i i D 3 5 1 9 : 9 : 9 8 THE PRESIDENT WHITE LIBRARY I THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS LIBRARY OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY CATALOGUE OK TIIK HISTORICAL LIBRARY ANDREW DICKSON WHITE FIRST PRESIDENT OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY I THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS ITHACA, N. Y. THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1889 LIBRART ttntverstty of caltfornnt savta Barbara PREFACE. In January, 18S7, tlie Trustees of Cornell University received from the Hon. Andrew Dickson White, LL.D., L.H.D., late its President and Professor of History, the following letter : — Cornell University, Jan. 19, 1887. Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees, — Some thirty-five years ago, while I was still a student at college, I formed the purpose of collecting a historical library. From that time to this, at home and abroad, I have steadily kept this purpose in view, selecting the best works I could find, not only in history proper, but in the subsidiary fields of Literature, Political and Social Science, International Law, and Art (including especially Architecture). I have particularly sought those throwing light upon the great events, periods, and tendencies of human tliought and action, upon the development of modern civiliza- tion, upon the building up of modern states, upon the men who have bettered the condition of mankind. As a result, I have accumulated a library of about thirty thousand volumes, besides some ten thousand valuable pamphlets, and not a few manuscripts. In almost all its departments, I may say without undue partiality, tliere are very many works rare and valuable ; in several the collection would doubtless be considered remarkable; and in one or two it is certainly unequalled in the United States. The bringing together of this library has been to me a labor of love. It consists to an unusual extent of primary sources and original materials for historical study ; and my thought has been not solely of myself, but of the American scholars of the future. It has always been my intention to place it some day as a whole where it could be used to the best advantage by historical students. The cost of the collection, with its catalogues, has been, in money, as nearly as I can now estimate, rather more than a hundred thousand dollars. Its present value, consisting as it does in great part of works scarce, long sought, and yearly appreciating in price, it would be hard to reckon in dollars and cents ; but something of its practical worth I have had occasion to know by its use during my professorships at the University of Michigan and at Cornell University ; and I hope that it may yet serve others even more fully than it has served me. A part of this library — that bearing upon Architecture — I gave to Cornell University upon the es- tablishment of its Architectural Department ; and the occasion of the establishment of a Law School and the reorganization of the Department of History and Political Science by the Trustees of the University, seems an appropriate time forme to make a fitting disposal of the remainder. There are three places in our country, in either of which it would gratify my feeling of local and per- sonal attachment to bestow it as a gift. Foremost among these is Cornell University ; and in case there can be provided for the collection, at some day not far distant, a suitable fire-proof room in any building which shall be erected for your general library, and ])roper provision made for its maintenance and use- fulness, it will give me pleasure to place it permanently in your custody. In case you shall view this proposal with favor, I shall be happy to meet any committee you may ap- point to arrange the conditions on which the gift may be made and accepted. I remain, gentlemen, Very respectfully yours, Andrew D. White. The following resolutions were thereupon unanimously adopted : — Resolved, That the Trustees of Cornell University accept with gratitude the munificent offer of Ex- President White to present his valuable library to the University, and tender him their hearty thanks, in which they feel that the Faculty and the alumni of the University, as n-ell as all friends of higher educa- tion, most cordially unite. Resolved, That a committee of five, embracing the President of the University and the Chairman of the Board, be appointed to arrange with Dr. White the details and conditions on which his proposed munificent gift of his historical and political library shall be accepted by Cornell University. The conditions agreed to by the Committee for the acceptance of the gift are embodied in the follow ing letter : — Cornell University, Ith.\c.\, New York, July 5, 18S7. To the Members of the Committee of the Trustees of Cornell University appointed to consider the pro- posal of Andrew D. White regarding the transfer of his library to Cornell University :■ — Gentlemen, — In accordance with the understanding arrived at during our recent meeting, I hereby respectfully present my proposal embodying the terms upon which I prefer that my library be accepted by the University (and by the words "my library," wherever used in this document, I mean all books, pamphlets, and newspapers belonging to me, whether in Ithaca or in Syracuse or already deposited in the University Library) ; — PREFA CE. I. The University shall provide, within foi^r years from the date of this letter, a suitable room or rooms for the reception of forty thousand volumes, in a fiie-proof building upon the University grounds, the said room or rooms to be separate from those containing the general library of the University. It is my wish and expectation that all the b6oks, pamphlets, and newspapers of my library, so far as it may be ])ossible to include them under the topics of history and political science, ioe placed therein ; and in case it seem wise that my books relating to other subjects be incorporated with the general lilirary of the University, that then and in that case a number equivalent to them, so far as possible, of works relating to history or to political science be transferred in their stead from the general library to the said room or rooms. II. The Trustees of the University shall set apart annually, from any funds now, or hereafter to be, in their control, the sum of five thousand four hundred dollars ({5,400), the same to be forever appro- priated and used in the following manner and for the purposes hereinafter named, to wit : — (i) Eight hundred dollars (jiSoo) to be annually set apart, which shall be devoted to the purchase of books in the fields of study to which n^y library is especially devoted; namely, history and the branches kindred thereto. (2) Six hundred dollars (jt6oo) to be annually set apart, which shall provide for the salary of a Li- brarian, to have charge of the collection, subject to the Librarian of the University. (3) Five hundred dollars (fcoo) to be annually set apart for the maintenance of a Fellowship in Modern History, the same to be awarded annually by the Faculty of the University under the general rules and conditions governing the award of the Fellowships already existing. (4) Five hundred dollars ($500) to be annually set apart for the maintenance of a Fellowship in Po- litical and Social .Science, the same to be awarded annually by the Faculty of the University under the general rules and conditions governing the award of the Fellowships already existing, but with prefer- ence to any candidate of ability and purpose who shall propose to make practical studies upon living social questions, such as pauperism, crime, inebriety, illiteracy, the relations of capital to labor, of educational institutions to public instruction, and the like. And I see no reason why either or both of the above- described Fellowships should not, in the discretion of the Faculty, be made a travelling Fellowship, for the purpose of study and investigation, the holder thereof making from time to time to the Faculty such reports of his progress as they may require ; nor do I see any reason why, in the case of a student of very exceptional ability and promise in either of the fields above specified, the two Fellowships may not for a single year, in the discretion of the Faculty and for the sake of enabling more thorough research, be combined into one. (5) Three thousand dollars (^3,000) to be annually set apart for the maintenance of a Professorship of History, with the understanding that the duty of such Professor shall be to give instruction in such part or parts of the general field indicated by his title as may be thought by the Faculty most advisable, and that instruction in International Law may, if it be thought best by the Faculty, be included in the duties of such Professor. HI. .\nd the Trustees of the University shall also set apart the sum of ten thousand dollars (f 10,000), to be appropriated and used for the preparation and publication, as a whole or in parts, of a catalogue of the works embraced in the several divisions of my library. And if any part of the said sum of ten thousand dollars shall remain after the said catalogue shall have been prepared and printed, then and in that case a sum equal to the annual interest of the said residue at six per cent, shall be annually added to the sum hereinbefore stipulated as to be set apart for the purchase of books in the fields of study to which my library is especially devoted. IV. .\nd inasmuch as, notwithstanding the care taken in the collection of my own library and of that of the University to avoid the duplication of books, a certain number of works have been unavoidably duplicated, it is understood that all books in my liljrary published during the present century which are ascertained to be duplicates of books already in the possession of the University Lilirary are withdrawn by me, and may be retained by me or by my heirs and assigns permanently. (And by "duplicates" I understand and here mean books identical in contents, and do not consider a book not a duplicate simply because it has a different date or is published in a different pl.ace or by a different firm. In other words, to take a book out of the category of duplicates, there must be some real and substantial difference in the text, — either increase or improvement in the matter or in the treatment.) And I also hereby stipulate that all books named in the schedule hereto annexed, being, in the main, works of comparatively small value, but which for various (and generally for personal) reasons my family or myself desire to retain, in number not exceeding five hundred volumes, may be retained liy me or by them, — this said reserve not to include any of the manuscripts or reproductions of manuscripts, on vellum or paper, or early ]irinted works, or books of especial value in connection with the history of the Revival of Learning, or of the Reformation, or of the French Revolution, or of the .\merican Civil War, or of the" Jesuits, or of Witchcraft, or of Torture, or of Education. And it is also agreed that I may, for the space of my lifetime, or until such time during my lifetime as may seem to me best, retain five thousand volumes upon deposit, a memorandum of the same to be held by the Librarian of the University, and said works to be considered as the property of the Univer- sity, for which I am responsible to it. Trusting that this arrangement may be satisfactory to your Board, I remain. Gentlemen, Very respectfully and truly yours, Andrew D. White. In accordance with these provisions, the catalogue of the President White Library, already far ad- vanced at the time of the gift, has since been pushed steadily toward completion. A first division is now given to the press. As will be seen, it is an author-catalogue, with subject-entries under persons and places. r KEF ACE. The history and character of the library as a whole, the items of its special wealth, the form of its catalogue, will be discussed in a general introduction later to be issued. It needs here to say only a word of the limits of the present division and of the bibliographical aids cited in it. The limits of such a topical catalogue must always be more or less arbitrary. To avoid trenching un- necessarily upon the territory of the political history of the several European nations throughout the Ref- ormation period, upon the history of the mediaeval church at its beginning, and upon that of the Counter- Reformation at its close, has been no easy task. To this end, the Protestant Reformation has been un- derstood to mean the religious and social, but not the political, movement of its time. By its Forerun- ners have been understood the schismatics and heretics who, from the Waldenses to Luther, sought to bring about a reformation by individual teaching or practice ; but not the great churchmen and Councils who attempted it through the Church herself. Natural stopping-points have suggested themselves : for Germany the Religious Peace of .Vugsburg (1555), for France the outbreak of the Wars of Religion (1562), for Europe in general the close of the Council of Trent (1563) ; but it has seemed unwise to hold to these dates with absolute rigor. In general, all the works of the Reformers produced in the third quarter of the i5th century are included in the ])resent catalogue, while those of their O])ponents written after the middle of the century are reserved for that which will embrace the Catholic Reformation. To draw a line between German Humanism and the Reformation has not been attempted : from Reuchlin onward all the works of the Humanists who were in any way associated with the Reformers are here included. Of tlic poets and satirists, only those productions are named which deal directly with the religious strug- gle ; yet always, in cases of doubt, inclusion has been preferred to exclusion. It is hardly necessary to add that no general histories, universal, national, or ecclesiastical, save such as devote a distinct and separately-titled volume to the period of the Reformation, will here be found. Of the bibliographies especially referred to, the most important are Panzer's Annalen tier iiltent deutsehen Litteratiir (Niirnberg, 178S-1805) and Weller's supplement thereto — the Repertoriiim typo- grajihieuin (Nordlingen, 1864). To these works (cited simply as 'Panzer' or as ' Weller, Rep.') refer- ence is made from all books printed during the period which they cover— that prior to 1527. ' Hain,' for books printed before 1500, means, of course, that author's Repertorium bibliographieitm (Stuttgart, 1826- 38). The other authorities briefly cited are : Weller's Annalen der poetisehcn A'ational- Literatur der Deutsehen (Freiburg i. B., 1862-64), as 'Weller, Ann.,' — Goedecke's invalu.able Grundriss zur Geschiehte der deutsehen Dichtung (2te Aufl., Bde. i-iii, Dresden, 1884-87), — and W. von Maltzalin's Deutscher BUchersehatz (Jena, 1875). Of the colleetions of Reformation literature whose titles most frequently recur — ' Gratius, Faseieulus,' ' Hutten's Op., ed. Bocking,' ' Pasquillorum toini duo,' ' Schade, Satiren,' ' Schelhorn, Amoenitates' — sufficient descriptions will be found, under the proper headings, in the catalogue itself. Only the curious reprint hodge-podge of the Stuttgart bookseller Scheible, fancifully entitled Das Kloster, must, though often cited, await a later section for a list of its heterogeneous contents. The titles of all books printed before 1600 are given in full, from both title-pjige and colophon, with indication of line-endings. Only epigraphs, texts, prefaces, and other irrelevant matter are omitted, their place being taken by a descriptive word. Ligatures and abbreviations are spelt out. Of books of the 17th century full titles are not given, but all omissions are indicated. Of later books, save of such as seemed rare and curious enough to be treated like incunabula, the titles have been abridged at will (though sparingly) and without signs of ellipsis. The imprint — properly no part of the title — has been remanded to the note, except in books older than 1600 ; and even in these it is repeated in the note when the transcribed form of it is in any way obscure. In the titles, italics are used for words inserted by the cataloguer, whether (l) in description or (2) in the spelling out of ligatures and abbreviations. But, with the exception of the constantly recurring ^ At end' in titles of the era of colophons and of ' ete.' in modern titles, all descriptive additions are also bracketed. In titles antedating 17CO, italics have also been used for words which in a Gothic title-page are printed in Latin type, or the reverse. In the notes, titles are themselves italicized. As stated in the letter of Mr. White, care has from the first been taken by him to avoid the purchase of books already in the University Library. It has seemed just, therefore, to include in this catalogue the few additional works possessed by the University in this field. These are marked by a C at the end of the title. .\ certain amount of duplication has, however, been unavoidable ; and D and d at the end of titles denote respectively that the University has already an exact or a virtual duplicate of the book described. The notes will, it is hoped, be of use not only to the bibliographer, but to the student also. It is in the interest of the latter that the date and place of the writing, as well as those of the printing, of early books have been noted. G. L. r.. SIZES OF BOOKS. The disuse of fixed sizes of paper consequent on the improvement of the printing-press has long made useless and well nigh impracticable the old nomenclature for the forms of books. In view of this, • the American Library Association has urged its entire abandonment and the substitution of an exact metric measurement of each volume. That suggestion is here adopted. Where the book is of the usual shape (the width about three-fifths the height — as in what are currently called ' octavos'), the height alone is given (as '2311') ; where otherwise, both height and width, the height preceding (as '23X20'). Fractional centimeters are reckoned as whole ones. These measurements may, for the most part, be readily translated into the old nomenclature (as now used by American libraries) by means of the fol- lowing TABLE OF EQUIVALENTS. Books more than 30 centimeters high (30I1) are between 25^ and 3oh are 2oh • ' 25h I??^'' ' ' 20h .,h . ' \VA^ I2'4h ' ' i5h loh ' 12'Ah 7^h ' ' I oil Folio (fo, F) Quarto (40, Q) . Octavo (8", O) Duodecimo (12", D) Sixteen-mo (l6<>, S) Twenty-four-mo (24**, T) Thirty-two-mo (32°, Tt) Forty-eight-mo (48°, Fe) air., abridged. (7(1-., according. (?(/(/., addition. (?//., appendix, appended. tir^., article. Aiijl., Auflage. niig., augmented. Ausg., Ausgabe. aiitogr., autograph. Bd., Bdc, Band, Bande. hd, bound. bds;, binding. bibliog., bibliography, biblio- graphical. biog., biography, biographical. cat., catalogue. col., column. coll., collection, collected. cory., correction, corrected. d., der (in its various forms). dcd., dedication, dedicatory. ed., edition, edited. £ng., English. cnl., enlarged. facsim., fac-simile. A BBKE I -I A TIONS. fol., ff., (folium, folia), leaf, leaves. frontisp., frontispiece. />., French. Ger., German. dr., Greek. lust., history, historical. hrsg., herausgegeben. illiis., illustration, illustrated. impr., impression. introd., introduction, intro- ductory. Ital., Italian. Hal., italic, italics. Lat., Latin. Ins., mss., manuscript, manu- scripts. ;;. d., no date. notiv., nouveau, nouvelle. n. p., no j^Iace. op. (opera), works. orig., original, originally. orn., ornament, ornamented. p., pp., page, pages. //., plate. port., portrait. port/ol., portfolio. pref., preface. priv., privilege (permission to print). pseud., pseudonym. //., part. publ., publication, published. rciiiip)., reimpression. repr., rejirint, reprinted. rev., revised, revu, revue. s. 71. (sub voce), under the lieading of. siippl., supplement, supple- mented. /., tome. /.-/., title-page. trad., tr.aduction, traduit. transl., translation, translated. v., iiol., volume. 7'. (in names), von. «., und. iibcrs., iibersetzt. wdct, woodcut. CATALOGUE THE WHITE LIBRARY. THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Abdruck iles I'assawisclien Vortrags [j/t']. Siv Passau, Treaty of. Absag, oiler vhedschiifft,! Des Hellischen Fiir-] ste« I.ucifers, Doc-| tor Martin Lu-jther yetzt zu ge|saiKU.-. At end: . . . gebeii | inn un-|ser | Stat Aer\ evvigen ver-| daraniiss, am I,etz| stenn tag Sep- tembris I Anno der kleynen | zall im Vier | und zwa« I zigste;/. n. p., [1524]. 19X14. pp. [61- t..p. border. Panzer, 2437. In vol. lettered 46 TractaUn. ' Scheint Leipziger Driick zusein.' — Panzer. Abydenus Comlliis, S-, {pseud.). See Dia- log! scpleni resti\"C candidi. [Adelphus, Joannes. ] Kin hoffartiger .sende- biielT weylant | liahsls .\driani, an Keyser Fridrich den ersten.[ Christliche antwort Keyser Fride-| riclis auff Babsts Adriani, seiidebrieff. | Auss der Historien des lebens vnd gcschichteii 1 Keyser Fride- richs Barbarossa I gnant | getzogen. j [IVdet reprc setttiti<( Barbarossa an Jiorseback crossing a stream.'] 11. p., [1524]. 21X16. pp. [7]. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Re/oriuers, II. From the Barbarossa of Adel- phus, with preface by a Reformer. Ader, Jean Joseph. Vied'Erasme. UriixcUes, 1S28 23''. pp. 267-282 of vol. i of Ader's Plu- tay\h des Firys-Bits. Adler, Kaspar (Zn/. Casparus Aquila). Eyn selir lioch no-| tige Ernianung, an das kleine [ lilode verzagte Christlich lieiifif-l lein, das sie in dieseni erschrechlichem [sie] vnd letz- | ten theil der zeit, Gottes ewig Wort fro- ] licli bekennen sollen, Wid- der des | Teuffels Finsternus, Liigen ] vnd .Mord, gepre- 1 diget. | Durch M. Casparum Aqui- | lam, Pfarrherr zu Salfeldt. | [Text.] | M. D. XLVIII. At end : 2.M Erffurdt llriickts Geruasi-| us Sthiirmer bey S. Paul. I 154S. 21X16. pp. [39]. In vol. lettered German Traets by Re- /ortners, I. Adrian IV, Pope. Ein hoffartiger sendebriefT, ete. Sec Adelphus, J. Adrian VI, Pope. EpistoLne ad Germanise principes, 1522. {fii Gratius, O. Fasciculus, i. 1690.) HoKLER, K. A. C. Wahl und Thronbe- steigung des letzten deutschen Papstes, Adrian's VI, 1522, [1861.] Zeller, J. Un Pope reformateur. {In his Italie et renaissance, ii. 1S83.) [Aepinus, Johann.] Bekentnuss, . . . auffs Interim. .See Bekentnuss, etc. Aesopus, a)id others. Fabellae, etc. 1524. (.Melanchlhon's copy, -oilh aiilo-;r. note:). .See under Melanchthon, P. Agricola, Johann. \'on der Messe viul | ihrem Canone Magi^lri julia;/- | nis Agricolae Eysleben, Lhere | vnd schrifft, Welche er auff dem J Reichs- tag zu .Speyer in der Epistel zu den Collossern | gepredigel, vnd folgend .\nno iM. 1). XXVII. I zu Witlenbergk im Druck offentlich hat | ausgehen las- sen, Dem [nleriin so er ytzt | hat heltTen .stellcn, gantz entgegen, I IJaraus sein eeyst zuuer- I merck- en.| [Te.xts.] ' " p.. [1549?]. 19X16. pp. (13]. K.WVERAI', (J. Johann .Vgricola von Eisle- ben. iSSi. Albertus, Joannes, ll'iinpincnsis. Orationes funebres .. . 1564. See 'E\.5en%x\v.,'iB.., and oth- ers. [Alberus, Erasmus.] Der liarfu | ser Miinche Eulenspie- | gel vnd .Mcoran. | Mit einer Vorredc | D. Martini Luth. | [Epigraph.] \ M. D. XLII. At end: Gedruckt zu Wittemberg, | durch Hans Lufft. [1542?] 19X15. pp. [159]. t.-P. border. This impres- sion differs slightly from those described by Goedeke (g 156, 13) and Heck (617). A bitter satire on the Franciscan Xfi^^r cpn/orniitatnm S. Francisci ad vitam Jesit Chn'sti, which seemed to e.valt St. Francis above Christ himself. The epi- graph is the following pasquinade; Versicu. Franciscanorum. Franciscus est in ccelo. Responso. Quis dubitat de illo ? Antipho. Totus mundus. [ ] .Same. Latin and French. l.Wlcoran des Cordeliers, tant en latin qu'en fran^ois ; nouv. ed., ornee de figures par B. Picart. Amsterdam, 1734. 17I1. 2 v, Judicium Erasmi Alberi de Spongia Eras- mi Roterodami adeoque quatenus illi conveniat cum M. Lutheri doctrina. [1523.] (/« Hutten, U. v. Opera, ed. Bocking, ii. 1859.) , translator. Ein Te Deum laudamus von bapst Paulo. See Paul III. Albrecht V, Duke of Bavaria. .\. Baumgart- neri oratio nomine Alberti Bavariae in Concilio Trident., 1562. (/« Gratius, O. Fasciculus, ii. 1690.) Alcoran des Cordeliers. See Alberus, E. Aleandro {Lat. Aleander), Girolamo, Card. Brieger, T. Aleander und Luther, 1521. (i, i, of his Quellen u. Forschungen zur Geschichte der Reformation. 1884.) THE I'KOTKSTAXT REFOKMATIOX AND ITS FOKEKLNNEKS. Carmen* in Aleamlrum. (In Hutten, U. v., and otJn-rs. Contenta, . pp. [15]. t..p. border. The dialect is a North. German one. I'-in Getichte | darin angezeigt vvird, Wie ] from Hertzog Heinrich | von Braunsclnveig, ] Vntl wie bose die | Luterischen | sein. n. p., [1542]. 20X15. pp. [8j. Weller, .-(//«., I, 156. Repr. in Scheible, Sckaltjahr, iv, 657, and, with notes, in Schade, SatireJi, i, 48. Antwort, Glaub vnd | Bekentnis auff das | schone vnd liebliche | lntciiin.\ Kiclasen von Aniss- dorffs I des veriagten Bischofl's | zur Naumburgk.| Anno. M. D. XLVIII. .// end: Finis. XXXI. lulij.l 1548. n. p., [1548?). «9Xi5. pp. [39l. Eine erinnerung an [ die Deutlschen. das die einfeUigen | ilire Siinde, so sie diese F'iinff jar her gethan ha-| ben, erlcennen, vnd bekennen sollen, sich be-] keren vnd Vjessern, Auff das sie selig, j vnd niit dem hauffen nicht ver-| danipt werden.j Nicolaus von Amsdorff. | Exvl. n. p., [1551?]. 18X14. pp. [14]. Horas Caiionicas\ln Klostern vn«(/ Stiff] ten singen, Vnd gebotene Adiaphora hal- ] ten, ist eben so wol Abgotterey, .Als die J schentlichste Opfiermesse. I Niclas von Amsdorff". | [ Texts.~\ \ Ge- druckt zu Ihena, durch Tho-| mam Rhebart, Anno I M. D. LXII. 19X15. pp. 19. Einer Christlichen Stad vntliertenigk ant- wort. See Christlichen. Pressei., T. Nicolaus von .-Vmsdorf 1862. Andeer, Justus. lis reformaturs vel restau- raturs della religiun Christiana nel 16. secul : Lu- ther et Zwingli. Sciiol, 1845. ig'r 2 pts. in 1 v. pp. 11-1-239. Written in the Romansch, or Ladin, dialect — tlie language of Graubiinden. The 2 pt.s. have separate t.-pp., but continuous pagination. Contents: — i. Vita da M. Luther. — 2. Vitad'Ulrich Zwingli. [Andrelini. Publio Fausto.] [Julius :] libel- lus deol)ilu julii, I'oiilifici^ .Maxinii. (/« Hutten, U. V. Opera, ed. liijcking, iv. 1S60. ) A bibliography of the many editions and versions of this famous satire — commonly known as the yitliits excltisiis — is prefixed. As to its authorship, the best modern scholars agree with Booking in ascribing it to Andrelini, on the author- ity of the title of tne first impression (1513). /'". A. F. Popte Regit libclhis dc obitu yulii, i. e., F{nusti\ A\ndreli>ti\ l''\orlivieitsis\, etc. Same. Julius exclusus, dialogus, Pas- quillo Romano autore. {In Pasquillorum tonii fluo. 1544, and repr. in the appenilix lo Jortin, J. Life of Erasmus, ii. 1760, and iii. 1808.) Same. Latin and Freneh. Julius: dia- logue entre St. -Pierre et le Pape Jules II. a la porte du Paradis (1513), attribue a firasme, a Fausto Andrelini, et a Ulrich de Hutten. Trad, par E. Thion. Paris, 1873. ijH. pp. 7-^[i].fi7i-|-[,]. The Latin orig. printed parallel with the French transl., on alternate pp. Same. German. Gesprachbiichlein . . . genannt : der durch den heiligen Petrus von der Himmelspforte zuriickgewiesene Pabst Julius II. {In Hutten, U. v. Auserlesene Werke, ii. 1822. ) Andronico, TranquiUo. Orationes contra Thurcas, una ad L)eum carmine heroico, altera ad Gerinanos habita, 1518. Adjectum est fragmentum orationis e.\hortatoria; ad bellum 'I'urcis inferendum ad Ma.ximilianum I. {In Hutten, TJ. v. Opera, ed. Bocking, v. 1861.) The Fraginentitjn also is ascribed by Uocking to Andro- nico. Aut'wort Conradi Ribaldi auff" seins Brudern Petri Ribalili Schriff't ] an jn aus Rom gethan . . . Dattim .\iirnberg am tag I.aurentij -\nno 1541. {In Schade, O., editor. Satiren, i, pp. 213, 214. 1863.) AntTwort dem .Murnar vff seine frag, Ob der kiinig von Engellant cin liigner sey, ete. {Repr. from ed. of I'^i}, in Scheible, J. Das Kloster, x.) Apologia Christi domini noslri pro Martino Lu- therti ad urbcm Romam. [1521.] {In Hutten, XJ. V. I tpera, ed. Bocking, v. 1S61.) Apology of private mass : a Popish treatise against Up. Jewel; ed. by \V. Goode. {In Cooper, T. '.Answer, etc. 1850.) Apophthegmata Vadisci et I'asquilli de depia- vato ecclfsi.v statu. See Dialogi septem, ete. Aquila, Caspar. See Adler, K. Arber, Edwrard, editor. Rede me and be nott wrothe, ete., by \V. Roy and J. Barlowe, .Strasburg, 1528. — A proper dyaloge betwene a Genlillman and a Husbandman ; together with A compendious olde Treatyse shewynge howe that we ought to haue the Scripture in Englysshe, written by a Lollard, about 1450. Ed. by E. .Arber. C. London, 1871. I7h. pp. 184. (English reprints, xxviii.) Sermons of Hugh Latimer, 1549. (Eng- lish reprints, ii, xiii.) &y Latimer, H. Sermons of Thomas I.e\'cr, 1550. (Eng- lish reprints, xxv. ) See Lever, T. Aretius(<'r4'/H<7//i' Marti), Benedictus. Short history of Valentinus Gentilis, the tritheist, tryed, condemned, and put to death by the Protestant Re- formed city and church of Bern in Switzerland, for asserting the three divine persons of the Trinity to be three distinct, eternal spirits, &c. Wrote in Latin . . . and now translated into English for the use of Dr. Sherlock. London, 1696. 18I1. pp. [i6]-f i34-l-[2]. Arnaud, Eugene, editor. Documents protes- tanls in&lits du id'' siecle : .Synode g^n^ral de Poi- tiers 1557; synodes provinciaux de Lyon, Die, Pey- raud, Montelimaret Nimes en 1561 et 1562; assem- bl^e des Etats du Daujihint; de 1563, etc. Paris, 1872. 25'!. pp. 91. Artikel, so da hetten | sollen aufTs Concilium zu Man- I tua, oder wo es wiirde sein. vberant\\'or- J THE Wtinii LIBRARY. sioirc de la ('alvin. 4<- ouvra^es et ties tet werden, von vnsers teils wegen, Vnnd | was wir aiinemen, oder geben | kiindten, oder nicht, etc. I Anno 153S. 1 Von-ede D. Martini | Lutheri. 11, I, -p., [1538?). 19X15. pp. [79I. For contents sec under Luther In vi»l. lettered Lut/ui; Diverse Seliri/tcn, 7. Asclepius Barbatus, Nicolaus. Uliichi llttllcni ul I'lancisci a Sicl Select works. 1849.) Aubigne. Jean Henri Merle d'. .S,-f Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. Audiu, Jean Marie Vincent. N'ie, (It's (uisra-.jes el dcs tluclrincs ed., abr. Pari.s 1845. 18''. pp. 540. Ilistoire de la vie, des doctrines de l.uther. 4"= ed., al)r. Paris. 1845. 18''. pp. 520. Augsburg. Wider den newen | Taufforden, Notwendige Warnnne; an alle Chrisl-| gleubigen Durch die I diener des Euangelij zu | Augspurg.| M.O. XXVII. I am vj. des Heibst-| monats.| [/;>/- i^ra/)/i.'] At end : Augspurg am seehsslen tag Sep- 'tember. Anno.| M.U.XXVII. I1527] 20X16. pp. [9'^] t.-P border. Wdct initial, Augsburg, David von. .Vi<' David row .V«;,.i- /'///;;'". Augsburg Confession. Confe.ssio Augustana. — Ciinftitntii) confessionis .\ugustana;. — .Apologia confessionis .\ugustan:L>. — Repetitio confessionis .Augustance. {In Melanchthon, P. Opera, xxvi -xxviii ; and in Rauke, F. L. v. Deutsche Ge- schichte ini Zeitalter der Reformation, vi.) Confessio odder Be- | kantnus des Glau- | liens etlicher Fiirsten | vnd Stedte : Vber- ] anlwort Keiserlicher I Maiestat : | zu Augspurg. [ Anno M. U. XXX. I .Vpologia der Confessio. At end: Ge- druckt zu Wittemberg duvch ( Georgen Rhaw. Anno. |M. D. xxxj. 21X15. pp. [68+429]. Wdct initials. The Apolo Germany — Reichstag, Augsburg, 1548. Aurifaber, Johaun. Die fiirncmste adiaphori- stische Irlliumen, etc. .See Gallus, N., and others. Aylmer, John, Up. of London. Strypk, J. Historical collections of the life and acts of John Aylmer. 1 821. Baer, Joseph. & Co.. booksellers. 147. Lager- Catalog: Zeilaller der Reformation. Frankfurt a NL , 18-14 21I' pp. 54. Baird, Henry Maityn. History of the rise of the Huguenots. London. 1880. 21''. 2 v, Map- Coutents. — i. From the beginning; of tlic French reforma- tion to the edict of January (1562). ii. From the edict of Januarj' (1562) to the death of Charles IX (1574). Balan, Pietro, Card., editor. Monumenta refor- mationis l.utheranae, ex tabulariis .S. .Sedis 1521- 1525- Ratisbonx. etc., 1884. 25''. pp. 24 + 589. Balduin. Fran90is. Responsio ad | Calvinvm et Be- I zain pro Fran- ] cisco Halduino j luriscons. j Cnni rei'vtationeca- | lumniaruni, ile Scri]itura(S:| Tra- ditione. I [ /JtT '/(•(•. ] I Coloniae, | .Apuil Wcrnerum Richwinum | .Vnno 1564. 16''. ff. 170. Wdct initials. With an address to the read, er, on the controversy between Calvin and Haldiiin, by Michael Fabvicius. In vol. lettered Lutlter Septiceps Cocttlei. Bale, John, Bp. of Ossory. .Select works ; ed. by II. Christmas. Cambridge, 1849. 23''. pp. 12+647. (Parker Soc.) Contents: — Biog. notice of author. — Examination and death of Ixirti Cobham. — Examination of William Thorpe. — Exami- nations of Anne .\ske\ve. — Image of both churches. — Index. .\ myste- ] rye of inyi|uylecontayned | within the heretycall Genea- | logye of I'once Pantolabus, is I here both dysclosed and confu- | ted By Johan Bale. An. | M. D. xlii ] . . . 1 . ■ • | • ■ • | iText.] \ Emprynted at Geneua, By | Mychael Woode. 1545. is'i. ff. [4]+88, t.-p. border. Black-letter. Henry Fran- cis Lyte's copy. 'Ponce Pantolabus' was the pseud, under which John Huntingdon (a priest, afterward himself a convert to the Reformation) wrote his Ceneeih^yc of Ileresye, .a satire in Skeltonic verse. The latter is repnnted, piecemeal, in this confutation of it. Life of J. Bale. (/;; Lives of the British reformers. [1834?'!) Balmes. Jacques. See Balmez, J. L. Balmez. Jaime Luciano. Le protestantisiue compare au catholicisme dans ses rapports avec la civilisation europeenne. 5'' ed., aug. d'une introd. par A. de Blanche-Raftin. Paris, 1857. igli. 3 v. Da^ Bapstum niit seinen Gliedern genialet. See Luther. M., editor. Barbatus. Nicolaus Asclepius. See Ascle- pius Barbatus. N. Barclay, Alexander, translator. The ship of fools. See Brant. S. [[.\MlESO.\, T. H.] Notice of Barclay's life and writings. — Bibliographical catalogueof [his] works. {In Brant, S. Ship of fools, transl. by Barclay, i. 1874). Barfuser Miinche Eulenspiegel vnd .\lcoran. See Alberus, E. Barham. Francis. Life and times of John Reuchlin. London. 1843. i8l>. pp. 12+284. Appended arc Erasmus' ' Apotheosis of Reuchlin.' an essay on the character and au- thorship of the Epistola; obsatrornm virorum, and a bibliog- raphy of Reuchlin's works. THE PKOTESTAXr REFOKMATIO.X A.XD ITS EOKERUNNERS. [Barlowe, Jerome.] Rede me and be pott wrolhe. Sit Roy, W., and Barlowe, J. Barni, Jules Remain. Ramus. — Michel Ser- ve!. ( /« ///j l.cs niartua seudonynier deulsclier ^'olks- und Flugschriflen : cin Beitrag zur Charakteristik der deutschen Reformation im ersten Zeitraum ihrer Fntwicklung. D. Ulm, 1S72. 21I'. pp. 4-f 306. [Bayle, Pierre.] Critique generale de I'His- toire du calvinisme de Mi'. Mainibourg. 2" ed., rev. et augm. 14''. pp. [28) +407. Autogr. cul from 1785-6. 4 V. Buckle's copy, with marked 1683. Martin I.utlier : liis life and Ville-Franche, t..p. Bayne, Peter work. London, etc. 1887. 2A 2v. Porl. Beard, Charles. The Reformation of the i6lh century in its relation to modern thought and knowl- edge. London, etc.. 1SS3, 23''. pp. 10+451 (Hibbcrt lectures, 1883.1 Beatus Rhenauus. See Rhenanus. Beausobre, Isaac de. Histoire de la Refor- mation ; ou Origine et progr^s du Lulh^ranisme dans r Empire et les £tats de la Confession d'.Vugs- bourg, 1517-30- Berlin passages. Bebel {Lat. Bebelius), Heinrich, and others. Nicodemi Frischlini . . . faceliix; selectiores t qui- bus . . . accesserunl Henrici Bebelii, I'. L., face- tiarum libri tres, etv. A!nsIa:lodanii, 1651. 14''. 303. Bebel's facetiai make up the bulk (pp. 37-266) of the collection. Bechler, Hans. Ein Gesprech eyness Fuchs ] vnd Wolffs, so die andern Fiichs vnd \V6lff auff den I .Stayger waldl zusamen geschickl, sich zu | vnder reden, wo vnd vvie die beyde | parthey den wintler sich lialte« 1 vnd neren wollen. j M.l>. Willi. (/;; Schade, O., editor. Satiren, ii. 1863. J On .Sickingen's campaign, 1522-23. The author gives his name as ' Hanse Kecliler von Scholbrunnen.' Beck. C. H., bookseller. Bibliotheca Lutherana : eine Sammlung von .-Kutotypen Luthers ; nebst den Gesamtausgaben von Luthers Werken und einer reichen Auswahl von Schriflen der Freunde und Gegner der Reformation iiber Luther bis auf die Gegenwart. Nordlingen, 1883. 21''. pp. 4+[i] + 185. In vol, lettered Cntalnge iiber die Re/orjiitttion. This extraordinarily rich col- lection was bought for the Hartford Theological Seminary, and is probably the most important American one in this field. The catalogue is of unusual bibliographical fullness and accu- racy. Becon, Thomas. Early works ; ed. by J. Ayre. Cambridge, 1843. 27I'. pp. 19-1.500. (Parker Soc.) Contents: — Biog. notice of Becon. — Preface. — Lines to Becon. — News out of Heaven. — Christmas banquet. — Pota- tion for Lent. — Pathway unto prayer. — .\ pleasant new nose- gay. — Policy of war. — David's harp. — A New Year's gift. — Invective against swearing. — The governance of virtue. — Index. Catechism ; with other pieces written in the reign of Edward VI ; ed. by J. Ayre. Cambridge, 1844. 27''. pp. [5]-r670. {Parker Soc.) Contents: — The catechism. — The jewel of joy. — The prin- ciples of Christian religion. — A fruitful treatise of fasting. — "I'he castle of comfort. — The solace of the soul. — The fortress of the faithful. — I'he Christian knight. — Homily against whoredom. Prayers, and other pieces ; ed. by J. Ayre. Cambridge, 1844. 27I1. [51+644. (ParkerSoc.) Contents : — The flower of godly prayers. — The pomander of prayer. — I'he sick man's salve, — Pt comfortable epistle to the afflicted people of God. — An humble supplication unto God fur the restoring of his Holy Word. — The displaying of the Popish mass, — 'I'he common-places of the Holy Scripture. — Comparison between the Lord's Supper and the Pope's mass. — Certain articles of Christian religion proved. — Diver- ■ sity between God's Word and man's invention, — The acts of Christ and of Antichrist. — Christ's chronicle. — Stmimary of the New Testament. — Demands of Holy Scripture, with an- swers. — Index. Life of T. Becon. (/« Lives of the Brit- ish reformers, [1834?]) Bedencken Etiicher \ Predicanten, .Als der zu Schwe- 1 bischen Hall, Der in Hessen | Vnd der Stadt N. N. auffs I Interim | Ihrer Olierkeit | Vberreicht. | I'Fext.^ I 154S. n. p. 16X21. pp, [24], No, 76" in vol, lettered Ceriiittn Triiets liy i^e/oriiters, v. Beelzebub an die | Heilige Bepstli- | che KiLr]clio.| [Satirieal 7i'det.'] \ M.D. XXXVII. 20X15. pp. [8]. ' Nach Sprache, .Schreibung, auch nach den Typen des Drucks scheint dieser Pasquill aus Wittenberg zu stammen. Die auf deni Titel angegebene Jahrszal 1537 wird durch die Erwahntmg des Concils von Mantua bestatigt.' — Settade. Repr, , with notes, in Schade, SatireJi.Vi, loz. Beelzebub. Epistola, etc. .'iee Bpistola. Bekeutuus ] vndclag hertzog IIein-| riclien von Braunschweigs | des Jnngern aller seiner hen-| del, vnd wie er seine ,^achen | liinfort anzustellen | ge- denckct. (/" Schade, O., editor. Satiren, i. 1S63.) In vcrsc; wntten in 1542. TJIK WIUTE UBKAKY. Bekeutnuss vnnd Er- | klerung aufls | Interim. I durch der Krbarii Stcdte, I.iihcck, | Hamburg, I.iincburg, etc. Su- | periiUeiulenten, Pastorn vniid I'redi- | gem zu C'lirislliclitr vnd notvven- | diger vnterrichlung gcstellet. | {'I't-xts.'W Gedruckt zu Magdeburg dui'cli | Michael Lottlier. | At end : Ge- druclris | conscripsit : in (|UO t^ dc Lutcro ^: dcalijs [j/V] | nuper ortis ha?reticis multa deprehendes. | II Editio quinta, nunc ab ipso au- [ tore & aucta & recognita. | \_Dcz>ice.'\ \ Colonios. I Excudeljat, Johannes Kempensis. | Anno. M.D. XXXVII. IS*"- PP- [356]- WJct initials. It was on thi.s work, ac- cording to Ucitscli, lliat the tirst Index librorum prohibitor- Hin was based. Bernhardi, Bartholomaus. Das die Priester Ee- 1 weyber iienien | niogen viul [ sollen. | ^ Be- schutz red, des wuidii^en herren Bartoloinei | Bern- hardi, prol)sls zu Camberg, so von hi- | schoff von Meydburg gefordert, ant- | wurt zu gehen, das er in prie.ster- | lichem standi, eyn iungk- | frauw zu der Ee ge- 1 nonuncn hatt. ,-// (■//(/.■ (Icdruckt zu Arips, vnd durch Melium Joannem Eleu ] theriuni, zu eren deni wiirdige?/ herren Probst zu Cam | berg, vnd l)eschirmung der chrislenhchcn war- | heit ver- deiitscht, Anno. M. D. xxij. 19X14- PP- [15]- Panzer, 1530. In vol. lettered ^(5 Trac- iaten. The Latin original of this work has been ascribed to Melanchthon and is repr. in his (7/., i, 422, where may be found valuable details. ^ Arips' in the colophon is proba- bly Spirn (Spires) spelt backward, and ' Elcutherius' the psend. of Joh. Ebcrlin v. Giinzburg ; thmigh Weller (in his Driickorte, \, i) thinks the book was printed at Wittenberg. Bernhardt, Wilhelm. Melanchthon als Malhe- maliker und Phy^ikcr. Wiitenberg. 1865 21''. pp. d-Yq^. Besant. ^Valter. Gaspard de Coligny. N. Y., 1879 »-'' PP- 228. Port, (Harper's half-hour series) [Beschribung der gotlicheu miily:] Dyss hand zwen schwytzer puren gmacht | Furwar sy hand es wol betracht-I {^Satirical ivdct rcp7-esenting the ' ?fiiii of GoiL'^ t'erso : Beschribung der got- lichen | miily, so durch die gnad gottes angelassen, vnt/ durch | den hochberiimptesten aller mlilleren, Erasniuni | von Roterodam, das gotlich mel ziisamen ge I schwarbct, vnd von n J>">ra. Halle, 1843. i8l'. pp. 132. Ein Christlich | Betbuchlein, In welchem I vil schoner Gebette begrif-| fen sind, fUr allerley ge-| meyn anligen der gantzen | Christenheyt, Kinem jeden [ Christen teglich zu gebrau-| chen sehr Irost- lich vnd | niitzlich. | tietruckt zu Niirmbergk, | Durch Johann Kreundt, j im 1561. Jar. i6l>. pp. [159]. In vol. lettered Luther, Deudsch Cate- chisvnis. Bfeze, {Lat. Beza), Theodore de. Theodori I Bezac V'ezelii | Poeinata varia. [ [ fc/zAv^/j. ] | Om- nia ab ipso Auctore in vnum nunc Corpus | collecta & recognita. I \_Dc^'ice 0/ IJ. Esiienne.'] [Anno M. D. XCVII. [Geneva,] 1597. 24X17- pp. [16] ^372. Wdct initials, orna- ments, and emblems. The editor of this ed. (in which the au- thor's erotic ynveniiia do not appear) was Reza's friend, the Moravian nobleman Wenceslaus M()rkowski of Zastrzizl. Contents : — Sylvae. — Elegiac. — Epiiaphia. — Epigrammata. — Iconcs. — Embiemata. — Cato Censorius : epigrammata. — Abra- hanius sacrificans : iragoedia, Gallice a 'I'h. lieza edita, Latine a J. Jacomoto Barrensi conversa. — .Appendix ad poemata. Bai.ih.:in, F. Responsio ad Calvinvm et Be/ain. 15*54. llKPi'i-:, H. L. J. T. Beza. 1861. Bible. Iiu<^Iish. The holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, willi the apocryphal books, in the earliest English versions made from the Latin Vulgate by [ohn Wyclifle and his follow- ers ; ed. by J. Forshall and .Sir Y. Madden. C. Oxford, 1850. 34I'. 4 v. Two \ersions in parallel col- iniuis. Contents : — i. Genesis — Ruth. ii. Kings — Psalms, iii. Proverbs — Maccabees, iv. Matthew — Apocalypse. — Biblia The Bible, that is, the holy Scrijiture of the Okie and Newe Testament, faith- fully atid trulv translated out of Douche and Latyn in to Englishe [by M. Coverdale]. M. D. XXXV. n- P-. 1535' 30X20. HIack-letter. In double cols, of 47 lines. 2 specimen leaves of ' Coverdale's Hible," the first printed ed. of the whole IJible In English ; namely, AT. Ixxiii and Ixxx (containing ch. xiv, 5 — xv, 38. and xvii, 36 — xix, 15 of ' The iiij boke of the kynges'). ' This Pjible was for a long time supposed to have been printed at Zurich, but in 1877 Mr. H, Stevens, in the Catalogue of the Caxton Exhibuion, gave strong reasons for believing it to have been printed by J. van Mete- ren, at Antwerp." — Br//. .U/is. Cat. 0/ Eaily Rngl. Books^ 18S4 (from which the above title is copied). This specimen fragment, as well as those of the two ISibles next to be de- scribed, were 'bound by W. Pratt for H. Stevens, 1876,' and obtained directly from that eminent antiquary, who is presuma- bly responsible for their ideniiHcalion, It is perhaps note- worthy that not even the British Museum itself possesses a perfect copy either of this or of the 'Great Bible' next de- .scribed. See, for description. Cotton's Editions of the Bible (2d ed., pp. 8-10, 274, 275) ; and Dore's Old Bibles, p. 25. — 1[ The Byble in j Englyshe, that is to saye the con- | tent of all the holy scrypture, bothe | of y*-* olde and newe testament, truly | translated after the veryte of the | Hebrue and Greke textes, by y** dy-[ lygent studye of dyuerse excellent | learned men, expert in the forsayde | tonges. [ If Prynted by Rych- THE PROTESTAXT KKfOKMAJJuX AXD I'JS J-OKERUXXEKS, ard Grafton I & Edward Whitchurch. | [/Vr.' ] | 1539- [Paris and London,] 1539. 39X27- Black-letter. In double cols, of 60 lines. t.-p. partly in red. 3 specimen leaves of this first ed. of the ' Great Bible;' namely, the title-page and ff. Ixiii, Ix.v (containing chapters ii, 11 — iv, 7 and xviii, 11 — xxi, 7 of ' The Prophecy of Jeremy'). See, for an account of this famous ed. and of the difficulties under which it was printed. Cotton's Editions of the Bibie (2d ed., pp. 15, 279, 280) : and Dore's Old Bibles, p. 41. 1'he t.-p. contains a ver>' elaborate wdct border, ascribed to Holbein, representing Henry VIII dispensing the Script- ures from his throne, wuh Cranmer and Cromwell aid- ing him. In the present copy, however, this wdct-page is probably one of the subordinate t,-pp. of the volume, with the letter-press of the main title inserted : for the insertion is evident, and that the reverse of the leaf does not bear ' The names of all the bookes of the Byble," as in the copies else- where described, is apparent, in spite of the mutilated leaf (containing the preface ' To the Reader") confusingly pasted upon it. . The whole Byble, that is the holy scripture of the Okie and Newe testament faythfully transla- ted into Knglyshe by Myles Coverdale and newly oversene and correcte. M. D. L. Prynted for An- drewe Hester. [Zurich,] 1550. 23X19. Black-letter. In double cols, of 50 lines. 2 specimen leaves, namely, ff cccclxxxvi, cccclxxxvii (containing ch. iv. 47 — vii, 38 of ' The II. boke of the Macha- bees'). Title copied from Brit. Mus. Cat. cited above. J^et- tered (by H. Stevens?) 'second edition,' but according to Cotton and Lowndes it is the tlilrd edition of Covcrdale's translation, the second having been printed by Nycolson at Southwark in 1537. This third edition was printed by Cbristoph Kro-schauer (thought by some to have been the printer of the first edition also) at Zurich. See, for proof of this and for description, Cotton's Editions 0/ the Bible (2d ed., pp. 23, 289). Old Testament. Pentatcid-h. WilHam Tyndale's five books of Moses, called the Penta- teuch; a verbatim reprint of the edition of 1530, compared with Tyndale's Genesis of 1534, and the Pentateuch in the Vulgate, Luther, and Matthew's Bible, with collations and prolegomena, by J. I. Mombert. C. N. Y., etc., [1884], 27h. pp. 145-1-635. Fac-similes. — Psalms. German. Die Psalmen Da- nach der Uebersetzune Luthers. vids : Halle. 1878. 13I1, vtcui. In a case. pp. 130. Bd. Berlin, 1S79. tament. Some. pp. iiiH-[i] ith Dtxs Neue Testa- Dd with Das Xeue Tes- — — See also Palatinate. — Latin. Psalterivm | Davidis ivx- | ta translationem | veterem. | Cum Canticis, Hymnis, Et I Orationibus Eccle- 1 siasticis.| \^Device.^\ Nori- bergae imiiriniel)atvr I In Officina M. loachimi I Helleri. | M. D. I.VII. i6h. pp. [285]. In vol. lettered Luther, Deudseh Cate- chismns. New Testament. English. The New Testament [trans].] by William Tyndale. [Repr. of] the orig. ed. [of] 1526, with a memoir of his life ; to which are annexed the variations of Coverdale's, Thomas Matthew's, Crannier's, the Genevan, and the Bishops' Bibles, by J. P. Dabney. Andov^r, 1837. iqIi. pp. 105-f-fr. 264t-fi]. Port. ofTyn- dale and fac-simile of orig. t.-p. — — Paraphrases of Krasmu.s [and Leo Juda] upon the N. T. See Erasmus. D. — German. Das Keue Testament, . . . nach der Uebersetzung Luther's. C51n, 1872. 15''. pp. 5x2. Halle, 1878. case. 13", Same. PP- 552- Bd. with Die Fsabm. hi Berlin, 1S79. sqIj. SafJie. pp. 446-f[i] Bd. With Die Psabnei — Gospels. Gol/iie, Anglo-Saxony and English. The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels in parallel columns with the versions of Wycliffe and Tyndale ; arranged, with pref. and notes, by J. Bos- worlh [and] G. Waring. C. London, 1S65. 2Sh. pp. [2]-i-36-(-584. Fac-similes of mss. Das bilger schiff bin ich genant, | Far vom elend ins vatterlant.] Dis biichlin haltinne vier Artickel. | Cilauben. Guten Wercken. Vom -* Fiirbitt der heyligen, vnd Wie man seliglich sterben sol. Item, Wie man die kind wol ziehen sol. I \Allegorieal xvdet of the ^ pilgrim-ship.^^ fStrasburg, 1524?] 21X16. ff. 47+fi]. Weller, ^f/., 3788. No. 1 in vol. lettered German Ti-acts by Reformers, /. The full-page wdct at end, representing a scholar and an angel un- der an apple-tree, the tree bearing in its branches a frog sur- mounted by the initials ' C. F' and at its base the initials ' Z C H,' can hardly be anything else than the device of Chris- toph Froscbauer, Zurich. Yet Weller ascribes the book to the press of Joh. Priiss, at Strnsburg, and Graesse (absurdly) to the year 1550. The author describes himself as an 'vngenanlerlay', who has taken upon himself ' einfaltiger weise, inn disen geuer- lichen zeiten, etwas in druck in die gclcrte welt vssgeen lassen.' Two or three allusions to that ' hoch geleerten, theiiren, gros- scn fass Gottes, D. Martin Luther' show the writer a Protestant {though leaning to the Zwinglian view of the Lord's Supper), and favor the date suggested by Weller ' c. 1524.* Bilney. Thomas. Life of T. Bihiey. {In Lives of tJU' British reformers. [1834?]) Bland. Robert, compiler. Pru\erbs from the Adagia of I'jasmus. .SVv Erasmus, D. Das Blatteu : Kutten : Kappen : | Schern, Schmern, Saltz, Schmaltz, vnd | alles der gleichen, Gott abschewlich | seindt fmstu griintlich an-[ zey- gu;/g der gschrifft.j \^Satirieal -erstorbsn siiid, auss den vjorten Pauli. J. Fhessa. iiij : Dtircli Magistntni Paiiticin voitr Rode prediger zu Stetin in Poiueren, filling the remaining 3 pp. Der Keyser liken St.adt Liibeck Christlike Ordeninge, thodenstedem hilgen Evangelio, Christ- liker leue, tucht, frede vnde eynicheyt, vor de yoget yn eyner guden .Scholen tho lerende. . . . Dorch THE WHITE LIBRARY. Jo. Bugen. Pom. heschreuen. 1531. (/«Heppe, H. L. J. Das Schulwesen des MiUclaltcrs. i860.) Der XXTX.| Psalm aiisge-| legt, Durch | Doctor Johan Bugenhagen, Poniern. | Darin neii auch I von der Kinder Tauffe. | Item von den vn- | gcborn Kindcrn, vnd | von den Kindern die man | nicht teuffcn kan.| Kin Trost D.| Martini lAithers fur die | Weiljern, welchen es vngerat | gegangen ist mit Kinder I geberen-l Anno M.D.XLij. At end: Gedriickt zu Wittemberg, | durch Joseph Klug. | AnnojM.D.XLII. 21X16. pp. [71]. Dedication to Christian of Denmark, signed by Uugennagcn and dated ' Wittemberg, Anno domini NrD.XLij, in Wcinachten.' * Da ich dieses geschriuben hatte von den Kindlein,' says Bugenhagen (on p. 64), ' I>as cs Doctor Martinus Lnther, vnd lies es im gefallen, Kr wohe aber das ich auch liinzu suit setzcn, einen Trost den Weibcrn, welchen es vbel vor dieser zeit geraten ist mit der Gebiirt." Hut the author demurred, adding ' WoIIet ir aber solchcn trost aelbs auff cinen zede! sclirelben, ... So wil ich die sell)ige trostimg mvi ewrem Namen zn meinem Biichlein hin an setzen, Das that Doctor Martinus gern, vnd scha'cib wie folget. ' The little Trostschri/t thus called forth seems to have been over- looked by the editors of Luther's collected works. j Johann Bugen- | hagen Kirchen zu Witteberg, | Dated ' Wittemberg vierden tag Ein Schriffl D. Pomerani : | Pastoris tier An aiidere Pastoni vnd | Piedigern, | Von der jtzigen Kriegs- ( riistung. | Witteberg. | GedrucUt durch Hans Lufft. | 1546, 20X16. pp. [16]. ~ Julij. M D..\lvj.' Wie es vns zu Wit- | temljerg in der Stadt gegangen | ist, in diesem vergangen Krieg, | bis wir, durch Gottes gnaden, erioset sind, [ Vnd vnser hohe Schule, durch ... | ... | ... | Moritzen, Ilertzogeu zu .Sach | ssen, ... | ... | ... | ... | . . . widerunib auff- | gericht ist. | Warliafftige Historia, be- | schrieben d,urcli lohan Bugenliagen I Pomern, Doctor vnd Pfarlierr I zu Wittemlierg. | M.D..XLVII. At end: Gedruc'kt zu Wittemberg, I Durch Veit Creutzer. | M.D.XF.VII. 10X15- pp. [51]- This valuable contemporary account is in the form of a general letter to the author's ' liebeii herrn, freunde vnd Bruder,' and is dated 'Wittemberg, M.D.xlvij. iij. Augnsti." Ein Trostbiich | lin fur die krancken, | durch Johann | Pomer. | Wie, vnd was man | denen, so kranck inn tods noten li-| gen, sagen vnd furlesen sol, I Auch voni Sacrament des j waren leibs vnd bluts I Christi. n. t.-p., [15 — ]. i5h. pp. [13}. This is but a fragment of some larger work from which it has been torn. The first page bears the signature Fii, and the Last ends with Folget ein Ser. mopt voin Sacriiiic<^nt^:x promise unfulfilled, the reverse of this leaf being blank. It is only a revised form of his Vnnder~ riclit deren so in kranckkeiteH . . . lig^it, Eine Christliche Predigt vber der Leich vnd begrebnis . . . Luthers. [1546.] (/h Jonas, J., and otiicrs, Vom Christlichen abscliied . . . Lu- theri, 1553; and in Hofmann. C. Or., Memori- am saecvlareni, etc., I74(>-) \Vu:'r, K. .\. T. J. Bugenhagen Poniera- iius. 1S67. Detached Portrait. [Bry, T. DE.] Wdcl; 14X10'.^; half- length, full face, book in hand, furred cloak, stand- ing between pillars, before him a table with ink, pen, and paper ; on arch at top, Joannes Biii^en- hagius Pomeramus [sic] T/uvl. ll^itte. ; on talilet, Nase. Iidini in Poinera. \ A°. 148^. \ Ob. IVitte- tcrgie, I .4°. IS5S\ at base a Latin couplet and the ' F 4' which seems to mark the wdct as from some printed book. From Boissard's Icones? Copy, with note, in Weisser, Bilder-Atlas, Taf. 109, where the orig. is ascribed to T. Stimmer. Bull, Henry, editor. Christian prayers and holy meditations ; collected 1566. Cambridge, 1842. i6h. pp. 32-t-209-l-[i] (Parker Soc.) Bulla contra Errores Lutheri. See Leo X, Pofie. BuUa. -See aho Bvlla. Bulliuger. Heinrich. Decades; transl. by H. 1., ed. liy 1'. Harding. C.'inibridge, 1849-52. 23I'. 4 V. (Parker Soc.) Title of Latin orig. is Serinonuin decades quinqiic. Mandbuch oder Summa christlicher Re- ligion. 1556. — .\nleitung fiir die, so wegen un- sercs Herrn Jesu Christi und seines heiligen Kvan- geliums ihres Glaubens halben erforscht und mit alierlei Fragen versucht werden. 1559. — Von dem Nachtmat ties Herrn, von der Vorbereitung zu dem- selben, von Schwache und Wachsthum des Glaubens. — Von rechler Hiilfe und Errettung in Nothen : eine Prciligtaus deni heiligen Evangelio Mattiiiii rlem 14. Kap., gehalten in Ziirich am 12. Juli 1552. — Braut- wei'liungsschreiben an Anna Adlischweiler, vom J.ahre 1527. — Vaterliche Vorschriften oder .Xnwei- sung fiir seiuen Sohn Heinrich bei dessen .'Vbgang in die Fremde. 1553. — Briefean seinen .Sohn Hein- rich. — Testament oder letzter Wille an seine Herren unil (_)bern von Ziirich. 1575. (/« Pestalozzi, C. Heinrich BuUinger. 1858.) Vff Herren Jo- 1 hannsen Brentzen Testa- | menl Kurtzlich durcli den truck wider | die Zwingli- aner vssgangen, der die-| nern der Kirchen zu Ziirych kur- I tze notwendige vnd bescheid- | ne .\nt\vort, alien glou- 1 bigen zu vrteilen | fiirgestelll. | \_Text.'\ I (Jetruckt zu Ziirych by Christoffel | Froschower, im jar 1571. i6h. ff. 43, Presentation copy, with the following inscrip- tion, in Bullinger's own hand, at foot of t.-p. : Ornatiss. iituent [juveni] Pliittppo TIteodoryclw Norimbergen. Hein- ryctius Butliitgerns ainicitice ergo D. D. Who w.as this Philipp Dietrich? Pestalozzi, C. H. Bullinger. 1858. Bungener, Laurence Louis Felix. History of the Council of Trent ; [transl. by D. D. Scott]. Ed. from 2d London ed., with summary of the acts of the Council, by J. M'Clintock. New York, 1855. 2oh. pp. 42 + 546. Burigny, Jean Levesque de. Vie d'ftrasme. Paris, 1757. 17I1, 2 V. Burnet, Gilbert, Bp. of Salis/ntry. History of the reformation of the Church of England. New ed. Oxford, 1816. 28I' 3 V. in 6. Contents: — i. 1509-47. ii. 1547-59. i"- 15^3-^7 (this vol., written long alter the others, reviews the whole ground). Each vol. is in 2 pts., of which the first consists of the narra- tive, the second of illustrative documents. Same. C. Oxford, 1829. 22h. 3 V. in 6. Same. Newed. , revised, and the records collated with the originals, by N. Pocock. C. Oxford, 1865. 24h. 7 V. Burrcwrs, Montagu. Wiclif's place in his- tory: lectures, O.\ford, 1881. London, 1882. igh. pp. 6+[2]-l-i29. Buscli, Hermann von dem. In acerbvm loannis I Munnellij Ruremunde;;sis obitum, | Her- manni Buschij Pasiphili | funebre lessum, siue | Epicedi- 1 on. Colonic, 1517. (/« Hutten, U. V. Opera, ed. Bocking, iii. 1862.) Butler, Charles. Life of Erasmus ; with re- m.arks on the state of literature between the loth and i6th centuries. London, 1825. 23lt. pp. g-f [21 + 244. Copy presented by the author to the Duke of Sussex, with inscription. Butler, Clement Moore. The Reformation in Sweden : its rise, progress, and crisis, and its triumph under Charle* IX. - - . , . N. Y., [1883], 20I1. pp. 4-I-259. lO THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Butzer or Bucer {Lat. Bucerus), Martin. Was im namen Ues j Heiligen Euangeli vnseis Herrenn | Jesu Christi, ietzuml zu Bon?/ jm Stifft Collen, I gelehret vnnd geprediget wurdt. | Uas der diensl derselbigen predigen | vnd lehre zu Bon« or- denlich fiirgenonimen ist, vnd j geiibt wiirdt, also das die Christen des ein | gut gefallen, vnd kein be- schwerden | billich haben soUen. 1 Das die Christen auss solchem dienst I vberal sich kaynes argen, oder vnraths zu befaren, ] sonder alJer gnaden vnd segen Gottes, zu I zeitHcher vnd ewiger wolfart, ge-|\viss- lich zuerwarten haben. | [7tuYj-. ] ] Durch Mar- tinum Bucerum jetzundt dienen- | de dem H. F-uan- gelio Christi zu Bon«. At end: Getruckt zu Mar- purg, liey Her | man Bastian. ['543] 19X14- pp- [155]. In vol. lettered 46 Tractatctt. On p. 66 enas the ' ei'stett Tttnd g^osseren tey II discs bcrichis* p. 67 is blank, and on p. 68 begins * Das andcr t/icil,' with fresh caption and signatures, ending on p. 153 with the date, 'Scriptum Bonnae X. Martij, Anno RI. D. XLIII ; ' then the ' Register' and the colophon. [ ] Einw Christlich onge- 1 fahrlich bedencken, \Vie ein leidli- j cher anefang Christlicher vergleich- ung in I der Religion zu machen sein | mochte. | Zu Leypsig Anno M. I>. xxxix. zusammen | getragen, Dabev Georg Vicel auch gewe- | sen, vnd in alles bewilliget | hat. | [7>jr/j.] | Anno M. D. XLV. [Strasburg?] 1545. 21X16. pp. [63]. No. 8 In vol. lettered German Tracts by Re/arntet's^ I. At end. in smaller type, a brief apology to any ' wer jiieinen ivoite, ich solte dis heini- lich z'ttnd 7-ertraiute gcsprech, uit haben in drtick gegeben,' and the signatuie, ' Mariiiins Bucerus.' Briefwechsel. See Philip, Landgraveif Hesse, and Butzer, M. Baum. j. \V, Capito und Butzer. i860. Bvlla Uecinii Leoni'; contra errores Martini Lu- theri. See Hutten. U. v. Bvlla I diaboli, qva | paterne papam svvm | admo- net, atq;/£' instruit quomo- | do gerere se debeat in re- I genda Romana Cu | ria, & toto terra- | rum orbe, y [ 7>x/]. At end : Datuw apud centrum terrse in | nostro palacio lenebroso, pr£e-[ senti cater- ua Dsenionuw/ ad hoc Ipraecipue conuocata ad con- sisto| rium dolorosum, sub nostri sigil- | li charactere terribili in ro- | bore perpetuo ac fide uali I da prse- missorum. | \_Signed'\ F'arfarellus. | Catabriga Secretarius. [? Magdeburg, 1550.] i6h. pp. i5-f-[i]. Save for its t. -p. and preface and for the signature at end, this satire is substan- tially identical with the Epistola de non apostolicis qitofiindant tnoribus qui in apostoloruin se locum successisse gioriafitur repr. (both in its Latin orig. and in threefold German transl. of 1521) in Schade, Satireti, ii, 80-92 ; yet the variations in text are sufficient to preclude its being a mere reprint of that impression. The present is, however, confessedly a reimpres- sion, for its preface speaks of its appearance ' ante XXX et eo amplius anno-s,' and refers to its author as one of thuse who lived 'ante centum annos." Schade's version (undated, but ascribed by Panzer to a Basel press, and certainly antedating 1521) has at end the date ' anno a palatii nostri fractione . . . millesimo trecentesimo quinquagesimo primo ' and the signa- ture ' Heelzebub j vester specialis amicus.' Are both these forms only variants of that earlier Epistola ad vtalos priiicipes ecclesiasticos (1507) ascribed by Flacius (followed by Weller, Lex. pseud., s. v. Lucifer), who republished it in 1549, to Ni- colas Oresme, and which, according to Wattcnbach, first ap- peared at Avignon in 1351 ? All stand alike upon the Judex, and Reusch (in his Der Index, i, 291) identifies the two latter, though failing to recognize their relation to the Bulla. Cer- tainly neither of them IS, as says the Brit. Mus, Cat. (s. v. Beel- zebub), ' a satirical pamphlet on the Reformation controversy." According to Brunet a German transl. of the Bulla diaboli appeared at Magdeburg in 1550 ; and it is not improbable that both this and the Bulla itself were the work of Flacius, who in that very year (according to Reusch) turned into German the Epistola Litci/eri, The date of impression (1545) given the Bulla by Peignot and Grsesse is pure conjecture. Byzenus, Eleutherius, (pseud.). ^V^ Hut- ten, U. V. Ccclius, Michael. T.cichcn-Predigt, . . . 