Cumber 20 Price 25 cents REPRINT AND CIRCULAR SERIES OF THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL LIBRARIES IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Compiled by W. I. Swanton in co-operation with the Research Information Service of the National Research Council and Special Libraries Published in Special Libraries June, 1921, vol. 12, no. 6, pages 135-153 Announcement Concerning Publications of the National Research Council The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has been designated as the official organ of the National Research Council for the publication of accounts of research, committee and other reports, and minutes. Subscription rates for the "Proceedings" is $5 per year. Business address: Home Secretary, National Academy of Sciences, Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, D. C. The Bulletin of the National Research Council presents contributions from the National Research Council, other than proceedings, for which hitherto no appropriate agencies of publication have existed. The "Bulletin" is published at irregular intervals. The sub- scription price, postpaid, is $5 per volume of approximately 500 pages. Numbers of the "Bulletin" are sold separately at prices based upon the cost of manufacture. The Reprint and Circular Series of the National Research Council renders available for purchase, at prices dependent upon the cost of manufacture, papers published or printed by or for the National Research Council. Orders for the "Bulletin" or the "Reprints and Circulars" of the National Research Council, accompanied by remittance, should be addressed: Publication Office, National Research Council, 1701 Massachusetts Avenue^ Washington, D. C. LIBRARIES IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Compiled by W. I. Swanton in cooperation with the Research Information Service of the National Research Council and Special Libraries. CONTENTS Page Government libraries 1 Libraries not under Federal control... 7 Subject classification of libraries 12 [ndex to libraries 17 GOVERNMENT LIBRARIES 1. Library of Congress, Capitol Hill, opposite the Capitol, occupying the entire block between First and Second Streets and East Capitol and Pennsylvania Avenue, S. E. Phone, Main 2727 with branches to all divi- sions. Librarian, Herbert Putnam. The Library is especially strong in history, law, political, social and eco- nomic sciences, files of official docu- ments, newspapers, periodicals and Society publications. The Russian and Chinese collections are among the largest in any institution. There are other special collections. About 3,- 000,000 printed books and pamphlets, 200,000 maps and charts, 400,000 prints, 800,000 musical compositions, and the largest collection in the United States of manuscript sources for American history. Free for reference without formal- ity. Limited circulation in Washing- ton to Congress, the bench, diplomatic corps, government bureaus and high- er officials, but extended through inter-library loan to serious investiga- tors everywhere. Organization, Ad- ministrative and the following divi- sions : Order Manuscripts Catalogue Maps Classification Music Binding Prints Cards Periodicals Reading Room Semitic and Slavic Bibliography Legislative reference Documents Copyright office Law Smithsonian Deposit Printing office and bindery Number of employees, 573 includ- ing 148 under the Superintendent of Building and Grounds. Visitors in year, nearly 1,000,000. The third largest library in the world and grow- ing at the rate of 120,000 items per year. 1. LEGISLATIVE BRANCH OF THE GOVERNMENT 2. U. S. House of Representatives Library, House wing of the Capitol. Phone, Main 3120, Branch 258. Li- brarian, John K. Parish. Law and Congressional reference books. 275,- 000 volumes. 3. U. S. Senate Library, Senate win? of the Capitol. Phone, Main 3120, Branch 46. Librarian, Edward C. Goodwin. Legislative reference and law books. 250,000 volumes. 2. EXECUTIVE BRANCE OF THE GOV- ERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF STATE 4. Department Library (Bureau of Rolls and Library), Room 308, State, War and Navy Building, 17th 1 Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. Phone, Main 4510, Branches 11 and 12. Librarian, John A. Tonner. In- ternational law and relations, history, travel and foreign laws. 85,000 vol- umes. 5. Foreign Trade Adviser, Library of the, Room 372 1/ 2 State, War and Navy Building-. Phone, Main 4510, Branch 13. Librarian, Miss Bertha E. Pierce. Foreign trade and tariffs, and commercial treaties. 15,000 vol- umes. 6. Solicitor, State Department, Li- brary of the, Room 15, State, War and Navy Building. Phone, Main 4510, Branch 164. Librarian, John A. Tonner. Law books and reports. 3,000 volumes. TREASURY DEPARTMENT 7. Department Library, Room 283, Treasury Building, 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. Phone, Main 6400, Branch 99. Librarian, Mrs. Emma M. V. Triepel. U. S. Govern- ment publications, journals, records, state papers, archives. 10,000 vol- umes and pamphlets. 8. Bureau of the Mint, Library of the, Room 174, Treasury Building, 15th Street and Pennsylvania Ave- nue. Phone, Main 6400, Branch 8. Custodian, Miss Mary O'Reilly. Eco- nomics and metallurgy. 1,500 vol- umes. 9. Hygienic Laboratory, Library of the, 'Main Building, 25th and E Streets. Phone, West 878, Branch 12. Librarian, M. G. Motter. Medicine and public health, bacteriology, path- ology, chemistry, pharmacology and biology. 18,000 books and pamphlets. 10. Internal Revenue Library, Room 2041, Interior Building, 19th and F Streets. Phone, Main 6400, Branch 389. Librarian, Miss Rowena U. Compton. Law books and reports. 4,500 volumes. 11. Public Health Service, Library of the. Room 1, Butler Building, 3 B Street, S. E. Phone, Lincoln 4318, Branch 21. Librarian, Miss Margaret Doonan. Medicine, hygiene and sani- tation. 8,000 volumes. 12. Solicitor of the Treasury, Li- brary of the, Room 2674 Treasury Annex No. 2, 15th and B Streets. Phone, Main 6400, Branch 11. Li- brarian, James S. Maddux. Law books and reports. 7,000 volumes. 13. Supervising Architect's Office, Library of the, Room 410, Treasury Building, 15th Street and Pennsyl- vania Avenue. Phone, Main 6400, Branch 163. Librarian, Arthur L. Blakeslee. Architectural and techni- cal books. 2,500 volumes. 14. War Risk Insurance Bureau, Library of the, Room 1042, Arlington Building, Vermont Avenue and H Street. Phone, Main 6680, Branch 313. Librarian, J. E. Emge. Law books and reports. 800 volumes. WAR DEPARTMENT 15. Army Medi'cal School, Library of the, 462 Louisiana Avenue. Phone, Main 3880. Librarian, Isaac Yanov. Medical books for the school. 2,500 volumes. 16. Chief of Engineers Reference Library, Room 2836, Munitions Build- ing, 20th and B Streets. Phone, Main 2570, Branch 2076. Librarian, Miss I. M. Ford. Engineering reference books and reports. 2,000 volumes. 