of Hannibal BY JACOB ABBOTT WITH ENGRAVINGS NEW YORK AND LONDON HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS 1904 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, by HARPER & BROTHERS, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. Copyright, 1876, by JACOB ABBOTT. PBEF AC Jfi. THE authw of this series has made it his spe- eial object to confine himself very strictly, even in the most minute details which he records, to historic truth. The narratives are not tales founded upon history, but history itself, without any embellishment or any deviations from the strict truth, so far as it can now be discovered by an attentive examination of the annals writ- ten at the time when the events themselves oc- curred. In writing the narratives, the author has endeavored to avail himself of the best sources of information which this country af- fords ; and though, of course, there must be in these volumes, as in all historical narrative*, more or less of imperfection and error, there ia no intentional embellishment. Nothing is stat- ed, not aven the most minute and apparently viii PREFACE. imaginary details, without what was deemed good historical authority. The readers, there- fore, may rely upon the record as the truth, and nothing but the truth, so far as an honest par- pose and a careful examination have been ef- fectual in ascertaining it. CONTENTS. I. THK FIRST PUNIC W/ft... 13 II. HANNIBAL AT 9AGUNTUM 33 II. OPENING OF THE SECOND PUNIC WAR 52 T. THE PASSAGK OF THE RHONE 69 T. HANNIBAL, CROSSES THE ALPS 90 Tl. HANNIBAL IN THE NORTH OF ITALY 126 Til. THK APENNINES 144 Mil. THK DICTATOR FABIDS 163 IX. THK BATTLE OF CANNX 185 x. SCIPIO 205 ri. HANNIBAL A FUGITIVE AND AN EXILF 235 III. THK INSTRUCTION OF CARTHAttE 262 r * r MAP I ~ B.C. 254.] FIRST PUNIC WAR. 2S BvoeMi of th Roman*. Ttt rortrml ouhima. tioe maneuvers for a short time in port; and then go forth to meet the fleets of their power ful enemy, with grappling machines to hold them, fearing nothing but the possibility of their escape. The result was as might have been expected. The Romans captured, sunk, destroyed, or dis- persed the Carthaginian fleet which was brought to oppose them. They took the prows of the ahips which they captured and conveyed them to Rome, and built what is called a rostral pil- lar of them. A rostral pillar is a column orna- mented with such beaks or prows, which were, in the Roman language, called rostra. This col* umn was nearly destroyed by lightning about fifty years afterward, but it was repaired and rebuilt again, and it stood then for many cen- turies, a very striking and appropriate monu- ment of this extraordinary naval victory. The Roman commander in this case was the consul Dnilius. The rostral column was erected in honor of him. In digging among the ruins of Rome, there was found what was supposed to bo the remains of this column, about three hun* dred years ago. The Romans now prepared to carry the war into Africa itself. Of course it was easv. 26 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 254 Government of ROOM. The consuls their victory over the Carthaginian fleet, to trans- port troops across the sea to the* Garth aginiac shore. The Roman commonwealth was govern- ed at this time by a senate, who made the laws, and by two supreme executive officers, called consuls. They thought it was safer to have two phief magistrates than one, as each of the two would naturally be a check upon the other. The result was, however, that mutual jealousy involved them often in disputes and quarrels. It is thought better, in modern times, to have but one chief magistrate in the state, and to provide other modes to put a check upon any disposition he might evince to abuse his powers. The Roman consuls, in time of war, took com- mand of the armies. The name of the consul upon whom it devolved to carry on the war with the Carthaginians, after this first great victory, was Regulus, and his name has been celebrated in every age, on account of his extraordinary adventures in this campaign, and his untimely fate. How far the story is strictly true it is now impossible to ascertain, but the following is the story, as the Roman historians relate it : At the time when Regulus was elected con- sul he was a plain man, living simply on Mi farm, maintaining himself by his own industry, B.C.,254.] FIRST PUNIC WAR. 27 Story of Regulu. H* is made eonral and evincing no ambition or pride. His fellow- citizens, however, observed those qualities of mind in him which they were accustomed to ad- mire, and made him consul. He left the city and took command of the army. He enlarged the fleet to more than three hundred vessels. He put one hundred and forty thousand men on board, and sailed for Africa. One or two years had been spent in making these preparations, which time the Carthaginians had improved in building new ships ; so that, when the Romans set sail, and were moving along the coast of Sicily, they soon came in sight of a larger Car- thaginian fleet assembled to oppose them. Reg- ulus advanced to the contest. The Carthagin- ian fleet was beaten as before. The ships which were not captured or destroyed made their es- cape in all directions, and Regulus went on, without further opposition, and landed his forces on the Carthaginian shore. He encamped as soon as he landed, and sent back word to the Roman senate asking what was next to be done. The senate, considering that the great diffi- culty and danger, viz., that of repulsing the Carthaginian fleet, was now past, ordered Reg- alus to send home nearly all the ships and a very large part of the army, and with the rest 28 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 254 Ragnhu marched against Carthage. His difflcmltia* to commence his march toward Carthage. Reg ulus obeyed : he sent home the troops which had been ordered home, and with the rest began to advance upon the city. Just at this time, however, news oame out to him that the farmer who had had the care of his land at home had died, and that his little farm, on which rested his sole reliance for the support of his family, was going to ruin. Reg- ulus accordingly sent to the senate, asking them to place some one else in command of the army, and to allow him to resign his office, that he might go home and take care of his wife and children. The senate sent back orders that he should go on with his campaign, and promised to provide support for his family, and to see that some one was appointed to take care of his land. This story is thought to illustrate the extreme simplicity and plainness of all the habits of life among the Romans in those days. It certainly does so, if it is true. It is, however, very ex- traordinary, that a man who was intrusted, by snoh a commonwealth, with the command of a fleet of a hundred and thirty vessels, and an army of a hundred and forty thousand men, should have a family at home dependent for sub- jstenoe on the hired cultivation of seven acrea nf land. Still, snoh is th story. B.C,254.] FIRST PUNIC WAR. 29 Success** of Reguhu. Arriral of Greek*. The Roman* pat to flight Regulus advanced toward Carthage, conquer- ing as he came. The Carthaginians were beat- en in one field after another, and were reduced, in fact, to the last extremity, when an occur- rence took place which turned the scale. This occurrence was the arrival of a large body of troops from Greece, with a Grecian general at their head. These were troops which the Car- thaginians had hired to fight for them, as was the case with the rest of their army. But these were Greeks, and the Greeks were of the same race, and possessed the same qualities, as the Romans. The newly-arrived Grecian general evinced at once such military superiority, that the Carthaginians gave him the supreme com- mand. He marshaled the army, accordingly, for battle. He had a hundred elephants in the van. They were trained to rush forward and trample down the enemy. He had the Greek phalanx in the center, which was a close, com- pact body of many thousand troops, bristling with long, iron-pointed spears, with which the men pressed forward, bearing every thing before tham. Regulus was, in a word, ready to meet Carthaginians, but he was not prepared to en- counter Greeks. His army was put to flight, and he was taken prisoner. Nothing could ex 30 HANNIBAL, [B.C. 254 Kegulu* a prisoner. He U lent to Roma oeed the excitement and exultation in the city when they saw Regulus, and five hundred oth- er Roman soldiers, brought captive in. A few days before, they had been in consternation at the imminent danger of his coming in as a ruth- (ess and vindictive conqueror. The Roman senate were not discouraged by this disaster. They fitted out new armies, and the war went on, Regulus being kept all the time at Carthage as a close prisoner. At last the Carthaginians authorized him to go to Rome as a sort of commissioner, to propose to the Ro- mans to exchange prisoners and to make peace. They exacted from him a solemn promise that if he was unsuccessful he would return. The Romans had taken many of the Carthaginians prisoners in their naval combats, and held them captive at Rome. It is customary, in such ca- ses, for the belligerent nations to make an ex- change, and restore the captives on both sides to their friends and home. It was such an ex- change of prisoners as this which Regulus was to propose. When Regnlus reached Rome he refused tc enter the chy, but he appeared before the sen- ate without the walls, in a very humble garb and with the most subdued and unassuming de- B.C.249.] FIRST PUNIC WAR. 31 Regain* before the Roman senate. Recnl* of hli miMtea meanor. He was no longer, he said, a Roman officer, or even citizen, but a Carthaginian pris- oner, and he disavowed all right to direct, or even to counsel, the Roman authorities in re- peot to the proper course to be pursued. His opinion was, however, he said, that the Romans ought not to make peace or to exchange prison- ers. He himself and the other Roman prison- ers were old and infirm, and not worth the ex change ; and, moreover, they had no claim whatever on their country, as they could only have been made prisoners in consequence of want of courage or patriotism to die in their country's cause. He said that the Carthagin- ians were tired of the war, and that their re- sources were exhausted, and that the Romans ought to press forward in it with renewed vigor, and leave himself and the other prisoners to their fate. The senate came very slowly and reluctantly to the conclusion to follow this advice. They, however, all earnestly joined in attempting to persuade Regulns that he was under no obliga- tion to return to Carthage. His promise, they said, was extorted by the circumstances of the case, and was not binding. Regulus, however, insisted on keeping his faith with his enemies 82 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 249 Death ol R*gnhu. Concision of the war He sternly refused to see his family, and, bid- ding the senate farewell, he returned to Car- thage. The Carthaginians, exasperated at his having himself interposed to prevent the suo- ceas of his mission, tortured him for some time in the most cruel manner, and finally put him to death. One would think that he ought to have counseled peace and an exchange of pris- oners, and he ought not to have refused to see his unhappy wife and children ; but it was certainly very noble in him to refuse to break his word. The war continued for some time after this, until, at length, both nations became weary of the contest, and peace was made. The follow- ing is the treaty which was signed. It shows that the advantage, on the whole, in this first Punic war, was on the part of the Romans : "There shall be peace between Rome and Carthage. The Carthaginians shall evacuate all Sicily. They shall not make war upon any alJes of the Romans. They shall restore to the Romans, without ransom, all the prisoners which they have taken from them, and pay them with- in ten years three thousand two hundred talent* of silver." The war had continued twenty-four year*. B.C. 234.] HANNIBAL AT SAGUNTUM. 33 fwentag* tf nftii- Character of Hwniiewr CHAPTER II. HANNIBAL AT SAGUNTUM. FIlHE name of Hannibal's father was Haimi- -- car. He was one of the leading Cartha- ginian generals. He occupied a very prominent position, both on account of his rank, and wealth, and high family connections at Carthage, and also on account of the great military energy which he displayed in the command of the ar- mies abroad. He carried on the wars which the Carthaginians waged in Africa and in Spain after the conclusion of the war with the Romans, and he longed to commence hostilities with the Romans again. At one time, when Hannibal was about nine years of age, Hamilcar was preparing to set off on an expedition into Spain, and, as was usual in those days, he was celebrating the occasion with games, and spectacles, and various religious ceremonies. It has been the custom in all ages of the world, when nations go to war with each other, for each side to take measures for propi- tiating the favor of Heaven. Christian natu ns at the present day do it by prayers offered in 143 34 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 234 tteligiouj ceremonies. Hannibal'* famooi oath of enmity to Roma each country for the success of their own arms Heathen nations do it by sacrifices, libations, and offerings. Hamilcar had made arrange* ments for such sacrifices, and the priests wero offering them in the presence of the whole as- sembled army. Young Hannibal, then about nine years of age, was present. He was a boy of great spirit and energy, and he entered with much enthu- siasm into the scene. He wanted to go to Spain, himself with the army, and he came to his fa- ther and began to urge his request. His father could not consent to this. He was too young to endure the privations and fatigues of such an enterprise. However, his father brought him to one of the altars, in the presence of the other officers of the army, and made him lay his hand upon the consecrated victim, and swear that, as coon as he was old enough, and had it in his power, he would make war upon the Romans. This was done, no doubt, in part to amuse young Hannibal's mind, and to relieve his disappoint- ment in not being able to go to war at that time, by promising him a great and mighty en emy to fight at some future day Hannibal re- membered it, and longed for the time to come rhen be oould sp to war against the Roman* B.C. 234.] HANNIBAL AT SAGUNTUM 3d Hatoilcar in Spain. Hasdrubal. Death of HamUcar Hamilcar bade his son farewell and embarked for Spain. He was at liberty to extend his con quests there in all directions west of the River Iberas, a river which the reader will find upon the map, flowing southeast into the Mediterra- nean Sea. Its name, Iberus, hag been gradu- ally changed, in modern times, to Ebro. By the treaty with the Romans the Carthaginians were not to cross the Iberus. They were also bound by the treaty not to molest the people of Saguntum, a city lying between the Iberus and the Carthaginian dominions. Saguntum was in alliance with the Romans and under their protection. Hamilcar was, however, very restless and un- easy at being obliged thus to refrain from hos tilities with the Roman power. He began, im- mediately after his arrival in Spain, to forn. plans for renewing the war. He had unde him, as his principal lieutenant, a young man who had married his daughter. His name was Hasdrubal. With Hasdrubal's aid, he went on extending his conquests in Spain, and strength- ening his position there, and gradually matur- ing his plans for renewing war with the Ro- mans, when at length he died. Hasdrubal suo seeded him. Hannibal was now, probably, about S6 HANNIBAL. [B.C.221 Eiinnib*! sent for to Spain. Opposition of Hann twenty-one or two years old, and still in Car thage. Hasdrubal sent to the Carthaginian gov ernment a request that Hannibal might receive an appointment in the army, and be sent oat to join him in Spain. On the subject of complying with this re- quest there was a great debate ui the Cartha- ginian senate. In all cases where questions of government are controlled by votes, it has been found, in every age, that parties will always be formed, of which the two most prominent will usually be nearly balanced one against the oth- er. Thus, at this time, though the Hamilcar family were in power, there was a very strong party in Carthage in opposition to them. The leader of this party in the senate, whose name was Hanno, made a very earnest speech against sending Hannibal He was too young, he said, to be of any service. He would only learn the vices and follies of the camp, and thus become corrupted and ruined. " Besides," said Hanno, " at this rate, the command of our armies in Spain is getting to be a sort of hereditary right Hamilcar was not a king, that his authority should thus descend first to his son-in-law and then to his son ; for this plan of making Han- nibal," he said, " while yet scarcely arrived at B.C.221.] HANNIBAL AT SAGUNTITM. 37 Huutibal tele out for Spain. Frorble ImpreMlon OB the army manhood, a high officer in the army, is only a stepping-stone to the putting of the forces wholly under his orders, whenever, for any reason, Has drnbal shall cease to command them." The Roman historian, through whose narra- tive we get our only account of this debate, says that, though these were good reasons, yet strength prevailed, as usual, over wisdom, in the decision of the question. They voted to send Hannibal, and he set out to cross the sea to Spain with a heart full of enthusiasm and joy. A great deal of curiosity and interest was felt throughout the army to see him on his arrival The soldiers had been devotedly attached to his father, and they were all ready to transfer this attachment at once to the son, if he should prove worthy of it. It was very evident, soon after he reached the camp, that he was going to prove himself thus worthy. He entered at once into the duties of his position with a degree of ener- gy, .patience, and self-denial which attracied universal attention, and made him a universal favorite. He dressed plainly; he assumed no airs ; he sought for no pleasures or indulgences, nor demanded any exemption from the dangers and privations which the common soldiers had to endure. He ate plain food, and slept, often 38 HANNIBAL, [B.C. 221 Character of Hannibal He la elerated to the rapreme command in his military oloak, on the ground, in the midst of the soldiers on guard ; and in battle he was always foremost to press forward into the contest, and the last to leave the ground when the time came for repose. The Romans say that, in addition to these qualities, he was in- human and merciless when in open warfare with his foes, and cunning and treacherous in every other mode of dealing with them. It is very probable that he was so. Such traits of character were considered by soldiers in those days, as they are now, virtues in themselves, though vices in their enemies. However this may be, Hannibal became a great and universal favorite in the army. He went on for several years increasing his military knowledge, and widening and extending his in- fluence, when at length, one day, Hasdrubal was suddenly killed by a ferocious native of the country whom he had by some means offended. As soon as the first shock of this occurrence was over, the leaders of the army went in pur- suit of Hannibal, whom they brought in tri- umph to the tent of Hasdrubal, and instated him at once in the supreme command, with cn consent and in the midst of universal acclama- tions As soon as news of this 3vent reached B.C.22L] HANNIBAL AT SAGUNTUM. 39 The River ibertu. Hannibal seek* a war with the Kom&iu Carthage, the government there confirmed the act of the army, and Hannibal thus found him- self suddenly but securely invested with a very high military command. His eager and restless desire to try his strength vrith the Romans received a new impulse by his finding that the power was now in his hands. Still the two countries were at peace. They were bound by solemn treaties to continue so The River Iberus was the boundary which sep- arated the dominions of the two nations from each other in Spain, the territory east of that boundary being under the Roman power, and that on the west under that of the Carthagin- ians ; except that Saguntum, which was on the western side, was an ally of the Romans, and the Carthaginians were bound by the treaty to leave it independent and free. Hannibal could not, therefore, cross the Ibe- rus or attack Saguntum without an open in- fraction of the treaty. He, however, immedi- ately began to move toward Saguntum and to attack the nations in the immediate vicinity of it. If he wished to get into a war with the Ro- mans, this was the proper way to promote it; for, by advancing thus into the immediate vi. ijinitv of the capital of their allies, there wae 40 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 219 Stratagmn of Hannibal. Fording tha rirw great probability that disputes would arise which would sooner or later end in war. The Romans say that Hannibal was cunning and treacherous, and he certainly did display, on some occasions, a great degree of adroitness in his stratagems. In one instance in these pre- liminary wars he gained a victory over an im- mensely superior force in a very remarkable manner. He was returning from an inroad npon some of the northern provinces, laden and encumbered with spoil, when he learned that an immense army, consisting, it was said, of a hundred thousand men, were coming down upon his rear. There was a river at a short distance before him. Hannibal pressed on and crossed the river by a ford, the water being, perhaps, about three feet deep. He secreted a large body of cavalry near the bank of the stream, and push- ed on with the main body of the army to some little distance from the river, so as to produce the impression upon his pursuers that he WM pressing forward to make his escape. The enemy, thinking that they had no time to lose, poured down in great numbers into the stream from various points along the banks ; and, as soon as they had reached the middle of the current, and were wading laboriously, half B.C. 219.] HANNIBAL .HT SAGI'NTUM. 4* Great battle In the River Tagus. Victory of Hai-niba, submerged, with their weapons held above theii heads, so as to present as little resistance as pos- sible to the water, the horsemen of Hanniba. rushed in to meet and attack them. The horse, men had, of course, greatly the advantage ; for, though their horses were in the water, they were themselves raised above it, and their limbs were tree, while their enemies were half submerged, and, being encumbered by their arms and by one another, were nearly helpless. They were immediately thrown into complete confusion, and were overwhelmed and carried down by the current in great numbers. Some of them suc- ceeded in landing below, on Hannibal's side; but, in the mean time, the main body of his army had returned, and was ready to receive them, and they were trampled under foot by the elephants, which it was the custom to em- ploy, in those days, as a military force. As soon as the river was cleared, Hannibal march- ed his own army across it, and attacked what remained of the enemy on their own side. He gained a complete victory, which was so great and decisive that he secured by it possession of the whole country west of the Iberus, except Saguntum, and Saguntum itself began to be iteriously alarmed. 4 HANKIBAL. [B.C. 218, H*BBlbl ttacki it The Saguntines sent ambassadors to Rome lo ask the Romans to interpose and protect them from the dangers which threatened them. These onoassadors made diligent efforts to reach Rome as soon as possible, but they were too late. On pome pretext or other, Hannibal contrived to raise a dispute between the city and one of the neighboring tribes, and then, taking sides with the trihe, he advanced to attack the city. The Haguntines prepared for their defense, hoping HOOD to receive succors from Rome. They strengthened and fortified their walls, while Hannibal began to move forward great military engine* for battering them down. Hannibal knew very well that by his hostili- ties against this city he was commencing a con- test with Rome itself, as Rome must necessa- rily take part with her ally. In fact, there is DO doubt that his design was to bring on a gen- eral war between the two great nations. He began with Saguntum for two reasons: first, H would not be safe for him to cross the Iberus, and advance into the Roman territory, leaving o wealthy and powerful a city in his rear ; and f&en, in the second place, it was easier for him to find pretexts for getting indirectly into a with Saguntum, and throwing the odi- B.C. 218.] HANNIBAL \T SAGUNTUM 43 ProgreM rf the dcgs. Hanirfh* pumika am of a declaration of war on Rome, tnan to persuade the Carthaginian state to renounce the peace and themselves commence hostilities There was, as has been already stated, a Terr strong party at Carthage opposed to Hannibal. who would, of course, resist any measures tend- ing to a war with Rome, for they would con- sider such a war as opening a vast field for grat- ifying Hannibal's ambition. The only way, therefore, was to provoke a war by aggression* on the Roman allies, to be justified bv the ben pretexts he could find. Saguntum was a very wealthy and powertm city. It was situated about a mile from the sea. The attack upon the place, and the de fense of it by the inhabitants, went on for some time with great vigor. In these operations, Hannibal exposed himself to great danger. He approached, at one time, so near the wail, ID superintending the arrangements of his soldiers and the planting of his engines, that a neav> javelin, thrown from the parapet, struck him on the thigh. It pierced the flesh, and inflicted ao severe a wound that he fell immediately, and was borne away by the soldiers. It was sever- al days before he was free frcm the danger itt- curred by the loss of blood and the fever wnieft 46 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 218 Hannibal recover*. The falario* follows such a wound. During all this time his army were in a great state of excitement and anxiety, and suspended their active operations. Ae soon, however, as Hannibal was found to be decidedly convalescent, they resumed them again, and urged them onward with greater en- ergy than before. The weapons of warfare in those ancient days were entirely different from those which are now employed, and there was one, described by an ancient historian as used by the Saguntines at this siege, which might almost come under the modern denomination of fire-arms. It was call- ed thefalarica. It was a sort of javelin, con- sisting of a shaft of wood, with a long point of iron. This point was said to be three feet long. This javelin was to be thrown at the enemy either from the hand of the soldier or by an en- gine. The leading peculiarity of it was, how- ever, that, near to the pointed end, there were wound around the wooden shaft long bands of tot0, which were saturated with pitch and cither combustibles, and this inflammable band was et on fire just before the javelin was thrown AJS the missile flew on its way, the wind fanned the flames, and made them burn so fiercely, that when the javelin struck the shield of the soldiai B.C.21S.I HANNIBAL AT SAGUNTUM. 47 Arrlral of the Roman ambassador*, Hannibal'* policy opposing it, it could not be pulled out, and tke shield itself had to be thrown down and aban- doned. While the inhabitants of Saguntum were vainly endeavoring to defend themselves against their terrible enemy by these and similar means, their embassadors, not knowing that the city had been attacked, had reached Rome, and had laid before the Roman senate their fears that the city would be attacked, unless they adopted vigorous and immediate measures to prevent it. The Romans resolved to send embassadors to Hannibal to demand of him what his intentions were, and to warn him against any acts of hos- tility against Saguntum. When these Roman embassadors arrived on the coast, near to Sa- guntum, they found that hostilities had com- menced, and that the city was hotly besieged They were at a loss to know what to do. It is better for a rebel not to hear an order which he is determined beforehand not to obey. Hannibal, with an adroitness which the Cartha- ginians called sagacity, and the Romans treach- ery and cunning, determined not to see these messengers. He sent word to them, at the shore, that they must not attempt to come to his camp, fcr tho country was in such a disturbed oondi* 48 HJLNNIBAL. [B. C. 318 Hannibal tends embascadon to Carthag*. Tb* HOBIAB embasBadon tion that it would not be safe for them to land ; and besides, he could not receive or attend to them, lor he was too much pressed with the ur- gency of his military works to have any time tc pare lor debates and negotiations. Hannibal knew that the ambassadors, being thnu repulsed, and having found, too, that the war had broken out, and that Sagnntum was aotnaliv beset and besieged by Hannibal's ar- mies, would proceed immediately to Carthage to demand satisfaction there. He knew, also, that Hanno and his party would very probably espouse the cause of the Romans, and endeavor to arrest his designs. He accordingly sent his own embassadors to Carthage, to exert an influ- ence m his favor in the Carthaginian senate, and endeavor to urge them to reject the claims of the Romans, and allow the war between Rome and Carthage to break out again. The Roman embassadors appeared at Car- thage, and were admitted to an audience before the senate. They stated their case, represent- ing tnat Hannibal had made war upon Sagun- tom in violation of the treaty, and had refused oven to receive the communication which had heen sent him by the Roman senate through them. They demanded that the Carthaginian B.C.218.J HANNIBAL AT SAGUNTUM. 49 .'artte* ID the Carthaginian *ente. Speech of U&nao government should disavow his acts, and delivei him up to them, in order that he might receive the punishment which his violation of the treaty, and his aggressions upon an ally of the Romans, ao justly deserved. The party of Hannibal in the Carthaginian senate were, of course, earnest to have these pro- posals rejected with scorn. The other side, with Hanno at their head, maintained that they were reasonable demands. Hanno, in a very ener- getic and powerful speech, told the senate that he had warned them not to send Hannibal into Spain. He had foreseen that such a hot and turbulent spirit as his would involve them in inextricable difficulties with the Roman power. Hannibal had, he said, plainly violated the treaty. He had invested and besieged Saguntum, which they were solemnly bound not to molest, and they had nothing to expect in return but that the Roman legions would soon be investing and besieging their own city. In the mean time) the Romans, he added, had been moderate and forbearing. They had brought nothing to the charge of the Carthaginians They accused no- body but Hannibal, who, thus far, alone was guilty. The Carthaginians, by disavowing his acts, could save themselves from the responsi- 144 50 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 218 Bscoe proposes to giTe up Hannibal. Defense of Hannibal's friends bility of them. He urged, therefore, that an embassage of apology should be sent to Rome, that Hannibal should be deposed and delivered ap to the Romans, and that ample restitution thould be made to the Saguntines for the inju- ries they had received. On the other hand, the friends of Hannibal urged in the Carthaginian senate their defense of the general. They reviewed the history of the transactions in which the war had origina- ted, and showed, or attempted to show, that the Saguntines themselves commenced hostilities, and that consequently they, and not Hannibal, were responsible for all that followed ; that, un- der those circumstances, the Romans ought not to take their part, and if they did so, it proved that they preferred the friendship of Saguntum to that of Carthage ; and that it would be cow- ardly and dishonorable in the extreme for them to deliver the general whom they had placed ia power, and who had shown himself so worthy of their choice by his courage and energy, intc the hands of their ancient and implacable foes. Thus Hannibal was waging at the same time two wars, one in the Carthaginian senate, where the weapons were arguments and eloquence, and the other under the walls cf Saguntum, which B.C. 218.1 HANNIBAL AT SAGUNTUM. 51 Hannibal trlamDbant Saguntum fatla was fought with battering rams and fiery jave- lins. He conquered in both. The senate de- cided to send the Roman embassadors home without acceding to their demands, and the walls of Saguntum were battered down by Han- nibal's engines. The inhabitants refused aL terms of compromise, and resisted to the last, so that, when the victorious soldiery broke over the prostrate walls, and poured into the city, it was given up to them to plunder, and they killed and destroyed all that came in their way. The disappointed embassadors returned to Rome with the news that Saguntum had been taken and destroyed by Hannibal, and that the Car- thaginians, far from offering any satisfaction for the wrong, assumed the responsibility of it them- selves, and were preparing for war. Thus Hanniba) accomplished his purpose of opening the way for waging war against the Roman power. He prepared to enter mto the contest with the utmost energy and zeal. The conflict that ensued lasted seventeen years, and is known in history as the second Punie war. It was one of the most dreadful struggles be- tween rival and hostile nations which the gloomy history of mank ind exhibits to view. The events that occurred will be described in the subse- quent chaotors. 