IC-NRLF 3fl7 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND AGRICULTURE, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF NEW SOUTH WALES,. E. F. PITTMAN, A.R.S.M., GOVERNMENT GEOLOGIST. HANDBOOK TO THE INING AND GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM, SYDNEY. GEORGE W. CARD, A.R.S.M., F.G.S., CURATOR AND MINEKALOGIST. ITH SPECIAL REFERENCES TO THE MINERALOGICAL COLLECTIONS SYDNEY WILLIAM APPLEGATE GULLICK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER *76014 A 19 02. [W.] NEW SOUTH WALES. DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND AGRICULTURE, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF\J^EW SOUTH WALES. E. F. PITTMAN, A.R.S.M., GOVERNMENT GEOLOGIST. HANDBOOK TO THE MINING AND GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM, SYDNEY. IJY GEORGE W. CARD, A.R.S.M., F.G.S., CURATOR AND MINERALOGIST. WITH SPECIAL REFERENCES TO THE 1YIINERALOGICAL COLLECTIONS SYDNEY WILLIAM APPLEGATE GULLTCK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER: *76014 A 19 2 . re*.] LETTER OF TEANSMITTAL. Geological Survey Branch, Department of Mines, Sydney, 9 January, 1902. Sir, I have the honor to submit for publication a " Handbook to the Mining and Geological Museum," prepared by Mr. George W. Card, A.R.S.M., F.G.S., Mineralogist and Curator. The collection of rocks, fossils, and minerals for the Geological 1 Survey Museum was started in the year 1875 by the late Mr. C. S. Wilkinson, Geological Surv 7 eyor-in-charge, and rapidly increased in magnitude after the appointment of the Geological Survey Staff in the year 1878. In 1879 the collection contained 14,720 specimens, and towards the latter end of the same year it was largely increased by the addition of the late Rev. W. B. Clarke's private collection, which, together with his library, was purchased by the Government. On the closing of the Sydney Exhibition in 1880, the Geo- logical Survey Museum was installed in the " Garden Palace," or Exhibition Building, a large wooden structure in the Inner Domain, but unfortunately, on the 22nd September, 1882, this edifice was totally destroyed by fire, and thus an exceedingly valuable collection, numbering upwards of 50,000 specimens, was lost. The work of renewing the collection was at once proceeded with by the late Mr. Wilkinson, and has been zealously continued ever since. The Museum now contains a valuable and representa- tive collection of the rocks, minerals, and fossils of New South Wales, and is of considerable use to students of geology and others who take an interest in the mineral resources of the State. M835577 The chief requirement at present is a good Museum building the one now in use being of a temporary character, and very unsuitable for the display of such valuable specimens. Moreover until a more modern structure is provided there will always be a risk of the collection being lost a second time through fire. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, E. F. PITTMAN, Government Geologist The Under Secretary for Mines, Sydney. INTRODUCTION. Tins Handbook has been prepared primarily in the hope that it may be useful to persons visiting the Mining and Geological Museum. It deals principally with the inineralogical collections and ore occurrences ; separate publications, dealing in detail with the rocks and fossils, are in preparation. While not containing much that is new, the collections described are so comprehensive that this work will perhaps prove of some assistance to students desiring to obtain a know- ledge of the Mineralogy of New South Wales. Explanatory Notes are scattered through the text, but the frequent custom of including a few chapters on Mineralogy and Crystallography has not been followed. This information can be much better obtained from the admirable little text-books that are now everywhere procurable. CONTENTS. PAGE. PLAN OF MUSEUM To face 11 HISTORY AND OBJECTS 11 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 MINERALS OF ECONOMIC VALUE ; NEW SOUTH WALES : Gemstoncs ... ... ... ,.. ... ... ... ... 15 Platinoid Metals ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 Mercury.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ' ... ... 23 Gold 25 Silver ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 45 Lead 54 Copper ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 59 Tin 6(5 Iron 73 Arsenic ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 79 Antimony ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 Zinc ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ; .. 82 Cobalt 83 Bismuth 84 Molybdenum, Manganese ... ... ... ... ... ... 87 Chromium ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 88 Tungsten ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 89 Tellurium 91 Titanium, Vanadium, Sulphur, Selenium ... ... .., ... 92 Cerium Group, Boghead Mineral ... ... ... ... ... 93 Coal 94 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 95 Building Stones 97 MINERALS or ECONOMIC VALUE; OTHER LOCALITIES 100 ROCK-FORMING MINERALS 137 METEORITES ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 161 LODE AND BLOCK SPECIMENS 163 GLACIAL GEOLOGY 167 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 169 ROCKS... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 175 TABLE OF STRATA ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 178 STRATIGRAPHICAL SERIES ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 179 GEOLOGY OF SYDNEY 182 APPENDICES : Student's Cases 190 Glossary 195 INDEX TO MINERALS ... ... ... ... ... 198 LIST OF PLATES. TO FACE: PAGE Plate I. Internal View of the Museum ... ... ... ... 11 Plate II. Crystallised Cerussite 49 Plate III. Crystallised Pyromorphite 62 Plate IV. Crystallised Pyrite M ... 71 Plate V. Calamine Encrusting Stalactites of Cerussite ... ... 76 Plate VI. Doubly-terminated Quartz Crystal 132 Plate VII. Coal rendered prismatic by an intruding tongue of Igneous Rock ... ... ... ... ... ,.. 166 Plate VIII Granite Intruding Diorite 167 Plate IX. Specimens showing contortion ... ... ... ... 168 PLAN OF THE MINING AND GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM. NO WORK RTH. -ROOMS. LU LL Carbfyiferout. Permd - Carboriifepous 1 OUTER DOMAIN. CO tt i on 1 Carion/-a* c CO f 1 D 13 o 9) ft 1 4 ' 39 140 (5 Platim '48 1 e.. u. 49 ".ri^T'T^ on. 78 N. S. WALES SIDE. FORE ON SIDE. Gold. SO ofc.5l D fy. 75 ; M 8O ^ 15 8 N H M N -^ u> Ovid. 52 tNi. |4| i, a | o 6 fft | ffil 142- 1 l43 1 >^4 Jf 8. Wales Rockt. H7 1 |5 1 145 L33BEll rt gai | r^r. j 3(, W f--.2 Slrticflii-w.113 ? ! \2J 12.6 ,Z5 || ,w 3yp.-rf Soekt. U5 i c ""*7i n^i 34 33 |i| |iie ^,|r/.JV4*r n& BuiUiny Stona. 131 130 1 n N t M vl 119 Tfyica ^}** '21 5 1 1 IBS g ll' 35 1 U2 Metallurgical. 'M 32 31 30 29 OMKJ OwhnM. | Stud** r i v yJZ)u!ricf. |r*| Jfewzow | JfeMMie. | jtfwwo.c. SOUTH, Photo-lithographed by W. A. Cullick, Government Printer, Sydney, N.S.W. HISTORY AND OBJECTS OF THE MINING AND GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM. THE Mining and Geological Museum has been practically History, co-existent with the Department of Mines. The charge of the Museum is one of the duties of the Mineralogist attached to the Geological Survey, who is responsible to the Government Geologist. The Museum is open, free, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on every day of the year, other than Sundays, Christmas Day, and Good Friday. The institution first occupied premises in Young-street, Sydney, and was opened to the public on 6th March, 1876. In. 1881 the collections were removed to the Exhibition Buildings in the Inner Domain, and, when just ready for opening, were- entirely consumed in the Garden Palace fire on September 22 r 1882. Some fifty thousand specimens, including most of the Rev. W. B. Clarke's invaluable collections, library, and manuscripts r were lost. A small temporary structure having been erected at the back of the Geological Survey offices, 233, Macquarie-street,. the nucleus of a new collection was got together and opened to the public in 1886. Up to this time, and till the end of 1892,. the Museum was under the care of Mr. J. E. Carne, P.G.S., to whose enthusiasm much of the success of the institution is- due. In 1893 an opportunity of obtaining the more commodious premises now occupied was afforded by the removal of the Technological Museum collections from the galvanized-iron build- ing, formerly used in connection with the Sydney Exhibition,, situated in the Inner Domain, at the back of the Sydney Hospital. The accommodation provided is, however, still in- adequate. An area of about 5750 square feet was partitioned off for a Public Museum, the remainder of the building being required for work-rooms. The Museum was opened in May, 1894, by the Hon. T. Slattery, then Minister for Mines. Most of the collections are now registered, classified and neatly if temporarily labelled. 12 Objects. The purpose the Museum is intended to serve is a very distinct one quite different from the functions of any other institution in Sydney. Primarily, the object is to illustrate the geology and mineral deposits of New South "Wales ; secondarily, to exhibit for comparison specimens bearing upon special ore-occurrences in other parts of the world. It may thus be compared with such institutions as the Museum of Practical Geology, London ; the Mining Bureau Museum, San Prancisco ; the Canadian Museum, Ottawa ; the Calcutta Museum ; the Museum of the Chamber of Mines, Johannesburg ; and others. A separate collection to illustrate Economic Geology on an extensive scale is now being undertaken by the Geological Survey of the United States, in connection with the National Museum, Washington. General The central floor-space is occupied by the general collection Arrangement. of meta ]ij c ores . those from New South Wales being arranged from right to left on the western, and those from other places arranged from left to right on the eastern, side of the building. The rock-forming minerals, whether from New South Wales or other localities, are placed together, immediately following the ores on the foreign side. The magnificent collection of fossils ranges round the building in stratigraphical order, beginning with the oldest. At the lower end of the room, in upright cases, are the building stones and lode, and other specimens of large size. The ores which constitute the bulk of the collections are classified according to their metallic contents, the order being, in general, that followed in Eutley's Text-book.* An attempt is made to fully illustrate the mode of occurrence of the ores of the .different metals, and the structure of each important mining district, by means of typical specimens of country-rock, ore, and associated minerals from different levels. The ores of any given metal are arranged geographically. From this it follows that a very subordinate position is assigned to chemical composition. By consistently following this plan, it is hoped to make the Museum of great value to the mining community. f * Elements of Mineralogy, price two shillings. t Difficulty is sometimes experienced in obtaining- suitable material, as it is not readily understood that what is wanted is not so much picked specimens, or those that are con- sidered oddities, as the ordinary ores, rocks, &c., which there is a tendency to neglect because they are common. < 13 The geographical method will also be adhered to in arranging and describing the igneous rocks. For instance, all the rocks intrusive in the Hawkesbury series, and those characterising the New England tableland, will respectively be placed together, without regard to their classification as objects. The sedimentary rocks, like the fossils, are arranged according to their geological age. The provision made for the special requirements of students is Stidentsu at present limited. In two cases (33, 34), immediately to the right of the entrance, will be found specially arranged collections of minerals and of fossils respectively. The physical properties of minerals, such as streak, hardness, form, &c., are illustrated by carefully chosen specimens ; while the possibility of identi- fying certain minerals, such as quartz, garnet, &c., by their crystalline form is similarly demonstrated.* No attempt is made to deal with Crystallography. The fossils comprise only those forms that are characteristic of the Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales, and are intended especially for mine managers and others who desire to recognise the fossiliferous formations they are working in without concerning themselves with zoological classification. f There is, further, at the disposal of students a series of typical minerals, rocks, and fossils, the first-mentioned following the order of Eutley's Text-book. To use these a student is required to make personal application for an admission ticket, on showing which the specimens can be freely examined and handled in the private portions of the building. It is hoped that the privilege will be acceptable to those who are not able to attend classes. A beginning has been made with a collection of photographs Geological illustrating the geology and mineralogy of the State. Dupli- cates of many of these have been mounted in a large album near the door, and others specially selected have been enlarged and framed. Enlargements are hung on the w r alls. * Copies of t,hc descriptive labels used will be found at the end of thi* Handbook. f A list of the fossils selected will be found at the end of this Handbook. MINEBALS OF ECONOMIC VALUE, NEW SOUTH WALES. GEMSTONES. [NOTE. The collection of gemstones is by no means a satisfactory one, partly due to the Museum having suffered heavily from burglary.] Crystallised carbon : As is well known, the diamond is charac- Case 49, terised by its great hardness (H=10) and brilliancy. Crystals Diamond, are characterise:! by curved faces. The most common crystalline form is that of an octahedron, on the faces of which low three- sided or six-sided pyramids are frequently built.* The diamond sinks in heavy liquids. t Diamond Crystals. Diamonds have been found in numerous alluvial deposits in New South Wales, but in the vicinity of Bingera and of Inverell alone have the deposits as yet proved of any commercial im- portance. The stones are small in size, but of great hardness. 7363, 2291, 2292, respectively from Koimd Mount and Boggy Camp, Inverell, show diamonds still embedded in the alluvial washdirt. * Clear quartz crystals are not infrequently mistaken for diamonds ; their crystalline form is, however, so very different (page 132) that the distinction between them is easy. Moreover, quartz floats in heavy liquids. t Heavy Liquids. A. number of liquids can be obtained of such a density as to permit certain minerals to float, in the same way as wood does in water ; while others sink by reason of their greater density. This affords a most valuable means of distinguishing many minerals. Two of these heavy liquids that can be procured without difficulty, and used without risk, may be mentioned, viz., boro-tungstate of cadmium (known as Klein's Solu- tion), and methylene iodide. Hornblende will float in either of these when the density is near its maximum. 16 The numerous samples of diamantiferous wash are of interest. 9163, 7653, 9250, and others, represent the pebbles associated with the diamond. They comprise sapphire, topaz, zircon, quartz (often jasperoid), and, in particular, a description of black tourmaline, known as the pencil variety from its elongated form. This is well shown in 9163. Like gold- and tin- bearing leads, the diamantiferous wash may be overlain by a flow of basalt. 7715, a cavernous basalt con- taining caleite, is such a flow from the Bingera field.* 9250, near Bendemeer: a twin crystal. 7318 : A small greenish stone from near Gunning. 2128: Wash from near Mittagong, where a few stones were found, some years ago, in a small area of alluvial wawh overlying the Hawkesbury Formation. The original source of the diamonds found in the alluvial deposits of New South Wales, as in the case of the Indian and Brazilian fields, is not certainly known ; but a recent discovery of eclogite at Euby Hill, Bingera, appears to indicate the possibility of this crystalline rock having been the parent-rock there, as is believed to be the case in South Africa. It is probable that, were the true home of the d-amond to be traced, the stones might be very sparsely scattered through it. The occurrence in rocks of igneous origin at Kimberley and the possi- bility of artificially preparing diamonds throw much light as to their probable origin. The Kimberley occurrence is described on page 101. The following notes on the artificial preparation of diamonds will be of interest : A French chemist, M. Moissan, considering that enormous pressiire would assist the crystallisation of carbon, made use of the property possessed bv molten iron of expanding when it solidifies, f Moissan tilled a very strong steel cj'linder with molten cast-iron, and her- metically sealed it. JS T ot being able to burst the cylinder, the expansive force of the solidifying iron squeezed the molecules closer together, and compelled some of the carbon which is always present in cast-iron to crystallise. On dissolving away the surrounding metal with powerful acids, minute diamonds were found among the residues. A German chemist has produced diamonds by simply stirring molten oiimne a mineral found in mauy igneous rocks with a rod of carbon. * There is no analogy, as is sometimes imagined, between this basilt cover and the igneous rock constituting the matrix of the Kimberley Diamond Field. (See pag-e 101.) f Water has the same property. An old experiment was to fill a bomb wirh water, pJujj up the openinsr, and pace it in a freezing mixture; in freezing-, the water expands, expelling- the plag, or even birsting the bomb. 17 Oxide of aluminium, A1 2 3 .* Sapphires are common enough Case 49. in certain river-drifts in .New England and elsewhere, where it is associated with zircon, topaz, &c , but it is seldom that stones suitable for jewellery are found. Several cut stones are exhi- bited. Next to the diamond, oxide of aluminium is the hardest substance found in Nature (H = 8). The density is high (specific gravity about 4), so that it quickly sinks in heavy liquids. (See page 15.) Occasionally pebbles will be found showing some- thing of the original crystalline form a six-sided double pyramid when perfect, breaking by transverse cleavage into six- sided plates. A crystal of sapphire from Tumbarumba, showing a flat termination, will be found in Students' case 33. Silicate of zirconia : The gemstoiies hyacinth and jargoon are Zircon, varieties of zircon. It is a hard mineral (H=7'5) of high density, with a lustre so brilliant that, when colourless, it may easily be mistaken for the diamond. It varies in colour from red- brown to colourless, but the colour is permanently destroyed by heating ; a tray of stones thus rendered colourless is exhibited. Owing to its high density (nearly twice that of quartz) it cannot be readily separated from gold by panning, so that the gold in zircon sand cannot be freed by concentration. Zircon is common in many drift deposits. (See page 22.) When good crystals are found they can be readily recognised by their square sections (7635). Most commonly, however, zircon occurs as rounded grains. Simple crystal of Zircon. Prism wuh pyramid. * Oxide of aluminium, or alumina, in its common massive form, is known as corundum. (See page 154, and show case 99.) 18 Case 49. Topaz. Silicate of alumina with fluoride of silicon : one of tlie few minerals that contain fluorine. "When perfectly transparent, as it frequently is, topaz is a useful gemstone. It is very hard (H=8) scratching glass with ease. While generally colourless (9219) or of a yellowish tint, topaz is sometimes blue (8029 and others) or pink. As pebbles, it is common in many river-drifts, particularly those of New England (2317, 8029). The pebbles very much resemble quartz, but can be distinguished () by splitting with perfectly even cleavage-flakes ; crystals purposely cleaved by tapping with a hammer are placed here. (V) by greater density, topaz sinking rapidly in heavy liquids (see page 9.) Crystals of topaz are not uncommon, and can be readily recog- nised by their characteristic form (9219, and a blue crystal, the faces of which have been marked with their crystallographic symbols). 2380, a large blue crystal from New England, shows the terminal faces of topaz well. Like beryl, tourmaline, fluor, and tinstone, topaz generally originates in granitic rocks, and is frequently associated with those minerals. 9082 and others, from the Emmaville emerald mine, illustrate this. A few cut stones are exhibited. Crystals of Topaz. 19 Hydrated phosphate of alumina: Thin veins of turquoise occur Case 49, in an indurated slate near Bodalla. 5782 shows the mode of Turquoise, occurrence in veins. The deposit has not as yet proved o commercial value. For turquoise from Victoria and Queensland, see case 78; and for other phosphates of alumina, case 102. The gem variety of beryl : Silicate of alumina and berylla. Emerald. For beryl in general, see case 100. This mineral contains the rare element glucinium (beryllium). It is frequently associated with tinstone in New England (7949, 1988, 1616, 7937, 5355, in case 64), especially from The Gulf. It is one of the minerals (see above under Topaz) frequently found in granite. Emmaville is the only locality in New South Wales where emeralds of marketable quality have been found. The cut stones exhibited represent some of the best. It will be seen that the colour is rather pale. The mode of occurrence in granite is well shown by 6918, 2122, 2130. The granite consists of cream-coloured felspar, with quartz, black mica, and tinstone, and contaius well-formed emerald crystals embedded in it pro- miscuously. The six-sided prisms of beryl are very characteristic. 2122 shows several such, both .longitudinally and in transverse section. Beryl is harder than quartz (H=nearly 8) and will therefore scratch glass readily. The density is low, but it will generally sink in heavy liquids (see page 15) diluted so as to just permit quartz to float. Beryl never has the pyramidal terminations of quartz. A large block, showing several emeralds in situ, will be found in case 128. Simple crystal of Berjl. Prism with basal plane. 20 PRECIOUS OPAL. Case 48. PBECIOTJS OPAL is obtained in considerable quantities, some of the very finest quality, at While Cliffs, to the north-north-west of Wilcannia. The opal is found in sedimentary rocks of Upper Cretaceous age. The district is covered by several feet of drift material, so that there are no surface indications of the existence of opal. The opal occurs in small pipes, veins, &c. The exhibit is intended to illustrate the manner in which the opal occurs ; and, although a number of cut stones are exhibited, there are none of very fine quality. 10110 ; Veins in ironstone. The opal is frequently found replacing fossil organisms. Of these the following are noteworthy : 10117, crinoid stems. 6299 and others, bivalve shells. 6288, reptilian vertebras. 10113, Irlemnites. 1331, 10112, and others, silicified wood more or less opalised. The Cretaceous strata contain boulders of Devonian quartzite. These boulders are sometimes more or less opalised see 9127 and others, and, in particular, 5800 in which, the opalisation has only invaded the boulder to a moderate depth. From such specimens as these it is very evident that the opal has been produced by deposition fi om water. 3934. Beautiful polished slabs of opalieecl sandstone, in which sections of bivalve shells are very clearly seen. In case 128, near the entrance, will be found a block of opal matrix showing wood and shells replaced by opal. Abercromlie District, Ballina, at Eocky Bridge Creek. In the Abercrombie District and at Ballina precious opal has been found as amygdales in basalt, the original vesicular cavities having been filled up by opal deposited by water (2637, 5394 and 10126). 21 PLATINOID METALS. The principal tnetals of the platinum group are platinum itself, Case 48. iridium, and osmium, the two latter being frequently found together forming the alloy osmiriiiium or iridosmine. Practically they are only found in alluvial deposits. Platinum fuses at exceedingly high temperature only, and is unattacked by most acids. It is, in consequence, largely used in the form of wire, foil, and crucibles for chemical purposes.* Another important use of platinum is in the preparation of the platinotype papers used in photography. Iridium and osmiriJium are used in the manufacture of incandescent mantles and, in the form of grains, for tipping certain pens. A minute quantity is obtained from gold bullion at the Eoyal Mint (5930). The grains are steely in colour and generally flaky in nature. While platinum can be dissolved in aqua regia (a mixture of one part of concentrated nitric acid with four of hydrochloric), iridium and osrniridium are quite insoluble. 9367 consists of iridium grains, and is believed to have come from the Macleay River. Platinum has been found in certain deposits ironstone and the decomposed rocks beneath them near Broken Hill. Assays Platinum, give very varying results, but 2 oz. per ton have been obtained. There is at present no prospect of successfully working the material. Specimens are exhibited. Beacli Sands. On both the Australian and American coasts of the Pacific, the beach sands are sometimes found to carry gold and platinum. Eor convenience, specimens of such sands from New South Wales, although in reality worked for gold, are placed here. It is on the Northern beaches only, and more * The high price of platinum articles has given rise to the wide-spread fallacy that crude platinum is more valuable iha/i gold, no allowance being made for the treatment that has to be undergone befor ' it is converted into a commercial product. While gold is found in a state of comparative purity, requiring fluxing only to free it from gangue, or alloyed with silver from which it can be readily separated, crude platinum, as will be seen by reference to the analysis given with 5369 (page 23), ii alloyed with iron, osmium, iridium, and other substances winch have to be separated from it. Moreover, while the value of fine gold remains fixed at eighty-four shillings per ounce troy, that of platinum fluctuates, and can be controlled to some extent by interested p.