark, J. H. Baldwin, Bloomfield, Wm. M. Babbitt, Orange, John H. Tims, Newark, John Garside, Newark, Thos. B. Pierson, Newark, J. Henry Clark, Newark, Wm. J. Pell, Orange, John M. Phillips, Newark, Abijah Harrison, Orange. 51 PROTESTANT FOSTER HOME SOCIETY. 270 North Broad street. June 4th 1849. OFFICERS. Mrs. C. S. RIGGS, 1st Directress. " SMITH BURNET, 2d Directress. " WM. TUTTLE. Treasurer. " F. T. FRELINGHUYSEN. Corres. Sec'y. Miss CORNELIA BALDWIN, Recording Sec'y. MANAGERS. Mrs. J. C. Hornblower, Mrs. J. R. Davison, E. Van Antwerp, J. G. Goble, Jacob Johnson, John Drake, Wm. H. Burroughs, Smith Halsey, T. A. Waldron. J. B. Jackson, Isaac Meeker, J. A. Bowles, S. H. Kitchell. M. W. Day, Bruen Congar, " L. Plume, Howell Clark, " N. Perry, D. E. Noyes, " S. C. Howell, J. H. Clark, " Horace H. Nichols Wm. Rogers, " Luther Goble, A. L. Burnet, Miss Emma Riggs. Miss Tace HiiUer. TRUSTEES. Wm. Pennington, Joseph N. Tuttle, John R. Davison, Joseph P. Bradley, Isaac Van Wagenen, Joseph A. Halsey, PHYSICIANS J. B. Jackson, 181 Broad, S. H. Penning- ton, 255 Broad. DENTIST A. G. P. Colburn. Miss Mary N. Axtell, Teacher. Henry Axtell, Superintendant. NEWARK ORPHANS' ASYLUM. Corner of High and Court streets. OFFICERS. Mrs. ELIZABETH RICORD, First Directress. " P. W. MARTIN, Second do Miss L. L. WARD, Recording Secretary. Mrs. OLIVER J. HAYES, Corresponding do < J. H. STEPHENS, Treasurer. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS. Mrs. John Van Wagenen, 8 Cedar st. " John Hartshorne, 60 Warren st. " D. M. Wilson, 225 Market st. " Wm. A. Baldwin, 61 Market. 11 J. H. Woodhull, 56 Walnut st. " B. C. Miller, 21 Clinton st. A. STEPHEN HOLBROOK, Respectfully informs his friends and the public generally thai he has purchased the Printing Office, lately occupied by Aaron Guest, 333 Broad Street, in the rear, and is prepared to execute all kinds of Plain, JFanqj # (Ornamental Job griming in an expeditious, neat and Prompt manner. fS"Persons wishing Printing need fear no Tardiness in the execution of their Orders. Tip, Card, Job and Copper Plate 1J COMMERCE STREET, 3d STORY. WILLIAM B. KINNEY, Of Every Description, 266 BROAD STREET, (UP STAIRS.) CROW ELL & CARL, Book and Job Printers, 295 Broad street, (up stairs.) 53 Fire Engine No. 1, 8 William street. Fire Engine No. 2, 55 Washington street. Fire Engine No. 3, 27 Court street. Fire'Engine No. 4, Fire" Engine No. 5, 106 Market street. Fire Engine No. 6, 58 Mulberry street. Fire Engine No. 7, 70 Orange street. Fire Engine No. 8, 39 Ferry street. Hook and Ladder No. 1, 320 Broad-st. Hose Carriage No. 1, 1 Harrison street. GEORGE W. ANDRUSS, Chief Engineei JOHN H. LANDELL, 1 CHARLES CROSSLBY, > Assistant Engineers. J. V. ^N. VOORHEES. J NEWARK FIRE DEPARTMENT. At the annual meeting of the Representatives, December 17th 1850, the following officers were duly elected. T. P. HOWELL, President. WM PHILLIPS, Vice President. D. P. WOODRUFF, Secretary. EDWARD R. WHITLOCK, Treasurer. WM. S. JAQUES, Collector, TRUSTEES, 176 Broad street. 170 Washington street. 10 Cedar street. 153 Broad street. 104 Mulberry street. ALEX. POOL, DAVID J. CAMFIELD, H. G. DARCY. A. D. JONES, GEO. H. BRUKN, J. H. LANDELL, WM. B. GUILD, H. H. NICHOLS, N. H. LEWIS, 3 Cammack's Alley. 7 Baldwin street. 235 Washington street. 96 Halsey street. CRUNCHES. 1 1st Presbyterian. 3l5i Broad Jona P. Stearns, 2 2d Presbyterian, 17 Washington Vacant 3 3d Presbyterian, 382i Broad H. N. Brinsmade. 4 4th Central Presbyterian. 158 Wash. G. C Lucas. 5 5th Park Presbyterian, 8 Park Chh. Pi. A. D. Eddy. 6 6th Presbyterian. 74 Union Wm. Aikman. 7 7th High street Presbyterian, 197 High D. W. Poor. 8 1st Free Presbyterian, 15 Clinton Charles Beecher. 9 1st Associate Presbyterian, 12<) Washington 10 2d Associate Presbyterian, 16 Clinton 11 1st Reformed Dutch, 169 J Market James Scott. 12 2d Reformed Dutch, 526 E. Mechanic Gustave Abeel. 13 1st Baptist, 25 Academy Henry C. Fish. 14 2nd South Baptist, 42 Kinney William Hague. J5 1st Episcopal, (Trinity) 157 Broad M. H. Henderson. 16 2nd Episcopal (Grace) 409 Broad John L. Watson. 17 3d Episcopal (Christs) 25 N. Prospect R. Lowell. 18 4th Epis'l , (House of Prayer) 34 Bd. S. L. Southard. 19 1st Methodist, 54 Halsey E. H. Stokes. 20 2nd Methodist, 12 Franklin W. P. Corbit. 21 3d Methodist, 3 Clinton L. D. Barrows. 22 4th Methodist, 125 Union J. B Dobbins. 23 5th Methodist, 37 Quarry J. C. Winner. 24 6th Methodist, 181 Market Jos. B. Wakeley. 25 1st Bethel, Dock foot of Market Frederick Pilch. 26 1st Universalist, Lib. Hall O. W. Wight 27 2d Universalist, Ins. Buildings J. H. Farnsworth. 28 1st Roman Catholic, (St. Johns) 10 Mul. P. Moran. 29 2d Roman Catholic, 84 William N. Baillies. 30 3d Roman Catholic, (St. Patricks) 47 Wash.-D. Senez 31 1st German Presbyterian, 112 Market Wm. Winnis. 32 1st German Ev. Lutheran, 28 Mechanic, F. Maschop 33 1st German Baptist, 23 New 34 1st Ger. Ref. (3d) Dutch, 42J Mul. F. A. Lehlbaqh. 35 1st Ger. Epis'l, (St. Matthews) 166 Mar.-J. D. Rose. 36 1st German Methodist, 251 Market 37 1st African Presbterian, 132 Plane E P. Rogers. 38 1st African Episcopal, (St. Philips) 291 .Broad 39 1st African Methodist, 67 Academy 40 2d African Methodist 36 Catharine 1851-52. PIERSON'S NEWARK CITY DIRECTORY FOR THE 76th YEAR OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. FROM 4th JULY, 1851. Important observations to those using this Work. Throughout this Directory, the Christian names of those where there are more than one of the same surname, are carefully alphabetically arranged, male and female, firms, &c. In searching for a name, the inquirer must know the proper spelling. For example, a person seeking for Pirsson, will not find the one sought for if he looks in the names of Pierson ; so, also, for Bonnell, he should not look among the Bonnels ; and for Conger, not in Congar ; and for Parcels, not look in Parsals, Parceils or Parsil : nor for Hays in Hayes. h. stands for house n. near c. corner r. residence Av. Avenue Pi. Place Ct. Court. Abbis John C, tinsmith 76 Kinney Abeel Rev. Gustavus, Pas. 2d Ref. Dutch Church h. 231 Market Abel George, saddler 20 Bruen Abel John B. musician Broom c. Springfield Avenue Aber Ebenezer C. children's shoe mfr. 34 Bleeker h. 81 Plane Aber Stephen D. sash & blind 19 Bank h 31 Orleans Abieniste Louis, engraver 356 Broad Abrams Charles, mason 144 Plane Abrer-ht Lewis, jeweler 160 Mulberry Abseil William, cooper 620 High Ackerman Christian, locksmith 29 McWhorter Ackerman Cornelius C. boarding house 265 Broad Ackerman George, printer 266 Broad Ackerman George, sash & blind 22J Church Ackerman John, shoemaker 4 Cross Ackerman Mary, widow of Isaac 76 Halsey Ackerman Warren, indiarubber 59 Maiden Lane New York h. 172 Market Ackerson Sarah, widow of John, 327 Broad 56 , PIERSON'S Ackerson William, laborer 130 Commerce Ackley Catharine S. 4 Commerce Adami Paul, halter 4 Pear Alley Adams & Brother H. merchant tailors 316 Broad Adams Charles, 63 Springfield Avenue Adams Crowell, express agent 306 Broad Adams Ezekiel, mason 18 Baldwin Adams Francis, moulder c. Nichols 4- S. Prospect Adams Frederick, tanner 36 Bridge Adams George, paper stainer 169 Commerce Adams Henry, mer. tailor 316 Broad h. 139 Washington Adams John, laborer 188 Court c. Prince Adams John, mason Navy Yard Clinton Adams Lewis, jeweler 168 Mulberry c. Cottage Adams Lewis, mason foot East Green Adams Linn, merchant tailor 316 Broa/l h. 110 Mulberry Adams Lydia, widow H5 Washington Adams Obadiah. harness maker 27 Academy Adams Oliver, blacksmith 53 Union Adams Robert B. jeweler 56 Walnut Adams Thomas W. jeweler 2 Fair h-63 Mulberry Adams William, shoemaker 27 Catharine Adams William, collar maker 110 Mulberry Adams William H. tailor 66 Walnut Adamy John F. French shoemaker r. 4 Jackson Addis John, clerk 135 h. 17 Market Addis Miles, clerk 45 h. 17 Market Addison O;ivia, widow of William 63 Washington Adler Ludwig, fancy baskets 43 William Agens Alexander M. clerk 150 Broad h. 20 Halsey Agens & Co. hat manufacturers 271 Broad Agens George W. clerk 150 Broad Agens James H. sash and blind inquire 150 Broad Agens James S. shoemaker 68 Orleans Agens John, 1 Sourh Canal Agens John L. periodical 4" paper office 1 Commerce Agens Jonas, shoe store and manufacturer 150 Broad Agens Sarah, widow of James 68 Orleans Agens Thomas, hat manuf, 271 Broad h. 89 Washington Agens William A. boot and shoe store 150 Broad Agnew Rev. J. H, Prof, languages University Michigan Aign Michael, tanner 8i Shipman Aikin James, shoemaker 4 Cross Aikin Margaret, tailoress 122 Orange Aikman Rev. Wrn. Pastor 6th Pres. Chh. 109 Commerce Akers Oscar J. M. D. 91 Broad Albert Charles, stone cutter 28 Mercer Albert George W. shoemaker 1 13 Orange NEWARK DIRECTORY. 57 Albert William H. carman 134 Academy Albray Anthony C. potter 83 Broad Albright Henry, shoemaker 80 Fair Albright John, india rubber 105 William Alcock James, needle finisher 88 Warren Alcock Robert Welford, carver 21 Columbia Alden James, 62 North Broad Alden Jr. James W- music teacher 648 High Alden Joseph L. lumber 131 River h. 16 Front Alden Thomas C. accountant 15 Goerck New York Alderson George, laborer 45 Bridge Aldridge William A. confectioner 152 Broad Aldworth Margaret, widow of Edward 39 Union Alexander Hugh, teamster 20 Brown Alexander William G. carriage maker 81 Walnut Alfred Rosanna. (colored) 340 High Algood John, plater rear 43 Lawrence Allabon William, gardener 100 Pennington Allabon William, gardener 5 Walnut Allen Alexander, shoemaker, enquire 136 Kinney Allen Collins, saddler 26 Lombardy Allen Cortland H. 123 Broad Allen David B. mason 45 Columbia Allen Emory A. metal worker 208 Market 134 Academy Allen Hiram, cabinet maker 80 Orange Allen Jacob, justice and commiss'r of deeds 123 Broad Allen Jr. Jacob, machinist 12 James h. 16 Division Allen James, 198 Washington Allen John C. collector Inclined Plane r. 354 High Allen J. & L. machinists 12 James Allen John S. pattern maker 11 Ridge Allen Ludlow, pattern maker 12 James h. 123 Broad Allen Luther, engineer 37 South Canal Allen Michael, laborer 19 East River Allen Richard S. grocer 69 New Allen Sarah, widow of Samuel 2 Balls' Court Allen William, carpenter 12 Plume Allen William, 199 Bank Allen William, shoemaker 23l Washington Allen William A. trunk maker Jersey City Allen William R. coach painter 20 Hill Ailing Albert, clothier 133 Market h. 453 Broad Ailing Alexander M. New York Allfng, Brothers, jewelers 6 Orchard Ailing Charles, 18 Park Place Ailing David, fancy chair manufacturer 345 h. 347 Broad Ailing David W. chaii maker 347 Broad Ailing & Demarest, clothiers 133 Market 58 PIERSON'S ^Ailing, Hall & Dodd, jewelers 35 Walnut 'Ailing Horace, jeweler 6 Orchard h. 50 Columbia Ailing Isaac A. jeweler 6 h. 2 Orchard Ailing John, 20 Smilh Ailing Joseph C. jeweler 6 Orchard h. 142 Mulberry Ailing Pruden, coal dealer 2 Commercial h. 13 Smith Ailing Stephen B. jeweler 35 Walnut h Lyons Farms Ailing William, clothier N. Orleans 20 Smith Allison Jasper H. coach painter 66 Halsey Alliston Jarnes, shoemaker 5 Wallace AUruth Ernst, tailor 266 Bank Almond Richard, engineer 189 Orange Alston Albert G. hat manuf. 29 Liberty h. 357 Broad Alston Amzi B. hat manufactur 29 h. 19 Liberty Alston C. B. California 357 Broad Alston Elias, cutler 78 State Alston Isaac, blacksmith 547 High Alston John, (col'd) teamster 3 Crane's Basin Altenburg William, currier 45 Mulberry Alyea Abraham, blacksmith 38 Hamilton Alyea Jacob. 7 Union Amberg Benedict, tailor 9 Rankin Ambrost George, filer 8 West American Mutual Fire and ^Marine Ins. Co. 153 Market Amerman Jeremiah E. clerk 306 Market Amm James, gardener 18 East River Anderson Aaron T. 106 Kiver h. 120 Mulberry Anderson Andrew, turner 36 River Anderson Elizabeth, widow of Lawrence 12 Church Anderson Henry, 44 Church Anderson Jr. Henry, grocer 46 h. 44 Church Anderson John, (col'd) whitewasher Plane c. Plum Anderson Lawrence, saddler 21 Hill Anderson Richard, M. D. 433 Broad Anderson Robert, boatman 194 South Market Anderson Robert C clothier 123 Market Andress David T. California 24 Walnut Andreas James, tailor 7 Boudinot Andrew Edwin, cooper New above Canal Andrew Eliza, widow of Daniel 130 Kinney Andrew John, blacksmith 130 Kinney Andrews Richard, shoemaker 91 Tichenor Andrews William L. hatter 161 Academy Andrews William V. book agent 324 Broad Andruss Abby, widow of Stephen K. 125 E town road Andruss Caleb H. police & civil justice 350 h. 435 Broad Andruss Catharine Ann, 4 Ward ' Andruss George W. plane factory 154 Washington NEWARK DIRECTORY. 59 Andruss Hannah J. 150 Washington Andruss Isaac M. notary & ins. agent 143 h. 141 Wash. Andruss Jonathan, blacksmith 152 Washington Andruss Stephen, brass moulder 24 Ailing Andruss Theodore F. California 435 Broad Andruss Timothy, jeweler 20 Ward Angster Valentine, carpenter 65 Mercer Annin John, jeweler 36 Walnut h. 444 Broad Annin Jonathan D. M. D. 173 Market Antabush Abram S. tailor 38 Warren Anthony Jacob, meat 380 Broad r. 51 Orchara Anton Peter, Nonh Ward pound master 2 Mill Antry , jeweler 59 Walnut Arbuckle Robert, mould maker 68 Bleeker Arburthnot Charles, type metal 18 North Broad Arburthnot Eliza, widow of William 20 North Broad Arburthnot John, filer 10 North Broad Areley John, fiddler Crane c. North Broad Areley Jr. John, Crane c. North Bioad Arenhaust Henrich, rag picker 23 Ridge. Armitage Edward, ornamental japanner 100 Sheffield Armitage John, japan mfr. 100 Sheffield Armitage M. R. widow 100 Sheffield Arms S. E. dentist 2-28 Broad h. Elizalethtown Armstrong Andrew, saddler 13 South Prospect Armstrong Edward (colored) 16 Division Place Armstrong Eliza, widow of Amzi 4>J9 Broad Armstrong Lucius H. 299 North Broad Armstrong Samuel, 110 Prospect Place Armstrong Sterling, 299 North Broad Arnold Christian, laborer 6 Niagara Arnold Frederick, tailor 54 Adams v Arnold Phillip, tailor 113 Elm Arrowsmith Hannah, widow of Nicholas 105 Market Aschenbeck Velinton, tailor 17 West Ash Jonathan, butcher 71 Market Ash Peter, gatrardner 297 South Broad Ash William, vegetables 392 Broad h. 297 S. Broad Ashby William, carpenter 61 Catharine Ashby William, japanner 27 Bleeker Ashford Daniel, jeweler 31 Clinton Ashton John, halter 89 Tichenor Aston Frederick, weaver 155 Academy Atteibury John, harness maker 38 Mercer Atwood Almond D. carpenter 79 Catharine Atha Andrew, japaner Sussex Avenue n. Newark Atha & Armstrong, japan'd muslin Sussex av n. Newark Auble David, shoe manufacturer 236 Broad h. 7 Warren 60 PIERSON'S Aubry Charles, confectioner 118 Market Aubry Francis C. 17 Ward Austin George, engineer 1H Commerce Austin John, boarding house 63 Orange Autinrieth Jacob, grocer 23 William Autz Joseph, chair seat manufacturer 14 Longworth Averill Lyman S 159 Mulberry Axtell Henry, supt. Foster Home 270 North Broad Axtell James, carman 65 Ferry Axtell Mary N. teacher 270 North Broad Axtell Silas C. grocer 96 Plane Aymar Charles E. public school teacher 16 Chestnut Ayres Alexis, Daily Mercury 297 Broad h. 3 Brunswick Ayres, Carman & Co. steam saw mill foot Clay Ayres steam saw mill foot Clay Ayres David G. builder 116 Plane Ayres David R. tailor 41 Orchard Ayres Isaac D. printer 79 Plane Ayres John C.-carpenter 13 Franklin place Ayres Lewis B. clerk 302 Broad r 98 Market Ayres Sarah Jane, 21 Orchard Ayres William, carpenter 16 Fair Ayres William, teamster 63 Ferry B. Babbitt Henry, harness maker 426 Broad Babcock Edward, jeweler 48 Church Babcock John, laborer 33 East Kinney Bachmeyer Gustave A. boarding house 93 S. Canal Backus Eliza, 127 Mulberry Backus John, tinner 127 Mulberry Backus Rodman, tinner California 127 Mulberry Bacon Jr. Simeon, composition roofer 26 Boudinot Bacorn Abraham, fish dealer 36 Bellemont avenue Bacorn William, fish dealer 36 Bellemont avenue Bachrnan William, turner 8i Shipman Badger Alfred G. flute mfr. 181 ffdway N.Y. h. 35 Cottage Badger Charles W. druggist 328 Broad Badger Harriet, widow of Eleazer Chicago 328 Broad Badgley Daniel T. shoemaker 7 Fair Badgley Dayton, shoemaker 2 Washington Alley Badgley Maxwell, grocer 624 High Badgley Samuel, rnill wright 624 High Baffle H. jeweler 356 Broad Bagan James, laborer 2 Stephens Court Bagan Joseph, laborer 39 North Broad Baggs Thoruas, plater 78 Congress NEWARK DIRECTORY. 61 Bagfield Barbara, widow of John 74 North Canal Bailey Abraham E. carpenter 74 Wallace Bailey Cornelius B. indiarubber 25 Bleeker Bailey Jonathan, clerk 15 Thomas Bailey Michael, morocco dresser 210 Washington Bailey Robert, cooper 10 Bank Bailey William, 114 State Bailey Wm. H. (colM) barber 272 Market h. 150 Chestnut Bailey Sarah, widow of Samuel 15 Thomas Baillies Rev. Nicholas, pastor 2d R. Cath. Chh. 84 Wm. Baird William, jeweler 79 Baldwin Baird William, stone cutter 23 Cherry Baker Aaron M. farmer Lyons Farms Baker Aaron W. carpenter 26 South Market Baker Amos, segar maker 354 High Baker Ann, 86 Washington Baker Augustus, mason 36 South Market Baker Daniel, M. n. Brooklyn L. I. Baker Daniel W. jeweler 33 Orchard Baker Elizabeth D. milliner 38 Warren Baker Elihu B. grocer 84 h. 80 Plane Baker George, clerk 26 Hill Baker George Henry, moulder f>5 Sheffield Baker Francis, coach maker 3 Ball's Court Baker Harriet N. 5 Arch Baker Henry, coal breaker 31 Durand Baker Hilah, widow ot William B. 13 Plane Baker Jacob, hatter 57 Walnut Baker Jacob, 90 South Orange Avenue Baker Jane, widow 26 Soutli Market Baker Jane E. widow of Cyrus, teacher 33 Orchard Baker John C. mason 40 Ferry Baker Moses, farmer Lyons Farms Baker Moses T. master mason 29 South Market Baker Oliver M. coach painter 38 Warren Baker Rebecca, widow of Daniel 38 Warren Baker Richard, machinist 49 State Baker Sarah, widow of Samuel 3 Ball's Court Bald Adam, tailor Orange n. Nesbitt Baldwin Aaron, carpenter 35 Fair Baldwin Aaron, harness maker 31 Fair Baldwin Aaron, gunsmith 58 Bank h. 153 Plane Baldwin Aaron G. merchant 28 Liberty Baldwin Abby, widow of Joel 31 Fair Baldwin Abby, widow of Elbert 31 Fair Baldwin Abraham. 50 Prospect Place Baldwin Albert, dairyman Lyons Farms Baldwin Alexander R. California 32 Clinton 6 PIERSON'S Baldwin, widow of Ananias, 23 Franklin Baldwin Augustus, clerk 151 r. 198 Market Baldwin Augustus S. lieut. U. S. navy 27 Centre Baldwin Austin, 105 Commerce Baldwin Barney, laborer 18 Brown Baldwin Bethuel, hatter 24 Franklin Baldwin Caleb, collector daily office 107 Academy Baldwin Jr Caleb, dry goods 52 Cedar N. Y. h. Orange Baldwin Caleb J. 42 Mercer Baldwin Calvin, leather dealer 60 h. 73 Market Baldwin Calvin W. carpenter 27 Lawrence Baldwin Charles, saddle tree riveter Philadelphia Baldwin Charles, builder 209 Market Baldwin Charles A. fruits &c. 1 East River Baldwin Charles C. silver plater enquire 23 Franklin Baldwin Charles P. New York 209 Market Baldwin Charles W. Harnden's express 293 h.361 Broad Baldwin & Co. Caleb, dry goods 52 Cedar N. Y, Baldwin & Co. jewelry, watch cases and dials 170 Broad- way N Y. cor. Maiden Lane 6 Franklin Baldwin & Co. jewelers watch case mfrs. 6 Franklin Baldwin David C. retired merchant 14 Liberty. Baldwin David J. farmer 188 Orange Baldwin David S. engineer 24 Hamilton Baldwin David W. justice & commissioner 35 Market Baldwin Deborah, widow of Albert 98 McWhorter Baldwin Edward, shoemaker 105 Commerce Baldwin Edward A. jeweler Etizabethtown Baldwin Edward B. hatter 59 Mechanic Baldwin Edward G. brass finisher 60 Hamilton 18 Scott Baldwin Elijah, currier 80 Market h. 18 Bleeker Baldwin Eliza, widow of Aaron jr. 440 High Baldwin Eliza, milliner 31 Fair Baldwin George, crockery store 218 Broad Baldwin George, shoemaker 25 Plane Baldwin George C. watchmaker 170 Broadway N. Y. Baldwin George T. clerk 218 Broad Baldwin George W. carpenter 12 Lumber Baldwin George W jeweler 2 Liberty Baldwin Hannah, widow of William 47 Bank Baldwin Henry, 19 Boudinot Baldwin Henry C. hatter 35 Market Baldwin Henry S. cutter 320 Broad h. 41 Bank Baldwin Hiram P. printer 107 Academy Baldwin Horace E- jeweler 6 Franklin r. 399 Broad Baldwin Ira C. packer 271 Bioad h. 161 Mulberry Baldwin Isaac, jeweler 6 Franklin h. 399 Broad Baldwin Isaac, 68 East River Baldwin Isaac E. halter 36 Mercer NEWARK DIRECTORY. 63 Baldwin Isaac N. builder 68 Union Baldwin Israel, painter and glazier 201 Plane Baldwin Jabez T. New Orleans 10 Clinton Baldwin James A. carpenter 36 Arch Baldwin Jediah J. Union township n. Ehzabelhtown Baldwin Jeptha, South Orange N. J. Baldwin Jeremiah, grocer 405 Broad h 20 Fair Baldwin Jesse, iron & steel 186 Market h. 5 Park Place Baldwin John, jeweler 33 Franklin Baldwin John, bar tender Park house Baldwin John, Farmer 70 Furguson Baldwin John B shoemaker 29A Broad Baldwin Jo hn C. harness maker 33 Fair Baldwin J. Lewis, engraver 99 William Baldwin J Lindly, saddler 2 Warren Baldwin John M. railroad coach 36 Fair Baldwin John N. aqueduct agent 18 Academy h. 24 Bank Baldwin John W. 405 h. 579 Broad Baldwin John Y. clerk State Bank 32 Clinton Baldwin Johnson G. grocer 79 h. 75 Broad Baldwin Jonas, shoemaker 99 William Baldwin 6f Jone F, leather merchants 60 Market Baldwin Joseph' plater 204 Market h. 121 S. Prospect Baldwin Joseph' mason Orange near the anal Baldwin Joseph C. farmer 40 Sheffield Baldwin Lewis B. gunsmith 58.^ Bank h. 151 Plane Baldwin Linus, mason 106 Orange Baldwin Lucius D. stone dealer 110 Orange Baldwin Lucius H. clerk 75 Broad Baldwin Lydia, widow of Elihu 41 N Prospect Baldwin Mary, nurse widow of Isaac 1 South Essex Baldwin Mary L. dress maker 1 East River Baldwin Milton, M. D. 58 Bank Baldwin Nancy, widow of Charles. 1 East River Baldwin Nancy, widow of Bethuel 25 Plane Baldwin Oliver B. M. D. 1 Park Church Place Baldwin Phebe, widow of William W. 222 Broad Baldwin Ransford W. shoemaker 3tt Nesbitt Baldwin Reuben D lime manufacturer 72 Spring Baldwin Rhoda, widow of Nehemiah 37 Mulberry Baldwin Robert, 110 Orange Baldwin Robert J. grocer 79 h. 75 Broad Baldwin Robert V. cutler 560 High Baldwiri Samuel, dairyman Camptown road Baldwin Samuel, jeweler 268 Broad and 180 Broadway Ntw York h. 54 Bank Baldwin Samuel, exchange office 220 r. 218 Broad Baldwin Samuel A. coachsmith 202 Market h. 37 Mulb'ry 64 PIERSON'S Baldwin Sarah, widow 182 Mulberry Baldwin Sarah, widow of Jeremiah 590 Broad Baldwin Sarah E. widow of Silas. 2 Warren Baldwin & Smith, watch makers 268 Broad Baldwin Stephen G jeweler 189 Washington Baldwin Susan 24 Columbia Baldwin Theodore E. plater c Ham. & Bruen h 215 Markst Baldwin Rev. Theron, education agent Orange Baldwin & Thomas, coach manufacturers 202 Market Baldwin Thomas, carpenter Marshall c. Grand Baldwin Thomas S. jeweler Columbus, Ohio Baldwin Uzal, 2-22 Broad Baldwin Dzal S. builder 114 Orange Baldwin \\ickhffe E. jeweler 6 Franklin h. 399 Broad Baldwin William, step maker 161 Orange Baldwin William, gunsmith Morristown Baldwin William A. leather & oil 66 h. 61 Market Baldwin William E. hatter 25 Mulberry Baldwin William H. turner 67 Washington Baldwin William S. Camptawn Road Baldwin Wi.liam W. farmer 110 Orange Balevre Nicholas, boots and shoes 206 Broad Balgirl Phillip, carpenter 38 Jones Ball Aaron, shoemaker State n. Boyden Ball Abraham, shoemaker State n Boyden Ball Abraham S. boot maker 9 Summit Ball Alexander M.W. harness mfr.364ABdh. 136 Mulberry Ball Amzi, shoe store 72 Broad h. 84 State Ball Augustus R. coach manuf 325 Broad h. 19 Franklin Ball Barnhart, oiled silk 64 Newark Ball Charlotte, widow of Alexander 9 Union Ball David, 15 Fair Ball Edwin T. shoemaker 50 William Ball Elbert R. jeweler 50 Lafayette Ball Emma L. dressmaker 2 Vir.e Ball Frank, carman 30 Adams Ball Hannah, widow 460Broad Ball Henry, clerk lime kiln 48 Bridge Ball Hooper C. carpenter 266 Plane Ball Horace W. jeweler 1 Franklin Court h. 126 Mulberry Ball & Co. H. W. jewelers 1 Franklin Court Ball Jacob, plater 19 Warren Ball John S. shoemaker 2 Vine Ball Josephine A. dressmaker 63 Washington Ball Nathaniel C. painter and glazier 49 h. 92 Commerce Ball Oliver H. India rubber 9 Summit Ball Socrates, shoemaker 2 Vine Ball Stephen A. C. shoemaker 198 Washington NEWARK DIRECTORY. 65 Ballard Hetty, widow of Jeremiah 27 South Canal Ballentine Mary A. R. widow of Samuel 148 Nesbitt Ballentine Peter, brewer 137 River h. 15 Lumber Bamper Garret, mason 39 Ferrv Bange Frederick, 327 North Broad Bange Henrv, com. mer. N. Y. state 327 North Broad Bangs AlbaM. carpenter 84 Plane Bangs Eli A. butcher 3 Ferry h. 8 South Market Bank George, tailor 41 Broom Banker Lewis, sawyer 29 Market Banks James, moulder 71 Ferry Banks James, moulder 71 River Banks Samuel, M. D. 356 Broad Banner William, shoemaker 5 Comes Bannister Deborah, widow of David 3 Franklin Place Bannister Isaac, shoe mrf. 130 Market h. 23 Commerce Bannister James A. clerk 130 Market Bannister & Son, shoe manufacturers 130 Market Bannister William H. shoe mfr. 130 Market h. 18 Orleans Baradale Thomas, blacksmith 16 Ailing Barber Jesse, tailor 186 South Broad Barber John, shoemaker 16 Fulton Barber Johnston, upholsterer 196 Broad h. 37 Franklin Barber Randolph, carman 13 Rankin Barclay Abigail, widow of George 464 Broad Barclay Alex, saddle ware mfr. 204 Market h. 464 Broad Barclay & Co. A. saddlery hardware manufrs. 204 Market Barclay Miss E. V. teacher 32 Fair Bard Catharine, widow of Thomas (col'd) 36 Adams Bardslee William, machinist 31 Orange Barker John G. capt. 34 Lafayette Barlow Andrew, blacksmith 6 Van Buren Barlow Festus S grocer 107 Broad Barlow & Co. F. S. grocers 107 Broad c. Bridge Barlow Peleg M. hatter 46 South Canal Barlow William, tailor 15 Prince Barnes Henrietta, vest maker 98 Market Barnett Anna M. teacher 62 Union Barnett Christopher C. coach lace manufacturer 21 Ward Barnelt James G. clothier 123 Market Barnett John, mer. tailor 238 Broad r. 77 Commerce Barnett John, plater 27 South Canal Barnett & Co. John, merchant tailors 233 Broad Barnett Nancy, widow of William S. 62 Union Barnett Stephen D. iron mfr. rear 58 Hamilton h. 6 E-Fair Barnett Susan A. select school 1 Clinton h. 77 Commerce Barnett William, laborer 66 Crane Barnum Isaac D. engineer 122 East River 6* GO FIERSON'S Barnum Isaac W. metalogist 122 East River Barret Walter, laborer 87 Bank Barret William, currier 131 Academy Barrickle A. earthern glass store 49 Warren Barrows Rev. Lorenzo D. pas.Clinton-st. ch. 26 Commerce Barry Emma, 36 Bank Barry Isaac, chemical works 44 East River Barry Robert, stone cutter 12 Congress Barry Vashti, widow of Noble 36 Bank Barth Frank C baker Hi New York Barlhel George, blacksmith 7 West Bartholf John G. wood moulding 60 Hamilton Bartholf J H. 3S2 Broad Bartlett Mary, widow of Capt. Samuel 1 Washington Bartlett Nathan, mason foot E. River Bartlett William, Tailor 723 Broad Barton Andrew D. 165 Warren Barton Henry, jeweler 3 1 Clinton Barton Miss Louisa, school 8 James r. 23 Bleeker Barton Ph.ebe, 8 West Barton Thomas, currier 24 Lombardy Bassett Stephen B. carpenter 20 North Essex Bassett William L. dry goods ^56 Broad Bassinger James, chief engineer on M. & E. Railroad Batelzal Leibrig, tailor 63 Brunswick Bates Bedell L. 115 Washington Batesell George, furrier 121 Railroad avenue Batesell Jr. George, halter 121 Railroad avenue Bateson James, grocer 53 Grand Bathgate James E. butcher 22 Centre Market h. Orange c. Roseville avenue Battel Valentine, tailor 12 Grand Batti Augustus, grinder 105 Academy Battin Joseph, gas works engineer & builder 421j Broad Battin Sylvester S. sup'tgas works Buffalo 42lj Broad Battey Charles, tailor 40 Commerce Bauer Adam, trunk maker 129 Broad Bauer George, fancy dry goo Is 280 Broad h. 21 Nicholson Bauer John, cooper 139 Thomas Baugh Peter, jeweler 29 Orchard Baum Barnet, potter 23 Broad Baum Barnet, potter 6 Kinney Baum John, baker 71 Lock Baum Phillip, moulder 13 Bovden Baumbeck Joseph, tailor 47 Prince Baumester Fritz, harness maker 8 North Canal Bawer Frederick, tailor 83 Court Baxter Morgan T. grocer flour & feed and lamp oil 378 Broad h. 14 Walnut NEWARK DIRECTORY. 67 Baylis Isaac, jeweler 51 South Broad Baylis Walter, clerk 9 South Essex Beach Abraham, jailor city prison Wilsey n. Canal Beach Alexander, carriage maker 35 Mechanic Beach Caleb, coach trimmer 35 Mechanic Beach Chilion, machinist 17 Liberty Beach Eliza J. milliner 29 Commerce Beach Ephraim, civil engineer Catskill,N. Y. Beach Henry C. 249 Market Beach Henry C. jeweler 14 Liberty Beach Henry N. provisions 26 Front h. Brooklyn, N. Jr. Beach Henry O. jeweler 7 Franklin Beach James R. Brooklyn Beach Joshua M. dry goods New York Beach Julia Ann, dress maker 140 Mulberry Beach Mary, widow of Cyrenus 22 Clinton Beach Ma^y M. widow of Isaac N. 4 Green Beach Nancy, widow of Ephraim, 7 Franklin Beach Phebe, widow of Daniel D. 2 Rowens Court Beach Polly, widow of Samuel 116 Market Beach Stephen, shoemaker Junction Place Orange Beach William W. coach maker Morristown Beam Anthony C. jeweler West 38 Warren Beam Christopher, trunk maker Broom c. Springfield av. Beam Elias C. stoves &c. 302 Broad h. 225 Washington Beam Hassel H. shoemaker 147 Elm Beam Jsaiah, merchant Pompton^ N. J. Beam Peter M. carpenter Railroad avenue h. 38 Warren Beam Sarah, widow of John D 28 Columbia Bean Adam, itidia rubber 123 Sheffied Bean Adam, tailor 41 West Bean John, india rubber c. Chatham and New Bear Jr. Francis 85 Orange Beard Mary, widow of Samuel 158Maiket Beardsley Isaac, machinist 23 Bridge Beardsley John, livery stable 158 h. 166 Washington Beardsley John C. farmer 214 Elizabethtown road Beatly George, saddler 29 Hector Beatty James C. gardener 63 East River Beaver Bernard, jeweler 54 William Beaver William, cutler 97 Broad Beck Charles, turner 2 Chapel Court Beck Charles, jeweler 35 East Kinney Beck Frederick, tailor 7 Pierson's Alley Beck William, jeweler rear 175 Railroad Avenue Becker Frederick, jeweler 5 West Becker T. shoemaker 43 William Beckwith George, jeweler 34 Columbia 68 PIERSON'S Bedell Charles T. California 66 Walnut Bedell Horace, jeweler 52 Court Bedell Joseph, carman 30 Grand Bedell Moses I. shoemaker 32 Church Bedford & Crane, bow makers 56 Mechanic Bedford David, grocer 224 Washington Bedford Electa, vest maker 46 Court Bedford Hannah, \\idow of Simon 14 Liberty Eodford Simeon, bow manuf. 56 Mechanic h. 14 Liberty Bedford Thomas, jeweler 350 Broad Bedford William K. carpenter 33 Bleeker Bedient John, hatter 20 Fair Beecher Rev. Charles, Pastor Free Pies. Church, h. 150 Washington Beehr Frederick, rear 93 Commerce Beek Leonard, tailor 96 Market Beeler Frederick, wheelwright 95 East Green Beers Charles P. accountant C6 Walnut Beers Mindwell. widow of George H. 172 Mulberry Beetham Susannah, widow of Rev. John, 271 Plane Beelham William, trunkmaker 271 Plane Begbie George L. jeweler 34 Bank Begbie John, recorder clerk's office 8 Rankin Place Begbie John T. saddler 8 Rankin Place Beggan Phillip, suspender maker 11 Stephen's Court Behr Edward, importer 78 River Beii Henry, carman Jones n. South Orange avenue Beir George, locksmith rear 31 Garden Belant Eveline, widow of Toussaint, 3 Fair Belant Francis F. Mansion house, Morristown N. J. Belant Henry, 27 Park Place Belant Leon L. liquor dealer 29 h. 3 Fair Belant Louis L. liquor merchant 29 Fair r. Park House Belcher & Brothers, rule makers Camptown, N. J. Belcher George, currier 28 Bridge Belcher Zachariah, machinist 136 State Bell Archibald, stone cutter 61 Catharine Bell John, painter 1 Clinton h. Harrison Bell Richard W. Jeweler 381 Broad Bellhafar John M. saddler 154 Springfield Avenue Bembridge John, machinist 32 Union Bembridge & Henn, file &; rasp maker at Manning Righter Bender John, basket maker 96 Quarry Bender Peter, hatter 7 Kinney Benedict & Ball harness manufacturers 364x Broad Benedict G. B. hatter 27 Walnut Benedict Terah, saddler 364A Broad h. 12 Park Place NEWARK DIRECTORY. 69 Benjamin Charles, carpenter 25 Green Benjamin Daniel D. master mason 47 Catharine Benjamin Elizabeth, widow of Nathan 25 Green Benjamin Elizabeth P. tailoress 31 Halsey Benjamin Jerusha M. tailores 46 Court Benjamin Mary A, tailoress 47 Fair Benn Charles, brass filer 157 Academy Bennett Albert, cutler 169 Plane Bennett Henry, blacksmith rear 12 Fair Bennett Hugh D. hatter 3 North Canal Bennett Jane, widow of James inquire at 277 Mulberry Bennett John, tailor 7 Charlton Bennett John C. stamp and type dealer 83 Plane Bennett Joseph, shoemaker 12 Beach Bennett Moses T. shoemaker 94 Kinney Borjnett Thomas, tailor 239 Plane Bennett William, shoemaker 27 Walnut Bennette Henry, hatter 259 Washington Bennette Maria Ann, widow of Uzal (). 34 Church Bennetle Randolph, sash and blind 55 Bank Bennison James, tanner 13 Comes Benson Catharine A. dress maker 30 South Market Benwood Teresa, widow of Morris 23 William Berg Charles, laborer Court c. Charlton Berg Falden, tailor 211 Court Berg Frederick, laborer 1 Rankin Berg John, laborer Court c. Charlton Bergen Isaac, teamster lit Broad Bergen Jacob, grinder 2 Chapel Court Bergen John, grocer 40 River Bergstraszar Wolf, peddler 59 Springfield avenue Berrier Francis, quarryman 47 Market Berringer Christian, jeweler 114 Church Barry Abijah C. grocer 404 Broad h. 48 Court Berry David C. currier 86i Market h. 173 Washington Berry Matthew, stone cutter 33 Jefferson Berry Milo H. cabinet maker Columbus S. C. Berry Patoman, carpenter 723 Broad Berry & Ward, grocers 404 Broad Berry William A. hatter Bank c. Chatham Bertrand Frederick, 20 Mill Berwick John, tailor 82 Mercer Bestick Timothy, saddler 196P'ane Besser Jacob, baker 66 Court Bethel John, shoemaker 131 Kinney Betz Charles, buckle maker 134 Kinney Betzeler Christiana, widow of Matthias, 99 S. Canal Beuret Celesta, spring maker 66 Union 70 PIERSON'S Beyer Frederick, carpenter 27 Church Bicknell Ann. widow 17 Orleans Bjcknell Charles C. New York 17 Orleans Biddulph Francis A. fruiterer Centre M. h. rear 18 Com. Biddulph George, jeweler 300 Washington Bigelow Moses, varnish mfr. 228 Mulberry h. 29 Smith Bigelow & Price, varnish manufacturers 22S Mulberry Bimbal Andrew, tailor 27 Grand Bimbler John, oil'd silk 60 Newark Bines Edward, tailor 128 Lock Bines Maxwell, hatter 26 South Canal Binger John, blacksmith 6 Maiden Lane Binn Edward, tailor 132 Lock Bioren John B. jeweler 291 Washington Birbeck James, 106 Mulberry Bird David, saddler 20 Front Bird James R. butcher 15 Centre Market h. 1G8 Orange Bird Jeremiah, 2 North Ward Market h. 93 Orange Bird Mary, widow of James 60 State Birdsall George, sash & blind 53 Broad h. 37 Ogden Birdsall Mary, widow of William 37 Ogden Birdsall Mary, widow of Henry 368J Broad Birdsall Robert, painter 70 Broad h. East Newark Birhom Phillip, jewuler 203 Rail Road avenue Birmingham James, laborer 56 Brown Birnbaum Zachariah. paper box 32 Catharine Birsh John, tailor 20 Prince Birrell David, boot maker 29 Kinney Birrell Jr. David, shoemaker 39 Orchard Birrell William, boot maker 51 Upper Jefferson Bisbee William K. harness maker 344 Broad Bishop Abigail, widow of Samuel 118 Plane Bishop Charles K. editor daily Eagle Bishop Elizabeth, widow of Peter 36 Clinton Bishop James, umbrella furniture & fancy steel toys State c. Sheffield h. Ifil Quarry Bishop John, hat colorer 120 Walnut Bishop Julia, widow of Isaac 118 Plane Bishop & Kerr, pocket books 29 Plutne Bishop Peter S, jeweler 75 Walnut Bitegel Martin, shoemaker 15 Broom Black Braddock, painter 19 Bank r. 97 Washington, Black John, cooper, G25 High Black Joseph, 146 Mulberry c. Elm Black Mary, confectioner 351 Broad Black William G. painier 156 Market h. 97 Washington Blackford James, carrier of papers 67 Bank Blackford James C, shoemaker 126 Plane NEWARK DIRECTORY. 71 Blackford Martha, tailoress 49 Bank Blake Andrew. 29 Ogdcn Blake Catharine, widow of Phillip 50 Union Blake James, blacksmith 23 Green Blakesly , tallow chandler 31 Kinney BlaisdeJl Thomas, 22 Boudinot Blanchard David O. patent leather New n. Newark Blanchard Harriet F. 122 Lock Blanchard John, (colored) teamster 37 Warren Blanchard Noah F. japanner ISew c. Newark Blatt Jacob, baker 66 Court, Blau Gustav, cap maker 25 William h. 16 Spruce Blauvelt Abraham D. shoe manf. 138 Market h 243 Plane Blauvelt Jacob C. shoemaker 131 Kinney Blauvelt John S shoemaker 247 Plane Blazier Eliphalet C. constable 16 Walnut c. Orchard Blazier Peter, saddler rear 43 Monroe Bleman John, tailor 29 Grand Blessaman George, stomach bitters 259 Broad Blewitt John, stone cutter rear 28 Union Bleyle George, hatter 43 Mulberry Bleything Eugene A. tinman 29s Broad Bley thing Joseph, trunk makei 29s Broad Bleything Mary A. 29s Broad Bleything Sarah M* 29B Broad Bliss Alfred, tinman 3ti6 Broad Bliss Elihu, jeweler Brooklyn N. Y. Bliss Henry, jeweler Philadelphia Blum Nicholas, gardner foot East River Blumbery Feywel, teacher 57 Springfield avenue Boals John F. carriage maker 39 Green Boals Martha, 16 Harrison Board Horace, 258 Broad h. 30 Bank Bockee John J. New York 4 Washington Place Boddy Martha, widow of Andrew 54 North Canal Boddy Mary, widow of John 30 Norfolk Boden & Brannen, carriages 30 lumber c. River Boden Lawrence, coach maker 30 Lumber h. 4 S. Bridge Boerum Amelia, widcw of Stephen 77 Catharine Boerum Martin, boatman 15 East Kinney Bogan Bernard, baker 81 Mulberry h. 49 Bruen Bogan & Brother, bakers 81 Mulberry Bogan Charles, baker 81 Mulberry h. 49 Bruen Bogart Alexander, shoemaker 61 Catharine Bogart Jacob, trunk maker 168 Washington Bogert Jacob, shoemaker 34 Thomas Boole Frederick W. shoemaker 51 Jones Bogler Ernest, trunk maker rear 24 William 72 PIERSON'S Boggs Eliza, widow of William 12 Warren Bohnenberger George, jeweler 26 Cottage Bohner John, shoemaker 1 Church Bohrienger Frederick, laborer 3l Van Buren Boland Ellen, widow of Owen 9 Broad Boland Frances, dress maker 4 James Boland Michael, laborer Warren c. Golden Boland Terance, grocer 174 Plane Bolcer George, wheelwright 276 Plane Bolen John, carpenter 54 State Bolf Godfrey, jeweler 3 William Bolin George W. founder 549 High Bolles Alexander, 261 Broad . Bolles Charles O. 18 Park Church Place Bolles Enoch, 19 Park Church Place Bolles Jr. Enoch, flour 1 Commercial h. 16 Park Chh. PI, Bolles Ephraim, 261 Broad c. Clinton Bolles Ezra B. coffin 240 Broad h. 37 Division Place Bolles Isaiah, 18 Park Church Place Bolles Nathan, 14 Park Church Place Bolles Nathan T. 261 Broad Bolles Oscar, turner 20 Broad Bolles William, shoemaker 81 Plane Bond Abner, grocer 372 Broad Bond Alfred, collar maker 97 Commerce Bond Harvey S. clerk 84 New Bond Ja.nes F. land agent 298 Broad h. 119 Union Bond Samuel W. insurance ag't. 298 Broad li. 210 Plane Bond Stephen, Newark & Caldwell Exp's Caldwell N. J- Bond Wiiliam, cigar maker 19 Green Bond Wm. S. inquire 21 Warren Bonnel Alfred H. blacksmith 75 Green Bonnel Benjamin B. hatter 83 Catharine Bonnel Ithamar W. grocer 266 Broad h. 15 Academy Bonnel John A. coach maker 3 Ferry h. 94 Congress Bonnel Joel M. tinner 56 Catharine Bonnel Jonathan C. near Summit Morris 6f E. R. Road Bonnel Marcus E. blacksmith 18 Lafayette Bonnel Sarah, widow of Luther 48 Smith Bonnel Stephen M. carpenter 604 Broad Bonnel Stephen M. 37 Commercial h. 21 S. Market Bonnel Sylvanus S. spoke turner 94 E. Green Bonnel & Whitty, grocers 266 Broad c. Bank Bonsall Mary Ann, widow of Samuel W. 68 New Bonsall Samuel F. lamp maker 32 Walnut Bonsall Samuel S. hatter 32 Walnut Bontgen Abraham, step maker and grocer 129 Broad Bontgen Charles W. saddler's tools 25 Orange h. 129 Broad NEWARK DIRECTORY. 73 Bonycamper Frederick, gardener 518 Ferry Boomer John, laborer 48 Grand Booth Charles, coachsmith 87 Catharine Booth Edward, hatter Orleans n. Orange Booth George, sash and blind maker 29 Halscy Booth Sen. George, hatter Orleans n. Orange Booth Jr. George, hatter Orleans n. Orange Booth James, hatter Lhleans n. Orange Booth John, hatter 65 Orange Booth John, hatter 349 High Booth Joseph, 147 Orange Booth Joseph, hatter Orleans n. Orange Booth Robert, hatter rear 349 High Booth & Sons, hat manufacturers Orleans n. Orange Booth Thomas J. hatter 349 High Booth William, hatter Orleans n. Orange Borcherling Jr Charles, clothier 144 Broad h. 70 Plane Borchers Louis, vinegar manufacturer 176 Academy Boss Henry, carver 223 Bank Bosworth David C. Philadelphia 17 Orange Bosworth Lewis, 17 Orange BottierG. 15 Kinney Boughner Dennis, carpenter 16U Railroad avenue Boughton Elihu S. coffee saloon 262 Market Bouingdon Benjamin, coach maker 81 Plane Boumister Mitits, tailor 76 Mercer Boutillette George, hatter 55 Liberty Bowdan Henry D.japanner51 Orleans n. Nesbitt Bowden John I. hatter 228 Plane Bowdea Sarah, tailorss 5l Orleans Bowen Eleazer, india rubber 83 Orleans Bowen N. P. clerk 366 Broad Bower Charles, coach painter 240 Market Bower George, blacksmith 72 Catharine Bower Philip, engineer 37 Ogden n. Division Bower William, letter cutter 159 Orange Bowers Charles,, jeweler 131 Mulberry Bowers William, carpenter 39 Mechanic Bowles Joseph A. malleable iron 25 Orange h. 20 Division Bowles Thomas, hatter 58 Sheffield Bowman Jacob, carriage maker 50 Plan* Bowman Jane, widow of James 1 East Mechanic Bowfelinger John, machinist 29 Plane Boyce Abraham, gardener 6_Haraburg Place Boyd David, laborer 5 Beaver, Boyd Robert, oil dealer 29 Commerce Boyd Robert A! merchant Mendham, N. J. Boyd Theodore, clerk 53 Church 7 74 PIERSON'S Boyd Thomas, cooper 620 High Boyd William, blacksmith 15 Market Boyd William, laborer emquire 87 Orange Boyden Henry S. 200 Market h. 19 Clinton Boyden Lorenzo, shoe manuf 302 Broad h. 20 Orchard Boyden Obadiah S. machinist 189 Orange Boyden Otis, shoe manufacturer 200 Market h. 19 Clinton Boyden ^Seth, machinist 60 Sheffield Boyer Catharine, widow milliner ana dress m. 148 Broad Boylan Aaron, 341 Broad Boylan Brian, laborer 40 Garden Boylan David K. attorney at law 287 Broad h. 43 Colum'a Boylan Dennis, clerk 224i Broad Boylan Elizabeth, widow of Benjamin D. 29 S. Essex Boylan Eveline, widow of Aaron O. 341 Broad Boylan James, laborer 11 Rankin Boylan James B. clothier 296 Broad r. 29 South Essex Boylan James H. attorney at law 287 r. 341 Broad Boylan John, clothing store 296 Broad h. 29 S. Essex Boylan J. & J. B. clothiers 296 Broad Boylan Lawrence, clerk 224J Broad Boylan Matthew, laborer 175 Plane Boylan Patrick, tailor 46 East Kinney over railroad Boylan Thomas, laborer 34 East Kinney Boyle Charles, fruit and vegetables 3 Centre Market Boyle Cornelius, morocco dresser 171 Washington Boyle Francis, mason 12 Nesbitt Boyle Hugh, laborer 12 Van Buren Boyle Michael, laborer 16 Crane Boyle Patrick, laborer Chatham near Inneis Bozear Charles, jeweler 29 Cottage Bracht John, tailor 169 Court Brackin David, grocer 10 Shipman Brackin Hugh, laborer 27 Catharine Brackin Thomas, grocer 57 River Brackin William, mason 78 Nesbitt Bradford Joseph, plater 27 Durand Bradley Charles, mason 3 South Orange avenue Bradley David, second hand furniture 88 Bd. h. 78 Spring Bradley George, hatter 3 South Orange avenue Bradley James, hatter 85 Plane Bradley James S. tin & stoves 123 Washington Bradley John, jeweler 1 Green Bradley Joseph P. attorney and counsellor 251 Broad Bradley Rev. William, prin'l S. W. class'l seminary 7 South Bradner Wm. B. 28 Smith Bradshaw Hannah, widow of John 8 Harrison Bradshaw James, keeper railroad bridge NEWARK DIRECTORY. 75 Bradshaw Robert, currier 59 Catharine Brady Andrew, blacksmith 14 South Market Brady Barnett, shoemaker 96 Kinney Brady Bernard, filer 4 Columbia . Brady James, grocer Chatham c. Warren Brady James, morocco dresser 29 Searing Brady Jane, widow 238 Mulberry Brady John, laborer 25 Ogden Brady John, laborer 1 North Broad Brady John, morocco dresser 29 Searing Brady Mary, widow of Francis 70 Boston Brady Mary, widow of Patrick 59 Mechanic Brady Michael, blacksmith 14 South Market Brady Michael, laborer 10 Van Buren Brady Nancy, 9 Pennsylvania avenue Brady Patrick, laborer 11 Adams Brady Patrick, harness maker 8 Pearl Brady Peter, laborer 8 South Canal Brady Philip, morocco dresser 29 Searing Brady Philip, fidler 12 Sheffield Brady Thomas, morocco dresser 29 Searing Bragaw Abraham, 31 Broad Bragaw Elias, hat mfr. 3 Railroad avenue h. 39 Commerce Bragaw John, patent leather 117 Washington h. 13 Park PI Brainard George, shoemaker 69 Springfield avenue Brambach Ignatz, harness mfr. 85 Catharine Brandes Charles, blacksmith 87 Tichenor Brandos Francis, tailor 136 Newark Brandley John, tailor 120 Springfield avenue Brandley Lucas, lock manufacturer 178 Bank Branigan James, malleable iron 146 Academy Branigan'John, gardener 12 Cherry Brannan Catharine, widow ef Thomas 87 Bank Brannan John, india rubber 87 Bank Brannan Thomas, laborer 1 North Broad Brannen Jas. A. coach mfr. 30 Lumber h. 9 Front Brant Albert, jeweler 16 Scott Brant David O. trunk maker California 44 Bank Brant Elliott, shoemaker 81 Plane Brant John M. hat manufacturer 326 Bread h. 44 Bank Brant Julia, widow of Isaac, 44 Bank Brant Richard, carpenter 29 Academy Brant Stewart, coach lamp painter 46 Church Brant Susan, widow of Samuel 121 Mulberry c. Green Brant William, tailor 198 Washington Brantzgam Henry, coachsmith 72 Court Brann Lewis, physician 31 North Canal Brassell Jshn, saddler 22 Halsey 76 PIERSON'S Bread Adrian, comb maker 34 Walnut Ere Jacob, jeweler 16 Scott Breese Augustus, teamster 14 James Breese John, carpenter 134 Washington Breese Thomas, machinist 323 Broad h. 99 Mulberry Breintnall John H. H. 320 High Breintnall Sophia A. widow of Rev. Thomas 320 High Bremmer William, trunk maker 676 Broad Brenton Elizabeth, widow of Peter 17 Cross Brenton Henry, machinist 17 Cross Brestman John, 29 West Brett Eliza, 330 Mulberry Brett John, trunk maker 60 South Brett Nelly, widow 330 Mulberry Brett Patrick, clerk 104J Academy Brewer Henry, carpenter 34 Arch Brice John, 49 Lawrence Brick Nicholas) laborer 8 Adams Brickner Andrew, tailor c. Up. Jefferson & Springfield av. Bridle Geor r - >, shoemaker 60 Court Briggs John H. currier 507 High Briggs Russel D. shoe manufacturer 246 High Bright Albert, jeweler 18 Ferry Bright James, bakery SB Commerce Bright Julius, watch maker 102 Market Bright T. clocks and watches 102 Market Brill John, gardener 220 Point Lane Brinsmade Rev. Horatio N. D. D. pastor 3d Chh. 413 Broad ' Brintzinghoffer John, segar maker 374 Broad h. 22 Walnut Brintzinghoflfer W. A. tobacconist 374 Br'd h. 25 Orchard Brislen James, laborer 79 Court Brislen Michael laborer 30 Norfolk Brislen Michael, laborer 48 Bloomfield avenue Brison David, Milhittt, N. J. Brison Philip, 44 Hedges Alley Brison Robert, laborer 54 Broad Brison William, laborer 140 Chestnut Bristman John, tailor 29 West Brittain John, hatter 171 Plane Britten John S. painter 51 Commerce Brittin Alfred B- Bridgeport, Conn. Brittin John A. express agent 6 Catharine Brixner Jacob, colhr maker 18 Augusta Broadbent John, machinist 131 Orange Broadbent Sidney, machinist 116 State Broadley Thomas, moulder 42 Richmond Broa<3rick Michael, carpenter 16 Cherrv Broad well Wickliffe G, morocco foot Garden h. . Town NEWARK DIRECTORY. Brock John D. hatter 279 High Brockhurt Bodley, jeweler 4 East Green Brockman George H. lace weaver 104 Church Brocksmit C, H. engraver 320 r. 366 Broad Brogan Michael, laborer 1 Gallagher's Court firokaw Albert, tailor 48 Bleeker Bromage Henry, blacksmith 14 Summit Bromby Thomas, currier 18 Pluin Brook Edmund, fisherman 3 Bleeker Brook Thomas, fisherman 30 Academy Brookhouse Margaret, 6 Halsey Brooks Abraham, mason 21 Morris &. E. R. R. avenue Brooks James H. machinist 24 Summit Brophy John, morocco dresser 29 Searing Brophy John, confectioner 39 Mechanic Brounn $ Baldwin, platers, sad. hardware Ham. c. Bruen Brounn Peter A. plater Hamilton c. Bruen h. 24 Ailing Browe Alfred,' lamp maker 16 Franklin Place Browe & Dougherty, lamp makers 329 Broad Browe John, machinist 16 Franklin Place Browe William, lamp maker 329 Broad h. 12 Green Browe Senr. William 16 Franklin Place Brower Abraham V. grocer 23 Columbia Brower & Day, light carriage manfs. 11 Bank Brower George M. shnemaker 269 Plane Brower Michael, Iabordr64 North Canal Brower Thomas S. trimmer 11 Bank h. 46 William Brown Albert H. 231 Plane Brown Amanda, milliner 343 Broad Brown Amanda M. 77 Bleeker Brown Archibald, currier 59 Green Brown Catharine B. widow of Samuel U. 30 Columbia Brown Charles, blacksmith 96 Walnut Brown Charles, carpenter 15 Franklin Brown Chas- (col'd) liv. stable 3 Harrison h. r. 5 August i Brown Charles E. harness maker Paterson Brown Christian, ale house 3 William Brown Cyrus M. machinist 12 Division Brown Deborah A. widow of Noah 4 East River Brown Elizabeth, widow of Daniel B. Camptown road Brown George P. currier 56 Market h. 228 Plane Brown Henry L. engineer M. & E. R. R. 105 Orange Brown Isaac P. master mason 9 Franklin Place Brown Jacob, grocer 7 River Brown James, japan hat mfr. 7 Nuttman h. 188 Warren Brown James, mason 73 Plane Brown Mrs. James D. 40 South Canal Brown Job D. 8hoemaker98 Walnut 7* 78 PIERSON'S Brown John, boatman 19 East River Brown John, boatman 12 Bridge Brown John, grocer 196 Bank c. Lock Brown John S. mason 136 Kinney Brown John T. dock builder 14 E. Kinney Brown Joseph, canaler 24 Drift Brown Josiah, blacksmith 38 North Canal Brown Lewist laborer 31 Washington Brown Margaret E. 20 Baldwin Brown Mary, widow of John D. 103 Plane Brown Matthias, grocer 199 Railroad avenue Brown Michael, hatter 9 Beaver Brown Nancy, nurse 9 Longworth Brown Phebe, widow of David C. 19 Broad ' Brown Richard, mason New York n. S. Prospect Brown Robert L. carpenter 19 Augusta Brown Robert P. machinist 72 Walnut Brown Samuel (colored) rear 39 Garden Brown Samuel B. (colored) sailor 103 Mill Brown Samuel B. 492 Broad Brown Samuel P. Millviile Brown Sarah, 9 Longworth Brown Susan, widow of Abraham 8 Plum Brown Thomas, laborer 172 Bank Brown Thomas, (colored) teamster rear 37 Warren Brown Thomas, laborer 68 Boston Brown Thomas C. periodical agent 16 New , Brown Thomas E. brass founder 130 Plane Brown Valentine, spring maker 504 Rail Road avenue h, 184 South Broad Brown Warring, shoemaker 5 South Orange avenue Brown William, grocer 34 Market Brown William, trunk maker 120 Broad Brown William, cutler 609 High Brown William, gardener 71 Nesbitt Brown William, shoemaker 35 North Canal Brown William M. ornamental painter 11 Thomas Brown William Mortimer, M. p. 396 Broad c. Hill Brown William P. master mason 9 Kinney Brovvnell Josiah O. tailor 3)6 South Market Brownell Moses, tailor 316 South Market Bruen Ashbel. architect and builder Union Hill N. J. Bruen Daniel B. malleable iron mfr. 270 r. 229 Market Bruen D. B. & G. H. malleable iron mfrs. foot ef Market Bruen Edmund, carpenter 80 New Bruen Edwin, 196 Market Bruen George E. 66 Congress Bruen George H. malleable iron, Depot h. 104 Mulberry NEWARK DIRECTORY. 