62 HANNIBAL. [B.C.217 Fall of flanuo's party. rower of Hannibal CHAPTER III. OPENING OP THE SECOND PUNIC WAE. the tide once turns in any nation in favor of war, it generally rushes on with great impetuosity and force, and bears all before it. It was so in Carthage in this in- stance. The party of Hanno were thrown en- tirely into the minority and silenced, and the friends and partisans of Hannibal carried not only the government, but the whole community with them, and every body was eager for war. This was owing, in part, to the natural conta- giousness of the martial spirit, which, when felt by one, catches easily, by sympathy, in the heart of another. It is a fire which, when once it be- gins to burn, spreads in every direction, and con- umes all that comes in its way. Besides, when Hannibal gained possession of Saguntum, he found immense treasures there, which he employed, not to increase his cwn private fortune, but to strengthen and confirm His civil and military power. The Saguntinos did every thing they could to prevent the*e B.C.217.] SECOND PUNIC WAR. 53 Desperate valor of the Sagvntine*. Hannibal's disparities of the spoils treasures from falling into his hands. They fought desperately to the last, refused all terms of surrender, and they became so insanely des* perate in the end, that, according to the narra- tive of Livy, when they found that the walls and towers of the city were falling in, and that all hope of further defense was gone, they built an enormous fire in the public streets, and heap ed upon it all the treasures which they had time to collect that fire could destroy, and then that many of the principal inhabitants leaped into the flames themselves, in order that their hated conquerors might lose their prisoners as well as their spoils. Notwithstanding this, however, Hannibal ob- tained a vast amount of gold and silver, both in the form of money and of plate, and also much valuable merchandise, which the Saguntine mer- chants had accumulated in their palaces and warehouses. He used all this property ta trengthen his own political and military posi- tion. He paid his soldiers all the arrears due to them in full. He divided among them a large additional amount as their share of the spoil. He sent rich trophies home to Carthage, and presents, consisting of sums of money, and jewelry, and gems, to his friends there, and to 54 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Hannibal choan one of the suffetei. Nature of the office those whom he wished to make his friends. The result of this munificence, and of the renown which his victories in Spain had procured for Him, was to raise him to the highest pinnacle af influence and honor. The Carthaginians chose him one of the suffetes. The suflfetes were the supreme 1 executive offi- cers of the Carthaginian commonwealth. The government was, as has been remarked before, a sort of aristocratic republic, and republics are always very cautious about intrusting power, even executive power, to any one man. As Rome had two consuls, reigning jointly, and France, after her first revolution, a Directory of Jive, so the Carthaginians chose annually two suffetes, as they were called at Carthage, though the Roman writers call them indiscriminately suffetes, consuls, and kings. Hannibal was now advanced to this dignity ; so that, in conjunc- tion with his colleague, he held the supreme civil authority at Carthage, besides being in- rested with the command of the vast and vic- torious army in Spain. When news of these events the siege and destruction of Saguntum, the rejection of the iemands of the Roman embassadors, and the vigorous preparations making by the Cartha B.C. 217.] SECOND PUNIC WAR. 53 HTM* excitement at Rome. Fearful anticipation*. ginians for war reached Rome, the whole city was thrown into consternation. The senate and the people held tumultuous and disorderly assemblies, in which the events "which had oc- curred, and the course of proceeding which it was incumbent on the Romans to take, were discussed with much excitement and clamor The Romans were, in fact, afraid of the Car- thaginians. The campaigns of Hannibal in Spain had impressed the people with a strong sense of the remorseless and terrible energy of his character ; they at once concluded that his plans would be formed for marching into Italy, and they even anticipated the danger of his bringing the war up to the very gates of the city, so as to threaten them with the destruc- tion which he had brought upon Saguntum. The event showed how justly they appreciated his character. Since the conclusion of the first Punic war, there had been peace between the Romans and Carthaginians for about a quarter of a century. During all this time both nations had been ad* vanoing in wealth and power, but the Cartha- ginians had made much more rapid progress than the Romans. The Romans had, indeed, been very successful at the onset in the formei 56 HANNIBAL. [B.O.21? Mew embassy to Carthage. W war, but in the end the Carthaginians nad proved themselves their equal. They seemed, therefore, to dread now a fresh encounter with these powerful foes, led on, as they were now to be, by such a commander as Hanniba' They determined, therefore, to send a second embassy to Carthage, with a view of making one more effort to preserve peace before actual- ly commencing hostilities. They accordingly elected five men from among the most influ- ential citizens of the state men of venerable age and of great public consideration and commissioned them to proceed to Carthage and ask once more whether it was the deliberate and final decision of the Carthaginian senate to avow and sustain the action of Hannibal This solemn embassage set sail. They arrived at Carthage. They appeared before the senate. They argued their cause, but it was, of course, to deaf and unwilling ears. The Carthaginian orators replied to them, each side attempting to throw the blame of the violation of the treaty on the other. It was a solemn hour, for the peace of the world, the lives of hundreds of thousands of men, and the continued happiness, or the desolation and ruin of vast regions of ountry, depended on the issue of the debate B.C.217.] SECOND PUNIC WAR. 57 Frultiei negotiation*. The embaaiadon retain, Unhappily, the breach was only widened by the discussion. "Very well," said the Roman commissioners, at last, " we offer you peace or war, which do you choose ?" " Whichever you please," replied the Carthaginians ; " decide for yourselves." " War, then," said the Romans, "since it must be so." The conference was broken up, and the embassadors returned to Rome. They returned, however, by the way o Spain. Their object in doing this was to ne- gotiate with the various kingdoms and tribes in Spain and in France, through which Hannibal would have to march in invading Italy, and en- deavor to induce them to take sides with th Romans. They were too late, however, for Hannibal had contrived to extend and establish his influence in all that region too strongly to be shaken ; so that, on one pretext or another, the Roman proposals were all rejected. There was one powerful tribe, for example, called the Volaoians. The embassadors, in the presence of the great council of the Volscians, made Known to them the probability of war, and in- vited them to ally themselves with the Romans. The Volsoians rejected the proposition with a sort of scorn. " We see," said they, " from the 38 HANNIBAL [B.C.217 Reply of the VoUclaiu. Council of Gaul* fate of Sagunturm, what is to be expected to re- sult from an alliance with the Romans. After leaving that city defenseless and alone in its straggle against such terrible danger, it is in vain to ask other nations to trust to your pro- tection. If you wish for new allies, it will be best for you to go where the story of Saguntura is not known." This answer of the Volsoiana was applauded by the other nations of Spain, as far as it was known, and the Roman embassa- dors, despairing of success in that country, went on into Gaul, which is the name by which the country now called France is known in ancient history. On reaching a certain place which was a cen- tral point of influence and power in Gaul, the Roman commissioners convened a great martial council there. The spectacle presented by this assembly was very imposing, for the warlike counselors came to the meeting armed complete- ly and in the most formidable manner, as if they were coming to a battle instead of a con- sultation and debate. The venerable embassa* dors laid the subject before them. They des- cantcd largely on the power and greatness of the Romans, and on the certainty that they should conquer in the approaching contest, and B.U.217.] SECOND PUNIC WAR. 5S l-nmvltuotu cene. RepnUe of the mbMdara they invited the Gauls to espouse their cause, and to rise in arms and intercept Hannibal's passage through their country, if he should at- tempt to effect one. The assembly could hardly be induced to hear the embassadors through ; and, as soon as they had finished their address, the whole council broke forth into cries of dissent and displeasure, and even into shouts of derision. Order was at length restored, and the officers, whose duty it was to express the sentiments of the assembly, gave for their reply that the Gauls had never received any thing but violence and injuries from Rome, or any thing but kindness and good- will from Carthage ; and that they had no idea of being guilty of the folly of bringing the im- pending storm of Hannibal's hostility upon their own heads, merely for the sake of averting it from their ancient and implacable foes. Thai the embassadors were every where repulsed. They found no friendly disposition toward the Roman power till they had crossed the Rhone. Hannibal began now to form his plans, in * very deliberate and cautious manner, for a march Into Italy. He knew well that this was an ex- pedition of such magnitude and duration as to re- quire beforehand the most careful and well-oon 60 HANNIBAL IB.C.21/ Hannibal's kindness to hi* soldier*. He mature* hi* design* sidered arrangements, both for the forces which were to go, and for the states and communities which were to remain. The winter was com- ing on. His first measure was to dismiss a large portion of his forces, that they might visit their homes. He told them that he was intend- ing some great designs for the ensuing spring, which might take them to a great distance, and keep them for a long time absent from Spain, and he would, accordingly, give them the inter- vening time to visit their families and their homes, and to arrange their affairs. This act of kind consideration and confidence renewed the attachment of the soldiers to their command. er, and they returned to his camp in the spring not only with new strength and vigor, but with redoubled attachment to the service in which they were engaged. Hannibal, after sending home his soldiers, re- tired himself to New Carthage, which, as will be seen by the map, is further west than Sa- gunturn, where he went into winter quarters, and devoted himself to the maturing of ais de- signs. Besides the necessary preparations foi hia own march, he had to provide for the gov- ernment of the countries that he should leave He devised various and ingenious plans to pre> B.C.217.J SECOND PUNIC WAR. Humlbl'( plan for the goremmeot of Spain in his tbstanen. vent the danger of insurrections and rebellion* while he was gone. One was, to organize an army for Spain out of soldiers drawn from Af- rica, while the troops which were to be em- ployed to garrison Carthage, and to sustain th government there, were taken from Spain. By thus changing the troops of the two countries, each country was controlled by a foreign sol- diery, who were more likely to be faithful in their obedience to their commanders, and less in danger of sympathizing with the populations which they were respectively employed to con- trol, than if each had been retained in its own native land. Hannibal knew very well that the various states and provinces of Spain, which had refused to ally themselves with the Romans and aban- don him, had been led to do this through the influence of his presents or the fear of his pow- er, and that if, after he had penetrated into It- aly, he should meet with reverses, so as to di- minish very much their hope of deriving bene- fit from his favor or their fear of his power, there -would be great danger, of defections and revolts As an additional security against this, he adopt- ed the following ingenious plan. He enlisted a body of troops from among all the nation* of 62 HANN HAL [B.C. 217 U aiinib&Ti brother HasdrubaL He IB left in charge of Spain Spain that were in alliance with him, selecting the young men who were enlisted as much as possible from families of consideration and influ- ence, and this body of troops, when organized and officered, he sent into Carthage, giving the nations and tribes from which they were drawn to understand that he considered them not only as soldiers serving in his armies, but as hosta- ges, which he should hold as security for the fidelity and obedience of the countries from which they had come. The number of these soldiers was four thousand. Hannibal had a brother, whose name, as it happened, was the same as that of his brother- in-law, Hasdrubal. It was to him that he com- mitted the government of Spain during his ab- sence. The soldiers provided for him were, as has been already stated, mainly drawn from Africa. In addition to the foot soldiers, he pro- vided him with a small body of horse. He left with him, also, fourteen elephants. And as he thought it not improbable that the Romans might, in some contingency during his absence, make a descent upon the Spanish coast from the sea, he built and equipped for him a smaU fleet of about sixty vessels, fifty of which were of the first class. In modern times, the mag- B.C.217.] SECOND PUNIC WAR. 63 Preparation* of the Roman*. Their plan far th* war nitude and efficiency of a ship is estimated by the number of guns she will carry ; then, il was the number of banks of oars. Fifty of Haedrubal's ships were quinqueremes, as they were called, that is, they had five banks of oars The Romans, on the other hand, did not neg- lect their own preparations. Though reluct- ant to enter upon the war, they still prepared to engage in it with their characteristic energy and ardor, when they found that it could 'not be averted. They resolved on raising two pow- erful armies, one for each of the consuls. The plan was, with one of these to advance to meet Hannibal, and with the other to proceed to Sic- ily, and from Sicily to the African coast, with a view of threatening the Carthaginian capital This plan, if successful, would compel the Car- thaginians to recall a part or the whole of Han- nibal's army from the intended invasion of It- aly to defend their own African homes. The force raised by the Romans amounted ta aoout seventy thousand men. About a third of these were Roman soldiers, and the remaindei were drawn from various nations dwelling in Italy and in the islands of the Mediterranean Sea which were in alliance with the Romans Of these troops six thousand were cavalry Of fr* HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 the Roman fleet Drawing lot* course, as the Romans intended to cross into Africa, they needed a fleet. They built and equipped one, which consisted of two hundred nd twenty ships of the largest class, that la, quinqueremes, besides a number of smaller and lighter vessels for services requiring speed. There were vessels in use in those tunes largei than the quinqueremes. Mention is occasion* ally made of those which had six and even sev- 3n banks of oars. But these were only employ- ed as the flag-ships of commanders, and for other purposes of ceremony and parade, as they were too unwieldy for efficient service in action. Lots were then drawn in a very solemn man- ner, according to the Roman custom on such occasions, to decide on the assignment of these two armies to the respective consuls. The one destined to meet Hannibal on his way from Spain, fell to a consul named Cornelius Scipio. The name of the other was Sempronius. It devolved on him, consequently, to take charge of the expedition destined to Sicily and Africa When all the arrangements were thus made : the question was finally put, in a very solemn and formal manner, to the Roman people for their final vote and decision. " Do the Roman people decide and decree that wa? shall be de B.C.217.] SECOND PUNIC WAR. 65 ReHglow cr*mfiii)*. Hannibal rnareh olared against the Carthaginians?" The de- cision was in the affirmative. The war was then proclaimed with the usual imposing cere- monies. Sacrifices and religious celebrations followed, to propitiate the iavor of the gods, and to inspire the soldiers with that kind of cour- age and confidence which the superstitious, however wicked, feel when they can imagine themselves under the protection of heaven. These shows and spectacles being over, all things were ready. - In the mean time Hannibal was moving on, ts the spring advanced, toward the banks of the Iberus, that frontier stream, the crossing of which made him an invader of what was, in tome sense, Roman territory. He boldly passed the stream, and moved forward along the coast of the Mediterranean, gradually approaching the Pyrenees, which form the boundary between France and Spain. His soldiers hitherto did not know what his plans were. It is very lit- tle the custom now for military and naval com- manders to communicate to their men much in- formation about their designs, and it was still Less the custom then ; and besides, in those days', the common soldiers had no access to those means of information by which news of every 145 6 HANNIBAL. [B.C.217 The Pyrenees. DUcontent in Hannibal a army. sort is now so universally diffused. Thus, though all the officers of the army, and well- informed citizens, both in Rome and Carthage, anticipated and understood Hannibal's designs, his own soldiers, ignorant and degraded, knew nothing except that they were to go on some distant and dangerous service. They, very dke- ly, had no idea whatever of Italy or of Rome, or of the magnitude of the possessions, or of the power held by the vast empire which they were going to invade. When, however, after traveling day after day they came to the foot of the Pyrenees, and found that they were really going to pass that mighty chain of mountains, and for this purpose were actually entering its wild and gloomy defiles, the courage of some of them failed, and they be- gan to murmur. The discontent and alarm were, in fact, so great, that one corps, consist- ing of about three thousand men, left the camp in a body, and moved back toward their homes On inquiry, Hannibal found that there were ter thousand more who were in a similar state of feeling. His whole force consisted of ovei om hundred thousand. And now what does the reader imagine that Hannibal would do in snob an emergency? Would he return in pursuit B.C. 217.] SECOND PUNIC WAR. 67 Hannibal's addrei*. The discontented sent horn* of these deserters, to recapture and destroy them as a terror to the rest? or would he let them go, and attempt by words of conciliation and en- couragement to confirm and save those that yet remained ? He did neither. He called togeth- er the ten thousand discontented troops that were still in his camp, and told them that, since they were afraid to accompany his army, or un- willing to do so, they might return. He want- ed none in his service who had not the courage and the fortitude to go on wherever he might ead. He would not have the faint-hearted and the timid in his army. They would only be a burden to load down and impede the courage and energy of the rest. So saying, he gave or- ders for them to return, and with the rest of the army, whose resolution and ardor were redoubled by this occurrence, he moved on through the passes of the mountains. This act of Hannibal, in permitting hia dis- contented soldiers to return, had all the effect of a deed of generosity in its influence upon vfi minds of the soldiers who went on. We must not, however, imagine that it was prompted by a spirit of generosity at all. It was policy. A seeming generosity was, in this case, exactly what was wanted to answer his ends. Hanni 68 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Ti Ufaoitjr. The PyreacM pawed. bal was mercilessly cruel in all cases where he imagined that severity was demanded. It re quires great sagacity sometimes in a command- er to know when he must punish, and when it is wisest to overlook and forgive. Hannibal, like Alexander and Napoleon, possessed this sa- gacity in a very high degree ; and it was, doubt- less, the exercise of that principle alone which prompted his action on this occasion. Thus Hannibal passed the Pyrenees. .The next difficulty that he anticipated was in cross- ing the River Rhone. B.C.217.] PASSAGE OF THE RHONE. 69 Difflcnltie* antieiptted. ReoouoteHif prty CHAPTER IV. THE PASSAGE OP THE RHONE. rTANNIBAL, after he had passed the Pyr- * * enees, did not anticipate any new diffi- culty till he shonld arrive at the Rhone. He knew very well that that was a broad and rap- id river, and that he must cross it near its month, where the water was deep and the banks low; and, besides, it was not impossible that the Romans who were coming to meet him, under Cornelius Soipio, might have reached the Rhone before he should arrive there, and be ready upon the banks to dispute his passage He had sent forward, therefore, a small detach- ment in advance, to reconnoiter the country and select a route to the Rhone, and if they met with no difficulties to arrest them there, they were to go on till they reached the Alps, and explore the passages and defiles through which his army could best cross those snow-covered mountains. It seems that before he reached the Pyreneei that is, while he was npon the Spanish side of 70 HANNIBAL. [B.C.217 Bom* tribe* reduced. Alarm of the Oauli them, some of the tribes through whose territo. ries he had to pass undertook to resist him, and he, consequently, had to attack them and reduce them by force ; and then, when he waa ready to move on, he left a guard in the terri- tories thus conquered to keep them in subjec- tion. Rumois of this reached Gaul. The Gauls were alarmed for their own safety. They had not intended to oppose Hannibal so long as they supposed that he only wished for a safe passage through their country on his way to Italy; but now, when they found, from what had occurred in Spain, that he was going to conquer the countries he traversed as he passed along, they became alarmed. They seized their arms, and assembled in haste at Rusoino, and began to devise measures of defense. Rnsoino was the same place as that in which the Ro- man embassadors met the great council of the Gauls on their return to Italy from Carthage. While this great council, or, rather, assembly j* amiies, was gathering at Rusoino, fail of threats and anger, Hannibal was at Hliberis, a town at the foot of the Pyrenean Mountains He seems to have had no fear that any opposi ion which the Gauls could bring to bear against aim would be successful, but he dreaded the B.C. 217.J PASSAGE OF THK RHONE. 71 Ths Alp* DtfflorUty of their pMetg* delay. He was extremely unwilling to spend the precious months of the early summer in contending with such foes as they, when the road to Italy was before him. Besides, the pass- es of the Alps, which are difficult and laborious at any time, are utterly impracticable except in the months of July and August. At all other seasons they are, or were in those days, blocked up with impassable snows. In modern times roads have been made, with galleries cut through the rock, and with the exposed places protected by sloping roofs projecting from above, over which storms sweep and avalanches slide without injury; so that now the intercourse of ordinary travel between France and Italy, across the Alps, is kept up, in some measure, all the year. In Hannibal's time, however, the mountains could not be traversed except in the summer months, and if it had not been that the result justified the undertaking, it would have been considered an act of inexcusable rashness and folly to attempt to cross with an am y at all. Hannibal had therefore no time to lose, and that circumstance made this case one of those in which forbearance and a show of generosity were called for, instead of defiance and force 72 HANNIBAL [B.C.21/ BiumibaTi message to the GmmU. Sacces* of hi* policy He accordingly sent messengers to the oounoi. at Rnscino to say, in a very complaisant and affable manner, that he wished to see and oon- fcr with their princes in person, and that, if they pleased, he would advance for this pnr- POM toward Ruscino; or they might, if they preferred, come on toward him at Illiberis, where he would await their arrival. He in- vited them to come freely into his camp, and aid that he was ready, if they were willing to receive him, to go into theirs, for he had come to Gaul as a friend and an ally, and wanted nothing but a free passage through their terri- tory. He had made a resolution, he said, if the Gauls would but allow him to keep it, that there should not be a single sword drawn in hi army till he got into Italy. The alarm and the feelings of hostility which prevailed among the Gauls were greatly allay- ed by this message. They put their camp in motion, and went on to Illiberis The princes and high offiodrs of theii armies went to Han nibal's camp, and were received with the high- est marks of distinction and honor They were loaded with presents, and went away charmed with the affability, the wealth, and the generos- ity of their visitor. Instead of opposing hi* B.C. 217.] PASSAGE OF THE RHONB. 73 Cornelia* Bcipio. He embark* hi* army progress, they became the conductors and guide* of his army. They took them first to Rusoino, which was, as it were, their capital, and thence, after a short delay, the army moved on without any further molestation toward the Rhone. In the mean time, the Roman consul Soipio, having embarked the troops destined to meet Hannibal in sixty ships at the mouth of the Tiber, set sail for the mouth of the Rhone. The men were crowded together in the ships, as armies necessarily must be when transport- ed by sea. They could not go far out to sea, for, as they had no compass in those days, there were no means of directing the course of navigation, in case of storms or cloudy skies, except by the land. The ships accordingly made their way slowly along the shore, some- times by means of sails and sometimes by oars, and, after suffering for some time tho hardships and privations incident to such a vcy- age the sea-sickness and the confinement of such swarming numbers in so narrow a space bringing every species of discomfort in their train the fleet entered the mouth of the Rhone. The officers had no idea that Hannibal was near They had only heard of his having cross- ed the Iberus. They imagined that he was 74 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Both armies on the Rhone. Exploring party still on the other side of the Pyrenees. They entered the Rhone by the first branch they came to for the Rhone, like the Nile, divides aear its mouth, and flows into the sea by ser- sral separate channels and sailed without con- cern up to Marseilles, imagining that their en- emy was still hundreds of miles away, entangled, perhaps, among the defiles of the Pyrenees. In- stead of that, he was safely encamped upon the banks of the Rhone, a short distance above them, quietly and coolly making his arrangements for crossing it. When Cornelius got his men upon the land, they were too much exhausted by the sickness and misery they had endured upon the voyage to move on to meet Hannibal without some days for rest and refreshment. Cornelius, how- ever, selected three hundred horsemen who were able to move, and sent them up the river on an exploring expedition, to learn the facts in re- spect to Hannibal, and to report them tc him. Dispatching them accordingly, he remained him- felf in his camp, reorganizing and recruiting iis army, and awaiting the return of the party chat he had sent to explore. Although Hannibal had thus far met with nc opposition in his progress through Gaul B.C.217.J PASSAGE OF THE RHONE. 75 Feelings of the Gauls in respect to HannibaL It must not, on that account, be supposed that the people, through whose territories he was passing, were really friendly to his cause, or pleased with his presence among them. An army is always a burden and a curse to any country that it enters, even when its only ob- ject is to pass peacefully through. The Gauls assumed a friendly attitude toward this dreaded invader and his horde only because they thought that by so doing he would the sooner pass and be gone. They ware too weak, and had too few means of resistance to attempt to stop him ; and, as the next best thing that they could do, re- solved to render him every possible aid to hast* en him on. This continued to be the policy of the various tribes until he reached the river The people on the further side of the river, how- ever, thought it was best for them to resist. They were nearer to the Roman territories, and, consequently, somewhat more under Roman in- fluence. They feared the resentment of the Ro- mans if they should, even passively, render any oo-operation to Hannibal in his designs ; and, as they had the broad and rapid river between them and their enemy, they thought there was a rea- sonable prospect that, with its aid, they could exclude him from their territories altogether. 76 HANNIBAL. IB.C.217 The Gaul* beyond the river oppose Hannibal** paauge. Thus it happened that, when Hannibal came to the stream, the people on one side were all eager to promote, while those on the other were determined to prevent his passage, both parties being animated by the same desire to free their country from such a pest as the presence of an army of ninety thousand men ; so that Hanni- bal stood at last upon the banks of the river, with the people on his side of the stream wait- ing and ready to furnish all the boats and ves- sels that they could command, and to render every aid in their power in the embarkation, while those on the other were drawn up in bat- tle array, rank behind rank, glittering with weapons, marshaled so as to guard every place of landing, and lining with pikes the whole extent of the shore, while the peaks of their tents, in vast numbers, with banners among them float- ing in the air, were to be seen in the distance behind them. All this time, the three hundred horsemen which Cornelius had dispatched were lowly and cautiously making their way up th j liver from the Roman encampment below. After contemplating the scene presented to his view at the river for some time in silence, Hannibal commenced his preparations for cross- ing the stream. He collected first all the boata B.C.217.J PASSAGE OF THE RHONE. 77 Preparation* for crosdng tbe rirar. Boat buildiig of every kind which could be obtained among the Gauls who lived along the bank of the riy- er. These, however, only served for a begin- ning, and so he next got together all the work- men and all the tools which the country could furnish, for several miles around, and went to work constructing more. The Gauls of that re- gion had a custom of making boats of the trunk* of large trees. The tree, being felled and out to the proper length, was hollowed out with hatchets and ad2es, and then, being turned bot- tom upward, the outside was shaped in such a manner as to make it glide easily through the water. So convenient is this mode of making boats, that it is practiced, in oases where suffi- ciently large trees are found, to the present day Such boats are now called canoes. There were plenty of large trees on the bank* of the Rhone. Hannibal's soldiers watched the Gauls at their work, in making boats of them, until they learned the art themselves. Some first assisted their new allies in the easier por- tions )f the operation, and then began to fel! large trees and make the boats themselves Others, who had less skill or more impetuosity chose not to wait for the slow process of hoi owing the wood, and they, accordingly, would 78 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Kafir The enemy look on in rilenca fell the trees upon the shore, out the trunks of equal lengths, place them side by side in the wa- ter, and bolt or bind them together so as to form a raft. The form and fashion of their craft was of no consequence, they said, as it was for one passage only. Any thing would answer, if it would only float and bear its burden over. In the mean time, the enemy upon the oppo- site shore looked on, but they could do nothing to impede these operations. If they had had ar- tillery, such as is in use at the present day, they could have fired across the river, and have blown the boats and rafts to pieces with balls and sheila as fast as the Gauls and Carthaginians could build them. In fact, the workmen could not have built them under such a cannonading ; but the enemy, in this case, had nothing but spears, and arrows, and stones, to be thrown either by the hand, or by engines far too weak to send them with any effect across such a stream. They had to look on quietly, there- fore, and allow these great and formidable prep araiions for an attack upon them to go on with- out interruption. Their only hope was to over- whelm the army with their missiles, and prevent their landing, when they should reach the bank at last in their attempt to cross the stream B.C.217.J PASSAGE OF THE RHONE 79 Difficulties of crowing * rtTer. Hannibal'i tactic* If an army is crossing a river without any enemy to oppose them, a moderate number of boats will serve, as a part of the army can be transported at a time, and the whole gradually transferred from one bank to the other by re peated trips of the same conveyances. But when there is an enemy to encounter at the landing, it is necessary to provide the means of carrying over a very large force at a time ; for if a small division were to go over first alone, it would only throw itself, weak and defense- less, into the hands of the enemy. Hannibal, therefore, waited until he had boats, rafts, and floats enough constructed to carry over a force all together sufficiently numerous and powerful to attack the enemy with a prospect of success The Romans, as we have already remarked, say that Hannibal was cunning. He certainly was not disposed, like Alexander, to trust in his battles to simple superiority of bravery and force, but was always contriving some strata- gem to increase the chances of victory. H did so in this case. He kept up for many days a prodigious parade and bustle of building boats and rafts in sight of his enemy, as if his sole reliance was on the multitude of men that he could pour across the river at a single transpor- 80 HANNIBAL. {B.C. 217. Hanniba''* H^Btagem.. Detachment under Hanno, tation, and he thus kept their attention closely riveted upon these preparations. All this time, however, he had another plan in course of exe- cution. He had sent a strong body of troops eoretly up the river, with orders to make their way stealthily through the forests, and cross the stream some few miles above. This force was intended to move baok from the river, as soon as it should cross the stream, and coma down upon the enemy in the rear, so as to at- tack and harass them there at the same tima that Hannibal was crossing with the main body of the army. If they succeeded in crossing the river safely, they were to build a fire in the woods, on the other side, in order that the col- umn of smoke which should ascend from it might serve as a signal of their success to Han- nibal. This detachment was commanded by an offi- cer named Hanno of course, a very different man from Hannibal's great enemy of that name in Carthage Hanno set out in the night, ~AOV ing baok from the river, in commencing hi* march, so as to be entirely out of sight from the Gauls on the other side. He had some guides, belonging to the country, who promised to show him a convenient place for crossing B.C.217.J PASSAGE OF THE RHONE. 