-.rtits. 22 Case 48. particularly near the mouth of the Richmond River, that profit- able workings have been carried on, operations being, as a rule, confined to patches of sand that have been naturally concentrated by the sea. In addition to quartz which can be readily removed the sands contain zircon in abundance, and some- times tin-stone, both of which minerals are considerably denser than quartz, and cannot be readily separated from gold by washing. After concentrating the sand as much as possible, the miner saves most of the gold by means of quicksilver, leaving the platinum, tin-stone, zircon, and some of the gold in the concentrates. The samples of sand exhibited are all concen- trates, quartz having been removed by washing. It will be noticed that the assay value of these concentrates varies much. The character of the gold and platinum can be judged from 4069, the metals occurring as very minute flattened discs. It will be readily understood how difficult it would be to save this material by mechanical processes such as washing. Quite recently, however, successful concentration has been accomplished, and parcels of clean tin-stone and platinoid metals have respectively been placed on the market. Specimens of these concentrates are exhibited (10204). Inland there have been found strips of loosely coherent sand coated by organic matter, which are evidently of similar origin to those occurring on the present sea-beach, but have been cut off by the erection of ridges of sand-hills. These are known as "leads," and one of them McAulay's yielded much gold (see 6317, &c.). The gold in these leads is sometimes coated with substances which protects it from the action of the quicksilver. Boiling with caustic soda has generally overcome this difficulty. McAulay's lead has now been abandoned. Alluvial. In the Condobolin district Pifield, Platina auriferous alluvial deposits yielding platinum have been worked for some years. The platinum occurs as grains and nuggets. The amount raised in 1899 was 638 oz., valued at 1,070. Several nuggets are exhibited, one of which weighs 27 dwt., and is the largest yet recorded from Australia. Platinum, like gold 23 and silver, sometimes occurs crystallised in the form of cubes. Case 48, Owing to the softness of the metal, these crystals generally lose their shape by being knocked about in the beds of the streams, and are but rarely preserved. One such has been presented to the Museum. It is a somewhat damaged cube, the longest side of which is 4 millimetres (about -fa inch) long ; the corners are truncated by the octahedron (9293). 7658 consists of native gold and native platinum in intimate association. At a higher level than the leads now being worked there is an older drift, also containing gold and platinum in small quantities. It is believed that the newer leads have been formed from the debris of the older ones. 6683, 9292, each containing platinum and gold, illustrate the older drift. 6662 shows the contact between the pebbly drift and the decomposed bed-rock. 6664, decomposed bed-rock, into which grains of platinum have been wedged. 6665, a nodule of magnesite in which is embedded a grain of platinum. This nodule is, in all probability, of secondary origin, and has formed round the grain of platinum. An analysis of the crude platinum shows it to contain 76 per cent, platinum, 1'3 percent, of iridium, 1*3 per cent, of rhodium, 9'3 per cent, of osmiridium, 10'15 per cent, of iron. 9480 : platinum obtained from the alluvial workings (gold) at Warraderry, near Grenfell. Specimens of Russian platinum will be found in show-case 77. MERCURY. Mercury or quicksilver, as it is commonly called is some- times found in the form of metal, but more generally has to be extracted from its combination with sulphur as the mineral cinnabar. Specimens of native mercury will be found in case 77, more particularly 8410 from California. Although ores of mercury have been found in ISTew South "Wales, Queensland, Victoria, and New Zealand, it has not as yet been profitably mined. The demand for quicksilver in the amalgamation of gold ores would render the discovery of a 21 Case 48. payable deposit of cinnabar a matter of considerable importance to Australia. A small average percentage of mercury m an ore is sufficient to pay, provided the conditions for working are reasonably favourable. The cochineal-red colour of cinnabar is very characteristic ; as also is its great density. A very simple test is to put a few grains of the mineral into a glass tube closed at one end, and heat it before the blow-pipe. If cinnabar be present, a shining black band will form round the inside of the tube, just above the substance. It is a common error to mistake brownish-red iron ores for cinnabar ; but they are not so weighty, and would not give the black ring when, heated in the tube. Cudgegong River. The alluvial drifts occupying an old valley of the Cudpegong contain cinnabar along with gold and gem sand. 1045 is a representative sample of the cinnabar obtained by panning the wash-dirt. Coarse pebbles (7310) are sometimes found. Some of the fragments in 9120 are crystalline, but these may have resulted from the breaking-up of the larger pebbles. Specimens of the drift are exhibited. Of these, 1047 shows fragments of cinnabar of considerable size : 9120, panning^ consisting of zircon and cinnabar, with free gold. The original source of the cinnabar has not yet been discovered. B ing era District. Small quantities of cinnabar have been found at Spring Creek, Bingera, in a serpentinous rock intruding limestones and claystones. 1019 and 6719 represent the rock in which the cinnabar occurs, 2642 and 2643 the mineral itself. 7716 was obtained from a drift, overlain by basalt, at Black Camp Creek. Cinnabar is also shown from Crow Mountain (8976). Corindi. 9458 ? in quartz. Yulgilbar. At Yulgilbar Eun, on the Clarence Eiver, cinnabar has been found in lode deposits. The first discovery was made some years ago at Horseshoe Bend (104.3, 5910). The scene of the present workings is several miles from this first find, oeveral shafts have been sunk, and, in addition to low-grade ore r bunches of rich stuff have been met with. Prospecting is being carried on. The ore occurs ID a siliceous veinstuff associated 25 with calcite, fahl-ore and antimonite. The oxidation of the C&S6 48. fahl-ore gives rise to stahiings of carbonate of copper in the upper levels (6283). Ihe country rock is a hornblendic granite (6680). This is traversed by a belt of diorite (6637), and it is at the junction of the two rocks that the cinnabar-bearing veins occur. Cinnabar is also found in small quantities impregnating the surrounding rocks.* In thin sections under the microscope the cinnabar is seen scattered through the rocks in the form of microscopical specks. There is the clearest evidence that the cinnabar has been deposited from solution in water. In one microscope section a felspar crystal was seen to have had cinnabar deposited along the lines of cleavage. 9380 is a decomposed rock from near the surface ; it contains cinnabar deposited in it in spots by permeating solutions. 6283 is from a bunch of rich ore. 6677 and 7014 respectively show calcite and fahl-ore (antimonial copper ore) ; and 9378 antimonite, associated with cinnabar. The silica of the vein-stuff is occasionally in the form of crystalline quartz (6283), but is generally in a more or less cherty condition (6678 and others). Broken Hill. Small quantities of mercury have been found in the Broken Hill mines, in combination with iodine. These compounds are of a beautiful red colour when found, but rapidly fade on exposure to light ; for this reason the specimens are kept covered. 7451 is of special interest, having been formed in the mine-workings of the Proprietary Mine, in consequence of the fire there a few years ago. 1263, from the Consols Mine, is associated with iodide of silver. Mercury ores from other countries will be found in case 77. GOLD. The collection of New South Wales gold ores is contained in Case 50. cases 50-57. It should be studied from right to left, beginning with number 50. The series comprises crystallised gold, alluvial * Cinnabar is a very powerful pigment (vermilion cf commerce), a minute percentage disseminated through a rock being sufficient to produce a pronounced colouration, thereby giving rise to a deceptive idea of the richness of the ore. Thus the vein in 93/9 is not nearly so rich as it looks, consisting largely of stained quartz. 26 Case 50. specimens, and the crushing ores, in the order ^mentioned. The best specimens of crystallised gold are generally secured by gold. private persons, and the Mining Museum possesses but few. Native gold crystallises in the cubic system. 2681 consists of the form known as the rhombic dodecahedron, in which there are twelve rhombic faces. The crystal on the centre support shows this best. Crystal of Gold [rhombic dodecahedron} Of the other specimens, 5638, from Grong Grong, is the only one that shows definite outline. The crystals are extremely small, but with a powerful glass triangular faces are readily seen. The form is that of the octahedron. 8564 and 2652, Ti Tree, Oakey Creek, Manilla : Here the gold is contained in calcite, and is obtained in a spongy mass when the latter is dissolved in acid.* The spongy mass of gold, enclosed in a glass-capped box for security, really belongs to the specimen immediately preceding it. A few others are placed here for convenience : 9037, Prince of "Wales Mine, Gundagai : shows a speck of gold associated with telluride of bismuth. 2677, Bowling Alley Point, Nunclle. 5524, Little Snowball Creek, Braidwood district. 4828, Bingera. Alluvial gold. These specimens, consisting almost entirely of miners' " pros- pects," obtained by panning one or more dishes of wash-dirt, call for no remark. Visitors from Ireland will note that Nature has produced a very good representation of the Harp of Erin. * Among the exhibits from the Wentworth Mine in case 52 will be found a specimen of pyrites from which the gold has been similarly liberated. 27 (From Talwal ; on loan to the Museum.) 2654, from Berrima, Case 50. is not unlike a fish, but here Nature has been assisted by Man, the tail having been twisted. The Departmental collection of nuggets and many alluvial specimens are not displayed, the intrinsic value being consider- able. Of these the following may be mentioned : The " Maitland Bar " Nugget, found by Chinamen at liar- graves in 1887; weight, 344*78 oz., containing 313'093 oz. of fine gold, according to specific gravity test ; value, 1,236 14s. Id. A nugget of gold from Wood's Flat, near Cowra ; weight, 42 oz. 17 dwt. 5 gr. ; value, 168 5s. 5d. In case 137, immediately to the right of the entrance, is a collection of casts of nuggets, some of which are from New South Wales. A few specimens of wash-dirt succeed the alluvial gold. Alluvial wash-dirt. A few explanatory words, for the assistance of visitors unacquainted with mining terms, may be useful here. Rivers draining an area of gold-bearing country carry down rock debris into their valleys. In course of time this debris is ground down to gravel, sand, or mud, and may be carried for long distances. As the speed of the current slackens, on reaching more and more level country, the heavier portions of its burden will be deposited by the water, forming accumulations on the river-bed. With the rock-material there will be a certain quantity of gold, the particles of which, being malleable, not brittle, are flattened or rounded by the pounding to which they have been subjected. Gold so deposited is known as alluvial gold, and the gravel, sand, or mud in which it is embedded is the " wash-clirt." When this wash-dirt becomes bound together into a coherent mass by cementing agents, such as oxide of iron, silica, &c., it is known as " cement " by the miners, Gold-bearing wash-dirt is frequently found in the valleys of existing rivers, and the gold may then be won by sluicing or dredging operations. It has sometimes happened, however, that a valley has been filled up by a flow of lava from one of the volcanoes that at one time existed in Australia, in which case the alluvial wash-dirt is buried under a cover of volcanic rock (mostly basalt), through which shafts have to be sunk to get at the alluvial below. Ancient river-valleys, filled up with gold-bearing alluvial deposits, and not now occupied by a running stream, are known as ' ' leads, " while those -that are buried under a cover ot basalt or other material are " deep leads." 28 Case 50. 7521, from the Star Lead, G-ulgong, has been obtained at a depth of 195 feet. A specimen of the basalt which covers the Grulgong deep lead is also exhibited. 2140, Gulgong, and others show gold freely ; these are exceptionally rich specimens.* In washing alluvial material to save the gold, various other heavy minerals are sometimes obtained e.g., zircon and iron- sand. 3759, Tumbarumba, and others consist of this black-sand, Boacli-sands. as it is called. The gold and platinum bearing beach-sands in Case 48, case 48 (page 21.) really belong here. These sands are found at numerous spots along the New South Wales coast, more particu- larly in the north. They consist of material that has been brought right down to the sea by rivers. They contain a very large propor- tion of zircon sand. Now, zircon is a dense mineral, nearly twice as heavy, bulk for bulk, as ordinary quartz sand. It is consequently practically impossible to separate it from the gold by washing. Only the very fine particles of gold have finally reached the sea- coast, and these have been beaten out into flat discs during the lengthened journey from the parent rock. 4069 represents these grains, and it will be readily understood how these flattened grains will tend to float on the, surface of the water, thereby increasing the difficulty of saving it. 6749 and others are from the so-called McAulay's Lead, a former beach-deposit that has been cut off from the present coast by the formation of lines of wind-blown sandhills. Such deposits now constitute swampy country, and have been stained brown and become loosely coherent by the action of vegetable matter. A. large block or sand-rock, perforated by boring shells, will be found in case 128. While much of the gold can be saved by amalgama- tion with quicksilver, there has until lately been no satisfactory method of extracting of the platinum. All that could be done was to concentrate the sand as much as possible. Tinstone is sometimes present in considerable quantities in these sands. * Alluvial deposits can sometimes be successfully worked when they do not contain more than a few grains of g-old to the load of wash-dirt. 29 It is intended eventually to arrange here a series of specimens Case 50. showing gold in association with various minerals. Minerals associated 9167, gold on calcite. with & old ' 9169, gold on talc. 9091, gold on galena. . All from the Gilmandyke Mine, Bockley. From here onwards the exhibits consist of ores that have to Gold ores, ibe won by regular mining operations from the lodes, or other deposits, in which they occur, and which have to be crushed and submitted to a more or less complex treatment before the gold <;an be extracted. In the great majority of cases, the ores con- sist essentially of quartz that has been deposited in fissures or -other spaces in the rocks of the earth's crust. In all cases the agent that has brought about the deposition is water in some form or other, not fire, as is so commonly supposed. Fissures occupied by quartz frequently extend to great, even to unknown, -depths ; other deposits are more local in character. Various terms are used in describing the nature of lode-quartz. It may be glassy, -vitreous, or milky in appearance ; white, blue, or red in colour. If stained yellow or brown by the presence of small quantities of iron oxide, it is ironstainecl ; when more iron is pre- sent, it is ferruginous. It may be cellular, honeycombed, cavernous, saccliaroidal, or flinty. In the upper portions of a mine the quartz is generally iron- stained or ferruginous, cellular or cavernous ; moreover, the gold is free, and therefore easily saved. At lower levels this porous character, and the iron oxide, disappear; the stone becomes compact, and is usually accompanied by iron pyrites (pyriious quartz) or other metallic sulphides. This change in the upper levels is due to the action of water" and air. In case 113, a set of specimens has been arranged to explain these terms., Gold-bearing quartz veins are almost entirely confined to the oldest rocks of the earth's crust. Cases are known in 30 which the reef traverses younger strata the Copeland Gold- field, for instance, is in Carboniferous rocks ; but, generally speaking, it is in strata of the Silurian, or older periods, that they occur. Grold ores are frequently associated with dykes of igneous rock (often diorite), but the connection between the occurrences is not understood. Gold may be described as occurring in two ways (a) As free gold, which may or may not be visible to the eye. Such gold would generally be extracted by passing the finely crushed ore (pulp) over plates of copper that have been coated with quicksilver. The quicksilver combines with the gold, forming amalgam, and is subsequently driven off again by heating in a retort. (Z) In combination with iron-pyrites and other minerals, in which case the presence of gold can only be detected by assaying the stone. Special machinery is then necessary to concentrate the gold-bearing minerals from the crushed ore, and special processes, such as chlorination, smelting, or cyanidation, have to be resorted to to extract the gold. It must be remembered that in general the gold-bearing character of an ore cannot be detected by the eye. The pro- portion of gold to make an ore payable may be very small, under favourable conditions a few pennyweights of gold to a ton of ore being sufficient. All gold as found in nature contains more or less silver, so that the value of the bullion (i.e., the gold nnd silver together) per ounce varies in different cases.* The general collection of New South Wales gold ores is contained in eight cases, viz., 50-57. These should be studied from right to left. The ores are arranged in districts, Northern, AVestern. and Southern respectively ; each being subdivided into * In Australia it is usual to express the value of an ore by the weight (troy) of gold contained in a ton (2240 Ib.) of stone. In some other parts of the world the value is expressed in coin of the realm. An American mining engineer would speak of an ore as being worth so many dollars to the ton. 31 the more important mining divisions. Specimens from any neighbourhood can be quickly found by referring first to the geographical district and then to the mining division in which it is situated. Copeland, Stewart's Broolc, Walcka, and neighbouring Divisions. Case 50. 5835, Moor Creek, Tarn worth : interesting in containing free District, gold associated with telluride of bismuth the leaden-looking mineral. 9543, near Moonbi : represents a most unusual mode of occurrence for gold. The ore is a deeply copper-stained garnet rock, assaying 4| dwt. gold to the ton. Upright cases 125 and 128, at the lower end of the room, contain block specimens of gold quartz from the Hanging Rock, Nundle. Hillc/rove, Dalmorton, Bingara, Coramba, Woodhurn, and Case 51, neighbouring localities. 6973 : granite, the country rock of the Uralla Gold-field. From the Hillgrove Gold-field will be found many specimens of great interest. The country rock here is an ancient slate (and also to some extent the adjacent granite), which has been shattered along certain directions by movements in the Earth's Crust. The resulting fragments have been cemented together by quartz which has been accompanied by antimonite and gold (sometimes free). Notice particularly 6615, 6612, 2484, 2567, and a very fine block specimen in case 136, near the door. Sometimes the gold is visible (6615 and other specimens here, also 2131 in case 125 at lower end of room). 2525 shows a slickensided surface, proving that movements have taken place between neighbouring masses of rock. In case 125 will be found a mass of crystallised pyrites, assay- ing 4 oz. of gold to the ton, from Glen Elgin. 61 and other specimens from Deep Creek, Nambucca, bring before us the combination of gold with arsenical pyrites (mispickel). These ores are more difficult to treat.* * Pure arsenical pyrites now has a commercial value of its own on account of its arsenic contents, see page 79. 32 Case 51. 2624, Mann Kiver : an instance of gold occurring in calcite. 5547, Manilla : auriferous pyrites with a peculiar structure. 6579 and others, Bingara : gold in serpentine associated with such minerals as talc (2152) and chlorite (1135). In case 136, near the door, is a block specimen of the serpentine with fine gold coating the smooth surface. 6969, Golden Crown Reef, Lunatic : Native arsenic containing gold. A specimen formerly in the collections, but unfortunately stolen, showed free gold seated on the arsenic. 7064, Millara -Scrub, near Solferino, is very instructive. The pieces exhibited consist of brown oxide of iron (limonite). That they were at one time pyrites is shown by the crystalline form, and by the kernel of pyrites still remaining within one or two of the crystals. Gold is freely visible. Numerous other instances of this transformation will be referred to in this guide. The alteration of the original pyrites is the result of the action of surface waters, and of the atmosphere. Under the influence of oxygen (from the air) and moisture, the sulphur is converted into sulphuric acid, and is removed in solution, while the iron is oxidized and hydrated, and remains behind as limonite. The process is technically described as a pseiidomorphous replacement of pi/ rites by limonite. The resulting limonite cubes are known as ]>x<-udomorphs after limonite by the geologist. They are the "devil's dice" of the miners. For other instances of pseudo- morphous, replacement, see Students' Case 33. Timbarra. The auriferous granite from Timbarra, represented at the left hand end of this case, is particularly worthy of atten- tion. That the rock is truly granite is evident enough, and that it contains gold receives ocular demonstration from 9124 and 2151. The gold occurs along a belt, several miles long, of a granite plateau. The alluvial in the valleys draining this plateau, which has resulted from the degradation of the granite, has yielded much gold. The granite itself has been softened by atmospheric weathering, for a depth of several feet. This soft material, which is generally red or yellow in colour owing to the oxidation of iron, is excavated and ground-sluiced ; the undecom- posed portions being left standing in large masses. The average 33 yield is from 2 to 4 dwt. of gold to the ton, but assays of 9 dwt. or more have been obtained, the loss being due to the extreme fineness of the gold. Several very narrow veins of auriferous quartz, and a dyke of eurite which is itself gold-bearing in places -traverse the granite. The secondary minerals found in the granite are quartz, iron and arsenical pyrites, molybdenite, and native bismuth. The points just referred to are all illustrated by specimens. Drake 8783, Sawpit Gully Mine, Drake : Breccia from the 100-ft. level. Case 53. Gypsum associated with free gold. This ore also contains silver. (See case 53). In the ore from Long Gully (Lady Jersey Mine), Drake, zinc blende is associated with free gold. 2155 shows gold conspicuously seated on blende. Another gold-bearing breccia is that from "Wann's Lode, Drake ; it consists of igneous material felsite (6593) . 2801, in upright case 125, at lower end of room: Quartz showing gold ; Lady Jersey Mine. Oberon, Newlridqt, Bathurst, Sofala, Tuena Western district. 8540, Hazeigrove, near Tarana : Noteworthy in containing much teliuride of bismuth, associated with free gold. So far as is known, the teliuride is not auriferous itself. The exhibit from Gilmandyke (9167-8 ; also 9167, 9169, 9091 in case 50) is rich in attractive mineral specimens. Thus we have gold on calcite, galena, talc, and serpentine from this one mine. 9168, gold on fibrous serpentine, may be compared with similar specimens from Gundagai (case 55, p. 40). 7670, Quartz from Clear Creek ; shows gold seated on galena. 6673, Wattle Flat : gold seated on arsenical pyrites. 2158, Razorback, Ilford : gold-bearing sulphide of antimony ore (cf. Hillgrove, case 51). Oarcoar, Mandurama, Blayney, LucJcnow, The ore from the Case 52. different mines at Manlurama is of a very peculiar and interesting 34 Case 52. character. The strata in which they occur constitute bedded deposits of early Palaeozoic age, and comprise volcanic tuffs and radiolarian-bearing cherts, in addition to the ore-body itself. The ore-body itself is a bed of highly metamorphosed rock, charged with pyrites, largely arsenical : there is no lode at all, 9045, in case 109, shows the junction between the chert and the ore-body ; 9074, the original bedding in the chert. 