1546 in Kibbkben . . . -L^^tjcr*! ^u Klu'cn gehalien. (/« Memoriam saecvlarem, elc. Lutheri. Ho&nann, C G. 1746.) Vom Christlichen abschied See Jonas, J. . and others. Caslius Secundus. See Curione, Celio Se- cundo. Cajetano or Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio, called. Cardinal, and others. Orationes | du3e, Altera habila a I.egatis sumnii Pontifi- | cis coram Inipera- tore Maximilinno. [ pro colligendis Deciini.s | in ex- pedilionew in | Turcas. | Altera viri cviv.sdam do | ctissimi adhortantis ne Principes in Deci j mre prse- stationem con- | sentiant. [1518.] (/« Hutten, ;, V. 1861.) XT. V- Opera, ed, liocking, ■) Commonly known as Orationes decitnaruin. The papal legates were Cajetan and Matthsus Lang, of Giirk. 'I'hc second portion, whose author (the vir quidam doctissimus) is unknown, is entitled by Spalatin Epistola de moribus Ro- fuan. pp. 193. App. to a Life 0/ Liit/ur. I.ORI), J. Calvin. (/« his Beacon lights of history, iii. 18S4. ) Mkrle d'.Vuuionk, J. H. Jean Calvin. 1868. Ren.\n, E. Calvin. (/«/;/> ittudesd'his- toire religieuse. 1862, ami 1864.) SCUVV.M.B, M. Ktude comparative des doctrines de .Melanchthon, Zwingle et Calvin. 1859. Stahi'.li.n, K. J. Calvin. 1863. Tui.I.ociI, J. Calvin. (In his Leaders of the Reformation. 1859.) Wn.l.l.wis, W. K. Calvin. (In his Eras and characters of history. 1882.) Wli.i.is, R. .Servetus and Calvin. 1S77. Camerarius ( 6''. 1 Al end: Lipsitc ] Excudebat Ernestus Vajgelin ] Constantiensis. | .-linno 1566. igli. pp. {2o]-^-42^-t-[i7]. The second of the two almost identical first ihipressioiis (both of 1566) of this earliest biogra- phy of Melanchthon. This copy belonged successively to the historian Chr. Kr. Ayrmann (1695-1747) and to the naturalist Joh. Wilh. Baumer (1719-1788), both of whose autographs it bears on the t.-p. and each of whom has added fresh marginal notes to its abundant supply of cOntemporarj- ones. Another copy. Remarkable about this copy is the singular freshness of the contemporary binding, with its stamped portraits of Melanch- thon and of Luther. I'he smaller portraits around the border are those of Melanchthon, Luther, Calvin, and Erasmus. Campeggi, Lorenzo, CarJ. Constitutio ad removendos abusus [ecclesia;], Ratisbona:, 1524, edita. (/« Gratius. O. Fasciculus, i. 1690.) Campian, Edmund. Judicium de Concilio Tridentino. (/k Schelhorn, J. G. .\moenitates hist, eccl., i. 1737.) Caucrinus, Suredabus, (fseud.). Ein new wunderbarlich monchs | schiffung, so zu Speier, an den, xviij. xix. vnnd xx. j tagen dess Hewmons [Anno XXX.], auffden Reichstag gehn .\ugss-| burgk zu Ziehen, am Rein geschehen, Vnnd was ] diese Mbnchsteuffel da aussgericht habe?j, mit | heyliger schrifft, Teutscher Nation zu | frumwen, eyn schone Ausslegung, | Suredabi Cancrini. | M. D. XXXI. | \_IVdct,'\ At end: Suredabus Cancrinus. n, p., n. d. 19X14- pp. [16]. In vol. lettered 46 Trnctaien. Capito, "Wolfgang Fabricius. Bai .m, J. W. Capito und Butzer. 1S60. Capnio, Johann. See Reuchlin, J. Cautii, Cesare. Les h^ielitjues d'ltalie : dis- cours historiques. Trad, de I'ital. par A. Digard et E. Martin, rev. par I'auteur. Paris, 1869-70. 23^. 5 V. Contents: — i. Les precurseurs de la R^forme. ii. \^ Concile de Trente. iii. Les suites du Concile de Trente. iv. L'her6sie scientifique. V. L'heresie dans la Revolution. Caracciolo, Galeazzo, Marquis of Vieo. Young, M. G. Caracciolo. {In his Life and times of Taleario, ii. i860.) Carbeu. Victor von. See Karbeu. Carioii, Johann. Chronicon Carionis. Sec Melanchthon, P. Carle, P. J. liistoire de Fra Hieronimo Sa- vonarola. Paris, 1842. 22h, pp. [2]-^369. Port. Carlstadt, Andreas von. See Bodenstein, A. R. Carlyle. Thomas. The hero as priest : Lu- ther, — Knnv. {In his On heroes, hero-worship, ami the heroic in history. 1846, and 1857. ) [Carmen exhortatorium.] Ad Reuerendissi- mos et Illu I strissimos sacri Romani Imperii Elec- tores : | Reliquos q«c inclitos in concilio .\ugustensi I (iermanoruw Principes : Carme;; exhortatoriuw. i? -Vugsburg, 1510.] (/« Hutten, U. V. Opera, ed. Bocking, iii. 1862.) Carnesecchi. Pietro. Ri ifet, L. Pietro Carnesecchi. 1874. .SciiKi.ilORN, J. (i. De Petri Carneseoas martvrio. (/« his Amoenitates hist, eccl., ii. ■738-') You.N'G, M. Pietro Carnesecchi. {In his Life and limes of Paleario, ii. i860.) Carolus : [dialogus]. .S'<<- Dialog! septem, .f/i-. Carranza, Bartolomeo de, Abp. of Toledo. Coinentarios ( del revcrendissimo senor | Frai Bar- tholome Carran9a de Miranda, .\x- \ 9obispo de To- ledo, &c. sobre el catechismo j Christiano, diuididos en quatro jjarles ; las c]uales contienen | todo lo que professamos en el sancto baplisnio, co- | mo se vera en la plana siguiente. | Dirigidos al .Serenissimo Rey de Espafia, cVc. | Don Phelipe N. .S. \_Arms.'\ En Anvers, I En casa de Martin Nucio. \ Afio .M.D.LVTIL I [/•)-«'.] agh. fT. t8]-t-433 The 4 pts. have separate t.-pp., but con- tinuous pagination and signatures. The famous book which cost the primate of Spain his liberty for life. Condemned by the Inquisition, soon after its appearance, on account of its al- leged Protestant flavor, it was vigorously suppressed. The present copy belonged to the ' Dotnits A n^lkcttia ' of the Jesuits at Ghent. Carranza himself was almost at once put on his trial, and was released only just before his death, 17 years later. Laugwitz, ii. B. Cassander, Georgius. nione sub utraque. {in .\moenitates hist, eccl., ii. Catechis- 1 mus, oder Kinderpre- 1 dig, Wie die in meyner | gnedigen herrn, Marg- 1 grauen zu Bran- denburg, I vnd eins Ebarn Raths | der statt Niirm- berg ob- [ erkeit vn*/ gepieten, allent- 1 halbew gepre- digt werden, | Den kindern vnd jungen j leuten zu sonderm nulz al | so in schritTt verfasst. At end : Getruckt zu Niirmberg, durch I Johan Petreium, Annoj M.D.XLII. 14^. pp. [499]. t.-p. border and many wdcts. Catechismus. oder Kurtzer Unterricht christ- licher Lehr, wie der in Rirchen und Schulen der Churfiirstl. Pfaltz und andern Orten getrieben wird. Frankfurt a. M., [1761]. i7h. pp. 32. Interpolated in the Chur-PfdUiscfi - A Ugetncines Reforjitirtes Gesang - Buck. 1761. Catherine Parr, hth wife of Henry VIII, of England. Life of Queen Catherine Parr. {In Lives of the British Reformers. [1834?]) Cerdonis, Oratio funebris in laudem. See Ora- tio. Chalmers, Alexander. Life of Luther. {In Luther, M. Table talk. 1S57.) Champfleury, Jules. See Pleury. Le chansonnier huguenot du l6e siecle. See Bordier. H. L, Charles [I, if Spain, (;«ms.'\ \ Iniprime a Louuain par Seruais Sassenus imprimeur lurS. | [/"r/i'. ] 18X14. pp. [23]. 'I'ext in italics. .\pp. to Louvain, Uni- versity of, Les Catalogues des liitres reproinicz. Zwey Keyserliche vneynige vnd wydder- wertige gepott den Lutlier betren'end. .S'. ff. [i6]-fi36. In vol. lettered Littlierjis Septiceps Cochlei. Besides the Septiceps Litttteriis, the contents are: Tabula coutradictionum Lutheri de coittmutiione Eucltaris- tite. — Sentenlice judieinles Lutheri ci'titra seipsum.- — Seutett- tice ex scriptura sacra contra Lutheri ituonstautiajii. — Ge- nealogia, seu posterttas, Lutheri. The latter, which is pecul- iar to this edition, fills 3 pp., ending with the sentence: ' Sed lam ad catalo^tm zreuiamus.' But this incompleteness, though unnoticed by the bibliographers (cf , e. g., Grsesse), seems shared by the copies described by them. LUTHKR, .M. Wyder den gewaffetew [j/i-] man Coclcum. 1523. Der Codex Teplensis, enth.alteml ' Die Schrift des newen Gezeuges'. -\ugsburg — iMiinchen, i88d. 23X17. 3 pt. bd. in i v. The New Testament of the Gennan Waldenses : the earliest Ger- man translation of the Bible. Contents : — i. Die vier heiligen Evangelien. ii. Die Briefe St. Pauli. iii. Die Briefe St Jacohi, St. Petri, St Johannis, St Juda, das Botenbuch und St. Johannis Offenba- rung nebsl drei .\nhangen. Coelius, Michael. -">'(< Casliiis. Ccelius Sectiudus. .S'ee Ciiiione, Celio Se- cundo. Colet, John. Oratio ... ad clerum in convo- catione, .\nno -MD.XI. — Same. English. The ser- mon of doctor Colete, made to the Convocation at Paulis. — Coleti epistolte quinque. (/« Knight, S. Life of Dr. J. Colet. 1724, «W 1S23.) — — Knight, S. Life of Dr. J. Colet. 1724, and 1823. Seebohm, F. The Oxford reformers. 1S67, and iSog. Coligny. Gaspard de. .Admiral of France. Besant, \V. Gaspard de Coligny. 1879. Herrick, S. E. Coligny. {In his Here- tics of yesterday. 1884.) u THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Collette, Charles Hastiugs. Luther vi.itli- cated. London, 1884. 22''. pp. 64-226. Collin, Matthaus. Piis manibvs . . . Phi- lippi Mel.imhonis. (/« Sabmus, G., ami ot/icis. Brevia epitaphia. 1560.) Colmar. Rocholl, H. Die Einfuhrung der Reforinatiun in Colmar. 1876. Ein Comedia welche yn dem | Kbnigklichem Sale tzu Pareysse . . . ijes]5ylt wor- | denn. | Anno. M. D. X. X. iiij. St-c- Tragoedia Parisiis acta. A compendious olde Treatyse sliewynge liowe that we ouglit to liaiie the Scripture in Englysshe. (.-///. to A proper dyaloge, eU., in Arber. E. Rede me, c-h-. ) C. A Lollard tract, written about 145a. Concilia- | bvlvm theologista- | rvm adversvs Germanii'e, | tS: bonaruni literarum .studiosos, Co- | Ioni;Te celebratum. XV'i. Kalen. Maij. | postquani I. Hohenstratus deie- | ctus est ab officio Priora- | tus, & ab officio in | quisitoris. | [Lisl of iiilerlociitors.'\ "• P-. ['5— ]■ m""- PP- [43)- Contents : — Conciliabvlvm theologi.starvm adversvs Germa- nia;. — Hvttenvs captivvs. — Hvttenvs illvstris. These three dialogues were first printed in the Dialog septein /esth'e can JUi i-i^ucd in 1520 over the pseud, of ' S. Abydeno Corallo, Germ." Ihe old opinion that Hutten himself was their author is rejected by Bocking. who agrees with Strauss in ascribing them to Crotus. Same. {In Pasquillorum tomi duo, 1544 ; ill Epistolae obscurorum virorum, 1643; ami, -i'ith notes, /« Hutteu, U. v., (Jpcra, ed. Ijocking, iv, iSfjo.) Concilium Tridentinum. 6V<- Trent, Coun- cil of. Confession helvetique, 1566. (fn Ruchat, A. Histuirc de la Reformation de la Suisse, vii. iSjS.) Confession of .\ugsburg. See Augsburg Con- fession. Consilium delectorum Cardinalium et aliorum Prielatorum de emend,anda ecclesia, .S. D. N. D. Paulo III. ipso jubente conscriptum, et e.xhibitum, anno MDXXXVIII. See Contarini, G., and others. Constance, Council of. Acta Scitu dignissi- nia docte j i\ite cn//cinnata Constantiensis j concilii celebratissinii. j {_' Decatcistuhon' of Jac. LocJter, of Ingolstadt, ^ ad lee tores '\ At end: Acta & tlecreta generalis conz\\\] Constan/;V«.r/j diligentt'r elaborato & imp;rssa in imperiali oppido Hagenow | \ter in- dustriu;?/ Henricuni Gran \n\h\ incolam. Expe« | sis prfuidi viri Joh<7«;?is Rvnnian. Finiunt feli- citer I Anno salutis nostre .Nlillesimo qw/ngentesi- mo. die | xj. niensis Aprilis. 21X15. pp. [222.] Contains also Errores io. tviclef et ir. ktts damftati in concitio O'n.vi'rtntiensi. The editor was Hie- ronymus von Croaria, Professor at Tubingen, 'the prefaced letter of Conrad Snmmenhart (here spelled ' Suwmerhart* ) urging him to the task, is dated ' Nonis Scptembrib«j. Anno. M. cccc.xcix.' Articuli Wiclefi damnati. — Reprobationes articuloruni. — Sententi.3e contra Wiclefum, Hus et Hieronymum de Praga latae. (/k Gratius, O. Fascicidus, i. 1690.) Contarini, Gasparo, Card., ami others. Con- silium delectorum Cardinnliuin, &c., de emendanda Ecclesia Romana, 153S. (In Gratius. O., Fas- ciculus, ii, i6go; ami in Madden, R. R., Life of Savonarola, ii, 1854.) The signers are Contarini, Caraffa, badolet, Pole, and five Iff«&er prelates. EcK, J. Apologia pro . . . Contareno. (/« his Apologia pro . . . principilns Catholicis. >543-) \ot;.NG, M. Cardinal Contarini. {In his Life and times of Paleario, i. i860.) Cooper, Couper, or Cowper, Thomas, Bp. .\nswer . . . against the .Xpology of private mass, 1562 ; to which is prefixed the Apology of ])rivate mass. Ed. by W. Goode. Cambridge, 1850. i6h. pp. i5+223-(-[ij. (Parker Soc.) Often erroneously ascribed to Bp. Jewel. Cordatus, Conrad. Tagebuch liber Dr. Mar- tin Luther, 1537; hrsg. von H. Wrampelmeyer. Halle, 18S5. 24h. pp. 521. [Cordus, Euricius or Eurich, and others.'] Literarii | Sodalitii .\- \ pud .Marpurgum aliquot | cachinni super quo | dam duoruwi Ly- | psensiuw Po- I etarum | in Lutherum | scripto Libello, | effusi. I M.D.XXVIIL At end: Excusum Mar- purgi. Anno, | M,D, XXVIII. septi- | mo Cale«das Octo I bres. 14I'. pp. [16]. t- -p. border. Text in italics. Wdct initials. This little collection of Latin verses seems nowhere mentioned. Cordus (who here, as elsewhere, calls himself ' Eustathius Cordus') is the chief writer, the others bearing the names of ' Hadrianus Consiis," ' Chalcondyles .Anthyllius." 'Deme- trius Marianus,' ' Valentin us Lorichius,' ' Androsthenes Buc- cacius," ' Annens Barba," and ' Faustulus Canens,' The Leipsic poets attacked are ' Myricianus ' and ' Hasenbergius.* Comelio, Disputatio de. Sec Disputatio, etc. Cornelius, Carl Alfred. Geschichte des Miinsterischen Aufiuhrs, in 3 Hiicherii. Leipzig, 1855-60. 23'". 2 V. in i. Contents: — i. Die Reformation, ii. Die Wiedertanfe. Book iii has never appeared. Cottalambergius, Joannes Franciscus, {pseud.). See Pirckheimer, B. Couper, Thomas. Bp. See Cooper. Coverdale, Myles, Bp. Writings and transla- tions ; ed. by G. Pearson. Cambridge, 1844. 2311. pp. 11 -t-[i 1-1-544. (Parker Soc.) Contents: — The old faith. — A spiritual and most precious pearl. — Fruitful lessons. — Treatise on the Lord's Supper. — Order of the Church in Denmark. — Abridgement of the En- chiridion of Erasmus. Remains ; ed. by G. Pearson. Cambridge, 1846. 23h. pp. 234-[i]-l-6i8. (Parker Soc.) Contents: — Prologues to the translation of the Bible. — Treatise on death. — Hope of the faithlul. — Exhortation to the carrying of Christ's cross. — Exposition upon the 22d Psalm. — Confutation of the treatise of John Standish. — Defence of a certain poor Christian man. — Letters. — Ghostly psalms and spiritual songs. translator. See Bible. Life of Miles Coverdale. {In Lives of the British reformers. [1S34?]) .Mk.moriai.s of Myles Coverdale; with matters relating to the promulgation of the Bible in the reign of Henry VIII. C. London, 1S38. 23l'. pp. 9-f [2]-i-26o. Port. Co'wper, Thomas, Bp. See Cooper. Cracowr, Matthew of. See Matthaeus of Craeo-.i'. Cranmer, Thomas, .4l>p. Works ; ed. by J. E. Cox. Cambridge, 1844-46. 27)1. 2 v. (Parker Soc.) Contents : — i. Writings and disputations on the Lord's Sup- per — ii. Miscellaneous writings and letters. The general t-.pp. of both vols, are erroneously bound at the end of v. 2. An answer | of the most reverend fa- 1 ther in God Thomas .■\rchebyshop of | Canterburye, Primate of all Engl.andc and | Metropolitane | vnto A crafty and sopliislicall cauillation deuised by Ste- phen Gardiner dotlour of law, lale byshop of Win- chester, agaynst tin; trowc and godly doctrine of ilie moste I holy Sacrament of the body nnd bloud of THE WHITE LIBRARY. 15 oiir Sa- I uiour lesv Cliriste. | Wherin is also, as occasion serueth, answered sucli places of the | booke of 1). Kith. Smjlh, as may seenie any | tliyng woor- thy the aunsweiynj;. | Item | \'e sliall fyndc here also the true copye of the booke written, | and in open courte delyuered, by I). Stephen (Gardiner, | not one woorde added or diminished, but fayth- | fully in all poynles agreeyng with | the Oryginall. | Reade with judgement, and conferre with diligence, laiyng aside | all affection on eyther partie, and you shall casilv perceaue (good Reader) how | slender and weakc the allegations and persuasions of the Papistes are, [ wherwith they go aboute to de- fende their crronious and false | doctrine, and to impugne the truthe. I Anno | M. D. LI. | Im- printed at London by Keynolde Wolfe, with the I Kyng his moste gracious priuilege. | An. pp. 12-f 228. PorL, pi., and geneal. Dacheux, L. Un r^formateur catholique a la fin du I5<' siecle : Jean Geiler de Kaysersberg, [1445]-! 5 10. Etude sur sa vie et son temps. Paris, etc., 1876. 26^. pp. [4]-f 583 + 95 -l-[i]. Port., fac- sim., and bibliogr. of Geiler's works. Das bond zwen schweytzer bauren gemacht, etc. See Beschribung der gotlichen miily. Das ist der hoch thuren Babel. See Romanus, J. Das welt- | liche Oberkeit | den Widerteuffern mit I leiblicher straffe zu | wehren schiildig | sey, Et- licher be- | dencken zu | Witeberg. I 1536. At end : Gedruckt zu Wittemberg durch | Joseph Klug. | 1536. 19X14- PP- I15]- t-p. border. Wdct initial. David von .Augsburg. [Werke.] {In Pfeif- fer, P. Deutsche Mystiker, ii. 1857.) Davis, John. Imprisonment; written by him- self {In Nichols, J. G. Narratives of the days of the Reformation. 1859.) De donatione Constantini, etc. See Hutten, 0. v., editor. De fide concubinarum in sacerdotes ; qurestio . . . in Quodlibeto Heydelbergensi determinata a Magistro Paulo Oleario . . . {In Epistolae ob- scurorum virorum. 1643.) This satire is usually attributed to Jacob Wimpheling, though Gccdeke (III, §99, 3, p. 437) believes in the existence ol * Olearius.' De fide meretricum in suos amatores ; qu^estio . . . in fine Quodlibeti Heydelbergens. determinata i Magistro lacobo Hartlieb Landonensi. Novis . . . additionibus nuper illustrata . . . (/« Epis- tolae obscurorum virorum. 1643.) This satire also is attributed to J. Wimpheling : but Gosdeke (III, 'i 99, 4, p- 437) will not believe ' Hartlieb' a pseud. De generibvs ebriosorum, et ebrietate vitanda. {In Epistolee obscurorum virorum- 1643.) i6 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. This rollicking satire by the Erfurt humanLsts was first printed at Nuremberg in 1516. ' De misero ecclesise statu: episto]a CaiUabri- giensis anonymi, circa 1520. (/« Gratius, O. Fasciculus, ii. 1690.) Decoctio: dialogus. {In Hutteu, U. v. Op- era, ed. Bocking, iv. i860.) A satire upon Eck and Lee (the English assailant of Eras- mus), who are the main speakers in the dialogue. Delicieux, Bernard. IIalreau, B. Bernard Delicieux et Tiii'iuisition albigeoise, 1300-1320. 1877. Demaus, Robert. Hugli Latimer : a biog- raphy. C. London, [i86g). 20''. pp. io-j-[i]-(-5^2. Port. Desdevises du Dezert, Theophile Al- phonse. Erasmus Roterotlainus nioruin et littera- ruin vindex. 62 + [i]. A thesis for the doc- pp. Parisiis, 1862. torate. Deuttung iler czwo grewliilR-n Figure/?. See Melauchthou, P., and Luther. M. Dialog! .'>eptem festive eamlidi. Momus. Caro- lus. Pietatis et superstitioiiis pugna. Conciliabu- lum theologistarum adver.sus bonarum literaruni studiosos. Apophthegmata Vadisci et Pasquilli de depravato ecclesi;e statu. Huttenus captivus. Hut- tenus illustris. .\ulhore S. Abydeno, Corallo, Germ. (/« Hutten. U. v., Opera, ed. Bocking, iv, i860; ««(//« PasquUlorum tomi duo, 1544.) Strauss and Bocking concur in ihinlcing Crotus, not Hutten. the author of these satires. Eynn Dialogus ader [.f/c] ge | sprech zwischen einem ] Vatter vnnd Sun dye f Lere Martini Luthers vnd su«st an ] ilere sachen des Cristlichen glaub | ens belangeiide. [ //Vc/.] At end: Gedruckt zu Erffurdt durch Michael | Buchfiirer zu der weinrebe« vfir I dem Nunnen sacke. [1528]. 20X15. pp. (20]. Welter, Rep., 2394; Ann., x, '3- Dialogus, Bulla, T. Curtio Malaciola. Equit. Bur- lassio, Autore. 1520. ( /« Hutten, U. v. Opera, ed. Bocking, iv. i860.) App. is a brief ^ Dialogus cui tilnlus Injustttia,' signed by ' P. Rubinus." Dialogus Decoctio. {In Hutten, XT. v. Opera, ed. li.icking, iv. i860.) Dialogus Ecciu.s monachus. {In Hutten, U. V. Opera, ed. Bocking, iv. i860.) Dialogus Oder gesprech des Apostolicums, etc. Sc-e Bossier, U. Dialogus von der zwitrach- | tung des hailigen christenlichen gkaubens | nelilich entstanden, darin« der inensch I vnderricht wirdt, wie er sich | in denen vnd andern | irrthumbn« hal- 1 ten sol. | Widerumb fleyssig iiberlesen | geliessert vnd gemeret. {In Schade. O., editor. Satiren, iii. 1863.) An early product of the Reformation. Dialogus. See also .\\n schoner dialogus, Ein newer dialogus, Dyalogus. Diet. See Germany — Reie/islag. Dietrich. Veit. Ein Kadtschlag der Predican- tcn, ete. See luner ChristUchen Stad vntherte- nigk antwort, 1548. Dobbert, Eduard. Die monumentale Darstel- lungder Reformation durch Rielschel und Kaulbach. Berlin, 1869. 2oh. pp. 40. In Virchow u. HoltzcndorlT. Satmntitng geinein. wiss. Vortrdge, II'. Dobneck, Johann. See Cochlaeus. Doctor Martin Luther's passion. See Ain schoner newej- Passion. [Dr. Luther's].- Dolcino (f.nl. Dulcinus), Era. [Gai.lenga, A.] Historical memoir of Fra Dolcino and his times. 1853. Dolet, Etienne. Genethliacvm Clavdii Doleti ; liber vitie coininuni in primis vtilis et necessarius. Lvgdvni, 1539. [/i>tyi;7«A ] Paris, [1836]. igl). pp. 29-|-[i] Om. 120 copies printed. Same. French. L'avant-naissance de Clavde Dolet ; trad, en langue francoyse. Lyon, 1539. ^Reprint.-] Paris, [1836]. 19I'. pp. 42-|-(r. [2]. Orn. 120 copies printed. In vol. lettered Dolet, Gettetkiiacum, etc. La maniere de bien traduire d'vne langve en avtre ; d'advantage de la punctuation de la langue francoyse, plv.s des accents d' ycelle. Lyon, 1540. \^Reprint.'\ Paris, [1836]. 19'!. pp. 48. Orn. 120 copies printed. In vol. lettered Dolet, Genetliliacum, etc. Le second enfer. Lyon, 1544. \_Refrint.^ Paris. [1836]. igti. pp. [2]-|-i52. Orn. 120 copies printed. Contents : — Rehabilitation [par L. A. Martin]. — Le second enfer. — Devx dialogves de Platon : Axiochus, item Hippar- chus : Iraduict en langue fran5oyse. The Devx dialogves has Sep. t. -p. Cantiqve svr sa desolation et sur sa conso- lation, en vers. 1546. \_Reprint.'\ Paris, [1836]. I9'>. pp. 10, Orn. 120 copies printed. In vol. lettered Dolet, Second enjer. Christie, R. C. E. Dolet. 1880. SCHELHOR.v, J. G. Notitia librorum quo- rundam rariorum. {In his Amoenitates hist, ecci., i- 1 737-) Devotes forty pages to Dolet. Dollinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz Lectures on the reunion of the churches ; von. transl. [from the author's ins.], with preface, by H. N. Oxenham. D. New York, 1872. igh. pp. 444-165. Same. French. Conferences sur la re- union des ^glises : trad, [de I'anglais] par Mme. H. Loyson. Paris, 1880. i8h. pp. [4]-|-3-(-i68. Luther : eine Skizze. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1851. 22*1. pp. 62. Die Reformation : ihre innere Entwick- lung und ihre Wirkungen im Umfange des Luther- ischen Bekenntnisses. 2*^ verbesserte und ver- mehrte .-Vufl. Regensburg, 1848. 21*'. 3 v. Same. French. La Reforme : son d^- veloppement interieur et les resultats qu'elle a pro- duits dans le sein de la societe Lutherienne. Trad, de I'AUemand sur la 2« ^d., par E. Perrot. Paris, 1848-50 22h. 3 V. Vol. 3 transl. by L. A. Unger. , editor. Beitrage zur politischen, kirchli- chen, und Cultur-Geschichte der sechs letzten Jahr- hunderte. Regensburg, 1862-63. ~A^- '^ v. Contents : — i. Dokumente zur Geschichte Karl's V, Phil- ipp's II, und ihrer Zeit, aus spanischeu .Archiven. ii. Ma- teri.ilien zur Geschichte des 15. und l6. Jahrll. Dolscius, Johann. Biblicoruw | Tropor«;« pars alte- | ra non penitenda. | Von heyliger Gtitlicher gschrifft I weyse zureden, der .Vuder teyl, | alien Christen fiirnenilich, I vngeiibten Pastorn vnd ] Predicanten fast niitz | vnnd gantz gut. j [7V.r/.] Joan. Dulcius. I Anno M.D.XXviij.] Wittenberg. At end : Getruckt zu \iirmbergk, durch Hans | Evchennawer von F'ranckfurt. Immjar. M.D. vnd. XXviij. ish. ff. [ii]-|-4s. t. -p. partly in red. Wdct initials. THE IVniTE /J/IA'.IA'V. 17 Dora d' fs/iia, {psci(d.). .SVv Koltzof-Mas- salsky, H. G. Dorp, Heiiirich. WarhafTligc historic, | wie das J'^uaiigoliuni zu j iMiinstcr aiigcfangcn, viuldar-l nacli (iui'ch die Widdcrtcuf- j fcr vcrstorct, widdcr | auflfgeliort hat. | Darzu die i^ant/.e liandcUmg der Sfliiigen j I)u])en, voni anfang l)is /.uni eiidc, j beides jnn geistlichcii vnd | weltHclieii stiicl in- 1 carnatione Christi 1560. 13. Calendis Maij inter | sextam & septiraam pomeridianani, hora fe- 1 r6 eadeni, qua natus est, n.atus annos | 63. menses duos, dies tres, scri- 1 ptum | a | Nicolao Dregero | Lemgouiensi. | \^Poyt. of Melanchtlioii.'\ \ Vitelier- ga; I Anno M. U. LX. 20X15. pp. [27). Drey Newe vnd | liisligc Gcspreclie. ] Wie der Wolff, so etwan, docli | nicht lang, ein nicnsch, Ileintz I Wolffenbiittel genant, jnn ab- | grund der Ilellen vor- | dampt sey. | Rheimweis, Aus dein Latein | jnns Deudsch geben. | Psalm IX. | Die Gottlosen zur Helle werden hingerieht, | S.ampt alln die Gott des Herrn achten nicht. | Anno Domini, | 1542. (/« Schade, O., ci/Z/tv-. Satiren, i. 1863.) In verse. Droysen, Johaun Gustav. Zur Reformations- geschichte : die Verhandlun^en des Karl v. Miltitz 1520. n. t.-p. 22''. pp. 170-177 of an unidentified periodical, marked 'Jena, 1853.' In vol. lettered MiscclUii iiber Hcjccrei. Drummoud, Robert Blackley. Erasmus : his life and character, as shown in his correspond- ence and M'orks. D. London, 1873. i(^. 2 v. Port. Era.smus in England. n. t.-p. 22h. pp. 163-189 of the Theological Review^ Lon- don, no. xxi (April, 1868). In vol. lettered Erasmus. Ader, etc. Dudley, /rti/f Jane Grey. LiFEof Lady Jane Grey. (/« Lives of the British reformers. [1834?]) Dulcinus. Sci- Dolcino, Fra. Dulcius, Joaiuies. St-e Dolscius. Dultius, Joannes. Sec Dolscius. Dupin de Saint-Andre, Ariuand, editor. Taxes de la penitencerie apostolique. Sec Taxes. Du Flessis-Marly, Philippe de Mornay, seigneur. Gaiifres, J. Philippe Mornay de Bauves. 1 868. Du Plessis-Mornay. Sec Du Plessis-Marly. Durand de Laur, H. Erasure, precurscur et initiateur de I'esprit ntoderne. Paris, 1872. 22I1. 2 V. Contents: — i. Vie d' firasme. ii. Oeuvre d'Erasme. Durante, Vincenzo, Bp. of Termoli, and oth- ers. Consilium trium episcoporum, Bononire con- gregatorum, 1553, de ratione stabilienda; ecclesia;. (/k Gratius, O. Fasciculus, ii. 1690.) The signers are ' Vincentins de Durantibiis, Episc. Ther- mularum Brixiensis,' ' Egidius Falceta, Episc. Caprulanus,' and 'Gerhardiis Busdragus, Episc. Thessaloniccnsis. ' IJut the Brit. Mus. Cat. doubts the authenticity of the document, and suggests P. P. Vergerio as its possible author. Durantibus, Vincentius de. See Durante, Vincenzo. Set- con- Dyalogus der Rede | vniid gesprech, So P'ran- ciscus I von .Sickingcn, vor des himwels | pforlcn, niit sant I'eter, vnd | dcm Ritter sant Jiirgen ge | halten. Zuvor vnd elie | dauH er jnngelassen | ist worden. (/« Schade, O., editor. .Satiren, ii. 1863.) Written in 1523. Dyalogus. See also Dialogus. Dyss liand zuun schwytzcr pureii gmacht. Beschribung der gotlichen miily. Eber, Paul. Calendarium | historicvm | scriptvm | a | P.avlo Ebero | Kitthingensi. rccen.s ante obitum ab eodem recognilum, & denuA plurim.i- I rum rerum memorabilium accessionc auc- lum I & locu])letatum. | {Deznce.'\ \ VViteberg.Tc | Kxcudebant Mceredes loannis Cratonis, I Anno M.D.LXXIX. 20X16. pp. [2i]4-4i3-l-[5i]. Large ms. additions, mainly in the hand of that 'lit. Conradus PJisterus, Jiasitiensis,* whose autogr. appears on the t.-p., and who tells us (p. 257) that he w.as born in 1576. Pkessel, T. p. Eber. 1862. Eberlin, Johann, von Ciinzburg. [Die fiinf- zehn Bundsgenossen.] [Basel, 1521-2.) 2iXt6. pp. [.5] + [81-Kiol + [81-|-[8]-t. [■o) + [it]-KioJ-Hi6] + [iil+[io)-f[8]-|-[8]-K8j-(.[8f. t.-p. borders, wdcts, and wdct initials. Panzer, 1206. The com- plete series {all clearly from the same press), namely ; ■ Ein kliigliche | kl.ag an de« christliche« Rij- I mischen Kayser Carolum, | vo« \vege« Doctor Luthcrs I vnd Vlrich von Hutten. | Audi von wegcn der C'urtisane« vnd biit- j tel miinch. Das Kayser- lich Maiestat si- | ch nit lass sollich leitt verfiiren. | Der erst buKdtsgnoss. | \Port. of Maximilian.'\ pp. [15]. t.-p. border. Port, repeated at end. Der ander bundtsgnoss. | Vom fasten der. xl. tag I vor Osleren vnd andern, wie do mit so I jamerlich wirt beschwiirt das | Christenlich volck. | llVdct.-] pp. [S] t.-p. border. Ein vernia | nung aller cliriste« | das sie sich erbar- | me« vber die klosterfrawew. | 'I'hu kcin Tochtcr in ein | kloster, du lassest dan;/ | diss biich- lein vor. | F W | Der. III. bu«dtgnoss. pp. [10]. t.-p. border. Von dcm lange« ver | driissigen geschrey, das die geistliche« | Miinch, Pfafifen vnd Nunnen die 1 syben tag zeit heissen. | Hor zu miinch, pfaff vnd nunn, Gross giiben din vorfaren drunib. Das sie niich liatten vorgelSsen, Eb sie kamen in solichs wiisen. Der. nil. buKdtgnoss. | {IFdet.] pp. [8]. t-p. border. Der. V. bundtsgnoss. | Ein vermanung zu | aller oberkeit Teiitscher Na- | lion, das sy den Pre- dig I stul Oder Cantzel | reformieren. | [/Fi/f/.] pp. [8]. t..p. border. Erasmus von rothero | dam ein ftirst aller gelerten zu vnseren zyte«, | schreibt jm/« buch genawt Encomion morias, | vom predigen der battel miinch. | Ein jeden ich hie friintlich bit, Das er mich lass vnd lach nit. V * S I Der. VI. bundtsgnoss. | [Port, of Eras- mus, with legend dated 1^21. ~\ pp. [to]. Dz lob der pfarrer | Von de« vniitze// | kosten der gelegt wirt vo« de;« | gemeinew vnuer- steHdigCH volck | vfifmass liisen, volgungen, begreb- I niiss, sybend, drysigst, jartag etc. Vn(/ | vom i8 THE PROTESTAXT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. lob der Pfarrer vnd irer noti- 1 gen Caplon. | Der. VII. bundt I gnoss.. | {^IVdcts.^ pp. [ii]. L-p. border. WaruOTb man herr Era.s | mus von Rotero- dani in Teiitsche sprach 1 transferiert : | U Waiumb doctor Luther vnd herr Vlri-| ch von Multen teiitsch schriben.| H Wie nutz vnd not es sy das sollich ding dew gemeinen man ] fiir komw/. | Der. VIII. bundts- gnoss. I {^Same port, of Eriismiis, with dak 1521, as on the sixth Bmidtsgnoss. ] pp. [10]. A few marginal notes. An alle christenhche | oberkcit jn waU- hchem vnd geystli ( chem stand Tetitscher nation, | ein klaglich ernstlich kkag al- | ler gotsf6rchtige« Miinch j Nmmen vnd pfaffen, dz I man inen zu hilfl kum«; I do mit sy vo« irew endt | christischen by wo I nere« erio.st wer | den. | [Der. IX. bundtgnoss.] Ich mein man find vff erden keinen Der diss biichlin lass on weinen. Dan« es vnss clorlich Ijedeiit Wie jetz liiben die closter leiit, Ders all ab that das diicht mich zyt. Sy machen nun vyl armer liit. pp. [16]- t-p. border. New statute;/ | die Psitacus gebracht hat | vss dem la«d Wolfaria wel- I che betraffendt re- formie- | rung geystlichen stand. Wan?/ man annam diss re- | forniatz, So gschweigt man man- | che kloster katz, Die vornen lackt vnd liin | den kratzt. Der. X. buHdt | g«oss. pp. [11]. t.-p. border. Ein newe ord | nu«g weltlichs sta?«lts das I Psitacus anzeigt hat | in Wolfaria beschri- | ben. [ Der. XI. buHdt | gnoss. | [/fV.Y.] pp. [10]. t.-p. border. Tail-piece al end. Ein friintii | che antwort aller gotzfor | chtigen, erberen, verste// | dige« in Teiitschem land vff I die jamerliche klag der | ordens leiit an sie ge- thon. I Der. XII. l)u;/dt ] gnoss. | [»-«/.] pp. [S]. I. -p. border. Ein zuversichtig ermanung | an die red- lichen, erberen starcken vnd christlichen herren | obern vnd vnderthon gemainer Eydgnoschafft (ge- nant I Schwytzer) das sy trewlich helffen handtha- ben Ewange | lische leer vnd frumme christen. | Der. XIII. bundtsgnoss. | [;r,/,/.] pp. [8]. Herr erasmus vo« | Rotherodam im buch Enco- I mion Morias, zaigt an dew spot | lichen dienst so wir jetz bewysen | den hailigen. | Der. XIIII. bundt I gnoss. | [/'«;•/. of Erasmus as above.'\ pp. [8]. Alle« vnd ietliche;/ 1 christgeloiibigew men- schen ein | lieylsame warnu)/g das sy I sich hiiten vor niiwen | schedHchen leren. | Der. XV. bundt | gnoss. pp. [8]. t-p. border. The curious and significant tracts above enumerated are said to have been written by Eberlin during his stay in Switzerland in 1521-22, and to have been printed by Gengenbach at Basel. Though first issued separately, they are referred to by Eber- lin himself (see his Der Frpnnnen pfajfcti tfosi below) under this collective title, and a collective edition (Panzer, 1207) soon appeared. More detailed descriptions of the several numbers may be found in Panzer (as above), in Orajsse, in W. V. Maltzahn's Biiclierscluitz (i, 425), and in Goedekc's Gntttd- riss, (IV, ^ 134, II, pp. 221-23). Reimpressions of them appeared singly in many quarters (cf below Das loh der P/arrer); and that Gengenb.ach himself issued them for sep- arate circulation is shown by the present copy of ' Der. IX. bundti^iosSt which (unlike those described by Panzer and W. V. Maltzahn) lacks these words — though a contemporary hand has supplied them in ms. Das lob der Pfarrer. | Von dem vnutze« kostcK der | gelegt wirt von dem gemeinen vnucr- sten I digen volck, vff masss lesen, volgungew | be- grebtniss, sylient, dryssigst, jar- | tag &c. Vnd von dem lob der ] Pfarrer vnd irer notige;/ | Caplon. |Tu wol, zit nahet: 1 FW| [//'VrC] [Der. VII. bundtgnoss.] [Ziirich, 1522.] 19X14. pp. [12}. t.-p. border, \yeller, Rep., 2040. In vol. lettered 46 Tractaten. A reimpression of Eberlin's Der. I'll. Bundtgnoss, ascribed by Weller to the press of Chr. Froschauer at Ziirich. Der Frommen pfaffen trost. | Ain | ge- treiier glaubhaf- | ler vnderricht vnd antwurt | vff der syben trostlosen pfaffen clage | Newlich durch die Fiinfzehen ■ Bundsgnossen | bescntiben vf die hyeundenn verzaichnetenn artickel. | \_Wdct. Con- tciits.'\ I J E I M W I Traw got wol. n. p., [i5»i]. 19X14. pp. [15]. Panzer, 1209. In vol. lettered 46 Tractaten. Wie gar gfarlich sey. So | Ain Priester kain Eeweyli hat. Wye \n \ christlich. vnd sclied- lich aim gmainen | Nutz Die menschen seynd. Welche | hindern die Pfaffen Am Ee- | lichen stand. Durch I Johan Eberlin Von Giintzburg. Anno. | 1522. I \_lVdct.-\ n. p., 1522. 21X16. pp. [19]. Panzer, 1462. In vol. let- tered German Tracts by Reformers, /. Ebner, Erasmus. Encomium formicarum. (/;/ Melanchthon, P., and others. Orationes. ■53J-) Eccius dedolatus. Sic Pirckheimer, B. Eck, Johaiin Maier, called. Contra Marti | ni Lvilder olitv.-,vm propvg | natorem .'\ndream Rodo] | phi Bodenstein. Carlstadiuw non potentem. | ca- pere quomodo aliquid sit totum a | dec & non tota- liter Eckij. | .-^d eruditum virum Geruasiuw Vaim ] Memingensem : Theologum Parrhisinuw | Sorbo- nicum Epistola defensiua. | Mordacitas Vittenber- gen. abvti | tur Eckiana modestia ideo condig | nam euerlierauit responsionem. [ Inest erudita et docta tal)ella | conuersionis hominis. n. p., [1519?}. 20X14. pp. [39!. Dated ' ex ingolstadio. iij. Decembns, Anno virginei partus M. D. vnd enigesimo.' Epistola loh. Eccii sedis pa | pisticv/e nuncii, \_etc., 3. Maii 1520]. {In Hutten, U. v. Opera, ed. Bocking, v. 1 86 1.) Epistola notabilis- | simi viri & Magistri magistri loannis Eckij missa | ex Lipsia ad famosum & Reuerendu/;/ Patrew | fratrem lacobuw Hoogstra- ten. Ma- 1 gistruw | in Theologia nostruw/ &c. quaw ille tanq;/«w preciosuni | thesauruw cordialissimis aniicis cuw magna | gloria ostendit, qua/« etiain multi Iacobit(7e excopiaue- | ru«t. n. p., [1520?!. 21X15. pp. [4]- Dated 'Ex Lipsia, 24, lulij. Anno gratiie. M. D. XX.* In vol. lettered Hutten, Epistola act Lutheritin. Ad invictissi | mvm Poloniae regem Si- 1 gismundum, dc sacrificio Missa: Contra | Lutheranos, libri tres. | lohanne Eckio authore. | Anno M D XXVI. I Mense Octobri. | Eckius de Sacrificio Misse. At end : Coloniae apud lo. Soterein, ex- pensis | honesti ciuis Petri Quentel, Anno | MD XXVI. Cologne, 1526. 20X15. ff. [4.1 +W. Wdct initi.ils. The ded. pref. is dated ' Ingolstadij Idil). Kebr. . . . M.D.XXVI." On the t.-p. of this copy is the autogr. of ' Pfirus Lanibecitts, Havtburgetuis,'\. e. Peter Lambeck, the polyhistor (1628-80). Die falsch | onwarhaf | tig, Verfurisch | Leer Vlrich zwingli von | Zvrch, dvrch Doctor | lohan Eck- en ausszogen. | WHv8o\oyi(x'/.\x\\mf\\]. \ C.edruckt zu Ingolslat am funfflen tagdes Mayn | Im lar M.D. XXVI. At end: Zv Baden im Ergow am. XVI. Tag I May vor den Bischofen von | Costentz, Losan, THE lI'JIjyE LlIiKAKV. 19 Basel I vnnd Wvllis, gmai- 1 ner Eidgnsschaft | rats boten I dar | /.v b.ingen | M. CCCCC XXVI. 16I1. pp. (32). Wider dcii Gotz- | lestcrer vniid kctzcr Cunraten | Soni, gciiant Rotenacker, Predicanlcn in der Pfarr der | erbcren Reiclistalt Vim, anljiollung ainer dispiitalioii, | von wegen des hocliwiinligen sacrament des altars, | Dureli doctor Julian;; I'Ak von Ingolstat. n. p., [1527]- 21X16. pp. [8]. In vol. Icllcred Gcrmtin Tracts by Ke/oriiiers, II. Dated ' Ingolstat an . . . Sant Barbara lag . . . M. D. XXvij.' Christenliche | ausslegung der Euangelienn I vonn der jfiit, durcli das ganlz Jar, ] nach ge- niainem verstand der Kirchen vnnd | heiligen valter vow der selbigen angenoniwen, | Auss befelch der durclileiichligen, liochgebor | nen Fursten vm/ H. 11. I Her Wilhelmen vn. ff. [4]-t-i444-[>]- t.-p. border, initials, and wdcts. Enchi I ridion locorvm | communium ad- uersus Lu | therum & alios ho- 1 stes ccclesi.-c. | loan. Eckio authore. | \^AnHsofPofePaiillIf.'\ \ Avthor jam septi- I mo recognouit it pluribus lo- | cis illu- slranit, adnolationil). | P. Tilmanni acco- | modatis. | M. D. XXXVl. n. p, 12I'. ff. t7l + 244+[il. ■ Same. Enchiri | dion loco- I rum commu- nium I aduersus Eulherum I & alios liostes | Eccle- sia". I lo.an. Eckio | avlhore. 1 I.iliellvs vt opti- | mvs, ita mvltc) iam, | quam ante hac tersior au- [ctiorr|ue, ex vllinia | .\uthoris reco- | gnitione. | [/'ni'. ] | -Vnt- verjiiae, | In a;dil)us loannis Steelsij. | M. D. lA'I. .It end: Antverpiae, | Typis loan. Ealij. | 1517 \_s,e!-for 1557?]. lo^ ff. 269-1- [3]. Ilomilia- | rivs Eckii | contra sectas, ab | ipso autore denuo recognitus. | Continet Iloinilias lie Tempore, | .S.anctis ac .Sacramentis. | Tonuis primus de Tempore, all | Aduentu vsq«i' ad Pascha. | Secuntlus de Tempore, a Paschate | vstp/f in fineni anni. | Textus Euangeliorum ad editionem | Coni- pltiten. emendatus | [/'r/r'. ] | M. I). .K.X.WI. | .'It end: Homilia- super t^uangelijs de tempore ad- uersus Lutheranos, & alios .aberrantes, fieliciter fi-|nem accepere, juxta ueteruiu p.atrum, sanctoruw conciliorHW, ac Romanae ac Apostolica; ecclesi/ie | explanationem, lohawne Eckio authore, & loh.a/me .Mentzingero eius iliscipulo, interprete. | Carolo V. Imp. Ferdin.ando I. Rege regna« | tibus. Imjiensis Georgij Kraplij | excusum Bibliopole In- | goldst.a- diensis. 3ih. ff. [8] + 296-t-[i]. t.-p. border, wdct initials, and wdcts. ff. 1-9 numbered in figures, the remainder in Roman ninncrals. Preceded by the t.-p. and 7 ff. of an earlier im- pression of the same work, publi-shed as Qvinta pars ofiervin loitannis Ecicii, contra Lvt/tervm et alios declamatoria . . . ill. D. X.X.KIll. The t.-p. border and table of contents are identical with those of the Homitlarivs, as above. 2 more ff. of this edition are bound between 3-4 and 5-6 of the Index of the Homiliarivs. In vol lettered Ecicii Dccicunaioria. Homilia- | rii Eckia- | ni adversvs se- | etas, ab ipso I autore denuo | recogniti. | Tomus Tertius de Sanctis. | llomiliire V. de speranda victoria ex | Turca : Ad Reuerendissimum | Cardinalem Triden- ti- I num, additre. | [/V/--.] 1 M. D. XXXVI. | At end: Homilia: de Sanctis lohan. Eckij fieliciter finem habe«t, . . . | Cleinente Papa. 7. Carolo. 5. Ferdinando. i. orbem Christia- | num moderan- tibus. I Alexander \'ueyssenhorn Typo- | graphus Augustanus | excudebat. 3il». ff. [6J-t-2734-[i]. t.-p. border, initials, and wdcts. In vol. lettered Eckii Declamatoria. Vmb den grossen sig Kai | serlicher Maie- st.at, in Thunis ver- | lihen, Got zu dancken, zwu ])redig. | \Inipeyial arms.'\ \ Hieriu findestu, wie die teutscheu kayser, kiinig, vnd fiirsten, auch | ander ])Otentate;;, vil meerfart wider die vnglaubi- geH gethon habe«. | Johan von Eck Doctor. &c. M. D. X.XXVI. At aid: Getruckt in der Kayser- lichen stat, Augspurg | durch .\lexander weyssen- horn. I M. D. XXXVI. 20X15. pp. (39]. Apologia pro | reverendiss. et illv- | striss. princibvs Catho- 1 licis ac aliis ordinibus Imperij ad- uersus I mucores & calunmias Bvceri, | super actis Comitiorum | Ratisponaa. | Apologia pro reverendiss. .Se I Ap. Legato & cardinale, Gaspare Contareno. | Gratio habita Ratisponae | in comitiis imperialibus Episcopis Oraloribus & | prselatis pra;sentibus in ccenadomini. | lo. Eckio avthore. | [/V«'. ] | Parisiis. I ;\pud loannem Foucherium, Sub scuto Floren- | tia Via ad. D. lacobum. 1543. 19'v ff. 132. 20 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. DiAi.oGUS Decoctio. — Dialogus Etnius nionachus. — [I'ikckheimer, B.] Eccius dedola- tus. (/« Hutten, U. v. Opera, ed. Bocking, iv. i860.) Detached Portrait. Engraving, unsigned; 10 J^ X 8; half- lengtli, three-quarters face, cap and robe, rolled ms. in hands ; at top, ' Vera Imago yohannis Eccii I Thcologia: D. ic/alis | n'lV XL! 1 1 ' ; at base, sati- rical verses in German. In portfol. lettered Reformation. Copy, with note, in Weisser, Biitier-Ailas, Taf. 109. Eckbart, Mcisler. [Werke. ] {In Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche Mystiker, ii. 1857.) Eckius nionachus : dialogus. (/« Hutten, U. V. Opera, ed. Bocking, iv. i860.) [Eckstein, Ulrich, calU-d Utz.] Beschribung der gotlicheii | nitily. See Beschribung. Concilium; Reichstag: Satyren gegen Murner. {Rcpr. in Scheible, Kloster, viii. ) Ecolampadius. Sec Oekolampadius. Edniands. John. Reading notes on Luther [and the Reformation]. Phila., 1883. i6h. pp.18. From the Philadelphia jl/.'rcnK- iile Library Bulletin. ' They embrace only such works as are in the Mercantile Library.' Edward VI, /ci/ig of England. Life of Ed- ward VL (/« Lives of the British reformers. [■834?]) Egli, Eniil. Die Ziiricher Wiedertriufer zur Reformalion.szeit ; nach den Quellen des Staatsar- cliivs dargestellt. Ziirich, 1878. 23''. pp. 104. , editor. Actensammlung zur Geschiclite der Zurcher Reformation in den Jahren 1519-33. Ziirich, 1879. 24h. pp. 8+947. *Mit UnterstQtznng der Beliordcn von Canton und Stadt Zurich hernusgegeben.' Preface by J. Strickler. Eiiifeltiger warer vnd | Christlicher verj^tand des lieiligcn Nachlmals Jesu Christi. See Som, C. [Eisengrin or Eisengreiii, Martiii, and others.^ Orationes | funelnes quatuor in exe- | qviis niagnifici viri | D. Kriderici Staphyli etc. | In- golstadij habitx. | His adiect;^ sunt elegiie, quibus uitK genus, studia | & mors ipsius dilucide expli- cantur. I \_Epigyaph.^ \ Anno M. D, LXIIII. At end: Excudebant Alexander & Samuel Vueissen- hornij | Ingolstadij. Anno M. D. LXIIII. 21X15- ^- Ul + ^S. Wdctiiiitial-s. The contributors are M. Eisengrein, J. Albert, R. Clenck, G. Theander, A. Landavus, and J. Lyresius. In vol. lettered Patrociniuin Prm Da VI koitderij. Eliot, George, {pseud, of Mrs. Marian Evans Cross), komola. D. Boston, 1869. igh. pp. 6+244. A story of Florence in the time of Savonarola, who is a leading character. Emser, Hieronymus. Ilieronymi Emsers I Quadruplica auff Lulers | Jungst gethane ant- | wurt, sein reformation bclangcnd. | [Ar/ns of Em- ser,'] At end : (iedruckt tzu Leyptzck Anno Thau- sent funff- I liunderth vnnd einss vnd tzweyntzig. 21X16. pp. [58]. Panzer, 1185. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers^ 11^. Eobanus //essns, Helius. .See Hessus. Epistola . LVII. At end: Romce Stampato con priuilegio del Pa- | pa, & confirmato in lugo, qui | vulgo dicitur, Bel | vedere. [Basel, 1557-] 13''. pp. [498]. t.-p. border. Bocking, hutex Ep.,^. Vol. ii has sep. t.-p. {AUer^'m votvmen, etc.), but continuous signatures. The ' Dialogus m calce' is app. to vol. I, and is the Dialogus nin'us et vnre festhnts ex quo- iiiiidam virontm salibus ct-ibratus (Bucking, Index Rciick., xxxx), for other impressions of which see Dialogus, etc. The other satires {De generibus ebiiosontm, etc.) often appended to this edition of the Epistolae are not found in the present copy, but are all in the edition next to be described. 1'he au- thorship of this most boisterous and most effective of satires is sdll a mystery. At first attributed to Reuchlin himself, then to Reuchlin, Erasmus, and Hutten, the emphatic repudiation of it by the two elder scholars left Hutten's responsibility for it almost unquestioned. But modem scholarship has thrown great doubts upon this, and the keenest critics now incline to give to his friend Crotus Rubianusa larger share in its produc- tion, assigning to Hutten (on the strength of his own letters) no part in its inception or in the first issue, and only a subor- dinate one in the second. The best description of the work is perhaps the chapter upon it in Strauss's Hitttcny where its composition is thus summed up : ' The EpistoUE Obscurorum I'irorum, as we now have them, consist, first, of the forty-one letters of the first and second editions of 1515 and 1516; sec- ondly, of the seven letters forming the appendix to the third edition. Thirdly, of the second part, 1517, containing sixty- two letters, to the second edition of which an appendix of eight letters was added. The ninth, or rather first letter, is a repetition of one in Part I : the eighth letter of the first ap- pendix is a later interpolation; and the so-called third part of the EpistolcE, first printed in 1689, is a collection of additions of various periods, and has nothing whatever to do with the original work.' The best of the numerous editions is that of Bocking, described below, with valuable bibliographical indices. — — Same. Epistolae obscurorum virorum ad Dn, M. Ortuinum Gratium. Nova & accurata edi- tio . . . S^Orn.] Francofurti ad Magnum [Leydcn], Anno MDCXLIII. i4l>. pp. 620. Bocking, Index Ep.^ 14. Vol. ii has sep. t.-p., but continuous pagination and signatures. Appended to vol. 1 is the Dialogus novus et 7uire Jestivus, and to vol. ii the following : Coiiciliabuluvi thcologistarum., Hntteuus cap- tiz'USy Huttcnis illusiris, De gcne>-ibus ebriosorum^ Dc Jide meretficjDit, De Jidc concubinaritvt, Froguostica (by A. Gartner), MouoppUum philosoplwrtaH^ Alarrolptnis, und D is - putatio de Coruelio ; for all which see also under dieir several titles. ' Kritischen Werth hat diese Ausgabe so wenig ats eine der vorhergehenden seit 1557 gemachten, aber sie wird ihrcr netten ausseren Beschaffcnheit wegen, und well sie seU tener ist als die ubrigen neucren Duodezausgaben, meistens uberschatzt. ' — Bocking. Epistola^ obscurorum virorum, cum inlu- strantibusadversariisquescriptis; collegit, recensuit, adnotavit E. Bocking. Lipsi^e, 1864. 25*1. pp. 33 + 536+ 15. (Vol. 6 — called Suppl. i— of Hutten, U. v., Opera, ed. Bocking.) The so- called Epistolitriim obscurorum virorum volumen tertiuvty which is also here repr., is confes-sedly a feeble creatiim of the close of the 17th century, first publ. (ace. to Bocking) in 1689. Same. German. Briefe von Dunkclman- nern {EpistoLe ohsetironim virorum) \ zuin ersten- mal ins Deutsche iibersetzt von \V. Binder. [/''/^«.] Stuttgart, 1876. i6i'. pp. 14 + 346. THE WHITE LIBRARY, 21 IJocKiiNG, E. Index edilionuni Kpistoln- rum obscurorum virorum. — Conspcclus chronologi- cus scriptovum gestoruinque qiuv prLVcijmc ad causam Kcuchlinianani el ad Kpp. O. V. pertinent. — Index vcrborum cpia: in Kpp. O. V. leji^untur. — Nomina eoruni a qiiibus ct ad (pios E]i]>. (.). V. scriptx fin- guntur. — Commcntarius sive ad epistnlarum obscu- rorum virorum varias ]\T.rtos adcuratius cxplicandas adnoiatio. {In Hutten, U. v. Opera, ed. Book- ing, vii — (-(z//t'(/ Suppl. ii. 1S69.) Erasmus, Desideiius. Works by Erasmus. COMPLETE WORKS. Opera omnia, notis illuslrata; [cd. J. Le- clerc], Lugd. Bat., 1703-6. 40X25- 10 V. in 11. Engr. t.-p. Many ports, and other ilhistr. Wdct initials. Contents: — i. Elogia ft epitaphia Erastni. — De copia vcrborum et rcrum. — Theodori Gaza; prammaticcs. ■ — Syn- taxis. — Luciani dialog! aliquot, Erasnio inlcrprcte. — Decla- matio Lucinnicse respondens. — De ratione conscribendi epi- slolas. — Dc pueris instituendis. — De ratione studii. — De laiide medicinae. — Libaiiii alicjiiot Dcclaniationes vcrsse. — Parabola; stve siniilia. — ColUxjina. — De recta Latirii Grscciqiie sermonis pronuntiatione. — Ciccronianus, sive de optinio di- cendi generc. — De civilitate nioruin ptieriliiim. — (iaieni ex- hortalio ad bunas arles; accediint cjusdem duo Hbelli, quorum primus agit de optimo diccndi genere ; secundus docet medi- cum cundeni et philosophum esse, interprete Erasmo. — Epimme in Elegantias Laurentii Vallae. — Euripidis Hecuba & Iphigenia, Erasmo interprete. — In Nuceiu Ovidii com- mcntarius. — Epigrammata. — ii. Adagia. — iii. Epistolse. — iv. Ex Plutarcho versa. — Apopbtbegmata. — Mortas emontion : stuUiticc laus; [Holbenius iliustr.]. — Ad Phil- ippum Hurgundionimi principem panegyricus. — Ad eun- dem carmen. — bistilutio principis Cbrisliani. — Isocratis de regno administrando, versimi. — Declamatio de morte. — De- clamatiuncula gratulatoria. — Querela pacis. — Xenophontis Hieron, Erasmo interprete. — Precatlo pro pace ecclesia;. — Lingua. — Carmen de seiicctute. — v. Enchiridion niiUtis Chnstiani. — De virtute amplectenda. — Ratio verse theologiae. — Paraclesi.s. — Modus confilendi. — Enarratio psalmi Beatus vir. — Enarratio psalmi Qnare fremueriint gentes. — Para- phrasis in psalmum Domiuc quid nndtiplicati. — Concio in psalmum Qnitm hivocaron. — De puritate ecclesiae. — Enar- ratio in psalmum Doutinns 7Tgtt me. — L)e bello 'I'urcis infe- rendo. — In psalni«m Bencdicaui Domino in onmi tempore. — hi psalmum Dij.i ciistodinm vias mens. — De ecclesise con- cordia. — In psalmum Ixxxv. — De misericordia Domini. — Virginis & martyris comparatio. — De puero Jesu. — Epistola ad virgines sacras. — Christiani matrimonii institutio. — Vidua Christiana. — Ecclesiastes, sive de ratione concionandi. — Modus orandi Deuni. — Symbolum, sive catechismus. — Pre- cationcs. — P^ean Virgini dicendus. — Oralio ad Mariam in rebus adversis. — De contemptu mundi. — De ta:dio & pavore Cliristi. — De prsparatione ad mortem. — Ode de casa natali- cia Jesu. ■ — Expostulatio Jesu cum homine pereunte. — Hymni. — Liturgia Virginis Lauretana;. — Carmen votivum Gcnovefe. — Commeutarius m duos hymnos Prudentii, de natali & epiphania pucri Jesu. — Christiani hominis insiitutum, carmine. — Epitaphia in Odili.im. — vi. Novum Testamen- tum : cum versione Erasmi. — vii. Paraphrases in N. Testa- mentum. — viii. Ex Joan. Chrysostomo versa. — Ex Athan- asio. — Ex Origene. — Ex Basilio. — Oratio de pace & discordia contra factiosos. — Oratio in funere Pertse de Heyen. — ■ Car- mina varia. — Krancisci Robortelli annotationes in apophtheg- mata ab Erasmo versa e Laertio, ubi Diogenis cynici vitam describit. — Philopseudes, sive pro Erasmo declamatio, Joanne Herold auctore. — ix. Epistola ad M. Dorpium pro Moria. — Apologia ad Jac. Fabrum Stapulensem. — Jacobi Fabri Dis- putatio adversus superiorem annotationem Erasmi. — Ad Jacobum Latomum de Unguis. — Ad Atensem pro declama- tioiie inatrimonii. — Apologia de In principio erat scrmo. — Apologia: ties ad notationes Eduardi Lei. — Apologise ad Jacobum Lopim Stunicam. — Adversus Sanctium Caranzam. — Apologia; de loco dunes gnidem resnrgcmns. — Apologise in Natalem Beddam. — Adversus debacchationes Petri Sutoris. — De scriptis Jod. Clithovei. — Declarationes adversus cen- suras theologorum Parisiensium. — Ad Phimostomum de di- vordo. — Ad Juvenem Gerontodidascalum. — Ad monachos quosdam Hispanoe. — Ad Alberlum Pium Carporum principem, — Ad episcopum Kasileensem de esu carnium & hominum constltutionibus. — De libero arbitrio diatribe. — x. Hyper- aspista; diatribes libri duo contra Ser7>niJi arbitnum Luthcri. — Detectio prajstigiarum libeUi cujusdam. — Adversus pseud- euangL'licos. —Ad Elcuthcrium. — AdGrunnium. — Ad fratics Germanise infcrioris. — Spongia adversus adspcrgines Ulrici Hutteni. — Pantalabus, seu adversus febricitantcm.— Adversus mendaclum & obtrectationcm. — Antibarbarurum liber. — Adversus Graculos. — Rcsponsio ad Petri Cursii defensionem. — Dc termino suo. — Martini Lydii apologia pro Erasmo. — Index expurgalorius in ejus opera. — Guiljclmi Insulani oratio in obitum Erasmi. — F'pistola incdita. — Index ad omnia ejus opera cxccpto iii voluminc cui indices sui sunt adjccti. An alphabetized KvWi:. of contents of this (the standard) edi- tion of Erasmus's work.s may be found in the catalogue of the Library of the Peabody Institute of Baltimore. COLLECTIONS. I). Krasmi. Ro | tcrodami viri | vndccun- i\ue doctissimi Lucu- | brationes, quaruni Index | positus est faciei sequenti. | lEpis^rap/i. ] | In libera Argentina I [/*;/7'.] At dv/*// 'Excusum est hoc opus suwma cura, lal)o- | re(p/t' prxniagno. Argen- torati apud Ma- | ihiam Sclmrerium Mcnse Seplend). An I no M.nXV. [ Regnante Magnanimo Ini | pe. Caesa. Maxiniiliano. | P. F. Avg. V. Q. W 2iXi6. pp. [81 + 286-i-[i6]. l.-p. border, and border to p. I of pref. Wdct mitials. Contents: — Enchiridion militis Christiani. — Disputatio de tedio et pavore Christi. — Exhortatio ad virtiite;«, ad Adolphuwz principew Veriensem. — Precatio ad Virginis filium Jesum. — Pa-au Virgini Matri canendus.—Obsecratio ad Mariam in rebus adversis. — Oratio in laudem pueri Jesu. — Enarratio allegorica in primuw/ psalmum Beatus vir. — Carmen de casa natalicia pucri Jesu. — Carmen Jesu ad mortales. — Carmina complura de puero Jesu. —Carmina de angelis. — Carmen giaecanicum Virgini sacrum Marias. A collection ed. by Erasmus himself, with preface and epi- logue by Nicolaus Gerbellius, his proof-reader and friend. G.'spref. is dated 'Argcntorati . . . M.D.XV.' Erasmi | Roterodami | De ralione studij, ac legendi, in- | terpretandiq/zt- auclores bl)el | lus au- reus. I Ofiiciuw discipuloruw ex Quintiliano. | Qui primo legendi, ex eodem. | Erasmi. | Concio de puero lesv in schola | Coletica Lo//dini iwstituta pro- nu«cia;/da. [ Eivsdem. | Expostulatio lesv ad mor- tales. I Eivsdem. I Carmina scholaria. Ai end : Argentina^ apvd loannem \ Knoblovchvm, mense | Novembri. Anno, | M.D.XXI. 17'!. flf. 31. t.-p. border. Text in italics. De im- | mensa dei mise- | ricordia, Des. | Erasmi Rot. | concio. I Virginis et marty- | ris com- paratio, per eundem. | Nvnc primvm | et condita et Eedita \jic\ At end: Antverpia; apvd Micliae. I Hoochstra. Anno | M.D.XXIIII. i6h. pp. [109]. t.-p. border and wdct initials. In vol. lettered Opuscnla de libero arbitno. De recta I Latini Graeciqve ser- ] monis pronuntiatione Dcs. Eras- | mi Roterodami Dialo- gus, ab au | tore recognitus, ac locupletior factus. | Eivsdem Dialogus cui titulus, | Ciceronianvs, sine, De opti- I mo genere dicendi. Itidem ab autore ( recognitus & auctus. | \^Device.'\ At end : Basdeae in ofFicina ! Frobeniana per Ilier. Frob. loan. | Heruag. &Nicol. Episcopium. | Anno. M.D.XXIX. I Mense Octob. 17''. pp. 485. Wdct initials. The closing letter of Eras- mus is dated ' Friburgi Cal. Sept. m.d.xxix." Lettered Eras- mi Dialogus. Contents: — Erasmi epist. ad Maximilianum a Burgundia. — De recta pronuntiatione dialogus. — Erasmi epist. ad Jo. Vlattenum. — Dialogus Ciceronianus. — Erasmi deploratio mor- tis Frobenii. — Epitaphia Frobenii. — Rod. Agricola; oratio in laudem Mat. Richili. — Erasmus ad Vlattenum. — Epitaphium Jac. Wimphelingi per Beat. Rhenanum. — Erasmus ad Car. Utenhovium. Epistola:. Opvs Epistolarvm | Des. Erasmi Rotero- dami, per avtorem [ diligenter recognilvm, et adicctis | innumeris nouis, feread trienlemauctum. j [/JttvVv.] I Basileos ex officina Frobeniana | Anno M.D. XXIX. At end : Basilece apvd Hieronymvm Frobenivm et I loannem llcrvagivm et Nico- | lavin episcopivm. 22 TIJE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS 12X23 pp. [8]+ioio+[2]. Wdct initials. Last leaf ;pars only the device. Ms. notes. Erasmus's pref. to the reader is dated ' Friburgi Brisgoje 7. Idus August! AN. m.d.xxix. Epistolce, pluribus qurtra CCCCXXV ab Er.i.smo aut ad Eia-smum scriptis auctiores, online tempoium nunc primum dlspositie, . . . et pra;- stantium aliquot viroruni ad quos scriptfe sunt ima- ginibus ornata;. (Vol. iii— in 2pts.— e/atoiy note: Aldus to slndeiits.'\ \^Dci-i<:c.^\ Prsponitur hisce adagiis duplex index. Alter secundum literas | al- phabeti nostri. nam quae grreca sunt, latina tyiayie \ habentur. Alter per capita rerum. At end : \it\\st- tiis in aedibus Aldi 1 mense Sept. MDVIII. | \_Resis- Iriim. ] \_Deviie of Aldus. ] 33X22. ff. [26] + 249. Ms. notes of the i6th and 17th centuries. This beautiful ed. of the Adages was made under the eyes of Erasmus himself, who then dwelt in Venice as a member of Aldus's household. Collectanea Ada- 1 gioruw? veterum !>esy- derij Eras- 1 mi Roterodami Germania.' | decoris. | Ad lectorem | Inuenies hie candide Lector Adagia ilia Eras- | mi Roterodami, niullo eme/Klatiora, multo I integriora, i^unm in prioribus impressioni- | bus. Dictiones pr<<'terea gr»cas sparsim J huic opusculo i«sertas cum apicibus | suis, ac spirilibus, artifici opera | fabrefactis, qui in aliis hue- | usq?/e- sunt neglecti. | Addila est tabula in ipsius operis calce, I a Schurerio condita, quo dicto citius | qua:- renti quoduis occurrat. | Lector erne, lege, | et pro- babis. I Tempus obserua. At end: Desiderii Eras- mi Inec ueteruOT adagioruni Collectanea | gra;cis n;vc-sertim cliaracteribus (\tiam nuper longe abso | tutiora Arge«torati Matthias .Schurerius Se- 1 lesten- sis stanneis calamis exscripsit, | Mense Aprili Anno a Christo | nato M. D. XV. | \_Dez'icc.'\ 19X15- ff. l4l + 57+[7)- t.-p. border. Adagiorvm chi- | Hades quatuor cum ses- quicentu- |.ria, Des. Erasmi Roterodami. | llaec editio inultos Groecoru/;/ Lalinorumque aiilhorum locos einendatiores | quam in aliis sint edilioiribiis, indiccm item longe locupletiorem liabet. | Ilcnrici Stephani animadversicmes | in Erasmieas quormidam adagiorum cxpositiones. | [/V'/Vi'.] | Oliua Rulicrti Stephani. | M. D. LVIIl. [Geneva,] 1558. 36X25- PP- (64] + cols, 1126. On the t.-p. the autogr. of the Flemish humanist ' I'ranciscus Nan- sius' (1513-95), whose neat ms. notes are found throughout the vol. Of its later owners, the Dutch politician ' Aiithonis Da Huybert' (1640-1702), who bought it for '9 solidi ' in 1685. ' M. Stapylton,' ' R. Church, 1733,' the Rev. ' Edv. Gul. Grinficld ' (the Biblical scholiast, 1784-1864), and the Amen- can antiquary George P. Philes have also left their autographs ; and the last named has added fresh notes. ' Cette edition est beaucoup plus complete que les d,eux pr^c^denles I1508, 1520], car elle contient le travail d'Erasme entier, sans re- tranchemens ni interpolations, et quelques notes de H. Estienne. .^iussi est-elle tres coijecte et bien imprimie. Elle est calqu& sur Ted. donnee par Er.asme lui-meme ; Basil. 1536.' — Gr-ersse. Ada"ia ; id est, Proverbiorvm, paroemia- rvm, et parabolarvm omnivm, qva? apvd Gra;cos, Latinos, Hebra:os, Arabas, &c. in vsu fuerunt, col- lectio absolutissima in locos communes digesta . . . Adiecti svnt indices dvo. C [Frankfort a. M.,] 1629. 37I'. pp. [12] + 77*+ [158]. 0'«/.v//s .•— Erasmus, D. Chiliades. —Junius, A. de. Ada- gia — Brassicanus. J. A. Symmict.i.— Ulpius, J. Epitome. —Godefroy, P. l'niverbi.i.— Canter. W. Adagia.— Gise- linV Spccimenadngioiuin— fitienne. H Animadversiones in Enismum.— Cousin, G. Syllnse — Corocotta, M. G. (pietid.). PorceUi testamentum— Vergilio, P. Adagia.— Bouelles, C. de. Proverbi.a. — Turnebe, A. Adagia.— Muret. M A. Adagb.— Gent, W. van. Adagia.— Niepe, M. van. Adagia. Adagiorvm D. Erasmi Roterodami epi- tome. Editio novissinia; ab infinitis fere mendis . . . repurgata ; nonnuUisqije in locis adaucta . . . Cum triplici Indice . . . Amstelodami, apiid Liidmnnait Ehevirium, 1650. 1411. pp. [24] +622-1- [72]. 2 copies, the second on more highly calendered paper, and hence of strikingly diminished bulk. Adagia. (\'ol. ii of his Opera, ed. Le- clerc. 