81 Success of Hanno. The flfM& The party went up the river about twenty-fire miles. Here they found a place where the wa- ter spread to a greater width, and where the current was less rapid, and the water not BO deep. They got to this place in silence and se orecy, their enemies below not having suspect- ed any such design. As they had, therefore, nobody to oppose them, they could cross much more easily than the main army below. They made some rafts for carrying over those of the men that could not swim, and such munitions of war as would be injured by the wet. The rest of the men waded till they reached the channel, and then swam, supporting themselves in part by their bucklers, which they placed beneath their bodies in the water. Thus they all crossed in safety. They paused a day, to dry their clothes and to rest, and then moved cautiously down the river until they were near enough to Hannibal's position to allow their sig nal to be seen. The fire was then built, and they gazed with exultation upon the column of nnoke which ascended from it high into the air Hannibal saw the signal, and now immedi- ately prepared to cross with his army. The horsemen embarked in boats, holding their horses by lines, with a view of leading them 14 "e 82 HANNIBAL. [B.C.217 of the rivnr Scene of couftuiion into the water so that they might swim in com- pany with the boats. Other horses, bridled and a-ccoutered, were put into large flat-bottomed boats, to be taken across dry, in order that they might be all ready for service at the instant of landing. The most vigorous and efficient por- tion of the army were, of course, selected for the first passage, while all those who, for any cause, were weak or disabled, remained behind, with the stores and munitions of war, to be transported afterward, when the first passage should have been effected. All this time the enemy, on the opposite shore, were getting their ranks in array, and making every thing ready for a furious assault upon the invaders the mo ment they should approach the land. There was something like silence and order during the period while the men were embarking and pushing out from the land, but as they ad- vanced into the current, the loud commands, and shouts, and outcries increased more and more, and the rapidity of the current and of the eddies by which the boats and rafts were hurried down tht stream, or whirled against each other, soon produced a terrific scene of tumult and confu- sion. As soon as the first boats approached the land, the Gauls assembled to oppose them rush- B.C. 217.J PASSAGE OF THE RHONE. 8? * t tack of U anno. Flight of the Gaute ed down upon them with showers of missiles, and with those unearthly yells which barbarous warriors always raise in going into battle, as a means both of exciting themselves and of terri- fying their enemy. Hannibal's officers urged the boats on, and endeavored, with as much ooolness and deliberation as possible, to effect a landing. It is perhaps doubtful how the con- test would have ended, had it not been for the detachment under Hanno, which now came suddenly intc action. While the Gauls were in the height of their excitement, in attempting to drive back the Carthaginians from the bank, they were thunderstruck at hearing the shouts and cries of an enemy behind them, and, on looking around, they saw the troops of Hanno pouring down upon them from the thickets with terrible impetuosity and force. It is very difficult for an army to fight both in front and in the rear at the same time. The Gauls, after a brief struggle, abandoned the attempt any longer to oppose Hannibal's landing. They fled down the river and back into the interior, leav- ing Hanno in secure possession of the bank, while Hannibal and his forces came up at theii leisure out of the water, finding friends instead of enemies to receive them. 84 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Transportation of the elephants. Manner of doing It The remainder of the army, together with the stores and munitions of war, were next to be transported, and this was accomplished with little difficulty now that there was no enemy to disturb their operations. There was one part of the force, however, which occasioned some trouble and delay. It was a body of elephants which formed a part of the army. How to get Jhese unwieldy animals across so broad and rap- id a river was a question of no little difficulty There are various accounts of the manner in which Hannibal accomplished the object, from which it would seem that different methods were employed. One mode was as follows: the keeper of the elephants selected one more spirited and passionate in disposition than the rest, and contrived to teaze and torment him so as to make him angry. The elephant advanced toward his keeper with his trunk raised to take vengeance. The keeper fled ; the elephant pur- sued him, the other elephants of the herd fol- lowing, as is the habit of the animal on snob occasions. The keeper ran into the water as if to elude his pursuer, while the elephant and a large part of the herd pressed on after him. The man swam into the channel, and the ele- phants, before they could check B.C. 217.] I ASSAGE OP THE RHONE. 83 A new plaa. Hnge reft* Sou nd that they were beyond their depth. Some swam on after the keeper, and crossed the river, where they were easily secured. Others, terri fied, abandoned themselves to the current, and were floated down, struggling helplessly as they went, until at last they grounded upon shallows or points of land, whence they gained the shore again, some on one side of the stream and some on the other. This plan was thus only partially successful, and Hannibal devised a more effectual method for the remainder of the troop. He built an immensely large raft, floated it up to the shore, fastened it there securely, and covered it with earth, turf, and bushes, so as to make it resem- ble a projection of the land. He then caused a second raft to be constructed of the same size, and this he brought up to the outer edge of the other, fastened it there by a temporary connec- tion, and covered and concealed it as he had done the first. The first of these rafts extend- ed two hundred feet from the shore, and was fifty feet broad. The other, that is, the outer one, was only a little smaller. The soldiers then contrived to allure and drive the elephants over these rafts to the outer one, the animals imagining that tbev had not left the land The N? HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 The elephants got safely over. The reconnoitering parties two rafts were then disconnected from each other, and the outer one began to move with its bulky passengers over the water, towed by a number of boats which had previously been at- tached to its outer edge. As soon as the elephants perceived the mo* tion, they were alarmed, and began immediate- ly to look anxiously this way and that, and to crowd toward the edges of the raft which was conveying them away. They found themselves hemmed in by water on every side, and were terrified and thrown into confusion. Some were crowded off into the river, and were drift- ed down till they landed below. The rest soon became calm, and allowed themselves to be quietly ferried across the stream, when they found that all hope of escape and resistance were equally vain. In the mean time, while these events were occurring, the troop of three hundred, which Soipio had sent up the river to see what tidings he could learn of the Carthaginians, were slow ly making their way toward the point where Hannibal was crossing; and it happened thai Hannibal had sent down a troop of five h turned, when he first reached the river, to see if they oould learn any tidings of the Romans. Nei PASSAGE OF THE RHONE. 89 The dtechments meet A battle etma ther of the armies had any idea how near they were to the other. The two detachments me* roddenly and unexpectedly on the way. They were sent to explore, and not to fight ; but as they were nearly equally matched, each was ambitious of the glory of capturing the others and carrying them prisoners to their camp. They fought a long and bloody battle. A great number were killed, and in about the same proportion on either side. The Romans say they conquered. We do not know what the Carthaginians said, but as both parties retreat- ed from the field and went back to their respect- ive camps, it is safe to infer that neither could boast of a very decisive victory. 90 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 tVe Alp*. Their sublimity and graadeoi CHAPTER V. HANNIBAL CROSSES THE ALPS. FT is difficult for any one who has not actual *- ly seen such mountain scenery as is present- ed by the Alps, to form any clear conception of its magnificence and grandeur. Hannibal had never seen the Alps, but the world was filled then, as now with their fame. Some of the leading features of sublimity and grandeur which these mountains exhibit, result mainly from the perpetual cold which reigns upon their summits. This is owing simply to their elevation. In every part of the earth, as we ascend from the surface of the ground into the atmosphere, it becomes, for some mysteri- ous reason or other, more and more cold as we rise, so that over our heads, wherever we aro> there reigns, at a distance of two or three milea above us, an intense and perpetual cold. Thia is true not only in cool and temperate latitudes, but also in the most torrid regions of the globe If we were to ascend in a balloon at Borneo at midday, when the burning sun of the tropics B.C.217.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 91 Perpetual cold In the upper region* of the atmospfiare. was directly over our heads, to an elevation of five or six miles, we should find that although wo had been moving nearer to the sun all the time, its rays would have lost, gradually, all kheir power. They would fall upon us as bright- ly as ever, but their heat would be gone. They would feel like moonbeams, and we should bo surrounded with an atmosphere as frosty as that of the icebergs of the frigid zone. It is from this region of perpetual cold that hail-stones descend upon us in the midst of sum- mer, and snow is continually forming and falling there ; but the light and fleecy flakes melt be- fore they reach the earth, so that, while the hail has such solidity and momentum that it forces its way through, the snow dissolves, and falls upon us as a cool and refreshing rain. Rain cools the air around us and the ground, because it comes from cooler regions of the air above. Now it happens that not only the summits, but extensive portions of the upper declivities of the Alps, rise into the region of perpetual win* ter. Of course, ice congeals continually there, and the snow which forms falls to the ground as snow, and accumulates in vast and perma- nent stores. The summit of Mount Blanc it covered with a bed of snow of enormous thick- 92 HANNIBAL. [B.C.21> Their terrible fore* ness, which is almost as much a permanent ge- ological stratum of the mountain as the granite which lies beneath it. Of course, during the winter months, the whole country of the Alps, valley as well as oil, is covered with snow. In the spring the snow melts in the valleys and plains, and high- er up it becomes damp and heavy with partial melting, and slides down the declivities in vast avalanches, which sometimes are of such enor- mous magnitude, and descend with such resist- less force, as to bring down earth, rocks, and even the trees of the forest in their train. On the higher declivities, however, and over all the rounded summits, the snow still clings to it* place, yielding but very little to the feeble beams of the sun, even in July. There are vast ravines and valleys among the higher Alps where the snow accumulates, being driven into them by winds and storms in the winter, and sliding into them, in great avalanoh as, in the spring. These vast depositories of now become changed into ice below the sur- face; for at the surface there is a continual melting, and the water, flowing down througl the mass, freezes below. Thus there are val leys, or rather ravine*, some of them two B.C. 217.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 93 rhe glacier*. Motion of the to* three miles wide and ten or fifteen miles long, filled with ice, transparent, solid, and blue, hun- dreds of feet in depth. They are called glacier*. And what is most astonishing in respect to these icy accumulations is that, though the ice is per- fectly compact and solid, the whole mass is found to be continually in a state of slow motion down the valley in which it lies, at the rate of about a foot in twenty-four hours. By standing upon the surface and listening attentively, we hear, from time to tune, a grinding sound. The rocks which lie along the sides are pulverized, and are continually moving against each other and fall- ing ; and then, besides, which is a more direct and positive proof still of the motion of the mass, a mark may be set up upon the ice, as has been often done, and marks corresponding to it made upon the solid rocks on each side of the valley, and by this means the fact of the motion, and the exact rate of it, may be fully ascertained. Thus these valleys are really and literally rivers of ice, rising among the summits of the mountains, and flowing, slowly it is true, but with a continuous and certain current, to a sort of mouth in some great and open valley below. Here the streams which have flowed over the surface above, and descended into the maw 94 HANNIBAL. [B.C.217 Crevice* and chasms. Situation of the Alps through countless crevices and chasms, into which the traveler looks down with terror, con- centrate and issue from under the ice in a tur- bid torrent, which comes out from a vast arch- way made by the falling in of masses which tha water has undermined. This lower end of the glacier sometimes presents a perpendicular wall hundreds of feet in height ; sometimes it crowds down into the fertile valley, advancing in some unusually cold summer into the cultivated coun- try, where, as it slowly moves on, it plows up the ground, carries away the orchards and fields, and even drives the inhabitants from the villa- ges which it threatens. If the next summer proves warm, the terrible monster slowly draws back its frigid head, and the inhabitants return to the ground it reluctantly evacuates, and at- tempt to repair the damage it has done. The Alps lie between France and Italy, and the great valleys and the ranges of mountain land lie in such a direction that they must be crossed in order tc pass from one country to the ether. These ranges are, however, not regular They are traversed by innumerable chasms, fissures, and ravines; in some places they rise hi vast rounded summits and swells, covered with fields of spotbss snow; in others they B.C. 217.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 95 Romd over the Alp*. Sublime Meaer/ tower in lofty, needle-like peaks, which even the chamois can not scale, and where scarcely a flake of snow can find a place of rest. Around and among these peaks and summits, and through these frightful denies and chasms, the roads twist and turn, in a zigzag and constant- ly ascending course, creeping along the most frightful precipices, sometimes beneath them and sometimes on the brink, penetrating the darkest and gloomiest defiles, skirting the most impetuous and foaming torrents, and at last, perhaps, emerging upon the surface of a glacier, to be lost in interminable fields of ice and snow, where countless brooks run in glassy channels, and crevasses yawn, ready to take advantage of any slip which may enable them to take down the traveler into their bottomless abysses. And yet, notwithstanding the awful desola- tion which reigns in the upper regions of the \lps, the lower valleys, through which the streams finally meander out into the open plains, and by which the traveler gains access to the rablimer scenes of the upper mountains, are in- expressibly verdant and beautiful. They are fertilized by the deposits of continual inunda- tions in the early spring, and the sun beats down into them with a genial warmth in sum- 96 ANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Beanty of the Alpine scenery. Plcturecque tccnerj mer, which brings out millions of flowers, of the most beautiful forms and colors, and ripens rap- idly the broadest and richest fields of grain Cottages, of every picturesque and beautiful form, tenanted by the cultivators, the shepherds and the herdsmen, crown every little swell in the bottom of the valley, and cling to the decliv- ities of the mountains which rise on either hand. Above them eternal forests of firs and pines wave, feathering over the steepest and most rocky slopes with their somber foliage. 8tiT higher, gray precipices rise and spires and pin- naoles, far grander and more picturesque, if not so symmetrically formed, than those construct- ed by man. Between these there is seen, here and there, in the background, vast towering masses of white and dazzling snow, which crown the summits of the loftier mountains beyond. Hannibal's determination to carry an army Into Italy by way of the Alps, instead of trans- porting them by galleys over the sea, has al- ways been regarded as one of the greatest un- dertakings of ancient tunes. He hesitated for some time whether he should go down the Rhone, and meet and give battle to Soipio, or whether he should leave the Roman army to its oonrse, anrl proceed himself directly toward tha B.C. 217.] CROSSING THB ALPS. 07 Hannibal determine* to CTOM the Alp*. HU army follow* Alps and Italy. The officers and soldiers of the army, who had now learned something of their destination and of their leader's plans, wanted to go and meet the Romans. They dreaded the Alps. They were willing to en- zounter a military foe, however formidable, for this was a danger that they were accustomed to and could understand; but their imagina- tions were appalled at the novel and awful im- ages they formed of falling clown precipice* of ragged rocks, or of gradually freezing, and be- ing buried half alive, during the process, in eter nal snows. Hannibal, when he found that his soldiers were afraid to proceed, called the leading por- tions of his army together, and made them an address. He remonstrated with them for yield- ing now to unworthy fears, after having suc- cessfully met and triumphed over such dangers as they had already incurred. " You have sm mounted the Pyrenees," said he, "you have crossed the Rhone. You are now actually in tight of the Alps, which are the very gates of access to the country of the enemy. What do you conceive the Alps to be ? They are noth ing but high mountains, after alL Suppose they ire higher than tho Pyrenees, they do not l4r-7 08 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Hannibal's speech to his winy. IU effecU reach to the skies ; and, since they do not, they can not be insurmountable. They are sur- mounted, in fact, every day ; they are even in- habited and cultivated, and travelers continv.al- ly pass over them to and fro. And what a sin- gle man can do> an army can do, for an army is only a large number of single men. In fao^ to a soldier, who has nothing to carry with him but the implements of war, no way can be too difficult to be surmounted by courage and en- ergy." After finishing his speech, Hannibal, finding his men reanimated and encouraged by what he had said, ordered them to go to their tents and refresh themselves, and prepare to march on the following day. They made no further op- position to going on. Hannibal did not, how- ever, proceed at once directly toward the Alps. He did not know what the plans of Scipio might be, who, it will be recollected, was below him, on the Rhone, with the Roman army. He did not wish to waste his time and his strength in a contest with Scipio in Gaul, but to press on and get across the Alps into Italy as soon as possible. And so, fearing lest Scipio should strike across the country, and intercept him if he should attempt to go by the most direct B.C 217.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 99 Scipio moves after Hannibal. Sad regtige*. route, he determined to move northwardly, up the River Rhone, till he should get well into the interior, with a view of reaching the Alps ultimately by a more circuitous journey. It was, in fact, the plan of Scipio to come up with Hannibal and attack him as soon as possi- ble ; and, accordingly, as soon as his horsemen, or, rather, those who were left alive after the battle, had returned and informed him that HanmbaJ and his army were near, he put his camp in i no- tion and moved rapidly up the river. He armed at the place where the Carthaginians had crossed a few days after they had gone. The spot was in a terrible state of ruin and confusion. The grass and herbage were trampled down foi the circuit of a mile, and all over the space wore spots of black and smouldering remains, whera the camp-fires had been kindled. The tops and branches of trees lay every where around, their leaves withering in the sun, and the groves and forests were encumbered with limbs, and reject- ed trunks, and trees felled and left where thej lay. The shore was lined far down the stream with ruins of boats and rafts, with weapona which had been lost or abandoned, and with tha bodies of those who had been drowned in the passage, or killed in the contest on the shora 100 HANNIBAL. [B.C. Perplexity of Scipto He nil* back to Italy. These and numerous other vestiges remained, but. the army was gone. There were, however, upon the ground groups of natives and other visitors, who had oome to look at the spot now destined to become so memorable in history. From these men Soipio learned when and where Hannibal had gone. He decided that it \ms useless to at- tempt to pursue him. He was greatly perplex- ed to know what to do. In the casting of lots, Spain had fallen to him, but now that the great enemy whom he had come forth to meet had Jeft Spain altogether, his only hope of intercept- ing his progress was to sail back into Italy, and meet him as he came down from the Alps into the great valley of the Po. Still, as Spain had been assigned to him as his province, he could not well entirely abandon it. He accordingly sent forward the largest part of his army into Spain, to attack the forces that Hannibal had left there, while he himself, with a smaller force, went down to the sea-shore and sa'led back to Italy again. He expected to find Ro- man forces in the valley of the Po, with which he hoped to be strong enough to meet Hanoi, bal as he descended from the mountains, if he should succeed in effecting a passage over them B.C.217J CROSSINO THE ALPS. 101 Hannibal approaches the Alp*. A dangerous defile, In the mean time Hannibal went en, draw- ing nearer and nearer to the ranges of snowy summits which his soldiers had seen for many days in their eastern horizon. These range* were very resplendent and grand when the sun went down in the west, for then it shone di- rectly upon them. As the army approached nearer and nearer to them, they gradually with- drew from sight and disappeared, being con- cealed by intervening summits less lofty, but nearer. As the soldiers went on, however, and began to penetrate the valleys, and draw near to the awful chasms and precipices among the mountains, and saw the turbid torrents descend- ing from them, their fears revived. It was, how- ever, now too late to retreat. They pressed for- ward, ascending continually, till their road grew extremely precipitous and insecure, threading its way through almost impassable defiles, with rugged cliffs overhanging them, and snowy sum- mits towering all around. At last they came to a narrow defile through which they must necessarily pass, but which was guarded by large bodies of armed men as- sembled on the rocks and precipices above, ready to hurl stones and weapons of every kind upor them if they should attempt to pass through 102 HANNIBAL. [B.C.217 The army encamps. The nu untainaen The army halted. Hannibal ordered them to encamp where they were, until he could consid- er what to do. In the course of the day he learned that the mountaineers did not remain at their elevated posts during the night, on ac- count of the intense cold and exposure, know- ing, too, that it would be impossible for an army to traverse such a pass as they were attempt- ing to guard without daylight to guide them, for the road, or rather pathway, which passes through these defiles, follows generally the course of a mountain torrent, which flows through a succession of frightful ravines and chasms, and often passes along on a shelf or projection of the rook, hundreds and sometimes thousands of feet from the bed of the stream, which foams and roars far below. There could, of course, be no hope of passing safely by such a route without the light of day. The mountaineers, therefore, knowing that it was not necessary to guard the pass at night- its own terrible danger being then a sufficient pro- tection were accustomed to disperse in the even- ing, and descend to regions where they could find shelter and repose, and to return and renew their watch in the morning. When Hannibal learned this, he determined to anticipate them in getting B.C. 217.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 103 Hannibal's ctratagem. Itt racceM. ap upon the rocks the next day, and, in order to prevent their entertaining any suspicion of hi design^ he pretended to be making ail the ar rangements for encamping for the night on the ground he had taken. He accordingly pitched more tents, and built, toward evening, a great many fires, and he began some preparations in- dicating that it was his intention the next day to force his way through the pass. He moved forward a strong detachment up to a point near the entrance to the pass, and put them in a for- tified position there, as if to have them all ready to advance when the proper time should arriv.i on the following day. The mountaineers, seeing all these prepara- tions going on, looked forward to a conflict on the morrow, and, during the night, left their positions as usual, to descend to places of shel- ter. The next morning, however, when they began, at an early hour, to ascend to them again, they were astonished to find all the lofty rocks, and cliffs, and shelving projections which over- hung the pass, covered with Carthaginians. Hannibal had aroused a strong body of his men at the earliest dawn, and led them up, by steep climbing, to the places which the mountaineers nad Jeft, so as to be there before them. The 104 HANNIBAL. [B.C.217 Astonishment of the mountaineers. Terrible conflict In the defile mountaineers paused, astonished, at this spec- tacle, and their disappointment and rage were much increased on looking down into the val ley below, and seeing there the remainder of the Carthaginian army quietly moving through the pass in a long train, safe apparently from any molestation, since friends, and not enemies, were now in possession of the cliffs above. The mountaineers could not restrain their feelings of vexation and anger, but immediately rushed down the declivities which they had in part ascended, and attacked the army in the de- file. An awful scene of struggle and confusion ensued. Some were killed by weapons or by rooks rolled down upon them. Others, contend- ing together, and struggli g desperately in pla- ces of very narrow foothold, tumbled headlong down the rugged rocks into the torrent below ; and horses, laden with baggage and stores, be- came frightened and unmanageable, and crowd- ed each 3ther over the most frightful precipices. Hannibal, who was above, on the higher rocks, looked down upon this scene for a time with the greatest anxiety and terror. He did not dare to descend himself and mingle in the affray, for fear of increasing the confusion. He soon found, however, that it was absolutely necessa B.C. 2]?.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 105 Attack of Hannibal. The miruntaineert defeated. ry for him to interpose, and he came down aa rapidly as possible, his detaohment with him. They descended by oblique and zigzag paths.; wherever they could get footing among the rooks, and attacked the mountaineers with great fury The result was, as he had feared, a great in- crease at first of the confusion and the slaugh- ter. The horses were more and more terrified by the fresh energy of the combat, and by the resounding of louder shouts and cries, which were made doubly terrific by the echoes and reverberations of the mountains. They crowd- ed against each other, and fell, horses and men together, in masses, over the cliffs to the rugged rooks below, where they lay in confusion, some dead, and others dying, writhing helplessly in agony, or vainly endeavoring to crawl away. The mountaineers were, however, conquered and driven away at last, and the pass was left clear. The Carthaginian column was restored to order. The horses that had not fallen weib calmed and quieted. The baggage which had been thrown down was gathered up, and the wounded men were placed on litters, rudely con- tracted DU the spot, that they might be borne on to a place of safety. In a short time all were ready to move on, and the march was accord 106 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Hie army pause* to refresh. Scarcity of food ingly recommenced. There was no further dif- ficulty. The column advanced in a quiet and orderly manner until they had passed the defile. At the extremity of it they came to a spacious fort belonging to the natives. Hannibal took possession of this fort, and paused for a little time there to rest and refresh his men. One of the greatest difficulties encountered by a general in conducting an army through difficult and dangerous roads, is that of provid- ing food for them. An army can transport its own food only a very little way. Men travel- ing over smooth roads can only carry provisions for a few days, and where the roads are as dif- ficult and dangerous as the passes of the Alps, they can scarcely carry any. The commander must, accordingly, find subsistence in the coun- try through which he is marching. Hannibal had, therefore, now not only to look out for the safety of his men, but their food was exhausted, and fee must take immediate measures to secure * supply. The lower slopes of lofty mountains afford usually abundant sustenance for flocks and herds. The showers which are continually fall- ing there, and the moisture which comes down the sides of the mountains through the ground JB.C.217.