GIFT OF Civil Eng. Eept UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA A NEW METflOI) OF CALCULATING THE CUBIC CONTENTS OF EXCAVATIONS AND EMBANKMENTS, BY THE AID OF DIAGRAMS. TOGETHEB WITH DIRECTIONS FOR ESTIMATING THE COST OF EARTHWORK. BY JOHN C. TRAUTWINE, CIVIL ENGINEER. SEVENTH EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: E. CLAXTO^ & COMPANY, 930 MARKET STREET. 1881. CIVIL DEPT. r? /ee Engineering Library Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by JOHN C. TRAUTWINi'/ in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL BERKELEY. CALIFORNIA PEEFACE. A LTHOTJGrH the usual methods of obtaining correctly the cubic -* contents of Excavations and Embankments cannot be said to involve any difficulty, still they are certainly open to the objection of being very tedious. Consequently, any device for diminishing the labor, without affect- ing the accuracy, of the operation, may justly be regarded as a desideratum of some importance ; and, we believe, that the method by diagrams here proposed, will conduce to that result, both in the field and in the office. It originated with the writer many years since; and was first published in 1851. Should an objection be made to the admission of the transverse ground-slopes, as an element in the calculations, we can only reply that, practically, it is at least as accurate as that based upon the usual assumption, that the two outer heights or depths of a cross- section represent the exterior elevation of straight lines, drawn from those points to the centre-stake. Sensible of the necessity of perfect accuracy in the Tables, they have been prepared with the greatest care; and have undergone so thorough a revision as to leave scarcely a doubt of their entire reliability. ERRATA. Supposed to be none. 502578 A NEW METHOD OF CALCULATING THE CUBIC CONTENTS OF EXCAVATIONS AND EMBANKMENTS. THEEE is but one correct principle upon which to calculate the cubic contents of excavations and embankments; and that is, the Prismoidal Formula, or Rule; which is as follows : Add together the areas of the two parallel ends of the prismoid, and four times the area of a section half-way between and parallel to them ; and multiply the sum by one-sixth of the length of the prismoid, measured perpendicularly to its two parallel ends. Since, in railroad measurements, the prismoids are generally 100 feet long, it becomes easier in practice to multiply the sum of the areas in square feet, by 100, (by merely adding two ciphers,) and to divide the product by 6 ; which amounts to the same thing as multiplying their sum by ^th of 100 feet. The very extended application of the prismoidal formula to other solids than such as are commonly understood by the term "prismoids/ 7 was first shown by Mr. Ell wood Morris, Civil Engineer, in a paper published in the Journal of the Franklin Institute, in 1840. It embraces all parallelepipeds, pyramids, prisms, cylinders, cones, wedges, &c., whether regular or irregular, right or oblique ; together with their frustums, when cut by planes parallel to their bases ; in a word, any solid whatever, which has two parallel ends, connected together by either plane, or by longitudinally unwarped surfaces. It also applies to spheres, hemispheres, spheroids, paraboloids, &c, 5 6 In the cylinder and cone, the sides may be considered as consisting of an infinite number of infinitely narrow planes, nnwarped longi- tudinally. In railroad cuttings, it rarely happens that the surface planes lying between two consecutive cross sections, 100 feet apart, are absolutely unwarped ; yet, for practical purposes, they may very frequently be assumed to be so. When much warped, the cross sec- tions must be taken closer together than 100 feet. Upon a strict attention to this precaution depends the accuracy of earthwork measure- ments; the entire principle of which is embraced in the foregoing re- marks. No practicable method is perfectly accurate. All we can do in actual practice is, to take our stations at distances so near together that the intermediate solid shall be very nearly a prismoid, and then calculate it as if a true prismoid. There are generally two circumstances under which it is necessary to compute the cubic contents on a public work ; viz. : first, after a pre- liminary survey of one, or more trial lines; for the purpose of deter- mining approximately their actual, or comparative costs ; and, second, after the final adoption, and staking out the determined route, in order to know precisely the amount of work to be done. The measurements for the latter are performed with more care, and attention to detail, than those of the former, inasmuch as upon them depend the payments to be made to the person who executes the work. They, moreover, involve considerations which cannot be attended to during a preliminary survey, without incurring an expenditure of time and labor, more than commensurate with the importance of the result. When the ground is level transversely of the line of survey, there is no difficulty whatever in ascertaining the contents from a table of level-cuttings, previously calculated ; but when it is inclined or irregu- lar transversely, the calculations have hitherto been attended with considerable labor. The following method by diagrams will we trust, be found to ren- der the operations in the last cases, if not as simple and expeditious as in those of level ground, at least much more so than the usual ones. It dispenses with a great deal of calculation ; and is, therefore, com- paratively free from errors arising from that source. METHOD OP USING THE DIAGRAMS. The construction of the diagrams is extremely simple, notwith- standing that, at first sight, they appear somewhat complex. They are but few in number, since any particular road will generally require but three or four, which may be prepared by one person in a few days. Before proceeding to explain the manner of drawing them, we will give one or two examples of their use, that the reader may see the object aimed at, and to what extent it is attained. Example 1. Suppose that in a roadway of 28 foet wide, and with side-slopes of 1 J to 1, the cutting at a certain station is 20 feet ; and that the ground, instead of being level transversely, inclines at an angle of 15 Turn to the diagram, Plate IX., for a roadway 28 feet wide, with side- slopes of 1 J to 1 : place a finger on the centre line, at the height of 20 feet, and run it along up the curved line which commences at that point, until it strikes the inclined line marked 15. It will be seen at once that the two coincide at the height of 22*8 feet : and this -is the depth of the equivalent level cutting, which would have precisely the same area as the section under consideration. All such cases may therefore be instantly, and without any calcu- lation whatever, reduced to others of equivalent level cuttings. This constitutes the main feature of the principle involved in the diagrams. Had the depth been 20'3, or other decimal of a foot, the proceed- ing would have been the same as with the 20 feet ; and the equivalent level cutting would be found on the inclined line 15, at the distance of *3 of a foot (estimated by eye) above the curved line 20. Example 2. Using the same diagram ; let the depth of cutting be 2 feet, and the transverse slope of the ground 20. Here, placing a finger on the centre line, at the height of 2 feet, and running it along the curved line commencing at that point, it will be found that before reaching the inclined line of 20, it encounters the dotted curved line drawn near the bottom of the diagram. When this occurs, we know that the ground-slope cuts the roadway, forming a cross section, partly in excavation, and partly in embankment, as in fig. 9. This is a most useful check ; for in such cases, the contents cannot be obtained by means of the diagram ; but recourse must be had to a figure of the section drawn for the purpose ; as must also be the case when the ground is irregular transversely. A simple method of proceeding, in all such cases, will be given further on. On the page opposite each diagram, is a table of cubic yards for level cuttings, and for lengths of 100 feet. By means of these tables, the cubic contents may at once be taken out, when the equivalent level cuttings at both ends of a station are equal, and the ground-slope between them uniform : but if the equivalent level cuttings at the two ends of the station are unequal, then the prismoidal rule must be applied; thus, Suppose the equivalent level cutting at one end to be 20 feet, and' it the other 25 feet, and the intervening ground-slope uniform. Then the equivalent level cutting at a point half-way between them would be 22J feet. Therefore, the cubic content will be equal to one-sixth of the sum of those corresponding to each of the two end depth? and of four times that of the centre depth ; that is, Cubic content by table 9, for 20 feet depth, = 4296 cubic yards, " " " " 25 " = 6065 " " Four times 22J ) (t _ or 4 times 5146 / 6)30945 Cubic yards contained in the station, = 5157*5 These tables are carried to depths or heights of 60 feet ; but in the subsequent table No. 15, they are extended to 170 feet. As these extended quantities will be but seldom referred to, they are calculated only to whole feet ; but the amount corresponding to any fraction of a foot may be found with sufficient accuracy for practice, by simple proportion. It will be perceived that, instead of the areas corresponding to the different depths of cutting, or heights of filling, our tables give the cubic yards corresponding to those areas, for lengths of 100 feet. For the purposes of calculating cubic contents, these solidities may evi- dently be used instead of the areas ; but for such cases as require the areas themselves, a table (No. 17) of such is added. Its use will be shown further on. For rough preliminary estimates of trial lines, the labor may be much reduced by taking from the tables, the cubic content correspond- ing to the average of the equivalent level cuttings at the two ends. This mode is not mathematically correct, and should never be resorted to for final estimates ; but it will be sufficiently approximate (always a little deficient) for such cases as occur in ordinary cuttings and fill- ings ; and even where the depths at the two ends do not differ more than about 5 feet; nor the ground-slopes differ more than about 5; said slopes being in the same direction. For instance, in the foregoing example, the correct contents of the station 20 feet deep at one end, and 25 feet at the other, were found to be 5157'5 cubic yards; while, by this approximating mode, the contents of an average level depth of 22J feet, would be 5146 cubic yards; or but 11 J yards less than the truth. Or, for true prismoids, or even within the foregoing limits of no greater differences than 5 feet in depth ; and 5 in slope at the two ends of a 100 feet station, the slopes being in the same direction, we may add together the tabular contents corresponding to the two equi- valent level depths at the ends of the station, and divide their sum by 2. The content thus found will not be as approximate, however, as that by the first method ; but will be too great by precisely twice 9 the quantity that the other is too small. Thus, in the foregoing example, we should have for a true prismoid, Depth. Cubic yards. 20 4296 25 6065 2)10361 5180 cubic yards approx. content, or 23 yards in excess of the true content, 5157J yards; or twice the deficiency (11J yards) of the preceding method. These examples merely show that in railroad work, and within limits of frequent occurrence, we may calculate the content of a true prismoid by either of these approximate modes, with sufficient accu- racy for rough preliminary, or comparative estimates. We have in neither instance given the actual content of a solid whose transverse slopes differ at its two ends. Said content would be farther from the truth than in our examples ; where, by the first method, the error is but 1 yard in about 450 ; and in the second, 1 in about 225 ; whereas the average of a number of stations in which the slopes at the two ends differ on an average 2J, and in no case more than 5, would probably be in error by about 1 yard in 100 too little, by the first method ; and 1 yard in 50 too much, by the second. For final estimates, however, we should make our stations so short that the ground surface of the included solid may be considered unwarped longitudinally, and then use the prismoidal rule. PRINCIPLE ON WHICH THE METHOD IS BASED, To find the sides of a triangle of which only the area and the angles are given. RULE. In any plane triangle, as the product of the sines of any two Fi x of the angles, is to the product of radius by the sine of the remaining angle, so is twice the area of the triangle, to the square of the side lying between the two angles first taken. Demonstration. Let a d e be a triangle, in which we have given, its area, and its three angles: it is required to find any side, as a e. By trigonometry we have the two follow- ing proportions : Sine of a (dc) : Radius (a d) :: dc : ad; also Sine of e . Sine of d ad - ae the angle opp. a d the angle opp. a e By multiplication of these two proportions, we have Sine of a X Sine of e : Rad. X Sine of d : : dcXad : aeXad;or, 2 10 leaving out the factor a d, common to the last two terms, Sine of a X Sine of e : Rad X Sine of d : : d c : ae. But, as d c : ae :: dcXae : a e 2 , (because d c X a e=the rectangle a enm; and a e 2 =a e p o.) Again, d cXa e= twice the area of the triangle a d e. Hence we have Sine of a X Sine of e : Rad X Sine of c? : : 2 area : to a e 2 , the square root of which=a e, the required side. Q. E. D. Now, let n m c 6, fig. 2, be the level cutting equivalent, or equal to the side-hill cutting nmed. From the point of intersection at ia. draw Fig. 2. Then, if t u represent any other side-hill cutting parallel to d e, we have only to draw the horizontal line xw, through s, in order to ob- tain the equivalent level cutting n m w x. The demonstration of this, on the principle of similar triangles, is so simple as not to require insertion. The point required is to the distance to be laid off on "the horizontal liney c, in order to draw i a. To do this, we have the triangle a e d, of which we know the area, (composed of the triangle n m a, and the level cutting n m c &,/ and also the three angles, (derived from the side slopes and ground slopes.) First find the side a e, by the rule just given, viz : Sin a X Sin e : Rad X Sin d : : 2 area : a &. Then find r a, thus : Sine of era . Sine of e .. opp. given side a e.. opp. req'd. side r a. * * Then f a r a = rf. Also, the angle e i c, representing the ground slope, is equal to the angleyi r; and considering fi as a radius, and rf as a tangent to the angleyi r, we have Nat. Tang, of fi r, (or ground slope,) : Rad, or 1 : : rf : fi. Then as af : fi : : 1 : : fi when a f is assumed as unity, in pre- paring a working diagram. To save the trouble of calculating these distances f i, we have extended the table to all side-slopes likely to occur in practice. 11 METHOD OF PREPARING THE DIAGRAMS. We will now proceed to describe the mode of preparing the dia- grams, for any width of roadway, and for any side-slope whatever. Draw a vertical line a ft, fig. 3, of any given length at pleasure. (One foot decimally divided; or 12^ inches, divided into ^ths of an inch, or 10 inches divided into y^ths of an inch, will generally be found convenient.) Call the length of this line unity, or 1. It represents the usual centre-line of levels, or of cutlings and fillings. From the upper end of this line draw b c y at right angles to it; and from b towards c, lay off and number the dis- tances 65, 610, 615, &c., contained in the following table; using as a scale the length a 6, as 1 or unity, divided into tenths and hundredths. For example; if the side-slopes h e, gf, of the excavation or embank- ment, are to 1, lay oflf (without any regard to the width of roadway,) the distances on the upper column of the table; if 1 to 1, those on the 3d column, &c. This done, the scale of a 6, as unity , will be of no further use. Distances on b c, intermediate of those in the table, may be inserted with sufficient accuracy by eye. Table of Distances' from b, to be laid off on the Horizontal Line b c, Fig. 3; the Line a b being assumed as Unity, or 1. Side Slopes. 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 i to 1, or 75 58' 005 on 014 017 022 026 032 038 046 057 073 099 Side Slopes. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 53 55 i to 1, on 022 034 046 058 072 090 110 132 165 189 211 or 63 26' Side Slopes. 5 10 15 18 20 23 25" 28 30 33 36 39 1 to 1, or 45 044 089 136 167 188 222 247 288 318 369 431 510 Side Slopes. 5 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 28 30 32 34 If tO 1, or 38 40' 068 138 184 214 264 300 358 401 476 530 600 685 Side Slopes. 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 22 24 26 27 28 li to 1, 097 158 201 267 314 390 445 506 574 '652 696 747 or 33 42' Side Slopes. 3 5 8 10 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 2 to 1, or 26 34' 106 175 285 363 447 533 629 739 798 865 936 1-017 Side Slopes. 21 to 1 2 40 6 8 10 12 14 16 or 21 48' 112 226 340 454 582 719 875 1-056 Side Slopes. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 o to 1, [ or 18 26' 160 322 486 660 858 1-080 1-349 12 From the points 5, 10, 15, &c., on the line 6 o, (and from the subdivisions of single degrees between them, as shown in the working diagrams,) draw lines to a. From a upwards, set off, by any scale at pleasure, (about Jth inch to a foot will be found convenient,) the dis- tance a o, which is the height of the triangle ef a, formed by the prolongation of the side-slopes gf, and he to a; ef representing the width of the roadway, whatever it may be, on the same scale. It is not necessary actually to draw h a, g a and ef, as we may set off a o, by recollecting that if the side-slopes are to 1, then a o will be 4 times of, (the half width of roadway.) " " twice of. " " equal to of. 8 of of. " fofo/ " " Jofo/. " " -4ofo/ Beginning at o, divide the vertical or centre line o&, by the same scale into feet; numbering them 1, 2, 3, &c., from o upwards; and from the points of division 1, 2, 3, &c., draw horizontal lines parallel to b c, as shown in fig. 3 From o as a centre, lay off with a protractor, the several angles of trans- verse ground-slope as shown by the arc in fig. 3. As before remarked, angles higher than 20 will seldom be required. In fig. 3, the inclined lines, and also the angles on ttie arc, are, for convenience, numbered only for every 5 ; but in a working diagram they should be taken nearer together, for instance, every 2 to 3. Lay a parallel ruler from o to 5 on the arc, and mark with a dot the point of intersection on the inclined line a 5; then keeping the ruler in the same position, move it upwards along o 6, stopping at every division of 1 foot, and making corresponding dots on the inclined line a 5, as in fig. 3, continuing to such a height on the centre line as will include the greatest cutting or filling to be calculated by the diagram. Then lay the parallel ruler from o to 10 on the arc, and mark with a dot, the point of intersection on the inclined line a 10; then keeping the ruler in the same position, move it upwards along o 6, stopping at every division of 1 foot, making corresponding dots on the inclined line a 10. Then lay the parallel ruler from o to 15 on the arc, and proceeding as before, make corresponding dots on the inclined line a 15, and so on up to as high an angle as will equal the greatest transverse slope of the ground which occurs on the work to be calculated by means of the dia- grams. Finally, connect the corresponding dots on the several inclined lines, forming thereby a series of curves, as shown in fig. 3, and also in our working diagrams. The diagram is now ready for use, for all cases of 13 ground-slope which do not intersect the roadway, thereby forming a section partly in excavation, and partly in embankment, as shown in fig. 9. In order that the diagram itself may inform us when this is the case, the dotted curve shown near the bottom of the working diagrams is added. It is prepared as fol- lows : Let a bj fig. 4, (correspond- ing to efin fig. 3,) represent the width of roadway, (in excava- tion, if for a diagram of excavation ; or in embankment, if for a dia- gram of embankment,) and c d the centre line of cuttings and fillings. From a as a centre, lay off with a protractor, the angles 5, 10, &c., and draw the lines a e, a /, a g, &c., to the centre line. Now, suppose the height c e, corresponding to 5, to be 2 feet. On the working diagram, lay off 2 feet, at right angles from a b or ef, and ending in the inclined line of 5. The dot or point-hole thus made, will mark the intersection of the curved line of 2 feet with the inclined line of 5. Suppose the height of corresponding to 10 to be 4 feet; and with 4 feet, at right angles from a b or ef, mark on the diagram the intersection of the curved line of 4 feet with the inclined line of 10 ; and so on with the rest. Then join these several marks of inter- section, and the dotted curve is formed, and the diagram is finished. The working drawings which we have given, are on a very small scale, for convenience of insertion in this volume; yet, although the curved lines are drawn straight across several divisions of the inclined lines, (generally five of them,) they will rarely be found, in operating with them, to differ as much as Jth of a foot from the truth. They are adapted to such widths of roadway as are frequently used in practice, viz : for single and double track embankments, 14 and 24 feet wide on top, and with side-slopes of 1 J to 1 ; and for single and double track excavations, 18 and 28 feet wide at bottom, with side- slopes from 1 to 1, up to 2 to 1 ; gauge 4 feet 8 J inches. The widths for 4 feet 8J inches gauge will rarely differ more than about 2 feet from those for which the diagrams have been prepared. The most mistaken economist would hardly venture to make them more than 2 feet less ; nor do we conceive that any great advantage would attend making them more than about 2 feet greater, for a gauge of 4 feet 8 J inches, with cars of the usual 9 J feet extreme width, from out to out of cornice. For a 6 feet gauge, or with cars of 11 feet extreme width, embank- ments should not be less than 15 and 27 feet wide ; nor cuts less than 19 and 31 feet. We consider all the foregoing widths of embankment sufficient, but would recommend an addition of 2 or 3 feet to all the cuts, except when in rock, to allow for wider and deeper side-ditches 14 %. than are usually made. Mistaken views of economy will, however, continue to prevent the adoption of this suggestion. No diagrams accompany the tables of level cuttings for side-slopes of J to 1, which are used only for rock. With this side-slope, the transverse inclination of the ground rarely affects the quantity of material to an important extent. Still, on every work on which much rock-cutting occurs, a diagram should be prepared for the pur- pose. Neither have we given diagrams or tables for slopes of 2J to 1, or 3 to 1. Fig. The diagrams and tables given in this volume may be used for any greater or less widths of roadbed than those to ivhich they are especially adapted. In other words, it is not at all necessary to prepare new ones for every width of roadway. Suppose, for instance, we wish to use diagram, Plate 1, for an embankment m, n, o, p, fig. 4J, having side-slopes of 1J to 1, as in the diagram ; but with a roadbed m, n, of 1 6 feet in width, instead of c-j 6, of 14 feet, for which latter width the diagram and its table were prepared. It is only necessary first to find the vertical distance a, s, comprised between the 14 feet roadbed c, 6, and the 16 feet one m, n, and to add it mentally to each height t, s, of the given embankment m, n, o, p, when taking out from the table the number of cubic yards. By this means obtain the contents of the embankment c, 6, o,p. Next, from these contents so obtained for the entire length of the embankment, subtract that corresponding to the depth a, s, taken from the same table, and multiplied by the number of stations of 100 feet comprised in the length of the embankment, or excavation, as the case may be. The rationale of this is too evident to require demonstration ; as ?n, n, in this instance is 16 feet, and c, 6, 14 feet, it follows that a, s, is 8 inches, or '666 of a foot. In such cases use mentally the nearest deci- mal of a foot in working with the tables, inasmuch as they are calcu- lated only for single decimals of a foot. Thus, in this case add *7 of a foot to every height s, , of the embankment m, n } o, p. A separate diagram is absolutely required therefore only for each side-slope : and such a diagram may be used indifferently for either excavation or embankment, provided the two have the same side- slope, and for any width of base or roadway whatever. 15 Remark. In using a working diagram, however, for a width of roadway different from that for which it was originally made, a new dotted curved line corresponding to the new width must be first laid down upon it, prepared by the directions given at fig. 4. This, how- ever, can be done in a few minutes. In preparing working diagrams, they should be made with reference to the greatest depths of cut or fill that occur on the route. Ours extend only to 60 feet, for convenience of insertion in this volume. A scale of about J to J of an inch to a foot will be quite sufficient. Diagrams might be photographed for distribution along the several divisions of a long road. CASES OF GROUND WHICH IS IRREGULAR TRANSVERSELY. All cases of irregular transverse ground-slope, (except that in which the ground-slope intersects the roadway, as in fig. 9,) may easily be reduced, by drawings, to such a form that their equivalent level-cut- tings may be obtained by means of the diagrams ; and the correspond- ing contents taken out from the tables. For this purpose it is very convenient to have paper of about 14 by 24 inches, ruled across in both di- Fig.5. rections, with parallel lines about J^-th of an inch apart, as in fig. 5. Every fifth line should be stronger than the intermediate ones, if drawn or engraved; or of a different color, if ruled by a sta- tioner. By means of the multiple ruling pens used by stationers, this paper is ruled to order, at a very trifling cost. When this ruled paper is pre- pared for use at leisure moments, according to the following direc- tions, nothing more will be required in order to obtain the data for the subsequent calculations, than a parallel ruler about 2 feet long. Those flat rulers which move on rollers are preferable to those with hinges, which invariably get out of order in a short time. The ruled paper is prepared by drawing upon some sheets, outlines of the side-slopes of an excavation, with a small piece of embankment below it, as in fig. 5 ; and upon others, the side-slopes of an embank- ment, with a small piece of excavation above it. Or, still better, where many copies are required, the figures may be photographed. The heights, or depths, should be numbered along the centre line, as in fig. 5. Finally, lay off on both sides of o as a centre, by means of a large pro- tractor, single degrees up to as high as the greatest transverse ground 16 slope for which the paper is to tie used; this, as before remarked, will rarely exceed 20; because, with high transverse ground-slopes, it is generally better to resort to retaining walls. The paper is now ready for use, and all the subsequent operations may be performed by the parallel ruler. One sheet may be made to serve for the calculations of many stations, by merely drawing in the transverse ground-slopes, very lightly, with lead pencil marks, which may be rubbed out as each station is finished. It is advisable, however, in very irregular sections, to represent but two consecutive ones on one sheet; and after having drawn them in ink, and added the numbers of the sections or stations to which they belong, as well as the cubic content comprised between them, to lay them aside for future reference, in case of dispute with the contractor, after the work is commenced. The method we advise for reducing irregular cross-sections to equi- valent regular ones, which may be calculated by means of the working diagrams and tables of level cuttings, is as follows : CASE 1 . When the ground slopes differently from the centre each way, as e d, e a, in Jigs. 6 and 7. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. On the prepared paper, fig. 5, from the centre-height or depth e, figs. 6 and 7, and by means of the parallel ruler, and the degrees marked on the sheet, fig. 5, draw the two slopes e d, e a, figs. 6 and 7; the inclina- tions of which are taken from the field slope-book. Draw ef, parallel to a d, and join af. Then is a b cf equal to a b c d e, figs. 6 and 7. PROOF. The two triangles a df, a d e, fig. 6, being on the same base a d, and between the same parallels a d and ef, are equal to each other. Leaving out from each, the triangle a d o, which is common to both, we have the triangle dfo, equal to the triangle ae 0; and consequently abcf is equal to a b c d e\ Find by means of the parallel ruler and degrees marked on the paper, the slope of a f; and with that slope, and the new centre-depth m n, (which is had from the figure by inspection,) use the proper diagram for finding the equivalent level-cutting; and take out the cubic yards from the table. Also, in fig. 7, the triangles fe d, and fe a, being on the same base /e, and between the same parallels,/ e, d a, are equal to each other; and Fig. 8. Fig. 9. 17 leaving out from each the triangle f e o, which is common to both, we have the triangle jf o d, equal to the triangle e o a, and consequently a b cf = a b c d e. CASE 2. When the ground is very irregular transversely, as in fig. 8. Having drawn the figure on the prepared paper, find by trial with a piece of thread, the line a d, which equalizes, as nearly as can be judged by eye, the irregularities above and below it. By means of the parallel ruler, and the degrees on the paper, find the slope of a d\ and with that slope, and the new centre- depth m n, (which is had from the figure by inspection,) use the proper dia- gram for finding the equivalent level-cutting; and take out the cubic yards from the table. CASE 3. When the ground-slope intersects the roadway, as in Jig. 9. Such cases are always detected by the dotted curve line in the working diagrams. Having drawn the figure on the prepared paper, measure the two. bases a b and a o; and also the two perpendiculars to them, c d and f/ Multiply a b by c d, and half the product is the area of the tri- angle of excavation a b d. If the triangle of excavation at the other end of the 100 feet station has the same area, the number of cubic yards corresponding to this area for a length of 100 feet will be taken from table 17. Also multiply a o by ef, and half the product will be the area of the triangle of embankment ao e. If the triangle of embankment at the other end of the 100 feet station has the same area, the corresponding number of cubic yards will be taken from table 17. But if the triangles of excavation, (or those of embankment,) at the two ends, are not of the same area, the trapezoidal rule must be employed, as in the case of trapezoidal cross sections of unequal areas. That is, we must add together the contents corresponding to the two end triangles, and 4 times that corresponding to the triangle half way between them, and divide the sum by 6, for the true content. The base of the centre triangle of excavation, will be the average be- tween the two bases a 6, fig. 9, at the ends; and its perpendicular, the average between the two perpendiculars c d 3 at the ends. In like manner, the base and perpendicular of the centre triangle of embankment, will be averages of the two end bases a o, and of the two end perpendiculars ef. 3 18 If from irregularities in the ground, in the direction of the line of the road, it should become necessary to take cross-sections nearer together than 100 feet, only the same proportional parts of the cubic yards must be taken from the tables; and on this account, it is better always, when possible, to subdivide the 100 feet station-distances into such parts as will furnish numbers easy to divide by; thus, if the station be divided into 10, 20, 25, or 50 feet distances, they will furnish respectively the numbers 10, 5, 4, or 2, by which to divide the cubic yards in the tables, all of which are calculated for 100 feet distances. TO FIND THE DISTANCES OF THE SIDE-STAKES FROM THE CENTRE- STAKE. In all cases in which the cross-sections are drawn, as just described, these distances may be had by measurement on the figures. But when the ground surface is very even transversely, they may be obtained much more rapidly thus : prepare a piece of tracing paper, as in fig. 10, of the same size as the ruled paper on which the cross- sections are drawn. From c as a centre, lay off and number the degrees above and below a bj as marked at the ends, to as high as the greatest transverse ground- slope in the work. Also, from c as a centre, draw by the same scale as the ruled paper, fig. 5, arcs of a circle one. foot apart, and number them with their dis- tances from c in feet. Then, by laying this paper upon a cross-section of the road, fig. 5, with c of fig. 10, placed at the given centre-height or depth on the line a a, of fig. 5, we at once read off, without any calculation whatever, the distances of the side-stakes from the centre- stake, measured along the trans- verse ground-slope. These dis- tances will be copied into the proper book for field use. If, instead of concentric arcs, vertical straight lines are drawn on the transparent paper, we shall in like manner obtain, by mere inspection, the horizontal distances of the side-stakes from the centre one. When the horizontal distances are employed in preference to those measured along the transverse ground-slope, it is necessary to use a plumb at the end of the measur- ing line, in order to hold it vertically over the centre, or the side-stake, depending upon which is lowest. This method, however, is applicable only when the ground-slopes are regular, and have been taken with great care. The following method by the level is altogether preferable for general purposes. 19 It is generally best to note the horizontal side distances; because if a side-stake is accidentally lost after the excavation has been com- menced, it is then only necessary to find the centre line of the work, in order to replace it ; whereas when the inclined side-distances are used, it becomes necessary to find not only the centre point, but also the original height of the centre stake, to measure from. ON THE USUAL METHOD OF CALCULATING EXCAVATIONS AND EMBANKMENTS. Different engineers employ different methods, of which the following is, perhaps, as simple as any : It requires that there shall be given, (beside the width of roadway m H, figs. 11 and 12, and the side-slope,) the extreme horizontal width a b of the cut, or embankment; and the vertical depths f e at the centre; and c a, d b at the sides. The Rule then is, multiply the extreme horizontal width a b, by half the centre depth f e; also multiply ONE-FOURTH of the width of roadway in n, by the sum of the two side depths c a and d b: the sum of the products will be the area of the cross section m n d f c )% /?g*. 11 or Jig. 12. This area, thus found, multiplied by 100, (the usual length of the station in feet,) and divided by 27, (the number of cubic feet in a cubic yard,) gives the cubic content of the station, provided the area of the cross-sec- tion at the other end of the station be the same; but if not, the prismoidal Rule must be used, as already explained. The trouble of multiplying by 100, and dividing by 27, may "be avoided by the use of table 17, prepared for that purpose. The centre-depths/ e, figs. 11 and 12, are given by the level book; but the side-depths c a and d 6, have to be found by trial on the ground; thus, USUAL METHOD OF FINDING SIDE-DEPTHS, AND PLACING SIDE- STAKES. 1st. For an Excavation. The level is placed conveniently for sighting from the same position upon/ c, and d, figs. 11 and 12. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. A sight/ o, is then taken on the target- rod held at/; this sight/ o, being added to the centre-depth/e, gives the height e o, of the instrument above a b ; or the height of the horizontal plane, (represented by h p,) through which the line of sight passes as the telescope of the level is swept round on the axis of the instrument. 20 The height of d abovey is then estimated by eye, say at 2 feet; this 2 feet, added to f e, gives the approximate height of d b. Assuming the approximate height d b as the correct one, we find what would be the horizontal distance from the centre to d, either by calculation, or from a previously prepared table of horizontal distances. Measure off that dis- tance horizontally towards d, and placing the target 2 feet lower on the target rod, hold it at the end of the measured distance. A sight is then taken with the level, and if it strikes the centre of the target, it proves that the assumed height of d, and the corresponding horizontal distance from the centre of the roadway, were correct; and that the proper spot is found for placing the side-stake d. It seldom happens that such a coincidence is found at the first trial; at least two trials are generally required; and frequently three, or even four when the ground is extremely, irregular. A very close approximation, however, can always be made by an ex- perienced leveller after the first trial. An error of an inch or two in the position of a side-stake is a matter of no practical importance whatever. The same operation is performed at c, except that as c is lower than f^ the target is raised on the rod, as far the sight taken at f as c is estimated to be below f. 2d. For an Embankment. When putting in side-stakes for an embankment, fig. 13, the sight taken on the rod at the centre-stake, is subtracted from the centre-height of the embankment, in order to obtain the depth of the instrument below the roadway; and the outer sights, c a, d a, are to be added to this depth, s t, for the side-depths; except when, as in fig. 14, the sight r y, on the rod at the centre-stake, is greater than the height r x of the embankment, in which case the difference x y, between the two, will be the height of the instrument above the roadway; and this difference, x y, must then be subtracted from the sights a c, a d, for the side-depths, o c, o d; all of which is apparent from the figures. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. It is plain that if the heighten the target rod at but one 'slope need be taken ; at other times, one or more may be required from the centre- stake each way. The slopes for estimating the final adopted line, need not extend beyond the widths actually occupied by the cuttings and fillings; while those taken in preliminary surveys should comprise a considerable width, as they are, moreover, used in the office for changing the position of the surveyed line, in order to avoid excava- tion and embankment. In the following tables of level-cuttings, the left-hand vertical column contains the height or depth of the embankment or excavation, in feet ; and the upper horizontal column, the intermediate tenths of a foot. Thus, in table 1, the cubic yards in a station 100 feet long and 10 feet deep, are 1074; for lO'l deep, 1090; for 10'2 deep, 1107, &c. 22 TABLE 1. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway I4tfeet wide, fide-slopes 1^ to 1. H'ght in ft. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yd cu. ydsjcu. yds. 5-24 10-6 16- ai-e 27- 33-1! 39- 45-( ) 51-2 1 57-4 63-8 70-2 76-8 83-5 90- 97- 104- UK J 118-6 2 125-S 133-4 141-0 148-6 156-4 164-4 172-4 180- 188- 1 ; ' 197-1 3 205-6 214-1 222-8 231-6 240-5 249- 258. 267- 277-2 286-7 4 296-2 306-C 315-8 325-7 335-7 345.8 356- 366-4 376-S 387-5 5 398-1 408-9 419-9 430-9 442-C 453-2 464- 476- 487-6 499-3 6 511-1 . 523-C 535-0 547-2 559-4 571-8 584-2 596-8 609-5 622-3 7 635-2 . 