9044 and 9221 are characteristic specimens of the ore-body ; their dark green colour being due to shreds of hornblende scattered through the mass, while the presence of calcite is indicated by the glassy lustre. At Brown's Creek, Blayney is another remarkable occurrence of gold . Near the surface, the ore consists of copper- and iron-stained chalcedonic or opaline silica. In this gold is sometimes visible (2439). At somewhat deeper levels a wollastonite garnet rock (6482, assaying 5 dwt. of gold to the ton) and massive magnetic pyrites (6504, assaying 3 dwt. gold per ton) occur. The deposit does not appear to be a lode formation. The white mineral is wollastonite, the brown garnet. To the courtesy of Mr. Warneford Lock, late manager of the "Wentworth Proprietary Mine, the Museum is indebted for the carefully-selected specimens exhibited here. Many of these are accompanied by statements of the composition of the ore and the value of the gold. The rock most directly associated with the gold is serpentine. This serpentine has resulted from the altera- tion of an intrusive igneous rock containing much augite. The minerals of most frequent occurrence in the ore are calcite, iron and arsenical pyrites, magnetic pyrites, native antimony, and antimonite. 9238, a pretty specimen, in which free gold has been deposited along the cleavage planes of the calcite. (See also 9235.) Arsenical pyrites frequently shows gold freely; at other times the assay value may be very high without gold being visible. 6710, arsenical pyrites cut and polished to show the manner in which the free gold ramifies through the pyrites. 35 9238, pyrites after partial pickling in acid. Much of the Case 52, pyrites has been dissolved, leaving the comameu goid as a residual spongy mass. 9242, rich pyrites in which gold is not visible. The analysis shows that much calcite is present. The assay value of the ore is 154 oz., the bullion being very pure ('987 per cent, of fine gold) and worth 83s. lO^d. an ounce. 9232, 9226, magnetic pyrites. This is generally barren. A very fine specimen of native antimony in calcite from this mine will be found in case 68. 9233, crystallised native antimony with calcite, showing gold. Assay value up to 27 oz. per ton, the bullion being very pure and worth 83s. per ounce. 9229, antimonite with calcite, assaying 6*61 oz. of gold to the ton. Orange, Opliir. 8610, Weir's Consolidated Mine, Caloola. This is another instance of gold being contained by an igneous rock. The rock is a quartz-porphyry that has been crushed under the influence of pressure within the earth's crust ; it is sometimes known as porpliyroid. The ore from Bushy Hill, Cooma, is of this character (case 57, p. 41). 7409 and 7410, Caloola Creek : The country rock here is mica-schist,* which itself sometimes shows visible gold (7409). Rill End, Cowra, Wellington, Mitchell's Creek, Stuart Town. An examination of the specimens from these divisions indicates slate to be the country -rock, while the gold is contained essentially in the quartz lodes that traverse it. 4557, Lower Pyramul : free gold and gypsum in arsenical pyrites.f 2472, Eaglehawk, Windeyer : shows gold seated on blende. J 2187, Salvation Hill, G-ulgong : an instance of hard felsite carrying gold. * It is conceivable that this mica-schist may represent an intensely altered form of 8610. f For other occurrences of gypsum with gold, see pages 27, 32. j For other occurrences of gold on blende, see pages 27, 30, 35. 36 In case 128, near the door, will be seen quartz from the Madman's Reef, Stuart Town : a complete section across the reef. Case 54. Cargo. Forbes, Peak Hill. Parkes. 9052, Homeward Bound Mine, Grenfell : gold seated on "blende. 9051, from the same mine : showing gold seated on arsenical pyrites. 7708, country rock (slate) from the Tomingley Mine. This is one of the very few instances in which fossils have been found in the slate which so commonly constitutes the country-rock of our gold-fields. Numerous fairly well-preserved remains of lowly forms of marine organism known as graptolites have been found in the mine, and by their means it has been proved that the slate is of Lower Silurian (Ordovician) age. The impressions of the graptolites can be easily seen on 7708. Better specimens- will be found in Fossil case 1. 6492, 2160, and other specimens of gossan from Peak Hill should be compared with the surface ore from Mount Morgan (Queensland) in case 80, the iridescent appearance being very similar. 2145, Condobolin : red clay-slate, on which fine gold is readily visible. Numerous similar instances of gold occurring in this way will be found in the collection. 2503, Koh-i-noor Mine, Parkes : white quartz. Yet another instance of gold occurring on blende, several such having been already mentioned in this Guide. 6490, Bound Parkes there is a good deal of the volcanic rock known as andesite, which appears, indeed, to be the principal country-rock of this mining district. It is sometimes incorrectly called diorite. 6490 is a block of this rock traversed by quartz veins carrying pyrites, thus illustrating in miniature the occur- rence of the lodes. Boladah, Nymagee, Cobar, Mount Drysdale. The Cobar Gold- field is represented by numerous specimens, from a general inspection of which it will be seen that the country-rock is slate. 37 and that, while the gold is frequently contained in the slate Case 54. itself, it is often associated with copper ores. 6980, 8921, and others are blue slate showing gold in a very fine state of division, while 1388 and other iron-stained or 'bleached slates show the same rock under the influence of weathering. At times, as in 8925 from the Conqueror Mine (100-ft. level) and 6568-9 from the Occidental Mine, the gold occurs with quartz. 8929, 8930, Great Western Mine, Cobar, show fine scales of native copper on the slate. 6570 and others from the Chesney Mine, Cobar, show carbonates of copper. In case 60 will be found a specimen (8938) from the Great Peak Mine (120 ft.) showing chloride of silver. The occurrence of gold at Billagoe is very similar. 814 is a bleached slate showing gold ; 5138, slate showing gold and chloride of silver.* At Mount Drysdale the ore consists of slate, conglomerate, &c., in which gold is sometimes freely visible. 1951, in case 136, near the door, is a block of breccia from Drysdale in which gold is very freely visible. 5420, clay-slate showing very fine gold. 7669, very rich stone showing veins of gold traversing slate. 8974 shows antimonial silver ore on which is seated a very pale variety of free gold. There is some superficial resem- blance between the Drysdale stone and that from Pambula (case 56). The nature and origin of the two is, however, totally dissimilar, the Pambula ore being wholly of igneous formation, while that from Drysdale is wholly sedimentary, not being associated with any igneous rocks whatever as far as known. 8546, Florida Eun, blue slate and its weathered representa- tive, showing gold and silver chloride. Mount Hope, Oilgunnia. 6769 Mount Hope, and 9321 Mount Allen, show free gold on red slate. In case 136, near the door, is a block of ore from the May Day Claim, Gilgunnia, 168 tons of which yielded 366 oz. of gold. * Chloride and bromide of silver blacken very rapidly on exposure tcr light and the original colour cannot be restored. For this reason 8938 is kept covered. In 5438 the silver mineral forms a greenish-black coating on the stone. 38 Case 54. Tibooburra, Milparinka, Broken Hill, Silverton. Case 55. Wy along. This gold-field is, perhaps, better represented in the Southern collection than any of the others. The series commences with the country-rock and a few special exhibits 5 then succeed the gossan and ore from the upper levels, followed by the sulphides. ^ The country-rock would be popularly known as granite. Strictly speaking it is more akin to quartz- diorite, and in places becomes even more basic in character. For ordinary purposes hornblende-granite is a sufficiently accurate name. 4007 shows it in its disintegrated weathered condition from near the surface, while 6775, from a depth of 134 feet in the Welcome Stranger Mine, is the solid rock.* 9136, ferruginous quartz showing gold, is of historic interest, being one of the earliest specimens found by the original prospectors. 9133, a nodule of carbonate of magnesia found in the sub-soil. These nodules are undoubtedly of secondary origin, being due to the action of water. The decomposition of hornblende in the country-rock would supply the magnesia. 5770, 9137, a brown variety of common opal showing gold. Such specimens were not uncommon in the upper levels, and represent an unusual occurrence of gold. It may be compared with the similar stone from Brown's Creek, Blayney (page 34, case 52). 9139 from the Monte Christo is manganese-stained. Passing over the different varieties of auriferous quartz, we come to 8118 from Klink's Mine, 150-ft. level, quartz, distinctly chalcedonic, assaying 18 oz. of gold per ton, none being visible to the eye. 9135 from Stanley's Blow should be noticed : a kernel of pyrites is enveloped by fer- ruginous red quartz showing a concentric zone of free gold. 8224, from the Bed Flag, is cellular quartz. The cavities are due to the decomposition and removal of pyrites, from which the free gold contained by some of them may reasonably supposed to have been derived. 8219 shows gypsum associated with free gold. 9132, Native copper from the Klondyke Mine (300-ft. level). This mineral occasionally occurs, and is not regarded as a * The depth to which the decomposed rock extends depends upon various circumstances. On the Wyalong field it is sometimes very considerable. 89 favourable indicatioD. At the Klondyke it occupies rectangularly- Case 55- disposed cracks in quartz, and thereby assumes a leafy form. A. piece of native copper with a rectangular bend, and quartz showing the same mineral, are exhibited. The remaining ores are sulphides from the deep levels. Such ore is reached sooner or later in all the mines, and its sometimes of great richness. 9063 assaying 20 oz. of gold per ton. The chief constituent of the sulphide ore is pyrite ; galena is not uncommonly present (9144) ; blende and copper pyrites occur occasionally. 9141, from a depth of 300 ft. in the Lucknow Mine, shows pyrites that has been grooved and polished slicken&ided* by movements of the walls of the lode ; free gold has been deposited in films upon the polished surface at a later date. A block of rich ore from the Lucknow Mine is shown in case 125. Gundctfjai. Wayga, fyc. In this group will be noticed several instances of free gold coating clay-slate, viz., 6549, 2134 from Cowabbie ; 2135 from Grong Grong, and 2156 from Barmedman. Crystallised gold from Grrong Grong is shown in gold-case 'SO (see page 26). 6984, Bongongolong : magnetic pyrites with free gold yeut(;d upon it ; an unusual mode of occurrence. 5810. Ph. Burra, Co. Clarendon ; magnetic pyrites with galena, assaying 22 dwt. of gold to the ton, though not showing gold ; another instance of this exceptional association. 2498, Bongongolong ; one of those rare instances in which por- phyry is the country-rock. The specimen, which has been cut to show the structure better, consists of quartz-felspar-porphyry traversed by veins of white quartz in which gold is freely visible. It is worthy of particular attention. The occurrence of gold at Cargo is similar. * Specimens such as this prove that the gold contents of a lode are subject to rearrange- ment. In this case, in all probability, the gold was originally contained in the pyrites, but was subsequently dissolved out, and then re-deposited. fThe Department possesses a rich specimen from the Mother Shipton Reef, Temora, containing 258 oz. of gold, and valued at more than 1,000. 40 Case 53- Of the Gundagai exhibits the series from the Prince of Wales Mine is of special interest from the association of tellurides of bismuth with the free gold, and particularly because the existence of telluride of gold has been detected (9035), though not in tangible grains. The stone consists of white quartz of a more or less milky character, sometimes associated with copper ores. Telluride of bismuth (9035) appears in platy grains of a steely or tin-white colour. Analysis has shown that lead enters into the composition of the mineral, which would therefore not be true tetradymite, and may be an undescribed species. Glass ,-slips showing metallic tellurium, separated from the ore by chemical means, are placed with 9035 In case 109 is a block of slate (2001) traversed by a vein of gold-bearing quartz from this mine. 5773, 6325, Gundagai, are further instances of gold on slate. In every case yet referred to in this guide (see pages 30, 31, 33), the gold has been found coating the cleavage faces of the slate ; in this instance, however, it is found abundantly on an uneven joint- face. Yet another interesting exhibit from Gundagai is fibrous .serpentine (picrolite) coated with filmy gold 2225, 6931. Such specimens are very difficult to preserve, as the gold so readily becomes detached. 2159, Cul>es of pyrites, with an outer layer of limoiiite (see p. 26). The limonite is coated with free gold. Several specimens of mica-slate showing gold, from the neigh- bourhood of Albury, will be noticed. The rock was most pro- bably originally a clay-slate, but has been metamorphosed (5775 and others). 57. ' Adelonq^ Murrumburra'h. As at Timbarra, the country rock at Adelong is granite, which is sometimes itself auriferous, (6538) Chlorite schist (6540) also occurs. 9473 from the Challenger Mine illustrates in miniature the occurrence of the ore-bodies. The rock is a fine-grained granite and contains lenticles of quartz connected by strings of the same mineral 41 Similarly, the ore-bodies occur in lens-shaped masses, connected Case 57- by the ore-channel. The ore in general is a glassy quartz with iron- and copper-pyrites. Blende sometimes occurs, as in 2231, from the Currajong Mine. 1275, from Cullingar, a gold ore assaying 4 oz. to the ton. It contains pyromorphite the earthy yellow substance a mineral which consists of lead combined with phosphoric acid and chlorine and is not often associated with gold. 7325, from near Harden : yet another instance of gold in granite country. The specimen, a similar piece to which assayed 2^ oz. of gold per ton, shows a vein of quartz with galena and arsenical pyrites ; a portion of the granite country rock is still attached. Cooma, Kiandra, Nimity'bel'le. 8733, bleached felspathic rock from the Big Badja Biver. The gold here must be contained in the rock itself, as it will be noticed no quartz or ferruginous veins are present. 8579, Middle Flat, Cootna, shows gold seated on blende. Several instances of this mode of occurrence have been already mentioned (page 29). Particular attention might be given to the ores from Bushy Hill, Cooma, 9067, Willmott's Claim (135-f t. level) ; a pretty little specimen, consisting essentially of galena and pyrites, showing free gold richly. The country-rock is very remarkable, the only similar instance being 8610 from Caloola (see page 35). It is a quartz-felspar-porphyry i.e., an intrusive igneous rock, not a fissure lode. Under the influence of stupendous pressure within the Earth's Crust due to the movements which give rise to mountain chains the porphyry has been rolled out to such an extent as to give it a slaty structure. The quartz and felspar crystals have been flattened out into lens-shaped masses. Another effect of this rolling out and stretching has been to pro- puce spaces in which, at a later date, water has deposited the metallic ores. 9272 shows the rock in its normal condition, 8535 after weathering. 42 Case 57. H56, 1148, Cowra Creek, and 2041 Flyer's Creek, slate show gold on the cleavage faces. Yass. 7350, JSTanima Gold-field : quartz with sulphide of bismuth, assaying 1 oz. 7 dwt. gold per ton and 6'3 per cent, of bismuth. The stone is concentrated and sold as a bismuth ore: Tetradymite and montanite also occur at this mine (see page 91). 8728, Murrumbateman : a gold ore of very unusual character. It consists of an aggregation of garnet crystals and assays 3f oz. of gold per ton. 5318, Dairy Creek, Gundaroo : an attractive specimen showing free gold abundantly on arsenical pyrites. From the Bywoug and Gundaroo Fields are numerous samples of auriferous quartz, which is frequently characterised by its blue colour and glassy lustre e.g., 6755. 6720, Johnston's Claim, By wong, differs entirely from the rest of the specimens. It is probably a portion of the country-rock impregnated with metallic sulphides ; the assay value is 1| oz. of gold per ton. The country-rock at Bywong is sedimentary origin (5308-9). Braidwood. The ores from Braidwood and Major's Creek are generally rich in pyrites ; they sometimes contain fahl-ore and a good deal of .blende. 9115, Hanlon's Beef, Major's Creek: a portion of a vein in which quartz with iron- and copper-pyrites, blende with galena, and finally fahl-ore the steely gray mineral are successively met with in passing inwards from the walls. As the filli rig-up of a vein by mineral-bearing solutions necessarily begins with the walls, fahl-ore must have been the latest mineral deposited. This ore assays 61 oz. gold and 55 oz. silver per ton. The pyrites from Major's Creek is sometimes crystallised in cubes (2574). 5617, Hornblende granite: the country-rock of the Major's- Creek Gold-field. 56. Tumut, Talwal, Moruya, Wagonga. At Batlow gold occurs in a curious complex of metamorphic rocks difficult to understand e.g., 5462. Gold is sometimes visible in them (5461). 43 The country-rock at Yalwal is a highly-altered slate (5642) , Case 56, and the gold appears to be contained principally by narrow ferruginous veins traversing it. In case 136, near the door, will be found a very tine block admirably showing the nature of the Yalwal ore. The slate is traversed by a network of quartz which is fringed by narrow gold-bearing veins. One such vein goes right across tho specimen. 9462 in this case is similar. At Grassy Gully, only 8 miles from Yalwal, the ore is of an entirely different and very extraordinary character. Microscopic examination has shown that it is an ancient lava flow, the rock rliyolite, highly altered during the course of geological ages. The gold occurs right through the stone in a very fine state of division (9175, and others). This Grassy Gully ore is closely analogous to that from Pambula shown in the same case (see page 44). 8985, Moruya Gold and Silver Mine : solid arsenical pyrites, assaying 15 dwt. gold and 10 oz. of silver per ton. The Mount Dromedary Mine is of considerable interest. Mount Dromedary is a mass of granite rising up through the surrounding slate. The granite is traversed by very narrow veins of pyrites, which are sometimes rich in gold. The pyrites is associated with small quantities of chalybite, sulphide of bismuth, &c. 8582 shows a little acicular black bismuth ore. 8853 has oeen cut and polished to show the brecciation often present : it will be noted that the pyrites occurs in angular fragments. The pyrites is in a very unstable form, decomposing so rapidly that specimens are most difficult to preserve. At Wagonga Heads there is a dyke of gold-bearing felsite (8385). Wolumla, Yambulla. 6410, Auriferous pyromorphite,* from near Wyndham. At AYolumla the country rock is granite, and the ore itself is in part impregnated granite. 7348, Wolumla, rotten granitic rock showing gold. * Page 41 for other instances of this. The newly discovered gold-field of Yambulla is in granite country, the granite itself sometimes showing gold (9449), but the ore is principally quartz, carrying sulphides at a depth. Pambula. The well-known Pambula Gold-field was for a long time a puzzle. The gold occurs as an impregnation in the country-rock, which was formerly regarded as a sedimentary rock, but is now definitely proved to be volcanic rock (rhyolite). The evidence for this is obtained principally by means of the microscope, but 7782 affords ocular demonstration, the banding in the rock representing the lines of flow of the molten rock. The Pambula rock is much altered, but 7782 may be compared with rhyolites of less ancient date.* It would be popularly known as felsite, and may be compared with the Grassy Gully ore, see (page 43). 7773-4-5 illustrate the occurrence of the rich shoot at the 200-feet level in the Victory mine. a The band marked 1 in the diagram is a thin quartz vein on the hanging wall. It is a constant indicator of the ore body, and is known as the "Pilot." 7777 is a portion of the indicator from Faulkner's Mine. 7779, 7781 from the rich shoot in Faulkner's, the former assaying from 50 oz. to 150 oz. of gold per ton. 9481, Pambula Mines, showing geld freely. In end compartment of case 65 will be seen a block of ore from the Mount Gahan Mine showing thebrecciation sometimes noticeable in the ore. * From Hungary, in case 119 ; from Raymond Terrace, in cases 143 and 147. 45 SILVER. The New South "Wales silver ores are contained in cases 58 t<. 61. They are arranged in three main groups, representing tho Northern, Western, and Southern Divisions of the State, tho ores from each district being kept together as far as possible. Consisting largely as they do of argentiferous galena, little comment will be necessary. In many instances the assay value of an ore is stated on the label. Generally speaking, the silver is contained in other minerals, notably by lead ores. In one or two cases, however, definite silver minerals constitute an appreci- able proportion of the ore ; thus, at the Consols Mine, dyscrasite and stromeyerite, and at the Ruby Silver-mine, pyrargyrite, occur in considerable abundance, while in the upper levels of the Broken Hill mines large quantities of embolite occurred. To avoid repetition, a brief description of the more important silver minerals, as found in New South Wales, and contained in the Museum collections, is now given : NATIVE SILVER, metallic silver (in filamentous or spongy masses ; frequently much tarnished) : Broken Hill, Burragorang, Lewis Ponds, Rockvale, Sunny Corner, Umberumberka, White Rock. HORN SILVER, silver chloride (silver, 75 per cent ) : A soft, waxy mineral, greyish-black in colour owing to exposure to light. Of the substances known as chloride of silver, some prove on investigation to be chloro-bromide. The general term "chloride" is a convenient one pending examination. True horn silver occurs in considerable quantities in some of the Silverton mines. It has also been detected at Burragorang, Captain's Flat, Lewis Ponds, Rockvale, and Umberumberka. IODARGTRITE, or loDTRiTE, iodide of silver (silver, 46 per cent.) Yery soft and waxy; lemon-yellow in colour; usually forming incrustations, but sometimes found in six-sided prisms with flat terminations. Broken Hill only. EMBOLITE, chloro-bromide of silver (silver, up to 72 percent.) : Very soft and waxy ; beautiful green in colour, but rapidly 46 blackening on exposure to light ; occurs massive or encrusting, but at Broken Hill frequently found in crystalline spongy masses, or in definite crystals belonging to the cubic system. Broken Hill, Billagoe, Cobar, Silverton. DYSCRASITE, silver antimonide (silver, 78 per cent, or more) : Bather soft ; silver-white in colour ; uneven fracture ; often taken for native silver. Consols Mine, Broken Hill. AKGENTITE, silver sulphide (silver, 87 per cent.) : A soft, black mineral, perfectly sectile. "Wollomornbi, Drake. PYRARGYRITE, sulphide and antimonide of silver (silver, 60 per cent.) Colour black, sometimes reddish. The lustre of the mineral and the cochineal-red colour of the powder are of great assistance in recognising it. Burragorang, Consols Mine (Broken Hill), Drysdale, Eockvale and other districts in the vicinity. It occurs in quantity at Eockvale only ; crystals are very rare. PROUSTITK, sulphide and arsenide of silver (silver, 65 per cent.) : Very similar to pyrargyrite. Eockvale, Eivertree. STEPHANITE, sulphide and antimonide of silver (silver, 68 per cent.) : Black in both colour and streak. Eockvale, Consols Mine (Broken Hill). Case 58. Wollomombi. 8342-8348, ores consisting essentially of quartz, Northern with small quantities of disseminated sulphides ; the silver con- tents are sometimes very considerable 386 oz. per ton in 8347. Silver sulphide (argcntite) is sometimes present (8342), but is difficult to recognise. From Kessler's Mine some richly argentiferous siliceous and arsenical pyrites is exhibited. 8608, from a narrow vein in granite, contains a little native silver. Tilbuster. 8604, galena ore occurring in slate country at the Mary Ann Silver-mine. Erom the hanging-wall of this mine a pretty formation of ruby silver has been obtained, the mineral, which is of a deep puce colour, occurring in fern-like encrus- tations (8605). 47 Taifs Gully, Armidale. Eich ruby silver ore has been found Case 58. here. 8601, a siliceous ore, assays 3 oz. gold and 666 oz. silver per ton. It is an unattractive-looking ore, but with a glass the characteristic lustre of ruby silver can be detected. Rockvale, Armidale. Silver ore, more particularly the ruby variety, and argentiferous arsenical pyrites, have been frequently found here. The Euby Silver-mine is on payable ore. The deposit differs from all other silver properties in New South Wales, except Broken Hill, in the variety of silver minerals that are found, viz., native silver, pyrartjyrite, proustife, liorn silver, and steplianite. 7740 shows native silver in its characteristic thread-like form ; while 6587 contains it as spongy brown masses, the value of which might be overlooked at first. 6339, shows a black encrustation of silver chloride. The ruby silver ore is commonly the antimonial variety, pyrar^yrite, two specimens of which, 6225 and 6227, are shown here. A block of arsenical pyrites, traversed by a vein of pyrargyrite, is exhibited in case 128 ; while 7691, in case 125, shows the same minerals well crystallised. The arsenical ruby silver ore, proustite, appears to occur in small quantities only. 6369, a black autimonial silver ore, probably stephanite. 