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 107 Herds and flock* upon the mountains. Foraging parties keep the turf perpetually green, and sheep and cattle love to pasture upon it; they climb to great heights, finding the herbage finer and sweeter the higher they go. Thus the inhab- itants of mountain ranges are almost alwayi shepherds and herdsmen. Grain can be raised in the valleys below, but the slopes of the mount- ains, though they produce grass to perfection, are too steep to be tilled. As soon as Hannibal had got established in the fort, he sent around small bodies of men to seize and drive in all the cattle and sheep that they could find. These men were, of course, armed, in order that they might be prepared to meet any resistance which they might encoun- ter. The mountaineers, however, did not at' tempt to resist them. They felt that they were conquered, and they were accordingly disheart enod and discouraged. The only mode of saving their cattle which was left to them, was to drive them as fast as they could into concealed and inaccessible places. They attempted to do this, and while Hannibal's parties were ranging up the valleys all around them, examining every field, and barn, and sheepfold that they could find, the wretched and despairing inhabitants Were flying in all directions, driving the cow* 108 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Collecting cattle. ProgreM of the army and sheep, on which their whole hope of sub- sistence depended, into the fastnesses of the mountains. They urged them into wild thick sts, and dark ravines and chasms, and over dan gerous glaciers, and up the steepest ascente t wherever there was the readiest prospect of get- ting them out of the plunderer's way. These attempts, however, to save their little property were but very partially successful Hannibal's marauding parties kept coming home, one after another, with droves of sheep and -cattle before them, some larger and some mailer, but making up a vast amount in alL Hannibal subsisted his men three days on the food thus procured for them. It requires an enormous store to feed ninety or a hundred thousand men, even for three days ; besides, in all such cases as this, an army always waste and destroy far more than they really consume. During these three days the army was not tationary, but was moving slowly on. The way, though still difficult and dangerous, was at least open before them, as there was now no enemy to dispute their passage. So they went on, rioting upon the abundant supplies they had obtained, and rejoicing 'in the double victory they were gaining, over the hostility of the poo- B.C. 217.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 109 Canton*. An ecabuoga pie and the physical dangers and difficulties of the way. The poor mountaineers returned to their cabins ruined and desolate, for mountain- aers who have lost their cows and their sheep have lost their all. The Alps are not all in Switzerland. Some of the most celebrated peaks and ranges are in a neighboring state called Savoy. The whole country is, in fact, divided into small states, called cantons at the present day, and similar political divisions seem to have existed in the time of the Romans. In his march onward from the pass which has been already described, Hannibal, accordingly, soon approached the confines of another canton. As he was advanc- ing slowly into it, with the long train of his army winding up with him through the valleys, he was met at the borders of this new state b^, an embassage sent from the government of it. They brought with them fresh stores of provis- ions, and a number of guides. They said that they had heard of the terrible destruction which had come upon the other canton in consequence of their effort to oppose his progress, and that they had no intention of renewing so vain an at- tempt They came, therefore, they said, to of* for Hannibal their friendship and their aid 110 HANNIBAL [B.C. 217 Hannibal suspicion* They had brought guides to show the army the best way over the mountains, and a present of provisions ; and to prove the sincerity of their professions they offered Hannibal hostages. These hostages were young men and boys, the sons of the principal inhabitants, whom they offered to deliver into Hannibal's power, to be Kept by him until he should see that they were faithful and true in doing what they offered. Hannibal was so accustomed to stratagem and treachery himself, that he was at first very much at a loss to decide whether these offers and professions were honest and sincere, or whether they were only made to put him off his guard. He thought it possible that it was their design to induce him to place himself under their direction, so that they might lead him into some dangerous defile or labyrinth of rocks, from which he could not extricate himself, and where they oould attack and destroy him. He, however, do- rided to return them a favorable answer, but tc. watoh them very carefully, and to proceed un- der their guidance with the utmost caution and oare He accepted of the provisions they of. fered, and took the hostages. These last he de- livered into the custody of a body of his soldiers and they marched on with the rest of tha armv flC.217.] CROSSING inn ALPS. 113 rreachery of the moonttlneen. They attack uiiiw Then, directing the new guides to lead the way, the army moved on after them. The elephants went first, with a moderate force for their proteo* tion preceding and accompanying them. Then came long trains of horses and mules, loaded with military stores and baggage, and finally the foot soldieys followed, marching irregularly in a long column. The whole train must have extended many miles, and must have appeared from any of the eminences around like an enormous serpent, winding its way tortuously through the wild and desolate valleys. Hannibal was right in his suspicions The embassage was a stratagem. The men who sent it had laid an ambuscade in a very narrow pass, concealing their forces in thickets and in chasms, and in nooks and corners among the rugged rooks, and when the guides had led the army well into the danger, a sudden signal was given, and these concealed enemies rushed dowa upon them in great numbers, breaking into their ranks, and renewing the scene of terrible uproar, tumult, and destruction which had been wit nessed in the other defile. One would hare thought that the elephants, being so unwieldy and so helpless in such a scene, would have beea the first objects of attack. But it was not x 148 114 HANNIBAL. t B.C.217 Fbe elephants. Hannlbal'i army divided. The mountaineers were afraid of them. They had never seen such animals before, and they felt for them a mysterious awe, not knowing what terrible powers such enormous beasts might be expected to wield. They kept away frcm them, therefore, and from the horsemen, and poured down upon the head of the column of foot soldiers which followed in the rear. They were quite successful at the first onset. They broke through the head of the column, and drove the rest back. The horses and ele- phants, in the mean time, moved forward, bear- ing the baggage with them, so that the two por- tions of the army were soon entirely separated. Hannibal was behind, with the soldiers. The mountaineers made good their position, and, as night came on, the contest ceased, for in such wilds as these no one can move at all, except with the light of day. The mountaineers, how- ever, remained in their place, dividing the army, and Hannibal continued, during the night, in a state of great suspense and anxiety, with th elephants and the baggage separated from him and apparently at the mercy of the enemy. During the night he made vigorous prepara- tions for attacking the mountaineers the nexl day As so n as th morning light appeared, B.C.217.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 115 Hannibal's attack on the mountaineer*. They embarrau hit march. he made the attack, and he succeeded in driving the enemy away, so far, at least, as to allow him to get his army together again. He then began once more to move on. The mountain- eers, however, hovered about his way, and did aL they could to molest and embarrass his march. They concealed themselves in ambus- cades, and attacked the Carthaginians as they passed. They rolled stones down upon them, or discharged spears and arrows from eminen- ces above ; and if any of Hannibal's army be- came, from any reason, detached from the rest, they would cut off their retreat, and then take them prisoners or destroy them. Thus they gave Hannibal a great deal of trouble. The} harassed his march continually, without pre- senting at any point a force which he could meet and encounter in battle. Of course, Han- nibal could no longer trust to his guides, and he was obliged to make his way as he best could, sometimes right, but often wrong, and exposed to a thousand difficulties and dangers, which those acquainted with the country might have easily avoided. All this time the mountaineers were continually attacking him, in bands like those of robbers, sometimes in the van, and some- times in the rear, wherever the nature of the 116 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217. Hannibal's indomitable perseverance. He encampa ground or the circumstances of the inarching army afforded them an opportunity. Hannibal persevered, however, through all these discouragements, protecting his men as far as it was in his power, but pressing earn- estly on, until in nine days he reached the sum- mit. By the summit, however, is not meant the summit of the mountains, but the summit of the pass, that is, the highest point which it was necessary for him to attain in going over. In all mountain ranges there are depressions, which are in Switzerland called necks,* and the pathways and roads over the ranges lie always in these. In America, such a depression in a ridge of land, if well marked and decided, is called a notch. Hannibal attained the highest point of the col, by which he was to pass over, in nine days after the great battle. There were, however, of course, lofty peaks and sum- mits towering still far above him. He encamped here two days to rest and re- fresh his men. The enemy no longer molested him. In fact, parties were continually coming into the camp, of men and horses, that had got lost, or had been left in the valleys below. * The French word is col. Thus, there is the Col de Balme, the Col de G6ant, &c. B.C. 217.J CROSSING THE ALPS. 117 Return of straggling parties. Dreary I eenery of th commit They came in slowly, some wounded, othen exhausted and spent by fatigue and exposure. In some cases horses came in alone. They were horses that had slipped or stumbled, and falle'i among the rocks, or had sunk down exhausted by their toil, and had thus been left behind, and afterward; recovering their strength, had fol- lowed on, led by a strange instinct to keep to the tracks which their companions had made, and thus they rejoined the camp at last in safety In fact, one great reason for Hannibal's de- lay at his encampment on or near the summit of the pass, was to afford time for all the miss- ing men to join the army again, that had the power to do so. Had it not been for this ne- cessity, he would doubtless have descended some distance, at least, to a more warm and sheltered position before seeking repose. A more gloomy and desolate resting-place than the summit of an Alpine pass can scarcely be found. The bare and barren rocks are entirely destitute of vegetation, and they have lost, besides, the sub- lime and picturesque forms which they assume further below. They spread in vast, naked fields in every direction around the spectator, rising in gentle ascents, bleak and dreary, the surface whitened as if bleached by the perpet* 118 HANNIBAL. [B.C.217 Btonni In the mountains. A dreary encampment nal rains. Storms are, in fact, almost perpet- ual in these elevated regions. The vast cloud which, to the eye of the shepherd in the valley below, seems only a fleecy cap, resting serenely npon the summit, or slowly floating along the iides, is really a driving mist, or cold and stormy rain, howling dismally over interminable fields of broken rocks, as if angry that it can make nothing grow upon them, with all its watering Thus there are seldom distant views to be ob- tained, and every thing near presents a scene of simple dreariness and desolation. Hannibal's soldiers thus found themselves in the midst of a dismal scene in their lofty en- campment. There is one special source of dan- ger, too, in such places as this, which the low- er portions of the mountains are less exposed to, and that is the entire obliteration of the path- way by falls of snow. It seems almost absurd to speak of pathway in such regions, where there is no turf to be worn, and the boundlwn fields of rocks, ragged and hard, will take no trace of footsteps. There are, however, gener- ally some faint traces of way, and wheie these fail entirely the track is sometimes indicated by small piles of stones, placed at intervals along the line of route. An unpracticed eye would B.C.217.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 119 A mow storm scarcely distinguish these little landmarks, in many cases, from accidental heaps of stoL.es which lie every where around. They, howev- er, render a very essential service to the guides %nd to the mountaineers, who have been accus- tomed to conduct their steps by similar aids in other portions of the mountains. But when snow begins to fall, all these and every other possible means of distinguishing the way are soon entirely obliterated. The whole surface of the ground, or, rather, of the rocks, is covered, and all landmarks disappear. The little monuments become nothing but slight in- equalities in the surface of the snow, undistin- guishable from a thousand others. The air is thick and murky, and shuts off alike all distant prospects, and the shape and conformation of the land that is near ; the bewildered traveler has not even the stars to guide him, as there is nothing but dark, falling flakes, descending from an impenetrable canopy of stormy clouds, to be seen in the sky. Hannibal encountered a snow storm while on the summit of the pass, and his army were very much terrified by it. It was now November. The army had met with so many detentions and delays that their ionrjev had been protract- 120 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 The army resumes iu march. Hannibal among the pioneers ed to a late period. It would be unsafe to at- tempt to wait till this snow should melt again. As soon, therefore, as the storm ended, and the ol >uds cleared away, so as to allow the men to *ee the general features of the country around, the camp was broken up and the army put in motion. The soldiers marched through the snow with great anxiety and fear. Men went be- fore to explore the way, and to guide the rest by flags and banners which they bore. Those who went first made paths, of course, for those who followed behind, as the snow was tram pled down by their footsteps. Notwithstanding these aids, however, the army moved on very laboriously and with much fear. At length, however, after descending a short distance, Hannibal, perceiving that they must soon come in sight of the Italian valleys and plains which lay beyond the Alps, went forward among the pioneers, who had charge of the ban- ners by which the movements of the army were directed, and, as soon as the open country be- gan to come into view, he selected a spot where f 1 3 widest prospect was presented, and i ml tod ' - army there to let them take a view of the -Dutiful country which now lay before them, e Alps are very precipitous on the Italian B.C.fci?.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 121 ( irrt right of Italy. Joy of the army. Hannibal' ipek side. The descent is very sudden, from the cold and ioy summits, to a broad expanse of the most ItLxoriant and sunny plains. Upon these nlains, arhioh were spread out in a most enct anting landscape at their feet, Hannibal and his sol- liers now looked down with exultation and de- light. Beautiful lakes, studded with still more beautiful islands, reflected the beams of the sun. An endless succession of fields, in sober autum- nal colors, with the cottages of the laborers and stacks of grain scattered here and there upon them, and rivers meandering through verdant meadows, gave variety and enchantment to the view. Hannibal made an address to his officers and men, congratulating them on having arrived, at last, so near to a successful termination of their toils. " The difficulties of the way," he said, "are at last surmounted, and these mighty bar- riers that we have scaled are the walls, not only of Italy, but of Rome itself. Since we have jcassed the Alps, the Romans will have no pro- tection against us remaining. It is only one battle, when we get down upon the plains, or at most two, and the great city itself will be entirely at our disposal." The whole army were much animated and 122 HANNIBAL. |B.C. 217 fatiguei of the march. New di fflcultiw encouraged, both by the prospect which present- ed itself to their view, and by the words of Han- nibal, They prepared for the descent, antici- pating little difficulty ; but they found, on re- omimenoing their march, that their troubles ffere by no means over. The mountains are far steeper on the Italian side than on the other, and it was extremely difficult to find paths by which the elephants and the horses, and even the men, could safely descend. They moved on for some time with great labor and fatigue, un- til, at length, Hannibal, looking on before, found that the head of the column had stopped, and the whole train behind was soon jammed to- gether, the ranks halting along the way in suc- cession, as they found their path blocked up by the halting of those before them. Hannibal sent forward to ascertain the cause of the difficulty, and found that the van of the army had reached a precipice down which it was impossible to descend. It was necessary to make a circuit in hopes of finding some prac- ticable way of getting down. The guides and pioneers went on, leading the army after them, and soon got upon a glacier which lay in theii ra) There was fresh snow upon the surface, covering the ice and concealing the crevasse*, BC.217.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 123 March over the glacier. A formidable burin as they are termed that is, the great cracks and fissures which extend in the glaciers down through the body of the ice. The army moved on, trampling down the new snow, and making At first a good road- way by their footsteps ; but very soon the old ice and snow began to be trampled up by the hoofs of the horses and the heavy tread of such vast multitudes of armed men. It softened to a great depth, and made the work of toiling through it an enormous la- bor. Besides, the surface of the ice and snow sloped steeply, and the men and beasts were continually falling or sliding down, and getting swallowed up in avalanches which their own weight set in motion, or in concealed crevasses where they sank to rise no more. They, however, made some progress, though slowly, and with great danger. They at last got below the region of the snow, but here they encountered new difficulties in the abruptness and ruggedness of the rocks, and in the zigzag and tortuous direction of the way. At last they came to a spot where their further progress ap- peared to be entirely out off by a large mass of rock, which it seemed necessary to remove in order to widen the passage sufficiently to allow them to go on. The Roman historian says that 124 HANN.BAL. [B.C. 217 Hannibal cnU hi* way through the rock*. Hannibal removed these rooks by building great fires upon them, and then pouring on vinegar, which opened seams and fissures in them, by means of which the rocks could be split and pried to pieces with wedges and crowbars. On reading this account, the mind naturally pauses to consider the probability of its being true. As they had no gunpowder in those days, they were compelled to resort to some such method as the one above described for removing rooks. There are some species of rook which are easily crack- ed and broken by the action of fire. Others re- sist it. There seems, however, to be no reason obvious why vinegar should materially assist in the operation. Besides, we can not suppose that Hannibal could have had, at such a time and place, any very large supply of vinegar on hand. On the whole, it is probable that, if any such operation was performed at all, it was OK a very small scale, and the results must have been very insignificant at the time, though the fact has since been greatly celebrated in history. In coming over the snow, and in descending the rocks immediately below, the army, and es- pecially the animals connected with it, suffered a great deal from hunger. It was difficult to procure forage for them of any kind. At B.C. 217.] CROSSING THE ALPS. 126 The army in Mfety on the plain* of Italy. length, however, as they continued their de- icent, they came first into the region of forests, and soon after to slopes of grassy fields descend- ing into warm and fertile valleys. Here the inimals were allowed to stop and rest, and re- new their strength by abundance of food. The men rejoiced that their toils and dangers were over, and, descending easily the remainder of the way, they encamped at last safely on the pUins of Italy. 126 HANNIBAL. [KC.217 Miaerabie condition of the army. Its grow !o*w* CHAPTER VI. HANNIBAL IN THE NORTH OF ITALY. Hannibal's army found themselves on the plains of Italy, and sat down qui- etly to repose, they felt the effects of their fa- tigues and exposures far more sensibly than they had done under the excitement which they naturally felt while actually upon the mount- ains. They were, in fact, in a miserable con- dition. Hannibal told a Roman officer whom he afterward took prisoner that more than thir- ty thousand perished on the way in crossing the mountains; some in the battles which were fought in the passes, and a greater number still, probably, from exposure to fatigue and cold, and from falls among the rocks and glaciers, and diseases produced by destitution and misery. The remnant of the army which was left on reaching the plain were emaciated, sickly, rag- ged, and spiritless; far more inclined to He down and die, than to go on and undertaKe the oonquest of Italy and Rome. After some days, however, they began to re- cruit Although they had been half starved B.C. 217.] HANNIBAL IN ITALY. 127 Feeling* of Hannibal's soldier*. Finns of Sciplo among the mountains, they had now plenty of wholesome food. They repaired their tattered garments and their broken weapons. They talked with one another about the terrific scenes through which they had been passing, and the dangers which they had surmounted, and thus, gradually strengthening their impressions of the greatness of the exploits they had performed, they began soon to awaken in each other's breasts an ambition to go on and undertake the accomplishment of other deeds of daring and glory. We left Scipio with his army at the mouth of the Rhone, about to set sail for Italy with a part of his force, while the rest of it was sent on toward Spain. Scipio sailed along the coast by Genoa, and thence to Pisa, where he landed. He stopped a little while to recruit nis soldiers after the voyage, and in the mean time sent or- ders to all the Roman forces then in the north of Italy to join his standard. He hoped in thii way to collect a force strong enough to enccutt' ter Hannibal. These arrangements being made. he marched to the northward as rapidly as pos- sible He knew in what condition Hannibal's army had descended from the Alps, and wished V attack them before they should have time to 128 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Ibe aruilea approach each other. Feeling! of Hannibal and Sclpio recover from the effects of their privation* and Bufferings. He reached the Po before he saw any thing of Hannibal. Hannibal, in the mean tirra, was not idle AJB soon as his men were in a condition to mov. he began to act upon the tribes that he found at the foot of the mountains, offering his friendship to some, and attacking others. He thus con- quered those who attempted to resist him, mov- ing, all the time., gradually southward toward the Po. 'That river has numerous branches, and among them is one named the Tioinus. It was on the banks of this river that the two armies at last came together. Both generals must have felt some degree of solicitude in respect to the result of the contest which was about to take place. Scipio knew very well Hannibal's terrible efficiency as a war rior, and he was himself a general of great dis tinotion, and a Roman, so that Hannibal had nc reason to anticipate a very easy victory. What- ever doubts or fears, however, general officers may feel on the eve of an engagement, it is al- ways considered very necessary to conceal them entirely from the men, and to animate and en courage the troops with a most undoubting con that they will gain the victory. B.C-.217.J HANNIBAL IN ITALY. 129 Addreu of Sciplo to the Roman army. Both Hannibal and Scipio, accordingly, made addresses to their respective armies at least so gay the historians of those times each flne ex- pressing to his followers the certainty that the other side would easily be beaten. The speech attributed to Scipio was somewhat as follows : " I wish to say a few words to you, soldiers, before we go into battle. It is, perhaps, scarce ly necessary. It certainly would not be neces- sary if I had now under my command the same troops that I took with me to the mouth of the Rhone. They knew the Carthaginians there, and would not have feared them here. A body of our horsemen met and attacked a larger body of theirs, and defeated them. We then advanced with our whole force toward their encampment, in order to give them battle. They, however, abandoned the ground and retreated before we reached the spot, acknowledging, by their flight, their own fear and our superiority. If you had been with us there, and had witnessed these facts, there would have been no need that I should say any thing to convince you now how easily you are g >ing to defeat this Carthaginian foe. " We have had a war with this same nation before. We conquered them then, both by land 149 130 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217. Address of Scipio to the Roman army. and sea ; and when, finally, peace was made, we required them to pay us tribute, and we contin- ued to exact it from them for twenty years They are a conquered nation; and now this miserable army has forced its way insanely over the Alps, just to throw itself into our hands They meet us reduced in numbers, and exhaust- ed in resources and strength. More than half of their army perished in the mountains, and those that survive are weak, dispirited, ragged, and diseased. And yet they are compelled to meet us. If there was any chance for retreat, or any possible way for them to avoid the ne- cessity of a battle, they would avail themselves of it. But there is not. They are hemmed in by the mountains, which are now, to them, an impassable wall, for they have not strength to scale them again. They are not real enemies ; they are the mere remnants and shadows of en- emies. They are wholly disheartened and dis- couraged, their strength and energy, both of soul and body, being spent and gone, through the cold, the hunger, and the squalid misery they have endured. Their joints are benumbed, their sinews stiffened, and their forms emacia- ted. Their armor is shattered and broken, theii horses are lamed, and all their equipments worn B.C. 217.] HANNIBAL IN ITALY. 131 Hannibal's ingenious method of introducing hit speech. out and ruined, so that really what most I fear is that the world will refuse us the glory of the victory, and say that it was the Alps that con- quered Hannibal, and not the Roman arrry. " Easy as the victory is to be, however, we must remember that there *s a great deal at stake in the contest. It is not merely for glory that we are now about to contend. If Hannibal conquers, he will march to Rome, and our wives, our children, and all that we hold dear will be at his mercy. Remember this, and go into the battle feeling that the fate of Rome itself is de- pending upon the result." An oration is attributed to Hannibal, too, on the occasion of this battle. He showed, howev- er, his characteristic ingenuity and spirit of con- trivance in the way in which he managed to at- tract strong attention to what he was going to say, by the manner in which he introduced it He formed his army into a circle, as if to wit* ness a spectacle. He then brought in to the center of this circle a number of prisoners that he had taken among the Alps perhaps they were the hostages which had been delivered to him, as related in the preceding chapter. Who- ever they were, however, whether hostages of captives taken in the battles which ha J been 132 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Cnrtoui combat Effect on the army fought in the defiles, Hannibal had brought them with his army down into Italy, and now introducing them into the center of the circle which the army formed, he threw down before their, such arms as they were accustomed to use in their native mountains, and asked them wheth- er they would be willing to take those weapons and fight each other, on condition that each one who killed his antagonist should be restored to his liberty, and have a horse and armor given him, so that he could return home with honor. *he barbarous monsters said readily that they juld, and seized the arms with the greatest vidity. Two or three pairs of combata n t" ' re allowed to fight. One of each pair was killed, and the other set at liberty according to the promise of Hannibal. The combats excited the greatest interest, and awakened the strongest enthusiasm among the soldiers who witnessed them. When this effect had been sufficiently produced, the rest of the prisoners vrere sent away, and Hannibal addressed the vast ring of soldiery as follows : " I have intended, soldiers, in what yon have now seen, not merely to amuse you, but to give you a picture of your own situation. You are hemmed in on the right and left by two seas, B.C. 217.] HANNIBAL IN ITALY. 133 Hannibal's speech to his army. HU words of encouragemaad. and you have not so much as a single ship upon either of them. Then there is the Po before you and the Alps behind. The Po is a deeper, and more rapid and turbulent river than the Rhone ; and as for the Alps, it was with the ut- most difficulty that you passed over them when you were in full strength and vigor; they are an insurmountable wall to you now. You aro therefore shut in, like our prisoners, on every side, and have no hope of life and liberty but in battle and victory. " The victory, however, will not be difficult. I see, wherever I look among you, a spirit of determination and courage which I am sure will make you conquerors. The troops which you are going to contend against are mostly fresh recruits, that know nothing of the discipline of the camp, and can never successfully confront such war-worn veterans as you. You all know each other well, and me. I was, in fact, a pu- pil with you for many years, before I took the command. But Scipio's forces are strangers to one another and to him, and, consequently, have no common bond of sympathy ; and as for Scipic himself, his very commission as a Roman gen- eral is only six months old. " Think, too, what a splendid and prosperoui 134 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Hannibal s promise*. His real feeling* career victory will open before you. It will conduct you to Rome. It will make you mas- ters of one of the most powerful and wealthiest cities in the world. Thus far you have fought your battles only for glory or for dominion ; now, you will have something more substantial to reward your success. There will be great treasures to be divided among you if we con- quer, but if we are defeated we are lost. Hem- med in as we are on every side, there is no place that we can reach by flight. There is, therefore, no such alternative as flight left to as, We must conquer." It is hardly probable that Hannibal could have really and honestly felt all the confidence that he expressed in his harangues to his sol- diers. He must have had some fears. In fact, in all enterprises undertaken by man, the indi- cations of success, and the hopes based upon them, will fluctuate from time to time, and cause his confidence in the result to ^bb and flow, so that bright anticipations of success and triumph will alternate in his heart with feelingt of discouragement and despondency. This ef- fect is experienced by all ; by the energetic and decided as well as by the timid and the falter- ing. The former, however, never allow these B.C. 217.] HANNIBAL m ITALY. 135 Hannibal's energy and decision. His steady resolution, fluctuations of hope and fear to influence their action. They consider well the substantial grounds for expecting success before commenc- ing their undertaking, and then go steadily for- ward, under all aspects of the sky when it shines and when it rains till they reach the end. The inefficient and undecided can act only under the stimulus of present hope. The end they aim at must be visible before them all the time. If for a moment it passes out of view, their motive is gone, and they can do no more, till, by some change in circumstances, it comes in sight again. Hannibal was energetic and decided. The time for him to consider whether he would en- counter the hostility of the Roman empire, aroused to the highest possible degree, was when his army was drawn up upon the bank* of the Iberns, before they crossed it. The Ibe rus was his Rubicon. That line once over- stepped, there was to be no further faltering. The difficulties which arose from time to time to throw a cloud over his prospects, only seem- ed to stimulate him to fresh energy, and to awa- ken a new, though still a calm and steady reso- lution. It was so at the Pyrenees; it was so at the Rhone ; it was so among the Alps, wher HANNIBAL. [B.C. 21? Hannibal'i unfaltering conrmga. Movements of Sclpk the difficulties and dangers would have induced almost any other commander to have returned ; and it was still so, now that he found himself hut in on every hand by the stern boundaries of Northern Italy, whish he could not possibly hope again to pass, and the whole disposable force of the Roman empire, commanded, too, by one of the consuls, concentrated before him. The imminent danger produced no faltering, and apparently no fear. The armies were not yet in sight of each oth- er. They were, in fact, yet on opposite sides of the River Po. The Roman commander con- cluded to march his troops across the river, and advance in search of Hannibal, who was still at some miles' distance. After considering the various means of crossing the stream, he deci- ded finally on building a bridge. Military commanders generally throw some sort of a bridge across a stream of water lying in their way, if it is too deep to be easily forded, unless, indeed, it is so wide and rapid as to make the construction of the bridge difficult or im- practicable. In this latter case they cross as well as they can by means of boats and rafts, and by swimming. The Po, though not a very Large stream at this point, was too ileep to be B.C. 217.] HANNIBAL iv ITALY. 