APICTM'QRIAL OF eZ University of California Berkeley THE PETER AND ROSELL HARVEY MEMORIAL FUND . 3E. .A.. I^orToes, Com.3aa.aaa.caj.itg- Tliird. Batallion Camp Barrett and Vancouver Barracks. PUBLISHED IN 1898. BY VANCOUVER: PRINTING OFFICE Birjfs-Eye View of yancoyver Barracks. ROSTER OF * '> Mustered in July 8lli. I8! From I'ediliiiK. ShasMi County, and Yreka.Sisklum bounty. Company Officers. I.F.Ml'F.I. F. I.YON. Cai/thin. JAMEMJ. KsTKr First Lieutenant. F. A. MAHKIOTT Second Lieutenant. Serg-eaxrts. First Sergeant - >n H ertr Q M Sergeant- T .1 Nolton Sergeants Frank A Itatisdale. Chas 'T Leilliiier. Allierl H Mattine. John H MeMiirphy aml/AlbertJ ~ ~~~ , ., i ^.S ;cci |ih\sical (llwblllty.1 Corpora-ls. s C, i'arper (' I. Conley A S Caldwell F Curie li W Clisiek N ConMer ' A Deriekson W Faton r f.lwanl- W Kim'ish J Fuller R Urant o (ioldsinith r 8 TranstereU to Ct L Hainlln C llarri W .1 Harmon K V MerpiNin W B Hill .1 F Jensen r. i- Jensen L JOIN i Jones 1. Jones W s Kaiser L.I Kramer \V .1 I awton .1 Leach r, Lynn (i M Milne r.j MilliT.Ki Miller. I W Major I M Mel'arUiii A I- Oman w .1 Haul ii il Pesenli o Pool K ,1 follard I. Keynolds A n Hull, .is K A Koliinson H J K"0|> I! M Kowli-y \\ (', saniinini!* < H Sehroter A A Seliroter <; c S'mmaolier i. K SelirillK A K Sheiinan <: I) Sliorli .1 \v Silver I. Simons I. skllien i> T -nuili 11 Smith w K Stone \v H Thomas w .1 'I Immpyon J K ThonnisoH F Walker .1 K Williams F White R c Woodward .7 N \Vooilward J H Wilson <: i, J,nrhorst 11 JAMJES 0. KSIEP, born at Fall Kiver, Shasta ceunty, California, on July 16th, 1869, was mustered into the U. S. Vol. army as First Lieutenant ol Co. H, at Fruilvale, Cal., on July 8th, !*:. 33 Officers of Co. "H." E== LEMUKLE. LVON, born in East Needham, Mass., on October llth, 184.5, and was mustered into the II. S. Vol. army as Captain of Co. H at Fruitvale, Cal., on July 8th, l-;i.- KiCK A. iMAUKiorr, burn in tian Francisco, San FraiH'isrn countj , (Jal , on Sept. 21st, Ir2, \vas mastered^ into ttie U. ft. Vol. army as Second Lieutenant of co.K at Frnitvale, Cal, onJulyuth, Isae. COMPANY "H; SlJ-ort KCistory of Co. "IEZ," of a.e Present Tino-e. Co. "E," of tfa.e Stli 3sT. <3r. C. Rv SKIMT. KUANCIS A. K A Compativ II. of Hie present lime, was oriKina'ly <'o. K nf Ihe Kth !({., Mh Hriga e. 2nd Intt.. N (!. ( '. Company K was organi/ed on December l!)lli, ixsit. John K. HP) nolds was elecled ( apiaiu, -. Ivin M. Irwm Kirst Lieutenant and Hartley K. llodson Second Lienienant. Captain licynolds eivedtor two years and retired. In May IS.NI company K went tnlo camp at I'liico. California, for one week ami had a pleasant camp. In .Inly of 'lie next \ear i |x:ii i the company was ordered nlo canin al Sanla Crux.. The) I. .tuled in camp erond Lieutenant who suffered a sunstroke .Inly i>. Mir Ihinl ilay alter going into camp, lie was taken liome ami linrieil wnli military honors, sergeant Tlioniius B Do/ier was appointed lo fill I lie vacancy caused liy tli" dealli ol l.ieiilenant - lodsoii, ami o >n after [lie company retnincd lit iCetidinghe received hiseo nmissinn. The second eleclion ol ofllcers was held on December iiith , ii*!