79 Bruen Hannah, widow of Carter 5 Union Bruen Isaac H. cooper Union Hill N- J. Bruen James D. saddler 396 Broad Bruen Jennetta, 9 Orchard Bruen John C. carpenter 61 Green Bruen Joseph H. saddler 50 Lafayette Bruen Rachel, widow of Caleb W. 6 Beecher Bruen Thomas, cabinet maker 11 Court Bruen William D. iron dealer 80 Broad h. 29 Oliver N.Y. Brundage Magdeline, 20 Green Brundage Mary, widow of Stephen 46 William Brundage William, tailor 31 Mechanic Brundell Francis, clerk 115 River r. 15 Academy Brunell Lewis, spring maker 66 Union Brunschwiler Christopher, 334 Broad Brussel Patrick, laborer 150 River Bruster Zopher, (colored) 112 Church Bryant Jacob, mason 92 Plane Bryden George, tailor 18 Mill Bryden Margaret, widow of James 15;J Lawrence Bryden Robert, coach painter 27 Lafayette Buchanan James, cutter 216 Broad Buchsbaum Henry, jeweler r. 175 Rail Road avenue Buck Jr. Chas. N. merchant 146 Front N. Y. Jersey City Buck Samuel L. 198 Market Buckbee Ritchason, hat manufacturer 63 Bieeker Buckler William, currier 184 Plane Buckley Joanna, widow of David Murray n. South, Broad Bucknall & Co. dry goods 172 Broad Bucknall Ebenezer G. dry goods 172 Broad r. 23 Park PI. Bucknall Misses, young ladies' seminary 23 Park Place Bucknall Samuel, 23 Park Place Bucknall Samuel R. merchant Philadelphia 23 Park Place Budd Andrew, japanner 80 New Budd Ann M. widow of Joseph 18 Parker Budd Hannah, widow of Joseph 12 Academy Budd Smith, blacksmith 20 East Mechanic Budd Thomas B. carpenter 19 Cross Buddington William, paper carrier 18 Plum Buffinger Charles, locksmith 20 Norfolk Bull James P. walch maker 262 Broad h. 50 Plane Bullivant Charles, shoemaker 42 Richmond Bullivant John, shoemaker 304 Market Bullivant Josiah, shoemaker 13 Bank Bullivant Josiah, shoemaker 19 Rankin Bullivant William, shoemaker 19 Rankin Bullivaot William, shoemaker 103J Broad Bulthaupt Matthias, tailor rear 105 William 80 PIERSON'S Banning Phebe C. Mrs 636 Broad Bunting John C. New York h. 10 Clinton Buntigeel Frederick, shoemaker 21 Augusta Bunyan John, (colored) teamster 24 Quarry Bunyan Sarah, dressmaker 21 Quarry Buoy John, moulder 503 High Buoy Robert, moulder 503 High Burchell William, founder 45 Nesbitt Burden Richard, carrier 15 Fair Burgess John, tailor 217 Washington Burgess Patrick, tailor 30 Catharine Burgesser Henry, shoemaker foot East River Burke Edward, tow path boss New c. Searing Burke Frederick, pedler 23 Charlton Burke Peter, 236 High Burnellis Body, 25 Fair Burnet Abner B. paper carrier 18 Fair Burnet A n etta M- widow of Aaron L. 355 Broad Burnet Benjamin, baker 5 Bank Burnet Caroline, 1 Park Church Place Burnet Catharine, widow of William 2 Ward Burnet Jr. Daniel, japanner 53 Spring Burnet Edward G. patent leather 117 Wash. r. 355 Broad Burnet Elijah D. cloth store 137 Market h. 133 Wash'tn Burnet Henry, 23 Walnut Burnet Jacob H. stationer 59 Wall N. Y h. 408 Broad Burnet James, shoemaker 65 West Burnet James H. lumber merchant 23 Walnut Burnet Jr. James H. lumber merchant 23 Walnut Burnet James H. box m. Ham. c. McWhorter h. 23 Walnut Burnet & Sons James H. lumber mer. 17 Commercial Burnet John, iron founder 41 Orange Burnet Lewis M. blacksmith 15 Bridge Burnet Lewis W. select school 50 Catharine Burnet Lindsley, spring maker 506 R. R av. h. 184 S. Bd Burnet L. Monroe, shoemaker 89 Catharine Burnet Nancy, widow of Smith 4 Clinton Burnet Peter S. patent leather Newark n. Sussex avenue Burnet Stephen S. patent ploughs 17 h. 19 Bridge Burnet Thomas, baker 12 Bank Burnet Timothy, butcher Clinton township Burnet Walter D. lumber merchant 23 Walnut Burnet William, spring maker 40 Lawrencce Burnet William H. pattern maker 19 Bridge Burnett Charlotte, widow of Benjamin 30 State Burnett Ogden R. shoe cutter 372 Broad r. 116 Orchard Burnes Andrew, blacksmith 164 Washington Burns Bridget, widow of John 254 High NEWARK DIRECTORY. 81 Burns Christie, laborer 83 Oxford Burns Daniel, laborer 127 Nesbitt Burns David, 16 Spring Burns Dennis, laborer 124 Lock Burns James, currier 90 River Burns John, shoemaker 20 Plum Burns Lawrence, 146 Academy Burns Michael, masen 180 Court Burns Michael, laborer 168 South Market Burns Michael, laborer 177 Quarry Burns Michael, tanner 7 Stephens Court Burns Miles, tanner 7 Stephens Court Burns Patrick ; boatman 18 River Burns Patrick, well digger 51 Jefferson Burns Patrick, laborer 100 Inness Burns Patrick, laborer 42 Plane Burns Timothy, morocco dresser 163 Washington Burrage John F. attorney at law 251 Bd. h. 64 Union Burrage Michael, wood turner 30 Union Burrage Sarah Ann, widow of John S. 64 Union Burrall John, spring maker 19 Lafayette Burras Silas C. harness maker 7 North Lawrence Burrell Aaron H. builder 55 Liberty Burroughs Edward, attorney at law 277 High Burroughs Joseph, fur blower Inclined plane h. 277 High Burroughs Mary Q. widow of Rev. Wm. H. 45 Bridge Burrows John, foreman chemical works 22 E. River Bursch Charles P. grocer 4 h. 2 River Burster Evo, clerk 160 Broad Burt Samuel C. tailor 62 New Burt Theodore, japanner 175 Mulberry Burt hose manufacturer 41 North Prospect Burtchell David, malleable iron 116 William Burtchell Pendegrass, widow of Peter 46 Broad Burtis Ann E. tailoress 7 Cottage Bush Aaron J. tobacconist 22 h. 24 Fair Bush A. & G. tobacconists 22 Fair Bush David H. laborer 26 Kinney Bush George, tobacconist 22 h. 24 Fair Bush Jacob, agent 8 Catharine Bush John A. moulder 80 Orange Bush Mary, widow of John H. 63 Orange Bush William C. tailor Richmond n- Bank. * Buttle Elizabeth, tailoress 47 Monroe Buttle John, trimmer 16 Lafayette Buttle Robert D. sash and blind manuf. 1 Willow Buttler James, india rubber 1 Hedges Alley Button Henry, machinist 3 Rail Road avenue 82 PIERSON'S Butts Phillip, tailor 302 Broad h. 161 Mulberry Butz Phillip, blacksmith 561 Ferry Butz William, saddler 15 Franklin Byer Maria, widow of Christopher 91 William Byers John, mason 140 Elm Byington William C, saddler Philadelphia Byrnes James, shoemaker 65 West Byrnes Lucas, hatter 132 Kinney Byrnes Margaret, widow of William 132 Kinney Byrnes Owen, laborer 13 Prince Byrnes Richard S. hatter 132 Kinney Byson James, weaver 28 Park C. Cabot Charles, cooper 77 Orange Caden Michael, 2 Stiles Cadmus George, watch case turner Hedenbrg's h. 76 Bank Cadmus Halmagh, 204 Plane Cadmus Stephen, New York 111 Commerce Cadwell Lavi, broom manufacturer 4 South Broad Caffrey Ann, widow of Patrick l&l Court Caffrey Edward, tool maker 92 Plane Caffrey James, hatchet & shear mf 333 Bd. H. 29 Wa rren Caffrey Owen, grocer 44 Mulberry Caffrey & White, hatchet 4- shear manuf. rear 333 Broad Cahill Dennis, ship carpenter 8 Plume Cahill Elizabeth A. dress maker 8 Plume Cahill Hugh, 30 Drift Cahill James, laborer 22 Brown Cahill John, bit & stirrup maker 66 Congress Cahill Patrick, grocer Bank upper end Cahill Patrick, laborer 88 (Quarry Cain Patrick, laborer 26 Centre Cairns James, 2 Stiles Cairns John, india rubber Newark n. Sussex avenue Cairns Samuel, grocer 528 High h. 127 Orange Cairns Samuel R. grocer 528 High h. 127 Orange Cairns Robert, 222 Broad Cairns William W. carpenter 127 Orange Calame August, engraver 12 Scott Calderwood David, shoemaker 516 High Calderwpod^Thomas, shoemaker 516 High Caldwell David, gold melter 319 Rail Road avenue Caldwell Elizabeth, widow 28 James Caldwell George, boiler maker 27 River Caldwell Sarah, 28 James Calihan Bridget, widow of Phillip 380 Rail Road avenue Calihan Jane, 112 New Calihan Lawrence, shoemaker 625 High NEWARK DIRECTORY. 83 Calihan Michael, blacksmith 625 High Callagan John, tailor 90 Broad Callahan James, carpenter 1 88 Bank Callaway Anna M. widow of Christopher 33 Market Callaway Frederick, sash and blind maker 33 Market Callaway & Co. F. sash and blind manufrs. 4 Comes Callen Josiah, currier 21 Court c. Church Callen Patrick, laborer 528 High Callery Laughlin, well digger 44 Union Gallery Mary, widow of James 50J Union Calwin John, hatter 9 Green Camfield David J. livery stable 158 h. 170 Washington Camfield Jabez H. 170 Washington Camfield Joanna B. 453 Broad Camfield John P- moulder 63 Orange Camm John, brass turner and manufactuf er* of powder flasks, patent shot belts, &c. 75 M. & E. R. R. ave Camp Bruen H. 4 South Broad Camp Caleb H- Franklin Square, Clinton New Jersey Camp James E. looking glass mf. 59 Warren h. 177 B'd. Camp John J. chair maker 477 h. 481 Broad Camp John P. coach trimmer 48 Columbia Camp Noah, picture frame maker 55 William Camp Rebecca, widow of Aaron 4 South Broad Camp William Henry, merchant 164 Bd- r. Park House Campbell Abner, looking glass manuf. 125 h. 63 Market Campbell Calvin, shoemaker 22 Halsey Campbell Charles, merchant tailor 320 Broad h. 217 Plane Champbell Charles G. looking glass manuf. 125 h 63 Mar. Campbell &Co. Charles G. looking glass mfrs. 125 Market Campbell & Crane, tobacconist 117 Broad 4- CaldwellN. J. Campbell David, tobacconist 117 h. 119 Broad Campbell David T. tailor 150 Mulberry Campbell Edward H. sexton 2d Pres. Church 70 Spring Campbell Isaac, cloth cutter iSOMuberry Campbell James, laborer 82 Catharine Campbell John, boot crimper 110 Washington Campbell John, (col'd) oyster house 16 Academy Campbell John, tailor 316 Plane Campbell John C. 38 Clinton Campbell John M. carpenter 13 River Campbell John W. blacksmith 3 Ferry Campbell Mary, widow of Lewis L. C. 163 Plane Campbell Owen, stone cutter 157 Ferry Campbell Thomas, (col'd) laborer 120 William Campfield Aaron B. 359 Broad Campfield Alexander, hoes &c. 5 Railroad av. 5 Hamilton Campfield Alfred W. 22 South c. Orchard 84 PIERSON'S Campfield Charlotte M. widow of Dr. Abraham 287 Broad Campfield David, carpenter 136Kinney Campfield Edward, bookbinder 250 Broad h. 10 Maiden L. Campfield Enos B. carpenter 260 Plane Campfield Henry B. blacksmith 31 Commerce Campfield Jackson, saddletree maker 26 Souta Canal Campfield Joseph A. tinner 287 Broad Campfield Mahlon, 359 Broad Campfield Rachael, boarding house 31 Commerce Campfield Robert B. 359 Broad Campfield Jr. Robert B. M. D. California 287 Broad Campfield Jr. Rev. Robert B. 21 Chestnut Canal Mills, old Bloomfield Road n. Canal Canfield Albert W. clothier 141 Market h. 10 Centre Canfield Davui E. builder enquire 36 William Canfield Elias, painter EHzabethtewn Road Canfield Elizabeth, wid. of Nath. boarding h. 15 Lafayette Canfield Henry C. 36 Bank Canfield Jacob, cabinet maker 187 Academy Canfield James E. tailor 9 Ward Canfield Jasper D. shoemaker 77 Orchard Canfield Joseph, jeweler 80 Mulberry Canfield Moses, jeweler California 43 Mechanic Canfield Stephen E. hoes, &c. 5 Railroad ave. h. 138 Ehn Canfield & Co. S. E. hammers A hatchets 5 Railroad ave- Canfield Theodore, hatter Philadelphia Canfield Thomas, painter 108 Elizabethtown Road Canfield Uzal J. farmer Elizabethtown Road Canfield Warren, saddler 36 Bank Canfield Wheelock, blacksmith 3 Green Canfield William, 31 Lawrenc* Cann Albert G. cutter 157 Mulberry Cann William A. cutter 284 Broad h. 44 Green Canniff William H. carriage manuf. 62 Boston Cansler William W. paper hangings 196 Broad h 123 Wash Cardiff Mary, widow of James 2 Washington Alley Cardiff Samuel, shoemaker 22 Wra. h. 3 Wash. Alley Carl Adam, 33 Durand Carl John, coach maker 61 Market Carl Samuel, painter 56 Quarry Carlan Owen, 19 Boudinot Carlan Patrick, patent leather 52 Inness Carll John F. daily Eagle 295 Broad r. 97 Columbia Carlton Frederick A. trunk maker 30 Bridge Carlton Phebe A. boarding house 20 Camfield Carman , steam saw mill foot Clay Carman Hannah M. carpet bags 26 Summit Carman Mary L. 10 Park NEWARK DIRECTORY. 85 Carman Melancthon F. 26 Summit Carmer Albert R. mer tailor 252 Broad h. 48 Plane Carmer Isaac R. mansion house Belleville Carpenter William, jeweler 5 Orchard Carr David S. saddler 17 Hill Carr Elizabeth, nurse 110 Washington Carr Hester, widow 257 Plane Carr James, shoemaker 66 Plane Carr John, laborer 68 Plane Carr John, teamster rear 127 Nesbitt Carr John S. harness maker 217 Washington Carr Margery, widow nurse 4 Commerce Carr Phillip, shoemaker 27 Baldwin Carr Robert, 128 Warren Carr William, laborer rear 127 Nesbitt Carr William N. attorney at law 297 Broad h. 257 Plane Carrick Charles, japanner 4 Stephen's Court Carrick John, laborer 3 East Mechanic Carriff Ellis, carpenter 35 Camp Carrington James M. 427 Broad Carrington James N. dry goods 222 Broad h. 68 Halsey Carrington Luther G. auctioneer 23 Platt New York Carrington & Sayre, dry goods 222 Broad Carroll Hugh, currier 34 Mercer Carroll John, laborer c. Grand and South Orange avenue Carroll Lawrence, currier 5 Halsey's Court Carter Jr. Aaron, jeweler 1 Green h. 450 Broad Carter Amos K. spoke mfr. Phoenix works h. 66 Warren Carter Anthony H. carpenter 1 Clay Carter Charles A. clerk Phoenix works 140 Mulberry Carter Cyrus, carpenter 24 Bank Carter Edward, civil engineer 154J Market h. 23 Bruen Carter Elizabeth, 369 Broad Carter Frederick, jeweler 208 Railroad avenue Carter George, Pompton Plains Carter Horace, saddler 38 Smith Carter James J. saddler 369 Broad Carter Lucas, blacksmith 72 h. 4 Clay Carter Phebe, widow of Sheffield 103 Academy Carter & Pierson, jewelers 1 Green Carter Sawyer, coach trimmer 117 Mulberry Carter Theodore G. plater 317 Railroad avenue Carter Uzal, shoemaker Boyden n. Orange Cartledge James, beer maker 14 Fair Carwin Bridget, widow of John 183 Plane Gary Henry, coachsmith 196 Mulberry Gary Lewis A. silver plater 151 Mulberry Case Edward W. shoemaker 41 Market 8 86 PIERSON'S Case Elizabeth, nurse 19 Boudinot Case Philip, laborer 16 Montgomery Case Sylvester P. 26 Ward Case Warren, saddler 171 Mulberry Case Warren Y. jeweler 41 Market , Casey Barney, 15 Church Casey Catharine, dress maker 37 Nesbitt Caspen Michael, 22 Market Cass David, 294 Broad r. 1 Park Church Place Cassady Lewis, 2 North Essex Casselman Van Renssalaer, 1 Franklin Place Casterline Benjamin M. 2 Ferry c South Market Casterline Mulford W. grocer 2 Ferry c. South Market Castle Ambrose, Ridge c Crane Castle James, Ridge c. Crane Castle John, laborer 1(T7 Quarry Castle Samuel, Ridge c. Crane Castle Thomas, tailor 37 Broom Castles Thomas, malleable iron 29 New h. 12 Crane Castner Charles, shoemaker 4 Nichols' Court Castner Sarah, widow of Rev. Jacob R. 53 Orchard Casto Joseph, saddler 226J Plane Caudle Frederick, surgeon 133 Academy Caughlin John, stone cutter 157 Ferry Caul Phillip, varnish maker C76 Broad Cavanauyh James, laborer 32 Soulh Market Cavanaugh John, carpenter 180 Court Cawaline Charles, jeweler 101 Liberty Chadwick Daniel, japanner 24 Bridge Chadwick John, patent leather 34 Front h- 2i Washington Chadwick & Co. John, patent leather 34 Front Chadwick Margaret, uidow of Thos. oyster h. 74 Mulberry Chadwick Samuel, 21 Washington Chamberlain Hannah, widow.15 South Canal Chamberlain Isaac, oysters '*-'47 Broad h. I Comes Chamberlain Samuel, urocer 167 Warren Chambers Matthew, tallow chandler 34 Mechanic Chambers Thomas, harness maker 166 Washington Champenise Isaac, jeweler 16 Walnut Chandler Albert, Park house Chandler Elizabeth, widow of Lewis 696 Broad Chandler Isaac N. engraver 101 Halsey Chandler James, 696 Broad Chandler Job, clerk 106 Broad h. 48 Plane Chandler Rev. John, 12 Commerce Chandler John J. clerk mechanic's bank 12 Commerce Chandler John J. rule maker 5 Mulberry Chandler Mary. wid. of David D. Park house 27 Park pi- NEWARK DIRECTORY. 87 Chandler Marquis, collar maker 136 Kinney Chandler Mason, saddler Winsboro, S. C. 14 Court Chandler Nathaniel, Park house Chandler Thomas C dry goods 284 Broad h. 97 Halsey Chandler William C. chair maker 696 Broad Chaplain Charles L. spoke manuf. Phoenix works Chapman James, wood turner 1 12 Mulberry Chapman William, currier 356 Broad Charles Anthony, wheelwright 16 Boyden Charles Petchie, grinder rear 86 Qurry Charles William, laborer 4 Stephens' Court Charles William, laborer 41 Ogden Charlton John, tool maker 24 Bleeker Charlton Richard, weaver 3-3 Mercer Chase Sidera, prin. Wesleyan Institute 191 Washington Chase William, shoemaker 23 Kinney Chatman Alexander, mason 57 State Chatman Robert, patent leather 21 Nesbitt Chavantre Alexander, 4 Pear Alley Cheak Henry, tailor 29 Plume Chedister Lesbia H. teacher 290 Washington Chedwick Mary Ann, widow of Francis B. 13 Ferry Cherry George, culler 16 Fair Cherry William, house painter 16 Fair Chetwood John, attorney & couns. California Chetwood John J. attorney $ couns. h. Elizabetktown N.J. Chevalier Anthony A. shingle shaver 44 Jefferson Chevalier C E. jeweler 451 Broad h. 48 Kinney Chezman George, coach trimmer 25 Chestnut Chibley John, carpenter 35 Camp Chidester Gertrude, widow of Simeon B. 185 Washington Chidester Guy M. carpenter 15 Hill Chidester Robert Y. brick laver 31 Commerce Chilcoat Hannah, widow of John 34 Fair Chilcoat John R. coach maker 34 Fair Chollet John H goldsmith 1 East Green Christie Abraham, carpenter 94 Kinney Christie Hannah, trimmer 44 Quarry Christie James, 529 Ferry Christie John, (col'd) 39 Garden Christie -Morris R. 52 Mulberry Christie Sarah, widow of Alexander 529 Ferry Christie Thomas. 13 Court Christly Michael, laborer 12 Madison Christmann Charles, tailor 1 Nichols Court Christmann Michael, tailor 15 Walnut . Christopher John, 3 Warren Church Thomas, tailor 173 Plane PIERSON'S Cipher John, harness maker 1 1 Rankin Claig Sarah, widow of John 23 Liberty Clancy John, laborer 38 Bloomfield avenue Clancy Michael, carpenter II Goble Clancy Patrick, carpenter 230 Mulberry Clark Aaron, bootmaker 95 William Clark Aaron T. hatter 146 State Clark Abraham, plater 13 Lawrence Clark Abraham, shoe manufacturer 224 Plane Clark Charles B. teacher 101 Orange Clark Cornelius, carriage trimmer 148 Mulberry Clark Daniel T. clerk 271 Broad h. 17 Park Clark E. M. daguerrian 131 Market h, 50 Lafayette Clark George, morocco dresser 100 Bank Clark George, jeweler 135 Elm Clark George, (colored) laborer 145 Warren Clark George W. stoves &c. 2 h. l9j Commerce Clark Henry, (colored) 1 1 Colden Clark Henry H. ship carpenter 19J Commerce Clark James, mason 31 Baldwin Clark James, printer 39 North Canal Clark James, plater 12 Arch Clark James, coach maker 80 Plane Clark James H. coach ma'uer Piermont N. Y. Clark James Henry, M.D. office and h. 228 Bioad c. Cedar Clark John, painter 32 Garden Clark John, laborer 20 Lon^worth Clark John, conch maker 379 High Clark John, painter 116 Ferry Clark Jr. John, coach maker 133 Mulberry Clark John D. shoemaker 11 Hill Clark John H. plater 102 h. 118* Plane Clark Leroy, machinist SPieisnn's Alley Clark Letitia, widow 48 Hedges Alley Clark Mary, widow of James H. 17 Park Clark Mary, widow of Peter 36 Mulberry Clark Peter, (colored) waiter rear ]6 Cherry Clark Robert, plater 121 Plane Clark Robert, teamster Orleans n. Nesbit Clark Samuel, painter 298 Washington Clark Samuel W. teacher P S. No. 5, 29 South Prospect Clark Sarah, widow of Daniel S. 298 Washington Clark Stephen, clerk 92 Plane Clark Stephen F. turner 13 Broad Clark Terrence, laborer 53 Broad Clark Thomas, waiter 356 Broad Clark Thomas, quarryman 99 Quarry Clark Thomas, boarding house 13 Catharine NEWARK DIRECTORY. 89 Clark William H. California 17 Bank Clark William S. coach smith 8 Camfield Clark William, S. B. 64 New Clarkson Thomas, carpenter 80 Jones Clarkson William, frame work knitter 107 Prospect Place Clary Dennis, chemical works 96 E. River Classon Augustus, carpet weaver 58 Grand Clawson William, mason 166 Court Claydon William, whip maker 87 Halsey Clayton Gifford F. segar maker 2 Garrabrant's Court Clayton John, cutler 112 State Clayton Mary, widow of Joseph R. S. Prospect c. Kinney Clear Michael, gardner 685 Plane Clearman Lewis A., tool mfr. Frank. Factory 124 Broad Clearman Maria, widow of Daniel 6 Front Clearman Peter S. saddler 198 Market Clearman Thomas D. hatter 6 Front Cleaver James D. attorney at law 314 Broad h- 54 Com. Cleaver John, currier 54 Commerce Cleaver William H. 54 Commerce Clegg Edmond C. hatter 35 Thomas Clegg Sarah, widow 5t William Clek John, brass founder 44 Mulberry Clement Michael, laborer 119 Washington Clements Henry, hatter 4 Columbia Clements Henry T. fancy store 155 Orange Clerk's office, court house head of Market Cleveland Ezra, shoe store 28 h. 26 New Cleveland Wil'iam H. trunk manufacturer 360 Broad Clewney John, hatter 43 Bridge Clinchard Bruno, file cutter 50 h. 52 Mechanic Clintock Matthias, livery stable 9 William h. 7 Fair Clintock William R. saddler 122 Broad Clinton Mutual Insurance Co. Library Hall 115 Market Clinton William, piano tuner 196 Broad Closson S; A. dress maker 2 Nesbitt's court Clough W. T. passaic chemical works h 44 East River Clow Jacob, currier 169 Plane Clume Janet, seamstress 24 Centre Cluss Peter H shoemaker 237 Plane Clyman Edward, segar maker 94 Mulberry Coady John, chemical works 75 East River Coates Eliza, widow of Joseph S 21 Boudinot Cobb Abraham, carman 1 Comes Cobb Alexander F. 290 Washington Cobb Elias W. grocer 7 Broad Cobb George M. clerk 7 Broad Cobb George T. iron merchant 80 Broad N. Y. h. /. City 90 PIERSON'S Cobb Jacob, harness ornaments 34 Mechanic Cobb John E- currier 22 Marshall Cobb William A. builder Wash. Alley h. 121 Kinney Coburn Jonathan, shingle shaver 26 Ailing Coburn Thomas, currier 6 Halsey's court Cochran Emily B. widow of Rev. Thomas 34 Columbia Cochran Thomas J. carriage maker Brooklyn Cochran William H. shoemaker 62 Bleeker Cochrane Mary, vvidcw of Peter 57 Academy Coddington Jonathan, copper smith 41 North Canal Cody Patrick, grocer 187 Rail Road avenue Coe Aaron, real estate dealer 155 High Coe Abby, widow of Halsted 172 Market Coe Catharine, widow of Isaac 77 Court n. High Coe George V. master mason 81 Court Coe James, (colored) 13 Prince Coe Joseph D. turner 167 High Coe Moses B. assessor 165 High Coe Sarah, widow of Sayres 63 Court Coe William R tailor 551 High Goes Samuel B. grocer 48 Fair r. 120 Mulberry Coeyman Henry G. jeweler 122 Union Coffee Michael, laborer 99 Union Coffield Hugh, cooper 30 South Bridge Coffield Thomas, 29 Fair Cogan Bridget, widow washing 42 Union Cogan Charles H 324 High Cogan David A. justice 69 Market h. 324 High Coggins John, laborer 13 Searing Colbath Mary M. dress maker 8 Lafayette Colhurn A. G. Pliny A. G. M. D , D. D. s. 269 Broad Colburn George F. J. dentist 269 Broad Colburn & Son, surgeon dentists 269 Broad Colby Johnson, shoemaker 23 1 Washington Cole James D. carpenter Boyden n Orange Cole John, hatter 54 William Cole John R. bootmaker 18 Bridge Coleman Asher, coachmakor 133 Washington Coleman Barnabus M. saddler 48 Fair Coleman Charles, tanner 8 Shipman Coleman James, laborer 43 Lush Coleman Thomas, currier 12 William Coleman William, blacksmith 16 Spring Coles Abraham, M. D. 172 Market Coles Abraham, japanner Boyden c. State Coles Catharine, widow of Dennis 172 Market Coles D. B. grocer 22 Hamilton Coles John, needle manuf. 7 Nuttman h. 88 Warren Coles Susan, boarding house 122 Orange NEWARK DIRECTORY. 91 Colie James H. shoemaker 188 Plane Collard James, wheelwright 30 Quarry Collard Peter, saddler 83 Catharine Collinger Lawrence, butcher 112 Church Collin John P. grocer 43 Academy Collins Barrant W. 100 Broad Collins Daniel, gardner Orleans n, Nesbitt Collins David, shoe manuf. 141 Mulberry c. Franklin Collins Edward G. tailor 34 Market h. 7 Division Place Collins Florence, shoemaker 32 M. & E. Rail R. avenue Collins George, cap front maker 604 High Collins Henry, halter 6-25 High Collins James, blacksmith 259 Plane Collins James, hatter 204 Academy n. Lock Collins John, (col'd) barber rear 167 Warren Collins Michael, tanner 211 Bank Collins Patrick, laborer 25 Oxford Collin Richard, farmer 75 East River Collins Sarah, washing 3 East Mechanic Collon Patrick, currier 174 Plane Collyer James, spring maker 27 Green Collyer John, carpenter 28 Ferry Collyer Oscar F. carpenter 42 Ferry Collyer Samuel C. builder 110 McWhorter h. 22 E. Mec. Collyer Theodore, carpenter 114 McWhorter Collyer Thomas, carriage smith 9 Fair h. 9 Oak Colon Elizabeth, widow of Peter 10 Plume Colon George U. ship carpenter 10 Plume Colon Joseph P. shipwright 10 Plume Colon Peter, ship carpenter 10 Plume Colton Chester W. jeweler 397 Broad Colton Daniel J- jeweler 36 Franklin r. 407Broad Colton Jr. Demas, jeweler 36 Franklin r. 397 Broad Colton Jr. & Co. Demas, jewelers 36 Franklin Colver John, tailor 151 Elm Colwell Israel D. coachmaker 34 Elm Colyer Joseph, blacksmith 36 Harrison h. 21 Bleeker Colyer Richard, jeweler 356 Broad Comb John, jeweler 15 Walnut Combs Eliud B. stone cutter 211 Plane Combs Israel W. South 120 Summit c. Canal Combs Richard N. 120 Summit c. Canal Combert Jacob, ta'lor 207 Bank Commisky James, tailor 14 Clay Common Council chamber 115 Market Commos Hester A. dress maker 109 Broad Commos John, rope maker 25 North Essex Compton Ambrose S. ice dealer 161 Commerce 92 PIERSOS'S Compton George, ice dealer, ice cream gardens, families, parties, &c. supplied cheap 1 River Compton John, composition roofer 1 South Market Compton John, (col'd) laborer 87 Baldwin Compton Robert, hatter 69 Orange Compton Ruth, widow of Joseph 1 South Market Compton William, livery stable 160 h. 178 Market Comstock John, grinder 222 Bank Condict Elizabeth, widow of Ebenezer 36 Bank Condict, Horton & Co. saddlers &c 207 Market Condict Stephen H. saddler 207 Market h. 24 Smith Condin Hugh, laborer 18 Longworth Condit Albert P. law student 228 r. 382 Broad Condit Amzi, coach maker 49 Boston Condit & Bowles, malleable cast iron foundry 25 Orange Condit Charles H. coachbody maker 70 Kinney Condit Daniel, 25 Onnge h. 137 Broad Condit Ezra F. spokt turner 1 Comes Condit Henry D. shoetn. Crane road to Orange above First Condit Tsr^ol D. hat body manufacturer Mitloille N. J. Condit Joel W. grocer 176 Broad h. 11 Park Place Condit , widow of John S. Lodiover the River Condit Rev. Jonathan B. pastor 2d Chh. 12 Lombardy Condit Lewis N. 3 Park Place Condit Lydia, nurse 70 Kinney Condit Martha, widow of Peter 21 Park Condit Moses H. builder rear 116 h. 120 Plane Condit Nathan, shoemaker 6 New Condit Phebe, widow of Ichabod 39 Commerce Condit & Pool-Joel W. grocers wholesale and retail 176 Broad c. New Condit Robert S. beer maker 138 Plane Condit Silas, 3 Park Place Condit WickliffS. clerk 104 Market h 186 Plane Condit William H. shoemaker 18 Summit Condon Luke, blacksmith rear 80 Orange Condon Joseph, machinist 133 Quarry Condon Michael, blacksmith rear 80 Orange Condry Michael, mason 150 Lock Cone Alexander G. hatter 75 Union Cone Erastns, saddler 30 Orchard Cone Thomas B. saddler New York Cone Walter N. saddler 22 Ferry Congar Bruen H. silver plater 418 Broad Congar Catharine, 115 Broad Congar David, 23 Fair Congar Hannah, widow of Samuel 414 Broad Congar Horace N. attorney at law 312 Broad h. 23 Fair NEWARK DIRECTORY. 93 Congar Irad, patent leather 15 Hill c. Church Congar James, edge tool rafr. rear 333 r. 115 Broad Congar James B. grocer 59 Mulberry h. 23 Fair Congar John P. edge tool mfr 60 Hamilton h. 115 Broad Congar Mary, widow of Horace 15 Orchard Congar Samuel H coach painter 414 Broad Congar Stephen, M. D. 23 Fair Congel Lawrence, engineer 40 Spring Conger Alfred, New York Conger Charles H. edge tool maker 47 State Conger Ellison, tallow chandler 100 Market Conger John, edge tool maker 6 North Essex Conger Judson, clerk 329 Broad r. 100 Market Conklin Abraham, plater 2 1 Liberty Conklin Daniel, blacksmith shop Commerce n. railroad h. 31 South Essex Conklin Daniel F. carpenter 31 South Essex Conklin George, mason 5 Cottage Conklin James T. spiing maker 49 Mechanic Conklin Thomas S. blacksmith 44 Bleeker Conkling James L. engineer 77 Union Conkling John N. book keeper 77 Union Conkling Sarah, widow of Jonathan 77 Union Conley Jamas, tailor 10 Summit Conley Rachel, widow of James 22 Centre Conlin Garret, hatter 129 Nesbitt Conlin John, tailor 84 Bank Conn Catharine, Newark n. Canal Conn Robert, quarryman 13 Quarry Conn Robert, laborer, 29 Lock Connell John, paver 100 Tichenor Connelly Thomas, quarryman 26 Drift Connet Luther, blacksmith 16 Thomas Connet Zenas, shoemaker 28 h. 32 Kinney Connor Bryan, laborer 13 East Fair Connor Edward, laborer c. Ferry & Union Connor James, laborer K'G Newark n. Sussex avenue Connor John, saddler 3 Stephens' Court Connor John, laborer 7 Halsey's Alley Conover Abraham, (col'd) coachman S. Meeker 104 Bank Conover Cornelius Jj. shoemaker 101 Oliver Conover Elizabeth, widow of William 15 Cherry Conover John, cooper 101 Oliver Conover William H. dentist 322 Broad Conselyea Hannah, widow of Aaron 13 Bank Conway Arthur, licensed victualler 138 Plane Conway Hugh, laborer 62 Adams Conway Margaret, matron ol the Orphan Asylum 194 High 94 PIERSON'S Coogan William, laborer 31 Oxford Cook Abraham T. (col'd) 364x Broad h. 23 Bank Cook Caroline, widow of William 63 Bank Cook Catharine, widow of Dr. Stephen B. 83 Mulberry Cook Charles, tailor 275 High Cook , wi low of Edward 16 Smith Cook Edward A. 127 Washington Cook Ellen J New above Newark Cook Ellis W. blacksmith 7 Camfield Cook Epaphras, carman 83 Bank Cook Frances, 16 Smith Cook Frederick, lace weaver 16 Fair Cook George, shoemaker 35 Union Cook George, shingle shaver 45 Prince Cook George H japanner 41 Catharine Cook Henry, coach maker 208 Railroad avenue Cook Henry B. charcoal dealer 149 Orange Cook Hiram, carpenter 98 Market Cook Isabella, tailoress 16 Kinney Cook Jabez, builder 114 Union Cook , widow of Jabez, 16 Smith opposite Pine Cook Joseph, filer 170 Court Cook Joseph C. beer house 125 Springfield avenue Cook Lindley G. carpenter enquire lOb Union Cook Mary, enquire 7 Broad Cook Peter W. 83 Bank Cook Ralph B. coach smith 15 Broad Cook Thomas, charcoal dealer 29 Ward Cook William, butcher 43 Market Cookeroo John, laborer 1 Brown Cookeroo Joseph, laborer 1 Brown Cooley Hannah, widow of W'm. O. boarding h. 64 Bleeker Coon Conrad, tailor 32 Jones Cooney John, harness maker rear 56 Union Cooper Edward, patent leather 24 Fulton Cooper Edward C. machinist 24 Fulton Cooper Enos A. saddler 108 Elm Cooper, Farrand & Co. carriage dealers Lexington, Ky. Cooper Jacob J. shoe manuf. 322 Broad h. 72 Court Cooper Jonah T. 108 Elm Cooper Lucinda, widow of Stephen 24 Fulton Cooper Mary, widow of Jonas nurse 62 Boston Cooper Nichols, shoemaker 26 McWhorter Cooper Phebe Ann, dress maket 108 Elm Cooper Stephen J coffins 36 h. 34 Plane Cooper William, nursery man Elizabelhtown Road Cooper William W. hardware 109 Broad h. 24 Fulton Cooper William W. pump manufacturer 24 Fulton NEWARK DIRECTORY. Cooper W. S. mansion house Morristown Cootee Alexander, morocco dresser 356 Broad Coovert Rebecca, widow of Henry 24 Park Cope Benjamin, collar manufacturer 6 Fair Copeman William L. P. baker 29 Academy Corbit Bridget, widow of Mark grocer Mulberry c. River Corbit Francis, farmer 18 River Corbit Rev. W. P. past. FranUin-st. church 17 Franklin Corby Benjamin H. japanner 206 Nesbitt Corby John, ship painter 27 River Corby John, carpenter 24 Lombardy Corby Richard, shoemaker 1 Love Lane Corby Silas, blacksmith helper 555 High Corby William, hatter Orleans n. Nesbiti Core Christian, widow 173 Broad Corey Andrew R. Bellemont avenue n. Court Corey Ann E. widow of Ashbel W. High n. Spruce Corey James W. hatter 27 Bleeker Corey Mary, 128 Plane Corey Samuel, forest tree setter 69 Crane Corey Thomas, lace weaver, 96 Washington Corey Wheelock, currier 69 Crane Coriell Phineas, grocer 192 Washington c. William Corn Phillip, moulder 94 Walnut Corneil John, painter 71 Ferry Corney James, painter 99 Mercer Corning Francis, hatter foot Nichols n. South Prospect Corrigan Ann, widow of Michael grocer 20 South Canal Corrigan Ann, widow of Phillip 190 South Market Corrigan Thomas, laborer 13 Halsey's alley Corrigan Thomas, grocer 147 Market Corry Daniel, shoemaker 133 Academy Corser William R. clerk 3-23 Broad r. 20 Shiprnan Corset Frederick, tailor 3 Halsey's Court Cort George, shoemaker 21 Rankin Corwin Joseph A. M. D. 38 Ferry Corwin Joshua A. harness maker 50 Lafayette Corwith Luther, carpenter 9 Plane Cory Franct-s J. widow of Jonathan Bank c. Wallace Corzene , machinist 24 Lombardy Cosgrove Henry, plater 246 Plane Cosgrove Hester, widow of Thomas 246 Plane Cosgrove John, blacksmith 246 Plane Cosier Patrick, laborer 208 Railroad avenue Coste Augustus, hatter 54 Liberty h 25 Ward Costello Charles H. hat finisher 40 Warren Costello Jeremiah, laborer 21 River Cotter Edwin F. hatter 35 Union % PIERSON'S Cotiinjrham James, 2 Congress Coughlin Daniel, blacksmith 97 Halsey h. 31 S. Essex Coughlin Daniel F. carpenter 31 South Essex Coughlin Eleanor, widow of John, 127 Kmney Coughlin George, mason 5 Collage Coughlin Mary, widow of John 107 Mulberry Coughlin Nicholas, farmer 123 Thomas Coughlin Sylvester, tanner 24 Market Coughlin William, blind maker rear 29 Halsey Coughlin Wyant, carter 193 Mulberry Couglin Joseph, shoemaker 24 kidge Coulter Walter, machinist 22 Division Coursen Mirandus E. mason 38 Garden Courier Eleazar, japanner 81 Washington Courier Isaac J. masler mason 11 Cross Courier James, 66 Calharine Courier Peter, lobacco and cigar peddler 31 Lawrence Courier Richard, mason Norlh John Courier Slephen, currier rear 97 Broad Courier Tunis, palent lealher 29 Ogden Covintree Charles W. sleamboal hotel 109 River c. Centre Cowdry ?]lizabeth, widow of Edwin 40 River Cowen William D. tailor 96 Mulberry Cowlam John, 226 Broad Cowlishaw George E. butcher 167 Warren Cox , Mew York h. 538 High Cox Augustus, jeweler 29 McWhorter Cox Carson, trunk maker 17 Mulberry Cox David, sea captain 3 Centre Cox Edmund H. 654 Broad Cox Edward, captain schooner Joe 53 Commerce Cox George, captain schooner Pulaski 17 Mulberry Cox George W. shoemaker 84 Plane Cox Michael, laborer 28 North Essex Cox Patrick G. dealer in wool 173 Plane h. 217 Wash'n Coyer Williat% 19 Boudinot Coyle Michael, carpenter 51 Academy Coyle Patrick, laborer 50 Spring Coyle Patrick, laborer 31 South Prospect Cozard Elizabeth, widow of Samuel enquire 81 Plane Cozine Hannah, widow tailoress 292 Washinglon Cozine James, trunk maker 74 Kinney Craft Joseph, laborer 34 Charlton Craig David, chair maker 631 Broad Craig Isaac C. hatter 20 East Mechanic Craig John, chair maker 631 Broad Craig Richard, malleable iron S Division Craig Samuel J. carman 8 Division NEWARK DIRECTORY. 97 Craiton Charles, cabinetmaker 238 Broad Craiton Robert stone cutter 238 Broad Crandell Nehemiah S fi8 Broad Crane Aaron, mason 35 Orch.ird Crane Aaron D. one year clock maker 6 Lombardy Crane Abigail. 2'2 Centre Crane Albert 6 tea and spice merchant 120 Brofcd Crane Amzi, builder 41 h. 55 Broad Crane Andrew, carpenter 5f5 New Crane Augustus M jeweler 75 Warren Crane A. & T. builders 4l Broad Crane & Brother E. A. jewelers 36 Walnut Crane B. Franklin, tailor 10 1 Orange Crane Charles O. jeweler 30 Walnut h. 43 Bank Crane Clara, miliner 38 Fair Crane Daniel B. furniture warehouse Mobile, Ala. Crane David C. chair maker 63 Walnut Cane David S. builder 23 Washington Cane David W. master mason 109 Plane Crane Edward A. jeweler 30 h.31 Walnut Crane Elias O. tailor 276 Broad h. 39 Chestnut Crane Elias B 79 Spring Crane Elijah, 401 Broad Crane Elizabeth, tailoress 78 Bank Crane Elizabeth, 401 Broad Crane Elizabeth, widow of Jeremiah 55 Broad Crane Elizabeth, widow of Charles 20 Brown Crate & Elsdcn, builders rear 20 Lafayette Crane Emma S. 7 B.-ach Crane George, wheelwright 14 Fair Crane George, carpenter 125 Plane Crane Jr. George, butcher 71 Market Crane Harriet, dress maker 25 Corr.:nerce Crane Henry, clerk 133 Market r. 131 Washington Crane Henry C carpenter 11 Ward Crane Isaac, mason 113 Union Crane Isaac W carriage mariuf. inquire 277 High Crane Israel, farmer 100 Bloomfield avenue Crane James, lace weaver 20 Brown Crane James A. saddle tree tiveier 13 Lawrence Crane Jane, widow of Jeremiah 196 Washington Crane Job S. locksmith 6 Mechanic h26? Plane Crane . widow of John 69 Bank Crane John, chair finisher 45 Kinney Crane John, mason 73 Piano Crane John C. harness cutter 325 Broad h. 119 Mulberry Crane Jonas S. 9 Cross Crane Joseph, shoemaker 694 Broad 9 98 PIKRSON S Crane Josiah D. malleable iron -20 Franklin Crane Lemuel M. cabinet maker Mulnlc, Ala. Crane Leonard, mason 47 Kinney Crane Lewis M. master mason 'J4 Warren Crane & Littell, master masons and builders 71 New Crane Mary, dress maker 78 Bank Crane Mary, widow of Calvin S. 105 Orange Crane Mary, tailotess 68 Academy Crane Mary P. widow of Ezra D. 14 Fair Crane Manila H 7 Beach Crane Matilda, widow of John C. 222 Broad Crane Neliemiah J cooper 52 Plane Crane Noah, boarding house 237 Market Crane Oliver, mason 3 Vine Crane Osmond, mason 78 Hank Crane P. Miss, millinfir 25 Commerce Crane Rebecca, 13 Kinney Crane Richard M. farmer Whnatsheaf Crane Richard 'I', sash and blind manuf. 589 Broad Crane Samuel VI. shoemaker 17 Kinney Crane Samuel O. carriage bow mfr. 5H Mech. h. 38 Fair Crane Samuel Pie r ce, California Wkealsheaf Crane Sarah, mantuamaker 52 Plane Crane Smith E. 79 Spring Crane Squire M bui'der rear h 20 Lafayette Crane Tlieron. builder 41 h. 55 Broad Crane Wickiiff W. patent leather 279 High Crane William, coach painter 22 Orchard Crane William, farmer Elizabtthtown Road Crane William A. drug store 1 1 J4 Brood h- 107 Orchard Crane William G. spice dealer 279 High Crane William T. harness maker 1 19 Mulberry Crane Ursula widow of Isaac 10 Kinney Crane Zenas C. tobacconist 1 17 Broad h. Cold-well Crane Zophar B. coach smith 24 Cottage Crank James, rear 171 Broad Crapnell James, shoemaker Sussex ave. n. Chatham Crater John F. tailor 100 Mulberry Craven Fanny, widow of Nathan 127 Walnut Craven John J. 123 Pennington Craven Thomas, butcher 338 Mulberry Crawford Aaron, cutler, 7 Mechanic h 6 Clay Crawford Alexander, segar in. inquire 98 Washington Crawford Benjamin B. coach trimmer 3 Comes Crawford, Brown & Saurbier, cutlers 7 Mechanic Crawford Charles T. tailor 15 Bank Crawford David B. coach trimmer 20 Walnut Crawford James, stone cutter 31 Baldwin Crawford John, hatter 22 Ailing NEWARK DIRECTORY. 99 Crawford John, shoemaker 244 Plane Crawford John G. cutler U Washington Crawford Margaret, widow of Edward G. 12 Comes Crawford Priscilla, inquire OS Washington Crawford Robert, saddler iSa Mulberry Creamer William C. tailor 320 Broad h. 12 Garden Cree Joseph, 354 Bioad Cregier John A. butcher 39-2 Broad h. 2H South Broad Cretin Charles E 1^4 Chestnut Crelin Joseph PI. butcher 77 Pennington Crelin Warren, currier Ii9 Oliver Crelin William, currier 134 Chestnut Crick John, 91 Ticherior Crick Michael, tailor 2 l j West Crilley Aaron C sash ami blind manuf. 3 Nichols Crilley A. C. & J. C. sash and blind mfr 101 R. R. ave. Crilley John C sash and blind mfr 101 R. R. avenue Crilley Phebe, widow of Stephen 13 Academy Crinian Peter, saddler 18 Oxford Criqui Joseph, saddler lOfi William Crocker Harriet, widow of Joseph, dressmaker 20 Walnut Crockett C P. oil silk 32 Mill h. North John Crockett Charles F 8 Nesbitt Crockett David B. japan leather h 8 Nesbitt Crockett Edward, 8 Nesbitt Crockett John R. oiled silk 32 Mill h. 36 Clay Crockett J. R & C. P. oiled silk and japaned muslin 33 Mill c. J^rown , Crockett Samuel, carpenter 512 High Crockett Theodore, tanner 90 Warren Cronaly Thos K. india rubber 104 Warren Crone Julius L turner 23 Quarry Croniman Henry, grocer 17 Plume Cronk Abraham, laborer 7 Harrison's court Cronk l)avid v stove maker (>5 Washington Cronk Peter, shoemaker 5 Plane Cronkwright Eunice, tailoress 127 Kinney Cross Georye. teacher 1 14 William Cross George. 45 Halsey Cross George W. inquire 160 Hroad Cross Henry, block engraver 52 North Canal Cross John, 23 Columbia Cross John II. carpenter 113 Orchard Cross Mary, widow of Abraham 26 Mulberry c. Park Crosslcy Charles, japanner 115 Hroad Crossley Samuel, se^ar maker 31 Halsey Cro>sley Jr. Samuel, tobacconist 20 Quarry Grossman Maria, widow ofAbram 33 Bleeker Croughin James, 42 Mulberry 100 PIERSON'S Grouse Garret, carriage maker 71 Catharine Cro. viler Charles, tailor 37 North Canal Crowell Alexander, laborer South Market n. Congress Crowell Calvin, lumber, coal. &c. 1 Oyden 3d yard above Bridge h 12 Hridgc Crowell & Carll, Daily Eagle 2<)5 Broad c. Market Crowell & Chandler, dry goods 2S4 Broad Crowell Edward O. Daily Eagle ^'JD Broad h. 27 Col'bia. Croweil Frances Miss, 51 Bank Crowell James, coal 6f wood dealer h. 20 Lombardy Crowell & Co. James, wood, coal & lumber dealers 1 Ogden 3d yard north of Bridge Crowell John M. stair builder 14 Hil^ey Crowell , widow of Nathan 590 Ferry Crowfcil Robert, Daily Eagle 2U5 Broad h. 1461 Wasn't!. Crowell Stephen G. dry goods 284 Broad h. 9 Cedar Crowell Timothy B. ship carpenter 50 Commercial Crowell Wallace L. ship car. 65 Com'cial h 142 S Market Crowley Dennis, whitesmith 22 Pium Crowlin William, shoemaker IS) Rankin Crowther George, laborer 22 Plume Crum'.ey John, grocer 208 Washington c. Pearl Cruel Adam, carpenter -11 West Cruse Matthew, laborer 41 Brown Cruse Robert, laborer 180 Court Cudjoe Filice, (colored) washing 39 Garden Cudjoe Levi, (colored) laborer 39 Garden Cudjoe Venus, (col'd) 8 Prince Cullen Catharine, 8 River Cullen John, butcher 36 Warren Cullen Michael, bootmaker 38 Congress Cullis Piiilipe, nurse 25 Mulberry CUMBERLAND WILLIAM W. civil engineer and machinist office 1 New cor. Watt .V(w York r. 5 Bleeker Cummerforth Bernard, laborer 13 Prince Cummer forth John, laborer 13 Prince Gumming Jacob, fruit &c. basement 208 Broad Cummings Alexander, z ; nc mfr. foot East River Cummings Catharine, 100 Halsey Cummings Estes, paper hangings 33 South Market h. 25 Centre Cummings Matthias W. mason lG Plane Cummings Patrick, laborer 185 South Market Cummings Prince, (col'd) 8 Prince Cummings William B. A0 York h. 120 Union Cummings William T. moulder 20 Hulsey Cunningham James, saddler 2 Mulberry Cunningham John G. 21 Warren NEWARK DIRECTORY. 101 Cunningham Lawrence, shoemaker 20Bf Washington Cunnii.^liJiin Mary, widow of John 4 Madison Cunningham Mary, widow of John 102 Market Cunningham Patrick, grocer 168 Bank Cunningham Peter, laborer 10 r recman Cunningham William G. jeweler 13 Oak Cupps tiarnuel, currier fa) Washington Cuquel James, tailor 105 William Currf.n John, hatter 20 Augusta Currie John L. merchant tailor 298 h. 363 Broad Currier Cyrus, machinist 2'JO Market h. 29 Lafayette Currier Krastus T. mach nist 67 Spring Cure John, saddler 124 Plane Curtis Amy, widow of Stephen 41 Ward Curtis Francis B tailor 10 Boudinot Curtis R S grocer 43 Commerce c. Mulberry Cussaic Thomas, >ardner 169 Broad Cusaic Robert, hatter 5() Crane Cuthbertson Lydi.n, widow of George 106 Orange Cutler David E. shoemaker 159i Mulberry D. Dabbs Henry, tailor 15 New Daerr John P. wheelwright Walnut n. Adams Dahlinger John M. nailer 113 William Dahmen Henry, book binder 45 Spring Daily Advertiser and Sentinel office 266 Broad Daily Ann, widow of John 53 Academy Daily Eagle, 295 Broad (up stairs) Daily John, blacksmith 1'jy Plane Daily John, tanner 29 Bridge Daily Mercury, 2'J7 Broad (upstairs) Daily Patrick, 38 North Canal Daily Thomas, harness maker 31 Rector Daly Ann, widow of John 53 Academy Daly Hugh, boatman 177 Academy Daly Hugh, laborer 191 Plane Daly Thomas, bar steam boat Passaic 48 Mulberry Dalrimple James, blacksmith 108 New Dalrimple Joseph, proprietor of Hamilton works 58 and 62 Hamilton h. 21 Bruen Dalton Peter, harness maker 2 Rowen's court Damm William, blacksmith South Prospect c. Chestnut Danback Thomas, laborer 8 Commercial Dancer John, naturalist 82 Plane Daniel* Alfred I,. 8 Ward Dauiels James, coachmaker 15 South Canal Daniels John, machinists? Kiver 9 102 PIERSON'S Daniels Willing!, letter carrier 54 Walnut Danri James M. shoemaker 1!) Catharine Danz John G. drupgist lb' Spruce Darby Bernard, 344 Mroad Darcy Henry G. clothier 129 Market h. 10 Cedar Darcy John S. M D. -'61 Hroad r. Park house Darling Isaac M. carpenter 53 Lafayette Darling Muses, blacksmith 18 Cherry Darrah U'il'iam, fisherman 18!) South Market Daub Nicholas, shoemaker 27 William Daughaday James, moulder 507 Hjjh Daugaday John, hatter 10 Comes Daus Adam, shoemaker rear i70 Broad Dauzenreth Henry, tailor 41 West Davenport George M. mason 38 State Davenport John A. button maker 59 Liberty N.Y. 603 Bd Davenport Joseph, shoemaker 93 Catharine Davenport Lewis R. patent leather California 41 Orange Davett Dennis R currier inquire 12 Gaiden Davett Susan, widow of Dennis 12 Garden Davies John M. storks &c. 106 William N. Y. h. 24 Front Davies Luke, 7P> Plane Davies Priscilla, 20 South Bridge Davis Aaron, iridiarubbcr 27-2 Plane Davis Albert J. machinist 151 Elm Davis Charles W. machinist .104 Orange Davis, Currier & landlord, machinists 290 Market Davis Elizabeth, widow of Alexander H. 104 Orange Davis Klizabeth, widow of Edward grocer 107 Washing'n Davis Hugh L. collar maker 54 Green Davis Hugh \V. 15 Grave Davis Isaac, 1.24 Washington Davi> James, shoemaker 33(> Wasiiington Davis John, laborer 41 Madison Davis .]->hn, '-ooperGS Lafayette Davis Rev John Kirby, prin. Newark Academy 246 Bd Davis John P. grocer 24 Chestnut h. 50 Orchard Davis John P. carpenter 1'6'J Plane Davis Julia, widow of Cornelius 13 Warren Davis Julia. 105 Washington Davis Maria Jane, widow of Peter 48 Fair Davis Mark, pedler 17 Boyden Davis Martha Ann, teacher 13 Warren Davis Mary, 5-' Croad Davis Mary, widow boarding house 124 Washington Davis Obadiah, edge tool maker 88 Congress Davis Robert O. painter 4 Nichols Alley h. 258 Plane Davis Thomas, moulder 1S1 Lock Davis Thomas C. dry goods 133 r. 47 Market NEWARK DIRECTORY. 103 Davis 4 ^- Thomas C. dry goods 133 Market Davis Thomas II new and sec. hand furniture 130 Broad Davis William, edge tool maker 100 McWhorter Davis William, (coi'd) 26 Fair Davis VV'illiain L. pattern maker 92 Ferry Davis William W. tobacconist 84 Stale Davison Frederick J. 1 Park Church Plice Davison John R. dry good 45 Cedar N. Y. r. 1 Pk Ch, Pi Davison John S flour lumber mercliatit Morristoton Day Rachael, widow of Samuel 12 Clay Day B..:ii'ii-i. slux-maker 2 Willow Day Sarah, Miss I'lG Hroad Day b - shoemaker 11 Maiden Lane Day Stephen I'- Presi .ent Orange Bank Orange, N.J. Day T mas, 0:J Commerce Day V. ii, ;r, Union iwnship, N. J. Dayman Juremiah. widow of Jediah 12 Kinney Day tor- I.evi. -J24 Market Dealf Piiillip. cabinet maker 1 Washington Alley De Arij."-iM Gideon, cashier People's Bank N. Y. Dean Aaron, -lioemaker 84 Plane Dean Cvn;s, ('(per 134 Bank c. Summit Dean iJ.t il. l3l Academy c. Su;nmit Dean Darnel A. bai.er J7!i Hrnad c. New Dean C'eor^e F. attorney and rouns. New York 123 Broad Dean Hoiaro. carpenter 345 Washington Dean Isaac M. carpenter 7-2 New Dean John B- cnrpenter 5 Warren Dean Morris, m.i.vm 5 Warren Dean Peter i5 rnason 4 Commerce Dean Sylvester, carpenter rear 20 Bleeker Deany Ann. wii'ow of James 24 Searing Deany John, blacksmith 507 High Deany Patrick, rule maker 24 Nesbitt Deas Sarah, widow of William 14 Cherry Debond James, carman 112 New Debow John G. carpenter 48 Nesbitt De Camp Chiliori K. 17 Liberty De Camp Daniel, carriage mfr. 11 Harrison h- 18 Bank De Camp cj- Simpson, self-acting churn mfr. c. McWhorter and Hamilton De Camp Timothy, 13 Hoyden De Camps Nicholas, 4 Montgomery c. Broom Decker Elizabeth, 188 Orange Decker Gabriel, carpenter 10 James Decker Henry R clerk 250 Broad Decker Jacob, blacksmith 16 Lombardy Deckert Anthony, butcher 114 William Decoster John, carpenter 47 Fair Deegan James, cooper 17 Congress Deer Jacob, tailor 24 Franklin Place Deery Stephen, tailor 6 Parker Dehart Barney, builder 30 Crane Dehart Charles A. grocer 249 Bioad h. 40 Smith Debart Stephen, California 3 Liberty NEWARK DIRECTORY. 105 Dehart William, laborer J3lepl Division Demott Henry, mason 55 William Demon Isaac M. mason 10 Plane Demon Lewis (col'd) laborer Plane c. Plum Demon Michael, carman 73 Lock Dempsey Matthew, laborer 148 Nesbitt Dempsey Patrick, laborer Ho vt c. Nesbitt Dempsey Torrence.'baker 36 Quarry Dempsey Thomas, harness maker 61 Walnut Dempsey Thomas, shoemaker 28 East Kinney Dempsey Timothy, laborer 148 Nesbitt Dempsey Jr. Timothy, laborer 148 Nesbitt Demun Cyrus, (col'd) 89 Spruce Demun Elizabeth, (col'd) 2 Wilbur's alley Demun Richard, (col'd) 2 Wilbur's ajley Demun Thomas (col'd) coachman 36 Bloomfield avenue Demyer Alida. 182 Mulberry Demyer Hannah C tailoress 29 Cottage Demyer Mary, tailoress - J!) Cottage Demyer Stephen S. blind maker 25 Cottage Denbeigh Samuel, boatman 13 Ward Denharn Matthew, 38 Lush Denicke Frederick, M. D 41 Commerce Denmari Aaron C. 103 Academy Denman Abraham, india rubber Inc Plane h. 1 Park chh. pi Denman Abraham, hatter 4^ Lock Denman C Ludlow, California Denman Enoch, news agent 43 Mechanic Denman Isaac, hatter 26 Franklin Denman John C. 3H Kinney Denman John F. japanrier 7 Stephen's Court Denmiin Joseph, blacksmith 7;i Bank Denman Luther, 103 Academy Denman William, cutler 33 Arch 106 PI EK son's Denman William H. shoemaker 3 Pear alley Denmead Frederick, japanner 7 Stephens' court Dennis Alfred L. book store -218 Broad Dennis & Brother A. L. stationers se 273 Plane Dennis Hester, dress maker 273 Plane Dennis John. R R. conductor 1 Bruen Dennis John C. india rubber Ncsbilt c. Plane Dennis Marlin R stationer 248 Broad h. 14 Park Dennis Sarah B. wi3ow of Kzekiel 19!) Plane Dennis William, merchant New York h. 106 Union Dennisson & Co. J. coppersmith and plumbers 20 Mech. Dennisson John N. coppersmith 20 Mech. h. 41 N. Canal Dennisson Joseph, ') Pennsylvania avenue Dennisson Joseph, coppersmith rear 12 Fair Denniston Alexander A. saddle tree maker 57 Commerce Denniston Isaac, carman 37 Fair Denton Joseph B. hat finisher 266 Washington Denton Nathan F. cutter 321 Broad h. 12 Pennington Denton Stephen, hatter 206 Washington Depeyster Mary (col'd) 8 Pearl Derebo Lud-.vig. laborer 35 Grand Derham ICdward (). baker 78 Nesbitt Dery Owen, laborer 8 South Canal Desch Charles, tailor 37- Longworth Desch John, tailor 4 West Devausney John, oiled silk 5 Newark Devausney Thomas H. cnrriaoe maker 51 Commerce Devoe Alfred, carman N Y. h. 14 Fair Devoe Fideiick, shoemaker 123 Summit c. Academj Devoe Hiram, paper carrier 20 Spring Devoe Joseph, shoemaker 82 New Devoe Peter, india rubbnr 21 \ Nesbitt Devoe Richard, harness maker 5 Cammack's Alley Devoe Wjiliam W. hatter 83 Plane Devore Jnmes L. shoe manufacturer 28 Nesbitt Dewey Thomas M shoemaker 57 Catharine Dewirc J<>:MI. cunier 180 Washington Dewire John, patent leather ISO Washington Dewire Julii M. wic'ow of John 183 Plane Dewire Mich.-.el. hatter l-'iO Washington Dewit \\'iili.im D- tavern 6'* Luck Dey Lewis, blacksmith 20 Wil i im Dey & V-.in Ness, blacksmiths i20 William Dickersoii Alexander, iron manufacturer 107 Commerce Dickersun Jr. Alexander, lace weaver 107 Commerce NEWARK DIRECTORY. 107 Dickerson Bailey, harness maker 426 Broad Dickerson Eunice, widow of Stephen 248 High Diokerson Cyrus (col'd) teamster 27 Market Dickerson James J . 62 Market r. 248 High Dickerson James L. leather rner. 62 Market h. 248 High Dickerson & Co. James L. leather rners. 6-2 Market Dickerson John N. cigar maker 107 Commerce Dickerson Josiah, tinman 5fi Green Dickerson Lewis, carman I East River Dickerson Margaret, dress maker '3y Ferry Dickerson Silas, (coi'd) rear2?!J Market Dickerson Stephen A. Ci2 Market r fi'J Commerce Dickinson ' harles B. clothier Mobil*, Ala. - Dickinson Charles D. brittama mtnul 1 38 State Dickinson Charles W. jeweler 175 Mulberry Dickinson David, tailor bG Washington Dickinson Diurlema, widow of \bner 17$ Liberty Dickinson Frederic!*, halter 108 New Dickinson John M botanic I 17 Kinney Dickinson John B. jeweler 175 Mulberry Dickinson Orrin, Union house 124 Broad Dickinson Jr. Orrin, 124 Brcnd Dickinson Philemon, 175 Mulberry Dickinson Jr. Philemon, watch dials 26 Bald-win Dickinson Ralph (col'd) 131 Plane Dickinson Selden, shoemaker 193 Plane Dickinson William P jeweler 28 Baldwin Dickson , (col'd) widow of Henry 11 Pearl Dickson James. 