17. Engineer School, Library of the, Washington Barracks, 4V Street, S. W. Phone, Main 8775* Branch 56. Librarian, Henry E. Haferkorn. Military arts and sci- ences, military, hydraulic, municipal and mechanical engineering, mathe- matics and science. 63,000 volumes. 18. General Staff College, Library of the, General Staff College Build- ing, foot of 41/2 Street. Phone, Main 1794, Branch 100. Librarian, Miss Nannie C. Barndollar. Military sci- ences. 150,000 volumes. 19. Judge Advocate General's Li- brary, Room 192, State, War and Navy Building. Phone, Main 2520, Branch 2108. Librarian, Miss Nancy C. Morrison. Law books, American and English reports. 17,000 volumes. 20. Quartermaster General's Li- brary, Room 2124 Munitions Building. Phone, Main 2520, Branch 1714. Li- brarian, Herbert F. Keyser. Manu- facturers' catalogues, technical books, trade periodicals, Congressional docu- ments and Government publications. 27,000 volumes. 21. Surgeon General's Library, 2nd floor, 7th and B Streets, S. W. Phone, Main 2570, Branch 1710. Li- brarian, Brig. General Robert E. Noble. Medicine and allied sciences. 600,000 books, pamphlets, manu- scripts and public documents. 22. Walter Reed Hospital Post Li- brary, Post Building, Georgia Ave- nue and Butternut Street. Phone, Columbia 7400, Branch 33. Librarian, Miss Mary E. Schick. Fiction, ref- erence and technical books. 9,000 volumes. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 23. Department Library, 1st floor, Justice Building, Vermont Avenue and K Street. Phone, Main 196, Branch 15. Librarian, George Kear- ney. Reports, law and reference books. 60,000 volumes. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT 24. Solicitor of the Post Office De- partment, Library of the, Room 527, Post Office Building, 12th and Penn- sylvania Avenue. Phone, Main 5360. Custodian, J. J. Sotherland. Law books and reports. 3,000 volumes. NAVY DEPARTMENT 25. Department Library, Room 474., State, War and Navy Building, 17th Street and Pennsylvania Ave- nue. Phone, Main 2520, Branch 66. Librarian, Captain W. D. MacDou- gall. Shipbuilding, naval architec- ture, technical and scientific books. All professional periodicals, both do- mestic and foreign on naval subjects. 60,000 volumes. 26. Hydrographic Office, Library of the, Room 1026, Navy Building, 18th and B Streets. Phone, Main 2520, Branch 38. Custodian, Hydro- grapher. Hydrography, surveying, navigation and charts. 3,000 vol- umes. 27. Naval Medical School, Library of the, School Buildings, foot of 24th and E Streets, N. W. Phone, West 2804 Librarian, Miss Caroline E. Peterson. Medicine and allied sci- ences. 25,000 volumes. 28. Naval Observatory, Library of the, Main Building, Observatory Heights, Massachusetts Avenue. Phone, West 1634, Branch 15. Li- brarian, William D. Horigan. Astron- omy, mathematics and physics. 36,- 000 volumes and pamphlets. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 29. Bureau of Educaton, Library of the, Pension Building, 5th and F Streets. Phone, Main 5110, Branch 12. Librarian, John D. Wolcott. Ed- ucation, school reports, state board reports, college catalogs, and educa- tional periodicals, both domestic and foreign. 175,000 volumes. 30. Bureau of Mines, Library of the, Room 1033, Interior Building, 18th and F Streets. Phone, Main 1880, Branch 465. Librarian, Mrs. Edith F. Spofford. Technical, scien- tific and medical books. 18,000 vol- umes. 15 branch libraries. 31. Columbia Institution for the Deaf, Library of the, College Hall, 7th Street and Florida Avenue, N. E. Phone, Lincoln 2450. Librarian, Miss Edith Mabel Nelson. General litera- ture for the college. 9,000 volumes. 32. General Land Office, Library of the, Rooms 5119-5123, Interior Building, 18th and F Streets. Phone, Main 1880, Branch 144. Librarian, Miss Mary Grace McVey. Law and land decisions. 4,500 volumes. 33. Geological Survey, Library of the, Room 1031, Interior Building, 18th and F Streets. Phone, Main 1880, Branch 463. Librarian, Miss J. L. V. McCord. Geology and re- lated subjects. 150,000 books and 37,000 maps. 34. Howard University, Library of the, 6th Street and Howard Place. Phone, Columbia 8100. Librarian, Edward Christopher Williams. Gen- eral college collection, medicine, the- ology, negro-Americana. 40,000 vol- umes. 35. Office of Indian Affairs, Li- brary of the, Room 3130, Interior Building, 18th and F Streets. Phone, Main 1880, Branch 197. Librarian, Mrs. W. E. Allen. Law and books pertaining to Indians and Indian af- fairs. 3,000 volumes. 36. Patent Office, Law Library of the, Room 269, Patent Office, 8th and P Streets. Phone, Main 6280, Branch 65. Librarian, T. A. Hostetler. Law books, including patent law and re- ports. 6,000 volumes. 37. Patent Office, Scientific Li- brary of the, Room 355, Patent Of- fice, 8th and F Streets. Phone, Main 6280, Branch 90. Librarian, H. H. Brogan. Foreign patents, technology and applied sciences. 80,000 volumes. 38. Pension Bureau, Library of the, Pension Building, 5th and F Streets. Phone, Main 5110, Branch 43. Librarian, Newton A. Strait. Military sciences and war books, es- pecially Civil War. 2,500 volumes. 39. Reclamation Service, Engin- eering Library of the, Rooms 6318- 6322, Interior Building, 19th and F Streets. Phone, Main 1880, Branch 591. Engineer in charge, Charles A. Bissell. Irrigation, hydraulics and water power. 3,500 volumes. 40. Reclamation Service, Law Li- brary of the, Rooms 6334 and 6336, Interior Building, 18th and F Streets. Phone, Main 1880, Branch 585. Li- brarian, Thomas P. Jordan. Law books, United States, Federal and State reports. 2,000 volumes. 11. Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, Li- brary of the, Administration Build- ing, Anacostia, D. C. Phone, Lin- coln 1426. Librarian, Miss Clara Willard. Books on nervous and men- tal diseases and psychiatry. 9,000 volumes. The library also has a cir- culating branch for the patients of 10,000 volumes. 12. Solicitors Office of the Depart- ment of the Interior, Library of the, Room 5106, Interior Building, 18th and F Streets. Phone, Main 1880, Branch 29. Librarian, Thomas A. Green. Law, land law, state laws, re- ports and statutes. 5,000 volumes. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 43. Department Library, 1st floor, Bieber Building, 1358 B Street, S. W. Phone, Main 4650, Branches 23 and 24. Librarian, Miss Claribel R. Bar- nett. Agriculture, agricultural eco- nomics, science, technology and sta- tistics. 155,000 volumes. The fol- lowing bureau libraries contain tem- porary loan deposits from the Depart- ment Library: 44. Bureau of Animal Industry, Library of the, Room 246, East wing, 12th and B Streets, S. W. Phone, Main 4650, Branch 434 2 rings. Li- brarian, Miss C. B. Sherfy. Veterin- ary science, medicine, dairying. 45. Bureau of Biological Survey, Library of the, Room 203, Bieber Building, 1358 B Street, S. W. Phone, Main 4650, Branch 245. Librarian, William H. Cheesman. Ornithology, mammology, entomology, game pro- tection. 