>l. Ca|il;iiii Keyuolds declined reelection anil Second l.ie'.ilenant liozier was elecled caplain , \lvrn Irwm was reelecle.i First l.ielllenanl and Marvin M Wiseman was elected Second l.ienien- .oit. (in May Inlli. WM coiupam K was ordered .ni'> camp al Sania ru/. lor Hie second time, it was a brigade ciieamiunciii of about 5uuo men he camp was named t amp Mark ham in honor of itovernor Markhani The Iliinl regular eleclion of officers was held I'ecember III, tWj. Caplam Do/iei was reelecled tora second Icim. I iciiicnaiit lr\Mn was reelected ami l.ieiilenant Wiseman was also reeleclcd In .inlv Is'ii i.ii-nieii.-ini VMscman resigned ami 'Miarles MIII.T was appoinleii to till Hie vacancy. l.hmlenan! Mihcl served ntilil Jnnr |s:H ami le- simied. (quarter Masler Sergeant Kngland was ai> IMiinled to act as Second l.ieiilcnanl until Die cleelion In .l'i:> ls;i|. dnrinmhe A. U. L'. strike. company h wa-s ordered to lied liliift to piard proiierly there , it remained there seven days and was then ordered home. At the fourth election of officers Hi Unas I!. Hozier was re- elecieil i apiain A. M. Irwiii reeleclecl Kirst Ijeil- tenaiit and W. K. Snnih was elected Second l.ienlenant In 18!i:. the N (J C was reonjani/i'il ami company K . "Ill rejiiment , 5th brigade became company H of the -'oil regiment . 3rd brigade. In May 1H97 company H was ordered out for a ten days en- campment at Santa Cru/.. The flltli reuuiar elec- tion of officers was held in l>ecember l!i. 1*1)7, second Lieutenant William K. Smith wa-s elecled captain , James (i Ksiep was elected lirst lieuten- ant and ritvtaril s Keynolds second lieutenant. In June Isiis came the second call for volunteers, company H was one of the lirst to respond , the company was recruited up lo lor, men and three commissioned officers, on June 21 company II received orders to re |H>rt at ilatnp Itarrett. On Wednesday nlirlit June 28tb they boarded Mi e Oreuon express al '.* :\" p in and landed in Camp liinelt rimisilay mornmu June :in. and reported to Colonel Park Hensnaw tor duty. The lirst day was devoted lo pilchiii^lentsand ariaiiKin^camp. 'I'hen the haul work ol cliaii^m^ raw recruits imo trained soldiers liejian. Tile company wa-s not mnsiercd Into the United Stales service until .Inly sih Inn in Hie mean time they liao the mislortime to lose their caplain and second lieutenant W. K. Siniili ami K. S. Keynolds. They were both good and etlicienl oltici'rsand were highly respected by Hie entire company, but the hiirher aiilhoritie.s saw til to make a change thai can-ed considerable dissaiistadion at the time ami there was serious talk nt reiuriiim; home but Hie men of compaiiv 11 were loo loyal to their country lo turn back on iiersonal Kronmls and submitted. Captain Smilh was commi.s.sion ( .d i\ r ^ l HHiitenaut and as- to company L and Lieutenant Keynolds returned to KeddhiK. On July 7tli l^miiel E Lyoii was appointi-d captain and K. A. Marriott second lieutenant, who, by their kind and considerate treatment soon named Hie vontlder.ee and respect of the men. (in uly 8th, company II wa 1 * mustered into the United stales army by Caplain Mnrry U.S.A. with tile following ofllcers; Lemuel E. Lynn, Captain ;. lames (I. Kstep , Kirst Lieutenant, and Frederick A . Marriott, Second Lieutenant. Then the regular drill hours commenced. Kirst call 5 2 a in, reveille 5 iw a in, roll call :40, phys- ical exercise for 15 minutes, breakfast 6am, sick call 7 a in and faliirue call 7 .30 a in, first call for company drill K a m, assembly s :lu a in and recall ii -in a m. first call for batallion drill 9 do a in assembly !i ::xt a in and recall 10:30 a in, Kirst Sergeants ca'.l 11 45 a in, mess call 12 m, lirst call for reciuil