137 Bcipio'i bridg* OTor * r - 1 ' iie arm T eroMat tfa* rirar forded, and Soipio accordingly built a bridge. The soldiers out down the trees which grew in the forests along the banks, and after trimming ff the tops and branches, they rolled the trunks into the water. They placed these trunks side by side, with others, laid transversely and pinned down, upon the top. Thus they formed rafts, which they placed in a line across the stream, securing them well to each other and to the banks. This made the foundation for the bridge, and after this foundation was covered with oth- er materials, so as to make the upper surface a convenient roadway, the army were conducted across it, and then a small detachment of sol- diers were stationed at each extremity of it aa a guard. Such a bridge as this answers a very good temporary purpose, and in still water, as, for example, over narrow lakes or very sluggish streams, where there is very little current, a floating structure of this kind is sometimes built for permanent service. Such bridges will not, however, stand on broad and rapid rivers liable to floods. The pressure of the water alone, in such cases, would veiy much endanger all the fastenings; and in cases where drift wood or ice is brought down by the stream, the floating 138 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Hannibal's warlike operation*. He concentrate* his army masses, not being able to pass under the bridge, would accumulate above it, and would soon oear upon it with so enormous a pressure that nothing could withstand its force. The bridge would be broken away, and the whole accumu- ation bridge, drift-wood, and ice would be oorne irresistibly down the stream together. Scipio's bridge, however, answered very well for his purpose. His army passed over it in safety. When Hannibal heard of this, he knew that the battle was at hand. Hannibal was him- self at this time about five miles distant. While Soipio was at work upon the bridge, Hannibal was employed, mainly, as he had been all the time since his descent from the mountains, in the subjugation of the various petty nations and tribes north of the Po. Some of them were well disposed to join his standard. Others were allies of the Romans, and wished to remain so. He made treaties and sent help to the former, and dispatched detachments of troops to intim- idate and subdue the latter. When, however, he learned that Scipio had crossed the river, he ordered all these detachments to come immedi- ately in, and he began to prepare in earnest for the contest that was impending. He called together an assembly of his soldiers, B.C. 217.] HANNIBAL IN ITALY. 139 Hannibal addreise* hU soldier*. He promises them land* and announced to them finally that the battle was now nigh. He renewed the words of en- couragement that he had spoken before, and in addition to what he then said, he now promised the soldiers rewards in land in case they proved victorious. " I will give you each a farm," said he, " wherever you choose to have it, either in Africa, Italy, or Spain. If, instead of the land, any of you shall prefer to receive rather an equiv- alent in money, you shall have the reward in that form, and then you can return home and live with your friends, as before the war, under circumstances which will make you objects of envy to those who remained behind. If any of you would like to live in Carthage, I will have you made free citizens, so that you can live there in independence and honor." But what security would there be for the faithful fulfillment of these promises ? In mod- ern times such security is given by bonds, with pecuniary penalties, or by the deposit of titles to property in responsible hands. In ancient days they managed differently. The promiser bound himself by some solemn and formal mode of adjuraticn, accompanied, in important cases, with certain ceremonies, which were supposed to seal and confirm the obligation assumed. In 140 HANNIBAL. [B.C 217 tUtifjrtng promise. Omea* this case Hannibal brought a lamb in the pres- ence of the assembled army. He held it before them with his left hand, while with his right he grasped a heavy stone. He then called aloud upon the gods, imploring them to destroy him as he was about to slay the lamb, if he failed to perform faithfully and fully the pledges that he had made. He then struck the poor lamb a heavy blow with the stone. The animal fell dead at his feet, and Hannibal was thenceforth bound, in the opinion of the army, by a very solemn obligation indeed, to be faithful in ful- filling his word. The soldiers were greatly animated and ex- cited by these promises, and were in haste to have the contest come on. The Roman sol- diers, it seems, were in a different mood of mind. Some circumstances had occurred which they considered as bad omens, and they were very much dispirited and depressed by them. It is astonishing that men should ever allow their minds to be affected by such wholly acoi Cental occurrences as these were. One of them eras this: a wolf came into their camp, from one of the forests near, and after wounding sev- era men, made his escape again. The other was more trifling still. A swarm of bees B.C. 217.] HANNIBAL IN ITALY. 141 Tb tattl*. The Romans thrown into eoafndoa into the encampment, and lighted upon a tree just over Soipio's tent. This was considered, for some reason or other, a sign that some ca- lamity was going to befall them, and the men were accordingly intimidated and disheartened They consequently looked forward to the battle with uneasiness and anxiety, while the army of Hannibal anticipated it with eagerness and pleasure The battle came on, at last, very suddenly, and at a moment when neither party were ex- pecting it. A large detachment of both armies were advancing toward the position of the other, near the River Tioinus, to reoonnoiter, when they met, and the battle began. Hannibal ad- vanced with great impetuosity, and sent, at th same time, a detachment around to attack hie enemy in the rear. The Romans soon began to fall into confusion; the horsemen and foot soldiers got entangled together; the men were trampled upon by the horses, and the horse* were frightened by the men. In the midst of this scene, Soipio received a wound. A consul was a dignitary of very high consideration H was, in fact, a sort of semi-king. Th officers, and all the soldiers, so fast as they heard that, the consul was wounded, were terrified and dis- 142 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Sclplo wounded. The Roman* driven back across the rirer mayed, and the Romans began to retreat. Soipio had a young son, named also Seipio, who was then about twenty years of age. He was fighting by the side of his father when he re- ceived his wound. He protected his father, got him into the center of a compact body of caval- ry, and moved slowly off the ground, those in the rear facing toward the enemy and beating them back, as they pressed on in pursuit of them. In this way they reached their camp, Here they stopped for the night. They had fortified the place, and, as night was coming on, Hannibal thought it not prudent to press on and attack them there. He waited for the morning. Scipio, however, himself wounded and his army discouraged, thought it not prudent for him to wait till the morning. At midnight he put his whole force in motion on a retreat. He kept the camp-fires burning, and did every thing else in his power to prevent the Carthaginians ob- serving any indications of his departure. Ilia army marched secretly and silently till they reached the river. They recrossed it by th bridge they had built, and then, cutting away the fastenings by which the different rafts were held together, the structure was at once de- stroyed, and the materials of which it was com- B.C. 2.17.] HANMBALIN!TAL\ 143 The Roman* dertruy tfae bridge OTCT the Tidnu* posed floated away, a mere mass of ruins, down the stream. From the Ticinus they floated, we may imagine, into the Po, and thence down the Po into the Adriatic Sea, where they drifted about upon the waste of waters till they were at last, one after another driven by storms upoa the sandy shores. 144 HANK BAL. [B.C. 217 Hannibal pursue* the Romans. He take* lome prUonere, CHAPTER VII. THB APENNINES. AS soon as Hannibal was apprised in the morning that Soipio and his forces had left their ground, he pressed on after them, very earnest to overtake them before they should each the river. But he was too late. The main body of the Roman army had got over. There was, however, a detachment of a few anndred men, who had been left on Hannibal's side of the river to guard the bridge until aD the army shomd have passed, and then to help in cutting it away. They had accomplished this before Hannibal's arrival, but had not had time to contrive any way to get across the river themselves. Hannibal took them all prisoners. The condition and prospects of both the Ro- man and Carthaginian cause were entirely changed by this battle, and the retreat of Soipio across the Po. All the nations of the north of Italy, who had been subjects or allies of the Ro- mans, now turned to Hannibal. They sent embassies into his camp, offering him theii B.U.JM.7.J THE APENNINES Revolt of some Hauls from the Romans. Hanniba! crosse* the river friendship and alliance. In fact, there was a 'arge body of Gauls in the Roman camp, who were fighting under Scipio at the battle of Ti- oinus, who deserted his standard immediately afterward, and came over in a mass to Hanni- bal. They made this revolt in the night, and, instead of stealing away secretly, they raised a prodigious tumult, killed the guards, filled the encampment with their shouts and outcries, and created for a time an awful scene of terror. Hannibal received them, but he was too sa- gacious to admit such a treacherous horde into his army. He treated them with great consid- eration and kindness, and dismissed them with presents, that they might all go to their respect- ive homes, charging them to exert their influ- ence in his favor among the tribes to which they severally belonged. Hannibal's soldiers, too, were very much en- couraged by the commencement they had made. The army made immediate preparations for crossing the river. Some of the soldiers built rafts, others went up the stream in search of places to ford . Some swam across. They could adopt these or any other modes in safety, for the Romans made no stand on the opposite bank tc oppose them, but moved rapidly on, as fast ai 1410 146 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217. Dismay of the Romans. Sempronius recalled to Italy. Scipio could be carried. His wounds began to inflame, and were extremely painful. In fact, the Romans were dismayed at the danger which now threatened them. As soon as news of these events reached the city, the authorities there sent a dispatch immediately to Sicily to recall the other consul. His name was Sempronius. It will be recollected that, when the lots were cast between him and Scip- io, it fell to Scipio to proceed to Spain, with a view to arresting Hannibal's march, while Sem- pronius went to Sicily and Africa. The object of this movement was to threaten and attack the Carthaginians at home, in order to distract their attention and prevent their sending any f resh forces to aid Hannibal, and, perhaps, even co compel them to recall him from Italy to de- fend their own capital. But now that Hanni- bal had not only passed the Alps, but had also crossed the Po, and was marching toward Rome Scipio himself disabled, and his army flying before him they were obliged at once to aban- don the plan of threatening Carthage. They *ent with all dispatch an order to Sempronhw to hasten home and assist in the defense of Home. Scmpronius was a man of a very prompt and B.C. 217.J THE APENNINES. 147 Suffering! of Sclpio from his wound. He U joined by Semprooint impetuous character, with great confidence in his own powers, and very ready for action. He came immediately into Italy, recruited new sol- Jiers for the army, put himself at the head of his forces, and marched northward to join Scipio in the valley of the Po. Scipio was suffering great rain from his wounds, and could do but lit- tle toward directing the operations of the army Ho had slowly retreated before Hannibal, the fever and pain of his wounds being greatly ex- asperated by the motion of traveling. In this manner he arrived at the Trebia, a small stream flowing northward into the Po. He crossed this stream, and finding that he could not go any further, on account of the torturing pain to which it put him to be moved, he halted his army, marked out an encampment, threw up fortifica- tions around it, and prepared to make a stand- To his great relief, Sempronius soon came up and joined him here. There were now two generals. Napoleon used to say that one bad commander was bet- ter than two good ones, so essential is it to suc- cess in all military operations to secure that promptness, and confidence, and decision wh ich can only exist where action is directed by one single mind. Sempronius and Scipio disagreed 148 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 21 Tbe Roman commander* disagree. Sklnnihe as to the proper course to be pursued. Sempro- nius wished to attack Hannibal immediately. Scipio was in favor of delay. Sempronius at- tributed Soipio's reluctance to give battle to th dejection of mind and discouragement produced by his wound, or to a feeling of envy lest he, Sempronius, should have the honor of conquer- ing the Carthaginians, while he himself was helpless in his tent. On the other hand, Scipic thought Sempronius inconsiderate and reckless, and disposed to rush heedlessly into a contest with a foe whose powers and resources he did not understand. In the mean time, while the two command- ers were thus divided in opinion, some skirmish es and small engagements took place between detachments from the two armies, in which Sem- pronius thought that the Romans had the ad- vantage. This excited his enthusiasm more and more, and he became extremely desirous tc bring on a general battle. He began to be quite out of patience with Scipio' s caution and delay. The soldiers, he said, were full of strength and courage, all eager for the combat, and it was absurd to hold them back on account of the fee- bleness of one ick. man. " Besides," said he, "of what use can it be to delay any longer! B.C. 217.] THE APENINNBS. 149 Sempronlui eager for battle. Hannibal* stratagem. We are as ready to meet the Carthaginians now as we shall ever be. There is no third consul to oome and help us ; and what a disgrace it is for us Romans, who in the former war led our troops to the very gates of Carthage, to allow Hannibal to bear sway over all the north of It- aly, while we retreat gradually before him, afraid to encounter now a force that we have always conquered before." Hannibal was not long in learning, through his spies, that there was this difference of opin- ion between the Roman generals, and that Sem pronius was full of a presumptuous sort of ardor and he began to think that he could contriv some plan to draw the latter out into battle un- der circumstances in which he would have to act at a great disadvantage. He did contrive such a plan. It succeeded admirably ; and the case was one of those numerous instances which occurred in the history of Hannibal, of success- ful stratagem, which led the Romans to say that his leading traits of character were treachery and cunning. Hannibal's plan was, in a word, an attempt to draw the Roman army out of its encamp- ment on a dark, cold, and stormy night in De- cember, and get them into the river. This rir 150 ilANfiiBAi.. [B.C.217 I>tail of Elaiinibal's scheme. The ambuscada. er was the Trebia. It flowed north into the Po, between the Roman and Carthaginian camps. His scheme, in detail, was to send a part of his army over the river to attack the Romans in the night or very early in the morning. He hoped that by this means Sempronius would be induc- ed to come out of his camp to attack the Car- thaginians. The Carthaginians were then to fly and recross the river, and Hannibal hoped that Sempronius would follow, excited by the ardor of pursuit. Hannibal was then to have a strong reserve of the army, that had remained all the time in warmth and safety, to come out and attack the Romans with unimpaired strength and vigor, while the Romans themselves would be benumbed by the cold and wet, and disor- ganized by the confusion produced in crossing the stream. A part of Hannibal's reserve were to be plac- ed in an ambuscade. There were some mead ows near the water, which were covered in many places with tal grass and bushes. Han- nibal went to examine the spot, and found that this shrubbery was high enough for even horse- men to be concealed in it. He determined to place a thousand foot soldiers and a thousand horsemen here, the most efficient and coura- 15,0.217.] THE APENNINES. Ill Two thousand chosen men. Hannibal'* manner of choosing them geous in the army. He selected them in the following manner : He called one of his lieutenant generals to the spot, explained somewhat of his design to him, and then asked him to go and choose from the cavalry and the infantry, a hundred each, the best soldiers he could find. This two hund- red were then assembled, and Hannibal, after surveying them with looks of approbation and pleasure, said, " Yes, you are the men I want, only, instead of two hundred, I need two thou- sand. Go back to the army, and select and oring to me, each of you, nine men like your- selves." It is easy to be imagined that the sol- diers were pleased with this commission, and that they executed it faithfully. The whole force thus chosen was soon assembled, and sta- tioned in the thickets above described, where they lay in ambush ready to attack the Romans after they should pass the river. Hannibal also made arrangements for leaving a large part of his army in his own camp, ready for battle, with orders that they should partake of food and refreshments, and keep themselves warm by the fires until they should be called upon. All things being thus ready, he detach- ed a body of horsemen to cross the river, and 152 IlAWNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Attack on the Roman camp. Success of Hannibal's stratagem see if they could provoke the Romans to come out of their camp and pursue them. " Go," said Hannibal, to the commander of this detachment, " pass the stream, advance to the Roman camp, assail the guards, and when the army forms and comes out to attack you, re- treat slowly before them back across the river." The detachment did as it was ordered to do When they arrived at the camp, which was soon after break of day for it was a part of Hannibal's plan to bring the Romans out before they should have had time to breakfast Sem- pronius, at the first alarm, called all the soldiers to arms, supposing that the whole Carthaginian force was attacking them. It was a cold and stormy morning, and the atmosphere being fill- ed with rain and snow, but little could be seen. Column after column of horsemen and of in- fantry marched out of the camp. The Cartha- ginians retreated. Sempronius was greatly ex- cited at the idea of so easily driving back the assailants, and, as they retreated, he pressed on in pursuit of them. As Hannibal had antici- pated, he became so excited in the pursuit that he did not stop at the banks of the river. The Carthaginian horsemen plunged into the stream in their retreat, and the Remans, foot soldier* B.C.217.J THE APENNINES. 153 Bempronhu crosses the rlrer. Impetuous attmck of Hannibal and horsemen together, followed on. The stream was usually small, but it was now swelled by the rain which had been falling all the night. Tho water was, of course, intensely cold. The hwsemen got through tolerably well, but th^ foot soldiers were all thoroughly drenched and benumbed ; and as they had not taken any food that morning, and had come forth on a very sudden call, and without any sufficient prepara- tion, they felt the effects of the exposure in the strongest degree. Still they pressed on. They ascended the bank after crossing the river, and when they had formed again there, and were moving forward in pursuit of their still flying enemy, suddenly the whole force of Hannibal's reserves, strong and vigorous, just from their tents and their fires, burst upon them. Thoy had scarcely recovered from the astonishment and the shock of this unexpected onset, when the two thousand concealed in the amouscade eame sallying forth in the storm, and assailed the Romans in the rear with frightful shout* and outcries. All these movements took place very lapidly. Only a very short period elapsed from the time that the Roman army, officers and soldiers, were quietly sleeping in their camp, or rising slowly 154 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Situation of the Roman army. Terrible conflict to prepare for the routine of an ordinary day, be- fore they found themselves all drawn out in bat- tle array some miles from their encampment, and surrounded and hemmed in by their foes. The events succeeded each other so rapidly as to appear to the soldiers like a dream ; but very soon their wet and freezing clothes, their limbs benumbed and stiffened, the sleet which was driving along the plain, the endless lines of Car- thaginian infantry, hemming them in on all sides, and the columns of horsemen and of elephants charging upon them, convinced them that their situation was one of dreadful reality. The ca lamity, too, which threatened them was of vast extent, as well as imminent and terrible; for, though the stratagem of Hannibal was very sim- ple in its plan and management, still he had ex- ecuted it on a great scale, and had brought out the whole Roman army. There were, it is said, abcut forty thousand that crossed the river, and about an equal number in the Carthaginian army to oppose them. Such a body of combat- ants covered, of course, a large extent of ground, and the conflict that ensued was one of the most torrible scenes of the many that Hannibal as- sisted in enacting. The conflict continued for many hours, the 1>.(J.!217.J THE APENNINES. 155 Utter defeat of Che Roman*. Sceoa after die hottta Romans getting more and more into confusion all the time. The elephants of the Carthagin* ians, that is, the few that now remained, made great havoo in their ranks, and finally, after a combat of some hours, the whole army was broken up and fled, some portions in compact bodies, as their officers could keep them togeth- er, and others in hopeless and inextricable con- fusion. They made their way back to the riv- er, which they reached at various points up and down the stream. In the mean time, the con- tinued rain had swollen the waters still more, the low lands were overflowed, the deep places concealed, and the broad expanse of water in the center of the stream whirled in boiling and turbid eddies, whose surface was roughened by the December breeze, and dotted every where with the drops of rain still falling. When the Roman army was thoroughly bro- ken up and scattered, the Carthaginians gave np the further prosecution of the contest. They were too wet, cold, and exhausted themselves to feel any ardor in the pursuit of their enemies. Vast numbers of the Romans, however, attempt- ed to recross the river, and were swept down and destroyed by the merciless flood, whose forca they had not strength enough remaining to with 15C HANNIBAL. IB.C.217 Various battles of Hannibal. Scarcity of food stand. Other portions of the troops lay hid in lurking-places to which they had retreated, un- til night came on, and then they made rafts on which they contrived to fleet themselves back across the stream. Hannibal's troops were too wet, and cold, and exhausted to go out again into the storm, and so they were unmolested in these attempts. Notwithstanding this, howev- er, great numbers of them were carried down the stream and lost. It wa* now December, too late for Hannibal to attempt to advance much further that season, and yet the way before him was open to the Apennines, by the defeat of Sempronius, for neither he nor Scipio could now hope to make another stand against him till they should re- ceive new re-enforcements from Rome. During the winter months Hannibal had various battles and adventures, sometimes with portions and de- tachments of the Roman army, and sometimes with the native tribes. He was sometimes in great difficulty for want of food for his army, until at length he bribed the governor of a cas- tle, where a Roman granary was kept, to delivei it up to him, and after that he was well supplied. The natives of the country were, however, not at all well disposed toward him, and in the B.C.217.] THB APENNINES. 157 Valley of the Arno. Crossing the Apennines oourse of the winter they attempted to impede his operations, and to harass his army by every means in their power. Finding his situation uncomfortable, ne moved on toward the south, and at length determined that, inclement as the season was, he would cross the Apennines. By looking at the map of Italy, it will be seen that the great valley of the Po extends across the whole north of Italy. The valley of the Arno and of the Umbro lies south of it, sep- arated from it by a part of the Apennine chain. This southern valley was Etruria. Hannibal decided to attempt to pass over the mountains into Etruria. He thought he should find there a warmer climate, and inhabitants more well- disposed toward him, besides being so much nearer Rome. But, though Hannibal conquered the Alps, the Apennines conquered him. A very violent storm arose just as he reached the most exposed place among the mountains. It was intensely aoll, and the wind blew the hail and snow direct- ly into the faces of the troops, so that it was im- posfeible for them to proceed. They halted and turned their backs to the storm, but the wind increased more and more, and was attended with terrific thunder and lightning, which filled 158 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 217 Terrific rtorm. Death of the elephant* the soldiers with alarm, as they were at such an altitude as to be themselves enveloped in the cloud* from which the peals and flashes were amitted. Unwilling to retreat, Hannibal order cd the army to encamp on the spot, in the best eh alter they could find. They attempted, ac- cordingly, to pitch their tents, but it was impos- sible to secure them. The wind increased to a hurricane. The tent poles were unmanageable, and the canvas was carried away from its fast- enings, and sometimes split or blown into rags by its flapping in the wind. The poor elephants, that is, all that were left of them from previous battles and exposures, sunk down under this intense cold and died. One only remained alive. Hannibal ordered a retreat, and the army went back into the valley of the Pa. But Han- nibal was ill at ease here. The natives of the country were very weary of his presence. Hia army consumed their food, ravaged their coun- try, and destroyed all their peace and happiness. Hannibal suspected them of a design to poison him or assassinate him in some other way. He was continually watching and taking precau- tions against these attempts. He had a great many different dresses made to be used as dis- guises, and false hair of different colors B.C 217.J THE APENNINES. 159 Hannibal'i uneaslne**. Ha CTOMM tfan Apennines fashion, so that he could alier his appearance at pleasure. This was to prevent any spy 01 assassin who might come into his camp from identifying him by any description of his dress and appearance. Still, notwithstanding these precautions, he was ill at ease, and at the very earliest practicable period in the spring he made a new attempt to cross the mountains, and was now successful. On descending the southern declivities of the Apennines he learned that a new Roman army, under a new consul, was advancing toward him from the south. He was eager to meet this force, and was preparing to press forward at once by the nearest way. He found, however, that this would lead him across the lower part >f the valley of the Arno, which was here very broad, and, though usually passable, was now overflowed in consequence of the swelling of the waters of the river by the melting of the snows upon the mountains. The whole country was now, in fact, a vast expanse of marshes and fens- Still, Hannibal concluded to cross it, and, in the attempt, he involved his army in difficulties and dangers as great, almost, as he had encoun- tered upon the Alps. The waters were rising ontinuaily; they filled all the channels and 160 HANNIBAL- [B.C. 217 Perilous march. Hannibal's sickaoa* spread over extended plains. They were so turbid, too, that every thing beneath the surface was concealed, and the soldiers wading in them were continually sinking into deep and sudden ahannels and into bogs of mire, where many were lost. They were all exhausted and worn out by the wet and cold, and the long continu- ance of their exposure to it. They were four days and three nights in this situation, as their progress was, of course, extremely slow. The men, during all this time, had scarcely any sleep, and in some places the only way by which they could get any repose was to lay their arms and their baggage in the standing water, so aa to build, by this means, a sort of couch or plat- form on which they could lie. Hannibal him- gelf was sick too. He was attacked with a vio- lent inflammation of the eyes, and the sight of one of them was in the end destroyed. He was not, however, so much exposed as the other officers ; for there was one elephant left of all those that had commenced the march in Spain, and Hannibal rode this elephant during the four days' march through the water. There were guides and attendants to precede him, for th purpose of rinding a safe and practicable road, and by thoir aid, with the help of the animal's -acitv. ho got safelv throusrh. B.C.216.] THE DICTATOR FABIUS. 163 Alarm at Rome. Tb coaral Plaminia* I CHAPTER VIIL THE DICTATOR FABIUS: N the mean time, while Hannibal was thus rapidly making his way toward the gates of Rome, the people of the city became more and more alarmed, until at last a general feeling of terror pervaded all the ranks of society. Cit- izens and soldiers were struck with one common dread. They had raised a new army and put it under the command of a new consul, for the terms of service of the others had expired. Flaminius was the name of this new command- er, and he was moving northward at the head of his forces at the time that Hannibal was con- ducting his troops with so much labor and diffi- culty through the meadows and morasses of the Arno. This army was, however, no more successful than its predocessors had been. Hannibal con- trived to entrap Flaminius by a stratagem, as he had entrapped Sempronius before. There is in the eastern part of Etruria, near the mount- ain*, a lake called Lake Thrasymene. It hap- 164 HANNIUAL. [BC.21b Another stratagem. Confidence of Flaminhu pened that this lake extended so near to the base of the mountains as to leave only a narrow passage between a passage but little widei than was necessary for a road. Hannibal con- trived to station a detachment of his troops in ambuscade at the foot of the mountains, and others on the declivities above, and then in some way or other to entice Flaminius and his army through the defile. Flaminius was, like Sem- pronius, ardent, self-confident, and vain. He despised the power of Hannibal, and thought that his success hitherto had been owing to the jiefficiency or indecision of his predecessors. For his part, his only anxiety was to encounter him, for he was sure of an easy victory. He advanced, therefore, boldly and without concern into the pass of Thrasymene, when he learned that Hannibal was encamped beyond it. Hannibal had established an encampment openly on some elevated ground beyond the pass, and as Flaminius and his troops came into the narrowest part of the defile, they saw this en- campment at a distance before them, with a broad plain beyond the pass intervening They supposed that the whole force of the enemy was there, not dreaming of the presence of the strong detachments which were hid on the slopes of B.C.216.J THB D CTATOR FABIUS. 