Phys. deptt LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS KM NQV.14iim Accessions No. 6.L.<7.... Book No... / SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS EDITED BY J. S. AMES, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS IN JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY IX. THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION I THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION MEMOIKS BY NEWTON, BOUGUEK AND CAVENDISH TOGETHER WITH ABSTRACTS OF OTHER IMPORTANT MEMOIRS TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY A. STANLEY MACKENZIE, PH.D. PROFRSSOR OF PHYSICS IN BRYN MAWR COLLEGE NEW YORK : CINCINNATI : CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Copyright, 1900, by AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. w. P. i 222544 GENERAL CONTENTS PAGE Preface v History of the subject before the appearance of Newton's Pnncipia. 1 Extracts from Newton's Principia and System of the World 9 Biographical sketch of Newton 19 Bouguer's The Figure of the Earth 23 Biographical sketch of Bouguer 44 The Bertier controversy 47 Account of Maskelyne's experiments on Schehallien 53 Cavendish's Experiments to determine the mean density of the Earth ... 59 Biographical sketch of Cavendish 107 Historical account of the experiments made since the time of Caven- dish Ill Table of results of experiments 143 Bibliography 145 Index.. 157 PREFACE IN preparing this volume, the ninth in the Scientific Me- moirs series, the editor has had in mind the fact that the most important of the memoirs here dealt with, that of Cavendish, is frequently given for detailed study to young physicists in order to train them in the art of reading for themselves period- ical scientific literature. Certainly no better piece of work could be used for the purpose, whether one considers the intrinsic importance of the subject-matter, the keenness of argument and the logical presentation in detail, or the use and design of apparatus and the treatment of sources of error. The main objections to Cavendish's work are those he himself pointed out, and it is important to notice that, notwithstand- ing all the advance in the refinement and manipulation of apparatus which has been made during the century that has elapsed since the date of Cavendish's experiment, his value for the mean specific gravity of the earth, 5.448, must still be con- sidered one of the most reliable, being not far from the latest results of Poynting, Konig and Richarz and Krigar-Menzel, Boys and Braun. Believing that we in America devote insufficient time, if any, to a study of Newton's great work, the editor has thought it well to incorporate with the memoirs on the experimental investigation of gravitational attraction the statements of New- ton himself concerning that subject. The laws of gravitation are embodied in the formula, , r mm' f =( *~f which says that the attraction between two particles of matter is directly proportional to the product of their masses, inverse- ly proportional to the square of the distance between them, and independent of the kind of matter and of the intervening PREFACE medium. G is then a constant in nature, the Gravitation Con- stant. It is more common perhaps to speak of the law, than of the laws, of gravitation ; this has no doubt arisen from the fact that they can be stated in a single mathematical formula. The best evidence of the truth of these laws is indirect, for, assuming them valid, astronomical measurements show that they account for all the motions of the heavenly bodies. Such measurements do not, however, enable us to find the numer- ical value of G; for that purpose we must determine the at- traction between two masses of known amount at a known distance apart. It is with experiments of this character that the present volume has to deal. As the masses used in such experiments vary from a metal sphere of a few tenths of an inch in diameter to a huge mountain mass, or to a shell of the earth's crust 1250 ft. in thickness, and as the attraction has been observed with such different instruments as the plumb- line, the pendulum, the torsion balance, the pendulum bal- ance and the beam balance, and yet the resulting value of G is always about the same, we can regard these experiments as constituting a further proof of Newton's laws, and the editor has accordingly felt justified in using the title given. As- suming the earth to be a sphere, the value of G is connected with the value of the mean specific gravity of the earth, A, by the equation where g Is the acceleration due to gravity, and R the radius of the earth ; and, accordingly, it is quite usual to state that the aim of the above experiments is to find the mean density of the earth. The work on the attraction of mountain masses by the French Academicians Bouguer and de la Condamine in Peru is of very great importance, and is not known as it deserves to be; almost all of their account of the work is therefore here presented. It will be seen that they were the pioneers in two of the methods which have been used for the measurement of gravitational attraction ; and although, on account of imper- fect instruments and unfavourable local conditions, their nu- merical results are untrustworthy, they give the theory and method of the experiments with great originality and clear- ness. Such notes have been added to the memoirs as seemed vi PREFACE necessary to prevent the reader from wasting time over obscure and inaccurate passages, and to suggest material for collateral reading. An eifort has been made to present along with the memoirs a brief historical account of the various modes of experiment used for finding the mean specific gravity of the earth, and a table of results is added. As the literature on the subject before the present century is not always easily obtainable, the treatment of the matter for that period is given in compara- tively greater detail. Believing that a bibliography contain- ing every important reference to the subject is an essential feature of a work of this kind, the editor has endeavoured to make himself familiar with the whole of the very extensive literature relating to it, and accordingly is fairly confident that no important memoir has escaped his observation. From the mass of material thus collected the bibliography given at the end of the volume has been compiled. In order to keep within the limits of space assigned, some references had to be omitted, but they relate mainly to recent work, and it is believed that they contain nothing of importance. No effort has been made to deal with the mathematical side of the subject ; accordingly the memoirs of Laplace, Legendre, Ivory, etc., which deal with the finding of the mean specific gravity of the earth by means of analytical methods are not referred to ; but it is hoped that all the more important ex- perimental investigations have been touched upon. A. STANLEY MACKENZIE. BKYN MAWR, October, 1899. vii HISTORY OF THE SUBJECT BEFORE THE APPEARANCE OF NEWTON'S "PRINCIPIA" DR. GILBERT'S contributions to the speculations on gravita- tion are among the most important of the early writings on that subject, although to Kepler also must credit be given for a deep insight into its nature; the latter announces in his intro- duction to the Astronomia Nova, published in 16Q9, his belief in the perfect reciprocity of the action of gravitation, and in its application to the whole material universe. Gilbert was led by his researches on magnetism to the conclusion that the force of gravity was due to the magnetic properties of the earth ; and in 1600 announced [1*, I, 21] his opinion that bodies when re- moved to a great distance from the earth would gradually lose their motion downwards. The earliest proposals we find for investigating whether such changes occur in the force of gravity are in the works of Francis Bacon [2, Nov. Org. II, 36, and Hist. Nat. I, 33]. He maintained that this force decreased both inwards and outwards from the surface of the earth, and suggested experiments to test his views. He would take two clocks, one actuated by weights and the other by the compres- sion of an iron spring, and regulate them so that they would run at the same rate. The clock actuated by weights was then to be placed at the top of some high steeple, and at the bottom of a mine, and its rate at each place compared with that of the other, which remained at the surface. There is no record .of any trial of the experiment at that time. After the founding of the Royal Society of London a stimu- lus was given to experimenting upon this as upon many other * The numbers in brackets refer to the Bibliography. A 1 ON subjects. /&: |KiprJw,aS \e&([ 5be&>re in all proportional to their quantities of matter, because among all there is no difference of substance, but of modes and forms only. But in celestial bodies the same thing is likewise proved thus. We have shewn that the action of the circumsolar force upon all the planets (reduced to equal distances) is as the matter of the planets ; that the action of the circumjovial force upon the satellites of Jupiter observes the same law; and the same thing is to be said of all the planets towards every planet; but thence it follows (by prop. 69, book I) that their attractive forces are as their several quantities of matter. As the parts of the earth mutually attract one another, so do those of all the planets. If Jupiter and its satellites were brought together, and formed into one globe, without doubt they would continue mutually to attract one another as before. And, on the other hand, if the body of Jupiter was broken into more globes, to be sure, these would no less attract one another than they do the satellites now. From these attractions it is that the bodies of the earth and all the planets effect a spheri- cal figure, and their parts cohere, and are not dispersed through the aether. But we have before proved that these forces arise from the universal nature of matter (prop. 72, book I), and that, therefore, the force of any whole globe is made up of the several forces of all its parts. And from thence it follows (by cor. 3, prop. 74) that the force of every particle decreases in the duplicate proportion of the distance from that particle; and (by prop. 73 and 75, book I) that the force of an entire globe, reckoning from the surface outwards, decreases in the duplicate, but, reckoning inwards, in the simple proportion of the distances from the centres, if the matter of the globe be uniform. And though the matter of the globe, reckoning from the centre towards the surface, is not uniform (prop. 73, book I), yet the decrease in the duplicate proportion of the distance outwards would (by prop. 76, book I) take place, provided that difformity is similar in places round about at equal distances from the centre. And two such globes wil 1 (by the same prop- osition) attract one the other with a force decreasing in the duplicate proportion of the distance between their centres. Wherefore the absolute force of every globe is as the quan- 18 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION tity of matter which the globe contains ; but the motive force by which every globe is attracted towards another, and which, in terrestrial bodies, we commonly call their weight, is as the content under the quantities of matter in both globes applied to the square of the distance between their centres (by cor. 4, prop. 76, book I), to which force the quantity of motion, by which each globe in a given time will be carried towards the other, is proportional. And the accelerative force, by which every globe according to its quantity of matter is attracted towards another, is as the quantity of matter in that other globe applied to the square of the distance between the centres of the two (by cor. 2, prop. 76, book I) ; to which force the ve- locity by which the attracted globe will, in a given time, be carried towards the other is proportional. And from these principles well understood, it will be now easy to determine the motions of the celestial bodies among themselves. SIR ISAAC NEWTON was born at Woolsthorpe, near Grant- ham, in Lincolnshire, in 1642. He was educated at the Grant- ham grammar-school, entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1661, and received his degree four years later. He at once began to make those magnificent discoveries in mathematics and physics which have made his name immortal. In 1665 he committed to writing his first discovery on fluxions, and shortly afterward made the unsuccessful attempt, to which we have already referred, to explain lunar and planetary motions. He next turned his attention to the subject of optics ; his work in that field includes the discovery of the unequal refrangibility of differently coloured lights, the compositeness of white light and chromatic aberration. Having erroneously concluded that this aberration could not be rectified by a combination of lenses, he turned his attention to reflectors for telescopes and made a great advance in that direction. His name is also closely iden- tified with the colours due to thin plates. From 1669 to 1701 he was Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge. He was elected to membership in the Royal Society in 1671, and from 1703 until his death was its president ; he became a mem- ber of the Paris Academy in 1699. The publication of his work on Optics had caused some controversy, and such a lover of peace was Newton, and so little did he care for the praise of 19 MEMOIRS ON THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION the world, that it was only at the earnest solicitation of Hal ley that he was willing to give to the public the results of his won- derful researches on central orbits, and universal gravitation ; these included an explanation of the lunar inequalities, the figure of the earth, the precession of the equinoxes and the tides, and a method of comparing the masses of the heavenly bodies. In 1669 he became a member of Parliament, in 1696 Warden of the Mint, and from 1699 until his death was Master of the Mint. He gave much valuable aid in the recoinage of the money and in questions of finance at this period. He was knighted in 1705. During the latter years of his life much of his time was devoted to his public duties. He died in 1727, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. 20 LA FIGURE DE LA TERRE Determines par les Observations cle Messieurs Bouguer, et de la Condamine, de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences, envoyes par ordre du Roy au Perou, pour observer aux environs de 1'fCquateur. Avec une Relation abregee de ce Voyage, qui contient la description du Pays dans lequel les operations ont ete faites. PAR M. BOUGUER A Paris, 1749 Section 7, pp. 327-394 THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH Determined by the observations of MM. Bouguer and de la Condamine, of the Royal Academy of Sciences, sent to Peru by order of the King to make observations near the equator. With a brief account of their travels and a description of the country in which the investigations were made. BY PIERRE BOUGUER Paris, 1749 Section 7 pp. 327-394 21 CONTENTS OF SECTION VII PAGE Introduction 23 Chap. I. Experiments Made in Order to find the Length of the Seconds- Pendulum 24 Description of Pendulum 24 Method of Observation (Omitted). Observed Lengths of Seconds- Pendulum at Various Places 25 Corrections to be Made in the Observed Lengths 25 Corrected Lengths of Seconds-Pendulum at Various Places 27 Chap. II. Comparison of Attraction and Centrifugal Force (Omitted). Chap. III. Remarks on the Diminution in Attraction at Different Heights above Sea-level 27 Calculation of the Attraction Due to a Plateau 29 Deduction of the Mean Density of the Earth from Pend- ulum Experiments. 32 Chap. IV. On the Deflection of the Plumb-line by a Mountain ... 33 Description of Mount Chimborazo 34 Its Deflection of the Plumb-line Calculated from the Theory. . 34 Various Ways Suggested for Showing the Deflection 35 Description of the Method Employed 38 Examination of the Attraction of Chimborazo 39 Meridian Altitudes at the First Station 40 Measurements Made to find the Relative Positions of the two Stations 41 Meridian Altitudes at the Second Station (Omitted). Corrected Meridian Altitudes at the Second Station 42 Calculations for the Observed Deflection of the Plumb-line. . . 42 Its Poor Agreement with that Calculated from Theory 43 Appendix (Omitted). SECTION VII. OP BOUGUER'S FIGURE OF THE EARTH ACCOUNT OF THE EXPERIMENTS OR OBSERVATIONS ON GRAV- ITATION, WITH REMARKS ON THE CAUSES OF THE FIGURE OF THE EARTH 1. HAVING discussed everything that bears on the earth con- sidered as a geometrical body, it remains for us, before terminat- ing this work, to verify the facts which give us some slight knowledge of the interior conformation of this great mass con- sidered as a physical body. . . . 2. The first question which presents itself on this matter is a consideration of the part played in the flattening of the earth by the attraction which compresses it from all sides, urging all masses towards certain points. We know, since M. Eicher first remarked it (in 1672 in Cayenne), that this force is not every- where the same. It is greater towards the poles, and less to- wards the equator. This agrees perfectly with the figure of the earth, which appears to have yielded a little to the great press- ure at the poles, and to be slightly elevated, on the contrary, at the equator, where the compressing force was more feeble. But does the effect correspond exactly to the cause upon which we desire it to depend? Is the difference in attraction so great that we can attribute to it all the inequality which exists, as we have seen, between the two diameters of our globe ? To answer this question it is necessary to determine, by exact ex- periment, how much the attraction actually differs in different parts of the earth. . . . We have two methods for observing the change in attraction as we pass from one region to another ; we have only to examine how much more quickly or more slowly a pendulum of given length oscillates ; or else to find the length of the pendulum whose time of vibration is exactly 23 MEMOIRS ON a second ; the differences which we shall find in the length of this pendulum will determine the changes of the attraction as we go from one region to another. ACCOUNT OF THE EXPERIMENTS MADE FOR THE PURPOSE OF DETERMINING THE LENGTH OF THE SECONDS-PENDULUM 3. My first experiments with the pendulum were made at- Petit-Goave in the island of St. Domingue. They are reported in the memoirs of the Academy for 1735 and 1736. . . . 4. The instrument which I almost always used, and which I still use, is extremely simple. I make the pendulum always exactly of the same length, and I compare its oscillations with those of a clock which I regulate by daily observations. It is not, properly speaking, by the different lengths of the pend- ulum that I judge of the intensity of gravitation at different places ; I judge of it only by the greater or less rapidity of the oscillations, or by the number of oscillations made by the pend- ulum in 24 hours. ... It appears to me to be much easier to count the number of oscillations than to measure directly dif- ferences of a few hundredths of a line* in the length of the pendulum. [Then follows an account of his pendulum. The bob was of copper, composed of tzvo equal truncated cones joined at their greater bases. The thread ivas a fibre of aloe, which is not af- fected by the weather. The length was maintained constant by having it always so that an iron rule just fitted in between the clamp and the bob. The length of the equivalent simple pendulum was 36 pouces, 7.015 lines. Bouguer gives a description of a scale fixed behind the pend- ulum, by means of which he could observe the decrement and the time required by the pendulum to gain an oscillation on the clock. ] 10. It is time to relate the experiments. ... I shall choose one of those which I made on the rocky summit of Pichincha [2434 toises above sea-level], in the month of August, 1737. The * [72 ponces \ toise = 1.949 metres = 6.3945 ft, 12 lines = 1 pouce ] 24 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION force of attraction Was feeble, not only because we were nearly over the equator at this place, but also because we were at a very great height above the surface of the sea. . . . [Details of experiment.] 