SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON. >^>;x^'fe<>';;^^ 9ff'+Ty.\i ^VO^ \*t f \f*y&' \m, Z'&jK'l ' v#r- CATALOGUE OF THE &%&; k?~w/ { UaluabU ani (Kattmsih^ library OF 1 BOOKS ON ANGLING, Iv.-ffr 1 THE PROPERTY OF THK LATE EDWARD SNOW, ESQ. Of Boston, Mass. U.S.A. Km m FIRST DAY Wednesday, November 30th SECOND DAY Thursday, December 1st CATALOGUE OF THE an& (fetotsite liJbrarn OF BOOKS ON ANGLING THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE EDWARD SNOW, ESQ. Of Boston, Mass. U.S.A. COMPRISING THE FIRST FIVE EDITIONS OF IZAAC WALTON'S COMPLEAT ANGLER, FlRSI AND OTHER EDITIONS OF THE ANGLER'S HAND-BOOK, BAINBRIDGE'S FLY FISHER'S GUIDE, BEST'S ART OF ANGLING, BLACKER'S ART OF ANGLING AND FLY MAKING, BOWLKER'S ART OF ANGLING, BROOKES' ART OF ANGLING, CHETHAM'S ANGLER'S VADE MECUM, Cox's GENTLEMAN'S KECREATION, HOFLAND'S BRITISH ANGLER'S MANUAL, DENNYS' SECRETS OF ANGLING, NOBBES' COMPLEAT TROLLER, RONALDS' FLY FISHER'S ENTOMOLOGY, SALTER'S ANGLER'S GUIDE AND TROLLER'S GUIDE, VENABLES' THE EXPERIENCED ANGLER, PEACHAM'S COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN, WORKS BY GERVASE MARKHAM, AUCTION CATALOGUES OF ANGLING LIBRARIES, Priced, Scarce Hmerican publications, BARLOW'S SEVERALL WAYES OF HUNTING, ETC. ANGLING SONGS, And numerous Modern Works relating to Angling and Sporting in General, ETC. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSES. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 3Vcii0tErs of Itiiernrgjjproperig & Works illiisiraiibB of tlj^IFituJUts, AT THEIR HOUSE. No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET. STRAND, W.C. On WEDNESDAY, 30th day of NOVEMBER, 1898, and following Day, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. MAY BE VIEWED TWO DAYS PRIOR. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD. DEYDEN PRESS : J. DAVY & SONS, 137, LONG ACRE, LONDON. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the Auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6d. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase- money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold, V. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, immediately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of ONE WEEK after the conclusion of the sale, the books or other property are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which the books were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared either by public or private sale without any notice being given to the defaulter. VI. All the books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed ; but if upon collating, any should prove defective, the purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them, provided they are returned within ONE WEEK after the conclusion of the sale, when the purchase-money will be returned. VII. The sale of any book or books is not to be set aside on account of any worm -holes, stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates or blank leaves, or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix, or plates. All the manuscripts, auto- graphs, all magazines and reviews, all books in lots, and all tracts in lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections, and errors of description. The sale of any illustrated book, lot of prints or drawings, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enume- ration of the numbers stated, or error of description. VIII. No IMPERFECT BOOK will be taken back, unless a note accompanies each book, stating its imperfections, with the number of lot and date of the sale at which the same was purchased. IX. To prevent inaccuracy in the delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot on any account can be removed during the time of sale. X. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, oil charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand, London CATALOGUE OF THE anfr (Stftensitoe J tbrarg OF BOOKS ON ANGLING, THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE EDWARD SNOW, ESQ. of Boston, Mass. U.S.A. FIRST DAY'S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 1. CCOMPLISH'D LADY'S DELIGHT, second edition, portrait, engraved front, and cuts, a leaf or two of text shaved, brown morocco super extra, g. e. in Zaehnsdorfs lest style, with all faults 1677 2. Accomplish'd Ladies Delight, third edition,, portrait, front, and cuts, in the original calf binding, enclosed in a morocco drop case 1683 3 Accomplish'd Lady's Delight, in Preserving, Physick, Beautifying, Cookery, Gardening, and Angling, engraved title and last leaf slightly mended, a, few headlines shaved, crimson morocco extra, t. e. g. with all faults 1719 4 Adam (W.) Derbyshire Dales and Fishing Streams, plates, 1861 Kirkbride (J.) The Northern Angler, plates, Carlisle, 1837 Bailey (W.) The Angler's Instructor, third edition, Nottingham, 1878 Blakey (R) The Angler's Song Book, 1855 ; &c. (6) 5 Advantages and Utility of a proposed new treatise on the Art of Angling (no title) Edmonston (A.) On the Cod Fishery, 1820 Thomson (J.) Value and Importance of the Scottish Fisheries, 1849 The Complete Angler, coloured front. Elliot, n. d. ; chiefly in half morocco, t. e. g. (4) 6 Akerman (J. Y.) Spring-Tide, portrait and plates, half calf, 1852 Penn (R.) Maxims and Hints on Angling, &c. woodcuts, half morocco, 1855 The Jolly Angler, woodcuts, n. d. (3) A 2 / y ~ 2O67102 7Y 7 American Angler's Guide, engravings, morocco extra, t. e. g. New York, 1845 8 American Angler's Guide, second edition, morocco extra, t. e. g. ib. 1846 9 American Angler's Guide, fourth edition, morocco extra, t. e. g. ib. 1849 10 American Angler's Guide : or Complete Fisher's Manual for the United States, fourth edition, plates, each page embellished with a marginal woodcut, half calf gilt, m. e. ib. 1857 11 American Game Fishes : their habits, habitat, and peculiarities, how, when, and where to angle for them, numerous illustra- tions Chicago, 1892 12 American Reports on Fisheries, Angling Treatises, Trout Culture, Game Laws, Guides, Massachusetts Angler's Association ; and other papers, &c. a parcel 13 Anderdon (J. L.) The River Dove, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1847 Davy (Sir H.) Salmonia : or Days of Fly Fishing, plates and woodcuts, calf gilt, symbolically tooled, m. e. (2) 14 Anderdon (J. L.) The River Dove, half calf gilt, m. e. 1847 Jesse (E.) An Angler's Rambles, calf gilt, g. e. Van Voorst, 1836 Phillips (H.) True Enjoyment of Angling, portrait and music, half calf gilt, m. e. 1843 (3) 15 Angler's Almanac and Pocket-Book for 1853-4-5, woodcuts, half bound Francis (F.) The Angler's Register, half morocco, t. e. g. 1860 Sporting Almanack, 1839 and 1842, plates; &c. (11) 16 Angler's Assistant, front, original wrapper bound up, W. Mason, n. d. Complete Art of Angling, coloured front. Bailey, n. d. Walwyn's Complete Art of Angling, front, n. d. Neil's Complete Angler, coloured front. T. Hughes, n. d. ; all in half morocco gilt, t. e. g. (4) 17 Angler's Companion (Horse and Groom, Lea Bridge, and White House Fisheries), engravings, original wrapper bound up, n. d. Boy's Own Band Book of Angling, woodcuts, J. March, *(** n. d. The Hunter and Angler, illustrated, N. Y. 1882 The Modern Angler, coloured front, and wnndauis, Derby, n. d. ; and others, all with the original wrappers inserted, and bound in half morocco, t. e. g. (8) <7 /*- 18 Angler's Evenings : Papers by Members of the Manchester Angler's Association, 2 vol. etchings, &c. 1880-82 Pennell (H. C.) The Angler-Naturalist, about 150 woodcuts, n. d. Fishing Gossip, 1866 (4) f &1 _ 19 Angling Excursions of Gregory Greendrake in Ireland, part I, o.^Wicklow, part II, Co. Westmeath, 1826 North Country Angler, fourth edition, 1817 ; both in original boards, uncut (2) / 7 / 20 Angler's Guide (The) containing easy instructions for the Youth- ful Beginner,, &c. front, original wrapper bound up, olive morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g. by Zaehnsdorf 1828 *** The " Gentleman Angler " with a new title. 21 Angler's Hand-Book (The). FIRST EDITION, two beautifully coloured plates of flies, including many never before figured, original cloth cover bound up, morocco extra, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf, scarce E. Tyas, 1838 2 / i ' 22 Angler's Hand-Book, second edition, two coloured plates (spotted), calf gilt, g. e. 1838 The Angler's Guide, front, half morocco, t. e. g. n. d. (2) 23 Angler's Hand-Book, third edition, two coloured plates of flies, original eloth cover bound up, light brown morocco extra, g. e. by Zaehns- / dorf 1840 24 Angler's Hand-Book, two coloured plates of flies, Routledge, 1846 The Art of Angling, /nm/. original wrapper bound up ^ Hodgson, /* n. d. Younger (J.) River Angling for Salmon and Trout, 1840; and another, all in half morocco (4) 25 Angler's (The) Pocket-Book...also Nobbs's Treatise on the Art of Trolling, third edition, front, calf extra, t. e. g. by Eiviere and Son, fine copy 1805 26 ANNALS OF SPOKTING AND FANCY GAZETTE : a Magazine en- tirely appropriated to Sporting Subjects and Fancy Pursuits, complete in 13vol. numer ous beautifully coloured plates by Alken, other illustrations by Scott, Howitt, &c. and portraits of celebrated Pugilists and Pedestrians, 1822-28 Annals of Sporting (lettered vol. XIV and XV), n. d. (1824-27), together 15 vol. half morocco, uniform, t. e. g. 1822-28 27 Armiger (C.) The Sportsman's Vocal Cabinet, half morocco gilt, , / t. e. g. 1830 // / ' 28 Art of Angling^ engraved title, light green morocco extra, t. e. g. g . G. Smeeton, n. d. (circa 1822) V ^ 29 Art of Angling, engraved title and front, dark green morocco extra, / ?/ t. e. . $ , & Piscatoria et Nautica, plates, vellum, 1685 ; and others (4) 79 Boys' Own Book, numerous woodcuts, Louisville, 1854 Every Boy's Book, numerous engravings, 1862 Boy's Own Book extended, ///-- engravings, Boston, 1851 ; and others (8) 80 Brabazon (W.) The Deep Sea and Coast Fisheries of Ireland, illus- J / , trated by Wm. Cooper, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. scarce Dublin, 1848 81 Brookes (R.) Art of Angling, Rock and Sea-Fishing, &c. FIRST EDITION, 133 woodcuts, old calf, rebacked, 1740 Marshall (C.) On Gardening, with Hints on Fish Ponds, 1800 Best (T.) Art of Angling, front. 1807; in 1 vol. calf; and other edi- tions of Best, &c. in poor condition (6) 82 Brookes (R.) Art of Angling, Rock and Sea Fishing, &c. second edition, 133 cuts, original panelled calf 1743 83 Brookes (R.) Art of Angling, now improved with Additions, 135 cuts, morocco, m. e. 1766 84 Brookes (R.) Art of Angling, third edition, with great improve- ments, 135 cuts, 1770 The same, seventh edition, 1789 ; light blue morocco gilt, t. e. g. uniform (2) 85 Brookes (R.) Art of Angling, fourth edition, front, and woodcuts, calf, 1774 Bowlker (C/) Art of Angling, front, half morocco, Birm. 1792 Another edition, n. d. bound up with Neil's Com- plete Angler, n. d. and Best's Art of Angling, 1804 (3) . / ' / 9 86 Brookes (R.) Art of Angling, front, and 135 cuts, calf, 1793 Best (T.) Art of Angling, half calf, 1814 Browne (Moses) Angling Sports, front, half calf , r. e. 1773 (3) 87 Browne (Moses) Piscatory Eclogues, FIRST EDITION, half morocco , -, / gilt, t. e. (j. 1729 // 88 Browne (Moses) Angling Sports, front. 1773 Graeme (J.) Poems, Edinb. 