16> Complete rout of the Romano. Effect* of the battle the mountains above them, and were looking down upon them at that very moment from be- nind rocks and bushes. When, therefore, the Romans had got through the pass, they spread out upon the plain beyond it, and were advan- cing to the camp, when suddenly the secreted troops burst forth from their ambuscade, and, pouring down the mountains, took complete pos- session of the pass, and attacked the Romans in the rear, while Hannibal attacked them in the van. Another long, and desperate, and bloody contest ensued. The Romans were beaten at every point, and, as they were hemmed in be- tween the lake, the mountain, and the pass, they could not retreat; the army was, accord- ingly, almost wholly cut to pieces. Flaminius himself was killed. The news of this battle spread every where, and produced the strongest sensation. Hanni- bal sent dispatches to Carthage announcing what he considered his final victory over the great foe, and the news was received with the greatest rejoicings. At Rome, on the other aand, the news produced a dreadful shock of dis- appointment and terror. It seemed as if the last hope of resisting the progress of their terri hie enemy was gone, and that they had nothing 166 HANNIBAL. [U/J.216 Panic of the Romans. Their superstitions fear* now to do but to sink down in despair, and await the hour when his columns should come pour- ing in through the gates of the city. The people of Rome were, in fact, prepared for a panic, for their fears had been increasing and gathering strength for some time. They wera very superstitious in those ancient days in respect to signs and omens. A thousand tri- fling occurrences, which would, at the present day, be considered of no consequence whatever, were then considered bad signs, auguring terri- ble calamities ; and, on occasions like these, when calamities seemed to be impending, every thing was noticed, and circumstances which would not have been regarded at all at ordinary times, were reported from one to another, the stories being exaggerated as they spread, until the imaginations of the people were filled with mysterious but invincible fears. So universal was the belief in these prodigies and omens, that they were sometimes formally reported to thu senate, committees were appointed to inquire into them, and solemn sacrifices were offered t " expiate them," as it was termed, that is, to avert the displeasure of the gods, which the ornens were supposed to foreshadow and portend. A very curious list of these omens was re> B.C.216.] THE DICTATOR FABIUB 167 Omen* end bad iign. Thnir Influence ported to the senate during the winter and spring in which Hannibal was advancing to- ward Rome. An ox from the cattle-market had got into a house, and, losing his way, had 3limbed up into the third story, and, being fright- ened by the noise and uprear of those who fol- lowed him, ran out of a window and fell down to the ground. A light appeared in the sky in the form of ships. A temple was struck with lightning. A spear in the hand of a statue of Juno, a celebrated goddess, shook, one day, of it- self. Apparitions of men in white garments were seen in a certain place. A wolf came into a camp, and snatched the sword of a soldier on guard out of his hands, and ran away with it. The sun one day looked smaller than usual. Two moons were seen together in the sky. This was in the daytime, and one of the moons was doubtless a halo or a white cloud. Stones fell out of the sky at a place called Picenum. Tbii w%8 one of the most dreadful of all the omens, though it is now known to be a common occur* leuoe. These omens were all, doubtless, real occur- rences, more or less remarkable, it is true, but, of course, entirely unmeaning in respect to their being indications of impending calamities 168 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 216 Curious transformations. Importance attached to these itorie* There were other things reported to the senate which must have originated almost wholly in the imaginations and fears of the observers. Two shields, it was said, in a certain camp, sweat blood. Some people were reaping, and bloody ears of grain fell into the basket. This, of course, must have been wholly imaginary, unless, indeed, one of the reapers had cut his fingers with the sickle. Some streams and fountains became bloody ; and, finally, in one place in the country, some goats turned into sheep. A hen, also, became a cock, and a cock changed to a hen. Such ridiculous stories would not be worthy of a moment's attention now, were it not for the degree of importance attached to them then. They were formally reported to the Roman sen- ate, the witnesses who asserted that they had seen them were called in and examined, and a solemn debate was held on the question what should be done to avert the supernatural influ- ences of evil which the omens expressed. The senate decided to have three days of expiation and sacrifice, during which the whole people of Rome devoted themselves to the religious ob- servances which they thought calculated to ap- pease the wrath of Heaven. They made vari- BC.216.J THB DICTATOR FAB us. 169 FererUb excitement at Rome. News of the battla ous offerings and gifts to the different gods, among which one was a golden thunderbolt of fifty pounds' weight, manufactured for Jupiter, whom they considered the thunderer. All thjse things took place before the battle at Lake Thrasymene, so that the whole com- munity were in a very feverish state of excite ment and anxiety before the news from Flamin- has arrived. When these tidings at last came, they threw the whole city into utter consterna- tion. Of course, the messenger went directly to the senate-house to report to the government, but the story that such news had arrived soon spread about the city, and the whole population crowded into the streets and public squares, all eagerly asking for the tidings. An enwmous throng assembled before the senate-house call- ing for information. A public officer appeared at last, and said to them in a loud voice, " We have been defeated in a great battle." He would say no more. Still rumors spread from one to another, until it was generally known through- out the city that Hannibal had conquered the Roman army again in a great battle, that great numbers of the soldiers had fallen or been taken prisoners, and that the consul himself was slain The night was passed in great anxiety and 170 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 21d Gatherings of the people. ArriTal of itragglera terror, and the next day, and for several of the succeeding days, the people gathered in great numbers around the gates, inquiring eagerly for news of every one that came in from the coun- try. Pretty soon scattered soldiers and small bodies of troops began to arrive, bringing with them information of the battle, each one having a different tale to tell, according to his own in- dividual experience in the scene. Whenever these men arrived, the people of the city, and especially the women who had husbands or sons in the army, crowded around them, overwhelm- ing them with questions, and making them tell their tale again and again, as if the intolerable suspense and anxiety of the hearers could not be satisfied. The intelligence was such as in general to confirm and increase the fears of those who listened to it ; but sometimes, when it made known the safety of a husband or a son, it produced as much relief and rejoicing as it did in other ca&es terror and despair. That ma- ternal love was as strong an impulse in those rough days as it is in the more refined and culti- vated periods of the present age, is evinced by the fact that two of these Roman mothers, on seeing their sons coming suddenly into their presence, alive and well, when they had heaH B.C.216.] THE DICTATOK FABIUS. 171 Appointment of dictator Fabiu* that they had fallen in battle, were killed at once by the shock of surprise and joy, as if by a blow Ir seasons of great and imminent danger to the commonwealth, it was the custom of the Romans to appoint what they called a dictator, that is, a supreme executive, who was clothed with absolute and unlimited powers ; and it de- volved on him to save the state from the threat- ened ruin by the most prompt and energetic ac- tion. This case was obviously one of the emer- gencies requiring such a measure. There was no time for deliberations and debates ; for delib- erations and debates, in periods of such excite- ment and danger, become disputes, and end in tumult and uproar. Hannibal was at the head of a victorious army, ravaging the country which he had already conquered, and with no obstacle between him and the city itself. It was an emergency calling for the appointment of a dic- tator. The people made choice of a man of groat reputation for experience and wisdom, named Fabius, and placed the whole power of the state hi his hands. All other authority was suspended, and every thing was subjected to his sway. The whole city, with the life and property of every inhaV> ; tant, was placed at hi* 172 HANNIBAL. [B.C.216 Measures of Pabius. Religious ceremonies. disposal ; the army and the fleets were also un- der his command, even the consuls being sub- ject to his orders. Fabius accepted the vast responsibility which ais election imposed upon him, and immediately began to take the necessary measures. He first made arrangements for performing solemn re- ligious ceremonies, to expiate the omens anJ propitiate the gods. He brought out all the people in great convocations, and made them take vows, in the most formal and imposing manner, promising offerings and celebrations in honor of the various gods, at some future time, in case these divinities would avert the threat- ening danger. It is doubtful, however, whether Fabius, in doing these things, really believed that they had any actual efficiency, or whether he resorted to them as a means of calming ana quieting the minds of the people, and producing that composure and confidence which always results from a hope of the favor of Heaven. If this last was his object, his conduct was emi* nently wise. Fabius, also, immediately ordered a large evy of troops to be made. His second in command, called his master of horse, was directed to make this lovy, and to assemble the tr wps at a olace B.C. 21o'.j THE DICTATOR KABIUS. 173 M inucius. Supreme authority of a dictator called Tibur, a few miles east of the city. There was always a master of horse appointed to attend upon and second a dictator. The name of this officer ir the case of Fabius was Minucius. Minucius was as ardent, prompt, and impetuous, as Fabius was cocl, prudent, and calculating. He levied the troops and brought them to their place of rendezvous. Fa- bius went out to take the command of them. One of the consuls was coming to join him, with a body of troops which he had uniler his com- mand. Fabius sent word to him that he must come without any of the insignia of his author- ity, as all his authority, semi-regal as it was in ordinary times, was superseded and overruled in the presence of a dictator. A consul wag accustomed to move in great state on all occa- sions, lie was preceded by twelve men, bear- ing badges and insignia, to impress the army and the people with a sense of th* greatness oJ his dignity. To see, therefore, a consul divesf. ed of all these marks of his power, and coming into the dictator's presence as any other office! would come before an acknowledged superior, made the army of Fabius feel a very strong sense of the greatness of their new commander's dignity and power 174 HANNIBAL. [B.C 216 ProeluMtion of F shins. Progress of H nnibJ Fabius then issued a proclamation, which he sent by proper messengers into all the region of country around Rome, especially to that part toward the territory which was in possession of Hannibal. In this proclamation he ordered all the people tc abandon the country and the towns which were not strongly fortified, and to seek shelter in the castles, and forts, and fortified cities. They were commanded, also, to lay waste the country which they should leave, and destroy all the property, and especially all the provisions, which they could not take to their places of refuge. This being done, Fabius placed himself at the head of the forces which he had got together, and moved on, cautiously and with great circumspection, in search of his enemy. In the mean time, Hannibal had crossed over to the eastern side of Italy, and had passed down, conquering and ravaging the country as he went, an til he got considerably south of Rome. He *eems to have thought it not quite prudent to idvanoe to the actual attack of the city, after the battle of Lake Thrasymene; for the vast oopulation of Rome was sufficient, if rendered desperate by his actually threatening the cap- ture and pillage of the city, to overwhelm bis BC.216.] THE DICTATOR FABIUS. 175 PoHcy of Fabiun. He decline* fighting army entirely. So he moved to the eastward, and advanced on that side until he had passed the city, and thus it happened that Fabius had to march to the southward and eastward in or- der to meet him. The two armies came in sight of each other quite on the eastern side of Italy, very near the shores of the Adriatic Sea. The policy which Fabius resolved to adopt was, not to give Hannibal battle, but to watch him, and wear his army out by fatigue and de- lays. He kept, therefore, near him, but always posted his army on advantageous ground, which all the defiance and provocations of Hannibal could not induce him to leave. When Hanni- bal moved, which he was soon compelled to do to procure provisions, Fabius would move too, but only to post and intrench himself in some place of security as before. Hannibal did every thing in his power to bring Fabius to battle, but all his efforts were unavailing. fn fact, he himself was at one time in im- minent danger. He had got drawn, by Fabi- a's go>od management, into a place where ho was surrounded by mountains, upon which Fa- bius had posted his troops, and there was only one defile which offered any egress, and this, too, ^abius had strongly guarded. Hannibal 176 HANNIBAL. [JJ.C. i Hnnnilial's danger. Stratagem of the fiery oxen. resorted to his usual resource, cunning and stratagem, for means of escape. He collected a herd of oxen. He tied fagots across then horns, filling the fagots with pitch, so as to make them highly combustible. In the night on which he was going to attempt to pass the defile, he ordered his army to be ready to march through, and then had the oxen driven up the hills around on the further side of the Roman de- tachment which was guarding the pass. The fagots were then lighted on the horns of the oxen. They ran about, frightened and infuri- ated by the fire, which burned their horns to the quick, and blinded them with the sparks which fell from it. The leaves and branches of the forests were set on fire. A great commo- tion was thus made, and the guards, seeing the moving lights and hearing the tumult, suppos- ed that the Carthaginian army were upon the heights, and were coming down to attack them. They turned out in great hurry and confusion to meet the imaginary foe, leaving the pass un guarded, and, while they were pursuing the bonfires on the oxens' heads into all sorts of dan- gerous and impracticable places, Hannibal qui- etly marched his army through the defile an.J reached a place of safety. B.C.216.J THE DICTATOR FABIUS. 177 Unpopularity of Fabini. Hannibal'* sg*city Although Fabius kept Hannibal employed and prevented his approaching the city, still there soon began to be felt a considerable de- gree of dissatisfaction that he did not act more decidedly. Minucius was continually urging him tc gi>^ Hannibal battle, and, not being able to induce him to do so, he was continually expressing his discontent and displeasure. The army sympathized with Minucius. He wrote home to Rome too, complaining bitterly of the dictator's inefficiency. Hannibal learned all this by means of his spies, and other sources of information, which so good a contriver as he has always at command. Hannibal was, of aourse, very much pleased to hear of these dis- sensions, and of the unpopularity of Fabius. He considered such an enemy as he so pru- dent, cautious, and watchful as a far more dangerous foe than such bold and impetuous commanders as Flaminius and Minucius, whom he could always entice into difficulty, and then easily conquer. Hannibal thought he would render Minucius a iittle help in making Fabius unpopular. He found out from some Roman deserters that the dictator possessed a valuable farm in the , and he sent a detachment of his troops 1*412 178 HANNIBAL. [B.C.21B Plot* igainrt Fabiu*. He got* to Rome there, with orders to plunder and destroy the property all around it, but to leave the farm of Fabius untouched and in safety. The object was to give to the enemies of Fabius at Rome occasion to say that there was secretly a good understanding between him and Hannibal, and that he was kept back from acting boldly in defense of his country by some corrupt bargain which he had traitorously made with the enemy . These plans succeeded. Discontent and dis- satisfaction spread rapidly, both in the camp and in the city. At Rome they made an ur- gent demand upon Fabius to return, ostensibly because they wished him to take part in some great religious ceremonies, but really to remove him from the camp, and give Minucius an opportunity to attack Hannibal. They also wished to devise some method, if possible, of depriving him of his power. He had been ap- pointed for six months, and the time had not yet nearly expired ; but they wished to shorten, or, if they could not shorten, to limit and di- minish his power. Fabius went to Rome, leaving the army un- der the orders of Minucius, but commanding him positively not to give Hannibal battle, nor expose his troops t) any danger, but to pursu* B.C.216.] THE DICTATOR FABIUS. 179 Minucius nsk a battle. Speech of Fabiu* steadily the same policy which he himself had followed. Tie had, however, been in Rome only a short time before tidings came that Minuciuj had fought a battle and gained a victory. There were boastful and ostentatious letters from Mi- nucius to the Roman senate, lauding the ex- ploit which he had performed. Fabius examined carefully the accounts. He compared one thing with another, and satisfied himself of what afterward proved to be the truth, that Minucius had gained no victory at all. He had lost five or six thousand men, and Hanni bal had lost no more, and Fabius showed that no advantage had been gained. He urged upon the senate the importance of adhering to the line of policy he had pursued, and the danger of risking every thing, as Minucius had done, on the fortunes of a single battle. Besides, he said, Minucius had disobeyed his orders, which 'vero distinct and positive, and he deserved to oo recalled. In saying these things Fabius irritated and exasperated his enemies more than ever. " 1 lere is a man," said they, "who will not -only not fight the enemies whom he is sent against him- self, but ne will not allow any body else to fight them. Even at this distance, when his soconJ 180 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 216 Fabius return* to the army. He is deprived of the supreme power in command has obtained a victory, he will not admit it, and endeavors to curtail the advant- ages of it. Kc wishes to protract the war, that be may the longer continue to enjoy the su- prome and unlimited authority with which we lave intrusted liim." The hostility to Fabius at last reached such a oitch, that it was proposed in an assembly of the people to make Minucius his equal in command, Fabius, having finished the business which call- ed him to Rome, did not wait to attend to the discussion of this question, but left the city, and was proceeding on his way to join the army again, when he was overtaken with a messenger bear- ing a letter informing him that the decree had passed, and that he must thenceforth consider Minucius as his colleague and equal. Minu- cius was, of course, extremely elated at this re- sult. " Now," said he, " we will see if some- thing can not be done " The first question was, however, to decide on what principle and in what way they should share their power. " We can not both command at once," said Minucius " Let us exercise tha power n alternation, each one being in author- ity ftr a day, or a week, or a month, or any othor period that you prefer " B.C 216.J THE DICTATOR FABIUS. 181 Dlrisiou of power. Ambuscade of Hannibal " No," replied Fabius, " we will not divide the time, we will divide the men. There are four legions. You shall take two of them, and the other two shall be mine. I can thus, per- haps, save half the army from the dangers in which I fear your impetuosity will plunge all whom you have under your command." This plan was adopted The army was di- >rided, and each portion went, under its own lead- er, to its separate encampment. The result was one of the most curious and extraordinary oc- currences that is recorded in the history of na- tions. Hannibal, who was well informed of alJ these transactions, immediately felt that Minu- oius was in his power. He knew that he was so eager for battle that it would be easy to en- tice him into it, under almost any circumstan- ces that he himself might choose to arrange. Accordingly, he watched his opportunity when there was a good place for an ambuscade near Minucius's camp, and lodged five thousand men in it in such a manner that they were concealed by rocks and other obstructions to the view. There was a hill between this ground and the camp of Minucius. When the ambuscade vras eady, Hannibal sent up a small force to take possession of the top of the hill, anticipatinc 182 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 216 Hannibal'i ucces. Kablus come* to the rescua, that Minucius would at once send up a strong- er force to drive them away. He did so. Han- nibal then sent up more as a re-enforcement. Minucius, whose spirit and pride were now aroused, sent up more still, and thus, by degrees, Hannibal drew out his enemy's whole force, and then, ordering his own troops to retreat be- fore them, the Romans were drawn on, down the hill, till they were surrounded by the am- buscade. These hidden troops then came pour- ing out upon them, and in a short time the Ro- mans were thrown into utter confusion, flying in all directions before their enemies, and en- tirely at their mercy. All would have been irretrievably lost had it not been for the interposition of Fabius. He received intelligence of the danger at his ow i camp, and marched out at once with all his force, and arrived upon the ground so oppor- tunely, and acted so efficiently, that he at once completely changed the fortune of the day. He saved Minucius and his half of the army from utter destruction. The Carthaginians retreat- ed in their turn, Hannibal being entirely over- whelmed wiMi disappointment and vexation at being thus deprived of his prey. History relates that Minucius had the candor and good sense, B.C.216.J THE DICTATOR FABIUS. Speech of Minuciu*. The Roman army again united. after this, to acknowledge his error, and yield to the guidance and direction of Fabius. He call- ed his part of the army together when they reached their camp, and addressed them thus : " Fellow-soldiers, I have often heard it said that the wisest men are those who possess wisdom and sagacity themselves, and, next to them, those who know how to perceive and are will- ing to be guided by the wisdom and sagacity of others ; while they are fools who do not know how to conduct themselves, and will not be guided by those who do. We will not belong to this last class ; and since it is proved that we are not entitled to rank with the first, let us join the second. We will march to the camp of Fabius, and join our camp with his, as before. Wo owe to him, and also to all his portion of the army, our eternal gratitude for the noble- ness of spirit which he manifested in coming to our deliverance, when he might so justly have lelt us to ourselves." The two legions repaired, accordingly, to the camp }f Fabius, and a complete and permanent reconciliation took place between the two divis- ions of the army. Fabius rose very high in the general esteem by this transaction. The term of his dictatorship, however, expired soon afte/ 184 HAWWIBAL. [B.C.216 Character of Fablus. Hi i ntrgrlty this, and as the danger from Hannibal was now less imminent, the office was not renewed, but consuls were chosen as before. The character of Fabius has been regarded with the highest admiration by all mankind. Ho evinced a very noble spirit in all that he did. One of his last acts was a very striking proof of this. He had bargained with Hanni- bal to pay a certain sum of money as ransom for a number of prisoners which had fallen into his hands, and whom Hannibal, on the faith of that promise, had released. Fabius believed that the Romans would readily ratify the treaty and pay the amount; but they demurred, be- ing displeased, or pretending to be displeased, because Fabius had not consulted them before making the arrangement. Fabius, in order to preserve his own and his country's faith unsul- lied, sold his farm to raise the money. He did thus most certainly protect and vindicate hi* Dwn honor, but he can hardly be said to hart aved that of the people of Rome B.C. 215.] BATTLE OF CANNJJ. IB/! excited by the battle of Cannja. Variou* military opefationj CHAPTER IX THE BATTLE OF FT! HE battle of Cannae was the last great bat -*- tie fought by Hannibal in Italy. This con- flict has been greatly celebrated in history, not only for its magnitude, and the terrible despera- tion with which it was fought, but also on ac- count of the strong dramatic interest which the circumstances attending it are fitted to excito. This interest is perhaps, however, quite as much due to the peculiar skill of the ancient historian who narrates the story, as to the events them- selves which he records. It was about a year after the close of the dic- tatorship of Fabius that this battle was fought That interval had been spent by the Roman consuls who were in office during that time in various military operations, which did not, how- ever, lead to any decisive results. In the mean time, there were great uneasiness, discontent, and dissatisfaction at Rome. To have such a dangerous and terrible foe, at the head of forty thousand men, infesting the vicinage of theii 186 HAHNIIAL. [B.C. 215 Btate of the public mind MRom*. n plbeln and patrician* city, ravaging the territories of thoir friends and allies, and threatening continually to attack the city itself, was a continual source of anxiety and vexation. It mortified the Roman pride, too, to find that the greatest armies they could raise, and the ablest generals they could choose and commission, proved wholly unable to cope with the foe. The most sagacious of them, in fact, had felt it necessary to decline the contes* with him altogether. This state of things produced a great deal of ill humor in the city. Party spirit ran very high ; tumultuous assemblies were held ; dis- putes and contentions prevailed, and mutuav criminations and recriminations without end There were two great parties formed : that of the middling classes on one side, and the aris- tocracy on the other. The former were called the Plebeians, the latter the Patricians. The division between these two classes was very great and very strongly marked. There was, in consequence of it, infinite difficulty in the election of consuls. At last the consuls irere chosen, one from each party. The name -f the patrician was Paulus ./Emilius. The name of the plebeian was Varro. They were inducted irto office, and wero thus put jointly into po* B.C.215.J BATTLE or CANNJL 187 The consuls jEmilius and Varro. of a vast power, to wield which with any efficiency and success would seem to re- quire union and harmony in those who held it, and yet ,#5milms and Varro were inveterate and implacable political foes. It was often so in the Roman government. The consulship was a double-headed monster, which spent half its strength in bitter contests waged between its members. The Romans determined now to make an effectual effort to rid themselves of their foe. They raised an enormous army. It consisted of eight legions. The Roman legion was an army of itself. It contained ordinarily four thousand foot soldiers, and a troop of throe nundred horsemen. It was very unusual it have more than two or three legions in the fie. at a time. The Romans, however, on this oc- casion, increased the number of the legions, and also augmented their size, so that they contain- ed, each, five thousand infantry and four hund- red cavalry. They were determined to make a great and last effort to defend their city, and save the commonwealth from ruin. /Emilius and Varro prepared to take command of thii great force, with very strong determinations t* make it the means of Hannibal's destruction. 188 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 215 elf -confidence of Varro. Caution of JEmiHui The characters of the two commanders, how- ever, as well as their political connections, were very dissimilar, and they soon began to mani- fest a very different spirit, and to assume a very different air and bearing, each from the other. ^Emilius was a friend of Fabius, and approved of his policy. Varro was for greater promptness and decision. He made great prom- ises, and spoke with the utmost confidence of being able to annihilate Hannibal at a blow He condemned the policy of Fabius in attempt- ing to wear out the enemy by delays. He saiJ it was a plan of the aristocratic party to pro- tract the war, in order to put themselves in high offices, and perpetuate their importance and influence. The war might have been end- ed long ago, he said ; and he would promise the people that he would now end it, without fail, the very day that he came in sight of Hannibal. As for ^Emilius, he assumed a very different tone. He was surprised, he said, that any man could pretend to decide before he had even left the city, and while he was, of course, entirely ignorant, both of the condition of their own army, and of the position, and designs, and strength of the enemy, how soon and under what circumstances it would be wise to give B.C. 215.] BATTLE OF UANWJJ. 189 Vlewi of 208 HANNIBAL. [B.C. Metelhu yield*. Consternation at Rom the most dreadful imprecations, to destroy him utterly, house, family, fortune, soul, and body. " And now, M^tellus, I call upon you," said he, "and all who are with you, to take the same oath. You must do it, otherwise you have got to defend yourselves against these swords of ours, as well as those of the Cartha- ginians." Metellus and his party yielded. Nor was it wholly to fear that they yielded. It was to the influence of hope quite as much as to that of fear. The courage, the energy, and the martial ardor which Scipio's conduct evinced awakened a similar spirit in them, and mado them hope again that possibly their country might yet be saveil. The news of the awful defeat and destruction of the Roman army flew swiftly to Rome, and produced universal consternation. The whole city was in an uproar. There were soldiers in the army from almost every family, so that ev- ery woman and child throughout the city was distracted by the double agitation of inconsola- ble grief at the death of their husband or their father, slain in the battle, and of terrible fear that Hannibal and his raging followers worn about to burst in through the gates of the city to murder them. The streets of the city, anc? B.C. 215. J BCIPIO. 209 The senate adjourn*. Hannibal refuse* to march to Roma especially the Forum, were thronged with vast crowds of men, women, and children, who filled the air with loud lamentations, and with crie of terror and despair. The magistrates were not able to restore 01- aer. The senate actually adjourned, that the members of it migtrt go about the city, and use their influence and their power to produce si- lence at least, if they could not restore compos- ure. The streets were finally cleared. The women and children were ordered to remain at home. Armed patrols were put on guard to prevent tumultuous assemblies forming. Men Were sent off on horseback on the road to Canu- gium and Cannae, to get more accurate intelli- gence, and then the senate assembled again, and began to consider, with as much of calmness as they could command, what was to be done. The panic at Rome was, however, in some measure, a false aarm, for Hannibal, contrary to the expectation of all Italy, did not go to Rome. His generals urged him very strongly to do sc Nothing could prevent, they said, his gaining immediate possession of the city. But Hannibal refused to do this. Rome was strongly fortified, and had an immense population. His army, too, was much weakened bv the battle of 1414 210 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 214 Hannibal makes hig head-quarters at Capua. Cannae, and he seems to have thought it moat prudent not to attempt the redaction of Rome until he should have received re-enforcements from home. It was now so late in the season that he could not expect such re-enforcementa immediately, and he accordingly determined to gelect some place more accessible than Rome and make it his head-quarters for the winter He decided in favor of Capua, which was a large and powerful city one or two hundred miles southeast of Rome. Hannibal, in fact, conceived the design of re- taining possession of Italy and of making Capua the capital of the country, leaving Rome to it- self, to decline, as under such circumstances it inevitably must, to the rank of a second city. Perhaps he was tired of the fatigues and haz- ards of war, and having narrowly escaped ruin before the battle of Cannae, he now resolved that he would not rashly incur any new dangers. It was a great question with him whether he should go forward to Rome, or attempt to build up a new capital of his own at Capua. The question which of these two he ought to have done was a matter of groat debate then, and it has been discussed a great deal by military men In every age since his day. Rigfct or wrong, B.C. 214] SCIPIO. 