6227, an average specimen of the silver-bearing arsenical pyrites which constitutes the bulk of the ore. 7693, altered granite, representing the country rock. Emmaville. 8795, Webb's Mine, illustrates the mode of occurrence of silver ores in this district. The rock is a meta- morphosed slate ; it is traversed by veins of quartz, calcite, blende, and arsenical pyrites. Fahl-ore is not uncommon as an ore of silver in the Emmaville district. 8238, Webb's Consols Mine, shows it in association with jralena. 2431 and others from the Little Plant Mine are O similar. Bolivia. In addition to galena, blende, pyrites, and fahl-ore, a sulphide of lead and antimony, the mineral jamesonite, occurs 48 in some of the silver ores from this district. 8334, Pye's Creek, a galena ore assaying 43 oz. of silver per ton, shows jamesonite as a grey fibrous mineral, gradually eating into the galena ; the former mineral apparently resulting from the alteration of the latter, sulphide of antimony being super-added to and combining with the sulphide of galena previously there ; the ore contains more than seven per cent, of antimony. Bora GreeTc (Hoicell}, Inverell. Galena and mispickel with, quartz and chlorite. The occurrence of massive stannite (tin pyrites) in the Borah Creek ore is a specially interesting feature: good specimens of the stannite will be found in case 66. Drake. The silver ores from this district are noteworthy, both from the difficulty of treatment and from their mode of occurrence. They consist in general of sulphides, among which the undesirable zinc blende is sometimes conspicuous. Native silver occurs occasionally 5208, 6371, 9102, from White Rock and arsenical ruby silver, proustite, has been found in small quantities at Eivcrtree (2394). Silver sulphide, argentite, can be seen in quartz from the recently discovered Kelly's Lode (9101). 9100 shows the globule of silver resulting when ores such as 9101 are roasted. The well-known White Eock Mine is represented here by a number of specimens ; while in case 136 is a block showing quartz alternating with bands of pyrites, galena, and blende. The country-rock, 6972, appears to be porphyry; while the ore-body itself is a breccia, consisting of irregular masses of a volcanic rock (rhyolite) cemented together by mineral matter. This is well shown by 8313. The ore from Wann's Lode is very similar : it contains selenite (8783). At the end of this case will be found specimens of silver ores from Boorook. The oxidised ore was very rich, but the deposits have not been worked below w r ater-level. Broken Hill. The collection of specimens from the Broken Hill Silver-field is, perhaps, the best outside Broken Hill. In addition to this case, which is entirely devoted to Broken Hill silver ores, a special collection, presented by Mr. Watkins, is A fi contained in a cabinet on the left of the entrance. Case 127, at the lower end of the room, contains picked specimens. *This case is kept covered to protect the specimens from Case 59- the action of light. Visitors are requested to carefully replace the cover. The exhibit consists of a series of the characteristic ores, followed by definite silver minerals, classified according to composition. ORES. These are under five headings, viz., gossan, massive carbonate ore, kaolin ore, garnet sandstone, sulphides. The gossan is often rich in manganese, and frequently forms stalactitic masses, as shown by 1338 and 2C95, and on a larger scale in case 127. 1091 shows embolite. The kaolin ore contains garnets and quartz ; it is undoubtedly the material resulting from the alteration of felspathic rocks such as gneiss. Iodide and chloro-bromide of silver are frequently found in this class of ore; as will be seen further on, some of the best specimens of iodyrite occur ia the kaolin. The so-called garnet-sandstone, or garnet-quartzite ore is a granular rock consisting of garnet, rhodonite, and quartz more or less impreg- nated with metallic sulphides ; the prevailing red colour is due to the garnet and rhodonite. The sulphide ore itself is essentially an intimate mixture of galena and zinc-blende. The blende is a troublesome mineral to deal with in dressing and smelting, and the problem of separating it from the galena, and converting it into a useful article of commerce, such as zinc-white, is a very difficult one.f SILYER MINERALS. 6986, Native Silver on copper ore. 5537, a pretty little specimen of crystallised cernssite, with native silver scattered over the crystals. * The copper, zinc, lead, and other minerals associated with the silver ores will be found each under their respective headings. t The remarkable saddle reefs, which constitute the ore-bodies at Broken Hill, with the exception of the Consols Lode, are not referred to here, as they cannot be illustrated by hand specimens. A large collection of the metamorphic rocks wi.l be found in case 73. 50 Case 59. "When in kaolin, native silver always seems to assume a leaf y form, of which there are several examples. Not uncommonly it occurs in ironstone ; of this, 5539 is a fine instance. Yet another interesting occurrence is that on native copper. 1268, consists of fragments of white quartzite entangled in native copper, on which the silver is scattered in crystalline groups. 1359, while consisting principally of massive carbonate of lead, shows the same two native metals associated.* 5540, ferruginous quartzite, shows chloro-bromide with native silver seated on it or growing from it. It will be noted that the silver minerals seem to occur only on the ferruginous patches. Dyscrasite, antimonide of silver. This mineral occurs princi- pally in the Consols Mine, where it has been found in masses sometimes weighing over a ton : it has frequently been mistaken for native silver. Photographs of some of these large masses are exhibited on the pillar close by. The Museum collections include a large block, which is not publicly exhibited. It occurs associated with calcite and chalybite, together with pyrargyrite, cobaltite, &c. (8580, 6905, and others). An antimonial silver- chloride ore, found in this mine, has undoubtedly resulted from the alteration of dyscrasite 5293, 5295. 8765, 8769, Consols Mine ; pyrargyrite. 1358, Consols Mine; stern) ;ergite, associated with calcite and chalybite. . 5497, Consols Mine ; fahl-ore, associated with galena and chalybite, and assaying 0,500 oz. silver per ton. 7587, Consols Mine, stromeyerite. lodargyrite, iodide of silver,f is generally found as a very soft, waxy, lemon-yellow encrustation on kaolin or ironstone. 5527, Block 11, best shows the crystalline form, the six- sided prisms being very apparent ; one of the larger crystals * A fine specimen (520u) of native silver welded on to native copper, from Lakte Superior, will be found in case 84. t The iodine, in iodargyrite, and the bromine in embolite, can be readily expelled and rendered visible by surrounding a fragment of the mineral with bisulphate of potash, and fusing it in a glass tube closed at one end. 51 measures an eighth of an inch across. The pretty blue quartz Case 59. entangled in the ironstone on which these crystals occur should be noted. 5545 shows a great many six-sided prisms, but is dull and opaque-looking. Of the kaolin specimens, 48, with its thick masses of iodide, will be noticed. Of the ironstones, it may be said that they sometimes contain the silver minerals right through their mass, or on every side, not only on the surface exposed to view. Other minerals associated with the iodide are cerussite (1362) and calamine (1080 the colourless mineral). Further specimens, and in particular 3116, Central Mine, will be found in case 127). Emlolite ; chloro-bromide of silver. This mineral is of a bright green colour when first exposed, but rapidly blackens unless kept in the dark. Many of the early specimens have been ruined in this way.* The Museum possesses a fine collection of this beautiful mineral. At Broken Hill it is generally found in waxy-looking little crystals, showing faces of the cube, with the angles truncated by those of the octahedron. 5531 is a magnifi- cent specimen of manganiferous ironstone on which are seated numerous very perfect crystals of embolite sometimes measuring nearly a quarter of an inch across. 5528, 5530, and others, are spongy masses of embolite. Embolite is also found encrusting or associated with quartz (4102), kaolin (4061), cerussite (1378), calamine (1198, 1147), azurite (1200), galena (1196), malachite (1230). In the first half of this case are exhibited ores from Silverton, JaS6 61 Thackaringa, Umberumberka, and other localities in the Barrier Range, worked in the early days of silver-mining in this district, but now for the most part abandoned. The ores consist principally of galena and cerussite but rich chlorides or chloro- bromides sometimes occur. Thaclcaringa. Gralena, pyrites (iron and copper), blende chaly- bite, cerussite and quartz occur. The peculiarly fine-grained character of the galena should be noted (1475). * Photographers will remember that their art depends upon the action of light upon certain silver salts, such as the bromide and chloride. 52 Case 61. Siloerton. Many of the specimens from the various Silverton mines show chloride of silver richly, but this has usually long since blackened to such an extent as to almost escape notice. 1395,- New Year's Mine: an ironstone showing a coating of blackened chloride, and assaying 2,30D oz. of silver per ton. 1399, Nolan's Mine : similarly shows the chloride 011 cerussite. 1420, Mascotte Mine: a mass of blackened spongy chloro-bromide in ironstone. 9401, Lake's Camp : shows chloro-bromide abun- dantly in cerussite. Umberum'ber'ka. The ore here consists of galena, sometimes exceedingly fine-grained and with a fibrous structure (1445;, with chalybite and cerussite. Native Silver is not uncommon. 6706 is a characteristic specimen showing galena and buff-coloured chalybite, with native silver dusted over the former, or occupy- ing cavities. 1031, in case 125, is similar in character. Cerussite sometimes occurs as dusky crystals seated on fine-grained galena (1484) ; at other times it is massive (1496). 1389, War Dance Mine, is traversed by veins of silver chloride, the assay value being very high. 8297, Mount Gipps : a bismuth-bearing ore, assaying 4,000 oz. silver per ton.* Erom the Pinnacles comes a galena ore associated with garnet (1476), and hornblende with magnetic pyrites (8^91). 1599, Night Dream Mine, in case 125 : chloride ore. Western Various silver-lead ores from Liddleton, near Hartley, Mount Werong, Wiseman's^ Creek, Eockley, &c., are exhibited ; few, if any, of these are now being worked. In the gossan from the Lewis Ponds Mine (now abandoned), near Orange, native silver (8270, 5392) and silver chloride (8271) have been obtained. * Other instances of the association of silver with bismuth are the Jingera and Duckmaloi ores respectively (see pages 53, Is7, and case 60). 53 Sunny Comer. The gossan contains native silver in an Case 60. exceptionally finely divided form (1530), and often becomes stalai-titic (1529). Beneath the gossan comes a siliceous mixed sulphide ore (8267-8-9). Bobadali, Overflow Mine. Copper and lead minerals (cuprite, 7621 ; cerussite, 7619 ; galena, 7726) occur above water-level. The sulphide ore is siliceous and contains much pyrites (7727). Cobar District. Silver minerals are sometimes associated with the gold-bearing slate. 4072, from Billagoe, show chloro-bromide; while 8938, from the 120-ft. level, Great Peak Mine, Cobar, shows the same mineral abundantly. Ruby silver has been found at Drysdale (8974, case 54. 9129, Chesney Mine, Cobar, in case 125 : quartz showing silver chloride and free gold. 1524, Adelong Creek : galena associated with magnetic pyrites, Southern assaying 28 oz. silver and 8 dwt. of gold per ton, and closely resembling some of the ore from the Pinnacles Mine (8291, case 61). Jingera, WhipsticJc. Here the ore consists essentially of a decomposing granite impregnated with bismuth sulphide. 8586 shows an abundance of the bismuth sulphide' the grey mineral ; it assays 900 oz. silver per ton and 18| per cent, of bismuth.* A good deal of molybdenite occurs in the granite : it can be well seen in 8383, where it has a bluish tint by contrast with the grey-black bismuth sulphide. Silver chloride has been found here (1522). 8557, Moruya Grold and Silver Mine: rich arsenical pyrites and galena. JBredbo. Silver-lead ores. Captains Flat. See also Copper, case 63. Boro. Silver-lead ores. * Only a very small patch of this ore was found. 54 Case 60. Tass. 1508, galena in fliior (the colourless mineral). 8247 shows galena altering into cerussite, the latter mineral forming concentric rings round the former. 5826, Belconon (Murrumbidgee) : A galena ore carrying a very little silver is exhibited because the matrix is felsitic. Grenfdl. Great Southern Mine. 7329 contains phosphate of lead, to which the yellow colour of the specimen is due. 8246, massive carbonate of lead, appears from its structure to have resulted from the regular alteration of galena. Wallah Wallah, Rye Park. See also pyromorphite specimen 8578, in case 62. Burragorang. This silver field is nearer to Sydney than any other. The lodes occur in a mass of porphyry outcropping in the valley, beneath a mountain of Permo-carboniferous and Triassic strata. The ore consists of galena with arsenical pyrites, chalybite, &c. 9654, in case 128, is a section across the lode at the Yerran- derie mine ; it shows the parallel arrangements of the mineral constituents extremely well. 9304 shows native silver on galena. 10021, the Peaks Mine : native silver on galena with mispickel and copper pyrites. The galena assays 170 oz. of silver to the ton. 10148, the Peaks Mine : pyrargyrite. 10205, Terranderie Mine : a magnificent specimen of leafy native silver. Case 62. LEAD - No mining for lead alone is carried on in this State, the whole . of the output being from the silver mines. The true lead ores will therefore be found under the heading "Silver." In this case are exhibited a number of well-crystallised lead minerals. The variety of colouring and appearance and the great beauty of some of these minerals are very striking. Other lead minerals such as the magnificent red chrornate, not known to occur in New South Wales, will be found in case 82. Large specimens Case 62. o galena, cerussite, and pyromorphite are placed in case 46 near the entrance. Lead minerals are all very heavy, and can be in every case readily scratched with a knife-blade. Cerussite carbonate of lead (PbC0 3 ) : a colourless trans- parent mineral with a lustre approximating to that of the diamond. From the Broken Hill Silver Mines have been obtained in abundance some of the very finest specimens of cerussite ever found ; unfortunately, they are very fragile, so that it is very difficult to safely transport some of the more delicate varieties. The beautiful arrow-headed twin crystals* are particularly noteworthy (4107, 7585; Plate II). C Fig. 1 Fig. 2 7585, Block 11, Broken Hill, shows arrow-headed twins coated with small crystals of anglesite sulphate of lead. Crystallised cerussite is also found at Mount Costigan (see case 125) and Lewis Ponds (8272), while massive cerussite is of very common occurrence. 5552, Broken Hill, admirably illustrates the replacement of one mineral by another (pseudomorphism). The specimen now consists of cerussite with cubical interspaces ; originally it was lead sulphide (galena), but the action of water holding carbonic * The formation of these twin crystals may be illustrated by cutting out a piece of paper similar to A B C D (Fig. 1), and then dividing it along the broken line A D. By turning the ADC portion completely round so that C comes to C 1 (Fig. 2), an arrow-headed form results. It must not be understood that such a rotation has actually taken place ; but the 'molecules of one portion of the twin are reversed with regard to those of the other. 50 acid in solution has gradually converted it into lead carbonate, the action taking place most actively along the cubical cleavage cracks off the original galena. At a later date carbonate of copper was deposited superficially. * Anglesite, sulphate of lead : a colourless mineral with high lustre, in many respects resembling cerussite in appearance. The specimens exhibited come almost entirely from Broken Hill. Anglesite is often founded seated on cerussite. Case 46 .contains a very fine specimen from Block 14. Pyromorpliite, phosphate and chloride of lead: frequently yellow ; the crystals form characteristic six-sided prisms with flat terminations Unlike galena and cerussite, this ore of lead seldom carries silver. The mineral occurs in a number of localities, the best crystals coming from the Mount Stewart Mine, Leadville, from Broken Hill, and from the Wallah Wallah Silver Mine, Eye Park. 1545, Mount Stewart : greenish -yellow crystals showing the characteristic form ; two exceptionally fine specimens from here will be found in case 46 (Plate III). 1220, Block 14, Broken Hill : yellow crystals. 1040, Block 14, Broken Hill, shows hollow crystals. 806, Cobar : on slate. 8737, Goulburn : on ironstone. 5711, typical of a massive yellow variety not uncommon in the JBraidwood district; it has the following composition : Lead oxide 69'40 Lead 6'57 Phosphoric anhydride ... ... 15'22 Chlorine 2'26 No gold or silver. A less common variety (5521) is found at the Junction Mine, Broken Hill. It occurs in fragile clusters of crystals of an ashen colour. Case 46 contains two very fine specimens of this variety. 57 8578, Wallah Wallah Mine, is eomewhat similar to the pre- Case 62. ceding: it consists of elongated, slightly tapering crystals. 7583, case 127 Junction Mine, Broken Hill; a massive botr^oidal form. Phosgenite, chloride and carbonate of lead : a rare mineral. 7586, Broken Hill. Mimetite, arseniate and chloride of lead : a mineral closely resembling pyromorphite, but containing arsenic in place of phosphorus. Some small specimens from Broken Hill are exhibited. Crccoisite, chromate of lead : one inferior specimen, believed to have been found in New South Wales.* Vanadinate of lead 1226, Consols Mine, Broken Hill : an earthy specimen. Wulfenite, molybdate of lead : a beautiful mineral, generally of a brownish-red colour.f Several specimens from the Pro- prietary Mine, Broken Hill, are exhibited. 8225, Wyalong : contains specks of a mineral that may be wulfemte. Stolzite, tungstate of lead: a rare lead mineral found at the Proprietary Mine, Broken Hill. A massive form of stolzite, associated with scheelite, occurs at Cordillera Hill, Mount Costigan. Tungstate of lead is a striking instance of the same chemical compound crystallising in different forms polymorphism. It is difficult at first to realise that the varieties of stolzite exhibited here all have the same chemical composition. 5905, 5929, 6484: claret-coloured, pyramidal. 5517 : ash-coloured ; the crystals have the form of an elongated square prism terminated by a flat four-faced pyramid. 5513, similar in appearance to the foregoing, only the prism is short, giving the crystal a nail-head aspect. * Magnificent crocoisite from Tasmania will be found in case 90. f Honey-yellow crystals, from Arizona, will be found in case 82. 58 Case 62. 5573, colourless, with a brilliant lustre : the crystals form square plates.* Galena, sulphide of lead : one of the commonest of metallic minerals, and frequently found in ore deposits ; many of the ores in the gold and silver cases consist of galena. The specimens exhibited here are selected on account of their showing crystal form or some other special characteristic. Galena commonly crystallises in cubes, the angles of which are frequently truncated by faces of the octahedron (see fig. C, p. 72). The cleavage is extremely perfect and cubical. On tapping a piece of crystallised galena with a hammer it will fly to pieces, each having a cubical form and capable of being still further subdivided. The characteristic cleavage can often be seen in hand specimens. This, together with the leaden colour of the mineral and its streak, and the ease with which it can be cut (sectility), renders the identification of galena exceptionally easy. 1446, Broken Hill, and a cube cleaved from Boorolong galena show the cubical cleavage well. 6535, in case 46, is a fine specimen of the Boorolong mineral. Occasionally galena crystallises in eight-sided pyramids (octa- heclra), this is shown by 9171 from Tingha District, and by 4191 (in case 46) from White Eock. 1059, Consols Mine, Broken Hill : shows the cube and the octahedron occurring in combination, as mentioned above. 1074, Proprietary Mine, Broken Hill : a curious cauliflower- like form. 6697, Broken Hill, shows galena undergoing transformation into carbonate of lead. (See above.) 5565, Consols Mine, Broken Hill : galena partially replaced by compounds of antimony with chlorine and vanadium. 8418, Day Dream Mine, Barrier Eange : an earthy yellow oxide of lead. For antimonial lead ores see Antimony, case 68. * Regarded as a distinct mineral species. COPPER. The collection of copper minerals and ores from New South Wales is contained in show-cases 63 and 65. They are arranged in districts in the following order : Broken Hill, Northern, Southern, Western. Although not a copper-mining district, a considerable variety Case 63. of copper minerals occurs at the Broken Hill silver mines. Broken Hill. Argentiferous copper ores will be found among the Broken Hill silver ores in case 59. Native copper, occurs in great variety of form, more par- ticularly at the Proprietary Mine, and many fine specimens are exhibited. The mineral crystallises in octahedra (see page 68), but the faces are generally very irregular well shown in 5486. Frequently a number of crystals are superposed upon one another giving rise to tree-like (arborescent) forms, like 1176, or to confused masses. Fragments of other minerals may be entangled with the native copper, e.g., cerussite (1162). Crystals of colourless pyromorphite can be seen on 1846. Cuprite, red oxide of copper.* In its massive form, red oxide of copper was commonly found in the upper levels of some of the mines (1764). It is sometimes argentiferous. The mineral crystallises in octahedra, these being sometimes very perfect. The sharp triangular faces on 5473 will be readily seen. The crystals in 1859 show faces of the rhombic dodeca- hedron, as well as the octahedron. Cuprite crystal. (Rhombic dodecahedron modified by octahedron.) * When bruised or powdered, cuprite is of a red colour closel}- resembling that of ruby silver. 60 if 8472, from the Proprietary Mine, is undergoing transformation into carbonate of copper. Azurite, hydrated blue carbonate of copper. Azurite crystal- lises in complicated crystals belonging to the monoclimc system. It very commonly occurs in good crystals, often of a tabular habit. Some very beautiful specimens have been found at Block 11. 5155, a large tabular crystal. 5480, a group of tabular crystals, each radiating approximately from the centre of the group. 5478, numerous small tabular crystals, quite similar to 5155. 5479, shows azurite altering into malachite while still retaining its crystalline form (pseudomorphous replacement). A beautiful specimen of azurite from Block 11 will be found in case 43, near the door. Malachite, hydrated green carbonate of copper.* Malachite is not so commonly found crystallised as azurite, and none of the specimens exhibited show distinct crystal form. Case 43 contains a large block of malachite. Ghrysocolla, hydrated silicate of copper. 6698, ]S"orth Mine. Marsliite, iodide of copper. This is a very rare mineral, so far only found at Broken Hill, in which copper and iodine are combined together forming salmon-coloured crystals with trian- gular faces. 1057, Proprietary Mine: shows numerous crystals of marshite lining the sides of irregular cavities. Nantockife, chloride of copper : a waxy white mineraL Unfortunately, nantockite is rapidly acted upon by the atmos- phere and converted into an earthy green compound ; attempts at satisfactorily preserving it have so far failed. Afacamite, hydrous chloride and oxide of copper : a pretty dark-green mineral. 1856, a small crystallised specimen. The- * Malachite contains a smaller proportion of copper than azurite. 61 green alteration of nantockite, just mentioned, may be regarded Case 63. as atacamite. Copper pyrites, yellow sulphide of copper and iron. This mineral is the most important ore of copper. It can generally be readily distinguished from iron pyrites by a difference in the shade of its yellow colour and by its inferior hardness.* Covellite, an indigo-blue sulphide of copper. 1273, Consols Mine. 9990, near Broken Hill : covellite resulting from the alteration of copper pyrites. The copper deposits here are not of much importance, and but Northern ,. . , District, tew specimens are shown. 1838, Upper Bingara : rich black sulphide ore. 1876, Bobby Whitlow, Bingera : rich copper pyrites. 9104-5, Mount Carrington, Drake : pretty little octahedral crystals of cuprite (seep. 59), with edges and angles modified by other forms of the cubic system. 6417, AVilli Willi, Macleay Eiver: carbonate ores assaying 33 per cent, copper and 2i oz. silver per ton. 4565, in case 43, is a fine block of blue carbonate ore from this mine, assaying 49 per cent, of copper and 118 oz. of silver per ton. 9156, Chandler Eiver, Hillgrove: encrustations of hydrous silicate of copper (chrysocolla). 7710, Bundarra: peacock ore and bornite, assaying 25 per cent, of copper a lower assay than the appearance of the ore would suggest. Peacock ore is a tarnished variety of copper pyrites, showing peacock tints on the surface. Bornite is a sulphide of copper and iron containing a higher percentage of copper than copper pyrites does ; it is always massive, and while breaking with a bronzy-coloured surface of fracture, rapidly tarnishes to a deep purple. 