648-2 661-3 674-6 687-9 701-4 714-9 728-6 742-4 756.3 8 770-3 784-5 798-7 813-1 827-5 842- 856-8 871-6 886-5 901-5 9 916-7 931-9 947-3 962-7 978-3 994-0 1010 1026 1042 1058 10 1074 1090 1107 1123 1140 1157 1174 1191 1208 1226 11 1243 1260 1278 1295 1313 1331 1349 1367 1385 1404 12 1422 1441 1459 1478 1497 1516 1535 1554 1574 1593 13 1613 1633 1652 1672 1692 1712 1733 1753 1773 1794 14 1815 1835 1856 1877 1898 1920 1941 1962 1984 2006 15 2028 2050 2072 2094 2116 2138 2161 2183 2206 2229 16 2252 2275 2298 2321 2344 2368 2391 2415 2439 2463 17 2487 2511 2535 2559 2584 2608 2633 2658 2683 2708 18 2733 2759 S784 2809 2835 2861 2886 2912 2938 2964 19 2991 3017 3044 3070 3097 3124 3151 3178 3205 3232 20 3259 3287 3314 3342 3370 3398 3426 3454 3482 3510 21 3539 3567 3596 3625 3654 3683 3712 3741 3771 3800 22 3830 3859 3889 3919 3949 3979 4009 4040 4070 4101 23 4132 4162 4193 4224 4255 4287 4318 4349 4381 4413 24 4444 4476 4508 4541 4573 4605 4638 4670 4703 4736 25 4769 4802 4835 4868 4901 4935 4968 5002 5036 5070 26 5104 5138 5172 5206 5241 5275 5310 5345 5380 5415 27 5450 5485 5521 5556 5592 5627 5663 5699 5735 5771 28 5807 5844 5880 5917 5953 5990 6027 6064 6101 6139 29 6176 6213 6251 6289 6326 6364 6402 6440 6479 6517 30 6556 6594 6633 6672 6711 6750 6789 6828 6867 6907 31 6946 6986 7026 7066 7106 7146 7186 7226 7267 7307 32 7348 7389 7430 7471 7512 7553 7595 7636 7678 7719 33 7761 7803 7845 7887 7929 7972 8014 8057 8099 814^2 34 8185 8228 8271 8315 8358 8401 8445 8489 8532 8576 35 8620 8664 8709 8753 8798 8842 8887 8932 8976 9022 36 9067 9112 9157 9203 9248 9294 9340 9386 9432 9478 37 9524 9570 9617 9663 9710 9757 9804 9851 9898 9945 38 9993 10040 10088 0135 0183 10231 0279 0327 0375 10424 39 0472 10521 10569 0618 0667 10716 0765 0815 0864 10913 40 0963 11013 11062 1112 1162 11212 1263 1313 1364 11414 41 1465 11516 11567 1618 1669 11720 1771 1823 1874 11926 42 1978 12029 12081 2134 2186 12238 2291 2343 2396 12449 43 2502 12555 12608 2661 2715 12768 2822 2875 2929 12983 44 3037 13091 13145 3200 3254 13309 3363 3418 3473 13528 45 3583 13639 13694 3749 3805 13861 3916 3972 4028 14084 46 4141 14197 14254 4310 4367 14424 4480 4537 4595 14652 47 4709 14767 14824 4882 4940 14998 5056 5114 5172 15230 48 5289 15347 15406 5465 5524 15583 5642 5701 5761 15820 49 5880 15939 15999 6059 6119 16179 6239 6300 6360 L6421 50 6481 16542 16603 6664 6725 16787 6848 6909 6971 17033 51 7094 17156 17218 7280 7343 17405 7467 7530 7593 17656 52 7719 17782 17845 7908 7971 18035 8098 8162 8226 18290 53 8354 18418 18482 8546 8611 18675 8740 8805 8870 18935 54 19000 19065 19131 9196 9262 19327 9393 9459 9525 L9591 55 19657 19724 19790 9857 9923 19990 0057 0124 0191 20259 56 20326 20393 20461 0529 0596 20664 0732 0800 0869 20937 57 21005 21074 21143 1212 1280 21349 1419 1488 1557 21627 58 21696 21766 21836 1906 1976 22046 2116 2186 2257 22327 59 22398 22469 22540 2611 2682 22753 2825 2896 2968 23039 60 23111 23183 23255 3327 3399 23472 3544 3617 3689 23762 For continuation to 170 feet, see table 15. SIDE-SLOPES I 'to UOAWVAYll FT Fw Embankment-. 23 TABLE 2. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway 24 feet wide, side-slopes l to 1. H'Kht in ft. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cu. yds. cu. yds. MI. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds. cu. yds. 8-94 18-0 27-2 36-4 45-8 55-3 64-9 74-7 84-5 1 94-4 104-5 114-7 124-9 135-3 145-8 156-4 167-2 178-0 188-9 2 | 200-OJ 211-2 222-4 233-8 245-3 256-9 268-6 280-5 292-4 304-4 3 316-6 328-9 341-2 353-7 366-3 379-0 391-9 404-8 417-8 431-0 4 444-4 457-8 471-3 484-9 498-6 512-4 526-4 540-4 554-6 568-8 5 583-3 597-8 6124 627-1 642-0 656-9 671-9 687-1 702.3 717-7 6 733-3 748-9 764-7 780-5 796-4 812-5 828-7 844-9 861-3 877-8 7 894-4 911-2 928-0 944-9 962-0 979-2 996-4 1014 1031 1049 8 1067 1085 1102 1121 1139 1157 1175 1194 1212 1231 9 1250 1269 1288 1307 1326 1346 1365 1385 1405 1425 10 1444 1465 1485 1505 1525 1546 1566 1587 1608 1629 11 1650 1671 1692 1714 1735 1757 1779 1800 1822 1845 12 1867 1889 1911 1934 1956 1979 2002 2025 2048 2071 13 2094 2118 2141 2165 2189 2213 2236 2261 2285 2309 14 2333 2358 2382 2407 2432 2457 2482 2507 2532 2558 15 2583 2609 2635 2661 2686 2713 2739 2765 2791 2818 16 2844 2871 2898 2925 2952 2979 3006 3034 3061 3089 17 3117 3145 3172 3201 3229 3257 3285 3314 3342 3371 18 3400 3429 3458 3487 3516 3546 3575 3605 3635 3665 19 3694 3725 3755 3785 3815 3846 3876 3907 3938 3969 20 4000 4031 4062 4094 4125 4157 4189 4221 4252 4285 21 4317 4349 4381 4414 4446 4479 4512 4545 4578 4611 22 4644 4678 4711 4745 4779 4813 4846 4881 4915 4949 23 4983 5018 5052 5087 5122 5157 5192 5227 5262 5298 24 5333 5369 5405 5441 5476 5513 5549 5585 5621 5608 25 5694 5731 5768 5805 5842 5879 5916 5954 5991 6029 26 6067 6105 6142 6181 6219 6257 6295 6334 6372 6411 27 6450 6489 6528 6567 6606 6646 6685 6725 6765 6805 28 6844 6885 6925 6965 7005 7046 7086 7127 7168 7209 29 7250 7291 7332 7374 7415 7457 7499 7541 7582 7625 30 7667 7709 7751 7794 7836 7879 7922 7965 8008 8051 31 8094 8138 8181 8225 8269 8313 8356 8401 8445 8489 32 8533 8578 8622 8667 8712 8757 8802 8847 8892 8938 33 8983 9029 9075 9121 9166 9212 9259 9305 9351 9398 34 9444 9491 9538 9585 9632 9679 9726 9774 9821 9869 35 9917 9965 10012 10061 10109 10157 10205 10254 10302 10351 36 10400 10449 10498 10547 10596 10646 10695 10745 10795 10845 37 10894 10945 10995 11045 11095 11146 11196 11247 11298 11349 38 11400 11451 11502 11554 11605 U657 11709 11761 11812 11865 39 11917 11969 12021 12074 12126 12179 12232 12285 12338 12391 40 12444 12498 12551 12605 12659 12713 12766 12821 12875 12929 41 12983 13038 13092 13147 13202 13257 13312 13367 13422 13478 42 13533 13589 13645 13701 13756 13813 13869 13925 13981 14038 43 14094 14151 14208 14265 14322 14379 14436 14494 14551 14609 44 14667 14725 14782 14840 14899 14957 15015 15074 15132 15191 45 15250 15309 15368 15427 i, 486 15546 15605 15665 15725 15785 46 15844 15905 15965 16025 16085 16146 16206 16267 16328 16389 47 16450 16511 16572 16634 16695 16757 16819 16881 16942 17005 48 17067 17129 17191 17254 17316 17379 17442 17505 17568 17631 49 17694 17758 17821 17885 17949 18013 18076 18141 18205 18269 50 18333 18398 18462 18527 18592 18657 18722 18787 18852 L8918 51 18983 19049 19115 19181 19246 19313 19379 19445 19511 19578 52 19644 19711 19778 19845 19912 19979 20046 20114 20181 20249 53 20317 20385 20452 20521 20589 20657 20725 20794 20862 20931 54 21000 21069 21138 21207 21276 21346 21415 21485 21555 21625 55 21694 21765 21835 21905 21975 22046 22116 22187 22258 22329 56 22400 22471 22542 22614 22685 22757 22829 22901 22972 23045 57 23117 23189 23261 23334 23406 23479 23552 23625 23698 23771 58 23844 23918 23991 24065 24139 24213 24286 24361 24435 24509 59 24583 24658 24732 24807 24882 24957 25032 25107 25182 25258 60 25333 25409 25485 25561 25636 25713 25789 25865 25941 26018 For continuation to 170 feet, see table 15. 24 TABLE 3. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway 18 feet wide, side-slopes I to I. Depth in ft. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yd cu. yd cu. yds- 6-70 13-5 20-3 27-3 34-3 41- 48- 55- 63-0 1 70.4 77-8 85-3 92-9 100-6 108-3 116- 124- 132- 140-0 2 148-1 156-3 164-6 172-9 181-3 189-8 198-4 207- 215- 224-5 3 233-3 242-3 251-3 260-3 269-5 278-7 288-0 297- 306- 316-3 4 325-9 335-6 345-3 355-1 365-0 375-0 385-0 395- 405- 415-6 5 425-9 436-3 446-8 457-4 468-0 478-7 489-5 500. 511- 522-3 6 533-3 544-5 555-7 567-0 578-4 589-8 601-3 612- 624- 636-3 7 648-1 . 660-0 672-0 684-0 696-1 708-3 720-6 732-9 745- 757-8 8 770-4 783-0 795.7 808-5 821-3 834-3 847-3 860-3 873- 886-7 9 900-0 913-4 926.8 940-3 953-9 967-6 981-3 995- 1009 1023 10 1037 1051 1065 1080 1094 1108 1123 1137 1152 1167 11 1181 1196 1211 1226 1241 1256 1272 1287 1302 1318 12 1333 1349 1365 1380 1396 1412 1428 1444 1460 1476 13 1493 1509 1525 1542 1558 1575 1592 1608 1625 1642 14 1659 1676 1693 1711 1728 1745 1763 1780 1798 1816 15 1833 1851 1869 1887 1905 1923 1941 1960 1978 1996 16 2015 2033 2052 2071 2089 2108 2127 2146 2165 2184 17 2204 2223 2242 2262 2281 2301 2321 2340 2360 2380 18 2400 2420 2440 2460 2481 2501 2521 2542 2562 2583 19 2604 2624 2645 2666 2687 2708 2729 2751 2772 2793 20 2815 2836 2858 2880 2901 2923 2945 2967 2989 3011 21 3033 3056 3078 3100 3123 3145 3168 3191 3213 3236 22 3259 3282 3305 3328 3352 3375 3398 3422 3445 3469 23 3493 3516 3540 3564 3588 3612 3636 3660 3685 3709 24 3733 3758 3782 3807 3832 3856 3881 3906 3931 3956 25 3981 4007 4032 4057 4083 4108 4134 4160 4185 4211 26 4237 4263 4289 4315 4341 4368 4394 4420 4447 4473 27 4500 4527 4553 4580 4607 4634 4661 4688 4716 4743 28 4770 4798 4825 4853 4881 4908 4936 4964 4992 5020 29 5048 5076 5105 5133 5161 5190 5218 5247 5276 5304 30 5333 5362 5391 5420 5449 5479 5508 5537 5567 5596 31 5626 5656 5685 5715 5745 5775 5805 5835 5865 5896 32 5926 5956 5987 6017 6048 6079 6109 6140 6171 6202 33 6233 6264 6296 6327 6358 6390 6421 6453 6485 6516 34 6548 6580 6612 6644 6676 6708 6741 6773 6805 6838 35 6870 6903 6936 6968 7001 7034 7067 7100 7133 7167 36 7200 7233 7267 7300 7334 7368 7401 7435 7469 7503 37 7537 7571 7605 7640 7674 7708 7743 7777 7812 7847 38 7881 7916 7951 7986 8021 8056 8092 8127 8162 8198 39 8233 8269 8305 8340 8376 8412 8448 8484 8520 8556 40 8593 8629 8665 8702 8738 8775 8812 8848 8885 8922 41 8959 8996 9033 9071 9108 9145 9183 9220 9258 9296 42 9333 9371 9409 9447 9485 9523 9561 9600 9638 9676 43 9715 9753 9792 9831 9869 9908 9947 9986 0025 0064 44 10104 10143 0182 10222 0261 0301 0341 0380 0420 0460 45 10500 10540 0580 10620 0661 0701 0741 0782 0822 0863 46 10904 10944 0985 11026 1067 1108 1149 1191 1232 1273 47 11315 11356 1398 11440 1481 1523 1565 1607 1649 1691 48 11733 11776 1818 11860 1903 1945 1988 2031 2073 2116 49 12159 12202 2245 12288 2332 2375 2418 2462 2505 2549 50 12593 12636 2680 12724 2768 2812 2856 2900 2945 2989 51 13033 13078 3122 13167 3212 3256 3301 3346 3391 3436 52 13481 13527 13572 13617 3663 3708 3754 3800 3845 3891 53 13937 13983 14029 14075 4121 4168 4214 4260 4307 4353 54 14400 14447 14493 14540 4587 4634 4681 4728 4776 4823 55 14870 14918 14965 15013 5061 5108 5156 5204 5252 5300 5fi 15348 15396 15445 15493 5541 5590 5638 5687 5736 5784 57 15833 15882 15931 15980 6029 6079 6128 6177 6227 6276 58 16326 16376 16425 16475 6525 6575 6625 6675 6725 6776 59 16826 16876 16927 16977 7028 17079 7129 7180 7231 7282 60 17333 17384 17436 17487 17538 17590 7641 7693 7745 7796 For continuation to 170 feet, see table 15. 5 10 1.7 20 SIDE -SLOPES Itol ROADWAY 18 F* Exca vatioTL. (H) 25 TABLE 4. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway IS feet wide, side-slopes H to 1. Depth in ft. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds. 6-71 13-5 20-4 27-4 34-5 41-6 49-C 56- 64-0 1 71-3 78-9 86-7 94-5 102-4 110-4 118-5 126-7 135- 143-4 2 151-8 160-4 169-1 177-8 186-7 195-6 204-6 213-g 223- 232-3 3 ! 241-6 251-1 260-7 270-4 280-2 290-0 300-0 310-1 320- 330-5 4 | 340-7 351-2 361-7 372-3 383-0 393-8 404-7 415.7 426- 437-9 5 449-2 460-6 472-1 483-7 495-3 507-0 518-8 530-S 542- 554-9 6 566-7| 579-0 591-3 603-8 616-4 629-0 641.8 654-S 667- 680.4 7 693-5J 706-7 720-0 733-4 746-9 760-4 774-1 787-8 801- 815-6 8 829-6 843-8 858-0 872-3 886-7 901-2 915-8 930-4 945- 960-1 9 975-0 990-0 1005 1020 1036 1051 1067 1082 1098 1114 10 1130 1146 1162 1178 1194 1210 1227 1243 1260 1277 11 1293 1310 1327 1344 1361 1379 1396 1413 1431 1448 12 1467 1484 1502 1520 1539 1557 1575 1593 1612 1630 13 1649 1668 1687 1706 1725 1744 1763 1782 1802 1821 14 1841 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2001 2021 15 2042 2062 2083 2104 2125 2146 2167 2188 2209 2231 16 2252 2273 2295 2317 2339 2361 2383 2405 2427 2449 17 2471 2494 2516- 2539 2562 2585 2608 2631 2654 2677 18 2700 2723 2747 2770 2794 2818 2842 2866 2890 2914 19 2938 2962 2987 3011 3036 3060 3085 3110 3135 3160 20. 3185 3210 3236 3261 3287 3312 3338 3364 3390 3416 31 3442 3468 3494 3520 3547 3573 3600 3627 3654 3680 22 3707 3734 3762 3789 3816 3844 3871 3899 3927 3954 23 '3982 4010 4039 4067 4095 4123 4152 4180 4209 4238 24 4267 4296 4325 4354 4383 4412 4442 4471 4501 4530 25 4560 4590 4620 4650 4680 4710 4741 4771 4802 4832 26 4863 4894 4925 4956 4987 5018 5049 5080 5112 5143 27 5175 5207 5239 5270 5302 5334 5367 5399 5431 5464 28 5496 5529 5562 5594 5627 5660 5693 5727 5760 5793 29 5827 5860 5894 5928 5962 5996 6030 6064 6098 6132 30 6167 6201 6236 6270 6305 6340 6375 6410 6445 6480 31 6516 6551 6587 6622 6658 6694 6730 6766 6802 6838 32 6874 6910 6947 6983 7020 7057 7093 7130 7167 7204 33 7242 7279 7316 7354 7391 7429 7467 7504 7542 7580 34 7618 7656 7695 7733 7772 7810 7849 7887 7926 7965 35 8005 8044 8083 8122 8162 8201 8241 8280 8320 8360 36 8400 8440 8480 8520 8561 8601 8642 8682 8723 8764 37 8805 8846 8887 8928 8969 9010 9052 9093 9135 9177 38 9219 9260 9302 9344 9387 9429 9471 9514 9556 9599 39 9642 9684 9727 9770 9813 9857 9900 9943 9987 0030 40 10074 10118 10162 10206 10250 10294 10338 10382 10427 0471 41 10516 10560 10605 10650 10695 10740 10785 10830 10876 0921 42 10967 11012 11058 11104 11150 11196 11242 11288 11334 1380 43 11427 11473 11520 11567 11614 11660 11707 11754 11802 1849 44 11896 11944 11991 12039 12087 12134 12182 12230 12278 2327 45 12375 12423 12472 12520 12569 12618 12667 12716 12765 2814 46 12863 12912 12962 13011 13061 13111 13160 13210 13260 3310 47 13360 13410 13461 13511 13562 13613 13662 13713 13764 3815 ! 48 13867 13918 13969 14020 14072 14123 14175 14227 14279 4330 ' 49 14382 14435 14487 14539 14591 14644 14696 14749 14802 4855 50 14907 14960 15014 15067 15120 15173 15227 5280 15334 5388 51 15442 15496 15550 15604 15658 15712 15767 5821 15876 5931 52 15985 16040 16095 16150 16205 16260 16316 6371 16427 6482 53 16538 16594 16650 16706 16761 16817 16874 6930 16987 7043 54 17100 17157 17214 17270 17328 17385 17441 7499 17556 7613 55 17671 17729 17787 17845 17903 17961 18019 8077 18135 8193 56 18252 18310 18369 18428 18487 18545 18604 8663 18723 8782 57 18842 18901 18961 19021 19080 19140 19200 9260 19320 9380 58 19441 19501 19562 19622 19683 19744 19804 9865 19926 9988 59 20049 20110 20172 20233 20295 20357 20418 20480 20542 0604 60 20667 20729 20791 20854 20916 20979 21041 21104 21167 1230 For continuation to 170 feet see table 16. 4 26 TABLE 5. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway IS feet wide, side-slopes l to 1. Depth in ft. , 1 , 3 4 5 6 7 8 J -9 cu. yds cu. vds.lcu yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds.jcu. yds. 6-72 13-6 205 27-6 34-7 42.0 49-4 56-9; 64-5 1 72-2 80-1 88-0 96 1 104-2 112-5 120-9 129-4 138-01 146-7 2 155-5 164-5 173-5 182-7 191-9 201-3 210-8 220-4 230- 240-0 3 249-9 260-0 270-1 280-4 290-8 301-3 311-9 322-6 333- 344-5 4 355-5 366-7 378-0 389-4 400-9 412-5 424-2 436-C 448- 460-0 5 472-2 484-5 496-9 509-4 522-0 534-7 547-6 560-E 573- 586-7 6 600-0 613-4 626-9 640-5 654-2 668-1 682-0 696-1 710-3 724-5 7 738-9 753-4 768-0 782-7 797-6 812-5 827-6 842-7 858-0 873-4 8 888-9 904-5 920-2 936-1 952-0 968-1 984-2 1001 1017 1033 9 1050 1067 1084 1101 1118 1135 1152 1169 1187 1205 10 1222 1240 1258 1276 1294 1313 1331 1349 1368 1387 11 1406 1425 1444 1463 1482 1501 1521 1541 1560 1580 12 1600 1620 1640 1661 1681 1701 1722 1743 1764 1785 13 1806 1827 1848 1869 1891 1913 1934 1956 1978 2000 14 2022 2045 2067 2089 2112 2135 2158 2181 2204 2227 15 2250 2273 2297 2321 2344 2368 2392 2416 2440 2465 16 2489 2513 2538 2563 2588 2613 2638 2663 2688 2713 17 2739 2765 2790 2816 2842 2868 2894 2921 2947 2973 18 3000 3027 3054 3081 3108 3135 3162 3189 3217 3245 19 3272 3300 3328 3356 3384 3413 3441 3469 3498 3527 20 3556 3585 3614 3643 3672 3701 3731 3761 3790 3820 21 3850 3880 3910 3941 3971 4001 4032 4063 4094 4125 22 4156 4187 4218 4249 4281 4313 4344 4376 4408 4440 23 4472 4595 4537 4569 4602 4635 4668 4701 4734 4767 24 4800 4833 4867 4901 4934 4968 5002 5036 5070 5105 25 5139 5173 5208 5243 5278 5313 5348 5383 5418 5453 26 5489 5525 5560 5596 5632 5668 5704 5741 5777 5813 27 5850 5887 5924 5961 5998 6035 6072 6109 6147 6185 28 6222 6260 6298 6336 6374 6413 6451 6489 6528 6567 29 6606 6645 6684 6723 6762 6801 6841 6881 6920 6960 30 7000 7040 7080 7121 7161 7201 7242 7283 7324 7365 31 7406 7447 7488 7529 7571 7613 7654 7696 7738 7780 32 7822 7865 7907 7949 7992 8035 8078 8121 8164 8207 33 8250 8293 8337 8381 8424 8468 8512 8556 8600 8645 34 8689 8733 8778 8823 8868 8913 8958 9003 9048 9093 35 9139 9185 9230 9276 9322 9368 9414 9461 9507 9553 36 9600 9647 9694 9741 9788 9835 9882 9929 9977 0025 37 10072 10120 10168 10216 10264 10313 10361 10409 10458 0507 38 10556 10605 10654 10703 10752 10801 10851 10901 10950 1000 39 11050 11100 11150 11200 11251 11301 11352 11403 11454 1505 40 11556 11607 11658 11709 11761 11813 11864 11916 11968 2020 41 12072 12125 12177 12229 12282 2335 12388 12441 12494 2547 42 12600 12653 12707 12761 12814 2868 12922 12976 13030 3085 43 13139 13193 13248 13303 13358 3413 13468 3523 13578 . 3633 44 13689 13745 13800 13856 13912 3968 14024 4081 14137 . 4193 45 14250 14307 14364 14421 14478 4535 14592 4649 14707 4765 46 14822 14880 14938 14996 15054 5113 15171 5229 15288 5347 47 15406 15465 15524 15583 15642 5701 5761 5821 15880 5940 48 16000 16060 16120 16181 16241 6301 6362 6423 16484 6545 49 16606 16667 16728 16789 16851 6913 6974 7036 17098 7160 50 17222 17285 17347 17409 17472 7535 7598 7661 17724 7787 51 17850 17913 17977 18041 18104 8168 8232 8296 18360 8425 52 18489 18553 18618 18683 18748 8813 8878 8943 9008 9073 53 19139 19205 19270 19336 19402 9468 9534 9601 9667 19733 54 19800 19867 19934 20000 20068 20135 20202 0269 20337 20405 55 20472 20540 20608 20676 20744 20813 20881 0949 21018 21087 56 21156 21225 21294 21363 21432 21501 21571 1641 21710 21780 57 21850 21920 21990 22061 22131 22201 22272 2343 22414 ,22485 58 22556 22627 22698 22769 22841 22913 22984 3056 23128 23200 59 23272 23345 23417 23489 23562 23635 23708 23781 23854 23927 60 24000 24073 24147 24221 24294 24368 24442 J24516 24590 J24665 For continuation to 170 feet see table 15. Plate ' SIDE-SLOPES iHol. ROADWAY 18 FT Plate II r>o SIDE- SLOPES :>tol. R ( ) AD WAY 18 FT for A\rrst vatiou . 27 TABLE 6. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway \8feet wide, side-slopes 2 to 1. Depth in ft. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , 9 u. yds. cu. yds. u. yds. u. yds. u. yds. u. yds. u. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. 6-74 13-6 20-7 27-9 35-2 42-7 50-3 58-1 66-0 1 74-1 82-3 90-7 99-2 107-9 116-7 125-6 134-7 144-0 153-4 2 163-0: 172-7 182-5 192-5 202-7 213-0 223-4 234-0 244-7 255-6 3 266-7 277-9 289-2 300-7 312-3 324-1 336-0 348-1 360-3 372-7 4 385-2 397-9 410-7 423-6 436-7 450-0 463-4 477-0 490.7 504.5 5 518-5 532-7 547-0 561-4 576-0 590-7 605-6 620-7 635-9 651-2 6 666-7 682-3 698-1 714-0 730-1 746-3 762-7 779-2 795-9 812-7 7 829-6 846-7 864-0 881-4 899-0 916-7 934-5 952-5 970-7 989-0 8 1007 1026 1045 1064 1083 1102 1121 1141 1160 1180 9 1200 1220 1240 1261 1281 1302 1323 1344 1365 1386 10 1407 1429 1451 1473 1495 1517 1539 1561 1584 1607 11 J630 1653 1676 1699 1723 1746 1770 1794 1818 1842 12 1867 1891 1916 1941 1966 1991 2016 2041 2067 2093 13 2119 2145 2171 2197 2223 2250 2277 2304 2331 2358 14 2385 2413 2440 2468 2496 2524 2552 2581 2609 2638 15 2667 2696 2725 2754 2783 2813 2843 2873 2903 2933 16 2963 2993 3024 3055 3086 3117 3148 3179 3211 3242 17 3274 3306 3338 3370 3403 3435 3468 3501 3534 3567 18 3600 3633 3667 3701 3735 3769 3803 3837 3871 3906 19 3941 3976 4011 4046 . 