211 Hannibal sends Mago to Carthage. Mage's speech Hannibal decided to establish his own capital at Capua, and to leave. Rome, for tho present, undisturbed. He, however, sent immediately to Carthage for re-enforcements. The messenger whom he sent was one of his generals named Mago. Mago made the best of his way to Carthage with his tidings of victory and his bushel of rings, collected, as has been already said, from the field of Canme. The city of Carthage was greatly excited by the news \vhich he brought. The friends and patrons of Hannibal were elat- ed with enthusiasm and pride, and they taunt- ed and reproached his enemies with the opposi- tion to him they had manifested when he was originally appointed to the command of the ar- my of Spain. Mago met the Carthaginian senate, and in a very spirited and eloquent speech he told them how many glorious battles Hannibal had fuught, and how many victories he had won. He had contended with the greatest generals that the Romans could bring against him, and had con- quered them all. He had slain, ^e said, in all, ovei two hundred thousand men. All Italy was now subject to his power ; Capua, was his capi tai, and Rome had fallen. He concluded bv 212 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 214 The big of ring*. Debate In the Carthaginian senito saying that Hannibal was in need of considera- ble additional supplies of men, and money, and provisions, which he did not doubt the Cartha- ginians would send without any unnecessary delay. He then produced before the senate the great bag of rings which he had brought, and poured them upon the pavement of the senate- house as a trophy of the victories which he had been announcing. This would, perhaps, have all been very well for Hannibal if his friends had been contented to have left the case where Mago left it; but some of them could not resist the temptation of taunting his enemies, and especially Hanno, who, as will be recollected, originally opposed his being sent to Spain. They turned to him, and asked him triumphantly what he thought now of his factious opposition to so brave a warrior. Hanno rose. The senate looked to- ward him and were profoundly silent, wonder- ing what he would have co reply. Hanno, with an air of perfect ease and composure, .poke somewhat as follows : " I should have said nothing, but should have allowed the senate to take what action they oleased on Mago's proposition if I had not been particularly addressed. As it is, I will say that BC. 214.] SCIPIO. 213 The speech of Hanno in the Carthaginian lenate. [ think now just as I always have thought We are plunged into a most costly and most aseless war, and are, as I conceive, no nearer the end of it now than ever, notwithstanding all these boasted successes. The emptiness of them is clearly shown by the inconsistency of Hannibal's pretensions as to what he has dona, with the demands that he makes in respect tc what he wishes us to do. He says he has con- quered all his enemies, and yet he wants us to send him more soldiers. He has reduced all Italy the most fertile country in the world to subjection, and reigns over it at Capua, and yet he calls upon us for corn. And then, to crown all, he sends us bushels of gold rings as a specimen of the riches he has obtained by plunder, and accompanies the offering with a demand for new supplies of money. In my opinion, his success is all illusive and bollow. There seems to be nothing substantial in hia situation except his necessities, and the heavy burdens upon the state which these necessities impose." Notwithstanding Hanno's sarcasms, the Car- thaginians resolved to sustain Hannibal, and tc send him the supplies that he needed. They were, however, long in reaching him. Vanoui 214 HANNIBAL. [B.C.214 Progress of the war. Enervation of Hannibal's army difficulties and delays occurred. The Romans though they could not dispossess Hannibal frorr his position in Italy, raised armies in different countries, and waged extended wars with the Carthaginians and their allies, in various parts of the world, both by sea and land. The result was, that Hannibal remained fif- teen or sixteen years in Italy r engaged, during all this time, in a lingering struggle with the Roman power, without ever being able to ac- complish any decisive measures. During this period he was sometimes successful and victori- ous, and sometimes he was very hard pressed by his enemies. It is said that his army was very much enervated and enfeebled by the com- forts and luxuries they enjoyed at Capua. Cap- ua was a very rich and beautiful city, and the inhabitants of it had opened their gates to Han- nibal of their own accord, preferring, as they said, his alliance to that of the Romans. Tha officers as the officers of an army almost al- ways do, when they find themselves established in a rich and powerful city, after the fatigues of a long and honorable campaign gave them- selves- up to festivities and rejoicing, to games, shows, and entertainments of every kind,, which they soon learned infinitely to prefer to the tt>4 and danger of marches and battles. B.C.214.) SCIPIO. 21 Decline of the Carthaginian power. MaroeJu* Whatever may have been the cause, there is no question about the fact that, from the time Hannibal and his array got possession of their aomfortable quarters in Capua, the Carthagin- ian power began gradually to decline. As Han- nibal determined to make that city the Italian capital instead of Rome, he, of course, when es- tablished there, felt in some degree settled and at home, and was less interested than he had been in plans for attacking the ancient capital Still, the war went on; many battles were fought, many cities were besieged, the Roman power gaining ground all the time, though not, however, by any very decisive victories. In these contests there appeared, at length, a new Roman general named Marcellus, and, ei- ther on account of his possessing a bolder and more active temperament, or else in consequence of the change in the relative strength of the two contending powers, he pursued a more aggress- ive policy than Fabius had thought it prudent to attempt. Marcellus was, however, cautious and wary in his enterprises, and he laid his plans with so much sagacity and skill that he was almost always successful. The Romans applauded very highly his activity and ardor, without, hcwever, forgetting their obligation* 216 HANNIBAL. fRC.214 Success of the Romans. Sx?ge of Opu to Fabius for his caution and defensive reserve. They said that Marcellus was the sword of their commonwealth, as Fabius had been ita ihield. The Romans continued to prosecute this sort of warfare, being more and more successful the longer they continued it, until, at last, they ad- vanced to the very walls, of Capua, and threat- ened it with a siege. Hannibal's intrenohments and fortifications were too strong for them to attempt to carry the city by a sudden assault, nor were the Romans even powerful enough to invest the place entirely, so as completely to shut their enemies in. They, however, en- camped with a large army in the neighbor- hood, and assumed so threatening an attitude as to keep Hannibal's forces within in a state of continual alarm. And, besides the alarm, it was very humiliating and mortifying to Car- thaginian pride to find the very seat of their power, as it were, shut up and overawed by an wiemy over whom they had been triumphing themselves so short a time before, by a contin- ued series of victories. Hannibal was not himself in Capua at the time that the Romans came to attack it. He marchtxL however, immediately to its relief, and B.C. 214.] SCIPIO. 217 Hannibal'* attack on the Roman camp. He marche* to Rome, attacking the Romans in his turn, endeavored to compel them to raise the siege, as it is tech nically termed, and retire. They had, however, so intrenched themselves in the positions that they had taken, and the assaults with which he encountered them had lost so much of their former force, that he could accomplish nothing decisive. He then left the ground with his army, and marched himself toward Rome. He encamped in the vicinity of the city, and threat- ened to attack it; but the walls, and castles, and towers with which Rome, as well as Capua, was defended, were too formidable, and the preparations for defense too complete, to make it prudent for him really to assail the city. His object was to alarm the Romans, and compel them to withdraw their forces from his capital that they might defend their own. There was, in fact, some degree of alarm awakened, and in the discussions which took place among the Roman authorities, the with- drawal of their troops from Capua was propos- ed ; but this proposal was overruled ; even Fa- bras was against it. Hannibal was no longer to be feared. They ordered back a small de- tachment from Capua, and added to it such forces as they could raise within tie city, and 218 HANNIBAL [B.C. 214 Preparation* for a battle. Prevented by storm* then advanced to give Hannibal battle. Tiw preparations were all made, it is said, for an en- gag sment, but a violent storm came on, so vio- lent as to drive the combatants back to their respective camps. This happened, the great Roman historian gravely says, two or three times in succession ; tbe weather immediately becoming serene again, each time, as soon as the respective generals had withdrawn their troops from the intended fight. Something like this may perhaps have occurred, though the fact doubtless was that both parties were afraid, each of the other, and were disposed to avail themselves of any excuse to postpone a decisive conflict. There was a time when Han- nibal had not been deterred from attacking the Romans even by the most tempestuous storms Thus, though Hannibal did, in fact, in the end, get to the walls of Rome, he did nothing but threaten when he was there, and his en- campment near the city can only be considered as a bravado. His presence seems to have ex- oited very littie apprehension within the city The Romans had, in fact, before this time, lost their terror of the Carthaginian arms. To snow their contempt of Hannibal, they sold, at public cotion the land on which Lt> was encamped, liX K)6.] SCIPJO. 219 MM it Action. HMdrubal eroMe* the Alps while he was upon it besieging the city, and it brought the usual price. The bidders were, perhaps, influenced somewhat by a patriotic spirit, and by a desire to taunt Hannibal with in expression of their opinion that his occupa- tion of the land would be a very temporary en- cumbrance. Hannibal, to revenge himself for this taunt, put up for sale at auction, in his own camp, the shops of one of the principal streets of Rome, and they were bought by his officers with great spirit. It showed that a great change had taken place in the nature of the contest be- tween Carthage and Rome, to find these vast powers, which were a few years before grap- pling each other with such destructive and ter- rible fury on the Po and at Cannae, now satis- fying their declining animosity with such squib- bing as this. When the other modes by which Hannibal attempted to obtain re-enforcements failed, he made an attempt to have a second army brought over the Alps under the command of his broth- er Hasdrubal. It was a large army, and in their march they experienced the same difficulties, though hi a much lighter degree, that Hanniba. had himself encountered. And yet, of the whole mighty mass which set out from Spain, noth- 220 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 206 Liriw and Nero. Division of the province* ing reached Hannibal except his brother's head, The circumstances of the unfortunate termina- tion of Hasdrubal's attempt were as follows : When Hasdrubal descended from the Alps, rejoicing in the successful manner in which he had surmounted those formidable barriers, he imagined that .all his difficulties were over. He dispatched couriers to his brother Hannibal, in forming him that he had scaled "the mountains, ind that he was coming on as rapidly as possi- ble to his aid. The two consuls in office at this time were named, the one Nero, and the other Livius To each of these, as was usual with the Roman consuls, was assigned a particular province, and a certain portion of the army to defend it, and the laws enjoined it upon them very strictly not to leave their respective provinces, on any pre- text whatever, without authority from the Ro- man Legislature. In this instance Livius had oeen assigned to the northern part of Italy, and Nero to the southern. It devolved upon Livius, therefore, to meet and give battle to HasdrubaJ on his descent from the Alps, and to Nero tc remain in the vicinity of Hannibal, to thwart his plans, oppose his progress, and, if possible, conquer and destroy him, while his colleague S.C.206.J dcipio. 221 The Intercepted letters. Nero's perplexity prevented his receiving the expected re-enforce- ments from Spain. Things being in this state, the couriers whom Hasdrubal sent with his letters had the vigi- lance of both consuls to elude before they could deliver them into Hannibal's hands. They did succeed in passing Livius, but they were inter- cepted by Nero. The patrols who seized these messengers brought them to Nero's tent. Nero opened and read the letters. All Hasdrubal's plans and arrangements were detailed in them very fully, so that Nero perceived that, if he were at once to proceed to the northward with a strong force, he could render his colleague such aid as, with the knowledge of Hasdrubal's plans, which he had obtained from the letters, would probably enable them to defeat him ; whereas, if he were to leave Livius in ignorance and alone, he feared that Hasdrubal would be suc- cessful in breaking his way through, and in ulti- mately effecting his junction with Hannibal. Under these circumstances, he was, of course, rery earnestly desirous of going northward to render the necessary aid, but he was strictly for- bidden by law to leave his own province to entei that of his colleague without an authority from Rome, which there was not now time to obtain 222 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 21)6 Laws of military discipline. Their strictness and < verity The laws of military discipline are very strict and imperious, and in theory they are never to be disobey ed. Officers and soldiers, of all ranks and gradations, must obey the orders which they receive from the authority above them, without looking at the consequences, or deviating from the line marked out on any pretext whatever. It is, in fact, the very essence of military sub- ordination and efficiency, that a command, once given, suspends all exercise of judgment or di cretion on the part of the one to whom it is ad dressed ; and a good general or a good govern ment would prefer generally that harm should be done by a strict obedience to commands, rather than a benefit secured by an unauthor- ized deviation from them. It is a good prin- ciple, not only ir war, but in all those cases in social life where men have to act in concert, and yet wish to secure efficiency in action. And yet there are cases of exception case* where the necessity is so urgent, or the advant- iges to be derived are so great ; where the in terests involved are so momentous, and the suc- cess so sure, that a commander cone udes to disobey and take the responsibility. The re ponsibility is, however, very great, and the danger in assuming it extreme. He who in- BC.206.] SCIPIO. 223 Danger of violating discipline. An illustration. curs it makes himself liable to the severest penalties, from which nothing but clear proof of the most imperious necessity, and, in addi- tion to it, the most triumphant success, can sav* him. There is somewhere in English history & story of a naval commander, in the service of an English queen, who disobeyed the orders of his superiors at one time, in a case of great emergency at sea, and gained by so doing a very important victory. Immediately afterward he placed himself under arrest, and went into port as a prisoner accused of crime instead of a com- mander triumphing in his victory. He sur- rendered himself to the queen's officers of jus- tice, and sent word to the queen herself that he knew very well that death was the penalty for his offense, but that he was willing to sacrifice his life in any way in the service of her majesty. He was pardoned ! Nero, after much anxious deliberation, con eluded that the emergency in which he found himself placed was one requiring him to take the responsibility of disobedience. He did not, however, dare to go northward with all his for- ces, for that would be to leave southern Italy wholly at the mercy of Hannibal. He selected, therefore, from his whole force, which consisted 224 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 206 Plan* of Nero. A nL'ht nirircK. of forty thousand men, seven or eight thousand of the most efficient and trustworthy ; the men on whom he could most securely rely, both in respect to their ability to bear the fatigues of a rapic* march, and the courage and energy \* ith which they would meet Hasdrubal's forces in battle at the end of it. He was, at the time when Hasdrubal's letters were intercepted, oc- cupying a spacious and well-situated camp. This he enlarged and strengthened, so that Hannibal might not suspect that he intended any diminution of the forces within. All this was done very promptly, so that, in a few hours after he received the intelligence on which he was acting, he was drawing off secretly, at night, a column of six or eight thousand men, none of whom knew at all where they were g his colleague. He could, however, make an incursion into Africa, and even threaten Car- thage itself, and this, with the boldness and ardor which marked his character, he resolved to do. He was triumphantly successful in all his plans. His army, imbibing the spirit of enthu- siasm which animated theii commander, and confident of success, went on, as his forces in Spain had done, from victory to victory. They conquered cities, they overran provinces, they defeated and drove back all the armies which the Carthaginians could bring against them, and finally they awakened in the streets and dwellings of Carthage the same panic and con- ternation which Hannibal's victorious progress had produced in Rome. The Carthaginians being now, in thoir turn, y educed to despair, sent embassadors to Scipio to beg for peace, and to ask on what terms he would grant it and withdraw from the country Scipio replied that he could not make peace It rested with the Roman senate, whose servant B.C 204.] SCIPIO. 231 Hannibal recalled he was. He specified, however, certain terms which he was willing to have proposed to the senate, and, if the Carthaginians would agree tc them, he would grant them a truce, that is, ft temporary suspension of hostilities, until the answer of the Roman senate could be returned. The Carthaginians agreed to the terms. They were very onerous. The Romans say that they did not really mean to abide by them, but ac- ceded for the moment in order to gain time to end for Hannibal. They had great confidence in his resources and military power, and thought that, if he were in Africa, he could save them. At the same time, therefore, that they sent their ambassadors to Rome with their propositions for peace, they dispatched expresses to Hannibal, ordering him to embark his troops as soon as possible, and, abandoning Italy, to hasten home, to save, if it was not already too late, his native city from destruction. When Hannibal received these messages, he was overwhelmed with disappointment and sor- row. He spent hours in extreme agitation, s nnetimes in a moody silence, interrupted now and then by groans of despair, and sometimes attering loud and angry curses, prompted b> the exasperation of his feelings. He, however, 232 HANNIBAL. [B.C.204 Hannibal raise* a new army. The Romans capture hU ipiei oould not resist. He made the best of his way to Carthage. The Roman senate, at the samo time instead of deciding on the question of peace or war, which Scipio had submitted to them, referred the question back to him. They sent commissioners to Scipio, authorizing him to act for them, and to decide himself alone whether the war should be continued or closed, and if to be closed, on what conditions. Hannibal raised a large force at Carthage, joining with it such remains of former armies as had been left after Scipio's battles, and he went forth at the head of these troops to meet his enemy. He marched five days, going, per- haps, seventy-five or one hundred miles from Carthage, when he found himself approaching Scipio's camp. He sent out spies to reconnoi- ter. The patrols of Scipio's army seized these spies and brought them to the general's tent, as they supposed, for execution. Instead of punishing them, Scipio ordered them to be led around his camp, and to be allowed to see every thing they desired. He then dismissed them. that they might return to Hannibal with the u formation they had obtained. Of course, the report which they brought in respect to the strength and resources of Seipio'* B.C. 201.] So IP 10. Negotiations. Interview between Hannib*. and Scipio army was very formidable to Hannibal. He thought it best to make an attempt to negoti- ate a peace rather than to risk a battle, and he accordingly sent word to Scipio requesting a personal interview. Soipio acceded to this re- quest, and a place was appointed for the meet- ing between the two encampments. To this spot the two generals repaired at the proper time, with great pomp and parade, and with many attendants. They were the two greatest generals of the age in which they lived, having been engaged for fifteen or twenty years in per- forming, at the head of vast armies, exploits which had filled the world with their fame. Their fields of action had, however, been wide- ly distant, and they met personally now for the first time. When introduced into each other's presence, they stood for some time in silence, gazing upon and examining one another with intense interest and curiosity, but not speaking a word. At length, however, the negotiation was open- ed. Hannibal made Scipio proposals for peace. They were very favorable to the Romans, out Scipio was not satisfied with them He de- manded still greater sacrifices than Hannibal was willing to make The r'/sult, after a long 234 HANNIBAL. [B.C.20L The but battln. Defeat of the Cartbaginlui* and fruitless negotiation, was, that each general returned to his camp and prepared for battle. In military campaigns, it is generally easy for those who have been conquering to go on t eonquer : so much depends upon the expectations with which the contending armies go into bat- tle. Soipio and his troops expected to conquer. The Carthaginians expected to be beaten. The result corresponded. At the close of the day on which the battle was fought, forty thousand Carthaginians were dead and dying upon the ground, as many more were prisoners in the Ro- man camp, and the rest, in broken masses, were flying from the field in confusion and terror, on all the roads which led to Carthage. Hannibal arrived at the city with the rest, went to the senate, announced his defeat, and said that he could do no more. " The fortune which once attended me," said he, "is lost forever, and nothing is left to us but to make peace with oar enemies on any terms that they may thuu fit to impose " B.C.200.] HANNIBAL AN EXILE. 235 Bannlbal't conqwit*. Pwtmfal portoiu CHAPTER XL HANNIBAL A FUGITIVE AND AN EXILE. CTANNIBAL'S life was like an April day. -*--*- Its brightest glory was in the morning. The setting of his sun was darkened by clouds and showers. Although for fifteen years the Roman people could find no general capable of maintaining the field against him, Scipio con- quered him at last, and all his brilliant con- quests ended, as Hanno had predicted, only in placing his country in a far worse condition than before. In fact, as long as the Carthaginians confined their energies to useful industry, and to the pur- suits of commerce and peace, they were pros porous, and they increased in wealth, and in- fluence, and honor every year. Their ships went every where, and were every where wel- come. All the shores of the Mediterranean were visited by their merchants, and the comforts and the happiness of many nations and tribes were promoted by the very means which they took to swell their own rich 33 and fame. All might 236 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 200 The danger of a spirit of ambition and conquest. have gone on so for centuries longer, had not military heroes arisen with appetites for a more piquant sort of glory. Hannibal's father was one of the foremost of these. He began by con- quests in Spain and encroachments on the Ro- man jurisdiction. He inculcated the same feel- ings of ambition and hate in Hannibal's mind which burned in his own. For many years, the policy which they led their countrymen to pur- sue was successful. From being useful and welcome visitors to all the world, they became the masters and the curse of a part of it. So long as Hannibal remained superior to any Ro- man general that could be brought against him, he went on conquering. But at last Scipio arose, a greater than Hannibal. The tide was then turned, and all the vast conquests of half a century were wrested away by the same vio- lence, bloodshed, and misery with which they had been acquired. We have described the exploits of Hannibal, in making these conquests, in detail, while those of Scipio, in wresting them away, have been passed over very briefly, as this is intended as a history of Hannibal, and not of Scipio. Still Scipio's conquests were made by slow degrees, and they consumed a long period of time. He B.C. 200.] HANNIBAL AN EXILK. 237 , Gradual pro grew of Sdpio'i Tictorie*. wa but about eighteen years of age at the bat- tle of Cannae, soon after which his campaigns began, and he was thirty when he was made consul, just before his going into Africa. He was thus fifteen or eighteen years in taking down the vast superstructure of power which Hannibal had raised, working in regions away from Hannibal and Carthage during all this time, as if leaving the great general and the great city for the last. He was, however, so successful in what he did, that when, at length, he advanced to the attack of Carthage, every thing else was gone. The Carthaginian power had become a mere hollow shell, empty and vain, which required only one great final blow to effect its absolute demolition. In fact, so far spent and gone were all the Carthaginian re- sources, that the great city had to summon the great general to its aid the moment it was threatened, and Soipio destroyed them both to- gether. And yet Soipio did not proceed so far as lit erally and actually to destroy them. He spared Hannibal's life, and he allowed the city to stand ; but the terms and conditions of peace which he exacted were such aa to put an absolute ana perpetual end to Carthaginian dominion. By SJ38 HANNIBAL [B.C. 200 Severe conditions of peace exacted by Scipio. these conditions, the Carthaginian state was al- .owed to continue free and independent, and even to retain the government of such territo- ries in Africa as they possessed before the war ; but all their foreign possessions were taken away ; and even in respect to Africa, their ju- risdiction was limited and curtailed by very hard restrictions. Their whole navy was to be given to the Romans except ten small ships of three banks of oars, which Scipio thought the govern- ment would need for the purposes of civil ad- ministration. These they were allowed to re- tain. Scipio did not say what he should do with the remainder of the fleet : it was to be uncon- ditionally surrendered to him. Their elephants of war were also to be all given up, and they were to be bound not to train any more. They were not to appear at all as a military power in any other quarter of the world but Africa, and they were not to make war in Africa ex- cept by previously making known the occasion for it to the Roman people, and obtaining theii permission. They were also to pay to the Ro- mans a very large annual tribute for fifty years. There was great distress and perplexity in the Carthaginian councils while they were de- bating these cruel terms. Hannibal was in fa B.C 200.] HANNIBAL AN EXILE. 239 Debate* in the Carthaginian senate. var of accepting them. Others opposed. They thought it would be better still to continue the struggle, hopeless as it was, than to submit to terms so ignominious and fatal. Hannibal was present at these debates, but he found himself now in a very different posi- tion from that which he had been occupying for thirty years as a victorious general at the head of his army. He had been accustomed there to control and direct every thing. In his council* of war, no one spoke but at his invitation, and no opinion was expressed but such as he waa willing to hear. In the Carthaginian senate, however, he found the case very different There, opinions were freely expressed, as in a debate among equals, Hannibal taking his place among the rest, and counting only as one. And yet the spirit of authority and command which he had been so long accustomed to exercise, lin- gered still, and made him very impatient and uneasy under contradiction. In fact, as one of the speakers in the senate was rising to animad- rert upon and oppose Hannibal's views, he un- dertook to pull him down and silence him by force This proceeding awakened immediately uoh expressions of dissatisfaction and displeas- ure in the assembly as to show him very clearly 240 HA.NNIBAL. [B.C. 20u Term* of peace compiled with. Surrender of the elephant* and ihipt that the time for such domineering was gone He had, however, the good sense to express th regret he soon felt at having so far forgotten the laties of his new position, and to make an am- pie apology. The Carthaginians decided at length to ao- cede to Soipio's terms of peace. The first in- stalment of the tribute was paid. The elephants and the ships were surrendered. After a few days, Scipio announced his determination not to take the ships away with him, but to destroy them there. Perhaps this was because he thought the ships would be of little value to the Romans, on account of the difficulty of manning them. Ships, of course, are useless without sea- men, and many nations in modern times, who could easily build a navy, are debarred from doing it, because their population does not fur- nish sailors in sufficient numbers to man and navigate it. It was probably, in part, on this account that Soipio decided not to take the Car- thaginian ships away, and perhaps> he also want od to show to Carthage and to the world that hi object in taking possession of the national prop. erty of his foes was not to enrich his own coun- try by plunder, but only to deprive ambitious soldiers of the power to compromise any longer B.C.200.] HANNIBAL AN EXILE 243 8cipio burns the Carthaginian fleet Feelings of the spectator* the peace and happiness of mankind by expe- ditions for conquest and power. However this may be, Scipio determined to destroy the Car- thaginian fleet, and not to convey it away. On a given day, therefore, he ordered all the galleys to be got together in the bay opposite to the city of Carthage, and to be burned. There were five hundred of them, so that they constituted a large fleet, and covered a large ex- panse of the water. A vast concourse of peo- ple assembled upon the shores to witness the grand conflagration. The emotion which such a spectacle was of itself calculated to excite was greatly heightened by the deep but stifled feelings of resentment and hate which agitated every Carthaginian breast. The Romans, too, as they gazed upon the scene from their en- campment on the shore, were agitated as well, though with different emotions. Their faces beamed with an expression of exultation and triumph as they saw the vast masses of flanv and columns of smoke ascending from the sea, ppjclaiming the total and irretrievable ruin of Carthaginian pride and power. Having thus fully accomplished his work, Scipio set sail for Rome. AH Italy had been filled with the fame of his exploits in thus de- 244 HANNIBAL. [B.C 200 Bciplo Bafts to Rome. HU reception stroying the ascendency of Hannibal. The city of Rome had now nothing more to fear from its great enemy. He was shut up, disarmed, and helpless, in his own native state, and the terror which his presence in Italy had inspired had passed forever away. The whole population of Rome, remembering the awful scenes of con- sternation and terror which the city had so of- ten endured, regarded Scipio as a great deliverer They were eager to receive and welcome him on his arrival. When the time came and he approached the city, vast throngs went out to meet him. The authorities formed civic pro- cessions to welcome him. They brought crowns, and garlands, and flowers, and hailed his ap- proach with loud and prolonged acclamations of triumph and joy. They gave him the name of Africanus, in honor of his victories. This was a new honor giving to a conqueror the name of the country that he had subdued ; it was in- Tented specially as Scipio's reward, the deliv- erer who had saved the empire from the great- est and most terrible danger by which it had ever been assailed. Hannibal, though fallen, retained still in Car- thage some portion of his former power. The glory of his past exploits still invested his char- B.C. 192.J HANNIBAL AN EXILE. 