LB 34-83 "i^ ■'*'"-•' (O \ CO o o Q >- I 'P .c w^ OPEN-AIR SCHOOLS By SIEGRIED MAIA HANSEN UPTON, A. M. Teacher in the Horace Mann School, Teachers College, Columbia University Published by Slrariipra (HoIUqp. CHolumbia MnirttrsiU^ NEW YORK CITY 1914 4j V A n5^ !X % -tJ ^^ G V ^ S3 38-7^ PREFACE Little has been written on open-air schools during the past few years. By consulting the rather full bibliography in Chap- ter IX, which has been compiled to date, it will be found that most of the contributions on this subject appeared not later than 1910, which in a large measure are summed up in Ayres' "Open- Air Schools." All these earlier books and articles devoted them- selves mainly to questions of equipment, the problem of keeping children warm out-of-doors, or to a few statistics relative to the physical and mental gain found in open-air classes. The articles of the last three years have dealt with details along these same lines. From the beginning of the experiment instruction in open-air schools has been conducted in general as in indoor schools, the main difference being in the arrangement of the program of study. The first few years showed remarkable results due in part, no doubt, to the enthusiasm, optimism, and energy which accompany any new movement, especially one so radical as the open-air school. During the past two years there has been a period of trying out and of seeking a normal pace with, as already suggested, few new contributions. The purpose of the present article is not to review the begin- ning years, so adequately treated in the book by Ayres, but rather to supplement this early fund of information by personal observation and study of the outdoor school movement as it is working out at present, and particularly to suggest ways of applying the measuring rod to the open-air school in order that we may know much more definitely than we do now how valu- able this new work is and how it compares with that usually found indoors. Such a study seems called for as the author finds that the present tendencies are to conduct a slightly modi- fied indoor school in the open air. A movement of such promise and importance to anemic, weak, and even normal children deserves more attention of a scientific kind than it has already iii 333874 iv Preface had. We must bring this outdoor movement into proper per- spective to learn better how great a contribution to educational progress it has been. We must discover also how better to adapt our methods of instruction to outdoor needs and, if we discover anything of value, to ask if its good is limited to out- door conditions or if it may also be helpful in improving the indoor school. The open-air school with its new environment and novelty offers special inducements for scientific experiment of this kind and should prove an inviting field for applying the methods of the educational psychologist. Only by such means will we know much more about this new kind of school than we did during the first few years of its existence. The historical survey in Chapter II has been given solely for purposes of comparison in the later chapters. SiEGRiED Maia Hansen Upton Horace Mann School Teachers College Columbia University New York City CONTENTS PAGE I. Introduction 1 II. Historical Sketch 5 General 5 The Charlottenburg School 6 Open-air schools in Italy 9 The Horace Mann School 11 III. Organization of typical open-air schools including observations based on personal visits 13 IV. Open-window rooms 35 Special points noted when visiting open-window classes 36 V. Points in controversy concerning open-air schools 39 VI. Suggested experiments for modification of indoor methods TO suit outdoor conditions 43 VII. Some tests for determining the efficiency of the methods of open-air schools 47 Physical tests 47 Tests relative to conduct 49 Mental tests afforded by school records 49 Mental tests suggested by psychologists 50 VIII. Special tests for third grade pupils 52 Some third grade tests presented in detail 54 IX. Bibliography 60 TEACHERS COLLEGE RECORD Vol. XV MAY, 1914 No. 3 OPEN-AIR SCHOOLS INTRODUCTION In the education of to-day the problem of fundamental im- portance is the physical welfare and efficiency of the child. The child who is in poor health is, as a rule, found to be back- ward in school studies, not because of defective intelligence but because of underfeeding, organic weakness, or incipient disease. Along with the present tendency to discover and correct physi- cal defects has arisen the movement for more outdoor life for the young child. How can the physically debilitated child get more outdoor life and still meet the requirements of compulsory education laws? Instruction in the open air is the answer to the problem. For this outdoor school work those children are selected who are physically unfit to remain in the ordinary indoor school room or to benefit by its instruction. It has been known for some time that delicate and tuberculous children and adults become stronger and in many cases get well out-of-doors while they become weaker and die indoors. The one fact open-air schools have established is that sickly children are made healthier and stronger in this new environment. It would be cheaper in the end, as well as more humane, for every city to provide free open-air classes with food, warm clothing, medical aid, and a teacher for every group of twenty children, thereby producing strong healthy bodies able to com- 139] [1 : 2 - 2 Teachers College Record [140 bat disease, and active minds finding interest and pleasure in useful occupations, than to go on with the present partially suc- cessful school system and in the end spend more money year by year on courts, judges, jails, free food, municipal lodging houses, hospitals, asylums, charity organizations, and the rest of the modern means of trying to deal with mental, moral, and physical incompetents. About three per cent of the entire school population need outdoor treatment. The Fourth International Congress of School Hygiene, held at Buffalo, New York, August 25-30, 1913, is responsible for the statement that " Nearly a million tuber- culous children or children strongly disposed to tuberculosis are attending our public schools and there is hardly accommodation for 1,500 to receive instruction in the open air." It thus be- comes a question not of whether a city can afford to establish open-air schools but rather one of whether it can afford not to establish them. Without open-air classes money must be paid by the school community for educating children who through early death must be counted as a complete loss to it in the end. It has been and always will be true that the competent persons of a community must carry every ounce of the burden of those who are incompetent. The growing percentage of in- competents in our large cities is appalling. At present we cannot say that open-air school life will cure tuberculosis as this disease is often apparently cured in child- hood to crop out again from the ages of twenty to thirty years. The following-up of the life histories of these cases can be the only means of proving the full value of the outdoor " cure." The whole open-air school movement got its chief impetus through the efforts of various societies interested in the preven- tion of tuberculosis which started and financed this work until results were assured and the public became interested. Wher- ever school instruction was needed in connection with these open-air classes the local school board usually furnished the teacher and paid her salary. In many cities these societies now feel that the school board should assume full charge and ex- pense of the open-air school so they can turn their attention to other much needed social services. 141] Open-Air Schools 3 The idea of the out-of-door movement is not modern. Cen- turies ago the need for more outdoor life for young children and the value of outdoor education were advocated and urged by the great educators of that time. The ideas of time-honored as well as present-day writers upon this subject are suggested by the following quotations : " Come with me, my son. Let us go into the open. There, through Nature, you shall see that which God has been doing since the beginning and that which He is continuing to do." Comenius " Why in place of dead books, should we not open the living book of Nature? To teach youth is not to inculcate a mass of words, phrases, sentences, and opinions gathered from authors ; it is, to open for him, by means of things, understanding and judgment." Comenius " The city becomes the charnel-house of the human species ; at the end of a few generations the human race perishes or degenerates. It becomes necessary to renew it and it is always the country that furnishes the new life. Send your children then where they may live in the midst of fields, in order, so to speak, that the life within them may be regenerated, in order that they may find again the vigor that was lost in the unhealthy air of a thickly populated place." /. /. Rousseau " It is especially during the first years of life that air and sun benefit the constitutions of children ; they penetrate the soft and deHcate skin by all the pores, they affect especially young bodies, leaving upon them traces which are ineffaceable." /. /. Rousseau " Up to twelve years the child should be out-of-doors in order to cultivate his senses." /. /. Rousseau " Learn from the school of life and experience. Traverse the fields and other grassy places, visit the trees and the plants, compare them with the books of ancient authors who have written concerning them, and take home with you whole hand- fuls of them. When the weather is unfavorable, instead of herborizing visit the apothecary, the chemist and the druggist, and carefully consider the fruits, the roots, the leaves, the seeds, and the gums." Rabelais 4 Teachers College Record [142 " Of all the flowers, the human flower is the one which has the greatest need of sunshine." Michelet " The artisans of ancient Greece always saw whichever object of art they were working upon out-of-doors; it was to fit into, to be surrounded by the universe, so to speak, Grecian art, philosophy, morals, and government were modelled in the open, and there they had their being and found their expression. Every phase of fortune of the state and of the family took place out-of-doors, — whether marriages or funerals, victories or de- feats, triumphs or losses." D'Annunzio II HISTORICAL SKETCH In Charlottenburg, a suburb of Berlin, there opened in 1904 a new type of school to which the Germans gave the name of " Open-Air Recovery School." The object of this school was to give children who were physically debilitated an opportunity to be taught and to recover their health at the same time. These children could not keep up with the work of the regular school and yet they were not so mentally deficient that they were fit subjects for instruction of the kind given to subnormal children. The treatment consisted of an outdoor life, plenty of good food, strict cleanliness, warm and suitable clothing, and school work modified in kind and reduced in quantity to suit the new conditions. The first session of the Charlottenburg school was one of three months during which time the children had increased rapidly in weight and strength and many had been entirely cured of their ailments. Though these children had spent less than half as much time on their school subjects as the pupils in the regular school they had not fallen behind them in their progress; in some cases they even surpassed them. This of course was a more astonishing fact than the physical gain. These gratifying reports aroused throughout Germany and in neighbor- ing countries much enthusiasm and as a result many other open- air schools were established. In 1907 London opened its first open-air school where again the results were as remarkable as in Germany. Immediately other open-air schools were begun in various parts of England. In 1908 the first open-air school in the United States was started in Providence, Rhode Island. A little later in the same year, a " School of Outdoor Life " was established in one of the parks of Boston. In January of the same year New York 143] 5 6 Teachers College Record [144 began an open-air school on an abandoned ferry boat. Chicago and other cities soon followed with outdoor schools. The following table shows how this movement has grown in the United States: Number of cities having School year open-air schools 1907-1908 3 1908-1909 7 1909-1910 IS 1910-1911 32 1911-1912 44 A few details of several typical schools will be of interest. The Charlottenburg School For several years careful medical inspection in Germany revealed the fact that among the many children who were back- ward in their studies some were in a debilitated state owing to anaemia, others from various ailments in incipient stages. Educators and school physicians then devised this new plan of an open-air recovery school. The school was modeled upon the idea of employing such methods and having such surroundings as would improve the mind and cure the body at the same time. A suitable place for the school was found in a large pine forest on the outskirts of the town. The sum of $8,000 was voted for erecting suitable wooden buildings. Five main build- ings were erected, three of them being plain sheds 81 feet long and 18 feet wide. One of these three was completely open on the south side and closed on the other sides and could accommo- date 200 children. The other two sheds contained five class- rooms and a teachers' room; these buildings being closed in on all sides, provided with heating arrangements, and only used for instruction in very cold or stormy, windy weather. In the class- rooms were simple tables and chairs of different sizes and heights. The last two of the five buildings were large sheds, open on all sides, fitted with tables and benches where the children could work and eat during rainy and bright sunny days. Before admitting to the school the children chosen for the experiment the teeth of each child were examined and put in order, as otherwise they would not have derived the proper benefit from their food. 145] Open- Air Schools 7 The children arrived at school a little before eight in the morn- ing and upon reaching school each child received a bowl of soup and a slice of bread and butter. The classes began at eight with an interval of five minutes after every half hour of teaching. The instruction was reduced to the most necessary subjects and was never given for more than two consecutive hours. At ten o'clock each child received one or two glasses of milk and a slice of bread and butter. After this the children could play, do manual work, or read. Meanwhile this same process in the reverse order was carried on with other children who had played, read, or done manual work during the first two hours. Dinner was served at half past twelve and consisted of meat, vegetables, and soup. After dinner the children rested for two hours ; absolute quiet being required. At three o'clock there was served a lunch of bread, milk and jam. The rest of the day was devoted to informal instruction and play such as: 1. Excursions in geography, history, and nature study. 2. Practical problems in arithmetic related to gardens, houses, and so forth. 3. Gardening and digging. 4. Drawing, measuring, building. 5. Fashioning of tools and apparatus. 6. Making of pottery, weaving. 7. Making simple garments, hemming towels and sheets used in the school. 8. Washing dishes and towels. 9. Assisting in cooking and serving of meals. 10. Care of human and animal life. At a quarter of six the last meal was given consisting of soup, bread and butter. After this the children returned home. The children were carefully watched by the school physician, attention being principally directed to the condition of the heart, blood, and lungs, color of the skin, and eyes, and muscular and flesh development. At the end of every two weeks the children were carefully weighed and measured and their condition com- pared with that noted upon entrance to the school. At the outset ninety-five children were chosen. The school 8 Teachers College Record [146 soon increased to one hundred twenty students, then to two hun- dred fifty. The school year at Charlottenburg begins in April and lasts until Christmas, the months of January, February, and March being given as vacation. Because the school week and school day are longer than in the ordinary schools the teachers are paid a bonus. The educational results were considered remarkable. All of the teachers agreed in noticing the mental alertness of the children during the hours of teaching. No less important were the improvements noted in the moral tone of the children. Their behavior in regard to cleanliness, order, self-help, punctuality, and good temper was due quite as much to the fact that during all of their waking hours they were kept from the influences of the street. England and Germany are considering the advisability of hav- ing a constant interchange of indoor and outdoor teachers so the open-air methods may be made known and become popular in ordinary schools. Other schools founded in Germany, England, and in Switzer- land followed in most particulars the features of the school at Charlottenburg. As time has gone on such modifications have been made in the Charlottenburg plan as would better suit the environment of the school, the climate of the country, and the physical conditions of the children. The German open-air schools are called Waldschulen from their location on forested land. Each German city that started such a school located it in the midst of woods and fields outside the city. The results of such a practice are bound to be better than in America where the majority of the open-air schools are located in the midst of the noisy city, on roofs of buildings, in courts, or down on the ground surrounded by un sodded play- ground areas which turn every wind that blows into a cloud of dust. England and Switzerland have followed Germany's lead in locating the schools in open woodland with adjacent sunny fields for playground space. These countries have con- sidered the important and subtle influence of forest and field upon the aesthetic and emotional nature of children. 