4081 4117 4152 4188 4224 4260 20 4296 4333 4369 4406 4443 4480 4517 4554 4591 4629 21 4667 4705 4743 4781 4819 4857 4896 4935 4974 5013 22 5052 5091 5131 5170 5210 5250 5290 5330 5371 5411 23 5452 5493 5534 5575 5616 5657 5699 5741 5783 5825 24 5867 5909 5951 5994 6037 6080 6123 6166 6209 6253 25 6296 6340 6384 6428 6472 6517 6561 6606 6651 6696 26 6741 6786 6831 6877 6923 6969 7015 7061 7107 7153 27 7200 7247 7294 7341 7388 7435 7483 7530 7578 7626 28 7674 7722 7771 7819 7868 7917 7966 8015 8064 8113 29 8163 8213 8263 8313 8363 8413 8463 8514 8565 8616 30 8667 8718 8769 8821 8872 8924 8976 9028 9080 9133 31 9185 9238 9291 9344 9397 9450 9503 9557 9611 9665 32 9719 9773 9827 9881 9936 9991 10046 10101 10156 10211 33 J0267 10322 10378 10434 10490 10546 10603 10659 10716 10773 34 10830 10887 10944 11001 11059 11117 11175 11233 11291 11349 35 11407 11466 11525 11584 11643 11702 11761 11821 11880 11940 36 12000 12060 12120 12181 12241 12302 12363 12424 12485 12546 37 12607 12669 12731 12793 12855 12917 12979 13041 13104 13167 38 13230 13293 13356 13419 13482 13546 13610 13674 13738 13802 39 13867 13931 13996 14061 14126 14191 14256 14321 14387 14453 40 14519 14585 14651 14717 14783 14850 14917 14984 15051 15118 41 15185 15253 15320 15388 15456 15524 15592 15661 15729 15798 42 15867 15936 16005 16074 16143 16213 16283 16353 16423 16493 43 16563 16633 16704 16775 16846 16917 16988 17059 17131 17202 44 17274 17346 17418 17490 17563 17635 17708 17781 17854 17927 45 18000 18073 18147 18221 18295 18369 18443 18517 18591 18666 46 18741 18816 18891 18966 19041 19117 19192 19268 19344 19420 47 19496 19573 19649 19726 19803 19880 19957 20034 20111 20189 48 20267 20345 20423 20501 20579 20657 20736 20815 20894 20973 49 21052 21131 21211 21290 21370 21450 21530 21610 21691 21771 50 21852 21933 22014 22095 22176 22257 22339 22421 22503 22585 51 22667 22749 22831 22914 22997 23080 23163 23246 23329 23413 52 23496 23580 23664 23748 23832 23917 24001 24086 24171 24256 53 24341 24426 24511 24597 24683 24769 24855 24941 25027 25113 54 25200 25287 25374 25461 25548 25635 25723 25810 25898 25986 55 26074 26162 26251 26339 26428 26517 26606 26695 26784 26873 56 26963 27053 27143 27233 27323 27413 27503 27594 27685 27776 57 27867 27958 28049 28141 28232 28324 28416 28508 28600 28693 58 28785 28878 28971 29064 29157 29250 29343 29437 29531 29625 59 29719 29813 29907 30001 30096 30191 30286 30381 30476 30571 60 30667 30762 J30858 30954 31050 31146 31242 31339 31436 31533 For continuation to 170 feet, see table 15. 28 TABLE 7. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway 28 feet wide, side-slopes I to I. Depth in ft. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cu. yds cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. 10-4 20-9 31-4 42-1 52-8 63-6 74-4 85-3 96-3 1 107-4 118-6 129-8 141-1 152-4 163.9 175-4 187-0 198-7 210-4 2 222-2 234-1 246-1 258-1 270-2 282-4 294.7 307-0 319-4 331-9 3 344-4 357-1 369-8 382-6 395-4 408-3 421-3 434-4 447-6 460-8 4 474-1 487-4 500-9 514-4 528-0 541-7 555-4 569-2 583-1 597-1 5 611-1 625-2 639-4 653-7 668-0 682-4 696-9 711-4 726-1 740-8 6 755-6 770-4 785-4 800-4 815-5 830-6 845-8 861-1 876-5 891-9 7 907-5 923-0 938-7 954-5 970-3 986-2 1002 1018 1034 1050 8 1067 1083 1099 1116 1132 1149 1166 1182 1199 1216 9 1233 1250 1267 1285 1302 1319 1337 1354 1372 1390 10 1407 1425 1443 1461 1479 1497 1515 1534 1552 1570 ir 1589 1607 1626 1645 1664 1682 1701 1720 1739 1759 12 1778 1797 1816 1836 1855 1875 1895 1914 1934 1954 13 1974 1994 2014 2034 2055 2075 2095 2116 2136 2157 14 2178 2199 2219 2240 2261 2282 2304 2325 2346 2367 15 2389 2410 2432 2454 2475 2407 2519 2541 2563 2585 16 2607 2630 2652 2674 2697 2719 2742 2765 2788 2810 17 2833 2856 2879 2903 2926 2949 2972 2996 3019 3043 18 3067 3090 3114 3138 3162 3186 3210 3234 3259 3283 19 3307 3332 3356 3381 3406 3431 3455 3480 3505 3530 20 3556 3581 3606 3631 3657 682 3708 3734 3759 3785 21 3811 3837 3863 3889 3915 3942 3968 3994 4021 4047 22 4074 4101 4128 4154 4181 4208 4235 4263 4290 4317 23 4344 4372 4399 4427 4455 4482 4510 4538 4566 4594 24 4622 4650 4679 4707 4735 4764 4792 4821 4850 4879 25 4907 4936 4965 4994 5024 5053 5082 5111 5141 5170 26 5200 5230 5259 5289 5319 5349 5379 5409 5439 5470 27 5500 5530 5561 5591 5622 5653 5684 5714 5745 5776 28 5807 5839 5870 5901 5932 5964 5995 6027 6059 6090 29 6122 6154 6186 6218 6250 6282 6315 - 6347 6379 6412 30 6444 6477 6510 6543 6575 6608 6641 6674 6708 6741 31 6774 6807 6841 6874 6908 6942 6975 7009 7043 7077 32 7111 7145 7179 7214 7248 7282 7317 7351 7386 7421 33 7456 7490 7525 7560 7595 7631 7666 7701 7736 7772 34 7807 7843 7879 7914 7950 7986 8022 8058 8094 8130 35 8167 8203 8239 8276 8312 8349 8386 8423 8459 8496 36 8533 8570 8608- 8645 8682 8719 8757 8794 8832 8870 37 8907 8945 8983 9021 9059 9097 9135 9174 9212 9250 38 9289 9327 9366 9405 9444 9482 9521 9560 9599 9639 39 9678 9717 9756 9796 9835 9875 9915 9954 9994 10034 40 10074 10114 10154 10194 10235 10275 10315 10356 10396 10437 41 10478 10519 10559 10600 10641 10682 10724 10765 10806 10847 42 10889 10930 10972 11014 11055 11097 11139 11181 11223 11265 43 11307 11350 11392 11434 11477 11519 J1562 11605 11648 11690 44 11733 11776 11819 11863 11906 11949 11992 12036 12079 12123 45 12167 12210 12254 12298 12342 12386 12430 12474 12519 12563 46 12607 12652 12696 12741 12786 12831 12875 12920 12965 13010 47 13056 13101 13146 13191 13237 13282 13328 13374 13419 13465 48 13511 13557 13603 13649 13695 13742 13788 13834 13881 13927 49 13974 14021 14068 14114 14161 14208 14255 14303 14350 14397 50 14444 14492 14539 14587 14635 14682 14730 14778 14826 14874 51 14922 14970 15019 15067 15115 15164 15212 15261 15310 15359 52 15407 15456 15505 15554 15604 15653 15702 15751 15801 15850 53 15900 15950 15999 16049 16099 16149 16199 16249 16299 16350 54 16400 16450 16501 16551 16602 16653 16704 16754 16805 16856 55 16907 16959 17010 17061 17112 17164 17215 17267 17319 17370 56 17422 17474 17526 17578 17630 17682 17735 17787 17839 17892 57 17944 17997 18050 18103 18155 18208 18261 18314 18368 18421 58 18474 18527 18581 18634 18688 18742 18795 18849 18903 18957 59 19011 19065 19119 19174 19228 19282 19337 19391 19446 19501 60 19556 19610 19665 19720 19775 19831 19886 19941 19996 20052 For continuation to 170 feet see table 15. PlateW SIDE -SLOPES J tol. ROADWAY 28 Ft For Excavation SIDE-SLOPES] hoi ROADWAY 2 FT tf.wavfrlioii'. 29 TABLE 8. LEVEL CUTTINGS, Roadway 28 feet wide, side-slopes \$ to 1. Depth in ft. 1 2 3 4 5 6 , 8 9. cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds cu. yds. 10-4 20-9 31-5 42-2 53-0 63-9 74-9 85-9 97-1 1 108-3 119-7 131-1 142-7 154-3 166-0 177-8 189-7 201-7 213-8 2 225-9 238-2 250-6 263-0 275-6 288-2 301-0 313-8 326-7 339-8 3 352-8 ' 366-0 379-3 392-7 406-2 419-8 433-4 447-2 461-1 475-0 4 488-9 503-0 517-3 531-6 546-0 560-5 575-1 589-8 604-6 619-5 5 634-4 649-5 664-7 679-9 695.3 710-7 726-2 741-9 757-6 773-4 6 788-9 804-9 821-0 837-2 853-4 869-8 886-3 902-8 919-5 936-2 7 952-8 969-8 986-8 1004 1021 1038 1056 1073 1091 1109 8 1126 1144 1162 1180 1198 1216 1234 1252 1271 1289 9 1308 1327 1346 1365 1384 1403 1422 1442 1461 1481 10 1500 1520 1540 1559 1579 1599 1620 1640 1660 1681 11 1701 1722 1742 1763 1784 1805 1826 1847 1869 1890 12 1911 1933 1954 1976 1998 2020 2042 2064 2086 2109 13 2131 2153 2175 2198 2221 2244 2267 2290 2313 2336 14 2359 2382 2406 2429 2453 2477 2501 2525 2549 2573 15 2597 2622 2646 2671 2695 2720 2745 2770 2795 2820 16 2844 2870 2895 2921 2946 2971 2998 3023 3049 3075 17 3101 3127 3153 3180 3206 3233 3259 3286 3313 3340 18 3367 3393 3421 3448 3475 3503 3531 3558 3586 3614 19 3641 3669 3698 3726 3754 3782 3811 3840 3868 3897 20 3925 3954 3984 4013 4042 4071 4101 4130 4160 4189 21 4219 4249 4279 4309 4339 4369 4399 4430 4460 4491 22 4522 4553 4584 4615 4646 4677 4708 4740 4771 4803 23 4834 4866 4898 4930 4962 4994 5026 5058 5091 5123 24 5156 5188 5221 5254 5287 5320 5353 5386 5419 5453 25 5486 5520 5553 5587 5621 5655 5689 5723 5757 5791 26 5826 5860 5895 5930 5964 5999 6034 6069 6104 6140 27 6175 6210 6246 6282 6317 6353 6389 6425 6461 6497 28 6533 6570 6606 6643 6679 6716 6753 6790 6827 6864 29 6901 6938 6976 7013 7051 7088 7126 7164 7202 7240 30 7278 7316 7354 7393 7431 7470 7508 7547 7586 7625 31 7664 7703 7742 7781 7821 7860 7900 7940 7979 8019 32 8059 8099 8139 8180 8220 8260 8301 8341 8382 8423 33 8464 8505 8546 8587 8628 8669 8711 8752 8794 8836 34 8878 8920 8962 9004 9046 9088 9131 9173 9216 9258 35 9301 9344 9387 9430 9473 9516 9559 9603 9646 9689 36 9733 9777 9821 9865 9909 9953 9997 10041 10086 10130 37 10175 10220 10264 10309 10354 10399 10445 10490 10535 10580 38 10626 10672 10717 10763 10809 10855 10901 10947 10993 11040 39 11086 11133 11179 11226 11273 11320 11367 11414 11461 11508 40 11556 11603 11651 11698 11746 11794 11842 11890 11938 11986 41 12035 12083 12131 12180 12228 12277 12326 12375 12424 12473 42 12522 12572 12621 12671 12720 12770 12819 12869 12919 12969 43 13019 13069 13120 13171 13221 13272 13322 13373 13424 13475 44 13526 13577 13628 13680 13731 13782 13834 13886 13938 13990 45 14042 14094 14146 14198 14251 14303 14356 14408 14461 14514 46 14567 14620 14673 14726 14779 14833 14886 14940 14993 15047 47 15101 15155 15209 15263 15317 15372 15426 15480 15535 15590 48 15644 15699 15754 15810 15864 15920 15975 16030 16086 16142 49 16197 16253 16309 16365 16421 16477 16533 16590 16646 16703 50 16759 16816 16873 16930 16987 17044 17101 17158 17216 17273 51 17331 17388 17446 17504 17562 17620 17678 17736 17794 17853 52 17911 17970 18028 18087 18146 18205 18264 18323 8382 18442 53 18500 18560 18620 18680 18739 18799 18859 18919 8980 19040 54 19100 19160 19220 19282 19342 19403 19464 9525 9586 19647 55 19708 19770 19831 19893 19954 20016 20078 20140 20202 20264 56 20326 20388 20451 20513 20576 20639 20701 20764 20827 120890 57 20953 21016 21079 21143 21206 212,70 21333 21397 21461 21525 58 21589 21653 21717 21782 21846 21911 21975 22040 22104 22169 59 22234 22299 22364 22430 22495 22561 22626 22692 2758 22823 60 22889 22955 23021 23087 23153 23220 23286 23353 3419 23486 For continuation to 170 feet see Table 15. 30 TABLE 9. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway 28 feet wide, side-slopes 1$ to 1. Depth in ft. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. 10-4 21-0 31-6 42-4 53-2 64-2 75-3 86-5 97-9 1 109-3 120-8 132-5 144-3 156-1 168-1 180-2 192-4 204-8 217-2 2 229-6 242-3 255-0 267-9 280-9 294-0 307-21 320-5 " 334-0 347-5 3 361-2 374-9 388-8 402-8 416-9 431-1 445-4 459-9 474-4 489-1 4 503-7 518-6 533-6 548-6 563-9 579-3 594-7 610-2 625.8 641-6J 5 657-5 673-4 689-5 705-7 722-1 738-5 755-0 771-7 788-4 805-3 6 822-2 839-3 856-5 873-8 891-2 908-8 926-4 944-2 962-0 980-0 7 998-1 1016 1035 1053 1072 1090 1109 1128 1147 1166 8 1185 1204 1224 1243 1263 1283 1303 1322 1343 1363 9 1383 1403 1424 1445 1465 1486 1507 1528 1549 1571 10 1592 1614 1635 1657 1679 1701 1723 1745 1767 1790 11 1812 1835 1858 1881 1904 1927 1950 1973 1997 2020 12 2044 2068 2092 2116 2140 2164 2189 2213 2238 2262 13 2287 2312 2337 2362 2387 2413 2438 2464 2489 2515 H 2541 2567 2593 2619 2645 2672 2698 2725 2752 2779 15 2806 2833 2860 2887 2915 2942 2970 2997 3025 3053 16 3081 3109 3138 3166 3195 3223 3252 3281 3310 3339 17 3368 3397 3427 3456 3486 3516 3546 3576 3606 3636 18 3667 3697 3728 3758 3789 3820 3851 3882 3913 3944 19 3976 4007 4039 4070 4102 4134 4166 4198 4231 4263 20 4296 4328 4361 4394 4427 4460 4493 4527 4560 4594 21 4627 4661 4695 4729 4763 4797 4832 4866 4900 4935 22 4970 5005 5040 5075 5111 5146 5181 5217 5253 5288 23 5324 5360 5396 5432 5469 5505 5542 5578 5615 5652 24 5689 5726 5763 5800 5838 5875 5913 5951 5989 6027 25 6065 6103 6141 6179 6218 6257 6295 6334 6373 6412 26 6451 6491 6530 6570 6609 6649 6689 6729 6769 6809 27 6850 6890 6931 6971 7012 7053 7094 7135 7176 7217 28 7259 7300 7342 7384 7426 7468 7510 7552 7594 7637 29 7680 7722 7765 7808 7851 7894 7937 7981 8024 8067 30 8111 8155 8199 8243 8287 8331 8375 8420 8464 8509 31 8554 8598 8643 8688 8734 8779 8824 8870 8915 8961 32 9007 9053 9099 9145 9191 9238 9284 9331 9378 9425 33 9472 9519 9566 9613 9661 9708 9756 9804 9851 9900 34 9948 9997 10045 10093 10142 10190 10239 10288 10337 10386 35 10435 10484 10534 10583 10633 10683 10732 10782 10832 10882 36 10933 10983 11034 11084 11135 11186 11237 11288 11339 11391 37 1 1443 11494 11546 11598 11649 11701 11753 11806 11858 11910 38 11963 12016 12068 12121 12174 12227 12281 12334 12387 12441 39 12494 12548 12602 12656 12710 12764 12819 12873 12928 12982 40 13037 13092 13147 13202 13257 13312 13368 13423 13479 13535 41 13591 13647 13703 13759 13815 13872 13928 13985 14042 14099 42 14156 14213 14270 14327 14385 14442 14500 14558 14615 14673 43 14731 14790 14848 14906 14965 15024 15082 15141 15200 15259 44 15318 15378 15437 15497 15556 15616 15676 15736 15796 15856 45 15917 15977 16038 16098 16159 16220 16281 16342 16403 16465 46 16526 16587 16649 16711 16773 16835 16897 16959 17021 17084 47 17146 17209 17272 17335 17398 17461 17524 17587 17651 17714 48 17778 17842 17905 17969 18033 18098 18162 18226 18291 18356 49 18420 18485 18550 18615 18680 18746 18811 18877 18942 19008 50 19074 19140 19206 19272 19339 19405 19472 19538 19605 1 9672 51 19739 19806 19873 19940 20008 20075 20143 20211 20279 20347 52 20415 20483 20551 20620 20688 20757 20826 20894 20963 21032 53 21102 21171 21241 21310 21380 21450 21519 21589 21659 21730 54 21800 21870 21941 22012 22082 22153 22224 22295 22366 22438 55 22509 22581 22652 22724 22796 22868 22940 23012 23085 23157 56 23230 23302 23375 23448 23521 23594 23667 23741 23814 23888 57 23961 24035 24109 24183 24257 24331 24405 24480 24554 24629 58 24704 24779 24854 24929 25004 25079 25155 25230 25306 25381 59 25457 25533 25609 25686 25762 25838 25915 25992 26068 26145 60 26222 26299 26376 26454 26531 26609 26686 26764 26842 26920 For continuation to 170 feet see table 15. Waff IX. 60 55 Tiate X 60- 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 SIDE-SLQEES 2tol 31 TABLE 10. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway 28 feet wide, side-slopes 2 to 1. Depth, in ft. 1 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 ;u. yds. ru. yds. :u. yds. u. yds. u. yds u. yds. u. yds. 3U. yds. u. yds. . yds. 10-4 21-0 31-8 42-7 53-7 64-9 76-2 87-7 99-3 1 111-1 123-0 135-1 147-3 159-7 172-2 184-9 197-7 210-7 223-8 2 237-0 250-4 264-0 277-7 291-6 305-6 319-7 334-0 348-4 363-0 3 377-8 392-7 407-7 422-9 438-2 453-7 469-3 485-1 501-0 517-1 4 533-3 549-7 566-2 582-9 599-7 616-6 633-7 651-0 668-4 686-0 5 703-7 721-5 739-5 757-7 776-0 794-4 813-0 831-7 850-6 869-6 6 888-9 908-2 927-7 948-3 968-1 988-1 1008 1028 1049 1069 7 1090 1111 1132 1153 1174 1195 1217 1239 1260 1282 8 1305 1327 1349 1372 1394 1417 1440 1464 1487 1510 9 1533 1557 1581 1605 1629 1654 1678 1703 1728 1753 10 1778 1803 1828 1854 1880 1905 1931 1958 1984 2010 11 2037 2064 2091 2118 2145 2172 2200 2227 2255 2283 12 2311 2339 2368 2396 2425 2454 2483 2512 2541 2570 13 2600 2630 2659 2689 2720 2750 2780 2811 2842 2873 14 2904 2935 2966 2998 3029 3061 3093 3125 3157 3190 15 3222 3255 3288 3321 3354 3387 3420 3454 3488 3521 16 3555 3590 3624 3658 3693 3728 3763 3798 3833 3868 17 3904 3939 3975 4011 4047 4083 4120 4156 4193 4230 18 4267 4304 4341 4378 4416 4454 4492 4529 4568 4606 19 4644 4683 4722 4761 4800 4839 4878 4918 4957 4997 20 5037 5077 5117 5158 5198 5239 5280 5321 5362 5403 21 5444 5486 5528 5570 5612 5654 5696 5738 5781 5824 22 5867 5910 5953 5996 6040 6083 6127 6171 6215 6259 23 6303 6348 6393 6438 6483 6528 6573 6618 6664 6710 24 6756 6802 6848 6894 6941 6987 7034 7081 7128 7175 25 7222 7270 7317 7365 7413 7461 7509 7558 7606 7655 26 7704 7753 7802 7851 7900 7950 8000 8049 8099 8150 27 8200 8250 8301 8352 8403 8454 8505 8556 8608 8659 28 8711 8763 8815 8867 8920 8972 9025 9078 9131 9184 29 9237 9290 9344 9398 9451 9506 9560 9614 9668 9723 30 9778 9833 9888 9943 9998 10054 10109 10165 10221 10277 31 10333 10390 10446 0503 0560 10617 10674 10731 10788 10846 32 10904 10961 11019 1078 1136 11194 11253 11312 11371 11430 33 11489 11548 11608 11667 1727 11787 11847 11907 11968 12028 34 12089 12150 12211 12272 2333 12394 12456 12518 12580 12642 35 12704 12766 12828 12891 2954 13017 13080 13143 13206 13270 36 13333 13397 13461 13525 13589 13654 13718 13783 13848 13913 37 13978 14043 14108 14174 14240 14305 14371 14438 14504 14570 38 14637 14704 14770 14838 14905 14972 15040 15107 15175 15243 39 15311 15379 15448 15516 15585 15654 15723 15792 15861 15930 40 16000 16070 16140 16210 16280 16350 16420 16491 16562 16633 41 16704 16775 16846 16918 16989 17061 17133 17205 17277 17350 42 17422 17495 17568 17641 17714 17787 17860 17934 18008 18081 43 18156 18230 18304 18378 18453 18528 18603 18678 18753 18828 44 18904 18979 19055 19131 19207 19283 19360 19436 19513 19590 45 19667 19744 19821 19898 19976 20054 20132 20210 20288 20366 46 20444 20523 20602 20681 20760' 20839 20918 20998 21077 21157 47 21237 21317 21397 21478 21558 21639 21720 21801 21882 21963 48 22044 22126 22208 22290 22372 22454 22536 22618 22701 22784 49 22867 22950 23033 23116 23200 23283 23367 23451 23535 23619 50 23704 23788 23873 23958 24043 24128 24213 24298 24384 24470 51 24556 24642 24728 24814 24900 24987 25074 25161 25248 25335 52 25422 25510 25597 25865 25773 25861 25949 26038 26126 26215 53 26304 26393 26482 26571 26660 26750 26840 26930 27020 27110 54 27200 27290 27381 27472 27563 27654 27745 27836 27928 28019 55 28111 28203 28295 28387 28480 28572 28665 28758 28851 28944 56 29037 29130 29224 29318 29412 29506 29600 29694 29788 29883 57 29978 30073 30168 30263 30358 30454 30549 30645 30741 30837 58 30933 31030 31126 31223 31320 31417 31514 31611 31708 31806 59 31904 32002 32100 32198 32296 32394 32493 32592 32691 32790 60 32889 32988 33088 33187 33287 33387 33487 33587 33688 33788 For continuation to 170 feet see table 15. 32 TABLE 11. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway IS feet wide* side-slopes, J to 1. Depth in ft. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 , 1 cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds] 6-68 13-4 20-1 26-8 33-6 40-3 47-1 53-9 60-8 1 67-6 74-5 81-3 88-2 95-1 102-1 109-0 116-0 123-0 130-0 2 137-0 144-1 151-1 158-2 165-3 172-4 179-5 186-7 193-9 201-0 3 208-2 215-5 222-7 230-0 237-2 244-5 251-9 259-2 266-5 274-0 4 281-5 288-9 296-3 303-8 311-3 318-8 326-3 333-8 341-3 348-9 1 5 356-5 364-1 371-7 379-3 387-0 394-7 402-4 410-1 417-8 425-6J 6 433-3 441-1 448-9 456-7 464-6 472-5 480-3 488-2 496-1 504-1 7 512-0 520-0 528-0 536-0 544-1 552-1 560-2 568-3 576-4 584-0 8 592-6 600-8 608-9 617-1 625-3 633-6 641-8 650-1 658-4 666-7 9 675-0 683-3 691-7 700-1 708-5 716-9 725-3 733-8 742-3 750-7 10 759-3 767-8 776-3 784-9 793-5 802-1 810-7 819-3 828-0 836-7 11 845-4 854-1 862-8 871-6 880-3 889-1 897-9 906-7 915-6 924-4 12 933-3 942-2 951-1 960-1 969-0 978-0 987-0 996-0 1005 1014 13 1023 1032 1041 1050 1060 1069 1078 1087 1096 1106 14 1115 1124 1133 1143 1152 1161 1171 1180 1189 1199 15 1208 1218 1227 1237 1246 1256 1265 1275 1284 1294 16 1304 1313 1323 1333 1342 1352 1362 1372 1381 1391 17 1401 1411 1421 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 1480 1490 18 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 1580 1591 19 1601 1611 1621 1631 1642 1652 1662 1672 1683 1693 20 1703 1714 1724 1735 1745 1755 1766 1777 1787 1798 21 1808 1818 1829 1840 1850 1861 1872 1883 1894 1905 22 1916 1926 1937 1947 1958 1969 1980 1991 2002 2013 23 2024 2035 2046 2057 2068 2079 2090 2101 2111 2122 24 2133 2144 2156 2167 2178 2189 2200 2212 2223 2234 25 2245 2256 2268 2279 2290 2301 2313 2324 2336 2347 26 2359 2371 2382 2394 2406 2417 2429 2440 2452 2464 27 2475 2486 2498 2510 2521 2533 2545 2557 2569 2581 28 2592 2604 2616 2628 2640 2652 2664 2676 2688 2700 29 2712 2724 2736 2748 2760 2772 2784 2797 2809 2821 30 2833 2845 2858 2870 2882 2894 2907 2919 2931 2944 31 2956 2969 2981 2994 3006 3018 3031 3044 3056 3069 32 3081 3094 3107 3119 3132 3145 3157 3170 3183 3195 33 3208 3221 3234 3247 3260 3272 3285 3298 3311 3324 34 3337 3350 3363 3376 3389 3402 3415 3428 3441 3454 35 3467 3481 3494 3507 3520 3533 3547 3560 3573 3587 36 3600 3613 3627 3640 3653 3667 3680 3694 3707 3721 37 3734 3748 3761 3775 3788 3802 3816 3829 3843 3857 38 3870 3884 3898 3911 3925 3939 3953 3967 3980 3994 39 4008 4022 4036 4050 4064 4078 4092 4:106 4120 4134 40 4148 4162 4176 4190 4205 4219 4233 4247 4261 4275 41 4290 4304 4318 4333 4347 4361 4376 4390 4404 4419 42 4433 4448 4462 4477 4491 4506 4520 4535 4549 4564 43 4579 4593 4608 4623 4637 4652 4667 4681 4696 4711 44 4726 4741 4756 4770 4785 4800 4815 4830 4845 4860 45 4875 4890 4905 4920 4935 4950 4965 4980 4995 5011 46 5026 5041 5056 5071 5087 5102 5117 5133 5148 5163 47 5179 5194 5209 5225 5240 5256 5271 5287 5302 5318 48 5333 5349 5364 5380 5396 5411 5427 5443 5458 5474 49 5490 5505 5521 5537 5553 5569 5585 5600 5616 5632 50 5648 5664 5680 5696 5712 5728 5744 5760 5776 5792 51 5808 5824 5840 5857 5873 5889 590,3 5921 5938 5954 52 5970 5987 6003 6019 6036 6052 6068 6085 6101 6118 53 6134 6151 6167 6184 6200 6217 6233 6250 6267 6283 54 6300 6317 6333 6350 6367 6383 6400 6417 6434 6451 55 6468 6484 6501 6518 6535 6552 6569 6586 6603 6620 56 6637 6654 6671 6688 6705 6722 6739 6757 6774 6791 57 6808 6825 6843 6860 6877 6895 6912 6929 6947 6964 58 6981 6999 7016 7034 7051 7069 7086 7104 7121 7139 59 7156 7174 7192 7209 7227 7245 7262 7280 7298 7315 60 7333 7351 7369 7387 7405 7422 7440 7458 7476 7494 For continuation to 170 feet see Table 15. 