12. . . . We find in this way that the pendulum which beats seconds at the equator, and in the highest accessible place on the earth, is 36 polices 6.69 lines in length. I made other ex- periments at the same place which agreed as exactly as possible with this result. [One made by Don Antonio de Ulloa gave 36 pouces, 6.715 lines. We may take as the mean 36 pouces,^.7Q lines. ] 13. I have found by the same proceedings and with the aid of the same instruments, the length of the seconds-pendulum at Quito [1466 toises above sea-level], to be 36 ponces, 6.82 or 6.83 lines. I have verified it at different times and in all sea- sons of the year: at times of aphelion and perihelion, at the equinoxes, and when the sun was at intermediate points; the extreme results were 36 pouces, 6.79 lines and 6.85 lines, with no differences which could not be attributed to the inevitable errors of observation. . . . [ The question of a possible yearly change is discussed. Experiments were made with the same apparatus, in 1740,^ I' Isle de I'Inca, 14' or 15' from the equator, and scarcely 40 toises above sea-level. Bouguer regards this determination as that of the true equinoctial pendulum.] 15. Place Length found by experiment i 2434 toises absolute height. Under the equator at ! 1466 " " / Sea-level 36 pouce, 6.70 lines. 6.83 " 707 " At Portobello 9 34' N latitude 7 16 " At Petit-Goave, 18 27' " " At Paris 7.33 " 8.58 ' CORRECTIONS WHICH MUST BE APPLIED TO THE LENGTH OF THE PENDULUM AS DETERMINED DIRECTLY FROM THE EXPERIMENTS. 16. [Bouguer remarks that these corrections arise from changes in tem/oerature and in the constitution of the atmosphere.'] The 35 MEMOIRS ON first cause does riot really change the length, it only makes it appear different according as the measures we use are differ- ently altered by heat or cold; but the other cause brings in a real inequality,, since it produces nearly the same effect as if the weight were greater or smaller. . . . 17. ... Since the temperature of Quito does not differ from that of Paris in the middle of spring, we have only to refer all our results to it. That is, without altering the lengths of the pendulum found in these two cities, we have only to correct all the others by increasing or diminishing them, according as the metal rules we used were expanded by the heat or contracted by the cold. [He concludes from his experiments that a change of length of pendulum of .02 lines corresponds to a change of temperature of 3R. Hence he had to add .075 lines to the length found at sea-level, and subtract .05 lines from that found at Pichincha.] 18. There is little more difficulty in finding the alteration in the length of the pendulum caused by the medium in which the experiments are- made. This medium, whether rare or dense, has a certain weight, and that of the small mass of copper, of which the bob of the pendulum is formed, is a little lessened by it. The small mass tends to fall to the earth with only the excess of its weight above that ot the air which surrounds it. Thus our pendulums are acted on by a force a little less than if we had performed the experiments in vacuo : and the length of the seconds-pendulum, which we found directly from experi- ment, is a little too short in the same proportion. 19. The use of the barometer enables us to find the ratio be- tween the weight of mercury and of air in all the parts of the atmosphere which are accessible. We observe how many feet it is necessary to ascend or descend in order to change the height of the mercury by a line. ... I have found in this way that it was only necessary to express the first (the weight of air) by unity, at the summit of Pichincha, if one expressed that of copper by 11000. ... So I always found the seconds-pend- ulum too small by y^^th part. To correct for this error we must add .04 lines [at Pichincha ; .05 at Quito ; .06 at sea- level.] . . . This is the first time that any one has taken ac- count of this small correction which enters into the experi- ments, but we cannot neglect it if we wish to attain the greatest accuracy. . . . 26 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION [Bouguer then proves that the time of vibration is not appreci- ably affected by the resistance of the air.]* 22. Corrected lengths of the seconds-pendulum, or such as they would be if the oscillations were made in vacuo. Place. Under the equator at ] 1466 ( Sea-level . At Portobello, 9 34' N. latitude At Petit-Goave, 18 27' " " . At Paris . 2434 toises absolute height. pouces,6.69 lines. " 6.88 " " 7.21 " " 7.30 " 7.47 " " 8.67 " IT COMPARISON OF ATTRACTION AND THE CENTRIFUGAL FORCE WHICH BODIES ACQUIRE BY THE MOTION OF THE EARTH ABOUT ITS AXIS, WITH REMARKS ON THE EFFECTS OF THESE TWO FORCES. [Bouguer finds that the primitive attraction (that is, the attrac- tion the earth would have if it were at rest) is to the centrifugal force as 288-JJ : 1. He gives a table showing the decrease in the length of the seconds-pendulum at various latitudes, due to the centrifugal force. The following headings will give an idea of the matter contained in the rest of this chapter.] The centrifugal force produced by the motion of the earth about its axis is not sufficient to produce the observed differ- ences in weight. The primitive attraction does not tend towards a common point as centre. Ill REMARKS ON THE DIMINUTION IN THE ATTRACTION AT DIF- FERENT HEIGHTS ABOVE THE LEVEL OF THE SEA. 40. The experiments with the pendulum which we have made at Quito and on the summit of Pichincha teach us that * [See note on page 66] 27 MEMOIRS ON the attraction changes with the distance from the centre of the earth. This force goes on diminishing as we ascend; I have found the pendulum at Quito to be shorter than at sea-level by .33 lines, or the y-gVr^ 1 P 111 ^ : Jin ^ in mounting to the summit of Pichincha the pendulum is shortened again by .19 lines, and is 8TT tn P art shorter than at sea-level.* One cannot attribute these differences to the centrifugal force, which, being greater the higher we ascend, ought to diminish a little further the primitive attraction. The centrifugal force is increased by the height of the mountain by the -j-^j-yth part only, and as it is itself but the ^-J^th part of the weight, it is clear that its new increase corresponds to .001 lines only in the length of the pendulum, and so does not sensibly contribute to the dimi- nution of the other force. 41. If we compare the shortening which the pendulum re- ceives with the height at which the experiment was made, we see that the forces do not decrease in the simple inverse ratio of the distances from the centre of the earth, but that they follow rather the proportion of the square. Quito is 146(5 toises above sea-level, or 7^7 th of the radius of the earth ; but it has been found that the attraction is less by a fraction much more considerable namely, by a TTsr^h part, which is nearly double ; this is not very far from the inverse ratio of the square of the distance. . . . We have a second example in the experiment made on Pichincha. The absolute height of this mountain, which is 2434 toises above sea-level, is j^Vs^ 1 of the radius of the earth. The diminution of the length of the pend- ulum, or of the attraction, ought then to be the grjth part, if it is to be in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance ; but it was by no means so great in fact, only the g-J-^th part. 42. This diminution in attraction, as we go above sea-level, is quite in conformity with what we otherwise know. We can compare with the attraction here experimented upon that which keeps the moon in its orbit, or which obliges it con- tinually to perform a circle about us. These two forces aro exactly in the inverse ratio of the squares of the distances from the centre of the earth. We can make the same ex- * [Pendulum observations were made at these and other places in Peru by dr la Condamine also (8, pp. 70, 144, 162-169). For a complete biblior/raphy of pendulum experiments, see that published by La Societe Fran$aise de Physique (178, vol. 4).] 28 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION amination with respect to the principal planets which have several satellites, or with respect to" the sun, towards which all the principal planets are attracted, and we shall always find the law of the square. Why, then, do our experiments constantly give a law not entirely in agreement with this? Is it necessary to attribute the difference to some error on our part ; or can it be that in the neighborhood of great masses like the earth the law under consideration is observed in an imperfect manner only ? 43. We shall find ourselves in a position to solve this diffi- culty, perhaps, by remarking that the Cordilleras, on which we were placed, form a kind of plateau, or, what in certain ways amounts to the same thing, the surface of the earth is there carried to a greater height or to a greater distance from the centre. There is reason for believing that in this second case the attraction would be a little greater ; for it is natural to think that it depends upon the size of the attracting mass. There are then two things to be considered in the case of the experiments on the pendulum which I have reported. These experiments were made at a great height above the av- erage surface of the earth, and therefore the attraction ought to be found a little less. But, on the other hand, the group of mountains on which Quito is placed and on which Pichincha rises, and all the other sum- mits to which it acts as a plinth, ought to produce nearly the same effect as if the earth at this place were larger or had a greater radius. The attrac- tion on this account ought to increase. Thus it depends on a kind of chance, or, to speak more philosophically, it de- pends on circumstances which we do not yet know, whether the attraction at Quito will be equal to that at sea-level, or be smaller or larger. 44. Suppose that the circle ADD represents the circum- ference of the earth, of which C is the centre, and that Aa is the amount by which Quito,, situated at a, is elevated 29 Fig. c. MEMOIRS ON above sea -level. Imagine a new spherical shell of terrestrial matter, occupying all the interval between the two concen- tric surfaces ADD and add; or, which comes to the same thing, imagine that the earth increases in radius, and that Quito, without changing its position, remains at the level of the sea, now supposed much higher. There is every reason to think that the attraction at Quito would, as a consequence, be found greater than it actually is at A or at D, in the ratio of CA to Ca. It is necessary for that, however, to sup- pose that the layer of earth enclosed between the two con- centric surfaces is of the same density as all the rest ; for if the density were different the increase would no longer be in the same ratio. 45. Call r the radius, and A the density of the earth. Then rA is the attraction at all the points A, D, etc., supposing that the earth ends there. Call h the height Aa, which is very small compared with r. Then the attraction at a is less than at A, in the ratio of r 2 : (r-f 7*) 2 , or its diminution will be as 2h:r; that is, if the attraction is rA at A, it is (r 2A)A at a, and this supposes that the earth has CA only for effective radius. But all this will be subject to change if we add to our globe the layer Ac?D, whose density is 5. This new spherical layer, if it had the same density as the rest, would augment the attraction at the surface in the same ratio as the radius of the earth became greater. The increase would be in the ratio of r : r + U. 46. Thus the added layer would not only make up for the decrease which the attraction actually suffers when we go away from the earth, in rising by the height Ka h, but would add a new amount to it, equal to half the diminution, since it would make this attraction, which is actually r 2h at the point , become r + Ji. It follows that the attraction which the spherical layer can produce at its exterior surface at a is expressed by 3A, or three times its thickness; but we must multiply by the density S, because we suppose that the den- sity of the layer and that of the earth as a whole are not equal. 47. To recapitulate: When the earth has its radins, CA=:r, the attraction at A is rA, and at the height h is (r 2&)A. But when we add to the earth the spherical layer Ae?D, the attraction at a becomes (r 2 30 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION 48. All that remains now to be remarked is that the Cordill- eras of Peru, however great they may be, ought not to produce the same effect as the spherical shell which we have assumed. If the base EE of the Cordilleras were exactly double its height, and this mass had the shape of the roof of a house of indefinite length, then the Cordilleras would produce at a only \ the effect of the entire spherical shell, as can be easily proved. But there are further additions to be made in order to give a more accurate idea of the Cordilleras of Peru. The base EE is 80 or 100 times greater than the height Aa, which augments the effect in precisely the same ratio as the angle at a is greater. This angle is only 90 when we find the effect ^ of that which the whole spherical layer would produce, but on account of the great width of the base of the Cordilleras the angle is nearer 170, which doubles the effect. Moreover, the Cordilleras do not terminate at the height of Quito in a single summit like the ridge of a house ; it is, on the contrary, quite 10 or 12 leagues broad there. One can suppose then, without fear of mistake, that the effect is the greatest which can be produced by a chain of mountains. It is the J of that which a spherical layer would produce, or f//3, and if we add to it the attraction (r 2/z)A, which the globe ADD produces at a, we shall have ( r 2A)A -f f/^* as the expression for the attraction at Quito, when rA expresses that at sea-level. 49. The difference between the two is 2AA fAS, which furnishes the subject of divers quite curious remarks. If the matter of the Cordilleras were more compact than that of the average of the whole earth, and their densities were as 4 : 3, the difference 27iA |7i 3 - h ~t-t - j - -* Fig. 3 by as much ; and the time of moving from B to x, in the sec- ond vibration, exceeds that of moving from x to B, in the first, . . by - _ - , supposing Da to be bisected m 3 ; so that, if a mean is taken, between the time of the first arrival of the arm at x and its returning back to the same point, this mean will be earlier* than the true time of its coming to B, by The effect of motion in the point of rest is, that when the arm is moving in the same direction as the point of rest, the time of moving from one extreme point of vibration to the other is increased, and it is diminished when they are moving in contrary directions ; but, if the point of rest moves uni- formly, the time of moving from one extreme to the middle point of the vibration, will be equal to that of moving from the middle point to the other extreme, and, moreover, the time of two successive vibrations will be very little altered ; and, therefore, the time of moving from the middle point of one vibration to the middle point of the next, will also be very little altered. * [This word should be "later" as is observed by Todhunter (140, vol. 2, p. 165). For an elementary discussion of this kind of motion see Williamson and Tarleton's " Treatise of Dynamics," ex. 13, 117. Poisson (65, vol. 1, pp. 353-361) and Menabrea (71) have given very elaborate analyses of the problem. Cornu and Bailie (137, 141, 142, 143, and 157) proved in 1878 that the re- sistance in the case under consideration is proportional to the first power of the velocity.] 66 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION It appears, therefore, that on account of the resistance of the air, the time at which the arm comes to the middle point of the vibration, is not exactly the mean between the times of its coming to the extreme points, which causes some inaccur- acy in my method of finding the time of a vibration. It must be observed, however, that as the time of coming to the middle point is before the middle of the vibration, both in the first and last vibration, and in general is nearly equally so, the error produced from this cause must be inconsiderable ; and, on the whole, I see no method of finding the time of a vibration which is liable to less objection. The time of a vibration may be determined, either by previous trials, or it may be done at each experiment, by ascertaining the time of the vibrations which the arm is actually put into by the motion of the weights ; but there is one advantage in the latter method, namely, that if there should be any accidental attraction, such as electricity, in the glass plates through which the motion of the arm is seen, which should increase the force necessary to draw the arm aside, it would also diminish the time of vibration ; and, consequently, the error in the result would be much less, when the force required to draw the arm aside was deduced from experiments made at the time, than when it was taken from previous experiments. ACCOUNT OF THE EXPERIMENTS In my first experiments, the wire by which the arm was sus- pended was 39 inches long, and was of copper silvered, one foot of which weighed 2 T 4 ^ grains ; its stiffness was such as to make the arm perform a vibration in about 15 minutes. I im- mediately found, indeed, that it was not stiff enough, as the attraction of the weights drew the balls so much aside, as to make them touch the sides of the case ; I, however, chose to make some experiments with it, before I changed it. In this trial, the rods by which the leaden weights were sus- pended were of iron ; for, as I had taken care that there should be nothing magnetical in the arm, it seemed of no signification whether the rods were magnetical or not ; but, for greater se- curity, I took off the leaden weights, and tried what effect the rods would have by themselves. Now I find, by computation, that the attraction of gravity of these rods on the balls, is to 67 MEMOIRS ON that of the weights, nearly as 17 to 2500 ; so that, as the at- traction of the weights appeared, by the foregoing trial, to be sufficient to draw the arm aside by about 15 divisions, the at- traction of the rods alone should draw it aside about -fa of a division ; and, therefore, the motion of the rods from one near position to the other, should move it about ^ of a division. The result of the experiment was, that for the first 15 min- utes after the rods were removed from one near position to the other, very little motion was produced in the arm, and hardly more than ought to be produced by the action of gravity ; but the motion then increased, so that, in about a quarter or half an hour more, it was found to have moved } or 1J division, in the same direction that it ought to have done by the action of gravity. On returning the irons back to their former position, the arm moved backward, in the same manner that it before moved forward. It must be observed, that the motion of the arm, in these ex- periments, was hardly more than would sometimes take place without any apparent cause; but yet, as in three experiments which were made with these rods, the motion was constantly of the same kind, though differing in quantity from J to 1 divis- ion, there seems great reason to think that it was produced by the rods. As this effect seemed to me to be owing to magnetism, though it was not such as I should have expected from that cause, I changed the iron rods for copper, and tried them as before ; the result was, that there still seemed to be some effect of the same kind, but more irregular, so that I attributed it to some accidental cause, and therefore hung on the leaden weights, and proceeded with the experiments. It must be observed, that the effect which seemed to be pro- duced by moving the iron rods from one near position to the other, was, at a medium, not more than one division ; whereas the effect produced by moving the weight from the midway to the near position, was about 15 divisions ; so that, if I had con- tinued to use the iron rods, the error in the result caused there- by, could hardly have exceeded -^ of the whole. 