1773 ; in 1 vol. calf Best (T.) Art of Angling, sixth edition, front, calf, 1804 Nobbs (K.) Compleat Troller, wood- cuts, half calf , n. d. Brookes (R.) Art of Angling, front, and cuts, calf, 1785 ; and another (5) 89 Brown's Angler's Almanac for 1848, original wrapper, New York; _ , and 1848, '49, '51, in half morocco gilt, t. e. g. (4) <** / 90 Buckland (Frank) Log Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist, illus- trated, 1875 Keene (J. H.) The Practical Fisherman, illus- trated, 1881 Wilcocks (J. C.) Sea-Fisherman, third edition, much enlarged, illustrations, 1875 (3) 91 Butcher (R.) Survey and Antiquity of Stamford and Tottenham High-Cross, LARGE PAPER, some II. stained, old calf, 1717 , / Feltham (J.) Tour Through the Island of Mann, map and / *" plates, 1798 Franck (R.) Northern Memoirs, calf, 1821 (3) 92 Carleton (J. W.) The Sporting Sketch Book, 11 fine engravings, , original cloth, uncut 1842 / 93 Carpenter (W.) The Angler's Assistant, coloured plate of flies, and numerous woodcuts, half calf , t. e. g. 1852 *f ' 94 Carpenter (W.) The Angler's Assistant, illustrations, 1848 Stewart (W. C.) The Practical Angler, or Art of Trout Fishing, wood- f6/ cuts, 1867 ; both in red morocco gilt, t. e. g. (2) 95 Carroll (W.) The Angler's Vade Mecum, coloured plates of flies, calf, 1818 Art of Angling, reprint of the 1653 edition, last leaf Cf mended, half bound, 1817 Young Angler's Guide, illustrated, 1839 ; and another (4) 96 Cartwright (W.) Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with other Poems, portrait by Lombart, slightly cut into ; at pp. 301-2 the second and / 7 / fifth stanzas are omitted, as are 1 2 lines at p. 305, some headlines ' ' and side-notes cut into, calf extra, y. e. by Eamage (sold with all faults) 1651 97 [Cartwright (W.)] Rambles and Recollections of a Fly-Fisher by Clericus, illustrations, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1854 Barry (W.) Moorland and Stream, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1871 Stoddart (T. T.) An Angler's Rambles and Angling Songs, half calf gilt, m. e. 1866 (3) 98 Catalogues (Booksellers' and Auctioneers') various, containing an extensive series of books relating to Angling, including the Corser Catalogue, 8 portions, and the Pickering Catalogue, many of which are priced a parcel 99 Catalogue of Books on Angling, with some brief Notices of several of their Authors ; Sir Henry Ellis's copy, who has written on s fly-leaf ': " Of this catalogue, originally inserted in the Censura ? 2- Literaria by myself, not more than 60 detached copies were taken off," interleaved, copy, with numerous manuscript notes and additions, half calf 1811 A 3 10 100 Chalkhill (J.) Thealma and Clearchus, a Pastoral History in , I smooth and easie Verse, calf gilt, g. e. (several II. stained) 1683 / *** The Preface was written by Izaak Walton. 101 Charfy (G.) The Fisherman : or the Art of Angling made Easy, half vellum, n. d. (circa 1800) Edmonston (A.) On the Cod /#/- Fishery, half morocco, t. e. g. 1820 P_ractical Treatise o_n Artificial Fly Fishing for Tr.out, by Grey Drake, half calf, f, c, g. (1860) (3) 102 Charleton (T. W.) The Art of Fishing : a Poem, large copy in /$l half russia Noi-th Shields : printed for the author, 1819 103 Cheek (J.) British Angler's Instructor and Price List of Rods and y$~i Tackle, 1 85 5_ Armstrong's Handbook and Price List Gould's Handbook and Price List, 1862 ; and others, all in half calf , t. e. g. (6) / x / 104 Chesshyre (E.) Posthumous Songs, &c. (chiefly on Angling} sil- '<*/*- houette portrait, original cloth, scarce Manchester, 1837 105 Chetham (J.) The Angler's Vade Mecumj or a Discourse of Angling, FIRST EDITION, stained copy, calf gilt, m. e. 1681 106 Chetham (J.) Angler's Vade Mecum ; a made up copy of the FIRST EDITION, several headlines cut into, dark green morocco extra, g. e. with all faults 1681 107 Chetham (J.) Angler's Vade Mecum, another copy of the FIRST EDITION, a few headlines shaved, olive morocco extra, g. e. 1681 108 Chetham (J.) Angler's Vade Mecum, second edition, very much enlarged, plates, calf, m. e. 1689 109 Chetham (J.) Angler's Vade Mecum, another copy of the second /, edition, sprinkled calf gilt, g. e. 1689 110 Chetham (J.) Angler's Vade Mecum, third edition, half calf gilt, ', f, r. e. 1700 111 Chetham (J.) Angler's Vade Mecum, another copy of the third /x- edition, sprinkled calf gilt, r. e. 1700 112 [Chitty (E.)] Illustrated Fly-Fisher's Text Book by Theophilus //, South, 23 engravings after Cooper, Fielding, &c. original cloth, uncut 1845 ^/ 113 Chitty (E.) Fly-Fisher's Text Book, another copy, calf gilt, g. e. * f~ 1845 z / 114 Chitty (E.) Fly-Fisher's Text Book, another copy, half calf gilt, m. e. 1845 115 [Clarke (Capt.)] The Angler's Desideratum (Dressing the Arti- ficial Fly, &c.) cuts, 1839 Bagnall (G.) Piscatorial Rambles, 1865 The Angler (River or Sea), woodcuts, n. d. half calf and half morocco (3) 116 Clarke (Kit) Practical Angler, plates, New York, 1892 Northrup 2 '5-7 ' ^ (A. J.) Camps and Tramps in the Adirondacks, and Grayling Fishing, Syracuse, N. Y. 1880 Hallock (C.) The Salmon Fisher, frontispiece, N. Y. 1890; and others (8) , 117 Clifford (C. i. e. W. H. Ireland) The Angler: a Didactic Poem, / " half calf , scarce 1804 118 Cole (R.) The Young Angler's Pocket Companion, FIRST EDITION, folding front, stamped calf, symbolically tooled R. Bassam, 1795 11 1 1 9 Cole. The Young Angler's Pocket Companion, front, divided into three parts, dark green calf gilt, y. e. W. Lane, 1795 1 20 Collection of Eight Merrie Garlands for North Country Anglers, portraits, and woodcuts by T. Bewick, one of 12 complete copies, vide MS. note, mottled calf extra, y. e. by Riviere Newcastle, E. Charnley, 1842 121 Colquhoun (J.) Moor and the Loch, second edition, illustrated, spotted copy, 1841 Manley (J. J.) Notes on Fish and Fishing, ?/ ^ illustrations, 1877 Pennell (H. C.) The Angler Naturalist, woodcuts, 1863 ; and another (4) 122 Colquhoun (J.) The Moor and the Loch, third edition, numerous illustrations, original cloth, uncut 1851 *Y ' 123 Colquhoun (J.) The Moor and the Loch, third edition, illustrated, original cloth, uncut 1851 /* 124 Colquhoun (J.) Salmon-Casts and Stray Shots, 1858 Davy (Sir H.) Salmonia : or Days of Fly Fishing, woodcuts, 1828 "J/ ^ The Border Angler, map, 1858; Tweed and Don, front. 1860; / in 1 vol. all in half calf gilt (3) 125 Complete Angler, front, original wrapper bound up, Liverpool, n. d. The Angler's Companion, coloured front. Hodgson, n. d. - ^-/ Elliot's Complete Angler, woodcuts, original wrapper inserted, ( n. d. ; all in half morocco gilt, t. e. g. (3) 126 Complete Family-Piece (part II, contains fishing], 1749 New o / Family Receipt-Book, 1811 A Thousand Notable Things, */' 1793 The Vermin-Killer, poor copy, n. d. ; chiefly in half morocco gilt, t. e. g. (4) 1 27 Compleat Gentlewoman : or the Whole Duty of a Woman, stained , copy, title and two II. slightly mended, sprinkled calf gilt, r. e. ^ / " by Zaehnsdorf, with all faults 1711 128 Cornish (J.) Present State of the Salmon and Channel Fisheries, uncut, 1824 Buchanan (J. L.) View of the Fishery of Great , . Britain, half bound, 1794 Fea (J.) On the Fisheries of the ' / ' Scotch Islands, 1787 Hore (H. F.) On the Salmon and Sea Fisheries of Ireland, 1850; and others (6) 129 Cotton (Charles) Scarronides : or Virgile Travestie, sprinkled calf ?/ extra, y. e. 1670 Genuine Poetical Works, fourth edition, ( plates, half calf gilt, y. e. 1741 (2) 130 Cotton (Charles) The Planter's Manual, front, slightly defective and mounted, Rev. H. S. Cotton's copy, with his book-plate, half bound, / ' scarce 1675 131 Cotton (Charles) The Planter's Manual, another copy, front, slightly (tf-1 *- shaved, calf 1675 132 Cotton (Charles) Poems on several Occasions, calf 1689 ^/"~ 133 Cotton (Charles) Genuine Works, numerous plates, sprinkled calf extra, y. e. 1715 ( & / ' . 134 Cotton (Charles) Genuine Poetical Works, fifth edition, plates, 1765 Somervile (W.) The Chace and Hobbinol, plates, ft 1767-8, in 1 vol. tree-calf gilt, m. e. Scarronnides, or Virgile / Travestie, calf gilt, m. e. 1700 (2) 135 Couch (J.) History of the Fishes of the British Islands, 4 vol. 57 finely coloured plates from drawings by the author Groombridge, 1868 A 4 12 136 Country Gentleman's Companion, second edition (contains the 7^- 1 Arts of Hunting, Coursing, Hawking, Angling, &c.) russia gilt, ' /' symbolically tooled, g. e. scarce Dublin, 1755 137 Country Gentleman's Companion, 2 vol. 1753 B. (J.) Epitome x of Husbandry, with New Additions, fronts. 1675 Complete //" Grazier, 1767 ; all in half morocco gilt, m. e. (4) 138 [Cox (Nicholas)] The Gentleman's Recreation, in four parts, Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Fishing, FIRST EDITION, a few II. stained and slightly written on, sprinkled calf extra, y. e. very scarce 1674 139 Cox (N.) Gentleman's Recreation, second edition, illustrations, with the large folding sheet "Musical Notes for the Horn," which is often missing, a few headlines very slightly shaved, sprinkled calf extra, y. e. 1677 140 Cox (N.) Gentleman's Recreation, third edition, with the folding f- sheet, and plates, sprinkled calf extra, y. e. 1688 141 Cox (N.) Gentleman's Recreation, fourth edition, with the folding / sheet (slightly defective and mounted) and plates, sprinkled calf I " extra, y. e. 1697 142 Cox (N.) Gentleman's Recreation, fifth edition, with the folding 7 / sheet (mounted), and plates, sprinkled calf extra, y. e. 1706 143 Cox (N.) Gentleman's Recreation, sixth edition, with the folding sheet (slightly mended and mounted) and plates, sprinkled calf extra, y. e. 1721 144 Cox (N.) Gentleman's Recreation, sixth edition, with the folding sheet, and plates, crimson morocco extra, g. e. fine copy 1721 145 Cutcliffe (H. C.) The Art of Trout Fishing on Rapid Streams,... , with a list of artificial flies, half morocco, t. e. g. South Molton, '7 ' 1863 Tod (S. M.) Trout Fishing in the Isle of Man, photo- graphs, half morocco, r. e. Douglas, n. d. (2) 146 Dagley (R.) Death's Doings, 300 copper-plate illustrations (contains a / "The Angler," "Death and the Angler," and " Waltonian ' ' -~ Reminiscences,") half morocco gilt, t. e. g. Boston, 1828 147 Daniel (W. B.) Rural Sports, with the Supplement, 4 vol. fine -<5 / impressions of the numerous beautiful plates, chiefly by J. Scott, calf gilt, m. e. 1812-13 148 Daniel (W. B.) Rural Sports, the Supplement only, many ad- ditional portraits and plates inserted, half calf gilt, m. e. 1813 149 Davy (Sir H.) Salmonia : or Days of Fly Fishing, third edition, 2 o / r plates, extra illustrated by the insertion of several beautiful portraits and engravings, half morocco, t. e. g. 1832 150 Davy (Dr. John) The Angler and his Friend, 1855 The Angler in the Lake District, 1857 Davy (Sir H.) Salmonia, illustra- (I 1^ lions, 1851 Ackerman (J. Y.) Spring-Tide, plates, 1850; calf and half calf gilt (4) 151 Dempster (H.) The Decked- Welled Fishing Boat, Glasgow, 1868 ; Younger (J.) River Angling for Salmon and Trout, portrait, Kelso, 1860 Stewart (W. C.) The Practical Angler, woodcuts, 1877 Fennell(G.) Book of the Roach, 1870; and others (10) 13 152 D[ennys (J[ohn)] The Secrets of Angling... augmented with many approved experiments by W. Lawson, fourth edition, woodcut front, cut into, as are some of the headlines, stamped morocco, g. e. (with all faults) very scarce 1652 153 D[ennys (J[ohn)] Secrets of Angling... augmented with many approved experiments by W. Lawson, reprint of the rare original of 1652, half calf gilt 1811 154 Dick (Capt.) Flies and Fly Fishing, 1873 Facts and Fancies of Salmon Fishing, with original illustrations, 1874 Keene (J. H.) On Fishing Tackle, illustrated, n. d. Rooper (G.) Thames and Tweed, n. d. ; and others (8) 155 Dictionary of Country Affairs, Handicraft, &c. cuts, 1704 Another edition, 2 vol. plates and woodcuts, 1765 Marshall (C.) Gardening... with Hints on Fish-Ponds, uncut, 1800; all in half morocco gilt (4) 156 Dodd (J. S.) Essay towards a Natural History of the Herring, ,t folding plate, half calf gilt, m. e. scarce 1752 y 157 Donovan (E.) Natural History of British Fishes, 5 vol. numerous accurately finished coloured plates, calf 1802-8 158 [Doubleday (T.)] The Coquet-Dale Fishing Songs, now first collected, front, (inserted) half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1852 159 Dovaston (J. F. M.) Poems, Legendary, Incidental, and Humour- ous, half red morocco, t. e. g. Shrewsbury, 1825 Edwards (J.) Tour of the Dove: a Poem, calf gilt, 1821 Dictionary of Sports, by Harry Harewood, illustrated, half calf , 1835 (3) 160 Dryden (A.) Hints to Anglers, maps, 1862 Rennie (J. ) Alphabet of Scientific Angling, woodcuts, 1833 Angler's Companion, ^ ( and Guide to the White House Fishery, n. d. ; and others ; aU in half morocco, t. e. g. (5) 161 Elliott (W.) Carolina Sports by Land and Water, illustrations, New York, 1859 Hammond (S. H.) Wild Northern Scenes, front, ib. 1857 Mills (J.) The Sportsman's Library, Philad. 