33 TABLE 12. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway 28 feet wide, side-slopes % to 1 . Depth in ft. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. 10-4 20-8 31-2 41-6 52-1 62-6 73-0 83-6 94-1 1 104-6 115-2 125-8 136-4 147-0 157-6 168-3 179-0 189-7 200-4 2 211-1 221-9 232-6 243-4 254-3 265-1 275-9 286-8 297-7 308-6 3 319-4 330-4 341-3 352-3 363-3 374-3 385-4 396-4 407-5 418-6 4 429-7 440-8 451-9 463-1 474-3 485-5 496-7 508-0 519-2 530-5 5 541-7 553-0 564-3 575-6 587-0 598-4 609-7 621-1 632-6 644-0 6 655-6 667-1 678-7 690-3 7020 713-6 725'3 737-0 747-7 759-4 7 771-3 783-0 794-7 806-4 818-1 829-9 841-6 853-4 865-3 877-1 8 888-9 900-8 912-6 923-6 935-5 947-4 959-4 971-4 983-4 995-4 9 1007 1019 1032 1044 1056 1068 1080 ' 1092 1105 1117 10 1130 1142 1154 1166 1179 1191 1203 1216 1228 1240 11 1253 1265 1278 1290 1303 1315 1328 1340 1353 1365 12 1378 1390 1403 1416 1428 1441 1454 1466 1479 1492 13 1505 1517 1530 1543 1556 1569 1582 1595 1607 1620 14 1633 1646 1659 1672 1685 1699 1712 1725 1738 1751 15 1764 1777 1790 1803 1817 1830 1843 1856 1870 1883 16 1896 1910 1923 1936 1950 1963 1977 1990 2004 2017 17 2031 2044 2058 2071 2085 2098 2112 2126 2139 2153 18 2167 2180 2194 2208 2222 2235 2249 2263 2277 2291 19 2305 2318 2332 2346 2360 2374 2388 2402 2416 2430 20 2444 2459 2473 2487 2501 2515 2529 2543 2558 2572 21 2586 2600 2615 2629 2643 2658 2672 2686 2701 2715 22 2730 2744 2759 2773 2788 2802 2817 2831 2846 2860 23 2875 2890 2904 2919 2934 2948 2963 2978 2993 3007 24 3022 3037 3052 3067 3082 3097 3111 3126 3141 3156 25 3171 3186 3201 3216 3232 3247 3262 3277 3292 3307 26 3322 3337 3353 3368 3383 3398 3414 3429 3444 3460 2? 3475 3490 3506 3521 3537 3552 3568 3583 3599 3614 28 3630 3645 3661 3676 3692 3708 3723 3739 3755 3770 29 3786 3802 3818 3833 3849 3865 3881 3897 3913 3928 30 3944 3960 3976 3992 4008 4024 4040 4056 4072 4088 31 4105 4121 4137 4153 4169 4185 4202 4218 4234' 4250 32 4267 4283 4299 4316 4332 4348 4365 4381 4398 4414 33 4431 4447 4464 4480 4497 4513 4530 4546 4563 4580 34 4596 4613 4630 4646 4663 4680 4697 4713 4730 4747 35 4764 4781 4797 4814 4831 4848 4865 4882 4899 4916 36 4933 4950 4967 4984 5001 5018 5036 5053 5070 5087 | 37 5104 5121 5138 5155 5173 5190 5207 5225 5242 5259 38 5278 5295 5313 5330 5348 5365 5383 5400 5418 5436 39 5453 5471 5488 5505 5523 5541 5559 5576 5594 5612 40 5630 5647 5665 5683 5701 5719 5737 5755 5772 5790 41 5808 5826 5844 5862 5880 5898 5916 5935 5953 5971 42 5989 6007 6025 6043 6062 6080 6098 6116 6135 6153 43 6171 6190 6208 6226 6245 6263 6282 6300 6319 6337 44 6356 6374 6393 6411 6430 6448 6467 6486 6504 6523 45 6542 6560 6579 6598 6617 6635 6654 6673 6692 6711 46 6730 6749 6767 6786 6805 6824 6843 6862 6881 6900 47 6919 6938 6958 6977 6996 7015 7034 7053 7072 7092 48 7111 7130 7150 7169 7188 7208 7227 7246 7266 7285 49 7305 7324 7343 7363 7382 7402 7422 7441 7461 7480 50 7500 7520 7539 7559 7579 7598 7618 7638 7658 . 7677 51 7697 7717 7737 7757 7777 7796 7816 7836 7856 7876 52 7896 7916 7936 7956 7976 7997 8017 8037 8057 8077 53 8097 8117 8138 8158 8178 8198 8219 8239 8259 8280 54 8300 8320 8341 8361 8382 8402 8423 8443 8464 8484 55 8505 8525 8546 8566 8587 8608 8628 8649 8670 8690 i 56 8711 8732 8753 8773 8794 8815 8836 8857 8878 8899 57 8919 ' 8940 8961 8982 9003 9024 9045 9066 9087 9109 58 9130 9151 9172 9193 9214 9235 9257 9278 9299 9320 59 9342 9363 9384 9406 9427 9448 9470 9491 9513 9534 60 9556 9577 9599 9620 0642 9863 9685 9706 9728 9750 For continuation to 170 feet, see table 15. 34 TABLE 13. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway 18 feet wide, fide-slopes $ to 1. 15 IS* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu.yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu.yds. cu.yds. 6-69 13-4 20-2 27-0 33-8 40-7| 47-6 54-5 61-5 1 68-5 75-6 82-7 89-8 97-0 104-2 111-4 118-7 126-0 133-3 2 140-7 148-2 155-6 168-1 170-7 178-2 185-9 193-5 201-2 208-9 8 216-7 224-5 232-3 240-2 248-1 256-0 264-0 272-0 280-1 288-2 4 296-3 304-5 312-7 320-9 329-2 337-5 345-8 354-2 362-7 371-1 5 379-6 388-2 396-7 405-4 414-0 422-7 431-4 440-2 448-9 457-8 6 ' 466-7 475-6 484-5 493-5 502-5 511-6 520-6 529-8 538-9 548-1 7 557-4 566-7 576-0 585-3 594-7 604-1 613-6 623-1 632-6 642-2 8 651-9 661-5 671-2 680-9 690-6 700-4 710-3 720-1 730-0 740-0 9 750-0 760-0 770-1 780-2 790-3 800-4 810-6 820-8 831-1 841-4 10 851-9 862-2 872-6 883-1 893-6 904-1 914-6 925-2 935-9 946-5 11 957-4 968-2 978-9 989-7 1000 1011 1022 1033 1044 1055 12 1067 1078 1089 1100 1111 1122 1134 1145 1156 1168 13 1180 1191 1203 1214 1226 1237 1249 1261 1272 1284 14 1296 1308 1320 1332 1344 1356 1368 1380 1392 1404 15 1417 1429 1442 1453 1466 1478 1490 1503 1515 1528 16 1541 1553 1566 1579 1591 1604 1617 1630 1642 1655 17 1668 1681 1694 1707 1721 1734 1747 1760 1773 1786 18 1800 1813 1827 1840 1853 1867 1880 1894 1908 1921 19 1935 1949 1963 1976 1990 2004 2018 2032 2046 2060 20 2074 2088 2102 2116 2131 2145 2159 2173 2188 2202 21 2217 2231 2246 2260 2275 2289 2304 2318 2333 2347 22 2363 2378 2393 2407 2422 2437 2452 2467 2482 2498 23 2513 2528 2543 2559 2574 2589 2605 2620 2635 2651 24 2667 2682 2698 2713 2729 2745 2761 2777 2793 2809 25 2825 2841 2857 2873 2889 2905 2921 2937 2954 2970 26 2985 3001 3019 3034 3051 3067 3084 3100 3117 3133 27 3150 3167 3183 3200 3217 3234 3251 3268 3284 3301 28 3318 3336 3353 3370 3387 3404 3421 3439 3456 3473 29 3491 3508 3526 3543 3561 3578 3596 3613 3631 3649 30 3667 3684 3702 3720 3738 3756 3774 3792 3810 3828 31 3846 3864 3882 3901 3919 3937 3956 3974 3992 4111 32 4030- 4048 4067 4085 4104 4123 4141 4160 4179 4198 33 4217 4235 4254 4273 4292 4311 4330 4350 4369 4388 34 4407 4427 4446 4465 4485 4504 4524 4543 4563 4582 35 4602 4621 4641 4661 4680 4700 4720 4740 4760 4780 36 4800 4820 4840 4860 4880 4900 4921 4941 4961 4981 37 5002 5022 5043 5063 5084 5104 5125 5145 5166 5187 38 5207 5228 5249 5270 5291 5312 5332 5353 5374 5395 39 5417 5438 5459 5480 5501 5523 5544 5565 5587 5608 40 5630 5651 5673 5694 5716 5747 5759 5781 5803 5824 41 5846 5868 5890 5911 5934 5956 5979 6001 6023 6045 42 6067 6089 6111 6133 6156 6178 6201 6223 6246 6268 43 6291 6313 6336 6359 6381 6404 6427 6450 6472 6495 44 6519 6541 6564 6588 6611 6634 6657 6680 6703 6727 45 6750 6773 6797 , 6820 6844 6867 6891 6914 6938 6961 46 6985 7009 7033 7056 7080 7104 7128 7152 7176 7200 47 7224 7248 7272 7296 7321 7345 7369 7393 7418 7442 48 7467 7491 7515 7540 7565 7589 7614 7639 7663 7688 49 7713 7738 7763 7788 7812 7837 7862 7887 7913 7938 50 7963 7988 8013 8039 8064 8089 8115 8140 8166 8191 51 8217 8242 8268 8293 8319 8345 8371 8396 8422 8448 52 8474 8500 8526 8552 8578 8604 8630 8656 8683 8709 53 8735 8761 8788 8814 8841 8867 8894 8920 8947 8973 54 9000 9027 9053 9080 9107 9134 9161 9187 9214 9241 55 9269 9296 9323 9350 9377 9404 9431 9459 9486 9513 56 9541 9568 9596 9623 9651 9678 9706 9733 9761 9789 57 9817 9844 9872 9900 9928 9956 9984 J0012 10040 0068 58 10096 10124 10153 10181 0209 0237 0266 10294 10323 0351 59 10380 10408 10437 0465 0494 0523 0551 10580 10609 0638 60 10667 10696 10724 10753 10782 0811 |10841 10870 10899 0928 35 TABLE 14. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Roadway 28 feet wide, side-slopes to 1. li 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cu. yds. ou.yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu. yds. cu.yds. 10-4 20-8 31-3 41-8 52-3 62-9 73-5 84-1 94-8 1 105-6 126-3 137-1 147-9 158-8 169-7 180-7 191-6 2027 213-7 2 214-8 225-9 237-1 248-3 259-5 270-8 282-1 293-5 304-9 316-3 3 327-8 339-3 350-8 362-4 374-0 385-6 397-3 409-0 420-8 432-6 4 444-4 456-3 468-2 480-2 492-1 504-2 516-2 528-3 540-4 552-6 5 564-8 577-1 589-3 601-6 614-0 626-4 638-8 651-3 663-8 676-3 6 688-9 701-5 714-1 726-8 739-5 752-3 765-1 777-9 790-8 803-7 7 816-7 829-7 842-7 858-8 868-9 882-1 895-3 908-5 921-8 935-1 8 948-1 961-5 974-9 988-3 1002 1015 1029 1042 1056 1070 9 1083 1097 1111 1125 1138 1152 1166 1180 1194 1208 10 1222 1236 1250 1265 1279 1293 1307 1322 1336 1350 11 1365 1379 1394 1408 1423 1437 1452 1467 1482 1496 12 1511 1526 1541 1556 1571 1586 1601 1616 1631 1646 13 1661 1676 1692 1707 1722 1737 1753 1768 1784 1799 14 1815 1830 1846 1862 1877 1893 1909 1925 1940 1956 15 1972 1988 2004 2020 20.36 - 2052 2068 2085 2101 2117 10 2133 2150 2166 2182 2199 2215 2232 2248 2265 2281 17 2298 2315 2332 2348 2365 2382 2399 2416 2433 2450 18 2467 2484 2501 2518 2535 2552 2570 2587 2604 2621 19 2639 2656 2674 2691 2709 2726 2744 2762 2779 2797 20 2815 2833 2850 2868 2886 2904 2922 2940 2958 2976 21 2994 3013 3031 3049 3067 3086 3104 3122 3141 3159 22 3178 3196 3215 3233 3252 3271 3290 3308 3327 3346 23 3365 3384 3403 3422 3441 3460 3479 3498 3517 3536 24 3556 3575 3594 3613 3632 3652 3672 3692 3711 3731 25 3750 3770 3789 3809 3829 3849 3868 3888 3908 3928 26 3948 3968 3988 4008 4028 4049 4069 4089 4109 4130 27 4150 4170 4191 4211 4232 4252 4273 4294 4314 4335 28 4356 4376 4397 4418 4439 4460 4481 4502 4523 4544 29 4565 4586 4607 4628 4649 4671 4692 4713 4736 4756 30 4778 4799 4821 4843 4864 4886 4908 4929 4951 4973 31 4994 5016 5038 5060 5082 5104 5126 5148 5170 5192 32 5215 5237 5259 5281 5303 5326 5349 5371 5393 5416 33 5439 5461 5484 5507 5529 5552 5575 5598 5621 5644 34 5667 5690 5713 5736 5759 5782 5805 5828 5852 5875 35 5898 5922 5945 5968 5992 6015 6039 6063 6086 6110 36 6133 6157 6181 6205 6228 6252 6276 6300 6324 6348 37 6372 6396 6420 6445 6469 6493 6517 6542 6566 6590 38 6615 6639 6664 6688 6713 6738 6763 6787 6812 6837 39 6861 6886 6911 6936 6961 6986 7011 7036 7061 7086 40 7111 7136 7162 7187 7212 7237 7263 7288 7314 7339 41 7365 7390 7416 7442 7467 7493 7519 7545 7570 7596 42 7622 7648 7674 7700 7726 7752 7778 7805 7831 7857 43 7883 7910 7936 7962 7989 8015 8042 8068 8095 8121 44 8148 8175 8202 8228 8255 8282 8309 8336 8363 8390 45 8417 8444 8471 8498 8525 8552 8580 8607 8634 8661 46 8689 8716 8744 8771 8799 8826 8854 8882 8909 8937 47 8965 8993 9020 9048 9076 9104 9132 9160 9188 9216 48 9244 9273 9301 9329 9357 9386 9414 9442 9471 9499 49 9528 9556 9585 9613 9642 9671 9700 9728 9757 9786 50 9815 9844 9873 9902 9931 9960 9989 10018 10047 10076 51 10106 10135 10164 10193 10223 10252 10282 10311 10341 10370 52 10400 10430 10459 10489 10519 10549 10578 10608 10638 ' 10668 53 10698 10728 10758 10788 10818 10849 10879 10909 10939 10970 54 11000 11030 11061 11091 11122 11152 11183 11213 11244 11275 55 11306 11336 11367 11398 11429 11460 11490 11521 11552 11583 56 11615 11646 11677 11708 11740 11771 11802 11833 11865 11896 57 11928 11959 11991 12022 12054 12086 12117 12149 12181 12213 58 12244 12276 12308 12340 12372 12404 12436 112468 12501 ' 12533 59 12565 12597 . 12629 12662 12694 12726 12759 1 12791 12824 12856 60 12889 12922 12954 12987 13020 13052 13085 13118 13151 13184 36 TABLE 15. LEVEL CUTTINGS. Continuation of the foregoing Tables of Cubic Contents, to 170 feet of height or depth. Height or Depth in feet. TABLE 1 TAULE 3 TABLE 3 TABLK 4 TABLE 5 TABLE 6 TABLE 7 TABLE 8 TABLE 9 TABLE 10 TABLE 11 TABLE 13 cu yd. cu yd. cu yd. cu yd. cu yd. cu yd. cu yd. cu yd. cu yd. cu yd. cu. yds cu. yds. 61 5 2383526094 2420l|26479 178482129424739 181082161025113 3163020107 3211720386 23553 23888 26998 27390 33889 34394 7512 7602 9771 9880 62 2457026867 183702193025489 32607 20667 24226 27785 34904 7693 9989 5 24942 27257 186342225125868 3310220949 2456628183 35417 7784 10098 63 25317 27650 189002257526250 3360021233 24908 28583 35933 7875 10208 5 25694 28046 191682290126635 3410221519 25253 28986 36454 7967 10319 64 26074 28444 194372323027022 3460721807 25600 29393 36978 8059 10430 5 26457 28846 197082356027413 3511722097 25949 29801 37506 8152 10541 65 26843 29250 19981 2389427806 3563022389 26300 30213 38037 8245 10653 5 27231 29657 202562422928201 3614622682 26654 30627 38572 8339 10765 66 27622 30067 205332456723600 3666722978 27011 31044 39111 8433 10878 5 28016 30479 208122490729001 37191 23275 27369 31464 39654 8528 10991 67 28413 30894 21093)2524929406 3771923574 27730 31887 40200 8623 11105 5 28812 31318 213752559429813 3825023875 28093 32312 40750 8719 11219 68 5 29215 29620 31733 32157 216592594130222 2194512629030635 38785 39324 24178 24482 28459 28827 32741 33172 41304 41861 8815 8911 11333 11448 69 5 30028 30438 32583 33013 222332664231050 225232699631468 39867 40413 24789 25097 29197 29569 33605 34042 42422 42987 9008 9106 11564 11690 70 30852 33444 228142735231889 40963 25407 29944 34481 43556 9204 11796 5 31268 33879 231082771032313 41517 25719 30321 34924 44128 9302 11913 71 31687 34317 23404128071 32739 42074 26033 30701 35369 44704 9401 12031 5 72 32108 32533 34757 35200 237012843433168 24000,28800 33600 42635 43200 26349 26667 31083 31467 35816 36267 45283 45867 9500 9600 12148 12267 5 32960 35646 2430V2916834035 43769 26986 31853 36720 46454 9700 12386 73 33390 36094 24604 29538 34472 44341 27307 32241 37176 47044 9801 12505 5 33823 36546 24907 2991034913 44917 27631 32632 37635 47639 9902 12624 74 34259 37000 25214 30285 35356 45496 27956 33026 38096 48237 10004 12744 5 34697 37457 25522 30662 35801 46080 28282 33421 38561 48839 10106 12865 75 35139 37917 25832 31042 36250 46667 28611 33819 39028 49444 10208 12986 5 35582 38379 26144 31423 36701 47257 28942 34219 39498 50054 10311 13108 76 36029 38844 26458 31807 37156 47852 29174 34622 39970 50667 10415 13230 5 36479 39313 26774 32194 37613 48450 29608 35027 40446 51283 10519 13352 77 36931 39783 27092 32582 38072 49052 29944 35434 40924 51904 10623 13475 5 37386 40257 27411 32973 38535 49657 30282 35843 41405 52528 10728 13598 78 37844 40733 27733 33367 39000 50267 30622 36256 41889 53156 10833 13722 5 38305 41213 28056 33762 39468 50880 30964 36669 42375 53787 10939 13846 79 38768 41694 28381J34160 39939 51496 3130737086 42865 54422 11045 13971 5 39235 42179 28708|34560 40413 52117 31653:37504 43357 55061 11152 14096 SO 39704 42667 29037,34963 40889 52741 3200037926 43852 55704 11259 14222 PI 40650 43650 29700|35775 41850 54000 3270038775 44850 57000 11475 14475 bt 41607 44644 3037036596 42822 55274 3340739633 45859 583 11 11693 14730 83 42576 45650 31048137427 43806 56563 3412240501 46880 59637 11912 14986 84 43555 46667 3173338267 44800 57867 34844 41378 47911 60978 12133 15244 85 44546 47694 3242639116 45806 59185 35574 42264 48954 62333 12357 15505 86 45548 48733 3312639974 46822 60519 3631143159 50008 63704 12582 15767 87 46561 49783 33833 40842 47850 61867 37056 44064 51072 65089 12808 16031 88 47585 50844 34548 41718 48889 63230 37807 44978 52148 66489 13037 16296 89 48620 51917 35270 42605 49939 64607 3856745901 53235 67904 13268 16564 90 49667 53000 36000 43500 51000 66000 3933346833 54333 69333 13500 16833 91 50724 54094 36737 44405 52072 67407 4010747775 55443 70778 13734 17105 92 51793 55200 37481 4531953156 68830 4088948726 56563 72237 13970 17378 93 94 52872 53963 56317 57444 38233 38993 46242 54250 47174155356 70267 71719 4167849686 424745065) 57694 58837 73711 75200 14208 14448 17653 17930 95 55065 58583 39759 48116 ! 56472 73185 43278,51634 59990 76704 14690 18208 96 56178 59733 40533 4906757600 74667 4408952622 61155 78222 14933 18489 97 57302 60894 41315 50027*58739 76163 4490753619 62331 79756 15179 18771 98 58437 62067 42104 5099659889 7767445733,54626 63518 81304 15426 19056 99 59583 63250 42900 5197561050 79200 46567 55642 64716 82867 15675 19342 100 60741 64444 43704 52963 62222 80741 147407 56667 65926 84444 15926 19630 37 TABLE 15. LEVEL CUTTINGS CONTINUED. Height or Depth in Feet. TABLE 1 TABLE 2 TABLE S TABLE 4 TABLE 5 TABLE 6 TABLE 7 TABLE 8 TABLE 9 TABLE 10 TABLE 11 TABLE 12 101 61910 65649 44515 53960 63406 82297 48254 57700 67149 86036 16179 19919 102 63090 66868 45333 54967 64600 83866 49110 58744 68382 87643 16434 20211 103 64278 68096 46158 559S3 65806 85452 49970 59797 69627 89206 16690 20505 104 65480 69335 47000 57008 67022 87052 50844 60S59 7 Ob 82 90903 16949 20800 105 66696 70586 47840 58042 68251 88666 51722 61930 72148 92555 17209 21097 106 67916 71846 48686 59085 694S9 90296 52606 63011 73425 94222 17471 21396 107 69152 73118 49540 60138 70740 91941 53499 64100 74713 95904 17735 21697 108 70400 74400 50402 61200 72000 93600 54399 65199 76012 97600 18000 22000 109 71657 75695 51272 62272 73272 95275 55306! 60308 77322 99311 18268 22305 110 72926 77000 52148 63352 74555 90963 56222 67426 78630 101037 18537 22611 111 74200 78319 53046 64442 75847 98666 57145 68552 7995s 1 102777 18808 22919 112 75492 79640 53937 65541 77155 100385 5*074 69687 81300 104533 19082 23229 113 76794 80986 54836 66650 78473 102118 59011 70832 82654 106303 19357 23541 114 78108 82336 55740 67767 79800 103866 59956 71986 84019 108089 19634 23855 115 79430 83696 56654 68894 81139 1056:30 60907 73149 85396 109888 19913 24171 i 116 80768 85068 57575 70030 82489 107408 618671 '74322 86783 111704 20193 24488 117 82113 86451 58504 71176 83850 109200 62836' 75504 88182 113532 20476 24807 118 88471 87845 59442 72330 85222 111007 63807 j 76695 89592 11..37-8 20760 25128 119 84840 89250 60386 73494 86006 112830 64788 77900 91012 117237 21046 25452 120 86222 90666 61333 74666 88000 114667 65777 79111 92444 119111 21333 25777 121 87614 92097 62293 75849 89405 116519 66774 80330 93884 120999 21623 26103 122 89015 93536 632 HO 77041 90822 118386 67777 81558 95339 122901 21915 26432 123 90429 94985 64234 78242 92250 120267 68789 82795 96803 124818 22208 2o763 124 91852 96446 65216 79452 93689 122164 69807 84044 98280 126750 22504 27095 125 93286 97919 66205 80671 95139 124075 70833 . 85300 99767 128703 22801 27430 126 94733 99402 67201 81900 96600 126002 71866 86566 1012661 130666 23100 27766 127 96191 100896 68205 83138 98073 127943 72908 87840 102776 i 132643 23401 2M04 128 97660 102401 69217 84385 99556 129898 73955 89122 104296 134636 23704 28444 129 99140 103917 70236 85642 101050 131869 75011 90418 105828 136643 24009 28786 130 100630 105444 71260 86908 102555 133854 76074 91722 107370 138666 24315 29129 131 102122 106984 72293 88183 104072 135855 77145 93034 108921 140702 24623 29475 132 103636 108535 73333 89467 105600 137869 78222 94356 110486 142754 24933 29822 133 105161 110096 74382 90761 107140 139898 79308 95686 112063 144821 25245 30171 134 106698 111668 75437 92063 108689 141942 80400 97026 113650, 146903 25560 30522 135 108245 113251 76500 93375 110250 144002 81500 98375 115249 148999 25875 30875 136 109803 114846 77570 94697 111822 146075 82608 99733 11 685 J 151111 26193 31230 137 111372 116451 78648 96027 113406 148164 83722 101100 118480 153237 26512 31586 138 112953 118068 79733 97367 i 115000 150267 84844 102477 120112 155378 26834 31944 139 114545 119695 | 80825 98716 116606 152386 85973 103863 121754 j 157534 27157 32304 140 116148 121333 81926 100078 118222 154519 87111 105259 123408' 159704 27481 32666 141 117755 1-22986 83034 101443 119851 156666 88256 106664 125070 161888 27808 33030 142 119380 124645 84148 102820 121490 158829 89407 108079 126747! 164089 28137 33395 143 121015 ! 126317 85270 104206 123140 1U1007 90567 109501 128434 16(5303 28467 33763 144 122662 128000 86400 105601 124800 163200 91733 110934 130133 168533 28800 34132 145 124320 129694 87537 107005 126473 165406 92908 112375 131843 170777 29134 34504 146 125989 131400 88681 108419 128156 16729 94089 113826 133563 173037 29471 34877 147 127670 ! 133117 89833 109842 129850 169866 95278J 115286 135295 175311 29809 35252 148 129361' 134845 90993 111274 131555 172118 96473 116755 137038 177600 30148 35629 149 131063 < 136582 92160 112715 133272 174385 97678 118234 138792 If 9903 30490 36008 150 132777 138333 93333 114166 135000 176666 98888 119722 140555 182222 30833 36389 151 134501 140093 94513 115626 136740 178962 100107 121220 142330 184555 31178 36771 152 136236! 141866 95700 117096 138488 181274 101323 122726 144117 186904 31525 37155 153 137983 1436501 96893 118574 140250 183600 102566 124241 145916 189266 31874 37541 154 139740 144444 98096 120062 142022 185941 103807 125766 147725 191644 32226 37929 155 141508 147249 99317 121560 143805 188296 105055 127300 149546; 194036 32578 38319 156 143290 149067 100535 123066 145600 190666 106311 128844 151379| 196444 32933 38711 157 145079 150894 101760 124582 147405 193052 107574 130397 153220 198866 33290 39104 158 146882 152733 102994 126107 149222 195452 108844 131958 155074 201303 33648 39500 159 148695 154583 104234 1276411 151050 197867 110122 133529 156940 203755 34008 39897 ' 160 150518 156444 ! 