'Savannah. Gen. 1 Washington Place. Dickson James, tailor 112 McWhorter Dickson Jane, tailoress 22iJu Washington Dickson Martha, tailoress 229e Washington Dier Peter, candy shop 521 High Diethrich Mary Ann, widow ol Jacob 8 West Dietz Joseph, baker 9 Grand Dietz Phillip, spring maker 8 Spring Dc< i , e i.r letz bohaun, tanner 15 West Digrian Michael, laborer 18 Drift Dihht John, tailor 11 Upper Jefferson Diker Christian, tailor Court c. Bellemont avenue Dillen John, machinist 547 High Dilley Abraham S. oil peciler 30 North Prince Dillman Charles, machinist 158 Mulberry Dilye Anthony, brewer 13 Van Buren Dimock Kdwin W. brick maker New York 13 Pennington Dingee Amaziah, laborer 10 Christie Dingwell David, well digger 22 New Dingwell Jr. David, jeweler 22 New 108 PI BRSON'S Dingwell Isabella, widow of Sanr.iel 32 Plane Disbrow Samuel W. cigar maker 15 Hamilton Disch John, laborer 14 I Court Dissing George, brass founder rear 31 Garden Ditmars Abraham, carpenter 41 \V;ini Ditmars Frederick A. house 3 Wash. 118 Jacob N. Y- Dougherty Mary Ann, widow of Thomas E. 35 New Dougherty Michael, moulder 18 Ailing Dougherty Michael, turner 132 Bank NEWARK DIRECTORY. Ill Dougherty Michael, founder 189 Plane Dougherty Sarah, widow of Alexander N. 57 Market Dougherty William, machinist 24 Lombardy Dougherty William, sboewaner 53 Crane Dougherty Wm- M. lamp maker 32!) Broad h. Charleston Doughertys & Young, morocco sto>e 64 Market Doughty Edward, surveyor 63 East River Doughty John C. switch tender 22 Bondinot Doughty Mary, widow of John 35 Division Doughty Samuel, hatter 12 Warren Doughty Thomas, overseer railroad 22 Boudinot Douglass Alexander, coach lace weaver 90 Congress Douglass Bailey B. R. n. ticket office N. Y. 22 Liberty Douglass Eliza A. w'd. of Samuel fancy store 365 Broad Douglass Fanny, 122 Mulberry Douglass Frederick, hatter 113 Mulberry Douglass Harriet, dress maker 113 Mulberry Douglass Harvey W. cabinet mfr. 119 Market h. 43 Cath. Douglass James, 185 South Market Douglass John, huckster 19 East River Douglass John N. ship carpenter 72 Walnut Douglass Marcus B. shoe mfr. 372 Broad h. 158 Plane Douglass Margaret, widow of Jacob L 113 Mulberry Doug'ass Martha N. I54J Plane Douglass Nathaniel L. Railroad conductor 64 Walnut Douglass & Post, carriage mfr. Hamilton c. McWhorter Douglass Samuel, grocer and coa| dealer 18 East River Douglass William, grocer 3!) Columbia Douglass William, carpenter 24 Orchard Douglass Wm B. cabinet mfr. 119 Market h. 234 Plane Douglass Jr. Win. B. carriage mfr. c- Hamilton and McWhorter h. 25 Lafayette Douglass W. B. & H. W. cabinet mfrs. 119 Market Dowd Peter, tailor 41 Ferry c Union Dowden Charles, grocer 343* Broad Dowden Matthew, harness maker 69 Catharine ' Dower John, varnish maker rear 31 Garden Dower Richard, soda water 53 William Dowler Michael, laborer 5^ Union Dowlin William, jeweler 32 Orchard Down Mary, tailoress 13'.) Plane Downer Aimer L California Downing James, laborer 8 Smith Downing Michael, sawyer 34 South Market Doyle James, 47 Monroe Doyle James, laborer 21 River Doyle Jr. James, shoemaker Ferry Doyle Jeremiah, hotel 1 Broad n. Stone Bridge 112 PIERSON'S Doyle Jeremiah, plater 25 South Canal Doyle Michael, ostler 306 Market Doyle Michael, shoemaker 642 High Doyle Phillip, laborer 83 Quarry Doyle Thomas, Passaic hotel 306 Market Doyle William, laborer 6 Van Buren Drake Brnjamin, machinist 83 Halsey Drake David 11. grocpr 5 Ferry Drake E. Miss 226 Broad Drake Ebenezer, grocer 132 Mulberry h. 38 Church Drake Elias J jeweler 48 Columbia " Drake Elizabeth, widow of Lewis 59 Washington Drake Isaac, flour and feed 597 Broad c. Thomas Drake Jarob O. u. s. hotel Mo^rislown Drake James, carpenter 16 Fair Drake John, jeweler 48 Columbia Drake John, coach and cab mfr. 229 Mulb'y b. 494 Broad Drake John C. clerk 290 r. 183 Broad Drake Martha, widow of Zephaniah 3 Penn. avenue Drake Mary, widow of George K. 10 Cedar Drake Nathaniel, 575 Broad Drake R. B. c^nrar maker 356 Broad Drake Reune F. blacksmith 391 Broad Drake Theodore, painter 89 Catharine Drake William H. book keeping 143 Market Dress Frederick, carriage maker 57 Walnut Drew Bridget, widow of Charles 132 Lock Drew David, blacksmith 32 Garden Drew Jacob M. teamster 6 Camfield Drey Henry, tailor 274 Bank Dreyer Joseph, carpenter 74 Court Driscoll Agnes, dress maker 2 Congress Driscoll Isaac B. builder 47 Adams Driscoll Patrick, 308 Broad h. 41 Catharine Drisline Michael, shoemaker 1^6 South Broad Droll Enoch, harness maker 17 Catharine Drowdfitter John, currier 119 Lock Druce Albert W. ruie mfr. 33 River h 42 Clinton Druce Hnphzibah, 40 Clinton Druce Lyman S. railroad agent 40 Clinton" Drum Daniel, tailor 6 Harrison Drummond Hannah, widcw of James 19 Orleans Drummond James, tailor 306 Market IVummond James, tailor 140 Market r- 366 Broad Drummond Matthew, edge tool 333 Broad li. 19 Orleans Drummond William H. tinner 65 h. 19 Market Drupe John, 108 Mill Dubois Capt Milton, potter 75 Spring f NEWARK DIRECTORY. 113 Duchworth George, designer Orleans n. Orange Dut-kett Catherine, widow of William 46 Bleeker Duckett Jr. William, carpenter 46 Bleeker Dudley Gilbert, constable 23 Liberty Dudley Gilbert Jr. Florida h. 23 Liberty Dudley William, shoemaker 25 Rankin Duer William, 11 Lawrence DufTJames C. hatter 124 Academy Duffee Charles, laborer 188 Bank DuflTee James, 23 North Canal Duffee Michael J morocco dresser 29 Searing Duffee Patrick, laborer 24 Jack?on Duffin Nicholas, (col'd) neatsfoot oil First n. Railroad Dufford Clara, dressmaker 68 Bank Dufford Theodore, harness-maker 19 Pulton Dufford William, M. n. 68 Bank Dulea Caleb M. saw filer 29 New h. 29 Halsey Dulea Mary, widow of Ephraim 229 Washington Dulea William, plater 118 Plane Dumbrack Frederick, fireman 60 South Market Dumbrack James, tanner 10 Shipman Dumont Samuel, (col'd) coachman 21 Halsey Dumont Thomas, (col'd) coachman 38 Bloomfield avenue Dunbar Amos B. straw hat manufacturer 1S6 Broad Dunbrack John, mason ll Ridge Duncan William, comb maker 242 Market Duncomb Czar T. marble cutter 150 h 233 Market Dunfrey Michael, tanner 29 Bridge Dunham Ambrose, tailor 45 Orchard Dunham Anson, exchange 200 Broad h. 110 Washington Dunham Asa W. W- 2 North Canal c. Pine Dunham David S. carpenter 18 Bruen Dunham Elijah, tailor 309 Broad h. ll Academy Dunham Humphrey B. india rubber 7 E.Fair h. 13 Garden Dunham John, carpenter 15 Franklin place Dunham Runion, tailor 6 Elm Dunham Samuel, tailor 28 Lawrence Dunham Simeon H. india rubber 100 Commerce Dunican Michael, coach body maker 47 Lafayette Dunican Thomas, coach body maker 47 Lafayette Dunigan Christopher, watchman 9 East Mechanic Dunlap Catharine, widow of Bobert 179 Railroad avenue Dunlap James P. marble cutter 18 Mechanic h.l7HamiPn Dunn Asa R. blacksmith, 121 Broad Dunn & Campbell, clothiers 320 Broad Dunn Christian, blacksmith 6 Park Dunn David D. carpenter 111 Plane Dunn D. D. & M. builders 105 and 111 Plane 10* )14 PIERSON'S Dunn Edward, livery stable 9 William h. 7 Fair Dunn Eliza, widow of Lewis 16 Oak Dunn Ellis, city surveyor 16 Dale c. Columbia Dunn Enoch L saddler 10 Front Dunn George, railing and dash 51 Mechanic h. 14 S. Canal Dunn Jane, 10 Front Dunn John, laborer 8 Mulberry Dunn Lewis T. trunk njakcr 121 Broad Dunn Micajah. carpenter 105 Plane Dunn Robert F carman 35 Columbia Dunn Samuel C. mer. tailor 320 Broad h. 25 Market Dunn & Thompson, surveyors 16 Oak Dunn William, tanner 181 Plane Dunn William J. carriage trimmer 35 Columbia Dunnell Aaron H. confectionary 271 Broad (basement) h. 24 South Canal Dunnigan Patrick, currier 24 Lombardy Dunning Archibald, lace weaver 88 Hank Durand & Annin, watch case mfrs. 36 Walnut Durand Bryant, plater 136 Kinney Durand Cyrus, broker New York h. 14 Fulton Durand Elias W. artist 161 Mulberry Durand George, engraver 35 Camp Durand James M. watch case mfr. 36 Walnut h. 456 Broad Durand & Mandeville, jewelers 36 Walnut Durand William M. watch case maker 29 Cottage D^tirang Peter, gardener 148 Thomas n. Goble Durant John, jeweler 17 Green Durbridge John, hatter 47 Harrison Durbridge Mary, widow of Joseph 18 Camfield Durbidge William, hatter in Camfttld Durie James, butcher 37 Walnut h. 312 Mulberry Durisch Henry, jeweler 28 William Durning Charles, carpet weaver 393 Broad Durning Daniel, painter 31 Hedges' alley Durning Hugh, laborer 35 Lawrence Darning John, printer 393 Broad Durning John, carman Ogden n Orange Durung John, boatman 56 Plane Durning Mary Ann. tailoress 47 Lafayette Durning Patrick, saddler 96 Halsev Durning Patrick, harness maker 9 Pierson's Alley Durning Patrick, laborer 35 Laurence Durphrey Matthew, shoemaker 13 Kinney Durr William, japanner New c. Searing Duryee Amanda, widow of Jacob 38 Washington Dujyee Henry W. hatter 38 Washington Duryee Joseph W. 270 Broad h. Belleville NEWARK DIRECTORY. 115 Duryee Peter S. hat manuf. 2 Beaver H. 10 Park Place Dusel Thomas, tailor 38 Prince Dusenbach John, tailor 30 McWhorter Dusenberry Mary, widow of Peter 9 Fair Dusenberry Townsend, saduler 57 Orchard Dussler Marquis, jeweler 61 Court Dutcher Charles H marketman 4 Warren Dutcher Eliza, widow of David seamstress 4 Warren Dutton Charles T. merchant tailor Petersburgh, Va. Dutton George, ship carpenter Newark n. Bank Duvall Thomas J. constable 115 Union Dwight George, jeweler California Dyer William, tanner 39 North Broad Dygan Catharine, widow of Patrick 112 Oranga Dykes Mary, widow Orange above the canal Dykes William, Orange above the canal Dynes Richard, tailor 57 Plane E. Eadie John, seed store 141 Market h. 78 Mulberry Eagle Office, 295 Broad c. Market Eagles Alexander, mer. tailor 90 Broad h. 103 Orange. Eagles 4" Co. Alexander, merchant tailor 90 Broad Eagles Alfred, coach lamp 16 Mechanic h. 100 Mulberry Eagles Sf Elston, car and wagon manuf 82 and 84 Orange Eagles Israel C. car maker S4 h. 89 Orange Eagles & Lockwood, coach lamp manufrs. 16 Mechanic Eagles Miriam P. milliner 230J Broad Eagles Rachael, 103 Orange Eagles Thomas, japanner 101 Orange Eagles William C' carpenter California 230| Broad' E.iley John, malleable iron 306 Market Earl Alexis, sash and blind maker 85 Mulberry Earl , widow of Caleb 157 Elizabethtown Road Earl Charlotte, nurse 1 Garrabrant's Court Eirl Clarissa, nurse 18 Church Earl , widow of David 192 Elizabethtown Road Earl Edward, butcher 1 Centre Market h. E. town Road Earl Edward, 1 Garrabrant's Court Earl Elihu B. builder 191 Railroad avenue h. 10 Garden Earl Ezekiel M. merchant San Francisco r. 382 Broad Earl James R. ship carpenter 28 Ferry Earl John, japanner 77 Pennington Earl John, saddler 32 Green Earl John N. hatter 4 Elm Earl John N. machinist 9 Boydon Earl Lewis, farmer Elizabethtown Road Earl Mary, widow of Robert 28 Ferry 116 PIKRSON'8 Earl Phebe, widow of Phillip 77 Pennington Bail Samuel, shoemaker 2 Harrison's Court Earl William, 40 Bloomfield avenue Earl William H. farmer 709 Broad Earl Jr. William H. ice dealer54 Elizabethtown Road Eastman George, machinist 5f>0 Ferry Eastman George, blacksmith 33 Lawrence Eastman William P. hosiery mfr. 38 S. Market h 366 Broad Eaton Benjamin F plater U4 Mulberry Eben William, shoemaker 96 Pennington Ebenhard Ulrich, carriage maker rear 12 Fair Eberle William, saddler 4 Lum's Court Ebs Michael, tailor Il3 Springfield ave. Eckardt Andrew, mason 47 Jones Eckardt William, turner 606 High Eckert Valentine, jeweler 1 Garden c. Mulberry Eckner Andrew, harness maker 22 Halsey Eddy Rev. Ansel D D. D. pastor Park Church h. 10 Park Church Place Tddy Frederick, tinman 4 McWhorter Place Edes Orlando, carpenter 27 Bank h. Lodi Edes & Roll, builders, 27 Bank Edgar Archibald, mason 56 New Edgar James, shoemaker 58 Union Edgecombe Sarah Jane, widow of Jas. C. 12 N. Prospect Edler Charles, M. D editor Newark Gazette 334 Broad Edwards Aaron, jeweler 22 Liberty Edwards Albert, carpenter 37 Bank Edwards Alfred E. plating 48 Mechanic h. 10 Franklin pi. Edwards Cyrus, railing and hame maker 39 Railroad ave. Edwards Dennis P. shoemaker 88 Catharine Edwards & Frazee, platers 48 Mechanic Edwards John, patent leather 88 Catharine Edwards John C. grocer 60 Kinney Edwards Joshua, blacksmith T24 Broad Edwards Lemuel, shoemaker 6 Camfield ' Edwards Lewis, shoemaker Orleans n. Orange Edwards Mary A. 16 Green Edwards Reuben B. coach maker Ogden n. old bridge Edwards Jr. Reuben B. carpenter Orleans n Orange Edwards Sarah, widow of Daniel 16 Green Edwards &Smith, painteis 81 Mulberry Edwards Theodore, painter 16 Green Edyson George, shoemaker 89 Plane Eg Titus, mason 112 Mulberry Egan A. cloth cutter rear 4 New Egbert Alfred, baker Boyden c. State Egbert Charles, carpenter 19!) Railroad ave. NEWARK DIRECTORY. 117 Egbert Henry F. harness maker 47 Orchard Egbert Isaac W. machinist 172 Mulberry Egbert Moses, shoemaker 43 Boyden Egbert Sarah, widow of Enos rear 68 Kinney Egbert William, coach maker 76 Union Eggert George, saddler 32 North Canal Ehinger Peter, carpenter 150 Elm Ehlers P. 53 Mulberry Ehman Joseph, jeweler 7 Kinney Eibert Henry, shoemaker 17 Boyden Eichoff William, tailor 9 Centre Eils Henry, crockery store 136 Broad Eisenmam George 33 Lawrence Elcox John, shoemaker 103 Commerce Eldard James, shingle shaver 11 South Essex Eldard William, shingle shaver 29 Jefferson Ell Henry, (col'd) helper rear 128 Market Ell Thomas, (col'd) laborer 89 Baldwin Eldridge Horace N. laundry 17 Warren Ellenberger Jacob, tailor 10 Longworth Ellin John, 82 Bank Elligot John, shoemaker 191 Bank Elliot Thomas, engineer 1 Comes Elliott Daniel, grocer 39* Mulberry Elliott James, M. D. 24 New Ellis Jefferson, (col'd) barber 291 Broad h. 61 Mulberry Ellis John L. housesmith 15 Cedar Ellis Robert H. currier 3 South Essex Ellis Volney A. glazier enquire 26 William Ellsessor George, jeweler 06 Court Ellsessor John W. carpenter 35 Grand Elsder. Benjamin, builder rear 20 h. 51 Lafayette Elsey Elizabeth, widow of John 3ft2 Railroad avenue Elston Freeman, captain marines Middfeville, N. J. Elston Jonathan, spring maker 82 h. 165 Orange Elston William Henry, wagon maker 18 Chestnut Elverson Edward, fruit sf>re 339 Broad Elverson Mrs. E. fancy store 339 Broad Elverson George, hatter 194 Market h. 54 Green Elverson Jabez, hat manufacturer 194 h. 184 Market Elverson & Co. Jabez, hat manuf 194 Market c. Mulberry Elverson Joseph, hatter 16 Shipman Ely Abijah P. grocer 236 Market h. 47 Mechanic Ely Edwards, grocer 236 Market h.47 Mechanic Ely Elizabeth, widow of Calvin 83 Mulberry Ely & Co. E. & W. B. grocers 236 Market" Ely Emma, widow of Abraham H. 24 Franklin Ely Joseph, 85 Plane 118 PIERSON'S Ely Joseph W. blacksmith 84 Ferry Ely Matthew, iron railing 73 h. 091 Mulberry Ely Moses, coach maker 24 Franklin Ely William B. grocer 236 Market h. 47 Mechanic Elyea Jacob T/blacksmith California 8 Camfield Elyea Oliver, painter 10 Plurn Emanuel Jonathan, Mobile, Ala. 382 Broad Emerson John, trunk maker 12 Garden Emerson Lewis, 5 Pennsylvania avenne Emerson Samuel G. shoemaker 14J h. 13 Kinney Emery & Drake, grocers 5 Ferry Emery William S. grocer 5 Ferry h. 19 South Market Emes Silas G. saw filer and wheelwright 12 Church Emmerson Richard R. farmer 232 South Broad Emmell George A law student 281 r: 3b2 Broad Emon John, currier 4"2 Cathirine Emrich Peter, beer shop 21 William Emrie James S. California 17 Liberty Enders William B coach trimmer 185 Washington Engel Jacob, 39 South Canal Engelbrecht John D 26 Orchard Engerker Francis, cabinet maker 12 Scott English Andrew, teamster 19 Jefferson English Ellen, widow 269 Market English John, tin manuf. 145 Market h. 142 Commerce English Joseph, cutler rear 316 Broad h. 22 South Essex English Mary, widow of Daniel S. 24 S. Essex Ennis Jacob, classical teacher 366 Broad Ennis Joseph, (col'd) 87 Baldwin Ennis Richard, shoemaker 106 South Ennis Steven, book keeper 17 Green Ensley Rebecca, widow of John 56 Quarry Erb Christian, hair curler 92 Clay n. the River Erb Michael, coach lace 37 h. 36 River Erpenstien John, tailor 25 Grand Erwin James, gas 63 East River Erst Richard, hatter 9 Green Esch Anthony, blacksmith 131 Plane Esch Jacob, french shoe mfr 390 Broad h. 46 Catharine Esler Abraham, carpenter 124 Lock Esman John, laborer 2 Brant's Court Essex Henry, needle manuf 48 Quarry Essig John, grinder 4 Lum's Court Estabro^k T homas, machinist 15 Lawrence Estabrook Wm machinist Phoenix works 15 Lawrence Ester John, jeweler 3-25 Washington Eston Sarah E. 56 Walnut Eugert John, japanner 46 Mulberry NEWARK DIRECTORY. 119 Evans Abel, 13 Bank Evans Erastus, hatter 42 Catharine Evans Henry, Lodi over the river Evans Henry, jeweler 2'i9 Broad h. 89 Mulberry Evans John, 133 Academy Evans Keziah, widow of Robert 39 Orchard Evans Martha, (col'd) 81 Catharine Evans Robert, boot fitter 39 Orchard Evarts Hervey, house and sign painter 94 Bank Eveland Josiah, blacksmith 24 Columbia Eveland Nejson, segar maker 26 Hamilton Eveland Samuel, carriage maker 37 Lawrence Eveland William, saddler 4 N'ichol's Court Everson John, oyster house 40 Point Lane Everson Jr. John, blacksmith, 22 BH h. 2 Quarry Evers Mary, widow of Patrick 38 Bloomfield avenue Evert Conrad, wheelwright 27 Broad Evert John D. harness maker 28 Baldwin Ewens , express 28 High Handley Matthew, laboier 60 Bruen Handley Sampson, 14 Franklin Handley Williarh, tinsmith 344 Broad Handy William L.baker 56 William, Haney Jacob, lailor 78 Kinney Haney Joseph, laborer 7 Plane Haney William, currier 78 Kinney Hankins George V. hatter 326 Broad h. 1 New York 140 PIERSON'S Hankins John W. carman 20 Summit Hankins Nathan D. Railroad office h. 68 Broad Hanley Adam, laborer 1 Rankin Hanne^an John, laborer 20 Ailing Hanrahan James, grocer 124 Lock Hanrahan John, tin ware 185 Nesbitt Hansburry Dennis, japarmer Chatham n. New Hansinger Nicholas, watch maker 29 Orchard Hanson Abby L widow of Jos. boarding h. 1 Park Chh. pi. Hanson Ira, 1 Park Church Place Hanson Joseph, clerk 1 Park Church Place Hanson Mary E. widow of Michael 40 Quarry Harcan George, laborer 35 Lawrence Harcourt James M gro'cer 71 h. 75 Lock Hard Laura, widow of Eli 121 South Prospect Hard Melville T. cutter 106 Oliver Hardham & Burrage, wood turners Hamilton c. McWhor. Hardham William L. carpenter 28 Union Hardman Aaron, hatter 8 East Fair , Hardrnan Wickliffe. plater 8 East Fair Hardman William B spring maker 6 Harrison's Court Hardy Samuel, painter Madison n. South Market Hardy William, engineer Hedenberg's h. 47 Warren Hargan Fanny, 46 Orange Hargan James, grocer 155 Market Hargan William, grocer 2 East Biver H-aring David P. clerk 12 Plum Harity Dennis, malleable iron 173 Academy Harker James, wheelwright 08 Catharine Harland Mary, widow of Nicholas, 122~Nesbitt Harley Francis (col'd) clothes cleaner, 281 B'd. h. 12 Mill Harley Francis, (col'd) 71 Inness Harlow Louisa, '25 Franklin Harlows Phillip, cutler 148 Academy Harnisch Joseph, machinist 212 Washington Harper Francis F. H. H. seaman 158 South Market Harr John M. 21 Lafayette Harrington Daniel, D. D. s. 154 Broad Harrington Mary, widow of Joseph 66 Walnut Harrington Joseph, painter 88 Plane Harrington Patrick, hatter 66 New Harrington William, laborer 150 North Broad Harriott & Adams, jewelers 2 Fair c. Broad Harriott Reuben F. jeweler 2 Fair h. 2 Clinton Harris Alexander, merchant Little Falls, N. J Harris Calvin S. carman 19 Garden Harris David, 23 Rankin Harris Esther B. widow of B. M. 177 Market NEWARK DIRECTORY. 141 Harris Jacob B. mason 18 Summit Harris James, hatter 108 New Harris John, cabinet maker 72 Ferry Harris John, (col'd) blacksmith 28 Bank Harris Josiah L. grocer 6 Franklin Place Harris Mary, widow of David 124 Mulberry Harris Michael, laborer 38 Union Harris Moses, Little Falls, N. J. Harris Samuel D blacksmith 12 Plane Harris Thomas, shoemaker 13 Rankin Harris Thomas (col'd) teamster 232 South Broad Harris Thomas W. carpenter 13 Bank Harris Walter, 81 Cedar, N. Y. 24 South Harris William H. builder Little Falls N. J. Harrison Benj. F. machinist 323 Broad h. 95 Mulberry Harrison & Breese, machinist reaf 329 Broad Harrison Charles H. patent leather 45 h. 13 Garden Harrison Charles J. builder 106 South Harrison Charles W. medical student 41 Hamilton Harrison Cynthia, widow of Moses S. 28 Academy Harrison Daniel Y; spice merchant Cincinnati Harrison & Duncan, patent leather 45 Garden . Harrison Elias, hatter 103J Broad Harrison Elias, jeweler 69 Commerce Harrison Francis H. currier 42 Warren Harrison George, frame work knitter 353 Broad Harrison George W. watch c^se 47 Dey N. Y. h. 19 Fulton Harrison Henry, shoemaker 242 Plane Harrison- Henry W. carpenter 157 Orange Harrison Ira M. malleable iron 74 Clay h. 11 Franklin Harrison Isaac, carpenter 268 Plane Harrison James A. harness 183 Mulberry h. 1 Railroad av. Harrison Jesse T. saddler 4 Orchard Harrison Joel, farmer Lyons Farms Harrison John S. painter 183 Mulberry Harrison John W. currier 20 Shipman Harrison Joseph D. horsepower machines 84 h. 157 Orange Harrison Joseph L body maker 30 Lumber Harrison Josiah, shoemaker 103J Broad Harrison Jr. Josiah, North Ward and City^Hotel 106 Broad Harrison Mary Ann, widow of "Edward 3 Fulton Harrison Jr. Moses, carpenter 71 Warren Harrison, Pierson &Co. horse & dog power mills 84 Orange Harrison Rhoda H. widow of Demas 41 Hamilton Harrison Richard, hatter 57 North Broad Harrison Sarah M. widow of Edward N. 308 8lh av- N. Y. Harrison Thomas M printer 2(>6 Broad Harrison William, rule maker 12 Cherry 142 PIERSON'S Harrison William, hatter 9 Green Harrison William, horse power machine 84 Orange h, 6 Bd Harrison William B. jeweler 23 Bridge Harrnegfeyer George, shoemaker 6 Nichols' Court Hart Frederick, boatman Richmond n. Bank Hart John, blacksmith 4 Nichols' Court Hart Patrick, laborer, keeper of cemetery 361 N- Broad Hartdorn John G. tailor 4 West Kartell Michael, shoemaker rear 102 Church Hartley Charles, shoemaker 20 Rankin Hartman Andrew S. tailor 2 Nichols' Court Hartman John, Ridge n. Mill Hartney John, 6 Maiden Lane Hartney Stephen, currier 16 William Harton Samuel, grocer Iti Adams Hartough Amy, widow Sf Abraham 11 Bruen Hartwig William, pocket book maker 81 Plume Hartshorne Eliza, widow of Thomas 14 Summit Haitshorne John, city treasurer 292 Broad h. 60 Warren Harvey John, teacher 260 High c. William Harvey Levenus J. nurseryman 358 North Broad Harvey Mary E. milliner 260 High Harvey Robert J. A. M. Prof. Classical and English lan- guages 620 Broad Harvey Stephen J. grocer 260 High Harwo'od Michael, wheelwright 1 Chadwick's Alley Harnes Frederick H. 177 Market Hasen Patrick, currier 36 Hedges' Alley Haskell Jacob, blacksmith 20 Nesbitt Haskell Maria, 35 Ogden Haslam John, carpenters tools 136 Quarry HaslinXapher, potter 168 Mulberry Hass Jacob, gardner 193 Court H^sselburg Jacob, gardner 63 Goble Hassell John, dentist 175 Market Hastings George, hatter 57 Bank Hastings Isaac, shoemaker 57 Bank Hastings James, shoemaker 57 Bank Hastings James W. shoemaker 57 Bank Hastings Jane, 141 Mulberry Hastings Joseph, shoemaker 629 Broad Hastings William, cab driver 1. H. Snyders Hastings William, clerk 260 r. 354 Broad Hatch Goord, trunk maker 344 Broad Hatch Robert, hatter 92 Bank Hatch Jr. Robert, hatter 97 Washington Hatfield Aaron, rnason 102 Mulberry Hatfield Abraham, shoemaker 9 Hill NEWARK DIRECTORY. 143 Hatfield Charles, gaiter boot maker 14 Church Hatfield David, shoemaker North Lawrence Hatfield Henry O. shoemaker 9 Hill Hatfield Ira L. shoemaker 131 Walnut Hathaway Charles T. cutter 133 Market h. 45 Halsey Hathaway Elihu, 21 Nesbitt Hathaway John, shoemaker toll gate Springfield avenue Hathorn Robert B broker 310 Broad h. 93 Halsey Hattersly William, Britania metal Crane n. Caroline Hatwick Christian, tailor 30 Mill c. Brown Hatwick John, mason 30 Mill c. Brown Hatwick John, carpenter 500 High Haugh Adam, engineer 61 River Haulenbeck Garret, carpenter 87 Spring Haulenbeck Isaac, carpenter 39 Ogden Haulenbeck Isaac P. saddle tree riveter 9| Division Place Haulenbeck James, carpenter 78 State Haulenbeck William H harness maker Bridgeport Haurey John G. carpenter 114 Washington Haurey Peter, trunk maker 114 Washington Hasler Patrick, carman 208 Rail Road avenue Hause Lawrence, tailor 41 West Havay Patrick, laborer 48 Bloomfield avenue Hatell Henry, steel worker State c. Boyden Haviland Joseph, tool maker 8 Mill Haw Jr. George, hatter 1-Vine Hawes Geo. wood & ivory turner rear 333 Bd h. 3 Bleeker Hawes Jr. George, turner 3 Bleeker Hawkins Anna C, widow of Thomas 75 Mulberry Hawkins John, millwright 60 Court Hawkins William W. cooper 12 Point Lane Hawthorn James H. 172 Broad Hawthorn Robert, quarryman 130 North Biad Hay Adam, machinist rear 250 Market h- 14 Ailing Hay Alexander N. carpenter 114 McWhorter Hay George, hatter 326 Broad h. 137 'Washington Hay James B. foundry rear 250 Market h. 7 Ward Hay Jeannett, widow of David 7 Ward Haycock Miss E. fashionable dressmaker 65 Plane Haycock Sarah Ann, widow of Thomas 65 Plane Haycock Thomas H. harness maker 65 Plane Hayden Abby E. widow of Jabez B. 21 Orchard Hayden Caroline, milliner 128 Broad' Hayden Mary, widow of Lewis 128 Broad Hayes David, 724 Broad Hayes David A. att. and couna. 314 Broad r. 22 Smith Hayes George, jeweler Philadelphia Hayes Jabez W. jeweler 385 h. 383 Broad 144 PIERSON'S Hayes & Co. Jahez W. jewelers 385 Broad Hayes John D. coach lace weaver 173 Mulberry Hayes Joseph, farmer Clinton Township n. Broad Hayes Mary, matron Orphan Asylum 104 High Hayes Oliver J. merchant Buenos Ayres Hayes Richard (col'd) laborer 86 Garden Hayes Robert J. carpenter 60 Elm Hayes Samuel, 620 Broad Hayes Wickliffe O. grocer and baker 178 Mulberry Hays Charles A. clerk 141 PJane Hays David J. 35 Broad Hays Enos W. carpenter 42 Lock Hays John, street commissioner 141 Plane Hays Stephen, hatter 141 Plane Hayward Charles, carman 22J Church Headley Milton, dry goods 133 Market h. 99 Broad Headley Wm. O. sash and blinds 4 Comes h. 126 "William Healey Nicholas, laborer 87 South Orange Avenue Healy George D. plater 14 Mechanic h. 1 Springfield ave. Healy Jams, "12 Washington Healy Jr. .nes, morocco dresser 212 Washington Hen'y John, teacher 38J Bieeker Healy Martin, laborer 10 Halsey's Alley Healy Philip, laborer 212 Washington Healy Peter, laborer 81 Plume Healy & Stivers, platers 15 Mechanic Healy Tho'nas, 89 Pennington Heaney Ja-.nes, carpenter 9 South Canal Heath Hugh, saddler 6 Columbia Healh John L. chair mfr. 370 Broad h. 12 Lafayette Heath Joseph, clerk State Bank r. 356 Broad Heath S. U. W, dry goods 286 Broad h. 23 Clinton Heath Willia* A. dry goods 286 Broad r. 97 Mulberry Heatherston John, laborer 22 Plume Heatherton Patrick, currier 19 Lush Heaton Benjamin F. clothing 298 Broad r. 33 Clinton Heaion c}- Currie, clothing store 298 Broad Heaton Samuel O. clothing 276 Broad h. 33 Clinton Hebberd Gilbert C. cutter 118 Broad Hebburn William, saddler 6 Halsey Hebe Henry, blacksmith 32 Bridge Hebe John, laborer 53 River Hebe John, carman 55 River * Heberton George, painter and glazier 95 Commerce Heberton Geo. V. G. clerk 242 Broad r. 95 Commerce Heberton John, dry goods 242 Broad r. 95 Commerce Heberton Reuel H. New York express r. 188 Broad Hebner Casper, laborer 3 Halsey's Court NEWARK DIRECTORY. 145 Hebring Joseph, 38 Thomas Hebring Stephen, collar maker 38 Thomas Hebring Theodore, collar maker 10 Green Heck Jacob, butcher 77 West Heckney Frederick, laborer. 19 Baldwin Heckney George, collar maker 27 Bruen Heckney Mary, widow of Lewis 27 Bruen Heckney Peter, tailor rear 102 Church Hedden Aaron, mason Clinton township Hedden Aaron, shoemaker 60 Catharine Hedden Alvan, crockery mer. 308 Broad r. City Hotel Hedden Andrew J. coach maker 250 Washington Hedden Binard J. carpenter 1 h. 38 Orange Hedden Charles, 100 Bank Hedden Cyrus, South Orange ave. above Wallace Hedden Daniel, (col'd) laborer 9 Golden Hedden David B clerk 16 Mechanic h 66 Halsey Hedden David B. carriage maker 187 Washington Hedden Edwin, mason 136 Walnut Hedden Elias B. coach maker 3 Springfield Avenue Hedden Ephraim, dairyman Camptown Road Hedden Henry, shoemaker Orleans n Nesbitt Hedden Henry D. justice peace 294 Broad h 19 Com'rce Hedden Horace, shoemaker 63 Bank Hedden James N. 4 Garden Hedden James T. California 10 Smith Hedden John D. clerk 121 River h. 69 Ferry Hedden Joseph, farmer South Orange Av. above Wallace Hedden Josepha A. 21 Park Hedden Jotham. treasurer lime company Bridge dock Hedden Lydia, dress maker 418 Broad Hedden Lysander, shoemaker 57 Catharine Hedden Margaret P. widow of Samuel Lyons Farms Hedden Mary, widow of Uzal 580 High n. Quarry Hedden Minard E. builder 1 12 Orange Hedden Obadiah, 37 Catharine Hedenberg Abraham, fancy store 254 Broad Hedenberg Edward L. coach in. 210 Market h. 66 Mulb'jr Hedenberg James, 94 Commerce Hedenberg Jesse C. 382 Broad Hedenberg John C. Rahway Works, N. J. Hedenberg & Little, light carriage manuf. 210 Market Hedenberg. Richard L. coach manuf. 94 Commerce Heder John, cabinet maker rear 98 Church Hedges Andrew J. jeweler 43 Fair Hedges Daniel M. shoemaker 95 William Hedges Henry C. 1 Plait, N. Y. 396 High Hedges Nathan, high school 42 Bank h. 396 High 13 146 PIERSON'S Hedges Samuel, gone West Hedges Sarah C. widow of Elias 43 Fair Hedges Sarah l<\ dress maker 43 Fair Heeb John, cane maker 127 Springfield Avenue Heeley William, jeweler 80 Kinney Heffer Paulding, pei'lar 129 Sprjngfield Avenue HefTner Godfrey, cabinet maker 71 Boston Heffron John, currier 27 Soriber's Lane Hegel Joseph J. carman 51 Jones Heginbothem John, shoemaker 24 Congress Heii Isaac, 63 North Canal Heiner Adam, baker 12 Longworth Heinisch Roches, patent shears rear h. 114 Market Heilbron Seligman, upholsterer 43 West Heland George, tailor 1'2 Webster Helfrigh William, shoemaker 6 Fair Hell Frederick, cabinet maker 14 Scott Heller Casper, filer 9 New York Hellinger Francis C. butcher 16 Centre Mar't h. 126 Wm, Hellougel Daniel, trunk maker 23 Broom Helmirech Conrad, butcher 12 Adams Helmlengyer Phillip, patent leather 20 Congress Helms Daniel, cutter 44 Bleeker Helms Jane, widow 5 Warren Helmstaedter Peter, tavern 25 River Helmsteder George, jeweler 10 Beach Hemat Bernhard. jeweler 65 Catharine Hemenover John. 39 Market Hemmall William, baker 11 Grand Hemmelman Joseph, tailor 154 South Market Hempes Ftederick, laborer 20 Prince Henchy Patrick, dairyman 250 Elm Henderson Jame^, iron and steel 186 r. 172 Market Henderson Lucius M. 195 Market Henderson Martha, widow of George 168 Washington Henderson Rev Matthew H. rector Trinity chh. 2 Park pi Henderson William, hatter 44 Fair iiendrickson Charles, dairyman 103 Elm Hcndrickson Charles, carpenter 12 Plume . Hendrickson George, tailor 316 Broad Henmel John, laborer 24 Drift Hemneller Charles, jeweler I75A Mulberry Henn Robert, file cutter rear 24 Jackson Henner James, jeweler 93 South Broad Henniberry Mary, widow of William 40 River Hennion Alexander, 57 Slate Hennion Alexander, agent 56 New Hennion George W. saddle tree maker 11 Liberty NEWARK DIRECTORY. 147 Hennion Sylvester C. boatm-nS Comes Henry Christian, carpet weaver 238 Broad h- 39 Prince Henry James, laborer 4 Summit Henry James, carpenter 83 Plans Henry Jesse, trunk box maker 18 East Mechanic Henry Jesse, laborer basement Bethel Church Henry Robert G. grocer 367 Broad h. 21 Walnut Hensley Daniel, cutler 1 Lum's Court Henson William, 36 Commerce Henson William S. engraver 151 Orange Herbert John, carpenter 65 Washington Herdrnan David, india rubber 87 Halsey Herdman Eunice, 2 Willow Herdman John H. currier 3 Vine Herdman William R. turner towpath opposite jail Heriman Ellen, widow of Samuel 25 Quarry Heriman Hannah, widow of David 25 Quarry Herman John, cutler 34 Franklin Hermann Sebastian, tailor 77 South Prospect Hern Thomas, laborer Wilsey n Sussex avenue Hernlein Christian, tailor 40 Wallace Heron William, cloth cutter 194 Mulberry Herpers Ferdinand, jeweler 308 Washington Herrick John C. carpenter 36 South Market Herron Barney, founder 157 Quarry Herron Charles, laborer 157 Quarry Herron Catharine, widow of William 56 Union Hertlein Casper, basket maker 70 Ferguson Hervey James M. coach painter 6 New Herwick Conrad, tailor 139 Court Hesemon Bernard, shoemaker 1 13 Orange Hesscer Christian, carpenter 35 Grand Hestoff Moses, currier 40 Mulberry Heterick Frederick, cooper Hamburg Place Heterick George, cooper 20 Congress Hetherton Patrick, currier 21 Lush Hetzel D. S. mechanics hotel 188 Broad Hetzel George, 97 South Canal Hewes Benjamin L. shoemaker 19 Warren Ilewes Hester A. tailoress 8-2 Catharine Hewes James, blacksmith 21 Sussex avenue Hewes L. Joseph, machinist Union Iron W'ks h. 25 Bdge Hewes Mary, widow of Joseph 31 Orange Hewes Mary, 36 Church Hewes & Phillips, machinists Union Iron Works Meeker's Hewes Robert, farmer Orange n. Morris Canal Hewitt Horatio T. chronometer mfr. N Y. h. 109 Orange Hewitt Richard, wood turner rear 333 Broad r. 13 Fair 148 FIEHSON'S Hewitt Richard H. wood turner 13 Fair Hewlett Samuel, furrier 88 Plane Hewson Ellen", milliner 24 Plane Hewson James. 65 Com nerce Hewson John, jeweler 1 Kinney Hexamer F. C. tailor 90 South Orange avenue Hey A hart, window shades Ornnge p.. Nesbitt Heyedcha August, shoemaker 22iJ Washingtoa Hibbard , hatter 20 Ailing Hibler Joseph S. (S. C. & Co.) 11 Cherry Hibler Nelson A. chair maker 114 Plane Hibler Samuel, tailor 14 Oileans Hickey John, hatter 80 Orange Hickey John, tanner 20 James Hickey Thomas, hatter 63 Orange Hicks Jason, 31 Franklin Ilicks John, (col'd) laborer 17 Golden Hicks Rachel, widow of Jason 31 Franklin Hicks Thomas E. coich maker 250 Market h. 2 Waid Hicks William H. student 308 8th avenue New York Hidley John, shoemaker 135 Plane Hifli Augustus, varnish 618 Broad Higgins Daniol, hatter 215 Bank Higgins Isaac O tin manufacturer 25 Walnut Higgins James, hatter Hudson c. Warren Higgins John, laborer 157 Quarry Higgins Mark, halter 195 Bank h. 190 Academy Higgins Mary, dressmaker 7 Cottage Higgins Robert, wheelwright 688 Broad Higgins William, tanner 8 Stephens' Court Higginson Mary H. widow of John H. 20 Church High Street Brewery, 514 High Hild Francis, shoemaker 39 Market Hfld Joseph, trunk maker 169 Court Hilrlebrand Ernest, carriage maker 162 Washington Hildeshimer George, shoemaker rear 31 Garden Hiley John, brewer -28 Marshall Hill "Ambrose B. M. D 359 Broad h. 245 Plane Hill Augustus, druggist 358 Broad h. 245 Plane Hill Cornelius M. grocer 200 Broad h. 107 Plane Hill & Co. druggists 35^ Broad Hill Henry, printer 31 Hankin Hill Jacob P. blacksmith 52 Crane Hill John, hatter 643 High Hill John B. carpenter 46 Orange Hiller Edward, beer house (basement) 121 Market Hillyer Edward T. att. and couns. 116 Broad h. 31 Fulton Hilt Abali/na, widow of John lyS Bank Hirue Christian, jeweler 6 Marshall NEWARK DIRECTORY. 149 Himmel Catharine, widow of John 131 Springfield ave. Hinchman Horatio N. harness m. 4 Mech. 49 Columbia Hinchman Joseph, patent leather 18 Fair li. 110 Walnut Hinds Silas P. music teacher 269 Broad h. 25 Warren Hineld Michael, comb rrialcer rear 98 Church Hines Jane, tailoress 217 Washington Hines John, cabinet maker 82 Academy Hinkle James G. segar maker 471 High Hinman Amanda, widow of Lafayette 46 South Canal Hippie John, carpenter JOl South Prospect Hisner John, jeweler 208 Rail Road avenue Hitchcock Abraham, farmer 227 North Broad Hitchcock Charlotte, 227 North Broad Hitchcock Robert, harness maker 12 South Market Hiugk Jacob, butcher 77 West Hoag James, laborer, 214 Mulberry Hoagland Hannah, widow of William 17 Franklin Place Hoagland John T. coach trimmer 590 Broad Hoagland Wm. cabinet maker 84 Union 112 McWhorter Hoay Patrick, shoemaker 17 Sheffield Hobbis Thomas, jeweler 156 Elm Hock George, gas pipe layer 163 South Market Hoctor John, laborer 74 North Canal Hodson James, shoemaker 12 Beach Hoerner H. carpenter 81 West Hofeoker Anthony, laborer 5 Broad Hoffman Adam, cabinet maker 16 Longworth Hoffman Andrew, basket maker 259 Broad Hoffman & Brothers Z. M. jewelers 175A Mulberry Hoffman Christian, jeweler 195 Mulberry Hoffman Frederick, jeweler 265 Rail Road avenue Hoffman John, hatter 208 Rail Road avenue Hoffman John G. sergeant at arms 200 Hamburg Place Hoffman Max, jeweler & silversm. 175A Mulb'y c. Beach Hoffman William, frame maker rear 18 Church Hoffman William, jeweler 179 Mulberry Hoffmister , jeweler 43 William Hofses John, jeweler 440J Broad h. 10 Longworth Hogan George, mason 22 Bleeker Hogan Moses, boot fitter 65 Washington Hogan Thomas, patent laather 162 Lock Holbrook Albert M. cloth cutter 34 Smith Holbrook A. Stephen, book and job printer rear 333 Broad h. 15 Bank Holbrook Elizabeth B. widow of Andrew L. 210 Elm Holbrook Sophia, widow of" Amos 34 Smith Hole Joseph W. tailor 37 Broom Holden Cornelius H. tailor Pierson's Alley 13* 150 FIERSON'S Holden Edmund H. carman 20 North Essex Holden F.liza R. widow of Horatio (>6 Bank Hulden Franklin, grocer 87 Broad h. 79 Orange Holden & Co. F. grocers 87 Broad Holden George, butcher 9 Centre Mkt. h. 24 Commerce Holden Henry, 2d mate Bark Griffon California Holden Sarah, r. 19 Bridge Holden Susan, widow of Henry 11 Mulberry Holden Thomas, japanner 31 Arch Hoi Cord Joseph, varnish maker 47 East Kinney Holland John, laborer 38 Brown Holland Margaret, widow of John 3 Durand Holland Michael, gardner 34 Bridge Holland Eliza, widow of Charles W. 30 Quarry Holle Edward, baker 173 Mulberry Hollenbach Francis, tailor 20 Upper Jefferson Hollingsworth George, painter Orleans n. Orange Hollingsworth Joseph, currier 159 h. Itt4 Washington Hollister Benjamin F. hatter 52 Columbia Hollister Howell W. saddler Virginia 21 Franklin Holloway Daniel, cabinet mfr. 65 Market h. 1 10 Commerce Holloway Eli, cabinet warehouse 134 h. 132 Broad Holloway Joel, shoemaker 206 South Broad Holloway John M. clerk 290 r. 132 Broad Hollum Moses, hatter 188 Orange Holmes Elizabeth, 18 Ailing Holmes Gabriel, (col'd) 13 Division Place Holmes John, tanner 40 Broom Holmes John, iron moulder 333 Broad h. 28 Riter Holmes Joseph, tanner 40 Broom Holmes Mary, widow of Alexander 7 Oak Holmes Roswell W. clothier 323 Broad Holmes Samuel, teamster First n. Rail Road Holmes William M. currier 32 Nesbitt Holt John H. shoemaker 10 Marshall Holt Miranda, 1 Merchant Holt William, hattar 9 Green Holton Joseph, wagon maker 103 South Prospect Holton Martin, blacksmith 6 Cnmes Holy land Charles J. engraver 297 Broad h. Camptown Honnecker Michael, shoemaker 40 Richmond Honeyball James, baker 81 Halsey Honeywell John, 40 Spring Honeywell Jr. John, 40 Spring Honey welt Stephen, japanner 41 Warren Hood Frederick, liquor merchant 136 Washington Hoof Harvey, laborer 46 Bloomfield avenue Hooley Christopher, hatter 39 Warren Hopkins Barney, laborer 45 Brown NEWARK DIRECTORY. 151 Hopkins Henry T. plater 11 Waid fjopkins Michael, hatter 121 Sheffield Hopkins Michael, cabinet maker 209 Mulberry Hopp John, tailor 47 Prince Hoppen Francis, wheelwright 275 Nesbitt Hopper Abraham, blacksmith 114 New Hopper Albert P. carman 78 Kinney Hopper Cornelius, mason 107 Walnut Hopper Eleanor, 8.9 Catharine Hopper Henry, jeweler 48 Walnut Hopper Peter, supervisor Morris Canal 102 Warren Hopper Stephen D. jeweler 28 Ward Hopper Thomas, sawyer 34 South Market Hopper Walter W. patent leather 30 Plane Hopper William, tailor 229B Washington Hopperton George, grocer 55 Hamilton c. Ward Hopping Charles, clerk 35 Bridge Hopping Charles L. clerk 95 New Hopping & Cooper, hardware 109 Broad Hopping Cynthia, dress maker 16 Halsey Hopping Electa M. 224 Washington Hopping & Co. E. M. grocers 224 Washington Hopping Elias M. grocer 2-24 Washington Hopping Moses C. clerk 39 Ferry Hopping Phebe W. widow of James F. 20 Bridge Hopping Theodore A. hardware 109 Broad h. 20 Bridge Hopwood Joseph, hatter 107 Orange Hopwood Richard, hatter 85 Halsey Hopwood William, hatter 99 Orange h. 103 Broad Hoppy William, harness maker 1 16 Mill Horman George, farmer 165 Academy Horn John, shoemaker 225 Bank Horn Peter, segar maker 125 South Prospect Horn Phillip, tailor 25 Charlton h. 4i Scott Horn Thomas Y. segar maker 559 High HoRNBLowERHoN. JOSEPH C couns. at law 6 Park place Hornung Gottleib, tailor 29 Prince Hornung Lewis, baker 131 Springfield avenue Horrocks Francis, hame maker 48 Lawrence Horton John, teacher Quarry n. Broad Horton John A. saddler 207 Market h. 101 Mulberry Horton Mary O. widow of Joshua C. 15 Garden Horton Silas, carpenter Boyden n. Orange Houseman Henry, spring maker 38 Spring Housser Frederick, cooper 7 Church Hovey Lewis, jeweler 34 Columbia Howard-Deborah, 11 South Essex Howard Eunice, 98 Plane Howard George P. oyster saloon 140 Broad 152 PIERSON'S Howard George W. cloth scourer 142 Broad Howard Harmon, shoemaker 44 Quarry Howard Henry L. carpenter 35 Camp Howard Lewis, zinc works 23 Kast River Howard Maria D. dressmaker 11 South Essex Howard Samuel, cigar store 3 New Howard Whitfield, carpenter 182 Plane Howarth James VV. 2 North Canal Howe James, (col'd) rear 41 Mechanic Howe Orlando B. trunk manufacturer 46 Bank Howell Abner P. coach manuf. 36 Harrison h. 41 Bank Howell Charles J. Elizabelhtown h. 164 Plane Howell David P. mason 106 Catharine Howell & Dawson, curriers 72 Market Howell & Dawson, japan leather mfrs. Wilsey c. New Howell George, 164 Plane Howell Henry H. japanner 6 Nuttman Howell James, fireman 35Ogden Howell John B. grocer South Prospect c Garden Howell Mary R widow of John C. 167 Market Howell Samuel M. currier 82 Market h 70 Halsey Howell Stephen, 164 Plane Howell Stephen M. Columbia, S. C. Howell Stephen S. coach maker Morristown, N. J. Howell Theodore P. currier 72 Market h. 31 Academy Howell William A. clothier 294 Broad h. 164 Plane Howell William R. select school Clinton h. 14 Court Howheldin Frederick, carpenter 14 Broom Howkins William, jeweler 23 Garden Hoylan Timothy, laborer 150 Lock Hoyt Hannah, widow of William F. 11 Court Hubbell Algernon S. atty. & couns. 3 1 2 Broad h. 36 Kinney Huber Henry, bridle maker 243 Broad Huber J. P. architect 1 Washington Hall h. 12 Nesbitt Huber Lewis, carpenter 23 Wilsey Huber & Schrag, architects 320 Broad Hubert Alexander, 36 River Hubert John, tailor 17 Upper Jefferson Hubschmann John, trunk maker 63 Mercer Hudner William, gardner Orleans n. Nesbitt Hudson Henry C. mustard mfr. Hedenberg's h. 126 Plane Hudson John P. carpenter 260 Washington Hudson Mary, 126 Plane Hudson Robert, gardener 325 North Broad Hudson William R. carpenter 14 South Essex Hudson William T. carpenter 24 Bank Hug Charles, tailor 39 Prince Hugh Phillip, shoemaker 35 Montgomery NEWARK DIRECTORY. 153 Hughes Charles, segar maker 41 Prince Hughes Charles H. 2 Columbia Huyhes Charles W. saddler 57 Lafayette Hughes Cornelius, upholsterer 1()8 Broad Hughes Francis, laborer 217 Warren Hughes George D. California Huer'ses Eliza, widow of James 5 Durand Hughes Issachar, trunk maker 70 Piano Hughes John, 174 Plane Hughes John R. machinist 137 Orange Hughes Mary Ann. 2 Columbia Hughson Elias D. paper hangings 134 Market h. 35 Camp Hughson Phioeas, mason I Brunswick Hughson Rachel, widow of Peter 3U Chestnut Hughston James, tailor 108 Springfield Avenue Hulett D. S. jeweler 400 Uroad Hull Elizabeth, 25 William Hull Jeremiah, charcoal seller 216 Washington Hull John S. tanner 52 r. 37 Market Hull Sheldon A. saddler 34 Columbia Hull Jr. Warner, shoemaker 2,J7 Washington Hullfish William W. moulder 19 Spring Hullsten Adam, tailor 29 West Hulzebosch John, blacksmith 7 New York Human Albert, hatter 60 State Human Eliza, 275 Nesbitt Humell Henry, R. R. h. 13 Lafayette Humes John, 37 Academy ^ Humes Sarah, widow nurse 6 South Market Humes William, clerk 37 Academy Humphreys James, machinist 25 Franklin Humphreys John, blacksmith 26 Elm Humphreyville Isabella, widow of Jacob 151 Academy Hundertpfund Jacob, umb. mfr 111 Market h. 31 Shipman Huni Adolph, painter 11!) Springfield avenue Hunniwell John, shoemaker 22 William Hunt Ann, 3 Arch Hunt David, porter house 126 Market Hunt Edward T. teacher 23 New h. 148 Broad Hunt Elisha, blacksmith Sjl South Broad Hunt Francis, polisher 19 Orleans Hunt George F. clerk 133 Market r. 7 Camfield Hunt Joel, shoemaker 192 Plane Hunt Mary Ann, dressmaker 54 William Hunt Susan, 3 Arch Hunt Thomas C. carpenter Orleans n. Orange Hunter Alfred, table knife m. Sheffield c. State 145 Quarry Hunter Eleanor, widow of Robert, 170 Mulberry 154 PIERSON'S Hunter Eliza T. widow of William 256 South Market Hunter John, tailor 63 Plane Hunter John H. carriage maker 256 South Market Hunter Robert M. tailor 292 Broad h. 30 Clinton Hunter Thomas, saddler 54 Lafayette Hunting Horace 1. clerk 311 Broad r. 46 Smith Huntley Charles, shoemaker 10 Montgomery Huntley Charles G. straw hat presser 126 Broad Huntington Jonathan E. forwarding mer. Commer. dock h. 21 Commerce Huntsman James, house mover 169 Commerce Huntsman Mary Ann, tailoress 109 Commerce Hurd Alfred, engineer 23 Franklin Place Hurley William, hatter rear 77 Academy Huston Elias, transportation line 33 Broad Huston Hugh, weaver 33 Broad Huston John, mason 27 State Huss George J. organist 3d Church r. 366 Broad Hutchings Abraham, 22 h 49 Hamilton Hutchinps Ezra, shoemaker 90 Kinney Hutchings George, tailor 30 Front Hutchinson George, baker 52 Broad Hutchinson Hiram, Pres. india rubber Inc. Pi. h. 14 Smith Hutchinson Mary Ann, 23 Bleeker Hutchinson Matthias, (col'd) laborer 8 Prince Hutson Francis P. blacksmith 12 North Essex Hutson Jacob, carpenter 3-2 North Essex Hutson John, japanner 12 jSprth Essex Hutson Noah, japanner 6 North Essex Hyde Lyman, beer maker 120 Lock Hyde Mrs. 63 Washington Hyer John, bar tender 5'.) Halsey Hyland William, shoemaker 44 Mulberry Hyndman John, lace weaver 88 Bank I. lanson John, ship carpenter 14 East River III Joseph, (col'd) rear 128 Market Ilsley Edward, carpenter 109 Orchard Ilsley Francis L professor of music 122 Mulberry Imphoff John, tailor 135 Court Ingalls Caldwell, teacher 3 Pavonia PI- J. City Ingalls Putnam, merchant 3 Pavonia PI- J. City Ingalsbe Hiram, clerk 2fi6 Broad h. 21 Bank Ingleton Edward, harness maker 118 Mulberry Ingmire Rev. Wm. Pastor 2d adv. chh. 4 Keen's Court Ingmire Wm. R. axe manf. rear 333 Bd. h. 4 Keen's Court Ingraham Henry K. clothier 81 Cedar N. Y. h. 274 Broad NEWARK DIRECTORY. 155 Ingraham William T. Augusta, Geo. Insiee A. machinist Inclined Plane h. 5 Bleeker Inslee William R. machinist 385 Broad h. 16 South Essex Ireland Johnson, boatman 22 Cherry Irion John, shoemaker 44 Lush Irvin Byron, shoestore 28-2 Broad Irvin William, blacksmith 47 Commercial h. 27 Jefferson Irvine Margaret, widow of Alexander 32 Fulton Irving John, baker and grocer 77 Green Irving William, tailor 130 Broad Irwin Richard, saddler 3 Stephens' Court Irwine Lenox R. saw set manf. rear 333 Bd. h. 63 Walnut Ives Jason, axle manufr. 5 R. R. ave. r. 32 Commerce Ives Solon E., 5 R. R. ave. r. 32 Commerce Ives & Sons, axle manufrs. 5 R. R. avenue Ives William W. 5 R. R. ave r. 32 Commerce J. Jackson Ann, widow 54 William Jackson Benjamin F. carriage maker 11 Comes Jackson Cato, (col'd) laborer 122 Baldwin Jackson Charles D. (col'd) barber 400 h. 398 Broad Jackson Daniel H. master mason 68 Walnut . Jackson Edward E. mansion house Dover, N. J. Jackson Esther, 13 Warren Jackson Henry, (col'd) gardner 122 Baldwin Jackson Jacob, currier 11 Camfield Jackson James, (col'd) rear 37 Warren Jackson James N. carpenter Il7 Union Jackson John A. laborer rear 342 Rail Roarl avenue Jackson John N. painter 117 Union Jackson John P- att. & couns. & Vice Pres. N. J. R. R. & T. Co. 312 h. 384 Broad Jackson & Jol'ey, mansion house Dover. N. J. Jackson Joseph B. M. D. 181 Broad c Rector Jackson Lucinda. (col'd) washing 21 Somerset Jackson Margaret, (col'd) 16 Mill Jackson Peter, hoops &c. 13 Commercial h. 439 Broad Jackson Peter (col'd) vegetables foot Oliver Jackson Heuben, turner 15 Hamilton Jackson Reuel H. hatter 261 Washington Jackson Samuel, M. D. U. S Navy 271 North Broad Jackson Samuel (col'd) 40 Springfield avenue Jackson Sarah, widow of Isaac 31 Monroe Jackson Thomas, (col'd) 8 Prince Jackson Thomas, (col'd) 40 Springfield avenue Jackson Thomas, (col'd) laborer 56 Mill Jackson William, capt. schr. Venus 23 Bridge 156 PIERSON'S Jackson William, lumber 13 Comm. h. 16 Park Chh. PI. Jackson William H. blacksmith Si Lafayette Jacob August, tailor 6 A Fair Jacob John, chair maker 130 Grand Jacob John, tailor, stuffer & preparer of birds 23 William Jacobus Aaron D. moulder 32 Nesbitt Jacobus Abraham I painter 125 Broad Jacobus Anna, widow of James II Mulberry Jacobus Archibald, carman 5 Cross Jacobus Charles, blacksmi'.h 12 Arch Jacobus Cornelius, mason 25 North Essex Jacobus Cornelius H. saddle tree maker 11 Hamilton Jacobus Cornelius I. currier 84 Market h. 103 Plane Jacobus Delia A. dressmaker 5 Cross Jacobus Eliza, widow of John Jr. 64 State Jacobus Elizabeth, widow padsewer 6 North Canal Jacobus Elizabeth, widow of Henry nurse Newark Jacobus Isaac M mason 73 State Jacobus Jacob, shoemaker 62 William Jacobus Jacob B letter carrier 72 Orleans Jacobus, widow of James 22 Bleeker Jacobus James J. patent leather Newark n. Sussex ave. Jacobu^ James P. 1'27 Elm Jacol'Us John, hammer maker Newark n. Canal Jacobus John A. vegetables C. M. 17 New Jacobus John I. shoo mfr. 140 Market h. 159 Plane Jacobus John M. master mason 7.3 Slate Jacobus Rev. M. W. 51 liemsen, Brooklyn, L" I. Jacobus Mrs. Martha. 33 Fair Jacobus Nelson, carpenter 11 Franklin Place Jacobus Nicholas \. mason 81 Plane Jacobus Nicholas H. saddle tree maker 78 Plane Jacobus Peter, 21 Park Place Jacobus Richard I. 25 North Essex Jacobus Richard I. carman 39 Halsey Jacobus, Tichenor & Co. shoe manufacturers 140 Market Jacobus & Utter, leather and oi' dealers 84 Market Jacobus William C. brass founder 169 Mulberry Jacobus William H. seaman 5 Sheffield Jagers Stephen, rule maker Inclined Plane h. 24 Nesbitt James Anthony, (col'd) laborer 7 Marshall James James, morocco finisher 180 Plane James John, tailor 2()9 Plane James Josiah, turner 15 Hamilton James J<>si.ih,clotri store N4i h. 110 Broad James Lvdia. tailoress 6 Broad James M-iry, (col'd) 7 Marshall James & Co. Nathaniel E. tin manuf. 98 Railroad ave. NEWAI1K DIRECTORY. 157 Jager Anthony, lock maker 66 Court James Thomas, farmer 2t Broad James William, (col'd) waiter steamboat 7 Marshall James William, 8 Smith Jamison James, hatter 1 Nesbitt's Court Jamison John, gardner 1 Nesbitt's Court Janse,n John' E. accountant 2 Beaver h. 00 Boston Jaquellard David, cooper 35 Hamburg Place Jaqueneil Henry, jeweler 13 Kair Jaques Dorcas, widow of David 59 Orange Jaques Henry H. hat manuf. 2 Beaver h. 13 Clinton Jaques John B. cloth cutter 276 Broad h. 29 Warren Jaques John H. hatter 71 Spring Jaques Thomas R- trunk maker 4 Camfield Jaques Wm. S, mer. tailor 240 Broad h. 33 Commerce Jarvis Benjamin A- butcher 63 Plane Jarvis Harriet R. widow of ftichard jr. 4 James Jarvis John W. tinman 4 Academy Jarvis Samuel A. saddler 10 Warren Jarvis Thomas, cutler 1 19 Sheffield Jayne Isaac, bowling saloon 1 h. 8 Ferry Jayne William, india rubber 15 Orleans Jefferson Ann, widow of Thomas 53 Upper Jefferson Jefferson Joseph, hatter 53 Upper Jefferson Jeffreys Henry, boot crimper 21 Nesbitt Jehu Thomas, fancy store 1GS 170 Broad Jelliff John, cabinet manuf. 301 303 Broad h. 206 Wash. Jelliff Wesley, cabinet maker 206 Washington Jenkins Ambrose, tailor 3'~J Lush Jenkins Benjamin N. lock manuf. 6 Mechanic h. 36 Bank Jenkins & Co. Benjamin N. locksmiths. 6 Mechanic Jenkins David, gilder 12 Mercer Jenkins David B. mason 30 Lush Jenkins Henry, saddlet.ee riveter 10 Garden Jenkins Everett, cooper 256 South Market Jenkins Isaac L. carpenter 3-3 Lush Jenkins Joseph, patent leather 112 Tichenor Jenkins Louisa S. 16 Kinney Jinkins Lucinda, widojv of Moses L 24 Court Jenkiis Nelson, !;addletree riveter Philadelphia Jenkins Rachel, widow 36 Bank Jennings David, Charleston S. C. 207 Market Jennings John C. jeweler Hamilion c. Union Jennin ;s & Mockridgr, jewelers Hamilton c. Union Jennings Samuel C. printer 37 Market Jennings William H. muson 11 Union Jepson James C. cu'rier 124 Broad Jessup Charles, Hedenbergs. '235A Washington 14 158 PIER sox 7 s Jessup William, 421 Broad Jessup William C. (VVriglit, BuM & Co.) Augusta Geo. Jewell Aaron C. grocer 9i Hamilton Jewell Jonathan B blacksmith 9 Hamilton Jewell Sarah, widow of Richard S. J. 122 Plane Jillson James R. hat trimmings 271 Broad h. 36 William Jinkins Benjamin, clam merchant 27 Cheny Jinkins Smith, West Bloornfield Jobes John, brake tender 43 Chestnut Johnson Aaron C. farmer Clinton Camplown road Johnson Abraham, (col'd) 20 Academy Johnson Abraham H. hay dealer 177 Elizabethtown road Johnson Abby, 132 WashingU n Johnson Albert G. tailor 8 Kinney Johnson Alfred C varnish m. 222 h. 196 Mulberry Johnson Alonzo, harness maker 12 Elm Johnson Caesar, (col'd) woodsawer 20 Durand Johnson Catharine, widow of David D. 397 Broad Johnson Catharine. 