8421, Bald Hill, Einmaville, native copper in fluor. * Copper pyrites can be scratched with the point of a knife ; pyrite cannot. 62 Although numerous deposits occur in this district, there are none of any special importance. The Captain's Plat (Lake George) Mine is well represented. 6745, leafy native copper, with arborescent (plant-like) growths. 6744, hydrous sulphate of copper; the " bluestone" or " blue vitriol" of commerce when artificially prepared. It is not an original mineral, but always results from the solution of copper from the ore by percolating water and its re-deposition in cavities or even upon the timbering of old mine workings.* 1238, from the 300-foot level in the Lake George Mine, indi- cates the general nature of the ore an intimate mixture of copper and iron pyrites with zinc blende. For other ores from this mine, see under Silver, case 60. 9117, Snowball Mine, Gundagai: rich copper pyrites in chlorite schist.f 9087, Jones Creek, Guudagai : clay-slate, with a thin film of native copper. 6884, in case 126, from the chrome mines at Gundagai, shows chrysocolla (hydrous silicate of copper), with serpentine and chlorite. Peelwood, native copper, 1754, 1755; azurite crystallised with cerussite, 1779 ; malachite, showing the characteristic mammil- lated form, 1797. 9111, Tuena : weathered schistose rock, with sulphates of iron J and copper, assaying 9 dwt. of gold per ton and 20 per cent, of copper. 1832, Brungle : copper pyrites in chlorite schist. * The occurrence of blue vitriol, while proving the existence of copper ores, in no way indicates that these are rich. The ore may be distributed through the rock in very small quantity ; but, given sufficient time, water will dissolve out enough to make a deposit of copper minerals. t Chlorite schist is a metamorphic rock, not uncommonly associated with copper ores in New South Wales. J A secondary mineral, resulting in the same manner as bluestone. 63 Cooma; 8531, Dartmoor Mine: gossan from a depth of 20 feet, Assaying 24 per cent, of copper, 12|- per cent, of lead, 51 oz. silver per ton. Eicli copper pyrites ores from the Fiery Creek Mine are shown. 10052, Lobb's Hole Mine, Tarrangobilly : copper pyrites. Case 65. COBAB. This important Copper Field is represented by a Western variety of specimens, some of great beauty, both in this case and in upright case 43 at the lower end of the room, where the larger ones are placed. The country rock of the district is essentially clay-slate,* and is frequently very ferruginous (8931). Generally speaking, very little copper was showing in the lode at the sur- face. 8940 represents an outcrop of slate charged with copper carbonates. The outcrop is sometimes siliceous (8941). 8939, raddle (earthy oxide of iron), is taken from a native well on the outcrop of the lode.f Native copper occurs in small quantities in the upper levels. 1753 and 2854 show arborescent forms. See also 1747 in case 43. 1843 shows films of native copper between the partings of the slate. Cuprite, red oxide of copper, occurs both massive (8176) and crystallised (1761, 1766). The crystals form octahedra, with angles and edges modified by faces of the cube, quite similar to those from Broken Hill. Azurite and Malachite. Beautiful specimens of these minerals occur above water-level at Cobar. The crystals of azurite (1787 and in case 43) are quite as well formed, if not quite so large, as those from Broken Hill (case 63). The malachite is the best found in New South Wales, but generally appears in silky aggregates not suitable for polishing. The finest specimen is the large one in a special case close by. 1809, slate breccia, cemented together by crystallised copper carbonates. * It is frequently the case that copper ores are associated with igneous rocks ; this is not so at Cobar. t The aboriginals used the raddle as a pigment, and "Cobar" is claimed by them as their name for the material. Case 85. 1799 was originally quite like 1794, but was partially converted into oxide, while still retaining its crystalline form, at the great .fire which destroyed the museum collections in 1882. 3936, a nodule of azurite that has been cut and polished to reveal the concentric and radial structures better : it would be an attractive ornamental stone. Sulphide Ores. The sulphide ore found beneath water-level consists of copper pyrites and copper glance,* principally the former. 8936 shows veins and patches of copper pyrites in a dark-green slate. MOUNT HOPE. Cuprite, azurite, and malachite occur as at Cobar, and are sometimes well crystallised (1793 and a fine mass of azurite crystals kindly lent to the Museum.) The country rock is somewhat similar to that at Cobar, but the ore occurrence is different. 1785, bleachel country rock in more or less parallel strings. 1793, malachite in sandstone. 1833, copper pyrites. GIRILAMBONE. Here, as at New Mount Hope, the ore occurs, not in true lodes, but in veins traversing the slatesf and sandstones of the country. 9152, slate traversed by irregular veins of copper pyrites. 8924 and 8925, in upright case 128 near the entrance, show the copper ores (carbonates and sulphides respectively) deposited between the separation faces of the schistose country rock. Native copper (1558), malachite (4177), and azurite (1776) occur above water-level. Nymagee. The massive character of the ores will be noted : Cuprite (8177), copper glance (1837), copper pyrites (6967). * Copper glance or redruthite contains copper combined with sulphur, and is a richer ore than copper pyrites. It is a massive mineral, breaking with an even fracture, and fre- quently escapes notice as a copper ore owing to its black colour. It can be readily identified by the ease with which small shavings may be cut from it with a penknife, leaving a shining- surface (sectility). f The slates have sometimes been transformed into schists. 65 Overflow Mine, Bobadah. Small quantities of cuprite and Case 65. azurite occur in the upper levels. 8188, Goodrich Mine. Yeoval : a siliceous copper-pyrites ore with molybdenite the plumbago-like mineral and chlorite. Copper glance occurs also at this mine (1825). Blayney. Native copper (1756), red oxide (1773), black oxide (1840), green carbonate (1805), ccpper pyrites (1823). Carcoar. 9274, from the old Coombing Mine, shows copper pyrites with magnetic iron pyrites the bronzy mineral. "Woodstock. The rich bunch of ore found at the Burley Jacky Mine is represented by 820 (bornite) and 8180 (peacock ore). 1163, in gold-case 52, shows free gold on bornite from this mine. Tuglow, Burraga, Cow Plat. Eich patches of ore have occasionally been found in the Jenolan District. 8788, from Hampton, is chlorite*, containing bornite and tourmaline ; the association with tourmaline is most unusual. Eugowra, Condobolin, Cargo (DolcoathMine), Parkes. 7985, 16 miles N.W. of Parkes, is specially exhibited, because it illustrates a frequent mode of occurrence of copper ores in the western districts of the Colony, viz., in the volcanic rock called andesite. 7985 is a dark purple andesite, with conspicuous crystals of felspar in one portion. Epidotef is also present in considerable quantity. Eor comparison with the valueless epidote, a piece of true green carbonate of copper is placed in the same tray. Walli. 3817 is an altered basalt (melaphyre), with specks of native copper. The occurrence is of no commercial value, but it is of interest in being analogous with that of the Lake Superior Mines (case 84, see page 110). Orange. * The dark green chlorite was at first taken for carbonate of copper. f Epidote. a greenish-yellow mineral, frequently resulting from the intense alteration of igneous rocks such as andesite. It is sometimes found showing specks of native copper, but in no known case is it of value as an ore of copper. 66 Bathurst Co. 9365, Parish Malongulli, is yet another instance of andesite carrying copper ores. Wiseman's Creek. The ore here occurs impregnating a talcose schist. A fine block specimen will be found in the end compart- ment of case 61. Labels, giving partial analyses, will be found accompanying the sulphide ores. Molong. 8182, carbonate ore from Grumble ; from a deposit containing varying amounts of tinstone. 1774, Gowonglah, is the only good specimen of the hair-like variety of red oxide of copper (chalcotrichite) from this State in the collections. Eogan, Beemery, Gilgunnia, Mount Gipps, Silverton, Nuntherungie. TIN. But few tin-bearing minerals occur in Nature, and of these only two are at all common, viz., cassiterite or tinstone, the oxide of tin, and stannite, a sulphide of tin, copper, and iron. The former only is used as an ore of tin. Tinstone is a heavy mineral, generally blackish in colour, but sometimes resinous and of a reddish tint or even creamy. The crushed ore is more or less buff in colour (streak), no matter how black the mineral itself may be. Tinstone is harder than the best steel, so that it is quite impossible to scratch it with a knife. The hardness, density, and streak are of great assist- ance in identifying the mineral. The colour of the powder alone should prevent the common error of confusing it with titaniferous iron ore, which has a black streak. Other / minerals sometimes mistaken for tin ores, such as wolfram and tourmaline, will be referred to later. Like gold, tinstone may be mined either in its parent rock, or in alluvial deposits arising from the destruction of the tin-bearing rock by denudation ; it is then known as stream tin. Of these the alluvial deposits are by far the richer, much of the rock, being lighter than the ore, having been carried away by the running water. In every tin-mining district 67 it is the alluvial that is worked first, the lode deposits being followed up later. Although a very small percentage of metal is sufficient to make tin lodes worth working under favourable circumstances, they have not as yet proved very profitable in New South Wales. It is owing to the abundance of alluvial tin, easily worked by cheap Chinese labour, that the production of tin in the East (Straits tin) 1ms become so important. The collection of ores from New South Wales is very complete : C ase Q4- t it is contained in three cases ; lode tin in 64, stream tin in 66, clock specimens in 126. By far the most common parent rock for tin is granite. It is Lode Tin. not certain to what extent the tinstone has been formed at about the same time as the quartz, felspar, and other minerals of which the granite consists, or has been introduced later by mineral-bearing solutions or vapours. Other minerals similarly formed, and often accompanying tinstone, are beryl, topaz, and tourmaline. Another effect of these mineral-bearing solutions has often been the partial destruction of the granite, more particularly of its f elspathic coii- constituent. While tinstone is thus frequently found irregularly distributed in strings and patches through granite, it sometimes occurs with quartz, occupying fissures or otherwise. These and other features of the occurrence of lode tin are illustrated by the specimens in this case. Deposits of lode tin are always found associated with granite or closely allied rocks. The mineral contents of these lodes compounds of tin, fluorine, boron, &c. are believed to have been derived from the magma remaining after the crystallisation of the rock containing them. Tin ores are widely distributed in New South Wales, but it is New England, only in New England that they occur in any abundance. Con- sequently the greater part of this case is devoted to New England. The first few columns are reserved for crystallised specimens. Although occasionally good, these crystals are not so abundant* or so perfect as those from Cornwall. 68 Case 64. 7926, Otterj Lode : an imperfect crystal, showing the char- acteristic form of tinstone ; it consists of a square prism capped by a square pyramid, all the edges being bevelled. Crystal of Tinstone, showing prism and pyramid faces with bevelled edges. 1665, 1666, and other specimens from the Yankee Lode, show quartz crystals with tinstone embedded in them. It is evident that the tinstone has formed first, and the silica has crystallised round it at a later date as quartz. 4453, Ottery Lode : shows a twin crystal, a very characteristic mode of crystallisation for tinstone. Elbow-shaped twin crystal of Tinstone. 7783, Mole Tableland, shows the termination (i.e., the pyramid portion) of a quartz crystal invested by a layer of tinstone half an inch thick. This is a particularly interesting specimen. Among other places, crystals are exhibited from Deep water, Emmaville, Obaii, Glen Times, Tnverell, Stannifer and Pheasant Creek. CO 1637, Pheasant Creek : a variety of granite (greueri) heavily C&SC 64. charged with tinstone. This variety of granite contains much mica (the silvery-white mineral), but practically no felspar. No doubt the felspar was destroyed by the same solutions that brought in the tinstone. 1637, Bismarck Reef, Tingha : granite traversed by a vein of quartz, on one side of which lies a vein of tinstone that has sent offshoots into the granite. 1649, Old Gulf Lode : represents another type of lode tin ; in this there are no veins, but the granite rock has been impregnated with the tinstone without appreciable loss of felspar. 5355, Old Gulf Lode : tinstone associated with much beryl (the pale greenish blue mineral). Several smaller specimens of tinstone with beryl will be found in this case. 1663, Great Britain Mine, Emmaville, is quite another class of stone The rock is an igneous dyke quartz-felsite somewhat like the elvan of the Cornish tin-mines, and the tinstone coats a joint-face. 1633, Torrington Mine : another instance of felspathic country rock impregnated with tinstone ; small cavities lined with crystals of tinstone will be noticed. 1652, quartz-felspar-porphyry, the country rock of the Ottery Lode. 7964, Wall Creek, Black Swamp : a good instance of rich tin- stone with quartz gangue. 7933, The Grampians : a vein of quartz flanked with tinstone on either side. 7936 ; a 2-inch quartz vein, carrying tinstore, traversing a fine-grained granite : it should be noticed how the quartz crystals have grown inwards from the sides of the fissure without quite filling it up. 70 Case 64. 1628, Butler Lode : one of the few lode tin deposits that have been worked to any extent. A large block of this ore is exhibited on a table near the door. The tinstone occurs in quartz, and is associated with arsenical pyrites. 1621, Mole Tableland : fine-grained granite (eurite) traversed by strings of tinstone. 7958, Torrington Lode : a good instance of a felspathic rock thoroughly impregnated with tinstone. 1649, Ding Dong, near Deep water : tinstone in greisen. 7955, Bridge Creek : tinstone associated with chlorite the mineral that gives the deep green tint to the ore. 7948, Back Creek : tinstone with wolfram, which can be easily recognised by its long glistening cleavage faces.* 7949, Emerald Mines, Emmaville : tinstone in quartz, with green beryl (see p. 13 and case 49). 1677, Eockvale, Armidale : large ironstained felspar crystals, in which tinstone is imbedded. 801, Emerald Mines, Emmaville : crystals of tinstone with fiuor in soapstone. 7932, Xewstead : tinstone in greisen. 9267, Elsmore : tin-bearing greiseu. The ore occurs in pipes from three to four inches in diameter, which do not go down far. Wolfram occurs in the same deposits. 7940, Ph. Swinton, co. Hardinge: granite traversed by very conspicuous veins of black tinstone. 1562-3 and others from the Giant's Den Mine, Bendemeer. The ore here occurs with quartz in greisen, and is interesting from its association with tourmaline. 1562 shows radial groups of dark-green tourmaline. t * On the presence of wolfram in tin ores see page 72. t Tourmaline can be distinguished from tinstone by (a) not being so heavy (specific gravity about 3 only) ; (fy frequently occurring in bundles of needle- like crystals; (c) crushing to a greenish powder; (rf) being easily fused before the blowpipe. 71 165, in case 126, is tinstone that has replaced some other Case 64. mineral probably calcite while still preserving the original crystalline form of the latter (pseudomorphous replacement). 4193, in case 126, is a large specimen of crystallised tinstone from New England. While New England is the principal tin-field, tin ores are found in many other localities. In the West, tin has been found at Eremeran, in the Cobar western district. (8586, stream tin; 7967, New Mount Hope, lode Localities * tin.) At Euriowie, in the Barrier Range, tin mines were at one time opened in a mass of pegmatite consisting largely of coarsely- crystallised quartz and mica. The ore is associated with tour- maline, and it is frequently very difficult to distinguish between them without applying tests (see page 70). 1603, in case 126, shows tinstone and tourmaline together, while 1605, in the same case, shows the tourmaline well. 7970, Poolamacca, contains white mica and quartz ; tinstone is freely shown. Numerous samples of stream -tin have been found in the southern creeks draining the granite area of the south-eastern portion Realities, of the State. Stream tin believed to come from the following districts is exhibited : Tumut, Tumbarumba, Dora Dora, Monaro, Narrier, Meadow Elat, Boro, Tarago, Grenfell, Bega, Tantawangle, Bombala, Pullitop, Toolong. 9716, ironstone, Monaro : this assays 40 per cent, of tin. The concentrates contain zircon. 4111, Tumbarumba: stream tin associated with pebbles of andalusite, large specimens of which will be found in case 100. Andalusite has no commercial value (see page 153) , 6705, said to come from Wyalong. 10123, 10125, Buddigower, near Wyalong: lode-tin ore, with quartz and arsenical pyrites, in granite. Picked pieces of the 72 Case 64. tinstone are of remarkable purity and exceptionally low specific gravity (very slightly above 6). (For a large specimen, see case 126.) 7977, Jervis Bay : deposits of tin-bearing beach-sand such as this occur at several places along the coasts of New South Wales, 1872, 7971, and 7211, from Grenfell, Cooyal, and Binda res- pectively, show the variety of stream tin sometimes known as " toad's-eye." Deposits of tinstone have been frequently prospected at Pullitop, near Wagga. Unfortunately, both in the alluvial and in the lode, the tin is associated with wolfram, sometimes in almost equal proportions.* (7696.) Northern Another locality where tin deposits have been developed to Localities. some exte nt is Gundle, in the Kempsey district. 1743, 1744 show the stream tin ; 1681 the lode. The ore occurs with quartz in granite country. 6729, in the end compartment of case 62* is a beautiful specimen of the Gundle ore, showing green and blue fluor and crystallised quartz. The auriferous sands of the Northern beaches frequently contain a fair percentage of tin (see page 16). 10203 : tinstone concentrated from sand from the Northern Beaches. p 66 -^ l ar & e P ar ^ f case 66 is devcted to the display of stream tin Stream Tin from New England : specimens from other localities have been C E A) a ^ rea ^J referred to. The collection is a very complete one, representing many deposits now worked out. The first half of the case contains stream tin cement, the word " cement " being applied as in the case of alluvial gold (see page 21). Many of the alluvial tin deposits (leads), like those of gold, are ancient water-courses that have been long since filled up, and sometimes deeply covered by the basalt poured down the valleys from the volcanoes that were so active in Australia during the Tertiary epoch of geological time. 3306, Emmaville : pipeclay found * Wolfram (see page 92) is a valuable mineral in itself, but, owing to its specific gravity being about the same as that of tinstone, the two minerals cannot be separated by washing. Wolfram can be readily distinguished from tinstone, since it can be easily scratched with a knife-blade, while tinstone cannot. 73 under a cover of basalt, and associated with the tin deposits ; Case 66. it contains imprin'.s of the leaves of plants not now living in Australia. 1726 and other specimens from Mole Tableland have a ferruginous cement. 1722, from Emmaville, has been trans- formed into a hard, tenacious rock by the cementing action of silica ; it is locally known as " grey-billy." In a special case, standing in the central passage near here, is a large mass of tin cement from New England. In case 126 will be found a very rich specimen of the Elsmore cement. Next in order to the cements are a number of nuggets of tin- stone found in the Emmaville leads, some of which are of great size. Other nuggets, including one from the Elsmore Lead, will be found in case 126. 9088, Elsmore : a portion of a crystal, the edges of which have been rounded. It is easy to understand how continued rolling in the bed of a stream would produce this effect. Tin-pyrites : sulphide of tin, copper, and iron. A_n uncommon s,tannite mineral, needing considerable experience for its sure detection. 9195, Bora Creek (Howell), Inverell : galena, blende, stannite, with quartz the stannite, in contrast with the other minerals, being recognised by its somewhat greenish tint. The ore is argentiferous. 9558, Bora Creek : almost pure stannite. IRON (ORES). This case is reserved entirely for average samples of the known Case 67- deposits of iron ores in New South Wales. These deposits are fully described in the publications of the Geological Survey. Each sample is accompanied by a label giving an analysis of the ore and a concise description of the deposit. Bauxite and bauxitic iron ore are included here. 74 The following deposits are represented in tbe show-case : Mittagong (spring deposits), County Camden, Illawarra, County .Argyle, Marulan, G-oulburn, Queanbeyan, Cudgegong, Fifield, Tallewang, Carcoar, Mudgee, Cullerin, Wallerawang, Newbridge, Cadia, and the aluminous ores of Wingello and Inverell. Also clay-band ore from Capertee. 9281, Portion 101, Parish Murrimba, County Camden : pure bauxite, showing the characteristic concretionary structure. It contains 61'4G per cent, of alumina and less than 2 per cent, of iron. 10130, 13135 : pisolitic aluminous iron ores from Wiugello and Bungonia respectively ; these have been cut and polished to show the characteristic structure. IRON (MINERALS). Case 69. I R tn ' s case ape exhibited a few picked specimens of the charac- teristic minerals composed of iron salts. It must be understood that, either from the quantity available being insufficient, or from some defect in quality, none of these minerals can be at present regarded as representing deposits of iron ore. Magnetite. Magnetic oxide of iron, consisting of ferrous oxide and ferric oxide combined together ; a black heavy mineral, that cannot in general be scratched with a knife blade, and is especially character- ised by being more or less magnetic. When crystallised it forms octaliedra or rhombic dodecahedra, but is very frequently massive. Crystal of magnetite (octahedron). 9154, Little Snowball, Major's Creek : rhombic dodecahedral crystals up to one-third of an inch in length of edge.* * For comparison the fine crystals of similar character from ChiJlagoe, North Queens- land, in case 126 may be referred to. 75 7797, Goodradigbee Elver, county Cowley : showing crystal Case 69. faces. Massive specimens are exhibited from various districts. 6685, Broula : a massive variety exhibiting strong polarity. A bar cut from this specimen has been suspended by a thread in case 125, and sets itself north and south like a compass needle. Eed oxide of iron in the form of black octahedral crystals. Martite. Martite may be an alteration product of magnetite. 6885, Byug. 2743, Orange district. 8227, Parkes district. 7796, Muttama. Eed oxide of iron. This mineral exhibits great variety inform Hematite, and appearance, but is always characterised by its blood-red streak. 1336, Parkes : micaceous variety. 5900, Kiandra : micaceous variety. 2863, Wellington : replacing fossil crinoid stems. Massive specimens from Dubbo, Young, and many other localities. 5498, Consols Mine, Broken Hill : pseudomorphously replacing chalybite. Generally speaking, these are not crystallised, and present Hydrated great variety in appearance. They are all characterised by the Brown Oxides, presence of a considerable amount of combined water, and by their yellow or brown streak. 4173, Consols Mine, Broken Hill : large pseudomorphs after- chalybite, coated with calcite. 3832, 3825, Barrier Eange : pseudomorphs after chalybite. 2891,2701,2711: stalactitic forms from Piper's Flat, Wal- lerawang, and from Bulga, near Orange. 7816, near Burragorang : in thin concentric shells. 2734, Ballimore, near Dubbo : mammillated with a black glazed surface. 3077, Fish Eiver Creek : a large cube pseudomorphous after pyrite. (See page 32.) 76 4082, Bethungra : with structure somewhat resembling ' : cone- in-zone." (See page 173.) 2733, Oberon : stalactitic form. 2723, Tingha : hollow concretionary nodule occupied by white clay. 2920, Barrier Range : forming a pseud omorph after chalybite. 4174, Mount Gipps, Barrier Range : pseudomorphous after lenticular crystals of chalybite. 895, Rockley : large cube after pyrite. 2709, "Wallerawang : concretionary variety. 7817, Crookwell : fibrous variety. 4083, Pooncarie : oolitic variety. 