105482 129185 152888 200296 111407 135111 158815 206222 34370 40296 161 152353 158316 i 106737 130738 154737 202740 112700 136700 160702! 208703 34734 40697 162 154199 160200! 108000 132300 156598 205200 114000: 138300 162600! 211200 35100 41100 163 156056 162094 109270 133873 158470 207674 1 15306 ' 139908 164509 213710 35468 41505 164 157924 164000 110548 135454 160354 210163 116622 141526 1664301 216237 35837 41911 165 159804 165916 111833 137046 162248 212667 117944 143153 168361 218777 36208 42319 166 161695 167844 113126 138645 164154 215186 119273 144788 170304 221334 36581 42730 167 163597 169783 114426. 140255 166071 217720 120610 146434 172258 223903 36956 43142 168 165510 171732 115733 141873 167999 220268 121954 148089 174223 226489 37333 43556 169 167434 173693 117048 143502 169938 222831 123307 1497 53 j 176199 229089 37712 43972 170 169370 1 175666 118370 145130 171888 225409 124666 151424 178185 231704 38092 44389 38 TABLE 16. Of cubic yards in a 100-foot station, to be added to, or subtracted from, the quanti- ties in the preceding 15 tables, in case the excavations or embankments should be increased or diminished 2 feet in width. To be used only in rough estimates. The most rapid method of performing this operation would be to add together the average heights, or depths, of the equivalent level cuttings or fillings of several con- secutive 100-foot stations, and divide their sum by their number, for an average of them all. The number of cubic yards corresponding to this average height, or depth, when multiplied by the number of stations, Will give the content of the entire length, nearly. It would, however, be better for the assistant, in cases where the width of roadway differs from those in the preceding tables, to construct at once a new table ; or else to use the diagrams and their tables in the manner described immediately following fig. 4. Cubic Yards in a length of 100 feet,- breadth Z feet; and of different depths. Height or Depth in feet. Cubic Yards. Height or Depth in feet. Cubic Yards. Height or Depth in feet. Cubic Yards. Height or Depth in feet. Cubic Yards. Height or Depth in feet. Cubic Yards. 5 3-70 5 152 5 300 5 448 5 596 1 7-41 21 156 41 304 61 452 81 600 5 11-1 5 159 5 307 5 456 5 604 2 14-8 22 163 42 311 62 459 82 60*7 5 18-5 5 167 5 315 5 463 5 611 3 22-2 23 170 43 319 63 467 83 615 5 25-9 5 174 5 322 5 470 5 619 4 29-6 24 178 44 326 64 474 84 622 5 33-3 5 181 5 330 5 478 5 626 5 37-0 25 185 45 333 65 481 85 630 5 40-7 5 189 5 337 5 485 5 633 6 44-4 26 193 46 341 66 489 86 637 5 48-1 5 196 5 344 5 493 5 641 7 51-9 27 200 47 348 67 496 87 644 5 55-6 5 204 5 352 5 500 5 648 8 59-3 28 207 48 356 68 504 88 652 5 63-0 5 211 5 359 5 507 5 656 9 66-7 29 215 49 363 69 511 89 659 5 70-4 5 219 5 367 .5 515 5 663 10 74-1 30 222 50 370 70 519 90 667 5 77-8 5 226 5 374 5 522 5 670 11 81-5 31 230 51 378 71 526 91 674 5 85-2 5 233 5 381 5 530 5 678 12 88-9 32 237 52 385 72 533 92 681 5 92-6 5 241 5 389 5 537 5 685 13 96-3 33 244 53 393 73 541 93 689 5 100 5 248 5 396 5 544 5 693 14 104 34 252 54 400 74 548 94 696 5 107 5 256 5 404 5 552 5 700 15 111 35 259 55 407 75 556 95 704 5 115 5 263 5 411 5 559 5 707 16 119 36 267 56 415 76 563 96 711 1 -5 122 5 270 5 419 5 567 5 715 17 126 37 274 57 422 77 570 97 719 5 130 5 278 5 426 5 574 5 722 18 133 38 281 58 430 78 578 98 726 5 137 5 285 5 433 5 581 5 730 19 141 39 289 59 437 79 585 99 733 \ "5 144 5 293 5 441 5 589 5 737 20 148 40 296 60 444 80 593 100 741 39 TABLE 17. CUBIC YARDS IN 100 FEET LENGTH. This Table shows the number of cubic yards of Excavation, or Embankment, corres- ponding to different areas of cross section, and to a length of 100 feet. The areas are expressed in square feet. This Table may be extended, by mentally changing the place of the decimal point; thus, the cubic yards corresponding to an area of 1100 square feet will be 10 times that of 110 square feet, or 4074 ; those corresponding to an area of 8955 square feet, will be 10 times that of 895-5 square feet, or 33167. If the number is not exactly divisible by 10, we may still take out the corresponding cubic yards with sufficient accuracy for practice, by using the nearest tabular number; thus, if we take 33167 for the cubic yards corresponding to an area of 8953 square feet, the error will be but about 8 cubic yards in 33000. A mean can, however, always be estimated in an instant by the eye, which will reduce the error to still less; thus it is seen at a glance, that 33157 is, in this instance, nearer than 33167. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yar is. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area. sq. ft OT>ic Yards. 1 3-70 45 166-7 89 329-6 5 431-5 5 513-0 5 594-4 2 7-41 46 170-4 90 333-3 117 433-3 139 5i4-8 161 596-3 3 11-1 47 174-1 91 337-0 5 435-2 5 516-7 5 598-2 4 14-8 48 177-8 92 340-7 118 437-0 140 518-5 162 600-0 5 18-5 49 181-5 93 344-4 5 438-9 5 520-4 5 601-9 6 22-2 50 185-2 94 348-2 119 440-7 141 522-2 163 60 -7 7 25-9 51 188-9 95 351-9 5 442-6 5 524-1 5 605-6 8 29-6 52 192-6 96 355-6 120 444-4 142 525-9 164 607-4 9 33-3 53 196-3 97 359-3 5 446-3 5 52 ,'8 5 609-3 10 37-0 54 200-0 98 363-0 121 448-2 143 529-6 165 611-1 11 40-7 55 203-7 99 366-7 5 450-0 5 531-5 5 613-0 12 44-4 56 207-4 100 370-4 122 451-9 144 533-3 166 614-8 13 48-1 57 211-1 5 372-2 5 453-7 5 535-2 5 616-7 14 51-9 58 214-8 101 374-1 123 455-6 145 537-0 167 618-5 15 55-6 59 218-5 5 375-9 5 457-4 5 538-9 5 620-4 16 59-3 60 222-2 102 377-8 124 459-3 146 540-7 168 622-2 17 63-0 61 225-9 5 379-6 5 461-1 5 542-6 5 634-1 18 66-7 62 229-6 103 381-5 125 463-0 147 544-4 169 625-9 19 70-4 63 233-3 5 383-3 5 464-8 5 546-3 5 627-8 20 74-1 64 237-0 104 385-2 126 466-7 148 548-2 170 629-6 21 77-8 65 240-7 5 387-0 5 468-5 5 550-0 5 631-5 22 81-5 66 244-4 105 388-9 127 470-4 149 551-9 171 6 <3-3 23 85-2 67 248-2 5 390-7 5 472-2 5 553-7 5 635-2 24 88-9 68 251-9 106 392-6 128 474-1 150 555-6 172 637-0 25 92-6 69 255-6 5 394-4 5 475-9 5 557-4 5 638-9 26 96-3 70 259-3 107 396-3 129 477-8 151 559-3 173 640-7 27 100-0 71 263-0 5 398-2 5 479-6 5 561-1 5 642-6 28 103-7 72 266-7 108 400-0 130 481-5 152 563-0 174 644-4 29 107-4 73 270-4 5 401-9 5 483-3 5 564-8 5 646-3 30 111-1 74 274-1 109 403-7 131 485-2 153 566-7 175 648-2 31 114-8 75 277-8 5 405-6 5 487-0 5 568-5 5 650-r 32 118-5 76 281-5 110 407-4 132 488-9 154 570-4 176 651-9 33 122-2 77 285-2 5 409-3 5 490-7 5 572-2 5 653-7 34 125-9 78 288-9 111 411-1 133 492-6 155 574-1 177 655-6 35 129-6 79 292-6 5 413-0 5 494.4 5 575-9 5 657-4 36 133-3 80 296-3 112 414-8 134 496-3 156 577-8 178 659-3 37 137-0 81 300-0 5 416-7 5 498-2 5 579-6 5 661-1 38 140-7 82 303-7 113 418-5 135 500-0 157 581-5 179 6*3-0 39 144-4 83 307-4 5 420-4 5 501-9 5 583-3 5 664-8 40 148-2 84 311-1 114 422-2 136 503-7 158 585-2 180 666-7 41 151-9 85 314-8 5 424-1 5 595-6 5 587-0 5 668-5 42 155-6 86 318.5 115 425-9 137 507-4 159 588-9 181 670-4 43 159-3 87 322-2 5 427-8 5 509-3 5 590.7 5 672-2 44 163-0 88 325-9 116 429-6 138 511-1 160 592-6 182 674-1 40 TABLI 17. CUBIC YARDS IN 100 FEET LENGTH. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards- Area. sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area sq. ft Cubic Yards. 5 675-9 5 783-3 5 890-7 5 998-2 5 1105-6 . .5 1213-0 183 677-8 212 785-2 241 892-6 270 1000-0 299 1107-4 328 1214-8 5 679-6 5 787-0 .5 894-4 5 1001-9 5 1109-3 9 p 1216-7 184 681-5 213 788-9 242 896-3 271 1003-7 300 1111-1 329 1218-5 5 683-3 5 790-7 5 898-2 5 1005-6 5 1113-0 .t 1220-4 185 685-2 214 792-6 243 900-0 272 1007-4 301 1114-8 330 1222-2 5 687-0 5 794-4 5 901-9 5 1009-3 5 1116 7 ,t 1224-1 186 688-9 215 796-3 244 903-7 273 1011-1 302 1118-5 3<31 1225-9 5 690-7 5 798-2 5 905-6 5 1013-0 5 1120-4 . 1227-8 187 692-6 216 800-0 245 907-4 274 1014-8 303 1122-2 332 1229-6 5 694-4 5 801-9 5 909-3 .5 1016-7 5 1124-1 .P 1231-5 188 696-3 217 803-7 246 911-1 275 1018-5 304 1125-9 333 1233-3 5 698-2 5 805-6 5 913-0 5 1020-4 5 1127-8 c V 1235-2 189 700-0 218 807-4 247 914-8 276 1022-2 305 1129-6 334 1237-0 5 701-9 5 809-3 5 916-7 5 1024-1 5 1131-5 '*j 1238-9 190 703-7 219 811-1 248 918-5 277 1025-9 306 1133-3 335 1240-7 5 705.6 5 813-0 5 920-4 5 1027-8 5 1135-2 5 1242-6 191 707-4 220 814-8 249 922-2 278 1029-6 307 1137-0 336 1244-4 5 709-3 5 816-7 5 924-1 5 1031-5 5 1138-9 e 1246-3 192 711-1 221 818-5 250 925-9 279 1033-3 308 1140-7 337 1248-2 5 713-0 5 820-4 5 927-8 5 1035-2 5 1142-6 5 1250-0 193 714-8 222 822-2 251 929-6 280 1037-0 309 1144-4 338 1251-9 5 716-7 5 824-1 5 931-5 5 1038-9 5 1146-3 5 1253-7 194 718-5 223 825-9 252 933-3 281 1040-7 310 1148-2 339 1255-6 5 720-4 5 827-8 5 935-2 5 1042-6 5 1150-0 -5 1257-4 195 722-2 224 829-6 253 937-0 282 1044-4 311 1151-9 340 1259-3 5 724-1 5 831-5 5 938-9 5 1046-3 5 1153-7 5 1261-1 196 725-9 225 833-3 254 940-7 283 1048-2 312 1155-6 341 1263-0 5 727-8 5 835-2 5 942-6 5 1050-0 5 1157-4 5 1264-8 197 729-6 226 837-0 255 944-4 284 1051-9 313 1159.3 342 1266-7 5 731-5 5 838-9 5 946-3 5 1053-7 5 1161-1 5 1268-5 198 733-3 227 840-7 256 948-2 285 1055-6 314 1163-0 343 1270-4 -5 735-2 5 842-6 5 950-0 5 1057-4 5 1164-8 5 1272-2 199 737-0 228 844-4 257 951-9 286 1059-3 315 1166-7 344 1274-1 5 738-9 5 846-3 5 953-7 5 1061-1 5 1168-5 5 1275-9 200 740-7 229 848-2 258 955-6 287 1063-0 316' 1170-4 345 1277-8 5 742-6 5 850-0 5 957-4 5 1064-8 5 1172-2 5 1279-6 201 744-4 230 851-9 259 959-3 288 1066-7 317 1174-1 346 1281-5 5 746-3 5 853-7 5 961-1 5 1068-5 5 1175-9 5 1283-3 202 748-2 231 855-6 260 963-0 289 1070-4 318 1177-8 347 1285-2 5 750-0 5 857-4 5 964-8 5 1072-2 5 1179-6 5 1287-0 203 751-9 232 859-3 261 966-7 290 1074-1 319 1181-5 348 1288-9 5 753-7 5 861-1 5 968-5 5 1075-9 5 1183-3 5 1290-7 204 755-6 233 863-0 262 970-4 291 1077-8 320 1185-2 349 1292-6 <6 757-4 5 864-8 5 972-2 5 1079-6 5 1187-0 5 1294-4 205 759-3 234 866-7 263 974-1 292 1081-5 321 1188-9 350 1296-3 5 761-1 5 868-5 5 975-9 5 1083-3 5 1190-7 5 1298-2 206 763-0 235 870-4 264 977-8 293 1085-2 322 1192-6 351 1300-0 5 764-8 5 872-2 5 979-6 5 1087-0 5 1194-4 .5 1301-9 207 766-7 236 874-1 265 981-5 294 1088-9 323 1196-3 352 1303-7 5 768-5 5 875-9 5 983-3 5 1090-7 5 1198-2 5 1305-6 208 770-4 237 877-8 266 985-2 295 1092-6 324 1200-0 353 1307-4 5 772-2 5 879-6 5 . 987-0 5 1094-4 5 1201-9 5 1309-3 209 W4-1 238 881-5 267 988-9 296 1096-3 325 1203-7 354 1311-1 5 775-9 5 883-3 5 990-7 5 1098-2 5 1205-6 5 1313-0 210 777-8 239 885-2 268 992-6 297 1100-0 326 12074 355 1314-8 .5 779-6 5 887-0 5 994-4 5 1101-9 5 1209-3 5 1316-7 |2H 781-5 240 888-9 269 996-3 298 1103-7 327 1211-1 356 1318* 41 TABIE 17. CUBIC YARDS IN 100 FEET LENGTH. Area. Cubic Area. Cubic Area. Cubic Area. Cubic Area. Cubic Area. Cubic sq. ft. Yards. sq. it. Yards. sq. ft. Yards. sq. ft. Yards. sq. ft. Yards. sq. ft. Yards. 5 1320-4 5 1427-8 5 1535-2 5 1642-C 5 1750.0 5 1857.4 357 1322-2 386 1429-6 415 1537.0 444 1644-4 473 1751-9 5J2 1859-3 5 1324-1 5 1431-5 .K 1538-9 5 1646-3 5 1753-7 5 1861- 358 1325-9 387 1433-3 416 1540-7 445 1648-2 474 1755-6 503 1863-0 5 1327-8 5 1435-2 5 1542-6 5 1650-0 5 1757-4 5 1864-8 359 1329-6 388 1437-0 417 1544.4 446 1651-9 475 1759-3 504 1866-7 5 1331-5 5 1438-9 5 1546-3 5 1653-7 .5 1761-1 5 1868-5 360 1333-3 389 1440-7 41.8 1548-2 447 1655-f 476 1763-0 505 1S70-4 5 1335-2 5 1442-6 5 1550-0 5 16^7-'! 5 1764-8 5 1872-2 361 1337-0 390 1444-4 419 1551-9 448 1659-3 477 1766-? 506 1874-1 5 1338-9 5 1446-3 5 1553-7 5 1661-1 5 1768-5 5 1875-9 362 1340-7 391 1448-2 420 1555-6 449 1663-0 478 1770-4 507 1877-8 5 1342-6 5 1450-0 5 1557-4 5 1664-8 5 1772-2 5 1879-6 363 1344-4 392 1451-9 421 1559-3 450 1666-7 479 1774-1 508 1881-5 6 1346-3 5 1453-7 5 1561-1 5 1668-5 5 1775-9 5 1883-3 364 1348-2 393 1455-6 422 1563-0 451 16704 480 1777-8 509 1885-2 5 1350-0 5 1457-4 5 1564-8 5 1672-2 5 1779-6 5 1887-0 365 1351-9 394 1459-3 423 1566-7 452 1674-1 481 1781-5 510 1888-9 5 1353-7 5 1461-1 5 1568-5 5 1675-9 5 1783-3 5 1890-7 366 1355-6 395 1463-0 424 1570-4 453 1677-8 482 1785-2 511 1892-6 5 1357-4 ; 5 1464-8 5 1572-2 5 1679-6 5 1787-0 5 1894-4 367 1359-3 396 1466-7 425 1574-1 454 1681-5 483 1788-9 512 1896-3 5 1-361-1 .5 1468-5 5 1575-9 .5 1683-3 5 1790-7 5 1898-2 368 1363-0 397 1470-4 426 1577-8 455 1685-2 484 1792-6 513 1900-0 5 1364-8 5 1472-2 5 1579-6 5 1687-0 5 1794-4 5 1901-9 369 1366-7 398 1474-1 427 1581-5 456 1688-9 485 1796-3 514 1903-7 5 1368-5 5 1475-9 5 1583-3 5 1690-7 5 1798-2 5 1905-6 370 1370-4 399 1477-8 428 1585-2 457 1692-6 486 1800-0 515 1907-4 5 1372-2 5 1479-6 5 1587-0 5 1694-4 .5 1801-9 5 1909-3 371 1374-1 400 1481-5 429 1588-9 458 1696-3 487 1803-7 516 1911-1 5 1375-9 5 1483-3 5 1590-7 5 1698-2' 5 1805-6 5 1913-0 372 1377-8 401 1485-2 430 1592-6 459 1700-0 488 1807-4 517 1914-8 5 1379-6 5 1487-0 5 1594-4 5 1701-9 5 1809-3 5 1916-7 373 1381-5 402 1488-9 431 1596-3 460 1703-7 489 1811-1 518 1918-5 5 1383-3 5 1490-7 5 1598-2 5 1705-6 5 1813-0 5 1920-4 374 1385-2 403 1492-6 432 1600-0 461 1707-4 490 1814-8 519 1922-2 5 1387-0 5 1494-4 5 1601-9 5 1709-3 5 1816-7 5 1924-1 375 1388-9 404 1496-3 433 1603-7 462 1711-1 491 1818-5 520 1925-9 5 1390-7 5 1498-2 5 1605-6 5 1713-0 5 1820-4 5 1927-8 376 1392-6 405 1500-0 434 1607-4 463 1714-8 492 1822-2 521 1929-6 5 1394-4 5 1501-9 5 1609-3 5 1716-7 5 1824-1 5 1931-5 377 1396-3 406 1503-7 435 1611.1 464 1718-5 493 1825-9 522 1933-3 5 1398-2 5 1505-6 5 1613-0 5 1720-4 5 1827-8 5 1935-2 378 1400-0 407 1507-4 436 1614-8 465 1722-2 494 1829-6 523 1937-0 5 1401-9 5 1509-3 5 1616-7 5 1724-1 5 1831-5 5 1938-9 379 1403-7 408 1511-1 437 1618-5 466 1725-9 495 1833-3 524 1940-7 5 1405-6 5 1513-0 . -5 16204 5 1727-8 5 1835-2 5 1942-6 380 1407-4 409 1514-8 438 1622-2 467 1729-6 496 18370 525 1944-4 5 1409-3 5 1516-7 5 1624-1 5 1731-5 5 1838-9 5 1946-3 381 1411-1 410 1518-5 439 1625-9 468 1733-3 497 1840-7 526 1948-2 5 1413-0 5 1520-4 5 1627-8 5 1735-2 5 1842-6 5 1950-0 382 1414-8 411 1522-2 440 1629-6 469 1737-0 498 1844-4 527 1951-9 5 1416-7 5 1524-1 5 1631-5 5 1738-9 5 1846-3 5 1953-7 383 1418-5 412 1525-9 441 1633-3 470 1740-7 499 1848-2 528 1955-6 5J 1420-4 5 1527-8 5 1635-2 5 1742-6 5 1850-0 5 1957-4 384 1422-2 413 1529-6 442 1637-0 471 1744-4 500 1851-9 529 1959-3 5 1424-1 5 1531-5 5 1638-9 5 1746-3 5 1853-7 5 1961-1 385 1 1425-9 414 1533-3 443 1640-7 472 1748-2 501 1855-6 530 1963-0 42 TABLE 17. CUBIC YARDS IN 100 FEET LENGTH. ! AreaJ Cubic Area. Cubic Area. Cubic Area. Cubic Area. Cubic Area, j Cubic sq. ft.' Yards. ,q. ft. Yards. sq. ft. Yards. sq. ft. Yards. sq. ft. Yards. sq. ft. Yards. 5 1964-8 5 2072-2 5 2179-6 5 2287-0 5 2394-4 5 j 250 1-9 531 1966-7 560 2074-1 589 2181-5 618 2288-9 647 2396-3 676 2503.7 5 1968-5 5 2075-9 5 2183-3 5 2290-7 5 2398-2 5 2505-6 532 1970-4 561 2077-8 590 2185-2 619 2292-6 648 2400-0 677 2507-4 5 1972-2 5 2079-6 5 2187-0 5 2294-4 5 2401-9 5 2509-3 i 533 1974-1 562 2081-5 591 2188-9 620 2296-3 649 2403-7 678 2511-1 5 1975-9 5 2083-3 5 2190-7 5 22982 5 2405-6 5 2513-0 534 ' 1977-8 563 2085-2 592 2192-6 621 2300-0 650 2407-4 679 2514-8 5 1979-6 5 2087-0 5 2194-4 5 2301-9 5 2409-3 5 2516-7 535 1981-5 564 2088-9 593 2196-3 622 2303-7 651 2411-1 680 2518-5 5 1983-3 5 2090-7 5 2198-2 5 2305-6 5 2413-0 5 2520-4 536 19o-2 565 2092-6 594 2200-0 623 2307-4 652 2414-8 681 ! 2522-2 5 1987-0 -5 2094-4 5 2201-9 5 2309-3 5 2416-7 5 2524-1 537 1988-9 566 2096-3 595 2203-7 624 2311-1 653 2418-5 682 | 2525-9 5 1990-7 5 2098-2 5 2205-6 5 2313-0 5 2420-4 5 i 2527'8 ; 538 1992-6 567 2100-0 596 2207-4 625 2314-8 654 2422-2 683 ; 2529-6 5 1994-4 5 2101-9 5 2209-3 -5 23167 5 2424-1 5 2531-5 539 1996-3 568 2103-7 597 2211-1 626 2318-5 655 2425-9 684 2533-3 5 1998-2 5 2105-6 5 2213-0 -5 2320-4 5 2427.8 5 i 2535-2 540 2000-0 569 2107-4 598 2214-8 627 2322-2 656 2429-6 685 2537-0 5 ( 2001-9 5 2109-3 -5 2 .'16-7 -5 2324-1 5 2431-5 5 2538-9 541 | 2003-7 570 2111-1 599 2218-5 628 2325-9 657 2433-3 686 2540-7 5 2005-6 5 2113-0 5 2220-4 5 2327-8 5 2435-2 5 | 2542-6 542 '2007-4 571 2114-8 600 2222-2 629 2329-6 658 2437-0 687 2544-4 5 2009-3 -5 2116-7 5 2224-1 -5 2331-5 5 2438-9 5 2546-3 543 1 201 1-1 572 2118-5 601 2225-9 630 2333-3 659 2440-7 688 2548-2 5 2013-0 -5 2120-4 -5 2227-8 5 2335-2 5 2442-6 5 2550-0 544 2014-8 573 2122-2 602 2229-6 631 2337-0 660 2444-4 689 2551-9 5 2016-7 5 2124-1 5 2231-5 5 2338-9 5 2446-3 5 2553-7 545 2018-5 574 2125-9 603 2233-3 632 2340-7 661 244.8-2 690 2555-6 5 2020-4 -5 2127-8 5 2235-2 5 2342-6 5 2450-0 5 2557-4 546 2022-2 575 2129-6 604 2237-0 633 2344-4 662 2451-9 691 2559-3 5 2024.1 -5 2131-5 5 2238-9 .5 2346-3 5 2453-7 5 *2561-l 547 2025-9 576 2133-3 605 2240-7 634 2348-2 663 2455-6 692 2563-0 5 2027-8 5 2135-2 5 2242-6 .5 2350-0 5 2457-4 5 2564-8 548 2029-6 577 2137-0 606 22444 635 2351-9 664 2459-3 693 2566-7 5 2031-5 5 2138-9 5 2246-3 .5 2353-7 5 2461-1 5 2568-5 549 2033-3 578 2140-7 607 2248-2 636 2355-6 665 2463-0 694 2570-4 5 2035-2 5 2142-6 5 2250-0 .5 2357-4 5 2464-8 5 2572-2 550 2037-0 579 2144-4 608 2251-9 637 2359-3 666 2466-7 695 2574-1 5 2038-9 5 2146-3 5 2253-7 .5 2361-1 5 2468-5 5 2575-9 551 2040-7 580 2148-2 609 2255-6 638 2363-0 667 2470-4 696 2577-8 6 2042-6 -5 2150-0 5 2257-4 5 2364-8 5 2472-2 5 2579-6 552 2044-4 581 2151-9 610 2259-3 639 2366-7 668 2474-1 697 2581-5 5 2046'3 5 2153-7 5 2261-1 .5 2368-5 5 2475-9 -5 2583-3 553 2048-2 582 2155-6 611 2263-0 640 2370-4 669 2477-8 698 2585-2 5 2050-0 5 2157-4 -5 2264-8 .5 2372-2 5 2479-6 5 2587.0 554 2051-9 583 2159-3 612 2266-7 641 2374-1 670 2481-5 699 2588-9 5 2053-7 5 2161-1 5 2268-5 .5 2375-9 5 2483-3 5 2590-7 555 2055-6 584 2163-0 613 2270-4 642 2377-8 671 2485-2 700 2592-6 5 2057-4 -5 2164-8 5 2272-2 .5 2379-6 5 2487-0 5 2594-4 556 2059-3 585 2166-7 614 2274-1 643 2381-2 672 12488-9 701 [2596-3 5 2061-1 -5 2168-5 5 2275-9 .5 2383-3 5 2490-7 5 2598-2 557 2063-0 586 2170-4 615 2277-8 644 2385.2 673 2492-6 702 2600-0 5 2064-8 -5 2172-2 5 2279-6 .5 2387-0 5 2494-4 5 2601-9 558 2066-7 587 2174-1 616 2281-5 645 2388-9 674 2496-3 703 2603-7 5 2068-5 -5 2175-9 5 2283-3 5 2390-7 5 2498-2 5 2605-6 559 2070-4 588 12177-8 617 2285-2 646 2392-6 675 2500-0 704 2607-4 43 TABLE 17. CUBIC YARD* IN 100 FEET LENGTH. A~ sq.ft. Cubic Yards. Area. sq. ft- Cubic Yards. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area. sq. ft. Cubic Ya.ds. Area. I. ft. fubn Yard . 5 2609-3 .5 2716-7 5 2824-1 5 2931-5 5 3038-9 5 3146-3 705 2611-1 734 2718-5 763 2825-9 792 2933-3 821 3040-7 850 3148-2 5 2613-0 -5 2720-4 5 2827-8 5 2935-2 5 3042-6 5 3150-0 706 2614-8 735 2722-2 764 2829-6 793 2937-0 822 3044-4 851 3151-9 5 2616-7 5 2724-1 5 2831-5 5 2938-9 .5 3046-3 5 3153-7 707 2618-5 736 2725-9 765 2833-3 794 2940-7 823 3048-2 852 3155-6 5 2620-4 5 2727-8 5 2835-2 5 2942-6 5 3050-0 5 3157-4 708 2622-2 737 2729-6 766 2837-0 795 2944-4 824 3051-9 853 3159-3 5 2624-1 5 2731-5 5 2838-9 5 2946-3 5 3053-7 5 3161-1 709 2625-9 738 2733-3 767 2840-7 796 2948-2 825 3055-6 854 3163-0 5 2627.8 '5 2735-2 -5 2842-6 5 2950-0 5 3057-4 5 3164-8 710 2629-6 739 2737-0 768 2844-4 797 2951-9 826 3059-3 855 3166-7 5 2631-5 5 2738-9 5 2846-3 -5 2953-7 5 3061-1 5 3168-5 711 2633-3 740 2740-7 769 2848-2 798 2955-6 827 3063-0 856 3170-4 5 2635-2 5 2742-6 -5 2850-0 5 2957-4 5 3064-8 5 3172-2 712 2637-0 741 2744-4 770 2851-9 799 2959-3 828 3066-7 857 3174-1 5 2638-9 5 2746-3 5 2853-7 5 2961-1 5 3068.5 5 317V9 713 2640-7 742 2748-2 771 2855-6 800 J2963-0 829 3070-4 858 3177-8 5 2642-6 5 2750-0 -5 2857-4 5 : 2964-8 5 3072-2 5 3179-6 714 2644-4 743 2751-9 772 2859-3 801 2966.7 830 3074.1 859 3181-5 5 2646-3 5 2753-7 5 2861-1 5 2968-5 5 3075-9 -5 3183-3 715 2648-2 744 2755-6 773 2863-0 802 2970-4 831 3077-8 860 3185-2 5 2650-0 5 2757-4 5 2864-8 5 2972.2 5 3079-6 5 3187-0 716 2651-9 745 2759-3 774 2866-7 803 2974-1 832 3081-5 861 3188-9 5 2653-7 5 2761-1 5 2868-5 5 2975-9 5 3083-3 5 3190-7 717 2655-6 746 2763-0 775 2870-4 804 2977-8 833 3085-2 862 3192-6 5 2657-4 -5 2764-8 5 2872-2 -5 2979-6 5 3087-0 5 3194-4 718 26593 747 2766-7 776 2874-1 805 2981-5 834 3088-9 863 3196-3 .c 2661 1 5 2768-5 5 2875-9 5 2983-3 -5 3090-7 -5 3198-2 719 2663.0 748 2770-4 777 2877-8 806 2985-2 835 3092-6 864 3200-0 5 2664-8 5 2772-2 5 2879-6 5 2987-0 5 3094-4 5 3201-9 720 2666-7 749 2774-1 778 2881-5 807 2988-9 836 3096-3 865 3203-7 .r 2668-5 5 2775-9 5 2883-3 5 2990-7 5 3098-2 5 3205-6 721 2670.4 750 2777-8 779 2885-2 808 2992-6 837 3100-0 866 3207-4 .f 2672-2 5 2779-6 5 2887-0 5 2994-4 5 3101-9 5 3209-3 722 2674-1 751 2781-5 780 2888-9 809 2996-3 838 3103-7 867 3211-1 .C t. 2675-9 5 2783-3 5 2890-7 5 2998-2 5 3105-6 5 3213-0 723 2677-8 752 2785-2 781 2892-6 810 3000-0 839 3107-4 868 3214-8 .C I 2679-6 5 2787-0 5 2894-4 5 3001-9 5 3109-3 5 3216-7 724 2681-5 753 2788-9 782 2896-3 811 3003-7 840 3111-1 869 3218-5 5 2683-3 5 2790-7 5 2898-2 -5 3005-6 5 3113-0 -5 3220-4 725 2685-2 754 2792.6 783 2900-0 8.12 3007-4 841 3114-8 870 3222-2 . 