68 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION EXPERIMENT I. AUG. 5 Weights in midway position Extreme points Divisions Time Point of rest Time of mid. of vibration Difference 11.4 11.5 11.5 9 h 42' 0" 55 10 5 11.5 23.4 27.6 24.7 27,3 25.1 At 10 h 5', weights moved to positive position 25.82 26.07 26.1 At ll h 6', weights returned back to midway position 5. 11 12 48 } 1 30 f o h r 13" 18.2 12 \ 14' 56" 12 11 16 29 ) 17 20 27.47 7 4 ) 53 f 7 26 Motion of arm =6.32 Time of vibration = 6' 58" * [This is evidently a misprint for 6th, 7th, and 8th.] 80 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION EXPERIMENT X. MAY 5 Weights in positive position Extreme points Divisions Time Point of rest Time of middle of vibration Difference 34.5 33.5 34.4 33.97 Weights moved to negative position 22.3 28 29 10 h 43' 42" I 44 6 J 10 h 43' 36" 33.2 27.82 . r o" 28 27 50 33 ) 51 J 50 36 22.6 27.72 32.5 27.7 23.2 27.58 31.45 27.4. 23.5 27.28 27 28 11 25 20 ) 58 f 11 25 24 30.7 27.21 7 3 28 27 32 ) 32 40 J 32 27 23.95 27.21 6 56 27 39 19 ) on .>> 28 40 2 i" o &6 30.25 Motion of arm =6.15 Time of vibration = 6' 59" EXPERIMENT XL MAY 6 Weights in positive position Extreme points Divisions Time Point of rest Time of middle of vibration 34.9 34.1 34.47 ' 34.8 34.49 34.25 Weights moved to negative position 23.3 28 29 9 h 59' 59" ) 10 27 f 10 h 0' 8" 33.3 28.42 29 6 52 ) 27 7 51 f 7 5 23.8 28.35 F 81 MEMOIRS ON 32.5 28.3 24.4 missed 24.8 31.3 28.17 29 28 10 h 48' 37" ) 49 21 J 10 h 49' 8" 25.3 28.2 28 29 56 8 I 56 f 56 13 30.9 Motion of arm =6.07 Time of vibration = 7' 1" In the three foregoing experiments, the index was purposely moved so that, before the beginning of the experiment, the balls rested as near the sides of the case as they could, without danger of touching it ; for it must be observed, that when the arm is at 35, they begin to touch. In the two following ex- periments, the index was in its usual position. EXPERIMENT XII. MAY 9 Weights* in negative position Extreme points Divisions Time Point of rest Time of middle of vibration 17.4 17.4 17.4 17.4 9 h 45' 0" 58 10 8 10 17.4 Weights moved to positive position 28.85 24 22 20 50 ) 21 46 f 10 h 20' 59" 18.4 23.49 28.3 23.57 19.3 23.67 27.8 23.72 20. 23.8 27.4 . 23.83 24 23 11 3 13 ) 54 \ 11 3 14 20.55 23.87 23 24 9 45 ) 10 28 f 10 18 27. Motion of arm =6.09 Time of vibration = 7' 3" 82 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION EXPERIMENT XIII. MAY 25 Weights in negative position Extreme points Divisions Time Point of rest Time of middle of vibration 16. 18.3 17.2 16.2 Weights moved to positive position 29.6 25 24 10 h 22 22" I 45 [ 10 h 22' 56" 17.4 23.32 23 24 29 30 59 ) 23 f 30 3 28.9 23.4 24 23 36 37 58 \ 24 / 37 7 18.4 23.52 23 24 44 3 j. 31 f 44 14 28.4 23.62 19.3 23.7 27.8 23.7 24 23 11 5 6 26 ) 1 f 11 5 31 19.9 23.72 23 24 12 12 ) 50 \ 12 35 27.3 Weights moved to negative position 13.5 21.8 17.75 18 17 37 38 &\ 37 39 13.9 17.67 17 18 44 45 *;} 44 45 21.1 17.62 14.4 17.6 20.5 17.52 14.7 17.47 20. 17.42 18 17 19 20 57 I 52 ] 20 24 15. 17.37 17 18 27 28 15 I 15 \ 27 30 19.5 Motion of the arm on moving weights from to + = 6.12 + to -=5.97 Time of vibration at + = 7' 6" = 7' 7" 83 MEMOIRS ON EXPERIMENT XIV. MAY 26 Weights in negative position Extreme points Divisions Time Point of rest Time of middle of vibnition 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 9 h 18' 0" 24 46 49 16.1 Weights moved to positive position 27.7 23 22 10 1 46 \ 16 f 10" r i" 17.3 22.37 22 23 7 8 58 ) 27 \ 8 5 27.2 22.5 23 22 15 2 i 32 I 15 9 18.3 22.65 26.8 ' , 22.75 19.1 22.85 26.4 22.97 23 22 43 44 40 ) 22 \ 43 32 20. 23.15 22 23 49 50 53 ) 37 \ 50 41 26.2 Weights moved to negative position 12.4 16 17 11 7 8 53 ) 27 \ 11 8 25 21.5 17.02 17 16 15 16 30 I 3 \ ;', 15 27 12.7 16.9 20.7 16.85 13.3 16.82 20. 16.72 13.6 16.67 16 17 50 51 33 ) 19 \ 50 58 19.5 16.65 17 16 57 58 53 ) 44 } 58 6 14. Motion of arm by moving weights from to + = 6.27 + to -=6.13 Time of vibration at + = 7' 6" - = 7' 6" 84 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION In the next experiment, the balls, before the motion of the weights, were made to rest as near as possible to the sides of the case, but on the contrary side from what they did in the 9th, 10th, and llth experiments. EXPERIMENT XV. MAY 27 Weights in negative position Extreme points Divisions Time Point of rest Time of middle ot vibration 3.9 3.85 3.61 3.85 3.61 3.4 Weights moved to positive position 15.4 10 9 10 h 5' 59" ) 6 27 f 10 h 5' 56" 4.8 ' . 9.95 9 10 12 43 ) 13 11 f 13 5 14.8 10.07 10 9 20 24 ) 56 f 20 13 5.9 10.23 14.35 10.35 6.8 ' 10.46 13.9 10.52 11 10 48 30 \ 49 11 ] 48 42 7.5 10.6 10 11 55 26 ) 56 10 \ 55 48 13.5 Motion of the arm = 6.34 Time of vibration = 7' 7" The two following experiments were made by Mr. Gilpin, who was so good as to assist me on the occasion. EXPERIMENT XVI. MAY 28 Weights in negative position Extreme points Divisions Time Point of rest Time of middle of vibration 22.55 8.4 15.09 21. ' 14.9 9.2 85 MEMOIRS ON Weights moved to positive position 26.6 22 21 10 h 22' 53" ) 23 20 I 10 h 23' 15" 15.8 21. 20 21 30 7 | 36 f 30 30 25.8 21.05 22 21 37 23 I 55 \ 37 45 16.8 21.11 20 21 44 29 ) 45 4 f 45 1 25.05 21.11 22 21 51 54 ) 52 32 f 52 20 17.57 21.2 21 22 59 31 | 11 13 f 59 34 24.6 21.28 22 21 6 24 } 7 9 f 11 6 49 18.3 Motion of the arm = 6.1 Time of vibration =. 7' 16" EXPEKIMENT XVII. MAY 30 Weights in negative position Extreme points Divisions Time Point of rest Time of middle of vibration 17.2 10 h 19' 0" 17.1 25 17.07 29 17.15 40 17.45 49 17.42 51 17.42 11 1 17.42 Weights moved to positive position 28.8 24 23 11 11 23 ) 49 J ll h 11' 37" 18.1 23.2 22 23 18 13 I 43 \ 18 42 27.8 23.12 24 23 25 19 } 49 f 25 40 18.8 23.2 23 24 32 41 ) 33 13 \ 32 43 86 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION 27.38 23.31 24 23 ll h 39' 28" f 40 3 f ll h 39' 44" 19.7 23.44 23 24 46 33 ) 47 11 J 46 46 27. 23.52 24 23 53 36 ) 54 17 f 53 48 20.4 23.57 23 24 34 ) 1 18 ( 6 55 26.5 23.55 24 23 7 34 ) 8 21 \ 7 50 20.8 23.59 23 24 14 30 ) 15 24 f 14 58 26.25 Weights moved to negative position 13.3 17 18 32 19 ) 48 f 32 44 22.4 17.95 18 17 39 46 > 40 19 J 39 44 13.7 17.85 17 18 46 26 ) 47 f 46 48 21.6 17.72 18 17 53 43 ) 54 20 f 53 50 14. 17.6 17 18 1 39 I i 20 y 1 55 20.8 17.47 18 17 7 39 | 8 21 \ 7 59 14.3 17.37 17 14 54 ) 18 15 42 f 15 4 20.1 17.27 18 17 21 32 ) 22 22 J 22 5 14.6 Motion of the arm on moving weights from to + = 5.78 + to- =5.64 Time of vibration at 4- =T 2" - =7' 3" 87 MEMOIRS ON OK THE METHOD OF COMPUTING THE DENSITY OF THE EARTH FROM THESE EXPERIMENTS I shall first compute this, on the supposition that the arm and copper rods have no weight, and that the weights exert no sensible attraction, except on the nearest ball ; and shall then examine what corrections are necessary, on account of the arm and rods, and some other small causes. The first thing is, to find the force required to draw the arm aside, which, as was before said, is to be determined by the time of a vibration. The distance of the centres of the two balls from each other is 73.3 inches, and therefore the distance of each from the centre of motion is 36.65, and the length of a pendulum vi- brating seconds, in this climate, is 39.14; therefore, if the stiffness of the wire by which the arm is suspended is such, that the force which must be applied to each ball, in order to draw the arm aside by the angle A, is to the weight of that ball as the arch of A to the radius, the arm will vibrate in the same time as a pendulum whose length is 36.65 inches, that is, in y ' - seconds ; and therefore, if the stiffness of the wire is such as to make it vibrate in N seconds, the force which must be applied to each ball, in order to draw it aside by the angle A, is to the weight of the ball as the arch of Ax^pX.y^ -LAi O */ XT: to the radius. But the ivory scale at the end of the arm is 38.3 inches from the centre of motion, and each division is -fa of an inch, and therefore subtends an angle at the centre, whose arch is T |-g ; and therefore the force which must be applied to each ball, to draw the arm aside by one division, is to the weight 1 36.65 . 1 of the ball as to 1, or as to 1.* * [Or thus: using the ordinary notation for the simple pendulum vibrating through small arcs, if the force on each ball drawing the arm aside through an arc subtending an angle of A were mg x ^ / , the arm would vibrate like a /Of* pr pendulum of the same length, and have a period of\J ~ seconds, because the * oy.i4 period of a pendulum varies as the square root of its length. But the force varies as - , ; therefore the force required to draw the arm through A with (period} 1 ' THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION The next thing is, to find the proportion which the attraction of the weight on the ball hears to that of the earth thereon, sup- posing the ball to be placed in the middle of the case, that is, to be not nearer to one side than the other. When the weights are approached to the balls, their centres are 8.85 inches from the middle line of the case ; but, through inadvertence, the distance, from each other, of the rods which support these weights, was made equal to the distance of the centres of the balls from each other, whereas it ought to have been somewhat greater. In consequence of this, the centres of the weights are not exactly opposite to those of the balls, when they are ap- proached together; and the effect of the weights, in drawing the arm aside, is less than it would otherwise have been, in the o OK triplicate ratio of ' to the chord of the an He whose sine is 8 85 36 ' 65 - , or in the triplicate ratio of the cosine of i this angle to OD.OD the radius, or in the ratio of .9779 to 1.* period N" = mg x arc of A c 36.65 X 8914 oa KK " on 1 A ^ ! - ^1^^ the force required to draw OO.DO o". 14 the arm through 1 scale division with period N" 36.65 1 38.3 ' 20 36.65 = ^ X -^65- X 39Tl4^ N 1 36.65 1 = mg x 766N* * [Let W be the position of the "weight " of mass W, B the position it was intend- ed that it should have, and m that of the ' ' ball " of mass m. The distance mE, or WA, is 8.85 inches, and OW and Om 36.65 inches. Call WA and Wm a and b respectively, and G the gravitation constant. Then it was intended that the attraction to move the arm should be - -2 ' m , but it is G-W-m a 75 r ; a nd so is less than b 2 b was intended in the ratio of to 1, or of Cos* ^ to 1.] 39.14" mgX 818 N 2 ] 89 Fig. d MEMOIRS ON Each o.f the weights weighs 2,439,000 grams, and therefore is equal in weight to 10.64 spherical feet of water ;* and therefore its attraction on a particle placed at the centre of the ball, is to the attraction of a spherical foot of water on an equal particle (6 V s-svj to 1. The o.oO/ mean diameter of the earth is 41,800,000 feet ;f and therefore, if the mean density of the earth is to that of water as D to one, the attraction of the leaden weight on the ball will be to that of the earth thereon, as 10.64 x .9779 x (} to 41,800,000 D : : \O.OO/ 1 : 8, 739,000 D.t * [That is, iff equal to the weight of a sphere of water which can be inscribed in a cube whose volume is 10.64 cu. ft., or we can express the volume of the sphere by the number 10.64, when the unit of volume is that of a sphere of I foot in diameter, that is, ofcu.ft The radius of a spherical foot of water is, accord- ingly, 6 inches. Cavendish evidently uses Kirwaris estimate 0/253.35 grains to the cu. in. of water. The ensuing calculation can be stated thus : Call d and d' the densities of water and of the earth respectively, m the mass of the ball, and G the gravita- tion constant. The volume of the earth in spherical units is (41 800 OOO) 3 , and itsraditisQxll 800 000 inches. Gx 10.64 x Attraction of weight on ball at 8.85 inches _ (8.85)- x.9779 Attraction of earth on ball Gx (41_800 000 ) J x d' xwi "~(6x41 800l)()0) r .9779xl0.64x f Y \8.8,V 41 800 000 ^ 1 (I) (2) 8 739 000 D ' But we have already found (page 89) Force required to draw the arm through 1 div. _ 1 Weight of ball '~818N ' Dividing equation (1) by (2) we have Attraction of weight on ball _____ _ 818 N 2 N 2 Force required to draw the arm through 1 div. ~ 8 739 GOOD ~ 10 683 D = no. of div. through which the arm io drawn EEB div.] f In strictness, we ought, instead of the mean diameter of the earth, to take the diameter of that sphere whose attraction is equal to the force of gravity in this climate; but the difference is not worth regarding. \ [Ilutton has pointed out (54) that ihis number should be 8,740,000 ; but it will not make any appreciable change in the value of D.] 90 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION It is shewn, therefore, that the force which must be applied to each ball, in order to draw the arm one division out of its natural position, is xra of the weight of the ball ; and, if the olo JN mean density of the earth is to that of water as D to 1, the at- traction of the weight on the ball is ^ of the weight of o, 7 o",UUU L) that ball ; and therefore the attraction will be able to draw the ... . . . 818 N 2 N 2 arm out of its natural position by or * dlV18 ' ions ; and therefore, if on moving the weights from the mid- way to a near position the arm is found to move B divisions, or if it moves 2 B divisions on moving the weights from one near position to the other, it follows that the density of the earth, _ . N 2 r 1S We must now consider the corrections! which must be ap- plied to this result ; first, for the effect which the resistance of the arm to motion has on the time of the vibration : 2d, for the attraction of the weights on the arm : 3d, for their attraction on the farther ball : 4th, for the attraction of the copper rods on the balls and arm : 5th, for the attraction of the case on the balls and arm : and 6th, for the alteration of the attraction of the weights on the balls, according to the position of the arm, and the effect which that has on the time of vibration. None of these corrections, indeed, except the last, are of much s4g- nification, but they ought not entirely to be neglected. As to the first, it must be considered, that during the vibra- tions of the arm and balls, part of the force is spent in acceler- ating the arm ; and therefore, in order to find the force re- quired to draw them out of their natural position, we must find the proportion which the forces spent in accelerating the arm and balls bear to each other. Let EDCMc (Fig. 4) be the arm. B and b the balls. Gs the suspending wire. The arm consists of 4 parts ; first, a deal rod Dcd, 73.3 inches long ; 2d, the silver wire DCW, weighing 170 grains ; 3d, the end pieces DE and ed, to which the ivory * [This number should be 10,685. See last note.} \ [For a discussion of these corrections, similar to that of Cavendish, but with modern mathematical treatment, see Reich (67).] 91 MEMOIRS ON Fig. 4 vernier is fastened, each of which weighs 45 grains ; and 4th, some brass work Cc, at the centre. The deal rod, when dry, weighs 2320 grains, but when very damp, as it commonly was during the experiments, weighs 2400 ; the transverse section is of the shape represented in Fig. 5 ; the thick- ness BA, and the dimensions of the part Dl&ed, being the same in all parts ; but the breadth B# diminishes gradually, from the middle to the ends. The area of this sec- tion is .33 of a square inch at the middle, and .146 at the end; and therefore, if any point x (Fig. 4) is taken in cd, 1 ex . . , 2400 x. 33 and j is called x, this rod weighs -^ Q per inch at , cd 73.3 x. 238 ,, .,,. 2400X.146 2400 .33-. 184^ the middle ; -- - at the end, and -r r x - 73.3 x. 238 73.3 .238 3320 -1848 at x; and therefore, as the weight of the wire is 7o.o per inch, the deal rod and wire together may be con- 170 7373 ., - . , , 3490-1848 :r . . side red as a rod whose weight at x= ^-^ - per inch. I O.O But the force required to accelerate any quantity of matter placed at x, is proportional to x 3 ; that is, it is to the force re- quired to accelerate the same quantity of matter placed at d as x* to 1 ; and therefore, if cd is called /, and x is supposed to flow, the fluxion of the force required to accelerate the deal 92 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION x*lxx (3490 -1848*) . rod and wire is proportional to - - - - i , the fluent Y o. o of which, generated while x flows from c to d, = 1^3 X so that the force required to accelerate each. half of the deal rod and wire, is the same as is required to accelerate 350 grains placed at d. The resistance to motion of each of the pieces de, is equal to that of 48 grains placed at d; as the distance of their centres of gravity from C is 38 inches. The resistance of the brass work at the centre may be disregarded ; and therefore the whole force required to accelerate the arm, is the same as that required to accelerate 398 grains placed at each of the points D and d. Each of the balls weighs 11,262 grains, and they are placed at the same distance from the centre as D and d; and there- fore, the force required to accelerate the balls and arm to- gether, is the same as if each ball weighed 11,660, and the arm had no weight ; and therefore, supposing the time of a vibra- tion to be given, the force required to draw the arm aside, is greater than if the arm had no weight, in the proportion of 11,660 to 11,262, or of 1.0353 to 1. To find the attraction of the weights on the arm, through d draw the vertical plane dtvb perpendicular to Dd, and let w be the centre of the weight, which, though not accurately in this plane, may, without sensible error, be considered as placed therein, and let b be the centre of the ball ; then wb is hori- zontal andr=8.85, and db is vertical and=5.5; let wd=a, wb dx = b, and let -=-, or I x, =z; then the attraction of the weight on a particle of matter at *, in the direction bw, is to its at- traction on the same particle placed at b:: b 3 : (# 2 -f-zT)*, or is b 3 proportional to - 3 , and the force of that attraction to 5 3 x (1 z) move the arm, is proportional to a a ^, and the weight of the deal rod and wire at the point x, was before said to be 3490 _ 1 848 z 1 642 + 1 848 z = ; per inch; and therefore, if dx ^ -M-^t is the motion of the ball answering 20 X uo.O , .. . . MB 36.65 ab x afi> cb flows, the fluxion of the attraction of the plane on the point a, in the direction cb, = bx x bw bw T X = v 1 ', then the at- Fig. 8 V* 1 + ^ v w :, the variable part of the fluent of which = log (v v) 2 , and therefore the whole attractio ck 4- ak ion = log ( -, . y ac -^- ~\ so that the attraction of the plane, in the direction bfi+afi) cb, is found readily by logarithms, but I know no way of finding its attraction in the direction ac, except by an infinite series.* * \Playfair has given an expression in finite, terms for this attraction on pp. 225-8 of his paper in the Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., vol. 6, 1812, pp. 187-243, 102 MEMOIRS ON THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION The two most convenient series I know, are the following : First Series. Let = TT, and let A=arc whose tang, is TT, B 7T 3 7T 5 = A TT, C = B+-5~ , D = C -, etc. Then the attraction in the o o _ _ / , B?tf 2 3Cw 4 3-5Dw 6 \ * direction ac= y'lw* x I A + -%~ + -%r + "2 T 4~- 6 ' . /' For the second series, let A=arc whose tang. = , B=:A , 7T 7T , D = C --=, etc. Then the attraction = a re. 90 7T J O7T 5 It must be observed, that the first series fails when IT is greater than unity, and the second, when it is less ; but, if b is taken equal to the least of the two lines ck and cb, there is no case in which one or the other of them may not be used con- veniently. By the help of these series, I computed the following table : .1962 .3714 .5145 .6248 .7071 .7808 .8575 .9285 .9815 i. .1962 .00001 .3714 .00039 .00148 .5145 .00074 .00277 .00521 .6248 00110 .00406 .00778 .01183 .7071 00140 .00522 .01008 .01525 .02002 .7808 .00171 .00637 .01245 .01 896!. 02405 03247 .8575 00207 00772 .01522 02339.03116 .03964 .05057 .9285 00244 .00910 .01810 .02807. 03778!. 