and extended order drill 1 .lit p m, recall 2 ;lu, lirst call for dress parade and Kttiinl mounting 4 :. J o p in, assembly 4 -:ID. Adjutants cul! 4 ;iu p m, mess call i> p m lattoo I) ::iu iheiu was an order to tianster Co. "H' .loin the:ird to the 1st batalhoti. On Septemb r lln i.ir ..m. ami ::IM bi.tall on broke camp, the ;cpiember 1 til tlie 1st baiadion I-.MM, r.s.ug companies I', 1, Hand (i,, l.iciii. fol. ( airiiijion com n landing, b larded tlie Ham lor Vunc. n.ei, v> ashingti.n. 1 lie litinr lor (lepi.rlnre was;; pin, but long beiore thai tune arrived Hie camp was surrounded by Iriends of the boys who hail come to say "good bye." Promptly at -i p in Ihe bugle sounded tall n, aim ainiosi before ihe last note bad d.cd away tb baiailion was uncii up in heavy maic.iing order, ready to make the s.iort march i< s.iiurr s.ailon, bin wliiMi tin- order to march was g.ven it was almos, impossib e 10 lorci-a pa-ssaue inrongu II. e densely packed mass of humauily with which lliey were snfrounded, anving at the depot where, the train consisting ol two sections of thirteen cars each was awaiting them, e.HM man as he tiled by to take bis place in the tram, was presented with a i < unu nns lunch by the ladies of the lied Cross society, of Oakland, loo iiuicli praise cannot be given to ihat nonle organization who, by their generosity ami Kindness, did so much to smooth over tin- lougn edges of the soldiers hie at C amp Barrett. I he first seel ion carrying companies 1) and 1 pulled mil ai .' i- m. Hie second section with H and Ct left at -4u p m, and leached Kedd.ng about '> u in the next morning and toiind an iiu incus.- crowd ot rela.ives and fiieuds at (he depot to meet them, and their expressioiisof good will were not confined to wor.ls alone, lor when at the expiration of ;iu minutes Ihe train pulled out, it was oveitlowing with lunches and fruit. The Ma, n leactid iionlague at 'i SU p m, where another iMge crowd was awaiting them with a line lunch, the cars were again restocked with piovisions enough for the entire trip to Portland, which we reached Ihe next day about a p in, ihere we found companies 1) and I awaiting: us, Ihe entile batalbon went aboard the steamer Uimine, which landed us m Vancouver at o p m. Tlxe Sislzi37-o-u. By \ . A. DAMS. When the President's call to arms rang through the land, none responded wilhniore alaciuy 10*11 the sons ol California. The SisKiyon volunteers, organized at YreKa, weie among the hrst to oiler their services to the liovei-nor. thele being no military company or lecruiung ornce nearer Ilian Keddmg, Adjnianl General Barrel I reierred tiiem In I apt. VV. h. Minlli, commanding ( o. "I I. "2nd regiiueiil, N. G. f. Oapl. iSiiiitn was icciiimng Ins company up to us lull war strength, prepara- tory to us sttieclion by the Governor as one ol Me twelve companies i.n m,u_' tne new riin r.v., Cai. U. s. V. Accordingly, eaily in .il.iy, V. A. D.I>.S and I .). Nollon visited Keoding and sigm d il.e enlistment roll ol Co. "ii," also eni-.illu.g tiy proxj, several olbei names from Yreka. L'IMIII their return, they were authorized by (apt. Hiniili to enroll all suitable applications as me Vieka contingent ot'fu. "li." Ihirty-uve (piiculy signed the lull. Juirl) m .lime, at a regular meeting of the company, tl.e YreKa cmum n e..t were formerly elected members of said company. Ab.iui the middle of , lime, ('apt. Smith went to Yreka, and swore in all the volunteers who were reachable al that time, afler ('apt. Smith's departure, the volunteers weie drilled in squad ami company loiination by V. A. I'avis, T. J. Nolton and I.. K. I obnrn. 