1846; and others (6) 162 Erasmus. Familiar Colloquies, translated by N. Bailey, old calf, rebacked, 1725 Needier (H.) Works, calf, 1724; and others (4) 163 Essay on Angling, by a Member of the Worcester Anglers' . Society, morocco extra, t. e. g. scarce Worcester (Mass.) 1840 [' 164 Essay on the Right of Angling in the River Thames, Reading, n. d. Letter to a Proprietor of a Fishery in the Thames, ib. ( / <- n. d. newspaper cuttings inserted, half bound in 1 vol. 165 Evans (W.) The Art of . Angling : or Complete Fly-Fisher, front. original wrapper bound up, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. Uxbridge, n. d. $// Angling Excursions of Gregory Greendrake in Wicklow, Meath, &c. front. 1832 (2) 166 Evans (W.) Art of Angling: or Complete Fly-Fisher, oi'iginal wrapper, uncut, n. d. Salter (T. F.) Angler's Guide, woodcuts, /// original boards, 1816 Deyeux (T.) Le Vieux Pecheur, plates, 1837 (3) 14 167 Fairfax (T.) The Complete Sportsman, front, half morocco, m. 6. n.d. Complete Family-Piece, calf extra, by Zaehnsdorf, 1737 Jacob (G.) The Country Gentleman's Vade Mecum, front. half bound, 1717 (3) 168 Figuier (L.) Les Poissons, les Eeptiles, et les Oiseaux, numerous illustrations, half bound, 1868 Poitevin (B.) L'Ami du Pe- cheur, engravings, half morocco, t. e. g. 1873 (2) 169 Fisher (J.) A Spring-Day, fine woodcuts by T. Bewick, half calf gilt, m. e. 1803 Franck (R.) Northern Memoirs, half morocco, 1821 ($/ Deacon (W. F.) The Inn-Keeper's Album, half calf, t. e. g. ' 1823 (3) 170 Fisher (P.) i.e. W. A. Chatto. The Angler's Souvenir, beautifully finished plates on india paper, and ornamental woodcut borders to 4 / _ each page of letterpress, by Beckuith and Topham, light green ' morocco extra, g. e. by Hayday C. Tilt, 1 835 .^ / 171 Fisher (P.) Angler's Souvenir; another, as preceding, half green /*" morocco gilt, t. e. g. ib. 1835 , 172 Fisher (P.) Angler's Souvenir ; another, plates not on india paper, //-~ half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. ib. 1835 /*. 173 Fisher (P.) Angler's Souvenir; another edition, crimson morocco /" extra, g. e. by Matthews Bohn, 1845 174 Fisher (P.) Angler's Souvenir, edited by G. C. Davies, illustrations _ . by Beckwith and Topham, n. d. Pennell (H. C.) The Modern */^ Practical Angler, plates and woodcuts, 1870 Foster (D.) Scientific Angler, illustrations, n. d. ; and others (5) 175 Fisherman's Magazine and Review, edited by H. Cholmondeley- /^/ Pennell, vol. I (two copies), and vol. II, coloured and other illus- / trations 1864-65 176 Fishing and Hunting : the art and cunning of Hunting the Hart, Stag, Hare, Fox, &c. Hawking, Cock-fighting, and art of ?f- Fishing, light blue morocco super extra, uncut, t. e. g. by Zaehns- dorf, rare in this state T. Bailey, n. d. [circa 1720] 177 [Fitzgibbon (E.)] Handbook of Angling ... by Ephemera, nume- /$ / ^ rous illustrations, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1847 178 Fitzgibbon (E.) Handbook of Angling ... by Ephemera, second T/^ edition, enlarged, illustrations, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1848 179 [Fitzgibbon (E.)] The Book of the Salmon, by Ephemera, assisted -7^, by A. Young, beautifully coloured plates of salmon-flies and / *" salmon-fry, half morocco, t. e. g. 1 850 180 Fletcher (P.) Piscatory Eclogues, with other Poetical Miscel- />- lanies, half calf Edinb. 1771 181 Fletcher (P.) The Purple Island, with Christ's Victory, by Giles Fletcher, 1783 Franck (R.) Northern Memoirs, Edinb. 1821 Wilson (J.) Isle of Palms, ib. 1812 ; all in half calf (3) 182 Fly -Fishing in Fresh and Salt Water, with six coloured plates J 2 1 ' representing artificial flies, &c. half morocco gilt, r. e. Van Voorst, 1851 ,-j , 183 Ford (S.) Piscatio : or Angling, a Poem, translated by T. Sil- ' /" vester, half bound, scarce Oxford, 1733 / 15 184 Forester (Frank, i.e. H. W. Herbert) Fish and Fishing of the United States, and British Provinces of N. America, . . . new edition, with a Treatise on Fly-Fishing, by " Dinks," numerous /- illustrations, half calf gilt, m. e. New York, 1859 185 Forester (Frank, i.e. H. W. Herbert) Life and Writings, 2 vol. illustrated, New York, 1882 Complete Manual for Young ~7/ Sportsmen, woodcuts, ib. 1863 American Game, illustrations, / ib. 1853 (4) 186 Forrester (Frank) Fishermen's Guide, plates, New York, n. d. Fishing with Hook and Line, plates, ib. n. d. The Hunter's / and Trapper's Guide, illustrated, ib. n. d. ; original wrappers bound up, half light green morocco gilt, t. e. g. uniform (3) 187 Foster (W. A.) Songs on Angling, &c. one of 25 copies privately reprinted, New York, 1886 An Older Forme of the Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle, from a MS. Satchell, 1883 American Fish and how to catch them, New York, 1885 Secrets of Angling, by Piscator, 2 vol. in 1 , privately printed, 1885; and others (6) 188 Francis (F.) A Book on Angling, second edition, revised and en- larged, portrait, coloured plates of flies and other illustrations, half calf gilt, m. e. 1867 189 Francis (F.) A Book on Angling, fourth edition, revised and im- . , proved, numerous illustrations, uncut 1876 / 190 Francis (F.) A Book on Angling, third edition, numerous illustra- tions, 1872 Keene (J. H.) The Practical Fisherman, plates, ^ 1881 (2) 191 Franck (Richard) Northern Memoirs, calculated for the Meridian of Scotland, . . . with the Contemplative and Practical Angler, &c. FIRST EDITION, stamped russia, g. e. 1694 192 Franck. Northern Memoirs; another copy, in the original calf / (rebacJced), enclosed in a morocco drop case 1694 * 193 Garlick (Dr. T.) On the Artificial Propagation of certain kinds of Fish, engravings, Cleveland, 1857 Wells (H. P.) The $~s American Salmon Fisherman, illustrated, New York, 1886 Cross (D. W.) Fifty Years with Gun and Rod, Cleveland, 1880 (3) 194 Gay (J.) Poetical Works, 2 vol. portrait, Boston, 1854 Donne (Dr. J.) Poetical Works, portrait, ib. 1855 Herbert (G.) Poetical Works, portrait, ib. 1863 The Boy's Treasury of Sports, &c. 400 engravings, 1844 ; and others, chiefly in calf and half calf (8) 195 G. (C.) The Secrets of Angling, rather soiled, but very scarce^ green morocco extra, by Zaehnsdorf 1705 196 G. (C.) The Secrets of Angling, 1705; The Family Jewel; or Woman's Councellor, spotted, 1 704 ; original binding in I vol. 197 Gentleman Angler .... by a Gentleman who has made Angling . his Diversion upwards of Twenty -Eight Years, FIRST EDITION, I ' tree-calf gilt, y. e. fine copy 1726 198 Gentleman Angler .... by a Gentleman who has made Angling his Diversion upwards of Twenty-Eight Years, FIRST Z2. / EDITION, with contemporary MS. notes on flyleaves, and a curious / engraved broadside " The Angler's Assistant " inserted at end, original binding 1726 /* '*/ (If 16 199 Gentleman Angler (The), third edition, morocco, g. e. C. Hitch, n. d. Eajley (J.) Angler's Pocket Companion, half morocco, n. d. Angler's Guide, front, half calf, 1828 The Thames Angler, front, morocco, 1846 ; and another (5) 200 Gentleman Angler (The), front, calf, 1786 Salter (T. F.) The Angler's Guide, woodcuts, half morocco, t. e. g. n. d. The Angler's Guide, half morocco gilt, 1828; and others (6) f 201 Gentleman Fisher (The) or the whole Art of Angling, front. second edition, fine copy in the original binding H. Curll, 1727 202 Gilbert (William) The Angler's Delight : containing the whole Art oi JNeat and (Jlean Angling, FIRST EDITION, woodcuts, a /o few headlines shaved, morocco extra, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf (with all faults), very scarce 1676 203 Gilbert (William) The Young Angler's Companion, containing the. whole Art of neat and clean Angling, ... as also the '2 . Method of Fishing in Hackney River, woodcuts, a few headlines slightly shaved and date cut off first title, calf gilt, very scarce (with all faults) 1682 204 Gilbert. Young Angler's Companion ; another edition, woodcuts, half bound n. d. 205 Gillmore (P. "Ubique") Gun, Rod and Saddle, front. New York, 1869 Stevens (C. W.) Fly -Fishing in Maine Lakes, coloured plate of flies, Boston, 1881 McLellan and Wildwood. Poems of the Rod and Gun, front. N. Y. 1886 Shipley (M. A.) On Artificial Flies, engravings, Philad. 1888 ; and others (8) 206 Griffiths (R.) The Conservancy of the Thames, &c. calf, 1746 Essay on the Right of Angling in the River Thames, uncut, Reading, n. d. Evans (W.) Art of Angling, or complete Fly- Fisher, front, uncut, Uxbridge, n. d. ; and others (5) 207 Halford (T. M.) Floating Flies, and how to dress them, 9 beauti- fully coloured plates and woodcuts, uncut 1886 208 Hall (H. B.) Scottish Sports and Pastimes, numerous illustrations, 1850 Lewis (S.) Account of the Rivers of England and Wales, 1855 Contributions to Natural History. ... by a Rural D.D. stamp on title, 1865 ; half morocco and half calf gilt (3) 209 Hallock (C.) The Fishing Tourist, illustrated, New York, 1873 Pinckney (F. S.) The Tarpon : or " Silver King," map and engravings, ib. 1888 Henshall (J. A.) More about the Black Bass, illustrated, Cincinnati, 1889 ; and others (5) 210 Hallock (C.) Camp Life in Florida, 1876 Newhouse (S.) The Trapper's Guide, second edition, illustrations, Wallimjford, Ct. 1867 Trollope (A.) British Sports and Pastimes^ 1868 D'Ewes (J.) Sporting in both Hemispheres, plates, 1858 ; and others (6) 211 Hamilton (E.) Fly Fishing for Salmon, Trout and Grayling, plates, New York, 1885 Roosevelt (R. B.) Superior Fishing, ib. 1865 Barnwell. Game Fish of the Northern States of America, engravings, ib. 1862 Dawson (G.) Pleasures of Angling with Rod and Reel for Trout and Salmon, plates, ib. 1876 ; and others (6) 17 212 Hammond (S. H.) Hills, Lakes and Forest Streams, plates, New York, 1854 New land (H.) Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden, illustrated, 1854 Miller (T.) Beauties of the Country, 26 illustrations, 1837; and others (7) 213 Hansard (G. A.) Trout and Salmon Fishing in Wales, 1834 Stoddart (T. T.) Art of Angling as practised in Scotland, 7 / woodcuts, 1835 Rennie (J.) Alphabet of Angling, woodcuts, J*~ 1849 Wright (W.) Fishes and Fishing, front. 1858 ; and others (6) 214 Hardy (Capt. C.) Forest Life in Acadie, plates, uncut, scarce, 1869 7^, 215 Hawker (Lieut.-Col. P.) Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all -*,/ that relates to Guns and Shooting (20 pages are devoted to v/ trout-fishing) illustrations, some spotted, fifth edition, half calf 1826 216 Hawker (Lieut.-Col. P.) Instructions to Young Sportsmen, sixth edition, illustrations, calf 1830 217 Hawker (Lieut.-Col. P.) Instructions to Young Sportsmen, tenth edition, edited by Major Hawker, illustrations, calf gilt, m.e. 1854 218 Henderson (W.) My Life as an Angler, portrait and woodcuts, chiefly on india paper, "author's large paper copy" half morocco gilt, g. e. 1879 219 Herbert (H. W.) Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing of the United States, &c. numerous beautiful illustrations, original cloth, uncut 1849 220 Holland (T. C.) The British Angler's Manual, numerous beautiful ^ plates on india paper, and woodcuts, a very large copy (1 large & / paper) dark green morocco super extra, joints, t. e. g. 1839 221 Hofland (T. C.) British Angler's Manual, plates, calf gilt, 1839 Badham (C. D.) Ancient and Modern Fish Tattle, half. morocco, t. e. g. 1854 (2) 222 Hofland (T. C.) British Angler's Manual, numerous engravings on steel and wood, dark green morocco gilt, g. e. How and Parsons, 1841 223 Hofland (T. C.) British Angler's Manual, revised and enlarged by E. Jesse, numerous engravings on steel and wood, gre morocco extra, g. e. Bohn, -1848 224 Hofland (T. C.) British Angler's Manual, fine plates and \woodcuts, Bohn, 1848 Stoddart (T. T.) Angler's Companion to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland, illustrations, 1847; original cloth, uncut (2) 225 Holdsworth (E. W. H.) Deep-Sea Fishing, and Fishing Boats, // 1874 Bertram (J. G.) Harvest of the Sea, New York, 1866 ; illustrations, uncut (2) ~~ ^/ 226 Howitt (S.) The Angler's Manual, with 12 beautiful plates, designed aud etched by Howitt, original boards, rare in this state // / oblong. Liverpool, 1808 ' 227 Howitt (S.) Angler's Manual; another copy, half green morocco c/ gilt, r. e. ib. 1808 ' */ " 228 H. (R.) The Angler's Sure Guide; or, Angling Improved, _/ plates, a few headlines shawl, xprinkled calf gilt, y. e. 1706 ' '/ A 5 18 . , 229 H. (R.) The Angler's Sure Guide, plates, with autograph of J. /y x- Milner, to whom this copy formerly belonged, half morocco 1706 ' 230 H. (R.) The School of Recreation .... Hunting, Cock- /- ., Fighting, Fishing, &c. FIRST EDITION, front, several headlines & *~ cut into, olive morocco super extra, g. e. (with all faults) 1684 231 H. (R.) School of Recreation, front, cut round and mounted, stained copy, green morocco extra, g. e. 1696 Another edition, front, a few headlines shaved, dark blue morocco super extra, symbolically tooled, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf, 1720 (lot sold not subject to return) (2) 232 H. (R.) School of Recreation, front, several headlines cut into, old , /, calf gilt, 1701 Another edition, front, some headlines cut into, f calf gilt, 1720 (lot with all faults) (2) 233 H. (R.) The School of Recreation, calf, poor copy, 1710 Another edition, half calf, 1732 Another, 1736 ; and some portions of the same ; all want the frontispieces ; with all faults a parcel 234 H. (R.) School of Recreation, curious front, half calf, a rare edition, 1736 Another edition, front, some headlines cut into, half calf gilt, 1720 (lot with all faults] (2) 235 Innocent Epicure (The) or the Art of Angling : a Poem, second edition, calf gilt, y. e. scarce 1713 236 Jacob (Giles) The Compleat Sportsman, in three parts (part III of Fish and Fishing, the most successful Methods of Angling, &c.) green morocco gilt, g. e. 1718 The Angler's Pocket- Book...also Nobbs's Art of Trolling, &c. third edition, half red morocco gilt, g. e. 1805 (2) 237 Jefferies (R.) The Amateur Poacher, FIRST EDITION, original cloth 1879 238 Jesse (E.) Gleanings in Natural History, 2 vol. 1838 Gosse (P. H.) A Year at the Shore, coloured, plates, 1865 Peard (W.) Practical Water-Farming, 1868; and others (20) 239 Keene (J. H.) Fly-Fishing and Fly-Making for Trout, &c. with plates of the actual material for making flies, New York, 1887 Jefferies (R.) The Gamekeeper at Home, illustrations, Boston, 1890 Foster and Harris. Scientific Angler, illustrated, N. Y. 1883 ; and others (5) 240 Kemp (J.) Shooting and Fishing in Lower Brittany, map, 1859 Pulman (G. P. R.) Vade-Mecum of Fly-Fishing for Trout, 1851 Lathy (T. P.) The Angler : a Poem, portrait and cuts, 1820; and another; chiefly in half morocco, t. e. g. (4) /si 241 Kentish Angler (The) or the Young Fisherman's Instructor, front, half calf gilt, rare Canterbury, 1804 242 Kirkbride ( J. ) The Northern Angler, or Fly-Fisher's Companion, . j i front. Carlisle, 1837 Younger (J. ) River Angling for Salmon ' *-/^ and Trout, portrait, Kelso, 1864 Fayle (F.) A Day's Angling on the Almond, woodcuts, Edinb. n. d. ; all in half dark green morocco gilt (3) 243 Kirkbride (J.) The Northern Angler; or, Fly-Fisher's Com- / / / panion, plates, 1840 Lakeland (R.) The Teesdale Angler, ' *!' Barnard Castle, 1858 Pulman (G. P. R.) Rustic Sketches : Rhymes on Angling, &c. 1871 ; and others (5) , / ' / * 19 244 Knox (A. E.) Autumns on the Spey, 4 illustrations by Wolf, Fan Voorst, 1872 Conway (J.) Forays among Salmon and ///- Deer, 1861 ; original cloth, uncut (2) / 245 Lambert (J.) The Country Man's Treasurej curious front. (mounted) old red morocco gilt, g. e. n. d. W. (W.) The Vermin-Killer, a few headlines cut into, half bound, 1680 More (Sir J.) England's Interest, half calf gilt, r. e. 1703 (3) 246 Lang (Andrew) Lost Leaders, 1889 Letters to Dead Authors, New York, 1886 Van Nest. Memoir of Rev. G. W. Bethune, f&f portrait, ib. 1867 Brinley (F.) Life of W. T. Porter, por- trait, ib. 1860; and others (6) 247 Lang (Andrew) Angling Sketches, 3 etchings, &c. 1891 Fisher (P.) Angler's Souvenir, edited by G. C. Davies, illustrated by 4 / - Beckwith and Topham, Warne, n. d. Senior (W.) By Stream and Sea, 1877 ; and another (4) 248 Lanman (C.) Adventures in the Wilds of the United States and British American Provinces, 2 vol. numerous illustrations, original cloth, scarce Philad. 1856 249 Lascelles (E.) Letters on Angling, Shooting, and Coursing, in ^// three parts, finely engraved plates, half morocco, t. e. g. 1819 / 250 Lathy (T. P.) The Angler : a Poem, PRINTED ON VELLUM, the only copy so done, proof portrait and engravings, raised russia sf _ binding, with stamped devices on sides, symbolical gilt tooling on "f2- -* lack, watered silk linings, joints, g. e. 1819 251 Lathy (T. P.) The Angler : a Poem (how to make artificial Flies, &c.) portrait and woodcuts, fine uncut copy in the original boards 1822 252 [Lathy (T. P.)] The Practical Angler, by Piscator, fine plates, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1842 253 [Lathy (T. P.)] Rustic Sketches : Poems on Angling in the Dialect of East Devon, Taunton, 1842 Bathurst (C.) Notes on Nets, plates, n. d. [Gilpin (W.)] Three Dialogues on the Amusements of Clergymen, scarce, 1797 ; all half bound (3) 254 Letters on Sporting, in 3 parts, fine plates (no title) half calf gilt, m. e. (1813) Cambridge Essays, 1856, half red morocco, t. e. g. 5V, Extracts from Criticisms on Fish and Fishing, half calf gilt, g. e. ; and another (4) 255 Life in Normandy, 2 vol. tinted plates, half calf gilt Edinb. 1863 256 List of British Angling Flies, &c. plates, original cloth 1862 257 Ll[ewellyn] (M.) Men-Miracles, with other Poemes t original binding, 1656 Ruddiman (W.) Collection of scarce, curious, and valuable Pieces, old calf, scarce (last two leaves imperfect) 1773 Herbert's Remains, calf, 1652; and others; lot with all faults (7) 258 Lloyd (D.) Statesmen and Favourites of England since the Reformation, wants two leaves, with the autograph of Charles / If _ Cotton, and his daughter Olivia Cotton, on title, old calf 1665 ' 259 Lloyd (L.) Field Sports of the North of Europe, 2 vol. second edition, plates on india paper, half morocco, t. e. g. 1831 ' fc V ' ^ 260 Lloyd (L.) Scandinavian Adventures, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, map, tinted plates, and woodcuts, half morocco gilt, m. e. 1854 2. !_/ A 6 ' / / 20 261 Lord (J. K.) The Naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia, 2 vol. illustrations, uncut 1866 262 Lowth (W. S.) Angling, Angling Dodges, and Match Fishing, , I original wrapper bouncTup, half morocco, t. e. g. very scarce I" Published by W. S. Lowth, Newport, Hull, n. d. 263 Mackay (C.) The Thames and its Tributaries, 2 vol. illustrations, fialf calf gilt, 1840 Murray (J. F.) Picturesque Tour of the Thames, illustrated, 1853 Skrine (H.) Rivers of Note in Great Britain, uncut, 1801 (4) 264 Mackenzie (M.) View of the Salmon Fishery of Scotland, 1860 f 1 Longfield (E.) Fishery Laws of Ireland, 1863 Campbell's Fisheries in Zetland, 1750, reprint, 1885 ; and others (8) 265 Mackintosh (A.) The Modern Fisher : or Driffield Angler, front. dark green morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g. Derby, 1821 Stoddart ' / f - (T. T.) Art of Angling, as practised in Scotland, second edition, engravings, dark blue morocco extra, t. e. g. 1836 (2) 266 Mackintosh (A.) The Modern Fisher ; or Driffield Angler, mottled, calf extra, t. e. g. by Tout, Derby, n. d. The Angler's Guide, engravings, original wrapper bound up, light brown morocco super extra, t. e. g. R. Holmes, n. d. (2) 267 Mackintosh (A.) The Driffield Angler, portrait, half calf gilt, m. e. . Gainsborough, n. d. Best (T.) Art of Angling, front, eleventh "/ ^ edition, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1822 Brookes (E,.) Art of Angling, front, and cuts, half bound, 1801 ; and another (4) 268 Mackintosh (A.) The Driffield Angler (wants portrait) half morocco gilt, t. e. g. n. d. Salter (T. F.) Angler's Guide, woodcuts, half bound, 1814 The Trailer's Guide, woodcuts, half calf, 1841 ; and another (4) 269 March (J.) The Jolly Angler, FIRST EDITION, 80 wood engravings, printed broadside " The Angler's Manual," and a rare engraved one, "The Angler's Assistant," inserted, half calf, n.d. Another copy of the First Edition, with broadside " Rules and Regulations of Thorney Broad Fishery" inserted, n. d. (2) 270 March (J.) The Jolly Angler, first, second, third, fourth, fifth and seventh editions, half bound, boards and cloth, n. d. (6) 271 March (J.) The Jolly Angler, first, third, fourth and seventh I % / editions, half bound, boards and cloth (4) 272 Markham (G.) The Young Sportsman's Instructor in Angling, /Fowling, Hawking, &c. front, diminutive size, morocco gilt, & t. e. g. very scarce Gold Ring in Little Britain, n. d. 273 Markham (G.) Hungers Prevention : or the Whole Art of Fowling by Water and Land, curious woodcuts, some II. stained, _ . half calf gilt, scarce, 1655 More (Sir J.) England's Interest: or the Gentleman and Farmer's Friend, third edition, calf gilt, T. Gosden's copy, 1705 (2) 274 Markham (G.) The Compleat Husbandman, and Gentleman's I* 2 / Recreation, . . . with Directions in Angling, Fowling, Hawk- /' ing, &c. woodcuts, russia gilt, m. e. 1707 275 Markham (G.) A Compleat and Experienc'd Angler, front. (damaged) and woodcuts, text of a leaf or two slightly shaved, calf If /J^ gilt, n. d. (circa 1712) The Art of Angling, engraved title and front, calf, g. e. Hodgson & Co. n. d. (2) 21 276 Marshall (C.) Introduction to the Knowledge and Practice of Gardening, with Hints on Fish-Ponds, fifth edition, fine copy o/ in half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. 