2687-0 5 2794-4 5 2901-9 5 3009-3 5 3116-7 5 3224-1 726 2688-9 755 2796-3 784 2903-7 813 3011-1 842 3118-5 871 3225-9 .c 2690-7 5 2798-2 5 2905-6 5 3013-0 5 3120-4 5 3227-8 J727 2692-6 756 2800-0 785 2907-4 814 3014-8 843 3122-2 872 3229-6 .P 2694-4 -5 2801-9 5 2909-3 5 3016-7 5 3124-1 5 3231-5 728 2696-3 757 2803-7 786 2911-1 815 3018-5 844 3125-9 873 3233-3 .t 2698-2 5 2805-6 5 2913-0 -5 3020-4 5 3127-8 5 3235-2 729 2700-0 758 2807-4 787 2914-8 816 3022-2 845 3129-6 874 3237-0 ;i 2701-9 -5 2809-3 5 2916-7 5 3024-1 5 3131-5 -5 3238-9 730 2703-7 759 2811-1 788 2918-5 817 3025-9 846 3133-3 875 3240-7 .; 2705-6 5 2813-0 5 2920-4 -5 3027-8 5 3135-2 3242-6 731 2707-4 760 2814-8 789 2922-2 818 3029-6 847 3137-0 876 3244-4 ^c 2709-3 5 2816-7 5 2924-1 -5 3031-5 5 3138-9 5 3243-3 732 2711-1 761 2818-5 790 2925-9 819 3033-3 848 3140-7 877 3248-2 .; 2713-0 5 2820-4 5 2927-8 5 3035-2 5 3142-6 5 3250-0 733 2714-8 762 2822-2 791 2929-6 820 3037-0 849 3144-4 878 3251-9 44 TABLE 17. CUBIC YARDS IN 100 FEET LENGTH. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area. sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area, sq. ft. Cubic Yards. Area, sq.ft. Cubic Yards. Area. sq.ft. i Cube \ards. 5 3253-7 S99 3329-6 5 3405-6 940 3481-5 5 3557-4 981 3633-3 879 3255-6 5 3331-5 920 3407-4 5 3483-3 961 3559-3 5 3635-2 5 3257-4 900 3333-3 5 3409-3 941 3485-2 5 3561-1 982 3637-0 880 3259-3 5 3335-2 921 3411-1 5 3487-0 962 3563-0 5 3638-9 5 3261-1 901 3337-0 5 3413-0 942 3488-9 5 3564-8 983 3640-7 881 3263-0 5 3338-9 922 3414-8 5 3490-7 963 3566-7 5 3642-6 5 3264-8 902 3340-7 5 3416-7 943 3492-6 5 3568-5 984 3644-4 882 3266-7 5 3342-6 923 3418-5 5 3494-4 964 3570-4 5 3646-3 5 3268-5 903 3344-4 5 3420-4 944 3496-3 5 3572-2 985 3648-2 883 3270-4 5 3346-3 924 3422-2 5 3498-2 965 3574-1 5 3650-0 5 3272-2 904 33482 5 3424-1 945 3500-0 5 3575-9 986 3551-9 884 3274-1 5 3350-0 925 3425-9 5 3501-9 966 3577-8 5 3653-7 5 3275-9 905 3351-9 5 3427-8 946 3503-7 5 3579-6 987 3655-6 885 3277-8 5 3353-7 926 3429-6 5 3505-6 967 3581-5 5 3657-4 5 3279-6 906 3355-6 5 3431-5 947 3507-4 5 3583-3 988 3659-3 886 3281-5 5 3357-4 927 3433-3 5 3509-3 968 3585-2 5 3661-1 5 3283-3 907 3359-3 5 3435-2 948 3511-1 5 35870 989 3663-0 887 3285-2 5 3361-1 928 3437-0 5 3513-0 969 3588-9 5 3664-8 5 3287-0 908 3363-0 5 3438-9 949 3514-8 5 3590-7 990 3666-7! 888 3288-9 5 3364-8 929 3440-7 5 3516-7 970 3592-6 5 3668-5! 5 3290-7 909 3366-7 5 3442-6 950 3518-5 5 3594-4 991 3670-4, 889 3292-6 5 3368-5 930 3444-4 5 3520-4 971 3596-3 5 3672-2 5 3294-4 910 3370-4 5 3446-3 951 3522-2 5 3598-2 992 3674-1 890 3296-3 5 3372-2 931 3448-2 5 3524-1 972 3600-0 5 3675-9 5 3298-2 911 3374-1 5 3450-0 952 3525-9 5 3601-9 993 3677-8 891 3300-0 5 3375-9 932 3451-9 5 3527-8 973 3603-7 5 3679-6 5 3301-9 912 3377-8 5 3453-7 953 3529-6 5 3605-6 994 3681-5 892 3303-7 5 3379-6 933 3455-6 5 3531-5 974 3607-4 5 3683-3 5 3305-6 913 3381 5 5 3457-4 954 3533-3 5 3609-3 995 3685-2 893 3307-4 5 3383-3 934 3459-3 5 3535-2 975 3611-1 5 3687-0 5 3309-3 914 3385-2 5 3461-1 955 3537-0 5 3613-0 996 3688-9 894 3311-1 5 3387-0 935 3463-0 5 3538-9 976 36*14-8 5 3690-7 5 3313-0 915 3388-9 5 3464-8 956 3540-7 5 3616-7 997 3692-6 895 3314-8 5 3390-7 936 3466-7 -5 3542-6 977 3618-5 5 3694-4 5 3316-7 916 3392-6 5 3468-5 957 3544-4 5 3620-4 998 3696-3 896 3318-5 5 3394-4 937 3470-4 5 3546-3 978 3622-2 5 3698-2 6 3320-4 917 3396-3 5 3472-2 958 3548-2 5 3624-1 999 3700-0 897 3322-2 5 3398-2 938 3474-1 5 3550-0 979 3625-9 5 3701-9 5 3324-1 918 3400-0 5 3475-9 959 3551-9 5 3627-8 1000 3703-7 898 3325-9 5 3401-9 939 3477-8 5 3553-7 980 3629-6 5 3327-8 919 3403-7 5 3479-6 960 3555-6 -5 3631-5 45 TO PREPARE A TABLE, T (below), OF LEVEL CUTTINGS, FOR EVERY y^ OF A FOOT OF HEIGHT, OR DEPTH. Let the fig. represent the cutting ; or, if inverted, the filling ; in which the horizon- >^* tal lines are supposed to be J^ foot apart. First calculate the area in square feet, of the layer a b c o, adjoining the roadway a b. Then find how many cubic yards that area gives in a distance of 100 feet. These cubic yards we will call Y ; they form the first amount to be put into the table T. Next calculate the area in square feet of the triangle a no. Multi- ply this area by 4. Find how many cubic yards this increased area gives in a distance of 100 feet. Or they will be found ready calcu- lated a little farther on. We will call them y. This is all the prepa- ration that is needed before commencing the table. Example. Let the roadbed a 6 be 18 feet, and the side-slopes 1 J to 1, as in our preceding table and diagram No. V. Then for the area of a boo: since the side-slopes are 1J to 1; and st is '1 foot; c o must be 18'3 feet; and the mean length of a b c o must be 18'15 feet. Consequently the area is 18'15 X ! = 1*815 square feet; which, in a distance of 100 feet, gives 181*5 cubic feet; which is equal to ^^ = 6-7222 cubic yards ; or Y. 2i i Next, as to the triangle ano: its height a n being *1 foot, and its base n o *15 feet; its area = = 5 = '0075 square ft. This 2t A multiplied by 4, gives '03 square feet; which, in a distance of 100 feet, o gives '03 X 100 = 3 cubic feet; which is equal to ^ = "1111 cubic yard ; or y. Having thus found Y and y, proceed to make out the table in the manner following, which is so plain as to require no explanation. The work should be tested about every 5 feet, by calculating the area of the full depth arrived at; multiply it by 100, and divide the pro- duct by 27 for the cubic yards. The cubic yards thus found should agree with the table. .6-7222. . -1111 6-8333 . -1111 6-9444 . -1111 7-0555 . -1111 7-1666 . -1111 7-2777 .Y. 6-7222 -1 6-8333 13-5555 -2 6-9444 20-5000 -3 7-0555 27-5555 -4 7-1666 34-7222 -5 7-2777 42-0000 -6 TABLE T. Height. Feet. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... Cub. Yds. 6-72 Y. 13-6 20-5 27-6 34-7 42-0 &c. 46 The following table contains y, ready calculated for different side- slopes. It plainly remains the same for all widths of roadbed. Side-slope. y- Side-slope. V- 1 to 1 -0185 If to 1 1296 to 1 -0370 2 to 1 1482 2 to 1... -0556 2 to 1 1667 1 to 1 -0741 2 to 1 -1852 1 to 1 ... -0926 3 to 1 22^2 1 to 1. . -1111 4 to 1... 2963 A To CALCULATE BEFOKEHAND THE CUBIC CONTENTS OF BORROW-PITS, The method of doing this most readily, is based upon the fol- lowing rule, for find- ing the contents of any frustum,* as A, g B, or C, of a square f prism, no matter how the two ends may be inclined with regard to each other; or. whether one, or nei- ther of them, is pa- rallel to the original base of the prism. * Generally misspelt "frustrum." f This rule applies also to frustums of prisms whose cross-sections perpendicular to the parallel sides are either any triangle, any parallelogram, or any regular polygon of any number of sides whatever. The parallel edges must in every case be added together, and divided by their number, for a mean length. In a square this number is 4 ; in a triangle 3, &c. If the frustum is that of an irregular 4-sided, or polygonal prism, it must be con- sidered as made up -of a number of triangular prisms, which must be calculated separately and added together for the total content. Thus, let D represent the cross- section of an irregular prism, perpendicular to its parallel sides. From any angle, as m, draw lines mo, m p, dividing it into triangles. Calculate the area of each tri- angle separately, and find the solidity of each triangular frustum, by first measuring the lengths of its three parallel edges, and then obtaining their mean length, which multiply by their triangular area. THE SOLIDITY OR CONTENT OF ANT FRUSTUM WHATEVER, OF ANY PRISM, WHETHER REGULAR OR IRREGULAR, OR OF A CYLINDER, may be found thus : Consider either of its two ends, as R, to be its base, and find the area of that end. Find also the centre of gravity, g, of the other end, and measure the perpendicular height g *, of the frustum. Multiply the area of the base just found, by this height ; the product will be the content. The centre of gravity, g, may be found by cutting out a figure of the end t w from pasteboard, and balancing it in two directions over a sharp edge. We have been particular to give methods for finding the contents of prismatic frus- tums, because none of our text-books on mensuration, &c., even allude to the subject, although it is one of very frequent occurrence and of great importance. 47 RULE. Measure and add together the four parallel edges, (as 11, 22, 33, 44, of the frustum C.) Divide their sum by 4, for a mean length. Multiply this mean length by the area of the frustum at right angles to said parallel edges. The product will be the required content. To apply this rule to borrow- pits, the surface of the ground is first staked out in squares. If the surface is sloping or irregular, the tape- line must be held horizontally, while laying out the sides of the squares. When the ground is very irregular, these squares should be of such a size that each one of them may without material error be considered to be a plane surface, either horizontal or sloping. The depth of the horizontal bottom of the pit, below a certain given mark, or datum, being first determined on, levels are then taken at all the corners of the squares to ascertain the depth of digging at each corner. These depths plainly give the lengths of the four parallel edges of each frustum ; each frustum may then be calculated separately, and the whole added together. COST OF EARTHWORK. ARTICLE 1. It is advisable to pay for this kind of work by the cubic yard of excavation only, instead of allowing separate prices for excavation and embankment. By this means we get rid of the difficulty of measure- ments, as well as the controversies and lawsuits which often attend the determination of the allowance to be made for the settlement or subsidence of the embankments. It is, moreover, our opinion that justice to the contractor should lead to the English practice of paying the laborers by the cubic yard, instead of by the day. Experience fully proves that when laborers are scarce and wages high, men can scarcely be depended upon to do three-fourths of the work which they readily accomplish when wages are low, arid when fresh hands are waiting to be hired in case any are discharged. The contractor is thus placed at the mercy of his men. The writer has known the most satisfactory results to attend a system of task-work, accompanied by liberal premiums for all overwork. By this means the interests of the laborers are identi- fied with that of the contractor, and every man takes care that the others shall do their fair share of the task. Ellwood Morris, C. E., of Philadelphia, was, we believe, the first person who properly investigated the elements of cost of earthwork, and reduced them to such a form as to enable us to calculate the total with a considerable degree of accuracy. He published his results in the Journal of the Franklin Institute in 1841. His paper forms the basis on which, with some variations, we shall consider the matter, and 48 on which we shall extend it to wheelbarrows, as well as to carts. Throughout this paper we speak of a cubic yard considered only as solid in its place, or before it is loosened for removal. It is scarcely necessary to add that the various items can of course only be regarded as tolerably close approximations, or averages. As before stated, the men do less work when wages are high, and more when they are low. A great deal besides depends on the skill, observation, and energy of the contractor and his superintendents. It is no unusual thing to see two contractors working at the same prices, in precisely similar mate- rial, where one is making money, and the other losing it, from a want of tact in the proper distribution of his forces, keeping his roads in order, having his carts and barrows well filled, &c., &c. Uncom- monly long spells of wet weather may seriously affect the cost of exe- cuting earthwork, by making it more difficult to loosen, load, or empty ; besides keeping the roads in bad order for hauling. The aggregate cost of excavating and removing earth is made up by the following items, namely : 1st. Loosening the earth ready for the shovellers. 2d. Loading it by shovels into the cai^ts or barrows. 3d. Hauling , or wheeling it away, including emptying and returning. 4th. Spreading it out into successive layers on the embankment. 5th. Keeping the hauling-road for carts, or the plank gangways for barrows, in good order. 6th. Wear, sharpening, depreciation, and interest on cost of tools. 7th. Superintendence and water-carriers. 8th. Profit to the contractor. We will consider these items a little in detail, basing our calcula- tions on the assumption that common labor costs $1 per day, of 10 working hours. The results in our tables must therefore be increased or diminished in about the same proportion as common labor costs more or less than this. ARTICLE 2. LOOSENING THE EARTH READY FOR THE SHOVELLERS. This is generally done either by ploughs or by picks ; more cheaply by the first. A plough with two horses, and two men to manage them, at $1 per day for labor, 75, cents per day for each horse, and 37 cents per day for plough, including harness, wear, repairs, &c., or a total of $3.87, will loosen, of strong heavy soils, from 200 to 300 cubic yards a day, at from 1-93 to 1*29 cents per yard; or of ordinary loam, from 400 to 600 cubic yards a day, at from '97 to '64 of a cent per yard. Therefore, as an ordinary average, we may assume the actual cost to the contractor for loosening by the plough, as follows : strong heavy soils, 1*5 cents ; common loam, '8 cent ; light sandy soils, 4 cent. Very stiff pure clay, or obstinate cemented gravel, may be set down at 2*5 cents ; they require three or four horses. 49 By the pick, a fair day's work is about 14 yards of stiff pure or of cemented gravel ; 25 yards of strong heavy soils ; 40 yards of common loam ; 60 yards of light sandy soils all measured in place ; which, at $ 1 per day for labor, gives, for stiff clay, 7 cents ; heavy soils, 4 cents ; loam, 2*5 cents ; light sandy soil, 1*666 cents. Pure sand requires but very little labor for loosening; '5 of a cent will cover it. ARTICLE 3. SHOVELLING THE LOOSENED EARTH INTO CARTS. The amount shovelled per day depends partly upon the weight of the material, but more upon so proportioning the number of pickers and of carts to that of shovellers, as not to keep the latter waiting for either mate- rial or carts. In fairly regulated gangs, the shovellers into carts are not actually engaged in shovelling .for more than six-tenths of their time, thus being unoccupied but four-tenths of it ; while, under bad management, they lose considerably more than one-half of it. A shovel- ler can readily load into a cart one-third of a cubic yard measured in place (and which is an average working cart-load), of sandy soil, in five minutes ; of loam, in six minutes ; and of any of the heavy soils, in seven minutes. This would give, for a day of 10 working hours, 120 loads, or 40 cubic yards of light sandy soil ; 100 loads, or 33J cubic yards of loam ; or 86 loads, or 28*7 yards of the heavy soils. But from these amounts we must deduct four-tenths for time necessarily lost ; thus reducing the actual working quantities to 24 yards of light sandy soil, 20 yards of loam, 17*2 yards of the heavy soils. When the shovellers do less than this, there is some mismanagement. Assuming these as fair quantities, then, at $ 1 per day for labor, the actual cost to the contractor for shovelling per cubic yard measured in place, will be, for sandy soils, 4*167 cents ; loam, 5 cents ; heavy soils, clays, &c., 5*81 cents. In practice, the carts are not usually loaded to any less extent with the heavier soils than with the lighter ones. Nor, indeed, is there any necessity for so doing, inasmuch as the difference of weight of a cart and one-third of a cubic yard of the various soils is too slight to need any attention; especially when the cart-road is kept in good order, as it will be by any contractor who understands his own inter- est. Neither is it necessary to modify the load on account of any slight inclinations which may occur in the grading of roads. An earth-cart weighs by itself about J a ton. ARTICLE 4. HAULING AWAY THE EARTH, DUMPING OR EMPTYING, AND RE- TURNING TO RELOAD. The average speed of horses in hauling is about 2J miles per hour, or 200 feet per minute ; which is equai to 100 feet of trip each way ; or to 100 feet of lead, as the distance to 50 which the earth is hauled is technically called. Beside this, there is a loss of about four minutes in every trip, whether long or short, in waiting to load, dumping, turning, &c. Hence, every trip will occupy as many minutes as there are lengths of 100 feet each in the lead ; and four minutes beside. Therefore, to find the number of trips per day over any given average lead, we divide the number of minutes in a working day by the sum of 4 added to the number of 100-feet lengths contained in the distance to which the earth has to be removed ; that is, The number (600) of minutes in a working day _ the number of trips, or loads 4 -f- the number of 100- feet lengths in the lead removed per day, per cart. And since J of a cubic yard measured before being loosened, makes an average cart-load, the number of loads, divided by 3, will give the number of cubic yards removed per day by each cart ; and the cubic yards divided into the total expense of a cart per day, will give the cost per cubic yard for hauling. In leads of ordinary length one driver can attend to 4 carts ; which, at $1 per day, is 25 cents per cart. When labor is at $1 per day the expense of a horse is usually about 75 cents ; and that of the cart, including harness, tar, repairs, &c., 25 cents, making the total daily cost per cart $1.25. The expense of the horse is the same on Sundays and on rainy days, as when at work ; and this consideration is included in the 75 cents. Some contractors employ a greater number of drivers, who also help to load the carts, so that the expense is about the same in either case. Example. How many cubic yards of loam, measured in the cut, can be hauled by a horse and cart in a day of 10 working-hours, (600 minutes,) the" lead, or length of haul of earth being 1000 feet, (or 10 lengths of 100 feet,) and what will be the expense to the contractor for hauling, per cubic yard, assuming the total cost of cart, horse, and driver, at|l'25? 600 minutes 600 _ 43 loads Here, - A r c ^ AA ? , TT = 43 loads. And ~ = ' 4 H- 10 lengths of 100 feet, 3 125 cents 14-3 cubic yards. And , ^ ^- = 8'74 cents per cubic yard. In this manner the 2d and 3d columns of the following tables have been calculated. ARTICLE 5. SPREADING, OK LEVELLING OFF THE EARTH INTO REGULAR THIN LAYERS ON THE EMBANKMENT. A bankman will spread from 50 to 100 cubic yards of either common loam, or any of the heavier soils, clays, &c., depending on their dryness. This, at $ 1 per day, is 51 1 to 2 cents per cubic yard ; and we may assume 1 J cents as a fail average for such soils ; while 1 cent will suffice for light sandy soils. This expense for spreading is saved when the earth is either dumped over the end of the embankment, or is wasted ; still, about cent per yard should be allowed in either case for keeping the dumping-places clear and in order. Remark. When removing loose rock, which requires more time foe loading, say, No. of minutes (600) in a working day. _ No. of loads removed 6 + No. of 100-feet lengths of lead. ~ per day, per cart. ARTICLE 6. KEEPING THE CART-ROAD IN GOOD ORDER FOR HAULING. JNo ruts or puddles should be allowed to remain unfilled ; rain should at once be led off by shallow ditches ; and the road be carefully kept in good order ; otherwise the labor of the horses, and the wear of carts, will be very greatly increased. It is usual to allow so much per cubic yard for road repairs ; but we suggest so much per cubic yard, per 100 feet of lead ; say y 1 ^ of a cent. 