'Ihe Yreka Turners kindl.v allowed the use ol their hall, and J. yuion the electric lights, free of charge for the purpose. On June 22ml ('apt. Smith telegraphed to Yreka that the Governor had selected t'ii. "IT and ordered the volunteers to join his company at once. Preparations tor their early depanure had previously been made' ineaiiwhHe Ihe ladies uf the Ked. Cross had provided each man with comfort bags, pillows, night caps and many other essentials for use in camp ami held. 'I he citizens of Yreka also generously cmitnlmlt'd *sn toward paying their mil n ail fare 10 ' ed ling, ho state refusing transportation to the place ot company rendezvous, this sum, with *Hl subsequently sent wlule in Camp Barrett, make .*1T1 subscribed by the patriotic people of \reka and vicinity. On the day ol departure the volunteers were given a titling ion-well. They were escorted to the train by the band and lire department, G. A. K., ex-conlederale soldiers, tinners and eili/ens. The Yreka rail mad company, very generously, gave a free excursion I" Montague, where a vast concourse of people had assembled to witness tne departure. Hon. II. U. Wanen, of Yreka, delivered a lonchiug farewell address, wilh patriotic ardor latherh advice, clothed in Ihe cliiucesl of language, aiiu delivered m an impies- sive manner, the uduress produced a piofonnd impression upon all. Afli-rlhe address, ihe ladies of the Hed fioss provider! eacn man with a. substantial lunch. Ihe train having ui riven about noon Ihe hoys boarded their car, and amid the "good-byes' and "hurrahs," sped awav towanl Iteddiug. I'ne rail road company kindly provide, I a tourist car for their accommo tlation. When the Iran, bearing the siskiyoti boys, reached Iteoding, they found fo. "h," and a vasl concourse of people at Hie sialiou to receixt them, t'apt. Smith pre.-ented them to 'heir fiiiuri comrades, who gave them a hearty welcomr, they then fell in with the company and marcben to the armory hall, where a supper, prepared by the ladies of the lied Cross society, of Keddmg, awaited them. On the following day the entire Siskiyon contingent successfully passed the preliminary physical examination, and were regularly enrolled as part of the volunteer lorce Ihat helped to till up the ranks of fo. "ll,"aiiu helped to make up that splendid body of men who reported to Col. llensbaw lor duly at ''ami Barrett, on .luue inlh. mi .Inly Mb the dual physical examination was held, Walter Garnei and W. K. Karstadl were rejected, but the nexl day (Jarner was re-examined with another company and passed successfully, and was. enrolled with Co. "C," ol i'l-ta.i.m .. AI.ISKHT II. MAHTINK, born in JOHN H. McMunrnv, lioni in KUANCIM A. KA<:HI>AI.K, burn III(|IMI. Kii(?., Nov. Merrcil, Mi-rccd counlv, in SacniiiiPiito, ('!., Feb., jiid, 187ti. ('al., .limr!ii(l, N7i;. l;>th, IKTK. ('ON. H. (Ii)i.l>iiKini. iiiilivc of TiiKicoN .1. Nni/rox, born in (iiTiiiiiuy, born on Nov. BHttiVla, GeueHee county, N. Y. -.'lilll. IKIii. Alls, l.'llll, KM. s MASCOT -t- SAI.I.T I.KK lIoi!stb, 11*71.'