i m THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Sift U.C. Library [by authority.] INFANTRY TACTICS, FOE THE INSTRUCTION, EXERCISE, AND MANffiTJVRES THB SOLDI^E, A COMPAN^Y, LINE OF BKIRMISHEKS, BATTALION, BEIGADK, CORPS d'arme: BRIG.-GEN. SILAS CASEY, A^ol. II. School of the Battalwil NEW YORK: D. YAN NOSTRAXD, 192 BROADWAY. 1862. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, By D. van NOSTEAND, In the Clerk's Oflice of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York, \ho . i^ Q^tJaL \;.% •5. t ABBREVIATIONS. 8. 8. Will Btand for School of the Soldier, L & a " 11 w School of the Company. p^ > & B. * " " School of the Battalion. o KB. " " " Evolutions of a Brigade. Paragraphs marked ^^e suspended, and ■will not bo taught. CHANGES. Paragraphs 94 and 95, S. B., will be apphcable to any skirmishers from the battahon, the duties indi- eaied for the junior major can be assigned to any other officer by the colonel. In paragraph 95 the words, " as indicated Nos. 84 and 86" will be omitted. Paragraph 156, S. B., will be apphcable to any skirmishers from the battahon. Paragraph 158, S. B., will read as foUowa: "wiD serve equally for two, three, or five divisions." Paragraph 342 wiU be apphcable to any skirmishers, omitting after " Xo. 95." Paragraph 364, S. B., wiU be apphcable to any skirmishers. Paragraphs 785 and 786, S. B., will be apphcable to a^y skirmishers from the battahon. Paragraph 787, S. B., the latter part will read as foUows : " They will take their proper places in the Hne, under the direction of the colonel." Paragraphs 802, 803, and 804, S. B., will be appli- j cable to any skirmishers from the battalion. Paragraphs 901 and 902, S. B., are applicable tc ^Y skirmishers from the battalionj omit tiie last sen ice of 902. iL ^ <^f Cj A.dd the following remarks to paragraph 910, S. B.: 'If there are ten companies present, the first, third, ^d fifth, should be behind the second, fourth, and gixth, and the tenth and eighth should be behind the ninth and seventh. If there are nine companies, the ninth will be considered a division column." Paragraph 912, S. B., add: "The same remark wiD apply to nine or to seven companies." Paragraph 928, S. B., add as follows: "When more tJian eight companies are present, at the second com- mand, the fifth company will face to the right, the sixth will stand fast. At the command March, the fifth will take its place on the right of, and on a line with the sixth." Paragraph 934, S. B., add the following: ""WTien more than eight companies are present, at the second command, the sixth wiU stand fast, and the fifth will fiace to the left." Paragraph 936, S. B., add as follows: ""When more than eight companies are present, the sixth company will stand fast, and the fifth will take its place in its rear." On the second lines of paragraphs 1041, S. B., and 1045, S. B., for " last division" read " next to the last division." Paragraph 1089, S. B., the latter clause will read as fcdlows: "and take their proper distances." Paragraphs 1196, 1197, 1198, and 1199, S. B., ace i^phcable to any skirmishers from the battahon. INFANTRY TACTICS TITLE V. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION. Formation of the battalion. 1. Evert colonel will labor to habituate hia battalion to form line of battle, by night as well as by day, with the greatest possible prompti- tude. 2. The color-company will generally be desig- nated as the directing company. That, as soon as formed, will be placed on the direction the colonel may have determined for the line of bat- tle. The other hattulion companies will form on it, to the right and left, on the principles of suc- cessive formations, which will be herein pre- scribed. 0-3. The companies of slcirmi^Tiers will be formed in rear of the battalion, and in the position pre- scribed, Ko. 9, Title I. 4. The color-bearer may have received the color from the hands of the colonel ; but if there be daylight, and time, the color will be produced with due solemnity. 1* 6 ESCORT OF COLOE. COMPOSITION AND MARCH OF THE OOLOE-ESOOET. 5. When tlie battalion turns out under arms, and the color is wanted, a battalion company, other than that of the color, will be put in march to receive and escort it. 6. The march will be in the following order, in quick time, and without music ; the field mu- sic, followed by the band ; the escort in coluinn by platoon, right in front, with arras on the right shoulder, and the color-bearer between the pla- toons. 7. Arrived in fi*ont of the tent or quarters of the colonel, the escort will form line, the field music and band on the right, and arms will be brought to a shoulder. 8. The moment the escort is in line, the color- bearer, preceded by the first lieutenant, and fol- lowed by a sergeant of the escort, will go to receive the color. 9. When the color-bearer shall come out, fol- lowed by the lieutenant and sergeant, he will halt before the entrance ; the escort will present arms, and the field music will sound to the color. 10. After some twenty seconds, the captain will cause the sound to cease, arms to be shoul- dered, and then break by platoon into column ; the color-bearer will place himself between the platoons, and the lieutenant and sergeant will resume their posts. 11. The escort will march back to the battalion to the sound of music in quick time, and in the same order as above, the guide on the right. TTie march will be so conducted that when the ESCOET OF COLOR. T escort arrives at one hundred and fiftj paces in front of the right of the battalion, the direction of the march will be parallel to its front, and when the color arrives nearly opposite its place in line, the column will change direction to the left, and the right guide will direct himself on the centre of the battalion. nONOES PAID TO THE COLOE. 12. Arrived at the distance of twenty paces from the battalion, the escort will halt, and the music cease ; the colonel will place himself sis paces before the centre of the battalion, the color- bearer will approach the colonel, by the front, in quick time ; when at the distance of ten paces, he will halt : the colonel will cause arms to be presented, and to the color to be sounded, which being executed, the color-bearer will take his place in the front rank of the color-guard, and the battalion, by command, shoulder arms. 13. The escort, field music, and band, will rC' turn in quick time to their several places in line of battle, marching by the rear of the battalion. 14. The color will be escorted back to the col- onel's tent or quarters, by the color-company, for which purpose the captain of that company, on an intimation from the colonel, will march his company six paces to the front, and wheel it by platoon to the right. The color-bearer will take his place between the platoons. 15. The escort will be marched parallel to the battalion, and at six paces from the line, the guide right, arms shouldered, the music playing, 8 ESOOET OF COLOE. and in the order prescribed iSTo. 6. The colonel will cause the battalion to present arms when the escort commences its march, and when it ar- rives opposite the right flank of the battalion he will cause arms to be shouldered. 16. As soon as the color-bearer has passed the right flank of the battalion, the escort will be directed to the place of deposit for the color, and in the same order as above. 17. Arrived in front of the tent or quarters, the escort will be halted, and wheeled into line, the field music and band on the right. The mo- ment the escort is in line, the first lieutenant and a sergeant, designated for the purpose, will take a position faced to the front, six paces in advance of the centre of the escort, the lieutenant on the right, and at a distance of three paces from the sergeant, and the color-bearer will take his place between them, and abreast of the centre of the company, facing in the same direction. The mu- sic will then sound to the color, and arms pre- sented. After about twenty seconds the music will cease, arms will be shouldered, the first lieu- tenant, color-bearer, and sergeant, will face to the right, and marching in this order wiU conduct the color to its place of deposit. 18. When the color bearer and sergeant shall have resumed their proper places in the ranks, the escort will be wheeled by platoon to the right, and marched to the parade ground in the order prescribed No. 6. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION. 9 General rviles and division of the school of the Battalion. 19. This scliool has for its object the instrno- tion of battalions singly, and thus to prepare them for manoeuvres in line. The harmony so indispensable in the movements of many battal- ions, can only be attained by the use of the same commands, the same principles, and the same means of execution. Hence, all colonels and ac- tual commanders of battalions Avill conform them- selves, -without addition or curtailment, to what will herein be prescribed, 20. When a battalion instructed in this drill shall manoeuvre in a brigade, the colonel will regulate its movements as prescribed in the third volume of these Tactics. 21. The school of the battalion will be divided into five parts. 22. The first will compreliend opening and closing ranks, and the execution of the different fires. 23. The second, the different modes of passing from the order in battle, to the order in column. 24. The third, the march in column, and the other movements incident thereto. 25. The fourth, the different modes of passing from the order in column to the order in battle. 26. The fifth will comprehend the march in line of battle, in advance and in retreat ; the pas- sage of defiles in retreat ; the march by the flank; the formation by file into line of battle; the change of front ; the column doubled on the cen- tre ; the formation of division columns ; disposi- tions against cavalry ; the rally of skirmishers on 10 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET I. the battalion, and their disposition in the column about to form square ; the rally, and rules for manoeuvring by the rear rank. PART FIRST. OPKNnrQ AND CLOSING EANKS, AND THE EXECU- TION OF THE DIFFEEENT FIEE8. Aeticle I. To open and to close ranks. 27. The colonel, wishing the ranks to be opened, will command : 1. Prepare to open ranlcs. 28. At this command, the lieutenant-colonel and senior major will place themselves on the right of the battalion, the first on the flank of the file closers, and the second four paces from the front rank of the battalion. 29. These dispositions being made, the colonel will command : 2, To the rear^ open order. 3. Kaech« 30. At the second command, the covering ser- geants, and tlie sergeant on the left of the batta- lion, will place themselves four paces in rear of the front rank, and opposite their places in line of battle, in order to mark the new alignment of SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART I. 11 the rear rank ; thej will be aligned by the senior major on the left sergeant of the battalion, who wiU be careful to place himself exactly four paces in rear of the front rank, and to hold his piece between the eyes, erect and inverted, the better to indicate to the senior major the direction to be given to the covering sergeants. 31. At the command march., the rear rank and the file closers will step to the rear without count- ing steps; the men will pass a little in rear of the line traced for this rank, halt, and dress forward on the covering sergeants, who will align correctly the men of their respective companies. 32. The file closers will fall back and preserve the distance of two paces from the rear rank, glancing eyes to the right ; the lieutenant-colonel will, from the right, align them on the file closer of the left, who, having placed himself accurately two paces from the rear rank, will invert his piece, and hold it up erect between his eyes, the better to be seen by the lieutenant-colonel. 33. The colonel, seeing the ranks aligned, will command : 4. Feont. At this command, the lieutenant colonel, senior major and the left sergeant, will retake their places in line of battle. 34. The colonel will cause the ranks to be closed by the commands prescribed for the in- eiructor in the S. (7., No. 28. 12 SCHOOL or THE BATTALION PABT I. Aeticle II. Manual of arms. 35. The ranks being closed, the colonel will cause the following times and pauses to be exe- cuted : Present arms. Shoulder arms. Order arms. Shoulder arms. Support arms. Shoulder arms. Fix hayonets. Shoulder arms. Charge hayonet. Shoulder arms. Unfix Ijayonet. Shoulder arms, 0-36. The companies of skirmishers wiU not generally execute the manual of arms or open ranks \rith the battalion companies, but for purposes of instruction in those movements, the colonel TviU sometimes cause them to take post on the right of the battalion. The junior major wiU in this case, place himself twelve paces in rear of the file closers, and opposite the centre of the companies of skirmishers. Aeticle m. Loading at -will, and the firings. 37. The colonel will next cause to be executed loading at will, by the commands prescribed in the S. C.^ Iso. 45 ; the officers and sergeants in the ranks wiU half face to the right with the men at the eighth time of loading, and will face to the front when the men next to them come to a shoulder. 8CH00-L OF THE BATTALION PAET I. 18 38. The colonel will canse to be executed the fire bv company, the fire by wing, the fire by battalion, the fire by file, and the fire by rank, by the commands to be herein indicated. 39. The fire by company and the fire by file will always be direct; the fire by battalion, the fire by wing, and the fire by rank, may be either direct or oblique. 40. When the fire ought to be oblique, the colonel will give, at every round, the caution right (or left) ohlique^ between the commands ready and aim. 41. The fire by company will be executed alter- nately by the right and left companies of each division, as if the division were alone. The right company will fire first; the captain of the left will not give his first command till he shall see one or two pieces at a ready in the right com- pany; the captain of the latter, after the first discharge, will observe the same rule in respect to the left company ; and the fire will thus bo continued alternately. 42. The colonel will observe the same rule in the firing by wing. 43. The fire by file will commence in all the companies at once, and will be executed as has been prescribed in the S. (7., No. 55 and follow- ing. The fire by rank will be executed by each rank alternately, as has been prescribed in the S. C, No. 58, and following. 44. The color-guard will not fire, but reserve itself for the defence of the color. VOL. n.— 2 14 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET I. THE FIEE BY COMPANY. 45. The colonel, wishing the fire by companj to be executed, will command : 1. Fire ly company. 2. Commence firing 46. At the first command, the captains and covering sergeants will take the positions indi- cated in the S. 6'., Iso. 49, 47. The color and its guard will step back at the same time, so as to bring the front rank of the guard in a line with the rear rank of the battalion. T%is rule is general for all the different firings. 48. At the second command, the odd-numbered companies will commence to fire ; their captains will each give the commands prescribed in the S. (7., !N"o. 50, observing to precede the command company by that of Jirst, third, fifth, or seventh^ according to the number of each. 49. The captains of the even-numbered com- panies will give, in their turn, the same com- mands, observing to precede them by the number of their respective companies. 50. In order that the odd-numbered compa- nies may not all fire at once, their captains will observe, but only for the first discharge, to give the command fire one after another ; thus, the captain of the third company will not give the command ^re until he has heard the fire of the first company ; the captain of the fifth will ob- serve the same rule with respect to the third, and the captain of the seventh the same rule with respect to the fifth. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAET I. 15 51. The colonel will cause the fire to cease by the sound to cease firing ; at this sound, the men will execute what is prescribed in the S. C, Na 63 ; at the sound, for officers to take their places after firing, the captains, covering sergeants, and color-guard, will promptly resume their places in line of battle : this rule is general for all the firings. THE FIEE BY WEN'O. 52. When the colonel shall wish this fire to be executed, he will command : 1. Mre hy wing. 2. Right wing. 3. Eeadt. 4. Aim. 5. Fire. 6. Load. 53. Tlie colonel will cause the wings to fire alternately, and he will recommence the fire by the commands, 1. Right wing ; 2. Aim; 3. Fiee; 4. Load. 1. Left icing ; 2. Aim ; 3. Fire ; 4. Load; in conforming to what is prescribed Xo. 42. THE EIRE BY BATTALION. 54. The colonel will cause this fire to be exe- cuted by the commands last prescribed, substi- tuting for the first two, 1. Fire hy battalion; 2. Battalion. THE EIRE BY PILE. 55. To cause this to be executed, the colonel will command : 16 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAPwT I. 1. Fire ly file. 2. Battalion. 3. Ready. 4. Commence firing. 56. At the fourth command, the fire will com- mence on the right of each company, as pre- scribed in the 8. (7., Xo. 57. The colonel may, if he thinks proper, cause the fire to commence on the right of each platoon. THE FIRE BY BANK. 57. To cause this fire to be executed, the colonel will command : \. Firely ranh. '2^. Battalion-. 3. Ready. 4^. Rear rank. 5. Aim. 6. Fiee. 7. Load. 58. This fire will be executed as has been ex- plained in the >S'. C, oSTo, 59, in following the pro- gression prescribed for the two ranks, which should fire alternately. TO fiee by the eeae eank. 59. When the colonel shall wish the battalion to fire to the rear, he will command : 1. Face ly the rear rank. 2. Battalion. 3. Aboil t — Face. 60. At the first command, the captains, cover- ing sergeants, and file closers will execute what has been prescribed in the S. (7., ISTo. 69; the color-bearer will pass into the rear rank, and SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAKT I. 17 for this purpose, the corporal of his file will step before the corporal next on his right to let the color-bearer pass, and will then take his place in the front rank ; the lieutenant-colonel, adjutant, senior and junior majors, sergeant-major, and the music, will place themselves before the front rank, and face to the rear, each opposite his place in the line of battle — the first two passing around the right, and the others around the left of the battalion. 0-61. At tbe same command, the first company of ^irmishers will face to the right, and the second to the left ; they will be marched by their CBptains around the right and left flanks of the battalion respectively, and faced to the rear oppo- site their places in line of battle, the right of each company toward the proper left of the battalion. 62. At the third command, the battalion will face about ; the captains and covering sergeants observing what is prescribed in the^'. C, No. 70. 63. The battalion facing thus by the rear rank, the colonel will cause it to execute the different fires by the same commands as if it were faced by the front rank. 64. The right and left wings will retain the same designations, although faced about ; the companies also wiU preserve their former desig- nations, 2iQ first, second^ third^ &c. 65. The fire by file will commence on the left of each company, now become the right. 66. The fire by rank wiU commence by the front rank, now become the rear rank. This rank will preserve its denomination. a* 18 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET I. 67. The captains, covering sergeants, and color- gnard will, at the first command given by the colonel, take the places prescribed for them in the fires, with the front rank leading. 68. The colonel, after firing to the rear, wish- ing to face the battalion to its proper front, will command : 1. Face hy the front ranlc. 2. Battalion. 3. About — Face. 69. At these commands, the battalion will re- turn to its proper front by the means prescribed Nos. 60, 61 and 62. 70. The fire by file being that most used in war, the colonel will give it the preference in the preparatory exercises, in order that the battalion may be bronght to execute it with the greatest possible regularity. 0-71. The companies of skirmishers will not fire when the line fires, except behind a breastwork, or other defensive mask, when they may be brought into line for that purpose. 72. When the colonel may wish to give some , relaxation to the battalion, without breaking the ranks, he wiU execute what has been prescribed in the S. C, Nos. 37 and 38 or Nos. 39 and 40. 73. "WTien the oclonel shaU wish to cause arms to be stacked, he wiU bring the battalion to | ordered arms, and then command : i 1 Stoik — Ajems. 2. Break rank». ' 3. ]Maegh. j I y^l o Sckool of tke Battalion. pi / ^HIIIIII II IIIl il llliliMf ■ JiJiK HH !!| |i||i;iWlf'''!P-^ HiMiiiniiiliiiiiifiV " ^ H!i!;l!!l!!!:ll'^liri!l'f^' Hli|l| l llil ll lil ! li l l ! l l i!P' s i ii i iB iiii i ii iiii i iii i iii i g ' ^ ^a^ i iiMigJF 7V' hrntk hy ccmtjjanytoth.: Ti— March). 119. At the first command, each captain will step briskly in front of the centre of his company, and caution it to face by the right Jianh. 0-120. At the same command, each chief of pla- toon of the companies of skirmishers, will step in front of the centre of his platoon, and caution it to face by the right JlanTc. 121. At the command march^ the battalion wOl face to the right, the color and general guides will retake their places in ranks: each captain will move rapidly to the right of his com- pany, and cause it to break to the right; the •overing sergeant placed in front of the front- SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART IL 31 rank man of the first file of each company, -will conduct it perpendicularly to the rear ; the other files will come by wheeling successively into the position previously occupied by the first. The captains will see their companies file past them ; and when the last files have wheeled, the colonel will command : 4. Battalion dy the leftjlanh — Maech, 5. Chuide left. 0-122. At the third command by the colonel, the chief of each platoon of the companies of skirmishers, will cause the right of his platoon to break as indicated iSTo. 116, and be conducted to the rear as prescribed No. 117. 123. At the fourth command by the colonel, the battalion companies will face to the left, and march in column in the new direction. The captains will place themselves in front of the centres of their respective companies. At the fifth command, the guides will conform to the principles of the march in column ; the leading one will move in the direction indicated to him \>j the lieutenant-colonel. The men will take the touch of elbows to the left. 0-124. At the fourth command, the platoons of the companies of skirmishers will face by the left flank, and at the fifth, will take their guide to the left. 125. To break to the rear by the left, the col- onel will give the same commands as in the case of breaking to the rear by the right, substituting the indication left for that of right. 32 BOnOOL OF THE BATTALION PART II. 126. The movement will be executed acoord- ing to the same principles. Each captain will hasten to the left of his company, cause the first three files to break to the rear, and then place his breast against the right file of the company next on the left of his own, in the manner prescribed above. 127. As soon as the three files break to the rear, the left guide of sach company will place him- self before the front-rank man of the headmost file, to conduct him. • x 128. The instant the companies face to the front, the right guide of each will place himself so that his right arm may lightly touch the breast of his captain. 0-129. The companies of skirmishers will break to the rear by the left, according to the principles prescribed !N"os. 110, 116 and 117. In this case, the second platoon of each company will be aligned on the first and last battalion companies respectively. 130. The battalion may be broken by division to the rear, by the right or left, in like manner ; in this case, the indication divisions will be substi- tuted, in the first command, for that of compa- nies; the chiefs of division will conform them- selves to what is prescribed for the chiefs of com- pany. The junior captain in each division will place himself, when the division faces to a fiank, by the side of the covering sergeant of the left company, who steps into the front rank. 0-131. When the battalion breaks to the rear by division, the chiefs of platoon of the compa- nies of skirmishers will lead off their platoons a SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET II. 33 distance equal to once and a half a companj front^ before halting in their own person, to let them file past as indicated No. 117. 132. If there be an odd nnmber of companies, and the battalion break bv division to the rear, whether by the right or left, the captain of the left company will conform to what is prescribed ^o. 89. 0-133. In the case above indicated, the platoons of the companies of skirmishers will be conclud- ed, so as to conform to the principles prescribed in 1^0. 91. 134. This maimer of breaking into column be- ing at once the most prompt and regular, will be preferred on actual service, unless there be some particular reason for breaking to the front. 135. If the battalion be in line and at a halt, and the colonel should wish to advance or retire by the right of companies, he will command : 1. By the right of companies to the front (or rear), 2. Battalion right — ^Face. 3. March (or dou- ble quick — Maech). 4. Guide right (left) cr (c&ntre). 136. At the first command, each captain will move rapidly two paces in front of the centre of his company, and caution it to face to the right ; the covering sergeants will replace the captains in the front rank, 0-137. At the same command, each chief of pla- toon of the companies of skirmishers, will move rapidly in front of the centre of his platoon, and caution it to face to the right. 34 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PAKT II. 138. At the second command, the battalion will face to the right, and each captain, moving qnicldy to the right of his company, will cause files to break to the front, according to the prin- ciples indicated 'No. 111. 0-139. At the same command, the companies of skirmishers will face to the right, and each chief of platoon moving quickly to its right, will cause files to break to the front, and will place himself Eiccording to the principles indicated N"o. 116. 140. At the command march, each captain, placing himself on the left of his leading guide, will conduct his company perpendicularly to the original line. At the fourth command, the guide of each company will dress to the right, left, or centre, according to the indication given, taking care to preserve accurately his distance. 0-141. At the command march^ each chief of platoon of the companies of skirmishers, will halt in his own person, and let his platoon file past him, and when the left file has arrived abreast with him each captain vi^iYL command: 1. Marie time 2. Maech. At the second command, given the instant the left files are abreast with their chiefs, the platoons will mark time, each captain will then command: 1. Forward. 2. Maech. At the first command, each chief of platoon will place , himself by the side of his guide, at the command j march^ given at the instant the battalion compa- * nies have prolonged themselves their entire length in the new direction, the platoons will step off', the first platoon of the companies, on the prolongation of the first and last batt^on companies respectively. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAKT II. 85 0-142. When the battalion retires by the right of companies, the first and last battalion com- panies will march on the prolongation of the first platoons of the companies of skirmishers, respectively. The lieutenant-colonel will see that the guide of the platoon on the directing flank marches in the proper direction. Should the colonel command: guide centre^ the right general guide will immediately place himself on a line with the platoon guides, and abreast with the guide of the right centre company. He will be assured in this position by the lieutenant-colo- nel, and the platoon guides of the companies of skirmishers will align themselves upon him, pre- serving their proper distances; the guide of the right centre company will march in the trace of this guide, preserving from him a distance of about thirty-three paces. 143. If the colonel should wish to move to the front, or rear, by the left of companies, the I movement will be executed by the same means I and the same commands, substituting left for i right, 1 0-144. The companies of skirmishers will move to the front or rear by the left of platoons on I the same principles as by the right. In this \ case, each second platoon will march on the ' prolongation of the first and last battalion com- panies respectively and conversely. 145. If the battalion be in march, and the colonel should wish to advance or retire by the right of companies, he will command : 1. By the right of companies to the front (or 36 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART II. rear). 2. Battalion, hy the right flanh. 3. March (or double quick — Maech). 4. Guide right {left) or {centre.) 146. Which will be executed according to the principles and means prescribed Nos. 119 and following, and 136 and following. At the first command, the color and general guides will take their places as in column. 0-147. When advancing or retiring by the right of companies, the platoons of the companies of skirmishers will execute the movement accord- ing to the means and principles prescribed I^os. 120, 122, 139, 141, and 142. 148. If the colonel should wish to advance or retire by the left of companies, the movement will be executed by the s^e means and the same commands, substituting left for right. 0-149. The companies of skirmishers will ad- vance or retire by the left of platoons, on the same principles as by the right, observing what is required No. 144. 150. If the battalion be advancing by the right or left of companies, and the colonel should wish to form line to the front, he will com- mand : 1. By companies into line. 2, 'hlLKRC'H. {ov double quick Maech). 3. Guide centre. 151. At the command march^ briskly repeated by the captains, each company will be formed into line, as prescribed in the S. C., No. 155. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET II. 37 152. At the third command, the color and general guides will move rapidly to their places in line, as will be hereinafter prescribed No. 480. 0-153. The platoons of the companies of skir- mishers will come into line at the same time with the battalion companies in the manner pre- scribed in the S. C, iSTos. 163 and 165. 154. If the battalion be retiring by the right or left of companies,- and the colonel should wish to form line facing the enemy, he will first cause the companies to face about while march- ing, and immediately form in line by the com- mands prescribed No. 150, and by the means in- dicated in the 8. C, No. 159. If the colonel does not wish the battalion to advance after facing about, he will command : right about — halt., which will be executed according to the principles pre- scribed in the 8. C, Nos. 132-3. 0-155. In the movement above indicated, the companies of skirmishers will face about, and come into line, at the same time with the battalr- ion companies. 2EMAEKS ox THE DEPLOYMENT OF SKIEMISHEES, IN EETIEINft BY THE EIGHT OE LEFT OF COMPANIES. 0-156. If, in retiring by the flanks of companies, it is not intended to open the fire of the line on the enemy, the companies of skirmishers, or a portion of them, will generally be deployed be- tween the enemy and the line, for the purpose of covering the retreat. VOL. II. — i 88 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET II. Article III. To ploy tho battalion into close column. 157. TMs movement may be executed by com- pany or by division, on the right or left subdi- vision, or on any other subdivision, right or left in front. 158. The examples ?n this school "^vill suppose the presence of four divisions, with directions for an odd company ; but what will be prescribed for four, will serve equally for two or three divi- sions. 159. To ploy the battalion into close column by division in rear of the first, the colonel will command : 1. Close 00111711711)1/ division. 2. On the first divis- ion^ right in front. 3. Battalion.^ right — Face. 4. Maech (or doiible quick — Maech). 160. At the second command, all the chiefs of division will place themselves before the centres of their divisions ; the chief of the first will cau- tion it to stand fast ; the chiefs of the three others will remind them that they will have to face to the right, and the covering sergeant of the right company of each division will replace his captain in the front rank, as soon as the latter steps out. ■0-181. At the same command, each chief of pla- toon of the companies of skirmishers, will place himself before the centre of his platoon, and cau- tion it that it will have to face to the right. 162. At the third command, the last three di- r % n 16 'ft as )n 3d iir in .ix ha ch lis ii- in SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET II. 39 visions will face to the right ; the chief of each division will hasten to its right, and cause files to be broken to the rear, as indicated Xo. Ill ; the right guide will break at the same time, and place himself before the front-rank man of the first file, to conduct him, and each chief of divis- ion will place himself by the side of this guide. 163. The moment these divisions face to the right, the junior captain in each will place him- self on the left of the covering sergeant of th© left company, who will place himself in the front rank. This rule is general for all the ployments ly division. 0-164. At the third command, the companies of skirmishers will face to the right. Each chief of platoon will hasten to the right of his platoon ; the chiefs of the second platoons will break ofi^ files, and the guides of those platoons will place themselves as prescribed Is'o, 116. 165. At the command march^ the chief of the first division will add, guide left ; at this, its left guide will place himself on its left, as soon as the movement of the second division may permit, and the file closers will advance one pace upon the rear rank. 166. All the other divisions, each conducted by its chief, will step off together, to take their places in the column ; the second will gain, in wheeling by file to the rear, the space of six paces, which ought to separate its guide from tbe guide of the first division, and so direct its march as to enter the column on a line parallel to this division ; the third and fourth divisions will di- rect themselves diagonally toward, but a little in ^0 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART II. rear of, the points at which they ought, respec- tively, to enter the column ; at six paces from the left flank of the column, the head of each of these divisions will incline a little to the left, in order to enter the column, as has just been prescribed for the second, taking care also to leave the dis- tance of six paces between its guide and the guide of the preceding division. At the moment the divisions put themselves in march to enter the column, the file closers of each will incline to the left, so as to bring themselves to the distance of a pace from the rear rank. 167. Each chief of these three divisions will conduct his division till he shall be up with the guide of the directing one ; the chief will then himself halt, see his division file past, and halt it the instant the last file shall have passed, com- manding: 1. Such division; 2. Halt; 3. Feont; 4. Left — Deess. 168. At the second command, the division will halt ; the left guide will place himself promptly on the direction, six paces from the guide which precedes him, in order that, the column being formed, the divisions may be separated the dis- tance of four paces. 169. At the third command, the division will face to the front ; at the fourth, it will be aligned by its chief, who will place himself two paces outside of his guide, and direct the ahgnment so tiiat his division may be parallel to that which precedes — which being done, he will command, Feont, and place himself before the centre of his division. 170. If any division, after the command /rns will execute their movements according to the same principles, taking care to gain as much ground as possible toward the head of the column. 0-209. At the command inarch by the colonel, each platoon of the companies of skirmishers, will face by the right fiank, the chiefs will has- ten to the right of their platoons, each second platoon breaking to the rear, in order to take its place in the platoon column, and when the guide is nearly up with the guide of the first platoon, the SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PAET 11. 49 captain will command : 1. Column guide right, 2. Double quick — March. 0-210. The platoon-cohirans will be conducted diagonally toward the points around which they are to file as indicated Nos. 172, 173 and when the left file of each platoon, shall arrive nearly up to its chief, he will command \ \. By the leftjianlc. 2. Quiclc march. 3. Guide left. 211. If the battalion had been previously march- ing in line at double quick time, when the fourth division shall have gained its distance, the colonel (should he wish to resume that gait) will com- mand: Double 5'?nVX:— Maech. 212. In this movement, the lieutenant-colonel will move rapidly to the side of the leading guide, give him a point of direction, and then follow the movements of the first division. The senior ma- jor will follow the movement abreast with the left of the fourth division. EEMARKS ON PLOYIXG THE BATTALLION INTO COLUMN. 213. The battalion may be ployed into column at full, or half distance, on the same principles, and by the same commands, substituting for the first command : Column at full (or lialf) distance hy division. The battalion will not be ^Aoyed at full distance unless with a view to the route step. 214. In the ployments and movements in col- umn, when the subdivisions execute the move- ments successively, such as — to take or close dis- tances ; to change direction by the flank of sub- divisions each chief of subdivision will cause his YOL. IL— 5 50 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET III. men to support arms after having aligned it and commanded Front. 0-215. When the battalion is ployed into column, either at half distance or closed in mass, each company of skirmishers will ploy into columns closed in mass. PAET THIED. Aeticle I. To march in column at full distance. 216. When the colonel shall wish to put the column in march, he will indicate to the leading guide two distinct objects in front, on the line which the guide ought to follow. This guide will immediately put his shoulders in a square with that line, take the more distant object as the point of direction, and the nearer one as the in- termediate point. 217. If only a single prominent object present itself in the direction the guide has to follow, he will face to it as before, and immediately endeavor to catch on the ground some intermediate point, by which to give steadiness to his march on the point of direction, 218. There being no prominent object to serve as the point of direction, the colonel will dispatch the lieutenant-colonel or adjutant to place him- self forty paces in advance, facing the column, and by a sign of the sword establish him on the direc- tion he may wish to give to the leading guide ; that oflBlcer being thus placed, this guide wifi take fnl Fl 4. i q ^7V tOth£ \rvrv at ruU T~ - a '!_- q— V □ - V FigA 5 .- :2 ■> -:: -XJ[ u chool of the Battaliaii. & it Tiq.3. FujA. Fuf. 2. at rull 1 p To cJtangc direction t the right in foiumri distaiia.A^-'27S. Ill III T"^ IJ Lj T r L " ■\ ,._^p 1 1 - ^ SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAET III. 51 him as the point of direction, conforming himself to what is prescribed in the S. C, No. 87. 