147] Open- Air Schools 9 Open-Air Schools in Italy The pleasant climate of Italy has made possible the develop- ment of a different type of open-air school. It is essentially an outdoor excursion school rather than an outdoor school with a fixed home as the Waldschule in Charlottenburg. It is the indoor school brought outdoors by modifying instruction so that it can be carried on by many excursions to points of edu- cational value and interest in the vicinity. The development of this type of school work in Italy was favored by the poor housing of the schools with its attendant evils of poor ventilation and light. Many of the schools are located in ancient buildings not fitted for school purposes. This outdoor school movement grew out of the summer colony schools of Italy with their well-known satisfactory results and the remarkable success of the Charlottenburg experiment gave to it added encouragement. According to an Italian report summer colony schools were started in Florence, Italy, in 1853, Ziirich, Switzerland, in 1876, and in Frankfort-on-Main, Ger- many, in 1878. This points to Italy as the first country to value an outdoor school life, for part of the year at least. The most famous of the outdoor vacation schools started in Padua, Italy, and were known as " Ray-of-Sun Schools." The name attests to the value placed upon sunshine. The only building these schools made use of was a tent-like structure open on all sides. The distinct feature about the open-air school today in Rome is that at any time of the day and year an indoor class can turn itself into an outdoor class. The nature of the work and the kind of lesson determines whether the class shall leave its indoor room and adjourn to the sunny roof or to the school yard, or go on an excursion. After one class gets through with the roof another is free to go there, thus making it possible for each class to benefit a part of each day by outdoor instruction. In preparing lessons the teachers are cautioned to keep in mind the following points: " Knowledge of local geography should be gained intuitively. Regular assignments in the subject should be more objective, more direct, and more natural, developing the powers of ob- 10 Teachers College Record [148 servation and reproduction. In this way, by exciting the spirit of criticism, the mind will become more active. " Geometry too should become a practical study using all existing forms (barns, houses, towers, streets, avenues, and so forth) for observation, study and measurement. "Lessons in history should have as a starting point some monument or some relic of the past pertinent to the subject in hand. The educational value of such instruction is extraor- dinary." A folding-portable combined desk and chair has been the special feature of the Italian contribution to the successful hand- ling of the open-air school problem. This piece of furniture is light, compact, convenient, and easily handled. It consists of a combined seat and desk, held together by a framework, which is easily folded into a compact form about 4 inches thick, 18 inches wide, and 2}i feet long. The size depends upon the age of the pupil. It is fitted with straps to attach it to the child's back in the manner of a knapsack. On excursions each pupil carries his own portable desk and chair without any fatigue whatever. Drills are given to train the children to detach, unfold, set up, fold, and attach these desks in the shortest space of time. When not in use they are stacked in the corridors of the school building. Because of these folding-portable desks and chairs any indoor school can turn its classes into the open and there continue to give any sort of a lesson which calls for the use of desk and chair. Fitted with this portable school furniture the pupils in the high school, as well as those of the lower schools, can make good use of roofs, playgrounds, parks, and excursions. The problem of making a school or class excursion really bene- ficial to each member of the group has been solved by the invention of this folding-portable desk and chair. Formerly the children have not gotten as much from seeing things first hand as they should; in fact, much of the excursion work seemed of doubtful value. The details in handling an excursion which are helped by the folding-portable desk and chair are: 1. How to keep the children from becoming fatigued. 2. How to maintain discipline. 149] Open- Air Schools U 3. How to manage so all of the children give full attention to the point in hand. 4. How to manage to teach the whole group at the same time. 5. How to enable the pupils to take notes and write down obser- vations and impressions. 6. How to maintain on an excursion the spirit of work and earnestness shown by the class when in the classroom. The Horace Mann School The Horace Mann School of Teachers College, Columbia University, New York City, represents another type of outdoor school, namely, that developed in the midst of a busy, noisy city and situated on the roof of the school building. This is a very successful school and is representative of what can be done in surroundings not so ideal and quiet as those of the forest schools of Germany. The Horace Mann School is also in the forefront in experimenting to see what can be done to make the outdoor problem a success and to overcome its dis- advantages. The open-air classes in the Horace Mann School are located on the roof. The children who make up the classes were chosen because they were nervous, or irritable, or anaemic, or undernourished. There are at present two open-air class- rooms, one having 8 second-grade and 16 third-grade pupils, the other being made up of 15 fourth-grade children. There is also an open-window room of fifth- and sixth-grade pupils. The open-air rooms are of concrete and steel structure, the walls being concrete. Each room is closed on three sides only, the south side being entirely open with a drop curtain to close that side in time of storm. There is a slanting roof which is higher on the south side. (See Figs, i and 4.) There are win- dows in the upper half of the north side of each room which may be opened or kept shut according to the weather ; there are also a few such windows in the east and west walls, besides sky- lights in the ceilings. The pleasant and cheerful appearance of these rooms is due quite as much to the admission of light through these large skylights as to that from the sides of the room. Figure i shows the room occupied by the second- and third-grade pupils, the third-grade pupils working at their 12 Teachers College Record [150 desks under the direction of their regular teacher while the second-grade children are at the right in the picture about to have a lesson from the assistant. Figure 4 shows the fourth- grade room. The floors are of wood. Indoor toilet rooms are provided and also an indoor room where children may go to get warm if necessary in exceptional cases. There are mov- able desks and chairs which make it possible easily to clear the floor space for games and exercise. There is also an open space on the roof for play and recreation. (See Figs. 2 and 3.) De- tails in reference to the organization of the Horace Mann open- air rooms will be given in later chapters. Ill ORGANIZATION OF TYPICAL OPEN-AIR SCHOOLS INCLUDING OBSERVATIONS BASED ON PERSONAL VISITS The phrase " open-air school " appUes to all school rooms situated in the open air, and fully exposed to the air on one or more sides, providing merely shelter from wind and rain. There is no artificial heating, the temperature of the room always being that of the open air. An " open window " room is one which is usually heated artificially in winter and supplies fresh air and cold temperatures through open windows, there being no entire side of the room fully exposed to the air from floor to ceiling. It is not the purpose of this chapter to collect facts which are fully treated in the books mentioned in the bibliography but to add to the material already given in these books some observations based upon personal visits to a number of open-air schools. In connection with this chapter it will be well to read some of the standard books already published on this subject such as " Open-air Schools " by Ay res where the organization of the older open-air schools is fully explained. " Open-air Crusaders " by Kingsley will also be of service. Rooms In the Ethical Culture School of New York City the open-air classes are located on the southern half of the roof of the regular school building. This roof space is enclosed by walls on the north, east, and west, and roofed over. By means of doors and windows the east side can be made open. The south side is open. Two-thirds of the entire space is divided into four class- rooms, the partitions between the classrooms being made by means of canvas drops, movable blackboards and screens ; the rest of the space makes up passage ways and a play area. The 151] 13 14 Teachers College Record [152 arrangement is such that the whole area can be cleared and used as play space or, when desired, made into one large classroom. The special feature of the Ethical Culture open-air school is a flexible grading plan. The method of handling the subjects of study, the grading of the pupils and the arrangement of the roof space all lend themselves to the carrying out of this idea. The arrangement of rooms in the Horace Mann School has already been described on pages 11-12. The open-air school of Montclair, New Jersey, is in a one- room army tent. The south side is left open, the other sides can be open or closed as desired. Being situated on the ground just north of an old school building the sun does not reach the tent for any length of time, making it seem cold and damp. The kitchen, bathroom, and eating and sleeping quarters are situated on the second floor of the old school building. More was done for the children in this tent and better care was taken of them than for any other open-air class of poor children I saw. The Carmine Street School of New York City is located on the roof of the public baths. The room is large, very light, bright, and cheerful. It has the most attractive situation of any open-air room in New York City. There are windows on each side, small ones to the east, while on the south, west, and north the whole sides are taken up by great windows reaching from the ceiling to the floor. Each window is divided into three sashes, which makes it possible to throw up the lower two. The amount of window space that is open depends upon the state of the wind and weather. There are heating coils on the west side. There is a small play space on the open roof, with toilet rooms, and kitchen close at hand. The desks face the west; through the windows before them the children can see an attractive stretch of sky broken by the tops of trees grow- ing in the adjacent park. There could hardly have been chosen a more unfortunate location for two open-air class rooms than is found in Public School 33 of New York City. The school building itself is one of the oldest ten in New York City. Since there were reasons why the roof could not be used, the Commissioner of Parks and 153] Open- Air Schools 15 Public Playgrounds permitted the school to hold two classes, from 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon, under the covered space belonging to the playground to the south of the school building itself. Canvas partitions enclose each room on three sides, making the rooms very drafty and cold, which is the result in every case where these substitutes for walls are used. The playground is a constant source of choking dust, as well as noise. On days when parochial schools have holidays and the public schools are in session the noise from the play- ground makes teaching impossible. At three o'clock the teach- ers and pupils must leave as their permit for the use of the space ends at that hour. Steamer chairs, books, and clothing are moved into the school building. As the desks are too heavy for the children to carry, and as the janitor says his contract does not read for the carrying back and forth of the furniture of these classes, they are left behind. The tuberculous children treated by Bellevue Hospital which overlooks the East River are housed on a ferry boat, called the " Southfield " which is moored to the pier adjoining the hos- pital grounds. A great deal has been said by various writers concerning the wonderful fact that for open-air schools almost any sort of a discarded building could be utilized, even an old disused ferry boat. There is much that is picturesque, it is true, about the Southfield. It is different, many windowed, circular walled, and informal. In winter, however, it is very cold and windy, and in stormy weather its decks cannot be used; neither is it conveniently arranged. As an informal struc- ture it serves its purpose very well. Its great advantage is its location on the waterfront with freedom from dust and noise, two elements which are so difficult to eliminate in an open-air school in a large city. The Fourth International Congress of School Hygiene, held at Buffalo in August, 1913, in a set of resolutions presented to the United States Government has petitioned the government " To place at the disposal of the various States of the Union as many of the discarded battleships and cruisers as possible, to be anchored according to their size in rivers or at the sea- 16 Teachers College Record [154 shore, and to be utilized by the respective communities for open- air schools, sanitorium schools, and hospital-sanitoria." In the Phebe Anna Thorne Open-Air Model School for Girls at Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, an open-air class of fifteen normal pupils is located in a detached one-story building, facing south, constructed of wood and glass after a Japanese model. The four sides are open whenever the weather permits, though on stormy days, one or all of the sides can be closed by means of glass screens. The class room opens upon a large uncovered platform eight feet by thirty-six feet which is used for gymnas- tics, etc. The dressing rooms, dining room, and kitchen are in an adjacent cottage. Each day the siesta is taken on the broad piazza of this cottage. The school is conducted by the Department of Education of Bryn Mawr College. Each year a new class will be started until there are seven classes in all, each class to have its separate building of the kind described above. Many other open-air classes were visited. A general criticism of the outdoor rooms seen must be that about half of them are gloomy, dirty, and non-aesthetic. Open-air rooms are not favorably located unless the sun can shine into them for the major part of the day. The sun is a great sterilizing agent and the children have gone out-of-doors to get more sunshine, and more cold fresh air. On the whole, tents are sunless, gloomy, and bare, and they will probably continue to be so, for in order to make them water tight a heavy outer covering of canvas must be stretched to extend well over the tent on all sides thus shutting out direct light rays. There is great need for solving the light problem in the open-air rooms. An extra high opening on the south will aid in doing this, also an arrangement of studio windows will help. In the regular indoor rooms the walls and ceiling are generally so colored as to reflect light to the best advantage. In the gloomiest of the open-air rooms seen the walls were either dark gray or brown. In a city the open-air rooms should be located as far away from street noises as possible. Flapping canvas partitions should 155] Open- Air Schools 17 be replaced with firm solid walls which would not only stop a noise nuisance but stop drafts as well. For a city roof school the best room type I have seen is that of the Horace Mann School; for the country a building patterned after the Phebe Anna Thorne School at Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Floors There is need for keeping the feet warm. Most open-air classes have either tile or cement floors which are very cold. There is need for wooden floors, especially where the equipment is meager and in weather not severe enough for sitting-out bags to be used. In a number of schools comfort and physical wel- fare are sacrificed for the major part of the day in order that the floor space may be used for occasional games and play. The tendency to use movable desks and chairs, light enough in weight for the child to handle so that the floor may easily be cleared, is a reason why individual wooden platforms are not more gen- erally provided. Individual wooden platforms, with sides boarded in, would protect the feet from drafts and assist in solv- ing the sitting-out bag problem in those schools having tile or cement floors. Equipment Desks. In most cases the desks used were the same as those for the indoor classes. In the public schools of New York City they are the oldest and worst of the discarded indoor kind of a previous period. Where space is limited they are usually mov- able so the room can be converted into resting or play room as required. In smaller towns where there is plenty of playground the open-air rooms have the same kind of fastened-down desk and chair found in indoor rooms. In the Ethical Culture School the desk is replaced by a swinging arm attached to the chair which can be pulled toward the pupil or pushed aside at will. In a small drawer fitted below the chair seat a few of the most needed books and papers can be kept. In all classes visited, where the desks were pushed aside to provide play space and replaced at the end of the period, the work was done quickly and efficiently. In some schools the teacher paid no attention to the question of the position of desks and chairs with regard to the 18 Teachers College Record [156 direction of light rays. Some classes had their backs to the light, others faced it. One teacher wanted to have the room look informal and in order to carry out this feeling she per- mitted the children to sit as they pleased. Some sat in the sun, facing west ; others sat in the sun, facing north ; and still others sat in the shade, staring into the bright southern sky. Chairs. Chairs should have solid backs to protect the chil- dren's backs. Most of the chairs seen had open slat backs. Severe, deep-seated colds may be due to unprotected backs. In the Phebe Anna Thorne School at Bryn Mawr the seats and backs of the chairs have twice the usual width. This gives the children greater freedom of movement and protection. Steamer chairs. In all classes visited a period of rest fol- lowed the noonday meal. In one school of normal children it took the form of silent reading. In most schools, where the children tried to sleep, the angle of the steamer chair was purely a personal matter with each child. A few preferred a nearly horizontal position, the majority tried to sleep and rest sitting up. Those children who were sitting up were very restless, felt cold about the shoulders, and on severe days constantly evinced a desire to cover up the head by creeping into the sitting-out bags. One school physician realized that real rest comes best when in a horizontal position and in his school the steamer chair was folded and laid on the floor, a blanket placed upon it, making a protected and comfortable bed. Wrapping himself in another blanket the child found no difficulty in falling asleep. In this class only one child was too nervous to rest quietly; he was given a space away from the others where he might move about undisturbed. Horizontal canvas cots are also sometimes used. (For further details see Ayres.) Clothing Boys' suits are heavier and warmer than girls' dresses and for this reason boys are better clothed to resist cold winds and low temperature than girls. Fifty per cent of the girls in open-air and open-window classes wear cotton and linen dresses all the year round. Depending upon the severity of the weather, the usual extra wrap worn by these girls is a sweater. Girls from poor homes wear woolen dresses and regular winter overcoats. 