04867 06319 .08119 .9815 00271 .01019 .02084 .03193 .04868.05639 07478 09931 .12849 1. 00284 .01054 .02135 .03347 .045601.05975 .07978 .10789 .14632 .19612 ck Find in this table, with the argument 7 at top, and the ar- ctfc cb gurnent - in the left-hand column, the corresponding logarithm ; entitled " Of the Solids of Greatest Attraction, or those which, among all the 8f>lirl& that have certain Properties, attract with the greatest Force in a given Direction."] * [In the last term of the series the coefficient D was omitted in the original.] 103 MEMOIRS ON then add together this logarithm, the logarithm of -j- t and the cb afc logarithm of ; the sum is the logarithm of the attraction. To compute from hence the attraction of the case on the A E ball, let the box DCBA (Fig. 1), in which the ball plaj^s, be divided into two parts, by a vertical section, perpendic- ular to the length of the case, and passing through the centre of the ball ; and, in Fig. 9, let the parallel- epiped AEDEaMe be one of these parts, ABDE being the above-mentioned vertical sec- tion ; let x be the centre of the ball, and draw the par- allelogram pnpmlx parallel to and xgrp parallel to and bisect /3S in c. Now, the dimensions of the box, on the inside, are Bft=1.75 ; BD=3.6; B/3=1.75; and f)A 5 ; whence I find that, if xc and fix are taken as in the two upper lines of the following table, the attractions of the differ- ent parts are as set down below. Fig. 9 Excess of attraction Sum of these Excess of attraction xc (3x of T>drg above Bbrg mdrp above nbrp mesp above nasp of Bbnp above Ddmd Aanfl above JZemd Whole attraction of the inside surface of the ) half box. j" .75 1.05 .2374 .2374 .3705 .5 1.3 .1614 .1614 .2516 .25 1.55 .0813 .0813 .1271 .8453 .5007 .4677 .5744 .3271 .3079 .2897 .1606 .1525 .1231 .0606 .0234 It appears, therefore, that the attraction of the box on x in- creases faster than in proportion to the distance xc. The specific gravity of the wood used in this case is .61, and its thickness is f of an inch ; and therefore, if the attraction of the outside surface of the box was the same as that of the 104 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION inside, the whole attraction of the box on the ball, when ex = .75, would be equal to 2 x.1231 x.61 xf cubic inches, or .201 spheric inches of water, placed at the distance of one inch from the centre of the ball. In reality it can never be so great as this, as the attraction of the outside surface is rather less than that of the inside ; and, moreover, the distance of x from c can never be quite so great as .75 of an inch, as the greatest motion of the arm is only 1| inch. Much has been written concerning the Cavendish experi- ment ; the following references may be consulted to advantage. Gilbert (40), in 1799, translated the greater part of Cavendish's paper into German for his Annalen, adding many explanatory notes. A few years later Brand es (42) gave a fresh mathemati- cal analysis of the experiment, including the equations for the time of swing of the torsion pendulum in the experiment pro- posed by Muncke (see below). In 1815, the original paper of Cavendish was translated entire into French by M. Chompre (50). In 1821, Hutton (54) recalculated the results of the experi- ment after Cavendish's own formulae, and found, as he thought, a "copious list of errata, some of which are large or import- ant/' The mean of the first 6 experiments so corrected is 5.19, and of the other 23 is 5.43 ; the mean of these two means is 5.31, which Hutton takes as the correct result given by the Cavendish experiment. Baily states, however (79, pp. 92-96), that Hutton himself had fallen into error, and that the com- putations of. Cavendish are correct except in the one detail re- ferred to on page 100 of this volume. Baily gives a very care- ful criticism of the experiment on pp. 88-91 of his memoir. He remarks that " Cavendish's object, in drawing up his memoir, appears to have been more for the purpose of exhibiting a specimen of what he considered to be an excellent method of determining this important inquiry, than of deducing a result that should lay claim to the full confidence of the scientific world." Baily points out that the time was not determined with due accuracy ; that the experiments were not arranged in groups, in order to eliminate the error arising from the march of the resting point; and that the distance between the weight 105 MEMOIRS ON and the ball was assumed constant. We shall see later from the accounts of the investigations of Reich, Baily, Cornu and Bailie, and Boys bow the errors in Cavendish's experiment have been avoided. Mnncke (61, vol. 3, pp. 940-70) has given an account of the experiment and an admirable criticism of it, and compares the result with that obtained by Maskelyne and Hufcton. He pro- posed another method of using the torsion balance to find the mean density of the earth ; he would find the time of vibration with the masses first in the line of the balls and then in a line at right angles to that direction. There would be no de- flection to be measured. We have seen above that Brandes gave the theory of this experiment. Investigations of this nature have been made by Reich (83), Eotvos (192) and Braun (193); for accounts of which see the latter part of this volume. A useful resume of Cavendish's paper was given by Schmidt (64, vol. 2, pp. 481-7). He formed anew equations from which to derive the value of the density of the earth, and found 5.52 using Cavendish's data. Another mathematical investigation of the dynamical prob- lem underlying the Cavendish experiment was made by Mena- brea (71, 72 and 73), in 1840. It is a very elaborate analysis of the whole problem. He examines the effect of the resistance of the air on the time of vibration, and also shews how to find the mass of the earth supposing that it is composed of spheroidal layers of variable density. In Baily's memoir (79) is another elaborate analysis, by Airy, of the mathematical theory of the investigation. It treats especially of Baily's modification of the Cavendish experiment (reproduced in Routh's Rigid Dy- namics 1882, pt. 1, pp. 359-364). An elementary treatment of the problem involved is given by Gosselin (127), and from the formula he arrives at he derives the value of the mean density of the earth as given by Caven- dish's experiment, and gets 5.69. A similarly elementary treat- ment by Babinet (132) gives 5.5. An excellent account of Cavendish's work is given by Zanotti- Bianco (148-J) and by Poynting (185, pp. 40-8) ; in the latter is to be found a diagram showing the closeness of Cavendish's separate results to the mean. 106 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION CAVENDISH, son of Lord Charles Cavendish and a nephew of the third Duke of Devonshire, was born at Nice in 1731 and died at London in 1810. He studied at Cambridge, and becoming possessed, by the death of an uncle, of a large fortune he devoted his life unostentatiously to private scientific studies. Besides the investigation on gravitational attraction here reprinted, he is remarkable for his researches in the field of chemistry, and has been called the " Newton " of that sub- ject. He worked on the constituents of the atmosphere and on hydrogen ; he made the first synthesis of water, by burning hydrogen in air, and found the density of hydrogen to be fa (instead of -fa) of that of air. He determined the ratio of de- phlogisticated to phlogisticated air to be about as 1 : 4. Caven- dish also made many researches of great importance in the sub- ject of electricity ; these have been collected and edited by Clerk-Maxwell. Perhaps the most important of his electrical investigations is that which proved that electrostatic attraction takes place according to the law of the inverse square of the distance. He is also the author of several papers on astronomi- cal questions. Most of his writings are to be found in the Philosophical Transactions of the period. 107 HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE EXPERI- MENTS MADE SINCE THE TIME OF CAVENDISH HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE EXPERI- MENTS MADE SINCE THE TIME OF CAVENDISH OARLINI. In 1821, Carlini, director of the Brera observatory at Milan, made a series of experiments at the Hospice on Mt. Cenis in the Alps, to determine the length of the seconds-pend- ulum (55). He was led to do so from considering that the Alps offered a favourable situation for a determination of the mean density of the earth, and that no pendulum experiments had been made there since the publication of the fictitious ones of Coultaud and Mercier (see p. 47). Carlini compared the time of vibration of a simple pendulum, made after the general style of Borda's, with that of a standard clock whose rate was noted daily. The height of the observing station was 1943 metres above sea-level, in latitude 45 14' 10". The cor- rected length of the seconds -pendulum reduced to sea -level was found to be 993.708 mm. Matthieu and Biot had found the length of the "decimal" seconds-pendulum at Bordeaux, in lat. 44 50' 25", to be 741.6151 mm. The calculated length at Mt. Cenis would be 741.6421 mm. ; or, for the " sexagesimal " seconds-pendulum (100000 decimal seconds = 86 400 sexages- imal seconds) 993.498 mm. The difference between this length and the observed length is .210 mm., which represents the at- traction of the mountain on the pendulum. The mountain is composed of schist, marble and gypsum, of specific gravities 2.81, 2.86 and 2.32 respectively. Carlini took the average of all three, 2.66, as the mean density of the hill. Assuming that the hill was a segment of a sphere 1 geographical mile in height and had a base of 11 miles in diameter, the at- traction was calculated to be 5.0203, where 3 is the specific gravity of the hill. With the same units the attraction of the 111 MEMOIRS ON earth is 14 394A, where A is the mean density of the earth.* 5.0203 .210 We cannot place very great confidence in this result, not only on account of the fact that the extreme value of the length of the seconds-pendulum varies from the mean by .032 mm. and only 13 determinations were made ; but especially because the size and density to be assigned to the mountain are largely a matter of conjecture. A resume of Carlini's paper was given by Saigey (56), and by Schell (135). Excellent accounts of the experiment, with criticisms of it, have been given by Zanotti-Bianco (148J, pt. 2, pp. 136-45), Poynting (185,>pp. 22-4) and Fresdorf (186, pp. 8-11). Sabine (58 and 82, notes, p. 47) remarks that Biot and Car- lini had not properly reduced to vacuo the observed pendulum lengths, and states that the corrected length of the seconds- pendulum on Mt. Cenis is 39.0992 in. From the observations made in the Formentera-Dunkirk survey he finds by interpo- lation a pendulum length of 39.1154 in. for the latitude of the Hospice. The difference between the observed and calculated lengths is .0162 in. The difference calculated from the inverse- square law is .0238 in. With Carlini's data and equations he derives 4.77 for the value of A. Schmidt (64, vol. 2, p. 480) gives a concise account of the theory of the experiment, and remarks that Carlini made an error in determining the attraction of a spherical segment. Making the necessary correction he finds A = 4. 837, a result not far from that of the Schehallien experiment. In 1840, Giulio (70) also gave the true expression for the at- traction of a spherical segment, and noted that several other corrections must be made in Carlini's calculations ; the height of the segment is 1.05 miles, iwstead of 1 mile ; the length of the pendulum as determined by Biot must be corrected for an error in the rule used to find the length, and for the altitude of Bordeaux. Moreover, the reductions to vacuo had not been made properly in either case. When all these corrections had been applied to Carlini's results, Giulio found the value of A to be 4.95. * This signification of A will be retained throughout the rest of the volume. 112 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION Saigey (74, p. 155) makes the observed pendulum length corrected to vacuo 993.756 mm., and the calculated length 993.617 mm. With these numbers the value of A becomes 6.15. Zanotti- Bianco (14% pt. 2, p. 136) mentions that Knopf (149^) has compared the value of gravity as observed by Car- lini on the top of the mountain with the value calculated for the same place from observations made on the same parallel of latitude, and found for A, 5.08. AIRY, WHEWELL AND SHEEPSHANKS AT DOLCOATH MINE. In 1826, Drobisch, in an appendix to a pamphlet on the figure of the moon (57), suggested that experiments be made on the change in the period of a pendulum when carried from the sur- face of the earth to the bottom of a mine; he gave the theory of the experiments and calculated the change resulting from certain hypotheses. It is interesting to recall the fact that Bacon proposed the same investigation two centuries earlier. (See p. 1.) At the very same time, unknown to Drobisch, experiments of this nature were being tried in England by Airy and Whew- ell at the copper mine of Dolcoath in Cornwall. Their meth- od was to swing one invariable pendulum at the mouth of the pit and compare its rate, by Rater's method of coincidences, with that of a standard clock, and at the same time perform the same operation upon another pendulum and another clock at a depth of 1220 ft. in the mine. The pendulums were then exchanged and the operations repeated. The greatest difficulty experienced was that of comparing the rates of the two clocks. The first series of experiments was abruptly stopped on account of the damage received from fire by the lower pendulum. A short account of the method was published in 1827 (60), and Drobisch translated it for Poggendorff's Annalen (59), wherein he gives also a more complete account of the theory and an ap- plication of his equations to Airy's observations. Assuming the mean density of the surface layer of the earth to be 2.587, the experiments gave about 20 for the value of A. Drobisch contends that the surface density should be taken to be 1/52, considering how large an amount of the surface layer is water. Two years later Airy and Whewell, assisted by Mr. Sheep- shanks and others, attempted to repeat the experiments ; but after overcoming various anomalies in the motions of the pend- H 113 MEMOIRS ON ulums, the observations were stopped by a fall of rock in the mine. The value of A found from this series was about 6. A full account of the experiments was printed privately (62) in 1828, and Drobisch translated the pamphlet for the Annalen (63). REICH'S FIRST EXPERIMENT. In 1838, F. Reich, Professor of Physics in the Bergakademie at Freiberg, published in book form (67) the account of a series of experiments carried on by him since 1835 to find, after the method of Cavendish, the mean density of the earth. The adoption of the mirror and scale method of measuring deflections seemed to him to prom- ise a means of overcoming many of the difficulties against which Cavendish had contended. The final observations were made in the year 1837. In order to avoid the effects due to irregularities of tempera- ture, the apparatus was set up in a cellar room which was care- fully closed up, and the observations made through a hole in the door. The arm of the balance was 2.019 m. long, and its moment of inertia was found after the manner used by Gauss for a magnet. The average weight of each of the balls was 484.213 gr., and their distance below the arm was 77 cm. They were composed of an alloy of about 90 parts tin, 10 parts bis- muth, and a little lead. The attracting masses were of lead 45 kg. in weight and about 20 cm. in diameter, and hence much smaller than those used ,by Cavendish. They were sus- pended from pulleys running on rails parallel to the arm of the balance, and could be quickly moved from the null to the at- tracting positions. Only one mass was in the attracting posi- tion at a time, on account of the fact that in every one of the four attracting positions the distance from the mass to the ball was slightly different ; whereas Cavendish used both masses at once. The distance from mass to ball was measured at each observation by means of a telescope moving along a horizontal scale, and not once for all as was done by Cavendish. After the suspended system was set up, Reich found a con- tinual changing of the zero-point, which often lasted for 6 months. In his final observations this was not noticeable be- cause of the length of time, 1^ years, which intervened between the initial and final experiments. Accordingly the second means of the elongations were found by him to be more con- 114 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION stant than Cavendish found them. The following table will show this, and also illustrate Reich's method of finding the time of vibration : Extremes 1st mean 2d mean Time of passage at 74. 5 at 75.5 95.2, 76.00 IV h 27' 36". 8 IV h 27' 30". 8 56.8 73.85 74.925 34 21 .2 34 29 .2 90.9 i 75.90 74.875 41 22 .4 41 12 .4 60.9 74.25 75.075 47 59 .2 48 10 .8 87.6' Average or 3d mean 74.9583 Time of vibration determined from passage of 74.5 IV h 41' 22".4-IV h 27' 36". 8=13' 45". 6 47 59 .2- 34 21 .2=13 38 .0 Time of vibration determined from passage of 75.5 IV h 41' 12".4-IV h 27' 30".8=13' 41".6 48 10 .8- 34 29 .2=13 41 .6 aver. 13' 41". 6 By interpolation the time of a double vibration across 74.9583 is 13' 41". 708. This differs somewhat from Cavendish's method, as will be seen by a reference to page 65. Reich considered it a more accurate method than that of Cavendish, and remarks that when he applied the hitter's method to the above observa- tions he got results not very different, but on applying his own method to Cavendish's observations he got somewhat different results. Reich's method was adopted by Baily (79, pp. 44 and 47) in his experiments. When in the above way at least three passages across the two median points had been observed, Reich waited until the arm was in its next extreme position and seemingly at rest and then rapidly moved the attracting mass to its new position. It was always so moved as to increase the swing. He assumed that the motion was instantaneous, and used the last extreme of the one series as the first of the next. Baily (79, p. 46) followed him in this departure from the procedure of Cavendish. Cornu and Bailie (142) have pointed out that this method leads to error, and we shall refer to the matter again when describing the results obtained by Baily (page 116). From each such set of 4 extremes the resting-point and the time of vibration are 115 MEMOIRS ON found. From 2 such sets the deviation could be found, and the mean density of the earth calculated. Reich did not, how- ever, proceed in that way, but deduced one value of A from all the observations of each day ; that is, he took the average of all the deviations of that day for the final mean deviation, and the average of all the times of vibration for the final mean time of vibration, and from these deduced one value for the mean density of the earth. In applying corrections to the equations derived from a simpli- fied form of the theory of the experiment, Reich followed Cav- endish exactly. 57 observations were made, from which 14 de- terminations of the value of A were deduced. The mean of all, when corrected for the centrifugal force, was 5. 