1813 / " 277 Maxwell (W. H.) Wild Sports of the West, 2 vol. plates and vignettes, uncut, 1832 The Field Book, front, and numerous o^, ivoodcuts, half calf, n. d. (3) 278 Maxwell (W. H.) The Field Book, numerous engravings, n. d. [Belton], Two Summers in Norway, 2 vol. 1840 Jesse (E.) **/ Country Life, woodcuts, 1844 Gleanings in Natural History, ' / &c. 1832 ; all in half morocco gilt, t. e. g. (5) 279 Mayer (J. Gamekeeper) The Sportsman's Directory, fourth edition, front, and woodcuts, original boards, uncut 1823 -/^ 280 Medwin (T.) The Angler in Wales, or Days and Nights of Sportsmen, 2 vol. fronts, and vignette engravings, half morocco / - gilt, t. t. g. 1834 281 Medwin (T.) The Angler in Wales, 2 vol. fronts, and woodcuts, , uncut 1834 *f * 282 Mills (John) The Sportsman's Library, portrait and tinted plates, , original cloth, uncut Edinb. 1845 '/* 283 Mitchell (W. A.) The Pleasure and Utility of Angling, a Paper read to the Waltonian Club, woodcut by Bewick, half calf, m. e. ' */ ' Newcastle, 1824 284 Mitchell (W. A.) Pleasure and Utility of Angling, a Paper read to the Waltonian Club, Newcastle, 1824 The Angler's Pro- 2.6 / gress : a Poem, ib. 1820 Fisher's Garland for 1821 to 1826 Fisher's Call for 1827 Tyne Fisher's Farewell to his Favourite Stream, 1824; woodcuts by Bewick, half morocco, t. e. g. in 1 vol. QUARTO. 285 Aldam (W. H.) A Quaint Treatise on " Flees and the Art a Arty- fichall Flee Making," by an Old Fisherman . . . with Editorial Notes and Patterns of Flies, and Samples of the Materials for making each Fly, also two chromo. plates, original cloth, g. e. 1 880 286 A[nderdon] (J. L.) The River Dove, with some quiet thoughts on the Happy Practice of Angling, near to the Seat of Charles Cotton, one of 6 copies printed on 4fo sized paper, half bound, presentation copy to "Frances Anderdon, from her affectionate Nephew, John L. Anderdon, 1845," privately printed, n. d. (1845) 287 Barker (T.) The Art of Angling^ wherein are discovered many rare Secrets, very necessary to be knowne by all that delight 4 -> in that Recreation, dark blue morocco super extra, t. e. g. rare *" / ' 1653 288 Barnes (Dame Juliana) An older form of the Treatyse of Fyssh- ynge with an angle, from a MS. edited by T. Satchell, 1883 D[ennys] (J[ohn]) Secrets of Angling, reprint of the edition if / of 1613, edited by T. Westwood, 1883 Westwood (T.) Chronicle of the " Compleat Angler," edited by T. Satchell, 1883 ; half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. (3) / I 22 289 Bate (John) The Mysteries of Nature and Art : Water- Works, Fier- Works, &c. numerous curious woodcuts, some headlines cut into, sprinkled calf extra, y. e. 1654 290 Bennett (J. W.) A Selection from remarkable and interesting Fishes found on the Coast of Ceylon, 30 finely coloured plates from drawings, with Text, half bound 1830 291 Berners (Dame Juliana) The Boke of Saint Albans, facsimile re- production of the edition of 1486, with an Introduction by William Blades, 1881 A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle, facsimile of the edition of Wynkyn de Worde, 1496, edited by Rev. M. G. Watkins, 1880 ; stamped parchment, uncut (2) 292 Boussuetus (F.) de Natura Aquatilium Carmen, woodcuts, wormed copy, half morocco, 1558 Charleton (G.) Onomasticon Zoicon, plates, old calf, 1668 ; and others (4) 293 Camerarius (J.) Symbolorum et Emblematum ex aquatilibus et reptilibus desumptorum, Centuria quarta, numerous beautifully executed emblematic engravings, Francof. 1654 Rollenhagius (G.) Emblemata, fine impressions of the 100 fine emblematic plates by Crispin de Pass, n. d. Zincgrefius (J. G.) Emble- matum Ethico-Politicorum Centuria, 100 emblematic engravings, Heidel 1666 Bornitius (J.) Emblemata Ethico Politica, 100 emblematic engravings, Mogunt. 1669 Joanne de Boria. Emble- mata Moralia, fine impressions of the emblems, Berol. 1697 Coelum Symbolicum, fine emblematic engravings after Joan. Thomas, Gedani, 1698; vellum, a curious and very scarce col- lection in 1 vol. 294 Catalogue of Books on Angling, with Supplement, Cambridge, 1882-86 Catalogue of the Library of T. Westwood, half morocco, t. e. g. New York, 1878 Satchell (T.) The Bibliography of Walton's Angler, 1882 ; and others a parcel 295 Coghan (T.) The Haven of Health, some II. stained, 1636 ; and another scarce piece on Water Works, Fire Works, Drawing, (' &c. by J. Bate, with curious woodcuts, imperfect (1635) old red morocco in 1 vol. 296 Collins (John) Accomptant to the Royal Fishery Company) Salt and Fishery (including an Account of the NEWFOUND-LAND Fishery) calf 1682 297 Columella of Husbandry, in twelve Books, and his Book con- cerning Trees, calf 1745 298 Country-man's Recreation, or the Art of Planting, Graffing, and Gardening .... whereunto is added The expert Gardener, ftf" woodcuts, 1654 Barker (T.) The Art of Angling, wherein are discovered many rare Secrets, 1653 ; original calf in 1 vol. 299 Crawhall (J.) The Compleatest Angling Eooke that ever was f o Writ, etchings and woodcuts, illustrations of fish, &c. half morocco, t. e. g. Newcastle, 1859 300 Crawhall (J.) The Compleatest Angling Booke that ever was ( 2~ Writ, one of 100 copies, etchings and woodcuts, calf antique, uncut, t. e. g. ib. 1881 23 301 Crawhall (J.) Border Notes and Mixty-Maxty, illustrated, half morocco, t. e. g. 1880 An Angler's Strange Experiences, illus- trations, 1883 Angler's Note Book, &c. 1880 and 1888, illustrated ; and some nos. of the same a parcel 302 Dictionnaire de toutes les Especes de Pecher (Encyclopedie Me"thodique), text and plates, half calf (17 96) American and other extracts, papers, &c. on Angling, in a vol. half bound ; and others a parcel 303 Discourse concerning the Fishery within the British Seas, &c. and more Especially as it relates to the Trade of the Company of the Eoyal Fishery of England, half calf, r. e, very scarce Printed for the Company of the Royal Fishery of England, 1695 304 Donne (John) Letters to several persons of honour, FIRST EDI- TION, portrait by Lombart, autograph of John Lock on title, original calf 1651 305 Du Bartas. His Devine Weekes and Workes, translated by J. Sylvester, portrait and engraved title, old calf / ^ (1611) colophon (imperfect) dated 1608 306 Fletcher (P.) The Purple Island, or the Isle of Man : together with Piscatorie Eclogs, and other Poeticall Miscellanies, FIRST EDITION, title mounted and written on, some leaves at end stained 24^^ and mended, tree-calf gilt, y. e. with all faults 1633 307 Googe (Barnaby) Whole Art and Trade of Husbandry, contained in foure Bookes, blac& letter, a few headlines shaved, 1614 ... (at the beginning of the work is inserted : A Prophecie lately V ' transcribed from an Old Manuscript of Doctor Barnaby Googe, title and 3 II. 1672), vellum 308 Jenner (Thomas) London's Blame, if not its Shame_: manifested by the great neglect of the Fishery, title and 7 leaves, half calf, very scarce 1651 309 King (Major W. E.) The Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada, coloured plates and woodcuts, original cloth, uncut imp. 8vo. 1866 310 L. (F.) a Sussex Fisherman. Treatise on the Art of taking Pike, Perch, Chub, &c. with the Trimmer, MANUSCRIPT, 23 haves, J./ with two water-colour drawings, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. n. d. 311 London Fishery laid open : or the Arts of the Fishermen and Fishmongers set in a true light, 1759 Improvement of the g.. Fisheries, Letter V, by J. Dixon, 1804; half bound in 1 vol. ' ' 312 McDermott (E.) The Merrie Days of England, with 20 full-page engravings, half morocco, g. e. 1859 *~/ 313 [Macquin (Abbe)] Tabella Cibaria : the Bill of Fare, a Latin Poem, translated, half bound, uncut 1820 ^f 314 Marbury (Mary 0.) Favorite Flies and their Histories, with 32 coloured plates of flies, six engravings of natural insects, &c. uncut, j^ / t. e. g. Boston, 1892 315 Markham (Gervase) The Pleasures of Princes, containing a Dis- > course of the generall Art of Fishing, FIRST EDITION, blacfe / (i letter, stained copy, half calf 1614 tfif- 24 316 Markham (Gervase) The Pleasures of Princes .... containing a /Discourse of the generall Art of Fishing, &c. black letter, /. from the libraries of the Rev. H. S. Cotton and Joseph Crawhall, with their bookplates, fine copy in green morocco, emblematically tooled, g. e. 1625 317 Markham (Gervase) The Pleasures of Princes containing a Discourse of the Generall Art of Fishing, &c. morocco extra, g. e. 1635 318 Markham (Gervase) Whole Art of Husbandry, black letter, large and sound copy, in the original calf 1631 319 Markham (Gervase) Country Contentments : or the Husband- 7 ^ man's Recreations Hunting, Hawking, Angling, &c. half morocco 1654 320 Markham (Gervase) Country Contentments : or the Husband- man's Recreations, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. (a side-note or two shaved) 1683 321 Markham (Gervase) and W. Lawson. A Way to Get Wealth, the sixt time corrected and augmented, woodcuts, calf gilt, y. e. 1638 322 Markham (Gervase) and W. Lawson. A Way to Get Wealth, the seventh time corrected and augmented by the Author, in VI Books, woodcuts, calf gilt, emblematically toled, m. e. 1648 323 Markham (Gervase) and W. Lawson. A Way to Get Wealth, 6 - author's last corrections and additions, portrait and numerous illustrations, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1841 408 Salter (T. F.) The Angler's Guide, woodcuts, 1816 ; and two other editions Cole (E.) Young Angler's Pocket Companion, en- gravings, W. Mason, n. d. ; all in the original boards (4) 409 Salter (T. F.) The Troller's Guide, FIRST EDITION, numerous wood- cuts, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1820 410 Salter (T. F.) The Troller's Guide, second edition, with 28 cuts, *% (^~ half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1830 - , 411 Salter (T. F.) Troller's Guide ; another copy of the second edition, * ( ^ half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. 1830 // / 412 Saunders (James) The Compleat Fisherman, plate, large copy, I v ' ' in morocco extra, g. e. by Zaehnsdor/ W. Brown, 1724 IQl 413 Saunders (James) The Compleat Fisherman, -plate, green morocco extra, g. e. W. Mears, 1724 (1 414 Saunders (James) The Compleat Fisherman, folding front, half I red morocco 1724 } / ^ I ' , I2./' 31 415 Schuylkill. Authentic Historical Memoir of the Schuylkill Fishing Company, of the State in Schuylkill, near Phila- delphia, front, and portraits, some scarce ones inserted, citron morocco super extra, doubU with Hue morocco, broad dentelle borders, joints, t. e. g. by R. W. Smith, very scarce Philadelphia, 1830 416 Schuylkill. Memoirs of the Schuylkill Fishing Company, and Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, near Philadelphia, fronts, and portraits, original cloth ib. 1830 417 Schuylkill. Another copy (as preceding] ib. 1830 3 Q ( '^ 418 Schreiner (W. H.) Sporting Manual, cuts, Philad. 