132 Washington c. Academy Johnson Daniel A. varnish 222 Mulberry h. 12 Elm Johnson David, shoemaker 40 Kinney Johnson Davis V. wood & coal 2 Commercial h. 61 Muib'y Johnson Edward, laborer 48 North Uroad Johnson Ephraim, carpenter 344 Broad Johnson George, hair spinner Walnut c. S. Prospect Johnson Geo. T. butcher 2 centre nikt. h. Clinton township Joi.nson Henrietta A. tailoress 1 Division Johnson Henry, meat store 390 Broad h. 106 Church Johnson Henry D. carman 16 Court Johnson Henry L. California 125 Plane Johnson Jane E. widow of William 7 Stephen's Court Johnson Hermon G. grocer 385 Broad h. 115 Mulberry Johnson Deborah, widow of Isaac F. 29 Walnut Johnson Jacob, coffee ar.d spice manuf. 53 Mechanic b. SI Mulberry Johnson James, (c^l'd) 79 Mercer n. Grand Johnson James H. carpenter 49 Mechanic Johnson Jeremiah, (col'd) 297 South Broad Johnson John, merchant Charleston S. C- 366 Broad Johnson John A. buil 'er L'26 Plane c- William Johnson John C. cuniar 20 Garden h. 2<) Walnut Johnson John H. classical school 17 Liberty Johnson Joseph, (col'd) rear 75 Garden Johnson JoMi.h, Clinton ton nshrp Cam ptown road Johnson Lewis M. carpenter 426 Broad Johnson Mary, widow of Siephen 092 Broad Johnson Moses, soap boiler bS Kinney Johnson Moses W. shoemaker 136 Chestnut NEWARK DIRECTORY. 159 Johnson Nancy, widow 100 Halsey Johnson Nathaniel, 1 Elizabet/tlown Road Johnson Peter, (col'd) laborer 3 Golden Johnson Samuel, currier ISS Broad Johnson Samuel, (col'd) 121 Baldwin Johnson Samuel L carriage maker 23 Rankin Johnson Sarah C. widow of David L. 1 Division Johnson Thomas, painter Clinton township Johnson Thomas, clerk r. 88 Plane Johnson Thomas, farmer 1 Elizabethlown road Johnson Thomas V, wholesale grocer Commercial Dock b, B.ink c. Wallace Johnson & Co. T. V. Newark and N. Y. Transporta. Co. 1 Commercial Dock Johnson IJzal, miller 1-25 Ehzabeihtoion rond Johnson William, laborer 325 North Broad Johnson William, huckster 1 Commerce h. 37 S. Essex Johnson William, meat and fruit Si Broad h. 49 Orange Johnson William, shoemaker 2;> Kinney Johnson William, joiners tools 34 Nort'i Canal Johnson William, jeweler 174 Mulberry Johnson William L. india rubber 24 Comes Johnson William H. isatter 3 Scott Johnston Andrew, 2& Orchard Johnston Robert, machinist 24 Sheffield Johnston Robert, baker 403 Broad Joline David, carriage trimmer 115 Orchard Jolley J. B. Mansion house Dover, N. J. Jolly Samuel, baker 110 McWhorter Jones Abner D. baker 153 Broad Jones Abraham, grocer and baker 44 Ferry c. Union Jones Abraham P. 1 Harrison h 6') Market Jones Alexander, plater 74 Plane Jones Andrew, blacksmith 14 Summit Jones Cha.'les L. clerk Old Bank 3 1 Green Jones Christiana, widow of Humphrey 112 Orange Jones Dagid, 104 Mulberry Jones David, saddler 24 Ferry Jones Edward. 59 Market Jones Edward E. leather mer. 60 Market h. 39 Commerce Jones George F. hatter 14 Baldwin Jones George H. city coffee house 132 Market Jones Hannah, tailoress 21 Bank Jones Henry, 62 Mulberry Jones Henry, turner 91 South Broad Jones Henry C. bank locka 90 R. R. av.h. 39 Liberty Jones Henry F. carpenter 2S Congress Jones Henry M. trimmer 151 h 153 Broad 160 PIERSON'S Jones James B. blacksfniili 101 Washington Jones Barnes E. engineer 24 Hamilton Jones John, button manuf. 10-3 South Orange avenue Jones John, press tool 129 Broad Jones John, victualing house 161 Market Jones John 0. cabinet maker 14 Baldwin Jones Joseph W. foot South Jones Mary, widow of Rev. John 156 Railroad avenue Jones Margaret W. widow of A.bram W. 22 Broad Jones Moses A. harness maker 14 Baldwin Jones Richard, shoemaker 26 Drift Jones Richard, zinc mlr. 1 Park Place Jones Samuel, tinner 31 Green Jones Samuel C. secretary lime and cement Company h. Orange N. J. Jones Samuel S. shoemaker 123 Plane Jones Stephen, laborer 14 Baldwin Jones Thomas, saddler -& Ferry Jones William, bout fitter 174 Bank Joralemon Alexander, harness maker 37 South Canal Joralemon Alexander, plater 12 Franklin Place Joralemon Cornelius C machinist 2 Clay Joralemon & Fielding, lock mfrs. 22 Mechanic Joralemon George, blacksmith 34 Quarry Joralemon Henry J. blacksmith 21 or 23 Broad Joralemon James N. spring mfr. 72 Clay h. Harrison Joralemon Jcrad, saddletree maker 75 Ferry Joralemon John C. carpenter foot Oliver Joralemon John H. carpenter inquire 71 Ferry Joralemon John P. lock maker 'J2 Mechanic h. 13 Cherry Joralemon J. Sansom, student 8 State Joralemon Leah, nursa'll Cherry Joralemon Nicholas, carpenter 12 Franklin Place Joralemon Nicholas H. hatter 18'Fair h. Si Commerce Jorclon James, japanner 107 South Prospect Jordon Julius, jeweler 54 Mulberry Jordon Lyman, M. D 58 New Jube John P. plating 5 Mechanic h. 83i Mulberry Judson James P. clerk fi*iddlcville Judson Sylvester D. 43 Chestnut Justice Miss Mary. 103 Market K. Kaacy Barney, currier 15 Church Kaddin Patrick, currier 7 Summit Kaden John, japanned leather 117 Sheffield Kahough Eliza, widow rear 48 Lawrence Kammerer Adam, locksmith Dover NEWAUtf DIRECTORY. 161 Kane Edward, mason 100 Quarry Kane Francis, laborer 54 Brown Kane Patrick, laborer 39 North Broad Kane Thomas, farmer 53 North Broad Kanouse J. Alfred California 700 Broad Kapel Charles, cooper i Stephens' Court Karen Christian, jeweler 242 Mulberry Karey Adam, blacksmith 2 Chnpel Court Kase John H. dry goods 290 h. 350 Broad Kassler Anthony, tailor 30 Goble KaufFman fgnatz, jeweler 307 Washington Kaufman William, architect 2* Scott Kaup Solomon, steam saw mill foot Clay Kavan Edward, ship carpenter 42 Hiver Kavenaugh Michael, blacksmith 48 Spring Kay Miss Hannah, 12 Liberty Kealey Edward, laborer 96 East River Kearnan John, laborer 157 Ferry Kearney Abraham G ship carpenter 9 Longworth Kearney Barnard, school I New Kearney Elizabeth, (col'd) widow of Wm. B. 19 Academy Kearney John, currier and grocer 209 Plane Kearney Michael, laborer 53 Orange Kearney Michael, currier 174 Plane Kearney William, machinist 36 Union Kearny Archibald, 485 Broadway, N. Y. h. 199 N. Broad Keegan Michael, grocer 55 Academy Keen Catharine, widow of Henry 5 Springfield Ave. Keen Elizabeth, widow of Nathan 27 North Essex Keen George A. clothier 588 h. 421 Broad -Keen Lucir.da, 75 Mulberry Keene James, 4 Cedar Keene Michael, laborer 3 Newark Keene Wallace, hatter 112 Bank Keene William T. clerk 4 Cedar Keep David C. jeweler 09 River h. 198 Market Keeran Owen, laborer 81 Plume Kehoe James, currier 8 Green Kehoe Patrick, tailor 101 Quarry Keil Augustus, carpenter 310 Washington Keiser Theodore, tailor 237 Washington Keisler Charles, engraver 28 William Keisler John, 19 Warren Kelemen Atilla J. M. D. 273 Market Kelleman Gotlob, tinsmith 45 Mulberry Keller Michael, mason Jones n. Springfield Avenue Keller Always, gardner 15 Scott Kelley Andrew, cutter 294 Broad h. 63 Catharine 14* 162 PIEHSOX'S Kelley Ann, widow of Richard VV. 116 Commerce Kelley Bridget, fancy store 24'2 Market Kelley Bridget, widow of Peter 171 Washington Kelley Daniel, wheelwright 40 Union Kelley David S. blacksmith 1 1 Bank h. 73 Academy Kelley Edward, cooper 100 Bank Kelley Edward, laborer Souih Market n. Congress Kelley Harvey, hatter 100 Ferry Kelley Jehoakim P. carpenter 60 Walnut Kelley James, variety store 142 Broad Kelley James R carman 23 Ogden Kelley John, tailor and cloth scourer 68 Catharine Kelley John, dagger 125 Broad Kelley Joseph, hat rn. 40 Market h. 2f> Halsey Kelley Martin, laborer rear 127 Nesbitt Kelley & Meyer, hat manufacturers 40 Market Keliey Nancy, widow of William 246 Plane Kelley Patrick, coach maker 68 Catharine Kelley Sarah, widow of Charles Y. 23 Ogden Kelley Stephen, laborer 529 Ferry Kelley Thomas, Iaborer26 Ridge Kelley & Tichenor, blacksmiths 11 Bank Kelley William, tinman 1 Springfield Avenue Kelley William, coachsmith 1 Fair Kelley William, carpenter 345 Washington Kelley William, laborer 17 River Kelley William L. shoemaker 12 Broom Keilord John, tailor 3 Gallager's Court Kelly Joseph B. cabinet maker 4 Scott h. 209 Mulberry Kelly Robert, shoemaker 12 Broom Kelly Robert, cabinet maker 209 Mulberry Kelsey Jared, 16 Commerce Kemp Eliza, vest maker 108 Plane Kemp Samuel, hatter 22 Ailing Kemp Susan, vest maker 108 Plane Kemp William A. hatter 41 Columbia Kemper Joanna, teacher 23 Quarry Kendall Thomas, shoemaker 40 Upper Jefferson Kendig George, tailor 34 Market h. 23 Catharine Kennedy D. S. variety store 101 Market Kennedy James, laborer I North Broad Kennedy John, laborer 148 Lock Kennedy John, cracker baker 19 Lombardy Kennedy Lawrence, hatter 83 Plane Kennedy Mary Ann, dress maker 37 Orchard Kennett Thomas, 64 Adams Kenny Thomas. J]7 Market Kenos George, tailor 14 Montgomery NEWARK DIRECTORY. 163 Kent George, hatter 43 Liberty Kent George, sash and blind 106 Summit Kent Isaac, jeweler 242 Washington Kent Tames, sash and blind mfr. 3 Ferry h. 106 Summit Kent James H. jeweler 73 Orchard Kent Nathaniel, jeweler 48 Liberty Kent, Russell & Ward, sash & blind manufacturers 3 Ferry Kent William S. jeweler 6 Garden Keogh Edward, teamster 38 Springfield Avenue Keppler Adam, cabinet maker 9 Bank Keppler Anthony, box maker 12 Harrison Keppler Frederick, sash and blind 37 Catharine Kerk Michael, tailor 169 Orange Kernan John, 199 Plane Kernan John H. grocer 151 Plane c. Bank Kernan William, laborer rear 17-2 Bank Kerns Terrence, shoemaker 148 Washington Kerns William, shoemaker 11 Grant's Alley Kerns William, machinist 20 Walnut Kerr Joseph, printer 123 Maruet h 29 Baldwin Kerr Susan, widow of Richard clothing 197 Broad Kerr William, baker 1 Fair Kessler Anthony, tailor 35 Durand Ketcham Eliphalet, carpenter 690 Broad Ketchara Eliphalet S. carpenter 1 Brunswick Ketcbam Garret, shoemaker 205 Plane Ketcham Jonathan, carman 30 Church Ketcham Margaret, 30 Court Kelcham Mary, 30 Court KetchAm William S. builler 22 Mercer Keve Daniel, hatter 98 Halsey Keve David C. baker 96 Bank Keve Michael, laborer 44 Broad , Keve Robert L. tailor 60 Academy Key & Sellers, water cure South Orange Kidd Mary, widow of William 33 Washington Kidder Rev Daniel P. editor 200 Mulberry, N. 7.448 Hi^h c. Nesbitt. Kidder, widow of Selvey 23 Bleeker Kidger Amelia, tailoress 57 South Prospect Kidger Elizabeth, dress maker 27 South Prospect Kidger Joseph, tinner and brazier 27 South Prospect Kidger Thomas, baker 54i Bank Kiedaisch William, jeweler 59 Walnut Kiefer Frederick, engraver IfiS Mulberry Kiersted Aaion, shoemaker 231 Mulberry Kjersted Abraham, mason 630 High Kiersted Caroline, widow of John A. 34 Garden Kiersted James, mason 56 New 164 PIERSON'S Kiersted Peter, japanner 2 East Kinney Kiesele Catharine, widow of John 13 ! J Broom Kiescle Michael, boarding house 193 Market Kiesler Maria, widow of John 48 North Broad Kiggin James, carman 11 Hoyt Kjggm Michael, paver 33 McWhorter Kiggin Michael, laborer rear '22 North Prospect Kiihner Andrew C. carman 112 Washington Kilburn Elizabeth, widow ol Charles L. 61 Mechanic Kilburn Isaac B.216 Broad Killiasner Frederick, japanned leather 1 Broom Kilhover Valentine, mason 41 Prince Kilkus GotHeb, carpenter 143 Court Kilkus John, tailor 43 West Kilpatrick & Castles, malleable iron mfrs. 29 New Kilpatrick John, malleable iron 29 New h. 52 Spring Kilpatrick Peter, filer 86 Ferry Kimball Abbey, teacher 418 Broad Kimball Andrew, tailor 18 Broom Kimball John S. cabbage and celery 77 Hamburg Place Kimbark Jeremiah, chairmaker 7 Orchard Kimberly Margaret, 423 Broad Kirr c Aaron, shoemaker 35 Spring Kinchler Michael, grocer 1 1 1 Quarry King Anrou, bookkeeper 122 Union King Abraham O. (col'd) carpenter 112 Church King Amelia, widow of Orange \V. 441 Broad King Anthony, hatter f>!) Pennington King Asher, carman 48 Front King Bond, general agents 298 Broad King Charles M. 27 Park place King David, trunk maker 35 North Canal King & Dodd, druggists 188 Market Ring Emanuel, refectory 115 Market King Henry, (col'd) coachman 2 Nesbitt's Court King Jacob D. (col d) cooper 37 Warren King James, butcher c. Bruen and Lafayette King Jeremiah, carpenter 100 Summit King Joseph, cotton spinner 351 Broad King Justus, carpenter 27 Lawrence King Lewis, fruit store 95i Broad King Lorinda, 42 Quarry King Moses, carriage trimmer 23 Lombardy King Moses R. com. of deeds 2:^8 Broad h. 32 Columbia King Moses W. harness maker 98 Market King Rachel, widow of John,'nurse 18 Fulton King Thomas S. M. D 88 h. 172 Market King William, painter and glazier 70 Broad h. Orange NEWARK DIRECTORY. 165 King William (col'd) laborer 20 Chatham c. Cabinet King & Co. William, house & sign painters 70 Broad King William S. shoe manuf. 69 Market h. 3"27 Broad Kinger E. pocket books 29 Plume Kjngsland John, (col'd) 37 Garden Kingsley Phillip, alt. & notary public Orange, N. J Kjnnard Nancy, widow 22 East River Kjnner Andrew J mason 35t* Broad Kjnner Thomas N. mason 358 Broad Kinney Abraham W. hardware 139 Market h 27 Centre Kinney Alice, widow of John 174 Plane Kinney Charles, jeweler 28 Marshall Kjnney & Co. hardware 139 Market Kjnney Edward, currier 20 North Broad Kinney James, mason rear 48 North Broad Kjnr.ey John, buckles, 22 Quarry Kinney Michael, laborer 43 Montgomery Kinney Theodore F 139 Market h. 27 Centre Kinney Thomas, cigar maker 128 Quarry Kinney Thomas T. editor Daily Advertiser r. Park House Kinney William, sawyer 12 Webster Kinney William B. Charge d'AfTaires to Sardinia Kinney William D. California 27 Centre Kinsey Charles, blacksmith Chatham c. Canal Kinsey Charles, gunsmith 153 Plane Kinsey In^ham, Chatham n. Car.al Kinsey Joel, hatter 99 Orange h. 14 Warren Kinsey Jonas I. grocer 143 Orange Kipp Henry, boatman 48 South Canal Kipp Henry I. wheelwright 39 Broad h. 19 Quarry Kipp Henry W. carpenter New above Newark Kipp John H. 8 State Kipp John H. wheelwright 36 State Kirchkissner Edward, patent leather 225 Bank Kirk William H. builder 11 Pear alley h. 11 Franklin pi. Kirk & Co. Wm. H. architects and'builders 11 Pear alley Kirkland Lyman, fireman Jonas C. Hcartt Kirkpatrick Alexander, painter 11 River Kirkpatrick Andrew, 49 South Canal Kirkpatrick Ebenezer T. carpenter 113 Orchard Kirkpatrick Hugh, carpenter 1 3 Franklin place Kirkpatrick James, sash and blinds 1 13 Orchard Kirkpatrick Thos. builder 11 Pear alley h. 13 Franklin pi. Kisd Frederick, tailor 25 South Prospect Kiser Frank T. tailor 27 Charlton Kist Anthony, tailor 47 Prince Kitchell Farrand, mason 10 Clay Kitchell George W. blacksmith 4 Franklin Phce 166 PIERSON'S Kitchell Lodi, tinman inquire 14 Cherry Kitchell Obadiali, step maker Newark n. Orange Kitchell Silas H. grocer 102 Broad h. 11 Bridge Kitchell & Ward, grocers 102 Broad Kitchell William, M. D. 250 Plane Kitchen Helena, widow Dover N. J.., Kitchen John G. dry goods 256 Broad Kitchen, Montross & Wileox, wholesale dry goods 57 Liberty N. Y. Kitchen Ziba H. dry goods 57 Liberty N. Y. h. 459 High Kitcher John, tailor 1 Wilburs' Alley Kittridge Abby, widow of Henry 63 Commerco Klei Jacob) coach trimmer 2 Chapel Court Kleick Frederick, butcher 57 Mercer Kleim Henry, tailor 29 Scribers' Line Kleinknecht Adolphus, saddler 22 Adams Kleinknecht Frederick, tailor 26 South Market Kleiser Frederick, mason 49 Prince Klengly Charles, jeweler 2 East Green Klespies Cath. wid. of Conrad willow basket 676 Broad Klin Phillip, butcher 11 Prince Kline John, hatter 113 Elm Kline Minard F. coach lace weaver 236 Market Kline , trunk maker rear 37 Prince Kling Henry, shoemaker 37 Chestnut Klingel Elizabeth, widow of Francis 69 Springfield ave. Kloss John, laborer 64 Springfield avenue Knapp Benjamin, clerk 84 New Knapp Collins, tool maker 21 Liberty Knapp Erastus, carpenter 2 Spruce Knapp Samuel C- shoe mfr. 138 Market h. 112 Mulb'y Knapp Thomas, 54 Commerce Knettle Henry, tailor 55 Grand Kniggl William, tailor 55 Grand Knights John W. l'84 Broad h. 156j Plane Knipe John, cabinet maker 42 Union Knott David, grocer 12 South Market Knox George, japanner 57 North Broad Koagel Bernhardt, carpenter 17 Broom Kocher John, chairmaker 65 Parker Koehler Frederick, saddler 159 Market Koehler Henry, cutler 114 William Koehler Peter, blacksmith 9 Halsey's Court Koehler Theodore, cooper 17 Springfield avenue Koerner Carl, tinner 27 Lawrence Koerner John, general dyer 351 Broad Koevoers H. painter & glazier 135 Market Kohnman Edward, tailor 14 Montgomery NEWARK DIRECTORY. 167 Kolb Frederick, brewer 273 High Kolb Matthews, shoemaker 163 Washington Kombacker Nicholas, laborer 160 Thomas Korb Adam, 46 Wall Kormeyer Francis A. 21 Upper Jefferson Korp John, metal worker 22 Mechanic Korsch Christian, machinists North Essex Kosstka Louis, jeweler 356 Broad Koty John, tailor 110 Springfield avenue Krack Michael, tailor 29 West Kraft Adam, tailor 36 South Canal Kraft William, tailor 10 Fair Krahl Christian, tailor 67 Mercer Kramer Philip, baker 86 Kmney Kranish Julius, plater 27 Lawrence Krapft George, gardner 77 South Krath Joseph, tailor 14 Harrison Kreitler John, ropemaker 210 Orange n. Nesbitt Krezemer George, jeweler 12 Fair Krim Adam, lace weaver 21 Oxford Krim John, shoemaker 19 Oxford Krog Theodore, uilor 01 Montgomery Kroll Phillip, turner 33 Broad Krouse Jacob, harness maker 2 -'4 Washington Krowles William, engineer 76 Nesbitt Kruemeich Francis, potter 44 South Canal Kruemeich Lawrence, potier 44 South Canal Kruemeich Phillip, potter 44 South Canal Kruemeich Sebastian, potter 61 River Krug William, shoemaker 37 Prince Kuchn Casper, 96 Quarry Kuhless Joseph, shade painter 29 Prince Kuhless & Wiesener, shade painters 207 Bank Kuhn George J. chair seat maker 14 Lonjworth Kuhnhoid Ferdinand, locksmith 31 Commerce Kull Frederick, laborer 23 Oxford Kull Michiel, trunkmaker23 Oxford Kulp Jacob R. cutler 24 South Essex Kuser Rudolph, grocer 79 Bleeker n- High Kutekmist Charles, paper maker 11 Lumber Kutz Erasmus A. 23 Centre L. Lachenmeyer George, stone cutter 161 Ferry Lachenrneyer. Jacob, stone cutler 66 Elin Lachner Leonora, 42 Congress Lackey Bridget, widow of William grocer 94 Riv er Lackey John H. carpenter 24 Orchard Lafever Mary, widow of Adam 71 inness PIERSOX'S Lafon Thomas, M. D. 257 Broad Laforge Ira, carpenter 19 Warren Lafoy Helena, widow of John 40 Fair Lafoy Theodore R. watch maker 314 Broad h. 42 Pair Lahzer Gabriel, shoemaker 4 Plane Laible John, baker and grocer 153 Mulberry c. Walnut Laing Richard, (col'd) jeweler 104 Bank Lake John T. shoemaker 243 Broad Lamb Ann, widow of James 40 Broom Lamb James, stone cutter 30 Fulton Lamb Patrick, Scriber's Lane n. High Lamb Robert, brass and tin smith 43 Kesbitt Lambert Edward, glass cutter 171 Academy Lambert John, spring maker 16 Parker Lambert John, tailor 22 Franklin place Lambert John, tailor 133 Mar!-:et Lambert Peter, tailor 22 Franklin place Lamar Conrad, baker 24 Franklin Place Landell John H. sail m. 123 Market h. 3 Cammack's alley Landell Joshua, brass founder 3 Cammack's alley Landell Margaret, widow of Joshua 104 Academy Landers Michael, carpenter 2 Brunswick Landers William, laborer 50 Brown Landray Charles, carpenter 34 Garden Landrigan Lawrence, currier 8 Green Lands George W. japanner 238 Plane Lands William H. patent leather 1 Halsey's Court Lane George, teamster 51 State Lane George B. tavern Madison c. Downing Lane Margaret, 246 Washington Lane Peter, (col'd) laborer 112 Church Lang Richard, (col'd) Fair Lane Sarah, widow of Abraham 38 South Prospect Lane \Villiam,^!nman 38 Orange Lane William H. hatter 169 Plane Lane Wiliiam II. painter 31 Plane Lang Henry, currier 91 South Orange avenue Lang James M. grocer 143 Mulberry h. 204 Elm Lang OTrah, widow 16 Front Lange Charles, shoemaker 28 Springfield avenue Langenbfic!er Go tlkb, wrought nails 'J7 River 79 S Canal Langstroth Christopher, plater 108 Summit Langstroth Edmun-1, paper maker Pvmplon N- J. Langslrolh Theodore, hatter 66 Bank Langstroth Thomas W. locksmith 6 Mechanic h. 48 Wm. Lansing Garret, tailor 3- Fulton Lan-ing .' ewis, carpenter 16 Columbia LaRoche Samuol, cigar maker 18 East Mechanic NEWARK DIRECTORY. 16$ Laroza John S. furrier 174 Orange Larrinaga Sabino G. clerk 26 Orchard Larrison Joseph W. carpenter 39 Chestnut Larter Robert, carman 209 Plane Larter Jr. Robert, printer 37 Market Larue Alfred, marketman 50 Academy Larue Hannah C. 81 Plane Larwill Ebenezer, daguerrian case mahuf. 264 Plane Larwill Elizabeth, widow of Abraham 3 South Essex Larzalier Sampson, tailor 106 Orange Lascelle David, hatter 107 Warren Lasey Bridget, widow of John 2 1 River Latham Elias B. exchange 120 Mark h. 40 Bleeker Latham James, chemical manuf. 149 South Market Lathrop Mrs. Calvin, 271 Plane Lathrop Charles C. broker 42 Wall, N. Y. h- Rahway Lathrop Gerard, Rahway, N J. ^Lathrop Lathrop E. California 258 Plane Lattourette Paul D. boatman 100 Academy Lattourette Susanna, widow of Paul Sen. 100 Academy Laubender Andrew, butcher 24 Charlion Lauber Abraham, fancy dry goods 1 38 Broad Lauderbach William, jeweler 34 Columbia Lauer Andrew, tailor 18 Broom Lauer Christopher, grinder 119 Springfield Avenue Lauer Frederick, shoemaker 116 Newark Lauppee Charles, harness maker rear 106 Church Laute Frederick, harness maker 229 Washington Lautz Martin, cigar maker 9fi.J Market Lauzon Rebecca, widow of Benjamin enquire 79 Com'rce Lavalla Albert, Chestnut n. Railroad Avenue Lavender John, grinder 23 Sheffield Laverick Cornelius, carman 7 Halsey's Court Law Henry D. jeweler 79 Walnut " Law James, file maker 151 South Market Law James, hatter 75 Orchard Law Jr. James, land agent Jersey City Law Joseph, land agent 153 Market h. 104 Washington Lawless James, moulder 44 Broad Lawless Patrick, laborer 12 River ^ Lawlor Andrew, blacksmith 18 River Lawrence Ann E. widow of Thomas 21 S. Prospect Lawrence George, turner 30 Hamburg Place Lawrence John, shoemaker 21 Kinney Lawrence John, bandbox manufacturer 1 North Canal Lawrence John H. patent leather 148 Mulberry Lawrence John M. (Stephens. Condit & Co.) h. 19 Park Lawrence Stephen F. tailor Rahway, N. J. 15 170 PIERSON'S Lawrence Thomas, trimmer Silk.n Academy Lawson William VV. shoe manuf. 55 Court Lawyer Christian, grocer 18 Columbia Layman George, jeweler 195 Mulberry Lay ton Ann, Orange n. Canal Layton Isaac, (col'd) shoemaker rear 28 Bank Layton John, shoemaker 27 Walnut Layton Sidney M. merchant 20 Front Layton William E. hatter 90 Bank Leadly Adarn, oysterman Oliver c. South Prospect Leard Bloomfield, blacksmith 85 Plane Leber F. F. 9 Cross Leber Jr. Henry, carpenter Cross Leddy Bernard, tailor c. Washington and New Leddy Margaret, widow of James 61 Adams Leddy Thomas, tailor 36 Congress Ledos Paul, cane maker 344 Broad Ledwith John, currier 22 Pium Ledwith Michael J. chandler 154 Market Lee Anna C. 10 Lombardy Lee Charles, trunk rivet mfr Incline Plane h. E. Newark Lee C. & H. trunk rivet manuf. Iledenberg's Lee Frances, widow of Alonson &1 Market Lee George H. jeweler 48 Kinney h. 128 Broad Lee Hannah, widow of Charles 71 Academy Lee Henry, trunk rivet Incline Plane h. East Newark Lee Henry, coachman 91 Sout'.i Orange Avenue Lee Isaac, blacksmith 105 New Lee Isaac B. millwright 145 Mulberry Loe James S. sash and blinds 71 Academy Lee Rev. John, 20 Baldwin Lee John, gardener near Plum's Point Lee John, grocer 297 Washington Lee John, fancy cjjair manuf. 241 Broad c. Canal Lee John B. diuggist 241 Broad Lee John W. shoemaker foot East Green Lee Michse), laborer 18 Drift Lee Rebecca, widow of Dayton foot East Green Lee Sarah Ann. dress maker 91 South Orange avenue Lee Sarah E. school St Augustine Lee Thomas, morocco dresser 91 South Orange avenue Lee Thomas, shoemaker 19 Rankin Lee & Van Winkle, grocers 279 Washington c. Kinney Lee William, justice of the peace H6 Broad Lee William, brass founder 98 William Lee "William G. grocer 152 Bank Lee William H. grocci S4 r. 86 Broad Lee William R. jsweler 241 Broad NEWARK DIRECTORY. 171 Leet Ambrose W. 1 Commerce Leffeningwell John, stair case maker 22 Quarry Lefler William H. coachsmith 3 Brunswick Leffler Ann, nurse 36 Bank Legal Madame, 10 New Lehlbach Rev. F. A. pastor Ref. Dutch chh. 49 Mechanic Lehman Frederick, laborer 185 South Market Leibe Daniel, cane maker 48 Wallace Leibe Fragoot, fancy box maker 3 Railroad avenue Leibe William, tin and stove manuf. 329 Broad Leibhauser Anthony, baker 57 Mulberry Leibhauser Augustus, baker 29 Union Leibhauser Christopher, baker 16 VVar-reji Leiht Felix, laborer 17 Ridge Leiss Theodore, shoemaker 8 Bank Lelarge Joseph, tobacconist 285 Market h. 171 Commerce Leman Henry, painter '20 Springfield Avenue Leman Jacob, shoemaker 126 Springfield Avenue Lemassena Andrew, stock, insurance and exchange broker real estate and general agent 295 h. 473 Broad Lemassena Margaret, widow of Peter 473 Broad Lemon John, currier 32 Spring Lemon John, mason 83 Plane Lemon Thomas, currier 32 Spring Lenhart .carpenter 27 Lawrence Lenhart Charles, cabinet maker 233 Plane Lenhart Jacob, shoemaker 30 South Canal Lenhart Rev. J. L. chaplain U. S. Navy 230 Plane Lennon Edward W. harness maker 18 South Market Lent Charles A. jeweler 6 Bearh Lents William, tailor 63 Brunswick c. Tichenor Lenz Peter, moulder 20 Bridge . Leo Charles S. glass engraver 63 Boston Leonard Charles Edwin, founder enquire 11 Union Leonard Horatio, jeweler 12 Kinney Leonard John, currier 8 Stephen's Court Leonard Michael, laborer 40 Union Leonard Patrick, stonecutter 157 Ferry Leonard Sargeant E. jeweler 3 Kinney Leonard Theodore, High st hotel 354 High Leonard William, shoemaker 109 Quarry Lerich Frederick, shoemaker 237 Washington Lerose George, painter 32 Academy Leslie John (col'd) whitewasher 40 Bank Leslie Robert, tailor 28 River Leson James, tailor 96 Quarry Levan Charles A. plumber 108-4 Broad Leverich James, carpenter 650 High Leverich John T. coach painter 16 Halsey 172 PIERSON'S Leverich Theodore P. japanner 16 Halsey Levey Bernard, tnilor 21 Augusta Leving Frances, tailor 2 Nichols' Court Levison George, shoemaker 47 Liberty Lewellan George, boot fitter 1-27 Walnut Lewis Catharine, widow of lieut. W. C. M. 146 Wash. Lewis David, 9^ Hamilton Lewis Ebenezer A. saddler 70 Walnut Lewis Edward A. clerk 248 Broad r. 14 Park Lewis George, butchor 10 & 12 Centre M. h. 7 Richmond Lewis Hannah, (col'd) 9 Searing Lewis John, sea captain 124 Union Lewis John A. cabinet maker 51 Bank Lewis Leonard, tailor 91 Catharine Lewis Mrs. Purthena, 27 Commerce Lewis Nathaniel H. printer 96 Halsey Lewis Richard, 262 Plane Lewis Susan, widow of Nathaniel H. 51 Bank Lewis William <'. clerk 12J Fair Lewis William H. blacksmith 2 Quarry Lewis Wiltknn M. clothier 184 Broad h. 17 Smith Lewis & Co. William M clothiers 184 Broad Lewty Richard, watch maker 118 State Leyenberger Catharine, widow of Michael 41 Bruen Leyenberger Michael, cabinet maker 11 N. Prospect L'Hommedieu Elias, M. D. Little Falls L'Hommedieu Phebe, nurse 06 Catharine L'Hommedieu William, clerk 12-2 Pearl, N. Y r. 365 BU Lick Jonathan, shoemaker 243 Broad Lideck Gotlieb, locksmith 55 Broom Lideck John, tailor 39 Jones Lideck Joseph, brass filer 55 Broom Lienalca William, tailor 567 Broad Liese Henr . tailor 7 Grand Lietenfels Frederick, jeweler 1 Vroom's Alley Limason Jacob, (col'd) 1 Golden Linberger , widow of Francis 19 Plume Lindauer Godfrey, chair maker 200 Court Lindlau Charles D. jeweler 375 Broad Lindner Joseph R. manufacturer of bridles 79 Mulberry Lindsley & Douglass, shoe manufrs 372 Broad Lindsley Francis, harness maker Louisville, Ky. Lindsley Francis E. last m(r. 56 Mechanic h. 108 Union Lindsley Miss G milliner 1 16 Orchard Lindsley Jacob S. carpenter 111 Orchard Lindsley John, shoe mannf. 372 Broad h. Somervi'le, N.J. Lindsley John P. ham. m. & trim'r 151 BY! h. J23 Mulb'ry Lindsley Lewis M. last store 1 Ferry, N. Y. h. 213 Market NEWARK DIRECTORY. 176 Lindsley Peter, builder 6 South Canal h. Ill Orchard Lindsley & Tichenor, iron turners rear 333 Broad Lines Kclward A grocer 64 William Lii.es William F. saddler 15 South Prospect Lingenfelser John, locksmith 129 Walnut Linn Charlotte, 159 Orange Lippins Melinda. widow of William 111 Mulberry Lippins Reuben R. (col'd) barber 212 broad h. 20 Div. pi. Lish Robert, jeweler rear 53 Union Lisler Joseph, shoe maker 5fi Court Littell Aaron C. hatter 20Si Washington Littell Aaron P. carpenter Orleans n. Nesbitt Littell Abigail H- widow of Stephen 11 Hill Litlell Charlotte, widow of Freeman M. 'v Littell 0 Plane Louis David, tailor 105 William Lovatt d'eorge, silk & twist mfr. 196 Warren h. 66 Richtnd Lovatt James, 1XL. legee twist 156 Bank h. 128 Summit Lovatt John, twist and sewing silk mfr. 156 Bank h. 24 Summit Lovett Thomas, lace'manuf. 206 Market h. 124 Mulberry Lovejoy J. N. cracker baker 19 Lombardy Low Aaron, carpenter 21 .Nesbitt Low Benjamin, farmer 01 Plane Low Cornelius N. carpenter 33 South Essex Low George, shoemaker) 53 Walnut Low Henry, merchant tailor 250 Broad h. 67 Mulberry Low John Jr laborer inquire 1 Halsey's alley Lowell Rev. Robert, pastor Christ's Chh. 56 Congress Loweree Thomas VV. M D 377 Broad Lmvrey Bernard, tailor 43 Market Lowrey Catharine E. widow of Joshua T. 44 Smith Lowrcy Joseph S. fctw York 44 Smith Lowrey Hamilton, machinist 15 Ward Lozert John M. sawyer 77 South Prospect Lozier John J. cirpenter 30 Napoleon Lucas Rev George C. Pas. Central Chh. 15 Warren Luderson Frederick, tailor 31 Washington VEWARK mRECTORT. 5 Luderson William, tailor 25 Broad Ludlow Josiah, tailor 78 New h 3 S. Esses Ludlow Mary, widow of Kliakim I "2 Elm Ludlow Mosses, carman 67 Washington Ludlow William A- mer tailor 123 Market h. 258 Broad Ludy Peter, tailor 15 Point Lane Lum Amos, 35 Camp Lum Jr. Arnos, butcher 380 Broad h. 37 Camp Lum Benjamin, blacksmith 141 State Lum Elizabeth, 76 Penmngton Lum John, carpenter Napoleon Lum John G carpenter California 53 Ferry Lum Julia, widow of Israeli). 100 Ferry Lum Nancy, widow of Moses 275 Hailroad av. op. Camp Lum Stephen, 53 Ferry Lum Jr Stephen, butcher basement h. 281 Mulberry Lum Stephen M. 3a Camp Lum William A. assessor 37 Hamilton Lummis Henry, teacher Weslevan Institute 26 Summit Lummis Sarah E. widow of William iJ6 Summit Luster Henry, tinsmith !i5 Catharine Lutehrunmer Francis, jeweler 10 Green Lutescher Andrew, butcher 63 Mercer Lutter Ernest, blacksmith 2Shn, finding store 130 Market h. 197 Plane Lyon Josefth, saddler 151 Mulberry Lyon Joseph, tailor 24R Washington Lyon Lewis, shoemaker 151 Mulberry Lyon Lewis W. sash & blind GO Hamilton h. 108 William- Lyon Luther K. patent leather 13 New Lyon Mary, widow of Benjamin 151 Mulberry Lyon Obadiah, dairyman Lyoni Farms Lyon Phebe K. 27 Liberty Lyon Samuel, teacher 1<)5 Academy Lyon Sarah, widow of Dr. Matthias 297 Mulberry Lyon Silas S. M. D 377 Broad h. 15 Commerce Lyon Fmilh, charcoal dealer J Webster n. Crane Lyon & Taylor, tin stove manufacturers 402 Broad " Lyon Theodore, saddier 157 Mulberry Lyon Theodore, tin stove mfr. 402 h 412 Broad Lyon William, saddler 20 Cottage Lyon William, gmcer 159i Mulbeiry c. Walnut Lyon William S. cabinet maker 105 Academy Lyon Zophar, farmer Lyons Farms Lyons Lewis J. boiler manufacturer 107 h. 165 Commerce Lyrich Frederick, shoemaker 44 Spring NEWARK DIRECTORY. 1 7T M. Maas David, jeweler 168 Mulberry Mabie Elias E. sexton 2d Bap. church 157 Plane Mack Conrad, baker 9 Lafayette Mack Sarah, 14 Shipman Mackey Zippe, widow of Jeremiah 12 Congress Mackin Francis, mer. tailor 214 309 Broad r. 233 Market Mackin & Stoutenburgh, rner. tailors 214 & 309 Broad Mackinson Hugh, carpenter 255 South Market Macknet Charles S. hardware 305 h. 446 Broad Macknet Daniel, harness maker 446 Broad Macknet Lehman, harness maker 37] Broad Macknet Mrs. S. milliner 333 Broad Macknet Sylvester, harness maker 332 Broad Macknet & Wilson, hardware store 305 Broad Madden Johu, laborer 94 Warren Madden Richard, trunk coverer 196 Bank Madden Thomas, laborer 14 Clay Madden Thomas, blacksmith rear 27 Church Madden William, laborer 50 Goble Magahan Patrick, varnisher 5 Pierson's Alley Magie Abigail, widow of Daniel 288 Washington Magie Ann, widow of Alfred H. 60 Catharine Magie Elizabeth, nurse 9 Orchard Magie Ezekiel. hatter 36 Washington Magie James, watchman 38 Adams Magie Seth W T 62'5 Broad Maguire Phillip, laborer 177 Plane Mahler Phillip H jeweler 2S Cottage MahonJohn, laborer 68R Broad Mahon John, laborer 132 Quarry Mahon John, tailor 5 Augusta Mahon Julia, tailoress 127 Kinney Mahon Owen, harness maker 30 Market Mahon Terance, rear 152 Ferry Mahon Thomas, white smith I3H Commerce Mahon Thomas, laborer 152 Ferry Mair Guslave, jeweler 168 Mulberry Maires Edwin A. clerk 208 r. 216 Broad Major Alexander, cabinet maker California 89 Catharine Malady Brian, 8 South ('anal Mallen James, laborer 43 Bridge Malone John, laborer rear 127 Nesbitt Malone Joseph, mason 9S East River Malone Patrick, sexton Catholic church 12 Cherry Malony Patrick, dairyman First n. New Maloy John, laborer 66 South 178 PIERSON'S Maloy John, tailor tow path n. jail Maloy Patrick, laborer 30 South Bridge Maloy Thomas, moulder 170 Plane Maltbie David, butcher 410 Broad Maltby Savillon J. shoemaker 38 North Canal Malthamer Charles, shoemaker 3 Chapel Court Manchard George, moulder 116 William Mandeville Anthony, (col'd) 2 Crane's Basin Mandeville Charles, (col'd) 152 Lock Mandeville Cornelius, builder 123 Mulberry Mandeville Cornelius H. mason 31 Jefferson Mandeville Eleaz.ir, mason 582 High Mandeville Mrs. Elizabeth, 73 Academy Mandeville George W. coach maker Bridgeport Ct. Mandeville Ira, mason 83 Plane Mandeville Jacob H. hoes & hatchets 333 B'd h. 106 Acmy Mandeville James C. body maker 22 Ward Mandeville Jared, shoemaker 83 Plane Mandeville John C. jeweler 45 Lafayette h. 98 Union Mandeville John T. butcher 42 Franklin h. 208 S. Broad Mandeville & Lyon, jewelers 45i Lafayette Mandeville Paul, hoop pole maTiuf. 114 New MandevUle Sarepta, widow of Thomas C. 123 Mulberry Mandeville William, harness maker 81 South Broad Mahar Dennis, laborer 164 Washington Manes A.aron, mason 83 Plane Mangold Margaret, widow 274 Bank Mann Godfrey, cabinet maker 133 Plane Mann Wiilliam, cooper 40 Point Lane Mannel William C. laborer 86 Academy Manning Abel, carpenter 21 Orleans Manning John, carpenter 21 Orleans Manning John, laborer 61 Ferry Manning Mary, widow 11 Petinington Manning Mary, widow of Martin 104 Newark Manning Michael, founder 61 Ferry Manning Still, coach manuf. 101 Bruen h. 180 Market Manning, Righter, cf l)od. coach mfrs Bruen c. Hamilton Manning Walter E.jewaler 50 Lafayette Mansfield Edward, currier 39 North Broad Mansfield James, laborer 150 Lock Mansfield John, laborer 150 Lock Manuel Charles, laborer !60 Nesbitt Mapes Prof. James J Lyn's Farms Mar Mary, widow of Michael 121 River Marcell Charles B carpenter -248 Plane Marcell Jacob A. mahogany yard 11 Mech. h. 287 Wash. Marcell Sarah, nurse 19 New NEWARK DIRECTORY. 179 Marcell Susan, widow of Amos 53 Walnut March Lawrence, tailor 5-2 Grand Maring Jacob S. carpenter 41 Bleeker Marion Henry, tailor 49 Goble Marius Daniel, laborer 2 Jackson Marks Abraham D. india rubber 161 Bank v Marks David, grocer 14 Golden Marley Daniel, moulder 507 High Marquis Caroline, 14 Walnut Marsh Aaron T. clerk 208 Broad r. 36 Orange Marsh Augustus, machinist 14 Cross Marsh Charlotte, 244 Washington Marsh Daniel C. carriage maker 52 Washington Marsh David, tailor 29 Lawrence Marsh David, sash & blind 7 Bleeker Marsh David C. box maker 12 Church Marsli Ez"a, coach maker 102 Railroad av. h. 6 Lafayette Marsh Elizabeth, widow of John W. 24 Church Marsh Henry, sash and blind m. 5i Fair h. 48 William Marsh Isaac, chair maker 1 44 Washington Marsh Isaac, shoemaker 136 Kinney Marsh John W. 24 Columbia Marsh Jonathan D. coach manuf. rear 12 Fair h. 17 Hill Marsh Lewis, coach painter 48 Columbia Marsh Lewis H, confectionery SfiS.J Broad Marsh Lewis R. fancy store 60 William Marsh Michael, clerk 1 Wilbur's alley Marsh Rachel, widow of William P. 14 Front Marsh Ralph S. blacksmith 39 Warren Marsh S & J. carriage manufacturers rear 12 Fair Marsh Samuel S. coach painter 105 Catharine Marsh UzalO. hatter 51 William Marsh Warren A. confectioner 308J Broad Marshall Benjamin, M. n 13 Beach Marsiglia Eliza, teacher 12 Kinney Marson William, shoemaker 21 New Martell James, shoemaker 01 Catharine Marten Harren, box maker 11 Bruen Marthis Reuben, 6 Nuttman Martien Joseph G. 16 New Marlin Caroline, 201 Washington Martin Christopher, sash and blind 98 Walnut Martin Daniel, cabinet maker Down Neck Martin Enos, body maker 185 Washington Martin George W. 219 North Broad Martin George W. restaurant 94 Broad Martin Henrietta, dress maker 21 Washington Martin Isaac, carman 15 Baldwin J80 PIERSON r Martin Jacob L. 250 Plane Martin James H. tailor 28 Orleans Martin Johnson, 94 Broad Martin Joseph H California Martin Louisa, 1 Napoleon Martin Mary, widow of Lewis 27 Baldwin Martin Matthew, clerk 616 High Martin Michael, shoemaker 22 James Martin Michael, gardner 700 Ferry Martin Moses, clerk 178J Mulberry Martin Moses B. coart crier Court House Martin Peter W. trans. N. Y. and Newark h. 8 S. Bridga Martin jr. Peter W. N. & N. Y. transporta. h.8 S. Bridge Martin Robert A. boot filter 14 William Martin Sarah, widow of Dr. William 261 Washington Martin Sarah W. widow 219 North Broad Martin Theodore A. Court House Martin Thomas L. boot Inter 19 Court Martin Timothy, laborer 15 Point Lane Martin William H. California Martin William J, 13 Commercial h. 8 S. Bridge Martin'Jule Aaron R. fur blower 9 Arch Martineau Nirciss, coppersmith 172 Broad Marvin \rnos S. saddler 4 North Essex Marx David, grocer 122 Summit c. Academy Marz Theodore, jeweler 168 Mulberry Masr'.,op Rov. Frederick, rear 28 Mechanic Masden G ; ge, 166 South Market Masker Eli is, shoemaker 38 North Broad Masker Jacob, hat block turner 177 h. 175 Railroad are Masker John, turner 106 Plane Masker John J. shoemaker 493 High Masker Samuel, shoemaker 11 Lumber Mason Harriet, widow of John 128 Quarry Mason John, maible cutter and sculptor 2 Prince Mason Samuel, lapidary 37 Green Mason Jr. Samuel, lapidary 37 Green Mason Thomas, shoemaker 139 Plane Mason William, shoemaker 26 Marshall Masoon Joseph, jeweler 4 East Kinney Matas Leonard, tailor 42 River Mate Peter, gardener 63 Goble Mather Sarah, widow of Edward 68 New Mathews John, laborer 59i River Matlock John, exchange stable 3 Mechanic h. 29 Green Matlock Sarah, widow of Thomas 67 Catharine Matthews Aaron, hatter N. Y. h. 58i) High Matthews Ernest, machinist 59 Walnut NEWARK DIRECTORY. 181 Matthews Hugh, laborer 58 Union Matthews Isaac, fancy store 10 Warren Matthews James, tailor 66 Bleeker Matthews Mary, widow of Patrick jr. grocer 10 S. Market Matthews Patrick, Baskinridge, N. J. Matthews Reuben, miller 6 Nuttman Matthews Sarah B, widow of William 14 Orchard Matthewson James, hatter 69 Orange Matthias Alisi, baker 181 Court Mattoon Charles, mason 37 Halsey Maud Patrick, grocer 6 Van Buren Maxwell John, paver 108 Mill Maxwell Stewart, carpet weaver 11 Broad Mayhew George A. jeweler 20 Maiden Lane, N. Y. h. 26 Fulton Mayhew John, 29 South Prospect MaynarJ Robert S refectory 1 Railroad Ave. h. 8 Ferry Maynard William, laborer 36 Adams Mayne John, harness maker 7 Pearl Mayo , shoemaker 30 Church Mayo Edmund, 64 Mulberry McAdam Bernard, laborer 16 Parker McAllister Charles, hatter 35 Ward McAnair Thomas, carpet weaver 38 Bank McBeth Andrew G. butcher Centre Market 36 Division pi. McBeth William, butcher 4 Centre Market h. 171 Orange McBride John, laborer 37 Union McBride Owen, laborer 125 Baldwin McBride Patrick, laborer 195 Court McCabe. Ann, widow of Patrick 9 Green McCabe Eliza C. hat trimmer 16 New McCabe Elizabeth, widow of John, 191 Mulberry McCabe James, laborer 82 Mulberry McCabe John, laborer 36 Spring McCabe Michael, laborer 8 Parker McCall Alexander, 86 Washington McCanley Alexander, hatter 46 South Canal McCann Catharine, widow of John 274 Mulberry McCann'Charles, laborer 150 Lock McCann Frederick, tailor 116 Washington McCann James, 5 North Canal McCann Owen, hatter 223 Bank McCann Patrick, laborer 189 Court McCnnn Peter, laborer 169 Court McCann Jr. Walter, cloth cutter 29 Academy McCann Westley, teamster 62 Court McCannon Peter, laborer 12 Summit McCarrick Patrick, laborer 32 Plume 16 182 PIERSON'S McCarron John, laborer 296 North Broad McCarron William, moulder 46 Orange McCarty Daniel, drover 30 Congress McCarty Felix, shoemaker rear 80 Orange McCarty John, baker 214 Market McCarty Patrick, japanner 132 Lock McCarty William, gold chaser 623 Broad McChesney Samuel, moulder 90 Broad McChesney William, japanner 115 Plane McChristel Patrick, laborer 13 Hedges' Alley McClackey Patrick, shoemaker 140 Market h. 24 Centre McClarity Donald, iron moulder 1 Ward McClennan Hester, tailoress 54 New McClennan William, laborer 696 Broad McClure Thomas, varnisher 9 Plume McCluskey Edward, boot maker 85 Washington McCluskey James, laborer 122 Market MtfCollaff William, sadler 3 Stephens' Court McComb Joseph B painter 38 Walnut McConellogue Charles, grocer 126 Warren McConeughey William, peddler II Broad McConnell Elizabeth, widow 130 Warren McConnell James, shoemaker 30 Marshall McConnell William, carpenter 153 Warren McCord Annasta, fancy dry goods 272 Broad r. 196 Mkt. McCord Marilla. widow of James 12 Lafayette McCormick jr. Bernard, grocer 58i Mulberry h. 50 Smith McCormick Bridget, widow 138 Commerce McCormick Charlotte, tailoress 64 M. &. E. Railroad av. McCormick Francis, grocer agent 174 Broad McCormick Francis, grocer 52 Grand McCormick George W. trunk maker 22 New McCormick Hiram, shoemaker 7 Boudinot McCormick Martin, grocer 97 Quarry McCormick Mary, india rubber 114 New McCormick Patrick, carman 221 Bank McCormick Patrick, mason rear 48 North Broad McCormick Rhoda, tailoress 37 Fair McCormick Thomas, lailor 157 Ferry McCormick Thomas, laborer rear 48 North Broad McCory , laborer JO Hoyt McCoy Gauin, coach maker 15 East Green McCready Catharine, widow of Thompson 40 Bank McCrossin John, silk weaver 140 Market McCutly George, coach lace weaver 298 B'd.h. 56 Bank McCurdy Catharine, widow 128 Warren McCurdy David, grocer 138 Warren McCurdy & Hartney, curriers 82jMarket McCurdy Mary, nurse 17 Broad NEWARK DIRECTORY. 183 McCurdy Robert, India rubber 176 Bank McCurdy William, currier 46 Hedges Alley h. 140 Warren McDavitt Daniel, laborer New n. Searing McDavitt James, currier 2 Plane McDavitt John, laborer 126 Bleeker McDermit David, cabinet maker 13 Thomas McDermit Francis, carpenter 334 Washington McDermit Patrick, laborer 44 North Broad McDermit Peter G. chair and cabinet mfr. 378 h. 496 Bd. McDermit , widow of Stephen, Caldwell McDermot Edward, laborer 5 Fair McDermot James, tailor 30J Catharine McDermot Michael, rear 53 Boston McDermot Michael, laborer rear 34 River McDonahue Hugh, cooper 46 Front McDonald Angus, iron moulder 20 Ailing McDonald David, farmer 643 Ferry McDonald George, gardner 40 Point Lane McDonald Henry, carman 96 McWhorter McDonald Isabella, 667 Ferry McDonald James, rear 192 South Market McDonald John, laborer Ogden n. Clay McDonald John, plater 29 Court McDonald John, baker 214 Market c. Lawrence McDonald John, farmer 667 Ferry McDonald Lawrence, jeweler 5t) Lafayette McDonald Lawrence, blacksmith 30 North Prospect McDonald Mary, 667 Ferry McDonald Phillip, laborer 48 Union McDonald Susan, widow of Patrick Ogden n. Bridge McDonald Wm. K. attorney & counsellor and surrogate office City Hall h. 24 Park Place McDonnough John, laborer 234 Washington McDougal Hugh, cabinet maker 33 Market McDougal John A. miniature painter N. Y. h. 31 Market McDowell Michael, laborer 11 Hedges Alley McElgrath William, moulder 14 Spring McElhose Matthew, laborer 33 Washington McElhose William, coach lace weaver 6 Ferry McElroe Patrick, laborer 177 Plane McElroe Patrick, currier 175 Plane McEuen John, sea captain Camptown N. J. McFarland Owen, harness mfr. 325 Broad h. 182 Market McFeley John, laborer 296 North Broad McGarret James W. collar maker 45 South Canal McGary Mary, widow of Michael 6 Ilalsey's Alley McGill William, carpenter 272 Plane McGinn Thomas, shoemaker 17 Sheffield 184 PIERSON'S McGinnis Elijah H. clerk 13 Thomas McGinnis Patrick, shoemaker 174 Plane McGinnis Peter, shoemaker 174 Plane McGlinnin John, laborer 58 Broad McGovern John, laborer 139 Court McGowan Richard, laborer 35 Railroad avenue McGrane John, carpenter inquire Warren c. Lock McGrath Jane, widow of Isaiah 480 Broad McGrath John, laborer rear 48 North Broad McGrath Patrick, grocer 49 North Broad McGrath Patrick, laborer 137 Court McGrath Thomas, carpenter l3l Nesbitt McGrath Thomas, nail maker rear 77 Academy McGreggor John M. mason 31 Baldwin McGreggor Malcom, spool cotton mfr. 72 Clay h 16 Plane McGrorty William, carpet store J317 Broad h. N. Y. McGuire Barney, morocco dresser 164 Lock McGuire James, laborer, rear 28 Van Buren McGuire Joseph, tailor 18 South Canal McGuire Phillip, currier 174 Plane Mcllroy Christopher, gardner Murray n South Broad Mcllvair,e Isaac, book store 131 Market h. 31 Smith Mclivaine Mis. Isaac, female seminary 31 Smith Mcllvaine Jarnes, cooper 576 High Mclivaine Owen, cooper 9 Stephen's Court Mclnrow Patrick, laborer rear 30 Augusta Mclnteo James, moulder 18 Ailing Mclntee John, moulder 18 Ailing Mclntee Michael, india rubber Hudson c. Warren Mclntee Phillip, laborer 148 River foot Lumber Mclntire Amos, carman 42 Broad Mclntire Catharine, widow of Thomas 146 Washington Mclntire John, paper hangings 6 R. R. ave. h. 146 Broad Mclntire Mary, widow of Archibald, 17 State Mclntire Mary, widow of Patrick 38 Union Mclntiro Peter P. mer. tailor 321 Broad h. 21 Franklin Mclntire Phillip, tanner, foot Elm Mclntire Robert, clerk N. Y. 146 Washington Mclntosh James, brewer 33 Broad McJohn John, hatter 507 High McKantey Edward, currier 15 Market McKain Elizabeth, widow of James 77 Court McKain & Kerr, job printers 123 Market McKain William A. job printer 123 Market h. 77 Court McKay Ann, tailoress 29 Court McKay Frederick, plater 29 Court McKay Jannett, 200 Washington McKay Mary Ann, widow of Robert 82 Mulberry NEWARK DIRECTORY. 185 McKearn James, malleable iron 101 Academy McKearnan Michael, laborer 36 Mechanic McKechnie Thomas, block cutter 45 South Canal McKenna James, saddler 56 Union McKenna Margaret, widow 28 Smith McKenna Margaret, widow of James 214 Plane McKenzie Ann G. rear IS Columbia McKenzie Elizabeth M. 62 North Broad McKenzie Robert, baker 331 Broad McKey Hockley C. coach maker 124 Mulberry McKimm William, carpenter 2 Quarry McKinstry John, grocer 134 Washington McKinney John, teacher 168 h. 215 Plane McKirgan Alexander, dairyman Lyon's Farms McKirgan Thomas, mer. 720 Bd. h. 40 Elizabelhtown Rd McKirgan & Scott, merchants 720 Broad McKown Jacob L. teacher Wesleyan Inst. r. 250 Plane McLain George W. clerk 3 Fulton McLaughlin Duncan, moulder 2 Crane McLaughlin Henry, frame maker 121 Broad McLaughlin James, moulder 2 Crane McLaughlin James, waterman 182 Commerce McLaughlin James, botanic M. D. 233 Market McLaughlin John, laborer, 27 Church McLaughlin John, currier 7 Grove McLaughlin Matthew, currier 177 Plane McLaughlin Thomas, laborer 553 High McLaughlin Williamj shoemaker 36 Market McLaughlin William, moulder 16 Summit McLaughlin William, laborer 2 Crane McLean Michael, waiter 356 Broad McLear Michael, coach smith 131 R. R. ave. h. 18 Ward McLeod John W- acct. 207 Market h. 16 Orchard McLorinan John, japanner 1 Keen's Court McMackin Catharine, widow of Barney grocery 625 High McMackin James, grocer 642 High McMahon Lawrence, laborer 194 South Market McMahon Owen, grocer. 32 Market McMahon Owen, laborer 141 Commerce McMahon Robert, laborer 14 Clay McMann Peter, hackman 116 Commerce McManus Bridget, widow of Patrick New c. Searing McManus Michael, shoemaker 174 Plane McManus Patrick, 27 Park McManus Phillip, rear 185 Plane McMillan David, machinist 196 Market McMullin James M. 51 Broad McMulligan Daniel, 143 Warren 16* 186 PIERSON'S McMurtry Elizabeth, widow of John 358 High McMurtry William, dry goods 131 Market h. 258 High McMurtry Daniel, hardware 263 Broad h. 10 Academy McNair Alexander, jeweler 5 Fair McNamara Daniel, brass founder 2 Rowen'a Court McNamara John, carpenter 17 Congress McNamara Thomas, shoemaker 17 Hedges' Alley McNamara Thomasi harness furniture 60 Hamilton McNeil William, shoemaker 58 Adams McNeill Catharine, widow of James 52 Broad McNeill Hugh, shoemaker 3 East Mechanic McNerny John, 61 Adams McNerney John, morocco dresser 212 Washington McNew William, lace weaver 16 Fair McNulty Cormick, laborer 60 McWhorter McOmber Asa, machinist 32i Union McPartly John, shoemaker 2081 Washington McQuillin Edward, laborer 40 Bloomfielcl avenue McSirley John, plater 200 Washington McTage John, laborer 22 Montgomery McTage Patrick, laborer 41 Montgomery McVoy Drigo, M. D 227 Washington McWilliams John, helper 9 Front Mead Aaron, cabinet maker Walnut n. Adams Mead Adrian, carman 87 Orange Mead Benjamin, merchant N. Y. 5 Clinton Place N. J. Mead Garret I. turner Walnut n. Adams Mead Jacob J turner 97 Congress Mead John, carman 48 Front Mead John B. soda water 101 Church Mead Patrick, shoemaker 26 Augusta Mead Peter, cabinet maker Elm c. Adams Mead Peter J. 87 Mulberry Mead Staats O. mer N. Y. 1 18 Orchard Mead Theodore, 265 Broad Mead William, botanic physician 111 Broad Mead William G. sash & blind 68 Nesbitt Meaden William, shoemaker 141 Mulberry Mechanics' Bank, 277 Broad Mechanics' Insurance Co. 279 Broad Meckler Peter, tailor 17 Prince Mecler Michael, 30 Augusta Medcraft John, police and civil justice 9 h. 11 Boston Medcraft John H. jeweler IOJ Liberty Medcraft William, jeweler 13 Boston Medcrafl & Co. William, jewelers 13 Boston Meder Joseph, shoemaker 18 Springfield avenue Medina Francis P. 18 Cherry Medler John B. oyster merchant 604 High NEWARK DIRECTORY. 187 Meeker Albert, carpenter 345 Washington Meeker Alfred M. moulder 34 State Meeker Cale^H. 345A Washington Meeker Charles H. M. D. New York 443 Broad Meeker Christopher C. 20 Smith Meeker Daniel B. carpenter 24 Bank Meeker David M. malleable iron 74 Clay h. 18 Church Meeker Dayton, shoemaker 21 Upper Jefferson Meeker Edward, japanner 37 Market Meeker Edward P. 12 Cross Meeker Edwin L. jeweler 37 Franklin Mee"ker Eliza, widow of Job N. Y. 103 Summit Meeker Elly, potter 15 Orange Meeker George W. painter 120 Summit Meeker & Hedden, builders 1 Orange Meeker Ira, shoemaker 46 Upper Jefferson Meeker Ira T. Elizabettown stage h. E town Meeker Isaac, 28 St. Marks Place, N. Y. Meeker James R. att. & counsellor Elizabethtown Meeker James T, carman 4 Kinney Meeker John, carriage maker 69 New Meeker John B saddler New Yorkh. 