44 .0233, a re- sult almost coinciding with Cavendish's. Reich admits at the end of his paper that there were certain anomalies in the motion of the beam which he could not account for. A second series of 6 observations with iron masses 30 kg. in weight and 20 cm. in diameter gave for A, 5.4522, which proves that no disturbance could have arisen from magnetic action. Valuable concise accounts of Reich's experiment are given by Beaumont (66), Baily (68, 69 and 79, pp. 96-8), Schell (135), Poynting (185, pp. 48-50) and Fresdorf (186, pp. 20-2). BAILY. While Reich was making the investigations just re- ferred to, a very comprehensive and elaborate series of experi- ments upon almost the same plan was being carried on by the English astronomer F. Baily. These experiments were under- taken at the instance of the Royal Astronomical Society, and in aid of them a grant of 500 was made by the British govern- ment. The results were published in 1843 (79). They were carried on in one of the rooms of Baily's residence, a one-story house standing detached in a large garden. The apparatus was almost the counterpart of that of Cavendish, except that the balls were not suspended from the balance arm, but were screwed directly on to its ends. The balance and its mahogany case were, moreover, suspended from the ceiling, and the at- tracting masses rested on the ends of a plank movable on a pillar rising from the floor. As a protection against changes of temperature this apparatus was then surrounded by a wooden enclosure. The masses were of lead rather more that 12 in. in diameter, weighing 380,469 Ibs. each. Torsion rods of deal and 116 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION of brass, each about 77 in. long, were employed, and their motion was observed by the mirror and scale method. Balls of different materials and of various diameters were experimented upon : viz., 1.5 in. platinum, 2 in. lead, 2 in. zinc, 2 in. glass, 2 in. ivory, 2.5 in. lead, and 2.5 in. hollow brass. The mode of suspension was varied greatly, both single and double sus- pension wires being used, and the material and distance apart of the bifilar wires being frequently changed. The length of the suspending wires was ordinarily about 60 in., and the time of vibration varied from about 100 to 580 seconds. The experiments were begun in Oct. 1838, and carried on for 18 months, until about 1300 observations had been made ; when, on account of the great discordance of the results, a stop was made. Prof. Forbes suggested that these anomalies might arise from radiation of heat, and advised the use of gilt balls and, a gilt case. These changes were made, and the tor- sion box also lined with thick flannel. They turned out to be decided improvements, although some anomalies still existed, and it is evident that the choice of a place for setting up the apparatus was not a good one. Baily adopted the method of Reich for reducing the time re- quired to make the number of turning-points requisite for cal- culating the deviation and period ; that is, the masses were moved quickly from one near position to the other, and the last turning-point of one series served for the first of the next. Three new turning-points were observed at each position of the masses, and each group of 4 was called an "experiment." 2153 such experiments were made during the years 1841-2. The time of vibration was found for each experiment after the method adopted by Reich. In deducing the mean density of the earth from the observations Baily proceeded quite differ- ently from Reich. There was always a slow motion of the zero- point, and Baily, in order to take account of this, combined the deflections and periods in threes. The difference between the deflection of the 2d experiment and the average of the 1st and 3d is twice the mean deviation. The average of the period of the 2d experiment with the average of the 1st and 3d is the mean period. From the mean deviation and mean period so found a value of A is deduced. Another was then found from comparing the 3d experiment with the 2d and 4th, and so on. The mean of all the experiments gave for A, 5.6747.0038. Some 117 MEMOIRS ON of the experiments were made with the brass rod alone, without any balls, the mean result for which was 5. 0666 .0038. The mathematical analysis of the problem was given by Airy, and is incorporated in Daily's paper (79, pp. 99-111); it is also to be found in Routh's Rigid Dynamics, 1882, pt. 1, pp. 359-64. Baily published a condensed account of his work in several journals (75, 76, 77, 78 and 80). A careful discussion of it is given by Schell (135) and by Poynting (185, pp. 52-7). In 1842, Saigey (74) wrote a full account of all the experi- ments made before that date ; he gives his reasons for consider- ing the pendulum method of finding A the least accurate, the mountain method, somewhat better, and the torsion method the best. He, finds great fault with the work of Baily, and con- siders that his results are not so worthy of confidence as those of Cavendish. Saigey contends that the anomalies observed by Cavendish, Reich, and Baily cannot be accounted for by radiation of heat, as Forbes suggested, because the balance swings in an enclosure all points of which are at the same tem- perature (thus begging the question); he confidently remarks that these anomalies are caused by the passage of air into or out of the case as the barometric pressure changes. The values of A found by Baily increased from 5.61 to 5.77 as the density of the balls used changed from 21.0 to 1.9 respectively; Saigey thinks that this must arise from an error in calculating the moment of inertia of the balance arm. He devises a graphical method of making proper allowance for this supposed error, and deduces as the final mean of all the experiments of Baily a value 5.52, the extremes being 5.49 and 5.55. Saigey made a new determination of A (74, vol. 12, p. 377), from the difference 6". 86 of the astronomical and geodetical latitudes of Evaux as calculated by Puissant. Applying the method used by Hutton for Schehallien, and later by James and Clarke for Arthur's Seat, he found the ratio of A to the surface density of France to be 1.7. Assuming the latter den- sity to be 2.5, the former becomes 4.25. In 1847, Hearn tried to account for the anomalies in Baily's results by assuming a magnetic action. He worked out the theory (81) of such action, and found that it must be of a very fluctuating nature and may be either positive or negative, and even greater in magnitude than the force of gravitation. That" 118 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION such a magnetic action does not really exist is to be deduced from Reich's results with iron masses (see page 116). Montigny offered to the Royal Academy of Belgium, in 1852, a memoir in which he attributed the peculiarities in the be- haviour of the torsion pendulum in the experiments of Caven- dish and of Bciily to the rotation of the earth. Schaar (85), to whom the memoir was referred by the Society, proved that the rotation of the earth could not produce such effects, and the memoir was not published. It was Cornu and Bailie who first pointed out (142), in 1878, the main error in Baily's method. It lies in his taking the 4th reading of the turning-point of one series of experiments as the 1st of the next, as already explained. They shewed that the rotation of the plank holding the masses could not be per- formed rapidly enough to get the masses into the new position before the arm had begun its return journey. They therefore rejected the 1st of each series of 4 readings, and calculated A from the other 3 in 10 cases taken at random from some of Baily's most divergent values, and found 5.615 instead of 5.713. Reducing Baily's final value in the same proportion they got 5.55. A curious relation between density and temperature as pre- sented in Baily's determinations was pointed out by Hicks (166), in 1886. The mean density seems to fall with rise of temperature. The most probable explanation of this is given by Poynting (185, p. 56), who remarks that the experiments with the light balls happened to be made in winter, and those with the heavy balls in summer. Hicks also refers to several slight corrections to be made in Airy's discussion of the theory viz., for the air displaced by the attracting masses, for the inertia of the air in which the balls move, and for expansion with change of temperature. REICH'S SECOND EXPERIMENT. Ten years after the appear- ance of Baily's memoir, Reich published (83) an account of some farther experiments with his apparatus. In the begin- ning of his paper he pointed out that Baily's method of com- bining the results of the separate experiments was better than that used by himself. He proceeded to calculate the results of his first experiments by Baily's method and found for A the value 5.49.020. 119 MEMOIRS ON Being impressed with the anomalies in Baily's observations, and especially with the variation of the final results with the density of the balls, Reich determined to repeat his experi- ments. His apparatus was set up this time in a second-story room, and Baily's devices were employed in order to avoid the effects of temperature changes. The only important change in the arrangement of the apparatus was in the placing of the large mass. It was now set in one of four depressions 90 apart in a circular table revolving under the balance about a vertical axis passing through the centre of one of the balls ; thus no correc- tion was necessary for the attraction of the table and its sup- ports upon the ball. The balls and masses were those used in the first experiment. Three series of experiments were made during the years 1847-50, one with a suspending wire of thin copper, one with thick copper, and one with a bifilar iron sus- pension. The final mean density of the earth was found to be 5.5832.0149. In order to make a test of Hearn's explanation (see page 118) of the peculiarities in Baily's results, Reicli made some further experiments. He kept the North pole of a strong magnet near the attracting lead mass for a whole day, and then suddenly rotated the mass through 180 about a vertical axis; but no effect was evident. Hence variations in the result are not due to the magnetizing of the masses by the earth, or similar causes. He then took off the tin balls and substituted success- ively balls of bismuth and of iron. The values of A were re- spectively 5.5233 and 5.6887 ; the largeness of the latter denotes possibly a diamagnetic action of the lead mass ; but it shews that under the original circumstances no measurable effect could have arisen from magnetic action. Prof. Forbes had suggested * to Reich that A could be found from the period of the balance only, by noting the variation of the time of vibration with the position of the attracting masses. 'Reich made some experiments of this nature by placing two lead masses diametrically opposite to each other, first so that the line joining them was perpendicular to the vertical plane through the torsion arm, and next was in the plane. This caused no deviation, but only a change in the time of swing of * We have seen (page 106) that this method was suggested earlier, in Gehler's PhysikaliscJie Worterbuch, and the equations given by Brandes (42). 120 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION the balance. The value of A found in this way was 6.25, but the apparatus was not well devised for the work. Several abstracts of Reich's paper are to be found (84, 86, 87 and 185, pp. 50-2). AIRY'S HARTON COLLIERY EXPERIMENT. We have already referred to Airy's experiments in the Dolcoath mine in 1826-8. In 1854, he again undertook to carry out investigations (100) along the same lines, the introduction of the telegraph having made easy the comparison of the clocks at the top and bottom of the mine. He selected the Harton Colliery, near South Shields, for the experiments, which were carried out by six ex- perienced assistants of whom Mr. Dunkin was the chief. The two stations were vertically above each other and 1256 ft. apart. The apparatus was the best obtainable, and special precautions were taken in order that the pendulum supports might be rigid. Simultaneous observations of the two pendulums were kept up night and day for a week ; then the pendulums were ex- changed and observations taken for another week. Two more exchanges were made, but the observations for them both were made in one week. Each pendulum had six swings of nearly 4 hours each on every day of observation, and between success- ive swings the clock rates were compared by telegraphic signals given every 15 seconds by a journeyman clock. The corrections and reductions were carried out by Airy in a very elaborate manner. The results of the 1st and 3d series agree very closely, as do those of the 2d and 4th, showing that the pendulums had undergone no sensible change. By com- paring the mean of the 1st and 3d series with the mean of the 2d and 4th, the ratio of the pendulum rates at the upper and lower stations is obtained independently of the pendulums em- ployed. The final result gave gravity at the lower station greater than gravity at the upper by Trrrs^ 1 part, with an un- certainty of g+oth P art f ^ ie i ncl 'ease ; or the acceleration of the seconds-pendulum below is 2". 24 per day, with an uncer- tainty of less than 0".01. In order to calculate what this difference should be, suppose the earth to be a sphere of radius r and mean density A, sur- rounded by a spherical shell of thickness h and density S, then , gravity below 2h 37/3 , a simple analysis shews that 1-| (corn- gravity above r rA 121 MEMOIRS ON pare p. 31). Airy gives a discussion of the effect of surface ir- regularities ; it is shewn that, supposing the surface of the earth near the mine to have no irregularities, the effect of those at dis- tant parts of the earth may be neglected. He also assumes that there is no sudden change of density just under the mine. He proves that the effect of a plane of 3 miles in radius and of the thickness of the sh'jll is ff of that of the whole shell, so that only the neighbouring country need be surveyed. Since the upper station is only 74 ft. above high water, it will be sufficient to assume that any excess or defect of matter exists actually on the surface. A careful survey of the environs of the mine was made, and allowance made for each elevation and depression. The general result is that the attraction of the regular shell of matter is to be diminished by about ^-th part : - gravity above = 1.00012032-. 00017984 x-. Now from the pendulum ex- periments Airy found = 1.00005185 . 00000019 ; gravity above hence ^=2. 6266 .0073. Prof. W. H. Miller found the aver- o age density of the rocks in the mine to be 2.50; hence Ar^6.566 .0182. Airy had intended that the temperatures at the two stations should be the same, but the temperature of the lower station was 7. 13 F. higher than that of the upper. In a supplement- ary paper (101) Airy makes a correction for this temperature difference in two distinct ways, giving for the corrected A, 6.809 and 6.623 respectively. In this paper Stokes (102) investigates the effect of the earth's rotation and ellipticity in modifying the results of the Harton experiments. It was found to be small, changing A from 6.566 to 6.565. Airy published several preliminary notices of his work (88, 89 and 122), abstracts of which appeared in several journals (90, 91, 92, 98 and 111). Valuable resumes of the main paper are also to be found (105, 107, 109, 112 and 119). Haughton (106, 110, 113 and 116) gave a rough but simple method of deducing A from Airy's figures, and arrived at 5.48 as the value of A. Knopf (149|) has severely criticized this calculation. Another simple formula for the same purpose was given by an anonymous writer (114). On the effect of 122 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION great changes in density below the under station one should read the paper by Jacob (118 and 121) already referred to. Schef- fler (134) published in 1865, though it is dated 1856, the pro- posal of an experiment similar to Airy's, but made no reference to any earlier proposals of the same kind. Folie (136) calcul- ated, in 1872, the attraction at the two stations in a manner different from Airy's, by considering the shell as made up of 2 parts. Using Airy's data he arrived at 6.439 as the value of A. Valuable summaries and criticisms of Airy's work are given by Schell (135), Zanotti-Bianco (148J, pt. 2, pp. 146-60), Poynt- ing (185, pp. 24-9) and Fresdorf (186$, pp. 13-7). JAMES AND CLARKE. As a result of the calculations made from the observations taken for the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain and Ireland (104, 117, 120, 124, 125 and 126) by Lt. Col. James, it was found that the plumb-line was considerably deflected at several of the principal trigonometrical stations. It was evident from the nature of the ground at the places under consideration, that this deflection was due to irregulari- ties of the surface. In order to study this action more care- fully James decided to have the Schehallien experiment re- peated at Arthur's Seat, near Edinburgh (103 and 125, pp. 572- 624). The observations were made during Sept. and Oct., 1855, with Airy's zenith -sector, on the summit of Arthur's Seat (A), and at points near the meridian on the north (N) and south (S) of that mountain, at about one-third of its al- titude above the surrounding country. After corrections had been applied, the results were as follows : Station Astronomical lat.EEA Geodetical lat.=G A G 8 55 56' 26".69 55 56' 24".25 2".44 A 56 43 .69 56 38 .44 5 .25 N 57 9 .22 57 2 .71 6 .51 It will be noticed that even on the summit of the hill there is an attraction of more than 5" toward the south, which can not be due to the hill. Similarly, to the south of the hill the attraction is not toward the north as we might expect. It is evident that there is present some other attracting force, be- sides that of Arthur's Seat, which appears to produce a general deflection of 5" toward the south. 123 MEMOIRS ON Capt. Clarke, who made all the calculations, in order to find the attraction according to Newton's law, used a modification of the method of Hutton. He took account of all the surface irregularities within a radius of about 24000 ft. The resulting value for the ratio of the density of the rock composing the hill to that of the whole earth was .5173 .0053. James investi- gated the density of the rocks of Arthur's Seat and found it to be on the average 2.75. This gives for A the value 5.316 .054. In order to see whether the general deflection of 5" could be accounted for by the presence of the hollow of the River Forth to the north and the high land of the Pentland Hills to the south, Clarke extended the calculated attraction to the borders of Edinburghshire, some 13 miles away. He was able in this way to account fora general deflection of 2".52, and he thought that by carrying the calculations to Peeblesshire the whole 5" might be accounted for. Several abstracts of the original paper have been published (108, 115 and 123). Poynting (185, pp. 19-22) has given a valuable criticism of the work. In connection with this investigation might be mentioned the various writings on the subject of local attractions. Any one wishing to become acquainted with this subject should read Airy's account of his " flotation theory " (94 and 97), Faye's account of his "compensation theory" (130, 146J and 147), Pratt's papers (93, 96 and 99), Saigey (74), Struve (129), Pech- mann (131), the treatises of Pratt (133), Clarke (149) and Hel- mert (148, vol. 2). Many other references to papers by these men as well as by Schubert, Peters, Keller, Bauernfeind and others are to be found in the Roy. Soc. Cat. of Scientific papers and in Gore's " A Bibliography of Geodesy" (174). See also note on page 31 and remarks on page 56. We might here re- call the determination of A by Saigey from local attraction (see page 118). Pechmann (131) in the same way found in the Tyrol, in 1864, two different values for A, 6.1311 .1557 and 6.352 .726, having assumed the density of the earth's crust to be 2.75. We shall refer later on to the determinations of Men- denhall and Berget. AND BAILLE. In 1873, Cornu and Bailie published a short paper (137) stating that they had undertaken to repeat 124 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION the Cavendish experiment under conditions as different as pos- sible from those previously employed. They began by making a thorough study of the torsion-balance in order to learn under what conditions it would have the greatest precision and sensi- tiveness. They found among other things that the resistance of the air was proportional to the velocity (141, 142, 143 and 157). The apparatus was set up in the cellar of the iScole Polytech- nique. The arm of the balance was a small aluminium tube 50 cm. long, carrying on each end a copper ball 109 gr. in weight. The suspension wire was of annealed silver 4.15 m. long, and the time of vibration of the system 6' 38". The at- tracting mass was mercury which could be aspirated from one spherical iron vessel on one side of one of the copper balls to another vessel similarly situated on the other side of the ball. This method got rid of the disturbances arising from the move- ment of the lead masses in the Cavendish form of the experi- ment. The iron vessel was 12 cm. in diameter and the mer- cury weighed 12 kg. Another great improvement was the reduction of the dimensions of the apparatus to J of that used by Cavendish, Reich and Baily, the time of oscillation and the sensitiveness remaining the same. The motion of the arm was registered electrically. Two series of observations were made ; one in the summer of 1872 gave A = 5. 