46. Bureau of Chemistry, Library of the, Rooms 210, 216, 13th Street, S. W. Phone, Main 4650, Branch 51. Librarian, Miss Louise Duvall. Chem- istry and allied subjects, including food. 8,000 volumes. 47. Bureau of Crop Estimates, Li- brary of the, 3rd floor, Main Agri- cultural Building, 13th Street and the Mall. Phone, Main 4650, Branch 66. Librarian, Mrs. Ellen H. Painter. Ag- riculture and statistics. 18,000 vol- umes. 48. Bureau of Entomology, Li- brary of the, Room 2, Entomology Building, near 12th and B Strests, S. W. Phone, Main 4650, Branch 182. Librarian, Miss Mavel Colcord. En- tomology. 17,000 books and pamph- lets. 49. Bureau of Markets, Library of the, Room 705, Bieber Building, 1358 B Street, S. W. Phone, Main 4650, Branch 279. Librarian, Miss Mary G. Lacy. Agricultural econom- ics and marketing. 4,000 volumes. 50. Bureau of Plant Industry, Li- brary of the, Room 126, West wing, Agricultural Building, 14th and B Streets. Phone, Main 4650, Branch 473. Librarian, Miss Eunice R. Ober- ly. Economic and systematic botany, plant pathology. 4,000 volumes. 51. Bureau of Public Roads, Li- brary of the, Room 804, Willard Building, 515 14th Street. Phone, Main 5333, Branch 30. Research li- brarian, Miss Orrena Louise Evans. Engineering, highway construction, irigation, drainage and farm engin- eering. 5,000 volumes. 52. Forest Service, Library of the, Room 218, Atlantic Building, 930 F Street. Phone, Main 6910, Branch 45. Librarian, Miss Helen E. Stock- bridge. Forestry and lumbering. 22,- 000 books and pamphlets. 53. Office of Farm Management, Library of the, Rooms 205, 6, and 8, 2nd floor, 200 14th Street, S. W. Phone, Main 4650, Branch 2812 rings. Librarian, Miss Anna Dewees. Agricultural economics and rural life studies. 1,157 volumes. 54. States Relations Service, Li- brary of the, Rooms 611 and 612, 220 14th Street, S. W. Phone, Main 6450, Branch 217. Librarian, Miss M. L. Gericke. Complete set of the publi- cations of State agricultural experi- ment stations, State agricultural ex- tension services, Farmers institutes, and Department of Agriculture. 10,- 000 volumes. 55. Solicitor of the Agricultural Department, Library of the, Room 27, 1316 B Street, corner of Lin- worth Street. Phone, Main 4650. Branch 13. Librarian, Francis D. Scott. Law, reports and miscellany. 3,000 volumes. 56. Weather Bureau, Library of the, Main Weather Bureau Building, 24th and M Streets. Phone, West 1640, Branch 27. Librarian, Profes- sor C. Fitzhugh Talman. Meteorol- ogy, climatology, and seismology. Li- brary catalogues articles on these subjects appearing in a large number of scientific journals. 42,000 volumes. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 57. Department Library, Rooms 1001-1010, Commerce Building, 19th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. Phone, Main 5060, Branch 80. Li- brarian, Miss Anne G. Cross. Com- merce, census, finance, industry and economic conditions. 110,000 vol- umes. 58. Bureau of Fisheries, Library of the, Room 23, Fisheries Building, 6th and B Streets, S. W. Phone, Main 5240, Branch 14, Librarian, Miss Rose M. MacDonald. Fish and fish products. 41,000 volumes. 59o Bureau of Standards, Library of the, Room 310, South Building, Connecticut Avenue and Pierce Mill Road. Phone, Cleveland 1720, Branch 75. Librarian, A. Fanti. Physical sciences and their applications. 22.- 000 volumes. 60. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Library of the, 205 New Jersey Ave- nue, S. E. Phone, Lincoln 1872, Branch 24. Librarian, W. A. Masker, Jr. Science, geodesy, surveying, hy- drography, cartography and tides and currents. 25,000 vo^mes. 61. Solicitors Office, Department of Commerce, Library of the, Room 612-617, Commerce Building, 19th and Pennsylvania Avenue. Phone, Main 5060, Branch 18. In charge of library, J. J. O'Hara, Assistant soli- citor. Law and reports. 3,000 vol- umes. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 62. Department Library, 5th floor, Labor Building, 1712 G Street. Phone, Main 8474, Branch 73. Li- brarian, Miss Laura A. Thompson. Labor, immigration, naturalization, statistics, child welfare, housing. 80,- 000 books and pamphlets, and a large coPection of file material on these subjects. 63. Solicitor's Library, Depart- ment of Lab^r, Library of the, Room 816, Labor Building, 1712 G Street. Phone, Main 8474, Branch 11. Li- brarian, Mrs. L. C. Burlew. Law and reports and labor legislation. 3,000 volumes. INDEPENDENT ESTABLISH- MENTS 64. Civil Service Commission, Li- brary of the, 6th floor, Civil Service Building, 1724 F Street. Phone, Main 75, Branch 60. Librarian, Arthur R. Butler. Civil service laws, history and administration, domestic and foreign. 4,000 volumes. 65. Corporation Cogl, District of Columbia, Library 8F the, Room 423, District Building. Phone, Main 6000, Branch 147. Librarian, James C. Wilkes. Law books and reports. 2,800 volumes. 66. Documents Library, Govern- ment Printing Office, 7th floor, H Street Annex. Phone, Main 6840, Branches 63 and 40. Librarian, Miss Sarah Ambler. All Government pub- lications as printed. 280,000 volumes. 67. Efficiency Bureau, Library of the, Room 400, Winder Building, 17th and F Streets. Phone, Main 8686, Branch 5. Librarian, Miss Gladys E. Weaver. Scientific management, gov- ernment publications and statutes. 2,500 volumes. 68. Federal Board for Vocational Education, Library of the, Maltby Building, 200 New Jersey Avenue, N. W. Phone, Main 7890, Branch 84. Librarian, Charles F. Cochran. Vo- cational education and rehabilitation of soldiers. 8,500 volumes. 69. Federal Power Commission, Library of the, Room 1211, Interior Building, 18th and F Streets. Phone, Main 1880, Branch 344. Librarian, Miss Maude Rippier. Engineering, power development, taxation. 2,000 volumes. 70. Federal Reserve Board, Li- brary of the, National Theatre Build- ing, 1325 E Street. Phone, Main 6400, Branch 313. Librarian, Nelson W. McCombs. Banking, finance and economics. 6,000 volumes. 71. Federal Trade Commission, Library of the, Rooms 1508-1521, Temporary Building No. 4, 2000 D Street, N. W. Phone, Main 7720, Branch 45. Librarian, Thomas P. Ayer. Corporation economics, indus- tries, law. 16,000 volumes. 72. Interstate Commerce Commis- sion, Library of the, Rooms 725-726, Interstate Commerce Commission Building, 18th Street and Pennsyl- vania Avenue. Phone, Main 7460, Branch 5. Librarian, Leroy S. Boyd. Railroad economics and law. 25,000 volumes and pamphlets. 73. Pan-American Union, Colum- bus Memorial Library of the, Pan- American Building, 17th and B Streets. Phone, Main 6638. Librar- ian, Charles E. Babcock. Hispanic America. 45,000 volumes. 74. Smithsonian Institution, Li- brary of the, 5 rooms, main floor, Smithsonian Building, 10th and B Streets, S. W. Phone, Main 1811, Branches 3, 33, and 37. Librarian, Paul Brockett. Scientific and techni- cal books, and explorations. 300,000 volumes. 75. Astrophysical Observatory, Library of the, Smithsonian Build- ing, 10th and B Streets, S. W. Phone, Main 1811, Branch 3. Librarian, Paul Brockett. Astrophysics, astronomy, physics. 