10139, between Sunny Corner and Piper's Flat : iridescent stalactitic limonite. Some of the specimens illustrating structural geology in case 113 consist of limonite. In compartments at the end of cases 64 and 66 respectively, are block specimens of stalactitic limonite and of limonite pseudomorphous after chalybite from Broken Hill. In pyramid case 106 is a mass of bark, stick, &c., encrusted with limonite, from the base of a living rock fern, which was itself partially replaced by oxide of iron ; from Mount Victoria. The stalactitic, concretionary, and pseudomorphous forms assumed by hydrous oxide of iron are evidence of the facility with which iron salts are dissolved and re-deposited by water. lialy'oite. Carbonate of iron. In small quantities this is not an uncommon mineral. It is sometimes found crystallised, when its cleavage and appearance are not very unlike calcite. Colour, opaque white to buff or red. There is nothing whatever in the appearance of chalybite to suggest that it contains up to sixty per cent, of metallic iron. The most characteristic test is to gently heat a small fragment in a piece of glass tubing ; the mineral flies to pieces (decrepitates] and blackens ; on shaking it out, it will be strongly attracted by a magnet. PLATE V. CALAMINE ENCRUSTING STALACTITIC CERUSSITE, BROKEN HILL. -*" - 77 3859, Barrier Eange : red chalybite. Case 69. 4169 and others, Consols Mine, Broken Hill: buff-coloured variety. 8731, Whipstick : white variety. 10258 in case 60, Yerranderie Mine, Burragorang : showing excellent cleavage (some carbonate of magnesia is also present.) 1433, Consols Mine, Broken Hill: shows the characteristic form the rhomlohedron. 2764, Cobar Copper Mine : small crystals. 4002, Mandurama : very tiny crystals on country rock. Hydrous phosphate of iron. Vivianite. 810, Broken Hill : an earthy variety containing much magnesia, 9568, Milburn Creek Copper Mine : good crystals on magnetic pyrites, showing the characteristic blue and green tints respect- ively whan viewed in different directions. Di-sulphide of iron. One of the commonest of the metallic Pyrite. minerals found in lodes. It is the tnundic of the miner. The appearance of this mineral is too well known to need descrip- tion ; its hardness (above 6) is an important means of distinction from other minerals, more particularly from copper pyrites, since it cannot be scratched with the point of a knife. The pyrites found in lode quartz frequently carries gold : many specimens of such auriferous pyrites are exhibited under Gold. The specimens exhibited here have been selected principally on account of their showing some characteristic, such as crystal- line form, well. The most common crystal form is the cube. 7661, Major's Creek, shows good cubes, as does the magnificent specimen from Mount Stewart, in a special case near the door. Another common form is the eight-sided pyramid (octahedron) 2776 A third, less common form, hns twelve five-sided faces {pentagonal dodecahedron). A good crystal showing this will be found in Students' case 33, against the south wall, and small 78 isolated crystals may often be detected in gold and silver ores, e.g., that from Yerranderie, Burragorang. Sometimes the angles of the cube are cut off by faces of the octahedron, as shown by 1220 from Mount Stewart, and also in case 33. . A/ BCD Crystals of Pyrite. A. Cube. B. Octahedron. C. Cube, with octahedron. D. Pentagonal dodecahedron. Very frequently crystals of pyrites become oxidised by ex- posure to the atmosphere. In this way the sulphur passes off as sulphuric acid, and the iron remains as hydrated oxide, some- times retaining the crystalline form of the original pyrites most perfectly (pseudomorphous replacement) * Several instances of this replacement will be found in the Gold cases (see p. 32). The sulphuric acid sometimes found in mine waters, which so quickly corroders iron pipes, arises in this way. 2818, Tibooburra, shows a band of pyrites with a thick crust of oxide. 5188, "Wattle Plat, is tarnished, very closely resembling gold. The cubic crystals are, however, very distinct under a lens, and should prevent any mistake. 5470, Bungonia, shows aggregations of cubes forming pretty little rosettes. 9199, Consols Mine, Broken Hill, has a curious surface irides- cence. 2816, Mount Macdonald : an irregular piece of chlorite, coated with pyrites on every side. * The " Devil's dice" of the miners. 79 Lumps or nodules of pyrites are frequently found in shale and Case 69. other sedimentary rocks ; these are of secondary origin. (See 4362, Mount Poole, and Structure case 113.) 1373, Thackeringa, illustrates the slickensides so frequently met with in mining (see page 173). These slickensided surfaces are often subsequently coated with a thin film of pyrites (see case 138), or the pyrites itself may become polished, as in this instance. 3743, Cullen Bullen. Pyrites is sometimes found in small quantities in coal ; its presence is highly detrimental. 10158, Lobb's Hole, Yarrangobilly, shows good crystals. This Marcasite. form of iron pyrites is characterised by its ready decomposition, and may often be noticed in gold ores, e.g., the Mount Dromedary ore. . *' Magnetic pyrites differs from ordinary iron pyrites in contain- Pyrrhotite. ing a higher proportion of iron. It is bronzy in colour, and readily attracted by a magnet, whence its name. A massive mineral frequently met with in ore deposits ; it is very seldom gold-bearing. Specimens are exhibited from Blayney, Bolivia, The Pinnacles, GMen Innes, Tent Hill, Macleay Eiver (Willi Willi), &c. ARSENIC. Arsenic is used in many ways. It forms the basis of the Case 68. sheep-dips used in Australia ; and there is some demand for rich arsenical ores. A black, hard mineral, with a mammillated crust, breaking Native with a grey, finely-crystalline fracture. sulph-arsenide of iron; tin-white in colour ; Arsenical frequently emits an arsenical odour when struck with a hammer, Py ntes - and the fumes can be detected by their odour when the mineral is slightly heated. It is frequently associated with the precious P so metals, and many specimens will be found among the gold and silver ores. Crystals of mispickel are by no means rare; they are characteristic, and easily recognised. Crystal of arsenical pyrites. 5194, Mount Galena, Einmaville : crystals. 1429, Windeyer, and 1158, Tambaroora : volcanic tuff with crystals of arsenical pyrites. 60, Nambucca : crystals. Arsenic minerals from other countries, including the sulphides, realgar and orpiment, which are not found in New South Wales, are exhibited in case 89 (see page 121). ANTIMONY. Ores of antimony are not of uncommon occurrence in New South Wales, but remunerative working has not hitherto been achieved to any extent. Antimony is used in the preparation of certain alloys with lead used for type metal, and other purposes. A tin-white, crystalline mineral of not very common occur- rence. Specimens are exhibited from the Went worth Mine, Lucknow ; the Consols Mine, Broken Hill ; the Bellinger Eiver; Deep Creek, Nambucca ; Baker's Creek, Hillgrove ; and Buk- kulla, Tnverell. At the Wentworth Mine the native antimony is embedded in calcite, forming pretty mineral specimens ; further examples of this occurrence will be found with the gold exhibit in case 52. In the Bukkulla specimen (9405) the native antimony is embedded in a nodule of antimonite. Earthy hydrous oxide of antimony. A yellowish substance, frequently found as an oxidation product encrusting antimonite. 81 Specimens from Crudine, Kempsey, Bellinger, Hillgrove, Ash- Case 68. ford, Trunkey, Gulgong, Carangula, and Solferino are exhibited. 1556, from Solferino, shows antimonite within the oxide; evidently the whole mass was once antimonite. Oxide of antimony. Fibrous crystals from Ulmarra and Valentinite. Bowraville. A very similar specimen from Canada will be found in case 87. Oxy-sulphide of antimony ; a deep-red fibrous mineral. Speci- Kermesite. men from Hillgrove. Stibnite : sulphide of antimony, By far the most common Antimonite. ore. It is a greyish-black mineral, generally occurring in bundles of blade-like crystals. It is very soft, and can be fused by holding a splinter in a candle flame ; this easy fusibility affords a ready means of identification. Antimonite is very frequently crystallised sometimes in needle-like crystals of great delicacy (see 962 and others from Carangula) : flat forms with transverse striations, like 966 and others from Hillgrove, are also common and characteristic. Although nothing comparable to the unique antimonite crystals from Japan (see special case facing the entrance) have been found, yet some of the specimens exhibited are very beautiful. 9564, Hillgrove, and 6915, Pretty Gully, New England, show a crust of oxide eating into the sulphide. 2341, Bowra, illustrates the granular form often assumed by the mineral when not distinctly crystallised. Antimonite is sometimes associated with gold ores, or may even be itself auriferous ; this is particularly the case at Hillgrove. This association with gold is well illus- trated in the gold cages. (See pages 31 and 33.) 985, Brereton's property, Hillgrove, showing free gold, is exhibited here. FaJilore: sulphide of copper and antimony. This mineral is Fahlerz. placed here for convenience ; it would more appropriately be arranged with the ores of copper. Fahlerz does occur crystallised, but there are no specimens from New South Wales in the collec- tion. The ore is frequently argentiferous. The identification of Jamesonite. Berthierite. Case 71- Calamine. 82 the mineral requires experience. Specimens are exhibited here from Emmaville, Major's Creek, Molong, and Wiseman's Creek ; more will be found with the New England ores in silver case 58. It also occurs at the Burragorang Silver Eield. Sulphide of lead and antimony. A mineral like antimonite in appearance, but often possessing a feathery structure. Speci- mens are exhibited from Hillgrove, Pye's Creek, and Cullen's Creek (Eivertree). That from Pye's Creek (6966) shows the jamiesonite forming at the expense of galena, which it is eating into and encrusting. Sulphide of antimony and iron. A mineral resembling Jamesonite. Rivertree and Inverell. ZINC. Zinc minerals, other than blende, are not common in New South Wales : some, such as the oxide (zincite) and the silicates (willemite) and (Jiemimorpliite) , have not yet been detected. Carbonate of zinc* is found very sparingly at Broken Hill and Bredbo, but never in sufficient quantity to admit of its being used as an ore oE zinc, as is the case in Spain and elsewhere (see case 87, page 112) . The mineral is colourless, or of various light shades of green and blue. It is often found in small crystals resembling the so-called dog-tooth spar (see calcite, case 101, page 156) ; numerous instances of this will be found among the Broken Hill specimens such as 948. At other times calamine occurs in crusts or mammillated masses (4063). The specimens from Broken Hill are very beautiful. They occur principally lining the interior of cavities (vuglis) above water-level. A common mode of occur- rence is that in which stalactites of carbonate of lead or of oxides of manganese and of iron are studded w r ith little crystals standing out at right angles to the length of the stalactite. Good instances of this will be found in the collections (5513, 1865, Plate Y). At Mount Stewart calamine has been found with * Great confusion exists in the naming of certain zinc ores the English usage is to call the carbonate calamine and the hydrous silicate amithsonite ; the Americans reverse this order. 83 carbonates of iron and manganese (949). Calamine also occurs Case 71. in the Bredbo district (944, 945.) 7690, Broken Hill, a car- bonate of zinc and lime ; it has been named ruleite. Sulphide of zinc ; of common occurrence in mineral veins. Blende When in deposits of considerable purity it is a valuable mineral such deposits are not as yet known to exist in New South "Wales. The occurrence of blende in ores of gold or silver, gives rise to much difficulty in treating them (see page 43.) Blende may exhibit any shade of colour from amber to black ; but notwith- standing this variability, it may be readily recognised by its appearance after some practice. Blende is easily scratched with a knife, the streak being usually buff in colour ; the mineral, morever, has a peculiar resinous feel under the knife : both characteristics are of great value in determination. Good crystals are not common ; the best from this State are perhaps those from Spring Creek, Bungoiiia, (2822, 952), where pale- oloured varieties are sometimes found, and White Rock, Drake (5965). Some varieties of blende contain a good deal of iron ; cadmium ^p is also sometimes present. 9559, Conrad Mine, Bora Creek, contains 22 per cent, of iron, and a little cadmium.* COBALT. The consumption of cobalt in the Arts is not very great; nevertheless, the ores of the metal are of considerable value. Although cobalt minerals are comparatively rare, there is a considerable variety of them. For other ores see case 89. Asb&lan : hydrous oxide of manganese containing a variable Cobaltiferous amount of cobalt; the principal cobalt ore in Australasia, This ore is found in irregular deposits in serpentine at Port Mac- quarie, from which district several specimens, accompanied by complete analyses, are exhibited ; and a block specimen in the end compartment of case 51, The contents of metallic cobalt * The cadmium of commerce is obtained from blende. When present in small quantities it is said to be deleterious. 84 Case 71. averages about six per cent. The most cobaltiferous varieties sometimes have the beautiful indigo-blue tint seen in 8420. Similar ores, but not payable, are found in other districts. Near Bungoniait acts as a cement, binding drift-quartz pebbles together (2780 and others). 9018, assaying 2 '6 per cent, of cobalt, is from the Union Lead, Forbes (depth of 100 feet). 8993, Tingha, a tin-bearing quartz drift cemented by cobal- tiferous wad. 8205, Mount Boppy, assays 2'2 per cent, of cobalt. 8547, Macleay River, assays 6 per cent. Erythrine. Col alt bloom, hydrous arseniate of cobalt a peach-coloured encrustation produced by the weathering of cobalt ores. The specimens exhibited are all from the deposit of cobalt-bearing arsenical pyrites glaucodot at Carcoar. Close inspection shows the encrustation to consist of bundles of needle-like crystals. Smaltite. Arsenide of cobalt, &c. : A tin-white mineral, characteristic crystals of which will be found in case 89. It has been found in \ small quantities at the Consols Mine, Broken Hill, associated with chaljbite. 1264 shows imperfect crystals. Willyamite. Sulph-antimonide of cobalt. Consols Mine, Broken Hill. Cobaltite Sulph-arsenide of cobalt. Consols Mine, Broken Hill. Olaucodot. Cobaltiferous mispickel : an ore that has been mined in small quantities at Carcoar, and from the alteration of which the erythrine just referred to has resulted. 9305, Inverell, is a cobalt mineral not yet investigated. 7327, stream tin from New England containing cobalt ore. BISMUTH. 70. Bismuth ores are not uncommon in New South "Wales, being found for the most part impregnating, or as pipes in granite. The demand for bismuth is very limited, its use being restricted 85 mainly to the preparation of alloys witli tin and lead, that have Case 70. the properties of fusing at a low temperature and of expanding on solidification, and to medicinal purposes. The organisation of the bismuth trade prevents the exportation of more than a limited number of tons of ore annually, This mineral has a very characteristic appearance, by which it Native may be readily recognised with a little experience. A ruddy tinge is often displayed well shown in the Cobar specimen. It has been found in several localities, but principally on the granite tableland of New England. Kingsgate, near Glen Innes, yields the greatest quantity of native bismuth, where it is accompanied by molybdenite (see page 87). Numerous specimens of the Kingsgate ore are exhibited here, but the best are in the New South Wales- Court of the Imperial Institute, in London. 9077, Kingsgate : shows good cleavage faces with a highly- metallic lustre. 1011, Kingsgate: a massive lump of native bismuth with a little quartz ; the cleavage faces are coated with carbonate of bismuth. 1012, 1014, Kiugsgate : show acicular crystals of native bismuth traversing glassy quartz. 7786, Jingera, Whipstick : granite with native and sulphide of bismuth. 6759, Jingera : somewhat similar to 7786, but containing much molybdenite, the bluish plumbago-like mineral. This ore assays 101 per cent, of bismuth and 6^ dwt. of gold per ton. Further specimens of the Jingera ore, which is sometimes rich in silver, will be found under Silver 60 (see page 53). 9173, in case 96, Kingsgate: rock crystal, with acicular native bismuth. 1010, Kingsgate : quartz, showing native bismuth and molybdenite very clearly. 86 Bismuth Ochre. Bisnmtite. Case 70. 1015, Kingsgate : granite, showing much native bismuth. 7412, near Yarrow Creek: white quartz with native bismuth. 8030 New England : quartz and native bismuth associated with beryl, the pale greenish-blue mineral. Specimens are also exhibited from Pheasant Creek, Gragin, Silent Grove, Emmaville, and Binghi. 1033, 7423, Great Cobar Mine, Cobar, where a little bismuth occurs with the copper ore. Carbonate of bismuth : an earthy yellow substance frequently found encrusting other bismuth ores. Specimens are exhibited from Kingsgate, Yarrow, Hogue's Creek, Bingera, Uralla, Severn River, Mount Gipps, and Nanima. 9706, "Warialda District : associated with monazite sand. 9185, Nanima: concentrates from gold workings. Bisinathine. A block of carbonate of bismuth ore from Kingsgate will be ] found in case 128, near the door. Sulphide of bismuth : generally occurring in clusters of needle- like crystals ; closely resembles antimonite in general appearance. 1031, Kingsgate : tufts of fibrous crystals in quartz. 1040, Kingsgate : with native bismuth in quartz. 8099, Eed Kange, Glen Innes : in granite, assaying 17 dwt. gold per ton and 13 per cent, of bismuth. 7326, !N"anima : in quartz, assaying 27 dwt. gold per ton and 6 per cent, of bismuth. 4023, Nimmitybelle : in quartz, assaying 3| per cent, of bismuth. 6760, Jingera : granite, with molybdenite, &c., assaying 6 per cent, of bismuth, and carrying a little gold and silver. 9667, Jingera : well crystallized. 9007, Jingera (in upright case 136, near the door) : granite, impregnated with bismuthine and molybdenite. 87 Sulphide of bismuth, lead and silver. This mineral has been Ja,S6 70. found in small quantities with quartz and copper pyrites at cosalite. Duckmaloi. Assays of U oz. of gold and 3GO oz. of silver per ton have been obtained. Compounds with tellurium are described under Tellurium. MOLYBDENUM. Ores of molybdenum are used in the preparation of certain classes of steel and in the calico and porcelain industries. The value fluctuates, but is at present (1901) very high. The ores are found in granitic rocks for the most part, but occasionally in quartz. A pretty sulphur-yellow mineral. "Whipstick and Nambucca Molybdic River. Oota! - A soft bluish flaky mineral, distinguished from plumbago by Molybdenite, the greenish tint of its streak. It occurs at Kingsgate, Bolivia, and many other localities. 9009, Kingsgate : good crystals. MANGANESE. Black oxide of manganese (wad and psilomelane) is of very common occurrence. Such ores are used in the manufacture of steel and the preparation of chlorine.* Numerous samples are exhibited, but it dees not follow that they represent workable deposits. Moonbi, Kempsey, Arrnidale, Uralla, Nymboida, Bendemeer, Walcha, Tamworth, Gulgong, Mudgee, Glanmire, Cobar, Cooyal, Peak Hill District, Woodstock, Eockley, Eugowra, Caloola, Tumut, Queaiibeyan, Cooma, Gundagai. 5265, Bendemeer: contains 96 per cent, of binoxide of manganese. * For the nrcoaration of chlorine used in the chlorination of gold ores it is the binoxidt of nfa^neL o^thaUs useful. The amount of binoxide present can only be ascertained by direct determination. II 88 Case 70. 9541, Kempsej : contains 80 per cent, of binoxide of manganese. 964, Murrumbateman : crystallized^yroZws/fe. Rhodocrosite. Carbonate of manganese. Broken Hill: the rhodocrosite forms globular masses coated with dolomite. Rhodonite. Silicate of manganese. A pretty pink mineral, capable of taking a good polish. 5494, Block 10, Broken Hill ; crystals. Ehodonite occurs in the sulphide ore at Broken Hill, and is sometimes mistaken for garnet. 5353, Beudeineer ; polished. Also, from Tilbuster, Warne Eiver, Manilla, and Bundarra. CHROMIUM. Case 73. A considerable quantity of ores of chromium is used in the Arts, more particularly in the manufacture of chrome steel and chemical salts, and for basic linings in furnaces. Chrome iron or chromite is the only ore. Chromile. Chromate of iron : a black mineral, usually massive, that can be just scratched with a good knife. It invariably occurs in irregular masses in serpentine. In New South Wales chromite has been found in many serpentine areas. Bingera, Barraba, Gordonbrook, Lionsville, Manilla, Tulgilbar, the Upper Manning, Young, and other -districts from which payable chrome has not as yet been obtained, are represented. 5354-, from near Manilla, and 1557, from Tulgilbar, show slickensided surfaces. 9097, Coolac, Mooney Mooney Range, shows the junction of the ore with serpentine. Chromite of good quality has been found near G undagai, and has been mined more or less actively for some years. Several classes of ores, assaying up to 55 per cent, of chromic oxide, are exhibited. 89 5200, 4355, Gundagai : slickensided surfaces stained a brilliant Case 73, green by salts of chromium. 9539, Quilter's Mine (Gobarralong), showing octahedral faces of crystallised chromite. 5299, Emu Mine : peridotite, the rock from which the serpen- tine appears to have been derived by alteration. TUNGSTEN. An alloy of tungsten and iron is used in the preparation of certain varieties of steel, ifc having been found that the addition of small proportions of tungsten produces a steel of great toughness. It is produced from two minerals only, viz., sclieelite and wolfram. Tungstate of lime: a white mineral, usually found massive, Sclieelite characterised by its great density. Specific gravity, 6.* Scheelite has been found in quantity in the neighbourhood of Hillgrove only, where it occurs as narrow veins traversing granite. 9278 : from a 4-inch vein traversing granite. 3972 : rich ore containing 57^ per cent, of tungstic acid. 9274, and others : low-grade ores from the Hopetoun Mine, that can be concentrated up to market requirements. 923, Gara Falls, near Hillgrove. 9429 and others : Erogmore, where it also occurs in granite country. Tuena. Queanbeyan ; Hanging Eock. A green variety of scheelite containing copper. Cupro- scheelile 5585, Peelwood. In this ore it is intimately associated with stolzite (lead tungstate) and ordinary scheelite. * The specific gravity of S',-heelite is much higher than that of barytes, a mineral some- times mistaken for it. 90 Case 73. 7702, Upper Timby, Teoval : picked portions were found to contain 73 per cent. o tungstic acid, 14 of lime, and 7 of cuprous oxide. 8395, Back Creek. 9344, Orange : assaying 68*35 per cent, of tungstic acid, and 2*56 of metallic copper. Wolfram. T} ie most abundant and most valuable ore of tungstic acid. A very heavy black mineral (specific gravity, between 7 and 8), readily cleaving into highly lustrous flakes. It is easily scratched with a knife, yielding a reddish-brown streak.* It occurs as irregular patches in granite, and frequently has a quartz gangue. While principally found in New England, it also occurs in numerous other localities, but never in any quantity. 913, New England : showing excellent cleavage surfaces with good vitreous lustre. 9093, 9544, and 894: crystals of wolfram from the Wild Kate, Torrington, and other claims near Deepwater. Comparison should be made with the titaniferous iron ore, ilmenite, from Deepwater, exhibited at the end of this show-case. Wolfram and ilmenite are sometimes very much alike. 9566, 10 miles north-east of Deepwater : coating quartz crystals. 9306, Stony Creek, Rockley. 921 and others, Barrier Kange. 7732, near Erogmore, where a small quantity has been mined. 7675, Yalgogrin. * Wolfram may be readily distinguished from certain other minerals by its physical characters : Scratched with knife. Colour of Powder. Wolfram * Easily Reddish brown. Hematite With great difficulty Blood red. No Buff. No Almost white. 91 3757, 3760. Pullitop, near Wagga, where it is associated with Case 73. tinstone. (See page 66.) 920, near Cooma. 918, Eremeran, near Mount Hope : in quartz. Tungstate of lead. See under Lead, case 68. Stolzite. TELLURIUM. This comparatively rare element is found in New South Wales in small quantities only, and invariably in association with bismuth. It has practically 110 commercial value. Tetradymite : a soft mineral, closely resembling graphite in Telluric Bismuth, appearance. 841 and 2692, Captain's Plat: with the oxidised material known as montanite. A button of tellurium, extracted from the ore, is also exhibited. 9551, Prince of "Wales Mine, G-undagai : with gold in quartz. This mineral is not true tetradymite, since it contains a consider- able proportion of lead. 7411, Kentucky, Uralla : with gold and quartz. 6925, Hazlegrove, Tarana : with gold and quartz. 6926, Hazlegrove, Tarana : telluric bismuth, oxidised in part, separated from the ore by washing. 5834, Moor Creek, Tamworth : in quartz. 5835, Moor Creek, Tamworth (in Gold case 50) : shows free gold as well. 10206, ISTanima, Bismuth Mine : massive montanite, showing occasional specks of tetradymite, from the oxidation of which it must have resulted. The mineral contains a small proportion of manganese. Tetradymite can sometimes be seen in the quartz from the SSTamina Mine. 92 Ilmenite. TITANIUM. Case 73. A metal frequently found combined with iron in the form of oxides. Of little commercial use, but is said to have been recently, in certain combinations, introduced as a dye for leather. Oxide of iron and oxide of titanium. A black mineral that can be just scratched with a good knife, crushing to a powder that is almost or quite black. By these characteristics it can always le distinguished from tinstone (see page 66). It generally occurs scattered through certain igneous rocks, and becomes naturally concentrated into black sand when such rocks are disintegrated. Samples of black sands from different districts; are exhibited. 