157] Open- Air Schools 19 Of the girls who wear cotton dresses and those who wear woolen ones, the former get chilled more quickly, appear colder, and have more colds than the latter. It is worthy of note that the ones wearing cotton dresses have warmer undercloth- ing than many of those wearing woolen dresses. It would seem that the wearing of cotton and linen dresses in cold weather should be prohibited in these schools. The sweaters furnished by the home are not nearly as warm as those especially designed for outdoor classes. These sweaters are grey in color, very rough and hairy on the outside making them thicker than the ordinary kind. At the same time they are light in weight and pliable. A whole suit consisting of toboggan cap, gloves, sweater, and jumper can be gotten all in the one color. (See Fig. 2.) The manufacturers are now making a model of a new sweater long enough to come well below the knee, thus doing away with the use of the jumper where sitting-out bags are used. ' The Parka. In the matter of garments especially suited to a cold and variable climate the Horace Mann School feels that it has found a solution in the " Parka." This is an outside gar- ment fashioned after the lines and principles of the outside upper garment of an Eskimo. (See Figs, i and 3.) It is made of very closely woven khaki. " For a garment that has no warmth in itself it is the warmest garment I have ever seen," is the general comment of those who have used it. The special advantages of the Parka are due to its being very light, to its not hindering the free and usual movements of the body because of its pliability, and to its keeping all of the body heat from escaping. If too much energy is expended in keeping the sur- face of the body warm most of the benefits of being out of doors are lost. Under the Parka can be worn one or two or no sweaters, enabling the wearer easily to accommodate the amount of his clothing to the mildness or severity of the weather. The Ethical Culture School has followed the Horace Mann School and adopted the Parka. The Parka is manufactured and sold by the Rogers Peet Company of New York City. Some schools feel that the clothing that the home provides to bring the child to school is sufficient for wear in the open-air 20 Teachers College Record [158 rooms with the frequent exercising given there. Breakfasting in a warm room, and then running or walking to school mean that by the time the children arrive at their open-air room they are very warm, resulting in the desire to take off their out- side wraps, even on very cold days, rather than to put on any- thing extra such as a sitting-out bag. Mittens and caps are taken off and sweaters and coats unbuttoned. By ten o'clock the reaction has set in and the teacher has to remember to give directions for getting on more clothing, using mittens and sitting- out bags. If in cold weather this was done at the end of fifteen minutes it would prove more beneficial than at the end of an hour. As a rule the average child would not take it upon him- self to put on more clothing, if not urged to do so. In some schools instruction is given in the necessity of keeping the body at an even temperature and of co-operating with the teacher on this important point. In one school visited the teachers went to another extreme. They had been told of the evil effects of sitting still with the body in a state of perspiration, so when the half hour play periods come orders are given to take off all outside wraps and leave them on the chairs. On a windy day, with the ther- mometer at 40 degrees Fahrenheit, twelve girls, ranging in ages from nine to thirteen years, stood still rubbing their cold hands and trying to shrink into themselves so there would be less of them to feel cold. Finally one of them got a ball and threw it to each of the others in turn while they stood in a row. When it comes to open-air treatment of this kind it is reduced to " the survival of the fittest " scheme of a former age. Gloves. For the same sum of money woolen gloves or woolen mittens can be bought. The fingers are much freer in the gloves. There is some difference of opinion as to which is the warmer, some contending that the fingers are just as warm separated as they are when together as in a mitten. Children seem to dislike wearing mittens more than wearing gloves. It appears to be easier to handle materials, write and pick up things when the glove is worn than when the hand is covered with a mitten. 159] Open- Air Schools 21 Footwear. The kinds of foot covering worn over the shoes are felt overshoes, felt lumberman's boots, lambskin overshoes, and arctics. The lambskin overshoes have the fur inside, making a shoe much too warm for any but very cold weather. In many places they are being discarded as they have a tendency to make the feet tender and over-sensitive to cold. The felt lumberman's boots are very satisfactory, protecting the leg to the knee, and having for use in wet weather an overshoe of rubber. In some classes each child had been furnished with arctics at $1.35 per pair which were not giving the warmth or the wear of felt overshoes at half the cost. Sitting-out bags. The kind used in most of the schools visited was made of a brown, pliable, hairy, felt-like cloth bound with tape and fitted with snap fasteners. It is slit to the knee in front in order to facilitate getting in and out of it. The foot end of the bag has an outside covering of khaki reaching half way to the knees. When adjusted the bag is pulled well up under the arms and fastened close around the waist and up the front. The small of the back needs the protection which the bags can give, yet in any class where the teacher is not vigilant one half of the bags will be on the floor even on the coldest days. The cost of the sitting-out bag described above depends upon the size of the child. The smallest bag costs $5.50, the largest $7.50. Home made bags cost much less. Dr. Thomas S. Car- rington in an article in the Survey, April 23, 1910, tells how to make an inexpensive sitting-out bag. Some teachers consider the sitting-out bag cumbersome and it is certain that most of these bags are very dusty. One father wrote the school principal that he wished his child to be trans- ferred to an indoor class because the dust from her sitting-out bag filled her lungs and kept her awake at night. That night the open-air teacher sent the bags home to be beaten by the parents. After this experience the father withdrew his appli- cation for removal. Food The value of nourishing and frequent meals in improving the condition of underfed and undernourished bodies has been re- 22 Teachers College Record [160 peatedly demonstrated by records and charts. Up to within a year it was thought impossible even to consider carrying on the open-air work without feeding, but experiments and com- parisons carried on in New York City for the past year tend to show that though the greatest gain in weight is gotten where the children are fed, a steady, small gain was made where no school feeding was carried on. As the winter of 1912-1913 was not a severe one, and as an experiment covering one year only cannot be conclusive, more data should be collected on this point before the fact can be established. The winter of 1913- 1914 was an unusually severe one and the records for that winter should prove interesting. In winter extra demands are made on the body by the fre- quent exercising necessary in keeping up the bodily temperature. This is a strain for underfed bodies. The majority of open-air classes are for anemic children and those disposed to be tuber- cular who come from homes where the food is not the best fitted for body upbuilding. Home conditions among the poor have proven one of the drawbacks in carrying on the work. The school nurses and the teachers of these children have learned the necessity of finding out the home conditions, resulting in visits which have revealed that the usual meal is bread and cofifee. Among the foreign born the coffee has either whiskey or brandy put into it. This abnormal diet is quickly detected as it results in a high temperature and an excessively high pulse. Teachers and the school physicians realize the importance to tubercular and anemic children of a wholesome diet. In the schools where the food problem has been satisfactorily solved it has been due to the willingness of a local charity organization to defray the expenses. In many cases after the society has borne the expenses for two or three years it refuses to continue its support. At this point, in some cities, the question of feeding during school hours has been dropped; in others, as in New York City, the home has been asked to furnish a lunch or to pay ten cents a week which will provide a daily lunch of crack- ers and milk (two crackers and a very small cup of milk). It has been left to the discretion of the teacher whether the milk be heated or not in cold weather. It does not seem very prob- 161] Open- Air Schools 23 able that the school will provide these children with free food however badly they may need it because such procedure would bring the demands for '' no favoritism " down upon the school board. The teachers of open-air and open-window classes have found it necessary to have mothers' meetings in regard to food, cloth- ing, and sleep. Demonstrations have been given to show how to prepare simple and nourishing meals, emphasis being placed on the lesser cost and the greater nutritive value of the meals prepared at school over those given in the home. In Italian, Irish, and Syrian communities it was found necessary to teach the mothers the food value of the various vegetables and to demonstrate the best methods of preparing them. Among these peoples the chief and constant article of diet was either spaghetti, potatoes, or white bread, according to nationality. The children from these homes were suffering from chronic consti- pation and at first had to be coaxed and taught to eat soup, turnips, carrots, squash, spinach, beets, and brown bread. Mont- clair, New Jersey, has done more toward solving the food prob- lem than any other town. It has an excellent cook who prepares the food according to the best known rules for variety, method, quantity, and nutritive and heat values. In this school the fol- lowing recipe for bread has proved its function of curing con- stipation. The recipe will make two loaves. It is better when it is old. 2 cups bran (ordinary bran — loose — not in packages). 2 cups white flour. 2 cups graham flour. I level tablespoonful salt. I cup raisins or nuts. I tablespoonful lard or good drippings. I teaspoonful baking soda dissolved in i tablespoonful hot water. Equal portions sour milk and molasses. About i^ cups of each will be required. Batter should be thick, but not too thick to drop from spoon. Bake slowly i^ hours. Put a basin of water underneath bread when it is baking and the crust will not be hard. Cost Where the child is fed and provided with a warm clothing equipment the cost of educating and caring for him in open-air 24 Teachers College Record [162 schools is nearly three times as great as in the ordinary school. The tendency at present is to experiment on no feeding and no extra clothing; in such cases the cost is reduced somewhat. In many schools the children pay a small sum each day which covers the cost of the food eaten. The prices of various articles of clothing used in outdoor schools can be found by consulting Ayres' " Open-air Schools." Size of Classes In order that outdoor classes be successful it has been demon- strated that they must be small, not over twenty pupils to a teacher. The necessity of looking after the child's health as well as his studies necessitates this limitation. It is thus seen that outdoor classes are much smaller than indoor classes. In the same school system which provides a teacher for twenty anemic pupils, whose parents are willing to permit or even may have requested open-air instruction, the regular indoor teachers are struggling in a more or less poorly ventilated room with fifty children some of whom are as anemic and nervous as the twenty but whose parents are afraid of the cold air. In a class of from fifteen to twenty-five pupils each child is bound to get more individual instruction than in the larger indoor classes. The outdoor rooms of the public schools of New York City have from three to eight grades, a grade often being represented by one or two pupils. This means practically individual attention. Children who have been backward for years are brought up to grade by this means. Program of Studies Although outdoor pupils spend less time on school subjects than normal school children they have not fallen below them in their school records. To meet outdoor conditions, as well as the physical and nervous state of the pupils, it is necessary to have a reduced time schedule. The German plan of reducing formal instruction to two hours a day has not been carried out in most American schools. School programs will be found in Ayres " Open-Air Schools," and in the Reports issued by superintendents of the various cities where open-air schools have been established. 163] Open- Air Schools 25 Methods of Teaching It is generally conceded that those methods of teaching which make foa- constant changing from work to play and from rest to recreation are best suited to open-air instruction. When- ever possible those features of a lesson are sought which can be turned into a game or which can be carried out in an activity of some sort. As the Horace Mann open-air classes are located on the roof at some distance from the regular indoor classrooms, they have felt the necessity of making themselves known to the rest of the school. One of the most interesting plans adopted was to post now and then, on the bulletin board in the main hall of the school, an illustrated notice of the weather conditions on the roof. Writing with gloves on has been found beneficial to the subject of penmanship. The thickness of the gloves caused the child to find it difficult to grip pencil or pen in a firm enough grasp to cramp the muscles ; the results have been a free arm movement, — this was quite contrary to the general expectation. (See Fig. 4.) In the open-air classes the motivation in English, arithmetic, history, geography, and nature-study seems more natural, more related to the social life of the child than in the indoor classes having the same subject matter; there seem to be more prob- lems that force themselves upon the child for his solution than occur in an indoor life. This point in itself would appear the most significant one in the value of open-air over indoor in- struction. New ideas and methods of teaching will come in time from the accumulated experiences of open-air instructors who are experimenting with their material. At present many teachers are simply holding indoor classes in the open air as far as method of teaching is concerned. In Chapter VI this topic will be considered at greater length. Recreation The amount of time given to play and to directed exercise in different schools varies greatly, not only in time but in kind. Some schools have a five-minute supervised dance or gymnastic 26 Teachers College Record [164 period at the close of each twenty-five-minute recitation, with the usual fifteen-minute recess in the middle of the morning when something to eat is taken. Other schools have each day a ten- minute recess for free play, two ten-minute breathing exercise periods, and one forty-five minute sleeping period. The greatest amount of daily recreation noted in any of the schools visited consisted of two thirty-minute periods for prac- ticing and playing co-operative games, such as baseball, basket- ball, and football ; one half-hour rest period ; and one forty- minute period the first half of which was devoted to lunch, the rest to listening, in a warm room, to a story read by one of the teachers. Social Phases The open-air school especially lends itself to developing social co-operation and helpfulness. During the lunch period a few children each day may take their turn in waiting upon and in looking after the needs of the others. Motivation here is of a direct and imperative kind. A few serve the majority because by so doing all do not have to expose feet and legs to the colder air of the room by getting out of their sitting-out bags. During luncheon a child will tell a story. Here the motive for drill in oral English appears plainly to each child. Health Precautions As the experiences in open-air procedure accumulate certain special facts in hygiene are being noted. When a child becomes a little chilly and needs external heat to warm him it has been found that unless he takes off all extra outdoor clothing while in the house it results in bronchitis. The use of various kinds of foot-warmers and of soapstones has been found to be detrimental in the majority of cases. If because of poor cir- culation or an anemic condition the pupil needs extra stimulus to keep up his circulation it has been proven that a few special short gymnastic exercises are more beneficial than application of external heat by means of soapstones or footwarmers. The best methods of quickly warming the fingers, toes, legs, arms, and chest by physical exercise have developed some new and interesting gymnastic movements. Certain games have been 1-' ■S I o I •§ '- 3 O o ^^ 0) o s 165] Open- Air Schools 27 found to be especially eflfective in developing lung capacity, straightening the back, and giving muscular coordination and poise. The following are some good corrective games and exercises now in use : (a) For lung development 1. Blow up an imaginary paper bag. In bursting the blown-up bag, arm and back muscles are brought into play. 2. Blow off all the seeds on an imaginary dandelion. 3. Smell of an imaginary rose, first closing one nostril, then the other. 