3,000 volumes. 76. Bureau of American Ethnol- ogy, Library of the, Smithsonian Building, 10th and B Streets, S. W. Phone, Main 1811, Branch 18. Li- brarian, Miss Ella Leary. Anthrop- ology and American aborigines. 40,- 000 volumes. 77. National Gallery of Art, Li- brary of the, Office of the Director, Museum Building, 10th and B Streets, S. W. Phone, Main 1811. Librarian, Paul Brockett. Books on Fine Arts. 500 volumes. 78. National Museum, Library of the, B Street and the Mall. Phone, Main 1811, Branch 682. Librarian, Paul Brockett. Scientific and tech- nical books. 145,000 volumes. 79. National Zoological Park, Li- brary of the, Office Building, Adams Mill *Road. Phone, Columbia 744. Li- brarian, Ned Hollister. Books on the care of animals, landscape gardening. 1,500 volumes. 80. U. S. Soldiers Home, Library of the, Scott Building, Soldiers Home Grounds. Phone, Columbia 750, Branch 26. Librarian, Miss Grace V. Evans. General library, literature, history and travel. 16,000 volumes. 81. U. S. Tariff Commission, Li- brary of the, 3rd floor, Old Land Office Building, 7th and E Streets. Phone, Main 3947, Branch 14. Librarian, Miss Cornelia Notz. Customs tariffs, economics, commerce, statistics and trade periodicals. 7,500 volumes and pamphlets. 3. JUDICIAL BRANCH NOTE: The Library of the Supreme Court; see page 1, Library of Congress. 82. Juvenile Court of the District of Columbia, Library of the, 203 I Street. Phone, Main 4549. Librarian, Clerk of the Court. Law books and juvenile problems. 500 volumes. 83. U. S. Court of Customs Ap- peals, Library of the, 4th floor, Na- tional Savings and Trust Building, 15th and New York Avenue. Phone, Main 4696. Librarian, Alexander H. Clark. Law books and reports of states and the United States. 3,000 volumes. 4. PUBLIC LIBRARY 84. Public Library of the District of Columbia, Mount Vernon Square, 8th Street and New York Avenue. Phone, Main 6776. Librarian, George F. Bowerman. Includes following divisions: Circulation Division Children's Division Extension Division Industrial Division Information Division Picture Division Reference Division Schools Division There is a branch library at Ta- koma Park on 5th and Cedar Streets, whose phone is Columbia 3741. 230,- 000 volumes, 50,000 mounted pic- tures, and 567 periodicals on file (in- cluding the branch library). LIBRARIES NOT UNDER FED- ERAL CONTROL 85. American Federation of Labor, Library of the, Room 509 : American Federation of Labor Build- ing, 9th Street and Massachusetts Avenue. Phone, Main 3871. Librar- ian, Edmund M. Duffley. Sociology, economics and labor reports. 6,000 volumes. 86. American National Red Cross, Library of the, 17th Street, between D and E Streets. Phone, Main 5400, Branch 262. Librarian, Miss Robina Rae. Social welfare, health and medi- cine, domestic and foreign. 6,000 volumes and pamphlets. 87. American Patent Law Asso- ciation, Library of the, Rooms 612- 618 Washington Loan and Trust Building, 9th and F Streets. Phone, Main 656. Librarian, Miss A. M. Par- kins. Law and technology relating to U. S. and foreign patents. 6,000 vol- umes. 88. American University, Library of the, Massachusetts and Nebraska Avenues. Phone. Cleveland 798. Law, diplomacy, history, theology and science. 60,000 volumes. 89. American University. School of Diplomacy, Library of the, 1907 F Street. Phone, Franklin 1500. Li- brarian, Frederick P. Myers. Law and diplomacy. 5,000 volumes. 90. Army and Navy Club, Library of the, Connecticut Avenue and I Street. Phone, Main 8400. Librar- ian, Col. J. R. M. Taylor. General literature, military sciences, naval sci- ences, history. 3,000 volumes. 91. Associated Charities, Library of the, 923 H Street. Phone, Main 992. Secretary in charge of library, Walter S. Ufford. Social service, charity and surveys. 1,000 volumes. 91a. Bahai Assembly of Washing- ton, Library of the, Hadleigh Apt. Phone, N. 9080, Apt. 3. Custodian, Mrs. E. R. Boyle. Circulating library on Bahaism. 500 volumes. 92. Bar Association of the District of Columbia, Library of the, Court House, D Street, opposite 4V Street. 8 Phone, Franklin 3105. Librarian, J. S. Phelan. Law, English, American and Canadian reports. 20,000 vol- umes. 93. Bureau of Railway Economics, Library of the, Room 429, Homer Building, 13th Street. Phone, Main 6488. Librarian, Richard H. Johns- ton. Railway economics and allied subjects. 100,000 volumes and pamphlets. 94. Business High School, Library of the, Room 12, Business High School, 9th Street and Rhode Island Avenue. Phone, Main 6000, Busi- ness High. Librarian, Miss Margaret D. Davies. Working school library. 3,000 volumes. 95. Carnegie Endowment for In- ternational Peace, Library of the, No. 2 Jackson Place. Phone, Main 3428, Branch 4. Librarian, Miss M. Alice Matthews. International law, history, diplomacy, and the peace movement. 17,000 volumes. 96. Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington, Department of Historical Re- search, Library of the, Room 1140, Woodward Building, 15th and H Streets. Phone, Main 1697. In charge of the Director, J. Franklin Jameson. American history, Euro- pean archives and general reference books. 1,800 volumes. 97. Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Library of the, 36th Street and Broad Branch Road. Phone, Cleveland 863. Librarian, H. D. Harradon. Magnetism and elec- tricity, and general scientific refer- ence books particularly as related to terrestrial magnetism and terrestrial electricity. 11,000 volumes and pamphlets. 98. Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington, Geophysical Laboratory, Li- brary of the, 2801 Upton Street. Phone, Cleveland 334. Librarian, R. B. Sosman. Physics, chemistry and geology. 3,000 volumes. 99. Catholic University of Amer- ica, Library of the, West wing, Mac- Mahon Hall, Brookland. Phone, North 4181. Acting librarian, Joseph Schneider. Theology, literature, his- tory, science and economics. 132,000 volumes. 100. Catholic University Apostolic Mission House, Library of the, Mich- igan Avenue, Brookiand. Phone, North 1739. Librarian, Rev. Walter Elliott, C. S. P. Theology and re- ligion. 5,000 volumes. 101. Central High School, Library of the, High School Building, 13th and Clifton Streets. Phone, Main 6000 Central. Librarian, Miss Laura N. Mann. Working school library. 7,600 volumes. 102. Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Library of the, Room 619, Mills Building, 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. Phone, Main 8370, Branch 18. Librarian, Miss Beata V. Drake. General reference, finance, commerce and industry. 9,- 000 volumes. 103. Christian Science Library, Room 601, Colorado Building, 14th and G Streets. Phone, Main 6827. Librarian, Mrs. Mildred M. Peacock. Christian Science publications. 104. Columbia Historical Society, Library cf the, Room 57, Pacific Building, 622 F Street. No phone. Librarian, Miss Maud Burr Morris, History, especially of the District of Columbia. 2,500 volumes. 