6892, Deepwater : a massive form. Oxide of titanium. 7854, said to come from Milparinka. 9013, Sydney Plat, Uralla. 8745, Tingha : hair-like crystals enclosed in smoky quartz. Butile. Case 73. Case 73. VANADIUM. Pound only as a staining in various coals and clays. 1143, Leconfield : coal with a green colouration on the parting face, due to the presence of vanadium. 8553, Tomingley Gold Mine : a bright green staining on clay. (See also under Sydney District, page 184.) SULPHUR. 7733, Consols Mine, Broken Hill : free sulphur on galena. Free sulphur is occasionally found in small grains in iode quartz. SELENIUM. 6575, Mount Allen : slate containing a little selenium (not visible to the eye). Traces of selenium can be found in various sulphide ores. 93 CERIUM GROUP. There has, of recent years, been some demand for minerals Case 73. containing certain rare elements, more especially thorium, which is used in the manufacture of mantles for incandescent lamps. A resinous, brownish mineral ; can be easily scratched with a Monazite. knife. 2641, Vegetable Creek : coarse sand. 6725, The Gulf, New England : in parent rock. 6974, Tooloom River : zircon sand containing some monazite. 2115, Tumbarumba : zircon sand containing some monazite. 2639, probably from New South Wales : a large piece. 9276, Dingo Creek, Torringtoii : in quartz. 9705, Warialda District; associated with carbonate of bismuth. . BOGHEAD MINERAL. Boghead Mineral, or Kerosene Shale as it is popularly called, Case 72, occurs in seams and irregular layers in the coal measures. It contains a much higher percentage of volatile hydrocarbons than true coal. A good shale would yield 150 gallons of crude oil per ton, or 18,003 cubic feet of gas. It is very advantageously mixed with ordinary coal in the manufacture of gas. The principal deposits are those of Joadja, Hartley, and Capertee Valley, but it has been found at many other places. Near the entrance will be found block specim -ns showing the thickness and general character of the seams at these places. Specimens are exhibited from many localities, but at the time of writing (December, 1901) the collection is in course of arrangement. Good shale breaks with a characteristic conchoidal fracture. For a good specimen from Hartley, showing this fracture and concentric markings, see case 138. COAL. The payable coal measures of jNTew South Wales are of Permo- carboniferous age. There are three horizons (see Table of Strata, page 178) of productive coal, separated by non-coaltbearing strata, V1Z * : 1. Greta series (lowest). 2. East Maitlaiid (Tomago) series (middle). 3. Newcastle series (upper). No. 1 Seam. 7 ft. 6 in. No. 2, Burwood Seam, 12 ft. 8 in. No. 3 Seam, 3 t. Borehole Seam, A. A. Co., No. 2 Pit. No. 4, Dirty Seam, 6 ft. No. 5, Yard Seam, 2 ft. 10 in. No 6, Borehole Seam, 13 ft. Section through Newcastle Coal-measures near Adamstown. Burwood Seam, Burwood Colliery ] 95 The Newcastle Coal Measures are the most important ; they attain a great thickness at Lake Macquarie. Of the various seams of coal (see section, page 94) the most important is the Bore- hole Seam ; it is from 8 to 21 feet thick, and is the one worked at the principal collieries. Some of the upper seams have been worked. Specimens of coal from various collieries, in some cases Case 74. accompanied by complete analyses, are exhibited. These include samples from the Borehole, Em-wood, Yard and 2-foot seams. Coal from the Illawarra, Mittagong, Blue Mountain, Dubbo, Case 75. Xamoi Eiver and Tweed Eiver districts. A seam of carbonaceous shale occurs at Wilson's Downfall, plumbago. It is of very poor quality. MISCELLANEOUS MINERALS OF COMMERCIAL VALUE.* Hydrous sulphate of alumina, and potash : a massive mineral Case 76. often found in large deposits. It is used as a source of alum. Alunite. Alunite has been largely mined at Bulladelah, in the Stroud District. Specimens are exhibited, ranging in colour from rose- pink to almost chalky-white. Several complete analyses are given. 4216, a rose-red variety cut and polished. 9516, Halloysite, hydrous silicate of alumina found associated with the al unite. . Natural alums are of common occurrence, occupying cracks Alum, or lining cavities in the Hawkesbury sandstone and other rocks. They do not occur in sufficient quantity to be of commercial value. Zinc has sometimes been detected in them. 3076, Mount "Wingen ; a hydrous sulphate of alumina with sulphur. Magnesia alums from Wall era w an g, Mount Victoria, Shoal- haven, Capertee, Burragorang. * For cement, see page 135. 96 Case 76. Phosphates. Fuller's Earth Kaolin. Tripolite. fire-clay. Asbestos. Various phosphates and other soluble deposits have teen found in the limestone caves at Jenolan ; they would be valuable for agricultural purposes if they could be procured in large quantities. 9176, hydrous phosphate of alumina. 9177, hydrous phosphate and sulphate of lime. 7746, hydrous phosphate of alumina with much silica. 9179, hydrous phosphate of alumina and potash (miner rite). 9180 and 9715, nitre. 7006, Gordonbrook ; a narrow vein of apatite phosphate of lime traversing granite. Small deposits at Wingen and Curlewis. China Clay. Kogarah, CarlingFord, Molong, Mudgee, Cudal, Manning River, Burrowa, Peak Hill, Bombala, Tutnut, Parkes, Ulladulla, Kiandra, Dalton, and Duubible. Several are accom- panied by analyses, and a few by manufactured articles. * Diatomaceous (or Infusorial) Earth : a deposit made up of the siliceous frame-work of microscopic plants known as diatoms. The material is very porous and very low in density, owing to the microscopic particles being hollow. A red jasper occurs with the Cooma earth. Barraba, Cooma, Warrumbungle Mountains, Wyrallah (Tweed River), and elsewhere. The Cooma deposit has been worked, but only to a slight extent. A little material has also been taken from the Tweed River deposit. Maitland, Lithgow, Young, Mount Hope, Waratah, Burraga 7 Groulburn, Parramatta, with analyses. Asbestos of good quality has been found in serpentine country at Jones Creek, G uiidagai, and a small patch was worked some years ago. Inferior samples are from Rockwell Paddock (Broken * An ultimate analysis gives very little guidance as to the value of a clay for commercia purposes. The proportion of quartz, felspar, &c., of which clays are generall}' made up, is much more valuable ; an analysis that gives this is known as " rational." 97 Hill), Eockley, Tamworth, Burro wa, and Byng. The material from Byng has been used locally to a slight extent for boiler covering. The largest yet found in New South Wales is from Broken Mica. Hill, but is too small to be of commercial value. In an unnumbered ca*e, immediately to the left of the entrance, Special will be found a quantity of ochres and other pigments from cases. Dubbo, Larras Lake, Molong, and elsewhere. Several attempts Ochres ' have been made to place these on the market, but with scant success. Kalsomines prepared from local material, and a series of small duplicates of samples recently submitted for valuation in London, with the prices quoted, are exhibited. For comparison, ochres and umbers from Cyprus, Spain, Ireland, and Cumberland are placed here. A series of cores from the Wallon Bore, Moree, obtained with Case 77. the calyx drill from various depths between 350 feet and 1800 Artesian feet are shown. The fossils found in the core show that Triassic strata are present beneath the Cretaceous, and it was in the former that Artesian water was struck (at a depth of 2330 feet). Specimens of the porous sandstones which catch and absorb the surface water at their outcrop in Queensland are exhibited below. ORNAMENTAL AND BUILDING STONES. The Museum possesses a considerable variety of ornamental and building stones from New South Wales. These are displayed on the north wall and in upright show-cases near the entrance. Immediately to the right of the entrance, on the south wall, Marble, are large polished slabs of the following marbles : Cow Mat ; white. Tamworth ; red. Marulan ; grey. Orange ; pink. Of these, the Tarnworth and Orange marbles can sometimes be obtained in Sydney. The Tamworth marble consists largely of the stems of fossil crinoids (sea-lilies). Candlesticks and other articles made from it will be found in case 131 near by. Beneath the larger slabs is a row of smaller ones, containing the following additional varieties : Walli; grey with fossil shells (JbracJiiopoda) . Bibbenluke ; black and white with fossil shells (bracliiopodd) . Btmgoiiia Caves ; dove-grey. Abercrombie Caves ; dirty white. Tarrangobilly Caves ; black. Mudgee; grey. Gundagai ; cream. Of these, the Mudgee and Bungonia marbles are very good. The Mudgee marble works as well as the famous Sicilian. On the same wall is a number of smaller polished slabs from Fernbrook (Bathurst), Mudgee, Molong, Kockley, Eylestone, Cudal, Newbridge, &c. Here is also a table composed of New South Wales marbles. The visitor cannot fail to be struck with the great beauty of these marbles, and with the variety of colour and pattern obtainable from such localities as Mudgee, Molong, and Pern- brook. For comparison with these, a set of the European marbles best known in London is placed on the south wall ; they are described under their trade names. In case 133 is a small pyramid of Kempsey marble, and a larger one of B-ockley black marble ; the latter consists largely of the stems of crinoids. Serpentine, suitable for outdoor work in general, is exhibited from Bingera and Cowra. A polished slab of Bingera stone will be found on the south wall near the entrance, and a dressed block in case 135. In the same case, and in 129, are various Ornaments cut from the stone. The Cowra serpentine is in case 133. Precious serpentine from Byng is shown in case 124. It is found in thin layers only, and would be suitable for small work only if at all. Green porphyry from Cowra. A good etone, hut very expensive Porphyry. to work 011 account of its toughness. Case 129. From the Hawkesbury Series, in cases 129 and 133. Large Sandstone, dressed cubes from the following quarries near Sydney: Parramatta, Hunter's Hill, Pyrmoiit, Eandwick, Mosman. From the Hunter Eiver District (Carboniferous and Permo- Carboiiiferous Formations). In cases 133 and 135 are large dressed cubes from quarries at the following places : Ruther- ford, East Maitland, Morpeth, Clarence Town, Eavensfield, Musvvellbrook, Paterson, Lambton. Serving as a base to a column of Bingera serpentine in case 129, is a cut block of the grey "Waratah sandstone a beautiful stone. Gabo Island, case 124. A red granite similar to that from Granite. Pcterhcad (Scotland). Trial Bay. A large polished block to the left of the entrance. A pale pink granite, exceptionally easy to polish. Moruya. Polished and dressed blocks in cases 129 and 133. A grey granite with moonstone felspar.* Gadara (Tumut District). A pretty grey granite, taking a good polish and working well. The markings are very uniform. Bowral. A grey rock serving equally well in the rough or " Trachyte." t polished. Case 133. * May be seen in the columns of the G.P.O., Sydney. t Properly speaking, this rock is a syenite. It may be seen in many Sydney buildings, notablv that of the New York Equitable Life Assurance Company, George-street. 100 MINERALS OF ECONOMIC VALUE, LOCALITIES OTHER THAN NEW SOUTH WALES. These show-cases should be studied from left to right. GEMSTONES.* Case 78 South Africa. In the first column on the left are diamonds Diamond. and models, the largest of the latter representing a stone weigh- ing 103J carats. 5962, a stone weighing 1'4 carats, represents one of the most characteristic forms assumed by diamonds crystals an eight- sided double pyramid (octahedron^). 2343, a not uncommon flattened form of tetrahedron (3 carats). 5961, a very remarkable specimen (3| carats), consistingof three cubes intergrown. It is rare to find the diamond crystallising in the form of the cube. The edges of the cube are modified by a series of overlapping faces of the octahedron, giving rise to an appearance of bevelling such as would result from the presence of the rhombic dodecahedron. The stone is grey in tint, measuring 5 mm. in length of edge, and weighing 3- carats. 2345, carbonado. 2346, a most interesting specimen, showing a small crystal embedded in the so-called "blue ground" in which the Kimberley stones are found. The crystal has the usual pyramid shape : the striations on the faces should be noticed. t The nature of the country, and of the material in which the diamonds are found, is well shown by a good seres of specimens, and by descriptive labels and diagrams at the head of the show- case. The stones are found scattered through a decomposed material occupying oval pipes vertically traversing the basalts, shales, and quartzites of the country. This material is known as " blue ground." * As the diamond -bearing material is now crushed immediately on coming from the mine, t is very unlikely that specimens such as this will be forthcoming in the future. t For remarks about diamonds, and notes on New South Wales gemstones, see page 15. 101 Several pieces of blue ground, showing cavities from which large diamonds have been taken are exhibited. Near the surface the blue ground passes into a red soil. There is no doubt that these pipes have been drilled through the Earth's Crust by an explosive force acting from within, and they may, therefore, be reasonably expected to continue to a depth greater than that at which mining would become possible. The blue ground is a breccia composed of a heterogeneous mixture of irregular fragments of various rocks which have been projected upwards from unknown depths. The diamonds have not been formed where they are now found, but have accom- panied the other material in its upward journey. The breccia cannot, therefore, be regarded as the true home of the diamond ; but important evidence, obtained very recently, points to an igneous rock consisting largely of oliviiie, garnet, and augite as the original source (see page 1C). Some of the minerals associated with the diamonds in the blue ground, eg., bronzite, mica, garnet, calcite, pyrite, gypsum, and natrolite, are exhibited. West Australia. A diamond-bearing cement from Nullagine. Specimens of spinel, topaz, emerald, lapis lazuli, garnet, zircon, Gemstones. turquoise, and crocidolite will be found here, but call for little comment. For beryl, see page 154. 2104, Gippsland (Victoria), 9385, Wanganilla (Queensland), Turquoise, and 8525, Arizona, show the mineral as it generally occurs in veins traversing slate. This beautiful and well-known substance from South Africa Crocidolite. is an asbestos-like mineral that has been saturated with silica and practically converted into quartz, while still retaining its original structure. Specimens from Queensland, Mexico, and Hungary. The Opal. Queensland opal generally occurs in veins and masses in iron- stone. On the wall near the show-case are pictures of the 'Queensland opal-field. 102 Case 77. Native Platinum. Sperrylite. Case 77. Cinnabar. PLATINUM.* The principal platinum mining field is that in the Ural Moim tains (Russia). Here, as everywhere else, the platinum occur; in alluvial wash, small specimens of which from the Demidof Estate are exhibited. 2280, alluvial wash. 2281, concentrate! from first washing. 2282, concentrates from second washing 5691-2, crude platinum. The largest nugget yet found is in the collection of Princ< Demidofr*. A cast of it is exhibited here. In the nickel mines at Sudbury in Canada, and at one othe] locality, has been found the only natural combination of plat inum with another element known to exist. This is the minera sperrylite, in which platinum is combined with arsenic, forming tin-white crystals. Sperrylite is found in small quantities onl} in an ochreous matrix. Specimens of both are exhibited. very good; Spain, various Australasian MERCURY. The collection of cinnabar ores here is California, and Russia, together with localities, being well represented. Spain. 3215, from the well-known locality of Almaden, is the only good specimen of crystallised cinnabar in the Museum. 6002 shows native quicksilver in minute globules on the cinnabar. California. 8409 shows cinnabar crystals ; 8410 native mercury in abundance. 3861 appeals to the imagination, coming as it does from the city of San Francisco, which town is said to be built over a deposit of cinnabar. New Caledonia. Although no mining for mercury is as yet carried on in the island, cinnabar has been found in several localities among others Nakety. Varieties of schist, ironstone, and other rocks containing cinnabar, are exhibited. 7311, believed to come from New Caledonia, shows cinnabar seated on galena. New Zealand, Queensland, Victoria, Russia, British Columbia. * For remarks about platinum, and notes on New South Wales specimens, see page 21. 103 GOLD. Case 8a Quartz from Mount Morgan, Ravenswood, Eidsvold, Gympie, Queensland. Kockhampton, Charters Towers, Mount Shamrock, Croydon, and elsewhere, mostly representing these fields as they were some years ago. 292, Mount Morgan ; ironstone gossan, with characteristic iridescent tarnish. A large specimen of the gossan is shown in case 103. 6423, Mount Morgan ; ironstone rich in gold. 1185, Mount Morgan ; auriferous sinter. 2873, Near Rockhampton ; gold coating crystals of pyrites. 2680, Gympie ; calcitc crystals showing gold. 7016, "Waratah Mine, Croydon ; quartz showing native silver, and assaying about 11 oz. gold and 400 oz. silver per ton. 2656, Mount Bartle Erere ; alluvial gold. In case 116 will be found igneous rocks from the Croydon Gold-field, and country rocks from Gympie. A few quartz specimens from Sandhurst and elsewhere. Victoria. 6753, Golden Mountain, Goulburn River ; granite showing gold. 7243, Glynn ; auriferous quartzite. Tasmania. A few gold ores from South Australia and New Zealand. Kalgoorlie. Among the most interesting of the specimens in Case 79. the Museum is the collection of telluride ores from Kalgoorlie. West The ore occurs in a highly altered igneous rock, probably to us ra ia " some extent granitic in origin. It is characteristically dark green in colour, with a tendency to a schistose or slaty structure near the ore-body. - The ore-body itself is not a lode, but a zone of country-rock, highly mineralised and more highly altered than that surrounding it. The telluride minerals occur in veins and blotches. Several varities, but principally the pale brassy calaverite, are present. Picked specimens of these tellurides will be found in case 92 ; here only the ordinary i 101 ores, in which tellurides are generally not risible to the eve, are exhibited. In case 128 will be found a fine specimen showing a vein of gold tellurides traversing the rock.* In the oxidized ore from near the surface will be noticed a peculiar clay-like form of gold the so-called " mustard " variety. This appears to be characteristic of the weathering of telluride ores. The tellurium, being very volatile, passes off, leaving the gold in this mustard-like condition. Mustard gold is also found at Cripple Creek, Colorado (see 8624 in case 92). 8138, 8426, 9330, and other specimens in the first two rows show this well. 8455 shows a chocolate tint, also rather characteristic of the weathering of tellurides. The metallic mineral showing in this specimen is pyrite, not telluride of gold. A series of ores from various mines is exhibited, in which the metallic mineral showing is generally pyrite. 8509, Kalgurli Mine ; a light-coloured ore with specks of titaniferous iron scattered through it. Titaniferous iron appears to occur in most of the ore and country rock. 8513, Great Boulder Mine, has been cut to show the brecciated character of the ore. 8470, Block 45 ; calcite with calaverite, one of the rare instances in which gangue minerals accompany the Kalgoorlie ore. Auriferous quartz from Mallina, Mount Ida, Coolgardie, Marble Bar, Yalgoo, Pilbarra, Menzies. the Murchison, and other- localities. 1432, Lake Austin ; gold with gypsum. 8796, 8476, Coolgardie ; gold with hornblende. 1430, Lake Austin ; gold on lydian stone. 9562, Donnybrook ; filamentous gold in pulverulent material. Kanowna Lead. Rich gold was found here beneath a false bottom of the travertine which is found covering large areas in * The mode of occurrence at Kalgoorlie is very different from that at Cripple Creek, Colorado (see page 105). It should be borne in mind that there is, at present, no reason for believing that any particular kind of rock is more favourable to the occurrence of tellurides than another, and prospectors should rather aim at identifying the mineral? themseh es. 105 the "West. Specimens of rich wash-dirt, travertine false-bottom, bed-rock showing gold, pug, and associated minerals are exhibited. A few specimens from New Guinea, Borneo, and JN"ew Cale- Case 79. donia. East Indies, &c. 1C028, Celebes ; a quartz geode (occurring in limestone), with platy gold on the quartz. 10027, Celebes ; veins of auriferous quartz in porphyry. 10026, Sumatra, A typical series of auriferous quartz from the working mines of United States. California. Also ores from Oregon, Dakota, "Washington, Vir- ginia, Mercur, and elsewhere. The telluride ores of Cripple Creek, Colorado, will be of interest : 9189 ; a volcanic rock, andesite, showing a joint-face coated with^^or and sylvanite (telluride of gold and silver). 9191 ; a very common brecciated form. 6467; with purple fluor. The presence of fluor is regarded as an indication of_goJd. *8618 ; ^-oz. ore, containing purple fluor and antimonite. Various other ores with assay values up to 50 oz. per ton are shown. *8624 ; oxidized ore, showing the peculiar clay -like variety of gold (see page 104-) which appears to be characteristic of the oxidation of telluride ores. *8619, 8628, are of exceptional interest. Each specimen shows crystals of telluride of gold from, which the tellurium has partly been removed, probably by volatilization, the gold remaining as a pseudomorpb. 9190 ; average rich ore ; 4-oz. stone. In case 92 (see page 125) will be found picked specimens of gold-telluride minerals from Colorado. * These specimens are in case 92. 106 Europe. South Africa. Quartz from North Wales and Eussia. A large block of the famous banket will be .found on a table near the door. Gold quartz from Mysore will be found in case 103, and from Ontario in 104. Case 81. SILVER. The earlier portion of this case contains a number of silver minerals from various parts of the world, arranged according to composition. Native silver. 411, Zacatecas, Mexico ; wiry form occupying cavities. 3498, Chihuahua, Mexico ; in calcite. 432, Freiberg, Saxony ; a beautiful arborescent form. 8633, Bull Hill, Colorado ; in gfcplianite. In this specimen the native silver is growing out of the stephanite, from the alteration of which it has resulted. 405, Mexico ; a fine specimen of wire silver on galena. Others from Queensland (Croydon), Eussia, Tasmania ; and Freiberg. Silver-gold alloy. 6800, Eussia. Silver chloride ; a very soft waxy mineral, blackening on exposure. 409, Zacatecas, Mexico. 3551, Idaho ; on kaolin. The dull grey crust of the horn-silver can be clearly seen against the white background. Other specimens from Queensland, Idaho, and Chili. Silver bromide. 381, from Chili. Silver sulphide ; a very soft, black mineral, easily cut with a knife-blade, leaving a shining surface. 8149, Comstock Lode, Nevada ; little black masses in quartz. 380, Chili ; massive argentite. 8864, Himmelsfiirst Mine, Freiberg, Saxony. Electrum. Horn silver. Bromyrite. Argentite. 107 Sulphide of silver and iron. 3569, Owyhee County, Idaho ; Sternbergite. with copper pyrites in white quartz. Silver antimonide (see page 46) . Specimens from the Hartz Dycrasite. and from Cornwall. Sulph-antimoiiide of silver (see page 46). 8633, Bull Hill, Stephanite. Colorado ; massive variety. 431, Freiberg, Saxony ; crystals on quartz. Sulph-antiinonide of silver. 410-412, Zacatecas, Mexico ; p yr argyrite. quartz richly coloured with pyrargyrite. 377, Chili ; massive variety, with copper-pyrites and quartz. 8148, Cottonwood, Utah ; in quartz. 426-428, Andreasberg, the Hartz. Arsenic silver. Sulph-arsenide of silver. 413, Zacatecas, Mexico ; in quartz, proustite. 384, 385, Chili ; massive. Sulphide of silver, copper, antimony, and arsenic ; a black Polybasite. mineral, containing about 70 per cent, of metallic silver, and, therefore, a valuable ore. 383, Mexico. Sulph-antinionide of silver. 433, 434, Hiedelencia, Spain ; Freieslebenite good crystals. Bismuth-silver. 441, Schapbach. Schapbachite. A number of typical galena and other ores of silver from silver ores. Colorado, Arizona, Missouri, Idaho, Utah, "Washington, and United States, other American localities. 3869, Leeds, Utah ; a silver-bearing sandstone, with plant remains. In geological age, and, to some extent, in general appearance, this resembles the Hawkesbury sandstone of the Sydney District. 2040, Great Comstock Lode, Nevada ; quartz from the great depth of 3,250 feet.* Galena ores from Great Britain. Europe. A series of ores from the Silver Spur Mine, Texas. Queensland. * The workings on the Comstock Lode were carried to such a depth that the internal heat of the Earth's Crust became almost unendurable. 108 South Australia. New Zealand. West Australia. Victoria. Argentiferous galena, principally from Ravensfield and Towns- ville. Argentiferous galena from Zeehan and Dundas. Ores from the Northern Territory. A few silver ores. Silver ores from the Zacatecas Mines. LEAD. Selected crystallised specimens of lead minerals are arranged here. Numerous samples of galena and other ores of lead will be found under gold and silver. Lead carbonate 5819, 9333, Dundas, Tasmania ; the snow- white crystals sliow up extremely well against ths dark back- ground ; they are not unlike some of the Broken Hill specimens in case 62. Others from Arizona, New Caledonia, AYeardale (Eng.), and Russia. Lead sulphate ; 373, crystals from the Eveleen Mine, Northern Territory ; 23, fine crystals from Pilau, New Caledonia ; 10007, Tasmania ; large crystals. Copper-bearing, lead sulphate, ; 3375, Ygnacio Mine, Cerro Gordo, California. Lead molybdate ; 3871, 7438, Arizona ; beautiful, large platy crystals of a rich, red colour. 