. WILLIAM K. HAT, born in Si. Louis, Mo., July fiiAui.KsT. DAWSON. born in Manchester, Kng., aitli, !Wi4. Kelt. 26th, IDtiu. JOSIAHB. BAKNKS, born in lualalin, Washington OSWALD (inim-NRK, born in Ked Bluff, HENRY KIMKI:. born in Plnlailelpliia, Pa., county, Or., July 4th, 17S 'I ehaina eounly, Cal., .Ian. 22iul, 1873. Sept. 13th, ISio Ot.o>- H. BKNNETT, born in Koekfort, Kent JCm-HiK A. ANDKKSON, born in Colfax, Placer county, Mich., Nov. 17th, ls7:i. county, Cal., June lath, 1671. ~ WILLIAM E. SMITH, born in Glenco, Washington county, Oregon, March IMi, 1*71. KIIANK THOMPSON, born in Coo|>ersville, Otlo- wa county, Michigan, Oct. 3rd, 1x75. HOWARD J. UOBINSON, born in St Jeuevie, Mo., Oct. 17th, 187:). OBOHGEH. PAUL, born at Cayahoga Falls, MM mi in county, Ohio, May 27th, 1SXO. uROttGB I.EACU, born in Ked Bluff, Teliaina county, (Jal., Uec. Mna, 1878. (JKOHC.K K. HUI.IS, born in Coo|>ersvillc, Ottawa JAMK8 K.THOMPSON, born in Brownsville, Linn couniy, Mirhitjan, Feb. sith, 187U. l.EVi H. ANDERSON, born ill I'laeer county, county, Oregon, Oct. 17th, 1877. JESSE X. \V.KID\VAKD, born in Stella, BliaMa California, Aug. 6th, 1868. ' ALBKitr S. CONI.EV, born in Yreka, Siskiyou county, t'ahlornia, July 4th, 1878. JULIUS U. MILLEK, born in Yreka, HAHVEY SMITH, born in lacrosse, county, Cal., Sept. 1st, 1878. Swkiyon county, Cal. 1'eb. 14th, 1871). county, Wisconsin, Aug. l!Utli,lx9. IV - f I f Lotus li. S<-III;.MAC HKii, born ill San Francisco, Dec. fflnd, 1*71;. \V 1 1,1,1 AM I'. DKHKICKSON, born in Marysville, KKANK WILLIAMS, born in Yreka, Siskiyou Vuba county, , 'a)., Sept. 13th, 1877. county, ral., Feb., l:!lli, 1x70 ('HANK J. I'CHII.K, liorn iii KecldhiK, Shasta KICHAKH AMJKIISON. born ill San Francisco, county, 'a.l., Feb. Olh, 18HO. .Nov. l.itli, 1877. i M A in. i.- J. Mil, M:. born at Seotts Kiver, ALUKIIT H. SKBHINO, born in Wheettlekl, Jasper .Siskiyou Ciiunty, Cal., Dec. loth, 1871. JAMKH A. CUULTKK, born in Corning, 'lehainu county, liul., Any. lutli, 1x75. l.m i- ,IK\CKN. born in haii Francisco, AUK- county, Cal., May 17th, 175. ALIIKUT 1'. MUC'ARTUK, born at Klaniatli Falls, 7lh, 1878. Klaniatli rtninty, Or., Sept. 27tb, 1880. ( . WHIIK. born in lone, Alleghauy JOHN F. HIM., born in Marysville, Mason count). 1'a. , April 30th, lt>7(>. county, Ky., Feb. 2nd, 18(i8. JxS)- i 4. Gl'NTHEBC. SCBROTER, Jr., born iii Shasta, Shasta DAVID K. riKiu.KK, born in Jo,>lin, Jasper county, Cal., May Mru, 184. county, Mo., June 3rd, 1876. JACK LAWTON, born In Shasta county, Cal., AUK- LKVATTY SILVER, born in Orovillc, Butte county, 7th, 1870. Cal., Nov. 15lh, 1873 DAVID PESKNTI, born in Tlcino, Switzerland, JOHN W. SHORB, born at Scotts Kiver, Siskiyou AUR. 'Jlst, 1848. WALTKK II. STONE, born in Marysville, Yuba county, Cal., Nov. 26th, 1878. .M.VARO JOLLS, boni in Waterloo, Black Hawk county, Cal., Aim. rani, 1*63. MAUX>M I). BENNETT, born in Kockfort, Kent county, Iowa, May 16th, 1876. county, Mich., May 17th, 1881, HENRY ZURHORST, born in Beckum, Westfalem (;EOH<;R W. AK.MSI RUM; , born in Bin Kapids, province, Gerinany, Dec. 22nd, 1853. Mecosta county, Mich., Sept. Mill, Dti'l. c- ; " : " WALTKR S. JONKS, born in MontaKiu-, Siskiynu county, Cal., Dec. 271 h, 187ii. WILLIAM I!. HEHUATOS, born In I'bieano, 111., GARLAND W. ("UKI.K, born in Grenada, Grenada Jan. mil, 1*71. cminiy, Miss., May 1st, 1872. CHAKI.KH BENNKTT, born in Carls Point, Oowlitz tiRuRcicr. JEKSF.K, burn in Oak Bar, Siskijou county, Wash., Jtine 25th 1804. enmity, Cal., April loth, 1X71 .JOHN N. CHANT, born at Mossaycreek , Jelterson CYKUS 1 KATOM, Ix.rn in Maslina, Uiyd county, comity, Tenn., April 5th, 1872. GEOKiiK I). SHKBII>AN, born in Millvillc, Iowa, June 1st, 187:i. WAHRKK G. THOMAS, born at Scotls Bar, Shasta county, Cal., April 1st, 1H77. KORKIIT I!. BRADLKY, born In Yreka, Siskiyou' Siskiyou enmity, Cal., Ann, 31st, 1875. county, Cal., May Izth 1873 W'ILLM.M . I/ OMAN, born in Indianapolis, Ind., WALTKR E. AKMsTtinKc, born in Ukiali, MK -21st, 1877. Mendocino county, Cal., April lutli, 1x75. . -. . ' SOL (i. C'AMr, born in MUIIH Kosa, Sonoma ccinnt.