1841 The Young Angler, illustrated, New York, n. d. How to Hunt and f (/ Fish, ib. 1883 ; all in half morocco, t. e. g. (3) ' 419 Scott (G. C.) Fishing in American Waters, numerous illustrations, New York, n. d. Brown (J.) American Angler's Guide, illus- <2 / trated, ib. 1876 Prouty (L.) Fish: their habits and haunts, portrait, Boston, 1883 (3) 420 [Scott (Dr. T.)] The Anglers : eight Dialogues, in Verse, half ,Q / morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. scarce 1758 ' ' 421 [Scott (Dr. T.)] The Anglers : in Verse, half calf, T. Gosden's copy with his book-plate, 1758 Best (T.) Art of Angling, fifth JL 3/ ^ edition, front, half calf gilt, 1802 The Complete Fisherman, front, old tree-calf, n. d. ; and another (4) 422 Scott (W. H.) British Field Sports : Shooting, Hunting, Fishing, &c. LARGE PAPER, numerous beautiful plates, chiefly engraved by 6*1- J. Scott, and woodcuts, fine impressions, pale russiagilt, m.e. 1818 423 Scott (W. H.) The Sportsman's Calendar, woodcuts, original boards, uncut, 1827 The Young Sportsman's Miscellany, front, and (it"l ^- woodcuts, half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. (2) 424 Scotch Loch-Fishing, by " Black Palmer," front, interleaved copy, 1882 Knox (Dr.) Fish and Fishing in the low Glens of Scotland, woodcuts, 1854 ; half morocco gilt, t. e. g. (2) 425 SCROPE (W.) Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the Tweed, FIRST EDITION, coloured and tinted plates and woodcuts after Sir David Wilkie, E. and C. Landseer, and others; autograph letter of the author inserted, fine copy in half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1843 426 Seeley (H. G.) The Fresh-water Fishes of Europe, 214 illustrations, 1886 Thompson (M.) The Boys' Book of Sports, numerous woodcuts, New York, 1886 (2) 427 Seymour (E.) Humorous Sketches, 86 caricature etchings, illustrated c / in prose and verse by Alfred Crowquill, red cloth, g. e. Bohn, 1872 / * 428 Seymour and Johnson. The Compleat Gamester, eighth edition, front, sprinkled calf extra, y. e. scarce 1754 429 Shirley (T.) Angler's Museum : or the whole Art of Float and Fly Fishing, portrait, &c. light green morocco super extra, uncut, ,. Paste, &c. front, and woodcuts, one or two headlines shaved, calf gilt, y. e. rare 1696 434 S. (J.) The Complete Fisher : or the True Art of Angling, front. and woodcuts, original binding, wants 3 II. at end, /. Hazard and J. Wright, n. d.- Another edition, (front, damaged) and woodcuts, G. Conyers, n. d. ; both in the original sheep (lot with all faults) (2) 435 S. (J.) The Complete Fisher : or the True Art of Angling, corners of several II. stained and mended, front, and woodcuts,' morocco extra, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf, G. Conyers, 1716 A Compleat and Experienc'd Angler, in two parts, front, and woodcuts, poor copy, half calf gilt, ib. n. d. (lot with all faults) (2) 436 S. (J.) The Comp]eat Fisher : or the True Art of Angling, front. small hole in last leaf, but a large copy in calf gilt, G. Conyers, 1716 Another edition, front, (cut round and mounted) and woodcuts, ib. n. d. (lot with all faults) (2) 437 Sky-Lark (The), contains an article on Angling, original binding, 1772 Ruddiman (W.) Collection of Scarce Pieces, in Verse and Prose, calf, scarce, 1773 Donne (J.) Poems, &c. wants the front, calf, 1669; and another (4) 438 Small Treatises on Angling, a quantity of extracts relating to Fishing, from Periodicals, Criticisms on Angling Literature, Reports of Societies, Parliamentary Reports, Guides, Thames Angling Preservation Society Reports, &c. a parcel 439 [Smith (George)] The Angler's Magazine : or Necessary and Delightful Store-House, a few headlines very slightly shaved, half morocco, m. e. very scarce W. Owen, 1754 440 Smith (J. R.) Bibliographical Catalogue of English Writers on Angling, interleaved, with MS. additions, 1856 Catalogue of Books on Angling (extracted from- Brydges' Censura Literaria) Sabin (W. W.) 1001 Books on Angling, 1882 ; all in half mo- rocco, t. e. g. (3) 441 Smith (J. V. C.) Natural History of the Fishes of Massachusetts, woodcuts, Boston, 1833 Reynolds (J.) Peter Gott, the Cape Ann Fisherman, front, ib. 1856 (2) 442 Smith (Thomas) Every Man his Own Fisherman,.... with the Fish Laws, &c. morocco gilt, rare n. d. (circa 1770) 443 [Snart (C.)] Practical Observations on Angling in the River Trent, half calf, t e. g. scarce Newark, 1801 444 Snart (C.) Practical Observations, another copy, half red morocco, m. e. fine large copy ib. 1801 445 Snart (R.) Elegant Extracts, in Verse, 2 vol. half calf, Newark, 1813 Wilson (J.) Poems, 2 vol. half calf, 1825 ; &c. (6) 391 33 446 Social Pipe (The) or Gentleman's Recreation : a Poem, front. (contains a Poem : " Walton and Cotton") olive morocco extra, t. e. g. 1826 447 Soltau (G. W.) Trout Flies of Devon and Cornwall, and when and how to use them, coloured plates, half bound, t. e. g. 1847 My - 448 Songs of the Edinburgh Angling Club, vignettes drawn and en- graved by members of the Club, half red morocco gilt, t. e. g. S~i/ Edinb. Privately Printed, 1858 449 Songs of the Edinburgh Angling Club ; new Edition, with Ad- & , ditions, vignettes, original cloth, uncut ib. 1879 ( 450 Sportsman's Cabinet, and Town and Country Magazine, edited by T. B. Johnson, Nov. 1832 to Oct. 1833, 2 vol. fine plates, by Sir J. Hawkins, portraits and plates, half calf gilt 1822 525 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Major's FIRST EDITION, // / with illustrative notes, portraits, plates by Wale and Nash, and I " ivoodcuts, half morocco gilt, uncut, i. e. g. 1823 ^ / 526 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Major's FIRST EDITION, If portraits, plates and woodcuts, tree-calf gilt, y. e. 1823 527 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Major's FIRST EDITION, with illustrative Notes, LARGE PAPER, portraits, plates by Wale and Nash, on india paper, and woodcuts, half morocco gilt, g. e. 1823 * / I ' 39 528 Walton and Cotton. Set of Proof Woodcuts, on india paper, to Major's LARGE PAPER edition of Walton and Cotton's Com- ~72./ f plete Angler, 72 en gratings, dark green morocco extra, g. e. rare (1823) 529 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Major's Second Edition, , with illustrative Notes, portraits, plates by Wale and Nash, and 7" woodcuts, calf gilt, m. e. 1824 530 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Major's Second Edition, with illustrative Notes, portraits, platen by Wale and Nash, and "?/^- woodcuts, blue morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1824 531 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Major's Second Edition, LARGE PAPER, portraits and plates by Wale and Nash, on india paper, and woodcuts, 1824 Walton (Izaak) Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir H. Wotton, R. Hooker, etc. LARGE PAPER, por- traits and plates on india paper, and woodcuts, 1825 ; dark green morocco extra, nearly uncut, t. e. g. not quite uniform, very rare (2) 532 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, 2 vol. portraits and wood- cuts, calf gilt, m. e. Chiswick, 1824 533 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, 2 vol. portraits and wood- cuts, original boards, uncut ib. 1824 534 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, 2 vol. portraits and wood- cuts, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. ib. 1824 535 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, front, and engraved title by Stothard, and woodcuts, W. Pickering, 1825 Walton. Lives /Y/ of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, etc. portraits, ib. 1827; blue calf / " gilt, uncut, t. e. g. uniform (2) 536 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, and Walton's Lives ; / another copy, morocco, g. e. uniform W. Pickering, 1825-27 / *" 537 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, front, engraved title and cuts, uncut, W. Pickering, 1825 Another, 2 vol. Philad. n.d. ; *}/- and other editions (5) 538 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with Lives and Notes by Sir J. Hawkins, 2 vol. in 1, portraits and woodcuts, half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. Chiswick, 1826 539 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, portrait and cuts, W. Pickering, half bound, 1826 Another, by Hawkins, portraits 2. / and plates, calf gilt, Dove, 1825 Another, in calf (3) ' ' 540 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with Lives and Notes by Sir J. Hawkins, edited by J. Rennie, portrait and woodcuts, dark green morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g. emblematically tooled /" Edinb. 1833 541 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, by Hawkins and Rennie, 221 'portrait and woodcuts, 1834 Another edition, 1835 Another, ^v> / Edinb. 1836 ; all in half morocco gilt, t. e. g. (3) 542 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Major's third edition, portraits, plates, and woodcuts, morocco extra, g. e. 1835 * ^ ( 543 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, by Hawkins and Rennie, portrait and woodcuts, half morocco, m. e. 1836 ; and other ( f - editions by Hawkins and Rennie, uncut (6) -j^. / ' / / ' 40 544 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, 2 vol. fronts. C. Tilt, p/_ 1837 Another, 2 vol. Philad. n. d. (two copies) (6) 545 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with Notes, &c. half . / morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. Lewis, 1839 546 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with Notes, portraits, f_ plates by Wale and Nash, and woodcuts, tree-calf gilt, g. e. Washbourne, 1842 547 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with Notes, &c. portraits, f / plates by Wale and Nash, and woodcuts, half bound, uncut, t. e. g. ib. 1842 548 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by John Major, fourth edition, portraits, plates and woodcuts, dark green morocco extra, g. e. with an Angling Scene beautifully PAINTED ON THE FOREDGES Bogue, 1844 549 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by John Major, fourth edition, LARGE PAPER, portraits, plates and woodcuts, morocco super extra, t. e. g. ib. 1844 550 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, by Sir J. Hawkins and Prof. Kennie, portrait and woodcuts, Manchester, 1844 Another edition, ib. 1846 Another, Halifax, 1857 ; all in half morocco gilt, t. e. g. (3) 551 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, in two parts (edited by Geo. W. Bethune), portraits, plates and woodcuts, dark green morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g. New York, 1847 552 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, in two parts (edited by Geo. W. Bethune), portraits, plates and woodcuts, dark green morocco extra, t. e. g. ib. 1847 553 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with Notes, &c. 85 en- gravings on copper and wood, olive morocco super extra, t. e. g. Causton, 1851 554 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, in two parts (edited by Geo. W. Bethune), numerous plates and woodcuts, dark green morocco, g. e. New York, 1852 555 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by " Ephemera " (E. Fitzgibbon), second edition, woodcuts, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1854 Another edition, 1853 Another (in German), edited by "Ephemera," half morocco, t. e. g. 1859 (3) 556 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by Edward Jesse, portraits and numerous illustrations, morocco gilt, r. e. Bohn, 1856 557 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, in two parts (edited by Geo. W. Bethune), portraits, plates and woodcuts, calf gilt, g. e. New York, 1859 558 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by Edward Jesse, portraits, plates and woodcuts, tree-calf gilt, m. e. Bohn, 1861 559 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, plate and woodcuts, crimson morocco, g. e. Bell and Daldy, 1864 Another copy, portraits and engravings, half morocco, W.Cole,n.d. Another, portraits and cuts, morocco, g. e. Bell, 1863 . (3) f -) f I 7 / ' - ), / ^ ' $ ) ~ I >I / 41 560 Walton and Cotton. Reprints of the First Edition of 1653: Boston, 1866 Alex. Murray, 1869 and 1872 E. Stock, 1876 /2/V W, Griggs, 1882 Ward and Lock, n. d. New York, n. d. (8) 561 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, in two parts, portrait, plates and woodcuts, half red morocco gilt, m. e. f?