1703.) Sa}He. En<;lish. Troverbs, chiefly taken from the Adagia of Erasmus, with explanations, and illustr. by corresponding examples from the Span- ish, Italian, French, and English, by R. Bland. London, 1814. 19I1. 2 v. in i. Same. German. H Das Sprichwort, | Man muss entwer ein ko- | nig oder aber ein narr ge I born werden, Mit seiner auss- | legung, von Herrn« Erasmo | Roterodamo beschriben | vnd auss- gelegt, von den tu- 1 gendten eineni Crist- | liche« Flirsten vnd | Henen zu- | ste«dig ver | teulscht. At end : M. vi^. xx. Zu Lochan. 20X15. PP- [24]- t.-p. border and wdct initials. Weller, Rep., 1364. Transl. from E.'s Adagia by Spalatin, whose ded. pref is dated ' Mitwoch nach Reminiscere . . . M. V. ' ■ Here folcwith a scorneful Image | or mon- slrus shape of a maruelous | straj/ge fygure called, Si- leni alcibi | adis presentyng ye state & condicio;; | of this present world, & inespeciall | of the Spirituallte how farre they | be from ye perfite trade and lyfe | of Criste, wryte« in the laten | tonge, by that famous | Clarke Erasmus, | & lately translated in to Englyshe. \\_lVdet.'^ At end: Imprynted at London by | me John Goughe. [T'/vV.] . . . [1514'! Mh. pp. [69], instead of [71]— fol. 8 wanting. Bl.ack-letler. Lettered .Sileid A Iciiia. Not in the lint. Mus., and unknown to the bibliographers. Bd. with it is an equally unknown transl. of Luther's ' worke made agaynst the false canonysacyon of Beniio the bysshoppe,' clearly from the s.ame press, whose colophon bears the year, 1534. For the onginal Latin of Erasmus see his Adagia, chil. Ill, cent, in, i. Sileni Alcibiadis. See Here folowith a scorneful Image, ete. A nllbarbarortim libe r. .'\nti I barliarorvm I). Eras- | mi Rotero- dami, liber unus, | i|Uem iuuenis quidem adhuc lu | sit : ca;terum iliu desideratum, | dcmum repertum non iuuenis | recognouit, & uelut posllimi- | nio stu- diosis restituit. Ex quo | reliquoruni, qui diis pro- pitiis I propediem agcedent, le- | ctuv coniecturam | THE WHITE LUiKARY. 23 facias lice | bit. At end : Colonic Anno Domini | M.D.XX. 20X14. PP- [122]. t.'P. border .ind wdct initi.lls. Same. {In his Op., x.) Apologia adversiis tnonachos in Hispaniis. Des. Erasnii Roteroda | mi Apologia ad- uersus articulos ali- 1 quot per nionachos iniosdain | in Hispanijs, exhibitos. I [j9t7';Vc.] | Apvd indylam ISasi- I l.-cam an. M.D.X.WIII. At f>i,i: Apvd in- clytam Hasi- | la;.am in officina | F'robcniana .an. | M. D. XXVIII. 16I1. pp. [ifi] + 203 f [5]. Text in italics. Wdct inlti:ils. l..i-st Ic.if bears only the tlevice. Erasmus's pi;cf. to Archbp. '.Alfonsiis Manriciis,' of Spain, is dated * Basilea; prid. Id. Mar. An. M.D.XXVIll,' Same. {In /lis Op., ix.) .Apophtkcgntata. Des. Er.a.smi Rot. | .\pophtliegnia | tvm li- bri octo cvm primis | frugifeii, denud uigilanter ab ipso recogni- 1 ti autore, non sine lucre noucc | ac- cessionis.| [ZJrtvVt'.] | Colonije, | Excudcbat loannes Gymnicus, Anno | M.D.XXXVIII. i6ti. pp. [16] + 712 +[38]. Wdct initials. Text in iulics. Ms. notes. Apophlheg I niatvm ex opti- | mis vtri- vsqve lingvae | scriptoribus, per Des. Erasmvm Rot. I collectorum, libri viii. quibus in studio- soru;// 1 gratiam, hac editione adiecimus Indicem co- I piosissimuw, f]ui tam locoruwcommuniuin | titulos, qtiam uocum rerumq;/t' sci- | tu digiiissimarinn no- tionem | suppeditat. | [jOiTvtv.] | B.asi!eae, M. D. LXV. At end: Basileae per Nicolavm et | Evse- bivm Episcopios. | M. D. LXV. C. lyh. pp. [15] + 750+ [07]. Text in italics. Wdct initials. Device on reverse of last leaf. Same. (/«//;> Op., iv. ) Cnrtnina. Siiva carminum antehac nunquani itnprcs- sorum, Oouda, 1513: reproduction pboto-litho- gr.aphique, avec notice sur la jeunesse et les pre- miers travaux d' Erasme par Ch. Ruelens. Bru.\elles, 1864. 23X18. VV- [6] +44+ [36]. M.ip. Ed. of 100 copies : pres. copy, with autogr. of editor. Inserted port, of Erasmus. Orig. t.-p. (repr. infac-sim.): Hcrasmi] RotcroHaijti \ Silria cariiiir/nm anieltnc «/^n^uam riitprGS.'to- ritm. I etc. At end: Fi/tit \ Siltta Carntiincm per Actlacr- tiiim I Gauier catcogx^phn^n casiigatissie [sic] | cxaratiim in Gouda ad \ decinnim giimtiem \ Kaleitdas j yitntj. | etc. Only a part of these carittitta are found in Erasmus's Op. (viii, 561 sqqS). For others see in his Lttciibrationes and his Dc rtitionc stitdii, etc., {both under collections above). Catalpgi duo. See under Bibliography below. Ciceroniajiiis. Dialogus, cui titulus, Ciceronianvs, siue De Optimo dicendi genere. (/;/ his De recta Latini Graeciqve sermonis pronuntiatione, ete. 1529.) Same. {In Scaliger, J. C. Adversus . . , Erasmum orationes. 162 1.) .Same. {In his Op., i. ) Cotio/^uia. Famili- | arivm colloqvio | rv/« formulrc, per D. Eras. | Rot. multis adiectis, non | tantu/// ad lin- guam puerilc«; | expolie»dam utiles, uerum | etiam ad uit^'ft institucndaw, | nujier recognitx all auto- I re, & locupletat.v. | .\]iud inclytam Basilcam, in | Ecdibus loan. Frob. An. | M. D. XXIII. At end : \_Dex'iee.'\ \ B.asileiTe apvd lo. Frob. | mense Avgvsto. An I M. D. XXni. I7l>. pp. [288J. Borders to t.-p. and pp. [3] and [5]. Wdct initials. Text in italics. Erasmus's pref. letter is dated * Haslleae pridie Calendas Martias An. M. D. XXII.' In vol. lettered Erasini^ Spongia, etc. As to an important autogr. in this vol. see mider Spongia below. Colloquia familiaria. Petrus Rabus Rote- rod, rccensuit, & Notas perpetuas addidit. Accedit condiclus Thalix et liarbariei, auctore Erasmo. Rotcrodami, 1693. iCh. pp. (18J +537 + [18J. Engr. t.-p. Prefixed is Erasmus's aiitobiogr., with sundry epitaphs. Ap- pended is: Corouis apologelicti pro cotloouiis Erasmi : acce- dit t'jiisdon Dc cottoqttiontm utilitate dissertation cottecta a P. Scrivcrio. ' Colloquia. {In his Op., i.) ('olliKiuia; ex doctorum virorum emcnda- tione, cum notis. C. Amstelsedami, 1754. Ijti. pp. 524 + [4]. Engr. t.-p. only. .Supplementary matter as in ed. of 1693. Colloquia familiaria ct Encomium moriac, emcndata, cum succincta difficiliorum cxplanatione. Editio stereotypa. C. Lipsiae, 1S2Q. 14^. 2 v. The i?«('c/«/«/w w/^^vWc has scp. t..p., but contmuous pagination and signatures. Colloquia selecta : arranged for transl. and re-transl. for boys who have begun Latin syntax, by E. C. Lowe. Oxford, (^/t:., 1866. 17^'. pp. 12+192. Same. English. All the familiar collo- quies of Era.smus ; transl. into English by N. liailcy. 2d ed. London, 1733. 2ili. pp. [4] + 16 + 592. With a life of Erasmus and mcluding his colloquy on the Conjiict hettueen Tltalia and Barbarism, his essay Cottccrniiig the prn/ttablC' ncss 0/ colloquies, and an epistle O/ t/ic ntctttmi 0/ study. — Colloquies ; Iransl. by N. Bailey. Ed., with notes, by E. Johnson. London, 1S78. 23I'. 2 v. The text is a careful repr. of Bailey's transl. Prefixed are a transl. of the orig. dedication of Erasmus and of his epistle to the divines of Lonvain. — Twenty two select colloquies out of Erasmus, by Sir Roger L'Estrange; to which are added seven more dialogues, with the life of [Eras- mus] by Tho. Brown. London, 1725. 2ih. pp. [281 + 404. Port. Orn. — Pilgrimages to St. Mary of Walsing- ham and St. Thomas of Canterbury. Transl. [from the Colloquies of Erasmus], witli the colicjcpiy on rash vows, and his characters of .Abp. Warham and Dean Colet, and illustr. with notes, by J. G. Nichols. Westminster, 1849. 2°^- PP- [f']+23 + 248. Same. French. Le jeune homnie et la fille de joie ; trad. nouv. par V. Develay. Iil>. pp. 30. From the Colloquia of Eras- Les hotelleries ; trad. nouv. par V. Pans, mus. Develay. Paris, 1874. Erasmus. 12''. pp. 29 + [2]. From the Colloquia of Concio de pitcro ycsu. Concio de puero Jesu, olim proiiunciata a pnero in schola Joannis Coleti Londini instituta. Londini, 1818. 2oh. pp. (8] + 38+[i]. Half-title dated 1819; but colophon, like t.-p., 1818. ' Only 100 copies repr.' Same. {In his De ratione studii, ete. 1521. .?(•£' //«i /lis Op., i.) Epitome | libri de copia verbo- | rum Eras- mi Koterodami, qua ratio ua- 1 riand.x' orationis ex- emplis atq«t' ex- | planationilius paulo apertio- | ribus traditur. | [jOtT'/rt-.] | Parisiis. | .Suli scuto Basileiensi in officinal Cliristiani Wecheli. | M. D. XXXV. X7K pp. 86. Device at end. In vol. lettered Ertismi. de copia verborum. Dc eccU'sice Concordia. De ecclesia; concordia. {In Gratiua, O. Fasciculus, i. i6go.) Same. {In his Op., v.) Dc libera arbitrio. De li- 1 beroarbi- | trio AIATPIBH', slue Collatio I D. Erasmi | Roterod. | Primum legito, deinde iudicato. At end : Antverpiie apvd Michre- I lem Ililleniuw Hoochstratanuw mense Septemb. Anno. M. D. X.XIIII. i6h. pp. [95]. i.-p. border. Text in italics. In vol. let- tered Opusciila de libera arbitrio. Same. {In his Op., ix.) Dc recta proniiniiatioHe. De recta . . . pronuntiatione. 1529. See iiniier COLLECTIONS above. Des. Erasmi Roterodami dialogus de recta Latini Gra'cique sermonis pronuntiatione. C. Lugd. Bat., 1643. I3h. pp. [12] + 242+ [10]. Same. (/« his Op., i.) Ecclesiastes, sive De ratione concio'iandi. Des. Erasmi Rot. | Ecclesia- | asta; sive de I ratione concio | nandi libri quatuor, opus | recens, denuo ab autore | recognitum, sed cum | in- dice accuratiore | quim antehac | & copiosi- 1 ore. | Vfeneunt .'Xntuerpirte sub | intersignio Rubri | Castri. I Anno. I MDXXXIX. .-// end: [tO,-:^-.] | Ant- verpiae | Typis Guilhelmi montani. .'\nno a | Christo nato supra sesquimil | lesimum trigesi- | monono. [1539.] 17)1. pp. 546+ [34]. t. -p. border. Wdct orn. and initials. Ms. notes. Same. {In his Op., v.) EncJiiridion jnilitis Cliristiani. Enchiridion militis Christiani. 1515. {In his Lucubrationes, for which see under collec- tions ai)Ove. ) Enchiri- | dion militis Chri | stiani, Salvber I rimis pr^ceptis refertum, | autliore D. Eras. | Ro- lerodamo, | cui accessit | noua, | mi- | req/zt' utilis | Prxfatio. I A]ivd felicem [ .\rgentinam. \^.4t end :~\ Argentorati Apvd loan- | nem Knobloucliium Mense Aprili. I Anno M. D. XXIII. 15^. ff. 105 +[i]. t-p. border and wdct initials. Ms. notes. Device at end on fol. 106 b, fol. 106 a is blank. Text in italics. Same. {In his 0\i., \.) Same. English. A shorte Recapitulation or .\brigcnient \_sie'\ of Erasmus Enchiridion . . . ; drawno out by M. Coverdale, Anno. 1545. {ReJ>r. in Coverdale, M. Writings. 1844.) — Same. Enchiri- | dion militis Chri- I stiani, which may be | called in English, the | han- some weapon of a | Christian Knight : I Replen- ished with many good | ly preceptes : made by the I famous Clerke Erasmus | of Roterdame, and newly I corrected and im- | prynted. | 1576. | Imprinted at London in Fleet | streete, by William How | for Abraham Veale. 14''. pp. [352]. t.-p. border. Black-letter. Said to be translated by lyndale. — Same. The Christian's manual, com- piled from the Enchiridion militis Christiani of Erasmus, with notes and comments, [and] account of the author, by Philip Wyatt Crowther. London, [1816]. 22''. pp. 12 + 444-234. £.ro//wlo^esiSy sive Modus conjitendi. Exomo I logesis sive modvs con- | fitendi. | Per Erasmvm Roteroda- 1 mvm, opus nunc primum & natum I & excusum. | .^nuerpia: [.'/<] apud Mi- chaelem Hillenium | Hoochstratanum. Anno | M. D. XXIIII. 1611. pp. [48]. Text in italics. Wdct mitials. In vol. lettered OpHscuia de libera arbitrio. Same. (In his Op., v.) tlypcraspistcs : adz'ersus Ltcilicnciu. Hyper- 1 aspistes diatribns ad- 1 versvs ser- vvm arbi | trivm Martini | Lvtheri, per | D. Erasmum Rote- I rodamum. At end: Antuerpiie apud Mi- chaelem Hillenium, | .Anno. M. D. XXVI. 'S''- pp. [208]. t.-p. border and wdct initials. Text in italics. Erasmus's pref to the reader is dated ' HasileEe decimo Calend. Marrias. Anno. 1526.' Same. {In his Op., x.) Institutio principis Christiani. Tnstitv I tio principis Chri | stiani saluber- rimis refer | ta prceceptis, pt'r Eras- | mum Roteroda- I mum, Ab eo- | dem reco- | gnita | cuw alijs no«- I nullis eodew pivtine;;- | tibus, quoru)« caialoguw/ in prdxima reperies pagella. | .\pvd Inclytara | Basileam. At end: [Z5«';V(?.] | Basilea: .\pvd loannem | Frobenivm Mense | Ivlii. M. D. XVIII. 22X17. pp. 343. Borders to t.-p. and to pp. 5, q, 257, 314, 330. Wdct initials. The ded. epist. is dated ' Basilea;. Anno. M. D. XVIIl. Idibus lulijs." Contents: — Epistola Erasmi ad J. Sylvaglum. Cancellarium Burgondiie. — Pra:fatlo ad Caroliim principem [later Ciuzrles V]. — Institutio Christiani principis. — Pnecepta Isocratis de regno administrando, Erasmo interprele. — Pane^ricum gra- tulatorium, de felici ex Hispania reditu, ad principem Philip- pum, M.aximiliani lilium. — Libellum Plutarchi de discrimine adulatoris et amici, cum aliis nonnullis. Principis Christiani institvtio, ])er apho- rismos digesta. Lugd. Bat., 1641. 13''. pp. 228. In vol. lettered Desid. Erasmi Roterodami Vita. Same. {In his Op., iv.) Moriae encovtium. [Morias Encomium.] loannes | Frobenivs I lectori. | Habes | iterum Morias Eneomiuw, pro | castigatis.simo castigatius, una | cum Listrij cowmen- tarijs, & alijs | complusculis libellis, non mi- | nus eruditis i\uam festiuis : quoruw; ] catalogum proxima mox indi- | cabit pagella. Bene uale. At end : Basileae. in aedibvs lo. Frobenii, | men. VIII Ibri, .A.n. M. D. XVII. 22X16. pp. 277. t.-p. border and wdct initials. Device on reverse of last fol. Contents : — Seneca de morte Claudii, cum schotiis Beati Rhenani. — Synesius de laudibus Caluitii, Joanne Phrea Bri- tanno interprete, cum scholiis Beati Khen.ani. — Erasmi Moriae Encomium, cum commentarils Gerhardi Listrii. — Erasmi Epistola Apologetica ad Martinum Dorpium. Same. Cum commentarils Gerardi Listrii, et figuris Joannis Holbenii. Acccdunt, Pra;fatio Caroli Patini ; Vita Holbenii pictoris Basiliensis ; Opera Holbenii; Epistola Gerardi Listrii ad Joan- T}/E IVHITE LIHKARY. 25 nem I'aludanum, &c. ; Priefatio Eiasmi ad Thomam Morum. {In his Op., iv, 381.) Sat)u. Enj^lisk. Moria; encomium, or, Tlie praise of folly ; from tile Latin by \V. Kennett, with plates from the designs of Holbeine. Pre- fix'cl, a preface anil copies of commendatory verses. 4th ed. London, 1724. 1711. pp. [16] + t68+[4l. Ports, of Eras- mus .ind More. MojpraS iyHcmiiov, id est Stultitiae laus ; ad fideni editionis Krobciiii cilila, cum Listrii notis. Lipsi.nc, 1828. 1311. pp. 291-401. (/« Erasmus, D. Col- loquui, etc.^ ii, 1829. but with sep. t.-p.) — Erasmus in Praise of folly, illustrated by Hans Holbein ; with life of Erasmus, and his epistle to More. London, [18 — J. i8h, pp. 26+ 2o6t [i]. Port, and plates. Same. French. L'eloge de la folie . . . ; avec quelques notes de Listrius et les belles figures de Holbenius. Trad. nouv. en fran^ois par M. Gueudeville. Leide, :7i3. i7h. pp. [32] +312. — L'eloge de la folie : trad. nouv. du Latin d'firasme, par ^L Barrett. Paris, 1789. i7h. pp. 10 t [2] + 248. Plates. ' [Holbein's illustrations to the Praise of folly, bound separately from the text : 76 figures and one portrait, engr.aved in steel by Champollion after Holbein. To which has been added another portrait of Erasmus, in steel, by Chauvet.] 23X16. 78 plates. Frccatio pro pace ecclesite. Piecatio pro pace ecclesia;. (/« Gratius, O. Fasciculus, i. 1690.) Same. (/« his Op., iv. ) Spongza aiiversHS Huttemitn. • Spongia Erasmi ad- | uersus aspergines Hutteni. | [/J^'/cc. ] .-:;/ end: Basileas per lo. Fro- I benivm, An. M. D. ] .XXHL mense Se- | ptejnbri. lyh. pp. [120]. Bocking, /Wi'.r //«/., ,\lv'J. Text in italics. Wdct initials. Device on reverse of last leaf. At top of the t.-p. of this copy the autogr. 'Matthias Hi-rps phitosophite professor. 152^-' Can this be Matthias Held. later the famous vice-chan- cellor of the Empire under Charles V, who had so much to do with shaping the policy of that prince toward the Reforma- tion ? If so, it affords a valuable clue for a period of bis life little known to history. Commentaries and Translations by Erasmus. Explanatio symboli ajiostolorum, etc. {In /«>Op., v, 1133.) Same. English. Exposition of the Creed and Decalogue, done in English by Erasmus for the use of Queen .\nne Bolein, and printed . . . 1533. 2d ed., w-ith preface by Mr. Higgs. London, [1726?]. 2oti, pp. 28 H ff. 178. A reprint of the 1533 ed., whose t.-p. bears title : A play>t£ and godly Expo- sytion or Declaration 0/ the Commune Crede {iv/iich in the Latin tonge is called Symboliim Apostolornm), etc. The in- trod. matter breaks otf abruptly at page 28. Is the present copy incomplete ? It is not true that the work was * done in English ' by Erasmus. , translalor. D. loannis | Chrysostoini missa I grcecolatina. | D. Erasmo Roterodamo interprete.j \_Devi€e.~\ | Parisiis, In olficina Christiani Wecheli, sub scuto I Basiliensi, in uico lacob^o. Anno I AL D.XXXVH. i6ti. pp. 77. Device on reverse of blank leaf Wdct in- itials, (jreek text and Lat. transl. on alternate pp. and More, Sir T. , Iranslators. Lvciani Samosa- ] tensis dialogi aliqvot | Des. Erasmo Roter. & Thoina Moro in- | lerpretibus. Quorum eleii- chuiTi se- 1 qucns pagella coinplectilur. | \_Device.'\ I Basileae in officina Frobe- | niana an. M D XXX HH. At end: Basile.te, in officina Frobe- j niana per Hieronymum Frobenium I & Nicolauni Episco- pium| M 1) XXXHH. '7.''- PP- 574l[il- Tcvt in italics. Initials indicated. Device on reverse of last leaf Kly-lcaf and t.-p. bear the autogr. of the Ziirich worthies ' Theodorus Collinus. 1561," 'J. Wirte, 1722,' and 'J. G. Schukhcssus, 1774.' Of the Pro tyrannicida of Lucian there are translalir>ns by both Erasmus and More, each of whom adds a DecUimatio in reply to it. The volume closes with Ltician's Oratio de ealumnia — ' Ca- litinniie /ton esse temere credendum ' — ' latini reddita rt Phitippg Melanchthone. ' Same. {In his Op., i.) Paraphrases in N. Testanicntum. Lugd. fiat., 1706. {\o\. 1 of hisO\>.) Same. English. The first tome or vo- | lume of the Paraphrases of Eras- | nius vpon the newe testament, conteiiiyng the fower Euange- I listes, with the .\ctes of the .Apostles : eftsones | conferred with the latine and throughly cor- | rected as it is by the kinges highnes iniunccions | com- maunded to be had in euerie churche | of this royalme. I There is also ad- | ded in the ende of the booke an exact | table according to the notes in the margin of all I special) matiers and sentences any where mencioned | throughout the whole worke with a perfecte concor- | daunce diligently gathered by I Nicolas Udall. | Anno Domini. | 1551. .41 end of text: Printed at London by | Edwarde Whitchurche. \\_Priz:-\ 30X20. ff [20] (-608-H27]. — The seconde tome [ or voUinie of the Paraphrase of E- | rasmus vpon the newe testa- ment : contey- | nyng the Epistles of S. Paul, & other the | .Apostles. \Vheru«to is added a Para- phrase I vpon the Reuelacion of S. John. With a I table collected of the principal matters, | noted in the margent. | Im])rinted at London in Flete- | strete at the signe of the Sunne by Edward I Whit- church, the. ii. I daye of lune. | [/"rra. ] | .Anno doniini 1552. 30X20. ff. [6] -(-326. t.-p. border BKick letter. 'This commentary was appointed by public authority to be placed in all our churches. The first volume was executed by Nicho- las Udall, and the second by Coverdale, John Olde and Leon- ard Coxe. The Paraphrase upon the Revelation was written by Leo Jude, and translated by Edmonde Allen.' — LowncUs. Pre- I catio dominica | digesta in se- jptem parteis, j ivxta se- | ptem dies, | Per D. Eras- | mvm Ro- I teroda | mvm. At end : .Antuerpia; apud Mi- chaelem Hillenium. | .An. M. D. XXI HL i6h. pp. [30I. t.-p. border and wdct initials. Text in italics. In vol. lettered Opnscnla de libero arbttrio. .Same. {In his Op., v.) ■ Herrn Erasmi | vo;/ Roterdam vernianung j das hailige Euangelium j vnnd der hayligen zwolfT- j poten sclirifft fleyssig zu | lesen. In kiirtz ver- | deiitscht. | Anno domini. 1522. [Zwickau,] 1522. 20X15. pp. [ti]- t.-p. border. Weller, Rep., 2053. Transl. from the prefatory epistle of Erasmus to his smaller edition of the Greek Testament (see in his Op., vi, [6]), with iiitrod. by Nicolaus Krumpach, of Quemfurt (dated ' am achten tag Agnetie. 1522'). Von walfart | Erasmi Rodterodami | ver- nianung wo Chri- I stus vnd sein reich ] zu suclien ist. I M. D. XXij. I [ lVdet.-\ n. p., 1522. 2oXt5- pp. [7]- Panzer, 1290. Another transl. of the same prefatory epistle. Herr Erasmus vo« | Roterdam vertetitschte aussle- I gung sandt Hieronimus Allegation, was | guts die Philosophi in der heyligenn | schrifft schaffen. | 1[ Vm/ vber diss wort Christi Matthei am xvj. ca. | Du bist Petrus. ynd auff disen felss. | H Auch vber diss wort Johannis. Luce am drit-| ten 26 THE PKOTESTAXT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Capitel. I Ir solt nyemants das sein mit ge- j .wait abdringen &c. | M. D. xxj. | At end: Getruckt zii Landsshut. 2oXi5- PP' [7] ■'•■?• border. This impr. not in Panzer or Wellcr. Transl. from Erasmus's note in his ed. of the Greek Testament, which see in his Op., vi, 88. Hen- Erasmus von \ Roterdam verteiitschte aussle- I gung, iiber das gbtlich vnd | Trosllicli wort vnsers | lieben Hen en vnd | saligmachers | Christi. | Nement aufCeiich mein Joch vnd lernent von mir : At end ; M. D. XXi. [Zwickau,] 1521. 20X16. pp. [8]. t.-p. border. Weller, Rep., 1751. Transl. from Erasmus's note m his ed. of the Greek lestament, which see in his Op., vi, 63. Works Ascribed to Erasmus. Julius : dialogus. See Andrelini, P. F. This famous satire upon Pope Julius II was expressly repu- diated by Erasmus. Bibliography. Catalog! I dvo opervm Pes. Erasnii Rote- | rodami ab ipso conscript! & digest! : Cum prrefatio- I ne D. Bonifacii Amerbacbij lurecows. ut omni | deinceps impostura uia intercludalur, ne pro Era- I smico quisquam a;dat, quod uir ille non scripsit | dum uiueret. | Accessit in fine | epitaphiorvm ac tvmvlorvm li | bellus quibus Erasmi mors defletur, cum elegan | tissima German! Bri.\!j epistola ad Clarissimum ui- | lum I). C.ul. Bellaium Langieum. | \^Device.^ \ Basilete, Anno M.l).| XXXVII [ [/"/to.] At end: [/)«•/«.] | Basileae, per Hieronymvm Frobe-| nivm et Nicolavm Episco | pivm Anno M.D. I XXXVI. 21X16. pp. iig+[i]. Wdct initials. Amerbach's pref is dated ' Basilea; Calend. Febr. Anno M. D. x.vxvii.' Lettered Erasmus. 1537. The CaUilagi are in the form of two letters of Erasmus, one to Jo. Potzhemus (v. B.otzheim), dated 1524, the other to Hector Boeotius (Boece, Boyis), written in 1530. On the various editions of this, Erasmus's list of his own writings, see the series of articles by F. L. Hoffmann in the Serapenm, 1862 and 1863. Essai d'une liste des collections de lettres ecrites par Erasme, par F. L. Hoffmann. Bruxelles, 1869. 22l>. pp. [2]-^ 18. Works on Erasmus. Ader, |. J. Vie d'Erasme. 1828. Brewer, J. S. Passages from the life of Erasmus. (/«//« English studies. 1S81.) BURIGNY, J. L. DE. Vie. 1757. Butler, C. Life. 1825. Crovvther, p. W. Account of Erasmus, his reception and correspondence. {In liis Chris- tian's manual, compiled from the Enchiridion of Erasmus, which see above.) Desdevises du Dezert, T. A. Erasmus Roterodamus morum et litterarum vindex. 1862. Drummo.nd, R. B. Erasmus. 1873. — Erasmus in England. 1868. DURAND DE Laur, H. Erasme. 1872. EberliN, J. Waruwb man herr Erasmus von Roterodam in Teiitsche sprach transferiert. ( In /;« Fiinfzehn Bundsgenossen. No. 8. 1521.) See also Nos. 6, 14, of this series. EriTArillORUM ac tumulorum libcllus, quibus Des. Erasmi Roterodami mors defletur. {In Erasmus, D. Catalog!, etc., 1537, and repr. in his Op., i.) For epitaphs on Erasmus see also the compilations of Me- RULA, P., and ScHKYVER, P., named below. Erasmus. (From British and Foreign Evangelical Review, July, 1867.) [London, 1867.] 22h. pp. 517-536. In vol. lettered /?-rkt, at l)ase an epigram. Kust ; ]irofile to right, with scholar's cap and furred collar; in foreground, underneath, bust of Terminus, in- scribed Marck- \ stein. In portfol. lettered Re/ormntiou. Same; reduced copy, in steel ; 15x10. Bart-sch, 62. In portfol. lettered Rt'/ormaiiott. Schmidt, C;. C. Engraving; G. M. Kraus, del. G. C. Schmidt fee. et sc. Jence 1776; I3ly Reformers. / '. The pref. is signed by ' Nicolaus Gallus Supenntendent zu Regens. | Johannes Wigandus .^u- perint. zu Magd. | Matthias Flacius Illyricus. | Johannes Au- rifaber Ho(rpredig. zu Weimar. | Anthonius Otto Pfarherr zu Northusen. ] Mattheus Judex Diaconiis zu Magdeb.' Die gancz [j/, ] handlung szo mit | dem Hoch- gelerte;/ 1). .Mar | lino Luther taglichen | die weyd erauffdem Keyserlichen | Reyclis tag tzu Wormbs ge- ] west, ergangen ist, auffs j kurtzest be- j griffen.[ Item die geleytcz [J/V] briefif D. | M. gegelien, hyr yhnn auch be- ] gryffen seynt. n. p., [1521]. 19X15. pp. [15]. Wcller, Kep., 1846. Lower half of last leaf torn off: but apparently without muti- lation of text. Lettered y.////rtv-/« H'ornis. This is that rare contemporary account c)f the Diet of Worms on whose author- ity largely rests Luther's famous utterance: ' Ich kan nicht Linderst, hie ste/te ich. Cot liclff mir, .Amen.' See Kostlin's Luther, i, 452, and especially his Liitlters Rede in Worms, 20, sqcj. Ace. to K.. it is based upon the ms. minutes of Spalatin, still preserved at Weimar. I'he appended safe-con- ducts {'geleytcz bne^} nre those of the Emperor, of George of Saxony, and of Philip of Hesse. Gardiner, Stephen, Bf>. if Winchester. De vera obedientia. {In Gratius, O. Fasciculus, ii. 1690.) An explycation and assertion of the true catholyke faythe, touchyng the moste blessed sacrament r)f the alter. {Refr., piecemeal, in Cranmer, T. .\n answer, etc.) Gartner, Andreas. Prognostica, alioquin bar- bare practica perpetua nuncupata . . . latinitate donata, paucis quibusdam annexis ... {In Epis- tolae obscurorum virorum. 1643.) Not by Gartner, nor translated by him from the (ierman, but his word-for-word plagiarism of Jacob Henrichmann's Prognostica. alioquin harttnre practica nuncupata (1508, 1512). See art. tjy J. Franck, s. v. Gartner, in the Alig. deuisclic Biographic. Gasparin, comte Agenor Etienne de. Luther et la r^forme au l6^' siecle. 4^ ed. Paris, 1875, 19''. pp. [2] +455. Port, of Gasparin. Gast. Job. Expo- I stvlatio ivstitiae | cum mun- do a Belial instigato, | per dialog! modum a | lob Gast con- I scripta. | In qua prsesens hiec uulgi & prin- I cipum tragoedia nonnihil | attingitur. | Anno. 1.5.25. n. p., [1525?]- 14''- ff- 44- Texl in italics, t.-p. border and wdct initials. Gasl's pref. letter lo ' Marcellusab Stauffem, Baro ex Erenfelss ' is dated ' E.\ bosphoro Francorum.' Gaufr^s, J. Philippe Mornay de Hauves ; ou, L'education d'un gentilhomnie pioleslant au l6® sifecle. Pans, 1868. 25!'. pp. 46-f [i]. 30 THE PROTESTANT REfORMATION AND ITS EORERUNNERS. Gaullieur, Ernest. Hi.^toire de la Refo.ma- tion a Bordeaux et dans le ressort du parlement de Guyenne. Tome i. Paris, etc., 1S84. 25h. pp. 11+568. Contents : — i. 1523-1563. G-eiger, Lud'wig. Helius Eobanus Hessus : sein Leben und seine Werke, von C. Krause. n. t.-p. [Gottingen, 1879.] igh. pp. 1355-1372, of the Goitingische gelehrie Anzeigen^ 1879, bd separately. A re- view of Krause's book. Johann Keuchlin : sein Leben und seine Werke. Leipzig, 1S71. 23h. pp. 23+488. Renaissance und Huinanismus in Italien und Deutscliland. Berlin, 1882. 25'!. pp. (2]+585 + [il. 11, 8, <7/"Oncken's A llgemeiyie Gesckichte in Einzeldarsieilntigen. Ueber Mekinthons Omtio coniincns hisio- riam Capnionis : eine Qaellenunteisuchung. Frankfurt a. M., 1868. 221". pp. 78+[i]. Geiler von Kaisersberg {Lot. Caesaremonta- nus), Johannes. Nauicula siue speculuw fatu- oruw I Picstanti^simi sacraium literarum Doctoris Joan- I nis Geyler Keysershergij Concionatoris Ar-j gentinenj/j a Jacobo Othero | coUecta. j Conipen- diosa vitie eiusdeni descriptio, per j Heatum Khena- num Selestatinum. | [llWct of ship of fools ^ m-er which the W07-ds Ad Narragoniani.] [Str.asburg, 1510.] 21 X 16. pp. [556 instead of 567]. Black-letter. Initials indicated. 'Ihe type is Schurer's (as in tht Fragfnenta pnsswnis — see below), but there is no colo- phon such as Panzer cites {vi, p. 50). 'I'he Compt'itdiosa vit^ {Geiicri\ desL}i/>tio h.TS been detached and is bound sepa- rately (see Rbenanus, B.). P. 556 is l)Iank, Only two wdcts: one on the t.-p., the other occupying p. [52], between index and text. The pref. letter of Otther (dated ' Ex Argen. iij. Idus Februarij. Ann. M. D. X.'), the 'J'jinHaf'nin aJtnota- tio, and the fudex occupy pp. [2-3, 4-13. and 14-51] respect- ively; then the text, filling the remainder of the vol. lo p. [555], where it is closed by Otther's brief epilogue to the reader (bearing same date as his pref). At top of t.-p. the cuutemp. autogr. : ' P. F. Sebastianuw . . . Anno 15. iin^o.' Nauicula siue speculuw fatuor///;/ j Pre- stawtissimi sacrar///// literaruw doctoris Joannis Gey- ler Key j sersbergij : concionatoris Arge«tinenj/j in sermones iuxta tur j marum seriem diuisa: suis figu- ris iam insignita : a Jacobo | Othero diligenter col- lecta. I Conipendiosa vite eiusdem descriptio, per I Beatum Rhenanum Selestatinum. j Ad Narrago- niani. I [^IVdct of ship of fools. ^ A I end: Argentorati transscriptum. xvi. die Mensis lanuarij. An. M. D. XI. 20X16. pp. [557]. Black-letter, excepting the editorial portions, to wit: the prefatory letter lo J. ' Wydel ex Gers- bach,' the concluding letter to the reader, and the Geiteri znta, which are in Roman type. It is profusely illustrated, contain- ing, besides the title-vignette, 112 wdcts, said to he by Hans BaldungGriin and Urs Graf ; but severalof these are repeated. Many of them are borrowed from the 1497 edition of Brandt's Narrenschiff. and have German inscriptions. Besides the 22 ff. of preliminary matter (pref letter, Tiirina7-7iin minotatio, and Maieriarum index) and the 3 ff. of the Geileri I'ita at the end, this edition contains 254 ff. — not 147 as Brunei, or 137 as Grajsse says. Many nis. notes. Welt Spiegel, oder | Narren Schiff| , . . Mit vil andern . . . Lehren, Exempeln vnd ver- manungen . . . Weilandt [ durch . . . Johan Geyler | . . .in Lateinischer sprach beschrie- | ben, jetzt aber mit sondern fleiss auss dem Latein inn das [ reclit hoch Teutsch gebracht, vnnd erstmals im J Truck aussgangen | durch, | Nicolaum Honiger von Tauber [ Konigshoffen | . . . Getruckt zu Basel, diirch Seiiastian | Heinricpelri.| M DLXXIIIl. {In Scheible. J. Kloster, i. 1845.) In this cd. the Navicula of Geiler is combined with the text of Brant's Narrenschiff, the sermons of the former being Iransl. into German and duly distributed among the cantos of the latter. Fragmenta passionis do | mini nostri Jesu christi. A celeberrimo : diuini | eloquij oratore : domino Joanne Geiler ex Kei I sersberg Theologo : sub typo placente mellee | predicate. Per Jacobum Ottheruni familia- | rem eius in hunc moduin col- lecta. At end : Ex edibus Matthie Schurerij | Mense Nouembri. | An. M. D. xi. 21X15. pp. [163]. Black-letter.' Initials indicated. Nauicula Penitentie | Per excellentissi- mum sacre pagine doctorem Jo j annem Keysersper- gium Argentinensium | Concionatorem predicata. A Ja- I cobo Otthero CoUecta. At end : Sermones . of Freising. De Hildebrando. — Stella, J. DeSilvestro 1 1,— Crinito, P. Deiionifacio VIII. — Vita Henrici IV. — Henry IV, 0/ Germany. Epistolse 9 ad Ponlificem £t alios priiicipes. — Charles IV, 0/ Germany. Aurea Bulla. — Constantini donatio, B. Picerno interprete. — Hutten, U. v. Contra Constantini donationem. — Valla, L. De Constantini donaiione. — Nicolai de Cusa, Antonini Archiep. Elorent., Raphaeiis Volaterrani, Hieronymi Calhalani, de eadem donatione annotationes. — G-ratius, O. In Vatlam con- clusio ; post quam multiplices (alioruinde eadem materia] alle- gationes collocantur. — Professio fidei fratrum Waldensium regi Vladislao missa, 1508. — Responsio excusatoria fralnmi Waldensinm, ad eundem regeni. — Woodford, V7. Contra Joh. Wiclefum. — Articuli Wiclefi damnatl per ConcilinmCon- stantiense. — Rationes ac reprobationes articulorum Wiclefi et Huss in Cone. Const, daninatorum. — Doctrina Wiclefi quo- nam modo in Bohemiam pervenerit, et de Hus^ ac Hieronymo Pragensi, ex Enea Sytvio. — Constance, Council of. Sen- tentia damnationis doctrine Wiclefi ; — Sententia contra Huss; — Senteutia contra Hieronymum. — Foggio Bracciolini. G. F. Epistola de obitu Hieronymi, — Brani, L. ((<(//('(/ Aretino). Adversus hypocritas.— Gratius, O Ouomodo Bohemi vocati sint ad Basiliense Concil., et quid illic ei^erint; cum oratione Juliani Card, ad eos. — Petitiones Bohemorum in Basil. Cone, cum responsionibus. — De Eugenio IV. practica, ut Concilium Rex Francorum dissolveret, ex Nicolao a Clamen- giis. — Frederic IV. 0/ Germany. Ad Carolum Franciae regem epistola, 1421. — Synodus Aribonis Archiep. Mogunt., in qua de jejuniis, etc., fit decisio, 1023. — Rucherath, J. (J. de Wesalia). Paradoxa per luquisitores condemnata; — Ex.^men sex dierum contra eundem per eosdem Inquisitores. — [Wim- pheling, J.] Gravamina X Germanicae nationis : cum reme- diis et prasmonilionibus.— Regius, J. Epistola ad Maximilia- num de reformatione ecclesiae. — Maximilian I, of Germany. Querela contra abusus Romanistarum. — Adrian VI. Pope. Epistolse ad principes Germanos, 1522. — Germany — Reichs- tag, Nuremberg^ 1^22-2^. Responsio ad Papa m ; — Tabula centum gravaminum Germanicae nationis ; — Enuineratio ^ra- vaminum. — Apostoli et responsio dati per nationem Galhca- nam [ad Concilium Constantiense de annatis]. — Clamanges, N. de. Disputatio super materia Concilii generalis ; — Super eadem largior collatio. — AiUy. P. d'. Card. De reforma- tione ecclesiae. — Pico delta Mirandola. G. F. Ad Leonem X de refonnandis nioribus oratio. — Campeggi, L., Card. Constitutio ad removendos abusus [ecclesia^J, Ratisbona:, 1524, edita. — Lynnichanus. A. C. Oratio, Colonia;, [1527.] qua ecclesiae proceres sui officii admonet. — Erasmus, D. De ecclesiae concordia; — Prccatio pro pace ecclesiae. — Faber, J., Bp. 0/ I 'ienna. Oratio de origine, potentia ac tyrannide Turcarum, 1528. ii. (^//f7/rt'/» ; — Hildebert, Ahp. 0/ 'Ponrs. Opuscula aliquot (see Hildebert). — Weissenburger, W., compiler. Antilo^ia Papa3 (comprising : Paris. Univ. of. Scriptum de pericuiis ecclesiae, ijSg; — Articuli contra moiiachos, — John XXII. Pope. ArticuH contra monachos.— Wilhelmus <7/ JiV. Amour. Sermones duo, — Marsilius (i/ /'i(/«rt. De trans- latione Imperii. — [Engelstat. A ] Aureum speculum Papse. —Jacobus 0/ yaterbot^k {6.^ Paradise). De septem stati- bus ccclesiffi,— Heimburg. G- Appellatio pro Sigismundo ; — Confut.itio priniatus Papae. — Pius II, Pope. Epist. contra Heimburg. — Heimburg, G. Appellatio ad Concilium. — Ryd de Reen, H. De vita clericoruni. — Volkuinns. Abbot 0/ Sittic/u-mvalti. De semine et zizanio. — TJdalricus, -V;'., Bp. 0/ Angsbitrg. Epist. de coelibatu clericorum). — Tractu- ius contra ccElibatum clericorum. — Crashaw, W. Epist. ad S. Binnium de Conciliorum editione. — Liege. Epist. Leodiensuim ad Papam, ca, 1107. — Opusculum tripar- titum [de ecclesia]. — Oontarini, G.. Card., and others. Consilium delectoruni Cardinalium. — Adrian V, Pope, and Frederic I, o/ Germany. Epistolae. — Gravamina ecclesiae Gallicanse. — 'Grosseteste. R.. Bp. 0/ Lincoln. Opuscula aliquot (see Grosseteste). — Fitzralph, R.. Abp. 0/ Ar. magh. Defeusorium curatorum. — Oresme. N. , Bp. 0/ Lisicnx. Sermo coram Papa, 1363. — Joannes^y Rnbescissa. Prophetic :—Vade mecum.— Ailly. P. d'. Card. Opuscula (itv Ailly). — Paris. Univ. of Dcterniiuatio in causa schis- matis, 1395. — Olamenges. N de. De corrupto ecclesiae statu.— Poggio Bracciolini, G. F. Dialogus contra hypo- crisim. — Matthaeus of Cracoiv, Bp. of Worms. De st^ualori- bus Romana: curia;. — Epist. 54 uobilium Moraviee in vindica- tiouem J. Huss. — I.itera; capitaneorum Bohemife ad regcs contra papatuin, 1430. — Henry VX, of England. Processus contra H. licaufori, Card., pro legatione ejus. — Chichele, H., Abp. of Canterbury. Instructio pro cruciata contra Bo- hemos, 1428 ;—Executio bullae pap.ilis. — Epist. Cantabrigiensis anonymi de misero ecclesiae statu, ca. 1520.— Durante, V., Bp. of Termoh, and others. Consilium de ratione stabilicndae ecclesia, 1553. — Hervot, Gentian. De cedes, disciplina restauranda, 1559. — Lindanus, W. D., Bp. of Roennond rilE WHITE LIBRARY. 33 Epist. ad principes Gcrniania; dc cleri moribus. — Olement VII, Pope. Epist. ad Camlum V, 1526.— Charles V, 0/ Gertnany. Ep. ad CIcmeiUcm VII ; — Epp. ad collt.fiiiiin Cardinaliiim ; — Pro testa tin advcrsus Concilium IJniioiiiaiii translntuni. — Ferdinand I, 0/ Germany. l't,titioiiL-s orato- riini Kerd. in Cmic. Trid. de reformatione. — Baumgartner, A. Oralio, nomine Alberti Bavrtnae dncis, in Cone. Trid. — Wicelius, G. Via regia ecclesiae reforniandac ; — Elenchus al»usiiuin ;— Mtthodiis concordisc ; — Adhortatio ad Concilium. — James, T. Vita Wicclii ; — Catalugus authorum qui pro re- formatione scnpsurunt. — G-ardiner, %., Bp. of IViuckcster. De vera obedieniia. — Sampson. R., Bp. 0/ Chichester. De obedientia regi pra;standa. — Barnes, J. Cathnlico-Romanus pacificus.— Brocardo, F. De dementis VIII. fcedcre contra Proiestantes. — Prierias, S. Mazzolini, catled. Modus ad iiKjuirendum Lutheranos. — Excerpta e Hernardo, Joll. Ger- sone, Job. Sarisberiensi, Marsilio Palavino, Alvaro Pelagic, Theodorico de Niem, Fascicule temporum, Abbate Ursper- gensi et Matt. Paris de corruptelis et avaritia ecclesiae Ko- manje. — Officium ordalii vetiis. Gravamina (centum) Gcrmanicse nationis. See Germany — Reichstags Nuremberg^ i^22-2j, Re- S)iun.si<), (■/('. Gravamina (ilecem) (Icrmanica? nationis. See Wimpheling. J. Grevenbroich. Wilhelm von {Laf. Guilel- nius Insulanus). (Jratio funcbris in obiiuni Krasmi. {/n Erasmus, D. Opera, x. 1706.) Grey, I.tu/y Jane. See Dudley. [Gribus, Bartholomaus.] Monopolium phi- l^x•^o]lln)^unl : \uli;i), J}ie Sehe/nieuziifi^'t : alias colIcL^tum . . . seciH'Oiuni cv Ixmoruiii socioruni. {/ti Epistolce obscurorum virorum. 1643.) Grindal. Edmund, Ai>p. of Canterbury. Re- mains; ed. by \V. Nicholson. Cambridge, 1843. 23!'. pp. [4]+2o-f-504. (Parker Soc.) Contents i^—'^\o%. notice. — Sermoti at the funeral ot Emperor Ferdinand. — Dialogue between Custom and Verity. — Occa- sional services for the Plague. — Injunctions and articles of in- quiry. — Disputation at Cambridge, 1549. — E.\amination ol certain Londoners before the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, »567- — Letters. — Miscellaneous pieces. — Last will and testa- ment. — Appendix. — Index. Strype, J. History of Edmund Grindal. 1 82 1. Grob, Jean. Life of Ulric Zwingli; transl. from the German [by G. K. Behringer and I. Iv. Loos J. New York, 1883. 19^. pp. 200. (Standard library, 105.) Groote. Gerhard. Uli.ala.n\, C. {In his Reformers before the Reformation, ii. 1855.) Den gros- | mechtigisten | Fiirsten vnnd her- ren, | herrn Luciffer, sampt gantzer | HeUischer versamblung vn- | sern gnedigsten herren, | vnnd lunck- I herrn. {In Schade, O. Satiren, ii. 1863,) Pretended correspondence between the Pope and the Devil. Appeared also under the title : Ein neuer Send- | brieff von den bosen geysthc- | hen geschickt t2u yrem rechten | her- renn. | Einn Antwort vonn yreni erb | hem w\d ist fast Luszig tzu lesen | Anno M.D.XXl. Ain grosser preis, etc. Sec Epistola cle non apostolicis, etc. [Grumbach, Argula von.] Den Kisamen FiirsiclUigen | vntl Weyscn IJurgermaystern, vnd | Radt der Statt lugolstatt \_sic\ | nieynen guten fieiinden. [ etc. n. p., [1523]. 21X16. pp. [3l-[6]. t.-p. wanting. Panzer, 1887. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers^ /. Wie eyn Chri.stliclie | fraw des adels, in Beiein durch | jien, jn Gotlicher schrift, wolge- giund I ten Sendlhrieffe, die Hohenschul zu Ingold- | Stat, vmb das sie einen Euangelischen Jiing- | ling, zu wydersprechung des wort | Gottes, betrangt haben, | straftet. n. p., [1523]. 21X16. pp. [14I. Panzer, 1880. Dated ' Dielfurt, Sontags nach erhebung aes heiligen Creiitzs Anno d(';«/"iii. &c. Tausent. Kunfthunderl vnd jinw dreiundzwenzigi- stenjar.' In vol. lettered Gentian Tracts by Rc/oriners^ I. Wie eyn t'hristii | clie fraw des Adels, | jn Beiern durch jren | jn Gotlicher schrifTt, | wollge- griindten Sendtbryeffe, | die Hohenschul zu Ingold- stat, I vmb das sie eyne« l!lua;/gelischen | Jiingling, zu widerspre- | chung des wort got- | tes, betrangt | habe«, straf- | fet. | Mit sampt den Artickeln | so er widerriifit | hal. At end : Gedruckt zn Slrassburg durch Mar- | tin Klach. Im jar als | oben stat. [1523.J 19X14- pp. [20]. Wellcr, Rep.^ 2698. t.-p. bor- der. In vol. lettered ^(5 Tractateu. Wie ein Erbare Christliche Fraw mit | namen Ai'gula von Grunpach geboren | von Stauff, in Beyern durch jren, in Gotlicher schriffl ] wolge- griindten Sendtbrieff, die Hohenschul zu Ingol | sladt, vmb das sie einen Euangelischen Jiingli«g (des na | men Arsatius Schouer von Miinchcii) zu widdersprech I ung des worts Gottes, betrangt ha- ben, straffet. | IH'dct.'] | Auch uolgen hiernach die Artickel so | Magister Arsatius Schouer von Miin- chen, durch die | Hohenschul zu Ingolstat beredt am abe«t vnser Frawen | geburt nechst vorschynen, widderruffen vnd verworf- 1 fen hat. | Actum Ingol- stat. M. U. XXiij. 2iX«6- pp. [19]. Panzer, 1884. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers, IV. nie griindliche vnd rechte hauptarticul aller baucrscliaft vnnd hindersessen der gaistliche« vnnT weltliche« oberkaite;;, von welcheH sie sich be- schwert vermainen. t.-p. wanting. [1525.] 19X14. PP. [n]- t.-p. and fol. iv supplied in nis. by a contemporary hand. This is the fa- mous 'Twelve Articles ' of the peasants. Another version in Schilling's Quellenbuch. Cf Weller, Ref>., 3277-3288. Grundt vnnd vrsach, 1524. .See Osiander, A. Gruuthler. Griintler, <"• Gruter, Olympia Fulvia Morata. -V,-,- Morata. GuiUaume tie I'uv-I.aurcns. Chronif]ue, conte- nant I'histoire de rex]i(5dition des P"ran(;ais contre les -Albigeois. (/« Guizot, F. P. G. Col. des mem. relatifs a I'histoire de France, xiii.) Guizot, Fraii9ois Pierre Guillaume. Eclair- cissemens et pieces historiques sur I'histoire des Albigeois. (/« his Col. des mem. relatifs a I'hi- stoire de France, xii. ) Von der giilt. See Hie kompt ein Beiierlein, etc. Gurske. [Lambeck, A. G. H.] Chronik der Kirche zu tiurske. [1S50.] Gustavus Adolphus II, King of Sweden. Thiersch, H. W. J. Luther, Gustav .Adolf und Maximilian I. von Bayern. 1869. Der gut frum Lu- | therisch Pfaffen narr hayss ich I Der mich kaufft der lesse mich. | [ lVdct.'\ n. p., [1521I. 21X16. pp. [7]. Weller, Rep., 1924. In vol. lettered German Trttcts by Re/ormers, III. Partly repr. in Hutten's Op., ed. Bocking, iii. 1862. Ein gutt unterricht, 1524. See Osiander, A. Haag, Eugfene and Emile. La Fraiice pro- testante. on vies des protestants frangais qui se sont fait un nom dans I'histoire depuis les premiers temps de la Reformation jusqu'a la reconnaissance du principe de la liberty des cultes par I'Assembl^e Nationale ; precede d'une notice historique sur le protestantismeen France et suivi de pieces justifica- tives. Paris, 1846-58. 10 V. 2411. Contents: — i. Coup d'oeil sur I'histoire du protestantisme en France. — .\ — Base. ii. Basn — Brod. iii. Bros — Coli. iv. 34 THE nWTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Col! — Esse. Muto. viii. fica lives. V. Esti — Huau. vi. Hube — Lesa. Nage — Rose. ix. Ross — Zorn. x. vii. I §sc — Pieces justi- Hab Gott lieb | vnnd diene | sin al- 1 lein. n. p., [1520]. 20X15. pp. [22]. Weller, Rep., 1395. t.-p. border (a corner torn off). ' Ex bibliotheca Hoft'manni Fal- lerslebens.' Hagen, Karl. Deutschlands literarische und religiose Veiiialtnisse im Reforniationszeitaker; niit besonderer Riicksicht auf Wilibald Pirkheimer. 2« Ausg., mit einem literar-historischen Nekrolog des Verfassers, hr.sg. von H. Hagen. C. Frankfurt a. M., 1868. 21I1. 3 V. HagenaTO-, \'om tag zu. Sec Vom tag zu Ila- gena\\*. Hageubach, Karl Rudolph. History of the Reformation, in Germany and Switzerland chiefly. Transk from the 4tli rev. ed. of the German by E. Moore. Edinburgh, 1878-79. 23^. 2 v. Johann Oekolanipad und Oswald Myconius, die Reformatoren Basels : Leben und ausgewahlte Schriften. Elberfeld, 1850. 23h. pp. 12 + 470+ [i]. Vol. 2 oi Leben It. ausg, Schriften der Vater it. Begriituier tier re/ormirteti Kirche. , editor, Leben und ausgewahlte Schriften der Valer und Begriinder der reformirten Kirche. See Leben, etc. Hall, Bedencken Etlicher Predicanten zu. See Bedeuckeu Etlicher Predicanten. Haller, Berthold. Pestalozzi, C. B. Hal- ler. 1S61. Hamburg. Interim, etc. Bekentnuss vnnd Erklerung aufls 549. See Bekentnuss, etc. l)e rebvs | adiaphoris epi- | stola conciona- to- I rum Hamburgensium ad . . . Melanthonem. [1549.] 6V,' Melanchthon, P. — StadtbibliotJick. Autotypen der Refor- mationszeit. II: Luther-Drucke, i, 1516-1519. 23''- PP- [3] + 30-99. Yrom \i5 Mitiheititngen,\\. 1885. Hamilton, Patrick. Lorimer, P. Patrick Hamilton. 1S57. Han, Nicolaus. See Gallus. Hancock, Thomas. .Autobiographical narra- tive. (/« Nichols, J. G. Narratives of the days of the Reformation. 1S59. ) Die handlung der Uniuersi- 1 thet Leuen wider Doctor 1 Martinus I.uther. | [On!.'\ n. p., [1520]. 19X14- PP- [10]- Weller, /?■■/., 1396. In vol. lettered 46 Tractaten. A lively account of this and of other contemporary transactions, by a sympathizer with Lu- ther. Hanhart, Johannes. Conrad Gessner ; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des wissenschaftlichen Stre- bens und der Glaubensverbesserung im 16. Jahr- hundert. Wiiiterthur, 1824. igh. pp. 2o4-3SS- Appended is .£>/- sto/antvi ntetiicinalittut Cottrntii Gessneri, liber tjuartus ; aiijecto nteditaruiir cjnsdoii epistotaritm specimiue. Hardwick, Charles. History of the Christian church during the Reformation. 2d ed., rev. by F. Procter. Cambridge, f/c, 1865. 2oh. pp. 11-1-459. Hare, Julius Charles. The mission of the Comforter, and other sermons ; with notes. C. London, 1846. 2311. 2 v. Note W in vol. ii., pp. 656-878, is/dcvoted to the task of vindicating Luther froma number of misrepresentations and calumnies, with which he has recently bten assailed.' It was afterwards published separately. See Vindication of Luther against his recent English assailants. 2d ed. repr. and enlarged from the notes to The mission of the Comforter. London, 1855. 23''. pp. 4 + 30S. Harford, John Scandrett. Life of Michael Angelo; also memoirs of Savonarola, etc. 2d ed. London, 1858. 23'>. 2 v. Hartlieb, Jacobus, (psem/,). See De fide meretricum. Hartmann, Julius. Johannes Brenz : Leben und au-.gew.ihlte Scliriften. Elberfeld, 1862. 23I1. pp. 9+[i] 4 338. Vol. 6 of Leben u. ttiisg. Schriften tier Vdier it. Begriinder der littlierischen Kirc/ie. Haselberg, Johann. Die Stend des hai | ligen Rumischen Keichs, ... | . . . I ... so zu .Aug- spurg . . . I . . . auff dem . . . | Reichstag erschi- nen, mitt zierlichen freiiden der Eiirstli- | chen hochtzeit, [tYr.]. 1518. ( /« Hutten, U. V. Opera, ed. Bocking, v. 1861.) Hassencamp, F. AW. Franciscus Lambert von Avignon. Elberfeld, 1S60. 23I1. pp. 63. In Leben n. ciitsg. Schriften der Vdter n. Begrunder der reformirten Kirclte, ix. Die haubt artickel durch welche gemeyne Chri- stenheyt bysshere verfuret worden ist. See Ams- dorf, N. von. Haureau, Jean Barthelemy. Bernard D^- licieux ct rini|uisitiun albigeoise, 1300-1320. r.iris. 1S77. i8h. pp. [2]-(-2i8 + [i). Hausser, Ludwrig. The period of the Refor- mation, 1517-164S; ed. by W. Oncken. Transl. by Mrs. G. .Sturge. London, 1873. 2oh. 2 v. Same. D. New York, 1874. igh. pp. 234-702. Headley, Joel Tyler. Luther. {In his Mis- cellanies. 1850.) Hedge, Frederic Henry. Commemorative dis- course on the 400lh anniversary of the birth of Luther. (In Massachusetts Hist. Soc. Com- memoration. 1S83.) Heerbrand, Jacob. Oratio | fvnebris in obi- 1 tvm inci»m]jarabilis vi- | ri Domini Philippi Melan- thonis, ) habita in .Academia Tubingensi, die decima- I quinta Maij, | a | lacobo Heerbrando | Theologire Doctore& Professore in eadem. | [Port, of Melanch- thon.~\ I Viteberg^ | e.xcvdebat lohannes | Crato. [ Anno M. D. LX. 20X15- PP- [30]- Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwrig. Polit- ical consequences of the Reformation. {.App. to /«> -Ancient Greece. London, 1847.) Hefele, Karl Joseph, Bp. of Rottenburg. Life of Cardinal Ximenez ; transl. by [f.j Dalton. London, i860. 23h. pp. 56-1-581- Heimburg, Gregor. .\ppellatio jiro jiarle .Sigismundi, ducis Austria;. — Confutatio primatus Papre. — Appellatio a Papa ad Concilium futurum. (/« Gratius, O. Fasciculus, ii. 1690.) Um.m.w.v, C. (/« his Reformers before the Refomiation, i. 1S55. ) Heinemann, L. Luther als Padagoge. Braunsclnvci^, 18S3. 22h. pp. 4-1-90+ [ij. Heinrich, Heinz. See Henry. Held, Matthias. [Autograph.] See note nn- . ^. 130+ [14] +224 -I- ("16]. To the Assertio are appended (ff. 102, 103) Luther's letter to Henry, dated Wlttemberg, Sept. 1525, and {ft" 104 — 130) Henry's Ad Martini Lnthert epistolam resfionsio, with an Assertionis septem sa^ramento- rnm index alpkabcticus (ii pp.), followed by a blank leaf. Then the Dejensio of Bp. Fisher, which has scp. t.-p., pagina- tion, and signatures. A Neces- 1 sary Doctrine and eru | dicioii for any chrysten | man, set furth by the j kynges maiestye of | Knglande. &c. | {^Texts.] At end : Imprinted at London in | Fletcslrete liy Thomas Hertliclel, | printer to the kynges hyghnes, | the. XXIX. daye of Maye, | the yere of our lorde. | M. D. XLIII. 1 [/V/j-.] 14I1. pp. [304]. Hlack-lclter. t.-p. border and wdct ini- tials. ' Compiled by the most eminent divines of the Reforma- tion, under tlie direction of Henry VIII,' with a prcf. by Henry 'unto all his faithfull and lovyng subjcctcs.* Epistola I rcgia ad illvstris- | simos Saxonise I dvces pie ad- | monito- 1 ria. [London, /'/wjflw, 1521.] 21X15. PP- I^s]- t.-p. border by Holbein. Appended to the author's Assertw septem sa- I era mentorum aduersus Martin. \ Lnthernm, 1521, with which it was evidently printed. Henry, the Younger^ Duke of Brunnviek- Wolf- enbiitteL KoLDFAVEY, F. Heinz von VVolfenbiit- tel. 1883. For contemporary satires upon him, see Schade, Satirett, \. 1863. Henry, Paul Emillus. Das Leben Johann Calvin's. Hamburg, <-fr., 1846. 21I'. pp. i3 + [i] +498. PorL Same. Englis/i. Life antl times of John Calvin ; transl. by H. Stebbing. London, 1849, 23''. 2 v. App. to this transl. (not to the orig.) arc documents relating to the trial of Serveliis. Heppe, Heiiirich Lud-wig Julius. Das ScliulwL'sen lies Miltelalters mid .lessen Reform im 16. Jahrlitniilerl ; mil einem Aljdruck von Bugen- hagens Schulordnung der Stadt Liibeck. Marburg, i860. 24''. pp. [6] +64 + [2] +32. The reformers of England and Germany in the l6th century: their intercourse and corres- pondence. Transl., with additions, by H. Schmet- tau and B. H. Cowper. London, 1859. 1711. pp. 16+198 + fi). With an appendi.M of the correspondence between the German and the English reformers. Theodor Beza : Leben und ausgevvahlte Schriften. ElberfelJ, 1861. 2311. pp. 8+384. Vol. 6 of Leien u. ansg. Schriften der I'ater u. BegriintUr der rc/ormirten Kirche. Heresbach, Kourad. Wolters, A. Konrad von Heresbach und der Clevische llof zu seiner Zeit. 1S67. Hermaun von Fritzlar. Scf Fritzlar. Herminjard, Aime Louis, ciiitoi: Corre- spondance des refornialeurs dans les pays de langue fran^aise ; avec d'autres lettres relatives a la re- forme. Geneve, etc., 1866-72. 2411. 4 v. Contents: — I. 1512-26. ii. 1527-32. iii. 1533-36. iv. 1536-38. Herold, Johaiin Basil. Philopseudes, sive pro Desitlerio Krasmo Koterodamo, contra dialogum famosum anonymi cujusdam, declamatio. (/« Erasmus, D. Opera, viii. 1706.) Herrick, Samuel Edwrard. Some heretics of yesterday. London, 18S4. 2tl'. pp. 7+ [2] + 320. Contents: — Tauler and the mystics. — Wichf. — Hus. — Savonarola. — Latimer. — Cranmer. — Melanclhon. — Knox.— Calvin. — Coligny. — William Brewster. — Wesley. Hertzberger, Antonius Otto. Von dem fro- lichen | Ablas auff das giildene j Jar, des jtzigen | fiinflftzigsten | Jars. | Antonius Otto Hertzberger. I [TVx^] At end: Gedruckt zu Magdeburg bey | Christian Rodinger. [1550.] 21X16. pp. [31]. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers, V. 36 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Hervet, Gentian. Oratio tie ecclesiastica disci- plina restaurajula. 1559. (/k Gratius, O. Fasci- culus, ii. 1690.) Hesse, Bedencken Etlicher Predicanten in. See Bedeuckeu ICiliclier Predicanten. Hessus, Heliua Eobanus. Operum | Helii Eobani Hessi | fairagines dvae, ex novis- | sima Au- toris Recogiiitione quam fieri po- | tuit emendatfe editse. | Calalogum uersa pagella ostendet. | \_J'art. of Hessus.l I Francofvrti. A I end: Francoforti excudebat Petrus | Brubacchius, Anno Do- | mini 1564. lyh. pp. [i6]^87i. Text in italics. Wdct initials. Coi:tents .•— Bucolicorum Idyllia 17. — Heroides.— Illustrium ac clarorum uirorum Epicedia. — Syluarum libri nouem.— Vrbis Norinbergae descriptio. — E.vpeditio & uictoria in Sueiiis prin- cipis Hessi, &c. — Coluthus de raptu Helense & iudicio Paridis. ^Loci Homerici insigniores uersi. — Praecepta salubria. — Ele- giarum libellus. Res]ionsio Maximiliani August! ad Italian!. [1516]. (/« Hutten, U. v. Opera poelica, 1538 ; ,;;/(/ in his C>pera, ed. Bocking, i, 1859.) Not in Hessus' own Opera. Saluberrima | bona; | valetvdinis | tvendje prEecepta | Eobani Hessi, poetae | festiuissinii, Ele- giaco carmine, ad imi- | tationem Galeni, conscripta, nouisqwe' | Commentarijs a Petro Hassardo | Armen- teriano. Medico cS: | Chirurgo, illustrata. | [Epi- graph.'\ I [Or«.] | \Piiv.^ \ Francofortlia;, | Apud hsredes Christiani Egeiiolphi.| Anno M.D.LXVIII. ish. ff. 6i-l-[2]. Geiger, L. H. Eobanus Hessus : sein Leben und seine Werke, von C. Krause. [1879.] A review. Hessus, Simon. Frag und antwort Simonis Hessi und Martini Lutheri. [1521 1. (/« Hutten, XJ. V. ( ipera, ed. Bocking, iv. i860.) Heyden, Sebald. Das der eynig | Christus vnnser mitler ( vnd fursprech sey bey dem vat- ] ter, nicht sein mutter, noch die | heyligen. Darumb nun Christo, | vnd nicht seiner mutter, das in | dem gesang so.Salue Regina | anfaht, gesungen soil wer- den. I Schirmrede durch Sebaldum | Heyden in latin beschriben vnd | yetzt newlich verdeutscht. | [/ V;j-<;. Jerome) of Prague. Histo- ria loannis Hvssi et Hieronymi Pragensis. See Hus, J., and others. Co.NSTANCE, CoUN'cil, OF. Condenmalio Hieronymi. — PoGGio Bracciouni, G. F. De Hieronymi obitu. (/« Gratius, O. Fasciculus, i. 1690.) Hildegard, Saint, abbess. See Osiander, A., editor. Sant Hildegarten weissagung. [1527.] Himmelswagen. See Leonrodt, H. v. Hipler, Franz. Xikolaus Kopernikus und Mar- tin l.uther, nacli ermlandischen Archivalien. Brannsberg, 1868. 24l>. pp. 475-549 of Zeitschri/t fiir die Geschiehte und A Iterthumsktimie Ertnltinds, II. Heft {Bd. iv. Heft z). App. as Betlaffeu are : Die I'ita Copernici von Sim. Starowotsliif 1627. — Kingabe der Mutter des Ko- pernikiis. Barbara Beittler. an die preitssisctten Stdnde, 1512. — Regimen sanitatis D. Copernici Canoitici Vartniensis. — yoliaintes Dnjttislius aji den Bisc/tof z'ofi Posen, 1523. — FItilippHS titelant/ton an Johanties Dantis/eiis, 1533. Histoire du Calvinisme et celle du Papisinc mises en parallele . . . .SVt- Jurieu, P. Historia loannis Hvssi el Hieronymi Pragensis. See Hus, J., and others. Des hochlobliche" \ schwebischen puwds | Hor- zug im laiidt zu Wirtenberg | etc. 1519. (/« Hutten, U. v. Opera, ed. Bocking, iii. 1862.) Hoohstra I tvs ovans. Dialogvs. [1520.] (/« Hutteu, U. V. Opera, ed. Bocking, vi. 1864.) Hochstraten, Jakob van. .See Hoogstraten. Ein hoffartiger sendebrieff weylant Babsts Adriani, an Keyser Fridrich den ersten. See Adel- phus, J. Hoffmann, Friedrich Lorenz. Essai d'une liste des collections de lettres ecrites par Erasme. pp. 1 + 18. ' Extrait du Biblio- 15ruxelles, i86g. pliile beige, Tom. II Hofler, Karl Adolph Constantin. Wahl und 1 hronbesteigung des letzten deutschen Papstes, Adrian's VI, 1522. [Wien, 1861.] 24I'. pp. 147-242. n. t.-p. From the 5//- zmigsbertcltte of the pliil.-Iiist. Classe of the Vienna Akad. der M'isseftsclu\fte7t for 1872. Hofmaun, Carl Gottlob. Zu dem erbaulichen Andencken des Sterbe-Tages unsers seel. Herrn D. Martin Luthers : [Gedachtniss-Predigt,] Witten- berg, 18. P'eb. 1746. Wittenberg, [1746]. 22X19. PP. 32. In vol. lettered Hof- jnann, Lrct/ier. Memoriam saecvlarem fvneris et sepvlcri D. Martini Lvtheri recolere stvdet D. Carolvs Gott- lob Hofmannvs. Witlebergae, 1746. 22X19. pp- [10] 4 160. Port. Ap- pended . pp. (4] -f 42 -I- [2). In vol. Der Huren Wirt. | Eins Hurenwdrts, aber doch Schrifft-] lich, gesprech mit eimonerkanten Bischofif, wie sie on- | gefer gen Trient auffs Coniilium /urey- (^hi Schade, O., 1863.) Short history of Ports., colored map, sen ini feUlt | zusanicn koninicn. editor. Satiron, iii, pji. 271-293. Hurst, John Fletcher, Bp. the Reformation. New York, 1884. x?''. pp. [6J + 125. and illus. Hus, Jan. Drei Synodalreden, ausdem Lateini- schen iiher.sctzt. — Drei Predigten, aus dor hohnii- schen I'ostille iibersetzt. (/;/ Krummel. L. Geschiclite der bohniischen Kefornialion. 1S06. ) I.ettres Sorites durant son exil et dans sa prison, avec une preface de Martin Luther; trad. du latin en fran(;ais et suivies d'unc notice sur [ses] o-uvres par £. de Bonnechose. 2« €<\. Paris, 1846. 19I'. pp. 16 + 255. , and others. Historia | loannis IIvs- | si et Hieronymi ] Praj;ensis, martyrvm | et confessorvm | Christi. ] Monumental etiam Ilvssi, cvm [ fivibvsdam memorandis, \ de inivsta condemnationt; et indigno ] vtrivsqve niartyris svpph'cio, | narration ibvs, a nobi- I Htate, eruditione & pietate prcestantibus illoruni Martyrum discipuHs, & re- | rum in Synodo Con- stantiensi gestaruni consciis, atq//t' crude- | lium supjiliciorum sj^ectatoriljus, | conscriplis : j partim nvnc primvni in Iv- | cem edita, jiartim annis supe- rioribus pul)Hcata. | . . . | [7iuV. ] | Noribergae ] Excudebant Catharina Gerlachin & lixredes Mon- tani. I Anno Domini | M D LXXXIII. At end of first part : [j9f7'/cr. ] | [71'.v/. ] | Noribcrgre, ajiud loannem Montanum, | ts: Vh'icum Neuberum. T.-p. of second part : Monumen- | torvni loannis I Hvs, altera pars. | Addita; svnt nar- | rationes de condemnatione in- j ivsta, et indigno svpplicio loan- nis I Hvs, et Hieronymi Pragensis, ab incertis av- tbo- I ribus, sed sanctorum IVIartyrum, ut apparet, discipulis, supe- 1 rioribus annis conscriptre & publi- catc^. I [/lu-A] I {Orn.^ | . . . | . . . | Noribergse, anno | M. D. LVTIT. At end: S^De7'ice.^ \ [ TV^A] | Noribergce, apud loannem Montanum, & | Vlricum Neuberum. [1558] h""- 2 v. in I (ff. [8]+47i, [2] +366+[i]). Wdcts and wdct initials. Not a reprint of the ed. of 1558, but the ed. of 1558 itself, with merely a new t.-p. to part I — a device of the publisher's heirs to work off his old slock. Contents: — i. Luther, M. Prtefationes. — Historia de actis et martyrio Joannis Hus, in Concilio Constantiensi. — Hus, J. Explicatio Symboli, Decalogi, Orationis DominiccE, cum aliis . . . scriptis . . , qua: ... in carcere . . . composuit; — De sanguine Christ! sub specie vini a laicis sumendo ; — De suffici- entia legis Christi ad regendam ecclesiam : — Sermo de fidei suae ehicidatione; — Serino de pace;— 68 epistolje J. Hus et ali- orum sub tempus Concil. Const. ; — Narratio de initiis et pro- gressu certamlnum ejus cum factione pontilicia ; — Appellatio contra combustionem librorum Joannis Wiclefi"; — Epistolae, quo tempore per excommunicationem Praga abierat ; — De li- bris haereticorum legendis ; — Defensio libri J. Wicleff de Trini- tate ; — Replica contra Jo. Stokes: — Defensio quonindam arii. culorum J. Wicleff; — De ablatione bonorum temporalium a clericis ;■ — De decimis; — Replica contra occullumadversariuni ; — Replica contra prsedicatorem Plznensem ; — De arguendo clero pro concione ; — De 5 officiis sacerdotis; — De sanguine Christi: — De corpore Christi; — De 3 dublis factis in Holo- mutz ; — De credere.