4. After the floor has been washed and dried have the children lie on the floor flat on their stomachs, the class being divided into two groups facing each other. A pingpong ball is placed in the middle of the space between the two groups. The game is carried on by blowing the ball. Any one who has to touch the ball forfeits for his side. This game is splendid for the back and neck muscles as well as for developing lungs and expanding chest. This is a good exercise for spring and fall months. The others are especially fitted for winter. (b) For muscles of the arm, leg, back, and so forth 1. Pick up imaginary snow. Round it into hard snow- balls. Throw them. 2. Stand on tiptoes, reaching up as far as possible in order to lift the body and place the chin on an imag- inary bar. This exercise is called " lifting your own weight." After each trial it releases the blood and sends it rushing through the body. It is an excellent exercise for warming the body and correcting the harm done by a cramped sitting position. 3. One of the best exercises known for warming the fingers is to tap sharply into the palm of one hand with the fingers of the other. In this exercise the finger tips should be held together firmly or the blood will not be forced into the ends of the fingers. 28 Teachers College Record [166 4. Put the hands on the hips. Balance on one foot. Point forward and downward with the toes of the other foot. Bend the knee pulHng the leg up as high as possible without losing balance. Then kick forward vigorously. This exercise will send the blood into the toes. It is better in its results and more lasting than the use of soapstone and footwarmers. (The last three exercises are especially designed for keeping the body warm in cold weather.) 5. The rhythm of the multiplication tables can be utilized in the arm and leg exercises of the usual gymnastic drill. 6. In the free play time the pupils love to hang from the swinging rings and walk on the balance bars and on chalk lines, unconsciously gaining poise and grace. Those children who have had at home coffee, brandy, whiskey, and beer show the effects of these stimulants by an alarming pulse rate, fever, sleeplessness, and restlessness. As these con- ditions were especially found among the children who were suf- fering from tuberculosis it was sometime before the school physi- cians and nurses learned that the home and not the disease was largely to blame for these symptoms. Even after the parents have promised to mend matters, lapses occur. Plenty of wholesome food furnished at school, instruction to mothers, and co-operation on the part of the child are all essential to the success of this work. When the children in open-window and open-air classes get colds they are very deep-seated, prolonged and stubborn ones, A record of these colds reveal (a) That girls get more colds than boys. (b) That girls who wear cotton or linen dresses get more colds than girls who wear woolen ones. (c) That some of the mothers let their children go out of doors in winter after taking a hot bath, (d) That children who by nature have hot skins cannot stand drafts or sudden cold weather without getting severe 167] Open- Air Schools 29 colds. They are not, on the whole, fit pupils for out-of- door classes. (e) That the children of the very poor sleep either in rooms which have no windows or in rooms the windows of which are kept closed, thus making these children more susceptible to colds. (f) That the children of the very poor need baths and a thor- ough rubbing of the skin in order to get the skin in con- dition to react properly to the fresh cold air. (g) That children who suffer from constipation get colds more readily than those who do not. Health Results of Open-Air Treatment In tabulating the results achieved in the various open-air schools certain of them are constant and others appear variable. Formerly, one of the first rules laid down for the guidance of those about to start such a school was that warm clothing, much sleep, frequent exercise, frequent and nourishing meals, and shelter from winds and storms were absolutely necessary to carry out the outdoor scheme. It still remains true that the more carefully these points are followed the more successful the results become, but it has been demonstrated that gain has been made even in those classes where no extra feeding, little exercise, a limited clothing equipment, and heavy drafts are found. Con- stant factors in open-air school life are the gain in weight, strength, chest expansion, hemoglobin, and physical activity. An- other point that has shown the advantage of the outdoor over the indoor class is the matter of fatigue. It does not seem to make any difference whether arithmetic is taught at nine o'clock or at twelve, the children appearing to do equally good work at any time of day. In those cases where an afternoon nap was formerly indispensable, at the end of six months in the open-air class these children not only no longer needed naps but they gradually got to the point where they could not sleep in the afternoon. They were not fatigued enough. We are told by teachers and advocates of open-air instruction that there is no doubt that these pupils have healthier appetites, sleep much better, and are more alert and vigorous mentally than when they began in the open-air class. Since these teachers hold mothers' 30 Teachers College Record [168 meetings in which they urge open windows in the bedrooms, and a change in diet, laying stress on the injurious effects of coffee and alcoholic stimulants and begging for their discontinu- ance, there should be taken into consideration the fact that if the same crusade had been started when these same pupils were in indoor classes there would at that time have been an improve- ment in sleep and appetite. The New York City public schools have chosen certain indoor classes of normal children for purposes of comparison with the corresponding outdoor grades. These indoor classes are called " control " classes. The conditions in these control rooms are as nearly as possible the same as in the outdoor classes with the exception of the outdoor feature. Each child who is ad- mitted to an open-air class has a card allotted him on which a record is made of his age, sex, color, nationality, height, weight, per cent below weight for height, haemoglobin, chest measure- ments, physical defects (tonsils, enlarged glands, adenoids, poor posture, etc.), condition of teeth, chest, grade, and scholarship. From time to time subsequent examinations are made and the results recorded on his card, and at the end of the year a final examination is made. On the back of the card a weekly record is kept of his weight. Each child who enters a control class has a card which is exactly similar and on which his record for the year is kept. Some interesting facts have been brought out. The easiest record to make and to plot on a chart is that of gain or loss in weight. For each pupil week by week and month by month such records have been kept. In the out- door classes these records have been a valuable asset for they have been used as the great argument in favor of open-air work. Each pupil in these classes has gained steadily, some more, some less, from the beginning of school in September until the begin- ning of spring. The average gain is one-half pound per child per week. When the child was at school he gained in weight, when at home for more than three days he lost. During each vacation there was a decided loss in weight which made the line on the chart give a sharp downward angle. From the middle of March on to the end of school in June the loss of weight begins and the charts generally, without exception, show a down- ward curve. These charts have been most carefully kept in 169] Open-Air Schools 31 classes of very poor, underfed children. Just how much of the gain in weight is due to an extra meal and how much to fresh air is not known. In considering the gain in weight the normal gain for any age due to growth has been allowed for. The loss of weight during the spring months is never enough by June to put the child at the same weight that he had in Sep- tember when he entered school. How much of this difference is the natural one due to a change to lighter clothing has not been determined. Hemoglobin tests have also been made. Those records which tell the history of the child's home condition, health, habits, school progress, and personality are the most valuable ones kept so far. To get even these facts is difficult. Even in those schools where the clientele is such that it is possible to send out questionnaires only a small percentage of them are answered and returned. In some schools the information can be gotten only by the visits to the homes by the teacher, the school nurse, and the social worker. Beginning with the Twelfth Annual Report of the New York City Public Schools (1910) scientific charts and tables have been printed each year showing the results of the open-air school work. In few other school systems are the results of their open-air school work tabulated so systematically for general distribution. The New York City charts showing the relation between the control and the outdoor classes with regard to increase and decrease in hemoglobin; gain in weight of the control, outdoor feeding, and outdoor non-feeding classes ; and the relation of anemia to poverty are all very interesting. Final conclusions should not be drawn until experiments have been carried on for a period of five years at least. It is only by careful experiments that real knowledge of the results of outdoor instruction can be gotten. In the Horace Mann School tests such as the following have been reported •} " Two third-grade classes, as similar as it was possible to have them, were compared for a period of six months. One class was an outdoor class, the other a regular indoor class. The two classes were compared in respect both to physical im- provement and mental improvement, with the following results : 'For further details see "Effect of Outdoor and Indoor School Life on the Physical and Mental Condition of Children" by Harold Brown Keyes, M. D. Report, Fourth Inter- national Congress on School Hygiene, Buffalo, Augtist, 1913. 32 Teachers College Record [170 Physical Improvement, 1912-13 Average age at beginning of tests Duration of tests Average gain in — Weight Height Girth of chest Girth of chest expanded Breadth of chest Depth of chest Lung capacity Strength, right arm Strength, left arm Strength, upper back Strength, chest Indoor Outdoor 8 yrs. 6 mos. 6 mos 1.6 kg. 2.6 cm. 1.3 cm. 1.5 cm. 0.9 cm. 0.0... . 8.0 cu. 1.4 kg. 1.4 kg. 2.0 kg. 2.8 kg. or 3.5 lbs. or 1.0 in. or 0.5 in. or 0.6 in. or 0.37 in. m or 3.0 lbs. or 3.1 lbs. or 4.4 lbs. or 6.2 lbs. 8 yrs. 4 mos. 6 mos. 1.7 kg. or 3.7 lbs. 2.8 cm. or 1.1 in. 1.8 cm. or 0.74 in, 1.7 cm. or 0.7 in. 0.2 cm. or 0.07 in. —0.4 cm. or —0.13 in. 5.9 cu. in. 0.8 kg. or 1.7 lbs. 2.1 kg. or 4.5 lbs. 2.0 kg. or 4.4 lbs. 3.2 kg. or 7.0 lbs. " Indoor class improved more in four of these measurements. Outdoor class gained more in six of these measurements. Classes gained the same in strength of back. Outdoor class gained more in height, weight, and girth of chest." " We had wondered if the eyesight of the outdoor children would suffer any from added exposure to sun and the necessity of looking at blackboards and books on which sun might shine. In no case did we find any defect coming on during the term such as would be shown with Snellen test type. " A record of contagious diseases was kept during the year. In the three outdoor classes there were five cases of contagious diseases; in the indoor classes there were fourteen cases of con- tagious disease. Again in this case it is only fair to keep in mind that there were more children in the indoor classes and therefore more opportunities for contagious disease. If these cases are reduced to percentages the record of outdoor children shows that 12.5% had contagious disease while 17.9% of indoor children had contagious disease. Another very significant point is that no contagious diseases ' went through ' an outdoor room as happened in one of the indoor rooms. This seems to me to be in itself a powerful argument in favor of outdoor schools." Mental tests indicating progress in the usual school subjects were also given. From the outline below it will be seen that " in formal English the third grade outdoor class not only had higher averages than the indoor class but improved 20% whereas 171] Open- Air Schools 33 the indoor class improved only 13% during the year." In arith- metic the outdoor class improved 26% against 6% for the indoor class. Mental Improvement, 1912-13 Number of pupils Average Dec. May Improve- ment In formal English: Open air Indoor In arithmetic: Open air Indoor 18 in Dec. 12 in May. ^22 in Dec. ,27 in May. fl4 in Dec. ^22 in May. r28inDec. [24 in May. Per cent > 37 . 35 48 69 Per cent 57 48 68 75 Per cent 20 13 20 6 It is the ambition and practically the pledge of the teacher of open-air classes to be able to put a child at any time into the indoor class of his grade and have him go on there as well as if no change of class had been made. The majority of the pupils of an open-air class are put indoors at the end of one year, but in those cases where the child's condition has not shown enough improvement a second and even a third year is allowed in the outdoor class. The gain in the second year is greater from the start, not only in weight but in mental attitude and interests. Some very satisfactory cases have been followed up in the indoor classes which have shown the value of two or three years out-of-doors. These children were formerly way below age, staying two years in a grade, indifferent to school, and having no interest in continuing any kind of school work. After the outdoor period these same pupils ranked well toward the top of the indoor class, which fact gave them such pleasure and confidence that by earnest work they were soon beyond their normal grade. Many schools have begun with one open-air class and have then added a new one each year until the eighth grade has been reached. The problem of getting started and equipped has often occupied the attention of the teachers to the exclusion of any 34 Teachers College Record [172 real mental testing to show what really has been accomplished from month to month and year to year. If the class could keep up with the corresponding indoor grade, have more play, and no homework the experiment was considered successful and worth the extra cost. Teachers The teachers of open-air classes should be keen, resourceful, sympathetic, careful of all the little things, and quick to notice the symptoms of children. More depends upon the right teacher than upon the other advantages of the school, such as feeding, extra clothing, and weather. The services of a physician, trained nurse, and dentist are necessary for at least part of the time. Such remarks as the following testify to what teaching in the open air has done for the teacher : " No teacher who has taught in the open air will ever want to go back to indoor work." "At night I am not tired and * dragged out ' as I used to be, yet when I go to bed I fall right away into a sound, refreshing sleep." The results for the pupils are bound to be better when the teacher has lost that nervous irritability which comes from confinement for long hours in a badly ventilated, overcrowded room. The outdoor teacher has more energy and strength to prepare lessons and material for her class. At a recent meeting of the open-air teachers of New York City public schools the supervisor said that the teachers of a city system should be looked after as well as the pupils. The appalling percentage of tubercular cases is about as true of teachers as of any other class of workers. It looks as if in the future the teachers who need outdoor treatment will be instructors chosen for the open- air classes. IV OPEN-WINDOW ROOMS " Open-window room," " fresh air room," " low temperature room," and " cold air room " are all different names for the same kind of room, namely, one where the windows are kept open and where artificial heating is used only in severe weather. In some of these rooms the whole south wall is given over to window space from ceiling to floor, the windows being so hinged and fitted with cords and pulleys as to enable them to be raised flat against the ceiling. These windows have not proven to be an entire success, however, as in stormy weather they have to be wholly closed. Rooms having windows on one side only have fewer drafts than corner rooms. On the other hand corner rooms have some desirable features that the others do not have; they permit of a more even flow of air through them and all parts of the room can be kept at a more uniform temperature. If winds and storms make it necessary to close the one side, the other can be kept open. Windows that swing from side to side on a pivot, and that can be so adjusted as to let in air and at the same time throw off the wind seem to be the best solution to the draft problem reached as yet. John H. Van Pelt, an architect of New York City who is much interested in open-air school architecture, believes that the best window for such a school is one which is divided into three sashes. Each of these sashes he would hang by pivots in the middle of both sides ; in time of driving rain the middle sash of each window at least could be open at a slant, the top of the sash to swing inward and the bottom of it outward and down. He also suggests that a glass marquise hung over the windows would admit light and yet in time of storm keep out rain and snow. Professor Frederic S. Lee in an article on " Fresh Air " in the Popular Science Monthly of April, 1914, makes the follow- 173] 35 36 Teachers College Record [174 ing interesting statement in reference to drafts : " Keep room air in motion. . . . Air in motion promotes efficiency. Ac- custom yourselves to drafts, and especially to big drafts. A small blast of cold air directed against a small area of warm skin may do harm, but the larger the current the more the harm gives way to benefit. Air of constantly uniform tempera- ture is monotonous and debilitating. An occasional and con- siderable cooling, a flushing of the room by a sudden large inrush of outside air is, like a cool bath, stimulating." In large cities open-window rooms will probably be more popular than open-air rooms because of the small expense to install them and the ease with which such rooms can avoid extremes of temperature, provided the disadvantages of the open-window room can be remedied by careful experiment. It is easier for the open-window room to fail than for the open-air room because of the difficulty in regulating drafts and in keep- ing the same temperature in all parts of the room. In general open-window rooms must have drafts in order to regulate the temperature, but unfortunately these drafts are usually small blasts of air rather than the large currents which Professor Lee believes to be so helpful. All this can be avoided in open-air rooms where the small drafts are absent and where the large currents of air can sweep the entire room. The biggest problem of the open-window room is this question of drafts. When one makes a change, to go from one extreme to another has its value. Indoor rooms may be considered as being at one extreme and open-air classes at the other. The disadvan- tages of indoor rooms are more likely to be remedied by chang- ing to open-air rather than to open-window rooms. Open- window rooms seem more to favor the tendency to get back into the ruts of indoor classroom practice than do open-air rooms. In open-air rooms one must radically change certain methods of procedure while in open-window rooms one can exist with indoor methods. Special Points Noted When Visiting Open-Window Classes One morning when the outside thermometer registered 38 degrees F. two open-window rooms in a small city were visited. 175] Open- Air Schools 37 The sun shone brightly and the air was cold and dry. The warmth in these rooms was noticeable at once, and, on looking at the thermometers, one read 67 degrees, the other 68 degrees ; the windows were nearly closed and yet most of the children were bundled up in sweaters. The teachers had no notions as to which were the best temperatures for open-window rooms. One said that she felt sure that the windows of her room were not opened early enough in the morning. On questioning the janitor it was learned that the windows were only raised ten minutes before the teacher was expected to reach school in the morning. In the Horace Mann School the school physician feels that the temperature in the open-window room should not go below 50 degrees F. When that temperature is reached the heat is turned on automatically. Down to that point the room tempera- ture is that of out-of-doors, — varying from it not over two degrees at most. One school that wanted to start an open-window room found that before it could get children for the room it had to promise the parents that the children would not have to sit in drafts. The principal solved the difficulty by having window screens measurmg eighteen inches in height covered with cheesecloth. The windows were usually kept open to the height of the screens. At times the whole ventilating system of the building was thrown out of order by these open screened windows as evidenced by the necessity of covering with cheesecloth the outlet register in order to break the strong drafts that blew down it. It thus appears that satisfactory devices for avoiding drafts in open-window rooms are difficult to find. The question of clothing for use in open-window rooms has not been satisfactorily solved. Some rooms are allowed to get as cold as the lowest outdoor temperature, others can hardly be called cold air or low temperature rooms. The lower the tem- perature the more clothing must be provided. Chicago found, even with the thermometer at zero, " that whatever clothing would safely bring the children to school was more than enough for protection in the open-air classrooms where games were fre- quent." Some teachers are trying this winter whether army 38 Teachers College Record [176 blankets folded about the legs will serve as ample covering. The children in the open-window room of the Horace Mann School have had two and three winters in the open-air room on the roof and thus have brought sitting-out bags along with them which are being used. The only complaint that their teacher has made in regard to the sitting-out bags is that they are cumbersome and she cannot get over the feeling that much time is wasted in getting in and out of them. Some open-window classes are given a lunch at recess of hot soup or cocoa and a sandwich. The children chosen for these rooms are mostly nervous, anemic, and undernourished. The rooms visited have not been in existence long enough to show what method is good and wha^t should not be done, or to demonstrate any special gain by the pupils. However, in comparison with the regular indoor classes there is a difference that is noticeable. The pupils of the open-window classes are quieter, have a more restful attitude, and give a quicker brain response. The indoor classes in the same school give the feel- ing at once of nervous tension not only in the lessons but in keeping order. The teacher of the Horace Mann open-window room says that her pupils are more sane and wholesome in their attitude than any class she has taught. Their memories are so good and their interest is so keen that they do not need the drill usually given indoor classes nor will they accept a slow rate of progress in their studies. They seem to have an in- satiable mental appetite. V POINTS IN CONTROVERSY CONCERNING OPEN-AIR SCHOOLS Many questions have been raised in connection with open-air and open-window rooms. Among important questions to be answered definitely, inchiding those in controversy, are the fol- lowing : 1. Are the physical benefits derived from open-air experi- ments lasting? Are the sick children cured permanently or are their ills merely temporarily arrested? 2. Are the mental benefits lasting? Are they progressively continuous, or are they the result of over-stimulated interests and excitement due to the novelty of the new conditions and surroundings ? 3. Is a city justified in spending in open-air school experi- ments three times as much money per child as is necessary indoors in order to educate a few sickly children and in neglect- ing the majority of normal children? 4. Is it fair to compare the results of open-air schools with the regular schools when we recall that the children in the open-air schools are taught in small classes of about twenty and are well-fed, well-poised, well-rested, well-aired, and little fatigued, while the children in the regular schools must work in classes of fifty, or even seventy, to one teacher, in poorly ventilated rooms, with less satisfactory conditions in reference to food, clothing and rest? Indoor school conditions are not at all as favorable as those in the open-air schools, 5. Are we using the best and most economical methods of presenting school material in our regular school classes if it is true that in the open-air schools pupils seem to be especially benefited by changes in the ordinary methods of instruction and by short periods of instruction? Does a shorter day with intensive work as found in indoor schools accomplish as much 177] 39 40 Teachers College Record [178 or more than the outdoor ten-hour day found in Germany with frequent periods of recreation interspersed between short recitation periods? 6. Does the open-window school accomplish as much as the open-air school? Could the ordinary school be easily trans- formed into an open-window school and get better results than now? 7. To what extent does low temperature, and the stimulation due to it, explain the success of the open-air school? 8. Is moral deficiency a condition that would be benefited by open-air school treatment? 9. Can we have open-air upper grade and high school classes, or are we limited principally to the primary grades? Can the more advanced school subjects be adapted to treatment in open- air schools? ID. Is open-air school work proportionately more beneficial in the elementary grades than in the later years? 11. Is it worth while in America to have a ten-hour day for the open-air school as in Germany? 12. Will children who have spent years in an open-air school, and who appear to be advanced enough and well enough physi- cally to return to ordinary school conditions, be able to return to the regular school room, or will their earlier open-air training tend to unfit them from going on successfully with their work in the indoor school? Will the methods of the ordinary school room, which are so intensive, put such a child at a great dis- advantage ? 13. Will children who have been brought up in an open-air school tend in after life to follow out-of-door occupations ? Will they be handicapped if they undertake indoor pursuits? 14. Should the period of rest and sleep provided in many open-air school programs come before or after luncheon? 15. Should we have an open-air class where children may go who have whooping cough? Mr. Frank J. Bruner, of Chicago, in an article in the Pro- ceedings of the National Education Association for 191 1, brings up a number of interesting points which show that there are still other important questions to be answered in connection with the cause of the success of open-air schools. He states 179] Open-Air Schools 41 that repeated experiments prove that weak, anemic, and tuber- cular children and adults are benefited by living out-of-doors but are made worse and even sicken and die by being confined in heated school rooms, bedrooms, and living rooms. While the above fact has been demonstrated, the reason why this is so is difficult to find. It is not alone because the open-air is purer than the air indoors. This is shown by the following experiments which are here very briefly stated : (a) Carbon dioxide. Careful experiments have proven that only under extraordinary conditions is the amount of carbon dioxide in a classroom, lecture room, or living room sufficient to affect in any detectable manner the physiological processes or the mental work of an individual. (b) Oxygen and ozone. Pure air does not mean that the air shall be rich in oxygen and ozone. More oxygen does not necessarily mean more vitality. Even a slight percentage over the normal of oxygen or ozone is injurious to lung, throat, and nose. (c) Anthropotoxins. By experiments on animals it has been proven that organic matters thrown oflf by respiration are not responsible for the devitalization of the air. (d) Humidity. The result upon the body of varying per- centages of humidity has not been worked out long enough to prove any definite theory. Concerning the physiological eflFects of high and low humidity on temperatures ranging from sixty to seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit we know little or nothing definitely; the only result known to be true at present is that the higher the percentage of humidity the lower the tempera- ture should be for comfort. In summing up the results of experiments on the effects of stale, confined air. Professor Frederic S. Lee, in an article in the Popular Science Monthly for April, 1914, reaches this con- clusion : " That the evil effects exerted upon human beings by air that has become vitiated by human beings result not from a lack of oxygen, not from an increase of carbon dioxide, not from the presence of an organic poison, not from any chemical features of such air acting through the lungs on the tissues, not in any manner from the rebreathing of such air, but solely from the physical features of excessive heat and excessive humidity 42 Teachers College Record [180 interfering with the proper action of the skin in regulating bodily temperature. The problem of bad air has thus ceased to be chemical and pulmonary, and has become physical and cutaneous." In view of these experiments, Mr. Bruner concludes that the success of the open-air school is not due to pure air alone. He has sought, therefore, those other factors which must be prominent in explaining the success of this type of school. He finds them to be as follows: (a) General freedom (b) l^ack of restraint (c) Feeding (d) Rest and sleep. Mr. Bruner's interesting observations suggest to us a large field for investigation. Since the pure air alone is not so important as we had thought, we are led to experiment to verify Mr. Bruner's conclusions and to see if there are still other factors that explain the success of the open-air schools. We must ask also if the indoor schools would be far more suc- cessful if we introduced there greater freedom, lack of restraint, feeding, and periods of rest and sleep. If so, then the open-air movement will have made a great contribution to our methods of carrying on indoor instruction. To test this it will be worth while to try indoors the full open-air program, with its short instruction periods interspersed with rest and recreation; like- wise to try an intensive indoor program out-of-doors. This will soon show us whether the open-air or something else is the vital factor in the outdoor movement. Mr. Bruner also found that the chief air-polluting agents in cities are: (a) Dust (b) Soot (c) Gases from factories and chimneys (d) Bacteria, as well as noxious gases, arising from waste products such as ashes, garbage, and sewage. With urban conditions such as these the necessity of experi- ment is urged to see if the open-air schools situated in the country, preferably in the woods, are more successful than those in the city. VI MODIFICATION IN INDOOR METHODS OF INSTRUC- TION TO SUIT OPEN-AIR CONDITIONS In order that the open-air school work may be carried on most effectively, it seems desirable to suggest certain modifica- tions in our indoor methods of instruction in order that there may be no handicap to the student of the open-air school. These modifications will be most necessary in cold weather when the problem of keeping the child warm and free from exposure is the most important one. The location of the open-air school may likewise cause a modification in certain methods. If the open-air room is situated on a noisy street certain changes in methods are necessary which need not be considered for an open-air room in a quieter location. In general, during the winter months, all recitations and class exercises must be of much shorter duration than those given in the indoor school. This is brought about by the necessity of giving the pupil frequent periods for relaxation and for keeping up an adequate circulation of the blood. The following suggestions are made: I. In the cold months of the year the open-air pupil is handicapped in all written work on account of the heavy cloth- ing and outside wraps which he must wear. Written exercises of all kinds including his computations in arithmetic may thus sufiFer somewhat. During the winter, it seems advisable, there- fore, to replace careful writing with the pen or pencil by some form of writing that will exercise the larger muscles of the body and be less affected by the restricting clothing. A device that suggests itself as serviceable would be to have the children make much more use of a blackboard, either standing at the regular blackboards or having an individual blackboard at the disposal of each pupil. The top of the closed desk could easily 181] 43 44 Teachers College Record [182 be fitted with a blackboard on its lower side which could be brought into service by merely raising the top of the desk. In a large free hand the pupil could thus do a certain amount of writing and calculating. Such a blackboard, two feet long and one and half feet wide, would be very serviceable. In using it the pupil would have the advantage of not being obliged to lean over the desk as in the case of writing with a pen or pencil. I do not hesitate to suggest also the novelty of introducing the typewriter, the operation of which would permit the student to sit upright and have opportunity to exercise a number of muscles that would be unused in the ordinary writing with a pen. The activity required in typewriting would be especially favorable in the cold weather. Investigations have already been carried on by teachers of English which show that young chil- dren can make more progress in English and in spelling by the use of the typewriter than by the ordinary means of writing by hand. The undeveloped muscles of young children always cause handwriting to be a slow tedious process. The type- writer has the advantage of emphasizing legibility and accuracy. Mistakes stand out very prominently. As classes progress it is one of the most important ways to emphasize the value of good form in writing. In no other way does proper paragraphing and punctuation stand out so boldly. The typewriter would also serve nicely in spelling tests from dictation, and as a means of taking notes of any kind which might be given by the teacher. The combination of the typewriter with the blackboard above mentioned would no doubt do away with some of the present disadvantages of the open-air methods. The typewriter should be especially useful if the open-air scheme is extended to the higher classes, including the high school, where written work plays so prominent a part. It is here the intention, however, to recommend it for the elementary classes as well. If the above blackboard and typewriter plan is not feasible it will be well as a general principle during the winter months to modify meth- ods of instruction, so as to avoid as far as possible the necessity of long detailed exercises involving much writing. In the fall and in the spring, when the weather is warm, the 183] Open-Air Schools 45 children could have ample exercise in the usual handwriting. It is not meant by the above suggestion to do away with hand- writing, but only to make it possible to do in cold weather work that otherwise might be slighted. 2. In general, in the open-air school, methods of exercising pupils orally should be increased and emphasized. This can be applied in practically all subjects including arithmetic, spelling, geography, and English. Such exercises as singing and gymnastics can be considerably increased in an open-air curriculum, and can best be given by frequent repetitions between the regular classes rather than by single assignments per day, as is the usual practice in the indoor school. 3. In a subject like English, oral exercises, including oral reading and dramatic representation, can well be increased. In geography, map drawing at the blackboard and modeling can be given more prominent parts. The geography work may be aided also by excursions to points of geographical interest in the vicinity of the school. The same excursions are also helpful in connection with the work in history. The excursion idea should be much more developed in American open-air schools than it has been up to the present. In Italy the excursion is the chief feature of the open-air school. This is much more possible in Italy, however, than in America due to the milder climate. Lessons in civics, in fine arts, in current events, and in industries are thus possible, through visits to public places, galleries, court rooms, public institutions, factories, public works, and so forth. The boys in the Italian schools are provided with the combination portable chair and desk which may easily be carried on the back and set up in any convenient place out-of- doors. In this way the Italian teacher can establish his school- room temporarily in a public park or before some noted public monument. So far as American conditions are concerned, such excursions would have to be confined principally to the fall and spring months, except in the south and southwest. 4. Especially in the open-air school, the use of the stereopticon and the moving picture as a means of instruction will be valu- able. Such devices will be especially serviceable for open-air schools in noisy districts. 46 Teachers College Record [184 5. A subject like nature study should be carried on only in the fall and spring months when the work can be done out-of- doors. Gardening is a subject which may well be emphasized for the open-air pupil. 6. In arranging the curriculum it is very important to make such an adjustment that the cold months of the year will be used most effectively for those subjects which can best be taught during that time. The out-of-door scheme will probably result in favoring, even for a private school, a forty-week school year. If children remain in excellent health through the out-of-door experiment there is less reason for the long vacation. A forty- week or a forty-five week school year should be no hardship if the open-air school proves to be what we have a right to expect. The open-air curriculum especially favors the introduction of modern foreign languages by the direct method of instruction. VII SOME TESTS FOR DETERMINING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE METHODS OF OPEN-AIR SCHOOLS It is very desirable to test the efficiency of the open-air school especially in comparison with the regular indoor school. It is especially valuable to know in what particulars the pupils of the open-air schools are in advance of the regular pupils. To determine these matters physical and mental tests should be given frequently to classes of the same age and grade in both indoor and outdoor schools. To be of greatest value the tests should be given to children of the same average state of health in both schools. It will not be especially helpful to test invalids in an open-air school and to compare these results with normal children in the indoor school. So far as possible it is necessary that the groups of children to be compared start at about the same place with respect to age, grade, development, and health. These tests to be of value should be applied to large numbers of pupils. Physical Tests 1. Gain in weight. Is it more for the outdoor pupil than that normally expected in a growing child? Gain in weight may be taken as an index of one's nutrition. Comparison of indoor with outdoor pupils should be of much value in this test. 2. Lung capacity. As this is a test of vital capacity it will be especially important for pupils who have been more than a year in an outdoor school. 3. Examination of the blood to show gain in hemoglobin. Especially favorable results should be found here in the case of open-air pupils. Outdoor pupils who are fed in school should be compared carefully with those outdoor pupils who are not fed. 4. State of the organs of digestion. The frequent periods for light nourishment in many of the open-air schools make this an interesting test. Also keep a record of appetite. 1851 47 48 Teachers College Record [186 5. Tests of hearing, of sight, and of the other special senses. The test of hearing will be important for all pupils in outdoor schools situated on noisy streets. The test of sight will be especially needed for outdoor pupils whose work has been done to a large extent with the sun shining on their desks and books. 6. Tests for physical fatigue. An especially interesting test in view of the numerous periods for rest afforded the open-air pupils. Tests and continued observations for nervousness, irrita- bility, ill-temper, and so forth. 7. Tests of posture. 8. Tests of movements, including quickness or rate, accuracy or precision. Steadiness of motor control. 9. Tests of endurance. ID. Tests of muscular strength, grip, and so forth. 11. Careful observation to indicate freedom from minor com- plaints such as colds. Also a record of freedom from usual children's diseases such as measles, scarlet fever, headaches, indigestion, and adenoids. It is interesting to know whether or not the increased health of open-air pupils gives them through their greater resisting powers any immunity from these diseases. Records should also be kept to show the relation between the spread of contagious diseases in open-air and indoor classes. 12. Medical tests to see if outdoor children have any special tendency toward troubles caused by exposure such as colds, rheu- matism, sore throats, and tonsilitis. 13. Careful observations of bodily temperature, especially in cold weather, would also be of value. Symptoms of chilliness such as shivering, cold hands, chattering of teeth, and blue lips should be carefully watched and noted. From observations in various outdoor classes I believe that these matters are often neglected or ignored by the teachers. I saw a number of chil- dren who were so cold that they could not get any profit out of their school work. Often children do not know when they are too cold. 14. Record of sleep. All of the above tests are rather simply carried out. The book on " Mental and Physical Tests " by Whipple will be sug- gestive in reference to accurate methods for conducting such 187] Open-Air Schools 49 tests. Pyle's " Examination of School Children " will also be helpful in this connection. Tests Relative to Conduct It is important to know whether or not the wholesome life in the open air has any marked influence on the conduct of pupils. This amounts to asking whether or not physical condi- tions in the ordinary schoolroom tend to favor misconduct. The following tests seem to be worth attention : 1. A careful record in reference to obedience to the demands of the teacher or to the demands of fellow students. A record of each student's ability to get along in school with his fellow pupils. The presence of disputes, quarrels, and so forth should be carefully noted. 2. General good spirit toward work and willingness to do things. Loyalty to teacher and school. 3. General attitude toward life and the world as exhibited in cheerfulness, optimism, or their lack. 4. Record of cases of marked misconduct, such as stealing, lying, willful destruction of property. 5. Record of improvement in morals. This will include items not mentioned in paragraph 4, such as swearing, sexual dis- turbances. 6. Tests of initiative, so far as this is testable. 7. Tests of alertness, wide-awakeness, and so forth. Mental Tests Suggested by the Usual School Record Children of approximately equal health, grade, and age in both indoor and open-air schools should have their actual progress tested as shown by the usual school marks in subjects such as arithmetic, reading, spelling, geography, history, and science. In a subject like arithmetic it will also be valuable to test the work of both indoor and outdoor pupils in some such special way as the Courtis test, or the Stone test. In Eng- lish composition it would be valuable to supplement the tests given by the ordinary school grades by some careful measuring such as that possible by the scale developed by Professor Hille- gas. Handwriting could likewise be measured in accordance with the method of Professor Thorndike. 50 Teachers College Record [188 In addition to the tests in the ordinary school subjects above mentioned, care should be taken to obtain adequate tests of manual work, such as sewing, cooking, manual training, or drawing. The results should be of interest as these subjects are usually not taught out-of-doors under conditions as favorable as those indoors. The tests in physical training will also be of value as they will probably favor the outdoor pupil. Mental Tests Suggested by Psychologists A. Tests of Attention and Perception 1. Range of visual attention 2. Cancellation 3. Counting dots 4. Reading complicated prose 5. Simultaneous reading, and writing and so forth B. Tests of Description and Report 1. Description of an object 2. Fidelity to report C. Tests of Association, Learning, and Memory 1. Uncontrolled association a. Part-wholes b. Genus-species c. Opposites d. Computation 2. Mirror-drawing 3. Substitution 4. Rote memory 5. Logical memory D. Tests of Suggestibility 1. Size-weight illusion 2. Progressive lines 3. Progressive weights 4. Illusion of warmth E. Tests of Invention and Imagination 1. Ink blots 2. Linguistic invention 3. Word building 4. Interpretation of fables 189] Open-Air Schools 51 F. Tests of Intellectual Equipment 1. Size of vocabulary 2. Range of information G. Tests for reasoning not included in above lists H. Tests to show ability to understand the printed page. Note. — For descriptions of these tests and directions for giving them consult Whipple's " Manual of Mental and Physical Measure- ments." For names, descriptions, and so forth, of instruments that can be used for making these measurements see " Catalogue of Scien- tific Instruments," C. H. Stoelting, North Green Street, Chicago. VIII TESTS FOR THIRD GRADE I. Schoolwork tests 1. Arithmetic 2. Composition 3. Reading II. Physical tests 1. Height 2. Weight 3. Test of strength a. Of grip b. Of back c. Of legs 4. Tests of motor control a. Tapping b. Aiming c. Tracing 5. Test of eyesight a. For improvement b. For strain c«i eyes from sunshine III. Mental tests 1. Tests for accuracy and quality of apperceptive mass a. From the reading book in use choose objects and situations and have them described and explained 2. Tests for attention and perception a. Cancellation b. Counting dots c. Simultaneous adding d. Column adding e. Binet- Simon geometrical figures 52 [190 191] Open- Air Schools 53 3. Tests for association a. Associated words such as page-book b. Opposites c. Memory 4. Tests of powers of discrimination a. Size b. Length c. Weight d. Warmth e. Softness f. Fineness of fibre 5. Tests for invention a. Development of sentences b. Completion of sentences c. Word building 6. Tests for reasoning ability a. Interpretation of fables b. Jumbled up sentences (words to be rearranged so they will not make sense) c. Reprint, so each child can have a copy, a second grade story read the year before leaving out adjectives and an occasional verb and noun. Tests like the above should be given at the beginning and end of the school year, and midway between. Indoor classes of the same grade should be given the tests at the same time in order to make comparisons. Among some of the standard tests especially suitable for third grade pupils are the following. Others may be had from such a book as Whipple's " Manual of Mental and Physical Measure- ments." 54 Teachers College Record [192 Some Third Grade Tests Presented in Detail Muscular Control Test Maze. Draw with pencil a line between the walls of this maze. Do not let the pencil touch either of the black printed lines. Try to keep in the middle and draw as far as you can until stop is said. Time i minute and 30 seconds. 193] Open-Air Schools 55 Cancellation Striking out "A" tests 1. Draw a line through each A. Do not skip one. Time i minute. GWBTBVKIKSCSAUEBCIWVABZSMDUBKLWHKHYCGYGK NANNCBVBSAKOIUPEKCXVGSTVRIWYBYGKHAZLPBYO XAPYEXXHUFSBVDYDIAZLRSATZAZVFCOFSAIPTDOK BBISKAKHXDYIUZRHVRZYSCIGECPOFKBICBMGFSDC YHSRMVBLYICKZBMXFVBBIKUCBZLOGLVKGFMOATUN SHOFHXIMKUXLDZKMRYRLVUWWKYEUVECSOUWBADEX ALUAKRMSFTGXWLVGAOWBTPODXBNSFSFSWSDRSMPO KBRIGAXZBZACKFBBEVWCGSWBMFEMXXOKRDIWGGBL BTPNSKBACVTCSSRKUBURUDMZEWIZFESTMZEBWAFI BKSGYHSLSFABTLTIUDXGAKROZYKOBHEAALPMLLKC GVCWKKPTUYUGSTSSDWNKSIEICSNBTVADKANTKKPB 2. At the end of an hour after doing No. i, do the following in the same manner as in No. i. Use this one to show fatigue. Time i minute. GAAQYEMPAZNTIBXGAIMRUSAWZAZWXAMXBDXAJZ ECNABAHGDVSVFTCLAYKUKCWAFRWHTQYAFAAAOH UOLJCCAKSZAUAFERFAWAFZAWXBAAAVHAMBATAD KVSTVNAPLILAOXYSJUOVYIVPAAPSDNLKRQAAOJLE AKNAAPLPAAAHYOAEKLNVFARJAEHNPWIBAYAQRK UPDSHAAQGGHTAMZAQGMTPNURQNXIJEOWYCREJD TXWAMQEAKHAOPXZWCAIRBRZNSOQAQLMDGUSGB FUOFAAKYFGTMBLYZIJAAVAUAAACXDTVDACJSIUFMO SNZMWAAAWHACAXHXQAXTDPUTYGSKGRKVLGKIM JACINEVBGAOFHARPVEJCTQZAPJLEIQWNAHRBUIAS YRQAQEAXJUDFOIMWZSAUCGVAOABMAYDYAAZJDAL OYKFIUDBHTAGDAACDIXAMRPAGQZTAACVAOWLYX WABBTHJJANEEFAAMEAACBSVSKALLPHANRNPKAZF 56 Teachers College Record [194 Computation Tests Counting dots. Draw a line through each dot counted. When time is up put down your count in figures, i.e., 46. Time 30 seconds for each group. D Simultaneous adding. The teacher reads 3, 27, 35. The pupil is to add i to each of the numbers and write results. Then he must think of the numbers the teacher said and subtract 2 from each one and then write the result. Then he must think of the numbers the teacher gave and add 3 to each one and write the result. Time 30 seconds for each operation. 1951 Open- Air Schools 57 Opposites At the side of each word given below have the children write the word that stands for the opposite. Each child should be provided with a printed list of these words. Explain carefully what is required before passing papers and do not use the same words as are given on the lists when making explanation. One half hour after column A has been done do column B. Tell children to do all they can. If they cannot think of one to go on to the next. Time 2 minutes for each column. low up good outside quick tall big loud white light above many happy false like rich sick glad thin empty B high down bad inside slow short little soft black dark below sad true dislike poor well sorry thick full peace Associated Words (Part- wholes) Write opposite the list of words given the names of the bigger thing of which each word in the list is a part, as finger-hand. Time i minute. A door (house, anything having a door) pillow (bed, couch, and so forth) letter (word, envelope) leaf button nose page glass 58 Teachers College Record [196 Ten minutes after giving list A, give list B. Time i minute. B book (page, cover, letter, and so forth) tree (leaf, branch, and so forth) room toy- name boat plant fish Tests of Discrimination Montessori material can be used for this. The Binet-Simon 1908 series of tests would also serve here. Discrimination of Form Give each pupil a sheet of forms like those below. Let him study these figures for one minute. Collect the sheets and have each child reproduce as many as he can remember. Let three minutes be given for this reproduction, cautioning the pupils to draw them as well as they can. □ 0#C>HOOV#B ^AOnOO^OOo AO'&OA'S'[£]0 OASK^A^a ®^A 197] Open-Air Schools 59 Memory For rote memory. I. Words. — The teacher reads list A once slowly. As soon as the teacher has finished the reading the pupil writes down as many of the words as he can remember. Slip A is then collected and the next list read. Time for each list, 3 minutes. A B C D E book she long true school read desk green break teacher one black arm friend book bat good rich knife desk doll stone rose out pen play ring read if dress add sup run spell bell dish word 2. Sentences. — The teacher reads each sentence separately after which the pupils write down as much as they can remember. Time allowed for each sentence, 3 minutes. a. I have one head, I have two hands, I have ten fingers. b. One and two are three, three and four are seven, five and six make more than ten. c. I sit in a seat, I read from a book, I write with a pencil. d. I get up in the morning, I go to school, after school I play, after play I go to bed. Memory for ideas. Read once to the class some story suitable to the third grade but unfamiliar to the pupils. Have them reproduce as much as they can remember of it. Divide the story read into as many parts as it has words standing for ideas. Count the number of ideas the children are able to reproduce and grade accordingly. By dividing into ideas, the following is what is meant: I 2 3 4 5 An Indian | once | chased | a squirrel [ into cloudland. IX BIBLIOGRAPHY Books and Articles AuDEN, George A. The Open-air School and Its Place in Educational Organization. Public Health, 25 : 249-259, 1912. . Schools for Mentally Defective Children. School Hygiene, 2: 332-336, 191 1. Ayres, L. p. Open-air Schools. Doubleday, Page and Company, 1910. New York. . Open-air Schools. Proceedings, National Education Association, pp. 898-903, 191 1. Baginsky, Adolph. Ueber Waldschulen und Walderholungstatten. Zeits. fiir pad. Psy. Path, und Hygiene, 8:161-177, 1906. Barrows, Franklin W., Medical Inspector of Schools, Buffalo, N. Y. Open-Window Schools in Buffalo. Fourth International Con- gress on School Hygiene. Transactions, Vol. II, pp. 92-95. Buffalo, 1913. Behnke, Kate Emil. The Sun and Air Cure for Delicate and Nervous Children. The Child, May, 1914, pp. 630-636. G. E. Stechert & Co., New York City. Bendix, Dr. B. Ueber die Charlottenburger Waldschule. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift f. offeniliche GesundheitspHcge, Bd. 39, Heft, 2, pp. 305-322. September, 1906. . Verhandlagen der VII. Jahresversammlung des Deutschen Vereins fiir Schulegesundheitspflege. Verlag von Teubner. Berlin. BiENSTOCK, Dr. Die Waldschule in Mtilhausen. Strassburger Medizin- ische Zeitung, i Heft, 1907: Zeitschrift fiir Schulgesundheits- pflege, No. II, 1908. Leopold Voss, Hamburg. BjORKMAN, Edwin. The Outdoor School. Van Norden, December, 1909. New York City. Brandau, Julius. Kassel, Germany. The Effect of Cold Extremities on the Intellectual Activity of School Children. Fourth Inter- national Congress on School Hygiene. Transactions, Vol. II, pp. 318-336. Buffalo, 1913. Bruner, F. G. The Influence of Open-Air and Low-Temperature Schools on the Mental Alertness and Scholarship of Pupils. Proceedings, National Education Association, pp. 890^898, 191 1. 60 [198 199] Open-Air Schools 61 Bryce, Dr. P. H. Open-air Schools and Preventoria. Med. Review of Reviews. August, 1909. New York City. BussiERE, R. DE LA. Intemat de Plein Air du Vemay. Enfant, 19:316, 1910. Byles, a. Holden. The Open-air School. The World's Work. Janu- ary, 1909. 20 Bedford Street, London, W. C. Carrington, Dr. Thomas S. How to Build and Equip an Open-air School. The Survey, April 23, 1910. New York City. Chapelle, Mme. de la. Une ficole Anglaise en Plein Air. L'Rducateur Moderne. January, 1912. Clark, Ida Hood. Open-Air Schools. Proceedings, National Education Association, 1909. Irwin Shepard, Winona, Minnesota. . Open-air or Forest Schools of England and Germany. Kinder- garten Review. Vol. XX, No. 8, pp. 462-469. April, 1910. Milton Bradley Company, Springfield, Mass. . Manual Arts in Open-air Schools. School Arts Book, 9:1045-51. June, 1910. CoLTON, Margaret W. Out-of-door Kindergarten Sessions. In National Education Association.- Journal of Proceedings and Addresses, pp. 410-413. 1910. Cornell, W. S. Health and Medical Inspection of School Children. Philadelphia, 1912. Crawford, Mary C. Health in Our Schools. Showing how there has not been formulated a satisfactory general plan for open-air classes for anemic children. Boston Common, 2:4-7, 1911. Crowley, Ralph H. Report by the Medical Superintendent on the Thackley Open-air School. City of Bradford Education Com- mittee, December 10, 1908. Bradford, England. . The Open-air School Movement. The British Journal of Tuber- culosis, Vol. Ill, No. 3, July, 1909. G. E. Stechert and Com- pany, 151-155 West 25th Street, New York City. . The Open-air Recovery School. Chap. XIV of The Hygiene of School Life. Methuen and Company. London, 1910. CuKTis, Elnora W. Outdoor Schools. Pedagogical Seminary, pp. 169- 194, Vol. XVI, June, 1909. Worcester, Mass., Bibliography. . Outdoor Schools. American City, November, 1909. and Janu- ary, 1910. American Publishing Company, New York City. Dew, L. E. Open-air Schools for Abnormal Children. World To-day, 20:557-564, 1911- Dykema, Peter W. More life in the open. School Review, 19:266-273, 1911. Edwards, Davis. Open Air Model School to Train Girls for College-. New York Times, Sunday, Nov. 30, 1913. Floyd, Cleavland. Care of Phthisis in Children Through the Outdoor School. American Journal of Public Hygiene, pp. 747-751- November, 1909. Boston, Mass. 62 Teachers College Record [200 Godfrey, Betty. An Inexpensive Outdoor School. Good Housekeeping. Phelps Publishing Company, May, 1910. GoRST, Sir John. Chapter in "The Children of the Nation," 1907. Methuen and Company, 36 Essex Street, London. Grau, Dr. H. Ergebnisse und Bedeutung der Waldschule. Centralblatt f. allg. Gesundheitspflege, 1906, 25, Jahr, Heft 11-12, pp. 373- 480. Gray, Ernest. Open-air Schools. North of England Educational Con- ference, 1909. Hartt, Mary Bronson. A School on a Roof. Boston Transcript, May II, 1910. Boston. Henderson, H. C. Outdoor Schools. The World's Work, January, 1909. Doubleday, Page and Company, New York City. Hendrick, Burton J. Oxygenizing a City; an attempt to make two and a quarter million people work and play under sanitary conditions. McClure's Magazine, 35 :373-87, August, 1910. Holmes, George Jenkins, Supervisor of Medical Inspection, Newark, N. J. The results of open-air treatment in public schools in Newark, N. J. Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene. Transactions, Vol. II, pp. 103-119. Buffalo, 1913. Huetzer, Dr. Walderholungstatten und Waldschule. Centralblatt f. allg. Gesundheitspflege, 1906, 25. Jahr. Heft 1-2, pp. 72-77. Hyams, Isabel F., and Minot, Dr. James. Boston's outdoor school. Journal of Outdoor Life, July, 1909. New York City. (The above article has been reprinted in " Outdoor Schools," published by the Boston Association for the Relief and Control of Tuberculosis, 4 Joy Street.) Kaufman, Eunice H. School in the Forest. The Outlook, pp. 793-795, December 5, 1908. New York City. Keyes, Harold Brown, M. D. Effect of Outdoor and Indoor School Life on the Physical and Mental Condition of Children. Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene. Transactions, Vol. II, pp. 125-134. Buffalo, 1913. KiNGSLEY, Sherman Colver. Open-air Crusaders. Chicago, 1910, 191 1, 1912. . The Open-air School. In National Education Association. Journal of Proceedings and Addresses, pp. 236-242, 191 1. ■ . Tuberculosis Children on a City Roof. The Survey, 23 :863- 866, 1910. KoENiG, Inspector. Die Waldschule in Miilhausen. Strassburger Druck- erei und Verlagsanstalt. Kraft, Dr. A. Waldschulen. Verlag. Art. Institut. Orel Fiissli, p. 28, 1908. Zurich. Kruesi, Walter E. The Providence Fresh-air School. Charities and The Commons, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 97-99, April 18, 1908. New York City. 201] Open- Air Schools 63 . School of Outdoor Life, Roxbury, Mass. The Playground, No. 22, February, 1909. Playground Association of America, I Madison Avenue, New York. . School of Outdoor Life. Charities and the Commons, Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 447-449, December, 1908. New York City. Lange, W. Die Waldschule. Pad. Warte, October, Jahr. 15, Heft 20, pp. 1096- 1 107. . Die Charlottenburger Waldschule. Neue Bahncn, XVIII, No. 2. Lanier, Henry Wysham. A school for making healthy boys. World's Work, 20:13178-86, July, 1910. Lee, Frederic S. Fresh Air. Popular Science Monthly, pp. 313-329, April, 1914. Lennhoff, Dr. Rudolf. Walderholungstatten und Genesungheime. Deut. Vierteljahrsschrift f. oflF. Gesundheitspflege, pp. 71-107, Bd. 39, 1906. Leupp, Francis E. Back to nature for the Indian. (An interview.) Charities, 20:336-348, June 6, 1908. Lord, Mabel D. Anemic Children in an Open-air School. The Survey, 26:140-42, April 22, 1911. Illustrated. Meyer, Adele, Open-air Schools. Child Life, 13:78-81, 1911. De Montmorency, J. K School Excursions and Vacation Schools. Board of Education, Special Reports on Educational Subjects. Vol. 21, p. 77, 1907. London. Morin, Jeanne. An Open-air School in France. The Wide World, December, 1909. International News Company, New York. Murphy, W. Lawrence. Open-air Class in Boston. Journal of Educa- tion (New England), 71:176-177, 1910. Neufert, Dr. H., and Bendix, Dr. B. Die Charlottenburger Waldschule im ersten Jahr ihres Bestehens. Urban and Schwarzenberg, Berlin, Wien, 1906. O'Hagen, Anne. Open-air Schools; a new idea which is spreading rapidly and which is doing much for backward or weakling children. Munsey's Magazine, 45:70-79, 1911- Perkins, Dr. Jay. The Providence Fresh-air School. Outdoor Schools, August, 1909. Boston Association for the Relief and Control of Tuberculosis, 4 Joy Street, Boston. Petit, £douard. Les £coles de Plein Air. Hygiene Scholaire, April, 1910, pp. 98-113- Plantet, Eugene, and Delphy, Arthur. Colonies de vacances et oeuvres du grand air en France et a I'etranger. Paris, Hach- ette et cie, 19 10, p. 510. Pyle, William Henry. The Examination of School Children. Macmil- lan Company, 1913. QuESADA, Luis Miro. Porvenir de la Escuela al Aire Libre. Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene. Transactions, Vol. II, pp. 144-153- Buffalo, 1913- 64 Teachers College Record [202 Rasey, Amy. Open-air Schools. Journal of Education (New England), 72:261-262, 1910. Richards, B. U. The School Room Window. Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene. Transactions, Vol. II, pp. 120- 124. Buffalo, 1913. Roach, Walter W. Vitalizing School Children. Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene. Transactions, Vol. II, pp. 135- 143. Buffalo, 1913. Rose, Dr. Frederick. Open-air Schools. Progress, Vol. Ill, No. 2, pp. 87-98, April, 1908. London, Southampton Row, W. C. . Open-air Schools. Archiv fur Volkswohlfahrt, April, 1909, II, Jahr. Heft 7, Berlin. . A brief account of the nature and scope of open-air schools and details and estimate of the model. Pamphlet L. C. C, Penny and Hill, Printers, London. ■ ■ ■ The National Importance of Outdoor Schools. The British Journal of Tuberculosis, July, 1909, Vol. 3, No. 3, Bibliography. G. E. Stechert and Company, New York City. . Open-air Schools. Published by the Royal Sanitary Institute, Margaret Street, London, W. Rusk, Robert R. Introduction to Experimental Education. Longmans, Green and Company. New York, 1912. Ryan^ Carson W., Jr. School Hygiene. A report of the Fourth Inter- national Congress of School Hygiene, held at Buffalo, New York, August 25-30, 1913. United States Bureau of Educa- tion Bulletin, 1913, No. 48, pp. 7, 8, 20, 21, 30, 35-40, 103-105. Sandt, H. Waldschulen. In Schulhygienisches Taschenbuch, Hamburg. Pp. 260-266, 1907. Schaefer, Dr. Zur Eroffnung der Waldschule der Stadt. M. Gladbach. Centralblatt f. allg. Gesundheitspflege, 1906, 25. Jahr. Heft 7, pp. 311-315- . Waldschule der Stadt Gladbach. Verlag Marrtin Hager, Bonn. ScHOEN, Henri. Les Nouvelles ficoles sous Bois en Allemagne, en Angleterre et en Suisse. Education. Paris, pp. 389-420, 1909. ScHWARZ, Karl W. Waldschulen. Die Gesundheitwarte der Schule, 3, Jahr, August, 1905, pp. 200-202. Slocum, Maude M. America's Fresh-air School in Providence. Good Health, July, 1908, pp. 383-385- Battle Creek, Michigan. Spencer, Mrs. Anna Garlin. Open-air Schools. International Con- gress of Tuberculosis, Vol. 2, pp. 612-618, 1908. Stoll, Dr. Henry F. The Hartford Preventorium: An outdoor school for delicate children. Journal of Outdoor Life, March, 1910. New York City. Talbot, Winthrop F. The Physical Basis of Attention. Address and Proceedings of National Education Association, pp. 932-936, 1908. 203] Open- Air Schools 65 Taylor^ D. M. Bermerside Open-air School, 1910. School Hygiene, 2:507-13, 1911- Thiel, Peter J. Die Waldschule in der freien Natur, eine padagogische Notwendigkeit und Moglichkeit. Internat. Kongress f. Schul- hygiene, Nuremburg, Vol. 2, pp. 346-352, April, 1904. Thorndike, Edward Lee. Notes on Child Study. Teachers College, New York. Todd, John B., M. D. Fresh Air School Rooms and a New Method of Testing Air for Dust. The Journal of the New York State Teachers' Association, pp. 48-53, March, 1914. Van P*elt, John V. The Architecture of Open-air Schools. Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene. Transactions, Vol. II, pp. 96-101. Buffalo, 1913. ViDAL, A. and C. Robertson. (Delegates from Argentina.) El Aire Libre de la Pedagogia Cientifica la Tuberculosis-Profilaxis Escolar. Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene. Transactions, Vol. II, pp. 154-165. Buffalo, 1913. Watt, William E. Fresh Air for Average School Children. The Sur- vey, pp. 866-869, March 5, 1910. New York City. Whipple, Guy M. Manual of Mental and Physical Measurements. Warwick and York, Baltimore. Williams, Ralph P. Sheffield Open-air School. British Journal of Tuberculosis, pp. 101-106, April, 1910. G. E. Stechert and Company, New York City. ' — . Sheffield Open-air Recovery School. School Hygiene, Vol. I, No. 3, pp. 136-143, March, 1910. School Hygiene Publishing Company, 2 Charlotte Street. London, W. WiNG^ Frank E. Report of Chicago's First Outdoor School and Its Results. The Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, 158 Adams Street. Chicago, November, 1909. Wood, F. T. H. Darlington Open-air School. School Hygiene, 2:282-86, 1911. Woodruff, I. Ogden. Fresh Air Schools in New York City. Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene. Transactions, Vol. II, pp. 80-91. Buffalo, 1913. An Open-air School for Consumptives. The Barnsley experiment. School Government Chronicle, 85:194-95; 216-17, I9ii. Boston Outdoor School. Outlook, 95:603-604, 1910. Boston Schools to have Open-air Rooms. The Survey, 23:244-248, 1909. Ferryboats as Schools. The Survey, 22:798-799, 1909. Open-air Schools in England. Progress, 3:278-279, 1908. Open-air Schools. In United States Bureau of Education, Report, 1911. Vol. I, pp. 142-143. Open-air School Raises Attendance. The Survey, 27:1259-1260, 1911. Open-air Treatment for Children. Outlook, 94:232-233, 1910. 66 Teachers College Record [204 Projet de Reglement des £coIes de Plein Air. Hygiene Scolaire, pp. 114-119, April, 1910. The London County Council Open-air Schools. I*rogress, 2 :2i6, igo8. Reports Atnencan Outdoor Schools. Issued by the Boston Association for the Relief and Control of Tuberculosis. August, 1909. (A pamphlet of thirty pages, containing accounts of the Providence and Boston schools, the report of the Boston School Committee mentioned above, and a bibliography.) Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. The Phoebe Anna Thorne Open-air Model School. October, 1913. Chicago, Illinois. Chicago's First Outdoor School for Tuberculous Chil- dren. Issued by the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute. Novem- ber, 1909. Montclair, New Jersey. Report of the Board of Education, 1912-1913. New York City. Twelfth Annual Report of the City Superintendent of Schools to the Board of Education, pp. 104-107, 19 10. . Thirteenth Annual Report of the City Superintendent of Schools to the Board of Education, 191 1. . Fourteenth Annual Report of the City Superintendent of Schools to the Board of Education, 1912. . Fifteenth Annual Report of the City Superintendent of Schools to the Board of Education, 1913. Providence, Rhode Island. Report of School Committee, pp. 51-56, 1907- 1908. . Report of School Committee, pp. 54-55, 1908-1909. . Report of School Committee, pp. 24-26, 1910-1911. '. Report of School Committee, pp. 20-21, 1911-1912. Rochester, New York. Board of Education, Fifty-fifth Report, for the years 1908- 1909- 19 10, pp. 9-22-24. English Bradford. Thackley Open-air School. Report of the Medical Inspector. Bradford Education Committee, 1908. Great Britain. Board of Education. Annual report for 1908 of Chief Medical Officer. Special schools for defective children, pp. 107-19. Open-air schools, p. 121. London, Eyre and Spottis- woode, Ltd., 1910. . Annual Report for 1910 of Chief Medical Officer. Qosure and exclusion from school, pp. 20-22. Special schools for blind, deaf, physically defective, and eoileptic children, pp. 187-203. Education of feeble-minded children, pp. 206-19. Open-air edu- cation, pp. 221-31. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd., 191 1. 205] Open- Air Schools 67 Halifax, County Borough of. Report on Bermerside Open-air Schools, May 15 to October 14, 1909; April 25 to October 14, 1910. London. County Council. Report of Medical Officer for 1909. Open- air schools, p. 15. Exclusion of children, pp. 54-55 (tables, diagrams). Special schools, pp. 69-93. London, printed by Southwood, Smith and Company, Ltd., 1910. . Education Committee. Open-air school, Bostall Wood (Plumstead). Report of the Education Committee of the Council submitting ... a report by the educational adviser on experiments conducted in Germany in connection with open- air schools, and ... a joint report of the medical officer and the executive officer on the open-air school carried on in Bos- tall Wood between 22d July and 19th October, 1907. London printed for the London County Council by J. Truscott and Son, Ltd., 1908, 27 pp., plates, diagrams. Report of the Education Committee of the Council, sub- mitting a Joint Report of the Education Officer and the Medical Officer (Education) on the open-air schools, held at Birley House, Dulwich, Montpelier House, Upper Holloway, and Shrewsbury House, Woolwich, between the loth June and 31st October, 1908. (London, 1909.) Manchester. The Manchester County School for Town Children. Fourth Annual Report, pp. 1-12, 1907. Fifth Annual Report of Education Committee, pp. 50-54; 220-223, 1906- 1907. Sheffield. Report of the School Medical Officer on the Open-air Recov- ery School at Whitley Wood, December, 1909. German Elberfeld. Waldschule in Bergischen Lande. Verein fur Gemeinwohl, Elberfeld. Italian Grilli, Gaetano. La Scliola AH' Aperto. Tipografia ditta Ludovico Cec- chini, 191 1, Rome. ADVERTISEMENTS ELEMENTARY PSYCHOLOGY Suggestions for the Interpretation of Human Life By D. L Phillips, Head of the Department of Psychology and Education in the University of Denver 12ino, cloth, 352 pages, illustrated, $1.20 A complete elementary course in psychology in which the subject is developed inductively and with special emphasis on the connection of psychol- ogy with life and conduct — a treatment as novel as it is suggestive. Sug- gestion and Mental Healing, Magic and Spiritualism, Relation of Psychology to Evolution, Problems of Heredity and Environment, Social Psychology, and Psychology in Literature and Art are a few of the chapters that touch on practical applications of the science which are of special contemporary interest. While admirably adapted for an introductory course in high schools, normal schools, and colleges. Elementary Psydiology also provides interesting material for teachers and reading circles, or for the general reader. GINN AND COMPANY 70 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK Morrow's Language for Little People THE book contains 180 easy lessons in language — one les- son for each day of a nine-months' school year. These lessons are adapted to pupils of the Second Reader Grade. They are based upon the belief that careful practice is needed in training children early in life to express their own thoughts concerning matters within their own experience. Persistent attention to rules herein indicated, and the careful practice of the exercises presented or suggested, can hardly fail to culti- vate and impress the habit of using correct English. The clearness, simplicity, and interesting quality of its various lessons make this an excellent introductory volume to be used in connection with any series. It is fully illustrated with full- page pictures and small cuts in the text. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO ADVERTISEMENTS Columbia TUnivereft^ Contributions to Bbucation ^eacbere College Series This series continues the educational numbers formerly issued in the Columbia University Contributions to Philosophy, Psychology, and Education. Fifty- five volumes have been issued in the Teachers College series and others are in preparation. The prices quoted below are net, cash with order, postage or ex- pressage paid by publisher. All volumes in the series are well bound in cloth. Paper-bound copies of Nos. i, 2, 4, 5, 23 and all following, are sold at seventy-five per cent of price of cloth-bound. A discount of twenty per cent is allowed on an order paid in advance for five or more copies. Address all orders to Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, New York City. No. I Normal School Education and Efficiency in Teaching. Junius Lathrop Meriam, Ph.D. 152 pages. $1.50. No. 2 School Funds and their Apportionment. Ellwood P. 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No. 19 Arithmetical Abilities and Some Factors Determining Them. Cliff WiNFiELD Stone, Ph.D. loi pages. $1.00. No. 20 Lessing's Education of the Human Race. Translated by John Dear- ling Haney, Ph.D. 57 pages. 75c. No. 31 Erasmus's Ciceronianus, or a Dialogue on the Best Style of Speaking. Translated by Izora Scott, Ph.D. 130 pages. $1.00. No. 22 English Grammar Schools in the Reign of Elizabeth. A. Monroe Stowb, Ph.D. 200 pages. $1.50. No. 23 History of Teaching of Elementary Geometry. Alva Walker Stamper, Ph.D. 163 pages. $1.50, No. 24 The Legal Status of Rural High Schools in the United States. Edwin R. Snyder, Ph.D. 225 pages. $1.50. No. 25 School Support in Colonial Massachusetts. George Leroy Jackson, Ph.D. 95 pages. $1.00. No. 26 The Distribution and Functions of Mental Imagery. George Herbert Betts, Ph.D. 99 pages. $1.00. No. 27 Later Roman Education in Ausonius, Capella and the Theodosian Code. Percival Richard Cole, Ph.D. 36 pages. 50c. No. 28 The City School District. Harry Erwin Bard, Ph.D. 118 pages. $1.00. No. 29 The Concept Standard. Anne M. Nicholson, Ph.D. 138 pages. $1.50. No. 30 Registration of City School Children. John Dearling Haney, Ph.D. 156 pages. $1.50. No. 31 The Training of Elementary School Teachers in Germany. I. L. Kan- del, Ph.D. 137 pages. $1.50. No. 32 The Training of Teachers in England and Wales. Peter Sandiford, Ph.D. 168 pages. $1.50. No. 33 The Conflict of Naturalism and Humanism. Willystine Goodsell, Ph.D. 183 pages. $1.50. No. 34 The Concept of Method. Gerhard R. Lomer, Ph.D. 99 pages. $1.00. No. 35 Controversies Over the Imitation of Cicero as a Model for Style, and Some Phases of Their Influence on the Schools of the Renaissance. Izora Scott, Ph.D. 269 pages. $1.50. No. 36 Some Present Aspects of the Work of Teachers' Voluntary Associations in the United States. Carter Alexander, Ph.D. 109 pages. $1.00. No. 37 The Reasoning Ability of Children of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth School Grades. Frederick G. Bonser, Ph.D. 133 pages. $1.50, No. 38 Spinoza as Educator. William Louis Rabenort, Ph.D. 87 pages. $1.00. No. 39 Agricultural Instruction in the Public High Schools of the United States Clarence Hall Robison, Ph.D. 205 pages. $1.50. No. 40 A Special Study of the Incidence of Retardation, Louis B. Blan, Ph.D. Ill page."?. $1.00. No. 41 The Social Composition of the Teaching Population. Louis Delta Coff- MAN, Ph.D. 87 pages. $1.00. No. 42 Progress through the Grades of City Schools. A Study of Acceleration and Arrest. Charles Henry Keyes, Ph.D. 79 pages. $i.oo. No. 43 The Social Factors Affecting Special Supervision in the Public Schools of the United States. Walter Albert Jessup, Ph.D. 123 pages. $1.00. No. 44 The Educational Views and Influence of DeWitt Clinton. Edward A. Fitzpatrick, Ph.D. xii + i56 pages. $1.50. {Continued on neoct page) ADVERTISEMENTS CONTRIBUTIONS TO EDUCATION (Continued) No. 45 The Rise of the High School in Massachusetts. Alexander James Inglis, Ph.D. i66 pages. $1.50. No. 46 The Educational Theory and Practice of T. H. Green. Abby Porter Leland, Ph.D. 62 pages. $.75. No. 47 Causes of the Elimination of Students in Public Secondary Schools of New York City. 205 pages. $1.50. No. 48 The Question as a Measure of Efliciency in Instruction. A Critical Study of Class-Room Practice. Romiett Stevens, Ph.D. 95 pages. $1.00. No. 49 The Secularization of American Education. Samuel Windsor Brown Ph.D. 160 pages. $1.50. No. so Admission to College by Certificate. Joseph Lindsey Henderson, Ph.D. 171 pages. $1.50. No. 51 Two Types of Rural Schools. With some Facts Showing Economic and Social Conditions. Ernest Burnham, Ph.D. 129 pages. $1.50. No. 52 Teachers in Germany in the Sixteenth Century. Conditions in Protestant Elementary and Secondary Schools. Charles Leonidas Robbins, Ph.D. 126 pages. $1.00. No. 53 Correlations of Mental Abilities. Benjamin R. Simpson, Ph.D. 12a pages. $1.00. No. 54 Mental Fatigue. Tsuru Arai, Ph.D. 115 pages. $1.00. Ko 55 The Pennsylvania State Normal Schools and Public School System. Ernest O. Holland, Ph.D. 94 pages. $1.00. No. 56. The Support of Schools in Colonial New York by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. William Webb Kemp, Ph.D. 279 pages. $2.00. No. 57. The School Drama: Including Palsgrave's Introduction to Acolastus. James L. McConaughy, Ph.D. 116 pages. $1.00. No. 58. Practice in the Case of School Children. Thomas Joseph Kirby, Ph.D. 98 pages. $1.00. No. 59. Spelling Ability: Its Measiu-ement and Distribution. B. R. Bucking- ham, Ph.D. 116 pages. $1.25. No. 60. The Influence of Reconstruction on Education in the South. Edgar Wallace Knight, Ph.D. 100 pages. $r.oo. No. 61. Rural Schools in Canada: Their Organization, Administration, and Super- vision. James Collins Miller, Ph.D. 236 pages. $2.00. No. 62. Schools Costs and School Accounting. J. Howard Hutchinson, Ph.D. 146 pages. $1.50. OTHER BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS published or reprinted by teachers college Educational Psychology. Edward L. Thorndike, Professor of Educational Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University. 19 13 edition. 3 vol- umes. $2.50 each. Vol. I. The Original Nature of Man. Vol. II. The Psychology of Learning. Vol. III. Pt. I, Mental Work and Fatigue. Pt. II, Individual Differences and Their Causes. Ready January, 1914. School Health Administration. Louis W. Rapeer, Ph.D. 360 pages. $2.15. Medical Inspection Plan alone, 50 cents. Speyer School Curriculum. A detailed description of the work of the Experi- mental School of Teachers College. 180 pages. 50 cents. {Cont\Hu*d on next page) ADVERTISEMENTS Horace Mann Elementary School Curriculum. A detailed description af the work of the Observation School of Teachers College. 182 pages. 111. 60 cents in paper; 90 cents in cloth. Worship in the Sunday School. A Study in the Theory and Practice of Worship. Hugh Hartshorne, B.D., Ph.D. 210 pages. $1.25. Thorndike Handwriting Scale. Printed on one sheet, 25 in. x 22 in. 5 cents; postage 2 cents. TEACHERS COLLEGE LECTURES ON RELIGIOUS LIFE Series I. The Modern Man's Religion. Charles Reynolds Brown, D.D. 106 pages. $1.08. Series IL The Common Faith of Common Men. Rockwell Haruon Potter, D.D. 134 pages. $1.08. Series III. Religion as Life. Henry Churchill King, D.D., LL.D. 194 pages $1.25. The Theory and Practice of Teaching Art. Arthur W. Dow, Professor of Fine Arts, Teachers College. Revised edition. $1.50. A Bibliography on Educational Hygiene and Physical Education. Thomas Denisom Wood, M.D., Professor of Physical Education, Teachers College and Colum- bia University, and Mary Reesor, M.A., Instructor, Department of Phys- ical Education, Teachers College, Columbia University. 41 pages. $.20. The Old Testament in the Sunday School. A. J. William Mykrs, Ph.D. 141 pages. $1.00. Idiocy and its Treatment by the Physiological Method. Dr. Seguin. 202 pages. Cloth bound. Price, $2.00. Reprint of a rare book of very great historical importance, especially to all who are interested in mental defectives. The Constructive Interests of Children. Ernest B. Kent. 78 pages. Price $.50 Formal Discipline. C. J. C. Bennett. 76 pages. Paper bound. Price, $.50. History of Education as a Professional Subject. W. H. Burnham and Henry SuzzALLO. 67 pages. Paper bound. $.50. Bibliography of Children's Reading. Franklin T. Baker. 129 pages. Paper bound. $.60. (Reprinted from Teachers College Record, January and March, 1908.) Mental and Social Measurements. Professor Edward L. Thorndike. Revised edition. 277 pages. $2.50. Value of Science. H. Poincare, Member of Institute of France. Authorized translation with an introduction by George Bruce Halsted. 147 pages. $1.50- Heredity, Correlation and Sex Differences in School Abilities. Edited by Professor Edward L. Thorndike. 60 pages. Paper covers, $.50. Notes on Child Study. Second edition. Professor Edward L. Thorndike. 181 pages. Paper covers, $1.00. TECHNICAL EDUCATION BULLETINS No. I. Economic Function of Woman. Edward T. Devine, Ph.D., Professor of Social Economy, Columbia University. 16 pages. 10 cents. No. 2. Axmotated List of Books Relating to Household Arts. 42 pages. 15 cents. No. 3. The Feeding of Young Children. Mary Swartz Rose, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Practical Arts. 10 pages. 10 cents. No. 4. Hints on Clothing. Professor Mary Schenck Woolman. 8 pages. ID cents. (Continued on next page) ADVERTISEMENTS Ho. 5. Quantitative Aspects of Nutrition. Henry C. Sherman, Ph.D., Pro- fessor of Food Chemistry, Columbia University, and Head of Department of Nutrition and Food Economics, School of Practical Arts. 16 pages. 10 cents. No. 6. Annotated List of Books Relating to Industrial Arts. 50 pages. 15 cents. Wo. 7. The Determination of Cotton and Linen by Chemical and Microscopic Methods. Professor Herzog, of Prussian Textile School, at Sorau, Trans- lated by Ellen Beers, School of Practical Arts, 25 half-tone illustrations and 2 color prints. 35 pages. 25 cents. No. 8. A Syllabus of Household Management. Mary Louise Furst, Lecturer, School of Practical Arts. 10 cents. No. 9. The Girl of Tomorrow — What the School Will Do for Her. Benjamin R. Andrews, Ph.D., Secretary, School of Practical Arts, Teachers College. 8 pages. 10 cents. No. 10. Fundamental Values in Industrial Education. Frederick G. Bonser Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Industrial Education, Teachers College. 30 cents. No. II. Annotated List of Text and Reference Books for Training Schools for Nurses. 60 pages. 25 cents. No. 12. Address List of Firms Furnishing Supplies and Materials for Instruction in Household Arts. Now issued as No. 20. 10 cents. No. 13. Dietary Study in a Children's Hospital. Mary Swartz Rose and Harriet C. Jacobson. 10 cents. No. 14. A Year's Work in Industrial Arts in the Fifth Grade of Speyer School. 15 cents. No. 15. Industrial Education and the Labor Unions. Frank Duffy. 14 pages. 10 cents. No. 16. Schools of the Art Industries — A New Type of School in the Public School System. Frederick H. Sykes, Ph.D., formerly Director of Practical Arts, Teachers College. 12 pages. 5 cents. No. 17. Constructive Art-Teaching. Arthur W. Dow, Professor of Fine Arts, Teachers College. 12 pages. 5 cents. No. 18. Canned Foods: Fruits and Vegetables. Florence R. Corbett, formerly Instructor in Household Arts Education, Teachers College. 16 pages. 10 cents. No. 19. Physical and Chemical Tests for the Housewife. Sadie B. Vanderbilt, Instructor in Household Chemistry, Teachers College. 16 pages. 10 cents. Correlation of Industrial Work in the Elementary School. Speyer School Chart. 20 cents. ADVERTISEMENTS Teachers College Record The journal is issued bi-monthly except July, thus having five numbers during the year, January, March, May, September, and November. The numbers vary in length, from eighty to one hundred and thirty pages, being on an average about one hundred pages. The subscription price is $i.oo per year, 20 cents extra for foreign postage. This price is for subscriptions paid in advance, except that in the case of libraries 90 days are allowed for payment. Single numbers are 30 cents each, postpaid. A discount of ao per cent is allowed on an order for five or more copies or subscriptions if remittance in payment is sent with order. Address all orders to Teachers College Record, 525 West 120th St., New York City. Make money orders payable to Teachers College. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I— ipoo No. I ' The History and Function of Teachers College — Papers by January" Dean Russell and Ex-President Hervey. (Out of print). No. 2, March Nature Study — Miss Carse and Professor Lloyd. No. 3, May English. (Out of print). No. 4 Syllabi of Education Courses — President Butler, Dean Rus- September sell and Professors Monroe and Dutton. No. 5, NoTcmber Hand Work. (Out of print). No. I January No 3 March No. 3 May No. 4 September No. 5, November No. I January No. 3 March N08. 3 and 4 May, September No. 5 November No. I January No. 3 March No. 3 May No. 4 1 September No. 5 November CONTENTS OF VOLUME II— 1901 Biology in the Horace Mann High School — Professors Lloyd and Bigelow. Geography in the Horace Mann School — Professor Dodge and Miss KiRCHWEY. Child Study — Sources of Material and Syllabi of College Courses — Professor Thorndikb. Syllabi of Courses in Elementary aiui Applied Psychology — Professor Thorndikb. Manual Training. (Out of print). CONTENTS OF VOLUME III— 1902 Horace Mann School; Dedication Number — Papers by Presi- dent Oilman, Professor Dutton and others, on Present- Day Problems in Education. (Out of print). Chemistry and Physics in the Horace Mann High School — Pro- fessor WooDHULL. (Out of print). Helps for the Teaching of Caesar — Professor Lodgb and Messrs. HuBBELL and Little. (Out of print). The Speyer School. Part I — Its History and Purpose — Dean Russell, Professor McMurry and Mr. Burks. CONTENTS OF VOLUME IV— 1903 The Speyer School. Part II — Its Curriculum and its Relation to Teachers College — Professor McMurry and Mr. Burks. McUhematics in the Elementary School — Professors Smith and McMurry. (Out of print). New Methods of Teaching Modern Languages — Doctor Leo- pold Bahlsen. University Extension — Professor Sykes. The Philosophy and Psychology of the Kindergarten — Dean Russell and Professors Thorndikb and MacVannel. (Continued on next page) ADVERTISEMENTS Teachers College Record {Cottiinued) Wo. X, January No. 2 March No. 3 May No. 4 September No. 5 November No. I, January No. 2 March No. 3 Hay No. 4 September No. 5 November CONTENTS OF VOLUME V— 1Q04 Music in the Schools — Professor Farnsworth and Miss Hoper. The Curriculum of the Elementary School — Professors Duttom, Pearson, Richards, Wood and Woodhull. Experimental Work in Elementary Schools — Professor Mc- MuRRY and others. Syllabi of Education and English Courses — Professors Mac- Vannel, Abbott, Baker and Sykes. (Out of print). Kindergarten Education — Professor Runyan, Miss O'Grady and Miss Mills. CONTENTS OF VOLUME VI— 1905 Educational Psychology — Professors Ellis and Thorndikb. School Hygiene — Professors Wood and Kinne, and Doctori Jacobi, Weeks and Kerley. City School Expenditures — Dr. Strayer. (Out of print). Re- issued as No. 5 Teachers College Contributions to Educa- tion, price $, cloth bound. The Educational Theories of Herbart and Froebel — Professor MacVannel. (Out of print). Reissued as No. 4 Teachers College Contributions to Education, price $1.00, cloth bound. Some Fiscal Aspects of Public Education in American Cities — Professor Elliott. (Out of print). Reissued as No. 6 Teachers College Contributions to Education, price $x.oo, cloth bound. CONTENTS OF VOLUME VII— 1906 No. I, January Elementary School Curriculum. First Grad^. (Out of print). No. 2 Secondary School Curriculum. Part One. Language, History, March Matliematics. No. 3, May Secondary School Curriculum. Part Two. Science and Art, No. 4, September Elementary School Curriculum. Second and Third Grades. (Out of print). No. 5, November Studies in the Teaching of English Grammar. CONTENTS OF VOLUME VIII— 1907 No. I, January Elementary School Curriculum. Fourth and Fifth Grades. No. 2, March Experimental Studies in Education. No. 3, May Elementary School Curriculum. Sixth Grade. No. 4, September Elementary School Curriculum. Seventh Grade. (Out of print). No. 5, November The Industrial Improvement Schools of Wurttemberg. CONTENTS OF VOLUME IX— 1908 No. I, January A Bibliography of Children's Reading. Professor Baker. No. 2, March A Bibliography of Children's Reading (Continued). No. I and No. 2 on Children's Reading have been reissued as one pamphlet, 125 pages, price 60c. The original separate No. i is out of print. No. 3, May The Theory and Practice of Teaching Art — Professor Dow. An enlarged and revised reprint of this, bound in boards, has been issued. Price $1.50. No. 4, September Educational Museums — B. R. Andrews. No. 5, November Teaching of History — Professor Johnson. (Out of print). {Continued on next page) ADVERTISEMENTS Teachers College Record {Continued) CONTENTS OF VOLUME X— 1909 No. I, January The Teaching of Arithmetic — Professor Smith. (Reprinted) No. 3, March Studies in Secondary Education. No. 3, May Domestic Science Equipment. Professor Kinne. (Out of print in Record form) No. 4, September The Making of a Girls' Trade School. Professor Woolman. (Out of print in Record form) No. 5, November Articles on Kindergarten Education. Professor MacVannel and Miss Patty Smith Hill. (Reprinted) CONTENTS OF VOLUME XI— 19 10 No. X The Teaching of Physical Science. Professor John F. Wood- January hull. No. 2, March Handwriting. Professor E. L. Thorndike. (Reprinted) No. 3, May Nurses Education. Edited by Professor Nutting. No. 4 Stenographic Reports of High School Lessons. Edited by Miss September Romiett Stevens. (Reprinted) No. 5 Studies in Educational Administration. Edited by Professor November Strayer. (Out of print.) CONTENTS OF VOLUME XII— 191 1 No. 1 Studies in Elementary School Practice. Edited by Professor January Bonser. (Out of print.) No. 2 The Teaching of Primary Arithmetic. Professor Henry Suz- March zallo. (Out of print in Record form.) No. 3, May Higher Girls' School of Prussia. Dr. C. William Pretttman. No. 4, September Industrial Education. Professor Sykes and Professor Bonser. (Out of print.) No. 5, November The Teaching of Spelling. Professor Suzzallo. (Out of print in Record form.) No. I January No. 2 March No. 3 May No. 4 September No. 5 November No. I January No. 2 March No. 3 May *No. No. 4 September No. 5 November CONTENTS OF VOLUME XIII— 191 2 Comparative Experimental Teaching in Spelling. Professor Suzzallo and Mr. Pearson. Present Teaching of Mathematics in Germany. Professor Smith with co-operation of graduate students. Health Instruction in the Elementary School. Professor Wood and Miss Rbesor. A Scale for the Measurement of Quality in English Composition of Young People. Professor Hillegas. Number Games and Number Rhymes. Professor Smith, and certain students of Teachers College. CONTENTS OF VOLUME XIV— 1913 Educational Surveys and Vocational Guidance. Leonard Righter and Robert J. Leonard. Curriculum of Horace Mann Elementary School, Arithmetic, Geography, History, and Music* Curriculum of Horace Mann Elementary School, English, Nature-Study, Industrial, Household and Fine Arts, Phys- ical Education.* and No. 3 reprinted in one volume. Separate numbers out of print. Formal English Grammar as a Discipline. Thomas H. Briggs, Ph.D. Scale for Measuring Achievement in Drawing. Professor Edward L. Thorndike. BEARD'S AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP 330 pages, $1.00 list price A BOOK that deals with the social and economic phases of our governmental institutions as well as with their politi- cal and operative significance. Community civics with the emphasis on the civics. A basis for good citizenship in any community, that describes the intimate connection between our immediate concerns as a social group and the government that controls them — our tenement, our road master, our freight rates and our Department of Health, our State Highway Commission, our Interstate Commerce Com- mission. Not civil government resolved into sets of rules, not civil government in which private activities are emphasized at the expense of the political and administrative institutions long established that still prevail, but civil govern- ment dynamic — living — growing. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 66 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK Boaton - Cbicafto - Atlanta - Dallas - San Francisco The English Journal Official Organ of the National Council of Teachers of English Edited by James Fleming Hosic The English Journal is a professional magazine for school and college teachers. It is at once a clearing house of experience and opinion and the exponent of a new and progressive movement. It is supported by the leaders in every state. Among recent and forthcoming articles are the following: The Teacher of English, by Franklin T. Baker; Grades that Explain Themselves, by Percy W. Long; A Course in Periodical Literature, by Allan Abbott; The Problem of the High School Play, by Thacher Guild; Two Experiments in Experience, by Charles A. Dawson; The Use of a Scale for Grading Composi- tions, by Edward L. Thomdike; Teaching English to Filipinos, by Helen Fee; The Organization of Instruction in Composition, by Samuel C. Earle; Prep- aration in English for Business, by Edward H. Webster; Literature Courses in the Small College, by Henry A. Burd. Each number of the Journal contains, in addition to leading articles, brief discussions in the Round Table, editorials, news items, book reviews, and book notices. From time to time special reports and bibliographies are also included. Published monthly except in July and August. Subscription price $2.50. Single copies 30 cents each. A sample copy will be sent on request. Address: THE ENGLISH JOURNAL, 68th St. and Stewart Ave., Chicago, 111. 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