/ - New York, 1866 562 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by John Major, LARGE PAPER, one of 100 copies, with the portraits and plates on ? ft / india paper, and woodcuts, half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. Boston, 1866 563 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, another copy of the LARGE PAPER, bound in 2 vol. with the series of plates for ^ / Pickering's edition, inserted, calf gilt, g. e. by Matthews ib. 1866 564 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by John Major, , portraits, plates, and woodcuts, morocco extra, g. e. by Matthews Y/& ib. 1867 565 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, 60 illustrations, from designs by Stothard and Inskipp, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. / ^ Chatto, 1875 566 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited, with copious Notes, mostly Original by (Geo. W. Bethune), 2 vol. in 1, -? / portrait of the editor, and other portraits, fine plates and woodcuts, / morocco extra, g. e. New Yoi'k, 1880 567 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by John Major, SPECIAL EDITION, with six original etchings, two portraits in two _, / states, one set on india paper, and vignettes, half parchment, uncut, '/ ' t. e. g. Nimmo, 1883 568 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by Edward Jesse, portraits and woodcuts, Bohn, 1884 Another, edited by ^ ^ " Ephemera " (two editions), 1853-9 ; and other editions (8) rf " 569 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, with Introduction by J. R. Lowell, 2 vol. " SPECIAL EDITION," with the illustrations <%/ on india paper, uncut Boston, 1889 ' 570 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by John Major, etchings, portraits and woodcuts, to which is added " A Treatise /<./ , on Flies and Fly-Hooks," 10 beautifully coloured plates, uncut, t. e. g. New York, 1889 Another edition, by Major, illustrated, ib. n. d. (2) 571 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by E. G. Johnson, Chicago, 1893 Another, illustrated, Bell, 1864 Another, JZ-2~( portraits and engravings, Chidley, 1841 ; and other editions (8) 572 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by John Major, EDITION DE LUXE, one of 250 copies, with the numerous fine (4-/ ^ plates and vignettes on india paper Philad. n. d. 573 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, a similar copy of the ^ Edition de Luxe . ib. n. d. /^~ 574 Walton (Izaak) Life of John Donne, Dr. in Divinity, the second impression corrected and enlarged (wants portrait) original binding (with two MS. corrections, probably in the autograph of Izaak Walton) 1658 42 575 Walton (Izaak) Lives of Dr. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, R. Hooker , and Geo. Herbert, portrait of Donne only, wants the other three //' portraits, FIRST EDITION, numerous contemporary MS. notes, old binding (rebacked), with all faults 1670 576 Walton (Izaak) Lives of Dr. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, &c. fourth /edition, four portraits (one mended), with inscription on title, ** "ffor Mrs. Hulman Iz. WN," mottled calf extra, by Larkins 1675 577 Walton (Izaak) Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir H. Wotton, , R. Hooker, &c. edited, with illustrative Notes, by John I Major, portraits, plates and woodcuts, light green morocco extra, g. e. 1825 578 Walton (Izaak) Lives of Dr. Donne, &c. another copy of the (* I- same edition, calf gilt, m. e. 1825 579 Walton (Izaak) Lives of Dr. J. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, R. Hooker, &c. portraits and woodcuts, sprinkled calf gilt, m. e. Washbourne, 1845 580 WALTON (!ZAAK) Life of Mr. Rich. Hooker, FIRST EDITION, /crimson morocco super extra, g. e. by Tout 1665 - *** .A most interesting and valuable copy, with two full pages and two half pages of amendments to the text of this first edition, afterwards incorporated in other editions, and a few corrections in the margins : ALL IN THE AUTOGRAPH OF IZAAK WALTON. 581 Walton (Izaak) Life of Dr. Sanderson, late Bishop of Lincoln, to which is added, Some short Tracts or Cases of Conscience, FIRST EDITION, portrait by White, with inscription on title : "ffor my Cozen Williams I: W:" and four MS. corrections in the autograph of Izaac Walton, original calf 1678 *#* Purchased by Mr. Jas. Toovey, at the sale of Mr. Pickering's books, Sept. 2, 1854. 582 Walton (Izaak) Life of Dr. Sanderson, late Bishop of Lincoln, FIRST EDITION, wants the portrait, large copy, with inscription on title "jfor my son Birch (?) Iz. W." there are also a few cor- rections in the handwriting of Izaah Walton, MS. memoranda relating to the volume inserted, original calf 1678 %* Purchased by Mr. Jas. Toovey at the sale of the late Mr. Pickering's books, Sept. 2, 1854. This copy does not contain the " Short Tracts," mentioned on title-page. 583 Walton. Life of Isaac Walton, by T. Zouch, portrait and plates, original cloth (one or two of the plates slightly shaved) S. Prowett, 1823 584 Walton. Life of Isaac Walton, another copy, LARGE PAPER, with proof plates, original cloth, uncut, t. e. g. ib. 1823 585 Walton. Life of Isaac Walton, another copy, LARGE PAPER, wants the plates, illustrations from Major's Edition of 1825, in- serted, half calf ib. 1823 586 Walton. Life of Izaak Walton, by T. Zouch, portraits and plates, some of which are proofs, half russia gilt, m. e. T. Gosden, 1826 I / 43 587 Walton. Izaak Walton : his Wallet Booke, coloured woodcuts, half parchment, uncut, with block of one of the cuts, 1885 Burnand x^ (F. C.) The Incompleat Angler, illustrated by Furniss, lialf mo- f f rocco, t. e. g. 1887 (2) 588 Walton. Biographical Catalogue of the Waltonian Library of the late Robert W. Coleman of Pennsylvania, by J. Sabin, , / ' ^ half calf gilt, m. e. New York, 1866 589 Walton. Dance (C.) Izaak Walton, a Drama, as performed at the Royal Olympic, etching by Pierce Egan, the younger, original / ' , wrappers bound up, crimson morocco, g. e. very scarce (1839) 590 Walton. Rulec and Regulations of the Walton and Cotton Club, instituted March 1817, revised April 1840, front, and beautifully executed woodcuts, half morocco, g. e. 1840 591 Walton. Shepherd (R. H.) Waltoniana : inedited Remains in Verse and Prose, of Izaak Walton (two copies), uncut, 1878 Marston (R. B.) Walton and some Earlier Writers on '/ ^ Fish and Fishing, uncut, 1894 ; and another (4) 592 Walton. The London Angler's Book : or Waltonian Chronicle, x front, and woodcuts, half calf, a nearly uncut copy 1834 * I " 593 Watt (W.) Remarks on Shooting, front. 1839 Mayer (J.) The Sportsman's Directory, woodcuts, 1845 Schreiner (W. H.) /-/ Sporting Manual, engravings, Philad. 1841 ; and others (9) 594 Wayth (C.) Trout Fishing : or the River Darent, 1845 Pulman (G. P. R.) Vade Mecum of Fly-Fishing for Trout, third ,tf edition, woodcuts, 1851 Idle (C.) Hints on Shooting and Fishing, 1855 ; and another, all uncut (4) 595 Weld (C. R.) Two Months in the Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye, coloured plates, 1660 Auvergne, Piedmont, &c. engravings, 1850 Colquhoun (J.) Rocks and Rivers, 1849 Rambles by jz / Patricius Walker (W. Allingham), 1873 : and others (6) 596 Wells (J. of Sheffield) The Contemplative and Practical Angler, front, crimson morocco extra, g. e. 1842 *^* This little work is all but unknown out of its special locality. 597 Wells (J.) Temperance Fishing Book, front. Sheffield, 1853 / ' / Huish (R.) Improved British Angler, coloured front, and wood- / cuts, Derby, 1838 Rennie (J.) Alphabet of Scientific Angling, woodcuts, 1836; and others (9) 598 Westwood (T.) A new Bibliotheca Piscatoria, 1861 Eyton (T. C.) Fishing Literature, 1871 Gosden's Catalogue of Angling Books, &c. 1825 ; and others, chiefly in half mo- rocco (5) 599 Westwood (T.) Quest of the Sancgreall, and other Poems, un- published, 1868 Songs of the Chace, portrait and front. 1811 Nereides: or Sea-Eclogues, 1712; all in half morocco, t. e. g. (3) 600 Westwood and Satchell. Bibliotheca Piscatoria, 1883 Blakey . , (R.) Literature of Angling, 1856; and others (4) / " 601 Wheatley (H.) The Rod and Line, beautifully coloured plates of flies, 1849 Stoddart (T. T.) Angling Reminiscences, illus- trated, Edinb. 1837 ; both in half morocco gilt, t. e. g. (2) 44 602 White (John) A Eich Cabinet, with Variety of Inventions, / curious woodcuts, a leaf or two slightly mended, morocco super ' extra, g. e. by Zaehnsdorf 1689 603 [White] Sporting Scenes, and Country Characters, by Martingale, f^ numerous illustrations, some II. spotted, tree-calf gilt, m. e. 1840 604 Whitney (John) The Genteel Eecreation ; or the Pleasure of / Angling : a Poem, facsimile reprint of the rare original of 1700, one of 100 copies, crimson morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. 1820 / 605 Whole Art of Fishing .... with the Laws of Angling, front. / original old calf gilt E. Curll, 1714 606 Wilcocks (J. C.) The Sea-Fisherman, second edition, illustrated, / 1868 Francis (F.) By Lake andEiver, 1874 Shooting and ~ Fishing Trips, by " Wildfowler," "Snapshot," 1878; and others (5) /_ 607 Williamson (J.) The British Angler ; or a Pocket-Companion ' for Gentlemen-Fishers, folding plates, old calf (rebacked) 1740 608 Williamson (Capt. T.) The Complete Angler's Vade-Mecum, engravings, autograph of the author inserted, calf gilt, m. e. with stamped devices on sides 1808 A 609 Williamson (Capt. T.) Complete Angler's Vade-Mecum, plates, ' / "" half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. fine copy 1822 610 Williamson (Capt. T.) The Complete Angler's Vade-Mecum, $~ 1^ plates, fine copy in half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. 1825 611 Wilson (Jas.) The Rod and the Gun, fine plates and woodcuts, half red morocco, t. e.g. Edinb. 