69 New Meeker John H. att. at law 267 h. 382 Broad Meeker Jonathan, agent steamboat Passaic 109 Broad Meeker Jonathan M. New Providence Meeker Jr. Jonathan M. agent Rail Road Elizdbelhtown Meeker Joseph J, carpenter 1 h. 13 Orange Meeker Lewis M. acct New York r. 382 Broad Meeker Martha, widow of Jonathan 104 Spring Meeker Nancy D. widow of El'as O. 36 Mercer Meeker Nathaniel W. hatter 22 Baldwin Meeker Oba, foundry 31 Bridge h. 35 Orange Meeker Obadiah C. painter and glazier 103 Summit Meeker & Co. O. iron foundry 31 Bridge Meeker & Overbaugh, builders 18 Academy Meeker Rachel, widow of Stephen Boyden n. Orange Meeker Samuel, patent leather 37 Market Meeker Samuel, 443 Broad Meeker Stephen G. shoemaker 108 South Prospect Meeker S. Harris, California Meeker Sydney S trimmer Springfield avenue Meeker Timothy, sawyer 60 Hamilton h. 3 Columbia Meeker William, shoemaker 36 Lush Meeker Wjlliam B. law student 281 r. 382 Broad Meeker William L pattern maker 12 Cross Meeson Benjamin, saddler 9 Boudinot Meighan Martha, widow 13 Hill Meigs Gilbert, house builder 235A Washington Meigs Myron M. farmer 26 Cherry 188 PIERSON'S Meinch J. Louis, tailor 30 Spruce Meiselbach Henry, shoemaker 14 Harrison Meldrum James, hatter 15 Orleans Meldrum Richard S. jeweler 54 Catharine Mellon Bernard, blacksmith 50 Spring Mellon Catharine, widow 36 Walnut Mellon Edward, 169 Orange Mellon Margaret, widow of Lawrence 9 Halsey's Alley Melrose Thomas, gardener 10 Ferry Melville Abby, widow of David 83 South Broad Melville George P. currier 8 Smith Melville Mrs. Margaret, piano forte teacher 8 Smith Melville Samuel, fisherman 59 Ferry MemfiferAndreas, locksmith rear 31 Garden Meneroht William, tailor 72 Garden Mentz Jacob, butcher 197 Court Mepelbie Charles, trunk maker 39 South Canal Mercer Lewis, (col'd) 20 Academy Mercer Dr. William T. druggist 224 Broad h. 19 Wash'n. Merchant Charles, cabinet manuf. New York Merchant Ira, sash and blind mfr. 60 Hamil'n h. 17 Ferry Merchant Silas, clothier, 302 Broad h. 29 Centre Merkel John, boatman 58 Richmond Merrell Charles, paper stainer 67 Catharine Merrell William T. boot maker 08 Kinney Merrit Samuel P. wagon maker enquire 6 Marshall Merrit Sandford, zinc works 29 Ferry Mersereau Cornelius, tin plate and stove 01 Broad Mersereau Daniel, stoves &c. 91 Broad h, 13 Bridge Mersereau Edward, tailor 260 Plane Mersereau Jacob, clerk 91 Broad Merwin Mrs. E. G. store 337 Broad Meslor Henry C. box mfr. I Pierson's Alley h. 15 Warren Mess Phillip, shoemaker 2 William Messier Catharine, widow of John 14 East Mechanic Metsler John, quarryrnan 26 Ridge Metsler Killeon, stone cutter 21 Ridge Metz Casper, rag picker 41 Jones Metzar Abram, fancy store 45 Mulberry Meyer Charles, cracker baker 19 Lombardy Meyer Diederick, blacksmith 2-28 Market h. 55 Walnut Meyer Henry, brewer 119 Washington Meyer Leonard, gardener down Neck Meyer Leonard, coal carter 12 Adams Meyer Jr. Leonard, 22 Adams Meyer Lewis H. coach lace weaver 9 Centre Michaels George, laborer 23 Charlton Michaels Julius, patent leather 60 Richmond Michaels Nicholas, laborer 18 Bruen NEWARK DIRECTORY. 189 Middleton John, carpenter 35 South Canal Mikles Milton S. mer. tailor 200 B'd h. 49 Halsey Mikles William J, mer. tailor 199 Broad h. 62 Sheffield Miles Mary B, widow of Benjamin L. 4GO Broad Miles William, wood turner rear 316 Broad h. 67 Warren Milledge Thomas, oiled silk 7 Springfield Avenue Miller Abraham, surgical instrument maker 652 High Miller Abraham, 60 State Miller Adam, colporteur 24 North "Prospect Miller Adolph, mason Grand n. South Orange Avenue Miller Andrew, tailor 26 Scriber's lane Miller Ann, widow of Henry 54 Catharine Miller Anna, widow of Jacob 71 Orange Miller Anna M. widow ofWm. W. 364 High Miller Anthony, shoemaker 30 Fair Miller Archer G. att. & couns. 297 Broad h. 364 High Miller Barbara, widow of Joseph Y. 132 Mulberry Miller Beoj. C. sec'y life ins. 151 Market h. 21 Clinton Miller Blastus, india rubber 155 Academy Miller Qest, tailor 29 Prince c. Court Miller Daniel, 25 Grand Miller David L. mill iron fy screws Madison, N. J. Miller Davis H. tailor 167 h. 163 Plane Miller Diebold, tailor 14 Montgomery Miller Edgar, shoemaker 7 Warren Miller E. N. auctioneer 297 Broad h 21 Boudinot Miller E. R. clerk 366 Broad Miller Francis, skin dresser 40 South Canal Miller Francis, laborer 60 Newark Miller Frederick, laborer 40 South Canal Miller Frederick, laborer 99 South Canal Miller George, shoemaker 23 Catharine Miller George, mason 170 Mulberry Miller George, moulder 71 Orange Miller Harriet, 46 Bank Miller Harvey B. 11 Front Miller Henry H. salesman 301 Broad h. 202 Washington Miller Jr. Isaac, varnish 222 Mulberry h. 158 E, town road Miller Isaac S. saddler 51 Congress Miller Jacob, plater 98 Mulberry Miller Jacob, shoemaker 17 Sheffield Miller James, lumber mer. 4 Commercial h. 15 Park Place Miller James, optician 345 Broad h. 23 Chestnut Miller James M. carpenter 260 Washington Miller James P. lumber mer. 4 Commercial h. 15 Park pi Miller Joanna, widow of Ebenezer 18 Bank Miller John, saddler 30 Division Place Miller John, mason 181 Academy 190 PIERSON'S Miller John, currier 116 William Miller John A. patent leather 34 Front h. 20 South Bidge Miller 4- Son John B. mill irons & screws Madison, N. J. Miller John G. 35 New Miller John J. chair maker c. East Green and McWhorter Miller John M. hay dealer 20 Columbia Miller, Johnson & Co., varnish mfrs. 222 Mulberry Miller Jonathan, 182 Washington Miller Jonathan, blacksmith 17 h. 11 Front Miller Jonathan B. commis'n mer. 134 Market h. 11 Front Miller Jonathan D. 163 Market h. 95 Washington Miller Joseph, iron turner 18 Spring Miller Joseph, jeweler 94 Mulberry Miller Joseph, coach trimmer 12 Beach Miller Joseph H. printer 73 Bank Miller Joseph L. jeweler 132 Mulberry Miller J. Halsey, jeweler 19 Hill Miller Leopold, tailor rear 106 Church Miller Margaret, widow of Samuel B. 627 Broad Miller Martha, (col'd) rear 35 Garden Miller Matthias, tailor 43 Jones Miller Matthias, brewer 2 Chapel Court Miller Obadiah H. tailor 114 Commerce Miller Paul, blacksmith 32 M. $. E. Railroad avenue Miller Peter, shoemaker 175 Court Miller Phebe A. teacher 518 High Miller Phillip, tanner 84 State Miller Rebecqa, widow of Alexander enquire at 15 Hill Miller Richard, grocer 51 Market c. Plane Miller Samuel, carriage maker 15 Garden Miller Samuel H tobacconist 224 Plane Miller Sarah, widow of Justus 70 Walnut Miller Sylvester B. tin mfr. 340 Broad h. 22 Clinton Miller Thomas L. dry goods 208 Broad h. 35 Halsey Miller & Ward, dry goods 208 Broad c. Park chh. place Miller William, travelling book seller 9 Liberty Miller William H. exchange office 247 Broad h. 38 Bleeker Miller William P. attorney at law 173 Broad Millikin John, machinist 46 Front Millman Randolph, tailor GA Fair Mills Charles H. mason 138 Warren Mills Christian, carpenter 78 Mercer Mills Erastus, house mover 54 Church Mills George S. coals and wood 42 North Canal h. 18 Park Mills Isaac, grocer and shoe mfr. 97 h. 95 William Mills John, hat store 202 Broad Mills Joseph, carpenter 6 Broad Mills Nathaniel D. harness maker 52 Mulberry NEWARK DIRECTORY. 191 Mills Samuel K. clerk 42 North Canal r. 18 Park Mills Shepherd, house mover 54 Church Mills Zophar D. merchant New York h. 54 Church. Milven Margaret A. widow of James 363 Broad Minton John, laborer 16 Cherry Mitchell Ann, widow of John K. 61 Ferry Mitchell Charles W. trunk maker 82 Halsey Mitchell Dennis, grocer 170 Bank Mitchell Edward W. hatter 82 Halsey Mitchell James, harness furniture 220 Market h. E. town Mitchell & Co. James, harness furniture 220 Market Mitchell Margaret, 146 Washington Mitchell Peter, tailor 19 Broom Mitchell Timothy G. Passaic Hotel 306 Market Mitchell William, founder 1 Ward Mitcherling Christoff, engraver 170 Mulberry Mix Jeremiah T. shoe manuf. 285 Washington Mix John, foreman India rubber factory 119 Plane Mix William T. South Carolina Mockridge Ab'm. plane maker 147 h. 149 Washington Mockridge Ab'm N. shoe store 306 Broad h. 70 Bank Mockridge Elihu, shoe manuf, 306 Broad h. 151 Wash'n. Mockridge E. & A. N. shoe store 306 Broad Mockridge & Francis, plane makers 147 Washington Mockridge George N. jeweler 33 Franklin Mockridge Stephen P. jeweler 65 Union Mockridge William P. shoemaker 30 Garden Moeller John B. lieut. U. S. N. 386 Broad Moffard Lewis, jeweler 104 McWhorter h. 45 Chestnut Moffat Thomas, brewer 26 Lumber Mohrhardt George, laborer 79 Mercer Molloy John, shoemaker 12 Ferry Molloy Catharine, seamstress 14 Ferry Molloy William, shoemaker 4 Grove Monaham Mary, widow of Michael 12 Summit Monegan James, currier 5 Halsey's Court Monegan John, laborer c. Ferry and Union Monroe JameSj painter 8 Church h, 107 Orange Monroe Jacob, (col'd) charcoal seller North Plane Monroe John, (col'd) 115 Baldwin Monroe John B. blucksmith 44 Brunswick Monroe Stephen, shoe manuf. 162 Broad Montgomery Hugh, gardener 43 Boyden Montgomery Thomas, tinner 5 Walnut Mooers John H. machinist 124 State Mooney Daniel, jeweler 106 McWhorter Mooney William, india rubber 142 Nesbitt Moore Adeline H. widow of Daniel 3 Green 192 PIERSON'S Moore Andrew, tailor 17 Rankin Moore A. Nelson, watch maker 262 Broad r. 50 Plane Moore Catharine, widow of Francis 114 New Moore D. L. M. attorney at law 169 Broad r. Belleville Moore Edward, well digger 99 Mercer c. Springfield Ave. Moore Edwin J. carriage trimmer 3 Green Moore Eli, coach lace weaver I Rowen's Court Moore Eliza, boarding house 38 Orange Moore Francis D. carpenter 3 Green Moore Frederick, Newark n. Orange Moore Garret W. trunk maker 106 McWhorter Moore George, shoemaker 9 Nichols' Court Moore George B. hatter rear 20 h. 18 Fair Moore G. J. dentist 259 Broad Moore James, salesman 208 Washington Moore James, india rubber 76 Bank Moore Jane, india rubber 114 New Moore John, carpet weaver rear 53 North Broad Moore Margaret, dress maker 32 Union Moore Mary, widow 41 Columbia Moore Michael, carpenter 551 High Moor^ Nicholas, stone cutter 157 Ferry Moore Nicholas, paver 28 Union Moore Nicholas, laborer 150 Lock Moore Patrick, laborer 150 Lock Moore P- D. Atwood's vegt. bitters 192 Elizabethtown Rd. Moore Philetta, widow of John 103 South Prospect Moore Phillip, sexton Trinity church r. 32 Rector Moore Phillip D. grocer 3G Lafayette Moore Samuel L. grocer 47 William Moore Stephen, coach painter 12 Mercer Moore Sylvester H. builder 75 Commerce Moore Thomas, flagger 130 Kinney Moore Thomas C. ship carpenter 11 East River Moore William H. carpenter 70 New Moores Daniel, laborer 16 Summit Moran Michael, morocco dresser 31 Orchard Moran Rev. Patrick, pastor Rom- Cath. chh. J2 Mulberry Moran Peter, laborer 78 Boston Morany Patrick, paver 24 North Prospect Morehouse Calvin, stone cutter 31 Court Morehouse Edward, shoemaker 19 New Morehouse Isaac W. shoemaker 1 Merchant Morehouse Israel H. grocer 154 Plane c. Bank Morehouse James, shoemaker 34 Thomas Morehouse John A. butcher 83 Mulberry h. 73 Penningtori Morehouse Moses, shoemaker 41 Warren Morehouse Moses P. shoemaker 62 Halsey NEWARK DIRECTORY. 193 Morehouse Phebe, 24 Court Morehouse Samuel, shoemaker 24 Court Morehouse Sarah, widow of Daniel B. 270 Plane Morehouse William, carrier 100 Plane Moreland Francis, spice grinder 102 Elm Moreland James, grocer 08 Mulberry Morgan Amanda, widow ofChnrles 24 Lombardy Morgan George, currier 135 Washington Morgan Gilbert, machinist 23 Broad Morgan Henry B. carpenter 61 Orange Morgan John, jeweler 262 Washington Morgan John, coachsmith 49 Boston Morgan Rebecca A. widow of Ralph 536 Broad Morgan Richard, tailor 25 Plane Morgan Sarah A. milliner 6 1 Orange Morgan Thomas, horse power machines 157 Orange Morgan William, shoe manuf. 6-25 Broad Morgearoth F. sausage maker 10 Commerce h. 16 Lib'ty Mornii'gstern Abraham, tailor 217 Plane Mormngstcrn^Ailam, tailor 186 Broad h. 120 Commerce Morris Aaron, builder 59 State h. 61 M. & E. R. R. ave. Morris Betsey, 41 Orange Morris Catharine, widow of John B. 129 Church Morris Canal collector's office, summit of Inc. Plane Morris Charles S. clerk 109 Broad Morris David S. clerk 34 Columbia Morris Dennis W. malleable iron 25 Orange h. 27 Bridge Morris Elizabeth, widow of John 27 Washington Morris & Essex Railroad office 64 Broad Morris Jacob, shingle shaver 26 Ailing Morris Jane, fringe and tassel manuf. 32 Orchard Morris John B. tailor 45 Fair Morris John L. currier 168 Plane Morn's John W. acct. 113 Market Morns Joseph, 39 South Canal Morris Joseph, mason 34 Union Morris Lucy, widow of John 63 Halsey Morris Moses, saddler 69 Bank Morris Nathaniel P. musician 95 Congress Morris Samuel, shoemaker 124 Orange Morris Samuel S. 69 Bank Morris Staats S. att. and couns. 194 Broad h. 63 Halsey Morris Stephen E. carpenter 27 Bridge Morris William W. plater 2f> Ailing Morrison Abiaham, hatter 80 Spring Morrison David, tailor 238 Plane Morrison John, moulder 21 Orange Morrison John,' machinist 95 New 17 194 PIERSON'S Morrison John, trunk manuf. 104 Market h. 6 Clinton Morrison Sharline, 23 Orchard Morrissy Thomas, 30 Lafayette Morrow Alexander, carriage maker 65 Washington Morrow David, harness maker 373 Broad Morrow George T. body maker 1 Bleeker Morrow James, shoemaker 14 Garden Morrow James, shoemaker 96 William Morsback Peter W. cutler 54 Bridge Morse Aaron, 356 Broad Morse Chauncey A. jeweler 50 Lafayette Morse David A (col'd) rear 42 South Canal Morse Edwin B. 102 Union Morse Francis E. 102 Union Morse Harrison K. machinist rear 15 Lafayette Morse Job, (col'd) laborer rear 49 William Morton John, hatter 42 Smith Morton John, cutler 22 Sheffield n. Quarry Morton Robert, soda, porter, soap & candle mfr. 127 Bd, Morton Sarah, widow of Richard 162 Plane Morton Sarah, widow of Thomas 127 Broad Morton Thomas, soda, porter, soap & candles mfr. 127 Bd Morton T. & R. soda, porter, soap 4 candles mfrs. 127 Bd. Morton William B. cloth cutter 14 Walnut Moss George, shoemaker 134 Orange Mess William, 47 South Canal Mossbaker Henry, mason 37 Garden Mott Sarah, widow boarding house 11 Scott Moule James, currier 94 Plane Moulton Julius P. india rubber Orange n. Canal Mountfield Frances, Broom c. Springfield avenue Mountfield Maria, india rubber Broom c. Springfield ave. Mourison Henry A. American Hotel 127 Washington Mouse Henry, baker 123 Sheffield Mowry Nelson, teacher (S. W. P. S ) 23 Garden Muchmore Charles H. carpenter 22 Bridge Muchmore James H. master mason 109 Nesbitt Muchmore John, carpenter 22 Bridge Muchmore Wm. F druggist 99 Broad r. 22 Bridge Mueller Emiel, shoemaker 387 Broad Muer James, gardner 203 South Broad Muer William, blacksmith 53 Ferry Muldoon Peter, laborer 59 North Broad Mulford Andrew A. blacksmith 10i Liberty Mulford Rhoda, widow of Thomas 29 Commerce Mulock William, couns. at law N- Y. h. 8 Cross Mullehay Timothy, 19 Boudinot Mullen Charles, shoemaker 25 Baldwin NEWARK DIRECTORY. 195 Mullen James, laborer 3 Boyden Mullen William H. shoemaker inquire 47 Orchard Mulligan Henry A. carpenter 18 Clay Mulligan John, coachman 133 Quarry Mullins James, laborer 43 Madison Mullins John H. captain 3 Union Mullison Joseph, coach trimmer 72 Bank Mullison Mary, widow of George 246 Plane Mullquin James, morocco dresser 26 Camfield Munder Christian, baker 145 Washington Mundy Ezekiel, jeweler 265 Washington Munier Michael, tinsmith 122 Market h 65 William' Munn Albert, overseer of poor, office l5i h. 17 Bank Munn George, tinsmith 31 Baldwin Munn George T. japanner New above Newark Munn Hannah, widow 30 Division Place Munn Moses R. patent sash locks 4 Franklin Place Munn William H. H. shoemaker 11 Scott Munn William J. Mechanic's Bank N. Y. 145 Mulberry Munson Ludlow C. collar maker 11 Green Munson Mary, 192 Mulberry Munson Thomas, (col'd) 20 Division Place Murch William, lamp maker 343 Broad Murdock Charles, l^ewery 514 h. 503 High Murphy Andrew, wheelwright 18 Harrison Murphy Barney, laborer 7 Summit Murphy Daniel, hatter 215 Bank Murphy Edwin J. cabinet maker 19 Fair Murphy Francis, currier 28 Bridge Murphy Harriet, tailoress 28 Fair Murphy Henry R. undertaker 38 Springfield avenue Murphy Henry W. sexton 141 Mulberry h. 14 Rankin Murphy James, Murray c. South Broad Murphy James, peddler 106 Quarry Murphy James, baker 153 Broad Murphy James, shoemaker 19 Rankin Murphy James, tailor 118 Baldwin Murphy John, cabinet maker 1 Cherry Alley Murphy John, morocco dresser 1 Cherry Alley Murphy. John, patent leather 58 Sheffield Murphy John, cabinet maker 133 Plane Murphy John, acct. N. Y. 127 Plane Murphy John, hatter 14 Hoyt Murphy John, quarryman 130 North Broad Murphy John D. shoemaker & corn doctor 63 Washington Murphy Mary A. widow of William Hi Fair Murphy Matthew, tailor 45 Nesbitt Murphy Miles, tallow chandler 3 Cherry alley 196 PIERSON'S Murphy Nicholas, laborer 146 Court Murphy Patrick, fireman 47 River Murphy Patrick, laborer foot Pennington Murphy Patrick, currier 45 Nesbitt Murphy Patrick, shoemaker 17 Sheffield Murphy Richard, tanner 22 Bridge Murphy William, brass turner 45 Nesbitt Murphy William H. carriage maker 1 IS. Orange avenue Murray Bernard F. carpenter 64 Academy Murray Curstina, hat trimmer 9 Orleans Murray Elizabeth, 258 Plane Murray Francis, boatmnn 53 River Murray Henry, janitor Wesley an Inst. h. 93 Baldwin Murray James, laborer 20 Lush Murray Margaret, widow of Francis 8 Stephens' Court Murray Patrick, laborer 120 Nesbitt Murray Patrick, baker 75 North Canal Murray Theodore, saddler 12 Front Muny James, hatter 10 Elm Murry John, mason 58J Catharine Murry John, grocer Ferry c. Union Muss Henry, carpet weaver 9 Prince Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. office 151 Market Myer Benjamin, proccr, plough and patent horse rake maker 61 h. 55 Broad Myer Christian, cabinetmaker 42 Parker Myer Jane, (col'd) dressmaker 10 Academy Myer John, grocer Jiroom c. South Orange avenue Myer John, brass finisher 52 Grand Myer Michael, shoemaker 7 Charlton Myer Randolph, carpenter 192 Springfield avenue Myer William A. prest. mechanic's Ins. Co. 27-J Broad Myers James, quarryman 50 Quarry Mygatt Frederick T. clothier 35 Nassau N. Y. N. Nalin Joseph L. jeweler 15 Kinney Nanny Warren H. grocer 124 Plane c. Warren Nash Edward, currier 26 Market Naylesmith Lewis, oil cloth manuf. 63 Boston Naylor George W. 7 North Lawrence Neadhermeyer Francis, ^ardner foot Goble Neafie John, carpenter 244 Plane Neafie Matilda, widow of John 23 Broad Neafie Richard, carpenter '24-1 Pleuie Negger Herman, musician l'20 Springfield avenue Negles 'Caleb, carpenter 12 Franklin Place Nehemyer Frederick, shoemaker 24 Augusta NEWARK DIRECTORY. 197 Nellis William, (col'd) 3 Newton's Court Nelson George W. tailor fiOj William Nelson Sarah, widow of John boarding h. 1 South Canal Nenninger Peter, paper hanger 50 h. 40 South Canal Nenninger & Sautermiester, paper hangings 50 N. Canal Nerney Michael P. captain 6 North Canal Nesbit James, shoemaker 3 East Mechanic Nesbitt Jonathan, merchant tailor 130 Broad Nesbitt Samuel, mason 111 Kinney Nesbitt Thomas J. tailor 4l8 Broad Nesler John D. jeweler 27 Mechanic h. 172 Mulberry Neumann Carl, lock maker 28 Charlton Neumann S. horse M. D. 48 Fair Nevius Edward, hatter 3 Vine Nevius George, (col'd) barber 18 Division Place Nevius Simeon, (col'd) 105 Mill Newark Academy, 246 Broad Newark Banking & Insurance Company 264 Broad Newark Daily Advertiser, 266 Broad c. Bank (up stairs) Newark Gas Light Company, office 137 Market Newark India Rubber Company, Incline Plane Newark Library Association, 115 Market Newark Lime & Cement manuf. Co. foot of Bridge Newark Morning Eagle, Crnwell & Carll295 Broad Newark Mutual Assurance Co. 230 Broad c. Cedar Newark & Rosendale Lime and Cement 45 Commercial Newark Savings Institution, 313 Broad Newark Wesleyan Institute 249 251 High c. William Newberry Meyer, peddler 59 Springfield avenue Newell James VV. lamp maker 7 Court New Jersey Art Union, 115 Market New Jersey Insurance Company 273 Broad Newkirk Abraham, California 6 1 Catharine Newkirk Sarah, 187 Washington Newman Abraham, peddler 90 Market Newman Emanuel, grocer 7 Cherry Newman Isaac, boarding house 2'jl Market c. Commerce Newman Jacob, gardener 156 Thomas Newman Joseph, varnish maker 14 Marshall Newman Richard B. butcher 20 Commerce Newman Solomon, currier 56 Market h. Orange Newman & Trier, curriers 56 Market Newschwander Jacob, tailor 145 Orange Newton John, shoemaker 44 Commerce Newton John, camphene distiller 96-i Halsey Niblow William, blacksmith 18 James Nicholas David A. mer. Flanders, N. J. 176 Market Nichols Aaron, builder 40 William 17* 198 PIERSON'S Nichols Aaron I. builder 4 Nichols' Alley h. 229A Wash. Nichols Abraham, clerk and collector 12 Lumber Nichols Alexander, builder 4 Nichols' Alley h. 72 Shipman Nichols A & H. coffins and builders 6 Willow Nichols Barak T. saddles 100 River h. 17 Park Place Nichols Charles, trimmer 213 Washington Nichols Charles M. jeweler 4-26 Broad Nichols David A. saddler 207 Washington Nichols Deborah, widow of Jediah J 56 Church c. Court Nichols Edward P. medical student 40 William Nichols George, mason 14 Lumber Nichols Harriet, dress maker 151 Plane Nichols Henry, master mason 240 Washington Nichols Henry F. carpenter 40 Arch Nichols Horace H. builder 6 Willow h. 235 Washington Nichols Isaac, 201 Washington Nichols Isaac A. nr D 261 Broad r. 229x Washington Nichols Isabella, widow 4 Harrison Nichols John A. clerk 320 Broad Nichols Jonathan V. builder 15 Arch h. 112 Plane Nichols Joseph, carriage maker 209 Washington Nichols Joseph O. carpenter 23 lj Washington Nichols Lewis, gardener 210 El.n Nichols Mary, widow of Moses 14 Lumber Nichols Peter, laborer Garden c. S Prospect Nichols Robert, 207 Washington c. William Nichols Robert Johnson, 210 Elm Nichols Samuel, sea captain 3S2 Broad Nichols Sarah, widow of David 213 Washington Nichols Thomas, boot litter 1^8 Washington Nichols Thomas E. shoemaker 72 Inness Nichols Whitfield, M. D. 2(31 Broad h 26 Park Place Nichols William, boarding house 16 Plum Nichols William J. hat finisher 123 Washington Nicholson Henry, umbrella furniture Upper Jefferson Nicholson James, umbrella fur. turner Hendenberg's h. 160 Plane Nickels Eliza, widow of John, 118 Union Nickels John A. clothing 320 Broad h. 118 Union Nieting Ernst, grinder 3 Lum's Court Nisbitt James, shoemaker 3 East Mechanic Noble James, m.llwright 13 Van Buren Noble Joseph, patent muslin 70 Orleans Noble William, shoemaker 172 Bank Noe Richard, shoemaker 12 Union Noland Edward, laborer 43 Goble Noland John T. clerk 278 Market Noland Patrick, laborer 12 Webster NEWARK DIRECTORY. 199 Noland Patrick, laborer 15 Oxford Noland William, blacksmith 34 East Kinn,ey Noll Antone, shoemaker 29 Prince c. Court Nolle Henry, tailor 32 North Canal Noonan George H. law student 5 Stephens' Court Noonan Margaret, widow of George 5 Stephens' Court Noran Bridget, widow of Richmond 56 Brown Norcross William O. farmer 4 Prospect Place Norman John, jeweler 73 Walnut Norman Margaret, widow of ObaJiah 7 New York Norris Sen. James, 20 Clinton Norris John S. 1 Brunswick Norris Mary T. widow of Thomas P. 2 Washington pi. Norris Thomas, laborer 60 Bruen Norris William, Europe 1 Washington Place Norris William, provision store 376 Broad h. 20 Clinton North Vincent, mason 41 Prince North Wm. B. paint grinding rear 325 h. 382 Broad Norton Barney, bar tender 356 Broad Norton Chandler D. merchant Pompton, N. J. Norton Elizabeth, widow of Patrick 24 Garden Norton Francis, waiter 356 Broad Norton Horace, M. D. 265 Broad r. 108 Market Norton John, morocco dresser 170 Plane Norton Michael, laborer 2 Drift Norton Patrick, laborer 172 Thomas c. Goble Norton Susan, widow of James 5 Grant's Alley Nortroni Edward W. painter lU!) Plane Norwood Cornelius, cabinet maker 5 Scott Norwood Elias, turner 101 R. R. av. h. 21 M & E .R. ave. Norwood Eliza, widow 56 New Norwood William, plough maker 10 Bridge Nott William, turner 83 Washington Novell John, carriage maker 2 Brant's Court Noyes David 1C. comb manuf. 07 Mechanic h. 17 Clinton Noyes & Son David E. comb mfrs. 57 Mechanic Noye Elfameo M. comb maker 57 Mechanic h. 17 Clinton Noyes Miss L. O. select school 17 Clinton ' Nugent Francis, grocer 48 Market Nugent James, grocer 37 Union Nugent James, coal dealer 16 Warren Nugent Jane, widow of Nicholas 30 Goble Nugent Mary, tailoress 61 Adams Nugent Michael, shoemaker 'JOS? Washington Nugeiit Thomas, shoemaker 20SJ Washington Nulty James, carman 53 North Canal Nussbaum Francis, shoemaker 45 Prince Nutt Isaac, 61 Washington 200 PIERSON'S Nutt James, carriage maker 82 Kinney Null Thomas, blacksmith 26 Ailing Nuttman George G. patent roofer 75 Mulberry Nuttman Isaac W. fancy painter 12 Camfield Nuttman , widow of James, 187 Market Nuttman John C. Mechanic's Bank h. 7 Lumber Nuttman Margaret, widow of Baldwin New York Nuttman Victor W. lace store 244 r. 382 Broad Nye Ezra, sea captain 4 Clinton Place, Clinton N. J. O. Oaks David, express driver 100 McWhorter Oaks Matthias, express driver 327 Broad Oaks Sylvester B. 8 Maiden Lane Oats Margaret, grocer 83 Quarry O'Brian Ann, 3 Durand O'Brian Hugh, laborer 18 Oxford O'Bria.i Bridget, widow of William 1 Beaver O'Brian James, carpenter 78 Warren O'Brian James, gardener 26 Augusta O'Brian Jane, widow of Patrick 5 Ogden O'Brian John, 32 Hamilton O'Bria.i Michael, laborer 53 North Canal O'Brian Patrick, laborer 43 Ferry c. Union O'Brian Patrick, farmer 198 South Market O'Brian William, 1 Beaver O'Brien James, dealer in old iron 4 Abel Ochsmer Balthasar, gardener Elm n. brick kiln O'Connell Daniel, saddler 116 Commerce O'Connell Daniel, carpenter 9 East Fair O'Connell John, laborer lOOTichenor E. of Railroad ave. O'Connell Thomas, 30 Union O'Connell Timothy, 75 East Rivet O'Connor Michael, carman rear 114 Commerce O'Dell John, carpenter 25 Baldwin O'Dell William H. carpenter 117 Kinney O'Donnell Bridget, widow of Bernard 10 Camfield O'Donnell Bridget, widow 9 Maiden Lane O'Donnell Dominick, hatter 45 Hedges' Alley O'Donnell Terrence, stone cutter 129 River Oertle Charles, watch maker 1 Brant's Court Oetzel Tobias, laborer 21 Upper Jefferson O'Fake Aaron, (col'd) rear 134 Plane O'Fake John, (col'd) carman 9 Walnut O'Fake John H. (col'd) music teacher 47 Bank O'Fake Peter P. (col'd) barber 249 Broad h. 31 Div'n PI. O'Garrow Michael, laborer 162 Lock NEWARK DIRECTORY. 201 Ogden Catharine G. 70 New Ogden Charlotte, widow of James C. 272 Plane Ogden Elias R. 286 High c. Market Ogden Elizabeth, widow ol Lewis 147 Mulberry Ogden George, hatter 18 North Prospect Ogden James, 57 State Ogden James C. 8 Liberty Ogden James E. hatter 34 South Canal Ogden Jane C. nurse 18 North Prospect Ogden John, 286 High c. Market Ogden John, hatter 34 South Canal Ogden John J. clerk 250 Broad Ogden Jonathan, dry goods 133 r. 25 Market Ogden Pnebe, (col'd) 1 Crane's basin Ogden Samuel, carman 400 Ferry Ogden Samuel, hatter 1 Ward Ogden Theodore E. -234 Broad r. Clinton Ogden William, hatter 2-2 Ailing Ogg James, saddler 26 Green O'Harra Robert, jeweler 10G McWhorter O'Harren Morris, helper 487 High Oisterbeck , jeweler 1 Kinney O'Kain John, currier 153 Court O'Keef Edward, laborer 151 Ferry Oldham William, Henry n. Academy Olds Benjamin, stationer and binder "278 Broad Olds Horace H. 278 Broad h. 31 Franklin Olds William B. attorney California 278 Broad Oliver Hannah, widow of William 4 Academy Oliver Isaac M shoemaker 152 Railroad avenue Oliver James J. daguerrian 30 Ward Oliver John, 66 South Oliver Jonathan, master mason Marshall c. Grand Oliver Joseph, 10 Hoyt Oliver Joseph H. file cutter rear 10 Fair h. 43 Monroe Oliver Lewis M. painter and grocer 33 h. 14i Kinney Oliver Prussia, widow of Wil iam 18 New Oliver Richard, lace weaver 30 Ward Oliver William, painter I!j7 Mulberry Ollgeir Leonard, brass filer 27 Prince O'Neal Patrick, boatman 297 Market O'Neil Brian, laborer 56 Adams O'Neil Bridget, 2 Halsey's Court O'Neil John, laborer 5 Liberty O'Neil John, coachman 2 Halsey's Court O'Neil Michael, laborer 32 M. & E. Railroad avenue O'Neil Walter, laborer 133 Quarry O'Neil Walter, machinist 22 Montgomery 202 PIERSON'S Opdyke George, 2 Clinton Place, Clinton N. J. Orchard George Henrv, jeweler 158 Market Oroarke Peter, mason 1 Grand Orphan Asylum, 194 High c. Court Orphan Asylum, (St. Patricks) 11 Nesbitt Orton Harmon, boarding house 27 Lawrence Orton James Douglass, cashier State Bank 315 Broad Orton John, tailor 106 Plane Osborn Aaron, sheriff and auctioneer for Navy Yard and Middleville Osborn Abraham B. hatter 46 Jefferson Osborn Andrew, shoemaker 37 Columbia Osborn Bennet, hardware 299 Broad h. 19 Park Osborn Charles S. machinist 60 Hamilton h. 79 Plane Osborn David, carpenter 61 Spring Osborn David S. grocer 93 Bioad Osborn Dennis, clerk 164 Broad r. 47 South Canal Osborn George, coach trimmer 9 Union Osborn Harvey M. letter carrier rear 5 Hamilton Osborn Jacob, 9 Union Osborn John N. trunk maker 81 avenue D. N. Y. Osborn Joseph, carpenter 240 Market Osborn Israel W. Ward clerk 93 Broad Osborn Keturah, widow of Dennis 47 South Canal Osborn Moses M. New York h. 254 Broad Osborn Nehemiah, cabinet maker 22 Summit Osborn Patterson, japanner 56 Union Osborn Thomas H. 30 Ferry Osborn & Woodruff, hardware store 299 Broad Osborne Alexander, 30 Ferry Osborne Charles S. grocer 45 Market h. 27 Warren Osborne Edward A. M. D. office 1 S. Market r. Star Hotel Osborne Rev. Enos A. 21 Warren Osmun Daniel, halter 27 Plane Osmun George, trunk rivet manuf. 219 Washington Osmun William M. segar maker 27 Plane Osterly Mary, 35 Charlton Ostrum Ann M. widow of Oliver 157 Mulberry Ostrum David S. segar maker 9 Beach Ostrum Samuel, carriage maker 9 Beach Ott Casper, laborer 143 Court Ott Henry, tobacconist 2 Garrabrant's Court Otto Frederick, tailor 6 North Canal Otio Reinhait, cabinet maker 24 North Prospect Otto William, tailor 5 Cammack's Alley Ougheltree Phebe, widow of Matthias 72 Kinney Outwater John, plater 37 Durand 0. U. A. Nos. 1, 3, 10, 3d story Morris Buildings NEWARK DIRECTORY. 203 Ovens John, school teacher 92 Warren Overbaugh Abram B. carpenter 264 Washington Overbaugh Ephraim, harness maker 23 Fulton Overton Isaac, Erie Railroad Aprnt 48 Court Overton John B. California 48 Court P. Pabst Adam, tailor 71 Court Pabst Valentine, tailor 71 Court Pace Mary, 398 Broad Page Angeline, dress maker 31 Catharine Page David, tailor 31 Catharine Page James, wheelwright 192 Railroad avenue Page James C. patent leather 34 Plane Page John O. shoe manuf. 2 Commerce Page Lorenzo, shoe mfr. 2 Commerce h. 37 Lawrence Page Thomas N. 25 Park Paine Daniel, carpenter 152 Plane Paine John A. M. D. Albany N. Y. Paine Thomas, lace weaver 10 Congress Palmer Charles, millwright 11 Lumber Palmer Dwight, jeweler 40 Columbia h. 350 Broad Palmer Ellas, carpenter 426 Broad Palmer John B. jeweler 40 Columbia h. 114 Mulberry Palmer, Richardson & Co. jewelers 40 Columbia and Maiden Lane, N. Y. Palmer Samuel, carpenter 58 Court Palmer Sarah, widow of James L. 134 Mulberry Palmer William S. saddler 22 Commerce Pancoast Solomon, polisher 244 Washington Pancoast William G. polisher 257 Washington Paradise Philemon D. morocco dresser 29 Searing Parcels Albert A. shoemaker 28 South Market Parcels Arm, widow of William 29 Court Parcels Henry, body maker 190 Bank Parcels John, clerk 330 Broad h. 19 Green Parcels Joseph, japan hat maker 2 13 Plane Pardue Timothy, dealer in old iron 232 Market Park Albert G. daguerrian Alabama Park Austin S. daguerrian 320 Broad h. 9 Orchard Park Edson, shoemaker Louisville, Ky. Park Hervey, insurance agent 152 Mulberry Park Uriah, shoemaker Lyons Farms Parker Catharirre, widow 219 North Broad Parker Cortlandt, att'y & couns. 281 h. 161 Broad Parker Emeline, vest maker 108J Plane Parker Emerson, (col'd) 156 Lock 204 PIERSON'S Parker Isaac S. feed, &c. 140 Market h. 19 Columbia Parker James H. flour and feed 77 Broad h. 25 State Parker Jane, widow of Kseck 12 Academy Parker John S. flour and feed 77 Broad h. 75 Spring Parker Mary, widow of Thomas 1084 Plane Parker Robert, rigger 49 Bridge c. Ogden Parker William, shoemaker 44 Upper Jefferson Parker William E. 217 North Broad Parker William V. saddler New Haven Parkhurst Archibald, clerk Old Bank h. 14 Bank Parkhurst Charles, hat block turner 55 Court 'Parkhurst Cyrus, transpor. line N. & N. Y. 51 Ferry Parkhurst Henry L. farmer 609 Broad Parkhurst Henry N. farmer 17 Thomas Parkhurst Isaiah, patent leather 19 Cross Parkhurst Jonathan, paper maker Millville, N. J. Parkhurst & West, dry goods 216 Broad Parkhurst William S. jeweler 55 Court Parkhurst William W. builder rear h. 19 Cross Parkin John S. W. M. D. 16 Park place Parkinson George, carpenter 166 Bank Parkinson Joseph L. painter 100 Union Parmele Adire, sawyer 46 Lawrence Parmenter Thomas, hatter 16 Cherry Parr Eliza, 19 Cedar Parr Melinda, 19 Cedar Parse Franklin, trunkmaker 61 Mechanic Parse Stites, tinsmith 53 Church Parsil Edwin R. hatter 261 Washington Parson William, carpenter 15 Franklin Parsons Abraham, carpenter 34 Liberty Parsons Charles, carpenter 34 Liberty Parsons Starr, surrogate's office h. 71 Warren Parsons Walter, carpenter 87 Union Passmore Simon, grocer 40 Market h. 7 Catharine Passmore William, 7 Catharine Pateman John, shoemaker 29 Plane Pateman Thomas, mason 29 Plane Paterson John W. boatman 75 North Canal Patterson Dan. 22 Plane Patterson Geo. W. 5'J Wall N. Y. r. 172 Market Patterson John, 9 Boudinot Patterson Robert, spring maker 5 Slate Patterson Samuel L. saddler 22 Plane Patterson William, saddler 256 Washington Patterson William, farmer 61 Richmond Patterson William D saddler 22 Plane Pattison George K. California 34 Commerce NEWARK DIRECTORY. 205 Patton David T. beer maker 19 William Patton Eli R. 549 High Patton Margaret, widow 350 High Patton Patrick, morocco dresser 12 Summit Patrickworm Francis (col'd) 16 Academy Paul Clitus, clerk r. 172 South Broad Paul Jeremiah, harness maker ISO Mulberry Paul Jonathan, edge tool grinder 77J Court Paul William, coach smith 470 R. R. ave. 172 S. Broad Paulin Thomas, engraver 178J Mulberry Payan Thomas C. clothier 311 Broad r. New Orleans Pay an Si Co. Thomas C. clothiers 10 Canal N. O. Payne Alfred I. brass turner 105 Warren Payne Bernard M. mason 105 Warren Payne Catharine, widow of James 105 Warren Paxton Isaac, 140 Kinney Paxton Obadiah, 140 Kinney Peak & Brothers, liquor store 50 Market Peak Edward, liquor store 50 Market c. Plane Peak William, liquor store 50 Market Peal John F. tailor 19 Nicholson Pearce David H. watch maker, 71 Lock Pearson William C. jeweler New York Peck Alfred L. harness maker 116 Orchard Peck Ephraim M. segar maker 27 Lawrence Peck J. L. jeweler r. City Hotel Peckham Isaiah, teacher public school No. 6 h. 42 Lock Peckwell Agnes, widow of Henry 26 Columbia Peckwell James painter 20 Columbia Peddie & Morrison, trunk manufacturers 104 Market Peddie Thomas B. trunk maker 104 Market h. 14 Camfield Pedrick Peter, jeweler 366 Broad Peel Daniel, saddletree maker 19 Boudinot Peer Alfred, coffin ware room 125 h. 37J Market Peer Cornelius, shoemaker 25 Catharine Peer Hester, widow of Thomas grocery 63 Commerce Peer Margaret A. widow of Richard nurse 7 N. Canal Peet Ann, widow grocer 75 Market Peiffer Peter, German boarding house 90 Mulberry Pell John, finding store 116 Market Pelly Frederick, joiner Montgomery c. Broom Peloubet David A. jeweler 10 Mercer Peloubet Elizabeth, widow of Alexander 10 Mercer Pemberton James, plated metal mfr. 5i Fair h. 23 Green Pemberton William, plated metal manufr. 5J Fair h. 39 Division Place Pendleton Daniel, gardner 21 Halsey Pennifeather Mary, rear 11 East Fair 18 206 FIERSON'S Pennington A. C. M. alt. & couns. 291 Broad h. 532 High Pennington Jabez P. att. & couns. 291 Broad h. Harrison Pennington James A. jeweler 450 Elm c. Hanover Pennington Samuel H. M. D. 255 Broad Pennington William, att. & couns. 228 Broad h. 129 High Pennington William S. att. at law 228 Broad h. 129 High Penovia Joseph, 19 Boudinot Peppard Francis, coach maker 16 Bleeker Perham Charlotte G. widow of David 20 Park Periam Thomas, moulder 98 Broad Perkins John, patent leather 547 High Perkins John, confectionary 167 Market Perkins Lorinda, 4 James Perkins Sarah, widow of Thomas 11 Plane Perrien John, shoemaker 13 Fair Perrien William, tailor 13 Fair Perry Benjamin, carpenter 19 Warren Perry Caleb, shoemaker Orange n. Ninth Perry Charles A. patent leather 281 High Perry Ephraim B. shoemaker Orange n. Ninth Perry James, patent leather 281 High Peiry Jarnes A. shoemaker 23 Jefferson Perry Job, moulder 147 Nesbitt c. Hoyt Perry Joseph, trunk manuf. 21 Sussex avenue Perry Rev. Joseph, teacher 3 Grove Perry Nehemiah, clothier 294 Broad h. 14 Clinton Perry & Co. N- clothiers 294 Broad c. Market Perry Samuel, clerk 294 Broad h. 14 Clinton Perry William Hampton, carman 536 Broad Person Matthew, harness maker 12 Fair Peshine John S. shoe store 318 Broad h. 71 Elizabeth Rd. Peters & Bradley, second hand furniture 88 Broad Peters Charles, laborer 32 McWhorter Peters George H. dry goods 131 Market h. 258 High Peters Horatio N. trunk and carpet bag manuf 121 River h 66 South Broad Peters James, sec. hand furniture 88 B'd. h. 28 N. Essex Peters Lewis, 43 Lawrence Peto Henry, carriage maker Crane c. Caroline Petter John, patent leather 137 Plane Pettit , carpenter 12 Niagara Pettit Garret, quarryman 60 Crane Pettit Miss Fanny, 8 Academy Pettit Miss Harriet M.ladies sem. 317 Broad r. 8 Academy Pettit James, trunk maker 5 Oak Pettit John, 8 Academy Pettit Joseph T. carpenter 116 Elm Petty David, retired gent. 45 Columbia NEWARK DIRECTORY. 207 Petty Phebe, widow of Capt. Ebenezer 55 Commerce Petty Samuel, clerk 341 Broad h. 45 Columbia Petty William, cutler Orange n. Ninth Pfeister Rev. John P. 232 Washington Pfifer Henry, cabinet maker 110 Oliver Phelan George P. morocco dresser 1 Summit Phelps Henry, carriage maker 250 Washington Phelps Lillis, widow of Juda boarding house 19 Market Phillips Daniel, tool maker 28 Quarry Phillips George C. tin manufacturer 2 Com. h. 4 N. Canal Phillips George Y. Camptown Phillips John, South Orange avenue above Wallace Phillips John M. machinist Union Iron Wks.h. 25 Bridge Phillips Mary, widow of Elisha 68 Bank Phillips Michael, painter 30 North Prospect Phillips Rachel, widow of Pardon 16 Fulton Phillips Thomas J. carpenter 28 Quarry Phillips William, cutter 9 Columbia Phipps John H. upholsterer 156 Broad Pickett William H. painter 327 Broad Pidgeon Patrick, currier 161 Bank Pie Peter, boatman 52 North Canal Piepha Charles, painter 87 Quarry Pier Cornelius, painter 57 State Pier Jacob L. saddletree maker 29 State Pier Peter, carpenter 38 Orange Pierce Anson G. blacksmith 551 High Pierce Elijah E. butcher South Orange avenue Pierce Henry G. cabinet maker 23 South Prospect Pierce John, shoemaker 25 Rankin Pierce Raymond B. shirt mfr 312 Broad r. 13 Pennington Pierce Robert T. butcher S. Orange ave. above Wallace Pierce William, victualling house 101 Broad Pierce William, portable desk 31 Baldwin Pierman Daniel, pattern maker 82 Quarry Pierson Abigail, widow of Elihu, 30 Mechanic Pierson Abraham A. shoemaker 3 Fulton Pierson Abraham R. currier 86J Market h- 199 Washing'n Pierson Albert, carpenter 47 Fair Pierson Albert O. wood and coal merchant 46 Kinney Pierson Alfred, carpenter 10 Lafayette Pierson Asa, dash and railing 5 Railroad av. h. 47 Lafay. Pierson Benjamin C. carman 31 M. & E. Railroad ave. Pierson Benjamin M. 18 Cross Pierson Benjamin T. City Directory office 17 Court Pierson & Berry, curriers 86j Market Pierson Caleb, collar maker 30 Mechanic Pierson Catharine, widow of Abner 35 Columbia Pierson Charles H. hat mfr. 54 Liberty h. 152 Mulberry 208 PIERSON'S Pierson Charles H. jeweler 19 Hill Pierson C. Henry, shipping and com. mer. 61 South N. Y. h. 6.1 Halsey Pierson Charles T. mason and builder 67 Court Pierson Charles W. cutlet 69 Ferry Pierson Daniel, clothier 284 Broad h. 144 Mulberry Pierson David C. Cat. coach lace weaver 20 Halsey Pierson David M. clerk 284 Broad r. 38 Clinton Pierson Edward, Deputy Sheriff office City Hall h Orange Pierson Eliza, school teacher 63 Bank Piersen Elizabeth, widow of Matthias 20 Church Pierson Frances, widow of Benjamin 32 Front Pierson Harriet, dress maker 7 Franklin Place Pierson Ira C. 209 Thompson M. Y. Pierson Isaac N. patent leather 92 Halsey Pierson Israel, master mason 10 Lafayette Pierson James, varnish 237 Mulberry h. 12 Cottage Pierson James C. harness maker 116 Orchard Pierson Jeremiah C. clerk 122 Pearl, N. Y r. 46 Kinney Pierson John A., chair maker 27 Cherry Pierson John 11. jeweler 1 Green h. 121 Mulberry Pierson Jonathan, trunk manufacturer 15 h. 19 Hill Pierson Joseph, New York h. 100 High Pierson Joseph C. merchant 574 h. 582 Broad Pierson Lewis C. trimmer Augusta, Ga. 19 Hill Pierson Mary, widow of Hiram 61 Halsey Pierson Mirab, widow of Abel 44 Fair Pierson Nathan F. bow maker 47 Lawrence Pierson Ralph H. malleable iron 74 Clay h. 13 Franklin Pierson Rebecca, widow of Silas 10 Lafayette Pierson & Robertson, varnish mfrs. 225 Railroad avenue Pierson Jr. Samuel, merchant 574 h. 582 Broad Pierson S. & Son, merchants 514 Broad PierEon Samuel, shoemaker 18 Orleans Pierson Stephen H. mer. 122 Pearl h. 13 Hammond, N. Y. Pierson Jr. Stephen H. clerk 1.1 M. Lane N. Y. h. 19 Hill Piersen Stephen S. japanner Orleans n. Orange Pierson Sylvester C. varnish 225 R. R. av. h. 79 Orchard Pierson Thomas B. wagon maker 7 Church h. 424 Broad Pierson William, machinist 18 Cross Pierson William, carpenter 275 Railroad avenue Pierson William, sheriff office City Hall, h. Orange Pierson William, shipping & commission merchant 61 South, N. Y. h. 61 Halsey Pierson William Henry ; clerk New Orleans r. 46 Kinney Pierson & Woodruff, wagon makers 7 Chh. and 31 William Pilch Rev. Frederick, pastor Bethel chh. 174 S. Market Pilcher Henry, organ builder 117 River h. 17 Fulton Pilger John, gardener 14 Marshall NEWARK DIRECTORY. 209 Pilkinton William, jeweller 276 Railroad avenue Pine Adam, tailor 41 West Pine James, portrait painter 263 Broad Pinkney William E. carpenter 25 McWhorter Pinneo James B. office 2 Beaver h. 245 High Pinot Claude M. currier 60 Jones Pirsson Alexander T. piano fortes Wash'n hall r. Park h. Pitcher Robert, shoe manufacturer 168 Washington Pitney Lucinda, widow of Charles A. 128 Broad Pitt John C. Salisbury Centre, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Pitt Myers F. farmer 100 Bloornfield avenue Pitt Richard C, plater 96 Elm Pittenger John, shoemaker 19 New Plagge Herman, hatter and grocer 12 Scriber's Lane Playfoot Spencer, hatter 5 Scott Plisser Frederick, laborer upper end of Kinney Plum Ann, widow of Joseph R. Newark c. Canal Plum Jacob T. 204 Academy Plum Lewis, oramental painter 16 Plum Plum Matthias, farmer 115 Washington Plum Stephen H. Ill Washington Plume Amzi B. 582 High c. Quarry Plume John I. justice and comm'r for all the States 173 Broad h. 42 Washington Plume Lucetta, widow of Joseph 19 Park Place Plume Matilda, wido\v of David 582 High c. Quarry Plume Robert, coachsmith 78 Union Plume Sarah, widow of Isaac A. 19 Park Place Plume William, 21 Bridge Plumley Matilda, widow of John C. 38 Rector Plunket Edward, currier 6 Shipman Plunket Mary A. dress maker 118 Orange Poinier Charles, jeweler 24 Ward Poinier David, constable 66 Union Poinier Elisha B. lumber merchant 221 Market Poinier Elizabeth, widow of Charles P. 45 Liberty Poinier E. B. & J. D. lumber merchants n. Bethel church Poinier Horace J lumber mor. 37 Commercial h. 50 Ferry Poinier Jr. Horace J. clerk 266 Broad h. 50 Ferry Poinier Jeremiah D. lumber merchant 219 Market Poinier John W. vice pres. in. co. 151 Mkt. h. Morrislown Poinier William K. 37 Commercial r. 50 Ferry Polhamus Rebecca, widow of Aaron 98 Kinney Pollard Charles A. mason 51 Orange Pollard Jacob H. carpenter 29 South Market Pollard James, engineer 265 Broad . Pollard Jonathan, watch maker 122 Lock Pollard Mary B. widow of David 277 Mulberry 18* 210 PIERSON Pollard Samuel B. carpenter 2MNerty h. 112 Elm Pollard William W. cloth and oil silk manufacturer 45 h. 31 South Market Polley Keziah, nurse 71 Spring Pommart John, carpenter 1 Adams Pool Alexander, grocer 176 r. 124 Broad Pool James, clerk 371 Broad h. 6 Green Pool Samuel, lace weaver 12 Orleans Pool William, jeweler 3 East Green Poor Charles W. cabinet ware 336 Broad h. 233 Plane Poor Rev. Daniel W. pastor High street chh. 67 Court Poor House, 130 Elizabethtown Road Pope William, carpenter 35 Camp Porter, Ay res, & Co. Daily Mercury 25)7 Broad Porter Burr, clothiers 7 Cedar Porter Daniel, shoemaker 161 Plane Porter Jr. Daniel, Daily Mercury 14 East River Porter, Keen & Co. clothiers 28t3 Broad (up stairs) Porter Monroe, trunk maker 161 Plane Porter P. H. clothiers 288 Broad h. 7 Cedar Porter Samuel, machinist 114 Orange Post Abraham, india rubber Summit Post Catharine, 17 Green Post Cornelius M. carriage maker 3G Harrison h. 18 Hill Post Elias G. shoemaker 188 Plane Post Garret, carpenter 6 Catharine Post James M. blacksmith 92 Halsey Post John, shoemaker 31 Court Post John, constable 61 Market Post John H. turner 131 Mulberry Post John E. coach rnfr. c. Hamilton & McWhorter h. 15 Lafayette Post Office, 117 Market Post Phebe, widow of David O. JO Ferry Post Thomas, carpenter 75 Ferry Post Thomas G. harness maker 102 Elm Potter Samuel B. grocer and provisions 89 Barclay N. Y- Potter Rev. Samuel S. Lawrenceburgh, Indiana Pound . cracker baker 19 Lombardy Pow Henry, sash and blind maker 1 Cammacks alley Pow John, sailor 77 Orange Powderly Hugh, laborer 131 Nesbitt Powell Barnabas, blacksmith 9 Court Powell Charles, jeweler 9 Court Power Michael, currier 210 Washington Power William, currier 210 Washington Powles Henry, 59 River r. 454 Broad Powles Martin P. carpenter 32 Warren NEWARK DIRECTORY. 211 Prager Alexander, saddler, Ij Warren Prall Pompey, (co'l'd) 21 Hedges' alley Pratt Elizabeth, widow of Lott 13 Bank Pratt Sarah, widow of Solomon H. 14 Commerce Prendergast Patrick, shoemaker 42 Union Prenss Edward A. apothecary 134 Market Prentice & Brown, japanned muslin & silkmfrs. VNutt'n. Prentice Ira, tinner 38 Orange Prentice William, japan hat mfr. 7 Nuttman h. 398 Broa 1 Prentiss Abigail, widow of William 128 Mulberry, Preston Catharine, India rubber 28 Lombard v Price Aaron M. painter 67 Bank Price Aaron O. 172 Washington Price Miss Abby, trimmer 33 Plane Price Charles C. baker 13 Cottage Price Daniel, varnish manuf. 224 & 237 h. 117 Mulberry Price & Co. Daniel, varnish manufs. 224 6f 237Mulberry Price David, varnish mfr. 228 Mulberry h. 13 Cottage Price Elias D. shoemaker 27 Academy Price Henrietta, 27 Walnut Price James H. steeple psinter!2 Bank Price John, optician 345 Broad h. 2*3 Chestnut Price Jeremiah C. furniture dealer 311 Broad h. 6 Ward Price Mary, 27 Walnut Price Matthias, edge tool mfr. 58 Hamilton h. 97 Mulb'y- Price Moses, farmer I.yon's Farms Price Phebe, widow of Aaron 65 Bank Price Thomas, tinsmith 121 Broad Price Thompson, varnish mfr. '224 h. 157J Mulberry Price & Co. Thompson, varnish mfrs. 224 Mulberry Price William H. grocer 224 Washington Price William R. sash and blind maker 23 Catharine Price William W. Elizabethtown road Pridham George, saddler 9 Ward Pridham James, saddler 32 Cottage Pridliam Lawrence, 32 Cottage Priest Henry C. silver spoons 139 h. 141 Orange Prim Ernest, brass finisher 68 South Prime Rev. Samuel I. 285 Broadway N. Y. Primrose John, saddler rear 114 Church Pringle Ellen, widow of Mark II Fair Pritchard Francis, button maker 150 Academy Pritchard William, 5 Grove Probasco George, carriage maker 30 Chestnut Probasco Jacob, coach trimmer 108^ Plane Prosch Charlotte, daguerrian 259 Broad h. 88 Halsey Prosch George W. daguerrian 13 Arch Prosch William, oysters 20 East River 212 PIERSON'S Prosch Jr. William, oysters 20 East River Prosser John, lamp maker 158 Plane Prosser John, 366 Broad Prosser Thomas, currier 157 Plane Protestant Foster Home 270 North Broad Prout Charles, blacksmith 13 Green Prout Nelson, fishmonger 28 Green Provost David, carpenter 42 Quarry Provost John, teacher 42 Washington Provost Luke, saddle tree riveter 4 Halsey's Court Provost William, blacksmith 575 High Pruden Charlotte, tailoress 130 Orange Pruden Phebe S. widow of Ezra 52 Bleeker Pruden Samantha, tailoress 130 Orange Public School No. 1 (North Ward) 14 & 16 State Public School No. 2 (East Ward) 96 & 98 Commerce Public School No. 3 (West Ward) 21 % 23 Market Public School No. 4 (South Ward) 23 & 25 Hill Public School No. 5 (Fifth Ward) 60 & 62 Lafayette Public School No. 6 (Seventh Ward) 38 & 40 Lock Pudney John B. New York h. 23 Warren Pullinger Dorcas, North Broad c. Belleville road PulvettafT John, tinsmith Walnut c. .South Prospect Purden Thomas, aqueduct layer 164 Quarry Purse Miss Emma, Springfield ave. c. Prospect place Purser John, laborer 2 Brunswick. Purson Richard, blacksmith 11 Court Pye Thomas, locksmith 8 State Q. Quail Robert, peddler 528 High Quarrie John, spring maker SOGoble Queman Alfred, shoemaker 218 Plane Queman Jacob, harness maker 199 R. R. avenue Queman Samuel, carpenter 61 Sheffield n. Orange Queman Simeon, harness maker 66 Plane Quick Lotan, moulder 184 Nesbitt Quigley John, grocer and carpent. tool maker 109 Quarry Quigley -Phillip, spirit levels and carpenter's tools 72 Clav h, 8 Mill Quimby Michael, mason 11 Scott Quimby Sarah, widow of John 32 Bleeker Quimby William S. body maker 32 Bleeker Quimlan James, laborer 59 Ferry Quimm John, tailor 16 Camfield Quinby James M. MAYOR, 9 Park place Quinby & Co. James M. coach manufacturers 325 Broad Quinby Jonas S. jeweler 9 Park place NEWARK DIRECTORY: 213 Quinn Catharine, widow of Patrick 108 New Quinn Francis, baker 1 State Quinn John, baker 4 and 6 Mulberry Quinn Mary, widow of Miles grocer 35 Lawrence Quinn Michael, I State R. Rabeneau Henry, chair maker Rache Malcher, japanner 37 Nesbitt Radcliffe Samuel, plater 15 Franklin Radcliffe William W. machinist rear 34 Bleeke- Radel John, baker 81 Plane Raderaacher Henry, mason 151 Court c. Grand Rader Christian, shoemaker 6 Fair Rader Henry, shoemaker 6 Fair Radez Frederick, baker 9 Lafayette Radin Reuben, carpenter 34 Nesbitt Radin William, mason 33 Baldwin Radvvell Edward, 64 North Canal Rafferty John, laborer 40 Union Ragan Bridget, widow of James 41 Academy Ragan Daniel, india rubber 120 Lock Ragan Patrick, grocer 42 Mulberry Rain Christian, tailor 1 Rankin Raisbeck Charles, harness maker 40 Green Raisbeck James H. harness maker Kinney c. S. Prospect Raithamer Elizabeth, 57 Academy Rakenbrot Leonard, cabinet maker 137 Plane Ramel Felix, florist 2 Longworth c. Washington Ramsey Sarah, widow of William 22 Plume Randall William N. furniture store 245 Broad Randell Clara, widow 20 Bank Randeil George, jeweler 276 Railroad avenue Randell George D. coach painter 20 Bank Randell Isaac, jeweler & curl store 232 Bd. h. 12 S. Canal Randolph Furman F. feed store 1 New Randolph Harriet F. tailoress 31 Mulberry Randolph Joel D. 21 Orleans Randolph John P. carman 121 Broad Randolph Lewis F. 67 Seekman N. Y. h. 72 New Randolph Mary F. widow of Jeptha 11 New Randolph Martin, tailor 126 Kinney Randolph Samuel M. F. hatter 41 William h. 258 Wash. Randolph Simeon, currier 126 Kinney Randolph Staats F. clerk 130 Broad Randolph Stillman F. grocer 130 Broad Rang Robert, file maker 7 Liberty 214 PIERSON'S Ranke Charles G. surg. inst. Frank. Factory b. 611 High Rankin Andrew, hat manuf. 304 Broad h. 28 Clinton Rankin Andrew, fur blower 7 Nuttman Rankin Rev. Charles W. rector St. Peter's Ch. Morristown Rankin, Duryee & Co. hat manufacturers 2 Beaver Rankin Rev. Edward E. pastor 8/A avenue Ch. N. Y. Rankin Rev. Henry V. missionary to China 296 High Rankin Isaac N. office 2 Beaver h. 297 High Rankin James A. hat manuf. 