56, and the other in the following winter 5.50. The difference was explained by a flexure of the torsion- rod, and the former result was considered the better. In a later report (142) they refer to some changes made in their apparatus ; they increased the force of attraction by using 4 iron receivers, 2 on each side of each copper ball, and they reduced the distance between the attracting bodies in the ratio of -v/2 to 1. The time of vibration, 408", remained the same within a few tenths of a second for more than a year. The new value of A was 5.56. We have already referred (page 119) to the fact that Cornu and Bailie found out the error in the Baily experiments. A final account of these experiments has not yet been pub- lished. Abstracts of the papers cited are given by Poynting (185, pp. 57-8) and by several journals (138 and 139). JOLLY. In 1878, von Jolly of Munich published an account (144 and 145) of the results of his study of the beam balance 125 MEMOIRS ON as an instrument for measuring gravitational attractions. He discussed the sources of error in the balance readings and methods of eliminating them. The variations due to tempera- ture effects are very difficult to avoid, but by working in the mornings only, and by covering the balance case with another lined inside and out with silver paper, it was found to be pos- sible to get quite concordant results. Jolly applied the balance to test the Newtonian law of the distance. Two extra scale pans were suspended by wires from the ordinary scale pans of the balance and 5.29 m. below them. The wires and lower scale pans were enclosed to prevent oscilla- tions from air currents. Two kilogramme masses of pplished nickel-plated brass were balanced against each other, first both in the upper scale pans, and then one in the upper and the other in the lower pan, in each case double weighings being made after the manner of Gauss. The motion of the beam was noted by the mirror and scale method, the mirror being fixed at the middle of the beam and perpendicular to its length. If r is the radius of the earth at sea-level, and h a height above it, then a mass Qi at sea-level weighs Q 2 at h, where Q 2 =Qj (l - ) ap- ,Q 2 1 000 000-1.5099 proximately. Jolly found by experiment ^-= , V^j Q 2 1 000 000-1.662 whereas the equation gives ^= TT^TTAA; ^ ne differ- Vi ence, .152 mg., Jolly thought, was due to local attractions. He proposed to repeat the experiment at the top of a high tower, and at the same time to find the mass of the earth by noting the change in weight of one of the masses in the balance when a large lead ball was brought beneath it. The results of these experiments (153 and 154) were published in 1881. The distance between the scale pans was now 21.005 m. The arm of the balance was 60 cm. long, and the maxi- mum load 5 kg. Four hollow glass spheres of the same size were made and in each of two 5 kg. of mercury were put, and all were sealed up. Each scale pan had always one sphere in it, and thus air corrections were avoided. An observation was made as follows : first the mercury-filled spheres were bal- anced in the upper pans, and then one in the upper pan was balanced against the other in the lower. The change in weight 126 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION observed was 31.686 mg.; whereas the change as calculated from the formula should have been 33.059* mg. The differ- ence is in the same direction as in the earlier experiment. A sphere of radius .4975 m. and weight 5775.2 kg. was then built up out of lead bars under the lower scale pan which received the mercury-filled globe. The distance from the centre of this sphere to that of the globe was then .5686 m. The attraction of the sphere for the mercury-filled globe when in the upper pan was neglected. Observations were made exactly as before, and the change in weight was 32.275 mg. The increase in weight due to the presence of the lead is therefore .589 mg. Knowing the den- sity of the lead to be 11.186, a simple calculation gives for the mean density of the earth 5. 692 .068. An account of these experiments is given by Helmert (148, vol. 2, pp. 380-2), Zanotti- Bianco (148-|, vol. 2, pp. 175-82), Wallentin (154J), Keller (167), Poynting (185, pp. 61-4) and Fresdorf (186J, pp. 23-5). MENDENHALL. In 1880, Prof. T. C. Mendenhall described (150) a method of finding the period of a pendulum such that a determination required 20 or 30 minutes only. At the begin- ning and end of this time the pendulum throws a light trip- hammer of wire which breaks a circuit and makes a record on a chronograph on which a break-circuit clock is also marking. The advantage of such an arrangement, in addition to the short time required, is that the arc of vibration may be small and will change very little. Mendenhall expressed a deter- mination to find the variation of the acceleration due to gravity on going from Tokio to the top of Mount Fujiyama. A year later the results of these experiments were published (151), having been made in Aug., 1880. An invariable pend- ulum was used, made from a Kater's pendulum by removing one ball and knife-edge. Its period at Tokio (barometer 30 in. and temperature 23. 5 C.) was .999834 sec. On the top of Fujiyama the barometer stood nearly stationary at 19.5 in. during the observations, and the thermometer at 8. 5. After approximate corrections were made for buoyancy, the time, reduced to Tokio conditions, was 1.000336 sec. Assuming g at * According to Helmert this should be 33.108 and according to Zanotti- Bianco 33.053. 127 MEMOIRS ON Tokio to be 9.7984, as he had found in the previous year, it fol- lows that at the summit of Fujiyama it is 9.7886. No exact triangulation of the region had been made, but Mendenhall assumed Fujiyama to be a cone 2.35 miles high standing on a plain of considerable extent. The angle of the cone was measured from photographs and found to be 138. Fujiyama is an extinct volcano, said to have been made in a single night, and hence its composition ought to be homogene- ous. Its average density was taken as 2.12, but no great re- liance can be placed on this number. Corrected for the differ- ence in latitude, 19', between Tokio and Fujiyama, the time at its base, supposing the hill taken away, would be .999847 sec. The density of the earth, calculated from these data after the manner of Carlini, was found to be 5.77. Fresdorf (186^, pp. 11-13) describes fully the experiments and -points out an error in Mendenhall's calculations ; the cor- rected value for A is 5.667. Poynting (185, pp. 39-40) gives -an abstract of the papers referred to. STERNECK. Major von Sterneck has made several investiga- tions of the variation of gravity beneath the earth's surface. The earliest experiments (155) were made, in 1882, in the Adalbert shaft of the silver mine at Pribram in Bohemia. The method employed was to carry an invariable half-second pend- ulum and a comparison clock from one station to another, and find the period by the method of coincidences, the clock being compared with a standard clock by carrying a pocket chron- ometer from one to the other. The pendulum, of brass, was a rod 24 cm. in length carrying a lens-shaped bob weighing 1 kg. The knife was of steel whose edge was so cut away that it rested on a glass plate on two points only. The apparatus was always enclosed in a glass case to prevent air currents. The 3 stations at which observations were made were at the surface, 516.0 m. and 972.5 m. below the surface respectively. The respective periods at these stations were .5008550, .5008410 and .5008415 seconds, and the resulting values of A, found from Airy's formula, were 6.28 and 5.01, the density of the surface layer being taken as 2.75. It will be noticed that the values of g at the two underground stations are practically the same, and the results are unsatisfactory. A year later (156) von Sterneck repeated his experiments at 128 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION the same stations and at two additional ones. In order that his observations might be independent of the rates of the clocks used in finding the periods, Sterneck introduced an important modification of the method adopted by Airy and by himself in his earlier investigations. He made another pendulum similar to the one described above ; one of these was always at the surface station and the other at one of the underground sta- tions, and their relative periods were compared by means of electric signals sent simultaneously from a single clock. This clock kept a circuit closed for half a second every other half second and operated a relay with a strong current at each sta- tion. The passage of the "tail" of the pendulum in front of a scale was observed by means of a telescope, in the focal plane of which was a shutter moved by the relay current every half second, and at those instants only was the picture of the tail of the pendulum allowed to pass to the eye through the tele- scope. The time of a coincidence was when at one of these flashes the tail appeared exactly at the middle of the scale ; the time between two successive coincidences determines the period of the pendulum. The observer at each of the two stations is thus finding the period of his pendulum in terms of exactly the same unit of time. When the observations were corrected, it was found that the period at the highest underground station was less than that at the next lower station, and the determin- ation at the former station was consequently not used. The values of A as determined from observations at the other sta- tions were 5.71, 5.81 and 5.80, with a mean of 5.77. Helmert (148, vol. 2, p. 499) has made a recalculation and finds that these numbers should be 5.54, 5.71, 5.80 and 5.71 respectively. Von Sterneck used his results at the surface and at these underground stations to express g as a function of the depth. Calling the value of g at the surface unity, and measuring r from the centre of the earth and calling it equal to unity at the surface, he deduced the following expression for the value of g at any depth : # = 2.6950 r-1.8087 r 2 +.1182 r\ This would make g a maximum, 1.06, at r = .78. The density would be expressed by the formula d= 15. 13 6 12.512 r, giving 15.136 for its value at the centre of the earth, and 2.624 at the surface. These relations are at least suggestive if not con- vincing. i 129 MEMOIRS ON During the year 1883 von Sterneck used the same method and apparatus to determine the variation in gravity for 3 sta- tions above the earth's surface at Kronstadt. He found (158) gravity greater at a higher point (Schlossberg) than at a lower (Zwinger), and proved that neither the formula of Young (see page 31) nor that of Faye and Ferrel for the reduction to sea- level gave satisfactory results. Twice in this year Sterneck made investigations at Krusna hora in Bohemia. Here there was a mine with a horizontal gallery 1000 m. long, and he wished to find the effect of the overlying sheet of earth upon the value of gravity at various points in the gallery. The same apparatus was used after some improvements had been made. Observations were taken at the mine mouth and at points 390 and 780 m. from the mouth, and 62 and 100 m. respectively below the surface of the ground. The results shewed that gravity in the plateau increased with the depth of the super-incumbent layer by the half of the amount by which it would have changed in free space when the distance from the centre of the earth was changed by the same amount. Observations were made at 4 stations above ground also at different elevations, and it was found that the Faye-Ferrel rule accounted for the differences between them much better than did the Bouguer-Young rule. Further experiments (164) were made, in 1884, at Saghegy in Hungary, and elsewhere, with results similar to those de- scribed above. An important improvement was made in the method of observing the coincidences. They were now ob- served by the reflections of an electric spark from two mirrors, one fixed on the pendulum stand, and the other attached to the pendulum and when at rest parallel to the first. The spark was made by the relay circuit every half second. In 1885, Sterneck made a series of observations (165) at the mouth and at 4 underground stations in the Himmelfahrt- Fundgrube silver mine at Freiberg in Saxony. He was led to do so by the publication of the results of some pendulum meas- urements made there, in 1871, by Dr. C. Bruhns, who had found that gravity decreased with the depth. Using Airy's formula, von Sterneck found the following values for A at the 4 under- ground stations in the order of their depth : 5.66, 6.66, 7.15 and 7.60, the density of the mine strata being 2.69. These re- sults indicate an abnormal increase of gravity with depth. Von 130 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION Sterneck noticed that in these experiments, as well as in those made at Pribram, the increase in gravity is nearly proportional to the increase in temperature. But although Hicks (166), as we have seen (page 119), discovered a connection between the values of A and the temperatures in Baily's experiments, and Cornu and Bailie (page 125) got a larger result for A in summer than in winter, we have no reason for looking upon the varia- tions in temperature as an explanation of the anomalies under consideration. An interesting criticism of von Sterneck's work is given by Poynting (185, pp. 29-39). Short accounts of it are given by Presdorf (186J, pp. 17-9) and Giinther (196 ^ vol. 1, p. 189). WILSING. In 1887, J. Wilsing (170) made at Potsdam a de- termination of the mean density of the earth by means of an instrument which is called the pendulum balance, and is the common beam balance turned through 90. It is practically a pendulum made of a rod with balls at each end and a knife- edge placed just above the centre of gravity. The instrument used by Wilsing consisted of a drawn brass tube 1 m. long, 4.15 cm. in diameter and .16 cm. thick, strengthened near the middle where the knife-edge is affixed. The knife-edge and the bed on which it rested were of agate, and 6 cm. long. To the ends were screwed the balls of brass weighing 540 gr. each, and on the upper ball was a pin carrying discs which were used for finding the moment of inertia and the position of the cen- tre of gravity of the pendulum. Its motion was observed by the telescope and scale method, a mirror being attached to the side of the pendulum parallel to the knife-edge. The pend- ulum was mounted on a massive pier in the basement of the Astrophysical Observatory in Potsdam, and was protected from air currents by a cloth-lined wooden covering. The attracting masses were cast-iron cylinders each weighing 325 kg. They were so arranged on a continuous string passing over pulleys that when one was opposite the lower brass ball on one side of the pendulum the other was opposite the upper ball on the other side. Their relative positions could be quickly changed from without the room, so that the former mass came opposite the upper ball and the latter mass opposite the lower ; the deflection was now in the opposite direction from what it was in the first case. 131 MEMOIRS ON The double deflection due to the change in position of the masses, and the time of vibration are the quantities required for the determination of A. The readings for these quantities were made by the method of Baily, winch has been already de- scribed. The time of vibration was determined first with the discs on top of the upper ball, then with one removed and then with still another removed. In this way the moment of inertia was obtained. The theory of the instrument is complicated, and for it reference must be made to the original paper. The result obtained for A was 5. 594 .032. In 1889, Wilsing published (172) an account of some further observations with the same apparatus, some slight changes having been made in it in the meantime. Extra precautions were taken in order to avoid the effects of variations of tem- perature. Experiments were made with the old balls, with new lead balls, and with the pendulum rod alone. The mean re- sult from these was 5. 588 .013 ; and the final average of all his determinations 5.579.012. A preliminary paper (163) was read by Wilsing before the Berlin Academy, and also an extract (169) of his first paper. A condensed translation of both papers was made by Prof. J. H. Gore (171) for the Smithsonian Report for 1888, and a short account of the work is given by Poynting (185, pp. 65-9) and by Fresdorf (186, p. 28). POYNTING. Prof. J. H. Poynting published in 1878 the results (146) of a study of the beam balance. He found that the sources of error were temperature changes producing con- vection currents and unequal expansion of the arms, and the necessity of frequently raising the knife-edges from the planes. He tried to overcome the former difficulty by taking the same precautions as those employed by users of the torsion balance ; and he did away altogether with the raising of the beam be- tween weighings, and when the weights had to be exchanged held the pan fixed in a clamp. The paper gives a description of his balance and illustrates how it can be used, (I) to compare two weights, and (2) to find the mean density of the earth. The motion of the beam was observed by means of a telescope and scale, the mirror being fixed at the centre of the beam. The deflection of the ray could be multiplied by repeated reflections between tiiis mirror 132 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION and another which was fixed and nearly parallel to the former. The centre of oscillation was determined after the method of Baily with the torsion balance. As a result of 11 observations Prof. Poynting found the mean density of the earth to be 5.69.15. He felt justified, therefore, in proceeding to have a more suitable balance constructed in order to make a more careful determination of this quantity. The investigation continued through many years, and the results (180 and 185, pp. 71-156) were not published until 1891. Many unforeseen difficulties arose during the progress of the work, but by patience and skill Poynting was able to overcome these difficulties and to begin to take observations in 1890. The balance was of the large bullion type, 123 cm. long, and made with extra rigidity by Oertling. It was set up in a base- ment room at Mason College, Birmingham. The principle upon which the experiment is based is as follows : two balls of about the same mass are suspended from the two arms of the balance. Beneath the balance is a turn-table carrying a heavy spherical mass vertically under one of the balls. The position of the beam is observed and the turn-table moved un- til the mass is under the other ball and the position of the beam again observed. The deflection measures twice the attraction of the mass for the ball. The attraction of the mass for the beam and wires, etc., is then eliminated by repeating these ob- servations with the balls suspended at a different distance be- low the arm, for then the attraction of the mass on the balance remains the same, and we find the change in the attraction of the mass for the ball with change of distance. The calculation was complicated by the presence on the tnrn-table of another mass as a counterpoise to the former one ; it was smaller than that one and at a correspondingly greater distance from the centre. It was used because certain anomalies could ,be ac- counted for only on the supposition that the floor tilted when the turn-table was rotated with the large mass only upon it. Instead of the ordinary mirror fixed on the beam, Poynting used the double-suspension mirror (see Darwin B. A. Rep., 1881). The riders were manipulated by mechanism from with- out, and the observer was stationed in the room above, whence he could make all changes and observations without opening the balance room. The attracted and attracting masses were made of an alloy of lead and antimony. The balls were gilded 133 MEMOIRS ON and weighed over 21 000 gr. each. The large mass weighed 150 000 gr., and the counterpoise about half as much. A first set of observations gave A = 5. 