'ARTICLE 7. WEAR, SHARPENING, AND DEPRECIATION OF PICKS AND SHO- VELS. Experience shows that about J of a cent per cubic yard will cover this item. SUPERINTENDENCE AND WATER-CARRIERS. These expenses will vary with local circumstances ; but we agree with Mr. Morris, that 1 J cents per cubic yard will, under ordinary circumstances, cover both of them. An allowance of about J cent may in justice be added for extra trouble in digging the side-ditches ; levelling off the bottom of the cut to grade ; and general trimming up. In very light cuttings this may be increased to J cent per every yard. At J cent, all the items in this Article amount to 2 cents per cubic yard of cut. ARTICLE 8. PROFIT TO THE CONTRACTOR. This may generally be set down at from 6 to 15 per cent., according to the magnitude of the work, the risks incurred, and various incidental circumstances. Out of this item the contractor generally has to pay clerks, storekeepers, and other agents, as well as the expenses of shantees, &c. ; although these 52 are in most cases repaid by the profits of the stores ; and by the rates of boarding and lodging paid to the contractors by the laborers. AKTICLE 9. A knowledge of the foregoing items enables us to calculate with tolerable accuracy the cost of removing earth. For example, let it be required to ascertain the cost per cubic yard of excavating common loam, measured in place; and of removing it into embankment, with an average haul or lead of 1000 feet ; the wages of laborers being $1 per day of 10 working hours ; a horse 75 cents a day ; and a cart 25 cents. One driver to four carts. Cents. Here we have cost of loosening, say by pick, Art. 2, per cubic yard, say, 2-50 Loading into carts, Art. 3, " " 5-00 Hauling 1000 feet, as calculated previously in example, Art. 4, " 8-72 Spreading into layers, Art. 5, " 1-50 Keeping cart-road in repair, Art. 6, 10 lengths of 100ft., 1-00 Various items in Art. 7 2-00 Total cost to contractor, 20-72 Add contractor's profit, say 10 per cent., . . 2-072 Total cost per cubic yard to the company, . . 22-792 It is easy to construct a table like the following, of costs per cubic yard, for different lengths of lead. Columns 2 and 3 are first obtained by the Rule in Article 4 ; then to each amount in column 3 is added the variable quantity of T \j of a cent for every 100 feet length of lead, for keeping the road in order ; and the constant quan- tity (for any given kind of soil) composed of the prices per cubic yard, for loosening, loading, spreading, or wasting, a EXCLUSIVE OP PROFIT TO EXCLUSIVE OP PROFIT TO ft"3 0^= is CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR. 3 '& >, II P ^rd o p, 's * -o J| I! o "O 2|1 8*3 l?l , 1 1 a! -g^l sal J -d ffl aj |J ft S so 1 &*t S ro S * g a i ft* 02 s *! >3 te Feet. cub. yds. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. 25 47-0 2-66 13-69 12-44 11-99 10-74 16-00 14-75 13-50 12-25 50 44-4 2-81 13-86 12-61 12-16 10-91 16-17 14-92 13-67 12-42 75 42-1 2-97 14-05 12-80 12-35 11-10 16-36 15-11 13-86 12-61 100 40-0 3-12 14-22 12-97 12-52 11-27 16-53 15-28 14-03 12-78 150 36-4 3-43 14-58 13-33 12-88 11-63 16-89 15-64 14-39 13-14 200 33-3 3-75 14-95 13-70 13-25 12-00 17-26 16-01 14-76 13-51 300 28-6 4-37 15-67 14-42 13-97 12-72 17-98 16-73 15-48 14-23 400 25-0 5-00 16-40 15-15 14-70 13-45 18-71 17-46 16-21 14-96 500 22-2 5-63 17-13 15-88 15-43 14-18 19-44 18-19 16-94 15-69 600 20-0 6-25 17-85 16-60 16-15 14-90 20-16 18-91 17-66 16-41 700 18-2 6-87 18-57 17-32 16-87 15-62 20-88 19-63 18-38 17-13 800 16-7 7-48 19-28 18-03 17-58 16-33 21-59 20-34 19-09 17-84 900 15-4 8-12 19-92 18-67 18-22 16-97 22-23 20-98 19-73 18-48 1000 14-3 8-74 20-74 19-49 19-04 17-79 23-05 21-80 20-55 19-30 1100 13-3 9-40 21-50 20-25 19-80 18-55 23-81 22-56 21-31 20-06 1200 12-5 10-0 22-20 20-95 20-50 19-25 24-51 23-26 22-01 20-76 1300 11-8 10-6 22-90 21-65 21-20 19-95 25-21 23-96 22-71 21-46 1400 11-1 11-2 23-60 22-35 21-90 20-65 25-91 24-66 23-41 22-16 1500 10-5 11-9 24-40 23-15 22-70 21-45 26-71 25-46 24-21 22-96 1600 10-0 12-5 25-10 23-85 23-40 22-15 27-41 26-16 24-91 23-66 1700 9-52 13-1 25-80 24-55 24-10 22-85 28-11 26-86 25-61 24-36 1800 9-09 13-7 26-50 25-25 24-80 23-55 28-81 27-56 26-31 25-06 1900 8-70 14-4 27-30 26-05 25-60 24-35 29-61 28-36 27-11 25-86 2000 8-33 15-0 28-00 26-75 26-30 25-05 30-31 29-06 27-81 26-56 2250 7-54 16-6* 29-85 28-60 28-15 26-90 32-16 30-91 29-66 28-41 2500 6-90 18-1 31-60 30-35 29-90 28-65 33-91 32-66 31-41 30-16 mile 6-58 19-0 32-64 31-39 30-94 29-69 34-95 33-70 32-45 31-20 3000 5-88 21-2 35-20 33-95 33-50 32-25 37-51 36-26 35-01 33-76 3250 5-48 22-8 37-05 35-80 35-35 34-10 39-36 38-11 36-86 35-61 3500 5-13 24-3 38-80 37-55 37-10 35-85 41-11 39-86 38-61 37-36 3750 4-82 25-9 40-65 39-40 38-95 37-70 42-96 41-71 40-46 39-21 4000 4-54 27-5 42-50 41-25 40-80 39-55 44-81 43-56 42-31 41-06 4250 4-30 29-1 44-35 43-10 42-65 41-40 46-66 45-41 44-16 42-91 4500 4-08 30-6 46-10 44-85 44-40 43-15 48-41 47-16 45-91 44-66 4750 3-88 32-2 47-95 46-70 46-25 45-00 50-26 49-01 47-76 46-51 5000 3-70 33-8 49-80 48-55 48-10 46-85 52-11 50-86 49-61 48-36 1 mile 3-52 35-5 51-78 50-53 50-08 48-83 54-09 52-84 51-59 50-34 IJm. 2-86 43-8 61-40 60-15 59-70 58-45 63-71 62-46 61-21 59-96 Hm. 2-40 52-1 71-02 69-77 69-32 68-07 73-33 72-08 70-83 69-58 If m. 2-07 60-4 80-64 79-39 78-94 77-69 82-95 81-70 80-45 79-20 2 m. 1-82 68-7 90-26 89-01 88-56 87-31 92-57 91-32 90-07 88-82 54 BY CARTS. LABOR $1 PER DAY, OF 10 WORKING HOURS. a f , i 1 PURE STIFF CLAY, OR LIGHT SANDY SOILS. L 3, A I CEMENTED GRAVEL. i* tl "Si's TOTAL COST PER CUBIC YARD, TOTAL COST PER CUBIC YARD, 5^- g EXCLUSIVE OF PROFIT TO EXCLUSIVE OF PROFIT TO || o-a i a CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR. (CENTS.) O _ *f& * 5" &B 1.2 b If ~ _. .a a Length of the eartl Number o hauled p Cost per cu ing and i Ill 02 I s ! 1 til a"! 1 I 1 ! |ll |lj w I 1 ! Feet. cub. yds. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. 25 47-0 2-66 19-00 17-75 14-50 13-25 11-52 10-77 10-25 9-50 50 44-4 2-81 19-17 17-92 14-67 13-42 11-69 10-94 10-42 9-67 75 42-1 2-97 19-36 18-11 14-86 13-61 11-88 11-13 10-61 9-86 100 40-0 3-12 19-53 18-28 15-03 13-78 12-05 11-30 10-78 10-03 150 36-4 3-43 19-89 18-64 15-39 14-14 12-41 11-66 11-14 10-39 200 33-3 3-75 20-26 19-01 15-76 14-51 12-78 12-03 11-51 10-76 300 28-6 4-37 20-98 19-73 16-48 15-23 13-50 12-75 12-23 11-48 400 25-0 5-00 21-71 20-46 17-21 15-96 14-23 13-48 12-46 12-21 500 22-2 5-63 22-44 21-19 17-94 16-69 14-96 14-21 13-69 12-94 600 20-0 6-25 23-16 21-91 18-66 17-41 15-68 14-93 14-41 13-66 700 18-2 6-87 23-88 22-63 19-38 18-13 16-40 15-65 15-13 14-38 800 16-7 7-48 24-59 23-34 20-09 18-84 17-11 16-36 15-84 15-09 900 15-4 8-12 25-23 23-98 20-73 19-48 17-75 17-00 16-48 15-73 1000 14-3 8-74 26-05 24-80 21-55 20-30 18-57 17-82 17-30 16-55 1100 13-3 9-40 26-81 25-56 22-31 21-06 19-33 18-58 18-06 17-31 1200 12-5 10-0 27-51 26-26 23-01 21-76 20-03 19-28 18-76 18-01 1300 11-8 10-6 28-21 26-96 23-71 22-46 20-73 19-98 19-46 18-71 1400 11-1 11-2 28-91 27-66 24-41 23-16 21-43 20-68 20-16 19-41 1500 10-5 11-9 29-71 28-46 25-21 23-96 22-23 21-48 20-96 20-21 1600 10-0 12-5 30-41 29-16 25-91 24-66 22-93 22-18 21-66 20-91 1700 9-52 13-1 31-11 29-86 26-61 25-36 23-63 22-88 22-36 21-61 1800 9-09 13-7 31-81 30-56 27-31 26-06 24-33 23-58 23-06 22-31 1900 8-70 14-4 32-61 31-36 28-11 26-86 25-13 24-38 23-86 23-11 2000 8-33 15-0 33-31 32-06 28-81 27-56 25-83 25-08 24-56 23-81 2250 7-54 16-6 35-16 33-91 30-66 29-41 27-68 26-93 26-41 25-66 2500 6-90 18-1 36-91 35-66 32-41 31-16 29-43 28-68 28-16 27-41 J mile 6-58 19-0 37-95 36-70 33-45 32-20 30-47 29-72 29-20 28-45 3000 5-88 21-2 40-51 39-26 36-01 34-76 33-03 32-28 31-76 31-01 3250 5-48 22-8 42-36 41-11 37-86 36-61 34-88 34-13 33-61 32-86 3500 5-13 24-3 44-11 42-86 39-61 38-36 36-63 35-88 35-36 34-61 3750 4-82 25-9 45-96 44-71 41-46 40-21 38-48 37-73 37-21 36-46 4000 4-54 27-5 47-81 46-56 43-31 42-06 40-33 39-58 39-06 38-31 4250 4-30 29-1 49-66 48-41 45-16 43-91 42-18 41-45 40-93 40-18 4500 4-08 30-6 51-41 50-16 46-91 45-66 43-93 43-18 42-66 41-91 4750 3-88 32-2 53-26 52-01 48-76 47-51 45-78 45-03 44-51 43-76 5000 3-70 33-8 55-11 53-86 50-61 49-36 47-63 46-88 46-36 45-61 Imile 3-52 35-5 57-09 55-84 52-59 51-34 49-61 48-86 48-34 47-59 1} m. 2-86 43-8 66-91 65-46 62-21 60-96 59-23 58-48 57-96 57-21 H m. 2-40 52-1 76-33 .75-08 71-83 70-58 68-85 68-10 67-58 66-83 Ifm. 2-07 60-4 85-95 84-70 81-45 80-20 78-47 77-72 77-20 76-45 2 m. 1-82 68-7 95-57 94-32 91-07 89-82 88-09 87-34 86-82 86-07 55 ARTICLE 10. B*/ WHEELBARROWS. The cost by barrows may be estimated in tlifi same manner as by carts. See Articles 1, &c. Men in wheeling move at about the same average rate as horses do in hauling, that is, 2J miles an hour, or 200 feet per minute,. or 1 minute per every 100- feet length of lead. The time occupied in loading, emptying, &c. (when, as is usual, the wheeler loads his own barrow,) is about 1*25 minutes, without regard to length of lead; beside which, the time lost in occasional short rests, in adjusting the wheeling-plank, and in other incidental causes, amounts to about T 'o part of his whole time ; so that we must in practice consider him as actually working but 9 hours out of his 10 working ones, at the rate of 2*25 minutes per 100 feet of lead. To find, then, the number of barrow-loads which he can remove in a day, multiply the number of minutes (600) in a working day by *9 ; and divide the product by the sum of 1*25, added to the number of 100-feet lengths in the lead ; that is, The number of minutes in a working day X -9 _ the number of trips or of loads 1-25 -f the number of 100-feet lengths of lead ~ removed per day per barrow. See Remark below. The number of loads divided by 14 will give the number of cubic yards, since a cubic yard, measured in place, averages about 14 loads. And the cost of a wheeler and barrow per day, (say $ 1 per man, and 5 cents per barrow,) divided by the number of cubic yards, will give the cost per yard for loading, wheeling, and emptying. Example. How many cubic yards of common loam, measured in place, will one man load, wheel, and empty, per day of 10 working hours (or 600 minutes) ; the lead, or distance to which the earth is removed being 1000 feet (or 10 lengths of 100 feet); and what will be the expense per yard, supposing the laborer and barrow to cost $1.05 per day? 600 minutes X -9 540 Iere > 1-25 + 10 lengths = IF26 = 48 tri P S > r loads P er da ?' And = 3-43 cubic yards per day. And -^^ -, = = 30'6 cts. 3*43 cub. yds. per cubic yard for loading, wheeling away, emptying, and returning. This would be increased almost inappreciably by the cost of the shovel, which, in the following tables, however, is included in the cost of tools. Remark. For rock, which requires more time for loading, say No. of minutes in a working day X -9 = No. of loads removed 1'6 + No. of 100-feet lengths of lead per day, per barrow 56 ARTICLE 11. The following tables are calculated as in the case of carts, by first finding columns 2 and 3 by means of the Rule in Article 4, and then adding to each sum in column 3, the variable quantity of -1 of a cent per cubic yard per 100 feet of lead for keeping the wheeling-planks in order; and the prices of loosening, spreading, superintendence, water-carrying, &c., per cubic yard, as given in the preceding Articles 2 to 7. BY WHEELBARROWS. LABOR $1 PER DAY, OF 10 WORKING HOURS. '2 i* i COMMON LOAM. STRONG, HEAVY SOILS. ^ at if JS I* II TOTAL COST PER CUBIC YARD, TOTAL COST PER CUBIC YARD, .s _ .S-s EXCLUSIVE OP PROFIT TO EXCLUSIVE OP PROFIT TO ll .2-S CONTRACTOR. (CENTS.) CONTRACTOR. (CENTS.) c"^ " ^ n2 51 Jl| II 1 1 TS * ,fl -0 4s 111 w ' ||| 111 g|| 111 Ill 111 fcC'O o3 g-sf O "3 "S * 73 a g 1-oJ I/L Ill I'sl lha! Ihji Sit & ft "g fl| So! J 5 Mi I* ! 8 f rl S 02* n .2*0, PM 02 s 08 ! Feet. cub. yds. ots. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. cts. 25 25-7 4-09 14-62 13-37 10-12 8-87 8-79 8-04 7.52 6-77 50 22-1 4-75 15-30 14-05 10-80 9-55 9-47 8-72 8-20 7-45 75 19-3 5-44 16-02 14-77 11-52 10-27 10-19 9-44 8-92 8-17 100 17-1 6-14 16-74 15-49 12-24 10-99 10-91 10-16 9-64 8-89 150 14-0 7-50 18-15 16-90 13-65 12-40 12-32 11-57 11-05 10-30 200 11-9 8-82 19-52 18-27 15-02 13-77 13-69 12-94 12-42 11-67 250 10-3 10-2 20-95 19-70 16-45 15-20 15-12 14-37 13-85 13-10 300 9-07 11-6 22-40 21-15 17-90 16-65 16-57 15-82 15-30 14-55 350 8-14 12-9 23-75 22-50 19-25 18-00 17-92 17-17 16-65 15-90 400 7-36 14-3 25-20 23-95 20-70 19-45 19-37 18-62 18-10 17-35 450 6-71 15-6 26-55 25-30 22-05 20-80 20-72 19-97 19-45 18-70 500 6-17 17-0 28-00 26-75 23-50 22-25 22-17 21-42 20-90 20-15 600 5-32 19-7 30-80 29-55 26-30 25-05 24-97 24-22 23-70 22-95 700 4-67 22-5 33-70 32-45 29-20 27-95 27-87 27-12 26-60 25-85 800 4-17 25-2 36-50 35-25 32-00 30-75 30-67 29-92 29-40 28-65 900 3-76 27-9 39-30 38-05 34-80 33-55 33-47 32-72 32-20 31-45 1000 3-43 30-6 42-10 40-85 37-60 36-35 36-27 35-52 35-00 34-25 1200 2-91 36-1 47-80 46-55 43-30 42-05 41-97 41-22 40-70 39-90 1400 2-53 41-5 53-40 52-15 48-90 47-65 47-57 46-82 46-30 45-55 1600 2-24 46-9 59-00 57-75 54-50 53-25 53-17 52-42 51-90 51-15 1800 2-00 52-5 64-80 63-55 60-30 59-05 58-97 58-22 57-70 56-95 2000 1-81 58-0 70-50 69-25 66-00 64-75 64-67 63-92 63-40 62-65 2200 1-66 63-3 76-00 74-75 71-50 70-25 70-17 69-42 68-90 68-15 2400 1-53 68-6 81-50 80-25 77-00 75-75 75-67 74-92 74-40 73-65 J mile 1-39 75-5 88-64 87-39 84-14 82-89 82-81 82-06 81-54 80-79 58 ARTICLE 14. REMOVING KOCK EXCAVATION BY WHEELBARROWS. A cubic yard of hard rock, in place, or before being blasted, will weigh about 1*8 tons, if sandstone or conglomerate (150 Ibs. per cubic foot); or 2 tons if good compact granite, gneiss, limestone, or marble (168 Ibs. per cubic foot). So that, near enough for practice in the case before us, we may assume the weight of any of them to be about 1*9 tons, or 4256 Ibs. per cubic yard, in place; or 158 Ibs. per cubic foot. Now, a solid cubic yard of any of these, when broken up by blast- ing for removal by Avheelbarrows or carts, will occupy a space of about 1*8, or If cubic yards; whereas average earth, when loosened, swells to but about 1*2, or 1^ of its original bulk in place; although, after being made into embankment, it eventually shrinks into less than its original bulk. In estimating for earth, it is assumed that 1 1 1 cubic yard, in place, is a fair load for a wheelbarrow. Such a cubic yard 2430 will weigh on an average 2430 Ibs., or 1*09 tons; therefore, ~r^ 174 Ibs., is the weight of a barrow-load, of 2'31 cubic feet of loose earth. Assuming that a barrow of loose rock should weigh about the same as one of earth, we may take it at ^ of a cubic yard ; which gives ~04~ 177 Ibs. per load of loose rock, occupying 2 cubic feet of space. In the following table, columns 2 and 3 are prepared on the same principle as for earth, as directed in Article 4. Column 4 is made up by adding to each amount in column 3, '2 of a cent for each 100 feet length of lead, for keeping the wheeling-planks in order ; and 45 cents per cubic yard, in place, as the actual cost for loosening, including tools, drilling, powder, &c. ; as well as moderate drainage, and every ordinary contingency not embraced in column 3. Contractor's profits, of course, are not here included. Ample experience shows that when labor is at $1 per day, the fore- going 45 cents per cubic yard, in place, is a sufficiently liberal allow- ance for loosening hard rock under all ordinary circumstances. In practice it will generally range between 30 and 60 cents ; depending on the position of the strata, hardness, toughness, water, and other considerations. Soft shales, and other allied rocks, may frequently be loosened by pick and plough, as low as 15 to 20 cents; while, on the other hand, shallow cuttings of very tough rock, with an unfavorable position of strata, especially in the bottoms of excavations, may cost $1, or even considerably more. These, however, are exceptional cases, of comparatively rare occurrence. The quarrying of average hard rock requires about J to J Ib. of powder per cubic yard, in place ; but the nature of the rock, the position of the strata, &c., may increase 59 it to J lb., or more. Soft rock frequently requires more powder than hard. A good churn-driller will drill from 8 to 12 feet in depth, of holes about 2J feet deep, and 2 inches diameter, per day, in average hard rock, at from 12 to 18 cents per foot. Drillers receive higher wages than common laborers. HARD ROCK, BY WHEELBARROWS. Labor $lper day of 10 working hours. 41 1&i Ml. 1. || flU m fei a* *! ! Ill 3 S &j c8 O pi ^"-.5 -2 Sag i 1*1 in |.l K a 111 o'S o 3 "S <3 ti a o <8 jS X! ^ fl ^ {A til I.SP, }i pi j;* j*i * J bi) lg Hi j.i Feet. cubic yds. cents. cents. Feet. cubic yds. cents. cents. 25 12-2 8-64 53-7 600 2-96 35-5 81-7 50 10-7 9-81 54-9 700 2-62 40-1 86-5 75 9-58 11-0 56-2 800 2-34 44-8 91-4 100 8-66 12-1 57-3 900 2-12 49-5 96-3 150 7-26 14-5 59-8 1000 1-94 54-1 101-1 200 6-25 16-8 62-2 1200 1-65 63-6 115-0 250 5-49 19-1 64-6 1400 1-44 72-9 120-7 300 4-89 21-5 67-1 1600 1-28 82-2 130-4 350 4-41 23-8 69-5 1800 1-15 91-5 140-1 400 4-02 26-1 71-9 2000 1-04 100-8 149-8 450 3-69 28-5 74-4 2200 953 110-2 159-6 500 3-41 30-8 76-8 2400 879 119-5 169-3 j ARTICLE 15. REMOVING ROCK EXCAVATION BY CARTS. A cart-load of rock may be taken at | of a cubic yard, in place. This will weigh, on an average, 851 Ibs. ; or but 41 Ibs. more than a cart-load of average soil. Since the cart itself will weigh about J a ton, the total loads are very nearly equal in both cases. Columns 2 and 3 of the follow- ing table are prepared on the same principle as for earth, as directed in Article 4. Column 4 is made up by adding to each amount in column 3, the following items. For blasting, (and for everything except those in column 3 ; loading, and repairs of cart-road,) 45 cents per cubic yard, in place ; for loading, 8 cents, per cubic yard, in place ; and for repairs of road, *2, or ^ of a cent for each 100-feet length of lead. Contractor's profit not included. 60 HARD ROCK, BY CARTS. Labor $1 per day, of 10 working hours. 41 41 :-! R- AS -c ** P 51 o ^ P 9l Length of lead, or tance to which rock is hauled. Number of cubic y< in place, hauled day, by each cart. \> Cost per cubic yan place, for hauling, emptying. 1 Total cost per cubic ? in place, exclusiv profit to contractc Length of lead, or tance to which rock is hauled. Number of cubic yt in place, hauled day, by each cart. Cost per cubic yan place, for hauling, emptying. Total cost per cubic 5 in place, exclusiv profit to contractc Feet. cubic yds. cents. cents Feet. cubic yds. cents. cents. 25 19-2 6-51 59-6 1800 5-00 25-0 81-6 50 18-5 6-77 59-9 1900 4-80 26-0 82-8 75 17-8 7-03 60-2 2000 4-62 27-1 84-1 100 17-1 7-29 60-5 . 2250 4-21 29-7 87-2 150 16-0 7-81 61-1 2500 3-87 32-3 90-3 200 15-0 8-33 61-7 mile 3-70 33-7 92-0 300 13-3 9-37 63-0 3000 3-33 37-5 96-5 400 12-0 10-4 64-2 3250 3-12 40-1 99-6 500 10-9 11-5 65-5 3500 2-92 42-8 102-8 600 10-0 12-5 66-7 3750 2-76 45-3 105-8 700 9-23 13-6 68-0 4000 2-61 47-9 108-9 800 8-57 14-6 69-2 4250 2-47 50-6 112-1 900 8-00 15-6 70-4 4500 2-35 53-2 115-2 3000 7-50 16-7 71-7 4750 2-24 55-8 118-3 noo 7-06 17-7 72-9 5000 2-14 58-4 121-4 1200 6-67 18-7 74-1 1 mile 2-04 61-2 124-8 1300 6-32 19-8 75-4 H ' 1-67 75-0 141-2 1400 6-00 20-8 76-6 l| 1-41 88-8 157-6 1500 5-71 21-9 77-9 If ' 1-22 102-5 174-0 1600 6-45 22-9 79-1 2 1-08 116-3 190-4 1700 5-22 24-0 80-4 2* ' 962 130-0 206-8 What is called " loose rock " will cost about 30 cts. per yard less than the prices in the last two tables ; and even solid rock will average about 10 cts. per yard less than the tabular prices, at the foregoing rates of labor ; the difference in both cases being in the item of loosen- ing alone. 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