— John XXIII, Pope. Bulla indulgentia- rum pro subsidio contra Ladislaum regeni ; — Hulla de erectione crucis contra Ladislaum. — Hus, J. De indulgentiis, sive De cruciata Papa; ; — Contra bullam Papas; — Opusculum de sex erroribus ; — De ecclesia ; — Responsio ad S. Paletz ; — Respon- sio ad S. de Znoyma; — Refutatio octo dnctorum. — Jessenic, J. Defensio causeC J. Hus, 1412. — Brunfels, Otto. Praefatio 38 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Johann Hus. 1869. Hus. (/« his Heretics of ad Luthenim, Hbris J. Hus pnefixa, 1524. — Has, J. D^ An- tichristo; — De regno, etc., Antichristi: — De sacerdotum et monachorum abominatione ; — De abolendis sectis ; — De per- nicie traditionum : — De unltate ecclesice; — De evangelica per- fectione : — De mysterio iniquitatis Aniichristi; — De revela- tione Chrisli et Antichristi; — Fragnienta. ii. Hus, J. Hisioria gesiorum Christi; — Historia passionis Christi; — Conciones synodicce; — Sermones 28: — Explicatio in Ep. ad Corinthios; — In Ep. Apostolorum commentarii ; — Enarratio Psalin. iog-ii8: — De corpore Christi in sacramento; — De adoratione. — Narratio de condemnatione et supplicio J. Hus, in Synodo Constantiensi. — Hus, J. Carmen de ccena Domini. — Narratio de Magistro Hieronymo Pragensi, pro Christi nomine Constantiae exusto. — AHa de eodeni narratio. — Poggio Bracciolini, G-. F. Epistola de obitu Hieronyml Pragciisis. — Sermo habitus in Bethlehem, [Prague,] in memo- nam novorimi martyrum, Hus et Hieronymi. — Prague, Uni- versity of. Adsertio communionis sub utraque specie. — Pe- . trus, 0/ Bohemia. Revocatio Petri, monachi Pragensis. — Oxford, University of. Testimonium de doctrina et vita J, Wicleff. Constance, Council of. Condemnatio Hussi. {In Gratius, O. Fascicular, i. 1690.) Ekrores Johnnnis Wlckleff et Johannis Huss. (/;/ Constauce, Council of. Acta Scilu dignissima. 1500.) Henke, E. L. T. Herrick, S. E yesterday. 1884.) LOSERTH, J. Wiclif and Hus. 1884. Rust, A. J. D. Huss. {//i Mathe- sius, J. Leben Luthers. 1841.) Williams, \V. R. Wycliffe, Savonarola, and Huss. {In his Eras and characters of history. 1882.) DetacJied Portrait. Ware Contrafactur, Johannis Hussen, | welcher von wegen der bekantniss Christi zu Cost- nitz ist verbrand worden. .// end : Gedruckt zu Niirnberg, durch Mattheum Rauch. Nuremberg, [15 — ]. 34X23. A broadside: title at top, fol- lowed by a wdct portrait of Hus (24> 22, half-length, pro- file, to left, in doctor's cap and furred robe), colored by hand. Below, the story of Hus, in 2 cols, of 10 lines each, and the imprint, as above. In pnvtfol. lettered Re/oriuation. Huss, John. Sec Hus. Hutchinson, Roger. Works ; ed. by J. Bruce. C:iml)ridge, 1S42. zsh. pp. Ul + 'S + BSo- {Parker Sec.) Contents : — Biog. notice of Roger Hutchinson. — The Image of God or Layman's Book. — Sermons on the Lord's Supper. — Sermons on oppression, affliction and patience. — Index, con- taining a glossary. Hutten, Johann von. Variascripta ad causam interenipli Joannis Hutteni pertinentia. {In Hut- ten. U. V. Opera, ed. Booking, i. 1859.) A faithful repr., from the orig. impressions, of all the extant documents relating to this affair and of the main contemporary accounts of it. flutten, Ulrich von. Works by Hutten. POMPLETE WORKS. —^ — opera qu?e reperiri potuerunt omnia ; edi- dit K. Bocking. Lipsiae, 1859-69. 24I1. 7 v. Doublet. -pp. (Lai. and Ger.). Vols, vi and vii are lettered Supplem. 1 and Snpplem. 2, /, //, respectively. Contents: — L Index bibliographicus Huttenianus. — Horo- scopos Hutteni. — Epistolse Hutteni, item ad cundcm deque eodem ab aliis ad alios scriptse, 1506-1520. ii. Fpistolae Hut- teni, f/f., 1521-1523. — Epi-stola; de eodem, 1523-1725. iii. Hutteni poemata, cum corollariis (i. Elcgia; ct De arte versifi- candi. — 2. Exhortatona, Epigrammata, Heroics, res Germani- cas, Venetas, Ronianas spectantia. — 3. Carmina panegyricum ctun cxclamatorio, deploratorium, triumpliale. — 4. Contra Ro- manistas pro Luthero.). — Addenda ad voll. i, ii, iii, iv, v. iv. Hutteni dialogi, item pseudohnitcnici non nuUi. — Addenda ad vol. i. Epistulai. y. Hutteni orationcs ct scripta didascalica, cum coroll.-iriis. — Addenda ad voll. i, ii. vi. (Suppl. i). Epi- siola; obscurorum virorum, cum inlusirantibus ad Versa riisquc scriptis. vii (SoppL ii), 1. Index editionum Epistolamm ob- scurorum virorum. — Indicis bibliographici Hutteniani supplc- mentum, cum indice libellorum non Huttcnianorum. — Index scriptonim causam Reuchlinianam spegtantium. — Conspectus chronologicus scriptorum gestorumque qua: prsecipue ad cau- sam Reuchlinianam et ad Epp. O. V. pertinent. — Index verbo- rum qua; in Epp. O. V. leguntur. — Nomina eorum aquibus et ad quos Epp. O. V. scripts finguntur. vii, 2. Index biogra- phicus et onomasticus. — Commentarius, sive ad Epistolarum ob- scurorum virorum varias partes adcuratius explicandas adnota- tio. — Addenda et emendanda ad Hutteni opp. voll. i-vii. Or, less explicitly, in English: — i. Letters, 1506-20. ii. Letters, 1521-23. iii. Poetical writings, iv. Dialogues, v. Orations and didactic writings, vi. 'X\i^ EpistoltE obscurorutn viroritvt. vii. Indexes, etc. But no table of contents less extended than those of the sev- eral vols, could suggest the wealth of ilhistralive contemporary matter reproduced in this rich collection. SINGLE WORKS AND COLLECTIONS. Note. — The productions of Ulrich von Hutien are here ar- ranged in the chronological order followed by Bocking" in his Index bibliographicus Huttenianus (see his ed. of Hutten's Opera, vols, i and vii) : and a reference from each title to that masterful bibliography makes more detailed description un- necessary. Panegyricns. 1 51 5. In lavdem reverendissi | mi Alberthi Arche- piscopi [j/c] I Moguntini VIrichi de Hutten | Equitis Panegyricus. | \jirms.~\ At end : TubingEe apud Thomam Anshelmum | Badensem. Mense P'ebrua- rio. I Anno M.D.XV, 19X14- PP- [59]- Bocking, x, 1. Epistola Itahae. 1516. Epi I stola ad | Maximili- | anum Cpesareni | Itali(?e fictitia. | Hulde- | richo | de Hutten equ. Au- ihore. n. p., [1516]. 21X15- pP- [m]- Bocking, xi, 1. t.-p. border. Bd. in leaf from an illuminated book. Phalarismtis. 151 7. Dialogus cui titulus Phalarismus. (/;/ his ' Sleckelberg Collection ' : Hoc in volumine, etc.^ 1519, which see heknv. Also in his Op., iv.) Same. German. Hie nach volget ein scharffes kiinstlichs gedicht vo;/ eine;« Tyranne// | vnd etzlichew grausamen, vnmenschhche;; geschich- te«, Erstlich | durch den Ernueste« \\\d hochbe- riimpte/; hern Vlriche;; | vo;/ Hutten gekrontew Poeten vn/., i, but reduced and prolile turned to left). [ ] Joannis Reuclilin viri claii.ssinii | Encomi- on: Tritimplianti illi ex | Deuictis Obscuris viris: id est I Theologistis Colonienjv/wj- et Fra | tribus de ordine Tredicato | rum : ab Eleulherio Bize | no de- cantatum. jHagenau, 1520?] 19X14. pp. [43]. Docking, Im/cx llitt., .\vi, 2. Aitln Diaiogits. 1518. Vlrichi De Ilvtten | Eqvitis Germa | ni. Avla. Di I alogvs. | Ad Lectorem. | Kes est noua Lector, res est iucuj/da | lusus perurbaims & facetus : dispe I ream nisi Icgisse voles. V'alc. | [/'r/i'.] At tiid : In officina e.Ncusoria Sigismundi Grimm Me- dici, I iV Marci Vuyrsung. Anno virginei partus | M.D.XVIII. die vero .xvij. | Scptendiris. [.Augshnrg,] 1518. 21X16. pp. [31]. iiocking, xvii, i. t.-p. border. ^ Steckdberg Collection.' 1519. Hoc in volv|niine hacc continentvr | Vl- richi llvtteni Eqv. | Super inlcrfcctione propinqui sui loannis Hut- | teni ICr|u. 1 Jeploralio. | Ad Lu- douiclium Hultenum super iutercmptio | ne tilij Consolatoria. | In VIrichum Vuirtenpergenseni ora- tiones V. | In eundum Dialogus, cui tittilus Pliala- rismus. | Apologia pro Phalarismo, & aliquot ad amicos | epistola;. | Ad Franciscum Galliarum regem epistola ne ] causam Vuirleupergen.ri'w tueatur ex- hortatoria. | Ad lectorem. | Res est noua, res est atrox, & horrenda, dispeream | nisi legisse uoles. \2Ae. Atmd: Hoc Vlrichi de | Hvtten Eqvit. | Ger. invecti | varvni | cvm aliis qvi- | bvsdam in ty I rannvm VVir | tenpergen | scm opvs | excvsvm in ar I ce Stekel- | berk An. I M. I). XIX. Mense I Vllbri. [Mainz, 1519.] 20X16. pp. \^\i\. Backing, xxiv, i. Port, of Hutten, and cut of hiscousni's murder. Wdct initials. l"he contents include several letters of Hutten not enumerated on tlie t.-p. For the proof that this work was printed, not at Steckelberg, but by Schoffer at Mainz, see Hocking, as above. The misleading colophon was only a device to save the real printer from persecution — a persecution which later, for print- ing Htitten's attacks on the Pope, he actually suffered. At top of the t.-p. of this copy, in a contemporary hand : * Emi A«no xx'> \\ solidos ... In Rostochio.' Other ms. notes in same hand, including a list of book-titles. De imitate eccksiae, 1520. De vnitate ec | clesiae conservanda, et schi I smate, quod Tuit inter Henrichum, IIII. imp. & Gre- Igorium VII. Pont. Max. cuiusdam eius tem- | poris Iheologi liber, in uetustiss. F"ul- | densi biblio- theca ab Hutte- | no inuentus nuper. At end : In redibus loannis SchelTer Moguntini men- I se Martio Anno M. D. XX. | \_Dt~dn'.'\ 19X15- PP- [l2] + i49- Backing, XXV, I. Wdct initials. Dtalogi Fortnna, ti^c. 1520. ^ Hvlderichi | Hvtteni Eq. Germ. | dialogi. | \^lVdct.'\ I Fortvna. | Febris prima. | Febris se- cunda | Trias Romana. | Insjiicientes. | [/'We/.] At end : Mogvntiae ex officina libraria | loannis Scheffer Men.se | Aprili .\nno M.D.XX. 20X15. pp. [143]- Backing, xxvi, I. Some initi.als wdct, others indicated. I'adisetis, siz'e Trias Riitnana, 1520, 1521. Trias Romana. (//; ///V Dialogi. | Fortvna, etc. 1520. Also in Pasquillorum tomi duo. IS44-) Tria.s Romana | Ilulderichi | Hutteni Equi- tis I Germani et poeta; | Laureati : | Dialogus lectu dignis- I simvs : m qvo Rtmiani I'on- | tificis ipsius- q«(' satellituni scelera iS: turpitudines, | fraudes, iin- postura: & rapina; mira brevilate | & concinna sua- vitate descriliuntur. I [0/-«.] I I'rimi'im ante annos L.wi. .scriptus, tV nuncstudio& opera M. Joh.annis Velii I Einbeca- ad S. Jacobum pastoris denuo in | lucem editus. | M. I). XIIC. n. p. i6h. pp. [104]. Bocking, xxviii. [ ] Same. German. Trias Romana. | Wiltu etwas neiies haben I.ass diss biichlcin nicht vor iiber draben AufTdass du lernest, wie es zu Rom zu gect Vnd auch yetzundt leyder in der geistlichkeit steel Von dreyen dingen wirdt es genandt Wie offenbar wirt werden all zu handt. I S. P. Q. R. I iAigument.^ "■ P-, ['5 — ?]• 15X11. pp. [8J. An abridgment of the German translation of the satire. Clearly identical with Bockiufi's xxviii, 1*, which, however, that editor had not seen, and copies Panzer's errors in describing. Thesupposed first ed. De scliisniitte extingjtcndo. 1520. De schismate | extingvendo, et vera eccic | siastica libertate adse t renda epistolae ali|qvot mi- rvni in mo | dvm liberae, et | veritatis | stvdio | stre | nvx I Vide lector & adticieris. | Iluttenus in lucem edit. n. p., [1520]. 21X15. pp. [83]. Hocking, xxix, i. Wdct initials. Epistola ad Liithenitn, 1520. Epistola Vlri- I chi de Hvtten | Equilis, Ad D. Martinum Lu- | therum Theologum. | \'uittem- berga^. [Wittenberg, 1520.] 21X15- pp. [3]. Bockin^, xxx, r. t.-p. border. The letter is dated ' Mogunt. raptiin. li. Nonas lunii. Auno M.D.XX.' Cotiijuesiiottcs. 1520. Hoc in libello h;ec continentur, | Vlrichi | De Hutten, B>|uilis Ger | mani, ad Carolum Impera- torem, ad- | uersus intentataw sibi a Ronianistis I vim & iniuriain, con- | questio. | Eiusdem alia ad Principes ac viros Ger- | nianite, de eadem re con- questio. | Eiusdem ad Albertum lirandepurgenjcw, & I Friderichuni .Saxonuw Ducew, Prin- 1 cipes Elec- tores, ali«eq?;t' ad alios | Epistolae. | lacta est alea, .4tend: q;/r7rto calewi/oj- Octob. | \^EpigrapIi.'\ [Strasburg, 1520.] 20X14. pp. [38]. Bocking, xxxi, i. Bulla Leonis X. 1520. Bvlla I Deciini Leonis, contra errores Mar- tini I Lutheri, & sequacium. | [Pupa/ anus.'] | Vide lector, operr7eprecium est. Adficie- 1 ris. Cogno- sces qualis pastor | sit Leo. [Wittenberg, 1520.] 20X15. pp. [42]. Bocking, xxxii, i. /« inccndiuin Lntheranitm, 1520. , and others. Contenta : | Vlrichi .ali Hut- ten, Equitis Germ. Exclamatio, in | incendium Lu- theranuni. | Chunradi .Sarctoris saxofranci, de e.adem re ad | Germanos Oratio. | Carmen elegans & doctum, in Hieronymuw .\le- | andrum, hostem Germanicwe liberratis [.r/r]. | Conclusiones decern christianissi- m<7e, per .\ndreaOT | Bodenstein, de Carlostad. | Vuittenberga; | disputa- | t(?e. n. p., [1520]. 21X16. pp. [19]. Bocking, xxxiii", 3. * Chun- radus Sarctor Saxofrancus' is undoubtedly a pseud., and Bocking has shown that his Oratio is only another form of the Epistola Udcloni Cyntbri Ciisani de exustione librornin Lu- theri which appeared the same year. Weller fin his Lex. pseud.) ascribes the latter to Hutten ; but Bocking says, ' De vera libelli auctore mihi non constat.' Ihe Carmen in Ale- afuiruin belongs clearly to the same author, as does also the Expostulatio appended to it. 40 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Eyn klag vber den Luterischen | Bran^lt zu Mentz durch herr | Vlrich von Hutten. | fie. [Wittenberg, 1521.] 20X15. PP- [4]- "• t-P- Booking, xxxiii^*, 4. Clag und vorntanung. 1520. Clag vnd vormanu;7g gegen | dem iiber- massigen vnchristlichen gewalt des Bapsts | zu Rom, vnd der vngcistliche;; geistlichen, durch herr | en Vlrichen von Hutten, Poeten, vn a' Orator der gantz I en Christenheit, ywd zuuoran dem vatterland Teiitsch- | er Nation zu nutz vnd gut, von wegen gemeiner be- | schwernuss, vnd auch seiner eigen notturfft, in Reym- | ens weyss beschriben. | \_Epi- graph.^ n. p., [1520]. 21X16. pp. [52]. Bocking, xxxiv, i. Port, of Hutten, laurel-crowned, in armor, on reverse of t.-p. Lebendige abcontrafa- | ctur dess gantzen Bapsthumbss. j Sampt einer trostbchen ermanung an die | freien, starcken Helden Teutscher Nation, das .'^ie doch ein | mal das vatterlandt von diesem hellischen hundt gar errelten, | KurlzweiUg vnnd trostlich zulesen. | Manes Huttenj. | Jelzunt von newem aussgangen. I \_Wdct,^ [Strasburg, 1546.] 19X15. PP- [48]. Bocking, xxxiiii, 4. For the imprint see Goedeke. At end of text (p. 46) a wdct, and the two following pp. (47, 48) filled wholly with wdcts — all irrelevant to the text. A revised form of his Clag und vor- mauung, Anzeige, unc sich die Papstc gegen die Kaiser gehalteit. 1520. Kurtzer auszug wie bos- | lich die Bepste gegen den Deudsch- | en Keysern jemals gehandelt, das billich, auch nur | vnib der gewonheit willen, kein Keyser eini- | gem Bapst mehr vertrawen soit, I Er woUe denn gern laetrogen sein. | Durch Herr Vlrichen von Hut- | ten eltwan zusamen bracht. I l\Vdit'\ n. p., [1520?]. 2oX[5. PP- [23]- Bocking, x.vxv, 7. Wdct initial. Bd. m a leaf of an old black-letter bouk. Ein trewe Warnung, | [Wie die] bapst all- wegen wider die Teut | schen Keyser gewesst, auft das kiirtzest auss alien Chro- | nicken gezogen. K. M. fiirzubringen. | Manes Huttenj. | Item, Das die Reiser allwegen gewalt, Die Bapst | auff vnnd ab zusetzen, gehabt, zeugnuss auss der Bapst Chronica, I Vnd wie solchs durch betrug Bonifacij iij. auff die Bapst kummen, | hiss auff Joannem .xij. der hat erst den Keyser gar vnder- | truckt, vnnd den Keyser evdt recht gespickt. | Vnnd zum dritten, werden der Bapst satzung niit der leer | Christ] verglichen. | [/KAY.] I [A>>n7//;.] n. p., [1520]. 19X15. pp. [40]- Booking, xxxv, g. Wdcts. The t.-p. has lost the bracketed words. DJaivgi Jioz'i. 1521. Dialogi I Hvttenici | noui, perquam | festi- ui. I Bvlla, uel BuUicida. | Monitor primus. | Moni- tor secundus. | Pra^dones. | [IVdc/: Hntten^ stand- ing, in armor.'] \ \_Epigrapk.] [? Tiibingen, 1521.] 21X16. ff. 37. Bocking, xxxvi, i. Text in italics. Initials indicated. After folio 31 there occnrs some confusion in the numbering of the folios; folios ^2 and 37 having no numbers at all, and folios 33 and 34 beanng the numbers 37 and 27 respectively. Expostulatio cum Erasmo. 1523. Vlrichi Ab Hvtten j Cum Erasmo Rotcro- damo, pres- | bytero, theologo, | lixpostvlatio | A priore deprauatione | uindicata iam. | Othonis Brvn- felsii I Pro Vlricho Hutteno dcfuncto, ad | P>asmi Roler. Spongiam, | Responsio. | \_McdalHon of Hut- ten.] [? Augsburg, 1523.] i6h, pp. [136]. Bocking, xlv, 2. Text in italics. Medallion of Erasmus on last page. A riuinins. 1529. Arminivs] Dialogus Huttenicus, Quo | homo patriae aman- | tissimus, Germa | norum laudem | celebrauit. At end : Haganoce in a^dibus I lohan. Sec. Anno I M.D.XXIX. i6h. pp. [46). Bocking, xlviii, i. The prefatory verses of Eobanus Hcssus are dated 'Nvrenbergse, Anno M.D.XXVIl I. Meiise Augusto.' The last leaf bears only a device; but on its reverse, in a neat contemporary hand, is the following ' Elegans et venustum Epigram- I ma in studiosorum co«- temptores [ scriptum a Joanne Stygelio. ' Ausum Phoebrteos quowdam co«temnere cantKJ Prisca refert poenas fama dedisse Mydaw Zoihis ingenio magni detraxit Homeri Inuenit poenas no« minus ille suas Nu«c impune licet co«uitia dicere doctis Vltor & hie aliq7//s now cupit esse Deus? Ira q«(7d hic cessat tua Phoebe, quo. Vol. iii of Straass, D. F., Ulrich von Hutten. Contents: — Fortuna. — Das Ficber. I. — Das Ficber. II. — Vadisciis oder die Romische Drcifaltigkeit. — Die Anschauen- - books andmss., with much of later date, may be found gathered in Bocking's etj. of Hutten's Opera (mainly in vols, i, ii). Chauffoi'R-Kestner, V. U. von Hut- ten. 1863. Krichel, a. De Ulrici Hutteni studiis politicis. 1866. Maccai.l, W, Hutten. (/«/;/> Foreign biographies, i. 1873.) Meyer, C. F. Huttens letzte Tage. 1872. Reichenbach, a. U. von Hutten. 1877. Steiner, L. U. von Hutten : Drama. 1886. Strauss, D. F. U. von Hutten. i8i;8- 60. ^ Slime. English. U. von Hutten : his life and times. 1874, Wagenseil, C. J. U. von Hutten ge- schildert. [179-?] Weislinger, J. N. Huttenus delarvatus. 1 730- Zeller, J. U. de Hutten. 1849. Huttenus captivus : [dialogus]. Av Dialog! septem, etc. ; and ConcUiabvlvm theologistarvm, etc. Huttenus illustris: [dialogiis]. .Jc^ Dialog! septem, etc. ; ami Conciliabvlvm theologistarvm, etc. Hymelwagen. .S' Reformers before the Reformation, i. 1855.) Jacobi, Jobann Adolf. Eichenlaub auf Lu- thers Grab gestreut, im Jahre 181 7. Ootha, 1817. joli. pp. 6+249+[i]. A life of Luther, with 6 ports,, 2 other plates, and a ' Musik-Beilagc.' James, Thomas. Vita G. Wicelii. — Catalogus authorum qui de deformatione vel pro reformatione ecclesia; Romanas scripserunt. — Notatio operum Wicelii. {In Gratius, O. Fasciculus, ii. 1690.) [Jamiesou, T. H.] Notice of the life and writings of .'Me.xander Barclay, the translator of Brandt's Ship of fools. —Bibliographical catalogue of Barclay's works. {In Brant, S. Ship of fools, i. 1874.) Jansen, Karl. Aleander am Reichstage zu Worms, 1521. Kiel, 1883. 26X21. pp. [2)-i-72. Janssen, Johannes. Die allgemeinen Zu- stande des deutschen Volkes beim Ausgang des Mittelalters. 5. Aufl. Freiburg i. B., 1879. 23!!. pp. 404-615. Vol. i of his Ge- sckichte des deutscken Volkes sett dem A usgang des Mittelal- ters. Zustande des deutschen Volkes seit dem Beginn der politisch-kirchlichen Revolution bis zum .\usgang der socialen Revolution von 1525. 6. ver- besserter .\bdruck. Freiburg i. B., 1880. 23I1. pp. zS-fsSy. Vol. ii of his C<-- sckichte des deutschen Volkes seit dent A ttsgattg des Mittelal- ters. Allgemeine Zustande des deutschen Volkes seit dem .^usgang der socialen Revolution bis zum sogenannten Augsburger Religionsfrleden von 1555. 42 THE PROTESTANT REFOKMATIOX AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Freiburg i. B., 1881. 23*1. pp. 39+733. Vol. iii of his G^- schichtt' dt's deiitschett Volkes seitdetn Aitsgang dt's i^li1tclal^ iers. The remaining vols, of this work do not fall within the limits of the present catalogue. Ein zvveites Wort an meine Kritikcr ; nebst Erganzungen und Erlaulerungen zu tlen ersten Eanden meiner Geschichte des deutschen V'olkes. Freiburg, i. B., 1883. 24*'. pp. 7+t45 (misprinted 541). KosTLlN, J. Luther und J. Janssen. 1883. Jerome of Prague. See Hieronymus. Jesseuic {Lat. Jesseiiius). Jan. Defensio causa; |uannis IIus, 1412. (//; Hus, J., and ollu-vs. " Historia, <■(■<-., i. [155S.]) JeTVel, John, Pp. of Salisbury. Works ; ed. liy J. Ayre. Cambridge, 1845-50. 27h. 4 V. (Parker Soc.) Contents: — i. Sermon at Paul's Cross. — Correspondence with Dr. Cole. — Reply to Harding's Answer, ii. Reply to Harding's" Answer. — Exposition upon the Epistles to the 'I'hessalonians. — Sermons. — Treatise of the sacraments, iii. Apologia ecclesise Anglicanse. — Apology of the Church of England. — Defence of the Apology. iv. Defence of the Apology. — Epistle to Scipio. — View of a seditious Bull. — I'realise on the Holy Scriptures. — Letters and miscellaneous pieces. Life of J. Jewell. (/« Lives of the British reformer.s. [1S34?]) Joanna of Castile. See Juaua. John of Goch. See Goch, Johaun von. John of Wesel. See Rucherath, J. John the Constant^ Elector of Sa.rofiv. LtJ- THER, ^L Zvvo predig iiber der leich des Chur- fiirsteii. 1525. Sp.m..\tin, G. Eyne trostunge an Chiir- fursten von Sachsen seliger gedechtnis. 1525. John Frederic I, t/ie .Magnanimous, Elector of Saxony, and Philip, Landgi-ave of Hesse. Re- sponsio j qvam nos dei gratia | lohannes Fi'idericvs dv,\ [ Saxonies elector, et Philii;)pvs, Land- | grauius Hassias, re deliberata cum reliquis nobiscum | con- iunctis in causa Keligionis, dedimus, ad | instruc- tionem quae allataest Smal- | caldiam, nomine Gene- I rosorum | Comitum, Uoinini Theoderici Comitis de I Manderschit, & Domini Guiehni Co- | mitis NouEE Aquilse. | Anno Doiuini. | M.D.XL. n. p. 2tXi6. pp. [19]. Wdct initial. In vol. lettered German 'J'racts by Kc/oriiters, V. — Commemora- 1 tio cavsarvm svsceptae | ivstae et necessariae defensio- | nis, ab illvstriss. principibvs, lo- | hanne Friderico Dvce Saxoniae | . . . Et j Philippo Landgravio Hassiae, . . . | . , . iedita. | Adiuncta petitione ad Crteteros Principes | c& ordines Imperij. | \_.Arms of the two princes, colored by hand.} | Anno M. D XLIL n. p., [1542). 20X15- PP- [17]- Dated 'die 17 lulij Anno 1542.' — Antwort, j \^nser von Gottes gena- [ den Johans Friedrichen, Hertzogen zu ( Sachssen, . . . I . . . Vnd Philipsen, Land | grauen zu Hes- sen, . . . I . . . Auff das antragen vnnd werben der I Wolgebornen, Edlen, Vesten vnd Hocligeler- ten &c. j als gesanthen Rom. Kon. auch Key. May. vnser al- | ler genedigste Herrn, Conimissarien, auch Fursten vnd | Stende des Reichs, souil der auff dem yetzigen | Reichsstag zu Niirmberg ver- samlet, an vns | im Closter Stetterburg, des Landes zu I Braunscliweig, gethan haben. | Anno 1542. I [7ext.} n. p. 2iXr6. pp. [30]. Dated 'in vn.serm V'cldlager von Wolffenbiitcl, den .xi. Augusti, Anno&c. xlii.' In vol. lettered Gerniatt Tracts by Re/orttiers, V. — I)ie weile die Sten- | de der Cron zu Behemen, An den | Churfiirsten zu Saclissen, Vnd an den Land | grauen zu Hessen, vor etzlichen Wochen ein | Schreiben gethan. So haben jre Chur vnd I Fiirstlichen gnaden, denselben Stenden da- | rauff Antwort gegcljen, Wie die von worten | zu Horten allhie Abgetlruckt, Vnd ist solchs | Ab- drucken darunib verordent, das es von vie- | len dafur gehahen wirdct, berurte Ant- | wort sey dem wenigern teil der Slen | de, jres gantzen inhalts fur- ko- I men. Odder zulesen gege- | ben wordeu \_sic\ I Anno M. D. XLVL n. p. 21X16. pp. [14]. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers, /'. — Der Durchleuchttgst vnd | Durchleuch- ti^en Ilochgebornen P'iir- [ sten vnd Herrn, Herrn, Johans Friderichen Hertzogen [ zu Saclissen, . • - | . . . I . . . I Vnd Herrn Philipsen I.andgra- | uen zu Hessen, . . . | . . . Warhaffliger bericht vnd Summari aussfuhrung, Warumb jnen zu | vnschul- den autifgelegt wirdet. Das sie Romischer "Key. May. vngehorsa- I me Fursten sein solten. Das sie auch keins stremichen vngehorsams be- \ ziegen mogen werden, anders, dann das sie von vnserm waren heiligen [ Christlichen Glauben, vnd von Gottes wort, vnd der reinen lere des heili- | gen Euangelij, nit konnen abstehen, Noch die selb dem Ro- I mischen Antichrist dem Babsl vnd seinem partheyschen | Trientischen Concilio zurichten vn- terwerffen. | \^Arnis of the two pn'na's.'] \ [TV-jt/j. ] | 1546. n. p. 21X16. pp. [57]. Wdct initials. Dated 'Ichters- hausen, Sontags nach Visitationis Marie, Anno etc. xlvi.' Appended (pp. 10-36) is a detailed reply (dated i Jul. 1546) to the Emperor's answer to the 'stend der Augspurgischen Con- fession," followed by (pp. 37-47) the annotated ' Vorireg vnd heiidel' between Ferdinand of Austria and John Frederic of Saxony, 11 May 1544, — (pp. 47-51) ' Keyseriic/ier Maiestet Rttti/icntion ' of this treaty, 3 June 1544, — (pp. 51-54) 'die Schrifft, 50 der Chnr/nrst zu Sachssen an Key. May. . . . gethan, Julien pjiugen beireffende,' 16 Apr, 1546, — and (pp. 54-57) the ^ Artie kel der Seqnesi7-ation vom Keyser vberge- ben.' In vol. lettered German Tracts by Ke/ormers, II. Passion | Des Gottforchtigen | Johan Friderlchs | zu Sachsen. | M.D.LHI. ScHWARZ, . Miscellen aus dem 16. Jahrhundert : Johann Friedrich in Eisenach, 1553. Johnson. John Noble. Life of Thomas Lin- acre ; ed. by Robert Graves- London, 1835. 23^. pp. 13 + 365. pp. 361-363 numbered 261-263. I'he copy of Geo. P. Philes, the antiquarj-, who inserts (from Willis's Current Notes, 1856, p. 72) an explana- tion of the extreme rarity of the work. Of the 750 copies printed, more than 650 were sold to the paper-maker. Jonas, Justus. Das sie- | bend Capitel Da I nielis, von des Tiircken [ Gottes lesterung vntl I schrecklicher mor- | derey, mit vn- | terricht | Justi Jonae. | Wittemberg. At end : Gedruckt zu Wit- temberg, | durch Hans Lufft. [1530.] 21X16. pp. [64]. t.-p. border. Wdct initials. On the reverse of the t.-p. a very curious map, which is re- peated on p. [18]. Leichen-Predigt, die er am 19. Februar. 1546. zu Eissleben auf dem seel. Herrn D. Martin Luthern gehallen. (/« Hofniann, C G. Me- moriam saecvlarem, etc. 1746.) , and others, Vom Christlichen [ abschied aus diesem todlichen ] lebendes Khrwirdigen Herrn D. Mar- | tini Luthcri, bericht, durch D. Ju- | stum "onam, M. Michaelcm | Celium, vnd ander die dabey gewesen, kurtz zusa- | men gezogen. | EineChrist- iche I'rcdigt, vber | der Leich vnd begrebni'^, des P'.hrwirdigen | D. Martini Luthers, durch Ern johan I Bugenhagen Poniern, Doctor, vnd | Pfarrher der Kirchen zu Wit- | teniberg, gethan. | Oratio. | Vber der Leich des Ehrwir- | digen Herrn D. ALirtini Luthers, | gethan durch Philippum Me- | lanthon. Illl-: U'liriE LIBKAKY. 43 Am xxij. tag | Febiuaiij. | Verdeudsclit aus dem Latin durcli | IX Caspar Creutziger. | Gedruckt zu VVitlemlierg. | M U L III. iqXis pp. [7yl- li> vol. lettered Luther, Diverse Schrijten, 2. r'Ri'SSKi., T. J. Jonas. 1862. [Jortin, John.] Life of Erasmus. London, 1758-60. 27X21- 2 v. Port. Cotitffits : — i. Life of Erasmus. — Specimens of handwriting (2 platcs^-9 fac-similes). ii. Remarks upon tlie works of Kras- mus. — Appendix, containing e-xlracts from Eiasmns and from other writers (of his time). — Index. — Specimens of handwrit- ing (4 plates — 17 fac-similes). The appendix' contains many additions to the Leyden ed. of Erasmus's works. Sn/in: D. London, 1808 22t>. 3 v. Contents: — i. 1467-1529. ii. 1530-36. — Remarks on the works of Erasmus, iii. Extracts from Erasmus and from other writers (of his time). — Index. — Specimens ot handwriting {12 plates — 25 fac-similes). 'I"he port, hasbeeu removed from vol i, and the leaf (plates i. 2) containing the fac-siiniles of the handwriting of Erasmus and of Luther from vol. iii. Juana. tlie Crttzy, Queen of Cns/ilf. M..\UREN- HRKCHER, K. W. Johanna die Wahnsinnige. (In /lis Studien und .Skizzen. 1874.) Juda, Leo. A paraphrase or comeiitary [.f/VJ vpnii tlie KeueUxcion of .S. John, faythfuUy trans- lated Ijy Edinond .Men. (/« Erasmus, D. Sec- onde tome or volume of the Paraphrase vpon the newe testament. 1552.) PiiST.\i.ozzi, C. Leo Judii. i860. Judex. Matthaus. Die ftirnemste .^di.aphori- stisthe jrthuinen der waren Religion \'erfelschungen vnil Krgernissen, e/r. .V,v Gallus. N., and others. Julius II, (Giuliano della Rovere), Pofie. [.\n[i[(K1,in[, P. F.] Lil)ellu^ de iil.iiu Julii. {In Hutteu. U. V. Opera, ed. iJrK-king, iv" i860.) — Julius exclusus. {In Pasquillorum tomi duo, 1544; and repr. in the appendix to Jortiii, J., Life of Erasmus, ii, 1760, (?«(/ iii, l8oS.) — Julius: dia- logue entre St. Pierre et le Pape. 1875. — Ge- sprachbilchlein, etc. {In Hutten, U. v. Auser- lesene Werke, ii. 1822. ) (J)r.\tio ad Christum opt. max. ]>ro Julio IL {In Hutteu, U. v. Opera, ed. Booking, iv. 1S60.) ZICI.I.ER, J. Jules IL {In his Italie et renaissance, ii. 1883.) Julius : dialogue entre .St. Pierre ct le Pape Jules II a la porle ilu Paradis. See Andrelini, P. F. Julius exclusus, dialogus. See Andrelini, P. F. Jiirgens, Karl Heinrich. Luther von seiner Geburt bis zum Ablassstroite, 1483-1517. Leipzig, 1S46-47. 22h, 3 V, Vols, i-iii of his Lutlur's Lt'bett. Only this first v4^M«V««^ was ever published. Jiir- gens died in i86o. Contents: — i. 1483 — Mai 1507- ii. Mai 1507 — .-Vpr. 1516. iii. Apr. 1516 — Oct. 1517. [Jurieu, Pierre.] Histoire du Calvinisme et celle du Papisme mises en parallele: ou Apologie pour les Reformateurs, pour la Reformation, & pour les Reformez ; . . . contre, un libelle intitule I'Hi- stoire du Calvinisme par Mr. Maimbourg. . . Rotterdam, 1683. 20X16. 2 v in I. Engr. t,-p. The sec- ond vol. bears title Histoire du Papisme, ou Suitte de t Apo- it't,!,: etc. Jiiterbogk, Jacpb von. See Jacobus of JU- terbogh. Kahnis, Karl Friedrich August. Rede »um Cediichtniss Melanchthon's, Leipzig, i860. Leipzig, [i860]. 2il>. pp, 36. In vol. lettered Melanch- thoii, Ctassen-Miieelii'-Knhftrs. Kampschulte, Friedrich Wilhelm. Johann Calvin : seine Kirche iMid scin .Staat in Genf. i. Band : [bis 1546]. , Leipzig, 1869. 22l>. pp. f2]-t-i6_)-493-t-[i]. The author's preni.aure death left the work thus incomplete. Karben, Victor vou. Dem durchleu | chtig- sleu hochge- | l>i>rnen furstCK und herren herre« | Ludwign Phallzgraueu bey Rein HertzogcH in Obren | vnd Nitlerti Hayrn Des heylige;/ Rotnische« Reichs Ercz- | truchsen. vnd Curfursten .Meine« gnedigisten liebslen | herrn &c. | Ilier inne wirt gelesen wie Her | \'iclor von Carben. W'elicher eyu Rabi der Jude« gewest | ist. zu Cristlichem glawbn komen | Welter vindet man dar In. eyn Costliche disputatz I eynes gelerten Cristen. vnd eyns gelerten JudeH. dar inne | alle Irthund) der Juden durch yr aygen schrifft aufge- | lost werden. [Cologne, 1508} 21X16. pp. [208]. Panzer, 610. Rock- ing, Index Reitck., iv, i. In vol. lettered Gertnan Tracts by Re/ortners, III. One wdct initial and 2 full-page wdcts— pp. [no] and [208] : pp. 206, 207, blank. Karst Hanns. | [ Wdet. ] [? Strasburg. 1520.] igX'4. pp. [30]. Weller, j'?(t/. , 143^. Initials rubricated. -Another impression (Weller. 1441) repr. in Scheible, Kloster, x : and still another (Weller, 1433), with bibliography, notes, and various readings, in Hutten's Opera, ed. Rocking, iv. A bitter Lutheran dialogue, in reply to Murner. Neiiw Karsthans. See Netiw Karsthans. Katteubusch, Ferdinand. Lulhers Lelire vom unfreien WiUen und von der Priidestination nach ihren Entstehungsgriinden untersucht : Inau- gural-Dissertation. Gtitlingen, 1875. 2311. pp. 95. In vol. lettered Luther. Kaulbach, Wilhelm von. Dobbhrt, E. Die monumentale Darstcllung der Reformation durch Rietschel und Kaulbach. 1S69. Kawerau, Gustav. Johann .\gricola von Eis- leben. ReHin, 1881. 22ti. pp. [2] -l-i2-f 358. With an appendix Alls A£i-icolas Brie/weclisel, and a list of his printed Schrif- ten. Keith. Robert. Bp. of Fife. History of the affairs of church and state in Scotland, from the be- ginning of the Reformation to 1568. With biogr. sketch, notes, and index, by [J. P. Lawson]. Edinburgh, 1844-50. 23)1. 3 v. (Spottiswoode Soc.) The misleading second t.-j). is only a repr. of that of 1735. Vols, i and iii have valuable appendices of contemporary documents. Keller, Ludwig. Geschichte der Wiedertiiufer und ihres Reichs zu Munster ; nebst ungedruckten Urkunden. Miinsler, 1880. 22)1. pp. 84-330. , editor. Die Gegenreformation in Westfa- len und am Niederrhein : .-Xctenstiicke und Erlau- terungen. i. Theil, 1555-85. Leipzig, 1881. 2511. pp. 6 -t- [2] -f- 610. Vol. i.v of P/^^/iVrt- tionen ans den K. Preitssisclten Staatsarchiven. Contents: — i. Cleve-Mark und Ravensberg. — Das Bisthum Miinster. — Das Bisthum Paderborn. Die Reformation und die alteren Reform- parteien. Leipzig, 1885. 23)1. pp. io-(-[2] + 516. With an excellent I'erzci^ hitiss der vornehtnsten Quellen. Kempis, Thomas a. See Thomas a Kempis. Kettenbach, Heinrich von. Ein niitzli- 1 che Predig Zu alien christen \ Von dein vasten, \x\d feyren | geprediget worden. Von | bruder IlainricK Ket- j tenbach barfusser ] obseruantz | zu Vim | in jrem Con | uerU, Auffden j ers;en Sontag der | vas- 44 THE rROTESTAXT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. ten, In volstiecku»g | seiner materi, Der idle;; gebot. I jm Jar.M.D.XXlI. 11. p., [1522], 21X16. pp. [12]. Panzer, 1472. t.-p. bor- der. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers, 11. Ein Practica practi- | cirt, auss der heylgen Bibel, 1 vff vil zukunfftig jar, etc. 1523. (/;; Hutten, XJ. v. Opera, ed. JJocking, iii. 1862.) Ein Sermon bruder Hainn- | rychs son K6te;;bach zii der j loblichen Stat Vim zu ein | ein valete, das ist zu der letze. In | welcher gemelt werde;; vil artik | el die er wider die papisten ge- 1 prediget hat, in schrifft ge- | griint vnd bewert. Aber | hie kurtzlich widerunib ] gemelt, hat doch dise I predigung auff dc;- | Cantzeln nitt ge- | thon, verhyn | dertt vonn | papisten. Aber aim erbern j studennten zu Vim geschenekt. | [T'l'jr/j. ] n. p., [1522]. 21X16. pp. [14]. Panzer, 1476. t.-p. bor- der. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Rc/ormcrs, II. .\in sermon oder predig von der Christ | lichen kirchen, welches doch sey die hailig Christ- lich I kirch, dauon vnser glaub sagt, ainem yeden | Christenmenschen gut vnd nutzlich zu | wissen. Geprediget zu Vim von | li. H. von Kettenbach. | M.D.XXII-I [Epigrap/i.^ n. p., [1522]. 21X16. pp. [23]. Panzer, 1478. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers, II. Ein new Apologia vnnd ver- | antworttung Martini Lut- [ thers wyder der Papisten | Mort- geschrey, die zehen | klage wyder jn vss [ blasieni- ren so | wyt die | Christenn- | heyt ist, dann [ sy toben vnnd wut- | tendt reclit wie die vnsin [ nige hundt thondt. I &c. I Bruder Heinrich Kettenbach. | M. CCCCC. xxiij. n. p., [1523]. 21X16. pp. [14]. Weller, Rep., 2463. t.-p. border. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers, II. If Ein Sermon wider des bap | sts kuchen prediger zu \'lm, die dan;; gepre- | digett vnd gelogen haben, der Bapst vn(/| prelaten miigen das Euange- lium ver | wandeln oder verandern, vnd son | derlych wider Petter Nestler, | der die lent auch leeret. sy sol I len glauwben, Was der | Bapst vnnd Prelatt- | eng lawben \sic\ wer | Christ ist, merck | eben auff die I nach folge;;d | spriich [;'. e., the verses on back of t.-p."} I Bruder Heinrich vo;; I Kettenbach I M D XXIII. n. p., [1523]. _ 21X16. pp. [19]. Panzer, 1911. t.-p. bor- der. Wdct initial. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Re- formers, III. Ein Sermon Erii- | der Hainrich von Ket- tenbach I BarfUssers, wider die falschen .\posteln, die da [ haben geprediget, die Prelaten mogen das | haylig Ewangelium verwandeln, j Xemlich in ainem Concilio I auch der Bapst auss | seyne;; aygen | ge- walt. I [O;;;.] | zu Vim geprediget im Bar- | fiisser Conuent Obseruantzer &c. n. p., 11523]. 21X16. pp. [14]. Panzer, igi2. Save in title, substantially identical with the foregoing. In vol. let- tered German Tracts by Reformers, II. 'Verglychu;;g des aller heiligsten | herrn vn(/ vatter des Bapsts, ge- j gen dem seltzem frem- den gast in | der Christenheyt genant Jesus, | der in kurtzer zeyt widerumb in | teutschlandt ist ko;;;- men, vnd je- | zundt wide;- wil in Egipten la;;dt | als ein verachter bey vnns. | \_Epigraph.'\ \ Bruder Heinrich Kettenbach. | M.D.x.\iij. n. p., [1523]. 21X16. pp. [18]. Panzer, igi8. t.-p. bor- der. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers, 1. Keyser, Priedrich. eJitor. Reformations Al- inanach. &'c Reformations .Mmanach. Eirohmair or Kirchmayr, Georg. W'oi.F. A. (j. Kiichmair, 14S1-1554. (/;; his Geschiclit- liche Bilder aus Oesteneich. 187S. ) Eljag I vnd ant- | wort von | Lutherischen | \r\d Bebstischenn | pfaffen vber die Refor | macioK so neulich zu Reg- | enspurg der priester halben | aussgange;; ist im Jar M D XXIIIj. (/;; Scbade, O., editor. Satiren, iii. 1S63.) Ein Klegliche Bot | schafft an [den] Babst, die Selmes | betreffendt, welche kranck [ ligt vnd wil sterben, ] Samj^t einem Gesprech etzli [ cher Per- sonen. (/;; Schade, O., editor. Satiren, ii. 1863.) ' Bearbeitiing eincs beUannten Pasquills von Nicolaus Manuel, das vol dem Jahr 1527 erschienen sein muss.' — Schade. KUmesch, P., editor. Der Codex Teplensis. See Codex. Knaake, J. K. P. Luther's Antheil an der -\ugslmrgi^clien Confession. Berlin, 1S63. 21^. pp. 7-rSo. Knight, Samuel. Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of S. Paul's and founder of S. Paul's School ; with an appendix containing some account of the masters and more entinent scholars of that founda- tion, and original papers relating to the said life. London, 1724. 2ol>. pp. [io]-fi3-}-[i] + 494-l-[i7]. Port, and plates. The appendix, which in this ed. has ils own t.-p., contains: i. Colet's convocation-sermon, 1511. 2. An English tran.sl. of the aforesaid sermon. 3. Several epistles, by the same author. 4. A collection of miscellanies relating to the foregoing history. Same. New ed. Oxford, 1823. 23I1. pp. i9+[i]-h437. Port, and plates. Life of Erasmus ; more particularly that part of it spent in England. With an app. con- taining original papers. Cambridge, [1726]. 2ili. pp. [8] -i-3i-(-[i] + 386-l-i44-|-[8]. Ports, and plates. Knox, John. Das Glaubensbekenntniss der schuttischcii Kirche. — Knox an seine geliebten Briider, das \'olk von Schottland. (/;; Brandes, P. John Knox. 1862.) Br.wdes, F. j. Knox, der Reformator Schottlands. 1862. C.\Ri.YLE, T. The hero as priest : Knox. (/;; his On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. 1846, n;;rf 1857.) C. Herrick, S. E. Knox. (/;; his Here- tics of yesterday. 1884.) Life of J. Knox. (/;; Lives of the Brit- ish reformers. [1834?]) M'Crie, T. Life of J. Knox. 1850. Tt'iLOCH, J. Leaders of the Reforma- tion. 1859. Williams, W. R. Knox. (/;; his Eras and characters of history. 1 882.) Kogel spil gebracttiziert auss tlem yeczigen zwy- I traclit des glaiibens, eVr. [1522.] (Partially repr. in Hutten^ U. v. Opera, ed. Booking, ii. 1859.) Kohler, Karl Priedrich. Luther's Leben dargestellt in seinen Reisen von der Kindheit bis zum Tode. Eisenach, [1875], 20I'. pp. 7+[ll + J3l. Kolbe, Wilhelm. Die Einfiihrung der Refor- mation in Marburg. Marburg, 1871. 22''. pp. 6q-1-[i]. In vol. lettered AW^r; .Marburg, Mittelattcr unk Reformation. Kolde. Theodor. Analecta Lutherana : Btiefe und .\ctenstiicke zur Geschichte Luthers ; zugleich ein Supjilement zu den bisherigen Sammlungen seines Briefwechsels. Gotha, 1883. 22t». pp. l6-f479. Luther und der Reichstag zu Worms, 1521. 2. Aufl. Halle, I'erein fiir Reformationsseschichte,^%ZT,. -21^. pp. [iJ-t-Si. rilE IVIIITE LIBRARY. 45 Koldewey, Friedrich. Heinz von Wolfen- 1)UUl1 : cin Zeitbild aus dem Jahrhunderl der Re- formation. Hiille. Venht /iir Re/ormationsgeschichte^iiZ-i, sa^^. pp. 6+[i]-l 80. Koltzof-Massalsky, Helena Ghika, /';/«- (V.f.f, (psi'iiii. Dora d'Jstrin). Switzorlaml llie )>io- ncer (il llii- Keforinalion ; or, 1, a Suisse al!i-niande, by Dora d'lstria. Tran.sl. from llie Krcncli by H. c;. Lorulcm, 1858, 22li. 2 V. Port. Eonier, Ferdinand, 'lezel, der Ablasspredi- ger. Frankenberg. 1880. 2311. pp. [2] + 8+ iS34-[i]- With :in A rifuin^i^ of documents. Kdstlin. Julius. l.ullier's l.clire von ilcr Kirrlie. .Stuttg.irt, 1S53. igh. pp. [2] 4-216 (.[2]. Lulliers Theologie, in ihrer ge.schichtlichen Entwicklung und ihrem inneren Zusammenhange. Sluttsart, 1863. 23h. 2 V. Nach 1521. : sein Leben und seine Port. Vols, i, ii, of Leben u. Begrii/tder der Ititkerisclieii Cnntetits : — i. lils 1521. ii. Martin I.uther Schriften. Elberfeld, 1875. 23I1. 2 v. atisg. Schriften der Vdier k, Ktrclte. Contents: — i. 1483-1525. ii. 1525-1546. App. to vol. ii is a valuable chronological list of the wiitings of Luther mentioned in the work, Same. English. Life of Luther ; transl. from the German. D. New York, 1883. 22h. pp. 16+587. Ports., illu-s., and fac-sinis. A much abridged translation. Lathers Rede in Worms am 18. .'\pril 1521. Halle, 1874. 22I1. pp. [2] + 36. Luther und ]. Janssen : der deutsche Re- formator und ein ultramontaner IlistoriUer. 2. durchgesehene Aufl. Halle, 1883. 22h. pp. 99. Kraus, Martin. S<-e Crusius, M. Krasiu.ski, Valerian, Count. Historical sketdi of the rise, progress, and dechiieuf the Reformation in Poland. 2h, De Ulrici Hutteni stu- 72. Doctoral dissertation. London, 1838-40. 22". 2 v Krichel, Alexander diis politicis. Monasterii, 1866. 21''. pp. [4] Miinster, 1866. Kronberg, Hartmuth von. Anttwortt, etc. Stt- Luther, M. Eyii niissiuc alien den, sso von wegen des wort gottes verfulgung leyden trostlich. 1 e.2.7.. Krummel, L. Geschichte der bilhmischen Re- formation im 15. Jahrhundert. Gotha, 1S66. 22'". pp. i2-f 678. .Apftendcd arc : — i. Drei Synodalredeu Hussens, aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt. — 2. Drei Predigten Hussens, aus der bohmischen Postille iiber- setzt. Krumpach, Nikolaus, fdilor. Sec Erasmus, D. Herrn Erasmi von Roterdam vermanung das hailige Euangeiiuin . . . zu lesen. 1522. Kuhn, Felix. Luther : sa vie et son oeuvre. Paris, 1883-84. 23I1. 3 V. Contents: — i. 1483-1521. ii. 1521-30. iii. 1530-46. App. to vol. iii is La eon/cssion d'.4 ugshourg (a French transl. only). Kiirschner or Kiirsner, Konrad. See Pelli- cauus, K. Ain kurtz gedicht so neiiwlich ain | thurgowischer Paur, Doctor Martini Luther vnd seiner | ler, zu lob \iul seine;/ widerwertige/?, zu spot gemacht hat. (/« Schade, O., editor. Satiren, ii. 1S63. ) Written about 1520-21. Eyn kurtze atircd zu alien missg//nsti | gen Doctor Lutlicrs vnd der [ Ciiristenlichen freyhcil. (/« Schade, O., editor. Satiren, ii. 1863.) In prose and verse. Signed I. A. { ? Jollann .'\gricoIa). Ein kurtze vntterricht, etc. See George, the Pioits^ M(irgra7'e, etc. Ein kurtzer begriff wie der Schultheiss, etc. Sec Gengenbach, P. Lainez. Jago, .S'. y. riispulntioncs Triden- tin.ae ; ad nianuscriptoruni lidem edidit et commen- tariis historicis inslruxit llartmannus Grisar, S. J. Ocniponte, etc., 1886. 22''. 2 v. Contents: — i. Prolegomena. — Disputatio dc origine juris- (liclionis cpiscoporum et Romani pontificis primntu. — Vota Jacobi Lainez Ifidentina quae ad eandem quacstionem perti- nent. — Litterae Ineditae a legatis ad curiam ct a s. Carolo 13or- romaeo ad legatos, 1562-63. ii. Prolegomena. — Vota et dis- sertationes quae ad concilium Tridcntuium pertinent. — Dispu- tationes morales. Inslructiones. — Index noininuiu. [Lambeck, A. G. H. ] Chronik der Kirche zu CJurske. [? Thorn, 1850. J 20''. pp. 26. In vol. lettered Lambeck. Reformation in ll'cslprcitsscn. Geschichte der Begriindung und des Wachs- thums der Reformation in Westpreussen. Thorn, 1850. 20''. pp. 7-f 180. Lambert, Fran9ois. B.\UM, J. W. I-Vanz Lambert von .-\vignon. 1840. Hassenc.v.mp, F. W. F. Lambert von Avignon, i860. Lamentationes Germanics; nationis ex threnis Miercinia- niysticalis. (/;; Schade, O., editor. Satiren, ii, pp. 312-314. 1S63.) Lamey, J. Johann Reuchlin. Pforzheim. I.?55. 2nh. pp, q5-|-[iJ. Port. Landavus, Adam. Orationes funebres . . . 1564. .SV(- Eiseugrin, M., ond others. Lantfryd, 1521. (/« Germany — Reichstag, Worms, lj2/. Romischer Ka)serlicher Maiestat Regiment. 1521.) La Ramee. Pierre de. Sec Ramus. La Rigaudiere, E. Histoire des persecutions religieuses en Espagne : Juifs — Mores — Prote- stants. Paris, 1S60. ig''. pp. 154-340. Lassalle, Jules. La reforme en Espagne au l6e siecle. Paris, 1883. 2511. pp. 112. a Lasco, Alasco, or Alasko, Johannes (/■■(>/. Laski, Jan). 1S.\rti;i,s, 1'. J. a Lasco. i860. Laski, Jan. Sec Lasco. Latimer, Hugh, Bp. of IVoreesler, Works ; ed. by G. E. Corrie. Cambridge, 1844-45. ~Z^- = v. (Parker Soc.) Contents : — i. Sermons, 1529-52. ii. Sermons, 1552-55. — Miscellaneous remains. — Letters. — Appendix. Sermons ; [with] memoir by J. Watkins. London, 1824. 22*1. 2 v. Port. Sermon on the ploughers, iS Jan., 1549. Ed. by E. Arber. C. London, 1868. I7h. pp. 40. (Arber, E,, ed. English re- prints, [ii].) Seven sermons before Edward VI, in Lent 1549. Ed. by E. Arber. C. London, 1869. 1711. pp. 208. (Arber, E., ed. English reprints, [xiii].) Ud with his Sermon on the plougkers, no. ii of the Reprints. Demaus, R. Hugh Latimer. [1869.] Herrick, S. E. Latimer. {In his Here- tics of yesterday. 1884.) 46 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Life of H. Latimer. (/« Lives ofthe British reformers. [1834?]) TULLOCH, J. Latimer. (/« his Leaders of the Reformation. 1859.) Latomus (Ger. Steinmetz), Bartholomaus. De docta | simplicitate primae | ecclesiae, ul de vsv cali- I cis ill .Synaxi. & de Eucharislico sacrificio, ad- I uersus petulantem insullationem Ja- | cobi .An- drea;, Pastoris Goppingensis Barlh. | Latomi | Re- spon.sio. I \_Devu-e.^ \ Coloniae, | Apud Maternum Choliiium, I Anno 1559. 20X15- PP- [71]. In vol. lettered FormiiUt rr/ortnatwHt's ecclesiiistka. Factio I memorabilis Fran- | cisci ab Sic- cingen cum Treuiro- | mm obsidione, turn exitus eius- j dem : Barptolenit'eo Latomo \\ \ lunenj/ autore. | Eiusdem Bombarda, ad lohan- | nem Lu- douicum ab Hagen. | Apud sanctam Vbior«;« Agrip- pinam, | in sedibus Eucharij Ceruicorni. | M.D. XXIIL Cologne, 1523. 21X15- pp. [39]- t.-p- border- Inverse. The pref. letter is dated 'Treueris pridie Calendas Septembres Anno, M. D. XXI II.' Laugrwitz, Heinrich. Bartholomaus Carranza, Erzbischof von Toledo, 1503-1576. Rempten, 1870. 22^, pp. 6+ [2] 4- 107. Laurent, Fian9ois. La reforme. Bnixelles, tfj'c, [1862?]. 23''. pp. [2]-f524. Vol. viii of his Etudes siir I histoire de V kinnanit^. Lausanne. Martin, H. Les cinq etudiants de ['academic de Lausanne bruits vifs a Lyon, 1553- Lauterbach, Anton. Tagebuch auf das Jahr 1538, die Hauptquelie der Tischreden Luther's; hrsg. von J. K. .Seidemann. Dresden, 1872. 24''. pp. 14 + [2]-{-22i. Leben und ausgewahlte Schriften der Vater und Begriinder der lutherischen Kirche ; hrsg. von J. Hartmann \€t al., und] eingeleitet von K. J. Nitzsch. Elberfeld, 1861-75. 23I1. 8 v. Contents: — i, ii. Kostlin, J. M.irlin Luther, iii. Schmidt, O- Philipp Melanchthon- iv. Vogt. K A. T Jullannes Biigenhagen Pomeranus. v. Mdller, W. Andreas Osian- der- vi- Hartmann, J. Johannes Brenz. vii, Uhlhorn, Gr. Urbanus Rliegiiis. viii. Pressel, T. Justus Jonas; — Caspar Cruciger; — Paulus 'Speratus : — Lazarus Spengler ; — Nicolaus von Amsdorf; — Paul Eber; — Martin Chemnitz ; — Da- vid Chytraus. For more detailed contents, see under the several authors. Leben und ausgewahlte .Schriften der Vater und Begriinder der reforniirten Kirche; hrsg. von J. \V. Bauni \et al., und] eingeleitet von K. R. Hagen- bach. Elberfeld, 1857-61 2?li. 10 v. in 11. Cont.-iits :—\. Ohristoffel, R. Huljreich Zwingli. ii. Ha- genbach. K. R. Johann OekoUmpad und Oswald Myconius. iii. Baum, J W. Canito und Itutzer. iv, Stahelin. E. Johannes ( .tKin. V. Pestalozzi, C. Heinrich HuUint^er. vi. Heppe, H- Tlieodor lleza vii. Schmidt. C. Peter Martyr Veriiu.'li. viii SudhofT. K. C Uleviaiius luul Z. Ursinus. ix. Bartels. P. joh, nines a Lasco. — Pestalozzi, C. Leo Judli. — Hassencamp, F. W. Franciscus Lambert. — Schmidt, C. Wilhejni Farel und Peter V'iret, — Pressel. T. Joachim Vadian. — Pestalozzi. C. Bertold Haller.— Pressel, T. .-Vinttrosius Hlamer. x. Brandes, F. John Knox. See also under the several authors. Leber, Jean Michel Constant. Relation du massacre des Vaudois. (/?/ his Dissertations, e-Zr., relatifs £l I'histoire de France, xvii.) Lechler, Gotthard Victor. Johann von Wiclif und die Vorgeschichle der Reformation. Leipzig, 1873. 22h. 2 v. Contents: — i. Einleitung- — Die Zeit vor Wiclif 's Auftrctcn bis 1350. — Wiclif's Leben und Wirken. ii. Die Nachwirkun- gen Wiclif's (1385-1517). With a bibliography of Wiclif s Scliriftcn and a selection of i\(atei ialieii ans nandscltriflfn. Same. English. John Wycliffe and his English precursors. Transl. frotn the German, with additionnl notes^ by [P.] Lorimer. New ed., rev. ; with chapter on the events after Wycliffe's death. London, [1884]. 23^. pp. 22+512. Port, and cuts. This transl., for which te,\t and notes were revised by the author, is not of the whole of Lechler's lVicti/[hut only 'of the Biog- raphy and of so much of the preliminary history as concerned Wycliffe's English Precursors' ; to which, in the present ed., is added the suppl. chapter (30 pp.) mentioned in the title. Lehmann, Johann Otto Leopold August. Luthers Sprache in seiner Ueberset/.ung des Neuen Testaments ; nebst eiiiem NN'orterbuche. C. Halle. 1873. 22*". pp. II -(-275. Lenoir, D., translator. Vie de Martin Luther; trad, de I'anglais. 1S53. Stc iittder Luther, M., Like of Luther. Le Noir, Philippe, siitir de Crevain. Sei Crevaiu. Lenz, Max. Martin Luther : Festschrift der Stadt Berlin, 10. Nov. 1883. 2. Aufl. Berlin. 1S83. 22''. pp. [4]-f224. Port. Leo X (Giovanni de' Medici), Pope. Bulla contra Erro [ res Martini Lutheri] et sequatium [-t'V]. I \_Papal arms.'\ At etid: Datum Rome apud sanc- tum Petruw/. .\nno incarnationis domini | ce. Mil- lesimo. quingentesimo. Vigesimo. xvij. kl'as Julij. Ponti- 1 ficatus nostri Anno octauo. | Visa. R. Mi- lanesius. | Albergatus. [? Rome, 1520.] 21X16. pp. 14. Neatly annotated in a contemporary hand. This is the famous bull ExTurge Domine. Repr. in Roscoe, W., Life and pontificate of Leo X, iv, ap- pendix, 1827. Same. (In Hutten, XT. von. Bvlla De- cimi Leonis. 1520.) Leo Babst der .X. | Heyl vnd Babstlichen segen alien Christglawbigen : so disen brieff sehen werdenn, wie- | wol etc. At end : Datum zu Viterb vndter | des Vischers Dawmenring, den ersten tag des Monats Octobris .M.D. xvij. Im funfften jar vnnsers Babstumbs. | \^Signed.:~\ Phi. de Senis. Letter of Indulgence, granted i Oct. 151 7, in favor of the Spitnl des lieiligen Geisies in Nuremberg ; German text. Broadside. 40X32. 73 lines. Bd. in f"., 31''. Lettered i-^(J X. Bulla. Murray, J. Leo X. (/« his Select bi- ography, ii. 1867.) Roscoe, \V, X. 1827, 1S40, 1846. Zeller, J. Leon X. (In his Italic et renaissance, ii. 1S83.) Leo Juda. .S'lV Juda, Leo. Leon, Luis Ponce de. Rkusch, F. H. Luis de Leon untl die spanische Intiuisition. 1873. [Leourodt, Hans von.] HymeKvagen | Auft dem, wer wol lebt | vnd wol stirbt, ferl in | das ewig leben. | Hellwagen | .\ufrdein, wer iihel lebt | vnd iibel stirbt, fert in I die ewigen verdamnuss. | Das ist die materi vnd | innhalt diss biichlins. | [Orn.'\ .it end : Gedruckt zu .\ugspurg durch Siluanum Ot- mar, [ bey sant Vrsula closter, am zwaintzigisten tag I Nouembris. Anno&c. im .-Vchtzehenden.! Laus deo. 1518. 21X16. pp. [175]. Panzer, got. Tide partly in red : t.-p. border and 27 wdcts by Hans Schiiuffelein. In vol. lettered Gerjnnn Tracts by Re/onners, III. The author's name is given by Grassse, s. v. Hiiimielswagen. Leroy, Urbain. See Regius, Urbanus. Lever, Thomas. .Sermons, 1550. Ed. by E. Arber. C. London, 1870. 17I'. pp 143. With fac-similcs of orig. t.-pp. and coIophon.s. (Arber. £.,/■*/. English reprints, [.xxv],) Life and pontificate of Leo THE IVIIITE LIBRARY. 47 Contents : — Notes on his life and writings. — Introd. — Bib- liography. — Sermon in the Shrouds of Si. Paul's Church. — Sermon before Edward V'l. — Sermon at Paul's Cross. L^vesque de Burigny, Jean. .SW Burigny. Lewes, Marian Evans. -SW Eliot, G., {/•M-m/.}. Le^vis, John. Life of Dr. John Fisher; with an introd. by T. II. Turnfr. C- London, 1855. 23'>. 2 v. Libellus de obitu [ulii [11 ]. .V(V Andreliiii, P. F. Xiibellus taxarum super {jiil [ biisdaw in canccl- laria aiK)sloIica inipelrandis veiiUi de gracijs ex j spectatiuis taw pro presenliuw q/ww al)sent;iuw dis- pensationibus ansolulio | nibus. ac q///buscuwq»c no;/niodo sp/'/vVualitjni ac religiosor//;« veru/^/etia/« sc I cidariuw et laicoruni priuiiegijs in(Uitisq//('. nec- non ])rerogatiuis | oninitiW(|//d' clausularuw quotas p(T lilleraw. g. (que grossuin denolat | et numeru/// sibi aiiditu/;/. adiunctis(|//(' sacre penitenleiarie taxis( [,r/(] de 1 terniinale explicans | [//7/(7. ] n. p., [ca. 1500]. 20X14. PP- [39]. HIack-letter. On p. [32J begms the 7'a.ve sncre Petittctiiiarie afiostolice. This iinpr. is apparently unknown to bibliographers. (3n the inside of the cover of the present copy is the following nis. nule : ' Dieses IJuch ist gedruckt mit denselben Typen, woniit G. Hiel f/>ithoiiin cr^ositionis Caunni's miasf ex J'hubingen i4Qg gedruckt ist.' Both wdct and type point to a date not lar from 1500. I'he 7'a.re sacre penitentiarie apostolke is that fiiiiious official tariff (if the papal pardon -office at Rome whose very existence has been for centuries clenied by the defenders of trie Church — .'is by V'euillol and Cassagnac in our own day — and iis reimpressions stigmatized as Prntestant forgeries. But the indisputable pre-Reforniation impressions, such a^ the present, now coming to light make the plea no longer tenable. Kor a modem reprint and transl., with a list of the known copies and other valuable notes, see below Taxes dc la p^ni- tt'Hceyte apostoliquc {1879) ■ "ind, for another, Mendham, J., I.ife and ponliftcnte of St. Pius V. See also Reusch, De*- In- r/.-.r. i, 421. ii, 142. Liber vagatorum : der Retller Orden. \_Repr.^ from ed, of I'iibini^eu^ 1510, in Scheible, J. Das Schaltjahi-, iv. 1847.] For the ed. here reprinted see Weller, Kep., 556 ; and, for a bibliography of the book in question, the Sempeiim for 1862 (p. 113). As Goedeke has pointed out, the author of this popu- lar and often reprinted satire on beggardom was duubtless Pam- pliilus Gengenbach, the Basel printer and poet, whose rhyming edition is shown by the retention of some of its rhymes in the prose versions to be earlier than these. See Goedeke, Pani- phiius Gengenbach {Hanover, 1856); also his Gt-iindriss,\ 116, and liartsch, s. v. Geugenhach, in the Allg. dent. Biog. Appended is what has been held the oldest vocabulary of ' Rotwelsch," or argot. Same. English. The book of vagabonds and beggars ; with a vocabulary of their language, ed. by i\Iartin Luther in 1528. Now first transl. into English with introd. and notes, by J. C. Hotten. London, i860. 20X15. pp. 37 + 64. Following the introd. is a frontispiece (a reprod. of the old I. -p. wdct) and a second t.-p. : Lihcr vagatorinit : the book o/inxgabonds and beg^^nrs^ ivit/i a pre/ace by Martin Luther. Printed at U'ltfembergin the year M.D. XX IX. Hotten's introd. has liittc bibliographi- cal value. For a not too severe review of it and a really val- uable bibliography of the Liber T'agatoriaii, see the articles by Herr J. M. Wagner \v\ the Serapcuni for 1862 (pp. 103, 113). This writer declares its first publisher to have been Thomas Anshelm at Pforzheim in 1509 and mentions as ante- type a ms. ISetriignis der Giler and B linden ; but later au- thorities seem to concur in Goedeke's ascription of the earliest form of the work to Gengenbach. Lifevre. Augusta F, Les martyrs poitevins, [1520-1789]. Toulouse, 1874. 19''. pp. 305. Linacre, Thomas. Johnsci.v, J. N. Life of T. Linacre. 1S35. Linck, 'Weiizeslaus. Eyn Christlich | be- denckenii, WentzesLii | Lincken Kcclesiasten zu Al- lien- I burgk. Von den Teslamente;/ | der .sterben- den Menschen, | Wiedie gesclielieil vnnd | voltzogen werden sollen | noch gotliche« gcsetz. | [7cu7.]| M.D.XXiiij: At end: GeprucUt [j/c] zu Zwickaw durcli Jorg Gastel. 11524.] I9XI4. PP- I'sl- Wdlcr, Rrt>., 2956. l..p. bor- der. In vol. leltcred 4O Trnctaien. Lindanus {Puiih van der Linden). Wil- helmus Damasus, />'/. of Rciniciul. ICpistola ad prin(.i|iei cl pra-latos Gcrmanix' dc perdili.s.simi.s cleri moribu.s. (/« Gratius, O. Fasciculus, ii. 1690.) Lippomanni, Aloisio, Card. Liters quibus lilecloicm .Moguiiihunii et socios liortatur, ut se conferant ad Consilium 'I'rid. (/« Schelhoru, J. Gr. Amoenitates hist, eccl., i. 1737.) Litaneia Germanorum, [1521]. {Pnrtinllv repi: ill Hiitten. U. V. ()|)c'ra, ed. I'.iicking, ii. 1859.) Literarii Sodalilii Apud Mnr|nirgum aliquot cachinni. 152S. .St'c Cordus, E. Lives of tlie liritish refornier.s, from Wickliff to Fox. C. London, [1834?). 17I', pp. 504. PorLs. (Relig. Tract See.) Coiileiits : —\n\rni. — Life of John Wickliff.— The Disci- ples of Wickliff — Life of Thomas liilney. — William Tindai. — John Frith. — T'homas Cranmer. — Dr. Hugh Latimer. — Queen Catherine Parr. — King Edward VI. — Thomas IJecon. — Miles Coverdale. — Lady Jane (Jrey. — George Wishart. — John Knox. — John Bale. — Dr. Rowland Taylor. — Dr. John Hooper. — Dr. Nicholas Ridley. — John Bradford. — John Jewell . — John Fox. Livre des taxes. See Taxes dc la penitencerie. 1879. Das lob Her Pfarrer. See Eberlin, J. Lobgesange, Cliristliche. See Fiinff Clirist- lichc Lobgesange. [LoffeL Kunz.] Ein schon new lied von dem von liutten : [.Ach edler Hut auss Francken, etc.'\ — Ein new Lied: [Ulrich von Hutlen das edel blut, ele.']. {Ill Hutten. U. v. dpera, ed. Book- ing, ii. 1859.) Lollards. Wiclif, J. Apology for Lollard doctrines; with introd. and notes by J. H. Todd. (Vol. XN <>/ Camden Soc. Pub.) ' Lommatzsch. Karl Heinrich Gottfijed. Narratio de kriilerico .Myconio. Annacber.t;ae, 1825. 1911. i6 + l534-[2]. Lord, John. Wyclif. — Luther. — Cranmer. — Calvin. — Savonarola. (/« his Beacon lights of history, ii, iii. 1884.) Lorimer. Peter. Patrick Hamilton, the first preacher and martyr of the Scottish Reformation ; including a view of Hamilton's influence upon the Reformation down to the time of Wishart. With an appendix of original letters and papers. Edinburgh, ctc.^ 1857. aoh. pp. 16 + 267. ^'o\. i of his PrecHrsors of Kiwjr. Loschmanu. Johann, comferrdtte- rey, vmi anffdeckkuiig VHsers AnteChrists [sic], des Babsts vnd seiner ntitz'er'wanihen glider . . . miffgelamet, etc. Save Luther, however, who is several times referred to, no other contemporary is mentioned by name. The te.xt begins with the words; li'ier Lutzi/er : S^thannas vi>n Beelzebub, Cotter Kiinigy Fiirsteu, 7>nd Herren der Hellen, . . . sa/nbt aller vnserer geseclscha/t [sic], etc. It fills, in all, 36 ft", and ends, on fob 36 b, with date, signature, and paraph : Datiuin [sic] in vnsern hclhschen retch, am tag vnserer fiirsorg, A una vnserer iveltlic hen regierung ahivir achten iin letzten. — Lut- zij'ac mit sambt seiner gese.-lscha/t [sic]: Enndi. Thislittle salffe seems unknown to the bibliographers, and was perhaps never printed. It is — what, if the conjecture as to its date is correct, is especially remarkable — distmctly A nabaptist. The chief stress is upon the tenet of adult baptism ; and the taking of oaths, luxury, titles, personal adornment, all resort to force, and even the wearing or siipplymg of arms are bitterly attacked. That the manuscript is the autograph of its author seems probable from the fact that a signature — *' Lucifer" simply — preceding the paraph has been canceled, and the fuller signature quoted above added itt the same hand after the paraph. I'he booklet bears on its cover the book- plate : E-v Libris Tschartierianis Planaterrip Curice l\hiEtO' rum, and on a fly-leaf the inscription : yohnn Bapttsta de Scandoleca j Anno i6<)8 die 12 jobris. It was bought in Zii- rich in July. 1S86. Ahsag . . . Luther . . . zugesandt. [1524.] Sec Absag. Lin neuer Sendbrieff. etc. ^tvEinneuer. Eine schriftliche werbung, etc. See Neue zeitung auf das jar MDXXI. Epistola, etc. See Epistola. Liineburg. Bekentnuss vnnd Erklerungauffs Interim, etc. 1549. F'.in liistig gesprech der | Teuffel vnd etlicher | Kriegsleute, Von der flucht ] des grossen Scliarrhan- I sen H. Heinrichs von | Braunschweig. | Anno M. D-XLH. {In Schade, O., editor. Satiren, i. 1863.) In verse. Ein lustigs Gesprach . . . von wegcn der Mess. Sec Manuel, N. Die Luterisch Strebkatz ] {Satirical 2vdct.'\ n. p., [1524J. 19X14- pp. [30]. In verse, but with prose inlrod. Weller, Kep., 3183. In vol. lettered 46 Tractaten. Repr., with notes, in Schade, Satiren, iii. Luther, Katharina von Bora, wife of Mar- tin Litthcr. Scc Bora, K. von. Luther, Magdalena. Portrait. Engraving, unsigned ; 15X11 ; half-length, three-quarters face, folded hands, Iiair falling about shoulders ; at top, Magdalena \ D. Mart. Lutheri ex Cathar, de Borha Filia ! A^ata An. IS2g. tnortua die 20, Sept. A 154.2. letatis Slue i^. In portfol. lettered Reformation. Luther, Martin. -Works by Luther. COMPLETE WORKS. Samtliche Schriften ; hrsg. von J. G.Walch, Halle, 1740-53. 22X18. 24 V. Port. Contents: — Einleitungs-Band. Nachrichl von Luthero (875 cols.).