52. The attracting bodies were then all inverted in order to eliminate the effects of want of symmetry in the position of the turn-table, and of homoge- neity in the masses. A new set of observations gave A = 5.46. The difference between the results of the two sets must have been caused by a cavity or irregular distribution of density in the large mass, and by other experiments Prof. Poynting found that its centre of gravity was not at its centre of figure, but was nearly at the place at which his gravitational experiments would have suggested it to be. The mean result for A is taken to be 5.4934, and for the gravitation constant, G, 6.6984xlO~ 8 . Poynting remarks that the effects of convection currents are greater in the beam balance than in the torsion balance, since the motion of the former is in a vertical plane. He thinks that a balance of greatly reduced dimensions would have been preferable. The admirable way in which Prof. Poynting has utilized the common balance for absolute measurements of force caused the University of Cambridge to award him the Adams Prize in 1893. For a short account of this work see Wallentin (154J). BERGET. In 1756, Bouguer read before the Academy of Sciences the results (9) of some experiments made by him to determine whether the plumb-line was affected by the tidal motion of the ocean. He was not able to detect any such effect. Towards the middle of last century Boscovitch pro- posed (140, vol. 1, pp. 314 and 327) to place a long pendulum in a very high tower by the edge of the sea, where the height of the tide is very great, and to observe the deviation due to the rise of the water, and thence to calculate the mean density of the earth. Von Zach suggested (49, vol. 1, p. 17) a modification of the experiment. Boscovitch also proposed the use of a reser- voir after the manner about to be described, used by Berget. In 1804, Robison, in his "Mechanical Philosophy"' vol. 1, page 339, points out that a very sensible effect on the value* of grav- ity might be observed at Annapolis, Nova Scotia, due to the very high tides there. The theory of this local influence is given in Thomson and Tait's "Natural Philosophy " pt. II., page 389. Struve (129) proposed to find A from observations 134 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION on plumb-lines placed on each side of the Bristol Channel,.and Keller (168) calculated the deflection of the plumb-line due to the draining of Lake Fucino. In 1893, M. Berget utilized this principle in order to find (181) the density of the earth. He had the use of a lake of 32 hectares in area in the Com- mune of Habay-la-neuve in Belgian Luxembourg. The level of the lake could be lowered 1 m. in a few hours, and as quickly regained. He could thus introduce under his instrument a practically infinite plane of matter whose attraction could be calculated and observed. The apparatus used to measure the attraction was the hydrogen gravimeter such as Boussingault and Mascart (Comp. Rend., vol. 95, pp. 126-8) used to find the diurnal variation of gravity. The variation of the column of mercury was observed by the interference fringes in vacuo be- tween the surface of the mercury and the bottom of the tube, which was worked optically plane. A first series of observa- tions was made when the lake was lowered 50 cm., and another when it was lowered 1 m. A change of 1 m. caused a displace- ment of the mercury column of 1.26xlO~ 6 cm. The value of the gravitation constant found was 6.80xlO~~ 8 , of A, 5.41 and of the mass of the earth 5.85 x 10 27 gr. M. Gouy remarks (182) that such a result would imply that the temperature remained constant during hours to -g- o0 ^ 000 of a degree, which is impossible. Pavilion, with the greatest care, was able to reach T - 'C 143 MEMOIRS ON 5 id IT - -y 10 IOIOCO 10 CC CO id CD CD ^^^ ' v v > *> id id id id id / . . . or or j-d : CD O C C C O C O ,a x!^ -3^= Au Au ^_^JL^_^ _^_ j^^ } * ' E: '. . . CO 3J ^> SI rr? ^ 3 C3 ' > * ^ J a : ' t '. ; ; m 2 O v2 C ' ^ ^ "oo M ' btP^ 'a ^ cS 1 1 ; 6 fSfSw :O fl ~ O> te .3 53 :O j - r ^CQ< < || 1 |^ C3 ^-2 ) ^ "* 1 1 1 5* ' s ' = -S ? * * ^^-^-^ , i G .2 i '. ' 1 4 1 .. . V, '. <& . *r^ o 1 > a i : 1 r2 - : = s " 4 s . r 3".; t3 a s. m te o s : o O 144 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION BIBLIOGRAPHY The numbers marked with an asterisk have not been consulted by the editor. 1 1600 W. Gilbert. De magnate magneticisque corporibus et de magno magnete tellure physiologia nova. Lon- don. 4 to . 2 1665 F.Bacon. Opera omnia Frankfurt a /M. Folio. 3 1687 I. Newton. Philosophiae imturalis principia matliematica. London. 4 tn . 4 1705 R. Hooke. Posthumous works. London. Folio. 5 1727 I. Newton. De mundi systemate. London. 8 V0 . 6 1744 R.Boyle. Works, edited by Birch. 5 vol. London. Folio. 7 1749 P. Bouguer. La figure de la terre. Paris. 4 to . 8 1751 Ch. M. de la Condamine. Journal du voyage. Paris. 4 to . 8* 1752-4 Ch. M. de la Condamine. Supplement au journal historique. 2 parts. Paris. 4 to . 9 1754 P. Bouguer. Sur la direction qu' affectent les fils-ii-plomb. Hist, de I'Acad Roy. des Sc. avec les Mem. de Math, et de Phys., 1-10 and 150-168. 10 1756 T. Birch. The history of the Royal Society of London. 4 vol. London. 4 to . 11* 1769 J. Coultaud. (Letter of 30 pp.). Journ. des Sc. et des Beaux Arts. June. 12* 1769 J. d'Alembert. (Letter). Journ. des Sc. et des Beaux Arts. July. 13 1761-80 J. d'Alembert. Opuscules mathematiques. 8 vol. Paris. 4 to . 14* 1771 J.P.David. Dissertation sur la figure de la terre. La Haye. 8. 15* 1771 Mercier. (Letter of 27 pp.). Journ. des Sc. et des Beaux Arts. Dec. 16* 1772 G. L. Lesage. Solutions des doutes. Journ. des Sc. et des Beaux Arts. April. 17* 1772 J. J. La Lande. Remarques sur de nouvelles experiences de pesanteur. Le Journal des Scavans. Aug. 18* 1772 de la P. de Roiffe. Experience du pendule de le Mercier aux Al pes d u Valais. Journal Encyclopedique, 1 3O, 250. 19 1773 G. L. Lesage. Lettre sur la faussete de deux suites d'experi- ences. [Rozier] Journ. de Phys., 1 , 249-260. 20 1773 Father Bertier. (Letters). [Rozier] Journ. de phys., 2, 251-2 and 275. K 145 MEMOIRS ON 21 1773 de la P. de Roiff e. Observations sur 1'experience de pere Bertier. [Rozier] Journ. de Phys., 2, 374-8. 22 1773 G. L. Lesage. Reflexions sur une nouvelle experience du Re- verend Pere Bertier. [Rozier] Journ. de Phys., 2, 378-81. 23 1774 J. P. David and Fathers Cotte and Bertier. (Notice of their ex- periments). [Rozier] Journ. de Phys., 4, 338. 24 1774 J. P. David. Reponse aux reflexions de M. Lesage. [Rozier} Journ. de Phys., 4, 431-41. 25 1774 Abbe Rozier. Observations sur la lettre de Pere Bertier. [Rozier] Journ. de Phys., 4, 454-61. 26* 1774 Father Bertier. (Account of experiments). Journ. de Verdun, 148-185. 27 1775 J. P. David. Sur la pesanteur des corps. [Rozier} Journ. de Phys., 5, 129-139. 28 1775 Father Bertier. (Letter). [Rozier] Journ. de Phys., 5, 305-13. 29 1775 (Account of exp'ts. made by com. of Acad. of Dijon). [Rozier] Journ. de Phys., 5, 314-26. 30 1775 Chev. de Dolomieu. Experiences sur la pesanteur des corps a differentes distances du centre de la terre. [Rozier] Journ. de Phys., 6, 1-5. 31 1775 N. Maskelyne. A proposal for measuring the attraction of some hill in this kingdom by astronomical observa- tions. Phil. Trans. Lond., 495-9. 32 1775 N. Maskelyne. An account of observations made on the moun- tain Schehallien for rinding its attraction. Phil. Trans. Lond., 500-42. 33 1776 F. K. Achard. Bemerkungen ilber die von Herrn Bertier an- gestellten Versuche. Beschaft. der Berl. Oes. Naturf. Freunde, 2, 1-11. 34 1776 G. L. Lesage. Experiences et vues sur 1'intensite de la pes- anteur dans 1'interieur de la terre. [Rozier] Journ. de Phys., 7, 1-12. 35 1776 J. Pringle. Discours sur I'attraction des montagnes ; traduit par M. le Roy. [Rozier] Journ. de Phys., 7, 418-34. 36 1777 Father Bertier. Retraction du Pere Bertier de 1'Oratoire, sur la consequence qti'il a tire de son experience d'un corps, pesant plus dans un lieu haut que dans un bas. [Rozier] Journ. de Phys., 9, 460-6. 37 1779 C. Button. An account of the calculations made from the survey and measures taken at Schehallien in order to ascertain the mean density of the earth. Phil. Trans. Lond., 68, 689-788. 38 1780 C. Hutton. Calculations to determine at what point in the side of a hill its attraction will be the greatest. Phil. Trans. Lond., 1-14. 39 1798 H. Cavendish. Experiments to determine the density of the earth. Phil. Trans. Lond., 88, 469-526. 146 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION 394 1799 (Review of 39). Bibl. Brit., 11, 233-41. 40 1799 L. W. Gilbert. Versuche, urn die Dichtigkeit zu bestimmen, von Henry Cavendish, Esq. [Gilbert] Ann. der Phys., 2, 1-62. 41 1803 A. Motte. The mathematical principles of natural phi- losophy by Sir I. Newton, translated into English by Andrew Motte, to which are added Newton's system of the world, etc. W. Davis' ed n . 3 vol. London. 8 V0 . 42 1806 H. W. Brandes. Theoretische Untersuchungen liber die Oscilla- tionen der Drehwaage bei Cavendish's Ver- suchen ilber die Attraction kleiner Massen. Mag. fur den Neuesten Zustand der Naturkunde, 12, 300-310. 43 1809 F. X. von Zach. Ueber die Moglichkeit die Gestalt der Erde aus Gradmessungen zu bestimmen. Monatl. Corresp. , 2O, 3-9. 44 1810 F. X. von Zach. Ueber Densitat der Erde und deren Eiufluss auf geographische Ortsbestimmungen. Monatl. Corresp. ,21, 293-310. 45 1811 C. Hutton. On the calculations for ascertaining the mean density of the earth. [Tilloch~] Phil. Mag., 38, 112-6. 46 1811 J. Playfair. Account of a lithological survey of Schehallien, made in order to determine the specific gravity of the rocks which compose that mountain. Phil. Trans. Lond., 347-77. 47 1812 C. Hulton. Tracts on mathematical and philosophical sub- jects. 3 vol. London. 8 V0 . 48 1813 L. W. Gilbert. Bericht von einer lithologischen Aufnahme des Schehallien, urn das specifische Gewicht der Gebirgsarten desselben, und daraus die mittlere Dichtigkeit der Erde zu bestimmen, von J. Play- fair, Esq. Pogg. Ann., 43, 62-75. 49 1814 F. X. von Zach. L'attraction des montagnes, et ses effets sur les fils si plomb ou sur les niveaux des instruments d'astronomie. 2 vol. Avignon. 4 to . 50 1815 N. M. Chompre. Experiences pour determiner la densite de la terre ; par Henry Cavendish. Traduit de 1'An- glais. Journ. de V&c. Roy. Poly technique. Cahier 17. 1C, 263-320. 51 1819 T. Young. Remarks on the probabilities of error in physical observations, and on the density of the earth. Phil. Trans. Lond., 70-95 ; Mine. Works, 2, 8-28. 52 1820 C. Hutton. (Letter to Laplace). [Blainville] Journ. dePhys., 9O, 307-12. 53 1821 C. Hutton. On the mean density of the earth. [Tilloch] Phil. Mag., 58, 3-13. 54 1821 C. Hutton. (Same title as 53). Phil. Trans. Lond., 276-292. 147 MEMOIRS ON 55 1824 F. Carlini. Osservazioni della lunghezza del pendolo sem- plicefatte all' altezza di mille tese sul livellodel mare. Eff. Astr. di Milano, a pp. 28-40. 56 1825 S. (Notice of 55). [ferussac] Bull, des Sc. IJath., 3,298-301. 57 1826 M. W. Drobisch. De vera lunae figura. Lipsiae. 12 mo . 58 1827 E. S(abine). An account of Prof. Carlini's experiments on Mont.-Cenis. Quart. Journ. of Sc., 24, 153-9. 59 1827 M. W. Drobisch. Ueber die in den Minen von Dolcoatb in Corn- wall neuerlich angestellten Pendelbeobachtung- en. Pogg. Ann., 1O, 444-456. 60 1827 - (Notice of Dolcoath expt.). Phil. Mag., [2], 1, 385-6. 61 1825-45 J. S. T. Gebler. Physikalisches Worterbuch. 22vol. Leip- zig. 8 V0 . 62* 1828 - Account of experiments made at Dolcoath mine in Cornwall, in 1826 :md 1828, for the purpose of determining the density of the earth. Cam- bridge. 8 V0 . Printed privately. 63 1828 M. W. Drobisch. Ausfilhrlicher Bericht liber mehrere in den Jahren 1826 und 1828 in den Minen von Dolcoath in Cornwall zur Bestimmung der mittleren Dich- tigkeit der Erde angestellte Pendelversuche. Pogg. Ann., 14, 409-27. 64 1829-30 J. C. E. Schmidt. Lehrbuch der mathematischen und phy- sischen Geogr;ipliie. 2 vol. Gottingen. 8 V0 . 65 1833 S. D. Poisson. Traitede mecanique. 2 d ed n . 2vol. Paris. 8 V0 . 66 1837 E. de Beaumont. Extiaitd un memoire de M. Reich sur la den- site de la terre. Camp. Rend., 5, 697-700. 67 1838 F.Reich. Versuche iiber die mittlere Dichtigkeit der Erde mittelst der Drehwage. Freiberg. 8 V0 . 68 1838 - On the repetition of the Cavendish experiment, for determining the mean density of the earth. Phil. Mag.,\S\, 12, 283-4. 69 1839 F Baily. (Same title as 68). Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 4, 96-7. 70 1840 C. I. Giulio. Sur la determination de la densite moyenne de la terre, dednite de 1'observation du peudule faite & 1'Hospice du Mont-Cenis par M. Carlini en Septcmbre, 1821. Mem. Accad. Torino, [2], 2, 379-84. 71 1840 L. F. Menabrea. Calm] de la densite de la terre. Mem. Accad. Torino, [2], 2, 305-68. 72 1840 A. G. Calcul de la densite de la terre, par L. F. Mena- brea. Bibl. Unit), de Geneve, [nouv.], 27, 163-75. 73 1841 L. F. Menabrea. On Cavendish's experiment. Phil . W((j. t [3], 19, 62-3. 74 1842 J. F. Saigey. Densite du globe. Rev. Scient. et Ind., [Queme- mlle], 1 1. 149-60 and 242-53, and 12, 373-88. 148 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION 75 1842 76 1842 F. Daily. F. Baily. 77 1842 F. Baily. 78 1843 79 1843 80 1843 80 1845 F. Baily. F. Baily. A. G. C. A. F. Peters 81 1847 G. W. Hearn. 82 1849 E. Sabine. 83 1852 F. Reich. 84 1852 - 85 1852 Schaar. 86 1853 87 1853 88 1855 89 1855 F. Reich. G. B. Airy. G. B. Airy. 90 1855 An account of some experiments -with the tor- sion rod, for determining the mean density of the earth. Phil. Mag. , [3], 21, 1 11-21. Resultats de quelques experiences failes avec la balance de torsion, pour determiner la densite moyenne de la terre. Ann. de Ghim. et de PJiys., [3], 5, 338-53. Bericht von einigen Versuchen mil der Dreh- wage zur Bestirnmung der mittleren Dichtigkeit der Erde. Pogg. Ann., 57, 453-67. (Same title as 75). Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 5, 188 and 197-206. Experiments with the torsion-rod for determin- ing the mean density of the earth. Mem. Roy. Astr. Soc., 14, 1-120 and i.-ccxlviii. (Same title as 76). Bibl. Univ. de Geneve, [nouv.'], 43, 177-81. Von den kleinen Ablenkungen der Lothlinie und des Niveaus, welche durch die Anziehung- en der Sonne, des Mondes, und einiger terres- trischen Gegenstiinde hervorgebracht werden. Astr. Nach., 22, 33-42. On the cause of the discrepancies observed b} T Mr. Baily with the Cavendish apparatus for de termhiirig the mean density of the earth. Phil. Trans. Lond., 217-29 Cosmos, by Alexander von Humboldt, trans- lated under the superintendence of Lieut. -Col. Edward Sabine. 6 th Ed n . 1. London. 8 V0 . Neue Versuche mil der Drehwaage. Le-ip. Abh. math. phy. cl, 1, 383-430. Neue Versuche liber die mittlere Dichtigkeit der Erde, von F. Reich. Pogg. Ann., 85, 189-98. Rapport de M. Schaar snr iin rnemoire de M. Montigny relatif aux experiences pour deter- miner la densite de la terre. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg., 19, pt. 2, 476-81. Nouvelles experiences sur la densite moyenne de la terre. Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., [3], 38, 382-3. New experiments on the mean density of the earth. Phil. Mag., [4], 5, 154-9. (Report on Harton expts.). Mon. Not. Roy., Astr. Soc., 15,35-6. Note respecting the recent experiments in the Harton Colliery. Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 15, 46. (Report on Harton expts.). Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 15, 125-6. 149 MEMOIRS ON 91 1855 92 1855 93 1855 J. H. Pratt. 94 1855 G. B. Airy. 95 1855 96 1856 97 1856 98 1856 99 1856 T. Young. J. H. Pratt. G. B. Airy. J. H Pratt. 100 1856 G. B. Airy. 101 1856 G. B. Airy. 102 1856 G. G. Stokes. 103 1856 H. James and Note sur les observations du pendule executees dans les mines de Harton pour determiner la densite moyennedela terre ; par M. Airy. Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., [3], 43, 381-3. Extrait du rapport presente a la 35 me seance anuiversaire de laSociete Royale Astronomique de Londres par le conseil de cette societe le 9 Fevrier, 1855. Arch, des Sc. Phys. et Nat., 29, 188-191. On the attraction of the Himalaya mountains, and of the elevated regions beyond them, upon the plumb-line in India. Phil. Trans. Lond., 145,53-100. On the computation of the effect of the attrac- tion of mountain-masses, as disturbing the ap- parent astronomical latitude of stations in geodetic surveys. Phil. Trans. Lond., 145, 101-4. Miscellaneous works and life, by Peacock and Leitch. 4 vol. London. 8 V0 . (Same title as 93). Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 16, 36-41 and 104-5. (Same title as 94). Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 16, 42-43. (Report on Harton expts.). Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 16, 104. On the effect of local attraction upon the plumb- line at stations on the English arc of the merid- ian, between Dunnose and Burleigh Moor ; and a method of computing its amount. Phil. Trans. Lond., 146, 31-52, A.ccount of pendulum experiments undertaken in the Harton Colliery, for the purpose of de- termining the mean density of the earth. Phil. Trans. Lond., 146, 297-342. Supplement to the "account of pendulum ex- periments undertaken in the Harton Colliery" ; being an account of experiments undertaken to determine the correction for the temperature of the pendulum. Phil. Trans. Lond., 146, 343-55. (Addendum to 101 ; on the effect of the earth's rotation and ellipticity in modifying the numer- ical results of the Harton experiment). Phil. Trans. Lond., 146, 353-5. A. R. Clarke. On the deflection of the plumb- line at Arthur's Seat, and the mean specific gravity of the earth. Phil. Trans. Lond., 146, 591-606. 150 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION 104 1856 H, James. 105 1856 106 1856 S. Haughton. 107 1856 G. B. Airy. 108 1856 H. James. 109 1856 G. B. Airy. 110 1856 111 1856 G. B. Airy. 112 1857 E. R. 113 1857 114 1857 115 1857 116 1857 117 1857 H. James. 118 1857 W. S. Jacob. 119 1857 G. B. Airy. 120 1857 H. James. On the figure, dimensions and mean specific gravity of the earth, as derived from the ord- nance trigonometrical survey of Great Britain and Ireland. Phil. Trans. Lond., 146, 607-26. Ueber die in der Kohlengrube von Harton zur Bestimmung der mittleren Dichte der Erde un- ternominenen Pendelbeobachtungen ; von G. B. Airy. Fogg. Ann., 97, 599-605. On the density of the earth, deduced from the experiments of the Astronomer Royal, in the Harton coal-pit. Phil. Mag., [4], 12, 50-1. (Same title as 100). Phil. Mag., [4], 12, 226-31. Account of the observations and computations made for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of the deflection of the plumb-line at Arthur's Seat, and the mean specific gravity of the earth. Phil. Mag., [4], 12, 314-6. (Same title as 101). Phil. Mag., [4], 12, 467-8. Ueber die Dichtigkeit der Erde, hergeleitet aus den Versuchen des Konigl. Astronomen (Hrn. Airy) in der Kohlengrube Harton ; vonSr. Ehr- wurd. Samuel Haughton, Fellow des Trinity College in Dublin. Pogg. Ann., 99, 332^. On the pendulum experiments lately made in the Harton Colliery, for ascertaining the mean density of the earth. Am. Journ. Sc., [2], 21, 359-64. Memoire sur les experiences enterprises dans la mine de Harton pour determiner la densite moyenne de la terre, par G. B. Airy. Arch, des Sc. Phys. et Nat., 35, 15-29. Ueber die Dichtigkeit der Erde, hergeleitet aus den Pendelbeobachtungen des Herrn Airy in der Kohlengrube Harton von Herrn S. Haugh- ton, Fellow am Trinity-College in Dublin. Zeit. fur Math. u. Phys., 2, 68-70. Ueber die Bestimmung der mittleren Dichtigkeit der Erde. Zeit. fur Math. u. Phys.. 2, 128-30. (Same title as 103). Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., 3, 364-6. (Notice of 106). Am. Journ. Sc., [2], 24, 158. (Same title as 104). Phil. Mag. , [4], 1 3, 129-32. On the causes of the great variation among the different measures of the earth's mean density. Phil. Mag., [4], 13, 525-8. (Same title as 101). Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 8, 58-9. (Same title as 104). Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 8, 111-6. 151 MEMOIRS ON 121 1857 W. S. Jacob. (Same title as 118). Proc. Roy. Soc. Lend., 8, 295-9. 122 1858 G. B. Airy. (Same title as 111). Proc. Roy. Inst., 2, 17-22. 123 1858 (Same title as 103). Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 18, 220. 124 1858 - (Same title as 104). Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 18, 220-2. 125 1858 H. James and A. R. Clarke. Ordnance trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain and Ireland. Account of the observations and calculations of the principal triangul.-ition ; and of the figure, dimensions and mean specific gravity of the earth as derived therefrom. 2 vol. London. 4 to . 126 1859 (Same title as 125). Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 19, 194-9. 127 1859 P. F. J. Gosselin. Nouvelexamen sur la densite rnoyenne de la terre. Mem. Acacl. Imp. de Mete, [2], 7, 469-85. 128* 1859-60 E. Sergent. Sulla densita della materia nell' intoruo del globo, e sulla potenza della crosta terrestre. Atti della. Soc. Ital. di 8c. Nat. Milano, 2, 169-175. 129 1861 O. Struve. Ueber einen von General Schubert an die Aka- demie gerichteten Antrag betreffend die Rus- sisch - Scandinavische Meridian - Gradmessung. Bull. Acad. St. Petersb. phys. math, d., 3, 395- 424. 130 1863 H. A. E. A. Faye. Sur les instruments geodesiques et sur la densite moyenne de la terre. Comp. Rend., >G, 557-66. 131 1864 E. Pechmann. Die Abweichung der Lothlinie bei astrono- mischen Beobachtungsstationen und ihre Be- rechnung als Erforderniss einer Gradmessung. Denkschr. Acad. Wiss. Wien. math.-naturw. cl., 22, 41-88. 132 1864 J. Babinet. Note surle calcul de 1'experiencede Cavendish, relative a la masse et a la densite moyenne de la terre. Cosmos, 24, 543-5. 133 1865 J. H. Pratt. A treatise on attractions, Laplace's functions, and the figure of the earth. 3 d . Ed n . Cambridge and London. 8 V0 . 134 1865 H. Scheffler. Ueber die mittlere Dichtigkeit der Erde. Zeit. fur Math. it. Phys., 1O, 224-7. 135 1869 A. Schell. Ueber die Bestimmung der mittleren Dichtigkeit der Erde. Gottingen. 4 to . 136 1872 F. Folie. Sur le calcul de la densite moyenne de la terre, d'apres les observations d'Airy. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg., [2], 33, 369-372 and 389-409. 137 1873 A. Cornu et J. B. Bailie. Determination nouvelle de la con- stante de 1'attraction et de la densite moyenuetle la terre. Comp. Rend., 76, 954-8. THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION 138* 1873 139 1873 145 146 1878 1879 (Notice of 137). Bull. Ilebd. de I'Assoc. Sclent, de France., [1J, 12, 70. A. Cornu and J. B. Bailie. Mutual determination of the con- stant of attraction, and of the menu density of the earth. Chemical New*, 27, 211. 140 1873 I. Todhunter. A history of the mathematical theories of at- traction and i he figure of the earth, from the time of Newton to that of Laplace. 2vol. Lou- don. 8 V0 . 141 1878 A. Cornu et J. B. Bailie. Elude de la resistance de Fair dans la balance de torsion. Comp. Rend., 86, 571-4. 142 1878 A. Cornu et J. B. Bailie. Sur la mesure de la densite moyenne de la terre. Comp. Rend., 86, 699-702. 143 1878 A. Cornu et J. B. Bailie. Influence des termes proportioned an carre des ecarts, dans le mouvemenl oscillatoire dc la balance de torsion. Comp. Mend., 86, 1001-4. 144 1878 Ph. von Jolly. Die Anwendung der Waage auf Probleme der Gravitation. Parti. Abh. Bay. Akad. 2, 13, Abth. 1, 157-176. Ph. von Jolly. (Same title as 144). Wied. Ann., 5, 112-34. J. H. Poynting. On a method of using the balance with great delicacy, and on its employment to determine the mean density of the earth. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 28, 2-35. 1880 H. A. E. A. Faye. Sur les variations seculaires de la figure mathematique de la terre. Comp. Rend., 9O, 1185-91. 147 1880 H. A. E. A. Faye. Sur la reduction des observations du pen- dule an niveau de la mer. Comp. Rend., 9O, 1443-6. 148 1880-4 F. R. Helmert. Die mathematischen und physikalischen Theorieen der hohercn Geodasie. 2vol. Leip- zig. 8 V0 . 148| 1880-5 O. Zanotti-Bianco. II problema meccanico della figuradella terra. 2 parts. Firenze Torino-Roma. 8 V0 . A. R. Clarke. Geodesy. Oxford. 8 V0 . O. Knopf. Ueber die Methoden zur Bestimmung der mittleren Dichtigkeit der Erde. Jena. T. C. Mendenhall. Determination of the acceleration due to the force of gravity, at Tokio, Japan. Am. Journ. Sc., [3], 2O, 124-32. T. C. Mendenhall. On a determination of the force of gravity at the summit of Fujiyama, Japan. Am. Journ. Sc., [3], 21, 99-103. Sulla diminuzione della gravita coll'altezza. Atti Accad. Lincei. Mem. d. sc., [3]. 9, 103-17. 153 1881 Ph. von Jolly. (Same title as 144). Part 2. Abh. Bay. Akad. Wmcl. 2. 14, Abth. 2, 3-26. 153 149 1880 149^* 1880 150 1880 151 1881 152 1881 F. Keller. MEMOIRS ON 154 1881 Ph. von Jolly. (Same title as 153). Wied. Ann., 14, 331-55. 154| 1882 J. G. Wallentin. Ueber die Methoden zur Bestimmung der mittleren Dichte der Erde und eine neue dies- bezUgliche Anwendung der Wage. Humboldt, 1, 212-7. 155 1882 R. von Sterneck. Untersucbungen ilber die Scbwere im In- nern der Erde. Mitth. Mil.-Oeog. Inst. Wien, 2, 77-120. 156 1883 R. von Sterneck. Wiederbohmg der Untersuchungen tlber die Schwere im Innern der Erde. Mitth. Mil.-Oeog. Inst. Wien, 3, 59-94. 157 1883 J. B. Bailie. Sur la resistance de 1'air dans les mouvements oscillatoires tres lents. Comp. Rend., 96, 1493-5. 158 1884 R. von Sterneck. Untersucbungen tlber die Scbwere auf der Erde. Mitth. Mil.-Oeog. Inst. Wien, 4, 89-155. 159 1884 A. Kdnigand F. Richarz. Eine neue Metbode zur Bestimmung der Gravitationsconstante. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1203-5. 160 1885 A. Kouig and P. Ricbarz. (Same title as 159). Wied. Ann., 24, 664-8. 161 1885 A.M.Mayer. Methods of determining the density of tbe earth. Nature, 31, 408-9. 162 1885 A. Konig and F. Ricbarz. Remarks on our method of deter- mining tbe mean density of the earth. Nature, 31,484. 1J33 1885 J. Wilsing. Ueber die Anwendung des Pendels zur Bestim- mung der mittleren Dicbtigkeit der Erde. Sitz- ungsb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Hbbd. 1, 13-15. 164 1885 R. von Sterneck. Fortsetzung der Uutersuchungen ilber die Sohwere auf der Erde. Mitth. Mil.-Geog. Inst. Wien, 5, 77-105. 165 1886 R. von Sterneck. (Same title as 155). Mitth. Mil.-Geog. Inst. Wien, 6, 97-119. 166 1886 W. M. Hicks. On some irregulariiies in tbe values of the mean density of the earth, as determined by Baily. Proc. Cam. Phil. 8oc., 5, pt. 2, 156-61. 167 1886 F. Keller. Sul metodo di Jolly per la determinazione della densita media della terra. Atti Accad. Lincei. Rend., [4], 2, 145-9. 168 1887 F. Keller. Sulla deviazione del filo a piombo prodotta dal prosciugamento del Lago di Fucino. Atti Accad. Lincei. Rend., [4], 3, 493-501. 169 1887 J. Wilsing. Mittheilung tlber die Resultale von Pendelbeo- bachtungen zur Bestimmung der mittleren Dich- tigkeit der Erde. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Hbbd. 1, 327-34. 170 1887 J. Wilsing. Bestimmung der mittleren Dicbtigkeit der Erde mil Hulfe eines Pendelapparates. Publ. Astro- phys. Obs. Potsdam, 6, Stuck 2, 35-127. 154 THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION 171 1888 J. H. Gore. Determination of the mean density of the earth by means of a pendulum principle, by J. Wil- sing, translated and condensed. Smithsonian Rep. 1888. 635-46. (Same title as 170). Publ. Astrophys. Obs. Pots- dam, 6, Stuck 3, 133-91. Ueber einen neuen Apparat zur Bestimmung der Erddichte. Zeit. fur List. - Kunde., 9, 354-5. A bibliography of geodesy. Washington. 4 to . App. to U. S. Coast and Geod. Surv. Rep. for 1887. On the Cavendish Experiment. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 46, 253-68. C. V. Boys. (Same title as 175). Nature, 41, 155-9. 172 1889 J. Wilsing. 173 1889 W. Laska. 174 1889 J. H. Gore. 175 1889 C. V. Boys. 176 177 185 186 1889-90 1889-90 J. Joly. 178 1889-91 - 179 1890 Thiesen 180 1891 181 1893 A. Berget. 182 1893 Gouy. 183 1893 184 1894 1894 1894 187 1894 188 1894 (Report of meeting of Univ. Exptl. Assoc. Dublin). Nature, 41, 256. Collection de memoires relatifs a la physique, publics par la Societe Francaise de Physique, 4 and 5. Paris. 8 V0 . Determination de la variation de la pesanteur avec la hauteur. Trav. et Mem. du Bur. Internat. des Poids et Mes., 7, 3-32. J. H. Poynting. On a determination of the mean density of the earth and the gravitation constant by means of the common balance. Phil. Trans. Lond., [A], 182,565-656. Determination experimentale de la constantede Tattractiou universelle, ainsi que de la masse et de la densite de la terre. Gomp. Rend., 116, 1501-3. Sur la realisation des temperatures constantes. Comp. Rend., 117, 96-7. F. Richarz und O. Kri.uar-Menzel. Die Abnahme der Schwere mil der Mohe beslimmt durch Wagungen. Sitz- ungsb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 163-83. F. Richarz und O. Krigar-Menzel. (Same title as 183). Wied. Ann., 51, 559-83. J. H. Poynting. The mean density of the earth. London. 8 V0 . J. H. Poynting. A histciy of the methods of weighing the earth. Proc. Birmingham Nat. Hist, and Phil. Soc., 9, 1-23. Die Methoden zur Bestimmung der mittleren Dichte der Erde. Wiss. Beilage zum Jahresb. des Gym. zu Weissenburg i. Elsass. On the Newtonian constant of gravitation. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 56, 131-2. (Same title as 187). Nature, 5O, 330-4, 366-8, 417-9 and 571. 155 186| 1894 G. Fresdorf. C. V. Boys. C. V. Boys. MEMOIRS ON THE LAWS OF GRAVITATION 189 1895 C. V. Boys. (Same title as 187). Phil. Trans. Lond., [A] 186, 1-72. 190 1895 A.S.Mackenzie. On the attractions of crystalline and isotropic masses at small distances. Phy. Rev., 2, 321- 43. 191 1896 F. Richarz und O. Krigar-Menzel. Gravitationsconstante uud mittlere Dichtigkeit der Ertle, bestimml durch Wagungen. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1305-18. 192 1896 R. von Eotvos. Untersuclmngen liber Gravitation und Erd- magmetismus. JVied. Ann., 59, 354-400. 193 1896 C. Brauu. Die Gravitationsconstante, die Masse und mitt- lere Dichte der Erde nach einer neuen experi- mentellen Bestimmung. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien. math.-nalurw. cl., 64, 187-258c. Iffi0- 1 QQA -7 The gravitation constant and the mean density of the earth. Nature, 55, 296. 195 1897 P. Drude. Ueber Fernewirkungen. Wied. Ann., 62, i.- xlix. 196 1897 L. W. Austin and C. B. Thwing. An experimental research on gravitational permeability. Phy. Rev., 5, 294- 300. 196| 1897-9 S. Gunthcr. Handbuch der Geophysik. 2 vol. Stuttgart. 8 V0 . 197 1897 J. H. P(oynting). A new determination of ihe gravitation constant and the mean density of the earth. Nature, 56, 127-8. 198 1898 F. Richarz und O. Krigar-Menzel. Bestimmung der Gravita- tionsconslante und mittlercn Dichtigkeit der Erde durch Wauungen. Anhang Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1-196. 199 1898 F. Richarz und O. Krigar-Mcnzel. (Same title as 191). Wied. Ann., 66, 177-193. ^200 1899 J. H. Poynting and P. L. Gray. An experiment in search of a directive action of one quartz crystal on an- other. Phil. Trans. Lond., [A], 192, 245-56. 156 INDEX Aehard, 49. Airy. 5, 106, 113. 118, 119, 121-124, 128-130; Theory of Cavendish Ex- periment, 106, 118; Dolcoath Ex- periments, 113; Harton Experi- ments, 121. Arthur's Seat, 118, 123, 124. Attraction, Newton's Theorems on, 9 ; Newton's Error in Calculation of, 16, 17 ; Primitive, 27 ; Of a Plntenu, 29-32 ; Of a Spherical Segment, Calculated by Newton, 17; by Carlini, Schmidt and Giu- lio, 111, 112 ; Shown by Deflection of Plumb-line, 33-43 ; Of Chirnbo- razo, 34, 39 ; Of Schehallien, 43, 53-56 ; Due to Tides, 44, 134 ; Of any Hill, Calculated by II niton, 54*; Of the Great Pyramid, 55; Local, 56, 122-124, 126, 134, 135, 141 ; Of Mount Mimet, 56 ; Of Mass Beneath Earth's Surface, 56, 122, 123; Of Arthur's Seat, 118, 123, 124 ; Of Evaux, 118 ; Of a Cone, 428 ; Of an Infinite Plane, 135. Austin and Thwing, 142. B Babinet, 106. Bacon, 1, 2, 5. 49, 113 Baily, 100, 105, 106, 115-120, 125, 131-133, 137 ; Cavendish Experi- ment Criticized by, 105 ; Error of, Pointed out by Cornu and Bailie, 119 ; Anomalies in Results of, and their Explanations, 118, 119. Balance, Experiments with Beam, 2-5, 48, 49, 125, 132. 140 ; Experi- ments with Torsion, 59-105, 114- 121, 124, 135, 137-139. 142; Mich- ell Devised Torsion, 60; Experi- ments with Pendulum, 131, 132. Baucrnfeind, 124. Beaumont, 116. Benret, 124, 134, 135. Bertier, 47-49. Boscovitch, 134. Bougner, 5, 21, 23-25, 27, 32, 33, 36, 39-44, 47, 53, 56, 130, 134; On Tides, 44, 134 ; Life of, 44 ; First to Take Account of Buoyancy of Air, 26. Boyle, 4. Boys, 106, 135-137, 139, 142. Brandes, 105, 106, 120; Theory of Cavendish Experiment, 106; The- ory of Oscillation Method, 105, 106, 120. Braun, 106, 138, 139. Carlini. 111-113, 128. Cavendish, 54, 55, 59. 90, 91, 98, 100, 105-107, 114-116,118, 119, 125, 135, 136, 139 ; Error in Calculation of, 100, 105 ; Life of, 107. Chimborazo, 22, 34. 39-41, 43. Clarke, 56, 118, 123, 124. Condamine, de la, 21, 28, 32, 36, 39- 41, 43, 44 ; Pendulum Experiments of, 28 ; Method of, for Doubling Deflection of Plumb-line, 36. Cornu and Bailie, 66, 106, 115, 119, 124, 125, 131, 135. Cotte, 48. Cotton, 4. Coulomb Balance, First Proposed by Michell, 60. Coultaud, 47, 48, 111. I) D'Alembert, 31. 47. Damping. Method of Finding A, 138, 141, 142 ; Effect of, 139. 157 INDEX David, 47-49. Deflection, of Arm of Torsion Bal- ance, How Measured, by Caven- dish. 64, 98 ; by Reich, 116, 119 ; by Baily, 117, 119, 132, 133; by Braun. '138 ; Affects the Period, 97 ; Error in Daily's Method of Observing 119, 125 ; Multiplied by Poynting, 132, 133. Descartes, 2, 49 ; Suggested Method of Measuring Gravity, 2. Dimensions of Torsion Balance, Ef- fects of, 125, 135, 137, 138. Dolcoath, 113, 121. Dolomieu, 49. Drobisch, 113, 114. Drude, 142. E EotvOs, 106, 137, 138. Faye, 31, 124, 130, 139 ; Compensa- tion Theory of. Correction of " Dr. Young's Rule," 31, 124. Ferrel, 130. Flotation Theory, 31, 124. Folie, 123. Forbes, 117, 118, 120. Forced Vibrations, J38, 141, 142. Fresdorf, 56. 112, 116, 123, 127, 128, 131, 132, 135. Fujiyama, 127, 128. G Gilbert, Dr., 1, 5,49. Gilbert, L. W., 105. Giulio, 112. , Gore, 124, 132. Gosselin. 106. Gouy, 135. Gravimeter, 135. Gravitation, Early Conceptions of, 1, 49. 56 ; Early Experiments on, by Members of Royal Society, 2-5 ; As Explanation of Planetary Mo- tion, by Newton, 2, 10-19 : Mag- netic Theory of. 1, 4, 5. 12 ; Hooke's Ideas Concerning, 5, 6 ; Compen- sator. 138 ; Multiplicator, 138 ; Per- meability, 142 ; Velocity of Prop- agation of, 142. Gravity, Proposed Experiment on, by Bacon, 1 ; by Descartes, 2 ; Decrease of, with Height, 27-33, 47-49, 111-113, 126-128, 130, 137, 140 ; Law of Increase of, with Depth, 129, 130 ; Increase of, with Temperature, 131 ; Mathematical Discussion of, from Potential 137 Gray, 142. Giinther, 131, 141. H Harton Colliery, 5, 121, 122 Haughton. 122. Hearn, 118, 120. Helmert, 54, 56, 124, 127, 129. Hicks, 119, 131. Hooke, 2, 4, 5. Horizontalvariometer, 137. Humboldt, 56. Button, 54, 55, 90, 100, 105 106, 118, 124. J Jacob, 56, 123. J;imes and Clarke, 56 118 123 124 Jolly, 125, 126, 137, 140. Joly, 138, 141. K Keller, 124, 127, 135, 137, 140. Kepler, 1, 2, 49. Knopf, 113, 122. Konig, 140. Krigar-Menzel, 140, 141. Krummungsvariometer, 137, 138. Lalande, 48. Laska, 141. Law, of the Distance, 2, 9 29 47 101, 126, 142 ; Of the Masses, 13, 32; Of the Material, 12, 142; Of the Medium, 142. Lesage, 2, 48, 49. M Mackenzie, 142. Magnetism. Gilbert's Explanation of Gravitation by, 1,4, 5 ; Contrasted with Gravitation, 12 ; Tests for Effects of, by Cavendish, 67, 68 75, 76 ; by Reich, 116, 120 ; Sug- gested by Hearn to Account for Anomalies in Baily's Results, 118- 120. 158 INDEX Maskelyne, 17, 43, 53-56, 101, 106. Mayer, 140. Menabrea, 55, 66, 106. Mendenhall, 124, 127, 128. Mercier, 47, 48, 111. Michel], 59, 60, 61. Mine Experiments, 1, 2, 4, 5, 49, 113, 121, 128, 131. Montigny, 119. Muncke, 55, 105, 106. N Newton, 2, 6, 7, 9, 14-17, 19. 39, 43, 47-49, 56, 107, 110, 124, 126, 141 ; Explanation of Planetary Motions by, 2, 10 ; Pendulum Experiments of, 11, 15 ; Guess as to Value of A by, 14 ; Errors in Calculations of, 16, 17 ; Indicates Methods of Finding A, 17; Calculates Attrac- tion of a Mountain, 17 ; Life of, 19; Attempts to Upset Theory of, 47. P Pechmann, 124. Pendulum, Experiment with, Pro- posed by Bacon, 1 ; by Hooke, 5 ; Experiments with, by Newion, 10, 11, 15; by Bouguer, 24-33; by Coultaud and Mercier, 47 ; by Carlini, 111 ; by Airy, 113, 121 ; by Mendenhall, 127 ; by Sterneck, 128-131 ; by Laska, 141 ; Correc- tion for Buoyancy of Air on, First Used, 26 ; Correction for, Due to Resistance of Air, 27, 66 ; Methods of Comparing One with Another, 113, 121, 128-130; Balance, 181. Peters, 55, 124. Playfair, 55, 102. Plumb-line, Deflection of, Observed at Chimborazo, 33-43 ; at Sche- hallien, 43, 53-56; at Arthur's Seat, 123; at Evaux, 118, 124; in Tyrol, 124; Deflection of, Cal- culated for Chimborazo, 34; how to Observe, 35-39, 53 ; by Tides, 44, 134, 135. Poisson, 31. 66 Power, 2-5, 49. Poynting, 16, 36, 44, 106, 112, 116, 118, 119, 123-125, 127, 128, 131-134, 142. Pratt, 124. Pringle, 56. Puissant, 118. Pyramid, Attraction of the Great, 55. R Reich, 91, 106, 114-121, 125, 138. Resistance of Air, Discussed by Bou- guer, 27; by Cavendish, 65-67; by Poisson, Menabrea, and Coruu and Bailie, 66, 106, 125. Richarz, 140, 141. Robison, 134. Roiffe, 48. Royal Society, Experiments by Members of, 2-6, 48. Rozier, 49. Sabine, 112. Saigey, 32, 43, 54, 112, 113, 118, 124; Correction of Peruvian Pendulum Experiments by, 32, 43. Schaar, 119. Scheffler, 123. Schehallien, 43, 53-55, 101, 112, 118, 123. Schell, 56, 112, 116, 118, 123. Schmidt, 44, 55, 106, 112. Schubert, 124. Sheepshanks, 113. St. Paul's Cathedral, Experiments at, 4, 5. Sterneck, 128-131, 137. Stokes, 122. Struve, 124, 134. Temperature, Effects of, on Torsion Balance, Discussed by Cavendish, 60, 76-80; by Reich, 114; by Baily, 116, 117; by Hicks and Poynting, 119 ; by Boys, 135, 136 ; by Eotvos, 137 ; by Braun, 139 ; Change of A with, 125, 131 ; Limit of Constancy of, 135. Thiesen, 137. Thomson and Tail, 134. Tides, Action of, on Plumb-line, 44, 134. Time of Vibration, How Found by Cavendish, 64-67, 70 ; by Reich, 115, 119 ; by Baily, 117 ; by Men- denhall, 127 ; As Affected by De- flection, 97 ; As Affected by Con- vection Currents, 80, 100, 134, 137 ; A Found From, 105, 106, 120, 138, 139, 141. Todhunter, 16, 44, 56, 66. 159 INDEX U Ulloa, 25, 39, 40. Vacuum, Experiment Made in, 138, 141. W Wallentin, 127, 134. Westminster Abbey, Experiments Made at, 2, 3, 5. W he well, 113. Wilsing, 131, 132. Y Young, Rule of, 31, 130. Z Zach, 36, 44, 54-56, 134 ; Maskelyne Experiment Calculated by, 54 ; Finds Attraction of Mount Mi- met, 56. Zanotti-Bianco, 44, 54, 56, 106, 112, 113, 123, 127. ADDENDUM Page 32. [Faye (146|) has calculated the diminution in the attraction ac- cording to Ms formula (see note on p. 31), and finds it to be the ^^th part, which is not far from that resulting from the experiment. His calculation can also be stated in the following way : taking no account of the attraction of the plateau, tJie observed pendulum lengtJis reduced to sea-level by Saigey are at L'lsle de I'Inca . . Quito Difference 990.935 mm. 991.009 " .074 " which difference is of the order of the errors of the observations. See this vol- ume, p. 130, Helmert (148, vol. 2, chap. 3), and Zanotti-Bianco (148%, pt. 1, chap. 8, andpt. 2, p. 182).] 160 THE END RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW OCT 2 1993 u FT I U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDE1D58ME5