304 Broad h. 28 Clinton Rankin William, Hill Park 296 High Rankin Jr. William, Treas. A. B. F. M. 413 Broad Ranney Miss, young ladies' school 208 Broad Rano Joseph S. shoemaker 4 Harrison's Court Ransley James, confectioner 69 Bank Ransley William, livery stable 67 Halsey Ranscher William, engraver 6 Scott Ransom Newell, painter 26 Hamilton Rapplea James C. sexton House of Prayer h. 9 State- Raup Charles, saddler 30 Division Rawley Thomas, carpenter 2 Brunswick Ray Elias S. (col'd) California h. 17 Academy Ray James, (col'd) 5 Pearl Ray Robert, cutter 24 Baldwin Raymond John, paper maker 82 New Raymond Stephen, jeweler 112 Church Read Maria, widow of John 132 Kinney Reader Clark, currier 16 Fair Reading Francis, proof reader 40 Fair Reading Miss Rebecca, 222 Broad Reaffer John, jeweler 90 Mulberry Rechsteiner John, professor of music 9 Liberty Red Patrick, boot maker 3 Hedges' Alley Redfield Elisha K. tinman 270 Plane Reding George, laborer 23 Prince Reeb Francis, brewer Ferry c. Congress Reed Erastus, carriage maker 75 Union Reed Joseph, carpenter 66 State Reed Noah, carpenter 91 Catharine Reef Charles, zinc maker 25 Congress Reef Joseph, 154 South Market Rees John, shoemaker 3674 Broad h. 37 Orchard Reeve Abner S. builder and mason 113 Plane Reeve & Co. Abner S. coal and wood and masons' mate- rials, 141 River foot of Lumber Reeve , widow of David 88 Academy Reeve David B. builder Michigan Reeve Elizabeth, widow of Marcus D. 356 High c. Acad. Reeve Evayts, japanner 121 Washington NEWARK DIRECTORY. 215 Reeve Ezra, builder 40 Pennington h- 117 Orchard Reeve Hannah, widow of William 88 Academy Reeve H. John, carpenter 157 South Market Reeve JohnM. shoemaker 702 Broad Reeve Jonas C. master mason 14 South Essex Reeve Lucius, saddler 88 Academy Reeve Zadock, mason 21 Bank Reeves Abner W. M. D. 130J Broad Reeves John, shoemaker 1 South Essex Reeves Joseph, tailor 39 Academy Reeves Moses, carpenter inquire 103 Catharine Reeves Oliver, grocer 57 William, h. 241 Plane Reeves Sarah, widow of Benjamin 121 Washington Reger Phillip, pedler 35 Bruen Rehise George, trunkmaker rear 98 Church Reid James, gardener River c. railroad Reigher Phillip, 25 South Prospect Reihing John, shoemaker 131 Baldwin Reilly Mary, widow of Michael 8 Pierson's Alley Reilly Robert, currier 219 Bank c. Boston Reiman Charles, physician 31 Clinton Reinhold William, jeweler 79 Walnut Reins Robert, boiler maker 8 Madison Reis William, tailor Broom c. Springfield avenue Remer Gortrude, widow of H. 49 Bank Rentier Jacob F. 9 Academy Remer John, Geneva, N. Y. Remmela Casper, tailor 123 Baldwin Ren Elizabeth, tailoress 192 South Market Ren John, laborer Bellemont avenue n. Kinney Rennie Alexander, shoemaker 20 Lush Renme James, shoemaker 190 Plane Rennie Jr. James, cabinet maker 190 Plane Rennie John, shoemaker 11 Union Itenton George H. machinist 522 h. 518 High Renton James, iron manufacturer 518 High Reock Aaron, shoemaker ]07 Washington Reock Hannah, widow of Jacob P. 45 Chestnut Reock John, 15 Park Reock John H. 308 Broad h. 13 Boudinot Ressland Frederick K. shoemaker 12 Adams Reuck Aaron, cloth cutter 133 Market h. 153 Academy Reuter Joseph A. 121 Springfield avenue Reuter , jeweler 59 Walnut Revolon Gustave, carpenter 17 Fair Reybold Anniste, segar case maker 250 Plane Reynolds Abby, widow 89 Plane Reynolds Ann, 125 Broad 216 PIERSON'S Reynolds Ely H. 23 North Essex Reynolds Frederick, metal worker 22 Mechanic Reynolds Henry, clerk 31 Monroe Reynolds James, farmer 68 Monroe Reynolds John, laborer 13 Van Buren Reynolds Sarah, 125 Broad Rhine Patrick, capt. Eclipse 38 Bridge Rhodabeek John, mason Nichols n. South Prospect Rhodes Harriet, widow of Samuel (col'd) 18 Division pi Rhodes Rev. Jacob, (col'd) 25 Somerset n. Spruce Rhodes John, carriage maker 3 North John Rhodes Nathan C. 16 Mechanic h. Church Rhornung Jacob, locksmith 37 Charlton Rice Andrew, shoemaker 120 State Rice Bernard, currier 15 Plane Rice George B. painter 23 North Essex Rice Jacob, carpenter 40 Richmond Rice Joseph, cabinet maker 46 Lush Rice J. Williams, painter 2 New h. 8 Front Rice Nahum, painter 32 Front Rice Rachel M. widow of Joseph W. 8 Front Rice Sophia, 2 Prospect place Rice William, picture frame maker 1 14 Washington- Richards Cyrus, 21 Mulberry Ki i.ards David W. grocer 362 Broad h. 25 Smith Kichards D. W. & H. E. grocers 362 and 364 Broad Richards Henry E. grocer 362 h. 360 Broad Richards John,.Ca#/brm'a Richards John C. 140 Point Lane Richards John L. builder 15 Franklin Richsrds Leonard, 150 South Broad Richards Marcus S. carpenter 24 Bank Richards Nathaniel, 590 Ferry Richards Samuel, gardner 557 Ferry Richards Thomas, farmer 590 Ferry Richards Thomas A. shoemaker 19 Mulberry Richards jr. Thomas. 30 Point Lane Richards William, farmer 590 Ferry Richards William, 43 Commerce c. Mulberry Richardson Enos, jeweler 40 Columbia h. New York Richardson Frederick, shoemaker 175 Piano Richardson Joseph, shoemaker 79 Plane Richardson Ralph, halter 19J Commerce Richert Charles F. boarding house 93 South Canal Richmond William, painter 15)9 Plane Richmond Orlando, shoemaker 179 Railroad avenue Rickerby John, baker and grocer 77 Green Rickerby & Irving, bakers aid grocers 77 Green NEWARK DIRECTORY. 217 Rickets Betsey, widow of Robert, (col'd) 2 Cranes' Basin Ricketts William, shingle shaver 11 Durand Ricord Elizabeth, teacher 47 Market Ricord Frederick W. librarian 115 h. 47 Market Ridel Frangois, French dyer 120 Market Ridler Albert, painter 20 Bleeker . Ridler Alfred, painter 20 Bleeker Ridler A. & A. painters 20 Bleeker Ridler William, painter 5'J Washington Ridley Sarah, widow of John 169 Plane Rigby James N trimmer 5 Camfield Rigby Nicholas, helper 5 1 Orange Riggs Abigail, widow of Caleb S. 146 High Riggs Edward Edcnton, N. C. 146 High Riggs Irene, 110 Union Riggs Reuben, tobacconist 48 Fair Right John, patent leather 71 Garden Righter Harris, patent leather 100 South Orange avenue Righter Samuel, coach manuf. 100 Bruen Righter William A. att'y at law 151 Market r. City Hotel Riker Abraham N. shoemaker 142 Nesbitt Riker Abraham, ir.dia rubber New above Newark Riker Cornelius C. shoemaker 35 Ogden Riker David, mason 652 High Riker Geo. builder 59 State h 64 M. & E. Railroad ave. Riker George, mason 652 High Riker George W. cabinet maker 144 Nesbitt Riker & Goble, jewelers 379 Broad Riker Gottleib, laborer 30 Plume Riker Jacob, rear 28 Front Riker James A. cooper 134 Academy Riker John, cutler 18 Summit Riker John, justice peace 237 Plane Riker John A. carpenter 182 Academy Riker 4 Morris, builders 59 State above High Riker Peter, carpenter 171 Plane Riker Richard, mason 4 Plume Riker Stephen, oarriage maker 184 Bank Riker Thomas H. mason 579 High Riker William, jeweler 379 Broad h. 170 Mulberry Riker William, mason 574 High Riker William H. mason 57 State Riley Barney, laborer 43 Madison Riley Bartlett, currier 23 Augusta Riley Brian, laborer Hermon c. Thomas Riley Charles, mason IfiO' Ferry Riley Eugene, 163 Thomas Riley Francis, laborer 17 Plane 19 518 PIEKSON'S Riley James, shoe mfr. 167 Market Riley James, shoemaker 167 Hank Riley James, laborer 110 South Canal Riley James, laborer 16!) Commerce Riley James, blacksmith 192i South Market Riley John, laborer 175 Plane Riley John, box maker 68 Court Riley John, laborer 85 Quarry Riley John, laborer 163 Thomas c. Goble Riley John, laborer 26 Market Riley Joseph, grocer 174 Plane Riley Michael, grocer 37 Mechanic Riley Miles, currier 5 Cherry Alley Riley Owen, blacksmith 27 Catharine Riley Patrick, tailor 63 Jefferson Riley Peter, shoemaker 133 Academy Riley Thomas, laborer 60 Adams Riley William, (col'd) 70 Garden Rindell Anthony C. mason 195 Mulberry Rindell John, carpenter 6 South Essex Riorden Patrick, M. E. R. R. h. 76 Orange Ripley David, steam saw mill h. 113 Commerce Ripley & Co David, steam saw & planing 16 Commercial Ripley William A. clerk steam saw mill 113 Commerce Risley John, 55 Lafayette Rispen Patrick, laborer 2 Jackson Rissland Christopher, laborer 23 Charlton Rissland Jacob, laborer 28 Van Buren Ritchie Charles G. asst. keeper County Jail Ritchie Frances E. widow of William 16 Chestnut Ritchie Henry, locksmith 110 Elm Ritter Thomas, 344 Broad Ritter William Henrv, tailor 18 South Canal Riuhenk Anthony, machinist 96 Church Riverline , paper maker 116 Mill Roach James, laborer 1-2 River Roalofs Andrew, foundry 5 East Mechanic h. 42 Ferry Roalofs James, iron founder 103 McWhorter Robb Elizabeth, widow of Samuel 29 Park Robb John, wood merchant 31 Park Robb William, carman 29 Park Robbins Harriet, 285 Washington RobMns Isaac, shoemaker 144 Plane Robbins John, carpenter 82 Ridge Robert Mrs. Joseph, 8 Centre Reberitnson James, jewt-ler 34 Orchard Roberts Elias. mason Ih3 Elizabethtown Road Roberts Elizabeth, widow of Wm. H 95 Mulberry NEWARK DIRECTORY. 219 Roberts Jacob, (col'd) whitewasher rear 89J Halsey Roberts John, porter house 103 Broad Robeits Joseph, butcher 1 10 State Roberts Moses, 626 Broad Roberts Parris, laborer 12 Mill Roberts Sarah, widow of Sears 22 William Roberts Stephen, tailor 138 Market Roberts Stephen J. cutter 41 Columbia Roberts William, builder 1G3 Commerce Roberts William, gardner 4 South Orange avenue Roberts William, mason 19 Sheffield Roberts Jr. William, builder 163 Commerce Robertson Alexander, accountant 98 Elm Robertson Charles, jeweler 3l Clinton Robertson Charles F. grocer 46 South Canal Robertson Charles L. accountant 34 Front h. Warren Robertson Elias C. varnish 225 Railroad av. h. 31 Cottage Robertson James B. 154 Broad Robertson John, jeweler 31 Clinton Robertson Jr. Johnston, stone cutter 774 Court Robertson Robert, goldsmith 14 Pennington Robeson George M. att. at law 289 Bd. r. 1 Park Chh. PI. Robineau Lewis, jeweler 104 Tichenor Robinson Amelia, widow of Thomas 7 Sheffield Robinson Catharine, widow of Samuel, nurse 6 Fulton Robinson Dinah, (col'd) 32 Liberty Robinson George, harness maker 41 Halsey Robinson Hetty, widow of Thomas 4 Clinton Robinson John, hatier 6 Beaver Robinson John, marketman 238 Washington Robinson John O. att'y at law Nassau N. Y. Robinson Joseph, gardner 15 Parkhurst Robinson Morton, M. D. 143 Mulberry Robinson Susan M. C. widow of James nurse 391 Broad Robinson William, grocer 71 Lock Robinson & Co. William, grocers 71 Lock Robinson William M. founder 124 Lock Roch Julius, machinist 86 Quarry Rockelhouse John, varnisher 112 William Rock Michael, laborer 4 Gallager's Court Rockafellar William, cabinet maker 26j Orchaid Rockwell A. A. dress maker 3 Green Rockwell Walter M. hardware New Yorfc h. 351 Wash'n Roden Henry, jeweler 46 Walnul Roder Charles, tailor 147 Court Rodgers Eliza A. widow of G. M. 23 Garden Rodgers Jabez, carriage mfr. i227 Mulberry h. 344 Broad Rodgers James T, coach maker 227 Mulberry h. 344 Broad 220 PIERSON'S Rodgers James W. harness maker 478 Broad Rodgers John H. trimmer 227 Mulberry r. 344 Broad Rodgers J.T.&J. H. light carr. mfrs 227 Mulby c.Chestnut Rodgers Sarah A. widow of John 24 Hill Rodgers Spencer W. blacksmith 490 Broad Rodh John, shoemaker 22 Broom Rodman John, 26 Clinton Rodrigo Elizabeth, widow of Joshua nurse 5 Franklin Rodwell Aaron M. coach mfr. 40 Mechanic h. 7 Columbia Rodwell Elizabeth, tailoress 31 Halsey Rodwell Samuel, currier 15 Plane Roe Bartilla, laborer 230 Mulberry Roe James, farmer North Orange Road Roe James M. Express Lunch 314 Broad h. 31 Mechanic Roe Joseph C. cutler Newark n. Inness Roe Patrick, japanner Chatham c. Warren Roe Peter, currier 234 Mulbery Roff Aaron A. merchant, Macon, Geo.r. 243 High Roff Charles B. hardware 93 Pearl N. Y. Roff Charles H. builder 21 Nesbitt RoffErastus W. sash and blind 19 Bank h. 78 Halsey Roff George M. carpenter 247 Plane Roff John, shoemaker 264 Washington Roff William, 263 B/oad r. Park House Rogan Daniel, laborer 99 Academy Rogers Alfred H. book seller 194 Broad h. 22 Shipman Rogers Alonzo D. japanner 35 Congress Rogers Ann, widow of William 23 East River Rogers Ann, widow of Charles 43 Goble n. Thomas Rogers Charles G. 22 River , Rogers Charles W. shoe cutter 109 Broad Rogers Daniel, laborer 87 Pennington Rogers David L. M. D. 3 Clinton Place, Clinton N. J. Rogers Edward, 19 River Rogers Rev. Elytnus P. paster 1st African Pres. Chh. h* 118 Newark Rogers Emma, widow of Peter 12 River Rogers Henry, (col'd) 93 Baldwin Rogers Henry, attorney 258J Broad Rogers Jabez D. 84 Ferry c. Congress Rogers Joanna, widow of David 92 Ferry Rogers Joseph, shoemaker 133 Kinney Rcgers Mary, widow of William 258i Broad Rogers Patrick, tailor 164 Washington Rogers Peter J. boot maker 612 High Rogers Thomas, shoemaker 2 Richmond Rogers Thomas, laborer 100 Sheffield Rogers Washington, machinist 85 Catharine NEWARK DIRECTORY. 221 Rogers William, basket mfr. 117 Market Rohde George, spring manufacturer 2 Broad Roll Archibald, painter 40 Frankim h. 24 Cottage Roll John, painter and glazier 32 Franklin Roll Sandford F. carpenter 27 Bank Rollins Nelson, (col'd) 1 White Rollinson Lewis, carpenter 14 Baldwin Rollinson Mary A. widow of Thomas grocer 107 Broad Rolth Albert, jeweler 203 Railroad avenue Romaine Cornelius, harness maker 76 Halsey Romanus Charles, shoemaker 518 Broad Rome Jane (col'd) 12 Pearl Romei Aaron, coach maker 15 Fair Romer Peter, comb maker 238 Plane Roman John, quarryman Ridge c. Mill Roman William, hatter 19 Ogden Rooney William, laborer 33 Lock Roos L. cap and fur manufacturer 37 Commerce Rorbach Charles P. trunk mfr. 342 Broad h. 3 Hamilton Rorbach & Co. C. P. trunk mfrs.342 Broad Rorck James, grocer 11 Ridge Rorty Mary, 152 Bank Rose Daniel D. tailor 259 Washington Rose Isaac A. hatter enquire 127 Kinney Rose Rev. J. D. pastor of Ger. E. chh. 41 Division Place Rose John N. hatter 3 East Fair Rose Robert D. jeweler 382 Broad Rosegrant William A. hatter 6 Division Rosen David, currier 180 Washington Rosly Frederick, locksmith 9 Liberty Rosnel David, carpenter 119 Walnut Ross Aaron L. shoe manufacturer 60 William Ross Edwin, baker 22 Academy Ross Flavel, tinman 122 Market h. 193 Washington Ross George G. portrait painter 115 Market h. E.tow* Rd Ross Henry, shoemaker 36 South Canal Ross Jacob, laborer 51 Jones Ross James, Newark Daily office h. 28 Academy Ross Jane, widow of Stephen W. 15 Market Ross John J. tailor 184 Broad h. 30 Elm Ross M. saddler, 20 Bruen Ross Margaret, widow of James 88 Commerce Ross Moses, 259 Washington Ross Moses Lee, carpenter 18 Orchard Ross & Munier, tin and stove manufacturers 1'22 Market Ross Sarah H. 12 Church Ross Talmage, carman 11 Lafayette Boss Trypheoia, widow of Samuel 48 Smith 19* 222 PIERSON'S Ross William B. tailor 27 Boudinot Ross William H. carman 8 Ward Ross William L. hatter 88 Commerce Rothschilds Jacob, jeweler 33 Park Rothfuss John, jeweler 242 Mulberry Rothfuss Lewis, carpet weaver 368 Broad h. 29 Pearl Rothen Emily, 134 Orange Rotzeller Frederick, blacksmith 168 Mulberry Round William T. jeweler 34 Columbia Rowans Ann, widow boarding house 238 Broad Rowans Beatty, currier 29 Catharine Rowans Maria B. children's clothing 238 Broad Rowden George, fringe, tassel and cord mfr. 346 Broad Rowden Henry, jeweler 32 Orchard Rowden John, turner 22 Orchard Rowe Michael, laborer 110 Tichenor Rowell William, organ maker 26 Lombardy Rowen John, currier 33 Academy Rowen John, varnish manufacturer 160 h. 214 Washiig'n Rowen Martin, varnish mfr. 160 h. 214 Washington Rowen Jr. Martin, attorney at law California 214 Wash. Rowen & Son M. varnish mfrs. 160 Washington Rowenstine John, laborer 42 Congress Roy George S. 60 New Roy Rebecca, widow of John 60 New Ru Julius, trunk maker 101 Catharine Rubsam Anna R. 13 Springfield avenue Rubsam Christian T. A. leader brass band 13 SpringfTd av Ruch Phillip, laborer 87 Tichenor Ruckel George C. cloth cutter 32 Bank Ruckel Sarah, widow of John E. 171 Broad Rudolph George, jeweler 26 Marshall Rudolph George, goldsmith 334 Broad h. 4 Academy Ruger Nelson, spoke turner 46 Lawrence Rumpf John F. shoemaker 118 Commerce Rumph George, 2 Crockett Rundie Eliza J. doctress 11 Thomas Runyon Jr. Abraham, tailor 56 Church Runyon Edward, varnish maker 77 Halsey Runyon John, laborer 56 Church Runyon Peter H. carpenter 59 Green Runyon Theodore, alt. at law 326 Broad r. 1 Park Chh. pi Rupert , widow of John 60 State Ruppract Conrad, shoemaker 56 Charlton Ruppract John, shoemaker 106 Church Rush John, hatter 92 River Russell Alexander, 1 East Mechanic Russell Asher, brass turner 244 Plane NEWARK DIRECTORY. 223 Rnssell Caleb, shoemaker 45 Fair Russell Christopher B. laborer Sayres Dock Russell Elizabeth, widow of Caleb boarding h. 16 Fair Russell Henry A. cutler 29 Court Russell John H. shoemaker 52 Church Russell Michael, currier 180 Washington Russell Noah D. coach maker 120 R. R. av. h. 3 Nichols Russell Stephen, laborer 164 Washington RusseH Susan, widow of William 98 Mulberry Russell William, currier 180 Washington Russell William A. sash and blinds 3 Ferry h. 16 Walnut Rutan George, carriage maker 26 Bridge Rutan Isaac M. ship carpenter 65 Comm'al b. 13 E. River Rutan James, shoemaker 96 Kinney Rutan & Co. I. M. ship builders 65 Commercial Rutan John, name, dash and railing mfr. 15j h. 8 Plane Rutan Nicholas W. painter 70 Broad h. 33 M. S? E.R.R. av. Rutan Richard G. carpenter 242 Market Rutherford John, att. at law Lodi over the River Rutherford Margaret, widow of Samuel 23 East River Rutteger Phillip, tailor 49 Prince Ryan Dennis, laborer 99 Bruen Ryan John, labbrer 82 River Ryan John, shoemaker 46 Plane Ryan Matthew, laborer 179 Plane Ryan Patrick, capt. Eclipse 38 Bridge Ryan Thomas, laborer 46 Academy Ryan William, hatter 159 Academy Ryan William, laborer 7 East Kinney Ryckman John, tailor 54 Columbia Ryer William, soda water manuf. 30 Broad Ryerson Cornelius, 228 Plane Ryerson George M. stair bwlder 1 h. 11 Beach Ryerson Nathaniel W. wheelwright 551 High Ryerson Peter, 228j Plane Ryerson Peter N. saddler 10 Clay Ryerson Sarah, silk 112 New Ryno Enoch, porter house 124 Market S. Sable Christian, turner 1,6 Fair Salaver Frederick, laborer 48 Front Salegh Joseph, tailor 30 Spruce Salmon Vancleve M. sash and blind maker 46 Court Salter Charles, jeweler 7 Franklin Silter Moses Smith, mason 124 Union Sam Henry, tailor 74 Bank Sample Henry) harness maker 85 Mulberry 224 PIEIISON'S Sample Philo, saddler 85 Mulberry Samson lienjamin P. shoemaker 8 Ailing Samson David 13. machinist 94 York Samson George, shoemaker 166 Bank Sanders Anthony, laborer rear 167 Academy Sanders Francis A. boatman 167 Academy Sanders George W. shoemaker New n. First Sanders John, blacksmith 32 M. & E. R. R. avenue Sanders Joseph, teamster Orleans n. Nesbilt Sanders Lydia, nurse enquire 48 Lawrence Sanders Michael, painters 91 Plane Sanders Stephen B. coach manuf 76 h. 155 Mulberry Sandeison Robert B. jeweler 36 Orchard Bar- 1 ford Delia, 37 Market Sa; .-.lord Enoch, mason 43 Ogden n. Cross Sandford Gamaliel, farmer 14 Garden Sanuford Garret, constable 27 Fair Sandford John G. hatter 23 Fair Sandford Levi H. grocer 95 Broad h. 68 Spring Sandford Maria, 76 Spring Sandford Mary Ann, widow of William R. 68 Spring landlord Michael, sale and exchange stable 83 S. Broad Sandford Oscar, 10 Stephens' Court Sandford Phebe, widow of George 20 Bleeker Sandford Sarah C. 98 Plane Sandford William, farmer Sharpstown, Salem Co. N. J. Sandford William P. P. M. D. 1 Commerce Sands Mingo P. (col'd) cook 356 Broad h. rear 4 Wash, ai Sanford Benjamin, dock builder 12 East Kinney Sanford David, 115 Kinney Sanford Edward C. sa*h & blind manufacturer 116 Elm Sanford Francis P. machinist 290 Market h. 21 Smith Sanford James R sash and blind maker 152 Plane Sanford Joseph, boarding h. 15-' Plane Sanford , widow of Nathaniel W. 21 Smith Sanford Peter, contractor 46 Columbia Sansom Alexander, well digger Newark n. Canal Sanyster James, stone cutter 77i Court Sargent George, shoemaker 216 Plane Sauerbier Henry, cutler 7 Mechanic h. 3 Franklin Saunders Catharine, widow 51 William Saurnier Peter P. druggist 96 Market Sautermeister , paper hangings 50 N. Canal Sautry Daniel, saddler 40 North Canal Savage James, shoemaker 69 River Savage Michael, shoemaker 304 Market Sawyer Joseph, machinist 157 Academy Savers Eliza, dress maket 71 Nesbin NEWARK DIRECTORY. 225 Sayre Abner, mason 69 Plane Sayre Albert, dry goods 222 Broad r. 16 Commerce Sayre & Brothers, grocers 115 River foot Centre Sayre Davis, mason 23 State Sayre Elias E. spring maker 41 Fair Sayre Esther, widow of Stephen 125 Washington Sayre Ezra M. master mason 115 Orchard Sayre Fanny, widow of William G. rear 29 Halsey , Sayre George D. California 122 Broad Sayre George W. plater 58 Court Sayre James R. master mason 192 Orange Sayre jr. James R. brick, lime, lath and coal yard South of steamboat dock h. 11 Smith Sayre John R. grocer 185 Railroad avenue Sayre Joseph, patent leather 2% Hill Sayre J. Reeve, grocer 1 15 River r. 20 Fulton Sayre Lewis, blacksmith 54 William Sayre Marcus, brick, lime, cj-c. R. R. Bridge h- 25 New Sayre Moses, master mason 25 New c. Halsey Sayre Moses Y. bread wagon 16 Liberty Sayre Phebe, 35 Halsey Sayre Squire, patent leather 22 Hill Sayre Stephen M. grocer 115 River h. 105 Orange Sayre Stephen R. tailor 1 Commerce h. 35 S. Essex Sayre William, segar maker 28 Crane Sayre William P. grocer 187 Railroad avenue Sayre William R. brick, lime, Ac. h. 20 Fulton Sayre W. R. & M. dealers in brick, lime, lath, paving stones, coal, &c. Mechanics' Wharf at R.R. bridge Sayres Hetty, widow of Stephen 195 Market Sayres Phebe, widow of Uzal 11 Ferry Sayrs James C. farmer 289 High Scandling Patrick, laborer 99 Bruen Scarlett George W. shoemaker 134 Kinney Scarlett David A. shoemaker 134 Kinney Scarlett, Dodd & Co. buckle manufacturers Inclined plane Scarlett William, buckle mfr. Inc. plane h. 312 Washing'n Scattergood Caroline J. widow of John 38J Springfield av. Schaaf Peter, tailor 78 Catharine Schaefer Louis W. prof. German, French and music 2 Morris buildings r. 124 Broad Schafer Charles, carpenter rear 97 South Canal Schaff Lewis, tailor 169 Court SchafTer Peter, boatman 30 Searing Schalk Adolph, brewer 82 Hamburg Place Schalk Herman, 82 Hamburg place Schalk Nepomuk, brewer 82 Hamburg place Schaller Frederick, trunk maker 149 Court 226 PIERSON'S Schamp George, mason 3 Nesbitt's Court Schander Henry, shoemaker 53 Broom Scharff Adrian, Bloomfield road rear Harvey's Garden Scharphoof Benjamin, tailor 24 Union >Scheel John, laborer 17 Niagara Scheel John, gardener rear 412 Ferry Scheel Michael, marketman Centre Market h. 26 Duranc Scheel Thomas, gardener 428 Ferry Scheerer George, stone moulder 140 Elm Scheffner Emile, law student 356 Bread Schell Nicholas, tailor 325 Washington Schelling Chiistian A. tailor 15 West Schenck George, sup:rintendant alms house Schenck John L. hatter 213 Plane Schenck Lewis, boarding house 121 Commerce Schenck Margaret, widow of Abraham V. 110 Mulberry Schenck William, Newark & N. Y. Express 10 Plane Schenkel John, tailor 5 Grand Schermier John M. tailor 170 Broad Schemer Barney, tailor 120 Springfield avenue Schickandance Henry, bone turner at (M. R. fa D's) Hamilton c. Bruen Schieb Anthony, tailor 169 Court Schien Ulrick, grocer 113 Market Schierenberg Conrad, shoemaker 6 Division Schierholtz Charles, hatter 10 South Orange avenue Schil Juston, widow of Charles 3 Willow Schipel Balthazzar, boatman 178 Academy Schirzir John, laborer 23 Niagara Schisler Adam, blacksmith 4 Kast Kinney Schlect Henry, shoemaker 20J Bank Schlegel Fridolin, artist 250 r. 366 Broad Schler Philip, zinc works 9 East River Schlesinger H. Wolf, peddler West Schlipf Jacob, 18 Market Schmalstick Charles, 16 Ward Schmalstick Hessers, 16 Lawrence Schmidt , jeweler 59 Walnut Schmidt Augustus, tailor 30 Springfield avenue Schmidt Charles, shoemaker 237 Washington Schmidt Frederick, farmer 105 Hamburg place Schm'dt George, butche'rJ-^outh Market h. 6 E. River Schmidt Gotthart, 154 South Market Schmidt jr Gotthart, butcher 18 Ferry h. 154 S. iMarket Schmidt Jacob, 27 North Canal Schmidt Jacob, butcher 14 Centre M. 195 S. Market Schmidt John, shoe manufacturer 54 Mulberry Schnake Augustus C. tailor 85 Orange NEWARK DIRECTORY. 227 Schnapp Nicholas, cane chairs 38 Catharine Schneider John, watch case maker 14 Plum Schnell Henry, shoemaker rear 106 Church Schober George, jeweler 168 Mulberry Schoder Andrew, tanner 33 Broad Schoder Jacob, tanner 33 Broad Schock John J. licensed victualer 131 Plane Schoennamsgruber George, tailor 94 Tichenor over R. R. Scholimeyer John C. harness maker 28 Mercer Schon Lewis, locksmith -230 Washington Schonewolf William.canaller 1 Crockett Schonker George D. cabinet maker 108 Oliver School Public, see Public Schools Schoonmaker Peter, coach painter 8 Columbia Schorger George, engraver 13 Scott Schrader Catharine, widow of John 50 Jones Schrader Henry, jeweler 38 Walnut Schreiber John, wine dealer 44 Market Schrommpf George, weaver 1 Crockett Schuffner Emile, law student 143 Market Schureman Albert B. builder 27 Div Pi. h. 31 Columbia Schureman Catharine, widow of Sylvester 630 High Schureman Jacob, carpenter 69 Spring Schureman John N. carpenter 45 Columbia Schureman Sarah, widow of Samuel 45 Columbia Schureman William J. leather dresser 106 Church Schwan Phillip, saddle girth weaver 43 Lock Schwarz Adam, carpet weaver 372 Broad Schwartz Herman, halter 90 Commerce Scofield George F. clerk 1 Brunswick Scofield Joseph, japanner 35 State Scott Alexander, gardener 16 Cross Scott Catharine, widow of Jonas 64 Upper Jefferson Scott Charles, blacksmith 167 Court Scott Cornelia B. milliner and dressmaker 172 Broad Scott Daniel O. merchant 720 h- 661 Broad Scott Edward, laborer 13 North Canal Scott Rev. James, D. D. pastor R. D. Chh. 29 Mulberry Scott Joseph, (col'd) laborer 81 Catharine Scott Elizabeth, dress maker 172 Broad Scott John, currier 324 Broad Scott Lawrence, hatter 110 New Scott Martin H. carpenter 172 Broad Scott Peter, (col'd) 122 Baldwin Scott Spencer, clothier 288 Broad r. Park house Scribnet Isaac, brick maker Ba'timore, Md. Scribner Martin, brick maker 20 Napoleon Scudder Betsey, widow of Benjamin 7 Oak 228 PIERSON'S Scudder Catharine, widow 25 Rankin Scudder Lewis C. (col'd) coachman 12 Pearl Scudder Phillip C. railroad agent 103 Mulberry Seal John, machinist 7 Sheffield Seal John, joiners' tools 141 Quarry Sealy Alber', cabinet maker 46 Walnut Sealy John, cabinet maker 46 Walnut Sealy jr. John, halter 23 Commerce Sealy Reuben, wheelwright 94 Elm Sealy Thomas, hatter 46 Walnut Seaman Benjamin, harness maker 27 Bruen Seaman Eliza, widow of Ephraim nurse 84 Plane Seaman Francis, grinder 96 Quarry Seaman Tobias D. South Ward Hotel 398 Broad Searfoss Amos H. millwright 72 Bleeker Searing Albert, japanner 10 Nuttman Searing Jacob, baker 83 Broad Searing James, mill 7 Nuttman h. 188 Warren. Searing John, City Marshall 71 Bank Searing John D. sash and blind 84 Academy Searing Jonas, clerk 168 Warren Searing Leander, engineer 9 Ailing Searing Oliver W. jeweler 9 Fair Searing Simon, flour merchant 13 Fulton Searle William C. paper stainer 107 Commerce Searles Isaac, machinist 440 High Searles James J. grinder rear 12 Fair Searles William N. 66 Bleeker Sears George B. teacher 250 High Seaton Horace, lace store 260 and 354 Broad Sedgwick John, 438 Broad Segeman Phillip, laborer 17 Plume Segeman Jr. Phillip, tailor 17 Plume Segrove Christopher, tailor 40 Plane Seib John, gardener 21 Oxford Seidbert C hatter 168 Mulberry Seigler Eldon, frame maker 59 Commerce Seipel John, baker 71 Mercer Seitz Charles, hatter 19 Ward Seitz William, jeweler 19 Ward Sekadz Ludwig, box maker 96 Market Selfridge Susan, widow of Robert tailoress 26 Quarry Selby William, hatter 69 Orange Senez Dominic, pastor St. Patrick's chh. 76 Washington Sessing John Augustus, 122 Congress Severance Erastus, cordwainer 76 Academy Sexton K. E. teacher 35 Bridge Sexton Matthew, box maker 7 Division Place NEWARK DIRECTORY. 229 Seymour Catharine, widow of James W. 61 Mechanic Seymour Mary Ann, widow of Samuel 6 James Seymour John, 61 Mechanic Sha Patrick, switch tender 9 Ailing Shaarin Simon, laborer 65 Jefferson Shafer Charles, jeweler 21 Prince Shafer Frederick, tailor 264 Bank Shafer Henry, jeweler 6 Cammack's Alley Shafer Jacob, tailor 19 Parker Shafer Stephen, herbs &c. 186 Market h. 15 State Shaff John W. California 189 Washington Shaffray Owen, laborer 198 South Market Shamb John, tailor 34 South Canal Shanley Michael, hat mfr. rear 8i Green h. 15 Church Shanley &t Co. Michael, hatters rear 8j Green Shannon Donald, carpenter 65 West Shannon Michael, mason 139 Plane Shannon Thomas, laborer 30- Norfolk Shaper Frederick, mason 36 Bellemont avenue Sharp Alpheus, saddler 74 Bank Sharp Henry, machinist 35 Bridge Sharp John, carman 2 Quarry Sharp Thomas, coach trimmer 76 Mulberry h.48 Lawrence Sharp William, shoemaker 13 New Sharpe Mrs. A. French corset maker 204 h. 200 Broad Sharpe-Chas. W. ornamental painter 200 Broad Shaurar Oliver, carpenter 38 Jones Shavlin Patrick, shoemaker 17 Sheffield Shaw Arnold, patent leather 95 Catharine Shaw Daniel, tailor rear 531 Ferry Shaw Eleanor, thread and needle store 90 Quarry Shaw Isaac V. builder 30 Adams Shaw James, saw sets 16 Summit Shaw Robert, body maker 11 Maiden Lane Shaw William M. paper hangings 38 S.Market h. 39 Bank Shawolf Frederick, boatman Bellemont ave. n. Kinney Shay John, laborer rear 22 North Prospect Shay Robert, currier 11 Catharine Shearer Electa, widow of James 112 Bank Sheehan P. E. M. D 66 New Sheek Christian, carpenter Parker Sheeran Ann, widow of Frederick 53 Crane Sheeran Thomas, laborer 198 Bank Sheets Charles, cooper 2 Quarry Sheller John, jeweler 6 Beach Shelling Adam, cooper 9 Haley's Court Shepherd Benjamin, 8 Parker Shepherd David, oyster dealer 8 Parker 20 230 PIERSON'S Shepherd Frederick, mason Kinney c. Bellemont Ave. Shepherd Jacob, laborer 14 Parker Shepherd Jonas, fisherman 16 Parker Shepherd Peter, Kinney c. Broom Shepherd William, 228i Plane Shepherd William A- clerk 248 Broad r. 14 Park Sheriden Edward, shoemaker 21 Rankin Sheriden Manuel, shoemaker and grocer 62 Plane Sheriden Thomas, shoemaker 99 Bruen Sherlock John, coachmaker 10 Mulberry Sherman Abraham H. att'v at law 115 Market h. 14 Oak Sherman Alvah, Library Hall h. Clinton, N J. Sherman Amos, cloth cutter 133 Market r. 17 Commerce Sherman Charles A. sec. Clinton Ins. Co. r. 356 Broad Sherman Charles F. merchant N. Orleans 17 Commerce Sherman Harriet, dressmaker 18 Broad Sherman Joseph, patent leather and grocer Newark c. Sussex Avenue. Sherman Miranda, patent leather 1,67 Orange Sherman William W. clerk post office h. 14 Fulton Sherriff Job, coach furniture rear 23Ward Sherry Francis, patent leather 150 Lock Sherry Patrick, laborer 1 North Broad Sherwood , widow of George D. 109 Market Sherwood Lucretia, widow 4 Garden Sherwood Stephen, cloth cutter 10 Columbia Sherwood William L. 80 River Shevlin Patrick, laborer 168 Bank Shields George, laborer 210 Elm Shields Patrick, shoemaker 621 High Shields Rebecca, widow of Christopher 124 Plane Shieling J. Frederick, shoemaker 116 Newark Sniffer William H. currier at Simpson's Shilliday John, master mason 26 Bleeker Shinkwin Austin, 85 Bleeker Shipley Amos, plated metal 67 Catharine Shipley Hannah, dress maker 39 Academy Shipley Joseph, machinist 75 Catharine Shipman Alexander, rod maker 85 Mulberry Shipman Caleb H. hat dealer 130 Maiden Lane, N. Y. h. 23 Park Shipman Charles T. grocer 169 h. 229 Market Shipman & Co. C. T. grocers 169 Market Shipman Geo, E. merchant c. Liberty $ Broadway^ N. Y. Shipman Horace, currier 98 Market Shipman Joseph, clerk 151 r. 229 Market Shipman Josiah, shoemaker 77 Catharine Shipway Ann, wid.of Thos.porter andale brewer 86Mulby Shires Samuel, file cutter 58 Court NEWARK DIRECTORY. 231 Shirreff Charles, hair seat manuf. 14 h. 3 McWhorter Shirreff William, hair seat manuf 14 h. 3 McWhorter Shirreff W. & C. hair seat manufacturers 14 McWhorter Shirryd Thomas, malleable iron 306 Market Shmalts Michael, shoemaker 44 Mulberry Shnabel George, tailor 49 Jones Shelter Henry, scourer 11 Lumber Shook William H. 196 Market Shop Peter, shoemaker 37 Prince Shoppy John, book keeper 615 Broad - Shoppy William, blacksmith 25 Broad Short William, laborer 65 Boston Shotwell Daniel, hatter 17 Jefferson Shove William, 366 Broad Shoveland Patrick, shoemaker 203 Railroad avenue Shoyer Henry, tailor 13 Plane Shrader Henry, tailor 223 Bank Shrag P. architect I Washington Hall Shrenlon Daniel, carpenter 65 West Shubert Nicholas, carman 28 Prince Shugard Henry, harness maker 226 Broad Shugard Mrs. H. millinery store 226 Broad Shugard Samuel, harness maker 371 h. 371 Broad Shugard William, harness manufacturer 371 h. 423 Broad Shuler John, locksmith 131 Plane Shuler Joseph, gardner 17 Plume Shultz Deborah, widow of Benj. S. boarding h. 94 Market Shuort Rebecca, widow of Charles 31 Kinney Shute James W. carpenter 105 South Prospect Sickles Abraham, house smith 27 Ward Sic'.des Abraham V. cutter 31 Nesbitt Sickles George G. refectory 278 Market h. 33 Ward Sickles George L. 33 Ward Siddall William, cutter 24 Sheffield Sidels Elizabeth, widow of John 7 North Canal Siebert George T. tailor 49 Fair Siedz John, basket maker 45 Parker Siepert Henry, locksmith 124 Washington Sigler Alfred J. 10 Ward Sigler Ann, widow of Moses tailoress 41 Orchard Sigler Charles, wheelwright 20 Columbia Sigler Elden H. looking glass m. 204 Market h. 59 Com- Sigler Euphemia, tailoress 17 Kinney Sigler George W. trimmer 24 Cottage Sigmond John, currier 119 Lock Sikenger Gottlieb, carpenter 63 Mercer Silver Martin, 23 Garden Silverthorne James, segar maker 7 Halsey's Court Silverthorne William, laborer 7 Halsey'a Court 232 PIERSON'S Silvey Edward, grocer 18 h. 29B Broad Silvey James, shoe manuf. 94 Broad h. 82 Spring Silvey John G. inquire at 82 Spring Silvey William, baker J8 Broad h. 62 North Broad Simmall William, shoemaker 22 South Simmons boatman 8 Cross Simpson John K. patent leather 154 River h. 4 S. Bridge Simpson John W. patent leather 154 River h. 1 Lumber Simpson Thomas, laborer 24 Broad Simpson William M. house furnishing 166 Broad Sims John, saw filer 65 River Sims Lindsley D. clerk custom house 18 Shipman Sims Samuel, carpenter 44 Broad Sinclaire William, (col'd) coachman 3 Crane's Basin Sindle Elizabeth, widow of Christopher 30 Quarry Sindle Henry, carpenter 31 Arch Singleton Richard, cabinet maker 110 Oliver Sip Cornelius, 41 Lawrence Sip Heniy P. blacksmith 52 Crane Sip John, cabinet maker 9 Centre Sip Thomas, (col'd) \\ Pearl Sip William, blacksmith 2fr Broad Sippel & Cune, wood and ivory turner rear 333 BroacH Sisco Peter A. refectory 7 Broad Sisserson William, silk weaver 148 Bank Sivert George T. tailor 49 Mulberry Skandall John, laborer 1 Halsey's Alley Skanlin Edward, laborer 16 Parker Skehan John, shoemaker 37 Catharine Skinkle Jacob, grocer 341 Broad c. Fait SkinnerMiss Ann M. 4 James Skinner Miss Angeline C 4 James Skinner Ford C. shoemaker 16 Kinney Skinner Jonn A. merchant 686 Broad Slaight Thomas, lock maker 135 Walnut h. 194 Elfc* Slater Edmund, moulder 100 laness c. Newajk, NEWARK DIRECTORY. 233 Staler William, mason 109 Quarry Slaven Bernard, brass finisher 163 Academy Sleight Andrew, tanner 76 State Slingerland Henry, steeple painter 259 Plane Slingerland James, shoemaker 185 Washington Slingerland John M. hatter 68 Congress Slingerland Peter, shoemaker 68 Congress Slingerland William, spoke turner 68 Congress Slitty Frederick, potter 34 South Canal Sloan Thomas J. blacksmith 28 Quarry Slough Jacob, carpenter 19 South Market Small David J. printer Daily office h. 22 Church Small George D. cadet hotel 165 Broad Small John J. coach trimmer 24J Plane Smeltz George, tailor 139 Court Smidi Charles, tailor 149 Academy Smidt Ferdinand, laborer 110 Springfield avenue Smillies Robert L. 6 Liberty Smith Aaron D. clerk 123 Union Smith Aaron V. carpenter 3 Green Smith Abby, widow of William 105 Washington Smith Abby B. widow of Isaac A. 14 Kinney Smith Abraham, mason 178 Mulberry Smith Adam, tailor 170 Court Smith Alphonso P. 199 Plane Smith Andrew, grocer 38 North Prospect Smith Andrew, justice of peace Lodi nursery Smith Anson, coach maker 47 Fair Smith Anthony, shoemaker Grand c. S. Orange avenue Smith Anthony, currier 39 Mechanic Smith Ashbel, shoemaker 58 Catharine Smith Augustus, jeweler 72 Court Smith Bartholomew, 49 Jefferson Smith Benjamin, grocer 278 Plane h. 57 Court Smith Brien, laborer 47 Academy Smith Cadwallader D. carpenter 45 Bank Smith Casper, oiled silk 90 Warren Smith Charles, seaman 63 Inness Smith Charles, wheelwright rear h. 32 Springfield ave. Smith Charles, hatter I Halsey's Court Smith Charles, shoemaker 107 Commerce Smith Charles O. hatter rear 12 Mercer Smith Charles S. mason 37 Thomas Smith Christopher, tailor 260 Bank Smith Christopher, 3 Washington Place Smith Daniel R. contractor 48 Church Smith David, dry goods 274 Broad h. 6 Cedar Smith & Son D. dry goods 274 Broad 20* 234 PIERSON'S Smith David, blacksmith 54 Walnut Smith David, paper and periodical agent 20 Ailing Smith David W. dry goods 274 Broad h. 6 Cedar Smith Edward, tailor 47 Orchard Smith Edward D. G. M D. 253 Broad Smith Elijah, (col'd) gardener 85 or 8 Union Smith Eliphalet C. furniture 245 Broad h. 45 Smith Smith Elizabeth, widow of Abraham 57 Commerce Smith Eva, 448 High Smith Evelina P teacher Wesleyan Institute 251 High Smith Fitch, Derby Birmingham Conn. Smith Francis, laborer 84 River Smith Frederick, clerk 48 Court Smith Frederick H. sec'y. N. J. Insurance Co. 273 Broad Smith Goorge, laborer 108 South Orange avenue Smith George, boot maker 41 Boyden Smith Hammond, cylinder maker 2 Stone Smith Hannah E. 68 Bank Smith Harriet E. widow o-f Peter P. 14 East Kinney Smith Henry, laborer 8 Halsey's Alley Smith Henry, rule maker 23 Plume Smith Henry, shoemaker 88 Congress Smith Henry, (col'd) waiter 256 Broad Smith Horace H- boatman 18 Summit Smith Isaiah, contractor 58 Columbia Smith Jacob S. attorney at law 151 Market Smith James, tailor 17 Commerce Smith James, currier 155 Plane Smith James, laborer 96 River Smith James, laborer 52 Plane Smith James, laborer rear 4 Abel Smith James, nursery Hudson co. n. Newark Bridge Smith Jarnes, painter 178 Walnut Smith James, California 49 Church Smith James, fruit store 19 Mulberry Smith James, shoemaker 125 Broad Smith James, laborer 555 High Smith James M. shoemaker J2 Bleeker Smith James R. machinist 356 High Smith James R. express 62 Court Smith John, shoemaker 123 Sheffield Smith John, gardener below old foundry 740 Ferry Smith John, book binder 1J Commerce h. 6 Academy Smith Julia, widow of James C. It. 131 Broad Smith Jonas, mason 31 Bruen Smith Joseph, laborer 21 Somerset Smith Joseph, butcher 29 Plume Smith J. Sandford, teacher 21 Fairh. 28 Elm NEWARK DIRECTORY. 235 Smith Lavina, widow 81 South Broad Smith Lawrence, tailor 5 Pierson's Alley Smith Lea, plater 92 Mulberry Smith Lyndon A. M. D. 253 Broad Smith Maria Ann, widow of Hanford 3 Washington place Smith Mary, widow of Samuel P. 37 Thomas Smith Mary, 195 Court Smith Mary, widow of Andrew 28 Montgomery Smith Miss Mary E. 17 Bleeker Smith Mary M. widow of Joseph G. 7 Green Smith Matthew, laborer 72 Catharine Smith Matthew, laborer 115 Sheffield. Smith Major, (col'd) whitewasher 28 River Smith Michael, laborer 198 Plane Smith Michael, helper 174 Plane Smith Michael, tailor 196 Plane Smith Nicholas, laborer 39 Broom Smith Oliver R, constable 242 Market c. Ward Smith Patrick, currier 23 Augusta Smith Patrick, contractor 139 Quarry Smith Patrick, livery stable 12 William Smith Patrick, laborer 160 Ferry Smith Peter, laborer 8 North Lawrence Smith Phebe, widow of Moses 60 Warren Smith Phillip, laborer 3 Pierson's Alley Smith Phillip W. furniture dealer 224j"Bd. h. 238 Market Smith & Randall, furniture dealers 245 Broad Smith Richard, watch maker 268 r. 366 Broad Smith Richard, umbrella maker 12 South Market Smith Robert B. hatter 41 Boston Smith Samuel, shoemaker 6 Catharine Smith Samuel, coal dealer Plane c. Academy h. 356 High Smith Samuel, (col'd) grocer 18j Academy Smith Samuel P. varnish 239 Mulberry h. 13 S. Broad Smith Sidney, hatter 38 Warren Smith Susan, widow of James P. 51 Bank Smith Sydney R. California h. 356 High Smith Sylvester, laborer 70 South Smith Thaddeus, clerk 153 Mulberry Smith Thomas, blacksmith 300 h. 304 Market Smith Thomas, laborer 70 Pennington Smith Thomas, waiter 356 Broad Smith Thomas E. printer 24 South Canal Smith Thomas K. (col'd) laborer 167 Court Smith Walter, ice dealer 60 Columbia Smith William, laborer 33 North Broad Smith William B. grocer 35 Market h. 15 Grove Smith William G. cooper 21 Broad h. 10 Webster 236 PIKRSON'S Smith William G. baker 34 Catharine Smith William H. turner 89 State Smith William J. harness maker 7 Green Smith William R. book binder 68 Upper Jefferson Smith, Wright & Co. saddle and harness manufacturers 106 River c. Centre Smock Anthony, (col'd) 17 Springfield avenue Snape Samuel, chair maker Boyden n. Orange Snape Samuel, chair maker foot East Kinney Snedecor John I- moulder 567 Broad Snedecor Oliver, 680 Broad Snover Ira, carpenter 7 Pennsylvania avenue Snover Isaac L. carpenter 7 Pennsylvania avenue Snow Alpheus, shoemaker 16 Thomas Snow Caleb, carpenter 4 King Snow Doan, lace weaver 1 Fair h. 36 Church Snyder Daniel, shoemaker 68 South Snyder David, tailor 115 Springfield avenue Snyder Garret, carpenter 607 High Snyder Henry, farmer 262 Bank Snyder Isaac H. livery stable 8 Fair h. 1 Hamilton Snyder Isaac P. shoe manufacturer 32 Ward Snyder James, ship carpenter 30 South Market Snyder John, Park house Orange Snyder John, 28 Grand Snyder John A. hotel Aquackanonck Snyder Matthias, shoemaker 96 Quarry Snyder Matthias, shoemaker 22 Broom Snyder Simon J. engineerJ C. Heartt 24 Bridge Sode Adam, shoemaker 30 Fair Soden John D. saddler 40 North Canal Soden Mary, widow of Thomas 20 Drift Soden Paul, saddler 35 South Essex Soden Samuel B. carpenter 46 Fair Sofield David, blacksmith 360 High c. Inclined Plane Sofield Randolph, iron turner 60 h. 51 Hamilton Sohl Adam, currier 112 William Sole Lewis B. book binder 77 Union Sole Robert, accountant 77 Union Solis Richard, suspender maker 20 State Solomon Henry, builder 38 Kinney Sommer George, lock manufacturer 50 Mech. h. 16 Ward Sommer Joseph, cabinet maker 7t Mulberry Sommer Max M. accountant 6 Franklin r. 382 Broad Sommer Walter, cabinet maker 222 Market h. 101 Church Sona Matthias, laborer 31 Van Buren Sonia Jacob, tailor 310 Washington Sonnekalb Frederick, saddler 8 Shipman NEWARK DIRECTORY. 237 Sonnet Peter, hatter 57 Walnut Soper Isaac, mason 17 Green Soper Laing, coach maker 232 Plane Sourwine Christian, harness maker 1 Nichols' Court Southard & Collyer, coach smiths at Quinby's Southard Henry L. civil engineer 36 Broad Southard James W. constable 85 Commerce Southard Robert F. sawyer 107 Elm Southard Rev. Samuel L. Rector House of Prayer 36 Bd. Southard Samuel R. coach smith 29 Columbia" Sovereign Rev. Thomas, Presiding elder 65 Bleeker Sparks Hervey, California 148 Broad Sparrow , trimmer 2 Liberty Spath John P. shoemaker 4 Academy Speer Charles H. grocer 234 Broad Speer Cornelius ( shoemaker 2 Warren Speer Edwin, grocer 234 Broad h. 24 Boudinot Speer E. & C. H. grocers 234 Broad Speer Henry, hatter 9 Cottage Speer Jacob, clerk Centre Market h. 234 Broad Speer James, mason 7 Boyden Speer John, patter 54 Broad Speer John C. provisions 40 Bleeker Speer Thomas, watch maker 200 Broad h. 85 Halsey Speer Walter, carpenter 83 Plane Speer Zenas, carpenter 5 Kinney Spencer George M. coach manufr. 325 Broad h. 9 Smith Spicer Lewis, carpenter 156 Thomas n. Goble Spicer Yeoman, shoemaker 23 Kinney Spinning Benjamin, trunk maker 196 Washington Spinning Charles, carpenter 22 Franklin Spinning Hannah, 226 Plane Spinning Jonathan, 22 Franklin Sprawl Hamlet, saddler 478 Broad Spriggs A. Russel, Expr Newark & New York 110 New Sproston John, hatter 9 Franklin Spry Thomas A. tailor 86 Mulberry Squier George, cigar maker 61 Green Squier George W. carpenter 122 Summit Squier Henry L. tin smith 1)5 Broad Squier Joseph B. hatter 31 Court Squier Levi J. tinner 68 Congress Squier Sophia, widow of Amos 10 Kinney Squier Stevens, coach maker 49 Lawrence Staats John, clerk stale Bank r. 196 Market Staats John, shoemaker 40 Parker Stabener Frederick, box maker 33 North Canal Stableton John, blacksmith 11 East Fair 238 PIERSON'S Stackhouse Abner T. plater 8 Lawrence h. 74 Elm Stackhouse John, mason 31 Goble Stackhouse John R. coach painter 14 Elm Stackhouse Julia, dress maker 12 Walnut Stackhouse Thomas, shoemaker 12 Walnut Stafford Thomas, laborer 8 Van Buren Stager Abraham, tailor 23 j Broad Stager Jesse, ship carpenter 10 Plane Stagg Saj^h V. widow of Abraham 80 Bank StaginnisWohn, hatter 170 Broad Stagner John, japanner 109 Wiliiam Stagner Joseph, cooper 36 Jones Stagner Lawrence, patent leather 237 Washington Stahl Chilion, varnisher 40 Jones Stahl Edwin, jeweler East Green c. McWhorter Stahl Ernest, cabinet maker 135 Plane Stahl Ernestine, widow of Ernest grocer 98 East Green Stahl Ludwig, jeweler 98 East Green Stahlin Christian, shoemaker 6 Commerce Stainsby Benjamin, fancy store 1S7 Market Stainsby Joseph, blacksmith 30 Kinney Stainsby Mark, r. s. of u. A. o of D. 21G Broad Stainsby William, hatter 45 Upper Jefferson Stanford Christian, 109 River Stanford David, cutter 184 Broad h. 26 Bruen c. Green Stanford Edward V. 175 Broad Stanley George, hatter 14 S pruce Stanley James, hatler 28 Fair Stanley John D. carriage maker 24 Liberty Stanly William, 75 Catharine Stanton George, pyrotechnist Camptown road Stanton Richard, pyrotechnist 21 Congress Starbuck Francis, painter and glazier 573 Broad Starbuck jr. Francis A. printer Mercury office r. 573 Broad Starbuck George N. tailor 573 Broad Starkweather Henry, cigar maker 338 Broad Starkweather Mrs. milliner 338 Broad Starkweather William, boarding house 11 Fair Starr Benedict, teacher Wesleyan Institute 244 High Starr Eliakim B. jeweler 103 Catharine Starr Samuel R. plater 10 Lawrence h. 19 Boudinot Starr Walter L. plater 10 Lawrence h. 19 Boudinot Starrs Michael, grocer 75 Academy Starrs Sarah, widow of William 75 Academy . State Bernard, laborer 14 Ridge State Street Lecture room 579 High c. Plume Statia Isaac, (col'd) barber 43 Market h, 11 Pearl Stayner Henry, clerk 9 Franklin NEWARK DIRECTORY. 239 Stayner John, 198 Market Stayner Thomas, clerk 198 Market Stearns Rev. Jonathan F. pastor 1st chh. h. 108 Mulberry Stearns Thomas VV. blacksmith 1 Bleeker Stedich Wrn. surgical instrument maker 85 Quarry Sleeker Henry, tailor 26 Springfield avenue Steel Barney, tailor 50 Montgomery Steel Michael, tailor 5 1 Montgomery Steel Valentine, tailor 51 Montgomery Steel Watson, jeweler 38 Church * Steel Wesley, jeweler 38 Church Steeple George, shoemaker 172 Walnut Steels Conrad, tailor 37 Longworth Stegmuller Frederick, fancy box maker 63 N. Canal Stegner Lawrence, patent leather 237 Washington Stehe Gustav. jeweler 11 New York Steinborch Joseph, tailor 37 Jones Steinhausen Rudolph, spice shop 45 Mulberry Steinmitz Charles, locksmith 9 Liberty Stem Thomas, merchant Binghampton, N. Y. Stengel Christian, currier 184 Plane Stephens, Condit & Co. forwarding merchants and packet owners, Centre Wharf Stephens John H. merchant 164 h. 158 Broad Stephens & Co. John H merchants 164 Broad Stephens Thomas H.law student 158 Broad Sterling Anthony, laborer 236 Washington Sterling & Co, Charles, clothiers. &c. 79 Market Sterling Henry M. seaman 14 North Prospect Sterling Lawrence, harness maker 236 Washington Sterling Lawrence, patent leather 2 Stephens 1 Court Sterling Morand, harness maker 99 William Stern Jacob, clothes store 96 Broad Stern L. 2nd hand clothing 6 Commerce Sterrett Robert, brewer 514 h. 503 High Sterrett Robert H. saddler 39 Fair Stevely William, cabinet maker 18 South Canal Stevelitz Harmon, chair maker 65 Parker Stevens Charles, tailor 376 Broad Stevens Elizabeth, widow of William 7 Court Stevens Hiram, near foot Ferry Stevens John, spike Factory 43 Lawrence Stevens Jonathan, marble cutter 76 Broad h. 15 Wash'n. Stevens Joseph, foot Ferry Stevens Joseph, hatter 201 Orange Stevens Nancy, widow of Charles T. 22 Franklin Stevens Nicholas, (col'd) oysters 128 B'd h. 32 D. Place Stevens Robert, Oak Hall Court rear 276 Broad 240 PIERSON r S Stevenson & Douglass, coal dealers 17 East River Stevenson Falkenburg, coal yard 17 h. 11 East River Stevenson George W. coach blind maker 9 Liberty Stevenson James, saddler 87 Commerce Stevenson John, 24 Liberty Stevenson Samuel, grocer 126J Broad h. 16 Bleeker Stevenson Thomas, painter 22 East River Stevenson Thomas C. grocer 126J Broad h. 16 Bleeker Stevenson Willet, butcher 165 Sooth Broad Stewart Charles E. restaurant 356 Broad Stewart Daniel S. tailor 1 Commerce h. 11 Summit Stewart Edward, restaurant 356 Broad Stewart & Son E. restaurant 356 Broad Stewart Henry, laborer 7 Broad Stewart Grover C. foreman at Hudson's 78 Bank Stewart James M. saddler 24 Walnut Stewart Jane, widow.carpet and drapery maker 78 Bank Stewart John, shoemaker 112 Mulberry Stewart John M. japanner 160 Plane Stewart Lawrence H. hattter 07 Commerce Stewart Louisa Jane, widow of John 301 Hamilton Stewart Mary, widow of James 10 James Stewart Robert, blacksmith 7 Broad Stewart William, shoemaker 4 Broad Sticfbuld Charles, boarding house 33 William Stick Charles, blacksmith 34 Walnut Stickles Sarah, curl store 230 Broad Stierenger Christopher, shoe store 348 Broad h. 28 Wm. Stiff William, carpenter 17 State Stiger Adam, chair maker 45 Spring Stiles Albert, shoemaker 244 Washington Stiles Charles, (col'd) Prince Stiles Ealhen. patent leather 255 Plane Stiles Harriet, 68 Orleans Stiles James, brush maker Orange n. Newark Stiles Moses, drover 47 Sheffield Stiles Samuel M. carpenter 2 1 South Prospect Stillwell David W. teamster 38 North Canal Stillwell Nicholas, 112 South Prospect Stillwell jr. Nicholas, sawyer 112 South Prospect Stimis Christopher, carpenter 17 Cross Stimus John H. trunk rivets 146 Plane Stimus Mary, widow of John H. 146 Plane Stinard Benjamin Rl. wood turner enquire 40 Bleeker Stinard Louisa, widow of Phillip 73 River Stinbrener George, turner 51 Harrison Stirling Walter A. Grace Church school r. 382 Broad Stites Benjamin, grocer 368 Broad c. William NEWARK DIRECTORY. 