^Vergleichung der Hallischen Ausgabe der Schnf- ten Lutheri mit denen verschiedenen Samlungen (597 cols.). — Register iiber die Schriften Lutheri {522 pp.). i, ii. Ausle- gung des ersten Buchs Mosis. iii. Predigten uber das erste Buch Mosis, etc., bis zum Psalter, iv. Ueber die Psalmen. V. Erklarungen einiger einzeleu Psalmen, ncbst der Ausle- gung des Predigers und Hohenliedes Salomonis. vL Ausle- gungen der grossen und kleinen Propheten. vii. Auslegun- gen des Evangelisten Matthai, Lnca und Johannis bis zum xiv Capitel. viii. Auslegungen des Evangel. Johannis vom 14. bis zo. Cap., des 15., 16. Capitels der Apostelgeschichte, des 7., 15. Capitels der I. Epistel an die Corinther, und die ausfiihrliche Erklarung der Epistel an die Galater. ix. Kiirzere Erkla- rung der Epistel an die Galater, samt den ubrigen cxegetischen Schriften. x. Catechetischen Schriften. xi-xii. K.irchen- postille. Xiii. Hauspostille. xiv. Vorreden, auch die histori- schen und philologischen Schriften, denen dielateinische Hibel- version beygefugt. XV. Zur Reformations-historie gehorige Documenten : i5i7-i5:?4. xvi. 1525-1537- ^'ii. 1538-1546. XTiii-xix. Streitigkeiten mit denen Papisten. xx. Schriften wider die Sacramentirer, Fanaticos, Juden und 1 urken. xxi. Hriefe. xxii. Colloquia und Tischreden. xxiii. Hauptre- glster, nebst einigen Zusatzen. Sanimtliche Werke ; [hrsg. von E. L. Enders und J. K. Irmischer.] 2. Aufl. Bde. i-xv. Frankfurt a. 'M.,etc., 1862-70. igh, 15 v. Bde. i-vi form the division Hauspostille, and Bde. vii-xv the Kirchenpo- stille. For his Brie/zuechsel, belonging also to this edition of his works, but not continuously numbered, sec below. O. Werke. Kritische Gesammtausgabe. Bde. i-iv. Weimar, 1883-86. 27" 4 V. t.-p. border. Contents: — Tractatulus de his, qui ad ecclesias confu- giiint. — Sermo praescriptns praeposito in Litzka. 1512. — — Sermone aus den Jahren 1514-1517. — Quaestio de viribus et voluntate honiinis sine gratia disputata. :5i6. — Vorrede zu der unvollstandigen Ausgabeder " deutschen I'heologie." 1516. — Die sieben Busspsalmen. Erste Bearbeitung. 1517. — Dispu- tatio contra scholasticam theologiam. 1517. — Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum. 1517. — Ein Sermon von Ablass und Gnade. 1517. — Fine kurze Erklarung der zehn Gebole. 1518. — Instructio pro confessione peccatorum. 15.18. — Zwei deutsche Fastenpredigten von 1518. — Asterisci Lutheri adversus Obeliscos Eckii. 1518. — Epistolium ad loh. Sylvuim Egranum. 1518. — Sermo de poenitentia. ",518. — Sermo de digna praeparalione cordis pro susci- piendo sacramento euchanstiae. 1518. — Duo sermoncs de passione Chnsti. 151S- — Fragmentum Lectionum Lutheri. 1518. — Disputatio Heidelbergae habita. 1518. — Vorrede zu der vollsiandigen Ausgabe der "deutschen Theolo- gie." 1518. — Eine Freiheit des Sermons papstlichen Ablass und Gnadc belangend. 1518.— Decern praecepta Wittenber- gensi praedicata populo. 1518. — Resoliitiones disputalianum de indulgentiarum virtute. 1518. — Pro veritate inquirenda et timoratis conscientiis consolandis conclusinnes. 1518.— Sermo de virtute excommunicationis. 1518. — Ad dialogum Silvestri Prieratis de potestate papae responsio, 1518. — Ausleguug des 109. (110.) Psalms. 1518. ii. Acta Augustana. 1518.— Ap- pellalio M. Lutheri a Caieiano ad Papam. 1518.— .'\ppellatio F. Martini Luther ad Concilium. 1518. — Sermo de tnplici iu- stitia. 1518.— Replica F. Silvestri Prieriaiis ad K. Martmum Luliicr. — Eine kurze Unterweisiing, wie man bcichtcn soli, ijig, — I^iuhcrs Unlerriclu auf ctHche Artikel, die ihm von seinen Abgonnern aufgclegt und zugemcssen werdcn. 1519. — Auslegung dcutsch des Vaterunsers fi'trdieciulaltigen Laieii. THE WHITE LIBRA NY. 49 1515.— Ein Sermon von der Betrachtun^ des heiligen Leidens Christi. 1519. — Scrmo dc duplici uistiha. 1519. — l^isputatio cl cxcusatio F. Martini Luther adversiis crtminatiunes D. Jo- hannis Eccii. 1519. — Ein Sermon von dem ehelichen Stand. 1 519. — Ein Sermon von dcm Gcbct nnd Procirssion in der Kreuzwochc. 1519. — Resohuio Lntlicriana super propositionc Nua decima tenia dc potestate papac (per aillorem locupletata). 1519. — Ein Sermon gepredigl rw Leipzig aiif dcm Schloss am Tage Petri und Pauli. 1510,— Disputatio Jnhannls Eccii et Martini Lutheri Lipsiae habJta. 1519. — Scheda adversus Ja- cobum Hoclistraten. 1519. — Kcsolutiones Luthcrianac super propositiqnihns suis Lipsiae dispntatis. 1519. — In epistolam Pauli ad Galatas M. Lutheri commentarius, 1519. — Protestatio. 1519. iii. Dictata super Psakcrium. 1513-1516. iv. Dlctata super Psalierium. 1513-1516. — AchiotationesQuincuijlici Fabri Stapulensis Psalterio manu adscriptae. 1513 flg. — Praelectio in hbrum ludicum. 1516 llg. — Scrnione aus den Jahrcn ca. 1514- 1520. COLLECTIONS. General. Schriften in Auswahl ; Iir.s Delius. 2. Aufl. Gotha, 1883. 19I". pp. 6+[2j+336. Port. In modernized spelling, with brief introductions. Cojiieuts : — Luthers Leben und Wirken. Vorrede Luthers zum ersten 'I'eil seiner Schriften, 1539. — Die 05 'Ihcsen. — An den christlichen Adel deuischer Nation. — von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen nebst Brief an Papst Leo X.— Eine treue Vermabnung an alle Christen. — Von weltlicherObrigkeit. — An die Ratsherren a}Ier Stadte deutschen Landes, dass sie chrislHche Schulen aufnchten und balten sollen. — Heerpredigt wider die Tiirken. — Zwei Prcdigten. — GeistUcbe Lieder, — Gebete. — Bibelauslegung. — Briefe. — Klcinere Schriften. — Tischreden. Select treatises in the original German ; with philological notes and an essay on German and English etymology, by B. Sears. C. Andover, etc., 1846. igh. pp. 28+382. Cotiteuts : — Synoptical view of German and Enghsh words haying the same etymology. — Sermon on indulgences. — Expo- sition of the 37tb psalm. — Address to "the German nobility. — Address in behalf of public schools. — Exposition of the 14th chapter of John. — Fragment. Martin Luther als deutscher Classiker, in einer Auswahl seiner kleineren Schriften. 2. ver- mehrte Aufl. Frankfurt a. M., 1878. 20I1. pp. 50 t 364. Edited by H. Zimnier. Extracts, hymns, and letters, in modernized spelling. Prefaced is a collection of modern ' Ausspruche iibcr Luthers literarische Bedeutmig.' Trostschriften ; hrsg. von J. Deliu-s. Gotha, 1884. igh. pp. 5-|.[2]-f3i9 In modernized spell- ing. Der ungefalschte Luther, nach den Ur- drucken der kgl. oftentlichen IJibliothek in Stuttgart hergestellt [von Dr. K. Haas], i. Hiindchen. Stuttgart, i88o. 16I1. pp. 4+107. Contents ."— i. Von der Kircbe, was, wcr und wo sie sei und woran man sie erkennen kann. — Von der Freiheit eines Chri- stenmenschen. — Von weltlicher Obrigkeit : wie wcit man ihr Geliorsarn schuldig sei, Sendbrief an Papst Leo X. — Von der Frei- lieit eines Christenmenschen. — Warum des Papsts mid seiner Jiinger Biicher von D. Martino Luther verlirannt seien. Drei Reformalionsschriften aus ' dem Jahre 1 520. C. I Halle a. S., 1879. i9l>. pp. 12+54. No. 18 of Neudrucke dentscker Litteratur^erke d. i6. u. jy. yahrh. Kurtzer Auszug etlicher Spriiche Herrn Lutheri, etc.^ iiber der Lehre : (Jute Wercke sind nothig zur Seligkeit. 1648. See Loschmaian, J.. torn pi I er. First principles of the Reformation ; or, The ninety-five theses and llie three [irimary works of Luther transl. into Knglish ; ed., with theologi- cal and historical introductions, by H. Wace and C. A. Buchheini. London, 18S3. 23l>. pp. 88+245. Port. Contents: — Theological introduction by H. Wace. — His- torical Introduction by C. A. Buchheim. — The ninety-five theses. — Address to the nobility of ihc German nation.— Con* cerning Christian liberty.— On the Habylonish captivity of the church. Ungedruckte Predigtcn im Jahre 1530 auf der Colnirg gelialtcn ; nebst den ietzten Witten- bergcr Prcdigten vor dor Al)reise und der ersten nach der Riickkehr. Aus A. I'oachs handschrift- licher Samndung hrsg. von G. Buchwald. Zwickau, 1884. 23h. pp. s-f [1] +41. Andreas Poachs handschriftlichc Samm- lung ungedruckter Prcdigten D. Martin Luthers aus den jahren 1528 bis 1546. Hrsg. von G. Buch- wald. I. Bd., I. Halfte; 3. Bd,, i. Halfte. Leipzig, 1884-85. 2511. 2 V. Contents :~-\, \. 1528-29. Ui, 1. 1537-38, No other parts have yet (1888) appeared. Fofms Dichtungeii ; hrsg. von K.Goedeke ; mit ei- nem Lebensbilde Luther's von J. Wagenmann. C. Leipzig, 1883. igh. pp. 55 4 [2] -1- 244. Vol. xviii of Deutsche Dichter d. 16 Jahrh, hrsg. v. Goedeke u. Titimann Deutsche geistliche Lieder ; nebst den wahrend seines Lebens dazu gebrauchlichen Sing- weisen, und einigen mehrstimmigcn Tonsatzen iiber dieselben von Meistern des 16. jahrlumderts. Hrsg. als Festschrift fiir die vierte Jubelfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst, von C. v. Win- terfeld. Leipzig, 1840. 34h. pp. [2] + i32+ [i]. t. -p. border. W'dcts and wdct initials. Dr. Martin Luther's deutsche geistliche Lieder : The hymns of Martin Luther, set to their original melodies, with an English version. Ed. by L. \V. Bacon [and] X. H. Allen. New York, 1883. 25^. pp. 27 + 71. German text and par- allel English transl., with music. Vign. of Luther on t.-p. Letters. Briefe, Sendschreiben und Bedenken ; kritisch und hislorisch bearbeitet von W. -\L L. de Wette. Berlin, 1825-28. 2ih. 5 v. Port, Contents : — i. His zu seinem Aufenthalt auf Wartburg. ii. Bis zu seiner Verheurathung. iii. Bis zu seinem Aufenthalt auf der Koburger Veste. iv. Bis zur Schliessung der Witten- berger Concordie. v. Bis zu seinem Tode. Briefwechsel ; bearbeitet und mit Erlau- terungen versehen von E. L. Enders. Bde. i, ii. Frankfurt a. M. and Calw & Stuttgart, 1884-87. igh. 2 v. Contents: — i. 1507-19. ii, 1519-20. These vols, belong to the ' EHangen edition ' of his works, for another portion (i-xv) of which see above. Luther's letters to Women, collected by K. Zimmermann ; transl. by Mrs. Malcolm. London, 1865. 2oh. pp. 7+168. SINGLE WORKS. Contemporary Impressions. 1518. Ain gutte | trostliche predig | \'on der wii" digen berayt- | tung zu dem liochwirdi- | gen Sacra- ment. Do- I ctor Marini [,«<•] Luther | Augustiner zu I Wittenberg | &c j Item wie das leiden Cliristi | be- trachtet soil werden.j M.D. XVIII. Atend.Ge- druckt zu Augspurg durch Siluanum Otmar, bey 1 sant Vrsula cluster, am sechtzehenden tag Nouem | bris. Anno &c. im .Achtzehenden. 20X15. pp. [14]. Panzer, 896. s. Krit. Ausg., i, 326, a. t.-p. border. In vol. lettered Luther^ Diverse Sc/tri/ten, I. Sermo de virtu- | te e.xcowmunicationis Fra- I tri Martino Luther Augustiniano a | Unguis tertijs tandem I euerberatus. | [J/VrAj Af end: 50 THE PROTESTANT KEFORMATION AA'D ITS FORERUNNERS. IT Lipsiae ex zedibus Valentini Schuman«|Anno i'.omi- ni Millesimo quin- | gentesimo octauodecimo. 19X15- PP- [?]• Krit. Ausg., i, 636, B. Ad Dialoguw | Syluestri Piieratis Mrtgw/ri I Palatij de potestate Pape, | Respo«sio F. Martini Lu- I ther Augustine«sis, | Vuittenbergae. [Leipzig, 1518.] 19X15- pp. [47] Knt. Ausg.. i, 646, B. t. -p. border; title in black-letter. I5I9. Eyn Sermon j von dem Ablas vnd gna- | de durch den \Virdige« do- j cton-n Martinum Luther | Augustiner tzu Vuitten- ] bergk gemacht. At end: ^ Getruckt nach Christ geburt Tausent | funff hun- dert vn^ ym neunlzehenden Jar. [Leipzig, 1519.] 19X14 PP- [7] K-rit. Ausg., i, 241, t.-p. border. Ein kurtze vnterwey j sung wie man beich- ten soil. Auss ] Doctor Martinus Luther | Augusti- ners wolmeyn [ nung gezogen. [Nuremberg, 1519.] 20X15- PP- [loj. Weller (Rep., 1247) thinks it printed at Wittenberg. Knt. Ausg., ii, 58, C. Initials rubricated. In vol. lettered Lutlu-r, Diverse Schrif- ten, I. Epistola I D. Martini Lutlier Ad Georgium . Spala- I tinum &c. de disputatione sua. | Eiusdem super Tredecim Proposit/owibus | Lipsi^e dispulatis Resolutiones. n. p., 11. d. 20X15- PP- [35]- Krit. Ausg., ii, 389, E. Eyn Sermon | von dem wucher. | D. M. L. | \lVdct.'\ At end: If Hat lassen drucken tzu Leiptzk Ualten Schuman.] Nach Christi geburt. Tausent funffhun-| dert vnd ym neuntzehenden iar. | [/Vr'/Vc. ] 22X16. pp. [8]. Panzer, 932. aa. 1520. Adversvs execrabi- 1 lem antichrist! | bvllam, Mar. I Lvthervs. | [Orw.] | VVittembergae. | Anno, M.D.XX. 20X15. pp. [19] In vol. lettered Litthrr : Diz'crsc Schrj/- ten, I. Ausslegung des hu«dert | vnd neundten psalmen.J Dixit Aoiiiinm domino meo. | Doctoris Martini Lu- | ther Augustiner zu Wit | te«bergk. zu herr Hiero | nymo Ebner Loss- | unger zu Nurn- 1 bergk. At end : H Gedruckt zu Wittenbergk durch JohaKn. Grunenbergk I Nach Christ gepurt.] 1520 Jar. 2iXt6. pp. [28]. Panzer, 973. f. t.-p. border. Erklerung Doctor ] Martini Luthers | et- licher Artickel | in seinem Ser-| mon von dem | haili- gen Sa- | crament. n. p., [1520]. 21X15 pp. [7I Panzer, 973. gq. I -p. border, colored- Grund vnnd vrs.ach al- | ler Artickel D. Marti. I Luther : szo durch | Romische Bulle vii- ] rechtlich vor- | danipt | seyn. | Vuittemberg. n. p., [1520]. 20X15. pp. ["i]. Panzer, 974. zz. t.-p. border. Ain Schone | Predig von Zwayerlay | ge- rechtigkait Doctor | Martini Luthers | Augustiner \sic1 zu| Wittenberg] [Ora.] | M. D. XX. n. p., [1520]. 20X15. pp. (■5)- Panzer, 974. z. t.-p. border. Transl. into German by M[agisterJ G[eorg] Sfpala- tin], whose pref. is dated 21 May, 1520. Ein Sermon vo?2 dem gebet | vnd Proces- sion in der Criitzwochen, Ouch \sic'\ \ sunst von al- lem gebett durch das gantz | jar, wie sich der mensch darin?; lial- j ten soli, alien Christen mensche?; | nutzlichvnd salig zu wissen. | 1). Martinus ] Luther. I \_Wdct.^ [Zurich, 1520.] 19X14. pp. fio]. Weller, Rep., 1568. t.-p. border. In vol. lettered 46 Trnctateti. Ein Sermon von I dem Sacrament der Buss I doctor Marini \sic\ Luthers | zu Wittemberg. | [Cra.] [Strasburg, 1520,] 21X15. PP. [15]. Weller, Rep., 1575. t.-p. border. • Eyn Sermon von der be | reytung czum sterben | Doctoris Marti | ni Luttheri | Augu. [Leipzig, 1520.] 20X15. pp. [19]. Weller, Rep., 1558. t.-p. border. Von dem Bab- | stum zu Rom, wider den | hochberiimpten Roma- | nisten zu Leipzick. | D. Martinus | Luther Au | gustiner. n. p., [1520]. 2iXl6. pp. [62]. Panzer, 974, nnn. Ms. notes. Von den guten | werckenn : | . D. M. L. | V'uittenberg. At end : IT Getruck zu Wittenberg bey dem iungen | Melchior Lotlher Im Tausent funffhun | dert vnnd zweyntzigsten Jar. 20X15. pp. [115]. Panzer, 074. cc. t.-p. border. Wdcl on last leaf. Luther's ded. pref is dated at ' Wittenberg am .xxix. tag Martij,' 1520. Warumb des Bapst vnd seyner | Jungern bucher vo« Doc. | Martino Luther | vorbrant. | sein. I Lass auch antzeygen wer do | will warumb sie Doct. I Luthers bucher vor- | brennet haben. | Wittenbergk. | D.M.L. n. p., [15=0). 19X14- PP [14]. Weller, Rep., 1594. In vol. lettered 46 Tractaien. Warumb des Bapsts vnd seyner | Jungern bucher von Doc. | Martino Luther vor- | brant seyn. I Lass auch antzeygen wer do wil | warumb sie Doc. Luthers | bucher vorbrennet | haben. | Wittenbergk. I D.M.L. I .XX. At end: II Gedruckt tzu Witten- bergk Nach I Christi gepurt .^LD.XX. j Jar. 20X15. pp. [15]. Weller, /?d-/.. 1597- In vol. lettered Lniher, Missh'e. Die zehen gebot I gotes mit ainer | kurtzen ausslegung irer er | fiillung \nd iibertret- | tung, von Doctor | Martino Lu- 1 ther .-Vugu- 1 stiner ge- 1 macht. Apparently a modem fac-simile — and a clumsy one — of the impr. of [Augsburg, 1520]. 20X15. PP- [7]. Weller, Rep., 1531. Krit. Ausg., i, 249, G. t.-p. border. In vol. lettered Luther, Diverse Schriften, 1. I52I. Am anzaigung wie D. j Martinus Luther zu Wurms auff| dem Reichs tag eingefaren durch K. M. In I aygner person verhort vnd mit jm da-| rauff gehandelt | [ IVdei.'] n. p., (1521]. 21X16. pp. [7]. Fanzer, 1151, In vol, lettered German Tracts by Reformers, II'. Copia einer Missi- | ue, so D. M. Luther nach seynem ab- I scheydt zu Wormbs tzurugk ann I die Ch*urfUrsten, Fursten, \wd\ Ste«de des lieyligen R6- I mischen Reychs da | selbest versamlet | ge- schrieben | hat. [Wittenberg, 1521-] 20X15- PP- \j\ t.-p. border. Pan- zer, 1168. I'he fine t.-p. border (which contains a cut of a printing-press) bears the monogram, /. C, of Johann Grunen- berg. The Missh'c is dated at ' Fridburgk' (in the Wetteraut 'am Sontag Cantate .ym M. D. XXi.' Copia einer Missiue : so Doctor | Marti- nus Luther nach seynem abschid zu Wormbs] zurugk ann die Churfiirsienn, Kiir-stenn. viind ( Stende des heyligenn Romischcnn | Reichs da selliesl versam- ' let geschrieben | hat. n. p.. [1521]- 20X14. PP- [7J Panzer, 1171? In this impr. the place of writing has become ' Freyburg in Meyssen.' Doctoris Martini Lu | ther kurtz schluss rede von den ge | lobten vnd geistlichen le- | ben der kloster. | \^Orn.'\ n. p., [1521]. 19X14- PP- [lO- Weller, Rep., 1857. t.-p. border. In vol. lettered 46 Tractatcn. Thesea for disputa- tion, sent by I.nther from the Wartburg. THE WHITE LIBRARY. 5t Ain sermon | Doctor Martini Luthc-rs, so fr auf I clem hinvve}^ zu K. M. gen Wormbs | zuzie- lien, auss bitt fiirtrcflielier | vnd vil gelerler, on vorgen- | den tleiss oder sonderliche | studierimg in der eyl zu | Krffurdt getlion. | Anno. M. U.XXj. | n. p., [1521]. 20X15. pp. [?]■ Panzer, 1079. t.-p. border. Ein sermon von dein | heyligen Iiocliwir- tligen Sacra- | ment der Tauffe. Doctoris | Martini Luther Au- | gustiner zu Wit- | tenbergk. p., [1521J. 2iXi6. pp. [15]. Welter, Rt'p., 1579. Con- V - . - ..'?■ . temp. ms. notes. In vol. lettered Ceyinan Tracts by Reform Ain serriion | von der wirdigen em]")rahung des I hailigen waren leycbnams Chri | sti, gethon am griitidonerstag | zu Wittenberg, in gegenwer | tigkait ties Durchleiiclitig- [ steii Hocligeljornen Fiir- | sten vni/ Marggraff zu | Brandenburg &c. | deni [iingern U. I M. Lutlier. | M.D.XXj. | [Ont.] n. p., [1521?]. 21X16. pp. [10]. Panzer, 1077. t.-p. border, colored. Ein underricht | Uer beyclitkiinder | liber die verbot- | ten biicher | D M. Lu | ther. | \_Oni.'\ \ Vuittemberg. | Jni Jar .MjD.XXI. [Augsburg, 1521.] 19X15. pp. [8]. Weller, /?(•/., 1872. t,-p. border. Von der Beycht ob | die der Bapst ma-| cht iiabe tzu ge- | pieten. | Doctor Martinus | Lutlier. | Vuittenberg. Wittenberg, [1521]. 20X15. Jip. [91]. Panzer, loSg. t.-p. border. Luther's pref. letter to h ninz von Sickingen is dated ■ yn meyner Pathmos [/. e. the Wartburg]. Prima Junij. iM.D.xxi.' Appended is Dt'r hutuiertxinnd acfitzehend j Fsabit nutztick tzu betten /nr \ das ivortl gottis tzur hebeicn widder den I grosscn feynd des selben, den Bapst \ vnd tnenschefi lere, vortentsehet | dnrcit D. Martiilum | Lttther. 1522. \\\ die Kir | che// zu Erdtfurt | in gott ver- sanilet, Epi [ stel vnnd vnderricht vonden | heyligen. I D. Martin Luther | Ecclesiastes zu | Witte«berg. [Basel, 1522.] 19X14. pp. [7). Weller, y?!-/., 2143. t.-p. bor- der. Wdct initials. In vol. lettered 46 fractaten. Dated ' Wittenberge am ..\. tag des Heihuonats," 1522. Antwortt | deutsch | Mart. Lu- | thers auff | KonigPIenrichs von| Engellantl buch.| \_EpigrnpJi.'] At end: Gedruckt tzu Wittemberg, durch | .\ickell Schyrlentz, | M.D.X.Xij. 20X15. pp. [47]. Panzer, 1350. t.-p. border (bearing date ' 1522 '). Ausslegung der | Epistelen vnd Euange I lien, die nach brauch der kirchen gelesen werden | durch den Aduent, vnd dannenthyn vom | Christag liiss vff den So«tag nach Epi- | phanie. Darin« reychlich anzeigt vnd \ fiirgeljildet wirt w%s eim Chri- I sten menschen zur seligkeit | not ist zu wis- sen. 1 D. Martinus Luther. [ .Audi hastu eyn klarcl vnderricht, was man in dem ICuan- 1 gelio suchen vncl leren sol mit | eyner schonen vorred. | Hier auff ist auch ge- | macht ein fleyssig Register iiber | die bey- den teyl, darin« eyn | yeder Jeychtlich finden | niag. ynlialt dess | gantzew buchs. | Anno M.D..K.\11. [Basel, 1522.] 31X21. fl' [22I + 38 + 161. 1,-p li.irder. VN'dcts and wdct initials. Last leaf wanting. Ain Christlicher | Sermon von gewalt Saut Peters, Durch Martinum Luther gethon | zu Wit- temberg, Im zway vnd | zwaintzigisteii jar. | .-Mien Christglaubigen fast [ nutzlich zu wissen j [ Ti\xt.] n. p., [1522] — yetat foot of t.-p. in a contemp. hand is 'xxiiij.' 19X15. pp. [8). Panzer, 1394, Ain Sermon von | sant Peter vnd Paul den I hayligen zw61ff| botten. | Gepredigt zu Wittem- berg, durch I D. Martinum Luther. &c. I M.D. XXIL [1522.] 21X16. pp. [lol. Panzer, 1393. l.-p. border. Not the same sermon as the foregoing. Ain Christ- | lyche vnd vast Wolge | griinte bevveysung von dem Ju;/g | sten tag, vnd von seine» zaichen | das er auch nit verr mer sein | mag. D. M. L. I [7>jr/.] I Wittemberg. | [Orn.'] [1522.] 21X15. pp. [30]. t.-p. border. rje ab I roganda missa| privata Marti- 1 ni Lvtheri | senten- 1 tia. | [ Text.'\ At end: Impressvm VVittembergae I Menselanvario. | An. M.D. XXIL 21X15. pp. [86]. t.-p. border. Wdct initials. De votis I mona- | sticis, Martini | Lvtheri Iv- 1 dicivm. | Basileae | Anno M.D. XXIL [Basel, 1522.] 19X14. pp. [134]. t.-p. border. Wdct initials. Eyn missiue alien | den, sso von wegen des wort got | tes verfolgung leyden trtistlich, j von D. Martin Luther ] an den Eren«vestenn | Hartt- mutt vonn | Cronberg ge- | schrieben. | Anttwortt llarttmults von | Cronberg. j Gedruckt tzu Wittem. berg. I 1522. 21X16. pp. [20]. Panzer, 1320. t.-p. border, bearing the monogram of Job. Grunenbcrg. Ain nutzliche Predig | von der geburt Marie der niut | ter gottes, gepredigt zu Wittenberg, von [ D. M. L. I [Ora.] I D.M.XXII. [w] n. p., [1522]. 21X16. pp. [7]. Panzer, 1409. t.-p. border. Ain Sernton | am nachsten sontag | nach Marie I Hymel- I fart. | Gepredigt zu Wittem- 1 berg, durch D. Mart. | Luther. &c. | M.D.XXII. n. p., [1522]. 21X16. pp. [iij. Panzer, 1401. t.-p. border. Ain SermoH | An dem tag des hai- | ligen Sant Johan«es des Taf- | fers [.f/c] Jhesu Christi. Gepredi | get Vo« D.M.L. Ecclesi. | Witten. .Anno. 1522. I llVdet.-^ n. p., [1522J. 21X16. pp. [7]. Weller, Refi., '218^. t.-p border. Eyn Sermon [ Doctoris Martini Lut- 1 thers, geprediget am | tag der heyligenn | Triueltigkayt. | Aulif das Ewangelion | Johannis. iij. | Wittemberg. n. p., [1522]. 20X16. pp. [10]. Panzer, 1384. t.-p. border. Ain. Sermon. | Kiirtzlich geprediget | von Do. Mar. Lut. Vnd dar | bey den versta«d, wie vil kraft I die hailigen Eua«gelia, tib- | er die Concilio habent. | 1522 | [H-Vf/. ]| Concilia. n. p., [1522]. 21X16. pp. [11]. Panzer, 1399. t.-p. border. Wdct at end. Ain. Sermon, j .Secundum Lucam. | Gepredi- get Von. Doctor Marti | ni [«V] Luther Hat in jm begryff | en Von iiberfluss der zeyt | lichen giiter, Vnd des | schalckhafftigentl knecht. .Anno. | M D. XXIL I Witemberg. | IBeviee.} [? Leipzig, 1522.] 21X16. pp. [15]. Panzer, 1402. t.-p. border. Eyn Sermon ] von dem gleyssner vnd | of- fenbaren siinder, | gepredigt durch | Doctor Mar- | tinu/« Lut- I ther. | Wittemberg. | Luce, xviij. n. p., [1522]. 20X15. pp [11]. Panzer, 1418. t--p dem vnrechten | Mam- Luther. I Witte?;berg. Eyn Sermon von mon. I Lu. xvi. | D. Mar. .Anno I M. D. xxii. [Wittenberg, 1522.] 21X16. pp. [12]. Panzer, 1404? t.-p. border, bearing monogram of Job. Grunenberg. Ain Sermon vonn der trostung | des haili- gen gaist in der verfo!- | gung, iiber das Euange- lion I Cum venerit paraclitus | JohanK. xvj | D. Mar. Luther. | Anno. D. M. XXij. [w] | [ »-V^/.] n. p.. [1522]. 21X16. pp. [8]- Panzer, 1375. 52 TUB PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Ain. Sermon. | zii sant Mychael getKoH | zu Erffordt auff den tag der | aylff Tausent Junck- frau- I wen vom glauben vnd J wercken. | Doct. Mart. Luther. | Jm Jar. M D XXij. | [0)-«.] n. p., [1522]. 21X16. pp. [14]. Panzer, 1421. t.-p. bor- der (bearing date ' MDXXl '). Eyn trew vormanung Mar- | tini Luther tzu alien Chris- 1 ten. Sich tzu vorhuten | fur auffruhr vnnd I Emporung. | Vuittemberg. n. p., [1522]. 20X15. pp. [19]. Panzer, 1326. Ein trostlich | vnterricht D. Martin Lu- ther.s I wie man sich gegen den Tyran | nen, so Christum vn(/ sein wort [ verfolgen halte« sol. Ge- predigt ] aus dem Euange. Mat- | they am Fiinfften I Capitel. •. I Selig sindt die verfolgung | leyden &c. n. p., [1522?]. 21X16. pp. [7]. t.-p- border. Wdct ini- tial. Seems unknown to the bibliographers. In vol. lettered Gertnan Tracts by Reformers, I'. Vom miss- | branch der | Messen. | Marti- nus Lu. I W'ittemberg. j M.D.xxij. [Wittenberg, 1522.] 21X16. pp. [103]. Panzer, 1310. l.-p. border. Luther's pref. letter is dated 'Auss meyner wustenn [/. e. the Wartburg] am tag Katharine M.D.xxi.' Von beyder gestallt | des Sacraments zu I nehmen, vnd ander | newrung. Doct. | Martin Lu- | thers mey- 1 nung. | Wittembergk. j M.D.XX. | ij. [Wittenberg, 1522.] 21X16. pp. [30]. Weller, Rep., 2156. t.-p. border. Von denn | geystlichen | vnd kloster | ge- lubden \ Martini Lathers | vrteyll. At end : Ge- druck tzu W'ittemberg. | Vnd verdeuscht durcli den ehrwirdigen Doctor Just | Jona Probst tzu Witlem- berg. Anno M.D..\Xij. | \_Erratum.'\ 21X16. pp. [215]. Panzer, 1304. t.-p. border (bearing date '1522'). Wdct initials. Appended is his sermon i'oJi den WiiTven. Von der Beycht | ob die der Bapst [ macht hab zu I gebieten. | Doctor Marti- | nus Luther. | Wittenberg. n. p., [1522]. 19X14- pp. [60]. Weller, Rep., 2132. t.-p. border. See note on an earlier impr. of this tractate (last title under 1521). In vol. lettered 46 Tractaten. Wider den falsch | genanten geystliche?; | stand des Babsts vnd der | Bischoffen. | D. Mart. Luther I Ecclesiasten | zu Wittewbeig. .4t end : Getruckt zu Ziirich. im. .\xij. jar. 19X14. pp. [71]. Weller, J*?*-/. , 2200 t.-p. border. In vol- lettered 46 Tractaten- 1523- Epistel Sanct | Petri gepredigt j vml aus- gelegt I durch | Mart. Luther. | Vuittemberg. | M. D. xxiij. At end: Gedruckt zu Wittemberg durch Nickel I Schyrlentz ym drey vnd zwentzigsten jar. 22X16. pp. [207]. Panze* 1637. t,-p. border Wdct initials. Copious ms, notes iu 16th century hands. Ain Sendbrieff D. Martini | Luthers, iiber die frag, | Ob auch yemandt, on | glaubfn verstor- ben, I selig werden | miig. | M.D. XXIII. ti. p., [1523]. 22X16. pp. [7]. Panzer. 1718. t.-p. bor- der. Dated at ' Wittemberg, am Monlag nach Assumptionis Marie,' 1522. Ein Sermon auffdas | Euangelion Am Son- Itag nach EiJipha- 1 nie. Luce. ij. | D. Marlinus Luther. | Vuittemberg. | 1523. n. p., [1523]. 19X14- PP- [loj- Panzer, 1738. t--p, bor- der. Wdct initial. r"yn Sermon | auff das Ivuan- | gelion von dem I Rcyclien man | vnd armen I.asaro. | Luce am xvj. I Mart. Luther | Vuittemberg. At end : Ge- druckt zu Wittemberg Durch Nickel | Schirlcntz ym iar .M.D.XXiij. 19X14. pp. [19]. Panzer, 1765. t-p. border (bearing date '1522'). Ms, notes. Prefaced by an appeal from Luther to the German printers not to publish his sermons save as pre- pared for the press by his own hand or as printed by his re- quest at Wittenberg. Eyn Sermon | auff den Pfing- | stag. | Mart. Luther. | Vuittemberg. | M.D.X-Xiij jar. [Wittenberg, 1523,] 19X14. PP- [21]- Panzer, 1759. t.-p border. Ms. notes- Ein I Sermon | Doctor Martini | Lutthers. Auff das I Euangelion Jo. X. J Von dem gut- 1 ten hyrten. | Durch in vberlesen. ( M.D.XXiij. . n. p., [1523]- 21X15. pp. [16]- Panzer, 1748? t. -p. bor- der, illustrating the parable. Eyn Sermon vber | Das Euangelium I Johan. 4. Es war eyn konigi- | scher des son lag kranck zu ] Capernaum etc. | [Ont.'\ \ Martinus Luther. | D M XX iij. [«V] | Wyttem. [Bamberg, 1523.] 19X14- PP- (14] Weller, Rep.. 2575. t.-p. border. Das Sie- ] bend Capitel S. | Pauli zu | den I Chorin- ] thern aufgelegt | durch Martinum | Luth. | Wittemberg | M.D. xxiij. n. p., [1523]. 22X16. pp. [79]. t.-p. border. Copious marginal notes, in 16th century hands. Von welltlich- | er vberkeytt | wie weytt man | yhr gehorsam | schuldig sey. | Mart. Luther I Vuittemberg I M-D.XXiii. At end: Gedruckt zu Wittemberg Durch Nickel I Schyrlentz, Anno .M. .D. XXiij. 18X14. pp. [51]- Panzer, 1684. t.-p. border (bearing date ' 1522 '). Wdct initials. Luther's ded. pref is dated ' Zu Wittemberg, am newen iars tag. 1523,' Von weltlicher vberkeit wie | weyt man yhr gehor- j sam schuldig sey | Gedruckt in der fur- I sten statt Grym?«. Grimma, [1523], 20X15- pp. [4, instead of ? 38). Panzer, 1688. Only Luther's dedication and pref — the rest wanting, t.-p. border. In vol. lettered Litther, Dive7-se Schriften, 1. Vrsach vnd | antwort das iu«g- | frawe« kloster | gottlich verlassen | miigen. | D. Martinus Lut. I Wittenberg. | Anno. i\L D. xxiij. n. p., [1523). 19X14. pp. [11]. Panzer, 1704. t.-p. bor- der, Wdct initial. In vol, lettered 46 Traetaten. A lettei from Luther to Leonhard Koppen of I'orgau, dated ' zu Witten- berg am Freitag in der Osterwochew, .-\nnu ,M, D, xxiij,' — .- Widder die Uerke- | rer vnd felscher | Key- serlichs | mandats. | Martinus Luther. 1 Wittemberg. I M.D.XXiij. Wittenberg, 1523, 19X14 pp, [11] Panzer, 1690, t.-p, border At end are inserted the last 3 ff, (U, B ii, B iii) an- other work, ( ? Wider den /aUch genaniiten geisttichen Stand). Wyder den gewaffete« [.wr] | man Cocleum D. Martini Luther schoner | beschaid vom glauben vnd wercken. | Wittemberg in M. | D. xxiij. Jar. \_Epigyaph.'\ 21X16. pp. [18]. Panzer, 1736. In vol, lettered German Tracts liy Reformers, 1. 1524- An die Rat- | herren aller Stette | Teutsches lands, lias sie t.'hrist- | liche Schulen auffrichten | vnd halten sollen. | Martinus Luther I wittenbere. i 1524 1 [/;■-,/.] n. p., 11524]- 19X16. pp. [26J. Panzer, 2214. i,-p. bor- der, colored. Die ander | Kpistel S. Petri | vnd eyne S. i Judas ge- | predigt | vnd ausgclegl | durch Marl. Luther. I Wittemberg. |M.D.XXIIII. At end : Gedruckt zu Wittemberg durch | Hans Lufft 1524. 22X16. pp. [93I. Panzer, 2151. t.-p. border. AT. 33-36 mended and text restored by a coniemp. hand. Copious i6th century marginal notes. Eyn brieff an die Fiir | sten zu Sachsen | von dem | auffrurischen geyst. | Marlinus I.uther. | W'ittemberg. | 1524. n. p., [1524]- 21X15- PP- [19] Pander, 2202, i.-p. bor- der. THE WHITE LIBRARY. 53 Kyii Cliristlich- I er troslliricffan | die Mil- tenber- | ger. | Wie siesicli an ylucii fcyii' monkish liand, with a fragmentary discussion of the lasl judgment. Eyn Uurtze | vnterrichtu«g, war- | auff Christus seine [ Kirchen, oder | (ietiiain ge- | bavvet I hah. I Martinus l.uther. I wiltenberg. I M.D. kxiiij. ^ ' n. p., [1524]. 20X15. pp. ["1. Panzer, 2221, t -p. bor- der, colored, bearing initials ' M. L. ' Offinba- I rung [."< ] des Endchrists | aus dem Prophe- | ten Daniel wydder | Catharinutii. I Martinus Luther. I Witteniberg M. D. .\.\iiii. VTc-.xl.-] n. p., [1524I. 20X15. pp. [202]. Panzer, 2166. t.-p. bor- der, mortised for title and epigraph, and bearing the initials ' M. L." Luther's answer to the Dominican -Ambrosius Catharinns, transl. into German by Paulus Speratus. Dated at end ' Wit- temberg ym 1521. Jar, am ersten tag .'Vprilis.' Ain schoner Sermon Do- | ctor .Martini Luthers, am .\j. Son- 1 tag nach Trinitatis, Darinn | die grcisten hauptstuck | aines Chrislliche« | lebens be- I schlossen | seind. | M.D..\.\iiij. | '^Conlenls.'X n. p., [1524]. 21X16. pp. [7]. Panzer, 2256. In vol. lettered Gertnan Tracts by Reformers, 11. Sermon an detn | xiii. [xNiii.] Sontag | nach I'fmg I sten. | Marti. Luther. | Wittemberg. | 1524. n. p., [1524]. 2iX"6. pp. [19J. Panzer, 2258. t.-p. bor- der. Wdct initial. In vol. lettered Gerimut Tracts by AV- /ormers, 11. Widder das blind | vnd loll verdamnis der sie- I benzehen articled von der | elenilen suhend- lichen I vniuersitet zu In- | golslat aus- [ gangen. 1 .Martinus Luther. | Item der Wienner | Artickel widder Paulum | Speratuin satnpt sey- 1 ner antwort. n. p., [1524]. 19X14. pp. [47]. Panzer, 2188. t.-p. border. The articles which the University of ingolstadt forced .\rsa- cius Seehofer to abjure, with Luther's running commentary upon them and Speratus' similar reply to the Viennese theolo- gians. The letter is dated ' Wittemberg. 1524.' Zwey Keyserliche vn | eynige vnd wyd I derwertige ge [ pott den Lu | thcr betre [ fiend. | Im Jar 1 5 24. n. p.. (1524). 20X15. pp. [34]. Panzer. 2185. t.-p. border. 'I'he edicts of 1521 and 1524; with preface, marginal notes, and epilogue, by Luther, dated ' Im Jar 1524.' This was his retort. 1525. Eyn trostlichs buch | leyn Martini Lutheri, ynn aller | widderwertickeyt eynes ylie- | den Christ- glawbigen | menschen, newlich | gedeutscht durch | .Magistrum | Geor-| gium Spalatinum. | Wittembergk | 1.5.25. I At end: Gedruckt zu Wittemberg Hans Weyss 1 1. 5. 2 5. 21X16. pp. [66]. Panzer, 2640." t.-p. border. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers, II'. Von dem grewel | der Stilltnesse, so man | den Canon nen- 1 net. I Martinus Luther. I Wittein- berg. I M.D. XXV. n. p., [1525]. 19X14. pp. [26]. Panzer, 2646. t -p. bor- der. In vol. lettered 46 Tractaten. Widder die hyme- ] lischen prophelen, | von den bildern | vnil .S.acramcnt &c. I Martinus Lu- ther. I [ Text. ] I Gedruckt zu Wittemberg. [1525.] 19X15- pp. [87I. Panzer, 2655. t.-p. border, mortised for title and imprint and bearing the initials ' M. L.' Copious marginal notes, in a very neat 16th century Latin hand —perhaps that of ' Andr. Groslicnnig, Witteberga:,'whose au- togr. is on the t.-p. Das ander teyl wid | der die hymlischen | propheten | vom | Sacrament. | Martinus Luther. | \_Tcxt.'\ I Gedruck zu Wittemberg. [1525]. 19X15- PP- [119]. Panzer, 2655. t.-p. border, as in the first pan. 'I'hc second part of the preceding, with which it is bd. ; and glossed by the same hand. Some of the notes have historic value. Wider die Mordischen vn] Nickel Schir- | lentz. 21X16. pp. [65]. t.-p. border. Wdct initials. Ms. notes in a i6th century hand. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Re/oruiers, II. Das schone | Confitemini, an | der zal der I CXVIII Psalm | Ausgelegt durch | Mart. Luther. | M D XXX. I Wittemlierg. At end : Gedruckt zu Wittemberg I durch Hans LulTt. | M.D.XX.X. 20X15. pp. [110]. t.-p. border. Luther's ded. pref. is dated ' Ex I'.remo, prima Julij. 1530.' Ein Send- | brieff, von Dolmet- | schen, vnd Fiirbit- j te der Hei- | ligen. | D. Mart. Luther. I Wittemberg. | M.D. XXX. At end : Gedruckt zu Wit I temberg durch | Georgen | Rhaw. 21X16. pp. [30I. t.-p. wdct, mortised for title and im- print, and bearing the initials ' M. L.' Wdct initial. Pref. by ' Wentzeslaus Linck,' dated ' Niiniberg, am xv. Septemb, Anno .M.D. XXX.' Two copies. In vols, lettered German Tracts by ReJ'ortners, /and //. Vermanuwg | an die geistlichen | versamlet auff dem Reychss- | tage zu Augspurg, | Anno. 1530. I Mart. Luther. I Wittemberg. I [7'«-/.] At end : Gedruckt zu Niinnberg bey | Georg \\'achter. [1530.] 21X16. pp. [47]. L-p. border. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Re/ormers, III. Vermanu«g ] an die geistlichen | versamlet auff dem | Reichstag zu Augs- | burg, Anno. 1530. | Mart. Luther. | Wittemberg. | [ Text.\ At end : Ge- druckt zu Wittemberg, I durch Hans Lufft. I M D XXX. 21X16. pp. [68]. t.-p. border. Wdct initial- In vol. let tered German Tracts by Re/ormers^ IV. Venna- 1 nung zum Sacra | ment des leibs vnd I bluts vnsers | Herrn. | Mart. Luther. | Wit- temberg. I M.D. XXX. At end : Gedruckt zu wit- temberg I durch Joseph King. | M.D. XXX. 19X14. pp. [61]. t.-p. border. Wdct initial. Von den | Schliisseln | Mart. Luther. | Wittemberg. | M. D. XXX. At end : Gedruckt zu Wittemberg! durch Hans Lufft. | M D XXX. 19XI5. pp. [79]. t. -p. border. Wdct initials. Ein Wid- | derruff vom | Fegefeur. | Mart. Luther. | Wittemberg. | MDXXX. At end : Ge- druckt zu W'ittemberg I durch Hans Lufft. I M D XXX. 21X16. pp. [46]. t.-p. border. Wdct initials. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers., II. tlin Wicl-| derruff I vom | Fegefeur. | Mart. Luther. | Wittemberg. | 1530. At end : Gedruckt zu Wittem- ] berg durch Geor- |gen Rhaw. [1530.] 21X16. pp. [46]. t.-p. border. Wdct initial. In vol. lettered GerDian Tracts by Reformers, III. — — Eyn Widerruff I vom Fege-I feiir | Mart. Lu- ther.] Wittemberg. | M.D.XXX. Atend: t Ge- druckt zu Niirmberg bey | Georg Wachter. [^530-] 21X16. pp. [26]. t.-p. border. In vol. lettered Gervtau Tracts by Reformers, III. Ein Wyderrueff [ vom Fegfewr. | Mart. Luther. | Wittemberg. | M.D.XXX. n- P-» ['530J. 21X16. pp. [28]. t.-p. border. In vol lettered German Tracts by Reformers, IV. ■■53 1- Auff das Ver- j meint Keiserlich Edict, Ausgangen jm 1531 jare, [ nach dem Reichs tage j des 1530 jars. | Glosa. | D. Mart. Luthers. [ W'it- temberg. I 1) M XXXI L->'"']- Atend : Gedruckt zu Wittemberg durch | Nickel Schirlentz. 20X15. pp. [55]. Kine t.-p. border. Wdct initials. , editor. Exemplvm | theologiae | et doc- trinae | papistice. | [Epigraph.^ \ VVittenbergae | D MXXXI [j/VJ. At end: Inipressvni VVittenber gae I per Nicolavm Schir- 1 lentz. [1531?] 21X16. pp. [23]. Wdct initials. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers, I. A sermon on monasticism by ' I. K., i'rovintialis Ord. Predicatorum,' to a convent of nuns in the neighborhood of Wittenberg, with preface and de- tailed refutation by Luther. The sermon (fif. 3-5) is in black, letter, the pref. and refutation in italics. Eyn predig I vonn den | engeln. | Do. Marti. Lutiier. | 1531. n. p.. Ii53']. 21X16., pp. [14], In vol, lettcrctl German Tracts by Re/ornters, II. THE WHITE U BRAKY. 55 Von Gottis tlicifalliykeyt wider | die newen Ebioniter, dy man/; nen;/t ( reuffei) den | einfelti- gen zii tro.st, audi gcnicyncs, in« Coll ] vatter, Sun, vnd lieyligen (ieyst, glau- ] l)ens scliiUz, auss bey- de« 'restanienlen | goltlichc sclirifTt, von deni hocii- gc I gclerte;; [jvV] D. Martin Luth. iiljer | das liuangelion Johannis | zusamen geselzt. I M.D. XXXI. 11. p., (1531). 19X14. pp. ["] III vol. lelltTcd 46Tiac- tateti. Widdcr I den Meuclilcr | zu Dresen | ge- driickt.| Mart. I.utlier. | Wilteniberg. ] 1531. At (71(1: Clediuclit zu WiUcnihorg I Uurcli Hans Lufft. I M.D.XXXI. 19X15 PP |3<>|. t.-p Ijonltr, culorcd Wdct initi;ii [.Auslegung | der Evangclicn von | Ostern I bisauf>| .\dvenl, | gepvedigctdurch | Martin I.uther,| aufs neue iibcrsehen | und ( gebesscrt | mil ] I.utlieri und Kodtens Vorreden | versehen.] .// c-iid : Ge- druckt durch Michel | Lotther. M.l)..\x.\ij. IMagdelnirg,] 1532. 18X13. fl. [i2] + 295. t.-p. wanting. Wdcts and wdcl initials. The t.-p.. Lutlicr's preface and part of Rodt's, and folio 15, are supplied in manuscript. Das fiinIT- | te, .Secliste v\v\ \ Siebend, Capitel S. I Matthei, gepredigt | vnd ausgelegt | durch I D. Mart. I.ullier | Wittenibcrg. | 1532. At (lid: Gedruclil zu Wilteniberg I loseph Klug. 1 M. D.XXXii. I \_Errala.] 21X15. pp. [483]. t.-p. border. — - — Ein trost- | liche predigt von | der zukunITt Christi, vnd | den vorgehenden zeiclien | des liing- sten tags. 1 D. Mart. Luth. [ Winemberg. " At end : GedrucUt zu Wilteniberg | durch Lufft, I M.D.XXXIL 20X15. pp. [31! t. p. border. Wdct initial. and Melauchthon, P. Zwen trostbrieue, geschri | ben an den Durchleuchtigen, vnd hoch- | gebornen Fiirsten vnd Ilerrn, Ilerrn | foachim Cliurfiirste//, vnd Marck- | grauen zu lirandenburg &c. [ vom Tiircken zuge. | 1). Martin. Luther. | Philip. MelanUion. At end : Gedruckt zu Niirm- lierg, durch Johan | vom lierg, vnd VIrich Neuber. [1532.] 21X16. pp. [loj. Wdct initial. Luther's letter IS dated 3 Aug. 1532: Mclanchthon's. which is undated, is given both in German and in tlie orig. Latin. In vol. lettered G [1545]- 20X15- PP- [157]- 1546. Warnunge | D. Martini Luther, an seine [ lieben Deudschen, vor etlichen Jaren ge- | schrie- ben auff diesen fall, so die Feinde | Christlicher Warheit diese Kirchen vnd | Land, darinne reine Lehr des Euan- | gebj geprediget wird, mit Krieg | vberziehen vnd zerstoren | wolten. | Mit einer Vor- rede Phihppi | Melanthon. [ Wilteberg, | Gedruckt durch Haus | Lufft. | 1546. 20X15. pp. [83]. Wdct Initials. Melanchthon's pref is dated 10 Jul. 1546. 1547- Erklerung | D. Mart. Lutheri | von der frage, die Not- | wehr belangend. | Mit Vorreden Philippi Melanthonis | vnd Doct. Johan. Bugenha- gen I Pomers, Pastors der ] Kirchen zu Wit- | tem- berg. I Wittemberg, | Gedruckt durch Hans | Lufft. | ■547- J9XI4- pp- [32, instead of 46]. Wdct initials. The Vor- redf/t oti\y — Bngcnhagen's dated 20 Jan. 1547. The wanting remanider Is described by Beck {Bibi, No. 256). Vermanung zum | friede. ] Item : Verma- j nung zur Busse vnd Gebet, | wider den Tiircken. ] D. Mart. Luth. | Gedruckt zu W^ittemberg, | durch Hans Lufft. | 1.5.47. 21X16. pp. [29]. Wdct initials. In vol. lettered Gentian Tracts by Reformers, V. Pref. by Bugenhagen, who ex- plains that the portion ' luider den Tiircken,' is a reprint, but that the ^rermaintng zum friede' — * welche vnserlieber Vater [Luther] schrlebe am Karfreitage im jareChristi, M.D.XLII — is now first published. 1548. Kurtze vnd trostliche | Auslegung vber die ersten Zwolff { Psalmen, so D. Martin Luther se- j liger gedechtnis, im .xx.n. Jhar, | zu Coburg auff dem Schloss, I seiner guten freundeinem ] zu Trost vnnd vnter- | richt Turge- | schrieben. | [7>.t7.] | Cledruckt zu Erffurdt, durch | Geruasium Stliiirmer. | 1548. 20X15- pp- [119]- I'he editor is Aurifaber, who dates his ded- pref at ' Weimar am heiligen Chnst tage. Anno 1548 ' 1550. Der ander Psalm | Dauids, durch i). .Mar- tinum I Luther heihger gedechtnis ausgelegt, Darin auff I die leuffte vn;/ hendel der Weltgelerte/( jtziger zeit so I meisterlich geantwort, vnd den armen be- triibten | Christen so reicher trost, Lehr vnd vnter- weisung | vorgelegt wird, gleich als hette der heilige | Geist sonilerlich mit fingern auff diese | zeit vnd tage weisen wollen. | Itzt newlich Verdeudscht. | Ge- druckt zu Magdeljurg, bey | Christian Rodinger. | 1550. -•'// end: Getlruckt zu Magdeburgk bey Christian Rodinger. 19X15- pp- I'S^.j Der Von Magde- | burgk .\iisschreibcn | an alle Christen. | Aimo M.D.L. den | NXIIII. Marcij. I \^lVdcl.'\ I (Jedrucktzu Magdeburgk | Durch Hans Walther. [1550.] 19X15. pp- ['5I- bi vol- lettered Luther^ Di- verse Schrr/len, 2. D. Martini Lu- | titers Auslegung, vbcr den I 129. Psalm Verdeutscht, | zu diesen betriibten zciten | fast niitzHch zu lesen. | Auch desselbigen, etliche | Trostbrieff, an betrii!)- \ ic Pcrsonen- THE WHITE IJRKARY. 57 [7>^/j.] I Geiliuckt zu Magdeburgk durch | Michel Lotther. ( 1550. 2o>:i5, pp. [79], ]ul, by Aurifaber, who dates his ded. prcf. at ' Weimar am tage tier Himclfart Christi. Anno. 1550.' Klliclic trostliclie ver-( nianungcii in saclie« das hcilige (Jot- 1 liclie Wort bctrclTeiiil, zu dieser lietriililcii zeit | sflir niitzlich vnd tl■o^(licll zu lesen.| I). Marlinus l.utlier| Anno iM.D.XXX. | ^rirfacf ' zuiu Cliiislliclicn Icscr,' sigiifd by iMatl/zAij- Y\-Acius IIIy;vV«.r.] Atciui: (iedruckt zu Magdeburg l)ey | t'liristian Rodiiigur M.D.L. ■9A>5- pp. [i52l- 1551. Der Krste Toil | der Biiclicr vbcr etiiclie | Epistel der Apostehi. | Ix Mart. I.utli. | Wiltem- berg. I [ Wdct. ] | (iedruckt durch | Hans Lufft. | '55'; [Wittenberg,] 1551. 32v'2o. ff. [22] + 575. Wdctinilials. Thi: coiiiinentary on the Ep. to the tialatiaiis, which fills tnore than half the vol., is transt. from Luther's Latin by Justus Meiiius. '553- Ob nian« fur dew | sterben fliehen moge. | ^b^rlinus Luther. | [Orn.'] | Gedruckt zu Leiptzig (hitch I Georg Ilantzsch. I [Oiii.'l I Anno I M.D. I.III. 16I'. pp. [61]. This repr. is ed. by Magister Hermann IJiitticher, of Nordhausen, whose pref. is dated at Leipzig, 13 Oct. 1551. '554- .Sententia, liaMelicorum j'ninitionein ad nlagi^tratum nnn perlinere. (/« Chateillou, S., coiiipiltr. De haereticis. 1554.) '557- ■ Das Bapstum | mit seinen Gliedern | genialet vnd beschrie- | ben. | {\i\ht of Pope in altitude of hlessmg.-] I Wilteberg. | 1557.' (Wittenberg, 1557.] i61>. pp. [79], Weller, .4««., i, 302. Sixty-six wdcts of Lucas Cranach, representing the various ecclesiastical dignities and orders, with explanations in satirical verse, and with preface and epilogue by Liuher. I'he latter is signed by him and dated 1526, the year of the first impression of this popular lampoon. A few of the wdcts coarsely colored. 1560. , translator. Sapientia. \ De Wys- | Iieit Sakmio- 1 nis, an de Tyran- | nen. | D. .Mart. Luth. | Vth der liibli | en gedriicket, dorch I Wolff Kerche- I ner. | M.D.LX. n. p. 13''. pp. [61] t.-p. border. A Low German reprint. 1572. Deudsch | Catechismus, Auffs | new corri- girt, vnd ge- | bessert, durch | D. Mart. Luth. | \Port. of Lutlier.~\\ Wittemberg. 1572. At end : Gedruckt zu Wittemberg, | durch Johan Schwer- 1 tel. I 1572. i6h. (T. [8)4-191 t.-p. border. WdcLs. Later Reprints and Translations. An den christlichen Adeldeutscher Nation von des christlichen Standes Besserung, (1520). C. Halle a. S., 1877. igh. pp. 5 + 80. No. 4 oi A'emintcke (it'utscher Litterntttrwerke d. 16. ». ly. Jaftrh. .'^n die Rathsherren aller Stadte deutschen Landes : dass sie christliche Schulen aufrichten und halten sollen, Wittenberg, 1524. Leipzig, I'erlag der Littlterstiftnng, [i8 — ]. 23h. pp. 4 + 29. Preface signed by F. A. Schiitz. In vol. lettered Lutlier. Auffdes konigs zu Engelland lesterschrift tilel, Mart. Luthers Antwort. {Repr. from ed. of 1527 in Scheible's A'loster, x. ) Ein Brief Doctor Martin Luther's von den Schleichern und Winkelpredigern, Wittenberg, '532- Leipzig, t'ertag- tier l.iitlicrsti/tiing, [i8— ]. 23I1. pp. 18. Preface .signed by A. Harlcss. In vol. lettered Luther. Ein Krieff D. Martini l.ntkeri, an den Car- dinal, Ertz Bischoff zu M.aintz. ila.ss er zuni Friede rathen wolte. Anno M.D.X.X.X. \_I'ort. of Me- tanchtlwn.'^ Jetzo aber .'\uff instehcnilcs Jubel Jahr, .\nno 1630. Jedenniinniglichen zur Nachrichtung in Truck gegeben. Gedruckt im Jahr, M.DC.XXX. 19X15. pp. [14]. In vol. Icltcred Lut/ter, Diverse Schriften, 2. Ermahnung zum Frieden auf die zwolf Artikel der Bauernschaft in Schwaben, Wittenberg 1525- Leipzig, I'erlag der Luthersti/tuns, [18 — ]. 23I1. pp.33. Preface signed by F. A. Schiitz. In vol. lettered Lutlier. Newe Zeitung voin Rein, 1542: eine Flug- schrift Luther's gegen das Ileiliglhum des Kardi- nals Albrecht. Hrsg. v. G. Schwetschke. Halle, 1841. 2311. pp. 6-f[2].(-4o. Among ihe Beilagen are Erzbiscliof Albreclit's Scltuldzfcrschreihung an drci Brti. der und Vettern von I'eltluini d. d. Haltte/stadt, Donners- tag in der Oster-zvoche /j/.? and At'/ass des A'rrten Stt/ts zu Halle, dnselSst ausgeru/cH, both hitherto unpublished. In vol. lettered Luther. Praafatio praefixa Epistolis quibusdain Jo- annis Hus, 1537. — Alia pra;fatio prajfixa quatuor epistolis L Hus, 1536. — Scriptum in fine literarum Hus, 1537. (/« Hua, J., and others. Historia, .•/.-. 155S.) -Same. French. Preface aux lettres de J. Hus. (/« Hus, J. Lettres. 1846.) Ein Sendebricf von dem harten Biichlein wilier die Bauern, Wittenberg, 1525 ; mit der Schlussrede Dr. Urbani Regii von weltlicher Ge- walt wider die Aufriihrer. Leipzig, I'erlag der Luthersti/tung, [1S48]. 23''. pp.34. Preface signed by F. A. Schiitz. In vol. lettered Luther. Tischreden ; [hrsg. ] von O. L. B. Wolff. Leipzig, 1852. 18I1. pp. 8 + 184. For the earliest forms of the Tisehreden see Cordatus, 0., Tagebueli, and Lauter- bach, A., Tagebuch. Same. English. Table talk ; transl. and ed. by W. Hazlitt. New ed. [with] life of Luther, by A. Chalmers. London, Bohn, 1857. 19^. pp. [2] + 102 -f 390. Port. d. C. London, 5o/f«, 1872. 19'', pp. [2]4-io2 + 3go. Port. — — • Table talk. 4th centenary etl. London, 1883. ish. pp. 141. A mere selection, based on Forsteniann's German ed. of 1844. The translator signs him- self *J. G.' Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen, Wittenberg, 1520. Leipzig, I'erlag der Lutkersiiftniig, [18 — ]. 23*1, pp. 27. Preface signed by A. Harless. In vol. lettered Lotther. Von der Winkelmesse und Pfaffenweihe. Abdruck der I. Ausg. (1533). C Halle, 1883. igh. pp. io+764-[i]. No, ^o oi Neudnicke deutscher LitteraiufTverke d. 16. it. ly. Jakrh. Wider die stiirmenden Bauern, Witten- berg, 1525. Leipzig, I'erlag der Lutherstiftung, [1848]. 23h. pp.15. Preface signed by F. A. Schutz. In vol. lettered Luther. Wider Hans Worst. Abdruck der i. Ausg. (1541). C. Halle a. S., 1880. 19I1. pp. 6-f74i[i]. No. 28 of AVa- dntcke deutsclter Litleraiunver/ie d. 16. «. ij. Jahrh. Liitheri catechismus, bfwersatt pi Ameri- can-Virginiike sprSket [af ]. Campanius]. Stock- holm, M DC XCVL ■ C. 2o*>. pp.[i8]+i6o. Gontains, pp. 133-160,3 V'ocnbulaHunt Barharo-l 'irgineontjtt. Main t.-p. partly in red. Engr. t.-p., with title Catechismvs Lutho'i Ling^'a Svecico-AineH- catta. Text alternately in Swedish and Indian, the former in 58 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. biack-letter, the latter in Roman, with Greek characters in- terspersed. Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians ; [with] life of the author, and a history of [liis] times, by E. Midclleton. New ed., rev. London, 1832. 22*1. pp. 100 + 476. Port. A manual of the book of Psalms ; or, The subject-contents of all the Psalms. Transl. by H. Cole. London, 1847. 17''. pp. 6+[2] (-391. La conference entre Luther et le diable au sujet de la messe ; racontee par Luther lui- meme. Trad. nouv. du latin par L Liseux, avec les remarques et annotations des Abbes de Corde- moy et Lenglet-Dufresnoy. Pari.s, 1875, 15^. pp. 8-f9i-t-[2]. Frontisp. From \,\i- ther's iraclate Dt' /iii'ssa^r-iTtitn atrjiie sttcfrdotiitti iiiictione. Latin text parallel with French transl. An English version by Hazlilt of this episode may be found in the appendix to his transl. of Michelet's Luther. , editor. Book of vagal)onds. Liber vagatorum. . translator. Sec Bible. i860. Sc. Works on Luther. Lucifers, Luther . tlierana. Abs.\g . . zugesandt. [1524.] Andeer, J. Succinta descripziun della vita da JL Luther. (/«/«> lis reformaturs. 1845.) ApoEdGiA Christi pro Luthero. [1521.] {Ill Hutteu, U. V. Opera, ed. Bocking, v. 1861.) AuDi.v, J.M.V. Histoirede Luther. 1845. B.WNE, P. Martin Luther. 1887. Beck, C. H., bookseller. Bibliotheca Lu- 1883. Berger, C. G. Kurze Beschreibung der Merkwiirdigkeiten die sich in Eisleben, and in Lathers Hause beziehen. 1827. Bernh.\rd of Lii.xeiitburg. De Lvtero & Luteranis. (/« his Catalogvs haereticorvm. '537-) BoARDMAN, G. D. Martin Luther. 1883. Bretschneider, K. G., eompiler. Luther an unsere Zeit, oder Worte Luthers, welche von un- serm Zeitalter beherzigt zu werden verdienen. 1817. Brikger, T. Aleander und Luther, 1521. (Bd. i, K\i\\\. \ of his Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschiclite der Reformation. 1884.) BlGENHAGEN, J. Line Christliche Pre- digt vber der Leich vnd begrebnis . . . Luthers. 1553, aWi746. C,«LIUS, M. Leichen-Predigt, . . . in Eissleben . . . Luthern zu Ehren gehalten Hofmann, C. Gr. Memoriam saecvlarem, 1746.) — Vom Christlichen abschied aus Leben des Herrn M. Lutheri. (/h Jonas, J., and others. Vom Christlichen abschied, etc. 1553.) — ■ — Carlyle, T. The hero as priest : Lu- ther, (/h his Heroes, hero-worshi|i, and the heroic in history. 3d ed. 1846, a«r/ 1857.) Chalmers, A. Life of Luther. 1857. Ci.lcilTOVE, J. Improbatio qvorvndam articvlorvm Martini Lutheri. 1533. CoCHI.AEUS, J. Septiceps Lvthcrvs. 1564. COLLETTE, C. H. Luther vindicated. 1546 (/« etc. 1884. Luther. Cordatus, C. 1885. Tagebuch iiber Dr. JL [Cordus, E., and others.'^ Literarii So- dalitii apud Marpurguin aliquot cachinni. 1528. Doli.inger, J. J. L vo.\. Luther. 185). Eck. J. M. Enchiridion locorvni com- munium adversus Lutherum. 1536, and 1556. Edmands, J. Reading notes on Luther. 1883. Emser, H. Quadruplicaauff Luters Jung.st gethane antwurt. 1521. Ermma.w, D. Luther und die Hohen- zollern. 1884. Erfurt, U-\iversity of. Intimatio pro Luther. 1520. Same. German. Intimation in Luther. [1521.] Ernst, C. W. Personal characteristics of Luther. 1884. Fai.lim, G. Notizia della vita ed eresie di Martino Lutero. 1 749. Fisher, J. Assertionis Lvtheranse confv- tatio. 1525. Fi>srt:R, \V. E. Some recent views of .M. Luther. [1SS3.] Fk.\g und antwort .Simonis Ilessi und .Martini Lutheri, [1521]. (/« Hutteu, TJ. v. Opera, ed. Bocking, iv. i860.) Frevtag, G. Doctor Luther. {In his Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit : Aus dem Jahrhundert der Reformation. 1876.) Froi:i>e. J. A. Luther. 1884. — Times of Erasmus and Luther. {In his Short studies on great subjects. [1871 ?]) Die gancz [«V] ha.ndi.un'g szo mit dem Hochgelerten D. Martino Luther taglichen die weyl er autf dem Keyserlichen Reyclis tag tzu Wormbs gewest, ergangen ist, auffs kurtzest begriffen. [1521.] Gasparin, comte A. £. de. Luther et la r^forme au i6« siecle. 4« ed. 1875. Geor(;e, Duke of Saxony. Weltlier ge- stalt wir von Martino Luther inn schrifTten ange- geljen. [1528?] Die Handlung der Uniuersithet Leuen wider Luther. [1520.] Hare, J. C. Vindication of Luther. 1855- Headeey, J. T. Luther. {In his Mis- cellanies. 1S50. ) Hedge, F. H. Commemorative discourse. {In Massachusetts Hist. See. Commemora- tion. 1883.) Heinema.nn, L. Luther als Piidagope. .S83. ^ ^ Henke, E. L. T. Das Verhaltniss Lu- thers und Melanchthons zu einantler. i860. {In his Zur neuern Kircliengeschichte. 1867.) Hii'LKR, F. Kopernikus und Luther. 1868. Hofmann, C. G. Memoriam saecvlarem fvneris Lvtheri recolere stvdet C. G. Hofmannvs. 1746. — Zu dem erbaulichen .Xndencken des Sterbe-Tages Luthers. [ 1 746. ] Hosemann, J. J. Histoire abri^gee de Luther et de la Reformation. 1858. Hu I'FEi.n, D. T. .\. M.-A. Legis notio apud Lutherum. [1864.] THE U'lirrE I.IIIKAKV. 59 ILI.USTRIRTE ZeITUNG, 20 Oct. 1S83. (lid. Ixxxi, no. 2103.) Devoted to Luther's quntcrccntcn.iry, and rich in portraits of liiin and scenes from his life. Jacobi, J. A. Eichenlaub auf Lvithers (Jiab geslreul. 1817. [ONAS, I. I.eichen-I'roilif;! 1546 auf I,u- ihcni gelialten. ' {In Hofmauii, C. G. Meraori- aiii saecvlareni, t'A\ 174^-) — , and others. Vum Clirislliclien ab- schied Lutheri. 1553. JuROKNS, K. IT. Lulhcr von sci]icr Ge- l)urt bis zum Ablassstreite, 1483-1517. 1846-47. Katten'BUSCH, F. Luthers Lehre vom unfreien Willen uiul von der Pradestination. [KS75-] Knaake, f. K. F. Fiitlu-r's Antheil an der .\ugsburgischen Confession. 1863. KiJHLER, K. F. Luther's Leljen. [1875.] Koi.nE, T. Analecla Lutheiana. 1883. — Luther and der Reichstag zu Worms, 1521. 1883. Ki'isTi.TN, J. Martin Luther: sein Leben uiid seine Scliriften. 1S75. Same. Eiifflis/i. Life of Luther. 1883. Much abridged in translation. — Luther und Janssen. 1883. — Lutlier's Lehre von der Kirdie. 1S53. — Luthers Rede in Worms am 18. April 1521. 1874. — Luthers Theologie. 1863. KuH-N, F. Luther: .sa vie et son oeuvre. 1S83-84. Lauterbach, .'\. Tagelinch auf das Jahr 153S: die Hauptquelle der Tischreden Luther's. 1872. Lehmanx, J. O. L. A. Luthers .Sprache in seiner Uebersetzung des Neuen Testaments. 1873- Lexoir, D., translator. Vie de Luther. 1853. .S'tv beloTM Life of Luther. Lenz, M. Martin Luther. 1883. Leo X, Pope. Bulla contra errores Lu- tiicri. [1520.] LcTRD, J. Luther. (/«/«> Beacon lights of history, iii. 1884. ) Life of Luther. London, Religious Tract Saeiety, [1856]. 16I'. pp. 192, Frontlsp. Same. Freneh. Vie de Lutlier ; trad. de I'anglais par D. Lenoir. Bruxelles, 1853. ^s''- PP- 5+i97+t']- Die LUTERISCH StrebUatz. [1524.] Luther als Hausvater. 1850. Luther und die Juden. 1881. AL\ss.\CHUSETTS HiST. Soc. Commemo- ration of the 400th anniversary of the birth of Lu- ther, Nov. 10, 1883. ^L\sso^■, D. The three devils : Luther's, Milton's, and Goethe's. 1874. M.\THESius, J. Leben Luthers. 1841. Maurenbrecher, K. W. Zur Luther- litcralur. (/k //;> Studien und Skizzen. 1874.) Mead, E. D. M. Luther. 1884. Mehnert, G. Luther's und Zwingli's Streit liber das .Abendmahls- Dogma. 1858. Mei.anchtho.n, p. De obitu Lutheri. (/« his Opera, vi. 1839.) [ — ] Didymi Favenlini adversus Thomam Placentinum pro .M. Lulhero or.atio. [15 — . ] — Oratio in funcre Lutheri. 1746. — Same. (/;//;/> Opera, xi. 1843.) — .Same. German. Oratio iiber der Leich I.ulhers. 1553. — [Vita Lutheri.] (/n his Opera, vi. 1839-) — Same. Cerman. I'jzahlung vom Le- ben Luthers, iibers. von F. '1'. Zimmermann. 1813. Michei.et, J. Life of Luther. 1862. _Miracui,a Lutheri exorcizantis. [1715.] Mozi.EV, J. B. Luther. (/« //// Essays historical and theological, i. 187S.) Niccol.i.s, S. J. Luther and his mission. 1883. NoBHE, K. F. .\. Stanimbaum der Fami- lie des Luther. 1846. O'Connor, IL Luther's own statements concerning his teaching and its results. 1885. Pasig, J. L. Luther's letzte Lebenstage, Tod und Begriibniss. 1846. Pfisterer, G. F. Luthers Lehre von der Beichte. 1S57. Pkizek, G. Vl. Luther's Leben. 1836. PlETSCli, I'. Luther und die hochdeutsche .Schriftsprache. 18S3. Pi.itt, G. L., and Petersen, E. F. M.ar- tin Luthers Leben und Wirken. 18S3. Powell, E. P. M. Luther, the man: address. [1883.] Reichenbach, A. M. Luther und seine Zeit. 1883. Rein, W. Life of Luther. [1S83.] — — RoBELOT, D. De I'influence de la Re- formation de Luther. 1822. Rosenthal, L., bookseller. Bibliotheca Lutherana. [1883.] RossEEi'vv Saint-Hilaire, E. F. a. M. Luther. [1864.] S.\cus, IL Die Wittembergisch N'achti- gall. [1523-] — Epitaphium oder Klagied, ob der Leych Luthers. (/« his Christliche Gedult. [1552.]) Sanuto, M. ^L Luther und die Refor- mationsbewegung. 1SS3. SciI.EFFER, A. De I'influence de Luther sur I'education du peuple. 1853. Schmidt, O. G. Luther's Bekanntschaft mit den alten Classikern. 1883. Ein schoner Dialogus von Martino Lu- ther vnd der geschickten Botschafft auss der Helle die falsche gaystligkait vnd das wort Gots belangen. [1523-] Ain schTiner newer Passion [/. e. Lu. ther's]. (/« Schade, O., editor. Satiren, ii. i«63.) Schulz, O. A., bookseller. Autographen- verzeichnis zu Ehren der Geburtst-^gsfeier Luthers. 1883. Sears, B. Life of Luther. [1S50?] Serarius, N. ApologiiE pro Luthero et diabolo. 1605. 6o THE PKOTESTAXr REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. SOUQUET, p. Luther. (/» his Ecrivains pedagogues. 1880.) Steinkopf, F., bookseller. Lulhei-Biblio- thek. 18S3. St£PHE.\, Sir J. M. Lutlier. (/« his Essays in ecclesiastical biography, i860.) Stoi'ghton, J. Homes and haunts of Luther. [1SS3.] SniKK, I. Luther and the Cardinal. [18S3.] Thiersch, H. W. J. Luther, Gustav Adolf und Maximilian L von fiayern. 1869. Toi.LiN, H. Luther und Servet. 1875. Tre.'^dwell, J. H. M. Luther. 18S1. TuLLOCH, J. Leaders of the Reformation. 1859- Lenoir. par D. Vie de Luther; trad.de I'anglai 1853. See aboT^e Life of Luther. VlLM.\R, A. F. C. Luther, ele. 1869. VoGEl,,- E. G. Bibliotheca biographica Lutherana. 1 851. Vorreiter, H. Luther's Ringen mit den antichristlichen Principien der Revolution, i860. Wage, H. Primary principles of Luther's life and teaching. (/« Luther, M. First princi- ples of the Reformation. 1883.) W.\I.CH, T- O. Ausfiihrliche Nachricht von D. Martino Luthero. (/« the Einleitungs- Theil of his eil. of Luther's Schriften. 1 753. ) Weigel, T. O., bookseller. Thesaurus li- brorum historiam Reformationis illustrantium. 18S4. Wetzel, J. F. Die Sprache Luthers in seiner Bibel-Uebersetzung. 1859. Wevdm.\.\.\, L. Luther. 1850. Williams, W. R. I^uther and his times. (//; his Eras and characters of history. 18S2.) Witzschel, a. Luthers Aufenthalt auf der Wartburg. 1876. Ze.emann, G. Parentalis B. Lutheri . . . consideratio. 1602. Detached Portraits. Back, E. Engraving ; E. Back. a. H. fecit et excudit ; 12X7^ ; medallion ; full-face bust on pedestal, with female figures (' Gottes Fiirsehiing'' and ' Gerechtigkeit ') at either side ; at base Das ZweyhtinJerljiihrige Denekmahl der Reformation dess theiiren Matins D. Martini Lutheri, solenni- ler eelebrirt, j/ Oet. A. lyiy, and a stanza. In portfol. lettered Keforittatton. [CkAiN'.\CH, L. ?] Wdct, unsigned, cut from a contemporary book ; 15 X '4/^ ; half-length, in furred robe, with book in hands, three-quarters face, to right. In portfol. lettered Reformation. — • Wdct, unsigned; 28x24^^ ; Luther and Hus administering the sacrament in both kinds to the .Saxon princes in church ; in background, to left, Luther and Johann Friedrich in council. Eartsch, 152. In porttol. lettered Re/ortnatioii. Copy in Hirth, Biiderbiich, 508, and, wuh note, in Weisser, Bileter. Atlas, Taf. 108. [IIopFF.R, D.] Engraving ; signed D. IL ; 23X16; haloed bust, profdc, to right, cap on back of head ; on panel at base Des hitters gesUilt mag •wol verderbenn \ Sein telstlieh gemiet wirt nyvnmer slerben \ [/I/] D. XXIII. B.-irtscli, 86. In portfol. lettered Ke/ormation. Copy in Hirth, Bitderbueh, 37. Nti.NZER, v.. Engraving, signed E. Nun- zer ; 18^X13^; half-length, three-quarters face, to right ; at base D: Martiniis Liitheriis. | a Luea Cranaehio pictiis. A: 1526. In panful, lettered Re/ormation. [Photoc.raI'H (16)^ X 13) of Luther's death-mask, from original in the Marienbibliothek at Halle.] In portfol. lettered Re/orvtatiou. Schwan, B. Engraving ; Balth. Schwan f.; 32^X24; Luther, Melanchthon, Frederic the Wise, and John George I of Saxony, standing about an altar and holding an open Bible; at top, the inscription Chrislo soteri . . . Ecelesia per Gernia- nias restaitrata laitdes perenties grata e.