219. These dispositions being made, the colonel will command: 1. Column forward. 2. Guide left (or right.) 3. March (or double quick — Maech). 220. At the command 7narch, briskly repeated by the chiefs of subdivision, and the chiefs of platoon of the companies of skirmishers, the column will put itself in march, conforming to what is prescribed in the S. C, No. 205 and fol- lowing. 221. The leading guide may always maintain himself correctly on the direction by keeping steadily in view the two points indicated to him, or chosen by himself; if these points have a cer- tain elevation, he may be assured he is on the true direction, when the nearer masks the moro distant point. 222. The following guides will preserve with exactness both step and distance ; each will march in the trace of the guide who immediately pre- cedes him, without occupying himself with the general direction. 223. The lieutenant-colonel will hold himself, habitually, abreast with the leading guide, to see that he does not deviate from the direction, and will observe, also, that the next guide marches exactly in the trace of the first. 224. The senior major will generally be abreast with the last subdivision ; he will see that each 52 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART III. guide marches exactly in the trace of the one immediately preceding ; if either deviate from the direction, the senior major will promptly rectify the error, and prevent its being propa- gated; but he need not interfere, in this way, unless the deviation has become sensible, or ma- terial. The junior major will take part as indi- cated 'No. 94. 225. The column being in march, the colonel may cause the about to be executed while march- ing ; to this effect, he will command : 1. Battalion^ right about. 2. Maech. 8. G-uide right. 226. At the second command, the companies will face to the right about, and the column will then march forward in an opposite direction ; the chiefs of subdivision will remain behind the front rank, the file closers in front of the rear rank, and the guides will place themselves in the rear rank, now in front. The second platoons of the platoon columns will march abreast with the first and last battalion companies respectively. The lieutenant-colonel will remain abreast of the first division, now in the rear ; the senior major will give a point of direction to the leading guide, and march abreast of him. 227. The colonel will hold himself habitually on the directing fiank ; he will look to the step and to the distances, and see that all the princi- ples prescribed for the march in column, school of the company, arc observed. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET III. 53 MANNEK OF PROLONGING A LINE OF BATTLE BY MAEKEES. 228. When a column prolongs itself on the line of Lattle, it being all-important that the guides march correctly on that line, it becomes necessary that colonels, lieutenant-colonels, and senior majors, whose duty it is to maintain the true direction, should be able to see, as far as practicable, the two objects, on which the march of the guides ought to be directed; consequently, when no prominent objects present tliemselves in the desired direction, the chief of the column will supply the want of them in advance by aids-de- camp, or other mounted officers, and in such num- ber as may be necessary. 229. Three such officers may prolong a line as far as may be desired in the following manner: they will place themselves in advance on the line of battle, the first at the point where the head of the cohimn ought to enter ; the second, three or four hundred paces beliind the first ; and the third, a like distance behind the second. The first of these ofiicers will remain in position till the leading guide shall have entered on the line of battle, and then, at a gallop, place himself at a convenient distance behind the third. The second will do the like in respect to the first, when the head of the column shall be near him, and so on in continuation. These officers, without dis- mounting, will face to the column, and cover each other accurately. It will be on them that the guides will steadily direct tlieir march, and it will be BO much the more easy for the latter to main- 1* 54 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART UI. tain themselves on the direction, as they will al- ways be able to see the mounted officers over the heads of the preceding guides ; thus the deviation from the direction, by one or more guides, need not mislead those who follow. 230. A single mounted officer may suffice to assure the direction of a column, when the point of direction toward which it marches is very dis- tinct. In this case, that officer will place himself on the line of battle within that point.and beyond the one at which the head of the column will halt, and remain in position till the column halts ; serving thus as the intermediate point for giving steadiness to the march of the guides. 231- For a column of one or two battalions, markers on foot will suffice to indicate the line to be followed by the general guides. EEMAEKS ON THE MARCH IN COLUMN. 232. The subdivisions of a column will not maintain the full distance, for any considerable length of time, unless in the route step, or upon reviews or other movements of ceremony. In presence of the enemy, the column will habitu- ally be either at half distance or closed in mass. 233. Although the uncadenced step be that of columns in route marches, and also that which ought to be habitually employed in the Evolutions of a Brigade^ when not in the immediate presence of the enemy, and when the difficulty of the road, heat, or dust, should render it expedient, never- theless, as it is of paramount importance to con- firm soldiers in the measure and the movement m 'J. 5& ^ {fig/. T:r. ut X- id m tj w e- 10 le Q- le i; m 10 o> m le jh »g id )f at >f le r© e, &- 3r is il Vol. 2. Scliool of tlie Ba ttaHoit . *- Siiqhl ,-h.i'uics orcfireclioi t ,i,..i„,u.- .vr2J.j. ncf.i -.^ \ '/.; =■ ■ifj 2 '■ h J'^__-_.^ '^ ■L r P Fuj i SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET IH. 5b of the cadenced pace, the route step will be but little practised in the exercises bj battalion, ex- cept in going to, and returning from, the ground of instruction, and for teaching the mechanism and movements of columns in route. 234. It is highly essential to the regularity of the march in column that each guide follow exactly in the trace of the one immediately pre- ceding, without occupying his attention with the general direction of the guides. If this principle be steadily observed, the guides will find them- selves aligned, provided that the leading one march exactly in the direction indicated to him; and even should obstacles in his way force him into a momentary deviation, the direction of the column would not necessarily be changed ; where- as, if the following guides endeavor to conform themselves at once to all the movements of the leading one, in order to cover him in file, such endeavors would necessarily cause corresponding fluctuations in the column, from right to left, and from left to right, and render the preservation of distances extremely difficult. 235. As a consequence of the principle, thafe each guide shall exactly follow in the trace of the one who immediately precedes^ if, pending the march of the column, the colonel shall give a new point of direction, too near to the first to require a formal change of direction, the leading guide, advancing the one or other shoulder, will imme- diately direct himself on this point ; the other guides will only conform themselves to this movement as each arrives at the point at which the first had executed it. Each subdivision will 56 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PART III. conform itself to the movement of its guide, the men insensibly lengthening or shortening the step, and advancing or refusing (throwing back) the shoulder opposite to the guide, but without losing the touch of the elbow toward his side. 236. The column, at full distance, by company, being in march, the colonel will cause it to di- minish front by platoon, from front to rear, at once, and to increase front by platoon in like manner, which movements will be commanded and executed as prescribed in the S. 6'., !N'os. 287 and 278 and follo^ving, changing the com- mand form company to form companies. So may he increase and dimuiish, or diminish and increase front, according to the same principles and at once, by company, changing the command form companies to form divisions^ and the com- mand Ireah into i^latoons^ to hreah into companies. In this case, the companies and divisions will exe- cute what is prescribed for platoons and compa- nies respectively. 237. The column being at a halt, if the colonel should wish to march it to the rear, and the dis- tance to be gained be so iuconsiderable as to ren- der a countermarch a disproportionate loss of time, he will cause the column to face about, and then put it in march by the commands pre- scribed Xo. 219 ; the chiefs of the subdivisions will remain behind the front rank, the file closers before the rear rank, and the guides will step into the rear rank, now in front. In a column, by division, the junior captains, in the intervals between companies, will replace their covering sergeants in the rear rank, and these sergeants SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET Ul. 57 will step into the line of file closers in front of their intervals. 0-238. In the different movements of the column, the companies of skirmishers, if present, will preserve their relative positions thereto; the platoon guides will always be on the side of the column. Aeticle II. Column in route. 239. A column in route, ought never to have a depth greater than about the front it had oc- cupied in the line of battle, less the front of a subdivision. 240. The observance of this principle requires particular rule ; as a column in route may have hourly to pass narrow ways, bridges, or other defiles, rendering it necessary to diminish the front of subdivisions, it becomes important to give rules and means by which the column may, for any length of march, preserve the ease of the route step without elongation from front to rear. 241. A column in route will be habitually formed by company. 242. When a column in route shall arrive at a pass too narrow to receive the front of a com- pany, the column will dLminish front by platoon before entering. This movement will be exe- cuted successively, or by all the companies at once. 243. If; however, the defile be very short, and it may be passed by the diminution of a few files, 58 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET IIL it will be preferable to break to the rear the lim- ited number of files. 244. The column being bj platoon, and the want of space rendering a further diminution of front necessary, it will be diminished by sec- tion, if the platoons be of twelve or more files. 245. The column being by section, will con- tinue to march by that front as long as the defile may permit. 246. If the platoons have less than twelve files, one or two files will be broken to the rear, according to the narrowing of the defile, and the route step continued as long as six files can march abreast. 247. What has just been explained for break- ing files to the rear in a column by platoon, is equally applicable to a column by section. 248. If the defile be too narrow to permit six men to march abreast, the subdivisions will be marched successively by the flank, conforming to what is prescribed in the *S'. 6'., Nos. 319 and 320. 249. The battalion marching by the flank, will be formed into column, by section, by platoon, or by company, as soon as the breadth of the way may permit ; the several movements which these for- mations include will be executed by the commands of the captains, as their companies successively clear the defile, observing the following rules. 250. As soon as the way is sufficiently broad to contain six men abreast, the captain will com- mand : 1. By section (or by platoon) into line. 2. Mabch. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART III. 59 251. -^t the command march^ the subdivisions indicated will form themselves into line ; the files which have not been able to enter, will fol- low (by the flank; the last four files of their sub- division which have entered into line. 252. Ihe column marching in this order, the files in rear will be caused to enter into line as the increased breadth of the way may permit. 253. The column marching by section or by platoon, platoons or com])anies will be formed as Boon as the breadth of the way may permit. 254. The leading subdivision will follow the windings of the pass or defile ; the following subdivisions will not occupy themselves with the direction, but all, in succession, pass over the trace, of the subdivisions which precede them respectively. The men will not seek to avoid the bad parts of the way. but pass, as far as practicable, each in the direction of his file. 255. Changes of direction will always be made without command ; if the change be important, caution merely from the respective chiefs to their subdivisions will suffice, and the rear rank, well as the files broken to the rear, will exe- cute successively the movement where the front rank had executed it. 256. The colonel will hold himself at the head of the battalion ; he will regulate the step of the leading subdivision, and indicate to its chief the instant for executing the various movements which the nature of the route may render neces- sary. 257. If the column be composed of several battalions, each will conform itself, in its turn^ 60 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET III. to what shall have heen commanded for the lead- ing battalion, observing to execute each move- ment at the same place and in the same man- ner. 258. Finally, to render the mechanism of all those movements familiar to the troops, and to habituate them to march in the route step with- out elongating the colunm, commanders will generally cause their battalions to march in this step, going to, and returning from, fields of ex- ercise. Each will occasionally conduct his bat- talion through narrow passes, in order to make it perceive the utility of the principles prescribed above ; and he will several times, in every course of instruction, march it in the route step, and cause to be executed, sometimes at once, and sometimes successively, the divers movements which have just been indicated. 0-259. On marches, the companies of skirmish- ers, if present, will habitually take post in the column, the first company in front of the first, and the second company of skirmishers in rear of the last battalion company. The junior major will in this case take post abreast of the color company, and six paces from its reverse flank. GENEEAL r.EMAEKS OX THE COLUMIT IN" EOTJTE. ' 260. The lesson relative to the column in route is, by its frequent application, one of the most important that can be given to troops. If it ba not well taught and established on right princi- ples, it will happen that the rear of the column SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PAET III. 61 in route will be obliged to run, to regain dis- tances, or that the front will be forced to halt till the rear shall have accomplished that object; thus rendering the march greatly slower, or greatly more fatiguing, generally both, than if it were executed according to rule. 261. The ordinary progress of a column in route ought to be, on good roads or good grounds, at the rate of one hundred and ten paces in a minute. This rate may be easily maintained by columns of almost any depth; but over bad roads, ploughed fields, loose sands, or mountain- ous districts, the progress cannot be so great, and must therefore be regulated according to circumstances. 262. The most certain means of marching well in route, is to preserve always a regular and equal movement, and, if obstacles oblige one or more subdivisions to slacken or to shorten the step, to cause the primitive rate of march to be resumed the moment the difficulties are passed. 263. A subdivision ought never to take more than the prescribed distance from the subdivision immediately preceding ; but it is sometimes neces- sary to lessen that distance. 264. Thus : the head of the column encoun- ters an obstacle which obliges it to relax its march; all the following subdivisions will pre- serve the habitual step, and close up in mass, if necessary, on the subdivision nearest to the ob- stacle. Distances will afterward naturally be recovered as each subdivision shall successively have passed the obstacle. Nevertheless, if the VOL. IL— 6 62 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET III. difficulty be too great to be overcome by one subdivision, whilst the next is closing up, so that distances cannot afterward be recovered with- out running, the chief of the column will halt the leading subdivision beyond the obstacle, at a distance sufficient to contain the whole column in mass. He will then put the column in march, the subdivisions taking distances by the head, observing to commence the movement in time, so that the last subdivision may not be obliged to halt, after having cleared the obstacle. 265. When the chief of a column shall wish to change the rate of march, he will cause the leading battalion to quicken or to relax the step insensibly, and send orders to the other battal- ions each to regulate itself by that which pre- cedes it. 266. The column being composed of several battalions, the general will always leave an aid- de-camp with its rear to bring him prompt infor- mation if it find a difficulty in following. 267. Subdivisions ought always to step out well in obliquing, both in breaking and forming companies or platoons. When either is done in succession, it is highly important that no subdi- vision slacken or shorten the step while that which precedes it is engaged in the movement. The observance of this principle can alone pre- vent an elongation of the column. 268. If the battalion, marching by the flank, encounter a pass so narrow as to oblige it to de- file with a front of two men, the colonel will order support arms, take the cadenced step, and undouble the files, which will be executed as pre- SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART III. 63 scribed in the S. (7., No. 331; the files will double again as soon as the breadth of the way will permit. 269. If the defile be only sufficient to receive a front of one man, the colonel will cause the men to pass one at a time, which will be exe- cuted as prescribed in the xS'. C, Nos. 334 and 335. The men of the same file should follow each other in their order as closely as possible, and without loss of time. As soon as the defile permits a front of two or four men, the battal- ion will be re-formed into two or four ranks, as prescribed in the S. C, Nos. 336, 33T, 338, and 339, and will march in this order until there be space to form platoons or sections, as indicated No. 250. 270. In both cases, just supposed, the head of the battalion, after having passed the defile, will march till sufficient space be left to contain the whole of the subdivisions in mass ; afterward it will be put in march by the means indicate-d No. 264. 271. When a command has to move rapidly over a given distance, the movements prescribed in this article will be executed in double quick, time ; if the distance be long, the chief of the column will not allow the march at this gait to be continued for more than fifteen minutes ; at the end of this time, he will order the ordinary route step to be marched for five minutes, and then again resume the double quick. If the ground be uneven, having considerable ascents and descents, he will reserve the double quick for 64 SOq/>OL OF THE BATTALION PAET in. those parts of the ground most favorable to fiii^ march. 272. A column marching alternately in douMe quick time and the ordinary route step, in the manner stated, can easily accomplish very long distances in a very short space of time ; but when the distance to be passed over is not greater than two miles, it ought to be accomplished, when the ground is favorable, without changing the rate of march. Article III. To change direction in colunxn at full distance. 273. The column being in march in the oa- denced step, when the colonel shall wish to cause it to change direction, he will go to the point at which the change ought to be commenced and establish a marker there, presenting the breast to the flank of the column ; this marker, no mat- ter to which side the change of direction is to be made, will be posted on the opposite side, and he will remain in position till the last subdivision of the battalion shall have passed. The leading subdivision being within a few paces of the marker, the colonel will command : Head of column to the left (or right). 274. At this, the chief of the leading subdi- vision will immediately take the guide on the side opposite the change of direction, if noJt al- ready there. This guide will direct himself, so as to graze the breast of the marker ; arrived at SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART III. 65 this point, the chief will canse his subdivision to change direction bv the commands and ac- cording to the principles prescribed in the school of the company. When the wheel is completed, the chief of this subdivision will retake the guide, if changed, on the side of the primitive direction. 275. The chief of each succeeding subdivi- sion, as well as the guides, will conform to what has just been explained for the leading subdivision. 276. The colonel will carefully see that the guide of each subdivision, in wheeling, does not throw himself without or within, but passes over all the points of the arc of the circle, which he ought to describe. 277. As often as no distinct object presents itself in the new direction, the lieutenant-colo- nel will place himself upon it in advance, at the distance of thirty or forty paces from the marker, and be assured in this direction by the colonel ; the leading guide will take, the moment he shall have changed direction, two points on the ground in the straight line which, drawn from himself, would pass between the heels of the lieutenant- colonel, taking afterward new points as he ad- vances. 278. The senior major will see that the guides direct themselves on the marker posted at the point of change, so as to graze his breast. 279. At the command head of column to the right^ by the colonel, the chief of the first pla- tooH column will command: 1. By the right flank. 2. ByJU.e ^ight. A| this, the chiefs and 66 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET HI. guides will take their places on the right of their respective platoons. 0-280. At the command march^ hj the captain of the first battalion company, the platoons, con- ducted bj their chiefs, will commence the movement ; the chief of the second platoon will stand fast and let his platoon file past, and when the left file has arrived abreast with him he will command : 1. Marh time. 2. March.^ and face his platoon to the front. The platoon guide will immediately take his place on its left. The first platoon will move diagonally to the rear, and file into column parallel to the second; when the chief has an-ived abreast with the left of the second he will halt in his own person, let his pla- toon file past, and it will then execute what has been prescribed for the second platoon. 0-281. When the first battalion company shall have arrived abreast with the first platoon, the platoon column will be put in march by its chie^ taking the guide to the left, and regaining the distance of thirty-three paces from the right fiank of the battalion column. 0-282. When the second platoon column shall have arrived at a distance of thirty-three paces from the right flank of the column in its new di- rection, it will change direction to the right by command of its chief, and its first platoon will march abreast with the last battahon company, when that company takes the new direction. 0-283. If the change of direction is to the left, the first platoon column will take the guide to the right, and increase the gait by command of its chief, it will change direction at the same SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET IIL 67 time TN'ith the first battalion company, taking care to maintain its relative 7)Osition and distance. It will resume the step of the battalion -when its direction is changed. 0-284. When the last battalion company changes direction the second platoon column will conform to what has just been prescribed for the first. If the column be composed of several battal- ions, the lieutenant-colonel of the second, will cause the marker of the first battalion, to be re- placed as soon as the last subdivision of this battalion shall have passed; this disposition will be observed by battalion after battalion, to the rear of the column. 285. It has been demonstrated, school of the company, how important it is, Jirst^ that each subdivision execute its change of direction pre- cisely at the point where the leading one had changed, and tliat it arrive in a square with the direction; «ace upon the rear rank. 298. All the other companies will continue to march, and as each in succession arrives at pla- toon distance from the one which precedes, its captain will halt it. 299. At the instant that each company halts, its guide will place himself on the direction of the gnides who precede, and the captain will align the company by the left; the file closers will close one pace upon the rear rank. 300. ^o particular attention need be given to the general direction of the guides before they respectively halt ; it wUl sufiice if each follow in the trace of the one who precedes him. 0-301. At the command march, repeated by the chief of the second platoon, of the first platoon column, and by the chiefs of platoon of the seo- ond platoon column, the first platoon of the first platoon column will stand fast, its second platoon will close in mass on its first, and its chief AviU align it by the left. 0-302. When the last battalion company halts, SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAST HI. 7l the second platoon of the second platoon column, )Till close in mass on its first platoon, which has halted at the same time ; its chief will align it by the left. 303. The colonel, on the side of the guides, will superintend the execution of the movement, observing that the captains halt their companies exactly at platoon distance^ the one from the other. 304. The lieutenant-colonel, a few paces in front, will face to tlie leading guide, and assure the positions of the following guides, as they suc- cessively place themselves on the direction. 305. The senior major Avill follow the move- ment abreast with the last guide. The junior major will follow the movement abreast with the color company. 306. If the column be in march, the colonel will cause it to close by the same commands. 307. If the column be marching in double quick time, at the first command, the captain of the leading company wiU command, quicTc time ; the chiefs of the other companies will caution them to continue their march. 0-308. At the first command, the chief of the leading platoon of the first platoon column, will command, quick time; the chiefs of the other platoons will caution them to continue the march. 309. At the command march^ the leading company will march in quick, and the other com- panies in double quick time ; and as each arrives at platoon distance from the preceding one, its chief will cause it to march in quick time. 72 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET III. 310. When the rearmost company shall have gained its distance, the colonel, should he wish to resume the previous gait, will command : Double quick — ^Mabch. 0-311. At the command march^ the leading pla- ■ toon of the first platoon column will march in quicTc^ and the other platoons in douhle quick time. As the second platoon of each platoon column arrives at six paces from its preceding one, its chief will cause it to march in quick time. 312. When the colonel shall wish to halt the column, and cause it to close to half distance at the same time, he will notify the captain of the leading company and the chief of the leading platoon of skirmishers of his intention. At the command mA1 $ I 1 i iuJ To diange dire.tioiL i/i colxnm? athd/fdistamr Vol.j^. ScKool of tLe BattalioiL. ^Z-^ Fiq 1 ^,1 ° ^~ - -^ ■ ri , jT □ ~ ~ C 1 H H ^ H c H H •i 1 1 1 11 Fig. 2 7'o f/ia/if^e fJirertiofi i/i ( ola/rin olo-yed in man. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX — PAET IH. 79 will change direction by the same commands and according to the same principles as a column at full distance ; but as the distance between the subdivisions is less, the pivot man in each subdi- vision, will take steps of fourteen inches instead of nine, and of seventeen inches instead of eleven, according to the gait, in order to clear, in time, the wheeling point, and the marching flank will describe the arc of a larger circle, the better to facilitate the mos'ement. 0-344. At the command march bv the colonel, the platoon columns of the companies of skir- mishers, will change direction according to the principles prescribed Xo. 279 and following: Aeticle YIIL To change direction in column closed in mass. 1st. To change direction in marching. 345. A column by division, closed in mass, being in march, will change direction bj the front of subdivisions. 346. Whether the change be made to the re- verse, or to the pivot flank, it will always be exe- cuted on the principle of wheeling in marching; to this end, the colonel will first cause the bat- talion to take the guide on the flank opposite to the intended change of direction, if it be not al- ready on that flank. 347. A column by division, closed in mass, right in front, having to change direction to the .right, the colonel, after having caused a marker 80 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET III. to be placed at the point where the change ought to commence, will command: 1. Battalion^ right wheel. 2. Maech. 348. At the command marcA, the leading divis- ion will wheel as if it were part of a column at half distance. 349. The instant that this division commences the wheel, all the others will, at once, conform themselves to its movement ; to this end the left guide of each, advancing slightly the left shoulder, and lengthening a little the step, will incline to the left, and will observe, at the same time, to gain so much ground to the front that there may constantly be an interval of four paces between his division and that which precedes it ; and as soon as he shall cover the preceding guide, he will cease to incline and then march exactly in his trace. 350. Each division will conform itself to the movement of its guide ; the men will feel lightly the elbow toward hini and advance a little the left shoulder the instant the movement commen- ces ; each file, in inclining, will gain so much the less ground to the front as the file shall be near- er to the pivot, and the right guide will gain only 80 much as may be necessary to maintain be- tween his own and the preceding division the same distance which separates their marching flanks. 351. Each chief of division, turning to it, will regulate its march, and see that it remains coiv stantly included between its guides, that its aligB<- SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET IIL 81 ment continues nearly parallel to that of the pre- ceding division, and that the centre hends only a little to the rear. 352. The colonel will superintend the move- ment, and cause the pivot of the leading division to lengthen or to shorten the step, conforming to the principle established in the S. C.^ ISo. 232 — if either be necessary to facilitate the movement of the other divisions. 353. The lieutenant-colonel, placed near the left guide of the leading division, will regulate his march, and take care, above all, that he does not throw himself wrz^Ain the arc he ought t^ de- scribe. 354. The senior major, placed in the rear of the guides, will see that the last three con- form themselves, each by slight degrees, to the movement of the guide immediately preceding, and that neither inclines too much in the endeav- or to cover too promptly the guide in his front ; he will rectify any serious fault that may be com- mitted in either of those particulars. 355. The colonel, seeing the wheel nearly end- ed, -ftill command : 1. Forward. 2. Maech. 356. At the second command, which will be given at the instant the leading division completes its wheel, it will resume the direct march ; the other divisions will conform themselves to this movement ; and if any guide find himself not covering his immediate leader, he will, by alight aa SCHOOL or the battalion — part in. degrees, bring himself on the trace of thatgnide by advancing the right shoulder. 357. If the column, right in front, has to change direction to the left, the colonel will first cause it to take the guide to the right, and then com- mand: 1. Battalion,, left icJieel. 2, Maech. 358. At the command w?ar^/^, the battalion will change direction to the left according to the prin- ciples just prescribed, and bj inverse means. 359. When the battalion shall have resumed the direct march, the colonel will change the guide to the left, on seeing the last three guides nearly in the direction of the one in front. 360. The foregoing changes of direction will be executed according to the same principles in a column, left in front. 361. A column bv company, closed in mass, will change direction in marching, by the com- mands and means indicated for a column by di- vision, 362. The guide who is the pivot of the partic- ular wheel, ought to maintain himself at his usual distance of six paces from the guide who pre- cedes him ; if this distance be not exactly pre- served, the divisions would necessarily become confounded, which must be carefully avoided. 0-363. The platoon columns of the companies of skirmishers will change direction as prescribed for the battalion column, the leading platoons pre- serving their alignment with the first and last di- visions respectively. 83 Dm- r a . or OD, nel ich his he nt, ge to to ^^ )m rst :ht he HI e. Scliool „t' Ibe P,.vUF.Uon. f h »H 7'« rharigr directiim in rnhimrl r/osr,/ in rrui^s from n hnl, .V/IS.J r SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART III. 83 PwEMARKS. 0-364. When one or more platoons of the com- panies of skirmishers are deployed to cover a battalion closed in mass, either by company, or division, and the colonel desires their recall, it will be executed as prescribed JSTo. 342. 2c?. To change direction from a halt. 365. A column by company, or by division, closed in mass, being at a halt, when the colonel shall wish to give it a new direction, and in which it 1*3 to remain, he Avill cause it to execute this movement by the flanks of subdivisions, in the following manner: ^66. The battalion having the right in front, v'hen the colonel shall wish to cause it to change direction by the right flank, he will indicate to the lieutenant-colonel the point of direction to tlie right ; this officer will immediately establish, on the new direction, two markers, distant from each other a little less than the front of the first subdivision, the first marker in front of the right file of this subdivision ; which being executed, he will command : 1. Change direction ly tlie right flanlc. 'i. Bat- talion^ right — Face. 3. Maech (or double quich—M.AJiC'n). 367. At the second command, the column will face to the right, and each chief of subdivision will place himself by the side of his right guide. 84 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET ILL 0-368. At the same command the platoon col- umns of the companies of skirmishers will face to the right, the guides will place themselves on the right of their platoons respectivelj, and each chief of platoon will place himself by the side of his guide. 369. At the command march^ all the subdivis- ions will step oif together ; the right guide of tlie leading one will direct himself from the first step, parallelly to the markers placed in advance on the new direction ; the chief of the subdivis- ion will not follow the movement, but see it file past, and as soon as the left guide shall have pass- ed he will command : 1. First company (pv first division). 2. Hali. 3. Feoxt. 4. Left — Dkess. 370. At the fourth command, the subdivision will place itself against the two markers, and be promptly aligned by its chief. 371. The right guide of each of the following subdivisions will conform himself to the direction of the right guide of the subdivision preceding his own in the column, so as to enter on the new direction parallelly to that subdivision, and at the distance of four paces from its rear rank. 372. Each chief of subdivision will halt in his own person, on arriving opposite to the left guides already placed on the new direction, see his subdivision file past, and conform himself, in halting and aligning it, to what is prescribed Is'o- 869. G-373. At the command march, by the colonel, SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PART III. S5 the platoon columns will step off together, each chief of platoon placed by the side of his guide will conduct it to its new position, which will be executed according to the principles prescribed for the battalion column. When the movement is completed, the relative positions of platoons and the battalion column, will be the same as be- fore the change of direction. 374. If the change of direction be by the left flank, the colonel will cause markers to be estab- lished as before, the first in front of the left fil« of the leading subdivision, and then give the same commands, substituting the indication lej% for right, 375. At the second command, all the subdiv- isions will face to the left, and each chief will place himself by the side of his left guide. 0-376. At the same command, the platoon col- umns will face to the left, and each chief of pla- toon will place himself by tlie side of his guide. 377. At the command march^ all the subdivis- ions will step off together, each conducted by its chief. 378. The guide of the leading subdivision will direct himself, from the first step, parallelly to the markers ; the subdivision will be conducted by its chief; and as soon as its left guide shall have passed the second marker, it will be halted and aligned as prescribed above ; and so of each of the following subdivisions. 0-379. At the command march, the platoon col- umns will step off together, and each platoon, conducted by its chief, will confonu to the prin- voL. n.— 8 86 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET m. ciples prescribed No. 873, the chiefs of platoon taking care so to conduct tliem, that when they file to the riglit, to march on the prolongation of the subdivisions of the battalion column, they "Will have sufficient distance to march over, so as to enter on the ne^t direction in then* full length before halting. 380. The colonel will hold himself on the des- ignated flank, to see that each subdivision enters the new direction parallelly to the leading one, and at the prescribed distance from that which precedes. 381. The lieutenant-colonel will place himself in front of, and facing to, the guide of the lead- ing subdivision, and will assure the positions of the following guides, as they successively arrive on the new direction. 382. The senior major will follow the move- ment abreast with the last subdivision; the junior major will occupy the position prescribed No. 336. 383. In order that this movement may be exe- cuted with facility and precision, it is necessary that the leading subdivision should entirely un- mask the column ; for example, the movement bemg made by the right flank, it is necessary, before halting the leading subdivision, that its left guide shall, at least, have arrived at the place previously occupied by its right guide, in order that each following subdivision Avhich has to pass over a space at least equal to its front, to put itself in the new direction, and whose left ought to pass the point at which the right had rested, may, at the command halt, find itself- SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAKT IlL 87 in its whole front, parallel to the leading sub- division. 384. By this method there is no direction that may not be given to a column in mass. Article IX. Being in column at half distance, or closed in mass, to take distances. 385. A column at half distance vrill take full distances hy the head of the column when it has to prolong itself in a column of route ; it may also take full distance by the head of the colunm for the purposes of instruction, breaking into platoons, forming divisions, &c., &c. If it has to form itself in line of battle on the ground it occupies, it will take distances on the leading or on the rearmost subdivision,.according as the one or other may find itself at the ])oint where tlie right or left of the battalion ought to rest in line of battle. \st. To take distances by the head of the column. 386. The column being by company at half distance and at a halt, when the colonel shall wish to cause it to take full distances by the head, he will command : By the head of column^ take wheeling distance. 387. At this command, the captain of the lead- ing company will put it in march; to this end, he will command : e» SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAST IIL 1. First company^ forward. 2. Guide left. 3. March (or double quick — March). 388. When the second shall have nearly its wheeling distance, its captain will command : 1. Second company., forward. 2. Guide left. 3. March (or double quiclc — March). 389. At the command march, which will b'e pronounced at the instant that this company shall have its wheeling distance, it will step off smartly, taking the step from the preceding com- pany. Each of the other companies will suc- cessively execute what has just been prescribed for the second. 390. The colonel will see that each company puts itself in march ^t the instant it has its dis- tance. 391. The lieutenant-colonel will hold himself at the head of the column, and direct the march of the leading guide. 392. The senior major will hold himself abreast with the Rearmost guide. The junior major will take post as prescribed Nos. 94 or 259, as the column may be in the cadence or route step. 393. If the column, instead of being at a halt, be in march, the colonel will give the same com- mands, and add : March. 394. If the column be marching in quick SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAET lU. 89 time, at the first command given by the colonel, the captain of the leading company will com- mand: DouMe quick. At the command march, the company will take the dou]»le-quick step, which will also bo done by the other captains as their companies successively attain their proper wheeling distances. Should it be the wish of the colonel to resume the quick time after attain- ing the wheeling distances, he will give the ne- (Jessary commands. 395. If the column be marching in dovll-e quick time, the leading company will continue to march at the same gait. At the first com- mand by the colonel, the captains of the other companies will command: quich time. At the command march, these companies will take the quick Uep, and as each company gains its proper distance its captain will cause it to retake the double-quick step. SEMASK8. 0-396. If the companies of skirmishers are pres- ent with, but do not march in the column, in taking full distance, at the first command by the colonel, the chief of the leading platoon will give the same commands as prescribed for the cap- tain of the leading battalion company, and march abreast with that company ; the other platoons will take their distances by the means prescribed for the battalion companies, the leading platoon of the last platoon column taking up the march at the same time, and marching abreast with the l^t battalion company. 8* 90 SOnOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET IH. 2d. To take distances on tJie rear of the column. 387. If the colonel wish to take distances on the rearmost company, he will estahlish two markers on the direction he shall wish to give to the line of Lattle, the first opposite to the rear- most company, the second marker toward the head of the column, at company distance from the first, and both facing to the rear ; at the same time, the right general guide, on an intimation from the lieutenant-colonel, will move rapidly a little beyond the point to which the head of the column will extend, and place himself correctly on the prolongation of the two markers. These dispositions being made, the colonel will com- mand: 1. Oft the eighth company, take wheeling distance. 2. Column forward. 3. Guide left. 4. March (or double quick — Maech). 398. At the first command, the captain of tt» eighth company will caution it to stand fast. At the third command, the captains will place them- selves two paces outside of the directing flank. 0-399. At the first command, the chief of the second platoon of the second platoon column will face his platoon about. At the third com- mand, he will command guide rig?it, and place himself two paces outside of its directing flank; at the first command, the chief of the first platoon of the same column, and the chief of the second platoon of the first platoon column, will caution their platoons to stand fast. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET III. 91 400. At the command inarch^ repeated bj all the captains, except the captain of the eighth company, this latter company will stand last; its chief will align it by the left on the first marker, who is opposite to this comj^any, the left guide stepping in rear of the left file for this purpose, and place himself before its centre, after commanding : Feoxt. At this command, the marker will retire, and the left guide will take his place. 401. All the other companies will put them- selves in march, the guide of tlie leading one directing himself a little wifhin the right general guide ; when the seventh company has arrived opposite the second marker, its captain will halt, and align it on this marker, in the manner pre- scribed for the eighth company. 402. When the captain of the sixth company shall see that there is, between his company and the seventh, the necessary space fur wheeling into line, he will halt his company ; the guidje facing to the rear will place himself j^romptly on the direction, and the moment lie shall be assured in his position, the captain will align the company by the left, and then place himself two paces be- fore its centre ; the other comj)anies will succes- sively conform themselves to what has just been prescribed for the sixth company. 0-403. At the command march repeated by all the chiefs of platoon of the companies of skir- mishers, except the chief of the second platoon, first platoon column and the first platoon second platoon column, these two latter platoons will stand fast, the other platoons will put themselves 92 SCHOOL or the battaliox — paet in. in march, the first platoon first platoon column keeping aligned with the first battalion company. "When the second platoon of the first platoon col- umn shall have nearly its full distance, its chief will command : 1. Second platoon forward ; 2. Q-uide left; 3. March (or double quick — March) ; at which the platoon will step oflP, its left guide following in the trace of the guide of the first jdatoon. When the second platoon of the second platoon column shall have attained its distance, it will be halted, and faced about, its guide will cover the guide of the platoon in front, and the platoon will be dressed to the left. (M104. Tlie captain of the first company of skir- mishers will halt his platoon column at the same time the first battalion company halts. Each chief of platoon will dress his platoon to the left, the first in a line with the first battalion com- pany. 405. The colonel will follow the movement, and see that each company halts at the prescribed distance; he will promptly remedy any fault that may be committed, and, as soon as all the com- panies shall l>e aligned, he will cause the guides, who are faced to the rear, to face about. 406. The lieutenant-colonel will successively assure the left guides on the direction, placing himself in their rear, as they arrive. 407. The senior major will hold himself at the head of the column, and will direct the march of the leading guide. The junior major will hold himself as prescribed No. 94. 9S on ers itli ic© it; :ho ijar on to dse m- or- to ra- nt, be- the v-m the the re- nll n Scliool of tKe Battalion pi ^q Tiff J. t •[ J — -ig.!. h -- ":.^ 7'o Aa/tf w/uvliHf/ distaiicea on heail of totiir. XoMS. c SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET HI. 9B 3(L To take distances on the head of the column. 408. The colonel, wisliing to take distances on the leading company, will establish two markers m the manner just prescribed, one abreast Avith this company, and the other at company distance in rear of the first, but both facing to the front ; the left general guide, on an intimation from the lieutenant-colonel, will move rapidly to the rear and place himself correctly on the prolongation of the two markers, a little beyond the point to which the rear of the colmnn will extend : these dispositions being made, the colonel will com- mand: 1. On the first company, take uheeling distance^ 2. Battalion, about — Face. 3. Column, for- ward. 4. Guide right. 5. Maech (or double quick — Maech). 409. At the first command, the captain of the first company will caution it to remain faced to the front. At the second command, all the com- panies, except the one designated, will face about, the guides remaining in the front rank, now be- come the rear. 0-410. At the first command, the chief of the first platoon of the first platoon column, will caution it to remain faced to the front. At the second command, all the platoons except the one designated, will face about, the guides re- maining as indicated JSTo. 409. 411. At the fourth command, the captains will place themselves outside of their guides. 94 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PAET III. 0-412. At the same command, the chief of each second platoon of the platoon column, will place himself two paces outside his guide. 413. At the command march, the captain of the designated company will align it, as pre- scribed. No. 400, on the marker placed by its side. 414. The remaining companies will put them- selves in march, the guide of the rearmost one will direct himself a little within the left general guide ; when the second company shall have ar- rived opposite the second marker, its captain will face it about, conforming to what is pre- scribed, No. 321, and align it, as has just been prescribed for the first company. Should the movement be performed in quick time at the command halt by the captain, the guide will face about and place himself on the line. 415. The instant that the third company shall have its wheeling distance, its captain will halt it, facing it about as prescribed No. 321, and align it by the left ; the captains of the remain- ing companies will each, in succession, conform himself to Avhat has just been prescribed for tho captain of the third. 0-416. At tlie same command, the first platoon of the first ])latoon column, will stand fast ; aU the other platoons will put themselves in march ; the second platoon of the first platoon column having attained its distance, will be halted by its chief, faced about and dressed to the left ; the first platoon of the second platoon column wiU march on a line with the last battalion company, will be halted and faced about at the same time SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET HI. 95 with that company, and dressed to the left ; the second platoon of this same column having at- tained its distance will execute what has just been prescribed for the second platoon of the first platoon column. 417. The colonel will follow the movement, as indicated No. 405 ; the lieutenant-colonel and senior major will conform themselves to what is prescribed, No. 406 and 407 ; the junior major will hold himself abreast with the color company on the reverse flank. 418. These various movements will be executed according to the same principles in a column with the left in front. 419. They will be executed in like manner in a column closed in mass ; but, if it be the wish of the colonel to open out the column to half, instead of full distance, he will substitute, in the commands, the indication lialf^ for that of wheel- ing distance. 420. In a column by division, distances will be taken according to the same principles. 0~421. The platoon columns will retain the close order when the battalion column takes half dis- tajice from being closed in mass. Aeticle X. Countermarch of a column at full or half distance. 422. In a column at full or half distance, the 9G SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET III. countermarch will be executed by the means in- dicated, scliool of the company;^ to this end, the colonel will command : 1. Countermarch. 2. Battalion right (or left) — Face. 3. By file left (or right). 4. Maech (or double quick — ^Mabch). 0-423. If the column is at full distance right or left in front, in countermarching the platoon col- umns will countermarch at the commands given for the battalion column and by the means pre- scribed in the 8. (7., No. 350, observing what follows ; at the second command by the colonel, the guides of the platoons before facing about, will advance on the prolongation of the line, passing through them a distance equal to the front of a platoon. At the command march., each platoon will file to the fi-ont a platoon dis- tance before filing to the left or right, for the purpose of being dressed on its guide. To countermarch a column closed in mass. 424. If the column be closed in mass, the countermarch will be executed by the commands and means subjoined. 425. The column being supposed formed by division, right in front, the colonel wiU com- mand: 1. Countermarch. 2. Battalion., right and left — Face. 3. By file left and right. 4. Maech (or double quick — Maech). Vol.Z. School of tite BaltalioTL. riLl. 1^ • .^v" rrT> Fig-t. 0^- Ftff.2. -^CS^- .^M7M Fvg3 f^WWW^^ -^^ To j ^-^ m ^m ¥^-i. '?^' SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET IV. 105 placing two markers eighty or a hundred paces apart, on the direction it is wished to give to the line ; 2(Z, by placing a marker at the point at which it may be intended to rest a flank, and then choosing a second point toward the opposite flank, and there posting a second marker distant from the first a little less than the front of the sul)- division ; Sdy by choosing at first the points of direction for the flanks, and then determining, by intermediate points, the straight line between Ihoso selected points, both of which may some- times be beyond reach. Article II. Mode of passing from coliimn at full distance into line of battle. To the left (or right) into line ofhattle. Column at full distance, right in front, to the left into line of battle. 464. A column, right in front, being at a halt, when the colonel shall wish to form it to the left into line, he will assure the positions of the guides by the means previously indicated, and then com- mand: 1. Left into line, wheel. 2. March (or double quich — March). 465. At the first command, the right guide of the leading company will hasten to place himself 106 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET it. on the direction of the left guides of the column, face to them, and jjlace himself so as to be oppo- site to one of the three right files of his company, when they shall be in line : he will be assured in this position by the lieutenant-colonel. 466. At the command march, briskly repeated by the captains, the left front-rank man of each company will face to the left, and rest his breast lightly against the right arm of his guide ; the companies will wheel to the left on the principle of wheeling from a halt, conforming themselves to what is prescribed in the S. 0., 5I"o. 244: each captain will turn to his company, to ob- serve the execution of the movement, and, when the right of the company shall arrive at three paces from the line of battle, he will command : 1. Such company. 2. Halt. 467. The company being halted, the captain will place himself on the line by the side of the left front-rank man of the company next on th« right, align himself correctly, and command : 3. Right — Deess. 468. At this command, the company will dress up between the captain and the front-rank man on its left, the captain directing the alignment on that man ; the front-rank man on the right of the right company, who finds himself opposite to its right guide, will lightly rest his breast against the left arm of this guide. SCHOOL OF TIIE BATTALION PAET IT. 107 469. Each captain, having aligned hia company, will command Feoxt, and the colonel will add : Guides — ^Posts. 470. At this command, the gnides will return to their places in line of battle, each passing through the nearest captain's interval ; to permit him to pass, the captain will momentarily step before the first file of his company, and the covering ser- geant beliind the same file. This rule is general for all the formations into line of battle. 471. When companies form line of battle, file closers will always place themselves exactly two paces from the rear rank, which will sufliciently assure their ahgnment, 472. The battalion being correctly aligned, the colonel, lieutenant-colonel, and majors, as well as the adjutant and sergeant-major, will return to their respective places in line of battle. Th is rule is general for all the formations into line of hat- tie ; nevertheless, the battalion being in the school of elementary instruction, the colonel will go to any point he may deem necessary. 473. A column, with the left in front, will form itself to the right into line oflattle^ according to the same principles ; the left guide of the left company will place himself, at the first command, on the direction of the right guides, in a manner corresponding to what is prescribed. No. 465, for the right guide of the right company. 474. At the command guides posts, the cap- tains will take their places in line of battle, as well as the guides. This rule is general for all 108 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART IV. formations into line of dattle, in wTiich the com- panies are aliened dy the left. 475. A column by division may form itself into line of battle by the same commands and means, but observing what follows : if the right be in front, at the command halt, given by the chiefs of division, the left guide of each right company will plac^ himself on the alignment opposite t» one of the three files on the left of his company ; tie left guide of the first company, facing tow- ard the right, will be assured on the direction by the lieutenant-colonel ; the left guides of the other right companies will align themselves cor- rectly on the division guides ; to this end the di- vision guides (on the alignment) will invert, and hold their pieces up perpendicularly before the centre of their bodies, at the command left into line, wheel. If the column by division be with the left in front, the right guides of left compa- nies will conform themselves to what has just been prescribed for the left guides of right com- panies, and place themselves on the line opposite to one of the three right files of their respective campanies. 476. A column in march will be formed into line, without halting, by the same commands and means. At the command march, the guides will halt in their places, and the lieutenant-colonel will promptly rectify their positions. 0-477. The platoon columns of the companies of skirmishers will be wheeled into line by the means prescribed in the S. C, No. 262, and following, observing what follows : if the battalion column be at a halt, at the first SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART IV. 109 command by the colonel, the captain of each pla- toon column will command forward^ guide left (or right), and at the command march, by the colonel, each platoon column will march to the front a platoon distance, and then be wheeled into line as above indicated ; if the battalion column is on a march, at the first command by the colonel, the captain of each platoon column will caution his column to continue the march to the front, and at the command march, by the colo- nel, they will continue the march, and wheel into line as above indicated. 478. If. in forming the column into line, the colonel should wish to move forward, ^vithout halting, he will command : 1. By companies left wheel. 2. MARcn (or douhle quick — Maech). 479. At the command march, briskly repeated by the captain, each company will wheel to the left on a fixed pivot, as prescribed in the >S'. C, No. 266; the left guides will step back into the rank of file closers before the wheel is com- pleted, and when the right of the companies shall arrive near the line, tho colonel will com- mand: 3. Forward. 4. Maech. 5. Guide centre. 480. At the fourth command, given at the in- stant the wheel is completed, the companies will march directly to the front. At the fifth com- mand, the color and the general guides will move roi* XL— to . ' 110 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX — PART IT, rapidly six paces to the front. The colonel will assure the direction of the color ; the captains of companies and the men will, at once, conform themselves to the principles of the march in line of battle, to be hereinafter indicated, Ko. 648 and following. 0-481. At the first command by the colonel, the captain of each platoon column will caution his column to march straight to the front; at the second command by the colonel each platoon col- umn, after marching to the front a platoon dis- tance, will be wheeled into line by the commands and means prescribed in the S. C., No. 265 and following. 0-482. At the fourth command, the men of each company of skirmishers will move olf together, each captain placing himself two paces in front of the centre of his company ; the first sergeant will step into the front-rank. At the fifth com- mand, tlie captains of the first and second compa- nies of skirmishers will commsLnd guide rigJit^ and left, respectively, and the right guide of the first, will march in the trace of the right guide of the first battalion company, and at a distance from the latter of thirty-three paces ; the left guide of the second will march in the trace of the left guide of the left battalion company, and at the distance above indicated. 483. The same principles are applicable to a column left in front. By inversion to the right (or left) into line of battle. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET IT. Ill 484. When a column, right in front, shall be under the necessity of forming itself into line fac- ed to the reverse riank, and the colonel shall wish to execute this formation by the shortest move- ment, he will command: 1. By inversion^ right into line, wheel. 2. JBat- talion guide right. 485. At the first command, the lieutenant-col- onel will place himself in front, and facing to the right guide of the leading subdivision : at the second command, he will rectify, as promptly as possible, the direction of the right guides of the column ; the captain of the odd company, if there be one, and the column be by di%ision, will promptly bring the right of his company on the direction, and at company distance from the divis- ion next in front ; the left guide of the leading subdivision will place himself on the direction of the right guides, and will be assured in his posi- tion by the lieutenant-colonel ; which being exe- cuted, the colonel will command : 3. March (or douMe quiclc — Makch). 486. At this the right front-rank man of each subdivision will face to the right, rest his breast lightly against the left arm of his guide, and the battalion will form itself to the right into line of battle, according to the principles prescribed ; which being executed, the colonel will com- mand: Guides — Posts. 112 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET IV. 487. If the column be with the left in front, it will form itself, bj inversion, to the left into line, according to the same principles. 488. If the colonel should wish the battalion, when formed into line of battle, to be moved for- ward, the movement Avill be executed by the commands, and according to the principles indi- cated in ^o. 478 ; always preceding the com- mand, bi/ companies riglit (or left) wheel^ by the command, ly inversion. Q-489. When the column wheels into line by in- version, either at a halt, or on a march, at the first command by the colonel, the first platoon column will be faced to the right and filed to the left, and the second platoon column will be faced to the left, and filed to the right around the flanks of the column, and take post as prescribed No. 61. When the line again breaks into column, at the first command by the colonel, each company of skirmishers will be broken by platoon, either by wheeling or ploying, and at the command march^ they will be moved into their proper positions in column, according to the principles prescribed for similar movements. Successive Formations 490. Under the denomination of successive formations are included aU those formations where the several subdivisions of a colunm arrive one after another on the line of battle ; such are formations on the right, or left, and faced to the rear into line of battl^ as weU as deployments of columns in mass. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAKT IV. 113 491. The successive formations which may be ordered when the column is marching, and is to continue marching, will be executed by a combi- nation of the two gaits, quick and double quick time. Aetiole III. Different modes of passing from column at half distance, into line of battle. 1. To the left (or right) ] 2. On the right (or left) I • 4. i- ^fv„+fi« c -c^ 1 u 1 1 i. ^ into hne ot battle. 3. Forward, by deployment, 4. Faced to the rear, J l5^. Column at half distance^ to Vie left {or right) into lirte of battle. 492- A column at half distance having to form itself to the left (or right) into line of battle, the colonel will cause it to take distances by one of the means prescribed, Article IX., Part Third, of this school ; which being executed, he will form the column into line of battle, as has been indi- dated, ^o. 404, and following. 493. If a column by company, at half distance be in march, and it be necessary to form rapidly into line of battle, the colonel will command : 1. By the rear of column left (or riglit) into line^ wheel. 2. March (or double quick — Maech). 494. At the first command, the right general 10* 114 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALiON PAET IT. guide will move rapidlv to the front, and place himself a little beyond the point where the head of the column will rest, and on the prolongation of the guides. The captain of the eighth company will command : Left into line, wheel; the other captains will caution their companies to continue to march to the front. 0-495. At the same command, each chief of pla- toon of the companies of skirmishers, will cau- tion his platoon to continue its march to the front. 496. At the command march, briskly repeated by the captain of the eighth company, the guide of this company will halt short, and the company will wheel to the left, conforming to the princi- ples prescribed for wheeling from a halt ; when its right shall arrive near the line, the captain will halt the company, and align it by the left. Tlie other captains will place themselves briskly on the flank of the column ; when the captain of the seventh sees there is sufficient distance be- tween his company and the eighth to form the latter into line, he will command : Left into line, wheel — March ; the left guide will halt short, and facing to the rear, will place himself on the line; the company will wheel to the left, the man on tlie left of the front rank will face to the left, and place his breast against the left arm of the guide ; tjie captain will halt the company when its right shall arrive near the line, and will align it by the left. The other companies will conform succes- sively to what has just been prescribed for the seventh. 497, Each captain will direct the alignment of SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PABT IV. 115 his company on the left man in the front rank of the company next on his right. 498. The lieutenant-colonel will be watchful that the leading guide marches accurately on the prolongation of the line of battle, and directs himself on the right general guide. The senior major, placed in rear of the left guide of the eighth company, will, as soon as the guide of the seventh company is established on the di- rection, hasten in rear of the guides of the other companies, so as to assure each of them in suc- cession on the line. The junior major, will hold his position abreast with the color company. 0-499. At the command viarch^ by the colonel, the chief of each platoon of the platoon columns will place liimself on its directing flank ; the chief of the second platoon of the second platoon column, will command, left into line., wheel., and he will add march, aa soon as his guide is abreast with the left file of itie last battalion company ; at this the guide of the platoon will halt fast, the platoon will wheel to the left, and will be aligned to the left by its chief ; when the chief of the first platoon of the same column judges there is sufficient distance between his platoon and the second to form the latter into line, will command, left into line, wheel — March; the guide of this platoon will hasten to the right of the company, and place himself abreast with one of the three right files, face toward and cover the left guide, the captain will then dress the com- pany to the left. When the chief of the second platoon of the first platoon column arrives abreast with the left file of the first battalion company, 116 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PABT lY. it will be wheeled into line, as also its first pla- toon, in the manner prescribed for the platoons of the second platoon column. 2d. Column at half distance, on the right (or on the left\ into line of battle, 500. A column by company, at half distance and right in front, having to form itself on the right into line of battle, the colonel will indicate to the lieutenant-colonel a little in advance, the point d'appui, or rest, for the right, as well as the point of direction to the left ; the lieutenant- colonel will hasten with two markers, and estab- lish them in the fallowing manner on the direc- tion indicated. ** 501. The first marker will be placed at the point d''appui for the right front-rank man of the leading company ; the second will indicate the point where one of the three left files of the same company will rest when in line ; they will be placed so as to present the right shoulder to the battalion when formed. 502. These dispositions being made, the colonel will command : 1. On the right into line. 2. Battalion^ guide right. 503. At the second command, the right will become the directing flank, and the touch of the elbow wUl be to that side ; the right guide of the leading company will march straight-forward until up with the turning point, and each follow- Vol.2. Scluiol 111 llv*' Malliiliini p^ y -j fU^ %. ij Fig.l Fig, % m Coiain n ai half d i^tance on tfht right, into tirif of battle . .VSOO. ' J I fri rr It SCHOOL OP THE BATTALION' PAET lY. 117 ing guide will march in the trace of the one im- mediately preceding. 0-504. -A-t the same command the chief of each platoon column of the companies of skirmish- ers will command, company^ hy the leftJlanTc. 505. The leading company being nearly up with the first marker, its captain will command : 1. Right turn^ and when the company is precisely up with this marker, he will add : 2. Maeoh. 506. At the command marcli^ the company will turn to the right; the right guide will so direct himself as to bring the man next to him opposite to the right marker, and when at three paces from him, the captain will com- mand: 1. First company ; 2. Halt. 507. At the second command, the company will halt ; the files, not yet in line, will form promptly ; the left guide will retire as a file closer ; and thd captain will then command : 3. UigM — DsESS. 508. At this command, the company will align itself; the two men who find themselves oppo- site to the two markers, will each lightly rest his breast against the right arm of his marker ; the captain, passing to the right of the front rank, will direct the alignment on these two men. These rules are general for all successive forma- tions. 118 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET IV. 509. The second company will continue to marcli straight-forward ; when arrived opposite to the left flank of the preceding company, it will turn to the right, and be formed on the line of battle, as has just been prescribed; the right guide will direct himself so as to come upon that line by the side of the man on the left of the first company. 510. At the distance of three paces from the line of battle, the company will be halted by its captain, who will place himself briskly by the side of the man on the left of the preceding company, and align himself correctly on its front rank. 511. The left guide will, at the same time, place himself before one of the three left files of his company, and, facing to the right, he will place himself accurately on the direction of the two markers of the preceding company. 512. The captain will then command : ItigJit — ^Deess. 513. At this command, the second company will dress forward on the line ; the captain will direct its alignment on the front-rank man who has rested his breast against the left guide of the company. 514. The following companies wUl thus come successively to form themselves on the line of battle, each conforming itself to what has just been prescribed for the one next to the right ; and when they shall all be established, the colonel wUl command: SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET IV. 119 Guides — Posts. 515. At this command, the guides will take their places in line of battle, and the markers placed before the right company will retire. 516. If the column be inarching in quick time, and the colonel should Avish to cause the move- ment to be executed in double quick time, he will add the command: Doulle quicJc — Maech. At the command march,, all the companies will take the double-quick step, and the movement will be executed as prescribed Xo. 503 and fol- lowing. 0-517. At the command march, \>j the captain of the first battalion company, and briskly re- peated by the chiefs of platoon, the platoon columns will face by the left flank, and each chief will place himself by the side of his guide to conduct his platoon ; the first platoon column taking the guide to the right will move straight- forward, and when its head has arrived near the flank of the battalion column, it will be halted until the column has passed. When the last com- pany has passed, the jjlatoon column will be put in march, When the first platoon column shall have arrived at a perpendicular distance of thirty- three paces from, and abreast with the marker established on the right of the line, its chief will command : Bij file right ; halt in his own person, and let his platoon file around him parallel to the line of battle, and when the last file has passed, it will be halted and faced to the front. The second platoon will pass to the rear of the first, and when its right file shall arrive abreast with 120 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET IT. the left file of the first, it will be halted by its chief and faced to the front. The company will be dressed to the right by its captain. 0-513. The second platoon column will move to tlie front, and when the chief of the first platoon shall arrive abreast with the right file of the last battalion company (when on the line of battle), and thirty paces from its file closers, he will halt in his own person and let his platoon file past. This platoon column will then execute what is prescribed for the first. The company will be dressed to the left by its captain. 619. The colonel will follow up the formation, passing along the front, and being always oppo- site to the company about to turn : it is thus that he will be the better able to see and to correct the error that would result from a command given too soon or too late to the preceding company. 520. The lieutenant-colonel will, with the great- est care, assure the direction of the guides ; to this end, the instant that the markers are established for the leading company, he will move a little be- yond the point at which the left of the next com- pany will rest, establish himself correctly on the prolongation of the two markers, and assure the guide of the second company on this direction ; this guide being assured, the lieutenant-colonel will place himself farther to the rear, in order to assure, in like manner, the guide of the third com-, pany, and so on, successively, to the left of the battalion. In assuring the guides in their posi- tions on the line of battle, he will take care to let them first place themselves, and confine himself to rectifying their positions if they do not cover SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET IT. 121 accurately, and at the proper distance, tlie pre- ceding guides or markers. This rule is general^ for all successive formations. 521. A column, left in front, will form itself on the left into line of battle according to the same principles : the captains will go to the left of their respective companies to align them, and shift af- terward to their proper flanks, as prescribed No. 474. 522. In a column left in front, the platoon col- umns will be governed by the same principles as are prescribed for them in a column right in front. EEifARKS ON THE FORMATION ON THE EIGHT, OB LEFT, INTO LINE OF BATTLE. 523. In order that this movement may be exe- cuted with regularity, it is necessary to establish the line of battle so that the guide of each com- pany, after turning, may have at least ten steps to take, in order to come upon that line. 524. In the first exercises, the line of battle wUl be established on a direction parallel to that of the column; but, when the captains and guides shall comprehend the mechanism of the move- ment, the colonel will generally choose oblique directions, in order to habituate the battahon to form itself in any direction. 525. When the direction of the line of battle forms a sensible angle with that of the march of the column, the colonel, having changed the guide as indicated No. 502, will, before it arrives oppo- site the right of the line, give the head of the col- voL. n. — 11 122 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAET IT. umn a new direction pai-allel to that line ; to tliis end, he will indicate to the guide of the leading company a point in advance, on which this guide will immediately dkect himself, and the company will conform itself to the direction of its guide, at the command, or on a mere caution, of the captain, according as the change of direction may require ; each following company will make the same move- ment, on the same ground, as it shall successively arrive. By this means the guides of all the com- panies in the column will have, after turning, nearly the same number of paces to take in order to come upon the line of battle. 526. Every captain will always observe, in plac- ing himself on that line, not to give the command dress, until after the guide of his company shall have been assured on the direction by the lieuten- ant-colonel. This rule is general, for all succes- sive formations. 527. Each captain will cause his company to support arms, the instant that the captain, who follows him, shall have commanded y>'o;if. This r^de is general for all successive formutimis. 528. When, in the execution of this movement, the colonel shall wish to commence firing, he wiU give the order to that effect to the captain whose company is the first in line of battle ; this captain will immediately place himself behind the centre of his company, and as soon as the next captain shall have commanded front, he will commence the fire by file, by the commands prescribed, school of the company. At the commnndfire Ijyfile, the marker at the outer file of this first company wiU retire, and the other will place himself against the Vol.2. Scliool of tlie Ball alioii^. Pi /.5 -t^ I i -g' = : ■. ^ S ri_ ; . . V m' 1\ ~- -« • ■ : \ \ >- ^ 1 ■ \ ■ ■ sj "5:^ g . • ^ -c S 53 = 5 r ^ »-^ ^■5B- ?^ <5 ^ -$ SJ ^ 1 1 ■ • s^ 1 ss 21 1 t % 1 1 ■ .\^^ 1 1 i v^- . % % X ^--r-^-J - ""Ti-f \ -^ X --^ ■' tin ■ 1 <-«octive companies; the captain on the right of tiie battalion will take points on the ground to assure the direction of the nuirch. The chief of the seeond division will allow his division to file jiast him, and when he sees its right abreast of liim, he will command, 1. Second dirisfion hy the rif/ht Jiank. 2. March. 8. Guide right., and when this division shall arrive on the align- ment of the first, ho will cause it to march in quick time. The third and fourth divisions will deploy according to the same principles as the second. Q-588. At the first command, the platoon col- mnns will bo cautioned by their chiefs as indi- cated No. 5S2. At the command march (or donhle quick — Makch), the platoons will face by the left fiank, each chief placing himself as pre- scribed No. 50-4; each platoon column will be moved forward parallel to the line and when the right file of the first column is abreast with the right file of the first battalion company, its 136 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART IV. chief will cause it to execute what is prescribed for the second platoon column. No. 577, and when the company shall have attained its dis- tance, it will take the quick step. Tlie second platoon column will he moved jjarallel to the line, and when its right files shall arrive abreast witli the right file of the last battalion company, it will be faced by the right tlank, and execute what lias been prescribed for the first platoon column. 689. The colonel will command, Guide centre, and at this the color-bearer and right general guide will move rapidly six paces in advance of the line, the colonel will assure the direction of the color-bearer. The lieutenant- colonel, junior major, and the right comi)anies, will immedi- ately conform themselves to the principles of the march in line of battle. The senior major, left companies, and the left general guide, as they arrive on the line, will conform themselves to the same principles. If the column bo march- ing in double quicTc time, when the last company shall liave arrived on the line, should the colonel wish to resume the double quick he will so com- mand. 590. The colonel will see, pending the move- ment, that the principles just prescribed are duly observed, and particularly that the divisions, in deploying, be not halted too soon nor too late. He will correct promptly and quickly the faults that may be committed, and prevent their prop- agation. This rule is general for all deploy- ments. 59L The column being at a halt, if instead of SCnOOL OF THB BATTALIOX PAET IV. 137 deploying it on tlie first, the colonel shall wish to deploy it on the rearmost division, he will cause the dispositions to be made indicated No. 55G and followinfr; but it will be the right gen- eral guide wlioni he will send to place himself be- yond the point at which the right of the bat- talion will re>t when deployed. 592. The colonel will then command: 1 . On the fourth (or such) division, deploy column. 2. Battalion, right — Face. 593. At the first command, the chief of the fourth divisi«^n will caution it to stand fast; tho chiefs of the other divisions will caution them that they will have to face to the right. 594. At the same command, the chief of the first platoon column will caution it that it will have to face to the right; the chief of the sec- ond j)latoon column will caution it that it wiU have to face to the left. 595. At tho second command, the first three divisions will face to tho right; and the chief of each will place himself by the side of its right guide. 596. At tho same command, the lieutenant-col- onel will ])lace a third marker between the first two, so that this marker may be opposite to one of the three right tiles of the left company of tlio division; the lieutenant-colonel wiU then place himself on the line of battle a few paces beyond the point at which the right of the third division will rest when deployed. 0-597 At the same command, the first platoon 12* 138 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART IV. column will face to the right and the second to the left; the chief of each platoon will place himself bj the side of liis guide. 598. The colonel will then command : 3. March (or double quick — Makoh). 599. At this command, the three right divis- ions will put themselves in inarch, the guide of the first so directing himself as to pass three paces within the line marked by the right gen- eral guide. The chief of the third division will not follow its movement; he will see it file past, halt it when its left guide shall be abreast with him, and cause it to face to the front ; and, if there be openings between the files, he will cause thorn to be promptly closed to the left. 600. The cliief of the fourth division, when he sees it nearly unmasked by the three others, will command: 1. Fourth division^ forward. 2. Guide left. 3. Mabch. 601. At the command march, which will be given the instant the fourth is unmasked, this division will approach the line of battle, and when at three paces from the markers on that line, its chief will halt it, and command : Left — Dress. 602. At this command, the division will dress forward against the markers; the chief of the SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART IV. 139 division and the junior captain will each align the company on his right, and then command : Fbont. 603. The instant that the third division is un- masked, its chief will cause it to approach the lino c)f battle, and halt it in the manner just pre- scribed for the fourth. 604. The moment the division halts, its right guide and the covering sergeant of its left com- pany will step on the line of battle, placing them- selves on the prolongation of the markers estab- lished in front of the fourth division ; as soon as they shall be assured in their positions, the divis- ion will be aligned as has just been prescribed for the fouriii. 605. The second and first divisions which will have continued to march, will, in succession, be halted and aligned by the left, in the same man- ner as the third ; the chiefs of these divisions will conform themselves to what is prescribed No. 573. The second being near the line of bat- tle, the command will not be given for it to move on this line, but it will be dressed up to it. 0-606. At the command march, by the colonel, the platoon columns will be put in motion, the first conducted by the chiefs of platoon, will move straight-forward, the guide of the first pla- toon being so directecT as to pass three paces within the line marked by the right general guide ; when the column has arrived near that gui.le, the chief will command : 1. By the right flank. 2. March ; and having moved such dis- 140 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART IV. tance that the first platoon is thirty paces from the battalion line of file closers, its chief will command right about, halt. The guides will be established on a line passing through the right guide of the first battalion company, and each platoon dressed to the right by its chief. The column will then be deployed on its first platoon. The second platoon column will be put in march, and conducted so, that the right files of the pla- toons shall cover the right file of the last battal- ion company, when the column will be halted, faced to the front, and deployed on its first platoon. 607. The deployment ended, the colonel will command : Guides — Posts. 608. At this command, the chiefs of division and the guides will resume their places in line of battle, and the markers will retire. 609. The lieutenant-colonel will assure the Sositions of the guides by the means indicated, lO. 520, and the senior major will follow the movement abreast with the fourth division. The junior major will hold himself abreast with the third division. 610. If the column be in march, and the colo- nel shall wish to deploy it on the fourth division, he will make tlie dispositions indicated No. 557, and following; and when the head of the column shall arrive within a short distance of the line, he will command : 1. On the fourth duision, deploy column. 2. Bat- SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART IT. 141 talion, ly the right flank. 3. March {or doulle quick — March). 611. At the first command, the cliief of the fourth division will caution it to remain faced to the front, and will command, Fourth division : the chiefs of the other divisions will caution their divisions to face to the right. 0-612. At the same command, the chiefs of the first platoon column will caution it that it will have to iacQ l»y the right flank, and the chiefs of the second ]>latoon column will caution it that it will liave to tace l»y tlio left flank. 613. At the connnand march, briskly repeated by the chiefs of the first three divisions, the chief of the fourth will command : Halt. The first three divisions will face to the right, and be directed parallelly to tlie line of battle. The chief of each of these dixisions will jdace him- self by the side of its riglit guide. The chief of the third division will see his division file past him, and when his left guide is abreast of him, he will halt it, and face it to the front. The chief of the fourth division, when he shall see it nearly unmasked, will command : 1. Fourth dirisioji, forzcard ; 2. Guide left; 3. March (or double quick — March). This divis- ion will move toward the line of battle, and when at tliree paces from this line, it will be halted by its chief, and aligned by the left. 614. the chief of the third division will move his division forward, conforming to what has just been prescribed by the fourth. 615. The chiefs of the second and first divia- 142 BCnOOL OF THE T5ATTALI0N PART IV. ions, after haltinj:^ their divisions, will conform to what is prescribed No. 605. 0-616. At the command march, by the colonel, the platoon colunms will be moved and estab- lished by the means prescribed Nos. 597 and 606. 617. if the colonel should wish to deploy on tlie fourth di\-ision without halting the column, and to continue to march forward, he will not have markers posted, and the movement will bo executed by the same commands and the same means, witli tlie following modifications : the fourth di\nsion, when unmasked, will be moved forward in quick time, and will continue to march, instead of being halted, and will take the touch of elbows to the left. The third division, on being unmasked, will be moved to the front in double quick time, but when it arrives on the alignment of the fourth it will take the quick step, and dress to the left until the command Guide centre, is given by the colonel. The chiefs of the second and first divisions will conform to what has been prescribed for tlie third. When the first division shall arrive on the line, the col- onel may cause the battalion to take the double quick step. 0-618. The platoon columns will be moved and established as has l)een already prescribed, ob- serving what follows : the first platoon column, in marching by the flank, will incline to the right, BO as to permit the first division to pass, and when that division faces by the left flank, it will also face by the same flank, deploy on its first platoon, and shorten the step until the proper distance ia at- tained. SCHOOL OF THE BATTA.LI05^ — PART IV. 143 619. The colonel and lieutenant-colonel will conforiji to what has been prescribed No. 589. 620. It is not necessary that the movement be entirely completed before halting tlie battalion. As soon as the part of the battalion already fonned, shall have arrived on the line of battle, the colonel will lialt the battalion; the divisions not in line will each comjilete the movement. 621. To dejiloy the colunm on an interior divis- ion, the colonel will cause the line to be traced by tlie means above indicated, and the general guides will move briskly on the line, as prescribed Nos, 558 and 501. This being executed, the colonel will command : 1. On such division, deploy column. 2. Battalion ovticard — Face. 3. March (or double quick — March). 622. Whether the column be with the right or left in front, the divisions which, in the order in battle, belong to the right of the directing one, will face to the right ; the others, except the directing division, will tace to the left ; the divis- ions in front of the latter will deploy by the means indicated No. 593 and following ; those in its rear will deploy as is prescribed No. 560 and following. 623. The directing division, the instant it finds . itself unmasked, will approach the line of battle, taking the guide left or right, according as the right or left of the column may be in front. The chief of this division will align it by the directing flank, and then step back into the rear, in order 144 SCHOOL OP THE IJATTALION PAKT IT. momentarily to pive place to the chief of the next for aligninf:^ the next division. 0-624. Tiie platoon columns will bo moved and established accordinfr to the principles which have been already jtroscrihed. 625. T'le lictitcnant-colonel will assure the po- sitions of the ^Miides of divisions, which, in the lino of battle take the ri^dit of the directing' division, and the senior niajor will assure the positions of tlio other ii:ui and 02o. 631. In a column, left in front, deployments will be executed according to the same principles, and by inverse means. SCHOOL OF THE IJATTALIOX — PAKT IV. 145 BKMARKS OX THE DEPLOYMENT OF COLUMNS, CLOSED IN MASS. 632. All the divisions ought to deploy rect- angularly, t(» march off abreast, and to preserve their distaufcs toward the line of battle. 633. Each division, the instant that it is un- iniisktd, ouL'lit to ])e marched toward the line of battle, and to be aligned upon it by the Hank next to the directing division ; the latter, whether the right or left \>v in front, -will always be aligned by the Hank next to the poi7U iVuppui, when the dei)loynient is made on the first or last division ; but if the column be deployed on an interior divis- ion, this division will be aligned by the flank which %taH that of direction. 634. The chiefs of division will see that, in deploying, the princijdes prescribed for marching by the flank are "well observed, and if openings l)etween the files occur, which ought not to hap- pen except on broken or difficult grounds, the oi)enings ought to bo promjitly closed toward the directing flank as soon as tie divisions face to the front. 635. If a chief of division give the command halt^ or the conunand Jjy the r'ujlit or left Jlank^ too siKjn or too late, his division will be obliged to obliijue to the right or left in approaching the lino of battle, and his fault may lead the follow- ing subdivision into error. 636. In the divisions which deploy by the left fliink, it is always the left guide of each company who ought to place himself on the line of battle, VOL. n. — 13 146 ecnooL of the battalion — part it. to mark the direction ; in divisions whicli deploy by the right flank, it is the right guide. 637. A column by company, closed in mass, may be formed to the left or to the riglit into line, in the same manner as a column at half distance, and by the means indicated No. 494 and following. 638. A column by company, closed in mass, may be formed on the right or on the left into line of battle, as a column at half distance ; but in order to execute this movement, without ar- resting the march of the column, it is necessary that the guides avoid, with the greatest care, shortening the step in turning, and that the men near them, respectively, conform themselves rap idly to the movements of their guides. A column by company or division, closed in mass, can be formed into line faced to the rear, but the guide will move at double quick or a run. KEMAEKS ON INTERSIONS. 639. Inversions giving frequently the means of forming line of battle, in the promptest man- ner, are of great utility in the movements of an army. 640. The application that may be made of in- versions in the formations to the right and to the left in line of battle, has been indicated No. 484 and following. They may also be advantageously employed in the successive formations. 641. Formations, by inversion, will be executed according to the same principles as formations in the direct order ; but the colonel's first command will always begin hy inversion. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAET IV. 147 642. The battalion being in line of battle by inversion, when the colonel shall wish, by form- ing it into roluinn, to bring it back to the direct order, he will cause it either to hreak or to ploy by company, or by di^^sion, accordingly as the col- umn may have been by company or by division before it had been formed into line of battle by inversion. 643. When a battalion in line of battle, formed by inversion, has to be ployed into column, the movement will be executed according to the same princijiles as if the line were in the direct order, but observing wliat follows. 644. If it be intended that the column shall be by division, with the first in front, or by com- pany, with the first company in front, the colonel will announce in the second command — left in front, because the battalion being in line of battle by inversion, that subdivision is on the left. 645. Each chief whose subdivision takes posi- tion in the cohnnn in front of the directing one, will conduct his subdivision till it halts; and each chief whose subdivision takes position in rear of tiie directing one, will halt in his own person when up with the preceding right guide, and see his subdivision file past; and each chief will align his subdivision by the right. "When the column is to be put in march, the second command will be — guide left^ because the proper right is in front. 646- For the same reason, if it be intended that the last subdivision shall be in front, right in front, will be announced in the second command ; the subdivisions will be aligned by the left, and 148 scnooL OF the battalion — paet t. to put the column in marcli, the second command will be, guide right^ because the proper left is in front. 0-647. Whenever the line is formed by inversion, the companies of skirmishers will occupy the relative positions in rear of the first and last battalion companies respectively, as prescribed No. 489. When the column is formed, from a battalion in line by inversion, the platoon columns will be moved, and established on the proper reverse flank. PART FIFTH. Articlb I. To advance in line of battle. 648. The battalion being correctly aligned, and supposed to be the directing one, when the colonel shall wish to march in line of battle, he will give the lieutenant-colonel an intimation of his pur- pose, place himself about forty paces in rear of the color-file, and face to the front. 649. The lieutenant-colonel will place himself a like distance in front of the same file, and face ,to the colonel, who will establish him as correctly as possible, by signal of the sword, perpendicu- iarly to the line of battle opposite to the color- bearer. The colonel will next, above the heads of the lieutenant-colonel and color-bearer, take a point of direction in the field beyond, if a distinct one present itself, exactly in the prolongation of those first two points. l^bl. 2. ira.2 ^^ School of tlie Brtttali t _ i !._.._ Ji a i .___-^ ulvaiuu- II, line of iM/ll, X"- iiU „„,/ fitW. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. 149 650. The colonel will then move twenty paces farther to the rear, and establish two niai'kers on the prolongation of the straight line passing through the color-bearer and the lieutenant- colo- nel ; these markers will face to the rear, the first placed about twenty-five paces behind the rear rank of the battalion, and the second at the same distance from the first. 651. The color-bearer will be instructed to take, the moment the lientenant-colonel shall be established on the perpendicular, two points on the ground in the straight line which, drawn from himself, would pass between the heels of that officer ; the first of these points will be taken at fifteen or twenty paces from the color- bearer. 652. These dispositions being made, the colonel will command : 1 . Batta lion^ foricard. 653. At this, the front rank of the color-guard will advance six paces to the front; the corporals in the rear rank will place themselves in the front rank, and these will be replaced by those in the rank of file closers ; at the same time the two general guides will move in advance, abreast with the color-bearer, the one on the right, op- posite to the captain of the right company, the other opposite to the sergeant who closes the left of the battalion. 0-654. At this the captain and covering sergeant of each of the companies of skirmishers will place themselves as prescribed iTo. 483, and each 13* 150 SCHOOL or THE BATTALION PAJKT T. captain will command : such company of skir- mishers, forward. 655. The captains of the left wing will shift, passing before the front rank, to the left of their respective companies ; the sergeant on the left of the battalion will step back into the rear rank. The covering sergeant of the company next on the left of the color-company, will step into the front rank. 656. The lieutenant-colonel having assured the color-bearer on the line between himself and the corporal of the color-file, now in the front rank, will go to tlie position which will be hereinafter indicated, Xo. 665. 657. The senior major will place himself six or eight paces on either flank of the color-rank. The junior major Avill hold himself in the position prescribed Ko. 35, Title I. 658. The colonel will then command : 2. Maech (or double quick — Maech) 659. At this command, the battalion will step off with life ; the color-bearer, charged with the step and direction, will scrupulously observe the length and cadence of the pace, marching on the prolongation of the two points previously taken, and successively taking others in advance by the means indicated in the school of the company ; the corporal on his right, and the one on his left, will march in the same step, taking care not to turn the head or shoulders, the color-bearer sup- porting the color-lance against the hip. 0-660. At the same command, briskly repeated SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PAET V. 151 by their chiefs, the companies of skirmishers will slip oft', taking the guides as indicated Xo. 482. 661- The two general guides will march in the same step with the color-rank, each maintaining himself abreast, or nearly so, with that rank, and neither occupying himself with the movement of the other. 662- The three corporals of the color-guard, now in the front rank of the battalion, will march well aligned, elbow to elbow, heads direct to the front, and witljout deranging the line of their shoulders ; the centre one will follow exactly in the trace of the color-bearer, and maintain the same step, without lengthening or shortening it, except on an intimation from the colonel or lieu- tenant-colonel, although he should find himself more or less than six paces from the color-rank. 663. The covering sergeant in the front rank between the color-company and the next on the left, will march elbow to elbow, and on the same line, with the three corporals in the centre, his head well to the front. 664. The captains of the color-company, and the company next to the left, will constitute, with the three corporals in the centre of the front rank, the basis of alignment for both wings of the battalion ; they will march in the same step w^ith the color-bearer, and exert themselves to maintain their shoulders exactly in the square with the direction. To this end, they will keep their heads direct to the front, only occasionally casting an eye on the three centre corporals, with the slightest possible turn of the neck, and if they perceive themselves in advance, or in rear 152 SCHOOL OF TUE BATTALION — PAKT X. of these corporals, the captain, or two captains, will almost insensibly shorten or lengthen the step, so as, at the end of several paces, to regain the true alignment, Avithout giving sudden checks or impulsions to the wings beyond them respect- ively. 665. The lieutenant-colonel, placed twelve or fifteen paces on the right of the captain of the color-company, will maintain this captain and the next one beyond, abreast with the three centre corporals ; to this end, he will caution either to lengthen or to shorten the step, as may be necessary, which the captain, or two captains, will execute as has just been explained. 666. AH the other captains will maintain themselves on the prolongation of this basis; and, to this end, they will cast their eyes toward the centre, taking care to turn the neck but slightly, and not to derange the direction of their shoulders. 667. The captains will observe the march of their comjjanies, and prevent the men from get- ting in advance of the line of captains; they will not lengthen or shorten step except when evidently necessary; because, to correct, with too scrupulous attention, small faults, is apt to cause the i)roduction of greater — loss of calm- ness, silence, and equality of step, each of which it is so important to maintain. 668. The men will constantly keep their heads well directed to the front, feel lightly the elbow toward the centre, resist pressure coming from the flank, give the greatest attention to the squareness of the shoulders, and hold themselves SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART Y. 153 always very slightly behind the line of the cap- tains, in order never to shut out from the view of the latter the basis of alignment; tliey will, from time to time, cast an eye on the color-rank, or on the general guide of the wing, in order to march constantly in the same step with those advanced j)ersons. 669. Pending the march, the line, determined by two markers, will be prolonged, by placing in proportion as the battalion advances, a third marker in the rear of the first, then the second marker will quit his place and go a like distance in rear of the third ; the first marker will, in his turn, do the like in respect to the second, and bo on, in succession, as long as the battalion con- tinues to advance; each marker, on sliifting posi- tion, taking care to face to the rear, and to cover accurately the two markers already established on the direction. A staff officer, or the quarter- master-sergeant, designated for the purpose, and "who will hold himself constantly fifteen or twenty paces facing the marker farthest from the bat- talion, will caution each marker when to shift place, and assure him on the direction behind tlie other two. 670. The colonel will habitually hold himself about thirty paces in rear of the centre of his battalion, taking care not to put himself on the lino of markers ; if, for exam])le, by the slanting of the battalion, or, the indications which will be given, Nos. 680 and following, he finds that the march of the color-bearer is not perpendicular, he will promptly command: 154 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PABT V. Point of direction to the right (or left). 671. At this command, the senior major will hasten thirty or forty paces in advance of the color-rank, halt, face to the colonel, and place himself on the direction which the latter will in- dicate by si^'nal of the sword; the corporal in the centre of the battalion will then direct him- self upon the senior major, on a caution from the colonel, advancing, to that end, the opposite shoulder ; the corporals on liis right and left will conform themselves to his direction. 672. The color-bearer will also direct himself upon the senior major, advancing the opposite shoulder, the senior major causing him, at the same time, to incline to the right or left, until ha shall exactly cover the corporal of his file ; the color-bearer will then take points on the ground in this new direction. 673. The two general guides will conform themselves to the new direction of the color- rank. 674. The officer charged with observing the successive replacing of the markers in the rear of the centre, will establish them promptly on the new direction, taking for a basis the color-bearer and the corporal of his file in the centre of the battalion ; the colonel will verify the new direc- tion of the markers. 675. The lieutenant-colonel, from the position given Ko. 005, will see that the two centre com- panies, and successively all the others, conform themselves to the new direction of the centre, but without precipitancy or disorder; he will Pol 155 ign- tho tho ains 5 of the zap- lOUt rect tho that 'Ctly ihed xact will )lor- >iQts •r. ad- te as bat^ •hor- i iU irses ints, ■med s, as ■ 111* BnUalioil . -1 i ^ m H H M F ''M 1 //(/• rfff/il i,r Irif y"(i7l. SCHOOL OF THE BaTTaUOX PATTT T. 155 then endeavor to maintain that basis of align- ment for the battalion, perpendicnlarlj to tbe direction pursued bv the color-t^earer. 676. He will often observe the march of the two wing3 ; and. if he discover that the captains neglect to conform themselves to tlie basis of alignment, he will recall their attention by the command — captain of isuch) company^ or cap- tains of (such) companies^ on the line — without however, endeavoring too scrupulotislj to correct small faults. 677. The senior major on the flank of the color-rank wilL dtiring the march, place himself, from time to time, twenty paces in front of that rank, face to the rear, and place himself correctly on the prolongation of the markers established behind the centre, in order to verily the exact march of the color-bearer on that line ; he wHl rectify, if necessary, the direction of the color- bearer, who will immediately take two new points on the ground between himself and the major. 678. All the principles applicible to the ad- vance in line, are the same for a suhordinate as for the directing battalion ; but when the bat- talion under instruction is supposed to be suI-ot- dinate^ no markers "will be placed behind ita centre. EE30JBXS ON THE ADVANCE IN LIXE OF BATTLE. 679. If. in the exercises of detaik or courses of elementary instruction, the officers, sergeants, corporals, and men. have not been well confirmed in the principles of the position under arms, as 156 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. well as in the length and cadence of the step, the march of the battalion in line will he floating, unsteady, and disunited. 680. If the color-bearer, instead of marching perpendicularly forward, pursue an oblique di- rection, the battalion will slant; crowdings in one wing, and openings in the other, will follow, and these defects in the march, becoming more and more embarrassing in proportion to the de- viation from the perpendicular, will commence near the centre. 681. It is then of the greatest importance that the color-bearer should direct himself perpendic- ularly forward, and that the basis of alignment should always be perpendicular to the line pur- sued by him. 682. If openings be formed, if the files crowd each other, if, in short, disorder ensue, the reme- dy ought to be applied as promptly as possible, but calmly, with few words, and as little noise as practicable. 683. The object of the general guides, in the march in line of battle is, to indicate to the com- panies near the flanks the step of the centre of the battalion, and to afi'ord more facility in es- tablishing the wings on the direction of the cen- tre if they should be too much in the rear ; hence the necessity that these guides should maintain the same step, and march abreast, or very nearly so, with the color-rank, which it will be easy for them to do by casting from time to time an eye on that rank. 684. If the battalion happen to lose the step, the colonel will recaU its attention by the com- Tol.\ PI.L9 mm m.mmmmAmmmi w^m - m^t^^m^^ 1 tl J__ T n i ! i nm i fi';i', ' i ! i!ih'i!-!,i:jr.i: r ^;^!KH.- ' !'-iffig '-BW ' .' c'-.t^ T..-^ i t i .Sohool of rhp c b i ffllL Jl. - h n H X- r £■ ri SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET Y. 157 mand, to the — Step; captains and tlieir compa- nies will immediately cast an eye on the color- rank, or one of the general guides, and promptly conform themselves to the step. 685. Finally, it is of the utmost importance to the attainment of regularity in the march in line of battle, to habituate the battalion to execute with as much order as promptness the movements prescribed Xo. GTO and following, for rectifying the direction ; it is not less essential that com- manders of battalions should exercise themselves, with the greatest care, in forming their own coup d'cBil, in order to be able to judge with precision the direction to be given to their battalions. Aeticle II. Oblique maxch in line of battle. 686. The battalion marching in line of battle, when the colonel shall wish to cause it to oblique, he will command : 1. Bight (or left) oblique. 2. March (or double quick — March). 687. At the first command, the senior major will place himself in front of, and faced to the color-bearer. 688- At the command march^ the whole bat- talion will take the oblique step. The companies and captains will strictly observe the principles established in the school of the company. 689. The first command will be briskly re- VOL. u. — 14 158 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET T. peated bj the captains of the companies of skir- mishers. At the command march tliej will step off, and be governed by the principles prescribed in the school of the company. 690- The senior major in front of the color- bearer ought to maintain the latter in a line with the centre corporal, so that the color-bearer may oblique neither more nor less than that corporal. He will carefully observe also that they follow parallel directions and preserve the same length of step. 691- The lieutenant-colonel will take care that the captains and the three corporals in the centre keep exactly on a line and follow parallel direc- tions, 692- The colonel will see that the battalion preserves its parallelism ; he will exert himself to prevent the tiles from opening or crowding. If he perceive the latter fault, he will cause the files on the flank, to which the battalion obliques, to open out. 693. The colonel, wishing the direct march to be resumed, wall command : 1. Forward. 2. Maech. 694. At the command march^ the battalion will resume the direct march. The senior major will place himself thirty paces in front of the oolor-bearer, and face to the colonel, who will establish him, by a signal of the sword, on the di- rection wliich the color-bearer ought to pursue. The latter will immediately take two points on the ground between himself and the senior major. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PABT V 159 695- In resuming the direct rncarch, care will be taken that the men do not close the intervals which may exist between the tiles at once ; it chould be done almost insensibly. Remarks on the oblique march- 696- The object of the oblique step is to gain ground to the right or left, preserving all the while the primitive direction of the line of battle, 697. It is then essential that tlie corporals in the centre of the battalion, and the captaing of companies, should follow parallel directions, and maintain themselves at the same height ; without which they will give a false direction to the bat- talion. 698- The colonel and lieutenant-colonel will exert themselves to prevent the files from crowd- ing; for, without such precaution the oblique march cannot be executed with facility, Abticle III. To halt the battalion, marching in line of battle, and to align it. 699. The battalion, marching in the line of battle, when the colonel shall wish to halt it, h© will command : 1. Battalion. 2. Halt. 700. At the second command, the battalion will halt ; the color-rank and the general guides will remain in front ; but if the colonel should 160 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET T. not wish immediately to resume the advance in line, nor to give a general alignment, he will command : Color and general guides — Posts. 701. At this command, the color-rank and general guides will retake their places in line of battle, the captains in the left wing will shift to the right of their companies. 702. If the colonel should then judge it ne- cessary to rectify the alignment, he will com- mand : Captains^ rectify the alignment. 703. The captains will immediately cast an eye toward the centre, align themselves accu- rately on the basis of the alignment, which the lieutenant-colonel will see well directed, and then promptly dress their respective companies. The lieutenant-colonel will admonish such captains as may not be accurately on the alignment, by the command : Captains of (such) company^ or captains of (such) companies^ move up or fall hack. 704. But when the colonel shall wish to give the battalion a general alignment, either parallel or oblique, instead of rectifying it as above, he will move some paces outside of one of the general guides (the . right will here be supposed) and caution the right general guide and the color-bearer to face him, and then establish them by signal of the sword, on the direction which Vol. 2. Sckool of the Battalion. I'L20 ^ ?5 5, 5 BCHOOL 07 THE BATTAUO:^ — PAET Y. 161 ho may wish to give to the battalion. As soon as they shall be correctly established, the left general guide will place himself on their direc- tion, and be assured in his position by the senior major. The color-bearer will carry the color- lanco perj)endicularly between his eyes, and the two cor[)orals of his rank will return to their places in the front rank the moment he shall face to the colonel. 705. This disposition being made, the colonel will command : 1. Guides — On the Lvse. 706. At this command, the right guide of each conii)any in the right wing, and the left guide of each com])any in the left, will each j)lace himself on the direction of the color-bearer and the two general guides, tace to the color-bearer, place himself in rear of the guide who is next before him at a distance equal to the front of his com- pany, afid align himself upon the color-bearer and the general guide beyond. 707. The captains in the right wing will shift to the left; of their companies, except the captain of the color-company, who will remain on its right, but stej) into the rear rank ; the captains in the left wing will shift to the right of their companies. 708. The lieutenant-colonel will promptly rec- tify, if necessary, the positions of the guides of tlie right wing, and the senior major those of the other ; which being executed, the colonel will command : 14* 162 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PABT Y. 2. On the centre — Dress. 709. At this command, the companies will move np in quick time against the guides, where, having arrived, each captain will align his com- pany according to prescribed principles, the lieo- tenant-colonel aligning the color-company. 710. If the alignment be oblique, tlie captains will take care to conform their companies to it in conducting them toward the line. 711. The battalion being aligned, the colonel will command : 3. Color and guides — Posts. 712. At this command, the. color-bearer, the general and company guides, and the captains in the right wing, will take their places in the line of battle, and the color-bearer wiJl rejdace the heel of the color-lance against the right hip. 713. If the new direction of the line of bat- tle be such that one or more companies find thofnselves in advance of that line, the colonel, before establishing the general guides on the line, will cause such companies to be moved to the rear, either by the back step, or by first facing about, according as there may be less or more ground to be repassed to bring the com- panies in rear of the new direction. 714. When the colonel shall wish to give a general alignment, and the color and general guides are not on the line, he wiU cause them to move out by the command : SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART Y. 163 1. Color and general guides — On the Line, 715. At this command, the color-hearer and the general guides will place themselves on the line, conforming to what is prescrihed No. 704. 0-716. In the alignments, the companies of skir- mishers will conform to the movements of the first and last battalion companies respectively, and preserve their relative positions to them. Article IV. Change of direction in marching in line of battle 717. The battalion marching in line of battle, when the colonel shall wish to change direction to the right, he will command: 1. Change direction to the right. 2. March (or double quick — March). 718. At the command march^ the movement will commence ; the color-rank will shorten the step to fourteen or seventeen inches, and direct itself circularly to the right, taking care to advance the left shoulder, but only insensibly ; the senior major will place himself before the color-bearer, facing him, and so direct his march that he may describe an arc of a circle neither too large nor too small ; ho will also see that the color-bearer takes steps of fourteen or seventeen incheSj ac- cording to the gait. 719. The right general guide will wheel on the right captam of the battalion as his pivot; 164 sonooL OF the battalion — part y. the left general guide will circularly march in the step of twenty-eight inches or thirty-three inches, according to the gait, and will align him- self upon the color-bearer and the right general guide. 720. The corporal placed in the centre of the battalion, will take steps of fourteen or seventeen inches, and will wheel to the right by advancing insensibly the left shoulder ; the battalion will conform itself to the movement of the centre ; to this end, the captain of the color-company, and the captain of the next to the left, will at- tentively regulate their march, as well as the di- rection of their shoulders, on the three centre corporals. All the other captains will regulate the direction of their shoulders and the length of their step on this basis. 721. The men will redouble their attention in order not to pass the line of captains. 722. In the left wing, the pace will be length- ened in proportion as the file is distant from the centre ; the captain of the eighth company who closes the left flank of the battalion will take steps of twenty-eight or thirty-three inches, ac- cording to the gait, 723. In the right wing the pace will be short- ened in proportion as the file is distant from the centre ; the captain who closes the right flank will only slowly turn in his person, observing to yield ground a little if pushed. 724. The colonel will take great care to pre- vent the centre of the battalion from describing an arc of a circle, either too great or too small, in order that the wings may conform themselves SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART T. 165 to its movement. He will see also that the cap- tains keep their companies constantly aligned upon the centre, so that there may be no open- ing and no crowding of files. He will endeavor to prevent faults, and, should they occur, correct them without noise. 725. The lieutenant-colonel, placed before the battalion, will give his attention to the same ob- jects. 726. When the colonel shall wish the direct march to be resumed, he will command : 1, Forward. 2, Makch. 727. At the command march the color-rank, the general guides aad the battalion, will resume the direct march ; the senior major will immedi- ately place himself thirty or forty paces in front, face to the colonel, placed in rear of the centre, who will establish him by signal of the sword on the perpendicular direction which the corporal in the centre of the battalion ought to pursue; the senior major will immediately cause the color- bearer, if necessary, to incline to the right or left, so as to be exactly opposite to his file ; the color- bearer will then take two points on the ground between himself and the major. 728. The lieutenant-colonel will endeavor to give to the color-company and the next on the left a direction perpendicular' to that pursued by the centre corporal ; and all the other companies, without precipitancy, will conform themselves to that basis. 0-729. In changing direction, the companies of 160 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAET V. skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. Y22. Aeticlk V. To march in retreat, in line of battle. 730. The battalion being halted, if it be the wish of tiie colonel to cause it to march in retreat, ho will command : 1. Face to the rear. 2, Battalion^ about — Face, 731. At the first command the color-rank and general guides, if in advance, will take their places in line. At the second command the battalion will face about, the color-bearer will j)as3 into the rear rank, now leading; the corporal of his file will step behind the corporal next on his own right, to let the color-bearer pass, and then step into the front rank, now rear, to re-form the color-file; the colonel will i)lace himself behind the front rank, become the rear ; the lieutenant- colonel and senior major will place themselves before the rear rank, now leading. 732. At the second command the companies of skirmishers will face about with the battal- ion. 733. The colonel will take post forty paces be- hind the color-file,!,'in order to assure the lieuten- ant-colonel on the perpendicular, who will place himself at a like distance in front, as prescribed fai- the advance inline of battle. T34. If the battalion be the one charged with the direction, the colonel will establish markers in BOnOOL OP THE BATTALION PAET Y. 167 the manner indicated No. G50, except that they will face to the battalion. If the markers be al- ready established, theofficer charged with replac- ing them in succession will cause* them to face about, the moment that the battalion executes this movement, and then the marker nearest to the battalion will hasten to the rear of the two others. 735. These dispositions being made, the colo- nel will coiiiinand: ;;. lUittalion^ forward. 736. At this command, the color-bearer will advance six paces beyond the rank of file closers, accompanied by the two corporals of his guard of that rank, the centre corporal stepping back to let the color-bearer pass ; the corporal of the color-file in the front-rank, now rear, will re- place the color-bearer when the latter steps out, the two file closers nearest this centre corporal will unite on him behind the color-guard to serve as a basis of alignment for the line of file closers; the two general guides Avill place themselves abreast with the color-rank, the covering ser- geants will ])l:ice themselves in the line of file closers, and the captains in the rear rank, now leading ; the captains in the left wing, now right, will, if not already there, shift to the left of their coin|)anies, now become the right. 737. The colonel will then command : 4. MAEcn (or double quick — Maech). 168 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART Y. 738. Tlie battalion will march in retreat on the same principles which govern the advance in line: the centre corporal behind the color-bearer will march exactly in his trace. 739. If it be the directing battalion, the color- bearer will direct himself on the markers, who will of their own accord, each i)lace himself in succession beiiind tlie marker most distant, on being aj)i)roached by the battalion ; the officer charged wkh the superintendence of the marker* will carefully assure them on the direction, 740. Ill the case of a subordinate battalion, the color-bearer will maintain himself on the per- pendicular by means of points taken on the ground. 741- At the fourth command by the colonel, the companies of skirmishers will march to the rear, retaining their relative positions with refer- ence to the first and last battalion companies, 742. The colonel, lientenant-colonel, senior and junior majors will each discharge the same func- tions as in the advance in line. 743. Tiie lieutenant-colonel, placed on the out- side of the file closers of the color company, will also maintain the three tile closers of the basis of alignment in a square with the line of direction : the other tile closers will keep themselves align- ed on this basis. Aeticle YI. To halt the battalion, marching in retreat, and to face it to the front. 744. The colonel having halted the battalion, SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART T. 169 and wishinir to face it to the front, will com- mand : 1. Face, to the front. 1. Battalion^ about — Face. 745. At the second command, the color-rank, general guihers will face al>out with the battalion. 747. The battalion marching in line of battle by the front rank, when the colonel shall wish to march it in retreat, he will command: 1. Battalion^ right about. 2. Maiicil 748. At the command march, the battalion will face to the rear and move off at the same gait by the rear rank. The principles prescribed Nos. TST) and following will be carefully observed. 749. If the colonel should wish the battalion to march again by the front, he will give the same commands. 0-750. At the command march, the companies of skirmishers will come to the right about with the battalion, taking care to preserve their rela- tive positions with regard to the battalion com- panies. VOL. IL — 15 l70 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PABT V. Aeticle Vll. Change of direction in marching in retreat, 751- A battalion retiring in line will change di- rection by the commands and means indicated No. 717 and following; the three file closers, uni- tedbehind the color-rank, will conform themselves to the movement of this rank and wheel like it; the centre file closer of the three will take steps of fourteen or seventeen inches, according to the gait, and keep himself steadily at the same dis- tance from the color-bearer ; the line of file clos- ers will conform themselves to the movements of its centre, and the lieutenant-colonel will main- tain it on that basis. 0-752- The comj)anie9 of skirmishers, when the battalion changes direction, will conform to the movements of the first and last battalion com- panies. AjiTiCLE yill. Passage of obstacles, advancing and retreating. 753. The battalion advancing in line will be supposed to encounter an obstacle which covers one or more companies ; the colonel will cause them to ploy into column closed in mass, in rear of the next company toward the color, which will be executed in the following manner. It wili be supposed that the obstacle only covers the third company, the colonel will command : Third company^ obstacle. % I'L 22. rf 271^ eighth, companies ohstcuJ^f A'!^ 753. *3-F; I I I ^. M r/ ScKool of tLe Battalion. Third and ri^htfi' companies into Hive.. 2^759. -Third and eighth companies obstaile \^ 753 I I ^i I { i W A^ o SCHOOL or THE BATTALION — PAET V. 171 754. At this command, the captain of the third company will place himself in its front, to turn it, and command : 1. Third company^ iy the left fiaiik^ to the rear into column. 2. Double quick. 3. Marcu. He will then hasten to the left of his company, 755. At the command march^ the company will face to the left in marching ; the two left files will promptly disengage to the rear in douhle quick time ; the left guide, placing himself at the head of the front rank, will conduct it behind the fourth company, directing himself parallelly with this company ; the captain of the third will himself lialt opposite to the captain of the fourth, and see his company file past ; when its right file shall be nearly up wdth him, he will command : 1. Third company. '2i. By the right flanl\ 3. March. 4. Guide right^ and place himself be- fore the centre of his company. 756. At the command march^ the company will face to the right, preserving the same gait ; but the moment it shall be at the prescribed dis- tance, its captain will command : 1. QuicTc time. 2. March. 757. This company will thus follow in column that behind which it finds itself, and in close order, its right guide marching exactly in the trace of the captain of that company. 758. As soon as the third company shall have faced to the left, the left guide of the second will place himself on the left of the front rank of his company, and maintain between himself and the 172 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. right of the fourth, the space necessary for the return into line of the third. 759. The obstacle being passed, the colonel will command : Third company into line. 760. At this command the captain, turning to his company, will add : 1. Comimny^ hy the right fianlc. 2. Double quick. 3. Maecil 761. At the command march,, the company will take the double quick step, the captain will hasten to the right of his company', halt in his own person; the company, conducted by its guide, will file past its captain parallel to the line, and when the left file has arrived abreast with him, the captain will command : 1. By the left fianlc. 2. MAEcn. 3. Guide left. 762. At the command marc\ the company will direct itself straight-forward toward the line of battle, and retake its position in it accord- ing to the principles prescribed for deploying into line of battle while marching. 763. It will be supposed that the obstacle covers several contiguous companies (the three companies on the right for example), the colonel will command : 1. Three right companies,, ol)8tacle. 2. By th^ .S.liool of fkp Biirtnl-imi. 1 1 h '^ n J p t-, -1^ 1 1 ^ rlH f J 1 1 ' ^ ■J if Cs li ^ ■t'" ^ II ^ ^, .^ 5: 1 ° 1 . n J li V 5 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX — PAET Y. 1V3 leftfiank^ to the rear^ into column. 3. Double quick — Maech, 764. At the first command, the captains of the designated companies will each place himself be- fore the centre of his company, and caution it as to the movement about to be executed. 0-765. At the same command, the captain of the first company of skirmishers will caution his company to face by the left flank. 766. At the command marcTi^ the designated companies will face to the left in marching, and immediately take the double quick step ; each captain will cause the head of his company to disengage itself to the rear, and the left guide will place himself at the head of the front rank ; the captain of the third company will conform himself to what is prescribed No. 755, and fol- lowing : the captains of the other companies will conduct them by the flank in rear of the third, inclining toward the head of the column ; and, as the head of each company arrives opposite to the right of the one next before it in column, its captain will himself halt, see his company file past, and conform himself for facing it to the front, in marching, to what is prescribed No. 755 and following. 0-787. At the same command, the first company of skirmishers will face by the left flank, and take the double quick step : the left guide will place himself on the left of the front rank, and the company, conducted by its chief, will follow the movement of the first battalion company, 15* 174 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAP.T V. taking care to preserve its distance, and main- tain its relative position. 768. When the last company in column shall have passed the obstacle, the colonel will com- mand : 1. Three right companies into line. 769. At this command, the captain of each of these three companies will command, company ly the right flanlc. The colonel will then add : 1. Double quicTc. 2. Maech. 770. At this, briskly repeated by the captains of the three companies, each company will con- form itself to what is prescribed No. 761 and fol- lowing. The captains of the second and first companies, respectively, halting in their own per- sons when the third and second face by the left flank. 0-771. At the same command, the first company of skirmishers will face by the right flank, take the double quick step, and follow the movements of the first battalion company, preserving its distance and position. 772. It is supposed, in the foregoing examples, that the companies belonged to the right wing ; if they make part of the other, they will execute the passage of an obstacle according to the same principles and by inverse means. 773. "^hen flank companies are broken off" to pass an obstacle, the general guide on that flank wiU place himself sis paces in front of the outer SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. 175 file of the nearest companj to him remaining in line. 774. In the preceding movements, it has been supposed that the battahon was marching in qnick time, but if it be marching in double quick time, and the colonel shall wish to cause several contiguous companies to break to the rear, he will first order the battalion to march in quick time ; the companies will break as indicated No. 763. 775. When the movement is completed, the colonel may order the double quick step to be resumed. He will also cause the battalion to march in quick time when he shall wish to bring into line the several companies which are to the rear in column ; the movement will be executed as previously indicated ; and when the last com- pany shall have nearly completed its movement, the colonel may cause the double quick step to be resumed. 776. In the movement of a single company, or of several companies not contiguous to each oth- er, the battalion will continue to march in double quick time, but in these cases the companies which are to ploy in column, or re-enter the line, will increase the gait. 777. If the colonel wishes to charge bayonet while advancing in line, he will previously order the color and general guides to their posts. 778. In. the march in retreat, these several movements will be executed on the same prin- ciples as if the battalion marched by the front rank. 0-779. If in marching in retreat the first and 176 SCHOOL OF THE BATTAUON PAET T. last battalion companies are broken off to pass an obstacle, the companies of skirmishers will be faced by the right and left flanks respectively, and take such position as to be covered by the same battalion companies that the first or last battalion company cover respectively. "When the |first and last battalion companies come into line the companies of skirmishers will be faced by the flank, and resume their proper position. In performing this movement the captain of each of the companies of skirmishers will take care to incline the head of his company well to the front, and to quicken the pace so the distances may not be lost. 780. When a battalion, advancing in line of battle, shall be obliged to execute the right about in order to retreat, if there be companies in column behind the rear rank, these companies vriU also execute the right about, put themselves in march at the same time with the battalion, and will thus precede it in the retreat. 781. If the battalion be marching in retreat in double quick time, and the colonel should desire to bring into line the companies which may be marching before the rear rank of the battalion, he will cause the battalion to take the quick step, he will then cause those companies to take full distance by the head of the column. The com- panies marching before the rear rank will then be brought successively into line as the ground win permit, whatever may be the gait of the battalion. 782. When the color-company shall be obliged to execute the movement of passing an obstacle, SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 177 the color-rank will return into line at the moment the company shall face to the left or right ; the senior major will place himself six paces before the extremity of the company behind which the color-company marches in column, in order to give the step and the direction ; he himself first taking the step from the battalion. 783. As soon as the color-company shall have returned into line, the front rank of the color- guard -vvill again move out six paces in front of the battalion, and take the step from the senior major ; the latter will immediately place himself twenty or thirty paces in front of the color- bearer, and face to the colonel placed behind the centre of the battalion, who will establish him on the perpendicular ; and, as soon as he shall be assured on it. the color-bearer will instantly take two points on the ground between himself and the senior major. 78'!. It is prescribed, as a general rule, that the companies of the right wing ought to exe- cute the movement of passing obstacles by the left flank, and the reverse for the companies of the other wing; but if the obstacle cover at once several companies of the centre, each will file into column behind that, still in line, and of the same wing, which may be the nearest to it. EEMAEKS ox THE DISPOSITION OF THE COMPANIES OF SKIRMISHERS, AND OF THE BATTALION COM- PANIES, WHEN DEPLOYED AS SUCH, 785. When one or more platoons of the compa- nies of skirmishers are deployed, and the colonel 178 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAKT V. wishes to recall them, he will indicate his inten- tion to the junior ma,] or, or other commandant of the line, who will either cause the rally on the battalion to be sounded or will command: Rally on the battalion. 786. At this sound, or command, the skirmish- ers and reserves will rapidly unmask the front of the battalion, directing themselves in a run around its nearest flank : each company will im- mediately be formed in close column, by platoon in rear of the first and last battalion companies respectively, or behind any shelter whatever in the vicinity that may ofl:er. The companies of skirmishers will not be engaged in the tire of the line ; but, in case the enemy are broken by the fire, they will be prepared for a rapid pursuit. They will also cover the battalion when in re- treat, unless the colonel should desire to face it about and open the fire of the line. 787. When any of the battalion companies act- ing as skirmishers are rallied on the battalion in line, they will direct themselves around the near- est flank, as prescribed above, and form in the rear : they will then immediately take their prop- er places in the line. Article IX. To pass a defile, in retreat, by the right or left flank. 788. When a battalion, retiring in line, shall VoL.Z. Sell col of tlie Batt alioTi. Fl. 2f/. 7l> fHKss a defile in. retr^Mt Ay tJu^righX fhaiA. N9 788. dH SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. 179 encounter a defile which it must pass, tlie colonel will halt the battalion, and face it to the front. 789. It will be supposed that the defile is in rear of the left flank, and that its width is suflfi- cient to give passage to a column by platoon ; the colonel will place a marker fifteen or twenty paces in rear of the file-closers at the point around which the subdivisions will have to change direc- tion in order to enter the defile ; he will then command : To the rear^ hy the right JlanTc^ pass the defile. 790. The captain of the first company will immediately command : 1. First company^ right — Face. 2. Majbch (or double quick — March). 791. At the command march, the first com- pany will commence the movement ; the first file will wheel to the right, march to the rear till it shall have passed four paces beyond the file clos- ers, when it will wheel again to the right, and then direct itself straight-forward toward the left flank. All the other tiles of this company will come to wheel in succession at the same place where the first had wheeled. 792. The second company will execute, in its turn, the same movement, by the commands of its captain, who will give the command March, so that the first file of his company may imme- diately follow the last of the first, without con- straint, however, as to taking the step of the 180 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. first ; the first file of the second company will wheel to the right, on its ground ; all the other files of this company will come in succession to wheel at the same place. The following compa- nies will execute, each in its turn, what has just heen prescribed for the second. 793. When the whole of the second company shall be on the same direction with the first, the captain of the first will cause it to form, by platoon, into line, and the moment that it is in column, the guide of the first platoon will direct himself on the marker around whom he has to change direc- tion in order to enter the defile. 794. The second company will continue to march by the flank, directing itself parallelly with the line of battle ; and it, in its turn, will form by platoon into line, when the third com- pany shall be wholly on the same direction with itself. 795- The following companies will successively execute what has just been prescribed for the second, and each will form by platoon into line, when the next company shall be on the same di- rection with itself. 796- The first platoon of the leading company having arrived opposite to the marker placed at the entrance of the defile, will turn to the left, and the following platoons will all execute this movement at the same point. As the last com- panies will not be able to form platoons before reaching the defile, they will so direct themselves, in entering it, as to leave room to the left for this movement. 797. The battalion will thus pass the defile by SCnOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET Y. 181 platoon ; and, as the two platoons of each com- pany shall clear it, companies will be successively formed by the means indicated, S. (?., No. 278, and following. 798- The head of the column having cleared the defile, and having reached the distance at which the colonel wishes to re-form line faced to the defile, he may cause the leading company to turn to the left, to prolong the column in that di- rection, and then form it to the left into line of battle ; or he may halt the column, and form it into line of battle faced to the rear, either direct or by inversion. 799. If it be the intention of the colonel to commence the fire before the whole column is disengaged from the defile, he may cause the leading company, when it has formed to change direction to the riglit, and then form on the right into line; or, that company may change direction to the left, and then the formation will be on the left into line by inversion. 800- If the defile be in the rear of the right flank, it will be passed by the left ; the move- ment will be executed according to the same principles, and by inverse means. 801- It" the defile be too narrow to receive the front of a platoon, it will be passed by the flank. Captains and file closers will be watchful that the files do not lose their distances in marching. Companies or platoons will be formed into line as the width of the defile may permit, or as th« companies shall successively clear it. VOL. u.— 16 182 SOHOOL OP THE BATTALION PART V. EEMAEK8 ON THE DISPOSITION OF THE COMPANIES. OF SKIKMISHEES, IN PASSING A DEFILE. 802. If the companies of skirmishers are in rear of the battalion in line, at the first command by the colonel for passing the defile, thej will be put in motion, and accompanied by the junior major, will immediately pass the defile either by platoon or by file, according to the width, the company nearest to the defile passing first : they will under the direction of the junior major, take such positions as may best protect the passage of the defile by the battalion companies. 803. If the companies of skirmishers, or a por- tion of them, are deployed to Cover the retreat, and the colonel desires to open the fire of the line previous to passing the defile, he will, before commencing the movement, cause the skirmish- ers to be rallied on the battalion, when they will immediately pass the defile. 804. If the colonel does not wish to open the fire by line previous to passing the defile, the companies of skirmishers will cover the passage of the battalion companies before passing them- selves. Aeticle X. To marcli by the flank. 805. The colonel, wishing the battalion to march by the flank, will command : 1. Battalum. 2. J^ight (or left)— Face. 3. For- bear d. 4. Maech (or double quick — Maboh). SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART V. 183 806. At the second command, the captains and covering sergeants will place themselves as prescribed in the -S'. (7., Nos. 138 and 143. 0-807. At the same command, the companies of skirmishers will face to the right or left, and the chiefs will place themselves as above indicated. 808. The sergeant on the left of the battalion will place himself to the left, and by the side of the last file of his company •. covering the captains in file. 809. The battalion having to face by the left flank, the ca})tains, at the second command, will shift rapidly to the left of their companies, and each place himself by the side of the covering sergeant of the company preceding his own, ex- cept the captain of the left company, who will place himself by the side of the sergeant on the left of the battalion. The covering sergeant of the right company will place himself by the right side of the front-rank man of the rearmost file of his company, covering the captains in file. 810. At the command inarch^ the battalion will step off with life ; the sergeant, jjlaced before the leading file (right or left in front), will be careful to preserve exactly the length and cadence of the step, and to direct himself straight-forward ; to this end, he will take points on the ground. 811. At the same command, the companies of skirmishers will step oflT, the chiefs abreast with the captains of the first and last battalion com- panies respectively, and they will march parallel to them. 812. Whether the battalion march by the right or left flank, the lieutenant-colonel will pkce 184 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. himself abreast with the leading file, and the senior major abreast with the color-file, both on the side of the front rank, and about six j^aces from it. The junior major will hold himself as pre- scribed No. 94. 813. The adjutant, placed between the lieuten- ant-colonel and the front rank, will marcli in the same step with the head of the battalion, and the sergeant major, placed between the senior major and the color-bearer, will march in the same step with the adjutant. 814. The captains and file closers will carefully see that the files neither open out, nor close too much, and that they regain insensibly their dis- tattces, if lost. 815. The colonel wishing the battalion to wheel by file, will command : 1. By file right (or left). 2. Maech. 816. The files will wheel in succession, and all at the place where the first had wheeled, in con- forming to the principles prescribed in the school of the company. 817. The battalion marching by the flank, when the colonel shall wish it to halt, he will command : 1. Battalion. 2. Halt. 3. Feoxt. 818. These commands will be executed as pre- scribed in the -S'. C, No. 148. 819. If the battalion be marching by the flank, and the colonel should wish to cause it to march BCnOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART V. 185 in line, either to the front or to tlie rear, the movements will be executed by the commands and means prescribed in the school of the company. Article XI. To form the battalion on the right or left, by file, into line of battle. 820. The battalion marching by the right flank, when the colonel shall wish to form it on the right by file, he will determine the line of battle, and the lieutenant-colonel will place two markers on that line, in conformity with what ig prescribed No. 501. 821. The head of the battalion being nearly up with the first marker, the colonel will com- mand : 1. On the right, hy Jile, into line. 2. March (or double quick — March). 822. At the command march, the leading com- f)any will form itself on the right, by file, into ine of battle, as indicated in the S. C, No. 151 ; the front-rank man of the first file will rest his breast lightly against the right arm of the first marker ; the other companies w^ill follow the movement of the leading company ; each captain will place himself on the line at the same time with the front-rank man of his first file, and on the right of this man. 823. The left guide of each company, except the leading one, wiU place himself on the direc- 16* 186 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PABT Y. tion of the markers, and opposite to the left file of his company, at the instant that the front- rank man of this file arrives on the line. 824. The formation being ended, the colonel will command : Guides — Posts. 825. The colonel will superintend the succes- sive formation of the battalion, moving along the front of the line of battle. 826. The lieutenant-colonel will, in succession, assure the direction of the guides, and see that the men of the front rank, in placing themselves on the line, do not pass it. 827. If the battalion march by the left flank, the movement will be executed according to the same principles, and by inverse means. 828. As marching by the flank in the presence of the enemy is a very objectionable movement, it will not be executed except for the purpose of moving the battalion to the right or left for a short distance, or when the narrowness of the way will not permit a company front. 0-829. If the companies of skirmishers are pres- ent with the battalion when marching by the flank, and the colonel wishes either to file to the right or left, or to form on the right or left into line by file, he will, previous to commencing the movement, cause those companies formed as the battalion companies, to take post on the right and left of the battalion respectively. CF^ Sckool of thfi Ba+taUoii l't'r/)eniliriilar t/ltinf/e of front forwdril on ft r.\l cotiipliiiy Xo H.'J'J ■MillllllllBililMMll^^^ -^-... r> SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAET T. 187 Aeticle XII. CHANGES OF FEONT. Change of front perpendicularly forward. 830. The battalion being in line of battle, it is supposed to be the wish of the colonel to cause a change of front forward on the right company, and that the angle formed by the old and new positions be a right angle, or a few degrees more or less than one; he will cause two markers to be placed on the new direction, before the posi- tion to be occupied by tbat company, and order its captain to establish it against the markers, 831. The captain of the right company will immediately direct it upon the markers by a wheel to the right on the fixed pivot ; and aftei having halted it, he will align it by the right. 832. These dispositions being made, the colo^ nel will command : 1. Change front foricard on first company. 2. By company^ right half wheel. 3. Maech (oi? douMe quick — Maech). 833. At the first command, each captain will place himself before the centre of his company. 0-834. At the same command, the captain of the first company of skirmishers will face his com- pany to the left, the left guide will step in front of the front-rank man of the left file, and the captain will place himself by the side of his 188 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET Y. guide ; the captain of the second company will caution it to march straight-forward. 835. At the third, each company will wheel to the right on the fixed pivot, as prescribed in the S. C, No. 189 ; the left guide of each will place himself on its left as soon as he shall be able to pass; and when the colonel shall judge that the companies have suflBciently wheeled, he will command : 4. Forward. 5. March. 6. Guide right. 836. At the fifth command, the companies ceasing to wheel will march straight-forward ; at the sixth, the men wUl touch elbows toward the right. 837. The right guide of the second company will march straight-forward until this company shall arrive at the point where it should turn to the right ; each succeeding right guide wiU fol- low the file immediately before him at the cessa- tion of the wheel, and will march in the trace of this file until this company shall turn to the right to move upon the line; this guide will then march straight-forward. 838. The second company having arrived op- posite to the left file of the first, its captain will cause it to turn to the right ; the right guide will direct himself so as to arrive squarely upon the line of battle, and when he shall be at threo paces from that line, the captain will command: 1. Second company, 2. Halt. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PAET Y. 189 839. At the second command, the company will halt ; the files not yet in line with the guide will come into it promptly, the left guide will place himself on the line of battle, and as soon as he is assured in the direction by the lieuten- ant-colonel, the captain will align the company by the right. 840. Each following company will conform to what has just been prescribed for the second. 0-841. At the third command by the colonel, the first company of skirmishers will step oflT, and be conducted by its captain in such manner that when the leading file arrives abreast with the right file of the first battalion company, it wiU be at a distance of thirty paces from the file-closers of that company ; after prolonging itself its full length in a direction parallel to the first battalion company, it will be halted, faced to the front, and dressed to the right by its chief. The second company will be marched straight-forward a dis- tance of thirty-three paces, the captain will then cause it to execute what has been prescribed, Nos. 835, 836, and 837, observing what follows : the company will be halted, and dressed to the right the moment it turns to the right. 842. The formation ended, the colonel will command : Guides — Posts. 843. If the battalion be in march, and the col- onel shall wish to change front forward on the first company, and that the angle formed by the old and new positions be a right angle, he will cause two markers to be placed on the new 190 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. direction, before the position to be occupied by that company, and will command : 1. Change front fortcard on first company. 1. By company.^ right half wheel. 8. Maech (or double quich—}S.2^T!.cvL). 844. At the first command, the captains will move rapidly before the centre of their respec- tive companies ; the captain of the first company will command : 1. Right turn ; 2. Quick time; the captains of the otlier companies will caution them to wheel to the right. 0-845. At the same command, the captain of the first company of skirmishers will command : Company by the left flanh ; the captain of the second company will caution it that it will have to move straight-forward. 846. At the command march, the first battal- ion company will turn to the right, according to the principles prescribed in the S. S., No. 415 ; its captain will halt it at three paces from the markers, and the files in rear will promptly come into line. The captain will align the company by the right. 847. Each of the other companies will wheel to the right on a fixed pivot ; the left guides will place themselves on the left of their respective companies, and when the colonel shall judge they have wheeled sufficiently, he will command : 4. Forward. 5. Maech. 6. Guide right. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 191 848. These commands will be executed as in- dicated No. 833 and following. 849. At the third command by the colonel, briskly repeated by the chiefs of the companies of skirmishers, the first company will execute what has been prescribed Xos. 834 and 841, and the second company what has been prescribed No. 841. 850. The colonel will cause -the battalion to change front forward on the eighth company, according to the same principles and by inverse means. 0-851. The companies of skirmishers will exe- cute this movement according to the same prin- ciples prescribed for them when changing front on the first battalion company, and by inverse means. Change of front perpendicularly to the rear. 852. The colonel, wishing to change front to the rear on the right company, will impart his purpose to the captain of this company. The latter will immediately face his company about, wheel it to the left on the fixed pivot, and halt it when it shall be in the direction indicated to him' by the colonel ; the captain will then face his company to the front, and align it by the right against the two markers, whom the colonel will cause to be established before the right and left files. 0-853. At the same time the captain of the first company of skirmishers will face it to the right, march it forward the distance of thirty-three 192 SCHOOL OF TUE BATTALION PAET V. paces, file it to the left, and establish it in rear of the first battalion company. 854. These dispositions being made, the coloud will command : 1. Change front to the rear^ on first company. 2. Battdlion, about — Face. 3. By company^ left half wheel. 4. Marck (or double quick — March). 855. At the second command, all the compa- nies, except the right, will face about. 0-856. At the second command, the second com- pany of skirmishers will face about. 857. At the third, the captains whose com- panies liave faced about, will each place himself behind the centre of his company, two paces from the front rank, now the rear. 0-858. At the same command, the captain of the second comj)any of skirmishers will })Iace him- self as above indicated for the captains of the battalion companies. 859. At the fourth, these companies will wheel to the left on the fixed pivot by the rear rank ; the left guide of each will, as soon as he is able to pass, place himself on the left of the rear rank of his company, now become the right ; and when the colonel shall judge that the com- panies have suflSciently wheeled, he will com- mand: 5. Fortcard. 6. Maech. 7. Guide left. 860. At the sixth command, the companies 8CU00L OF THK BATTALION PABT T. 198 will cease to wheel, march straight-forward tleft k on 1 1)0 I by inge each umn , the jond ;om- y be tlie bat- two lem- n, at •iglit sers, com- 1 U Vol.-^. ^P _S.rhool of the Battalic u. T12(> m ■] p J! r\ .- . D 1 1 '1 °l % 1 1 1 *^^. * P 1 ^i 1 1 i 1 .^. 1 ^- ■H, 1 1 l| 1 J • a 1 1 ll 1 1 „. - i-i i 1 u i ■ .. 1 -t*- 1 1 1 i 5 ^ rr - ■ r - -P 1 \[\ 1 « 1 1 r s'l ,1 J s. ! ^ 1 " m ^ i m SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 197 J-879. At the same command, the first platoon «^oluran will face to the left, and the second to the right. Each guide will place himself in front of the front-rank man of the leading file of his platoon, and each chief by the side of his guide. 880. At the command march., the fourth and fifth companies, which are to form the first di- vision, will stand fast ; the senior captain of the two will place himself before the centre of the V. ivision, and command : Guide right; the junior captain will place himself in the interval between the two companies, and the left guide of the left company will place himself in the front rank on the left of the division, as soon as he shall be able to pass. 881. All the other companies, conducted by their captains, will step ofif with life to arrange themselves in column at company distance, each company behind the preceding one in the column of the same wing, so that, in the right wing, the third may be next behind the fourth, the second next to the third, and so on to the right com- pany; and, in the left wing, the sixth may be next behind the fifth, the seventli next to the sixth, and so on to the left company of the bat- talion. 882. The corresponding companies of the two wings will unite into divisions in arranging them- selves in column ; an instant before the union, at tlie centre of the column, the left guides of right companies will pass into the line of file closers, and each captain will command: 1. Such com- pany ; 2. Rait ; 3. Feoxt. 883. At the second command, which will be 17* 198 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET T. given at the instant of union, each company will halt ; at the tliird, it will face to the front. The senior captain in each division will place himself on its right, and command : Right — Deess, and the junior captain wUl place himself in the inter- val between the two companies. The division being aligned, its chief wiU command: Feostt, and take his position two paces before its centre. 0-884. At the command march^ by the colonel, each platoon column conducted by its chief, will be directed diagonally to the rear, in such man- ner that the front rank of the first platoon of each platoon column shall be on a line six paces in rear of the front rank of the division next to the last. The first platoon column three paces from the right, and the second platoon column three paces from the left flank of the battalion column. The first platoon column will be dressed to the left, and the second to the right. In case there is but one platoon on each flank, tliey will be established in the positions pre- scribed above, for the first platoons of the columns. 885. The column being thus formed, the di- visions will take the respective denominations of Jirst^ second, third^ &c.^ according to position in the column beginning at the front. 886. The lieutenant-colonel who, at the second command given by the colonel, will have placed himself at a little more than company distance in rear of the right guide of the first division, wiU assure the right guides on the direction as they successively arrive, by placing himself in their SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 199 rear, and then take post as indicated N"©. 175, outside the right flank of the column. 887. The senior major will follow the move- ment abreast with the last company, and then take post as indicated No. 176, outside the right flank of the column. The junior major will place himself abreast with the first platoon of the first platoon column, and six paces outside its right flank. 888. The music will pass to the rear of the column. 889. The battalion being in march to form the double column at company distance without halt- ing the battalion, the colonel will command : 1. Double column at half distance. 2. Battalion hy the right and left flanlcs. 3. Maeoh (or double quicTc — Maech). 890. At the first command, each captain will move briskly in front of the centre of his com- pany; the captains of the fourth and fifth will caution their companies to march straight-for- ward, and will command : quichtime: the othei captains will caution their companies to face to the right and left. 0-891. At the same command, the companies of skirmishers will execute without halting what is prescribed Ko. 877. The chief of the first pla- toon column will caution his column to face by the left flank, and the chief of the second pla- toon column will caution his column to face by the right flank. 892. At the command march, the fourth and 200 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PART V. fifth companies will continue to march straiglit- forward ; the senior captain will place himself before the centre of his division, and command : Guide right ; the junior captain will place him- self in the interval between the two companies. The left guide of the fifth company will place himself on the left of the front rank of the divis- ion. The men will take the touch of elbows to the right. The color and general guides will re- take their places. The three right companies will face to the left, and the three left companies will face to the right. Each captain will break to the rear two files at the head of his company ; the left guides of the right companies, and the right guides of the left companies, will each place himself at the head of the front rank of his company, and the captain by the side of his guide. 893. The third and sixth companies will enter the column, and direct themselves parallelly to the first division. Each of the other companies will, in like manner, place itself behind the com- pany of the wing to which it belongs, and will be careful to gain as much ground as possible to- wiard the head of the column. 894. The corresponding companies of each wing will unite into divisions on taking their positions in column, and each captain, the in- stant the head of his company arrives at the centre of the column, will command : 1. Such tompany hy the right (or left) flank. 2. March. The senior captain of the two companies will place himself in front of the centre of his divis- ion, and command: Guide right; the junior SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 201 captain will place himself in the interval be- tween the two companies. The two companies thus formed into a division, will take the touch of elbows to the right, and when each division has gained its proper distance, its chief will cause it to march in quick time. 0-895. At the command marcJi^ by the colonel, the first platoon column will face by the left, and the second platoon column by the right flank, and they will be conducted by their chiefs as prescribed No. 884. On arriving at their posi- tions the platoon columns will be faced by the right and left flanks respectively, and take the quick step. 896. When the battalion presents an odd num- ber of companies, the formation will be made in like manner, and the company on either flank which shall find itself without a corresponding one, will place itself at company distance behind tlie wing to which it belongs. 897. The double column, closed in mass, will be formed according to the same principles, and by the same commands, substituting the indica- tion, closed in mass, for that of at half distance. 898. The double column never being formed when two or more battalions are to be in one general column, it will habitually take the guide to the right, sometimes to the left, or in the centre of the column ; in the last case, the com- mand will be, guide centre. The column will march, countermarch, and change direction, ac- cording to the principles prescribed for a simple column by division. 899. The double column at company distance 202 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET Y. will be closed in mass, or, if in mass, will take half distance, bv the commands and means indi- cated for a simple column by division. 0-900. When the double column is formed closed in mass, or closes in mass from half distance, the platoon cohirans will then be placed so that their tirst platoons shall be on the same line with the division next to the last. When the double col- umn countermarches, the platoon columns will be countermarched by the means prescribed No. 425 and following. EEMAEKS ON THE DISPOSITION OF THE COMPANIES OF 8KIEMISHEES IX THE PLOYMENTS OF THE DOUBLE COLUMN. 901. When the double column advances to the attack, half the interval on the right and left flanks may be covered by skirmishers, deployed on a line with the front rank of the leading division. 0-902. When one or more platoons of the com- panies of skirmishers are deployed to cover a double column, and the colonel desires their re- call, but not with a view to form square, it wiU be executed by the commands and means pre- scribed No. 343. The platoon columns wiQ take their places as indicated No. 884. To ploy the battalion into division colunma. 903. This movement consists in ploying the odd companies of the right, and the even com- SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART V. 203 panies of the left wing, in rear of the companies on their left and right respectively. 904. The colonel wishing to form the division columns at company distance, the battalion being in line, and at a halt, will command : 1. Division columns at company distance. 2. Bat- talion^ inward face. 3. Maech (or double quick— M-Ancu). 905. At the first command, the captains will place themselves two paces in front of their re- spective companies ; the captains of the even companies of the right, and the odd companies of the left wing, will caution their companies to stand fast, and the other captains, of the odd companies of the right, and of the even companies of the left wing, will caution their companies to face to the left and right respectively. The covering sergeants will step into the front rank. 0-906. At the same command, the captains of the first and second companies of skirmishers, will caution them that they will have to face to the left and right respectively. 907. At the second command, the even com- panies of the right, and the odd companies of the left wing, will stand fast ; the others of the right wing will face to the left, and the others of the left wing will face to the right ; each captain whose company has faced, will hasten to the right, and break ofi:* files as indicated No. 111^ and will then place himself, as will also the guides, in the manner prescribed Xo. 878, 0-908* At the same command, the first company 204 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART T. of skirmishers will face to the left, and the sec- ond to the right ; the left guide of the first will place himself on the left of the front rank, and each chief will place himself by the side of his guide. 909. At the command march, the even com- panies of the right, and the odd companies of the left wing will stand fast. The captain of the right centre company will place himself on the right, and the captain of the left centre company on the left of the front rank of their respective companies : they will be covered in the rear rank by the guides. The captain of the second com- pany will take his place in the front rank on the left of his company, and the cai)tain of the sev- enth in the front rank on the right of his com- pany ; they will be covered in the rear rank by the guides. 910. All the other companies, conducted by tlieir chiefs, will step off with life, to arrange themselves at company distance, each odd com- pany of the right wing in rear of the even com- f)any on its left, and each even company of the eft wing in rear of the odd company on its right, 80 that in the right wing, the first and third shall be behind the second and fourth companies, and in the left wing, the sixth and eighth shall be behind the fifth and seventh companies. The third and sixth companies will be halted, faced to the front, and dressed to the right by the senior captain, after which the captains will take their places, two paces in front of the centre of their respective companies. The captain of the first company will conduct it, until the left guide is abreast with the left guide of the company ira- SCHOOL OF THE BA.TTALION PART T. 205 mediately in front, ^vhen he will halt, front, and dress liis company to the left, and place himself as prescribed No. 169. The captain of the last company will conduct it, until the right guide is abreast with the right guide of the company im- mediately in front, when it will be halted, faced to the front, and dressed to the right, when the cliief will place himself as above indicated. 911. At the command march, by the colonel, the companies of skirmishers, conducted by their respective chiefs, will file to the left and right, respectively : the first company will take post thirty paces in rear of the file closers of the rear company of the first division column, and the second company thirty paces in rear of the file closers of the rear company of the last division- column. The companies will be halted, faced to the front, and dressed to the right and left, re- spectively, and the captains will place themselves two paces in front of the centre of their re- spective companies. 912. Division columns being thus formed, will take the respective denominations ofjirst, second^ thirds fourth, according to their position in the line, beginning at the right. If there are but seven battalion companies present, the seventh will be considered as a division colmnn. With a less number of companies, the movement will not be performed. 913. The position of the colonel and junior major will be the same as prescribed N"os. 34 and 35, Title I., the distances being estimated from the file closers, in rear of the rear companies of the division columns. The lieutenant-colonel roT . TT. — 1 8 206 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PABT V. will take post in rear of the centre of the first di- vision column, and the senior major in rear of the centre of the last division column. Each twelve paces from the file closers of the rear com- panies. The adjutant and sergeant-major will take post as prescribed No.. 36, Title I. The music will take post in rear of the third division column, and in the manner indicated Nos. 41 and '42, Title I. 914. The battalion being in march, to form division columns without halting the battalion, the colonel will command : 1 . Division columns at company distance. 2. Bat- talion hy the right and left Jianhs. 3. Maech (or double quick — Maech). 915. At the first command, each captain will move as prescribed No. 890 ; the captains of the even companies of the right, and of the odd com- panies of the left wing, will caution their com- panies to march straight-forward, and will com- mand qvich time, the other captains will caution their companies to face to the left and right re- spectively. 0-916. At the same command, the captains of the companies of skirmishers wiQ caution them that thev will have to face hj the left and right flanks respectively. 917. At the command marchj the even coii- panies of the right, and the odd companies of the left wing, will continue to march straight forward. The captains and guides of the centre companies, SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PART IV. 207 and of the second and seventh, will conform to what is prescribed No. 909. The general guides will place themselves as indicated No. 773. The odd companies of the right wing will face to the left, and the even companies of the left wing, will face to the right ; each captain, whose company has faced, will break to the rear the head of his com- pany, and will place himself, as will also the guides, in the manner indicated No. 878. 918. The companies that have faced will each, conducted by its captain, take its place in its division column, as prescribed Xo. 910. Each captain of the right wing, the instant he arrives abreast with the left guide of the leading com- pany of his division column, and each captain of the left wing, the instant he arrives abreast with the right guide of his division column, will com- mand : 1. Such company ly the right (or left) ■flank. 2. March. 3 Guide left (or right). The companies will take the quick step as soon as they have attained their distances, and each cap- tain will take post, as indicated No. 910. 0-819. At the command march by the colonel, the companies of skirmishers will face by the left and right flanks respectively; the chiefs and guides will place themselves as prescribed No. 908, and each company will be conducted by its chief, and take the position prescribed No. 911. On arriving at their positions, the companies will be faced by the right and left flanks respectively, take the step of, and follow their respective division columns. 920. Division columns, closed in mass, will be formed according to the same principles, and by 208 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET T. the same commands, substituting the indication closed in mass, for that of at company distance. 921. A line of division columns at company distance, will be closed in mass, and if closed in mass, will take company distance, by the com- mands and means prescribed for a simple column. The column will always be closed, and distances taken, on the leading companies. To advance in a line of division coluinns, 922. A line of division columns will advance, or retire, oblique, and change direction to the right or left, by the commands and means pre- scribed ]sro. 648 and following, observing what follows. In advancing, the captain on the left flank of the leading company of the first, and the captain on the right flank of the leading company of the fourth division column, will be respectively responsible, for the preservation of the distances between those columns and the adjacent ones. When the battalion faces about for the purpose of retiring in line, the captains of the two centre companies, now leading, will place themselves in the rear rank, now in front, and on the outer flanks of their respective companies. The cap- tains of the leading companies of the first and last division columns, will place themselves respec- tively on the flanks of their companies, nearest the centre of the line, and in the rear rank, now leading ; they will be responsible for the distances as above indicated. The captains of the rear com- panies of the division columns, will place them- SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PART V. 209 selves two paces in front of the centre of their respective companies. 923. At the command J^rward, by the colonel, the color-bearer, with the three corporals of his guard in the rank of file closers, will place them- selves in front of the leading centre companies, and opposite their places in line. The color-bearer, with his two outer corporals, six paces in front of the file closers, the centre corporal, with the two nearest file closers, will cover them in that rank. Passage of obstacles, advancing and retiring in line. 924. A battalion, advancing or retiring in lint-. encountering an obstacle supposed to cover one or more division columns, they will be broken to the rear according to the principles prescribed for breaking off companies in a deployed line, observ- ing what follows. The first command by the colonel will be, such a division column, or columns, olstacle. The necessary commands for breaking oflf will be given by the senior captain of the column, and the leading company of the column will be closed in mass on the last company of the column behind which it marches. 925. In coming again into line, each company will be conducted by its chief diagonally to the front, and when its right file shall have arrived at the proper distance from the division column on the line, it will be filed to the right, and having prolonged itself parallel to the line, will be faced by a flank, by command of its chief, and take the step of the line. 18* 210 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET T. 926. When the battalion, advancing in line, is brought to the right about, and one or more division columns have previously been broken off to the rear, tlie colonel, should he desire to bring them back into line, will first cause them to take full distance. 0-927. At the command. Battalion foriDard, by the colonel, when it is desired to advance or re- tire inline, the chiefs and guides of the companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. 654. In advancing, and in passing obstacles, the companies of skirmishers will preserve the relative positions with the division columns, prescribed No. 911. "When, in retiring in line, the first and last division columns pass obstacles, and also when in returning into line, the companies of skir- mishers will execute what is prescribed No. 779. To form double cohimn from a line of division columns. 928. A line of division columns being at a halt, either at half distance or closed in mass, it will form double column by the commands and means prescribed No. 875 and following, observ- ing what follows. At the first command by the colonel, the captains of the companies of the second and third division columns will caution them to stand fast. At the second command, and at the command march^ the second and third division columns wOl stand fast. 929. A line of division columns on a march, either at half distance, or closed in mass, will form double column by the commands and means oL.:^. 211 =^. i i •serving bv the of the caution 11 com- march^ ill con- ill exe- '^n, 879, double lalf dis- to form Jl com- attalion quick — and left m selves ly, both e them- of their 16 com- Livisions compa- > of the to face SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAUT V. 211 prescribed Ko. 889 and following, observing what follows. At the first command bv the colonel, the captains of the companies of the second and third division columns will caution them to march straight-forward, and will com- mand: Quich time. At the command march., the second and third division columns will con- tinue to march straight-forward. 0-930. The companies of skirmishers will exe- cute what has been prescribed Xos. 877, 879, 884, 891 and 895. To form line of division columns from double columns. 931. The double column, either at half dis- tance or closed in mass, being at a halt, to form line of division columns, the colonel will com- mand: 1. Form, line division columns. 2. Battalion outward face. 3. Maech (or double quick — Maech). 932. At the first command, the right and left guides of the first division will place themselves before the right and left files respectively, both faced to the right ; the captains will place them- selves two paces in front of the centre of their respective companies ; the captains of the com- panies constituting the first and second divisions of the double column will caution their compa- nies to stand fast ; the other captains of the right wing wiU caution their companies to face 212 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. to the right, and the others of the left wing will caution their companies to face to the left. The lieutenant-colonel will place one marker at com- pany distance from the right of the first division, and on a line with its guides, and a second marker a little less than company distance from the first; they will face toward the division guides, and he assured in their positions by the lieutenant-colonel. The senior major will make a like disposition with markers on the left of the column. 0-933. At the same command, the chief of the first platoon column will caution his column to face to the right, and the chief of the second platoon column will caution his column to face to the left. 934. At the second command, the first and second divisions will stand fast, and the captains and guides will place themselves as prescribed Nos. 909 and 910 ; the others of the right wing will face to the right, and the others of the left wing will face to the left. Each captain whose company has faced to the right will place him- self by the side of his right guide ; and each captain whose company has faced to the left will place himself by the side of his left guide. 0-935. At the same command, the platoon col- umns will face to the right and left respectively, and the chiefs and guides will place themselves as prescribed No. 879. 936. At the command march^ the companies which form the second and third division col- umns will stand fast ; those which form the first and fourth division columns, conducted by their SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. 213 respective captains, will move diagonally to the front. 937. The captain of the leading company of the first division column will conduct his compa- ny on the marker on the right of the first divis- ion, and the captain of the leading company of the last division column will conduct his compa- ny on the marker at the left of the first division ; the other companies will take care to preserve their parallelism with the leading ones, and the gnides will maintain themselves on a perpendicu- lar with the guides of the leading companies respectively. 938. On arriving up with the marker, the captain of each leading company will halt in his own person, and let his company file past him ; the leading company, first division column, will file to the right, and when its last file is abreast with the captain, he will halt the company, face it to the front, and dress it to the left on the markers. The captain of the rear company of this same column will establish his company in rear of the first by the means just prescribed ; the companies constituting the last division col- umn will be established on the markers to the left of the first division, in a similar manner, but by inverse means. 0-939. At the command march^ the platoon col- umns will be conducted by their respective chiefs straight-forward. When the right flank of the first platoon column has arrived on a line with the marker placed on the right of the line of battle, the column will be faced by the left or right flank, as the double column may have been, 21-i SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PART Y. at half distance or closed in mass, and having attained its proper distance from the first divis- ion column, it will be halted and deployed on its first platoon. The second platoon column will execute what has been prescribed for the first, but by inverse means. 940. The line being formed, the colonel will command : Guides — Posts. At this, the captains and guides will take posts as prescribed Xos. 909 and 910. 941. The double column, either at half dis- tance or closed in mass, being in march, to form line of division columns, no markers will be posted. The colonel will command : 1. Form line division columns. 2. Battalion ly the rigJit and left fianks. 3. Maech (or dou- lle quicJc — Maech). 942. At the first command, the captains will place themselves quickly in front of their respect- ive companies; the captains of the first and second divisions will caution their companies to march straight to the front, and will command: Quick time; the other captains of the right wing will caution their companies to face by the right liank, and the other captains of the left wing will caution their companies to face by the left flank. 0-943. At the same command, the chiefs of the jjlatoon columns will caution them to face by the right and left flanks, respectively. 944. At the command march^ the first and School of tte Battalion. 1. I'l.iS i '1 u -•U-, I * II 1 1 M mi t r SCHOOL OF TIIE BATTALION PART Y. 215 second divisions will march in quick time, and their captains will place themselves as prescribed Nos. 909 and 910. The other companies will face by the flanks in marching, and will take their places in line, as prescribed l^o. 93-i and following, observing what follows. When the companies have arrived on the line, each chief of the companies of the right wing, will com- mand: 1. By the left Jlanl.\ march. 2. G^iide left. And each chief of the companies of the left wing, will command: 1. Bf/ the right fanJc, larch. 2. Guide right. The chiefs and guides will take their proper ])laces, and the cohnnns will march aligned with, and take the step of, the centre division columns. The color and gen- eral guides will take their places as prescribed l^os. 736 and 773. 0-945. At the command march by the colonel, the platoon columns will face by the right and left flanks, respectively, and will execute what is prescribed No. 939, obser\dng what follows. The platoon columns will face toward the line of battle in order to obtain their distances, whether the double column be at half distance, or closed in mass. They will deploy while on the march. Deployment of the double column, faced to the front. 946. The colonel, wishing to deploy the double column, will place a marker respectively before the right and left files of the first division, and as third before the left file of the right company, same division ; which being done, he will causQ 216 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. the two general guides to spring out on the align- ment of the markers, a little beyond the points at which the respective flanks of the battalion ought to rest ; he will then command: 1. Deploy column. 2. Battalion outward — Face. 3. Maech (or douhle quiclc — March). 947. The column will deploy itself on the two companies at its head, according to the principles prescribed for the deployment of columns in mass. The captains of these companies will each, at the command march^ place himself on the right of his own company, and align it by the right; the captain of the fourth will then place himself in the rear rank, and the covering sergeant in the rank of file closers, at the mo- ment the captain of the third shall come to its left to align it. 0-948- At the first command by the colonel, the chief of each platoon column will command: Backward, march. At this, each column will step nine paces to the rear, and be halted by its chief; the first platoon column will then be faced to the right, and the second to the left, by their respec- tive chiefs, who will place themselves, as also the guides, as prescribed Xo. 935. "When the right and left files respectively, of the first and last bat- talion companies, have arrived abreast with the right and left files of the platoon columns re- spectively, the latter will be put in march, and be faced by the right and left flanks respectively, when those companies halt. 0-949. When the first platoon column has ar- SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET Y. 211 rived at its proper distance from the line of bat- tle, it will be faced about, halted, and deployed on its first platoon. The second platoon column will execute what has been prescribed for the first by inverse means. 0-950. If the double column is deployed from half distance, at the first command by the colonel, the platoon columns will be cautioned to face to the right and left respectively. At the second command, the first platoon column will face to the right, and the second to the left, and the chief of each column will caution it to stand fast. When the right and left files of the companies constituting the division next to the last, arrive abreast with the right and left files of the pla- toon columns respectively, the latter will be put in march, and will be halted when these respec- tively halt. "When the companies constituting the last division, have passed, the platoon col- umns will again be put in motion : and when the right and left files respectively arrive in a line with the markers on the right and left of the line of battle, the platoon columns will execute what is prescribed No. 939. 951. The deployment being ended, the colonel will command : Guides — Posts. 952. If it be the wish of the colonel to cause the fire to commence pending the deployment, he will give an order to that effect to the captains of the fourth and fifth companies, and the fire will be executed according to the principles prescribed No. 528. VOL. n. — 19 218 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. 953. The battalion being in double column and in march, if the colonel shall wish to deploy it without halting the column, he will cause three markers to be posted on the line of battle, and when the liead of the colunm shall arrive near the markers, he w^ill command : 1. Deploy column. 2. Battalion.^ hy the right and leftjianlcs. 3. Maech (or double quick — Maech). 954. The column will deploy on the two lead- ing companies, according to the principles pre- scribed for the deployment of a close column. No. 580 and following ; at the command march the chief of the first division will halt it, and the captains of the fourth and fifth companies will align their companies by the right. 955. If the column be in march, and it be the wish of the colonel to deploy the column and to continue to march in the order of battle, he will not cause markers to be established at the head of the column. The movement will be executed by the commands and means indicated Xo. 953, observing what follows. At the first command, the chief of the first division will caution it to continue the march to the front, and will com- mand, Quich time. At the command march., the first division will march in quick time ; the col- onel will command, Guide centre. The captains of the fourth and fifth companies, the color, and the men, will immediately conform to the prin- ciples of the march in line of battle. The com- panies will take the quick step by the command SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 219 of their captains, as they successively arrive in line. The movement completed, the colonel may cause the battalion to march in double quick time. 0-956. In deploying on a march, at the first com- mand by the colonel, the chief of each platoon column will immediately command : Such pla- toon column,, marh time,, march. When the last division has passed, the chief of the first platoon column will face his column by the right flank, and the chief of the second, by the left flank: the chiefs and guides will place themselves as prescribed No. 908, and the platoon columns will be put in march, and having arrived opposite their places in line, they will be faced by the left and right flanks respectively, to march tow- ard the line, and they will be deployed while marching. 0-957. In deploying a double column on a march, from half distance, at the first command by the colonel, the platoon columns will be cautioned by their chiefs, to face by the right and left flanks respectively. At the command march, the platoon columns will be faced by the flanks, and each chief will command. Such platoon col- umn,, marh time — March. The platoon columns will then execute what has been prescribed No. 950, they will be deployed while marching, and take the quick step on attaining their distances. To form the double column into line of battle, faced to the right or left. 958. The double column, being at company distance and at a halt, may be formed into line 220 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAET Y. of battle faced to the right or left; when the colonel shall wish to form it faced to the right, he will command : 1. Right into line wheel, left companim on the right into line. 2. Battalion, guide right 3. AIaech (or double quick — Maech). 959. At the first command, each captain will place himself before the centre of his company ; the right companies will be cautioned that they will have to wheel to the right into line, the left companies that they will have to march straight- forward. 0-960- At the same command, the chief of the first platoon column will face it about, and the chief of each platoon column will command : 1. Foricard. 2. Guide right. 961. At the second command, the left guide of the fourth company will place himself briskly on the direction of the right guides of the col- umn, face to them, and opposite to one of the three last files of his company when in line of battle ; the lieutenant-colonel will assure him in tliat position. 962. At the command march, briskly repeated by all the captains, the right companies will form to the right into line of battle, the left companies will put themselves in march in order to form on the right into lino of battle ; these formations will be executed by the means indi- cated Iso. 464 and following. No. 502 and fol- lowing; the lieutenant-colonel will assure the SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET T. 221 guides of the left wing on the line of battle as they successively come upon it. 0-963. At the command march, the first platoon column will march straight-forward, and when the guide of the first platoon has passed tho right of the line a distance of thr«e paces, the chief of tho column will face it by the right flank, and take the guide to the right ; when the chief of the first platoon has arrived at a dis- tance of thirty-three paces in rear of the right of the line, he Avill halt in his own person, and the platoon will file to the right and execute what is indicated No. 517. 0-964. The second platoon column will be moved to tho front, and wheeled to the right, so that tho right files of the platoons will be on a line with the right file of the last battalion company, on the completion of the wheel. The column will then be moved to its proper position, halted, and deployed on the first platoon by its chief. 965. If the column be in march, the colonel will command: 1. Bight into line wheel. 2. Left eompanies, on ths right into line. 3. Battalion, guide right. 4. MAEcn (or double quick — Maecii). 966. At the first command, each captain will place himself promptly before the centre of his company ; the right companies will be cautioned that they will have to wheel to the right, and the left companies that they will have to form on the right into line. 0-967. At the same command, the chief of the 19* 222 SCHOOL OF THE BATTAilON PABT V. first platoon column, will command, right about, and the chief of the second platoon column, will caution it to march straight forward. 968. At the command march., briskly repeated, the right companies will form to the right into line, and the left companies on the right into line. These formations will be executed as prescribed Kos. 476, 503, and following, 0-969- At the command march, the first platoon column will face about, and will execute what is prescribed No. 963. The second platoon column will execute what is prescribed No. 96-i. 970. If the colonel should wish to move the battalion forward, at the moment the right com- panies have completed the wheel, he will com- mand: 5. Forward. 6. March (or double quick — Maech). 971- At the command ybrwar6?, the captains of the right companies will command, Quiclc time. At the command march, the right companies will cease to wheel, and march straight-forward. The colonel will then add: 7. Guide centre. At this command, the color and right general guides will immediately conform to the principles of the march in line of battle. 972. The movement of the left companies will be executed in double quick time as prescribed above, and as they arrive on the line each captain will cause his company to march in quick time. aCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PART V. 223 0-973. If the line move on without halting, the first platoon column will take the double quick step, and after having filed as prescribed No. 963, the companj will be faced by the right flank, and having gained its proper distance will take the step of the line. The second platoon column, after wheeling parallel to the line, will be deployed while marching. 974. The column may be formed faced to the left into line of battle according to the same prin- ciples. 975. If the column be closed in mass instead of at company distance, tliese movements will be executed according to the principles prescribed Nos. 637 and 638. E^MAEK ON THE DEPLOYMENT OF THE DOUELE COLUMN. 976. The depth of the double column, at com- pany distance, being inconsiderable, closing it in mass, if at a halt, in order to deploy it, may be dispensed with ; but if it be in march, it will be preferable to cause it so to close, in halting, before deploying. 977. The double column will be deployed habitually on the centre companies, but the col- onel may sometimes deploy it on any interior company, or on the first or eighth company. 0-978. If the double column be deployed on any other company than the centre ones, the platoon columns of skirmishers, will be moved to their proper positions, by the means already prescribed. 224 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET T. To deploy a line of division columns- 979. A line of division columns, will be de- ployed either at the halt or on a march, by the commands and means prescribed for deploying a double column. If the deployment is made from a halt, the guides of the leading companies of the first and fourth division columns, will, at the first command by the colonel, place themselves in front of the right and left files of their companies re- spectively, faced toward, and on a line with, the markers in front of the centre division. Those of the right wing will be assured in this position by the lieutenant-colonel, and those of the left wing by the senior major. 980. The companies of skirmishers will be faced to the right and left respectively, when the column faces, and at the command march by the colonel, will be moved by their respective captains to the positions prescribed No. 9, Title 1. EEMAEK ON THE LINE OF DIVISION COLUMNS. 981« In case a battalion, in line of division columns, attacks or repels an attack from the enemy, the colonel may detach the first and fourth division column, each commanded by a field officer, to attack the flanks of the enemy, while the second and third division columns deploy. To form double columns from simple column by company. 982. The battalion being in column by com- pany, either at full distance, or closed in mass, Vol. 2- '^ * "^^o '^^ "^ ^^'^*^ B al t a lion_ . /?/ y ,(^ J"*-?^ H:^:3r- 1 1 ; a [~ JB* ) ^ JT 'iiiili.iiliJli'ttiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiilhi'liiillll'iill " I I 4' ! ! I IIH I ! ll l l l !l i!l i ! P ! ilHl l li i lll l l!I II Mi i ' ! ll l nl ; P ^' Lj ! j l|ili| ,Mn |i|[ i ii i. i | i| iij | i| ^ | ii | ^j l i||l ^ -|ii.!!|ii!!lli:i!!'i!'''l!!llliiMlllii!l!^!'!'''M!!i!U!ii:!{^ H ^1 2^o form d^JiCblc cofiunn frojn sun/jle coJiunii bj' conip an y . j!io . '98 2 . SCHOOL OF THE BATTAUON — PAET V. 225 right in front, and at a halt, to form double columa, the colonel will command : ^1. Form douhle column. 2. Eight wing, right Face. 3. March (or double quick — March.) 983- At the first command the captains of the companies of tlie right wing, will caution them that tliey will have to face to the right. The captains of the left wing, will caution their com- panies to stand f;ist. The left general guide will place himself on the prolongation of the froni rank of the last battalion company, and at a dis- tance from its right guide, equal to the front of a company, he will be assured in his position by the senior major. The music will take post as pre- scribed No. 888. 0-984. At the same command, the chief of the first platoon column will face his column to the right. The chief of the second platoon column, will command : Column foicard, guide left. If the column is closed in mass, the second platoon column will face to the left. 985. At the second command, the companies of the right wing will face to the right, and their captains will place themselves respectively by the side of their right guides. 986. At the command march, the companies which have faced, will march straight-forward ; the captain of the left company of the right wing will halt in his own person, and let his company file past him, and when the left file is abreast with him he will command : 1. Such com- 226 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PABT V. 'pany ^ hy the right flank. 2. Maech. 3. Guide right. 937. At this, the left guide, placing himself on the right of the rear rank, now in front, will so conduct it, that the elbow of the file on his left, will graze the covering sergeant on the right of the leading company of the left wing ; just he- fore the union of the two companies, the left guide will take his place in the rank of file closers, and when the company has just past the covering sergeant, the captain will command : 1. Such company., halt. 2. About face. The chief of the division will immediately place himself on its right, and he, as also the junior captain, will conform to what is prescribed Xo. 883. 0-988. At the command march by the colonel, the first platoon column will march straight-for- ward, and when its left flank is at a distance from the battalion column, a little more than a division front, it will be faced by the right flank, and taking the guide to the right, will be marched to the rear, closing in mass while march- ing, on its second platoon. ■0-989. When the first platoon arrives on a line six paces in rear of the front rank of the division next to the last, it will face by the right flank, and be marched and established in the position prescribed No. 884. 0-990. The second platoon column will march straight-forward, closing in mass while marching^ until its first platoon arrives on the line above indicated, when it will be faced by the left flank and be marched and established in the position prescribed No. 884. If the column is closed in SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 227 mass, the second platoon column will march to the rear of the last division, and having passed three paces will be faced by the right flank, and take the position prescribed No. 884. 991. The three right companies of the bat- talion having marched a distance eqnal to the front of a division, the colonel will command : 1. Three right companies by the right Jlanh. 2. March. 3. Guide right. 992. At the third command, the left guides will place themselves as prescribed No. 987, and the leading one will direct himself on the left general guide. Each captain, as his company arrives on a line with its corresponding division company, will command: 1. Such company^ hy the right JlanTc. 2. March. If the column is in close order, the two right companies will mark time, by the command of their captains, until the third has passed, and the right company will in its turn mark time until the second lins passed. 993. Just before the union, the left guides will place th:mselves as prescribed No. 987. When th^^ iront-rank man of the left file has arrived up with the right guide of the corresponding di- vision company, each captain will command : 1. Such company^ halt. 2. Front, and the captains in each division will respectively execute what is prescribed No. 883. 994. The lieutenant-colonel will assure the right guides of the divisions, on the direction, by pacing himself in their rear, as they successively arrive. 995. The column being at full distance, to form 238 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. double column while marching, and to continue the march, the colonel will command : 1. Form douMe column. 2. Bight icing by the right flank. 3. Maech (or double quicJc — March). 996. This movement will be executed by the commands and means as prescribed when at a halt, observing what follows. At the first com- mand, the captains of the left wing will com^ mand: QuicJc time, and at the command march, will take or continue the quick step. At the same command, the companies of the right wing will move at double quick. The captain of the company, next in front of the lea-^ling company of the left wing, having prolonged his company a distance equal to its front, will command: 1. Sv^h company., by the left flanlc, quicTc time. 2. March. And as soon as the company has faced, will add: 1. Marh time. 2. March. As soon as the corresponding company of his division has arrived abreast with his company, he will command: 1. Forward. 2, March. 3. Guide right. And at this, the division will take the guide to the right. 997. The captains of the other companies of the right wing, on uniting with their respective division companies, will command : 1. Such com- pany^ by the right flanlc. 2. Quick time. 3. March. 4. Guide right. At this, the right guides of division will cover the right guides of the column. 0-998. The platoon columns of the companies of skirmishers, will execute this movement as Tol.^. Sckool of tke Battalion. Ft 30. ■^ ^"' 1 •= — ■ ■ '1 1 Fls.J Y . 1 \ ri J H ' T^T. ^. To Porrn .square. No..9-9.9. pi'''i:r:l!!«l!!;lil1!llHiI H Ifl ; 1 ! ^—. "^-.-^^ P^- > ■*= op 3 " >W ~'S!-!;s>S;"'"s-.'^ - p i= . - = = o , . „ /I - SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 229 has been prescribed for a halt, observing what follows. The platoon columns will take the dou- ble quick step. The leading platoon of the first platoon column, having arrived on a line a few paces in advance of the division next to the last, and the second platoon column having arrived on a line just in rear of this division, they will respectively be faced by the right and left flanks, by their chiefs, marched to their proper positions, faced by the right flank, and take the quick step. Article XIY. Dispositions against cavalry. 999. A battalion being in column by company, at half distance, right in front, and at a halt, when the colonel shall wish to form it into square, he will first cause divisions to be formed ; which being done, he will command: 1. Form square. ♦ 2. Right and Uft into line, wheel. 1000. At the first command, the file closers of «ach company of the fourth division, passing by the outer flanks of their companies, will place themselves two paces before the front rank, op- posite to their respective places, in line of battle, and faced toward the head of the column. The music, formed in two ranks, wiU place itself at platoon distance behind the inner platoons of the second division. TOL. II. — 20 230 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 1001. The lieutenant-colonel will face the left guides, the senior major, placing himself on the right of the column abreast -with the first divis- ion, will face the right guides, they will align them from the front, on the respective guides of the fourth division, who will stand fast, holding up their pieces, inverted, perpendicularly; the right guides, in placing themselves on the direc- tion, will take their exact distances ; the guides of the second division taking care to take their distance from the rear rank of the first. 0-1002. At the same command, the platoon col- unms will be faced to the left ; each chief and guide will place himself as prescribed No. 879. The columns will take the double quick step. The first platoon column will be conducted to the rear, and the second diagonally to the front : they will take a position in rear of the inner platoons of the division next to the last ; the front rank of the leading platoons of the columns, four paces from the rear rank of the division, and the first platoon column on the right of the second. Q-1003. The junior major will place himself four paces in rear of the centre of the platoon col- umns. 1004. At the second command, the chief of the first division will caution it to stand fast ; all the captains of the second and third divisions will place themselves before the centres of their respective companies, and caution them that they will have to wheel, the right companies to the right, and the left companies to the left into line of battle. 1005. The color-bearer will step hack into the SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 231 line of file closers, opposite to his place in line of battle, and will be replaced by the corporal of his file, vrho is in the rear rank; the corporal of the same file who is in the rank of file closers will step into the rear rank. 1006. The chief of the fourth division will command: 1. Fourth division^ foricard; 2. Guide left, and place himself at the same time two paces outside of its left flank. 1007. At the same, the junior major will com- mand : 1. Skirmishers foruard; 2. Guide centre. 1008. These dispositions ended, the colonel will command: 3. Maech (or douhle quick — March). 1009. At this command, briskly repeated, the first division will stand fast; but its right file will face to the right, and its left file to the left. 1010. The companies of the second and third divisions will wheel to the right and left into line, and the music will advance a space equal to the front of a company. 1011. The fourth division will close up to form the square, and when it shall have closed, its chief will halt it, face it about, and align it by the rear rank upon the guides of the division, who will, for this purpose, remain faced to the front. The junior captain will pass into the rear rank, now become the front, and the covering sergeant of the left company will place himself behind him in the front rank, become rear. The file-closers will, at the same time, close up a pace 232 scnooL of the battaliox — paet v. on the front rank, and the outer file on each flank of the division will face outward. 0-1012. At the same command, the skirmishers will advance a distance equal to a company front, the guide in the centre directing himself on the centre of the first front of the square. 1013. The square being formed, the colonel will command : Guides — Posts. 1014. At this command, the chiefs of the first and fourth, and the guides of all the divisions, will enter the square. 1015. The captains whose companies have formed to the right into line, will remain on the left of their companies; the left guide of each of those companies will, in the rear rank, cover his captain, and the covering sergeant of each will place himself as a file closer behind the right file of his company. 1016. The field and staff will enter the square, the lieutenant-colonel placing himself behind the left, and the senior major behind the right of the first division, the junior major in rear of the centre of the skirmishers. 1017. A battalion ought never to present, near the enemy's cavalry, an odd company. The odd company, under that circumstance, ought, when the battalion is under arms, to be consolidated, for the time, with the other companies. 1018. The fronts of the square will be desig- nated as folloAvs: the first division will always hQ t\iQ first front ; the last division, t\iQ fourth SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART Y. 233 front ; the right companies of the other divisions will form the second front; and the left com- panies of the same divisions the third front. 1019. A battalion being in column by company, at half distance, right in front, and in march, when the colonel shall wish to form square, he will first cause divisions to be formed, which be- ing executed, he will command : 1. Form sqvAire. 2. Right and left into line^ wheel. 3. March (or double quich — March). 1020. At the first command, the chief of the first division will caution it to remain faced to the front, and will command : First division. All the captains of the second and third divisions will rapidly place themselves before the centres of their respective companies, and caution them that they will have to wheel, the right companies to the right, and the left companies to the left into line. The chief of the fourth division will caution it to continue its march, and will hasten to its left flank. The file closers and music will execute what is prescribed No. 1000. 1021. At the second command, the color-bear- er, and the corporals of his file will execute what is prescribed No. 1005. 1022. At the third command, briskly repeated, the chief of the first division will command : Halt^ and align his division to the left ; the outer files will face to the right and left. The rest of the movement will be executed as prescribed Nos. 1010 and following. 1023. The lieutenant-colonel and the senior 20* 234 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET T. major, at the command march^ will conform to what is prescribed No. 1001. 0-1024. The platoon columns will execute what has been prescribed for them, when forming square from a halt. They will move on a run to take their places in column, 1025. If the battalion, before the square is formed, be in double column, the two leading companies will form the first front, the two rear companies the fourth ; the other companies of the right half battalion will form the second, and those of the left half battalion the third front. 0-1026. If the square is formed from double column, at the first command, the platoon col- umns will be faced to the left and right, or by the left and right flanks respectively, and pro- ceed to take the positions prescribed ISTo. 1002. 1027. The first and fourth fronts will be com- manded by the chiefs of the first and fourth divisions; each of the other two by its senior captain. 1028. The commander of each front will plac« himself four paces behind the centre of its pres- ent rear rank, and will be replaced momentarily in the command of his company by the next in rank therein. 1029. If the column be at full instead of half distance, as has been supposed, the colonel will first cause divisions to be formed, and wiU then command : 1. To form square. 2. To half distance close column. 3. March (or douMe quich — Maech). SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAET V. 235 0-1030. At the first command, the platoon col- umns will be put in march, and they will take the positions prescribed Xo. 1002, as soon as the division next to the last has its distance. 1031. At the command march, the column will close to company distance, the second division taking its distance from the rear rank of the first division. • 1032. The senior major will place himself on the right of the column, abreast with the first division. The music will place themselves as prescribed No. 1000. 1033. At the moment of halting the fourth division, the file closers will place themselves as prescribed Ko. 1000. 1034. These dispositions being made, the colo- nel may, according to circumstances, put the column in march, or cause it to form square ; if he wish to do the latter, it will be executed by the commands and means prescribed No. 999 and following. 1035. A battalion being in column by com- pany, at full distance, right in front, and in march, when the colonel shall wish to form square, he will cause to be executed what is in- dicated Nos. 1029 and 1030. 1036. At the command march^ the column will close to company distance, as is prescribed No. 332. When the chief of the fourth division shall command : Quick, march, the file closers of this division will place themselves before the front rank. 1037. The senior major and the music will conform to what is prescribed No. 1000. 236 SCHOOL of the battalion — paet v. 1038. If the colonel shall wish to form square, it will be executed by the commands indicated No. 1019, and the means prescribed No. 1020, and following. 1039. If the column bj division, whether double or simple, be in mass, and the colonel shall wish to form it into square, he will first cause it to take company distance ; to this effect he will command : 1. To form square. 2. By the head of column^ take half distance. 1040. The divisions will take half distance by the means indicated No. 386 and following. "What is prescribed No. 1032 will be executed as the first and second divisions are put in motion. 1041. The colonel wUl halt the column the moment the last division shall have its distance. As soon as the column is halted, the dispositions indicated No. 1033 will be executed, and when these are completed, the colonel may proceed to form square. 0-1042. At the first command, the platoon col- umns will be put in march toward their places in column, and they will take the places prescribed No. 1002, as soon as the division next to the last has its distance. 1043. If the column be in march, the colonel will also, in the first place, cause company dis- tance to be taken and, for this purpose, will pommand : SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAP.T V. 237 1. To form square. 2. By the head of column. UCke half distance. 3. March. 1044. This movement will be executed as pre- scribed Xo. 394 and following. What is pre- scribed No. 1032 will be executed as the first and second divisions are put in motion. 1045. The colonel will proceed to form square the moment the last division shall have its dis- tance ; and by the commands indicated No. 1019, and the means prescribed No. 1020 and following. 0-1046. The platoon columns wOl execute what is prescribed No. 1024, and take their places in column as soon as the last division has its dis- tance. 1047. In a simple column, left in front, these several movements will be executed according to the same principles, and by inverse means ; but the fronts of the square will have the same desig- nations as if the right of the column were in front, that is, the first division will constitute the first front, and thus of the other subdivisions. 0-1048. If the left is in front, the platoon col- umns will take their places in rear of the inner platoons of the second division. 1049. The battalion being formed into square, when the colonel shall wish to cause it to ad- vance a distance less than thirty paces, he will command : 1. By {sucIcl) front, forward. 2. Mabch. 1050. If it be supposed that the advance be 238 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. made by the first front, the chief of this front will command : 1. First division^ forward. 2. Guide centre. 1051. The chief of the second front will face his front to the left. The captains of the com- panies composing this front will place themselves outside, and on the right of their left guides, who will replace them in the front rank : the chief of the third front will face his front to the right, and the captains in this front will place them- selves outside, and on the left of their covering sergeants; the chief of the fourth front will face his front about, and command: 1. Fourth di- vision^ forward ; 2. Guide centre. The captain who is in the centre of the first front, will be charged witli the direction of the march, and will regulate himself by the means indicated in the S. a, No. 89. 1052. At the command march, the square wdU put itself in motion ; the companies marching by the flank will be careful not to lose their dis- tances. The chief of the fourth di\'ision will cause his division to keep constantly closed on the flanks of the second and third fronts. 1053. At the first command, by the colonel, the junior major will command: 1. Skirmishers forward; 2. Guide centre. At the command march., they will put themselves in motion, 1054. This movement will only be executed in quick time. 1055. The lieutenant-colonel will place him- SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART V. 239 self in rear of the file of direction, in order to regulate his march. 1056.. If the colonel should wish to halt the square, he will command : 1. Battalion. 2. Halt. 1057. At the second command, the square will halt ; the fourth front will face about immedi- ately, and without further command ; the second and third fronts will face outward ; the captains of companies will resume their places as in square. 1058. In moving the square forward by the second, third, or fourth fronts, the same rules will be observed. 0-1059. If the square is formed by the fourth front, the skirmishers, at the first command by the colonel, will be faced about, if by the second front, they will be faced to the right, if by the third front, they will be faced to the left. 1060. The battalion being formed into square, when the colonel shall wish to cause it to ad- vance a greater distance than thirty paces, he will command : 1. Form column, 1061. The chief of the first front will com- mand: 1. Firsi division, forward. 2. Gruide left. 1062. The commander of the fourth front wil^ 240 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART V. caution it to stand fast ; tlie commander of the second front will cause it to face to the left, and then command : By compaiiy^ hy file left. The commander of the third front will cause it to face to the right, and then command : By company, 'by file right. At the moment the second and third fronts face to the left and right, each cap- tain will cause to break to the rear the three lead- ing files of his company. 0-1063. The skirmishers will be cautioned by the junior major to stand fast. 1064. These dispositions being made, the colonel will command : 3. Maech (or double quick — Maech). 1065. At this command, the first front will march forward ; its chief will halt it when it shall have advanced a space equal to half its fi'ont, and align it by the left. 1066. The corresponding companies of the second and third fronts will wheel by file to the left and right, and march to meet each other be- hind the centre of the first division, and the mo- ment they unite, the captain of each company will halt his company and face it to the front. The division being re-formed, its chief will align it by the left 1067. The commander of the fourth front will cause it to face about : its file closers will remain before the front rank. 1068. The column being thus re-formed, the colonel may put it in march by the commands and means prescribed No. 219 and following; Vol. 2 Scliool of tlTe Battalion.- FIJI. Figl. rc/i lif.L Fig.Z. ^ by reaj- r^ 'i! ". -^ H J u; ,-' ^ ^ o no o a _= _ = o- c ■'■ * f . i ri H h ; ^----^^-Zirzis—— ^::::x:^:? Colunm facfil hv rear raalc, to niu retreat. Xo.lOlO j i 1 m „ = n = 1 n o c = 1 4-v--;:-it^-:v-?':^ ; r-^^-^ ' -^ 1 "~- : ^^ '\ : r'- ■■ To f'orno square from column ftmeci rank Xo.i07^. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 241 the right guides will preserve company distance exactly as the directing guides. 1069. When the colonel shall wish to re-form square, he will give the commands indicated No. 1019. 1070. To cause the square to march in retreat a distance greater than thirty paces, the colonel will first cause column to he formed as indicated No. 1060 ; and when formed, he will cause it to face by the rear rank ; to this end, he will com- mand: 1. To march in retreat. 2. Face hy the rea/r rank. 3. Battalion about — Face. 0-1071. At the first command by the colonel, the junior major will command : 1. Skirmishers^ out- ward /ace ; 2. Douhle quick — March. At the first command, the first platoon column will face to the right, and the second to the left. At the command march ^ the platoon columns, conducted by the chiefs of platoon, will be filed around the right and left flanks respectively of the division, marched to the front, and filed around the flanks of the second division, facing to the rear, and covering the inner platoons of that division. 1072. At the second command, the file closers of the interior divisions will place themselves, passing by the outer flanks of their respective companies, behind the front rank opposite to their places in line of battle ; the file closers of the other divisions will stand fast. 1073. At the third command, the battalion will face about ; each chief o-f division will place VOL. n. — 21 242 scnooL of the battalion — paet v. himself before its rear rank, become front, pass- ing through the interval between its two com- panies ; the guides will step into the rear rank, now front. 1074. The column being thus disposed, the colonel may put it in march, or cause it to form square as if it were faced by the front rank. The square being formed, its fronts will preserve the same designations they had when faced by the front rank. 1075. The battalion being in square by the rear rank, when the colonel shall wish to march it in retreat or in advance, a distance less than thirty paces, he will conform to what is pre- scribed No. 1049 and following; otherwise, he will re-form the column according to the princi- ples prescribed No. 1060, by marching, forward the fourth front. 1076. If the square is to be marched to the front a distance greater than thirty paces, the colonel will face the column by the front rank ; to this end, he will command : 1. To march in advance. 2. Face hy the front rank. 3. Battalion ahout — Face. 1077. Which will be executed as prescribed No. 1072 and following, 0-1078. At the first command by the colonel, the junior major will give the commands indicated No, 1071; the platoon columns will be faced outward, and be marched to their proper posi- tions in rear of the division next to the last, as prescribed No. 1071. SCnOOL OF THE BATTALIOX — PART V. 243 1079. If the column be marching in advance, and the colonel shall wish to march it in retreat, he will command : 1. To march in retreat. ^2. Battalian right ahout. 3. Makch (or double quick — March). 0-1080. At the first command by the colonel, the junior major and skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. 1071 ; the gait will be a double quick, or a run, as the command of the colonel is, inarch, or double quick march. 1081. At the second command, the file closers of the second and third divisions will place themselves rapidly before the front rank of their respective divisions. At the command march, the column will face about and move off to the rear ; the chiefs of divisions and the guides will conform to what is prescribed No, 1073. 1082. If the colunm be marching in retreat, and the colonel shall wish to march it in ad- vance, he will command : 1. To march in advance. 2. Battalion right about. 3. March (or double quicTc — March). 0-1083. At the first command, the junior major and skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. 1078. The gait as indicated No. 1080. 1084. At the second command, the file closers of the second and third divisions will place themselves before the rear rank of their respect- ive divisions ; at the third, the column will face by the front rank. 244 scnooL of the battalion — paet v. 1085. While marching, either in advance or retreat, the guide of the division next to the leading one, will be careful to estimate his dis- tance from the rear rank of the one in front. To reduce the square. 1086. The colonel, wishing to break the square, will command : 1. Reduce square. 2. '}£.iL^cn {ov douhle quick — March). 1087. This movement will be executed in the manner indicated No. 1060 and following; but the file closers of the fourth front will place themselves behind the rear rank the moment it faces about ; the field and staff, the color-bearer and music, will, at the same time, return to their places in column. 0-1088. At the first command by the colonel, the skirmishers will be faced to the right bj the junior major. Each chief of platoon and guide will place himself as prescribed No. 879. At the command march^ the first platoon column, after clearing the flank of the division, will be conducted diagonally to the front, and the sec- ond platoon column will be conducted diagonally to the rear, to their respective positions on the flanks of the battalion column. EEMAEKS OS THE RALLYnSTG OF SKIBMI8HKR8. 0-1089. The skirmishers will be rallied on the Vol.2. School of tlie BattaEoTL. Pl.32. T?^^ t T -4\ ! C ■^% 4llllllllll!lilllOil!iiillimillllllll!l!iyilliyW!IIIHH ! li!il l lllll! l l i lllH Txg.l rig. 2 «■ ll!lll!limi»!IMIIIIlP To reduce the. stjjurre No- lOHb' SOriOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. 245 battalion in column, ready for square, by the commands indicated No. 785. The skirmishern and reserves will direct themselves on a run, around the tlanks of the column, and take tlie position prescribed No. 1002. To form square from line of battle. 1090. A battalion deployed may be fonned into square, in a direction either parallel or per- pendicular to the line of battle. 1091. In the first case, the colonel will cause the battalion to break by division to the rear, by the right or left, and then close the colunm to half distance, as indicated No. 1029 and following. 1092. In the second case, he will ploy the bat- talion into simple column, by division at half distance in rear of the right or left division, or into colunm doubled on the centre, or form square forward on the two centre companies. 1093. To ploy the battalion into column upon one of the flank divisions, the colonel will com- mand : 1. To form square. 2. Column at half distance hy duision. 3. On the first {or fourth) divis- ion. 4. Battalion right (or left) — Face. 5. Makch (or double quick — March). 1094. This movement will be executed accord- ing to the princii)les prescribed No. 159 and fol- lowing ; the division next to the leading one taking its distance from the rear rank of the one in front. 21* 24:6 SCHOOL OF TnE BATTALION PAET V. 0-1095. At the third and fourth commands, the companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed Nos. 161 and 164. Each second pla- toon will ploy in rear of its first. At the com- mand march^ the first platoon column, if the ployment is on the first division, will march straight-forward, a platoon distance ; the column will then be faced by the right flank, by its chief, and on arriving opposite its place in the battalion column, it will be faced again by the right flank, and take its proper position in rear of the division next to the last. The second pla- toon column will be marched diagonally to the rear, and be established in its proper position on the left of the first. 1096. If the battalion be marching in line of battle, and the colonel shall wish to form square in a direction perpendicular to the line of battle, he will command : 1. To form square. 2. On the first (or fourth) dkisioji, form column. 3. Battalion ly the right (or left) fianl\ 4. Makch (or double qttick — Maech). 1097. This movement will be executed accord- ing to the principle prescribed for ploying a col- umn by division at half distance. No. 201. The chief of the first division will halt his division at the command march. 0-1098. The companies of skirmishers will exe- cute this movement as if from a halt, observing what follows. At the command march^ the companies will face by the right flank, and each SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART Y. 347 second platoon will take the double quick step or run, according to the gait of the battalion companies, in order to ploy in rear of its first platoon. 1099- If the colonel should command, prepare for square, instead of to form square, the chief of the leading subdivision will command quicli: time, and at the command march, bv the colonel, the leading subdivision will march in quick time. UOO. To ploy the battalion into double col- umn, the colonel will command : 1. To form square. 2. Double column at half distance. 3. Battalion inward — Face. 4. Maech (or double quick — March). UOl. This movement will be executed as pre- scribed No. 876 and following. 0-1102. At the second and third commands, the companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed Nos. 877 and 879. At the command march, the columns will be conducted to posi- tions prescribed No. 1002. 1103. The battalion being in march, to ploy it into double column to form square, the colonel will command : 1. To form square. 2. Form double column. 3. Battalion by the right and left Jianka, 4. Haech (or double quick — Maech). 1104. This movement will be executed as pre- scribed No. 890. The chief of the leading di- vision will halt his division at the command 248 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PABT V. march^ or command quich time as indicated No. 1099. 0-1105. The companies of skirmishers will exe- cnte this movement, as if from a halt, observing what is prescribed No. 1098. 1106. To form square, forward on the centre companies, the colonel will command : 1. Forward on the centre^ form square. 2. Bat- talion.^ inward face. 3. March (or doubU quich — Maech). 1107. At the first command, the lieutenant- colonel will hasten to the front, and place three markers, at division or company distance from the line, according as the battalion companies are in number, eight or six ; the first marker op- posite the right file of the right centre company, the second opposite one of the three left files of the left centre company, the third, opposite one of the three left files of the right centre company. Each captain will place himself, two paces in front of the centre of his company, the captains of the two centre companies will cau- tion them to remain faced to the front, the others of the right wing will caution their companies to face to the left, and the others of the left wing, to the right. 1108. The music, in two ranks, will place itself at platoon distance behind the inner pla- toons of the two centre companies, the color- bearer will step back into the line of file closers, opposite his place in line of battle, and will be Pol. 2. Sckool of the BattalioTi. ii: PI. : I tr SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PAKT V. 249 replaced as indicated l^o. 1005. The covering sergeants Trill step into -the front rank. 0-1109. At the same command, the chiefs of the platoon columns will conform to what is pre- scribed No. 877. 1110. At the second command, the two centre companies will remain faced to the front ; the others of the right wing will face to the left, and the others of the left wing will face to the right. Those captains whose companies have faced will hasten to the left and right of their companies respectively, and place themselves as prescribed Nos. 806 and 809. The captains of the companies next to the right and left centre companies, will caution them that they will wheel by file to the right and left respectively ; each of the other captains whose company has faced, with the exception of those on the right and left flanks, will caution his company to fol- low in the trace of its leading file. nil. The captains of the right and left com- panies will tnution them to move straight-for- ward ; their file closers will move around their right and left flanks, respectively, and place themselves in front of the front rank, opposite their places in line of battle. The senior cap- tain of the two centre companies will place himself before the centre of his division, and caution it that it will have to move to the front ; the junior captain will place himself as indicated Ko. 880. 0-1112. At the same command, the platoon col- umns will execute what is prescribed Xo. 879. 1113. At the command raarch^ rapidly repeated 950 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. by all the captains, the chief of the first divi«on will command : Guide rights and the right guide will SO direct his march, that the breast of the front-rank man of the right file will come in contact with the elbow of the right marker. The left guide, of the left centre company, will place himself on the left of his company, and the left guide of the company on the right of the right centre company, will place himself in -the front rank, on the left flank of his company, as soon as able to pass. 1114. The lieutenant-colonel will place himself in a position to face the left guide of the division, when he arrives in the line, and the senior major will in like manner face the right guide. The captain of the company next to the right of the centre division, will so conduct it, that his left guide will follow in the trace of the right file of the division, and the right guide of the com- pany next to the left of the centre division, will in like manner follow in the trace of the left file of the division. The captains of the first and last companies will conduct their companies straight-forward. 1115. When the centre division has arrived near the markers in front, the colonel will com- mand: 1. Battalion^ ty the^ight and left Jiank^. 2. Halt. 1116. At the second command, the first division will halt, and be dressed to the right by its chief; its right file will face to the right, and its left SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 251 file to the left ; the file closers will close one pace on the rear rank. The companies which have wheeled by file to the right, will face by the right flank, their right guides, at the same time, stepping out before the right files of their respective companies, facing to the left, and cov- ering the right guide of the first division. They will be assured in this position by the senior major. The companies which have wheeled by file to the left, will face by the left flank, their left guides stepping out at the same time before the left files of their respective companies, facing to the right, and covering the left guide of the first division. They will be assured in this posi- tion, by the lieutenant-colonel. The file-closers of the second and third fronts, will close up one pace on the rear rank. 1117. The captains of the first and last com- panies, at the first command, will caution them to continue the march. At the command halt, the captains will halt in their own persons and see their companies file past, and when nearly united, the captain of the first company will command: 1. First company^ ly the left flmik. 2. Halt. The left guide passing into the rank of file closers just before the union ; the cap- tain of the last company will command: 1. Such company, hy the right JianTc. 2. Halt. 1118. The fourth division will be aligned by the rear rank, and by the means prescribed ISo. 1011 ; the junior captain and the covering ser- geant of the left company, will place themselves as indicated in the paragraph just named. The file closers, will at the same time, close up one 252 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. pace on the rear rank, and the outer files on each flank of the division, will face outward. 0-1119. At the command march bv the colonel, each platoon column will be conducted by its chief, diagonally to the front, in double quick time, or the run, as the gait of the battalion may be quick, or double quick time. The platoon col- umns will take a position in rear of the inner platoons of the first front of the square, and at the distance of the front of a company, plus four paces. 1120. The junior major will place himself as indicated No.'lOOS. 1121. The square being formed, the colonel will command : Guides — Posts. 1122. At this, the dispositions will be made, as prescribed No. 1014 and following. 1123. The battalion marching in line, and the colonel wishing to form square on the centre, will command : 1. Forward on the centre form square. 2. Bat- talion.^ ly the right and left flanlcs. 3. Maech (or double quiclc — Maech). 1124. This movement will be executed by the commands and means prescribed for forming «quare from a halt, observing what follows. At the first command, the captains of the two cen- tre companies aviU caution their companies to continue the march to the front. The color rank, SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART V. 253 and general guides will take their places in the ranks, and the color-bearer will take his place as indicated No. 1005. 0-1125. At the first command, by the colonel, the companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. 891. At the command march, they will be faced by the left and right flanks respectively, and conducted to the position pre- scribed No. 1119. Squares in four ranks. 1126. If the square formed in two ranks, ac- cording to the preceding rules, should not be deemed sufficiently strong, the colonel may cause the square to be formed in four ranks. 1127. The battalion being in column by com- pany at half or full distance, right in front, and at a' halt, when the colonel shall wish to form square in four ranks, he will first cause divisions to be formed, w^hich being executed, he will command : 1. To form sqicare in four ranJcs. 2. To half distance, close column. 3. Maech (or double quick — Maech). 1128. At the first command, the chief of the first division will caution the right company to face to the left, and the left company to face to the right. The chiefs of the other divisions will caution their divisions to move forward. 0-1129. At the same command, the platoon col- umns will execute what is prescribed No. 1002, VOL. n.— 22 254 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART Y. observing what follows. The chief of the first platoon column, the moment it has its place in rear of the division next to the last, will break to the rear three files from the right flank of each platoon, and the chief of the second pla- toon column will do the same from the left flank of each platoon of his column. At the com- mand march^ for the formation of the square, the skirmishers will move forward a platoon dis- tance. 1130. At the command march, the right com- pany of the first division will form into four ranks on its left file, and the left company into four ranks on its right file. The formation ended, the chief of this division will align it by the left. 1131. The other divisions will move forward and double their files marching ; the right com- pany of each division will double on its left file, and the left company on its right file. The for- mation completed, each chief of division will command : Guide left. Each chief will halt his division when it shall have the distance of a com- pany front in four ranks from the preceding one, the chief of the second division, counting from the rear rank of the one in front, and will align his division by the left. At the instant the fourth division is halted, the file closers will move rapidly before its front rank. 1132. The colonel will form square, re-form col- umn, and reduce square in four ranks, by the same commands and means as prescribed for a battalion in two ranks. 1133. If the square formed in four ranks be re- duced and at a halt, and the colonel shall wish to SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. 256 form the battalion into two ranks, lie will com- mand : 1. In two ramies undouble files. 2. Battalion outward — Face. 3. Makch. 1134. At the first command, the captains will step before the centres of their respective com- panies, and those on the right will caution them to face to the right, and those on the left to face to the left. 1135. At the second command, the battalion will face to the right and left. 1136. At the command march, each company will undouble its files and re-form into two ranks, as indicated in the S. (7., No. 387 and following. Each captain will halt his company and face it to the front. The formation completed, each chief of division will align his division by the left. 1137. At the same command, the files which are broken to the rear from the platoon columns, will be brought into line by their respective chiefs. 1138. If the column be in march, with divis- ions formed in four ranks, and the colonel shall wish to re-form them into two ranks, he will command : 1. Guide centre. 2. In two ranks, undouble files. 3. March. 1139. The captain, placed in the centre of each division, will continue to march straight to the front, as will also the left file of the right com- 256 flCIIOOL OF THE BATTALlOJf PAET T. pany, and the riglit file of the left company. Each company will then be re-formed into two ranks, as prescribed in the S. C. 1140. The battalion being formed into two ranks, the colonel will command : Guide left (or right). 1141. The battalion being in line, to form square in four ranks on one of the flank divisions, the colonel will command : 1. To form square^ in four ranks. 2. Column at half distance, hy division. 3, On the first (or fourth) division. 4. Battalion, right (or left) — ^Fack. 5. March (or double quick — March). 1142. At the second command, each chief of division will place himself before the centre of his division, and caution it to face to the right. 1143. At the fourth command, the right guide of the first division will remain faced to the front, the battalion will face to the right. 1144. At the command march, the first file of four men of the first division will face to the front, remaining doubled. All the other files of four men will step off together, and each in succession will close up to its proper distance on the file pre- ceding it, and face to the front, remaining doubled. When the last file shall have closed, the chief of division will command : Left — Dress. 1145. The other divisions will ploy into column in the same manner as with a battalion in two ranks, observing what follows; the chiefs of division, instead of allowing their divisions to file past them on entering the column, will continue SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PAET V. 257 to lead them, and as each division shall arrive on a line with the right guide of the first division, its chief will halt the right guide, who will im- mediately face to the front ; the first file of four men will also halt at the same time and face tc the front, remaining doubled. The second file will close on the first, and when closed, halt, and face to the front, remaining doubled. All the other files will execute successively what has just been prescribed for the second. When the last file shall have closed, the chief of division will command : Left — Dress. 0-1146. The companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed ]S'o. 1095, taking care to break files to the rear, as indicated No. 1129. 1147. If the battalion be in march, the colonel will command : 1. To form square, in four ranTcs. 2. On the first dicisio-n, form column. 3. Battalion, hy the right fianlc. 4. Maech (or double quick — Maech). 1148. At the second command, each chief of division will step in front of the centre of his division and caution it to face by the right flank. The chief of the first division will caution his covering sergeant to halt, and remain faced to the front. 1149. At the command march, the battalion will face to the right ; the covering sergeant of the first division will halt and remain faced to the front, the first division will then form into four ranks as heretofore prescribed. The other divis- 22* 258 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET T. ions will ploy into column in the same manner as if the movement had taken place from a halt. 0-1150. The companies of skirmishers, Avill exe- cute what is prescribed Xo. 1098, taking care to break files to the rear, as indicated No. 1129. 1151. If the colonel should wish to form a per- pendicular square in four ranks, by double column, he will command : 1. To form square, in four ranks. 2. Double column^ at half distance. 3. Battalion inward — Face. 4. Makch (or double quick — March). 1152. At the second command, the captains of companies will place themselves before the centres of their respective companies, and caution those on the right to face to the left, and those on the left to face to the right. The captain of the fifth company will caution his covering sergeant to stand fast. 1153. At the third command, the battalion will face to the left and right ; at the command march^ the left file of the fourth, and the right file of the fifth company, will face to the front, remaining doubled. The fourth company will close succes- sively by file of fours on the left file, and the fifth company, in like manner, on the right file ; the files will face to the front, remaining doubled. The formation completed, the chief of division will command : Rigid dress. The junior captain will place himself in the interval between the two companies. 1154. The other companies will close as pre- scribed for the double column in two ranks, ob- SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART V. 259 serving what follows : each captain will halt the leading guide of his company tlie moment the head of his company arrives on a line with the centre of the column. In the right companies, the left guides will step into the line of file closers, and the left file of four men v/ill face immediately to the front, remaining doubled, and by the side of the right guide of the left company. The com- panies will each form into four ranks, as pre- scribed No. 1144, the right companies on the left file, and the left companies on the right file. The formation completed, the junior captain will place himself between the two companies, and the senior will command : Right dress. 0-1155. The companies of skirmishers will exe- cute what is prescribed No. 1102, breaking filey to the rear as indicated No. 1129. 115S. If the battalion be in march, the colonel will command : 1. To form square^ in four rariks. 2. Form double column. 2. Battalion hy the right and left fianTcs. 4. Maech (or double quick — Maech). 1157. At the second command, the captains will place themselves before the centres of their respective companies, and those on the right will caution them to face by the left flank, and those on the left to face by the right flank ; the captain of the fifth company will caution his covering sergeant to halt, and remain faced to the front. 1158. At the command march, tlie fourth and fifth companies will halt. The battalion will face 260 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. to the left and right ; the covering sergeant of the> fifth company will halt and remain faced to the front, the movement will then be executed as if the battalion was at a halt. 0-1159. The companies of skirmishers, will exe- cute what is prescribed No. 1105. 1160. The battalion being deployed, to form square in four ranks, forward on the centre, the colonel will command : 1. Forward on the centre^ in four ranhs^form. square. 2. Battalion inward fa^e. 3. March (or douhle quick — March). 1161. This movement will be executed by the commands and means prescribed for the two- rank formation, observing what follows. At the command march., the centre division will form in four ranks, as prescribed No. 1130. The com- panies of the right and left wings, which wheel by file to the left and right, to form the second and third fronts of the square, will respectively, before wheeling, march straight-forward a dis- tance equal to the front of a platoon. 0-1162. The companies of skirmishers will exe- cute what is prescribed for them in the two-rank formation, taking care to conform to what is prescribed No. 1129. 1163. The battalion marching in line, to form square, forward on the centre, in four ranks. The colonel will command : 1. Forward on the centre.^ in four ranhsy form 261 y the ation t the entre con- naand ribed con- neral their attle, )hqu© Jirst nant- divis- him- ision, 5 the ,velve igain, arker ScllOol of tllH BrtltHHoil. \J: c SOnOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET T. 261 square. 2. Battalion hy the right and left JianTcs. 3. }1arck (or double-quick — Maech). 1164. This movement will be executed by the commands and means prescribed for the formation from a halt, observing what follows. At the first command, the captains of the two centre companies will caution their companies, to con- tinue the march to the front, and at the command march, they will form in four ranks, as prescribed No. 1131. 1165. The companies of skirmishers will con- form to what is prescribed ISTo. 1125. 1166. The color-bearer, color rank, and general guides, at the command march, will take their places as prescribed Xo. 1005. Oblique squares. 1167. The battalion being in line of battle, when the colonel shall wish to form the oblique square, he will command : 1. To form oblique square. 2. On the first division form column. 116S. At the second command, the lieutenant- colonel will trace the alignment of the first divis- ion in the following manner : he will place him- self before and near the right file of this division, face to the left, march twelve paces along the front rank, halt, face to the right, march twelve paces perpendicularly to the front, halt again, face to the right, and immediately place a marker 262 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PART T. at this point. The covering sergeant of the right company will step, at the same time, before its right file, face to the left, and conform the line of his shoulders to that of the shoulders of the marker established by the lieutenant- colonel. These two markers being established, the lieuten- ant-colonel will place a third marker on the same alignment, at the point where the left of the division will halt. 11G9- The chiefs of division will place them- selves in front of the centres of their divisions ; the chief of the first division will immediately establish it by a wheel to the right on a fixed pivot, against the markers, and align it by the left. The chiefs of the other divisions will caution them to face to the right. The colonel will then command : 3. Battalion riglit — Face. 4. Makcu {or double quicTc — Maecii). 1170. The three rear divisions will direct their march so as to place themselves at half distance from each other, and in the rear of the first division, as previously indicated, observing what follows : 1171. The chief of the second division, instead of breaking the headmost files to the rear, will break them to the front, and at the command march^ will conduct his division toward the point of entrance in the column. Arrived at this point, he will halt in his own person, cause his division to wheel by file to the right, instruct- ing the right guide to direct himself parallelly to Fol. 2. I Scliool of Hie T3attaIioii. Pi. 35. -^^ If TO. 2 2^o f'orjn ohtiq^ue square . Change dz.rr^ti4m l>j^ tTve r-ight flanJc No. 1174. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALIOX PAP.T Y. 263 the first division ; and as soon as the left file has passed, its chief will halt the division, and align it bj the left. The other divisions will break to the rear, but slightly ; each will enter the column as prescribed for the second, and the moment the battalion is ployed into column, the colonel Avill cause it to form square. 1172- The formation of a battalion into oblique square on the left division, will bo executed ac- cording to the same principles and by inverse means. 1173. Should the battalion be in march, the colonel will first cause it to halt. 1174. In the preceding example, the battalion was supposed to be deployed ; but if it be already formed in column, the desired obliquity will be established by causing it to change direction by the flank ; to this end, the colonel will command : 1. To form oblique square. 2. Change direction ly the right (or left) fianlc. 1175. At the second command, the lieutenant- colonel will trace the new direction in the foUov/- ing manner ; he will place before the right and left files of the headmost division, two markers, and a third on the prolongation of the first two, on the side of the change of direction, and at twelve paces from the fiank of the column. He will then place himself before the third marker, march twelve paces perpendicularly to the front, halt, and finish tracing the new direction in tho manner indicated, No. 11G8. 1176. The colonel will then command: 264 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION^ PAET V. 3. Battalion right (or left) — Face. 4. March (or double quick — AIaech). 1177. The change of direction having been executed, the colonel will cause the square to be formed. 1178. Should the column be in march, the colonel will first cause it to halt. 1179. 01)li(iuo squares in four ranks, will be executed by the same means, and according to the principles prescribed for the formation of squares in four ranks. 1180. Whether the battalion be ployed into simple or double column, the particular disposi- tions for the formation of the square Avill be executed as prescribed ISTo. 1000 and following. Wlien the division which is to form the rear of the column, is aligned, the senior major will rec- tify the position of the guides on the side of the column opposite the direction. 0-1131. In the formation of oblique squares, either from line or column, the companies of skirmishers will conform to the principles Avhich have been prescribed in the formation of perpen- dicular squares, observing what follows. When the square is formed from column, the platoon columns will ta]:e the position indicated No. 1002^ at the command march, given by the colonel, for the battalion column to change direction by a flank. EEMAEK3 O^' THE FOEMATIOX OF 8QFAEES AND THE EALLTIXG OF SKIEMISHEES. 1182. In. all formations of sanares from col- SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PART V. 265 umns composed of but six companies, the music will place itself one pace in rear of the file closers of the second division. If the square is formed forward on the centre from line, the music will take place one pace in rear of the file closers of the first division. 1183. It is a general principle that a column by company, which is to be formed into square, will first form divisions, and close to half distance. Nevertheless, if it find itself suddenly threatened by cavalry without sufficient time to form divis- ions, the colonel will cause the column to close to platoon distance, and then form square by the commands and means which have been indicated ; the leading and rearmost companies will conform themselves to what has been prescribed for divis- ions in those positions. The other companies will form by platoon to the right and left into line of battle, and each chief of platoon, after having halted it, will place himself on the line, as if the platoon were a company, and he wiU be covered by the guide in the rear rank. 0-1134. At the first command for forming square, the chief of the first platoon column will deploy it on his first platoon ; he will then face his com- pany to the left or right, as the right or left may be in front, and taking the double quick step, will establish liis company, at platoon distance, in front or rear of the first battalion company. The second company of skirmishers, will take a position in rear or front, of the last battalion company, by the same means. The junior major will take [)ost in the centre of the square. When VOL. n.— 23 266 SCHOOL OF TUB BATTALION — PAET Y. the square is reduced, the companies of skirmish- ers will resume their proper positions. 1185. A battalion in column at full distance, having to form a square, will always close on the leading subdivision ; and a column closed in mass, will always, for the same purpose, take distances by the head. In either case, the second sub- division should be careful, in taking its distance, to reckon from the rear rank of the subdivision in front of it. 1183. If a column by company should be re- quired to form S(;[uare in four ranks, the doubling of files will always take place on the file next the guide. 0-1187. In this case, the companies of skirmishers after filing into the column, will close up, and face to the front without undoubling. 1188. When a column, disposed to form square, shall be in march, it will change direction as a column at half distance; thus, having to execute this movement, the column will take the guide on the side opposite to that to which the change of direction is to be made, if that be not already the side of the guide. 1189. A column doubled on the centre at com- pany distance or closed in mass, may be formed into square according to the same principles as a simple column. 1190. When a battalion is ployed, with a view to the square, it will always be in rear of the right or left division, in order that it may be able to commence firing, pending the execution of the movement. The double column, also, afi"ords this advantage, and being more promptly formed than SCnOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET Y. 267 any other, it will habitually be employed, unless particular circumstances cause a different forma- tion to be preferred. 1191. A battalion, in square, will never use any other than the fire by file, and by rank; the color being in the line of file closers, its guard will not fall back as prescribed No. 47 ; it will fire like the men of the company of which it forms a part. 1192. If the square be formed in four ranks, the first two ranks will alone execute the firings prescribed above; the other two ranks will re- main cither at shoulder or support arms. 1193. The formation of the square being often necessary in war, and being the most complicated of the manoeuvres, it will be as frequently re- peated as the supposed necessity may require, in order to render its mechanism familiar to both officers and men. 1194. In the execution of this manoeuvre, the colonel will carefully obser^'e that the divers movements which it involves succeed each other without loss of time, but also without confusion ; for, if the rapidity of cavalry movements requires the greatest promptitude in the formation of squares, so, on the other hand, precipitancy al- ways results in disorder, and in no circumstance is disorder more to be avoided. 1195. If the battalion is formed in square when skirmishers are rallied, the platoons and sections will be directed by their respective chiefs, in rear of the square, which will be opened at the angles to receive them. 1196. If circumstances should prevent the an- gles of the square from being opened, the skir- 268 SCHOOL OF TOE BATTALION — PAET T. mishers will throw themselves at the feet of the frout-rank men, the right knee on the ground, the butt of the piece resting on the thigh, the bayonets in a threatening position. A part may dispose themselves about the angles, where they can render good service by defending the sectors without lire. The first company of skirmishers will be attached to the first and second, and the second company, to the third and fourth fronts of the square. 1197. When the platoons or sections placed in the interior of a square or column, are to be de- ployed, they will be marched out by the flank, and then, if required to cover the front, they will be moved forward, as prescribed No. 161, and following instructions for skirmishers ; and as soon as they have unmasked the column or square, they will be deployed. If it be required to cover the flanks of the column, or other fronts of the square, the platoons, as soon as disengaged, will be brought into line, facing outward, and then deployed, either forv.ard, or by the flanks. 1188. If the battalion on which the skirmishers, otlier than the companies of skirmishers, are ral- lied, be in column, ready to form square, they will take their proper places in the column, but if circumstances should prevent their so doing, they will, when the square is formed, act as pre- scribed for the skirmishers No. 1196. 0-1199. When the colonel shall wish to cover by skirmishers the movements of a column prepar- ing to form square, he will detach for this pur- pose one or two platoons of the companies of skirmishers. hl.-l Scliool of tlie Battalion. Pi.Sd. ^'A. ' Hj H [y r,\i.i. ;^ ':' ''■:' -!f aiMiHliHililimtlt wmm 'g." - ' ' ' z. . , °-;,:i- "^icj. ? «|: m Colu/nn again.'il: cavalry. JVo.1201. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PABT Y. 269 1290. When the colonel shall be ready to form square, he will, in order to recall the skirmishers, cause to the color to be sounded. The skirmish- ers in this case will move in quick, or double quick time. Column against cavalry. 1201. When a column closed in mass has to form square, it will begin by taking company distance, but if so suddenly threatened by cavalry as not to allow time for this disposition, it will be formed in the following manner : 1202. The colonel will command : 1. Column against cavalry. 2. March. 1203. At the tirst command, the chief of the leading division will caution it to stand fast and pass behind the rear rank ; in the interior divis- ions each captain will promptly designate the number of files necessary to close the interval between his company and the one in front of it The captains of the division next to the one in rear, in addition to closing the interval in front, will also close up the interval which separates this division from the last; the chief of the fourth division will caution it to face about, and its file closers will pass briskly before the front rank. 0-1204. At the same command, the chief of the first platoon column will immediately dispose it along the front, and right flank of the column, as indicated No. 1196, and the chief of the sec- 23* 270 BcnooL OF the battalion — PAET y. ond platoon column, will dispose his column in like manner, along the rear, and left flank of the battalion column. 120l. At the command march, the guides of each division will place themselves rapidly in the hne of file-closers. The first division will stand fast, the fourth will face about, the outer file of each of these divisions will then face outward; in the other divisions the files designated for closing the intervals will form to the right and left into line, but in the division next to the rearmost one, the first files that come into line will close to the right or left until they join the rear division. The files of each company which remain in column will close on their outer files, formed into line, in order to create a vacant space in the middle of the column. 1206. If the column be in march, the column againU cavalry will be formed by the same com- mands and means. At the command march, the first and fourth divisions will halt, and the latter division will face about; the interior divisions will conform to what has been prescribed above. 1207. The battalion being no longer threat- ened by the cavalry, the colonel will command : 1. Form column. 2. March. 1208. At the command march, the files in col- umn will close to the left and right, to make room for those in line, who will retake their places in column by stepping backward, except those closing the interval between the two rear divisions, who will take their places in column SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 271 by a flank movement. The fourth division will face about, the guides will resume their places. 1209. At the command march, the companies of skirmishers will retake their places. 1210. If the colonel should be so pressed as not to have time to order bayonets to be fixed, the meii will fix them, without command or sig- nal, at the cautionary command, column against cavalry. 1211. As this manoeuvre is often used in war, and with decided advantage, the colonel will fre- quently cause it to be executed, in order to vqu- der it familiar. Akticlk XV. The rally. 1212. The battalion being in line of battle, the colonel will sometimes cause the disperse to be sounded, at which signal, the battalion will break and disperse. 1213. When the colonel shall wish to rally the battalion, he will cause to the color to be sounded, and at the same time place two mark- ers and the color-bearer in the direction he may wish to give the battalion. 1214. Each captain will rally his company about six paces in rear of the place it is to occu- py in line of battle. 1215. The colonel will cause the color-compa- ny to be promptly established against^ the mark- ers, and each company, by the command of ita captain, will be aligned on the color-company 272 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION — PABT V. according to the principles heretofore pre- scribed. 1216. When the colonel shall wish to rally the battalion in column, he will cause the assembly to be sounded, and place two markers before the position to be occupied by the lirst company, the captain of this company will rally his com- pany in rear of the two markers, and each of the other captains will rally his company at platoon distance, behind the one which should precede it in the order in column. 0-1217. lu rallying, either in line or column, at the signal, the companies of skirmishers will at once take their proper positions. Aeticle XVI. Bules for manoeuvring by the rear rank. 1218. It may often be necessary to cause a bat- talion to manoeuvre by the rear rank : when the case presents itseht', the following rules will be observed : 1219. The battalion being by the front rank, when the colonel shall wish to manoeuvre by tho rear rank, he Avill command : 1. Face ly the rear rank. 2. Battalion. 3. About — Face. 1220. If the battalion be deployed, this move- ment will be executed as has been indicated for the fire by the rear rank. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION PAET V. 2Y3 0-1221. In this case, the companies of skirmish- ers will execute what is prescribed No. 61. 1222. If the battalion be in column bj com- pany, or by platoon, right or left in front, the chiefs of subdivision, to take their new places in column, will each pass by the left flank of his subdivision, and the file closers by the right flank ; the guides will place themselves in the rear rank. 1223. If the column be formed by division, the chiefs of division will each pass by the inter- val in the centre of his division, and the file closers by the outer flanks of their respective companies; the junior captain in each division will step into the rear rank, and be covered in the front rank by the covering sergeant of the left company. 1224. The lieutenant-colonel will place him- self abreast with the leading subdivision, and the senior major abreast with the rearmost one. 0-1225. The platoon columns, at the first com- mand, will be marched around the flanks of the battalion column, and take position, such that the first platoon column shall occupy with refer- ence to the battalion column, the same position that the second did before the column faced ; and in a similar manner, the second a position like that the first had before the facing of the bat- talion. 1226. The battalion being faced by the rear rank, companies, divisions, and wings, will pre- serve their prior denominations respectively. 1227. The manoeuvres by the rear rank wiU be executed by the same commands and on the same 274 SCnoOL of the BATTALIOir — PAST V. principles as if the battalion faced by the front rank, but in such manner that when the bat- talion shall be brought to its proper front, all the subdivisions may find themselves in their regular order from right to left. 1228. According to this principle, when a col- umn faced by the rear rank is deployed, the sub- divisions which, in line of battle by the front rank, ought to tind themselves on the right of the subdivision on which the deployment is made, will face to the left; and those which ought to be placed on its left, will face to the right. 1229. When a battalion in line of battle, faced by the rear rank, is to be ployed into column, the colonel vrill announce, in the commands, left or I'ight in fronts according as it may be in- tended that the first or last subdivision shall be at the head of the column, because the first sub- division is on the left, and the last on the right of the battalion faced by the rear rank. The column by the rear rank will take the guide to the right, if the first subdivision be in front, and to the left in the reverse case. 1230. A column faced by the rear rank will be brought to its proper front by the means heretofore prescribed. If the column be formed by company, or by platoon, the chiefs of subdi- vision, in order to take their new places in col- umn, will pass by the left of subdivisions, now right, and the file closers by the right, now left. EXD OF SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION. TABLE OF CONTENTS. VOL. II. TITLE V. SCHOOL OF THK BATTALION. PACK. Formation of the battalion (No. 1) 5 Com[>osition and march of oofbr escort (No. 5) (j Honurs paid t<> colors (No. 12) 7 Escort of col.,r off the Held (No. 14) 7 General rules and division of the School of the Biittalion (No. 19) 9 PART FIRST. Ap.tk-i.e I. — To open and close ranks (No. 27) 10 Artk i.E II. — Manual of arms (No. 85) 12 Akticle III. — Loadings at will and firings (No. 37) 12 PART SECOND. Aeticle I. — To break by company to the right (No. 7S). To break by divi.'^iou (N^o. 87). To recall skirmishers (No. ?5). To break the column forward without haltintr it (No. 97). To break the battalion marching in line of bat- tle (No. 10:3) 19 Article II. — To break to the rear by the right or left of companii'S (No. lOS). Battalion marching to break to the rear ^^No. 1 Is). To advance or retire by the right of com- panies (No. 135). Battalion marching in linc^to advance or retire by right of comjianies (No. 145). Advancing or retiring by the right or left of companies to lona line (No. 15). Remarks on changes of front (No. 871) 1ST Akticle XIII.— To ploy the battalion into column doul)le0). Same movement when marching (.N'o. 1103). To form 8qu:u-e forward on the centre companies (No. 1106). Same movement when marching (No. 1123). To form square C0XTEXT3. 279 PAGE In four ranks from column by company at half or fnll distance {So. 1127). Square iformed in four ranks re- duced, to form battalion in two ranks (No. 1183). The column in march, \vith divisions in four ranks, tore-form in tworanks(No. li;3S). The battalion in line to form square in four ranks, or flank division (No. 1141). Same movement, battalion in march (No. 1147). To form perpendicular square in four ranks by double column (No. 1151). Same movement, battalion in march (No. 1156). To form square in four ranks in 1 me by forward on the centre (No. 11(}3. Translated by Captain C. M. Wilcox, Seventh Kegi- ment U. 8. Infantry. 1 vol. 12mo. Threa largo plates. Cloth 11 00 * The movements of armies engaged in battle have often been •ompared to those of the chess-board, and we cannot doubt that thoTo are certain principles of tactics in actual war, as in that ganie, which may determine tho result independently, in a great measure, of the personal strength and courage of the men engaged. Tho diflFerence between these principles as applied in the Amer- ican army and in tho Austrian, is so wide as to havo suggested the translation of tho work before us, which contains the whole result of the famous Field-Marshal Eadetzky'a experience for twenty-five years, while in supreme command in Italy." — Kew York Century. Rh3niied Tactics, by " Gov." i vol ismo. Taper. With portraits $0 25 * Our author deserves great credit for the ingenuity he has dis- played in putting into verso a manual which would at first glanco •eem to defy the most persistent efforts of the rhymer. The book contains a number of illustrations representing some of the more difficult positions, in tho figures of which portraits of Roveral prominent officers of the New York Volimteers may bo recognized."— ^'e'W York Times. 5 Maxims and Instnictions on the Art of "War. Maxims, Advice, and Instructions on the Art of "War; or, a Practical Military Guide for the use of Soldiers of all Amis and of all Countries. Translated from the French by Captain Lendy, Director of the Practical Military College, late of the French Staff, etc., etc. 1 vol. 18mo. CToth $0 T5 "A book of maxims, that is not as dry as a cask of ' remainder biscuit," is a novelty in literature. The little volume before nt is aa exci-ption to the general rule. It presents the suggestion of common sense in military affairs, with a certain brilliancy and i>oint. One may read it purely for entertainment, and not be disappointed. At the same time, it is full of practical instruc- tions of groat value. When found in the pocket of an officer of volunteers, it will be the right book in the right place.''— A'". Y. Tribune. A System of Target Practice.— For tho use of Troops when armed with the Musket, Eille-Musket, Eifle, or Carbine, prepared principally from the French, bf Gapt Hkxet Hetu, Tenth Infantry U. S. A. "Wak Depaetmext, I "TVasuixgtox, March 1st, 3S5S. > " The System of Target Practice, prepared under direction of the War Department by Captain Henry Heth, 10th Infantry, having been approved, is adopted for the instruction of troops when armed with the musket, rifle-musket, rifle, or carWne. "Joux B. Floyd, Secretary of War."" Any of the Books on tMs list will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of the price named. 6 University of California Library Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. NON-lftNtWABL lU- -r-.!r{)G'T,2 DUE2WKSFRQM ,Lo . lD-URI. 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