241 Stites Peter, blacksmith 20 Plum Stites Thomas M. cabinet maker 8 South Market Stivers Arnold, locksmith 12 h. 8 Hamilton Stiyler Lorenzo, 212 Washington St. John Burr, tailor 177 Market St. John Nathan O. shoemaker 62 Court Stoaks Thomas, laborer 4 Summit Stockmar Charles, shoemaker 7 Liberty Stoddard John, 141 Market h.20 Boudinot Stoe Isaac, laborer 24 Lombardy Stogdill Montgomery, shoemaker 1 1 Searing Stok , jeweler 43 William Stok Albert, shoemaker '28 Prince Stokes Rev. Elwood H. pastor Halsey-st- chh. 92 Wash. Stoll Anthony, gardener 19 Prince Stollter John, farmer Chatham n. Canal Stone Lorenzo, 40 Front Stoneham James, boot fitter 9 South Canal Stoneham Luke, tailor.4.i Union Stonelake Henry, tailor 51 South Broad Stonelake John, tailor 13 Cedar Storms Thomas, chair maker 112 Bank Btorr Isaac, 15 Lawrence Storts Thomas, laborer 3 Church Stoudinger Geoige, coal merchant foot Division h. 2 B'd Stout Andrew, engineer 28 Lombardy Stout Henry K. carman I South Market Stout John H. hatter 37 South Canal Stout Joseph V. D. harness maker '20 South Market Stoutenburgh, Day $ Co crockery, carpet, furniture and house furnishing warehouse 308 Broad Stoutenburgh George, 198 Market Stoutenburgh John, grocer 54 Orange c. Broad Stoutenburgh Robert C. mert. 308 Broad h. 198 Market Stoutenburgh Jr. Robert C. mer. tailor 214 and 309 Broad h. 198 Market Straeb John, locksmith 14 Marshall Strach Jacob, varnisher 42 Congress Stnlimeier Francis, turner 9iJ South Orange avenue Strawsel Nicholas, farmer 33-2 Washington Stratton Benjamin, machinist 46 Orange Stratton Hetty, nurse 21 Bank Streeder Jacob W. potter 54 North Canal Streeter Elizabeth, widow of Naphthali 134 Orange Stremmell George, carpenter foot Nichols Stringham James, charcoal dealer foot of Oliver Stringham Lewis D blacksmith 146 Walnut Stripe Catharine, widow of John 7 Catharine 21 242 PIKRSOTV'S Stroapart John, mason ]0 West Stroub Matthias, blacksmith 87 Tichenor Stroud Daniel, boot maker 30 Commerce Stroud Jr. Daniel, dairyman EHzabethtown Road Struble John, teamster 53 Crane Stuble , blacksmith 230 Washington .Stuble. Frederick, shoemaker 2^7 Washington Stubley William G. hatter 9 Green Stubley Jr. William G. hatter 9 Green Stucky Jacob, mer. tailor 252 Broad h. 11 Academy Studdilord Amelia S. widow of Uirain S. boarding house 184 Market Stumph Phillip, scourer 49 Ogden -Stunbar Michael, carriage maker 11 Plane Sturges Aaron B. teamster 61 Washington Sturges David B. plaler Inc. Plane h. 38 Commerce Sturges Stephen G. plater 35 Mulberry h. 10 Fulton Sturtevant Eliza, widow of Lewis G. 9 State Sttivenford Mrs. 2Q William , Stymits James, jeweler 33 Chestnut Sullard Ephraim, carman New above Newark Sullivan Barney, quarryman 6 Parker Sullivan Cornelius, laborer 7 Durund Sullivan Daniel, mason 22 Halsey Sullivan Jeremiah, tailor 169 Orange c. Sheffield Sullivan Patrick, laborer 12 North Canal . Sullivan Stephen, miller 686 Broad Sullivan William, shoemaker 38 North Broad Summers Adolph, harness makei 136 Commerce Summers Georye, locksmith rear 16 Ward Summers Henry, blacksmith 27 Broad Summers James M. clerk 328 Broad r. 65 S. Broad Summers Joseph, locksmith 236 Washington Summers Michael, California 71 Lock Summers Oswald, locksmith 9 McWhorter Summers Thomas, California Summers Thomas J shoemaker 65 South Broad Summers William, jeweler 2 Liberty Surrogate's Office, Court House Sulfin Eliza, widow of Daniel 19 Fulton Sutfin John II. wheelwright 78 Academy Sutler John, watch maker 68i Broad Sutton Giles, machinist 24 Summit Sutton John, carpenter 29 Ward Sutton John,'patent leather 24 Halsey Swaffield Robert, clothier 186 Broad h. 14 New Swaim Ezra B. carpenter 17 Bleekcr Swaim Jacob, japanner 70 Orleans NEWARK DIRECTORY. 243 Swaim John, tailor 1 Stephens' Court Swaim Rhoda, 227 North Broad Swaim Stephen, blacksmith 500 High Swain Bryant, 11 Boudinot Swain Phebe, widow of Noah 11 Boudinot Swan Jedidiah, swan's panacea 1 Pennsylvania ave. Swan John, brewer 11 Lumber Swan'Levi N. blacksmith 12 Union Swan Margaret, widow of John 12 Union Swaney James, patent leather 115 Broad Swanwick Henry, accountant (i McWhorter Swartwout Hiram, butcher 68 Kinney Swartzwellder Francis, 37 Lnngworth Swayze Caroline, widow of Jacob rear 68 Kinney Swayze Joseph D. clerk rear 68 Kinney Swayze Warren, coach trimmer 4 Camfield Sweasy John H. mason 6 Beecher Sweasy Joseph, coal dealer 10 Commercial li. 61 Market Sweasy Richard, shoe manufacturer 61 h. 59 Market Sweazy Israel, tailor 16 Fair Sweeney Daniel, grocer 78 Orange Sweeney Patrick, laborer 4 Cross Sweeny George, refectory 3 Commerce Sweet Jonathan R. M. D 143 Mulberry Sweet Phillip, locksmith 34 Green Sweet & Robinson, M. D.'S 143 Mulberry Sweet Thomas, hatter 17 Plane Swick Richard, machinist 48 South Canal Swift John, trunk maker 46 Bank Swift Richard, cooper I Halsey's Court Swinerton James, ornamental painter 33 Mulberry Sykes Christian, 108 South Sykes Lorenzo A. civil engineer 40 Grove, N. Y. T. Taft Oliver, 114 Broad Taft S. P. M. D. 194 Broad h. 110 Plane Tahrback' Frederick, jeweler 168 Mulberry Tallman Peter, wheelwright 7 Bleeker Talmage George W. carpenter 248 Plane Talrnage William B- harness maker 10 Green Tamany Hugh, gardener 24 Mulberry Taney Hugh, tailor 26 Park Tappen David, mason 40 Point Lane Tassing Valentine, laborer 34 Jones Tate Catharine, india rubber 50 Plane Tauwalt George, grocer 46 Market 244 PIEKSON'S Tauwalt Henry N. shoemaker 14 Grand Tay Jane, widow of Joel 177 Washington Tay William S. trunk maker !)0 Halsey Taylor Abby, widow of John D. 22 Walnut Taylor Alexander, M. D. 25i) Broad r. 1 Park chh. Place Taylor Alvah B. hatter Hedenberg's h. 6 Centre Taylor Andrew, carpenter 442 Broad Taylor Augustus B. harness maker 73 Plane Taylor Bowles, hatter 3 Madison Taylor & Burr, hatters Hedenberg's Incline Plane Taylor Charles, patent leather 4 West Market Place h. 243 High Taylor Charles AI. shoemaker 21 Kmney Taylor Charles S. coachsmith 636 Broad Taylor Eliza, nurse 106 Academy Taylor Elizabeth, widow of John 52 New Taylor Francis, laborer 9 Adams Taylor Francis, quarryman 4 Quarry] Taylor Frederick, jeweler 34 Green Taylor Geoije, shoe manufacturer 442 Broad Taylor George, engineer 151 Quarry Taylor George E. jeweler 36 Orchard Taylor George W. truss manuf. N. Y, 72 Kinney Taylor Henry, drum major 116 Kinney Taylor Henry, clerk 200 Broad Taylor Henry D. shoe maker 96 William Taylor Hermon B. 12 Division Taylor Israel B. 19 Cross Taylor James, shoemaker enquire 67 Catharine Taylor James, grocer '297 Market Taylor James, shoemaker 59 Washington Taylor James B. prof, of music 2 Arch Taylor James S. 2l3 North Broad Taylor John, president old bank 386 Broad Taylor John, stone mason 6-21 High Taylor John B- tinman 2 Liberty Taylor John M. shoemaker 86 Kinney Taylor John R. jeweler 14 Court Taylor Joseph, machinist 24 New Taylor Joseph, shoemaker 7 Springfield avenue Taylor Josiah, blacksmith 20 William Taylor Jotham, last maker 70 Kinney Taylor Lewis, jeweler 275 High Taylor Lewis, trunk maker 130 Kinney Taylor Maria W. widow of Sebastian C. 73 Plane Taylor Mary, widow of John jr. 14 Court Taylor Mary A. hat trimmer 279 High Taylor Mendis, tanner 4 Plane NEWARK DIRECTORY. 245 Taylor Robert, gardener Bank n. Wallace Taylor Samuel, carriage maker 54 William Taylor Samuel, jeweler 10 Liberty or Lafayette Taylor William, tailor rear 238 Broad Taylor William, bridle maker enquire '22 Walnut Taylor William, (col'd) mariner 143 Commerce Taylor William, currier 214 Washington Taylor William H shoemaker 91 Kinney Taylor William H. jeweler 177 Washington Taylor William R. tin manufr. 402 Broad h. 29 Kinney Taylor William W. furniture dealer 336 h. 442 Broad Taylor William W. M. D. 259 Broad r. I Park Chh. place Taynor John, blacksmith, 31 Baldwin Teal Gottlieb, shoemaker "Z Nichols 1 Court Teare Phillip, 201 East River Tearney John, patent leather Chatham c. New Teasman John, (col'd) plane maker 80 Catharine Teats James, clerk 3 Keen's Court Teese Conrad, leather merchant Ifil h. 178 Washington Teese Fred. H. att. and couns. at law 150 Market r. 178 Washington Teese Noble, farmer 2 1 Augusta Teigel Frederick, machinist 267 Market Telegraph Office, 305 Broad (up stairs) Temple David, morocco dresser 155 Washington Temple Sarah, widow of Robert 18 North Broad Tench George, shoemaker 91 Tichenor Terhune Albert, 64 Bleeker Terhune Albert, shoemaker 114 Academy Terhune Albert H. hatter 77 Bleeker Terhune Ann, widow of David 13 Lafayette Terhune James, shoe manufr. 206 Plane Terhune James J. shoe manufr. in Country Terhune John, shoe manuf. 298 Broad h. 202 Plane Terhune John I. shoemaker 19 Catharine Terhune John W. shoe mamif. 142 Market h. 18 Commerce Terhune Richard, clerk 202 Plane Terhune Richard, shoemaker 206 Plane Terhune Richard A, carpenter 114 Academy Terhune William, shoe manufr. 142 Market h. 50 William Terhune jr. William, saddler 248 Broad Ternay James, boi'er maker 68 Catharine Terrell Bryant D. harness maker 412 Broad Terrell Calvin, shoemaker rear 12 Pair Terrell Daniel D. watch case maker 11 Cottage Terrell Luther L. saddler 412 Broad Ten ell Phebe, widow of John tailoress ll Cottage Terrell Susan C. 11 Cottage 21* 246 PIERSON'S Terrell William, trimmer 13 East Kinney Terrell William, (col'd) 37 Garden Terry Alvali. hub factory 139 Kinney Terry Ebenezer, (col'd) teamster 340 High Terry & Co. James, travelling bag frames Ham. c. Bruen Terry Susan, (col'd) washerwoman rear 8 Green Terry Thomas M, hat manufacturer 14 William Tey Patrick, laborer 140 Chestnut Tharp Moses, carpenter 103 McWhorter Tharp Samuel W. builder 21 h. 6 Marshall Thatcher John, constable 63 Kinney Thayer Caleb, painter and glazier 56 Mulberry Thayer Mrs. R. M. corset maker 56 Mulberry Thayer Obadiah, 70 Washington Thierne Frederick, tailor 16 Spruco Thieme John, tailor 16 Spruce Thill Francis, saddler 190 Washington Thomas Ann E. widow of Wanzer 22 Fair Thomas Archibald A. cotton mer. N. Y. h. 12 Fulton Thomas Asa, livery stable 200 Market h. 7 Franklin place Thomas David, wagon manuf. 58 Com. h. 39 Mulberry Thomas Frederick S wood & coal 141 River h. 467 Bd- Thomas jr. Frederick S. merchant 300 h. 467 Broad Thomas George L. coach maker 10 Camfield Thomas Henry H spring maker 22% Church Thomas Huldah, widow of George 32 Fair Thomas James, laborer 66 Crane Thomas James F. hatter 29 Clinton Thomas John A. saddler 32 Fair Thomas Joseph H. jeweler 29 Chestnut Thomas Luther G. medical student 467 Broad Thomas Richard, (col'd) laborer 143 Commerce Thomas Samuel, brass finisher 8 Scott Thomas Thomas, grocer 86 Quarry Thomas Wm coach maker 202 Maiket h. 71 Commerce Thomason Thomas, moulder 4 East Fair Thompson Aaron W. patent leather 14 Front Thompson Benjamin L. shoemaker 50 Halsey Thompson Cato, (coi'd) carpenter 38 Bloomfield avenue Thompson Daniel H. moulder 6!) Spring Thompson David, baker enquire 35i Market Thompson Dorothy, widow of Alex, enquire 22 New Thompson Edward G teacher 66 Academy Thompson Elias 1. attorney at law 14 Bank Thompson George (col'd) 16 Academy Thompson George, (col'd) 37 Garden Thompson Henry, (col'd) city bell ringer 111 Mulberry Thompson Henry, (col'd) rear 43 Market NEWARK DIRECTORY. 247 Thompson Henry, (col'd) rear 83 Catharine Thompson Hezekiah, salesman 18 Division Thompson Isaac C, wagon maker 11 Bank h. 66 Academy Thompson Isabella, widow of Lewis (col'd) 111 Mulb'y Thompson James, wheelwright 53 Orange Thompson James C. saddle tree maker 60 State Thompson James M. surveyor 16 Oak h. 36 Clinton Thompson John, laborer 200 Plane c. Augusta Thompson John F. (col'd) barber 12U Market h. 86 Bank Thompson John P. 100 Halsey Thompson Joseph, laborer 26 Broad Thompson Joseph, (col'd) 63 Inness Thompson Joseph G. varnisher 370 h. 520 Broad Thompson L. Hannah, widow of Geo. board h. 120 Acdmy Thompson Lewis B. grocer 16 r. 14 Oak Thompson Maria, widow of John rear 16 Cherry Thompson Patrick, laborer 54 Monroe Thompson Rebecca, dress maker 60 State Thompson Samuel, locksmith 16 Thomas Thompson Samuel, sash and blind 3.9 Ogden Thompson Theodore F. harness, whip and collar manuf. 4 Fair h. 12 Clinton Thompson Thomas, currier 86 Bank Thompson Thomas, (col'd) 77 Halsey Thompson Thomas, blacksmith Chestnut n. Railroad ave. 'Thompson Thomas, box maker foot Nichols Thompson Thomas, shipwright 76 Kinney Thompson William, carman 47 South Canai Thompson William 13. stone cutter 12 Congress Thomson Mary D. 72 Court Thomson Peter, baker 80 Broad Thomson Smeaton, widow 72 Court Thorn Kdwan, carpenter 6 Broad Thorn John B. cracker baker 152 h. 149 Plane Thorn Joseph, bakery 152 h. 147 Plane Thorn Lewis A. chair maker 26 Plane Thorn William H. cracker baker 152 h. 147 Plane Thornall Ann, (col'd) 4 Nesbilt's Court Thornton Charles, currier 170 Plane Thornton Nicholas, shoemaker 2 1 Plane Thorp Abby Adeline, widow of James M. 204 Broad Thrall James H. tailor 37 Ward Thrall John H. tailor 37 Ward Thrust Daniel W. jeweler 356 Broad Thruslon Sarah, Park House Tice David, shingle shaver 33 Monroe Tice George, carpenter 2' Tichenor Jabez, clerk r. 1 South Essex Tichenor James H. foot Ferry Tichenor James W. founder 56 Hamilton Tichenor James W. coffee & spice dealer H5 McWhor. Tichenor Joseph, shoe nvfr. 140 Market h. 123 Kinney Tichenor Joseph M. jeweler 123 Kinney Tichenor Josiah, dairyman Tichenor Hill, Clinton N. J. Tichenor Lyman S. sash Canal Van Horn Ellen, dress maker 89 Catharine Van Houten Cornelius H. blacksmith 49 Liberty Van Houten Garret, iron turner 100 Oliver Van Houten George H. saddler 29 Lawrence Van Houten Gertrude, widow of Abraham 36 Mechanic Van Houten Gibson, machinist 138 Warren Van Houten Joanna, widow of Abraham 6 Beecher Van Houten John C. boatman 16 North Prospect Van Houten Peter P. carman 80 Quarry Van Houten Ralph, builder inquire at 225 Washington Van Houten Sarah, widow of James F. 15 Hill Van Kirk John R. clerk Steamboat Passaic r. 5 Cedar Van Martin Daniel, (col'd) laborer Clinton n. Broad Van Middleworth Abram, (col'd) 116 Newark Van Name Charles, carman 32 Church Van Name John, harness maker 11 Orchard Van Ness Alfred, (col'd) laborer 64 Mill Van Ness Ann. (col'd) rear 8 Green Van Ness Daniel, painter 164 Orange Van Ness Daniel H. carpenter 9(5 Waren Van Ness David, grocer 21 Orchard c. Beach Van Ness Henry D. blacksmith 219 Plane Van Ness Jacob, harne maker Railroad ave. h- 38 Green Van Ness jr. Jacob, carpenter 98 Plane Van Ness Jacob S. grocer 43 Ferry c. Union Van Ness James H. sash & blind 187 Plane Van Ness John, mason 574 High Van Ness John, 26 Lombardy Van Ness John, (col'd) 38 Bloomfield avenue Van Ness John, shoemaker 107 Union NEWARK DIRECTORY. ^43* Van Ness John P. California Van Ness Lewis, att. & cour.s. 29 Market Van Ness Lewis, carpenter 108 Elm Van Ness Nicholas, plater 5 Mechanic h. 233 Plane Van Ness Peter J. moulder 85 Washington Van Ness Simon, blacksmith 32 Arch Van Ness Simon H. 96 Warren Van Ness Simpson, master mason 103 Elm Van Ness Stephen P. annealer 80 Spring Van Ness Thomas, saddle tree maker 8 Division place Van Ness Thomas, (col'd) 630 High Van Ness William, blacksmith 574 High Van Ness William J. cabinet maker 14 Academy Van Ness William J. carpenter 78 Plane Van Newtondore, (col'd) waiter 103 Mill Van Nortwick Abraham, carpenter 18 Orchard Van Nuis Sarah, widow of Henry 31 Cottage Van Orden David, coachman 2 Vroom's Alley Van Orden Henry, saddler 7 Broad Van Orter Lydia, tailoress 163 Plane Van Renssellear John, Belleville Van Riper Alonzo, plater 50 Church ^an Riper Ann, widow 18 Division place Van Riper Anthony, blacksmith 9 Halsey's Court Van Riper Catharine, 217 Plane Van Riper George I. segar maker 150 Academy Van Riper Harmon, saddletree maker 11 Divi^m Place Van Riper Jacob, harness maker 14 Baldwin Van Riper Jacob, carpenter 4 Cross Van Riper John, shoe manufr. 53 Church h. 26 Hill Van Riper John, mason 12 Warren Van Riper John B. carpenter 48 Bleeker Van Riper John J. carpenter 8 Halsey's Court Van Roden Jacob, mason 153 Academy Van Roden Peter, 22 Division Van Roden William A. blacksmith G9 Orleans Van Santvoord Elizabeth, widow of Zeger 396 Broad Van Schayck Rhoda, widow of Thomas G. 162 Plane Van Sickle Albert, Elizabelhtown Van Sickle Benjamin M. carman 'Tichenor n. Elm Van Sickle Stephen, shoe manufacturer Elizabethtown Van Vleck Abraham H. uncur. money disc, office 270 Bd Van Voorhees James, blacksmith 57 State Van Wagenen Frederick, lumber mer. 1 Ogden h 14 Divis'n Van Wagenen George A. lumber merchant 5 Lumber Van Wagenen Isaac, lumber Centre whf. h. 13 Centre Van Wagenen Isaac & George A. lumber merchants 2d Yard below Steamboat Dock 244* PIERSON'S Van Wagenen John, dry goods 258 Broad h. 8 Cedar Van Wagenen Julius, druggist 116 Broad Van Wagenen Orlando, clerk 224 r. 116 Broad Van Wagenen Peter, 45 Bridge c. Ogden Van Wagenen William, clerk (I. & G. A. V.) r. 13 Centre Van Wagoner Christiana, (col'd) 122 William Van Wagoner Robert, carpenter 131 Mulberry Van Wagoner Thomas, carpenter 129 Mulberry Van Winkle Abraham, clerk 40 Berry Van Winkle Isaac 1. grocer 279 Wash. h. 20 Baldwin Van Winkle Jacob, 97 Congress Van Winkle Jane, widow of Elias H. 24 Plane Van Winkle Jasper, plater 97 Congress Van Winkle Michael, grocer 27j Commerce Van Wort Benjamin, farmer 157 Tichenor Van Wort Isaac, carpenter 54 Broad Van Wort James, shoemaker 132 Kinney Van Wort James, shoemaker 35 Baldwin Van Wort John, shoemaker 38 North Broad Van Wort William H. shoemaker 87 Catharine Van Zandt Cmith, clerk 131 Market r. 20 Shipman Varrick John, blacksmith 616 High Vearlender Charles, jeweler 275 Railroad avenue Venninger John, tailor 20 Market Verity Samuel, shoemaker 32 Lawrence Vermilye Harriet, widow of John 1 Cammack's alley Vermilye ^tty, widow of Nathaniel 16 Bank Vermilye Jacob D. cashier old bank 264 Broad Vermilye William H. cashier Orange Bank Orange Vermule Leonard, hatter 34 William Vernon George H. clothier 310 Broad h. 20 Shipman Vernon Thomas, plumber 53i Hamilton Vernon Vernam, plumber 3 South Orange avenue Verplank Hiland H. carpenter 67 Commerce Vesey George P. harness maker 24 Liberty Vesey William, saddler 24 Liberty Vidalot Mrs. dressmaker 258 Plane Vincent Albert, painter 290 Washington Vincent Peter S. patent leather 3 Newark Vinson John H. coach maker 1 Bruen Vinten Frederick, carriage maker 49 Boston Vliet Jane, widow of Abraham 30 Lawrence Vliet John, blacksmith 4 Harrison's Court Voelker Charles, jeweler 168 Mulberry Volk Martin, 9 Halsey's Court Volner Frederick, segar maker 7 Church Von Danneker Jacob, gardener 73 Orange Voorhees Jacob V. N. cloth store N. Y. h. 131 Mulberry NEWARK DIRECTORY. . 245* Voorhees Theodore, jeweler 19 Hill Vreeland , tailoress 604 High Vreeland Cynthia, widow of Michael 292 Washington Vreeland Isaac C. soda water 3 Green Vreeland Jacob A. coach lace weaver 56 New Vreeland James, coach smith 41 R, R, ave h. 38 Ferry Vreeland James H. farmer 114 New Vreeland John P. cutter 33 Arch Vreeland William, carpenter 64 M. & E. Railroad avenue W. Wackinhood Christian, jeweler 168 Mulberry Waddell Thomas, saddler 124 Broad Wadden John, harness maker 49 Columbia Wade David W. carpenter inquire 47 Fair Wade Demas H. 12 1 Washington Wade Eliza, widow of David 18 Halsey Wade Ezekiel, saddler 18 Halsey Wade Jacob S. captain 125 Kinney Wade Job, chairmaker 161 Railroad ave. c. Walnut Wade Joseph L. M. D. 173 Market Wade Joseph S. shoemaker 128 Walnut Wade Samuel, edge tools 75 M. & E. Railroad avenue Wade Stephen, grocer 93 Market Wade William W. hatter 20 Halsey - Waechter William, grocer 24 William -, Wager Andrew J. painter 15 Catharine Wagerly Matthias, blacksmith 230 Washington Wagler Adam, 6 Niagara Wagler Adam, Spruce c. Somerset Wagner Charles, engraver 102 Walnut Wagner Christian, chair maker 78 Ridge Wagner Christian, saddler 4 Nichols Wagner John, shade painter 207 Bank h. 59 Boston Wagner John, shoemaker 28 Prince Wagner J>hn, tailor 45 Hamburg Place Wagner Louis, iron worker 15 Longworth Wagner Lucy, widow of Charles 74 State Wagner Willoughby, segar maker 16 East Mechanic Wagtel George, mason 51 Montgomery Wagtel John, tailor 127 Baldwin Wain George, japanner 6 Stephen's Court Waite Joseph T. segar maker 133 Quarry Wakefield Henry, painter inquire 56 Madison Wakefield Joseph, hatter 85 Washington Wakefield Nathaniel, hatter 30 Catharine Wak eland William, mariner 214 Madison 2lB* 246* PIERSON'S Wakeley Rev. Joseph B. pastor Market st Church r. 83 Mulberry Wakeman Diederich, tailor 15 Catharine Wakeman John P. suspender mfr. 4 Dey, New York h. 63 North Broad Wakeman Sophia, milliner 226 Broad Waldron Adolphus W. clothier 121 Market h. 1 Pine Waldron & Co. Adolphus W. clothiers 121 Market WaMron Anna J. milliner 16 Bank Waldron Gaorge Z. clothier 293 Broad h. 22 Park Place Waldron & Co. Tunis A. clothiers 293 Broad Waldron Tunis A. clothier 293 Broad h. 22 Park Place Waldron Jr. Tunis A. 22 Park Place Walker Aaron S. shoemaker 122 State Walker Abraham, carpenter 30 Chestnut Walker Abraham B. Daily office r. 38 Kinney Walker David, grocer 25 Columbia Walker David L. 33 Chestnut Walker Elizabeth, widow of John 25 Franklin Walker Ira L. annealer inquire 35 Division Walker James, shoemaker 200 Bank Walker James, moulder inquire 38 Orange Walker Jonathan, 33 Chestnut Walker J. Gideon, clerk 117 r. 121 Broad Walker Mahetable, widow rear 151 Mulberry Walker Robert, saddler 222 Washington Walker Robert G. morocco dresser 356 Broad Walker William, machinist 55 North Broad Walker William, cradle maker foot East Green Walker William, wagon maker 33 Chestnut Walker William H. M. blacksmith 15i h. 8 Plane Walkerman Michael, tinner 4 Harrison Wallace Catharine, 8 Green Wallace Daniel, cancer doctor(suc. to Dr. Lynch) 703 Bd Wallace Daniel H. patent leather 694 Broad Wallace Gilbert D. printer 37 Market Wallace Hiram, shoemaker 12 Franklin Place Wallace John D. 26 Lombarly Wallace Joseph C. New York Wallace Mary, vest maker 8 Green Wallace Thomas', (col'd) rear 8 Green Wallace William, Chatham N. J. Wallen Charles A. lace weaver 6 Ferry Wallen Joseph, teamster 46 Union Wallis Ashley, boot maker 39 State Wallman Michael, gaidener 8 Wall Walsh Catharine, tailoress 82 Catharine Walsh Cornelius, trunk nails 60 Hamiltan h. 12 Columbia NEWARK DIRECTORY. 847* Walsh Cornelius, buckle mfr. 60 Hamilton h- 12 Columbia Walsh Daniel, thread and neele store 51 Orange Walsh Josiah, 11 Liberty Walsh Lydia, widow of Emanuel Q8 Kinney Walsh William, 11 Liberty Walsh Zachariah, 1 1 Liberty Walsingher Frederick, cutter 31 South Prospect Walter James R. clerk 80 Wall, N. Y. Walter John C. shoemaker 1 William c. Broad Walter Mary, music teacher inquire 8 Clinton Walter Samuel D. shoemaker 131 Pennington c. Hermon Walter William H. enquire 8 Clinton Walters John, edge tool maker foot South Prospect Walters Theodore, jeweler Nichols' Court Walton James H. book agent 122 Plane Walton William, jeweler 195 Mulberry Walzer Jacob, butcher 7 Rankin Wambold Abraham, butcher 3 Centre Market h. 508 Broad Wambold Henry, trunk maker Brunswick n. Parkhurst Wambold Jacob, butcher 144 Washington Wambold Lewis W. painter 90 Kinney Wambold Mary, widow of William H, 508 Broad Wanderlich Frederick, tailor 104 Court Wanghart William, filer 70 Garden Wangner George, tailor 168 Court Wanmaker Andrew, mason 59 Washington Wanman William, cigar maker 44 Spring Ward Aaron, lumber mer. Centre Wharf h. 17 Centre Ward jr. Aaron, grocer 404 Broad h. 50 Court Ward Aaron B. lumber Centre Wharf h. 19 Centre Ward Aaron C. wood mouldings 115 Union Ward Abby, widow of Abraham K. 66 Halsey Ward Amos A. shoemaker 30 Orange Ward Ann, widow of Timothy C. 20 Shipman Ward Caleb, shoemaker 25 Ogden Ward Caleb C. 7 Lombardy Ward Caleb S. grocer 102 Broad h. 9 Washington Ward Caleb W. tallow chandler 19 Warren Ward Charles, laborer 553 High Ward & Co. rule manufacturers 33 River Ward Daniel T. shoemaker 9 East Kinney Ward David J. carpenter 155 Plane Ward Eliza, widow of Henry 1 Washington Ward Elizabeth, widow of Rev. Israel 26 Chestnut Ward Elizabeth J. dressmaker 33 Plane Ward Frances, widow of Uzal 18 Clinton Ward Francis, coach trimmer 64 Walnut Ward George, liquor merchant 366 Broad r. 50 Court 248* PIERSON'S Ward George S. M. D. 388 Broad Ward George S. shoemaker 124 Orange Ward Gilbert S. umbrellas, hats and caps 312 Broad b. 17 Boudinot Ward Hannah, widow of Rev. John 15 Cherry Ward Henry A, clerk 151 Market r. 20 Shipman Ward Henry S. dry goods 208 Broad h. 36 Orange Ward Hooper C. California 1 South Canal Ward Isaac, clothier South Orange Avenue Ward Isaac M. M. D. Hill Cottage, Clinton, N. J. Ward Isaac M. currier 63 Bank Ward Jacob W. chandler 154 Market h. 19 Warren Ward James, architect and builder 13 h. Ill Nesbitt Ward James, 7 Mechanic h. Orange Ward James, blacksmith 9 Quarry Ward Jane, paper box manufacturer 1 North^Canal Ward Jerome B. Globe foundry 86 S. Market h. 15 Smith Ward John, trunk maker 7 South Orange Avenue Ward John, painter and glazier Bank c. Wallace Ward John, tin and stove mfr. 148 Market h. 46 Lafayette Ward John C. blacksmith 30 Orange Ward John F. M. D. 382A Broad Ward JohnL. watch case manuf. 385 Broad, h. 2 Cottage Ward Joseph, japan leather mfr. 7 N. Essex h. 16 Cedar Ward Josiah, shoemaker 59 Orange Ward J & R. japan leather manufacturers 7 N. Essex Ward Leonard, rule maker 33 River h. 4 Park Ward Lynus. currier 74 Market r. 20 Shipman Ward Marcus L. tallow chandler 154 Market h. 27 Wash. Ward & Co. M. L. tallow chandlers 154 Market Ward Margaret T. widow of John J. 155 Plane Ward Mary, widow of Caleb J- 76 Spring Ward Mary, widow of Robert 30 Orange Ward Matthias, attorney 60 Washington Ward Moses L. book keeper 33 Plane Ward Nathaniel, quarryman 22 Sussex avenue Ward Obadiah M. lumber merchant r. 17 Centre Ward Richmond, japan leather 7 North Essex h. 18 Cedar Ward Samuel W. shoemaker 30 Orange Ward Sarah, widow of Jos. G. 17J Liberty Ward Smith P. shoemaker 30 Orange Ward William, (col'd) whitewasher 18 Division Place Ward William, shoemaker Boyden c. State Ward William G. cabinet maker 35 Catharine Ward William S. M. D. 99 Broad Ward William T. sash and blinds 3 Ferry h. 28 Ward Ward William W. dentist 2J Clinton Ward William W. carriage trimmer 30 Church NEWARK DIRECTORY. 249* Wardeli Caroline, tailoress 14 Columbia Wardell Esther, widow of John W. 14 Columbia Wardeli George W, shoe cutter 4] Halsey Wardell Harriet, tailoress 14 Columbia Wardeli Louisa, tailoress 14 Columbia Wardell Maria, 19 New Wardell Martin, shoemaker 38 Lush Wardell Mary, hat trimmer 134 Kinney Warhurst Mary, widow of Jonathan 494 Railroad avenue Warner Frederick R. clerk N. Y. 14 Chestnut Warner Horace, trunk box maker 14 Chestnut Warner John, cutter 112 Washington Warner Madeline, milliner 226 Broad Warner William, cutter 186 Broad h. 233 Market Warner William, butcher 137 Quarry Warren Charles H. machinist 67 Spring Warren James, laborer 20 Augusta Warren David Y. tailor Orleans R. Orange Warren George R. tinner 18 Plane Warren James C. constable 18 Plane Warren John, currier 187 Plane Warren John, trunk maker 7 Comes Warren John B. carpenter 69 Spring Warren Patrick, currier 2 Plane Warren William, forest tree setter 18 Plane Washington Hall, 320 Broad Washington Isaac. 5 Colden Washington School House, Orange c. Essex Washington Temperance Hall, 153 Market WATCH HOUSE, base 4 Centre Market Wass , carriage maker 230 Washington Waterbury Ann M. widow of William 37 Catharine Waterfield John, hatter 16 Shipman Waters Abel N. gold and silver refiner 18 Maiden Lone, N. Y. h. 29 Fulton Waters John J. (col'd) teamster 1 Wilbur's Alley Waterson Catharine, widow of Benjamin 82 Ridge Watkins Thomas, hotel Harrison on the causeway Watkins William H. saddler 176 Mulberry Watson Agnes, widow of John milliner 146 Broad Watson Alonzo, Phcenix works h. 73 Warren Watson Horace L. shoemaker 139 Mulberry Watson Rev. John L. rector Grace church 411 Broad Watson Maria, wido\s of James 37 Durand Watson Mary, trimmer 24 Lombardy Watson William, carpenter 61 Green Watson William H. jeweler 10 Walnut Watts George, ivory black manufacturer Ogden n. Clay 250* PIERSON'8 Watts Geo. morocco dresser rear 94 Mk't. h. 235s Wash. Watts William, machinist 58 Quarry Waugh Charles R. attorney & solicitor 171 r. 177 Market Weatherhead Charles P. thimble manufr. Hamilton c. Mc- Whorter h. 23 Green Weatherhead Peter, 23 Green Weaver Henry, tailor 41 Catharine Webb Frederick, shoemaker 1 Orchard Webb Robert M. trunk maker 18 Shipman Webb Thomas, washing powder Ferry below old foundry Webb William, hatter 2-22 Bank Webb William R. trunk maker 18 Shipman Weber Andrew, laborer 16 Brown Weber Frederick, saddler 55 Broom Weber Henry, cane maker 15 Rankin Weber Herman, founder 1 Scribner's Court Weber Ignatus, spring maker 40 Brown Weber Jacob, saddler 9 West Weber John, mason 31 Nicholson Weber Ludwig, founder 1 Scribner's Court Weber Lewis, engraver 163 Mulberry Weber Phillip, cane maker 23 Broom Webster Andrew M. att. at law 153 Market h. 3 Cedar Webster John, 148 Broad Wedenmayer Christopher, 202 Hamburg place Weeks George H. daguerreotypist 23 Warren Weeks Hannah, widow of Rev. William R. 23 Warren Weeks Horocco, 41 Ogden Weeks John R. attorney and county clerk, office Court House h. 10 Rankin Place Weeks Robert D. Whately, Mass. Weicel Charles, wheelwright 131 Springfield ave. Weiland Gottlieb, shoemaker rear 18 Columbia Weilows Frederick, turner 22 Augusta Welch Edward, blacksmith 67 Green Welch John, architect and surveyor 250 Broad h. Nevr n. Newark Welch John, laborer 81 Clay c. Ogden Welch Michael, laborer 21 Sussex avenue Welch Patrick, Crane road to Orange Welch Thomas, laborer Wilsey n. Sussex ave Welch Thomas, mason 26 Quarry Welcher Daniel W. saddle tree riveter 382 Railroad ave. Welcher Lucas, painter 96 Quarry Welchman John, segar maker 14 Spring Wellhausen Henry, cooper 325 Washington Wellington Mary, tailoress 135 Plane Wells Susan, (col'd) 3 Crane's Basin NEWARK DIRECTORY. 251* Welsh Morris, tailor 2 Gallager's Court Welsh Patrick, machinist S. Prospect c. Chestnut Welton Susan, grass widow 16 Rankin Wenner John, blacksmith 64 Ridge Wenner John, laborer 1 I Webster West Bartholomew, file mfr. 58 Hamilton h. 7 Liberty West Sophia S. widow of John E. 34 Smith West Stephen, 9 Hamilton West Thomas J. hat manuf. New York Westbrook Asenath, widow of Abiah, boarding h. 98 Mkt. Westbrook Sarah M. dress maker 98 Market Westerfield George W. lock maker 34 Lafayette Westerman Connel, 3 Nichols' Court Westervelt Jacob A. 164 Warren Westervelt Luke, painter 277 Mulberry Westervelt Luke J. wheelwright 43 Broad Westervelt Ralph L. painter 77 Mulberry h. 17 Garden Westfall Sf Grant, dry goods 98 Broad Westfall William, dry goods 98 Broad* h. 40 Orange Westwood Enoch, balance manufacturer 19 Sheffield Westwood Henry, balance manufr. 12 Boyden WetseH John, mason 12 Grand Wetsell John, carpenter 36 Prince Wetsel Richard, tailor 13 West Wheat George, 149 Academy Wheatcroft Edward, carpenter tcols 139 State Wheatcroft Geo. carpenters' tools Hedenberg's 389 Broad Wheaton William, teamster 204 Nesbitt Whelan Garret, laborer 1 Gallager's Court Whelan John, laborer 13 Oxford Whelan Mary, widow of Pierce 24 McWhorter Whelan Michael, laborer 40 River Whelan Randolph, laborer 194 South Market Whelan William, laborer 62 North Canal Wheeler Amanda, widow of Morris South 428 Broad Wheeler Charles, tailor 6A Fair Wheeler Dinah, (col'd) rear 37 Warren Wheeler Grant J. lime manuf. 84 Clay h. Bloomfield Wheeler Harry, (col'd) 8 Prince Wheeler Hiram, shoe store 204 h. 350 Broad Wheeler Jacob, blacksmith 278 Railroa \ avenue Wheeler Jacob (col'd) whitewasher 53 Harrison WheeFer James, box manuf. 292 High h. 428 Broad Wheeler James, 199 Market Wheeler James V. shoemaker 30 Baldwin Wheeler Robert, shoe;naker 18 Cottage Wheeler Sarah H. matron Orphan Asylum 194 High Wheeler Stephen C. accountant William c. Cedar, N. Y. 252* PIERSON'S Wheeler Stephen P. saddler Brooklyn Wheeler Wm. A. stationer 80 Watt h. 84 McDougal, N.Y. Wheeler & Co. William A. stationers 175 Broadway JV. Y. Whetsell David M. shoemaker 294 Washington Whetsell Frances, widow of William 257 Washington Whetsell George, turner 289 Washington Whetsell Peter, dancing master 92 River Whetsell Stephen, tailor Montgomery c. Broom Whipple Jason, machinist 46 Fair Whitaker Benjamin T. jeweler 28 Green Whitaker Elisha, 340 Broad h. 205 Washington Whitaker John K. 44 Nesbitt Whitbeck Peter, constable, 91 Market V.'hitbeck Peter, carriage maker 46 Bank White Jaoob, mustard and spice grinder 350 High White James, tanner 51 Ogden White James, cutter 2 Oak Hall Court rear 276 Broad White John, hatter 248 Bank White John, hatchet manuf. 333 Broad h. 117 Plane White John, Newark n. Orange White Rev. Orlando W. 14 Oak While Richaad, (col'd) 16 Mill White William, steelyard maker 19 Sheffield White William, shoemaker 117 Plane White & Wilson, hatters 250 Bank Whitehead Aaron, saddletree maker 11 Comes Whitehead Abby, widow of William 5 Lombardy Whitehead Asa, att. and couns. 375 Broad h. 44 S. Broad Witehead Charles C. merchant 15 Ward Whitehead Edmund B. currier 205 Plane Whitehead Ezra W. pump mfr. 340 Broad h. 68 Elm Whitehead Isaac, body maker 60 Richmond Whitehead John, att. & couns. 143 Market h. 120 Orchard Whitehead Lewis, machinist 15 Ward Whitehead Marcus F. tinner 148 Mulberry Whitehead William, tailor 248 Washington Whitehead William A. slock broker and sec'y N. J. R. R. Co. 57 Merchant's Exchange iV. Y. h. 5 Lombardy Whitehead Wm. Silas, att. at law 375 Broad r. 44 S. B'd. Whitenberg Frederick, locksmith 2 Chapel Court Whitenack Henry, painter 56 h- 135 Mulberry Whitfield Charles H. light carriages 58 h. 33 Commerce Whitfield Elizabeth, 4 Vroom's alley Whitfield George, 60 Washington Whitfield John R. capt. Ann Elizabeth 38 Bridge Whitfield William S. upholsterer 10 Bank Whitlock Abigail, widow of Thomas 14 Cedar Whiilock Amanda, widow of James 7 New York NEWARK DIRECTORY. 253 Whitlock Edward R. builder 6 Front Whiilock Maria, widow of Cornelius 96 Elm Whitman Augustus, teacher 73 Boston Whitman Daniel C..8 N 7 ew Whitman Emeline, widow of Jacob Orange n. Boyden Whitman Samuel, carriage maker Orange n. Boyden Whitney Benjamin C. comb maker 29 South Essex Whitney Eliza A. teacher Wesleyan Institute Whitney George C. shoemaker 123 Union Whitney Henry A. oil slore 163 Market h. 102 S. O. ave. Whittemore James, shoe manufacturer 36 William Whittemore Mahlon C. music teacher 8 Walnut Whittemore William H. carpenter 149 Walnut Whitty William, grocer 266 Broad h. 34 Bank Whyte David, 18 Harrison Widmer Jacob, tailor 45 Commerce Wiegmann Diedrich. tailor 15 Catharine Wiegmann John, carriage maker 83 William Wiegmann John E. shoemaker 41 Mechanic Wiesner Adam, shade painter 25 Charlton Wiesner Jacob, shade painter 207 Bank Wiesner John, tailor 36 Jones Wigfall George, brush maker 40 Cherry h. 56 River Wigfall Jr. George, brush maker 40 Cherry 124 William Wight Rev O. W. pas. Univer. Church h 17 Commerce Wilbur M. Denman, clerk post office r. 437 Broad Wilbur Rodney, post master 1 17 Market h. 437 Broad Wilcox Aaron, carpenter 6 South Essex Wilcox Amos, marble cutter 18 Mechanic h. 27 Franklin Wilcex Augustus M. stone cutter 32 South Canal Wilcox George, engraver 32 Orchard Wilcox lluldah, widow of James C. 28 Ward Wilcox Joseph, butcher 57 South Wilcox Samuel, justice peace 157 Market h. 32 S. Canal Wilcox Thomas, saddlery hardware mfr. Hedenberg's h. 23 Smith Wild Paul, shoemaker 166 Bank Wild Sarah, 9 Lon jworth Wilde Heary. secretary N. & R. Lime and Cement Co. h. 51 Green Wilrle Herbert, currier 48 Church Wilde William, hatter 23 Mulberry Wilder Sarah, 80 Bank Wildin Smith, sea captain 77 Commerce Wilkins William, builder 87 Plane Wilkinson Benjamin, shwfjle shaver 31 Jefferson Wilkinson Edwin, shoemaker 6fi Crane Wilkinson James, shoemaker 52 Walnut 22 254 PIERSON'S Wilkinson John C. I7j Liberty Wilkinson Josiah H. clerk 3(7 Broad h. 50 Walnut Wilkinson Matthias, shoemaker 51 Hamilton Wilkinson William H. plater HI Broad Williams Abraham, 7 Quarry Williams Abraham, carpenter 35 Ogden Williams Albert, jeweler 2R Franklin Williams Alfred, carpenter 107 South Prospect. Williams Amanda, widow of Charles 7 Orchard Williams Ambrose. 19 Park Place Williams Andrew L. watch maker 226i Bd. h. 20i Halsey Williams Archibald, shoe maker 24 Court Williams Benjamin C 95 Halsey Williams Betsey, widow ot' Morris 114 Orange Williams Caleb, saddler 26 Franklin Williams Jr. Charles J 278 Broad Williams Damaris, widow of Elihu 67 Warren Williams Daniel T. dry goods 184 h. 144 Broad Williams Edmond, grocer 15 Broad Williams Edward, blacksmith 14 Summit Williams Edwin R. T. druggist 241 Broad h."95 Halsey Williams & Co. E. R T. druggists 241 Broa'd Williams Eli, potter 6 Plane n. Orange Williams Elijah, blacksmith Searing's Mill Williams Elizabeth, widow 95 Halsey Williams Ellen, rear 53 Boston Williams Ezekiel C. 104 h. 91 Market Williams Geo. edge tool maker High c. Mill h. 25 Quarry Williams George C. hatter 146 Plane Williams George M. shoemaker Boyden n. Orange Williams Hannah, widow of Benjamin 192 Mulberry Williams Henry, (col'd) laborer 99 Garden William's Horton, clerk r. 54 William Wiliams Isaac H. lace weaver 5J Fair h. 52 Catharine Williams James, mason Marshall c. Grand Williams James, cutter 141 Market h 8 Park Williams James H. machinist 500 Ferry Williams Jane, widow of Primis 2 Crane's Basin Williams Joel, carpenter 114 Orange Williams John, coach painter 32 Lafayette Williams John, moulder 114 State Williams John H. shoemaker 71 M. & E. Railroad ave. Williams John P. (col'd) barber 150 Broad h. 10 Halsey Williams Lewis N. coich maker 26 Mechanic Williams Martha, 122 Eroad Williams Oliver H. saddler 2 Ojlumbia Williams Robert B. shoemaker 29 Franklin Williams Sally < '.widow of Phillip 16 South Bridge Williams Samuel, Lodi over the river NEWARK DIRECTORY. 255 Williams Samuel, laborer 64 Richmond Williams Sarah, 15 Park Place Williams Thomas A. shoemaker New n. Searing Williams Thomas R master mason 107 Orange Williams William, grocer B9 Halsey c. Cedar Williams William, 67 North Broad Williams William, (col'd) laborer rear 10 Durand Williams William, tailor 123 Market h. 67 New Williams William C, clerk 250 r. 6n4 Broad Williams William H. captain 103 Commerce Williamson Benjamin, prosecutor pleas Elizyliethtown Williamson Isaac, attorney & couns.at law Elizabethtown Willis Albert, shoemaker 56 Court Willis Charles E. Kxpress N. & New York h. 14 Kinney Willis David, grocer 105 Broad h. 1 Bridge Willis Jesse B. fish dealer 3 Pear Alley Willis John, japanner New c. Newark WMlis Samuel, shoemaker 107 South Canal Willson Catharine, widow of Capt. Charles 24 Halsey Willson Catharine, 24 Halsey Willson David, shoemaker lJ)fi Catharine Willson Elizabeth, widow of Joshua 117 Plane Wilsey Jeremiah L. sea captain 20 Ferry Wilson Agnes, widow of Hamilton dyer 37 Catharine Wilson Andrew, laborer Ogden n. Clay Wilson Augustus, seaman 1 6 East Mechanic Wilson Charles, file cutter 58 Hamilton h. 94 William Wilson D.in'l M.iron mer. 80 Broad, N. Y. h. 225 Market Wilson David, hatter 246 Bank Wilson Elvira, widow of Joseph 53 Bank Wilson Hercules, machinist 61 Spring Wilson James, laborer 24 Lombardy Wilson Jnmes, hatter 246 Bank Wilson John R. jeweler 40 Columbia h. 1 16 Mulberry Wilson Joseph, gardener lower end of Point Lane Wilson Joseph M. pilot 53 Bank Wilson Michael, painter H)'.) Plane Wilson Orson, hardware 305 h. 438 Broad Wilson Sarah, w'dow of David 34 Quarry Wilson Stephen, book binder 13 John Wilson Thomas, engraver 281 Market Wilson William, laborer 34 Division Place Wilson William IV constable 33 Washington Wilson William F. turner 35 Ogden Wilson William N. merchant Binghamlon, N. Y. Wilson William S. cooper 10 Bank Winans Ahner, shoe manuf. 92 Mulberry h. 100 Union Winans Abraham, 34 Warren / 256 PIEUSON'S Winans Charles, blacksmith 17 Springfield Avenue Winans Eliza W. 174 Washington Winans Frederick, vegetables, &c. 13 Court Winans Isaac C. Springfield Avenue n. toll gate Winans .lames H. carpenter 68 Orange Winans Jerome, carpenter 15 Orchard Winans Joseph B. locksmith II Court Winans Robert, tailor 19 Warren Winans Sarah, widow of Daniel 15 Orchard Winans Miss Wealthy, 163 Plnne Winans Whitfield, carpenter 15 Orchard WinansLWjlliam, carpenter? Frnnklin Winans^Villiam H. S. card printer 2&5 Broad h. 104 Win. Winegar John C carpenter 35 Jefferson Winegartner Charles, hatter 46 Orange Wir.egartner John, laborer 63 Springfield Avenue Winegartner Ryman, saddler 63 Springfield Avenue Winkworth Samuel, grocer 10 Summit Winner Rev. Isaac C. pastor Quarry. st Church Wjnnes Kev. William, pas. Ger. Pres. Church 28 Wm. Winter John, farmer Napoleon c. Elm Winter Matthew H. currier 69 Catharine Winter William, tailor -242 Mulberry Winters Charles, farmer Ehzabelhti.wn Road Winters Francis, laborer 14 Oxford Wirsing Christopher, locksmith 1 Grant's Alley Wishimer Frederick, lace weaver 57 Walnut Wiss Jacob, cutler 7 h. 8 Bank Withers John, clerk 336 h. 442 Broad Withey Calvin W. cigar maker 351 High Withey Francis, cigar maker foot Commerce Witzel Elias, shoemaker 155 Washington c. Market Woerule Louis, blacksmith 122 Jefferson Wolf Conrad, tailor 36 Grand Wolf F. 11 Searing Wolf Isaiah C. blacksmith 44 William Wolf Joseph, shoemaker 42 Warren Wolters Reinder, 382 Railroad Avenue Wooby William, (col'd) laborer 3 Church Wood Benjamin J. accountant 7 North Essex h. 59 Wash Wood Charles W. hatter 73 Blceker Wood Christopher N. painter and glazier 244 Plane Wood David, grocer 94 Washington Wood Elias, mason 69 Mercer Wood Elizabeth, widow nurse 294 Washington Wood Ellen, widow of John 10 Orleans Wood Frederick, buckle in. 1 South Orange Avenue Wood Henry, shoemaker 42 Richmond NEWARK DIRECTORY. 257 Wood John, botanic druggist 12 Niagara Wood John, painter 9 East River Wood Jonathan, shoemaker 21 Cedar Wood Joseph, shoemaker 34 Clinton Wood Lyman, hatter 16 New Wood Stephen D, cigar maker 10 Elm Wood William, teamster 67 Washington Woodendye John, harness maker 12 Fair Woocihull James H. sec. life ins. 153 Market h. 56 Walnut Woodhull Lewis, hatter 34 William Woodland Sarah, 248 Washington Woodland Thomas B. 44 William Woodruff Aaron P. tailor 159J Mulberry Woodruff Albert G. hat curler 9 Franklin Woodruff Archibald, sec'ry. Mutual Assur. Co. 230 Broad Woodruff Benjamin (col'd) 20 Division Place Woodruff Caleb, accountant 109 Nesbitt Woodruff Chauncey, coffee and spice grinder 139 Elm Woodruff David P. clerk North River Bank 43 Smith Woodruff Emma L. dressmaker 1 Orchard Woodruff Enos, wire cloth rear 31 Garden h. E. Town Woodruff Frances B. 50 Washington Woodruff George, grocer JV. Y. h.' 15 Fulton Woodruff Hannah W. 50 Washington Woodruff Hezekiah, hatter 26 Ailing Woodruff Hezekiah S. M. D. Lafayette, Sussex Co. Woodruff Horace, carman 102 Walnut Woodruff Jacob D. M. D. enquire 14 Fulton Woodruff James, shoemaker 185 Thomas n. Hermon Woodruff Mrs. James H 68 Bank Woodruff James W. wheelwright 109 Nesbitt Woodruff Joanna, widow of David 9 Fianklin Woodruff John B. 238 Plane Woodruff John C. hardware 299 r. 230 Broad Woodruff Lewis, livery stables 35 Academy Woodruff Mary, willow of Parsons 28 Clinton Woodruff Matthias, mason 139 Elm Woodruff Moses H. shoemaker 42 Goble Woodruff Phebe. widow of Moses 50 Washington Woodruff Samuel D. blacksmith 12 Franklin Place Woodruff Seth H. shoemaker 95 Washington Woodruff Smith, tailor 9 Court Woodruff Stephen F. California Woodruff Stephen H. Broadway, N. Y. 19 Smith Woodruff Stewart F. California 88 Walnut Wood ruff Thomas T. wagon maker? Church h. 50 Wash- Woodruff Wickliffe, pump m. 340 Broad h. 1 Orchard Woods Bridget, widow of Henry 49 Academy 22* 258 PIEKSON'S Woods Jesse B cab driver 188 Broad Woods John, tailor 5 Franklin Place Woods Lydia. widow ot John 25 Cedar Woods Theodore, carman 4() North Prospect Woodward Daniel, carpenter 94 Elm Woodyard John-, shoemaker 16 Parker Wooley George, hatter 58 Madison Wooley James, halter 25 Congress Wooley Samuel, hattei 58 Madison Woolsey Amelia, 22 Baldwin Woolsey Harriet, widow of Jacob Bruen c. Lafayette Worden James H hatter 77 Plane Worn George, trunk maker l'J4 Plane Worn S itnuel H. trunk maker 508 Broad Worlhington John, ealing house 8 Commerce Wright Edward H. attorney at law 8 Park Place Wright Frederick, carriage maker 11 Division Place Wright James, blacksmith. 79 Inness Wright James, 65 River Wright Mary, widow of Henry 48 Lawrence Wright Thomas, machinist 46 Front Wright William, patent spring maker 615 Broad Wright \Villiam ; plater ^7 Durand WRIGHT HON. WILLIAM, 8 Park Place Wrigley John, pattern maker 103 Warren Wuriderlo George, shoemaker 74 Bank Wurtz George, jeweler 75 Mulberry Wyckoff Charles, City Hotel 3C6 Broad WyckofT Charles H. carpenter 32 Orleans Wyman Francis, tailor Crane^above Parker Wyman George, laborer 13 White Wyman Robert, collar maker 54 Green Wyra Daniel, currier 24 Scriber's Lane Y. Yale Charles, cooper 46 Front Yalyis Lewis, plater Summit c. Academy Yamra John, machinist 83 William Yamrad Edward, surgical instrument maker 12 Cross Yearance Christopher, coach maker 189 Market Yearance Jane, widow of Garret C. 48 William Yeomans Hannah, widow of Samuel Ogden n. Clay Yerance John G. carpenter 55 Bank Yerbray Edward, japanner 24 Summit Yericho Henry, shoemaker 2 William Yorks John J. (col'd) hatchet grinder 63 Inness C. Lock Youmans Charles H. sash and blinds 13 Broad Young Aaron, collector 57 Orange NEWARK DIRECTORY. 259 Young jr. Aaron, hatter 187 Market Young Caroline R. 96 Union Young Catharine, widow of Martin 53 North Broad Young Charles, cap maker 200 Market Young Charles E. dry goods 135 h. 97 Market Young & Co. Charles E. dry goods 135 Market Young Francis, paper staineir foot of South Young Henrietta S. teacher 96 Union Young Isaac L. coach maker 20 Liberty Young Jacob, clerk 10 Crane Young James, wheelwright. 3 Ferry h. 49 Mechanic Young James R. hatter 52 Bieeker Young John, morocco store 64 Market h. 175 Washington Young John C. harness maker 24 Hill Young John F. machinist 8 Franklin Place Young John I. accountant 2 Beaver h. 20 Cherry Young Joseph C. builder 38 Walnut Young Mary C. school 69 r. 67 Court Young Nathaniel, shoemaker 88 Kinney Young Peter, laborer 10 Crane Young Shebna S. captain 4 Ward Young Stephen H. saddler 51 Congress Young Stephen O. shoemaker 139 Kinney Young Uzal A., dairy man Lyons Farms Young Warren E. carpenter 8 Franklin Place Younger Andrew, carpet weaver Camptown Road Youngs David, teamster 58 Broad Youngs Henry I. engineer 17 South Prospect Youngs Joseph, keeper Railroad Bridge Youngs Thomas, toll collector Old Bridge Yule Peter, cloth cutter 239 Plane Yunghans Jacob, tailor 35 Charlton Z. Zeagler Charles, att. at law 113 Market Zeagler Christian, laborer 17 Niagara Zetfel Charles, locksmith 44 Prince Zenglein Antone, quarry man Ridge c. Mill Zilliox-Jacob. tailor rear 105 William Zimmerman Jacob, tailor 2t) Upper Jefferson Zimmerman Lawrence, gardener 561 Ferry Zimmerman Paulison, 22 Niagara Zimmerman Rev. Simon, 9 Liberty Zone Christian, filer 19 Orange Zusi Phillip, carpet weaver 31 Grand Zwick Charles, clerk 160 Broad 260 ADVERTISEMENTS. UNITED STATES SPOKE & HANDLE FACTORY, At the " Phoenix Works," 204 Market street, Newark, New-Jersey. The Proprietor of the above named establishment would respectfully inform his customers and the community at large, that he has recently increased his Ma- chinery and enlarged his Slock, to an extent adequate to supply promply the demand for his Manufacturers. - A heavy stock constantly on hand. PRIME JERSEY OAK AND HICKORY SPOKES FOR Omnibus, Heavy Wagon, Carti Post Coach, Coach and Coachee, Barouch, Rockaway, Buggy, Gig and Sulkey, Trotting wagon, &c., &c , fec. Also, all kinds of the following : No. 1,2 and 3, Axe Helves. Boys' and Hunters' Axe Handles. Pick, Sledpe and Smiths' do. Shingling, Lath, Pruning and Bench Hatchet Handles: Nail, Riveting, Stone and Machinist Hammer Handles. All made of choice Hickory, latest style of pattern, and superior finish. Swingle-Trees and Spring-Bars, turned to order. CHARLES L. CHAPLAIN, Proprietor. AMOS CARTER, Superintendant. WANTED By the Cord, White Heart Hickory, free from knots, not less than four inches thick at the top end, and 3 feet long for which the market price will be given. ADVERTISEMENTS. 26' ADVERTISEMENTS. DRY ~* Jf GOODS. GEORGE BAUER, Dealer in Fancy Dry Goods. 280 Broad st. a few doors above Market. BUCKNALL 4 Broad street. K1TCHELL& WARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, and General Provision Store, 102 Broad st opposite Bridge. Also, Plaster for sale. S. H. Kitchell. C. S. Ward. J. S. DAVISON, Commission Merchant, and dealer in Southern, Gennesee and Ohio Flour, Timothy, Clover and Flax Seed, Provision, Pork, Hams, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Meal, Oats, Feed, &c. 74 Courtlandt street^ N. Y. S. B. POTTER, Wholesale Grocer and Piovision Dealer, 89 Barclay st. N. Y. AMZI GARABRANT, Grocer and Dealer in Salt, Fish, Pork, &c. &c. 140 Market st. near Broad. ADVERTISEMENTS. 265 C. M. HILL, Tea and Coffee Grocer, and Spice Store, Also, Sugars, Dried Fruits, &c. Cheap for Cash 200 Broad st. CHARLES A. DEHART, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Provision Dealer, 249 Broad st. corner of Commerce. N. B. Salt, Fish, Flour, Feed. Oats. Hay, Foreign Fruit, &c. at the lowest Cash Prices. BONNEL & WHITTY, Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Tea Dealers, 266 Broad st. corner of Bank. WILLIAM W. FORD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Provision Store, 147 Broad st. Also, at 149. Flour, Feed, Oats, and Hay by the Bale. AB1JAH P. ELY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Tea Store, 47 Mechanic street. 3^ Terms Cash. BERRY & WARD, Dealers in Groceries, Flour and Feed, at Wholesale and Retail, 401 Broad st. A. C. Berry, Aaron Ward, Jr. ABNER BOND, Grocer and General Provision Store, 372 Broad st- BENJAMIN STITES, General Family Grocer and Provision Store, 368 Broad st., corner of William. H. G. JOHNSON, Dealer in Groceries, and General Provision Store, 385 Broad st. JOHN H. KERNAN'S Cash Grocery & Provision Store, 154 Plane st. 23 266 ADYERTISEMENTS. FRANCIS McCORMlCK, (Agent.) Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Provision Dealer, 174 Broad street. A full assortment of the best of Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Molasses, Flour, and Foreign - Fruits, cheap for Cash. ROBERT G. HENRY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, and General Provision) Store, 367 Broad st. Near the corner of Green. WM. B. SMITH, General Grocer and Provision Store, 35 Market, corner of Comes st JOHN R. SAYRE, Grocer and General Provision Store, 169 Market st. HENRY GEIGER, Dealer in Groceries, Flour and Feed, 143 Market st, B. McCORMlCK, Jr. Cheap Cash Grocery Store, 58j Mulberry street. Coun- try merchants supplied with all kinds of Groceries, JEREMIAH BALDWIN, Retail Grocer and General Provision Store, 405 Broad, opposite Court. SAMUEL B. GOES, Grocer and General Provision Dealer, 48 Fair st. SILAS FRANCIS, AGENT, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, and General Provision Store, 27 Quarry st. THOMAS CORRIGAN, Grocer and Provision Store. Also, Flour and Feed. 147 Market WM. ROBINSON & CO. Grocer and General Provision Store., 71 Lock st. Terms, Cash. 267 STOUTENBURGH, DAY & CO. Manufacturers and dealers in Looking Glasses, Cabinet Furniture, Carpets and Chairs, Feather Beds, Matra'sses, Silver and Silver Plated Ware. Hollow and Wooden Ware, Table Cutlery, Britannia, China, Glass and Earth- en ware Importers ; Andirons, Shovels and Tongs, and all- other articles in the house furnishing lifle, wholesale and retail. Houses furnished at one day's notice, R. C. Stoutenburgh, 1 308 Elihu Day, Broad Alvan Hedden, Street, FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. GRANNISS % THOMAS, 300 Broad street, four doors below Market, Dealers in Brussels, Three Ply, Ingrain, Hemp, List, Rag, and Venitian Carpets, Drugget and Baize ; Tufted and Brussels Rugs, Table and Piano Covers* Mattings, <$c. Stair Rods, Mats, OH Cloth, Window Blinds, and Curtains Crockery, China, Glass and Earthen ware, Cut and plain Glass ; Britannia ware, Cut- lery, Willow and Wooden ware. Furniture, Chairs, Looking Glasses, Feathers, Maltrasses, and Feather Beds, Andirons, Shovels, Tongs and all other articles in the Housekeeping Line. John W. Granniss, ) Crockery at F. S. Thomas, Jr, $ New York prices. 268 ADVERTISEMENTS. JESSE BALDWIN, Importer oi A 186 Market St. corner of Mulberry, \ NEWARK, N. J. Jesse Baldwin, James Henderson DANIEL M. WILSON & CO. Dealers in Foreign and American Iron, Steal. &c.. and manufacturer's Agents for Window Glass, Nails, Hol- low ware, Castings, Boiler Plate, Wood Screws, Anchors, Chain Cables, &c. D. M. Wilson, ) 78 and 80 G. T. Cobb, Broad Street, Wm. D. Bruen. 3 New York. MACKNET & WILSON, (Successors to Jesse Baldwin) IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, C. S. Macknet, 0. Wilson. 305 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. KINNEY & CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware Store, 139 Market street, near Broad. A constant supply of all descriptions of Iron and Steel on hand and for sale cheap for cash. ADVERTISEMENTS. 