245 Hauu&al'i position and standing at Carthage. actor with a sort of halo, which made him an object of general regard, and he still had great ni powerful friends. He was elevated to high office, and exerted himself to regulate and im- prove the internal affairs of the state. In these efforts he was not, however, very successful. The historians say that the objects which he aimed to accomplish were good, and that the measures for effecting them were, in themselves, judicious; but, accustomed as he was to the authoritative and arbitrary action of a military commander in camp, he found it hard to prac- tice that caution and forbearance, and that deference for the opinion of others, which are so essential as means of influencing men in th management of the civil affairs of a common- wealth. He mado a great many enemies, who did every thing in their power, by plots and in- trigues, as well as by open hostility, to accom- plish his ruin. His pride, too, was extremely mortified and humbled by an occurrence which took place very soon after Scipio's return to Rome. There was some occasion of war with a neighboring African tribe, and Hannibal headed some forces which were raised in the city for the purpose, ind went rat to prosecute it The Roman* 246 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 192 Orders from Rome. Hannibal's mortification who took care to have agents in Carthage tc keep them acquainted with all that occurred, heard of this, and sent word to Carthage to warn the Carthaginians that this was contrary to the treaty, and cou d not be allowed. The government, not willing to incur the risk of another visit from Scipio, sent orders to Han- nibal to abandon the war and return to the city, riannibal was compelled to submit; but after having been rfbcustomed, as he had been, for ipany years, to bid defiance to all the armies ai - 1 n ^a which Roman power could, with their utmost exertion, bring against him, it must have been very hard for such a spirit as his to find itself stopped and conquered now by a word. All the force they could command against him, even at the very gates of their own city, was *nce impotent and vain. Now, a mere message and threat, coming across the distant sea, seeks him out in the remote deserts of Africa, and in a moment deprives him of all his power. Years passed away, and Hannibal, though compelled outwardly to submit to his fate, was restless and ill at ease. His scheming spirit, purred on now by the double stimulus of re- sentment and ambition, was always busy, vainly endeavoring to discover some plan by which he B.C. 192.] HANNIBAL AN .rixiLK. 24? 8yrl aad PboBoicU. King Antiochu* might again renew the struggle with his ancient foe. It will be recollected that Carthage was orig- inally a commercial colony from Tyre, a city on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The countries of Syria and Phoenicia were in the vicinity of Tyre. They were powerful com- mercial communities, and they had always re- tained very friendly relations with the Cartha- ginian commonwealth. Ships passed continu- ally to and fro, and always, in case of calami- ties or disasters threatening one of these regions, the inhabitants naturally looked to the other for refuge and protection, Carthage looking upon Phoenicia as its mother, and Phoenicia re- garding Carthage as her child. Now there was, at this time, a very powerful monarch on the throne in Syria and Phoenicia, named Antiochus. His capital was Damascus. He was wealthy and powerful, and was involved in some diffi- culties with the Romans. Their conquests, gradually extending eastward, had approached the confines of Antiochus's realms, and the twi nations were on the brink of war. Things being in this state, the enemies of Hannibal at Carthage sent information to the Roman senate that he was negotiating and plot. 248 HANNIBAL. [B.C 192. Hannlba.'* Intrigues with Atticchus. Embassy from Rom* ting with Antiochrss to combine the Syrian and Carthaginian forces against them, and thug plunge the world into another general war. The Romans accordingly determined to send an smbassage to the Carthaginian government, and to demand that Hannibal should be deposed from his office, and given up to them a prisoner, in order that he might be tried on this charge. These commissioners came, accordingly, to Carthage, keeping, however, the object of their mission a profound secret, since they knew very well that, if Hannibal should suspect it, he would make his escape before the Carthaginian senate could decide upon the question of sur- rendering him. Hannibal was, however, too wary for them. He contrived to learn their object, and immediately resolved on making his escape. He knew that his enemies in Carthage were numerous and powerful, and that the ani- mosity against him was growing stronger and stronger. He did not dare, therefore, to trust to the result of the discussion in the senate, but determined to fly. He had a small castle or tcwer on the coast, about one hundred and fifty miles southeast of Carthage. He sent there by an express, order- B.C 192.] HANNIBAL AN EXILE. 249 Flight of mnnibaL Island of Cercina. also made arrangements to have horsemen ready at one of the gates of the city at nightfall. During the day he appeared freely in the public streets, walking with an unconcerned air, as if his mind was at ease, and giving to the Roman embassadors, who were watching his move- ments, the impression that he was not medi- tating an escape. Toward the close of the day, nowever, after walking leisurely home, he im- mediately made preparations for his journey. As soon as it was dark he went to the gate of the city, mounted the horse which was provided for him, and fled across the country to his cas- tle. Here he found the vessel ready which he had ordered. He embarked, and put to sea There is a small island called Cercina at a little distance from the coast. Hannibal reach- ed this island on the same day that he left hia tower. There was a harbor here, where mer- chant ships were accustomed to come in. He found several Phoenician vessels in the port, some bound to Carthage Hannibal's arrival produced a strong sensation here, and, to a Ill year*. These three Punio wars extended, as the ta- ble shows, over a period of more than a huml 264 HAHNIBAU [B.C. 148 Character of the Punic wan. Intervals between then red years. Each successive contest in the se* ries was shorter, but more violent and desper- ate than its predecessor, while the intervals of peace were longer. Thus the first Punio war continued for twenty-four years, the second about seventeen, and the third only three 01 four. The interval, too, between the first and second was twenty-four years, while between the second and third there was a sort of peac* for about fifty years. These differences were caused, indeed, in some degree, by the accident- al circumstances on which the successive rup- tures depended, but they were not entirely ow- ing to that cause. The longer these belligerent relations between the two countries continued, and the more they both experienced the awful effects and consequences of their quarrels, the less disposed they were to renew such dreadful struggles, and yet, when they did renew them they engaged ir them with redoubled energy ef determination and fresh intensity of hate. Thus the wars followed each other at greatei intervals, but the conflicts, when they came, though shorter in duration, were more and more desperate and merciless in character. We have said that, after the close of the second Punic war, there was a sort of peace for aboul B.C. 148 j CARTHAGE DESTROYED. 265 Aalmoiitie* and dissension*. Ifamidta fifty years. Of course, during this time, one gen- eration after another of public men arose, both in Rome and Carthage, each successive group, on both sides, inheriting the suppressed animos- ity and hatred which had been cherished by their predecessors. Of course, as long as Hannibal had lived, and had continued his plots and schemes in Syria, he was the means of keeping up a continual irritation among the people of Rome against the Carthaginian name. It is true that the government at Carthage disavowed his acts, and professed to be wholly opposed to his designs ; but then it was, of course, very well known at Rome that this was only because they thought he was not able to execute them. They had no confidence whatever in Carthagin- ian faith or honesty, and, of course, there could be no real harmony or stable peace. There arose gradually, also, another source of dissension. By referring to the map. the read- er will perceive that there lies, to the westward of Carthage, a country called Numidia. This country was a hundred miles or more in breadth* and extended back several hundred miles into the interior. It was a very rich and fertile re- gion, and contained many powerful and wealthy cities. The inhabitants were warlike, too, and 266 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 148 Humidian horsemen. M1n1iti were particularly celebrated for their cavalry. The ancient historians say that they used to ride their horses into the field without saddles, and often without bridles, guiding and controll- ing them by their voices, and keeping their seats securely by the exercise of great personal strength and consummate skilL These Ni> midian horsemen are often alluded to in th in the city behind him. The parallel, however, ends here. Hannibal conquered at Saguntum, but Hasdrubal was entirely defeated in the battle in Numidia. The battle was fought long and desperately on both sides, but the Carthaginians were obliged to yield, and they retreated at length in confusion to seek shelter in their camp. The battle was witnessed by a Roman officer who stood upon a neighboring hill, and looked down upon the scene with intense interest all the day. It was Scipio the younger Scipio who became after- ivard the principal actor in the terrible scenes which were enacted in the war which followed He was then a distinguished officer in the Ro- man army, and was on duty in Spain. His commanding general there had sent him to Af- rica to procure some elephants from Masiiiissa for the use of the army. He came to Numidia, accordingly, for this purpose, and as the battle between Masinissa and Hasdrubal came on while he was there, he remained to witness it B.C. 148.] CARTHAUE UESTROYED. 271 Tke younger Scipio. A spectator of the battl* This second Scipio was not, by blood, any relative of the other, but he had been adopted Vj the elder Scipio's son, and thus received his name ; so that he was, by adoption, a grand- son. He was, even at this time, a man of high consideration among all who knew him, for his great energy and efficiency of character, as well ai for his sound judgment and practical good sense. He occupied a very singular position at the time of this battle, such as very few great commanders have ever been placed in ; for, as he himself was attached to a Roman army in Spain, having been sent merely as a military messenger to Numidia, he was a neutral in this contest, and could not, properly, take part on either side. He had, accordingly, only to take his place upon the hill, and look down upon the awful scene as upon a spectacle arranged for his special gratification. He speaks of it as if he were highly gratified with the opportunity he enjoyed, saying that only two such cases had ever occurred before, where a general could look down, in such a way, upon a great battle- field, and witness the whole progress of the fight, oimself a cool and disinterested spectator. H was greatly excited by the scene and he speaks particularly of the appearance of the reterut 272 HAKNIBAL. [JB.C.14 Negotiations for peace. Scipio made, urnplr* Masinissa, then eighty-four years old, who rode all day from rank to rank, on a wild and impet- uous charger, without a saddle, to give his orders to his men, and to encourage and animate them by his voice and his example. Hasdrubal retreated with his forces tc his oamp as soon as the battle was over, and in- trenched himself there, while Masinissa advanc- ed with his army, surrounded the encampment, and hemmed the imprisoned fugitives in. Find- ing himself in extreme and imminent danger, Hasdrubal sent to Masinissa to open negotiations for peace, and he proposed that Scipio should act as a sort of umpire or mediator between the two parties, to arrange the terms. Scipio was not likely to be a very impartial umpire ; but still, his interposition would afford him, as Has- drubal thought, some protection against any excessive and extreme exorbitancy on the part of his conqueror. The plan, however, did not succeed. Even Scipio's terms were found by Hasdrubal to be inadmissible. He required hat the Carthaginians should accord to Masi- aissa a certain extension of territory. Hasdru- bal was willing to assent to this. They were to pay him, also, a large sum of money. He , also to this. They were, moreover, *c B.C. 148.] CARTHAGE DESTROYED. 273 HMdrnbM surrenders. Term* imposed by MiuinUaa allow Hasdruba-'s banished opponents to return to Carthage. This, by putting the party op- posed to Hasdrabal once more into power in Carthage, would have been followed by his own fall and ruin ; he could not consent to it. Ho remained, therefore, shut up in his camp, and Scipio, giving up the hope of effecting an ac- commodation, took the elephants which had been provided for him, and returned across the Mediterranean to Spain. Soon after this, Hasdrubal's army, worn out with hunger and misery in their camp, com- polled him to surrender on Masinissa's own terms. The men were allowed to go free, but most of them perished on the way to Carthage. Hasdrubal himself succeeded in reaching some place of safety, but the influence of his party was destroyed by the disastrous result of his enterprise, and his exiled enemies being recall ed in accordance with the treaty of surrender, the opposing party were immediately restored to power. Under these new councils, the first measure of the Carthaginians was to impeach Hasdrubal on a charge }f treason, lor having involved his country in those difficulties, and the next wa to send a solemn embassy to Rome, to aoknowl- 274 HANNHAL. [B.C. 148 , Carthaginian embassy to Rome. Their mission fruitleM edge the fault of which their nation had been guilty, to offer te> surrender Hasdrubal into their hands, as the principal author of the deed, and to ask what further satisfaction the Romans demanded. In the mean time, before these messengers arrived, the Romans had been deliberating what to do. The strongest party were in favor of urging on the quarrel with Carthage and de- claring war. They had not, however, come to any positive decision. They received the depu- tation, therefore, very coolly, and made them no direct reply. As to the satisfaction which the Carthaginians ought to render to the Romans for having made war upon their ally contrary to the solemn covenants of the treaty, they said that that was a question for the Carthaginians themselves to consider. They had nothing at present to say upon the subject. The deputies returned to Carthage with this reply, which, of course, produced great uneasiness and anxiety. The Carthaginians were more and more de- siroue now to do every thing in their power to avert the threatened danger of Roman hostility They sent a new embassy to Rome, with still more humble professions than before. The em- bassy set sail from Carthage with very little B.C. 148.] CARTHAOE DESTROYED. 275 Another embxty. The Roman* declare wmt hope, however, of accomplishing the object of their mission. They were authorized, never- theless, to make the most unlimited conces- sions, and to submit to any conditions what- ever to avert the calamity of another war. But the Romans had been furnished with a pretext for commencing hostilities again, and there was a very strong party among them now who were determined to avail themselves of this opportunity to extinguish entirely the Cartha- ginian power. War had, accordingly, been de- clared by the Roman senate very soon after the first embassy had returned, a fleet and army had been raised and equipped, and the expedi- tion had sailed. When, therefore, the embassy arrived in Rome, they found that the war, which it was the object of their mission to avert, had been declared. The Romans, however, gave them audience. The embassadors expressed their willingness to submit to any terms that the senate might pro- pose for arresting the war. The senate replied that they were willing to make a treaty with the Carthaginians, on condition that the latter were to surrender themselves entirely to the Roman power, and bind themselves to obey such orders as the consuls, on their arrival in Africa 276 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 148 rfegotiation* for peace. The Romans demand hoatage* with the army, should issue ; the Romans, on their part, guarantying that they should con- tinue in the enjoyment of their liberty, of theii territorial possessions, and of their laws. A proof, howBver, of the Carthaginian honesty of purpose in making the treaty s and security for their future submission, they were required to give up to the Romans three hundred hostages. These hostages were to be young persons from the first families in Carthage, the sons of the men who were most prominent in society there, and whose influence might be supposed to con- trol the action of the nation. The embassadors could not but consider these as very onerous terms. They did not know what orders the consuls would give them on their ar- rival in Africa, and they were required to put the commonwealth wholly into their power. Besides, in the guarantee which the Romans offered them, their territories and their lawi were to be protected, but nothing was said of their cities, their ships, or their arms and mu- nitions of war. The agreement there, if execu- ted, would put the Carthaginian commonwealth wholly at the mercy of their masters, in respect to all those things which were in those days most valuable to a nation as elements of power B.C. 148.] CARTHAGE DESTROYED. 27? Cruelty of the hostage system. Return of the smhMM tori Still, the ambassadors had been instructed to make peace with the Romans on any terms, and they accordingly acceded to these, though with great reluctance. They were especially averse to the agreement in respect to the hostages. This system, which prevailed universally in ancient times, of having the government of one nation surrender the children of the most dis- tinguished citizens to that of another, as secu- rity for the fulfillment of its treaty stipulations, was a very cruel hardship to those who had to suffer the separation ; but it would seem that there was no other security strong enough to hold such lawless powers as governments were in those days, to their word. Stern and rough as the men of those warlike nations often were, mothers were the same then as now, and they suffered quite as keenly in seeing their children sect away from them, to pine in a foreign land, in hopeless exile, for many years ; in danger, too, continually, of the most cruel treatment, and even of death itself, to revenge some alleged governmental wrong. Of course, the embassadors knew, when thy returned to Carthage with these terms, that they ware bringing heavy tidings. The news, hi fact, when it came, threw the oomrounito 278 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 148 Consternation in Carthage Its deplorable conditioa. into the most extreme distress. It is said that the whole city was filled with cries and lamen- tations. The mothers, who felt that they were about to be bereaved, beat their breasts, and tore their hair, and manifested by every other sign their extreme and unmitigated woe. They begged and entreated their husbands and fathers not to consent to such cruel and intolerable con- ditions. They could not, and they would not give up their children. The husbands and the fathers, however, felt compelled to resist all these entreaties. They could not now undertake to resist the Roman will. Their army had been well-nigh destroy- ed in the battle with Masinissa ; their city was consequently defenseless, and the Roman flee* had already reached its African port, and the troops were landed. There was no possible way, it appeared, of saving themselves and their city from absolute destruction, but entire sub- mission to the terms which their stern conquer* ore had imposed upon them. The hostages were required to be sent, with- in thirty days, to the island of Sicily, to a port on the western extremity of the island, called Lilybffium Lilybseum was the port in Sicily nearest to Carthage, being perhaps at a distance BC. 148.] CARTHAGE DESTROYED. 27S Selecting the hostage*. The boor of parting. of a hundred miles across the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. A Roman escort was to oe ready to receive them there and conduct them to Rome. Although thirty days were al- lowed to the Carthaginians to select and send forward the hostages, they determined not to avail themselves of this offered delay, but to send the unhappy children forward at once, that they might testify to the Roman senate, by this their promptness, that they were very earnestly desirous to propitiate their favor. The children were accordingly designated, one from each of the leading families in the city, and three hundred in all. The reader must imagine the heart-rending scenes of suf- fering which must have desolated these three hundred families and homes, when the stern and inexorable edict came to each of them that one loved member of the household must be se- lected to go. And when, at last, the hour ar- rived for their departure, and they assembled upon the pier, the picture was one of intense and unmingled suffering. The poor exiles stood bewildered with terror and grief, about to part with all that they ever held dear their parents, their brothers and sisters, and their native land to go thev knew not whither, under the care 280 HANNIBAL. [B.C. The parting scene. Grief Mid dep*lr of iron -hearted soldiers, who seemed to know no feelings of tenderness or compassion for theii woes. Their disconsolate mothers wept and groaned aloud, clasping the loved ones wha were about to be torn forever from them in theii arms, in a delirium of maternal affection and irrepressible grief; their brothers and sisters, and their youthful friends stood by, some almost frantic with emotions which they did not at- tempt to suppress, others mute and motionless in their sorrow, shedding bitter tears of anguish, or gazing wildly on the scene with looks of do- spair ; while the fathers, whose stern duty il was to pass through this scene unmoved, walk- ed to and fro restlessly, in deep but silent dis- tress, spoke in broken and incoherent words to one another, and finally aided, by a mixture of persuasion and gentle force, in drawing the children away from their mothers' arms, and getting them on board the vessels which wens to convey them away. The vessels made sail, and passed off slowly from the shore. The r -^ers watched them till they could no longei be seen, and then returned, disconsolate and wretched, to their homes ; and then the grief and agitation of this parting scene was succeed- ed by the anxious suspense which now pervad B.C. 148. J CARTHAGE DESTROYED. 2bJ Adrance of the Roman army. Surrender of Utica ed the whole city to learn what new dangers and indignities they were to suffer from the ap- proaching Roman army, which they knew must now be well on its way. The Roman army landed at Utioa. Utioa was a large city to the north of Carthage, not far from it, and upon the same bay. When th.e people of Utica found that another serious collision was to take place between Rome and Carthage, they had foreseen what would prob- ably be the end of the contest, and they had de- cided that, in order to save themselves from the ruin which was plainly impending over the sis- ter city, they must abandon her to her fate, and make common cause with Rome. They had, accordingly, sent deputies to the Roman senate, offering to surrender Utica to their power. The Romans had accepted the submission, and had made this city, in consequence, the port of de- barkation for their army. As soon as the news arrived at Carthage that the Roman army had landed at Utioa, the people sent deputies to inquire what were the .orders of the consuls, for it will he recollected they had bound themselves by the treaty to obey the orders which the consuls were to bring. They found, when they arrived there, that the 282 HANNIBAL, [B.C. 148 Demands of the Roman*. Tho Carthaginians comply bay was covered with the Roman shipping. There were fifty vessels of war, of three banks of oars each, and a vast number of transports besides. There was, too, in the camp upon the shore, a force of eighty thousand foot soldiers and four thousand horse, all armed and equipped in the most perfect manner. The deputies were convinced that this was a force which it was in vain for their countrymen to think of resisting. They asked, trembling, for the consuls' orders. The consuls informed them that the orders of the Roman senate were, first, that the Carthaginians should furnish them with a supply of corn for the subsistence of their troops. The deputies went back to Carthage with the demand. The Carthaginians resolved to comply. They were bound by their treaty and by the hostages they had given, as well as intimidated by the presence of the Roman force. They furnished the corn. The consuls, soon after this, made another demand of the Carthaginians. It was, that they should surrender to them all their vessels of war. They were more unwilling to comply with this requisition than with the other ; but they absented at last. They hoped that the de- B.C. 148.J CARTHAGE DESTROYED. 283 fhe Romans demand all the munitions of war. Their great number cnands of their enemies would stop here, and that, satisfied with having weakened them thus far, they would go away and leave them ; they oould then build new ships again when bettei times should return. But the Romans were not satisfied yet. They sent a third order, that the Carthaginians should deliver up all their arms, military stores, and warlike machines of every kind, by sending them into the Roman camp. The Carthaginians were rendered almost desperate by this requisition. Many were determined that they would not submit to it, but would resist at all hazards. Others despaired of all possibility of resisting now, and gave up all as lost ; while the three hundred families from which the hostages had gone, trembled for the safety of the captive children, and urged compliance with the de- mand. The advocates for submission finally gained the day. The arms were collected, and carried in an immensely long train of wagons to the Roman camp. There were two hundred thousand complete suits of armor, with darts and javelins without number, and two thousand military engines for hurling beams of wood and stones. Thus Carthage was disarmed. All these demands, however unreasonable 284 HANNIBAL. [B.C.148 Brutal demand* of the Roman*. Carthage to be destroyed and cruel as the Carthaginians deemed them, were only preliminary to the great final determ- ination, the announcement of which the con- suls had reserved for the end. When the arms had all been delivered, the consuls announced to their now defenseless victims that the Roman senate had come to the determination that Car- thage was to be destroyed. They gave orders, accordingly, that the inhabitants should all leave the city, which, as soon as it should be thus vacat- ed, was to be burned. They might take with them such property as they could carry ; and they were at liberty to build, in lieu of this their fortified sea-port, an inland town, not less than ten miles' distance from the sea, only it must have no walls or fortifications of any kind. As soon as the inhabitants were gone, Carthage, the consuls said, was to be destroyed. The announcement of this entirely unparal leled and intolerable requisition threw the whole oity into a phrensy of desperation. They could not, and would not submit to this. The en- treaties and remonstrances of the friends of the hostages were all silenced or overborne in the burst of indignation and anger which arose from the whole city. The gates were closed. The pavements of the streets were torn up, and B.C. 148.] CARTHAGE DESTROYED. 285 Desperation of the people. Prepwatiom for deft buildings demolished to obtain stones, which were carried up upon the ramparts to serve in- stead of weapons. The slaves were all liberat- ed, and stationed on the walls to aid in the de- fense. Every body that could work at a forge was employed in fabricating swords, spear- heads, pikes, and such other weapons as could be formed with the greatest facility and dis- patch. They used all the iron and brass that could be obtained, and then melted down vases and statues of the precious metals, and tipped their spears with an inferior pointing of silver and gold. In the same manner, when the sup- plies of flax and hempen twine for cordage for their bows failed, the beautiful sisters and moth- ers of the hostages out off their long hair, and twisted and braided it into cords to be used as bow-strings for propelling the arrows which their husbands and brothers made. In a word, the wretched Carthaginians had been pushed beyond the last limit of human endurance, and had aroused themselves to a hopeless resistance in a sort of phrensy of despair. The reader will recollect that, after the bat- tle with Masinissa, Hasdrubal lost all his influ- ence in f 'arthage, and was, to all appearance, hopelessly ruined. He had not, however, then 286 HANNIBAL. [B.C. 14t Haadrabal. Destruction of the Roman flea given up the struggle. He had contrived to as- semble the remnant of his army in the neigh- borhood of Carthage. His forces had been grad- ually increasing during these transactions, as those who were opposed to these concessions to the Romans naturally gathered around him. He was now in his camp, not far from the city, at the head of twenty thousand men. Finding themselves in so desperate an emergency, the Carthaginians sent to him to come to their suc- cor. He very gladly obeyed the summons. He sent around to all the territories still subject to Carthage, and gathered fresh troops, and col- lected supplies of arms and of food. He ad- vanced to the relief of the city. He compelled the Romans, who were equally astonished at the resistance they met with from within the walls, and at this formidable onset from with- out, to retire a little, and intrench themselves in their camp, in order to secure their own safe- ty. He sent supplies of food into the city He also contrived to fit up, secretly, a great many fire-ships in the harbor, and, setting them in flames, let them drift down upon the Roman fleet, which was anchored in supposed security in the bay. The plan was so skillfully man- aged that the Roman ships were almost all de- B.C. 146.] CARTHAGE DESTROYED. 2.^7 Horrors of the liege. Heroic valor of the Carthaginhux. stroyed. Thus the face of affairs was changed The Romans found themselves disappointed foi the present of their prey. They confined them- selves to their encampment, and sent home to the Roman senate for new re-enforcements and supplies. In a word, the Romans found that, instead of having only to effect, unresisted, the simple destruction of a city, they were involved in what would, perhaps, prove a serious and a protract- ed war. The war did, in fact, continue for two or three years a horrible war, almost of exterm- ination, on both sides. Scipio came with the Roman army, at first as a subordinate officer ; but his bravery, his sagacity, and the success of some of his almost romantic exploits, soon made him an object of universal regard. At one time, a detachment of the army, which he succeeded in releasing from a situation of great peril in which they had been placed, testified their gratitude by platting a crown of grass, and placing it upon his brow with great ceremonj and loud acclamations. The Carthaginians did every thing in tha prosecution of this war that the most desperate valor could do; but Scipio's cool, steady, and well-calculated plans made irresistible progress. 288 HANNIBAL. [B.C.145 Battering engines. Attempt to destroy them. and hemmed them in at last, within narrower and narrower limits, by a steadily-increasing pressure, from which they found it impossible to break away. Scipio had erected a sort of mole or pier upon the water near the city, on which he had erect- ed many large and powerful engines to assault the walls. One night a large company of Car- thaginians took torches, not lighted, in their hands, together with some sort of apparatus for striking fire, and partly by wading and partly by swimming, they made their way through the water of the harbor toward these machines. When they were sufficiently near, they struck their lights and set their torches on fire. The Roman soldiers who had been stationed to guard the machines were seized with terror at seeing all these flashing fires burst out suddenly over the surface of the water, and fled in dismay. The Carthaginians set the abandoned engines on fire, and then, throwing their now useless torches into the flames, plunged into the watei again, and swam back in safety. But all thie desperate bravery did very little good. Scipio quietly repaired the engines, and the siege went on as before. But we can not describe in detail all the pax B.C. 145.J CARTHAGE DESTROYED. The ctty stormed. A desperate struggle ticulars of this protracted and terrible straggle We must pass on to the closing scene, which as related by the historians of the day, is an al- most incredible series of horrors. After an im- mense number had been killed in the assaults which had been made upon the city, besides the thousands and thousands which had died of fam- ine, and of the exposures and hardships incident to such a siege, the army of Scipio succeeded in breaking their way through the gates, and gaining admission to the city. Some of the in- habitants were now disposed to contend no long- er, bu to oast themselves at the mercy of the conqueror. Others, furious in their despair, were determined to fight to the last, not willing to give up the pleasure of killing all they could of their hated enemies, even to save their lives. They fought, therefore, from street to street, retreating gradually as the Romans advanced, till they found refuge in the citadel One band of Soipio's soldiers mounted to the taps of the houses, the roofs being flat, and fought their way there, while another column advanced in the same manner in the streets below. No im- agination can conceive the uproar and din of such an assault upon a populous city a horrid mingling of the vociferated commands of the 1419 290 UANNIBAI.. [B.C. 145 The peop.e retreat to the citadel. The city fir..