\sohtit . . . .4nno Saculi. M D CXVII; on front of altar, German verses beginning Martin Luther der Teivre Mann ; at base, centenary medals of ' Sachsen,' ' Niirnberg,'' ' Fi-anekfiihrt,' and ' IVormbs.' . In portfol. lettered Re/orinatwn. Wai.ch, H. P. Engraving ; Hanns Philip Walch Excud. ; 29X21 ; half-length, three-quarters face, to right, with one hand resting on an escutch- eon, before him a closed book; at top Warrhafte Contrafaetiir D. Martini Lutheri . . . wie dieselbe von Lueassen Craniehen dem leben naeh gemaeht ; . . . Mannigkliehen zu gutem in diesem Jtiheljahr 161 y. ruider an den Tag gegebeti ; at base Luther's letter to Spengler of 8 July, 1530. In portfol. lettered Re/orutation. Copy, with note, in Weisser, BUder-.-i tlas, Taf. 108. Martin Luther als Hausvater ; hrsg. von einem Ravensberger Geistlichen. Bielefeld, 1850. 15I'. pp. 40. Luther und die Juden ; den deutschen Studenten gewidiiiet von einem Kommilitonen. Leipzitl. 1881. 2ih. pp. 32. Lutzenburgus, Bernardus. See Bernhard of Ln.xeiiihurg. Lydius. Martin. A]5ologia pro D. Erasmo Roterodaino. (/« Erasmus, 15. Opera, x. 1706.) Lyuuichaiius, Autonius Cornelius. Oratio, CoUmiLt, [l!;27. ] qua ecclesice proceres sui ofhcii admonct. (7// Gratius, O. Fasciculus,!. 1690.) Lyresius. Joannes. Orationes funebres . . . 1564. .S(< Eiseugriu, M., and others. MaccaU, William. Ulrich von Hutten. {In his Foreign biograpliies, i. 1873. ) M'Crie, Thomas. History of the progress and suppression of the Reformation in Italy in the l6th century ; including a sketch of the history of the Reformation in the Grisons. Edinbvirgh, etc., 1827 24''. pp. 12+434. Buckle's copy, with ms. note covering one of the fly-leaves, and marked pas- sages throughout the work. History of the progress and suppression of the Reformation in -Spain in the l6th century. Edinburgh, etc., rSjo. 24h. pp. 8-f424. Presentation copy, with inscription by the author. It became afterward Buckle's, and bears his annotations. Life of John Knox, containing illustrations of the history of the Reformation in .Scotland ; with sketches of the progress of literature in Scotland during the l6th century. New ed. C. Iulinl)ur.i;li. etc., 1850. 2i'i. pp. 12 + 539. ^ ports. Madden, Richard Robert. Life and martyr- dom of Savonarola ; 2d ed. London, 1854. 24h. 2 v. Maimbourg, Louis, -S'. y. Histoirc du luth^- ranisnie. 2*^ ed. THE WHITE LIBRAKY. 6i Engr, l.-p. 'Suivant la copieimprim^ei Paris,' 1681. 14'!. 2 V. ilk I. Same. Latin. Historia I.ulhcranisnii, 1517-1546. {Ill Seckendorf. V. L. v. Com- nifiilaiius (1e I.ulhiTanisincj. 1092.) With Seckendorf's comments interpolated. [ISayi.k, p.] Critique tie rilii-toire ilu calvinisnic ik- M''. MaiinlKiiirg. 1683. ^ Maitland, Samuel Roffey. Facts and docu- ments illustrative of tlie history, doctrine, and rites of tire Albigenses and Waldenscs. London, 1832. 22li. pp. 6+ [2] (-546. livickle's copy, with notes and marked passages. On a sheet attached to the lly.leaf is his summing up of the work. Major, Georg. Scri|)tuni jniblice propositum in .\cailcniia \\ itcberjiensi, (|Uo scliolastici convocati sunt ail ileilucendum funus 1). I'hilip|>i Melanthonis, [21 Apr. 1560]. (lit Melanchthon, P. Opera, X. 1S42.) M.njor was Vice-rector of the university. For the Scriptitiit df ordhie lecthnutn post oliitnni Mctauttwnts issued 23 Apr. I sfio by Vice. rector and Professors, see Wittenberg, Univer- sity of. [ ] Satne. Ccnnaii. Eine klag vnd trost- | sclirifift, von dem C'liristliclien ab- | scliied vnd Be- grebnis, des Khrwirdigen vnd | Ilochgelerten Herrn I'hilippi Melanllio- | nis, welche zu \Vitteberg den x-\i. tag [ Ajirilis, Laleinisch offentlich an- ] gesclila- gen, vnd hie zu Niirn- | berg vei'tleurischt wor- \ den ist. I \_^'ign. of Melanchllwn.'\ \ 1560. [? Nuremberg, 1560.] 19X14. pp. ('9]. Major, Johaiui. Exeqvia:, | reverendo | et clarissimo viro I'lii- | lippo Melanthoni, in aca- I deniia V'Vitebergensi ] facta? | a | lohanne Maiore | loachinio : Doctore | Theologice. | \_l'ign. of Mc- taiichllio>t.'\ I VVileberga; excvdebat | Laurentius Schuenck. | 1560. 20X15. pp. [28]. In verse. Contatitiiig : — De vita et ohitu Melanlhonis carmen. — Epitaphia Melanlhonis. — In mortem Melanthonis. Curtius, {/•send.). Hemmerllii), See Dialo- Felix. See Malaoiola, T gllS, I Julia. Malleolus ( (/V, Heninierliu. Malveuda, Pedro de. I.ettres et nienioires touchant le Concile de Trcnte. Sec' Vargas, F., afitf ot/iers. Ein ernstlich mandath, etc. .See Lucifer, [Manuel, Niklaus. ] Ein !u.stigs Gesprach, | Zwisciien etlliclicn I'ersonen, von | wegen der Mess, Wie sie inn todtlicher vnnd | schwarer Kranckhayt ligt, vnd jr nym- | nier niehr zu helfifen ist. n. p., [ca. 1528]. 19X14. pp. [23J. In vol. lettered 46 Trnctaten. Another impr. of this— ' vlelleicht die gross- artigste und durchschlagendste Satire der ganzen Reforma- tionszeil' — is repr. , with notes, by Schade in his Satircn, ii, under the title Ein Klegtiche Botechafft, etc. For the nu- merous other titles under which it appeared fcee Goedeke, ii, p. 340. Marburg. Koi.he, \V. Pie Einfiihrung der Rerorniation in Marburg. 1871. Marburg, Literariuni Sodalitium ajnid. See Cordus. E., and olliers. Maroolphus : hoc est, Disputationes quas di- cuntur habuisse inter se muluo rex .Salomon sapi- entissinius & Marcolphus . . . latinitate donatje & nunc ]5rinium . . . eilit^. (/;; Spistolae ob- scurorum virorum. 1643.) For the history of this time-honored satire, with its multitu- dinous versions, editions, and titles, see Kemble's introd, to the Anglo-Saxon Dtntogite 0/ Satoiiimt and Satrirtnis. and espe- cially Guerrini's La vita e le opere di Giiitio Cesare Crtice (Bologna, 1879), pp. 142-279. In its original form it is be- lieved to be of Gnostic origin. The ' latinitate donnifX Sr* nunc prinium edita' of the title is, of course, absurdly false. The authorship of the satire is unknown. Though by no means a product of the Reformation, it was, as says Kemblc, 'at least turned to account for its advancement.' Margaretha, Anton. Dev gawtz Jiidisch glaub | mit sampt eyuer griintlicheH vnd warhafT | ligen anzcygungc, aller satzungi'ii, C'erenionien, ge- j betcii heiinliche vn// iiffentliche gebreuch, deren sich die Jii- ! den halte?/, dui'ch das gantz Jar, milt sdionen vn(/ gegriind- 1 ten argumewten wider yhren glau- be«, (lurch Anthoniuni | Margaritham, Hebreyschen leser, der lobli- | clien V'niuersitet vnd Eiirsllichen statt I I.eyptzigk, beschrieben vnd an J tagk gege- ben. I Durch yhn selbst, gcmehrt vnil gebessert, vnd I fleissigk t'orrigirt. .'Vrnio dow/ni. M. l).xx.\j. | [IVdel.] At end: Halt gedruckt tzu I.eyptzigk, Mel. chior I I.otther. Im yar Nach der geburt | Cliristi. M. D. vnd xxxi. , 21X16. pp. [218]. Wdcls and wdct initials. In vol. let- tered i'n'yntan Tracts hy He/oriiiers, I. Marheiueke. Philipp Kourad. Geschichte der teutsciicn Rcfurinalion. Berlin, 1816-34. 19'!, 4 v, Marlottl, Luigi. {pseud.). See Gallenga, A. C. N. Marly, Philippe de Mornay, seigneur du Plessis-. Si e Du Plessis-Marly. Marot, Clement. ( leuvres completes ; avec une notice et un glossaire, par 13. Saint- Marc. Paris, 1879. 19**- 2 V. Port. MciRl.KY, H. Clement Marot, and other studies. 1871. Marschalk. Haug. ealled Zoller zu Augsburg. Das iicibg e\\ i',^ wut | goiiis, was das in yni krafft, stercke [ tugent, fryd, freiid, erleiichlung vnd leben, in I eym rechte« Christen zu erweckeH verm.ig. &c. | Zu gcstelt dem Edlen gestrenge« Rit- | ter vnd Key- serlichen Hauj^tman. | Herren Jorgen von Fron- [ sperg, zu Miindelheyin &c. I Haug Marschalck [ zu Augspurg.] ]m Jar .'M.D.XXiiij. | lll'det.} At end: Ii Ciedruckt in der Fiirstlichen stat Zwickaw. [1524?] 19X14. pp. [23]. Weller, A'r/. , 3057? t. -p. bor- der, 'i'he pref. is signed ' Haug Marschalck der genant wirt Zoller zu Augspurg.* In vol. lettered 46 Tractaien. Martiall, John. Reply against the answer of Master (. alf hill to the Treatise of the cross. {Par- tially repr. in Fulke, AAT. Stapleton's fortress overthrown, etc. 1848.) • Cat.khili., J. .-Vnswer to J. Martiall's Treatise of the cross. 1846. Martin V (Otto Coloiuia), Pope. Hull:e qure- dam adversus Bohemos. {In Gratius, O. Fas- ciculus, ii. 1690. ) Martin, Gregory. K discoverie of the mani- fold c,tanten, 1545-55 '• "e''^' einem Anhang von .\ktenstiicken aus dem spani- schen Staatsarchiv von Siniancas. Diisseldorf, 1865. ss^. pp. i4 + 346-|-i84- Studien und Skizzen zur Geschichte der Reformationszeit. Leipzig, 1874. 1^. pp. 7+[i] + 349. Contents - — Die Kirchenreformation in Spanien.— Spanien unter den katholischen Konigen.— Johanna die WahnMnnige. — Kaiser Karl V.— Kurfiirst Montz von Sachsen.— Zur Lu- therliteratur. — Der Wormser Reichstag, 1521. — Die allge- meine Kirche und die Landcskirchen. Geschichte der katholischen Reformation. I. Bd. Nordlingen, 1880. 24''. PP- I5-I-['1+4I7. Contents .•— i. To 1534. No 2d vol. has yet (1888) appeared. Maurice {Cer. Moritz), Elector of Saxony. Maurenurkcher, K. W. Moritz von Sachsen. (In his Studien und Skizzen. 1874. ) Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria. Thiersch, H. \V. 1. Luther, Gustav Adolf und Ma.ximdian I. von Bayern. 1S69. Maximilian I, of Germany. Litlera; testimo- niales de Hutleno I'aurea corona annuloque aureo decorato, [12 Itil. 1517)- U" Hutten, U. v. Ope- ra, ed. BocUing, i. 1859.) Querela contra abusus Romanistarum. (In Gratius, O. Fasciculus, i. 1690.) May, Jakob. Der KurRirst, Cardinal und Erz- biscliof Albrecht II. von Mainz, etc.. und seine Zeit : Beitrag zur deutschen Cultur. und Reformationsge- schichte, 1514-45. Mit Urkunden und Beilagen. Mi.nchcn. 18(^5-75. 22''. 2 v. Mazolini, Silvestro, of Prierio. .See Prierias. Mead, Edwin Doak. Martin Luther : a study of refornialioii. Hoston, 18S4. icji'. pp. 194. Mehnert, Gustav "Wilhelm. Luther's und Zwingli's Streit iiber das Abendmahls-Dogma, 1526-28. Dresden, 1858. 21''. pp. 56. ' Programm des Gymna- siums zu Dresden.' In vol. lettered Luther. Meier, Priedrich Karl. Girolamo Savonarola. Berlin, 1836. 2.'1'. pp. 14+401 + [1]. Port, of Savonarola and facsMiiile of Ills handwriting. With an appendix of ducuinent.s. Meissen. RCli.ng, J. L. Gcschiclilc der Re- formation zu Meissen. 1839. Melanchthon, PhiUpp. Works by Melanchthon. CO.MPLETE WORKS. Opera quae supersunt omnia ; edidit C. G. Bretschneider. Halis Saxonum, Bmnsvigae. 1834-60. 28X22. 28 v. Vols, i-xxviii of the Corpus Re/ormatorunt. Bretschneider died during the publication, and was succeeded as editor by H. E. Bindseil, whose labors began with vol. xvi. Contents: — i. Praemonenda. — Annales vitae, epistolae, praefationes, consilia, 1497-1529. ii. Same, 1530-35. iii. Same, 1536-40. iv. iVi'OT, 1541-42. V. i'., 3060. t.-p. border. Philipps Me | lanchtons Sendtbrieff | an ein Kartheiiser, J von den dreycn | Closterge- 1 liib- ten. I Von der Kciischait | Von der Armut. | Vnd von der gehorsam. | Wittenberg. | 1524. n. p., [1524]. 20X15. pp. [19]. Panzer, 2383. L-p. border. 1525- Ain klaine Auss | legung vber das .xx. J Capitel Exodi, | der zehen ge I bol, des i Philippi MelanchtonsI M.D.XXV. n. p.. [1525]. 20X15. pp. [15]. Panzer, 2849. t.-p. border. Philips Me- | lanchthons .'\nwy.syn- | ge yn de hillige Gotlicke | schrifft dorch Geor- 1 gium Spa- la | tinum I vordiidct. | Gcdriickl tho Wittenilierg. | 1525. At end : Geprentet vnd vulendct yn der Cor- forst I licken .Stadt Wittembarch am 29 | dage des Wintermandes, | Anno domini 1525. | dorch Sim- phori- I anum Rein- | hart. IS^. ff. 239. t.-p. border. The Loci in Low Gemi.in. Sp.ilatin's pref (not in the High German ed. of 1522 above de- scribed) is dated ' am veerde// dage des Wynmandes ym M.D. xxij. Jare.' 152S. Vnderricht | Philip. Mel.incht. | wider die I.ere der | Widcrteuffer auss | dem latein ver- | cleutschet, durch I Just. Jonas. I Wittemberg. I M. D.XXVIII. ' " ' n. p., [1528]. 20X15- PP- [31]- t.-p. border. Wdct ini- tials. Jonas's ded. pref. is dated ' montag nach Purificationis,' .5=8. 1529. — — [De (lialectica. ] At end: Impie.ssvm Wit- I tembergae per lo- 1 sephvin Clvgvm. | 1529. i6h. pp. [209]. t.-p. wanting. Text in italics. VVdct Initials. Wdct on last leaf. Uhis is that missing first impr. of the Dialecttca in its revised form, wliose e.vistence the editors of the great collective ed. of Melanchthon's Opcia (xiii, p 509) suspected, but of which their search could find neither trace nor mention. Melanchthon's pref. letter to Reiflenstein isdatcd ' Calendis lulii,' without year. Ihrough- out the vol. are copious marginal notes, in a neat, fine con- temporary hand somewhat resembling Melanchthon's own, partly upright in red, partly cursive in black. They are evi- dently those of a schular, and end (on p. following colophon) with this signature: ^Jlniiiit anno M. li. x^j:ij \ Apimauux' or \^pima7ius' (? Job. Aepinus). Appended, in another 16th century hand, are 6 ff. (5 tables) of ' Figmtt tie dialcctka Phillipi Melanchtonis.' In vol. lettered Phil. Melanchthon^ Grammatica Graeca. 1530- Confessio odder Be- | kantnus des Glau- | bens etlicher Fiirsten | vnd Stedte : Vber- | antwort Keiserlicher | Maiestat : | zu Augspurg. | Anno M. D.XXX..| Apologia der Confessio. At end: Ge- druckt zu Wittemberg durch | Georgen Rhaw. Anno. I M.D.xxxj. See Augsburg Confession. The Apologia was written by Melanchthon, by whom also the Confessio was mainly drawn up. I53>- Gramma- | tica grieca Phil. | Melan. iam flenvo I recognita, atq;/t" multis in locis [ locupletata. I \.^P'S''''Pj'^-~\ 1 Haganose, per lohan. Seceriuni, | Anno M.D. XXXI. | Mense lunio. i6h. pp. [294]. Wdct initials. Bd. in the same vol. is a copy of his Dialectiea, lacking t.-p., which must not be taken for a portion of the Grammatica. 1532- TrostbriefT an Herrn Joachim Churfiirstew, vnd Marckgrauen zu Brandenburg \c. voni Tiirck- en zuge. See Luther, M., and Melauchtllon, P. Zwen trostbrieue. 1532. 64 THE PROTESTANT REFOKMATIOX AXD ITS FORERUXXERS. Voni Aljend- | inal des Herrn, | Etliehe spriiche der al- | ten Veter, trew- | lich aiigezo- | gen, I duich | Philip. Melanch. | Wittemberg. At end ; Gedruckt zu \Vittem | berg durch Geor- | gen Rhaw. [1532?] 20X15- pp. [61]. t. -p. border. Wdct initials. Ms. notes. Ed. by ' Michael Meurer von Henichen," whose pref. is dated at KoiiJgsberg, 14 Mar. 1532. 1534- , Iranslntor. Luciani oratio de caluninia. (/'/ Erasmus. D., and More, Sir T. Luciani . . . dialogi. 1534.) 1539- Die fiirnemisten Vn- | terscheid, zwischen reiner | Christlicher Leva des Kuangelij, | Vnd der .\bgbttischen, | l'api. ft. 278 -f (8]. Text in italics, t.-p. border. Wdct ini- tials. Wdct on reverse of t.-p. Melanchthon's pref. letter is dated ' Calendis lanuarij," 1540. Das die Fiirsten | aus Gottes beuelh | vnd gebot schuldig | sind, bey iien vnterthanen ] abgot- terey, vnrechte Gottes dienst vnd fal- [ .sche lehr ab- zuthun, vnd dagegen | rechte Ciottes dinst vn 15. pp. [31]. Melanchthon's pref is dated ' Cal. Nouenib. .\nno 1559.' 1562. Ein schone berr | liche Declamation, von | dem grossen vnd theuwrn Fiirsten | Friderico Bar- barossa genanwt, von seinen | grossen Thaten, Le- ben vnd wesen. Durch | Pliilippum Melanthonem zu Latein be- | schriehen, Vnnd jetzo mit fleiss inns | Teutsch gebracbt.l Durcli j Georgium I.auterbecken, Manss- | feldisclien C'antzler. | Gelruckt zu Franck- furt am Mayn | durcli Georg Raben, vnd Wey- | gand Hanen Erben. | 1562. 16I1. ft'. 31. Laulerbach's ded. pref is dated at Mansfeld, 28 Sept. 1562. 1578. . Initia | doctrinae | physicae, | Dictata in Academia | VVitebergensi | A f Philip. .Melanth. | Iteruni edila cum Indice & [ .-Vniiotationibus. | [Z)f- "'"■<'•] I [/'''V'.] I VVitebergie | Excudebant hasredes loannLs Cratonis, | Anno M.D.LXXVIII. ■y''. pp. [12]-!- 393 -I- [10]. Text in italics. In vol. lettered Melattthon, De atiitna, etc. 1584. Liber I de anima, | recognitvs j Ab Autore | Philip. Melanth. | [j9r:'/W-, coIored.'\ \ [/'r/?'.] | VVi- tebergae Excudebant M;i2redes lohannis Cratonis, I Anno M.n.lAXXIIII. »7^- PP- [320]. Text in italics. A long ' Elegia de vtili- fate doctriu^ de Fnbrkatione hit matii corporis^' by Job. Sti- gclius, precedes the text Later Reprints and Translations. Erzahlungvom Leben I). Martin Luthers ; iibers. und hrsg. von V. T. Zimniermann. Mit Anmerkungen voni Prof. v. Villers ; nebst einer Vorrede von G. J. Planck. (Joltingen, 1813. 20''. pp. 8-)-io8. Port. Manuscripts. Dehortac/OKcs a p/vsbiterio seu | r<7//oncs dehortantes a prcs | biterio p p: m : [? per Philip- pum Melanchlhonein — ? pro parte niea]. A page of ifith century ms., written on the reverse of the last leaf of Ein Sermon Tholne Fahri, [Leipzig. 1523,] (for which see Faber. T.). The handwriting i.s clearly not Melanchthon's, whose neat Latin script it does not re.>iernble ; and the matter can hardly be his. H(Jth the ligatures and the forms of the letters point to a date not far from that of the Ser. man itself. As it is a mere ' argument,' or outline, a full tr-'inscript Is here given : '[Title, as ai/oT'e.] | i: Qvod presbyteriu/// now est nisi ministeriuw ucrbi | i : corin : 4: Et i : conn: i: No// misit me \ domiuTiS. baptisare sed euangelisare ut ad Tit: i: | Et Petri: vlt : Pascite grcge/«, Malach : | 2: labia sacerdotis cu- studianl sci^«//am. Ergo | qui no«docc«t no« sunt p'-fTsbileri, Nu«c SLUtem \ no« iudico me posse eiiangelium prcdicare quia di(7't I Pau : ad Ncophiium [i : Timo; 3:! nesup^rbia eiatus m I indicia incidat 2 : Hodie est missas legere, niiwc aut^w missare ] est mera decepcio popiili, quia aiu«t pre.sbiteri | se missare pro alijs aut oflferre hostias. j Chrifit«.i- autfw/ now lam ofCertnr, & impijssi- muM/ ei/ I ectaw:, quod dicuwt missam pn^dessexow/muni I eccl('.fie eciamsi sacrificanti prt-sbilcro now | prosit, Sicut soli baptisato prodest bap | tismus, itamissasoli ei qui uescitur. 3: Quia su;/t ociosi howi«es Est autfw preceptum ad] philipp : 4 : laborare manib«.f. Et 2 : ad Thess : 3 : | Gene : 3 : In sudore uuIihs^ tiii comedes pa | nem tuii;«. Et p^vbende passim fundate sunt per er | rores propter missas. Ergo qui talib».f pjvbendis 1 viuiiwt peccant. 4 : Preter missas eciani in alijs ceremonijs & ritj | bus eccle- sic exercewt p^rsbyteri decepc/o | nes & fraudes. Ergo rum est tutuw pre-sbyterari 1 Quia ab o«/ni specie mala e.s/rt/'stine«- dnni propter jican \ dalum popnVi, [1: Thessa : ulti] hui«j- mo(rt sunt uigilie rnortuoruw, [ sanctorum culi«jr heme marie u/Vginis ihm [ einsiddel. flfundamewtww/ cur pleru;«q«f fiunt | p/rshiteri est cansa voluptatis & veneris qui \ illorum det4S est ut inquit Paulus [philipp: 3 :]' The bracketed references are inserted from the margin. l//is copy (?/"] Aesopi | l^hrygis fabellae Grae I ce tS; Latine, cum alijs ojiusculis, quo- j rum index proxima refertur | pagella. [ [/}c'7'ice:'\ \ Ba- sile;v, in ofticina loannis Frobenij. | An. M. 1). XXIIII. At end : Basileae apvd loannem | Fro- benivin mense | Febrvario. | An, M.D. XXIIII. i8h. pp. 364+ [2]. Wdct initials. Device on reverse of last leaf. The ' alia opuscula ' are : Gabris Graeci fabcllas. — Ex Aph- thonii exercitamentis de fabula : tum de formicis et cicadis. — Defabulaex imaginibus Philostrati [et aliorum libris]. — Homeri Batrachomyotnachia, hoc est, ranariim et murium pugna. — Musasus de Ero et Leandro. — Agapetus de officio regis. — Hippocrads jusjurandum. — Galeoniyomachia, hoc est, felimn et murium pugna, tra^a-dia Gra^ca. Gf all save the last a lit- eral Latin transl. is pnnted parallel to the Greek original. Melanxhthon's copy, with many autograph notes Ijyhim. The latter begin on p. 255, with the extract from Aphthonius, and are most numerous upon the Batrachomyomackia, On the blank page following the colophon he has neatly written a Latin epigram ' to Erasmus,' of which the following is a care- ful transcription : ' P iM erasmo Si phry-gij disces diuinu/« carmen Erasmc Morib«.i & lingua, tum age cultus eris Nomine quas sophise se vendit turba superba Ore sonat Tragico somnia ridicule Ecce iocis Phr>'gius dum conditseria, puwctum Omne tulit miscens, fulcibus [_/^r dulcibus] vtilia Pha;acios alius forsan laudauent hortos Hie mihi fragrantes phrix olet ecce rosas Morib/w humanis (\nant prosit tincta lepore Fabulas si noris phrix tibi testis erit. ' A comparison shows that this is the same epigram as that 66 THE PROTESTANT REFOK.MATIOX AND ITS FORERUNNERS. printed among Melanchthon's Carjtiina (in his Op.^ x,^94 — following the Basel ed. of 1541I as addressed to Enismus Ebncr: but with the lines transposed and with considerable variations in diction. On the reverse of the same leaf, above the device, is written this note: ' Omniuw/ maxime commendabitur Apologus, si condieris de- scripcio«e morum. vt in Leone et Lupo describendo, principem et lyrannum depingas, bestiae tribuens, id quod ad homines proprie pertinebat P M And, beneath the device, the following: ' Apologis vsitacius est vtendum, nisi quis felicissy/«c et ar- gute confingat nouos. Vetustas eniw sic«^ aliis reb«^, ita apologis qiioqwr multum addit graciae.' A beginning of this last note had been made a little above, at the right of the device, where two or three of the first words (' V'sitncitts est vti-n), though partially erased, are still legible. Attached to a fly-leaf is a letter from Dr. Bindseil (editor of the great collective ed. of Melanchthon's Opera), dated Halle, 27 Jul. 1869, to Dr Schoberlein, of Gottingen, from whose library this volume was bought, attesting the genuine- ness of the handwriting of these notes — of which he promises to make mention in the supplements to his edition. His transcription of them (in his letter) is, however, not free from errors. Works on Melanchthon. Bernhardt, W. Melanchthon als Malhe- matiker und PhysiUer. 1865. Camer.\kius, J. De Philippi Melan- chthonis orlu. 1566. Classe.n, J. Ueber die Beziehungen Me- lanchthons zu Frankfurt am Main. i860. CocHLAEUS, J. FhiMppicne. 1534- — Velitatio. 1534. — Confutatio abbieviata. 1534- CZERWE.NKA, B. P. Melanchthon nach seinem Leben und Wirken. i860. Dreger, N. Epicedion in obituni . . . Melanthonis. 1560. G.\lle, F. Versuch einer Charakteristik Melanchthons als Theologen. 1840. Geiger, L. Ueber Melanthons Oratio coiitinens Historiaiii Capnioiiis. 1868. Heerbrand, J. Oratio funebris . . . Melanthonis. 1560. Henke, E. L. T. Das Verhaltniss Lu- thers und Melanchthons zu einander. i860. (/« /;/> Zur neuern Kirchengeschichte. 1867.) Herrick, S. E. Melanchthon. (In his Heretics of yesterday. 18S4. ) Kahnis, K. F. .\. Rede zum Gedacht- niss Melanchthon's. 1S60. LoTICHirs, P. In ubituni . . . Melan- thonis. 1560. M.\JOR, G. Scriptum pub. prop, in Acad. Witebergensi, 21 Apr. 1560. {In Melanchthon, P. Op., X. 1842.) — Siiiiie. German. Eine klag und trostsehrifft. 1560. M.-\JOR, J. Exequi^ . . . Melanlhoni . . . facta; . . . 1560. Meurer, M. r. Melanchthon's I.eben. i860. Ml'ECKE, A. De P. Melanthonis doctrina de Coena Domini. 1867. Nls.\Rn, J. M. N. D. Melanchthon. (In his Eludes sur la Renaissance. 1855, luui 1877.) Planck, A. Melanchthon, Praeceptor Germaniae. i860. Rust, A. J. D. P. Melanchthon. (In Mathesius, J. Leben Luthers. 1841.) Sahinus, G., nHf/oMc/'j-. Brevia epilaphia dedicata Tvmvlo D. Philippi Melanthonis. 1560. SciiEl.HORN, J. G. Varia; observationes : Melanchthon astrologiie addictus. (/« liis Amoeni- tates hist, eccl., ii. 1738.) Schmidt, C. P. Melanchthon. 1861. Schmidt, H., and Stier, H. C. G. Ad memoriam Melanthonis. i860. : Schwai.b, M. Etude comparative. 1859. SOTHEBY, S. I.. Unpublished documents, marginal notes and memoranda, in the autograph of Phil'iii Melanchthon and of Martin Luther. 1840. Wittenberg, University ok. Scriptum propositum post obitum Melanthonis. 1560. WoHLFARTH, J. F. T. Melanchthon- Biichlein. i860. Melia, Pius. The origin, persecutions, and doc- trines of the Waldenses. London, 1870. 30I1. pp. i6-t-i38. Facsimiles of mss Mendham. Joseph. Life and pontificate of St. I'lus \' ; [with] a reimpression of .A historic de- duction of the episcopal oath of allegiance to the Pojie. London, 1832. 23^. pp. 20 .,''■ pp. 20+325-f[3i + 2i. Port. The.appen- dix contains, "besides other documents, a repr. in full "f ''',' 7n.rc snc?e penitentiarie (for a description of which see LiDel- lus taxarum). Appended is a Suppiemenl coulaining adtti- tioiis and ti'ireetioiis, London, 1833. [Meiiius, Justus.] Ad apologiam | loannis Croti I Rvbeani | responsio | amici | ad | i|vem | pn- vatim'leam scripsit. [1532-] (/« Hutten, IT. V. Opera, ed. Bbcking, ii. 1859.) The repr. of 1720 bore the title Epislola aiionymi ad Imn- ncitt C'vttiiii, etc. Meray. Antony. Les libres precheurs, devan- ciers de Luther et de Rabelais : etude historique, etc., sur les 14^, 15" et l6e siecles. Paris, i860. I?!-, pp. [4)+ =21- Merle, Paul van. See Merula, Paullus. Merle d'Aiibigne. Jean Henri. Histoire de la Reformation du lO'- siecle. C. Paris, rff., 1841-47. 23>'. 4 V. Map. Tom. i, ii, 3» ed. Same. Eng/is/i. History of the Refor- mation of the i6th century. C. London, Religious Tract Soc., [1853-54 ?1-. ^.',^- 5 v. in 2. Vols, i-iii. V, are transl, by H- White. Vol. iv 15 the English original of the author, assisted by H. White. Vol. v is devoted to the Reformation in England. Same. "• New York, 1849-53. 2411 (vol. v, 2ot>). 5 v. in 2. Jean Calvin un des fondateurs des liberies modernes : discours prononce a Geneve, le 26 sept. 1867. Paris, 1868. 23!'. pp. 57- Merlin. Jacques. Diaire, on journal, du mi- nisire Merlin, (lasleur de T^glise de la Rnchelle au l6i' siecle; publie pour la premiere fois, avec une , preface par A. Crottet. Geneve, 1855. 22ti. pp 65. Merula. Paullus. Vita Des. Erasnii . . . ; ad- diti sunt lOpistolarum . . . libri duo ... D. Lugd. Rat., 1607. 19X14. pp. [241 + 214 [2'8]— pp. [93] -[21S] wrongly numbered 89-214. Meurer, Moi-itz. Philipp Melanchthon's Le- ben. Leipzig, ffc., i860. 19I1. pp. i5+[i] + i87-(-[l]. Port. Katharina Luther, geb. von Bora. 2. Aufl. Leipzig, 1873. 16I1. pp. lo-f (2]-n8o. Port. An cxtrac t from the author's Litt/teyx Let'erc Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand. 'Page: cine Dichtung. 2. AuH. l.ci|izig, 1S72. i4i'. pp. 7+I"] + '39- Michelet, Jules. Reforme. Paris, 1861. 22h. pp. 536. Vol. vi Histoire de France. I luttens letzte y ed. ii (1508-1547) of his riiE wiirrE lihrary. 67 Ijfc of I.utlier, written by himself; col- lected and arranged jjy Miclielet. Transl. [from the Fiench] Ijy W. IlazMll. 2d ed. Loiitlon, ^o//«, 1862. igt'. pp. i5-(-[i]-)-47l. Made up larKely (»f cxtracis from Luther's letters and table-talk ; l)iit Michelet's sliiire in it is larger th.tn the title suggests, and Hazlitt has ain- phlied with a free li.illd. Middleton, Erasmus. Life of Martin l.ti- thcr. (/// Luther, M. Commentary on St. I'aul's I'^pislle to llie Calalians. 1S32.) Migiiiiii, Girolamo. la vita di Fr. Clirolamo Sa\'tniaroIa scrilla lial 1'. Timoteo Botonio I'erugino. Pcnij;ia, 1886. 2i'', pp. 8. Milich ( Lai. Milichius), Jakob. Oratio haliita in |iriiniutione magistrorum. (/« Melanchthou, "P., and others. Orationes. 1533.) [Milledonne, Antonio.] Journal du Concile de 'i'ri-iile, rcdij^e par un secretaire Venitien, 1562-3, et pid.i. par .\. JSaschet. Paris, 1870. 20I'. pp. [2] -(- 273-f [2]. Ba.schet's prefliceand vahiable appendices make up nearly half the volume. Milman, Henry Hart, Dean of St. Paul's. Sa\nnarola, Krasaius, and otlier essays. London, 1870. 22'". pp. 18-1-500. Cimtetits: — Savonarola. — Erasmus. — I'he Popes of the ifith .ind 17th centuries. — Clement XIV and the Jesuits. — Newman on tjhrislian doctrine. — Relation of clergy to people. — Pag:ui and Christian sepulchres. Keprinted from the Qimrterly ReT'liw. Miltitz, Karl von. Droysi;.\, J. G. Zur Kcfornialionsocschichte : die Verhandlmigen des Karl V. .Miltitz 1520. Miracula Lutheri exorchaiitis. Das ist : Wun- dcr-Wercli des Teuffel austreiljenden Martin Lu- tliers. n. p., [1715I. 19X15. pp [59]. .^ parody of the Aeneid, with parallel transl. into German verse. Author unknown. The second part (with sep. t.-p. but continuous signatures) is entitled E.vtractus -ntte et miracitlo7itm Cathat-itue t)e Born. Auszug aus dent Leben und M'nndej'-U'erck Catlia- rinii De Boriiy di^c. Both t.-pp. bear the chronogram: 'GcdrVCkl zV, In DIeseM lahr Chrlstl.' Moehler, Johann Adam. Symbolism ; or, E.xpusition of tlie doctrinal differences between Catlndics and Protestants, as evidenced by their syni- Irolical writings. Transl. frotn the (ierman, with a memoir of the author, preceded by a sketch of Protes- tantism and Catholicism in Germany for the last hun- dred years, by J. H. Robertson. C. New York. 1844. 2511. pp. 575. The work deals largely with the Reformation. Moller, Johann Friedrich. tJitor. Reforma- tions .\lmanach. Sct Reformations Almanach. Moller, W. Andreas Osiander : Leben und ausgewahUe Schriften. Elberfeld, 1870. 23I1. pp. 8 -f 568. Vo\. \ oi Leben n. ausg. Sehri/ten der I'dteru. Be^runderdcr lutherisclten Kirche. Momus : [dialogus]. Sci- Dialog! septem, etc. Monastier, Antoine. Hi^loire de I'Eglise vaiidoise *.lepuis son origine, et des X'audois du l-'ie- mont jus(:]u' a nos jours ; avec un appendice conte- naiit les principaux ecrits originaux de cette Eglise, une description et une carte des Vallees Vaudoises actuelies. Paris, etc., 18.^7. 23b. 2 v. Port, of H. Arnaud. The appentlix contains : — Une courte description des Vallees Vaudoises. — T'rois catalogues des anciens ecrits des Vaudois. — La noble lejon, de I'an iioo. — Quelques e.\traits d'autres poesies religieuses vaudoises, sans date, niais r^putees aussi ancienries. — Le catechisme des Vaudois, de Tan iioo. — Leur confession de foi, de Tan 1120. — Le traite de I' Antichrist, de I'an 1120. — Quelques extraits du I'raite du Pnrgatoire, de I'an 1126. — Le formulaire de leur confession des peches. Same. Etiglish. History of the Vaudois church and of the Vaudois of Piedmont, to the present day. Transl. from the French. New ed. C. London. l\etigious Tract Soc., [1859?]. 2ol>. pp. 12-1-432. Frnntisp. attd map. Monopolium philosnphorum : vulgo, Die Schel- meiiziiiiffl. .Sci Grribus. B. Morata (/<(Ar Gruuthler, Griintber, or Gru- ter), Glympia Fulvia. Olympix [ Fvlviae .\Iora- I ta; foeniiiuv doclissi- [ m;e ac plane tlivinae Ora- | liones, Dialogi, Fpislolte, Carmina, | tani Latinn quatn (irivea : cum | eruditoruw tie ea testimo- | nijs & laudibus. | Hippolyta; Taurella; elegia ele- gantissiina. | .Vd Sereniss. .Angliie | Ueginain IJ. I'^lisabetam. | {Deviie.'\ | I!asile:e apvd I'etrvni Per- nam | M.D.LXII. i6h. pp. [16] -r278 -r (il. VVdct initials. Wdct border to epitaph, on p. [16]. Kd. by Curio (Cniione). whose ded. to Queen Elizabeth is dated ' Basiiea: Cal. Sept. M. I). LXII.' .Same. Olympire | Fvlviae Moratae [ foe- minae doctissimae | ac plane divinae opera [ oitinia (]ua^ hactenus inueniri potuerunt : | cum erudilorum testimonijs I & laudibus. [ HyjipolitiT^ TaurelKe Fle- gia elegantissima. [ Quibus C-;vlij S[eeundi] C[urio- nis] selects? Epistolie ac ora- | tiones accesserunt. | [ /Jci" /<■(■. ] I Basilex- | apvd Petrvm Pernam. I M. U. L.V.X. lyt". pp. [i6] + 27i. Wdct initials. PidN'NKT, J. Olymiria Morata. i865. Mii..\zzi, V. O. Morato : racconto storico. 1875. SCHEI.HORN, J. G. Variw observationes : De Fulvio Peregrino Morato ejusque filia Olympia qutedaiii. (/» /;;V Amoenitates hist, eccl., ii. 1738.) [Smyth, J/nr. G.] O. Morata: her times, life, and writings. 1836. Trcii.lope, T. a. O. Morata. (/« /lis Decade of Italian women, ii. 1S59. ) Morato, Fulvio Peregrino. Schkiiiorx, J. G. \'ari;e t)bser\'ationes : De F. P. Morato ejusque filia Olympia quoidam. (/« his Amoenitates hist, eccl., ii.. 1738.) Moravia. Epistola 54 nobilimn Moravioe ad Concil. Constantiensem, 1415, in vindicationem J. Hussi, (■/(-. {/>! Gratius, O., Fasciculus, ii, i6go ; and ill Hus, J., and olhers, Historia, etc., i, 1558.) More, Sir Thomas. Lvciani Samosa- | tensis dialogi ali(]vot \ l)es. Erasmo Roter. & Thoma Moro in- | terpretibus. See Erasmus, D., and More, Sir T., translators. — — Franck, .\. Thomas Morus. (/« /lis Reformateurs et publicistes de PEurope : Moyen Age — Renaissance. 1S64. ) NiSARi), J. M. X. D. Thomas Morus. (/h /lis Etudes sur la Renaissance, 1855, and /lis Renaissance et Reforme, ii, 1877.) Seebohm, F. The Oxford reformers. 1867, and 1869. Tyndat.e, W. Answer to More's Supper of the Lord. 1S50. Morice, Ralph. Anecdotes and character of .-\b]i. t'rannier. — Cranmer and Canterbtiry school. (Ill Nichols, J. G. Narratives of the days of the Reformation. 1859.) Morison, John. The Protestant Reformation in all countries ; including sketches of the state and prospects of the reformed churches. London, 1843. 22^. pp. 20-f 527. Morley, Henry. Clement Marot, and other studies. London, 1871. 19^, 2 v. Contents: — i. C. Marot. ii. C. Marot (concluded). — A. Vesalius. — C. Gesner. — Cyrano de Bergerac. — College work. — English for Englishwomen. — G. Harvey. — Influence of the 68 THE rKOTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Celt on English literature. — An old student of English. --.The opening of Caedmon's Paraphrase (transl. into modern En- glish). Life of Bernard Palissy : his laljors and discoveries in art and science, with an outline of his philosophical doctrines, and a transl. of selec- tions from his works. Boston, 1853. rgh. 2 v. Moruay. Philippe de. s.if^iuin- du Plessis- Marly. S, , Du Plessis-Maily. Morsheim, Joharui von. Xew Kriegssrii- stung. I Kraw Vnlrew ein | gwaltig kiingin | Ninibt jtzunt alle Liinderinw, | .Mit eyner grossen riistimg gschwind, | Liigt jr Herrn das sie euch nit gwind, | Vnd jr sanipt ewerm hoffgesind verderben, | Cott gel) vns alien das ewig leben. [ Gedicht von [ohan iMorssheym Ritter. | [//V/cAf.] | Zu .Strassburg bei Jacob Cammerlandern. iM D xxxiiij. 19X14- PP- [29]. Curious wdctsadom the margin through- out. In vol. lettered ^6 Tractatcu. Mountayne, Thomas. The trouliles of T. Mouiitayne; w rittLii by himself (/« Nichols, J. G. Narratives of tlie davs of the Refurnialion. 1859.) Mozley, James Bowling. Luther. {In his Essays hi'.t.irical and theological, i. 187S. ) Muecke, Augustus. i)e Philippi Melanlhonis doctrina de Coena Domini : dissertatio inauguralis. Goths, 1867. 28-22. pp. 2i + [i]. In vol. lettered J/f. lanchthon, CIassen-Miti\-kt;-Kahnis. Mulazzi, Virginia. Olimpia Moralo : scene della Kiforma. Kacconto storico del secolo .WI. Milano, 1875. igh. 2 v. Port. Miiller, Adolf. Leben des Erasmus \on Rot- terdam ; niit einlcitenden lietracluungen iiber die .analoge Entwickelung der Menschheit und des ein- zelnen Menschen. Hamburg, 1828. 2ih. pp. 6-1-394. IVlunster, Sebald. (Jralio in j^romotione cvius- dani iurisconsulti. {In Melanohthon, P., niui others. Urationes. 1533.) Miinster, C(irnei.ii:s, C. .\. (ieschichte des Miinsterischen .\ufruhr5. 1855-60. Munzer, Thomas. Fiirsiem.v.w, K. E. L!r- kunden jaw Geschichte Miinzer's. (In his Xeues Urkundcnbuch. 1842.) Murmellius, Johann. Bu.scH, \l. v. d. In Murmellii obitum epicedion. 1517. (/« Hutten, U. V. (Ipera, ed. Hocking, iii. 1862.) Muruarus Leviathan, {[n Scheible. J. Klo- ster, X. 1S4S. ) Murner, Thomas. Hie (iauchmatt. {Repi: from fd. of Basel, 1519, /// Scheible, J. Kloster, viii. 1847.) — — - Lied von dem Untergang des chiistlichen ("daubens; neben Satyren gegen Murner. (/« Scheible, J. Kloster, viii. 1S47. ) Der Luterischen Evangelischen Kirchen- dieb- und Ketzerkalender. {Repr. from ed. (1/1527 in Scheible, J. Kloster, x. 1848.) Die Narrenbeschwerung. {Repr. from ed. o/" Slrasburg, 1558, /« Scheible, J. Kloster, iv. i846.) ,,,, Ob der Kiinig | vss engelland | ein liigner sey oder I der Luther. | \_.4rins, colored.~\ .41 end : . . . hab ich | Johannes Grieninger burger zu Stras.sburg dis buch | getruckt . . . | . . . | . . . | . . . I . . . Vnd ist dis btichlin | voUendet vff sant Martms abent, in dem | iar nach der geburt Christi vnsers lie- | ben herrn. Tausent ftinffhund. 4 V. Netter (/ Waldi-n {Lat. Netterus Waldcnsis')^ Thomas. FascicuH zi/aniorum magistri [ohannis Wyclif, cum Iritico. Ed. by \V. W. Shirley. C. London, 1858. 26*1. pp. 87+[i]+553, Facsim. (Rolls series: Chronicles and memorials. [5].) A collection, by a mcdiajval opponent, of documents relating to the heresies ot Wiclif and his disciples. Contents : — Introduction (Life of John WycHf. — Points of his system illustrated by the Fasciculi. — Notices of his follow- ers. — Authorship of the book. — State of the text. — Conclu- sion.). — Fasciculi Zizaniorum. — Appendix of tracts and docu- ments. — Note on the two John Wyclifs, — List of books TJIE WniTE LI BRAKY. 69 printed ns works of Wyclif. — Printed works relating chiefly to Wyclif. Neue zeitung auf elas jar MDXXI. | Eine schrift- liclie weiliung | gcthan von dem fiiistcn der htlle | sfines lielien gelreuen | aller und iedes standes seinen reiclis. (/« Schade, O., iv/zVur. Satiien, ii. ■863.) IJeLiinniiij:; ' Wir I^uciper,' etc. Vaw neuer Send- | biicfT von den bosen geystlic- | Iicn geschickt tzu yrem lechten | henenn. See Den groB- I mechtigisten | Fiirslen vnnd hcrren, | (■/(-. (Jesprechliiechlin iieii'w | ICarsthans. | {Verses Zu dem Leser. ] [Basel, 1521.] 20X15. pp- [55J. Weller, A'c/., 1794. Kepr., with notes, in Hulten's Opera, ed. liiicking, iv ; and in Schade, Satircn, \i. A Ger. iransl. in Hulten's li'erke, ed. Miincl), ii. Strauss and many others think Hutien the author of this remarkable dialogue ; but both Hocking and Schade re- fuse til believe this. Written in 1521, it has nothing but the name in ctinimon with the earlier Karst/iaiis, being an attempt to lead knight and peasant to join hands in support of both re- ligious and social revolution, and ending in a formal programme which seems a prototype of the famous 'Twelve Articles' of the Peasant War of 1525. \'An neiiwer spiuch vnt/wnrhaffts bericht | Wie es kompt vnd \varuml)s gcschicht, [ Das so vil miinch seind priesler worden [ elc. {//t Schade, O., et/i- tor. Satiren, ii. 1863.) In verse. An early product of the Reformation. Neve, Timothy. Animadversions upon Mr. Phillips's Life of Cardinal Pole. Oxfnrd, 1766. 22"'. pp. [14] 1-562 + [6]. Kin iie'w Te De- | uin laudamus, Vom Bapst | Paulo dem dritten, etc. See Ncwe zeittung von Rom, Woher das Mordbrennen kome? Newe zeittung von | Kom, Woher das | Mord- brennen I kcmie ? I M.D.XLI. {/n Schade, O., editor. Satiren, i. 1863.) Including Ein neiv Te Denm laudaums, I'om Bapst Paulo dem dritten, etc. Newe Zeytung, | Pasquillus vom saltz- | burgi- sclien Bawrn gjaid, gesche- | hen im Siben vnd fitnlTlzigi.sten Jar, | vmb Ruperli im Herbst. {In Schade, O., editor. Satiren, i. 1S63. ) In \t.-rse. The 'Salzburg peasant-hunt' was that of the brutal bishop who sentenced a peasant, for feeding his starving family with the flesh of a stricken deer found in his field, to be himted to death in the skin of the deer. Eyn neTver Dialo- | gus oder gesprech, zwischew I einem verprenten, vertrib- | nem Edelman, vnd ey- I nem Miinch, welche;/ | am vnrechstenn ge^ j schecli, wann die | selben bey- | de ver- | triben, vnd I dy Munch closter j audi verbrant wurden. | M. D.XXV. (/« Schade, O., editor. Satiren, iii. Written in 1523 or 1524. I'he author's name is perhaps con- cealed in the ' Es ist assiin. \ J. M' at end. NiccoUs, Samuel Jack. Luther and his mis- -sioii : bcniioii, [St. Luuis, 10 Nov. 1SS3]. St. Lt.iiis, 1SS5. 23I1. pp. 22. Nichols, John Gough, compiler. Narratives of the days of the Reformation, chiefly from the manuscripts of Jolin Fo.\e ; with two contemporary biographies of Archbishop Cranmer. [London.] 1859. 23X17- pp. 28 + 366. (Vol. Ixxvii of Camden Soc. Pub.) Nicolaus von Strmsiiurff. Predigten. (/« Pfeiffer, F. Deutsche Mystiker, i. 1S45.) , Nisard, Jean Marie Napoleon Desire. Etudes sur la Renaissance : firasme — Thomas j\lo- rus — Melanchthon. Paris, 1855. 19I1.- pp. [2] + 3 + [i]+464. Same. Renaissance et K^forme. Paris. 1877. i8h, 2 V. Merely a 2d ed. of the foregoing. with changed title and swollen to two vols, by the addition of two or three hundred pages of extracts from the writings of Krasmus. Vol. i is devoted to the latter; vol. ii, to More and Melanrlitluin. Nitzsch, Karl Immanuel, editor. Lcben und ausgew.ililte Schriftcn iler Viiter und Begriinder der lutherisclicn Kirclte. .SVr Lebeil, e/e. Nobbe, Karl Friedrich August. Slamnibaum der Faniilie tics Dr. Martin Luther; hrsg. [18 Feb. 1846] von Professor Nobbe. Grimnia, 1846. igti. pp. [21 + 144. Table. In vol. let- tered I-iither : NobbCy Pasig, lyistffi^r. Nordeu, John. A j^rogress of piety. C.iniliridKc 1S47. 16I1. pp. 10+189. (Parker Soc.) Nourrissou, Jean Felix. Savonarole. (/« his Portraits et etutles. 1S63.) Novella. (/« Scheible, J. Kloster, viii. 1847.) A reply u, .Murticr's I'cn tictii ^rosscn Luthi-yiscken .Varreti. Noviomagus. -SV,- Geldenhauer, G. Nowrell, Alexander, Demi 0/ .Si. Paiil's. Cate- chism ; in Latin, with tiansl. into English by T. Norton. Appendeil is a sermon by Dean Nowell before Queen Elizabeth, Jan. n, 1563. F;d. by (i. E. Corric. CanibridKe, 1853. 23I'. pp. [4] + 9 + [3] + 3 + ['] + 237. (Parker .Soc.) Nuremberg, Diet of. .Sec Germany— A'tvV/;^- Ini^, .\'i(i-c/;/l'crx; 1^22-2^. Nuremberg catechism. See Catechismus, otier Kinderpretlig, 1542. Ob der Kiinig vss engellaml eiii liigner sey oder der Luther. Sec Murner, T. Ochino (/,«/. Ochinus). Bernardino. I!er- nar- | diiii < Ichini Scnen- ' sis uiri (I'lclissimi, | De Purgatorio j dialogus. j \_I'rcJace .\A lectorem.] | [7V'.vY. ] I .41 en J: Tiguri apud Gess- 1 neros. Ziirich. [1555?]. i5h. pp. [6] + ii5+[i3]. Text in it.alics. Wdct initials. 'I'ransl. into Latin by 'Ihaddacus Diuius.' Ochino's pref. letter is dated 'iiguri till. Cal. Decrenibr. Anno ftLD.LV,' and Dunus' epilogue was written at the sante city on ' 1 1 1 1 Idus Decembris ' of that year. Young, M. Ii. Ochino. (/« iiis Life and times of Paleario, i. i860.) O'Connor, Henry, S. y.. compiler. Luther's own statetnents concerning his teaching and its re- sults. 3d Atiier. ed. New York, cfr., 1885. i9h. pp. [8] -^ 4+3-62. Made up of extracts from Luther's works, translated and arranged by a clever adversary. Odenbach. Johann. Ain Sendbrieff vnd Rat | schlag, an vcnudnete Richter, iiljer die arinen | ge- fangnen zu .\ltzcy, so man nennet | Widerteufl'er. | Durch Johaiin Odenbach, Piedicanten | zu Moscheln vnder Lands- | Iiergk. | M. D. .N.wiij. n. p., [1528]. 14''. pp. fi6]. [ ] Warhafftig vrsach, | das der leib ('hristi nitt I inn der creatur des brots, aber | durchs wort gots, itn nachtmal vnd | hertzen der glaubigen sei, on alle | schumpffierung vnd zanck- | reden. Vnge- ferlich inw drei- | hundert argument | kiirtzlich ver- | fasset. I Antio 1529. Mense .Septembri. n. p., [1529]. 14I'. ff. 50. On the t.-p., in a contemporary hand: ' vo« Johanni Odewbach. Sey gewamet lieber leser. ' Oecolompadius, Johaimes. See Oekolam- padius. Oekolampadius, Johannes. .\usgewiihUe Predigten. — Zum .Vbendmahlsstreile. — Christliche .\iitwort tier l)iciier ties E\atigeliutns zu Basel, wa- rum die jetzt bei den Kapstlichen iibliche Messe kein Opfer, sondern ein Grauel sei. — Zur Katechese. — Synodalrede, gehalten bei der Synode 1531. — Die erste Baslerconfession von 1534; entworfen von Oekolampad, ausgearbeitet von Slyconius. {/n 70 TIIE PROTESTAXr REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUXXERS. Hagenbach, K. R. Oekobmpad und Myconius. 1859.) Billielie ant | wurt Joan. Ecolam- | padij, aulT B. Martin Lu- | thers beVicht, des Sacraments | halb, sanipt einem kurtzen begrift' | auff elliclier Prediger in Schwa | ben schrifft, die wort des | Herren nacbtmals | antreffend. | Ich bit vnib ver- hor. I M.D.XXVI. At ciul : Ck-truckt zu Basel, bey I I'homan Wolff. | M. D. XXVI. 21X16. pp. [88]. Wcller, VitT*., 3939. t. -p. border. Wdct initials. Device on reverse of last leaf. In vol. lettered Ger- iiutn Tracts by Ri^/ormers, /. H.\r,F,NHACH, K. R. Oekolanipad und Myconius. 1859. blearius, Paulus, {pseud.). SecJie fide con- cubinarum. Olevian. Caspar. Si-dhoif, K. C. Olevia- niis und Z. Ursinus. 1S57. Oliphant, A/ is. Margaret Oliphant 'Wilson. Savonarola. (/« /'•'- The makers of Florence. 1S81.) Four chapters are devoted to him. Oratio ad Carolum maximum augustum et Ger- manise principes pro Ulricho Hutleno equite Ger- mano et Marlino Luthero patriae et Christiana; li- bertatis adserloribus authore S. .\bydeno, Corallo, Germ. {Partially rcpr. in 'H.Mtten.X!. -v. Opera, ed. Booking, i. 1859.) 1520? Uy CrotLis Riibianus ? See the Ditilo^i septetii^ which bears the same pseud. Oratio ad Christum opt. max. pro Julio .Secundo, l,i"ure, Pont. Max., a quodam bene docto et Chri- .stiano perscripta. {In Hutten, U. v. Opera, ed. Biicking, iv. i860.) With a bibliography of its editions. ' Id unum pro certo af- firmaverim, Hutteni non esse.' — BSckitig. Yet he thinks it written about 1512, and questions Panzer's positive ascription of it to the author of the yidilis excltisus. Oratio contra affectationem novi vestitus. {In Melaiichthou, P., i2"^<'^/;t-'X Orationes. 1533.) Oratio de miseriis pa;dagogorum. {In Me- \^.\\c\\^.\i.o\\,'P., and others. Orationes. 1533.) Oratio ha--c est funebris. | In laudem loannis Cerdonis \ (^)ua«/ nominauimus Vade Mecvm |<'/c. ]. [1519?] 0" Hutten, XT. v. Opera, ed. Bock- ing. vi. 1864.) Oratio sludiosi cuiusdam de capta & direpta urbe Roma.. {In Melanchthon, P., and others. Orationes. 1533.) Orationes deciraarum or Orationes dua?. See Cajetauo. Osiander, Andreas. Aiu [.hV] schone Sermon, Ge I pretliget /u Nuremberg | von Andreas Osean I der, |irediger zu. S. 1 I.orentzen am | Sontag Miseri- cordia Domini ] aulTd<;j- Eua;;- | geliuw Jo- 1 han«es.| Secundo. &c. | ]m Jar. M.D..\.\iij. [Augsburg, 1523.] 21X15. pp. [14]. Panzer, 1946. t.-p. border. Not by Osiander. He himself expressly repudiates it in his Sc7uibrit'ff. See note to next title. Eyn Sendbrieff | an eyii Chrisllich | Ge- niayn, niitzlich | zulcsen. | Andreas Osiander | Nurm- ber'g. I An. iM.D. XXiij. At end: Getruckt zu Niirmberg diirch Hiero- 1 nymuni Holtzel, im;« jar. M.D. XXiij. 2iX'6. pp. [10). Panzer, 1947. t.-p. border, bearing date '1522.' ' Die Veranlassung zu diescm .Sendschreiben gab die vorhergehende Predigt, die, wie Osiander sagt, in Augspurg soil gedruclct und ihm zugeschrieben wordeu seyn, ungeachtet er dicselbe wederge.schrieben noch gcpredigethiitte.' — Panzer. The letter is dated at ' Synttcrsspuhel am. xxij.Jtag des Herbst- nionds,' 1523. [ ] Grundt vnnd vrsach | auss der liciligcn sclirifft, wie \nd \ warumb, die I'ierwirdigen herre«,| baider Pfarkirchen S. Sebalt, | \\\d sant Laurent- zen Probst zu | Nurmberg, die missi^reiich | bey der heyligen Messz, | Jartag, Geweyclit Saltz, vnrf Wasser, .sampt ettlichen | andern Ceremonien | ab- gestelt vndter | lassen snd ge- | endert ha | ben. Niirmberg. | [7'c.rA] .-// end : Getruckt zu Niirm- berg durch Hiero- | nymum Holtzel, im/« Jar M.U. I XXiiij. aussgangen. 23. | Octobris. 2iXt6. pp. [to2]. Panzer, 2403. * I^ieses ist die Orlginal- Ausgabe, der so merkwiirdigen Schrift, die den Grund zur Re- formation in Niirnberg gelegt bat.' — J'aiizer. [ ] Ein gutt unterricht unnd | getreuer rat- schlag, vss heiliger | gottlicher schrift, wes man sieli I in disen zwitrachten, vnnsern ] heiligen glauben vna' christliche | leer betreffend, halten soil | darinn was gottis I wort vnnd men- | schen leer, was | Christus I vnd der Antichrist sey. fur | nemlich ge- hanndelt | wirt. | Beschriben an ein Erberu Weisen Rhat der | lobliche« Stat Nornberg durch jre pre- diger. I Anno M D XXIIII. n. p., [1524]. 21X16. pp. [66]. Panzer, 2407. t.-p. border. , editor. Sant Hildegarten weis- | sagung vber die Papisten vnd ge | nanten geistlichen, wel- cher erftillung zu vnsern zey | ten hat angefangen, vnd volzogen soil | werden. | lun N'orred durch Andream | Osiander. Im M.D.XXVij. jar. [? Nuremberg, 1527.] 19X15. PP. [n]. Wdct initials. , editor. Ein wundeidiche weissa I gung, von dem Hapstumb, wie es | yhm bis an das ende tier welt ge I hen sol, ynn figuren odder | gemelde be- griffen, ge | funden zu Nurm- | berg, ym Car-| theu- ser klo | ster, vnd | ist seer | alt. | Ein vorred, An- dreas Osianders. | Mit gutter verstendllicher ausle- gung, durch | gelerle lent, verklert. \Vilche, Hans ] Saciis yn Deudsche reymen | gefasset, vnd darzu | gesetzt hat. | Im. M.D.xxvij. J are. [Nuremberg, 1527.] 20X15- PP- [ss]. E.ach page of this curious work contains an allegorical wdct (the Pope always a tigure), an interpretation in prose by Osiander, and one in verse by Hans Sachs. For a discussion of its origin and his- tory see Moller's Osiander, pp 97-103. Wie vnd wohin ein | Christ die grausaiiicK I plag der pestilentz | fliehen soil. | Ein predig, aus dem gi. Psalm. | Andreas Osiander. ] Niiremberg. | 1533. I 3. Augusti. At end: Gedrucki zu Niirnberg, durch I Johan Petreium. [1533.] 21X16. pp. [38]. Wdct initial. Vermutung von den letz [ ten zeiten, vnd dem Ende | der welt, aus der hei- | ligen Schriftt ge- I zogen. | Andreas Osiatider. | [7'(U/.] | 1545- I Zu Niirnberg Truckts J. Petreius. At end: 1545. | [text.^ [1545.] 21X16. pp. [no]. Wdct initials. EiH Trostschrifft wi- | der die Gottlosen verfolger des worts | Gottis, aus den Ersten dreien bitten'l des heilige« Vater vnsers gezogen. | An . . . I ... I Herrn Johansen Ernst, Hertzogen zu ] Sach- sen, . . . I . . . I . . . &c. I .Andreas Osiander. | Anno 1546. At end : Dat. i6Julij. 1546. n. p., [1546]. 21X16. pp. [56]. MOLI.ER, W. A. Osiander. 1870. Otto, Anton. Die fiirnemste .\diaphoristische jrthumen, der waren Religion Verfelschungen und Ergernissen, ete. See Gailus, N., and others. Oxford, University of. Testimonium de doc- trina et vita Joannis Wicleff, 1406. (/;; Hus. J., and others. Historia, etc., ii. [1558.]) OVri'S. Nemo. i"nd Ilefnnrdhiinn \de Htndonis. Anno On. I M.P.XXXXIII., and that of tlie French transi., Dv bene- Jice I de I les7>s Christ er7e decimo. reuereHdissimisq/fc Cardinalibwj. ac | toti tandew ecclt'jie reuerewter dedicata. | H Hec insunt huic opas!>ius, Aiie?; etc. Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, and Butzer, M. 74 THE PROTESTA.VT JiEFO/iMAT/ON AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Briefwechsel ; hrsg. und erlauteit von M. Leiiz. I. Theil : [1529-Jan. 1541]. Leipzig, 1S80. 25h. pp. 8-f542+[2]. Vol. v of rnhllca- iioncit tilts t/t'n A'. Ptvitssischctt Statitsarchiveii. As Beita- gen (pp. 315-542) are printed a mass of other documents, bearing on (1) Bitccr itjtd die hessischen Wiedertdit/er, /5J^, (2) Die Nebetielie des LaJidgra/ett, (3) Einigititgs'vefsitche tier tieittschen Sldnde, 1539-40^ (4) Die I'er/itindiun^en in IVoilHS, 1540-41. Antwort . . . Auff das anlragen vnnd werben der . . . gesantlien . . . , 1542. See John Frederic I, Electorof Sn.xoiiy, ami Philip, Land- grave of Hesse, Commemoratio causarum susceptae, etc.^ 1542. Sec John Frederic I, Elector ijf Saxony, (?//(/ Philip, Landi^iaz'e of Hesse. Responsio ... in causa Religionis . . . , 1 540. See John Frederic I, Elector of Sa.xoiiy, and Philip, Landgrave of JLessc. . . . AVarhafftiger bericht und Sumniari aussfiihrung, etc., 1546. See John Frederic I, Elector of Saxony, and Philip, Landgrave oj JLesse. Die weile die Stende der Cron zu Behe- men, etc., 1546. Sec John Frederic I, Elector of Saxony, and Philip, Landgraz'e of Hesse. Phillips, Thomas. Neve, T. Animadver- sions upon Pliillips's life of Pole. 1766. Philpot, John, .irchdeacon of Winchester. Ex- aminations and writings ; ed. by R. Eden. Cambridge, 1842. 23h. pp. [4] +3i-(-[i]-f-446. (Parker Soc.) Contents: — Biog. notice of Philpot. — Examinations. — Disputation in the Convocation-House, Oct., 1553. — Letters. — Apology for spitting upon an -Arian. — Defence of the au- thority of Christ's Church by CceUus Secundus Cuno; transl. by J.'P. — Index. Pierre de Vanlx-Cernay. Histoire de F here- sie des .\lbigeois, et de la sainte guerre entreprise contre eux, 1203-18. (/« Guizot, F. P. G. Col. des memoires relatifs a I'histoire de France, xii. ) Pietatis et superstitionis pugna: [dialogus]. Sec Dialog! septeni, etc. Pietsch, Gottlob Heinrich Paul. Martin Lutlier und tiie hoclidctitsche Schriftsprache. C. Breslau, 1S83. 23I1. pp. [4] + i2i-)-[i]. Pilkington, James, Bp. of Durham. Works; ed. by J. Scholefield. Cambridge, 1842. 23h. pp. [4] -1-164-703. (Parker Soc.) Conieitts: — Biog. notice of Pilkington. — Exposition upon the Prophet Haggai. — Upon the Prophet Obadiah. — Upon certain chapters of Nehemiah. — Burning of St. Paul's Church: Confutation of an addition. — .Answers to Popish questions. — Miscellaneous pieces. Pirckheimer, Bilibald, translator. Lvciani Piscator, sev | reuiuiscentes. Bilibaldo Pirck- | heymeio, Caesareo Consilia- | rio, Patricio ac Sena- tore, I Nurenbergensi [ inlerprete, | Eiusdem Epi- stola Apologetica | [E/iigraflt.l At end: Impres- sum per Fridericmn Peyj^us | Nurenbergx sexto Nonas | Octobris. Anno salutis, | M. D .XVII. | ^Device. ] 20X15- pp. [52]- t.-p. border. Wdct initials. Espe- cially vahiable for the ^ Kpisttyla apolo^t^etica' — a long (26 pp.) introductory letter of Pirckheimer, dated 30 Aug. 1517, discussing the literary world of his time and particularly the Keuchlin controversy. In vol. lettered lacobo Koei)etio. [ ] Eccius dedolatus, autore [o;innc Fran- cisco Cottalambergio, \pscnd.~\. (In Hutteu, TJ. V. Opera, ed. Bbcking, iv. lS6o.) Haoe.n', K. Deutschlands literarische und religiose Verhaltnisse im Reformalionszeilalter ; mit liesonderer Riicksicht auf Wilibald Pirkheimer. (868. Pius V (Michele Ghislieri), Pope. Lettres sur les affaires religieuses de son temps, en France ; suivies d'un cat^chisme catholique-romain comjiire- nant la legislation p^nale ecclesiastique en matiere d'lieresie; par [L.J. A.] de Potter. Bruxelles, 1827. 22)1. pp. [2] +4o-h328-(-3-t-[i]. Plates. Mendham, J. Life and pontificate of St. Pius V. 1832. RisTRETTO della vita, virtii, e miracoli del beato Pio \', Sommo Pontefice . . . Roma, 1672. i6h. pp. [S]-i-228. Planck, Adolph. Melanchthon, Praeceptor German iae. Nordlingeli, i860. 19I1. pp. 8 f- 183 + [ij. With 9 letters of Melanchthon, as an .Aniiaitg. Platter, Thomas. The autobiography of T. Platter, a schoolmaster of the l6th century ; transl. from the German by Mrs. Finn. 2d ed. London, 1847. 1511. pp.72. Port, and facsim. engravings. .■\ much-abridged transl. Platter was associated intimately with the Reformers at Zurich and at Basel. and Felix. Thomas und Felix Platter : zur Sittengeschichte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Bear- beitet voii H. Boos. Leipzig, 1878. 2oh. pp. 164-372 -(- [3]. Contents: — Platter, T. Selbstbiographie, 1490-1582.^ Platter, F. 'I'agebuch, [1536-61]. — Kechnung uber seine Einnahnien. — Das Gsang von Loflen. — Personen- n. Orts- verzeichniss. — Wortweiser. — Plaltersche Gcschlechtstafel. Plessis-Marly, Philippe de Mornay, sei- gneur du. Sec Du Plessis-Marly. Plitt, Gustav Leopold, and Petersen, E. F. Martin Lutliers Lelien und W'irkeii. 2. .\ufl. Leipzig, 1883. pp. 8-1-562. Port. Focock, Nicholas, editor. Troubles connected with the Prayer Book of 1549. C. [London,] 18S4. 22X17. pp. [4] + 46 -l- 4 4- 208. (Camden Soc.) Poggio Bracciolini, Giovanni Francesco. De Hieronymi Pragensis obitu epistola. (In Hus, J., and others, Historia, etc., ii, 1558; and in Gratius, O., Fasciculus, i, 1690.) Polano, Pietro Soave, {pseud.). ^ffSarpi, P. Pole. Reginald, Card. Epistola ad Fdwardum VI. de o|ieie ad\ersus Henricum patrem^ scripto. (In Schelhorn, J. G. Amoenitales hist, eccl., i. 1 737-) Neve, T. Animadversions upon Mr. Phillips's Life of Pole. 1766. ScHEl.HORN, J. G. Historia operis a R. Polo adversus Henricum Vlll. scripti. (/« his .'\moenitates liist. eccl., i. 1737-) Pollini, Girolamo. L'historia | ecclesiastica | della rivolvzion | d'lnghilterra | divisa in libri qvat- tro I ne' qvali si tratta di qvello ch'e avvenvto | in queUTsola, da che Arrigo Ottauo cominci6 a pen- sare di ripudiar I Caterina sua legittima moglie, in- fino a quest'vltnni I anni di Lisabetla, vltima sua figliuola. ] Racolta da gravissimi scrittori non meno I di quella Xazione, ch^ dell'altie, da F. Girolamo Pollini deir Ordine | de' Predicatori, della Prouin- cia di Toscana. | [/'r/-'.] | [Device. '\ \ In Roma, PressoGuglielmo Facciolli. M. D. XCIV. | [/V/i'.] I .-Vd Istanza di Gio. Angelo RuffineUi. At end: In Roma, | Nclla Stamperia di Guglielnio Facci- otto. I M.D.XCIV. 23X17- PP- [24] + 766H [48]. Wdct initials. Text in italics. Bil. in a fraqniLUt of Hebrew ms, Pomeraiuis. Johannes. Sec Bugenhagen. Poole, Reginald Lane. WyciilVe's doctrine of THE IVllITE I.IHKAKV. 75 lordship. (/« his Illustrations of the history of nicilirval lh. 2 V. This valuable work is yet luiliiiishcd. Cmttcnts: — i. His zum Tode Meistcr Eckhart's. ii. .Acl- tere und ncue Myslik in der i. Halfte des 14. Jahrhundcrts. — Heinrich .Suso. Pressel, Theodor. Nicolaus von Amsdorf. Kiherfeld, i8ti7. 23'". pp. 164. In Leben 11, atisg. Sckri/ten der I 'titer u. Begi-ihtder der littherisehen Kirche, viii. Ambrosius Blaurer. F-lberfeld, 1861. 23''. pp. i534-f2]. \n Lebeii 11. ausg. Schri/teu der I 'dter 11. Begriiitder der re/orntirten Kirche, ix. Martin C'hemnitz. Elberfeld, 1862. 23l>. pp. 75+ [i]. In Lebeu u. ausg. Schrt/ten dir Vdter u. Begnlttder der lutlterischen Kirche, viii. David Chytriius. Elberfeld, 1862. 23h. pp. 48. In Leben 11. nusg. Schri/ten der I'dter 11. Begrii/ider der lutheriscUen Kirche, viii. Caspar Cruciger. Elbert'eld, 1862. 23''. pp. Ss+fi]. In Leben «. ausg. Schri/ten der Vdter n. Begriiudcr der luiherischen Kirche, Paul Eber. Elberfeld, 186= pp. io7 + [i]. In Lebeu 11. ausg. Schri/ten der I'dter u. Begriinder der lutlterischen Kirch viii. Justus Jonas. Elberfeld, 1862. 23h. pp. i434-[i]. In Leben u. ausg. Schri/ten der I'dter u. Begriinder der hitherischen Kirche, viii. Lazarus Spengler. Elberfeld, 1862. 2311. pp. 100. In Leben n. ausg. Schri/ten der i'dter u. Begriinder der lutherischeu Kirche, viii. Paulus Speratus. Elberfeld, 1862. 2311. pp. 834-[i]. In T^eben u. ausg. Schri/ten der Vdter u. Begriinder der tntlieriscluu Kirche, viii. Joachim Vadian. Elberfeld, 1S61. 23I1. pp. [2] +6+ 103 + [i]. In Leben 11. ausg. Schri/ten der Vdter u. Begriinder der re/ortnir- ten Kirche, ix. Prierias, Silvestro Mazzolini of Prierio, callcJ. Errata et argvmeu | ta Martini Luteris I recit.ata, detecta, | repvlsa et copiosis | sime tritta : per fra | trem Silvestrvm Prie | riatem, Magistrum | j sacri palatii, | [Papal arms.'] At end: Rome per .^ntonium bladis de Asula impressus die .27. | Martii. Millesinio quinge;/tesimo \igesimo. sedente Leo I ne .X. Pont. Max. Anno eius Octauo. | V S 22X16. fr. [6]+268 + [io]. t-p. border. Wdct initials. The reverse of fol. CCLXVIIl is blank: and the brief ///vr tertins, beginning on the following leaf, has (as if printed sep- arately) fresh signatures (.A. .^ etc.) and no pagination. The title at the head of each of the three iibri is; De iuridica &^ irre/ragabili veritate romane ecclesie, rouianiqvyn ponti/icis. Modus solennis . . ^ ad inquirendum et inveniendum et convincendum Lutheranos, . . . anno 1519. compositus, . . . anno 1553. revisus . . . ]ier Cardinales . . . Inquisitionis. (/« Gra- tius, O. Fasciculus, ii. i6go. ) [Processus] contra sentimentum Parrhisiense. [1514?] (In Hutten, U. V, Opera, ed. Hock- ing, vi. 1804.) A proper dyaloge, betwene a Gentillman and a husbandman, cche coni|)laynynge to other their inis- erable calamile, through thcambicion of the clergye ; [together with] .\ compendious oUle treatyse, shew- ynge, howe that we ought to haue the scripture in Englysslie. (//; Arber, E. Rede me, (T/c. ) ' Lollard treatises in a Protestant setting ' : a repr. of the impr. of Marburg, 1530. The only known copy of this orig. was tliscnvered in 1862, and is now in the ISritisli Museum. I'lie dyiil'>t;e is in verse. Prugner, Nicolaus, and Fridberger, B. .■\cht vnd dreyssig | sehlussiede so bctreffende ein ] gaiitz C'hristlich lebe« war an es gelege// isl. | \\\- geben von zweyen Christliche« Icrern | durch Xico- laum Prugner predicant | zu Miilhausen vnd Hal- thasar | Friilberger predicant | zu Waldlshut. | M. D. .NxiiiJ. Al end: M. D. .\xiiij. | Ipso die Harnabe. n. p., [1534]. 19X14. pp. [8]. Panzer, 2333. Wdct initials. In vol. lettered 46 Tractateu. Prugner furtiishes rtoSchlussre- den, Fridberger 18. The latter's were published also sepa- rately (see Panzer, 2332). There is no evidence of joint au- thorsliij), Psalterium. .SV,- Bible. O. T. Psalms. Puaux-Leorati, . Difesa della riforma presentala agli uomini serii del Cattolicismo. Napoli, 1862. i81>. pp.32. In vol. lettered 6'/7/j<:<»///*ro- testanti. Quick, John. Synodicon in Gallia reforniata ; or. The acts, decisions, decrees, and canons of those famous national councils of the reformed churches in France . . . Collected and composed out of ori- ginal manuscript acts of those renowned synods . . . London, 1692. 33''. Port, and engr. t.-p. (view of a synod in session). 