u; D 639 US4 UC-NRLF B M D7fl TflT WHAT IS REAL DEMOCRACY? MUST IT BE ATTAINED TO END WAR? BY ROY HOLLAND SEWARD & 1 I S N ? 3 A T N t ••'Vr- WHAT IS REAL DEMOCRACY? MUST IT BE ATTAINED TO END WAR? BY ROY HOLLAND SEWARD Copyright, 1917 by R. E. SEWARD SPIRITUAL vs. MATERIAL WAYS AND MEANS OF ENDING THE PRESENT WORLD- WAR Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. — Revelation i., 3. Mrs. Eddy says on page 172 of Miscellaneous Writings: "Dispensing the Word charitably, but separating the tares from the wheat, let us declare the positive and the negative of metaphysical Science; what it is, and what it is not." Again on pages 534 and 535 of Science and Health she says: There will be greater mental opposition to the spiritual, scientific meaning of the Scrip- tures than there has ever been since the Christian era began. The serpent, material sense, will bite the heel of the woman, — will struggle to destroy the spiritual idea of Love; and the woman, this idea, will bruise the head of lust. The spiritual idea has 3 given the understanding a foothold in Christ- ian Science. The seed of Truth and the seed of error, of belief and of understanding, — yea, the seed of Spirit and the seed of mat- ter, — are the wheat and tares which time will separate, the one to be burned, the other to be garnered into heavenly places. Following this line of reasoning, adhering strictly to the scientific rules of divine metaphysics, and looking at the proposition from a spiritual stand- point I feel it my duty, as a divine metaphysician, to show, or rather point out, if I may, the absolute fallacy of trying to bring about a cessation to the present war between true democracy, government by the Christ-mentality, and autocracy, government by the so-called human mentality, through the employ- ment of human mental ways and means. Paul says that the "carnal mind" is enmity against God — good. Consequently, by acquiescing with the methods of the carnal mind in an endeavor to end the war, one would make a concession to error, deviate from the metaphysical postulates of divine metaphysics, throw the weight of influence on the wrong or material side, and forfeit his spiritual power, thereby inviting defeat at the outset. If Christian Science makes anything clear what- ever, it must be this: that material and spiritual methods do not coincide, and that the human and divine mentalities do not cooperate, but vice vena, —they run in counter directions. This being true, is it not a species of human egotism for any individual, or nation, to attempt to unite that which God has not joined together, and to endeavor to bring an end to the present war, through the employment of other than spiritual methods of warfare? Those who are employing spiritual methods are following in the footsteps of Truth— "The Way of Wisdom" {Miscellany, p. 356). Those who are employing ■material methods are following "Ways that are Vain" {Miscellany, p. 210). Christian Scientists cannot be negative or neutral in their attitude toward the war. The mistaken notion that they can assume an attitude of neutrality and be exempted from enlistment in actual service on the side of the divine Mind in its inexorable warfare of the extermination of the cause of the war — the carnal mind — manifests an unwillingness to respond to the voice of the ever-present, impersonal idea, Christ; a stubbornness to yield to divine demands; an inability to follow the spiritual leadership of our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, as she ascends the scale of scien- tific being and calls us to rise to higher spiritual altitudes. This condition of human belief is severely rebuked in the following words from Revelation iii., 16: "Because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Mrs. Eddy says on page 216 of Science and Health: "Spirituality lay6 open siege to materialism. On which side are we fighting? " Every genuine Christian Scientist strives to find his spiritual niche, his scien- tific mental place in the bod} r of Christ, the spiritual cosmos, and behind the impregnable bulwarks of divine Love, fights with all the might of his divine nature in an earnest endeavor to stem the tide of materialism, and to annihilate the sap positional claims of impersonal evil, remembering, at the same time, that "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds" (II Cor. x., 4) and everything which claims reality or power apart from God. He alone ascends the hill of Christian Science who abides strictly by the divine law of demonstrable Truth, and recognizes the axiomatic rule of divine meta- physics, viz.: "Spirit is infinite; therefore Spirit is all. 'There is no matter' " {Miscellany, p. 357). Unless one is willing to relinquish all material anchorage for Christ — the spiritual idea, and renounce the false evidence of material sense testimony, he is trying to climb "up some other way" (John x., 1). He volun- tarily departs from Mind to matter, from good to evil, from divine to human concepts, and this dis- qualifies him from being a divinely authorized expo- nent of divine metaphysics or Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy refers to this departure from the Christ method in the following words: The predisposing and exciting cause of all defeat and victory under the sun, rests on this scientific basis: that action, in obedi- ence to God, spiritualizes man's motives and methods, and crowns them with success; while disobedience to this divine Principle materializes human modes and conscious- ness, and defeats them (Miscellaneous Writings, pp. 267-268). The government of the United States, through its representatives, is doing everything within its power to end the war with victory on the side of democracy. No one who is clothed in his right mentality questions the sincerity and righteousness of its motives. It does not follow from this, however, that it is using the scientific, therefore the most powerful weapons in this undertaking. Nations, as well as individuals, may be governed by material concepts and so led into a mistaken course of official conduct as a result of a wrong sense of the scientific facts of existence. Being ignorant of the use of spiritual weapons of warfare, "the sword of the Spirit . . . the word of God," which Christ Jesus and his followers proved effectual in conquering sin and death, I repeat, not employing these spiritual weapons of warfare, but resorting to material means of defense — "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" (Matt, v., 38), the government of the United States is engaged in the mobilization and utilization of every conceivable material influence, power, and method of the nation in an earnest attempt to abolish autocracy from the face of the earth. This employment of human in- stead of divine mental ways and means, however, will never bring about a successful consummation of the war, which is the outgrowth of the warring elements of the carnal mind. Mrs. Eddy's words on page 225 of Science and Health support my deduc- tions: A few immortal sentences, breathing the omnipotence of divine justice, have been potent to break despotic fetters and abolish the whipping-post and slave market; but oppression neither went down in blood, nor did the breath of freedom come from the cannon's mouth. Love is the liberator. At this particular crisis in the world's history, therefore, when autocracy and democracy — the human and divine mentalities — are engaged in the greatest conflict ever known to humanity, and when a great chemicalization wave is sweeping over the entire uni- verse and seems destined to engulf all who are not safely sheltered in the ark of spiritual understanding, it is wise to halt and consider the predisposing and exciting cause of this great world-wide disturbance, and endeavor, if possible, to find scientific mental ways and means of bringing war to a successful, therefore final consummation. The consensus of mortal opinion seems to be that the time is not yet ripe for Christian Scientists to work from a "wholly spiritual foundation, than which there is no other. . . . Spirit is infinite; therefore Spirit is all" (Miscellany, p. 357), to dis- pense with material methods, and to endeavor to solve the vexatious problems of mortal exist- ence through the demonstration of the Science of being,— There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all (Science and Health, p. 468) . Such a notion, however, is the expression of human hypotheses, and will prevail until superseded by spir- itual understanding. Material thought is slow to relinquish time-honored traditions, to yield the human to the divine, and to accept spiritual facts. Mrs. Eddy tells us, however, that material concepts are ephemeral and transitory, and that they will ulti- mately vanish before spiritualized thought, the Mind of Christ. She says on page 297 of Science and Health: "The only fact concerning any material concept is, that it is neither scientific not eternal, but subject to change and dissolution." Divine metaphysicians, or genuine Christian Scien- tists, therefore, are looking not only for a "change" in material concepts, but for a complete "dissolution" of them and the consequent disappearance of their false objectified phenomena and a revelation of the 10 new heaven and the new earth — the phenomena of spiritual sense. A little lecven leavens the whole lump. In this connection Malachi tells us that the operation of the Christ idea, the radiation of the "Sun of righ- teousness," in human consciousness will ultimately dissolve or disperse all material concepts and "leave them neither root nor branch;" that is, Truth will finally destroy not only every material concept, but the cause, as well as the effect, of all error — the carnal mind and its manifestation — a so-called material man and material universe. The war between autocracy and democracy will end only when material concepts are dissolved in the crucible of Truth. We not infrequently hear it said that the whole world must go to war, and that every individual — every man, woman, and child — should contribute his part, however small, toward helping end the war. This proposition, however, has been materially interpreted by some calling themselves Christian Scientists, who have lost sight of its spiritual import, thereby following "Ways that are Vain" (Miscellany, p. 210). Knowing nothing about divine democracy — their duties, rights, and privileges as individual members, ideas of Christ's body — they are endeavoring to cooperate, as units of a social organism, in an endeavor to do their part toward bringing about victory in favor of the allied forces. The true Christian Scientist, demonstrator of genuine Christian Science as taught by Mary Baker Eddy, II the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, armed with spiritual understanding, is not deceived by the suggestion of anti-Christ, and is endeavoring to find his niche in divine democracy — the impreg- nable fortification in the secret place of the divine Mind — and from this summit of spiritual power and security patiently awaits the self-extinction of evil and its embodiments, and the reign of the phenomena of spiritual reality — eternal life in infinite Mind. The motive and purpose, which prompt people to engage in Red Cross work, to enlist in the army and navy, to become farmers with a view of feeding and sustaining those who are fighting in the trenches, and to contribute, in other ways, toward the perpetua- tion of the war on a material basis, may be patriotic and humanitarian, but they are not spiritual, and be- ing unspiritual they must be unscientific, and being unscientific, they must be the outgrowth of material concepts, and not the outcome of the divine law and order. Consequently, such mistaken methods, how- ever sincere, will utterly fail in bringing about a cessation of this great world-wide battle between the Christ-man and the so-called carnal man, which is destined, sooner or later, to annihilate the false sense of existence and its counterfeit phenomena, — the material Adam-dream universe, — thereby revealing the new heaven and the new earth, the spiritual uni- verse of God's creating. There is not a single word in our textbook, Science 12 and Health, to warrant the assumption that Mrs. Eddy recommends the employment of material methods in combating evil and its phenomena. On the contrary, she continuously admonishes us, through the medium of her writings, that our warfare with evil is entirely a "mental conflict between the evi- dence of the spiritual senses and the testimony of the material senses," Science and Health, p. 288, and that evil can be successfully handled only through the utilization of the Mind of Christ, the Word of God. No one, who is awake to the "still, small voice" of the ever-present impersonal idea, Mrs. Eddy's divine selfhood, can be deceived, or led to believe, for a moment, that he should enlist and use material weapons of warfare to bring to an end this terrible conflict. Mrs. Eddy, while admonishing us to enlist in the conflict against evil and to be aggressive in our attitude toward it, yet points out the fallacy of re- sorting to material weapons of warfare in the follow- ing words from Miscellaneous Writings, page 336: It is your province to wrestle with error, to handle the serpent and bruise its head; but you cannot, as a Christian Scientist, re- sort to stones and clubs, — yea, to matter, — to kill the serpent of a material mind. Let the power of the Christ-mind, which you possess, nullify the hate and the evil of the so-called 13 carnal man. The relinquishment of the spiritual fact of one creator, and one creation — God and His infinite manifestation, Christ, the spiritual universe, including the sons and daughters of divine Love; the acceptance of the false sense of existence with its accompanying result — the belief in other gods and other creators; the incorporation into one's conscious- ness from other sources of that which is contrary to demonstrable Truth, viz.: that God is All and man is His image and likeness; the forgetfulness of, and lack of consecration to the one thing needful — the spiritual fact; the indulgence in and acquiescence with human mental ways and means of doing things, and the endeavor to demonstrate the Word of God — divine Science — on any other than a "wholly spiri- tual" basis — these are some of the phases of those mental concessions, on the part of so-called Christian Scientists, to the subtle and insidious suggestions of malicious animal magnetism, which hypnotize them, reverse the scientific facts of immutable Truth, and cause them to lose sight of the spiritual sense of existence. The battle of Armageddon is en. A titanic struggle between two opposing mental forces — the human and divine mentalities — is now in progress. Error's advocates — the agencies of impersonal evil — and Truth's representatives — the demonstrators of im- personal good — are engaged in a final death struggle. The present war is the outgrowth of the conflict between 14 the human and divine mentalities, between Truth and error, and will continue until the divine destroys the claim of the human. This being true, Christian Scientists must prove the potency of spiritual thought- force. They must aid in bringing war to a final end through the weapons that Christ Jesus employed, the reflection of eternal Mind, the Principle or cause of real existence, man's spiritual dominion or the "dominion" which Spirit bestows upon the real man who manifests God — good. Scholastic theology acknowledges Jesus' divine method of warfare over the phenomena of the human mentality expressed in sin, sickness, and death. Scholastic theologians, as well as those claiming to be Christian Scientists, must finally attain the Mind of Christ, if they would destroy the cause of war, human generation and its ephemeral phenomena which masquerades as man, but is not in the image and likeness of God, therefore has no real existence. All wars or battles from the foundation of the world have been wholly mental and must be mentally brought to a final end. "Understanding the control which Love held over all, Daniel felt safe in the lions' den, and Paul proved the viper to be harmless" (Science and Health, p. 514). Love is an element or quality of the eternal Mind, God. His power exer- cised by Christ and they that are Christ's will take away all the claim of a power in envy, jealousy, hate, malice, lust, and hypocrisy. When these are de- 15 stroyed the government of the world will be upon the shoulder of the Prince of Peace, the ideal man, who is governed by and executes the law of God — eternal Life, Truth, and Love. Then will come the reign of peace on earth, "good will toward men," then will be established the true brotherhood of man. The Kaiser — the agency through whom the mental forces of anti-Christ are operating uninterruptedly (since he is offering no resistance to them) — is a typical example of what malicious animal magne- tism, or belief in a power apart from God — divine Mind — may lead to, unless thwarted in its incipiency. If the Kaiser were controlled by the Mind of Christ, impersonal good, he would cease to be the representa- tive of impersonal evil — organized greed, lust for material power, territorial conquest, etc. — and the war would be brought to a speedy termination as a result of his refusal to become the channel or agency for the evil or autocratic suggestions of the so-called carnal mind. The claim of autocratic rulership, or the theory of divine rightism, is the outgrowth of the despotic tendencies inherent in the carnal mind, described by Paul, and will be stubbornly fought for by the ignorant and materially minded until exterminated by spiritual power — divine democracy — reflected by the sons and daughters of divine Love, the representatives of Truth. Jesus resorted to no material force nor other et ceteras of the so-called human mind which is at enmity 16 with the divine purpose. "For all they that take the [material] sword shall perish with the [material] sword" (Matt, xxvi., 52). Nations, like individuals, as long as they are governed by material concepts, will continue to be advocates of false issues and supporters of policies inimical to the normal gravitation of man toward the realization of divine democracy. Our beloved President, Woodrow Wilson, the chosen champion of human democracy, the representa- tive, or agency, through whom the righteous impulses of an improved belief are operating and urging to higher outlooks and more scientific achievements, in their endeavor to merge into unity and at-one-ment with the one Mind — should be loyally and morally supported by every citizen of the United States, in this hour of national peril, and permitted to carry out unhampered and untrammeled his sublime mission in making the world safe for human democracy. He is doing his work nobly and creditably on a human plane, and this will have a far reaching effect in not only preparing the world-thought for the reign of human democracy, but in sowing the seeds of divine democ- racy, and in precipitating the ultimate reign of the impersonal idea, Christ, the Prince of Peace, who is "behind the shadow" scientifically calming the raging elements of the carnal mind, inherent in individtial and universal consciousness. This is an axiom of divine metaphysics — that individuals, as. 17 well as nations, must sooner or later overcome the human and rise to the consideration of all proposi- tions from a spiritual, instead of a material stand- point. The subordination of the false mentality, or carnal mind; the crucifixion of the undestroyed human element, and the ascension above material viewpoints are conditions precedent to a proper realization of the Principle of scientific being and the true perspec- tive of the phenomena of divine reality — man and the universe in the image and likeness of God the source and supply of all created things. President Wilson's continued responsiveness to the divine nature, Christ, — his spiritual identity, — will ultimately cause him to surrender the human to the divine viewpoint; to repudiate evil — militarism; to consider fundamental issues from a spiritual basis; to rise entirely out of human mental ways and means of doing things, thereby achieving the ultimatum of scientific being — divine democracy, wherein all will recognize themselves as individual members, ideas, of Christ's body, reflecting the freedom of the sons and daughters of God — divine Love. It will be observed, from the two paragraphs above, that there are two opposing forces at war — that one is fighting to maintain the autocratic rule of the false mentality, or carnal so-called mind, and the other, to make the world safe for human democracy. Both sides, however, are using material methods of warfare. 18 It will be noticed that there is a third party which is also bravely fighting, but it is employing only mental means, spiritual weapons — righteous prayer, the Mind of Christ — in an earnest endeavor to overcome the mental adversary, Satan, anti-Christ, the carnal mind — the prolific source of all discord, physical and mental, and make the world safe for divine democracy. To these brave, faithful soldiers of Christ — divine metaphysicians — apply these words of Scripture from Zechariah xiii., 8, 9: And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is re- fined, and will try them as gold is tried : they shall call on My name, and I will hear them : I will say, It is My people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God. "Entrenched behind the breastworks of omnipo- tence" upon the mountain-top of Zion, Israel's army — the faithful soldiers of Christ, the impersonal "Directors" in the universe of Spirit, to whom Mrs. Eddy referred in her letter to First Church of Christ, Scientist, New York City {Miscellany, p. 360), im- bued with spiritual perception, which gives them the true perspective of the strategic positions occupied 19 by the opposing mental forces, — the dragon and his angels, mortal mind and its embodiments — are con- tinually bombarding, with the mental ammunition of Truth and Love, the material fortifications constructed out of the adamantine formation of so-called mortal mind. Confusion, disorder, and uncertainty reign, and victory for the allied forces of Truth and Love is imminent. These faithful soldiers of Christ, genuine Christian Scientists following the ever-present impersonal Leader — Christ — the compound idea — these faithful sen- tinels on the watch-towers of Zion, clad in the in- vincible armor of divine Love, are determined not to lay down their weapons until they have destroyed the claim of sin, impersonal evil, which operates through physical personalities, for they know that only in this way can they end the suppositional conflict between Truth and error. In this great struggle for supremacy between the human and divine mentalities, it is wise to beware of the argument of human belief to "take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry" (Luke xii., 19). Paul was a divine metaphysician. He was conscious of the supposititious warfare between Truth and error, Science and the material senses, spiritual and hu- man concepts, and was always alert, active, and aggressive in stirring up the consciousness of the people, in order that they might not be mesmerized and overcome with the evil and autocratic suggestions of the carnal mind to reject the absolute and accept the 20 relative point of view. Peter admonished the people in the following words, which are heeded by all genuine Christian Scientists: But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in . . . heresies, . . . and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. Yet herefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness (II Peter ii., i , 2 ; iii. ,17). Christian Scientists should beware that they are not misled to-day, as the people were of old, by "false teachers" — those who fail to perceive the spiritual import of divine metaphysics, and who, actuated by sense testimony, rather than by divine Principle, unintentionally influence the weak and vacillating in the faith to follow "their pernicious ways, " thereby causing the "way of truth to be evil spoken of" and bringing upon themselves "swift destruction" — ex- tinction; but, on the contrary, should be careful lest they, being led astray with the "error of the wicked" — the error of adulterating the metaphysical purity of the Science of being — fall from their own steadfastness to Principle. 21 By familiarizing themselves with the spiritual import of divine Science; by adopting a policy of alert watchfulness with reference to the false mental claims of error, and by working, watching, and pray- ing that they may not be misled by the autocratic enactments of the carnal mind, they shall repudiate error in all of its forms, phases, and manifestations, and thereby gain a more thorough comprehension of Truth, which shall make the history of mankind a series of ascending developments toward the realiza- tion that Spirit is all, there is no matter. Ignorance, which causes one to personalize rather than impersonalize evil, constitutes the bane of Christianity, prevents spiritual growth, impedes the recognition of the brotherhood of man, and perpetu- ates the war by adding fuel to the great conflagration now raging throughout the world of material sense. It causes one to misinterpret the Science of being, to throw the weight of influence on the wrong side — the material, and to prolong the conflict between human and divine concepts. One can never rise in the scale of scientific development until ignorance is supplanted by spiritual enlightenment, and the light of spiritual understanding dispels the illusions of mortal mind with its beliefs of a mortal man and material universe. Sooner or later, it must be admitted by all that there never was, is not, and never will be a material genera- tion, and that the All-knowing Mind and His creation — the spiritual universe, including the individual 22 identities composing the body of Christ — are the only real and eternal verities of being. The new heaven and new earth, therefore, will be revealed to all who redeem their birthright — spiritual understanding of their relation to the one God and Father of all. The following words from the eighth chapter of John illustrate Jesus' method of imper sonalizing evil, and show, by way of contrast, the material and the spiritual viewpoint. Furthermore, they show how Jesus allowed himself to become the representative of impersonal good, and how the scribes and Pharisees permitted themselves to become the mouthpieces or agencies of a false mentality — impersonal evil. John says : And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him [Jesus] a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. 23 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Wo- man, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. Mrs. Eddy says on page 310 of Miscellaneous Writings: "To impersonalize scientifically the ma- terial sense of existence — rather than cling to person- ality — is the lesson of to-day." Jesus impersonalized evil and refused to attach or associate it with the woman's real personality. This spiritual concept, or correct view of the woman's divine individuality, dispossessed evil of its suppositional power over her. Jesus held in thought a right concept of the woman's divine identity, or spiritual selfhood. He knew that the woman was an individualized manifestation of divine Mind, and hence was entirely separate and apart from the claim of sin. Mrs. Eddy describes Jesus' spiritual point of view, which healed the sick and cast out the claim of suppositional evil, in the following words: "Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man ap- pears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour 24 saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick" (Science and Health, pp. 476, 477). The scientific method employed by Jesus and Mrs. Eddy, in impersonating evil, was constructive, while the unscientific method employed by the scribes and Pharisees, in personalizing evil, was destructive. Un- questionably, the only way one can benefit himself and help others is to scientifically impersonalize evil, ac- cording to the teachings of Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy. We can never end war through the use of material weapons of warfare, or through a wrong conception of being. The issue between true or divine democracy, an emanation of divine Mind, and human auto- cracy, an outgrowth of the carnal mind, can never be brought to a successful consummation with vic- tory on the side of God — right — except through spiritualization of thought which alone will enable one to scientifically impersonalize evil, and thereby demonstrate the powerlessness of the claim of sin to operate through so-called personal channels or agencies. If Christian Scientists would demonstrate their full "dominion" as sons and daughters of divine Love, if they would prove the power of spiritual sense over the false mental claim of sin, the belief of life in matter and show forth the glory of the Father, they must cling tenaciously to God and His idea — Christ — the spiritual individuality, and repudiate the physical organism as a substanceless shadow possessing neither reality nor power. Emerson says that prayer is the "contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view." From this it follows, logically and scientifically, that the spiritual fact must be the highest point of view and the only one that is permissible in the practice of true Christian Science. Divine metaphysicians, therefore, looking at the war from the highest point of view — the divine — see it as the outgrowth of a wrong point of view, the phenomena of the "carnal mind," the extemalization of a false sense of existence, which will vanish, as a shadow, into nothingness, when the divine Mind, operating through the spiritual represen- tatives of Truth, destroys the dream which induces mortals to adopt an erroneous point of view, to believe in a power apart from God, good, and to engage in a warfare against the warring elements of the carnal mind in an attempt to neutralize them by utilizing material instead of spiritual means — efficacious prayer, the sword of the Spirit. Genuine Christian Scientists agree that prayer — righteous prayer, spiritual affirmation, the reflection of divine Love — alone will antidote the warring ele- ments of the so-called carnal mind and end the war. With this in view, they are consecrating themselves anew to the task of destroying the universal belief that there are two opposing mental forces, a dual consciousness — a human and divine mentality, at 26 work in the world. They recognize that the con- templation of the facts of being, from a wrong view- point — the material — is the predisposing and exciting cause of the present war, and that the only waj' to correct this basic mental error is to destroy the belief of dualism, and mentally realize and persistently affirm that there is but one First Cause or consciousness — the divine — from which proceeds or emanates a perfect spiritual universe, which is composed of God's ideas, or children, each of which is a reflector of the substance of divine Mind, is under the control of divine law, and subject to the discipline of the Christ government. This source, or Principle — God — from which pro- ceed all ideas, identities, is not a dual consciousness constituted of good and evil, but, on the contrary, is a consciousness which is "wholly spiritual." It is the God-consciousness and is exempt from every phase of imperfection and every taint of evil. From this it follows that the present war — the outgrowth of the carnal mind, cannot proceed from God, good, but must be the phenomena of mortal consciousness — the counterfeit of the divine mentality. Consequently, the only way to nullify the cause of the war is to recog- nize it for what it is — a conflict between the human and divine mentalities — and cease to believe in, or give reality to, the human mentality, and continu- ously declare the unreality of all that is inharmonious and self-destructive, and that does not partake of the 27 divine nature. Mrs. Eddy says on page 93 of Science and Health: "Whatever contradicts the real nature of the divine Esse, though human faith may clothe it with angelic vestments, is without foundation." The scientific statement of being, in its applica- tion to human needs, is the direct antithesis of the testimony of mortal mind, which argues for the belief of life and intelligence in matter. Every time one repeats the substance of the scientific statement of being, he makes a spiritual affirmation, and strikes a telling blow at the supposed foundation of so-called material knowledge — the erroneous belief of matter as sentient substance. The potency of spiritual thought is a silent, disintegrating force to evil in every form it may assume. Let Christian Scientists con- tinue their mental declarations of God's allness and their oneness with Him, until Truth and Love tri- umph over the false mentality, or Adam-dream, which is the predisposing and active cause of all discord, physical and mental. Glory to God for Mrs. Eddy's discovery of Christ Jesus' mental method of destroying sin and death through the spiritual power which God bestows on man in His image and likeness who reflects His law of divine love. When the light of spiritual understanding, reflected by spiritual individuality — the impersonal "Direct- ors" in the universe of Spirit, the individualized mani- festations of infinite Mind — when this light dissolves 28 the darkness of material concepts, false mental pic- tures projected upon the wall of corporeality, finite physical personality will fade into invisibility, nothing- ness, and man's spiritual individuality, his divine self- hood, as God's idea, will illuminate the universe with the glory of God, the Principle of being. This foreshadows the reappearance of the imper- sonal compound idea, the divine selfhood of Christ Jesus who represented the fatherhood of God. and of Mary Baker Eddy who, in this age, represents the motherhood of God, and points to the end of the dark dream of material so-called life. Let all Christian Scientists, who have struggled long and patiently to obtain and retain a glimpse of the promised land — divine reality — adhere stead- fastly to the spiritual import of divine metaphysics and refuse to permit it to be perverted and distorted by false erring mental suggestions of the carnal mind. Let them be so alert and watchful that they may be able to nullify the false secret arguments of impersonal evil, within and without, thereby destroying the liability of being deceived by the suggestions of self-hypnotism or universal mesmerism. Truly, the redemption — revelation — of all things, through spirit- ualization of thought, is at hand. Immortal conscious- ness is fast revealing the spiritual embodiments of Soul, and the individualized manifestations of infinite Mind as the only realities of being. The following words of Paul from Romans xiii., 11-14, should give 29 much comfort and illumination to all who are striving to obliterate the human concept and awaken to the realization of their divine birthright, oneness with God, their source of being. Let us, Knowing the time [reading with absolute certainty the signs of the times], that now it is high time to awake out of sleep [sensuous mesmerism] : for now is our salvation [eman- cipation from bondage to material concepts] nearer than when we believed [had mere faith without understanding]. The night [of error] is far spent, the day [of spiritual understanding] is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness [material knowledge which gives us no glimpse of God, spiritual Truth], and let us put on the armour of light [spiritual under- standing, which reveals the glory of God]. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness [sensuous mes- merism], . . . But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ [the Mind of Christ, spiritual thought], and make not provision for the flesh [material belief], to fulfil the lusts thereof. Mrs. Eddy gives the gist of the whole matter in the following words from Science and Health, page 548 : Earth has little light or joy for mortals before Llife is spiritually learned. Every agony of mortal error helps error to destroy 30 error, and so aids the apprehension of im- mortal Truth. This is the new birth going on hourly, by which men may entertain angels, the true ideas of God, the spiritual sense of being. I rejoice that The twelve tribes of Israel with all mortals, — separated by belief from man's divine origin and the true idea, — will through much tribulation yield to the activities of the divine Principle of man in the harmony of Science {Science and Health, p. 562). Truth's individual reflectors — "earth's luminaries, which serve to cleanse and rarefy the atmosphere of material sense and to permeate humanity with purer ideals" {Science and Health, p. 37); yea, the "lamps in the spiritual heavens of the age, which show the workings of the spiritual idea ... by manifesting the light which shines 'unto the perfect day' as the night of materialism wanes" {Science and Health, p. 562), cannot be extinguished, but, on the contrary, will be kept "trimmed and burning" by the spiritually minded until they hear Truth's impersonal call, "Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him" (Matthew xxv., 6). Caylord Bros. Makers Syracuse. N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21. 1998 5i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY UNIVEESITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. 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