105. Community Service, Library of the, 918 10th Street. Phone, Main 7600. In charge of library, Miss N. Scott. General literature. 3,000 volumes. 106. Corcoran Gallery of Art, Li- brary of the, 1st floor, Art Gallery Building, 17th Street and New York Avenue. Phone, Main 1600. Art books and art reference books. 3,000 volumes. 107. Cosmos Club, Library of the, Cosmos Club House, 1520 H Street, corner of Madison Place. Phone, Main 303. Librarian, Henry E. Lower. Reference, history, travel and litera- ture. 4,000 volumes. 108. Daughters of the American Revolution Memorial Library, Conti- nental Hall, 17th Street. Phone, Main 4980. Librarian-General, Mrs. F. D. Ellison, Librarian, Miss Alice Griggs. Americana, genealogy, local and fam- ily history. 10,000 volumes. 109. Dominican House of Studies (College of the Immaculate Concep- tion), Library of the, 487 Michigan Avenue, N. E. Phone, North 2422. Librarian, Rev. Basil Saylor. Theol- ogy and philosophy. 12,000 volumes. 110. Dunbar High School, Library of the, 1st and N Streets, N. W. Phone, Main 6000 Dunbar. Librarian, Miss J. B. Brandon. Working school library. 4,000 volumes. 111. Eastern High School, Library of the, High school building, 7th and C Streets, S. E. Phone, Main 6,000 Eastern High. Librarian, Miss Dor- othea W. Boyd. Working school li- brary. 7,000 volumes. 112. Esoteric Brotherhood Li- brary, 1314 L Street. Phone, Main 1298. Librarian, Miss L. C. Leavitt. Esoteric, new thought and philosophy. 500 volumes. 113. Fairmont School, Library of the, 2400 19th Street. Phone, Colum- bia 193. Librarian, Robert H. Adams. Working school library. 1,000 vol- umes. 114. Friends School (Sidwells). Library of the, 2nd floor, 1809 I Street. Phone, Main 284. Secretary in charge of library, Miss Alberta Wilson. Working school library. 2,- 000 volumes. George Washington University, 115-118 115. General Library, Lisner Hall, 2023 G Street. Phone, West 1649, Branch 4. Librarian, Alfred F. W. Schmidt. General literature and science. 45,000 volumes. 116. Law School Library, 1435 K Street, N. W. Phone, Main 6503, Branch 2. Librarian, Miss Frances E. Park. Law and reports. 12,000 vol- umes. 117. Medical School Library, 1335 H Street. Phone, Main 7875. Librar- ian, William B. King. Medicine. 3,- 000 volumes. 118. Pharmacy College Library, 808 I Street. Phone, Main 1617. Li- brary in charge of Dean. Pharmaceu- tics and chemistry. 2,500 volumes. Georgetown University, 119-126 119. Astronomical Library, Obser- vatory Heights, west of University. Librarian, Rev. Peter Archer, S. J. Astronomy, science and mathematics. 2,000 volumes. 120. Foreign Service School, Li- brary of the, 6th Street, near E Street. Phone, Main 5440. Librar- ian, Gregory M. Creutz. International relations, shipping, marine insurance and commerce. 1,500 volumes. 121. Georgetown University Hos- pital Medical and Clinical Library of the, 35th and N Streets. Phone, West 125. Librarian, P. H. Corrigan. Med- icine. 6,000 volumes and pamphlets. 122. Hirst Student Library, Healy Building, University Grounds. Li- brarian, Joseph O'Brien. General col- lege reference library. 7,000 volumes. 123. Law School Library, 506 E Street. Phone, Main 7293. Librar- ian, William Manger. Law books and reports. 12,000 volumes. 124. Morgan Colonial Maryland and District of Columbia Library, 1st floor, Healy Building, University Grounds. Librarian, Rev. Francis Barnum, S. J. Early colonial history. 4,000 volumes. 125. Philosophic Library, North Building, University Grounds. Li- brarian, Rev. Edmund A. Walsh, S. J. Philosophy and theology. 1,500 vol- umes. 126. Riggs Memorial Library, South Pavilion, Healy Building, 37th and O Streets. Phone, West 820, Branch 1. Librarian, Rev. Henry J. Shandelle, S. J. General university library in all departments. 165,000 volumes. 127. Georgetown Visitation Con- vent, Library of the, 1524 35th Street, Georgetown. Phone, West 24. Li- brarian, Sister Jane Frances. Work- ing school library. 6,000 volumes. 128. Gonzaga College, Library of the, College Building, 19 I Street, N. 10 W. Phone, Franklin 711. Librarian, Rev. Henry J. Hagen, S. J. College reference library and theology. 18,- 000 volumes. 129. Holy Cross Academy, Li- brary of the, Dumbarton Heights, Up- ton Street, near Connecticut Avenue. Phone, Cleveland 490. Librarian, Sis- ter M. Bertilde. Working school li- brary, music, art and pedagogy. 5,- 000 volumes. 130. Holy Cross College, Library of the, Harewood Road, N. E. Brook- land. Phone, Columbia 3534. Librar- ian, J. Ray Clancy. Theology and gen- eral. 6,500 volumes. 131. Immaculate Seminary, Li- brary of the, Nebraska and Wisconsin Avenues^ Phone, Cleveland 40. Working school library. 2,000 vol- umes. 132. Institute for Government Re- search, Library of the, 818 Connecti- cut Avenue. Phone, Main 4989. U. S. Government and administration. 5,000 volumes. 133. Institute of Industrial Re- search, Library of the, 1845 B Street. Phone, Main 4802 and Main 4803. Li- brarian, P. H. Butler. Science, tech- nology and chemistry as it relates to paint. 1,500 volumes. 134. International Reform Bu- reau, Library of the, 206 Pennsyl- vania Avenue, S. E., near the Capitol. Phone, Lincoln 1955. Librarian, Mrs. Wilbur F. Crafts. Sociology, moral reforms, prohibition, languages. 4,- 000 volumes. 135. McKinley Manual Training School, Library of the, 7th Street and Rhode Island Avenue. Phone, Main 6 ; 000 McKinley, Branch 202. Librar- ian, Miss Jennie Grady. Working school library. 3,000 volumes. 136. Marist College, Library of the, Harewood Road, Brookland. Phone, Columbia 3541. Librarian, Rev. A. Bellwald, S. M. Philosophy and sacred sciences. 12,000 volumes. 137. Marist Seminary, Library of the, Fort Drive and 2nd Street, N. E. Phone, Columbia 3542. Librarian, Rev. Dr. R. Butin. Theology, sacred oratory, classics and oriental philol- ogy. 4,500 volumes. 138. Masonic and Eastern Star Home, Library of the, Sligo Mill Road, near Eastern Avenue and District Line, Takoma Park. Phone, Colum- bia 3533. Librarian, Mrs. Schneider. General reference library and fiction. 1,500 volumes. 139. Masonic Library of the Grand Lodge, F. A. A. M., of the Dis- trict of Columbia, Masonic Temple, 13th Street and New York Avenue. Phone, Main 7016. Librarian, Horace S. Naylpr. Masonic reference works and fiction. 3,500 volumes. 140. Metcalf's Musical Library, 901 Ingraham Street. Phone, Colum- bia 477 1-W. In charge of library, F. J. Metcalf. Music and hymnology. 4,000 volumes. 141. Mount Saint Sepulchre (Franciscan Monastery), Library of the Quincey Street, Brookland. Phone, North 1883. In charge of li- brary, Father Godfrey Hunt. Relig- ion, philosophy and books on the Franciscan Order. 12,000 volumes. 142. Mount Vernon Seminary, Li- brary of the, Nebraska Avenue, near Massachusetts Avenue. Phone, Cleve- land 1400. Librarian, Miss Ames. Working school library. 3,000 vol- umes. 143. National Catholic Welfare Council, Library of the, 1314 Massa- chusetts Avenue. Phone, Main 1860. Librarian, Miss Edith Wright. Edu- cation and sociology. 1,500 volumes. 144. National Conservation Asso- ciation, Library of the, Woodward Building, 15th and H Streets. Phone, Main 232. Natural resources. 500 volumes. 145. National Education Associa- tion, Library of the, 1201 16th Street, corner of L Street. Phone, Main 5438. Librarian, Miss Harriet M. Chase. Educational reports and reference books. 1,000 volumes. 146. National Geographic Society, Library of the, Hubbard Memorial Hall, 16th and M Streets. Phone, Franklin 4400, Branch 38. Librarian, 11 Miss Kathleen Margrave. Geography, travel, explorations, descriptions. 5,000 volumes. 147. National Library for the Blind, Room 2024-2032, 1800 D Street. Phone, Franklin 5609. Li- brarian, Miss Etta Josselyn Giffin. Embossed in Braille, general litera- ture. 11,000 volumes. 148. National Popular Government League, Library of the, Room 637, Munsey Building, E Street and Penn- sylvania Avenue. Phone, Main 5884. Secretary in charge, Judson King. Popular government, initiative, refer- endum and recall. 500 volumes. 149. National Press Club, Library of the, 8th floor, Albee Building, 15th and G Streets. Phone, Main 8295. Library in charge of Chairman of the Library Committee, John Lorance. Reference 'books, current literature and documents relating to public questions. 3,000 volumes. 150. National University Law School, Library of the, 818 13th Street. Phone, Franklin 2909. Sec- retary in charge of library, John L. Cassin. Law. 4,000 volumes. 15.1 Peabody Library Association of Georgetown, 3233 O Street, George- town. Phone, West 574. Librarian, Miss Eva Nelson Gilbert. Fiction and English literature. 9,000 volumes. 152. Sacred Heart Academy, Li- brary of the, 8th and C Streets, S. W. Working and reference library, in- cluding works by Catholics. 500 vol- umes. 153. Saint John's College, Library of, 1225, Vermont Avenue. Phone Main 7304. Custodian, Brother Mau- rice. Circulating and reference col- lege library. 10,000 volumes. 154. Saint John's College. Com- merce and Finance School, Library of, Room 203, 1311 Massachusetts Ave- nue. Phone, Main 7304. Commerce and finance. 500 volumes. 155. Saint Paul's Collage, Library of, Brookland. Library in charge of Paulist Fathers. Theology, philos- ophy, church history and biography. 12,000 volumes. 156. Seventh Day Adventist's, Li- brary of, Eastern Avenue, Takoma Park. Phone, Columbia 386. Church and reference books used in connec- tion with publishing. 1,500 volumes. 157. Sons of the American Revo- lution, Library of the, 16th and S Streets. Phone, North 2652. Librar- ian, William L. Boyden. Genealogy, family history and publications of the Society. 1,000 volumes. 158. Southern Railway Company, Law Library of the, Room 702, South- ern Railway Building, 13th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. Phone, Main 4461, Branch 378. Law and reports. 15,000 volumes. 159. Supreme Council, 33rd De- gree, Library of the, 16th and S Streets. Phone, North 2652. Librar- ian, William L. Boyden. History of freemasonry, Masonic ritual, manu- scripts of and publications by Albert Pike, fine bindings, general literature. 95,000 volumes. 160. Swedenborgian Library of National New Jerusalem Church, 16th and Corcoran Streets. Phone, Main 6280, Branch 46. Librarian, Fred W. Swanton. Theology and religion in works by Swedenborg and others. 1,- 500 volumes. 161. Tax Reform Association, Li- brary of the, 1464 Belmont Street. Phone, Librar- ian, Mrs. Lucy R, Swanton. Taxation, assessment. Single tax. 1,000 vol- umes. 162. Theosophical Society, Wash- ington Lodge, Library of the, 2nd floor, 1216 H Street. Librarian, Miss Eleanor M. Hough. Theosophy, oc- cultism, philosophy, biblical criticism and science. 1,000 volumes. 163. Trinity College, Library of Michigan Avenue, N. E. Brookland. Phone, North 10328. Librarian, Sis- ter Mary Patricia. College reference library. 26,000 volumes. 164. University Club, Library of the, 15th and I Streets. Phone, Franklin 6327. Chairman of the Li- brary Committee, Dr. D. W. Shea. 12 General reference books and fiction. 2,000 volumes. 165. Volta Bureau, Library of the, 1601 35th Street. Phone, West 14. Superintendent, Fred DeLand. Deaf- ness, phonetics, elocution and defects of speech. 15,000 volumes. 166. Washington College of Law, Library of the, 1315 K Street. Phone, Main 4585. Librarian, Miss Helen E. Jamison, Assistant Dean. Law and reports. 2,500 volumes. 167. Western High School, Li- brary of the, Room 209, Western High School, 35th and R Streets. Phone, Main 6000 Western High. Librarian, Miss Elizabeth Dessez. Working school library. 3,500 volumes. 168. Wilson Normal School, Teachers Library of the, llth and Harvard Streets. Phone, Main 6000 Wilson Normal. Librarian, Mrs. Dorothy DeMuth Watson. Working school library. 10,000 volumes. 169. Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation, Library of the, 7136 G Street. Phone, Main 8250. Librarian, Miss Florence J. Lacy. General reference and law library. 1,500 volumes. 170. Young Women's Christian Association, Library of the, 1333 F Street. Phone, Main 8587. In charge of library, Secretary of the Associa- tion. Fiction and reference books. 500 volumes. SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARIES No. Agriculture Department of agriculture 43 See also Agricultural eco- nomics, Dairying, For- estry, Landscape garden- ing, Marketing, Veterin- ary medicine Agricultural Economics Bureau of markets 49 Department of agriculture 43 Farm management and farm economics 53 Americana Daughters of the American revolution . . 108 No. Anthropology Bureau of American ethnology 76 Architecture Supervising architect's office. 13 Architecture, Naval Department of the navy 25 Astronomy Astronomical library 119 A'Strophysical observatory 75 Naval observatory 28 Astrophysics Astrophysical observatory 75 Bacteriology Hygienic laboratory 9 Bahaism Bahai assembly of Washing- ton 91a Banking Federal reserve board 70 Biology Bureau of biological survey 45 Hygienic laboratory 9 See also Botany, Entomol- ogy, Mammalogy, Path- ology, Plant pathology and Zoology Blind National library for the blind- 147 Botany Bureau of plant industry 50 Cartography Coast and geodetic survey 60 Census Department of commerce 57 Chemistry Bureau of chemistry 46 Carnegie institution of Wash- ington. Geophysical labora- tory 98 Hygienic laboratory 9 Institute of industrial research 133 Child Welfare Department of labor 62 Christian Science Christian science library 103 Church History St. Paul's college 155 Climatology Weather bureau 56 College Catalogues Bureau of education.. 29 13 No. Commerce Chamber of commerce of the U. S. 102 Department of commerce 57 Foreign service school 120 St. John's college commerce and finance school 154 U. S. tariff commission 81 Dairying Bureau of animal industry 44 Deaf Volta bureau 165 Diplomacy American university, school of diplomacy 89 Carnegie endowment for inter- national peace 95 Drainage Bureau of public roads 51 Economics American federation of labor_ 85 Bureau of railway economics- 93 Bureau of the mint 8 Catholic university 99 Department of commerce 57 Federal reserve board 70 Federal trade commission 71 Interstate commerce commis- sion 72 U. S. tariff commission 81 Education Bureau of education 29 Federal board for vocational education 68 National catholic welfare council 143 National education association 145 Engineering Bureau of public roads 51 Chief of engineers, war de- partment 16 Engineer school 17 Federal power commission 69 See also Drainage, Highway construction, Hydraulics, Irrigation, Surveying and Water power Entomology Bureau of biological survey __ 45 Bureau of entomology 48 Explorations National geographic society __ 146 Smithsonian institution.. 74 No. Fine Arts Corcoran art gallery 106 National gallery of arts 77 See also Architecture, Music Finance Chamber of commerce of the U. S. 102 Federal reserve board 70 Fish Bureau of fisheries C8 Food Bureau of chemistry 43 Foreign trade adviser 5 Forestry Forest service 52 Franciscans Mt. St. Sepulchre 141 Game Bureau of biological survey __ 45 Genealogy Daughters of the American revolution 108 Sons of the American revolu- tion 157 General Libraries Army and navy club 90 Business high school 94 Columbia institution for the deaf 31 Community service 105 Dunbar high school 110 Eastern high school 111 Fairmont school 113 Friends school 114 George Washington university 115 Georgetown visitation convent 127 Gonzaga college 128 Holy cross academy L 129 Holy cross college 130 Immaculata seminary 131 Library of congress 1 McKinley manual training school 135 Mount Vernon seminary 142 National press club 149 Public library 84 Riggs library 126 St. John's college 154 Supreme council library 159 U. S. soldiers' home 80 University club 164 Walter Reed hospital 22 Y. W. C. A. 60 14 No. Geodesy Coast and geodetic survey 60 Geography National geographic society 146 Geology Geological survey 33 Carnegie institution of Wash- ington. Geophysical labora- tory 98 Government Institute for government re- search 132 National popular government league 148 Government Publications Documents library 66 Department of the treasury. _ 7 Efficiency bureau 67 Highway Construction Bureau of public roads 51 Hispanic America Pan-American union 73 History American university 88 Army and navy club 90 Carnegie endowment for inter- national peace 95 Carnegie institution of Wash- ington, Department of his- torical research 96 Civil service commission 64 Columbia historical society 104 Cosmos club 107 Daughters of the American revolution 108 Department of state 4 Morgan colonial Maryland and District of Columbia li- brary 124 Sons of the American revolu- tion 157 U. S. soldiers' home 80 Hydraulics Reclamation service _ 39 Hydrography Coast and geodetic survey 60 Hydrographic office 26 Immigration Department of labor 62 Indians Bureau of American ethnology 76 Office of Indian affairs 35 No. Industry Chamber of commerce of the U. S. 102 Department of commerce. L 57 Federal trade commission 71 International Law and Relations Carnegie endowment for inter- national peace 95 Department of state 4 Foreign service school ; 120 Irrigation Bureau of public roads 51 Reclamation service 39 Juvenile Law Juvenile court . 82 Labor American federation of labor_ 85 Department of labor 62 Landscape Gardening National zoological park 79 Laws, Statutes and Legislation American patent law associa- tion 87 American university 88 Bar association, District of Co- lumbia 92 Civil service commission 64 Corporation counsel 65 Department of justice 23 Efficiency bureau 67 Federal trade commission 71 General land office 32 George Washington university, Law school 116 Georgetown university law school 123 House (U. S. Congress) 2 Internal revenue office 10 Interstate commerce commis- sion 72 Judge advocate general's li- brary 19 Juvenile court 82 National university law school 150 Office of Indian affairs 35 Patent office 37 Reclamation service 40 Senate (U. S. Congress) 3 Solicitor, Department of agri- culture 55 Solicitor, Department of com- merce _ 61 15 No. Solicitor, Department of inte- rior 42 Solicitor, Department of labor 63 Solicitor, Department of post office 24 Solicitor, Department of state.. 6 Solicitor, Department of treas- ury 12 Southern railway co 158 U. S. court of customs appeals 83 War risk insurance 14 Washington college of law 166 Y. M. C. A 169 See also International law and relations, Juvenile law Literature Cosmos club 107 U. S. soldier's home 80 Mammalogy Bureau of biological survey __ 45 Manufacture Quartermaster general's li- brary 20 Marketing Bureau of markets 49 Marine Insurance Foreign service school 120 Masonry Supreme council library 159 Masonic library of the Grand Lodge, F. A. A. M. of D. C. 139 Mathematics Astronomical library 119 Engineer school 17 Naval observatory 28 Medicine American national red cross__ 86 Army medical school 15 Bureau of animal industry 44 Bureau of mines 30 George Washington medical school 117 Georgetown university hos- pital medical and clinical li- brary 121 Howard university 34 Hygienic laboratory 9 Naval medical school 27 Public health service 11 Surgeon general's library 21 Metallurgy Bureau of mines 30 Bureau of the mint__ 8 No. Meteorology Weather bureau 56 Military Sciences Army and navy club 90 Engineer school 17 General staff college 18 Pension bureau 38 Music Holy cross academy Metcalf's musical library 140 Natural Resources National conservation associa- tion 144 Naturalization Department of labor 62 Navigation Hydrographic office 26 Naval Sciences Army and navy club 90 Navy department 25 Negro- Americana Howard university 34 Nervous and Mental Diseases St. Elizabeth's hospital 41 New Thought Esoteric brotherhood 112 Ornithology Bureau of biological survey. _ 45 Patents American patent law associa- tion Patent office 36 Pathology Hygienic laboratory 9 Peace Movement Carnegie endowment for inter- national peace 95 Pharmacy and Pharmacology George Washington university, Pharmacy college 118 Hygienic laboratory 9 Philology, Oriental Marist seminary 137 Philosophy Dominican house of studies 109 Esoteric brotherhood 112 Marist college 136 Marist seminary 137 Philosophic library 125 St. Paul's college 155 Theosophical society 162 Phonetics Volta bureau . .165 16 Plant Pathology Bureau of plant industry Physical Sciences Astrophysical observatory Bureau of standards Carnegie institution of Wash- ington. Department of ter- restrial magnetism Carnegie institution of Wash- ington, Geophysical labora- tory Naval observatory Prohibition International reform bureau. Psychiatry St. Elizabeth's hospital Public Health Hygienic laboratory Public health service Reference Collections Department of juslic-.- -- Hirst student library Masonic and Eastern Star home Sacred heart academy Trinity college University club Walter Reed hospital Western high school Y. M. C. A Y. W. C. A.