\ , i in., Jan. 4lh, lulu. S. M.MII.X, burn at Scull* Bar, Siskiyou HIHAM M. Koor born in l!ide|>eii. JOIIK T. KMII.ISII , born in Ued lilnft, Tebania cuutity, Cal., Nov. 26th, 1861 JOM.X It. WOODWARII, bum in Sldla, 8liasla county, Cal., Dec. z&lli, 1S7U. WILLIAM J. HAKUIS, born in Sail Marcs, Hays county, (a!., Nov. .'utli, li. county, Tex., May 27lh, 1860. AAKON B. UKTMH.US, born in Kurt Junes, WILLIAM U. KUWLKY, born in Keil Blufi, Teliaina Siskijuu county, Cal., Jnlj ath, 1K78. county, Cal., Feb. loth, 1873. r o JAMKS W. MILLKB,, born in Fort Jones,. Slskiyou county, Cal., Feb. 1st, 1878, \ WALTER I.. EDWAKDS, born at Sawl Hill, Scotland / CHAKI.KS E. BLIVBK, boru at Kose Creek,] county, Mo., Jan. 17th, 1878. V Thaer county, Neb. Mar., Itttu, ISIZ.^S I.OYD JOMCS, born in Ager, Siskiyon county, FHAKK A. KOBEUTS, born in lied Bluff, Tcliama Cal., AUK- 21st, 1878. GEOHCEF. WILHKI-M, born in Madison, Jefferson coumy, Cal., July 21th, 1880 KOKKIIT H. BOWMAN, born in Carrolllon, Green county, Ind., July 25tli, 187. THOMAS E. CAMWKLL, born in Minneapolis, county, HI., May nth, 1872. Minn., Mar. 25th, 1874. KUJIOXD KfLi.KB,. born in Sacramento, Cal., EDWAUD E. ASUKHSON, born in San Francisco, Dec. aitli, 1878. Cal., Dec. 3rd, 1878. : ~- H SATURDAY'S INSPECTION- I- -" Kc'veille ha-s sounded, we have annwered everyone ; Well go mnd eat our breakfast, the trouble is to come NIIW well take our leather belts and dadiac awhile I'olisli everv cartridge, have everything in style. Our careful polished rifles, held in the suns bright ray, Will often through a gleam, shine oer a mile away ; Now we get the order, if the tun is shinuiL; bright. "Inspection will be in overcoats," our other dress be while The buttons si, (in are polished, also our cartridge pouches : Now we get another order, Inspection will be in blouses ;" Our blouses soon are dusted, we hope for a success, And now we get another order, "Inspection will be in full dress." We are now so discouraged , so many different acts. We hope to get the other, (o stand In heavy packs : Assembly now has sounded, the clock Is striking nine, And every soldier with bis gun, is hastening into line. Soon we hear the Sergeant say, "In two ranks form a section." Once more he calls the roll, and reports us for inspection : Under each pair of ears is a collar stilt with starch , Then the Captain next will say: "Open ranks,'' then "March." The sergeant then hastens to the rear, with hly |M)lisbed brass and charms. The Captain strokes his beard, then com mauds, "Inspection arms." As sloth like, he walks along, to every man he'll say : "You are dirty, and clout you know that this is Saturday'."' barracks of Co. "XI." aHceyital. G-aaia. Kc-Use. IFcet 1= eaaq.-uaitere. The ab-jve !llucati-).i w.n -n i le in tb-: .irhitiii ofl je, at Van! mver, Wash., wliere this Roster was printed. At the time of the exposure the publishers were printing the 18th page. The press is an old " Newberry" press patented in 149. I IB: