SUBJECT INDEX (W THE BOOKS BELATING TO THE EUROPEAN WAB, 1014-1918, ACQUlBEl) BY THE BRITISH MUSEUM, 1914-1920. pkintp:d by oiidki: of tuk trustees Sold at the JiEiTisH Musrum ; and by ]\Iessrs. Loncimans & Co.,;}9, Paternoster ]lo\\\ E.G. 4 Brrnard Quaritcu, Ltd., 11, Grafton Street, New P.ond Street, W. 1 ; and ITuMPHUK.Y ^riLKOun, Oxford University Tress, Ainen Corner. 10. C. 4. LONDON 1022 [.1// A'/V///.V /.V.NYvVVv/.J LONDO.V : I'HIM'ED BY WJLLIAM CI.OWK.S AMJ SUNS, LIMITKH, HLKK STREET. STAMKOKU STREET. S.E.I. AND GKEAT WINDJIILL .STREET, V.J. 1 ' it E ¥ A c: J-: . The present Index regislers all the Ijooks and printed doeiuuents relatinj^ to the Great War ae(|uired by the British Museum from the beginning,' of August 1914 to the close of 1920, including tlie entries already printed in the Subject Index of Modern Works acquired in the years 1911-1915. It also registers the books and documents connected with the Peace and Reconstruction issued and acquired in the same period. It thus forms the largest contribution to the bibliography of the War which has yet been published. The general principles of arrangement which have been found to work well in the previous volumes of the general Subject Index have been applied to this many-sided subject to the bast of the ability of the compilers. An effort has been made to break up the larger headings by grouping together books written in the languages of each of the combatant countries and neutrals, and again by keeping together the books of the same year to mark tlie stages of the conflict at which they were written, A conspectus of the headings and sub-headings follows tliis Preface, and un alphabetical index to sub-headings is printed at the end of the text. The l)ooks having already been entered in the General Catalogue of Printed Ijooks under their authors or the authorities which issued them, the provision of an Index of Authors has been regarded as a luxury of which circumstances do not permit. While the poetry of the War and religious books have boon admiUed, liclion in the form of war novels is not here registered. Kcgimontal news- papers ai*e entered, but the vast contribution to the literature of the War made by the periodical Press of all countries is necessarily excluded.' Finally, while the Index registers cartoons it omits the war posters used to stimulate recruiting and subscription to war loans. At the beginning of the War some arrangements were made for collecting such posters issued in our own and allied countries, but the effort was abandoned in order not to duplicate work which was being done by the Imperial War Museum. A fine collection of French posters which had Ijcen acquired has been transferred, on account of its artistic interest, to the Department ol' Prints and Drawings. This Index has been compiled by Mr. Lawrence Taylor, M)-. Philip Wilson, Mr. W. A. Smith, and Mr. L. A. Sheppard, with the help of Mr. F. D. Sladen for Hungarian books and headings and of Mr. L. C. Wharton for Slavonic. The entire work, including the revision of the proofs, has been done under the superintendence of Mr. Pv. F. Sharp, Senior Deputy Keeper. Valuable help has also been given by Mr. W. A. Marsden. A. W. POLLARD. Fcbiuary, i'J'1'2, ' This opportunity may be takea to mention tliat the great collection of foreign newspapers .accumulated at Watergate House for Lhc purpose of compiling the Daitij Kcviov of the Forciijn Press during the War was presented, when (his Department of the WarOllice was closed down, to the Tru.^tees of the Dritish Museum, and has now lieen bound and made available for use. ^46 AKKANGEMENT, I.— BIBLIOGRAPHY. II.— MILITARY AND NAVAL HIS- TORY. III. POLITICAL AND SOCIAL HIS- TORY. IV. -GENERAL AND MISCELLA- NEOUS WORKS, V. PEACE AND RECONSTRUC- TION. L~BIBLIOGRAPHY J IL -MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY. Military Armies- (") GENERAL HISTORIES . . . 1 (^) HISTORIES OF SPECIAL PERIODS 6 (c) HISTORIES OF THE WAR ON VARIOUS FRONTS — Western Front .... C. Italian Front .... 12 Balkan Front .... i;j Dardanelles 11 Eastern Front : Russia . 15 Eastern Front : Ronmauia 17 Asiatic Fronts .... 17 African Fronts 18 The War by Sea General Histoiif .... IS Particular Oiycratiom; . VJ Submarine Warfare. ■20 Xavics til Mercantile Marine •20 The War by Air . . . 21 (d) ARMIES— General Works .... 2d Strategy 30 Armies of the Allied Nations -- Gi'eat Britain and Ire- laud^ General Worlcs : Admin- istration 30 llccruitimj, Conscription, Demobilisation, Pen- sions ;3i Regimental Records . 32 Regimental Magazines . 3.5 and Naval History. — -CdiililiKrd. War (iraves C'Jtnmissiu)i \^'omen's Army Y.M.C.A., Church Armij etc Australia Canada .... New Zealaiul . South Africa . Belgium .... France — Goicral Ad)ninistration Army Commands . Mobilisation, Pensions Disablement Recjimcntal Records Reijimental Majadne Miscellaneous . Italy Portugal Roumania . . . Russia .... Serbia .... United States of Amei'ica - General Army Comtnands . Recruiting, I'cnsions, Disablement Regimental Records . Y.M.C.A., etc Miscellaneous .... Armies of Enemy Na- tions- Germany — General .... Ariny Comnuinds . J^isabkmcnt J teg i mental Records Conduct in Occupied ritories ^^isceltane^'lls . 37 37 33 38 3'J 10 ■10 ■10 10 40 ■11 •11 -11 ■12 ■12 12 ■12 12 ■12 ■12 id 43 43 43 43 Ter Austria-Hungai'y Bulgaria Turkey . . . . (() COLLECTIVE WORKS ON INCI DENTS IN THE WAR . 43 44 44 45 4(3 53 53 53 54 54 Vl ARU ANaEM ENT . Military and O'lilinifil. Naval History (/) COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHIES : HANDBOOKS AND DIC- TIONARIES 5G (;/) ROLLS OF HONOUR . . . . 5G (h) MEDICINE - British Army .... 58 Belgian and French Armies GO German Army . . . . Gl Italian Army . . . . G2 Rovimanian Army . . . G2 Russian Army . . . . G2 Serbian Army . . . . Gii U.S.A. Army 62 (0 PERSONAL EXPERIENCES AND DIARIES: LETTERS AND MEMOIRS — British Woi-ks — Personal Experiences, etc. ilcncral (VA Western Front .... 03 Italian Front . . . . G5 liuisfsian Front. ... Go Balkan Front . . . . G5 Mcaopotamia and Egypt . GG Africa, SoutJi, Eaat, and West G7 Letters and Memoirs . G7 Australian and New Zealand Works . . 08 Canadian Woi'ks ... 08 South African Works G'.i Belgian Works . . . . G'J French Works- Personal Experiences, etc. Western Front .... GO Italian Front . Eastern Fro)it . Africa Letters and Memoirs . 72 Italian Works .... 73 Russian Works. ... 71 American Works ... 74 German Works — Personal Experiences, etc. - General 71 Western- Front .... 73 Italian Front .... 76 Fiussian Front . . . 70 Ballcan Front .... 77 Mesopotamia and. Ezig, 191 5. 9083. df. 18. Munich War Picture Sheets. Miinchener Kriegs-Bilder-Bogen. no. 1-4. Diessen, 1 914-15. fol. 1862. e. 8. Pflugk-Harttung (J. von) Die Weltge- schichte ist das Weltgericht. Ereignisse und Stimmungsbilder. ])t. 1. Berlin, 191 5. 9084. c. 7. P.P. Berlin. Deutsche Feldpost. Berlin, 1914-15. 4°. P.P. 4023. fab. Deutscher Soldatenhort. Berlin, 19 14-15. 4°. P.P. 4023. fc. Die Front. Kriegsausgabe von Licht und Schatten. Berlin, 19 14-15. fol. P.P. 9038. bd. Illustrierte Deutsche Kriegs-Chronik. Berlin, 19 14-15. 4°. P.P. 4023. fa. Illustrierter Kriegs-Kurier. Berliji, 1914-15. 4°. P.P. 4023. fb. Der Krieg. Berlin, 1914-15. fol. P.P. 9038. bg. Kriegs-Echo. Berlin, 1914-15. 4°. P.P. 4023. faa. P.P. Dresden. Die illustrierte Feldpost. Dresden, 1 914-15. 9081. g. 27. P.P. Jena. Tatbiicher fiir Feldpost. Jewa, 1914-15. 16°. 12206. a. 15. Military and Naval History. — General Histories. — German 'Wor'ka — eoiit imtrd. P.P. Leipsic. Deutsch-Oesterreichischer Kriegs- Herold. Leijjzig, 1914-15- 4°. P.P. 9033. Granat-Sphtter. Leipzig, 1914-15. fol. P.P. 9033. a. P.P. Lille. Liller Kriegszeitung. Auslese, 1914-15. 2 Bd. Berli7i, 1915-16. 011851. f. 49. P.P. StuUgard. Kriegstagbuch aus Schwaben, 1914-15. 2 Bd. Stuttgart, 1914-15. W.P. 3759. Der Tiirmer. Kriegsausgabe. Stuttgart, 1914-15. P.P. 4748. lo. P.P. Tubingen. Evangelische Freiheit. Kriegs- hefte. Tubingen, 1914-15. P.P. 131. c. 1914-16. Brandstaedter(0.) Der Weltkrieg. Heft 1-52. Stuttgart, 1914-16. 9082. g. 37. European War. Der Krieg in Wort und Bild. 2 Bd. Berlin, 1916. fol, 9081. h. 3. Kriegs-Tagebuch. pp. 1272. Liegnitz, 1916. 9082. c. 1. Der Weltkrieg. 10 Ser. Augsburg, 1914-16. 9084. h. 1. Fried (A. H.) Mein Kriegs-Tagebuch bis JuU 1916. 2Bd. ZwncA, 1918, 19. W.P. 445. KuNOTH (G.) Deutschland in der Notvvehr gegen tjberfall, Barbarei und Heuchelei. Heft 1-8. Bremen, 1914-16. 4°. 9081. ff. 2. ScHMiEDER (J.) Der Weltkrieg in Quellen- berichten, bis Januar 1916. pj). 395. Leipzig, 1916. 9084. bb. 12. P.P. Berlin. Wachfeuer. Berlin, 1914-16. P.P. 4022. ef. P.P. Dresden. Der Weltbrand im Bild. Dresden, 1914-16. fol. P.P. 9038. d. P.P. Stuttgard. La Guerre. Stuttgart, igi ^-16. P.P. 4022. ed. 1914-17. European War. Chronik des deutschen Krieges. Bd. 1-10. Munchen, 1914-17. 9083. b. 1. Kriegschronik. 14 pt. Berlin, 1915-17. 09082. bb. 45. Unsere Krieger. Hft. 1-52. Wien, 1915-17. fol. 9085. g. 5. W. T. B. [i.e. Wolffs Telegraphisches Bureau] Kriegs-Depeschen. Berlin, 1914-17. 9081. fif. 5. Frobenius (H.) Der erste Weltkrieg. pp.503. Hannover, 1917. 9081. ff. 1, Loebell (A. R. von) Der Weltkrieg 1914/17. Bd. 1-4. Leipzig, 1915-17. 12°. 9083. df. 17. ScHAEFER (D.) Der Krieg 1914/17. 2 TI. Leiptzig, 19 16, 17. W.P. 4536. Werner (C. F.) Der Welt-Krieg. pp. 1824. Dresden, 1917. 09082. c. GO. P.P. Breslau. Kriegschronik des Schlesischeii Zeitung. Breslau, 1914-17. fol. P.P. 4023. k. 1914-18. Engel (E.) Ein Tagebuch. Bd. 1-6. Berlin, 1914-18. 9081. f. European War. Aus den Tagen des grossen Krieges. 17 pt. Bielefeld, 1915-18. 9081. b. 1. Der Volkerkrieg. 228 Hefte. Stuttgart, 1914-20. 9080. dd. 1. Hemberger (A.) Der eurojjaische Krieg und der Weltkrieg. 5 Bd. Wien, 1914-18. 9083. h. 26. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History.— General Histories. — German 'Wor'k.s—riintiiiKril. Jaeger (S.) Der Weltkrieg : wie wir ihn kommen sahen und erlebten. pp. 271. Hamburg, 19 18. 9082. bbb. 20. Malkowsky(E. F.) Der Weltkrieg. 170 Hefte. lieutluigen, 19 14-18. O90S2. b. 32. P.P. Berlin. TdfjUche Rnndsckiu. Kriegs- Ruiidschau, bis Ni'.v. 1918. 4 Bd. Berlin, 1914-18. 9084. c. 13. P.P. Frankfort. Frankfurter Zeitutig. Der Grosse Krieg. 18 Bd. Frankfurt, 1914-19. 9081. d. 1. P.P. Leipsic. Daheim. lUustrierte Kriegs- Chronik. 108 Hefte. Leipzig, 1914-19. 9085. g. 1. P.P. Leipsic. Illustrierte Zeituwj. lllustrierte Weltkriegschronik. 44 pt. Leipzig, 1914-19. fol. 9084. h. 8. ZiMMERMANN (B.) Vier Kriegsjalire. pp.47. Berlin, 1918. 16°. 9083. df. 19. (2.) P.P. Berlin. Zeit im Bild. Kriegsausgabe. Berlin, 19 14-18. fol. P.P. 4736. of. P.P. Leipsic. Deutscher Geschichtskalender. Leipzig, 19 14- 18. P.P. 3481. ea. P.P. Munich. Kj-iegs-Cbronik der Miinchner Neuesten Nachrichtcn. Heft 1-540. Milnchen, 1914-19. P.P. 4022. ec. Kriegschronik der Meggendorfer-BIatter. no. 1234-1487. Milnchen, 19 14-19. 4°. P.P. 4736. heb. P.P. Oldenburg. Feldpost. Jahrg. 1-5. Oldenburg, 1914-18. fol. P.P. 4023. g. P.P. Stuttgard. Kriegslese. Kriegsausgabe der Zeitschrift " Die Lese." Stuttgart, 1914-19. fol. P.P. 4736. be. Hungarian Works. Landor (T.) a nagy haborii irasban es kepben. Budapest, 1915, etc. W.P. 3991. Vezerkari es egyeb hivatalos jelentesek a vilaghaboriirol. Jul. 25 — Dec. 31, 1914. 4 pt. Budapest, 19 15. W.P. 4729. ZiGANY (A..) A vilaghaboru tortenete, 1914- 1915. kot. 1. pp.448. Budapest, igi^. 9084. gg. 4. Italian W^orks. European War. La Guerra delle Nazioni. 69 pt. Milano, 1914-20. 9085. ft'. 1. Gatti (A.) La guerra senza eonfini. I prinii ciuque mesi. pp. 352. Mila)io, 19 15. 09084. dd. 1. Mantegazza (V.) Storia della Guerra Mondiale. 8 vol. Milano, 1915-19. W.P. 318.5. Moreno (V.) Epopea' della Grande Guerra : diario degli avveniraenti 1914-1918. pp. 294. Roma, 19 1 8. 9082. dd. 15. Russian Works. KoLESNiKOv (N. V.) Be.iiiKan Bdiiiia 1914-1915 roja. liuaaiib, 1916, etc. W.P. 4400. Serbo-Croatian Works. Gnjatovic (M.) CpOiija y i.-pnii n ii.iaMeiiv. pp.63. Toronto, 191 8. 09082. b. 81. Lazarevkj (L.) Le.ieu]Ke 113 OKyiiiipanor lieorpa^a, 1915-1918. pp. 144. Eeotpad, 1919. 09084. aa. 43. Maksimovk; (S.) JcnoMciie ii3 0i;yiiauiijc IloMa'ii;e, AycTpnjcKe 11 KynipcKC, 1914-1'J18. pp. 117. Heoipiio, 1919. 09084. aa. 44. Military and Naval History. — General Histories— (•«/( Opaiiii : jiiiiiiojM II pascuasu lui. iiepBoii iio.ioiuiiiii iiunt- uiiieii Doiiniii. pp.232. //«., 1915. 0125'J1. k. 30. Veritas, G.,^JseucZ.,and Semenova (E.P.) Upe- ^aiaibCTBO Bo.irai)iii. 4'''>y'"^nr'>'-"'"'i'' iicropiii )>o.irapo-Cep6cKoii Boiinu 1913 r. ii BCTyii.ieiiie IJo.iiapiH Bi> .10110 repMaiiii3Ma, 1914-1915. pp. 219. in., 1916. 08026. aaa. 14. BuBLic (D.) Kako sam imao postati austrijski Spijmi. Senzacijonalna otkrica D. Bublica o austrijskoj spijunazi. pp. 48. 1915. \_Mar- javovii {M.) Jugoslovenska Ratna Biblioteka. Br. 2.] 08026. bb. 21. HISTORIES OF THE WAR ON VARIOUS FRONTS. Western Front. English Works. French (J. D. P.) Viscount Fretich. The Des- patches of Lord French and a complete list of the officers and men mentioned, pp. 607. Chapman d; Hall, 191 7. 9082. g. 41. Despatches of Sii' John French, 1914. pp. 160. Chapman d: Hall, 1914. 9083. bb. 45. Sir John French's Despatches, 1914. pp. 47. 1 9 14. [Graphic Special. 1.] 9084. ee. 6. Haig (D.) Earl Haig. Sir Douglas Haig's Des- patches, December 1915 — April 1919. 2 vol. J. M. Dent, 1919. 2388. ff. 6. Sargent (H. H.) The Strategy on the Western Front, 1914-1918. pp. 261. Chicago, 1920. 09084. aa. 61. Doyle {Sir A. Conan) The British Campaign in France and Flanders, 1914. pp. 344. Hodder cfc Stoughton, 191 6. 09082. c. 3. European War. The War of 1914. Military Operations of Belgium. July 31 to Dec. 31, 1914. pp. 96. W. H. (fc L. Gollitigridge, 1915. obi. 4°. 9083. ee. 29. Essen (L. van der) The Invasion & the War in Belgium from Liege to the Yser, with a sketch of the diplomatic negotiations preceding the conflict, pp. 356. Fisher Unwin, 191 7. 09082. c. 6. France. The Achievement of France, pp. 79. Methuen, 191 5. 9082. de. 42. French (J. D. P.) Viscount French. 1914. pp. 413. Constable, 1919. 2388. £f. 4. Levey (J. H.) Lectures to Regimental Officers on the Western Campaign, pp. 87. Forster Groom d; Co., igi 5. 16°. 8827. b. 71. Libert de Plemalle (G. de) Fighting with King Albert, pp. 327. Hodder & Stoughton, 1915. 9082. e. 23. Perris (G. H.) The Campaign of 1914 in France & Belgium, pp. 447. Hodder da Stoughton, 1915. 9082. ee. 4. Maurice {Sir F. B.) Forty Days in 1914. pp. 226. Constable, 1920. 09084. b. 7. Haldane {Sir J. A. L.) A Brigade of the Old Army, 1914. 10th Infantry Brigade Aug.- Nov., 1914. pp. 149. E. Arnold, 1920. 09082. d. 48. Whates (H. R.) The Doings of the Fifteentli Infantry Brigade, Aug. 1914— Mar. 1915. pp. 283. Edinburgh, 19 17. 09083. aaa. 77. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History. — Histories of the War on Various Fronts. — Western Front — rontinned. Candid, Captain, pseud. An Episode of the Great War. The Liniburg manoeuvre of August 1914. pp. 24. Utrecht, 1919. 9082. c. 15. Dane (E.) Hacldng through Belgium, pp. 17G. 1914. [Daily Telegraph ]Var Books.] 9085. de. 1/10. Hamelius (P.) The Siege of Liege, pp. 79. Werner Laurie, 19 14. 9082. de. 3. Gordon (G. S.) Mons and the Retreat, pp. 94. 1918. [The Operations of the British Army in the Present War.] W.P. 4820/1. Hamilton {Lord E. W.) The First Seven Divi- sions : being a detailed account of the fighting from Mons to Ypres. pp. 312. Hurst cfc Blackett, 19 16. 09076. ff. 35. Smith (Arthur C.) The Retreat from Mons. pp. 255. Cassell, 1916. 09082. b. 2. Bertrand (A.) The Victory of Lorraine, August 24— September 12, 1914. pp. 136. T. Nelson, 19 18. 9082. b. 12. Ingpen (R.) The Fighting Retreat to Paris, pp. 192. 1914. [Daily Telegraph War Books.] 9085. de. 1/18. Rickard (L.) Mrs. The Story of the Munsters at Etreux. pp.132. Hodder & Stoughton, igiS. 9082. aa. 4. Becke (A. F.) The Royal Regiment of Artillery at Le Gateau, Wednesdays 26th August, 1914. pp. 87. Woolwich, 1919. 9082. d. 8. Dane (E.) The Battle of the Rivers, pp. 208. 1 9 14. [Daily Telegraph War Books.] 9085. de. 1/20. Eye-Witness. Eye-Witness's Narrative of the War : from September, 1914, to July, 1915. 2 pt. E. Arnold, 1915, 16. 9081. de. 34. Perris (G. H.) The Battle of the Marue. pp. 274. Methuen, 1920. 9083. bbb. 29. Smith (Arthur C.) The Marne — and After. pp. 324. Cassell, 19 17. 09083. c. 7. Whitton (F. E.) The Marne Campaign. l)p. 311. 1917. [Campaigns and their Lessons.] W.P. 429/4. Dane (E.) The Battles in Flanders from Ypres to Neuve Chapelle. pp. 192. 19 15. [Daily Telegraph War Books.] 9085. de. 1/29. Coleman (F.) With Cavalry in 1915. The British trooper in the trench line through the second battle of Ypres. pp. 302. Sampson Low, 1916. 09082. cc. 6. England. Army. Infantry. Durham Light Lnfantry, Gth Battalion. The Story of the 6th Battalion The D.L.L, France, April 1915— November 1918. pp. 59. St. Catherine Press, 1919. 09082. bb. 44. Rickard (L.) The Story of the Munsters at Festubert, Rue du Bois and Hulluch. pp. 116. Hodder & Stoughton, 19 18. 9082. aa. 4. Grey (W. E.) With the French Eastern Army. pp. 187. 1915. [Daily Telegraph War Books.] 9085. de. 1/26. England. Army. Royal Artillery. 178 Siege Battery, R.G.A. 178 Siege Battery R.G.A., B.E.F. France. 1916-1918. pp. 127. Leeds, 191 9. 09082. bb. 58. WiLLSON (B.) In the Ypres Salient : the story of a fortnight's Canadian fighting, June 2-16, 1916. pp. 79. Simpkin, Marshall, 1916. 09082. a. 37. Military and Naval History. —Histories of the War on Various Fronts. — Westei'n Front^ rdjitimied. Brittain (H. E.) To Verdun from the Somme. pp.160. J. Lane, lgl^. 09082. cc. 18. BucHAJ^ (.J.) The Battle of the Somme. pp. 264. iV.7., 1917. . 09084. aa. 13. Dawson (A. J.) Somme Battle Stories, pp.246. Hodder dh Stoughton, 1916. 09082. cc. 9. European Wai;. Tlie Great Advance : tales from the Somni^ battlefield told by wounded officers and men on their arrival at South- ampton from the front, pp. 182. Cassell, 1916. 9081. de. 37. GiBBS (Sir P. H.) The Battles of the Somme. pp. 336. Heinemann, 19 17. 09082. cc. 15. The Germans on the Somme. pp. 37. Darling & Son, 191 7. 09083. a. 58. Lawson (J. A.) Memories of Delville Wood, South Africa's great battle, pp. 15. Cape Town, 1918. 16°. 9083. a. 66. Macdonagh (M.) The Irish on the Somme. pp. 197. 191 7. 09082. a. 79. Masefield (J.) The Battle of the Somme. pp. 96. Heinemann, 1919. 9082. cc. 4. The Old Front Line ; or, the beginning of the Battle of the Somme. pp 128. Heinemann, 191 7. 09082. bbb. 22. Robinson (H. P.) The Turning Point : the Battle of the Somme. pp. 291. Heinemann, 191 7. 9081. ee. 21. Williams (H. N.) Sir Douglas Haig's Great Push : the Battle of the Somme. pp. 392. Hutchinson & Co., igij. 4°. 9082. h. 23. Maxse (I.) 18th Division in the Battle of the Ancre, 1916. pp. 33. 1917. fol. 9081. h. 22. Fox (F.) The Battles of the Ridges : Arras — Messines, March-June 1917. pp. 111. Pearson, 19 18. 9083. aa. 10. GiBBS {Sir P. H.) From Bapaume to Passchen- daele, 1917. pp. 384. Heinemann, 1918. 09083. c. 41. Johnston (P. S. C. C.) The 46th, North Mid- land, Division at Lens in 1917. pp. 36. 1919. 09082. d. 62. Mackenzie (F. A.) Through the Hindenburg Line : crowning days on the Western Front, pp. 429. Hodder & Stoughton, 191 8. 9083. b. 13. GiBBS {Sir P. H.) Open Warfare : the way to victory. Nov. 1917 to Nov. 1918. pp. 552. Heinemann, 1919. 9082. b. 19. Callin (R. W.) When the Lantern of Hope Burned Low. The story of the l/4th North- umberland Fusiliers (T.F.) during the German offensives of March, April, May, 1918. pp. 87. Hexham, 1919. 4°. 9082. cc. 10. Allen (S. S.) 2/ Auckland, 1918. A record of service in France, pp. 188. Auckland, 1920. 9083. bbb. 31. Cutlack (F. M.) The Australians : their final campaign in France, 1918. pp. 336. Sampson Low, 19 19. 9083. aaa. 10. MoNASii {Sir J.) The Australian Victories in France in 1918. pp. 351. Hutchinson db Co., 1920. 9082. cc. 28. Kahx (0. H.) When the Tide Turned : the American attack at Chateau Thierry and Belleau Wood in the first week of June, 1918. pp. 18. Boston, 1 9 18. 09082. b. 35. Maurice {Sir F. B.) The Last Four Months: the end of the war in the West. pp. 251. Cassell, 1 9 19. 09082. d. 35. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and. Naval History.— Histories of the War on Various Fronts. Western Front—ronltnueil I., W. Tlie Final Blow of the First Army in 1918. pp. 22. Times Publishing Co., 1919. 9082. dd. 10. Montgomery (Sir A. A.) The Story of the Fourth Army in tlie Battle of the Hundred Days, August 8th to November 11th, 1918. pp. 370. Hodder d- StougJiton, 1920. 4°. 9083. h. 33. Trousdell (A. J.) The 149th Infantry Brigade in the " Battle of the 100 days," Aug. 8 — Nov. 11, 1918. pp.21. 1919.' 9082. bbb. 12. James (F.) Canada's Triumph. Amiens — Arras — Cambrai. August to October, 1918. pp. 63. 19 18. 9083. a. 15. LiVESAY (J. F. B.) Canada's Hundred Days. From Amiens to Mons, 1918. i^p. 421. Toronto, 19 19. 9083. dd. 7. Priestley (R. E.) Breaking the Hindenburg Line : the story of the 46th (North Midland) Division, Sept.-Nov. 1918. pp. 200. T. Fisher Umvin, 19 19. 09082. b. 42. Palmer (F.) Our Greatest Battle — the Meuse- Argonne. pp. 629. N.Y., 19 19. 9083. bbb. 39. Bolwell (F. a.) With a reservist in France : a i^ersonal account of all the engagements in which the 1st Division, 1st Corps, took part, pp. 156. Routledge, ii)i-]. 9083. ee. 16. England. Army. Royal Artillery. 142«f? (Durham) Heavy Battery, E.G. A. (T.) The 142nd (Durham) Heavy Battery, R.G.A. (T.). Being a brief record of then- work in France and Belgium, pj). 64. Sunderland, 1920. 4°. 9083. h. 36. England. Army. 25th Division. The 25th Division in France and Flanders, pp. 429. Harrison, 1920. 09083. aa. 14. Hayes (J.) The Eighty-Fifth in France and Flanders, pp. 362. Halifax, N.S., 1920. 09083. d. 13. Whates (H. R.) Midland Regiments in France. pp. 08. Birmingham, 191 7. 09082. aaa. 4. AiTKEN (W. M.) Baron Beaverbrool: Canada in Flanders. The official story of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. pp. 243. Hodder d' Stoughton, 19 16. 9084. ee. 7. Mlllar (W. C.) From Thunder Bay through Ypres, with the Fighting 52nd (Canada). pp. 101. Fort William, 1918. 9083. b. 5. Steele (H.) The Canadians in France, 1915-18. pp. 364. T. Fisher Unwin, 1920. 09082. bb. 55. Merewether (J. W. B.) and Smith (F. E.) Vis- count Birkenhead. The Indian Corjjs m France. pp. 558. J. Murray, 19 19. 09082. c. 29. Allen (H. W.) The Unbroken Line : along the French trenches from Switzerland to the North Sea. pp. 328. Smith, Elder enetration franyaise dans le sud de I'Alsace en 1914. pp. 134. Nancy, 1919. 9083. bbb. 19. Hanotaux (C4.) L'enigrae de Charleroi. pp.124. 19 1 7. 09082. bbb. 43. Engerand (F. ) La Bataille de la fronti^re, • aoiit 1914 : Briev. pp. 243. 1920. 09082. bb. 59. SiMONiN (J.) De Verdun a Mannheim. Ethe et (Jomery, 22, 24 aout 1914. pp. 315. 191 7. 09082. bbb. 53. Mairesse (M.) La premiere cooperation anglo- fran§aise : ses consequences. Tournai et la retraite de Mons. pp. 15. Saint- Lo, 191 8. 09083. bb. 37. Bertrand (A.) La victoire de Lorraine. pp.212. 191 7. 09082. bbb. 10. Cassou (P.) La verite sur le siege de IMaubeuge. pp. 112. Nancy, 19 19. 9083. bb. 32. Deschamps (M.) L'Abandon de Lille en 1914. pp.280. Lille, ig2o. 09083. aaa. 80. Barres (A. M.) La bataille sous Nancy, 1914- 1916. pp.9. 1916. fol. [Pages de Guerre.] 1869. d. .34. Caix de Saint-Aymour (A. de) Count. Guerre de 1914. La marche sur Paris de I'aile droite allemande. pp. 181. 191 7. 09082. bbb. 47. Cornilleau (R.) Par la trouee du Nord. La ruee sur Paris, aout-septembre 1914. pp. 274. 191 5. 9083. gg. 35. Gallieni (J. S.) Memoires du General Gallieni. Defense de Paris, 25 aout — 11 septembre 1914. pp. 269. 1920. 09084. b. 9. Courriere (P. H.) Comment fut sauve Paris. L'Ourcq, 5-10 septembre 1914. pp. 229. 1918. 9082. aaa. 8. RoussEL-Li;piNE (J.) Les Champs de TOurcq. pp. 267. 1919. 09083. cc. 28. Babin (G.) La bataille de la Marne, 6-12 Sep- tembre 1914. pp. 89. 19 1 5. 9083. de. 40. Canonge (J. F.) La bataille de la Marne, guerre de 1914. pp. 136. 1918. 9081. g. 15. Chuquet (A.) 1914-1915. De Valmy a la Marne. vol. 1. 1915. 9084. b. 12. Clergerie (J, B.) and Delahaye d'Angle- MONT (L. H.) La bataille de la Marne. Le role du gouvernement militairc de Paris du ler au 12 septembre 1914. iip. 130. Nancy, 1920. 09083. a. 77. Fabreguettes (P.) Les batailles do la Marne, 4-15 Septembre 1914. pj). 94. 1915. 9082. ff. 36. Gervais-Courtellemont (J. C.) Les champs de bataille de la Marne. pp.192. 191 v 06/. fol. 1878. ee. 4. Henriot (E.) La bataille de la Marne. pp. 85. r9i5. 9084. b. 14. HtTHAY (J.) Le Role de la cavalerie fran^aise a I'aile gauche de la premiere bataille de la Marne. pp. 283. 1919, 9083. bb. 16. Military and Naval History.— Histories of the War on Various Fronts.^ Western Front— ((udinued. Le Goffic (C.) Les Marais de Saint-Goml. La victoire de la Marno. pp. 285. 1917. (I9().S3. aaa. 32. (;leneral Foch at the Marne : the fighting in and near the Marshes of Saint Gond. pp. 223. J. M. Dent, 191 8. 9082. a. 27. Le (;!ros (H. N. P.) Lagenese de la bataille de la Marne, septembre 1914. ])p. 216. 1919- 9083. bbb. 18. Madelin (L.) La vietdirc de la Marne. pp. 131. 191 6. 9083. ee. 41. Malleterre (P. M. G.) De la Marne a I'Yser. pp. 144. 1915. 9083. de. 35. Maze (.J.) Les Champs de bataille de I'epopee. 1. La Marne. pp.304. 19 17. 9084. b. 18. Rene (H.) Lorette. Une bataille de douze mois, octobre 1914 — octobre 1915. pp. 268. 1 9 16. 09082. aa. 50. Vallery-Radot (P.) Pour la terre de France liar la douleur et la mort. La colline de Lorette, 1914-1915. pp.210. 1919. 9083. bbb. 16. Baulu (M.) La retraite d'Anvers et la bataille de I'Yser. pp. 302. 1918. 9083. aa. 50. BocQUET (L.) and Hosten (E.) L'Agonie de Dixmude. Episodes de la bataille de I'Yser. pp. 268. 1 91 6. 9083. ee. 24. Un Fragment de I'epopee senegalaise. Les tirailleurs noirs sur I'Yser. pp. 63. Bruxelles, 19 18. 9082. aa. 24. Chatalja. Des Hgnes de Tchataldja au canal de I'Yser. pp.72. 1915. 9082. f. 32. Le Bail (G.) La brigade des Jean le Gouin : histoire documentaire et anecdotique des fusiliers-marins de Dixmude. pp. 338. 191 7. 09083. aaa. 30. Le Goffic (C.) Dixmude. 7 octobre— 10 no- vembre 1914. pp. 347. 1915. 9083. e. 22. Dixmude. Translated by F. Simmonds. pp. 164. Heinemann, 1916. 09076. gg. 09. . Steenstraete : un deuxieme chapitre de I'histoire des fusiliers marins, 10 nov. 1914 — - 20 janv. 1915. pp.308. 1917. 09082. d. 6. Saint-Georges et Nieuport. Les derniers chapitres de I'histoire des fusiUers marins, 25 novembre 1914 — 6 decembre 1915. pp. 302. 1919. 9083. bbb. 21. Madelin (L.) La melee des Flandres. L'Yser et Ypres. pp. 238. 191 7. 09082. d. Ki. NoTHOMB (P.) L'Yser. Les villes saintes. La victoire. La bataille d'ete. pp. 245. 19 16. 9082. gg. 37. PiRENNE (.1.) Les X'ainqucurs de I'Yser. pp. 320. 191 7. 09082. cc. 43. BoucHERON (G.) L'Assaut. L'Argonne et Vauquois avec la 10" division, 1914-1915. pp.256. 1917. 09082. bbb. 52. BouRGUET (S.) L'aube sanglante. De La Boisscllc, octobre 1914, a Tahure, septembre 1915. pp. 166. 1917. 010905. e. 28. Chenu (C.) De i'arriere a I'avant : chronique de la guerre, octobre 1914 — decembre 1915. pp. 318. 1916. 9081. de. 9. DiETERLEX (.1.) Le Bois le Prctre, octobre 1914 — avril 1915. pp.279. 1917. 09083. aaa. 51. \'ariot (J.) La Croix des Cannes : documents sur les combattants du bois Le Pretre. pp. 96. 1916. 9083. ee. 10. 10 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History. -Histories of the "War on Various Fronts. Western Front — emit in m-d. DupoNT (M.) L'Atteate. Impressions d'un Officier de Legere, 1915-1917. pp. 345. 1918. 09082. d. 7. Malleterre (P. M. G.) Les Campagnes de 1915. pp. 303. 1918. 09082. d. 10. Malo (H.) En Belgique. La zone d'avant, 1915-1916. pp. 267. 1918. 9083. bbb. 1. Palat (B. E.) Les batallles d'Artois et de Champagne en 1915. pp. 208. 1920. [Les Grands Batailles de la Guerre.] W.P. 6385/2. Salmon (A.) Le Chass'bi : notes de campagne en Artois et en Argonne en 1915. pp. 262. 1 91 7. 09083. aaa. 26. Thobie (H. M.) La prise de Carency par le pic et par la mine, pp.243. 1918. 9081. f. 3. Delvert (C. L.) Histoire d'une compagnie : Main de Massiges — Verdun, novembre 1915 — • juin 1916. Journal de marche. pp.294. 1918. 9081. de. 39. Bordeaux (H.) La Chanson de Vaux-Douau- mont. I. Les Derniers Jours du Fort de Vaux. II. Les Captifs Delivres. 2 vol. 1916-17. 09083. aaa. 24. The Last Days of Fort Vaux. pp. 227. T. Nelson, 191 7. 09082. bbb. 4. The Deliverance of the Captives, pp. 301. T. Nelson, 1919. 9082. aaa. 16. DuGARD (H.) La bataille de Verdun, 21 fevrier — 7mail916. pp.298. 1916. 09082. aa. 37. The Battle of Verdun, pp. 287. Hutchinson dh Co., 1916. 09081. eee. 4. La victoire de Verdun, 21 fevrier 1916 — 3 novembre 1917. pp. 288. 1918. 9082. aaa. 1. Estre (C. H. d') L'enigme de Verdun : essai sur les causes et la genfese de la bataille. pp. 72. 1 9 16. 09083. aaa. 44. Gervais-Courtellemont (J. C.) Les Champs de bataille de Verdun, pp. 24. 191 7. obi. fol. 1878. ee. 2. GiLLET (L.) La bataiUe de Verdun, pp. 301. 192 1. [Les Grandes Batailles de la Guerre.] W.P. 6385/4. Glnisty (C.) Bp. of Verdun. Verdun ! Les souffrances et la grandeur d'ame de la glorieuse cite, pp.40. 1917. [Pages Actuelles. rio. 108.] W.P. 2825/108. Grand-Carteret (J.) Verdun : images de guerre, pp. 256. 1916. 4°. 12316. 1. 49. JoLLivET (G.) L'epopee de Verdun, 1916. pp. 272. 1917. 09083. aaa. 29. JuBERT (R.) Verdun. Mars-mai 1916. pp. 239. 19 1 8. 9082. aaa. 39. Raynal (S. E.) Journal du Commandant Raynal. Le Fort de Vaux. pp. 247. 19 19. 9083. bb. 9. Reinach (J. ) La Guerre sur le front occidental. L'Annee de Verdun, etude strategique. pp. 355. 1 91 6. W.P. 6090. Tessan (F. de) De Verdun au Rhin. pp. 237. 1919. 9083. bbb. 3. Calippe (C.) La Guerre en Picardie. pp. 392. 1 9 16. 09082. a. 9. LiBERMANN (H.) L'infantcric heroique et douloureuse. Thiaumont — Moron villers, juillet- aout 1916 — mars-avril 1917. pp. 240. 1918. 9081. de. 38. RuFFiN (H.) and Tudesq (A.) Notre Camarade Tommy. Offensives anglaises de Janvier k juin 1917. pp. 241. 1917. 09082. bbb. 51. Military and Naval History. —Histories of the War on Various Fronts. — Western Front — continued. RuFFiN (H.) and Tudesq (A.) Brother Tommy. pp. 100. T. Fisher Unwin, 1918. 9081. ee. 34. CiVRiEUX ( de) . L'offensive de 1917 et le commandement du General Nivelle. pp. 265. 19 19. 09083. cc. 45. Cordonnier (E. L. V.) La Victoire ajournee et I'arret de l'offensive d'avril 1917. pp. 38. 1920. fol. 9085. g. 3. Galliohet (H.) L'offensive fran9aise de 1917. pp. 262. 1919. 9083. bbb. 28. PainlevJ; (P.) La Verite sur l'offensive du 16 avril, 1917. pp.107. 1919. 4°. 9085. g. 2. PiERREFBU (J. de) L'offensive du 16 avril. La verite sur I'affaire Nivelle. pp. 187. 1919. 9083. bbb. 9. Prevost (M.) D'un poste de commandement. Bataille de I'Ailette, 23 oct.— 2 no v., 1917. pp. 247. 19 1 8. 9082. aa. 3. Thiery (M.) La guerre en 1917. Dans la Picardie devastee. pp. 158. 191 8. 09082. a. 4. Verraux (M. J.) La bataille des Flandres en 1917. pp. 161. 1920. [Les Grandes Batailles de la Guerre.] W.P. 6385/3. Madelin (L.) La bataille de France, 21 mars — 11 novembre 1918. pp. 379. 1920. 09083. bb. 74. Mangin (C. M. E.) Comment finit la guerre. pp. 330. 1920. 09084. aa. 57. Recouly (R.) La Bataille de Foch. pp. 188. 1920. 09083. aa. 41. HoFF (R.) La bataille decisive, 18 juOlet — 11 novembre 1918. pp. 82. 1919. 9082. bbb. 38. GuiTTON (G.) La poursuite victorieuse, 26 septembre — 11 novembre, 1918. pp. 256. 1919. 09083. a. 16. DoNY (^.) La bataille de Mons, 9-11 novembre 1918, et la delivrance par la 1'° Armee britan- nique. pp. 36. Mo)is, 191 8. 9083. f. 39. Germany. Pourquoi I'AUemagne a capitule le 11 Novembre 1918. Etude faite sur documents du G.Q.G. Fran§ais. pp. 66. 1919. 9082. c. 16. Breton (W.) Les caracteristiques du front beige, pp. 39. Lausanne, 1918. 9081. g. 4. Danielon (C.) De I'Yser a 1' Argonne. pp. 64. 1916. [Pages Actuelles. 75.] W.P. 2825. Hanotaux (G.) L'Aisne pendant la grande guerre, pp. 125. 19 19. 9082. de. 51. Pic (E.) Dans la tranchee des Vosges en Picardie : tableaux du Front, pp. 168. 1917. 09083. aaa. 21. German Works. Mueller-Brandenburg (H.) Von der Marne zur Marne. pp. 78. Berlin, 1919. 09083. d. 16. Biebeestein (M. R. von) Liittich-Namur. pp. 96. Olderiburg, 1918. [Der grosse Krieg in Einzeldarstellungen. Heft I.] 9081. cc. 1/1. Namur. Kaiserliche Fortifikation Namur. Namur vor und im Weltkrieg. pp. 256. Munchen, 1918. 10271. g. 20. Egli (C.) Der Aufmarsch und die Bewegungen der Heere Frankreichs, Belgiens und Englands auf dem westlichen Kriegsschaujilatz bis zum 23. August 1914. pp. 124. Berlin, 1918. 9082. dd. 16. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 11 Military and Naval History.— Histories of the War on Various Fronts. Western Front — roiitinnrd. RUTZ (O.) Bayernkampfe. Einmaisch in Frankreich. Mit der Kavalleric in Flandern. Grabenkrieg vor Arras, pp. 114. Munchen, 19 17. 09083. aaa. 57. Blumenthal (E.) Des Kricges Gesicht. Mit dem Sieger von Longwv. pp. 150. Oldenburg, 19 16. ' 09082. a. 48. Pauli (C.) Die Schlachten bei Metz und die Vertreibung der Franzosen aus Elsass-Loth- ringeii. pp. 159. Minden, 1916. 9084. ee. 1. Germany Army. Unser Vormarsch bis zur Marne. pp. 96. Berlin, 1915. 9083. dc. 16. (2.) Tepp (M.) Im Siegessturm bis vor Paris ! Vor- marsch des Regiments " Hamburg." August bis September, 1914. pp. 80. Koln, 1917. 9082. df. 53. Walde (H.) Der Vormarsch iiu W'esten, 1914. pp. 192. Leipzig, 1920. 09082. aaa. 30. Baumgarten-Crusius (A.) Die Marneschlacht 1914, insbesondere auf der Front' der deutschen dritten Armee. pp. 192. Leiiizig, 1919. 09082. aaa. 31. BiRCHEK (E.) Die Schlacht an der Marne : eine kriegsgeschichthch-miUtarpoHtische Studie. pp. 287. Bern, 1918. 9082. cc. 1. Bleibtreu (0.) Stegemamis Weltkrieg und die Marneschlacht. pp. 22. Zurich, 19 17. 09082. c. 16. BUELOW (C. W. P. von) Mem Bericht zur Marneschlacht. pp. 85. Berlin, 191 o. 09082. bb. 74. Fendrich (A.) Gegen Frankreich und Albion. Von der Marneschlacht bis zum Fall Ant- werpens. 2 pt. Stuttgart, 1915, 16. 09082. aaa. 20. Francois (H. C. B. von) Marneschlacht und Tannenberg. Betrachtungen zur deutschen Kriegsfiihrung der ersten sechs Kriegswochen. pp. 296. Berlin, 1920, 09084. c. 18. Hausen (M. G. L. von) Baron. Erinnerungen an den Marnefeldzug 1914. pp. 246. Leipzig, 1920. 09083. d. 9. Kluck (H. R. a. von) Der Marsch auf Paria und die Marneschlacht, 1914. pp. 167. Berlin, 1920. 09082. d. 80. • The March on Paris and the Battle of the Marne, 1914. pp. 175. E. Arnold, 1920. 9082. c. 24. KoLBE (W.) Die Marneschlacht. pp. 73. Bielefeld, 19 17. 9083. aa. 2. Marne, River. Die Kampfe an der Marne. Berlin, 19 15. 09083. b. 7. Die Schlachten an der Marne, 6. bis 12. September 1914. pp. 48. Berlin, 19 16. 09082. cc. 57. Les Batailles de la Marno. Traduit par T. G. Buyse. Precede par unc etude critique de J. Remach. pp. 149. Bruxelles, 191 7. 09082. bbb. 44. Germany. Army. Generalstab. Ypres, 1914. Official account. Translation by G. C. VV. pp. 136. Constable, 1919. 09083. cc. 20. ScuREiNER (VV.) Der Tod von Ypern : die Herbstschlacht m Flandern, 1914. pp. 276. Herborn, 191 7. 9083. aa. 36. ScHWLNK (0.) Die Schlacht an der Yser und bei Ypern im Herbst 1914. pp. 98. Oldenburg, 191 S. [Der Grosse Krieg in Bin- zddarstellnngen. Heft 10.] W.P. 6192/10. Military and Naval History.— Histories of the War on Various Fronts. — Western Front— cunt inued. KmcjiBACJi (A. von) Kamxjfe in der Gham- pagne, Winter 1914— Herbst 1915. pp. 121. Oldenburg, 1919. [Der Grosse Krieg in Einzeldar- stellungen. Hft. 11.] W.P. 6192/11. Kellermann (B.) Der Krieg im Argonnerwald. pp. 121. Berlin, 1916. 9081. de. 10. Mueller (11. T.) Lens, Loretto, Ghampagne. Karlsruhe, 19 16. 9083. ee. 31. Oscar Charles Gustavus Adolphus, Prince of Prussia. Die Winterschlacht in der Gham- pagne, 16. Februar bis 18. Miirz 1915. pp. 19. Oldenburg, 1915. 9082. c. 18. Buschenhagen (F.) and Lucke (W.) Die Herbstschlacht in der Ghampagne und im Artois 1915. pp. 28. Berlin, 19 16. 9083. bbb. 35. Santen ( von) Die Ghampagne-Herbst- schlacht, 1915. pp. 95. Munchen, 19 16. 09082. cc. 5. Gerster (M.) Die Schwaben an der Ancre. Aus den Kampfen der 26. Reserve-Division. pp. 167. Heilbronn, 191 8. 9083. bb. 36. Germany. Army. Die Kampfe um die Feste Vaux. pp. 214. Leipzig, 1916. 09083. b. 3. Aus den Kaempfen vor Arras, 1917. pp. 84. Lille, 1918. 09083. a. 25. Kampfe der Heeresgruppe Deutscher Kronprinz, 1917. pp. 152. Mezih-es-Charleville, 1917. 9082. bbb. 5. MoENCKEBERG (G.) Stellungskilmpfe bei Laon, Sommer 1917. Erinnerungen einer deutschen Division, pp. 109. Stuttgart, 1918. 9082. bbb. 11. England. Appendix. Englands vergeblicher Riesenkampf um die deutsche U-Boot-Basis. [An account of the campaign in Flanders, 1917.] pp. 23. Berlin, 1918. 09082. c. 59. Germany. Army. Aus der Flandernschlacht 1917. Kriegsaufsaetze. pp. 208. Lille, 1918. 9083. a. 31. Die Schlacht in Flandern. pp. 159. Munchen, 1918. 09083. b. 23. Freybe (P.) Die Schlacht bei Gambrai. pp. 28. Berlin, 1918. 9082. h. 35. Olberg (A. von) Drei Schlage iinserer grossen Offensive ! pp. 64. Berlin, 191 8. 4°. 9083. df. 19. (1.) Rosner (G.) Die grosse Friihlingsschlacht 1918. pp. 162. Berlin, 1918. 9082. bb. 4. Zimmermann (B.) Schlag auf Schlag ! — Von Armentieres bis zum Kemmel. [A description of the German offensive in JIarch and April, 1918.] pp. 47. Berlin, 1918. 9082. df. 59. (2.) Der Sturm bricht los ! [A description of the German offensive on the Somme in March and April, 1918.] pp. 47. Berlin, 1918. 9082. df. 59. (1.) Drauf ! [A description of the German offensive in France, May-Jmie 1918.] pp. 48. Berlin, 1918. 9083. df. 23. Hesse (C.) Das Marne-Drama des 15. Juli 1918. Wahrheiten aus dor Front, jjp. 68. Berlin, 19 19. 09082. b. 58. Germany. Army. Die Riickfiihrung des Westheeres. pp. 31. Berlin, 1919. 09082. b. 50. Lehmann-Russbueldt (O.) Warum erfolgte der Zusammenbruch an der Wostfront ? pp.28. Berlin, i()ic). [Flugschriftendes Bundes Neuea Vaterland. no. 3.] W.P. 5394/3. 12 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History. Histories of tlie War on Various Fronts. — Western Front- cuntiuueA. Lerch ( von) Kritische Betrachtungen iiber die letzten Kiimpfe an der deutschen Westfroiit aiif Grand personlicher Eindriicke. pp. 11. Wien, 1 919. fol. 9US4. g. 8. Lewinsohn (L.) Die Revolution an der West- front, pp. 70. Charlottenburg, 1920. 09325. f. G. GoLDMANN (P.) Von Lille bis Briissel. Bilder aus den westlichen 8tellungen und Kanipfen des deutschen Heeres. pp. 134. Berlin, 1915. 09083. bb. 5. Baumann (E.) Mit der Garde im Westen. pp. 143. Halle, 19 16. 9083. a. 49. Mueller (C.) Von der deutschen Westfront. pp. 154. 1916. [Aus den Ta/jen des grossen Krieges.] 9081. b. 1/13. European War. Unter franzosisch-englischen Trup])en an der Front, jjp. 151. Leipzig, 191 7. 9083. aa. 47. Reinhardt (W.) In der Pieardie. Bilder aus deni Stellungskrieg im Westen. pp. 80. Berlin, 19 17. 09083. a. 32. European War, 1914. Unter engUschen Feuer. Die Zerstorungen in Flandern und Nordfrank- reich. [Plates.] pp. 33. Berlin, 191 8. obi. 8°. 9083. a. 60. Flanders. Der Mineur in Flandern. [Photo- graphs.] pp. 72. Oldenburg, 19 18. 9082. dd. 27. Germany. Army. An der Somme. Erinner- ungen der 12. Infanterie-Division an die SteUungskampfe und Schlacht an der Somme, Okt. 1915 bis Nov. 191G. [Photographs.] Berlin, 19 18. 9082. d. 13. Zwischen Arras und Peronne. Heraus- gegeben von einem deutschen Reservekorps. [Photograjihs.] i>p. 181. Munchen, 1916. 9083. g. 21. Die Schlacht bei Arras. Herausgegeben von mehreren Infanterie-Regimentern. Licht- bilder. pp. 184. Munchen, 1918. 09083. dd. 2. Vom westUchsten Teil der Westfront. Herausgegeben von der 52. Infanterie-Division. [Photographs.] pp. 128. Herborn, 1917. 4°. 9082. h. 26. Zwei Jahre an der Westfront. Bilder. pp. 212. Munchen, 1917. 9081. g. 2. Gueraed ( von) Major. Von Reims bis zu den Argonnnen. [Photograj)hs.] pp. 192. Leipzig, 191 7. obi. 4°. 9083. aaa. 1. Works in Other Languages. FiBiGER (A.) Belgiens Trasngsel og Antwerpens Fald. Et pjenvidnes Beretning. pp. 48. K0benhavn, 19 16. 9082. bb. 19. European War. De Oorlog van 1914. Wat het Belgisch leger deed voor de verdedeging van het land en de eerbiediging zijner onzijdigheid. pp. 103. W. H. & L. Collingridge, 191 6. • 9084. de. 8. Antwerp. Antwerpen belegerd en gevallen. pp. 32. Rotterdam, 1914. 9082. h. 12. Gezelle (C.) De Dood van Yper. pp. 233. Amsterdam, 19 16. 09082. aaa. 1. Angeli(D.) La spada e I'aratro. Congl'Inglesi in Piccardia. pp. 163. Milano, 1917. 9082. a. 29. Gray (E. M.) L'Epopea belga. pp.208. Firenze, 191 9. 9084. g. 9. Military and Naval History.— Histories of the War on Various Fronts. — Western Front— confiinwd. Alacala Galiano (A.) Junto al Volcan. Im- presiones del frente occidental. ])p. 219. Madrid, 19 17. 09083. c. (iO. Diaz-Retg (E.) L'assaut contre Verdun, 21 Fevrier— 31 Mars 1916. Traduit de I'espagnol par G. Ledos. pp. 365. 19 18. 09083. a. 4. Marne, River. La Batalla del Mame. pp. 32. Londres, 1916. 09083. aa. 53. Descriptions of the Battlefields : Guide Books. Beauchamp (0.) Les Champs de Bataille, 1914- 1915. pt. 1. Senlis. pp. 31. 1915. W.P. 811. Dafoe (J. W.) Over the Canadian Battlefields : notes of a journey in March, 1919. j^p. 89. Toronto, 1919. 09084. aa. 23. Ward (M. A.) Fields of Victory, pp. 260. Hutchinson er grosse Krieg in Einzeldarstellungen. Heft 21.] W.P. 6192/21. Gnevkow-Blume (R.) Galiziens Wiederero- berung in AVort und Bild. \y^. 55. Wien, 1 9 1 6. 9083. g. 12. Niemann (H.) Die Befreiung Galiziens. pp. 72. Berlin, 1916. 09083. bb. 46. Mueller-Brandenburg (H.) Die Schlacht bei Grodek-Lemberg, Juni 1915. pp. 88. Oldenburg, 1918. \Der grosse Krieg in Ein- zeldarsteilungen. Heft 24:.] W.P. 6192/24. Meyer (Gustav) Der Durchbruch am Narew, Juli-August 1915. pp. 142. Oldenburg, 19 18. [Der grosse Krieg in Einzeldarstellungen. Hefte 27, 28.] AV.P. 6192/27, 28. Peiilemann ( ) Die Kampfe der Bug- Armee. pp. (33. Oldenburg, 19 18. [Der grosse Krieg in Einzeldarstellungen. Heft 26.] W.P. 6192/26. Feldmann (W.) Mit der Hecresgruppe des Prinzen Leopold von Bayern nach Weissruss- land hinein. pp. 119. Munchen, 1916. 9082. aa. 5. Hedin (S. a.) Nach Osten! jip. 511. Leipzig, 1916. 9083. f. 12. Immanuel (F.) Wie wir die westrussischen Festungen erobert haben. pp. 66. Berlin, 191 6. 9082. cc. 31. P.P. Posen. Illustrierte Ostdeutsche Kriegs- Zeitung. Heft 1-12. Posen, 1914-15. fol. P.P. 4023. fe. Flex (W.) Die russische Friihjahrsoffensive 1916. PI5. 102. Oldenburg, 1919. [Der grosse Krieg in Einzeldarstellungeyi. Heft 31.] W.P. 6192/31. Moenckeberg (C.) Deutsche Truppen an der Diina, Herbst 1916. pp. 52. Stuttgart, 191 7. 9081. eee. 22. Brandt (R.) Um Riga und Oesel. pp. 87. 1917. [Aus den Tage7i des grossen Krieges.] W.P. 3597/14. Kaupisch (H.) Die Befreiung von Livland und Estland, 18. Februar bis 5. Marz 1918. pp. 88. Oldenburg, 1918. [Der grosse Krieg in Ein- zeldarstellungen. Heft 39.] W.P. 6192/39. Stephan (C.) Der Todeskampf der Ostmark 1918/19. Die Geschichte eines Grenzschutz- bataillons. pp. 148. SchneidemilJd. 1919. 09082. bb. 71. Military and Naval History. -Histories of the War on Variou.s Fronts.— Eastern Front: Cassia,— cnutiuKod. Mayer-Leiden (C.) Kriegsbilder. jtp. 139. Rudnitskii (8.) pp. 129. 19 15. Flammender Osten. Berlin, 191 6. 09083. cc. 57. Der cistliche Kriegsschauplatz. [Osten und Orient. 1.] 9082. de. 50. Seeger (E.) Die Kanipfplatze in West und Ost. pp. 104. Stuttgart, 1915. 9082. f. 34. (5.) Tiessen (E. G.) Die Geographie des ostlichen Kriegsschauplatzes. pp. 24. Berlin, 19 14. 9082. f. 20. Russian Worls. Vladislavlev (I. V.) Pycci;;ia .In roijaryiwi itoiiirt 1914 MocKaa, \^\^,etc. W.P. 3736. BiBLiOTEKA. Biio.iiOTeKa " Hapojiiaa Apmia." III., i bi pyi;axb, cb KpecTOMi Bb cepjuB. 3annci;ii O'laiuopa. pp. 156. III., 1915. 9081. eee. 10. Moscow. Coewinaiiic oaKmcjno.iowtio u njjcdcmaiiu- iiir.icii epanei'ino-cciHumapubixo opimnisaujn no ijOjihOih Co sapamuMU 6o.ub3Hfi..nii oo cisnsu cr, (soennhiMo epe.veniiMv. Tpy4bi. . .MocKBa, 28-30 .jcKaOpa 1914 r. pp. 131. Mocicea, 19 [5. 7461. i. 30. Ac. Saint Petersburg. IlMiicpamopcuor Odin,r- cmeo Pcenumcieii Ucmopiu. BbicTaBKa Boiiiiu — iiaiuii ipo'toii. BbicraBKa ycipoeiia. . .IlMiiepainpcKOMb OOinccTBOMi. Kaia.ior'b. pp. 91. Go llempoipadib, 1915. 09082. bb. 5. Bbrenshtam (V.) H3^ nepoHurraro. Boiiiibi. pp. 181. 111., 191 5. 010795. aaa. 3. Kozel'sky (O.) :iaiMiii;ii oaiapciiiiaro KOMaH.uipa. 111., 1915, etc. W.P. 4517. Kiev. UoMiuxiii uoM lOio- 3anadiiaw ponma. CoBBuiaaie no BonpocaMb BaKuiinauin npomBb xo.iepw n opiouiiioro Tu*a. KieBT>, 6-7 aBrycia 1915 r. H\ypHa.n> sacBAaniii h nocraHOB-ieiiia COBlimania. pp.38. Mocksii, 11)1^. 7560. f. 15. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 17 Military and Naval History.— Histories of the War on Various Fronts. — Eastern Front : Russia — continued. KsYUNiN (H.) ilii|)0,vf> ii'i noiiirli. pp. 242. m., 1916. 9081. ee. 19. IMabtuinov (A. V.) ni'iie, oTpjuu iia loro- ' aaiuMiiOMT. .i-poinli. pp. 16. t<;i6. [Russia. 1 flcepocciiicKia 3eMCUiii Caiojo noMnmi paiiPiihiMS u oo.ibUbiMi aouiiaMn. lioMumenu lOio-Hanadna/o ]i(>nma. Eio.i.ieiin'Hh. Ujm.i. kt< no. 38.] P.P. 4051. p. MoROzov (N.) Ha imiiiili. pp. 149. ///., 1916. ,09083. a. 2. '' llussiA. liceporciHciciii lie.wiciii (oiosi no.uoinu I'lOAhmiMb II paiiruhiMd iiounaMu. IIsBliCTid r.iaBiiaro | KitMinera. iio. 30-40. 8 pt. Mociuta, 1916. 8095. g. IG. IIocraHOB.U'iiiecDBtiuaiiia no BdiiporaMi. ■i>1)Oiito- Bi.ixi BpaMeoiio-caiiiiTapiiuxT. npraiiiiaaniii 3eMCKaro (loioaa. MocKna, 2.5- 27 finBapfi 191G r. pp.9. MQCican, 1916. 7G87. f. 44. , KoMuimmr, IOio-3anaduain ponmii. ! rem. KoMHTOia K)ro-3ana,uiai'o poMTa. no. 29, 38,42,44-48. /,Vc«,-, i9i6-r7. fol. & 8^ 1 P.P. 4.501. p. Works in. Other Lamjiiages. ' Franyo (Z.) Fraiiyo Z. konyve a kaipati harcoki'61. pp.211. Budapest, n^i^. 09082. bbb. Gl. MoLN.\E (F.) Egy haditudosito emlekei. 1914 November — 1915 November, pp. 5G0. Budapest, 19 16. 09083. c. 40. Fkaccaroli (A.) La presa di Leopoli (Lemberg) e la guerra austro-russa in Galizia. pp. 292. MUano, 19 14. 9082. e. 5. BuKOWixsKi ( ) The Destruction of Kalisz. pp. 12. Darling d- Son, 1915. 12°. 9083. a. 65. Lemberg, in Galicia. Odezwy i rozporzadzenia z czasow okupacji Rosvjskiej Lwowa 1914- 1915. pp. 49. Lwoiv, 1916. 4°. 9082. g. 35. Gonzalez-Blanco (E.) Hindenburg y la cam- l^ana alemana en el Oriente europeo. pp. 207. Madrid, 19 15. 9083. gg. 20. Bergelin (S.) Krigshandelseina pg, Ostfionten till och med den 15. maj, 1915. pp. 58. Uppsala, 1915. 9082. d. 23. (1.) Sommarfaltt:iget j) 1 Ostfronten, 1915. pp.34. Vppsala,i()is. 9082. d. 23. (2.) Eastern Front : Roumania. Djuvaea (M.) La Guerre roumaine, 191G-1918. pp. 335. Nancy, 19 19. 09082. b. 44. Petresco-Comnene (N.) Notes sur la Guerre roumaine, 191G-1917. pp. 255. Lausanne, 1918. 9083. bb. 24. Olberg (A. von) l)er >Siegeszug durcli llu- manien. pp. 287. Berlin, 1918. 9083. df. 14. Rosner (C) ilit der Armee v. Falkenhayn gegen die Rumanen. pp. 163. Berlin, 1917. 09083. cc. 9. Schultze-Bahlke (G.) Mit Schwert und Pflug durch Rumanian, pp. 127. Berlin, 1918. 9082. dd. 25. Vogel (W.) Die Befrciung Siebenburgens mid die Schlachten bei Targu Jiu und am Argesch. pj). 134. Oldenburg, 1918. {Der grosse Krieg in Einzeldarstellungen. Heft 33.] W.P. 6192/33. Asiatic Fronts. Vladislavlev (I. V.) PyccuaH .inTepaTvpa BOtiHli 1914ro4a. Mori;eii, U)i:i, etc. W.P. -3736. Militai'y and Naval History.— Histories of the War on Variovis Fronts.— Asiatic Fronts — continiwd. Asia Minor. MiNTSLOV (S. R.) CraiiicTiiMeciciii O'lepKt Tpauc- 30ii,H'Karo OKpyra HonOpb 191G r. pp. 13. Tpanrjondr,, 19 16. 4°. 10075. k. 14. P.P. Trchizond. Tpaii(;iii l!oeiiiiLiii.liicTni;i,. Tp'inc.ioiii)r>, r9i6, etc. fol. P.P. 9104. bh. Caucasus. Varaxdiax (M.) Le conflit armeno-georgien et la guerre du Cauoase. pp. 152. 1919. 9083. bbb. 24. Kaukasielli. Der Kaukasus im Weltkrieg. up. 41. 1916. [Deutsche Orienibucherei. Bd. 15.] W.P. 3623/15. Palestine and Sinai. Dane (E.) British Campaigns in the Nearer East, 1914-1918. 2 vol. Hodder db Stoughton, 1917, 19. 09082. c. 26. Murray (Sir A. J.) Sir Archibald Murray's Despatches, .June 1916— June 1917. pp.229. J. M. Dent, 1920. 9084. g. 14. England. Arini/. Egyptian E-vpeditionary Force. A Brief Record of the advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Julv 1917 to October 1918. pp. 113. 1919- 4°- 9082. h. 41. I CoLDicoTT (R.) London Men in Palestine. I pp. 232. E. Arnold, 19 19. 9082. cc. 17. England. Army. Machine Gun Corps. Through Palestine with the Twentieth Machine-Gun Squadron, pp. 179. 1920. 9082. c. 32. Lock (H. 0.) With the British Army in the Holy Land. pp. 149. R. Scott, 19 19. 9082. bbb. 9. Massey (W. T.) How Jerusalem was W'on. The record of AUenby's campaign in Palestine. pp. 295. Constable, 19 19. 09082. c. 40. AUenby's Final Triumph, pp. 347. Constable, 1920. 09082. d. 78. Mastermax (E. W. G.) The Deliverance of Jerusalem, pp.51. Hodder d' Stoughton, ic)i8. 9081. eee. 28. Mathews ( B. ) The Freedom of Jerusalem. pp. 22. Hodder (t Stoughton, 1918. 9083. aa. 32. Maxwell (D.) The Last Crusade, pp. 144. J. Lane, 1920. 4^ 9081. ff. 6. BotJRELLY (J.) Campagne d'Egypte & de Syrie contre les Turcs, 1914-1918. Role du con- tingent fran9ais. pp.31. 1919. [Pages Actuelles. no. 137.] W.P. 2825/137. Walther (J.) Zum Kampf in der Wiiste am Sinai und Nil. Beobachtungen und Erlebnissc. pp. 65. Leipzig, 1916. 9083. f. 16. Mesopotamia. Daxe (E.) British Campaigns in the Nearer East, 1914-18. 2 vol. Hodder ct- Stoughton, 191 7, 19. 09082. c. 26. England. Parliament. Despatches regarding Operations in the Persian Gulf and in Jlesopo- tamia. 1915. Cd. 8074. Papers relating to .Maj. -Gen. C. V. F. Townshend's appreciation of the position after the battle of Kut-el-Amara. 1916. Cd. 8253. ■ Mesopotamia Commission Report. 19 17. Cd. 8610. ToWNSHEND {Sir C. V. F.) 3Iy Campaign in Mesopotamia, pp. 400. T. Butterworth, 1920. 9082. c. 20. c 18 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1018. Military and Naval History.— Histories of the War on Various Fronts. — Asiatic Fronts — i-onfiuncd. Parfit(.J. T.) Serbia to Kut : an account of the War in Bible Lands, pp. 55. Hunter p. 107. CasscU, 1918. 9082. dd. 1. 1911-16. Strang (H.) The War at Sea. Ilmlder c(r Stougldon, 1916. 09071). g. 18. Wyllie (W. L.) More Sea Fights of the Great War, including the Battle of Jutland, pp. 171. Cassdl, 19 19. 9082. d. 31. 1914-17. Gibson (R. H.) Three Years of Naval Warfare. pp. 320. Heinemann, 1918. 9081. g. 10. HuRD (A. S.) Naval Prospects in 1917. pp. 12. Eyre «£• Spottiswoode, 1917. 09083. a. 51. Jellicoe (J. R.) Viscount JeUicoe. The Crisis of the Naval War. pjj. 331. Cassell, 1920. 2394. h. 1. French Worlcs. Daveluy (R.) L'action maritime pendant la guerre anti-germanique. 1920, ete. 9084. bbb. 13. Les enseignements maritimes de la guerre anti-germanique. pp. 107. 19 19. 8804. cc. 27. 1914-13. BiENAiME (A. P. L.) La Guerre navale, 1914- 1915. Fautes et responsabilites. pp. 307. 1920. 09084. bb. 11. 1914-16. F... (H.) La Guerre navale. Mer du Nord — Mers lointaines. pp. 316. Lausanne, 1916. 09076. ft'. 52. La Bruyere (R.) Deux annecs de guerre navale. pp. 288. 1916. 9081. ee. 26. 1914-17. Degouy (R.) La guerre navale et roffensive. pp. 327. 19 1 7. 09083. bb. 1. TouDOUZE (G. G.) Gloireset drames de la mer. pp. 326. 191 7. 9083. g. 26. German Works. Germany. Marine- Archiv. Der Krieg zur See, 1914-1918. Berlin, 1920, etc. W.P. 3715. Persius (L.) Der Seekrieg. i)p. 12.5. Charloitenburg, 1919. 09083. b. 44. WiETiNG ( ) Der Ostsee-Krieg, 1914-1918. pp. 155. Berlin, 1918. 9083. b. 20. KiRCHHOFF (H.) and Sanders (F.) Der Welt- krieg zur See. pp. 216. Berlin, 19 16. 09083. b. 5. Reventlow (E. C. E. L. D zu) Count. Dgr Einfluss der Seemacht im Grossen Kriege. pp. 278. Berlin, 1918. 09083. b. 10. Italian Works. Bravetta (E.) Alcunc manifestazioni del potere marittinio. pp.98. 3Iila)io, nji^. 9083. de. 24. ZiNGARELLi (I.) 11 (lominio del marc nel con- flitto anglo-germanico. pp. 226. Milano, 191 5. 08027. d. 71. Bussian Works. Vladislavlev (I. V.) PyccKaii .lUTCparjiHi BoiiHt 1914ro,ia. MocKsa, 1915, eseud. The German Pirate, his methods and record, pp. 120. Pearson, 1918. 9083. aa. 26. Archer (W.) The Pirate's Progress : a short history of the U-boat. pp. 96. Chatto & Windus, 1918. 9081. eee. 30. European War. The War on Hospital Ships. From the narratives of eye-witnesses, pp. 20. Fisher Umoin, 1917. 9081. e. 20. Frost (W.) German Submarine Warfare : a study of its methods and spirit, pp. 243. N.Y., 1918. 9082. aa. 33. HuRD (A. S.) Murder at Sea. pp. 38. Fisher Umoin, 191 6. 9082. g. 29. — — Submarines and Zeppelins in Warfare and Outrage, pp. 22. Sir J. Causton, 1916. 09083. a. 54. French Works. Castex (R. V. P.) 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Das Unterseeboot ira Kampfe. pp. 157. Leipzig, 1915. 9083. e. 2. ycHULZE (F.) Unsere Unterseeboote. 2 pt. Kassel, 19 15. 880(5. cc. 42. Die schwarze Waffe. pp. 201. . Berlin, 191 7. 9084. e. 31. Weddigen (F. H. O.) Unser Unterseebootkrieg und unsere Unterseeboothelden. pp. 62. Leipzig, 19 17. 09083. c. 64. Germany. Kriegspresseamt. Die Entwicklung des U-Bootkrieges seit Herbst 1917 im Urteil des Auslandes. pp. 128. Berlin, 19 18. 9083. b. 4. HocHSTETTEB (F.) Katscl der U-Bootswii-kung. pp. 31. Berlin, 19 18. 9082. cc. 14. MoELLER(W.) BaldigerU-Boot-Friede ? pp.71. Dresden, 19 17. 9083. aa. 38. pp. pp. 31. 16. 10. ScHULZE (F.) Unsere Handels-Unterseeboote in Wort und Bild dargestellt. pp. 24. Berlin, 19 17. 8806. bb. KoENiG (P.) Die Fahrt der Deutscbland. pp. 154. Berlin, 1916. 9084. e. The Voyage of the " Deutscbland." 126. Pearson, 1917. 09083. aaa. Kaptajn Paul Konigs Atlanterhavsfart. 108. Kjpbenhavn, 191 7. 09083. bb. 21. Lassen (E.) Handels-Uboot " Deutscbland " fahrt nach Amerika. pp. 111. Siegen, 19 16. 08806. a. 23. Skowronnek (F.) U-Deutschlands Fahrt. pp. 161. Berlin, 1916. 9082. de. 48. Arctic Ocean. U-Boote im Eismeer. pp. 102. Berlin, 191 7. 09082. a. 89. FoRSTNER (G. G. von) Baron. AI3 U-Boots- Kommandant gegen England, pp. 222. Berlin, 19 16. 9082. df. 31. Moraht (R.) Die Versenkung des " Danton " : meine U-Boots-Erlebnisse von der Ostsee bis zum Mittehneer. jjp. 125. Berlin, 1917. 16°. 9083. df. 12. Selow-Serman (K. E.) U-Boot-Abenteuer im Sperrgebiet. pp. 112. Berlin, 191 7. 9083. aa. 16. Spiegel (A. C. G. E. von) Baron. " U 202." Kriegstagebuch. pp. 138. Berlin, 1916. 09083. a. 36. The Adventures of the U-202. pp. 202. N.Y., 1917. 09083. aa. 20. U. Boat 202. The War Diary of a German Submarine, pp. 170. A. Melrose, 1919. 09083. cc. 16. P.P. Zeebrugge. Zeebriigger Tageblatt. 2 pt. Zeebriigge, 1916, 17. fol. P.P. 9593. c. (15.) Military and Naval History. — Sub- marine Warfare — ronlinued. Crompton ( ) Crompton, " U 41," der zweite " Baralong "-Fall, pp.116. Berlin, icfi-j. 09083. c. 59. Germany. Auswdrtiges Amt. Der Baralong -Fall, pp. 64. Berli7i, 1916. fol. 9081. h. 8. Denkschrift der Deutschen Regierung iiber die Ermordung der Besatzung eines deutschen Unterseeboots durch den Kom- mandanten des britischen Hilfski-euzers Bara- long. pp. 43. 19 15. fol. 9085. h. 4. TzscHiRNER (H. E.) Die Baralong-BestiaUtat in ihren Einzelheiten. pp. 60. Berlin, 1918. 9082. bbb. 6. BiscHLAGER (A.) U-Boot-Sieg und Kriegsende. pp. 56. Ualle-Saale, 19 18. 08027. cc. 56. Germany. Admiralty. Wann kommt der Friede ? Die Wirkungen des U-Bootkrieges in amtlicher Darst ■llaiig. ])[). 31. Munchen, 191 7. 16°. 08027. de. 20. Steinuth (H.) England und der U-Boot Kjieg. pp. 91. Stuttgart, 1916. 08028. e. 25. Steinwaeger (L.) U-Boot, Englands Tod ! pp.48. Miuichen, igi-j. 08027. g. 11. BoY-Eu (C.) Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und der U-Boot-Krieg. pp. 48. Berlin, 1918. 08028. de. 32. Works in other Languages. Vries (W. p. de) De Duikboot en haar rol in den Europeeschen Oorlog. pp. 82. Amsterdam, 1915. 9083. ff. 12. Bravetta (E.) L' insidia sottomarina e come fu debeUata. pp. 461. Milano, 19 19. 8809. aa. 3. WiGUM (H.) U-Baatofrene. Billeder fra Tysk- lands krig mot vore sjv)folk. pp. 92. Bergen, 19 17. 09083. bb. 31. Navies. General Works. European War. The Navies at War. pp. 40. Farringdon Press, 19 15. obi. 8°. 8807. a. 65. Falls (De W. C.) Army and Navy Information. Uniforms, Organization, Arms and Equipment of the Warring Powers, pp. 195. N.Y., 1917. 8828. eee. 13. HuRD (A. S.) The Fleets at War. pp. 227. 19 15. IDaily Telegraph War Books.] 9085. de. 1/30. Balincourt (E. de) Count. Les flottes de combat en 1915. pp. 828. 1915. obi. 8°. 8807. aaaa. 18. Favre (L. E.) Les forces navales en presence. pp. 61. 1915. 9082. ff. 20. Germany. Navy. Handbuch der Ki-iegsflotten von Deutscbland, Oesterreich-Ungarn, Italien, Tiirkei, und England, Frankreich, Russland, Japan. Possneck, 1914. 08806. aa. 31. Weyer (B.) Taschenbuch der Kriegsflotten 1914/15. 3pt. 2Iunchen, igi4. 08805. e. 48. Spalckhaver (R.) Die Ki-iegsflotten der kampf- enden Seemachte im Weltkriege, 1914-16. Alto)ia, igiy. s. sh. M. 9082. h. 39. ToECHE Mittler (S.) Die deutsche Kriegsflotte und die fremden Seemachte, 1916. pp. 116. Berlin, 1916. 9082. c. 19. Germany. Navy. Admiralstab. Kriegsschiffa- verluste von England, Frankreich, Russland, Itahen und Japan vom 1. August 1914 bis 1. Februar 1917. Berlin, 191 7. s. sh. fol. Cup. 645. c. 8. (16.) Weyer (B.) Kriegsschiffs-Verluste unserer Feinde seit Kriegsbeginn. no. 1-5. Munchen, 1914-16. fol. Cup. 645. c. 10. British Navy. England. Admiralty. Naval and Mihtary Despatches relating to operations in the War. 10 pt. 1914-19. 9054. gg. 12. England. Navy. Naval War Services of Officers, pp. 140. " Boyal Naval List," 1917. obi. 16". 9083. df. 30. 2^ EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and. Naval History. — Navies. — British Navy — rout in ucd. England. Nary. The War: the Royal Navj', the Army. Officers and men mentioned in despatches, and hsts of honours and rewards. pt. 1. Army d- Xai-y Gazette, 1915. 9084. cc. 4. BucHAN (J.) A History of the British Navy during the War. jjp. 300. T. Nelson, 19 18. 09082. d. 03. Cato (C.) The Navy Everywhere, pp. 297. Constable, 19 19. ' 9082. cc. 20. CoppLESTONE (B.) The Secret of the Navy : what it is and what we owe to it. pp. 333. J. iMiinatj, 19 1 8. 09082. cc. 03. HuRD (A. S.) The British Fleet in the Great War. pp. 208. Constable, 1919. 09082. bb. 40. Leyland (J.) The Achievement of the British Navy in the World-War. pp. 94. Hodder d: Stoughton, 1918. 09083. a. 45. Pollen (A. H.) The Navy in Battle, pp. 371. Chatto cf- Windus, 1918. 9081. g. 8. 1914-15. Balfour (Rt. Hon. A. J.) The Navy and the War. August 1914 to August 1915. pp. 10. Darling d: Son, 1915. 08028. i. 14. (2.) CoRNFORD (L. C.) With the Grand Fleet. pp. 03. Williams d~ Norgate, 191 v 9082. df. 15. Kipling (R.) The Fringes of the Fleet, pp. 70. Ilacmillan, 1915. 10°. 9082. df. 21, Masterman {Rt. Hon. C. F. G.) The Triumph of the Fleet, pp.12. Darling d; Son, igi 5. 12°. 9083. a. 04. 1914-16. Fiennes (G. Y.) Our Navy at War. pp. 128. Newnes, 1916. 09082. aa. 17. Jellicoe (J. R.) Viscount Jellicoe. The Grand Fleet, 1914-10. pp.517. Cassell, igig. 2394. d. 2. 1914-17. Cato (C.) The Navy in Mesopotamia, 1914 to 1917. pp.211. Constable, igi^. 9082. a. 19. CuRREY (E. H.) How we kept the Sea. pp. 180. T. Nelson, 191 7. 4°. 9083. g. 32. Dixon (W. M.) The British Navy at War. pp. 93. W. Heinemann, 191 7. 09082. a. 04. Rousseau (A.) Pour la suprematie maritime. L'effort anglais, pp. 32. 191 7. 09082. cc. 04. KiRCHHOFF (H.) Englands Willkur und bis- herige Allmacht zur See. pp. 40. Berlin, 19 15. 9502. ccc. 10. Manes (A.) Englands Seeherrschaft im Wanken : ein Vortrag nach 1000 Tagen Welt- krieg. pp. 77. Bonn, 19 17. [Deutsche Kriegs- schriften. Heft 24.] 08028. f. 14/24. Hunter (F. T.) Beatty, Jellicoe, Sims and Rodman, pp.204. A^F., 1919. 09082. aaa. 15. Smith (Arthur C.) The Seafarers, pp. 280. Cassell, 1919. 9082. bb. 23. Bone (M.) With the Grand Fleet, pi. 0. Newnes, 19 17. fol. Tab. 089. b. 1. Coleridge (J. D.) The Grand Fleet. A sketch book. pp. 40. P. L. Warner, 1920. obi. 8°. 8804. a. 33. Dehn (P.) Englands Oberseeherrschaft ira Ki-iege. p^j. 03. 1916. {" England und die Volker." Ergdnzungsband 2.] 08028. g. 13. (10.) Military and Naval History.— Navies. —British 'Ns^mj— continued. Maltzahn (C. von) Baron. Wie England seine Kriege fiihrt. Eine Betrachtung iiber See- kriegskunst. pp. 51. Milmhen, 1916. 0874. df. 10. N'acal Units. Gibson (C. R.) Ships that saved the Empire, pp. 90. Collins, 1919. 4°. 8805. g. 20. BucHAN (W.) The Log of H.M.S. "Bristol," 13th May, 1914, till December 17th, 1915. pp. 147. 1916. [The "Log'' Series.] 08800. bb. 40. Fleming (J. A.) The Last Voyage of His Majesty's Hosi^ital Ship " Britannic." pp. 43. Marshall Bros., icji-j. 10°. 9083. df. 10. England. Navy. H.M.S. Castor. Grand Fleet Destroyer Flotillas, 1915-1918. Souvenir of a war commission, pp. 43. Glasgow, 19 19. 4°. 9082. dd. 9. Stewart (A. T.) and Peshall (C. J. E.) The Immortal Gamble and the part played in it by H.M.S. "Cornwallis." pp. 209. A. & C. Black, 1917. 9081. ee. 30. Foljambe (A.) Earl of Liverpool. The New Zealand Hospital Ship " Maheno." The first voyage : July, 1915, to January, 1910. pp. 59. Auckland, 1916. 09082. aa. 28. Goodchild (G.) The Last Cruise of the "Ma- jestic." pp. 189. Simpkin, Marshall, 191 7. 09083. aaa. 08, Bacon (Sir R. H. S.) The Dover Patrol, 1915- 1917. 2 vol. Hutchinson d- Co., 1919. 9082. cc. 15. Bennett (J. J.) The Dover Patrol, pp. 214. Gra7it Richards, 1919. 09083. bb. 19. CoxoN (S. W.) Dover during the Dark Days. pp. 290. J. Lane, 19 19. 9082. bb. 28. Knight (E. F.) The Harwich Naval Forces : their part in the Great War. pp. 230. Hodder d- Stoughton, 19 19. 9083. b. 10. Maxwell (G. S.) The Motor Launch Patrol pp. 303. J. M. Dent, 1920. 09084. b. 12. Fry (J. W.) and Macmillan (T.) The Complete History of the Royal Naval Division, pp. 92. Alnwick, 1919. 9083. a. 22. Sparrow (G.) and Ross (J. N. M.) On Four Fronts with the Royal Naval Division, pp. 200. Hodder d: Stoughton, 19 18. 09082. c. 27. England. Navy The Work of the Roj-al Naval Reserve, pp. 64. Yachting Monthly, 191 8. 9082. h. 29. Britain. Guarding the Coasts of Britain : what the Sea Scouts are doing, pp. 24. 191 8. 10°. 9083. df. 27. England. Navy. H.M.S. Calliope. Callioije Clarion. 1915, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wee. England. Navy. H.M.S. Cycloj^s. The Cyclo- pede. Xmas. no. Dec. 1910. 1916. 4°. P.P. 4039. web. (2.) England. Navy. H.M.S. Iron Duke. The " Iron Duke " Magazine. 1920, etc. 4°. P.P. 4050. lb. England. Navy. H.M.S. Lancaster. The Lancastrian: an irregular periodical. 1916, efc. P.P. 4039. wee. England. Navy. H.M.S. Lion. H.M.S. Lion's SearchUght. 1915, etc. fol. P.P. 4039. we. England. Navy. H.M.S. Minerva. " The Akabarbarian." Cairo, 19 15, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. web. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 23 Military and Naval History. — Navies. — British Nsivy—continutii. England. Xavy. H 3I.S. Natal. Natal News- letter, no. .59, etc. 1915, §ntinuid. Bazin (R. F. N. M.) Une visite aux flottes anglaises. pp. 26. Darling, 191 5. 09083. a. 61. French Navy. Clerc-Rampal (G.) La marine fran^aise, aout, 1914 — novembre, 1918. pp. 221. 1919. 09082. c. 54. Vedel (E.) Nos marins h, la guerre, sur mer et sur terre. pp. 320. 19 16. 09082. aa. 72. Sur nos fronts de mer. pp. 319. 19 18. 9082. aaa. 22. Milan (R.) Les vagabonds de la gloire. Cam- pao;ne d'un eroiseur, le Waldeck-Rousseau, aoiit 1914— mai 1915. pp. 311. 1916. 9083. ee. 9. Personal Experiences, Reminiscences, etc. Darde (F. L.) Souvenirs de chasse aux sous- marins allemands. Les patrouilles du contre- torpilleur Fanion. pp. 239. 1919. 9083. bbb. 11. Vingt raois de guerre a bord du croLseur "Jeanne d'Arc," 9 aout 1914 — 12 avril 1916. pp. 278. 19 1 8. 9082. aaa. 7. Dartige du Fournet (L. R. M. C.) Souvenirs de guerre d'un amiral, 1914-1916. pp. 320. 1920. 09084. aa. 6. Fierre (J.) 80.000 milles en torpiileur. Recits de chasse aux sous-marins, 1914-1916. pp. 297. 1918. 9082. aaa. 5. Kadore (P. de) Mon Groupe d'autos-canons : souvenirs de campagne d'un officier de marine, septembre 1914 — avril 1916. pp. 231. 19 17. 09082. a. 76. Letourneur (]fi. L. F. H.) Une Croisiere en Mediterranee. pp. 50. Toulon, 19 19. 09077. aa. 22. Parege(D.) Et nous — les marins. Impressions de guerre sur mer. pp. 329. 19 19. 09084. aa. 35. Tudesq (A.) Les compagnons de I'aventure. Dardanelles, Egee, Mediterranee, Adriatique. pp. 240. 1916. 9083. ee. 11. German Navy. BiscHOFF (E.) Die Leistungen der deutschen Flotte im Weltkrieg. pp. 170. Zurich, 191 8. 9084. df. 2. Hintzmann ( ) IMarine, Krieg und Umsturz. Der deutschen Flotte Werden, Wirken und Sterben. pp.23. Berlin, i()ig. 08806. cc. 16. ScHEER (R.) Deutschlands Hochseeflotte im Weltkrieg. pp.524. Berlin, 1920. 09084. b. 10. Germany's High Sea Fleet in the World War. pp. 375. Cassell, 1920. 2388. ff. 7. 1914-13. Ephemerides. Illustrierter Deutscher Flotten- Kalender fur 1916. pp. 208. Minden, 1915. 09083. bb. 60. Erdmann (G. a.) Die Taten der deutschen Flotte im Weltkriege. pp. 80. Bielefeld, 1915. 9082. dd. 29. Kirchoff (H.) Unsere Marine im Weltkriege. pp. 112. Berlin, 19 15. 9082. g. 22. Laverrenz (V.) Deutschland zur See. pp.361. Berlin, 19 15. 8804. cc. 28. TuECHE MiTTLER (S.) Die deutsche Flotte sechs Monate im Kampfe. pp. 20. Berlin, 1915. 9082. ff. 9. Die deutsche Kriegsflotte imd ihre Ver- biindeten. Ein Jahr im Kampfe. pp. 47. Berlin, 19 15. 9081. eee. 26. 24 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History. — Navies. — German Navy — continued. WiTTMER (R.) Deutschlands Taten zur See. jjp. 112. 1915. [Moritamis-Biicher.] 9084. gg. 3. J914-16. Fobs (M.) Der See- imd Kolonialkrieg, 1914- 16 : eine Scliildenmg der Ruhmestaten deut- scher Seeleute und Schutztruppen im Welt- kriege. Halle, 1919, etc. W.P. 5940. IvALAtr VOM HoFE (E.) Uiisere Flotte im Welt- kriege : die Ereignisse zur See 1914/16. pp. 212. Berlin, 191 7. 9082. d. 17. ToECHE MiTTLER (S.) Die deutsche Kriegsflotte und die fremden Seemachte 1916. pp. 116. Berlin, 1916. 9082. c. 19. Das zweite Jahr im Kampf zur See. pp. Berlin, 1916. 9081. e. 11. P.P. Berlin. Jahrbiicher fiir die deutsche Armee und Marine. Jan.-Dez. 1916. Berlin, 1916. P.P. 4022. fa. 1914-17. HoLLWEG (C.) Die Aufgaben der deutschen Flotte im Weltkriege. pp. 48. Berlin, 191 7. 9081. e. 25. W14~1S. HoLLWEG (C.) Der Anteil der deutschen See- macht am kommenden Siege, pp. 79. Berlin, 19 18. 08027. c. 82. Behncke (P.) Unsere ilarine im AVeltkriege und ihr Zusammenbruch. pp. 72. Berlin, 19 19. 9082. c. 10. FoRSTNER (G. G. von) Baron. Die Marine- Meuterei. pp. 30. Berlin, 191 9. 9327. cc. 39. Lammertz (W.) Die Marme von der Revolution bis zum Flottengrab bei Scapa Flow. pp. 46. Duisbtirg, 1919. 09082. bb. 15. Dette (W.) " Halbmast." Der deutschen Flotte Sterben. pp. 16. Berlin, 19 19. 09082. bb. 50. Dick (C.) Das Kreuzergeschwader : sein Werden, Sieg und Untergang. px>. 233. Berlin, i<)iT. 9082. g. 40. KiRCHHOEF (H.) Maximilian C4raf von Spee, der Sieger von Coronel. jip. 351. Berlin, 191 5. 010706. k. 28. PocHHAMMER (H.) C4raf Spee's letzte Fahrt. pp. 261. Berlin, 1918. 9083. aaa. 23. DoENiTZ ( ) Die Fahrten der " Breslau " im Schwarzen Meer. pp. 156. Berlin, 1917. 12°. 9082. df. 54. ZoBELTiTZ (F. von) Cap Trafalgar. Eines deut- schen Hilfskreuzers Gliick und Ende. pp. 298. Stuttgart, 1915. 8805. aa. 44. LuEDECKE (E.) Kreuzerfahrteu und Kriegs- 'Dresden" 1914/15. 09082. Zittere England ! pp. 60. 9083. e. 4.5. (1.) erlebnisse S.M.S. Berlin, 1915. Bermbach (J.) " Emden " gmg nicht unter ! Weimar, 1915. pp. 85. bb. 49. Unsere Erdmann (G. a.) S.M.S. "Emden" und sein Kommandant. pp. 260. Leipzig, 19 16. 09082. cc. 17. LuDWiG (E.) Die Fahrten der Emden und der Ayesha. pp. 116. Berlin, 1915. 9083. de. 13. Madras. The Bombardment of Madi'as, 22 Sept. 1914, by the German cruiser " Emden." Madras, 19 14. obi. fol. 9082. ee. 15. Muecke (H. von) Emden. Ayesha. 2 pt. Birlin, 191 5. 09083. aa. 26. Military and Naval History. — Navies. — German Neivy— i-mif in ued. Muecke (H. von) The "Ayesha." pp. 229. Boston, 1917. 9082. a. 9. Die Taten der " Emden " und anderer Kreuzer. Nach Berichten des Kapitan- leutnants von Miicke und anderer. pp. 78. Leipzig, 1915. 9084. e. 27. Nauheimer (A. M.) S.M.S. " Emden." pp.142. Leipzig, 19 15. 9083. e. 7. (3.) Oesterwitz (H.) Auf der Emden und Ayesha. pp. 111. Berlin, 19 16. 09082. cc. 24. Kraus ( ) Die Fahrten der " Goeben " im Mittelmeer. pp. 152. Berlin, 191 7. 9082. df. 55. LuDWiG (E.) Die Fahrten der Goeben und der Breslau. pp. 104. Berlin, 1916. 09083. aa. 21. AusT ( ) Die Kriegsfahrten S.M.S. " Karls- ruhe." jjp. 96. Kaiisruhe, 1916. 09082. cc. 47. Studt ( ) S.M.S. " Karlsruhe " : eines deutschen Kreuzers Gliick und Ende. Erzahlt von seinem ersten Offizier. pp. 178. Leipzig, 19 16. 09082. cc. 25. Krug (P.) De ondergang van het duitsche admu'aalschip " Liitzow " na den zwaren zeestrijd bij Skagerrak. pp. 27. 's-Gravenhage, 191 7. 09083. b. 8. DoHNA-ScHLODiEN (N. P. R. zu) S.M.S. "Mowe." pp. 110. Gofha, 1916. 9083. ee. 32. Weddigen (F. H. 0.) Unsere Mowe ! pp. 59. Leipzig, 19 16. 09083. bb. 44. NowoTNY (B.) Dreivmddreissig Monate Kriegs- fahrten mit S.M.S. " Scharfschiitze." pp. 56. Wien, 1 918. 9082. cc. 24. Calllsen ( ) " V 188." MeLne Torpedoboot- Kriegsfahrten. j^P- HO- Berlin, 191 6. 09082. cc. 48. Nekger ( ) S.M.S. Wolf. pp. 149. Berlin, 191 8. 9082. bb. 16. Trayes (F. G-) Five Months on a German Raider : the adventm-es of an Englishman captured by the "Wolf." pp. 187. Headley Bros., 1919. 9082. b. 33. TiRPiTZ (A, p. F. von) Erinnerungen. pp. 547. Leipzig, 1920. 010705. h. 57. ]\Iy Memoirs. 2 vol. Hurst db Blackett, 1919. 010704. g. 11. Bassermann (E.) Tirjjitz. pp. 22. Berlin, 19 16. 010705. f. 50. Heydner (G.) Die Wahrheit iiber Tirpitz und die deutsche KriegspoUtik. pp. 67. Leipzig, 1920. 08072. cc. 57. HuNiNG ( ) Tirpitz der " Reichsverderber." pp. 104. Leipzig, 19 19. 09083. cc. 70. Persius (L.) Tirpitz, der Totengraber der deutschen Flotte. pp. 16. Berlin, 1918. 9083. aaa. 26. Die Tirpitz-Legende. pp. 74. Berlin, 1918. {Der Tag des Deutschen. Heft 11.] W.P. 5833/11. Personal Experiences, Reminiscences, etc. Bierbaum (P. W.) An der schwimmenden Front : als Neutraler bei der deutschen Kriegs- flotte. pp. 146. Zurich, 1918. 9082. df. 66. Fend RICH (A.) An Bord. Kriegserlebnisse bei der schwimmenden und fliegenden Wehrmacht Deutschlands. pp. 140. Stuttgart, 1916. 9082. df. 43. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 25 Military and Naval History. — Navies. — German Navy — contimied. Floekke (H.) and Gaertner (G.) Unserer Flotte Heldentaten. yeekriegserlebnisse. pp. 191. Munchen, 1915. 09083. cc. 37. Floerke (H.) Von der Nordsee zu den Darda- nellen. Neue Heldentaten unserer Flotte. pp. 264. Munchen, 191 6. 9082. a. 22. Gkaf (F.) Im Torpedoboot gegen England. Kriegserlebnisse. jip. 101. Berlin, 1916. 09082. cc. 29. Hase (G. von) Die zwei weissen Volker ! Deiitsch-engHsche Erinnerungen eines deut- schen Seeoffiziers. pp. 106. Leipzig, 1920. 09082. bb. 73. KiRCHHOFF (H.) Der Seekrieg, 1914-1915. .Schififspost- und Feldiiostbriefe. pp. 319. Leipzig, 1915. 9084. e. 8. ScHEER (R.) Deutschlands Hochseeflotte im AVeltkrieg. Personliche Erinnerungen. pp. 524. Berlin, 1920. 09084. b. 10. Austro-Hungarian Navy. WuLFF (0.) Osterreich-Ungarns Donaufiotille in den Kriegsjahren 1914-1916. pp. 83. Wien, 1918. 9082. cc. 13. Austria. OesterreicJiischer Flottenverein. Die Flagge, Organ des Oesterreichischen Flotten- vereines. Wien, 1916-18. 4°. P.P. 4027. nd. Italian Navy. HuRD (A. S.) Italian Sea-Power and the Great War. pp. 124, Constable, 1918. 09082. bb. 22. Maffii (M.) Guerra di Mare. pp. 215. Milano, 19 19. 09082. c. 52. La I'iscossa navale dal Piave a Premuda. pp. 264. Milam, 19 18. 9082. bbb. 26. La vittoria in Adriatico. pp. 225. Milano, 1919. 09082. c. 51. Fraccaroli (A.) Alia guerra sui mari. pp. 176. Milano, 19 17. 9083. g. 44. SoBRERO (M.) Sulle navi d' Italia, pp. 157. Milano, igij. 09082. c. 21. United States Navy. Kauffman (R. W.) Our Navy at Work : the Yankee fleet in French Waters, pp. 258. Indianapolis, 191 8. 9082. b. 5. Sims (W. S.) The Victory at Sea. i^p. 352. J. Murray, 1920. 09084. b. 22. Whitaker (H.) Hunting the German Shark : the American Navy in the luiderseas war. pp. 310. N.Y., 1918. 9082. aa. 35. Catlin (A. W.) "With the Help of God and a few Marines." The U.S. Marine Corps during the Em-opean ^Va^. pp. 425. Curtis Brown, ic,ic,. 9082. b. 11. Cowing (K. F.) " Dear Folks at Home — — — " : the glorious story of the U.S. Marines in France, pp. 288. Boston, 1919. 09082. b. 28. MacClellan (E. N.) The U.S. Marine Corps in the World War. pp. 108. Washington, 1920. A.S. 299/18. Morris (C.) Heroes of the Navy in America. pp. 347. Philadelphia, 191 9. 08806. bb. 48. Battey (G. M.) 70,000 Jliles on a Submarine Destroyer, pp. 448. Atlanta, 1920. 09083. cc. 69. Paine (R. D.) The Fighting Fleets : five months of active service with the American Destroyers and their allies in the war zone. pp. 392. Constable, 191 8. U9083. bb. 23. Military and Naval History. — confiuned. Mercantile Marine. General Works. Samuel (A. M.) Merchant Shipping as a weapon against Germany, pp. 11. 1916. 08235. bb. 36. Smith (Joseph R.) Influence of the Great War upon Shipping, pp. 357. N.Y., 1919. [Pre- liminary Economic Studies of the War. no. 9.] Ac. 2297. g/4. P.P. London. The Syren. " The Syren and Shipping " Mercantile War Loss Book : an alphabetical list of Steamshij^s destroyed during the Great War. pp. 20. 19 19. fol. 9081. h. 18. Germans. A List of Neutral Ships sunk by the Germans, from August 8th, 1914, to April 26th, 1917. pp.40. Alabaster, Passmore d: Sons, i()iT. 9083. aaa. 34. Kettler (J. J.) Flemmings Karte der Schiffs- versenkungen unserer U-Boote. Berlin, 1918. 9081. g. 33. England. Admiralty. Hydrographic Dept. Mine Warning to Mariners. 19 18, etc. W.P. 5123. Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mari- ners of a temporary character and preliminary notices in force on 31st December, 1917. ff. 66. 1918. 10498. t. 2. British Mercantile Marine. Bateman (C. T.) U-Boat Devilry. Illustrating the heroism and endurance of Merchant Sea- men, pp. 175. Hodder <& Stoughton, 191 8. 9082. aaa. 14. Beaumont (J. C. H.) The British Mercantile Marine during the War. pp. 54. Oay c& Hancock, 1919. 09083. cc. 50. Bone (D. W.) Merchantmen-at-Arms : the British Merchants' Service in the War. pp. 259. Chatto cfe Windus, 191 9. 4°. 9083. h. 23. CoRNFORD (L. C.) The Merchant Seaman in War. pp. 304. Hodder <& Stoughton, 1918. 9082. a. 15. Dixon (VV. iM.) The Fleets behind the Fleet : the work of the Merchant Seamen and Fisher- men in the War. pp. 131. Hodder tfc Stoiujhton, 191 7. 09083. c. 12. Merchant Adventurers, 1914- A. (fc C. Black, 1920. 9084. df. 5. Hopkins (C. P.) " National Service " of British Merchant Seamen, 1914-1919. pp. 206. Routledfje, 1920. 09083. dd. 14. HuRD (A. S.) A Merchant Fleet at War. pp. 139. Cassell, 1920. 9084. f. 7. Ordeal by Sea : the sturj- of the British Seaman's fight for freedom, pp. 227. Jarrolds, 1918. 09083. c. 38. NoYES (A.) Open Boats, pp. 136. Blackwood, i()ii. 09082. bbb. 2. WuEELEB (H. F. B.) Daring Deeds of Merchant Seamen in the Great War. pp. 319. 0. a. Harrap, 1918. 09083. bb. 9. Wood (W.) Fishermen in War Time. pp. 239. Sampson Low db Co., 19 18. 9083. aaa. 2. Hook (F. A.) 1918. pp. 314. CuNARD Steamship Company. On War Service. Cunard Line. pp. 32. 191 9. 16°. 9082. df. 60. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History. — Mer- cantile Marine — nndinucd. Leslie (H. \V.) " The Royal Mail " \Yar Book : being an account of tlie operations of the ships of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., 1914-19. pp.207. W. Heinemann,ic,2o. 09082. d. 08. Knight (E. F.) The Union-Castle and the War, 1914-1919. pp. 03. Vnion-Cmtle Mail Sleam- sliijiCo., 1920. 9082. h. 42. Adams (A. H.) The Lusitania Crime and the Escajjc of the Orduna. pp. 90. Winnipeg, 1915. 9081. ee. 11. Amory (P.) The Death of the Lusitania. pp.32. Toronto, icfi-,. 9083. a. 10. England. Parliament. Report of a Formal Investigation into the circumstances attending the Foundering on 7tli May 1915 of S.S. " Lusitania." 1915. Cd. 8022. Lauriat (C. E.) The Lusitania's Last Voyage. pp. 158. Boston, 191 5. 08800. e. 13. LtrsiTANiA, Steamship. Der Lusitania-Fall im Urteile von deutschen Gelehrten. jip. 139. Breslau, 19 15. 6910. ee. 20. Meurer (C.) Der Lusitania-Fall. Eine volker- rectliche Studie. pp. 109. Tubingen, 1915. 0910. ee. 15. (2.) Steinuth (H.) "Lusitania." pp.115. Stuttgart, 1915. 09082. c. 62. Fkyatt (C. a.) The Murder of Captain Fryatt. P13. 47. Hodder <0 Stoughton, 19 16. 09083. a. GO. Freiich Mercantile Marine. Charles-Roux (J.) Le peril de notre marine marchande. pp. 202. 191 7. 08235. aa. 48. Galopin (A.) Sur le front de mer. Le memorial de la marine marchande. i)p. 220. 1918. 9082. aaa. 11. La Bruyere (R.) Notre marine marchande pendant la guerre, pp. 384. 1920. 09084. aa. 40. Y. L'Odyssee d'un transport torpille. pp. 244. 1917. 09082. bbb. 05. The Odyssey of a Torpedoed Tramp. pp. 284. Constable, 1918. 9082. b. 15. Neutral Countries. Nicol-Speyer (A.) and Huberich (C. H.) De "Medea." pp. 1. The Hague, igi 5. 0874. e. 8. Norway. Appendix. Norway's Shipping Losses during the War, to the end of June, 1917. pp. 28. L. U. Gill, 1918. fol. 9085. h. 7. Blockade : Maritime Law. English Works. Balfour {Rt. Hon. A. J.) The British Blockade. jip. 12. Darling <£• Son, 19 15. 12°. 08027. de. 30. (2.) Cecil (Rt. Hon. Lord E. A. R.) Black List and Blockade. Literview with Lord Robert Cecil. pp. 10. Eyre db Spottiswoode, 191 6. 08028 h 22 De Chair {Sir D. R. S.) How the British Blockade works. An interview with Sir D. De Chair, pp. 12. Sir J. Causton, 19 16. 09083. a. 64. Murray (G. G. A.) Great Britain's Sea Policy. A reply to an American critic, pj). 35. T. Fisher Unwin, 191 7. 0910. aa. 25. OuTis. The Truth about the Blockade, pp. 23. Keeley tfc So)is, 191 7. 08227. h. 84. Scott (L. F.) and Shaw (Hon. A.) Great Britain and Neutral Commerce, pp. 17. Darling dk Son, 1^15. 08027. i. 54. (1.) Military and Naval History. — Block- ade : Maritime Law — coutinned. Sprigg (S. W.) The British Blockade. G. B. Dibblee, ic,ij. 09083. dd. 1.3. Williams (Sir W. E. H.) International Law and the Blockade, pp. 8. Sir J. Causton, 1916. 0910. ec. 31. Omond (G. W. T.) The Law of the Sea : a short history of some questions relating to neutral Merchant Shipping, 1756-1916. pp.80. Black, I gi 6. 6874. df. 11. Saunders (A.) Maritime Law. With a supple- ment on the Law of Shipping during War as modified, 1914-18. pp. 501. Effingham Wilson, 1920. 0836. g. 13. Lloyd's. Lloyd's Reports of Prize Cases during the European War. Lloyd's, 191 5, etc. W.P. 3148. Trehern (E. C. M.) British and Colonial Prize Cases. Reports. Stevens d: Sons, igi 5, etc. W.P. 3463. England. Coiirt of Admiralty. In prize : The Kim, the Alfred Nobel, the Bjornsterjne Bjorn- son, the Fridland. Being the arguments in the above cases and the judgment of Sir Samuel Evans, pp. 73. 1915. 6121. i. 9. England Privy Council. Judicial Committee. The Zamora, part cargo ex. Report of the argument on the hearing of the apj^eal from the judgment of Sir Samuel Evans, in the above case, and of the judgment of the Board, pp. 30. 1916. 6121. i. 10. French Works. Alessandri (J.) Contribution a I'etude des blocus nouveaux. pp. 144. 19 19. 6916. e. 27. Raulin (G. de) Le blocus : ses modalites, ses consequences, pp. 304. 19 18. 6916. aa. 27. Fauchille (P.) and Basdevant (J.) La Guerre. Jurisprudence britannique en matiere de prises maritimes. 19 18, etc. W.P. 5908. La Guerre. Jurisprudence italienne en matiere de prises maritimes. Recueil de decisions, pp. 224. 191 8. 6916. f. 29. German Works. England. Appendix. England und die Sper- rung der See. pp. 36. Berlin, 19 15. 0916. e. 14. (3.) Katz (E.) Die Freiheit der Meere im Kriege. pp. 38. Berlin, 1915. 6916. e. 14. (2.) Neuberg (J.) Das Seekriegsrecht im jetzigen Krieg. pj). 32. 1915. [Meereskwnde. Jahrg.d. Hft. 1.] Ac. 6076/3. ScHEURER (A.) Seekriegsrecht und Seekrieg- fiihrung im Weltkriege. pp. 90. Berlin, 1919. [Quellen und Studien zur Ge- schichte und Dogmatik des Seekriegsrechts. Bd. 1 . Hefts.] W.P. 5335/1. Thomsen ( ) Die englische und die deutsche Seesperre : ein Beitrag zur Frage der amerikan- ischen Neutrahtat. jip. 31. Berlin, 191 7. 08027. ee. 11. VoLLERT (H.) Das " militarische Gebiet " des englischen Nordseeerlasses vom 3 November 1914 und das " Kriegsgebiet " der deutschen Bekamitmachung vom 4 Februar 1915. pp. 96. Kiel, 191 7. 6955. ee. 40. Wehberg (H.) v. Tiri3itz und das deutsche Seekriegsrecht. pp.45. Bonn, igi^. [Deutsche Kriegsschriflen. Heft 15.] 08028. f. 14/15. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 27 Military and Naval History.— Block- ade : Maritime Law — continued. Germany. Ausivdrtlges Amt. The German Mcmorandiuu concerning the treatment of Armed Merchant Vessels, and tlie German communication to the Secretary of State of the U.S.A. pp. 25. Berlin, 1916. " 00955. df. 52. ScHEURER (A.) Bewaffnete Handelsscliift'e im Weltkriege. pp. 78. Berlin, 1919. [Quellen vnd Sludien znr Geschichte und Dogmutik des Seeh-ie(jsrechts. Bd. 1. Hefl 4.] W.P. 5335/1. Works in Other Languages. Francois (J. A. P.) Duikhoot en volkenrecht. pp. 375. 's-Gravenhage, 19 19. (5910. e. 35. HoLLS (G. F. W.) Past and Present. The seizure of the Dutch ships by the associated nations, pp. 43. Amsterdam, 19 18. 00955. f. 34. Jelgersma (D. G.) De houding der Neder- landsche regeering in de schepenkwcstie. pp. 22. Amsterdam, 1918. 8081. i. 4. Verzijl (J. H. W.) Het prijsrecht tegenover neutralen in den wereldoorlog. pp. 342. 's-Gravenhage, 191 7. 06955. i. 69. SiiEFTEL (Ya. M.) IIpaBO MO|)ci;oii Buiiiiu. iiiciiic MopiKiixb iipiiaaxi., 1134. 1914 r., n. iipii- .loiKciiiCMb ii|)iiMliiiiieMbixi BT) nacToaiuGo BpeJia bx I'oiTJii nocTaiioB.ieiiiii iMe;i;,iviiapo4HuxT> i;oiiBenniii, Kacaioiniixca iipuBa MopiKoii Boiiiiu. pp. 140. 1915. 6916. ee. 23. Argentine Republic. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. El Apresamiento del vapor " Presi- dente Mitre." Documentos oficiales. pp. 63. Buenos Aires, 1916. 0910. f. 18. THE WAR BY AIR. General Works. English Works. MiDDLETON (E. C.) The Great War in the Air. 4 vol. Waverley Book Co., 1920. 9084. f. 15. Turner (C. C.) The Struggle in the Air, 1914- 1918. pp. 288. E. Armld, 1919. 9082. cc. 19. Wade (W. L.) The Aeroplane in the Great War. A record of its achievements, pp. 229. Virtue & Co., 1920. 9082. dd. 42. jMortane (.J.) Special Missions of the Air : an exposition of some of the mysteries of Aerial Warfare, pp. 131. Aeroplane Publishiiu) Co., 1919. 9083. bb. 28. Anderson (R. W.) The Romance of Air- Fighting, pp. 23. Cassell, igiy. 09082. d. 09. (2.) Bruce (E.S.y Aircraft in War. pp.177. 1914. [Daily Telegraph War Books.^ 9085. de. 1/14. BuiST (H. M.) Aircraft in the German War. pp. 128. Melhuen, 19 14. 9082. df. 2. Lanchester (F. W.) Aircraft in Warfare. pp. 240. Constable, 1915. 08821. ff. 11. R0B.S0N (VV. A.) Aircraft in War and Peace. pp. 170. Mactnillan, 1916. 8832. aaa. 11. SrAiGiiT (J. M.) Aircraft in War. pp.172. Macmillan, 1914. 2018. b. White (0. G ) and Harper (H.) Aircraft in the Great War. pp.345. Fisher Unwin, njis- 9082. f. 9. French Works. P.P. Paris. La Guerre Aericnne illustree. no. 1-110. 1916-19. fol. P.P. 4025. cd. ARMiiE. L'Armee de I'Air : sa predominance et sa tactique. jjp. 95. 19 15. 8823. b. 51. Military and Naval History.— The War by Air. — General Woriia— amt i Hind. Crouvezier (G.) L' Aviation pendant la Guerre. pp. 20(i. 19 1 7. 9082. bbb. 10. Lafon (C. F.) Les Armees Aerienucs modernes. pp. 270. 1916. 8829. dd. 0. Sensever (G. II. J. V.) and Ballif (L.) Lc combat aericn. i)p. 171. 191 7. 8825. c. 34. German, Works. Bejeuhr (P.) Der Luft-Kricg. pp. 134. 19 1 6. 4°. [Unser Krieg. Bd. 1.) 9081. ff. 13/1. Weddioex (F. H. 0.) Deutschlands Luftkricg, 1914-17. pp. 128. Regensburg, 1918. 10'". [Biicher der Stunde. Bd. 7.] ' W.P. 1313/7 Jahn (A.) Die Luftwaffe, 1918. pp. 159. Berlin, 19 18. 9082. de. 46. Erblich (H.) Die Landflugzeuge unserer Kriegsgegner. pp. 191. Berlin, 19x9. [Flug- tedinische Bihliothek. 7W. 10.] W.P. 0040/10. Russian Works. Vladislavlev (I. V.) I'yccKafl MiiTepaTypa o BoiiirL 1914 ro^a. Mocima, n)i^,ctc. W.P. 3730 Pai-ticular Events. See also below, German Air Forces. Hood (H.) Illustrated Memorial of the East Coast Raids by the German Navy and Air- ships. Middlesbrouxjh, 1915. obi. 8°. 10352. f. 38. Ingleby (H.) The Zeppelin Raid in West Norfolk, jjp. 31. E. Arnold, 1915. 9082. f. 12. Paget (H. L.) Bp. of Stepney. Records of the Raids, pp. 47. S.P.C.K., 1918. 9083. aa. 11. Odhams (W J. B.) The Story of the Bomb dropped on the premises of Messrs. Odhams, Jan. 29th, 1918. pp. 10. Odhams, 1919. 4°. 9081. f. 4. England. Appendix. Zejjpeline uber England. Von *^*. pp. 151. Berlin, 1916. 9084. e. 13. Treusch von Buttlar-Brandenfels (A. W.) Baron. Au-ship Attacks on England, pp. 30. J. Selwyn, 1919. 9083. a. 19. Perez (E.) La matanza de los inocentes. Los " raids " aereos. pp.46. Londres, 1916. 09083. a. 68. British Air Forces. England. Air Ministry. Synopsis of British Air Effort during the War. 19 19. Cmd. 100. Desbleds (L. B.) Great Britain's Aerial Posi- tion. 19 1 5. 8828. bbb. 40. Hicks (W. J.) The Command of the Air. pp. 192. Nisbet d- Co., 1916. 09082. a. 62. England. Army. The A\'ork and Training of the Royal Flying Corps, pp. 46. Illustrated London News, 1918. fol. 9081. h. 13. B., W. T. The Royal Flymg Corps in the War. pp. 123. Cassell, 19 18. 9082. a. 24. Campbell (G. L.) Captain. Royal Flying Corps, Military VVing. Casualties and lInnour.s during the war of 1914-17. pp. 250. Picture Advertising Co., 1917. 9083. aa. 8. Illinqworth (A. E.) and Robeson (V. A. H.) A History of 24 Squadron, sometime of the Royal Flying Corjjs and later of the Royal Air Force, pp. 103. 1920. 4°. 0083. h. 34. 26 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. Military and Naval History.— The "War by Air. — British Air Forces—n mtiinti-iJ. Miller (L.) The Chronicles of 55 Squadron R.F.C. and R.A.F. pp. 126. Unwin Bros., 19 19. 09083. a. 5. Scott (A. J. L.) Sixty Squadron R.A.F. A history, pp. 145. W. Heinemann, 1920. 09084. bb. 7. Pattinson (L. a.) History of 99 Squadron Inde- pendent Force, Royal Air Force, March, 1918 — November, 1918. pp. 73. Cambridge, 1920. 9082. c. 33. England. Womens Royal Air Force. The W.R.A.F. on the Rhine. Cologne, 1919. P.P. 4039. wem. (2.) Baker (C. A.) Malayan Air Squadrons. Com- pletion of two Malayan Squadrons presented to H.M. Government. 2 pt. I2w1i, 191 7. fol. 9081. h. 15. SuLLTVAN (A.) Aviation in Canada, 1917-1918. The work of the Royal Air Force, Canada, pp. 318. Toronto, 1920. 8822. b. 35. Briscoe (W.A.) and Stannard (H. R.) Captain Ball, v.c. pp. 320. H. Jenkhis, 1918. 01081.5. df. 14. MoRRiss (H. F.) Two Brave Brothers, Major Lord Llangattock, Hon. C. S. Rolls, pp. 212. R. J. James, 191 8. 010856. e. 23. Individual Episodes, Personal Experiences, etc. Barnett (G.) V.C.'s of the Air. pp. 36. E. J. Burrow, 1918. 9082. d. 3. Grey (C. G.) Tales of the Flying Services. The adventures and humour of aerial warfare. pp. 124. G. Newnes, 19 15. 9082. de. 25. Hewlett (H. B.) Our Flying Men. pp. 40. Kettering, 19 17. 09082. d. 69. (1.) Middleton (E. C.) Glorious Exploits of the Air. pp. 255. Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1917. 9082. a. 10. Walters (E. W.) Heroic Airmen and their exploits, pp. 270. G. H. Kelly, 191 7. 9082. a. 2. White (C. G.) and Harper (H.) Heroes of the Flying Corps. The work of the Au'men during the early stages of the War. pp. 350. Hodder dh Stoughton, 19 16. 09076. ff. 30. Wood (E.) Thrilling Deeds of British Airmen. pp.317. G.G.Harrap, I9IT. 09083. bb. 2. B., W. T. Plane Tales from the Skies, pp. 181. Cassell, 191 8. 9082. aa. 16. Bewsher (P.) " Green Balls " : the adventures of a Night-Bomber, pp. 309. Blackwood, 1919. 9083. bb. 43. Bishop (W. A.) Winged Warfare : hunting the Hims in the Air. pp. 301. Hodder & Stoughton, 191 8. 9082. aa. 11. Blake (W. T.) Over " Over There." Stories of the Royal Air Force, pp. 209. Cassell, 1 918. 09083. c. 68. Bott(A.) Eastern Nights — and Flights, jjp. 315. Blackwood, 1920. 9083. bb. 47. Butler (A. S. G.) Plain Imi^ressions. pp. 95. Aeroplane Publishing Co., 1919. 9083. a. 42. Contact, pseud. An Airman's Outings, pp. 323. Blackwood, 191 7. 09083. c. 19. Flight Commander. Cavalry of the Air. pp. 269. E. J. Burrow, 19 18. 9082. a. 32. Hall (B.) In the Air : three years on and above three Fronts, pp. 128. Hurst & Blackett, 19 18. 9082. aa. 25. Military and Naval History. — The War by Air. — British Air Forces — continued. Illingworth (A. E.) " Fly Papers." Being leaves from the diary of a War Pilot, pp. 107. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1919. 09083. a. 44. MacCudden (J. T. B.) Five Years in the Royal Flying Corps, pp. 348. " Aeroplane " Co., 1919. 9082. b. 10. Maclennan (R. W.) The Ideals and Training of a Flying Officer, pp. 60. Kingston, Ont., 19 18. 010905. h. 24. Middleton (E. C.) Tails Up. Aircraft Sketches. Ijp. 314. Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1918. 9082. aa. 29. Night-Hawk, M.C, x>seud. Rovers of the Night Sky. pp. 204. Cassell, 19 19. 09082. b. 27. Noble (W.) With a Bristol Fighter Squadron. pp. 186. A. Melrose, 1920. 09083. a. 42. Pilot. War Fl3dng. pp. 117. J. Murray, 1917. 9082. df. 40. Pulitzer (R.) Over the Front in an Aeroplane. pp. 158. N.Y., 1915. 9083. gg. 4. Rafbird, pseud. Zooms and Spins : an Army Pilot's light and shade impressions, pp. 120. Sampson Low, 1919. 08821. a. 61. Reid (A. C.) Planes and Personalities. j)p. 190. P. Allan, 1920. 09083. a. 17. Rosher (H.) In the Royal Naval Air Service. pp.148. Chatto<&Windus,igiT. 010905. ee. 5. Spin, pseud. Short Flights with the Cloud Cavalry, pp. 218. Hodder d; Stoughton, 1918. 012350. df. 13. Tennant (J. E.) In the Clouds above Baghdad : being the records of an Air Commander. pp. 289. C. Palmer, 1920. 9082. c. 30. Wall (A. G. N.) Letters of an Airman, pp. 248. Melbourne, 1918. 010905. e. 34. Walmsley (L.) Flying and Sport in East Africa, pp. 306. Blackwood, 1920. 09083. d. 3. Wings, pseud. Over the German Lines. The work of an Ai-tillery Squadron of the R.A.F. in France, pj). 184. Hodder cfc Stoughton, 19 18. 9082. aa. 17. X., P. I. The Spider Web : the romance of a Flying-Boat War Flight, pp. 278. Blackwood, 19 19. 9082. bbb. 28. Saundby (R. H. M. S.) Flying Colours. '' Aeroplane'' Co., 1919. fol. 9081. h. 17. French Air Forces. Laton (C. F.) Les armees aeriennes modernes. France et I'etranger. pp. 270. 1916. 8829. dd. 6. Bordeaux (H.) Le Chevaher de Fair. Vie heroique de Guynemer. pp. 320. 1918. 10657. de. 6. Guynemer, Knight of the Air. jjp. 239. Chatto & Windus, 1918. 10657. de. 9. La vie de Guynemer. pp. 187. 1920. 4°. 10658. t. 30. Nadaud (M.) Guynemer, I'as des as. pp. 125. I9i8„ 10657. g. 4. Saint Maur (C. F.) Le capitaine aviateur Didier Le Cour Grandmaison. pp. 76. 19 18. [Pages Actuelles. no. 125, 126.] W.P. 2825/125, 126. BoNNEFON (P.) Le premier " as," Pegoud. pp. 142. 1918. 010662. aa. 58. Individual Episodes, Personal Experiences, etc. Mortanb (J.) Chasseurs de Boches. pp. 310. 19 1 7. 09082, d. 26. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 29 Military and Naval History. —The War by Air. — French Air Eorces — coiitlnHnJ. MoETANE (J.) Lcs vols emouvauts de la guerre. pp. 287. 1917. 090S.3. aaa. 46. and DA9AY (J.) La guerre des nues racontce par wes morts. \>]}. 306. 19 18. 9082. aaa. 17. A., A. C. H. Au-dessus des batailles. Carnet de guerre d'un aviateur. pp. 316. 191 7. 09082. bbb. 31. FONCK (R.) Mes combats, pp. 252. 1920. 09084. aa. 18. GouviEUX (iM.) Notes d'un officier observateur en avion, pp. 272. 19 16. 9082. e. 9. Lacroi.k (F.) En plein ciel. Impressions d'aviateur. pp. 26."). 1918. 08821. a. 72. Lafont (B.) Au ciel de Verdun. Notes d'un aviateur. pp. 201. 19 18. 09082. d. 4. La Fregeoliere (R. de) A tire d'ailes : carnet de vol d'un aviateur. p[). 310. 19 16. 09082. a. 19. Marchal (A.) Apres nion vol au-dessus de Berlin. Ma captivite, nies evasions, pp. 342. 19 19. 9083. bbb. 8. Nadaud (M.) En plein vol : souvenirs de guerre aerienne. pp. 207. 19 16. 09083. aaa. 23. \ViNSLOW (C. D.) With the French Flying Corps, pp. 226. N.Y., 19 17. 9082. e. 33. German Air Forces. Neumann (G. P.) Die deutschen Luftstreit- krafte im Weltkriege. pp. 600. Berlin, 1920. 09083. dd. 25. Daenbruch (0.) Unsere Luftwaffe im Welt- krieg. jjp. 119. Leipzig, 19 17. 9083. aa. 56. Mueller (L.) Fliegerleutnant Heinrich Gonter- mann. pp. 139. Barmen, 1920. 010704. f. 16. Frei (F.) Unser Fliegerheld Lnmelmann. pp. 64. Leipzig, 1916. 10704. b. 16. RiCHTHOFEN (M. A. von) Baron. Richthofen. Ein Heldenleben. pp. 343. Berlin, 1920. 09084. aa. 63. The Red Aix- Fighter, pp. 140. "Aeroplane''^ Publishing Co., 1918. 9083. aa. 45. Wasner (A.) Rittmeister Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen, Deutschlands grosster Fheger- held. pp. 88. Diesdorf, 1918. 010705. h. 54. Individual Episodes, Personal Experiences, etc. LuFTKAMPFER. Wir Luftkampfcr : Bilder und Berichte deutscher Flieger und Liiftschiffer. pp. 62. Berlin, 19 18. fol. 1878. f. 9. Malkowsky (E. F.) Vom Heldenkampf der deutschen Flieger : ein Ruhmesbuch der deutschen Tapfcrkeit. pp. 198. Berlin, 19 16. 09083. b. 6. ]\lUEHSAM (C.) Unsere Flieger iiber Feindesland. pp. 205. Berlin, 1914. 9082. e. 30. Erhardt (M.) Im Ballon vor dera Feinde. pp. 80. Stuttgart, 1918. 9083. a. 46. Fendrich (A.) An Bord. Kriegserlebnisse bei der schwimmenden und fliegenden Wehr- macht Deutschlands. pp.140. Stuttgart, igi6. 9082. df. 43. Hagemann (C) Mit der fliegenden Division. pp. 169. Miinchen, 191 5. 9083. dc. 14. Mueller-Heim (G.) Im Flugzeuge gegen England, pp. 124. Leipzig, 19 15. 09083. bb. 42. Zej^iyelins. Campbell (E.) Zeppelins: the past and future. pp. 43. St. Albans, 1918. 09082. d. 67. Military and Naval History. — The War by Air.— German Air Forces ~ conlhiued. England. Appendix. Zeppliiie iiber England. pp. 151. Berlin, 1916. 9084. e. 13. Graves (A. K.) Zeppelins and the German War Machine, pp. 24. Werner Laurie, 1915. 8827. aaa. 42. Hearne (R. p.) Zeppelins and Super-Zeppelins. pp. 158. J. Lane, 19 16. 08768. cc. 59. HuRD (A. S.) Submarines and Zeppelins in Warfare and Outrage, pp. 22. Sir J. Causton, 1916. 09083. a. 54. BESAN90N (G.) Les " Zeppehns." pp. 43. 191 5. [Pages Actuelles.] W.P. 282,5/24. Gbmmingen( von) Baron. Das Zeppelinschiff zur See. pp. 40. Berlin, 19 14. [Meereskunde. Jahrg. 8. Heft 6.] Ac. 6076/3. Juenke (A.) Zep])eliu im Weltkriege. pp. 224. Leipzig, 1916. 09083. c. 5. Swede. The Achievements of the Zeppelins. pp. 16. T. Fisher Unwin, 19 16. 16°. 9083. df. 1. Treusch von Buttlar-Brandenpels (A. W.) Baron. Airship Attacks on England, pp. 36. J. Selwyn, 19 19. 9083. a. 19. United States Air Forces. Mixter (G. W.) and Emmons (H. H.) U.S. Army Aircraft Production Facts, pp. 106. Washington, 19 19. A.S. 573/15. Molter (B. a.) Knights of the Air. pp. 243 N.Y., 1918. 09082. d. 21. Drake (V.) Above the Battle. Experiences of an airman, pp. 322. N.Y., 1918. 09082. d. 14. Hall (J. N.) High Adventure, pp. 232. Constable, 1918. 9082. b. 3. MacConnell (J. R.) Flying for France. With the American escadrille at Verdun, pp. 157. N.Y., 191 7. 09082. a. 91. Roberts (E. M.) A Flying Fighter : an American above the hnes in France, pp. 338. A^ 1'., 1918. 09083. c. 29. Walcott (B. S.) Above the French Lines. Letters of S. Walcott, American aviator. pp. 93. Princeton, 19 18. 09083. c. 65. Other Countries. ViSENTiNi (P. U.) La guerra nell' aria. Cid chc dovrebbe fare 1' Italia per I'offesa e per la difesa. pp. 140. Napoli, 19 16. 08768. cc. 56. Roustam-Bek (B.) Aerial Russia : the romance of the Giant Aeroplane, pp. 154. J. Lane, 191 6. 08768. cc. 62. ARMIES. General Works. Jonas (L. H.) Facsimiles of books of sketches of the Allied Armies. Paris, 191 5, etc. fol. Print Room. Nauck (0.) Der Militarismus Deutschlands und der Entente in bildlicher Darstellung. pp. 15. Leijizig, 19 18. 08027. f. 64. G6MEZ Carrillo (E.) La gesta de la legion. Los voluntarios espaiioles e hispanoamericanos en la guerra. pp. 260. Madrid, 19 18. 9082. aaa. 13. Falls (De W. C.) Army and Navy Information. Uniforms, Organization, Arms and Equipment of the warring powers, pp. 195. AM'., 191 7. 8828. eee. 13. Descovich (E.) Waffen des Weltkrieges. pp.271. IKten, 1918. 9083. bb. 13. 30 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1018. Military and Naval History.— Armies. — General Works — coniinned DonLixG (H. T.) Ribbons and Medals of the Croat War. jip. 35. G. Philip, 1920. 9917. bb. 22. Vi(;nivUON (H.) Les applications de la physique pendant la cucrie. pp. 322. 1919. 08709. aa. 26. HiLDESHEiM (E.) ]Med Staalnerver. Motor- folkene i Verdenskrigen paa Jorden, Vandet og i Luften. pp. 171. Kobenhavn, 1915. 09082. aaa. 12. LuEDERSDORFF (H.) Die Maschinen des Welt- krieges. pp. 128. Berlin, 191 7. 08821. b. 4. ScHWARTE (M.) Die Technik im Weltkriegc. pp. 610. Berlin, 1920. 09083. dd. 8. VoivENEL (P. J. L. M.) and Martin (P.) La Guerre des Gaz. pp. 276. 1919. 09083. a. 20. Strategy. General. European War. Was lehrte uns bisher der Weltkrieg militarisch Neues ? jip. 48. Berlin, 1915. 9082. g. 12. Feyler (F.) Problemes de strategic tires de la Guerre europeenne. pp. 282. Lausanne, 191 8. 8822. b. 32. Johnson (D. W.) Topography and Strategy in the War. pp. 211. .Y.F., 1917. 9081. eee. 37. Freytag-Loringhoven (H. F. P. J. von) Baron. Folgerungen aus dem Weltkriege. pp. 106. Berlin, 19 17. 09082. cc. 59. Heerfiihrung im Weltkriege. Vergleichcnde Studien. Berlin, 1920, etc. W.P. 5198. Gardiner (J. B. W.) and Ybarra (T. Y.) How the War was lost and won. The Grand Strategy of the High Commands. 1920. [Harjier's Pic- torial Library of the World War.] 9084. g. 10/2. Generalstaebler. Kritik des Weltkrieges. pp. 246. 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Berlin, 1920. 09084. b. 17. De Marchi (R.) Per 1' Italia in armi nel jire- sente e nell' avvenire. pp. 208. Torino, 19 16. 8828. bbb, 43. Military and Naval History. —Armies. -Strategy— crt«//»((e(/. Stockbridge (F. p.) Yankee Ingenuity in the War. pp. 372. N.Y., 1920. 09082. aaa. 23. Enemy Strategy. Francois (H. C. B. von) Marneschlaeht und Tannenberg. Betrachtungen zur deutschen Kriegsfuhrung der ersten sechs Kriegswochen. pp. 296. Berlin, 1920. 09084. c. 18. Strecker (C. M. W.) Von Hannibal zu Hindenburg. Studien iiber Hindenburgs Strategie. pp. 52. Berlin, 19 15. 8831. g. 6. Moraht (E.) Tage des Krieges. Militarische und politische Betrachtungen, 1914—1916. Berlin, 1916. 9084. g. 16. Macfall (C. H. C.) Germany at Bav. pp. 319. Cassell, 19 1 7. ■ 08027. ee. 6. FRANgois (C. C. von) Zusammenbruch grosser Heere, erlautert an einem kriegsgeschicht- lichen Beispiel. pp. 56. Berlin, 1919. 9083. bb. 37. Gleich (F. M. G. von) Die alte Arraee und ihre Verirrungen. pp. 100. Leipzig, 19 19. 8830. d. 30. LucKWALDT (F.) Ursachen und Lehren des Zusammenbruches. pp. 20. Danzig, 19 19. 08028. h. 14. (11.) Steinhausen (G.) Die Grundfehler des Krieges und der Generalstab. 2>p. 43. Gotha, 19 19. 09082. bb. 53. Gemeiner. Der Etappensumpf. Dokumente des Zusammenbruchs des deutschen Heeres aus den Jahren 1916/1918. pp. 29. Jena, 1920. 09082. bb. 76. Krauss (A.) Die Ursachen unserer Niederlage. Erinnerungen und Urteile aus dem Weltkrieg. pp. 326. Munchen, 1920. 09084. bb. 8. Lehaiann (C.) Ludendorffs Schuld an der niili- tarischen Katastrophe. pp. 32. Leipzig, 1920. 09084. c. 13. Minarelli Fitzgerald (A.) Der Anfang voni Ende. Osterreich-Ungarns Niederbruch, 1914. pp. 122. Leipzig, 1920. 09082. b. 63. Armies of the Allied Nations. Great Britain and Ireland. General Works : Administration. Hay (Ian) The First Hundred Thousand. pp.342. Blackwood, ic,is. 9083. gg. 16. R., P. L'Effort anglais, pp.65. 191s- 9081. de. 2. Cazamian (L.) Les forces britanniques. pp. 14. Londres, 1916. 09083. a. 62. Churchill (Rt. Hon. W. L. S.) The Fighting Line : two speeches, pp. 32. 3Iacmillan, 191 6. 08027. aaa. 73. PuAUX (R.) L'armee anglaise sur le continent, pp. 108. 1916. 12°. 09082. aa. 60. Breyer (V.) Les Flandres en kliaki : notes de guerre d'un interprete fran^ais a l'armee bri- tannique. pp. 103. 1917. 09082. cc. 44. Cravath (P. D.) Great Britain's Part. Ob- servations of an American visitor to the British Army in France at the beginning of the third year of the war. pp. 127. N.Y., 19 1 7. 9082. df. 44. European War. Grosser-Britanniens Heer- fahrt. pp.48. 191 7. 09084. aa. 30. Fisher (P. J.) Khaki Vignettes, pp. 138. J. Johnson, ic)i-j. 09083. c. 16. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1818. 31 Military and Naval History. Armies. — Great Britain and Ireland -I'dntiimoh Fox (F.) Tlie British Army at War. pp. 143. Fisher Uiiwin, 19 17. 9082. do. 45. (iuANDE (J.) Grossbritannien mid scin Hcer. ])p. 139. Zurich, 191 7. 09082. bb. 63. Hay (Ian) Carrying On. pp. 31(). Blackwood, 1917". 09083. aaa. 72. Log AX (I.) On the King's Service : inward gHm})ses of Men at Arms. pp. 141. Hodder cO SloiKjhton, 19 17. 09082. cc. 35. Urville (.J. d') " La muprisable petite armee." L'effort militaire de FAnglcterre. ])p. 39. 1917. " 08027. bb. 42. RuFFiN (H.) and Tudesq (A.) The Square Jaw. Sketches of the British Armies on the Western Front, pp. 103. Nelson cO Sons, 1918. 9081. c. 32. Smith (Rodney). Your Boys. pp. 91. Hodder d; Stoughton, 191 8. 9083. aa. 17. Keir {Sir J. L.) A Soldier's Eye-View of our Armies, pp. 245. J. Murray, 19 19. 8836. b. 1. P^NGLAND. Artny. G.H.Q., Montreuil-sur-Mer. pp. 306. P. Allan db Co., 1920. 9082. bbb. 43. Recruiting, Conscription, Demobilisa- tion, Disablement, Pensions. European War. A Collection of English Official Posters for recruiting purposes and for financial objects. 1914, etc. fol. A.R. 95. A Collection of Municipal and Local Posters for recruiting purposes or financial objects. 19 14, etc. fol. A.R. 95. Kitchener (H. H.) Earl Kitchener. Facsimile of Lord Kitchener's Letter of 10th May 1915, appealing for Recruits. B. Tuck, 19 16. 4°. K.T.C. 40. b. 14. Rye (W.) The Great War. Statistics of recruiting in East & North Norfolk. ])p. 15. Norwich, 191 7. 9081. e. 36. England. Central Tribunal appuinlcd under t/te Military Service Act, 1916. Report, pp. 40. 19 1 9. 08028. f. 3. Benjamin (H.) Joining the Army. All about the new Military Service Act. pp. 16. Daily Mail, 1916. 6875. df. 47. Graham (S.) A Private in the Guards, pp. 356. Macniillan, 1919. 09082. c. 43. \ViLLiAMS (A. F. B.) Raising and Training the New Armies, pp. 312. Constable, 191 8. 09083. c. 37. England. Parliament. The Parliamentary Histf)ry of Conscrii)tion in Great Britain, pp. 367. Allen <£• Unwin, ic)!"]. 08139. aaa. 10. London. No-Conscription Fellowship. The CO. '3 Hansard : a weekly report of Parlia- mentary Proceedings relating to Conscientious Objectors. 1916, ete. W.P. 3811. Angell (N.) Why Freedom Matters, pp. 60. Nat. Council for Civil Liberties, 191 7. 8139. c. 34. Price (T.) Crucifiers and Crucified, pjj. 163. Alvechurch, 1920. 8425. tt. 14. Hayler (G. H.) The case of G. H. Hayler, a Conscientious Objector. Police Court i)ro- ceedings. pp. 4. 19 16. 6125. aaa. 1. (2.) Military and Naval History.— Armies. — Great Britain and Ireland — caniiuucd. Hayler (M. H. C.) The case of M. H. C. Hayler, a Conscientious Objector. 2 i)t. 1916. 6125. aaa. 1. (1.) Mead (F.) Judgment of Mr. F. Mead on the prosecution of Mr. H. C. Woods under the Military Service Act, 1916. pp. 14. Veale, Chifferiel 875. bb. 32. Gerds (D. N.) The A B C of Pensions, pp. 80. Comrades of the Great ]Var, 1920. 08821. a. 104. Gorman (B. M. P.) War Pensions Handbook. pp. 57. Newport, 19 19. 08282. aaa. 22. HOGGE (J. M.) Pensions, Allowances, Civil Liabilities : a handbook, pp. 24. Daily Mail, 1916. 6875. e. 49. and Garside (T. H.) AVar Pensions and Allowances, pp. 463. Hodder cfc Stoughton, 191S. 08285. aaa. 47. Macdonald (H. T.) What is Due to Me ? A handy compendium of information on Pensions, pp. 57. Daili/ Herald, 1919. 8826. b. 48. Regimental Records. Whates (H. R.) Midland Regiments in France. pp.58. Birmingham, igi J. 09082. aaa. 4. Jones (G. H.) The Brilliant Record of the Welsh Regiments. pp. 12. London Welsh Stage Society, igi-j. 09082. bb. 15. Vivian (E. C. H.) With the Scottish Regiments at the Front, pp. 182. 19 14. [Daily Telegraph War Books.] 9085. de. 1/27. England. Army. Our Heroic Highlanders. Gale (b Polden, 1916. 4°. 8821. aa. 10. Catto (A.) With the Scottish Troops in France. pp. 83. Aberdee7i, 191 8. 4°. 9083. g. 47. Seton {Sir B. G.) Bart., and Grant (J.) The Pipes of War. A record of the achievements of Pipers of Scottish and Overseas Regiments during the War. pp. 291. Glasgow, 1920. 9081. if. 9. Kerr (S. P.) What the Irish Regiments have done. pp. 201. Fisher Unwin, 1916. 09076. ff. 37. MacDonagh (M.) the Younger. The Irish at the Front, pp. 158. Hodder & Stoughton, 19 16. 09076. gg. 17. Lavery (F.) Irish Heroes in the War. pp.335. Everett cfc Co., 1917. 9081. e. 23. Macdonagh (M.) The Irish on the Somme. Being the second series of " The Irish at the Front." pp. 197. Hodder cfc Stoughton, 191 7. 09082. a. 79. Military and Naval History. Armies. —Great Britain and Ireland— wnfmue*?. Foster (A. E. M.) The National Guard in the Great War, 1914-1918. pp. 303. 1920. 4°. 9082. h. 45. HuRD (P. H.) The fighting Territorials. pp.168. ''Gauntry Life," igis- 9083. de. 34. Smith {Sir Berry C.) Territorials in Mhow and Mesopotamia, pp. 169. 1920. 4°. 9081. f. 6. England. Army. Officers' Training Corps. Record of War Service 1914-1918. pp. 239. Cambridge, 19 19. 08364. de. 1. London. Central Association Volunteer Training Corps. The Volunteer Force during the Great War. Official record, pp. 63. P. S. King, 1920. 09083. aa. 23. Adler (M.) The Jews of the Empire and the Great War. pp. 15. 1919. 04033. g. 8. BiBiKov (M.) Our Indians at Marseilles. pp. 159. Smith, Elder evonport, 1916. 16°. 8826. aa. 63. England. Army. Infantry. The 11th Batta- lion Gordon Highlanders, 1914-1916. pp. 115. 19 1 6. 09082. b. 22. Stevens (F. E.) The Battle Story of the Hamp- shire Regiment, pp. 65. Southamj)ton, 1920. 09083. dd. 27. England. Army. Infantry. 2/4 Battalion, Hampshire Regiment, 1914-1919. pp. 68. 1920. 09083. dd 15. Special Order by Col. The Earl of Den- bigh, commanding the Honourable Artillery Company, pp. 16. 19 19. 9083. £f. 37. Brown (W. Sorley) War Record of the 4th Bn. King's Own Scottish Borderers and Lothians and Border Horse, pp. 215. Galashiels, 1920. 9084. g. 13. Goss (J.) A Border Battalion. The history of the 7/8th Battalion, King's Own Scottish Bbrderers. pp. 366. Edinburgh, 1920. 9083. bbb. 37. BiGwooD (G.) The Lancashire Fighting Terri- torials, pp. 163. ^''Country Life,''' 19 16. 09082. aa. 61. Floyd (T. H.) At Ypres with Best-Dunkley, of the 2/5th Lancashii-e Fusiliers, pp. 234. J. Lane, 1920. 9083. bbb. 43. Thompson (E. J.) The Leicestershires beyond Baghdad, pp. 156. Epworth Press, 19 19. 09082. bbb. 10. WuRTZBUKG (C. E.) The History of the 2/6th Battalion " The King's " (Liverpool Regiment) 1914-1919. pp. 368. Aldershot, 1920. 9081. f. 7. England. Army. Infantry. The London Irish Rifles, 18th Battalion London Regiment T.F. Its work at the Front, pp. 8. 19 16. 16°. 9082. df. 61. PoTTON (E.) A Record of the United Arts Rifles, 1914-1919. pp. 92. 1920. 4°. 9083. h. 31. England. Army. Infantry. The Manchesters since their formation ; with a record of the honours and casualties of the War of 1914-16. pp. 179. Picture Advertising Co., 1916. 8829. aaa. 50. Westropp (H. C. E.) To Manchester : a tribute to her great Regiment, pp. 48. Manchester, 1920. 9084. df. 9. Kempster (F.) and Westropp (H. C. E.) Manchester City Battalions of the 90th & 91st Infantry Brigades. Book of Honour, pp. 770. Manchester, 1916. 9083. g. 30. Wilson (S. J.) The Seventh Manchesters, July 1916 to March 1919. pp. 161. Manchester Univ. Press, 1920. 09083. a. 69. Military and Naval History. — Armies. — Great Britain and Ireland — continued. RiCKARD (L.) Tlie Story of the Munsters at Etreux, Festubert, Rue du Bois and Hulluch. pp. 116. Hodder <£• Stoughton, 1918. 9082. aa. 4. Callin (R. W.) When the Lantern of Hope Burned Low. The story of the l/4th North- umberland Fusiliers (T.F.) during the German offensives of March, April, May, 1918. pp. 87. Hexham, 19 19. 4°. 9082. cc. 10. PiCKFORD (P.) War Record of the l/4th Bat- talion Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, pp. 127. Banbury, 1919. 9084. e. 3. Rose (G. K.) The Story of the 2/4th Oxford- shire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, pp. 226. Oxford, 1920. 09082. d. 42. Hanna (H.) The Pals at Suvla Bay : being the record of " D " Company of the 7th Royal Dublin Fusiliers, pp.243. Dublin, igij. 4°. 9082. g. 38. England. Army. Infantry. The History of the Royal Fusiliers University and Public Schools Brigade, pp.128. The Times, igi-j. 4°. 9083. g. 40. Ward (F. W.) The 23rd Battalion Royal Fusiliers. A record of its services in the Great War. pp. 166. Sidgwick db Jackson, 1920. 09084. c. 7. England. Army. Infantry. Report of the Jewish Regiment, 38th, 4th Battns., Royal Fusiliers, pp. 18. 19 19. 09082. d. 51. Unveiling and Dedication of Memorial to the Leith Battalion, the 7th Royal Scots, who lost their lives in the Railway disaster at Gretna. Leith, 1916^ 4°. 1879. c. 1. (162.) Sutherland (D.) War Diary of the Fifth Seaforth Highlanders, 51st (Highland) Division, pp. 179. J. Lane, 1920. 09083. bb. 68. England. Army. Infantry. The Sherwood Foresters in the Great War, 1914-1919. Nottingham, 1920, etc. W.P. 5730. Gerring (C.) A Record of the early Volunteer Movement, and of the Notts Volunteer Regi- ment (The Sherwood Foresters) 1914-1919. pp. 68. Nottingham, 1920. 8825. dd. 22. Meakin (W.) The 5th North StafEords and the North Midland Territorials, the 46th and 59th Divisions, 1914-1919. pp. 175. 1920. 9083. dd. 10. MissEN (L. R.) The History of the 7th Ser. Bn., Prince of Wales's North Staffordshire Regi- ment, 1914-1919. pp. 140. Cambridge, 1920. 9083. bbb. 45. Beauman (A. B.) With the 38th in France and Italy, from September, 1916, to May. 1918. pp. 48. Lichfield, 1919. 09083. a. 41. Jervis (S. J.) The South Staffordshire Regi- ment. The work of the Care Committee, October, 1914, to January, 1919. pp. 85. Cole d: Co., 1919. 8822. bb. 32. Magnus (L.) The West Riding Territorials in the Great War. pp. 324. Kegan Paul, 1920. 09083. b. 29. Fisher (.J. J.) History of the Duke of Welling- ton's West Riding Regiment during the first three Years of the great War. pp. 152. Halifax, 19 18. 08821. bb. 1. Bales (P. G.) The History of the l/4th Bat- tahon, Duke of Wellington's Regiment, 1914- 1919. pp. 314. Halifax, 1920. 09083. dd. 9. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 35 Military and Naval History.— Armies. — Great Britain and Ireland — coulimd'l. ^VHITE (W. L.) Records of the East Yorkshire Volunteer Force, 1914-1919. pp. 82. Hull, 1920. 9083. dd. 9. Legard (Sir J. D.) The iVorth Riding of York- shire Volunteers, 1914-1919. pp. 9."). York, 1 9 19. 08821. de. 83. Sparling (R. A.) History of the 12th Service BattaHon, York & Lancaster Regiment. pp.143. Sheffield, ic,2o. 08821. c. 14. England. Army. Infantry. l/8th BattaUon the Worcestershire Regiment, 1914-1918. pp. 34. War Xarratives Publishing Co., 1919. 4°. 9082. dd. 36. Labour Corps. Men. Tlie Men who Tidy \x\). By one who has served in a British Labour BattaUon. pp. 15. Fisher Unwin, 19 17. 9081. eee. 15. Machine Gun Corps. England. Army. Through Palestine with the Twentieth Machine Gun Squadron, pp. 179. 1920. 9082. c. 32. History and Memoir of the 33rd Battalion Machine Gun Corps and of the 19th, 98th, 100th and 248th M.G. Companies, pp. 118. WaterlowBros.,i()iq. 4°. 9081. h. 29. Supiply Services. Marcosson (I. F.) The Business of War. The A.S.C. pp. 213. J. Lane, 1918, 09082. d. 30. HODY (E. H.) With " The Mad 17th " to Italy, pp. 159. Allen A Unwin, 1920. 09082. c. .55. Horn (G. M.) The History 1915-1919, of Group n. City of London R.A.S.C, M.T.(V.), popularly known as the M.T.V. pp. 46. 191 9. 9082. c. 4. Epstein (H. A.) The History of 376 H.A.M.T. Companv, R.A.S.C. pp. 31. 1919- 09083. a. 11. Tank Corps. DuTiL (L.) Les Chars d'Assaut et leur role pendant la Guerre. Nancy, 1919. Foster (W.) and Co. development, pp. 90. leur creation pp. 287. 9082. dd. 32. The Tank, its birth & Lincoln, 1920. obi. 8°. 9082. f. 51. Fuller (J. F. C.) Tanks in the Great War, 1914-1918. pp. 331. J. Murray, 1920. 09082. d. 46. Stern {Sir A. G.) Tanks, 1914-1918. pp. 297. Hodder tfc Stoughton, 19 19. 09082. c. 46. SwiNTON (E. D.) The Tanks, pp. 22. L. U. Gill, 19 1 7. 09082. d. 70. Ellis (C. W.) and (A. W.) The Tank Corps. pp. 288. " Country Life," 1919. 9084. f. 1. England. Army. Narrative History of "G" and 7th Tank Battalion, 1919. pp. 35. Aldershot, 19 19. 9083. a. 37. Regimental Magazines. England. Army. The Cologne Post : a daily paper published b}^ the Army oi the Rhine. Cologne, 19 19, etc. fol. P.P. 9529. e. The Palestine News. The weekly news- paper of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Cairo, 1918, 19. fol. P.P. 9101. ah. England. Army. Western Command Terri- torial Depot. The Command Gazette. Manchester, 1^16, etc. 4". P.P. 4039. wko. l^^GLAND. Army. 23rrf Dicision. The Dump. i9i5,eany. The Sou' Wester. 1916, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wle. London Electrical Engineers, No. 2 Com- jmny. The Searchlight. Gravesend, 191 5, etc. P.P. 4039. wla. London Electrical Engineers, No. 3 Com- pany. The Arc. Dover, 1916, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wlc. London Electrical Engineers, No. 5 Com- piany. The Eclipse. Cork, 19m, e^c. 4°. P.P. 4039. wlb. Signal Company, 3rd Section. Stray Shots. 191 6, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wbo. Lowland Signallers'' Company. White and Blue. Jaffa, igi8, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wbm. Southern Signal Company. Sparklets. 1916, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wbl. England. Army. Magazines of Unspecified Units. The Buzzer. 191 7, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wbo. (3.) Infantry. England. Army. Argyll and Sutherland High- landers. " The Dud." On Active Service, 1916, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wbk. Bedfordshire Regiment, \st Battalion. The Mudlark. In the Trenches, 19 16, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. M'bd. Bedfordshire Regiment, Ath Battalion. The Hart. Clacton-on-Sea, 1916, etc. 4°. ' P.P. 4039. wic Military and Naval History.— Armies. — Great Britain and Ireland — ronfinned. England. Army. Cambridgeshire Regiment, Territorial Battalions. Cambridgeshire Terri- torial Gazette. Cambridge, 1916, etc. P.P. 4039. wkr. Cheshire Regiment. The Oak Tree. Chester, 1915, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. kbb. Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 5th Battalion. The Galoot. Sittingbourne, 19 15, etc. P.P. 4039. wke. Duke of CornivalVs Light Infantry, 6th Battalion. The Red Feather. Godalming, 19 14, etc. P.P. 4039. odb. Duke of CornwalVs Light Infantry, 9th Battalion. The. 9th D.C.L.I. Annual. Falmouth, 19 14, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wid. Durham Light Infantry, dth Battalion. The " Whizz Bang." Darlington, 1916, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wb. Gloucestershire Regiment, 5th Battalion. 5th Gloucester Gazette. On Active Service, 1915, etc. fol. P.P. 4039. waa. Irish Guards, 2nd Battalion. The Morning Rire. On Active Service, 1915, etc. fol. P.P. 4039. wa. Hampshire Regiment, 2/lth Battalion. The 2/7 Hampshires Regimental Journal. Trimulgherry, 1916, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wks. Highland Light Infantry, \lth Battcdion. The OutiDost. Troon, 1915, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. laa. Honourable Artillery Company, 2nd Batta- lion. The Billet Doux. Wimbledon, 191 5, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wkf. Huntingdonshire Cyclist Battalion. The Huntingdonshire Cyclist Battalion " Gazette." Bridlington, 1914, etc. P.P. 4039. wna. Lancashire Fusiliers. The Minden Maga- zine. 1915, c«c. 4°. P.P. 4039. wda. Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. Carry- On : the Trotters' Journal. Ashford, 1916, etc. fol. P.P. 4039. wgb. King's (Liverpool Regiment), 13th Battalion. The Swell. Manchester, 191 6, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wba. London Regt., Qth City of London Rifles. The Castironical. Salisbury, igi6, etc. fol. P.P. 4039. Avgd. London Regt., ISth-lGth Battalions. The Grey Brigade and others. London Scottish. Civil Service. Kensingtons. Queen's West- minsters, no. 1-32. March-Dec. 1915. Dorking, 19 15. fol. P.P. 4039. wgc. London Regt., 21st Battalion. First Surrey Rifles. The F.S.R.A. monthly magazine. OjiActive Service, igis, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wca. London Regt., 2/21st Battalion. The Two Asuwere. Bishop's Stortford, 191 5, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wki. London Regiment, 24th (County of London) Battalion (The Queen s). " The Braganza." On Active Service, igi6, etc. 4^. P.P. 4039. wbe. — — London Regt., Artists' Rifles. Dicksey Scrapings : no. 5. April 17, 1915. At the Front, 1915. 4°. P.P. 4039. wed. — — London Regiment. London Rifle Brigade, 1st Battalion, Transport Section. The " Old Doings." 19 18, etc. P.P. 4039. wkp. (5.) EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 37 Military and Naval History.- — Great Britain and Ireland - -Armies. -(■(iittiiiiiiil. P.P. 4039. wco. Battalion. The 4^^. P.P. 4039. wkn. Battalion. The P.P. 9100. c. England. Army. London Regt., Queen Victoria's Rifles, 3rd Battalion. Poison Gas. Salisbury, uji6, etc. P.P. 4039. wkp. Middlesex Regt. " Fall In." 1915, e. 68. Jarrolds, 19 17. 4°. 9083. h. 16. Allen (S. S.) Auckland. 1918 : being a partial record of the war service in France of the 2/ Auckland Regiment during the War. pp. 188. Auckland, 1920. 9083. bbb. 31. Regimental Magazines. New Zealand. New Zealand Contingent, B.E.F. Chronicles of the N.Z.E.F. 1916, e Boo^, iriS 9083. ee 21 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 41 Military and Naval History.— Armies. — France — nuitliini'il. DuTREB (M.) and Uranier de Cassagnac (P. A. de) Mangiu. ^jp. 252. 1920. 10(557. aa. 14. Mobilisation, Pensions, Disablement. FouGEROL(H.) 1914-1916. Condition civil des Mobilises. pp. 132. 1916. [Legislation de Guerre, no. IG.] W.P. 337(V1«- Maurras (C.) La part du combattant. pp. 126. 1917. 0828.5. aa. 31. Lassudrie-Duchene (G.) Les pensions de la guerre d'apres la loi du 31 Mars 1919 et les lois anterieures. pp. 271. 1919. 5408. de. 19. Meunier (P.) Les Conseils de guerre : les tribunaux militaires jiendant la guerre, pp. 279. 1919. 8051. de. 48. Valentino (C. L.) Militaires blesses et in- firmes. Reformes, gratifications et pensions, 1914-1918. pp. 220. 1918. [Legislation de Guerre. no. 20.] W.P. 3376/20. BouRRiLLON ( ) Comment reeduquer nos invalides de la guerre, pp. 188. 19 16. 08248. a. 29. Brieux (E.) Nos soldats aveugles. pp. 34. 1 91 6. 8308. aa. 45. Brissac (E.) Le probleme des mutiles de la guerre, pp. 58. Lyon, 1916. 08355. e. 4. Paeuw (L. de) La reeducation professionnelle des soldats mutiles et estropies. pp. 245. 19 1 7. 0828.5. aaa. 13. Paris. Le Droit pendant la guerre : guide juridique et pratique pour les families des victimes de la guerre et leurs conseils. pp. 216. 1916. 5408. de. 13. Grinberg (S.) Les Droits des veuves et des orphelins de guerre, pp. 126. 1916. 5408. de. 15. Regimental Records. Regnattlt (C. L. J.) La 3" Division d'infanterie, aout 1914. pp. 300. 1920. 09082. aaa. 32. Boucheron (G.) L'Assault. L'Argonne et Vauquois avec la 10. division, 1914-15. pp.256. 191 7. 09082. bbb. 52. Dartein (T. M. F. de) La 56° division au feu. pp. 200. Na7icy, 191 9. 9083. bb. 33. Humbert ( ) Capitaine. La division Barbot. pp. 245. 1919. 9083. bb. 40. PuYPERoux (R. M. B.) La 3""= Division Colo- niale, 1914-1919. pp. 232. 1919. 9082. dd. 35. Nouaillac (J.) Le Six-Trois au feu : historique du 63'- Regiment d'infanterie. pp. 279. 19 19. 9082. c. 3. Du Plessis (J.) Le regiment rose. Histoire du 265' d'infanterie, 1914-1919. pp. 223. 1920. 9083. bbb. 27. Guitton (G.) La poursuite victorieuse, 26 spetembre — II novembre 1918. Avec un Regiment de I'armee Gouraud, le 41.5" d'infan- terie. pp. 256. 191 9. 09083. a. 16. Thomas (L.) Les Diables bleus, les Chasseurs a jjied et Chasseurs alpins, pendant 1914-16. pp. 412. 1916. 09082. aa. 6. Le Goffic (C.) Dixmude : the epic of the French Marines, pp. 179. Heinemann, 1916. 09076. gg. 69. Le Bail (G.) La brigade des Jean le Gouin : histoire documentaire et anecdotique des Fusilier. s-Marins de Dixmude. pp.338. 191 7. 09083 aaa 30. Military and Naval History.— Armies. — France - ri}i(tiii n<:d. Le Goffic (C.) Steenstraete : un deuxieme chapitre de I'histoire des Fusiliers Marina, lOnov. 1914— 20 janv. 1915. pp.308. 1917. 09082. d. 6. Saint-Georges et Nieuport. Les derniers chapitres de I'histoire des Fusiliers Marins, 25 novembre 1914 — 6 dccembre 1915. pp. 302. 1919. 908.3. bbb. 21. Delvert (C. L.) Histoire d'une compagnie, novembre 1915 — juin 191(). pp. 294. 1918. 9081. de. 39 DoRGELES (R.) Les Croix de Bois, 1914-18. pp. 344. 1919. 012547. aa. 12. Ren6 (H.) Jours de gloire, jours de misere. Histoire d'un bataillon. pp.218. 1917. 09082. bbb. 68. BoussENOT (G.) La France d'Outre-Mer participe a la Guerre, pp. 96. 19 16. 9083. f. 17. BocQUET (L.) and Hosten (E.) Un fragment de I'epopee senegalaise. Les tirailleurs noirs sur i'Yser. pp. 63. Bru.velles, 19 18. 9082. aa. 24. S^CH]e; (A.) Les Noirs, d'apres des documents officiels. pp. 256. 19 19. 09083. cc. 27. Poinsot (M. C.) Au service de la France. Les Volontaires etrangers de 1914. pp 75. 1915. 9083. gg. 6. Coletti (G.) Peppino Garibaldi e la Legione Garibaldina. pj). 142. Bologna, 19 15. 9083. f. 1. Russian Volunteers. Ki Kaann pyccKiixb BO.iOHTepoBi BO i)aHuiii. pp. 31. 'ilieueua, 1915. 09082. aa. 3. Hervier (P. L.) Les Volontaires americains dans les rangs allies, pp. 338. 19 17. 09082. bbb. 63. Regimental Magazines. JouRNAUx. Tons les .Journaux du Front, pt. 1. 1915. 9081. ff. 15. Chapelle (P.) and Drouilly (J. G.) Les ficrivainsde la tranchee, 1914-1918. Extraits des journaux du front, pp. 197. Nancy, 1920. 011851. a. 27. France. Army. 7i' Demi-Brigade. Le Canard deBoyau. 1915, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. y. (3.) 117' Regiment d'Lnfanterie. Le Klaxon, lOjuin, 1916. 1916. fol. P.P. 4039. yc. (2.) 120- Bataillon de Chasseurs. Le " Court." no. 1, 11. 1915, 16. 4^. P.P. 4039. y. 144'' Regiment d'infanterie. L'Echo Guitounes. .En Campagne, 191 5, etc. fol. P.P. 4039. 227' Regiment d'infanterie. La Bourgui- gnotte. Organedes poilus de la Woevre joyeuse, en general, et du 227" de la ligne, en ])articulier. Dijon, ic,i6, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. yg. (2.) 267" Regiment d'infanterie. .Marmita. En Campagne, ic)is, etc. 4\ P.P. 4039. y. (2.) 296' Regiment d'infanterie. Le Midi au Front. ic)i6,etc. fol. P.P. 4039. yd. (1.) 342' Regiment d'infanterie Territoriale. Le Plus-que-torial. 1916, etc. 4*^. P.P. 4039. y. (8.) Chasseurs a Pied. Le Son du Cor, Oct. 191.5. 1915. P.P. 4039. yk. (2.) 120 (4.) des yg- 42 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. Military and Naval — France —roxtht ncd. Hi story. — Armies . FRA^X'E. Artny. Magazines of Unspecified Units. Le Crapouillot. Gazette poilue. 1917, c bi 4'6iicTByiouieii apMiii, flHBapb-liOHb 1915 r. pp. 193. UK, 1915. 9082. h. 21. KONDURUSHKIN (S. S.) 3a BOilHOil : OHCPKII BeJiiKoii CBponeiicKoii Boiiiibi, ABrycii 1914 r. — MapTi 1915 r. pp.277. /7?., 1915. 9083. f. 20. Kozel'sky (0.) 3anncKU OaTapeiinaro KOMaiunpa. Ui., i^i^,etc. W.P. 4517. Military and Naval History. — Armies. — Russia — continued. KrECHETOV (S.) Cl JKB-lliSOMT. Bb pyKaxTi, ci i;pecTOMT> Bi ccp4Mt. 3aniici>ii O'Umepa. pp. 156. ni., 1915. 9081. eee. 10. KsYUNiN (A.) Hapn,i-b na BOiiiit. pp. 242. III., 19 16. 9081. ee. 19. Kuemoyabov (I.) 'iTo iiiicajH uasaKaxb B^ BOiiny 1914-15 rr. pp. 136. Hi., 1915. 09082. bb. 6. MoROzov (N.) Ha Boiinfi. pp. 149. //?., 19 16. 09083. a. 2. Roxjstam-Bek (B.) Russia in Arms : a story of the Czar's troops, pp. 197. Nisbet ft- Co., 1916. 08821. de. 10. MoNKEViTS (N. A.) La decomposition de I'armee russe. pp. 225. 1919. 9083. bb. 7. HuRTZiG (P.) Russische Schreckensherrschaft in Ostpreussen. pp. 11. Schwerin, 1914. 9082. f. 35. Lemberg, in Galicia. Odezwy i rozporzadzenia z czasow okupacyi rosyjskiej Lwowa 1914- 1915. pp. 49. Lwdiv, 1916. 4°. 9082. g. 35. Serbia. L'lPiKO (I.) II3 Co.iyncKiix 6opun. pp. 162. Eeoipao, 1919. 09084. aa. 42. Fraccaroli (A.) La Serbia nella sua terza guerra. pp. 142. Milano, 1915. 9083. gg. 21. United States of America. General. Johnson (W. F.) America and the Great War. pp. 351. Philadelphia, 1917. 9081. e. 34. Broun (H.) The A.E.F. With General Pershing and the American forces, pp. 297. N.Y., 1 9 18. 09082. bbb. 56. Dawson (C. W.) Out to Win : the story of America in France, pp. 196. N.Y., 1918. 9082. aa. 12. Pineton de Chambrun (J. A.) and Marenches (C. C. M. de) L'armee americaine dans le conflit europeen. pp. 410. 1919. 9082. bbb. 29. The American Army in the European Conflict, pp.436. N.Y., igig. 09082. bb. 52. Reqttin (E. J.) La course de I'Amerique a la victoire : expose de I'effort militaire americain de 1917 a 1918. pp. 202. 1919. 09083. cc. 31. Sebh^lot (P. Y.) L'intervention decisive. L'effort fantastique de I'Amerique en guerre, 1917-1918. pp. 285. 1919. 09084. aa. 7. Ayres (L. p.) The War with Germany. A sta- tistical summary, pp. 154. Washington, 19 19. A.S. 611/3. Brizzolesi (V.) Gli Americani-Italiani alia Guerra. pp. 217. Milano, 19 19. 09083. bb. 40. Chase (J. C.) Soldiers All. Portraits and sketches of the men of the A.E.F. pp. 475. N.Y., 1920. 9083. dd. 3. Dekobra (M.) Sammy : volontaire americain. pp. 253. 19 1 8. 9082. aaa. 18. Greene (F. V.) Our First Year in the Great War. pp. 127. N.Y., 1918. 9082. b. 23. Hay (Ian) The Last MiUion. pp. 271. Hodder i-s. Documents rclatifs a la guerre. Rajjports et proces-vcrbaux. 9 pt. 1915-17. fol. 9084. cld. 1. L'AlIcmagnc ct lo droit des gens. Deuxienic rapport, pp. 31. 1915. 16°. 9083. df. 29. Les atrocites allemandes en France. Rapport, pp. 10. 191 5. fol. 1855. d. 0. Le Livre Rouge. liCs atrocites allemandes. Rapport, pp. 62. 19 15. 9083. e. 13. France. Mimstere des Affaires Etranxjeres. Les violations des lois de la guerre par I'Allemagne. pp. 228. 19 15. 9084. c. 11. Germany's Violation of the Laws of War. pp. 342. Ile'inemann, 191 5. 9082. ff. 19. Gomez Carrillo (E.) Campos de batalla y campos de ruinas. pp. 30G. Madrid, 1915. 9082. gg. 2. Among the Ruins, ^ip. 340. Heinemann, 19 15. 9082. gg. 8. Michel (A.) The Martyred Towns. Rheims, Soissons, SenHs, Arras, pp. 87. 1915. 9083. ee. 3. Morgan (.L H.) A Dishonoured Army. German atrocities in France, pp. 20. Spottiswoode, 1915. 9082. c. 27. German Atrocities : an official investiga- tion, pp. 128. Fisher Unwin, 1916. 0910. f. 10. Weston (J. L.) Germany's Crime against France, pp.27. D.Nutt, 1^1$. 09070.6.28. Vachon (M.) Les villes martjTes de France. pp.211. 1915. 9083. de. 4. France. Ministere des Affaires Etraiujeres. Les Allemands a Lille et dans le nord de la France. Note adressee par le Gouvernement de la Republique Frangaise au Gouvernements des Puissances Neutres. pp. 166. 1916. 9083. f. 28. ToYNBEE (A. J.) The German Terror in France, pp. 212. Hodder & Stoiujhton, 19 17. 09082. bb. 12. France. Appendix. Villes Jleurtries de France. 1918, etc. W.P. 5217. LAUcnLiN (C. E.) Tlie Martyred Towns of France, pp.469. N.Y., 1919. 010171. k. 28. Roger (N.) Terres devastees et cites mortes. pp. 221. 1919. 10^ 9084. e. 19. Thiery (M.) Le Nord de la France sous le joug allemand. pp. 230. 1919. 9083. bb. 30. P.P. Paris. Le .Journal des Rcgiie- liii.ineii^, a Taiuue no o+iiuia.ibin.iMb .lOKyMCBiiaMi. 2 pt. Ucmpoipads, 1(^1^. 9083. ff. 29. Russia. 'Ipesobi'ifiiinan c.inidcmomnaii icoMMUccin. Travaux. Eng., Fr. &, Buss. Pctrograd, i()is, etc. 4°. W.P. 4836. Serbia. Reiss (R. a.) The Kingdmu of Servia : infringements of the rules and laws of War committed by the Austro-Buigaro-Germans. pp. 128. Allen ct- Unwin, 1919. 9082. aaa. 19. Armenia. PixoN (R.) La suiJiiression des Armeiiiens. Methode alleraande. pp. 7.3. 1916. 08020. aa. 55. Africa. England. Parliament. Papers relating to German Atrocities and Breaches of the Rules of War in Africa. 19 16. N.R. 8306. England. Army. Egyptian Expeditionary Force. General Staff. German Attempts to suppress Islam in East Africa, ff. 7. Cairo, 1916. fol. 8156. g. 10. Miscellaneovis. Hope (A.) ^Militarism : German and British. pp. 6. Darling BoflHV 1914-15 rr. pp.186. Z/i., 1915. 09082. bb. 6. Russian Volunteers. Kt> Kasmi pyccKiixT. Bo.iOHTepoBi BO ^panijiH. pp.81. Xeneea, igic,. 09082. aa. 8. Saint Petersburg. Cuooe.ieecKiii KoMumems. Biopaa oieHecTBeHHaa Boiiiia no pascKasaMi ea repoesT). III., 1915, etc. W.P. 4898. Chukovsky (K.) .3aroBopii.Tii MO.iHaBiuie : aiir.iii- •lane II Boiiiia, pp.185. III., 1916. 9082. ee. 32. COLLECTIVE BIOGRAPHIES : HANDBOOKS AND DICTIONAEIES. Clutterbuck (L. a.) The Bond of Sacrifice : a biographical record of all British officers who fell in the Great War. vol. i. Anglo-African Publishing Contractors, 1916. fol. 9083. h. 37. Darnton (M. C.) War Makers and Peace Makers, pp. 406. N.Y., 1920. {Harper's Pictorial Library of the World War.^ 9084. g. 10/9. European War Who's Who in the War. pp. 16. E. J. Larby, 19 16. 10705. aaa. 48. Military and Naval History. — Collective Biographies : Handbooks and Diction- aries — continued. Jews. Jews among the Entente Leaders. pp. 35. R. Clay cfc Co., 19 1 5. 16°. 9082. "df. 5. Things to know about the War. pp. 159. Pearson, 1915. 8826. eee. 8. Natesan, Ganapati-Agrahdram. All About the War. pp. 440. Madras, 1915. 4°. 9082. h. 20. Wile (F. W.) " Who's Who " in Hunland. pp. 154. Simpkin cfc Co., 19 16. 09076. de. 87. Janson (R. a. von) Die Streitkrafte unserer Feinde. pp. 39. Berlin, 19 14. 9082. f. 29. Kriegslexikon. Kleines Kriegslexikon. pp. 61. Stuttgart, 19 14. 9082. df. 6. Wolff (P.) Heer mid Flotte unserer Feinde sowie der iibrigen fremden Machte. pp. 80. Oldenburg i. Gr., 19 15. 16°. 8826. aaa. 33. Steindorff (U.) Kriegstaschenbuch : ein Handlexikon iiber den Weltkrieg. pp. 346. Leipzig, 1916. 09082. a. 5.3. Fischer (P. B.) and Zuehlke (P.) Deutschland und der Weltkrieg. pp. 119. Leipzig, 1918. 09083. bb. 27. ROLLS OF HONOUR. England. Xary. The War : the Royal Navy, the Arm}'. Officers and men mentioned in despatches, and lists of honours and rewards. pt. I. 1915. 9084. cc. 4. England. Army. Lists. Officers Died in the Great War, 1914-1919. pp. 262. 1919. 9081. fl. 8. Soldiers Died in the Great War, 1914-19. 1920, etc. W.P. 5018. European War. The National Roll of the Great War, 1914-1918. National Publishing Co., 1920, etc. W.P. 5889. EUROPEAN WAP, 1914 1918. 57 Military and Naval History. — Rolls of Honour — nuitiiutciL England. Army. Lists. With the Colours : a list of Chartered and Incorporated Accountants and their Clerks Avho are serving with the British forces, 1914-1916. Gee db Co., igi6. 4°. 8824. i. 29. Sewell (E. H. D.) The Rugby Football Inter- nationals Roll of Honour, pp. 237. T. C. Jack, 1919. 4°. 10803. h. 17. Adcock (A. St. J.) For Remembrance. Soldier Poets who have fallen m the War. pp. 312. Hodder cfc Stoughton, 1920. 010803. f. 13. North Eastern Railway Company. Roll oT Honour and List of N.E.R. men serving in the Navy and Army. pp. 129. York, 1915. 4°. 8_235. f. 04. MoRRiss (H. F.) Bermondsey's "Bit" in the Greatest War. 19 19, etc. W.P. 3419. London. Alley n's School, Dulwich. Roll of Old Boys serving in H.M. Forces, pp. 20. Dulwich, 19 1 5. 83G6. c. 46. London. Imperial College of Science and Technology. Service List. 1915. 08365. i. 21. London. Linton House School. Linton House School. The Great War, 1914-1919. A Roll of Honour, pp. 11. 1920. 08364. g. 3. Scott (C. K.) List of the former scholars of the Ratcliff Settlement serving in the War. pp. 12. 191 7. 8364. aaaa. 34. London. Saint PauVs School. Names of Old Paulines who lost their lives in the War. pp. 30. 19 19. 08365. g. 40. London. University of London. Pro Patria, 1914-1916. pp. 64. 1916. 08365. k. 13. P.P. Reading. Reading Standard. Berkshire and the War. pp. 1014. Beading, 19 14-19. obi. fol. 9083. dd. 1. Birkenhead School. Memorials of Old Birkonians who fell in the Great W^ar. pp. 211. Liverpool, 1920. 4°. 8365. ff. 45. Birmingham. King Edward's School. Roll of Honour of Camp Hill Old Edwardians who took part in the War. pp. 16. Birmingham, 19 19. 8364. c. 92. Service Record of King Edward's School, Birmingham, durmg the War. pp. 200. Birmingham, 1920. 4°. 08364. ff. 3. Bournemouth School. Names of present and former members who served in H.M. Forces in the War. pp. 13. Bournemouth, 1920. 08364. ee. 3. Bowesfield. Bowesfield M'ar Fund. Souvenir Programme and Photographic Album of War Heroes and War W^orkers. Stockton-on-Tees, 191 7. obi. 8°. 10351. a. 72. Terbutt (L.) Petty Sessional Division of Cambridge. Roll of Service, pp. 81. Cambridge, 191 5. 8828. ee. 39. Ac. Cambridge. University of Cambridge. War Record of the Cambridge University Press, pp. 58. Cambridge, 1920. 010803. de. 3. D., E. K. A Brief Record of the Services of Chevelev Men in the War. pp 26. Cambridge, 1920. 4°. 09082. d. 43. Croydon. Whitgift Grammar School. The Book of Remembrance, and list of members serving with H.M. Forces 1914-1919. Pettitt (fc Co., 1920. 9083. dd. 6. Denstone College. Denstone College. On His Majesty's Service. Denstone, 19 15. 4°. 8366. c. 48. Militai'y and Naval History.— Rolls of Honour — nuitinncil. Dorking. St. Martin's Church of England Schools. Roll of Honour of St. Martin's Church of England Schools, Dorking, pp.3. 1919. 4°. 1879. CO. 12. (9.) Epsom College. Pro Rege et Patria. Epsom College. Dec. 1915. pp. 15. Epsom, 1915. 08365. h. 48. Eton College. List of Etonians on Active Service. 5 pt, Eton College, 19 15- 16. 08365. g. 43. Harrow School. Harrow and the War. pp. 12. 1915. 8365. bbb. 21. Dorrien (Sir H. L. S.) Harrow's Epic of War. pp. 28. Harrow, 1916. 08365. e. 31. Christ's Hospital. Christ's Hospital Roll of Service, pp. 27. 1916. 8365. bbb. 51. Cooke (J.) The Great W^orld War. Irlam & Cadishead's Part, pp.271. Irlam, igi-j. 010368. ee. 15. Lancaster. Lancashire. Biographies, Rolls of Honour, pp. 570. R. J. James, 19 17. 10803. f. 18. Ac. Manchester. Victoria University. List of Past and Present Members of the University of Manchester serving with H.M. Forces in the War. pp. 24. Manchester, 19 15. obi. 4^. R. Ac. 2671. b. Newton College. List of Old Newtonians serving with His Majesty's Forces, 1914-1918. pp. 23. yewton Abbot, 1918. P.P. 6152. ch. (2.) Oldham. Hulme Grammar School. Roll of Honour, 1914-15. pp. 15. Manchester, 1915. 8364. de. 52. OuNDLE School. Names of Old Oundehans serving in His Majesty's forces, pp. 40. Oundle, 1915. 08366. g. 8. (2.) Ac Oxford. University of O-vford. Oxford University Roll of Service, pp. 683. Oxford, 1920. 08364. ee. 5. Wadham College. Wadham College Record. Oxford University Roll of Service, 1914- 1916. 2 pt. Ciford, 1915, 16. 08364. ff. 7. Plymouth. Plymouth and Mannamead College' Roll of Old Plymothians and Mannameadians now serving in His Majesty's Naval and Military Forces, pp.27. 191 5. 08365. h. 49. Portsmouth. Portsmouth Grammar School. Roll of Honour, pp. 24. Portsmouth, 1915. 08365. 1. 22. Repton School. Old Reptonian War Register^ 1914-1919. pp. 214. Repton, 1920. 08364. f. 9. Saint Albans School. Roll of Service. Old Albanians. Aug. 1914— Aug. 1917. pp. 11. St. Albans, 191 7. 08365. g. 2. Sedbergh School. Old Sedberghians serving with His Majesty's Forces. 2 pt. Sedbergh, 1914, 15. 08366. g. 5. (1.) Shrewsbury. Royal School. Shrewsbury School Roll of Service. Shrewsbury, 19 15. 4°. 8366. i. 13. Southbourne. St. Katharine's, Southbourne. The Active Service Altar-Roll of Parishioners and Friends, 1914-1916. 2 pt. Boscombe, 1915, 16. 16^ 10.351. a. 71. Trent College. O.T.'s serving in His Majesty'* Forces. 191 5. 12°. 08365. e. 27. Winchester College. Roll of Honour, Aucrust 1914— July 1917. pp. 10. Winchester, 191 7. 08365. g. 42. Wykehamist War Service Roll. pp. 238. Winchlster, 1919. 4°. 08365. g. 38. 58 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History.—Rolls of Honour— CI rut i lined. Ac. Wales. University of Wales. Roll of Service, 1914-1917. pp. 39. Bangor. 1917. W.P. 4558. Brecon. Christ College. Roll of Honour. Brecon, 1915. 18G5. c. 1. (80.) C'amerok (D.) Muster Roll of the Manse. Names of Ministers of the Church f)f Scotland, and of members of their families, on active service or engaged in work connected aa ith the War. pp.162. Glasgoiv, 1 gig. 09084. aa. 28. P.P. Glasgow. National Trade Guardian. National Guardian Scottish Trade Roll of Honour, European War, 1914-1915. pp. 144. Glasgoiv, 1916. fol. 1878. f. 4. Smith (James) Roll of Honour. St. George's- in-the-West Parish, Aberdeen. 3 pt. Aberdeen, 1915-17. 9083. g. 35. Arbroath. Roll of Honour, Arbroath and district, 1914-1919. pp. 243. Arbroath, 1919. 10369. h. 28. Ree (S.) Roll of Honour of Soldiers and Sailors connected with Boharm. Keith, 19 15. fol. 10370. f. 26. Denny. Dennv and Dunipace Roll of Honour, 1914-1918. pp. 115. Edinburgh. 1920. 09084. c. 11. Dundee. Caxton House Printing Office. The Roll of Honour of Caxton House Printing Office, Dundee. A record of the employees who served in the War. pp. 340. Dundee, 1920. 09084. aaa. 1. Edinburgh. George Watson's College. A Me- morial Record of Watsonians who served in the Great War, 1914-1918. pjx 356. Edinburgh, 1920. 8364. k. 21. Glasgow. Glasgow Academy. The Glasgow Academy Roll of Honour, 1914-1918. pp. 72. Glasgow, 19 18. 8365. bb. 58. Hawick. Hawick and the War : a jiictorial record, pp. 228. Hawick, 19 14-19. 4°. 9081. h. 27. ■Grant (W.) Loyal Lewis. Roll of Honour, 1914 and after, pp. 343. Stornoway, 1920. obi. 8°. 9084. de. 9. Ramage (T. R ) Roll of Honour of Nairnshire. pp. 24. Nairn, 1915. 9082. if. 15. Nairn. Parish Church. Roll of Honour. pp. 12. Nairn, 1914. 9083. e. 44. Ac. Saint Andrews. University. St. Andrews University in the Great War. pp. 8. St. Andrews, 1915. 4°. 8364. h. 33. JManson (T.) Shetland's Roll of Honour and Roll of Service, pp. 284. Lerwick, 1920. 4°. 9083. d. 2. Ac. Dublin. National University of Ireland. War List. Roll of Honour, pp. 42. Dublin, 1 9 19. 08366. de. 45. •Sydney. Colonial Sugar Refining Convpany. A Record of the War Service of members of the Staff, 1914-1918. pp. 45. Sydney, 19 19. 9082. dd. 23. Mauritius, Island of Royal College. Rotulus MiUtaris. Roll of old students serving with the Allied Forces, jip. 15. Mauritius, 191 7. 06/. 8". 8364. a. 73. BuRSiLL (J. F.) The Gold Stripe : a tribute to the British Columbia men Avho have been killed, crippled and wounded in the Great \A'ar. pp. 160. Vancouver, 1918. 4°. 12355. k. 24. Military and Naval History.—Rolls of Honour —:-o»^'// md. Stevenson (E.) Presentation Exercises. Unveiling of a tablet to the boys of Maganeta- wan District who took part in the War. pp. 14. Maganetawan, 19 19. 4°. 9083. h. 29. Ginisty(P.) Les Artistes morts pour la Patrie, aout 1914 — decembre 1915. pp. 170. 1916. 010662. b. 39. Carre (A.) Sainte-Croix an champ d'honneur, 1914-1915. pp. 250. 19 1 6. 08355. k. 30. Germany. Army. Alphabetische Verlustliste. Heft 1-32. Beriin, 1914, 15. fol. 9083. h. 3. MEDICINE. British Army. Brereton (F. S.) The Great War and the RA.M.C. Constable, igig, etc W.P. 5993. England. Army. Fifth Division. 13"', 14"', & 15"' Field Ambulances : diary of their move- ments in France, Italy and Belgium, 1914- 1919. pp. 32. War Narratives Publishing Co., 1919. 4°. 9082. dd. 12. The Storv of the 2/lst Wessex Field Ambulance, 1914-1919. pp. 50. Kingsteignton, 1919. 9084. g. 4. From the Gulf to the Caspian. Souvenir Booklet of the Motor Ambulance Convoy which served in Mesopotamia and North Persia, 1916 to 1919. pp. 43. 1920. 06?. 8°. 9084. df. 8. Friends, Society of. The Friends' Ambulance Unit, 1914-1919. pp. 263. Swarthmore Press, 1920. 9082. dd. 38. James (H.) The American Volunteer Motor- Ambulance CorjDs in France, pp. 12. Macmillan, 19 14. 9082. ff. 1. England. Army. Souvenir of the King's Lancashire Military Convalescent Hospital, Blackpool. Blackpool, 19 16. 4°. 7686. f. 27. Brighton. Royal Pavilion. A Short History in EngUsh, Gurmukhi & Urdu of the Royal Pavihon, Brighton, and a description of it as a hospital for Indian Soldiers, pp. 120. Brighton, 1915. 14162. ee. 42.- Humphris (E. M.) and Gladwin (F. F.) An Unofficial Guide to the Racecourse Hospital, Cheltenham, pp. 64. Cheltenham, 1915. obi. 8°. 10358. de. 23. Harrison (S.) Souvenir of the Leckhampton Court, Cheltenham, V.A. Hospital, 1914-19. pp. 55. Cheltenham, 19 19. 4°. 9082. h. 37. Lord (J. R.) The Story of the War Hospital, Epsom, pp. 264. IF. Heinemaim, 1920. 9084. bb. 1. Epsom. Military Convalescent Hospital, Wood- cote Park, Ei^som. Epsom, 1916. 7688. k. 4. Barnard (E. A. B.) Souvenir of Abbey Manor, Evesham. Red Cross Hospital, 1914-1919. pp. 12. 1919. obi. 16°. 07687. de. 38. England. British Red Cross Society. The Red Cross in Gloucestershire during the War. pp. 153. Gloucester, 19 19. 9082. dd. 22. London. Belgravia War Hospital Supply Dej)6t. Monthly Record. 1918-19. 4°. P.P. 4039. wpf. (2.) England. British Red Cross Society. The AVork of V.A.D. London 1 during the War. pp. 96. Allen cfc Univin, 1920. 09083. a. 35. England. Army. Souvenir of the Second London General Hospital, pp. 72. 1917. 4'. 7680. flf. 11. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 59 Military and Naval History. — Medicine. — British Army — cantlnued. Manchester. Manchester Medical War Com- mittee. Final Report, jip. 23. Manchester, 1920. 7680. de. 34. Fexx (C. R.) Middlesex to wit : being a brief record of the work performed at the Auxiliary Military Hospitals in ]\liddlesex during the War. 1914-1918. pp. 40. St. Catherine Press, 19 19. 9082. d. 27. Reid (J.) The Princess Louise iScottisii Hospital at Erskine House, Glasgow, pp. 84. Glusgoiv, 191 7. 4'. L.R. 31. a. 7. E^'GLAND. British Red Cross Society. Apjieal and Case for Members of the Nursing 8taff of the Scottish Red Cross Hospital, Rouen. l)p. 68. Edinburgh, 1919. 7688. eee. 41. FoLJAMBE (A.) Earl of Liverpool. The New Zealand Hospital (Ship '" Maheno.'" The first voyage, Jul}', 1915, to January, 1916. pp. 59. Auckland, 19 16. ' 09082. aa. 28. Bowser (T.) The Story of British V.A.D. Work in the Great War. pp. 300. A. Melrose, 191 7. 09083. c. 11. Murray (F.) Women as Army Surgeons : being the history of the Women's Hospital Corps in Paris, Wimereux and Endell Street, September 1914— October 1919. pp. 263. Hodder <£• Stoughton, 1920. 09084. c. 8. Barrett {Sir J. W.) and Deane (P. E.) The Australian Army Medical Corps in Egypt, 1914-1915. pp. 259. H. K. Lewis, 1918. " 9081. g. 9. Adami (J. G.) War Story of the Canadian Armv Medical Corps, vol. i.* 19 18. 9084. b. 21. Bruce (H. A.) Politics and the Canadian Army Medical Corps, jip. 321. Toronto, 1919. 09083. bb. 73. Moore (M. M.) The Jlaple Leaf's Red Cross, pp. 223. Skeffington, 1919. 9083. b. 15. ExGLAXD. Purple Cross Service for Wounded and Sick Army Horses. Report, pp. 111. 1916. 9084. bb. 13. Magazines, etc. ExGLAXD. Army. Medical Services. The Bath Bun : the book of the Bath War Hospital, pp. 125. Bath, 1918. 4°. 12350. tt. 24. The Return : the journal of the Lanca- shire Military Convalescent Hospital, Black- pool. Blackpool, 1916-19. P.P. 4039. wrd. First Eastern General Hospital, Cambridge, Gazette. Cambridge, 19 15, etc. P.P. 4039. wra. The Bearer Post. 1918, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wpd. (1.) ■ The Chain Tuffieha, Malta, Record. Malta, 191 6. fol. P.P. 4039. wtg. (1.) Huddersfield War Hospital Magazine. Huddersfield, 1916, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. ^%•pg. London Field Ambulances. The Stretcher Bearer. South Harrow, igi:^. P.P. 4039. wpa. (2.) 3rd London General Hospital, T.F. Tlic Gazette. 1915-19. P.P. 4039. wrg. — — Royal Free Military Hospital, London. Wails of the Wounded ; or, Conyaiescent Carollings. 19 16. P.P. 4039. wrf. (^) Military and Naval History. Medicine. ^British Army -rdniinui'd. England. Army. Medical Services. Medical Staff Corps. The Welsh R.A.M.C. Gazette. vol. 1. no. 1-3. May-July 1915. Cambridge, 19 15. PP. 4039. wpa. (1.) The Summerdown Camp Journal. Eastbourne, 19 15-19. 4°. P.P. 4039. wri. Motor Ambulance Convoy, no. 2. The Tabloid. 1916, etc. fol. P.P. 4039. wfe. Royal Army Medical Corps. The R.A.M.C. Depot Magazine. Aldershot, 191 6, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wpb. The R.A.M.C. Magazine. Blackpool, 19 18, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wpb. (2.) The Rifle Splint. A weekly return of the 3rd Sub-Diyision Training Centre. Exmouth, 1915, etc. 4^ P.P. 4039. Ik. The Wit. The organ of the R.A.M.C. wp. The (3.) The Training Centre, Ripon. Ripion, 1915, 16. P.P. 4039, Shoreham, Kent, V.A.D. Hospital. lodex. Shorehum, 19 18, etc. 4". P.P. 4039. wrc 1st Soidhern General Hospital. "Southern" Cross. Birmingham, igi6. P.P. 4039. wrb. 2nd Southern General Hospital. The Kit -Bag. Bristol, 1916, 17. P.P. 4039. wpa. (3.) No. 10 Stationary Hospital. Behind the Lines : the unofficial magazine of No. 10 Stationary Hospital. Somewhere in France, 1916, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. Aypf. 2nd Western General Hospital, Manchester. The Searchlight. Manchester, 19 16, etc. P.P. 4039. wre. 2/\st West Lancashire Field Ambulance. Motley. Liverpool, 19 18, etc. P.P. 4039. wpc. (2.) \/2nd West Riding Field Ambulance. The Poultice. In the Field, 19 16, etc. 4'^. P.P. 4039. wpo. \/Zrd West Riding Field Ambulance. The Lead-Swinger. Sheffield, 1915, etc. fol. P.P. 4039. wpc. Friends, Society of. Friends" Ambulance Unit. Lines of Communication : a souyenir volume. pp. 124. 1 9 19. 12315. k. 61. Australia. Australian Contingent, B.E.F. First Auxiliary Hospital, Harefield. The Harefield Park Boomerang. Harefield, 1916, etc. P.P. 4039. wrg. (3.) \st General Hospital. The Jackass : the First Austrahan General Hospital monthly. 1 9 18, etc. P.P. 4039. wdg' (8.) New Zealand. New Zealand Contingent, B.E.F. Aotea Convalescent Home, Heliopolis, Cairo. The Korero "Aotea." Cairo, 1918, cte. 4°. P.P. 4039. wdi. Neiv Zealand Military Hospital, Walton- on-Thumes. The Scullery Mail. Walton-on -Thames, 1916, etc. 4\ P.P. 4039. wpe. Canada. Canadian Contingent, B.E.F. No. 4 Casualty Clearing Station. Clearings, pp. 32. 19 18. 4^ 12354. w. 7. No. 2 Field Ambulance, 1st Division. The Iodine Chronicle. 19 15, 16. fol. P.P. 4039. -n-f. (1.) No. 2 Field Ambulance, \st Division. The Sjilint Record. 1915. fol. P.P. 4039. wfd. (1.) 60 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History. — Medicine. — British Army— riiittiiuKd. Canada. Canadian Contingent, B.E.F. Xo. 3 Field Ambulance, 1st Division. Now and Then. 1915- ^^- P-P- 4039. wff. (1.) No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 Field Ambulances, 1st Division. N.Y.D. Incorporating " The Iodine Chronicle," " The Sphnt Record," " Now & Then." igi6, etc. fol. P.P. 4039. wfg. Personal Experiences, Reminiscences, etc. GowER (M. F. S. L.) Duchess of Sutherland. Six Weeks at the War. pp. 11 G. The Times, 1914. 9082. de. 10. Vivian (E. C. H.) With the Royal Army Medical Corps at the Front, pp. 180. 1914. [Daily Telegraph War Books.] 9085. de. 1/15. Barclay (F. L. C.) In hoc vince : the story of a Red Cross Flag. pp. 17. Putnam, 19 15. 9082. de. 19. Boaedman (:M. T.) Under the Red Cross Flag at home and abroad, pp. 333. Philadelphia, 1915. 7687. aaa. 19. Boyd (W.) With a Field Ambulance at Ypres. pp. 110. N.Y., 1915. 09082. a. 61. Campbell (P.) Back of the Front, pp. 126. Newnes, 1915. 9083. de. 33. Ddpuy (G. M.) The Stretcher-Bearer, pp. 138. 1915. [Oxford War Primers.] W.P. 3074/6. Macnaughtan (S.) a Woman's Diary of the War. pp. 168. Nelson, 19 15. 9083. de. 18. Martin (A. A.) A Surgeon in Khaki, jjp. 279- E. Arnold, 191 5. 9082. f. 37. Thurstan (V.) Field Hospital and Flying Column. pp. 183. Putnam, 1915. 9082. e. 10. Westerdale (T. L. B.) Under the Red Cross Flag. pp. 170. C. H. Kelly, 1915. 9082. gg. 3. Western Front. Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front, pp.300. Edinburgh, igi 5. 9082. gg. 22. Barker (H. G.) The Red Cross in France, pp. 168. Hodder a> Stoughton, 19 16. 09082. b. 4. Howe (M. A. D. W.) The Harvard Volunteers in Europe : personal records of experience in Military, Ambulance and Hospital Service, pjj. 263. Cambridge, Mass., 19 16. 09082. a. 60. Mills (A. H.) Hospital Days. pp. 187. Fisher Unwin, 19 16. 09082. aa. 57. ToLAND (E. D.) The Aftermath of Battle. With the Red Cross m France, pp. 175. Macmillan, 1916. 09082. aa. 10. BuswELL (L.) Ambulance no. 10. Personal letters from the Front, jjp. 155. Constable, igij. 09082. CO. 16. CoBBOLD (L.) In Blue and Gray. Sketches of life in Red Cross Hospitals, jip. 23. Cambridge, 19 17. 09082. c. 10. Dent (0.) A V.A.D. in France, pp. 348. G. Richards, 191 7. 09083. c. 23. DoLBEY (R. V.) A Regimental Surgeon in War and Prison, pp. 248. J. Murray, 19 17. 09082. cc. 37. MuiR (W.) Observations of an Orderly in an English War Hospital, pp. 249. Simpkin, Marshall d; Co., 19 17. 09083. aaa. 69. Nursing Adventures. Nursing Adventures. A F.A.N. Y. in France, pp. 203. IF. Ueinemann, 19 17. 09083. aaa. 16. Military and Naval History.— Medicine. — British Army— n mi in n<;d. Padre. Fifty Thousand Miles on a Hosi)ital Ship, pp.284. R.T.S.,i<)i-]. 09083. c. 8. Spearing (E. M.) From Cambridge to Camiers under the Red Cross, pp. 87. Cambridge, 191 7. 09082. cc. 27. Tale. The Tale of a Casualty Clearing Station- pp.306. Blackwood, ig IT. " 09083. aaa. 45. Walker (H. F. B.) A Doctor's Diary in Damaraland. pp. 207. E. Arnold, 1917. 9081. e. 15. Bruce (C.) Humour in Tragedy. Hospital life behind 3 fronts, pp. 66. Skeffington, 1918. 9082. dd. 7. England. Army. With the R.A.M.C. in Egvpt. pp. 315. Cassell, 19 18. 9081. ee." 33. L., R. A. Letters of a Canadian Stretcher Bearer, pp. 288. Boston, 19 18. 09083. c. 45. MuiR (W.) The Happy Hospital, pp. 155. Simpkin, Marshall d: Co., 1918. 9083. aa. 15. Arnold (G.) Sister Anne ! Sister Anne ! J Stories of hospital work in France during the War. pp. 235. Toronto, 1919. 012603. eee. 60. Beauchamp (P.) Fanny Goes to War. pp. 290. J. Murray, 1919. 09083. cc. 36. Corporal. Field Ambulance Sketches, pp. 156. J. Lane, 1919. 09083. cc. 7. Gray (T.) Hospital Days in Rouen, pp. 96. Gowans poHina. CoBtinaHJc no Bonpocann. BaKiinnauiii nporiiBi xciepu h dpKiiuiioK) Tin-a. KicBX, 6-7 aBrycTa 1915 r. >Iiypna.n) sactAaHiii 11 nocTaHOB.ieiila coBtmania. pp. 38. Mocnea, 1 91 5. 7560. f. 15; Kiev. KoMuccin iwmoui,u pmemiM!) PeHmieuoecicn.Mo HjcmdoeaHieMd. HsBtcTia. Kieeo, 1915, etc. fol. W.P. 3761. Russia. Bccpoici'ucKiu 3e.ucKiii Comsr, noMOw,u I'lO.ibUbiMS upaucHbiMo 80iiii(i Mn . DsBliCTia TjaBHaro KoMiiTeia. HO. 30-40. 8 pt. i. Mocnea, 191 6. 8095. g. 16. nocTanoB-Tenie coB-Smania no sonpocaMi -tpoHTO- BbixT. Bpa^edHO-camiTapHbiXT, oprannaauiii SeiucKaro CoK)3a. MocKBa, 25-27 anBapa 1916 r. pp. 9. Mvci;ea, 191 6. 7687. f. 44. Russia. EcepocciucKiu SeMciciii noMoui,u OO.lbHblMS M pUHeHblMS eOnHOMti. KOMUmemb 10)0- Sanadnaio poiiTa. ho 29-48. Kiess, 1916-17. fol. & 8°. P.P. 4051. p. Martuinov (A. V.) nepe^oBbie oipa^bi na wro- 3ana/iH0MT> *ponT'B. pp. 16. 1916. [Riissia. li'ccpocclikKiu Se.McKiu C01035 noMOw:n paueubuio H Oo.ibUbiMo eounaMS. HoMumems iOio-Sanadnaio ponma. Ew.i.iemeub. npxij.. nb no 38.] P.P. 4051. p. Thurstaist (V.) Field Hospital and Flying Column. Journal of an English Nursing Sister in Russia, pp.183. iV^.7., 1915. 9082. e. 10. Barber (M. H.) A British Nurse in Bolshevik Russia, April, 1916 — December, 1919. pp. 64. A. C. Fifield, 1920. ^ 9456. a. 9. ALEKSINSKA.YA (T. ) Parmi les Blesses. Garnet de route d'une aide-doctoresse russe. pp. 168. 1 9 16. 09082. aa. 29. With the Russian Wounded. Translated by G. Caiman, pp. 191. Fisher Umvin, 1916. 09082. aa. 44. Serbian Army. Dearmer (M.) Letters from a Field Hospital. pp. 182. Macmillan, 1915. 9082. gg. 34. Morrison (J. T. J.) Experiences in Serbia 1914- 15. pp. 25. 1 9 15. 9082. f. 46. Stanley (M. M.) My Diary in Serbia. pp. 128. Simpkin tO Co., 1915. 9083. gg. 36. Military and Naval History. Medicine. — Serbian Army — rtinfinnciJ. Berry (J.) The Story of a Red Cross Unit in Serbia, pp.292. J. d: A. Churchill, iqi6. 09082. hb. 1. Downer (E. B.) The Highwav of Death. pp. 209. Philadelphia, 1916. ' 9081. 0. 4. Livingston (St. C.) and Steen-Hansen (I.) Under Three Flags. With the Red Cmss in Belgium, France, and Serbia, pp. 238. Macmillan, 1916. 09082. a. 1. Matthews (C.) Experiences of a Woman Doctor in Serbia, jip. 246. Mills & Boon, 19 16. 9082. ec. 20. Stobart (M. A.) The Flaming Sword in Serbia and elsewhere, pp. 325. Ilodder & Stoughton, 1916. 09082. cc. 12. MacLaren (E. S.) Elsie Inglis, the Woman with the Torch. pp. 80. S.P.G.K., 1920. [Pioneers of Progress.] W.P. 0071/9. Tienhoven (A. van) De Gruwelen van den oorlog in Servie : het dagboek van den oorlogs- chirurg A. van Tienhoven. pp. 109. Rotterdam, 1915. 9082. ee. 18. Sturzenegger (C.) La Serbie en guerre, 1914- 1910. Episodes vecus par une suissesse alle- mande au service de la Croix-Rouge, pp. 192. Neuchdtel, 19 16. 09082. aa. 59. Tienhoven (A. van) Avec les Serbes, 1914-10- Journal de guerre d'un chirurgien. pp. 103. 1919. 9083. bbb. 23. Ramette(A.) Au secours de la Serbie. pp.332. 1917. 09082. bbb. 9. United States Army. Davison (H. P.) The American Red Cross in the War. pp.303. iV.7., 1919. 9083. aaa. 32. Church (J. R.) The Doctor's Part : Mhat happens to the Wounded in War. pp. 283. N.Y., 1 9 18. 9082. aa. 22. Derby (R.) " Wade in. Sanitary ! " The story of a Division Surgeon in France, pp. 200. N.Y., 1919. 9081. b. 0. Manion (R. J.) A Surgeon in Arms. pp. 309. .V.y., 1918. 09082. bbb. 70. PERSONAL EXPERIENCES AND DIARIES : LETTERS AND MEMOIRS. British Works. Personal Experiences, etc. General. Benn (W. Wedgwood) In the Side Shows, 1914-1918. pp.310. Hodder & Stoughton, igig. 09082. c. 47. Territorial. The Tale of a Territorial : experiences at home and abroad during the years 1914, 1915 & 1910. pp. 105. Wellingborough, 19 18. 09082. bb. 19. Anzac. On the Anzac Trail. Being extracts from the diary of a New Zealand sapper. pp. 210. Heinemann, 19 16. 09082. a. 4. Davis (R. H.) With the French in France and Salonika, pj). 240. Duchvorth, 19 16. 09082. aa. 2. Doyle (Sir A. C.) A Visit to three Fronts, June 1910. pp. 78. Hodder & Stoughton, 1916. 10\ 9082. df. 30. Nicholson (M.) My Experiences on three Fronts, pp. 288. Allen d; Unwin, 19 16. 09083. aaa. 47. Renwick (G.) War Wanderings, 1914-1916. pp. 304. Chapman d- Hall, 19 16. 9082. ee. 29. EUROPEAN AATAE, 1914-1918. 6:3 Military and Naval History. Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. — British Wor'ks—conliiiucil. IluiiL (A.) Antwerp to Gallipoli : a year of war on many fronts, pp. 304. Allen db Uiiwin, 1916. 9083. ff. 20. Thompson (G.) War Memories and Sketches. pp. 182. Paisleij, 19 16. 09082. aa. 70. Alexander (H. M.) On Two Fronts : France and Gallipoli. pp. 2,55. Heinemann, 19 17. 09082. a. 55. BiJEY (H.) Bighop of Xorth and Central Europe. Here and There in the War Area. pp. 328. .1. B. Moivbray, 19 16. 09082. aa. 38. Clarke (B.) My Round of the War. pp. 303. W. Heinemann, 1917. 9082. a. 8. Harmsworth (A. C. W.) Baron NorthcUffe. At the War. pij. 323. Hodder & Stoughton, icjij- 9081. e. 9. Irwin (W.) The Latin at War. Visits to the French and Italian fronts, pp. 295. Comtable, 1917. 9081. e. 10. Mackenzie (D. A.) From all the Fronts. pp. 199. BlacVie, 19 17. 09083. c. 26. Bartlett (E. a.) Some of my Experiences m the Great War. j)p. 187. G. Newnes, 1918. 09083. c. 35. Catchpool (T. C.) On Two Fronts, pp. 176. Headley Bros., 1918. 12°. 9083. aa. 18. Fallon (D.) The Big Fight. GaUipoli to the Somme. pp. 271. Cassell, 1918. 9082. b. 2. Farnol (J.) Some War Impressions, pp. 118. Sampson, Low, 19 18. 9083. aa. 9. Foster (H. C.) At Antwerp and the Dardanelles. pp. 162. Mills ct- Boon, 19 18. 09083. c. 67. GooDCHiLD (G.) Behind the Barrage : the story of a Siege Battery, pp. 232. Jarrolds, 1918. 9083. aa. 54. Irwin (W.) A Reporter at Armageddon : letters from the front and behind the lines of the great war. pp.354. A'.!'., 19 18. 9082. a. 31. Musgrave (G. C.) Under Four Flags for France. pp.363. A^.r., 1918. 09082. cc. 53. Williams (E. C.) Leaves from an Officer's Notebook, pp. 264. E. Arnold, 19 18. 09082. c. 13. MoNS. Mons, Anzac, and Kut. pp. 251. E. Arnold, 1919. 9082. c. 2. Ovenden (E. H.) Kent Yeomanry Cam- paigners. The personal narrative of an East Kent Yeoman, 1917-19. pp. 42. Canterbury, 19 19. 9082. dd. 34. TwEEDiE (E. B.) a Woman on Four Battle- Fronts, pp. 36. Leeds, 19 19. 9081. g. 32. A Court Repington (C. a C.) The First World War, 1914-1918. Personal experiences. 2 vol. Constable, 1920. 09083. d. 10. GiBBS (A. H.) The Grey Wave, pp.271. Hutchinson, 1920. 9082. c. 5. Military and Naval History.— Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. —British Works — (Midinand. Bartxg {Hon. ^l.) R.F.C., H.Q., 1914-1918. pp. 315. G. Bell, 1920. 09083. cc. 67. Bum liLE Bee. The Salient, the Somme, and Arras. Leaves from the Diary of a Bumble Bee, 1915-1917. pp. 106. Palmer, Sutton tO Co., 1919. 4^ 9082. d. 28. Foley (H. A.) Three Years on Active Service and Eight Months as a Prisoner-of-War. pp. 185. Bridgwater, 1920. 09082. b. 62. Grant (B. S. H.) Memories of Flanders, 1914- 19. pp. 31. Maidstone, 1920. 09083. aa. 43. Gray (F.) The Confessions of a Private. pp. 202. Oxford, 1920. 09083. a. 22. Matthews (E. C.) A Subaltern in the Field. pp. 63. Heath Cranton, 1920. 09083. cc. 63. QuEX, pseud. Pushed and the Return Push. pp. 331. Blackwood, 19 19. 9083. b. 0. ViNCE (C.) England in France : sketches mamly with the 59th Division, pp. 182. Comtable, 19 19. 4^ 9082. dd. 28. Barr (J. C.) Home Service. The recollec- tions of a commanding officer serving in Great Britain, 1914-1919. pp. 365. Paisley, 1920. 09082. d. 57. MuEGGE (M. A.) The War Diary of a Square Peg. i^p. 224. Routledge, 1920. 09083. d. 1. Western Front. Abler (M.) A .lewish Chaplain on the Western Front, 191-5-1918. pp. 32. Lewes, 1920. 09083. aa. 33. Ashton (H.) First from the Front, pp. 107. Pearson, 1914. 9082. e. 7. Baggs (T. a.) Back from the Front, pp. 127. F. . 170. Hodder tt Stoughton, 1917. 9081. e. 17. Duncan (J.) With the Church Lads Brigade Battalion in France, pp. 106. Skeffington, 1917. 9083. ee. 37. Gaunt (F.) Tlie Immortal First : a Private Soldier's diary of his experiences with the original B.E.F., France, pp. 56. E. Macdonald, 19 17. 9083. a. -4. Johnston (A. L.) At the Front, pp. 130. Constable, 1917. 012331. k. 59. Macdonald (M.) Under the French Flag. A Britisher in the French army. pp. 207. R. Scott, 19 1 7. 09083. aaa. 4. Maecosson (I. F.) A Visit to Sir Douglas Haig. Ijp. 30. Avenue Press, 1917. 09082. d. 73. Palmer (F.) With the New Army on the Somme ; my second year of the war. pp.348. J! Murray, igi]. 09082. cc. 41. Remainder. " On the remainder of our Front." By Private No. 940. pp. 156. Harrison d- Sons, 19 17, 09082. bbb. 33. Thomas (W. B.) With the British on the Somme. pp. 285. Methuen, 1917. 09082. cc. 21. Redmond (W. H. K.) Trench Pictures from France, pp. 184. A. Melrose, 19 17. 09083. aaa. 73. TrPLADY (T.) The Kitten in the Crater, and other fragments from the front pp. 182. G. H. Kelly, 191 7. 9082. a. 3. Watson (W. H. L.) Adventures of a Despatch Rider, pp. 262. Blackwood, 19 17. 9082. df. 46. Watt (L. M.) In France and Flanders with the Fighting Men. pp. 208. Hodder <£• Stoughton, 1917. 09083. c. 21. Westerdale (T. L. B.) Messages from Mars : a Chaplain's experiences at the front. pp. 89. C. H. Kelly, 19 17. 09082. a. 92. Williams (J. E. H.) One Young Man : the simple and true story of a Clerk who enhsted in 1914. pp. 173. Hodder & Stoughton, 1917. 10855. aa. 50. Beatson (A. I\I.) The JIotor-Bus in War : being the impressions of an A.S.C. officer during two and a half years at the front, pp. 223. Fisher Unwin, 1918. 09082. bbb. 21. Birmingham (G. A.) A Padre in France. pp. 302. Hodder db Stoughton, 19 18. 9083. aa. 46. Bourne (F. A.) Cardinal. A British Cardinal's Visit to the Western Front, pp. 16. "The Universe," 1918. 09082. d. 65. Callan (.J. J.) With Guns and Wagons. A day in the life of an Artillery Chaplain. pp. 24. 8.P.C.K., 1918. 9082. df. 52. Chaplain. Vermelles. Notes on the Western Front, pp. 88. Edinburgh, 1918. 9083. a. 18. Haigh (R.) Life in a Tank. pp. 182. Hodder d- Stoughton, 19 18. 9082. aaa. 15. Hankey (D. W. a.) a Student in Arms, pp. 255. A. Melrose, 1918. 9083. a. 12. Lauder (H.) A Minstrel in France, pp. 320. A. Melrose, 191S. 09082. d. 31. Military and Naval History. — Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. — British "Works — coniin ued. LiVEiNG (E. G. D.) Attack: an Infantry Subaltern's impressions, pp. 80. IF. Heinemann, 19 18. 9083. a. 7. Montague (C. E.) Notes from Calais Base. pp. 48. Fisher Unwin, 1918. 09082. bb. 23. NOBBS (G.) Englishman, Kamcrad ! Right of the British hne. pp. 210. W. Heinemann, 1918. 9082. a. 17. OxENHAM (J.) High Altars : the battle-fields of France and Flanders as I saw them. pp. 78. Methuen, 1918. 12°. 9083. a. 8. Peat (H. R.) Private Peat. pp. 224. Hutchinson, 1918. 9082. aa. 1. Perkins (A. M.) Between Battles at a Base in France, pp. 127. Fisher Unwin, 1918. 9082. df. 57. Shaw (K. E.) Jottings from the Front : im- jjressions and experiences, pp. 183. Allen & Unwin, 1918. 09082. bbb. 34. TiPLADY(T.) The Soul of the Soldier : sketches of life at the Front, pp. 170. Methuen, 19 18. 9082. aa. 18. Devas (D.) From Cloister to Camp : being reminiscences of a priest in France, 1915 to 1918. pp. 199. Sands db Co., 19 19. 9083. bb. 42. Browne (D. G.) The Tank in Action pp. 517. Blackwood, 1920. 09084. b. 11. Mackintosh (J. C.) Men and Tanks, pp. 142. J. Lane, 1920. 09083. bb. 77. Watson (W. H. L.) A Company of Tanks, pp. 290. Blackwood, 1920. 09083. aa. 36. Italian Front. Powell (E. A.) With the Itahans. pp. 239. W. Heinemann, 19 17. 09083. c. 20. Price (J. M.) Six Months on the Italian Front, 1915-1916. pp.300. Chapman d: Hall, i()i-]. 09082. c. 5. GoLDSMiD (C. H.) Diary of a Liaison Officer in Italv, 1918. pp. 178. ^Yilliams cfc Norgate, 1920. 9082. bb. 42. Hales (A. G.) Where Angels fear to tread. Sketches of Italy during the European War. pp. 314. Hodder cfc Stoughton, 19 18. 9082. aa. 27. Russian Front. MacCormick (R. R.) With the Russian Army. pp. 300. Macmillan, igis- 9082. gg. 13. Morse (J.) An Englishman in the Russian Ranks, pp. 337. Duckworth, 1915. 9082. gg. 6. Pares {Sir B.) Day by Dav with the Russian Army. pp. 287. Constable," 1915. 9082. f. 40. Washburn (S.) Field Notes from the Russian Front, pp.291. A. Melrose, igi^. 9082. f. 10. Liddell (R. S.) On the Russian Front, l^p. 273. Simpkin, Marsliall, 19 16. 9082. ee. 25. Balkan Front. See also below, Australian and New Zealand ^Yorks. Morrison (J. T. J.) Experiences in Serbia, 1914-15. pp. 25. 19 1 5. 9082. f. 46. Aldridge (0. M.) The Retreat from Serbia through Albania, p^j. 113. Minerva Publ. Co., 19 16. 09082. b. 6. 66 EUROPEAN" WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History.— Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. — British "Works — contin tied. Davies (E. C.) a Farmer in Serbia, pp. 248. Methuen, 1916. 9081. ee. 9. Gordon (J.) and (C. J.) The Luek of Thirteen : wanderings and flight through Montenegro and Serbia, pp.378. Smith, Elder, igi6. 90076. ff. 42. Sandes (F.) An English Woman-Sergeant in the Serbian Army. PP- 242. Hodder . 35- Military and Naval History.— Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. — French Woi-ks — rautinued. JouBAiRE (A.) Pour la France : carnet de route d'un fantassin. pp. 285. 19 17. 09082. bbb. 37. Julia {^. F.) La fataUte de la guerre : scenes et lu'opos du front, pp. 268. 1917. 9082. aaa. 24. Ladoue (P.) Ceux de " la-haut." Recits et impressions, pp. 146. 19 17. 09082. a. 18. Lafond (G.) Avec les mitrailleurs de la coloniale. pp.317. 1917. 09082. bbb. 6. Covered with Mud and Glory : a machine gun company in action, pp. 265. Bos'on, 19 18. 9082. a. 25. Langevin (H.) Cavaliers de France, 1914 : ctaijes et combats, pp. 226. 191 7. 09082. a. 77. Laurent (F.) Chez nos allies britanniques. Notes et souvenirs d'un interpr^te. pp. 351. 1917. 9081. ee. 31. Lenfant (J.) Notes d'un pretre mobilise. 2 torn. Evreux, 1916, 17. 09082. d. 8_ LiMosiN (J.) De Verdun a TYscr. pp. 120. 19 1 7. 9082. g. 45. Mercier (R.) Journal d'un bourgeois de Nancv. pp.261. 1917. 09082. bbb. 13. NoRDMANN (C.) A coups de canon : notes d'un combattant. pp. 247. 19 17. 09083. cc. 22. Ouij-Vernazobres (C.) Journal d'un officier de cavalerie. Le raid enBelgique, la retraite sur Paris, la bataille de I'Ourcq, la course ii la Mer du Nord, les Tranchees. pp. 224. 1917- 09083. aaa. 55. Palat (B. E.) La Grand Guerre sur le front occidental. 191 7, etc. W.P. 4972. Pericard (J.) Ceux de Verdun, pp. 249 1917. 09082. a. 74. Perrin (J.) Un Parisien sur I'Yser. pp. 71. 1917. 09082. a. 67. Pic (E.) Dans la tranchee des Vosges en Picardie : tableaux du Front, pp.156. 1917- 09083. aaa. 21. Plieux de Diusse (H.) Journal d'un officier de liaison. La Marne, la Somme, I'Yser. pp. 224. 191 7. 09082. bbb. 5. RENi; (H.) Jours de gloire, jours dc misere. Histoire d'un bataillon : Lorraine, pp. 218. 191 7. 09082. bbb. OS. Ruibaud (I.) Dans les remous de la bataille Charleroi et la Marne — Reims, pp. 261. 1917. 09083. aaa. 56. In the Whirlpool of War. pp. 256. Fisher Unwin, 1918. 9082. aa. 28. Rouot (0. M. E. de) Viscount. Autour de la Guerre. Esquisses et profils. 2 tom. 1916,17. 09082. bbb. 50. RuFFiN (H.) and Tudesq (A.) La " Machoire carree." pp.93. 1917. 9082. c. 29. Sem, pseud. Un pekin sur le front, pp. 247. 191 7. 09082. cc. 62. Toulemon (A.) Mobihscs : scenes et recits de la guerre, pp.281. 191 7. 012350. de. 2. Tuffrau (P.) Carnet d'un combattant. pp.292. 1917. 09083. aaa. 49. DupoNT (M.) L'Attente. En Campagne. Im- pressions d'un Officier de Leg6re, 1915-17. pp. 345. 19 18. 09082. d. 7. HouRTiCQ (L.) Recits & reflexions d'un com- battant, 1915-1917. pp. 210. 191S. 9083. ee. 49. 72 EUROPEAN" WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History.— Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. — French Works — cdntimwd. LiBERMANN (H.) L'infantcrie heroique et douloureuse, juillet-aout 191(3 — mars-avril 1917. pp. 240. 19 18. 9081. de. 38. Provost (M.) D'un poste de commandement. Bataille de I'Ailette, 23 octobre — 2 novembre, 1917. pp. 247. 1918. 9082. aa. 3. i\lAiRET (L.) Garnet d'un combattant, 11 fevrier 1915—16 avril 1917. pp. 326. 1919. 09083. cc. 42. Chevrillon (A.) Pres des combattants. pp. 268. 1918. 9082. aaa. 37. Cuvru-Magot (H.) Beyond the Marne. Trans- lated by K. Babbitt, pp. Ill, Bosto7i, 1918. 9083. aa. 24. Fribourg (A.) Croire : histoire d'un soldat. pp. 252. 1918. 9082. aaa. 2. FoRSANT (0.) L'ecole sous les obus : pages vecues du martyre de Reims, pp. 80. 1918. 8356. c. 37. GuiARD (A.) Le carnet intirae de guerre, pp. 71. 1 918. [Pages actiielles.] W.P. 2825/112. Hermanovits (J.) La guerre dans I'ombre. pp. 150. 1 9 18. 9083. bb. 3. Leafd (A.) Spectacles de guerre, -pp. 254. 1 918. 9083. bbb. 20. Meecier (R.) Journal d'un bourgeois de Nancy. Nancy bombardee. pp. 246. 1918. 9083. aa. 53. Pericard (J.) Paques Rouges, jip. 253. 1918. 09083. cc. 29. PiNGTJET (J,) Trois :fitapes de la brigade des Marins : la Marne-Gand-Dixmude. pp. 186. 1 918. 9082. aaa. 25. Wilde (R. de) De Liege a I'Yser. pp. 289. 191 8. 9082. bb. 5. Bessieres (R.) Dans les Camps. Memoires. pp. 187. Lyon, 19 19. 09082. d. 60. Gagneur (M.) and Fourier (M.) Avec les Chars d'assaut. pp. 240. 19 19. 9083. bb. 19. Hartoy (M. d') Des cris dans la tempete : impressions et recits d'un officier blesse. pp. 262. 1919. 09083. a. 15. Raymond (J.) Froc et epee : impressions de guerre d'un moine-officier. pp. 350. 1919- 9083. bb. 34. Tharaud (J.) and (J.) Une Releve. pp. 166. 1919. 9083. bb. 21. Vandervelde (E.) Dans la Melee, pp. 188. yancy, 1919. 08027. g. 51. Bessieres (A.) Cavaliers de France, pp. 212. 1920. 09084. aa. 33. La Tour du Pin (G. de) Le Creuset. pp. 280. 1920. 09084. aa. 10. Marchand (M. R.) La Guerre avec le sourire. Carnet de route, pp. 298. 1920. 09084. aa. 59. AuLNEAU (J.) Au Front Britannique. pp. 271. 1919. 9083. bb. 4. Dekobra (M.) Messieurs les Tommies. pp. 248. 191 7. 12316. t. 28. Military and Naval History. — Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. — French Works — contln ned. Italian Front. Faure (G. a.) De I'autre cote des Alpes. Sur le front italien. pp. 144. 1916. 9081. de. 18. Paysages de guerre. Champs de bataille de France et d'ltalie. pp. 164. 1916. 09076. gg. 59. Adam (P.) La Terre qui tonne. France — Italie. pp.393. 191 7. 09082. bbb. 64. BuxTORF (A.) En Italie avec la 24e Division d'Infanterie Fran§aise, Sept.-Dec. 1918. pp. 146. Nancy, 1920. 09084. aa. 34. Eastern Front. Antelme (J.) Avec I'Armee d'Orient. pp. 270, 1916. 09082. aa. 12. Arene (J.) En Macedoine : carnet de route. pp. 156. 1916. 9081 eee. 8. B., P. Deux mois de campagne en Serbie. pp. 71. 1 91 6. 09082. aa. 33. Labry (R.) Avec I'Armee serbe en retraite a travers le Montenegro, pp. 212. 1916. 09082. aa. 7. TiENHOVEN (A. van) Avec les Serbes en Serbie, et en Albanie, 1914-1916 : journal de guerre,. d'lm chirurgien. pp. 163. 1919- 9083. bbb. 23, TuDESQ (A.) Les Compagnons de 1' A venture. Dardanelles — ■ Egee — Adiiatique — Mediterra- nee. pp. 240. 1916. 9083. ee. 11. Vassal (J.) Dardanelles, Serbie, Salonique. Im^jressions et souvenirs de guerre, avril 1915 — fevrier 1916. pp. 341. 191 6. 09082. aa. 23. BoPPE (A.) A la suite du gouvernement serbe de Nich a Corfou, 20 octobre 1915 — 19 Janvier 1916. pp. 158. 1917. 16°. 9083. a. 5. Canudo ( ) Combats d'Orient. Dardanelles —Salonique, 1915-1916. pp. 274. 1917. 09082. bbb. 17. Libermann (H.) Face aux Bulgares : la cam- pagne fran^aise en Macedoine serbe, oct. 1915 —Jan. 1916. pp.332. 1917. 09082. a. 75. Saison (J.) D'Alsace a la Cerna|: notes, impres- sions, oct. 1915 — aoiit 1916. j^p. 325. 1918. 9082. aaa. 38. Maridort (P.) En Macedoine, 1915-1917. pp. 173. 1918. 9081. de. 19. Peaudeleu ( ) Aux Dardanelles, a Lemnos, sur les bords du Vardar. Souvenirs de guerre 1915-1917. pp. 160. 1920. 09083. aa. 44. Hermanovits (J.) Vers I'figyfite pendant la guerre, pp. 212. 1918. 9083. bb. 2. Sturdza (M.) Avec I'Armee roumaine, 1916- 1918. pp.235. 1918. 9083. b. 17. Blery (P.) En Mission en Roumanie. pp. 240. 1919. 9083. df. 21. Flers (R. de) La Petite Table. Impressions sur le front oriental, pp. 250. 1920. 09084. aa. 53. Africa. Daye (P.) Avec les vainqueurs de Tabora. Notes d'un colonial beige en Afrique orientals allemande. pp. 247. 1918. 09082. d. 9. Letters and Memoirs. Daudet (E.) L'Ame fran^aise et Fame alle- mande. Lettres de soldats. j^p. 96. 1915. 9082. g. 1. Narsy (R.) La France au-dessus de tout. Lettres de combattants. pp. 72. 1915. [Pages actueUes.'] W.P. 2825/25. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 73 Military and Naval History. Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. — French 'WoT'k.s—coiifiniied. Roux (X.) L'Amc dc nos soldats d'apres leurs actes et leurs lettres. jip. 250. 19 15. 9083. de. 1. LORT DE SilRlGNAN (A. M. T. dc) CoUTlt. Soldats de France. Grognards et heros de vingt ans. pp. 330. 191 6. 10(357. aaa. 1. Belmont (F.) Lettres d'un officier dc chasseurs alpins, 2 aout 191-4 — 28 decembre 1915. pp. 308. 191 6. 09083. aaa. 37. • A Crusader of France : Lettres d'un Officier de Chasseurs Alpins. Translated by G. F. Lees. pp. 365. A. Melrose, 19 17. 010905. de. 17. Dardanelles. Uncensored Letters from the Dardanelles. Written to his English wife by a French medical officer of Le Corps Expedi- tionnaire d'Orient. pp. 282. 19 16. [Soldiers' Tales of the Great War.] W.P. 3318/3. LoBRY (A. J. A.) Henri Bremant : vie d'un peintre pendant la guerre, pp. 14(5. 191 7. 09082. a. 6G. GiLLET (L.) Louis de Clermont-Tomierre, Commandant de Zouaves, 1877-1918. pp. 2(50. 1919. 10657. aa. 8. Hebrard (F.) Un Fils de France. Joseph Cloupeau. pp. 80. 1920. 10657. d. 13. Cochin (A.) Quelques lettres de guerre. pp. 63. 1917. [Pages actuelles.'] W.P. 2825/105. Davignon (H.) Lettres et impressions du front. pp. 44. 191 7. 12°. [Les Cahiers beiges.] W.P. 4636/5. DuBARLE (R.) Lettres de guerre, pp.282. 1919. 9083. bbb. 4. Eteve (M.) Lettres d'un Combattant, aout 1914— juillet 1916. pp.249. 19 17. 09082. bbb. 57. La Gorce (P. de) Deux Fibres : Andre & Pierre de Gailhard-Bancel. pp. 46. 19 18. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/114. Catta (T.) Yves de Joannis, brigadier au 51° d'artillerie. pp. 302. 19 19. 10657. aa. 10. Fontenay (C. de) Charles et Etienne de Fontenay. Lettres du front, 1914-1916. pp. 326. 1920. 010905. g. 33. Jeanbernat Barthelemy de Ferrari Doria (J.) Lettres de guerre, 1914-1918. pp. 415. 1920. 010905. g. 32. JuNOD (l5.) Lettres et Souvenirs, pp. 296. 1918. 010905. e. 35. Latil (L.) Lettres d'un Soldat. jjp. 48. 1916. [Pages actuelles.] AV.P. 2825/87. Lavoine (J.) Jacques Lavoine, mort pour la France, pp. 266. Macon, 191 7. 12237. dd. 8. -Masson (P. M.) Lettres de guerre, aout 1914 — avril 1916. pp.262. 1917. 010905. e. 29. AsTRUC (J.) Un heros et un saint : I'abbe Amans Pennavayre. pp. 74. Carcassonne, 1918. 4867. dd. 48. PoRTES (J.) Souvenirs et correspondance de guerre, pp. 182. 1915. 010662. c. 14. Saleilles (J.) Lettres de guerre, pp. 176. Dijon, 19 16. 010902. i. 19. Saporta (F. de) Le Capitaine Fernand de SaiJorta, 1880-1915. pp. 62. 1920. 10657. cc. 5. Military and Naval History.- Personal Experiences and Diaries: Letters and Memoirs. — French Works — coiain ued. Soldat. Lettres d'un Soldat, aout 1914 — avril 1915. pp. 164. 1916. 09082. b. 8. Letters of a Soldier, 1914-15. Translation by V. M. pp. 211. Constable, 191 7. 09082. cc. 42. Letters from a French Soldier, 1914-1915. Translated by H. R. P. pp. 67. De la More Press, 19 19. 010905. e. 33. Italian Works. CiPOLLA (A.) and Sobrero (M.) A traverso sette popoli in guerra. i)p. 394. Torino, igi^. 9082. ff. 23. CiviNiNi (G.) Viaggio intorno alia guerra. Dair Egeo al Baltico, lugho 1915 — raarzo 1916. pp.380. 3Hlano, igi-j. 09083. aaa. 75. Angeli (D.) La Francia in guerra. pp. 254. Milano, 191 5. 9083. e. 39'. Barzini (L.) Scene della Grande Guerra. vol. 1, 2. Milano, 1915. 9081. de. 40. Angeli (D.) La spada e 1' aratro. Con gl' Inglesi in Piccardia. pp. 163. Milano, 191 7. 9082. a. 29. Sword and Plough, pp. 157. Constable, 1918. 09083. bb. 20. Marrabini (C.) Les Garibaldiens de 1' Argonne. pp.335. 1917. 09082. bbb. 12. Oliva (D.) Rule Britannia. _ Lettere dal fronte inglese in Francia. pp. 107. Boma, 19 1 7. 9082. f. 50. Baxj (A.) Alia fronte col reggimento carabinieri reah. Udine, 19 16, etc. W.P. 3676. BoFFi (F.) Su le tracce della guerra. pp. 135. Lanciano, 1916. 09077. a. 37. Buonaiuti (A.) Sul Carso raggiunto. pp. 142. Campobasso, 1916. 09083. aaa. 19. Cantalupo (R.) Dalle retrovie alle trincee. pp.225. i?oma, 19 1 6. 9083. ff. 21. Holl' (L.) Lettere di soldati italiani, raccolte da Lavinia HoU'. pp. 252. Torino, 19 16. 09082. a. 23. Margheri (F.) Lettere di un caporale dell' 84° Fanteria, 3' compagnia, zona di guerra. pp. 78. Firenze, 19 16. 09082. a. 24. Rossi (G. de) Gli aneddoti della nostra guerra. pp. 212. Bologna, 19 16. 09082. aa. 20. Cadorna (C.) La guerra nelle retro ve. pp. 136. Firenze, 19 17. 08248. b. 45. Steege (K. R.) We of Italv. Letters of Italian Soldiers, pp.278. Dent^ ic)i~,. 09083. c. 9. Agabiti (A.) Sulla Fronte Giulia : note di taccuino, 1915-1917. pp. 134. Najwli, 1 9 18. 09083. a. 30. Zingarelli (I.) L' Invasione. Diario di un giornaUsta a Zurigo dopo Caporetto. pp. 183. Milano, 1918. 9083. b. 19. Castellini (G.) Tre anni di guerra. Diario. pp. 215. Milano, 1919. 09083. cc. 56. Gasparotto (L.) Diario di un fante. 2 vol. Milano, 191 9. 09083. cc. 55. Gray (E. M.) Con le fanterie sarde. Giornate suir Altiijiano e sul Piave. pp. 117. Firenze, 19 19. 4°. 9084. f. 5. Jahier (P.) Con mc c con gli Alpini. Roma, ic)20, etc. W.P. 6487. Feaccaroli (A. ) Dalla Serbia invasa alle truicee di Salonica. pp.325. Milano, igi6. 9081. de. 3.5. 74 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. Military and ] Naval Histoi'y. — Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs— «';(////(«'/. Russian Works. KuEMOYAEOV (I.) IIiicLMii (M'imcpa CI ncpejOBbixi nosimia 1914-15. pp.76, i/*., 1915. 9083. h. 9. Sayansky (L.) Tpn jrlcflqa bi Ook) : .peBuiii; b K.isa'Jbaro O'umepa. pp.144. JI/oc;itfO, 1915. 9083. g. 13. Chukovsky (K.) SaroBopn.iii Mo.naBmie: anr.iii- laiic II BOiiHa. pp.185. 7/;., 1916. 9082. ee. 82. Lebedev (V.) Souvenirs d'un rolontaire russe dans rarmee fran^aise, 1914-1916. pp. 286. 191 7. 09082. bbb. 60. American Works. RiNEHAET (M. R.) Kings, Queens and Pawns. An American Woman at the Front, pp. 368. A.Y., 19 15. 9083. ff. 15. Hall (J. N.) Kitchener's Mob : the adven- tures of an American in the Biitish Army. pp.200. Constable, igi6. 9081. *ee. 3. Moelae (E.) a Soldier of the Legion, pp. 128. Boston, 1916. 09082. aaa. 49. EoBLNSOx (W. J.) My Fourteen Months at the Front : an American's baj^tism of fire. pp. 286. Hodder d- Stoughton, 19 16. 09082. aa. 1. Sheahan (H.) a Vohuiteer Poilu. pp. 217. Boston, 1916. 9083. de. 5. Empey (A. G.) From the Fire Step : the experiences of an American soklier in the Bi'itish Army, pp.256. A. F., 191 7. 09083. c. 43. " Over the Top," by an American soldier who went. pj). 315. N.Y., 191 7. 09082. cc. 45. Gleason (A.) Our Part in the Great War. pp.338. A.r., 1917. 9082. a. 12. Wood (E. F.) The Note Book of an Intelhgence Officer. A.r., 1917. 09083. c. 28. Aldeich (M.) On the Edge of the War Zone. pp. 279. Constable, 1918. 09082. d. 3. The Peak of the Load. From the entrance of the Stars and Stripes to the second victory on the Marne. i)X5. 277. Boston, igiS. 9083. a. 20. Baldwin (H.) Holding the Line. pp. 305. Chicago, 19 18. 9082. a. 23. Belton (J.) and Odell (E. G.) Hunting the Hun. pp.269. A.F., 1918. 09082. d. 19. Claek (A. T.) To Bagdad with the British. pp.295. iY.r., 1918. 09082. bbb, 55. De Varila (0.) The First Shot for Liberty: the story of an American who went over with the first Expeditionarv Force, pp. 223. PhUadeliMa, 1918. 9082. b. 22. Egan (E. F.) The War in the Cradle of the World: Mesopotamia, pp.371. A. 7., 1918. 09082. bb. 20. Gibson (P.) Battering the Boche. pp. 120. N.Y., 1918. 9083. aa. 13. Geasty (C. H.) Flashes from the Front. pp.306. A. r., 1 918. 09083. bb. 4, Holmes (R. D.) A Yankee in the Trenches. pp. 214. Boston, 19 18. 09083. c. 36. Hopkins (N. M.) Over the Threshold of War : personal experiences, pj). 375. Pkiladeljyhia, 19 18. 9082. d. 1. Macbeide (H. W.) The Emma Gees. pp. 219. Indianapolis, 1918. 9082. aa. 13. Military and Naval History.— Personal Experiences and Diaries: Letters and Memoirs. — American Worlds— cont in wd. RiGGS (A. S.) With Three Armies on and behind the Western front, pp. 303. Indianapolis, 1918. 9082. aa. 14. Sterne (E.) Over the Seas for Uncle Sam. pp.250. N.Y., igi8. 09083. bb. 13. Cobb (I. S.) The Glory of the Commg : what mine eyes have seen of Americans in action. pp. 463. Hodder d; Stoughton, 1919. 09082. d. 33. Fergusson (R. M.) With the American Army in France : diary of a lecturing tour. pp. 62. Paisley, 19 19. " 09083. a. 24. Duffy (F. P.) Father Duffy's Story. Life and death with the Fightmg Sixty-ninth, pp. 382. A^r., 1920. 09082. aaa. 19. Hareison (H. S.) When I come back. Me- moir of an American Soldier, pp. 62. Constable, 1920. 10884. aaa. 7. Roosevelt (K.) War in the Garden of Eden. pp. 253. J. Murray, 1920. 9083. bbb. 38. Roosevelt (T.) Average Americans, pp. 252. N.Y., 1920. 09083. bb. 53. Abbey (E. A.) An American Soldier : letters of E. A. Abbey, pp. 173. Boston, 1918. 9083. aaa. 7. BuTTEES (H. A.) Harry Butters : life and ^^'ar letters, pp.297. A'. 7., 19 18. 010880. e. 19. Ford (T.) Cheer-up Letters from a Private with Pershing, pj). 192. N.Y., 1918. 9082. b. 18. Genet (E.) War Letters, pp. 330. A. 7., 191 8. 9082. b. 25. Merrill (W.) A CoUege Man in Khald : letters of an American in the British Artillery. pp.234. A.r., 1918. 010905. df. 11. Wheeler ( C. ) Letters from an American Soldier to his Father, pp. 113. Indianapolis, 1918. 10905. c. 19. E. An American Poilu. Letters, pp. 244. Boston, 1 919. 9082. bb. 10. Emerson (E.) Mit den deutschen Heeren. Kriegsberichte eines Amerikaners, 1914-15. pp. 223. Miinchen, 1917. 09082. bbb. 62. German Works. Personal Experiences, Diaries, etc. General. Berlepsch (C. a. W. 0. von) Count. Ein Jahr an beiden Fronten. Kriegstagebuchblatter. pp. 153. 1915. [Aus den Tagen des grossen Krieges.] W.P. 3597/9. LiNDE (P.) Gegen Rennenkampf und Joffre. Kriegserlebnisse von der Ost- imd Westfront. pp.121. Leipzig, 191^. 9083. e. 7. (2.) Mayer Leiden (C). Von der Maas bis an die Memel. Kriegsbilder. pp. 144. Berlin, 191 5. 9082. e. 31. P.P. Dresden. Dresdner Kackrichten. Der Weltkrieg. Erinnerungen und Eindriicke wahrend der ersten zehn Monate. pp. 240. Dresden, 1915. 9082. d. 21. Seegee (E.) Die Kampfplatze in West und Ost. pp. 104. Stuttgart, 19 15. 9082. f. 34. (5.) Bataillonskommandeitr. Mit unsern Morsern gegen West imd Ost. pp. 116. Berlin, 1916. 09083. aa. 31. Hildebrandt (P.) Vorm Feind. Kriegs- erlebnisse deutscher Oberlehrer. pp. 205. Leipzig, 191 6. 09082. b. 30. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 75 Military and Naval History. — Personal Experiences and. Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. —German Works —continued. HoEVELS (0.) Kriegscrinnoruiigen aus dem Weltkricge 1914-16. pp. 135. Wurzburg, 1916. 9081. cee. 24. MiTKAEMPFER. Was ich in melir als 80 Schlachten iind Gefcchten eriebtc. pp. 115. Berlin, 1916. 09083. aa. 30. Schmidt-Pauli (E. voii) Kiiegsritte. Erlcb- nisse eines Kavallerieoffiziers. i^p. 142. Berlin, 19 16. 9083. e. 50. Telegraphist. Die Nerven der Armee. Aus dem Kriegstagebuch eines Telegrapbisten. pp. 41. Berlin, 1916. 012552. bb. 14. Emerson (E.) Mit den deutschen Hceren. Kriegsbericlite eines Amerikaners. pp. 223. Milncheii, 191 7. 09082. bbb. (52. C, Feldwebel. Souvenii-s de guerre d'un sous- oflficier allemand. pp. 25G. 19 18. 09082. d. 11. Wessel (L.) Von der Maas bis an die Memel. pp. 198. 19 18. [.4 lis den Tagen des grossen Krie ges] . 9081. b. 1/17. ZoELLEU (L.) Kriegs- und Friedenserin- nerungen eines Pfalzers. pp. 268. Zweibriicken, 1918. 010704. f. 13. Behr (H. von) Bei der fiinftcn Reserve- Division im Weltkriege. pp. 264. Berlin, 1919. 09082. bb. 66. Fendrich (A.) Die Kluft. Ergebnisse, Briefe, Dokumente aus den Kriegs jalii'en 1914-19. pp.96. ^Stuttgart, ic)i(). 09083. bb. 41. Dalaxg (M.) Meine elf Wochen Grenzbesetz- ung. pp. 80. St. Gallen, 1915. 09083. bb. 45. To VOTE (H.) Aus einer deutschen Festung im Iviiege. pp. 248. Berlin, 1915. 12°. 9084. e. 21. Otto (F.) Aus einem Kolonnenquartier. Erlebtes und Eriauscbtes. pp. 107. Leipzig, 1918. 9083. a. 50. Western Front. KoTZDE (W.) Von Luttich bis Flandern. Belgien 1914. pp.190. 19 14. [Uehlenkdmpfe.] 9083. aaa. 18/2. Laxg (M.) Feldgrau. Erste Kriegserlebnisse in Frankreieh. pp. 125. Stuttgart, 19 14. 9082. e. 29. Wiener-Braunsberg (J.) Erlebnisse des ostpreussischen Landwebrmanns Willielm Kalu- wcit. 10 Hefte. Berlin, 1914. 12316. t. 30. BiERNATZKi (R.) Als Pionier in Frankreieh, August 1914 bis Februar 1915. pp. 22.3. 1915. [^Aus den Tagen des grossen Krieges.] 9081. b. 1/4. Brase (S.) Bei den 241crn. Kriegserlebnisse. pp. 153. Dresden, 19 15. 09082. aa. 5. Christ (L.) Unsere Bayeni. 3 Tl. 1914-15. 12". [Langens Kriegsbiicher.] 012552. i. 24/1. Ehbock (H.) Der Kriegsfreiwillige. Ernste und lieitere Erlebnisse aus mcincn Kriegstagen. pp. 121. Berlin, 1915. 9082. de. 40. Galley (A.) Erlebtes vom belgischcn Kriegs- schauplatze. pp. 24. Schwerin, 19 15. 9082. f. 38. Oaxgiiofer (L. a.) Reise zur deutschen Front 1915. 2TL irie«, 1915. 9084. e. 9. GoLDMANK (P.) Von Lille bis Brussel. pp. 134. Berlin, 19 15. 09083. bb. 5. Military and Naval History. Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. -German Wot^s- continued. GoTTBERG (O. von) Als Adjutant durch Frank- reieh und Belgien. pp. 130. Berlin, 1915- 9083. e. 17. HiLDEBRAXD (C.) Ein starkcs Volk. Ein- driicke von der deutschen Westfront. pp. 172. Berlin, 191 5. 9082. f. 16. HoECKER (P. O.) An der 8])itze meuier Kom- pagnie. Drei Monate Kriegserlebnisse. pp. 267. Berlin, 1915. 12°. 9082. df. 10. Jacob (H. E.) Reise durch den bclgischen Krieg. pp.284. Berlin, up S- 9082. ff. 4. Kellermann (B.) Der Krieg im Westen. Kriegsberichtc. pp. 218. Berlin, 1915. 09082. aa. 15. KoESTER (A.) and Noske (G.) Kriegsfahrten durch Belgien und Nordfrankreich 1914. pp. 119. Berlin, 1915. 9083. de. 9. Krafft (J.) Kriegstagebuch. pp. 184. Minden, 191 5. 09082. c. 67. KuTSCHER (A.) Kriegstagebuch. Namur, St. Quentin, Petit Morin, Reims, Winterschlacht in der Champagne, pp. 264. MUnchen, 191s. 9082. aa. 7. Osman (H.) Mit den Kriegsfreiwilhgen ubcr die Yser. pp. 169. 1915. [_Aus den Tagen des grossen Krieges.] 9081. b. 1/1. Presber (R.) An die Front zum Deutschen Kronprinzen. pp. 137. Stuttgart, 1915. 12°. 9082. df. 9. QuERi (G.) Kriegsbiichl aus dem Westen. Y)\). 253. 19 1 5. [Aus den Tagen des grossen Krieges.'] 9081. b. 1/2. Requadt (R.) Aus den Kampfen um Luttich. pp. 83. Berlin, 1915. 9082. de. 36. Salzer (M.) Beim deutschen Kronprinzen und semer Armee. px>. 160. Hamburg, 191 t. 9084.^ e. 24. Salzmann (E. von) Uber die Weltmeere zur deutschen Front in Flandern. pp. 287. Bielefeld, 19 15. \_Aus den Tagen des grossen Krieges.] 9081. b. 1/17. Sanitaetssoldat. Aus den Kampfen um Luttich. pp. S3. Berlin, 191 5. 09083. aa. 29. Strantz (V. von) Die Eroberung Bclgiens, 1914. pp. 160. Minden, 1915. 9083. e. 6. ToRMANN (0.) Von der Maas bis an die Marne. pp. 96. Stuttgart, 1915. 9083. de. 16. (7.) Trotha (W. von) Mit den Feklgrauen nach Belgien hinein. pp.236. Leipzig, i()i^. 9082. de. 34. Weber (H.) Aus meinem Kriegsbiiderbucli. pp. 162. 19 1 5. \_Aus den Tagen des grossen Krieges.] 9081. b. 1/5. Wegener (G.) Der Wall von Eisen und Feuer. Ein Jahr an der Westfront. pp. 416. Leipzig, 191 5. 9083. f. 4. Arras. Zwischen Arras und Peronne. pp. 181. Miuichen, 1916. 9083. g. 21. Baumann (E.) Mit der Garde im Westen. pp. 143. Halle, 19 16. 9083. a. 49. Bloem (W.) Vormarsch. pp. 373. Leipzig, 1916. 09083. a. 6. Blumekthal (E.) Des Krieges Gesicht. Jlit dem yieger von Longwv. pp. 156. Oldenburg, 1916. ' 09082. a. 48. Droop (F.) Aus dem Vogesenkricge. Bilder und Szcnen. pp. 209. Strassburg, 19 16. 9083. ff. 31. 76 EUROPEAN" WAE, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History. — Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs.— German W or'ks — a jnt I nned. Grabein (P.) Im Auto diueh Feindesland. Sechs Monate im Autojmrk dcs Obcrsten Heereslcitung. pp. 253. Berlin, 1916. 9084. e. 12. Koss (H. von) Mit den Brandenburgern in den Kampfen um Belgian, pp. 96. Berlin, 191 6. 9082. bb. 14. KuRZ (H.) Vogesenwacht. Erinnerungen und Schilderungen. pp. 160. Berlin, 1916. 09082. a. 57. OsBORN (M.) Drei Strassen des Krieges : Arras, Champagne, Flandern. pp. 332. Berlin, 191 6. 09082. aa. 13. RuMMEL (W. von) Das erste Jahr. Aus den Erinnerungen eines Kriegsfreiwilligen. pp. 236. Munchen, 1916. 09082. aa. 14. Dampierre (J. de) Garnets de route de com- battants allemands. Traduction integrale, introduction et notes, par J. de Dampierre. pp. 182. 1916. W.P. 3581. Brandis (C. von) Die Stiirmer von Douaumont. Kriegserlebnisse eines Kompagniefiihrers. Berlin, 191 7. 09083. cc. 53. Fendrich (A.) Mit dem Auto an der Front : KriegserleWisse. pp. 143. Stuttgart, 191 7- 9083. a. 2. German Deserter. A German Deserter's War Experience. Translated by J. Koettgen. pp.192. .Y.y., 1917. 9082. a. 4. GuERARB ( von) Major. Von Reims bis zu denArgonnen. pp.192. Leipzig, igij. obi. 4:°. 9083. aaa. 1. KoERNER (F. T.) Mit den Badenern, von Miil- hausen bis in die Champagne, pp. 116. Munchen, 1917. 09083. aaa. 58. Lehmann (C.) Ein Gang in den Schiitzengraben zu den Pionieren. pp. 114. Munchen, 1917. 9082. d. 22. LoHRisoH (H.) Im Siegessturm, von Liittich an die Marne. pjD. 186. Leipzig, 1917. 09082. bb. 8. RiEBiCKE (0.) Ringen an der Somme und im Herzen. pp. 156. Magdeburg, igiy. 09083. bb. 7. Adalbert Ferdestand Berengar Victor, Prince of Prussia, ilit meinem Bataillon im vordersten Graben. j^p. 89. Berlin, 1918. 9082. bb. 8. AuBURTiN (V.) Was ich in Frankreich erlebte. pp. 140. Berlin, 1918. 9083. b. 3. Karch (P.) IVIit der Pfalzer Division in Flandern. pp. 108. Kaiser slautern, 19 18. 09083. aa. 19. Kato (H.) Vor Ypern. Tagebuchaufzeich- nungen. pp. 94. Leipzig, 191 8. 09083. cc. 2. Ruedenauer (K. a.) Flandern-Schlachten ! Kriegs- und Stimmungsbilder aus meinem Tagebuch. pp. 106. Sttittgart, 191 8. 09083. a. 12. Toelke (L.) Aus den Pampas Argentiniens nach Ypern. pp. 123. Berlin, 1918. 9082. bb. 13. ZiMMERMA>^N (B.) Das Argonnenbuch. pp. 114. Berli7i, 1918. 09082. b. 48. PiNGAUD (A.) La Guerre vue par les combat- tants allemands. pp. 330. 1918. 9082. aaa. 43. Beradt (M.) Erdarbeiter. Aufzeichnungen eines Schanzsoldaten. i^p. 317. Berlin, 1919. 09084. aa. 9. Military and Naval History.— Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs.— German Worka^continned. Dehmel (R.) Zwischen Volk und Menschheit. Kriegstagebuch. pp. 493. Berlin, 19 19. 09083. bb. 05. Gossler (C. E. von) Erinnerungen an den Grossen Krieg. pp. 155. Breslau, 1919. 09083. dd. 4. Frick (F.) Eine Kriegschronik aus den An- fangstagen des grossen Krieges. pp. 166. Hildburghausen, 1920. 09083. d. 15. Italian Front. LiNDENBERG (P.) Unter Habsburgs Fahnen gegen Italien. pp. 223. Stuttgart, 1915. 9081. de. 4. Contag(A.) Kampf um Tirol, pp.152. Berlin, 1918. 9081. g. 30. ScHMiDKUNZ (W.) Der Kampf iiber den Gletschern. pp. 247. Munchen, 1918. 012553. c. 52. ScHUAUNN (H.) AIs Kanonier durch Nord- italien. pp. 55. Leipzig, 19 18. 9083. a. 57. Russian Front. Baxter (L.) Von den Schlachtfeldern in Galizien. pp. 110. Leipzig, 19 14. 9082. de. 39. LiNDEXBERG (P.) Gegen die Russen mit der Armee Hindenburgs. pp. 180. Leipzig, 1914. 9082. f. 17, Berg (H.) Was Mecklenburger Landsturm in Masuren erlebte. Schwerin, 191 5, etc. W.P. 2370. BESTE>'HOr (A. von) Hie Habsburg ! Kriegs- bilder. j)]}. 101. 1915. 12°. [Langeiis Kriegs • bucher.] 012552. i. 24/11. Bltjmenthal (H.) Galizien. Der Wall im Osten. pp. 154. 2Iunchen, 1915. 9083. e. 40. Botsky (K.) Ostpreussens Feuerzeit. Kriegs- bilder. pp. 128. 191 5. 12°. [Langens Kriegs- biicher.] 012552. i. 24-10. Brandt (R.) Fiinf Monate an der Ostfront. pp. 158. Berlin, 1915. 9083. e. 15. Foerster (R.) Mit Hindenburg und Mackensen in Russisch Polen. pp.153. Leipzig, igi^. 9083. e. 45. (2.) Graetz (F.) Auf dem Rad gegen den Feind. pp. 113. Berlin, 1915. 9083. e. 7. (1.) KoEHLER (W.) Die Kosaken des Zaren. Selbst- erlebtes in den Kriegsjahren 1914-1915. pp. 191. Minden, 1915. 09083. bb. 43. Langenscheidt (P.) Soldatenherzen. Gesche- henes mid gesehenes. pp. 171. Berlin. 191 5. 09083. a, 39. Lobsien(W.) HeiligeNot. Bilder aus Deutsch- lands Kampf gegen die Russen. pp. 178. Weimar, 19 15. 9083. e. 11. Merwin (B.) Mit den polnischen Legionen in den Karpathen. jip. 165. Munchen, 191^. 9083. aa. 29. MiCHAELSBURG (J. vou) Im belagertcn Prze- mysl. pp. 190. Leipzig, 1915. 9082. ff. 33. Mueller (R.) Drei Wochen russischer Gou- verneur. Erinnerungen an die Besetzung Gumbinnens durch die Russen. pp. 63. Gumbinnen, 191 5. 9082. g. 23. Strantz (V. von ) Im Kampf gegen die Russen. pp. 176. Minden, 1915. 09083. bb. 38. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 77 Military and Naval History. Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. — German "W orks — contin tied. Wertheimer (F.) Im polnischcn Winter- feldzug mit der Armee Mackensen. pp. 194. Stuttgart, 19 15. 9082. ft". 6. WoLZOGEN (E. L. von) Baron. Landsturm iin Feuer. pp. 249. Berlin, 1915. 12'. 9082. df. 11. Baumann (E.) Mit der Garde im Osten. pp. 183. Halle, 1916. 09082. a. 58 BiEEFREUND (M.) Meine Erlebnisse als Goiiver neur von Insterburg wahrend des Russen einfalls. pp. 130. Wurzburg, 1916. 09076. g. 26, GoMOLL (W. C.) Im Kampf gegen Russland. pp. 391. Leipzig, 19 16. 9083. f. 2G Herczeg (G.) Von Serajewo bis Lodz. Kriegs ciudi'ucke. pp. 229. Mimchen, 191 6. 09082. aa. 11 Jacques (N.) In der Schwarmlinie des oster reichisch-ungarischen Bundesgenossen. pp. 181. Berlin, 19 16. 9083. ee. 28 Madelung (A.) Mein Kriegstagebueh. pp.205 Berlin, 1916. 9084. de. 4 MiCHAELis (P.) Aus dem deutschen Osten. pp. 122. Berlin, 191 6. 9083. ff. 20. RiEBiCKE (0.) Als Schipper in der Front. pp. 119. Magdeburg, 19 16. 09083. a. 34 Wertheimer (F.) Kurland und die Diina front, pp. 141. Stuttgart, 19 16. 9083. ff. 24 MoENCKE (C.) Unter Linsingen in den Kar pathen. pp. 87. Stuttgart, 1917. 9081. eee. 31 Roojf (W. von) Zwei Jahre beim sehlesischen Landvvehrkorps. jip. 204. Schiveidnilz, 19 17. 9083. aa. 34. Strecker (C. M. W.) Auf den Spuren Hinden- burgscher Verwaltung. Erlebnisse und Ergeb- nisse einer Studienfahrt in Ob. Ost. pp. 42. Berlin, 191 7. 9081. eee. 21. VoLZ (W.) Mit der Brigade Hoffmann gegen Warschau ! Polnische Feldzugsbriefe. pp. 175. Berlin, 1917. 16^ 9083. a. 3. Braeunlich (W.) Tagebuch eines deutschen Studenten. pp. 123. 1918. [Aiis den Tagen des grossen Krieges.] 9081. b. 1/8. Buchberger (M.) Frontbesuche des Erz- bischofs M. von Faulhaber im Osten und auf dem Balkan, pp. 182. Begensburg, 1918. 9084. e. 1. GuSTEDT (E. C. A. von) Baron. Aus Russisch- Litauen. Erirmerungen und Erwagimgen. Bd.i. Halle, 1 9 18. 9081. e. 40. NowiNSKi (A.) Mit der Sehlesischen Land- wehr durch drei Kriegsjahre. pp. 72. Breslau, 1918. 9082, cc. 3. BossE (H.) Von russischen Fronten. Erin- nerungen und Erlebnisse eines baltischen Arztes. pp. 103. Berlin, 1919. 09084. b. 23. Gelber (A.) Auf polnischer Erde. pp. 405. Wien, 1919. 10290. dd. 18. Gelshorn (K.) Mit den deutschen Truppen in der Ukraine, pp. 60. Konigsberg, 19 19. 09082. b. 64. Stephani (W. von) Mit Hindenburg bei Tannen- berg. pp. 35. Berlin, 1919. 09083. d. 4. ScuuECKiNG (L. E. L.) Ein Jahr auf Oescl. pp. 114. Berlin, 1920. 09083. aaa. 79. Stein AECKER (F. J. H. R. von) Baron. Mit der Eisernen Division im Baltenland. pp. 55. Hamburg, 1920. 09083. bb. 70. Military and Naval History. —Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. German Works— wh^/x ued. Zeisixg (W.) Mit sachsisclier Landwehr im Osten. pp. 190. Leipzig, 1920. 09084. aaa. 10. Balkan Front. BLEECK-SciiLOMBAcn (E.) Allah il Allah. Mit den Siegesfahncn an den Dardanellen und auf GaUipoli. jip. 112. Leipzig, 1916. 09083. aa. 17. Gallipoli. Gallipoli. Der Kampf um den Orient, pp. 117. Berlin, 19 16. 09082. cc. 30. GoMOLL (W. C.) Im Kampf gegen Serbien. pp. 391. Leipzig, 1916. 9083. f. 20. LuDWiG (E.) Der Kampf auf dem Balkan, pp. 323. Berlin, 191 6. 09082. a. 78. 4 Reich (A.) Mit meinem Corps durch Serbien. pp. 64. Mimchen, 1916. 4°. 9083. h. 11. ScHJMiDT-BoNX (W.) Krieg in Serbien. pp. 135. Berlin, 191 6. 09083. cc. 38. Zabel (R.) Im Kampf e um Konstantinopel wahrend des Weltkrieges. pp. 166. Leipzig, 19 16. 9083. g. 10. Xeumair (J.) Erlebnisse und Stimmungen eines Landsturmoffiziers. Bd. 1. Im Serbischen Feldzug, 1914. pji. 379. Innsbruck, 191 7. W.R 886. NowAK (C. F.) iJber den Lowtschen. pp. 123. Berlin, 191 7. 9083. aa. 35. Weis (J.) Mit einer bayerischen Infanterie- Division durch Rumanien. pp. 116. Diessen, 191 7. 9082. cc. 11. Buchberger (M.) Frontbesuche des Erz- bischofs. ^I. von Faulhaber im Osten und auf dem Balkan, pp. 182. Regensburg, 1918. 9084. e. 1. Fraxke (R.) Im Paprikazuge, von Danzig zum Schwarzen Meer. pji. 42. Danzig, 19 18. 09083. aa. 12. Mesopotamia and Egypt. Sermax (E.) IMit den Tiiiken an der Front. pp. 138. Berlin, 1915. 9083. e. 37. Walther (J.) Zum Kampf in der Wiiste am Sinai und Nil. pp. 65. Leipzig, 191 6. 9083. f. 16. Aaroxsohn (A.) Mit der tiirkischen Armee in Palastina. pp. 106. Bern, 191 7. 9083. bb. 6. Africa, South, East, and West. Voehrixger (G.) Meine Erlebnisse wahrend des Krieges in Kamerun und in englischer Kriegsgefangenschaft. pp. 24. Hamburg, 1915. 9082. f. 34. (6.) Guerich (G.) Wahrend des Krieges in Deutsch- Ostafrika und Siidafrika. pp. 138. Berlin, 1916. 9083. g. 31. Kaufmaxx (H. W.) Meine Erlebnisse in Deutsch-Siidwestafrika. pp. 112. Bonn, 19 16. 010096. h. 39. Wolff (V.) Kameruner Kriegserlebnisse in deutscher und englischer Beleuchtung. Antworten auf das englische Blaubuch vom November 1915. pp.55. Gutersloh, igi-j. 4". 9083. h. 21. RoEHL (C.) Ostafrikas Heldenkampf. pp.179. Berlin, 1918. 9083. a. 52. ScHXEE (A.) Meine Erlebnisse wahrend der Kriegszeit in Deutsch-Ostafrika. pp. 197. Leipzig, 1918. 9083. a. 41. 78 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History. —Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs.— German Works — continued. Skolaster (H.) Krieg im Busch : selbst- eilebtes aus dem Kamerunkrieg. pp. 160. Limburg, 1918. 09083. cc. 10. Deppe (L.) ]Mit Lettow-Vorbeck durch Afrika. pp. 505. Berlin, 1919. 9084. f. 6. ScHNEE (H.) Deutsch-Ostafrika ira Welt- kriege. pp. 439. Leipzig, 19 19. 09083. dd. 1. Arning (W.) Vier Jahre Weltkrieg in Deutsch- Ostafrika. pp.324. Hamburg, ic,2o. 09083. b. 32. Wenig (R.) Kriegs- Safari. Erlebnisse und Eindriicke auf den Ziigen Lettow-Vorbecks durch das ostliche Afrika. pp. 250. Berlin, 1920. 09084. bb. 16. China. VosKAMP (C. J.) Aus dem belagerten Tsingtau. pp. 140. Berlin, 1915. 9082. f. 15. Walter (R.) Tsingtau unterm Feuer. pp. 141. 1915. [Heldenkdynpfe.] 9083. aaa. 18/5. VoLLERTHUN (W.) Dcr Kampf urn Tsingtau. pp. 200. Leipzig, 1920. 9084. c. 3. Letters and Memoirs. Ei'ROPEAN War. Deutsche Feldi^ostbriefe. Hft. 1-30. Chemnitz, 1914-15. 12°. 9032. df. 33. Majer-Leonhard ( ) Genealogische Beitrage zum Weltkrieg. Frankfurt a. M., 1914. 9903. V. 19. Hyan (H.) Helden aus dem Grossen Krieg, 1914-1915. pp.214. Berlin, ic)i'^. 012552. a. 86. Leitzen (H.) Der grosse Krieg 1914-15 in Feldpostbriefen. pp. 356. WolfenbiUtel, 1915. 09083. a. 31. Berlin. Mdrkisches Provinzial-3Iuseum. Briefe aus dem Felde 1914-15. pp. 16. Oldenburg, 1916. 9083. f. 21. Warstat (W.) Das Erlebnis imserer jungen Kriegsfrei^^dlligen. Nach den Feldpost- briefen, Tagebiichem, Gedichten und Schil- derungen jugendhcher Kriegsfreiwilhger herausgegeben. pp. 91. Gotha, 191 6. 09083. cc. 60. WiTKOP (P.) Kriegsbriefe deutscher Studenten. pp. 114. Gotha, 1 9 16. 010902. de. 42. AicH (J. A.) Deutsches Heldentum, 1914- 1917. pp. 119. Regensburg, 1917. 16°. {Bucher der Stunde.] W.P. 1313/6. Pfeilschifter (G.) Lettres de soldats catholiques en campagne. pp. 236. Freiburg i. B., 1918. 010905. f. 19. Bezzel (H. von) Briefe, nebst einem klemen Anhang von Gedichten und Gedanken. pp. 334. Nlirnberg, 191 9. 010905. de. 30. Boelcke (0.) Hauptmann Bolckes Feld- berichte. pp. 123. Gotha, 19 17. 09083. aaa. 62. BussE (H.) Aus der belagerten Teste Boyen. Feldzugsbriefe. pp. 150. Berlin, 1919. 9083. bb. 27. P. A. F.) Briefe aus dem Berliii, 1920. 010905. g. 22. Unter Uns Barbaren. Briefe pp. 105. 08027. bb. 58. LlEBKNECHT (C. Felde. pp. 138. Mayehofer (J.) aus dem Weltkrieg. Leutkirch, 19 17. Mohr(H.) Feldbriefe. Brief 1-5. Freiburg i. B., 1914. 12°. 04402. ff. 21. Military and Naval History.— Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. — German Works — contin ncil Mueller (C.) Kriegsbriefe cines neutralen Offiziers. pp. 246. 1915. [Aus den Tagen des grossen Krieges.] 9081. b. 1/3. PoHL (H. von) Aus Aufzeichnungen und Brief en -wahrend der Kriegszeit. pp. 150. Berlin, 1920. 010704. g. 22. Quenzel (C.) Vom Kriegschauplatz. Feld- postbriefe und andere Berichte. 2 Bd. Leipzig, 1915. 9083. aa. 28. ScHiCHT (A.) Ein Held der Garde. Briefe aus dem Felde. pp. 75. Altenburg, 1917. 9083. aa. 37. Schoettler (H.) Neunzehnhundertvierzehn in Briefen und Feldpostbriefen. pp. 162. Leipzig, 1915. 010905. e. 20. Sparr (H.) Feldpostbriefe. pp. 307. Leipzig, 1915. 9082. gg. 15. VoLZ (W.) Mit der Brigade Hoffmann gegen Warschau ! Polnische Feldzugsbriefe. pp. 175. Breslau, 191 7. 16°. 9083. a. 3. Witte (F. C.) Kriegsbriefe. pp. 170. Halle, 1917. 9081. g. 17. Austro-Hungarian Works. Decsey (E.) Krieg im Stein. Erlebtes, aus dem Kampfgebiet des Karsts. pp. 181. Graz, 1915. 9082. df. 25, Im Feuerkreis des Karsts. Neue Folge des Kriegs im Stein, pp. 275. Graz, 191 6. 9082. df. 41. Nagy (E.) Tabori levelek. pp.192. Budapest, 19 15. 09082. cc. 55. Bernreiter (R.) Bliihende Opfer. Biklcr aus der Front, pp. 156. Innsbruck, 1916. 16°. 9082. df. 63. Burger (J.) Mit den Tiroler Landesschutzen gegen Russland. pp. 228. Innsbruck, 1916. 09082. a. 54. Gnevkow-Blume (R.) Gahziens Wiederer- oberung in Wort imd Bild. pp. 55. Wien, 191 6. 9083. g. 12. Holy (J.) Von Czernowitz bis Iwangorod. Kriegstagebuch eines osterreichischen Front- offiziers. pp. 202. Wien, 1916. 9082. f. 31. Koch (L.) Skizzen vom Isonzo. Wien, 1916. obi. fol. 9083. ee. 25. NowAK (C. F.) Hotzendorfs Lager, pp. 240. Berlin, 1916. 9083. ee. 14. Pastor (L. von) Conrad von Hotzendorf. Ein Lebensbild. pp. 104. Wien, 19 16. 010705. ee. 58. Steiger (H.) and Panhofer (P.) Das Kriegs- buch der ehernen Mark. pp. 124. JIurzzuschlag, 1916. 012357. m. 35. Baar (V.) Ein Jahr an der Isonzofront. Klima- tologische Beobachtungen. pp. 35. Wien, 191 7. 09082. c. 18. Tumliz (0.) Aus dem Kriegstagebuche eines Gliickskindes : Stiramvmgen und Erlebnisse eines osterreichischen Reserveoffiziers. pp. 272. Berlin, 191 7. 09083. b. 2. Taslauanu (0. C.) Trois mois de campagne en Gahcie. Garnet de route d'un Transylvain, officier dans I'armee austro-hongroise. 1 pp. 259. 1916. 09082. aa. 54. With the Austrian Army in Galicia. pp. 255. Skeffington, 19 18. 09082. d. 23. EUROPEAN WAE, 1914-1918. 79 Military and. Naval History.— Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and. Memoirs — continued. Danish Works. Ahlbekg (B. M.) Blade af Dagens Bog. Verdenskrigen 1914-1915. pp. 148. K^benhavn, 191 5. 09083. bb. 22. European War. ^rdlcm Frontcrne. En Daask Lojtiiaiits Opievelser under \'crdens- krigen. pj). 149. K^ibenhavn, 191s- 9083. aaa. 12. Erichsen (E.) Forced to Fight : the tale of a Schleswig Dane. pp. 184. 191 6. [Soldiers' Tales oj the Great War.] 9081. c. 1/9. JoRGENSEN (J.) The War Pilgrim, pp. 120. Burm a> Oates, ic)i-]. 09083. c. 14. XiELSEN (H.) Danske Soldaterbreve. pji. 224. Kjpbenhavn, 19 17. 010902. de. 40. Dutch Works. LiNTUM (C. te) Geographische Schetsen van Oorlogstooneclen. pp. 41. Zutphen, 1916. 9083. f. 22. Samson (T.) Brieven, indrukkcn en besohou- Avingen door een neuti'aal journalist von het ■\vestfront der geallieerden, 1914-1917. Amsterdam, 19 17. 9082. aa. 10. Prins (A. J.) Aan het front en in Belgie. pp. 92. Arnhem, 1916. 12°. 09076. df. 29. Spanish Works. Diaz-Retg (E.) Verdun ! Diario de las batallas del Mesa, 1916. pp. 323. Barcelona, 1916. 9084. bb. 13. Gomez Carillo (E.) En el corazon de la tragedia. pp. 289. Madrid, 1916. 09083. aaa. 52. In the Heart of the Tragedy, pp. 153. Hodder d; Stoughton, 191 7. 9082. a. 21. En las trincheras. pp.334. Madrid, 1916. 9081. de. 11. ^Maeztu (R. de) Inglaterra en annas. Una \-isita al f rente, i^p. 144. Londres, 191 6. 9082. d. 32. Alcala Galiano (A.) Junto al Volciin. Im- presiones del frente occidental, pp. 219. Madrid, 191 7. 09083. c. 60. Pujol (J.) En Galitzia y el Isonzo. pp. 313. Madrid, 1916. 9081. de. 5. Perez be Ayala (R.) Notas de un viaje a los frentes del Isonzo, la Camia y el Trentino. pp. 224. Madrid, 191 7. 9082. aa. 26. Gomez de Baquero (E.) Soldados y Paisajes de Itaha. pp. 230. Madrid, 191 8. 9082. bb. 7. Swedish Works. Lago-Lengquist (N.) Under kejsarornar ocli halvmi^ne. En ki-igskorrespondents minnen, 1915-16. pp. 292. Stockholm, 1916. 09082. b. 29. Annee (W.) Fran Fronter och Krigsliinder. pp.227. Stockholm, ic,i -J. 09082. d. 44. Christiernsson (N.) Med Mackensen till Przemysl. Ur en krigskorrespondents anteck- ningar. pp.158. Stockholm, igi^. 9082. b. 29. Hedin (S. a.) Kriget mot Ryssland. iMinnen fran fronten, 1915. pp.964. Stockholm, igi 5. 9082. d. 11. With the German Armies in the West. pp.402. L(xn«, 1915. 9082. CO. 3. Military and Naval History. — Personal Experiences and Diaries : Letters and Memoirs. — Swedish Works — continued. Berg (B.) Diir krigcf ra.sar. Skisser fnln kampen i oster. pp. 127. Stockholm, 1916. 9082. b. 24. Knoppel (A.) " Bar barer." Skildringar fran Tvskland och fronten i oster. pp. 243. Stockholm, 1916. 09083. bb. 25. Margin (N. G.) Skuggor och dagrar fran viirlds- kriget. Minnen irhn en studieresa mot ost- fronten, 1915. pp. 239. Uppsala, 191 6. 9082. b. 20. Swiss Works. Eberlein (G. W^.) Deutschland im Kriege. Erschautes und Erlaubtes. 2 vol. Zurich, 1916, 19. 9083. f. 34. KuGLER (F.) Erlebnisse eines Schweizers in den Dardanellen und an der franzosischen Front . pp. 124. Zurich, 19 16. 09082. a. 29. Mueller (C.) An der Kampfiront in Siidtirol. pp. 96. Bielefeld, 19 16. [Aus den Tagen des grossen Krieges.] 9081. b. 1/11. Von der deutschen Westfront. pp. 154. Bielefeld, 1916. [.4m.s den Tagen des grossen Krieges.] 9081. b. 1/16. Egli (C.) Berichte aus dem Felde. 5 pt. Zurich, 191 7-1 8. 9084. df. 14. NiEHANS (P.) Fiinfzehn Monatc im Kampf- gebiet. pj). 48. Bern, 191 9. 9083. a. 45. PRISONERS AND REFUGEES. General Works. Behandlung. Die Behandlung der feindUchen ZivUpersonen in den kriegfuhrenden Staaten bei Ausbruch des Krieges. pp. 58. Berlin, 1918. 09083. b. 14. England. Foreign Office. The Treatment of Prisoners of War in England and Germany during the first eight months of the War. pp. 36. 19 15. 9082. dd. 17. European War. Le Regime des prisonniers de guerre en France et en Allemagne au regard des conventions internationales, 1914-1916. pp. 100. 1916. 06955. i. 67. International Red Cross Committee. Re- prisals against Prisoners of War. Correspond- ence between the International Red Cross Committee and the British Government, pp. 12. Sir J. Causlon, 19 16. 06955. de. 20. Lemoine (A.) Les Conventions internationales sur le regime des prisonniers de guerre. Leur ajDplication dans la guerre actuelle. pp. 76. 1917. 6955. de. 18. EspiNos MoLTo (V.) Alfonso xui y la Guerra. Espejo de neutrales. pp. 241. Madrid, 191 8. 9082. dd. 3. Mousset (A.) Alphonse xiii et les oeuvres de guerre, pp.45. 191 7. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825 HI. ViscHER (A. L.) Barbed Wire Disease. A psychological study of the Prisoner of War. pp. 84. J. Bale, 1919. 7409. cc. 26. Allied Prisoners in Enemy Countries. Backhavs (A.) Die Kriegsgefangenen in Deutschland. pp. 112. 191 5. [Moyitanus- Biicher.] 9084. gg. 3. Germany. Appendix. Aus deutschen Kriegsge- fangenenlagem. pp. 64. Frankfurt a. 31., 1915. obi. S\ 9083. df. 24. 80 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History.— Prisoners and Refugees.— Allied Prisoners in Enemy Countries — coniinned. JIoxTVERT (J.) En Captivite ! Lettres et recits de soldats fran^ais, beiges et anglais, pp. 158. 1915- 9083. sa;. 7. Stieiil (0.) Unsere Feiude. 9G Charakterkopfe aus deutschen Kriegsgefangenenlagern. pp.32, pi. 96. Stuttgart, I g 16. 9082. df. 64. Struck (H.) Kriegsgefangene : hundert Steia- zeichnungen. pp. 100. Berlin, 1916. fol. 9084. h. 2. Krebs (E.) Die Behandlung der Kriegsgefang- enen in Deutschland. pp. 237. Freiburg i. B., 1917. 9083. £f. 35. Heuberg. Heuberg 1914-17. Leben und Treiben der Kriegsgefangenen. Esslingena. N., jgi-j. obi. S°. 9083. aaa. 21. Neander (H.) Bland Krigsfangar. Intryck friin mitt arbete i krigsfangelagren i Tyskland. pp. 115. Uppsala, 1917. 09083. cc. 18. JMacCarthy (D. J.) The Prisoner of War in Germany, pp.344. i\^r., 19 18. 9081. eee. 36. Doegen (W.) Kriegsgefangene Volker. Berlin, igig, etc. W.P. 5449. Mxjensingen. Hinter dem Stacheldraht, Kriegsgefangenenlager, Miinsingen. pp. 88. Stuttgart, 1918. 9084. g. 3. Risse ( ) Die Kriegsgefangenenlager ini Bezirke des iv Armeekorps. pp. 64. Halle, 1916. 4°. 9083. g. 24. Wang ART (S.) and Hellmann (R.) Die Zeitung im deutschen Gefangenen- und Internierten- lager. Eine BibUographie. pp. 76. Biihl, 1920. 011903. b. 47. Howard (Keble) " The Quality of Mercy " : how British Prisoners of War were taken to Germany in 1914. pp. 15. 1918. 9082. aaa. 36. Austin (L. J.) My Experiences as a German Prisoner, pp. 157. A. Melrose, 191 ■;. 9082. e. 12. CiMiNO (H.) Behind the Prison Bars in Ger- many, pp. 157. Newnes, 1915. 9082. de. 30. England. Parliament. Reports by United States Officials on the Treatment of British Prisoners of War and Interned Civilians in Germany. 1915. N.R. 7861. Huns. In the Hands of the Huns : being the reminiscences of a British civil prisoner of war, 1914-1915. pp. 95. SinipUn, Marshall, 191 6. 09076. df. 27. Marshall (L. H.) Experiences in German Gaols, pp. 48. Liverpool, 191 5. 9083. e. 11. O'RoRKE (B. G.) In the Hands of the Enemy. pp. 112. Longmans, 191 5. 9082. df. 17. European War. Wounded and a Prisoner of W^ar. By an Exchanged Officer, pp. 316. Blackwood, 191 6. 09082. aa. 56. Green (A.) The Story of a Prisoner of War. pp. 95. Ckatto d> Windus, 1916. 09076. df. 26. DoiTSH (E.) The Fii'st Springbok Prisoner in Germany, pp. 122. McBride, Nast d- Co., 191 7. 09082. bbb. 25. DoLBEY (R. V.) A Regimental Surgeon in War and Prison, pp. 257. J. Murray, 19 17. 09082. cc. 37. Mahoney (H. C.) Sixteen Months in four German Prisons, pp. 330. Sampson Low, 191 7. 09082. aa. 66. Military and Naval History. — Prisoners and Refugees. — Allied Prisoners in Enemy Countries — continued. Gaunter (J. A. L.) 13 Days: the chronicle of an escape from a German prison, pp. 224. Bell & Sons, 1918. 9083. aa. 33. Ellison (W.) Escaped ! Adventures in German captivity, pp. 311. Blackwood, 191 8.' 9082. aa. 20. Germany. Appendix. To make Men Traitors. Germany's attempts to seduce her prisoners- of-war. pp. 26. Hodder cfc Stoughton, 191 8. 08028. ee. 34. (3.) GiLLiLAND (H. G.) My German Prisons. Two and a half years as a prisoner of war. pp. 316. Hodder d- Stoughton, 19 18. 9082. aa. 32. Keith (E. A.) Mv Escape from Germany. pp.274. Nisbet'db Co., 1918. 9082. *b. 16. Mahoney (H. C.) Interned in Germany. pp. 278. Sampson Low, 191S. 9082. aa. 8. O'Brien (P. A.) Outwitting the Hun : my escape from a German prison camp. pp. 266. IF. Heinemann, 19 18. 09083. c. 62. Pearson (G. E.) The Escape of a Princess Pat: capture, fifteen months imprisonment, and final escape. pp. 223. Hutchinson & Co., 19 18. 09083. bb. 15. RossiTER (I.) In Kultured Kaptivity : life and death in Germany's Prison Camps and Hospitals, pp. 244. Indianaiwlis, 1918. 9082. aa. 30. Duncan (W.) How I escaped from Germany, pp. 108. Liverpool, 1919. 9082. bb. 30. HoPFORD (W.) Twice Interned : Transvaal 1901-02, Germany, 1914-18. pp. 140. J. Murray, 1919. 010856. de. 21. Knight ( ) " Brother Bosch." An Airman's escape from Germany, pp. 175. W. Heinemann, 19 19. 9083. a. 40. Opp6 (E. F.) Prisoners of AVar in Germany : a personal note. pp. 15. Aldershot, 1919. 9082. bb. 15. Page (E.) Escaping from Germany, pp. 387. A. Melrose, 1919. 9083. a. 59. Thorn (J. C.) Three Years a Prisoner in Ger- many, pp. 151. Vancouver, 19 19. 09084. aaa. 4. Foley (H, A.) Three Years on Active Service and Eight Months as a Prisoner-of-War. pp. 185. Bridgwater, 1920. 09082. b. 62. Harvey (F. W.) Comrades in Captivity : a record of Ufe m seven German Prison Camps, pp. 319. Sidgivick d> Jackson, 1920. 09082. b. 51. Warburton (E.) Behind Boche Bars. pp. 126. J. Lane,-ig2o. 09083. bb. 78. Lee (J.) A Captive at Carlsruhe. pp. 219. J. Lane, 1920. 09083. bb. 72. Doeberitz. Kriegsgefangenenlager. The Link : a souvenir book published by British Prisoners of War interned at Doeberitz, 1914-17. pp. 65. Berlin-Schoneberg, 191 7. 4°. 12350. k. 28. Doberitz Gazette. Doberitz, 1916, etc. P.P. 4039. wuo. England. Government Committee on the Treat- ment by the Enemy of British Prisoners of ]Var. Rapport sur I'epidemie de typhus a Gardelcgen. pp. 40. Darling db Son, 1916. 07561. ee. 19. P.P. Gottingen. The Wooden City. A journal for British Prisoners of War. Gottingen, 1915, etc. P.P. 4039. wul. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 81 Military and Naval History. Prisoners and Refugees.— Allied Pinsoners in Enemy Covintries niiitiiuicd. DuRNFORD (H. G. E.) The Tunnellers of Holzminden. jij). 196. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1920. 09084. bb. 2. Knox (M.) The Silent Baltic : or, Detained near Kiel, pp.64. 191 5. 9082. de. 37. Waugh (A.) The Prisoners of Mainz, pp. 274. Chapman lARTiN (.L) Captivity and Escape. Translated by V. A. Randell. pp. 180. .f. Murray, 191 7. 9082. a. 5. Roger (N.) Le Cortege des Victimes. Les rapatries d'AUemagne. pp.208. 191 7. 09083. aaa. 17. The Victims' Return. ]ip. 134. Constable, 1917. 9082. a. IS. Andre (G.) Ma Captivite en Allemagne, 1914- 1917. pp. 256. 1 91 8. 09082. d. 2.5. Arvengas (G.) Entre les fils de fer : carnet d'un prisonnier de guerre, 1914-1917. pp. 252. 1918. 9082. bb. 1. Benjamin (R.) Les Rapatries. pp. 63. 191S. 9082. aa. 23. Bordeaux (H.) Le Retour des Innocents, pp. 16. 1 91 8. 9083. bb. 10. C'ELARifi (H.) En Esclavage : journal de deux deportees, pp. 342. 191 8. 09082. d. 24. Christian-Frog 6 (R.) Les Captifs. pp. 210. 19 18. 9083. bbb. 6. DuFOUR (J. J.) Dans les camps de represailles. pp. 248. 1 91 8. 9082. aaa. 27. Pallet (C.) Notes d'une internee fran^aise en Allemagne. pp. 61. 1918. 9082. bbb. 2. France. Ministere des Affaires Etrangere^i. Rapports des Delegues du Gouvernement p]spagnol sur leurs visites dans les Camps de Prisonniers fran9ais en Allemagne, 1914-1917. pp.420. 1 91 8. 9082. dd. II. Loir (Mme. A.) A bord d'un tran.siiort anglais lapatriant des j^i'isonniers fran^ais de Rotter- dam au Havre, 1918. pp. .30. Le Havre, 1918. 09082. b. 36. 82 EUROPEAN WAB, 1914 1918. Military and Naval History. Prisoners and Refugees. — Allied Prisoners in Enemy Countries — contin ued. Riviere (.J.) L'AlIemand : souvenirs et re- flexions d'un j^risonnier de guerre. ])p. 250. 19 1 S. 9082. bb. 11. BouLFROY (A.) Quatre annees de captivate et de souffrances, 1914-1918. pp. 89. 1919- IPages achielles.] W.P. 2825/1.34, 135. GiNiSTY (P.) and Gagneur (M.) Les Belles :^vasions. pp. 249. 1919. 9083. bbb. 10. Hemard (J.) Chez les Fritz : notes et eroquis 4^ captivite. 1919- 4°. 9082. cc. 26. Marchal (A.) Apres nion vol au-dessus de Berlin. Ma cajitivite, mes evasions, pp. 342. 1919. 9083. bbb. 8. Niox (C.) Mes six evasions, pp. 244. 1919. 9083, bbb. 2. ^ournadre (C. L.J. de) AuPays des foufbes : impressions de captivite. pp. 292. 19 19. 09083. cc. 30. P.P. Brandenburg. Les 100 numeros du Petit Fran9ais, organe autbentique des officiers frangais prisormiers a Brandebourg et Halle, Allemagne. 14 Sept.— 22 Dec. 1914. 1917.4°. P.P. 4039. yo. P.P. Gottingen. Le Camp de Gottingen. Gottingen, 1915, etc. 4°. P.P. 4039. wuk. Stance (C.) Das Gefangenen-Lager in Gott- ingen. pp. 37. Gottingen, 191 5. 9083. h. 10. Baud-Bovy (D.) L'l^vasion. Reeit de deux prisonniers fran§ais evades du camp d'Hammel- bourg. pp.218. 1917. 0908.3. aaa. 38. Vallis (G.) En Allemagne : impressions d'un evade. De Douaumont a Mannheim, pp. 127. 1918. 09082. d. 13. Trimbalet (A.) De Soyecourt a Wittenberg ; ou, I'invasion et la captivite. j^p. 132. Amiens, 19 16. 09082. a. 42. WuRZBURG. Gefangenenlager. L'Intermede. Journal des prisonniers fran^ais du camp de Wiirzburg. Wurzhurg, igiT, etc. P.P. 4039. wuk. (3.) Italian Prisoners of War. Italian Prisoners of War and the Enemy's Barbaritv. pp. 19. Torino, 19 18. " 09083. b. 12. Loyola (A.) The Captivity of the Italians in Austria, pp. 36. Torino, 1918. 9082. d. 25. M SKY (E. A.) 4'ieBniiKT> 3a.ioa^niii;a. 7 MtcflueBi n.i-feHa bi I\ap.ic6a/it. pp. 226. Ui., 1915. 9083. f. 85. Navoev (P. E.) KaKi JKUBCTca naimiMi) n^tHHbiMT) Bi repManiii H ABCTpo-Benrpiii. pp.48. //;., 1915. 09082. bb. 7. Russia. Vpcsobiuaiiiia/i Cmdcmemnan Uommucciii. Travaux. Eng., Fr. & Buss. 8 fasc. Petrograd, 1915-16. 4°. 9085. ff. 5. RUDNITZKY (N.) Erfarenheter bland ryska krigsfangar i Tyskland. pp. 38. Stockholm, 191 6. obi. 8°. 9083. df. 16. Karabchevsky (N. p.) Les prisonniers civils en Allemagne. Impressions de captivite a Bad Hombourg. Traduit du Russe. pp. 183. 1917. 09082. bbb. 46. Military and Naval History. — Prisoners and Refugees.— Allied Prisoners in Enemy Countries— eortp. 103. 1916. [.4«s den Tagen des grossen Krieges.] 9081. b. 1/12. RoscHER (^I.) Zwei Jahre kriegsgefangen in West- und Nord-Afrika. pp. 208. Stuttgart, 1918. 9083. a. 24. LiEBAU (C.) Gefangen in Rumanien. pp. 80. Hamburg, 19 18. 9082. bbb. 18. G 2 84 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History. — Prisoners and Refugees. — Enemy Prisoners in Allied Countries — rout in Hal . Zekely (W.) In Rumiinien dreieiiihalb Monate interniert. \>i^. 94. Bukarest, 1918. 9082. bb. 22. Aram (C.) Nach Sibirien luit hunderttausend Deutschen. i)p. 247. Berlin, 191 5. 12°. 9082. df. 12. Hacia Siberia con cien mil Alemanes. lip. 152. Barcelona, 1916. 9081. e. 8. ScHiEMANN (T.) Nach Russland verschleppt. pp. 24. Berlin, 1915. 0908.3. b. 9. LvNDBERG (A.) Fran fangelse till fangelse i Rj-ssland. pp. 102. Stockholm, 19 16. 9083. a. 28. Sandblad (E.) I rj'sk fangenskap. pp. 199. Stockholm, 1916. 9082. b. 30. ScHMiDT-LoETZEN (E.) Von Masuren nach Siberien. Ein Jahr in russischer Kriegs- gefangenschaft. pp. 88. Schiverin, 19 16. 9081. ee. 17. Franiel (V.) Meine Leiden in russischer Gefangenschaft. pp. 108. Berlin, 191 7. 09082. d. 2. NowAK (V.) Bilder aus der Ermnerung eines Austauschinvaliden in russischer Kriegsge- fangenschaft. pp.99. TFte?i, 1917. 09083. b. 11. Engelmanx (A.) Nach 2ijahriger Gefan- genschaft in Siberien und der Ukraine durch die russische Front entfiohen. pp. 55. Leipzig, 1918. 09083. cc. 3. Schuster (.J.) 16 Monate in russischer Kriegs- gefangenschaft. pp. 45. Eger, 191 8. 9083. df. 22. Seraphim (E.) Nach Sibirien verschleppt. pp. 92. DorjMt, 19 1 8. 09082. d. 56. Zahnd (C.) Gefangenen-Leiden. Als Neu- traler von Ostjireussen nach Sibirien ver- schleppt. pp.102. LeijJzig, igi8. 09082. b. 40. Price (H. T.) Boehe and Bolshevik. Experi- ences of an Englishman in the German Army and in Russian prisons, i^p. 247. J. Murray, 19 19. 09083. cc. 11. Steinaecker (M. p. C. A. E. W. von) Baroness. Die deutsche Schwester in Sibirien. pp. 173. Berlin, 1919. 9083. a. 62. Neander (H.) Bland krigsfangar i Ryssland, Sibirien och Japan, pp. 135. Stockholm, 1920. 09084. aaa. 9. Persons interned in Neutral Countries. Amsterdam. Committee for British Interned. The Committee for the British Interned, pp. 11. Amsterdarn, 1919. 09084. c. 12. Geneva. Comite international de la Croix- Rouge. Documents publics a I'occasion de la Guerre. 16 ser. Gen£ve, 1915-16. 9081. cc. 3. Nouvelles de I'Agence Internationale des Prisonniers de Guerre. Geneve, 19 16, etc. P.P. 4039. wum. England. Foreign Office. The Reception of Wounded Prisoner Soldiers of Great Britain in Switzerland, pp. 8. J. Truscott, 19 16. 09083. aa. 56. MoNTATJDON (A.) Les Internes en pays neutre dans la guerre continental, pp. 154". 1916. 6955. fif. 38. Roger (N.) Le Garnet d'un temom. Le passage des evacues a travers la Suisse. 2 pt. 19 16. 9084. f. 12. Military and Naval History.^Prisoners and Refugees. — Persons interned in Neutral Countries — continued. Roger (N.) Soldats internes en Suisse, pp. 95. Geneve, 1916. 09082. a. 68. Chassin (A.) Les Prisonniers de guerre fran9ais internes en Suisse, pp. 111. 19 17. 9082. g. 42. Favre (I5.) L'Internement en Suisse des prisonniers de guerre malades ou blesses. 2 pt. Geneve, igi-j, 18. 9084. c. 14. Jaccottet (G.) L'Etape liberatrice. Scenes de la vie des soldats allies internes en Suisse, pp. 288. Geneve, 1918. 4°. 9081. h. 14. Knowles (C.) a Visit to Switzerland in War- Time, pp. 19. 19 1 8. 9081. e. 31. PicoT (H. P.) The British Interned in Switzer- land. iDp. 212. E. Arnold, 1919. 09082. c. 38. Reichel (0.) Die deutschen Kriegsgaste der Schweiz. pp. 94. Mfmchen, 191 7. 9082. d. 24. WoLTERECK (R.) Merkbuch fiir die deutschen Internierten in der Schweiz. pp. 24. Bern, 1916. 9081. ee. 20. Refugees. England. Catholic Social Guild. How to help the Belgian Refugees, pp. 15. 1914. 08275. e. 86. Anthonis (H.) Les Refugies beiges taxes par les AUemands. pp. 23. Oxford, 19 15. 06955. e. 15. Carton de Wiart (H.) La Belgique en Terre d'Asile. pp. 78. 1915. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/19. Tant (E.) Exode, Oct. 1914. pp. 40. Bruxelhs, 19 19. 09083. a. 21. Davignon(H.) Un Peuple en exil. La Belgique en Angleterre. po. 67. 1916. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/93. Belgian Workmen. The Condition of the Belgian Workmen now Refugees in England. pp. 15. Fisher TJnwin, 191 7. 08285. a. 7. Campbell (H.) Belgian Soldiers at Home in the United Kingdom, pp. 95. Saunders & Cullingham, 19 17. 09082. bb. 18. Des Ombiatjx (M.) Un Royaume en exil. La Belgique du dehors, pp.224. 191 7. 9083. ee. 44. Varlez (A.) Les Beiges en exil. pp. 296. Londres, 19 17. 4°. 9082. h. 24. Wallon (J.) Une Cite beige sur la Tamise. pp. 102. Bruxelles, 1917. 010368. ee. 14. London. British Government War Refugees'' Camp, EarVs Court. Four Years in a Refugee Camp : being an accoimt of the British Ciovern- ment War Refugees' Camp, Earl's Court, London, 1914-1919. pp. 84. Baynard Press, 1920. 4°. 9083. h. .30. NoTHOMB (P.) Les refugies et les heros. La Belgique en France, pp. 194. 191 7. 09083. aaa. 13. Wastelier du Parc (L.) Souvenirs d'un refugie. Douai, LUle, Paris, Boulogne-sur- mer, 1914-1915. pp. 322. 1916. 09082. a. 21. Jacques (N.) Die Fliichtlinge. Durch Holland hinter die belgische Front, pp. 108. Berlin, 19 15. 09083. aa. 24. Verdeyen (R. W. R.) Belgie in Nederland, 1914-1919. pp. 268. 's-Gravenhage, 1920. 09084. bb. 10. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Military and Naval History. Prisoners and Refugees. — Refugees —confinned. Thurstan (V.) Tlio IVr>])le who run : being the tragedy of the refugoes in Russia, pp. 175. N.Y., 19 1 6. 09082. a. 5. Jones (Forticr) With Serbia into Exile, i^p. 447. N.Y., 19 16. 9083. ff. 25. Marsicanin (B. K.) ycnoMciic ii:i nOi-ra. pp. 312. Ecoipad, 1919. 09084. aaa. G. ScHRADER (F.) Eine Fliichtlingsreise (lurch die Ukraine, pj). 123. Tubingen, 19 19. 9082. ec. 29. C'hafin (H. C. B.) The Experience of an American Refugee. Providence, 1914. 16°. 9082. de. 18. Austin (H. H.) The Baqubah Refugee Camp. An account of work on behalf of the persecuted Assyrian Christians, pp. 119. Fai'th Press, 1920. 09083. a. 80. III. -POLITICAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY. POLITICAL AND CONTROVEESIAL WORKS. Causes of the War. For works on the Violation of Belgian Neu- trality, see also below, Belgium. Official Documents. General. England. Foreign Office. Collected Diplo- matic Documents relating to the outbreak of the European War. pp. 5G1. 191s. 08027. i. 27. Ac. Washington. Carnegie Endoivment for International Peace. Diplomatic Documents relating to the Outbreak of the European War. 2 vol. A^.T., 1916. ' 2069. d. U.S.A. Dept. of State. Declarations of War. Severances of Diplomatic Relations, 1914- 1918. pp. 99. Washington, 1919. A.S. 420/22. Beck (J. M.) The Evidence in the Case : an analysis of the diplomatic records sub- mitted by England, Germany, Russia and Belgium in the Sujjreme Court of Civilization. pp.200. A'.r., 1915. 08027. a. 33. La Preuve. jjp. 298. 19 15. 08027. d. 32. European War. Why England, Germany, Russia and Belgium went to war. Diplomatic correspondence, pp.32. A^. F., 1914. fol. 1873. f. 2. ■ Pourquoi nous avons la guerre. Pieces diplomatiques et jiarlementaires pour servir a rhistoire de la Guerre de 1914. pp. 45. 191 5. 08027. c. 36. Reinach (J.) Origines diplomatiques de la guerre de 1914-1917. pp.660. 1917. 08027. b. 93. Bernstein (E.) Dokumente zum Weltkrieg. 16 pt. JSer?m, 1914-17. 08028. df. 24. European War. Der Ausbruch des Welt- krieges 1914-15 in amtlichen Aktenstiicken. pp. 112. Leipzig, 1915. 08027. a. 81. Floerke (H.) Das Ausland und wir. Doku- mente. pp. 315. Milnchen, 191 5. 08027. i. 79. Helfferich (C.) The Genesis of the Great War in the light of the Official Documents pubUshed by the Governments of the Triple Entente, pp. 52. Berlin, 19 15. 08027. b. 37. (5.) Political and Social History. — Political and Controversial Works. — Causes of the War -runtiinifd. Massow (W. von) Dokumente zur Geschichte des Krieges 1914. Bd. 1-3. Leipzig, 1914. 16°. 8027. a. 36. Andriulli (G. a.) Documents relating to the Great War. Translated by T. Okey. pp. 127. Fisher Unwin, 1915. ^ 08027. a. 73. Great Britain. England. Foreign Office. Great Britain and the European Crisis : correspondence, and statements in Parliament, jip. 177. 1914. 08027. c. 5. Engeland in oorlog voor de gewaarborgde rechten van kleine naties. pp. 171. 's-Gravenhage, 1914. 08027. aa. 2. Das englischc Weissbuch in deutscher Uebersetzung. pp. 110. Berlin, 1914. 08027. c. 10. Korrespondenz der kciniglich Grossbritann- ischen Regierung betrefts der europaischen Krise. pp. 160. Bern, 19 14. 08027. c. 3. Levelezes az europai valsagra vonatkozo- lag. pp. 124. 1915. 08027. c. 31. Corrispondenza suUa crisi europea. pp. 77. Roma, 1914. fol. 08027. dd. 1. (3.) Corresi>ondencia do Governo Britannico relativa a' crise europea. pp. 135. Londres, 19 14. 08027. c. 4. Correspondent a relativa, la criza euro- peana. pp. 68. Bitcure^i, 191 4. fol. 08027. dd. 18. Libro bianco : correspondencia respecto a la crisis europea. pp. 144. San Sebastian, 19 14. 08027. aa. 1. The Great War and how it arose, pji. 56. 1915. 08028. e. 10. • The Outbreak of the War of 1914-18. Based mainly on British Official Documents. pp. 146. 1919. fol. 1878. f. 13. • Correspondence respecting Events leading to the Rujiture of Relations with Turkev. 191 5. Cd.' 7628. Austria-Hungary. Austria. Osterreichisch-ungarisches Rotbuch. Diplomatische Aktenstiicke zur Vorgeschichte des Krieges 1914. pp. 144. Wien, 191;. 08027. ^b. 57. • Livre rouge austro-hongrois. pp. 118. Vienne, 191 5. 08027. b. 36. (2.) Osztrak-magvar viiroskonyv. pp. 144. Budapest, ig I s. " 08027. ft". 11, Diplomatische Aktenstiicke zur Vorge- schichte des Krieges 1914. Erganzimgen imd Nachtrage zum osterreichisch-ungarischen Rotbuch. 3 Tie. Wien, 1919. 08028. f. 57. Dijilomati-sche Aktenstucke betrcffend die Beziehungen Osterreich-Ungarns zu Italien, in der Zeit vom 20. Juli 1914 bis 23. Mai 1915. pp. 210. Wien, 1915. 4°. 08027. dd. 45. Diplomatic Documents concerning the Relations of Austria-Hungary with Italy, from July 20th 1914 to Mav 23rd 1915. pp. 190. 19 1 5. " 08027. ff. 36. Zur Vorgeschichte des Krieges mit Italien. pp. 33. Wien, 1915. 08027. f. 74. Junker (C.) Der Krieg mit Italien, 1915. Authentische Aktenstucke. Bd. 1. Wien, 19 16. 08027. i. 80, 86 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Political and Social History. — Political and Controversial Works. — Causes' of the War — riinfhiHcil AisTRiA. Diplomatische Aktenstiicke betreffend die Beziehungen Osterreich-Ungarns zu Ru- nianien in der Zcit vom 22. JuU 1914 bis 27. August 191t5. pp. 70. Wien, 1916. 4°. 08027. dd. 19. Belgium. Belgium. Correspondance diplomatique relative a la guerre de 1914, 24 juillet — 29 aout. j^p. 25. An vers, 19 14. fol. 08027. dd. 1. Diplomatic Correspondence respecting the War published by the Belgian Government. 1915. " N.R. 7627. Bureau Documentaire Beige. C'ahiers docu- mentaires. Recueil methodique de documents sur la guerre europeenne. GO livr. Le Havre, jgi6-ig. W.P. 5293. Le Dossier diplomatique de la question beige. Recueil des pieces officielles avec notes, pp. 416. Bruxelles, 1917. 08027. df, 72. Germany. Austmrtiges Ami. Belgisches Grau- buch. Diplomatischer Scliriftenwechsel des KonigUch Belgischen Ministeriums des Aussern zu dem Kriege von 1914, 24. Juh bis 29. August, pp. 74. Berlin, 1916. 08027. ff. 5. Gkellixg (R.) Documents Beiges, pp. 240. 1919- 08028. f. 17. Belgium. Belgium and Ge^man}^ Texts and documents, pp. 132. Nelson, 1915. 4°. 9082. h. 8. German War Proclamations, pp. 88. G.Allen, 19 15. 08027. c. 7. Protest by the Belgian Government against the German allegation that Belgium had forfeited her Neutrality before the out- break of War. pj). 3. 191 s- fol. "^1879. cc. 4. (15.) The Second Belgian Grey Book. pp. 78. 1915- ' 08027. cc. 26. Die belgischen Gesandtschaftsberichte aus den Jahren 1905 bis 1914. pp. 305. 1916. [Chronik des Deutschen Krieges. Ergdnzungs- band.] 9083. b. 1. Germany. Auswdrtiges Ami. Belgische Akten- stiicke 1905-1914. Berichte der belgischen Vertreter in BerUn, London imd Palis an den Minister des Aeusseren in Briissel. pp. 140. Berlin, 1915. fol. 08027. dd. 52. Koehler (W.) Revanche-Idee und Panslawis- mus. Belgische Gesandtschaftsberichte zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Zweibundes. pp. 335. Berlin, 191 9. [Zur europdischen Politik: Bd. 5.] 08027. f. 63. Bulgaria. Veritas G.,psetid., andSEMExovA (E. P.) npe,ia- Te.iLCTBO Bo.irapiii. JoKyMenTa.iiiiaa iiCTopia Bo.i- rapo-CepOcKoii BOiiiibi 1913 r. 11 BCTvn.ieiiie Bo.irapin Bi .lano repManiiSMa, 1914-1915. pp. 219. Hi; 191 6. 08026. aaa. 14. France. France. Minist^re des Affaires Etrangkres. Documents diplomatiques. 1914. La Guerre europeenne. 1914. S. 151/52. The French Yellow Book. pp. 220. The Times, 19 14. 08027. cc. 9. Diplomatic Correspondence respecting the War, pubhshed by the French Government, March 1913 to Aug. 1914. 1915. Cd. 7717. Political and Social History. — Political and Controversial Works. — Causes of the WsiT —font i lined. Welschinger (H. ) Les Lemons du Livre Jaune. pp. 139. 19 15. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/17. France. Randglossen zum franzosischen Gelb- buch. jDp. 56. Berlin, igi^. 08027. aaa. 38. (3.) GermaJiy. Germany. Auswdrtiges Ami. Aktenstiicke zum Kriegsausbruch. pp. 78. Berlin, 1914. 4°. 08027. dd. 13. The German AVhite Book Authorised translation. Documents relating to the out- break of the War. pp. 81. Berlin, 1914. 08028. ee. 15. The German White Book. The English translation issued by the German Government, pp. 48. Berlin, 19 14. 08027. c. 47. How the Franco-German Conflict might have been avoided. Official documents. pp. 7. Berlin, 19 14. 08028. ee. 18. La vero pri la milito. pp. 36. Dresden, 1914. -4°. 08027. dd. 12. L'Angleterre et sa comphcite dans la guerre actuelle d'apres les Publications Offici- elles. pp.36. Berlin, 1915. 08027. b. 43. (.3.) Denkschrift iiber die Behandlung der deutschen Konsuln in Russland und die Zerstormig der deutschen Botschaft in Peters- burg, pp. 15. Berlin, 1915. 4'. 9082. h. 4. Memorandum concerning the Treatment of German Consuls in Russia, pp. 15. Berlin, 1915. 4=. 9082. dd. 39. Die deutschen Dokumente zum Kriegsaus- bruch. VoUstandige Sammlung. 4 Bd. Charlottenburg, 1919. 08028. f. 53. Deutschland schuldig ? pp. 208. Berlin, 19 19. 08028. e. 24. Is Germany Guilty ? 2 pt. Berlin, 19 19. 08028. e. 20. Der Kriegsausbruch 1914. Thron- und Kanzlerrede, Denkschrift und Aktenstiicke. pp. 78. Berlin, 1914. 08027. cc. 3. Generalstah. Urkunden des deutschen Generalstabes iiber die militarpolitische Lage vor dem Kriege. pp.27. Berlin, igig. 08028. df. 27. Stahl (W.) Die diplomatischen Verhandlungen vor Ausbruch des Weltkrieges auf Grund der Farbbiicher. pp. 57. Munchen, 1917. 08027. aaa. 136. Hungary. See above, Austria-Hungary. Italy. Italy. Documenti diplomatici presentati al Parlamento Italiano. Austria-L^ngheria. pp.66. Rorna,igis. 4°. 8033. m. 11. II jierche della nostra guerra. Documenti del Libro Verde nel testo integrale. pp. 78. Torino, 1915. fol. 08027. dd. 17. The Italian Green Book. Diplomatic documents, pi^. 96. Hodder d: Stoughton, 1915. 08027. cc. 16. Bussia. Russia. Muniumepcmeo IlHOcmpanHbiXo ,'lih.i^. COopHiiKT) 4iin.ioMaTiiMecKnxi ^OKyMemoBi. Ilepero- Bopu oib 10 ,V) 24 iKua 1914 r., npe.ituecTBOBaBiiiie Boiiirfi. pp. 59. CnO., 19 14. fol. 08027 dd. 1. (4.) EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 87 Political and Social History-— Political and Controversial Works. Causes of the 'War—coiitiiiiird. IOngland. Parliament. J)()cumcnts rcsi)ecting the Negotiations preceding the War, ])ubHshed by the Kussian Government. 1915. N.R. 702(i. Russia. 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[Flug- schriften fur Osterreich- Ungarns Erwachen.] W.V. 4587/15. Gelber (A.) Der Urheber der Weltkreiges. pp. 182. Wien, 1915. 08028. e. 15. Gooss (R.) Das Wiener Kabinett und die Entstehung des Weltkrieges. pp. 312. Wien, 1919. 08027. c. 97. Wahn (R.) Der Weltkrieg 1914-1916 und sein Zusammenhang mit der Orientkrise. pp. 199. Wien, 1916. 08027. c 30. Wucherer von Huldenfeld (E. W. von) Baron. Wer hat den Weltkrieg gemacht ? pp. 83. 191 7. 08027. f. 42. Andrassy (G.) Count. Whose Sin is the World- War ? pp. 154. N.Y., 1915. 08027. d. 78. Wer hat den Krieg verbrochen ? pp. 98. Leipzig, 191 5. 08027. b. 46. (2.) Considerations sur les origines de la guerre. pp. 66. Lausanne, 1915. 08028. i. 5. Fraknoi (V.) Die ungarische Regierung und die Entstehung des Weltkrieges. pp. 64. Wien, 1919. 08028. f. 61. Revai (M.) a vilaghaboru vegcelja. Anglia kivalasa Europabol. pp. 155. Biidapest, 1915. 08027. i. 2. Belgian Works. Beyens (H.) Baron. L'AIIemagne avant la Guerre. Les causes et les responsabilites. pp. 364. Bruxelles, 19 15. 08027. d. 40. Girard ( ) Avant la Guerre, pji. 131. Bruxelles, 191 6. 08027. cc. 60. French Works. Albin (P.) La Guerre allemande. D'Agadir a Sarajevo, 1911-1914. pp. 25.6. 1915. 08027. a. 84. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 89 Political and Social History. Political and Controversial Works.—Causes of the 'War^coiitiintfil Arsac ( d') War and Peace. The Clennau snare. Translated from the French. ])p. Ki. Whitivell Press, 1916. 08027. i. 54. (9.) Baii.lod (C.) Pourquiii I'Allemagnc devait f aire la guerre, pp.110. 1915. 08027. aa, 45. BARTirou (L.) Sur les routes du droit. pp. 333. 1918. 08027. g. 66. Baye (.J. de) Baron. Enseigncments de la Guerre, pj). 27. Moscow, 19 15. 08027. dd. 20. Bellkt (D.) Chiffons de papier. Ce qu'il faut savoir des origines de la Guerre, pp. 55. 191 5. 08027. a. 67. Bertraxd (P.) L'Autriche a voulu la grande guerre, pj). 487. 1916. 08027. bb. 31. Bourgeois (E.) 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Milnchen, 1919. ^ 08028. e. 36 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 91 Political and Social History.- Political and Controversial Works. — Cavises of the War — cimtinued. Oelzelt-Newin (A.) 'Welche Strafe soil die treffen, die Sehuld am Weltkrieg tragen V pp. 16. Leipzig, 1915. 08U27. b. 36. (6.) OsTERRiETH (A.) Die Ursachen iind Ziele des eurapaischen Krieges. pp. 55. Berlin, 191 4. 08027. aa. 14. (1.) Otto (W. G. A.) Deutschland's " Sehuld " und Recht. pp. 79. Marburg, 1919. 08072. b. 36. Petri (E.) Die mittelbaren und unmittclbaren Ursachen des Weltkriegs. pp. 76. Strassburg, 19 15. 08027. cc. 10. Piloty (R.) Ursachen und Aussichten des Krieges. pp. 47. Tubingen, 19 15. 08027. aaa. 32. PoKROVSKY (M.) Aus den Geheim-Archiven des Zaren. Ein Beitrag zur Frage nach den Urhebern des Weltkrieges. pp. 32. Berlin, 1919. [Flugschrifteji des " Tag.'^] W.P. 6322/6. PouRTALES (J. L. F. W. J. von) Count. Am Scheidewege zwischen Krieg und Frieden : meine letzte Vei'handlungen in Petersburg, Ende Juli 1914. pp.94. Charlottenburg, ic)ig. 08027. ff. 32. Reventlow (E. C. E. L. D. zu) Count. Politische Vorgeschichte des grossen Krieges. pp.354. Berli7i, igig. 08028. f. 13. RoESEMEiER (H.) Deutsches Volk, wach" auf. Offener Brief an die Burger und Arbeiter Deutschlands. pp. 47. 19 16. 16°. 08027. de. 1. A German to Germans, pp. 42. Hodder ct- Stoughton, igiT. 08027. df. 32. RoHRBACH (P.) Woher es Kam. pp. 79. Stuttgart, 19 19. 08028. f. 21. Das Zeugnis der dreizehn Tage. pp. 68. Hamburg, 19 19. 08028. f. 32. Russia. Russlands Mobilmachung fiir den Weltkrieg. Neue Urkunden zur Geschichte des Weltkrieges. pp. 68. Berlin, 19 19. 9083. bbb. 36. Salvator, pseud. Die Kriegsverschworung und die Kriegsverschworer. 13eitrage zur Zeit- geschichte. pp. 56. Berlin, 19 15. [Kriegs- politische Einzelschriften.] 08028. i. 1/1. Saenger (A.) Die Schuld der deutschen Regierung am Kriege. pp. 44. Berlin, 19 19. 08028. de. 35. ScHAEFER (D.) Die Schuld am Kriege. pp. 59. Oldenburg, 1919. 08028. e. 37. ScHiEMANN (T.) Die letzten Etappen zum Weltkrieg. pp. 352. Berlin, 19 15. 08027. c. 12. ScHUEBMANN (W.) Die Vorgeschichte des Europaischen Krieges. pp. 18. Arnsberg, 19 14. 9082. fT. 22. Sering (M.) Die Ursachen und die welt- geschichtliche Bedeutung des Krieges. pp. 36. 1914. [Deutsche Reden in schwcrer Zeit.l 012301. ee. 28/11. Stroebel (H.) Die Kriegssehuld der Rechts- sozialisten. pp. 68. Berlin, 19 19. 08072. d. 40. ToENNiES (F.) Die Schuldfrage. Russlands Urheberschaft nach Zeugnissen aus dem Jahre 1914. pp. 55. Berlin, 1919. 08028. f. 38. Wegener (G.) Die geographischen Ursachen des Weltkrieges. Ein Beitrag zur Schuldfrage. pp. 144. Berlin, 1920. 08028. e. 43. Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial Works.-Causes of the WSLT—rdlitiniinl. WiCHTL (F.) Wcltfreimaurcrel, Weltrevolution, Weltrcpublik : eine Untersuchung iiber Ur- sprung und Endziele des Weltkrieges. pp. 204. Munchen, 19 19. 4782. bb. 29. Wilamowitz-Moellexdorff (U. von) Zwei Reden. Krieges Anfang. Die geschichtlichcu Ursachen des Krieges. pp. 31. Berlin, 1914. 08027. aa. 14. (3.) Winter (G.) Sehuldig am Weltkrieg ! An- klagen und Untersuchungcn. jjp. 110. Leipzig, 1919. 08028. e. 4. Wolff (R.) Die deutsche Regierung und der Kriegsausbruch. pp. 119. Berlin, IQ19. 08028. f. 47. ZiMKA (C.) Die Ursachen des Weltkrieges. pp. 132. Leipzig, 1914. 08027. b. 35. Casement (Sir R.) The Causes of the War and the Foundations of Peace, pp. 22. Diessen, 19 15. 08027. b. 66. Chamberlain (H. S.) Who is to blame for the War ? pp. 58. 3Iunich, 191 5. 08027. d. 21. (4.) Hungarian ]yorlcs. See above, Austro-Hungarian Works. Italian Works. BoRGESE (G. A.) La guerra deUe idee. pp. 239. Milano, 1916. 08027. df. 44. Carli (F.) La Ricchezza e la Guerra. pp. 311. Milano, 1915. 08026. d. 7. CoLAJANNi (N.) Le Cause della Guerra. 19 16. {Ac. Naples. Reale Academia di Scienze morali e politiche. Atti. vol. 44.] Ac. 96/2. Ferrero (G.) Who wanted the European W^ar ? pp. 39. Oxford, 19 15. 08027. aaa. 39. OviDio (F. d') L'origine della presente Guerra. pp. 26. Roma, 19 15. 08027. c. 23. PiNCiTORE (A.) Cause e scopi della grande Guerra. pp. 108. Palermo, 19 15. 08027. c. 33. RiNALDi (A.) La Guerra mondiale. Origmi e cause del conflitto. pp. 198. Sesto S. Giovanni, 1915. 08027. aa. 68. SuLLiOTTi (A. I.) La Triplice Alleanza dalle origmi alia denunzia, 1882-1915. pp. 112. Milano, 191 5. 08026. aa. 29. TiTTONi (T.) Le Jugement de Thistoire sur la responsabilite de la Guerre, pp. 111. 19 16. [Pages actuelles.] AV.P. 2825/96. Varazzini (S.) Oiigini, effetti e prospettive della Guerra Europea. pp.233. Milano, igis- 08027. d. 73. Roumanian Works. loNESCU (T.) The Origins of the War. i^i". 32. 19 1 7. [Council for the Study of Intermitional Relations. Foreign Series.] W.P. 3429/6, MiTRANY (D.) causa dreaptu. pp.18. 1915. 08027. c. 22. Russian Works. BuLANOv (L.) Kai.b mo;i;iio KOiiMiiib BOiiiiy 11 KaKOBbi (.upaBtM.niiibiii ycioHiii Mipa? pp. 23. III., 1917. [EjiccHedw.ibiniKo MopcKOiu COopnuica. llinuoMCHle.] P.P. 4051. nb. 3IAISKY (V.) IVpMaiiiH II noiiiia. pp. 250. 60 MocKen,, ip. 30. Kristiania, 1917. 9083. aaa. 28. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 93 Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial Works.— Causes of the War — rontinncd. Alcala Galiano (A.) La verdad sobrc la Guerra. Origeii y aspectos del conflioto europeo. pp. 71. Madrid, 1915. 08027. aa. 34. The Truth about the War. pp. 47. Fisher Unwin, 1915. 08027. aaa. 38. (1.) La Verite sur la Guerre, pp. 83. 191 5. 08027. d. 86. Araquistain (L.) Poleniica de la Guerra. Los origenes. pp. 317. Madrid, 1915. 08027. d. 6.0. Bethencourt del Rio (M.) Origines de la Guerra Europea. pp. 178. Tenerife, 1915. 08027. d. .54. Ferrara (0.) La Guerra Europea : causas y pretextos. pp. 163. N.Y., 1915. 08027. a. 48. Causes and Pretexts of the World War. pp.314. A'.y., 1918. 08027. g. 12. France. Francia y sus aliados ante la razon y la historia. pp. 31. Quito, 19 16. 08027. aa. 98. Gonzalez-Blanco (E.) El origen de la Guerra Europea y la culpa de los Aliados. pp. 327. Madrid, 1916. 08027. e. 13. Palacio Valdes (A.) La Guerra Injusta. pp. 197. Barcelom, 1917. 08027. df. 38. La Guerre injuste. Traduction de Al. Glorget. pp.235. 191 7. 08027. df. 57. Ebur (0.) Rymmer logiken " viirldskriget " ? En " utredning " av " varldslo-igets " orsak och svfte. pp. 8. Stockholm, 191 5. 08027. ee. 34. Fredenheim (L. S.) Skulden. pp. 168. Stockholm, 1917. 08027. ee. 54. Karlgrex (A.) Den svarta Veckan. Timmarna fore varldskrigets utbrott. pp. 172. Stockholm, 1916. 0S028. de. 26. Vem ville kriget ? pp. 29. StockMm, 19 1 7. 08027. ee. 76. Key (E. K. S.) En djupare syn pa Kriget. pp. 249. Stockholm, 19 16. 08027. g. 37. Kjellen (R.) 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Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial Works. Causes of the War — coidiuiu'd. Geshev (I. E.) La genese de la guerre niondiale. pp. 165. Berne, 19 19. 08028. df. 2. HOFER (C.) Die Keime des grossen Krieges. pp.274. Zurich, igij. 08027. aaa. 131. Der Ausbruch des grossen Krieges. Fort- sctzung zu den " Keimen des gro.ssen Kreiges." pp.227. Zurich, igig. 08028. e. 49. Rtjchti (J.) Les pourparlers diplomatiqucs de juillet-aout 1914. pp. 55. Berne, 191 7. 08027. aaa. 143. Sauerbeck (E.) Der Kriegsausbruch. pp. 742. Stuttgart, 19 19. 08027. i. 31. Die Schuldfrage vom Standpunkt eines Schweizers. j)p. 100. Bern, 1920. 08027. i. 58. Suter-Lerch (H. J.) Deutschland, sien eigener Richter ! Antworteines kosmopolitenSchwei/.ci.s auf die deutsche Propaganda zum Weltkrieg 1914. pp. 149. Zurich, 191 7. 08028. ee. :i:i. Germany her own Judge, pp. 145. Boston, 1918. 08027. ee. 46. International Politics. Vladislavlev (I. V.) PyccKaa .iiiToparypa Boiiii I: 1914 ro4a. MocKoa, n)!^, etc. W. P. 3736. Beer (M.) La bataille des diplomates. Les documents capitaux des gouvernements belli- gerants, classes dans leur ordre logique et chronologique. pp.403. Berne, igi6. 08027. b. 89. Xew York. City Library. Diplomatic History of the European War. pp. 21. 19 17. 11907. p. 1 SI. European War. La Grande Guerre. Recucil des commmiiques officiels des gouvernements et etats-majors de tons les beUigerants. 1915-17- 9081. aa. 1. Junker (C.) Dokumcnte zur Geschichte des Europaischen Krieges 1914. Wien, 1914-16. 08027. i. 11. Cocks (F. S.) The Secret treaties and Lender- standings. Text. pp. 94. Union of Democratic Control, 1918. 08027. df. 74. England. Parliament. Agreement signed between France, Russia, Great Britain antl Italy at London, April 1915. 1920. Cd. 671. Korespondencya dotj-czaca pomocy dla terytoryow sprzymierzericow w okujmcyi nieprzyjacielskiej. pp. 68. Londyn, 1916. 08028. de. 67. Doerkes-Boppard (W. X.) Das Ende des Dreibundes nach diplomatischen Aktenstiicken und Qucllen. pp. 142. Berlin, 1916. 08027. c. 29. Pflugk-Harttung (J. von) Die Mittelmachte und der Vierverband. pp. 223. Berlin, 19 16. 08027. b. 70. Allies. The Case of the Allies : being the replies to President \Vilson's Note of Dec. 19, 1916, and Mr. Balfour's Despatch, pp. 16. Hayman ft- Co., 191 7. 08028. de. 54. (3.) Bryce (J.) Viscount Bryce. The War of Demo- cracy. The Allies' Statement, pp. 441. N.Y., 19:7. 08028. f. 54. Germany. Auswdrtiges Amt. The German Note and the Reply of the Allies. Text and translation, pp. 11. Fisher Unwin. 19 17. 08027. aaa. 126 94 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Political and Social History. — Inter- national Politics — /■(iiiiln ited. Angell (Norman) The Political Conditions of xVllied Success, pp. 350. XF., 191S. 08027. e. (H. Russia. Muiiitcmi'pcmso ,(n>.ir.. Recueil de documents diplomatiques. Nego- tiations ayant precede la guerre avec la Turquie, 19 juillet — 19 octobre 1914. pp. 60. Petrograd, 1915. 4^ 08027. dd. 14. Lemberg, in Galicia. Odezwy i rozporzadzenia z czasow okupacvi Rosvjskiej Lwowa 1914- 1915. pp.49. Livow, igi6. 4°. 9082. g. 35. Stowell (E. C.) The Diploraacv of the War of 1914. vol.1. Boston, igis. ' 08028. f. 75. Price (M. P.) Diplomatic History of the War. pp. 770. G. Allen, 1915. '08027. cc. 4. Hanotaux (G.) Etudes diplomatiques et historiques pendant la grande guerre. pp. 286. 1916. 08027. ee. 90. BuLLAED (A.) The Diplomacy of the Great War. pp.344. AM'., 19 16. " 08027. aa. 53. Beck (J. M.) The Double Alliance versus the Trijjle Entente, pp. 44. 1914. [Oxford Pam- phlets.] 08028. de. 93/31. Brock (A. C.) Thoughts on the War. pp. 86. Methuen, 1914. 08027. a. 15. Courtney (W. L.) Armageddon — and After. pp.91. Chajman (b Hall, igi 4. 08027. a. 10. C'URZOX (G. N.) Marquis Curzon. The War. A speech, pp. 12. Victoria League, 19 14. 08027. aaa. 8. Doyle {Sir A. C.) The German War. pp. 152. Hodder di- Stoughton, 19 14. 08027. a. 22. European War. Miscellaneous leaflets relating to the War. 19 14. Tab. 11748. aa. 4. George (Rt. Hon. D. LI.) EBponrKn pai. Toeop r. 4. .1. \Iopija Tor cenieMupa 1914 roj. Serb. pp. 12. London, 19 14. 08027. i. 57. Hardy (T.) Letters on the War. 1914. 08027. dd. 4. Harrison (F.) The Meaning of the War. pp. 8. Macmillan, 1914. 08027. b. 9. (6.) Headlam (J. W.) England, Germany and Europe, pp. 24. Macmillan, 19 14. 08027. aaa. 6. Humphries (S.) Imperialism and Patriotism and the European Crisis, pp. 51. A. paHuy3u HtMnaxi.. pp. 2.50. //?., 1915. 08027. df. 27. Shakht (A. A.) Tpy.n>, noiina, cTpavoBaiiii'. (Bonpocbi coqia.iLiioii skoiiomiikii.) pp. 107. i/«., 1915. 0S24S. dd. IG. Zinov'ev (G.) and Lenin (N.) pseud. C()nia.iii3M b 11 Boiiiia: oTHuiiieiiie P. C.-4. P. n. Kb noiiirb. pp.48. lA'c/ifoa, .1915. 08282.8.59. HisTORicus,pse!- dcMOicpamin. no. 3.| 8095. de. 44. Tsbhel's'kii (L.) ',i '1010 BiiiiiiK.ia Biiina ra mo Bona naM mojkc npiinecTii. pp. 14. liuOciib, 1915. 8095. ee. 11. (5.) Adler (F.) 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Die Wiedergeburt der Alten Welt. pp. 142. Dresden, 1916. 08026. aaa. 13. Byvanck (W. G. C.) Bewogen Tijden, 1915- 1916. pp. 431. Zutphen, 1916. 08027. aaa. 123. RossuM (J. p. van) Oorlog en Beschavuig. pp. 58. ^s-Gravenhage, 191 6. 08027. c. 57. Stkyeltsov (R.) 'Icro JK^eib repMania oib bouhh. Becfijw ci repMancKiiMii o6mecTBeHHbiMn4'fiaTe.iaMii. pp. 159. n>., 1916. ■ 08027. cc. 31. Veritas, G., pseud., audSEMENOVA (E. P.) Ilpeja- To.iLCTBO Bo.irapiii. ,10KyMeHTa.!Lnaa iiciopia Bo.i- rapo-cep6cKoii Boiiiiu 1913 r. 11 BCTyn.ieiiie Bo.irapin ni> .lOHO repManiisiia, 1914-1915, pp. 219. //;., 1916. 08026. aaa. 14. Araquistain (L.) Dos Ideales Politicos. pp. 302. Madrid, 19 16. 08027. e. 47. LiLJEDAHL (E.) Kring varldskampen. S3ti- punkter och studier. pp.207. Uppsala, igiS. 8079. bbb. 14. Otlet (P.) Les problemes internationaux et la guerre, pp. 501. Gemve, 191 6. 8425. w. 5. Garcia (T.) Considerations sur la guerre Europeenne. ])p. 75. Mexico, 1916. 08027. ee. 20. 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Problemas de laGuerra. pp.125. Buenos Aires, 191 7. 08027. df. 76. Croft (G. G.) Some 1918 Reflections, pp. 100. Simpkin, Marshall d: Co, 1918. 08027. g. 18. Ely (R. T.) The World War and Leadership in a Democracy, pp. 189. 19 18. [The Citizen: s Library. 1, 08225. df. 36. Lensch (P.) Three Years of World Revolution. pp. 220. Constable, 1918. 08027. g. 14. Molesworth {Sir G. L.) Democracy and the War. pp. 191. E. d; F. N. Spon, 19 18. 08139. a. 2.5. MiSHEV (D.) La Serbie et la Bulgarie devant I'opinion pubUque, a propos des pro- testations publiques de Geneve et de Lausanne. pp. 128. Berne, 1918, 08026. aaa. 28. GERARD (A.) La Triple Entente et la Guerre. pp. 366. 19 18. 08027. e. 46. JouBERT (J.) A travel's les continents pendant la guerre, pp. 328. 19 18. 08027. e. 76. Louis (P.) Aspects politiques de la guerre mondiale. pp. 260. 19 18. 08028. h. 5. Maccas (L.) La grande guerre. Les nations et les hommes. pp. 252. 191 8. 08027. e. 70. LtvAY (P.) Logik des Weltkrieges. pp. 118. Wien, 19 18. 08027. i. 25. Mueller (C. H.) Weltpolitisches : das Auf- klarungsbuch fiir Heer und Heimat. pp. 100. Hamburg, 1918. 08023. d. 2. HooGSTEDEN (A. F.) Vodjes Papier. De leuzen der Entente, pp. 114. Amsterdam, 1918. 08027. i. 7. Pantaleoni (M.) Politica. Criteri ed eventi. pp. 254. Bari, 19 18. 08027. bb. 72. Geneva. Bureau de Presse Serbe. Report. Geneva, 19 18, etc. 4°. P.P. 3554. nwa. Geneva. DniMvo Prosveta. HpocBeia. A.nianax 3a ro^HHy 1918. pp. 363. 'iKeneea, 1918. 9082. d. 2. Ac. Washington. Carnegie Endowmnit for International Peace. Peso.iEOnia iioncMincTbCTBa npHHaiaa Anpfi.ia 19-20, 1918 r. Washington, 191 8. fol. 1879. c. 5. (120.) Einstein (L.) A Prophecy of the War, 1913- 1914. pp.94. .V.r., 1918. 08175. cc. 53. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 97 Political and Social History. Intei'- national Politics— cf*/*///* ucd. Smith (Edimuid M.) Militarism and Statecraft. pp. 305. .V. 1'., 1918. 08027. g. 8. Spkare (M. E.) and Norris (VV. B.) World War Issues and Ideals, pp.461. Boston. igiH. 08027. ec. 53. \\dRSFOLD (W. B.) The War and Social Reform : an endeavour to trace the influence of the War as a reforming agenc\\ pp. 248. J. Murray, 1919. 08285. aaa. 63. Seippel (P.) L'Europe liberee, novembre 1918. ])p. 98. 1919. 16^ 08027. de. 23. ScHREiBERSHAFEN (M. von) Riistungsfanatis- mus in den Ententelandern. pp. 104. Berlin, 19 19. 08028. e. 23. Gentile (G.) Guerra e Fede. Fraramenti politic!, pp.381. Napoli,\c)i(). 08007. df. 15. HoBBS (W. H.) The World War and its Con- sequences. pp.446. N.Y., 1919. 1. Morse (A. D.) Civilization and the World War. pp. 222. Boston, 1919. 08027. ee. 60. Powell (L. P.) and Curry (C. M.) The World and Democracy, pp. 553. Chicago, 19 19. 08028. h. 11. liLACK (H.) The Cleavage of tlie AVorld. pp. 279. Hodder ds Stoughton, 1920. 08027. ee. 85. Trevelvan (G. i\l.) The War and the European Revolution in relation to history, pp. 48. Unir. of London Press, 1920. 09082. b. 53. Groener (W.) Der Weltkrieg und seine Pro- bleme. pp. 111. Berlin, 1920. [Schriftenreihe der Preussischen Jahrbiicher.] W.P. 6647/1. Stadtler (E.) Die Weltkriegsrevolution. pp. 255. Leipzig, 1920. 8282. c. 95. jMaeztu (R. de) La crisis del humanismo. Los principios de autoridad, libertad y funcion a la luz de la guerra. pp. 366. Barcelona, 1920. 08007. de. 6. Creel (G.) The War, the World and Wilson. pp.366. lY.r., 1920. 08027. ee. 72. Wright (H. F.) The Constitutions of the States at War, 1914-1918. pp.679. 1919. [U.S.A. Department of State.'] A.S. 420/35. LoRENZ (L.) Die Staatsformen der Grossmaehte und der Weltkrieg. pp. 64. Leipzig, 191 7. 08027. bb. 48. Nalionality. Fisher (H. A. L.) The Value of Small States. jjp. 25. 1914. [Oxford PampJdets.] 08028. de. 93/17. MuiR (J. R. B.) The National Principle and the War. pp. 31. 1914. [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/19. Matthaei (L. E.) The Lover of the Nations : an essay on the present War. Cambridge, 191 5. 08027. aaa. 5. Newbolt {Sir J. H.) The War and the Nations. pp. 12. R. Clay <£,- So)is, 1915. 08027. i. 47. Rose (J. H.) The War and Nationality. pp. 11. Bologna, 1915. 08027. c. 24. Symonds (H.) War and the Need of a Higher Nationalism, pp. 12. Peace Societi/, 1915. 8425. p. 8. ToYNBEE (A. J.) Nationality and the War. pp.522. Dent, igis- " 08027. bb. 1. Baie (E.) Le Droit des nationalites. pp. 112. 1915- 08026. b. 13. Trachsel (A.) Les petites nations et leur droit a existence, pp. 270. Geneve, 191 5. 08026. aa. 52. Political and Social Histoi'y- Inter- national Politics— (■((/////( «t(/. WuNDT ( W.) Die Nationen und ihre Philosophic • pp. 146. Leipzig, 19 15. 08462. f. 10. Masaryk (T. G.) The Problem of Small Nations in the European Crisis, pp.32. 1916. [London Council for the Study of Lnternational Relations. Foreign Series, no. 2.] W.P. 3429. Ogg (F. a.) and Beard (C. A.) National Governments and the World War. pp. 603. N.Y., 1919. 08028. e. 41. Maroi (L.) I Fattori demografici del conflitto europeo. pp. 595. Roma, 19 19. 08027. g. 76. Xeutrality. Bryce (J.) Viscount Bryce. Neutral Nations and the War. pp. 32. A. Melrose, 19 14. 08027. a. 19. (1.) Judge (M. H.) The War and the Neutral Powers, pp. 30. 1914. [From War to Peace Pamphlets. 1.] 08028. df. 23. U.S.A. Dept. of State. Neutrality Proclamations, 1914-1918. pp. 64. Washington, 1919. A.S. 419/21. Edleston (R. H.) Italian Neutrahty. pp. 72. Cambridge, 1915. 9166. de. 3. Moulin (R.) La Guerre et les neutres. pp. 375. 1915. 08027. d. 91. Paulukat (A.) Neutrale und Feinde. pp. 1.59. Halle, 1915. 08027. bb. 7. Severus, 2^sewrf. Zehn Monate italienischer Neutralitiit. pp. 101. Gotha, 1915. 08027. b. 44. (4.) Ha vela AR (J.) Strijdende onzijdigheid. pp. 71. Haarlem, 1915. 8425. ee. 37. Louter (J. de) De handel der neutralen. pp. 38. Utrecht, 1915. 6916. ee. 16. (4.) Gregory (C. N.) Neutrality and Arms Ship- ments. pp.9. Darling d^ Son, igis. 6916. e. 37. Archer (W.) Colour-blind Neutrality : an open letter to G. Brandes. pp. 53. Hodder d: Stoughton, 1916. 08027. aa. 87. Perret (R.) L'Allemagne, les Neutres et le droit des gens. pp. 64. 19 16. [Pages actu- elles.] W.P. 2825/68 Eucken (R.) Neutrale Stimmen. pp. 234. Leipzig, 19 16. 08027. c. 42. Carsten (L.) Maatregelen ter handhavmg onzer onzijdigheid in den huidigen oorlog. pp. 184. 's-Gravenhage, 1916. 5684. df. 20. England. Comment I'Angleterre combat les neutres. pp.85. Zurich, igi-j. 09082. c. 17. Hauser (H.) La Guerre et les Neutres. pp.23. 19 17. 08027. dd. 4. U.S.A. Dept. of State. Dii)lomatic Correspon- dence between the U.S. and belligerent govern- ments relating to neutral rights and commerce, pp. 391. A\Y., 1917. [American Journal of International Law. vol. 11. Supplement. Oct. 1917.] Ac. 2188. Bryanchaninov (A. N.) Les Neutres, le ravi- taiilement et la c^uestion sociale. pp. 15. Kobenhavn, 1918. 08027. g. 44. HooG (G.) Lettres aux neutres sur I'union sacree. pp. 244. 1918. 08027. e. 74. International La-w. See also above. International Politics. For • breaches of the Laws of War by the German Army, see Armies, Germany. For work.' on the viola- tion of Belgian Neutrality, see Belgium, Politics. European War. Die volkerrechtlichen Ur- kunden des Weltkrieges. 1916, ete. [.Tahr- buch des Volkerrechts. Bd.3,etc.] P.P. 1384. f. 98 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Political and Social History.— Inter- national lASiW—i-f mi ill >!<'(}. Fauchille (P.) La Guerre de 1914. Recueil de documeuts interessant le droit international. 3 torn. 1916-20. 6916. f. 28. Austria. Ministerium des Aeusseni. Samm- lung von Nachweisen fiir die .Verletzungen des Vollcerrechtes durch die mit Osterreich-Ungarn kriegfiihrenden Staaten. pp. 184. Wie7i, 19 1 5. 4°. 6915. g. 18. Germany. Auswdrtiges Amt. Die volkerrechts- widrige Fiihrung des belgischen Volkskriegs. pp. 328. Berlin, 1915. fol. 6875. h. 13. HiGGiNS (A. P.) The Law of Nations and the War. pp. 29. 19 14. [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/24. Richards {Sir H. E.) Does International Law still exist? pp.17. 19 14. {Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/70. Beer (L.) Volkerrecht mid Krieg. pp. 38. Leipzig, 1914. 6916. e. 14. (1.) Kraus (H.) Der gegenwiirtige Krieg vor dem Forum des Volkerrechts. pp. 27. Berlin, 1914. 6955. e. 30. Rehm (H.) Volkerkrieg und Volkerrecht. pp. 47. Strassburg, 1914. 6955. ee. 31. Ac. London. Grotius Society. Problems of the War in relation to International Law : papers read before the Society. 1916, etc. Ac. 2179. Phillipson (C.) International Law and the Great War. pp. 407. Fisher Unwin, 1915. 06955. h. 45. Richards (Sir H. E.) International Law : some problems of the War. pp. 36. Oxford, 1 9 15. 6915. df. 25. Baer (A.) Der Weltkrieg. Volkerrechtliches Praktikum. pp. 52. Berlin, 1915. 6916. aaa. 24. KoHLER (J.) Not kennt kein Gebot. Die Theorie des Notrechtes und die Ereignisse unserer Zeit. pp. 39. Berlin, 1915- 5805. aa. 9. Mueller (E.) Der Weltkrieg und das Volker- recht. pp. 378. Berlin, 191 5. 6916. ee. 13. Der Weltkrieg 1914-15 und der " Zusam- menbruch des Volkerrechts." pp. 618. Berlin, 1915. 6916. ee. 18. " Who are the Huns ? " The Law of Nations and its Breakers, pp. 405. Berlin, 1915. 6916. ee. 28. Neuberg (J.) Kriegsvolkerrecht. Sammlung volkerrechtUcher, namentlich auf den Krieg beziiglicher Vereinbarungen. pp. 343. Mannheim, 1915. 6916. a. 13. Niedner (J.) Der Krieg und das Volkerrecht. Jena, 1915. 6916. ee. 16. (5.) Struycken (A. A. H.) De Oorlog en het volkenrecht. pp. 31. 's-Hertogenbosch, 191 5. G916. ee. 12. ZOLLER (0.) Das V5lkerrecht und der Krieg. pp. 146. Zurich, 191 5. 06955. df. 47. LiscANO (J.) Las doctrinas guerreras y el derecho. pp. 225. Caracas, 19 15. 06955. e. 16. Llorens (E. L.) La guerra y el derecho. pp. 91. Hamburgo, 191 6. 08028. ee. 20. Lammasch (H.) Das Volkerrecht nach dem Kriege. pp 218. 191 7. {Norsk N obeli nstitut. Publications, torn. 3.] Ac. 2297. d. ScHUECKiNG (W.) Die volkerrechtliche Lehre des Weltkrieges. pp. 239. Leipzig, 191 8. 5(304. f. 36. Political and Social History.— Inter- national li&W— II, nil lined. Strisower (L.) Der Krieg und die \'(jlker- rechtsordnung. pp. 140. ll'/e«, 1919. 0916. ee. 26. Garner (J. W.) International Law and the World War. 2 vol. 1920. {Contributions to International Law and Diplomacy.] W.P. 4301/4. Page (A.) \Var and Ahen Enemies, pp. 223. Stevens d; Sons, 1915. 6916. e. 16. Meurer (C.) Die volkerrechtUche Stellung der vom Feind besetzten Gebiete. pp. 83. Tubingen, 1915. 6916. ee. 15. (3.) Neuberg (J.) Das Seekriegsrecht im jetzigen Krieg. pp.32. 191 5. {Meereskunde. Jahrg. 9. Hft. 1.] Ac. 6076/3. Fauchille (P.) and Basdevant (J.) La Guerre de 1915. Jurisprudence italienne en matiere de prises maritimes. 19 18, etc. W.P. 5909. Thomsen ( ) Justizrat. Die englische und die deutsche seesperre. pp. 31. Berlin, 191 7. 08027. ee. 11. Mendelssohn Bartholdy (A.) Der Kriegs- begriff des englischen Rechts. Erlauterungen zum Fall Panariellos. pp. 108. Mannheim, 1915. 6875. ee. 33. Meurer (C.) Der Lusitania-Fall : eine volker- rechtliche Studie. pp. 109. Tubingen, 1915. 6916. ee. 15. (2.) MiLNER (A.) Viscount Milner. Cotton Contra- band. [An interview reprinted from the " New York Times."] pp.7. Darling di' Son, iqis- 08027. i. 46. Pyke (H. R.) Contraband and the War. pp. 20. 1915. {Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/69. Schaeffer (F. B.) Aus- und Durchfuhrverbote der wichtigsten kriegfiihrenden imd neutralen Staaten wahrend des Krieges. pp. 63. Berlin, 1915. 6916. ee. 16. (6.) Rackham (M.) List of Contraband revised and brought up to July 28th, 1917. pp. 19. Waterlow <(• Sons,'igi-. fol. 6916. h. 4. POLITICAL AND CONTROVERSIAL WORKS RELATING TO INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES. British Empire. Great Britain. Ac. Oxford. University of Oxford. {Ap2)endix.] To the Christian Scholars of Europe and America : a Reply from Oxford to the German Address to Evangelical Christians, pp. 24. 1914. {0.\ford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/2. Ammunition. Ammunition for Civilians. 3 vol. W. Heinemann. igi4, 1^. 08028. de. 82. ASQUITH (Rt. Hon. H. H.) A Call to Anus. pp. 8. Methuen, 191 4. 8138. f. 57. Why we are at War. pp. 7. Methuen, 19 14. 08027. b. 9. (2.) Ballard (F.) Britain Justified : the War from the Christian standjjoint. pp. 143. C. H. Kelly, 1914. 08027. a. 9. (3.) Bennett (E. A.) Liberty : a statement of the British case, pp.58. Hodder & Stoughton, ig^^. 08027. a. s! Cook (Sir E. T.) How Britain strove for Peace. pp. 39. Macmillan, 1914. 08027. b. 9. (3.) Why Britain is at War. pp. 24. Macmillan, 19 14. 08027. b. 9. (4 \ EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 99 Political and Social History.- -Political and Controversial Works. — British Empire — cdniinncd. Doyle {Sir A. C.) To Anns ! pp. 32. Hodder ar Tergestinus. pp. 266. Geneve, 191 7. 08026. cc. 25. C'atellani (E. L.) Italy and Austria at War. pp. 155. Plorence, 19 18. 08027. g. 26. LuDwiG (E.) Austria-Hungary and the War. pp.220. N.Y., 1915. 08027. d. 28. Oesterreich-Ungarn und der Krieg. pp. 164. Youngstown. Ohio, 1915. 08028. f. 27. Balkan States. See also below, Bulgaria ; Roumania ; Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, Kingdom of ; Turkey. Urquhaet (F. F.) The Eastern Question, pp. 28. 19 14. [O-vford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/15. Buxton (N.) and (C. R.) The War and the Balkans. i)p. 112. G. Allen, 1915. 08027. a. 56. Newbigin (M. I.) Geographical Aspects of Balkan Problems in their relation to the Great Eurojjcan War. pp. 243. Constable, 19 15. 08027. b. 32. Woods (H. C.) War and Diplomacy in the Balkans, pp. 48. " Pield <£• Queen," 1915. 08027. a. 92. 104 EUEOPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial "Works. Balkan States — cDiitiiiimd. Watsox (R. W. S.) The Balkans, Italy and the Adriatic, pp. 79. Nisbet <£• Co., 1916. 08026. bb. 8. Oeshev (I. E.) L'AUiance balkanique. l>p. 254. 19 15. 08020. aa. 28. The Balkan League, pp. 141. J. Murray, 19 15. 08026. aa. 35. Louis (P.) La Guerre d"Orient et la crise europeenne. pp. 122. 1916. 08027. aaa. 64. Rey (A. A.) La Question des Balcans devant r Europe. 3 pt. 1916. 08026. aa. 53. Ziekursch (J.) Russlands Balkanpolitik in der jiingsten Vergangenheit. pi"). 17. Breslau, 191 5. 08026. d. 11. (7.) DuNGERN (0. von) Baron. Balkan-Probleme. pp. 40. Munchen, 1917. 08026. bb. 37. DrakOULES (P. E.) 'H 'EAAas, ra ^aKnaviKa KparT) Kai t) 'OfxaaTrofSiaKr] Averts, pp. 33. 'Ae-nvat, 191 5. 08026. aa. -36. KabtALES (A. G.) 'H jToAKcr) ttoAjti/ctj iv AX^auia KaiTOis BaXKaytois. pp.141. 4v A67]vais, 1914. 08020. aaa. 8. (tlyox (B.) Balcanica. pp. 346. Milano, 19 16. 08026. aa. 54. • iiBBOXS (H. A.) The Reconstruction of the Near East, pp.228. N.Y., igij. 08027. df. 36. Woods (H. C.) The Cradle of the War. The Near East and Pan-Germanism, pp. 360. Boston, 1918. 08027. bb. 51. Belgium. See also above. Causes of the War. Lecomte (M.) and Levi (C.) Neutrahte beige et invasion allemande. pp. 608. Bruxelles, 1914. 8081. f. 25. Bassompieree (A. de) La Nuit du 2 au 3 a out 1914 au Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de Belgique. pp. 47. 19 16. 08027. b. 68. ■ The Night of August 2-3, 1914, at the Belgian Foreign Office, pp. 43. Hodder & Stoughton, 1916. 08027. aa. 86. Lichtervelde (L. de) Count. Le 4 Aout 1914 au Parlement Ijelge. pp. 61. Bruxelles, 1918. 08027. ee. 21. Belgium. La Neutralite de la Belgique. pp. 165. 1915. 08027. a. 65. Bellet (D.) Chiffons de Papier, pp. 55. 1 9 15. 08027. a. 67. Xorden (F.) La Belgique neutre et I'Alle- niagne. pp. 91. Bruxelles, 19 15. 08028. g. 1. Waxweiler (E. p.) La Guerre de 1914. La Belgique neutre et loyale. pp. 303. 1915. 08027. b. 55. — - — Belgium Neutral and Loyal : the war of 1914. iV.y., 1915. 08027. aa. 41. Le proces de la neutralite beige. Replique aux accusations, pp. 136. 1916. 08026. d. 15. Grasshoff (R.) Belgiens Schuld. Zugleich eine Antwort an Professor Dr. AVaxweiler. pp. 104. Berlin, 1915. 9082. g. 0. The Tragedy of Belgium : an answer to Professor Waxweiler. pp. 244. N.Y., 1915. 9081. de. 29. Weiss (A.) La violation de la neutrahte beige. pp. 37. 1915. [iSt^ides et dommeyits. 2.] 08028. ee. 38. (2.) The Violation of the Neutrality of Belgium. pp. 36. 1915. [Studies and Documents on the War.'] 08028. ee. 40 (6.) Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial Works. — Belgium — cuntinutil. Welschinger (H.) La Neutralite de la Bel- gique. pp. 63. 1915. [Parjes actuelles.^ W.P. 2825/3. Baie (E.) La Belgique de deniain. Necessite d'une barriere rhenane. pp. 39. 1916. 08026. aa. 41. Des Ombiaux (^1.) France et Belgique. pp.61. 1916. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/86. Destree (J.) Contribution a Thistoire de la Guerre europeenne. Opinions sur la Belgique. I. Italie. pp. 101. Bruxelles, 19 16. 9084. de. 10. L' Italia per il Belgio. pp. 198. Milano, 1916. 08027. aa. 94. Terwagne ( ) Pour la defense du pays : documents sur la guerre, pp. 299. Bruxelles, 1916. 08027. df. 13. VisscHER (C. de) La Belgique et les juristes allemands. pp. 134. Lausanne, 1916. 6916. de. 1. Belgium's Case : a juridical enquiry. pp. 164. Hodder d- Stoughton, 19 16. 08027. a. 99. Massart (J.) Le "' Chiffon de papiev."' pp. 46. 191 7. 12". [Les Cahiers Beiges.} W.P. 4636/3. Memor. L"Armee et la nation, pp. 42. 191 7. 12\ [Les Cahiers Beiges.] W.P. 4636/4. Passelecq (F.) La Question Flamande et I'Allemagne. pp. 339. 1917. 08027. df. 91. Renault (L.) First Violations of International Law by Germany : Luxembourg and Belgium. Translated by F. Carr. pp. 87. Longmans, 191 7. 6916. e. 23. Beyens (H.) Baron. Questions beiges. La> neutralite de la Belgique, la question fiamande, la restauration economique. pp. 102. Bruxelles, 1918. 8005. bb. 42. Carton de Wiart (H.) The Way of Honour. pp. 256. Allen ct- Vnwin, 1918." 08027. e. 60. Dumoxt (L.) Les Flamands et I'Allemagne. pp. 72. 1918. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/127, 128. Harry (G.) L'apport moral de la Belgique a la cause des Allies, jip. 48. 191 8. [Les Cahiers Beiges.] W\P. 4636/22. Linden (F. van der) La Neutralite beige. pp. 40. London, 1918. 8079. d. 3. PuYVELDE (L. van) Le mouvement flamand et la Guerre. 25P- 47. 1918. [Les Cahiers Beiges.] W.P . 4636/17. Davis (H. W. C.) What Europe owes to Belgium, pp. 25. 19 14. [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/36. Dillon (E. J. von) A Scrap of Paper. The inner history of German diplomacy, pp. 220. 1 91 4. [Daily Telegraph War Books.] 9085. de. 1/8. Hassall (A.) 'Just for a Scrap of Paper.' pp. 12. 1 9 14. [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/5. Belgium. The Innocence of Belgium established by the Military Documents published by Germany. 191 5. 08027. b. 78. The Violation of the Neutrality of Bel- gium, pp. 22. Darling <£• So7i, 1915. 08028. g. 6. Brunet (E.) German Calumnies. The Anglo- Belgian Conventions, pp. 23. Hicks ct- Co., 1915. 4°. 08027. dd. 55. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 105 Political and Social History-— Political and Controversial Works.— Belgium— coiitinnad. Germany. Germany and Jiclgiuin before and during the War. pp. 48. Darling & Son, 1915. 09083. b. 30. (4.) Mac Nabb (V. J.) Europe's Ewe Lamb. pp.278. Washbottrne, igi 5. 08027. aa. 40. Passelecq (F.) Truth and Travesty. An analytical study of the reply of the Belgian Government to the German White Book. pp. 86. Sir J. Causton, 19 16. 08028. de. 65. Gibson (H.) A Dii^lomatic Diary, pp. 296. Hodder tt- Stoughton, 191 7. ' 9081. e. 29. Clifford (J.) Our Fight for Belgium and what it means, pp. 14. Hodder ti- Stoughton, 1918 08027. f. 35. Belgium. Die belgische Neutralitat. pp. 33. Berlin, 19 15. 08027. dd. 15. Frank (R.) Belgium's Neutrality, pp. 42. Tubingen, 1915. 08027. b. 43. (4.) Schulte (A.) Von der Neutralitat Belgians. pp.128, ^onn, 1915. [Deutsche Kriegsschrifteri.] 08028. f. 14/3. Valentin (V.) Belgien und die grosse Politik der Neuzeit. pp. 24. 1915. [WeltkuHur und WeUpolitik: Deutsche Folge.] W.P. 3457/1. Ehlers (P.) England, Antwerpen und die belgische Barriere. pp. 68. Hamburg, 1916. 09077. b. 28. Norden (F.) Das neutrale Belgien und Deutsch- Jand im Urteil belgischer Staatsmiimier und •Juristen. pp. 96. Munchen, 1916. 6916. ee. 21. BissiNG (M. F. von) Baron. General von Bissing's Testament, pp. 35. Fisher Unwin, icjij. 08027. aaa. 114. Le Testament politique du General von Bissing. pp. 40. 191 7. 12''. [Les Cahiers Beiges.] W.P. 4636/6. Boelke (0.) Unter dem Banner der Versohn- ung. Die Flamen in Deutschland. pp. 96. Leipzig, 19 17. 8081. aa. 42. Dirr (P.) Belgien als franzosische Ostmark. pp.502. Berlin, igi'j. 8081. i. 3. Frese (A.) Deutsches Land in Belgien. pp 20. Berlin, 1917. 8081. e. 17. Schwering (L.) Belgien der Angelpunkt des Weltkrieges. pp. 115. 191 7. 16°. [Bilcher der Stunde.] W.P. 1313/4. Strupp (C.) Die Neutralisation und die Neu- tralitat Belgiens. i^p. 188. 191 7. [Perthes^ Schriften zum Weltkrieg.] W.P. 438/13. Reventlow (E. C. E. L. D. zu) Count. Brauchen wir die flandrische Kiiste ? pp. 76. Berli7i, 19 18. 08072. c. 39. Schwertfeger (B. H.) Der geistige Kampf um die Verletzung der belgischen Neutralitat. pp. 191. Berlin, 1919. 08027. c. 88. Labberton (J. H.) De Belgische Neutraliteit geschonden. pp. 152. Amsterdam, 191 5. 08027. aaa. 55. Belgium and Gennany. (De Belgische Neutraliteit geschonden.) i)p. 153. Chicago, 19 16. 08028. df. 5. — - — Die sittliclie Berechtigung der Verletzung der belgischen Neutralitat. jip. 144. Berlin, 19 16. 08028. e. 30. Struycken (A. A. H.) De Oorlog in Belgie. P}). 82. Arnhem, 19 15. 06955. i. 59. Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial Works. Belgium contiitiu'd. Belgium. To Belgium. A letter signed by Spanish Catholics delining their attitude towards Belgium and the Eurojjcan War. pp. 40. IF. Speaiyht, 1916. 08028. h. 14. (5.). Campion (A.) Belgica, el 2 de Mayo y los catolicos esi)anoles. pp. 28. Londres, 191 6. 08028. h. 16. Campos (M. M.) Belgica y su neutralidad enigmatica. pp. 44. Berlin, 1915- 4"". 8081. k. 3. Blocher (E.) Belgische NeutraUtat und schweizerische Neutralitat. i)p. 30. Zurich, 1915. 08026. d. 49. Belgium. Tlie Case of Belgium in the Present War. pp.120. AM'., 1914- 9082. e. 25. The Case of Belgium in the light of official reports found in the secret archives of the Belgian Government, pp. 16. N.Y., 1915- ^ • 08027. dd. 54. Fuehr (A.) The Neutrality of Belgium. pp. 248. J\'.r., 1915. 08027. bb. 13- Warrin (F. L.) The Neutrality of Belgium. pp. 110. Washington, 1918. A.S. 420/15. Bulgaria. See also above, Balkan States. Price (C.) The Intervention of Bulgaria and the Central Macedonian Question, pp. 28. Lecture Agency, 1915. 08027. d. 13. Balcanicus. La Bulgarie. Ses ambitions, sa trahison. pp. 292. 1915. 08026. aa. 40. Savadjian (L.) La Bulgarie en guerre. pp.45. Gemve, igi-j. 08027. cc. 48. Je denonce ! pp. 45. Geneve, 19 18. 08027. dd. 32. Deville (G.) L'Ententc, la Grece & la Bulgarie. pp. 334. 19 19. 9084. df. 3. IvANOv (Y.) Les Bulgares devant le Congres de la Paix. pp. 304. Berne, 19 19. 4°. 8027. g. 1. LoRiTZ (J. B.) I'nser Verbiindeter Bulgarian. pp.128. 1917. 16^ [Bilcher der Stunde. 1 W.P. 1313 3. Steinen (H. von den) Die Bulgaren und wir. pp.96. Berlin, 191-. 08026. d. 25. Georoov (I. A.) Die bulgarische Nation und der AVeltkrieg. pp. 304. Berlin, 1918. 08027. Hoffer (C. I.) raz, 1 916. Egypt. Agvptcn im \Vcltkrieg. pp. 08027. c. France. 85. 62. 46. Adam (J.) Llieure vcngeresse des crimes bis- markicns. i>p. 320. 191 5. 08026. aa. 27. Alype (P.) La Provocation allemande aux colonies, pp. 244. Nancy, 1915. 8157. k. 25. Barthou (L.) L'Heure viendra qui tout payera, 1914-1915. pp. 8. 1915. fol. [Panes de guerre.] 1869. d. 34. Blondel (G.) L'Epuisement de I'Allemagne et le devoir actud do la France, pp. 95. 1915. 08027. d. 89. Bonnefon (C.) Crovez en la France ! pp. 63. 1915. 12°. " 08027. aa. 32. Boulanger (O.) France et Belgique, 1914- 1915. pp. 287. 1915. 9083. e. 25. Brieux (E.) Deux Lettres aux combattants, 1914-1915. pp. 8. 1915. fol. [Pages de guerre.] 1869. d. 34. lOG EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. Political and Social History. — Political and Controversial Works.— France — c'TZ (K. von) Unser volkisches Kriegsziel. pp. 275. Leipzig, 19 18. 08027. g. 45. Stresemann (G.) Macht und Freiheit. pp. 202. Halle, 1918. 08072. b. 22. Wolff (T.) A'ollendete Tatsachen, 1914- 1917. pp. 256. Berliii, 191 8. 08027. c. 65. Bendixen (F.) Politische Briefe aus den Jahren des Weltkrieges. pp. 224. Berlin, 1919. 010905. g. 24. Bethmanx-Hollweg (T. T. F. A. von) Betracht- ungen zum Weltkrieg. Teil i. Vor dem Kriege. pp. 198. Berlin, 1919. 08028. f. 78. Reflections on the World War. pt. i. pp. 172. T. Bvttertvorth, 1920. 08028. f. 80. Germany. Deutschland und Armenien. Samm- lung diplomatischer Aktenstiicke. pp. Ixxx. 541. Potsdam, 1919. 08026. bb. 36. Grossdeutsch. Grossdeutsch oder Klein- deutsch ? pp.39. Berlin, igig. 08072. cc. 31. Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial Works.— Germany — confiniied. Hammerstein-Gesmold (H. E. O. F. W. von) Baron. Deutschland, Rumanien und der Weltkrieg. pp. 46. Berlin, 19 19. 08028. f. 39. Hartmann-Rathstock (G.) Der Untergang des deutschen Reiches als franzosische Pro- phezeiung. pp. 60. Berlin, 1919. 08072. d. 32. Mueller-Brandenburg (H.) Irrungen und WiiTungen. Schlaglichter auf den Zusamnien- bruch unserer Aussenpolitik. pp. 40. Berliii, 1919. 08027. cc. 58. (3.) Ruete (R. S.) Politische Korrespondenzen und friedfertige Kriegsaufsatze. pp. 193. Zurich, 1919. ■" 08028. f. 1. Bernstorff (J. H. A. H. A. von) Count. Deutschland und Amerika. pp. 413. Berlin, 1920. 08028. f. 66. Spickernagel (W.) Der KardinaUehler un- serer Politik. pp. 79. Berlin, 1920. 08072. d. 46. Domestic Politics. Germany. ReichMag. Der Deutsche Reichstag und der Weltkrieg 1914-1915. pp. 23. Frankfurt, 1915. 4^ 08027. dd. 10. Germany. Verband katholischer Arbeiter- und Knappenvereine Westdeutschlands. Die katho- lischen Arbeitervereine Westdeutschlands und der Weltlu-ieg. pp.35. 191 5. 08285. a. 43. Marbod (J.) Eine Frage ! Wie erhalten wir der Zukunft die erhebenden Krafte dieses Krieges ? pp. 24. Berlin, 191 5. 08027. b. 46. (4.) Schumann (W.) Unser Deutschtum und der Fall Spitteler. pp. 47. Munclien, 191 5. 08072.' dd. 3. Bethmann-Hollweg (T. T. F. A. von) Sechs Kriegsreden des Reichskanzlers. pp. 95. Berlin, 19 16. 08028. e. 27. Seven War Speeches, pp. 87. Zurich, 1916. 08027. g. 72. Cohen (M.) Das Volk und der Krieg. pp. 56. 1916. [Vm Deutschlands Zukunft.] W.P. 4656/1. Duerrwaechter (A.) Bayerns Eigenart vom Weltkrieg aus. pp. 141. Kempten, 1916. 8072. df. 60. Fendrich (A.) Ein W^ort an die unten und die oben von einem deutschen Sozialdemo- kraten. ])p. 24. Stuttgart, 19 16. 08027. c. 53. Haenisch (C.) Die deutsche Sozialdemo- kratie in und nach dem Weltkriege. pp. 146. Berlin, 1916. [KriegspolitischeEinzelscliriften.'] 08028. i. 1/6, 7. ScHEiDEMANN (P.) Die deutschc Sozialdemo- kratie und der Kriesr. jip. 20. Breslau, 1916. 08027. bb. 36. Fernau (H.) Durch ! zur Demokratie ! pp.269. Bern, TC)i7. 08072. dd. 16. ■ The Coming Democracv. pp. 320. Constable, 191 7. ' 08072. cc. 10. Germany. Sozicddemokratische Partei. Die Kriegspolitik der Partei im Lichte der wirt- schaftlichen Tatsachen. jip. 19. Berlin, 191 7. 08027. c. 62. Provo (H.) Sozialdemokratie und Mittel- stand. pp. 96. Berlin, 191 7. [Kriegs- politische Einzelschriften.] 08028. i. 1/19. Schofer (J.) "Hart wie Stahl '" : was Theo- bald der Brummler zum Kaiserwort meint. pp. 16. Karlsruhe. 1917. 08028. e. 21. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. Ill Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial Works. Germany — continuiid. Stilgebauer (E.) Die Rede, die dcr Ilfitlis- kanzler nicht gehalten hat. pp. 1(). 1 91 7. 16°. 08027. dc. .3(j. York (H. L. IX M.) Count ron Wartenburg. N'ateilandischc Sorgcn. pp. 38. Berlin, 191 7. 08072. d. 9. Balder (S.) Kaiser u. Krieg oder Republik und Frieden ? pp. 77. 19 18. 16°. 08072. a. 53. BoDELSCHWiNGH ( F. voii) liinere Hem- mungen kraftvoller Aussenpolitik. ])p. 44. Hannover, 1918. 08072. d. 25. Driesen (0.) Das deutschc Volk und seine Fiirsten : eine Antvvort auf die Verstandnis- losigkeiten des Auslandes. ))p. 72. Berlin, 1918. 08072. aaa. 42. Giesecke (C.) Im Kam])fe an der inneren Front. Meine Kriegserlebnisse als Staatsan- walt. pp. 68. Leipzig, 1918. 08072. aaa. 41. Kapf (W.) Die nationalen Kreise und der Reichskanzler. pp. 32. Gera, 19 18. 08028. f. 70. LiEBKNECHT (C.) "The Future belongs to the People." Speeches, translated by S. Zinaand. pp. 144. X.Y., 1918. 08072. aaa. 34. ^Maximilian Alexander Frederick William. Prince of Baden. Ansprache in der offentlichen Sitzung der Ersten Kanimer am 14. Dezember 1917. Ansprache 22. August 1918. 2 pt. Karlsruhe, 19 18. 08072. aaa. 54. MuEHSAM (C.) Wie wir belogen wurden. Die amtliche Irrefuhrung des deutschen Volkes. pp. 189. Munchen, 19 18. 08027. bb. 64. ScHRAMEiER (L. W.) Auswiirtiges Amt und Auslandsvertretung. Vorschlage zur Reform. l)p. 32. Berlin, 19 18. 08072. cc. 39. Baumgarten (0.) Die Schuld am deutschen Zusammenbruch. pp. 36. Tubingen, 1919. 08027. i. 33. Binder (H.) Was wir als Kriegsberichter- statter nicht sagen durften ! pp. 63. Miinchen, 1919. 9083. aa. 58. Foss (M. W. L.) Enthiillungen iibcr den Zusam- menbruch. pp. 103. Halle, 1919. 08027. c. 89. GuMBEL (E. J.) Vier .Jahre Liige. pp. 31. Berlin, 1919. [Flugschriften des Bundes Xeues Vaterland.] W.P. 5394/5. Haase (H.) Reichtagsreden gegen die deutsche Kriegspolitik. pp. 206. Berlin, 1919. 08072. c. 51. Haenisch (C.) Die deutsche Sozialdemokratie in und nach dem Weltkriege. pp. 158. Berlin, 19 19. 08072. c. 53. Sozialdemokratische KulturpoHtik. pp. 32. Berlin, 19 19. [Kriegsjiolilische Einzel- schriften.] 08028. i. 1/23. Haine ( ) Wcshalb hat Dcutschland den Wcltkrieg verloren ? pp. 31. Berlin, 19 19. 08028. i. 3. Jordan (H.) Wie kam es ? Krieg und Zusam- menbruch in ihren inneren Zusammenhiingen. pp. 66. Berlin, 1919. [Im neuen Deutschland.] W.P. .3420/10. Junius, Alter, pseud. Das deutsche Reich auf dem Wege zur geschichtlichcn P]pisode. pp. 83. Munchen, 1919. 08072. c. 55. Lamb.\ch (W.) Ursachen des Zusammenbruchs. pp.112. Hamburg. \()ig. 08072. aaa. 48. Political and Social History. — Political and Controversial Works.— Germany —continued. LiEBiG (H. W. H. von) Baron. Der Betrug am deutschen Volke. pp. 228. Miiiwhen, 1919. 08072. c. 52. Popper (J.) Wilhehnstrasse und Kapitol, 1914-1918. pp. 33. Gotki, 19 19. [Das neue Reich.] W.P. 438/19. RiCHTHOKEN (W. A. S. L. M. F. von) Baron. Zuriickgehaltencs und L'nterdriicktes aus vier Kriegsjahren. pp. 59. Berlin, 1919. 08027. g. 74. Schippel (M.) Die Gewerkschaften, der Krieg und die Revolution, pp. 32. Berlin, 19 19. [Um Deutschlands Zukunft.] W.P. 4056/9. Stresemann (G.) Von der Revolution bis zum Frieden von Versailles. Reden und Aufsatze pp. 228. Berlin, 19 19. 08072. dd. 21*. Winter (G.) Das ist das Ende ! Ein Buch von Deutschlands Grosse, Sturz imd Zukunft. pp. 112. Leipzig, 19 19. 08072. cc. 40. ZiMMERMANN (B.) Der Zusammenbruch, pp.45. Berlin, I gig. 08028. e. 12. Erzberger (M.) Erlebnisse im AVeltkrieg. pp. 396. Stuttgart, 1920. 09084. c. 17. GoTHEiN (G.) Warum verloren wir den Krieg ? pp. 239. Stuttgart, 1920. 08027. b. 100. Groener ( ) Politik und Kriegfiihrung. Ein Riickblick auf den Weltkrieg. pp. 14. Stuttgart, 1920. 09083. dd. 20. Marcus (C.) Die wahren Motive der Auslie- ferungskomodie. pp. 27. Berlin, 1920. 08027. i. 69. Allen (J. W.) Germany and Europe. pp. 133. G. Bell, 1914. 08027. a. 12. American. Can Germany win ? pp. 160. Pearson, 1914. 08027. a. 5. Angell (N.) Prussianism and its Destruction. pp. 240. Heinemann, 1914. 08027. a. 20. Barker (E.) Nietzsche and Treitschke : the worshij) of power in modern Germany. pp. 28. 1914. [O.rford Pamphlets.'] 08028. de. 93/20. Beck (J. M.) Germany's Case Tried in Court. pp. 63. Xewms, 1914. 08027. a. 21. Chapman (J. J.) Deutschland iiber Alles ; or, Germany speaks, pp.105. A', y., 1914. 08072. aa. 33. Chesterton (C. E.) The Prussian hath said in his Heart . pp. 240. Chapman d- Hall, 19 14. 08027. a. 38. Chesterton (G. K.) The Barbarism of Berlin. pp. 94. Cassell, 1914. 08027. a. 13. Chirol (Sir V.) Germany and ' The Fear of Russia.' jjp. 20. 1914. [0.rford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/13. Ehrlich (L.) Poland, Prussia and Culture. pp. 27. 1914. [O.vford Pamvhlels.] 08028. de. 93 37. Fletcher (C. R. L.) The Gw?aians. What they covet. 1914. [0.rford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/7. Ger.many. The Truth about Germany. Facts about the War. pp.131. 1914. 08028. ee. 11. Harrison (A.) The Kaiser's War. pp. 251. G. Allen, 1914. 08027. a. 11. Havens (H.) Teuton versus Slav. pp. IGO. Collins, 1 914. 08027. a. 2. Headlam (J. W.) England, Germany and Europe. i)p. 24. Macmillan, 1914. 08027. aaa. 6. 112 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. Political and Social History.— Political and Controvei'Sial Works.— Germany — cohiinufd. Hope (A.) Tlie Xew— German — Testament. Some texts and a commentary, pp. Gl. MetMien, igM- 08072. a. 13. MaoCabe (J.) Treitschke and tlie Great War. lip. 280. Fisher Vnwin, 19 14. 08027. a. 6. Pangloss, Doctor, jyseud. All for Germany ; or, the world's respect well lost. pp. 20. 1914- [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/33. Sadler (M. E.) Modern Germany and the Modern World, pp.16. Macmillan, ign. 08027. b. 8. (7.) Wilkinson (H. S.) Great Britain and Ger- many, pp. 29. 1914. [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/4. Ballard (F.) Plain Truths versus German Lies. pp. 143. C. H. Kelly, 191 5. 08027. a. 32. Baring (E.) Earl of Cromer. Germania contra Mundum. pp. 47. Macmillan. 1915. 08027. b. .53. Bernhaedi (F. a. J. von) Bernhardi Converted. pp. 15. Nelson, 1915. 4°. 8052. 1. 9. BtJRY (J. B.) L'AlIemagne et la civilisation slave, pp. 17. Eyre ct Spottiswoode, 191 =;. 09325. r. 22. Cook {Sir T. A.) Kaiser, Krupp and Kultur. pp. 178. J. Murray, 1915. 08027. a. 35. Dark (S.) Thou art the Man. The story of a great crime, pp. 94. }Yerner Laurie, 191s. 08027. A. 3. Harrison (F.) The German Peril, pp. 300. Fisher Vnwin, 1915. 08027. aa. 17. Norton (R.) The Man of Peace [i.e. the Emperor William 11. of Germany], pp. 22. 19 1 5. [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/64. Owen (C. H.) Europe's Mad Dog. pp. 31. King db Son, 1915. 08027. a. 83. Packer (S.) Prussia's Bid for World Power. pp. 110. Fisher Unwin, 191 5. 08027. d. 24. Prince (M.) The American versus the German view of the wai\ pp.47. Fisher Unwin, igi 5. 08027. aaa. 10. (2.) La Guerre telle que I'entendent les Ameri- cains et telle que I'entendent les Allemands ! pp. 46. 1915. [Pages acluelles.] W.P. 2825/56. Germany. Why Germany will be Defeated. pp. 32. Letchworth, 1915. 08027. aaa. 41. Repplier (A.) and White (J. W.) Germany and Democracy, pp.20. Darling (h Son, 1915. 08027. i. 54. (6.) Rose (J. H.) German Misrepresentations. pp. 19. 1915. 08026. aa. 43. Sarolea (C.) The Anglo-German Problem, pp. 384. T. C. Y>. 308. Hodder d; Stoughton, 19 17. 09083. c. 22. • Deux ans de guerre a Constantinople. pp.265. 1917. 09082. bbb. 49. NrppoLD (0.) Das Erwachen des deutschen Volkes und die Rolle der Schweiz. pp. 37. Zurich, 191 7. 08072. d. 10. The Awakening of the German People. pp. 60. Allen & Umvin, 1918. 08027. ee. 15. Neutraler. Nieder mit Deutschland ! Eine Entente-Fordenmg. pp. 35. Basel, 19 18. 08028. e. 18. RiVAS (C. C.) Visees annexionistes allemandes sur la Lituanie. pp. 267. Lausanne, 1918. 8095. g. 26. Stilgebauer (E.) Sei miindig, Volkl" Ein demokratisches Vademecum. pp. 134. Bern, 1919. 08072. aa. 96. FuLLERTON (G. S.) Why the German Nation has gone to War. An American to Americans. pp. 13. Miinchen, 1915. 08027. b. 37. (4.) Irish-American. The Catechism of Balaam, Jr. A defence of Germany's attitude in the War. By an Irish-American, pp.15. iV. Y., 1915. 08027. f. 73. Mach (E. von) Germany's Point of View. pp. 443. Chicago, 1915. 08027. aa. 38. Thompson (R. J.) England and Germany in the W^ar. pp. 127. Boston, 19 15. 08028. df. 1. ViLLARD (0. G.) Germany Embattled. An American interpretation, pp. 181. Samjison Low, igi^. 08027. bb. 12. WiSTER (0.) The Pentecost of Calamity, pp. 128. Macmillun, 19 15. 08027. d. 31. Droste (C. L.) Germany's Golgotha : a rei^ly to Owen Wister's Pentecost of Calamity. pp.143. i\^r., 1917. 08028. de. 34. Hugins (R.) Germany misjudged. An appeal to international goodwill, pp. 111. Chicago, 19 16. 08028. df. 4. Orth (S. p.) The Imperial Impulse : back- ground studies of Germany and Russia. pp.234. iV.F., 1916. 08026. aa. 42. Stoddard (J. L.) America and Germany. pp. 40. Meran, 1916. 08027. f. 75. HoRNADAY (W. T.) A Searchlight on Germany. pp.39. i\^r., 1917. 08027.6.54. Johnson (D. W.) The Peril of Prussianism. pp.53. N.Y.,191-,. 08027. df. 75. Thayer (R.) Out of their own Mouths : utterances of German rulers, pj). 254. iV^.y., 1917. 08072. a. 46. Gabdiner (J. B. W.) German Plans for the next war. pp.139. A^F., 19x8. 08027. e. 80. Kahn (0. H.) The Poison Growth of Prussian- ism. Address in Auditorium, Milwaukee. pp.40. 1918. 16°. 08027. de. 7. The Prussian Abomination, pp. 14. A. Melrose, 19 18. 12°. 08027. de. 8. Right above Race. An indictment of Germany, pp. 182. N.Y., 1918. 08027. df. 87. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 115 Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial "Works. — Germany — coni iuHcil. Prince (M.) The Creed of Deutsclitum. pp 311. Boston, 1918. 08072. d. 14. Kellogg (V. L.) Germany in the War and after, pp. 101. N.Y., 1919. 08072. aaa. 62. U.S.A. Committee on Public Information. Die deutsch-bolschewistische Verschworimg. Dokumente iiber die Beziehungen der 13ol- schewiki zur deutschen Heeresleitung, Gross- industrie and Finanz. pp. 123. Bern, iqiq. 08028. f. 30. Ramos (J. P.) La significacion de Alemania en la Guerra Europea. pp. 114. Buenos Aires, i^iS- 08028. e. 26. Die Bedeutung Deutschlands im euro- paischen Krieg. pp. 135. Stuttgnrl, 191 7. 08027. ff. 26. Barroetavena (F. a.) Alemania contra el Mundo. pp. 639. Buenos Aires, 1916. 08027. df. 10. Greece. Drakoules (P. E.) 'H 'EA.Aar, ra BaKicaviKa KpaTfj Kai T) 'O/xoanovSLaKf] Avais. pp. 33. 'A9ri>^ai, 1915. 0S02G. aa. 36. Greece. 'H 'EAAas els KiySvyoi/. pp. 8. 'ABrivai, 1915. 08027. a. 96. Aegyroglo-Callias (G.) L'AlIemagne en- nemie de I'Hellenisme. pp. 126. 191 6. 08026. aa. 66. TankopOULOS (D. p.) 'Oi TtpfiavoeWTives. pp.16, iv ' Ad7]ifais, l')l9. 16°. 80^7. a. 45. (4.) CoMBOTHECRA (X. S.) Histoire ignoree du BIocus grec. pp. 223. Geneve, 1918. 09082. bb. 24. La Grece loyale. pp. 186. Geneve, 1919. 08026. b. 37. Ac. Constantinople. 'EWrjviKo s ^iKoXoyi- Kos ^vWoyos. Le Syllogue Litt^raire Grec a ses Membres Honoraires. [An appeal for help against Turkish oppression.] Constantinople, 1919. fol. 1879. c. 5. (126.) ToYNBEE (A. J.) Greek Policy since 1882. pp. 35. 1914. [Oxford Pamjuklets.] 08028. de. 93/39. Abbott (G. F.) The Truth about Greece. pp.16. 191 7. 4°. [The Voice of Greece.] W.P. 4714/1. Price (W. H. C.) Venizelos and the War. pp. 200. Sinipkin, Marshall, 19x7. 08027. e. 20. Brown (Demetra) Constantino : king & traitor, pp. 300. J. Lane, 191 8. 9081. eee. 33. ■ In the Heart of German Intrigue. pp. 377. Boston, 1918. 09082. aaa. 10. Smyrna. An Authentic Account of the Occur- rences in Smyrna and the Aidin District, pp. 7. Cole d; Cole, 1919. 09082. d. 49. Lawson (J. C.) Tales of .-Egcan Intrigue, pp. 271. Chatto dk Windus, 1920. 09084. c. 6. Ibanez de Ibero (C.) D'Athenes a Constan- tinople. La situation pohtique en Orient, pp. 264. 191 6. 08026. aa. 64. Fregier (C.) Les etapes de la crise grecquc, 1915-1918. pp. 294. 1919. 9084. e. 23. Deville (G.) L'Entente, la Grfece & la Bulgarie. pp. 334. 1 919. 9084. df. 3. France (A.) La Grfece et la Pais. pp. 9. 1919. 08028. f. 20. Political and Social History. — Political and Controversial Woi'ks. — Gresce — contiiiued. M6las (G. M.) L'E.x-Roi Constantin. Souvenirs d'un ancien secretaire, pp. 276. 1920. 09084. bb. 12. Ex-King Constantine and the War. pp.288. Hutchinson, HJ20. 09084. bb. 1. Roquette (H.) Deutschland und Gricchen- land. Die hcllenisch-gcrmanische Kulturge- meinschaft, die Rassenfrage und die Balkan- politik. pp. 183. Halle, 19 16. 08026. b. 15. Hungary. European War, 1914. A haborii es az iskola. Haborus eluadasok az Orszagos Paedagogiai Kdnyvtarban es Tanszermuzeumban. pp. 238. Budapest, 19 15. 8357. ee. 8. Andrassy (G.) Count. Interessen-Solidaritat des Deutschtums und Ungartums. pj). 33. Jliinchen, 19 16. 08072. c. 21. SzTERENYi (J.) Ungarn und Deutschland. pp. 175. Jena, 1917. 8072. ff. 18. Budapest. Ligue pour Vlntegrite territoriale de la Hongrie. [Pamphlets.] 5 pt. Budapest, 1919-20. 08072. a. 57. Hungary. Hungary and the War. pp. 14. Darliiig cfe Son, 1915. 08027. i. 54. (5.) Watson (R. W. S.) German, Slav and Magyar. pp. 198. Williams d; Norgate, 1916. 08027. aa. 62. Beck (G.) La Responsabilite de la Hongrie. Etude historique et politique, pp. 247. 191 7. 08027. df. 78. Bahr (R.) Von der Schicksals-zur Lebens- gemeinschaft. Deutschland, Osterreich und Ungarn. pp.45. Berlin, igi-j. 08072. d. 4. Bunzel (J.) Ungarn und wu\ pp. 185. 1918. [Kriegspolitische Einzelschriften.] 08028. i. 1/22. HoDNiG (A.) L'Ungheria e i Magiari nella guerra deUa nazioni. pp. 96. Milano, 1915. 9082. gg. 26. Historicus, pseud. Jyroc.ioBencKii ojHOcn. J. BaiLaniiH. JyiKnii ciOBenn y Aycrpo-yrapcKOJ 11 Pax. pp. 24. Hum, 1915. 08026. cc. 14. Italy. General Works. Barzilai (S.) Dalla Triplice AUeanza al Con- flitto Europeo. pp. 229. Roma, 19 14. 08027. aaa. 27. Agabiti (A.) La Salvezza d'Europa e I'inter- vento italiano. pp. 232. Napoli, 19 15. 08027. aaa. 43. Annunzio (G. d') Per la piu grande Italia. pp. 133. Milano, 1915. 08027. d. 48. Baisini (J.) II Trentino dinanzi all' Europa. pp. 431. Milano, 1915. 08026. b. 9. Battisti (C.) Al Parlamento Austriaco e al Popolo Italiano. pp. 203. Milano, 191s. 08026. aa. 23. Bello (P. del) Inglesi c Italiani fratelU. pp. 20. Firenze, 19 15. 08027. aa. 58. Borgese (G. A.) Italia e Germania. pp. 343. Milam, 1915. 08027. d. 14. Caburi (F.) L'Austria e 1" Itaha. pp. 166. Milano, 1915. 08027. d. 41. Castellini (G.) Trento e Trieste. L' irreden- tismo e il problema adriatico. pp. 140. Milano, 1915. 08026. aa. 20. Fedele (P.) Why Italy is at War. pp. 30. Roma, 1915. 08028. h. 26. I 2 116 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Political and Social History. — Political and Controversial Works. — Italy — cotitiintcd. FiLARETi, General, pseud. La Conflagrazione Europea e r Italia, pp.248. Lancia)io, jgis- OS027. d. 57. Fradeletto (A.) Dair alleanza alia guerra. pp. 87. Milam, 1915. 08027. aa. 42. Italy. Associazione Nazionale fra i Professori Universitari. La Nostra Guerra. i^p. 200. Firenze, 191 5. 08027. e. 64. Italy and the War. pp. 268. G. Bell, 1917. 08027. df. 54. L' Italic et la guerre actuelle. pp. 285. Florence, 1916. 08027. bb. 43. Italy. Parlamento. II Patto di Londra firmata il 30 novembre 1915. pp. 181. JI llano, 19 16. 08027. d. 92. Italy. Appendix. II perche della nostra Guerra. ijp. 78. Torino, 191 5. fol. 08027. dd. 17. Problem! italiani. 24 vol. Milano, 19 15. 8033. de. 11. Lanzerotti (E.) La nostra difesa nazionale. L' Italianita del Trentino. 19 15. U^ Tren- tino e i Treniini. 1.] 8033. e. 20. Laurentiis (C. de) Che fara 1' Italia ? pj). 50. Lucca, 1915. 08027. cc. 13. Palazzo (A.) L' attuale conflitto europeo e r Italia, pp.137. Martina Franca, igi^. 08027. cc. 20. PiccoLi (R.) Italy and the War. pp. 19. Fisher Unwin, 1915. 08027. bb. 11. Salandra (A.) Speech. June 2, 1915, in reply to the Emperor of Austria and the German Chancellor, pp. 32. Fisher Unwin, 19 15. 8032. c. 49. Scattolini (V.) Unsre Pflicht gegen Deutsch- land. pp. 36. Brau7ischweig, 1915. 08027. bb. 4. (6.) Vecchio (C. del) Le ragioni morali della nostra guerra. pp. 22. Firenze, 1915. 08027. d. 95. The Moral Basis of Italy's War. pp. 28. Fisher Unwin, 191 7. 08027. df. 31. BoNACCi (G.) L' ItaUa ed i suoi nuovi destini. Con particolare riguardo alia guerra nel 1915- 1916. pp. 128. Firenze, 1916. 8032. bb. 59. European War. Ver Sacrum, pp. 242. Ferrara, 1916. 08027. aa. 101. Foscani (P.) Salviamo la Dalmazia. pp. 60. Roma, 191 6. 08026. aaa. 72. Ghelli (S.) Austria Nemica . . . Cronistoria retrospettiva e documentata, 1897-1914. pp. 352. Milano, 1916. 08026. b. 21. Preziosi (G.) La Germania alia conquista deir Italia, pp. 272. Firenze, 1916. 8033. bb. 43. Raineei (S.) The Mastery of the Adriatic and the Jugo-Slav Question ; Italy in Asia Minor. Contributions from various Italian writers, pp. 47. The Syren & Shijyping, 1916. 08026. d. 19. RoMANi (G.) La guerra liberatriee. pp. 229. Teramo, 19 16. 08028. de. 92. RuBico (A. C.) Italia, all' erta ! Perche fac- ciamo guerra ? jip. 92. Roma, 19 16. 08027. c. 48. Caburi (F.) Italiani e Jugoslav! nell' Adria- tico. pp. 137. Milano, 1917. 08026. aa. 81. Revelli (P.) L' Itaha e il Mar di Levante. pp. 223. Milano, 19 17. 08026. dd. 19. Political and Social History. — Political and Controversial Works. — Italy — Loiitinuid. Vivante (A.) L' irredentisme adriatique. Tra- duction frangaise. pp.266. Geneve, 191 7. 08026. cc. 25. Catellani (E. L.) Italy and Austria at War. pp. 155. Florence, 1918. 08027. g. 26. Italy. Italia e Jugoslavia. A cura d' un gruppo di scrittori italiani e Jugoslav!. pp. 311. Firenze, 1918. [La giovine Europa.'\ W.P. 3852/7. Ac. Bologna. Universitas Bononiensis. Per la Rivendicazione della Dalmazia all' Italia. Voti di professori e studenti della R. Uni- versita di Bolosjna. pp. 11. Pisa, 19 19. 08026. d. 31. Ac. Pisa. Universitd. Italia e Dalmazia. Ai professori, agli studenti ed ai mutilati di guerra delle Universita italiane. pp. 26. Pisa, 19 1 8. 08026. d. 32. Annunzio (G. d') Aveux de 1' ingrat. pp. 95. 19 1 9. 08028. de. 18. ■ Contro uno e contro tutti. pp. 273. Roma, 19 19. 8033. de. 1. Italia o morte. pp. 61. Roma, 1919. 8033. de. 4. • Italy or Death, pp. 26. Fiiime, 1919. 8033. de. 6. ■ The Rally. Translated by M. Sindici. pp. 175. Milano, 1919. 08027. h. 11. Ranelletti (E.) La italianita deUa Dal- mazia dal punto di vista storico-giuridico. pp. 92. Milano, 191 9. 8032. k. 23. AN>fUNZio (G. d') Italia e vita. pp. 98. Roma, 1920. 8032. bb. 60. Italy and Life. pp. 21. Flume, 1920. 08028. de. 84. Domestic Politics. Salandra (A.) Politica economica e j^olitica di guerra. pp. 30. Roma, 19 16. 08027. b. 75. Zuccarini (O.) II Partite Repubblicano e la Guerra d' Italia, pp. 122. Roma, 19 16. 08027. aa. 77. Ciccotti (E.) I Socialist! italiani e la guerra. Discorsi parlamentari. jjp. 63. Milano, 191 7. 08027. df. 49. Nathan (E.) II dovere presente. pp. 23. Roma, 191 7. 08027. aaa. 113. Goretti (L.) Vaincre pour vivre. pp. 16. Ro7na, 1918. 08027. i. 61. Orlando (V. E.) War Speeches. Translated by F. S. Arnold, jjp. 322. Rome, 1919. 08027. ee. 77. Feiling (K.) ItaUan Policy since 1870. pp. 17. 1914. [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/10. Whitaker (J. I. S.) The Great War. Italy. pp.59. Palermo, 1914. 08027. b. 37. (1.) Chesterton (G. K.) Letters to an Old Gari- baldian. pp.48. Mtthuen, 191 v '08027. a. 37. Dillon (E. J. von) From the Triple to the Quadruple Alliance. Why Italy went to war. 2:)p. 242. Hodder rf- Stoughton, 1915. 08027. aaa. 53. Edleston (R. H.) Italian Neutrality, pp. 72. Cambridge, 19 15. 9166. de. 3. Pitt (W. O.) Italy and the Unholy Alhance. pp. 223. A. Melrose, 1915. 8033. aaa. 51. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. ir, Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial Works. — Italy — contiiined. Bagot (R.) L' Italia, 1' Ingliilterra c la guerra di domani. pp. 49. Firenze, 1916. U8027. c. 35. Italy. Italy our Ally. ])[). 21. Fisher Unwiu, 1916. 08027. aa. 95. iluRRAY (G. G. A.) Lealta italiaua. Ver- sioue itaUana di P. Hantamaria. pp. 38. Roma, 1916. 08027. i. 52. Watson (R. W. S.) The Balkans, Italy and the Adriatic, pp. 79. Nisbet ct- Co., 1916. 08026. bb. 8. Gay (H. N.) Italy's Great War, and her national aspirations, pp. 2(57. Milan, 19 17. 8032. aa. 21. Hope (A.) Why Italy is with the Allies. pp. Ui. i?. Clay, 1 91 7. 08027. f. 79. LoxDox. British-Italian League. Pamphlets. 1917, etc. W.P. 5587. Warrex (W.) The Just Claims of Italy. The question of the Trentino, of Trieste, and of the Adriatic, i^p. Gl. 1918. 08027. c. 63. Italo-Jugoslav Question. The Italo-Jugo- slav Question explained by maps. pi. x. 1919. obi. 4°. Ma^js 9. c. 2. Italy'. L' ItaHe, la Yougo-slavie et le Traite secret de Londres. pp.8. 1919. 08026. d. 33. Saint-Cyr (C. de) Pourquoi 1' Italic est notre alliee ? pp. 319. 1915. 08027. d. 58. Vellay' (C.) La guerre europeenne & la question de I'Adriatique. pp. 126. 1915. 08026. aa. 50. Welschinger (H.) La mission du Prince de Billow a Rome, Dec. 1914— Mai 1915. pp. 95. 19 15. [Pages adiielles.] W.P. 282.3/55. Alazard (J.) L' Italic et le conflit europeen, 1914-1916. pp.271. 1916. 08027. e. 1. Baunville (J.) La Guerre et I'ltalie. i)p. 319. 1916. 08027. d. 56. Italy and the War. pp. 267. Hodder d; Stoughton, 19 16. 08027. e. 12. Charriaut (H.) and Amici-Grossi ( ) Italic en guerre, pp. 336. 19 16. 08027. aa. 70. Hauvette (H.) L'ltalie et la Guerre d'apres les temoignages de ses liommes d'Etat. pp. 144. 19 16. 08027. a. 97. Maugain (G.) L'opinion italienne et I'in- tervention de l'ltalie dans la guerre actuelle. pp. 105. 1916. 08027. cc. 24. Hautecceur (L.) L'ltalie sous le minist^re Orlando, 1917-1919. pp. 276. 1919. 9168. aaa. 17. Walter (E.) Was \\ird Itahen tun ? pp. 31. Berlin, 1914. 08027. aaa. 20. (2.) Kahl (W.) Driebuud — Treubund. Deutsche Antwort auf Italicns Verrat. pp. 29. 19 15. [Deutsche Reden in schwerer Zeit.] 012301. ee. 28/26. Mackay' (B. L. von) Baron. Italiens Verrat am Driebund. pp. 68. Mimchen, 1915. 08027. b. 45. (5.) RoESE (0.) Im romischen Hexenkessel, 1915. pp. 186. Stuttgart, 1915. 08028. de. 39. Severl's, pseud. Zehn monate italienischer Neutralitat. pp. 101. Gotka, 19 15. 08027. b. 44. (4.) Political and Social History. — Political and Controversial Works. — Italy — cnntinited. WiRTH (M.) Warum Itahen mit luis geheu muss ? pp. 30. Leipzig, 1915. 08027. aaa. 20. (6.) AndrovI(' (J.) _ Die Triester Frage in ihrem Verhaltnis zu Osterreich und Italien. 2 Tl. Triest, igiS-ij. W,P. 4660. Italy'. Das Schicksal ItaUens. pp. 191. Miuichen, 19 16. 8032. i. 28. KartALES (A. G.) 'H iTaXiKTi iroKiTiKT] eV A\0avia Kai TOis BaAKafwis. pp.141, e «/ 'AflTjj/ai s, 1914. 08026. aaa. 8. VoJNOVii' (L.) Count. La Dalmatic, l'ltalie et I'unite yougoslave, 1797-1917. pp. 380. Geneve, 191 7. 8028. aa. 49. MoRAVEC (Z.) L'ltalie et les Yougoslaves. pp. 47. 1 9 19. 08026. a. 11. Wall (A.) Ein irregefiihrtes V^olk. Eindriicke und Tagebuchaufzeichnungen eincr Neutralen aus Rom. Aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt. pp. 54. Wien, 19 16. 08027. g. 73. Illyricus, jiseud. La Question de Trieste. pp. 32. Geneve, 1915. 08026. aaa. 10. Lithuania. ViscONT (A.) La Lituanie et la guerre. pp.206. Geneve, K)!-]. 08027. bb. 56. RiVAS (C. C.) Visees annexionistes allemandes sur la Lituanie. jip. 267. Lausanne, 19 18. 8095. g. 26. Klimas (P.) Der Werdegang des litauischen Staates von 1915 bis zur Bildung der pro- visorischen Regierung im November 1918. pp. 247. Berlin, 1919. 08027. i. 23. Montenegro. Montenegro. Montenegrin Committee for National Union. The Montenegrin Bulletin. Geneva, -K)!"], etc. P.P. 3554. nt. Popovic (P.) Le Montenegro et la question de Scutari, pp. 32. Geneve, 19 18. 08026. a. 8. PoPOViL (V. G.) Le Montenegro pendant la grande guerre, pp. 319. 1918. 08027. i. 21. VuKSANOVii' (R.) Le Montenegro dans les guerres balkanique et mondiale. pp. 107. Pau, 19 1 8. 08027. f. 48. Paris. Comite des Refugies Montenegrins. Memorandum adresse a S. Exc. M. Clemenceau. pp. 18. 1919. fol. 08027. dd. 44. Plamenac (J. S.) Montenegro before the Peace Confeicncc. 3 pt. Paris, 1919. fol. 8228. g. 39. Poland. Ehrlich (L.) Poland, Prussia and Culture. pp. 27. 1914. [O.vford Pamphlets.'] 08028. de. 93/37. Wasilewski (L.) Der Kanipf um das Chelmer- land. pp. 37. Wien, 1916. [Polens Grenz- probleme.] W.P. 6134/2. British War Literature. A Review of the British War Literature on the Polish Problem. pp. 22. Polish Information Committee, 19 16. 8095. ee. 9. Tadema (L. a.) Poland, Russia and the War. pp. 31. St. Catherine Press, 19 15. 08027. dd. 5. Wilkinson (S. H.) The PoUsh- Jewish Tragedy. pp. 19. Morgan cb Scott, 1915. 4034. h. 63. Guttry (A. von) Die Polen und der Weltkrieg. pp. 307. Munchen, 1915. 8095. ff. 12. 118 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Watson (R. W. S.) Roiiinania and the Great War. pp. 102. Constable, 1915. 08027. b. 17. Bttcharest. Microbe-Culture at Bukarest. Discoveries at the German Legation, pp. 15. Hodder & Stoughton, 1917. 08026. cc. 8. Leeper (A. W. A.) The Justice of Rumania's Cause, pp. 23. Hodder & Stovghton, 19 17. 08026. cc. 10. Magnus (L. A.) Roumania's Cause & Ideals. pp.165. Kegan Paul, igiT. 08026. aa. 79. Stienon (C.) Le mystere roumain et la defec- tion russe. pp. 337. 19 18. 9083. ee. 50. Fetjnza (I.) pseud. Was soil Rumanien tun ? pp. 62. Berlin, 1914. 08027. aaa. 20. (1.) RoGGE (M.) Quo vadis Romania ? pp. 32. Berli7i, 1915. 08027. b. 43. (9.) Hammeestein-Gesmold (H. E. 0. F. W. von) Baron. Deutschland, Rumanien und der Weltkrieg. pp. 46. Berlin, 1919. 08028. f. .39. Russia. See also below, Ukraine. Vladislavlev (I. V.) PyccKaa .iiiTepatypa Boiiii-fi 1914 roja. .Voc;i«a, i. pp. 347. IIi., 1913. 8073. dd. 40. Meyendorff (A. F.) Baron. Jono.iHuie.iLHue MaTcpia.ibi Ki Knurajib : A. PciiiiiiKOBa ,, Bi> CrpaHb MvjecTi " H A. TyniiHa ,, Upiioa.niiJCKiii npaii a BOiiiia." ro.ioca Ba.iTiiicKiixT) iitMueBi 11 OTsuBbi pvccKoii nsMaTH. pp. 186. Bendcm, 1915. 8095. fE. 53. Rozanov (V. V.) Boiina 1914 ro^a 11 pyccKoe BoapoaiAeiiie. pp. 234. 1915. 08027. bb. 20. Zinov'ev (G.) and Lenin (N.) pseud. Couia.iiisMi iiBOflHa: oTHouieHieP.C.-.l.P.n. Ki BoiiB-B. pp.48. iKeneea, 1915. 08282. e. 59, Plekhanov (G. V.) Boiinfe. pp. 85. m., 191 6. 08027. f. 5. SuKHANOV (N.) Hamn .itBua rpynnu n Boiiiia, pp. 108. m., 1916. 08027. bb. 39. Die russische Linke und der Krieg. pp. 110. Jena, 19 17. 08027. aaa. 145. Berne. Eepncnan nnmepHaii.iojia.ihHan Couja.iucmu- HcciuiH liOMUcriii. PeBo.nouifi Bi Pocctii. [A Manifesto against the War.] Berne, i<)ij. fol. 1679. c. 5. (118.) BuLANOv (L.) Kai;b Mo*"no KonnnTb Bouny n KaKOBbi cnpaBej.inBbia ycioBia Miipa? pp. 23. nt., 1917. [Eoi<:eHedn.ihHnKo Mopcicoio CoopmiKU. npu.iooKenie.'] P.P. 4051. nb. Faebman (M. S.) The Russian Revolution & the War. pp. 46. Headley Bros., igij. 12°. 08027. df. 8L Russia. rocydapanaeuHa/i J.i/.vn. Russia and Her AUies. Extract from the verbatim report of the Imperial Duma, ivth Session, 16th Sitting, pp.20. Burrup,Mathieson(& Sprague, 1917. 08028. h. 14. (9.) Stepanov (I.) HapojT) n BoiiHa. pp. 64. MocKea, 191; 08285. a. 64. (3.) Beyanchaninov (A. N.) En defense du peuple russe : epitre aux Allies, pp. 59. K0benhavn, 19 18. 8095. ff. 51, Memoire secret sur les voies et moyens pratiques pour le printemps et I'ete 1918. pp. 77. London, 1918. 08028. e. 1. Farbman (M. S.) Russia & the Struggle for Peace, pp. 188. Allen cL- Univin, 1918. 8095. e. 52, Gettlich (V.) Overman C4rip on Russia. Trans- lated from the French by M. J. Davoren. pp. 64. 1 9 18. 08026. cc. 23, Kadomtsev (B.) The Russian Collapse, pp.48, C. F. Eoivorth, 191 8. 8229. s. 2. Kassianov (N.) La Siberie et la poussee allemande vers TOrient. pp. 68. Berne, 1918. 08072. b. 41. BuETSEV (V. L.) Bb Oopbofe c^ Oo.ibiiieBiiKitMii ti u-fijmaMH. pp. 79. napuMo, 1919. 8095. ff. 59. (3.) Russia. To our Colleagues in Russia. A letter signed by English ilen of Letters in appre- ciation of Russian literature and achievements in the War. pp.3. 1914. 4°. 1879. cc. 4. (20.) Deaemer (P.) Russia and Britain, pp. 21. 1915. [Oxford Pamphlets.'] 08028, de. 93/78. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 119 Political and Social History. — Political and Controversial Works. — Russia— continued. Graham (S.) Russia and the World : a study of the war. pp. 2G0. Cassell, 191 5. 08027. c. G. Tadema (L. a.) Poland, Russia and the War, pp. 31. kt. Catkeri tie Press, 1915. 08027. dd. 5. Sarol^a (C.) Europe's Debt to Russia, pp. 251. W. Heinevmnn, 1916. 9456. b. 13. LiDDELL (R. S.) Actions and Reactions in Russia, pp.227. Chapman eci(d no.} Ac. 2188. Hale (W. B.) TJie Exportation of Arms and Munitions of War. Should the United States Ciovernment allow it or forbid it V ])p. 32. AM'., 19 1 5. 08028. ee. 16. Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial Works. - United States of America — continued. Los Angeles. British American League. Bulle- tin, no. 1. Los Angeles, KjiS- W.P. 5167. Prince (M.) The Anaorican versus the German Viewpoint of the \\a.v. pp. 31. Boston, ic)is. 08027. c. 92. La Guerre telle que rentcndent les Ameri- cains, et telle que I'entendent les Allemands. pp.46. 1915. [Pages actuelles.l W.P. 2825/56. RiDDER (H.) Hyphenations. Collection of articles on the World \\''ar. i)p. 268. N.Y., 191 5. 08027. aa. 65. Roosevelt (T.) President of the U.S.A. America and the World War. pp. 277. J.Murray, 19 15. 08027. a. 51. Why America should join the Allies. pp. 64. Pearson, 1915. 08027. a. 30. Thompson (R. J.) Der deutsch-englische Krieg ini Urteil eines Amerikaners. pp. 128. Berlin, 1915. 08027. b. 45. (8.) U.S.A. The United States and the War. President Wilson's Notes on the Lusitania and Germany's Reply. j)p. 51. Brooklyn, 1915. " 6915. g. 19. Usher (R. G.) Pan-Americanism. A forecast of the clash between the U.S. and Europe's victor, pp.466. A^.F., 1915. 08175. d. 3. Whitridge (F. W.) Een Amerikaners Opfatt- else af den Europaeiske Krig. Autoriseret Oversa3ttelse. pp. 28. K(>benhacn, 191 v 08027. 'f. 49. Allied Nations. Address to the People of the Allied Nations. Signed by citizens of the United States of America, expressing sym- pathy with the cause of the Allies in the European War. ])p. 14. 1916. 4°. 08028. i. 23. The Dangers of Half- plea for a declaration of PI). 129. A'.r., 1916. 08175. a. 16. Baldwin (J. 51.) American Neutrality, its cause and cure. pp. 139. N.Y., iqi6. 08027. d. 61. Beck (J. M.) The United States and the War. Addresses, pj). 46. A". F., 1916. 08027. c. 45. Benson (A. L.) Inviting War to America. pp.190. A', y., 1916. 08175. aaa. 6. BuR(iESS (J. W.) America's Relations to the Great War. i)p. 209. Chicago, 19 16. 08027. df. 53. Creel (G.) Wilson and the Issues, pp. 167. N.Y., 1916. 08175. cc. 25. Ford (J. L.) Waitful Watching ; or, Uncle Sam and the light in Dame Europa's School. pp.56. xY. r., 1916. 08027. e. 15. Gould (B. A.) The Greater Tragedy, and other things, pp.189. A'.F., 1916. 08175. cc. 23. Hale (W. B.) Peace or War? The great debate in Congress on the Submarine and the Merchantman, jjp. 155. AM'., 1916. 8228. g. 40. O'Laughlin (J. C.) Imperiled America. pp. 264. Chicago, 1916. 08175. b. 19 RoosKVELT (T.) President of the U.S.A. Fear God and take your own part. pj). 414. Hodder ct- Stoughton, 1916. 08175. b. 17. Shirley (G. H.) Preparedness plus Militaiy and naval preparedness plus self-defense by Pan America and a world-wide League to Prevent Aggression, i^p. 63. A'. 1'., 1916. 08175. d. 17. Angell (Norman) Preparedness : a American policy. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial "Works. — United States of America— '•■a)l, 1 9 16. 08027. f. 75. U.S.A. The War Business and the United States, pp. 62. Chicago, 1916. 08028. ee. 17. Ac. Princeton. Princeton University. The World Peril. America's interest in the war. pp.245. Princeton, K)!-]. Ac. 1833. e. Beck (J. M.) The War and Humanity. The Ethics of the War and the attitude and duty of the United States, pp.397. N.Y., 1917. 08027. e. 29. Block (L.) For Freedom and Fraternity. An address given on the eve of the entry of the U.S.A. into the War. pp. 22. 191 7. 08027. aaa. 140. Clarke (tif. H.) Why the U.S.A. entered the AYar. pp. 34. Hodder p. 69. Habana, 1918. 08027. f. 52. Vila (V.) Ante los Barbaros. Los Estados Unidos y la guerra. pp. 247. Barcelona, 1918. 08175. cc. 38. South America. KiRKPATRiCK (F. A.) South America and the War. pp. 79. Cambridge Univ. Press, 191 8. 08027. ff. 15. Ac. France. Groupement des Univer sites de France pour les relations avec VAmerique latine. L'Amerique latine et la Guerre europeenne. pt. i. pp.202. 19 16. 08028. g. 16. CoNTRERAS (E.) Lcs ecrivains hispano-ameri- cains et la Guerre europeenne. pp. 93. IQI7- 16°. 08027. df. 97. Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial Works. — South. America — continneil. Gaillard (G.) Amerique latine et Europe occidentale. L'Amerique latine et la guerre, pp. 301. 1918. 08027. e. 69. PiiREZ Triana (S.) " The Neutrality of Latin- America." pp.48. Hispania, igi6. 4°. 08027. aaa. 59. Carles (M.) La Republique Argentine et la guerre europeenne. pp. 31. 1916. 4°. 08027. c. 52. Oyhanarte (H. B.) Argentiniens Neutralitat. pp. 70. Buenos Aires, 1920. [Auslandspoli- tische Schriften des Ibero-amerikanischen Insti- tuts. no. 1.] Ac. 6078. c/3. Barbosa (R.) a revogafao da neutralidade do Brazil, jjp. 147. Londres, 1918. 8180. aa. 67. Alvarez (A.) La grande guerre europeenne et la neutralite du Chili, pp. 315. 1915. 08027. aaa. 54. Silva Vildosola (C.) Le ChiH et la guerre. pp.71. 191 7. 08027. f. 22. RocuANT (E.) La neutralite du Chili. pp. 316. Santiago, 1919. 8180. aa. 66. Lavalle (J. B. de) El Peru y la Gran Guerra. pp. 439. Lima, 19 19. 09083. bb. 48. Cova (R. de la) Venezuela ante el Conflicto Europeo. pp. 28. 19 17. 08027. ee. 9. Jew^s. Rohold (S. B.) The War and the Jew. pp. 98. Toronto, 1915. 08027. aa. 96. Levison (L.) The Jewish Problem and the World War. pp. 68. Morgan d; Scott, 19 16. 08027. aa. 92. Jahrblum ( ) Les Juifs russes et la Guerre. pp.70. 1915. 8095. de. 33. Geiger (L.) Die deutschen Juden und der Krieg. pp. 80. Berlin, 1915. IKriegspoli- tische Einzelschriften.] 08028. i. 1/3. Jews. Die Juden im Kriege. pp. 94. DenHaag,igis. 4°. 451.5. e. 34. Wohlgemuth (J.) Der Weltkrieg im Lichte des Judentums. pp. 165. Berlin, 1915. 04034. k. 23. Theilhaber (F. a.) Die Juden im Welt- kriege. pp. 60. Berlin, 19 16. 04034. k. 27. Bernstein (E.) Die Aufgaben der Juden im Weltkriege. pp. 52. Berlin, 1917. 04034. g. 63. Neutral Countries. General. Gaetcke (M.) Der Grosse Raubki-ieg und die Interessen der Neutralen Machte. i^p. 126. Karlsruhe, 19 16. 08027. b. 69. Simons (L.) The War and the Neutrals, pp. 31. Amsterdam, 191 7. 08027. c. 56. Robertson [Rt. Hon. J. M.) Neutrals and the War : an open letter to Heer L. Simons. pp. 32. Fisher Unwin, igij. 08027. ee. 8. Barbosa (R.) Le Devoir des Neutres. Traduit par C. de Bethencourt. pp. 91. 1917. 08027. ee. 5. Denmark. Dane. The War through Danish Eyes. 191;. [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/57. European War. La Guerre et le Danemark. pp. 23. Copenhague, 1915. 16^ 08027. d. 63. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 125 Political and Social History. — Political and. Controversial Works.— Denmark — continued. Barford (K.) Daninark og Verdenskrigen. pp. 64. K^benhavn, 191 6. 8079. c. 31. Blomoren (J.) Naade over Danmark. Nogle Tidstanker under Verdenskrigen. pp. 47. Aarhus, 1916. 08027. ee. 35. .JesperSi)N (O.) Reflexions d'un Danois sur la guerre. Bologna, 19 16. 08027. c. 32. Larsen (C.) Krig, Kultur og Danmark. pp. 64. Kjpbenhavn, 1916. 08027. ee. 33. L.BSSOE (V. A. de) Den Urene Aand. pp. 18. Hodder . 199. Berlin, 1916. 08028. ee. 6. Versluys (J.) Opstellen over den Wereldoorlog, en de beoordeeling hiervan in Nederland. pp. 200. Amsterdam, 1916. 08027. b. 71. Treub (M. W. F.) Oorlogstijd : herinneringen en indrukken. pp.414. Haarlem, 191 7. 8081. f. 29. Capellen (R. L. J. van der) Baron. Nederland tusschen hamer en aanbeekl. pp. 32. ^s-Gravenhage, 1918. 8081. bb. 38. PiJL (van der) Die Knebelung Hollands, pp. 16. Bern, 19 18. 08027. ee. 50. Barker (E.) The Relations of England and Holland, pp.27. T. Nelson, igi^. 09077. bb. 17. Lautere (A.) Lettres de la Hollande neutre. pp. 280. 1920. 9083. bbb. 15. Luxemburg. Weiss (A.) La violation de la neutralite luxem- bourgeoise. pp. 37. 1915. [Etudes et docu- ments.] 08028. ee. 38. (2.) The Violation of the Neutrality of Luxem- burg, pp. 36. 1915. [Studies and Docu- ments on the War.] 08028. ee. 40. (6.) Steen de Jehay (F. van den) Count. L'lnva- sion du Grand-Duchc de Luxembourg en aout 1914. pp. 62. 1916. 08027. aaa. 63. Baie (E.) La Belgique de demain. La question du Luxembourg, pp. 39. 1916. 08026. aa. 41. Spain. Altamira y Crevea (R.) La guerra actual y la opinion e.spaiiola. pp. 152. Barcelona, 1915. 08027. d. 53. Costa Martinez (J.) Alemania contra Espana. pp. 225. Madrid, 1915. 08026. aa. 37. European War. La Guerra Europea. Palabras de algunos Espaiioles. pp. 11. Madrid, 19 15. 4°. 08027. dd. 2. RiERA (A.) En torno de la Guerra. Lo que Espana le debe a Alemania, Austria, Francia, Inglaterra e Italia, pp. 95. Barcelona, 19 15. 9181. bbb. 27. Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial Works. — Spain — continued. Spain. EI pensamient<5 catahin ante el conflicto europeo. Conferencias de ios ])arlamentario* regionalistas. pp.339. Barcelona, n)i^. 8228. s. 4. Alcala GALI.4.N0 (A.) Espaiia ante el Conflicto Europeo 1914-1915. pp.276. Madrid, igify. 08027. aa. 63. Cenamor Val (H.) Los Espanoles y la Guerra. pp. 2.30. Madrid, 1916. 08027. df. 17. Melgar (F. M.) Count de Melgar. Germany & Spain : the views of a Spanish Catholic. ' pp. 192. Fisher Unwin, 19 16. 08027. aa. 64. Gonzalez Blanco (E.) Iberismo y Germanismo. Espana ante el Conflicto eurojieo. pp. 288. Valencia, 191 7. 08027. e. 53. Anaya Ruiz (F.) Lo que interesa a Espaiia de la guerra mundial. pp. 266. Madrid. 1918. 08027. ee. 56. Alcala Galiano (A.) El Fin de la Tragedia. La " Entente " victoriosa y Espana neutral. pp. 163. Madrid, 1919. 08027. ee. 71. Bello (L.) Espana durante la Guerra. pp. 109. Madrid, 19 19. 08028. f. 23. Hope (A.) Muchos Amigos 6 un Amo ? A Espana le toca considerarlo. pp. 13. Londres, 19 15. 08028. h. 21. Arnould (L.) Le duel franco-allemand en Espagne. pp. 62. 1915. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/59. Court (J. F.) Chez les neutres. En Espagne. pp. 192. 19 1 6. 08027. aa. 85. Deploige (S.) La voix des Neutres : Espagne et Belgique. pp. 166. 1918. 08027. g. 34. Sweden. Hjarne (H. G.) Fran Forsvarsstriden, 1914. pp. 189. Uppsala, 19 14. 8095. de. 64. LiLJEDAHL (E.) Sverige och kriget. pp.135. Uppsala, 19 15. 08027. g. 29. Sweden. Sveriges utrikespolitik i viirlds- krigets belysning. Sjiitte upplagan. pp. 210. Stockholm, 1915. 08027. cc. 49. European War. Schwedische Stimmen zum Weltkrieg. Ubersetzt von Dr. F. Stieve. pp.203. Leipzig, ig 16. 08028. df. 9. Hildebrand (C.) De svenska stal^makterna och krigstidens folkhusha lining. 2 vol. Stockliolm, 1916, 17. 8092. g. 12. Sweden. Sveriges neutralitetspolitik i varlds- krigets belysning. pp. 149. Stockliohn, 19 16. 8079. eee. 6. NiLSSON (W.) Tyskland och Sonderjylland. pp.32. Stockholm, igi-j. 08072. 'aaa. 66. Hedin (S. a.) Sveriges Ode. pp. 734. Stockholm, 1918. 8095. f. 34. WoiiLiN (N.) Svcnsk ekonomi och politik. Niigra uppsatser frau krigsaren 1914-1917. pp. 317. Stockholm, 1918. 8079. bbb. 16. Maury (L.) Le nationalisme suedois et la Guerre 1914-1918. pp. 469. 1918. 8095. e. 54. Schiff-Drost (M. a.) Den nordiska knuten. Oversattning fran det tyska originalet. pp. 38. Stockholm, 1915. 08027. cc. 7. Sw^itzerland. Latt (A.) The Neutrality of Switzerland. pp. 32. Pohjglott Printing Co., 191 7. 08052. c. 5. 126 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Political and Social History.— Political and Controversial Works. — Switzer- land— coifiniud. Chapuisat (]5.) La Guerre europeenne & le role de la Suisse, pp. 110. 19 15. 08027. df. 37. PouRTALES (G. de) A mes amis suisses. pp. 100. Zurich, 19 16. 16°. 08027. de. 3. Orunberg (I.) La Suisse neutre et vigilante. Tom I., Juillet-Decembre 1914. pp. 588. Geneve, 191 7. 08027. ee. 92. Petitpierre (J.) La Suisse devant I'Europe. pp. 87. 19 1 9. 08052. aaa. 25. Blocker (E.) Belgische Neutralitat und schweizerische Neutralitat. pp. 30. Zurich, 1915. 08026. d. 49. Ehrexzeller (W.) Die Stellung der Schweiz zum Ausland. pp. 45. St. Gallen, 19 15. 8074. h. 30. Swiss. Wir Schweizer : unsere Neutralitat und der Krieg. pp. 248. Zurich, 1915. 08027. aaa. 22. BosSHARDT (0.) Durchhalten ! Schweizer- pflichten — Soldatenpflichten. pp. 25.' Zurich, 19 1 6. [Schriften filr Schweizer Art und Kunst. HeftiS.] W.P. 5053/29. LoosLi (C. A.) Wir Schweizer und unsere Be- ziehungen zum Ausland. pp. 64. Zurich, 19 1 7. 08072. c. 22. NiPPOLD (0.) Das Erwachen des deutschen Volkes und die Rolle der Schweiz. pp. 37. Zurich, 191 7. 08072. d. 10. Gefahrlicher Oi^timismus. pp. 16. 191 7. 08027. h. 15. (2.) Dangerous Optimism, pp. 20. Allen <& Unwin, 1918. 08027. f. 30. ZURLINDEN (S.) Der Weltkrieg. Vorlaufige Orientierung von einem schweizerischen Stand- punkt aus. Bd. i. pp. 532. Zurich, 191 7. 08028. f. 79. DiTTMANN (W.) Drei Reden uber Belagerungs- zustand, Zensur und Schutzhaft. pjj. 79. Bern, 19 18. 08072. aaa. 59. Haenggi (C.) Die deutsche Propaganda in der Schweizer Presse. pp. 72. Bern, 19 18. 08027. cc. 45. Waldecker (L.) Die Kriegsenteignung der Bundesratsverordnung vom 24. Juni 1915, ein Auftakt zu kommenden Dingen. pp. 149. Milnchen, 19 19. 08228. d. 4. MoTTA (G.) President of the Swiss Confederation. Parole e>moniti in ora grave, pp. 66. Zurigo, 19 16. 08072. b. 16. SECRET SERVICE AND ESPIONAGE. EvERiTT (N.) British Secret Service dui'ing the Great War. pp. 320. Hutchinson ds Co., 1920. 09084. b. 13. TuGHY (F.) The Secret Corps, pp. 289. J. Murray, 1920. 9083. aaa. 33. Lebrtjn (M.) Mes treize Missions, pp. 285. 1920. 09084. aa. 5. Beer (T. H. de) HohenzoUern en Habsburg. Een Duitsche " Spion " ontmaskerd. pp. 47. Amsterdam, 19 16. 08027. aaa. 72. Ehrhabdt (P.) Disclosures of a German Stafif Officer, pp. 26. The Field, 19 18. 08027. aaa. 142. Skeggs (W. H.) America, pp. 332. American History. American History. Providence, 191 7. German Conspiracies in Fisher Unwin, 19 15. 08175. cc. 18. A Few Lines of Recent pp. 23. 09084. aa. 29. Political and Social History. — Secret Service and Espionage — confinued. Jones (John P.) The German Spy in America. pp. 256. Hutchinson <& Co., 19 17. 08175. cc. 30. and HoLLiSTER (P. M.) The German Secret Service in America, 1914-1918. pp. 340. Toronto, 191 8. 08027. bb. 50. TuNNEY (T. J.) Throttled ! The detection of the German and Anarchist Bomb Plotters. pp. 277. Boston, 1919. 9083. bb. 12. PROPAGANDA. Stuart [Sir C.) Secrets of Crewe House. The story of a famous campaign, pp. 240. Hodder ct- Stoughton, 1920. 09084. aa. 41. Avenarius (F.) Das Bild als Verleumder. Beispiele und Bemerkungen zur Technik der Volker-Verhetzung. pp. 78. Munchen, 19 15. 011851. dd. 4. La Calomnie par I'lmage. pp. 81. Berne, 1916. 011853. s. 15. Claes (J.) The German Mole. A study of the art of peaceful penetration, pp. 143. Bell & Sons, 19 15. 08026. aa. 30. Maclaren (A. D.) Peaceful Penetration, pp. 224. Constable, 1916. 08072. aaa. 23. Imposture. L'Imposture par ITmage. Recueil de gravures falsifiees et calomnieuses publiees par la presse iUustree austro-allemande pendant la Guerre, pp.80. 1917. 9082. h. 27. Drouilly (J. G.) and Gu^irinon (E.) Les chefs-d'oeuvre de la projDagande allemande. pp. 277. Nancy, 19 19. 09082. bb. 60. Marchand (L.) L'ofiensive morale des Alle- mands, en France, pendant la guerre. L'assaut de I'ame fran9aise. pp. 338. 1920. 9083. dd. 4. Rouquette (L.) AUemagne et Amerique. La propagande germanique aux Etats-Unis. pp. 154. 19 16. 08027. aa. 74. Haas (A.) Die Propaganda im Ausland. Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen. pp. 47. 19 16. [P.P. Weimar. Deutsche Politik. Flugschriffen.] W.P. 4516/3. P.P. Weimar. Heimat und Welt. Monats- hefte zur Forderung des Deutschtums. Weimar, 1914-17. P.P. 3502. d. European War. The War and the German Propaganda. A Swiss view of Germany's aims. pp. 12. Eyre <£• Spottiswoode, 1915. 08027. i. 54. (7.) Haenggi (C.) Die deutsche Propaganda in der Schweizer Presse. pp. 72. Bern, 19 18. 08027. cc. 45. Suter-Lerch (H. J.) Deutschland, sein eigener Richter ! Antwort eines kosmopoliten Schweizers auf die deutsche Propaganda zum Weltkrieg 1914. pp. 150. Zurich, 1918. 08027. bb. 65. Germany her own Judge, pp. 128. Allen db Unwin, 1918. 08027. f. 31. Anton del Olmet (L.) Los Bocheros. La propaganda teutona en Espaha. pp. 271. Madrid, 191 7. 08027. e. 43. Argamasilla de la Cerda y Bayona (J.) La Explosion de la Mentira. Un aspecto de la guerra actual, pp. 257. Madrid, 19 17. 08027. e. 48. Creel (G.) How we advertised America. The story of the Committee on Public Information. pp.466. A^r., 1920. 09082. bb. 62. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 127 Political and Social History —continntd. ECONOMICS : INDUSTRY : TRADE ; FINANCE. Economics. General . Asiir.Ev (W. J.) The War and its Economic Aspects, pp.21. 1914. [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/44. LoHMANN (A.) The Economical Consequences of the War. pp. 23. 1914. 08245. ee. 10. P.P. Tubingen. Archiu fur soziale Gesetzge- bumj. Krieg und Wirtschaft. Heft 1—4. 1914-19. 08223. ee. 55. Ac. Paris. Societe des Sciences poliUques. Interets economiques et rapports interna- tionaux a la veille de la Guerre, jip. 269. 1915. 08225. e. 36. Carter (G. R.) Co-operation and the Great War. pp. 20. King cfc Son, 19 15. 8275. c. 88. Alberti (M.) L'economia del mondo prima durante e dopo la Guerra Europea. pp. 617. Rorim, 19 15. 8207. tt. 3. England. War Trade Intelligence Department. Daily Noteis from the Foreign Press on Economic Subjects. 1915-19. fol. N.R. HiRSCH (W.) Wirthschafts- und Verkehrs- fragen im Kriege. pp. 36. 1915. [Kriegs- hefte aiis dem Industriebezirk.} W.P. 3622/3. Schmidt (P. H.) Weltwirtschaft und Kriegs- wirtschaft. pp. 23. Zurich, 1915. 08227. bb. 48. Ac. Hamburg. Kolonialinstitut. Wirtschafts- dienst. KriegswirtschaftUche Mitteilungen iiber das Ausland. Hamburg, 191 7-19. fol. Ac. 2324. b. Sonderheft. Wiederaufbau der deutschen Friedenswirtschaft. pp. 66. Hamburg, 1918. Ac. 2324. b. Ac. Washington. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Preliminary Economic Studies of the War. A". F., 1918, etc. Ac. 2297. g/4. Lebon (A.) Problemes economiques nes de la guerre. 2 ser. 19 18, 19. 08226. a. 57. LoEB (E.) Wirtschaftliche Vorgange, Erfahr- ungen und Lehren im Europaischen Krieg. Tl.' 1. pp. 108. Jena, 1918. 08228. cc. 14. GfENTHER (E.) Die wirtschaftlichen Hilfs- krafte Deutschlands und seiner Hauptgegner. pp. 81. 1915. [Kriegshefte aus dem Industrie- bezirk.'] W.P. 3622/7. Sauer (A.) Wehe den Besicgten '. Die wirt- schaftliche Lage der kriegfiihrenden Machte. pp. 47. Berlin, 1915. 08227. de. 70. Le Personne (L.) Notes concerning the economic situation between the Allies and Germany before and after the war. pp. 12. Poidton Bros., 1916. 08227. e. 75. JvoCH (M.) Europa vor der Verarmung. Bei- trage zur Okonomie des Weltkrieges. pp. 30. Leipzig, 19 17. 8226. ee. 45. ■Weber (A.) Wirtschaftliche Kricgssorgen un- screr Feinde. pp. 31. Breslau, 191 v 08227. bb. 47. Kajnik (B.) Die wirtschaftliche Anniiherung der Zentralmachte. pp. 48. Berlin, 19 16. [Kriegspolitische Einzelschriften.] 08028. i. 1/10. Wieth-Knudsex (K. a.) Mellem-europas Krigs ikonomi i Grundtra?k. pp. 120. Kjpbenhavn, 191 7. 08028. f. 7. Political and Social Histoi-y. Econo- mics : Industry : Trade : Finance. — Economics — continued. England. Parliament. Recommendations of the Economic Conference held at Paris, June 1916. 1916. N.R. 8271. Prion (W.) Die Pariser Wirtschaftskonferenz. pp.90. 191 7. [Deutsche Weltwirtschaftliche Gesellschaft. Vereinsschriflen.] W.P. 5138 ''3. Separate Countries. PoRRi (V.) La crisi della Guerra e la economia britannica. pp. 34. Torino, 1914. 8226. t. 15. England. Tariff Commission. The War and British Economic Policy, pp. 174. 1915. 4°. 8225. s. 26. Baring (J.) Baron Revelstoke. British Staying Power, pp.8. Sir J. Causton, igi6. 08028. h. 14. (2.) Barwise (S.) Economics and the AVar. Never Again. A plea for a National Party with a National Economic Policy, pp. 28. Derby, 19 17. '8206. cc. 14. Paul-Dubois (L.) L'effort economique et financier de I'Angleterre pendant la guerre. pp. 270. 19 18. 8227. s. 13. Paton (W. a.) The Economic Position of the United Kingdom, 1912-1918. pp. 160. Washington, 1919. [U.S.A. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Miscellaneous Series. no. 96.] A.S. 132. Orrier (C.) Les lemons economiques de la Guerre, pp. 129. 19 16. 08223. i. 36. Th^ry (E.) Les problemes economiques de la guerre, pp. 175. 1916. 8227. s. 8. Renard (G.) Les repercussions economiques de la guerre actuelle sur la France, pp. 516. 1917- 08225. h. 15. Sauvaire-Jourdan (F.) La vitalite econo- mique de la France avant et apres la Guerre. pp.276. 1918. 08225. ee. 73. Prinzivalli (G.) L' Italia neUa sua vita economica di fronte alia Guerra. pp. 114. Milano, 19 15. 8227. s. 5. Lei-Spano (G. M.) La Sardegna economica di guerra. pp. 335. Sassari, 19 19. 08228. cc. 3. Mann (F. C.) Kriegswirtschaft in Rumanien. pp.64. Bukarest, 1918. 08248. b. 46. Austria. The Work and Wealth of Austria - Hungarj'. Economic, financial and industrial conditions in the Dual Monarchy during the War. pp. 40. Berlin, 1915. 08227. i. 78. Hantos (E.) a vilaghabori'i gazdasiigi es penziigyi hatasai. pp. 86. Budapest, 19 15. 08229. h. 28. Volkswirtschaft und Finanzen im Welt- kriege, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Oster- reich-Ungarn. pji. 89. Gottingen, 1915. 08226. i. 60. Werbeb (A.) Osterreichs wirtschaftliche Kriegs bereitschaft. pp. 53. Wien, 19 15. 08226. 1. 48. (6.) Dub (M.) Oesterreich-Ungarns Volkswirtschaft im Weltkriege. pp. 80. Stuttgart, igi-j. [Finanz- und Volkswirtschaftliche Zeitfragen.] W.P. 5630/36. AUSTRI.A. Kriegsministerium. Komitee fur Kriegswirtschaft. Kriegswirtschaftliche Schrif- ten. 2 vol. Il'ie^, 1919. 08228. ccc. 54. 128 EUROPEAN WAE, 1914 1918. Political and Social History.— Econo- mies : Industry : Trade : Finance. — Economies — ronfhi ned. GoLDSCHMiD (E.), Die wirtschaftlichen Kiiegs- organisationen Osterreichs. pp. 144. Wien, 1919. 08245. 1. 5, Germamy. Die finanz- unci wirtschaftspoli- tische Kriegsgesetze 1914. 2 pt. Mannheim, 1914. 560G. a. 25. England. Foreign Office. Reports on the eco- nomic situation in Germany during the War. 19 14-18. fol. Bks. 1. g. 8. Krieg. Der Krieg. Statistisches, Technisches, Wirtschaftliches. pp. 193. Munchen, 1914- 8828. ee. 38. Robertson (C. G.) Germany : the economic problem, pp. 20. 1914. [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/34. Beitaier (W.) Deutschlands Wirtschaftslage M-ahrend des Krieges. pp. 33. 191 5. [Kriegs- hefte aus deni Industriebezirk.] W.P. 3622/2. European War. Die deutsche Volkswirtschaft im Kriege. pp. 23. Berlin, 191 5. 8226. V. 14. FucHS (C. J.) Die deutsche Volkswirtschaft im Kriege. pp. 74. Tubingen, 191 5. 8223. de. 46. Germany. Economic Life in Germany during the War. pp.109. Berlin, igi 5. 08245. f. 25. Germany's Economic Position, pp. 6. Darling & Son, 1915. 08027. i. 54. (2.) Hauser (H.) Economic Germany, pp. 33. T. Nelson, 1915. 08227. a. 24. Hubert (L.) L'effort brise. La situation eco- nomique de I'Allemagne a la veille de la Guerre, pp. 152. 1915. 8226. pp. 20. Ibanez de Ibero (C.) Une Enquete en Alle- magne. La situation politique, economique et financiere de I'Empire allemand pendant la Guerre, pp. 319 1915. 08027. d. 51. Mabiani (M.) La Germania nelle sue condi- zioni militari ed economiche dopo nove mesi di guerra. pp. 170. Milano, 1915. 9082. gg. 28. Berlin. Dresdner Bank. Die wirtschaftlichen Krafte Deutschlands im Kriege. pp. 29. Berlin, 1916. 08228. b. 17. Cassel (G.) Germany's Economic Power of Resistance, pp. 128. Stockholm, 1916. 08027. ee. 41. DiBBLEE (G. B.) Germany's Economic Position and England's Commercial and Industrial Policy after the War. pp. 108. Central Committee for National Patriotic Organi- sations, 19 16. 08228. f. 74. Joehlinger (0.) Deutsche Wirtschaft im Kriege. pp. 123. Berlin, 191 6. 08228. aaa. 13. Teietsch (D.) Deutschland. Tatsachen und Ziffern. Eine statistische Herzstarkung. pp. 32. Munchen, 1916. 08227. de. 69. Wolf (J.) Finanzwirtschaftliche Kriegsauf- siitze. pp. 82. Stuttgart, 1916. {Finanzwirt- schaftliche Zeitfragen.] W.P. 5630/25. Germany. Krieg serndhrungsamt. Beitrage zur Kriegswirtschaft. Berlin, 191 7, etc. W.P. 5286. .Sauer (A.) Kriegsziele und Friedensaussichten : Betrachtung iiber die wirtschaftliche Lage im dritten Jahre des Weltkrieges. pp. 89. Berlin, 191 7. 08227. de. 55. Political and Social History.— Econo- mics : Industry : Trade : Finance. — Economics — r-ontinned. Steinberg (J.) Deutschlands Kriegslasten imd seine wirtschaftlichen Kraftquellen. pp. 30. Bonn, 191 7. [Deutsche Kriegsschriften.'] 08028. f. 14/22. Becker (B.) Kriegswirkung im Bergischen Land. pp. 104. Dusseldorf, 19 18. 08285. e. 12. Daya (W.) Der Aufmarsch im Osten. RussischAsien als deutsches Kriegs- und Wirtschaftsziel. pp. 181. Dachau, 191S. 9082. bbb. 14. Neurath (O.) Durch die Kriegswirtschaft zur Naturalwirtschaft. pp. 231. Munchen, 1919. 08227. bb. 69. P.P. Berlin. Plutus. Kritische Zeitschrift fiir Volkswirtschaft und Finanzwesen. Berlin, 1916-19. 4". P.P. 1423. hdk. Hague. KoninkUjke Bibliotheek. Documenten voor de economische crisis van Nederland in oorlog.sgevaar. 4 ser. Den Haag, igi4-i'j. 8223. dg. 33 Nachimson (M.) Die Wirtschaftslage der Schweiz im Weltkriege. pp. 77. Bern. 191 7. 8227. r. 13. Rufener (L. a.) The Economic Position of Switzerland during the War. pp. 88. Washington, 1919. [U.S.A. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Miscellaneous Series, no. 90.] A.S. 132. Krause (0. A.) Argentiniens Wirtschaft wahrend des Weltkrieges. pp. 1.34. Berlin, 1919. 08245. k. 20. Smith (L. B.) and Collings (H. T.) The Eco- nomic Position of Argentina during the \\'ar. pp. 140. Washington, 1920. [U.S.A. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Miscel- laneous Series, no. 88.] A.S. 132. Trade and Industry. General. London. Chamber of Commerce. Trade & the War. pp. 32. G. Gill d; Sons, 1914. 08227. f. 67. ScHANZ (G.) and Wolf (0.) Finanzwirtschaft- liche Zeitfragen. Stuttgart, 19 14, etc. W.P. 5630. Bellet (D.) L'industrie moderne et la Guerre. 1915. [Societe des Sciences 2^olitiques. La Guerre.] W.P. 4022. European War. Kriegshefte aus dem Indus- triebezirk. Heft 1-24. Essen, 1 915-17. 08027. c. 98. Bravetta (E.) L' Industria deUa Guerra. pp. 84. Milano, 1916. 08225. e. 38. Barker (.J. E.) Economic Statesmansliip : the great industrial and financial problems arising from the war. pp. 408. J. Murray, 1918. 08285. b. 41. Lescaboura (A. C.) and Bird (J. M.) The Inventive and Industrial Triumphs of the \Var. j)p. 399. iV. r., 1920. [Harper's Pictorial Library of the World War.] 9084. g. 10/8. Yerkes (R. ^1.) The New World of Science : its development during the War. pp. 443. N.Y., 1920. [Centtiry New World Series.] W.P. 6512/3. Chapman (S. J.) The War and the Cotton Trade, pp. 23. 1915. [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/73. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 129 Political and Social History. — Econo- mics : Industry : Trade : Finance. — Trade and Industry — continued. Robertson (J. M.) IShipping after the War. pp. 39. 1916. 08227. e. 68. Smith (Joseph R.) Influence of the Great War upon Shipjiing. pp.357. j.V. F., 1919. [Pre- liminary Economic Studies of the War. no. 9.] Ac. 2297. 9/4. Fayle (C. E.) Seaborne Trade. J. Murray, 1920, etc. {History of the Great War based on Official Documents.] 2388. ff. Rochester (A.) Child Ijabour in Warring Countries, pp. 75. Was/iiii/iton, igi-j. [U.S.A. Children's Bureau. PnbUcution no. 27.] A.S. 79. Lang:^r (L.) and White (W. W.) Basic Patent and Trade-Mark Laws of the Principal Belli- gerent Powers, together with War Legislation, Ordinances and Edicts since August 1, 1914, to January 1, 1919, affecting Patents, Trade- Marks, and Designs, 'pjj. 475. Washington, 1919. A.S. 420/34. Separate Countries. Peddie (.J. T.) British Industry and the War. PI). 102. Longmans, 19 14. 08225. k. 28. ScHUBART (H.) Der Krieg 1914 — Englands wirtschaftlicher Ruin. pp. 27. Berlin. 1914. 08027. c. 14. (1.) Gore-Browne (F.) The Effect of the War on Commercial Engagements, pp. 103. Jordan ct- Sons, 1914. 037G. s. 26. Ac. Great Britain and Ireland. British Associa- lion. Credit, Industry and the War. pp. 268. 191 5. 08223. h. 30. BowLEY (A. L.) The Effect of the War on the External Trade of the United Kingdom. ])p. 00. Cambridge, 1915. 08226. i. 58. The War and Employment, pp.21. 19m. [Oxford Pamj)hlets.] 08028. de. 93/74. DiCKSEE (L. R.) Business Methods and the War. pp. 71. Cambridge, 19 15. 08227. f. 69. Ac. Great Britain and Ireland. British Associa- tion. Labour, Finance, and the War. jjp. 344. 1 91 6. 08248. bb. 37. Carpenter (C. H.) War Restrictions as they affect your business, pp. 23. Effinfjlmm Wilson, 191 6. 6835. e. 19. Censorship. Censorship and Trade, pp. 24. Eyre dh Spottiswoode, 1916. 08028. h. 35. Coudert (F. R.) British Trade Restraints and Peace Prospects, pj). 10. Burr up Sons, 1917. 6375. pp. 31. ELGiAN Workmen. Aufiuf der Belgischeii Arbeiter an die Arbeiter aller Nationen. \>]y. 8. 1916. 08028. de. 69. Vallet (M.) Repertoire de I'Avant- Guerre. Rejiertoire professionel et regional des etablisse- ments industriels et commerciaux allemands et autrichiens mis sous sequestre en France pendant la grande guerre, pp. 412. 1916. 08227. c. 32. Lainel (G.) La propriete industrielle et la Guerre. Textes officiels, 1914-1915. pp. 164. 191 7. [Legislation de Guerre.'] W.P. 3376/17. NoRMAND (G.) La guerre, le commerce fran9ais et les consommateurs. pp. 430. 19 17. 08225. ee. 72. Borrel (A.) La lutte centre le chomage avant, pendant et apres la Guerre, pp. 336. 191 7. 08285. b. 30. English Coal. L'approvisiomiement du char- bon anglais en France, pp. 8. London, 191 7. 08228. aaa. 18. CoGLiOLO (P.) La legislazione di guerra nel diritto civile e commerciale. pp. 322. Torino, 191 6. 5373. g. 23. Cox (H.) Industria e finanza italiane era e dopo. pp.* 19. Hayman & Co., 1916. 08285. a. 69. L^.S.A. Tariff Commission. Japan : trade during the War. With special reference to trade with the United States, pp. 147. Washington, 19 19. A.S. 436/2. MouLTON (H. G.) The War and Industrial Readjustments, pp. 15. Chicago, 1918. \_V7ii- versity of Chicago War Papers, no. 5.] R. Ac. 2691. d/23. Wilson (W. P.) Labor's Relation to the World War. pp.28. Washington, \gid,. A.S. 112/6. U.S.A. Employment Service. Report of Pro- ceedings of the National War Labor Conference, 1918. pp.91. Washington, igid,. A.S. 113. Culbertson (W. S.) Commercial Policy in War Time and after, pp. 478. 191 9. [Pro- blems of War and of Reconstruction.'] W.P. 5228/4. U.S.A. Dept. of War. A Report of the Activi- ties of the War Department in the Field of Industrial Relations during the War. pp. 90. Washington, 1919. A.S. 578/14. Warne (F. J.) The Workers at War. pp. 250. N.Y., 1920. [Century New World Series.] W.P. 6512/1. Singer (J.) Die amerikanische Stahlindustrie und der W^eltkrieg. pp. 114. Berlin, 191 7. 8227. r. 15. Zalman (M.) Kommentar zur Moratoriums- verordnung unter Beriicksichtigung des deut- schen und ungarischen Moratoriums, pp. 284. Wien, 1914. 5549. aaaa. 25. Austria. The Work and Wealth of Austria- Himgary. Economic, financial and industrial conditions during the War. pp. 40. Berlin, 1915. 08227. i. 78. Political and Social History. — Econo- mics : Indvistry : Trade : Finance. — Trade and Industry — coutinuid. Janovsky (C.) Die osterreichische Wollin- dustrie in der Kriegswirtschaft. pp. 148. Wien, 1 919. 08228. d. 17. Brandt (0.) Die deutsche Industrie im Kriege 1914-15. pp.263. Berlin, igis. 8227. g. 15. Jansson (W.) Arbeiterinteressen und Kriegs- ergebnis. Ein gewerkschaftliches Kriegsbuch. pp. 167. Berlin, 1915. 08245. e. 21. Silvers (0.) Die Erwerbs - Moglichkeiten wahrend des Weltkrieges und nach dem Friedensschluss. pp.62. Berlin, igi^. 8226."^ pp. 13. Baritsch (K.) Deutsche Industrien u«d der Krieg. pp. 48. Hamburg, 1916. 08227. i. 68. CoRSEPirs (W.) Die deutschen Arbeits- nachweise im gegenwartigen Kriege. pp. 50. Berlin, 1916. 08285. bbb. 14. Troeltsch (W.) Die deutschen Industrie- kartelle vor und seit dem Krieg. pp. 74. 191 6. [Kriegshefte aus dem Industriebezirk.] W.P. 3622/18. Wilhelm (0.) Der Einfluss des Krieges auf Privatvertrage. pp. 53. Milnchen, 1916. 06916. g. 2. Germany. Deutschlands Finanz- u. Handels- gesetze im Kriege. pp.383. Berlin, igi-j. 5656. e. 12. Berlin. Bureau fur Sozialpolitik. Behordliche Massnahmen zur Arbeitsvermittlung im Kriege. pp. 108. Berlin, 1918. 8229. bbb. 89. Jaureguy (R. C. p.) L'industrie allemande et la guerre, pp. 160. 1918. 08245. e. 13. Snow (C. D.) and Kral (J. J.) German Trade and the War. pp. 236. Washington, 1918. [U.S.A. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com- merce. Miscellaneous Series, no. 65.] A.S. 132. ZiEGLER (H. F.) Die Leistungen kriegs- verletzter Industriearbeiter und Vorschlage zur Kriegsbeschadigtenfiirsorge. pp. 187. Dusseldorf, 1919. 4°. 08285. c. 32. Berlin. Generallcommission der Geiverkschaften Deutschlands. Correspondenzblatt. Berlin, 1916-19. P.P. 1423. nae. Germany. Deutscher Techniker - Verband. Deutsche Techniker-Zeitung. Berlin, 1916-18. fol. P.P. 1712. da. NiENKAMP (H.) Die Reichs - Aktien - Gesell- schaft. Ein Vorschlag zur Organisation der Friedenswirtschaft im Kriege. pp. 46. Berlin, 1914. 08225. k. 39. (1.) LoELE (K.) Der Sieg des deutschen Buches im Weltkriege. pp. 48. Leipzig, 1915. 011853. aaa. 68. RuEMKER (K. von) Kriegsmassnahmen fiir Ackerbau und Viehzucht. pp. 26. Berlin, 1915. 8227. eee. 35. Fritze (G. a.) Das Schicksal der Seekabel im Kriege und die Leistungen der deutschen Seekabel-Industrie in Vergangenheit und Zukunft. pp. 64. 191 6. [Kriegshefte aus dem Industriebezirk.] W.P. 3622/16. Dietze (W.) Die Preisbildimg des deutschen Buchhandels im Lichte der Kriegswucher- verordnungen. pp. 102. Berlin, 1920. 08228. ccc. 10. LoTJTER (.J. de) De Handel der Neutralen. pp. 38. Ctrecht, 1915. 6916. ee. 16. (4.) EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 131 Political and Social History.— Econo- mics : Industry : Trade : Finance. — Trade and Industry — fmdinued. .JoNGH (F. A. dc) Industiio in oorlogstijd. pp. 9G. '5- Gravenhage, 19 iS. 08245. k. 15. Gassmann (A.) Notverordnungen iiber Ein- fuhr, Ausfuhr und Durchfuhr. pp. 160. Bern, 19 18. [Schweizerische Gesetze.] W.P. 514G/1. Moss (D. K.) Britons v. Germans in China, pp. 100. HoncjkotHj, igiT. 08220. ee. 52. RowE (L. S.) Early Effects of the War upon the Finance, Commerce and Industry of Peru, pp. fiO. N.Y., 1920. [^Preliminary Economic Studies of the War. no. 17.] Ac. 2297. g/4. Finance. General. Embden (D. van) De Oorlog en het Kapital- isme. pp. 110. Amsterdam, 19 14. 8226. tt. 5. ScHANZ (G.) and Wolf (O.) Finanzwirtschaft- liche Zeitfragen. Stuttgart, 1914, etc. W.P. 5630. Ancona (U.) L' aspetto finanziario della Guerra. pp. 122. Milano, 1915. 8227. s. 4. Bellet (D.) Comment payer les frais de guerre : la fortmie de I'AlIemagne et celle des allies, pp. 162. 1915. 08207. e. 14. Hantos (E.) a vilaghaboru gazdasagi es penzugvi hatasai. pp. 86. Budapest, 191 5. 08229. h. 28. Jeze (G.) Problemes de politique et finances de guerre, pp. 227. 19 15. 08027. d. 80. JIarhefka (E.) Krieg und Kapitalsanlage. pp. 55. Hamburg, 1915. 08226. I. 48. (4.) Htjart (A.) Finances de guerre comparees. pp. 123. 1916. 8228. tt. 30. Mayer (E.) Ueber die Deckung der Krieg- sausgaben, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung Deutscblands, Oestcrreich-Ungarns, Englands, Frankreichs, Russlands und Italiens. pp. 157. Mimchen, 1916. 08223. f. 18. NoYES (A. D.) Financial Chapters of the War. pp. 255. Macmillan, 1916. 08226. aa. 61. ViRGiLii (F.) II costo della Guerra Europea. pp. 126. Milano, 1916. 8227. s. 7. Edgeworth (F. Y.) Currency and Finance in time of War. pp. 48. Clarendon Press, 191 7. 8227. g. 63. Eheberg (C. T. von) Die Kriegsfinanzen. pp. 224. Leipzig, 1917. 8226. bb. 58. ]\Iagni (E.) Finanza e vittoria. Cronache economiche e finanziarie degli stati belligeranti c neutrali. pp. 705. Roma, 191 7. 08223. f. 24. Barker (J. E.) Economic Statesmanship. The great industrial and financial problejns arising from the War. pp.408. J. .Murray, igi8. 08285. b. 41. Kahn (O. H.) Tiic -Mvth of a '"Rich Man's War." pp.46. 1918. 08175. d. 11. Nicholson (J. S.) War Finance, pp. 504. P. S. King, 1918. 08226. i. 05. Springer (L.) Some Aspects of Financial and Commercial After-War Conditions. pp. 118. P. S. King, 1918. 08244. e. 12. Bogart (E. L.) Direct and Indirect Costs of the Great World War. pp. 3.38. N.Y., 1919. {Preliminary Economic Studies of the War. no. 24.] Ac. 2297. g/4. Louis (P.) Le bouleversement mondial. jip. 204. 1920. 08282. ee. 28. Political and Social History.— Econo- mics : Industry : Trade : Finance. — Finance — contin ned. Separate Countries. Radclyffe (R.) The War and Finance. pp. 54. Dawson . 136. Butter worth, 19 19. 6426. d. 17. SuTCLiFFE (R. J.) Excess Profits Duty and the cases decided thereon, pp. 168. Stevens ct- Sons, 1919. G426. b. 57. Spicee (E. E.) and Pegler (E. C.) The Excess Profits Duty. pp. 224. H. F. Lynch, 1920. 6426. r. 1. Lawrence (F. W. P.) A Levy on Capital. pp. 94. Allen db Unwin, 1918. 8228. aaa. 61. Respondek (E.) Steuer- unci Anieihepolitik in Frankreich wiihrend des Krieges. pp. 134. Berlin, 19 18. 0S228. d. G. Combat (F. J.) 1914-1916. L'application de ITrapot sur le Revenu. pp. 58. 1916. [Legis- lation de Guerre.] W.P. 3376/13. Haristoy (J.) L'Impot sur le Revenu. Loi de Finances du 15 juillet 1914 et loi du 29 decembre 1915, art. 5. Reglement d'admini- stration publique du 15 Janvier 1916. pp. 142. 1916. 8227. eee. 38. Lainel (G.) La Propriete Industrielle et la Guerre. Textes officiels, 1914-1915. pp. 164. 1917. [Legislation de Guerre.] W.P. 3376/17. Combat (F. J.) L'Impot sur les Benefices de Guerre, 1914-1916. pp. 116. 1917- [Legis- lation de Guerre.] W.P. 3376/18. HoupiN (C.) and Maguero (E.) La Contri- bution sur les Benefices de Guerre. Com- mentaire de la loi du I" juillet 1916. pp. 428. 191 7. .5408. g. 14. Lagaillarde (J.) L'Impot sur Ies_^Benefices de Guerre extraordinaires. pp. 98. Toulouse, 19 1 6. 5408. g. 15. Jeze (G.) L"Impot extraordinaire sur le capital en Itahe. pp.140. 1920. 08228. d. 38. Antonov (S. S.) OOiniii TiiMoiKeiiFibiii xapiM-b no EBponeiiOKoii TO|); cf> ii3MBHeiiiaMn uo blico- 'laiiuie yTBcpjK.iiMiiioMy 28 cBpa.i« 1915 ro^a iio.iO/KeEiiio CoBfira MiiiiiicrpoBb 11 ci KniiBeiinioii- iibiMii ciaBKaMii no .ioidboikim 1. ci. e- Biiuy CpCujv 1912-1919. pp. 187. Eeoipad, 1919. 5758. a. 28. RoYCE (J.) War and Insurance, pp. 144. N.Y., 19 14. 8425. cc. 44. Gephart (W. F.) Effects of the War upon Insurance, with special reference to the sub- stitution of Insurance for Pensions, pp. 302. 1918. [Preliminary Economic Studies of the War. no. 6.] Ac. 2297. g/4. Anderson (B. McA.) Effects of the War on Money, Credit and Banking in France and the United States. pp.227. A^ 7., 1919. [Preliminary Economic Studies of the War. ■no. 15.] Ac. 2297. g/4. HoLDEN (T. S.) Prices during the War and the Readjustment Period, pp. 10. Washington, 1919. A.S. 108/5. Political and Social History.— Econo- mics : Industry : Trade : Finance. — Banking, Credit, Exchanges, Insur- ance, Money, Prices— co/(//n!(ef?. Garrett (P. W.) Government Control over Prices, pp. 834. Washington, 1920. [U.S.A. History of Prices during the War.'] A.S. 915. LiTMAN (S.) Prices and Price Control in Great Britain and the United States during the World War. pp. .331. A^ 7., 1920. [Pre- liminary Economic Studies of the War. no. 19.] Ac. 2297. g/4. ScHWARZ (R.) Das Valuta-Problem und die Rohstofffrage im Verhaltnis zu " Mitteleu- ropa." pp. 55. Wien, 1917. 8223. dg. 27. Sonnenschein (L.) Die Wiener Banken ini Kriege. pj). 31. Wien, 1919. 08245. g. 22. (2.) Lansburgh (A.) Die Massnahmen der Reichsbank zur Erhohung der Liquiditat der deutschen Kreditwirtschaft. pp. 62. Stuttgart, 19 14. [Finanzwirtschaftliche Zeit- fragen.] W.P. 5630/8. Eulenburg (F.) Das Geld im Kriege und Deutschlands finanzielle Rustung. pp. 55. Leipzig, 1915. 08225. k. 39. (2.) Helbing (P.) Das Geld und der Krieg. pp. 16. Stuttgart, 1915. 08225. k. 39. (3.) Weiland (E.) Die deutsche Feuerversicherung und der Krieg. pj). 21. Wien, 1915. 05551. ee. 21. BoRGHT (R. van der) Der stadtische Real- kredit nach dem Kriege. pp. 68. Stuttgart, 1916. [Finanzwirtschaftliche ZeiL- fragen.'] W.P. 5630/23. Deumer (R.) Der private Kriegskredit und seine Organisation, pp. 210. 19 16. [Staats- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen. Hft. 186.] 8205. ppp. 5. (6.) Bendixen (F.) Das Inflationsproblem. pp.42. Stuttgart, K)!"]. [Finanzwirtschaftliche Zeitfragen.] W.P. 5630/31. Kann (H.) Gold oder Papier ? Ein Beitrag zur Wahrungs- und Valutafrage. pp. 44. 191 7. [Kriegshefte aus dem Industriebezirk.] 08027. c. 98/23. Prion (W.) Die deutschen Kreditbanken im Kriege und nachher. p. 165. Stuttgart, 191 7. [Finanz- und Volksivirtschaft- liche Zeitfragen.-] W.P. 5630/44. ScHWAEZ (R.) Das Valuta-Problem und die Rohstofffrage im Verhaltnis zu " Mittel- eurojia." pp. 55. Wien, 1917. 8223. dg. 27. W^AGNER (M.) Bauwirtschaft, Realkredit und Mieten in und nach dem Kriege. pp. 45. Stuttgart, 191 7. [Finanz- und Volkswirtschaft- liche Zeitfragen.] W.P. 5630/34. Bloch (D. W.) Die Entwertimg der deutschen Valuta im W^eltkrieg, uuter besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Inflation, i^p. 79. Basel, igiS. 08245. f. 13. DiEHL (C.) liber Fragen des Geldwesens und der Valuta wahrend des Krieges und nach dem Kriege. pp. 140. Jena, 19 18. 08227. bb. 60. LiEFMANN (R. W.) Die Geldvermehrung im Weltkriege und die Beseitgung ihrer Folgen. pp. 199. Stuttgart, 1918. 08245. k. 8. Lobe (A.) Bundesratsverordnung gegen Preistreiberei vom 8. Mai 1918. pp. 308. Berlin, 1918. [Guttentag' sche Sammlung deulscher Reichsgesetze.] 2227. b. 133. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 135 Political and Social History.— Econo- mics : Industry : Trade : Finance. — Banking, Credit, Exchanges, Insur- ance, Money, Frices— continued. Moses (G.) Kriegswucher und Strafrecht nach der VerordnuHg gegcn Preistreiberei vom 8. Mai 1918. pp.40. Leipzig, igi8. 5656. c. 18. WiEDENFELD (C.) .Staatlichc Preisfestsetzung : eiu Beitrag zur Kriegs-Preispolitik. pp. 56. Bonn, 1918. 08245. f. 16. (2.) Bexdixen (F.) Wahrungspolitik und Geld- theorie im Lichte des Weltkriegs. pp. 182. Miinchen, 1919. 08223. i. 39. Le Coutre (W.) Die Grundgedankeii der deutschen Preispolitik im Weltkriege 1914- 1918. pp. 117. Berli7i, 1919. 0822S. d. 10. Keller (A.) Das deutsche Notgeld, 1916- 1920. Frankfurt a. M., 1920, etc. W.P. 5196. Klebba (W.) Borse und Effektenhandel im Kriege unter besondercr Beriicksichti- guug der Berliner Borse. pp. 152. Berlin, 1920. 08223. ee. 26. Keller (G.) N.O.T. The Netherlands Over- sea Trust, its origin and work. pp. 44. Allen (& Univin, 191 7. 08227. bb. 53. Heyden (G. J. van der) Der ausliindische Zahlungs-Verkehr in Holland vor und wahrend des Krieges bis Ende 1917. pp. 211. Im Hacuj, 1919. 08228. ccc. 21. Mueller-Rexner (E.) Ursachen der Welt- teuerung. Unsere Transportkalamitat. Die schweizerische Handelsflotte. pji. 62. Winterthur, 1919. 08228. a. 16. "War Loans. Sartorius von Waltershausex (J. G. A.) Baron. Die Kriegsanleihen in der volkswirt- schaftlichen Eigenart der einzelnen Lander, pp. 49. Stuttgart, 1916. [Finanzwirtschaftliche Zeitfragen.] W.P. 5630/26. Melrose (C. J.) War Loans, their real and essential significance, pp. 12. ilitre Press, 1918. 08228. f. 86. War Loans. Internal War Loans of Belli- gerent Countries. pp.144. N.Y., 191S. 08223. e. 12. Scurr(J.) Casting the Silver Bullets, pp.127. Limit Publishiiig Co., 1915. 08227. e. 61. LoxTON (C. A.) The Victory Loan. pp. 12. Walsall, 1917. 08027. aaa. 101. World. The World's Largest Loan. i^p. 8. Fisher Unwin, 191 7. 8227. dd. 38. Ewer (W. N.) Paj'ing the Piper : a word on War Loans and War Prices, pp. 21. The Herald, 191 8. 08228. e. 39. Allen (J. E.) The War Debt and how to meet it : with an examination of the proposed " Capital Lew." pp. 150. Methuen, 1919. 08244. e. 13. Jordan (C. K.) The Government War Loans. A reference book. pp. 65. The Financier, 19 19. 08228. h. 79. Respondek (E.) Steuer- und Anleihepoiitik in Frankreich wahrend des Krieges. pp. 134. Berlin, 19 18. 08228. d. 6. Political and Social History. — Econo- mics : Industry : Trade : Finance. — War Loans— «)/i«/»«fifZ. Reinitz (M.) Die Rechtsverliiiltnisse der oster- reichischen Kriegsanleihen in leichtfasslicher Darstellung. pp. 114. Wien, 1918. 08223. i. 40. DiETZEL (H.) Kriegssteuer oder Kriegsanleihe ? pp. 65. Tubingen, 19 14. 08227. f. 73. Riesser (.J.) Der Erfolg der deutschen Kriegs- anleihe. j)p. 4. Berlin, 1915. 8225. e. 101. Food Production and Control. Akers (A.) The War and the World's Wheat : the risks of a shortage next harvest, pj). 22. Simpkin, Marshall, 1914. 07077. f. 63. HoRLACHER (M.) Kriegswirtschaft und Lebens- mittelteuerung im In- und Ausland. pp. 69. Stuttgart, 191 7. [Finanz- und Volksvnrtschaft- liche Zeitfragen.] W.P. 5630/33. Hoover (H. C.) Food in War. pp. 16. W. H. Smith, 1918. 08227. c. 49. Rew (R. H.) Food Supplies in War Time, pp. 19. 1914. [Oxford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/45. Edsall (E. W.) " England must be fed."' The reply to the U-boat menace, pp. 16. Croydon, 1916. 08225. h. 70. Thompson (W. H.) Food Problems, pp. 10. 1916. 08245. e. 26. England. Ministry of Food. Food Control Campaign. Weekly Bulletin. 19 17, etc. fol. N.R. Philip (A. J.) Rations, Rationing and Food Control, pp. 161. Book World, 1918. 08227. c. 48. Gravesend. Food Control Committee. Your Rations, what thev are. Gravesend, 1918. 1879. cc. 5. (20.) Weiser (W. G.) Zur Frage der Abwicklung unserer Kriegsschulden. 2 pt. Wien, 191 7. 08228. cc. 13. Orwin (C. S.) The Farmer in War Time, pp. 20. 19 1 5. [O-vford Pamphlets.] 08028. de. 93/71. England. Board of Agriculture. Food Pro- duction Department. Food Production Leaf- lets. 58 nos. 1917-19. 07078. flE. 10. Connell (I.) The Corn Production Act, 1917. pp. 118. Edinburgh, 19 iS. 6306. g. 22. Spencer (A. J.) The Corn Production Act. 1917, annotated, pp. 87. Stevens tfc Sons, 19 18. 6426. bb. 49. Wibberley (T.) War-time Farming, pp. 47. C. A. Pearson, 1916. 07073. ee. 17. Prothero (R. E.) Baron Ernie. Speech to Agriculturists, 5th October, 1917. pp. 12. Stationery Office, 1917. 07078. g. 5. Hibbard (B. H.) Effects of the Great War upon Agriculture in the United States and Great Britain, pp.232. AM'., 1919. {Preliminary Economic Studies of the War. no. 11.] Ac. 2297. g/4. Greig (G. a.) Women's Work on the Land, pp. 48. Jarrold p. 19. Allen tt- Unwin, 1918. 08223. h. 31. PosSEHL (E.) " Une guerre economique jettera FAllemagne a genoux." pj). 24. 1915. 12°. 08226. ee. 25. Sayous (A. E.) Les effets du blocus econo- mique de I'AIlemagne. pp. 147. 191 5. 08225. e. 18. Perreau Pradier (P.) and Besson (M.) La guerre economique dans nos colonies. p^J. 248. 1916. 08226. aa. 56. BORET (V.) La Bataille economique de demain. pp.244. 1917. 8227. s. 10. Lavergne (B. B. M.) L'union comerciale des Allies apres la guerre, pp. 77. 1917. 8228. r. 23. POMMEREUIL (R.) La guerre economique, 1914- 1917. Legislation et reglementation douanieres. pp. 560. Poitiers, 191 7. 08228. ccc. 55. Lallie (N.) La guerre au commerce allemand. L'organisatiou allemande et ses resultats. pp. 223. 1918. 08227. a. 26. Stienon (C.) Anvers et I'avenir de I'Entente. pp. 300. 1918. 08235. d. 32. Vachon (M.) La Guerre artistique avec I'Alle- magne : I'organisation de la victoire. pp. 282. 19 16. 07808. de. 29. DoMiNious (D.) Der Kampf um den Wclt- markt und der Volkerkrieg 1914. pp. 51. Frankfurt a. J/., 1914. 08227. f. 71. Austria. Der Wirtschaftskrieg. pp. 57. Wien, 1915. 6825. e. 26. B., E. Englands " Konkurrcnzkampf " von '■ ^ladc in Germany"' bis zum "" Konjunk- turkrieg."' pp. 20. Frankfurt a. M., 19 15. 08226. 1. 48. (2.> Klibanski (H.) Materialien zum russischen Handelskrieg gcgen Deutschland. pp. 55. Berlin, 1915. 5756. bbb. 37. Lenz (F.) 1st Deutschlands Krieg ein Wirt- schaftskrieg ? pp. 119. Berlin, 1915. 08027. aa. Levy (H.) Die neue Kontinentalsperre. Grossbritarmien Avirtschaftlich bedroht ? pp. 50. Berlin, 1915. 8223. dg. 24. 1st 26. 138 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Political and Social History. — Econo- mics : Industry: Trade: Finance. — Blockade and Trade War — amiinued. Brentano (L.) tJber den AValinsinn der Handelsfeindseligkeit. pp. 31. Miinchen, 191 6. 0822.5. 1. 38. Levy (H.) Die englische Gefahr fiir die welt- ■vrirtschaftliche Zukunft des deutschen Reiches. pp. 64. Berlin, 191 6. 08223. k. 17. Maltzahn (C. von) Baron. Wie England seinen Krieg fiilirt. Wirtschaftskrieg. pp. 51. Miinchen, 1916. 6874. df. 10. Ac. Kiel. Academia Christiana Albertina. Der AVirtschaftskrieg : die Massnahmen und Bestrebungen des feindlichen Auslandes zur Bekampfung des deutschen Handels. 5 pt. Jena, 191 7-19. Ac. 1030/9. HOFRICHTER (A.) Krieg und Handelsrivalitat : ein kritischer Beitrag zur deutsch-englisehen Politik. pp.104. Berlin, If)!-]. 08226. c. 58. Koch (W.) Handelskrieg und Wirtschafts- expansion. pp. 283. Jena, 191 7. 8227. v. 15. Drentwett (F.) Wirtschaftskampfe und Wirt- schaftsfriede. pp. 100. Berlin, 19 18. 08223. f. 28. Helfferich (C. T.) England imd Wir. Wirtschaftskrieg und Wirtschaftsfrieden. pp. 28. Berlin, 1918. 08229. h. 31. SoMMERLAD (T. ) Die alte und die neue Kon- tinentalsperre. pp. 30. Halle, 1918. \_Aus- landsstudien an der Universitdt Halle-Witten- berg. Heft 12.] Ac. 2320/6. Dix (A.) Wirtschaftskrieg und Kriegswirtschaft. pp. 369. Berliyi, 1920. 08228. d. 21. Helfferich (C. T.) Der wirtschaftliche Hinter- grund des Weltkriegs. pp. 34. Leiinig, 1920. 08027. i. 70. Stuart (C. A. V.) De economisehe Oorlog. pp.48. Botterdam, icji^. 08027. b. 49. (9.) Schmidt (P. H.) Der Wirtschaftskrieg und die Neutralen. pp. 103. Ziirich, 191 8. 8223. dg. 25. Munitions. Chartres (J. S.) The Munitions of War Acts, 1915 & 1916. pp. 123. Stevens d- Sons. iqi6. 6120. b.'l9. Scotland. Court of Session. Munitions of War Acts. Scottish Appeal Reports. Edinburgh, 1916, etc. W.P. 33. Chartres (J. S.) Judicial Interpretations of the Munitions of War Acts. pi^. 76. Stevens d: Sons, 191 7. 6121. e. 4. England. Ministry of Munitions. The Ministry of Munitions Journal. 1916-18. 4". X.R. Addison (Rt. Hon. C.) The Manufacture of Munitions, pp. 8. J. Truscott, 1916. 09083. aa. 42. Cable (B.) Doing their Bit. War work at home. pp. 134. Hodder <€• Stoughton, 1916. 9082. de. 7. England. Britain Transformed, pji. 38. Fisher Unwin, 191 7. 09082. a. 59. Hatch (F. H.) The Iron and Steel Industry of the United Kingdom under War Conditions. pp. 167. 1919. 08229. g. 67. Bone (M.) Munition Drawmgs. pi. 7. 191 7. fol. Tab. 740. d. England. Ministry of Munitions. Dept. of Explosive Supply. Second Report of Costs and Efficiencies for H.M. Factories, pp. 134. 1918. fol. N.R. Political and Social History. —Econo- mics : Industry : Trade : Finance. — Munitions — continued. England. Ministry of Munitions. Dept. of Explosive Supply. Report on the Statistical Work of the Factories Branch, pp. 202. 1919. fol. N.R. Preliminary Studies fur H.M. Factor^', Gretna, and Study for an Installation of Phosgene Manufacture, pp. 145. 1919. N.R. Official History of the Scottish Filling Factory, no. 4 National, Georgeto\\Ti, Renfrew- shire, pp. 198. Glasgow, 191 9. foL 9081. h. 23. GuMMER (R. H.) The Story of Barnbow. A record of the No. 1 National Filhng Factorv, Leeds, pp. 56. Leeds, 19 19. 9084. df. 1. England. Ministry of Munitions. Dilution of Labour Bulletin. 1916-18. 4"". N.R. Health of the Munition Worker, pp. 138. 1917- 08285. b. 21. CosENS (M.) Lloyd George's Munition Girls. pp. 160. Hutchinson, 1916. 08415. h. 41. FoxwELL (A. K.) Munition Lasses. Six months as i^rincipal overlooker in danger buildings, pp. 63. Hodder <£• Stoughton, 19 18. 4°. 8285. f. 55. Yates (L. K.) The Woman's Part : a record of Munition Work. pp. 63. Hodder d- Stoughton, igiS. 4°. 8285. f. 55. U.S.A. Dept. of War. America's Munitions, 1917-1918. pp. 592.' Washington, 1919. A.S. 573/16. SOCIAL HISTORY. General Works on the Social Life of Various Countries. Europe. European War. The War in Europe, pp. 29. Macmillan, 19 14. 08027. dd. 0. Anton del Olmet (L.) El Triunfo de Ale- mania, pp. 222. Madrid, 1914. 9083. e. 28. Fragola (0.) L' Europa convulsa. pp. 64. Napoli, 1914. 9082. g. 3. Wagniere (G.) 1914. Pres de la guerre, pp. 160. Geneve, 1915. 9083. e. 19. Carrasquilla (E.) La Euroj^a roja. Visiones de la guerra, 1914-1915. pp. 443. Barcelona, 19 16. 09083. aaa. 60. Reed (J.) The War m Eastern Europe. pp.334. Eveleigh Nash, I gi6. 9083. ff. 33. Aghion (M.) a travers I'Europe sanglante. pp. 268. 1916. 09082. aa. 71. European War. Fluctuation of the Popula- tions during the World War. Copenhagen, 191 7. [Selskab for social Forsken af Krigens Fplger. Bulletin no. 3.] W.P. 3795/3. Strasser (C.) In Volker Zerrissen. pp. 36. Zurich, 1916. [Schriften fur Schweizer Art undKunst. Heft 49.] W.P. 5053/33. Dehlgren (S.) Fran Habsburgs harar till Englands flotta. Turistintryck fran kriget till lands och tiU sjoss. pp. 218. Stockholm, 191 7. 9083. a. 58. Leon (R.) Europa Tragica. pp. 320. Madrid, 191 7. 09083. bb. 12. Vanderlip (F. a.) What happened to Europe. pp.188. A^F., 1919. 08226. b. 65. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 139 Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works — contin ued. Great Britain and Ireland. George V., King. The King-Emperor's Activities in War-time. Illustrations. Eng., Ilindiidtani, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kanaresi, Tinnil, and Burmese. Illustrated London News, 19 17. fol. 14109. ec. 7. A Record of the King's Ceremonies, public and private, from the outbreak of War to the ratification of the Peace Treaty with Germany, pp.47. 1920. fol. 10805. k. 19. England. Laivs and Statutes. Manual of Emergency Legislation, comprising all the Acts of Parliament, Proclamations, Orders, &c'., passed and made in consequence of the War. Edited by Alexander Pulling. Stationery Office, 19 14, etc. N.R. Defence of the Realm. Acts and Regula- tions passed and made to July 31st, 1915. pp. 84. 1915. 0121. i. 8. D'Egville (H.) The Empire and the War. (Summary of emergency legislation passed by the Parliaments of the Empire in consequence of the War. jip. 107. 1916. [E. P. A. Series.] W.P. 3161/1. Bolton (A. D.) The Courts — Emergency Powers— Acts, 1914 to 1917. pp. 72. Stevens d: Haynes, 1918. 6191. f. 6. Stringer (F. A.) Practice of the High Court under the Courts (Emergency Powers) Act, 1914, the Trading with the Enemy Acts, 1914, and the Legal Proceedings against Enemies Act, 1915. i^p. 77. Sweet db Maxwell, 191 5. 6191. c. 20. Ehrlich (L.) British Emergency Legislation during the present War. 191 7. 6190. ee. 5. Ranking (D. F. de I'H.) Notes on War Legislation, pp. 24. H. F. Lynch, 1918. 6427. f. 23. Macnair (A. U.) Essays and Lectures upon some Legal Effects of War. pp. 168. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1920. 6405. tt. 7. England. National Service Department. List of National Service Committees, pp. 162. Westminster, 1918. 08285. e. 11. London. National Service Meeting. Minutes of the Proceedings. Feb. 6th, 1917. pp. 15. 1917- 08027. bb. 54. Kelynack (T. N.) Pro Patria. A guide to jjubHc and jiersonal service in war time, vol. I. pp. 260. J. Bale, 1916. 4". 9084. g. 17. Preston-Ml'ddock (J. E.) "All Clear." The work (jf tlie London Special Constabulary, 1914-1919. pp. 122. Everett d- Co., 1920. 6056. r. 23. Sub-Inspector. Two Years with the " Spe- cials." jjp. 68. Crowther & Goodman, 1916. 6056. r. 18. Dixon (F. H.) and Parmelee (J. H.) War Administration of the Railways in tfie United States and Great Britam. pp. 155. ]V ashington, .ic)id,. Ac. 2297. g/4. Hi'tton (J. E.) Welfare and Housing : a jiractical record of War-Time Management, pp. 192. Longmans, 1918. 08285. aaa. 30. Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works. — Great Britain and Ireland — continued. London. Memorial Hall, Farringdon Street. Proceedings at the Meeting of Naturalised British Subjects of German, Austrian, or Hungarian Birth, 27th May, 1915. pp. 22. Sackville, Barton & Co., 1915. 08028. f. 69. Gardner (A.) Our Outlook as changed by the War. pp. 15. Cambridge, 1914. 08027. b. 8. (5.) Adcock (A. St. J.) Seeing it Through : liow Britain answered the call. p]). 191. Hodder & Stoughton, 1915. 9082. e. 14. Fisher (H. A. L.) The British Share in the War. pp. 28. Nelson, 1915. 9082. g. 13. James (H. ) England at War. pp. 20. Central Committee for National Patriotic Organisations, 19 15. 08462. f. 11. ToENNiES (F.) Warlike England, as seen bv herself, pp.202. iV.T., 1915. 9503. d. 25. Cable (B.) Doing their Bit : war work at home. pp. 134. Hodder <£■ Stoughton, 19 16. 9082. de. 7. CoRNFORD (L. C.) The Secret of Consolation. pp. 168. Williams cfc Norgate, 191 6. 8411. 1. 18. Davenport (B.) What the British Empire is doing in the War. pp. 54. Fisher Unwin, 19 16. 08027. aaa. 81. Englishman. The English Sjjirit. pp. 19. Darling db Son, 19 16. 08028. h. 24. NoYEs (A.) What is England doing ? pp. 20. Burruj) db Co., 1916. 08028. de. 01. Parker {Rt. Hon. Sir G.) Two Years of War. pp. 12. Burrup & Co., 1916. 09083. a. 67. Steed (H. W.) L'effort anglais, pp. 39. 1916. 08027. e. 6. Ward (M. A.) England's Effort, pp. 228. Smith, Elder, 19 16. 09082. ec. 11. De Vesselitsky (V.) Expenditure and Waste : a study in war-time. pp. 64. 1917. 08228. f. 82. Ward (M. A.) Towards the Goal. Letters on Great Britain's effort in the war. pp. 246. J. Murray, igij. 09082. a. 80. Napier (C.) What Britain has done in the War. pp.16. 1918. 9081. g. 20. Castle (A.) and (E.) Little Hours in Great Days. pp. 272. Constable, 191 9. 012350. df. 77. Peel (D. C. S.) A Year in Public Life. pp.296. Constable, ic,ic,. 08227. de. 61. E., J. C. Carry on. Your duty in war time. pp. 15. Electrical Press, 1914. 8226. bb. 73. Lyttelton {Hon. E.) Britain's Duty To-day. pp. 46. Patriotic Publishing Co., 1914. 08027. a. 19. (2.) S., A. B. The Time of Test. Every Briton's duty in the world-war. F. cfc C. Palmer, 19 14. 8138. ee. 23. War-Time Tips. War-Time Tips for soldiers and civilians, pp. 80. Pearson, 19 15. 8828. aa. 47. Withers (H.) War & Self-denial, pp. 31. Dent, 1 91 5. 08225. e. 14. Nadine. An Alphabet that spells Victory. pp. 142. Cheltenham, 1916. 09082. aa. 68. HOLITSCHER (A.) In England. Gesehenes und Gehortes 1914 1915. pp. 163. Berlin, 1915. 9084. de. 6. 140 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works. — Great Britain and Ireland — conthnied. Dahlke (P.) Englische Skizzen. pp. 104. Leipzig, 1914. 12.354. v. 5. Lenard (P.) England unci Dcutschland zur Zeit des grossen Krieges. pp. 16. Heidelbeiij, 1914. 08027. aa. 13. (1.) Cestre (C.) L'Angleterre et la Guerre. pp. 352. 1915. 08027. d. 74. C'hristophe, pseud. Les douze commande- ments de Lord Curzon pour le temps de guerre. pp. 12. 1915. obi. fol. 12314. df. 58. Winter (G.) Der Briten-Spiegel. pp. 123. Leipzig, 1915. 12354. s. 16. Bagot (R.) La Psicologia inglese e la Guerra. pp. 15. Perugia, 19 15. 08027. c. 20. Tazzoli (T. U.) L' InghUterra nel grande conflitto. pp. 141. Firenze, 1915. 9083. g. 5. Heinrich (0.) Bilder aus England, pp. 48. Zittau, 1915. 08027. b. 46. (3.) Strebel (J.) Reisebilder vor und wahrend der Kriegszeit aus Frankriech, England. pp. 287. Luzern, 1915. 010107. g. 25. Conybeare (F. C.) The Awakening of Public Opinion in England. j^P- 15. iV. F., 1915. 08027. aaa. 24. Davray (H. D.) Chez les Anglais pendant la arande guerre, pp. 298. 19 16. 09082. aa. 24. Destree (.J.) L'Effort britannique : contribu- tion de I'Aagleterre a la Guerre europeenne, aoiit 1914— fevrier 1916. pp. 277. Bruxelles, 1916. 09082. a. 27. Lebon (A.) L'effort britannique. pp. 30. 19 16. {U Hommage franrais.] W.P. 4141/8. Rosen (E.) England : ein Britens^iiegel. Schlaglichter aus der Kriegs-, Kultur- und Sittengeschichte. pp. 342. Stuttgart, 191 6. 012352. e. 14. VoRST (H.) Im Kriege durch Frankreich und England, pp. 156. Berlin, 1916. 09083. aa. 18. Arcis (E. d') " Rule Britannia " : les Anglais et la Guerre, pp.111. Neuchdtel, igi6. 9083. f. 19. Grant (R.) Their Sjiirit : some impressions of the English and French during the summer of 1916. pp. 100. Boston, 1916. 12°. 9082. df. 47. Kleen (E.) Hur dar sag ut. Over England till Frankrike 1916. pp. 235. Stockholm, 191 7. 9083. aaa. 24. Evans (R.) The Conditions of Social Well- being, considered in the light of the war. pp. 56. Wimbledon, 191 7. 08285. bb. 36. Cazamian (L.) La Grande-Bretagne et la Guerre, pp. 331. 1917. 08027. df. 69. Chevrillon (A.) Britain and the War. pp. 258. Hodder d: Stoughto7i, 191 7. 09082. cc. 40. DuRAND (A.) LAngleterre et la grande guerre, pp. 14. Macon, 191 7. 08028. ee. 27. AcKERMANN (J.) England in Not. pp. 102. Leipzig, 191 7. 09083. c. 58. BoRSA (M.) L' ora dell' Inghilterra. pp. 12. Milano, 191 7. 09083. dd. 12. Melgar (F. M.) Count. A Spanish Catholic's Visit to England. Translated by T. Okey. pp. 56. Hodder d; Stoughton, 191 7. 010368. de. 74. Henbiksson (F.) England i Varldskriget. pp. 486. Stockholm, 191 7. 9082. cc. 12. Political and Social History. — Social History. - General Works. — Great Britain and Ireland — continued. Inside the British Isles, pp. 434. 8139. c. 32. Gleason (A. N.Y., 191 7. Swart (P. C.) England in War-Time : a three weeks' visit to England, October 1917. Trans- lation of articles published in the " Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant." pp. 94. Rotterdam, 19 18. 09082. bb. 26. Brunius (A.) Engelska bilder i fred och krig. pp. 144. Stockholm, 1918. 010347. f. 44. LoosLi (C. A.) Was ich in England sah, 1918. pp. 137. Bern, 1918. 010348. 1. 3. RiKLiN (F.) Impressionen aus England. pp. 80. Zurich, 1918. 9083. a. 47. Stone (G. F.) and Wells (C.) Bristol and the Great War, 1914-1919. pp. 399. Bristol, 1920. 010370. h. 9. Longbottom (F. W.) Chester in the Great War. pp. 78. Chester, 1920. 010352. ff. 18. Croydon. Croydon and the Great War. pp. 437. Croydon, 1920. 010368. ff. 27. Firth (J. B.) Dover and the Great War. pp. 131. Dover, 1920. 9084. df. 6. Perfect (C. T.) Hornchurch during the Great War. pp. 340. Colchester, 1920. 010368. ff. 30. Walbrook (H. M.) Hove and the Great War. pp. 160. Hove, 1920. 09083. cc. 66. Cartmell (H.) For Remembrance : an account of the part played by Preston in the War. pp. 280. Preston, 1919. 9082. bbb. 24. Sheppard (T.) Kingston-upon-Hull, before, during and after the Great War. pp. 120. A. Brown, 1919. 010360. h. 56. Hanson {Rt. Hon. Sir C. A.) London v. Ger- raanv. The War Effort of the Capital, pp. 10. W.H.Smith, igi-j. 09082. b. 60. Jones (C. S.) London in War-Time. pp. 129. Grafton & Co., 191 7. 010350. h. 28. Jacques (N.) London und Paris im Krieg. pp. 211. Berlin, 1915. 9083. e. 4. MoDiGLiANi (E.) A Londra durante la Guerra. pp. 80. Milano, 1915. 9082. gg. 4. Camba (J.) Londres : impresiones de un Espanol. pp. 315. Madrid, 1916. 010.350. h. 26. Richardson (R.) Through War to Peace, 1914- 1918. The part played by Tavistock and neigh- bourhood in the Great War. pp. 102. Tavistock, 1919. 010368. de. 79. C, H. Island Notes in War Time. The Orkneys. pp. 69. Edinburgh, 1918. 012350. de. 21. Morgan (J. V.) The War and Wales, pp.412. Chapman <& Hall, 19 16. 08027. aaa. 82. Nicholson (I.) and Williams (T. LI.) Wales : its part in the War. pp. 260. Hodder & Stoughton, 1919. 9083. b. 22. Thompson (W. H.) War and the Food of the Dublin Labourer, pp. 27. Dublin, 1916. 8277. e. 53. Austria. See also below, Jews. Austria. Die Kriegsgesetze Oesterreichs. 4 Bd. Wien, 1916-17. 05549. 1. 5. Denkschrift iiber die von der k.k. Regierung aus Anlass des Krieges getroffenen Massnahmen. 4 Tl. Wien, igi^-iS. 4=. 5549. h. 14. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 141 Political and Social History. Social History. — General Works. — Avistria COutiuHCll. Fazekas (P. von) Das Staatsrccht des Wclt- krieges. pp. 75. 191 7. [FlugschriftenfurO,'!- terrekh-Ungarns Erwachen.] W.P. 4587/27. Vienna. Die Bereitschaft. Volksernahruii<; iiii diitten Kricgsjahrc. pp. 14. Wien, 191^. 08223. k. 23. Glatz (F.) Die Gcfahrdung von Osterrcichs Brotstoffversorgung durch das geplantc Ein- fulirscheinsystem. pp. 81. Wien, igiT- 08245. k. 11. Joachim (J.) Osterreichs Volkserniihrung im Kriege. pp. 48. Wien, 191 5. 08285. g. 1. ycHREiN'ER (G. A.) The Iron Ration : three years in warring Central Europe, pp. 385. N.Y., 1918. 09082. b. 24. ^Mueller (A.) ViJlkcrkrieg ! Osterreichische Eindriicke und Stimmungen. pp. 119. Oraz, 1915. 9083. e. 30. Pettinato (C.) L' Austria in guerra. jjp. 192. Milano, 1915. 9082. gg. 29. HiLDEBRAND (C.) Donauuionarklen i krig. pp. 184. Stockholm, 191 5. 09082. bb. 25. Die Donaumonarchie im Kriege. pp. 269. Wien, 1916. 9083. ee. 26. Hau (G. W.) War Echoes ; or, Germany and Austria in the crisis, pp. 352. Chicago, 1915. fol. 9083. h. 32. Jesser (F.) Kriegerheimstatten. pp. 55. 1916. [Flugschriften fur Osterreich- U ngarns Erwachen.^ W.P. 4587/13. KoERTSCHEFF (D.) Hintcr der Front. Reise durch Osterreich-Ungarn. pp. 199. liegensburg, 1916. 9083. a. 44. Larsen (C. ) Arbeit-Dienst. Eindriicke aus (iem Kriege Deutschlands und Osterreichs. i'bersetzt von I. Jacob-Anders, pp. 105. Bedin, 19 16. 09082. aaa. 18. Mueller (A.) Kriegstagebuch eines Daheim- gebliebenen ! Eindrucke und Stimmungen aus Osterreich-Ungarn. pp. 306. Graz, 1916. 09082. cc. 20. Pesendoefer (F.) Oberosterreich im AVelt- krieg. pp.322. Linz, igij. 9083. g. 39. HoLiTSCHER (A.) In Siidosterreich, Gesehenes und Gehortes 1914/15. pp. 163. Berlin, 1915. 9084. de. 6. BizisTE (L.) Wiener Stinnnungen aus der Kriegszeit. Ein Tagebuch. pp. 178. Wien, 1916. 09082. cc. 52. \'iENNA. Gemeinderath. Kriegs-Stammbuch der Stadt Wien. pp. 198. Wien, 1917. 10607. i. 1. Liszt (F. E. von) Der Eirifluss des Krieges auf die soziale Schichtung der Wiener Bevolkerung. P].. 72. Wien, 1919. 08282. d. 25. .Macdonald (.M.) .Some E.xperiences in Hungary, Aug. 1914 to Jan. 1915. pp. 135. Longmans, 1916. 9081. de. 32. Bullitt (E. D. ) An Uncensored Diary from the Central Empires, pp. 282. Stanley Paul db Co., 1918. 9082. b. 8. Balkan States. See also below, Bulgaria ; Jews ; Roumania ; Serbia ; Turkey. Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works. — Balkan States — cunt in lied. WiGERT-LuNDSTROM (H.) Balkaurcsa i krigstid. En studicfiird genom Bosnien, Herzegovina, Dalmatien, Montenegro och Albanien Viiren 1917. pp. 130. Stockholm, icji-j. 09083. bb. 26. Fabius (J.) Zes Maanden in Albanie. pp. 256. Haarlem, 1918. 9082. aaa. 35. Belgium. Belgian Independence Day. Fete Nationale Beige. Discours prononces, 1916, 1917. 2 pt. London, 1916, 17. 08028. ee. 32. FRtis-MtiLLER (K.) En Pilegrimsfaerd til Nordfrankrig & Belgien. ])p. 170. Kj^benhavn, 19 19. 10107. gg. 20. Vandervelde (E.) La morale et la politique des belligerants. L'effort beige, pp. 39. 1 916. 08027. df. 1. Garnir (G. ) Pourquoi pas ? La vie bruxel- loise de 1914 a 1918. pp. 216. Bruxelles, 1919. 9084. g. 12. Diplomaticus. Aus Brussels kritischen Tagen. pp. 150. Stuttgart, 1916. 9083. ee. 35. PiCARD (L.) Vlaanderen na den Oorlog. pp. 40. 's-Gravenhage, 1915. 08027. cc. 23. Torn (P.) Huit mois avec les " Boches " dans le Luxembourg beige, aout 1914 — avril 1915. pp.205. 1916. 09082. a. 43. Bulgaria. DuNAN (M.) L'ete Bulgare. Notes d'un temoin, juillet-octobre 1915. pp. 396. 1917. 08026. aaa. IS. Denmark. La Cour (V.) Scinderjylland under "\'erdens- krigen, August 1914-1916. pp. 159. Kjpbenhavn, 19 16. 9424. g. 4. Murray (G. G. A.) Impressions of Scandinavia in War Time. pp. 32. Fisher Unwin, 19 16. 08027. aa. 72. Finland. Spjut (E.) Finland under Viirldskriget. pp. 168. Uppsala, 191 7. 08027. ee. 58. France. France. Legislation de la Guerre de 1914. pp.364. 1915. [Journal du Palais. Xo. sup- jMmentaire, 1914.] P.P. 1369. b. Legislation de Guerre. Collectitm publiee sous la direction de A. Saillard. 20 pt. 1915-18- W.P. 3376. La Guerre. Code du moratoiium. pp. 75. 1915. 5408. c. 2. Guerre de 1914-1915. Recueil des lois, decrets, circulaires, etc., concernant la France et S2)ccialement I'Algerie. 8 pt. Alger, icji::,. 5406. e. 17. Meignen (E.) Les Contrats et la Guerre, pp. 173. 19 1 4. 5408. de. 10. Dejakdin (J.) L'effet de la Guerre sur les rapports cntre locataircs et proprietaires. pp. 290. 1916. 5408. eee. 6. Reulos (A.) Manuel des scquestres : recueil des lois, decrets, instructions et circulaires sur les sequestres des biens allemands et austro- hongrois. pp. 544. 1916. 5408. aa. 19. 14- EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works. — France— continued. SiGNOKEL (J.) Le statut des sujets enneinis. Le droit fran9ais pendant la guerre, pp. 200. 1916. 6916. eee. 7. EcCAED (F. ) Biens et Interets Fran^ais en AUe- magne et en Alsace-Lorraine pendant la guerre, pp. 376. 1917. 05605. h. 32. Davdet (J.) Journal de famille et de guerre, 1914-1919. pp. 239. 1920. 010662. co. 40. Alphaud (G.) La France pendant la guerre, 1914-1917. pp. 285. 1917. 09082. bbb. 10. DuMONT-WiLDEN (L.) Les jours inquiets, 1914-1917. pp.224. 1917. 012350. ff. 2. AiCARD (J.) Des cris dans la melee, 1914-1916. pp. 338. 1916. 08027. e. 18. Massis (H.) Le Sacrifice, 1914-1916. pp. 270. 191 7. 9083. ee. 45. Hermant (A.) Chroniques fran9aises 1914- 1915. pp. 299. 1916. 010169. ee. 22. Massis (H.) Impressions de Guerre, 1914- 1915. pp. 82. 1916. 012354. df. 23. Margueritte (P.) L'Immense Effort, 1915- 1916. pp.288. 1916. 08027. df. 15. Sabatier (P.) A Frenchman's Thoughts on the War. pp. 164. Fisher Unwin, 1915. 9082. gg. 11. Arguibert (M. d') Journal d'une famille francaise pendant la guerre, pp. 310. 19 16. 12548. p. 29. Bazin (R.) La campagne fran9aise et la guerre, pp. 131. 1916. 4°. 10170. k. 5. Breton (J.) A I'arri^re. pp. 174. 1916. 09082. a. 8. De Pratz (C.) a Frenchwoman's Notes on the War. pp. 290. Constable, 19 16. 09076. ff. 25. Drumont {Mme. E. A.) Le Journal d'une mere pendant la guerre, pp. 191. 19 16. 010662. aa. 50. Jaray (G. L.) Les oeuvres de guerre et leurs obligations, pp. 62. 1916. 08285. bbb. 5. Beatjnier (A.) Sentiments de la Guerre. pp.306. 1917. 08027. df. 89. MiLLERAND (A.) L'effort et le devoir fran§ais. pp.38. 191 7. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/107. Cunisset-Carnot (P.) La vie aux chamj)s j)endant la Guerre, pp.284. 191 7. 012350. df. 3. Albert-Petit (A.) La France de la Guerre. 3 torn. 1918-19. 9083. dd. 2. Geraldy (P.) La Guerre, Madame, pp. 97. 1918. 4°. 9082. h. 31. Helys (M.) Les provinces fran9aises pendant la guerre, pp. 300. 1918. 9082. aaa. 6. Bedier (C. M. J.) L'effort fran9ais. pp. 321. 1919. 09084. aa. 32. Clemenceau Jacquemaire (M.) Les hommes de bonne volonte. pp. 266. 1920. 9084. de. 3. Lauzanne (S.) Fighting France. Translated bv J. L. B. Williams, pp. 230. N.Y., 1918. 08052. a. 38. Gohier (U.) Le vrai monument de la victoire, 1914-1916. pp.7. 1916. fol. [Pages de gtierre.] 1869. d. 34. GoTJRMONT (R. de) Les Idees du jour. Octobre 1914— septembre 1915. 2 vol. 1918. 16°. 012357. de. 38. Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works. — France— cunilnned. TiNAYRE (M.) La Veillee des Armes. Le Depart : Aout 1914. pp. 291. 1915. 012548. a. 53. Barres (A. 'M.) L'ame fran9aise et la Guerre. igiS, etc. W.P. 3287. BouLOC (E.) Visions de guerre et de victoire. pp. 256. 1915. 08027. d. 37. Delbos (V.) L'Esprit philosophique de I'Alle- magne et la pensee fran9aise. pp. 43. 1915. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/40. France (Anatole) Siu- la voie glorieuse. pp. 91. 1915. 12354. y. 3- GiRAUD (V.) Le miracle fran9ais. pp. 276. 1915. 08027. d. 38. Pro patria. pp.62. 1915. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/62. GouRMONT (R. de) Pendant Torage. pp. 128. 191 5. 12354. y. 2. Herve (G.) La patrie en danger, pp. 346. 1915. 08027. d. 35. Leroux (E.) France et AUemagne. Les deux cultures, pp. 42. 1915. ^ 012354. g. 38. Pons (A.) La Guerre et I'Ame fran9aise. pp. 259. 1915. 3902. ee. 43. Rocheblave (S.) La vraie France et revolution du patriotisme fran9ais. pp. 62. 191 5. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/50. Barres (A. M.) Le Blason de la France, ou ses traits eternels dans cette guerre et dans les vieilles epopees. pp. 22. 191 6. [British Academy. Annual Lecture on Aspects of Art. no. 1.] R. Ac. 1186/8. DoTJMic (R.) La Defense de I'Esprit fran9ais. pp. 47. 1916. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/81. Otero (J. P.) L'ideal fran9ais et la guerre. pp. 64. 19 1 6. 08027. df. 20. Gardiner (A. G.) L'Ame de la France, pp. 44. Londres, 191 6. 08052. a. 52. Barres (A. M.) Les diverses families spirituelles de la France, pp. 316. 1917. 08052. a. 32. Croisilles (H.) The Flaming Sword of France. Translated by L. Menzies. pp. 191. J. M. Dent, 1918. 9082. aa. 19. LoYSON (P. H.) France the Apostle and the Ethics of the War. pp. 162. 191 8. 8027. aa. 43. Barres (A. M.) Le Roman de I'energie nationale. Les Deracines. pp. 473. 191 9. [Collection Xelson.] 012199. g. 1/136. Mackay (H.) Journal of Small Things, 1914- 1916. pp.284. A. Melrose, igi-j. 4°. 09082. aa. 63. Mueller (M.) Frankreich im Kriege, 1914- 1916. pp. 157. Zurich, 1916. 9083. f. 33. Mtjn (A. de) Count. La Guerre de 1914. pp. 274. 1914. 9083. de. 27. Huard (F. W.) My Home in the Field of Honour, 1914. pp. 302. Hodder d; Stoughton, 191 6. 9081. ee. 6. Jensen (0. T.) En fransk Graenseby under Krigen 1914. pp. 63. Silkeborg, 1915. 9082. bbb. 27. Dawbarn (C.) France at Bay. pp. 236. MilU cD Boon, 191 5. " 08052. aaa. 1. Hope (A.) Impressions d'un touriste en France, pp. 16. Londres, 191 5. 12°. 08027. de. 30. (3.) EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 143 Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works. France — continued. PiCKHARD (M. F. S.) France in War Time, 1914-1915. pp. 201. Melhuen, 1915. 9083. de. 7. Strong (R.) Diary of an English Resident in France during t\venty-t\^o weeks of war time. pp.357. E.Nash, igi 5. 9082. e. 22. Wharton (E.) Fighting France from Dun- kerque to Belfort. pp. 238. Macmillcm, 191 5. 9082. gg. 38. Behrens (E.) Das kriegerische Frankreich 1915. i^p. 158. Munchen, 1915. 9082. ff. 11. Schaarschmidt (H.) Eriebnisse einer Deut- schen in Frankreich nach Ausbruch des Krieges. pp. 60. Chemnitz, 1915. 9083. de. 16. (4.) /iMMERLi (G. W.) Durch Frankreich unci Deutschland wahrend des Krieges. pp. 168. Berlin, 191 5. 9082. ff. 5. Winding (A.) .Erens Land. Frankrig 1915-16. pp. 310. Kpbenhavii, 1916. 09082. c. 28. SpIngberg (V.) Hur kriget verkat. Intryck frail en resa i Tyskland, Schweiz och Franl^rike hosten 1915. pp. 95. Stocklwlm, 1915. 9082. bb. 25. Stbebel (J.) Reisebilder vor und wahrend der Kriegszeit aus Frankreich. pp. 287. Luzern, 191 5. 010107. g. 25. Gardiner (A. G.) L'Ame de la France, pp. 44. Darling & Son, 1916. 08052. a. 52. Wray (W. F.) Across France in War Time. jjp. 181. 191 6. [Wayfarer^s Library.] W. P. 1832/86. Bovenschen (A.) Frankreichs Schande : eine Lehre aus Frankreichs sittlichem Zusammen- bruch. pp. 98. Oldenburg, 191 6. 08027. b. 84. France. Spectator GalUae. Frankreichs Kriegsvorbereitungen in Bild und Wort. pp. 32. Leipzig, 1916. fol. 11850. v. 35. Keller (J.) Franzosische Menachlichkeit ! pp. 66. 1916. [P.P. Weimar. Deutsche Politik. Flugschriften, etc. Heft 4.] W.P. 4516/4. Nostradamus, pseud. Die Franzosen wie sie sind. pp. 335. Freiburg, 191 6. 010170. e. 13. VoRST.{H.) Im Kriege durch Frankreich und England, pp. 156. Berlin, 1916. 09083. aa. 18. Krop (F. J.) Naar de Fransche Loopgraven en de verwoeste streken achter de gevechtslinie. pp. 24. Rotterdam, 1916. 4°. 9083. g. 19. Naar Frankrijk en het Fransche Front. pp.32. Rotterdam, u) 16. 08027. aaa. 75. BoJER (J.) Den franske Fane. Skildringer. pp. 80. Kristianiu, 1916. 010170. ee. 9. Fr0island (F.) Fra Paris og Frankrigcs front under Krigen. pp. 163. Kristiania, 19 16. 9081. g. 22. G6mez Carrillo (E.) Le sourire sous la mitraille. Traduction de G. Ledos. pp. 346. 1916. 09082. aa. 18. .Marti-Ferret (T. de) Como he sido tratado en Francia. pp. 31. Barcelona, 1916. 080.52. a. 51. Spain. Instltuto Frances de Espaila. Con- ferencias en pro de Francia. pp. 305. Madrid, 1916. 08027. bb. 41. Book (F.) Resa till Franklike, 1915. pp. 128. Stockholm, 1916. 08027. ee. 42. Heyman (H.) Franklike i krig. pp. 351. Stockholm, 1916. 9082. d. 9. Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works. — France - continued. Baldwin (.J. M.) Franco and the War as seen by an American, pp. 62. N.Y., 1916. 08027. df. 56. Grant (R.) Their Spirit : some impressions of the English and French during the summer of 1916. pp. 100. Boston, 1916. 12°. 9082. df. 47. Johnson (0.) The Spirit of France, pp. 256. Boston, 1916. 9082. ff. 34. Naboulet (L. R.) La Guerra de Francia. Buenos Aires, 1916. 08027. df. 13. Ayscough (John) French Windows, pp. 296. F. Arnold, 1917. 012331. k. 56. Bell (W.) A Scavenger in France. Extracts from the diary of an architect, 1917-19. pp. 353. C. W. Daniel, 1920. 010170. i. 18. Gibbons (H. A.) France and Ourselves. Inter- pretative studies, 1917-1919. pp. 286. N.Y., 1920. 08052. aaa. 23. Insua (A.) Per Francia y por la Libertad. pp.312. Madrid, lgl^. 08027. e. 41. Kleen (E.) Hur dar sag ut. Over England till Frankrike, 1916. pp. 235. Stockholm, 1917. 9083. aaa. 24. Stiernstedt (M.) Baroness. L'Ame de la France. Souvenirs et impressions, pji. 254. 1917. 09082. bbb. 59. Lauder (Sir H.) A Minstrel in France, pp. 338. N.Y., 1918. 9081. ee. 32. Madsack (P.) Vae Victis : ineme Eriebnisse in Spanien und Frankreich wahrend des Welt- krieges. pp. 268. Leipzig, 1918. 09083. bb. 29. Wechssler (E.) Deutsche und franzosische Kultur. pp. 43. 2Iarburg, 1918. 12°. 8462. de. 41. Thellier de Poncheville ( ) Abbe. La France vue d'Amerique. pp. 80. 1918. [Pages actueUes.] W.P. 2825/117, 118. Warren (M. R.) The White Flame of France. pp. 358. Boston, igiS. 09082. d. 28. Maud (C. E.) My French Year. pp. 272. 3Iills db Boon, 1919. 09082. c. 48. Saint John (I.) A Journey in Wartime, pp. 192. J. Lane, 19 19. 9082. b. 28, Friis-M0ller (K.) En Pilegrimsfajrd til Nord- frankrig & Belgien. pp. 170. Kjdbenhavn, 1919. 10107. gg. 20. Heiberg (G.) Franske Visitter. pp. 211. Kristiania, 1919. 012352. f. 21. Navarro (A. de) France afflicted : France serene, pp. 211. Chapman tO Hall, 1920. 09084. aa. 16. Madelin (L.) Les heures merveilleuses d'Alsace et de Lorraine, pp. 247. 1919. 9083. bb. 38. Wetterle (]fi.) L'Alsace et la guerre, pp. 140. 1 919. 9084. e. 5. Berrette (F.) Une commune rurale de Lot- et-Garonne, 1914-1915. Fieux. pp. 46. Agen, 19 15. 09083. a. 7. Hess (J.) Le memorial militairo et civique du Sud-Est pendant la Grande Guerre. Histoire illustree de la region des Alpes-Maritimes et de la principaute de Monaco, vol. i. Nice, 1915. 9084. cc. 7. ScHEWDEBEL (J.) La Pentccote a Arras, 1915. pp. 121. 1916. 12°. 9083. df. 9. 14-4 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works. — France — rotitinncd. DocQTTOis (G.) Dans iin Port du Detroit. Boulosme-sur-Mer, Juillet-Novembre 1914. pp. 298. 1 9 15. 9082. gg. 32. TissiER (J. M.) Bp. of Chalons. La Guerre en Champagne au diocese de Chalons, pp. 524. 1917. 9083. bb. 23. BoRDEAFX (H.) Un Coin de France pendant la guerre. Le Plessis-de-Rove. 1914-1918. pp. 316. 1920. ' 9083. bbb. 13. Ehrhard (A.) Les (Euvres de I'Hotel de Ville, Lvon, pendant la guerre, pp. 198. Lyon, 1916. " 010170. e. 14. Cantrelle (A.) Meru pendant la Guerre, pp. 140. 3Ieru, 1915. 4°. 9082. df. 23. Nantes. Conseil JIunicipal. Guerre 1914- 1919. La municipalite et son ceuvre. pp. 426. Nantes, 1920. 010171. 1. 17. Adam (H. P.) Paris sees it through : a diary, 1914-1919. pp. 331. Hodder d; Stoitghton, 191 9. 010170. g. 46. B., ]\I. Paris sous les Bombardements, 1914- 1918. 19 1 9. obi. fol. 1852. a. 39. Ohnet (G.) Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris pendant la Guerre. 17 fasc. 1914-18. 9084. aa. 6. Wram (H.) Paris 1914-18. Wahmehmungen eines Augenzeugen. pp. 122. Gotha, 19 18. 010168. ee. 33. Kriegsbilder aus Paris 1914-1917. pp. 165. Leipzig. 1918. 9083. df. 31. Demaison (M.) Croquis de Paris, 1914-1915. pp. 285. 1917. 010169. ee. 26. Michaux (J.) Baroness. En Marge du drame : journal d'une Parisienne, 1914-1915. pp. 370. 1916. 010662. aa. 56. Levy (A.) 1914. Aout-octobre a Paris. pp.293. 1917. 09082. bbb. 45. Paris. Appendix. L'Ame de Paris. Tableaux de la Guerre de 1914. pp. 205. 1915. 9082. de. 33. Delecraz (A.) Paris pendant la mobilisation, pp. 334. Geneve, 1915. 9083. e. 9. Clarke (M. E.) Paris Waits. 1914. pp. 289. Smith, Elder, 1915. 9082. e. 16. Barnard (C. I.) Paris War Days : diary of an American, pp. 226. Boston, 1914- 09231. h. 13. Laudet (F.) Paris pendant la Guerre. pp. 266. 1915. 9083. de. 30. Paris. Le Cceur de Paris en 1915. pp. 221. 19 1 6. 09082. a. 3. Seris (R.) and Aubry (J.) Les Parisiens pendant I'etat de siege, pp. 251. 1915. 9082. ee. 8. Jacques (N.) London .und Paris im Krieg. pp.211. Berlin, 1915. 9083. e. 4. Fattst (L.) Faubourg en boulevard in oorlogs- tijd. pp. 190. Amsterdam, 1915. 9083. ee. 7. Angeli (D.) a Parigi durante la guerra. pp. 226. Milano, 1915- 9082. gg. 31. Ajalbert (J.) Dans Paris, la grand' ville. Sensations de guerre, pp. 320. 19 16. 09082. bbb. 23. P P. Paris. Le Cri de Paris. 1916-19. fol. P.P. 4283. gf. Christiernsson _(N.) Paris und die fran- zosische Front. Ubersetzt von R. Mueller, pp. 96. Berlin, 1916. 9084. de. 2. Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works. — France — rindiitiij il. Galli (H.) La Guerre a Paris, jip. 451. 1917. 9081. eee. 32. Hermant (A.) La Vie a Paris, 1916. pp. 312. 1917. 010169. ee. 27. (A.) La Vie a Paris, 1917. pp. 275. 1918. 010169. ee. 32. Holt (L.) Paris in Shadow. A diarv, 1916- 17. pp. 310. J. Lane, 1920. 010170. e. 28. Baracs-Deltour ( ) Pariser Selbsterlebnisse wahrend des Krieges. pjj. 336. MUnchen, 191 7. 12°. 9084. e. 2. Clermont {Mme. C.) Souvenirs de Parisiennes en temps de guerre, pp. 233. 19 18. 09082. d. 5. Grant (M.) Verdun Days in Paris, pp. 239. W. Collins, 1 918. 9082. aa. 21. AzoRiN, pseud. Paris, bombardeado, mayo y junio, 1918. pp. 79. Madrid, 1919. 9083. bbb. 25. Tapia (L. de) Un Mes en Paris, un dia en Reims, una hora en Madrid, pp. 157. Madrid, 1919. 012350. df. 80. Gay (E.) Paris heroique. pp. 326. 1920. 09084. bb. 3. Paris. Societe Le Vieux Montmartre. Bulletin de Guerre du Vieux Montmartre, 1914-1915. pp. 27. 1915. 9082. h. 40. Burke (K.) The White Road to Verdun. pp. 127. Hodder d; Stoiighton, 1916. 09082. aa. 64. Lebrun (A.) L'effort colonial fran^ais. pp.31. 1916. [Lliommage fraiicais.] W.P. 4141/7. Germany. See also below, Jews. Germany, Samtliche Kriegs-Gesetze, -Verord- nungen und -Bekanntmachimgen. pp. 349. Berlin, 1915. 05605. ee. 17. Die Kriegs-Notgesetze. Sammlimg der wichtigeren Gesetze fiir das Reich und Preussen. 9 pt. Berlin, 1914-19. 12°. W.P. 3512. Die Kriegsgesetze. pp. 430. Hannover, 1915. 5606. d. 20. Der Landsturm. Die fur Landsturm- pflichtige geltenden Bestimmungen der Deut- schen Wehrordnung. pp.44. Berlin, igi^. 6875. a. ^49. Deutsche Wehrordnung in der Fassung vom August 1914. pp. 256. Giessen, 191 5. 05604. ee. 18. Gesetz iiber die Kriegsleistmigen vom 13. Juni 1873. Mit den Ausfiihrungs bestim- mungen nach dem Stand vom Dezember 1914. pp. 9a Giessen, 1915. 05605. h. 29. (1.) Die Bundesratsverordnungen iiber Brot- getreide und Mehl, Gerste, etc. j^p. 262. Berlin, 191 5. 05605. f. 9. ■ Das Miihlen- u. Backereigewerbe in den Kriegsnotgesetzen. pp. 124. Berlin, 191 5. 5606. a. 26. Lagro (M.) Schuldner und Glaubiger in der Kriegszeit. pp. 32. Berlin, 1914. 5606. d. 23. Lattmann (W.) Staatshilfe in Kriegsnot. Volkstiimliche Darstellung der hauptsach- lichsten gesetzlichen Bestimmungen, die zur Linderung der wirtschaftUchen Kriegsnot erlassen sind. Cassel, 1914. 05604. g. 28. EUROPEAN WAR. 1914 1918. 145 Political and Social History, Social History.— General Works. Germany — continued. W'eioel (G. vou) Kriegszustand, Kriegs- strafgesetze und Gerichtsbarkeit. ])i). 23. Berlin, 19 14. 0875. c. 48. (L.) Die Kriegsgesetze zur Abhilfe wiitschaftlicher Schiidigungen. pp. 235. Stuttgart, 1915. 0.5G05. ee. 18. KoROPATNicKi (D.) Die Kriegsschaden und deren V'ergiitung nach deni doutschen Recht. pp. 100. Leipzig, 1915. 5006. d. 21. .Mayer (B.) Das Privatrecht des Krieges in muterieller und formeller Beziehung. pp. 283. Munchen, 191 5. 0875. eee. 36. Rosenthal (F.) Deutsches Kriegsrecht. pp.79. Berlin, 19 15. 05605. h. 29. (3.) ScuMEissER (H.) Der Einfluss des Krieges auf die Hauptvei'trage des Biirgerlichen Gesetz- buchs. pp.80. Berlin, 1915. 05605. h. 27. KoEHNE (C.) Das Recht der Sozialversicherung iind der Krieg. pp. 64. Berlin, 191 5. 0.5605. h. 29. (2.) Zahn (F.) Wirkung der deutschen Sozial- versicherung. pp. 116. Munchen, 1915. 8282. g. 5. Wertheimer (L.) Der Schutz deutscher Aus- scnstande im feindlichen Auslande und die Behandlung der durch den Krieg unter- brochenen internationalen Privat-Vertrage. pp. 31. Stuttgart, 1916. 6916. df. 12. Wyneken (C. a. E. W. F.) Zur Reform des deutschen Kriegszustandsrechts. pp. 120. Gottingen, igiT- 05604. g. 31. Fischer (J.) Amtsrichter. Kriegsgesetze auf dem Gebiete des Zivil- und Prozessrechts. pp. 194. 1918. [Guttentagsche Scumnlimg deut- scher Reichsge-setze.] 2227. b. 129. Kaeckell (L.) Kriegsleistungs-Sachschaden : ein Beitrag zum Kriegsleistungs- und Kriegs- schadenrecht. jip. 71. Berlin, 191 8. 5656. g. 45. Kunke (M.) Die Kapitulationen der Tiirkei, deren Aufhebung und die neuen deutsch- tiirkisclien Rechtsvertrage. pp. 182. Munchen, 1918. 06955. f. 35. Boeckel (F.) Der Treuhiinder fiir das feind- liche Vermogen. pp. 118. 2Iunchen, 1919. 5655. e. 38. Dux (W.) Recht und Rechtsprechung im und nach dem Krieg. pp. 153. Berlin, 1919. 6004. e. 21. ScHOLZ (F.) Privateigentum im besetzten und unbesetztcn Feindesland, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Praxis des Wcltkrieges. pp. 309. Berlin, 1919. 0916. e. 32. Political and Social History. - Social History. General Works. — Germany — fiiiitinutd. SiMxMEL (G.) Deutschlands innere Wandlung pp. 14. Strassburg, 1914. 08027. cc. 19. Borchardt (L.) AUgememe Dienstpflicht die natiirliche Folge der allgemeinen Welirpflicht. pp. 26. Berlin, 19 15. 08072. aaa. 15. Bosselt (R.) Krieg und deutsche Mode. pp. 38. Magdeburg, 1915. 07742. b. 13. Cybulz (S.) Unsere Jugend eine Wehrmacht. pp. 99. Berlin, 1915. 08072. aaa. 12. Deissmann (G. a.) Deutscher Schwertsegen. pp.78. Stuttgart, I cjis- 12354. s. 21. Floerke (H.) Die Kinder und der Krieg. Popert (H.) Tatjebuch eines Sehciidcn 1914- 1919. pp.271. Hamburg, i()2o. 9081. aaa. 1. BONSELS (W.) Das junge Dcutschland und der grosse Krieg. pp. 33. Munchen, 191.J. 08027. e. 17. (1.) .Janlschfeld (E. von) Der Krieg. Gedanken und Bilder aus grosser Zeit. i)p. 120. ll'/eH, 1914. 9082. ft". 13. .Jastrow (I.) Iiu Kriegszustand. pp. 215. Berlin, 1914. 08027. c. 11. Lenard (P.) England und Deutschland zur Zeit des grossen Krieges. pp. 10. Heidelberg, 19 14 08027. aa. 13. (1.) Meinecke (F.) Die deutsche Erhebung von 1914. pp.99. Stuttgart, igi4. 08072. aa. 19. The Warfare of a Nation, pp. 60. Worcester, Mass., 191 5. 08027. c. 28. pp. 164. Munchen, 1915. 012331. gg. 61. Hildebrand (C.) Ein starices Volk. Ein- drucke aus Deutschland. pp. 172. Berliyi, 1915. 9082. f. 10. Die Kriegssitzungen des deutschen Reich- stags, pp. 44. Stuttgart, 1915. 08072. cc. 7. Jacobskoetter (L.) Tagebuchblittter eines DaheimgebHebenen. Tl. 2. pp. 144. Leipzig, 1915. 012350. ff. 17. Marr (J.) Der Krieg und das Geburtenproblem. pp.12. Werdera.H., 1915. 08248. i. 28. Niessen-Deiters (L.) Kriegsbriefe einer Frau. pp. 70. Bonn, 1915. [Deutsche Kriegsschriften.] 08028. f. 14/8. Sander (C.) Die Mode im Spiegel des Krieges. pp. 30. 1915. [Kriegshefte aus dem Industrie- bezirk.] W.P. 3622/12. ScHMiTZ (0. A. H.) Das wirkliche Deutsch- land. Die Wiedergeburt durch den Krieg. pp.380. Munchen, igi5. 08072. aaa. 6. Sombart (W.) Handler und Helden. pp. 145. Munchen, 191 5. 08027. aa. 12. Wyneken (G. A.) Der Krieg und die Jugend. pp. 59. Munchen, 19 15. 8357. bb. 60. ZiMMERLi (G. W.) Durch Frankreich und Deutschland wahrend des Krieges. j)p. 108. Berlin, 1915. 9082. ff. 5. ZuRHELLEN (E.) Der Krieg und unsere Kinder, pp. 35. Gotha, 19 15. 8357. aa. 32. Baeumer (G.) Weit hinter den Scliiitzen- grilben. Aufsatze aus dem Weltkrieg. pp. 229. Jena, 1916. 08415. f. 22. Bartsch (R. H.) Das deutsche Volk in schwerer Zeit. ^jp. 249. Berlin, 19 16. 10231. aaa. 51. Jaeckh (E.) Der grosse Krieg als Erlebnis und Erfahrung. Bd. i. pp. 287. Gotha, 19 1 6. 9084. cc. 8. Penck (A.) Wie wir im Kriege leben. pp. 32. Stuttgart, 19 16. 9082. g. 33. Kraeger (H.) Heilige Not. Reden an dag deutsche Volk, 1918. pp. 136. 1918. [Fur Kaiser und Reich.] W.P. 4257/2. Schwarte (M.) Der Weltkrieg in seiner Ein- wirkung auf das deutsche Volk. pp. 513. Leipzig, 19 iS. 08028. f. 0. WiTTiG (K.) Die etliisch minderwcrtigcn Jugendlichen und der Krieg. pp. 70. Langensalza, 1918. [Neudrucke zur Psychologie.] W.P. 4952/3. Steinhausen (G.) Die Schuld der Heiniat. pp. 79. Berlin, 1919. [Flugschrijten des •'Tag.''] W.P. 6322/5. CoLZE (L.) Deutsche Kraft. Kriegskuitur und Heimatarbeit 1914/1915. 18 Hft. Berlin, 19 15-18. 09082. d. 83. 146 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Political and Social History. Social History.— General Works. Germany — co)iti)iHeil. Arminius, Afrikanus. Auf, ihr " Baibaren ! " pp. 34. Wiesbaden, 1915. 8411. i. 26. Engklbrecht (C.) Deutschland lerne ! Ein Ruf an das dcutschc Gewissen. pp. 06. Berlin, 19 15. 8410. 1. 27. (1.) Fleischer (0.) Vom Kriege gegen die deutsche Kultur. pp. 95. Frankfurt a. M., 1915. 08072. aaa. 14. Kahl (W.) Pessimismus und Optimismus im Kriege. pp.26. 191s- [Deutsche Reden in schwerer Zeit.] ^ W.P. 3626/14. KuESTER (E.) Vom Krieg und vom deutschen Bildungsideal. pp. 27. Bo7ui, 1915. [Deutsche Kriegsschriften.] 08028. f. 14/5. Pfeilschifter (G.) Deutsche Kultur, Katho- lizismus und Weltkrieg. pp. 494. Freiburg, 1915. 3911. dd. 17. Troeltsch (E.) Der Kulturkrieg. pp.43. 1915. [Deutsche Reden in schwerer Zeit.] W.P. 3626/27. GoETZ (W.) Deutschlands geistiges Leben im Weltkrieg. pp. 51. Gotha, 1916. 08072. bb. 48. Hatjn (E.) Vom Kulturglauben der deutschen Barbaren. pp. 25. 1916. [Kriegshefte aus deni Indtistriebezirk.] W.P. 3622/13. Sagittarius, jjsewcZ. Der deutsche Gedanke. pp. 112. 1916. 08072. b. 48. Stekel (W.) Unser Seelenleben im Kriege. pp. 168. Berlin, 1916. 08463. f. 13. Grabinski (B.) Weltkrieg und Sittlichkeit : Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte der Weltkriegs- iahre. pp. 239. Hildesheim, 191 7. 8411. dd. 7. Hasse (E.) Der grosse Krieg und die deutsche Seele. pp.224. Kempten, igi-j. 08072. aaa. 29. Jordan (H.) Kulturgesinnmig und Staats- gesinnung. Gedanken zur Frage einer ethischen Politik. pp.55. Berlin, I gi -J. 8006. ee. 38. Wechssler (E.) Deutsche und franzosische Kultur. pp. 43. Marburg, 1918. 8462. de. 41. Blxjecher (E. M.) Princess of Wahlstadt. An English Wife in Berlin. A private memoir of events, politics, and daily life in Germany throughout the War. pp. 336. Constable, 1920. 09082. bb. 64. Cook {Sir T. A.) The Germans. By them- selves, pp. 42. The Field, 19 14. 08027. d. 18. Diana, pseud. Diana's Reflections in Germany. A diary from the outbreak of the war to the fall of Antwerp, pp. 64. Lucerne, 1914- 9082. g. 5. Jephson (H. J.) Lady. A War-Time Journal, Germany 1914. pp. 99. E. Mathews, 1915. 9083. e. 5. Altiar (E.) Journal d'une Fran^aise en AUe- magne, juillet-octobre 1914. pp. 298. 1915. 9083. e. 31. Bjornson (B.) Vom deutschen Wesen. Im- pressionen eines Stammverwandten, 1914- 1917. pp. 272. Berlin, 1917. 09083. c. 44. Houghton (M.) In the Enemy's Country : being the diary of a little tour in Germany during the early days of the war. pp. 279. Chatto & Windus, 191 5. 9082. e. 8. Littlefair (M.) An English Girl's Adventures in Hostile Germany, pp. 128. J. Long, 1915. 9083. de. 19. Political and Social History. — Social History. General Works. — Germany — confiinied. Wrong (G. MacK.) The War Spirit of Ger- many. pp.27. H.Milford, 1915. 08027. aaa. 9. Har Dayal. Forty-four Months in Germany and Turkey, Februarv 1915 to October 1918. pp.103. P. S. King,\<)20. 09083. a. 37. Balmer (P.) Les Allemands ehez eux pendant la Guerre, pp. 189. 191 5. 9083. e. 24. Gennep (A.) Le genie de I'organisation. La formule fran9aise et anglaise opposee a la formule allemande. pp. 114. 1915. 8006. k. 5. Bengtson (V.) Under krigets fostran. Minnen fran En studieresa i Tyskland sommaren 1915. pp. 104. Stockholm, 1915. 9083. aaa. 19. Hedin (S. a.) Ein Volk in Waffen. pp. 534. Leipzig, 191 5. 9082. g. 28. Spangberg (V.) Hur kriget verkat. Intryck fran en resa i Tvskland hosten 1915. pp. 95. Stockholm, 1915." 9082. bb. 25. Hau (G. W.) War Echoes ; or, Germany and Austria in the crisis, pp. 352. Chicago, 1915. fol. 9083. h. 32. Seibert (W. a.) a Trip to Germany during Wartime, pp. 126. N.Y., 1915. 9083. bbb. 22. Neutral. In Germany To-Day. Bv a Neutral. pp. 120. Methuen, 191 5. 9082. de. 41. Butler (T.) Boche Land before and during the War. pp. 205. Heinemann, 191 6. 10255. de. 16. Curtin (D. T.) The Land of Deepening Shadow. Germany, 1916. pp. 378. Hodder d- Stoughton, 191 7. 09082. cc. 28. Koertscheff (D.) Hinter der Front. Ein- driicke von der Reise der bulgarischen Abge- ordneten durch Osterreich-Ungarn und Deutschland. pp. 199. Regensburg, 191 6. 9083. a. 44. DoNNAY (M.) Un Voyage en Allemagne. pp. 162. 191 6. 16°. 012354. df. 22. Hervier (P. L.) Silhouettes aUemandes. pp. 260. 1916. 010705 de. 40. WiELENGA (B.) Het ijzeren Kruis. Indrukken uit het oorlogsland. pp. 48. Kampen, 1916. 08028. ee. 7. Larsen (C.) Arbeit -Dienst. Eindriicke aus dem Kriege Deutschlands und Osterreichs. IJber- setzt von I. Jacob-Anders, pp. 105. Berlin, 191 6. 09082. aaa. 18. De Beaufort (J. M.) Behind the German Veil. A record of a journalistic war pilgrimage. pp. 367. Hutchinson db Co., 191 7. 09082. cc. 38. Gerbiany. Conditions in Germany, pp. 30. Boswell Printing Co., I gi J. 08027. aaa. 107. SwoPE (H. B.) Inside the German Empire in the third year of the War. pp. 366 N. Y., 191 7. 9081. e. 6. Bullitt (E. D.) An Uncensored Diary from the Central Empires, pp. 282. Stanley Paul, 19 18. 9082. b. 8. Morrison (M. A.) Sidelights on Germany : studies on German life and character during the Great War, based on the enemy press, pp. 150. Hodder dj Stoughton, 191 8. 9082. a. 16. Pyke (E. L.) Desperate Germany, pp. 300. Hodder dh Stoughton, 19 18. 08027. g. 21. Brailsford (H. N.) Across the Blockade. Travels in enemy Eiu-ope. pp. 157. Allen dh Vnwin, 1919. 9083. a. 43. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. w Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works. — Germany — continwd. RiCHTER (L.) Family Life in Germany under the Blockade, pp. 59. National Labour Press, 19 19. 9083. a. 51. Cook {Sir T. A.) Kultur and Catastrophe. pp. 131. J. Murray, 19 15. 08027. a. 89. MuiRHEAD (J. H.) German Philosophy and the War. i^p. 26. 1915- [Oxford Pamphlets.'] W.P. 2(i05/56. German Philosophy in relation to the War. pp. 110. J. Murray, 1915. 08462. ee. 11. PowYS (J. C.) The Menace of German Culture. pp. 127. Rider eHia BoenHaro BpeMemi. CSnpniiKb 3aK0- noBT), MaHn*ecTOBi, yKasoBi, iiiiCTpyKUlii 11 pac- nopaibeniii MnHiicipoBi, najaHUbixi) bo BpeMa BOiiFibi C'b repManieii, ABcrpo-Bcnrpieii u Typuieii. pp. 728. 191 5. W.P. 3693. GuRKo (V.) Memories and Impressions of War and Revolution in Russia, 1914-1917. pp. 347. J. Murray, 1918. 9081. g. 14. Merry (W. M.) Two Months in Russia, 1914. pp. 202. Oxford, 1916. 9081. de. 33. Gerlixg (R.) Russische Grausamkeit in KriegfiJhrung, Sitten-, Familien- und Rechts- leben. pp. 80. Oranienburg, 1914. 10292. bbb. 13. La>-son (G.) Culture allemande, humanite russe. pp.32. 1915. 08027. aa. 35. LuTOSLAWSKA (S.) De la Guerra. Cronicas de Polonia y Rusia. Primera serie. jjp. 344. Madrid,\gi6. 9084. ee. 8. KixG (H. S.) Russia during the War. pp. 57. P. S. King, 1919. 8095. de. 49. Graham (S.) Russia in 1916. pp. 179. Cassell, 191 7. 10292. bbb. 14. Herriot (E.) L'effort russe. pp. 29. 191 6. [UHommage Jranc^ais.l W.P. 4141/9. Rivet (C.) La Russia telle qu'elle est. Causes de faiblesse et gages de force. pjD. 72. 1916. 10292. g. 30. Andreev (L. N.) Le Joug de la Guerre. pp. 150. 191 7. 010795. aaa. 6. Pollock (F. J.) War and Revolution in Russia : sketches and studies, pp. 280. Constable, 1918. 9455. bbb. 36, KuRLOv (A. A.) Das Ende des russischen Kaisertums. Personliche Erinnerungen. pp. 367. Berlin, 1920. 9454. c. 31. Buchanan (M.) Petrograd, the city of trouble, 1914-1918. pp. 262. W. Collins, 1918. 09083. bb. 18. Serbi a. LiPTON {Sir T. J.) Bart. The Terrible Truth about Serbia, pp. 23. British Red Cross Society, 1915. 9082. f. 27. Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works. — Serbia — i-iii(tiiiii(-il. Watson (R. W. S.) The Spirit of the Serb, pp. 31. yisbet, 191 5. 08026. b. 10. New York. Rockefeller Foundation. Relief of suffering non-combatants in Europe. Destitu- tion and disease in Serbia, pp. 24. N.Y., 1915. 08248. h. 19. LoRiN (H.) L'heroique Serbie. pp. 31. 1915. [Pages actiielles.] W.P. 2825/6. Barby (H.) L'Epopee Serbe. L'agonie d'un peuple. pp.226. 1916. 9081. de. 24. Ghentchitch (G. A.) Un cri de detresse de la Serbie afifamee. pp. 32. 191 6. 09082. a. 39. Labbe (P.) L'efiort serbe. pp. 32. 19 16. [U Hommage franrais.'] W.P. 4141/6. Farnam (R. S.) A Nation at Baj'. What an American Avoman saw and did in suffering Serbia, pp. 229. Indianapolis, 1918. 09082. d. 18. Spain. Madsack (P.) Vae Victis : meine Erlebnisse in Spanien wahrend des Weltkrieges. pj). 268. Leipzig, 191 8. 09083. bb. 29. Urbina (L. G.) Estampas de viaje. Esxwfia en los dias de la guerra. pp. 303. Madrid, 1920. 10162. cc. 22. Tapia (L. de) Uu Mes en Paris, un dia en Reims, ima hora en Madrid, j^p. 157. Madrid, 1919. 012350. df. 80. Sweden. Murray (G. G. A.) Impressions of Scandinavia in War Time. xT- 32. Fisher Unwin, 1916. 08027. aa. 72. S"witzerlan.d. VoGT (W.) La Suisse allemande au debut de la Guerre de 1914. pp. 162. 1915. 08027. a. 88. Earle (M. R.) a Backwater of War : being letters from Switzerland, Sej)tember to December 1914. pp. 126. Headley Bros., 1915. 010905. ee. 3. PoGGi (H.) L'opinion jjublique en Suisse : idees et impressions d'un neutre. pp. 32. 1915, 08027. aa. 33. Spangberg (V.) Hur kriget verkat. Intryck fran en resa i Schweiz hosten 1915. pp. 95. Stockholm, 19 15. 9082. bb. 25. Turkey. Dendrino (G.) Bosporus und Dardanellen : eine volkerrechthche Abhandlung. pp. 233. Berlin, 1915. 6916. f. 8. KuNKE (M.) Die Kapitulationen der Tiirkei, deren Aufhebung und die neuen deutsoh- tiirkischen Rechtsvertrage. pj). 182. Miinchen, 19 18. 06955. f. 35. Greece. '"'Cirovpynov rwv 'E|coT6piK(Uj/. Persecutions of the Greek Population in Turkey since the beginning of the European War. pp.46. Constable, i()i%. 9136. h. 32. Har Forty -four Months in Germany and Turkey, February 1915 to October 1918. pp. 103. P. S. King, 1920. 09083. a. 37. AuLNEAU (J.) La Turquie et la Guerre. pp. 346. 1915. 9136. b. 29. Tedeschi (E. C.) La Turchia in guerra. pp. 133. Milano, 19 15. 9082. gg. 27. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. Ii9 Political and Social History. — Social History. — General Works. — Turkey — continitccl. Kettner (H.) Xum Goldeaeu Tor zum Ciol- denen Horn und nach Bagdad, pp. 121. Berlin, igij. 9082. aa. 15. Edwards (E.) Journal d'un habitant de Con- stantinople, 1914-1915. pp. 252. 1915. 9082. gg. 39. Stuermer (H.) Zwei Kriegsjahre in Konstan- tinojiel. pp. 2G2. Liusanne, 1917. 09084. aa. 12. Two War Years in Constantinople. pp. 308. Hodder d- Sloughton, 191 7. 09083. c. 22. Ukraine. LiMBACH (H.) Ukrainische Schreckenstage. Erinnerungen eines Schweizers. pp. 127. Bern, 1919. 9083. aaa. 20, Jews. Seoel (B.) Der Weltkrieg und das Schicksal des jiidisclien ^'olkes. pp. 144. Berlin, 1915. 4034. li. 62. Bernstein (E.) Die Aufgaben der Juden im Weltkriege. pp. 52. Berlin, 19 17. 04034. g. 63. Tannenbaum (E.) Kriegsbriefe deutscher und dsterreichischer Juden. pp. 185. Berlin, 1915. 9083. de. 2. Wilkinson (S. H.) The Polish- Jewish Tragedy. pp. 19. Morgan d; Scott, 19 15. 4034. h. 63. Jahrblum ( ) Les Juifs russes et la guerre. pp. 70. 1 915. 8095. de. 33. New York. American Jewish Committee. The Jews in the Eastern War Zone. pp. 120. N.Y., 19 1 6. 08027. ee. 70. Asia. Bellessort (A.) Un Fran9ais en Extreme- Orient au debut de la Guerre, pp. 208. 1918. 9083. bbb. 17. Preyer (T.) Von New York nach Jerusalem und in die Wiiste. pp. 230. Berlin, 1916. 9084. e. 15. Griselle (E.) Syriens et Chaldeens : leur martyre, leurs esperances. ])]}. 108. 191 7. [Pages actiielles.] W.P. 282.5/115, 116. FiNLEY (J. H.) A Pilgrim in Palestine after its Deliverance, pp. 251. Chapman EuROPA, Dame. The New Fight at Dame Europa's School, pp. 48. Sitnpkin, Marshall, 19 16. 08027. d. 85. Macintosh (D.) Our Allies' A B C War Book. Harrison A: So)is, 1916. 4\ 11650. 1. 56. 1 Scott (J. W. R.) The Ignoble Warrior : a col- lection of facts for the study of the origin and conduct of the War. Eng. & Jap. 2 pt. Tokyo, 1916. 4°. 9083. g. 28. | Artemas. The Book of Artemas. Concerning. I the time when there was War. 2 pt. \ Westall & Co., 1917, 18. 012330. ee. 36, 37. [ Beuttlee (E. G. 0.) The Merry Marmers : j humorous naval sketches, pp. 40. United Newspapers, 19 17. 4". 12315. 1. 38. Philpot (G.) Die HohenzoUerndammerimg. Ger. & Eng. pp. 59. Palmer & Hayward, 191 ■]. fol. 1875. a. 37. Kartoffel (von) Baron. The Germans in Cork, pp.112. Dublin, 1917- 012331. m. 43. Pepys (Samuel) Jtmior, pseud. A Diary of the Great War. pp. 316. J. Lane, 1916. 012352. de. 26. A Second Diary of the Great Warr, from Jan'-, 1916, to June, 1917. pp. 304. J.Lane, 1917. 012352. de. 49. A Last Diary of the Great War. pp. 307. J. Lane, 1919. 012352. de. 55. TiN-TuMMi. Tin-Tummi, or the Prehistoric War. pp.92. Business Newspapers, igi-j. 08027. df. 40. Blatchford (R.) General von Sneak, pp. 179. Hodder & Slo%ighton, 1918. 08027. df. 86. Hilton (0.) The Book of Emmatoc. Liverpool, 1919. 012330. ee. 46. Lie Book. Lie Book : Lies withm Lies. pp. 39. War Narratives Publishing Co., 1919. 12316. f. 14. Flores (R.) Encore des Boches ! pp. 15. 1915. fol. 12314. 1. 17. Robinet (J.) Garnet de route du soldat Fritz Bosch, pp. 48. 1915. obi. fol. 12314. df. 57. Prax (M.) Petit Manuel de Guerre, pp. 241. 1917. 12316. t. 27. European War, 1914. A.ibsiaHaxi Boiina. pp. 171. MocKea, 19 14. 12350. tt. 20. MacCann (R. M.) The Fable of the Stuffed Lion. Eng. & Ger. N.Y.,1915. obl.S". 9083. df. 2. S,, J. C. Le " Boschmannschucrutimdkakaf resser- deutschkolossalkulturdestruktorkathedralibus- undkinden." Les Allemands juges par les humoristes americains. pp. 63. 19 15. 12330. g. 36. Bacheller (I.) Keeping up with WiUiam. pp. 114. Indianapolis, 1918. 12330. ppp. 38. BucHNER (E.) Kriegshumor. 2 Tl. 19 14, 15. [Langens Kriegsbucher.] 012552. i. 24/2. Political and Social History. — Arts and Literature. — Satires, Facetiae, etc. — continued. European War. Bunte Kriegsbilderbogen. Berli7i, 19 14. fol. 1852. e. 23. Die Liigen-Nachrichten unserer Feinde I Bestes deutsches Abort-Papier. Berlin, 1914. N.L. Tab. 1. c. 2. HiLLMANN (F.) Kriegs-Urkunden. Parodien. pp.32. Warendorf, 1914. 11528. dd. 9. Markolf (T.) Deutscher Kriegshumor. Bdchn. 1, 2. Koln, 1914, 15. 012314. g. 67. P.P. Berlin. Der Brummer : lustige Kriegs- blatter. Berlin, 1914, etc. fol. P.P. 9038. be. Kriegszeit. Kunstlerflugblatter. Berlin, 1914, etc. fol. P.P. 9038. bf. Lustige Blatter. Kriegsnummer. Berlin, 1914, etc. 4°. _ P.P. 4736. hi. P.P. Munich. Kriegsflugblatter des Simpli- cissimus. Munchen, 1914, etc. fol. P.P. 9039. Tornister-Humor. Tornister-Humor fvir Aug und Ohr. pp. 63. Berlin, 1914. 12314. e. 64. Ettlinger (C.) Lausikoff liigt welter. Der Herren Grandebouche, Lausikoff, Plumpud- ding, neueste Kriegsberichte. pp. 119. Munchen, 1915. 12330. p. 25. Feldgrauer. Brummer aus dem grossen Weltkriege. pp. 154. Berlin, 19x5. 12314. aaaa. 51. Kellermann (H.) Deutsche Kriegsschwanke. jjp. 159. Weimar, 1915. 012354. ee. 58. Lagerfeuer. Am Lagerfeuer. 47 pt. Paderborn, 1915-16. 9081. eee. 11. Mauprat ( ). Kultur et Teutonnerie. pp.31. 1915. obi. 8°. 12316. pp. 18. MoRELL (H.) Europas Struwwelpeter. pp. 94. Magdeburg, 1915. 011528. m. 71. OiiSZE\vsKi (C. E.) Der Kriegs-Struwwelpeter ; lustige Bilder und Verse, ff. 24. Munchen, 1915. 4°. 11527. h. 9. Petersson (E.) Die Hindeuburgstrasse. Hu- moristische Skizzen aus dem Weltkriege 1914/15. pp. 150. Leipzig, 1915. 12330. s. 6. Schiller (F.) Vom Lachen und Laeheln im Kriege. pp. 61. Wien, 19 15. 012331. k. 44. (2.) Stahl (E.) Deutsches Kriegs A — B^C. Munchen, 19 15. 12315. f. 49. Wussow (O. E. von) Humor im Felde. pp. 107. Stuttgart, 1915. 12330. tt. 25. P.P. Lille. LiUer Kriegszeitung. Das lustige Buechel der Liller Kriegszeitung. 3 pt. Lille, 1916-17. 16°. 012330. ee. 48. Verse. British Empire. European War. A collection of Poems on the European War by various ■nTiters. 19 14, etc. Tab. 11748. aa. 3. Foster (A. E. M.) Lord God of Battles : a War Anthology, pp. 79. Cope Stoughton, 19 18. 04376. e. 77. Machen (A.) War and the Christian Faith. l)p. 62. SkeJJington d- Son, 19 18. 12''. 4017. dg. 19. Mackintosh (D. C.) God in a World at War. l)p. 59. Allen dk Unwin, 1918. 04376. f. 68. Ifis EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. Political and Social History-— The War and Religion. — General Works— ro^fc?. Mackenzie (W. D.) Christian Ethics in the World War. pp. 199. A. Melrose, 1918. 4016. de. 6. Xewton (J. F.) The Sword of the Spirit. Britain and America in the Great War. pp. 246. Nisbet res. pp. 181. 191 7. 16°. 012357. de. 37. General and Miscellaneous Works, — France — cmifinued. Faure (E.) La yainte Face. pp. 335. 19 17. 012352. e. 44. Gasquet (J.) Les Bienfaits de la Guerre. pp. 287. 1 91 7. 08027. df. 67. GouRMONT (R. de) Pendant la Guerre. Lettres pour I'Argentine. pp.268. 1917. 08027. df. 90. Hamon (A. F.) Les Lemons de la guerre mondiale. pp. 365 191 7. 08027. b. 96. Lessons of the World- War. pp. 438. Fisher Unwin, 1918. 08027. aaa. 132. Herriot (E.) Agir. pp. 471. 191 7. 08027. e. 16. JoNEsco (M.) Eux. pp. 78. 191 7. 16°. 9082. df. 51. LoTE (R.) Les Le9ons intellectuelles de la Guerre, pp. 199. 191 7. 08027. e. 35. Malleterre. (P. M. G.) Etudes et impressions de guerre. 5 ser. 1917-19. 09083. cc. 1. Spire (A.) Les Juifs et la Guerre, pp. 281. 1 91 7. 04034. eee. 76. Wampach (G.) Ce qu'ils disent. pp. 327. 191 7. 08027. df. 45. Albert Honore Charles, Prince of Monaco. La guerre allemande et la conscience univer- selle. pp. 170. 19 18. 08027. g. 42. Clemenceau (G. E. B.) Allez, enfants de la patrie ! pp. 14. 1918. 4°. L.R. 28. c. 15. Daudet (L. a.) La Guerre totale. pp. 251. 19 1 8. 8027. aa. 42. Graux (L.) Les Fausses Nouvelles de la Grande Guerre. 7 torn. 1918-20. 9084. ee. 4. Le Goffic (C.) La Guerre qui passe, pp. 383. 1918. 012350. ff. 3. MiLLERAND (A.) La Gucrre liberatrice. pp. 160. 191 8. 08027. e. 44. Gaultier (P.) Lemons morales de la guerre. pp. 255. 1919. 08408. e. 6. Hubert (R.) Les interpretations de la Guerre. pp. 322. 1919. 8425. tt. 15. Adam (J.) La Vie des Ames. pji. 268. 191 9. 012354. e. 72. Rolland (R.) Les Precurseurs. pp. 226. 1919. 08027. ee. 65. The Forerunners, pp. 215. Allen di Unwin, 1920. 08028. e. 40. Seche (A.) Les Guerres d'Enfer. pp. 302. 1919. 8425. ppp. 59. Tardieu (A.) L'Amerique en armes. pp. 320. 1919. 9083. bb. 31. Terrail (G.) Fragments d'histoire. 1914-19. 1919, etc. W.P. 6275. Barbusse (H.) Paroles d'un combattant. pp. 238. 1920. 08027. e. 82. Ferry (A.) La Guerre — vue d"en bas et d'en haut. pp. 328. 1920. 09084. aa. 17. Germany. Ephemerides. Der deutsche Kriegskalender fiir das Jahr 1915. pp. 99. Oldenburg i Gr., 1914. 9083. e. 12. Kriegs-Almanach, 1915. pp. 245. Leipzig, 1914. P.P. 2443. sb. European War. Die Machte des Weltkrieges. Heft 1-5. Berlin, 19 14, 15. 08027. f. 46. Siemens (0.) Wie lange kann der Krieg dauem ? pp. 48. Leipzig, 1914. 08027. aaa. 13. (3.) EucKEN (R.) Die sittUchen Krafte des Krieges. pp. 8. Leipzig, 1914. 8425. p. 2o. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. 179 General and Miscellaneous Works. — Germany — continued. VoLKMANN (L.) Von del' Wcltkultur zuiu A\'elt- krieg. pp. 20. Leipzig, 1914- 08027. b. 49. (7.) Wehrmann (A.) Deutsche Aufsiitze iiber den Weltkrieg. pp. 90. Leipzig, 1914- 9082. ff. IG. DcHR (B.) Der Liigengeist im Volkerkiieg. ])p. 72. Miuichen, 1915. 16". 9082. df. 7. EUKOPEAK War. Deutsche Kriegsschriften. 29 Hefte. Bonn, 1915-18. 08028. f. 14. FiNKBEiNER (E.) Dcr Kultuisinn des Welt- krieges. pp. 48. Tubingen, 191s- 08027. c. 17. (G.) EiXKE (H.) Der Gedanke des gerechten and heiligen Krieges in Gegenwart und Vergangen- heit. pj). 35. Freiburg i. B., 1915. 8410. 1. 27. (3.) Fischer (S.) Fischers Jahrbiicher. 2 pt. Berlin, 1915, 16. P.P. 4G06. ob. German Addresses. Deutsche Reden in schwerer Zeit. 2 Bd. Berlin, 19 15. 012301. f. Gl. GoMPERZ (H.) Philosophic des Krieges in Umrissen. pp. 252. 1915. [Perthes' Schriften zum Weltk-rieg.] W.P. 438/9. HocHE (A.) Krieg und Seelenleben. pp. 35. Freiburg i. B., 1915. 8410. 1. 27. (4.) HocHSCHULPROFESSOR. Zur Philosophic des Krieges. pp. 28. Frankfurt a. M., 1915. 8425. g. 52. Kellerman.v (H.) Der Krieg der Geister. pp. 495. Weimar, 1915. 08027. a. 80. Kraft (U.) Selbsterziehung zum Tod fiirs Vaterland. pp. 74. Leipzig, 1915. 010705. ee. 42. Kronfeld (E. M.) Der Krieg im Abergiauben und Volksglauben. pp. 2G9. Miinchen, 1915. 8631. ff. 16. Mueller (J.) Reden iiber den Krieg. Heft 1-5. Miinchen, 1915, 16. 8425. v. 4. Mueller (J. H.) 30 Entwiirfe zu Kricgsvor- tragen fiir Kriegs-, Gemcinde-, und Vcreins- abende jeder Art. pp. 135. Giitersloh, 191=;. 08027. aa. 26. (2^ Salomon (W.) Kriegs-Geologie. pp. 16. Heidelberg, 1915. 7109. b. 50. Schmidt (F. J.) Das heilige Vermiichtnis unserer gefallenen Helden. pp. 16. 1915. [Deutsche Reden in schxcerer Zeit.] 012301. ee. 28/31. Schultze (E.) Die Mobilmachung der Seelen. pp. 104. Bonn, 191 ^. [Deutsche Kriegs- schriften.] " 08028. f. 14/16. Spectator. Wer bleibt Sieger im Weltkrieg ? Recklinghausen, 1915. 08027. bb. 8. Spethmanx (H.) and Scheu (E.) Kriegsgeo- graphische Zeitbilder. Land und Leute der Kriegsschaupliitze. Hefte 1-8. Leijizig, 191 5. 10005. dd. 18. Stern (W.) Jugendliches Seelenleben und Krieg. pp. 181. 1915. [Zeitschrift fiir ange- wandle Psifchologie. Beiheft 12.] P.P. 1253. be. TiTius (A.) Unser Krieg. Ethische Betracht- ungen. pp. 84. Tubingen, 1915. 08027. a. 90. Traub (G.) Aus der Waffenschmiede. pp. 125. Stuttgart, 1915., 9082. ff. 7. Velhagen vnd Klasing. Kriegsalmanach. pp. 160. Berlin, 1915. P.P. 2443. sa. General and. Miscellaneous Works. — Germany — rout in tied. Waldeyer (W.) Die im Weltkriege stehen- den Volker in anthropologischer Betrachtung. pp. 36. 1915. [Deutsche Reden in schwerer Zeit.] W.P. 3626/32. Zanzinger (E.) Der Volkerkrieg als Erlebnis und Notwendigkcit auf Grundlage der liein- karnation. pp. 44. Miinchen, 1915. 8425. g. 56. Zimmermann (E.) Meine Kriegsfahrt von Kamerun zur Heimat. pp. 231. Berlin, 1915. 12". 9084. e. 25. Bethmann-Hollweg (T. T. F. A. von) Sechs Kriegsreden. pp. 95. Berlin, 19 16. 08028. e. 27. Fischer (H.) Kriegsgeographie. pp. 187. Bielefeld, 191 6. 10003. pp. 8. Gedult von Jungenfeld (E.) Baron. Aus den Urvvaldern Paraguays zur Fahne. pp. 232. Berlin, 1916. 9084. e. 20. German Words. Deutsche Worte. [A collec- tion of utterances from German sources on the European War.] pp. 175. Paris, 1916. 08027. aaa. 87. Grabein (P.) Hinter der eisernen Maske. Bhcke ins Antlitz des Krieges. pp. 206. Leipzig, 19x6. 9083. ee. 27. Herre (P.) Geschichtliche Schlaglichter auf den Weltkrieg. pp. 147. Bielefeld, 1916. 9084. de. 7. Hirschfeld (M.) Kriegspsychologisches. pp. 32. Bonn, 1916. 08028. f. 47. KiRSCH (M.) Fremdenlegionar Kirsch. Eine abenteuerliche Fahrt von Kamerun in den Kriegsjahren 1914/15. pp. 180. Berlin, 1916. 09083. a. 33. Meyer (E.) Weltgeschichte und Weltkrieg. Gesammelte Aufsatze. pp. 189. Stuttgart, 1916. 09004. c. 13. PiNTHUS (C.) Deutsche Kriegsreden. Heraus- gegeben und eingeleitet von K. Pinthus. pp.451. Miinchen, ic)i6. 12301. dd. 36. Wagner (L.) Der Volkerhass : ein Kultur- und Sittenspiegel der Volker im Kriege. pp. 193. Esslingen a. N., igi6. 08027. ee. 61. Ziehen (T.) Die Psychologic grosser Heer- fiihrer. Der Krieg und die Gedanken der Philo- sophen und Dichter vom ewigen Frieden. Zwei Vortrage. pp. 94. Leipzig, 19 16. 08027. i. 17. DuEWELL (W.) Vom inneren Gesicht des Krieges. Beitrage zur Psychologic und Sozio- logie des Krieges. pj). 155. Jena, 191 7. 09082. cc. 58. Engelhardt (B.) Von den Kordillercn zur deutschen Front. Erlebnisse eines jungen Seemanns. pp. 80. Berlin, 191 7. 010704. de. 6. Grabinski (B.) Das tjbersinnliche im Welt- kriege. pp. 190. Hildesheim, 191 7. 8633. f. 7. Hardt (F. B.) Kulturdokumente zum Welt- krieg. Bd. I. Miinchen, 1917. 4°. 9085. ff. 7. Helfferich (C.) Reden und Aufsatze aus dem Kriege. pp. 344. Berlin. 1917. 08027. ff. 13. Palatinus. Die Staaten und dcr Krieg. Heft 1. Miinchen, 191 7. 08028. h. 47. Peters (C.) Zum Weltkrieg. pp. 237. Hamburg, 1917. 08027. aaa. 127. Presber (R.) Xotizen am Rande des Welt- krieges. pp. 202. Stuttgart, 19 17. 08027. e. 62. N 2 180 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914-1918. General and Miscellaneous "Works. — Germany — niiiiiiiuiil. Strksemaxx (G.) Cliche! liorch. der Seewind pfeift ! Kriegsbetrachtungcn. pp. 164. Berlin, 1917. 08027. aaa. 134. Thissen (0.) Der Kaiser im Weltkriege : .Schilderungcn, CJedichte, Kaiserworte. pp. 208. Koln, 1 91 7. 09082. aaa. 11. Bexeckendokff und Hindenburg (P. L. H. A. von) Goldene AVorte Hindenburgs. Aus- spriiche iind Kundgebungen. pp. 75. Berlin, 1918. 012305. g. 49. • Hindenburg-Worte. Briefe, Drahtungen, Reden und Gesprache. pp. 131. Miinchen, 1918. 08027. g. 47. BuDDECKE (A.) Rufer im Strait, pp. 135. Leipzig, 19 18. 08027. i. 34. Fischer (P. B.) and Zuehlke (P.) Deutsch- land und der Weltkrieg. Tatsachen und Zahlen aus drei Kriegsjahren, 1914-1917. pp. 117. Leipzig, 191 8. 9083. aaa. 3. Freytag-Lorincjhoven (H. F. P. J. von) Baron. Deductions from the World War. pp. 176. Constable, 191 8. 09082. bbb. 29. GiESE (F.) Der Krieg und die komplementare Kulturpsychologie. pp. 70. Langensalza, 191 8. [Neudrucke zttr Psychohgie.] W.P. 4952/3. MuEHLON (W.) Dr. Muehlon's Diary : notes written early in the war. p]). 247. Cassell (t- Co., 1918. 09082. b. 25. WiTTiG (K.) Die ethisch minderwertigen Jugendlichen und der Krieg. pp. 70. Langensalza, 19 18. [Neudruckezur Psychologie.] W.P. 4952/3. Bethmann-Hollweg (T. T. F. A. von) Beth- mann Hollwegs Kriegsreden. pp. 274. Stuttgart, 191 9. 08028. f. 59. Betrachtungen zum \\'eltkriege. Berlin, 19 19, etc. W.P. 5864. FiNKE (H.) Unseren Gefallenen zum Gedachtnis. pp. 42. Freiburg i. B., 1919. 4°. 9082. dd. 40. Gegenseite. Die Gegenseite. Stimmen des Auslandes zu Krieg und Frieden. Heft i. pp.96. Berliv, igig. 9084. df. 15. Unruh (F. von) Opfergang. pp. 203. Berlin, 1919. 012331. m. 79. ScHOLZ (L.) Seelenleben des Soldaten an der Front, pp. 242. Tubingen, 1920. 08463. de. 26. Italy. Ruiz (D.) La Guerra d' oggi eonsiderata come una delle belle arti. pp. 81. Rocca S. Casciano, 19 14. 8425. p. 6. Gatti (P.) La Guerra e gli ideali della vita. pp. 69. Milano, 1918. 8425. ppp. 54. CiAPETTi (N.) Dalla Guerra alia pace, 1914- 1919. pp. 142. Rocca San Casciano, 1919. 08027. i. 53. Forsuggini Santamaria (E.) La mia guerra. pp. 192. Roma, 19 19. 09083. bb. 62. Galletti (A.) Previsioni e illusioni. Note in margine alia guerra europea. pp. 300. Bologna, 1920. 9081. b. 5. Netherlands. LiNTUM (C. te) Geographische Schetsen van Oorlogstooneelen. pp.41. Zutphen, igi6. 9083. f. 22. Ravesteyn (W. van) Wereldoorlog. pp.286. Zutphen, 1916. 08027. -e. 38. General and Miscellaneous "Works. — Netherlands — continual. Leeuw-Laxgxese (H. J. van der) Nadeel- beperking der oorlogsgevolgen. 4 pt. Rotterdam, 191 7. 8425. w. 8. Portugal. Mello Vianxa (J. de) Em Tempo de Guerra : 1914-1915. i)p. 251. Lisboa, igi6. 9083. h. 8. Lisbon. Bureau da Imprensa Britanica em Lisboa. Serie de notas sobre a guerra. no. 1-34. Lisboa, 191 7. 09083. aa. 40. Russia and Poland. Dni. Bi. :>tii ,u"i : .iiiTepuTypiio-xy.ioiHecTBeiinbiii a.ibManaxTj. pp. 192. Moci;ea, 191 5. 12350. tt. 19. Moraavska (]M.) Mbi noMiiiiMT. ITo.iLUjy. .Iniepa- TypHo-xyjOrKecTBennbiii cOopniiKii noji pe^aKuieii M. MopaBCKOii. pp. 189. Ilmip., 1915. 012352. f. 4. Rakhmanova (L. Yu.) and Rumanov (A. V.) Bt. rojT. BOiiHbi : cSopniiKi. ApiiiCTT. co.i^aTy. no.iT. pejaKuieii .1. K). PaxManoBoii 11 A. B. PvMa- HOBa. pp. 284. nt., 1915. 12350. tt. 18. Russia. Pyccicoe Ooui.ccmeo unjiieniiieepeilcixOii 3ICU3HU. il\im. .InTeparypnuii cOopHiiKb noji pejaKuieii .1. AiijpeeBa, M. ropbKaio 11 0. Co.ioryoa. pp.256. .Won.-«ff, 1916. 8095. gg. 1. Spain. Ruiz (P. 31.) La Guen-a. Consideraciones y datos. pp. S2. 1 9 14. 08027. e. 25. Maeztu (R. de) Authority, Liberty and Func- tion in the light of the War. pp. 288. Allen d: Vnwin, 1916. 8006. k. 9. Melgar (F.) En Desagravio. La Guerra Alemana. pp. 62. Barcelona, 1916. 08027. bb. 40. Insua (A.) Nuevas Paginas de la Guerra. pp.288. Madrid, igiT. 09083. bb. 33. Sweden. Steffen (G. F.) Krig och kultur. 2 dlr. Stockholm, 1914. 08027. d. 7. Krieg und Kultur. pp. 204. Jena, 1915. 08027. b. 21. Weltkrieg und Imperialismus. pp. 254. Jena, 1915. 08027. b. 48. Aurelius (B.) Reflexer fran varldsbranden. Erinringar och anteokningar. jip. 172. Lund, 1916. 9082. cc. 23. Ebur (0.) Rymmer logiken varldskriget ? En " utredning." jjp. 45. Stockholm, igi-j. 08027. i. 63. Nerman (T.) Folkhatet. En x'arldskrigsstudie. pp. 334. Stockholm, 19 18. 08027. f. 68. Sxvitzerland. Ragaz (L.) t'ber den Sinn des Krieges. pp.48. Zurich, 1915. 08027. bb. 4. (5.) DuPiN (G.) La Guerre infernale. pp. 304. Geneve, 1916. 012350. de. 46. HiNRicHSEN (0.) Die Kriegspychose bei den kampfenden Volkem. pp. 48. Basel, 191 7. 07660. g. 22. Levy (0.) Kriegsaphorismen fur Europaer oder seiche, die es werden wollen. pp. 104. Bern, 1917. 16^ 08027. de. 22." NiPPOLD (O.) Durch Wahrheit zum Recht. pp. 222. Bern, 1919. 08027. bb. 68. Heise (C.) Entente-Freimaurerei und Welt- krieg. pp. 408. Basel, 1920. 08028. i. 19. EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. 181 General and Miscellaneous Works — ciiittinwd. United States of America. Blakeslee (CJ. H.) The Problems and i^essons of the War. pp.381. iV.F., 191 6. 08027. h. 74. Jefferson (C. E.) What the War is teaching. pp.218. X.Y., 1916. 8425. t. 15. ScHCLTE (P. F.) Protest against the Cruel War. pp.45. Cedar Rapids, 1916. 8425. tt. 11. Sweetser (A.) Roadside Glimpses of the Great War. pp.272. .¥.}'., 1916. 09070. ff. 4G. Lodge (H. C.) War Addresses, 1915-1917. PI). 303. Boston, 1917. 08175. d. 21. Ac. Chicago. University of Chicago. The Uni- versity of Chicago War Papers. 8 nos. Chicago, 1918. R. Ac. 2G91. d/23. Chapple (J. M.) " We"ll Stick to the Finish ! " People and places visited in the War Zones. pp. 303. Boston, 1918. 9081. g. 0. CoAR (J. F.) Democracy and the War. pp. 129. N.Y., 1918. 08027. g. 1. Griggs (E. H.) The Soul of Democracy : the I^hilosophy of the world war. jip. 158. .V.y., 1918. 8425. t. 24. Perry (R. B.) The Present Conflict of Ideals. pp. 549. K.Y., 1918. 08462. h. 43. C'axby (H. S.) Education by Molence. Essays on the War and the Future, pp. 233. N.Y., 1 91 9. 012350. g. 5. De Bunsen (V.) The War and Men's Minds. pp. 185. J. Lane, 1919. 4016. de. 4. Thayer (W. R.) Volleys from a Non-Combat- ant. pp. 322. Curtis Brown, 1919. 08027. bb. 57. Folks (H.) The Human Costs of the War. pp. 325.. X.Y., 1920. 09083. bb. 58. v.— PEACE AND RECONSTRUCTION. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS AND PROSPECTS. English Works. Dickinson (G. L.) Documents and Statements relating to Peace Proposals &: War Aims, December 1916 — November 1918. pp. 259. Allen cfc Unwin, 1919. 08027. f. 57. ]\Iez (J.) Peace Literature of the War. Material for the study of international polity, pp. 23. 1 91 6. \^Association for International Conciliation. Publications.] 8022. aa. Kirkpatrick (J.) War Studies. Peace Mith honour, pp. 32. A. db C. Black, 19 14. 08027. a. 43. Maclagan (0. F.) War abolished : the only way to achieve this and to end the present war. pp. 24. Johnson, Riddle <£■ Co., 1914. 8425. ee. 32. War. From War to Peace Pamphlets. 6 nos. Ki7ig d; Son. 19 14, 15. 08028. df. 22. Allen (J. W.) The Danger of Peace, pp. 37. G. Bell db Sons, 1915. 08027. d. 17. BuTTFiELD (.J. W.) The Xext Peace, pp. 8. 1915. 8610. d. 11. Buxton (C. R.) Towards a Lasting Settlement. pp. 216. G. Allen, 19 15. 842.5. p. 28. CoxJLTON (G. G.) Pacifist Illusions : a criticism of the Union of Democratic Control, pp. 103. Cambridge, 1915. 8138. ee. 24. Peace and Reconstruction. — Peace Negotiations and Prospects. -English Works — rant ill nril. Eliot ((;. W.) The Road towards Peace, pp. 228. Constable, 19 15. 08027. aa. 8. England. National Peace Council. A Letter to all who desire the establishment of a lasting peace, pp. 7. Westminster, 1915. 4^. 8425. i. 60. Fayle (C. E.) The Great Settlement, pp. 309. J. Murray, 1915. 08027. d. 11. Gray (A.) The Upright Sheaf : (Jermany's intentions after the War. pp. 76. Methuen, 1915. 08027. aaa. 10. (I.) Hannah (I. C.) Arms and the Map. A study of nationalities and frontiers, pp. 261. Fisher Unwin, 1915. 08027. a. 95. Heitland (W. a.) If we win — a search for a path to stable peace, pp. 16. Cambridge, 1915. 08027. b. 14. Innes (C. E.) Britain's Great Opportunity to kill militarism and to secure permanent peace. pp. 15. Birmingham, 1915. 08027. aaa. 11. Moody (R. A.) Ending the War. pp. 10. Glasgow, 1915. 08027. b. 39. T., 0. B. I. The Great War. A plan for peace. pp. 63. Salmond d: Co., 1915. 12°. 08027. d. 22. Wilson (A. J.) No Deluding Peace, pp. 88. Investors' Review, 19 15. 08027. aaa. 31. Wood (J. L.) The Greatest Tragedy in History. How to end the War. jip. 28. Marshall Bros., 1915. 04376. f. 31. Allied Peace. An Allied Peace. An unofficial forecast of the Terms, pp. 30. New Statesman, 191 6. 08027. aaa. 98. Basis. The Basis for a Just Peace : some practical considerations. Tunbridge Wells, 19 16. 08027. b. 88. Buxton (C. R.) A Practical, Permanent, and Honourable Settlement of the War. pp. 21. National Labour Press, 191 6. 08027. aaa. 56. Carpenter (E.) Never Again ! A protest and a warning addressed to the peo2)les of Europe, pp. 24. Allen d- Unwin, 1916. 08027. aaa. 77. Chesterton (C. E.) The Perils of Peace, pp. 239. Werner Laurie, 19 16. 08027. aa. 83. CuRZON (G. N.) Earl Curzon. Germany's Move and Britain's Answer, pp. 18. Hayman d- Co., 1916. 08027. f. 82. Davis (R. J.) America's View of the Sequel. pp. 155. Headley Bros., 1916. 08027. df. 5. DuNLor (H.) The Supreme Will, or, the danger of a premature peace, pp. 191. The Hague, 1916. 08027. bb. 22. Elder (T. C.) The coming crash of Peace and Britain's Mechanical Renaissance, pp. 149. Simpkin, Marshall, 19 16. 08226. ee. 36. Ford (P. J.) Quarantining Germany : a com- mon sense precaution, pp. 16. Glasgow, 19 16. 08027. f. 9. GoscHEN (Sir W. E.) The One Condition of Peace, pp. 6. J. Truscott, 1916. 08028. h. 25. Maclagan (O. F.) How to End the War quickly. pp. 20. Letchworth, 1916. 08027. aaa. 85. Phillipson (C.) Termination of War and Treaties of Peace, pp. 486. Fisher Unwin, 1916. 2018. d. Sand ay (W.) In View of the End. pp. 96. Clarendon Press, 1916. 08027. aaa. 89. 182 EUROPEAN WAR, 1914 1918. Peace and Reconstruction. — Peace Negotiations and Prospect?.— English Works — continued. Armstrong (G. G.) Peace with Security. pp. 21. Manchester, 1917. 08027. aaa. 91. AsHTON (H. A.) The Price of Peace : some sug- gestions regarding the terms of peace. })]). 54. British-American Overseas Field Hos- pital, 191 7. 08027. df. 39. BiNER (H.) A \'ictory Peace in a few months. Leytonstone, 191 7. 1879. cc. 8. (32.) Dawson (W. H.) Problems of the Peace. pp.365. Allen di Umoin, 1917. 2238. cc. 16. German Catholics. German Catholics and Peace, pp.25. The Tablet, igi-j. 08028. de. 66. Gosling (H.) Peace : how to get and keep it. pp. 15. Ca^sell, 19 17. 08027. f. 13. Headlam (J. W.) The Peace Terms of the Allies, pp. 31. R. Clay, 1917. 08028. ee. 31. Herron (G. D.) The Menace of Peace, pp. 118. Allen d: TJnwin, 1917. 08027. d. 96. Leatham (J.) The Paradoxes of Pacificism, pp. 16. Turrijf, 1917. 08027. aaa. 122. MacCormick (H. F.) Via Pacis : how terms of Peace can be automatically prepared while the War is still going on. j:)p. 56. Allen . 379. 1916. 08027. d. 94. Des Ombiaux (M.) Les Revendications terri- toriales de la Belgique. pp. 62. 19 16. [Pages actuelles.] W.P. 2825/73. Dniaitlt (.J. E.) Les traditions politiques de la France et les conditions de la Paix. pp. 254. 1 9 16. 08052. a. 25. Engerand (F.) L'Allemagne et le fer. Les frontieres lorraines et la force allemande. pp. 309. 191 6. 08052. a. 13. Helmer (P. A.) France — Alsace. Conferences et articles, pp. 316. 1916. 08052. a. 15. Hoschiller (M.) Problemes de guerre et de paix. L'Europe devant Constantinople. pp. 147. 1916. 08027. b. 61. Kopp (F.) Pour rheure qui va luire. pp. 78. 1916. 08027. dd. 24. LoEiN (H.) La Paix que nous voudrons. pp. 46. 1916. 08027. b. 58. Representation. La Representation nationale au lendemain de la Paix : meditations d'un combattant. pp. 45. 1916. [Pages actuelles.} W.P. 2825/82. Alsace-Lorraine. Voix d'AIsace et de Lor- raine. 6 pt. 191 7-19. 08052. c. 19. Bellevue ( de) Viscount. Quand et comment finira la guerre ? Reponse. pp. 44. Vannes, 191 7. 4015. h. 42. EUROPEAN WAP, 1914-1918. 183 Peace and Reconstruction. — Peace Negotiations and Prospects. — French Works — continued. CnERADAME (A.) Les benefices do guerre de I'Allemagne, et la formule boche " Ni an- nexions, ni indemnites." pp. 29. 191 ?• 08027. df. 93. Clernian War Profits, pp. 95. Hodder d; Stoughton, 191 8. 08027. c. G5. Chervin (A.) J^'Allemagne de deraain. pp. 171. 1917. 08027. dd. 25. DuRAND (L.) La Paix definitive. Comment la eonquerir ? Comment I'organiser ? pp. 252. 1 91 7. 08027. df. 79. HiPPEAu (E.) Debout, les morts ! Pas d'an- nexions ! Des restitutions ! jip. 182. 191 7. 08027. df. G8. Laskine (E.) La Democratic frangaise et le Rhin. pp. 128. 19 17. 08027. f. 36. Maurras (C.) Le Pape, la guerre et la paix. pp. 288. 1917. 4051. df. 27. PouLET (J.) Les Conditions de Paix de I'En- tente. pp. 33. Nice, 1917. 08027. aaa. 139. Wetterle (E.) Lendemains reparateurs. pp. 307. 19 1 7. 08027. e. 33. Denis (E.) L'AUemagne et la paix. pp. 341. 191 8. 08027. g. 44. GuYOT (Y.) Les Garanties de la Paix. 2 pt. 1 918. 08028. h. 48. ^Ialleterre (P. M. G.) La bonne Frontiere militaire de la France contra I'Allemagne. pp. 108. 1 918. 16°. 882.5. aaaa. 70. Muret (M.) Pas d'illusions sur I'Allemagne. pp. 335. 19 18. 08028. h. 6. PiERARD (L.) Gross-Deutscbland, la Bel- gique et la Hollande. ]}\). 220. Bruxelles, 19 18. 08027. g. 36. Berard (V.) La Paix fran^aise. pt. i. 1919. 8050. c. 31. Maitrot (C. A. E. X.) La Paix qu'il faut a la France, pf). 144. Nancy, 19 19. 08028. h. 8. German Works. DiPLOMATicus. Waiin wird der Krieg beendigt sein ? pp. 16. Dresden, 1914. 08027. b. 49. (1.) Lhotzky (H.) Um den Volkerfrieden. pp. 68. Stuttgart, 1914. 08027. a. 78. EiFFE (C. C.) Zwei Millionen Deutsche in Russ- land. Rettung oder Untergang ? pp. 72. Miinchen, 1915. 08072. d. 8. Martin (R.) Der Weltkrieg und sein Ende. pp. 64. Berlin, 19 15. 08027. b. 22. (5.) Matthias (A.) Kriegssaat und Friedensernte. pp. 53. Berlin, 191 5. 08027. aaa. 42. RoTHEiT (R.) Die Friedensbedingungen der deutschen Presse. pp. 58. Berlin, 191 > 08027. b. 22. (6.) Tagger (T.) Von der Verheissung des Krieges und den Forderungen an den Frieden. pp. 109. Miinchen, 1915. 8425. p. 20. Tsehel's'kii (L.) Die grossen politischen Auf- gaben des Krieges im Osten und die ukrainische Frage. pp. 44. Berlin, 19 15. 8094. g. 58. Natorp (P.) Krieg und Friede. pp. 49. Miinchen, 1916. 8425. g. .59. Eisemann (M. L. G.) Der Friede kommt ! Gegenwarts-Betrachtungen. pp. 74. Berlin, 191 7. 08027. ee. 16. England. Was England zu dem Deutschen Friedensvorschlag denkt. pp. 6. 1917. 16^. 08027. de. 37. Peace and Reconstruction. — Peace Negotiations and Prospects.— German Works — conlinitcd. Fried (A. H.) Probleme der Friedenstechnik. pp. 53. 1918. [Nach dem Weltkrieg.] W.P. 1538/6. Germany. Admiralty. Wann kommt der Friede ? Die Wirkungen des U-Bootkrieges in amtlicher Darstellung. pp. 31. Miinchen, 1917. 16°. 08027. de. 20. Germany. Unabhaenxjiger Ausschwss fiir einen deut-schen Frieden. Durch deutschen Sieg zum deutschen Frieden. pp. 54. Berlin, 19 17. 08027. aaa. 130. HiNDERNis. Das Hindernis des Friedens. pp.20. Berlin, 191 7. 08027. f. 62. Kerl (G. R.) Ein Friede der Verstilndigung. pp. 22. Jena, 1917. 08027. fl. 28. Kreppel (J.) Der Kampf fiir und wider den Frieden. pp. 168. Wien, 191 7. 08027. c. 68. Mehemed Emin, Effendi, j)seud. Nationalitilts- prinzip und Bevolkerungsaustausch. Eine Studie fiir den Friedensschluss. pp. 56. Dresden, 191 7. 08027. aaa. 138. RoTHER (E.) Durch den Volksfrieden zum Volkerfrieden. pp. 59. Berlin, 191 7. 08027. ff. 18. RuECKER (.J.) Scheidemanns Linsengericht : eine Streitschrift gegen den reaktionaren Verzichtsfrieden. pp. 47. Bremen, 191 7. 5655. de. 9. Schmidt (A.) Russische Weltverteilungsplane. pp. 47. Jena, 1917. [Der Tag des Deutschen.] W.P. 583.3/4. ScHUECKixG (W.) Der Dauerfriede. Kriegs- aufsatze eines Pazifisten. pp. 93. Leipzig, 19 1 7. 08027. b. 99. Der Weltfriedensbund und die Wieder- geburt des Volkerrechts. i)p. 34. 191 7. {Nach dem Weltkrieg.] W.P. 1538/2. ZiTELMANN (E.) Das Schicksal Belgiens beim Friedensschluss. pp. 94. Miinchen, 191 7. 08027. c. 60. Andrassy (G.) Count. Die Friedensfrage. pp. 74. Leipzig, 1918. 08027. i. 19. Brokke (T.) Soldatengedanken iiber den Frieden. pp. 47. Leipzig, 1918. 08027. de. 21. Dannenberg (H. L.) Sieg ohne Landgewinn ? pp. 63. Dresden, 1918. 08027. cc. 55. Dehn (P.) Nicht ohne Kriegsentschadigung ! pp. 76. Halle, 1918. 08028. de. 19. European War. Das Ende des Weltkriegs. pp. 119. Berlin, 1918. 08028. e. 2. Foss (M. W. L.) Was erwartet das deutsche Volk von einem Frieden fiir seine militarischc Sicherheit ? pp.64. Ilalle, 1918. \ Der deutsche Friede.] 08028. de. 95/5. Frankfurter (R. O.) Wann kommt der Frieden ? Eine deutsch-norwegische Enirter- ung. pp. 85. Berlin, 1918. 08027. fY. 33. Gedanken. Gedanken zum Friedensschluss von einem deutschen Kaufmann. pp. 22. Berlin, 1918. 08229. h. 35. HoEFFNER (.J.) Der deutsche Friede. Auf- klarungsschriften iiber nationale Lebcns- fragen. 5 Hefte. Halle, 19 18. 08028. de. 95. Lehmann (.J. F.) Germany's Future with a good peace and a bad peace. A translation. pp. 56. Darling \) I'occicii cb n.iiioii