269 NEWARK & ROSENDALE LIME & CEMENT COMPANY, Manufacturers of Hydraulic Cement, ', farmers 1 arib tDljite-toasljing Cime, Calcined & Farmers' Plaster & Marble Dost. OFFICE AT THE WORKS, South Market Street, opposite the Gas House. H. WILDE, Sec'y. NEWARK, N. J. THE NEWARK LIME AND CEMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY- (Formerly Tompkins, Hedden & Co.) Bridge Dock, foot of Bridge Street. Manufacturers and dealers in Lime, Hydraulic Cement and Plaster, at wholesale or retail, in casks or without, to suit purchasers, viz : White Lime of a superior quality for whitewashing and Hard Finish, Calcined Plaster and Lime for building purposes and Masons' use in general, Plaster in the Lump or Ground, and Bulk Lime for farmers' use. The above articles are manufactured of the very best materials, and put up to order. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. ELI AS TOMPKINS, President. SAMUEL C. JONES, Secretary. JOTHAM HEDDEN, Treasurer. 23* 270 ADVERTISEMENTS. ALFRED EXALL, (Successor to J. B. Ward,) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Stoves, Plain Tin and Japanned Ware, Hollow Ware, and Camphene and Oil Lamps of every description, 148 Market Street. S. B. MILLER, (Successor to Ezra W. Whitehead,) Copper, Tin and Iron Plate Worker, and Manufacturer of Stoves, Grates, Hot Air Furnaces, & Lard Lamps, Do. Pumps, 340 Broad st. ROSS & MUN1ER, Copper and Tin Roofs, Copper and Tin Gutters, Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Work of all kinds, for cus- tomers, of the best kinds, at short notice, 122 Market st. C. & D. MERCEREAU. 91 Broad street, near Bridge street, Manufacturers and Dealers in Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and Stoves of every description. JOHN ENGLISH, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, '145 Market st. Stoves of every description for sale cheap. Tin Roofs put on at the shortest notice. WM. LEIBE, Stove Dealer, Tin Plate and Sheet Iron Worker, 329 Broad st. Has constantly for sale a complete assortment of Stoves for Wood and Coal, with every article appertaining to them. Also, Tin Ware of every description at the lowest prices. ADVERTISEMENTS 271 S. B. TUTTLE, . Dealer in Mott's celebrated Quick oven Cook Stoves, and Agricultural Furnaces and Cauldrons. Stanley's Coal Burner and Rotary Stoves* and other Cooking Stoves. Also manufactures and keeps a large variety of Stoves suitable for Parlors, Stores, Shops, &c. &c. Barrow's Hot air Furnaces (the greatest generator of heat yet invented) for heating Buildings, fitted up. S. B. T's Celebrated Summer Bake Ovens at Wholesale and Retail. Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Work made to order at 307 Broad street. WILLIAM H. DRUMMOND, 63 Market street, (old stand.) Still keeps his usual assortment of Stoves, Furnaces, Cooking utensils &c. Japanned and plain tin ware at wholesale and retail. 13- Terms Cash. LYON & TAYLOR, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Workers. Also Dealers in Cook Stoves, Hollow ware and Kitchen Furniture. N. B. Repairing done at short notice at 402 Broad st. Theodore Lyon, Wtn. R. Taylor. 272 ADVERTISEMENTS. GARTHWAITE & DARCY, Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, 127129 Market ALLING & DEMAREST, (Late Crane, Ailing & Co.) Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, 133 Market, (up stairs.) . PORTER, KEEN & CO. Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, 288 Broad st. (2d story.) LTTTELL & PAYAN, Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, 311 Broad st. HENRY K. 1NGRAHAM, Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, 81 Cedar, New York. LEWIS & CO: Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, 184 Broad street. DANIEL PIERSON, Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, 284 Broad street SILAS MERCHANT, Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, 302 Broad street. A. W. CAN FIELD, Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, 141 Market street. SWAFFIELD & WHITMAN, Wholesale & Retail Clothing Warehouse, 186 Broad street. T. A. WALDRON & CO. Wholesale Clothing Warehouse, 293 Broad street. A. W. WALDRON < I. N. Rankin. J. B. Pinneo, J \ H. H. Jaquea. AGENS & CO. Wholesale and Retail Hat and Cap Manufacturers, 271 Broad street, nearly opposite Bank st. J. A. RANKIN, Wholesale and Retail Hat and Cap Manufacturer, 304 Broad street, a few doors below Market street. JOHN M. BRANT, Wholesale and Retail Hat and Cap Manufacturer, 326 Broad street. BOOTH & SONS, Wholesale and Retail Hat Manufacturers, Orleans near Orange st. JABEZ ELVERSON & CO. Fur and Silk Hat Manufacturers, 194 Market st, c- Mulb'y ADVERTISEMENTS. 2T5 ELIAS BRAGAW, Wholesale Hat Manufacturer, 5 Rail Road Avenue. AMZI B. ALSTON, Wholesale and Retail Hat Manufacturer, 29 Liberty st. JOHN MILLS, Hat store and Manufacturer, 202 Broad st. EDWIN DODD, Hat store and Manufacturer, 352 Broad st. HALSEY & NOBLE, Japan Silk, Muslin, Lawn and Fancy Muslins, for Hatters use, Orleans, cor. James st. RICHARD HALL, Wholesale Hat Manufacturer, 233 Washington street, in the rear. EFFINGHAM TOWNLEY, Wholesale and Retail Hat Manufacturer, rear 316 Broad- VAIL & YATES, Wholesale Hat Manufacturers, 117 River, foot of Centre. AGENS & CO. Hatters, Cap Store and Manufacturers, 271 Broad street. Constantly on hand, Fur Capes, Pillerines, Muffs, Boas, Fur, Seal and Cloth Caps, Furs, &c., at Wholesale and Retail. Terms Cash. J. BURROUGHS, Fur Blower at J. C. Hedenberg's buildings, Inclined Plane of Morris Canal. -276 ADVERTISEMENTS. STOCK AND COLLAR MANUFACTURERS, JOHN M. DAVIES & JONES, Importers of Caps, Stocks, Collars, Bosoms, Shirts, Oiled Silks, Glazed Silks, Glazed Lawn, Glazed Muslin, and all kinds of Cap and Stock Trimmings. At 106 William, South-east corner of John St., N. York, John M. Davies, James M. Jones. Wholesale and Retail Shirt and Collar Manufacturer, 312 Broad street, (up stairs.) Mrs. SHARP, French Corset and Shoulder Brace Maker. 138 Broad Street, J. HUNDEETPFUND, Wholesale and Retail Umbrella, Parasol and Cane Manu- facturer, 11 1 Market street. All repairing done at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Terms Cash. ADVERTISEMENTS. 277 BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTURERS. RICHARD SWRASEY, Wholesale Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, 61 Market st. a few doors above Washington. JEREMIAH T. MIX, Wholesale Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, 285 Washington street. A. D. "BLAlTvELT, Wholesale Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, 138 Market st. (2d story.) LTNDSLE^TDOUGLASS, Wholesale Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, 372 Broad st. John Lindsley, Marcus B, Douglass. JOHN VAN RIPER, Wholesale Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, 53 Church st. OTIS BOYDEN, Wholesale Boot and Slooe Manufacturer, 200 Market st L. BOYDEN, Wholesale Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, 303 Broad st., (up stairs.) WM tERHUNE, Wholesale Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, 142 Market st. JOHN TERHUNE, Wholesale Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, 298 Bioad st. (up stairs.) E. C. ABER, " Wholesale Manufacturer of Misses' and Children's Shoes, 81 Plane street. JACOBUS, THJHENOR & CO Boot and Shoe manufacturers, 140 Market street. J. I. Jacobus, Joseph Tichenor, John G. Van Riper 24 278 ADVERTISEMENTS. CUSTOMER SHOPS. * JONAS AGENS, Boot and Shoe Store and Manufacturer, 150 Broad t. where will be found at all times an assortment of Gentlemen's and Ladies', Misses' and Chil- dren's Boots and Shoes, for Cash. JOHN S. PESHINE,, Boot and Shoe Store and Manufacturer, 318 Broad street Washington Hall Building. A constant supply of Gentlemen's. Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes on hand, warranted first quality, For Sale Cheap for Cash. BYRON IRVIN, Boot and Shoe Store and Manufacturer, 282 Broad street. A constant supply of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Boots and Shoes, of good quality and Fashionable style. For sale cheap for Cash. J. J. COOPER, Cheap Boot and Shoe Store, 322 Broad st, opposite the First Church. Ladies' Gaiter Boots, Half Gaiter Boots, Buskins and Morocco Slippers, first quality ; Misses' & Children's Boots and Shoes, Men's Seal, Kip and Coarse Boots. Rubbers of all kinds Very Cheap. $jT No abatement Irom the first price asked. NICHOLAS BALEVRE, French Hoot Maker, 206 Broad street. Gentlemen's Fine Dress Boots made to order, from the best materials and of the latest style. Terms, Cash on Delivery. ADVERTISEMENTS. 279 DAVID COLLINS, Retail Boot and Shoe Store and Manufacturer, 141 Mulberry St., corner of Franklin. E. & A. N. MOCKRIDGE, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Boots and Shoos, No. 3<)6 Uroad st. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes made to order. DZT Cheap for Cash. JAMES RILEY, Boot and Shoe Store and Manufacturer, 167 Market st. near Broad street. DAVID AUBLE, Boot and Shoe Store and Manufacturer, 236 Broad street, near the Canal. STICPHEN MONROE, Boot and Shoe Store and Manufacturer, 162 Broad street, opposite the Episcopal Church. C. STfERlN'GER, Boot and Shoe Store and Manufacturer, 348 Broad street. JOHN REES, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer 367i Broad street. FREEMAN & LI NES, Retail Shoe Manufacturers, 138 Market street. SAMUEL CARDIFF, Boot and Shoe Store and Manufacturer, 22 William st. G. G. GARRABIIANT, Boot and Shoe Store and Manufacturer, 354J Broad st. JOHN C. WALTER, Boot and Shoe Store and Manufacturer, 1 William n. Broad H. WHEELER, Boot and Shoe Store and Manufacturer, 206 Broad street. LAST MANUFACTURER. FRANCIS E. LTNDSLEY, Wholesale and Retail Last and Hoot Tree Manufacturer, rear 56 Mechanic st, 280 ADVERTISEMENTS. SADDLES, HARNESS AND TRUNKS. SMITH, WRIGHT & CO., Wholesale Saddle and Harness Manufacturers, 106 River street, corner of Centre. CONDICT, HORTON & CO., Wholesale Saddle and Harness Manufacturers, 207 Markov S. H. Condict, } street, J. A. Horton, corner of D. Jennings. ) Lawrence. H. N. PETERS, Wholesale Trunk, Valise and Carpet Bag Manufacturer, 121 1-23 River street. WILLIAM SHUGARD, Wholesale Harness, Collar and Whip Manufacturer, 371 Broad st., opposite the Third Church. BENEDICT & BALL, Wholesale and Retail Harness. Collar and Whip Manufacturers, 364i Broad street. ~ T. Benedict, A. McW. Ball. JOSFPH DAVY, Wholesale Harness, Whip and Collar Manufacturer, 206 Market street. OWEN MrFARLAND, Wholesale and Retail Harness and Trunk Manufacturer, 325 Broad street, (up stairs.) PEDDIE & MORRISON, Leather Trunk, Portmanteau, Valise, Carpet Bag, and Leather Hat Case Makers, 104 Market st. T. B. Peddie, John Morrison. C P. RORBACH & CO. Wholesale Trunk, Valise and Carpet Bag Manufacturer, 342 Broad street. ADVERTISEMENTS. 281 THEODORE F. THOMPSON, Wholesale Collar and Whip manufacturer, 4 Fair, near Broad, H. N. HINCHMAN, Wholesale Harness, Whip and Collar manufacturer, 4 Me- chanic near Broad. E. VAN ANTWERP & CO. Platers and Manufacturers of Saddlery and Coach Hard- ware, 35 Mulberry, near Boudinot Street. E. Van Antwerp, S. G. Sturges. NICHOLAS VAN NESS, Silver and Brass Plating Establishment, 5 Mechanic near Broad st. T. LYMAN, Silver and Brass Plating Establishment, and Coach Lamp Maker, 168 Market, near Broad st. ROBERT M. GRUMMON, Silver and Brass plating rear 325 Broad street, On reasonable terms. MITCHELL GOULD, Wholesale and Retail Stair Rod Manufacturer, 58 Hamilton st. CORNELIUS WALSH, Wholesale Manufacturer and Dealer in plated Trunk Nails, 60 Hamilton st. EAGLES & LOCKWOOD, Wholesale Coach Lamp Manufacturers and Plating, 16 Mechanic st. JOHN PRICE, Manufacturer of Gold and Silver Spectacles, 345 Broad st. ENGRAVER. ALFRED LYON, Engraver, 130 Market street. Coach, Trunk, Coffin and Door Plates, Numbers, Spoons and Jewelry of all kinds Engraved at short notice 24* 282 ADVERTISEMENTS. MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. BALDWIN & CO. Manufacturers of rich Jewelry, Watch Cases & gold dials, No. 6 Franklin st. Office 170 Broadway, cor. Maiden Lane, New York. Isaac Baldwin, Horace E. Baldwin. DURAND 4 ANNIN, Manufacturers of rich Watch Cases and Dials, 36 Walnut street. J. M. Durand, John Annin. D COLTON, Jr. P. S. Thomas. J ADVERTISEMENTS. 315 PLANE MANUFACTURERS. MOCKRIDGE & FRANCIS, Tool Store, and Manufacturers of Planes and Coach Tools, 147 Washington street. Abraham Mockridge, Elias Francis. GEORGE W. ANDRUSS, Wholesale and retail Plane Manufacturer, 156 Washing- ton street, near Market. AARON BALDWIN, Gun Smith and Saw Filer, 58 Bank street. SILAS G. EMES, Saw Filer, 12 Church street. BOX MAKERS. JAMES WHEELER, Wholesale and retail Box Manufacturer, 292 High cor. Market. N. B. Boxes of every description made to order at short notice. House, 428 Broad street. MESLOR <5( SMITH, Wholesale and retail Manufacturers of Hat and Packing Boxes of eyery description. 1 Pierson's Alley. T. J. PHILLIPS, Manufacturer of Refrigerators, Hat and Packing Boxes, 36 Quarry street. 316 ADVERTISEMENTS. REFECTORIES, AND ROOM, 132 Market st near Broad. Breakfasts, Dinners arid Suppers. (<>f the best the mar- ket affords) served up at sh >rt notice, at any hour from 7 A.. M. to 10 P. M. Charges moderate GEOKGE H. JONES FRAKKLIN LUNCH, 354 Hro;id street. Newark, The subscriber, late of the Union Lunch. 133 Market st. would inform his old customers and the public generally, that he has removed t the Ii^ht and airy basement, 354 Broad st. a few doors north of the City Hotel, next to Franklin Hall, where he is prepared to serve his custom- era in the best style, with every description of eatables. JOSEPH CREE. THE VERANDAH REST AU KANT, . 2H4 Br >ad street, Newark, Where Oysters are served up in every style. Also, Hot Coffee, Cakes, and Steaks, &c always ready at a call Breakfast, Dinner and Tea, at regular hours. WM H. TEA WIN. amilies supplied with Oysters at all hours. NEW JERSEY HOUSE. & (S/K-lPlSIBi 74 MULBERRY STREET, .7IAKKKT.) NEWARK, N. J- Boarding by the Day or Week. ADVERTISEMENTS. 317 JAMES B. TAYLOR, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, And Teacher of the Piano Forte, Singing, Spanish Guitar, Flute, Violin, Violoncello, Ac- Residence No. 2 Arch street, near Warren. N. B. Music arranged for any regular Orchestral Instru- ment, or for any Number of Instruments- Music copied or furnished for Concerts &c., at short notice and on reasonable terms- WILLIAM H. EARL, DEALER IN JVo. 243 Broad- Street REGULATIONS FOR THE RETAIL TRADE. The following quantities of ICE will be delivered at any part of the City, at the prices annexed : 6 Ibs. a day from May 10 to September 20, $4 00 8 " " 5 00 10 " " " 6 00 12 " " " 8 00 100 Ibs. for Three Shillings, and any quantity above that, at the same rate. If a ton is taken at any one time, a reasonable deduction will be made. Families supplied the WHOLE YEAR at fair prices. Complaints against the drivers for neglect, carelessness, or any cause must be made at the office, and they will be promptly attended to. 27* 318 ADVERTISEMENT!. BUTCHERS. BANGS ELI, near Depot, N J. Railroad BATHGATE JAMES E. Centre Market 22 BIRD JAMES R. do 15 BIRD JEREMIAH, North Ward, Broad 21 BURNET TIMOTHY, South do 2 CRANE GEORGE, Centre Market 6 CREGIER JOHN A. South Ward, Broad st. 392 DURIE JAMES, Washington Market, Walnut st. 37 FAITOUTE HENRY, North Ward Market. 1 HELLINGER F. C. Centre Market 16 HOLDEN GEORGE, do 9 JOHNSTON GEORGE T. do 2 LEWIS GEORGE, do 10 and 12 LUM STEPHEN, South Ward, Mulberry st. 281 McBETII A. G. Centre Market 19 McBETH WILLIAM, Centre Market 4 SCHMITT GOTTHART, Jr. Ferry 18 SCHMITT JACOB, Centre Market 14 TOMPKLNS J. T. do 5 and 7 WAMBOLD ABRAHAM, do 1 and 3 ADVERTISEMENTS. 319 LEATHER & OIL DEALERS. BALDWIN CALVIN - 60 Maiket BALDWIN WM. A. - - - 66 Market BROWN G. P. 56 Market DICKERSON & CO. JAS L. 62 Market DOUGHERTY E. C. N. Dougherty, Milton Baldwin. Constables G. D. Tichenor, John Past, Peter Whitbeck. Aldermen Frederick H. Smith, Bernard Me Co rmick, jr. Nehemiah Perry, Ambrose Williams. Judge of Election George S. Mills. Inspectors of Election David Thomas, Jacob Johnson. Ward Clerk Joseph Shipman. Assessor William A. Lum. Collector James B. Congar. Commissioner of Appeal A. P. Ely. School Committee Stephen Congar, S. H. Pennington. Constables 3 '. W. Southard, U. R. Smith, G. Sanford. Aldermen J. C. Garthwaite, C. T. Pierson, A. Wilcox, Daniel Price. Judge of Electiim S. R. Haines. Inspectors of Elecl.io-n Moses B. Coe, William B.Douglass. Ward Clerk A.. H. Sherman. Assessor John Murray. Collector Jonathan Pierson. Commissioner of Appeal James Wheeler. School Committee John Whitehead, H. N. Peters, t. Constables E. C. Blazier, G. Dudley, John Thatcher. ADVERTISEMENTS. 323 Aldermen Wm. W. Pollard, J. A. Pennington, Wm. Dennis, Multbrd W. Casterliue. Judge of Election James H. Tichenor. Inspectors of Election Jas. Durie, John Brill . . t- , Hard Clerk Samuel^ Clark, a \ Assessor Samuel C. Collyer. Collector William S. Emery. Commissioner of Appeal Francis E. Lindsley. School Csommitlee Wm. A. Righter, Jas. F. Bond. Constables T. J. Duvall, G. A. Bacbmeyer, David Poiniej. STANDING COMJVKTTEES. Finance. Messrs. Garth waite, Nichols, McCormick, Streets. Messrs. McCormick, Silvey, Price, Hollingsworth, Casterline, Wharves. Messrs. Casterline, Francis, Alden, Lamps. Messrs. Price, Williams, Casterline, Watch. Messrs. Silvey, Garthwaite, Francis, Fire Department. Messrs. Nichols, Silvey, Pollard, Markets. Messrs. Williams, Pierson, Van Arsdale, Alms. Messrs. Campbell, Price, Pennington, Water. Meiers. Wilcox, Williams, Hollingsworth, Police. Messrs. Pennington, Pierson, Francis, Assessmtnts. Messrs. Pierson, Campbell, Van Arsdale, Public Grounds. Messrs. Pollard, Perry, Parker, Schools. Messrs. Parker, Perry, Casterline, Offices. Messre. Perry, Pollard, Garthwaite, Licenses. Messrs. Hollingsworth, Alden, Dennis, Ordinances. Messrs. Van Arsdale, Parker, Pennington, Accounts. Messrs. Dennis. Wilcox, Campbell, Shows. Messrs. Alden, NcCormick, Wilcox, Nichols, Dennis, ami President. AMZI DODD, Clerk of Common Council- DOCTORS' LIST. Aken Oscar J. 91 Broad Annin Jonathan D J73 Market Baldwin Milton. 58 Bank st. Banks Samuel, 356 Broad Brown W Mortimer. 3m Broad q. Hill, Clark J Henry, 228 Broad st. Co'es Abraham, 17-2 Market st. Congar Stephen, 23 Fair st. Corwin Joseph A 38 Ferry st. Darcy John S 261 Broad Doughorty A N. 105J Market st^ Dufford William, 1 Commerce st. Eyrich Christopher 2 William st. Goble Jabez G. 415 Broad st. Grover William B. 149 Market st. Hall Lewis A. 179 Broad st. Hill Ambrose B 358 Broad st. Jackson Joseph B. I8l Broad st. King Thomas S. 17-2 Market st. Lafon Thomas, 257 Broad st. Loweree Thomas W. 377 Broad st. Lyon Silas S. 377 Broad st. Mead William, 111 Broad st. Mercer Wm. T. 224 Broad st. Nichols Isaac A. 261 Broad st. Nichols Whitfield, 261 Broad st. Norton Horace, 265 Broad st. Osborne Edward, 1 S. Market st. Pennington S H. ^'55 Broad st. Reeves Abuer W. J30i B-road st. SandforJ William P P. 1 Commerce st- Sheehan P E. 66 New st. Smith Lyndon A. 253 Broad st. Taylor Wm W. 259 Broad st. Wade Joseph L, 173 Market. Ward George S. 388 Broad st. Ward John F. 382* Broad st. Ward W. S. 99 Broad st. DENTISTS. Arm* S. E. 938 Broad st. Colburn A. G. Pliny. 269 Broad st. Conover William H. 322 Broad st. Fowler James F. 5 Cedar st. Harrington Daniel, Market st. Hassel John, 177 Market st. Lord William G. 281 Broad st. Lyman Lyndon G. 333 Broad st. Moore G. J. 259 Broad st. Ward William W 24 Clinton st. CAWCSR. DOCTOR. Wallace Daniel, successor to Dr. Lynch 703 Broad st. ADVERTISEMENTS. 325 NURSES' LIST. See list of Names for any alterations in their number*. Agens Sarah, 2 Warren street. Allen Sarah, 2 Ball's Court. Baldwin Mary, 20 North Essex street. Brandovv Margaret. 14 Fair street. Brydon Margaret, 15i Lawrence street. Canfield Elizabeth, 15 Lafayette street. Carr Elizabeth, 27 Academy street. Carr Margery, 186 Washington street. Case Elizabeth, IS) Boudinot street. Condit Lydia, 70 Kinney street. Cooper Mary, 62 Boston street. Cutler Mary, 28 Fair street. Earl Charlotte, 1 Garrabrants Court. Earl Clarissa, 20 Hill street. Foster Mary, 7 Sheffield street. Gallnger Sarah, 65 Washington street. Gardner Nancy, 121 Kinney street. Hall Sarah Jane, 33 Fair street. Humes Sarah. 6 S. Market street. Hyde Mrs 120 Kroad street. Jacobus Elizabeth. 18 Chestnut street. Jotalemon Leah, 174 Washington street. Keene Lucinda, 71 Mulberry street. King Mrs 15 Academy street. King Rachel, 58 Bank street. L'Hommedieu Phebe, 66 Catharine street. Magie Elizabeth, 9 Orchard street. Marcell Sarah, 19 New street. Morehouse Susan, 4 1 Warren street. Morton Sarah, 162 Plane street. Ogden Jane C. 18 North Prospect street. Peer Margaret Ann, Lawrence n. Market. Polly Keziah, 71 Spring street. Rodrigo Elizabeth, 5 Franklin street. Robinson Catharine, 6 Fulton street. Robinson Susan, 3'.)1 Broad street. Sanders Lydia, 48 Lawrence street, Sandford Phebe, 33 S. Essex street. Spinning Hannah. 226 Plane street. Taylor Eliza, 106 Academy street. Thompson FJannah, rear 68 Kinney street. " Valentine Catharine. 127 Kinney street. Wood Elizabeth, 294 Washington street. Woodruff Elizabeth. 44 Liberty street. ^^! 326 ADVERTISEMENTS. THE NEW AND SPLENDID STEAMER CAPTAIN JOHN GAFFY, Having been lengthed 55 feet, and being now 220 feet long, with a new boiler, and a new, commodious and elegantly furnished deck saloon, 90 feet in length, (ex- pressly for ladies.) commenced running between Newark and New York on Tuesday, ll March, and makes tw trips a day from each place, leaving as follows, viz : "Centre Wharf, Newark, 74 o'clock, A. M. 1* " P. M. Foot of Barclay St., N. York. 10 o'clock, A. M. 4 " P. M. FARE. To New York, To Bergen Point, 12J cents. 12J cents. The Fassaic is remarkable for speed, performing the distance in from an hour and a half to an hour and three quarters each trip. Ladies will find this route very pleasant, and particu- larly advantageous, as the inconvenience of changing from car to ferry boat with baggage is avoided. and freight taken on reasonable terms, hot only at the risk of the owners. ADVERTISEMENTS. 327 MORRIS & ESSEX RAILROAD COMPANY* SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Comrnmencing Monday, April 7th, 1851. Leave Dover 3 A. M. Freight; 7. 10 A. M. and 200 P. M. " Morristown 4. (Frngkfi 6.7,45 A. M,and 2,35 P. M. " Millville, 5, (Freight) 6,43, 8.23, A. M., and 1,15, 3,18 P. M. RETURNING Leave New York. For Dover 8J, Hi A. M. Freight ; and 4 P. M. " Morristown 8J, Hi A. M. Freight ; and 4, 6 P. M. Millville 8J, 10, lift A. M. Freight; and 4, 6 P. M. AS FOLLOWS : DOVER PASSENGER LINES. Morning Train, LeaveDoverat 7,10A.M. Morrristown 7,45 ". Madison, 7,55 Summit, 8,13 Millville, 8.23 Orange, 8,38 Arrive at Newark 8,50 New York, 9,35 Afternoon Train. LeaveDoverat 2,00 P M. ' Morristown 2,35 ' Madison, 2,45 ' Summit, 3,08 ' Millville, 3,18 1 Orange, 3,38 Arrive at Newark 3.50 New York 4,30 RETURNING Leave New York 8i A. M., and 4 P. M. 11 Newark 9i A. M. and 4f P. M. MORRISTOWN ACCOMMODATION LINE. Leave Morristown 6.00 A. M. Millville 6,43 A. M. " Madison 6.10 " Orange, 7,03 * ' Summit, 6,33 " Arriving at Newark 7,20 " " New York, 8,00 " RETURNING Leave New York 6 P. M. Newark 6,45 P.M. MILLVILLE ACCOMMODATION LINE. Leave Millville 1,15 P. M Orange Station I r 35 P. M.; Arriving at Newark at 1 .50 P. M. and New York at 2,40P.M. Leave New York for MillviDe at 10 A. M., and Newark at 101 A. M. FREIGHT LINE, With Car attached for the accommodation of Freighters will leave Dover at 3 A. M., arriving in New York at 7,30 A. M; returning will leave New York atll J A. M., carrying passengers to and from Stations on the road where freight is received and delivered. J. B. GADD1S, Superintendent. 338 ADVERTISEMENTS. CHARLES GRANT, 107 Market street, opposite Harrison, Manufacturer of Marble Mantels, Tables, Monuments, Tomb and Grave Stones, of the best Egyptian, Italian, and American Marbles, executed in the best modern Style. Also, stone work for buildings, made to order, of Connecticut or Newark stone. AMOS W1LCOX, 142 Market street, Manufacturer of Marble Mantels, Monuments, Grave Stones, and wall Plates, Also, Stand, Table, and Bureau Tops, of the best Egyptian and Italian Marble. C. T. DUNCOMB, No. 150 Market street, Manufacturer of Marble Monuments and Tombs of every description. Marble Mantels of every variety, furnished to order, on the most reasonable terms. JONATHAN STEVENS, 76 Broad street near the Rail Road Depot, Manufacturer of Marble Monuments, Grave Stones, Mantel Pieces. Every description of work executed with neatness. and despatch. 329 IN MEMORT OF MAJOR GENERAL % A f* IT A *R Y HP A Y T ft to iili V^ tOi lili Jtw Jw JL iili Jl JW v/ March 4th, 1849, DEPARTED THIS LIFE JULY 9th, 1850, AGED 66 YEARS. Holding office one Year, Four Months, and Five Days- MILLARD FILLMORE, OF NEW YORK, SUCCEEDED PRESIDENT TAYLOR, AS PRESIDENT, 1330 ADVERTISEMENTS. S. P. ORIGINAL OF NEWARK Mulberry st. NEWARK, N. J. EXTRA DURABLE ELASTIC VARNISH, equal to the English. COACH BODY VARNISH, Extra Light Shade. COACH OR CARRIAGE, for Running parts. BLACK ASPHALTUM VARNISH, DRYING JAPAN, LEATHKR, No. 1 and -2 Furniture Polishing FLOWING, SCRAPING, WHITE OR MAP ADVERTISEMENTS. DANIEL PRICE & CO. Manufacturers of an Improved C ) T"E> 31 H *\2*?' 12P CE1 3k S3 Dal Ko. 237 Mulberry Street, Coach Body Varnish, light shade Coach Black Japan Brown Japan " sure drier, Leather Light Shade flowing Varnish No. 1 and 2 Furniture Polishing Varnish Scraping Spirits Turpentine, Oil, &c. DANIEL PRICK. D. M. FITZGERALD. THOMPSON PRICE & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF COACH, FURNITURE, BROWN AND BLACK , VARNISHES, I PREPARED OILS, etc. 224 Mulberry street, Newark, N. J. Thompson Price, Daniel Price & Co. BIGELOW & PRICE, MANUFACTURERS OF Coach, Furniture, Brown & Japan I PREPARED OILS, &c. ^o. 228 Mulberry Street. p v NEWARK, N. J. ft ^ Moses Bigelow. Dafid Price. 332 ADVfcllTISEMENTS. MILLER, JOHNSON & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF COACH, FURNITURE, BROWN AND JAPAN PREPARED OILS, &C., No. 222 Mulberry Street. NEWARK, N. J, Isaac Miller, } Alfred C. Johnson, > Daniel A. Johnson, j PIERSON & ROBERTSON, Maratfaeturers of Improved u u No. 225 Hi/ Road Avenue, NEWARK, N. J. Sylvester C, Pierson, Elias C. Robertson. HENRY WHITENACK, (Late Whitenack and Bell,) HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, Graining, Glazing, and Paper Hanging. Also Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnish, &c, . At the late stand of Caleb Tbayer, 56 MULBERRY STREET, Newark, N. J. Work executed with Promptness. IHOUSE. SIGN & ORNAMENTAL: in 156 Market Street, NEWARK, N. J. Manufactures and has constantly on hand of various patterns, also, i French and American Paper Hangings, Fire] Board Prints, Borders dtc., Room Paper Varnished in a superior manner, and warranted to wash. W1MDOW Painted to Order on the most reasonable terms. R, L, WESTERVELT, CHOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL! . fll. PAPER HANGER, NO. 77 MULBERRY STREET. NEWARK, N. J. eady Mixed Painta, Varnish, &c. All work executed with neatness and dispatch. 334 ADVERTISEMENTS. DAVIS, CURRIER & SANFORD, MACHINE SHOP, No. 290 Market Street, NEAR THE RAIL ROAD DEPOT, NEWARK, N. J. Builders of Steam Engines, Paper Mills, Paper and Calender Rolls, Lathes of all kinds, Jewelers' Toels, viz ; Drops, Shears, Draw Benches, Screw and Lever Presses. AND MILL WORK IN GENERAL Alexander H. Davis, Cyrus Currier, F. P. Sanford- ^ B. Iron Castings of all kinds and patterns made to order. DOD & INSLEE, on ffii o i HEDENBERG'S FACTORY, NEWARK, N. J. |Manufaoture Jewelers' Lathes. Shears and Presses ; also, Trunk makers' Presses and Shears. Carpenter's Morticing Machine.-, Machinist's Tools. Shafting and Light Machinery generally. ; . G. Dod, A. Inslee. E. & S. D. GOULD, v B I W 1 8 * 8 In all its Various Branches at Inclined Plane of Morris Canal. E. Gould, formerly of the firm of Gould 6f Inslee. Ezra Gould. S. D. Gould. HEWES &, PHILLIPS, MACHINISTS, MANUFACTURERS OF * PLANING MACHINES, POWER PRESSES, AND Machinery of all Descriptions Union Iron Works, Meeker's Foundry. HARRISON & BREESE AND MANUFACTURERS OF PATENT & COMMON AXLES, AT J. M. QUINSY'S COACH FACTORY, No 325 BROAD STREET, Cart crank axles, new boxes, caps, and nuts, fitted to old axles, and repairs in general done at short notice. BENJ. F. HARRISON, THOMAS EREESE. MANUFACTURERS JAS. N. JORALEMON & CO. COACH SPRING AND AXLE MANUFACTORY, 72 Clay Street, near Broad. PHILIP QUIGLEY, Wholesale and Retail Mannfacturers of 8P1HIT AND CARPENTER'S TOOLS IN GENERAL, JOKALEMONS' FACTORY, 7-2 CLAY ST. 5 4 I I t 336 ADVERTISEMENTS. S, E, CANFIELD & CO, MANUFACTURERS OP )Garden & Field Hoes & Rakes, GARDEN and MASONS TROWELS, SB )Mincing Knives, Tobacco Cutters, Cabbage and BeefO-> Cutters, Mincing machines, Apple Parers, Claw, Cj Wrenches, Bed Keys &c. 5 and 7 Rail Road Avenue opposite the depot. f^C 3. E. Canfield, Alex. " R. M, GRUMMON, (Successor to James T. Hedden,) Rear of J. M. Quinby's Coach Factory, )325 Bread St., Newark, tf. J.fc / Manufacturer of all hinds of Carriage and Harness ^) ) Furniture, such as (rj / Bands, Handles, Coach Lochs, and Hinges, j Glass string Rollers, Glass Frames, Terrets, Hooks, Swivels, Ornaments, Saddle Nails 6fC. y (All kinds of Brass and Silver plated Ware, and patent^ harness mountings. j JOSEPH GARDNER, | 16 Mulberry street. DIE SINKER, STAMPER, BRAZIER, AND J STOVE & LAMP ORNAMENT MAKER, n| 11 kinds of Ornaments, and fancy Mouldings, AgricultQ-ft ral, Society, School Medals. Society and ^ Notary seals of all kinds (E engraved to Order. N. B. Marking Plates, and burn Marks cut to order- / ^ I TABLE KNIFE MANUFACTURER. ALSO, FINE CUTLERY. SHEFFIELD, CORNER STATE. House 145 Quarry Street. Steel 1C re Lc JOHN GARSIDE, 1NGRAVERS' STEEL PLATE MANUFACTURER ALSO FINE TABLE CUTLERY- Washington Factory, House 99 Mill. BEDFORD & CRANE, MANUFACTURERS OP CARRIAGE BOWS, Bent Felloes, Shafts, fyc. 56 Mechanic street, Newark, N. J. O. Crane, S. Bedford. CHARLES L. CHAPLAIN, MANUFACTURER OF TURNED SPOKES, PHCENIX WORKS, No. 204 MARKET STREET. 29 'DEALER IN KITCHEN RANGES VARIOUS PATTERNS. FITTED UP WITH OR WITHOUT !W4T1E F11TUH! Copper Basins, Water Closets, Wash Bowls, Balh Tubs, Shower Baths, Hot Air Furnaces, Registers' Stove of various Patterns, Stoves Pipes, Coal Hods, Tin and Sheet Iron Work, Done to order. i . PUMPS and every thing connected with the conduct-/^ {ing of Hot or Cold Water in any part of buildings, or^ /Heating the Buildings with Hot Air. \. \ PLUMBING IN GENERAL % ) COPPER WORK DONE TO ORDER. $ ) Q j Chain Pumps with Oak Fip;s. a /Whitehead's Improved Well Pumps, a superior article,^ ) free from frost, or any bad effect on the water, (^ j handsome in appearance arid work easy. (X FORCE PUMPS \ )OF DIFFERENT SIZES AND PATTERNS'( ( The above Pumps are of my own manufacture, under ( fQ the superintendence of E. W. Whitehead, who has had much experience in the above business. . / The above Pumps I Warrant. Also for sale Douglass and other Iron Pumps. \Pumps of all kinds Repaired at Short Notice:-, )N. B. Those who are about building, would do well( consult me about Furnaces and Range Fixtures be-( 'fore maturing their plan 340 Broad Street. 3-10 ADVERTISEMENTS. (Successor to J. B. Ward,) TIN SMITH, COPPER SMITH, AND PLUMBER, { 148 Market Street, ! Having enlarged his premises, is fully prepared to / execute all work that may be entrusted to him in his j line of business. He continues the sale of ATWOOD'S EMPIRE HOT AIR COOKING STOVE. J . Which has stood without an equal for the last five years j t during which time more than six hundred u ~" ^^ have been ( sold in this city. He is solo agent for t Culver's Hot --:ir Furnaces, BEEBE'S well known KITCHEN RANGES, MERKLEES Do. Do. EMPIRE Do. Do. J Which he is prepared to set up in the best manner J t with or without Hot Water Fixtures. An assortment oft JJarlor Stoocs anb (Srates, Will always be kept on hand together with t STOVES FOR STORES, BED ROOMS, SHOPS. ETC.. ETC,, t By an arrangement with the Newark Aqueduct Co., 'ihe is authorised to lay lead pipes, from the main, ^to make repairs to those now laid. Pumps of every variety made and repaired ADVERTISEMENTS. 341 GENERAL KITCHEN '*d*Mftl SS^&v, ftSSSS 1 'AAA^I -'^jt^ /flSiii '^A^ M MM It ft Hfm l^^^pl fjMi'Ki'i / "MK vft '''tAt" KJ0 UUiA&j cAft 1 ELIASC. BEAM, 3" 302 REMEMBER 302, Broad Street, Newark, N. J., near Market, Manufacturer and Dealer in Stoves and Tin ware of every variety, &c., &c. THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE, Hot Air and Air Tight Cooking Stoves, a very superior articl'. Uncle Sam Air Tight, Rotary Air Tight, Mott's Tabular Quick Oven, Coal Burners, &c., 4" c - A GENERAL ASSORTMENT BRITANNIA & PLATED WARE, Urns, Castors, Lamps, Spoons. French Coffee Pots, &c CUTLERY, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Scissors, &c., &c. HOLLOW WARE, Pots, Kettles, Frying Pans, Enamelled Kettles, &c., fyc. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN OTT&i S1TZ BATHS & BATHING TUBS, all sizes CEDAR TUBS AND PAILS. A large assortment of Chest and Upright jjAlso, Anthony and Emerson's Patent Double Acting The simplest and best ever invented. (Warranted.) iFor Sale, Wholesale and Retail at 302 Broad street, by ELIAS C. BEAM. 29* STOVE DEALER, r | 186 Broad Street, A. few doors below New, opposite the Park, Newark, N. J. rro U. LYNCH, I r u. iu i nv>or, Respectfully calls the attention of the Public to a large* assortment of And warranted in every respect, being his own manufacture. and made expressly for family use. Also, a large assortment of STOVES, viz : AIR TIGHT COOKING STOVES, CHAMPION AIR TIGHT, QUEEN OF THE STATES, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. (Many other styles of Stoves which will be sold at the lowestp possible prices. Call and examine for yourselves, at D. LYNCH'S 186 Broai-st., opposite the Park.! 6 JAMES HAGUE, No. 330 Broad Street, (old stand.) Continues to keep his usual assortment of Stoves, such Troy Air Tight Cooking Stove. Irving " " " b Green Mountain " ' Queen " " Stanley's Parlor Coal Burner Morrison's " " Various Patterns of Wood Stoves, Cylinder Stoves &c. Knickerbocker Ranges, Pierce's " COPPER SMITHS AND REMOVED TO NO. 20 MECHANIC STREET. Knickerbocker, Culver's, West's Ranges. All kinds of Copper work done to order. Croton Bath Boilers at Wholesale or Retail. PLUMBING, Baths, Water Closets, Wash Basins, Showers, put up with HOT & COLD WATER. Kitchen Ranges of any Patterns in the Market with or without Water Fixtures. Hot Air Furnaces, Pumps, Garden En- gines, Fountains, Hat- Jtera' Drum on Flat Bottom. Kettles on hand or made to order of descri p - tion and size. MANUFACTURER OF SPURS jSaddlery, and Coach Hardware^ MILITARY & HARNESS ORNAMENTS, ermcm Sitoer JJlounting0, FOR THE SPANISH TRADE, [AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SPUR,i No. 208 Market Street, NEWARK, N. J. H3" Every description of Mountings Manufactured to order. IRON FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOP. ^ GEO. H. RENTON, MACHINIST & FOUNDER.' MANUFACTURES IMPROVED STEAM ENGINES, AND OTHER MACHINERY, 522 High, near Orange Street. NEWARK, N. J.) Q MANUFACTURERS OF EAST HAMILTON AND BRUEN STREETS, Near Market Street Rail Road Depot, NEWARK, N. J. P. A. BROI7NN, Where they are constantly Manufacturing Brass Terrets, Pad, Saddle and Bolt Hooks, Pad Screws, Swivels, Gag Chains, Bands, Handles, Hames, Pad Plates, Dashes. iS Crcoper Loops, Trace Buckles, Collar Loop Buckles, 5j, ace Loops, Silver Terrets and hooks. Thankful to their friends for the liberal patronage they have received during the past year, they hope by strict at- tention to business to merit a continuance of their favors. N. B. All orders in their line thankfully received and puntually attended to. AUCTIONEER, JAMES W. SOUTHARD, Auctioneer, 85 Commerce St. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. I 1 I WA.BD &. PUROHUL* MANUFACTURERS, NO. 37 RIVER STREET, Near the Rail Road Depot, NEWARK, N. J. William Ward, John C. Purcell. ! Coach Lamps of the latest and most fasSiionable patterns. W Engine and Hose Carriage Lamps made to order. - EAGLES &LOCKWOOD, Wholesale and retail Manufacturers of of every description. 16 Mechanic st. [Alfred Eagles, > 'C. N. Lockwood. J JORALEMON & FIELDING, || LOCK MANUFACTURERS I BELL HANGERS, JOBBING, &C., ^ No. 22 Mechanic Street. ^) ^ The subscribers inform their friends and the public w generally, that they have taken the above place, >K/ where all orders will be thankfully received )$y and punctually attended to. ^ ALSO, I PIANO FORTE LOCKS, | ft Door Plates, House Numbers, Brands, Stamps, Pattern^ ^ Letters and Figures. yft John P. Joralemon, Henry Fielding.^ a c8 ADVERTISEMENTS. MATTHEW ELY, Manufacturer of every description of FOR HOUSES, CEMETERY LOTS, PARKS &C. 73 Mulberry street. CYRUS EDWARDS, Manufacturer of Plain & Ornamental Iron Bailing^ For Cemetery Lots of various patterns. Book Safes, Doors, Iron Sashes, Shutters, and all kindsf of Iron Hatnes, and Bedsteads. Rail Road Avenue, near Market Street Depot, NEWARK, N. J. N. B. Persons having Lots to enclose in the Cemetery will find it to their advantage to call as above. g^" All kinds of Jobbing done at the shortest notice. HARRISON, PIERSON, & CO., Manufacturers of A. D. CRANE'S PATENT 5 THRASHERS, &C. No. 84 Orange Street, Joseph D Harrison, Nathan W. Pierson, William L. Harrison. NEWARK, N. J.; ADVERTISEMENTS. 349 LONDON t OS Begs most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of New- ark and its vicinity, that he still continues the Uphol- stery business in all its various branches, at the Old Stand, 156 BROAD STREET. And solicits the continuance of their patronage. i papered at short notice, and all orders prompt- \ ly attended to. W1LLJAM W. CUMBERLAND, AND MECHANIST. Plans, Calculations, Inventions, Drawings, Models, and Descriptions of Machines for different purposes made to order, on reasonable Terms. Information given in re- gard to the most approved Machines and Processes used in the Arts and the Building of difficult Machinery su- perintended. He has had much experience in this busi- ness and respectfully refers to A. Inslee & Co., Newark, N. J. Stephen Dodd, Esq. " J. C.Fairbanks & Co., Elizabethport, N. J. 0. H. Waterbury, Esq. " " George Birkbeck, Jr. New York, Charles M. Keller, Esq. " B. S. Skates & Co., Mobile, Ala. John Cumberland, Esq. " Office, No. 1 New street corner Wall, New York. Residence, No. 5 Bleeker street, Newark, N. J. L350 ADVERTISEMENTS. J Manufacturer of 'FRINGES, GIMPS, TASSELS, '^il H I u 346 BROAD STHBET, (Up stairs.) Newark, N. J. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, FANCY TASSELS, Hammer Cloth -Fringes, Footman Holders, Spring Tassels, Drapery Tassels, Picture Tassels, Hearse Fringes. Hearse T a s s e 1 s .6 Fancy Dress Trimmings and Buttons, ^Speaking -Trumpets, LCI! r3i LC r3! 8 ADVERTISEMENTS. 351 CORNELIUS HUGHES, | No, 108 BROAD STREET, (CORNER OF WASHINGTON PLACE.) Manufacturer of Spiral Spring, Hair and Husk Mat-* trasses, Palliaster, Feather Beds, &c. Best Quality Live Geese Feathers Purified. ICFSmall Profits and Quick Sales Upholstering, Paper Hanging, making and laying Carpets,? putting 1 down Oil Carpets, Trimming Churches, Hang- I ing Window Shades. &c. punctually attended to and in the neatest manner. N.B. Renovating Feather Beds and cleaning Mattrasses,* Also, C. Hughes has the Exclusive Right to Manufacture and sell in Essex Co. O'NEIL'S VALUABLE PATENT LOUNGE. Phis Lounge is simple, durable and Cheap, and may easily be so elevated and depressed as to be thrown in any desirable shape to suit the comfort of the incumbent. It is especially adapted tore> lieve the Sicfc in every stage of disease or fracture, and is very convenient for a casual rest. It is something New and Good, and the Public are invited to call and see it. \352 ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHNSON BAEBER, 196 Broad Street, Morris Buildings Mattrasses and Palliasters )of every description, made to order on reasonable terms.( Also constantly on hand and for sale LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, 1 of the best Quality. > N B, UPHOLSTERING, PAPER HANGING, Making and Laying Carpets, CHANGING WINDOW SHADES, FITTING OIL( ) CLOTHS, &C , ^ Punctually attended to. Share of Public Patronage is earnestly solicited. OG>g GJJ ADVERTISEMENTS. pSfJS&Si'ft ' 353^ BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, 278 BROAD STREET, (A FEW DOORS ABOVE MARKET,) NEWARK, N.J. )KEE?S CONSTANTLY FOR S A T .E \ LARGE AND cS GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF SCHOC L, CLAS- SICAL. BLANKS AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, BLANK BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, )n hand, or Ruled and Bound to any Pattern the Pur- chaser may require, TOGETHER WITH AN ^EXTENSIVE VARIETY OF STATIONERY- MUSIC AND INSTRUCTION BOOKS FOR THE PIANO FURNISHED TO ORDER. BOOK-BINDING Executed in a Superior manner, and at Short Notice. OOK AND JOB PRINTING Having a Good Assortment of materials, he is pre- pared to execute Books, Pamphlets, Cards, Hand- bills, Bills of Lading, Circulars,. Labels, Blanks, and PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. . H354 ^ ' - o / ADVEUTISUMl ISAAC McILVAINE, 121 MARKET STREET. The books of Carter, L)odd, Sunday School Union andjj Tract Society, are constantly kept or procured. Books for Children are carefully selected : also, Bibles, Prayer Books, Psalms and Hymns, School Blank and Miscellaneous Books. A se- lect assortment of Fancy Stationery with Pens, Ink and Paper. It will be his pleasure to exhibit to his fiiends and the public for low prices and present payment. THE Subscriber, (late of Philadelphia) has recently fitted up the Store 196 Broad-st , (Morris Buildings,) for 'the furnishing of Plaio and Decorative Wall Papers, suitable for Parlors, Halls, Dining Rooms, Vestibules. Cottages, Churches, Banks, Lodges, Division Rooms, &c In the assortment are to be found Gilt and Satin papers for Parlors, &c. Imitations of Garble, Oak, Birch', Pine, and Panels for Halls, Churches, Banks, &c. ; Grecian ami Gothic jjstyles for Cottages also a large assortment for Chimney HfOrnaments, Linen, Oil and Paper WINDOW SHADES, ^Papers put up in the best manner in the City or Country WILLIAM W CANSLER, NEWARK, April 1, 1851. M. PEMBERTON. Manufacturer of Bras&, AND SILVER AND BRASS SOLDERS, >?o. 5J Fair Street, Newark, N. J. f. & R. MORTON, Manufacturers of the Highly Celebrated Put up in Bottles bearing their name. 129 Broad Street. C. E. WILLIS, 5 Superintendent of the Newark and New York Express, old Ej Line. Offices, 1 Mechanic St., Newark, and 59 Wil- C Ham St., New York. Residence, 14 Kinney St, Newark. 8 Leaves Budd's Camptown, at 7 o'clock, A. M. and 1 P. M. Leave WyckofPs (City Hotel) Newark at 10 A. M. and 6P.M. E. S. LOOKER. ^simmMs^.^ '.' .ri- 'V o . 'V ; o''. ADVERT18EMEN1S. wm% i. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES & SPIRITS, NO. 29 FAIR STREET, NEWARK, N. J. Constantly'on hand, Brandy, Meder's Swan Gin, Irish Scotch and Monongahela Whiskey, St Croix and Jamaica Rum, Port, Madeira, Malaga and Cham- pagne Wines, Losey's Biucrs, Philadelphia Purler, Pale Ale, &c., &c. GEORGE WARD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DE\LER IN Foreign Wines & Spirits, 366 BROAD STREET, (CORNER OF WILLIAM.) WJLRK, N. J. Constantly on hand Brandies of all qualities, Meder's Swan Gin, Irish, Scotch and Monongahela Whis- key, St Croix and Jamaica Rum, Port, Madeira, Malaga and Champagne Wines, Losey's Bitters, Phil- delphia Porter, Pale Ale, &c. &c. 357 ADVERTISEMENT. This, my seventeenth edition of the NEWARKCITY DIREC- TORY, comes forth in good and reasonable time, notwith- standing the labor and expense is double now, to what it was in 1842, and without a corresponding increase of sales, which I ought to expect. There were 9,000 names last year, and 36,000 inhabit ants. This year there are 10,000 names and 40 000 inhabitants allowing (as usual} four persons to a name, (which is the true ratio.) There were built, from the 1st of April, 1850, to the 1st of April, 1851, overdue hund? ed buildings of various kinds among which were three churches, viz : the 7ih (High-st.) Presbyterian, 197 High, Rev. Daniel W Poor, Pastor; 2nd (South) Baptist, 42 Kinney-st., Rev. Dr. William Hague, Pastor ; 6th Methodist (Central) 181 Market, Rev. Joseph B Wake- ley, Pastor; ail of which now number forty just one church for every thousand inhabitants. In 1836 the city census was I9,7>2 ; in 1840, U. S. census, 17(202 ; in 1845, city census, 25,433, at which time there were 775 more females than males; in 1850, U. S. census, 38,894 and by a supplement to the City Charter, passed at the recent session of the Legislature, two new Wards were created out of portions of the North, West, and South Wards and the Assistant Marshalls for taking the census in this city, have carefully examined the census returns, and have ascertained, with great exactness, the population of the several Districts, or Wards, representing the bounds of the city of Newark, as hereafter constituted, viz : East Ward, 6,172; Fifth Ward, 4,597; North Ward, 5,750; Seventh Ward, 4,9^0, Sixth Ward, 3,349; South Ward, 7,658; West Ward. 6,448 total 38,894 In 1836 the buildings of wood, brick, or stone, were 2,300 ; 1845 the dwelling houses were 3,812 ; 1850 the dwellings were 5,106 mak- ing an average of just 200 buildings erected yearly for the last fouiteen years. I gave early notice that I was printing all before and after the names, and that all those interested in that portion of my Directory to see to it. that all was right, and if not, to tell me and if they wished their advertisement discontinued, to tell me, so that I hold all good for pay who did not tell me in time ; and if any one Jews me out of pay for their advertisement, they will never have the chance again, and must not expect any more favors of the kind until all arrearages are paid up in full. My Seventeenth Edition is now ready for sale, and all that remains is for the citizens to buy and pay for them on delivery, or they may WHISTLE for the next DIRECTORY. May 16, 1851, B. T. PIERSON. Accountants 46 Agents Commercial, (Front Pink) 20 Agen's in General 46 Agricultural Tool< 336 Aqueduct Company 50 Asylums Attorneys 300-301-302-303-304 Auctioneers (Front Pink 2) 346 Axle Manufacturers 2 ( JO-335 Bakers 294 Banks 40-41-42 Bell Hanging 2 Book-binders, (Front Pink) 1 Bookbinders tools, (Front Pink) .. 4-5 Boot and Shoe Store and manufactories 277-278279 Bow Manufacturers 337 Box Manui 315 Brass Foundries 231-291-293-336-346 Buckle Manufacturers. (Front Pink) 7-3 Buildc: '. 310-311-312 Buildings in 1850-51 37 Butchers 318 Cabinet Manufacturers 284 Cap and Hat Manufacturers 274-275 Cap and Collar Manufacturers... 276 Carpenters' Tools 335 Carpet Store^ 267 Carriage Manufacturers 288 Census for 1850 36 Chair Manufacturers 285 Churches 54 City Government 322 Clock and Watch Makers.... (Front Pink Leaves). .13-14-15 Clothiers 272-273 Coach and Ladies Lace Manufacturer 2-9 Coach Lamp Manufacturers '281-317 Coach and Wagon Manufacturers 258 Coal and Wood Dealers 320-321 Coffin Ware Rooms, (Front Pink 6) 284 Collar and Whip Manufacturers 20-fc81 Commissioners of Deeds . ..46-305 Committees Standing 323 Confectionery Manufacturers (Front Pink Leaf) 20 Congress Meets 39 Constables 322 Conveyancers 305 Coopers 307 Coi >c-t and Shoulder Brace maker 276 Crocl ery Stores .-. 307 Court Supreme Deaths in 1850 and in 12 years 31-3' Dentists 324 Die Sinker 330 Doctor.,' List 324 Druggists 2S7 Dry Goods 261-262-263 Elating Houses , 316 Edge tool Manufacturers . , 2J) 1 INDEX. 359 Election Day 39 Engravers (Front Pink 4 5) 281 Engravers Steel Plate Manufacturer 337 Essex Co. Society Agricultural and Horticultural 50 Executive of New Jersey 32,33 Expresses 355 Female Charitable Society 34 Fire Department 53 Ply Nets Manufacturers 289-350 Foundries, Malleable, and olhers 292 Fur Blower 275 Fur. Store 275 Furnishing Ware Houses (Front Pink 6) .. . . 2G7-284-285 Furniture New and Second Hand, 284 Gas Light Company 49 Gun Smith 315 Grocers. (Front Pink. Leai 18) 264-265-2G6 Hardware saddlery 281-336-345-346 Hardware Stores ., 268 Harness Furniture 231-33G-3J5-346 Harness Mi 3 - 280-281 H t and Cap Manufacturers ..274-275 Historical Society. (Front Pink) 1 Hotels 308 Horse i / 348 House Keepers' Goods, (Front Pink 6) 2-37 284-285 ice Dealer 317 fndia Rubber Goods, (Front Pink) 3 .nsurance Companies 43-44-45-46-47-48 ntennents for 1830 3i iron S:ores - ... 268 rewelers Manufacturing 282-283 Jewelry Stores (Front Pink) 13-14-15 Lace I'ur Coaches and Ladies 239-350 Lamp Manufacturers 291 Last Maiiutaeiurers 279 Lawyers 300-301-302-303-304 Leather and Oil Dealers 319 Legislature Meets 39 Levels Spirit 335 Library Association, (Front Pink) 1 Lure and Cement Cos 269 "Liquor Dealers 356 Livery S'a bios 309 Lock Manufacturers 231-293 Looki: [anufacturers (Front Pink 8) 267 Lumber Merchants 313-314 Machinists 2DO-324-335-349 \-for the Poor , 35 on 'Foundries 292 Marble and S:one Cutters 328 Masons' Materials 314 Milliners , 295 Millwright Iron Work -3 3 .0 Dressers 319 Morris and E sex Rn il Road 327 Music Teachers (Fi one Pink 2) 317 New Jersey Executive 32-33 360 INDEX. Nurses List 335 Painters, Portrait, Fancy, House and sign 296-297-332-333 Paper Hangings 354 Plnne Manufacturers 315 Platers Gold, Silver, Brass, Wire and Metal 281-355 Population of Newark 37 Printers '. 52 Pump Manufacturers 306-309 Railing makers 348 Rail Hoad Morris and Essex 327 Refectories 316 Refrigerators 315 Saddle and Harness Manufacturers 280-281 Sash and Blind Manufacturers 236-297 Saw Filers 315 School Newark 305 Shirt Manufacturers 276 Shoe Manufacturers 277-278-279 Soda Water Manufacturers, (Front Pink) 20-355 Spectacle Manufacturers 281 Spirit Level Manufacturers 335 Spoke Turner 260-337 Spring, Step and Axle Manufacturers 335 Stage Camptown 355 S air Rod Manufacturer 281 Si! loners and Binders, (Front Pink 1) 3.33-354 Steam Boat Passaic 326 Steel Plate Manufacturers 337 Stock and Collar Manufacturers 276 Slocking, Shirt and Drawers 276 Stone and Marble Gutters 328 Stove and Tin Dealers 270-271-338-339-340-341-342-343 Surveyors 305 Suspender Manufacturers (Front Pink ) 7 Table Knife Manufacturer - 337 Tailors Merchant, (Front pink 9-10-11- 12 ) 273 Taylor Zachary, in memory of 329 Tin and Stove Manufacturers 270-271-338-339-340-341-342-343 Tobacconist (Front Pink) 19 Tools Agricultural 336 Tools Carpenter and Shoemaker (Front Pink 4) 335 To vn Meeting 39 Trunk Rivet Manufacturer (front Pink) 8 Trunk and Valise Manufacturers 280-281-306 Umbrella Manufacturer 276 Undertakers, 298-299 Upholsterers 349-350-331-352 Varnish Manufacturer? 330-331-332 Wa;.ron anrl Coach Manufacturers 288 Watch Case and Dial Manufacturers 282 Watch and Clock Manulacturers(Front Pink) 13-14-15 Wesieyan Institute, (Front Pink) 16-17 Whip and Collar Manufacturers 280-281 \7ood and Coal Dra'crs 320-321 Wool Dealers ,..319 g 1CC I i < 5 2 If UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. pS f 1 I/' c^ ^G> ^ i iJtJ 9 ! SL^5 I ^ ~ i^/A < g "^Tbi = < S 2V ^ / T| =5 =? -_l/ V S V ra m ^ 3 1158 01072 2923