__ Rehabilitation Federal board for vocational education Srcred Sciences Marist college Sacred Oratory Marist seminary Sanitation Hygienic laboratory Public health '.. Scientific collections American university Astronomical library . Bureau of mines _ Catholic university _ Institute of industrial re- search National museum Smithsonian institution Scientific Management Efficiency bureau . No. 50 75 59 97 68 136 137 9 11 88 119 30 99 133 78 74 67 No. Seismology Weather bureau 56 Shipping and shipbuilding Foreign service school, George- town university 120 Navy department 25 Social Service Associated charities 91 Social Welfare American national red cross__ 86 Sociology American federation of labor_ 85 International reform bureau- 134 National catholic welfare coun- cil 143 Surveying Coast and geodetic survey 60 Hydrographic office 26 Tariff Foreign trade advisor 5 U. S. tariff commission 81 Taxation Federal trade commission 71 Tax reform association 161 Technical Collections Bureau of mines 50 Department of agriculture 43 Institution of industrial re- search 133 National museum 73 Navy department 25 Patent office 37 Quartermaster's office 20 Smithsonian institution 74 Supervising architect's office- _ 13 Walter Reed hospital 22 Theology American university 88 Catholic university 99 Catholic university, apostolic mission 100 Dominican house of studies 109 Gonzaga college 128 Holy cross college 130 Howard university 34 Philosophic library 125 Saint Paul's college 155 Swedenborgian library 160 Theosophy Theosophical society 162 Tides and Currents Coast and geodetic survey 60 17 No. Trade Quartermaster's office 20 Travel Cosmos club 107 Department of state 4 National geographic society __ 146 U. S. soldiers' home 80 Treaties Foreign trade advisor 5 Veterinary medicine Bureau of animal industry 44 Vocational education Federal board for vocational education 68 Water power Federal power commission 69 Reclamation service 39 Zoology National zoological park 79 INDEX Agriculture, Department of Library of the 43 Solicitor's office of the 55 American federation of labor 85 American university 88 School of diplomacy of the___ 89 Animal industry, Bureau of 44 Army and navy cub 90 Army medical school 15 Associated charities 91 Astrophysical observatory 75 Bahai assembly of Washington- 91a Bar association of the D. C 92 Biological survey, Bureau of 45 Business high school 94 Carnegie endowment for interna- tional peace 95 Carnegie institution of Washing- ton Department of historical re- search 96 Department o f terrestrial magnetism 97 Geophysical laboratory 98 Catholic university 99 Apostolic mission house 100 Central high school 101 Chamber of commerce of the United States 102 Chemistry, Bureau of 46 Christian science library 103 Civil service commission _ 64 No. Coast and geodetic survey :_ 60 Columbia historical society 104 Columbia institution for the deaf 31 Commerce, Department of Library of the 57 Solicitor's office for the 61 Community service 105 Corcoran gallery of art 106 Corporation counsel 65 Cosmos club 107 Crop estimates, Bureau of 47 Customs appeals, Court of 83 Daughters of the American rev- olution 108 Documents library 66 Dominican house of studies 109 Dunbar high school 110 Eastern high school 111 Education, Bureau of 29 Efficiency Bureau 67 Engineer school 17 Engineers reference library, Chief of 16 Entomology, Bureau of 48 Esoteric brotherhood 112 Ethnology, Bureau of American 76 Fairmont school 113 Farm management, Office of 53 Federal board for vocational ed- ucation 68 Federal power commission 69 Federal reserve board 70 Federal trade commission 71 Fisheries, Bureau of 58 Foreign service school 120 Foreign trade adviser 5 Forest service 52 Friends school 114 General staff college 18 Geological survey 33 Geophysical laboratory 98 George Washington university__ 115 Law school 116 Medical school 117 Pharmacy college 118 Georgetown preparatory school Astronomical library 119 Georgetown university hos- pital 121 Foreign service school 120 Hirst student library . 122 Law school library . 123 18 No. Morgan colonial Maryland and District of Columbia library 124 Philosophic library 125 Riggs memorial library 126 Georgetown visitation convent. _ 127 Gonzaga college 128 Holy cross academy 129 Holy cross college 130 House of representatives library 2 Howard university 34 Hydrograph office 26 Hygienic laboratory 9 Immaculate seminary 131 Indian affairs, Office of the 35 Institute for government re- search 132 Institute of industrial research. 123 Interior, Department of the Solicitor's office of the 42 Internal revenue library 10 Interstate commerce commission 72 Judge advocate general's library 19 Justice, Department of Library of the 23 Juvenile court 82 Labor, Department of Library of the 62 Solicitor's library of the 63 Land office, General 32 Library of Congress 1 McKinley manual training school 135 Marist college 136 Marist seminary 137 Markets, Bureau of 49 Masonic and eastern star home_ 138 Masonic library 139 Metcalf's musical library 140 Mines, Bureau of 30 Mint, Bureau of the 8 Mount St. sepulchre 141 Mount Vernon seminary 142 National Catholic welfare council 143 National conservation association 144 National education association. _ 145 National gallery of art 77 National geographic society 146 National library for the blind __ 147 National museum 78 National popular government league 148 National university law school __ 150 National zoological park 79 Naval medical school . 27 No. Naval observatory 28 Navy department Library of the 25 Pan-American union 73 Patent law association 87 Patent office Law library 36 Scientific library 37 Peabody library association 151 Pension bureau 38 Plant industry, Bureau of 50 Post office department Solicitor for the 24 Press club, National 149 Public health service 11 Public library 84 Public roads, Bureau of 51 Quartermaster general's library 20 Railway economics, Bureau of__ 93 Reclamation service Engineering library of the 39 Law library of the 40 Red Cross, American national- _ 86 Reform bureau, International 134 Sacred Heart academy 152 Saint Elizabeth's hospital 41 Saint John's college 153 Commerce and finance school of 154 Saint Paul's college 155 Senate library 3 Seventh day adventists library. 156 Smithsonian Institute Library of the 74 Soldiers' home, U. S 80 Sons of the American revolution 157 Southern railway company 158 Standards, Bureau of 59 State, Department of Library of the 4 Solicitor of the 6 States relations service 54 Supreme council, Library of the 159 Surgeon general's library 21 Swedenborgian library 160 Tariff commission 81 Tax reform association 161 Theosophical society 162 Treasury department Library of the 7 Solicitor of the 12 Supervising architect of the 13 Trinity college . 163 19 University club 164 Western high school 167 Volta bureau 165 Wilson normal school 168 Walter Reed hospital 22 Young men's Christian associa- War risk insurance bureau 14 tion 169 Washington college of law 166 Young women's Christian asso- Weather bureau . 56 ciation _ . 170