2 v. (v. ii wanting). Vol. i contains the synods to 1617, with an introductory history of the reformed churches in France to 16S5, including full translations of their Confession of Faith and Discipline, of the Edict of Nantes, of that of {1629), and of the Revocation. Florentius Ra- Sce Florentius N Radewiui, Florentius. .SV dew^ini. Radew^ynszooii, Floris. Radewini. Ram, Pierre Fran9ois Xavier de. Particula- rites sur le stijour (.rLrasmc a ISale, et sur les der- niers moments de cet homnre celebre. 21I1. pp. 462-475 of the Bulletin de V Acad, royale des Sciences et BeUes-Lettres de Bmjcelles, 1842 (no. 5). This no. is bd. by itself and lettered Erasuiiis a Basle. Ramee, Daniel. Les noces vermeiUes : his- toire tie la Saint- Barthelemi, 1572. Paris, 1877. ly'i. pp. [2] +4-f 259^[2]. 3 wdcts and plan. Raniee, Pierre de la. .Siv Ramus. Ramus. Petrus, {Fr. Pierre de la Ramee). B.vi;.\I, J. R. Ramua. {In his Les martyrs de la libre pensee. 1862, and 1880.) FiGiiiER, G. L. Ramus. {In his Vies des savants illustres de la Renaissance. 1868.) SOUQUET, P. {In his Les fcrivains peda- gogues du \(fi si^cle. 1880.) Waodington, C. Ramus. 1855. Ranke, Franz Leopold von. Deutsche Ge- schichte im Zeitalter tier Reformation. d. Leipzig, 1S81, 1867-68. 2ih. 6 v. (vol. i, 6. .Autl., vols, ii-vi, 4. -Autl.). Vols, i-vi of his Sdiunitliche Werke. Contents: — i. 1486-1521. ii. 1521-28. iii. 1527-^5. iv. 1535-46. V. 1547-56. vi. Analekten der deutschen Ge- schichte im Zeitalter der Reformation. Exceptionally valuable are the documents appended to the several volumes or gath- ered in the A nalehten (vol vi). Same. English. History of the Refor- mation in Germany. 2d ed. Transl. by S. .-\u5tin. Vols. I, 2, 3. London, 1845-47. 2311. 3 v. Buckle's copy. The trans- lation was never completed. — Same. C. 76 TJIE P/<0 TESTA. XT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Geschichten der romanischen und germa- nischen Volker, 1494-1514. 2. Aufl. D. Leipzig, 1874. 2ih. pp. 30+323. Vol. xxxiii of his .SiiVrt;;//- lichc \\ 'erke. Die romischen Papste in den letzten vier Jahrbunderten. 6. Aufl. D. Leipzig, 1874. 2ih. 3 v. Vols, xx.wii-xxxix of his Sammtiiche U'erkc. Contents: — i. Vorrede. — Einleitiingen. — Anfange einer Regeneration des Katholicismus. — Die Papste uni die Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts. — Staat und Hof: Die Zeiten Gregors Xtll und Sixtus V. ii. 1563-1630. iii. 1628-1870. — Ana- lecten. Same. Eng/is/i. Ecclesiastical and po- litical history of the Popes, during the i6th and 17th centuries; transl. by S. Austin. D. London, 1840. 23*1. 15 v. Savonarola und die florentinlsche Republik l^egen Ende des funfzehnten Jahrhunderts. {In /lis Historisch-biographische Studien. 1877.) Zur Kritik neuerer (ieschichtsclu'eiber. 2. Aufl. D. Leipzig, 1874. 2ih. pp. 8 + 174. Vol. xxxiv Q{\\\<.Sai/nnt- liche U'ei'ke. Discusses especially the historians of the period of the Renaissance and Reformation. Razzi, Era Serafiiio. Delia vita e morte di fra Girolamo Savonari)la . . . libri tre. A manuscript, 28.<2o, ff. [300], neatly written in what seems an Italian hand of the 17th century. The third hook is devoted to the miracles of Savonarola. Appended, in the same hand, are (i) sundr>' documents tending to prove his sainthood, and (2) two of his poems, viz. Sot>ra la felkita di Firenze and Laude al crocifisso. Razzi's pref. to his readers was written in 1590, '. . . Piu conosciuta as.sai e la biografia .scritta dal P. Serafino Razzi, anch' esso frate di San Marco. II suo la- voro veramente non e altro che una compilazione fatta sul Pico e sul Burlamacchi ; giacche eglinon era stato contenipuraneo del Savonarola, ne aveva molto acunie per far nuove indagmi. N'ondimeno pote discorrere con alcinii vecchi Fiorentini che lo avevano conosciiito, e fra qiiesti con I'ottuagenario Lorenzo Violi, di cui lesse e compendio il iiianoscritto delle Giornatf, aveva raccolto e trascritto un numero grandissimo di apoiot^e e d'altri lavon intorno alia vita ed alia doltrina del siio eroe. Le operedci Razzi si irovana manoscritte nella MaglJabechiana, nella Riccardiana e nella Laurenziana.' — i'illaH. Reber, Balthasar. Eelix Hemmerlin von Zu- rich. Ziirich, 1846. 22I1. pp. 4+ [4J+496+ [2]. Wdct ports. With generous extracts from his writings. P^yn Rede, der gesandten Hotschaff"- | ter der Venediger, an herren Maxiniilianum Kdmischen ICayser, ... 30. Decewbr;> 1508, etc. {In Hut- ten, U. V. Opera, ed. Hocking, iii. 1862.) Rede me and be nott wrothe. .V^v Roy. W.. and Barlo\ve, J. I tie Reformation in Trier. .v,v Treves. Redenbacher.Wilhelm. Kur/e Reformat ions- Ge>.chiLhle. A'^v Hosemann, J. J. Histoire, etc. Reformation uf tiic church in Ireland [under] Henry \'III, Edward VI, and Queen ALary. (/;; Collection of choice tracts. 1721.) Reformations Almanach fiir Euthers Verehrer auf das evangelische Jubeljahr 1817; hrsg. von F. Keyser. Erster Jahrgang, 2. Aufl. Erfurt, [1817]. 15I1. pp. [^2]-{-io2H-398. Many portraits and facsims. of handwriting. Iheorig. pictorial covers of this vol., as of the two following, have been sacrificed by the binder. Contents: — Keyser, F. Bildersaal der Reformationsge- schichte (Luther in aussercr Verwandlung. — Luthers Freund und Gehiilfe. — Schutz der lutherschen Lehre in den Chur- fursten Friedrich dem Weisen, Johann dem Bestiindigen, und Johann dem Grossmiithigen. — Der Vertheidiger der luther- schen Lehre in Philipp von Hessen. — Luthers Lebensge- fahrtin. — Reliquicn von Luther. — Der Freunde-Kranz. — Handschriften aus der Lutliers-Zelle zu Erfurt- — Umschlag des Rcformations-Alnianachs). — Voigt, J. Universalliistorische Ideen iiherdie Nothwendigkcit der Reformation. — Niemeyer, C- Luthers Auftrctcn, vorbereitci durch das vcrgangene, und einwirkend auf dasihm gegcnwartlge Zeitalter. — Petri. G. E. Versuch uber die Folgen der Reformstion. — MoUer, J. F. Deutschlands Heldenspiegel. — Profetischer Traum des Chur- fiirsten Friedrichs des Weisen von Sachsen. — Bretscbneider, K. Gr. Luthers Schilderung der sittlichen Verderbniss der Deutschen zu seuier Zeit; aus dessen Schriften zusanimenge- st<_-lli, — Zurdritten Jubelfeyerdes Reformationsfestes. — Schu- deroff, J Ueber Protestantismus und Kirchenreformation. — Wette. W. M L. de. Ueber den Verfall der protesiantischcn Rirclit: ill Deut-ichland, und die Miltel, ihr wieder auf/iihelfen. — Schreiber, C. Die Reformatoren der Kirche. — Sachse, F. Morgenlicd zur Hegriissung des Jubelfcstes. — Nachtwach- terlied am i. faimar 1S17. Reformations Almanach auf das Jahr 1819; hrsg. von V. Keyser. Zweiter Jahrgang. Erfurt, [1819]. i5h. pp. [2] + io8-|-388. Ports, and facsims. of handwriting. Contents: — Keyser. F. Bildersaal der R e format ion sge- schichte (Ulrich Zwingii. — Johann Oekolampadius. — Karl V. — Leo X. — Ulrich von Hutten. — Franz von Sickingen. — Anna Reinhart und Regula Zwingli. — Handschriften aus der Stiftsbibliuthek zu Ziirich). — Mdller. J. F. Kurze Ge- schichte der Bildung der retormirten Kirche und ihres Lehrbe- griffs. — Heeren, A. H. L. Etwas iiber die Folgen der Re- formation fiir die Philosophic. — Politz, E. H. L. Die Aehn- lichkeit des Kampfes uin biirgcrliche und poliiische Freiheit in unserm Zeitalter, mit dem Kampfe uni die religiose und kirch- liche Freiheit im Zeitalter der Reformation. — Zwingli's Tod. — Wette. W. M. L. de. Ueber den siltlichen Geisl der Re- formation in Beziehung auf uusere Zeit. — Schleiermacher, F. Ueber den cigenthiimlichen Werth und das bindende An- sehen symbolischer Biicher. Reformations Almanach auf das Jahr 1821 ; hrsg. von V. Keyser und J. F. Moller. Dntter Jahrgang. Erfurt, [1821]. i5h. pp. [2] + 2i4 + [2] + 311. Ports, and facsims. of handwriting. Contents: — Keyser. F., and Mdller. J. F. Bildersaal der Relormations-Geschichte (Zur Lharakteristik Jfihann Cal- vins, von einem Ziiricher Gelehrten. — Niemeyer, C. Johann Reuchlin. — Erhard. H. A. Moritz, Herzog zu Sachsen. der erste Kurfiirst .Albert inischen Hauses. — Niemeyer, C. Hans Sachs. — Wibrandis Rosenblatt: cine biographische Notiz, vnn einem Ziiricher Gelehrten. — Luther, M Luther im Tode. — Luthers Klosterzelle in Erfurt, \i>n dem Herausceber. — Handschriften von Calvin und Rtuchlin. — Umschlag des Almanachs). — Bretschneider. K, G- L'tberdie Bilduns^ und den Geist Calvins und dtr Genfer Kirche. — Arndt, E. M. Reformations-Lieder. — Wendt, A. Wilhelin Nescn : eine Erinneruiig aus der Refonnationszeit. — La Motte Fouqug. F. Heldeu und Helden, ein Gcdicht. — Giesebrecht, K. H. Martin Luther. — Lomler. F. W. Winke aus dem 16. Jalir- hunderte, die Predigtweise des 19. Jahrhunderts betreffetid ; oder, Der Prediger in Luthers I'agen und der Prediger in un- sern Tagen. — Moller, J. F. Was verlangt die fortgeschrittene Zeit vnn denen, che zu Tragern des Ewigen berufen sind? Regius. Jacobus. Epfstola ad Maximilianum de reformatione eccle^iie. {In Gratius, O. Fasci- culus, i. 1690.) Regius, TJrbanus. See Rhegius. Reichenbach, Andreas. I'lrich von Hutten. Leipzig, 1877. 21I1. pp. 4 + 153+ [2]- Same. 2. Aufl. Leipzig, 1888. 2il\ pp. 6 + i53+[i]. Martin Luther und seine Zeit. Leipzig, 1S83. i8h. pp. 4-j-[3] + o3^. Port. Reichstag. See Germany — Reic/istag. Rein, Wilhelm. Life of Martin Luther; transl. from the German and ed. by CJ. F. Behringer. New York, [1883]. igh, pp. 2ig. The translator has added a chapter of ' Opiiuons upon Luther.' Reiser, Friedrich. Friedrich Keiser*s Refor- mation des K. Siynunid ; mit Benutzung der alte- sten Handschriften, nebsteiner kritischen Einleitung und einem erklarenden Commentar hrsg. von W. Boehm. Leipzig, 1876. 23h. pp. 4+260. Reiser's authorship of this most important pre-relorination attack upon the abuses of the church, at least in ils extant form, has been questioned. Written about 1438. it was widely circulalcd in nis. before its first issue from the press in 1476. Renan, Ernest, (."alvin. (/// /lis Kludes d'his- toire religieuse. 1862. and 1S64.) THE IVIIITF. IJBIiARY. 77 Renata of Ferrara. See Ren6e. Renee, of France, Ditchessa di Ferrara. Renata, lU-ivoyin von Ferrara: ein Lebensbild aus dem Zeitalter der Reformation. Mil lincm Vorwort von \V. V. Giesebrccht. Ootha, 1869. ash. pp. 8H-i58+[i). The author is !» Ger- man lady. Vot;NG, M. Kende, Ouclicss of Ferrara. {In his Life and times of I'aleario, ii. i860.) Reuchlin {I.al. Capuionc'-Capnio), Johann. Briefwcoli^ci ; gc^animc-lt uml lirsi;. vim L. (ieiyer. 'I'iibingcn, 1875. 2:;''. pp. [i-] i 372. Vol. c.\.\vi of ihe i>V(i- Ihtlteh des littcrarischeit I 'e reins in Stuttgart. De arte | calialistica, | id est, de divinoe revelatio- | nis, ad salvtiferani Uei, et formarvm se- para- | tariim conteni|)lalioncni traditK, Symlmlica Receptione, Liliri III. | . . . | . . . (,App. to vol. i of Pico della Miraiidola, G., Opera omnia, '572-) Doctor iohanns | Reuchlins tiitseh missiue. warunib die Jude« | so lang im ellend sind. 1505- ( /// Hutten, U. V. Opera, ed. Boclolbeosis of Reuch- lin. (/« Barham, F. Lifeand times of J. Reucli- lin. 1843,) — .Apotheosis of Capnio. (/k Bailey's transl. of K.'s Colloquies.) CJlilOKR, L. seine Werke. 1871. — Ueber historiani Capnionis. HOR.-WVITZ, J. Reuchlin : sein Leben und Melanthons Oraiio continens 1868. A. Zur Biographie und Cor- respondenz y. Reuchlin's. 1877. [HuTTE.N, U. VON.] Joannis Reuchlin viri clarissimi Encomion. [1520?] — Triumphus Doc. Reuchlini. [1518?] L.^MEY, J. J. Reuchlin. 1855. rFF.FFi-;RKORX, [. Claeg gegen J- Reuch- lin. [1521.] See also his other pamphlets. Rl'ST, a. J. D. Reuchlin. {In Mathe- sius, J. Leben Luthers. 1S41.) Reusch. Friediicli Heinrich, editor. Die Imiice^ lihroi'uin pinlnlntniuin lIcs 16. Jalirhunderts. Tubingen, 1886. -z-^. pp. f^] f 598. Contents: — Verzeichnisse verbotener IJiicher aus England, 1526-1555. — Verzeichnisse verbotener Hiichcr aus Placaten Knrls V, 1524-1540. — Index dcr Lowener theologischen Fa- cultat voin Jahre 1546. — Indices der l-owener Universitat von 1550 und 1558. — index des spanischen (Jeneral-Inquisltors Valdes von 1551. — Uucherverbotc der kolnischen Synoden von 1549 und 1550. — Verzeichnis der 1542 und 1545 von der Sor- boniie censurierten Biicher. — Indices der Sorbonne von 1544, ^547. *55* uiid 1556. — Index des franzocischen General-Inqui- sitors Vidal de B^canis {i540-:55o). — Index des Senates von Lucca von 1545. — Index des Giovanni della Casa von 1549. — Indices von ^I3iland und V'cnedig 1554. — Index Pauls IV von 1559. — Index des spanischen General-Inquisitors Valdes von 1559. — Index Pius IV von 1564 {der sogenannte Lrienier In- dex). — Liitticher Index von 1569. — Antwerpener Index von 1570. — Antwerpener Index von 1571. — Miinchener Indices von 1566-1582. — Portugiesischer Index von 1581. — Index des spanischen General- Inquisitors Quiroga von 1583. — Index Sixtus V vom Jahre 1590. — Index Clemens VIII von 1596.— Index von Parma von 1580. Luis de Leon imd die spanische Inquisition. liunn, 1873. 2.^ti. pp. 6-i-[2] i-i24. Reuter, Simou. Ein Christliche frage Simonis Reu- j ters vonn Schlavtz, an alle Bischoffe, vnnd I anndere geystliche auch zum | leyl weltliche regen- ten, Wanmib | sy doch : an pricstcrn : | vnnd an- dern geistiich | geferblen leut 1 tew, den eelichen | slandt ] nicht | mugenn | leyden. | \^Ep'tgraphS\ n. p., [1523]. 21X16 pp. [15]- Panzer, 1956. In vol. lettered Cermnti Tracts />y Hr/orutcrs, II. Rhegius, Urbanus. Unlcrricht, wye ein Chri- sten I nicnsch got seincm herrcn | tcglich beichtcn soil, von Doctoris | Urbani regij Tliumpredigers | tzu Augspurg. I \_\Vdft.'\ At etui : 1523. p.p., [1523]. 2iXi6. pp. [7]. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers, ///. Von volkomenliait vnd | frucht des leidens Chrisli, | Sampt erklarung der | wort i'auli Coios. I. I Ich erfiill, das | abgeet den | leyden | Chri- | sti &c. I Durch D. Vrbanum Regium. n. p., [1522]. 21X16. PP- [26]. Wellcr, Rep., 2253. Wdct initials. t.-p. border. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers, I. Zwen wunder sel | tzam sendbrieff, zweyer \Vi- j dertauffer, an ire Rot- | ten gen Augspurg gesandt. j Verantwurlung | aller irrllium diser ob- genantew brieff, durch j Vrbanum Rhe j giuin. At end: Getruckt zu Augspurg, durch Alexander I Weyssenhorn, bey S. Vrsuia. [1528.] 2iXt6. pp. [90]. t.-p. border. Wdct initials. Dated by the author: ' In gros^^er eyl zu Augspurg am Pfiiig.st abent. M. D. XXVIII.' In vol. lettered German Tracts by Reformers, I. Seelen ertz- | ney fur die | gesunden vnd kranck | en, zu diesen geferlichen zeitlen | vnd ynn todes Motten ) durch | \'rbanu/« Rhegiurn. | M. I). XXX. "• P-f ^530- i6h. pp. [40J. t.-p. border. t.-p. partly in red. Dialogus. I Ein lustig vnd niitz- | lich Ge- sprech, vom zukiinff- | tigen Concilio zu Mantua, Zwisschen | einem Wcltfromen, vnd eineni | Epi- cureer, vnd ei- | neni Christen, } Durch | D. Url)a- num Rhegiurn, | Zur Zelle jnn Sachssen. j \_Ept' graph. ] At end : Gedruckt zu Wiltemberg | durch Joseph Klug. I 1537. 20X16. pp. [64]. Ein Sermon | Von den guten, 1 vnd bosen Engeln, zu | ILnnnouer gepredi- | get, durch ] I). Vr- banum Rhegiurn. | Witleniberg. | M.D.XXXVIII. At end : (iedruckl zu Wittemberg, [durch foseph Klug. I M.D.XXXVIIL 20X16. pp. [41]. t.-p. border. Wdct initials. Wie man die falschen ) Propheten erken- nen ia greif- | fen mag, Ein predig, zu Mynden jnn I Westphalen getiian, durch | D. Urbanum Rhegi- um. I [/rVrA] | [TVxA]-^/ end: Gedruckt zu Rrunn- | swick durch Anders | Goldbeck. | M D XXXIX. 20XT5. pp. [79]. Wdct initial. The author's ded. pref. is dated at *Zell, an S. Matthei lag. . . . 1538.' Cunz und der Fritz. See Ain scboner dialogus. Schlussrede von weltlicher Cewalt wider die .^ufriihrischen. {In Luther, M. Ein .Sende- brief von dem harten Biichiein wider die I-!aucrn. [1848.]) • Uhi.horx, G. U. Rhegius. 1861. Rhenanus, Beatus. Erasnii vita, ex epistola dedicatoria in fronte operuni Origenis, ab Erasmo recognitoruni, 1536. — Idem de eodem in epistola [ad Carolum V] pruefi.xa operibus Erasmi, 1540. (/« Menila, P., Vita Erasmi, 1607; ;> Schryver, P., Erasmi vita, 1642, 1649 ; and in Erasmus' Op., i, 1703.) loannis Geileiri Caesa- | remontani, primi | concionatoris I in aede sacrae maioris I ecclesiae Ar- 78 THE PROTESTANT JiEFOKMAT/OX AXD ITS FORERU.VjVERS. gento- I ratensis vita, | per Beatvm Rhenauvin | Selestatinvm. n. p., [1510]. 21X16. pp. [ii). Thougti dislinct in title and signatures, this is evidently but the detached liiial ff. of Geiler's Nai'knla fatuoriim, 1510, which see. Epitaphivin lacobi Wimphelingi. {In Erasmus, D. De recta pronuntiatioue. 1529.) , editor. Lvdvs L. Annei Seneca;, De morte Claudij Cresaris, nuper in Germania repertus, cum Scholijs Beati Rhenani. — Synesivs Cyrenensis de laudibus Caluitij, Joanne Phrea Britanno interprete, cu/« Scholijs Beati Rhenani. {In Erasmus, D. Moriae encomium. I5I7-) Rhomauus, Scc- Romanus. Ribaldus, Conradus. 6Vv Antwort Conradi Ril.)aiai, etc. Richard, Jean, {pseud.). See Saint Amour, L. G de. Ridley, Nicholas, Bp. of London. Worlds ; ed. by H. Christmas. Cambridge, 1843. ajh. pp. [4] + 16+ 543. (Parker Soc.) Remains. {In Bradford. J. Writings, ii. 1853.) Life of Dr. N. Ridley. {In Lives of the British reformers. [1834?]) Rietschel, Ernst. Dobbert, E. Die monu- mentale Darstellung der Reformation durch Riet- schel und Kaulbach. 1869. Robelot, Denis. De I'influence de la Reforma- tion de Luther, sur la croyance religieuse, la poli- tique, et le progres des lumieres. Lyon, i-lc, 1822. 22h. pp. i6-f446. Robinson. Hastings, editor. Original letters relative to the English reformation, chiefly from the archives of Zurich, [1537-58]- Cambridge, 1845-47. 23I1. 2 v. (Parker Soc.) Facsims. of handwriting. Zurich letters : the correspondence of Y.n- glish bishops and others with Helvetian reformers, [1558-79]- Cambridge, 1842. 23)1. pp. 16 + 378 + 6-fi98. (Parker Soc.) .Same. 2d ser. 1558-1602. Cambridge. 1S45 pp. 23-h[i]-f377-f (il-r207. (Parker Soc.) Fac>inis. of handwriting. Rocholl, Heiurich. Die Einfiihrung der Re- formation in der ehemaligen freien Reichsstadt Colmar : Beitrag zur Reforniations-Geschichte des Elsas.s. Leipzig (Colmar], 1876. 22h. pp. i6-(-248. Rode, Paulus von. Vnderweisung von den glauljigen (lie verstorhen sind. {In Bugeuhagen, J. Vniiilerricht von dem hailigen Sacrament. 1527.) Rogers, Thomas. Catholic doctrine of the Church of England : an e.tposition of the tliirty- nine articles. Ed. by J. J. S. Perowne. Cambridge, 1854. 23h. pp. i4-f [2H-384. (P.irker Soc. ) [Romanus, Joannes. {''. pseud.)'\ Das ist der hoch thu I ren Babel, id est Co«fusio Pa- | pe, da- rinn Doctor Lu- | ther gefangen ist. | [Or;;.] At end: Geben ] vff Zynstag nach dein Sonlag Exaudi, Anno do- ] mini .M. D. snd .xxi. -\Is botschaft kam gen Worms | wie doctor Luther mit seineni geleit bey Manssfelde;; | hinweg gefiirt, vnd sein xxi. tag des zugesagten gelei | tes noch nit vss was. I H Ista pro redemptione christianitatis, et Martini | Lutheri, qui non hereticus sed merus Christia- | nus, fidelium amator conscripsit. n. p., [1521] 19X14. PP- [79]- P-inzer, 1175. t.-p. bor- der. Wdct initials. In vol. lettered 46 Tractaten. The au- tlior calls himself 'Johannes Rhomanus.' Rome. Bando de le processioni | per la vnione de prin- [ cipi Christiani con- | tra Tvrchi. [1518]. (/« Hutten, U. V. Opera, ed. Bocking, v. 1861.) Roniischer kayserlicher Maiestat .-Vbschiedt. 1 52 1. (In Germany — Reichstag, Worms, i$2t. Komj>cher Kayserlich .Maiestat Regiment. 1521.) Roniischer kayserlicher Maiestat geordent Ca- mcrgericlit. 1521. {In Germany — Reichstag, Worms, 1521. Roniischer Kayserlicher Maiestat Regiment. 1521.) Roscoe, William. Life and pontificate of Leo X ; [with a dissertation on the character of Lucre- tia Borgia]. 3d ed., corr. London, 1827. 221". 4 v. Port. With valuable appen- dices of documents. Same. London, 1840. i2h. pp. 32 + 418. Port, and engr. t.-p. Buckle's copy. Without the appendices. Same. 5th ed., rev. by T. Roscoe. C. London, BoIlh, 1846. igh. 2 v, 2 ports. With the notes and appendices greatly abridged. Rosenthal, Ludwig, bookseller. Bibliotheca Lutherana : Katalog xxxviii von Rosenthal's Anti- quariat in Miinchen. Miinchen, [1883). 21I'. pp. 144. pp. 145, 146 (cover) want- ing. In vol. lettered Catalogc iibcr die Reformation. Rosseeuw Saint-Hilaire, Eugene Pran9ois Achille. .Martin Luther. Paris. [1864]. I?'", pp. [2] +44. Rossetti, Gabriele. Disquisitions on the anti-papal spirit which produced the Reformation : its secret influence on the literature of Europe in oeneral, and of Italy in particular. Transl. from the Italian by C. Ward. London, 1834. 2il". 2 V. Buckle's copy. [Roy, William, and Barlowe, Jerome] Rede me and be nott wrolhe For I save no thynge but Irothe. [Chiswick, 1845.] 20I1. pp. [146). Black-letter. On t.-p., colored wdct of arms of Wolsey : at end, wdct arms of the Pope. The t.-p. and p. [2] in facsini. .\ reprint of the first impr. (Strasburg, 1528, not Worms, 1526) of this Protestant satire against Cardinal Wolsey and the Romish priesthood. .Another repr. of the .'^ame impr., with historical introd., notes, and bibliography by E. .\rber, in his Englisli reprints. See Arber. E-, editor, Rede me, etc. Rubinus, P., {psend.). .9.-,- Dialogus, Bulla. Ruchat, Abraham. Histoire de la Rtiforma- tion de la Suisse, fidition avec appendices et una notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Ruchat par L. Vulliemin. Nyon, f/c, 1835-38. 2il>. 7 V. With appendices and doc- uments. Contents: — i-iv. 1516-36. v-vii. 1536-66. —Tables. — Notice sur Ruchat. Abrege de I'histoire eccl^siastique du Pays de Vaud. Ed. nouv. Nyon, etc., 1838. 2ih. pp. 189 + [i]. In vol. lettered Rucltat, Histoire de ia Reformation de ta Suisse, vii. Histoire des Dominicains de Berne, qui y furent brules Pan 1509, par arret, pour crimes d'im- posture et de sortilege. (-■:'//. to his Histoire de la Reformation de la Suisse, i. 1835). Rucherath, Johann, called John of U'esel, {Lat. Joannes de Wesalia). Paradoxa, . . . qua: feruntur . . . ix iilius . . . ore fuisse excepta. — [Ejus] examen iiiagistrale, 14S9. (/« Gratius, O. Fasciculus, i. 1690.) Ullm.\nn, C. John of Wesel. {In his Reformers before the Reformation, i. 1855.) Ruelens, Charles Louis. Notice sur la jeuncsse et les premiers travaux d' Erasme. {lit Erasmus, D. Silva carminum. 1864.) THE WHITE LIBRARY. 79 Ruell, Ebert. Eyn gutheitzigk bedencken wie autT I dem leufiirgenonienen ReychstagU allliie zu Speyr. | In sachen Gdtles Khr, sein wort, viiser sclen, vnd | die gewissen, beriirend Christbch vnd besten | digklich zu faren, /u handebi vnd | ziibe- schliessen sein solt. | 1[ Kbert Riiell Hessisclier Cainersecretarj. | IJ Gedriickt vnd aussgangen zu | Speyer, den letzsten tagk Julij. | Anno. M.D.XXVI. I9XI4. PP- [8]. Panzer, 3103. In vol. lettered 46 Trac- taten. Same. Eyn gut liertzlich bedencken, wie auflf I dem yetzfurgL*nuin/;/i'n Keichs tag allliie zu Speyer, c/r. ( In Getrewe crniauung, etc. [1526. ]) Ruffet, Louis. Pietro Carnesecchi, un martyr de la rcfiM luu en Italic. Toulouse, 1874. igh. pp. g54-[i]. Appended are the min- utes of his trial before the Inquisition, 1566-67. Rilling, Johauu LutJwig. Geschichte der Returni:iti., 3136. Disputation zwischeK einem Chorherren | vnd Schuchmacher darin« das wort | gottes vnnti ein recht Christlich | wesen verfochten wiirt. 1 Hanns Sachs. I M D XXiiij. | \_\Vdct.-\ I [r.-.v/.] At end: M h XXiiij. I IText.^ n. p., [1524]. 19X15. pp. [2i]. Panzer, 2571. Ain Gesprech .aines Euangeli- | schen Christen, niit ainem Lutherischen | darinn der l'',r- gerlich wandel etli- | cher, die sich Lutherisch nen- ne« I angezaigt, vnd briiderlich | gestrafft wirdt. | M.D.xxiiij. I Hans .Sachs Schuchmacher. | \_Text.'] n. p., [1524). 20X15. pp. [15]. Weller, Rep., 3148. Eyn gesprech vo« den Schcinwercke« | der Gaystlichen, vnd jren geliibdten, dainit | sy zuucrlesterung \_sic'\ des bluts Christi | vermaynen selig zuwerden \jic\ \ Hans Sachss | Schuster. | \_lVdct, colored.-] \ ^Text.] At end: Anuo [«V1 M. D. XXiiij. ■' n. p., 1524. 19X14. pp. [16]. Panzer, 2575. Von einenV Schu | macher : vnd Chor- herren : ein v.ast I kurtzweilig Chrislliche disputa- tion, von der Euan- | gelischen Wittenbergischen Nachtgallen. | i\L d. xxiiij. H.ins Sachs. I \iVdet.'\ At end: M. D. XXiiij. | [TVj-/.] n. p., [1524]. 19X14. pp. [23l- Weller, Rep., 3:29. Ein wunderliche weissagung, von dem Bapstumb. [1527.] .^ee Osiander, A., editor. Die Chrislliche | Gedult. | [ Wdet.] \ Hans S,achs. [Nuremberg, 1552.] 20X15. pp. [16]. Contents: — Die Christliche Gedult. — Ein Klared [sic] der Tii- t gentreychen Fraw Zucht, vber | die vngezcnibten Welt. UiVdcl. ]—Kyn Epiuaphium o- | der Klagrcd, ob der Leycll D. I Martini Luthers. Die Gemarthert | Theologia. | Mer das Klagent | Ewangelium. | [IVdct.] | Hans Sachs. .It end : Gedriickt zu Niirmberg, durch | Georg Merckel. 1552. 19X14. pp. [23l- ■ Die zwen vnd Si- | bentzig namen | Christi. I iJVdct.] I Hans Sachs. At end: Gedruckt zu Niirnberg durch | Friderich Gutknecht. | 1554. 19X14. PP- (12]. Sadoleto (French Sadolet), Jacopo, Cardi- nal, lacobi I Sadoleti. E. Carpent. Leo- | nis .X. Pont. Max. a secretis | in promulgatione generalium I Induciarum Oratio in beate | semper uirginis ad Mineruam [ haliita decimo nono Ka\endas Apri | lis. M. d. xviii. | [^Papal arms.'\ [? Rome, 1518.] 21X15. pp. [l61. t. -p. border. Wdct initial. _ Title, except first word, in black-letter — though the Oratio itself is in roman. Repr. in Roscoe, W., Life 0/ Leo X, iii. Epistolaad senatum populumque Geneven- seni, qua in obedientiam Roniani Pontificis eos redu- cere conatur. (In Cliarpenne, P. Histoire de la reforme. 186 1.) Same. French. Epistie de laqves Sa- dolet Cardinal, enuoyee au Senat & Peuple de Geneue: Par l.aquelle il tasche les reduire soubz la puissance de I'Euesque de Romnie. Auec la Response de lehan Caluin : transl. de Latin en Fran^oys. . . . Geneue, . . . 1 540. Geneve, i860. 2ol). pp. i6i-l-[3]. Facsimile reprint. The letters ot Sadolet and Calvin are dated 18 Mar. and 1 SepL 1539, respectively. SouytiKT, P. Sadolet. (/«/;/> Ecrivains pedagogues. 1S80. ) [Saint Amour, Louis Gorin de, (pseicell.ineous pieces. Ed. by J. Ayre. Cambridge, 1842. =3"- PP' [4] + 3= + [41+467. (Parker Soc.) Sanuto, Marino. Martin Luther und die Re- formation.shewegung in Deutschland, 1520-32; ni Ausziigen aus M. Sanuto's Diarien. Ansbach, 1883. 24''. PP- 5o+[2l+===- Efi(iii/i- siript. 1590.] Rusi', A. J. 1). Savonarola. {In Ma- thesius, J. I-eben Luthers. 1841.) Vii.LARi, V. Savonarola. {In his Saggi di stdria. 186S.) — Storia di G. Savonarola e de' suoi lompi. 1859-61, and 1887-88. — Same. English. History of G. Sa- vonarola and of his limes. 1863. — — Life and times of G. Savonarola. 1888. Vita di Savonarola. A manuscript, 24X16, written on paper, in an Italian hand of the first half of the i6th century. 45 (T. (pp, 89) + 3 fly-leaves at end ; the whole guarded by an iUuminated vellum leaf from a 15th century commentary on the Civil Law, and bd. in mottled boards, n. t.-p. Fol. i a begins: lucottiincia la uita del R^^ P. fra Hyero}nmo da Ferrara dellordine df:\/rati Predicatort, followed by the text, beginning Fnjra Hyefottimo Sauouarola pG.x Patria padouano, etc. On fol. 39 a the end of the text, closing: /er el fnoco ct pQx lagua sowo passati al Regno de beati : done uinan con chrtsio per iti/tnita secitla : — A men. Thus far in Italian. At the head of fol. 39 b, in Latin, the caption : Mimcula viri Dei Hyeronimi^ followed by a list, in the same handwriting as the I ita^ but in Latin, of sixty- eight miracles, arr.Hnged inamainly chronological order (the 1st beginning with the words Anno donuni 14^8, the oyih — the 68th has no date — with A nuo dovsuni i^2j), and ending on fol. 45a. with the words: omnia retnlit Jratrt Angclo Bettino. The aullior's name is nowhere given; and a comparison of this I'ita with the two known early biographies of .Savonarola — the Latin one by the younger Pico della Mirandola. and the Italian one long ascribed to Burlamacchi' — shows that it is neither a translation of the one nor a copy of the other. In its general substance and order, indeed, it shows a striking agree- ment with the Burlaniacchi ; and that it lacks the prologue, breaks oflT at the death of Savonarola, is somewhat diflferenlly chaptered, and is throughout briefer in detail, might suggest only the possibility of its being an earlier form of that wfll- known biography — such an earlier form as Potthast and Ranke sought in vain — were it not for the constant and needless diver- sity in diction which this hypothesis leaves unexplained. A ready solution of this latter difficulty might be foiuid in suppos- ing the two to be independent translations from some common source: and the Florentine ms. discovered by Villari (see note under BuklamaCCHI above) at once suggests itself as the probable original. But it is clear from the citations he makes from it {in the 2d ed. of his Vita di Savonarola) that the Flo- rentine ms. contains more than one passage (as, e. g., the fa- mous scene at the death-bed of Lorenzo) that is wanting in ours. As to the time of its cnmpositlon, the latest date mentioned in the I'ita itself is ' I'ultimo di di aprile nel .M.D.XX.,' when ' il venerabil padre fra Barth". di Piovanni da Ragugia" narrated to the monks of San Marco the story of Savonarola's prophetic sermons at Brescia. (I'he same episode appears in the printed Burlamacchi — where, however, the narrator's name is mutila- ted to ' F. Bartholomeo Ra . . .') That, like both the printed Burlamacchi and Villari's ms., il cites the life by Pico, is ex- plained by the known existence of the latter in ms. as early as 1520, But the presence in it of the prophecy of a Pope Clem- ent must, as Ranke points out and as V'lllari admits in the case of the two others, forbid the skeptical historian to assign n earlier dale than the accession of that Pope: 1523. None of the passages on which Ranke bases his ascrii)tion of the Burlamacchi to a still later date arc lo be found in this ms. More light upon ilie identity of the authur and upon the date of his writing is thrown by llie appended list of .Mtracnla. It is notable that these miracles arc in no instance identical with those recounted at the end of the Pico and the Burlamacchi bi- ographies. T'he descriptions, too, are briefer; the circum- stances, for the most part, less startling ; the scene, almost without exception, Florence or its immediate neighborhood. That the latest in chronologic sequence occurred in 1523 is int)st significant : for the Pico and Burlamacchi lists show that there was no lack of subsequent marvels. Many arc narrated as reported to this or to that friar; and of these friars one named with especial frequency — ' frater Jacobus Siculns ' — is well known to history as a friend of Savonarola and after him prior of S;ni .Marco. Most suggestive of all is the second ol the list, which runs as follows (the ellipsis is the manuscript's) : ' 2. Cu/« vir dei uisitaret infirmos inter cctcros vcnerabile;« palrew fratre;« librariuw infirmu/Hei interroga- uit q«/nam esset : quo cognito dixit nescieba/« ipsuw egrotare : et sanauit eu/« — ut mi hi ipse retulit: — ' And, in the seventh, we are told of the appearance of Savo- narnla tu a monk, ^ utoribus, ettitc et scientia ornatus cnins ordinem et dignitatem t ac eo dvnec ptzxjiciatwr opns sibi impo' sitnm.' All this seems to warrant the inference that the wnier was probably himself a friar of San Marco, writing in or about the year 1524. That the present ms. is his autograph nothing indicates save these allusions to himself in the first person. 'l"here are few erasures or corrections, and ihese all in the hand of the text. A comparison of the handwriting with dated Lucchese mss. of 1515-1517 in the possession of the White Library shows the closest resemblance in general character. T'he little ms. was picked up, in Feb. 1888, at a London bookshop (Dulau's, in Soho Square). An Italian ms. note on the inside of the fore-cover, in a modern Italian hand, ascribing the work conjecturally (and erroneously) to Pico, shows that it had not been long in English hands. It dcser\'es a careful col- lation with the mss, at Florence. It can hardly be of later date than that found by Villari; and, if identical in source, may well be an earlier vernacular draft. Williams, W. R. WyclifTe, Savonarola and Muss. {In his Eras and characters of history. 1882.) Zeller, J. Charl.es VIIT et Savonarole. {In his Italic et renaissance, i. 1883.) . Scaliger, Julius Caesar. . . . Adversus . . . Erasnium orationes dua% eloquenticC Romance vin- dices ; una cimi ejusdem epistolis, &: opusculis ali- quot nondum vulgatis. Quibus . . . accedunt Pro- blemata Gelliana. . Tolosse, 1621. 24X18. pp. [23J+ ioi-}-69-t-5i4-t'l+47" [>i + 79- Contents : — Praefatio ad Vairum. — Erasmi C'iceronianus (pp. loi). — Pro Cicerone contra Erasmum oratio L — Pro- blcmaia Gelliana. — Contra Erasmum oratio IL — Scaligeri epistdlae aliquot : accedunt queedam ejusdem opuscula, el frag- ment:! prEcfationis in Aristot. Historian! de animalibus. Nearly all of the above parts have sep. t.-pp., all bearing impr, of Toulouse, 1620. In vol.'lettered Erasmi Ciceronian, cum Oration : J. Scaligeri. Schade. Oskar, editor. Satiren und Pasquille aus dcr Refoiinalionszeit. 2. Ausg. Hannover, 1863. 22^'. 3 v. m i. I'he following table of contents, borrowed from the work itself, shows strange de- partures from the original titles of the satires (.given usually by Schade in his notes), which, to enable the identification ot edi- tions, it has been found necessary to use in their separate entry in this catiilogue. Contents : — i. Ein clag und bitt der deutschen nation an den almechtigen got umb erlosung auss dem gefenknis des Antichrist. — Der curtisan und pfriindenfresser. — Ich kan nit vil neues erdenken, ich muss der katzen dschellen anhenken. — Die gotlichc miile. — Ein spruch von dem bbsen niisbrauch in der heiligen christenheit entstanden. — Von dem jubeljar. — Ein te deum laudamus von bapst Paulo dem dritten ver- deutscht durch bapsilicher heiligkeit guten freund Erasmus Alberus. — Ein getichte darin angezeigt wird wie from herzog Heinrich von Braunschweig imd wie bose die lutherischen sein. — Kin lustig gesprach der teufe! und etlicher kriegsleute von der tlucht des grossen Scharrhansen herzogen Heinricha von Braunschweig. — Bekentnis und clag herzog Heinrlchs von Braunschweig des jiingern. — Bruder Veils landsknechls im lager vor VVolfenbiittel trculiche wamung. — Warhaflige 82 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION' AND ITS FORERUNNERS. contrafactur herzog Heinrichs des jiingern von Bravinsciiweig und seiner gesellschaft. — Drei neiie und lustige gc'ipreclie, wie der wolf, so etwan doch nichi lang ein ir.ensch Heinz Wolfen- biittel geiiant, in abgnind der hellen vordamt sei. — Pasqiiillus vom salzburgischen baiirngjait. geschehen irn siben luid fiinf- zig^ten jar unib Ruperti im herbst. — Ein gcsprech des Herm mit S. Petro von der ietzigen welt lanf und irLni verkertem bosem wesen. ii. Gesprech biiechlin Nenw Karslhans. — Dialogiis so Franciscus \on Sickingen vor des himels pforten mit sant Peter und dcm ritter sant Jorgen gehalten ziivor und ehe dann er ingelassen ist worden. — Ein gesprech eines fuchs und wolfs, so die andern Rich s und wolf aiif dem Slaigerwald ziisamen geschickt sich zu underreden, wo und wie die beide partei den wintersich halten luid neren wolien. 1524. — \'on der giUt. hiekoinpt ein beuerlein zu cinem rcichen burger, so kompt ein pfaffauch darzn und darnach ein ini'mch gar kurz- weilig zu Icsen. — Epistola dc non apostnlicis quorundnm mori- bus, qui ui apostolonini se locum successisse glnrinntur. — Ain grosser preis so der tTirst der hellen genant Lucifer iezt den gaistlichen ais bapst, bischoR", cardinel und der gleichen zu weist und enibeut. 1521. — Ain neuwer sendbrief von den bosen gaistlichen geschickt zu irem recliten herren. ain antwnrt von irem erbherin. fast Kistig zu lesen. 1521. — Neue zeitung auf das jar 1521, eine schnflliche werbung gethnn von dem fiirsten der helle seinen lieben getreuen aller und iedes standes seines reichs. — Beelzebub an die heillge bep-^tliche kirche. 1537. — Ain evvangelium Pasquilii, darin das romisch leben gegriindl und bcstetiget wirt. — Doctor Martin I.nthers passion, — Evangeliuni secundum Pasquilhmi Komae in adveiitu Caesaris editum. 15:^6. — Epislola de conversione Pauli III p. m. 1536. — Ain schoner dialogus. Cunz und der Friiz. — Ain schoner dialogi!S von zwaien guten gesellen gennnt Hans 'loll und Claus Lamp, sagent vom Antechrist und seinen jimgern. — Ain schoner dialogus zwischen aim pfarrcr und aim schult- baiss betreffend alien iibel stand der gaistlichen und bos hand- iung der welilichen, alles mitgcizigkait beladen. — Ain schoner dialogus wie ein bauer mit aim frauenbruder miinich redt, dass er die kutlen von im wiift. luslbarlich und licblich zu lesen. 1525. — Ain kurz gedicht so neulicli ein thurgouischer baur doctor Martin Luther und seiner ler zu lob und seinen widerwer- tigen zuspotgemacht hat. — Ein neuwerspruch und warhaft be- richt, wie es kompt und warumbs geschicht, Hass so vil miinch seind priester worden, etc. — Ain strafred und am underricht wie es des bapst junger auf geiz bond zu gericht. — Ein kurze anred zu alien niisgunstigen doctor Luthers und der christenlichen freiheii. 1522. — 'IViumphus veritatis. sik der warheit, mitdem schwert des geistsdurch die wittenbergische nachtigall erobert. — Ein kleglichebotschaft an den bapst die selmess betreffend, welche krank ligt und wil sterben. sampt eincm gesprech et- licber personen. — Der papisten handbuchlein, mit d. ^L L. be- nedicite fur den bapst und seine schuppen und der barfiisser miinch zehen gebot, auch des bapsls vater unser, gruss und glauben. iii. Das wolfgesang. — [Jialogus oder gesprech des apostolicums Angelica und anderer specerei der apoteken an- treflen doctor ls\. Lutters ler imd sein anhank. — Von dem pfriindmarkt der curtisanen uud tempelknechten. — Ein under- red des bapsts und seiner cardinelen, wie im zu thim sei imd das wort gottes under zu trucken, ein ieglicher sich darauf zu bedenken. — Ein gesprech zwischen einem edelinan, miinch und curtisan. — Die luterisch strebkatz. — Klag und anlvvorl von lutherischen und bepstischen pfaft'en iiber die reformation, so neulich zu Regenspurg der priester halben aussgangen ist im jar 1524. — Ein wegsprech gen Regenspurg zu ins concilium zwischen einem bischof, hurenwlrt und Runzen scinem knecht. J 525. — Ein gesprech von dem gemeinen Schwabacher kasten als durch bruder Heinrich, knecht Ruprecht, kemerin, spuler und irem maister des hantwerks der wullen tuchmacher, 1524. — Dialogus von der zwitrachlung des hailigen christenlichen glaubens neulich entslanden, darin der mensch underricht win, wie er sich in denen und andern irrthumben halten sol. Widerumb fleissig iiberlesen, gebessert und gemeret. — Ain schoner dialogus oder gesprech, so ain prediger miinch Bembus genant und ain burger Silenus und sein narr mit ainanderha- ben. Schadow, Johann Gottfried. Wittenbergs Denkiniiler der Bildnerei, Baukunst und Malerei, mit hi^storischen und artistlsclien Erlauterungen. Wittenberg, 1825. 26X21. pp. 8 + 141 + [4]. Fronlisp., vign., and 27 plates (folded). Schaeffer, Adolf. De Tinfluence de Luther sur reducalion du peuple. Pari'^, i-tc, 1853. 22'". pp. 124-259- Schatzmeister. Or. Scndtbrieff G. Schatzmey- sters, an die | Kurslen Teutschlands, auss dem La- lein vcrteutscht. {In Getrewe ermanung, etc. 1526.) Schelhorn, Johann Georg, compiler. Amoe- nitates histurio; ecclesiastics et lileraria;, quibus varise observationes, scripta ilem quaedam anecdota & rariora opuscula, diversis utriusque historia.^ capi- tibus elucidandis inservientia, exhibentur. Francofurti, etc., 17:^7-38. i8'i. 2 v. 2 plates. Contents: — i. Schelhorn, J. G. Historia operis quod Reginaldus Pulusadversns Henric. V 111 Brit. Reg. pro nnilatis ecclesiasticae defensione cunscripsit. — Pole, R., Cmd. Epi- slola ad Edw. VI de opere adversus paireni scripro. — Cam- plan. E. Judicuim de Concilio 'Irideiumo. — Paleario, A. Ad Lutherum, Calvinum aliosque de Concilia 1 rid. episicila, cum pra;fatione de falls et morte Palearii. — Crescenzi. M., Card. Litetse, quibus Archiep. Mogunt. ad Concilium 'I rid. invitat : e ms — Lippomanni, A . Cnrd. Liiera; ad eundem ; e MS. — De rebus ad ;ipparalnm Concilii Trid. externum spec- tantibus; e.v J. H. Fickleri Actis mss. — Consul'alio linpera- toris Ferdinandi I. jussu inslituta de Articulis Reformationisin Concilio Trid. propositisac proponendis; ems. — Responsum ad petiliones a Ferdinandi Imp. oraloribus Synodo 1 rid. pro- posiias; e MS. — Ferdinand I, o/Geyntany. Syllabus praeci- puorum postulalnrnm, ijii-x- l-t-rdinando in Concilio 1 rid. urgen- da videbantur; e MS.— Schelhorn. J G. Defanaticoquodam episcopo, [Aiiton, Cinreha. Ep. Budiiensis.J qui Synodo IVid. interluit. — Staphylus, F. De insi?uranda in terris Anstria- cis religione Kumanu-Catholica ad Imp. Ferdinandum I con- sultatio. — Zittardus (Cithardns), M. Ad Ptuni IV de Ferdi- nandi I obiiii epislola; e ms.— Schelhorn, J- G. Eloglum Georgii Hermanni a (iultcnherc. Kaiif beurensis, literaruni pa- troni, ti40i-ii;52]- — Schelhorn. J. G. De Jesuiiis ante Je- suitas. — Curione C. S, I >e nur.ibili sua e vinculis liberaiione dialogus. — Sche horn, J, G. Xotilia librorum quorundam rarioruni. — Schelhorn. J G. Notae in vetus carmen de origi- nibns tvpncrr;ipiiia; — Additamenta qusedain. ii Schelho n, J. G. De religlone M. Ant. Flaminii. — Schelhorn, J G. Dc P. Carnesecae martyrio. — Ziegler. J. Historia dementis VI I, e MS ; praemissa dissert, de Zicglem. — • Schelhorn, J. G Notitia librorum m qiiibu'^ acta quEcdam Con- cilii Irid. collecia exhibentur. — Ferdinand \, of Gervmuy. Monita ad Pium IV de Concilio 'Irid. iterum celebrando ; e MS. — Staphylus. F. Ad Imp. Ferdinandum I dereformanda eccle- siacunsiiium ; e MS. — Staphylus, F. Relatio de actis oratons Havar. in calicis eucliarisiici causa Komam missi ; e MS — Ex- cerpta cx lileris ad Imp. Ferd. I in calicis causa.- — Cassan- der, G- Dialogus de communione sub utraque, — Pustulaia I'raesulum Hispan. in Concilio Tiid. : e MS. — Schelhorn, J. G- Varia: observationes. — Bartholini. R. Commeniar. de comltiis Aug. Vlnd., 1518. — Bourguet, L,, and others. Epi- stola: amoebacee L. Hourgut.-ti et | nnmrnm Evangelii apud Maleljari's praeconum : e MSS. — Scheuchzer, J. J., and Cuper, G Syllngeepistolarum mutuarum ; e MbS. — Manuzio, P. Praefationes duse. Ain schener spruch von dem [bosen niissprauch in der haybgen Cbri- | stenhait entslanden. (/« Schade, O., editor. Saliren, i. 1863.) Ill \erse. Wriiien about 1525, probably in Switzerland. Schilling, Max. Quellenbuch zur Geschiclite der Neuzeit. IJerlin, 1884. 23''. pp. 16 + 487. Pt. I, ' Zeitnlter der Re- formation,' comprises a mass of interesting documents of the Reformation period, 1515-1555 — as follows. Contents : ^\y'\^ wittenbergische Nachtigall: Gedicht von H Sachs, 15211, — .Aus den Epistolae obscnromm vi}ormn, i5,5_,7. — Einige Ariikel Joh. Telzels. — Lulhers 'Ihesen ge- gen den Ablass, 1517. — Luther und Kajetan zu Augsburg, 1518. — Luther und .Miltilz zu .-Mlenburg, 1519. — Aus der Leipziger Disputation, 1519-— Ueber die Kaiserwahl : Spriiche von Sebast. I'.rant, 1519. — Luthers Sendbrief an Leo X, 1520. — Luthers Schrifien werden vcrbranni: Gedicht von Ulrich vfel. — Fiirslen, .•\del und Stiidte : Gedicht von Uhich v. Huiien, 1522. — KechtspHege : Dialog. — Handel : Dialog. — Luxus : Dialog. — Franz von Sickingen. — Der Bundschuh : von Pamphilus Gengcnbach, 1513. — Zwolf Arlikel der IJaucrn, 1525. — Der Landsknechtordcn : Gedicht von Jdrg Graff. — Schlacht bci Pavia : Gedicht und Prosastiick, 1525. — Schutzbiindnis des Kurfiirsten Johann von Sachsen und des Landgntfen Philipp von Hessen, i52fi. — Karls V. geheimc bistruktion zur Vertil- gung der Lutherischen Sektc, 1526. — Ueber den Reichstag zu Speier. 1526 — Die Erobcrung Roms, 1527. — Proteslalion gc- gen den speierschen Rcichsabschied, 1 529. — Ueberreichung der 7//A WHITE I.IBKARY. 83 augsbiirgischirii Konfcssion, 1530. — Dieprotcstantischcn Ftir- slen verweigeni die Aiinahme des augsbiirgischen Reichsab- schicdcs, 1530. — Ein ffstc Hurg ist unscr Gotl: von Dr. Mar- tin Luther. — Niiriibcriii^chcr Religioiisfricde, 1532. — Karl V. an die protestaiitiscbcn Stande, 1536. — Kaiser, Konig mid Papst gcgcn die Prritcstanten, 1545. — Epitaphiutn auf den Tod Doktnr Martin Luthers: Gcdiclu von Hans Sachs, 1546. — Verhaiullniigen zwisclien Moritz von Sachsen nnd deni Kaiser auf tlcm Reiehslage zu Regensburg, 1546. — Kriegs- riistnng der Proteslantcn, 1546. — Herzog Morilz an- Jrjbann Wilhelm von Sachsen, 1546. — Landgraf Philipp an Moritz von Sacliscn, 1546. — Lied gegen Karl V, 1546. — Lied fiir Karl V, 1546. — Die Schlacht bei Miihlberg, 1547. — Des Landgrafen Fhilipp Abbitte zu Halle nnd des Kaisers Antwort. 1547. — Kurfiirst Morilz bittet den Kaiser urn Kreigebupg des Landgrafen, 1548- — Sprnch gcgcn Moritz von Sadism, 1550. — Manifest des Knrniisten Nioritz, den Feldzug gegen den Kaiser uiid das Itiindnis rnit Krankrcich betreftend, 1552. — Klagclied liber den Tod des Kiirfiirsten Moritz, 1553. — Der KeliL^ionsfriede zu Augsburg, 1555. Schmidt, Carl. Pcler Martyr Vermigli : Lebcn uiul ausi^ewlilille .Scliriften. Elbcrfeld, 1858. 2311. pp. 8+296. Vol. vii of Lcbeii u. afisg. Sckri/teit der ydter u. Begriinder der re/orittirteit Kirche. Wilhelm Farel unci Peter Viret. Elberfeld, i860. 23!!. pp. [2] + 71. In Lcben it. nusi;. Schrf/ten der Vater u. Beg-n'inder der re/ormirten Kirche, ix. Pliilipp Melaiichthon : I.eben uiul ausgc- wahlte Scliriften. Elberfeld. 1861. 23h. pp. 28 + 722. Port. Vol. iii of Leben n. niis^. Schrtften der Vdter u, Begrjijtder der lu- therisclieit Kirche. Schmidt, Hermann, and Stier, Heimich Christian Gottlieb. .-\il niemoriam Phili|i|>i .Me- lanthc^iiis ante trecentos anncis mortui a c^yninasio Vitebergensi die profe.sto qui dies est XVllI. Aprilis liora IV Pomeriiliana in aula Maxima .\ugustei pie sollennilert]ue celebrandam eaquadecet observantia invitat Dr. H. Schmidt, director gymnasii. Vitebergae, i86o. 26X21. pp. [2] + 25. 0»/c«/.r.'— Schmidt, H. Narratio de morbo Melanthonis. —Stier, H. C G, Carmen saeculare. Schmidt, Oswald Gottlob. Luther's Be- kanntschaft mit den alten Classikern. Leipzig, 1883. 22h. pp. 6 + [2]+64. Sohbberlein, Ludwig Friedrich. Verzeich- niss von Worken aus dem (ieliiete der Theologie, aus deiu Xachlasse L. Y. Sclioeberlein['s] und mehrerer anderer Theologen. [Leipzig, 1882. 1 2ih. pp. [2) + i28. No. 153 of the Catalogues of List and Kraiicke, Leipzig. Devoted largely to the Refor- mation, and the source of much of the present collection. In vol. lettered Cntii!o.^e iiber dte Re/or}uatiott. .\in schbner dialogus | Cuntz vnnd der Fritz. (/'/ Schade, O., editor. .Satiren, ii. 1863.) Written in 1521. Ascribed to Urbanus Rbcgius. Ain schoner dialo- | gus oder gesprech, so ain Prediger miincb Benibus j genant, vnd ain Burger Silenus, vnd sein | Narr mit ainatuler habent. (/h Schade, O., editor. Satiren, iii. 1863.) Wiilten early in the Reformation. Ain .schoner dialogus Vnd gesprech zwischen aim ITarrer vnd aim Schulthayss, betreffend alien iibel Stand der gaysllichen. etc. {In Scheible. J., Kloster, x; and in Schade, O., Satiren ii.) F.in schbner Dialogus, von | Martino Luther, \nd tier gescliickte« Bot- | schaflft auss der Helle die falsche gayst- | ligkait vnd das wort Gots belan- I gen, gantz hiipsch zu leessen. I Anno. M D XXiij. [;r,/sts Adriani, an Keyser Fridrich. See Adelphus, J. Seudbrieff von tier Messzkrankheit vnd irem let-ton willen, dem Bapst zukommen. (/« Schei- ble. J. Klosler, x. 1848.) Seutimens d'firasme, ele. .SVt Saint Amour L. G. de. Serarius. Nicolas, S. J. Apologise pro disci- pulo et magistro, Luthero et diabolo, a Lutherano superintendente Frid. Balduino editas Alogia. . . . Mogunlia;, 1605. 16I1. pp. 16-^ 231 + [i]. Plate folded. Servet. See Servetus. Servetus, Michael. E.vr.m, \, K. M. Ser- vet. (/» //M Les martyrs de la libre pensee. 1S62, and 18S0. ) ClL-vUFFEriii, J. G. DE. Life of Servetus. 1771. S.-MSSET, E- E. M. Servet. {In his Me- langes d'histoire, ele. 1859.) TOLLI.V, 11. Charakterbild Michael Ser- vets. 1876. — Luther und Servet. 1875. Willis, R. Servetus and Calvin. 1877. Sickingen, Franz von. .\m sendbriefif so der Edel vnd | Ernuesl Franciscus von Sickingen seini schwe j her, dem Edlen vnd Ernuesten Junck | her Diethern vo« Henschiichssheim | zii vnderrichtung etlicher arti- | ckcl Christliches gelaube«,s | kurtz- lich ziigeschickt | hat- | Anno M. D- XXij- n. p., [1522). 2oXi6. pp. [15I. Wcllcr, A'c/.,227o. t.-p. border. Eruoderung vnd verkundung : des | Edein \x\d vestn Francisco vo» Sickingen, ... an vnd wider . . . hochstraten . . . von wegen . . . Reiichlins. 1519. {In Hutten, U. v. Opera, ed. Hocking, vi. 1864.) BoUTEll.LER, E. DE. Histoire de Frantz de Sickingen. i86o. Dl.\LOGUS so Franciscus von Sickingen . . . mit sant Peter . . . gehalten. {In Schade, O., editor. Satiren, ii. 1863.) Sickingen Is also a speaker in most of the dialogues of Hut- ten and in the A'cww Karsthans, [1521I. See also Bechler, H., Ein Gesprech eiues Fnclis icnd tVot/s, 1524. L.\TOMUS, B. Factio memorabilis Fran- cisci al) Siccingen. 1523. Sigismund, ef Gennany. Reformation des K. Signiund. See Reiser, F. sigismund had really nothing to do with the authorship of this remarkable programme of ecclesiastical reformation. Silvester Prierias. See Prierias. Sleidau, Johauu Philippson, called. Brief- weclisel ; lirsg. von H. Baumgarten. Strassburg, 1881. 23I1. pp. [2j-r3i-(-[i]-(-335. A famovse ] Cronicle of cure time, called | Sleidanes Commentaries, concerning | the state of Religion and common wealth, during | the raigne of the Emperour Charles the fift, | with the -Argunientes set before euery Booke, | conteyninge the sunime or etfecte of the [ Booke following. [ Translated out of Latin into Englishe, | by Ihon Uaus. | If Here vnto is added also an Ajiology of \ the Authoure. | \^Ari}ts.'\ .At end : Imprinted at Lon- j don by Jhon bale, for Ni- | cholas Englande. | M. I). LX. | The .26. daie of September. | \_Priv.'\ 28h. ff. [5] + 470-1- [17]. Black-letter. Wdct initials. Sniedley, Ed^ward. History of the reformed religiitn in 1- ranee. New York, 1S34. in'i. 3 v, Smitll, .SV; Thomas. Stkvi'E, J. Life of Sir Thomas Smith. 1820. [Smyth, -I/c-t. Gillespie.] rilympia Morata: her times, life antl writings. 3d ed. London, 1836. i8li. pp. i6-|-303-f-[6]. Frontisp. and plates. Soave Polano. Pietro, ( pseud. ). See Sarpi, P. [Sobius, Jacobus. J Pliilalethis civis Utopi- ensis tlialogus de taciiltalibus Rhomanensium nuper publicatis. {In Hutten, U. v. Opera, ed. Beck- ing, iv. i860.) .Same. German. C.espriichliiichlein des Biirgers Philaletliis von Utopia iilier die .Machtvoll- k(jmnienheiten der Romanislen. {In Hutten, U. V. .Vuscrlesene Werke, ed. Miinch, ii. 1822.) Solomon. Salomoniset ]\Iarcolphidisputationes. See Marcolphus. ele. [Som (III I. Somius), Conrad.] F^infeltiger warer vnd | Chrisllicher verstand des Heiligen | Nachtmals Jesu Christi, Also vormals gepre- | diget vnd gelehri in der Kirchen zu \'lin : Vnd dar- | nach daselbst Anno 1526. im Druck | aussgangen. | .■\ber jetz dem gemeinen Mann vnd | sonderlich den Christgleubigen zu Ulm aufl's | New zu nutz ge- truckt, Uarinn sicli meniglich vnd beuor sie | sich zu ersehen haben, was sie zur selbigen zeit | vom Nachtmal gehalten | haben. | Getruckt in der Chur- ftirstlichen Statt J Ileydelberg, Dutch Joannem | Mayer, Anno ] 1569. 19X14. pp. 21- The title of thcorig. impr. of 1526 (Welter, Rep., 3974), Ein schoner vtiA ttiolgeteHtschter gHintlichcr be- ricltt. . . . oh der ieib Jesu C/^^/.r/'/, etc., appears at head of text of this rcimpr. In vol. lettered 46 Tractnten. TIIK W'JJI'JK I.JlJK.lkY. Sotheby, Samuel Leigh. Unpublished docu- ments, marginal notes atul memoranda, in tlie auto- grapli of Philip Melanclulion and of Martin Luther ; with numerous fac-similcs. Accompanied with ob- servations upon the varieties of style in the hand- writing of these illustrious reformers, by S. L. .Sotheby. London. 1840. 40X28. pp. i6H-[5s]. 34 pblcs. Sotheby, the .nuthorofthis preposterous work, was a London book. auctioneer, 10 whom was consigned for !>.tle the colleclioi) of the Ciennan tiibhophilc. Prof. Dr. Georg KIoss, of Frankfurt a. M., and who Ihouglil lie discovered therein the private library of Mc- lanchtlion. I''or IJr. Kloss's letter, in which he wholly repudi- ates Sotlieby's theory and shows its titter tintenablencss, see the Sfro/fi-iiiii for 31 Dec. 1841. The collection was gathered voliiiue by volume from the most diverse sources, and mostly from Catholic quarters where it was impossible that Melanch- thon could have been. According to Dr, K., only three of the voltimcs contained genuine autographs of the Reformer. Not all the facsimiles given by Sotheby, however, are from this sptirious source : and the book is its own best refutation. Souquet, Paul. Les ^crivains ptjdagogues du 16*^ siecle : cxtraits des oeuvres d'Erasme, Sadolet, Rabelais, Luther, Viv6s, Ramus, Montaigne, Char- ron. Paris, 1880. i8h. pp. i93 + [i]. {Bibliothcque piditgo- giipii\ ed. by H. Cochetis. ) [Spalatiii, Georg.] Ktliche sunderliche flei- | sige (iiachgescliener vor Ka. Ma. antvvorth) Iland- lung I in Docto;v> Martini Luthers sacheii dutch (ieyst- I liche vnnd weltliche Furstenn des Reichs. | .\uch etzliclier liochgelartenn Doctorn/; | der hevli- ge«schrirfl, zu Wornibss von | freitag nach Miseri- cordia diiw//ni | bis auff freitag nach jubi- | late den tag seynes abschi- | des ergangenn, auss | welchen ertintlich | ob er bestendig | \\\d voUer war | heit \vy von I vilen be- | riiclui | get. | Ini M. D. x.\i. Jar. n. p.. [1521J. 19X14. pp. [ii]- Panzer, 1166. For the authorship of this valuable contemporary account of the Diet of Worms, see Kiistlin, Lttthfrs Ki-ift- in IVornis, p. 28. Lyne trostungcan L'liurfursten von Sach- sen seliger und Christlicher gedechtnis, Freytags nach Misericordia Domini, fWn lelzten seynes lebens hie auff erden. 1525. {/>: Luther, M. Zwo ]iredigt auff die Epistel S. I'auli. i. Thess. 4. 1525.) Spalding, Martin John, A/ip. of Baltimore. Mistoiy "I iht.^ I'luteslant Koftirmation : essays, re- viewing U'.Xubignti, Menzel, Hallani, liishop Short, I'rescott, RanUe, Fryxell, and others. d. Louisville, i860. 22I1. 2 V. Contents: — i. Reformation in Germany and Switzerland, ii. Reformation in F-ngland, Ireland, Scotland, the Nether- lands, France, and northern Europe. Same. 8th ed., rev. C. Uattimorc, [1875]. 2311. 2 v. in 1. John Huss and the Hussites : the council of Constance. — The Reformation in .Switzerland: Bernese intrigues. {In his Miscellanea. 1S55.) Spelt, Heinrich. Per .Mnfeltig glaub | [ Wdct. ] I ILiynricus .Spellt .\in geniayner Bruder in Christo aller C;iawbigc« | M. D. XXiiij. n. p.. [1524]. 21X16. pp. [59]. Panzer, 2467. In vol. lettered Ccrman Tracts by Reformers, IV. Spengler, Lazariis. Pressei,, T. L. Spen- gler. 1S02. Speratus ( G",r. vonSpretten), PaiUus. [Die] Wienncr -\rtickel widdcr Paulum Spcratuiii sanipt seyner antwort. (.-///. to Luther, M. Widder das blind und toll verclamnis, etc. 1524.) PRESSEL, T. P. Spei-atus. 1862. Spires, Diet of. See Germany— /i'«V/;j/rt^, Spires. 1^26. Spottiswoode, John, .Abp. of St. Andretus. History of the church of Scotland, to the end of the reign of James VI ; with biog. sketch and notes by M. Russell. C. F.dinburgh, c/c, 1851. 23h Soc) 3 v. Facsim. (Spottiswoode Spretten, Paul von. .y.f Speratua. Ain Spyegel Uer. | lilindfn, w3n« Cristus der herr hat gcrcilt, ich wild mein glo | ry vor den liochweysen verbcrge«, vni/wird es den klayne;; | verkiinde/i vn(/ offenbarew, dan« ee mein glory vn;;eer solt | vndergon, es musslent ee stain \nJ holtz rede« leernCH. | auf solichs ist auffgerycht an zu schawen disser | Spiegel i\er blinden, got wiil vns erleiichten vnrf | entledigen von all vnsern siinden. Amen. | [_lVdct.'] [? Augsburg, 1523,] 21X16. pp. [23!. Weller, ;fc/., 2689? In vol. lettered German Tracts by Kejornurs, III. Stahelin, Ernst. Johannes Calvin : Leben und ausgewahlte .Schriflen. F.lberfeld, 1863. 23!!. 2 v. Vol. iv of I.eben it. nusg. Seliri/ten der I'eiter it. Bei^riinder der rc/i}rtni>len Kirctie. Stahelin, Rudolf. Erasmus .Stcllung zur Re- forniation, liau|its;ichlich von seinen Beziehungcn zu Basel aus belcuchtet. Basel, 1873. 22h. pp. 35. Muldreich Zwingli und sein Reformations- werk. Halle, I'ereiit Jiir Re/ormations^esc/tichie, 1883. 22ti. pp. 81. Staphylus, Friedrich. Ad Imp. Ferdinandum I de reformanda ecclesia consilium. — Relatio de actis C.)ratoris Bavarici in calicis eucharistici causa Roniam ablegati. (In Schelhoru, J. G. .\moe- nitates hist. eccl. ?3S.) De instauranda in terris .\ustriacis religione Romano-Catholica ad Ferdinandum I consultatio. (/« Schelhoru, J. G. Amoenitates hist, eccl., i. ■737-) [ElSE.NGRiN, .M., and others.'^ Orationes funebres . . . 131)4. Stapleton, Thomas. Differences between the primitive faith of England and the late pretended faith of the Pi^otestants. — .A fortresse of the faith. (liepr., pieeenieal, in Fulke, W. Stapleton's for- tress overthrown. 1S4.S.) Stauff. Argula von. See Grumbach, A. v., {bom V. Stauff). Staupitz. Joliann. Libellus de Execu- | tione eterne pretlestinalio;;is. Fratris | Ioa«nis de Stau- pitz. C-'hristi & Augustiniana; obser- | uantie serui. utinam non inutilis, | \_lVdcl of the yndi;ment.'\ I 15. Ihesus. 17. I Tuus sum ego. sahium me fac. j F. ,J. D. S. At end : H Finit libell/M d<- Executio;/e ete'/;ne pn'destinatio«is. nobil/.r cS: Reuerewdi | pr7/ris Joawnis de Staupitz. Theologi & .\ugusIinen.r/«OT. Vicarij. ad pro | bu« Dn. Hieronymu//; Elmer .Sena- torew. que/« vtriusq^/t" deuot;/.<. Do- | ctor Scheur- lus reuidebat. & Feileric«,r Peyp«j- impressit. Nu- rewber- | ge. die S(?«cte Thorothee. Anno a recow- ciliata diuinitate. 1517. | 15 M. 17. ] Fortis fortuna formidat. | C. 8. D. 22I1. pp. [43]. Rubricated. Wdct initials. Muther as- cribes the t.'p. wdct to Diirer. The initials after the motto at foot of t.. p. doubtless denote F\rater'\ y[oanties] D[e] S[taii- pitz]: those after the CiAophon. C{ttristoptiorns\ Slctteiirtiisl D[octor]. The prefalorj' tetter to Ebner is dated ^ Nuriiiberge e.v cenobio Augiistjnensiiim. Kaleiidis yanuarijs. Anno a pariu virginco. M. D. J:vij,' and signed with Staupitz's motto, as on t.-p. \an der Lie- | be gottes Ain Wunder | Hiipsch Vnderricht- | ung. Beschriben | Durch D. J. I staupitz I bewert vnd appro- | biert durch Do. Afartinum | Luther baide .Augustiner ordens. | [ Orn. ] n. p.. (1518]. 21X16. pp. I34I. Wcller. /r<7*., 1148. t..p. 86 THE PKOTESTAXT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. bordiir. Wdct at end. Smnpitz's ded. pref. to the Elect gss Kuntgiinde is dated * Anno. M D xviij.' in vol. lettered Ger- tnan I'racts l>y /ie/oriiters, IL Vo« der liebe got j tes ein wuwder hiib^ch vn I derrichlung, beschriben durcb U. Johan Stau | pitz, bewert vnnd approbiert durcli D. | .Martiiium Luther, beyde | Augustiner ordens. | \_\Vilct.'\ At end: Getruckt zu Basel dutch Adam | Petri, Anno M.D. x.\. 21X16. pp. [36]. Panzer, 971. b. t.-p. border. Wdct initials. Ullm.\n'\, C. J. Staiipitz. (/« his Re- formers before the Reformation, ii. 1855.) Steiner, Leonhard. Uhich von Ilutlen : Drama in 5 Alvlcn. Ziincli, 1886, 20I1. pp. [4] +97. Steiukopf. Ferdinand, ImoksclL't: Luther- Bil)liothelc. V'orralhig auf dem antiquarischen Bticherlager von F. Stcinkopf. [.Stuttgart.] i33?, 2il>. PP. [2) + i5 + [il- In vol. lettered Catnloge iil'er die Reformation. Literatur der Reformationszeit in Drucken des XVI. Jahrhunderts. Vorrjithig auf deni anti- quarischen Bticherlager von F. Steinkopf. [Stuttgart.] i83(. 21I1. pp. [2] + 55 + [>]■ In vol. lettered Calaloge iiber die Re/orittaiion. Stephen, Sir James. Martin Luther. {In //is ll^^ay-. in ecclesiastical biography. 1S60. ) Stichart, Franz Otto. Erasmus von Rotter- dam ; seine Stellung zu der Kirche und zu den kiichlichen Bewegungen seiner Zeit. Leipzig, 1870. 2il>. pp. 8-1-398. Stier, G. Die Schlosskirche zu Wittenberg: Uebersicht ihrer Geschichte bis auf die Gegenwart. Wittenberg, i8fio. 21^. pp. 8-I-64. Plates. In vol. let- tered S/ier Htid 6'erii/itiriff, H'itteitberg. Wittenberg im Mittelalter : Uebersicht der Geschichte der Stadt von ihrem Ursprunge bis zum Torle Friedrichs des Weisen. Wittenberg, 1855. 2ili. pp. [4] + 3H-[i] -(-8o. In vol. let- tered Stier und Bernhtxrdf. Witt,-iri<.-r^. Stier, Heinrich Christian Gottlieb. Car- men saeculare. (/n Schmidt, H., ."/./Stier. H. C. G. Ad menioriam I'hilipjji .Melanthonis. i860.) StigeL Johauu. In tumulum D. Philippi iMe- lanthonis. (In Sabiuus, G., und others. Brevia epitaphia. 1560.) Lj^igramma in stndiosorum contemjilores : [w.f.]. {See nolif nndir'H.\itX.ea,\J. "v. .\rminius. Stigelius, Joannes. .SV. Stigel. Stoughton, John. Homes and haunts of Lu- ther. \e\v and rev. ed. \^oni\on, ReUgions Tract Soc, l^iZ^-^]. 24''. pp. 7 + [i]-r 301. lUus. The Spanish reformers, their memories and dwelling-places. London, ReUgious Tract Soc., [1SS3J. 241". pp. 6 + [2] + 319. lllus. Strasburg. B.VUM, J. W. Capito und Butzer, Strassburgs Keformaloren. i860. Strassburg, Nicolaus von. .SVr Nicolaus Ton .Strnssiiiir^-. Ain straffred vnd ain vnderricht | Wie es des bai>sts junger auff geytz bond zu gericht. (/« Schade, O., editor. Satiren, ii. 1863.) In \erse. Written during the Diet of Worms, 1521. Strauss, David Priedrich. Ulrich von Hut- ten. Leipzig, 1858-60. 2!li. 3 v. Contents: — i, ii. Hutten's Leben. iii. Gespriichc von Hulten, iiberseut und crlautert von Strauss. Same. English. Ulrich von Hutten : his life and times. Tiansl. from the 2d German ed. by .Mrs. G. Sturge. D. London, 1874. 2ol>. pp. 14-^386. The transl. is consider- ably abridged — mainly by the omission of extracts from Hut- ten. Vol. iii of the orig. {btrauss's version of Hutten's dia- logues) is ignored. Strauss, Jacob. Kurtz vnd verstendig leer, vlier das wort. .S. ] Pauli, zu den Ilomern \_sic'\, der todt ist, der ist \on \ sunden gerecht gemaclu, fast dienstlich der gemeynent wochen, | so yn ellichen kirclien, in Francken, vnd Dtiringen, jerlich fur die I seelen gehalten. Darynne« das fegfeur gar ver- ieschet, audi der | ]:)faffen vnd .Miinichen heyliger geytz gctziert, vnd rechge- | schaffen abgemalet ist. I \^Tc'xt.'\ I Eyssennacli. | Doct: Jacobus Straus. | \^lVdct.'\ .4t end : Ge|)rediget tzu Eysennach vff dye gemeyn Seelen woclien | gehalten nacli Sanct Michael.s tag .jm .XXiij. n. p., [1523I. 20X15. pp. [24]. Panzer, 1992. Strickler, Johaun, editor. Actensammlung zur schweizerischen Reformationsgeschichte in den Jahren 1521-1532, iin .\nschluss an die gleichzei- ligen eidgenossischen Abschiede. Zurich, 1878-84. 24I'. 5 V. in 4. Contents: — i. 1521-28. ii. 1529-30. iii. Jan. -Oct., 1531. iv. Oct. II, 1531 — Dec, 1532. V. Nachtriige, 1522-33. — Re- gister. — Neuer Versuch eines Literatur- Verzeichnisses zur schweiz. Reformationsgeschichte, enthaltend die zeitgenos- sische Literatur, 1521-32. Strype, John. Annals of tlie Reform.ation and other ticcurrcaces in the Church of England, during Elizabeth's reign ; with an apjiendix of original papers. New ed. C. Oxford, 1824. 2211. 4 V. in 7. Ecclesiastical memorials, relating to reli- gion and the Church of England, under Henry VIII, Edwartl VI and Mary. C. Oxford, 1822. 22b. 3 V. in 6. Historical collections of the life and acts of John Aylmer, Bp. of London. New ed. C. Oxford, 1821. 22'!. pp. i8-t-2l9f [3]. Port. History of the life and acts of Edmund Grindal ; added, an appendix of original mss. C. Oxford, 1821. 22I'. pp. 2i-f [1] 4-6o7-t-[8]. Port. Life and acts of John Wliilgift ; with ap- pendix of papers. C. Oxford, 1822. 22h. 3 V. Port. Life and acts of Matthew Parker; atlded, an ajipendix, containing letters and other papers. C. Oxford, 1821. 22I'. 3 V. Port. • ■ Life of Sir John Cheke ; added, A treatise of superstition, by [Cheke]. New ed. C. Oxford, 1821. 22I1. pp. i4-t-2i8. Port. Life of Sir Thomas Smith. New ed. C. Oxford, 1820. 22h. pp. i9-l-[i]-l-286. Port. Memorials of Thomas Crannier; wherein the history of the church, and the reformation of it, are illustrated. New ed., with additions. C. Oxford, 1812. 22ti. 2 V. Same. New ed., by P. E. Barnes. London, 1853. 1911. 2 v. General in'DF.x to the historical and bio- graphical works of J. Strype. C. Oxford, 1828. 22'". 2 V in 1. Sturm, Jacob. Stirm, J. Consolatio . . . de morte . . . lacobi .Sturmij. 1553. Sturm, Johann. loannis Stvr- | mil consolatio ad sona- | turn .\rgcntinensem. | De morte clarissimi et nobilissimi | uiri D. lacobi Sturmij. | Od;B etiam aliqvae et epi- | taphia de eodeni. | \^Device.'\ \ Ar- THE WHITE LIBRARY. 87 gentorati excvdebat VVeiule- I linus Rihelius. Anno M. U. I, III. 2iXi6. pp. [23]. loan. I Stvrmii | rectoiis acade- | mix Ar- gento- I ralensis | Pappus Eleiiclionienos Primus. | Antipap|)i qvarti | ]iars (jvarta. | Pro F.xtcris l'",cclc- siis j cl I I'ro Synoild. [ [At'/i-n unci ausgewaliUe .Scliriflcn. Elbcrfdd, 1857. 23h. pp. 8+[2j +643+[i]. Vol. viii of Leben u, iiuss- Scliri/Un der Vater u. Begriinder dtr re- /orutirtcn Kirche. Suso, Heiiiiich. Preger, W. H. Suso. (/h his (icschiLJUc de[- deutschen Mystik, ii. 1881.) Ull.mann, C. H. Suso. (/« Itis Re- formers before the Reformation, ii. 1855.) Sutter, Tulie. Luther and the cardinal : a his- loric-l)iugrai)lucal tale. Given in English by Julie Sutter. London, Religions Tract Soc, [1883]. I9^*:_ PP. >0"("374 The cardinal in question is Albrecht of .- . _, .. '9' .. .... Ports. An adaptation irom the Crernian of Pastor Nietscll- niann, of Halle. Mainz. Symonds, John Addington. Renaissance in Italy. C. New York, 1881-87. -3^- 1 '''■ Port. 1 he work covers the period of the Reformation as well as that of the Renaissance. Contents: — [i.j The age of the despots, fii. ] The revival of learning- [iii] Ihe fine arts, [iv, v.] Italian literature, [vi, vii.J The Latluilic rL-actinn. Tauler oi- Thauler, Johanu. I'redigten ; nach den .-Vusgaljen von Job. Arndt-und Phil. J.ac. Spener, auf's neue herausgegeben von K. Kuntze und J. H. R. Biesenthal. C. Berlin, 1841-42. 2it>. 4 v. Sermon des gross | gelarten in gnadc« er- lauchte« docto | ris johaiinis Thauleri pretligerr | ordens. weisende aulT den nelie.-,te;/ | waren u^egk. yn geiste czu \va«dern | durch vbersch\vebe«den syn. vnuor I acht vo?/ gei.stes ynnige;/ vor\va«delt | \n deutsch ma«che;; me«sche« zu selikeit. At end: Hie endet sich das buchlein von den an | dechtigen vnd gnadenreichen predigen | vnd leren des be- scha\vliche« lebcns. Des | begenadten vnr/ hoch- gelerten doctoris | Joha«nis Thauleri Des heiligeH ordens | sancti Dominici Gedruckt in der furst- | lichen stat Leyptzk durch Cunraduni | Kachelouen \x\d vorendet. Am tag Ger- | tlrudis ym acht vnd neuntzigiste« iar. [149S.] 22X16. (T. (S]+28i. Hain, 15346. Double cols, of 36 lines. Initials indicated, and in part hlled in (in blue). The earliest edition. Herrick, S. E. Tauler and the mystics. {In his Heretics of yesterday. 1S84. ) Ullm.^NN, C. J. Tauler. {In his Re- formers ' before the Reformation, ii. 1855.) Taverner, Richard. \_Aiitograph signnlure.'\ Si'f Craainier, T. .\ns\ver, etc. Taxe cancellarie apostolice. See Libellus ta.\- arum. Taxe sacre penitentiarie apostolice. See Libel- lus taxarum and Taxes de la penitencerie apos- tolique. Taxes de la penitencerie apostolique ; d'apres I'edition pub. a Paris en 1520 par Toussains Denis. Trad. nouv. en regard du texte latin, avec une in- trod. et des notes, par A. Dupin de Saint-Andr^. 26 ^d. Paris, 1879. 19^- pp. 22-t-6o. The Latin Taxe sacre pe- nitentiarie apostolice is printed parallel with its French transl. For an original impression tea. 1500) of this famous official tarifl" of the papal pardon-office, sec Libellus taxanim: and, for another rc[jr., Mendham, J., Li/e 0/ I'iiis V (appendix). T'he dispute as to ils aiitlienlii;ily seems now finally settled by the proofs adduced by the Dominican Denille, sub-archivist of the Vatican, who in his ArcliiT /iir Literatnr- ii. Kircltenge- scliicltte d. Mittclalters (iv, 3 — Dec. i888) not only describes a 15th century ms. copy of it in the VafScan library but prints from an older Vatican ms. an earlier and cruder, yet essentially simi- lar, tariff of the year 1338. Tayler, Charles Benjamin. Memorials of the English mait\is. New aiul rev. ed. C. I.oihIoii, [1867]. 22''. pp.285. Ilius. Taylor, Rowland. Liff. of Dr. R. Taylor. (/// Lives I'f tlR' liritish refornuTs. [1834?]) Tepleiisis, Codex. See Codex Teplensis. Tetzel or Tezel, Johann. Korner, F. Te- zel, der Ablassprediger. iSSo. Detached Portraits. Engraving, unsigned; l5Xiij'2; half- length, full face, in Dominican robes ; Tetzel stand- ing with indulgence before him, his chest at right hand, and priced indulgences displayed in case on the wall behind ; at base yohannes Tetzelius.\ Mona- chits Doiitinicaniis\ hidulgentianiin Quccslor. tiiorl. I^jg ; ' p. 97 ' of some publication. \n portfol. lettered Kc/ortnntion. Same. With German inscription, JcJtanJies Tetzel^ von Leipzig, etc. In portfol. lettered Reformation. Engraving, unsigned; 17x11; oval in rectangle, half-length, full face, in Dominican robes, right liantl resting on chest, left hand on case of intlulgcnces. Is'o inscription. In portfol. lettered Reformation. Engraving, unsigned; 13X9; bust, full face, cowl drawn closely about countenance. .\ German ms. note calls the face TetzePs ; but it resembles little those of the portraits just de- scribed, and there is neitlier inscription nor emblems to identify it. In portfol. lettered Reformation. Das teutsch Requiem der ver- | branten Bullen vnd Hebst- j lichen Rechten. n. p., [1521?]. 2oXi6. pp. [si- Weller, ;?<■/., 1 543- <--P. wanting. In vol. lettered Staiipitz, Von der lie/'c gottes, Repr., with notes, in Hutten, U. v., Opera, ed. Eocking, iii, 1862. Tezel. See Tetzel. Thackham, Thomas. Defence of T. Thack- ham in regard to his conduct towards Julius Palmer. {In Nichols, J. G. Narratives of the days of the Reforinatiim. 1859.) Theander. Georg. Orationes funebres . . . 1564. Sec Eisengriu. M. , and others. Theodorus {tier. Dietrich), Vitus. Oralio haliitain proniolione magistroruni. (In Melanch- tiloxit'P., and others. Orationes. 1533.) This title accidentally omitted from its proper place under Dietrich, Veit, which see also. Thiersch, Heinrich Wilhelm Josias. Lu- ther, Gustav .\dolf und Maximilian I. von B.ayern ; biographische Skizzen. Nordlingen, i86g. 2oh. pp. 8-1-192. Thomas a (or of) Kempis. Ui.lmann, C. Thomas a Kempis. {hi his Reformers before the Reformation, ii. 1855.) Thorpe. William. B.\i.e, J. Examination of W.Thorpe. (/«/;;> Select Works. 1849.) Tocco. Felice. L'eresia nel medio evo. Firenze, 18S4. 2oh. pp. 8-1-564+ [i]. 8S THE PROTESTANT REFORM ATIOX AXD ITS FORERUNXERS. Tollin, Heinrich. Charakteibild Michael Ser- vet's. Berlin, 1876. 2oIi. pp. 48. In Virchow u. HoUzendorff, Satntitlitug gemt'in. wtss. Vortrage, xi. Luther und Servet. Berlin, 1875. l-^^. pp. 6r. Toltz {Lai. Dolscius or Dulcius), Johann. Der heyligen | Schriflt .-Vrt, \ \vey.se, vnd [ gebraucli. I Tropi Bibliaci. | Johann. Toltz. | 1526. At end : U Jobst Gutknecht. [Nuremberg, 1526.] i5h. ff, 91. Weller, /T^-/., ?qgi. t.-p. border- Fur a second part of this work sec Dolscius. under which form of the author' .s name the present entry ought also to have be^n made. To^ynsend, George. Life and defence of John Fo.ve. {Ill Fox, J. Acts and monument.s, i. 1843-) Tractatus metricus de W iniariensi disputatione, in .Augustinuni Alveldium. 1522. (/« Hutten, XJ. V. (Jpera, ed. Bocl. PP- [2o]-t-273-(-76-(- [57]. Appended are Consiitutiones . . . per conctliiifit . . . imto- Tatae, an Oreiiio hahita . . . Hieronytno Ragazoito Veneto^ and a list of the members of the council. Same. Enf;Ush. Doctrinal decrees and canons ; transl. from the 1st ed., Rome, 1564; with a preface and notes by W. C. Brownlee. New York, 1842. i6h. pp. 6-t-iig. Catechism of the Council of Trent ; transl., with notes, by T. A. Buckley. London, 1852. loh. pp. 8-1-591. [Ordo celebrandi, ele. :] Die Geschafts- Ordnung des Concils von Trient ; sammt einem Vorberichte. Wien, 1871. 22h. pp. 48+56. Campi.\.n', E. Judicium de Concilio Trid. — Consultatio de articulis refornialionis in Cone. Trid. proposilis ac proponendis,' e MS. — Crkscicn- ZI, M., Card. Lilerae, quibus .-\rchie]). Mogunt. ali- osque ad Cone. Trid. invital. — Ki;rI)I.n.-\ni) I, of Germany. Syllabus preecipiiorum postulatorum, (pia' Ferdinando in Cone. Trid. urgenda videbantur. — LiPPO.viANNi, A., Card. Literaa ad Archiep. ^'Iogunt. et al. — Pai.e.\RIO, A. .'\d Lutherum ali- osque de Cone. Trid. epistola. — Responsio ad pe- titiunes a Ferdinandi oratoril)Us propositas. — De rebus ad apparatum Cone. Trid. externum spec- tantibns. — SCHELHOR.x, J. C>. De fanaticq quodam episcopo, qui Synodo Trid. interfuit. {In Schel- horu, J. Gr. Anioenilates hist, eccl., i. 1737.) Ferdinand I, of Germany. Monita ad Piuni IV' de Cone. Trid. iteruin celebrando. — Postulata prffisulum Hispanicorum in Cone. Trid. — ScHELHOR.V, J. G. Nolitia libroruni, in quibus acta qu.xdani Cone. Trid. eollecta exhibentur. {In Schelhorn. J. G. Amoenitates hist, eccl., ii. 1738.) Brisch.\r, J. N. Beurtheilung der Con- troversen Sarpi's unci Pallavicini's. 1844. BUNGENER, L. L. F. History of the Council of Trent. 1855. [MiLLEDONXE, A.] Journal du Concile de Trente, pub. par A. Baschet. 1870. Pah.avicixi, P. S. Histoire du Concile de Trente. 1844-45. Sarpi, p. Istoria del Concilio Tridentino. 1858. — History of the Council of Trent. 1620, and 1676. Varcvs, F., and ot/ieis. Lettres et me- moires touchant le Concile de Trente. 1699. Young, M. Council of Trent. {In his Life and times of Paleario, ii. i860.) Treves. Die Reformation in Trier. Bonn, 1845. 2ih. pp. [4]-f76. Trier. See Treves. Triumphus Cajjiiionis. See Hutten, U. v. TriLinq^hus. ele. Trivmphvs verilatis. Sick der warheyt. See Freiermuth, H. H. TroUope. Thomas Adolphus. Olympia Mo- rata. {In Ins Decade of Italian women, ii. 1859.) Ein trostlich ge- | sprechbiichlein auff frag j vnd antwort gestellet, den | glawben vnd die lieb betre- | ffend, Vnd wie einer | den andern Chri- | stlich sol vn- | terweisen. | Zum andern mal vberse- hen. I Witteraberg. | 1525. At p. [107]: Getruckt zu Wittemberg, Ilans LuSft. | 1525. 1411. pp. [iiol. Weller, Rep., 3418. t.-p. border. Fol- lowing the colophon and in larger t)pe are 3 pages of cate- chism / '0111 saertiijieiit des .4 itars /rngc 2/nd antwort zu ge- ben. TullocU, John. Leaders of the Reformation : Luther, Calvin, Latimer, Knox. Boston, 1859. 2oh. pp. 309. Twrelve Articles, 1525. See Die griindliche vnd rechte hauinarticul aller bauerschaft, ete. Tyudale, 'William. .Answer to Sir T. More's Supper of the Lord ; and \V. Tracy's Testament expounded. Ed. by H. Walter. Cambridge, 1850. 23h. pp. [4]-l-34o. (Parker Soc.) Doctrinal treatises, and introductions to different portions of the Scriptures ; ed. by IL Wal- ter. Cambridge, 1848. 23h. pp. 76-I-532. (Parker Soc.) Expositions and notes on ]')orlions of the Scriptures, with The practice of prelates ; ed. by H. Walter. Cambridge, 1849. 23I1. pp. I4] F344. (Parker Soc.) , translator. See Bible. Like of \V. Tindal. {/n Lives of the Briii-li reformers. [1834?]) Udalricus, Saint, Bp. of Augsburg. Des h. Hulrichs etwa | vor sechshundert jaren Bischoffszu I Augspurg schrifft wider das ehelos le- | ben der THE IVniTE LIBRARY. 89 Priester, jtzt sehr I nutzlich zulesen. | Mit einer vorrede M. Fl. Illynci, wider | den Miiiich zu Augs- purg. I Anno. 1553. | \^Preface.'\ At end: Ge- druckt zu Magdeburgk, bey | Michael Lotther. [1555]. 21X16. pp. [22]. In vol. lettered Gerninu Tracts by Rejortners, /l-^. For the Latin oriffinal of this epistle, now well known to h^ not St. Ulric's, sec G-ratius, O., Fasciculus, ii, 1690. Uhlhorn. Gerhard. Urbanus Rliegius : Ixl)en und ausgewahltu Schriflen. Kiberfcid, 1861. 23^, pp. 10+370, Vol. vii of Lebcn u. affsg-. Sckri/ten der Vdter u. Begriinder der Intheriscken K ire he. Ule, Joseph. Kine Chrislliche ver- | manung zur Keuschcit, niit trewer | ernster verwarnung vor den grculichen .staf- I fen. mit welchen Gott die Vn- reinen vnd Vn- | ziichtigen heimsucht. In ein ge- sang I verfasset | Durch | Joseph Vie von Dresden | Goldtschmidt vnd\Vapen-| steinschneider. | [ lVdit.'\ I Anno. 1562. n. p., [1562]. 19X14- PP- [8]- ^1 vol- lettered 46 Trac- tate n. Xnimann, Carl. Reformers before the Refor- mation, principally in Germany and the Netherlands. Transl. by R. Menzies. Edinburgh, 1855. 22^, 2 v. (Vols, vi, viii, new ser., of Clark's Foreign Theol. Libr.) Contents : -~-\. John of Goch. — John of Wesel. — Hans Boheini of Niklashausen. — Cornelius (Jrapheus. ii. The Brethren of the Common Lot and the German Mystics. — John Wessel. Ulrich VI, Duke of Wiirttemberg. For books aitddocnnrcttts rclntiag to his luttidcv of yokanit von Hiittctt and its consei/itences, sir Hntten, XJ. v. Opera, ed. Bocking, i. 1859. TJnderhill, Ediward. Autoliiograpliical anec- dotes. (/« Nichols, J. G. Naiialives of the days of the Kefoimation. 1859.) Ein vnderred des bapsts vnd | seiner cardineln \\ie ini zu thun ] sey, vnd das wort Gottes vnder zu trucken | eyn yeglicher sicli darauff zu bedencken. (/« Schade, O., editor. Satiren, iii. 1863.) Written in 1524- In prose and verse. Ursinus, Zacharias. Sudhoff, K. C. Ole- vianus und Z. Ursinus. 1857. Vade Mecum. .See Oratio. Vadian, Joachim. Pressel, T. J. Vadian. 1861. Vadisci apophtheginata. Sec Dialog! septem, etc. Valdes. Juan de. Hundred and ten consider- ations ; transl. by J. T. Betts. (/« Wiffen, B. B. Life and writings of J. de Valdes. 1865.) Contains facsimile t.-pp. of the different eds. of the Consid- erations. You.VG, M. Valdes. {In /lis Life and times of Paleario, i. i860.) Vargas or Vargas-Mexia, Fraucisco, and others. Lettres et nienioires de Francois de Var- gas, de Pierre de Malvenda, et de quelques eveques d'Espagne touchant le Concile de Trente. Trad, de I'espagnol, avec des remarques, par Michel Le Vassor. Amsterdam, 1699. 2oh. pp. [26]-t-567-f [4]. Frontisp. and port, of Wm. Trumbull, to whom the book is dedicated. Vaughan, Robert. Life and opinions of John de Wycliffe. London, 1828. 2311. 2 v. Port. Buckle's copy. Vergerio, Pietro Paolo. Consiliuni trium episcoporum. See Durante, V., Consilium, etc., (note). Young, M. P. P. Vergerio. (/« his Life and times of Paleario, ii. i860.) Christliche | Vermanungen | Wie die vor der Beicht, I Communion vnd Predig, zu Re- 1 genspurg in der Newen Pfarr, der | Gemeine offentlich ftirgele- I sen werden. | [Arms.'\ \ (ietruckl zu Regenspurg, | durch Johan Burger. At end: M.D.LXXVIII- \^Eollo7ved by a full-page cut of the Criicifxion.'\ 16I'. ]jp. [39]. t.-p. partly in red. Wdcts. In vol. let- tered l.ittlicr, Denttsch Catccttisntiis. Vermigli {/.at. Vermilius), Pietro Martire. Schmidt, C. P. M. Vermigli : Lehen und ausg. Schriften. 1858. VotNc;, ISL Peter Martyr \'ermiglio. (/« his Life and tiiries of Paleario, i. i860.) Villari, Pasquale. La storia di Girolaino Sa- vonarola e de' suoi tcnq)i. Firenze, 1859-61. i81". 2 v. With a generous app. of docu- ments (pp. 4^1). Same. Nuova ed., aumentata e corretta. Firenze, 1887-S8. 2211. 2 v. Many new documents added. Same. English. History of (Jirolaino Savonarola and of his times ; transl. by L. Horner. London, 1863. 2o'>. 2 v. Port. Documents omitted — save a few, which are translated. .Same. English. Life and times of Gi- rolamo Savonarola; transl. by L. Villari. New York, 1888. 24I1. 2 v. Ports, and illus. A transl. of the enlarged Italian ed. of 1887-88, with addition of plates and omission of documents. Savonarola. {In his Saggi di storia. 1 868.) Vilmar. August Friedrich Christian. Lu- ther, Melanclitlion, Zwingli. .\ebst einein .\nhang : das evangelische Kirclienlied ; hrsg. von K. W. Piderit. Frankfurt a .M.. 18D9. 2^''i. pp l4]^i3i+['l- Vio, Thomas de. -SV,- Cajetano. Viret, Piene. Schmidi, C. \V. Karel und 1'. Viret. lS6o. Vischer, Wilhelm. Erasmiana. Basel, 1876. 29X23. pp.36. ( ' Programm zur RectoraU- feier der UniversitKt Basel.') Documents relating to the dig- nities and pensions of Erasmus, namely : (1) Doctoratus ; (2) Petisio A nglica ; (3) Dispensation I.eos X ; (4) Brie/ Franz des Ersten ; {5) Be/reiitng von den Fastengeboten ; (6) Pension des Herzogs von Cleve ; {j)PraepositHra Daveniri. ensts. Geschichte der Universitiit Basel. 1460- 1529. Basel, i860. 25''. pp. i2-f328-t-[il. With numerous .5iv- tagen from the university's archives- Vitellius {Polish Ciolek), Erasmus, Bp. oj Plock. Oratio per .R. | Patrem. Domi | nvm Eras- nivm Vitellivm | Episcopvm Plocen. in celeb | erri- nio Avgvst. conventv ... die . . . XX .\vgvsti . . . M.D. XVIII . . . 1518. (/wHutten, XJ. V. Opera, ed. Bocking, v. 1861.) Vives {Lat. Vivus), Juan Luis. [Exercitatio linguae Latinae.] At end : Venetijs apud haeredes Petri Rauani & socios | Mense lanuario M D LIII. IS*"- PP- 3-133+ [-';8]. Text in italics. t.-p. wanting. Appended is a manual of etiquette in the form of a letter to the young prince Henry of Burgundy. Preces et meditationes diurna;. {In Brad- ford, J. Writings, i. 1848.) N.VMECHE, A. J. Memoire sur la vie et les &rits de J. L. Viv^s. [1841]. Bouquet, P. Vives. {In his Ecrivains pedagogues. 1S80. ) Vivus, Joannes Ludovicus. See Vives, Juan Luis. Vogel, Ernst Gustav. Bibliotheca biographica Lutherana: Uebersicht der gedruckten Dr. MarU Luther betreffenden biographischen Schriften. Halle, 1851. 22I1. pp. 8 + 145. go THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION AND ITS FORERUNNERS. Vogt, Karl August Traugott. Johannes Bu- genhagen Pomeranus : Leben und ausgewahlte Schriften. Elberfeld, 1867. 23h. pp. 6+ [2] +442. Vol. iv ol Leieii 11. ausg. Schri/ten der Vdter u. Begriiiuiey der lutkerischen Kirche. VOm eydt : da bissher so long 1 von gezancket ist, zeugnuss der schrifft : Auch wie | Johannes Huss, eyn zeuge Gottes, den | spruch Christ! : Ihr solt nit schweren, | verstanden hab, auss dem heyli- gen I Chrysostomo, zanck weitter zu | uermeiden, dem vnerfarnen | zunutz, itzundt new auss | gangen. I [7V.rC.] I M.D.XXXI. n- p., [1531]- 19X14- pp. [14]- In vol. lettered 46 Trac- iaten. An anonymous defense of oaths. 1 1 is printed from the same type as the satire on the ' monchs schiffung zu Speier,' publ. the same year under the pseud, of ' Suredabus Cancri- nus,' and as Luther's / 'oti Gottts drei/aliigkcyt^ also of 1531 : for which see Cancrinus and Luther. Vom tag zu Hagenaw | Zwen verdeutsclite Send- briefe, eins | Thumwdechants vnd eins weysen | bescheidenen Thum»/herrns. n. p., [1540]. 10X14. pp. [31]. The first letter, signed ' N. N.,' is dated ' Hagenaw am dritten nach Corporis Christi. 1540." The second, signed ' Johanw St.,' is dated ' Speyr, am tag Bonifacij 1540.' In aoI lettered ^6 Tractaten. Von Beyden gestaldten der heylige Messze. See Bodenstein, A. R., (•«/&/ Carlstadt. Von de'« Jubel Jar | genant das gulden Jar, [1525]. (/« Sohade, O., to ecclesia; statu . . . scripta aliquot ve- terum authorum, ante annos plus minus CCC. et interea . . . Cum prrefatione V>. Wolfgangi Wissen- burgii, Theologi Basiliensis. {Repr. in full, from the orig. ed. of 7555, in Gratius, O., Fasciculus, ii. 1690.) For its contents, see under G-ratius, as above. In his pref. Weissenburger seems to claim for himself the compilation of this work, saying only th.^t he was aided by good men, whose names he will not mention : but Flacius, in the pref. (dated i May, 1556), to his I'aria doctorntn piornutqiie vironttn de corritpto ecclesiac statu pocmata (which, had it been earlier added to the library, would also have claimed a place in this catalogue), hints that he was the collector of the .Antilogia also, and it is perhaps on this basis that it is ascnbed to him by Urunct, Graesse, and others. The Catalogns testium of Flacius was issued from the same press as the .-l ntitogia and in the following year. TlfF. IVniTE I.I UK A KY. 91 ■Weaalia, Joannes de. See Rucherath, J. Wesel, John of. See Rucherath, J. Wesley, John. Ili.JiurrK, S. V.. Wesley. {In Ins llereties of yesterday. 18S4.) Wessel. Johann von. Ui.i.mann, C. Jolm Wessel. (/// his Reformers licforc the Kefonna- tion, ii. 1855.) Westphal, Joachim. Vicr Prcdigten, | das m.iii (leii lewreii sclial/. (ititt- [ lichs worts, vnnd des reclilen (Joltes- | diensts bewarcn sol, widder die vielfelti- I gen Diebe, die I'apisten, Interiniislcii viid I .\diaphorislen. | Item, das man die | lictriililc viid geplagte kirche Chri- | sti, so ilzt nolli leidet, nielit ver- | lassen sol, durch Magislrum | Joachi- muni Westpha- | lum Prediger zu | Ilamburgk. | \_I'exts.'\ I .\nno. 1550. At end: (Jedruckt zu Magdcburcli durch | Michel Lotther. 1550. 21X16. pp. [51]. In vol. lettered German Tracts by Re- /orniers^ II. ■Wette, Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de, editor. Luther's Ltriefe. .SVi Luther. Wetzel, J. Fr. Die Sprache Lutliers in seiner liihel-lk'bersetzung. C. Stiittqail. 1S5Q. 2.jh. pp if,^. Weydmann, Leonhard. Luther: ein Cha- rakter- and .Spicgelbild fiir unsere Zeit. H.imhiiri;. f'/t-. , iS^o. 22I1. pp. [6] 1-194. Whitaker, William. Disputation on Script- ure, against the Papists ; transl. and ed. by \V. Fitzgerald. Cunhridge. 1S49. 2311. pp. 12 + 718. (Parker Soc.) ■White, Henry. The massacre of St. Barthol- omew; preceded by a history of the religious wars in the reign of Charles IX. New York, 1868. 22h. pp. i.^i -f [3]-|-497. Frontisp. and ports. Whitgift, John, Ahp. of Canterbury. Works ; ed. by J. Ayre. Cambridge, 1851-53. 2311. 3 v. (Parker Soc.) Contents: — i, ii. Defence again.st T. Cartwright, iii. De- fence against T. Cartwright (concluded). — Sermon,s. — Se- lected letters, etc. Strvpe, J. Life of I. Whitgift. 1822. Wicelius, Georgius. See 'Witzel. Wickliffe. John. See Wiclif. Wiclif. Wyclif, Wycliffe, or Wickliffe, John. Select English works ; edited from original niss. by Thomas Arnold. 0.\ford, 1869-71. 23I1. 3 V. Contents :~~\. Sermons on tlie Gospels for Sundays and ii. Sermons on the ferial gospels and Sunday epis- festivals. ties. — Treatises. Miscellaneous works. English works hitherto unprinted; ed. by F. D. IVIatthew. C. London, 1880. 23!!. pp. 8-t-si-(-[3]-|-572. Facsim. (Early English Text Soc. Pub., 74.) » Apology for Lollard doctrines, attributed to Wiclifife; with introd. and notes by J, H. Todd. London, 1842. 23X18. pp. 63-(-[i]-f-2o6-f [1]. (Vol. xx of Camden Soc. Pub.) 13. Trialogus, cum supplemento Trialogi ; ilium recensuit, hoc primum edidit, utrumque com- mentario critico instruxit G. Lechler. Oxonli, i86g. 23I1. pp. 8-^475. , translator. See Bible. BUDDENSIEG, K. ^. Wiclif und seine Zeit. 1885. Burrows, M. Wiclif 's place in history. 18S2. ^ CoxsTA.N'CE, CotJNcii. OF. Acta scitu dig- nissima . . . 1500. — Articuli Wiclefi damnati per Concilium Constantiense. — Reprobationes articulorum Wiclcfi damnatorutn. — Scntentia damnationis. {In Gra- tiua, O. Fasciculus, i. 1690.) IIi:rrick, S. E. Wiclif. {In his Here- tics of yesterday. 1884.) Lechi.f.r, G. V. Johann von Wiclif und die Vorgeschichte der Reformation. 1873. Same. English. John Wycliffe and his English precursors. [18S4. ] An abridged and altered transl. Llb-E of J. Wickliff. {In Lives of the British reformers. [1834 ?]) Lord, J. J. Wyclif. {In his Beacon Jights of history, ii. 1884.) Losi.;rtii, J. Wiclif and Plus. 1884. Nettkr, T. Fasciculi zizaniorum Jo- hannis Wyclif. 1858. ^ Pooi.R, R. L. Wycliffe's doctrine of lord. ship. {In his Illustrations of the history of medi- eval thought. 1884.) V.iUGHA.N, R. Life and opinions of I. de Wycliffe. 1828. WiDEFORD, W. . . . Contra I. Wic- leff. 1524. Williams, W. R. Wycliffe, .Savonarola and Huss. {In his Eras and characters of history. 18S2.) ' Woodford, W. Adversus Joh. Wicle- fum decertationes. {In Gratius, O. Fasciculus, i. 1690.) Wideford, William. Ob nichts an- | zune- men sey, tlan« | was klar in der hay | ligen ge- schriffl j ist auss ge- | truckt. | Wilhelmus Widefor- | dus contra Johannem | Wicleff. At end: 1524. n. p., [1524]. 2iX'6. pp. [26]. Panzer, 2536. t.-p. bor- der. Tran.sl. and ed. by Joh. Cochlaeus, whose pref. is dated at ' Stutgarten am 6. tag Junij im 1524. Jar.' In vol. lettered German Tracts l^y Reformers, I. Wider den newen Taufiforden. See Augsburg. Wie eyn christliche fraw des adels, in lieiern, ete. See Grumbach, A. v. Wietrowskl, Maximilian, S. J. Ilistoria de hseresi C.alviniana. Prague, 1725. 30X20. pp. [8] 4-91. In vol. lettered If-Vi-- tro-wslii. Opera Ovinia, II . Plistoria de hsresi Lutherana. Prague, 1724. 30X20. pp. [io]-(-i8i. In vol. lettered li'ietrowski, Opera Oinuia, II. ■Wiffen, Benjamin Barron. Life and writings of Juan de Valdes ; with a transl. of his no con- siderations, by J. T. Belts. D. London, 1865. 23'!. pp. 13-f [i]-t-59o. Wigand, Johann. Die fiirnemste Adiaphori- stische jrtluimen, ete. See Gallus, N., and others. ■Wilkinson. ■WUliam Cleaver. Erasinus. {Ill his Free lance in the field of life and letters. 1S-4.) ■Williams, ■William R. Wycliffe, Savonarola, and Huss. — Luther and his times. — Calvin. — Kno.x. (/« his Eras and characters of history. 18S2.) ■Willis, Robert. Servetus and Calvin : a study of an important epoch in the early history of the Reformation. London, 1877. 23''. pp. i6-{-54i. Ports. ■Wimpheling, Jacob. De fide concubinarum. See De fide concubinarum. De fide meretricum. See De fide mere- trlcum. [ ] Grav.imina Germanics; nationis, cum re- 92 THE PROTESTAXT REfOKMATION AXD ITS FORERUNNERS. •In mediis etavisamentis acl Csesaream Majestatem. Gratius, O. Fasciculus, i. 1690.) ■ Rhexanus, li. Epitaphivm lacobi Wiin- plielingi . . . 1529- "Wingate, Ninian. Sec Winzet. "Wiuzet 01- Wingate, Niuiaii. Tlie liuke of four^coir lliree qucslioiiis, tuecliiiig Doclrine, Or- (loiir, ami Maneris, proponit to the Precheouris of the Prolestaiitis in Scotlanil, . . . 1561. {In Keith, R. History of affairs in Scotland, iii. 1850.) Certane Tractatis for Reformatioun of Doc- trvne and Maneris ... in Scotland; . . . 1562. (hi Keith, R. Historv of affairs in Scotland, iii. 1850.) 'I'he ' Tractatis ' are ; i. Ane e.xhortatioun to . . . Marie Quene of Scottis, etc. 2. T hre questionis twecliing the lauch- fuUvocatiounof JohneKnox, cfc. 3. Ane declamatioun to the . . . Provest, etc., of Edinburgh for the observatioun of the . . . Nativitie, etc. ■Wishart, George. Lifk of G. Wishart. (In Lives of the Hriti■^ll reformers. [1834?]) Hic Wittembergisch nachtigall. .S',v Sachs, H. Wittenberg. Rirchen-ordnung, 1533. (In Forstemann. K.E. Xeues L'rkumlenbuch. 1S42.) Wittenberg, University of. Ernstlich ] Hand- lung dcr I Vniuersitet zu Wittenberg | an den Durch- leiichtigsten, | Hochgeborne« Churfiir- | ste« vnd herren Herr | Friderich von | Sachsen, | Die Mess be- I treffendt. .SV^v^crf.- Jodocus Jonas Prepositus. | Johannes Doelsch Doctor. | .Andreas Carolstadius doctor. I Hieronymus Schurff doctor, j Philippus Melanchthon. | Nicolaus AmssdoriT IJcentiat. [Basel, 1521-] 15X14. pp. [22]. Weller. Rep., 1843. t.-p. border. Wdct initials, hi vol. lettered 4b Tractatcn. Scriptvm | pvblice propositvm in aca- | demia Vuitebergensi, de ordine aliquot lectio- | num publicarum constituto post piuni & [ frelicem obitum Domini Philip- j pi Melanthonis, ] Die 23. Aprilis. | \Oyn.'\ I VVitefiergae excvde- [ liat Vitus Creutzer. | Anno. I 1560. 20X15- PP- [14]- Issued by the Vice-Rector {(i. Major) and Professors, and dated 23 Apr. 1560. Wdct initial. For the Vice-rector's Scyifihuii giio scholastki convocnti snjit ad defiitcenduiii /mius .Uelantlumis, 21 Apr. 1560, see Major, G-. Die Wittenberger Universitats- uml Fa- cultats-Statuten voni Jahre 1508. Halle. 18(17. 27X22. pp. 28-^50. Edited by T. Miither. Witzel, Georg. De Traditione Apo- \ stolica et Ecilcsiastica. \ Das die Catholische Kyrclie Chri- sti, nicht allein [ was in der Heiligen Schriflft steht, sondern | auch was sie bey den Heiligen Ve- | tern vnd eltisten Concilien Gott- | lichs vnd loblichs funden, | zu Gottesdienst vnd | Ere. Ordenlich | brauchen, | vnd bestendiglich behal- | ten mbge. Durch Georgium Wicelium. | [Tt-.r/.] | \_Priv.'\ \ Zu Coin durch Johan Quentel, | Anno M. D. XLIX. 19X15. pp. [79]. Wdct initials, hi vol. lettered Osian- der, Alisspreuch hey der J/esss, is2.t, etc. Via regia ecclesite reformandas. — Elenchus abusuum. — Methodus concordire. — Adhortatio ad Concilium. (/« Gratius, O. Fasciculus, ii. 1690.) Iames, 'r. Vita Wicelii. {In Gratius, O. I'asi-iculus, ii. 1690.) Witzschel, August, l.ulliers .\ufenthall auf der Wartliurg. Wien, 1S76. 17I'. pp. Ul + 74- WodrOTV, Robert. Collections upon the lives of tile reformers and most eminent ministers of the church of Scotland. Glasgow, 1834-45. 28X21. 2 V. in 4. Buckle's copy, with marginal notes. Wohlfarth, Joharm Friedrich Theodor. Melanchthon-Biichlein : Geschichte des Lebens des Reformators Philipp Melanchthon. Weimar, iSoo. iyXi4. PP- 8-1-133. Port. Wolf, Adam. Georg Kirchmair, 1481-1554. — Die WicdertSufer, 1524-1622. {In his Geschicht- liche liilder aus I lesterreich, i. 1878.) Das 'Wolffgesang. | [^Satirical w(lc/.'\ \ [VL-ises.'\ [Basel, 1522.] 22X16. pp. [42]. Weller, lief., 2225. Wdct initials. Repr. in Schade. 5fl^/rt-w, iii. A satire on the clergy^ written in 1520. Wolters, Albrecht. Konrad von Heresbach und iler Clevische Hof zu seiner Zeit : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Reforniationszeitalters und seines Humanismus. Elherfeld, 1867. 24!!. pp. 74-[il-f-276-|-4. Port. Woltmann, Alfred. Die deulsche Kunst und die Reformation. Berlin, 1867. 2oti. pp. 40. In Virchow u Holtzendorff", SniiimiHitg gemciu. 7uiss. Vortrdge, ii. Holbein and his time ; transl. by F. E. Btinnett. London, 1S72 24''. pp- 16 + 468. Illus. Woodford, William. Adversus Joh. Wicle- fum decertationes. (In Gratius, O. Fasciculus, i. 1690.) ■Woolton, John, Bp. of Exeter. Christian man- ual. Cambridge, 1851. i6h. pp. 6-l-i55-t-[i]. (Parker Soc.) ■Worms, Diet of See Germany — Reichstag, Wi'riii.i, 1^21. Wrede, Adolf. Die EinPuhrung der Reforma- tion im Fiirstentume Liineburg, bis zum Jahre 1530. Gottingen, 18B7. 29X22. pp. [2] -(-109-1- [i]. 'Inaugural- Dissertation,' Gottingen, 1887: merely the first half of the fol- lowing. ^* Die Einfiihrung der Reformation im Liine- burgischen durch Herzog Ernst den Bekenner. C. Gottingen, 1S87. 29X22. pp. [6] + 227. • Gekronte Preis- schrift.' ■Wright, Thomas. Satirical literature of the Reformation. (In his Essays on archaeological subjects, ii. 1861.) , compiler. Three chapters of letters relating to the suppression of monasteries [in England]. D. London, 1843. 23X18. pp. 164-304. (Vol. .xxvi of Cam- den Spc. Pub.) ■Wycliffe, John. See 'Wiclif Ximenes de Cisneros, Francisco, Cardinal. Hkh 1.1:, K. I- 1-ile of Cardinal Ximenez. i860. Young, M, Life and times of Aonio Paleario ; or, A history of the Italian reformers in the 1 6th century. Illustrated by original letters and unedited documents. London, i860. 23''. 2 v. The Reformers, beside Paleario, to whom chapters are devoted, are Valdes, Contarini, Ochino, Peter Martyr Vermiglio, Renee of Ferrara, Vutoria Colonna, Flamiiiio, Vergerio, Ciuioni, Caracciolo. and Carnesecchi. ZeEemann, Georg. Parentalis B. Lutheri et re- petita TtapaSoioon [.f;V] Jesuiticorum in Ratisbo- nensi CoUoquio proditorum consideratio, Witebergse . ., . 22. Febr. 1602. Witebergae, 1602. 19X16. pp. [3") Zeitung. -SVe Newe zeittung, Ne-we Zeytung. ZeUer, Jules. Italic et renaissance : politique, lettres, arts. [I453-1537-] ^-'ou^- ^'^- ref"n.r/.] I Tigvri excvdebat Christophorvs | Froschouerus Mense Augusto, Anno | m.d.xxxix. 33''. pp. [52] + 599- SINGLE WORKS. Ad Mat-| thajvm Albervm Rvtlin | gensium Ecclesiasten, de Ca;na Domi | nica, Huldrychi Zuin- glij I Epistola. | \_U'Jct.-] | [Text.] At end: Tigvri in a;dibus Christophori Fro- | schouer. Anno M.D. XXV. I Mense Martio. 16I1. pp. [28]. Te.>:tin italics. Wdct initial. The letter is dated 'ex Tiguro. 16. Nouembris. M.D.XXIIII." Eyn Antwurt Huld- | rychs Zuinglins vff die I epistel Joannis Pugenhag vss Pomeren, das I Nachtmal Christi betreffende. | [U'det.] \ [Text.] I Getruckt zu Ziirich by Christoffel I Froschouer, im jar | M.D.XXVI. 21X16. pp. [27]. Panzer, 3131. Wdct initials. Dated at 'Ziirich am 23. tag des Wynmonats," 1525. Vonn dem Nachtmal | Christi, widerge- dechtnus | oder Dancksagung Huldrychen Zuinglins meynung, | yelz jm Latinischen Commcntario be- schriben, vnnd | durch dry gctriiw briider ylends in tiitsch I gebracht. Ob Gott wil zu gu- | tern ouch tiitscher Xa j tion. | [ll'det.] \ [7i-.r/.] At end : Getruckt zu Ziirich durch Christopho- | rum Fro- schouer vff den .xviii t.ag | jm jar 2iXi6. pp. [88], Welter, .ffc/., 3691. Wdctiniluils. De- vice on reverse of last leaf. In vol. lettered Ziumgli, Ant- wort an Pugenltag. Nachhut von dem | Nachtmal oder der | Dancksagung Christi, durch Huldrychen | Zuinglin in Latin beschriben, vnd | durch (icorgen liinder | vertiitschet. | [IVdet.] \ [Text.] At end : Getruckt by Christophoro I Froschouer, im jar. | M.D.XXVI. [Ziirich,] 1526. 21X16. pp. [62]. Weller, Rep., 4058. Wdct initials. In vol. lettered Zivingii, Atitivnrt an Pu- genhag. Das dise wort | Jesu Christi, Da-s ist min | lychnam der fiir iich hinggeben wirt, | ewigklich den alten eynigcn sinn haben %verde« M.Di.xxin ; reverse jirinted Vith Latin verses. 37. Wdct, another treatment of no. 35 ; 5-9 i reverse not printed upon ; trimmed to edge of plate. 38. Wdct unsigned, with the date Anno i^^g; 10.6x8.2; half-length portrait, facing to right ; upon the head a flat cap ; in the hands a closed book ; very closely trimmed. 39. Wdct unsigned ; 9.6x8.3 ; half- length jjortrait, facing somewhat to the right, witli a flat cap ; in the hands a closed book ; superscrip- tion : D. Martin Luther; upon the reverse, the close of a sermon of Luther's ; Dise ernst/ic/ie 7oar- niing S. Peters sollen wir wol ermessen, etc. ; trimmed to edge of plate. 40. Wdct unsigned; 4.7; bust, facing to right ; circular in form : upon the front and reverse of the title-page to : Sepultiira Liitheri. Bej^retmiss O. Martini Luth'eri^ iredruckt zit Miii- liaiisen durcli Georgium HantzscI:, wonliafftig in der yndengassen im y/iar C/iristi l^S-f, 8". 41. Wdct of the second half of the l6th century; 14.1X10.6; half-length portrait fac- ing somewhat to the right, a closed book in the hands ; above : Vii'a imago rei'erendi c7>7, D. Mar- tini Lvtlieri singittari diiigentia I'l 'ilehergae de- picta. Anno f6 ; below, nine Latin distichs, signed y. //. C. ; size of sheet 27X12.5. 42. Wdct; 27.1X15.5; bust, fac- ing somewhat to the left ; in the right hand a roll, in the left a book ; behind the figure a parted cur- tain ; superscription : Bildnuss des Ehrivirdigen flerren Doctor Martin Liithers Anno I^S6 yahr; subscription, a twelve-line poem beginning, Eyssle- ben hat geboren mich Zn Eyss/ei'en bin gestorben ich^ etc. ; colored in old style, brown and damaged ; trimmed to the edge of plate. 43. Wdct, same as no. 42, with same verses but in different type, anil with the subscrip- tion : Zn Augspnrg bey Ilanns Schultes, Brieffmaler vnd Eornischneyder ; 30. 5X17.5. 44. Wdct upon the title-page of: Die Propheten alle Dendsch D. Mart. Luth. lilt- temberg, gedruckt hey M. yohan Craff't, .4nno 1600, 80 ; 3.8 ; bust, facing to left ; circular in form ; title border in wood engraving, 15.2x10, by the mono- grammist H. M. 45. Wdct unsigned, from a book of the 17th (?) century; 6.6x4.9; half-length portrait, facing to the left, with halo, and in the hands an open book ; in an oval ; below, a scroll without inscription ; on either side, vertically printed, two Latin verses ; the reverse printed with German text ; poorly executed. 46. Wdct unsigned, from a book ; l6.8x7-2 ; bust, facing to the left ; above, the Latin verses, Natiis es Islebij, divine Propheta Lvthere Retligio fulget te dnce. Papa jacet ; below, the same in German, Ltither: zii Eisslcben bist gcboern. Von Golt sin Prophet ansserhoern, Gottes IVort leuckt nun weit und breit, Durch dich der Pabst zu bo- den leidt; accortiing to an old manuscript inscrip- tion, from : Andreas Hartmann^ s Curriculum vitae I^utheri el Comoediae, Leipzig, 1600. 47. Wdct unsigned ; the title-page to : Die Christlichen-Evangclischen yubel-Predig- ten auff das Erste ho/ie Lutherische yubelfest . . . gehalten durch die vier Doclores vnd Professores der theologischen Eacultct in der Universitet Witten- berg, t6iy\ 12X9.7; bust, facing to left; circle, surrounded by an ornamented border, with cheru- bim aljove and below, and on the sides clusters of fruit ; u]3on the reverse, the inscription : D. Marti- nus Lutherus ; very closely trimmed. 48. Wdct unsigned, surrounded by woodcut border; 15.2X11.I; half-length portrait, facing to left ; in the hands an open book ; upon the reverse, the title to : Instruction vnd Ordnung wie es in . . . yohann Casimirs, Herizogen zu Sachsen . . . Landen . . . bey jelzo vorstehenden Evangelischen yubel-Fesl 31 Octobris l6iy . . ■ gehallen werden solle. Gedruckt zu Coburg in der Eiirstlichen Truckerei Anjio M.D.C.XVII \ size without bordet, 9.7x8.4; closely trimmed. 49. Wdct unsigned, of the 1 7th cen- tury ; 15.5X9.1 ; half-length portrait facing to right, pointing with h.mds to the open Bible ; oval, with an inscription ; above and below, in small ovals, portraits of Luther's wife, his daughter Magdalena, and his parents, likewise with inscriptions ; the whole in a rectangle ; below, four printed verses with the signature yohann Philipp Sesemann ; size of woodcut, 13.4x8.9; very closely trimmed. 50. Wdct unsigned, from a book of the 17th century, with text on the reverse; 16.4X 12 ; half-length portrait, facing somewhat to the right ; at the left, behind the head, a curtain ; in the hands a closed book ; closely trimmed. 51. Wdct from a book of the iSth century, with text on reverse ; later reprint of no. 50; 16.2X12. 1; half-length portr.ait, facing some- what to right, with a closed book in the hands ; at the left, behind the head, a curtain. 52. Aldegrever, H. Engraving by Heinrich Aldegrever, 1540; 17.7x12.5; bust, with the monogram of the artist ; Bartsch, 1S4 ; trimmed to edge of plate. 53. LoRCH, M. Engraving by Melchior Lorch, 1 548, according to the signature : Melchior Lorck, Flensbvrgen, Faciebat An. D. i^^S Svae .Aetatis 2r\ 28X17.5; half-length portrait, stand- iiig before desk, writing ; the partially colored sheet from a Bible, as stated by the following memoran- dum : 16 vnd ^I hab ich meiner Dochter maria mil- lern die bibel zu Katifen geben auf recht vnd redlich got geld; Bartsch 12. 54. BoisSARD, R. Engraving by Robert Bois- sard from Theod. de Bry, Icones virorum illustrium ; 14X 10.8 ; bust, facing to right, with an open book in the hands ; near the head and at the left, the monogram of the artist, a combined RB ; the por- trait is beneath an ornamented arch, with the super- scri))tion : Martinus Lutherus, etc., and the Latin subscription : Felix Vate tuo Germania, etc. ; trimmed to the edge of the plate. 55. Engraving of the end of the i6th century or beginning of the 17th; 18x12.5; 98 rOR TRAITS OF THE REFORMERS. bnst, facing somewhat to the left, the head cove.j;d with a flat cap ; Latin subscription : Martina's Lv- thei-js, TcrrihUi lanquam loni/i-v perccllete meiites, etc. ; tlio upjier and lower borders and the reverse of the slieet are covered with manuscript Latin notes on the life of Lulher. 56. Engraving, unsigned ; 14.8X 12.4; bust, facing to right, in furred robe ; inscrip- tion : Maitinvs Lvthcn'S. 57. Engraving, unsigned, end of the l6lh or beginning of 17th century, 18x13.1 ; bust, facing to right, with flat cap ; inscription : Martlii- nvs Lvtliey; closely trimmed. 58. Walch, H. p. Engraving from paint- ing by Lucas Cranach ; 29.2x20.6; half-length portrait, facing somewhat to the left, the left hand resting upon his coat of arms ; inscription : IFnar. Jiafic contrafactur D. Martini Liitlieri St-i-ligc^ gedaclitniiss, wie dicsclbe von Liicasser Cranichen dcm ieben nach giinacht ; N'e/ifn Auslegung seiti Hcrin Littheri gefiihrl:;n Wnppen. Inmasscn cr solche Hcryn Lasniv Spi'nglcrn Ratsclireibern dcr Slatt Niirmberg vbci'schrit-ben Mdnnigklichen zu giitem in diescm yitb^ljahr lOlJ. wider an den 7i7g gegeben; below, in 12 lines, a description of the arms ; at the left, below the description : Hanns Pliilip Walch Exciid. ; text engraved ; closely trinimed. 59. Engraving, unsigned, cut from a book; 8.5x6.5; half-length portrait, facing to right, an open book in the hands ; reverse jirinted upon ; superscription and subscription : Mar/inns Lutlurus; title of book is lacking; closely trimmed. 60. KiLlAN, L. Engraving by Lucas Kil- ian (signature at the left above the head); 23. 5X 15.6; half-length portrait, facing somewhat to the right, in the hands a closed book ; superscription ; Aigcndliche Bildiiuss Des Hockerleuchtcn Ekm'iir- digcn Hochgclchrten Mann Colics vnnd Ilci-rcn Mar- tini Lttt/iers, etc. ; below, a twelve-line poem be- ginning : Got hat diirch sein heiligcn Geist JMcin Herts e'fiillct allermeist; the name of the printer appears to have been cut off; trimmed to edge of plate. 61. KiLlAN, L. Engraving by Lucas Kil- ian (signature above at the left by the head) ; 25 X 15.5 ; half-length portrait, facing somewhat to the right, in the hands a closed book ; superscription : Aigcndliche Bildnuss Dess Hocherlciichten Ehr- wiirdlgcn Hochgclchrten Mann Gottes vnnd Hcrren Martini Lathers, etc. ; lielow, a twelve-line poem beginning: Tauscnd I'ier hundert Achzig Drey, War mein Geburts jar sag ich frey ; below that: Gcdruckt zu Augspurg, bey Johann Schiiltcs. In verlegung yohanti Klockcrs, Anno 1626; closely trimmed. 62. KllJ.\N, L.(?) Engraving by Lucas Kilian (?) ; 6x4.1 ; bust, facing somewhat to right ; in a circular border, bearing the inscription : Mar- tinvs Lvtherz's Doctor Anno Christi nat~>s est 14S3 ; enlarged to rectangle ; below, the monogram L. K. F. and the subscription : Herr Golt dii bist vnser zii- flucht fur vnd fur, Psal. go; beside this engraved inscription, the monogram U.K. ; trimmed to edge of plate. 63. Kli.lAN, P. Engraving by P. Kilian, with the signature of the artist below at the left; 7.5 X4.5 ; half-length portrait, facing to left; rejirc- sented as preacliing; an oval ; with the circum- scription : Doctor Marti nvs I.uthci'vs aetat. 6j ; the whole in a rectangle with Latin and German sub- scriptions. 64. Kilian, P. Engraving by P. Kilian (see no. 63) ; cut out of the rectangle and jiasted into an engraved title-page of the I7tli century; size of sheet 27.5x17.8; size of picture 5.6X4.3 ; half-length portrait, facing to left, in the left hand an ojien book, the right hand raised liefore the breast ; the poi trait is surrounded by a border, in the upper part of which is to be seen a prancing horse ; on the sides architectural constructions, and at the bottom female figures, some with mural crowns, and pouring water from vases (personifica- tion of cities and rivers) ; subscription : Doctor Martinvs Lnthei-c's Act. 6j ; closely trimmed. 65. Engraving with the subscrip- tion : Getruckt zu Laugingeu durch M. Jacob Win- ter im Jahr 161^; size of portrait 12.6X10.2; size of sheet 23.5x14.2; half-length portrait, facing somewhat to right; before him, an open book upon a desk ; in the right hand a pen, the left turning the leaves of the book ; superscription : Doctor Martinus Luther ein Dieuer Jesu Christi, and 34 verses ; closely trinimed. 66. Engraving. The same as no. 65, lightly colored. 67. Engraving unsigned; 9x6.3; half-length portrait, writing, facing to right ; suii- scription : D. Martinvs Lvthcrvs ; closely trimmed. 68. Engraving, unsigned, of the 17th century; 26.7X17.4, half-length portrait, fac- ing somewhat to right, holding in the hands an open book and a pen ; form, an oval in a rectangle ; at the right, above, a curtain ; three-line Latin inscrip- tion ; very closely trimmed. 69. Kauffer, M. Engraving by Michael Kauffer (signed below); size of portrait, 8.3X5.9; size of sheet, 14. IX 17.2; half-length portrait, facing toleft ; in the left handanopen book, the right raised before the breast; form, an oval surrounded by the tables of the law, the dove as symbol of the Holy Ghost, the Lamb, the chalice, and, in the corners, the symbols of the four Evangelists ; above, in a frame, the words: Gottes IVort und Luthers Lehr Vergehet nun undtiimcriuehr; below: Lass Hagle{/iagcln), lass Donnern und Blizen, Mein Jesu 'vird dennoch scin Hdufein Beschiizen ; portrait surrounded on three sides, right, left, and lower, by an engraved text, with the superscription ; Kurtzer discurss Ton dess Ehnoiirdigen und Hochgeldhrtcti Herrn D. Martini Lutheri Gcburt, Lehr, Lehcn und Sterben, etc. ; trinmied to edge of plate. 70. Kauffer, M. Engraving. Same as no. 69, without text; 8.3X5.9; very closely trinimed. 71. Hoi.tzhf.y, J. G. Engraving, with signature in lower right-hand corner, Sculpsit piae Memoriae causa M. Joh. Gottfried Holtzhey h. t. Past. Mellenbac. .A" l6Sg, mclioravit v. ao. j6gg ; 17X14.5; half-length portrait, facing to right, with book inhanils; in a heart-shaped frame, with Ger- man and Latin inscriptions, (the right side of the frame is cut away). 72. Meyer, C. Etching by C. Meyer, with the artist's monogram below at the left ; 2Z.2X 14.7; half-length portrait, facing toleft, an open Bi- ble in the hands, with the words: foh. in, 16. Also hatCott die loelt gelichct, etc.; below the picture, a seven-line German inscription : D. Marthin Lulher ward gcbohren zu Eisslcbcn, etc. 73. Masciiknuaur, A. Engraving by Andreas Maschenbaur; at the left, below, signa- ture of the artist ; 29X21; bust, facing to kfl'; in THE WHIIE I.IBKARY. 99 an oval, with the subscription : Martinvs Liithervs Doctor anno Christi natvs est 148J. 74. Mezzotint, without signature ; 10; liust, facing to left ; in circle, with inscription : D. Afar/in I.utlier i/ei- dritle Etias i/if letzlen Zeit 1717 ; closely trimmed. 75. Wkigki,, C. Mezzotint, with the signature below, in the niirliUe : Chr. \\'\'i«;t'I exc. ; 31X20.5 ; bust, facing to left ; in an oval with a socle in which is the subscription : /->. Martinns Liitheriis Naliis IsL'biac die X Novembr. /fS^, De- naliis ihiilein l-]-[; upon the front of the altar, twenty-four tJerni.an verses on two tablets : Martin Luther der Te-.nre Mann Johr.nn TetzeVs Ablass facht an, etc. ; be- low that : Tibi chervbin et Seraphin incessabili voce proclamant, and : jh'bilate animis gratis, jvbilate Deo; then, in a border embracing the representa- tion of figures, four Latin verses : Islehij tiatvs superis qnotjue redditus oris, etc. ; at light and left of that, med.allions with symbolic representations (swan and light) and the Latin circumscription : Olor invictvs virtvti divina, and : Jatii litcct omni- bus modio rcmoto, and the dates 15 1 7 and 1617; trimmed to edge of plate ; the reverse blank. j88. {and others). Same presentation as no. 186; front, 32.8x24; reverse, 28.7x19; pret- ty accur.ite copy of no. 187, with slight deviations in the text, as far as the last inscrijition ; then, in- stead of the four Latin verses, beginning: Islehij, etc., is a Latin prose inscription in four lines : Peri- eulorum mctum vincebat Spes . . . ita etiam quoti- diano tentationem exercitio toleravit B. I.iitheriis ; the names of engraver and pulilisher are wanting ; upon the reverse of the sheet is a similar represen- tation, only the arrangement of the persons is differ- ent ; the reformers stand at the sides, the electors in the center ; above are the .Saxon arms ; lielow, those of the reformers ; on the tablet, behind which the four persons stand, are, engraved under (he name of each individual, six German verses; below that are eight verses on the Juliet- Jahr: Freii dich werthe Christenheit Dass du etlebet hast die Zeit, etc. ; closely trimmed. 189. {and others). Unsigned copy of the presentation on the reverse of no. 188, with the same verses, differing only in the manner of writing and spelling; 32x19.8. 190. Grahle, C. Engr.ivingbyC. Grahle (below, at the right, signed: CG [combined], Sculpsit; at the right: Johann Deperr fecit; 38 X 22 ; Luther expels the indulgence-seller Tetzel ; Luther, as Augustinian monk, a light and the Hilile in his hands, steps out of tlie gate of the cloister, at the right ; the papacy, as a fire-breathing dragon, seeks to hold him back ; at the left, the indulgence- sellar, Tet.'el, runs away ; Latin and German super- scription and verses; below: Im Jnhr: IVblLate an I Mis i^ratls R'b/Late Deo [1617]. T}pis Gro- sianis. Gedruckt zii Leipzig. Durch Georgiunt Li- ger; see Drugulin, BiUler-.iilas, no. 1331. 191. Grahle, C. Engraving, same as no. 190; without superscription, and with the Latin verses (stuck on); all else is lacking; 16.2X21 ; closely trimmed. 102. Etching, unsigned ; size of etching, 18x25; size of text, 32.7X28.3; Gdtt- licher, Schriftmassiger, woldenclntnirdiger Traum, und griindtliche 'waihafflige Erzehlung fiirgebild- ten Tranms: welchcn der Durchleuchtigste . . . Churfiirst Friederich zu .Sachscn . . . die Nacht vor Alter Heyligen Abend 1517 zur Schweinitz dreymal nacheinander gchabt, als folgenden Tags D. Martin Luther seine Spriiche wider Johann Tetzels .4blass Krdmerev, an der Schloss Kirchen Thiir zu Wittenberg ahgeschlagen ; etching, witli four columns of text, and the subscription : Strass- burt;, zn finden bey Peter Aiibry. Im Jahr 1668; Lutiier, at the left, writes on the church door with a great quill that passes through the head of a lion ly- ing above the city of Rome, and knocks, with its end, the tiara from the head of the pope; from this quill the other reformers draw smaller quills; others draw quills from a goose [Huss] upon a pile of fagots ; at the right of that, the elector lying in bed, surrounded by figures of the apostles ; see Drugulin, Bilder-.itlas, no. 35; closely trimmed. 193. Grahi-E, C. Engraving, (signed be- low .at the right: C. Grahle, Scripsi sc), dedicated to Count Friedrich Christoph of Mansfeld, by M.l'.K. ; size of engraving, 31.6x37.8; size of text, 32X36.3 ; a page of text in five columns with the 'subscription : Eurgeliildet vnd beschi-ieben von Petro K'irchbach. Erstlnh Gedruckt zu Leipzig durch Johann Gliick. 7m Jahr 1617. Same presenta- tion as no. 192 ; closely trimmed ; the engraving damaged and mounted. 194. Engraving, unsigned; 18.2X 31.2; similar to nos. 192 and 193; not so rich in figures, however, and the text is lacking ; super- scription : Des Chur-Fiirsten zu .'OQV-\.\'S,,].C, of Leipzig, Engrav- io6 PORTRAITS OF THE REFORMERS. ing, signed below in the center : J. C.B. [combined] Sc. Z. ; 1 7.2x13.6; title-page to the VVohlhe- -iiahrter evangclischer Atig-Apfd oder D. Augiisti Pfeijfcrs Sermones iiber die Aiigspurgische Confes- sion ; above, a view of the city of Augsburg, with an angel hovering above it ; below, the fuU- Icnglh portraits of Luther and the Elector John of Saxony ; closely trimmed. 226. {and others). BocKLiN", J. C. En- graving ; signed below, at the left : F. C. B. sc. ; 19.5X15.6; half-length portraits of Luther, the Elector John the Constant, the Elector August of Saxony, and the Elector Christian II of Saxony; title-page from the Christlichcs ConcordienSiicli homtsgcgehen von M. Hemrich Pippitig ; see Heineken, Dictionnaire des artistes, etc., vol. Ill, p. ^j; closely trimmed. 227. KlUAN, L. Engraving by Lucas Ki- lian, signed below ; 17X13.3; title-page to the sec- ond part of Johann Conrad Goebel's, .Aiigspiogische Confessions - Predigten. Gedruckt sii .-liigspiifg dnrch Johann Schulthciss Anno MDCXXXIV; above in the clouds, kings with harps, and the superscription : Heilig, Heilig, Heilig est der Ilerr Zehaolh ; at the left, the Fall of Man ; below, the Expulsion from Paradise; at the right, Luther and Frederic the Wise under the crucifix ; below that, the Ascension of Christ ; closely trimmed. 228-9. Par.wicinus, F. B. Engraved title and title-page to the eighth part of the : Teiitsche Schrifflen D. Martini Lutheri, collected by the or- der of Duke Frederic of Saxony, iind in zchen Theil- en verf asset; edited by Johann Friedrich Sagittarius, Altenburg, 1661-64, fol. ; the one sheet signed be- low, at the right: F. B. Paravicinus; 29.7X19- 19.5 ; the two sheets contain, besides the full-length portrait of Luther (near him, his arms and a swan), sixteen sketches from the life of Luther, from his birth to his death ; very closely trimmed. 230. Wdct, without signature ; on the title-page of : Kirchen-Postillr., Das ist : Anss- legung der Epistein nnd Evange/ien, von Ostern hiss (tuff den Advent. Doct. Mart. Luth., Lunelnirg, 1637, fol. ; upon the sheet a woodcut ; Luther and the Elector John of Saxony kneeling under the cru- cifix ; 11x13. 231. Engraving unsigned; 27X 17.6; Arbor Juslitiae ; Luther lies in the casket; from his breast grows a tree with the symbols of Christianity : Faith (the cross). Love (heart), Hope (anchor), and the Lamb; the tree is defended by Justice with sword and scales against Envy (Invi- dia) with a club in its hand, snakes in its hair and at its girdle ; German Bible-verses on the casket and in the air ; upon the casket, in a Latin chrono- gram, is the year 1709 ; trimmed to edge of plate. 232. Engraving unsigned ; 29 X 18.8; similar presentation as no. 231 ; instead of the German words Clauhe, Licbe, I/offniing, and Ergcbung in the tree, Charitas, Fides, Spes, and Pa- tientia are represented by human figures ; trimmed to edge of plate. 233. Engraving unsigned; 34X21; similar presentation to no. 232 ; superscription : A/aiediclioarboris Lutheri; angels endeavor to fell the tree, upon which are owls, spiders, and serpents; at the right, another angel is bringing wood to burn the writings of Luther; Religion (!) wilh crosier, cup, and key holds the torch to the cut-up Imoks ; over the corpse of Luther creep serpents, lizards, anil lo.ids ; twelve engraved German verses as su- ])erscrii)tion : Sto/lt doch niir einmahl ein . . . . Den Jtauin hhennt man an friichtcn ; in the super- scription is the date 1 709 in a chronogram ; very closely trimmed. 234. Engraving unsigned; 27X 17.3; memorial sheet: Auf das grosse Reforma- tions und Jubel Fest so in Berlin am 2^. Sontage nach Trinitatis Anno lyiy gefeirct -uorden ; at the left Christ drives the money changers from the temple ; in the center stands Luther, by him a swan, extending the Bible to the clergy standing at the right with the Pope at their head ; below, eight engraved verses, beginning : Der Heyland treibet fort die Kduffer nnd Verkduffer, etc. ; closely trimmed. 235. Colored engraving unsigned, of the l8th century; 29.8x19.4; half-length por- trait of Luther and three Salzburg teachers 'und Glaubcnsbriider in C/iristo' : Paulus Sjieratus, for- merly cathedral preacher of Salzburg, Martin Lodi- ger of Castein, and 'Georg Schdrer von Salfehl -aiel- chcr 9 fahr ein weltlicher Priestcr so dann ein Bar- fiisser Mdnrh warden ii. ?iachgehends ein Evange- lise h er Prediger 2 u Rods tad t itn Ertz Bissth um Sa Itz - biiig, allwo er um des Eva?tgeli will en niit dem Sclnoerd hingertehtworden' ; subscriptions; trimmed to edge of plate. 236. (and others). Engraving un- signed ; from Weislinger's Friss J'ogel oder stirb ; 12.9X16.3; Wiclif, Hus, Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Melanchthon, Bucer, and Beza stand before a cloth- covered table, upon which are the works of St. Au- gustine and Luther ; in front of these, a bird, and under it the words : F'riss Vogel oder stirb ; a boy, standing near the table, points with his right hand to these words ; with his left, he holds the open Bible ; behind that a light, and behind the light a church upon a mountain ; closely trimmed. 237. and Tetzel, Johann. Wdct, unsigned, of the iSlh century ; size, without sub- scription, 14.5x13.1; full-length portraits of Lu- ther and Tetzel, standing; subscription, printed: Doctor Luther wich kein Haar von den rcitien Gottes IVorte, Ob ihn gleich der Neid nnd Ifass drohte mil dem Bann u. Mordte Tetzel aber suchtc nur Pabst Leonem zit vogntigen Und die Lcute in del Welt durch den A Mass zu betriigcn; trimmeil to edge of plate. 238. Wdct, unsigned ; same as no. 237 ; two-line subscription : Wind Liigen und Be- Irug war Tetzels sein Geschdfftc, Das aber Luthcrs Gcist auf Christi Wort gebracht; the following lines are cut off. 239. Engraving, unsigned, of the 18th century, engraved from a picture of the l6th century; 14.6X9.2; Luther's arms ( 7'ii(/i-j7iw//i<-H); on the shield, Luther in his casket; as helmet orna- ment, half-length figure of death with bow and ar- rows ; as shield bearers, naked male and female figures with scrolls ; closely trimmed. 240. DliNKER. Engraving; in circle ; of the end of the l8th century, by Philipp Ileinrich Duncker or ISalthasar Anton Dunker ; signed below with a /) ; 6.8x6.5 ; two devils before a table, upon which a dish stands ; subscription : WolVn doch sehn obs bey Luthern nichts zu nasehcn gieht; see Nagler, Monogravimistcn, vol. II, no. 91 1. 241. Engraving, unsigned, published in Niirnberg by Friedrich Cfimpe ; 39X33.3; me- morial tablet, dedicated to all the admirers of Dr. Martin Lulhcr, .at the celebration of the Ihinl Re- formation-jubilee, October 31, 1817; in the center, a [lortrait of I.ulher surrounded by eight scenes from his life, willi corresponding inscriptions. FOR REFERENCE Do Not Take From This Room