1840 612 Wilson (J.) The Eod and the Gun, two treatises on Angling and Shooting, plates (including flies) and woodcuts, tree-calf gilt, m. e. ib. 1844 613 Wood (W.) Complete Illustration of the British Fresh Water Fishes, nos. 1 and 2,. with 8 beautifully coloured plates n. d. 614 Yarrell (W.) History of British Fishes, third edition, edited by (~] [ - Sir J. Eichardson, 2 vol. 522 wood engravings, uncut Fan Voorst, 1859 615 Young Angler's Companion, coloured front, and woodcuts, original wrapper bound up, J. March, n. d. The Angler's Assistant, , g / front. W. Mason, n. d. Neil's Complete Angler, coloured / front. T. Hughes, n. d. Huish (E.) Improved British Angler, coloured front, and woodcuts, Derby, 1838; half morocco and half calf (4) 616 Young Angler's Guide, third edition, illustrated, half morocco, t. e. g. 1839 Crisp (W. F.) The Piscator's Handbook, 2, ^A crimson morocco, t. e. g. Yarmouth, n. d. The " Thames " / Jolly Angler, Hall's edition, half morocco, t. e. g. n. d. ; and another (4) / 617 Young Sportsman's Miscellany in Hunting, Shooting, Angling, '' I ^ Cocking, &c. front, and woodcuts, half morocco, t. e. g. rare 1826 618 Younger (J.) Eiver Angling for Salmon and Trout, calf gilt, ,*i m. e. 1840 Cole (E.) The Young Angler's Pocket Companion, / " front, divided into two parts, a few headlines cut into, russia gilt, y. e. R. Bassam, 1795 (2) 45 619 Zouche (E.) The Dove : a Poem, reprinted from the 1613 edition, Oxford, 1839 Lanman (C.) Letters from the Allegheny Mountains, New York, 1849 Willis (N. P.) Rural Letters, ib. 1849 The Blackwater Chronicle, illus- trated, ib. 1853; and others (7) QUARTO. 620 M[ascall] (L[eonard]) A Booke of Fishing with Hooke and Line, and all other instruments thereunto belonging .... A Booke of Engines and traps to take Polcoats, Buzardes, Rattes, Mice, and all other kindes of Vermine, black Utter, FIRST EDITION, / woodcuts, including a folding one in pen-and-ink facsimile, several f"~&- / ? headlines much cut into, calf extra, g. e. by F. Bedford, very scarce, sold with all faults (date of first title cut off) J. Wolfe, 1590 621 M[ascall] (L[eonard]) A Booke of Fishing with Hooke and Line, reprinted from the edition of 1590, edited by T. Satchell, half ty ' bound, uncut, t. e. g. two letters of Mr. Satchell' s inserted 1884 622 Muffett (T.) Health's Improvement: or Rules comprizing and discovering the Nature, Method, and Manner of Preparing all 3 $-/ sorts of Food used in this Nation, corrected and enlarged by / C. Bennet, some leaves soiled and a few slightly mended, but a sound copy in calf extra, g. e. 1655 623 New Handmaid to Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, &c. sprinkled calf gilt, uncut, t. e. g. by Zaehnsdorf 1793 624 North (Hon. Roger) Treatise on Fish and Fish-Ponds, illustrated with 18 large and beautifully coloured specimens by E. Albin, a / -* nearly uncut copy J. Goodwin, n. d. (1730) f * 625 Osbaldiston ( W. A.) The British Sportsman, or Nobleman, Gentle- man, and Farmer's Dictionary of Recreation and Amusement, 7f * numerous plates, half calf (1792) ' 626 Peacham (Henry) The Compleat Gentleman, the second impres- sion, enlarged, engraved title by Delaram and woodcuts of arms, 2 & a large copy in calf extra, y. e. 1626 627 Peacham (H.) The Compleat Gentleman, with The Gentleman's J?txerc\se,woodcutsofarms,darkgreenmorocco,m.e.soundcopy 1634 628 Peacham (H.) The Compleat Gentleman : Fashioning Him abso- lute in the most Necessary and Commendable Qualities ; to which is added the Gentleman's Exercise, third impression ? f .- much inlarged, engraved title by Delaram and woodcuts of arms, several coloured, calf, y. e. (a leaf mended) 1661 629 Peacham (H.) The Compleat Gentleman, engraved title (mounted), wants the printed title, a few headlines shaved, woodcuts of arms, -^ / half calf , 1622 Fuller (T.) Abel Redivivus, engraved title and / portraits, wants that of the author, old calf, 1652; lot with all faults (2) 630 Plan of National Improvement .... to extend the British e / Fisheries, &c. half calf, uncut imp. 8vo. Brunswick, 1803 631 Platte (Sir Hugh) The Jewell House of Art and Nature : Husban- dry, Distillation and Moulding, &c. with three elaborate woodcut / / titles and woodcuts, a few headlines cut into, calf gilt, y. e. 1594 / ' 46 632 Platt (Sir Hugh) Jewel House of Art and Nature, woodcuts, some j-/ of the lower margins shaved, 1653 Hartlib (Samuel) his Legacy /." of Husbandry, margins of several II. wormed, 1655; half calf, with all faults in 1 vol. ,. I 633 Pulman (G. P. R.) Rustic Sketches : being Rhymes on Angling, / " with Notes and a Glossary, LARGE PAPER, uncut, scarce 1853 634 Quarles (F.) The Shepheard's Oracles, wants the front, old calf, ,./ 1646 Dubravius (J.) Profitable Husbandrie of Fish and / " Fish-pondes, black letter, a part of the work only, half calf, 1599 ; and another (defective) (3) , 635 Raimondi (E.) Delle Caccie, libri quattro, fine full-page engravings, '/' margins of three II. mended, vellum, r. e. Venetia (1630) 636 Robertson (H. R.) Life on the Upper Thames, numerous full-page and other illustrations, half morocco gilt, t. e. g. 1875 637 Rondelet (G.) L'Histoire entiere des Poissons, in two parts, \ /- numerous curious woodcuts, a large copy in old calf Lion, 1558 638 Samuels (E. A.) With Fly-Rod and Camera, 150 plates from photo- >/ graphs by the author New York, 1890 639 Schuylkill. History of the Schuylkill Fishing Company of the f/ State in Schuylkill, 1732-1888, portraits and plates, uncut / imp. 8vo. Philad. 1889 640 Scott (S.) The British Sportsman, 7 "2 fine plates, half bound oblong. 1806 641 Scrap Books (7) with a large quantity of newspaper and periodical, &c. cuttings, relating to Fish and Fishing, a most interesting collection, neatly mounted ; &c. (8) 642 Seymour (R.) Sketches: the Book of Cockney Sports, Whims 2/ and Oddities, a complete collection of 180 humorous designs, half /" bound oblong, Hotten, n. d. 643 Smith (Simon, Agent for the Royall Fishing) True Narrative of the Royall Fishings of Great Brittaine and Ireland, instituted 1632, large copy in half morocco, very scarce 1641 644 Snart (Charles) Observations on Angling in the River Trent, . ^ THE ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT, prepared for a / SECOND EDITION (119 leaves) half bound Newark, 1819 645 Sportsman's Dictionary improved and enlarged by H. J. (07- Pye, 17 plates, a nearly uncut copy in half morocco 1807 646 Stevens (C.) and J. Liebault. Maison Rustique, or the Countrie Jf Farme, translated by R. Surflet, woodcuts, old calf, rebacked, c?^ r. e. fine copy 1600 . 647 Tavern er (John) Certaine Experiments concerning Fish and //j> . F_ruitejJ&Iack letter, calf gilt, g. e. fine copy W. Ponsonby, 1600 648 Thornton (Col.) Sporting Tour through the Northern Parts of /-/ England, and Highlands of Scotland, numerous fine plates, half ' bound, TO. e. 1804 649 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited, with original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, fine plates and vignettes, chiefly after Stothard and Inskipp, 2 vol. red morocco extra, g. e. imp.Svo. W. Pickering, IB 3 6 */- 47 650 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, in two parts (edited by G. W. Bethune), 2 vol. SPECIAL EDITION, portraits, plates and woodcuts, FURTHER ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of nume- rous fine coloured and other portraits, several of which are proofs on india paper, some before all letters, views, india proof engrav- / ings offish, a few of which are beautifully coloured, and other fine L 9 ("A . and very scarce illustrations, neatly inlaid, green morocco super extra, uncut, broad inside borders, joints, t. e. g. only a few copies issued in this form sup. impl. Svo. New York, 1847 651 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, edited with Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, 2 vol. second edition, f? ~ t '_ portraits, plates and vignettes, chiefly after Stothard and Inskipp, half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. imp. 8vo. Nattali and Bond, 1860 652 Walton (Izaak) The Complete Angler, facsimile reprint of the / / First Edition of 1653, LARGE PAPER, woodcuts, half bound, ' I r uncut, t. e. g. E. Stock, 1876 653 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, edited with copious Notes, &c. by Geo. W. Bethune, 2 vol. SPECIAL COPY, one of ztf- 100, illustrations, in sheets (folded] inserted in a half parchment cover New York, 1880 654 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, edited, with Notes, by J. E. Harting, 2 vol. with 53 illustrations, including etchings - , / by P. Thomas, on Japanese vellum paper, half parchment, uncut, I t. e. g. one 0/350 copies Bagster, 1893 655 Walton (Isaac) Lives of Dr. J. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, E. Hooker, &c. with Notes, and Life of the Author, by T. Zouch, fine portraits, calf gilt York, 1796 656 Walton. Life of Isaac Walton, including Notices of his Con- temporaries, by T. Zouch, LARGE PAPER, one of 8 copies only, / proof portraits and plates, on india paper, some extra proof plates / f f (7 '. added, green morocco super extra, inside joints, nearly uncut copy, - t. e. g. by Tout 8. Prowett, 1823 657 Walton. Eules and Eegulations of the Walton and Cotton Club, instituted 19th March, 1817, front, half bound, g. e. ( " ( privately printed ) 1821 658 Walton. Six Picturesque Views in Derbyshire, illustrative of the second part of Walton's Angler, on india paper, one of /ff ( 25 copies, half calf , T. Gosden, 1833 Alexander (W.) Journey to Beresford Hall (Charles Cotton's), portraits, &c. 1841 ; and others (4) 659 Walton. Theological Tracts by C. Donne, Wm. Barlow, Bp. Duppa, &c. with signature : Izaak Walton, given me by the 1 author, January 7, 16 (partly cut off] two other signatures ; / " Izaak Walton " (one partly cut off) and initials, I. W. (these are said to be the autographs and initials of Izaac Walton and his son) 1738, &c. in 1 vol. 660 Westwood (T.) The Chronicle of the " Compleat Angler," half ^/ bound, uncut, 1864 In Memoriam : Izaak Walton, twelve j Sonnets and an Epilogue, uncut, t. e. g. n. d. (2) 661 Yarranton (A.) England's Improvement by Sea and Land, to - / out-do the Dutch without Fighting, &c. part I, large folding plates and maps, original calf 1677 / 48 FOLIO. 662 Pontis (Sieur de) Memoirs, Englished by Charles Cotton, title -7 f pieced, calf gilt, r. e. 1694 Donne (J.) LXXX Sermons, with the portrait by Merian (mounted), old calf (rebacked), 1640 (2) 663 Porta (J. B.) Natural Magick, engraved title mounted, many leaves stained, old calf, 1658 Grew (N.) Catalogue of the Rarities /// belonging to the Royal Society, portrait and plates, old calf, J ~ 1681 The Complete Farmer, plates, calf, 1793 (3) 664 Salvianus (H.) Aquatilium Animalium Historiae, fine engraved title /$'! with portrait, and numerous large plates offish, old calf Romce, 1554 665 Stevens and Liebault. Maison Rustique : or the Countrey Farme, -}&/ translated by R. Surflet, and edited by Gervase Markham, woodcuts, sound copy in old calf (rebacked), r. e. 1616 666 Willoughby (F.) Historia Piscium, libri IV, ed. J. Raius, front. 7 / and numerous large engravings, panelled calf (rebacked) J ' Oxon. 1686 667 W[orlidge] (J.) Systema Agricultures : the Mystery of Husbandry Discovered, second edition, front, and woodcuts, original calf (rebacked) 1675 668 W[orlidge] (J.) Systema Agricultures, third edition, front. &c. original calf (rebac fad), slightly wormed, with all faults 1681 669 Yarrell (W.) On the Growth of the Salmon in Fresh Water, with six beautifully coloured illustrations of the fish, of the natural size, half bound oblong. Fan Voorst, 1839 END OF SALE. Dryden Press : J. Davy & Sons, 137, Long Acre, Londou, W.C.