3213, 3182. Organ Mountain. New Mexico ; sulphur- yellow platy crystals on calcite. Some of the specimens procured from there are very fine. Crocoisite. Chromate of lead. Superb specimens from Dundas, Tasmania, are exhibited in case 90 (see page 122). PyromorpMta. Phosphate and chloride of lead, 9332, S.ylvestre Mine, Zeehan ; small, dark green, velvety crystals. Idaho, Missouri, Cumberland (Eng.). 109 Some of the lead-bearing minerals are among the most beautiful in Nature, Of these may be mentioned crocoisite, wulfenite, pyromorphite, and cerussite ; they are all very fragile. Arsenate and chloride of lead ; 888, (var. campylite). Europe. Mimetite. Lead sulphide, 3500, 7447 ; large cubes from Joplin, Missouri. Galena. Joplin is a famous American zinc and lead mining district ; fine crystals of zinc blende are also found in the mines (see case 87). Lead-zinc ores from Wisconsin will be found in case 104. 1300, Weardale Lead Mines, England ; cubic crystals, showing faces of the octahedron well, associated with fluor and chalybite. 8505, Wheal Fortune Mine, Northampton, West Australia ; cubic crystals, showing faces of the octahedron. . i 8-48, Alston, England ; somewhat similar to the Wheal Fortune specimen. 1301, AVeardale, England ; crystallised with calcite. 6252, Xanty Gram, Wales ; octahedral crystals. 457, Carmarthenshire, Wales; showing cubical cleavage and octahedral faces, associated with the dog-tooth variety of calcite. 469, Derbyshire, England ; with fluor. 7989, Eutland Cavern, Matlock, Bath, England ; a lead mine worked by the Eomans. The specimen has been taken from the old workings. COPPER. Cases 84, The Copper-Field of the Lake Superior District is one of the 103, (in part). most important in the world, and is of exceptional interest from the very peculiar nature of the deposit, and from, the depth to which mining operations have been carried over a mile. The Lake Superior. ore consists principally of native copper, and occurs, not in lodes or veins, but scattered through conglomerates and melaphyres of early Palaeozoic Age. The formation consists of a succession of lava flows and of sedimentary conglomerates and sandstones, native copper having been deposited in the cavities of the 110 vesicular lavas,* and between the pebbles of the conglomerates. Occasionally boulders of copper have resulted from the com- plete replacement of portions of the rock. It seems most pro- bable that the copper has been derived from some of the mineral constituents of the igneous rocks. The exhibit from this field is very complete, and well exemplifies the mode of arrangement followed in the Museum. The series commences with a few picked specimens of native copper, followed by the crushing ores, samples of coarse screenings and concentrates in different degrees of fineness, the country-rocks in different positions and mines, and associated minerals. At the head of the case will be found descriptive labels, maps, and plans. In this case (84) may be noticed 7439, crystallised native copper, and 5205, native copper welded to native silver. 2059, a quartz-porphyry pebble from one of the conglomerate beds, which are sometimes largely made up of igneous material. 2060, the contact of melaphyre with conglomerate. The amygdaloidal character of the melaphyre will be noticed. Larger specimens will be found in upright case 103, which show the structure of the country well, viz. : 3402, conglomerate with large pebbles of porphyry showing native copper and junction with melaphyre. 3412 ; somewhat similar to the above. 3407, Tamarack Mine ; a good specimen of copper-bearing conglomerate with pebbles of porphyry. 3398, Tamarack Mine ; a large pebble almost entirely replaced by native copper. This replacement of a porphyry pebble by native copper is a telling instance of the powerful action of mineralising solutions under the conditions prevailing in the Earth's Crust. On this, the third in importance of the American copper fields, the ores are in the main oxidised. A special feature is the beautiful crystals of azurite (blue carbonate of copper) *For similar occurrences in Australia, see page 65. Ill that have been found, moderately good specimens of which are exhibited. 3441, melaconite black oxide o copper. 632, cuprite. 3194, cuprite crystallised with native copper. 3193, Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee ; cuprite crystals showing faces of the cube and octahedron 7436, Bisbee ; cuprite -a very pretty specimen. 3203, Morenci ; azurite. 3195, Morenci ; azurite in groups of aggregated crystals. These nodules occur sparingly through immense beds of kaolin, and are not worth working. 640, clirysocolla. 3192, copper sulphate. 3580, bornite with malachite and quartz, assaying 1 oz. of gold and 9 oz. of silver per ton, and 31 per cent, of copper. In case 105, malachite. This is the greatest mining camp in the world, and has the Montana, largest output of copper. The ores are low-grade sulphides. Bich specimens of glance and bornite are exhibited. 3202, Amherst County, Virginia ; bornite. Other North American 667, French Creek Mine, Pennsylvania ; crystallised copper localities. pyrites. This is the only specimen in the Museum showing crystals of copper pyrites. The mineral is generally found massive. Sulphide ores from California. 3590, Ormay County, Colorado ; fahlore with cosalite (argentiferous sulphide of lead and bismuth).* 622, Eagle Bay, Canada ; native copper with calcite. Sulphide ores from Harvey Hill, Canada. 652, El Bolo Mine, Baja, Mexico ; malachite with gypsum. South America. A few ores from Chili are shown. The copper industry of this country w r as once very considerable, but is rapidly waning. Atacamite, the oxy-chloride of copper, constituted a good pro- portion of the ore. A good specimen (641) is exhibited. * This rare mineral has also been found in New South Wales. (See page 87.) 112 Europe. Cornwall. Less common Copper Minerals. 639, Kussia; chrysocolla, showing well the encrusting habit of the mineral. 6799, Russia; malachite. Russian malachite has a great reputation, being in request for ornamental purposes. 646, Laurium, Greece ; azurife with adamite (arsenate of zinc) . Various ores from Scandinavia, Russia, Spain, Saxony, and Italy are exhibited. The copper industry of Cornwall is almost extinct. Crystallised specimens, and rare copper minerals were frequently found in the Cornish mines. 6230, South Condurrow Mine ; native copper. 635, Redruth ; cuprite in beautiful octahedral crystals. 634 ; cuprite in octa- ^edral crystals. 6247, Botallack Mine ; a variety of atacamite known as tallinqite a blue encrustation. 658. Redruth ; / crystallised bornife bornite is generally massive. 7446, Bristol (U.S.A.) ; crystallised copper glance. Clialcotricliite, a hair-like variety of cuprite. 638, Cornwall ; beautiful silky crystals bridging across cavities lined with cuprite. 3207, Arizona. Boh'ite, oxy-chloride of copper and lead, with chloride of silver. An ultramarine-coloured mineral crystallising in perfect cubes. It has been found at Broken Hill. 5405, Mexico. Linarite, hydrous sulphate of copper and lead. 5811, Cerro Gordo, California. Libetkenite, hydrous phosphate of copper ; of a rich green colour. 6246, Phoenix Mine, Cornwall. Chalcosiderite, hydrous phosphate of copper and iron. 6235 Phoenix Mine, Cornwall; a green encrusting substance. OUvenite, hydrous arsenate of copper ; a yellowish green fibrous mineral. 8403, Tintic, Utah, U.S.A. 6244, 673, Corn- wall. Conichalcite, arsenate of copper and lime. 8018 (argenti- ferous), Tintic, Utah, U.S.A. 113 Phosphorochalcite, phosphate of copper. 672, Rheitenbacb, the Rhine. Tennantite, arsenical fahlore. 6258, St. Just, Cornwall. 10362, Mount Lyell, Tasmania. JBournonite, sulphide of antimony, lead, and copper. 671, Herodsfoot Mine, Cornwall, shows the characteristic cog-wheel- like crystals moderately well. 3621, Black Horse, Idaho. Enargite, sulph-arsenate of copper. 10018, Mexico. Various ores from Moonteroo, Northern Territory, Burra Case 83- Burra, Kapuncla, Moonta, Walleroo, and Balhaniiah. South Australia. 5689, Burra Burra, azurite with malachite- cut and polished. 1247, Walleroo, and other specimens of crystallised atacamite. Various ores from Rockhampton, Cloncurry, Clermont, Queensland. Charters Towers, Peak Downs, Kilkivan, Mount Flora, Star River, Gladstone, and Chillago. 5792, Dottswood Mine, shows native copper on porphyrite. 9011, the copper plant, which is believed to mark the outcrop of copper lodes. In case 105 is a beautiful specimen of polished malachite from Peak Downs. 9733, Chillagoe ; chrysocollu pseudomorphous after azurite. Mount Lyell sulphides. 7249, Globe Mine, Mount Agnew ; Tasmania. falilore with dolomite. Native copper and carbonates in volcanic rock from the Nelson New Zealand. Mine. Native copper, cuprite, malachite, azurite, and copper pyrites f . IT,- Caledonia. trom various localities. Copper pyrites and bornite from Namaqualand. South Africa. TIN. Case 85. Numerous lode tin ores from Herberton, and some from Queensland. Stanthorpe ; 495, Stanthorpe, shows good crystal faces. 501 and 1704, Cannibal Creek, Cooktown ; massive ores closely resembling those from the Barrier Range of New South Wales. 114 South Australia. West Australia. Penang. Among the numerous specimens exhibited, the following may be noted : Tasmania. 6743, Boy's Hill ; associated with tourmaline. 7617, Mount Housetop ; stream tin containing minerals of the rare earths. 5958, Eix Hill, Ben Lomond : with blende. 5948, Commonwealth Mine, North Dundas ; with magnetic pyrites. Mount BischofE is well represented. 5938 and others illustrate the topaz rock, so characteristic of this mine. (See page 171.) Tin-bearing pegmatite and other ores from Port Darwin and the Northern Territory. Varieties of stream tin from Greenbushes. The Greenbushes ore contains minerals of the rare earths. Varieties of stream tin. United States. Stream tin from South Dakota and "Wyoming. Among the lode specimens those from Dakota should be specially noted from their resemblance to the Barrier Kange ores ; 3229, for instance, a pegmatite with much light-coloured mica and dull-looking massive tinstone could not be distinguished from an ore like 7970 from Poolamacca (case 64.) Numerous ores from different mines and levels. 555, and others, show good crystals. 6216, St. Agnes ; wood- tin ; polished specimen. The Erzegebirge Mines are represented by the following : 8707, 8710; tinstone associated with molybdenite. 8648 ; tinstone in topaz rock. 8647 ; tinstone in topaz rock. In this specimen the topaz has undergone alteration into a hydrous mineral gilbertite. 8686 ; granite impregnated with tinstone the " zwitter " structure of the Germans. Cornwall. Saxony. 115 In case 128 will be found a block of granile traversed by veins of tinstone and other most instructive specimens from the Saxon tin lodes, from Zwitterstock, Altenberg. Stannite, tin-pyrites, from Cornwall and Tasmania, will be found at the end of the case. IRON. Case 86 a Massive ores from Canada, Bussia, Scandinavia, Saxony, Elba, Magnetite. India, and the United States. 3599, Kittelas County, "Washington ; a specially valuable iron ore ; it contains no refractory elements, and a considerable quantity of fuel and fluxing material. 588, 6040, Erench Creek Mine, Pennsylvania ; crystallised with pyrite. 586, Hull, Canada, and 9288, Essex County, New York State ; octahedral crystals, showing faces of the rhombic dodecahedron. 8774, Chillagoe, North Queensland ; a large twinned rhombic dodecaliedral crystal of magnetite, with edges about 1|- in. long. 8773, Chillagoe, in case 126 ; a cluster of rhombic dodecahedral crystals. 581, Digby, Canada. Martite. 8524, Thomas Mountain, Utah ; large octahedral crystals. 3333, Michigan ; a good specimen of the variety of hematite Hematite known as kidney ore, from its appearance. Ores from Canada and various localities in the United States. The collection of ores from the Lake Superior mines is very complete, representing the deposits and classes of ore worked. The deposits are of enormous size, and the ore is of prime quality. The cost of mining is very small, steam-shovels being used, as the ore is generally soft. The cost of freight to the iron-works is, however, considerable, the distance traversed being about eight hundred miles, and necessitating several transfers of 116 the ore from rail to water, or the converse. Ores are exhibited from the Marquette, Mesaba, Gogebec, Vermillion, and Meiiominee Ranges. The ore from the first-named locality is largely micaceous-iron schist and specular ore ; from the others it is mainly ochreous. Partial analyses accompany some of the exhibits. Case 88. Several very fine specimens of the famous Cumberland (Eng.) hematite; 569, 571, 573, and others; kidney ore. 4188 ; ochreous. 574, 575, 576 ; specular iron ore with crystallised quartz. These are fine attractive specimens. Saxony, "Westphalia, Belgium, Russia, Gippsland (Yic.), llavenswood (Q.) and Kapunda (S.A.). 583 is an average sample of the Spanish ore shipped in large quantities to the English ironworks. 5942, Blythe River, Tasmania ; a good ore, containing 95'2 per cent, of ferric oxide, 4' 8 per cent, of silica, and but little of phosphorus. Hydrated red oxide of iron. 584, Eadiutz, Bohemia. A variety of hydrated oxide of iron. 594, Restormel Mine, Cornwall. Limonite. Stalactitic and fibrous forms from Canada and the United States. 3436, and others ; limonite ores from the Longdale Mine, Virginia, with a sample of the limestone flux in use there. 6187, North of Ireland ; aluminous iron ore used for fluxing. Chalybite. 8489, Hannan's Lake, West Australia : limonite pseudomor- phous after chalybite. Numerous other specimens are exhibited. 6933-4 ; the Cleveland ore (North Yorkshire) from which so much of the English iron is obtained. The ore is an impure carbonate. 7244, Mount Black, Tasmania ; showing excellent little crystals of chalybite. 117 5113, Melbourne ; a spheroidal form of carbonate of iron, known as spltcero-siderite, occupying spherical cavities in basalt. 5186, Coolgardie. Iron silicate. Hydrous silicate of iron and alumina ; 9868, Chamoison, Chamoisite. France. Copiapite. Hydrous sulphate of iron ; 7443, Chili. Hydrous phosphate of iron ; 4196, Victoria ; beautiful crystals vivianite. in radiating groups ; 3864, Utah ; gold- and silver bearing. Hydrous phosphate of iron ; 6210, Cornwall ; 3453, Virginia. Dufrenite, Fl no -phosphate of iron and manganese; 8675, Saxony. Triplite. Di-sulphide of iron ; 6193, Cornwall ; good cubic crystals. Pyrite. 601, French Creek, Pennsylvania ; ejood octahedral crystals. 8143, Cornwall ; mammillated form. Di-sulphide of iron, crystallising in rJiomlic forms ; very Marcasite, liable to decompose. 608, 6192, 6194; nodules from the Chalk Formation of England. 6194 shows the rhombic platy crystals well ; it will be noticed how very different they are from the common cubes of pyrite. 604, Belgium ; a nodule ; 6190, Alston (Eng.) ; decomposing. 3499, Joplin, Missouri ; where it is of very common occurrence in the zinc-lead mines. Magnetic pyrites, sulphide of iron ; Bavaria and Tasmania. Pyrrhotite. See " Arsenic." Mispickel. Titaniferous iron ore, ilmenite. Massive forms from Canada Ilmenite. and Norway ; sands from Canada and New Zealand. 8195, beach sand, Onehunga, New Zealand ; containing 51| pe r cent, of metallic iron and 13 per cent, of titanic acid. The presence of titanic acid in quantity in an iron ore renders it very refractory and difficult to smelt. Up to the present all attempts to utilise these sands commercially have failed. 600 and 6815, Eussia ; good crystals in pegmatite. 6215, Iser, Bohemia; a granular variety known as Iserine. 118 Case 87. Zincite. Franklinite. Calamine. Goslarite. Willemite. Smithsonite. Blende. ZINC. Oxide; a pretty red mineral found in quantity at Franklin, New Jersey. 461, with franklinite. Oxides of zinc, iron and manganese ; a black mineral found only at Franklin, New Jersey, where it occurs in sufficient quantity to constitute a valuable ore. The crystalline form is very charac- teristic, and is well shown by the specimens exhibited : the faces commonly seen are the cube and octahedron. Carbonate of zinc.* A variety of encrusting forms, of different colours, from Spain, G-reece, "Wisconsin Virginia, the Northern Territory of South Australia, Mexico, &c. Hydrous sulphate of zinc ; a magnesia-bearing variety, found in old mine workings at Callington, South Australia. Anhydrous silicate of zinc. 468, Franklin, New Jersey. Hemimorphite, hydrous silicate of zinc ; Missouri, Russia. Sulphide of zinc. 7544, Asturias, Spain ; transparent amber- like variety. Weardale (England), Cumberland, Cornwall, Derbyshire. The Weardale specimens consist of small, lustrous, black crystals, seated on or associated with fluor, chalybite, or calcite. 937, Przibram, Bohemia; variety containing cadmium. f Granular ores from Spain, Scandinavia, Eussia. 3562, Kansas; light-coloured crystalline variety. 3459,. Clear Creek County, Colorado, shows good crystal faces. Joplin, Missouri, is a noted locality for blende. It is repre- sented here by 7449, beautiful resinous crystals ; 3496, globular form in dolomite; 3497, Chewkite, Missouri; beautiful little ruby crystals. * Much confusion prevails in the nomenclature of some of the zinc minerals. For instance, the carbonate of zinc, here termed calamine, is often called smithsonite, and calamine is applied to the hydrous zinc silicate. Here, as throughout this handbook, preference is given to British usage. t Cadmium is not infrequently present in blende ; if in quantity, it may depreciate the mineral as an ore of zinc. Its presence can only be determined by chemical methods. 119 ANTIMONY. Case 87. Specimens are exhibited from California, Queensland, and Native Borneo. That from Queensland Port Mackay shows good n imonv ' crystals. Earthy oxides of antimony ; Mexico, Spain, Borneo, Victoria. Cervantite, &c. Oxide of antimony ; Canada, Victoria. The Canadian Valentinite. specimens are associated with kermesite, and closely resemble that from New South "Wales in case 68. An oxide of antimony ; 3878, California. Partzite. Sulphide of antimony ; California (crystallised), Canada, Anthnonite. Borneo, Portugal, Corsica, Spain (showing the ore in different stages of dressing), Hungary, New Zealand, Queensland, New Caledonia. Sulph-antimonide of lead ; 6257, Sweden. BoiJangerite. COBALT. Case 89. New Caledonia (3-6% of cobalt); Victoria, Cornwall, Queens- Cobaltiferous wad(asbolan). Hydrous arsenate of cobalt. South Australia. Erythrine. 8635, Schneeberg, the Erzgebirg, Saxony; a crystallised specimen; kept covered, as the colour is said to be destroyed on exposure to light. Arsenide of cobalt ; Schneeberg, Saxony. Smaltite. Sulph-arsenside of cobalt; small crystals from Sweden. The Cobaltite. crystal form (the pentagonal dodecahedron) is very characteristic ; it is well shown by the model exhibited. Sulphide of cobalt with nickel, iron, &c. ; 10019, Mexico. Linnseite. NICKEL. Case 89. Nickel is chiefly used in the preparation of alloys with copper, such as nickel-silver, and of nickel steel. A great variety of minerals in which nickel is an essential constituent are known, but these do not often occur in sufficient quantities to be used 120 New Caledonia. -Oregon Tasmania, Europe, and Bother localities. as ores. The nickel of commerce is derived almost entirely from rocks and minerals, in which it occurs in varying quantities as an accidental constituent. The ore consists of bands and veins of serpentine containing varying proportions of nickel. The metal occurs in the form of a silicate of nickel and magnesia, forming a mineral known as noumeaite. Two varieties are known, a green and a brown ; the miners, moreover, apply a number of local names, such as " rose nickel," " magnesia nickel," that have no definite meaning. It would appear as if the nickel were concentrated in the serpentine by a process of natural secretion, and it is probable that the deposits are practically confined to the weathered portions of the rock. The nickel is concentrated in the cracks and outer bhells of serpentine boulders. These outer shells are more rotten than the harder kernels, and can be readily separated. A large block of the ore is contained in the end compartment of case 67. 3425,553; beautiful specimens of grape nickel so called from the general appearance of the ore. 8873 ; tabular crystallised form of noumeaite. 8870, 8858, 8864 ; varieties of the serpentine country-rock, locally supposed to be favourable or unfavourable to the occur- rence of nickel, as the case may be. 8850 ; a serpentine boulder, in the outer portion of which the nickel ore is concentrating. 8869, 8845, 8860 ; red soil and pisolitic ironstone overlying the deposits. 3218, 3892 ; Noumeaite from Oregon. Emerald Nickel, hydrous carbonate; 6956 and 561, Tasmania, Millerite, sulphide of nickel ; Tasmania. Pcntlandite, sulphide of iron and nickel ; 4071, Tasmania. Kupfer nickel, arsenide of nickel ; 562, 564, and 10360, Norway, Hesse, and Tasmania, respectively. Nickeliferous Pyrrhoiite ; 5944, Tasmania. 3535, Ontario. Arssnate of Nickel ; 3891, Nevada. 121 VUmanite, sulph-antimonide of nickel ; 563, South Australia. Awaruite, a peculiar alloy of iron and nickel found in the iron- sands of the New Zealand beaches. (3063). At the important nickel-producing district of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, Ontario. the ore is of a very different character to that from New Caledonia. Here it consists of magnetic pyrites (pyrrhotite) containing a small proportion of nickel. Tbe ore is very largely used in America for the production of the nickel-steel used in the manufacture of ordnance. Specimens will aho be found in case 123- ARSENIC. Case 89. 713, Andreasberg (Hartz Mountains) ; 9036, the Thames Native IIRIDIUM 21 OUVAROVITK 152 OZOKERITE ... ... ... ... 12& PANDERMITE 136 PARTZITE 119 PENNINITE ... ... ... ... 149 PENTLANDITE ... ... ... 120 PEROVSKITE 124 PERTHITE ... ... ... ... 144 Petroleum Oil 129 PETZITE 123 PHJLCOLITE 146 PHLOGOPITE ... ... ... 148 PHOSGENITE ... ... ... 55 Phosphates 96, 127, 158 Phosphatisation ... ... ... 128 PHOSPHOROCALCITE ... .. 113 Photographs 13, 174 *PlCROLITE 40, 148 PlLINITE ... 150 Pisolitic Structure... ... ... 171 PlSTACITE 150 PlSTOMESITE 158 PITCHBLENDE 123 *PLEONASTE ... ... ... 154 *PLUMBAGO 134 POLYBASITE 107 *PREHNITE ... ... ... 146 PRICEITE ... ... ... ... 135 Pronunciation of Names ... ... 197 *PROUSTITE 46, 47, 48, 107 Pseudomorphism ... 20, 32, 35, 60, 71, 75, 76, 78, 110, 148, 171, 190 *PSILOMELANE 87, 123 *PYRARGYRITE ... 45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 107, 163 *PYRITE 77, 79, 117 *PYRRIIOTITE ... ... 79, 86, 117 (See also Magnetic Pyrites). *PYROLUSITE 86, 122 PYROSMALITE ... ... ... 149 *PYROMORPHITE ... 41, 54, 56, 108 *PYROPE 152 *PYROPHYLLITE ... ... ... 150 *PYROXENE 146 *QUARTZ 137 Radiolarian Rocks ... 179 INDEX. 201 PAGE. TlEALGAR 80, 121 *RETINITE ... ... ... ... 128 *REDRUTHITE ... ... ... 64 (See also Copper Glance). Rhiwlas Earth 131 *RHODOCROSITE 88, 123 ^RHODONITE 88, 123 Rhyolite 43, 48, 175 RlPIDOLITE ... ... ... ... 149 Ripple Marks 173,186 Rocks 175 * ROCK SALT 160 KOSCOELITE 127 KUBELLITE ... ... ... ... 152 ~*RULEITE 77 ^RUTILE ... 92, 124 ''SAPPHIRE ... ... ... ... 17 *SAPONITE 150 Scale of Hardness 191 SCAPOLITE 145 SCHAPBACHITE 107 *SCHEELITE ... 57, 89, 123 Schists 175 *SCHORL 152 SELENITE * ... ' 48, 154 SELENIUM ... ... ... 92, 127 Serpentine 98, 148 Silicification ... ... ... 17 Sinter 170 Slickensides ... 31, 39, 79, 173 *SMALTITE 84, 119 SMITHSONITE 82, 118 SODA NITRE 136 *SODALITE ... ... ... ,.. 145 SPHAERO-SIDERITE 117 Specular Iron Ore 116 SPERRYLITE ... ... ... 102 SPESSARTITE 152 *SPHENE ... ... ... ... 124 *SPINEL 101, 154 SPODUMENE 146 Stalactites 169 Stalagmites 169 Stratigraphy ... ... ... 179 Streak 193 Stream Tin 66, 72, 114 Structural Geology 169 ^STANNITE 48, 73, 115 *STAUROLITE ... ... ... 153 *STEPHANITE ... 46, 47, 106, 107 *STERNBERGITE ... ... 46, 107 *STILBITE 146 STOLZITE 89, 94 *STROMEYERITE ... ... 45, 50 STRONTIANITE ... 158 Student's Cases 7,189 Sulphates 154 Sulphur 92 PAGE. SYLVANITE 105, 126 SYLVINE 136 Sydney, Geology of 182 Table of Strata 178 Table of Rocks 177 Tachylyte 175 *TALC 149 TALLINGITE 112 Tasmanite ... 130 Tellurides ...40, 103, 164 TENNANTITE 113 *TETRADYMITE 40, 42, 91, 126 Thallium 127 *THINOLITE... 171 Thorium 93, 126 THULITE 150 * TINSTONE ... 66, 114 Titanium ... -92,124 Toad's Eye Tin ... 72 *TOPAZ ... 18, 67, 101, 114, 153 TOPAZOLITE 152 Torbanite ... 130 * TOURMALINE 16, 67, 71, 152 Travertine ... 170 *TREMOLITE 147 Trilobites 179 TRIPLITE 117 Tripoli 133 Tripolite 96, 133 Tungsten ... 89, 123 TURGITE ... ' ... 116 *TURQUOISE 19, 101 Twin Crystals 55, 68 ULEXITE 136 ULLMANMTE 121 URANIUM MICA 148 URANIUM PHOSPHATE 123 URANIUM OCHRE ... 123 *VALENTINITE 81, 119 Vanadium . . . 127 VARISCITE 160 *VlVIANITE... 77, 117 *WAD 83, 87, 119, 123 *WAVELLITE 160 Weathering 169 WlLLEMITE 118 WILLIE MSITE 131 * WILLY AMI TE 84 WlTHERITE 134, 158 * WOLFRAM ... ... 72, 90, 123 *WOLLASTONITE ... 34, 147 *WULFENITE 57, 108 Zeolites 145 ZEUXITK 152 *Zmc BLENDK S3, 118 ZlNClTE 82, 118 ZlNNWALDITE 148 *ZlRCON ... 17,22,23 Sydney : William Applcyate Gullick, Government Printer. 1902. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EARTH SCIENCES LIBK/\K* This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. LD 21-40m-5/65 (F4308slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley