4"? V M i(J5lf* * "'#*# .. Hkf i ~tft c /r? \ \ • ■ <^ AN ACCOMPANIMENT TO MITCHELL'S MAP OF THE WORLD, ON MERCATOR'S PROJECTION; CONTAINING AN INDEX VARIOUS COUNTRIES, CITIES, TOWNS, ISLANDS, &c, REPRESENTED ON THE MAP, AND SO CONNECTED THEREWITH, THAT THE POSITION OF ANY PLACE EXHIBITED ON IT MAY BE READILY ASCERTAINED: ALSO, A GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE FIVE GREAT DIVISIONS OF THE GLOBE, AMERICA, EUROPE, AFRICA, ASIA, AND OCEANICA, WITH THEIR SEVERAL EMPIRES, KINGDOMS, STATES, TERRITORIES, &c S*****! AWu^l*,* A^llell PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY HINMAN AND DUTTON, No. 6, NORTH FIFTH STREET. . 1837. # * Entered according to the act of congress, in the year 1837, by Hinman & Dutton, in the clerk's office of the district court of the eastern district of Penn- sylvania. PREFACE. On the utility and importance of the study of Geography, it would be needless to expatiate ; every person's experience must show that some ac- quaintance with it is indispensable in the ordinary business and inter- course of life. It enables the navigator, the merchant, and the military commander, to carry on their respective operations ; and embraces a vast variety of those objects which are most interesting in themselves, and with which it concerns man most to be acquainted. It is evident, that at a very early period of society, the necessity of cultivating this science, must in a measure have attracted the attention of mankind : their curi- osity to know something of the country they inhabited, and the necessity of marking, in some manner, the boundaries of their property, would unite in forming the outlines, and directing their attention to the subject. In modern times, and especially at the present period, the general inter- course of knowledge amongst all classes, the intimate commercial and political relations existing between civilized communities, and the univer- sal desire of all enquiring minds to become acquainted with distant coun- tries, and with the inhabitants, condition, and productions of regions differ- ing from our own, unite in rendering geographical knowledge interesting to the majority, and to many indispensable in qualifying them for the pur- suits of commerce and industry, and for much of the current and daily avocations of life. The object of the following Accompaniment is not to give extended geo- graphical details, but rather general results, so that it may present in con nexion with the Map, a distinct view of the principal geographical fea tures of the world, and serve, generally, as a work of reference. In its compilation, the principal of the numerous works which have issued from the press within the last few years on geography, travels, statistics, &c, have been consulted, and in all cases the most recent published details in the latter branch of science are given : of the works most freely resorted to, the principal are, Murray's Encyclopaedia of Geography, Malte-Brun's and Goodrich's Universal Geography, Flint's Geography of the Western States and Territories, Encyclopaedia Americana, Darby and Dwight's United States Gazetteer, Origin and History of Missions, Missionary Gazetteer, Ellis's Polynesian Researches, Transactions of the Geographi- cal Society of London, &c. The extent of the Accompaniment being necessarily limited, a comprehensive and minute detail, either in the de- scription of countries, or in the statement of facts, is not to be expected ; yet, notwithstanding, it is believed that the leading features in the general account given of each of the great divisions of the earth and their respec- ISLIR PREFACE. tive subdivisions, will be found sufficiently clear and distinct as to give those who may consult it, a general idea of the present geography of the world, as accurate as can probably be gleaned from any equal number of pages extant on the same subject. In treating of geography, it is usual to arrange and describe countries according to their real or supposed political importance ; a method which is rather calculated to confuse and bewilder the mind than otherwise, in consequence of the necessity of referring to the Map in an irregular man- ner. In the following Accompaniment, it is proposed to adopt a purely geographical arrangement, commencing with North America, which lies at the north-west corner of the map, and passing thence to the other grand divisions of the globe, taking up in succession South America, Eu- rope, Africa, Asia, and finally, the fifth grand division, or Oceanica. In this way, it is believed, a clear and distinct representation of the various portions of the earth, will probably be more vividly impressed on the mind, than by any other method. The basis of the Map is Purdy's large Chart of the World, improved to 1836; a work held in high estimation by men of science, and navigators generally, for the complete and accurate representation of the coasts, islands, tracks of distinguished circumnavigators, &c. The interior parts of some of the countries represented on the chart were, however, found not to be so full and complete as could be desired : special attention has been paid to supplying all deficiencies in this respect. Many portions of the original work have been replaced by new compilations, extracted in all instances from the most recent authorities ; this is the case particularly in North America, Africa, Australasia, and Polynesia. All the topographical details are exhibited as much in accordance with the present improved state of geographical knowledge as possible. The latest discoveries will be found exhibited as distinctly as the scale of the map will admit. Nume- rous items of information, and many islands, the majority of which were discovered by American navigators, are now inserted for the first time in a general map of the world. The Consulting Index, comprising near thirteen thousand items, will, with the plan adopted for its use, be found to give great facility in searching for the position of the various countries, cities, towns, islands, &c, represented on the Map. Philadelphia, May 20, 1837. EXPLANATIONS TO THE CONSULTING INDEX. To ascertain the position on the Map of any place mentioned in the Index, observe the letters annexed to it in the fourth column ; then find the corresponding letters on the top or bottom and sides of the Map; from these letters pass the eye along the ranges due north or south, and east or west, until they intersect : in the square in which they meet, the place sought for will be found. It will be observed, that every page of the Index contains two ranges of four columns each ; the first of these shows the names of Places, the second the class to which they respectively belong, as Cities, Towns, &c ; the third column points out the Country in which places are situated ; and the fourth, the reference letters that correspond with those on the top and bottom and sides of the Map, and by means of which the position of cities and towns may be found. For example, Aaik, the first name in the Index, is an Island in North America, the Reference letters attached to which are A b ; on examining the Map, A will be found near the left corner at the top, and b, the second letter, in the left hand border in proceeding downward from the top of the Map : by the plan mentioned above the square containing Aaik will be found. The second name in the Index, is Aal- borg, a town in Denmark, letters M c ; this will be found, according to the rule stated, near the the middle of the Map, and about one-third of the breadth from the top ; and by the same simple means every place mentioned in the Consulting Index may be readily ascertained. The figures attached to a few of the names in the first column of the Index, signify that those places are represented on the Map by the figures attached to them ; this occurs only in the cases of the governments of European Russia, a few of the minor German States, and in two or three provinces in Bolivia. Archipelago Arc Bank Bk. Bight Bgt. Bluff Bl. Bluffs Bis. Canal CnL Cape C. Channel Ch. City. Cy. Cliff CI. Cliffs Cls. Coast Cat Colony Col. Country Cty. Department Dep. Desert Des. District Dis. Division Div. Duchy and Dukedom . . D. Electorate El. Empire Em. Entrance Ent Factory Fac Falls Fls. Fiord Fd. Foreland Fid. 1* ABBREVIATIONS. Fork Fk. Fort Ft. Government Gov, Grand Duchy G. d. Group Gr. Gulf G. Harbour Har. Head Hd. Hill HI. Hills His. Hook Hk. House Ho. Inlet In. Island I. Islands Is. Isthmus 1st. Kingdom Km. Lake I .. Lakes Ls. Land Ld. Mountain ML Mountains Mts. Oasis Os. Peak Pk. People Peo. Peninsula Pen. Plains Pis. Point PL Port .Po. Possessions Pos. Province Pro. Promontory Prm Reef Rf. Reefs Rfs. Republic Rep. River R. Rock Rk. Rocks Rks. Rums Rns. Settlement ScL Shoal Sh. Shoals Shs. Sound So. State SL Station Sta. Steppe Ste. Strait Str. Territory Ter. Town T. Tribe Tr. Village Vil. CONTENTS. Consulting Index Pago 11 General View or the World 117 AMERICA 119 North America 121 Russian Possessions 128 British Possessions 129 New Britain 133 Upper Canada 135 Lower Canada 136 New Brunswick 138 Nova Scotia 139 Cape Breton 140 Prince Edward's Island 140 Newfoundland 140 Anticosti 141 United States 142 Eastern States 154 Maine '. 155 New Hampshire 157 Vermont 159 Massachusetts 161 Rhode Island 165 Connecticut 166 Middle States 168 New York 169 New Jersey 175 Pennsylvania 177 Delaware 182 Maryland 184 District of Columbia 186 Southern States 187 Virginia 188 North Carolina 193 South Carolina 195 Georgia 197 Florida Territory 200 Alabama 201 Mississippi 203 Louisiana 205 Western States and Territories 208 Ohio 210 Kentucky 213 Tennessee 215 Indiana 217 Illinois 219 Michigan 222 Missouri. 224 Arkansas 226 Wisconsin Territory 228 Western Territory 229 Missouri Territory 232 Oregon Territory 233 Texas. 235 Mexico 237 Guatemala 248 West Indies 251 British Islands 253 Jamaica 253 Barbadoes 254 Antigua 254 St. Christopher's 255 Monserrat, &c 255 Nevis 255 Barbuda . . .• 255 Anguilla 255 Virgin Islands 255 Dominica 255 St Vincent. 255 Grenada 255 Tobago 255 St Lucia 255 Trinidad 255 Bahama Islands 256 Bermudas 256 Spanish Islands 256 Cuba 256 Porto Rico 258 French Islands 259 Martinico 259 Guadaloupe 259 Dutch, Swedish, and Danish Islands 259 St. Eustatia 259 Saba 259 St. Martin 259 Curacoa 259 Santa Cruz 260 St. Thomas 260 St. John's 260 St Bartholomew 260 Hayti 260 South America 262 Colombia 269 New Grenada i 273 Venezuela 276 Equador 277 Gallapagos Islands 279 Guiana 279 Demarara, Berbice, and Essequibo . . 279 Surinam 280 Cayenne 280 Brazil 281 Peru 288 South Peru 293 Bolivia 295 Chili 296 Island of Chiloe 301 Islands of Juan Fernandez 301 Buenos Ayres 301 Paraguay ^C Uruguay JH Patagonia 308 j CONTENTS. EUROPE Sweden and Norway ... Norway Lapland Denmark Iceland, &c < Faroe Islands Holland Belgium , British Isles- • England Isle of Man Jersey, Guernsey, &c Wales Scotland Hebrides Orkney Islands Shetland Islands Ireland France Corsica Spain Balearic Isles Andorra Portugal . Russia . • Poland Kingdom of Poland Cracow Germany Austria Hungary Croatia Sclavonia Transylvania Military Frontier , Dalmatia . . Galicia < Prussia Bavaria Saxony Hanover Wirtemberg Baden Hessian States Hesse Cassel Hesse Darmstadt Hesse Homburg Saxon States Saxe Weimar Saxe Coburg Gotha Saxe Meiningen Hildburghausen Saxe Altenburg Mecklenburg Schwerin Mecklenburg Strelitz Brunswick Oldenburg Nassau Anhalt Dessau Anhalt Bernburg Anhalt Cothen German Principalities Schwartzburg Rudolstadt Schwartzburg Sondcrshausen . 309 315 319 320 321 324 325 325 329 331 333 337 337 339 340 343 .343 ,343 ,345 .348 ,351 ,353 , 356 ,358 358 ,361 ,366 ,368 ,369 ,369 373 376 378 378 ,378 378 379 379 380 384 385 ,386 387 .387 388 .388 ,388 .389 .389 , 389 ,389 , 389 ,389 .389 .390 .390 .390 ,390 .390 .390 .390 .390 .390 .390 Reuss Greitz 390 Reuss Schleitz 390 Lippe Detmold 390 Lippe Schauenburg , 390 Hohenzollern Sigmaringen 391 Hohenzollern Hechingen 391 Waldeck Pyrmont 391 Lichstenstein 391 Kniphausen 391 Hamburg ■ 391 Lubeck 391 Bremen 391 Frankfort 392 Switzerland 392 Italy 394 Sardinia 397 Island of Sardinia 398 Monaco 399 Lombardo- Venetian Kingdom.. 399 Tuscany 401 Parma ... 402 Lucca 402 Modena 403 States of the Church 403 San Marino 405 Naples 405 Sicily ... 406 Lipari Islands ...... ... . 406 Malta, &c 407 Ionian Islands 408 Turkey 409 Greece 413 Candia ... 416 Cyclades 416 Negropont ... 41 6 N. Sporades 416 Hydra, &c 416 Tabular view of the European States 418 AFRICA 419 Barbary 424 Morocco 425 Algiers 427 Tunis 428 Tripoli .429 Barca .430 Egypt 430 Nubia.. 433 Abyssinia 434 Sahara, or Great Desert 436 Fezzan 436 Tibesty 437 Gadamis 437 Tafilet, Draha, &c 437 Tibboos 437 Tuaricks 438 Western Africa 438 Senegambia 438 Foulaha 439 Jaloffs ... 439 Mandingoes 439 Foota Jallon 440 Soolimana 440 Senegal 440 CONTENTS. Bambouk 441 Gambia 441 Sierra Leone 441 Guinea 442 Liberia 442 Grain Coast 443 Ivory Coast 443 Gold Coast 443 Slave Coast 443 Ashantee 443 Dahomey 444 Benin 444 Waree 444 Biafra, &c » 445 Loango 445 Congo, Angola, &c 445 Cimbebas, &c 446 Southern Africa 446 Hottentots 447 Cape Colony 448 Caffraria » 449 Bechuanas 450 Eastern Africa 450 Inhambane 451 Sabia 451 Sofala 451 Mozambique. ...» 451 Monomotapa 452 Cazembe 452 IMoolooa 452 Zanzibar or Zanguebar 452 Quiloa 452 Mombas 452 Melittda 452 Brava • • . • 453 Magadoxa 453 Ajan 453 Berbora ,....,....,.,..,. 453 Adel and Hurnjr 453 Central Africa, , 453 Darfur ........ 456 Kordofan . . , . , , , 456 Bergoo . . ,,..,....,,, 456 Bahr el Ghazal 457 1 Begharme 457 j Bornou , 457 Mandara, c&c. , , 457 Houssa. , ,. . 458 Kano . , 458 Kashna 458 Zegzeg 458 Yaoorie , , , 459 Boussa, &c. ....,,, , , 459 Borgoo ...,,.,,,,_ 459 Yarriba 459 Nyffe 459 Timbuctoo, &c 460 Bambarra 460 Masina, Beroo, &c, 460 African Islands .,,,....,,, 461 Azores Islands 461 Madeira 461 Canary Islands 461 Cape Verde Islands 462 Fernando Po, &c 462 Ascension 462 St. Helena 463 Madagascar 463 Imerina 463 Mascarenha Islands 463 Bourbon Island 463 Mauritius, or Isle of France 464 Seychelles, &c 464 Comoro Islands 464 Socotra 464 ASIA 465 Asiatic Russia 472 Siberia 472 New Siberia, &c 475 Kamtschatka 475 Kurile Islands 475 Astrachan, &c 475 Caucasian Russia 477 Circassia. 478 Daghestan . ■. 478 Georgia 478 Shirvan, Erivan, &c 479 Mingrelia, &c 479 Abasia 479 Turkey in Asia 480 Archipelago 482 Rhodes, &c 482 Syria 484 Cyprus 486 Adana 486 Palestine .486 Arabia 488 Makulla 491 Muscat 491 Persia 491 Afghanistan 495 Beloochistan ,..,,,., 498 Kafferistan 499 Kaschgur 1 , . , 499 India ,, 499 Hindoostan 500 Lahore, &c , 502 Bootan and Nepaul 503 Ceylon 510 Laccadive and Maldive Islands 511 Chin India , 511 British Territories 514 Birmah 515 Siam , ,,,,,,,, 516 Malaya or Malacca. 516 Sincapore , 516 Pulo Pinang 516 Njcobar and Andaman Islands , .... 517 Anam , 517 Cochin China 517 Cambodia 517 Tonquin 518 Tsiampa , ... 518 Laos , , , , , 518 Thibet 518 Little Thibet 520 China 521 CONTENTS. Loo Choo Islands 527 Formosa • 528 Hainan 528 Corea 528 Tartary 528 Mantchooria. 531 Mongolia 531 Soongaria 533 Little Bucharia 534 Independent Tartary 534 Great Bucharia, or Bokhara 535 Balkh 535 Khokan 536 Khiva 536 Koondooz 536 Kirguis 537 Turcomania 537 Japan 537 OCEANICA 542 Malaysia 547 Sunda Islands 547 Sumatra 547 Pulo Lingin, Banca, &c 547 Java 547 Bally, Lombock, Sumbawa, &c 548 Borneo 548 Sooloo Archipelago 548 Celebes 548 Moluccas or Spice Islands 548 Phillippines 549 Cocos or Keeling Islands 549 Australasia .... 549 Australia 549 Colony of Western Australia 550 Van Diemen's Land 550 New Zealand 550 Papua, or New Guinea 551 Louisiade 551 New Britain 551 New Ireland 551 New Hanover, &c 551 New Hebrides 551 New Caledonia 551 Norfolk Island 551 Massacre Islands 551 Polynesia 551 Ladrone or Marian Islands 552 Caroline Islands 552 Pelew Islands 552 Central Archipelago 552 Sandwich Islands 553 Marquesas or Washington Islands . . 553 Society Islands 554 Georgian Islands 554 Pearl or Paumotu Islands 554 Palliscr Islands 554 Hervey's or Cook's Islands ........ 554 Austral or Raivaivai Islands 555 Friendly Islands . •• 555 Navigator's Islands 555 Feejee Islands 555 Tonga Islands . . . . 555 Habaai Islands 555 Pitcairn's Island. 555 Easter Island 556 Islands in the Polar Seas 556 North Polar Islands 557 North Georgian Islands 557 Boothia Felix 557 Greenland 558 Scoresby's land 558 Spitsbergen 558 Nova Zembla 559 South Polar Islands 559 Falkland Islands 559 South Georgia 559 South Shetland 560 South Orkney 560 Palmer's Land 560 Kerguelen's Land 560 Tristan d'Acunha 560 Enderby's Land 560 Graham's Land 560 OCEAN 560 Pacific Ocean 560 Atlantic Ocean 561 Indian Ocean 561 Arctic Ocean 561 Antarctic Ocean 561 Mediterranean Sea, &c 561 Baltic Sea, &c 562 Extent and Population of the World 563 Christian Missions 565 Missionary Stations 566 Newly discovered Islands, Sec. 569 CONSULTING INDEX. Ntmet . . . Cartago .... Cartnagena. Carthagena. Cartier's . . . Carwar . . . . Carysfbrt . . Cas Casabinda. . Casala Casamayor . Casarin .... Casati Casbin .... Casbobos . . . Cascade . . . Cascade . . . Cashan Cashee Cashgar . . . Cashgar . . . Cashmere .. Cashmere .. Casiquiare . Cas Nor . . . Caspian. .. . Cass Cassadgath . Cassay Cassel Cassiquin . . . Cassville Castahana . . Castel Rosa . Castle Castlebar . . . Castlereagh . Castlereagh . Castries Castro Cat Cat Catamarca . . Catamarca . . Catanduanes Catania Catanzaro . . . Cataquinas . Catastrophe . Catharine's. Catharine's. . Catieh Position. T. R. Ls Mts. Cty. G. I. T. T. Po. Cy. Cy. I. T. I. T. T. T. Pt. T. R. T. I. Pt. In. T. T. &• Pr. Cy. R. L. Sea L. L. Cty. Pr. T. R. T. Tr. I. Pt. T. IC. R Bay T. I. L. Pr. T. L Cy. T. Tr. C. I. Fid. T. Venezuela . . . Brazil Brit. America Austria. ..... New S. Wales New S. Wales West Indies . . New S. Wales Guatemala .. . Guatemala .. . New Grenada Spain Malaysia .... Hindoostan . . Polynesia .... Little Buoharia Buenos Ayres Mexico Patagonia . . . Tunis Africa Persia Polynesia .... New Zealand . Oregon Ter. . Persia Beloochistan . . Little Bucharia Littlo Bucharia Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . • Venezuela Mongolia Asia Wisconsin Ter. Brit. America . Africa ........ Birmah Hesse Cassel . . Peru Wisconsin Ter. Missouri Ter. . Asiatic Turkey New Zealand . . Ireland Brit. America . New S. Wales . Mantchooria . . Chili Bahamas Brit. America . Buenos Ayres . Buenos Ayres . Malaysia Sicily Naples South America New S. Wales . Polynesia Patagonia .... Egypt Hh Hi Eb Nd Vj Vj Hg Wl Gh Gg Gg Le Uj Qg Ck Qd Hk Ef Hm Me Ni Pe Vh X m Dc Pe Pf Qd Qd Qe Qe Hh Rd Pd Fd Eb Nj 8f Mc Hi Fd Ed Ne X m Lc Ga VI Vc Hm Hf Fc Hk H k Ug Ne Ne Hi VI Xh Hn Oe Nunea of Places, *c Claa. Cat Lake ...... Cat Lake Catoche ....... Catopaxi Catos Catska ........ Cattaro ........ Cattegat ....... Cattum Currafee Cauca Cauca Caucasus » Caucasus Cavalis ........ Cavalla Cavally Cavalos Caves Caviana Cavite Cawnpore Cawoor Caxamarca Caxamarquilla . . Caxatambo Caxias Caxones Cayagan Sooloo. Caycara Caycas Cayenne Cayenne Cayetano Cayman Cayor Cayrasu Caytcte Cayubabas Cayuni Cazcmbe Cazembe Celebean Celebes Celestial Central America Centurions Cephalonia Cera Ceram Cerigo Cernez Cerralbo Cerro Pasco . . . Cerros Cessano Ceuta Ceverna Cevero Vostochnoi Cevero Zepatnoi . Ceylon Chab K. Ho. C. Mt. Hk. T. T. G. T, Dep R. Pr. Mts I. T. T. Bay I. I. Pt T. T. T. T. T. T. I. I. T. I. Col. T. Vil. L. Cty. Bay T. L. R. Ter. T. Sea I. Mts. Rep. Bk. I. I. I. I. T. I. T. I. T. T. R. C. C. I. Ter. Brit America . Brit America . Mexico ....... Equador Australasia .... Asiatic Russia Austria Europe Africa New Grenada . New Grenada . Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Barca Turkey , Guinea Africa Australasia . . . Brazil Mindanao . . . Hindoostan . . Sumatra Peru Peru Peru Brazil Caribbean Sea Malaysia .... Venezuela . . . Bahamas .... Guiana Guiana Mexico Mexico Africa Brazil Brazil Peru Venezuela . . . Africa Cazembe Malaysia .... Malaysia .... Soongaria. . . . North America Indian Ocean . Ionian Isles. . . Australasia . . . Malaysia Ionian Isles .. . Austria Mexico Peru Mexico Naples Morocco Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asia Persia Fc Fc Gf Gl Wk Sc Nd Mc M h Gh Hh Od |Od Ne Nd Lh Lf Wi lh Uh Qf Si Gi Gi Gj Ji Gg Th Hh Hf lh lh Ee Ff Kg Jk Jj Hj Hh Nj Nj Uh Ui Rd Gg Qi Ne Ui Ui Ne |Nd Ef Gj Ef Ne Le Sb Sa Sa Rh Pe 28 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Place*, &c. Chabarga Chacao Chacapoyas Chachet Cha-chow Chaco Chactoole Cliadrina Chagos Chagre ChaHo Chaidu Chain Chai-ya Chala Chalagskoi Chalcur Challahengah . . . Chalons Chamala Chamar Daban . Chameguabas • . Chamela Chamil Chamil Chamir Chamka Cham plain Champon Chamram-ning.. Chancay Chanco Chandernagore . Changai Changamera . . , Chang-chow Chang-chow Changina Chanina Chantrey Chao-chow Chaoming , Chapa Chapada Chapala Chapoo Chapunga Charabali Charalop Charamukotan . Charatzaiskaya Charcas 1 Chargaldshan. . Charjooee Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charles Charleston .... Mts. T. T. T. T. Pr. T. R. R. I. T. T. C. Bay Des. Cy. T. Mts. Tr. T. Dis. T. T. T. L. T. T. T. I\ T. Mts. Ter. Cy T. T. T. Mt. Cy. T. R. T. L. Cy. T. T. T. I. T. Dep L. T. I. I. I. C. C. Mt. Cy- Soongaria Chili Peru Hindoostan . . . Mongolia Buenos Ayres . North America Asiatic Russia. Indian Ocean.. New Grenada . China Little Bucharia Polynesia .... Siam South Peru . . Asiatic Russia Brit. America Africa France Mexico Mongolia ..... Mexico Mexico Mongolia .... Mongolia .... Arabia , Thibet United States . Siam Thibet Peru Chili Hindoostan . . Mongolia .... Africa China Mongolia .... Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Brit. America China Mongolia .... Chili Brazil Mexico China Mozambique . Asiatic Russia. Little Bucharia Kurile Islands Asiatic Russia. Bolivia . . Tartary . Great Bucharia Brit. America . Gallapagos .... Spitsbergen . . . Labrador Virginia Enderby's Ld. South Carolina Rd Hm Gi Rf Sd Ik Bb Re Qi Gh Te Rd Cj Sh Hj Xa Hd Nk Md Fg Rd Ee Ef Sd Sd Og Sf Hd Sg Re Gj HI Rf Sd Nj Te Se Vc Wc Fb Tf Sd HI Ij Ff Ue Oj Pd Rd Sc 2 j Qc Qe Gb Fi Ma Ic Ge Po Ge Names of Places, &c. Charleston . . . Charlotte .... Charlotte .... Charlotte .... Charlotte .... Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte's . . . Charlotte's . . . Charlton Charot Chase's Chatham Chatham Chatham Chatham Chatham Chatham Chatirka Chattahoochee Chaugalaghnoy . Chaumont . Chayboudirskaya Chazura .... Cheduba .... Cheesadawd Cheisinaki . , Chekeang . . . Chelekhof... Chelekhof ... Chelenco. . . , Chelicut .... Chelm Chelmsford . . Chelonikowa Chemokova . Chenaub .... Clieen Mahomed Chensilesskaya Chepy Cheraf Cheraw Cherbaniani . . , Cherbourg Cherepe , Cheribon Chernoosof . . . Cherokees Cherry Chesapeake . . . Chessboard. . . , Chester Chester Chesterfield . . , Chesterfield . . . Chesterfield . . , Chesuncook . . ■ Che-tsein T. T. T. C. c. Har Pt. Rk. Bk. Ft. I. Bk. I. T. Is. I. I. I. C. Str. Bay R. It. I. T. Bay R. I. L. C. Pr. Str. L. L. T. T. T. R. R. R. T. T. R. T. T. Bk. T. T. T. T. Tr. I. Bay Is. Cy. T. In. Ho. Bk. L. Cy. Virginia North Carolina Pr. Edward's I. Brit. America . Isle of Georgia Florida Mantchooria . . Malayan Sea . . Malayan Sea . . North America Polynesia Polynesia Brit. America . Mantchooria . . Polynesia Gallapagos — . Patagonia .... S. Pacific Oc. . New Holland. . North America Florida Asiatic Russia. United States . . Asiatic Russia. France Russia Bolivia Bay of Bengal . Brit. America . Japan China North America North America Patagonia .... Abyssinia Russia England Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia Hindoostan . . Tartary Asiatic Russia Brit. America Asiatic Turkey South Carolina . Asia France Peru Java Asiatic Russia. Western Ter.. . Australasia .... United States. . Australasia.. . . England Nova Scotia .. . Brit. America . Brit. America . Australasia .... Maine China Ge Ge Hd Ga Jn Gf Ue Th Th Fd Cj Xj Gc Td Xi Gi Hn A m Tl Dc Gf Xb Ge Ua Md Pb Hj Sg Eb Ue Uf Be Be Hm Og Nc Mc Wb Vb Qe Pe Vb Gc Nd Ge Qg Ld Gi Ti Wb Fe Xj Ge Vi Lc Hd Fb Fc Wj Hd Tf CONSULTING INDEX. 29 NimM of Places, *c. Chetskoe Chevalaco Chevaroff Chevvat Cheye Chiapa Chiapa Chicago Chicken Chidley Chidley........ Chidley Chieti Chiggre Chihle Chihuahua Chihuahua Chikotan Chilcotins Chilcotin Chili Chilian Chillicothe Chiloe Chilok , Chilpanzingo . . Chikilan Cuni . , Chimaro Chimborazo China Chinchilla Chinese Empire. Chinese Turkes tan Chinialskoy Chinkun Chinnoor Chin-tan Chinyang Chipewyan Chipewyans Chippeway Chippeways Chiquitos Chiricote Chitpore Chitral Chitral Chittagong Chitteldroog Chittore Chiu Ch. Kamennoi . . Chocta w hatch ie. Choctaw Land .. Choctaws Choiseuil Choiseuil Port . . Cholom Chonos Choorwaur 3* T. T. C. T. T. St T. T. Bay Is. C. c. Cy. Sta. Pr. St T. I. Tr. Ft Rep T. T. I. R. T. Tr. Po. Mt Sea T. Cty. Cty. C. Vil. T. Cy. T. Ft Tr. R. Tr. Dep T. T. T. R. T. T. T. R. T. Bay Dis. Tr. Bay T. R. Arc. T Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Mantchooria . . Tartary Africa Mexico Mexico Illinois Java Brit. America . Brit. America . Greenland Naples Nubia China Mexico Mexico Japan Oregon Ter. .. . Oregon Ter. . . . South America Chili Ohio Chili Asiatic Russia. Mexico Patagonia . . . New Grenada Equador Asia Spain Asia Asia North America Asiatic Russia. Hindoostan . . . China Mantchooria . . Brit. America . Brit. America . Wisconsin Ter. Wisconsin Ter. Bolivia Mexico Hindoostan . . . Kafferistan. . . . Kaschgur Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Uruguay .... Asiatic Russia. Florida Ter.... Western Ter... Western Ter. . . East Island . . . Madagascar. . . Asiatic Russia. Patagonia Hindoostan . . . Sb Va Ve Pd Nk Fg Fg Gd Ti Hb Hb lb Md Of Te Ef Ef Vd Dc Dc HI HI Ge Hm Tc Fg Hm Hg Gi Tg Le Sd Rd Be Ab R? Uf Ud Ec Eb Fd Fd Ij Ff Qf Qe Qe Sf Rg Rg n Pc Ge Fe Fe In Pj Xb Hm Qf Nama of Placet, ic. Chorikha Chorillos Chororacus Choros Choshotes ... . Choubar Choudau Choupatou Chourskoi Chow-niman.. . . Christian Christian Christiania Christiansand. . . Christiansand. . . Christiansburg .. Christianstadt.. . Christiansund . . . Christie's Christinestad . . . Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Chrystal Chuapa Chudutina Chule Chuluwan Chumbull Chumerah Chunar Chun-ning Chuquisaca . . 1 . Chuquisaca Church Church Churchill Churchill Churchill Churchill Chusan Chutchcoskoie .. Chutilaukni Chwangshan . . . Cicacole Cilimiti Cillebar Cimbebas Cincinnati Cinto Cintra Cinuchkinnia .. . Circars Circassia Circular Cisaidskoi Ciudad Real. . . . Civita Vecchia . . Clagcnfurt Clamet CUa. T. T. T. Pt. Tr. T. R. T. T. T. I. C. iPy. Div. T. Ft. T. I. Bay T. I. I. I. So. Mts. T. R. T. I. R. T. T. Cy. Dep Cy. Mt. Mt. Dis. C. R. Ft. I. T. R. I. T. C. T. Cty. T. Bay T. Pr. Cty. I. Bay T. T. T. L. Position. Asiatic Russia. Peru Bolivia Chili Mongolia Bcloochistan . . Asiatic Russia. Thibet Asiatic Russia. Mantchooria . . S. Pacific Oc... Brit. America Norway Norway Norway Africa Sweden Norway Brit. America Russia Malaysia .... Polynesia .... Southern Ocean Patagonia. . . . Borneo Chili Asiatic Russia South Peru . . . Mozambique . Hindoostan . . Siam Hindoostan . . China Bolivia Bolivia New Guinea . Scoresby's Ld. Brit. America Brit. America Brit. America Brit. America . China Asiatic Russia. Patagonia .... Corea Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Turkey Sumatra Africa Ohio New Grenada . Azanaga Asiatic Russia. Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Russia Australasia . • ■ Russia Spain Tuscany Austria Oregon Ter. . . S b Gj Hk Hk Sc Qf Va Se Vb Ud Gii Ha Mc Mc Mc Lh Mc Mb Eb Nb Tj Bh Kn Hm Th HI Wb Hj Ok Rf Sg Rf Sf Hj Hj Vi Ka Fb Fc Fc Fc Uc Tc Hm Ue Rg Nd Si Mj Ge Hg Kf Tc Rg Od Vi Pb Le Md Md Ed 33 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c. Class. Clamet Clan William.. Clappe's Clarence Clarence Clarence Clarence Clarence Clarence Clarence Clarence Clarence Clark's Clark's Clark's Clark's Clarkston Clarkston Clarksville .... Clausenburg .... Clear Clear Clear Water .... Cleaveland ..... Clerke's Clermont Clermont Tonnere Cleveland Clew Clicsa Clifton Clinton Clinton Golden. . Clipperton Clinche Cloates Clodius Clonard Closterbay ... . Cloud Clowey Clowey Clyde Coahuila Coango Coanza Coava Cobal Cobbe Cobi Cobija Coblentz ; Coburg Coburg Coburg Coburg Cocasai Douane, Cocavi Cochabamba. .2, Cochabamba.. . , T. Alt. T. C. C. Str. Mts. I. Rf. Fk. Fk. I't. Sta. T. T. c. L. L. T. Rks Cy. I. Bay Bay T. Pt. T. L. Rk. T. Pt. I. C. C. I. I. it EL St. R. R. R. R. T. Des. T. Cy. Cy. T. Bay Pen. Sta. T. Dep T. Cochilla Grande. |Mts, Oregon Ter. .. . Cape Colony . . Malaysia Brit. America . South Shetland Fernando Po . . Australasia . . . New Holland. . Brit. America . Brit. America . New Holland. . Brit. America . Polynesia Polynesia Missouri Ter. . Oregon Ter. . . . Mozambique . . Caffraria Tennessee Austria Ireland Brit. America . Brit. America . Ohio Isle of Georgia France Polynesia New S. Wales . Ireland South Peru . . . Brit. America Mississippi. . . Brit. America S. Pacific Oc. Asiatic Russia New Holland . Polynesia .... Corea Iceland S. Pacific Oc. . Brit. America Brit. America Brit. America Mexico Africa Benguela Africa Benguela Darfur Mongolia .... Bolivia Prussia Saxe Coburg . Upper Canada Brit. America New Holland . Thibet Venezuela . . . Bolivia Bolivia ...... Uruguay Names of Places, &c. Class. Dd Nl Sh Fb Io Mh Vi Ti Fa Ga Uj G a Bi Bi Ed Ed Ok Nl Ge Nd Lc Ec He Gd Jn Md Cj Vj Lc Hj E b Ff Eb Eg Wc Tk Ag Ue Kb Eg Eb Eb Ha Ff Ni Mi Oi Mj Ng Td Hk Mc Mc Gd Ga Uj Se H h Hj IV Cochin Cochin China. . Cochrane Cockburn Cockbuirn Cockburn Cockburn Cockburn Cocken Cocoa Nut .... Cocorto Cocos Cocos Cocos Cocospera Cod Codaya Codera Codinska Codoso Codrington. . . . Coen Coepang Coetivi Coffee Coffee's Post.. Coffin Coffin Coffin's Coffin's Coffin's Cogevnicova. . Coghaica .... Coimbatore .. . Coimbra Coires Coke Mount. . Colan Colbcrg Colding Colican Colima Colivanskoi .. . Coll Collegia Collomandous A- tollon . . . Colnett . . . Colnett . . . Cologne.. Colombia Colombo . Coloni .... Colonne . Colorado .. Colorado ., Colter's . . . Coluguape Columbia Columbia Columbia T. Cty. C. I. I. c. c. Mt So. I. T. I. I. Is. T. C L. C. T. T. Alt. R. T. I. Ft. Sta Hindoostan . . . Asia Japan Brit. America . Polynesia .... Brit. America , Brit. America Mozambique . Greenland . - . Polynesia Mongolia .... Malaysia .... N. Pacific Oc. Tg Ue G a Ck Fa G a Oj lb Aj Se Sj C h I. I. Bay Har T. T. T. Cy. T. Sta. T. T. T. T. T. T. I. T. I. C. C. Cy. Cty. T. T. C. R. R. R. L. Cy. T. T. Bay of Bengal. S g Ee Hd Hi Hg Sc HI Po Vj Uj Pi Fe Fe Oj Hd Dl VI Vf Sc Tb Rg Le Ij Nl Gi Nc M c Tb Fg Re Lc Jj Mexico Massachusetts Brazil Venezuela ... Asiatic Russia Buenos Ayrcs Enderby's Ld. New S. Wales Timor Indian Ocean . Western Ter. . Western Ter.. . Indian Ocean . North America Polynesia New S. Wales . Polynesia Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Hindoostan . . . Portugal. ..... Brazil ........ Caffraria ..... Peru Prussia Denmark Asiatic Russia. Mexico Asiatic Russia. Scotland Brazil Maldives Mexico N. Caledonia . . Prussia South America Ceylon Africa Naples Buenos Ayres . Texas Oregon Ter. . . . Patagonia South Carolina Alabama Arkansas Qh Ef Xk M c Hh Rh Lg N e HI Ff Ed Hm Ge Ge Fe CONSULTING INDEX. 31 Names of Placet, fcc Columbia Columbia Columbia Columbretes Columbus Columbus Columbus Columpi Colville Colville Comanches Comayagua Comb's Comfidah Comfort Comfort Comfort Comillah Comino Committee Como Comobo Comol Comorin Comoro Comoro, Great .. Compostclla Comptah Compton Comprida Comptroller's . . . Conceicao Conception Conception Conception ... , Conception Conchos Concord , Condamine Condatchy Condendas Conejos Confuso , Congo Congo , Congoon Congress , Coni , Coninskoi Conitz Connecticut Connecticut . . . Conolly Conornamas . . . Constance Constance Constantino . . . Constantinople. Conthcoudsong. Contrarieties.. . Contway T. T. R. I. Cy. Cy. T. T. I. C. Tr. T. HI. T. C. C. Bay T. C. Is. L. I. T. C. Is. Is. Cy- T. Rks T. Bay T. Cy. T. T. Bay R. Cy. R. T. T. R. R. Cty. R. T. I. T. T. T. St. R. Ft. Mts Cy- L. Cy. Cy. T. I. L. Tennessee . . Texas Oregon Ter. Mediterran. Sea Georgia Ohio Mississippi .... Cambodia Brit. America . New Zealand. . Texas Guatemala .... Brit. America . Arabia Brit. America . Greenland Labrador ..... Hindoostan . . , Sardinia Brit. America , Italy... Malaysia .... Nubia , Hindoostan . . Indian Ocean., Indian Ocean . Spain Hindoostan . . Indian Ocean . Brazil Brit America Brazil Chili Paraguay Venezuela . . . Newfoundland Mexico N. Hampshire New S. Wales Ceylon Brazil Mexico Buenos Ayres Africa Congo Persia. . K . . . . Polynesia .... Sardinia Asiatic Russia Prussia United States . United States. Brit. America Peru Baden Europe Algiers Turkey Thibet Australasia . . . Brit. America Ge Ff Dd Le Ge G e Ge Sg Cb XI Fe Gg Gc Og Gb lb He Sf Md Gc Md Ti Of Rh Oj ? j Ld Rf Ri II Cb Ik HI Ik Hn Id Ff Hd Wk Rh Ij Ee Ik Ni Mi Pf Vf Md Tb Nc Hd Hd Dc Hi Md Md Me Nd Se Wi Eb Names of Places, kc. Conventos Conway Conwayboro Conybeare Cook's Cook's Cook's Cook's Cook's Cook's Coomassie Cooper Cooper's Coopischegaw . . Coordoo Coosa Coosa Combang. Coosy Copenhagen T. C. T. ML I. I. Str. L. In. EL Cy- I. I. I,. Pt. R. I. R. ,]Cy. Copiapo T. Copiapo I Bay Copimescaw . Copland Hutch- inson Copleston Copororo Copper Copper Indians . Coppermine Coquin ....%... Cora Coral Coralline Corannas Corantine Corbet's Corchounooskaya . Cordillera Geral. Cordova Cordova Cordova Cordova Corea Corea Corean Corfu Corinth Corjados Cork Corn Corner Cornom Cornwallis Cornwallis Cornwallis Cornwallis Coro Corolcova Ooromandel Coron Coronados Bay Mt. R. I. Tr. R. So. T. Sea I. Tr. R. In. T. Mts Pr. Cy. T. Pt. Cty. Str. Arc I. Cy- Rks Cy. I. In. I. I. I. I. I. T. T. Cst G. Is. Brazil NewS. Wales. South Carolina Brit. America . Polynesia Polynesia New Zealand. . Brit. America . North America Brit. America . Ashantee N. Pacific Oc. . Southern Ocean Brit. America . New Guinea . . Alabama Malaysia Hindoostan . . . Denmark Chili Chili Brit. America . Brit. America . North America Benguela Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Brit. America . Greenland Soudan , Australasia .... Asia , Africa , Guiana Brit. America , Asiatic Russia. Brazil Buenos Ayres Spain Buenos Ayres North America Asia ........ Corea , Yellow Sea . . Ionian Isles. . , Greece , Indian Ocean., Ireland Guatemala New S. Wales , Gulf of Siam Brit. America , Polynesia ..... S. Pacific Oc... South Shetland Venezuela Asiatic Russia. Hindoostan . • ■ Greece Mexico I k Vk Ge Cb Bk Xh Xm | Eb Bb I Dc Lh Df ] J n He Vi Ge Ti Rf Mc Hk Hk He Db Cb Mj Xc Eb Eb I b Lgr Wj Qh Nk lh Fb Tc Ij HI Le HI Cb Ue Ue Ue Ne Ne Pj Lc Gg VI Sb Fa Xg A in Io H«r Tb Ne Ee 38 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c. Class. Coronation . Coronation . Corournilla Coroveodoi . Correntes . . Correntes . . Corricntcs. . Corrientes . . Corrientes. . Corrientes. . Corrientes. . Corrientes. . Corrou .... Corsica .... Corte Corumba. . . Corunna . . . Corury .... Corvo Corvoeiro . . Cosenza.. . . Cosigirachui Cosmoledo . Cospore .... Cossacs of the Don Cosseir Costa Costa Rica Costine Cotagayta Coti Cottah Cottayam Couchny Coucou Coudrianskoe . . . Coudroyskaia .. . Cougalia Coulumb Coulunda Council Counien Courban Tamir . Coureica Courland... .28. Coutcha Coutreki Coutskoie Courts' Couzoun Coum . . Covell's Coventry Covinska Coxe's Coxo Coy Crab Cracow Cracow Cradock Cradock I. C. Pt. R. R. R. Pr. T. C. C. c. a R. I. T. T. T. T. I. C. ... Brazil Atlantic Ocean Africa Arabia Madagascar . . . Brit. America . Brit. America . V. Diemen's Ld. Africa Brit. America . Labrador Scoresby's Ld. . Oregon Ter. . . . New S. Wales . Russia Syria Tartary Mexico Polynesia Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . Arabia Africa Austria North America South Shetland Spain Africa Arabia Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . Spain Tartary .... Great Bucharia Cabul Tartary .... Spitsbergen . Hindoostan . Kordofan . . . Ng Ge Gh Tc la Og Nh VI Lc Og Ng Ng Db Ld Ng Ng Wc Th Jj Mi Lg Of Pk Fc Fc Vm Oj Cb lc Ka Ea Vj Od Oe- Pd Ee Cj E b Eb Db Pf Lg Nd Bb H h M d Oi Of Fc Gb Fc Fb Fc Le Qe Qd Qe Qe Na Qf O ff Names of Places, &c. De Itata De Juen De Kays De la Aguja .. . Delagoa Del Aned De Langle .... De la Vela Delaware Delaware Del Carbon. . . . Del Carmen .. . Del Choco .... Delf Haven . . . Delhi Delhi Deli Delibaba De Limite .... Delisle Deliverance . . . Deliverance . . . Deliverance . . . De Lobos De los Reyes . . De Loss Del Padre Del Peregrino . Del Rey Delta Del Toro Del Valle De Madre de Dios Demarara Demarcation . . , De Mata Demavend Demboa , Dembo , Dembo Kiala . . , Demyanska .... Demyanska .... De Nahuelhuapi Denbigh Dender Deneschino .... Denial Deny's Denka Denmark D'Entrecastedux De Palo De Paxaros De Penas Depeyster's .... De Piedras De Piedras De Principe de Beira Der Dera Ismael Khan R. Bay Bay Pt Bay Sta Bay C. St. R. L, I. Bay Po. 1'r. T. T. L. C. Is. I. C. ('. Pt. Is. I. I. Pt. Dis. Bay L. Arc, Col. Pt. C. Pk. L. Pr. T. T. R. L. C. R. T. Bay I. Cty. Km. Pt. C. 1. <;. Gr. Pt. Pt. Chili Brazil New Guinea . . Peru Africa Nubia Mantchooria . . New Grenada . United States. . United States. . Buenos Ayres . Mexico New Grenada . Greenland .... Hindoostan-. . . Hindoostan . . . Sumatra Asiatic Turkey Buenos Ayres . Seghalien Australasia . . . Australasia . . . Louisiade Buenos Ayres . Bolivia Africa Mexico Polynesia Patagonia .... Egypt New Grenada . Patagonia .... Patagonia .... Guiana Brit. America . Luzon Persia Abyssinia Congo Congo Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . Patagonia — . North America Africa Russia New Holland . Indian Ocean . Africa Europe New Holland. Spain N. Pacific Oc. Patagonia. . . . Polynesia .... Brazil Patagonia . . . Brazil Asiatic Turkey |Cabul...... HI Jk Vi G i Ok Of Vd Hg Ge Ge II Ef Gh lb Rf Rf Sh Od HI Vc W j vf Wj II Hk Lh Ff Bj Hm Oe Gh Ilk Hm lh Cb Vg Pe Og Ni Ni Qc Qc Hm Bb Og Sb Ui Pi Oh Mc Ti Le Cf Hm Xi Ji Hm Hj Oe Qe CONSULTING INDEX. 35 Names of Placet, *c Dera Gazeo Khan Dcras Derbent Der Bund Derne Derpt Derr Derson Dervazeh Desaguadero . . . De Santa Clara . Des Aves Desbrowe Desconocida .... Deseada Desengano Desert Desertas Deserted Des Francais . . . Desful Deshkin Desierta - Desire Des Moines .... Desolada Desolation Desolation Destruction .... Detkina De Touro '. Detroit Deux Ponts .... Devil's Devil's Devil's Thumb.. De Vries De Vries De Witt Clinton. De Witt's Dexter's Dgerbinskoi Dhabi Dhalac Dhawalagiri. . . . Dholpore Diamantino .... Diamond Diana's Diarbekir Dibbah Dibbie Diedde Diego Alvarez . . Diego Garcia . . . Diego Ramirez . Diely Dieppe Dieu Digby Digby T. C. T. T. T. T. T. R. R. Ls. C. I. C. Pt. I. Bay I. I. Is. Po. T. T. I. Po. R. Pt C. I. I. R. Pt. Cy. Cy. L. R. C. Str. Bay Pt. Ld. I. T. T. I. Mt. T. T. Pt. Sh. % L. T. I. I. Is. T. T. I. T. C. Sinde Egypt •/ Asiatic Russia Hindoostan . . Barca Russia Nubia Mongolia .... Tartary Buenos Ayres Mexico Venezuela . . . Scoresby's Ld. Mexico West Indies . . Patagonia . . . Indian Ocesn. Maderias .... Patagonia .... North America Persia Russia Polynesia.. .. Patagonia . . . Wisconsin Ter Guatemala .. . Patagonia .... Indian Ocean . Oregon Ter... Russia' Brazil Michigan .... Bavaria Wisconsin Ter. Wisconsin Ter Greenland .... Kurilc Islands. Java Brit. America . New Holland. . Polynesia Asiatic Russia. Arabia Red Sea Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Brazil Sumatra Australasia .... Asiatic Turkey Arabia Africa Senegambia Southern Ocean Indian Ocean Patagonia . . Timor • France , France Nova Scotia .. Kerguelen's Ld. Qe Ne P d Qe Ne Nc Of Td Qe Hi Ee Hg Ka Ff Hg Hm Pm Ke Hm Cc Pe Oc Wf Hm Fd Gg Hn Qm Dd Sb Ji Gd Md Fd Fd la Vd Ti Db Tk Wf Tb Pf Og Rf Rf Ij Sh Wj Oe Pf Lg Kg L in Qi Hn Ui Md Ld Hd Qm Naniei of Placet, fcc Clin. Digges' Dijon Diknau Emjot . Dil D'llheo Diligence Dimitrovsk .... Dimon Dimokea Dinagepore .... Dinaporo Dindigul Dindory Dingle Dinquitos Dirloudskoi . . . Disappointment Disappointment Disappointment Disco . . Disco Dittean Diu Diu Dium Div Rud Dixan Dixon's Djar Djem Djisahah Djof D'Luiz Dnieper Dniester Dobbs' Doce Doctrina Dofar Dofrefield Dog Dog Dogdsa Dog Rib Indians Dolganova Dolgoi Dolmatov Dolonskoi Dolphin Dolphin Dolstcad Domboo ....... Domboo Domel Domelans Domet's Domges Dominica ...... Don Donna Maria .. . Don Cossacs . 40 . I. Cy. Tr. T. Po. I. T. I. Sta. T. T. T. T. Bay T. C. I. I. Bay I. Hk. T. I. Hd. C. R. T. Ent T. R. T. Dis. R R. R, C. R T, T, Mts. I. I. R. Tr. T. % T. T. C. Str. T. Dis. T. I. T. C. Tr. I. R. I. Pr. Mta Brit. America . France Sahara Arabia , Africa , Patagonia.. .. , Russia , Faroe Islands Nubia Hindoostan . . Hindoostan . . Hindoostan . . Hindoostan . . Ireland Chili Asiatic Russia Australasia • . Polynesia. . . . Patagonia.. .. Greenland . . . Spitsbergen . . Hindoostan . . Hindoostan . . Hindoostan . . Japan Persia Abyssinia.. . . North America Arabia . . Tartary . Great Bucharia Arabia Brazil • Russia Russia ... Brit. America Brazil Buenos Ayres Arabia Norway Greenland . . . Polynesia .... Asiatic Russia Brit. America Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Falkland Is.. . Brit. America Norway Africa Africa Bay of Bengal Borneo New Holland. Africa West Indies .. Asiatic Russia N. Pacific Oc. Russia Gb Md Lf Pf Mk Hn Oc Lb Og Rf Rf Rg Rf Lc Hk Wc, Xn Cj Hn lb Na Rf Qf Qf Ve Pf Og Dc Of Pd Qd Og Ik Oc Nd Gb Tj Hk Pg Mb Tb Cj Vb Dd Tb Tb Qc Re In Eb M b Nf Nf Sg Th v i Oi Hg Oc Df Od 36 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c. Class. Donda Dondra Head . . Donegal Donetsk Donga Dongola Dongola Dongola Donjan Donkin Donmase Donnai Doobaunt Doobaunt Doorasama .... Dooshak Dorak Dorchester .... Dorchester .... Dornoch Doroiskoi Doroninsk .... Dorre . . . ; .... Dorset Dos Forcados. . Dos Montes . . . Dos Patos DoSul Dotames Douasso Double Double Island . Doubno Doubtcherskaya Doubtful Doubtful Douda Doudinskoi . . . Douditta Doughty Douglas Douglas Douglas Douives Doulagoulack. . Doulga Douma Douro Dove Dover Dover Dover Dow Dowlatabad . . . Downes Drah Draha Draha Dragon's Dram Dranki Pt C. T. T. Cty. Cty. T. Bay Dis. R. I. T. L. R. T. Des. T. T. C. T. T. T. I. C. R. R. L. L. Tr. T. Pt. Pt T. T. Is. Har R. T. R. I. T. C. Har Bay R. T. Sta. R. Bay T. Pt. Str. I. T. I. R. Dis. R. Mth T. T. Celebes Ceylon Ireland Russia Africa Nubia Africa Nubia Benguela .... Africa Norway Cambodia .... Brit. America Brit. America Asiatic Turkey Cabul Persia Lower Canada. Brit. America . Scotland Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Australasia .... Brit. America . Benin Brazil Brazil Brazil Missouri Ter. . Africa New S. Wales . New S. Wales . Russia Asiatic Russia. Australasia New Zealand. . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . North America Lower Canada. North America Brit. America . Greenland Asiatic Russia. Nubia Kordosan Portugal Spitsbergen . . . England New Holland. . Europe Red Sea Hindoostan . . . S. Pacific Oc. . . Barbary Suse Barbary New Grenada . Norway Asiatic Russia. Uh Rh Lc Od Nh °g Ng Of M j Nk Mb Tg Fb Fb Oe Qe Pe Hd Gb Lc Td Tc Tk Gh Mh Tj II Ji Pd Lg Vj Wk Nc Sb Tl Xm Sb Rb Sa Dc Hd Be Fb la Ub Og Og Ld Na Mc Ui Mc Og Rf G h Le Lf Lf Gh Mc Wc Y£h Names of Places, &c. Class. Drave Dresden Dresich Drewyer's ..... D. Roderigues . Drogheda Dromera Drontheim .... Drontheim .... Drummond.. . . Drummond.. . . Drummond's . . Drummondton . Dry Dry Dry Fork . . . Dsake Toupson Dsanlarkeng . . Dsatchou Dschabekan . . . Dublin Dubuque Ducburo Duche Ducies Duck Dudley Diggs . Duff Duff's Duida Duillican Duke of Clarence Duke of Kent's. Duke of York's. Duke of York's. Duke of York's. Duke of York's. Dukla Dulce Dulce Dulwich Dumaran Dumfries Dunaburg Duncan Duncan's Duncansby's . . . Dundas Dundas Dundas Dundas Dundee Duneira Duneira Dungui i Dunlop's Range Dunrora Dunvegan , Duralde , Durando , Durango , R. Cy. T. R. Bk. T. T. Div Cy. I. Pt. I. T. Bk. Fd. R. L. T. R. R. Cy- T. T. C. I. Ls. C. I. Gr. T. T. I. Bay Arc. I. I. Baj T. G. R. T. I. T. T. I. I. Hd I. I. I. C. T. Bay Mts, R. Mts, T. Ho. T. Rf. St. Austria Saxony Egypt Oregon Ter. . . South America Ireland Guinea Norway Norway , Michigan New S. Wales Polynesia ..... Virginia Australasia . . . Spitsbergen . . Mexico Thibet Thibet Thibet Mongolia .... Ireland Wisconsin Ter. Africa Mantchooria . Polynesia. . . . Brit. America Brit. America . Polynesia .... Australasia . . . Africa Luzon Polynesia .... Brit. America Brit. America North America Polynesia .... Brit. America Austria , Guatemala .. . Buenos Ayres . New S. Wales Malaysia .... Scotland Russia S. Pacific Oc. S. Pacific Oc. Scotland Africa Oregon Ter... Polynesia .... Brit America Scotland Greenland . . . Brit. America Africa New S.Wales Soudan Brit. America Buenos Ayres Australasia . . Mexico Nd Mc Ne Ec Jj Lc Lh Mb Mb Gd VI Xi Ge Vj Ma Fe Re Sf Se Sd Lc Fd Lg Vc Dk F Ha Ck Xi Ng Vg Ai Fb Eb Dc Ai Gb Nd Gh Ek Wi J 8 L c Nc Eh Gi Lc Oi Dc Xi Ea Lc la Ha Ni Vi Mh Ec Hk Xk Ff CONSULTING INDEX. 37 Names of Flaws, fee Durango Durazzo Durham Durnford Durnford Durnford Noss. . Du Roi Dusky Dusseldorf Dutch Dutcheri Duvour's Dwabin Dwi Dwight Dwina D'Wolf's Dyer's Dyer's %jr Eagle Eagle Eagle Eahei Nomauwe Eardley Wilmot Earo East East East East East East East East East East Andaman's East Bothnia . . . East Branch Easter Easter Eastern Eastern Group. . Eaut Greenland . East India Co.'s. East Main East Main East Main East ML Barren Easton East Pens Eastport East Vaagen Ebeloi Eboe Ebon Ebro Ebsambal Eclipse ........ Eddy Stone Edel's T. T. T. Pt Pt. C. I. Bay Cy. Sh. Tr. Is. T. L. Sta. R. I. I. G Dis. I. Is. HI. I. G R. ^ca I. I. C. C. c. Pt Pt. Pt. Is. Dis. R. I. Cls. Sea Is. Cty. I. Cty. Ho. R. Mts. T. Is. T. I. L Cy. Is. R. T. Is. 1. I,,!. Mexico Turkey England Africa Caffraria Madagascar .. Oregon Ter. .. New Zealand. Prussia Indian Ocean . Mantchooria . Australasia . . Ashantee .... Soudan Western Ter. . Russia Polynesia .... Cape Colony . Brit. America Bergoo Indian Ocean . Indian Ocean . Brit. America . New Zealand. . Brit. America . Madagascar . . . Spitsbergen . . . Falkland Is.... Malaysia Asiatic Russia Madagascar . . . New Zealand. . Anticosti Island Java New Guinea . . Bay of Bengal . Russia Brit. America . Polynesia Africa Asia Australasia .... Greenland .... Persian Gulf . . Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . New Holland. . Pennsylvania. . Brit America . Maine Loffoden Isles . Tartary Benin Polynesia Spain Nubia Australasia.. . . Australasia .... New Holland .. Ret Lett. Ff Nd Lc Oi Ok P.j Dc Xm Mc Oi Ud Vi Lh Ng Fe Ob Xi Nl Hb Nl Pi Qi Ec XI Fa Pi Na In s.i Ab P| XI Hd Ti Vi Sff N b Dc Ek Nk Uf Ul Ja Pf Gc Gc Gc Tl Gd Gc Hd Mb Qc Mh Xh Lh Of Tl Vm Tk Names of Places, tc. Eden Edenton Edfou Edgar Edgecombe .... Edgecumbe .... Edgecumbe .... Edina Edinburg Edir ^ Edmonton Edsan Eelah Eelah Eelah Egatche Egedesminde . . . Egeroe Egg Egg Egga Egina Eglinton Egmont Egmont Egmont Egmont Egmont Egmont Egoy Eguan Egypt Ei Eia Eiford Eight Degree . . . Eimeo Ejallfio Ekarma Ekasitach Ekaterinburg.. . Ekaterinoslav 50 Ekaterinoslav . . Ekathcrinipol . Ekatherinodar . Ekatherinograd Ekehtagh Ekesio Eknas Ekrostrov Elaghoui Elance El Araich El Arcd El Arish Elas Elatom Elba Elbasson Elbe El Biddah T. T. Cy. Pt. C. I. Bay T. Cy. T. Ho. R. Cty. Cy- R. R. Dis. I. Har R. 'I'. <;. c. i. i. Is. c. IV Mt. Is. R. Cty. T. R. T. Ck I. T. I. R. Cy. Pr. Oy. T. T. T. R. T. T. T. R. R. T. Dis, T. L. T. I. T. R. T. Syria North Carolina Egypt Falkland Is. . . . North America Australasia . . . New S. Wales . Liberia Scotland Asiatic Turkey Brit. America . Asiatic Russia. Asia Soongaria Soongaria Asiatic Russia. Greenland Norway New Jersey . . . Brit. America . Soudan Greece Brit. America . Australasia . . . Indian Ocean . . Polynesia New Zealand. . West Indies . . . New Zealand. . Polynesia Brit America . Africa Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Norway Maldive Is. . . . Polynesia Sweden Kurile Islands. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Sweden Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Oregon Ter. . . . Morocco Arabia Egypt Sweden Russia Meditcrran. Sea Turkey Germany . . . Arabia Oe Ge Qf In Cc X.j Vk Lh Lc Oe Ec Ub Rd Qd Qd Wb lb Mc He Fb Mh Ne Ha Xj Qi Cj XI In XI Vg Gc Of Tb Od Mb Qh Bi Nb Wd Ub Pc Od Od Od Od Od Ub Ne Nb Ob Rh Ed Le Pf Oe Nb Oc Md| Nd Mc Pf 38 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c Elbing El Braken Elburus El Comboy El Compacto . . . Eldborg Ele Elephant Elephant Elephant Eletz Eleuthera Eleve Eleven El Fezn ElFow Elfwedal El Ganka ElGazie El Hamid El Hammer Elim Elimane Eliza Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth , Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth , Elizabeth , Elizabeth , Elizabethgrad . Elizabeth's Elizabeth Town El Jem El Juncal El Kaoul El Kazar El Khatiff Elk Horn El Lamdou El Laughmoot . Ellefsens Ellice Ellice's Group . Ellichpore Elliott Ellore El Makkarif. . . El Mensoria. . . Elmina Elmore Elmosseguem . El Obispo El Paposo El Refugio .... El Shatt Elsineur Eluths Elvas T. Tr. Mt. I. C. T. R. I. Shs. Mt. T. I. C. I. T. T. T. T. T. T. Sta. T. T. Rks I. I. I. C. C. Bay Pt. Har T. I. T. T. T. R. T. Cy if. T. T. Har I. Is. T. T. T. T. T. Ft Is. Sta. T. T. T. r,. T. Peo T. Prussia Africa Asiatic Russia. Caribbean Sea. Bolivia Iceland Mantchooria . . South Shetland Mozambique . . New Guinea . . Russia Bahamas Asiatic Russia. Indian Ocean . Tibesty Fezzan Sweden Arabia Africa Barbary ...... Africa Cape Colony . . Africa Australasia .... Polynesia Polynesia Polynesia North America Seghalien Africa Brit. America . Brit. America . Russia Australasia . . V. Diemen's Ld, Tunis Chili Asiatic Russia. Morocco. Arabia Missouri Ter. . Soudan Fezzan Powel's Group. Brit. America . Polynesia Hindoostan . . . Mississippi, . . . Hindoostan . • . Nubia Morocco Ashantee Polynesia Sahara Chili Chili Mexico Algiers New Zealand. . Mongolia Portugal Nc Lg Od Gg Hk Kb Vd Io Oj Vi Oc Gf Va Qi Nf Mf Mb Pf Kf Lf Mf Nl Lg Wk Ak Cj Dk Be Vc Nk Gb Fa Od Vi Vm Me Hk Xb Le Pf Fd L? Mf Jo Cb Xi Rf Ge Rg Og Le Lh Xh Mf Hk Hk Ff Me Mc Sd Le Names of Places, &c. Bah- El Wah el ryeh ElWahr Elwend , El Winega .... Ely Elythia Emba .... Emba Embacca Embden Embomma . . . Emboque .... Emerald Emerald Emfras Emicale Emil Ems Emuaen Enangen Enara Enara Enarea Encarnacion . . Encounter . . . Encounter . . . Endeavour . . . Enderby's. . . . Enderby's. . . . Endermo .... Endian Endracht's . . Endurman . . . Enfante Perdu Engano Engano Engano. Engeloe England Englefield .... English English English English English English River Engousa Enisei Enkasy Enkuysen. .. . Ennves ... Eno Enon Ensenada de San Borombon Ensene Enterprize . Entre Rios . Enzelli .... Eooa Os. Sta. Mt. T. Cy. T. G. R. T. T. T. T. I. I. T. Str. R. R. Pt. T. I. T. Dis. I. Bay Pt. R. Ld. I. Har T. Ld. T. I. I. C. C. I. Km, C. Ch. Sh. Har R. R. Dis. T. T. Die. I. T. T. T. T. T. Ft. Pr. T. I. Egypt Africa Persia Fezzan England Egypt Tartary Tartary Angola Hanover Loango , Changamera . Arabian Gulf. Southern Ocean Abyssinia Russia Soongaria Germany Asiatic Russia. Sweden Russia Russia Abyssinia Polynesia New S. Wales . Brit. America . New S.Wales. Southern Ocean Southern Ocean Japan Persia New Holland. Nubia Polynesia .... Malaysia .... Hayti Luzon Norway Great Britain , Brit. America Europe Southern Ocean Guatemala .. . Africa Brit. America Brit. America Barbary Asiatic Russia. Ashantee .... Iceland Norway Russia Cape Colony . Buenos Ayres Egypt....... Brit America Buenos Ayres Persia Polynesia. . . . Nf Mf Pe Mf xMc Of Pd Pd Ni Mc Mi Oj Of Wn Og Od Rd Mc Ab Nb Nb Nb Oh Dk VI Db X j Po Xn Vd Pe Tk Og Aj Si Hg Ug Mb Lc Gb Lc Ki Gh Ok Fc Ec Me Sc Lh Kb Mc Ob Nl II Of Eb Ii Pe Ak CONSULTING INB-EX. 39 Names of PUces, ic. T. C. Pt. Epkromov .... Epiphano ..... Epworth . . . Equador Equador ..... i Erbinska .... Eregup ...... Erekli ...... * ■ Erekli. * Erfurth. •....* Ergetu Erghi ....... Erie Erie ........ Erivan ....... Erivan ...... Erlan Eroubeia..*.» Erromango . . > Erronan ..... Erzcrum.. . Erzi... ...... Escandon .... Eschchollz . . . Eschholtz .... Eski Shehr... Esmeraldas . . Esmeraldas . . Esneh Espeuberg . . . Esperancc . . . Espirito Santo Espirito Santo Espirito Santo Espirito Santo Esquimaux ..... Tr Esquimaux. . . . , Esquimaux. . . . Esquimaux. . . . Esseno ....... Essequebo .... Essequebo .... Esthonia 18 Estremoz Esutla Eszek ........ Etawney Etchin ....... Ethiopian Etna Eton Go! Eunice's Euphrates Euroen Europa ....... Eustis Evans ......... Evening Evrasheehey . . Evora . . , Evreux Rep. Dep T. I. Cy. Bay T. R. T. T. L. Cy. L. T, R. I. I. cy- T. T, I. Bay T. T. T. T. C. Bay Pr. T. T. Bay Russia ....... Cyprus . » Brit. America . South America I. C. Vil. T. Cbl R. Pr. T. T. T. L. R. Arc. Mt T. f. R. C. Rks L. In. r. I. 'I'. T. Equador Asiatic Russia. Polynesia ..... Asiatic Turkey Asiatic Turkey Pf ussia Soongaria. .... Mongolia Pennsylvania. . North America Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Austria. . * . . . . Asiatic Russia . Australasia .... Australasia . . . Asiatic Turkey Asiatic Turkey Mexico Polynesia ..... North America Asiatic Turkey EqUudor Venezuela .... Egypt ... North America New Holland. . Brazil Brazil Cuba Mexico Labrador Labrador ...... Brit. America . Scoresby's Ld., Africa Guiana Guiana , Russia .,...., Brazil ........ Mexico , Austria Brit. America . Mongolia ..... Indian Ocean.. Sicily Soongaria . . . . , Polynesia , . . . . Asia Japan Indian Ocean , . Missouri Ter. . Brit. America . Polynesia North America Portugal Prance Oc Oe Eb Hi G i Ub Xh Od Od Mc Qd Td Gd Gd Od Od Nd Qb Xj Xj Od Oe Ff Xg Bb Oe Gh Hh Of Bh. Ul Jj Jk Gf Gg He Ho Fb Ka Ni Ih Ih Nc Ji Fg Nd Fc Sd Pj Me Rd Ak Pe Vd Ok Ed Gb Uh Be Le Md Names of Placet, &c Claa. Ewert .'. . Exeter . . . Exeter . . , Exmouth Exploits . Eydal . . , Eyeo . . . Eylau . . C. Cy. Baj G. Bay T. . T. L R. T. I. T. C. T. T. T. R. I. So. Hav Wj Wj Ga Fa XI Rf Qg Gd Gc Sf Qf Oh Ka Cb Rf M b Mc Nd Ue Na Jb Ji Qf Rg R Md J Mb Nb Japan Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia New Grenada . Equador Africa Africa Oregon Ter. . . . Kordofan Buenos Ayres . Wisconsin Ter. Bolivia Mozambique . . Ibo Island Arabia Turkey Nubia Peru Equador Asiatic Russia. Spitsbergen . Nova Zembla Ue Ob Ub Sc Ob Gh Gh Nh Ng Dc Og Ik Fd Ik Oj Oj Of Nd Of Gj Hi Wa Ma Ra 50 CONSULTING INDEX. N*mes of Placw, ic Iceland . . . Ichaboe . . . Icinskoi . 4 Ico Icy Icy Icy Idanovo . . Idanovo . . Idre Idri Ieceiska . . Ierema . . . Ierema . . . Igar Igatimy . . Igighinsk . Igighinsk . Igil Iglau Iglesias . . . Ignacio .. . Ignam . . . Ignatieva . Ikarski . . . Ikearal . . . Ikermiut. . Ikimda . . . Ikovska.. . Iktiagik . . Ilek.... .. IletskaiaZaschita Ilhas do Arco . . Ilheos in Ilia Iliasova Ilima Illahabad ..... Illimani Illinois Illinois Illyrian Ilaien Ilo Ilongotcs Imandra Imba Imbachinskoi. . Imbro Imerina Imniach Imuris Inaccessible . . . Inaccessible . . . Inagua Inbatskaya. . . . Independence . . Independence.. Independence.. India I. I. T. T C. L. Pt. T. T. T. T. T. T. R. R. R. T. G. T. T. T. T. Bay T. T. L. I. R. T. R. R. T. Is. T. R. R. T. L. T. Mt. St. R. is. L T. T. L. T. T. I. Km. T. T. I. I. I. T. I. I. rosition. Northern Ocean Africa Asiatic Russia Brazil North America Brit. America Nova Zembla. . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia Sweden Fezzan Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia. Paraguay Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Mexico Austria Sardinia Mexico Asiatic Russia . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Mongolia . Greenland Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. North America Tartary Tartary ...... Indian Ocean . . Brazil Soongaria Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. North America Persia Bolivia United States . . Illinois Austria Russia South Peru . . . Luzon Russia Japan Asiatic Russia. Archipelago. . . Madagascar .. . Asiatic Russia. Mexico Southern Ocean South Shetland Bahamas Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Polynesia . ... Missouri Russia Kb Mk Ub Ji Ba Eb Qa Sa Tb Mb Mf Sb Tb Tb Uc Ik Wb Wb Gf Nd Me Ee Wc Tc Pb Rd Jb Uc Qc Be Pc Pc Pi Jj Rd Sc Qc Be Pe Ik Gd Gd Nd Oc Hi Vg Ob Ve Ub Nd Pj Qb Ee Li Lo Hf Sb Ci S j Fe Nb Ifamct or Places, &c. ndian ....... ndian ndiana ndian apolis . , ndian River . ndies, West . ndighirca . . . ndirsk ndispensable ndore ndrapore ndsche ndus ndus neboli nfanta ngale ngenoe nghe ngoda nhambane. . . nhambane . . , nhambane. . , nhampura .. , nichi , nichi nigrin . . nmelick . nn nner Vigten . . . nsara nspruck nsua ntermedios (the) nverness . . . nvestigator's nvestigator's Group .... nvisible .... nyak ogen ogenskoi ona onian , onian Isles . pane pswich . . . quape quique rak Ajemi. rak Arabi , rbit rbit reland rghiz rish rkoutsk . . . rkoutsk . . . rkoutsk .. . Bay L. St. Cy. In. I. R. L. Rf. T. T. C. R. R. T. C. Mts. I. L. R. Cty. T. R. R. T. Bay Vil. Bay R. I. T. Cy. T. Pr. T. Str. Is. Pt. C. R. L. I. Sea Rep Tr. EL T. T. T. Pr. Pr. T. R. I. R. Sea Gov Pr. T. New Gergia. • . Brit. America . United States. . Indiana Florida Ter.. . . North America Asiatic Russia. Tartary Australasia . . . Hindoostan . . . Sumatra Asiatic Turkey Little Thibet . . Asia Asiatic Turkey Cape Colony . . Africa Norway Mongolia Asiatic Russia . Africa Inhambane .... In ham bane.. . . Inhambane .... Asiatic Turkey Asiatic Turkey North America Brit. America . Austria Norway Russia Austria Brazil South Peru . . . Scotland New S. Wales . rmenskoe T. Australasia .... Oregon Ter.. . . Africa Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . Scotland Mediterran. Sea Mediterran. Sea Wisconsin Ter. Paraguay England Brazil South Peru . Persia Asiatic Turkey Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Great Britain .. Tartary Europe Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Wi Fc Gd Ge Gf Hg Vb Pd Wj Rf Si Od Re Qf Od Nl Nk Na Se Tc Ok Ok Ok Ok Od Od Ab Ha M d Mb Oc Md Ij Hj Lc Vi Ui Dc Ok Qc Qc Lc Ne Ne Fd Ik Mc Jk Hj Pe Oe Pc Qc Lc Qd Lc Uc Sc Sc Re CONSULTING INDEX. 51 Nuna of Pbtces, *c. Iro Iron • • 1 1 1 Irrawaddy Irrawaddy Irtysh Irwinton Isa Isa Isaaco Isabal • Isabella Ischia ......... Iselook Isgaoor . Ishaun Iskimps Islamabad .... Island Island Head . . Uaphanie ..... Islay Isle of Man . . Isle of Wight. Ismail Isnikmid , Isolette Ispahan , Issana , Issete Issim Issim Issim Istabel Anton. . Istmo Itabagaa Itagwira Itajuba Italy Itamaraca Itapicara Itapua Itasca Rati I'cha. Itcha Ithaca Ithaca Itona Itu Itze-hadze Iunoksa Iurieva Ivanouchkova . Iyaschkin Ivashno Ivi Ivica Ivimiut Ivo > ... Ivory Ivuckloke . R. . Mts. .R. . R. . R. . T. . Sta. . Fd. . T. . T. .a . I. . Is. . T. .R. , a , T. , Dis. C. . L . L . T. . T. .C. .Cy. . R. . R. . T. .R. . Ste. . T. . Dep . R. . R. . T. . Cty. , I. , T. . T. . L. T. , T. R. I. T. R. T. R. T. T. T. T. L. C. I. I. R. Cst. In. Mongolia Brit. America . Birmah Thibet Asiatic Russia. Alabama Tripoli Iceland Soudan Guatemala Brit. America . Naples Polynesia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Hindoostan . . . Brit America New S. Wales Asiatic Turkey Scotland . England . England . Russia . . Asiatic Turkey Arabia Persia Venezuela .... Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . Tartary Arabia New Grenada . Brazil Brazil Brazil Europe Brazil Brazil Paraguay Wisconsin Ter. Buenos Ayres . Mongolia Mongolia Ionian Isles. . . New York .... Brazil Brazil Brit. America . Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Algiers Mediterran. Sea Greenland . . . Asiatic Russia Guinea Labrador .... Sd Ha Sg Se Qc Ge Ne Kb Lg Gg Ga Md Vh Od Xb Fb Sf Fc Wk Od Lc Lc Lc Nd Nd Pg Pe Hh Qc Qc Qc Qc Of Gh Ii Ij ~ k Md Ji Ij I k Fd Ik Se Sd Ne Gd Ii Ik Dc Ob Tb Tc Wc Xb Le Me Jb Qb Lh lc Nimes of I'licra, be. Ixa .. Izer . . Izium Jacca Jack Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jacksonville .. . Jacksonville .. . Jacksonville .. . Jacoba Jacobina. Jacob's Jacobshaven . . . Jacome | Jacques Jacunia Jaen Jaen Jaffa Jaffa Jafferabad Jafnapatam.. . . Jaik Jakan Jakan Ouvaian Jalapa Jalisco Jallinder Jallonkadoo . . . Jalmal Jaloffs Jamaica Jambara Jambi James James James James James James Jameson Jameson Janari Jangada Janghur Jan Mayen .... Jannah Japan Japan Japara Japomsk Jaquemel Jaquesila Jaquet Jaravinskoie .. . Jardine's Jari T. T. T. T. Ho. Cy. T. T. Po. T. T. T. T. T. Bay Dis. T. R. R. T. Cy. T. C. T. T. R. C. C. T. St, T. Cty. C. Peo I. Cty. T. Mantchooria Africa Russia T. C. C. Bai R. PL C. Ld R. K. T. I. T. Cty Sea T. L. T. R. I. T. Is. R. Spain Brit. America . Mississippi. .. . Missouri Arkansas New S. Wales . Florida Georgia Illinois Soudan Brazil Greenland Greenland Mexico Wisconsin Ter Bolivia Peru Spain Syria New S. Wales . Hindoostan . . . Ceylon Tartary Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . Mexico Mexico Hindoostan . . . Africa Asiatic Russia. Senegambia .. . West Indies . . . Africa Sumatra St Helena .... Patagonia Scoresby's Ld.. Brit. America . Virginia Western Ter. . Brit. America . Scoresby's Ld.. Brazil Brazil Hindoostan . . . Northern Ocean Dahomey .... Asia Asia Java Russia Hayti Mexico Atlantic Ocean Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Ud Nf Od Ld Fc Fe Ge Fe Wi Gc Ge Fe Mh Jj la lb Ee Fd Hj Gi Le Oe VI Qf Rh Pc Xb Xb Fg Ff Re Lg Qa Lg «g Oj Si Lg lln Ka Gc Ge Ee Ha Ka Hi Ij Qg La Mh Ve Ue Ti r i. H| Eo Jd Tc Wf Asiatic Russia. R a 52 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, 4c. Jarjaksai R Jarra . Jarvis Jary Jask j Jask Jassu Jassy Java Java Java Java Java Head .... Javary Jayna Jaysulmere .... Jean Hamons.. Jedburg Jeddo Jeddore Jedo Jeendana Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson's .... Jefferson's .... Jemlah Jena Jenet . Jeniken Jenne Jeno Jequepa Jeremie Jerebovsk Jericoacoara . . . Jermain Jersey Jervis Jervis Jervis Jervois Jerumenha Jerusalem Jesso Jesus Jesus Maria . . Jeurire Jewnee Jeypoor Jidda Jidcnsalmi . . . Jiga-gounggar Jigat Jilla Jillip Jindinskoi . . • Joal Joannes Joaquim Joazeiros Tartary Q d L 11. T. C. T Cy. Sea T. I. Pt. C. R. T. Cy. Rk. T. Cy. Har Dis. I. Mt. Cy. R. I. T. T. T. T. Cy. T. Pt T. T. R. C. I. C. I. I. R. T. Cy. T. I. R. T. T. T. %' T. T. Pt. T. T. Ft. T. I. Ft. T. Africa Polynesia Brazil .. . Persia. . . Persia . . . Tartary . Turkey . Malaysia Africa . . . Malaysia Bolivia . . Java .... Peru.... Mexico .. Hindoostan . . . Atlantic Ocean Scotland Japan Nova Scotia.. . Africa Malaysia Oregon Ter. . . . Missouri Missouri Ter. . N. Pacific Oc. . Hindoostan . . . Germany Africa Suse Africa Austria Mexico Hay ti Russia Brazil Brit. America . English Chan.. New S. Wales , Gallapagos .... Australasia Brit. America Brazil Syria . Japan Polynesia. ... Mexico Japan Beloochistan . Hindoostan . . Arabia Russia Thibet Hindoostan . . Arabia Magadoxa . . . Asiatic Turkey Senegambia Brazil Brazil Brazil Lg Bi Ih Pf Pf Qd Nd Ti Oj Ti Hk Ti Hi Ff Qf Ke Lc Ve Hd Ph Ui Dd Ee Ed Eg Rf Mc Mf Lf Lg Nd Fg Hg Pb Ji Gb Ld VI Fi Wi Fb Ji Oe Vd Xi De Vd Qf Rg Of Nb Sf Qf Pf Oh Td Kg Li Ih Jj Name« of Placet, &c Jobie Jockmock Jodsumo Johanna Johannes John de Nova . John Martin's . Johnston's .... Jojo Karta .... Joliba Jones Jones' Jones' Jones' Jonesboro .... Jonga Jonkoping . . . Joodpore Joonaghur . . . Jooneer Jopyee Jordon ...... Jorhat Joros Josephine .... Josyna Jowar Juan de Fuca. Juan de Lisboa . Juan Fernandez. Juba Juban Juby Judge's Clerk.. . Judge (the) Judith Judjang Juggernaut Jujui Jukkas Julia Julalabad Julian Julianas-haab .. . Julianas-haab .. . Julnapore Jumua Jungo Junin Junin Jurien Juruay Jutay Jutland Jyepore Jykill Jylum I. T. T. I. I. Is. I. Is. T. R. C. So. Pk. lis. T. R. T. T. T. T. Pr. H. T. C. Bay Rk. T. Str. I. Is. R T. C. Rf. I. R. T. T. T. T. R. T. R. Sta. Dis. T. R. T. Dep T. Bay R. R. 1'r T. r, R. Kaarta K. Abakainskoe. Kabanaya Australasia . . Sweden Japan Indian Ocean Polynesia .... Indian Ocean Indian Ocean Polynesia Java Africa Brit. America . Brit. America . Asiatic Russia. New S.Wales. Texas Asiatic Russia. Sweden Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Birmah Scoresby's Ld. . Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Turkey Brit. America . Atlantic Ocean Senegambia .. . Oregon Ter. . . . Indian Ocean.. S. Pacific Oc. . Africa Formosa Africa Southern Ocean Southern Ocean Missouri Ter. Java Hindoostan . . Buenos Ayres Sweden Russia Cabul Little Thibet . Greenland . . . Greenland . . . Hindoostan . . Hindoostan . . Russia Peru Peru New Holland. Brazil Brazil Denmark .... Hindoostan . . Brit. America Hindoostan . . Ctv. T. T. Vi Nb Ue Oj Uh Pj Oj Ag Ti Lg Gc Ga Vc VI Fe Tc Mc Qf Qf Qg Sf Ka Sf Od Fb Ke Lg Dd Pk Gl Oh Uf Lf Wn Wn Ed Ti Rg Hk Nb Pb Qe Qe lb lb Rf Rf Nb Hj Gj TI Hi Hi Mc Rf Fb Qe Africa Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Lg Se Qc CONSULTING INDEX. 53 Nima of PUC«, Se. Kabanklak Kabardia Kabiji Kabra Kacunda. ...... Kacunda Kadhiy Kadnikon Kae-chow Kafferistan Kaffo Kafzo Kagalag Kaggal walla Kahilcha Kahurawa Kaia Kaibobo Kai-chow Kain Ka iii's Kaipara Kaipoudra Kairwan Kajachsha Kajachsar Kajana Kakissigan Kaktana Kakua Kalaat Eslen . . . Kalabshe Kalar Kalatoa Kaleg Kalgan Kalgucw Kalhat Kalinga Kalisch Kalitva Kalix Kalix Kalka Kalkas Kalkatargher .. . Kalkol Kalkoons Kalla Kallunga Kalmikova Kalmuks Kalmysk Kalouga 33. Kalouga Kalpce Kalpeni Kalsee Kalta Kama Kama L. Dis. T. Cy. T. T. T. T. T. Cty. T. T. T. T. R. T. T. T. Cy. R. I. Har R. T. T. T. T. R. R. T. T. T. T. T. T. Cy. I. T. I. T. T. T. R. R. Tr. Cy. L. Is. L. T. T. Tr. Ste. Pr. T. T. I. T. T. R. R. Tartary Asiatic Russia I Japan Soudan Senegambia .. Soudan Russia Russia iMantchooria . Asia Soudan jTunis Little Bucharia Cabul . . . (Asiatic Russia. Sandwich Is, Senegambia Ceram .... China JTartary Southern Ocean I New Zealand. Russia (Tunis Bergoo Bergoo Russia Lower Canada . Asiatic Russia. Sandwich Is.. . Arabia Nubia [Asiatic Russia. 'Malaysia Beloochistan . . . China Russia Arabia Malaysia Prussia Russia Sweden ....... Sweden Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia Tartary Malaysia Russia Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Russia. Asia Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Hindoostan . . . Asia ......... Hindoostan . . . Arabia Cabul Russia Qd Pd Ve Lff Mh Oc Oc Ud Qe Mg Me Qd Qe Ub Bf Lg Ui Se Qd In XI Pb Me Ng Ng Nb Hd VVc Bg Of Of Vc Ui Pf Td Pb Pf Uh Nc Oc Nb Nb Td Td Td Qd Ti Nb Re Pd Rd Pd Oc Oc Rf Qg Re Of Qe Pb Names of Plica, Sc. Kama Kamafat ....... Kamalia Kamaranka .... Kamass Kambesk Kamchang Kamechlu Kamel Kamen Kamenaya Kamen ietz Kamini Kaminoi Kamisch Kamislov Kamourasca. . . . Kampatchai .... Kampion Kampur Kamtie Kamtschatka . . . Kamtschatka . . . Kamtschatka,Up Kamtschatka . . . Kamtschatka . . . Kamyshin Kan Kanadey Kanaga Kan-chow Kan-chow Kandahar Kandalaskaya . . Kandalaskaya . . Kandiz Kandy Kanem Kangaroo Kangelang Kangertluksoak . Kangkao Kanin Noss .... Kanjuljak Kan Kiang Kankiatchin. . . . Kankoevi Kankoukou .... Kannazava ... . Kano Kansara Kanseli Kanskoi Kansuh |Pr, Kansuh Cy. Kanzas R. Kao-chow Cy. Kaon-chow Cy. Kaotoasi Cy. Kao-yeou-chow .|Cy. Kapiteh..'. I. I. T. T. n. Sta. T. l't. L C. T, T. Cy. T. T. La. T. T. R. Cy. T. T. i'r T. T. R. Mt T. R. T. I. • 1. T. T. I. 'I'. T. Cy. R. Scotland . . . Russia .... Mongolia . . Norway . . . Russia .... Hainan .... Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Tartary Mantchooria Mantchooria Russia Asiatic Turkey Scotland Brit. America Russia Benin Asiatic Russia. Persian Gulf * Aleoutian Arc. Asiatic Russia Hindoostan . . Norway Russia Missouri Ter; Russia Asia Russia Russia Japan Russia Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia Tartary Asiatic Russia Asiatic Turkey Russia .... Asiatic Russia. Russia Arabia Arabia Brit. America . Brit. America . Scoresby's Ld.. Australasia . . . Brit. America . Oregon Ter. . . . Russia New Holland. . Tennessee .... Polynesia Cochin China . Russia ; North America Asiatic Russia. Africa China China Koei-yang |Cy. |China T f Lc Oc Se Nb Nb Tg Sc Tc Qc U d Ud Oc Oe Lc Hb Oc Mh Va Pf Xc Wc Rg Na Ob Fd Nb Qg Nb Nb Ue Ob Qb Qb Pe Qd Pd Od Oc Wc Ob Ob Of Fb Fc Kb X m Fb Dc Ec Nb Ti Ge Xh Tg Pb Be Qb Lg Te Te CONSULTING INDEX. 57 Name* of Place*, *c. Koeniggratz .... Koete Kof Kohat Kohistan Koidere Koig Koilovsk Koin Koiram Koisilin Kokahlahishket. Kokikli Koking Koko Nor Koks Koksah Kola Kola Koldagi Koleah Kolhyan Kolhyan Kolima Kolimskoi Koliulchen Koliusches Koliva Kolno Kologriv Kolokolikovskoi. Kolomna Kolp Kolpinskom Kolpitcha , Kolryn , Kolvercia Kolym Joujan . Kolzdraleva . . . Komaggas .... Kon Konang-nan . . . Konbo Konda Kondinskaya . . Konsr T. T. t: T. Dis. L. Fd. T. R. Mts. C. R. L Cy u I. R. Kong Kong Kongnan Kongsberg .... Kong-tchang . . Konieb Konig Konigsburg . . . Koninschna . . . Konkero Konotop Konrat Konstantingrad Konstantinov . . Konup Cy. T. T. Pr. Cy. R. T. I. Tr. R. t. t. c. T. R. T. T. T. T. T. T. Sta. L. Cy. L. \i. T. Cty Cy. Mts. Cy. T. Cy. !> | T. T. T. T. T. EL Austria , Arabia . Japan Cabul Cabul Russia Norway Russia Mantchooria . Thibet Russia Oregon Ter. . . Tartary China China Australasia . . . Brit. America Russia Russia Darfur Algiers Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia Brit. America Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Norway Asiatic Russia. Russia Cape Colony . . Russia China Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Soudan Soudan Africa China Norway China Asiatic Turkey Brit. America Prussia Russia Mongolia .... Russia Tartary Russia Asiatic Russia. Africa X c Pf Ve Qe Qe Ob Na Pb Vc Re Od Ed Qc Sf Se Tk He Ob Ob Ng Me Re Re Wb Wb Ab Cb Pb Nc Od Pb Oc Oc Pd Pd Nc Mb Qb Pb Nl Nb Sf Ob Qc Qc Mg Mg Lh Te Mc Se Oe Gb Nc Pb Sd Oc Pd Od Ta Nk Names of Placet, ic. Konvinger . . Koochan .... Kooloj Kooloobdea . . Koom Kooma Koomabad . . Koondooz . . . Kooner Kooniakary . Koonsha .... Koop Kooranko .. . Kooreenar . . . Kopani Kopaul Kopen Kopi Kopyss Kordofan . . . Korennoe . . . Korgas Korgin Koriaks .... Korilvays - . . Kornegalle .. Korna Korolaikha .. Koronas .... Korot Kortchin .... Korti Korumabad . Kosheleff . . . Kosima ........ Koslov , Kosogal .... Kosorra .... Kostanie .... Kostrom .... Kostroma . . . Kostroma Kosva Kotah Kotai Kotelnitch Kotelnoi Koten Koten Kotska Kottojoures . . . Kotzebue'e Kouangsi Kouangsin Koubinskoe . . . Koudarinska . . Koudon Koudoagour. . . Koudouktou .. Koue-hoa Koue-te 14 T. T. T. I. T. R. T. T. T. T. T. I. Cty. T. T. T. T. T. T. Cty. T. T. T. Tr. I. T. T. R. T. T. Pr. T. T. Pt. I. T. L. T. Ft. T. Pr. Cy. T. T. T. T. I. Dis R. T. T. So. Cy. <'}•• T. T. T. T. T. Cy. Cy. Norway Persia Beloochistan . . Hindoostan . . . Persia Asiatic Russia. Persia Tartary Cabul Africa Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Africa Hindoostan . . . Tartary Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Africa Asiatic Russia. Soongaria ..... Asiatic Russia . Asiatic Russia. Indian Ocean .. Ceylon Asiatic Turkey Russia Russia Siam Mantchooria . Nubia Persia Asiatic Russia Japan ....... Russia ...... Mongolia .... Africa Oregon Ter.. . Asiatic Turkey Russia Russia Russia ... Hindoostan . . Siam , . Russia Asiatic Russia Little Bucharia Little Bucharia Asiatic Russia. Norway . North America China .. . China .. . Russia . . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia Mongolia .... Mongolia .... China China M b Pe Qf Sf Pe Od Pe Qe Qe Lg Pd Wh Lh Rf Pd ? g Se Od Oc Og S a Rd Ta Xb Ok Rh Pe Pb Nb Sg Ud Og Pe Wc Vd Oc Sc Lg Ec Nd Oc Oc Pc Rf Pd Va Rd Rd Sc Nb Bb Tf Tf Oc Tc Tc Td Td Sf To 11 58 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c. KougsbaCka. . . Kouitoun i Kouka Koukiri Koukoudefessou Kouktoi Koularka Kouloundrinskoe Koumgour Kouminikovi . . . Koung-akka .... Kounto Koupensk Kouraba Koureli Kouren Kourgan ....... Kouriskarki Kourmina Kourojogina .... Kourou Koursk 43. Koursk Kourtchoum .... Kouskoguin .... Kousmoi Kousnetzk Koussie Koustchanka . . . Koutais Kou-tao Koutchigaiska . . Kouwan Kou-yuen Kouza Kouznetsk Kovdo Kovdo Kovno Kowan Kracai Krasnoborsk .... Krasnoi-lar Krasnoy Krasnoyarsk . . . Krasnoy-kholm . Kraw Kremenichoug. . Krestova Krestovaya Krestovoy Krestovoy Krestovskoe .... Krisei Kromy Kroncnborg .... Kronotskoi Krook Kroo Towns.. . . Krostzi Krumen T. T. Cy. T. T. R. T. T. T. T. T. Ls. T. R. C. T. Cy. T. R. R. IT. Pr. Cy. R. R. R. T. R. Bay T. Is. T. R. Cy- T. Cy. T. L. T. R. T. T. T. T. Cy. T. 1st. T. T. C. C. C. T. I. T. T. Mt. Cy. T. R. Sweden . . Mongolia Soudan. . Mongolia Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia Russia Asiatic Russia Mongolia .... Russia Russia Africa Asiatic Turkey Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Guiana Russia Russia Mongolia North America Russia ....... Russia Cape Colony . . Russia Asiatic Russia. Corea Asiatic Russia. Tartary China Russia Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Russia Great Bucharia Arabia Russia Asiatic Russia. Russia Asiatic Russia. Russia Asia Russia Asiatic Russia. Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Aleoutian Arc. Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Persia Liberia Russia Africa Mc Td Mg Sd Td Vc Tc Re Pc Qb Td Ob Od Lg Od Td Qc Qb Xb Va In Oc Oc Rd Bb Pb Pc Nk Pb Od Ue Tc Qd Te Oc Re Ob Ob Nc Qe Of Od P d Oc Sc Oc Sg Od Wc Pb Ua Wa Sa Xc Oc Nb Wc Pf Lh Oc Nk Names of Places, &c. Krusenstern . . . Krusenstcrn .. . Krusenstern .. . Krusenstern's.. Kua Kuban Kudgorski Kuen-lun Kukar Kuku Kulbah Kull Kulleespelm .. . Kulno Kulon Kulon Kulukak Kumi Kunkuy Kunsamo Kuopio 8 Kuopio Kur Kurachee Kurant Kurdistan Kurgha Kuriat Kurile Kurile Kurnaul Kurnool Kurrechane . . . Kurry Kurry .. Kurulon Kura Kusserkund . . . Kustrin Kutaiah Kutshuga Kutsing Kuwadi Kwadelen Kwangse Kwangtung . Kweichow .... Kwettah Kwies Kwyhoo •.! Kyberg , Kylie Class. Labezu . . . Labiagei . . Labook ... Labrador . Laby Labyrinth , Labyrinth , La Cache . La Cala . . C. c. Mt. I. R. R. T. Mts, T. T. T. C. L. T. R. L. Cv. I. R. T. Pr. Cy. R. T. Mt. Pr. L. T. L. Is. T. T. T. Dis. R. R. T. T. Cy. T. Cy. T. I. Pr. Pr. Pr. T. T. Bay T. T. T. T. Bay Cty. T. Bay L. R. T. North America Brit. America . Nora Zembla .. Polynesia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Mongolia .... Little Bucharia Libya Arabia Brit. America . Oregon Ter. . . . Poland Mongolia Mongolia North America Eastern Sea .. . Asiatic Russia. Russia ........ Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Sinde Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Turkey Soongaria .... Arabia Asiatic Russia Asia Hindoostan . . Hindoostan . . Africa Soudan Mongolia .... Asiatic Russia Beloochistan . . . Prussia . . Asiatic Turkey Asiatic Russia. China Japan Polynesia China China China Cabul Africa Africa Russia Celebes Mongolia Asiatic Russia Borneo , Brit. America . Senegambia .. , Nubia Lower Canada. Brit. America . Tunis Bb Eb Pa Cj Sc Qd Qb Se Rd Nf Pf Fb Ed Nc Td Td Be Uf Xb Nb Nb Nb P d Qf Wc Oe Qd Pf Wc Wd Rf Rg Nk Mg Td Vb Qf Nc Ne Tc Sf Ue Xh Tf Tf Tf Qe Nk Oi Na Ti Sd Re Th He Lg Og Gd Db Me CONSULTING INDEX. 59 Names of Places, *c La Caudima Laccadivea Lachlan Lacker La Conception .. La Crosse Lake . Ladak Ladak Ladak Ladanarska Ladey noye Pole Ladikieh Ladoga La Dominica . . . Ladrone Ladrone Lady Anne's . . . Lady Grey Lady Julia's Lady Nelson's .. Lafayette Lagbu's Lagens Lagoa La Goleta Lagoon Lagos La Gozalta La Grange Laguillas La Guayra Laguedo ....... Lagullas Lagullas Lagumar Laguna Laguna Lahore Lahore Lahou Lahou Lahsa Lahsa F.aliti? Lai-chow Lainio Lakeneig Lalcha Lalmamon Lalsk . . . .' Lama La Magdalena . . Lamas Lambay Lambayque .... Lambuka Lamego La Mira? Lamock Lamoel Lamoo T. Is. R. I. Vil. Ft. Dis. Cy. R. T. T. T. L. I. Is. Is. Bay 1C. L Sh. T. Sh. T. R. T. I. T. T. T. Bk. T. C. Bk. C. T. T. T. Pr. Cy. C. R. Pr. T. T. Cy. R. Sta. L. T. T. Sea I. T. Sh. T. R. T. I. Is. I. T. Mexico Asia New S. Wales Malaysia .... Mexico Brit America Little Thibet . Little Thibet . Little Thibet . Asiatic Russia Russia Syria Russia Polynesia. China Polynesia. Brit. America Mozambique . Australasia . . , Australasia . . . Indiana Australasia . . . Pico Island . . Inhambane.. . Tunis Polynesia Portugal Buenos Ayres Arkansas Indian Ocean . Venezuela.. . . Azanaga Indian Ocean Cape Colony . Brazil Brazil Equador Hindoostan . . Hindoostan . . Guinea Guinea , Arabia Arabia Hindoostan . . . China Sweden Africa Russia Abyssinia. Russia Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Peru Malaysia Peru ... Asiatic Russia. Brazil Polynesia China Polynesia Africa Ff Qg VI Ui Ee Ec Re Re Re Vb Ob Oe Ob Ci Tf Vg Ga Ok VI Wl Gd Wj Ke Ok Me Cj Le HI Fe Nl Hg Kf Nl Nl' Ij Hj Hi Qe Qe Lh Lh Pf Pf Qf Ue Nb Lf Ob Og Pb Vc Cj Hi Tg Gi Vb Hj we Tf Wg Oi Names of Places, 4c Lamov Lampcdosa. . . Lampione Lampon Lampong Lamurek Lamuti Lancaster Lancaster Lancaster Lan-chow Landa Landfall Landfall Landsberg . . . Land's End . . Lanepou Langanaes . . . Langara Langara Langeness . . . Langley Langoen Lan-Ho Lankao Lankeran Lannes Lantchang . . . Lanzarota Laos Lapa La Paz , La Paz Lapcheva Lapdinska . . . Lapitcha Lapiuga Lapland La Plata Laporte Lapteff La Puebla . . . La Puebla . . . La Purissima. Laquaha Lar Laraat Larak Larch Lari Larissa Laristan Laritchi Larkenting . . . Larkhanu. .. . Larnica La Roche .... La Rochelle .. La Rouge .... La Rouge .... Larrey T. I. I. Bay Dis. I. Tr. Cy. So. Rf. Cy. T. I. I. T. C. L. C. Bay I. C. I. I. R. T. T. C. T. I. Cty. Bay Dep Cy. T. T. R. T.. €ty. T. T. T. St. T. T. 1. ',:>■ i. K. T. T. Pr. 'P. T. T. T. Str. Cy. R. Ft. C. Russia Mediterran. Sea Mediterran. Sea Luzon Sumatra Polynesia .... Asiatic Russia England Brit. America Polynesia .... China Borneo Bay of Bengal Patagonia . . . Prussia England Thibet Iceland Patagonia. . . . Oregon Ter. . Nova Zembla. Newfoundland . LofFoden Isles Mantchooria . Russia Persia New S. Wales Laos Canary Isles . Asia Benguela .... Bolivia Bolivia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia. Russia Europe New Grenada Indiana Asiatic Russia. Mexico Mexico Mexico Polynesia Persia Australasia . . Persian Gulf . . Brit. America . Soudan Turkey Persia Asiatic Russia. Thibet Sinde Cyprus Isle of Georgia France Brit America . Brit. America Oc Me Me Ug S i Vh Vb Lc Ga Ck Se Th Sg Hn Nc Lc Re Kb Hm Dc Pa Id Mb Td Nb Pe VI Sg Lf Sg Mj Hj Hj Wb Qc Vb Pb Nb Gh Gd Wb Fg Fg De Aj Pf Ui Pf He Mg Nd Pf Rb Sf Qf Oe Jn Ld Ec Ec New Holland.. Tk J GO CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c Las Bruscas .. Las Juntas . . . Lasker Las Nuevitas , La Sola La Soledad . . . La Soufriere . . Las Penuelas . Lassa Lassa Last Hope . . . Late Latham's .... Latoor Latouche Treville Lattakoo Latta Latta . . Laughlan's . . . Launceston . . Laurie's Lausaunne . . . Lava Laval Lavapie Lavento Lavra Lavras Lavritski Lavroff Lawson Lax Laxara Lay Laybach Laysan Layschev .... Le Leaotong .... Leatong Leavenworth . Leba Lebanon Lebda Lebeginskaya Lebetse Lebida Lebyagya .... Lecasova .... Ledo Leech Leeds Leegetan Leeland Leerdal Lee's Foreland Leeuwin Leeuwin's.. . . Leeward Leffouw Lefououekh . . Lefuga Class. T. T. I. T. I. T. Mt T. Pr. Oy. In. I. I. T. C. T. I. I. T. I. T. T. T. C. T. R. T. T. C. C. Fd. I. Pt T. I. T. T. Pr. G. Ft. T. T. T. T. Tr. T. T. T. C. L. T. I. I. T. C. LcL Is. T. T. 1. Buenos Ayres . Mexico Polynesia Cuba... Polynesia Mexico St. Lucia Mexico Thibet Thibet Patagonia .... Polynesia Indian Ocean . Hindoostan . . . New Holland . . Africa Malaysia Australasia .... V. Diemen's Ld South Shetland Switzerland . . . Borneo France Chili'. Peru Asiatic Russia. Brazil Asiatic Russia. Nova Zembla Greenland . . Norway .... N. Pacific Oc North America Austria N. Pacific Oc. Russia Laos Mantchooria . Mantchooria . Missouri Prussia Virginia Tripoli Asiatic Russia. Africa Tripoli Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Benguela Wisconsin Ter. England Malaysia Denmark Norway Spitsbergen . . . New Holland . . New Holland .. West Indies . . . Timor Mantchooria . . Polynesia II Fe Xf Gf Ak De Hg Ee Se Sf Hn Aj Oi Rg Uj Nk Ui Wi Vm Jo Md Th Ld HI Gi Uc Ji Qb Pa la Nb Bf Bb Md Af Pc Sg Ud Ud Fe Nc Ge Me Ub Nf Me Qc Qb Mi Fd Lc Th Mc Mb Na Tl Tl Hg Ui Ud Ck Names of Places, tw. Leghca Leghorn Le Grand Leh Leifle Leige Lein-chow Lein-ping-chow . Leipzig Leja Lekma Lekoe Lelundo Lema Le Maire Lemberg Lemlum Lemnos Lemus Lemvig Lena Lena (of the) .. . Leng Lengerout Lengua de Baca Leon Leon i Leon , Leona Vicario . Leoo-keoo , Leopold Leopolds tad t. . . . Lepers .... Le Puy .... Lerma Lerwick . . . Lesan Leschenault Leschenault Le Sparre .. Lesser Slave . . Less'r Slave Lake Less'r Slave Lake Lessoe , Lesueur Letes i Letons Lettee , Leuba Leutschau.. . , Levanoe Levata LeVela Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewisburg . . . Lewthwaite's Lexington . . . Sta. Cy. C. Cy. Bay Cy- Cy. Cy. Cy. T. L. I. R. I. St. Cy. T. I. I. T. R. G. T. T. C. ?■ R. Cy. Is. C. T. I. T. T. T. I. C. Pt. T. C. L. Dis. Ft I. Mts L. Rk. I. R. T. T. Tr. I. T. T. R. C. T. Str. Cy- Africa Tuscany New Holland . Little Thibet . Greenland . . . Belgium China China Saxony Syria Russia Norway Congo China Patagonia .... Austria Asiatic Turkey Archipelago. . ~ tagonia .... Norway Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Laos Persia Chili Spain Guatemala Bolivia Mexico Eastern Sea. . . Brit. America . Austria , Australasia . . . France Spain Scotland China New Holland. . New Holland. . France Mantchooria . . Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . Denmark New Holland. . Russia Cape Verd Is. . Malaysia Chili Austria Norway Africa Caribbean Sea. Scotland Illinois Oregon Ter.. . . Greenland Arkansas Powel's Group. Kentucky Nf Md UI Re lb Mc Tf Tf Mc Oe Ob Mb Mi T f Hn Nd Oe Ne Hm Nb Ub Ua Sg Pe HI Ld Cg Hk Ff Uf Ga Nd Xj Md Ld Lc Uf Tl Ti Ld Vd Ec E c E c Mc Tl Ob Kg Ui HI Nd M b Nf «g Lc Fd Ed la Fe Io Ge CONSULTING INDEX. 61 Nime» of Place*, fcc Lexington Ley den Leyson Leyte Liadouskoi .... Liaga Liaghoff Liant Liard's Liatamkovi .... Libau Liberia Liberty Liberty Libyan Lichtenau Lida Liddon's Lidkoping Lie Light Lig'ep Ligor Likiang , Lilabarouba . . . Lillesund Lilly Fountain Lima . Lima Lima Limeri Limerick .... Limesoe Limesol Limmens .... Limoges Linapacan . . . Linares Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln's Lindesay Lindesnoes . . . Lindsay Lindsay Linds-dal Lindy Lingayen .* . . Ling-chow . . . Ling-hein Lingin Lingnang Lin-kiang.. .. Linosa Lintz | Lintzin , Lion's Lipa Lipari Lipes T. T. Pt. I. T. R. I. , C. . R. . T. . T. . Cty. .T. . T. . Des . T. . T. . G. . T. . L. . T. . I. .T. .Cy. .T. .T. .Sta. . Dep .Cy. • T. .R. • Cy. . I. .T. .Bgt . T. . I. ,.T. ::?• ..Po. ..I. ..R. ..C. ..C. ..C. .. T. . . R. . . Bay ..Cy. ..Cy. . . Str. ..Cy. ::F ..T. ..T. .. Bk. ..T. .. I. .. T. Missouri Holland Brit. America Malaysia . Asiatic Russia Russia Asiatic Russia Siam Brit. America . Asiatic Russia. Russia Africa Texas Missouri Africa Greenland .... Russia , Brit. America Sweden Thibet Asiatic Russia Polynesia .... Malaysia .... China Africa Norway Cape Colony . Peru Peru Sweden Chili Ireland Norway Cyprus New S. Wales France Malaysia .... Mexico England China Sea . . . New S. Wales Polynesia New S. Wales . Norway Brit America . Elephant Island Sweden Quiloa Luzon China China Malaysia China China Mediterran. Sea Austria Russia Atlantic Ocean Bolivia Mediterran. Sea (New Grenada Name* of Placet, 4c. Fe Mc Gb Ug Pc Pb Va Sg Dc Qc Nc Lh Ff Fe Nf lb Nc Ea Mc Re Ua Xh Sh Sf Nk Mc Nk Gj Gj Mb HI Lc Mb Oe Vj Md Tg Ff Lc Tg Vi Xi VI Mc Ga Io Nb Oj Ug Te Te Sh Sf Tf Mc M d Nc K.- ll. Me Hh Lipetsk Lipovety Lipstadt Liptchani Liptrap Lisbon Lisburne Lisianskoy's Ld. Lisle Lister's Liston Lichtenfels Litkina Little Little Little Little Altai Little Andaman. Little Big Horn. Little Bucharia . Little Cayman .. Little Fish Little Ganges . . . Little Inaqua .. . Little Key Little Kooropar- tachia Little Laut .... Little Marten .. Little Missouri . Little Mistissinny Little Ouzen .... Little Portandick Little Rock .... Little Seal Little Sea Otter. Little Sioux .... Little Thibet . . . Little Whale . . . Litza Liubim Liu-sima Livensk Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Livingston Livingston's Livingston's Livonia 19. Lizard Lizard Llanes Llanos Llera Lloyd's T. T. T. T. C. Cy. C. I. Or- Pk. Is. T. T. I. L. Des. Mts. I. R. Cty I. Bay I. I. I. Russia Russia Russia Russia New S. Wales Portugal North America N. Pacific Oc. . France New S. Wales . Brit. America . Greenland .... Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Hindoostan . . . Mongolia Bay of Bengal . Missouri .... Asia West Indies. Benguela . . . Polynesia . . . Bahamas . . . Australasia . . R I. L. R. L. R. T. Cy. R. I. R. Oty EL R. T. I. T. Cy. T. T. T. C. Cst Bay B. c. I. I. Pr. Pt. I. T. Pis. T. Is. Oc Nd Mc Nd VI Le Ab Af M c Wk Eb lb Sa Va Eb Qf Sd Sg Ed Rd Gg Mj Bi Hf Ui Asiatic Russia. Malaysia Brit America . Missouri Brit America . Asiatic Russia. Africa Arkansas Brit America . North America Wisconsin Ter. Asia Brit. America . Russia Russia Japan Russia England Nova Scotia. . . N. Brunswick . Senegambia .. . Brit America . Scoresby's Ld.. Brit. America . New Holland . . New Guinea . . Polynesia South Shetland Russia England Australasia . . Spain New Grenada • Mexico South Shetland Wa Ti Eb Fd He Pd Kg Fe Fc Ac Fd Re He Ob Oc Ve Oc Lc Hd Hd Lg Ga Ka Dd U J Vi Wh Ho Nc Lc Vj Ld Hh Ff Ho G 62 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, be Lloyd's Loango Loango Lobos Lobos Lobos Lobos Lobos Lobos Lobos Lobos Locker Loch Fine . . . Lock's ....... Loclevskoi . . . Lodajas Lodeeana . . . . Lodmundar . . Lofaugar .... Loffoden Logan Logansport. . . Loggun Loghinova . . . Logoe Logos Loheia LoHo Loire Lokhan Lombardy . . . Lomblem Lombock .... Lombock .... Lorn men Berg Lomsele London London London London London Londonderry . Londonderry . Londor Londou Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Longawan . . . Longchamps . Long Island . . Long Island . . Long Lake . . . Longnan Longuerue . . . Looboe Loo-choo Prm Cty. Cy. T. Pt Pt. I. I. I. Is. Is. C. L. I. T. Dis. T. Fd. T. Is. Po. T. Cy. T. T. R. Cy. R. R. T. Km. I. St. I. Mt T. Cy. T. T. Cst. Rk. Cy. Is. Mt. T. I. I. I. I. I. I. L. T. Rk. I. So. Ho. Cy. C. T. Is. South Shetland Africa Loango Buenos Ayres . Buenos Ayres . Patagonia Polynesia Uruguay Azanaga Peru Mexico New Holland. . Scoresby's Ld. . Brit. America . Asiatic Russia. Azanaga Hindoostan . . . Iceland Sweden Norway Brit. America . Indiana Soudan Asiatic Russia. Changamera . . Guinea Arabia China France Russia Italy Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Spitsbergen . . . Sweden England Upper Canada . Guatemala .... Greenland Malayan Sea . . Ireland Patagonia Asiatic Russia. Russia Brit America . Brit America . Malaysia .... Eastern Sea. . . Australasia Australasia Brit. America . Celebes Atlantic Ocean United States. . United States .. Brit America . China New Guinea . . Celebes Eastern Sea .. . Io Mi Mi II HI Hm Vf II Kf Gl Ef Tk Ka Hb Re Lf Re Kb Nb Mb Fa Gd Ng Qc Oj Mh Og Te Ld Pb Md Ui Ti Ti Na Nd Lc Gd Gg la Th Lc Hn Vc Ob Hb Gc Sj Uf Vi Vi Gc Ui Jh Hd Hd Gc Se VI Ui Uf Names of Places, &c. Lookayanoy Lookers-on Lookout Lookout Lookout Lookout Lookout Loon Loon Loony Lopatka Loper's Lopez Lop Nor Loppen Loquez Lora Lord Auckland's Lord Howe's . . . Lord Howe's . . . Lord Howe's . . . Lord Mayor's.. . Lord Nelson's . . Lord North's . . . Loreto Loreto L'Orient Lorma Los Coquillas .. . Los Hermanos .. Losinogorska .. . Los Martires Los Patillos Lossen Lostange Lot's Wife Loucheux Lougan Loughboro Louis Louis Louisa Louisburg Louisiade Louisiana Louis Phillip . . . Louisville Louisville Louit-chow Loumbov Louristan Lourondsong . . . Loutzk Louza Love Love Lovcnorn Lovisa Low Low Low Class. T. I. C. C. C. c. Pt. R. L. R. C. I. C. L. I. Po. R. Gr. I. I. Gr. Bay St. I. Cy. T. Cy. T. T. T. I. Is. R. I. I. Tr. Cy. In. C. Po. Rk. c. I. St C. Cy. T. Cy- c. Dis. T. T. R. Bay Bay C. T. I. I. Russia Australasia . . . Patagonia .... Brit. America . North Carolina Oregon Ter. . . New S.Wales . Wisconsin Ter Brit. America . Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Africa Little Bucharia Norway ... Madagascar Cabul Southern Ocean Australasia . . . Polynesia. . . . Australasia . . Brit. America Patagonia Polynesia. . .. Mexico Bolivia France Mexico Mexico • - Patagonia .... Asiatic Russia. Polynesia South Peru . . . Norway Polynesia Polynesia Brit. America . China Oregon Ter. . . . Kerguelen's Ld Isle of France. Malaysia . . . Cape Breton I. Australasia.. . United States. Brit. America Kentucky .... Georgia China Russia Persia Thibet * Russia Russia Greenland ... Spitsbergen . . , Seghalien ..... Russia Polynesia South Shetland iHo Malaysia ... . |tJ O Xm Hm Gc Ge Dd Wk Fd Ec Qf Wc Xi Mi Rd Na Pj Qe Xn Wl Bj Wi Fb Gn Uh Ef Hj Ld Fg Ee Hm Re Vh Hk Mb Cj Wf Db Te Dc Qm Pk Th Hd Wi Fe Fb Ge Ge Tf Pb Pe Se Nc Pe lb Ma Vd Nb Aj CONSULTING INDEX. 63 Nana of Haew, IK. Low « Low Lowang Lowashan Lovvat Lowatte Lowdeah Lowenstern .... Lower Lower Angara .. Lower Canada . . Lower Iribatskaya Lower Nippowan Lower Oudinsk . Lower Savage . , Lower Suse .... Lower Tchoum- skaya Lowther Low Woody . . 1 . Loxa Loxe Loyalty Luan Luban Lubben Lubeck Lubeck Lublin Lubo Lubo Lubolo Lubreck Lucaya Lucca Lucerne Lucknow Ludamar Luenburg Lugartos Lugh a Sumrna . Lugo Lu'-chow Luidini Lukin Lulea Lulea Lulea Lunenburg Lupata Lutoo Luxan . Luxemburg .11. Luxemburg .... Luxor Luzon Lyana Lyaree ........ Lycksele Lycomedis Lydias Is. Is. I. Pr. T. Mt L. C. L. R. Pr. T. Ho. T. Is. Dis. T. I. Is. T. Fd. Is. T. I. T. Cy. I. Cy. T. R. Pr. Sta. I. D. T. Cy- Cty. ¥ L, T. Cy. T. ViL T. R. L. T. Mte. R. T. G.D Cy. T. I. T. T. T. L. Australasia.. . Australasia... China Birmah Barbary Barbary Tunis Seghalien .... Oregon Ter. .. Asiatic Russia North America Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Suse Xj Wk Uf Sf Me Le Me Vc Ed Sc Hd [Sb Fc Sc II b Lf Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Polynesia Equador Norway Australasia... . Mindanao Malaysia Prussia Germany Malaysia Poland Mozambique . . Mozambique . . Benguekt Tripoli Bahamas Italy Switzerland . . . Hindoostan . . . Africa. Hanover Mexico Abyssinia Spain China Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Sweden Sweden Sweden Nova Scotia . . . Africa Russia Buenos Ayres . Germany Belgium Egypt-. Malaysia Barbary Beloochistan . . Sweden .... Africa Polynesia . . . Sb Fa Ch Gi Na Xk Uh Ug Mc Mc Ti Nc Oj Oj Nj Ne Gf Md Md Rf LgT Mc Gf Oh Ld Te Pb Ab Nb Nb Nb Hd Oj Ob II Md Md Of Ug Me Qf Nb Nf Xh Names of Placej, *c. Lydra Lynchburg . Lynn Lynn Lyon Lyons Lyons Lyons Lytin Cha I. T. T. Cnl. C. Cy g. Ch T. Maab Maadan Maasoe Maatsuyker's Mabah Mabbrook. . . Mabli Macaa Macahe Macao Macar Macartney . . Macas Macassar . . . Macassar . . . Macassar . . . Macauley's . . Macava Maccai Macclesfield . Macdougall . Maceyo Machias Machides . . . Machides . . . Machigasta . Machigma . . Machiguine . Machistan . . Machoura. . . Mackenzie . . Mackenzie's . Mackinaw . . Mackintosh . Macon Macoa Macouar .... Macowar .... Macquarie . . . Macquarie . . . Macquaries . . Macquaries . . Macri Macy's Madagascar . . Madawasca . . Madeira Madeira Madeiras Is. Maden T. Madina T. T. T. I. Is. T. T. T. T. T. Cy. I. C. T. T. T. Str. I. R. T. Bk. L. T. T. Cty. R. T. ViL Bay IT. R. In. Cy. C. Cy. Cy. b. T. Har T. R. Polynesia. . , Virginia ... England ... North America Brit America France France Brit America Russia Greenland Arabia . . . Norway . . V. Diemen'sLd. Soudan Africa , Barca Hayti Brazil China Asiatic Russia. China Equador Cambodia Celebes Malaysia Polynesia Venezuela .... Mozambique . . China Sea .... Brit America . Brazil Maine Africa Brazil Buenos Ayres . Asiatic Russia. Nova Zembla .. Brit America . Asiatic Russia. Brit America . Scoresby's Ld.. Michigan Brit America . Georgia France Arabian Gulf. . Nubia V. Diemen's Ld. V. Diemen's Ld. New S. Wales Southern Ocean Asiatic Turkey Polynesia Indian Ocean . Upper Canada , Brazil Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Asiatic Turkey Senegambia Bj Ge Mc Cc Db Md Md Gb Nd lb Of Na Vm Ng Mf Ne Hg Jj Tf Va Ue Gi Tg Ti Ti Ak Hh Oj Tg Fb Ji Hd Oh Ii Hk Ab Pa He Wc Db Ka Gd Hb Ge Md Of Of Vm Vm VI Wn Ne Ak Pj Gd Hi Ke Ke Oe •LfiT 64 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c. Madison Madison Madjicosemah Madras Madrid Madura Madura Madvego Magadoxa . . . Magadoxa . . . Magami Magatocff. . . . Magdalen .... Magdalena . . . Magdalena . . . Magdalena . . . Magdalena . . . Magdeburg . . Magellan .... Magellan's . . . Mageroo Maghinskaya . Magnetic .... Magnitnaia . . Magnuse Magnuse Magoo Magus Mahagan .... Mahanuddy . . Mahe Mahe Mahe Mahee Mahirka Preislang Mahmora .... Mahou Mahrah Mahrea Arabs Mahuhish Mahunga .... Maia Maiaoiti Maimatchin .. Main Mainagua .... Maine Mainland .... Maison's Maitland Majambo .... Majoor Majorca Maju Majussa Makamie .... Makoko Makooana .... Makosses .... Makova Makulla R. T. I. Cy. Cy. T. I. I. Cty. Cy. T. L. Is. Dep Bay T. R. Cy. Str. Arc. I. T. I. T. R. L. T. Sh. T. R. I. Is. Bk. T. T. T. Cy- Dis. Tr. T. Cty. R. I. Cy. R. I. St. I. I. T. Bay I. I. T. R. R. Cty. Tr Tr. Tr. ( Dis. Missouri Ter. . Indiana Eastern Sea. . . Hindoostan . . . Spain Hindoostan . . Malaysia Asiatic Russia. Africa , Magadoxa Japan Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . New Grenada . Spitsbergen . . . Buenos Ayres . New Grenada . Prussia Polynesia Norway Asiatic Russia. New S.Wales . Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Brit. America . Persia Polynesia ...... Ceylon Hindoostan . . . Indian Ocean.. Indian Ocean . Indian Ocean.. Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Russia. Morocco China Arabia Africa Russia Africa Asiatic Russia. Polynesia. . . . Mongolia .... Asiatic Russia Polynesia .... United States. Shetland Is. .. Polynesia New S. Wales . Madagascar. . . Polynesia Mediterran. Sea Barbary Peru Soudan Africa Africa Africa Africa Arabia Ed Gd Uf Rg Ld Rh Ti Wa Ph Ph Ve Va Hb Hg Ma II Hh Mc Hn Vf Na Tb Vj Pc Eb Eb Pf Uf Rh R'f Pi Pi Pi R? Uc Le Sf Per Ng Pc Ni Vc Bj Pq Xb Vg Hd Lb Bh Wl Pj Wh Me Me Hj Mb Ni Oj Nk 2 j Pff Names of Places, &c. Makulla Mala Malabriga .... Malacca Malacca Malaga Malanca Malanta Malaskerd . . . Malayan Malaysia .... Malcolm Malabar Maiden Maldivas Maldonado . . . Malebum .... Malenillo .... Malespina .... Maletivo Malfin Malhada Malheur .... Malik Malimba Malin Malines Malkin Mallar Mallicola Mallon Malloodo Mallooin Malmo Malone Maloppo Malplo Mais Malstrom Malta Malung Malwa Mamach Mamadysk Mamafale Mama Inferior . . Mamala Mamaleek Mamas Mama Superior . Mambookies Mamcheo Maminisca Mamore Mampoor Man Mana Manachan Manai Manambatou . . . Manamboure . . . T. Pt. I. Cy. Str. Cy. T. I. T. Sea Div R. Cst. I. Is. T. T. Bk. C. T. a. T. R. Bks R. Har T. T. L. I. I. T. I. T. T. R. I. R. I. I. T. Pr. T. T. I. R. Ch. T. T. R. Tr. T. L. R. Cty. I. R. R. I. C. R. Arabia P g New Grenada . G h Polynesia. . . . Malaya Malaysia .... Spain Brazil Australasia . . Turkey Asia Occanica .... Brit. America Hindoostan . . Polynesia .... Asia Uruguay .... Hindoostan . . Bahamas .... Japan Ceylon Buenos Ayres Brazil Oregon Ter... Asia Africa Ireland Belgium Asiatic Russia. Sweden Australasia .... Polynesia Borneo Polynesia Sweden Asiatic Russia . Africa New Grenada . Norway LofTodey Is. .. . Mediterran. Sea Sweden Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Russia. Russia Mozambique . . Asiatic Russia . Asia Soudan Equador Asiatic Russia. Africa Siam Brit. America . Bolivia Africa Chili Guiana Madagascar .. . Polynesia Madagascar. . . Madagascar . . . Vf Sh Sh Le Ii Wi Oe Th Th Cb Qh Bi Qh II Rf Gf Vd Rh Hk J.i Ed Qh Mh Lc Mc Wc Nc Xj Ag Th Ag Md Wc Nk Gh Nb Mb Me M b Rf Od Pc Oj Tc Qh Mg Hh Tc Nk Sg Gc Hj Nj Lc Ih Pk p B i Pk CONSULTING INDEX. 65 Nuna of Plica, fcc Clm. Manantengha Mananzari . . . Manaoo Manas Manasarovara Manavolka . • . Manby Manchester . . Manchester . . Manchester . . Manchineel . . Manda Mandal Mandan Mandans Mandara Mandera Mandhaar. . . . Mandhaar .. . . Manding Mandir.ga .... Mandinsk. . . , Mandivee ... Mandrere . . . Mandrouckha Manetsok Manfredonia. Mangalore . . Mangaza. ... Mangeea .... Mangeray ... Mangeray Manghabey . . Manglares . . Mangoulskoi Mang's Manguera . . Manguera . . Manheim . . . Maniana. . .. Manica Manica Manicouagan Manicouagan Manilla Maninski . . . Manipi Manisova . . . Manitoba . . . Manitou .... Manitou .... Manitouline . Manitoulinc . Manitsch . . . Manivoul . . . Manna . . Manna Manning . . . Manning's .'. Manoel Gonzalves Manoel Gonzalves C. T. Tr. T. L. I. I. Cy. T. Ho. Pt T. T. Ft. Tr. Dis. T. Dis. Pt. Cty. Bay T. T. R. R. Sta. T. T. R. I. I. Str. C. Pt T. Bks I. L. Cy. Cty. Cty. T. R. L. £ y - T. T. T. L. T. I. L. Is. EL T. T. Pt Pt Sfa. T. I. Madagascar . . Madagascar. . Brazil Soongana Thibet Australasia . . . Scoresby's Ld. . England Mississippi .... Brit. America . Jamaica Brazil Norway Wisconsin Ter. Wisconsin Ter. Soudan Nubia Celebes Celebes Africa New Grenada . Russia Hindoostan . . . Madagascar. . , Asiatic Russia. Greenland .... Naples Hindoostan . . . Africa Polynesia Malaysia Malaysia Madagascar. . . Equador Asiatic Russia. Polynesia .. Malaysia . . Uruguay . . Baden Africa Malapa Manica Lower Canada. Lower Canada. Phillipine Is. . . Asiatic Russia. Malaysia Brazil Brit. America . Mongolia Brit. America . Upper Canada . Upper Canada . Asiatic Russia. Madagascar . . . Sumatra Senegambia .. . North America New Georgia. . Brazil Brazil Pk P | Hi Rd Re Ui Kb Lc Fe Ec og ik Mc Fd Fb Mg Og Ui Ti Lg Gh Ob Qf Pk Ub lb Nd Qg Si Ui Ti & Td Vg Ui II Md Lg Ok Oj He He H* Pb Ui Ji Fc Rd Db Gd Gd Od Pj Si Lh Ca Wi Ji Ji i of Plica, &c Manofy Manonoo Manotoba Mansel Mansfield Mansfield Mansiatre Mantalagoose . Mantanzas . . . Mantatees Mantchooria . . Mantchoos . . . Mantua Manuigh Manzora Maoaca Maomo Mapez. C. I. L. I. T. I. Bay L. T. Tr. Cty. Tr. Cy- i. R. L. T. Mt. Mapima / T. Mapoota Mara Mara Maracaybo . . . Maracaybo .. . Maracatos .... Maragha Marampaya . . Maranca Maranham . . . Maranham . . . Marapi Maratuba .... Maravi Maravi Maravi Marberry .... Marble Marburg Marburg Marcus Marcus Mardin Mareb Maretimo .... Maretskoe . . . Margaret's . . . Margaret's ji. Margarita I. Maria C. Mariaberg 'Mt C. Is. T. U. 1. I. Bk. C. T. T. I. Madagascar. . Polynesia .... Brit. America Brit. America Ohio Brit America Madagascar. . . Lower Canada Cuba Africa Asia Mantchooria . Italy. Asiatic Russia Motapa Florida Mongolia .... Brazil Mexico R. Dis. T. Cy. L. Tr. T. T. I. Pt Cy. T. Is. T. L. Tr. T. I. T. T. I. I. T. T. I. T. Is. Maria Louisa. . Marian Marianna Marias Marias Marias Marias Maria V. Diemen Mariban Marica Mariegalantc . . . Pk Aj Fc Gb Gd Gb Oj Gd Gf Nk Ud Ud M d Va Oj Gf Sd lh jFf Mapoota lO k Og Ng Hg Hh Og Pe Jk lh Ji Ji Hi Th Oj Oj Oj Mg Fb Nd Mc Wf Bh Oe Pg Me Ob Ck Vf Hg Vc Vd Fb Vg Ge Ed Bk Vm Kg XI Pe Jk Abyssinia Darfur Venezuela ... Venezuela .... Africa Persia Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Malaysia .... Africa Africa Africa Soudan Brit. America Austria Hesse Cassel . Polynesia .... Polynesia .... Asiatic Russia Arabia Mediterran. Sea Russia Polynesia Polynesia Venezuela .... Seghalien Japan Brit. America . Polynesia Florida Missouri Ter. . Polynesia V. Dicmen's Ld Africa New Zealand. . Persia Brazil West Indies .. . 6» 66 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, tc Marienburg Marienwerder . . Marietta Mariguana Marikan Maringa Marion Marion Marion's Marioupoule Markarie Markaskap Markhinskoi . . . Marmar Marmello Marmora Marmorice Marmorice Maro Maroa Maros Marowyne Marquesas Marseilles Marshall's Martaban Marten Martha's Martha's Martha's Vineyard Martin Martin Martin Martin Martinique Martin Vas Martires Martyr Marvam Marville Mary Anne Mary Bulcott's . . Mary Jones Maryland Maryland Mary's Mas-a-Fuero.. . . Mas-a-Tierra . . . Masbate Mascara Mascarenha Masera Mashow Masingloe Massachusetts . . Massachusetts . . Massacre Massangano .... Massangzanee . . Massi Massina C!:HS. T. T. T. I. I. T. Cy. i. I. T. T. R. T. Sta. R. Sea Bay T. Rk. T. R. R. Is. Cy. I. Bay L. R. I. I. R. L. Is. Mts. I. Rks R. C. T. Bay C. I. Bay St. Col. Bay I. I. I. Cy- i. T. T. T. St. I. Is. F. Bay Cty. T. Prussia Prussia Ohio Bahamas Kurile Islands. Africa Missouri Asiatic Russia . Indian Ocean . Russia Russia Missouri Ter. . Asiatic Russia. Africa Brazil Europe Turkey Turkey N. Pacific Oc. . Venezuela .... Austria Guiana Polynesia France Polynesia Birmah Brit. America . Missouri Ter. . Polynesia . ... Massachusetts . Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . West Indies . . . Southern Ocean Mexico Brit. America ■ Brazil Falkland Is.... Brit. America . Polynesia Brit. America . United States. . Liberia New Zealand . . S. Pacific Oc... S.Pacific Oc... Malaysia Algiers Indian Ocean . . Arabia Africa Luzon Islands . United States . . Polynesia Australasia .... Anglo Mozambique . . Africa Africa Nc Nc Ge Hf Wd Oj Fe Ab Om Od Ob Ed Ub Ng Hi Nd Ne Ne Af Hh Nd Ih Ci Md Xh Sg Eb Ed Dk Hd Eb Fc Fa Ga Hg Kk Ee Ea Ji In Ha Ai Fa Ge Lh X m Gl Gl Vg Le Pk Qf Nk Ug Hd Xf Wi N i Oj Oi Names of Places, 4c. Massuah .... Massy Mastovska . . Masulipatam. Matagorda . . Matagorda . . Matamoras . . Matapan .... Matava Matea Matelots Matelots Matemba . . . Matera Mathews's . . Matiev Matifo Matilda Matimo Matisma. . . . Matiuchkin . Matochkine . Matoll Matsmay . . . Matsmay . . . Matsmay . . . Mattabellas . . Matthias Mattogrosso . Mattootee . . . Mattura Matty's Matumbagh . Maturin .... Maturu Maturuas . . . Matwi Maty Matzol Maudarness . Mauhes Maui Maule Maulmein . . . Maumee . . . . Maupiti Mauritius . . . Maurua Mauti Maximova . . Maxwell May Maya Mayaguez . , . Mayara Mayaveran .. Mayhew .... Mayo Mayobamba . Mayorgo .... Mayotta .... T. Dis. T. T. Bay T. T. C. I. I. Is. Rf. Cty. T. I. I. C. Bk. I. I. C. St. Cty. Cy. I. St. I. I. Pr. I. T. I. T. Dep R. Tr. I. I. C. C. Tr. I. R. T. R. I. I. I. I. T. Bay C. R. T. T. T. T. I. T. I. Position. Nubia Ashantee Asiatic Russia. Hindoostan . . . Texas Texas Mexico Greece Kurile Islands. Polynesia Polynesia Polynesia Africa Naples Polynesia Russia ...... Algiers Polynesia Mozambique . . Japan Asiatic Russia. Nova Zembla. . Africa Japan Japan Japan Australasia .... Australasia .... Brazil Australasia .... Ceylon Australasia .... Madagascar .. . Venezuela. Brazil Brazil North America Brit. America . Asiatic Russia. Iceland South America Sandwich Is.. . Chili Birmah Ohio Polynesia. .... Indian Ocean . Polynesia Polynesia Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . New Jersey . . . Asiatic Russia. Porto Rico .... Barbary Hindoostan . . . Mississippi. . . . Cape Verd Is. . Peru Polynesia Indian Ocean . Og Lh Qc Rg Ff Ff Ff Ne Wd Cj Vh Vh Ni Nd Xh Pb Me Ck Oj Ve Xb Pa Ok Vd Vd Vd Ui Vi Ij Xi Rh Vi Oj Hh Hi Hi Ab Fb Ra Kb Ii Bf Hi Sg Gd Pj Bj Bk Tb Ga He Vc Hg Lf Rg Ge Ka Gi Aj Pj CONSULTING INDEX. 67 Karnes of Places, be. Mayrchlat . . .Mayro Maysi Maysville . . Mayumba . . Mayumba. . May ville . . . Mazagaii . . Mazagao . . . Mazamba . ■ Mazanderan Mazanillo . . Mazapil . . . . Mazappa . . . Mazatlan . . Mazavamba Mazeira . . • Mazeira . . . Mazerooney Mazula Mazura .... McAskiirs , McCarty'8 . . McCluer's McCulloch McDonnel McDoual McGillivray McGillivray .... Mclntire McKay's McKinley McKinley McLeod McTavish's McVicar Meaksima Meangis Mecan Selasse .. Mecatina Mecca Mecklenburg Schwerin .18. Mecklenburg Strelitz ...19. Mecon Medde Medicine Medielana Medina Medina Medinet Sultan . Mediterranean .. Mediuro Mcdroosa Medwa Meeaday Meerpore Megna Mehadin G. T. C. T. 1 fe T. T. T. T. T. Pr. I't. T. T. T. Dis G. Is. R. T. T. Is. I. In. C. C. C. R. I. C. Pk. Bay R. Ft. Bay G. I. Is. T. Har Cy. G.D G.D R. T. R. Vil. Cy. T. T. Sea I. T. T. T. T. R. T. Tartary Peru Cuba Kentucky Loango Loango New York Morocco i Brazil Africa Persia New Grenada Mexico Mozambique . Mexico Africa Arabia Arabia Guiana Congo Mozambique . Polynesia .... Scnegambia . . Australasia . . Brit. America Brit. America Brit America Oregon Ter. . Brit. America Polynesia. . . . Brit. America Brit America Brit America Brit. America Brit. America Brit America Japan Malaysia Abyssinia. Labrador Arabia Germany . Meherran |Cty. Germany .... Laos Hindoostan . . Missouri Ter. Patagonia . . . Arabia New Grenada Tripoli Polynesia . . Fezzan .... Africa Birmah.. .. Sinde Hindoostan Arabia .... Africa .... Pd Hi Hf Ge Mi Mi Gd Le Ii Nj Pe Gh Ff Oj Ef Oj Pf Qf Ih Mi Oj Wh Lg Ui Ha Eb Fa Ed Db Gm Fb Db Fb Dc Eb Db Ue Uh Og He Of Mc Mc Sg Rg Ed Hm Of Hh Ne Ne Xh Nf Ng Sg Qf Sf Of Oh Names of Placet, 4c Mei-ponte Mejdoucharsky . Mekdusk Mekran Mela Melamo Melano Melghig Meliana Melinda Melinda Melinque Melita Melkini Mellilla Mellipelli Mellish's Mellish's Mellish's I Melo i Melville Melville Melville Melville Melville , Melville , Melville Melville Melville Memba Koma . Memel Memphis Menangkaboo . Mendawee .... Mende Mendeli Mendocino .... Mendoza Mendoza Meng Mennomonies.. Menorandre . . . Menuf Menzaleh Menzelinsk .... Meofak Meoobanish . . . Mcquinas Merasche Merawe Mercedes Merchants' Merchants' .... Merchooskin . . Mercury Mercury Merguen Hotun Mergui Meriato Mcribowhey . . . Merida T. I. Cty Pr. Po. Pt I. L. T. Cty. T. T. T. T. T. T. I. I. Rfs. T. Bay Bay C. Pen. I. I. So. Mt Mts. Pt Cy. T. T. T. Cy. T. C. Pr. Cy. T. T. R. T. I. T. T. L. Cy. T. T. T. Bay Is. C. Bay I. T. Arc. Pt. T. T, Brazil Nova Zembla . Africa Beloochistan . Patagonia Mozambique . Malaysia . . . Barbary Algiers Africa Africa Buenos Ayres Africa Asiatic Russia Morocco Chili Australasia . ■ Polynesia. . .. Australasia . . . Buenos Ayres New S.Wales Greenland . . . Brit America Brit. America New Holland. Brit. America Brit. America Brit America Greenland . . . Mozambique . Prussia Tennessee . . . Sumatra Borneo France Persia Mexico Buenos Ayres Buenos Ayres Tonquin Wisconsin Ter. Madagascar . . . Egypt Egypt Asiatic Russia. Arabia Brit. America . Morocco Asiatic Turkey Nubia Buenos Ayres . Brit America . Greenland .... Asiatic Russia. New Zealand . . Africa Mantchooria . . Bay of Bengal . New Grenada . Africa Mexico Ij Pa Oh Qf Hm Oj Ui Me Me Oi Oi HI Nk Qb Lc Hi Vi Xe Wj HI Vj Ha Ha Gb HJ Ea Eb Db la Oj Nc Gc Sh Ti Md Pe Dd HI HI Sf Gd Ok Oe Oe Pc Of Gd Le Oe Og H 1 Hb la Va XI Mk Ud Sg Gh Nk Gf 68 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c. Merida ....... Merida ....... Merinova Meritan Merla Eavoo . . Mermantau . . . Merra Merremengows Meru al Rud . . Mer t Merve Mescala Meseritz Mcshuril Mesjid Ali Mcsjid Hussein Meskamy Messa Messina Mestoota Mesurata Mesurata Meta Meta Metelin Methye Methye Metko Metverskaya . . . Metz Me war Mexia Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mezari Mezene Mezene Mezene Mezieres Mczraz Mglin Mhyshkin Miaco Miali . Miamis Miana Miarrin Miasnija Michigan Michigan Michigan Michipicotton . . Michipicotton.. Michipicotton . . Michoacan .... Middeisis Middle Middle Middle T. T. T. C. I. L. T. Tr. T. T. Cy. T. Cy. T. T. T. L. T. Cy. T. T. C. T. R. I. L. L. Dis. T. Cy. Pr. R. Rep. St. G. Cy. C. T. Bay R. T. Dis. T. T. Cy. R. Tr. T. R. R. St. Cy. L. Bay L. I. St. T. L. I. I. Venezuela . . . Spain Asiatic Russia Arabia Polynesia .... Louisiana. . . . Syria Africa Tartary Hindoostan . . Great Bucharia Mexico Prussia Mozambique . . Arabia Arabia Brit. America . Suse Sicily Fezzan Tripoli Tripoli Asiatic Russia. New Grenada . Archipelago. . . Brit. America . Brit. America . Soudan Russia France Sinde Africa North America Mexico North America Mexico Oregon Ter... . Russia Russia Russia France Soudan Russia Russia Japan Asiatic Russia. Michigan Persia Brazil Russia United States. . Indiana United States. . Upper Canada . Upper Canada . Upper Canada . Mexico Bergoo Lower Canada. South Shetland Australasia . . . Hh Le R c Pf Aj Ff Oe Oi Qe Rf Qe Fg Nc Oj Oe Oe Gc Lf Ne Nf Ne Ne Vc Hh Ne Ec Ec Ng Ob Md Qf Mi Ee Fg Gf Fg Dd Ob Ob Ob Md Ng Oc Oc Ve Tc Gd Pe Ii Pb Gd Gd Gd Gd Gd Gd Fg Ng He Io Ul Names of Places, &c. Middleburg .... Middle Savage. . Middleton's Middleton's Middle Vigten . . Midia Midian Midroe Mier Mijjertheyn .... Mikhalova Mikulin Mikulin Milam Milan Mildred Milk Milkof Mill Mille Milledgeville . . . Millsburg Mill's Point . . . Milne Milo Milovloyskik . . . Miltsin Milwalky Minas Geraes. . . Minchimadiva . . Minch (the) .... Mindanao Minden. ...... . |Cy. Mindoro Sea Is. Is. I. Str. I. T. T. T. T. Tr. T. Bay C. T. Cy. L. R. T. I. I. Cy. T. T. Ld. I. T. Mt. T. Pr. Vol. Mindoro Mineral Point . Minerva Mingan Ming Kiang.. . Mingrelia Minho Minicoy Miniet Minorca Minsk 31 Minsk Mintow Miosen Miquelon Mirador Miranda Mirepole Miri Mirim Mirimichi , Miscou , Misener's Missao Misselad Missevri Missiessy I. T. I. Vil. R. Cty. R. Rks T. I. Pr. Cy. T. L. I. T. T. T. R. L. Bay I. Bks. T. R. T. C. Polynesia Brit. America . Australasia .... Australasia . . . Norway Turkey Arabia Algiers Mexico Africa Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Texas Italy Brit. America . Missouri Ter. . Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Polynesia Georgia Liberia Kentucky Scoresby's Ld. Archipelago .. . Asiatic Russia. Morocco Wisconsin Ter. Brazil Patagonia Scotland Mindanao .... Prussia Malaysia Malaysia Wisconsin Ter. Polynesia .... Lower Canada China Asia Portugal Asia Egypt Mediterran. Sea Russia Russia Banca Norway Newfoundland . Brazil Portugal Russia Venezuela Uruguay N. Brunswick . Lower Canada. Asia Brazil Africa Turkey New Holland . . Ak Hb Wk Wk Mb Nd Of Me Ff Pg Tb Pb Pb Ff Md Fb Ed Wc Gb Xh Ge Lh Ge Ka Ne Sc Le Gd Jj Hm Lc Uh Mc Uh Ug Ed Cj He Se Od Ld Qh Of Md Nc Nc Ti Mb Id Ii Ld Oc Hh LI Hd Hd Ri Hi Ng Nd Uj CONSULTING INDEX. 69 Nuneiof Plrnca, te. Missima Missinaby . . . Missinnippi . . . Mississauga . . . Mississippi .... Mississippi .... Missolonghi . . . Missouri Missouri Missouri Mistaken Mistepec Mitau Mitchell's Mitchi Mitiaro Mitoe Mitre Mittun Mitucheff Miyas Mizen Mizimbatty . . . Moa Moab Moars Mobatee Mobile Mobile Mobota , Mocambira .... Mocanguelas . . Mocarango .... Mocha Mocha Mock Mocoa Mocomoco .... Mocroslobodska Modena Modena Modon Moe Moen Moffen Mogarra Mogaun Moggouok .... Moghilev ...32 Moghilev Mogholskaya . . Mogi Mogincale Mogodore Mograffa Arabs Mograt Mohang Laung Mohawk Mohilla Mohin Mohylev Clan. T. L. li. L. St. EL T. St Ter. R. Bay T. Cy. Gr. Cy. I. L. I. T. I. R. Hd. I. I. T. Bay T. Cy. Bay Cty. T. Tr. Cty. Cy. L T. T. T. T. D. Cy. T. T. I. I. T. T. Bay Pr. T. T. R. Is. T. Tr. I. T. R. I. T. T. Japan Brit. America . Brit. America . Upper Canada. United States. . North America Greece United States . . United States. . Wisconsin Ter. New Zealand. . Mexico Russia Polynesia .... China Polynesia Thibet Australasia .... Sinde Nova Zembla. . Asiatic Russia. Ireland Africa Malaysia Syria Brit. America . Africa Alabama Alabama Africa Brazil Africa Africa Arabia Chili Norway New Grenada . Sumatra Asiatic Russia . Italy Italy Greece Norway Denmark Spitsbergen . . . Egypt Birmah Labrador Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Brazil Mozambique . . Morocco Africa Nubia Laos New York Indian Ocean . Mantchooria . . Russia Ue Gd Ec Gd Ge Gf Ne Fe Fd Fe Xm Fg Nc Xi Te Bj Se Xj Qf Pa Qc Lc Oj Ui Oe Gc Nk Ge Ge Ok li Nj £ j Og HI Mb Hh Si Sc Md Md Ne Mb Mc M a Ne Sf lc Oc Oc Tc Ik Oj Le Lf Og Sg Hd Oj Ud Nd Name* of Places, 4c Moigolotskoi . . Mojabra Mojaysk Mokamba Mokanrushy . . Moklijenskaya . Mokur Molcou Moldavia Molineauz .... Moller Moller Moluccas Molucque Atollon Moma Mombas Mombas Mombas Mompox Mona Mona Monado Mona Passage Moncao Monchaboo.. . Mondego .... Monfia Mongalla .... Mongaro Mongeaboong . Mongearts . . . Mongella .... Monge's Monghadjar . . Monica Monkey Key . Monk's Monmouth . . . Monmouth . . . Monneron .... Mono Emugi . Monpan Monroe Monroe Monrovia .... Monselmines . Monsol Montafar Montague .... Montague. . . . Montague .... Montague .... Montague .... Montalegre.. . Montargis .... Montauk , Montclovez. . . Monte Christo Montego Monterey Monterey C. T. T. T. I. T. T. T. Cty. Bay Bay Is. I. R. Cty. T. R. T. T. I. T. Str. T. Cy. C. I. H. T. T. Tr. I. Pt. Ht R. I. Is. C. I. L Cty T. T. T. T. Tr. T. Pt. I. C. C. I. Po. T. T. Pt. T. I. Bay T. T. Asiatic Russia . Barca Russia Mozambique . . Kurile Islands. Russia Russia Mantchooria . . Europe New Zealand. . Nova Zembla . . Polynesia Malaysia Asia Asiatic Russia. Africa Africa Africa New Grenada . Birmah West Indies . . . Celebes West Indies.. . Brazil Birmah Portugal Indian Ocean . Africa Africa , Borneo , Africa , Persian Gulf . , Seghalien Tartary , Paraguay S. Pacific Oc. . New Grenada , Patagonia .... Malaysia . . . . . Seghalien Africa , Laos Louisiana ..... Michigan Liberia Africa Africa Luzon North America Patagonia . . . Sandwich Ld Australasia . . New Britain Brazil France .... Long Island . Mexico Mediterran. Sea Jamaica . Mexico .. Mexico .. Va Nf Oc Oj Wd Pb Na Vd Nd Xm Pa Cj Ui Qh Vb Oi Oi Oi Hh Sf Hg Uh ?f Sf Ld Oi Oj Nj Th Lf Pf Vd Pd Ik Gl Hg Hn Uf Vd Oi Sf Fe Gd Lh Lf Ni H* Cc Gm Kn Wl Wi li Md Hd Ff Md g Ff Dc 70 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c. Monterey Bay Montesik jTr. Monteverde ... .1. Montevideo Cy. Montgomery . . . T. Montgomery's . . Gr. Montpelier ;Cy. Montpellier Cy. Montreal Cy. Montreal R. Montreal R. T. T. T. I. C. R. T. T. Cty. Mts. Montreddy .... Montrose Montrose Montserrat .... Monze Moocoowan . . . Moogroove .... Moolky Moolooa Moon (of the) . Moondah JR. Moore's I. Moore's I. Moorghab |R. Moorghaub JT. Moorja T. Moorshedabad . . Cy. Moose Dis Moose R. Moose :R. Moose ;L. L. L Ft T. T. Moose Moose Head. Moose Lake . Moosh Mopou Moquehua T, Moquem T. Tr. T. T. Mts, T. Pt. Is. Bay Moquis Mora Mora Morajie Moral skoi. . . Morant Morant Kays Mordwinov . Morea jPen Morebat JT. Moresby's : Mts. T. Bay T. I. T. T. Pt. I. Po. Km. Moretch Moreton Moreton Moreyra Morikini. Morlaix Morley Morley Mornington . Mornington . Morocco Mexico Arabia Polynesia Uruguay .... Alabama Eastern Sea. . . Vermont France Lower Canada. United States . . Upper Canada . Hindoostan . . . Pennsylvania. . Scotland West Indies. . . Beloochistan . . Brit America . Africa Hindoostan . . . Africa Africa Africa Polynesia Polynesia Tartary Persia Africa Hindoostan . . . Brit. America . Brit. America . Wisconsin Ter. Oregon Ter. . . Brit. America . 'Maine Brit. America . Asiatic Russia, Corea South Peru . . . Brazil Mexico Sweden Soudan Africa Asiatic Russia. Jamaica Jamaica Seghalien Greece Arabia New Holland. . Russia ...... New S. Wales . Australasia . . . Brazil Sandwich Is.. . France Caffraria Cafrraria New S. Wales . Nubia Africa De O e Wh II Ge Uf Hd Md Hd Fd Gd Rg Gd Lc Hg Qf Ec Nj Qg N i Nh Mh Xi Ve Qe Pe Rf Gc Gc Pd Ec Fc Hd Fc Oe Ud Hj Ij Ee Mb Mg Nf Qb Gg Gg Vd Ne Pg Tk Nc Wk Wk Hi Bf Ld Ni Ok Vj Og Le Names of Places, &c. Morocco , Moro Herrnoso . . Morokai Moromona Morososhna Morososhna Morotoi Morphil Morris Morris Morro Carretas . Morro de Mexil lones Morro Jorgo . . . Morrope Morro Pooa Mortain Morty Morty Morual Moruas Morumbidgee . . . Morundava Moschi , Moscovy Moscow 35. Moscow Mosdok Mose Moshowa Moskenes-. Mosquitia Mosquito Mosquito Mosquito Moss Mossel .... Mostagh Mostar Mosul Motao Motapa Moticlenskoi . . . Mouat Mouja Moukden Moukhtouiskoi.. Mouksinofka . . . Moulin Moulins Moulon Moultan Mouna Mounah Kaah . . Mounah Roa . . . Mountnorris Moupti Moupty Moura Mouren Mourinskoi Morocco Mexico Sandwich Is. . Mozambique . Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Sandwich Is. . Senegambia .. Greenland . . . Polynesia. Peru Cy. C. I. Bay T. R. I. I. C. I. Pt. Pt. Pt. T. Cty. T. Str. I. I. Tr. R. Bay T. Mt. Pr. Cy. T. I. R. I. Dis. Bay Gr. Pt. T. Bay I. T. Cy- I. Cty. j Africa Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Soudan Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Australasia... . France Asiatic Russia. Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Russia! Sandwich Is. .. Sandwich Is. . . Scoresby's Ld.. Asiatic Russia. Soongaria.. . . . Brazil Mantcliooria . . Asiatic Russia. Bolivia Bolivia Peru Africa France Malaysia . . . Malaysia .... Polynesia .... New Grenada |New S.Wales Madagascar. . Nubia Spitsbergen . . Russia Russia Asiatic Russia Australasia . . Africa Loffodcn Is. . . . Guatemala .. . Brit. America Polynesia .... New Grenada Norway Spitsbergen . . . Asiatic Russia Austria Asiatic Turkey Corea (' C. T. T. T. II. I. T. It Cy. R. Mt Mt in. i. R. T. R. T. L e Ef Bf Ok Wc Wc Bf Lg Ha Xi »-J Hk Hk Gi Nj Ld Uh Uh Vg Hh VI Ok Og Ma Oc Oc Od Ui Nk Mb Cg Gb Xh Gh Mc Ma Ua Nd Oe Ue Nj Wc Ga Ud Tb Va Wj Md Qb Qe Ub Bg Bg Ka Vb Qd Hi Ud Tb CONSULTING INDEX. 71 Nune» of JPUcm, &c Mourskaya. Mourzuk Moutnoi Mouton Moviza Mowee Moxos Mozambique.. . , Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique.. . Mozyr Mount Carmel . Mount Desert.. Mount Meadow Muchima Muckie Mucuixes Mucwaunpore . . Mud Mudago Mudge Mu Galla Mugford Mughess Mugna .... Muiron Muktar Mulat Mulgrave Mulgrave ....... Mulgrave Mull Multnomah Mumbarack Mumilla Mundlah Mungari Munich Mu Nimigi .... Munnipore Munster Muonloniska . ... Mucnio Murcia Murdock Murmur Murot Murray Murray Firth . . . Murray Maxwell Murray's Murray's Murtaso * Murucuru Murusuru Musa Musangani Muscat Muscle Muscus T. Cy. Bay Po. Tr. I. Dep Gov T. Gh. I. T. T. I. Bk. Ft. T. Tr. T. Bay T. C. Tr. C. T. T. I. T. R. Is. I. Po. I. R. T. T. T. T. cy Cty. Cy. Cy. T. R. Cy. C. T. HI. R. Bay In. I. I. I. R. Cty. T. Dis. Cy. R. I. fsfition. Asiatic Russia. Fezzan Asiatic Russia. Nova Scotia . . . Africa Sandwich Is.. . Bolivia] Africa Mozambique . . Indian Ocean . Mozambique . . Russia Illinois Maine Brit. America . Benguela Sumatra Africa Hindoostan . . . Greenland .... Soudan Brit. America i Africa .. Labrador Africa Buenos Ayres . Australasia . . . Tripoli Asiatic Russia . Polynesia Polynesia North America Scotland Oregon Ter... . Nubia Asiatic Turkey Hindoostan . . . Africa Bavaria Africa Hi n ii all Prussia Russia Sweden Spain Greenland . . . Soudan Magadoxa . . . New S. Wales Scotland Brit. America Australasia ... Australasia . • . Russia Cazembc Africa Arabia Africa Arabia Missouri Bay of Bengal Sc Nf Qa Hd Nj Bf Hj Oj Oj Ok Oj Nc Ge Hd Fb Mi Sh Mj Rf lb Ng Ea Oi He Nf HI Tk Ne Uc Xh Xh Cc Lc Dd Og Pe Rf Ng Md Oi Sf Mc Nb Nb Le Ha Mg Ph VI Lc Gb Wi Vi Od Nj Nj Og Nj Pf Ed Name* of Fiscal, 4c. Musfe-ia Musgrave's.. . . Muskcd.. Musk Ox Musolimy Mussendom . . . Mussir Mussy Mustachewan.. Mustavas Mustoong Mutra Muttra Mutukano Muzimba Muzimbas Myandung .... Myggenes Myra Myrick Mysol Mysore Mysore Mysory Mywoolla Nabajoa Nabajoa Nabajoas Nabel Nachack Nachtegal Nacimiento . . . Nackiloo Nacogdoches . . Nadanfoen .... Nadeschda .... Nadeshda Nadrama Nagel Nagercoil Nagoja Nagore Nagpore Nagy Bania.. .. Nahney , Nain , Nain Nakasusuklok . , Nakshivan Naloes Nalym Nalymskoi Namaqua, Great Namaqua, Little Nambu Nambu Namoh.. Namroo Namur Namurick T. I. cy- L. Bay C. I. T. L. T. T. T. T. C. R. Tr. T. I. T. C. I. Pr. T. I. I. T. R. Tr. T. C. I. T. T. Cy. T. Bay Str. T. I. T. T. T. T. T. R. T. Sta. I. T. Tr. R. T. LA LA T. C. I. T. T. Is. Soudan Polynesia.. .. Persia Brit. America Arabia Arabia Kurile Islands Africa Brit. America Buenos Ayres Cabul Arabia Hindoostan . . Asiatic Russia Mozambique . Africa Birmah Faroe Islands Asiatic Turkey Africa Malaysia . . Hindoostan Hindoostan Australasia . Polynesia .. Mexico . . Mexico .. Mexico .. Tunis ... Labrador Indian Ocean.. Chili Persia Texas Mantchooria . , Mantchooria . , Kurile Islands. Barbary Russia Hindoostan . . . Japan Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Austria Brit America . Persia Labrador Labrador Asiatic Russia. Sencgambia . . . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Africa. .. ......... Africa Japan .. ...... Japan ...... China ...... Little Thibet Belgium Mh Vh Pe Eb Pf Pf Wd Mf Gc Hk Qf Pf Rf Wc Oj Oj Sg Lb Ne Kg Ui Rg Rg Vi Xj Ef Ee Ec Me He Pm HI Pf Fe Ud Vc Wd Me Ob Rh Ve Qf Rf Nd Db Pe He He Pe Lg Qb Qb Nk Nk Ve Vd Tf Re Mo Polynesia |X h 72 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c. L. Cy. Cy. T. T. R. Cy. Nan-kiang Cy. Nana Nan-chang , Nancy Nandere . . , Nangasaki . Nangdar . . . Nan-kang . Nankin Nanking Nan-ning Nano Balundo . . Nanrzyn Nan-tchang Nantes Nantucket Nan-yang Nan-youg Naosquiscaw . . . Naouc Sanpoo . . Napakiang Napamac Naparima Napashish Naphta Naples Naples Napo Napoli Narborough's .. . Narbonne Narcissa Narcondam Nareenda Nareenda Nargan Narnol Narrow Narva Narym Nasca Nashville Nasi Nasoon Nassau 17. Nassau , Nassau Nassuck Nata i Natal , Natal Natal , Natal Natal , Natal , Natal, First Natal, Last Natashkwen Natchez Nacthitoches . . Nathunz Cy. Cy. Cy. Pr. L. Cy. Cy. Cy. Cy. L. R. T. T. T. L. I. Km. Cy. R. T. I. I. T. Bay T. I. T. T. T. Cy. L. C. D. C. I. T. T. T. T. Cst. Po. C. I. Pt. Pt. R. Cy. Cy. T. Position. Thibet China France Hindoostan . . . Japan Asiatic Russia. China China Mantchooria . . China China Benguela Tartary China France Massachusetts . China China Brit. America . Thibet Loochoo Luzon Trinidad Is. . . . Brit. America . Caspian Sea. . . Italy Naples Equador Greece Gallapagos France Polynesia Bay of Bengal . Madagascar. . . Madagascar. . . Russia Hindoostan . . . South Shetland Russia Asiatic Russia. Peru Tennessee Russia Guinea Germany Nova Zembla. . Bahamas Hindoostan . . . New Grenada . Brazil Sumatra Africa Africa CafFraria Indian Ocean . CafFraria CafFraria , Labrador Mississippi. . . . Louisiana Persia. ....... Re Tf Md Rg Ue Vc Tf Te Ud Te Tf Mi Qc Tf Ld Hd Te Tf He R e Uf Hg Fb Pe Md Md Hi Ne Fi Md Cj Sg Pj Pj Nc Rf Io Nc R c Cj Ge Nb Ih Mc Qa Gf Qg Gh Ji Sh 01 Ok Ok Pi Nl Oi He Fe Fe Pe Names of Places, tec. Natividad Natividad .... Natki Nattavar Naturaliste . . . Naturaliste . . . Nausa Navacot Navarino Navarino Navasa Navia Navigators' . . . Naviheelavoo . Navnas Navy Board . . Naxio Nayanola Naystad Nazaret Nazareth Nazareth Nazareth Naze Neacote Necau Neches Necker Nederlandich . Nedjeran Nedsjed Needle Needles Needveditza . , Neembuco . . , Neepigon Neepigon Negapatam . . Negombo Negracka Negrais Negrete Negril Negrillo Negro Negro Negroponte.. Negros Nehaund.. . . Neishloi Neisse Nellore Nelson . . Nelson , Nelson Nelson's Nelson's Nemiskaw . . , Nemoy Nemtchicov . Neosho c:ia=s. Position. T. Pt. Tr. T. C. Mt T. T. T. T. I. T. Is. I. Tr. In. I. T. T. T. T. R. Bk. C. T. T. R. I. I. Dis Pr. Rk. I. R. T. Bay Ho. T. T. Fk. C. T. Pt I. R. R. I. I. T. T. T. T. Dis. R. Ft. Ch. Is. L. Tr. T. Sta. Brazil Mexico Mantchooria Sweden New Holland New Holland Asiatic Turkey Hindoostan Wisconsin Ter. Greece West Indies . . Spain Polynesia. . .. Polynesia. . . . Peru Brit. America Archipelago .. . Mexico Russia Brazil Brazil Africa Indian Ocean. Norway Hindoostan . . Barbary Texas N. Pacific Oc. Polynesia .... Arabia Arabia Australasia . . Southern Ocean Russia Paraguay ..... Brit. America Brit. America Hindoostan . . Ceylon Missouri Ter. Birmah Chili Jamaica Mexico Uruguay ..... Brazil Archipelago. . . Malaysia ... Persia Russia Prussia Hindoostan . . Brit America . Brit America , Brit. America . Australasia... . South Shetland Brit. America . Missouri Ter. . Asiatic Russia. Western Ter... Ij Fg Vc Nb Tl Tk Oe Rf Gd Ne Gg Ld Aj Xj Hi Gd Ne Fg Nb Ik Ji Mi Qj Mc Rf Me Ff Bf Xi Og Pf Vm Lj Od Ik Gd Gc Rg Rh Fe Sg HI Cg Ff II Ii Ne Ug Pe Nb Nc 5 ? Fc Fc Fc VI Io Gc Ed Qb Fe CONSULTING INDEX. 73 Names of Places, fee Neow Nepaul Nepihjee Nepinita Nepissing Nepomaceno.. . . Nera Nerbuddah Nereklita Nerja Nerpa Nerpitchie Nertchinsk Nertchinsk Nertchinskoi . . . Nervoski Nesoe Nesseby Nesuketonga . . . Nesviz Neuse Neustadt Nevel Nevers Nevil's Nevis New New Albany . . . New Amsterdam New Archangel . Newark Newark New Balade .... Newbern New Boston New Britain New Brunswick New Brunswick Newburyport . . . New Caceres . . . New Caledonia . New Caledonia . New Castle Nov Castle Newcastle New Coimbra . . . New Cornwall . . New Discovery . New Dongola.. . New Echota Newfoundland . . Newfoundland . . New Friesland. . New Georgia . . . New Georgia . . . New Grenada.. . New Guinea New Hampshire New Hanover . . New Hanover . . New Haven .... Class. I. Cty. R. R. L. T. R. R. T. T. R. L. Pr. T. T. T. I. T. R. T. R. T. T. Cy. Bay L T. T. Sta, Cy. I. I. T. T. I. Cty. Ho. T. T. Cty, I. T. T. T. T. Cty, I. Cy. T. I. Bk. Dis. iCol. Is. Rep I. St. Cty. I. Cy. Polynesia Hindoostan . . . Brit. America . Asiatic Russia. Upper Canada . Brazil Asiatic Russia • Hindoostan . . . Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Norway Russia Missouri Ter. . Russia North Carolina Austria Russia France Brit. America . West Indies . . . Polynesia Indiana . Guiana .. North America Upper Canada . Labrador N. Pacific Oc. . North Carolina Illinois Australasia .... North America Brit. America . N. Hampshire . Luzon North America Australasia . . . N. Brunswick . New S. Wales . England Brazil Brit. America . Polynesia Nubia Georgia North America Newfoundland . Spitsbergen . . . Liberia Australasia .... South America Australasia .... United States. Oregon Ter. . Australasia . . Connecticut .. Xj Rf He Ta Gd HI Vb Rf Oc Pv Tc Xb Tc Tc Tc Pb Nb Na Fe Nc Ge Nd Nc Md Fb Hg G g e Lh Cc Gd He Eg Ge Fd Wi Hd Gd Hd Ug Dc Xk Hd Wl Lc Ij Dc £ j Og Ge Id Id Na Lh Wi Hh Vi Hd Dc Wi Hd Names of Places, 4c New Hebrides . . New Hernhut . . New Holland .. . New Holsteinborg New Ireland . . . New Jersey .... New Lattakoo . . New Leon New Macao .... New Madrid . . . Newmansville . . New Mexico .... New Nantucket. Newnham New Norfolk . . . New North Wales New Oran New Orleans . . . Newport New Providence Newry New Santander . New Segovia . . . New Segovia . . . New Shumachie New Siberia New Smyrna . . . New South Green land New South Wales New South Wales New Tcherkask . New Work .... New Year New Year's .... New Year's.... . New York New York . . . Neyoor Ney va Nezperces .... Nezperces .... Ngantong .... Nha-triang . . . Niagara Nias Nicaragua . . . Nicaragua . . . Nicaragua . . . Nice Nicholas First Nicholson's . . . Nickol Nicobar Nicolskoe.. .. Nicopol Nicosia Nicotera Nicoya Niegin Nieuwvelds . . Is. Sta. Cty, Cty. I. St. T. St T. T. T. Ter, I. C. Cty. Cty. T. Cy. Cy. I. T. T. T. T. T. I. T. Cty. Cty. Cty. Cy Australasia.. . . Greenland .... Australia Brit. America . Australasia... . United States . . Africa Mexico Tonquin Missouri Florida Mexico Polynesia North America Brit. America . Brit. America . Buenos Ayres . Louisiana Rhode Island. . Bahamas Ireland Mexico Guatemala Luzon Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Florida Har I. St. S y - T. T. Ft. Tr. Cy. T. Falls C. St. T. L. T. C. Sh. Bay Is. T. T. C. T. G. T. Bgn Southern Ocean Brit. America , Australia Russia Newfoundland . Australasia .... Staten Island .. Patagonia United States. . New York .... Hindoostan . . . New Grenada . Oregon Ter... . Oregon Ter.. . . China Cochin China . Upper Canada . Brit. America . Guatemala .... Guatemala .... Guatemala .... Sardinia Brit. America . Polynesia New Holland .. Bay of Bengal . Asiatic Russia. Turkey Cyprus Naples Guatemala .... Russia Cape Colony • . Xj lb Uk Fb Wi Hd Na Ff Tf Ge Gf Fe Ah Be Dc Fb Hk Ff Hd Gf Lc Ff Gg Ug Pd Va Gf Io Fc Vk Od Id Uj Hn Hn Gd Hd Rh Hh Ed Ed Te Tg Gd Hb Gg «tr Gg M d Fa Ak Tk Sh Re Nd Oe Ne Gh Oc Ni K 74 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, 4c Niffoo Nigata Niger Nightingale Nightingale .... Nigritia Niihau Nijoras Nikitinskaia. . . • Nikitsk Nikolaev Nikolaevska .... Nikolsk Nikolskaya Nila Nile Niles Nildinski Nillandous Atol- lon Nilmat Niman Nimgouta Ninatee Nine Degree . . . Ning Ninghai-wei .... Ningo Ning-po Ninjenican Ninna Nipartolik Nipashee Niphon Nirie Nishapore Nishney Villuish Nisibeen Nismes Nisnedwitzk.. . . Nissa Nissa Nitcheguon Nitzi Niuchotsk Niuk Niumen Nixon Nizabad Nizapatam Niznei Novgo- rod 23. Niznei Novgorod Noagong Noalis Noalove Noel Nogai Nogden Noir Nokinska T. T. R. I. I. Cty. I. Tr. T. T. T. T. T. T. I. R. T. T. I. Is. T. T. R. Ch. Cy. T. T. Cy. i. R. Bay L. I. I. T. T. T. Cy. T. T. T. L. C. T. L. R. C. T. T. Pr. T. T. I. T. Is. R. C. C. T. Liberia Japan Africa Tonquin Southern Ocean Africa Sandwich Is.. . Mexico Asiatic Russia . Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Russia Asiatic Russia. Malaysia ..... Africa Michigan Asiatic Russia. Asia Oregon Ter.. Mantchooria Mantchooria Bir mah Asia Mongolia .... Dahomey .... China Asiatic Russia Mantchooria . Brit. America Brit America Japan Polynesia .... Persia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Turkey France Russia Tartary Turkey Brit. America . Japan Russia Russia Mantchooria . . Patagonia .... Asiatic Russia. Hindoostan . . . Russia Russia , Hindoostan . . , Australasia . . , Madagascar . . . Bay of Bengal . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Patagonia Asiatic Russia . Lh Ve Mg Tf LI Mg Bf Ee Pc Qc Od Qc Pc Pd Ui Of Gd Qb Qh Dd Ud Ud Sf Qh Te Mh Uf Vc Uc He Fb Ve Xj Pe Ub Oe Md Oc Pe Nd He Ue Ob Ob Uc Gm Pd Oc Oc Rf Vi Ok Sgr Wb Vc Hn Ub Names of Places, &c. Noki-sima Nolinsk Nombre de Dios Nomou Noncowry Nonorjev Noon Noon Noosa Baron . . . Nooshky Nootka Nordland Nordmaling Nordvik , Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norfolk Norija Norkoping Norksalik Norman Noro Noro Norogame Norrland Norsio North North North North North North North North North North North North North North North North North North , North , North North North Northam i North Arran North Branch . . North Branch . . North Cape North Cape North Cape Del North Carolina. North Devon . . North East So. Div T. C. Cy. I. I. So. Mt. T. T. T. Ft. T. R. T. Div. T. C. C. C. C. C. C. I. I. I. I. I. Sea R. R. Ch. Bay Bay Pt Bl. Fk. Fk. Fk. T. Is. R. R. C. C. C. St. Cty. Ld. Japan , Russia Mexico Africa Bay of Bengal Russia Suse Suse Java Beloochistan . Oregon Ter... Norway Sweden Asiatic Russia Virginia G e Australasia . Gallapagos Ve Pc Ff Sh Nc T P Lf Ti Qf Dd Nb Nb Ta Xk Fi North America C c V. Diemen's Ld. Russia Sweden Greenland Brit. America Mantchooria . Mantchooria . Mexico Sweden Sweden , Isle of Georgia Iceland Norway Asiatic Russia Brazil N. S. Greenland Oregon Ter. . Indian Ocean . Malaysia .... Malaysia .... Polynesia.. .. Europe Brit. America Asiatic Russia Europe Brit. America Seghalien .... Oregon Ter. . . Brit America Missouri Ter. Missouri Oregon Ter. . New Holland. Ireland Brit. America Brit. America New Zealand . N. Caledonia . Ajan United States . Brit. America Spitsbergen . . Vm Pb Nc lb Db Ud Vd Ef Nb Nb Jn Kb Na Ab lh Io Dc Oi Sj Uf Vf Mc Gc Ub Lc Hb Vc Dc Hb Fe Fd Ed Tl Lc Dc Ec XI Wk Pg Ge Gd Na CONSULTING INDEX. 75 Nina of Pl*cea, fcc L c. Cty. North East Northern Trian gle North Foreland North Georgia .. North Greenland |Cty. North Kyn C. Northlined L. North Natunas . . I. North Middlesex Cty. North Mountain 'Cr. Bay Greenland . . . Caribbean Sea. K. George's Sd. Brit America . Greenland Norway Brit. America . Malaysia Brit America . Missouri North Poyus.. . North Roquepiz North Shoal . . . North Somerset North Thames. North Uist II. Northumberland C. Northumberland ML Tr. North West North West North West Norton Norway Norway Norwich Nose Nos Labou Nosovoe Nossa Senhora de Porto Calvo . . Nossa Senhora Desterro Nossa Senhora do Rosario . . . Not Notchek ....... Notingham Noto Noto Notre Dame .... Notway Nouba Nouboucoulagh . Nouk Noukan Nouraen Nourses Noursoak Nova da Madre de Dios Nova Dereonya . Nova Redonda .. Nova Scotia Novaya Ladogo. Nova Zembla . . . Nov. Bicliza Novgorod . ..16. Novi Bazar Nov Lepel Novocetskoie . . . Po. Pt C. So. Cty. Dis. Cy. C. Mts. T. T. T. L. Bay L T. C. Bay R. Dis. R. I. Vil. R. R. Is. T. T. Ft Cty. T. L T. Pr. T. T. T. ■ina Indian Ocean .. Caribbean Sea . Brit. America . Brit America . Scotland New S. Wales . Australasia Isle of France. Africa New Holland . . North America Europe Brit America . England Egypt Arabia Asiatic Russia. Brazil . Brazil Brazil Russia Asiatic Russia Brit America Japan Japan Newfoundland . Brit America . Nubia Asiatic Russia. Greenland Asiatic Russia. Mantchooria . . Africa Greenland Brazil Asiatic Russia. Benguela North America Russia Arctic Ocean . . Russia Russia Turkey Russia Asiatic Russia. la Gg Io Fd Id Na Fb Th Fd Ed Hm Pi Gg Fd Fa Lc VI Wk Pk Mj Tk Bb Mb Fc Mc Of Pg Rb Ji Ik Ik Ob Xb Gb Ve Ve Id Gc Of Ua Jb Ab Ud Mj Jb Ih Qc Mj Hd Ob Pa Oc Oc Nd Nc Sc Nunej of Placet, fcc. Novodvinsk . . . . T. Novogradok . . . . T. Novo KhoperskJ. T. Novomoskovsk. . T. Novo Troki . . . .IT. Novolzourokai- touevskoi . . • Nov. Volhynskoi JT. Now-chow Cy Nowogrod jT. Noyakana T. Noyen 'T. Nubia 'Cty. Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia T. Nubian . Nuheemabad . . Nuiskoi Nukahivah .... Nukhzia Nulchai Numez Nun Nunersoi Nunnivaek .... Nura Nuremburg . . . Nurmis Nuttletartic . . . Nuwee Bunder . Nuy t's Nuyt's Nuyt's Nyamez Nybundan . . . . Ny Carleby . . . Nyffe Nykoping Nyland Nymphs Nyons Des, T. T. I. R. C. EL R. I. I. EL Cy T. Bay T. Arc. Ld. Rfs. T. T. T. Oahu Oak Oanna Oaxaca Oaxaca Oban Obderskoi Obe Oberaba Oboino O'Brien's Obskaya Observatory Obva Obvinsk Oby Oca Ocana Ocean Oceanskie Ochotsk ....... Asiatic Russia Russia China Russia Asiatic Russia. Corea Africa Nubia Persia Asiatic Russia . Polynesia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Senegambia . . . Africa Greenland .... North America Tartary Bavaria Russia Labrador Hindoostan . . . Australasia.. . . New Holland . . Australasia . . . Turkey Persia Russia Dis. Soudan T. iSweden Pr. 'Russia Pt {Patagonia T. France I. R. I. St. ■?:■ ',;-:• L t. I. C In. R. T. I. EL T. I. Is. l*r. Ob Nc Oc Od Nc Tc Nc Tf Nc Wb Ud Of Of Pf Tb Ci Uc Vc Mh lb Ab Qc Md Nb He Qf Ul Ul Ul Nd Pe Nb Mh Nc Nb Hm M d Sandwich Is. .. Brit. America . Polynesia Mexico Mexico Scotland Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Bolivia Asiatic Russia. South Shetland Asiatic Russia. Brit. America • Russia Russia Malaysia ... . Brazil Mexico Polynesia Nova Zembla . . Asiatic Russia . j Bf Fc Cj Fg Fg Lc Qb Qb Ij Ra Io Qb Dc Pc Pc Ui iA Xi Qa Wb 76 CONSULTING INDEX. Ntmea of Places, be Ochotsk .... Ochotsk .... Ochto Ocracock . . . Ocroni Odaib Odde Oddy Odessa Odeypore . . . Odja Odoli Odowari .... Oedenburg . . Oei-chow Oeiras Oeiras , Oeland , Oeno Oesel Ofoden Ogapock Ogden's Ogdensburg . . Oghao Ohatooah Ohia Ohio Ohio Ohila Oioun Oitama Oitz Ojem Ojogliina Oka Okhansk Oki Okinagan Okinagan Okinagan Okinskoi . .'. . Okkak Okkak Okkakaio Okladnikovo . . Okosaki Okosir Okota Okul Ola Olanche Old Old Old Bengucla. Old Birnee . . . Old Caconda . Old Calabar . . OldCroee.... Old Dongola. Of. Sea L. In. T. T. T. T. Cy. T. I. T. Cy- T. Cy. Cy T. I. I. I. T. R. Har T. I. I. I. St. R. Cy. R. T. L. Pt. R. R. T. I. L. R. Ho. T. I. Sta. Bay L. T. I. R. T. Dis. T. Ft. Ho. T. Cy. T. R. T. Cy. Position. Oldenburg . .12. G.D Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia North Carolina Mexico Arabia Iceland Benin Russia Hindoostan . . . Polynesia . Mantchooria . . Japan Austria China Brazil Brazil Baltic Sea Polynesia Baltic Sea Norway Guiana Africa New York .... Polynesia Polynesia Polynesia United States. . United States. . Africa Asiatic Russia. Japan Japan ........ Japan Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . Russia Japan Oregon Ter. . . Oregon Ter... . Oregon Ter... . Asiatic Russia. Labrador Labrador Brit. America . Russia Japan Japan Asiatic Russia Cabul Africa Guatemala . . . Brit America Brit. America Bengucla .... Soudan Benguela .... Africa Sumatra Nubia Germany Wc Wc Ob Ge Ef Oe Kb Mh Od Qf Xh Ud Ve Nd Te Ji Ii Nc Dk Nc Nb Ih Mk Gd Aj Aa Cj Cd Ge Mj Ub Ve Ve Ve Wb Sc Pc Ue Ec Ed Dd Sc He He He Pb Ve Vd V c Qe Nh Gd Dd Gd Mj Mg Nj Mh Si Og Me Names of Places, &c. Old Porto Seguro Old Timinskoi. . Old Tripoli Oleita Olekmia Olekminsk . . .« . Olem Olenei Olenoi Olensk Olensk Oleron Olgopol Olikoi Oliphant's Olimaran Olinda Olinviro Olivin Olmutz Olomate Olonetz 10. Olonetz Olou Koudouk .. Olouto-rovskoi . . Olouto-rovskoi . . Olou Tourghai. . Olug Yulduz . . . Olulorsky Olvispol Olympus Om Omaguas Omahas Ombay Ombay Ombos Omecon Omenak Omerpore Ommanney .... Omoa Omoke Omolon Omoloy Omon Omon Omona Omorigeskoi.. . . Omsk Omskarka Omulcwka Ona Onango Onega Onega Onega Onega Onega Onemen . . . Ongole .... Class T. T. T. L. R. Cy. R. 0. I. T. R. Is. T. I. EL I. Cy. R. C. T. T. Pr. T. T. T. Bay R. T. C. T. Mt. R. T. T. I. Str. T. T. Dis. T. C. T. T. R. R. Pr. Sea R. T. T. T. R. T. I. T. C. G. L. R. Brazil Asiatic Russia. Tripoli Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. France Russia Asiatic Russia. Cape Colony . . Polynesia Brazil Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Austria Mexico Russia Russia Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Tartary Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Russia Oregon Ter. . . Asiatic Russia. Equador Western Ter. Malaysia .... Malaysia .... Egypt •• Asiatic Russia Greenland . . . Hindoostan . . North America Guatemala .... Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Arabia Asia Asiatic Russia . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Ob Asiatic Russia. X b Jj Sc Me Sd Tc Ub Ta Qa Ob Ta Ta Ld Nd Wc Nl Vh Ji Wb Wc Nd Ef Ob Ob Td Xb Xb Qd Rd Xb Od Dd Re Hi Fd Ui Ui Of Vb la Rf Dc Gg Vc Wb Ua Pf Qf Vb Re Qc Qb Vb Tc Ve Ob Ob Ob Ob Hindoostan I! 8 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of FtaCM, *c. Ongue Onrnan Onnekotan .... Ono Onocuse Onon Onooafow Onore Ontario Ontong Java . . . Onvardanaes ... Ony Onza Ooch Ooder Oogda Ooglit Ooglit Oojein Ookatisha Oolee Oolool Oomercote .... Oonalashka . . . Ooneemak .... Oorakantsha.. . Oorookor Oortung Oosi Oo-sima Opala Oparo Opelousas T. Opemiwick Ophir Oporto .... Opotchka . . Oppeln .... Oquitao .... Oraison .... Oran Orange .... Orange .... Orange .... Orangeburg Orangerie .. Orchilla . . . Orchon .... Oreava .... Orebro .... Oregon .... Oregon .... Orcgrund . . Oreguatus.. Oreguatus . . Orel Orel Oremjatcha Orenburg . . Orenburg . . Orense .... R. C. I. L I. R. I. T. L. Is. C. Pt R. T. T. T. I. Is. T. R. I. I. T. I. I. Mts. I. T. T. I. Vol I. ;Sta. Mt Cy. T. Cy. T. I. T. I. C. R. T. Har I. R. T. T. Ter. R. T. Tr. R. Pr. T. R. Pr. T. T. Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. Kurile Islands. Polynesia Polynesia Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Hindoostan . . . North America Australasia . . . Iceland New Guinea . . Congo Hindoostan . . ■ Hindoostan . . . Persia Brit. America . Brit America . Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Polynesia Hindoostan . . . North America North America Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Little Bucharia Japan Japan Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Louisiana Greenland .... Sumatra Portugal Russia Prussia Mexico Australasia . . . Algiers Malaysia Brazil Africa South Carolina Australasia .... Venezuela Mongolia Turkey Sweden United States. . Oregon Ter. . . . Sweden South America Brazil Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . jSpain Uc Ab Wd Ak Xj Td £j Qg Gd Wi Kb Ui Mi Qf Qf Pe Gb Gb Rf Ta Vh Wh Qf Ac Be Vb Uh Q<1 Ue Ve Wc S j Fo Aa Sb Ld Nc Nc Ee Wi Le Uf Lh Nc Ge Wi Hg Sd Nd Nc Ed Dd Nb Li Ii Oc Oe Wb Pc Pc Ld Name» of Places, *c. Orfa T. Orfui C Orfui 1st Orgain !R. Orhey |T. Ori |L. Oriental :C. OrinNoi IL. Orinoco |Dep Orinoco R. Oristagno T. Orissa !Pr. Orkney I. Orleans J. Orleans Cy. Orliansk T. Orlov T. Orlov Noss ;C. Orlova JR. Orlovoi |C. Orlowka R. Ormond ;I. Ormus I. Oroc L. Oromon IT. Orontes JR. Oroolong I. Oropesa jT. Orskaia T. Ortcgal C, Ortelsburg . Ortigas .... Orto Asiatic Turkey O e Africa P g Hm Td Nd Nb Wi Se Hh Hh T. T. T. Orton IT. Tr. I. T. Cy. Osaca G. Ortoos . Orua . . Oruro . Osaca . Osages . . . Osborne . Osborne's Oscar Oscar Osen Tr. C. Rf. Bay f. Osepus T. T. Mt. I. I. Vil. T. L. T. T. I. Oserejnoy Oserma. . • Osima. . . . Osima Osita Oska Osketanaio Osmandjik Osna Osnaburg . Osnaburg jCy. Osnaburg jHo. Osorno T. Osorno Vol. Ossa T. Patagonia Mongolia . . Russia ...<., Russia .... New Britain China Venezuela . Venezuela . Sardinia Me Hindoostan ...Rf Scotland L c Lower Canada. ;H d France Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Russia Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Persian Gulf . . Mongolia Mongolia Syria Polynesia Uh Bolivia II j Tartary |P c Spain Ld Prussia Nc Brazil J j Mongolia 'Sd Mongolia .... S d Mongolia T e Hg Hj Ve Ve M d Tc Pc Ob Xb Ob Xb Gb Pf Sd Rd 'Oe Venezuela Bolivia Japan , Japan . Missouri 'F e Brit. America . G a Polynesia C k Brit America . |F b Polynesia jX i Norway Mb Persia Pe Russia Ob Wc Uf Vd Ee Td Gb Od Ob Ck Me Fc Hm II m Asiatic Russia. Eastern Sea. . . Japan Mexico Mongolia Brit America . Asiatic Turkey Russia Polynesia Hanover Brit. America . Chili Chili Russia |P c 73 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Place*, &c Ossuna . . . Ostashkov Ostend . . . Osteroe . . . Ostersund . T. T. T. I. T. Ostiaks |Tr. Ostroonoi Ostrov Ostrovnoi Otago Otaheite Otchakov Otdia Oteewhy Otoes Otranto Otrar Otter Otter Otter Otter Otter Tail Ottowa Ottowas Otway Oaalin Ouba Oubinskoi Ou-chow Ou-chow Ouda Ouda Oude Oude Oudskoi Oue Ouei-ming .... Ouen-chow .... Oufa Oufa Oufa Ougalaghmiout Ougden Ougene JT. Ouian R. T. T. C. Po. I. T. Is. I. Tr. T. T. Bay L. Sh. Cr. L. T. Tr. C. T. L. T. Cy. T. Cy- R. Pr. Cy. Cy. R. Cy- Cy. Pr. Cy. R. Tr. R. Ouicatai Ouinboucou .... Ouinskoie Ouistkouitoun . . Oukakee , . Oukesima Ouki Ouki Kitcha.. . . Oukinskoi Oulenmouren .. . Ouloussanraoudan Oumet Perelaztos Oa-mong Ounas Oundo Ounja R. T. T. T. L. L t. R. c. R. T. T. Cy. R. L |T. Spain Russia Belgium Faroe Islands . Sweden Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia ...... Asiatic Russia. New Zealand. . Polynesia Russia Polynesia Polynesia Missouri Ter. . Naples Tartary North America Brit. America . Indian Ocean . . Wisconsin Ter, Wisconsin .... Illinois Michigan New S. Wales . Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia, China Corea Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Russia. Brazil China China Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. North America Asiatic Russia. Norway Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Brit. America . GulfofTonquin Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. China Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. ( 'liin.i . Russia ......... Russia ......... Russia . ... Le Oc Mc Ld Mb Bb Xb Nc Wc Xm Cj Od Xh Aj Fd Nd Qd Dc He 01 Fd Fd Gd Gd VI Ud Re Re Tf Ue Vc Vc Rf Rf Vc Ik Sf Uf Pc Pc Pc Cb Rb Mc Wb Sd Tb Tc Td Gc Tg Wc Tb Wc Se Uc Pc Sf Nb Ob Oc Names of Places, &c. Oup Ourak Oural Ouralsk Ourat Ourcan .... Ourdabad . . . Ourens Ourga i Ouriamskaia Ouriankais ., Ourjoum. . . , Ouro Ourrokoop . Oursou .... Oury's .... Ous Ousa Ousa Oussmane . . Oust Camenagor- skaya Oustchelmskoe . . Ousteourovskaya Ouste Sissolk . . . Oustiazua Ousting Velikoy Oust Motchensk Oust Ouskaya . . Oust Tungouskoie Oust Vaga Outchou Outchoumoutchin Outer Vigten . . . Outger Reps .... Outshi Ferman . Outshochkoi Noss Ouvalskoi Ouy Ouzene Ovah Ovando Oveido Ovens Ovidos Ovo Ovroutch Owari Owen Owhyee Owhyhee Owl Owlitteeweek. . . Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxnes Oxus Oyapock T. 1. R. T. T. R. T. T. T. T. Tr. T. I. I. R. I. R. T. R. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. R. T. I. I. T. C. T. R. T. Pr. Pr. Cy. R. T. I. T. Bay L. R. I. R. I. Cy- C. c. c. Ho. I. R. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Tartary ....>. Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. Brazil Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Russia N. Pacific Oc . Polynesia Mantchooria . . Australasia Asiatic Russia. Russia .... Russia .... Russia .... Sc Vc Pc Pc Td Uc Pe I i Td R c Sc Pc A f Vh Uc Xj Sc Pb Pb Oc Asiatic Russia. Russia Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Thibet Mongolia Norway Spitsbergen . . . Little Bucharia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia- Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Madagascar . . . Congo Spain New S.Wales . Brazil Archipelago. . . Russia Japan Brit. America . Oregon Ter. . . Polynesia Brjt. America . Brit. America . England New Britain d . . Oregon Ter. . . . Falkland Is.... Brit. America . Loflbden Isles . Tartary T. Guiana Re Pb Tc Pb Oc Pc Ob Qc Sa Ob R e Td M b Na Qd Wc Pc Qc Pc Pj Ni Ld VI I i Ne Nc Ve Fa Ed Bg Fc Gb Lc Wi Dd Hn Fc Mb Pd Ih CONSULTING INDEX. 79 Kino of PUon, *c. Oyo Ozark .... Ozee Ozee Ozee Ozen Ozerna 'R. Oziernoie T, Class. R. Mts, T. R. IR. R. Ozigina. . Oziginsk . Or. T. Tr. T. R. T. T. Pa Paarl Pacajes .... Pacaltsdorp Pacaxa .... Pacchino . . Pachi Pr.chitea R. Pacsong jT. Padamo R. Padang T. Padaran C. Padaviri \R. ' Paderborn Cy. I. T. T. R. C. T. Cy. Padgagana Padgorodna Padomist . . Padoucah .. Padron . . . Padstow . . . Padua Padur T Padypolo Is. T. I. Tr. I. T. T. EL T. Pagahm Mew Pagansane . . . Pagoes Pagon Paha Pahang Paha-tom-kol , Paichan Paidmatta Sta. Pailas Paimoni . . . Paisley .... Paitaire. . . , Pajane . . . , Pakhia .... Paknam . . , Palamos . . , Palamow . Palana .... Palaos Palawan .. , Palca Palcati . . . Palcipas . . . Palembang |T, Palencia IT, Palenque T. Position. Ref. Lets. Pb United States . . Fc Oi Oi Oh Pe Asiatic Russia . Ra Asiatic Russia. Sc Asiatic Russia. Vb Asiatic Russia. Vb Thibet Sf Cape Colony . . South America Nl Ii Cape Colony . . Nl Ii Asiatic Russia. S c Hi Sf Thibet Venezuela .... Hh Si Tg Buenos Ayres . Hh M c Asiatic Russia. Wb Asiatic Russia. Qc Nc Missouri Ter. . Fd Italy Mi Lc Md Re Hindoostan . . . Qh Sf Senegambia .. . Thibet Ui Lg Vg Se Sh Se Mantchooria . . Ud New Zealand. . XI Nb Peru Hi Lc Sd Nb Asiatic Russia. Xb Sg Md Rf Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Russia. Wb Malaysia ... . Uh Th Hj Buenos Ayres . Qd Hk Si Ld Fg Names of Placet, fee. Palermo Cy. Palestine Cty*. Palezkhua T. Palhassan T. Pallamcottah Pallas Pallena Pallisers .... Pallisser .... Palm Palma Palma Palma Palma Sta. Mt. T. Is. C. Is. I. T. T. T. Palma C. Palmareinha . Palmas Palmer Palmer Palmer's Palmcro Palmerston . . Palmyra Palmyra Palmyras . . . Paloloo Palos Palos Palte C. c. Bay Pt. Ld. C. I. Rns Pt. Is. I. T. T. L. Palumbi I. Pama Pamer Pampas Pampelona . . Pampelona . . Pamplico . . . Panama .... Panama .... Panaros .... Panchina Panctou .... Pandora Pandora's Pandora's Panga Pangany .... Pangootaran . Paniany .... Panicheira . . Pannavia Panot Panovskaya . Pansa Pantar Pantelaria Pantura .... Panuco Pany , Pao-king Pao-ning Paoo I- Dis. IPls. Cy. |T. So. Cy. Bay Is. T. R. R. Ld. R. Pr. R. I. T. T. Bay R. T. T. I. I. Sta. T. I. Cy. Cy. I. Sicily Syria Cabul Mongolia .... Hindoostan . . Japan Ceylon Polynesia .... New Zealand . Australasia .... Canary Isles . . Canary Isles . . Chili Spain Mexico Angola Liberia Brit. America . Brit America . Southern Ocean Sardinia Polynesia Syria . .' Hindoostan . . . Polynesia Polynesia Celebes Spain Thibet Barca Eastern Sea .. . Tartary Buenos Ayres . Spain New Grenada . North Carolina New Grenada . New Grenada . Chili Asiatic Russia. Thibet Australasia .... New Guinea . . Polynesia Congo Africa Malaysia Hindoostan . . . Africa Africa Russia Asiatic Russia. South Peru . . . Malaysia Mediterran. Sea Ceylon . . , Mexico. . Malaysia China ... China . . . Polynesia . Me Oe Qe Sd Rh Vd Rh Cj X m Vj Kf Kf Hh Me Ef Mi Lh Gb Ea He Me Bk Oe Rf Bh Wg Ti Ld Sf Ne Uf Qe HI Ld Hh Ge Gh Gh H k Re Se Vj Vi Xj N i Oi Th Rg Oj M h Ob Tc Hj Ui Me Rh Ff T? Te Xj 80 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, fcc. Paote-chow .... Paoting Papagayo Papagayos .... Papakawa .... Papasquiaro. . . Papey Paps of Pindea Papuy Paquash Para Para Para Paracatu Paracels Pardo Paragua Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay jR. Para Hotun . '.. . . T. Paraiba Pr. Paraiba. ..:... .Cy. Paraiba ;R. Paraiba-do-sul . . R. Paramaribo .... jCy. Paramatta jT. Parana Cy. Parana R. Cy. Cy. G. T. I. T« I. Mts T. L. Pr. Cy. R. T. Bk. R. R. Rep I. Te Te 9.8 China China Guatemala . Brazil [Ik Senegambia. ..Kg Mexico jF f Iceland JK b . Patagonia . . . . jH m 'Chili s. HI Brit. America . |M c Brazil Brazil Brazil [II Brazil I j 11 Ii China Sea Brazil .... Venezuela Tff Ik Hh South America I k Parana Paranaguay . . . Paranahyba . . . Parana Panema Pardo Parece Vela . . . Paribouaca Parin Parinacota Paris Parita Parker's Parma Parma , Parmatchouson Parnaiba Paropamisan . . , Parovskoie Parral Parry Parry Parry Parry Parry Parry's Parry's Parry's Parry's Partida Paruro Pas Pasado R. Bay R. R. R. I. R. T. Mt. % I. J). Cy T. R. Mts. T. T. C. C. c. So. Po. Gr. I. I. Bay f. Fd. C Malaysia .... Bolivia Mongolia .... Brazil Brazil [Brazil [Brazil Guiana [New S.Wales i Buenos Ay res I Buenos Ay res Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Polynesia Lower Canada. Mantchooria . . South Peru. ... . France New Grenada . Polynesia Italy Italy Thibet Brazil Persia Asiatic Russia. Mexico Brit. America . Brit. America . Scoresby's Ld.. Upper Canada . Brit. America . Polynesia Polynesia . ... Polynesia Brit. America . N. Pacific Oc. . South Peru.. . . Russia Equador Th Ik Td Ji u Ji Jk Ih Wl II II Ik Ik Ij Ik Ik Vf Hd Td Hj Md Gh Xi Md Md Se Ji Qe Sc Ff Da Ha Ka Gd Fb Vf Bk Wg E b Eg Hj Na Gi Names of Places, Sic. Paso del Norte Passandava . . . Passandava . . . Passanee Passara Passaro Passau Passe Passier Passion Pasto Pastol Patabilca .... Patagonia .... Patalan Patanagoh . . . Patanee Patani Patani JT. Patchacha !R. Patchachinskoi . C. Patchatka >R. T. T. C. T. T. C. T. T. T. Rks T. Bay T. Cty. T. T. T. C. Mexico F e Patch usan . Paternoster Paterson's . . Patience . . . Patixa Patki Patna Patquashaguina. Patrick Po. Patrocinio Patroschilka . . . Patta Patterson's .... I. T. T. Gr. Patton C. Patype Pau Paucartambo . . Paujang Paulista Paumoor Paunch Pavia Pawnee Pawnee Picts. . Pawnees Payan Paylovsk Payta Paysandu Pays del Diablo, Peace Peace River Peacock Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak Peak R. T. T. I. T. T. T. Cy. Vil. Tr. Tr. T. T. T. T. Dis. R. Ho. His. I. I. Ch Bay R. Mts. Madagascar . . . Madagascar. . . Beloochistan . . Borneo Sicily Bavaria Sumatra Borneo N. Pacific Oc. . New Grenada . North America Peru South America Java Birmah .. Africa .... Malaya Malaya Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . Eastern Sea. . . Malaysia Australasia.. . . Seghalien Brazil Java Hindoostan . . . Upper Canada . Scotland Polynesia Asiatic Russia. Melinda Polynesia New S. Wales . Brazil France Bolivia ....... Malaysia jT h Brazil J k Pj Qf Th Ne Md Sh Ti Eg Gh Bb Gj II in Ti Sg Nk Sh Sh Xb Xb Xb Uf Ti X m Vd Jj Ti Rf Gd Lc Xf Sc Oi Xh VI Jj Ld Hj Hindoostan . . Hindoostan . . Lombardy . . . Missouri Ter. jMexico Missouri Ter. , Mongolia Russia Peru Uruguay .... Buenos Ayres . Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . Canary Isles . . Kurile Islands. Japan Upper Canada . Upper Canada . Azanaga Qe Md Fd Fe Fd Se Oc Gi LI II Ec Ec Eb Kf Wd Vd Gd Gd Lf ! CONSULTING INDEX. bL NlSlM of FlacM, kc Peak Peaked Peard Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearotuah Pechou Pedder's Pederence Pederneiras .... Pedir Pedras Pedras Pedro Pedro Peebles Peedur Kusser. . Peel Peel Peel Peel Peel's Peel's Pegbina Pegue Pei Ho Peise Peitching Peiviaskanta . . . Peking Pela Pelby Pelchue Pelelew Pelew Pelhampore .... Pelican Pelican Pe-ling Peling's Pellew Pelly.. Pelovaia Pelzihi Pemba Pemba Pemba Pemba Pembina Pembina Pembroke Pembroke Pembroke Pena de los Picos Penan tipode .... Penas Penda Pendulum.. .. . . Penetangushene Pengina Mts. HI. Bay I. Is. Rf. I. R. Is. T. T. T. Pt. Ft. C. Shs. I. T. T. R. R. T. I. In. T. S/ T. T. T. Cy. Sta. Ft. T. I. Is. T. Pt L. Mts. I. Pt. L. R. R. Oty Pr". I. T. Bet R. T. C. C. I. I. C. T. Is. T. R. Brit. America . New S. Wales . North America Polynesia Caribbean Sea. N. Pacific Oc. . Polynesia Thibet Polynesia France Brazil Sumatra Loango Angola Arabia Caribbean Sea. Falkland Is.. . . Beloochistan.. . New S.Wales . Brit. America . New S. Wales . New Holland . . Polynesia Patagonia Asiatic Russia. Binnah China Russia Corea Norway China Africa Brit. America . Chili Polynesia Polynesia Hindoostan . . . Africa Brit. America . Thibet Malaysia North America Brit. America . Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Africa Congo Indian Ocean .. Congo Wisconsin Ter. Wisconsin Ter. Wales Brit. America . Falkland Is.. . . Polynesia Australasia . . . Spain Russia Scoresby's Ld. Upper Canada . Asiatic Russia. Dc Wk Ba Ci G Af Bk Se Xh Ld Ii Sh Mi Ni Pg «g In Qf Tl Db Tl Tl Vf Hn Tc Sg Te Ob Ud Nb Te Nk Fc HI Uh Uh Qf Mk Fc Se Ui Cb Fb Rb Rd Nj Ni Oi Ni Fd Fd Lc Gb In Ve Xm Ld Ob Ka Gd Wbi Nimn of Placet, &c Clan. G. Pt. T. Sea Col. St Bay Penginskoe . Penguin .... Peniche .... Penjinsk .... Pennsylvan . . Pennsylvania Penobscot . . . Penrhyn lis, Penrhyn C. Pensacola Cy, Pentecost C. Pentland Fr. Penza 37.:Pr. Penza Cy Peoria Pepin .... Pera T. L. |T. Pera Head C. Peras Percival Perdido , Perecop , Peregrine Perguicas Pergvolak Perim Perigueux Perlovskoie Perme 12. Perme Pernagua Pernagua Pernaiba. ...... Pernambuco Pernambuco. . . . Peron Peros Banhos . . . Is. C. Bay Cy. Pt. Bay L. I. Cy. T. Pr. T. T. L. T. Cy. Pr. Mt I. Perouse Str. C. Cy. Fd. Rns Cty. G. ('y- T. Rep I. T. I. T. Vil L. «')•■ C. Perpetua Perpignan . . . Pers Persepolis Persia Persian Perth Perth Peru Peru Peru Pescadores . . . Pescara Pcschan Pesenmagnisa Peshawur .... Pest Pestelcina .... Petasaras Petchelee Petchora Petchora Petersburg Asiatic Russia. Coronation Is. . Portugal Asiatic Russia. Liberia United States. . Maine Polynesia Brit. America . Florida Ter.. . . Russia Scotland Russia Russia Illinois Wisconsin Ter. Malaya New S. Wales . Brazil Falkland Is.... Florida Ter.... Russia Brit. America . Brazil North America Red Sea France Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil New Holland. , Indian Ocean., Japan , Oregon Ter... , France Russia Persia Asia Asia Scotland New Holland. . South America Polynesia Indiana Polynesia Naples . . North America Patagonia .... Cabul Austria Asiatic Russia. Polynesia China Russia Russia Wb Io Le Wc Lh Gd Hd Bi Gb Ge Ob Lc Oc Oc Gd Fd Sh Vj Ji Hn Gd Od Gh Ji Be Og M d Tb Pc Pc Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji Tk Qi Vd Dd Mc Oa Pf Pe Pf Lc Tl Hi Vf Gd Xg M d Ab Hm Qc Nd Tb Vg Te Nc Pb Virginia |G e 82 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c. Peter First . Petic Petite Terre Petorca .... Petoroa Petotlan . . . Petovvack . . Perseus. . . . Petoune Hotun |Cy Petrikau T. Petriu T. Petro Baulosskaia. T. Petrozavodsk . . Cy Petropaulovskoie T. Petropaulovskoie T. Petrovsk T. Petrovsk Petrovsk Peym Peza Philadelphia .... Philadelphia .... Philip Broke . . . Philippopolis . . . Phillip Phillip Phillipine Phillipolis Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillipstadt Phipps Phoenix Phugen Phuyen Piacina Piacinskoie Pialitza Piatnitskoie .... Piauhi Piauhi Piavo Picada Pichai Pichano Pickaninny Bas, sam Pickersgill Pico Picombas Picos Pictou Pictured Piekougamis . . , Pielis Pielis , Pierre au Calumet Pigeon . . • Pih-kwan . Pijin T. T. T. R. Cy. I. c. T. I. Po. Is. Sta. I. I. Bay T. C. I. T. T. R. L. T. T. Pr. R. L. T. T. T. I. :S. Pacific Oc T. JMexico I. | West Indies . . T. Chili Vol. Buenos Ayres T. Mexico Brit. America . Atlantic Ocean Mantchooria . . Poland Siam Asiatic Russia. Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia ....... Russia Russia Little Bucharia Russia Pennsylvania. . N. Pacific Oc. . Shannon Is. . . . Turkey Australasia . . . New S.Wales . Malaysia Africa Polynesia .... Polynesia Brit. America . Sweden North America Polynesia Cochin China . Cochin China . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . Russia Asiatic Russia. Brazil Brazil Russia Brazil Siam Buenos Ayres . T. I. I. R. Pt. T. Rks R. T. L. Ho. I. Har T Guinea Isle of Georgia Azores Brazil Peru Nova Scotia. . , Michigan Lower Canada, Russia Russia Brit. America , Polynesia China Mantchooria . Fo Ef Hg HI HI Fg Ha Kd Ud Nc S? Pc Ob Sc Wc Od Pc Oc Rd Pb Gd Af Ka Nd XI VI Ug Nk Vh Cj Cb Mc Cc Ai Tg Tg Sa- Sb Ob Sc Ji Ji Ob Jj Sg Hk Lh Jn Ke Ij Gi Hd Gd Hd Ob Ob Fc Vf Uf Ud Names of Places, &c. Pike Pike Pike Pike's Pike's IPk. Pilar Pilaya .... Pilcomayo Pilcomayo ! Pilemetz .. '< Pilgrim... Pillan's ... Pillar Pillar Pillau .\ . . Piloutai . . . Pilsen Pina Pinare .... Pinchabos. T. T. 11. R. T. I. C. C. V. T. T. T. I. R. T. Pinches I. Pt. R. T. R. I. I. I. Brit. America Brit. America , Brit. Ameriea S. Pacific Oc.. Missouri Ter. Brazil Pine Pine Pinega .... Pinega .... Pine's .... Pine's Piney Ping-hai IT. Ping-leang Cy. Ping-lo Cy. Pingloso Cy. Ping-ting . Ping-tou .. Ping-yuen Pinnacle ... Pino Pinsk .... Pinyang . . Pinzon's . . Pipestone . Pipley Piramides. Piranhas .. Pirate Piretibbi .. Pirtan Pirtchina . Pis Pisa Pisagua . . Pisania . . • Pisco Pisgah . . • Pisiluk . . . Pissou Pit....... Pitangui .. Pitcairn's . Pitchen . . . Pitea Cy. Cy. Cy. I. T. T. Cy- Bay R. T. R. R. Is. L. R. T. I. Cy. T. T. T. Is. T. R. R. T. I. R. T. Position. Fc Dc Dc Ek Ed Ij Bolivia Hk Bolivia Buenos Ayres . Russia S. Pacific Oc... Scoresby's Ld. . Patagonia V. Diemen'sLd, Prussia Mongolia Austria Africa Brazil Peru Equador Brit. America . Wisconsin Ter, Russia Russia Australasia Cuba Australasia Corea China China China China China China North America Mexico Russia China Brazil Brit. America . Hindoostan . . . Mexico Brazil Tonquin Lower Canada. Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Tuscany South Peru .... Senegambia . . . Peru ... Southern Ocean Siam Liberia Asiatic Russia Brazil Polynesia .... Mantchooria . Sweden Hk Hk Pb Fk Kb Hn Vm Nc Td M d Mj Ii Hi Gi Fd Ob Ob Xk Gf Ui Ue Te Tf Te Te Ue Tf Ab E e Nc Te lh Fc Rf Ee Ji Tf He Uc Rb Wg Md Hj Lg Gj Ho Sg Lh Sc Jj Dk Vc Nb CONSULTING INDEX. 83 Nun of Flao*, kc CU*. Pitea Pitt Pitt Pitt Pitt Pittarski Pitt's Pitt's Pittsburg Piura Plaatberg Placentia Placentia Placentia Placentia Plakina Plantain Plants Plasket's Plate Platte Platten See Plattsburg Play Green Pleasant Plettenbergs. . . . Ploskie Kosbki . Plotzk Plymouth Po.. Pobideuna Pocantins Pocatka Po-chow Pocrovskoe Pocrovskoi Podcamennaia .. Podolia 46. Podolsk Podor Podpousknoi .. . . Podvolochnavo .. P°ggy Poim Point Point du Galle .. Pointed Heart . . Poison Poitiers Poivre .. . Pola Poland Polangen Polar Policastro Polimska Pollard Polotsk Polomi Polonkir Moren. Polony R. I. I. Bk. R. T. Arc. I. Cy. T. T. T. T. Bay L. T. I. L. I. I. R. L. T. L. I. Bay f. T. R. T. R. R. 8f T. R. Pr. T. Ft. T. T. Is. T. L. T. L. I. T. Is. T. Km. T. Sea T. T. I. T. T. R. R. Sweden Brit. America . Polynesia Indian Ocean . Mexico Asiatic Russia. Oregon Ter. .. . S. Pacific Oc... Pennsylvania. . Peru Africa Newfoundland . Spain Newfoundland. Guatemala .... Asiatic Russia. Senegambia .. . Oregon Ter. . . Polynesia Indian Ocean . Missouri Ter. . Austria New York .... Brit. America . Polynesia Cape Colony . . Russia Poland England Italy. Asiatic Russia. Brazil Asiatic Russia. China Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Senegambia .. . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Malaysia Little Bucharia Brit. America . Ceylon Oregon Ter... . Senegambia. . . France Indian Ocean . Austria Russia Prussia Brit. America . Naples Asiatic Russia. N. Pacific Oc. . Russia Mantchooria . . Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Nb Cb Xh Pi Ed Qb Dc Ho Gd Gi Nk Id Ld Id Gg Tc Lh Ed Xi Pi Fd Nd Hd Fc Xi Nl Pb Nc Lc Md Qc Ii Rb Te Re Ub Sb Nd Oc Re Tc Si Re Eb Rh Ed Kg Md Pi Md Nc Nc Ea Nd Qc Af Nc Vc Sd Qb Nama of Places, tc. Polouyski Polovninaia .... Poltava 48. Poltava Polynesia Pomabamba .... Pomba Pomba Pombo Pomeri Pomeroon Pomona Pona Molubque . Ponce Pondang Pondicherry .... Pond's Pond's Poneviez Pong Pongos Ponijen Ponou Ponta Delgada. . Pontal Ponte de Lima . . Pontevedra .... Pontiac Pontianah Pontianah Pontotoc Poodoga Poogul Poole Poolkee Poolop Poolout Poonah Poonar Poonga Poor Bunder .... Pooree Pooshta Kur Ridge Poo-to Poousong . . . , Popadicskina . Popayan Poplar Popova Pora Porco Porcupine .... Porcupine. . . . Porcupine .... Pore Porecmo Porinta Porkhov Poro Poro Hotun . . Poromuschir . . T. R. Pr. Cy. Div. T. Bay R. ?■ R. I. I. T. I. ?■ In. T. T. R. T. R. T. T. T. T. T. Dis. T. T. T. T. T. T. L I. S y - T. T. T. T. Mts I. R. T. Cy. R. T. I. T. R. R. R. T. I. R. T. T. T. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Oceanica Bolivia , Mozambique . , Mozambique . , Africa Indian Ocean Guiana Scotland Asia i Porto Rico Malaysia .... Hindoostan . . Labrador .... Brit. America Russia Mongolia Senegambia .. Mantchooria . Mantchooria . St. Michael I. Brazil Brazil Spain Michigan Borneo Borneo Mississippi. . . Russia Hindoostan .. England Cabul Polynesia .... Polynesia Hindoostan . . Hindoostan . . Siam Hindoostan . . Hindoostan . . Little Thibet . China Thibet Asiatic Russia New Grenada , Brit America , Asiatic Russia , Malaysia Bolivia , Brit America , Brit. America . Missouri Ter. , New Grenada . Polynesia Asiatic Russia. Russia Mantchooria . . Mantchooria • ■ Kurilc Islands. Qb Ub Od Od Ch Hk Oj Oj N i PI lh Lc Qi Hg Uh Rg lc Ga Nc Sd Lg Ud Uc Kc Ij Ii Ld Gd Th Th Ge Ob Qf Lc Qe Wh Wh Qg Rf Sh Qf Rg R e Ue Se Re Gh Fc Ra Si ? j Fc Gc Ed Hh U Nc Td Td Wc 84 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Place*, &c. Porongos L. Porpoise Pt. Porsanger Fd. Porsken T. Port Po. Portalegre Cy. Portalegre T. Portandick T. Port au Prince . T. PortCasilda.... T. Port Cresson .... T. Port Desire . . . . R. Portillo Pt. Port La Nasca. . T. Portland Is. Portland Cy. Portland Bay Portland Pt. Portland Pt Portland Pt. Portland Can. Portlock's Har Port Longo Port Macquarie . T. Port Mahon .... T. PortNambu.... T. Porto Bello I. Porto Bello Cy. Porto Bucarelli . Vil. Porto Cabello. . . T. Porto Calvo . . . . T. Porto Cordova . . Str. Porto de Alio Nuevo Bay Porto de Casma. T. Porto de Coquim- bo T. Porto del Huasco T. Porto do Moz... T. Porto Grande .. . T. Porto Nipe T. Porto Praya .... Cy. Porto Rico I. Porto Santo .... I. Porto Seguro . . . Cy. Porto Vecchio . . T. Port Rafael . . . . T. Port Royal T. Port San Jago . . I. Portsmouth T. Portsmouth . . . . T. Port Spain T. Portugal Cty. Posen . Cy. Posoi R. Possession I. Possession I. Possession C. Possession Bay Possession Bay Possession |Bay Buenos Ayres . Falkland Is.... Norway Norway Newfoundland. Brazil Brazil Africa Hayti Cuba Liberia Patagonia Cuba South Peru. . . . Iceland Maine New S.Wales . Brit. America . Jamaica V. Diemen's Ld Brit. America . North America New S. Wales . Spain Japan Malaysia New Grenada . Mexico Venezuela Brazil North America Mexico Peru . . . Chili Chili Brazil Brazil Cuba St. Jago West Indies . . Madeira Brazil Corsica Venezuela Martinique.. . Mexico i England N. Hampshire , Trinidad Europe , Prussia China Africa Indian Ocean .. South Shetland Brit America . Isle of Georgia Patagonia . . . . I HI In Na Nb Id Ik Jj Kg Hg Gf Lh Hm Hg Gj Kb Hd VI Gc Gg Vm Dc Cc Wl Ld Ve Ti Gh Ee Hg J » Dc Ef Gi Hk Hk Ii Ii Gf Kg Hg Ke Jj M d Hh Hg Fg Lc Hd Hg Le Nc Tf Nk Pm Ho Ga Jn Hn Names of Placet, &c. Possession Post Potapovskaya. . . Potosi Potosi Potosi Potschinsk Potsdam Pottawatomies . . Potter's Poty Pouca Poughkeepsie.. . Poulisdus Pouljon Pour Pourhatou Pousoulan Poustaia Poustarctsk .... Poustgen Pouta Oula Poverty Povienetz Povolgski Povrovska Powder Powell's Poxina Poyang Hou .... Prada Prades Prague Prairie du Chien Praleika Praslin Praslin Pratas Praya das Pedras Praya das Neves Predpriati Pregnogorska . . . Preparis Presburg Pres.de Carizal.. Presnovska Presque Presto Preston Priaman Pribuiloff Prilooki Primeau Prince Edward . Prince Edward . Prince George .. Prince Leopold's jls. Prince of Wales jls. Prince of Wales I. Prince of Wales Arc. Prince of Wales C. Mt. T. T. Dep Cy. T. T. Cy. Tr. I. T. L. T. Is. T. R. T. R. R. T. T. T. Bay T. T. T. R. Gr T. L. T. T. Cy T. T. I. Pt. I. C. C. I. T. I. C* Ft. T. I. R. a T. Is. T. L I. I. R. Brit. America . Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. Bolivia Bolivia » Missouri Russia Prussia Wisconsin Ter. Southern Ocean Asiatic Russia Thibet New York . . . Asia Mantchooria . Asiatic Russia Mantchooria . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Russia Mantchooria . New Zealand. Russia Russia Asiatic Russia Oregon Ter... Southern Ocean Brazil . China . Brazil . France Austria Wisconsin Ter. Russia Indian Ocean.. New Georgia. • Eastern Sea .. . Africa Africa Polynesia Asiatic Russia. Bay of Bengal. Austria Mexico Asiatic Russia. Michigan Brazil New Holland. . Sumatra North America Russia Brit. America . Indian Ocean.. North America Brit. America . Brit. America . New S. Wales . St. of Malacca. North America Ga Ud Tc Hk Hj Fe Pb Mc Fd Kn Od Re Hd Qh Ud Rb Ud Ub Wb Wb Pb Ud XI Ob Oc Qc Ec Io Jj Tf Jj Md Mc Fd Od Pi Wi Tf Mj Mj Cj Qc Sg Nd Ee Qc Gd Jj Tk Si Ac Oc Ec Om Hd Fb Fa Vj Sh Dc North America JA b CONSULTING INDEX. 86 i of Place*, *c Prince of Wales' Foreland C. |N. Caledonia Prince Regent's. 'Bay Brit America Prince Regent's. In. Brit America R. I. I. Sh. Bay Prince Regent's Prince's Prince's Prince's Princess Augusta Princess Char- lotte's Princess Char lotte's Princess of Wales Princess Royal Prince William's Prince William's Prince William's Pr. Wm. Henry's Principe Regente Pripri Prisrend Pristina Probaschenija . Procoueivskaya Prome Propria Proskuroy Prostoy Prouzana Providence .... Providence .... Providence .... Providence .... Providence .... Providence .... Providence .... Providence Wreck Providentia Prune Prussia Pruth Prypetz Pskov 20. Pskov Psyche Ptolemeita Puachun Pudiva Puelches Puerco Puesortok Puget Puget's Pulicat Pulmerola Pulo Anna Pulo Baniack . . . Pulo Binting ... Pulo Bouton .... Pulo Brala 8 New Holland Africa Malaysia .... Southern Ocean Indian Ocean.. New S.Wales . Xk Ha Fa Uj Mh Ti Kn 01 b. Ld I. So. I. T. T. T. T. C. T. T. T. T. I. T. I. I. Cy. C. Ch. Rks L. R. Pr. Cy. I. T. T. I. Tr. R. C. C. So. T. I. I. I. I. I. 1. Names or Placet, tc. Mon Brit America Is. Polynesia .... j Oregon Ter. . jBrit America iPolynesia ... (North America Polynesia Brazil Siam Turkey Turkey , Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Hi r mah Brazil Russia Russia Russia Australasia . . Malaysia .... Rhode Island. Brit America Bahamas .... Indian Ocean.. Brit America . Rk. j Eastern Sea. . . Sh. Australasia .... I. {Madagascar... Km. Europe T. Russia Russia Russia Russia Persian Gulf . . Barca Chili Australasia... . Patagonia Mexico Greenland .... North America Oregon Ter . . . Hindoostan . . . Naples Polynesia Malaysia Malaysia Str. of Malacca Malayan Sea Vj Ga Cj Dc Ca Aj Cb J 1 Sf Nd Nd Ta Tc Sg Ji Nd Pb Nc Vi Uh Hd Ec Gf Pi Eb Uf Vj Pj Nc Nd Nc Nc Nc Pf Ne HI Xk Hm Fe Jb Cc Dd Rg Md Uh Sh Sh Sh Th Pulo Brasse Pulo Camba Pulo Capas Pulo Caro Pulo Condore . . Pulo Laut Pulo Lingin .. . Pulo Lozin .... Pulo Mankap .. Pulo Mariere . . Pulo Mintaon.. Pulo Nyas .... Pulo Ouro .... Pulo Panjang.. Pulo Pinang. . . Pulo Rondo . . . Pulo Sapata . . . Pulo Taya Pulo Timon .. . PuloUbi Pulo Ubi, False Pulo Way .... Puna Punilla Punjaub Punjgoor Puno Puno Punta de Toro ■ Puolango Purcell Purdie's Purdy's Pureg Purgatory Purificaocao . . . Purneak Puru Purus Putten Puttusk Putu Mayo.. .. Putzig Puula Puzulatka Pyhajocki Pyhea PylstaarU Pyramid Pyrenees Pyrcneos Pytkova Quadra Qualan Quallah Battoo Qualo Qualocn Quangtang. . . . Quarken Quarrellers .... I. I. I. I. Is. I. I. I. Rk. T. Dis, T. Malaysia Malaysia Malayan Sea . . Gulf of Siam . Malayan Sea . . Malaysia Malaysia ... . Malayan Sea . . Malaysia Polynesia Malaysia Malaysia ..... Asia Malaysia Str. of Malacca Malaysia Malayan Sea . . China Sea .... Malayan Sea . . Gulf of Siam.. Gulf of Siam.. Malaysia Equador Chili Hindoostan . . . Beloochistan.. . Dep South Peru pt T. Bay Is. I. T. Bay T. T. I. R. T. T. R. T. L. Har T. T. I. Rk. Mts. Mts. Mt I. I. T. T. I. T. I. |Tr. South Peru Chili Russia Brit America . New Holland . . Australasia.. . . Beloochistan . . Patagonia Uruguay Hindoostan . . . Russia Brazil Hindoostan . . . Poland Equador Russia Russia Russia Russia New Zealand. . Polynesia V. Diemcn'sLd Europe Smith America Russia Oregon Ter. . . Polynesia .... Sumatra Sencgambia* » Norway Birmah Sweden Brit America Sh Ui Sh Sh Th Ti Si Sh Ti Uh Si Sh Rh Sh Sh Sh Th Tg Sh Sh Sh Sh Gi HI Qe Qf Hj Hj HI Nb Fa Ul Vi Pf Gm II Rf Nb Hi Qf Nc Hi Nc Nb Ob Nb XI Ak Vm M d Hj Pb Dd Wh Sh nI Sf Nb Db 86 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, tc. Quebec Quechucabi .... Queda Quedal Queen Adelaide's Queen Adelaide's Range Queen Anne's . . QueenCharlotte's Queen Charlotte's Queen Charlotte's QueenCharlotte's Queen's Quei-ling Quelpaert ..'.... Queretaro Queretaro Querimba Querimba Quesnell's Quibaxe Quibdo Quibo Quickjock Quickmee Quilca Quiliman Qui Hi innno Quillota Quiloa Quiloa Quilon Quimbumby .... Quimper '. Quina Quincey Quindonga Quingemba .... Quinhon Quintao Qui Parle Quipungo Quirpon Quisimafugo . . . Quissama Quiteve Quito Quitta Quizungo Quoin Quorra Quorri Raab Rabac Rabat Rabba Racca Raccoon Race Rachov . . . ClM. Cy. Vol. T. Pt. Arc. Mts. C. Arc. I. So. So. C. Cy. I. St. Cy. Cty. Is. R. T. T. I. T. T. T. R. T. T. Cty. T. Sta. T. T. T. T. I. T. T. T. L. T. I. j% Pr. T. Cy. T. R. I. R. T. T. T. Cy. T. T. Fk. IC. T. Lower Canada. Patagonia .... Malaya Chili... Patagonia Brit. America . Greenland Australasia . . . Oregon Ter. . . . New Zealand. . Oregon Ter. . . Brit. America . China Corea Mexico Mexico Africa Mozambique . . Oregon Ter. . . . Matemba New Grenada . New Grenada . Sweden Birmah South Peru. . . . Chili Mozambique . . Chili Africa ........ Quiloa Hindoostan . . . Africa France Congo Illinois Matemba Congo Cochin China . Brazil Wisconsin Ter. Africa Newfoundland . Africa Benguela Mozambique . . Equador Dahomey Mozambique . . Bay of Bengal . Africa Soudan Hd Hm Sh Hm Hn Fb lb Xj Dc Xm Dc Gb Tf Ue Ff Ff Oj Oj Dc Nj Gh Gh Nb Hj HI Oj HI Oj Oi Rh Nj Ld Ni Fe Ni Ni Tg Ii Fd Nj Ic Oi Mi Oj Gi Mh Oj Sh Mg Mg Austria N d Arabia ..Of Morocco L e Soudan Mh Asiatic Turkey O e Wisconsin Ter. F d Newfoundland. I d Poland N c Names of Places, Sc. Racuach Radack Chain . . Radama Radama Radmanso Radoe Radom Radstock Raffles Raft Rages Ragusa Raiatea Rainy Rainy Lake Raivaivai Rajamundry Rajemal ..... . Rajour Rajpoor Rajpootana Rakkeriak Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh's Ralick Chain . . . Ralmanow Ramalt Ramas Rameda Ramgur Ramier Ramleah Rampoora Ramree Ranai Rancador Rancagua Ranea Rangamatty Class. T. Is. Is. Mts. I. I. T. Bay Po. R. T. Cy. I. L. Dis. I. T. T. T. T. Pr. C. Cy. Mt. Pk. Is. C. T. C. C. T. I. Mt. T. I. I. I. T. T. T. Rangazvak T Pangheehoo .. Rangoon Ranier Rankin's Raoul Raoutan Rapa Rapalovskoe . . Rappen Raratoa Rarotogna . . . Ras al Gat . . . Rasat Ras Asooad . . Ras Awatli. . . Ras Banna. . . Ras el Ain . . . Ras el Jidid . . Ras Gilla .... Ras Goree . . . T. I. Mt. In. I. Bay I. T. L. I. I. C. C. C. C. C. T. C. C. T. Mexico Polynesia Madagascar . . . Madagascar. . . Sweden Norway ...... Poland Brit. America . New Holland . . Brit. America . Bolivia Austria. Polynesia North America Brit. America . Polynesia Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Brit. America . North Carolina Brit. America . Guiana Polynesia Segh alien Arabia Hindoostan . . . Barca Hindoostan . . . West Indies .. . Arabia Hindoostan . . . Birmah Sandwich Is. . . Caribbean Sea . Chili Sweden Hindoostan . . . Madagascar . . . New Zealand. . Birmah Oregon Ter. . . Brit. America . Polynesia Asiatic Russia. Polynesia. Asiatic Russia. Sweden Polynesia Polynesia Arabia Barcal Africa Ajan Africa Asiatic Turkey Nubia Arabia Africa Ee Xh Pj Pj Nc M b Nc Fa Uj Gc Hj Nd Bj Fd Fd Ck Rg Rf Qe Qg Qf Hb d Hb Hh Xh Vc Pf Qg N Rf Hj Of Rf Sg Bf «g HI Nb Sf Pk XI Sg Dd Fb Ak Xb Ck Qb Nb Bk Bj Qf Ne Ph Ph Pg Oe Of Pf Pg CONSULTING INDEX. 87 Ntnaof Placet, fee c c. c. c. c. T. C. C. C. II. L I. T. Cy. a i. T. n. Ras Hafoon . . . Ras Jillah . — . Ras Mabber . . . Ras Machereeb Ras Mucliaat. . Ras Reccan . . . Rassypour .... Ras Tanhora . . RasUlKhyle.. Ras Umbca . . . Rat Ratchin Sopa . . Rathbone Ratibor Ratisbon Raudaness .... Raukoke. ..... Raumo Ravee Raven Ravenna Rawa Rawa ........ Rawan Hrad . . Ray Raya Raynpore Razatin Raznchina .... Re Real Realejo Reaper Rearson Rebnesoe , Recherche {of the^jArc. Recif C. Recreation I. Sea Mts !r. ^ Fk. Fk. L. L. Pt R. Red Red Red , Red Red Red , Red Red Red Red Deer . . Red Head !C. Red Knife 'r. Red Lake Irlo. Rcdondo ,IL Mt. T. Dis. L. His. I. T. T. I. Rcdondo Redoutkale . . Red River.. . Red Rock... Red Sand . , . Refun Regan .. ftegisto Regncvadsoe Africa Arabia Ajan Arabia Arabia Arabia Tartary Arabia ...... Ajan Africa Oregon Ter. . Thibet Scoresby's Ld. Prussia Bavaria Iceland Kurile Islands Russia ...... Hindoostan . . Polynesia .... Italy Austria Poland Thibet Newfoundland Java Hindoostan . . Barca Asiatic Russia France , Brazil Guatemala Polynesia Polynesia Norway Australasia Cape Colony . , Polynesia Africa Madagascar .. . United States. . Wisconsin Ter. Texas Missouri Ter. . Wisconsin Ter. Brit. America . New Holland .. Brit. America . Greenland Brit. America . Brit America . Gallapagos Patagonia .... Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Brit America . Brava 'Japan Cabul Brazil Norway < Pf Ph Pf Pf Pf Pe Pf Ph Pg Ed Re Ka Nc M d Kb Wd Nb Qe Wh Md N« Nc Re d Ti Rf Ne Xb Ld Gg Bi Bj Na Ul Nl Cj 2? £ J Fe Fd Fe Fd Fd Fe Tk Ee la Db Fc Eh Hm Od Fd |Eb 'Oh iVd Qf Ii Na Names of Placet, fcc R. Bay C. T. I. Is. Ld. Ft Reid Reid Reikianoes Reikiaviig Rein Deer . Rein Deer . Rein Deer. Reliance . . Remedios jT. Rennell Mt Rennell |C. Rennell's L Rennell's So. Rennes T. Republican Fk. Repulse Bay Repulse Bay Requena . . Rerooa Resafa Resele Reshd Resolution , Resolution .... Resolution ..... Resolution .... Retimo Retino Rettenbenk .... Reunion Revel 18 Revel |( Revilla Revillagigcdo Revillagigedo Revj Rewah . Rey Rliio Rhode Island Rhodes I . Rhone R. Rhybinsk |T. Rhylsk T. Riaha |T. Riatsk |T. Riazane 35. Pr. Riazane ;Cy Ribe (T. Ribnoe ........ jT. Rica de Oro I. Rica de Plata. ..I. Ricarces iTr. Riccboro T. Oregon Ter.. . Brit. America Iceland Iceland Spitsbergen . . Brit America Spitsbergen . . Brit. America New Grenada Brit America Brit. America Australasia . . . Oregon Ter. . France L d Missouri Ter. . F d Brit America . G b Ed, Hd Kb Kb Na Eb M a Eb Hh Db Fa Wj Dc New S. Wales . Spain Polynesia Syria Sweden Persia Polynesia Brit America . Australasia .... Brit America • Candia New Grenada.. Dis. Greenland I. Pr ?: Is. I. T. T. I. S. St. Vk Le Cj Oe Nb Pe Cj Hb Wm E b Ne Gh la Indian Ocean . jP k Russia 'Nc Russia IN < Mexico Ff N. Pacific Oc. . E g North America D c Rice Trevor's. Richards' . . . , Richards' Richardson . . . Richardson's ■ Riche Richmond I. Bay I. Ch. Bay C Cy. Russia Hindoostan . . New Grenada Malaysia .... United States. Mcditcrran. Sea France Russia Russia Mongolia ..... Russia Russia Russia Denmark Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Polynesia Missouri Ter. . Georgia Patagonia Brit America . Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit America . New Guinea Oc Rf Gh Sh Hd Ne Md Oc Oc Td Oc Oc Oc Mc Sa Xf Xe Fd Ge Hn Gb Db Cb Eb Vi Virginia G e CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c. Richmond Richmond Ricovskaya Ridang Rider Rietohitza Riezitzi Riga Riga Rigby Ril Riley Rimatara Rimba Rimini Rimnik Hindi; Rinkioping Rio Rio Colorado . . . Rio de la Hacha Rio de la Plata. Rio Grande Rio Grande do Norte , Rio Grande do Sul Rioja Rioja de la Nueva Rio Janeiro . . , Rio Janeiro . . , Rio Magdalena Rio Negro . . . . Rio Negro Rio Negro .... Rio Negro Riou , Riou's Riparoonee ... Ripon Rivers Rivoli Rizeh R. McLeod's . Roanoke Robello Roberts' Roberts' Robertson .... Robinson .... Robson's Rocailleux . . . Roccas Rochcfort .... Rochester .... Rochookoko . . Rock Rock Rock Rockingham . Rocky Rocky Position. G. T. T. Is. T. T. T. Cy. G. Bay Cy. c. i. Pr. T. C. Is. T. I. R. T. R. T. Pr. Pr. Pr. £ y - Pr. Cy. R. T. R. R. R. Po. I. R. I. C. Bay T. Bay R. T. I. Rks C. Mt. Rf. C. I. £ y - T. I. R. I. Ho. Bay L I. Brit. America . New S. Wales . Asiatic Russia. Malayan Sea . . Arabia Russia Russia Russia Russia Brit. America . Darfur Brit. America . Polynesia Benguela Italy.. Seghalien Russia Denmark Japan Mexico New Grenada . South America Mexico Brazil Brazil Buenos Ayres . Buenos Ayres . Brazil Brazil New Grenada . Brazil Brazil Buenos Ayres . New Grenada . . North America Polynesia Guinea Brit. America . Celebes New S. Wales . Asiatic Turkey Brit. America . North Carolina Brazil South Shetland Polynesia Brit. America . Brit. America . Southern Ocean Asiatic Russia Venezuela .... France New York) . . . Eastern Sea. . Illinois Oregon Ter. . Brit. America New S.Wales I Brit. America (Polynesia ... Gc Wl Tc Sh Pg Oc Nc Nc Nc Fa Ng Fa Bk Mj Md Vc Ob Mc Vd Ee ff Ff Ji Ik Hk Hk Jj J k Hg Hi Hi HI Hh Cc Ci Ih Fb Uh VI Od Eb Ge Jk Io Ci Ha Cb Ml Wa Hg Ld Gd Uf Fd Dc Fc V Gc Xj Names of Places, &c. Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain Indians Rodbar Rodda Rode Rodney Rodney Rodney Roebuck Roe Buck Roes Roguaguado. . . . Rokelle Rokol Rokol Roma Romaguas Romaine Roman Romandos Romanov Romans RomanzofF Romanzoff Romanzoff Romanzoff Romanzov Romberg Rome Rome Romeiros dos Castilhanos . . . Romel Romelia Romen Romsdal Romsdal Rona Ronda Ronde Ronehamn Rono-sima Rooapooa Roostam Roper Rornov Rorstad Rosa Rosaretta Rosas Roscoe Rose , Rose Class. I. Bay Ls. Shs. Pt. Mts. Ho. Ho. Tr. T. T. Fd. T. C. C. Bay Ld. R. L. R. Bk. Rk. I. T. C. T. T. T. C. C. C. I. Mt Po. C. d*. T. I. Po. Pr. T. T. Ih. I. T. I. T. I. R. T. C. T. T. 1't. Sh. T. R. I. I. Malaysia Labrador Brit. America . Malaysia New Zealand. . North America Brit. America Brit. America Brit. America Cabul Arabia Iceland Mississippi. . . . North America New Guinea . . New Holland. . Spitsbergen . . . New Holland. . Peru Senegambia. . . Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Malaysia Peru South Carolina Turkey Bolivia Russia Florida Japan North America Polynesia North America Mexico ....... Mantchooria . . Italy New York Indian Ocean.. Greenland .... Turkey Russia Norway Norway Scotland Spain Indian Ocean.. Gothland Eastern Sea .. . Africa Tartary Brit. America . Russia Norway Buenos Ayres . Australasia .... Spain Brit America . Polynesia North America Ug Ic Eb Ti Xm Ec Dc Ec Dc Qe Pg Kb Fe Ab Vj Uj M a Uj Hj Lh Lc Lc Ul Hj Ge Nd Ij Oc Gf Vd Ab Cj Cb Ee Vc Md Gd Qk lb Nd Oc M b Mb Lc Ld Pj Nc Uf 2* Pe Ha Nc Mb Hm XI Md Db Aj Cc CONSULTING INDEX. 89 Names of Places, *c Roseau Roseneath Rosetta Rosier Roslavle Ross Ross Rossel Rossel's Rossicna Rossocba Rost Rostak Rostock Rostov Rosvig Rottee Rotterdam .... Rotumah Rouen Rouge Roum |Pr. T. In. Cy. C. T. Bay Pt I. Bk. T. R. I. Cy. .T. T. I. I. Cy. A. ,Cy. ,C. Dominica I. . . . Hg Scoresby's Ld.. K a Egypt O c Lower Canada. iH d Russia iOc Brit. America . G a Brit. America . E a Australasia . . . W j Bay of Bengal. 'S g Russia JW b Asiatic Russia. N c Loffoden Isles . JM b Arabia Pf Mecklenburg ...!Mc Round Round Round Hill Rouni Rovaniemi Rovlsoe Rovno Rowley's Roxburg ....... Roxo Roxo .......... Royal Royal Royal Royal Royal Company's Royale Ruao Ruatan Ruengas Rufus Rugen Rugcnwalde .... Rum Rum Rum Rumby Rum Key Runaway Rungpore Running Water . Ruovesr Rupande Rupert ... Rupert River . . . Rupert River . . . Rupert's Rurutu Russia I I. 1. T I. T. Shs. I. 0. c. Pa I'o. B*j So. I. I. I. I. 'IV. EL I. T. I. R. L. Mt Is. C. T. H. T. Cty. R. Dis. Ho. >Cr. I. Cty. Russia Norway . . Malaysia Holland . , Polynesia France ]M d Arabia Qf Asiatic Turkey O c Oc Mb Uj Mc Xj Polynesia Cape Verd Is, Labrador I c Xj Kg Wd Nb Na Nc Tj Bk Ff Kg G g Ge Jn Qm Vn Gd fvurile Islands. Russia Norway Russia Australasia .... Polynesia Mexico Senegambia .. . Jamaica South Carolina . Isle of Georgia Indian Ocean . Southern Ocean Wisconsin Ter. Polynesia JW g Guatemala .....Gg Africa O i New S. Wales . |V 1 Baltic Sea . . . Prussia Scotland Wisconsin . . . Brit. America Africa Bahamas .... New Zealand. Hindoostan . . Missouri Ter. Russia Africa Brit. America Brit. America Brit. America Brit America Polynesia. . . . Europe Mo Nc Lc Fd Eb Mh Gf XI Rf Fd Nb Nk Gc He Gc Fc Bk Oc Namea of Places, 4c Russian ........ Russian Russian Lapland Rutland Rutlaum Rutschuck Ruthampore Rutui Ryk Yse Saade Saatz Saba Sabannou Pt Cli*. C. Ter Pr. Is. T. T. T. L I. T. T. I. Sabanqui .... Sahara Sabart Sabi Sabia ICty, Sabia R. Sabine C. Sabine Is. Sabine R. Sabine Pt Sabine's Sabinez T. Sackett's Har. Sackwa Sacramento . . Sacramento . . Sacs Sadadoo Saddle Saddle Saddle Sado Sadras Saeglek Safe Saffee Safsen Sagan Sagarawida . . Saginaw Saginaw Sagis Saguenay Sahara Japan North America Russia Bay of Bengal. Hindoostan Turkey JN d Hindoostan . . . It f Polynesia C k Spitsbergen . . . N Sabia Sable Sable Sable Sable Sable Saboon .... Sabounsky . Sabrao Sacahuchen Sacality [R. Sachanine Is. Sacharna |T. T. T. T. R. Tr. T. I. I. Pt I. T. Bay Har T. T. T. Bay T. Bay R. R. Dcs. Ve Bb Ob Sg Rf Arabia O g Austria'. M c Hg Th Fg West Indies Borneo .... Mexico Brazil J j Tripoli Me Azanaga JL f Africa O k Mozambique . . jO k North America iB b Greenland . . . . jH a Louisiana . . . . .|F f Brit. America . C b Brit America . Mexico Persia Nova Scotia. . . Nova Scotia .. . Florida Asiatic Russia. Tartary Africa |Ng Asiatic Russia. R b Malaysia ... . U i Mexico F g Madagascar. . . 'O k Nova Zembla. . Asiatic Russia. New York .... Soudan Uruguay .... Mexico Wisconsin Ter. Senegambia .. . Malaysia Malayan Sea . . Spitsbergen . . . Japan Hindoostan . . . Labrador Spitsbergen . . , Morocco Sweden Prussia Java Michigan Michigan Tartary Lower Canada. Africa Ea Ee Pe Hd Hd Gf Xb Pd Pb Pd Gd Mg II Ee Fd Lg Uh Th M a Ve Rg He Ma Le M b Nc Ti Gd Gd Pd Hd Lf 8» Bf 90 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Races, fcc Sahul Said Saidabad Sailor's Horn . . . Saima St Aignan St Alessandro . . St Amaro St Amaro St Ambrosio . . . St Andreia .... St Andrew St. Andrew's . . . St. Andrew's . . . St. Andrew's . . . St. Andrew's . . . St. Angelo St. Anisia St Ann St. Anna St Anna St Anna. St. Anna. .' St. Anna St. Anne St. Anne's St. Anthony .... St. Anthony .... St Antico St. Antoine St. Antonio St. Antonio St Antonio St. Antonio.. . . . St Antonio St. Antonio Javita St. Augustin. . . . St. Augustin .... St Augustine. . . St Augustine., . C St. Augustine . . . 'R, St. Augustine's . jBay St Barbara IT. C. I. I. I. Po. I. I. R. T. C. Rks T. Cy. Class. Malaysia U j Syria O e Great Bucharia Q e T. C. L. T. T. T. T. I. T. Bay C. Falls I. T. C. C. I. Po. His, T. C. I. Cy. St. Barbara. . . . , St Barnabe .... St Birtholomea. St. Bartholomew St Bartolome , . , St. Bartolomeo ,< St. Benedieto . . . St. Benito St. Bernardo. . . . St. Bias St. Brandon .... St. Brieux St Carlos St Carlos de Ja- cuhy T. St Catharine ... ,1. St Catharine . . . JPo St. Catherine . . . ,C. Denmark Russia Australasia Polynesia Brazil Brazil S. Pacific Oc. . . Asiatic Russia. Madagascar .. . N. Brunswick , Caribbean Sea. Polynesia Florida Uruguay Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Bolivia Bolivia Brazil Brazil , Brazil Lower Canada. Nova Zembla .. Arabia Wisconsin Ter. Sardinia Lower Canada . Cuba Buenos Ayres . Cape Verd Is. . Patagonia Patagonia Venezuela , . . . Brazil Polynesia Florida , Mindanao Labrador, Madagascar. . . Venezuela Guinea , Polynesia Australasia West Indies . . . Mexico Polynesia N. Pacific Oc. . Africa Brazil Florida Indian Ocean . France Chili Brazil ...... Brazil Guatemala , Loango Mc Nb Wj Vf II Jj Gk Sa Oj Hd Gg Uh Ge Ik Va Gd Hj Ik Ij Ij Ij Hd Qa 2 g Fd Me Hd Gf II Kg Hm Hm Hh Ji Vf Gf Uh Ic Ok Hh Ih Vg Vi Hg Ef Wg Eg Mli Ji Gf Qj Ld Hm Ik I k Gg Mi Nunes of Places, (tc Class. St Catherine . . . St. Charles St Christopher . . St. Christopher . . St Christoval St. Christoval .. . St Clair St Clairsville . . . St. Clara St. Clemente .... St Croix St Croix St. Cyprian's . . . St. David's ..... St. Denis ..... St. Diego St Diego de Gua- mes St. Domingo . . St Domingo .. St. Elena St Elena St. Elena St. Elena St. Elias St. Elmo St. Esprit St Esprit .... St. Estaca. . . . St. Eustatius . St. Fadeia St. Felipe .... St. Felipe St Felipe de Ben- guela I St Felix St. Felix St Felix : St. Felix 1 St Fernando . St Fernando . ! St Fernando . I St Fernando . 1 St. Fernando de la Selva. . . . St. Foi St. Francis . . . St. Francis . . . St. Francis . . . St. Francis , . . St Francis . . . St Francisco . St. Francisco . St Francisco . St Francisco . St Francisco . St Francisco . St. Francisco Borja St. Francisco de Atacama St. Francisco Solano c. T. I. I. T. I. C. T. Rks Vol. I. R. R. I. T. C. T. cy. c. T. PL PL PL ML I. I. Bk. C I. I. T. T. Cy- T. C. I. Is, T. T. T. T. T. T. C. C. I. R. R. T. T. a I. I. R. Cy. Cy. PL Brit. America . IF a Missouri |F e West Indies, Indian Ocean . New Grenada . . Australasia Brit. America . Ohio Madagascar. . . Patagonia West Indies. . Wisconsin Ter. Azanaga , Polynesia Bourbon Isle . Patagonia , . . . ;Hg Oj Gh Wj Hb Ga Pk Hm Hg Fd Kf Uh Pk Hn Equador ...... Hayti Mexico Buenos Ayres , Spain . . , Patagonia Equador Brit America . Polynesia , . . . . Malayan Sea . , Malayan Sea , . Spain West Indies. . . Asiatic Russia. Chili ,. Buenos Ayres . Benguela Brazil Madagascar. , S. Pacific Oc. S. Pacific Oc. Venezuela Venezuela . . . Chili Equador Chili Guiana ....... Cape Colony . , Labrador Australasia . . . Arkansas Lower Canada. Brazil Benguela Equador Mexico Brazil Brazil Uruguay Bolivia New Grenada CONSULTING INDEX. 91 Names of Placet, &c. Class. St Francisville.. St George .... T. T. I, b c. St George's . . St George's . . St. George's . . St. George's . . St. George's . . St George's . . St George's . . St Harion ... St. Helena , . . St Helena . . . St Helen's . . . St Hermenegildo Pt St. Ignacio T. St Ildefonso Is. St Ines C. St. Jago T. St Jago T St. Jago " St James St James St. James St. James St. Joachim .... St Joao St Joao del Rey St. Joao do Palma St Joaquim . . . - St Joaquim .... St. Joaquim . T. Bay C. Ch. Ch. I. R. I. Bay I. Mt Fe Jj Jj Ke Hm Od Wi Hg Id St John jC. St John C. C. r,. R. T. St John . . . St John . . St John . . St John's . St. John's . St. John's . St John's . St John's . St John's . St. John's . St John's . St. Jose . . . St. Jose St. Jose de May. pure St Jose de Mos- samedy St. Jose d'Encoche St Joseph. St. Joseph . St. Joseph. St. Joseph. St Joseph . T. Bay Bay I. R. R. I. T. T. Louisiana, ... Brazil Brazil Azores Patagonia . . . Russia New Zealand. New Grenada Newfoundland Newfoundland. I d Great Britain ,. iL c Australasia .. . . jW i North America iA c Patagonia .... H m Asiatic Russia. S a Cape Colony . . N 1 Southern Ocean .L j Oregon Ter. . . |D d Buenos Ayres . I 1 Equador Hi Patagonia .... H n Patagonia H n Peru G j St Jago Kg Cape Verd Is. .Kg Cambodia Th Oregon Ter D c Senegambia Oregon Ter. Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil I j Bolivia I j Bolivia ;H j Mexico iD e Staten Island . . JH n Africa |M h Newfoundland . jl c Lower Canada . H d Africa Kg N. Brunswick . |H d Newfoundland. I d Newfoundland .'jl c Spitsbergen . . . M a West Indies. .. Hg N. Brunswick Michigan. . . . Australasia • . Brazil Brazil Names of Piscet, Ac Kg Dc Hi Ik Jk Hd Gd Wi U Ik Venezuela Brazil Congo Florida Senegambia . . Indian Ocean. Brit. America Pt Florida. Hh Ij Ni Gf Pi Fc Gf St Joseph's .... St. Joseph's .... St. Juan St Juan St. Juan St Juan St Juan St. Juan St. Juan St. Juan St. Juan St. Juan St Juan Baptista St. Juan de Jaebun St Juan de Ulua St. Julien T, St. Julien Po. St. Kilda |I. St. Konstantinov T. StKovel T. St. Laurent .... II. St. Lawrence . . . Bai St Lawrence St. Lawrence St. Lawrence St. Lazaro C. St. Lorenza C. St. Lorenza JR. St Lorenzo I. St. Louis Cy, St. Louis Cy. St. Louis T. St. Louis C. St. Louis R. St. Lucas jC. St. Lucia Baj St Lucia Bay St. Lucia C. St. Lucia jl. G. .Is. . R. St. Lucia St Lucia St. Luzia St. Luzia St. Maloes St. Marcelino .. . St. Margarita . . . St. Maria Maior St Mark's St Martin St. Martin St. Martin's St. Mary St. Mary St. Mary St Mary St. Mary's St. Mary's St. Mary's St Mary's St Mary's St. Mary's T. Michigan Gd Pen. Patagonia IH m Cy. Bolivia Ij Porto Rico. . . . Hg Guatemala .. . . G g Mexico iF f New Grenada . H h Polynesia V f Guatemala .. . . G g Guatemala . . . . G g Bolivia 'Hk New Grenada . IG h Polynesia Ck Buenos Ayres . H k Mexico Fg France L d Patagonia Hm Scotland L c Russia N d Russia IN c Indian Ocean . |P i Asiatic Russia . North America North America North America Mexico Equador Brazil Peru Missouri Senegambia .. . Hayti Labrador II c Wisconsin Ter. F d Mexico E f Borneo T h Madagascar. . . [P k Caffraria West Indies . . Cape Verd Is. R. Caffraria .... T. Brazil T. Brazil T. France T. Brazil I. Mexico T. Buenos Ayres T. Florida I. Patagonia . . . I. West Indies. . Pt. Cape Colony . T. Bourbon Isle . C. Portugal C. Senegambia .. I. Azores Cy. Georgia Bay Newfoundland C. Africa C. Madagascar- • I. Madagascar • • Is. Labrador .... Ab Hd Ab Hd Ef Gi Ij G i Fe Kg Hg Ok Hg Kg Ok Jj L j d Hh Ef Ik Gc Gn Hg N 1 Pk Le Kg Ke Gc Id Ok Ok Pj Ic 92 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c St. Matheo I. Polynesia . St. Matheos |T. JBrazil St. Mathias [Bay Patagonia . St. Matthew.... I. St. Maura I. St. Maurice IR. St. Michael C. St. Michael !l. St. Michael's St. Michael's St. Miguel |T. St. Miguel T. St. Miguel T. St. Miguel T. St. Negis T. St. Nicholas . . . . T. St. Nicolas I. St. Patrick's Hd.C. St. Paul T. St. Paul I. St. Paul |l. St. Paul de LoandoCy. Angola St. Paulo de Oli- venco T St. Paul's !C. Bay of Bengal. Ionian Isles .. . Lower Canada. Labrador Azores Bay i Labrador Bk. Indian Ocean . Guatemala Equador Brazil Paraguay Equador Hayti Cape Verd Is. . V. Diemen'sLd. Bourbon Island Atlantic Ocean North America Names of Places, ic. St. Paul's . St. Paul's . St. Paul's . St. Paul's . St. Paul's . St. Paul's . St. Pedro . St. Pedro . St. Pedro . St. Pedro . St. Pedro del Rey St. Pedro de No- lasco St. Pedro de Rio Grande St. Perts St. Peter St. Peter's St. Peter's St. Peter's St. Petersburg 17 Pr. St. Petersburg . . Cy. St. Phillip C. St. Pierre T. St. Pierre I. Brazil Patagonia Dahomey North America Polynesia . ... Indian Ocean .. G. St. Lawrence Africa | Buenos Ay res . jAtlantic Ocean [Polynesia . . Guinea .... Brazil T. Brazil Cy. 1. L. T. Ft. R. St. Pierre . . . St. Pietro . . St. Roman . . St. Roque . . . St. Roque . . . St. Rosa St. Salvador . St. Salvador . St. Salvador . St. Salvador . St. Sebastian Brazil N. Pacific Oc, Lower Canada. G. St. Lawrence Asiatic Russia. Wisconsin Ter. Russia Russia Falkland Is.. . . Martinique.. . . Polynesia Indian Ocean.. I. Sardinia C. | Venezuela ..... C. iBrazil Bk. South America Bk. iPolynesia Cy. Cy. T. I. T. Brazil Congo . . . Brazil . . . Bahamas Spain . . . Ve Jj Hra Sh Ne Hd Ic Ke Ic Pi Gg Hi Ik Ik Hi Hg Kg Vm Pk Kh Be Mi Hi Hn M h Ac Iftl H d Lh II Kh Ag Lh Ij I i II Fg Hd Hd Qc Fd Nc Oc In Hg £f Pi Me Hg Ji Ji T g Jj Ni J k Gf Ld St. Sebastian . St. Sebastian . St. Sebastian . St. Sebastian . St. Sebastian . St. Sebastian . St. Sebastian . St. Stephen's . St. Susan's . . . St. Thaddeus . St. Thomas . . St. Thomas . . St. Thomas' . . St. Thome . . . St. Thome . . . St. Tomas.... St. Ubes St. Uist St. Vincent . . . St. Vincent .. . 1 St. Vincent . . . St. Vincent .. . St. Vincent . . . St. Vincent . . . St. Xavier. . . . St. Xavier. St. Ynes Saintes Saintes Sakharia Sakmarskaia . Saktalla.. Sal Sal , Sal Sal Salacoila Saladillo Salado Salado Salado. Salaka Salamanca Salamanca Salamanca Salanga Salangore Salas y Gomez. Salatan Salayer Saldanha Saldenha Sulee Salem S;ilcm Salem Salem Salengo Salerno ........ Sale'Trou . Salian .|C. c. c. c. 13a- I. " Is. T. Is. C. T. I. I. T. C. I. Cy. I. | C. c. I. Is. T. I. !i. T. Is. R. T. T. I. L. L. R. T. R. R. R. R. T. Cy. T. T. I. T. I. Pt. I. Bay T. T. Cy. T. T. T. Pt. Cy. T. T. Spain Patagonia Mozambique . . Oregon Ter. . . Cape Colony . . Brazil Chili | Alabama Bay of Bengal . 'Asiatic Russia. Lower Canada. iWest Indies. . . Africa Buenos Ayres . Brazil ■Polynesia ^Portugal Scotland jBrazil Portugal jFalkland Is.... 'Patagonia J West Indies. . . Cape Verd Is. . Equador Patagonia.. . . . Mexico ....... France :West Indies. . . Asiatic Turkey Asiatic Russia. Africa Cape Verd Is. . Soongaria Brit. America . ! Asiatic Russia. Soudan Buenos Ayres . Mexico Buenos Ayres . Chili Nubia Spain jMexico |Mexico Siam jMalaya S. Pacific Oc. . Borneo Malaysia Cape Colony . . Brazil ] Morocco Massachusetts . New Jersey . . . Cape Colony . . Hindoostan . . . Equador Naples Hayti Asiatic Russia. Md Hn Ok Dd Nl I k Hm Ge Sg Xb Hd Hg Mil Ik J k Ve Le Lc Ik Le In Hn Hg Kg Hi Hm Ee M d Hg Oe Pc Oh £8 Rd Fc Od Lg I 1 Ee H k H k Of Ld Ff «g Sh Sh Ek T i Ui 'Nl L e Hd Ge Nl Rg G i Md Hg Pe I CONSULTING INDEX. 93 filmtm of Placet, He. Salibabo Salidalen Saline Salisbury Salisbury Salkaew Salmon Salmon Salonica Saloor Salsette Salt Salta Salta Salten Salthidak Salt Kay Salvages Salvatierra ... Salwatty Salwen ....... Salzburg Samana Samana Kay . . Samanco Samar Samarang Samarov .. Sainarov Sambas Sambas Sambclong .... Sambio Sambro Sambuloi Sameil Samercand .... Samganooda.. . Sami Samina Cora . . Samoa Samoilovo Samow ....... Samoyeds Samsanna Samsoun Sana Sana San Andres . . . San Antonia. . . San Antonio. . . San Antonio. . . San Augustir. . . San Barbara. . . San Barbara. .. San Bcrnardi . . San Bias San Buenaventura San Buenaventura San Cataline.. San Catherina la. T. L. L Pt I. It. R. Cy. T. I. L. Pr. T. Fd. I. I. Is. T. I. R. |Cy. T. I. T. I. T. T. T. Dis. T. I. T. C. C. T. Cy. Har T. T. I. T. I. Tr. I. T. Cy. T. Vil. Cy. T. T. T. T. I. T. Cy. T. R. I. Pr. Malaysia Norway Texas Brit. America . North America Asiatic Russia. Oregon Ter. . . . Oregon Ter. . . . Turkey Hindoostan . . . Asia Africa Buenos Ayres . Buenos Ayres . Norway North America Bahamas Atlantic Ocean Brazil Australasia .... Birmah Austria Hayti Bahamas Peru Malaysia .... [Java ......... Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Borneo Malaysia Bay of Bengal . Russia Nova Scotia .. . Asiatic Russia . Arabia Great Bupharia North America Africa ■Soudan Polynesia Asiatic Russia. Malaysia Asiatic Russia. Eastern Sea .. . Asiatic Turkey Arabia Peru Mexico Texas Mexico Mexico Texas Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Brazil Uh Mb Fe Gb Dc Ta Ed Ec Nd Rg Qg Nf H k Hk Md Be Hf Ke Ii Ui Sf Md Hg Hf Gi Ug Ti Pc Qb Th Th Sh Nb Hd Ra Pf Qe Ac Lg Mg Aj Sc Uj Rb Uf Od Og Gi Ed Ff De Ff Ee Ee Ee Ee Ef Ee De Ee Ik Names of Placet, &c. am. I. I. T. I. u\> I. c. I. I. T. T. i\, I. Sancian San Clemente. . Sancol Sancori Sand Sandalwood . . . Sandana Sanday Sanders' San Diego .... San Diego .... San Diego .... Sandoe San Domingos Soriano Sandomir Sandown Sandowey Sandusky . . Sandvig Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich /. . . . Sandwich Sandwich Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy San Felipe |T San Felipe IT San Felipe de Austin |T, San Fernando . . T San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco Sanga Sanga San Gabriel . . Sangallan .... Sangar Sangara San Gertrudis Sangexuga . . . Sangoulina . . . Sanguay Sangwin .... Sanho San Isabel . . . T. T. Pt. T. Cy. T. T. C. Bay Har Ld. I. Is. Bay Bay C. Des. Des. Hk. I. I. I. I. Is. L. PL China Mexico Mindanao ... Gulf of Siam. Brit America Malaysia .... Java Scotland Sandwich Ld. Mexico Mexico Mexico Faroe Islands Uruguay .... Poland Japan Birmah Ohio Norway Upper Canada New S.Wales Labrador .... Africa Southern Ocean Australasia.. . N. Pacific Oc. New Zealand. Michigan .... New S.Wales Buenos Ayres Mexico New Jersey . . ■ Indian Ocean Australasia . . . Polynesia .... Indian Ocean Mexico Brit. America Massachusetts . Mexico . . Brazil . . T. Bay Bay T. St. T. I. C. Cty. T. T. T. I. T, T. Vil. Texas. Mexico .... Mexico .... Mexico .... Mexico .... Sweden Japan Mexico .... Peru Japan Africa Mexico .... Brazil Asiatic Russia. Malaysia . . Liberia Corca ..... Mexico Tf Ee Uh Sg Fb Ui Ti Lc Kn Ee Ee Ee Lb II Nc Ve Sg Gd Mb Gd Vj lc Mk Kn Xj Bf XI Gd Wk HI Ee Hd Pj Wj Aj Qi Ff Fc Hd Ff Hi Ff Ee Ef Ee De Nb Vd Ee Gj Vd Lh Ef Ij Rb Uh Lh Ue Ee 94 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c. San Isabella . S. Aniuy . . . San Jago . . . San Jago . . . San Jago . . . San Joaodasduas Barras . . San Jose . . San Jose .. San Jose dePimas San Juan . San Juan . San Juan . San Juan de la Frontera . . . Sanki Sampoo San Luis San Luis San Luis de la Punta San Luis Obispo San Luis Potosi . San Luis Rey . . San Maria San Marino .... San Miguel San Miguel .... San Miguel San Miguel San Miguel San Patrico San Paulo San Paulo San Pedro San Pedro San Pedro San Pedro Sanpou San Raphael. . . . San Rosa San Salvador . . . Sansanding .... Santa Catalina. . Santa Christiana Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz de la Sierra Santa Cruz de la Sierra Santa Fe T. R. Cv- ■v. T. T. I. 8ta. T. Pr. T. T. T. R. Pr. T. T. T. St. T. R. Rep, T. T. T. G. I. T. Pr. Cy. T. T. I. R. T. T. T. T. T. I. Is. Cy. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. Bay I. Po. Dep Position. Cuba Asiatic Russia Cuba Mexico Mexico , Brazil Mexico Mexico Mexico Buenos Ayres Mexico Cuba Buenos Ayres Thibet Buenos Ayres Mexico Buenos Ayres Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Italy. ..*..... Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Texas Brazil Brazil Mexico Mexico Polynesia Mexico Corea Mexico Mexico Cuba Africa Caribbean Sea Polynesia . . . , Morocco Venezuela Cape Verd Is. , Canary Isles . . Brazil Brazil Luzon Mexico Africa Mexico Australasia . . . Patagonia Bolh Bolivia Buenos Ayres . Gf Wb Gf Ef Ff Ii Ef Ef Ef HI Ee Gf HI Re HI Ff HI De Ff Ee Ee M d E f Ee De E f De Ff I k I k Ef Fg Ci E e Ue De Ef Gf Lg Gg Ci Le Hh Kg K f Ij Jj Ug Ee Nk Ee Xj Hm Hj HI Names of Places, &c. Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe Santa Fe. Santa-fou i Santa Maria. . . , Santa Maria. . ,, Santa Martha. ., Santander Santarem , Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Santce San Teresa San Thomas Santiago Santiago Santiago Santiago Santiago Santiago del Es terro Santillana Santoce Santona Santorino Santos Sanybel San Ynes Saona Saonnes Sapagua Sappero Saptin Sapy Sapy Saragossa - Saranga Sarano Saransk Sarapoole Sarasoo Saratoga Saratov 39 . Saratov Sarawan Sarayacu Sardinia Sardinia Saree Sarepta Sargasso Sarhou Keim . . . Sarigon Sariguan Same Sarnmas Sarpa Sartam Ourei. . . Sartarinov Sartor St. Py. Cy. T. T. I. C. cy, T. T. I. I. R. T. I. Pr. Cy. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. I. Cy. t. T. I. r. T. T. R. T. Str. Cy. Is. R. T. T. R. T. Pr. Cy. T. T. Km. I. T. T. Sea T. T. Mexico Mexico Buenos Ayres . Chili China Chili Uruguay New Grenada . . Spain Portugal Mexico N. Pacific Oc. . South Carolina. Mexico Mexico Buenos Ayres . Chili Equador. New Grenada . New Grenada Buenos Ayres . Spain Brazil Spain Archipelago. . . Brazil .... Florida Mexico Hayti Mozambique . . Buenos Ayres . . Russia Oregon Tor. . . . Sumbava Malaysia Spain Malaysia .... Africa Russia Russia Tartary New York Russia Russia Beloochistan Peru Italy Mediterran. Sea Persia Asiatic Russia. Atlantic Ocean Mantchooria . . Cambodia Polynesia Africa South America Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Norway Fe Fe II HI Sf H 1 I 1 Hg Ld Le Ee Eg G e Ef Ee Hk HI G i Hh Gh Hk Ld Jj Ld Ne Ik Gf Ee Hg Oj H k Nb Ed T i Ti Ld Uh Lg Oc Pc Qd Hd Pc Pc Qf Hi Md Md Pe Od Je Ud Tg Vg Kg Ii Od Rb Qb M b CONSULTING INDEX. 95 Names of Places, &c. Class. SarytchefF Saskatchawan . . Siskatchawan . . Sassari Satalia Satalia Satara Satisfaction Saugra Sault de St. Mary Saumarez Saunders Saunders Saunderson'sHope Sava Sivai Savan Savannah Savannah Savanna la Mar. Save Savona ........ Savonal Savoy Sawarcarna .... SaxeCoburg.15. Saxe Gotha..l4. Saxe Weimar 13 Saxony Saya de Malha . . Sayansk iCy. Sayansk |Mts Pk. Dis. R. T. Cy. G. T. I. Bay Str. C. c. Is. C. I. I. L. Cy. T. T. R. T. T. Cty. R. D. D. G.D Km, Bk. Sayer Saypan Sbica i Scanderoon . . , Scarboro Scarboro ..... Scarborough's Scarbro jSh Scarcies ....... R. Scarpanto Scatari Seel a Balundo . Schamer Schank Schemnitz .... Schenectady . . . Schetchmas . . . Schewhap Schiacha Schiashkotan . . Schiatam |T. Schirinki II. Schischanareff . . Bay Schitka R. Schlisselburg . . . T. Schoncck T. Schoog I. Schoomagins . . . Is. Schouten's I. I. I. Pr. Mt. I. T. Cy. T. L. T. I. Nova Zembla. . Brit. America . Brit. Ameriea . Sardinia Asiatic Turkey Asiatic Turkey Hindoostan . . . Australasia.. . . Arabia Upper Canada . Brit. America . New Zealand . . Falkland Is. . . . Greenland .... Malaysia ... . Polynesia. .... Brit America - Georgia Hayti Jamaica Austria ....... Sardinia Persia Europe Missouri Ter. . Germany Germany Germany Pa Ec Ec M d Oe Oe Qg Wj Pg Gd Ha Xra Hn la Uj £ j Fc Ge Hg Gg Nd Md Pf M d Fd Mc Mc Mc Germany M c Indian Ocean.. Q j Asiatic Russia. S c Asiatic Russia . S c Bay of Bengal . S h Polynesia V g Of Oe Lc Hg Xh Tg Lh Ne Id Arabia* Syria England .... Tobago Polynesia . . . Malaysia . . . Senegambia . , Archipelago . Cape Breton . Benguela |M j Arabia .... Australasia Austria. . . . New York . Russia .... Oregon Ter. Barca IN f Kurile Islands. |Wd Thibet S f Kurile Islands. Wc O e Wi Nd Hd Pb Ec North America Asiatic Russia. Russia Prussia Polynesia North America Ab Tc Ob Nc Wh Be Names of Places, &c. Schouten's Schwerin . Scilly Scilly Scio Scopia Scoresby .. , Scoresby's So. Scoresby 's Land Cty. I. b. Is. L T. C. Km Bay Is. Rf. T. T. T. C. Bk. I. I. I. Pt. C. L. Is. R. Is. Is. I. Pr. Cy. C. Is. V. Diemcn'sLd.V Scotland Scott's Scott's Scott's Scutari .... Scutari .... Sdorovskoie Seaforth . . . Sea Horse. . Sea Horse. . Sea Horse . . Sea Horse. , Sea Horse.. Seal Seal Seal Seal Seal Sea Lions . . Seals Sea of Azov Seara Seara Searle Sebaldine . . Sebastian !C. Sebastian Lopes. I. Sebastian Vascaino Bay Sebenico iT. Sebez JT. Sebha T. Sebha Rous . . . . C Se-chow jCy. Sechura |T. Seckoo ;R. Second jl. Second Volcano . I. Sedang T. Scddon |C. Sedgwick Mt. Scdiaga R. Seg L. Segedden T. Seger Dis, Seger Cy. Seghalien Cty Seghalicn Sea Seghalien Oula Hotun T. Sego \Cy. Segunam Is. Seguro Pr. Australasia.. . Mecklenburg , England Polynesia .... Archipelago. . Turkey Brit. America Greenland . . . Greenland . . . Great Britain Oregon Ter. . Oregon Ter. . . Australasia . . Asiatic Turkey Turkey Asiatic Russia Scoresby's Ld. Malaysia .... Spitsbergen . . Spitsbergen . . Spitsbergen . . Brit. America Asiatic Russia Brit. America Labrador I c Brit. America .|F c Nova Scotia . . Falkland Is.. . Spitsbergen . . Russia Brazil Brazil Brit. America Falkland Is... Madagascar . . Polynesia .... Mexico Austria Russia Fezzan Algiers China Peru Little Thibet . Madagascar . . Polynesia. . . . Borneo Greenland . . . Brit. America Russia P b Russia Ob Africa M f Vi Mc Ld Bj Ne Nd Fa Ka Ka Lc Dc Dc Uj Nd Nd Ra Ka Tg Na Na Na Gb Va He Hd In Na Od Ji Ji Hb Hn Pj Wf Ef Nd Nc Nf Me Tf Gi Re Ok Vf Th la Cb Arabia Arabia Asia . . Asia . . Mantchooria . . Africa North America Brazil Pg Vc Vd Ud Lg Ao Jj 96 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, *c Class. Sehoan Cuni Sehwan Seine Seistan Sejinmessa Sejinmessa Sekle Selboe Selefkeh Selema Selemskoi Selentai Selenti Selime Selinga Selinga Selinginsk Sellach Sellempore Sellwood Semancelha Semar Sembewghew. .. Sembo Semenoflfekoy.. . Semenov Semeva Semiarskoe Seminoles Semi Ostrov Semi Palatyne . . Semi Polotskaya Semisoposhnoi . . Semitsch Semlin Sena Sena Se-nan Senegal Senegal Senegambia . . . . Se-ngan Seng Miaose Senhora Senjen Senkemi Senlis Senna Senna Sennaar Sennaar Sennerut Sens Senta Sentinel Separation Seppings Seppings Serajevo Seramporc Serar Tr. T. R. Pr. Cy. R. T. I. T. R. L. R. T. Sta. R. R. Cy. R. T. Bay T. R. T. T. I. T. T. T. Tr. T. T. T. I. I. T. Gov. T. Cy. Co!. R. Cty. Cy. Tr. Bay I. R. T. Cy. T. Dis. Cy. I. T. T. I. Pt. C. C. T. Cy. T. onia Sinde France Cabul Barbary Barbary Arabia Norway Asiatic Turkey Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . Tartary Asiatic Turkey Africa Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Hindoostan . . . Brit. America . Brazil Asiatic Russia. Birmah Congo Asiatic Russia. Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Florida Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia,. Aleoutian Arc. . Aleoutian Arc. . Austria Africa Mozambique . . China Africa Senegambia . . . Africa China China Bolivia Norway Mantchooria . . France Persia Russia Nubia . . Nubia .'. Greenland .... France Buenos Ayres . Bay of Bengal . Brit America . Brit America . North America Turkey .., Hindoostan Hindoostan Hm Qf Md Qe Le Le Of Mb Oe Ta Ta Qc Oe Of Sd Tc Tc Vb Rf Db Ii Wb Sf Mi Ua Oc Pe Qb Gf Ob R c R c Xc Xc Nd Oj Oj Tf Kg Kg Lg Tf Tf Hk Nb Vc Md Pe Nc Og Og lb Md Hk Sg Db Fa Ab Nd Rf Rg Names of Places, &c. Serchucha Serdobol Serdze Kamen . . Sereana Sereth Sereth Sergatch Sergbeisk Sergiev Sergippe Sergippe del Rey Seringapatam . . . Seringapatam . . . Serinpale Seritza Serjaika Series Sermatta Sermonoua Seroa Serouge Serpa Serramobim .... Serranilla Serreek Serro Borborema Serro Cubutam . Serro Estrondo . Serro Hibiapaba Serroor , Serro Tabatinga Serro Tromba . Seruk Servia ...-..,.., Sesters , Se-tching , Seteoel , Setia Settee ! Settee Setting , Senhelipar .... Sevanoe Sevastopol , Seven Seven Seven Seven Stones . . , Severn Severn Severn Severn Sevilla Seville Seychelle Seychelles Seychelles Shabee Shackleton Shadipore Shadrin C. T. C. Is. r. R. T. T. T. Pr. T. Cy, Sh. T. T. R. I. I. C. I. T. T. T. I. T. Mts. Mts. Mts. Mts. T. Mts, Mts. T. Pr. R. ?■ T. Dis, T. L. I. I. T. Is. Is. Is. Rks Dis. Ft. Ho. R. Pt Cy. I. Is. Hk. T. C. T. T. Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Caribbean Sea . Austria Turkey ...... Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Brazil Brazil Hindoostan . . . Australasia Senegambia .. . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Malaysia Greenland Malaysia Hindoostan . . . Brazil Brazil Caribbean Sea. Persia Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Hindoostan . . . Brazil Brazil Syria Turkey Liberia China Polynesia Candia Africa Africa Brit America . Asia Norway Russia Russia Polynesia Lower Canada. Jan Mayen Is.. Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit America . Cuba Spain Indian Ocean . . Indian Ocean . . Indian Ocean.. Arabia Greenland Hindoostan . . . Asiatic Russia. CONSULTING INDEX. 97 Naioei of Places, ftc Shaep Shahrood Shakra Shalaurovo Shallow Shallow Shamatawa . . . Shamba Shamo Shanagur Shanday Sh antral la Shang-hae Shang Pecan . . Shangra Shannon Shannon Shanse Shantebon Shantung Shantung Shark's Sharma Sharhas Sharra , Sharrock , Shary Shat-ul Arab.. Shavli Shawnee Shawnees Shawpore Shayuk Sheb Shefar Sheffield Sheibon Shelburne Shellif Shelvock's Shendy Shenkoursk . . . Shense Sherbro Sherbrook SherdofFs Sheri Subz Shershell Sherson's Shethawney . . , Shetland , Shi lei m Shienne Shiennes Shih-poo Shikarpore . . . Shikanga .... Shilkanokoi . . Shilluks Shinten Ship C. T. T. T. I. Pt R. R. Des. T. T. Tr, Cy Mts. Tr. R. I. Pr. T. Pr. C. , Bay T. . Tr. . Tr. . Mt . R. . R. , T. T. Tr. T. R. Sta. T. Bay T. C. R. I. T. T. Pr. I. T. I. T. , T. I. L. Is. . T. . R. . Tr. :?• . T. . T. . Tr. . T. . Ch. Japan Persia Arabia Asiatic Russia. Australasia . . • Seghalien Brit. America . Melinda Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Japan Abyssinia China Mantchooria . . Africa Ireland Northern Ocean China Siam China China New Holland.. Arabia Missouri Ter. . Mongolia Brit. America . Soudan Arabia Russia Illinois Missouri Ter. . Hindoostan . . . Little Thibet . . Africa Arabia Brit. America . Africa Nova Scotia .. . Algiers Mexico Nubia Russia China Senegambia .. . Nova Scotia. . . Polynesia Great Bucharia Algiers Polynesia Brit. America . Vd Pe Of Wb Xj Vc Fc Oi Sd Va Ve Og Ue Ud Nj Lc Ka Te Sg Te Ue Tk Pg Fd Sd Gc Ng Pf Nc Ge Fe Rf Re Of Of Hb Og Hd Me Ef Og Ob Te Lh Hd £ j Qe Me Xi Fc Scotland L c I* Fd Fd Uf Qf Nk Vc Og Tf Gf Arabia Missouri Ter. . Missouri Ter. , China Sinde Africa Asiatic Russia. Africa Tonquin Bahamas . . . . Nunes of Place*, be. Ship Shipako Shippegan Shiraz Shire Shirreff Shirvan Shoal Shoal Haven .... Shoal Water..., Shoban Shoomaee Shoshones , Shourlong , Shouya , Showy Shrewsbury .... Shumla Shun-te Shurali Shurukhs Shuster Siak Siak Sialutok Siam Siam Siam Siang-yang.... Siano Siao Siapia Siattoke Sibb Siberia Sibicia Sibilleta Sibungoo Sicasica Sichoui Sicily Sickly Sicuana Sidby Sidmouth Sidney Sidney , Sidney's Sidon Sidra Sienega , Sienna Sierra Aricua. . . Sierra Chappada Sierra de Acho . , Sierra de las Grullas Sierra de los Mim- bres Sierra Leone Sierra Mad re I. T. I. Cy. R. C. Pr. Bay R. L. Sta. R. Tr. T. T. T. T. Cy. Cy. T. T. Cy. Dis. T. I. Cty. T. G. ST T. I. R. I. T. Cty, T. T. Dis. T. T. fc R. Cy. T. C. T. I. Is. T. G. T. T. Mts Mts. Mts. Paitl a. Louisiana .... Africa N. Brunswick Ff Nj Hd Persia P f Africa South Shetland Asiatic Russia. New S. Wales . New S.Wales . Brit. America . Barca Birmah Oregon Ter. . . . Thibet Russia Soudan England Turkey China Asiatic Russia. Persia Persia Sumatra Sumatra Greenland .... Asia Siam Siam China Russia Malaysia .... Brazil Brit. America ■ Beloochistan . . Asia Barbary Mexico Borneo Bolivia , Corea Mediterran. Sea Oregon Ter. . South Peru . . . Russia New S. Wales New S.Wales Polynesia .... Polynesia .... Syria Mediterran. Sea New Grenada Tuscany .... Guinea Brazil , Mexico Mts. Mexico Mts. Col. Mts. Mexico Africa . . Mexico Oj Ho Pd Wk Wl He Ne Sf Ed Sf Oc Ng Lc Nd Te Pd Qe Pe Sh Sh Jb Sg Sg Sh Te Ob Uh Hh Gb Qf Tb Lf Ee T i gj Ud Me Ed Hj Nb Vj Wl Ai Ai Oe Ni Hg Md lh Jj Ee Ee Ee Lh Ef 98 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Placet, kc. Sierra Verde . Sierra Vulcan Sievsk Sifans ...... Sigluness . . . Sihon !R Si Kiang R Class. Mts, Mts, T. Tr. C. Sikirlik Sikki Sikkim Sikni Sikoke Silan Sileda Silhet Silimpdi Silipica . Silistria Silivria Silk Silova Silver Silver Kays Simari Simbirsk.. . .38. Simbirsk Simcoe Simirno Simla Simo Simpang Simpheropol Simpson Simpson Simpson's Simpson's Sinai Sinaloa Sinaloa Sincapore Sincapore Sincapore Sindal Sinde Sinde ......... Sinde Sines Si-ngan Sinhoa Sinia Siniaveiw Sinjar Sin-kae Sinkel Sinkess Sinnamari Sinope Siolka Sion Siout Sioux L. T. T. T. I. T. T. T. R. T. T. T. T. R. I. Sh. Vol. Pr. T. L. T. T. R. T. T. Ft. R. I. Is. Mt Cy. St. St. T. I. Ch. Cty R R. C. Cy. T. R. C. T. ?• I. T. Cy. Mt. T. Cy. Tr. Mexico Buenos Ayres . . Russia Mongolia Iceland ....... Tartary China Tartary Arabia Hindoostan . . . Guiana ....... Japan Mexico Sumatra Hindoostan . . . Mantchooria . . Buenos Ayres . Turkey Turkey Africa Russia Polynesia Bahamas Buenos Ayres . Russia Russia Upper Canada . Asiatic Russia. Hindoostan . . . Russia Sumatra Si Russia O d Brit. America . 'D b Brit. America . D c Polynesia 'Ah Polynesia X h Arabia Of Mexico [Ef Mexico E f Ed HI Oc Se Kb Qd Tf Qd Pf Rf Ih Ue G f Si Sf Uc Hk Nd Nd Lg Qb Xe Hf Hk Pc Pc Gd Wa R e Nb Sh Sh Sh Qh Sf Sinde Q f Asia Sincapore I. Asia Asia Asia Kaschgur Portugal China Cochin China.. Asiatic Russia . Seghalien Asiatic Turkey China jUe Sumatra S h Malaysia ... . -S i Guiana I h Asiatic Turkey O e Qe Lc Te Tg Qb Vd Oc Mongolia Switzerland . . . Egypt... Wisconsin Ter. Td Md Of Fd Names of Placet, &c Sioux Sipalay i Siparoonee .... Sir Sira Killa Sira Mouren . . . Sira Pouritou . . Sir Bibys Sire Sir Ed. Pellews Siret Sir G. Clerk's.. Class. R. T. R. R T. R. T. I. Cy. Gr. Bay I. Sir G. Cockburn's'Bay T. T. T. I. Cy. T. Bk. Is. Sirgoojah Sirguntchi .... Sirhind ....... Sir H. Martin's Sirohi Sisal Sisal Sisters Sisters II. Sitchevsk T. Sitka Is. Sitka I. Sitoe JC. Sitomlia jT. Siutei C. Siverna iR. Siwah 'Cy. Siwas Cy. Sizeboli T. Skagen |T. Skagen C. Skager Rack . . . 'Str. Skalholt T. Skara T. C. T. R. T. Bay Gr. Sh. R. T. T. T. T. I. Cy- R. Str. Cy. T. Hd. I. T. T. C. I. Skaw Skedatskoi . . . Skelleft Skeleftea Skeoch Skiddy's Skiddy's Skin Lodge . . Skioerstad . . . Skopin Skougsoe Skvira Sky Sla Slave Sleeve Sleswick Sligo Slinc Slipper Table. Slobodskoya .. Slonym Smoky Small Wisconsin Ter. Negros Guiana Tartary Cabul Mantchooria . . Mongolia Brit. America . Abyssinia Australasia .... Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Brit. America . Hindoostan . . . Mongolia Hindoostan . . . Polynesia Hindoostan . Mexico Mexico Arabian Sea, S. Pacific Oc Russia North America North America Spitsbergen . . . Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Barca Asiatic Turkey Turkey Denmark .... Iceland Denmark . Iceland Sweden Denmark .... Asiatic Russia Sweden Sweden Brit. America Polynesia .... Polynesia. . . . Missouri Ter. Norway Russia Russia Russia Scotland Morocco Brit. America Denmark ..... Denmark .... Ireland , Ireland Bay of Bengal . Russia Russia New S.Wales . N. Pacific Oc. . Fd Uh Ih Qd Qe Ud Sd Fb Og Vj Wb E b Fb Rf Se Re Ci Qf Gf Ff Pg Am Oc Cc Cc Ma Oc Vc Ub Nf Oe Nd Mc Kb Mc Kb Mc Mc Sc Nb Nb Gb Wh Vh Ed Mb Oc Nb Nd Lc Le Eb Mc Mc Lc Lc Sg Pc Nc Wi Af CONSULTING INDEX. 99 Nuna of PUem, *t Clan. Smaloc Smith Smith Smith's Smith's Smith's Smith's Smoelen Smoke ....... Smoky Hill.... Smolensk . . .26. Smolensk Smooth Rock .. . Smyrna Smyth Smyth's Snake Snake » Snapper Snares Sneeuw Bergen . Snelling Snettisham Snow Snowy Snowy SnugCornerCove Soak Sobair .... Sobboo . . . Society . . . Society . . . Sockatoo . . Sockna . . . Socorro .... Socorro .... Socotra . . . Socovalo . . Sodankyla Soderfors . Soderhamn. Sodiya Soevig So r ala .... Sofala .... Sofala .... Sofde Sofin Sofostutc . . Sohagepore Sohar Sohcrab. . . Sohnpore . Soijam .... Soimovnov Soin Soke Assa Solander's . Solar Soldin Soleim .... II. C. Ft Bay So. Is. I. I. C. Vk. Pr. Cy. R. Cy. C. I. Tr. R. I. Is. Mt. Ft. It I. Mts Mts, T. Dis. Sta. Is. Is. Cy. Cy. T. I. I. T. T. T. T. T. T. Cty. R Bay T. Dis. T. T. T. T. T. T. C. Asiatic Russia Brit America Missouri Ter. Brit America Brit. America Southern Ocean Scoresby's Ld. Norway Africa. ...... Missouri Ter.. Russia Russia Brit. America Asiatic Turkey North America Polynesia Oregon Ter. . . Oregon Ter.. . . New S. Wales . Brit. America . Africa Wisconsin Ter. North America South Shetland Oregon Ter. . . New Zealand . . North America Persia Barbary Bergoo Brit America . Polynesia Soudan Tripoli New Grenada.. N. Pacific Oc. . Arabian Sea. . . Bcnguela Russia Sweden Sweden Hindoostan . . . Norway Africa Mozambique . . Mozambique . . Norway Celebes Africa Hindoostan . . . Arabia Beloochistan . . Hindoostan . . . Mantchooria . . Seghalien . , Polynesia. Suse Australasia Malaysia . , Prussia Norway . . . U a Gb Fe Db Ga Ho Ka Mb Ok Fe Oc Oc He Ne Ba Xg Ed Ed ^ j Fa Nl Fd Dc Hd Ee X in Cb Pe Le Ng Fb Bj Mg Nf Hh Eff Pg Mj Nb Nb Nb Sf M b Oj Ok Ok Mb Ui Me Rf Pf Qf Rf Vd Vd Vh Lf Xm Ui Nc Mb Nua of FUca, fee. Solenoe Sol Galitskaya . . Solianoi Soliharnsk Solitary Solo Karta Solombo Solomon's Solomon's Solomon's Solovelskoi Solsogan ....... Solt.. Sol Vitchegodsk Solway Somanlies Somberete Sombokbut Sombrero Somer Sompil Sondre Grande. . Sondrevalle Songari Songari Oula . . . Songa Songa . . . Songora Sonho Sonmeanee Sonmeanee Sonora Sonora Sonsonate Soohoy Sooka Congo . . . Soolimana Sooloo Sooloo Soongaria Soor Soosoo Sophia Sophia Soposbna Soposhna Sorat Sorata Soratchie Sorell Sorelle Soroe Soroto Sorotoanga Sorsele Sosimola Sosnovetz Sosnovskoc Sosva Sot hi 11 Soto de la Marina Sou Tartary Russia Asiatic Russia. Russia Polynesia LJava Malaysia Indian Ocean.. Arc Australasia Fk. 'Missouri Ter... Russia ....... Luzon Austria Russia Scotland Is. T. T. T. Fth. Peo. Africa T. T, I. Is. T. I. T. R. R. I. IT. T. |T. Bay St. T. T. T. T. Cty. Arc. I. Cty T. T. Cy. T. T. R. C. Mt T. C. R. Mexico!- Cambodia West Indies. . . Atlantic Ocean Thibet Polynesia Norway Mantchooria . . Mantchooria . . Indian Ocean . . Malaya. ...... Congo Beloochistan . . Beloochistan . . . Mexico Mexico Guatemala Asiatic Russia. Congo Africa Malaysia Malaysia Asia Arabia Sumatra Turkey Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Tunis Bolivia Asiatic Russia. V. Diemen's Ld. Lower Canada . Norway Mongolia Mongolia Sweden Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Mantchooria . . Mexico Persia Re Oc Tc Pc Aj Ti Ti Qi Wi Fe Ob Ug Nd Pb Lc Oh Ff Sg Hg He Sf Cj Mb Ud Ud Oi Sh Ml Qf Qf Ef Ef Gg Xb Mi Lh Uh Uh Rd Pf Sh Nd Oc Wc Wc Me Hj Tc Vm Hd Ni Sd Sd Nb Nb Ob Re Qb Ud Ff Pe 100 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, fee Souadou Atollon Soubotina Souc Souchoff Souchoy JC. Sou-chow Cy. Cy- T. Cty T. T. T. Cy T. L. Cy. Souloudenaia . , Soumostrov Soumv .... Soumy .... Soupou .... Sour Sourabaya . . Soure Sourman. . . South Souchow Souchukale. . . . Soudan ....... Soudeiskoe .... Soudogda , Souichout Soui-chow Soukhoroukovsko Soukouc Soukoum-kale . . Soulima IT. Soulmene 'Bay T. T. T. L. L. T. T. T. Cy. Bay C. Is. I. I. I. I. Fk. C. Is. Is. R. R. Ho. C. St Bay Ld. Pt. Po. Mts. Cty. I. South South South South South South South Southampton . . . Southampton . . . South Arran. .. . South Branch . . . South Branch . . . South Branch . . . South Cape South Carolina . . South East South East South East Southern Southern Alps . . Southern Australia Southern Georgia Southern Thule . South Greenland South Hook .... South Hook .... South Hook .... South Natunas. . South Orkney . . South Peru South Poyas .... South River .... South's Cty. C. C. C. I. Is. Rep Tr. Ho. Bay Asia . .• Asiatic Russia. Thibet Nova Zembla . . Nova Zembla. . China China Asiatic Russia. Africa Asiatic Russia. Russia Mongolia China Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Liberia Nova Zembla . . Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Syria Java Brazil Thibet Greenland .... Spitsbergen . . . Falkland Is.. .. Polynesia Polynesia Polynesia Australasia . . . Missouri Ter. . Brit. America . Brit. America . Ireland Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . New Caledonia United States . . Greenland .... Spitsbergen . . . Japan New Zealand. . New Zealand. . Australasia • . . Southern Ocean Sandwich Ld. . Antarctic Oc. . Jan Mayen I... Spitsbergen . . . Spitsbergen . . . Malaysia Southern Ocean South America Patagonia Brit. America . Brit. America . Qh Qb Se Pb Pa Te Ue Od Mg Ra Oc Sd Tf Qb Sd Od Lh Pa Tc Ob Oc R c Sd Oe Ti Ji Se lb Ma In Vf Vf Ve £ j Fe Gb Gb Lc Dc Ec E c Xk Ge lb Na Vd X m X m VI Jn Kn lb La Ma Na Th Io Hj Hm Gc Eb Names of Places, fee. South Shetland.. South SouthWest South Way gat .. South West South West Souworoff Souzel Sovel Soverek Sowallick Soyoti Spafariefs Spain Spanberg Spandau Spanish Spanish Spartan Spartivento Spask Spask ......... Speaker's Speedwell Speight's Spencer Spencer Spencer's Spencer's Spice Spirido Nova . . . Spiti Spitsbergen .... Spitsbergen (West) Split Split Spokain Spokain Springfield Springfield Spry Squally Squillace Sredny Kolymsk Sredny Novgorod T, Sredny Villuisk . |Cy. Sredny Yanskoi . Ssida Staalbierg Stadt-land Staetans Stag Stair Stall Staminberg . . . Stanis Stannovoy Stanova Stapylton Star Staraya Russa . . Starbuck'a Is. Kay Str. C. Pt. Is. T. I. T. Mts. Tr. Bay Cty. I. T. T. Pks. I. C. T. T. Bk. C. T. C. c. Bay G. Is. T. Dis. I. Dis. C. Ft R. Ho. T. T. C. I. T. T. Cy, T. C. C. Tr. Bk. C. I. C. T. Mts. T. Bay Bk. T. Gr. Southern Ocean Caribbean Sea . Spitsbergen . . . V. Diemen's Ld. Lower Canada. Polynesia Brazil GulfofTonquin Asiatic Turkey Brit. America Asiatic Russia North America Europe Japan Prussia Jamaica Mexico Polynesia. . . . Naples Russia Asiatic Russia Indian Ocean . Nova Zembla. Barbadoes . . . North America Brit. America . Africa New S. Wales . Malaysia Asiatic Russia. Little Thibet . . Arctic Ocean. Spitsbergen . . Oregon Ter. . . Brit. America . Oregon Ter. . Oregon Ter. . . Illinois Missouri Nova Scotia . . Australasia .... Naples Asiatic Russia. Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Japan Iceland Norway Missouri Ter... Indian Ocean.. Brit. America . Sweden Russia Austria Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Indian Ocean . Russia Polynesia Io Gg Na Vm Hd Bj Ii Tg Oe Ha Sc Bb Ld Vd M c Gg En Wh Ne Oc Pc Qi Pa is Cc Fa Mk VI Ui Ra Re Na M Dd Fc Ed Ed Ge Fe Hd Wj Ne Wb Oc Ub Vb Ve Kb Mb Fd Pi Ha Nb Oa Nd Wb Qc Eb Ok Oc Bi CONSULTING INDEX. 101 Names of Place*, fcc Starbuck's Stargard Staritza Starochantalskoe Starotzouroukai- louevkoi Staroy Start Staten Staten Staten States of the Church Stats Foreland .. Staunton Stavanger Stavropole Stavropole Stavura Steel Steep Stellenbosch .... Stcnsele Stephens Stephens Stephens ....... Stephens Stephens Stephenson Stettin Steubenville .... Stevenson Stewart Stewart Steyer Stinking Water. Stockholm Stockton Stolbovoy Stolpe Stons Stone Wall Stony Stor Stora Stora Stordal Storko Storm Strait of Dover . Strait of Gibraltar Stralsund Strasburg Streaky * . . Strekatda Strelitz Strogonov Strom Strome Strommen Strong's I. T. T. T. T. T. Pt I. I. Ilk. C. I. T. T. T. T. I. C. T. L. C. C. I. I. Pa T. Cy. T. C. Is. I. T. R. Cy. T. I. T. R. Cr. Des. L. T. • L. T. I. Bay T. Cy. Bay R. T. Bay T. I. T. Polynesia Prussia Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Livingston Patagonia Kurile Islands. Greenland Italy Spitsbergen . . . China Norway Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Norway Eastern Sea. . . New Holland . . Cape Colony . . Sweden New Zealand . . North America Oregon Ter. .. , Australasia . . . , Falkland Is..., Illinois Prussia Ohio Scoresby's Ld. , Australasia .... Australasia... . Austria Missouri Ter. . Sweden Liberia Asiatic Russia. Prussia Brit. America . Missouri Africa Sweden Algiers Sweden Norway Russia V. Diemen's Ld England Prussia France New Holland . . Asiatic Russia. Mecklenburg .. Japan Sweden Faroe Islands . Norway Polynesia Bi Nc Oc Sb Td Oc Ho Hm Vd Jc Md Na Ue Mc Od Pc M b Uf Tk Nl Nb X m Bb Dc Vi Hn Fd Mc Gd Ka Wi Vi Md Ed Nc Lh Va Nc Ec Ed Mf M b Me Nb Mb Nb Vm Mc Le Mc Md Ul Ub Mo Vd Nb Lb M b Wh Name* of Places, &c. Stuart Stuart Stuart's Stukka Sturgeon Sturgeon Stuttgard Suabo Grande . Suadiva Atollon Suakem Subzawar Succadena .... Success Suchitepic . . . Suchtelen Suckling Sucuru Suderoe Suenhoa Suez SufFren Sufkowallick . . Sugaree Sugar Loaf.. . . Sugar Loaf. . . . Suick Suifong Suigutoi Suipacha Sukkertop Sukkot Sulen Sulimania Sullapilla Sulphur Sulphur Sultania Sultin Sultus Sumasinta .... Sumatra Sumbatikila . . . Sumbava Sumbava Sumbhulpore . . Sumschu Sunavan Sunda Sunday Sunday Sundsio Sundswald .... Sunflower Suomussalmi . . Superior , Surat Suriago , Suriago , Surinam Surinam Surinam R. L. I. T. L. L. Cy. R. I. Cy. T. T. Bk. T. Bay C. R. I. Cy. T. Bay C. T. I. Pt. T. R. T. T. Sta. T. I. T. T. I. I. T. Pt. Des. R. I. T. T. I. T. I. T. Str Is. I. T. T. R. T. L Or- T. Is. < lol T. II. Oregon Ter. . . Brit. America . North America Suse Brit. America . Brit America . Wirtemburg . . Africa Asia \. . . Nubia Cabul Borneo Indian Ocean . Guatemala .... Japan North America Brazil Faroe Islands . China Egypt........ Mantchooria . . Brit America . Liberia Australasia .... St Helena .... Arabia Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. Bolivia Greenland .... Nubia Norway Asiatic Turkey Hindoostan Polynesia .. Eastern Sea Persia Africa Little Bucharia Mexico , Malaysia .... Africa , Sumbava .... Malaysia Hindoostan . . , Kurile Islands. Persia Malaysia Malaysia Polynesia ..... Sweden Sweden Mississippi. . . , Russia North America Hindoostan . ■ . Mindanao .... Malaysia Guiana Guiana Guiana • Dc Dc Bb Lf Fd Fd Md Oj Qh Oj Qe Ti P i Fg Vd Cb Ik Lb Td Oe Vd Ha Lh XI LJ Pf Ud Qb Hk lb Of Mb Oc Rg Vf U f Pe Nf Rd F& Si Lh Ti Ti Rf Wc Pe Ti Si Alt Nb Nb Fe Nb Gd Qf Uh Ug lh lh lh 9» 102 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, &c, Swampy .1 jPt Swampy Lake . j Swan Swan Swan River . . . Swan River . . . Swan's Swearah , Sweden Sweden Swedes Sweini Swift's , Switzerland . . Syang Sydney Sylt Sylte Vig Sylves Syracuse Syria Syrian Szecnuen .... Szegedin Szeredna Szisakit Tabalak . . . Tabarca . . . I Tabasco . . . I Tabasco . . . ' Tabacour . . Tabatinga . . Table Table Table Table Table Taboo Tabootaboo . Tabou Tabra Ho. I. Ha Dis. Col. I. Cy. Km. Div. Is. T. Bk. Rep I. T. I. C. T. Cy. Cty. T. Pr. T. R. R. T. T. St. T. R. T. Bay Bay C. I. Mt T. I. I't. T. Position. Azanaga Tunis Africa Senegambia . . . Brit. America . Brit. America . New S. Wales . Hindoostan . . . Brit. America . Russia Russia Russia Asiatic Russia, Russia Asiatic Russia Russia , Faroe Islands. S. Pacific Oc. , Caspian Sea. . Buenos Ayres . Brit. America Falkland Is... Brit. America Brit. America New Holland. Caribbean Sea Morocco Europe .... Sweden Polynesia. . . . Darfur Indian Ocean . Europe Polynesia .... Cape Breton I. Denmark .... Norway Brazil Sicily Asia Birmah China Austria Asiatic Russia Mongolia Asiatic Russia . Tunis Mexico Mexico. Mantchooria . . Equador Labrador Cape Colony . . New Zealand. . Polynesia Mantchooria . . Africa Polynesia Guinea Soudan Lf Me Lf Lh Hb Eb Wi Qe Gc Nc Pc Pb Va Ob Ub Ob Lb Fn Pd HI Fc Hn Fc Fc Tl Gg Le Nb Mb Vh Ng Qi Md Uh Hd Mc Oa Ii Ne Oe Sg Te Nd Ub Sc Vb Me Fg Fg Ud Hi Ic NI XI Aj Vd Mg Aj Lh Mh Nimes of Places, So Clas-i. Tabreez Tabua Tabuaemanu . . . Tabuai Tabucana. . Tacai Tacanova Tacazze Tacoutche Tesse Tadmor Tadsong Tafel Berg Tafilelt Tafilelt Tagai Tagangrog Tagan Tala .... Tagloe Tagoulla Tagua Tagua Taguira Tagura Tagus Tahaa Tahiti Tahoora Tahuata Taiba Tai-chow Taigonos Taimour Taimoura Taimourskaya .. Taimourskoi . . . Tainotskoi Taipein Tai-ping Taiping Taissughan Taitong Tait-sing Taiwan Tai-yucn Tajay Taka Taka Takang Besseys Takhma Taki Tak-mao Takokaguin. . . . Takoo Takoo Taksul Takum Tala Talabo Talarho Kara . . Talavera Talbot Cy. T. I. I. T. T. I. R. R. Rns T. Mt. T. R. II. Cy. Ste. Bay I. Cty. Cy. T. Tr. R. I. I. I. I. T. Cy. Prm R Bay L. C. Cy Cy R. by. jCy. Cy. Cy. TV |Dis. IT. I. R. T. T. T. Cy. T. T. T. R. C. T. T. C. Persia Brazil Polynesia . . . Polynesia. . . Guatemala .. Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Nubia Oregon Ter. . . Syria Thibet Spitsbergen . . . Barbary Barbary Polynesia Russia Mongolia Mindanao North America Africa Africa Tripoli Mantchooria . . Spain Polynesia Polynesia Sandwich Is.. . Polynesia Syria China Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . China China China Tartary China China Formosa China Russia Nubia Japan Malaysia ... . Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Cambodia Asiatic Russia. China Caffraria Algiers Russia Tartary Celebes Mongolia Spain New Holland . . Pe Jj Bj Ck Gg Tb Xj Og Dc Oe Se Na Le Le Xg Od Sd Uh Ac Ng Ng Me iUc Le Bj C k Bf Ci Oe Te Wc Sa Sa Sa S a Wb Uf jTe Tf Pd Sd Se Uf Te Pc Og U e Ui Vb Sd Th Ab Te Ol Me Nc Qd Ui Sd Le Uj CONSULTING INDEX. 103 Nanus of Places, *c. Talca |T. TaJcahuana ... Talcotin Talcotins Tali Talig Talighan Tallahassee . . . Talovka Talsam's Tama Tamalma Tamarida Tamatave Tamaulipas . ., Tamaulipas . . . Tambelan Tambez Tambobamba. . Tambookies . . . Tamboo ... .36 Tambov Tamcosa Tamhou Tamiagua Tampa Tampico T' Tamuchy R. L f. T. Cy. R. I. T. T. T. St. T. Is. T. r r. Tr. I'r. <:y- T. EL L Tana Tana Tana Tana... Tananarivou . • . Tanao-sima .... Tanasserim .... Tandag Tandal Tandeh Tanoga-sima . . . Tanga Tangalle Tangia Tangier Tangrera Tanjong Dato . . Tanjong Sambar Tanjore Tankerfong .... Tankisso Tanna Tannas Tansey Tantalem Tantamane Taos Taotchuen Taoui Taouinska Taouinskoi Tapajos Tapujos Chili HI Bay Chili HI Vil. Oregon Ter. . . D c Tr. Oregon Ter.... Dc Cy. China Sf Africa Lf Tartary Q e Florida G e Asiatic Russia . W b Polynesia . . . . X h Thibet ;S e Africa |N f Socotra P g Madagascar .. . P j Mexico F f Mexico F f Malaysia T h ;Peru G i South Peru . . . H j Caffraria N 1 Russia O c Russia jO c Little Bucharia R d Mantchooria . . U d Mexico Bay Florida Mexico Bolivia Norway ! N a North America A c Russia |N b Asiatic Russia. IV c Madagascar. . Eastern Sea .. Siam Mindanao.. . . Buenos Ayres Hindoostan . . Japan Zanguebar . . . Ceylon Arabia 10 f Morocco !L o Africa L h Borneo T h Celebes T i R. R. Cy. T. T. R. T. I. T. T. T. T. Cy. c. c. T. T. R. I. T. R. I. T. T. T. R. Bay T. R. Tr. Ff Gf Ff Hj Uf Sg Uh II Rf Ue Oi Rh Names of Places, &c. Hindoostan . . . Thibet Africa Australasia . . . Sweden Missouri Ter... Malaya Madagascar . . . Mexico Corea Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Brazil South America Sf Lg Xj Mb Ed Sh Pj Ee Ue Wb Wc Wb Ii Ii Tapi Tapicatay Tapisa Tappanooly . . . Taptee Taquari Taquari ...... Tara Tara Taracapa Taramandi Taranto Taranto Tarapol Taras Tarbe Tarchinskoi .... Tarei Tarei Taremdsong .... Tarifo Tarija Taritzin Tarku Tarma Tama Tarnopol Tarnow Tarnowitz Taroucyomdsou . Tarquin Tarragona Tarsus Tartary Tartary Tasenpol Tashkent Tasmania Tassisudon Taswell Taswell's Tatee Tate's Tatong Tatta Tattah Tauag Tauakeke Taudeny Taunu Taura Taura Taurida 51. Taurus Tavai Poenamoo Tavastehus Tavda Tavdinsk Tavolara Tavoy Tavoy • Corea U d T. R. R. T. R. R. R. T. R. T. L. T. G. Ir. T. |T. T. L. R. T. jT. IT. |T. T. T. T. |T. T. T. L. I. T. !t. Cty. G. T. T. I. Cy. Is. I. I. I. R. T. T. I. I. T. T. R. I. Pr. Mts. I. T. R. T. I. I. T. Brazil . . . Peru Sumatra Hindoostan . . . Brazil Brazil Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. South Peru. . . . Brazil Naples Naples Asiatic Russia. Tartary France Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Mongolia Hindoostan . . . Cochin China . Bolivia Russia Asiatic Russia. Peru Sweden Russia Austria Prussia Thibet Polynesia Spain Asiatic Turkey Asia Mantchooria Russia Tartary .... Australasia . . Bootan Polynesia .. . Polynesia . . . Polynesia . . . Australasia ■ Corea Suse Sinde North America Celebes Africa Birmah Asiatic Russia. Sandwich Is. . . Russia Asiatic Turkey New Zealand. . Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Sardinia Birmah Birmah I Hi Sh Qf ij Ik Qc Qc Hk Ik Nd Ne Wb Qd Md Tc Td Td Sf Tg Hk Od P d Gj Nb Nd Nc Nc Re Wg Md Oe Qd Vd Nc Qd Vm Rf Xi Xi Uh Vi Ue Lf Qf Ac Ti L f Sg Sc Bf Od Oe Xm Nb Qc Qc Md 1* Sg 104 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Pisces, &c Class. Tawally Tawee Tawee . Tay Tayf Taz Tazovskaya Tazovskaya . . . Tazovskoo Tchacosa Tchad , Tchadobska Tchadobets Tchagan , Tchagma Tchaliaia Tchahan Poulac Tchahassan Tchaiteng Tchalei Tcharanayomdou . Tchang-cha . . . . Tchang-chow.. . Tchangchow . . . Tchang-te Tchang-te Tchankour Tchantai Tchany Tchao-chow Tchao-king Tchaon Tchaounskaia . . Tchapogirska . . . Tchaptou Tchara Tcharin Nor . . . Tchelyabinsk . . . Tchemachevsko . Tchempol Tcherdyne Tcheremchovkoi Tcheremi Tcherepovetz . . . Tcherkask Tcherikov Tcherikovs Tchernaia Tchernigov . . 44 . Tchernigov Tchernoi Tchernoretskoi .. Tchernoyarsk . . Tchertaila Tcheskaya Tchetucu Tchija Tchin-chow .... Tching-chow . . . Tchinghench .. . Tching-hiang . . . Tching-kiang.. . I. Is. EL T. EL T. G. T. T. h. T. II. T. C. Pt L T. R. T. L. Cy- Cy. T. Cy. Cy. T. Is. L. Cy. Cy. R. Bay T. L. R. L. T. T. R. T. T. R. T. T. T. I. R. Pr. T. T. T. T. T. G. T. T. Cy. Cy. T. Cy, Position. Malaysia Malaysia Scotland Arabia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Soudan Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Mantchooria . . Mongolia Mantchooria . . Mongolia Mantchooria . . Thibet China China Corea China China Thibet Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. China China Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Thibet Asiatic Russia . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Asiatic Russia. Russia North America Asiatic Russia. Russia ■ Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Mantchooria . . Thibet China China Tartary China China Ul Th Lc Of Rb Rb Rb Rb Se Ng Sb Sc Td Wc Vc Td Dd Se Ud Se Tf Tf Ud Tf Te Se Vc Re Tf T f Xb Xb Tb Td Tc Se Qc Qb Uc Pb Re Ub Oc Od Oc Be Tc Oc Oc Re Re Pd Pc Pb Ud Se Te Tf Qd Sf Te Names of Places, &c Tching-ting .... Tching-ton Tchinnan Tchinsk Tchinskaya .... Tchinypou Tchiraki Tchiriki Tchirindeskoi . . Tchirkin Tchistopobyie . . . Tchitta Tchi-ynen Tchoang TchollHotun... Tchona Tchongking .... Tchontori Tchori Tchornaja Tchosan Tchougatchi .... Tchougatchi.. . . Tchougoulkhak. Tchouktoma . . . Tchoulgue Tchoulgue Tchoulkova .... Tchouna Tchourinskoi .. . Tchouskoi Tchudskoe Tchuisova 'R. Tchuktchi ;Pr. Tchuktchi C. Tchuktchi C. Tchusa R. Tci-chow Cy. Tci-nan |Cy. T. I. T. T. T. T. Cy. I. a T. T. T. Cy. R. T. Cy. Dis. T. Cy. Cy. Cy. T. C. Cy. T. R. T. T. T. T. Cy- Cy. T. R. Cy. T. R. R. T. Pen Tr. T. T. T. T. T. R. T. T. L. Tcitchouam Teapy .... Tebes . . . Tebur .... Tecolatlan Tedeles... Teen-tsin . Teenfung . Teerawitte Teetenguy Teez Tefelneh.. Tefflis.... Tefle Tegazza . . Tegerhy .. Tegorarin . Tegorarin . Tegulet IT. Tehama !Dis Teheran Cy. Tehuantepec . . . |T. China China China Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. China Mongolia Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. Abyssinia Russia Asiatic Russia . China China Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. China Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Corea North America North America Soongaria.-.. . Russia Mantchooria . . Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. China China Mongolia Polynesia Algiers Arabia Mexico Algiers ........ China Hainan New Zealand . . Mantchooria . . Beloochistan . . Morocco Asiatic Russia. Brazil Africa Fezzan Barbary Barbary Abyssinia Arabia Persia Mexico Te Se Tf Wc Wc Se Td Uc Tb Og Pc Tc Tf Se Ud Tb Tf Sd R c Xb Ue Cc Bb Rd Oc Ud Ud Sb Sc Ub Tc Nc Pc Xb Wa Ab Uc Te Te Sd Ek Me Of Ff Me Te Tg Xm Ud Qf Le Pd Hi Lf Nf Me Me Oh Og Pa Fg CONSULTING INDEX. 105 Name* of Placet, fcc Tuhuantepec... T ehucl Tehy.. Teimoli Tein-chow Ttjiui Tejuas Tejuco Tekis Tekrit Telak Telav Telebinskoi . . . Teleouts Telliaguess Tellicherry Tellin Telmin Telmsoe Telsh ....... Tembe Tembe Tembo Temdcgue . . . Temenak .... Temcnos Tamesvar .... Temctam ... Temiscaming. Terniscaming . Tempest Tenaeai Tench's Tendcaui Tenember. . . . Teneriffe Tcneriife Bay L. r. T. Cy. T. Tr. Cy. R. T. I. T. T. Tr. T. T. T. T. I. T. Cty. R. it. T. I. T, T. I. L Ho Bay T. I. T. I. T. I. Mexico Patagonia . . . Tripoli Naples China Mantchooria Mexico Brazil Soongaria. Fg Hm Me Nd Tf Ud Fe Jj Rd Namea of Placet, kc Asiatic Turkey |0 e Wb Pd Tc Re Mf Rg Nc Vc Na Nc Ok Ok Oj Ud I b Ne Nd Wh Gd Gd Id Tenery R. Tenez Tenis Tenkourguin . Tennessee.. . . Tennessee.. . . Tens'ft Tepaslo Tepic Tepoli Teramo IT. Terange |l. Terboo ,T. I. R. T. T. I. U. L. Terceira Tercero . Tereboli Teree . . Terefsa. Terek . . Terkiri , Termez T. Terminos ...... L. Ternay Bay Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Africa Hindoostan . . . Russia Mantchooria . . Norway Russia Africa Tembe Mozambique . . Mantchooria . . Greenland .... Candia Austria Polynesia Lower Canada. Lower Canada. Newfoundland . Mongolia jS d Australasia.. . . Wi Africa |N h Australasia.. . »|U i New Grenada .. ]H h Canary Isles . . |K f Paraguay Ik Algiers Me Tartary Q c Asiatic Russia. A b United States . . |G e United States. . G e Morocco L e Russia N b Mexico Ff Ik Md Vi Nf Kc HI Paraguay Italy........ Australasia . . Fezzan Azores Buenos Ayres Asiatic Turkey O d Cabul ;Q c Bay of Bengal . !S h Asiatic Russia. P d Thibet So Great BuchariaQ e Mexico F g Mantchooria . . ;V d Terncnia jBay Seghalien I V d Terodant . . Terracina Terre Haute .... Terres des Arsa- cides Tersekan Tersi Terwola Teschen Teshoo Loomboo Teshoo Loomboo Tessermint Tessowa Tet Tete Tete Tetuan Tetuaroa Teulada Tevego Texada Texas Texeiros Texel Texupa Teyoa Tey ven Tezcuco ...... Tezoiras Thames Tharatougha . . . Thasos Thectinah Theiss Theopolis Theresienstadt- . Theveholekved. . Theyeholekyek . Thian-chan ThianChan .... Thibet Thiers Thieweyarayeth Thineh , Third , Third Volcano . Thirteen low . . Thistle Tholiosary Thorn Thomas's Kay . Thompson .... Thompson .... Thompson's . . . Thorn Thousand Thousand Thousand (the) Three Brothers' Three Kings . . Three Paps . . . Cy- T. T. I. R. R. T. T. Pr. Cy. C. T. T. T. E a (T. I. C. T. Pt. Cty. Vig I. It.. ji. T.. jT. T. R. |T. I R. |T. .T. L. |L. iMt IMts. -Cty. T. |L. ,T. , I. .il. , Is. .11. . T. .|I. .|I. .Ft. . Har .R. ■T. .lis. .iL. .Is. I. I. Mt Morocco. Italy Indiana . Le Md Ge Australasia Tartary . . , Tartary . . Russia . . . Austria Thibet Thibet Greenland .... Fezzan Morocco Benguela Mozambique . . Morocco Polynesia Sardinia Paraguay Bueno» Ayres . North America Atlantic Ocean Holland Mexico Polynesia Corea Mexico Brazil England Asiatic Russia. Archipelago. . . Brit. America . Austria i Cape Colony . Austria Brit. America Brit. America Soongaria .... Mongolia .... Asia France Brit. America %ypt Madagascar . . Polynesia .... Polynesia .... New S. Wales Russia Greenland . . . Caribbean Sea Oregon Ter. . Brit. America Oregon Ter. . . Prussia Malaysia .... Brit America Spitsbergen . . Indian Ocean.. jQ i Australasia .... X 1 Oregon Ter |D d Wi Qc Qd Nb Nb Re Rf lb Nf Le Nj Oj Le Cj Me Ik HI Fe Jg Mc W^i Ue it M c Tb Nd Eb Nd Nl Nd Fb Fb Rd Rd Se Md Eb Oe Ok Vf Vh Vi Pc la Gg Dc Gb Dc Nc Ti Fd Na O 106 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, ke. Ashantee Lower Canada. Australasia . . • Polynesia Three Points . . . C. Three Rivers . . . T. Three Sisters ... Is. Thrum Cap .... I. Thsoung-ling . . . Mts, Mongolia Thurso T. Tiacka I. Tiaoyu-su Is. Tiara Mts.'Seghalien Tibboo Bergoo. . Tr. (Africa Scotland . Polynesia. . . Eastern Sea. Tibboo Rschade. Tibboos . . . Tibboos . . . Tiber Tibesty... Tiburon . . Tickeley . . Ticunas . . Tider .... Tider's . . . Tidon .... Tidsi Tiepenna . Tieret Tierra del Fuego Tiete Tiev Tiger Tiger Tiger's Tiger's Tiggerinduma . . Tigidfa Tigil Tigil Tigre Tigre Tigris Tikhvin Tilapa Tilear Tilla dou Madon Tilla dou Matis . Tillanchong .... Tillen Tilsit Tim Tim Tima Timballier Timbo Timbuctoo Time Timoka Timou Timor Timorlaoet Timpanagos .... Tinareh Tinching Tindel Africa Africa Senegambia .. . Italy Cty. Africa Mexico Hindoostan . . . Equador Africa 'Brit. America . jCelebes Morocco Russia Tripoli South America Brazil Russia . . Australasia .... Malaysia China Sea .... Eastern Sea. . . Africa Fezzan Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Abyssinia Equador Asiatic Turkey Russia Mexico Madagascar .. Maldives .... Maldives .... Bay of Bengal Hd. (Ireland T. T. R. T. Bay T. Cy. T. T. T. I. I. L. T. Cy. Bay Prussia , Russia Asiatic Russia. Arabia i Louisiana Senegambia t . , Africa Africa Florida Thibet Malaysia Australasia... . Mexico Nubia China Africa Lh Hd Wj Cj Re Lc Cj Uf Vc Ng Ng Nf Lh Md Nf Ef Rg Hi Kg Gc Uh Le Ob Me Hn Ik O c Vi Ui Tg Tf Mf Mf Wc Wc Og Hi Oe Oc Fg Ok Qh Qh Sh Lc Nc Oc Rb Of Ff Lg Lg Lh Gf Sf Ui Uj Fd Of Tc K s Names of Places, &c. Ting-hae Tinhosa Tinian Tinney Tintuma Tiouk Karssou.. Tiouk Karagan . Tiraspol Tireymeg Tiriberskoi Tiroon Tirree Titicaca Titmeg Titoe Tiumene . . Tivoli Tjak Tlemsen Tlinpieskaya . . . Tobago Tobin Tobol Tobolsk Tobolsk Tobolsk Tobuco Tocia Tocuyo Todos los Santos Todos Santos .. . Todos Santos .. . Tokat Tokay Toker Toktoi Tolaga Toledo Toledo Tolo Tolten Tolu Tolu Toluco Tom Tomb Tomchina Tomie Tominee Tomo Tom's Tomsk Tomsk Tonala Tonamaca Tonca Tondano Tonder Tondon . Tonga . Tono-a . Cy. I. I. Pt. Des. G. C. T. L. C. Dis. I. L. L. Bay T. T. L. T. T. Is. C. R. Gov Pr. Cy. T. T. T. I. Bay Sta. T. T. Pt. R. Bay Cy. T. China ........ Haitian ...... Polynesia .... Brit. America Africa Tartary Tartary Russia Brit. America Russia Borneo Scotland Bolivia Brit. America Patagonia Tf Tg Vg Eb Mg P d Pd Nd Eb Ob Th Lc Hj Fb Hm Asiatic Russia. Q c Italy M d Sweden N b Algiers L e Asiatic Russia. S b West Indies . . . H g Scoresby's Ld.. K a Asiatic Russia. Q c Asiatic Russia. IR c Asiatic Russia. Q c Asiatic Russia . Q c Mexico Ff Asiatic Turkey O d Venezuela .... II g Polynesia ..... V e Mexico E e Mexico Ef Asiatic Turkey O e Austria N d Brit. America . D b Asiatic Russia. W b New Zealand.. XI Spain L e Ohio G d Bay Celebes U i R. .Chili HI jT. JNew Grenada . G h T. New Grenada . G h T. Mexico F g R. Asiatic Russia. R c I. Persian Gulf . . P f T. Asiatic Russia. T c T. Suse, Lf Bay Celebes U i T. Venezuela .... H h I. Brit. America . G b ;Pr. Asiatic Russia. S a T. Asiatic Russia. R c T. Mexico Fg T. Mexico Fg T. Asiatic Russia . S c T. Celebes U h T. Denmark Mc Cy. Mantchooria . . V d I. Polynesia A k Is. Polynesia A k CONSULTING INDEX. 107 i of PUcet, fce. Cla» Tongalia T. Tongataboo .... I. Tong-chow toy Tongoi . . . Tong-shan Tong-ting Hou.. Tonkien Tonquin Tonquin Tonsberg ..... . Tonyn Tonyn Tooar Toofoa Toola 34. Toola Tooraalooa Toomanooan . . . Toorsheez Toosi Tootawney Tootonez Top Topham Topinambas .. . Topolevia Toquedos Tor Toraito Torapa Torda Torfane Torgi Bazar .... Torna Tornea Tornea Tornea Tornea (Upper) . Toro Torom R. Toromanas Tr, Toromlar iL. T I. L. T. Cty G. T. T. C. Sta. I. Pr. T. I. I. T. T. L. R. L. C. Tr. T. Tr. T. T. T. Soudan < Polynesia China Mongolia China China , Hainan Asia China Sea Norway Wales Seghalien Tibesty Polynesia. Russia ' Russia Polynesia Polynesia Persia Japan Brit. America . Mexico Russia Scoresby's Ld. South America Asiatic Russia. Peru Arabia Mongolia Siam Bar [Mexico T. |Barca R. [Soongaria. . . .. Bay Russia Cy. L. R. T. T. Toronto . . Toropetz . . , Torp... . T irrenate v Torres Torres.. . . Torres .... Torres.. * . Torro Tortola .... Tortoratillo |T. Tortojsa T. I. Is. I. I. K. R. Cy. T. T. T. T. I. Is. Str. T. I. Russia Sweden Sweden Sweden Spain Asiatic Russia Peru Asiatic Russia Upper Canada Russia |0 c Sweden Nb Ng Ak Ue Rd Tf Tf Tg Sf Tg, Mc Lc Vd Nf Ak Oc Oc Aj Aj Pe Ve Fc Ed Ob Ka Ii Pd Hi Of Sd Sh Ff Nf Rd Ob Nb Nb Nb Nb Ld Qb Hj Qb Gd Tortuga Tortugas Tortuga Salada . Tory Tostack Tot Totara Fo Ik Wh Xj Vj Mexico Brazil Polynesia .... Australasia • . New S.Wales Brava JO h West Indies. • .|Hg Chili " Spain Bahamas .... Florida Venezuela Ireland Asiatic Russia Mantchooria . Bay jNew Zealand. Hk Md Hf Gf Hg Lc Vb Uc X ra N»me» of Places, fcc. Totma Totnam Totoman Totska '. Totza Touchamska . . Toudsong Touer Tougianski Touglemsk Toukoulan Toula Touloma Toulon Toulouse Touman Toumani Toumateck .... Toumen Toumet Tounge Toungouinskoi . Tounkat Tour Toura Tourbede Tourchan Tourinsk Touroukhan .. . Touroukhansk. Tours Touryga Tousea Toutsitchamsia- mg Tou-yuen Touzant Tovsa Towa , Towerga Townsend .... Towson Tozer Tracy's Trafalgar Trail Traill Trajeet Transfiguration Transylvania . . Tranquebar . . . Trap Trapani Traps Trasarts , Travancore Travers Travcrsay Traverse Trebisonde Tree T. Cy. T. Russia C. Brit America . T. 'Formosa T. Japan T. T. T. T. T. T. Mts, T. R. Cy. \ T. I. R. T. R. T. T. R. R. |T. R. T. R. !t. I L. T. T. I. T. C. Ft T, I. c. Pt. I. T. In. Pr. T. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . Hindoostan . . . Tartary Asiatic Russia . Russia Asiatic Russia. Mongolia Russia France France Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Mantchooria . . Mongolia Missouri Asiatic Russia. Tartary Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Mantchooria . . Mantchooria . . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. France Asiatic Russia • Thibet Oc Fc Uf Ve Pc Sc Sf Pd Qb Pb Ub Se Ob M d Md Qb Wb Ua Ud Td Ed Sc Qd Qc Qc Ud Ud Qc Rb Rb Md Sb Re Thibet S China , Tripoli Russia Australasia.. . . |Tripoli jNew S. Wales . Missouri Tunis [Polynesia Spain 'Brit. America . Scoresby's Ld.. Africa Asiatic Russia . Austria Hindoostan . . . Rk. Kurile Islands. IT, Sicily Rks T. L. Bay Tf Me Nb Ui Ne Wk Fe Me Xi Lc Da Ka Mg Ab Nd Rg Wd Me Australasia .... X m Africa Hindoostan . . . Wisconsin Ter. Nova Zembla . • Is." 'Southern Ocean Cy. jAsiatic Turkey I. [Polynesia Lg Rh Fd Pa Kn Od Vf 108 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Placet, &c. Trees Tregosses . . . Tremouille . . Trent Trenton .... Trepassey . • . Treptow .... Tres Barras . Tres Colunas Tres Forcas . Tres Marias . Tres Montes Tres Montes Trevenians .. Treves Triangles . . . Tribe Tribulation . . Trichinopoly Triego Trieste Trincala |T" Trincomalee Tringano . . Trinidad . . . C. Is. I. Cy. Cy. Bay T. 'R. I Is. C. !Pen Isi T. Is. R. C. T. T. Cy- Trinidad . , Trinidad . , Trinidad., Trinidad.. Trinidad., Trinidad., Trinity .. Trinity .. Trinity .. Trinity .. Tripasore Tripoli . . Tripoli T. T. T. T. T. Bay I. I. R. Bay Bay I. Is. T. Cty. Cy Tripoli Cy. Tripolizza Tristan d' Acunha Troenen ... ... Troilem Troitsk Troitska Troitzk Trombetas Troue Troosthoek Troppau Trouskoe Trout Trout R. Trout Lake Troy Troyes .... Truro Truxillo . . . Truxillo . . . Truxillo . . . Truxillo . . . Uh Wj Tk Md Hd Id Nc Ii Wf Le Ef Gm Gm Celebes Australasia . . . Australasia . . . Austria New Jersey . . Newfoundland Prussia Brazil Polynesia .... Morocco Mexico Patagonia .... Patagonia . . . Polynesia jC i Prussia Md Mexico JFf Brit. America . ID c New S. Wales . |V j Hindoostan . ..Rg Darfur W g Md Rh Rh Sh Gf Hj Gg Dd Hg Kk Ff Vj Id Gb Be Rg Me Me Oe Ne LI Mb Vg Names of Placet, &c. Ho. Cy. Cy. T. Dep T. T. T. Austria Ceylon Ceylon Malaya Cuba Bolivia Guatemala .... Mexico West Indies. . . Southern Ocean Texas New S. Wales . Newfoundland. Brit. America . North America Hindoostan . . . Africa Tripoli Syria Greece Southern Ocean Norway Polynesia .... Russia Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia Brazil Madagascar. . Nova Zembla . Austria Asiatic Russia Brit. America Brit America Brit. America New York . . . France Nova Scotia .. Peru Peru Guatemala .. . Venezuela . . . o Sb Qc Ii Pj Qa Nd Qb Fc Db Fc Hd Md Hd Gi Gi Gg Hh Tryal Bay Tryal iRks Tsadda R. T. T. L. T. T. I. Tsahai Kiamen , Tsakildan Tschahar Nor . , Tschelya Tschdotiska ... Tschinkotan. . . , Tschirikov 'C. Tschoudsong . . Tschourkin . . . Tschulin Tsebid IT. Tseoulka T. T. Siampa pis. Tsi-chow Cy. Tsifouy I. Tsin-chow T. Tsingel R. Tsita L. Tsitchicar iPr. T. T. I. Wl Tk Mh Ud Td Sd Pb Sc Wd Ue Sf Va Tsitchicar . . . Tsotforkeng . Tsung-ming . Tsun-y 'Cy. Tsu-sima 'I. Tsypa |R. Tuabei 'sta. Tuaricks JPeo. Tuat Dis. Tubai I. Tubbus IT. Tubeldie JT. Tucapel Vol. Tuck's I. TucJk's ! Rk. Tuck's 'Rf. Tuclawi JDis. Tucopia I. Tucuman IPr. Tucuman T. Tudela T. Tuggala T. Tuggert Sta. T. T. Ls. T. T. T. I. Sea Tr. R. R. Cty, Cy. T. R. T. Tulang Bawing. Tulbagh .... Tule(the)... Tulneer Tumbul Tuna Tunbat TungHai... Tungouses . . Tungouska . . Tunguragua Tunis Tunis Tunja Tumuyan. . . Tupiza New S. Wales . Australasia .... Africa Mantchooria . . Mongolia Mongolia Russia Asiatic Russia. Kurile Islands. Japan Thibet Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. R c Bjrbary |Me Asiatic Russia. jQ b Anam jS g China iTe GulfofTonquinjTg Corea Ue Mongolia !R d Re Ud Ud Sf Ue Tf Ue Tc Mf Mg Mf Bj Pe Ng HI Wg Wi Xf Og Xj Hk Hk Ld Og Mf Si Nl Ee Qf Og Nb Oi Ue Sb Sb Gi Me Me H h HI Hk Thibet Mantchooria . . Mantchooria . . Thibet China China Corea Asiatic Russia. Africa Africa Africa Polynesia Persia Darfur Chili Polynesia Australasia Polynesia Africa Australasia.. . . Buenos Ayres . Buenos Ayres . . Spain Kordofan Africa Sumatra Cape Colony . . Mexico Hindoostan . . . Africa Sweden Indian Ocean . . Asia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Equador Africa Tunis New Grenada . . Buenos Ayres . Buenos Ayres . CONSULTING INDEX. 109 Nudm of Flues, *c. Turcomania Turfan .... Turfan .... Turgai .... Turin Turke Turkestan . Turkestan . Turkestan (Chi- nese) Cty. : Dis. T. R. Cy. Sta. Cty. T. Dis. Turkestan (Usbek)!Dis. Cty. Cty. Is. Is. C. Pt R. T. Ho. I. Is. Is. L. Pt Rk. T. Cy. D. T. L. T. T. T. I. T. L. R. Pr. T. Is. R. Is. Is. C. Bay Is. Mts. T. I. T. I. T. Pr. R. Fd. R. T. R. Tartary Little Bucharia Little Bucharia Tartary Sardinia Africa Asia Tartary Turkey Turkey Turkey Turk's Turnagain Turnagain Turnagain Turon Turon Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Dove Tury Tuscaloosa Tuscany Tuscumbia Tuskui Tuspan Tustepec Tustla Tutuilla Tuy Tuzla Tuzur Tver 21. Tver Twelve Apostles Twin Twins Two Two Bays Twofold Two Groups .... Two Peaks Twunt Tydorc Tyniskaya Typansan Tyre Tyrol Tyrun Tys Tzai Tzarevokoksnaisk Tzilima Tzokurin Des Tzug jL. 10 Chinese Empire Tartary Asia Europe Malaysia .... Bahamas .... New Zealand . Brit. America Brit. America Cochin China Cochin China Polynesia ... Malaysia .... Australasia . . Brit America Java Australasia... Brazil Alabama .... Italy Alabama .... Little Bucharia Mexico Mexico Mexico Polynesia Spain Asiatic Russia. Mantchooria . . Russia Russia Wisconsin .... Wisconsin .... Brit. America . Polynesia Patagonia New S. Wales . Polynesia Brit America . Algiers Malaysia Asiatic Russia. Eastern Sea. . . Syria Austria Little Bucharia Norway Tartary Russia Russia Mongolia Russia Pd Rd Qd Qd Md Ng Qd Qd Rd Qd Oe Nd Ti Hf X m Eb Dc Tg Tg Aj Ui Tj Ec Ti Tk Ji Ge Md Ge Qd Ff E* A J Ld Oe Vc Oc Oc Fd Fd Gc Wh Hm VI S j Ec Le Uh Rb Uf Oc Md Rd Nb Qd Pc Pb sd Ob Names of Placet, fee Uaupes ........ Ubai Ubatuba Ucayale Udalsai Udiai-milai Udirick Udoma Udoma Udoma Cross . . . Uelille.... Uitenhage Ujan Ujanda Ulea Ulea Uleaborg 3. Uleaborg Ulentai Ulia Ulkan Ulm Umba Umbre Umea Umea Umea Umerapoora .... Ummesogier .... Umgua Umritsir Unaub Underoot Ungava ........ Unicorn Union Union Union Unjigah Unmak Unst Upalta Upernavik Upernavik Upola Upper Upper Abbetibbe Upper Canada . . Upper Halix. . . . Upper Irtysh . . . Upper Kamtchatka Upper Nippewan Upper Oudinsk Upper Torneo Upright Upsa i Upsa Upsal Upstart Urak Ural I. I. L. R. T. T. T. R. R. L. R. Pr. T. R. R. R. T. T. R. T. L. R. Cy. T. R. Cy. I. I. B. Bay Rks Sta. Str. R. I. I. T. Dis. Sta. I. L. L. Pr. T. R. T. Ho. T. T. C. L. R. T. C. R. R. Venezuela .... Bolivia Brazil Equador Asiatic Russia. Polynesia Polynesia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. South Peru... . Cape Colony . . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Russia Russia Tartary Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Wirtemburg . . Russia Africa Sweden Sweden Sweden Birmah Barca Oregon Ter.. . . Hindoostan . . . Polynesia Asia Brit. America . Spitsbergen . . . Indian Ocean . Missouri Ter... Brit. America . Brit America . North America Scotland Buenos Ayres Greenland . . . Greenland . . . Polynesia .... Oregon Ter... Brit. America North America Sweden . . Mongolia Asiatic Russia. Brit. America Asiatic Russia. Sweden . . North America Mongolia .... Mongolia .... Sweden New S.Wales Asiatic Russia Tartary Hi Hi Jk Hi Uc Xg Xg Vb Vc Vc Hj Nl Uc i Wb Nb Nb Nb Nb Qc Vc Vc Md Ob Ni Nb Nb Nb Sf Nf Dd Qe Vh Qg He Na 01 Fe Eb Ec Ac Lc HI la la £ j E c Gd Gd Nb Rd Wc Ec Tc Nb Ca Sd Sd Nc Dj Vc Pd 110 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Placet, && Ural Urarinas .... Uratuppa . . . Urbana Ures Urgan Daba. Urgan Daga. Urghendj . . . Urghundab .. Urjungunar . Urracas Urris Uruba Urucuya .... Uruguay .... Uruguay .... Urumia Urumia Urup Urupadi ..... Usbek Turkestan Useless Ush Ussa Ustica Ust Mayo Ust. Yanskoi . Usuri Utica Utrecht Utwas Uyandina .... Vacarapi Vacassar Vach Vachourei. .. . Vada Valday Valdes Valdivia Valence Valencia Valencia . . . . . Valencia Valentia Valetta Valinco Valk Valladolid.... Valladolid Valladolid... Valladolid Vallcs Valley Towns Vallona Valparaiso . . . Valsche Van Van Buren . . . Van-chow .... Mts T. T. T. T. Mts. Mts. T. EL L. I. fid. T. R. Rep. R. T. L. I. R. Cty. Bay T. T. I. T. T. R. Cy. T. R. R. R. Bay R. T. C. T. Pt. T. T. Cy. T. T. I. Cy. G. T. Cy. Cy. T. T. T. T. 9- L. T. T. Europe Equador Great Bucharia Venezuela .... Mexico Tartary ...... Mongolia Tartary ...... Cabul Mongolia Polynesia Ireland Brazil Brazil South America Uruguay Persia Persia Kurile Islands. Brazil ... Tartary . Patagonia Tartary . Ashantee , Mediterran. Sea Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Mantchooria . . New York .... Holland Lower Canada. Asiatic Russia. Brazil Florida Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Tunis Russia North America Chili France Spain Brazil Venezuela Ireland Malta Corsica Russia Spain Mexico Mexico Equador Mexico North Carolina Turkey Chili New Guinea . . Asiatic Turkey Missouri Hainan Pc Hi Qd Hh Ef Qd Sd Qd Qe Rd Vf Lc J J II II Pe Pe Wd I i Qd Hn Qd Lh Me Ub Va Ud Gd Mc Gd Vb Ii G f Rb Qb Me Oc Cb HI M d Le Ji Hg Lc Me Md Nc Ld Fg Gf Gi Ff Ge Nd HI Vi Oe Fe Tg Names of Places, &c. Vancouver . Vancouver's Vancouver's Vandalia. . . VanDiemen's Ld. Van Diemen's . Van Diemen's . Vanheim Van Keulen's .. Vannen Vannes Vansittart Vanve Vapna Varandei Varbot Varela Varinas Varinas Varna Varoe Varoonda Vasil Vasquez Vasse Vassigan Vassikov Vaujaas Vavov Veisenstein. . .. Vekshina Vel Vela Vela-rete Velasco Veldho , Velika Velikaya Looki Velsk Velsk Venden , Vendome Venezuela Venezuela Venice Vepery Vera Cruz Vera Cruz Vera Paz Vera Paz Verde Verde Verde Verde Verdun Verinejo Verkholenskoi . . Verkho Ouralsk. Verkhotouriye . . Verko Yanskoi.. Verleegan Hook C. I. Ft. Cy. 1. G. Btr. Cy. Bay I. T. I. I. I'd T. R. Pt. T. T. ?y. I. Cty. T. I. Pt. R. T. Pt. I. T. T. R. Rks I. T. R. Bay T. Cy. T. T. T. Rep Dep Cy. T. St Cy. St. T. C. C. R. 1. T. R. T. T. T. T. C. North America Oregon Ter. . . Oregon Ter. . . Illinois Australasia.. . . New Holland . . Japan China Spitsbergen . . . Norway France Brit. America . Norway Iceland Russia Asiatic Russia. Patagonia Venezuela Equador Turkey Norway Africa Russia Polynesia New Holland. . Asiatic Russia. Russia Mantchooria . . Polynesia Russia ....... Asiatic Russia. Russia Polynesia Eastern Sea. . . Texas Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Russia Russia , Russia France South America Venezuela Italy Hindoostan . . . Mexico Mexico Guatemala Guatemala Senegambia .. . St. Thomas's I, Brazil New Grenada . France Buenos Ayres . Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Spitsbergen . . . Bb Dd Dd Ge Vm Uj Ue Tc M a Na Ld Gb Mb Kb Pb Vc Hn Hh Hi Nd Mb £ j Pc Ak Ti R c Oc Vc Aj Nc Qc Ob Vf Uf Ff Vb Pb Oc Ob Pc Nc Md Hh Hh Nd 5* Fg Fg Gg Gg Kg Mh Ik Gg M d Hk Tc Pc Pc Ub Na CONSULTING INDEX. Ill lam of Place., ftc Vermelha Vermillion Vermillion Vermont ....... Verona Verro Versailles Vershny Kolymsk Vershny Villuisk Vesenburg Vesiegonsk ..... Vesoul Vester Horn .... Vesuvius Veszprin Vetlooga Vevay Veyros Vhytogra Viana Viasma Viasniki Viatka 13. Viatka Viborg 9. Viborg Vichada Viciosas Vicksburg Vicsa Victoria Victoria Vidal Vidal Vienna Viesca Vigeroe v 'g»a Vig'a Vigo v )go Vigten Vijima Vilcabamba .... Vilkomir Villa Bella Villa Boa Villa Boim Villach Villa Clara Villa de C.Frio. Villa del Forte . . Villa de la Purifi- cacion Villa del Fuerte. Villa del Principe Villa do Contas Villa do Principe Villa Guiana.. Villa Maria . . Bay Bay Ft St Cy. T. Cy. T. Cy. T. T. T. C. Mt T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. Pr. T. Pr. T. R. I. T. T. R. Har C. Rk. Cy. T. I. T. T. T. L. Is. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. Cy. T. T. T. T. T. T. T. Benguela Louisiana Brit America . United States . . Italy Russia France Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia France Iceland Naples Austria Russia Indiana Brazil Russia Brazil Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia New Grenada . Caribbean Sea. Mississippi. . . . Brazil Africa Brit. America . Africa Atlantic Ocean Austria Texas Norway Mexico Brazil Spain Russia Norway Russia Peru Russia Brazil Brazil Brazil Austria Cuba Brazil Brazil Mexico .. . Mexico . . . Cuba Brazil .... Brazil .... Venezuela . Brazil Mj Ft' Ec Hd Md Nc Md Wb Ub Nc Oc Md Kb Nd Nd Pc Ge Ii Ob Ii Oc Oc Pc Pc NH Nb Hh S g Fe Ji Mj Fa Ok Lc Nd Fe Mb F, s Ld Ob Mb Pb Hj Nc Ij Ij I i Md Gf Jk Ji Fg Ef Gf Jj Jj Hh J Nairn* of Places, «cc Villa Nova da Princeza .... Villa Nova da Princeza Villa Nova del Rey Villa Nova Villaret Villa Rica Villa Rica Villarica Villa Salado .... Villui Vincennes Vingorla ....... Virgin Virgin Virgin Gorda .. . Virginia Virgin's Virgin's Virlzerv Viscavna Vischer's Viseu Vistula Vitchegda Vitebsk 27. Vitebsk Vitim Vitimskaya Vittoria Vizagapatam . . . Vizianagnam . . . Vizierabad . . Vladimir 22. Vladimir Vladimir Vofsen Vogenoe Vohemaire Voikoski Voja Vojigorska Voknavolotz .... Volcano Volcano Volcano Volga Volgina Volhynia.. . .45. Volkhov Volmar Vologda ... .11. Vologda Volomki Volta Voltas Voltri , Volunteer Vornavin T. T. T. C. Cy. T. T. Vil. R. Cy. T. Is. Bks. I. St Bay C. L. C. I. T. R. T. Pr. Cy. R. T. T. T. T. T. Pr. %' T. Bay I. Bay T. L. T. T. Bay I. I. R. T. Pr. R. T. Pr. £ y - T. R. C. T. I. T. Brazil .... Brazil Brazil Brazil New Holland • . Brazil Buenos Ayres . Chili Mexico Asiatic Russia. Indiana Hindoostan . . . West Indies. . . Newfoundland. West Indies .. . United States .. Mexico Patagonia Russia Mexico Australasia .... Brazil Russia Russia Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Spain Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Hindoostan . . . Russia Russia Russia Spitsbergen . . . Norway Madagascar .. . Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Russia Japan Polynesia Polynesia Russia Asiatic Russia. Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Guinea Africa Sardinia Polynesia Russia Ik Ji I i Jj Uj Jj I k HI Ee Tb Ge Qg Hg Id Hg Ge Ee Hn Nc De Wl Hj Nc Pb Nc Oc Tc Tc Ld Rg Rg Re Oc Oc N. Na Mb Qb Ob Pb Nb Vd Vf Wf Oc Ra Nc Oc Nc Pb Oc Oc Mh Nk Nd Pf Pc 112 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, ke. Vorofskaya .... Voronez ... .41 Voronez Voronez Voronia.. ...... Voronov Vorya Vosminsk Vosnecenskoe . • Voutchang .... Vou-ting Voz Vym Vyn Waago Wabash Wadan Waday Wadreag Wadsoe Wady al Kora . Wady Dak he . Wady el Khargeh Wady el Lugh- lhaman Wady Farafreh • Wady Kawar... Wady Noon .... Wady Zemzen .. Wager Wajunga Wakash Wake's Wake's Ledge . . Waldeck....23. Wales Walet Walgnind Walgomas Walker Walker Walker's Wallace Wallachia Wallah Wallah . Wallis's Wallis's Walmsley Walpole Walsbak Walsingham.. . . Walter Bathurst Walwich Wamba Wamkrore Wamwax Wangel Wapticacoos Wara Waranger T. Pr. Cy. T. R. C. R. Bay T. Cy. R. R. I. R. T. T. Dis. T. T. Os. T. T. O. L. T. T. R. Cty. Tr. I. Bks Cty. Cty T. I. L. c. c. Bay Bay Pr. R. I. I. L. I. I. C. c. Bay Dis. T. I. R. R. Cy- Fd. Russia Russia Russia Russia Asiatic Russia Russia Asiatic Russia China China Russia Asiatic Russia Russia Asiatic Russia. Russia , Faroe Islands United States. Tripoli Africa Barbary Russia Arabia %ypt Egypt Fezzan Egypt Africa Suse Tripoli Brit. America . Africa Oregon Ter. .. . Polynesia Polynesia Germany Great Britain .. Africa Russia Sweden Brit. America . Greenland Cape Colony . . Scoresby's Ld. Turkey Oregon Ter. . . , Polynesia Isle of Georgia Brit. America i Australasia Iceland Brit. America Brit. America , Africa Africa Senegambia ■ . , Australasia Sweden Oregon Ter.. . , Bergoo [Russia Ref. Lets. Wc Oc Oc Ob Ob Ob Qb Pb Re Te Te Ob Qb Pb Lb Ge Nf Ng Me Na Of Nf Nf Mf Nf Mr Lf Me Gb Ng Dd Xg Xg Mc Lc Lff Nb Nb Fc la Nl Ka Nd Ed f f Jn Eb Xk Kb Hg Ga Mk Ni Kg Vi Nb Ed Ng Na Names of Places, &c. Warangol Warasdin Warberg Wardehuus .... Wardoe Waree Wargala Wargala Wargela Warning Warreconne .... Warren Warren Warren Warrender Warrow Warsaw Warsaw Wasa 4. Wasa Wasalmy Wash (the) Washagamy Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washington Washita (False) . Washoo WasiliefFe WasiliefFskoy . . . Waskayow Waskur Wassaw i Wasseen Wassela Wassiboo Wasteras Watchman's Waterford Watlings' Kay . . Wawa Waygat Waygat Waygatch Waygatch Waygeeoo Webbe Webuck Weeks' Weeks' Wchisk Wei Weide Weide Weihai-wei Weldychuck . . . Wellesley's Wellington T. T. T. T. I. Cy. Dis. T. Sta. Mts. R. T. R. Pt. C. Cty. Cy. T. Pr. T. R. L. Cy. T. T. T. Is. I. R. T. C. I. L. R. Dis. Pks. Cty. T. T. C. T. I. T. I. Sta. I. Str. I. R. C. I. I. R. Pr. Bay R. T. L. Is. Ch. Hindoostan . . . Austria Sweden Russia Russia Benin Barbary Barbary Africa New S. Wales . Wisconsin Ter. Pennsylvania. . Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . Guiana Poland Illinois Russia Russia Brit. America . England Brit. America . D. of Columbia Pennsylvania. , Arkansas Texas Polynesia Polynesia Western Ter.. Soudan , Kurile Islands Asiatic Russia, Brit. America . Asiatic Russia Ashantee Africa Africa Africa Sweden Patagonia Ireland , Bahamas Soudan Greenland Greenland Russia Russia Polynesia Africa Labrador Polynesia Polynesia Brit. America . Thibet Spitsbergen . . . Greenland China Brit. America . Australasia Brit. America . Rg Nd Mc Oa Oa Mh Me Me Mf Wk Fd Gd Fb Db Ga Ih Nc Fd Nb Nb He M c He Ge Gd Fe Fe Cj Bh Fe Mh Wd Ua Fc Qb Lh Oi Lg Lg Nc Hm Lc Hf Mh la la Pb Pb Uh Oh lc Wf Xg Gc Sf Ma lb Ue Eb Fa CONSULTING INDEX. 113 Names of Place*, *c- Wellington Wells' Welsford Wener Wenerborg .... Wenman's .... Werner Wesel Weser Wesley ville .... Wesscl's Wessel's West West West West West West West Bothnia . West Cape Howe Western ■Western Western Western Western Western Western Austral- asia Western Spits- bergen Westervelts .... West Fork Westmanna .... West Mt Barren Weston West Pens Westray West Sleepers . . West Vaagen. . . Wetter Wettern Wexford Wexio Weymouth Weywongy .... Whaco Indians . Whale Whale Whale Whale Whale Whale Whale Whale River . . . Whale's Whale's Whaneekaa .... Wheeling ....... Whidbey ...... Whidbey White 10* I. Rf. C. L. T. Is. Mts, T. R. Sta. Is. I. C. C. I. Pt. Rf. Fd. Dis. C. Ter. Is. Is. I. Po. Ter, Cty. Dis. Gr. R. I. Mt C. Is. I. Is. I. I. L. T. T. C. L Tr. Bay Bay So. Pt Is. R. Bk. Ho. Bay Hd. T. Ha'r Is. Sea Patagonia Australasia Brit America . Sweden Sweden Gallapagos Scoresby's Ld. . Prussia Germany CafFraria Australasia Australasia . . . New Zealand . . Coronation Falkland Is.. . . Brit. America . South Shetland Norway Sweden New Holland . . United States. . Atlantic Ocean Scotland Australasia.. . . New S.Wales . United States. . Australasia . . . Spitsbergen . . . Polynesia Oregon Ter. . . Iceland New Holland . . Brit. America . Brit America . Scotland Brit America . Loffoden Isles . Malaysia ... . Sweden Ireland Sweden New S. Wales . Malaysia Texas Africa Kerguelen's Ld. Brit America . Brit. America . Greenland Brit. America . Newfoundland . Brit America . Spitsbergen . . . Spitsbergen . . . Africa Virginia Oregon Ter.. . . Australasia . . . Russia Hm Wj Gb Mc Mc Fh Ka Mc Mc Nl Vj Ui X m Io In Hd Io Mb Nb Tl Fe Ke Lc Vm VI Fe Ul Ma Wh Ed Kb Tl Gb Fc Lc Gc Mb Ui Mc Lc Mc Vj Ui Fe Mk Qb Ha Gb lb He Id G« Na Na Oi Ge Dd VI Ob Names of Place*, lc White White White White White White White White White..... White White Bear , White Earth White Fish , White Fish . White Fish Lake Whitehall White Harutsh Whitshed Whitsuntide . . . Whittle Wholdvahad . . . Whydah Whylootacke . . Wick Wicklow Wide Wideroe Widin Wight Wiirst Wilberforce . . . Wilcox Wild Wilkesbarre . . . Willersted .... Willey's William William William William William William IV.'s.. Williams' Willow Lake . . Wilmington .. . Wilna 29 Wilna Wilson's Wingoos Winchester.. . . Wincoop's .... Wincoop's .... Windalo Windau Windsor Windward .... Windward .... Winebah Winnebago ... Winnebago . . . Winnebagoes .. Bay C. R. R. L. L. I. Is. Cr. Mts. Bay R. R. L. Ho. T. Mts. C. I. C. L. T. I. T. T. Bay I. T. I. C. C. Pt. Is. T. L. I. C. Pt Mt. Ft Ft Ld. R. R. T. Pr. S y ' Pr. L. Cy. Bay Pt. T. T. T. Ch. Is. T. L. Ft. Tr. Newfoundland. Brit America . Asiatic Russia. Missouri Mongolia Brit America . Bolivia Australasia . . . Missouri New S. Wales. Brit. America . Wisconsin Ter, Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit America . New York .... Africa North America Australasia Labrador Brit. America . Dahomey Polynesia Scotland Ireland New S. Wales . Faroe Islands . Turkey England Seghalien Mozambique . . Greenland .... Greenland .... Pennsylvania . . Brit America . Southern Ocean Celebes Mozambique . . New Holland . . Scotland Brit. America . Brit America . Missouri Ter. . Brit America . North Carolina Russia Russia New S. Wales . Brit. America . Virginia Java Java Russia Russia Vermont Western Ocean West Indies. Ashantec . . . Wisconsin Ter. Wisconsin Ter, Wisconsin Ter, lc Ha Xb Fe Sd Fb Hk XI Fd VI Hb Fd Ec Ec Ec Hd Nf Cb Xj He Fb Mh Bj Lc Lc Wk Lb Nd Lc Vc Ok la lb Gd Fb Kn Ti Oj Tl Lc Fd Fb Ed Db Ge Nc Nc VI Fc Ge Ti Ti Nb Nc Hd H«r "tr Lh Gd Gd Fd 114 CONSULTING INDEX. Names of Places, Sc Winnepeek Winnepeek Winslow Winter Winter Winter Wirtemburg. • . . Wisbaden Wisby Wisconsin Wisconsin ..... Withelms Wittangi Wittenberg .... Woahoo Wodio Wogadeen Wolchich Wolchousky .... WoledAbousseba Woled Aly Arabs Woled Deleym.. Woled Deleym . . Woled Gormeh . Woled Hashem . Wolf Wolf Wollaston Wollaston Wollaston Wolstenholme . . Wolstenholme . . Wolstenholme . . Wolter Thymens Woman's Womba Wood Wood Wood Wood WoodalPs Wood burg Woodbury , . . . . Woodia Woods Woody Head . . . Worth's Wrath Wupperthal .... Wurzburg,. . . . . Wyborg Wynn Wyragur Xagua Xanacy Xarayes Xerez Xingu Xiquexique Xolotas R. L. I. L. I. His. Km. T. T. Ter. R. I. T. Cy. I. L. Tr. Mts, I. Tr. Tr. Tr. Sta. Tr. Tr. I. I. L. L. I. C. So. I. Fd. Is. T. Bay Bay T. C. Bk. Bay C. T. L. C. Is. C. Sta. Cy. T. C. T. Bay R. L. T. R. T. T. Brit. America . Brit. America Polynesia Brit. America Brit. America Russia Germany Nassau Gothland .... United States. Wisconsin . . . Nova Zembla . Sweden Prussia Sandwich Is.. Russia Africa Brit. America Polynesia. Africa Barca Africa Africa Africa Africa. Labrador Labrador Brit. America . Brit. America . Patagonia .... Brit. America . Brit. America . Brit. America . Spitsbergen . . . Greenland Soudan Spitsbergen . . . Jan Mayen I... Nubia Scoresby's Ld. Atlantic Ocean New Guinea . . New Guinea . . Soudan Brit. America . New Zealand. . Polynesia Scotland Cape Colony . . Bavaria , . Denmark Scoresby's Ld.. Hindoostan . . . Cuba Brazil .... Bolivia ... Guatemala , Brazil ,|I i Brazil J j Bolivia ..Ilk Fc Fc Aj Eb Gb Ob Md Md Nc Fd Fd Pa Nb Mc Bf Ob Oh He Cj Lf Ne Lf Lf Lf Lf Ic He Fc Eb Hn Gb Ha Ha Na la Mg Ma La Og Ka Kd Vi Vi Mg Fc XI Wh Lc Nl Md Mc Ka Rf Gf Ij Ij Gg Names of Placet, *c. Xulla Bessey . . . Xulla Mangola.. Xulla Talyaboo . Yablanoy ...... Yachan Yackman Yacobstat Yacootat Yacsa Yacuy Yaguari Yai-chow Yakoutes Yakoutsk Yakoutsk Yall Yalnsness ...... Yalo Ya-long Yaloutorovsk . . . Yamayas Yambo Yamburg Yamskaya Yamskoi Yamychevskoy . Yana Yandy Yang-chow Yangomez Yang-tse Kiang Yanni Yao-chow Yao-ngan Yaoorie Yap Yapelhue Yaransk Yarboro Yarcou Tsanpoo Yarensk Yari Yarkand Yarkand Yarmouth Yarmouth Yaroslavl . . .15. Yaroslavl Yarriba Yartobe Yasashna YathKyed Yazoo Y-chow Yedinsk Yeh Yell Yell Yellow , Yellow L I. I. Mts. T. R. T. Bay T. R. R. T. Tr. Pr. T. R. C. R. R. T. Tr. T. T. Bay T. T. R. T. Cy T. R. R. Cy. Cy. Cy. I. T. T. In. R. T. R. Cy. R. T. T. Pr. T. Cty. T. R. L. R. Cy. T. T. So. I. Sea R Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Asiatic Russia. Corea Oregon Ter. . . Russia North America Asiatic Russia. Brazil Brazil Hainan Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia . Asiatic Russia. JIantchooria celand. Mantchooria China Asiatic Russia . Mexico Arabia Russia Asiatic Russia Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Soudan China Uruguay . . . China Mantchooria China China , Soudan .... Polynesia. . . Chili Russia North America Thibet . . Russia . . Brazil . . . Little Bucharia Little Bucharia Nova Scotia. . . England Russia Russia Soudan Little Thibet . . Asiatic Russia. Brit. America . Mississippi .... China Asiatic Russia. Birmah Scotland Scotland China |Africa Vc Ue Dd Nc Cc Uc Ik Ik Tg Ub Ub Ub Ud Kb Ud Sf Qc E e Of Nc Wb Wb Re Vb Mh Te II Ue Uc Tf Sf Mg Vh HI Pc Ca Re Pb Ik Qd Rd Hd Mc Oc Oc Mh Re Vb Fb Fb Te Vb Sg Lc Lc Ue Nk CONSULTING INDEX. 115 Names of Flues, &c. CtaiJ. Yellow Yellow Yellow Knife... Yellow Mongols Yellow Stone .. . Yemana Yemen Yen Yen chow Yengi Yenisei Yenisei Yenisei Yen-ngan Yen-ping Yeou Yeppe Yezd Yezdikhast Yhirrita Yikarova Yligan Ylijaska Yraile Yobaty Yo-chow Yong-chow Yong-ning-chow Yon-ping . . . Yopcz York York York York York York York York York York York Minster York's Yorobieva. . . . Youghall .... Youl Young William's Yourin Youxpell . . . Yoze Ypilay .... Yrcoo . ... Yrcoulou . . Yshoek. .... Yucatan ... Yu-chow . . , Yuen-chow Yuen Kiang Yuen-yang. Yuma , Yungepe . . , Yung Ling . It. L. R. Tr. R. T. Pr. Sta. Cy. T. a. T. R. Cy. Cy. R. Tr. Cy. T. R. T. T. T. R. T. Cy. Cy. Cy. Cy. R. Dis. Cy. T. T. C. C. c. Is. So. Ft I. Pen T. T. I. Is. C. L. R. T. T. T. Pt Sta. Cy. Cy. R. Cy. I. .' .' Mts China Wisconsin Ter. Brit America . Mongolia Missouri Ter... Arabia Arabia Africa China Corea Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. Asiatic Russia. China China Soudan Missouri Ter... Persia Persia New Grenada . Asiatic Russia. Mindanao Russia Mantchooria . . Ashantee China China China China Mexico Brit. America . England New Holland. . Virginia Brit America . Brit America . New S. Wales . Australasia .... New Holland . . Brit. America . Patagonia .... New S. Wales . Asiatic Russia. Ireland Polynesia Polynesia Brit. America . Oregon Ter. . . Mantchooria . . Paraguay Mantchooria . . Mantchooria . . Nova Zembla. . Mexico China China China China Bahamas China Thibet Te Fd Eb Se Fd Pf Og Ng Te Ue Ra Sc Sc Te Tf Mg Ed Pe Pe Hh Sc Uh Nb Vc Lh Tf Tf Tf Te IS Fc Lc Tl Ge Ga Ha Vj Vj £ j E c Hn VI Sc Lc Uh Wh Gb Ed Vd Ik Ud Vd Qa S & Te Tf Tf Te Gf Sf Se Names of Places, 4c. Yungning . . Yung-ning-chow Yu-nhing ... Yunnan Yunnan .... Yunshan ... Yun-tai-chan Yupee Yurlevelz Zab Zabara Zacatecas .... Zacatecas Zacatula Zacatula Zacheo Zachiversk .... Zagany Zaguanagas . . . Zaire Zaitsova Zaizan Zak Zambeze Zambezi Zanguebar .... Zante Zanzibar Zanzibar Zaria Zarnsk Za vara Zawaja , Zealand Zebato Zebce Zebid Zebu Zechoe Zeeri win-zer i man Zeghawa Zeghen Zegzeg Zekhova Zelania Zemee Zendero Zerbi Zerib Zeyla Zhe-hol Zimba Zimhao Zimbuas Zimora Zinti Zirianea Zirmie Znaym T. Cy. Cy. Pr. Cy. Pr. Cy. Pr. T. Dis. T. St Cy. T. R. I. T. T. R. R. T. L. R. R. R. Cty. Cty. I. T. T. Pt. L. R. T. I. R. Sta. T. T. Dis. Bay C. T. Cty. T. T. T. Tr. T. Tr. T. T. K. T. T. Thibet China China China China Birmah China Mantchooria Russia Barbary Arabia Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico West Indies . . Asiatic Russia Soudan Mexico Congo Asiatic Russia Mongolia .... Africa Cazembe Mozambique . Africa Ionian Isles .. Africa Indian Ocean . Soudan Russia Mozambique . Africa Denmark .... New Grenada Africa Arabia , Malaysia Africa Sahara Darfur Fezzan Soudan Russia Nova Zembla . Birmah Africa Tripoli Barbary Abyssinia Mantchooria . . Africa Motapa South America Russia Bolivia Asiatic Russia. Soudan Austria Sf Te Te Sf Sf Sf Te Ud Oc Me Pf Ff Ff Fg Fg Hg Vb Mg Ee Mi Sc Rd Nk Nj Oj Oi Ne Oi Oi Mg Oc Ok Oh Mc Gh Oh Og Vg Nl Lf Ng Nf Mg Pb Qa Sf Oh Me Me Og Td Oj Oj Ii Nc Hk Nc Mg Nd 116 CONSULTING INDEX. Namei of PIjcm, fcc Class. Zoar Zoara . . . . Zogang . . . Zoobakie. . Zoolas Zotina. . . . Zoubisov ., Zowan Zuela Zulia Zumba . . , Zumbas . . Zumbo . . T. T. T. T. Tr. T. T. T. T. Dep T. T. T. Syria Tripoli Soudan , Africa Caffraria Asiatic Russia Russia Tunis Fezzan Venezuela . . . Benguela .... Africa Changamera . Oe Me Mg Oh Ok Sb Oc Me Nf Hg Nj Oj Nj Names of Places, &c. Zurich Zurpane . . Zurrah . . . Zuurebrak Zuyder Zee Zvenigorod Zverinogolevskaya Zvornik , Zwartlintjes . . . Zwarten Kock . Zwellendam . . . Zwoll Zytomir Cy. I. L. T. G. T. T. T. R. C. T. T. T. Switzerland . . . Polynesia Cabul Cape Colony . . German Ocean Russia Asiatic Russia . Turkey Cape Colony . . Nova Zembla . . Cape Colony . . Holland Russia Md Vg Pe Nl Mc Oc Qc Nd Nk Pa Nl Mc Nc END OF CONSULTING INDEX. GENERAL VIEW OF THE WORLD. 117 GENERAL VIEW OF THE WORLD. AMERICA. America is a vast continent comprising one of the grand divisions of the globe ; it contains an extent of territory nearly equal to half of the other three conti- nental divisions, constituting about three-tenths of the dry land on the surface of the earth ; it is washed on both sides by vast oceans, on the east by the Atlantic, and on the west by the Pacific. It ranges from north to south through 125 degrees of latitude, and in its widest part 113 degrees of longitude, being in length about 9000 miles, and in average breadth about 2000 ; the extent of sur- face has been variously estimated at from 17,303,000 to 14,622,000 square miles, but in every estimate allowance must be made for the uncertainty of the northern limits, and our still imperfect acquaintance with some of the coasts. America comprehends the whole of the tropical and temperate climates, with part of the arctic on both sides of the equator. The whole of the continent north of latitude 55° may be considered as a frozen region. In Greenland and around Hudson's Bay, mercury freezes in winter, and ice and snow accumulate on the land and water and covers a great part of the country throughout the year. The winter begins in August and continues for nine months. In summer the heat is as great as in New England ; it continues however for too short a period to bring grain to maturity, and cultivation is very little practised. Vegetation is too scanty to supply the inhabitants with any considerable part of their food, they therefore live chiefly on seals and other productions of the sea. Between 55° and 44° north the climate of North America is still severe. In winter the celd is intense, and the snow, which begins to fall in November, remains till May. The summer advances with such rapidity that the season of spring is hardly known. In June the fields and forests are covered with luxuriant verdure ; grain is abundant and in some portions is cultivated with success. The temper- ate portions of North America may be considered as extending from 46° to 37° north latitude. These regions are prolific in grass, the various descriptions of grain, and a variety of fruits are produced in great abundance. From 37° north to the latitude of 40 degrees south the climate is hot, and the products constitute some of the most valuable articles of commerce, being chiefly tobacco, cotton, rice, indigo, coffee, sugar, and the various tropical fruits. Beyond latitude 40° south the climate again becomes cold, and at Tierra del Fuego it is severe ; at the South Shetland Islands, in latitude 63° and 64° south, the climate is that of Greenland and Spitsbergen ; islands of ice are tossing through the seas, and the land is peopled only by those animal forms peculiar to the Antarctic Circle. Na- ture in this continent assumes an aspect of peculiar magnificence, for whether we consider its mountains, its rivers, its lakes, its forests, or its plains, America appears to be distinguished in all those leading features by a grandeur not to be found in the other parts of the globe. This continent contains a great variety of wild animals, and since its discovery the species usually domesticated in Europe have been introduced and are now found in great abundance. The birds are exceedingly numerous, and are said to be more beautiful in their plumage than those of the old continent, but in their notes less melodious. in 120 AMERICA. The vegetable kingdom is in the highest degree rich and varied, many of the trees are amongst the most ornamental and useful, the fruits are rich and in great profusion, the plants and flowering shrubs exceedingly diversified and beautiful, and almost all the various species of grain necessary to sustain life are cultivated and afford abundant crops. In mineral treasures America surpasses all the other quarters of the globe. South America and Mexico abound particularly in the precious metals, and such ample supplies have been carried to European markets that their value has been greatly diminished since the discovery of the American mines ; all the more common metals, minerals, and precious stones, are found in great profusion, and many of them furnish the materials for extensive and important manufactures. The inhabitants of this continent have been estimated by various writers at from 20 millions to 50 millions, but are probably about 44 millions ; of this num- ber about 18 millions are supposed to be whites, 10 millions of the aboriginal race, 8 millions of negroes, and 8 millions of the mixed race, as mulattoes, zaro- boes, &c. The whites are chiefly English in the north, and Spaniards in the south, with some French, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Danes, Swedes, &c. The negroes are Africans, whom the cupidity of the European races has dragged into slavery, or descendants of the earlier victims of a barbarous traffic. The aboriginal population consists of two distinct races, the Esquimaux, inhab- iting the maritime districts of the Arctic regions, and the copper-coloured Indians, who are spread over all the rest of the continent ; their origin has been a subject of much investigation, but the total absence of historical records among the Indians themselves, renders it difficult to arrive at any satisfactory result. It has been discovered that there are remarkable resemblances between some of the languages of Asia and those of the Indians, and hence it becomes nearly certain that they came from the Asiatic continent, but at what period they emigrated it is impossible to determine. It is evident that they are a distinct people, being essentially different in several respects from any of the existing races on the eastern continent. The natives in some parts, particularly Mexico and Peru, were considerably ad- vanced in civilization. Those inhabiting Mexico were denominated Aztecs ; their government was a sort of feudal monarchy, in which the nobles and priests mono- polized the power, the mass of the people being mere serfs attached to the soil. The Aztecs had neither tame animals, money, nor artificial roads ; but they were acquainted with the arts of weaving cloth, hewing stone, carving in wood, and of modelling in soft substances. Their method of picture writing, though rude, com- pared with the alphabets of the nations of the old world, was superior to any thing else found in the new, and enabled them to transmit intelligence and to re- cord events with sufficient distinctness. Their calendar was more accurate than that of the Greeks and Romans, and evinced a degree of scientific skill that has created suspicions of a foreign origin. The government of the Peruvians, or Quichuas, was a theocracy of the most despotic character ; the sacred Incas, descendants of the sun, were at once tem- poral and spiritual sovereigns, and the people, or children of the earth, were kept in a state of complete servitude, living according to minute regulations which re- duced them to mere machines, labouring in common, and holding no property. The Quichuas employed the lama as a beast of burden; constructed roads of great extent and solidity; built suspension-bridges of a most ingenious kind ; formed chisels of a hard alloy of copper and tin ; understood the art of moving large masses, and excelled the Aztecs in the perfection of their masonry, but were in- ferior to the latter in their mode of computing time and in their method of record- ing events. The political state of America presents some striking features and contrasts. The native tribes who still survive, are partly held in subjection by European Americans ; but the greater number wander over their extensive wilds, either in rude independence, or ruled despotically by their chiefs and caciques. The Eu- ropean colonists, who form now by far the most numerous and important part of the population, were long held in subjection to .the mother countries, the chief of NORTH AMERICA. 121 which were Spain and Great Britain; but the greater part of them have now es- tablished their independence, and have generally adopted the republican form of government. Another political element is formed by the negroes, who are mostly in a state of slavery ; a numerous body of them, however, in one of the finest West Indian Islands, have emancipated themselves and become a free people; while Great Britain has recently bestowed restricted liberty on the large numbers by whom her islands are cultivated. There yet remain about 5 millions of black slaves in Brazil and the United States, besides a considerable number in the other European colonies. Many of the indigenous tribes have become, at least in name and outward forms, converted to Christianity ; but a great number still cherish the crude no- tions and rude ceremonials of their native faith. The European Americans have commonly retained the religious creed of their mother country, so that, while in the French, Spanish, and Portuguese colonies, the Roman Catholic is the prevail- ing system, those countries that have been settled by English colonists are chiefly of the Protestant persuasions. The negroes have generally been instructed in the elements of Christianity. The whole number of Roman Catholics may be estimated at about 25£ millions, of Protestants 15 millions, and of unconverted Indians 1^ millions : on this estimate, however, the negroes are considered as be- longing to the denomination embraced by their masters. No part of the world presents so great a number of languages spoken by so few individuals, as the American continent. It is estimated that more than 438 languages, and 2000 dialects, are here spoken by about 10 millions of indigenous natives, and consequently, about one half of the known tongues in the world are spoken by about one eighth of the population. An analogy of structure, however, so remarkable, has been found to pervade all the American languages as far as they are yet known, that they have been designated polysynthetic, a term descrip- tive of their remarkable powers of composition. No class of languages equals the American in its astonishing capacity for expressing several ideas and modifi- cations of ideas, in one word ; and idioms of naked savages are not less regular and complicated in structure than rich in words. From the country of the Esqui- maux to the Straits of Magellan, mother tongues, in their roots have, if the ex- pression may be allowed, the same physiognomy. It is in consequence of this similarity of structure, that the Indians of the missions could learn the tongue of a different tribe much more easily than the Spanish, and the monks had once adopted the practice of communicating with a great number of hordes through the medium of one of the native languages. NORTH AMERICA. North America comprises that portion of the New World extending from 8° to 70° north latitude, and from 55° to 168° west longitude. The area of this vast region is about 7,200,000 square miles, exclusive of the islands lying west and north-west of Baffin's Bay and Barrow's Strait. Presenting a broad front to the Arctic Seas, it gradually expands in width to about 50° north latitude, when it again contracts its dimensions until it terminates in the Isthmus of Darien. Its winding outline presents a great extent of sea coast, which is estimated to amount to about 9500 miles on the eastern, and somewhat more on the western side, exclusive of those on the frozen shores of the northern border. Mountain ranges, peculiarly distinguished by their magnitude and continuity, pervade this quarter of the world. Those of North America consist of two great chains, the eastern and western; the latter, or Rocky Mountain range, known also as the Chipewayan. Passing through Guatemala from the Isthmus of Darien, it spreads out, in Mexico, into extensive table-lands, crowned by lofty volcanic peaks: running thence through the western regions of the United States, and the 11 Q 122 NORTH AMERICA. British possessions, it finally sinks to a level on the shores of the Polar Sea, west- ward of the Mackenzie River. Its extent is probably not less than 5000 miles, and in its general course it is nearly parallel to the Pacific Ocean, forming the great dividing ridge, or line of separation, between the eastern and western waters, the principal of which have their origin in its rugged declivities. The only other extensive range is the Alleghany or Appalachian, which, run- ning parallel to the eastern coast of the United States, throws off some irregular and rather slightly connected branches diverging into Canada, Labrador and the vicinity of Hudson's Bay. This consists principally of two parallel chains, the Alleghany and the Blue Ridge. These, however, are not so extensive in their range, nor do they attain the elevation of the great western chain. The rivers of America constitute perhaps her grandest natural features, or at least those in which she may claim the most decided pre-eminence over the other quarters of the globe. They are unequalled, both in their length of course and in the vast masses which they pour into the ocean. The principal of these take their rise in the great western chain, from its eastern side, whence, being swelled by numerous streams, they roll, broad and spacious, across the great interior plain, until they approach the eastern range of mountains : thence they derive a fresh and copious series of tributaries, till, bearing, as it were, the waters of half a continent, they reach the ocean. Thus, the Missouri-(which, notwithstanding the error which has given the name of the Mississippi to the united channel, is un- doubtedly, in a physical view, the main stream) takes its rise in the Rocky Moun- tains, then flows eastward into the great central valley, where it is joined by the Mississippi, and there receives, from the Alleghany chain, the copious tribute of the Ohio. In its course thence southward, it receives tributaries both from the eastern and western range. The St. Lawrence and Mississippi proper derive their ample stores not from any mountain chain, but from that cold watery region of swamps and forests which forms the northern prolongation of the great central plain. The Mackenzie and Great Fish River which flows through the north into the Arctic Sea, have a long diversified course, but, from the barren regions which they traverse, are of no commercial value. The Lakes of North America are numerous and important; they are not, how- ever, mountain lakes, nor formed by mountain streams. They originate in those great wooded and watery plains whence the Mississippi and the St. Lawrence take their rise. The chain of connected lakes on the upper course of the latter river, Ontario, Erie, Huron, Michigan and Superior, form the largest bodies of fresh water in the world. Communicating with the sea by the broad channel of the St. Lawrence, and in a country whose population is rapidly increasing, they are becoming of the greatest importance to commerce. Similar lakes extend to the northward as far as the Arctic Sea ; the Lake of the Woods, the Athabasca, the Great Slave, and the Great Bear Lake ; but these, unconnected with any other sea, and frozen for the greater part of the year, cannot serve any commer- cial purpose. The Plains of the New World form almost as great and remarkable an object as its mountains. In North America, of those more especially worthy of atten- tion, the first is the plain along the Atlantic, between that ocean and the eastern range of mountains. To that belongs the original territory of the United States. It is a region of natural forests ; of mixed, but rather poor soil, and of but mode- rate fertility. The second is that on the opposite side of the continent, between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean ; a country with a mild and humid atmosphere, as far north as 55°, but inhospitable beyond that latitude. The most extensive is the great central valley of the Mississippi, rich and well wooded on the east side ; bare, but not unfertile in the middle ; dry, sandy, and almost a desert on the west This vast plateau is prolonged without interruption, from the Gulf of Mexico to the shores of the Polar Sea, so that, as has been observed, one of its borders is covered witli the palms and the splendid foliage of the tropics, while, in the other, the last buds of arctic vegetation expire. The area of this great plain is estimated at 3,240,000 square miles. NORTH AMERICA. 123 It was formerly believed, on the authority of Buffbn, that the animals of Ame- rica were inferior in size to those of the eastern continent The researches of , modern naturalists have not only refuted this error, but have established the fact, that where any difference of size exists in animals of the same class, the superi- ority in most cases is on the American side. The animal kingdom of North Ame- rica embraces a considerable variety of species, some of which are not found in other parts of the world. Of the Bear species those peculiar to North America are the Grizzly, Barren Ground, and Black Bears. The great Polar, or White Bear, is found also in the Arctic regions of Europe and Asia. In North America it inhabits the continent as far south as Labrador and Hudson's Bay, its principal residence is on fields of ice, with which it frequently floats a great distance from land. These huge crea- tures feed mostly on animal substances, and as they swim and dive well, they hunt seals and other marine animals with great success. The White Bear pos- sesses prodigious strength, and often attacks sailors who visit the Arctic seas. It is also remarkable for its attachment to its young, and is of a dirty or yellowish white colour. The Grizzly Bear, the most powerful and dangerous animal of North America, inhabiting both sides of the Rocky Mountains, is, when full grown, reported to exceed 800 pounds in weight, and its strength so great that it has been known to drag to a considerable distance a buffalo weighing 1000 pounds; the cubs of this species can climb tree?, but the adult animal cannot : the hunter may thus escape, but the infuriated beast will sometimes keep watch below, and thus confine his enemy for many hours. This is a carnivorous species, but will occa- sionally eat vegetables. The Barren Ground Bear receives its name from the circumstance of its inhabiting only that section of the continent called the Barren Lands, or grounds situated north of 60° ; this is a formidable animal, and is much dreaded by the Indians, who are very careful to avoid burning bones in their en- campments, or any thing that might attract its notice. It frequents the sea coast in autumn in considerable numbers, for the purpose of feeding on fish. In size it is between the Grizzly and the Black Bear. The Black Bear of North America is different from the European animal of the same name. It has a milder disposi- tion, and lives more on vegetables : its favourite food is the different kinds of ber- ries, and it will not, except from necessity, subsist on animal substances. The Cin- namon Bear of the traders, and found in the vicinity of Hudson's Bay, is consi- dered only an accidental variety of the Black Bear. Of the Deer kind there are several species not found in the old continent. The Moose Deer resembles- the Elk of Europe, but is of a different species; it is the largest of the Deer kind found in America, and perhaps in the world, being in height to the shoulder full six feet, and weighs when full grown from 1000 to 1200 pounds; it is a solitary animal, and the most shy and wary of all the Deer species : it was formerly found as far south as the Ohio River, but now occurs most frequently in the countries north of the great lakes and in the unsettled parts of Canada, and also occasionally in the northern sections of New Hampshire, Maine, &c. The Wapiti or American Elk is second in size only to the Moose, and formerly ranged over all the middle parts of the continent : it is now found only in the remote western districts of the United States and Canada, and also west of the Rocky Mountains. The size and appearance of the Elk are imposing ; his air denotes confidence of great strength, while his towering horns exhibit weapons capable of doing much injury when offensively employed. The Elk is shy and retiring, and has very acute senses; the flesh is highly prized as food, and the horns when in a soft state are considered a delicacy. The Indians make bows of the perfect horn, which are highly serviceable from their elasticity ; and from their skins they prepare various articles of dress, and apply them also to other purposes. The Caribou, or American Reindeer, is a different species from the Reindeer of the old continent; it is found in all the high northern latitudes of North America, and has never been domesticated or used as a beast of draught by the natives, being considered only as game ; there are two species, the Wood- land and the Barren Ground Caribou. The Virginia Deer is one of the most ele- 124 NORTH AMERICA. gant of the American animals of its class ; it lives in large herds, and is found over a considerable portion of North America; it is said to display great enmity to the Rattlesnake, which it contrives to crush by leaping with its fore-feet con- joined and dropping perpendicularly on the serpent, bounding away with great lightness, and repeating this attack until his enemy is destroyed. One species of Antelope, the prong-horned, is peculiar to America ; it is a graceful and fleet animal, so swift that it seems rather to fly than leap from rock to rock in the rugged regions which it inhabits ; they live in small families, and are found in the vast plain of the Missouri and Saskatchawan, in the vicinity of the Rocky Mountains. The American Bison, or Buffalo, once common in the United States, has gra- dually disappeared before the white population ; it now only exists to the west of the Mississippi, and roams over the vast grassy plains in the vicinity of the Rocky Mountains; here it is found in immense herds, amounting, it is said, oftentimes to from 5000 to 10,000 head ; the flesh is tender and juicy, and the tongue and hump, or wig, are in particular esteemed great delicacies. The Musk Ox derives its name from its flesh, when in a lean state, smelling strongly of that substance. It is truly an Arctic animal, being found only in the barren lands beyond the Great Slave Lake, and as far north as Melville Island in 75°. In size the Musk Ox scarcely equals that of the small Highland cattle, the carcase when cleaned not weighing more than 3 cwt. ; it assembles in herds and flees at the' sight of man; it is much hunted both by the Indians and Esquimaux. Herds of wild Horses roam over the great plains on both sides of the Rocky Mountains, and like those existing under similar circumstances in the southern continent, are the offspring of the European animal, imported soon after the first settlement of the country. They are found from Texas to the plains of the Sas- katchawan, and are of great importance to the Nomadic Tribes, who train them not only for transporting their tents and families from place to place, but also for the purposes of war, the chase, and of food ; the flesh of the horse being thus mostly used by the Spokains and several other tribes, and likewise at times by the residents of the Hudson's Bay Company's posts on the Columbia River »and its branches. A few individuals of the Wild Horse purchased by citizens of the United States from the Indians, have been found remarkable for their speed and bottom. Of the Cat kind this continent contains several species, all equally remarkable, like their congeners of the old world, for the beauty and diversity of their colour, and the treachery of their disposition. The cougar, or puma, called also the pan- Aher, is the largest and most formidable of its class found in North America ; it is about one-third less in size than the lion, and of sufficient strength to carry a man up a tree ; though now rare in the more settled parts of the continent, it is occa- sionally met with in the remote districts of the United States. It preys upon calves, sheep, &c, but has also been known to attack man. The jaguar, an ani- mal of the cat kind, resembling the panther, is found, though rarely, in Mexico ; also the ocelet and tiger-cat. The Rocky Mountain sheep and goat inhabit the same range of mountains from which they derive their name ; the latter is about the size of the domestic sheep, its fleece hanging down on both sides like that of the merino breed, the hair is long and straight, coarser than that of the sheep, but finer than that of the domestic goat; the Rocky Mountain sheep is larger than any domestic sheep; the horns of the ram are immense, in some of the old ones so much so as to prevent the animal's feeding on level ground. The hair is like that of the reindeer, at first short, fine and flexible, but as the winter advances it becomes coarse, dry and brittle, though it feels soft ; it is then so close as to become erect ; they collect in flocks from three to thirty, the young rams and females herding together, while the old rams form separate flocks. The principal fur-bearing animals of North America are the beaver, musquash, or muskrat, pine-marten, pekan, or fisher, the Canada lynx, raccoon, and stoat, or ermine. These animals are all diligently hunted, both by Indians and the inha- bitants of those settled parts of the continent in which any of them are yet found ; NORTH AMERICA. 125 their skins make an important item of export to Europe, particularly from Canada ; some of these animals are evidently decreasing with great rapidity. The well known beaver is now almost exclusively confined to Canada and the north-west districts of America; even here, however, their numbers are daily diminishing- In the year 1743 the imports of beaver skins into the ports of London and Ro- chelle exceeded 150,000 ; in 1827 the import, though from four times the extent of fur country known in 1743, was less than 50,000; of the musquash, between 400,000 and 500,000 skins are annually exported from Canada, and of the pine- marten 100,000 skins ; the latter are used for trimmings, and will dye so well as to imitate sables and other expensive furs, hence they have always been an im- portant article of commerce. The sea-otter also furnishes a large amount of valuable furs, principally to the Russians on the north-west coast. The dog kind exhibits several varieties not found in other parts of the world ; of these the Newfoundland dog is remarkable for its sagacity, great bulk and strength. The Esquimaux dog, also a large variety, is very useful to the Esqui- maux and the traders in drawing their furs and baggage. The North American dog is used in the Hudson's Bay countries both as a beast of draught and in the chase, and also for food, its flesh being esteemed by the Canadian voyagers, or canoe-men, superior to all other. Foxes and wolves abound in most parts of the central and northern regions of the continent ; of the former there are the arctic, sooty, cross, black, gray, and red fox, and of the latter, the Mexican, the gray, red, black, dusky, and barking, or prairie-wolf. Of the opossum, found from Pennsylvania to Brazil, there are several species, of which the Virginia, or common opossum, is well known in the United States ; also, the skunk, marmots of different species, squirrels, hares, and a great variety of other smaller animals. The whale species are numerous on the northern coasts ; the most useful and remarkable are the common and spermaceti whale, and the narwhale, or sea- unicorn. The common seal frequents the sea coasts perhaps throughout the world., but is in North America most numerous in high northern latitudes, and is of the greatest use to the Esquimaux and other inhabitants of those frozen regions, furnishing them with all the necessaries of life ; they are of various kinds, as the hooded, harp, fetid, ursine, and great seal. Most of the Birds of North America, and especially those of the United States, are now rendered as familiar to the European naturalist as those of his own coun- try ; for they have been more ably and more fully illustrated than those of any part of the world. Rapacious birds are here as numerous as in other parts of the earth, and of a great many different species, including eagles, vultures, hawks, falcons, owls, &c. The white-headed or bald-headed eagle is well known as be- ing the chosen emblem of our own republic. It is common to both continents ; but, while it seems almost entirely confined to the arctic regions of the old world, it abounds in the milder regions of the United States, in the new. It is notorious for its lawless habits; robbing the fish-hawk of his hard-won victim, and even compelling the vulture to disgorge its filthy prey. The vultures are the great Californian vulture, black vulture, and turkey buzzard. The first seems to be con- fined to California and the adjoining regions west of the Rocky Mountains : they build their nests in the most secret parts of the pine forests : they measure from four to four and a half feet in length. Their food is carrion or dead fish, and they will in no instance attack any living animal, unless it be wounded and unable to walk. In searching for their prey, they soar to a great height; and, on discover- ing a wounded deer or other animal, they follow its track until it sinks disabled to the ground. Although only one bird may be first in possession, it is eoori sur- rounded by great numbers, who all fall upon the carcase, and devour it to a skele ton within an hour, even though it be a horse or a stag. The black vulture and turkey buzzard are both well known and numerous in the southern States of our Union, where, notwithstanding their filthy habits, they are protected by law and common usage, being of great utility in devouring putrid animal matter which would otherwise be highly offensive and injurious. The wild turkey is peculiar to America: it is a fine large bird, of brilliant 11* blacl NORTH AMERICA. blackish plumage. It breods'with the domestic one; and when the latter is reared near the range of the former, it is sure to be enticed into the woods by it. Of this bird, Dr. Franklin observed, it would have been a much fitter emblem of our country than the white-headed eagle, a lazy, cowardly, tyrannical bird, living on the labours of others, and more suited to represent an imperial despotic govern ment than the republic of America. Of the duck kind, of which there are many species, the best-known is the can vas-back. It is peculiar to America, and is more celebrated than any other for the excellent flavour of its flesh : they are found mostly in Chesapeake Bay and the neighbouring rivers. In winter, they are occasionally so numerous as to cover the water to the extent of several acres: this bird is an expert diver, and lives on the bulbous root of a w T ater-grass resembling garden celery in taste, to which is attributed its peculiar flavour: they dive in from 6 to 8 feet of water, and are frequently attended by the widgeon, or bald-pate duck, who never dives himself, but watches the rising of the canvas-back, and, before he has his eyes well opened, snatches the delicious morsel from his mouth and makes off: on this account, the two species live in continual contention. Perhaps the most characteristic of American birds is the humming-bird, re> markable alike for its diminutive size and the brilliant metallic lustre of its plu- mage : they are most numerous in South America, but are found in the northern continent as far north as 45°. Vast flights of pigeons migrate periodically to different parts of the continent, frequently extending for many miles on each side, darkening the entire atmo- sphere, and often requiring four or five days to pass over a particular place. Of the birds of game, the principal are the grouse, pheasant, partridge, &c. The species of grouse are more numerous, and entirely distinct from those of Eu- rope. The largest and most valuable is the Cock of the Plains. Some other of the peculiar American birds are the mocking-bird, blue jay, and whip-poor-will. Parrots and parroquets abound in Mexico ; and in the United States there is one species of parrot. The seas, lakes, and rivers of North America swarm with a great variety of delicious fish. The cod, so well known in commerce, is found only in the north- ern seas. Their great rendezvous is on the Bank of Newfoundland and other sand-banks that lie off the coasts of the northern parts of the United States: these situations they prefer on account of the number of worms produced in those sandy bottoms, which tempt them to resort there for food. Some conception may be formed of their amazing fecundity, from the fact that nearly ten millions of eggs have been counted in one fish of a moderate size. The mackerel and alewife fisheries, along the coasts of the United States, also give employment and food to great numbers of persons. The shad is taken in large quantities in all the rivers of the Atlantic States, and in the proper season is highly esteemed. The salmon is also found in the northern rivers of the United States and Canada, on both sides of the continent, and is especially plentiful in Columbia River. The white-fish, or titameg of the traders, is caught in all the great lakes from Canada to the Arctic Ocean. It is a delicious article of food, and as many as 900 barrels have been taken at a single fishery on Lake Superior. The Reptiles of America are numerous, and, like the generality of this class in other parts of the world, the majority are apparently useless, and some dangerous. In North America, the alligator does not occur north of the Carolinas and the Red River of Louisiana. In severe winters he buries himself in the mud, and lies in a torpid state. The rattlesnakes are peculiar to the New World, and are particularly formidable on account of the deadly v'enom of their bite. There are four or five species of this reptile, all of which reach the length of five or six feet. The common species of the United States is extremely numerous about the sources of the Columbia River. There are several kinds of land tortoises, but they are all of a moderate size. Some curious salamanders have been recently discovered, and the celebrated siren is an inhabitant of the muddy lakes of Georgia and South Carolina. This sin- NORTH AMERICA. 127 gular reptile has long perplexed naturalists, some thinking it a tadpole or imper- fect frog; it is now, however, fully ascertained to be an adult animal. The aboriginal Americans all constitute, at the present day, by their physical characters not less than by their languages, a race different from those known before the discovery of America, and preserve throughout this vast extent of coun- try and variety of climates, the same essential characteristics. They have a cop- per colour, resembling that of rusty iron or cinnamon, coarse, straight, black hair, high cheek-bones, and sunken eyes; it has been affirmed that they are without beards, but it is well ascertained that this is not the case naturally, but that most of them take great pains to pluck them out. Almost all the Indians near Mexico, and those on the north-west coast, wear mustachios. The American Indians are generally erect and of fine forms, with few instances of decrepitude or deformity ; they have cleaner limbs, not so muscular, and with less tendency to corpulence, than the whites. As a race they have countenances that are generally unjoyous, stern and ruminating; it is with them either gloomy taciturnity or bacchanalian revel. Their impassible fortitude and endurance of suffering, their contempt of pain and death, invest their character with a kind of moral grandeur. It is to be doubted, however, whether some part of his vaunted stoicism be not the result of a more than ordinary degree of physical insensibility. Like all ignorant people unable to trace the relation between results and causes, they are beyond all other superstitious. It may be laid down as an universal trait of Indian character. The warrior who braves death a thousand times, and in every form in the fury of battle, carries with him to the combat a little charmed bag of filthy and disgusting ingre- dients, in which he places no little reliance or security against the balls and arrows that are directed against him ; all savages in this region are hospitable : j even the enemy whom they would have sought and slain far from their cabins, who presents himself fearlessly there, claims and receives their hospitality. They accord to the cabin hearth the honours and the sanctity of an asylum. Since the introduction of the horse by Europeans, many of the Indian tribes have acquired an astonishing degree of skill in the management of that noble ani- mal ; among these are the Pawnees, the Comanches, the Sioux, the Apaches, Shoshonees, Enneshoors, and other tribes : some of these have also borrowed the use of fire-arms from their European neighbours, but in general they have rejected the arts of peace and civilization. Perhaps there is no tribe among the American Indians so degraded that it has not some notion of a higher power than man, and in general they seem to have entertained the idea of a Great Spirit as a master of life, in short, a Creator, and of an Evil Spirit, holding divided empire with him over nature; many of them have priests, prophets, and sorcerers, in whose supernatural powers they trust, and most, if not all, appear to believe in a future state ; many attempts have been made by benevolent persons to convert the aboriginal tribes to the christian reli- gion, to teach them the arts of peace and civilized life, and to train them to habits of industry ; but so little has been the effect of those efforts, that many do not hesitate to pronounce it impossible to engraft the European civilization on the Indian character. Some doubtful exceptions to this general failure of the attempts to effect the civilization of the Indians occur in the United States, where some of the Cherokees and other tribes hold property, cultivate the ground, and practise the useful arts. There are some circumstances which invest the present missionary efforts with stronger probabilities of success than any that have preceded them. The number of Indians that are half-breeds, or mixtures of the blood of the whites, is great, and continually increasing. These generally espouse, either from conviction or from party feeling, the cause of civilization and Christianity. It is more univer- sally believed than it once was, that Christianity is the religion of social and civilized man. Instead of relying much on the hope of the conversion of adult hunting and warrior savages, the effort is chiefly directed towards the young. Schools, the loom, the anvil, and the plough, are sent to them ; amidst the romliirt, stability and plenty of cultivation, they are to be imbued with a taste for civilized 128 RUSSIAN POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA. institutions, arts, industry, and religion ; at the same time every philanthropic man will wish these efforts of benevolence all possible success. North America is politically divided into the Republics of the United States, Texas, Mexico, and Guatemala, which occupy the central and southern parts of the continent. The northern, the eastern, and central parts, contain the pos- sessions of Great Britain ; and the extreme north-western section those claimed by Russia, The following estimates of the areas in square miles, and the popu- lation of the respective divisions at the present time, is probably as near an approxi- mation to the truth as circumstances will permit : Square Miles. Population. United States 2,300,000 15,500,000 Texas 200,000 50,000 Mexico 1,450,000 8,000,000 Guatemala 200,000 2,000,000 British Possessions 2,360,000 1,360,000 ' Russian Possessions.. . . 650,000 50,000 7,160,000 26,960,000 Of the population the white inhabitants are supposed to amount to 15^ millions; the aborigines, or Indians, to 6$ millions ; and 5 millions 860 thousand are of ne- gro and mixed races. RUSSIAN POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA. That part of North America claimed by Russia is a territory of considerable extent, and comprises the north-western portion of the continent, being that part of it adjacent to Asia; it is bounded north by the Arctic Ocean, east by the Brit- ish possessions, from which it is separated by the 141° of longitude, west from Greenwich ; south by the Pacific Ocean and the Oregon Territory ; west by Bhnring's Strait and the Pacific Ocean. The coast seems to be chiefly alpine, in some parts rising into snow-capped summits, of which the most remarkable moun- tain is St. Elias; it is probably a volcanic peak, and is elevated to the height of 17,850 feet above the level of the sea, and is said to be visible 50 leagues from the coast. In this region there are computed to be 1000 white inhabitants, who are mostly traders ; the savages are estimated at near 50,000 ; they barter the furs obtained in hunting with the Russians, for fire-arms, beads, tobacco, and other articles. The Russians have a number of factories, or trading establishments, on various parts of the coast : the principal of these are at Sitcha, or New Arch- angel, Kodiak, and Oonalaska. The Aleoutian Islands may be considered as belonging to this region ; they form a long and numerous group, extending westward from the Peninsula of Ali- aska to Kamtschatka. They appear to be a continuation of the lofty volcanic ranges which traverse the opposite regions of the two continents. These islands are inhabited by a race sharing, in a measure, the features and aspect of the Mon- gols and Esquimaux. Considered as savages, they are mild in their manners and deportment, and display a considerable degree of industry and ingenuity : they dwell in large subterranean mansions, or rather villages, partitioned into numerous apartments, and containing from 50 to 100, or even 150 inhabitants. These abodes, covered with turf, are almost on a level with the surrounding country, from which they are scarcely to be distinguished. Sitcha, or New Archangel, on one of the islands belonging to the Archipelago of George III. may be considered the capital of the territories of Russia on this continent; it is a village of about 1000 inhabitants, the houses of which, includ- ing the fortifications and public buildings, are built of wood, and are neat and well kept. The management of the trade at this and the other ports, has been inju- diciously vested by the Russian government in an exclusive company, resident at BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA. 129 ' Irkoutsk. The grand object of their trade is to collect the skins of the sea-otter j and other animals, for the market of Canton, where they are in very extensive demand. The annual value of the furs drawn by Russia from her North Ameri- can possessions has been estimated at $200,000. BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA. The possessions of Great Britain irt North America are an assemblage of vast ill-defined and straggling; territories, the remnant of that mighty empire of which the great revolution deprived her. Even in their present dismembered state, how- ever, their extent and capabilities might, and probably will, enable them one day to surpass some of the greatest of the now existing European monarchies. This country, taken in its full extent, is bounded north by the Arctic Sea, east by the Atlantic Ocean and Baffin's Bay, south by the United States and the At- lantic Ocean, and west by the American possessions of Russia. Its area is equal to about that of the United States. About one tenth part only of this vast terri- tory is as yet settled by a civilized population. The actual occupation by white settlers extends along the northern, and, in the lower part of its course, the south- ern, bank of the St. Lawrence, the northern shores of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, and, in part, the eastern coasts of Lake Huron : it reachrs, though only in some instances, thirty or forty miles into the interior. The Company which en- joys the exclusive trade of Hudson's Bay, maintains several forts on its western shore; they have also small forts on the leading lakes and rivers of the interior, called Houses, where they are secure against the attack of the Indians scattered over the expanse of these desolate wilds, and can form a store of the articles ne- cessary for the fur trade. Beyond this occupancy they have not attempted to ex- ercise any jurisdiction, nor, as has lately appeared, could a peaceable colony form itself without imminent danger from these rude tenants of the wild. The climate is very severe, much exceeding what is felt under the same lati- tude in the old continent. Lower Canada for six and Upper Canada for five months of the year have a mean temperature below the freezing point, and are buried in perpetual snow ; yet after that period the sun breaks out with such force, that large crops of the most valuable grain can be raised on the great extent of fertile land of which the territory consists. Upper Canada is finely watered, clad with immense forests of valuable timber, and contains about ten millions of acres capable of culture. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are well wooded countries, but less fertile; and though the winters are less severe, the heavy fogs that pre- vail for a great part of the year are still more disagreeable than the frosts and snows of Canada. The river St. Lawrence is the principal feature of this region, and one of the noblest river channels in the world. It is difficult to say* where it begins. It has been held to issue from Lake Superior, a vast body of water, fed by about fifty streams, of which the St. Louis and Grand Portage Rivers are the principal; but, in fact, the lakes are merely connected by short canals, through which the surplus waters of one are poured into the other. These canals bear the local names of St. Clair, Detroit, Niagara, &c. The last is distinguished by its falls, the most magnificent in the world. From Lake Ontario to Montreal the river is broken by a succession of rocks, cataracts, and rapids, which render navigation very danger- ous. It is after passing Montreal that it rolls in full grandeur in a deep continu- ous channel, conveying large ships and rafts down to Quebec. The navigation is blocked up for half the year by the ice, which even in spring encumbers it for some weeks with floating fragments. The other rivers of Lower Canada are its tributaries. On the north are the Utawas and the Saguenay, large navigable rivers flowing through a region little known : the former is supposed to have a course of about 600 miles, but its navi- gation is much interrupted by rapids; the latter i3 remarkable for its great depth 130 BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA. and width, and is navigable for 90 miles to its falls; for the distance of about 50 miles it has the appearance of a long mountain lake. Tbe St. Maurice is also a considerable stream from the north, and the Montmorency, which falls into the St. Lawrence, is celebrated for its beautiful cataract, which pours a large* volume of water over a precipitous ledge. On the south are the St. Francis ; the Chau- diere, with a fine cascade rushing down a precipice 100 feet in height; and tbe Sorelle or Richelieu, the outlet of Lake Champlain. The Thames, flowing into Lake St. Clair, and the Ouse, are the principal rivers of Upper Canada. The St. John, which rises in Maine, is navigable 80 miles by sea vessels, but its course is much broken by falls and rapids. The Miramichi is the other principal river of New Brunswick. Lakes, in Canada, are on a greater scale than in any other part of the world ; and the united chain forms a vast inland sea of fresh water. The largest of these, and the largest fresh-water lake in the world, is Lake Superior, which is 420 miles in length by 170 in breadth ; having a circuit of 1500 miles, and covering an area of 35,000 square miles. It discharges its waters through the river or Strait of St. Mary, 50 miles long, into Lake Huron, which likewise receives those of Lake Michigan. Lake Huron is 280 miles in length, and 90 in breadth, ex- clusive of the large bay on the north-eastern shore, called Georgian Bay, which is about 80 miles in length by 50 in breadth. An outlet, called the river St. Clair, expands, after a course of 40 miles, into a lake of the same name, 24 miles in length, and 30 in breadth, which again contracts, and enters Lake Erie under the name of the river Detroit, 25 miles in length. Lake Erie, the next link in this great chain, is 270 miles in length, by from 25 to 50 in breadth. The river Nia- gara, 36 miles long, carries its surplus waters over a perpendicular precipice 165 feet high, into Lake Ontario, which is about 190 miles in length, by 40 in breadth. The surface of Lake Superior is about 625 feet above the level of the sea ; its medium depth 900 feet; the descent to Lake Huron is by the Sault or Fall of St. Mary 23 feet, and by rapids and the gradual descent of the river, 21 feet, giving 580 feet for the elevation of the surface of Lake Huron, whose depth is equal to that of Lake Superior. Lake Erie is much shallower, not exceeding a mean of 120 feet, and having its surface 560 feet above high water, while Lake Ontario has a depth of 500 feet, and its surface is 330 lower than that of Lake Erie. The waters of these lakes are clear and potable, and they abound with fish, among which are trout, weighing from 75 to 100 pounds, sturgeon, white fish, pike, bass, &c. They are navigable by large vessels, and a great number of steamboats na- vigate their waters. Lake Simcoe, which is connected with Lake Huron, is already disturbed by the plash of the steamboat. Lake Nepissing is a considerable body of water, which a rapid and broken stream unites with Lake Huron. In the interior, are several smaller lakes, of which the principal is the Lake of the Woods, whose winding shores are 300 miles in circumference. Farther to the north-west is Lake Winnipeek. The name signifies muddy, and is descriptive of its waters. There is a water communication with Lake Superior by the rivers Winnipeek and La Pluie. Still farther to the north-west, a number of lakes ex- tend nearly in a line, at various distances from each other, connected by a water communication, except in two or three cases, where portages or carrying-places intervene. This is the principal navigable route to the waters of the Arctic Sea, and is much frequented by the fur traders during the short period of summer in these regions. The principal divisions of British America are New Britain, with the provinces of Upper Canada, Lower Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward's Island, and Newfoundland. The constitution of government for the provinces has been modelled on that of the mother country. Each province has a governor and a legislative council ap- pointed by the crown, and a house of commons or representatives chosen by the inhabitants, upon moderate qualifications. The government of Canada was ad- ministered by a governor and council appointed by the crown, until 1791, when the constitutional act divided the country into two provinces, and established a constitutional government for each. In Lower Canada, the legislative council is BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA. 131 appointed for life, and consists of 34 members; and the house of assembly, elected for four years, is composed of 88 members. In Upper Canada, the chief execu- tive officer is styled lieutenant-governor: the legislative council consists of 17 members, and the house of assembly of 50. Bills passed by the two houses be- come a law when agreed to by the governor ; though, in certain cases, the royal sanction is required, and in others reference must be had to the imperial parlia- ment. The supreme legislative authority is vested therefore in the king and the two houses of the British Parliament, limited, however, by their own acts. The act 31 Geo. III. ch. 13, declares that no taxes shall be imposed on the colonies but for the regulation of trade, and that the proceeds of such taxes shall be ap- plied for the use of the province, in such manner as shall be directed by any laws made by his Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Coun- cil, and the House of Assembly. This point is one of the chief causes of the dis- satisfaction in the Canadas ; the colonists demanding the exclusive control over the money raised within the provinces. In Lower Canada trial by jury is univer- sal in criminal cases, but a very small proportion of the civil cases are tried in this manner. Law proceedings are in French and English ; and it is not unusual to have half the jury English and the other half French. In Upper Canada the laws are wholly English, as is also the case in the other provinces. The consti- tutions of the other provinces also resemble that of Upper Canada. The revenue of Lower Canada is about $800,000 ; and of Upper Canada $500,000. These sums form the public resources of the provinces, and are em- ployed in the current expenses of the provincial governments. Upper Canada has a debt of between three and four millions, contracted for public work, roads, canals, &c. The expenditure of the British government, out of the imperial'reve- nues, was for the two provinces, in 1834, £263,250 ; of which £5893 was for civil, and the remainder for military purposes ; and for the other four North Ame- rican colonies, for the same year, £162,312 ; of which all but £20,435 was for naval and military purposes : their revenue, during the same period, amounted to £186,680. The natural resources of British America are more ample than would be infer- red from its dreary aspect and the vast snows under which it is buried. Canada has a very fertile soil, especially in its upper colony ; and though it be free from snow only during five months of the year, the heat of that period is sufficient to ripen the most valuable kinds of grain. The vast uncleared tracts are covered with excellent timber. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are less fertile, yet they contain much good land, and are well timbered. Newfoundland has on its shores the most valuable cod-fishery in the world. Even the immense northern wastes are covered with a profusion of animals, noted for their rich and beautiful furs, which form the foundation of an extensive and valuable trade. The commerce of British America is of vast importance : the fur trade, the original object for opening an intercourse with this part of the world, was carried on in the first place, chiefly from the shores of Hudson's Bay ; but it was there injudiciously placed in the hands of an exclusive company, which greatly diminished its ac- tivity. Upwards of forty years ago some enterprising merchants of Montreal established the North-west Company, who, employing numerous and active agents, carried on their business with spirit and enterprise. The eager rivalry of the two com- panies, operating in regions beyond the pale of law, gave birth to many deeds of fraud and violence : within these few years, however, an union has healed the deadly enmity between them, and, by acting in concert, they have determined to diminish the issue of ardent spirits, and even to adopt every practical means for the moral and religious improvement of the Indians. The furs exported from Quebec, for 1831, amounted in value to £211,000. The timber trade, the value of which thirty years ago did not exceed £32,000, has now surpassed all others in magnitude. The timber is obtained from the im- mense forests on the shores of the great interior lakes. The trees are cut down during the winter by American axemen, who are peculiarly skilful ; and the busi- ness is attended with great hardship, both from the work itself, and the incle- 132 BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA. mency of the season. The trees, when felled, are put together into immense rafts, which are floated down the St. Lawrence to Quebec. The Canada mer- chants lately estimated the capital invested in this business at £1,250,000. It is also carried on to a great extent from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and even from Cape Breton. The exports to all quarters amounted, in 1831, to £1,038,000 sterling : other articles, the produce chiefly of agriculture, amounted, in the year 1831, to £656,584. The shipping employed between England and her American colonies was, in 1829, inwards 1609, of 431,124 tons ; outwards 1652 ships, of 418,142 tons. The value of the imports into Britain, in 1829, was £1,088,622 ; of the exports £2,064,126. To the West Indies the colonies export, of their timber and agri- cultural staples, to a considerable amount, and receive in return the well known produce of these Islands ; and with the United States Canada holds a great inter- course across Lake Champlain, sending mostly salt and peltries; and in return taking chiefly tea, tobacco, and other luxuries, clandestinely, which the strict colo- nial rules would require her to receive from the mother country. The fishery is pursued upon these shores, to an extent not surpassed anywhere, else upon the globe. The rich supply of cod in the Newfoundland banks is wholly unparalleled : although all the nations of Europe have been lading cargoes of fish for centuries, no sensible diminution of them has been felt. The English employ about 40,000 tons of shipping, and 3000 men, in this fishery: in 1831, they exported in fish, oil, and seal-skins, to the amount of £834,182; and the Americans and French, in the same year, exported, the latter, to upwards of £257,250 in value, and the former, to the amount of £425,000. The interior communications of Canada are almost solely by the river St. Law- rence and the lakes, which open a very extensive navigation into the country. It is seriously obstructed, however, between Montreal and Lake Ontario, where a series of rapids occur, over which only canoes can shoot, and all heavy goods must be landed and shipped. Great exertions have been made to improve, by canals, the interior communications of Canada. The chief object has been to obviate the continual series of obstructions in the navigation of the St. Lawrence River, above Montreal. One canal has been constructed from that city to La Chine, a distance of eight miles, at an expense of £130,000 : another is the Greenville canal, eight miles long, constructed to avoid certain obstructions in the navigation of the Lower Utawas River. The principal operation, however, is the Rideau canal, reaching from the Utawas River to Kingston. It is 135 miles long, connecting together a chain of lakes, which admit of steam navigation ; and the dimensions are such as to allow vessels of from 100 to 125 tons to pass. The estimated expense was £486,000. The enterprise of private individuals has con- structed the Welland canal ; which, at an expense of £270,000, has united the lakes Ontario and Erie. It is 42 miles long, and is more capacious than the New York canal : it will allow vessels of 125 tons to pass through. The Chambly canal opens a navigation, by the Sorelle River, from Lake Champlain to the St, Lawrence. Area in square miles. Population. New Britain 1,900,000 60,000 Upper Canada 140,000 360,000 Lower Canada 237,000 535,000 New Brunswick 27,000 100,000 Nova Scotia, with Cape Breton 18,900 190,000 Prince Edward's Island 2,100 35,000 Newfoundland 35,000 80,000 Total 2,360,000 1,360,000 NEW BRITAIN. 133 NEW BRITAIN. New Britain is that large portion of British America situated north of the Canadas and the United States, and stretching northward to the dreary and deso- late shores of the Arctic Sea. It comprises Labrador, New North and New South Wales, Prince William's Land, Boothia Felix, lately discovered by Captain Ross, and the North Georgia Islands. Hudson's Bay divides the country into two great divisions : on the east is Labrador and East Main, and on the west New North and New South Wales ; these have been farther subdivided, by the traders of the Hudson's Bay Company, into various smaller districts, which are, however, of no political importance. The face of the country is generally a vast plain, intersected with numerous lakes and rivers, eome of which roll into the unexplored seas of the north, and others into Hudson's Bay : among the former are the Mackenzie, the Copper Mine, and Thleweecho, or Great Fish River, lately explored by Captain Back ; and into the latter the principal are Churchill, Nelson, Severn, and Albany Rivers. The interior streams are the Saskatchewan, Winnipeek, and Red River, flowing into Lake Winnipeek ; and the Athabasca and Peace Rivers, emptying into Lake Athabasca : these may properly be considered head branches of the Mackenzie, as their waters finally reach the ocean through its channel. The lakes are exceedingly numerous ; some are extensive, and second only to the great Canadian lakes, and affording, during the brief period of summer, a long and almost continuous canoe navigation from Lake Superior to the Arctic Sea. | Of these Winnipeek, or Muddy Lake, Athabasca Lake, Great Slave, and Great Bear Lakes, are the principal : they are situated in a range lying N. W. from each other, and afford, for a short period, an almost uninterrupted navigation from Lake Superior to the Arctic Ocean. Lake Winnipeek is 270 miles long, and from 15 to 18 broad : it receives numerous rivers and enjoys a considerable extent of canoe navigation. Athabasca Lake, lying between 500 and 600 miles N. W. of Lake Winnipeek, is in length about 200 miles, with a breadth of from 16 to 18 miles: it receives several large streams, and is connected, by Slave River, with Great Slave Lake, still farther to the N. W., which is one of the largest bodies of fresh water in North America, excepting Lakes Superior and Huron, and per- haps Lake Michigan. From Great Slave Lake flows Mackenzie's River, which, in its course to the ocean, receives, from the eastward, the water of the Great Bear Lake : it is about 200 miles in extent each way, and is deeply indented by several large peninsulas. In winter such is the severity of the climate in this region, that even in 57° the lakes freeze 8 feet thick; brandy and mercury congeal; the rocks sometimes split with a noise like that of the heaviest artillery, scattering the fragments to a great distance. The temperature is capricious and the changes sudden. The Au- rora Borealis sheds a light sometimes equal to that of the full moon. The vege- tation in the northern parts is very scanty, but adjoining the northern boundary of the United States there are some fertile spots along the Red River of Lake Winnipeek. Lord Selkirk purchased from the Hudson's Bay Company a terri- tory of 116,000 acres, and formed the settlements of Pembina and Assiniboia : the soil has been found tolerably fertile, but the great distance from a market, being 2800 miles from New Orleans, and 1900 from Buffalo, must long prevent it from rising to much importance. It has suffered severely from contests with the Indians, fomented by the jealousy of the fur-traders. Moreover, in consequence of the recent settlement of the boundary line with the United States, half of it has been included within their territory. The only trade in these regions is that of furs ; to facilitate which, the Hud- son's Bay Company have established forta and trading-houses in various quarters, extending from Hudson's Bay west into the territories claimed by the United States. On the shores of the Pacific Ocean, and to the north, almost to the Arc- tic Sea, from these forts, &c, agents are sent amongst the Indians to collect furs, j 12 134 NEW BRITAIN. in exchange for such European commodities as are prized by them. The furs exported, in 1832, from Hudson's Bay amounted to the value of £110,000. The coasts of Labrador, and indeed the whole of the northern parts of this region, from Greenland to Bhering's Strait, is inhabited by the Esquimaux, a race of savages who sustain existence chiefly by feeding on whales and seals, except in the more southern parts of Labrador : of the skins of the latter they make their boats and clothes, and of his sinews they make thread. They travel over the snow in sledges drawn by dogs, of which they have a very hardy and saga- cious breed, and will draw a considerable load 60 miles in a day. Their huts have been met with as far north as 76°. Little, squat, and feeble, the complexion of these polar men has little of the copper colour of the other American abori- gines, and is rather of a dirty, reddish yellow. Their summer huts are circular, covered with deer-skins, and entered by creeping on the belly. Yet these iso- lated and simple beings have been taught by necessity, many inventions, which are highly creditable to their ingenuity. They make their winter habitations of frozen snow, in a few hours, exceedingly comfortable, and which remain durable till melted by the heat of the ensuing summer. Some of the tribes have canoes, made of the skin of the sea-calf, with which they sail with amazing swiftness. They also work a gray and porous stone into neat pitchers and kettles, and those in the vicinity of Bhering's Strait display great ingenuity in the manufacture of trinkets and utensils of the fossil ivory, with which some parts of those regions abound. The Esquimaux met with by Captain Parry, in North Georgia, were exceeding lively and cheerful, more so than even the negro, the native of a sunny climate, and of a region producing spontaneously all the fruits of the earth. They are so fond of dancing that it seems almost their natural gait ; and they are always ready to return raillery or mimicry. They are, far more than the Indians, a social and domestic people. This is apparent in their good treatment to females, and their care and affection for their children. Among these people, on the coast of Labra- dor, the Moravian missionaries have established several settlements ; Nain, Okkak, Hopedale, &c, and have, besides teaching them many useful things, built a ma- gazine, in which each of the natives might deposite his useless stores, prevailing on them to set apart a tenth for widows and orphans. This is the true way to convert a savage people, by showing them the palpable fruits of the gospel. The Indians occupying this region are principally the Assiniboines, Kniste- neaux, or Crees, Chippewayans, Beaver, Hare, Dog-rib, Copper Indians, &c. The Assiniboines are a tribe of Sioux ; they are divided into several smaller tribes, as the Black-foot, Fall, and Blood Indians, &c. They rear many horses, and subsist chiefly on the buffalo. The Knisteneaux, or Crees, inhabit a wide extent of country in the vicinity of Lake Athabasca : they were once numerous, but are now reduced to about 500 in number ; they are a well-formed race, and their women are the handsomest of all the Indian females ; they are hospitable, generous, and mild, when not infuriated by spirits ; they do not, however, consider chastity a virtue, and are not unkind to their women. The Chippewayans live to the north of the latter, and near the Great Slave Lake : their appearance is singular, with high projecting cheek-bones, broad faces, and wide nostrils ; they are persevering, incorrigible beggars, yet not dishonest, and so deeply imbued with national pride, that, while they give to other nations their proper names, they call themselves, by way of eminence, the people ; amongst them the lot of the female is grievous, and mothers have been known to destroy their female offspring that it might escape the same servitude. Aged and sick people are abandoned to perish. They are said to be the same people as the Chippeways of the United States, and are much reduced in numbers. The Cop- per, Hare, and Dog-rib Indians, occupy the country north of Great Bear Lake ; they much resemble the Chippewayans, but are* of a more friendly and amiable disposition ; their humanity and faithful attachment were experienced by the recent travellers (Captain Franklin, &c.) in those regions, on occasions of extreme dis- tress. UPPER CANADA. 135 UPPER CANADA. Upper Canada, commencing at Lake St. Francis, above Montreal, extends along the whole chain of the great lakes, almost to the western boundary of Lake Superior. Until 1781 it was a mere district attached to Quebec, at which period I a number of American loyalists and disbanded soldiers were settled in it, and the name of Upper Canada bestowed. Comparatively but a small part of this province is settled, and many portions of it are yet unexplored. The settlements are chiefly along the rivers St. Lawrence and Utawas, and lakes Erie and Ontario. The soil is in general excellent, and yields abundant crops of grain, wheat, Indian corn, hops, flax, (fee. Cultivation, in Upper Canada, is still in an incipient state, but is rapidly ad- vancing in consequence of the influx of British settlers. Government, for some time, allowed to every settler, fifty or even a hundred acres of land, upon pay- ment of fees amounting to about a shilling per acre ; but since 1827 the lands have been disposed of by public auction. Among emigrants possessed of capital, a great proportion have of late made their purchases from the Canada Company. This body, incorporated in 1826, bought from government, tracts of land equal to 2,300,000 acres, for which they engaged to pay the sum of £295,000, by sixteen annual instalments. These lands are dispersed through every part of Upper Canada; but the largest portion, amounting to about a million of acres, and ex- tending about sixty miles in length, is along the eastern shore of Lake Huron. The Company found towns and villages, form roads, and lay out the ground in convenient lots, and have agents on the spot, who afford every information and aid to emigrants. The climate of Upper Canada is salubrious, and epidemic diseases almost un- known. The winters are shorter and less rigorous than in the lower province : the spring opens, and agricultural labours commence, from six weeks to two months earlier than in the neighbourhood of Quebec. The summer heats are also more moderate, and the autumn pleasant and favourable for securing the produce of all the late crops. Population is advancing with great rapidity : it has hitherto been confined to the St. Lawrence and the shores of the lakes, but is now becom- ing more diffused over the interior. New towns are extending in the fertile for- est, some of which, in rapidity of increase, vie with those of the United States. Great extents of fertile land are yet unoccupied, and the parent country is fur- nishing every facility for transporting to these forests her surplus population, great numbers of whom, however, finally make their way to the United States. Toronto and Kingston, on the northern shore of Lake Ontario, are the two principal towns of Upper Canada. Toronto, formerly York, near the north-west end of the lake, owes ite support to its being tho ooat of government and of the courts, and to the extensive settlement recently formed to the north and east of it. Population 10,000. Kingston, near the north-east point of the lake, has a commodious harbour, and is a neat little town with about 5000 inhabitants. Some of the other towns on Lake Ontario are Cobourg, Port Hope, and Hamilton. On the Niagara River are the villages of Niagara, Queenstown, and Chippewa. Sandwich, in the western part of the province, and, opposite to Detroit, is a thriving little town ; as is also London, on the Thames, with a population of 2000 inhabitants. On the east shore of Lake Huron is the neat and flourishing town of Goderich, with a good harbour at the mouth of the Maitland River ; and at the bottom of Lake Manitouline, or Georgian Bay, is Penetanguishene, a British naval station, from which a steamboat runs occasionally to St. Joseph's Island, at the west end of the lake, on which is kept a small detachment of British troops. Upper Canada is divided into 11 districts, which are subdivided into 25 coun- ties. It is bounded on the north-east by Lower Canada, north by New Britain, west and south by the United States. The lines of division are, from Lower Canada, the Utawas River; from New Britain, an imaginary line separating the waters flowing into the lakes from those of Hudson's Bay ; and, from the United 136 LOWER CANADA. States, a nominal line extending through the centre of Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie and Ontario, and their connecting streams, and thence down the middle of the River St. Lawrence to Lake St. Francis, and thence north-west and north-east to the Utawas River. In this province is exhibited one of the most sublime and magnificent of Na- ture's works, by the Niagara river. The accumulated waters flowing from four great lakes and all their tributaries, are precipitated over the Falls of Niagara, the ' mightiest cataract in the world. The whole mass is poured in one tre- mendous plunge of 165 feet in height. The noise, tumult, and rapidity of this falling sea; the rolling clouds of foam, the vast volumes of vapour which rise into the air, the brilliancy and variety of the tints, and the beautiful rainbows which span the abyss ; the lofty banks and immense woods which surround this wonder- ful scene, have been considered by experienced travellers as eclipsing every simi- lar phenomenon. The noise is heard, and the cloud of vapours seen, at the dis- tance of several miles. The fall on the Canadian side is 630 feet wide, of a semi- circular form; that on the American side only 310 feet, and 165 feet in height, being six or seven feet higher than the former. The one, called the Crescent or Horse-shoe Fall, descends in a mighty sea-green wave ; the other, broken by rocks into foam, resembles a sheet of molten silver. Travellers descend, with the cer- tainty of being drenched to the skin, but without danger, to the foot of the fall, and even beneath it. There are now excellent inns on both sides of the falls, which are crowded with visitants during: the summer months. LOWER CANADA. Lower Canada extends along the River St. Lawrence, on both sides, from its ' mouth to Lake St. Francis, a short distance above Montreal. A considerable part | of the province extends nominally into unexplored regions that are unoccupied by i white inhabitants. At the mouth of the St. Lawrence the country is rugged and J mountainous, and the climate very severe ; but the upper and more southerly por- ! tions of the province are well watered, fertile, and with a milder climate than the I lower part. All sections, however, have the winters of Sweden, though in the j latitude of France. The summers are warm and short, and the transition from i winter to summer is very rapid, leaving scarcely more than a month for the sea- l son of spring. More than three-fourths of the inhabitants of the country are of French de- scent, and speak the French language ; they are all Catholics, and much attached to their priests : the remainder are mostly natives of Great Britain and their de- scendants. Education is much neglected, and the mass of the people are very ig- norant and illiterate. The Quebec Mercury lately gravely proposed the estab- lishment of a seminary for the instruction of those members of their parliament who could neither read nor write. The native French Canadians are called habitans. They are gay, satisfied with a little, and strongly attached to their re- ligion and native country. In the management of periogues and canoes on the lakes and long rivers, they have no rivals. They are also remarkably ingenious in making their own domestic implements. The countenance of the Canadian is long and thin ; his complexion sun-burnt and swarthy, inclining towards that of the Indian ; his eyes black and lively ; with lank and meagre cheeks, a sharp and prominent chin, and such easy and polite manners, as though he had always lived in the great world, rather than amid thick forests. Their intercourse with eaeh other is to the last degree affectionate, and a French Canadian village constitutes one family. Their cheerfulness, whether in prosperity or adversity, is inexhausti- ble, and more valuable to them than all the boasted attainments of philosophy. In winter, their dress is that of the Russians; their social intercourse that of the age of Louis XIV. As soon as the penance of their long fast is ended, their feasting begins. The friends and relatives assemble. Turkeys, pies, and all the dainties of the season, decorate the board. Coffee is introduced. The violin is LOWER CANADA. 137 heard, and those gay and simple people are the most inveterate dancers in the world. There is a marked difference between this province and the United States in the habits of the people, their buildings, and their modes of living. An indivi- dual from the latter country, who happens to be in Canada, will be reminded by every thing about him, that he is not at home. Lower Canada is divided into four districts, which are subdivided into 40 counties, and is separated from the States of New York and Vermont by the 45° of north latitude; from New Hampshire and Maine, by the highlands running between the rivers which flow into the St. Lawrence, and those emptying into the Atlantic Ocean; from New Brunswick by the River Ristigouche ; from New Britain by the ridge separating the waters of Hudson's Bay from those of the St. Lawrence ; and from Upper Canada by the Utawas River : the outline of the province is about 2250 miles in extent. The city of Quebec, the capital of Canada, is singularly situated, half on a plain along the northern bank of the St. Lawrence, and the other half on the top of a steep perpendicular rock, 350 feet high. These are called the Upper and Lower towns. Quebec, as a military station, is very strong ; its fortifications ren- der it almost a second Gibraltar. It was one of the most brilliant scenes of Brit- ish glory. Near it, on the plains of Abraham, Wolfe, at the cost of his life, gained the splendid victory which annexed Canada to the British empire. The popula- tion of Quebec is about 25,000 : its commerce is considerable, as all the vessels, from Britain and other foreign quarters, stop there and unload their cargoes: 1132 vessels arrived in 1835, estimated at 323,000 tons. The town of Three Rivers, containing about 3000 inhabitants, is situated on the River St. Lawrence, 90 miles above Quebec. The commercial capital of Canada is Montreal ; it is situated immediately below the rapids, at a point where the ample stream of the Utawas flows into the St. Lawrence. Most of the business, even of Quebec, is carried on by branches from the Montreal houses. It derives a great impulse from the transactions of the Hudson's Bay Fur Company ; and it is the centre of the commerce with the United States, carried on by Lake Champlain and the Hudson. Vessels of 600 or 700 tons can, notwithstanding some difficulties, come up to Montreal; its wharf presents a busy scene, — the tall masts of merchantmen from the Thames, the Mersey, and the Clyde, with the steam-packets which ply between Quebec and Montreal. The island of Montreal is about thirty miles in length, and seven in breadth ; it is of alluvial soil, the most fertile in Lower Canada, and also the most highly cultivated. The view over it, of fruitful fields, gay country-houses, and the streams by which it is encircled, is one of the most pleasing that can be ima- gined. The interior of the town is not so attractive. It is substantially, but gloomily, built of dark gray limestone, with roofs of tin, the only kind, it is said, which can stand the intense cold of winter; while the windows and doors are shut in with massive plates of iron. The streets, though tolerably regular, were inconveniently narrow; but of late several have been formed, extending the whole length of the town, that are commodious and airy. The new cathedral, opened in 1829, is considered one of the handsomest structures in America. It is 255 feet long, 134 broad, 220 feet high in its principal front ; and it is capable of containing 10,000 persons. Two Catholic seminaries, the English church, and the general hospital, are also handsome structures. The population amounts to 30,000. The village of La Prairie, on the south bank of the river, is the medium of com- munication between Montreal and the United States. Dorchester, on the Sorelle, is a considerable village. La Chine, above the rapids, which interrupt the navigation above Montreal, is an important depot for the interior trade. A number of townships have been formed along the northern bank of the Utawas, the part of Lower Canada chiefly resorted to by emigrants. The country is level and fertile, but its progress is much obstructed by the number of old unimproved grants ; so that the population does not much exceed 5300. Hull and Bytown are small improving towns on the river ; the latter on the south, and the former on the north side. 12' 8 138 NEW BRUNSWICK. The tract of country lying to the south-east of the St. Lawrence, on the bor- ders of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, has of late years attracted many settlers, to whom it is known under the name of the Eastern Townships. The lands here are held in free and common soccage, and the English law prevails. The population of the townships is now about 50,000. Stanstead and Sherbrooke are the principal towns of this fine and flourishing region. On the south side of the St. Lawrence River are the neat and thriving villages of St. Thomas and Kamouraska ; the former about 20 and the latter 90 miles below Quebec. Ka- mouraska is pleasantly situated, and much resorted to by the citizens of the capi- tal for the benefit of sea-bathing. The district of Gaspe remains to complete the description of Lower Canada. It is on the south side of the St. Lawrence, near its mouth, bordering on New Brunswick. It is a country of irregular and sometimes mountainous surface, con- taining numerous lakes, and watered by several rivers, of which the Restigouche is the principal. The territory is covered with dense forests, inhabited by 7000 or 8000 woodmen and fishermen, and exports some fish, oil, and timber. The cod-fishery employs 1800 men, and produces about 50,000 quintals of fish, and 20,000 barrels of oil ; and about 400O barrels of herrings, and 2000 of salmon are shipped for Quebec. Douglas, Bonaventure, and New Carlisle, are small villages of forty or fifty huts each. NEW BRUNSWICK. New Brunswick is situated to the east of the State of Maine, and to the north- west of Nova Scotia, from which it is separated by the Bay of Fundy ; on the north it has part of Lower Canada, the boundary between the two being the River Restigouche. It has, on the east, a winding coast along the Gulf of St. Lawrence, indented by navigable bays and inlets. The country, towards the sea- coast and along the St. John's River, is level, but the western and northern parts are somewhat mountainous. This colony is still almost one magnificent unbroken forest, and under the en- couragement afforded by the mother country, almost all the energies of the inha- bitants are directed to the lumber trade. The borders of the rivers, where culti- vated, are fertile in grass and grain, though agriculture is not yet greatly advanced. The sea-coast abounds in cod and other fish ; the River St. John's is thronged with herring, shad, and salmon. The fisheries are a source of considerable wealth and employment to the inhabitants; the produce of which being, with timber, the great staples of export. The town of St. Johns, on a fine harbour at the mouth of the River St. John, is the most considerable place in New Brunswick. The population is about 10,000: in 1829 the exports from it were £210,000; being nearly two-thirds of the amount, from all the other ports. St. Andrews, at the head of Passamaquoddy Bay, besides its timber trade, has a considerable fishery, and contains about 5000 inhabitants. Frederickton, the seat of government, is about 85 miles up the St. John's River, which being navigable for vessels of 50 tons, is the seat of a consi- derable inland trade; the population is 1800; it is rather regularly built of wood, with government offices, several churches, and a college. The River Mirimichi is distinguished by the extensive forests on its banks, whence large shipments of timber are made, at the port of that name, as well as those of Chatham, Douglas, and Newcastle. This tract of country was, in Octo- ber 1825, the scene of one of the most dreadful conflagrations on record. The flames, kindled by accident at several points at once, were impelled by a violent wind, and fed always with new fuel, till they spread over about 100 miles of ter- ritory, involving it in smoke and flame, and reducing to ashes the towns of Doug- las and Newcastle; nearly 200 persons are said to have perished, and more than 2000 to have been reduced to entire destitution. The natural advantages of the country, however, have enabled them to recover with surprising rapidity. New NOVA SCOTIA. 139 Brunswick was originally settled by German troops in the service of Great Bri- tain, and hence its name. It was included in Nova Scotia until 1784. Dalhousie and Bathurst, on Chaleur Bay, and Liverpool, on the east coast south of Mirimichi Bay, are 6mall villages. NOVA SCOTIA. Nova Scotia was first settled by the French, and named by them Acadia. It was granted by James I. to Sir William Alexander, a Scottish nobleman, by whom it was called Nova Scotia ; but was not confirmed to England until 1713. It in- cluded New Brunswick until 1784, when it was divided into two provinces. This colony is a large peninsula, bounded on the north by the narrow strait separating it from Cape Breton and Prince Edward's Islands, on the south-east by the Atlan tic Ocean, and on the north-west by the Bay of Fundy, which penetrates so deep as to leave only an isthmus about nine miles broad, connecting it with New Brunswick. Nova Scotia is about 280 miles long, and from 50 to 100 broad, comprising about 16,000 square miles, or upwards of 10,000,000 acres. The surface of the country is moderately uneven, and in some places hilly. The climate is cold, but healthy, and, with the progress of cultivation, is gradually ameliorating. Spring is late and irregular in its approach ; but when vegetation commences, it is very rapid, and in a few days changes the whole face of nature. On the coast the soil is generally poor, but in the interior and northern parts it is well adapted to cultiva- tion. Wheat and other grains are raised to some extent, and large quantities of the finest potatoes. The population, in 1832, was, including Cape Breton, about 190,000. The in- habitants are about one-fourth Acadians, or descendants of the first French set- tlers ; a fourth from Scotland, some Germans, 1200 free negroes, and some of the aboriginal race of Indians, who still adhere to their roaming and hunting habits; the remainder of the population are mostly from different parts of the British em- pire. The principal exports to Europe are timber and fish, and to the West Indies and the neighbouring States, timber, provisions, coal of fine quality, gypsum and freestone. The administration of the colony is vested in a governor, council, and house of assembly. There are colleges at Halifax, Windsor, and Pictou ; also numerous schools, partly supported by government, for the instruction of the lower classes. The religious denominations are Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists and Catholics. Halifax is the capital, situated on one of the noblests harbours in the world, I capable of containing any amount of shipping of any burthen. It was founded in I 1749, by General Cornwallis, and has since carried on almost all the trade of the \ colony. During the impulse given to it by the last war, the population amounted to 12,000, but is now only 9000. The most extensive dock-yard in British Amer- ica has been formed here, where a number of ships of the line and armed vessels are always lying, either stationed here or for repairs. A considerable number of troops are always in garrison, who, with the naval officers, give it the air of a military place. Lunenburg, the chief of the German settlements, contains a po- pulation of about 2000 inhabitants, and has a brisk trade. Liverpool also carries on a considerable trade; but Shelburn, which, at the end of the American revo- lutionary war, was the largest place in Nova Scotia, has sunk to a mere village. The north-eastern coast has Pictou, from which, and the neighbouring bays on this coast, is shipped the largest quantity of timber and coal. On a river ailing | into the Bay of Fundy, is Annapolis, the original French capital ; but since the transference of the government to Halifax, it has sunk into a mere secondly place. The trade of this great bay is now carried on from Yarmouth, at its mouth, the population of which, since 1791, has risen from 1300 to 4500. Gypsum is the principal export 140 PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND— NEWFOUNDLAND. Cape Breton is a large island, separated from Nova Scotia by St. George's Gulf and the Gut of Canseau, a great part of which is not more than a mile broad. The island is about 100 miles in length, and from 30 to 80 in breadth. It is penetrated by an arm of the sea, called the Bras d'Or, which divides it nearly into two equal portions, and is throughout navigable. The surface is diversified by hills, none of which rise above 1500 feet ; and the soil is fully equal to that of the neighbouring countries. Only the coasts, including those of the Bras d'Or, have yet been cul- tivated ; and the population in general is in a less improved state than in the other colonies. The climate resembles that of the neighbouring countries, in the in- tensity of the cold in winter and of the heat in summer ; but these follow more irregularly, and a fortnight's thaw occurs often in the midst of frost and snow. Yet these variations are not disadvantageous to agriculture, which, however, is still in its infancy, the valuable cod-fishery attracting the chief industry of the people. Cape Breton, therefore, imports wheat flour, though it affords a small surplus of oats and potatoes. The exports, in 1828, consisted of 41,000 quintals of dry, and 18,000 barrels of pickled fish. About fifty vessels, averaging fifty tons each, are annually built. There are coal mines of great value. Cape Breton has excellent harbours, and commands, in a great measure, the navigation of the St. Lawrence. Of the population, exceeding 25,000, the most numerous portion con- sists of Scottish highlanders, and next to them of Acadians. The island was, in 1820, politically united to Nova Scotia, and sends two members to the house of assembly. Louisburg, which the French carefully fortified, and made one of the principal stations in their " New France," is now entirely deserted, and Sydney, a village of 1000 inhabitants, is all the capital which Cape Breton can boast. St. Peters, on the south coast, and Arechat, a small fishing-town on Isle Madame, are the other principal settlements. To the south-east of Nova Scotia lies Sable Island, a dangerous sand-bank in the track of vessels sailing between Europe and America. PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND. Prince Edward's, formerly St. Johns, is a fine fertile island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, lying nearly parallel to the coasts of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. It is 135 miles long and 34 broad. It is deeply indented by bays and inlets. The area is computed at 1,400,000 acres. The surface of the island is level, and va- ried only by gentle undulations. It has shorter winters than the neighbouring colonies, and is exempt from those extremes of heat and cold, and heavy fogs, which render them often so gloomy. The soil is good and well adapted to agri- culture, especially wheat and oats, of which it affords a surplus. In 1768, the island contained only 150 families. The population is now 35,000, chiefly Scotch highlanders, and some Acadians, and English from Yorkshire. Charlottetown is the capital, with a population of 3500. There are several other small towns in the island : some of them are Georgetown, Belfast, Dartmouth, Prince Town, &c. NEWFOUNDLAND. This large island is 420 miles long and 300 broad, situated at the mouth of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and is the most eastern part of North America. The in- terior of Newfoundland has never been thoroughly explored. It presents a bold and rocky shore, abounding in harbours. The soil is mostly barren, and the tim- ber scanty and stunted. Some tracts, however, are supposed to be well fitted for pasturage. The climate is severe, and the country is frequently visited by dreary fogs and storms of sleet and snow. This island owes its importance to its cod-fisheries, which are the most valuable in the world. The fish are taken singly, with baited hooks, upon the banks, which are shallow places, probably formed by the deposites of sand brought down from NEWFOUNDLAND. 141 the tropics by the gulf stream, which also bears down on its bosom countless mil- lions of the animal on which the fish feed. The Grand Bank of Newfoundland, situated to the eastward of the island, is the greatest,, submarine elevation known. It is from 500 to 600 miles in length, and in some places near 200 in breadth. Some distance farther from the Grand Bank, is the Outer Bank, or Flemish Cap, about 90 miles in length, by 50 wide ; and to the westward are the Green and Whale Banks. These are the great ren- dezvous of the codfish, and form the fishing-ground for some 2500 to 3O00 vessels, and from 35,000 to 40,000 Americans, English, and French, chiefly, however, the first and last The banks are frequently enveloped in dense fogs from April to December. So early was the value of the Newfoundland fisheries discovered, that in 1517, only twenty years after the first voyage, upwards of fifty vessels, of different na- tions, were found employed in it. The British soon took the most active part, and formed colonies on the island. Their sovereignty was acknowledged by the treaty of Utrecht, which reserved, however, to the French, the right of fishing on the banks. This was confirmed in 1763, when the small islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon were allowed to them to dry their fish. The Americans have the right to take fish at any three miles from the shore, and to dry them on any of the neighbouring coasts unoccupied by British settlers. The fishing season begins in April and ends in October: the business is lucrative, dangerous, and an admirable nursery for our hardy and adventurous seamen, and furnishes one of the consider- able elements of our trade. Many English and French vessels are here in com- pany. Every part of the process, from taking the hungry animals from the water, and curing the fish and delivering it in all parts of the world, is specific, and em- ploys its specific process. The English and French dry their fish on the islands. We bring great portions of ours, pickled, to our own ports, and dry them there, particularly at Marblehead, Gloucester, and Beverly. A great number of acres around those towns are covered with the flakes or scaffolds on which those fish are dried. A vessel with twelve men usually takes from 20,000 to 50,000 fish. The whole employment not only rears thousands of men to consider the sea their home, and storms their element, but many other thousands are employed in the business to which this gives birth ; and our share of the business, in good years, amounts to some millions of dollars. Nothing can be' more unique than the modes of life of these men, whose abode is on the sea. They are hale, healthy, honest, intrepid, and of reckless cheerfulness of character. Newfoundland contains 80,000 inhabitants, almost entirely fishermen. St. Johns, the principal place in the island, is little more than a large fishing station, the whole shore being lined with wharves and stages for landing and drying fish. It is defended by several forts, one of which, Fort Towneend, is the residence of the governor. The houses are built mostly of wood. This construction exposed the town to a series of dreadful conflagrations, in 1816, 1817, 1818, and 1837. In one of these, (Nov. 7, 1817,) property to the amount of half a million sterling The stationary population of St. Johns is estimated at 11,000, but varies according to the season of the year. The uninhabited island of Anticosti, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and the coast of Labrador, are dependencies on Newfoundland. Near its southern coast are the little islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, belonging to France, and inhabited by fishermen. In concluding our brief account of the British possessions in North America, we may remark that there appears no disposition on the part of the parent country to neglect or abandon them. Great Britain expends large sums in constructing military works for their defence, and lends her aid to numerous plans of settle ment and improvement. 142 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. The United States are the most interesting and important division of the western continent. They are distinguished for the excellence of their govern- ment, the rapid increase of the population, and for the intelligence, industry, and enterprise of the inhabitants. They occupy the most valuable and productive portion of North America, and rank amongst the most powerful commercial and wealthy nations of the globe. The United States are situated between 24° 20' and 54° 40' N. latitude, and longitude 17° E., and 125° W. longitude, extending through 29 degrees of lati- tude and 58 degrees of longitude, and comprise a superficial area of upwards of 2,300,000 square miles. The frontier line has a length of 10,000 miles, of which about 3600 are sea-coast, and 1200 lake-coast. A line drawn across from the At- lantic to the Pacific, through the centre, is about 2500 miles in length. So vast a region of course includes a great variety of surface, soil, and climate. It abounds in navigable rivers, and a large proportion of it is susceptible of culti- vation, and is of a quality calculated to repay the labour bestowed upon it, more than almost any other region of the same extent in the world : but a small portion of its surface is occupied by mountains, which, from their height or ruggedness, forbid all attempts to render them productive in the means of subsistence to man. There are no great deserts, and few barrens; nothing like the vast sterile plains which exist in other parts of the world. The basins of the rivers are exceed- ingly productive : that of the Mississippi,, including the Missouri, is undoubtedly the finest valley on the globe. It is abundantly watered by streams, which not only give fertility to their borders, but are ready to waft the gifts of the soil to the ocean, and bring back to the inhabitants the products of all other climes. The soil returns an ample harvest for all that is planted in it, and the climate is favour- able to almost every production of the earth that can sustain life or increase its luxuries. Though lying within the temperate zone, the United States embrace a great variety of climate. In the northern parts, the winters are long and severe ; snow often falls to the depth of two or three feet, and the cold is so piercing as to oblige the inhabitants to make very diligent provision against it. Spring returns here in April, and in summer the heat is great. In the southern parts of the country, snow is seldom seen, ice is rarely formed in the rivers, and those fruits which shrink from a northern climate, and flourish only in warm regions, are scattered over the spil. In Georgia, the inhabitants may collect the figs which grow before the windows, and may load their tables with oranges, lemons, and other exquisite fruits that grow in their gardens and groves, while in parts of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, even peaches will not flourish. Between these extremities, as in Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois, there is a re- gion adapted to the wine-grape, which thrives best in places removed from both the torrid and frigid zones. The United States are intersected by two principal and two subordinate ranges of mountains, the Rocky and Alleghany, the Ozark and Green Mountains. The Rocky Mountain, or Chippewayan range, forms the great dividing ridge of North America, separating the waters which flow in opposite directions, towards the great oceans which bound the opposite sides of the continent. They are situated at,a medium distance of about 600 miles from the Pacific; the highest rise above the line of perpetual congelation, being estimated at about 12,000 feet in height. The Alleghany, or Appalachian range, runs in a north-easterly direction from the northern part of Alabama to New-York, stretching along in uniform ridges, at the distance of from 250 to 80 miles from the sea-coast, and following its gene- ral direction. It occupies in breadth a space of from 60 to 120 miles, and sepa- rates the waters which run into the Atlantic Ocean, from those which flow into the Mississippi and its tributaries. The highest elevation in this range, and the UNITED STATES. 143 most prominent in the Atlantic States, is Black Mountain, in the western part of North Carolina: it is 6476 feet in height. The Green Mountains extend from Connecticut, through Massachusetts and Vermont, to Canada, dividing the Atlantic rivers from those of Lake Champlain and the St. Lawrence. Some of the peaks of this range attain considerable ele- vation. In New Hampshire and Maine, are found many considerable peaks, which are not connected with any systematic range, but are scattered in detached groups. The White Mountains, in New Hampshire, are the most elevated in New England. Mount Katahdin, or Ktaadin, near the centre of the state of Maine, is the highest in that state. The view from its summit is fine and varied, and extends over 80 or 100 miles. The other principal heights in Maine are Wassataquoik Mountain, Mount Abraham, Mount Bigelow, Speckled Mountain. The Ozark Mountains extend from Texas, through the western part of Arkan- sas, into the lead-mine region of Missouri. Their general direction is nearly similar to that of the Alleghany range, and their altitude is supposed to be about 2000 feet above the sea. The territory of the United States is washed by three seas, the Atlantic Ocean on the east, the Gulf of Mexico on the south, and the Pacific Ocean on the west. The principal bays and sounds on the Atlantic border, are Passamaquoddy Bay, which lies between the state of Maine and the British province of New Bruns- wick ; Massachusetts Bay, between Cape Ann and Cape Cod, on the coast of Massachusetts ; Long Island Sound, between Long Island and the coast of Con- necticut; Delaware Bay, between Cape May and Cape Henlopen, which sepa- rates New Jersey from Delaware ; Chesapeake Bay, which communicates with the ocean between Cape Charles and Cape Henry, and extends in a northern di- rection for 200 miles, through the states of Virginia and Maryland ; and Albe- marle and Pamplico Sounds, on the coast of North Carolina. In the Gulf of Mexico, the principal bays are Chatham Bay, near the southern extremity of the peninsula of Florida ; Appalachie Bay ; and Mobile Bay, in Alabama. In the Pacific, the Gulf of Georgia is the most important inlet on the western coast of the United States. It separates Qudra and Vancouver's Island from the main land, and is about 120 miles in length from north to south, and from 5 to 20 miles in width. The great lakes Superior, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, not being altogether in the United States, have been described elsewhere. The boundary between the Bri- tish and American territories passes through their centre, allotting about an equal share of their vast waters to each nation. Lake Michigan is wholly within the territory of the United States. It is connected with Huron by the Strait of Michillimackinac, and is about 320 miles in length, and from 55 to 60 miles wide, with an area of 16,200 square miles. The country around the head of this lake is settling rapidly ; and the mildness of the climate, the excellence of the soil, and the probable speedy junction of its waters with those of the Mississippi, will shor.ly fill this portion of the west with population and wealth. By the St. Clair River, of 35 miles course, the waters of Huron rapidly descend to the St. Clair, a shallow lake about 90 miles in circuit. Detroit River connects Lakes St. Clair and Erie. The other lakes of any magnitude in the United States are Champlain in New- York, Winnipiseogee in New Hampshire, and Moose Head in Maine. Lake Champlain separates the States of New York and Vermont, and is in extent 140 miles nearly north and south. It is connected with the Hudson river by the Champlain canal, and with the St. Lawrence river by the Sorelle, or Riche- lieu. Large and elegant steam-boats ply daily between Whitehall and St. John's, Lower Canada, which touch at the principal places, and numerous travellers are constantly passing and repassing this route during the season of navigation. Lake Winnipiseogee is one of the most picturesque sheets of water in New England. It is very irregular in form, and contains a number of islands, some of which are cultivated. The lake is about 22 miles long, and from 1 to 8 miles wide. Moose Head Lake is situated in the central parts of Maine. It is of an irre- gular form, about 38 miles in length, and from 2 to 12 wide. The main branch 144 UNITED STATES. of Kennebeck river flows from it. Around it, at various distances, are situated some of the highest mountains in Maine. The Rivers which water the territory of the United States are numerous, and some of them among the most important in the world. No portion of the globe possesses greater facilities for inland navigation and trade, or is more generally intersected with large and navigable streams. They may be divided into four great classes : 1st. The streams which rise on the east side of the Alleghany mountains, and flow into the Atlantic Ocean ; 2d. Those south of the Alleghany range, which discharge themselves into the Gulf of Mexico ; 3d. The Mississippi and its wide tributaries, which drain the waters of the vast valley included be- tween the Rocky and Alleghany ranges ; and 4th. The rivers which, rising on the western declivity of the Rocky Mountains, direct their course to the Pacific Ocean. The Penobscot is the largest river that has its course wholly in the State of Maine. It joins the Penobscot Bay between the towns of Penobscot and Prospect. It is navigable for vessels of considerable burden to Bangor, where navigation and the tide terminate. Large quantities of timber are exported from the sea-ports on the river and bay. The course of this river is near 300 miles. Kennebeck River is, next to the Penobscot, the largest in Maine. It is the outlet of Moose Head lake, the most considerable in the State. It is navigable for vessels of 150 tons to Hallowell, 40 miles from the sea. Its whole course is about 230 miles. Connecticut River, the most important stream in New England, rises in the highlands separating the United States from Canada, and flows into Long Island Sound, after a course of upwards of 400 miles. It is navigable to Hartford for large steam-boats, and vessels of 8 feet draught ; also for small steam-boats to Wells river, in Vermont, more than 200 miles above Hartford. The head waters of this river are elevated 1600 feet above Long Island Sound. Its banks present to the eye every variety of scenery ; — magnificent mountains and hills, delightful valleys and meadows, unsurpassed in beauty and fertility, and many of the most beautiful towns and villages in New England. The Hudson River rises west of Lake Champlain in numerous branches, and pursuing nearly a straight southerly course of about 320 miles, unites with the Atlantic below the city of New York. This is one of the most important rivers in the United States. The navigation and commerce on its waters are very great, and annually increasing. By means of the Erie and Champlain canals, it is con- nected with Lake Erie and the St. Lawrence river. It is navigable for ships of large burden to Hudson city, and for the largest steam-boats to Albany and Troy. Delaware River rises in New York, and flowing south, separates Pennsylvania from New York and New Jersey, and falls into Delaware bay, after a course of about 310 miles, below New Castle. It is navigable for vessels of the greatest burden to Philadelphia, and for small craft to the head of the tide at Trenton, above which city it is navigable 100 miles for boats of 8 or 9 tons. Susquehannah River, one of the largest in Pennsylvania, is formed by its north and west branches, which unite at Northumberland. Its north, or longest branch, rises in Otsego lake, New York, from whence to its mouth is about 460 miles. The Potomac River rises in two branches in the Alleghany Mountains, and forms, during its course to Chesapeake bay, the boundary between Virginia and Maryland. It is navigable for vessels of large burthen to Washington city. Its junction at Harper's Ferry with the Shenandoah, is regarded as a great curiosity. Its length is about 335 miles. James River pursues a course of upwards of 400 miles, and unites with the south part of Chesapeake Bay at Hampton Roads. It is navigable for sloops to Richmond, where the Great Falls formerly presented an obstruction, but a canal has been made around them, and the river is now navigable for batteaux 230 miles above the city. Savannah River separates South Carolina from Georgia, and enters the Atlantic 17 miles below Savannah, to which city it is navigable for vessels of large bur- den. Steam-boats ascend the river to Augusta falls. UNITED STATES. 145 Appalachicola, which discharges itself into the bay of the same name, in the Gulf of Mexico, is formed by the union of the Chattahoochee and Flint rivers. The former is navigated to Columbus by steam-boats : on its head-waters are numerous gold-mines. The Appalachicola and Chattahoochee united, are about 425 miles in length. The Mobile River is formed by the junction of the Alabama and Tombeckbee \ rivers, 40 mile3 above Mobile. The head-waters of the Alabama rise in the gold- 1 region of Georgia, not far from the sources of the Chattahoochee, and after a south- west course of near 500 miles, form a junction with the Tombeckbee. Steam- boats ascend to Montgomery, a distance, by the meanders of the rivers, of near 300 miles. The Mississippi is the largest river of North America, and one of the noblest in the world — watering a more fertile region, and having a larger course of unin terrupted navigation, than any other known stream. Its course — taken in con nexion with its mighty auxiliary, the Missouri — is estimated at 4490 miles in length. The space drained by its waters is supposed to exceed 1,300,000 square miles, being upwards of two-thirds of the whole territory of the United States, or about one twenty-eighth part of the terraqueous surface of the globe. In no por- tion of the world has the triumph of art over the obstacles of nature been so com- plete. The introduction of steam-navigation has been productive of immense advantages, and has been carried to a greater extent than on any other river. Mississippi proper rises west of Lake Superior, in a dreary and desolate region, amidst lakes and swamps, and, after pursuing a south-east course of about 600 miles, reaches the falls of St. Anthony, where it descends perpendicularly 16 feet, and where are 58 feet of rapids. Thence it flows a south-easterly, and then southerly direction ; and after forming the boundary between Missouri, Arkansas Territory, and Louisiana, on the west, and Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi, on the east, discharges its waters, through many mouths, into the Gulf of Mexico. It is nearly 3000 miles long, and is navigable for steam-boats to the falls of St. Anthony. The following are the principal tributaries of the Mis- sissippi from the west : — The St. Peter's, which joins it at Fort Snelling, is a stream of about 400 miles, flowing a south-east course. The Des Moines, a river of about 400 miles in length, enters the Mississippi about 130 miles above the Missouri. The Missouri enters the Mississippi river about 18 miles above St. Louis, after a course of 3217 miles. Although it loses its name at its confluence with the latter, it is much the longer stream of the two ; but the Mississippi, having been first discovered and explored, has retained its name to the Gulf of Mexico. This ercor being now past remedy, the Missouri must be considered as a tributary of the Mississipi. It is formed of numerous branches, which rise among the Rocky Mountains, between the parallels of 42° and 48° N. Latitude. The most remote are the Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin rivers. The only obstruction that occurs to its navigation is at the Great Falls, a distance of 2575 miles from the Missis- sippi. Here the river descends 362 feet in 18 miles : the descent is by four great pitches or cataracts, of 98, 19, 49, and 26 feet, respectively. The width of the river is about 350 yards, and the cataracts are considered to be, next to those of Niagara, the grandest in the world. About 100 miles above, is the place called the Gates of the Rocky Mountains. This river was lately ascended by a steam- vessel 300 miles above the Yellow Stone, a distance from the mouth of the Mis- sissippi of 3460 miles. The largest tributaries of the Missouri are, the Yellow Stone, of 1100 miles in length, the Platte, or Shallow river, of 1600 miles course, and the Kanzas, of 1200 miles in length. They all rise in the Rocky Mountains, and flow through a flat prairie country, inhabited by a widely scattered Indian population. The Arkansas is, after the Missouri, the most considerable tributary of the Mis- sissippi from the west. It rises in the Rocky Mountains, and its course is com- puted to be about 2000 miles. It enters the Mississippi river about 540 miles below the Missouri. Steam-boats can generally ascend this river to the mouth 13 T 146 UNITED STATE of the Canadian, its largest tributary, and occasionally to Cantonment Gibson, 640 miles from the Mississippi river. The Red River is the first tributary stream of any note which enters the Mis- sissippi, in ascending from its mouth. It has a course of about 1500 miles, and flows through immense prairies of a red soil. The principal tributaries of the Mississippi which flow into it from the east- ward are as follows : — Chippeway River, 200 miles in length, enters the Mississippi at the lower end of Lake Pepin. The Wisconsin River joins the Mississippi about 4 or 5 miles below the town of Prairie du Chien. In part of its course it approaches so near the Fox River of Green Bay, as to leave a portage of only 1 \ miles. It is one of the great natu- ral channels of communication between the lakes and the Mississippi. The Illinois River enters the Mississippi 18 miles above the Missouri, after a course of more than 400 miles. It is near a quarter of a mile wide at its mouth, and has a remarkably smooth, gentle current. The Ohio River is the largest eastern tributary of the Mississippi. At its junction, and for 100 miles above, it is as large as the parent stream. This river, from its commencement, affords the most delightful prospects. Tributaries of romantic and beautiful character come in almost at equal distances, as lateral canals. The Ohio is formed by the union of the Alleghany and Monongahela rivers at Pittsburg. It flows in a south-westerly direction for 945 miles, separa- ting the States of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, from Virginia and Kentucky, and falls into the Mississippi 193 miles below the Missouri. Its current is gentle, and is nowhere broken by any considerable falls, except at Louisville, in Ken- tucky,- where the water descends 22£ feet in 2 miles. This obstruction is now obviated by the Louisville and Portland canal, which affords a passage to steam- boats of small draft, at all seasons, to the upper parts of the river at Pittsburg. The chief tributaries of the Ohio are the Wabash, a fine navigable river, which rises in the north-east part of Indiana. It is ih length about 450 miles. The Cumberland River rises in the mountains, on the eastern boundary of Kentucky. At high water, it is navigable for boats almost to its source, and for steam-boats to Nashville at all seasons. Tennessee River is formed by the union of several large branches, which rising in the mountainous country in western Virginia and North Carolina, unite in one in the vicinity of Knoxville, enters the Ohio 46 miles above the Mississippi, and 12 below the Cumberland. Its entire course from the source of its longest branch, is 850 miles distant from the Ohio. It is navigable for steam-boats, in most stages of the water, to Florence, at the foot of the Muscle Shoals. This is the most important of all the tributaries of the Ohio. The Yazoo, the most southern of the principal eastern tributaries of the Mis- sissippi, has a course of 240 miles, and discharges its waters into the Mississippi about 12 miles above the- Walnut Hills. The most considerable river on the Pacific side of the Rocky Mountains is the Columbia, or Oregon. Its head-waters interlock with the Arkansas, Rio del Norte, &c. : it is about 1400 miles in length, its principal branches are Lewis's or Saptin river, 1000 miles in extent; Clark's or Flat Head river, 700 miles long, M'Gillivray's, Okinagan, &c. Fort George or Astoria, Fort Vancouver, and others, on these waters, are trading establishments belonging to the British Hud- son's Bay Company. Vessels of 300 tons may ascend the Columbia, 125 miles ; and large sloops may go up to the head of tide, 183 miles from the Ocean. Minerals abound in the United States in great variety and profusion. Iron is very generally diffused, and is very abundant. Lead, limestone, and coal both of the anthracite and bituminous kind, abound in quantities supposed to be inex- haustible, especially of the former description. Gold has recently been found to a considerable amount in Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. The most valuable mines are in North Carolina and Georgia. It is difficult to ascertain the amount of gold found in the United States ; but the value of the metal sent to the Mint, from 1823 to 1836, was $4,377,500, pro- UNITED STATES. 147 bably not one half of the produce for that period, as large amounts of it are sent to Europe uncoined. The lead-mines of Missouri, Illinois and Wisconsin, are said to be the richest in quality in the world ; and the quantity of that metal ex- tracted from the ore, within the last few years, has been so great as to exclude almost entirely the foreign article from our markets. The annual produce of the Missouri mines is estimated at 3 million, and of the Illinois and Wisconsin, 8 mil- lion pounda Salt springs abound in many parts of the Union, and large quantities are manu- factured in New York, Western Pennsylvania, Western Virginia, Ohio, and Illinois: it is also made from sea-water in some parts of New England. The whole amount made is stated to be about 7 million bushels. The United States form a federal republic. Each of the States is independent, and has the exclusive control of all concerns merely local; but the defence of the country, the regulation of commerce, and all the general concerns of the confede- racy, are committed, by the constitution, to a general government. The legislative power is vested in a Congress, consisting of a Senate and House of Representatives. The Senate is composed of 2 members from each State, chosen every two years, for a period of six years, so that one-third of the Senate is renewed biennially. The number of senators is at present 52. The members of the House of Representatives are chosen every two years, each State being entitled to a number proportionate to its population, in a ratio, in the States which do not admit of slavery, of one to every 47,700 inhabitants ; and in the States where there are slaves, of one for every 47,700 of the free white population, and one for every 79,500 of the slaves. The number of representatives is now 240. The judiciary is composed of a Supreme Court, of one chief and six associate judges ; of 33 District Courts, of one judge each, except that six of the States are divided into two districts each ; and of 7 Circuit Courts, composed of the judge of the district, and one of the judges of the Supreme Court. The executive power is vested in a President, who, together with the Vice- President, is chosen for four years, by electors from all the States. The principal subordinate officers of the executive department are the Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, of War, and of the Navy, the Postmaster General, and the Attor- aey General. The President must be a native-born citizen, or have been a citizen at the adoption of the constitution, of 35 years of age, and have resided in the United States 14 years. The present constitution of the United States was adopted in 1789, and has since been amended. It secures to the people the grand principles of freedom, liberty of conscience in matters of religion, liberty of the press, trial by jury, and the right of choosing and being chosen to office. The principal executive officers are the Secretaries of State, at War, and of the Navy, the Postmaster General, and the Attorney General. They are remova- ble at the will of the President, and, with the Vice-President, form the cabinet. Th^ Department of State was created in 1789. The Secretary conducts the ne- gotiations with foreign powers, and corresponds with the public ministers of the United States abroad, and with those of foreign states near the United States. He has the charge of the United States seal, preserves the originals of laws and treaties, and of the public correspondence growing out of the intercourse between the United States and foreign nations ; he grants passports to American citizens visiting foreign countries, has the control of the patent office, and preserves the evidence of copy-rights. There are attached to the Department of State a Diplomatic Bureau, a Consular Bureau, a Home Bureau, the Archives, and the Patent Office. The Treasury Department was created in 1789. The Secretary superintends the fiscal concerns of the government; he is required to report to Congress annu- ally the state of the finances, and recommends such measures as he thinks proper for improving the condition of the revenue. The Treasury Department comprises the offices of the Secretary, two Controllers, five Auditors, the Register, the Treasurer, and the Solicitor of the Treasury. As there is at present no direct taxation by the general government, the reve- 148 UNITED STATES. nue is chiefly derived from duties on imports, the sales of public lands, bank-stock, post-offices, lead-mines, &c. The revenue on imports is the most important. The receipts into the treasury of the United States during the year 1836 amounted to 47,691,898 dollars ; those from duties, 22,523,151 ; those from lands, 24,000,000, and the residue from miscellaneous sources. The expenditures for all objects during the year are estimated at 32,000,000 dollars. Balance in the trea- sury on the 1st January, 1837, 41,723,959 dollars, which, with the exception of 5,000,000 dollars, are to be transferred to the several States, in accordance with the act regulating the deposites of the public money. The second great source of revenue is the national domain, or public lands, which consists of tracts of ter- ritory ceded to the general government by the several States ; of the lands in the territory of Louisiana, purchased from France ; and those in Florida, acquired by treaty from Spain. A vast portion of this land is occupied by the Indians, who are considered as proprietors of the soil, till the government extinguish their title by purchase. A General Land Office at Washington directs the sale of these territories. All the lands are surveyed before sale ; they are divided into town- ships of six miles square, which are subdivided into sections of one mile square, containing each 640 acres, and sold in sections, half, quarter, and half-quarter sec- tions. The minimum price is fixed by law at a dollar and a quarter. All sales are made for cash. Salt-springs and lead-mines are reserved, but may be sold by special orders from the President. One section of 640 acres is reserved in each township, as a fund for the perpetual support of schools. Five per cent, on all sales of land are reserved, three-fifths of which are expended by Congress in making roads leading to the States in which the lands are situated, and two-fifths are expended by the States for the promotion of learning. In the year 1820, the sales of the public lands produced 1,167,225 dollars, which had increased in 1834 to 6,099,981, in 1835 exceeded 12,000,000, and in 1836 had increased to the as- tonishing sum of 24,000,000 dollars. The increase of population in the Western States, the extensive introduction of steam-vessels on the rivers and lakes, and the increased facilities of intercourse and transportation by rail-roads and canals, have concurred with the extraordinary high price of cotton in producing this won- derful result. The whole quantity of public lands sold is 44,500,000 acres ; quan- tity granted for various purposes, 16,040,624 acres ; unsold, within the limits of the States and Territories, at the end of 1835, 220,000,000 acres ; beyond those limits, 750,000,000 ; whole quantity surveyed, 122,300,000: total cost of the lands, 58,438,824 dollars ; total receipts thus far, 64,029,496 dollars. The War Department was created in 1789: to this department belong the di- rection and government of the army ; the erection of fortifications ; the execution of topographical surveys ; and the direction of Indian Affairs. Attached to it are a Requisition Bureau, a Bounty-Land Bureau, a Pension office, an office of Indian Affairs, an Engineer office, a Topographical office, an Ordnance office, &c. The Army of the United States consists of 2 regiments of dragoons, 4 of artil- lery, and 7 of infantry, containing, at the commencement of 1837, an aggregate amount of 6283 men, including a corps of Engineers, Topographical Engineers, and Ordnance department ; the whole being under the command of a Major Gene- ral and two Brigadier Generals. The expenditure of the year 1836, for the mili- tary service, including fortifications, ordnance, Indian affairs, pensions, arming the militia, and internal improvements, was 20,322,083 dollars and 19 cents. The office of Secretary of the Navy was created in 1798 ; and there is a Board of Navy Commissioners, established in 1815, attached to the department. The navy, though on a small scale, acquired great reputation during the three years' war, when the American ships successfully encountered those of the mistress of the ocean. Much has since been done, both in enlarging the number of vessels, and extending and constructing suitable dock-yards ; but the naval force is not considered adequate to the exigencies of the country. It consists of 53 vessels, of which there are 13 ships of the line, 16 frigates, 2 barques, 1 steam frigate, 14 sloops of war, 2 brigs, and 5 schooners. Of the above, there are on the stocks, 5 ships of the line, 7 frigates, 2 barques, 1 steam frigate, and 1 schooner : total 16. In ordinary, 7 ships of the line, 4 frigates, and 5 sloops of war : total 16. In UNITED STATES. 149 commission, 1 ship of the line, 5 frigates, 9 sloops of war, 2 brigs, and 4 schoon- ers; total 21 : besides materials for 4 ships of the line, 8 frigates, and 6 sloops of war. The naval appropriation for the year 1837 was 5,167,290 dollars, and for the surveying and exploring expedition, 346,431 dollars. There are seven navy- yards belonging to the United States, viz. : at Portsmouth ; at Charlestown, in Boston Harbour ; at Brooklyn, on Wallabout Bay, opposite New-York ; at Phila- delphia; at Washington ; at Gosport, opposite Norfolk, Virginia; and at Pensa- cola, Florida. There are graving or dry-docks at Charlestown and Gosport, and a third is constructing at Brooklyn. The General Post Office is under the superintendence of a Postmaster General, who has the appointment of the postmasters throughout the country, and the power of making contracts for carrying the mail. The post routes cover an ex- tent of 118,264 miles, on which the mails are carried 27,578,620 miles a year. The number of post-offices is 11,100; the revenue of the department for the year 1835 was 3,398,455 dollars ; the expenditure, 2,755,623 dollars, 75 cents. The office of the Mint of the United States was established at Philadelphia in 1792, and in 1835 an act was passed for establishing a branch in New Orleans, for the coinage of gold and silver, and branches at Charlotte, North Carolina, and Dahlonega, Georgia, for the coinage of gold ; the general direction being under the control of the Director of the Mint at Philadelphia. The coinage is executed by machines propelled by steam-power ; the value vf the coinage during the year 1835 was 5,668,667 dollars, comprising 2,186,175 dollars in gold coins, 3,444,003 in silver, and 39,489 in copper, making 15,996,342 pieces of coin ; and in the year 1836, from January 1st to November 1st, the coinage amounted to 6,496,440 dol- lars, of which the gold was 3,619,440, and silver 2,877,000 dollars. The chief agricultural occupations in the eastern states are grazing and the dairy. The middle" states are principally devoted to the cultivation of wheat and Indian corn; the southern to that of tobacco, cotton, sugar, and rice ; and the western to Indian corn and wheat. Slave labour is chiefly employed in the south- ern and in some of the middle and western states. The cotton crop, in 1836, was estimated at 480 million pounds, of the value of 80 million dollars. Tobacco 80,000 hogsheads, of the value of 6 million dollars ; of rice to the amount of 2£ million dollars ; and of sugar and molasses, of the former 100,000 hogsheads, and of the latter 63,000 hogsheads. The amount of wheat, rye, Indian corn, &c. raised in the country, it is impossible to estimate with any degree of certainty, but it no doubt amounts to several million barrels. The manufactures of the United States are considerable, and gradually increas- ing. The eastern and middle states, which are most abundantly supplied with water-power, are most extensively engaged in manufactures, especially of cotton, woollen, iron, glass, paper, wood, &c. In 1810, the value of manufactures in the United States was estimated at $172,762,676. The present annual value is com- puted at $350,000,000 ; and the capital invested in all the manufactories of the Union is estimated at more than 1000 millions. Most of the American manu- factures are designed for home consumption ; yet, in 1834, domestic manufactures were exported to the amount of $8,567,590. The manufactures of cotton goods amount to about 50 millions of dollars ; woollen 70 millions; leather and its manufactures 45 millions ; hats, caps, bon- nets, &.c. 15 millions ; cabinet-ware 10 millions ; cables and cordage, paper and glass-ware, each 6 millions; soap and candles nearly 12, and of manufactured tobacco and refined sugar, each about 2 millions of dollars. In 1810 there was above 20 million gallons of spirituous liquors distilled from corn and rye, and up- wards of 5 million from molasses ; and, although it is stated that, in 1835, 4000 distilleries had been stopped by the progress of the temperance reform, vast quan- tities of these poisonous liquors are still prepared. The commerce of the United States is, next to that of Great Britain, the largest in the world. It consists principally in the exchange of agricultural produce, for the manufactures of other countries, and the productions of tropical climates. All vessels engaged in the foreign trade are registered by the collector of the district to which they belong, and those employed in the coasting trade and fisheries are 150 UNITED STATES. enrolled and licensed by the same officer. At the commencement of the year 1835 there was of registered tonnage 857,438, including 108,060 tons employed in the whale-fishery ; the enrolled and licensed tonnage amounted to 783,618, and fishing-vessels 117,850; total 1,758,907; and, during the year 1834, there was built in the United States, registered tonnage 52,622, and of enrolled tonnage 65,707 ; total 118,330 : the number of vessels built amounted to 957, including 88 steam-boats. The number of vessels and tonnage entering the ports of the United States, dining the year 1835, was 11,292 vessels, amounting to 1,993,963 tons ; of which 7023 vessels, and 1,352,653 tons were American, and 4269 ves- sels, of 641,310 tons, foreign: cleared, during the same period, 11,515 vessels, of 2,031,341 tons; of which 7285 vessels, and 1,400,517 tons, were American, and 4230 vessels, of 630,824 tons, were foreign. The value of the imports of the year 1836, ending on the 30th of, September, is estimated at 173,540,000 dollars ; showing an increase, compared with the preceding year, of 23,644,258 dollars. The exports, during the same period, are estimated at 121,789,000 dollars; of which 101,105,000 dollars were domestic products, and the residue foreign ; exhi- biting an aggregate increase, compared with the preceding year, of 35,423 dol- lars, and an amount exceeding the average of the last three years by 5,829,150 dollars. The most important article of export is cotton ; of which there were sent to Europe, in 1835, of the value of 64,961,302 dollars ; of tobacco there was ex- ported 8,250,577 dollars ; of flour, wheat, corn, rye-meal, rice, &c. 8,383,977 dol- lars ; of cod-fish and the produce of the fisheries, 2,174,524 dollars ; of staves, shingles, naval stores, oak bark, &c. 4,542,091 dollars; of beef, pork, horses, and mules, and other agricultural products, 2,901,896 dollars ; of cotton goods, 2,858,681 dollars ; the other principal articles of export are skins and furs, flax-seed, soap and candles, manufactures of leather, of iron, of household furniture, &c. &c. Most of the fisheries are carried on from the New England states, and in New England ships. The whale-fishery is prosecuted in the Atlantic ocean, chiefly south of the line, for the right or black whale, and in the Southern, Indian, and Pacific oceans, for the spermaceti whale. In the year 1835, 108,060 tons of ship- ping were employed in this business ; and in the course of the year 1835, sper- maceti and whale oil was brought home, of the value of about 6,500,000 dollars. Seal oil and furs are also obtained in the Antarctic seas by these adventurous sea- men. The fishery is carried on chiefly from the ports of Nantucket and New Bedford, and also, but on a less scale, from New London, Sag Harbour, Warren, Bristol, Hudson, &c. About 10,000 men are engaged in it, and the seamen are paid, not by fixed wages, but by a certain share in the profits of the voyage. Those in the Pacific and Southern oceans are generally absent from two to three years at a time. The cod-fishery is pursued on the banks and coasts of Newfoundland, and on the Labrador coasts. It employs upwards of 60,000 tons of small craft, some of which make several trips a year; those on the coast-fisheries generally remain longer. The produce of this fishery may be estimated at from 1,200,000 to 1,500,000 dollars a year. The mackerel fishery employs about 50,000 tons of shipping, and produces about 2,000,000 dollars annually. No part of the world presents such an extensive river commerce. Steam ves- sels, a grand improvement, first introduced in America, ply on all the principal streams, and of upwards of 100,000 tons of this species of craft belonging to the United States in 1834, almost the whole was on the interior waters. On the Mis- sissippi and its tributaries alone, aa extent of 8000 miles was traversed by 230 steam-boats. Neither the States nor individuals have been slow in improving and extending these natural advantages; and the spirit with which they have under- taken, and the perseverance they have shown in executing the most magnificent plans, have shed a lustre on the American name. The great land-locked bays of the coast have been connected by a chain of canals, affording a safe internal water-route from Narragansett Bay to Albemarle Sound. The eastern and west- ern waters have been united by several channels, which either turn the Allegha- nies or surmount their summits. The waters of the lakes and the Mississippi UNITED STATES. 151 have been connected at various points, and the obstacles in the navigation of the most important rivers have been overcome by removing the bars or ledges which obstructed their channels, or by side-cuts, locks, and dams. The whole length of this artificial navigation is not less than 3500 miles; all of which, with one or two trifling exceptions, has been executed in the short space of 20 years. These great works have already given fresh life to manufactures, and encouraged the establishment of new ones ; invigorated, and in many places created, internal trade; promoted agriculture, which requires a cheap and easy transportation for the bulky articles which it consumes and produces; and developed, in an aston- ishing degree, the mining industry of the country. The Americans have equally surpassed all other people in the number and extent of their rail-roads, having, in less than ten years, constructed nearly 1500 miles of these artificial levels, over which carriages are propelled by locomotive steam-engines at the rate of from 20 to 30 miles an hour. Although this contri- vance is less adapted than canals to the conveyance of bulky articles, yet it pos- sesses some advantages over that mode of transportation, such as that of not being interrupted by ice, and of being suited to certain localities in which artificial water-communication would be impracticable. To the State Governments is committed that branch of legislation which relates to the regulation of local concerns. These bodies make and alter the laws which regard property and private rights, appoint judges and civil officers, impose taxes for State purposes, and exercise all other rights and powers not vested in the Fede- ral Government by positive enactment. They are, in their composition, very similar to the Federal Government. The legislature consists always of two branches, both of which are returned by the same electors; and these electors may be said to comprise the whole adult white population, the usual qualifications being citizenship, with one or two years' residence, and payment of taxes. In North Carolina, representatives are chosen by the whole resident free citizens who pay taxes, but senators only by freeholders ; in New Jersey and Virginia, the right of suffrage for both houses is limited to persons holding a small amount of landed property ; in Maryland the senators are chosen by delegates named for the pur- pose by the people. In all the States, the period for which the representatives serve is either one or two years. The elections are biennial in Delaware, South Carolina, Tennessee, Louisiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas, and annual in the other States. The shortest period for which the senators serve, in any State, is one year, and the longest five. In Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Con- necticut, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Georgia, the senators hold their office for one year only; in Ohio, Tennessee, and Michigan, for two years; in Missis- sippi, Alabama, and Indiana, for three years; in New York, Pennsylvania, Dela- ware, Virginia, South Carolina, Kentucky, Louisiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Ar- kansas, for four years; and in Maryland, for five years. Except in Maryland, when the Senate of any State serves for more than one year, it is renewed by parts or divisions, one-third of the members going out annually when they serve for three years, and one-fourth when they serve for four. In some cases, how- ever, when the senators serve for four years, the renewal is by halves every two years. The United States are more distinguished for the general diffusion of know- ledge, than for eminence in literature or science. The means of common educa- tion are widely extended, and there are numerous seminaries of learning through- out the country, though there are no literary establishments on so large a scale as many in Europe. As a general government, the United States have done but little for the interests of public instruction, except that they reserve for this purpose one section in every township of their new lands, besides other reservations for colleges. This highly important subject has, perhaps, been better attended to, by being left ta the individual States and to private citizens. The first settlers of New England paid a very laudable attention to this important subject. As early as 1628, a law was passed for the instruction of every child in the colonies ; and 152 UNITED STATES. in 1647, a school was established by law in every town or neighbourhood of 50 families, and a school for the higher branchss, for every 100 families. The number of colleges in the United States is 68 ; of medical schools 23 ; of law schools 9 ; of theological seminaries 37. The country does not yet, however, furnish the scholar with those facilities for a finished learned education which are afforded by the scientific and literary establishments of Europe, and the want of good libraries is sensibly felt by every one who has attempted much learned re- search. The largest collection of books in the United States does not contain 50,000 volumes, and there are few which even approach that number. The Phi- ladelphia Library has 42,000 volumes ; the Cambridge University Library about the same number; the Boston Athenreum 30,000; the New-York Society Library 22,000 ; and the Library of Congress 20,000. Most of the States of the Union have made some legislative provision for com. mon school instruction, and in some States (especially in Massachusetts, Connec- ticut, New- York, and Virginia), large funds are set apart for this purpose. Pri- vate schools and academies of the higher order are quite numerous, especially in New England ; so that few grow up without enjoying the means of elementary instruction, or, if they desire it, of a more extended liberal education. In the Sabbath-schools of the United States, which are doing much for the intellectual as well as moral improvement of the young, about 600,000 children are weekly instructed by more than 80,000 teachers. There is no established church in the United States, religion being left to the voluntary choice of the people. No sect is favoured by the laws beyond another ; it being an essential principle in the national and state governments, that legisla- tion may of right interfere in the concerns of public worship only so far as to pro- tect every individual in the unmolested exercise of that of his choice. Nor is any legislative provision made for the support of religion, except that, in Massachu- setts, the legislature is enjoined to require, and in New Hampshire is empowered to authorize, the several towns and parishes to make adequate provision, at their own expense, for the support of Protestant ministers. The same was the case in Connecticut, until 1818, when it was abolished by the new constitution. But in all the other States, the support of religion is left entirely to the voluntary zeal of its professors. The numbers of established churches, or congregations, are estimated at over 15,000, and the ministers at about 12,000. The Presbyterians, including Congre- gationalists, are the most numerous denomination. The Baptists are estimated as second in numerical amount; and the Methodists, Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Universalists, Lutherans, Christians, German Reformed, and Friends or Quakers, probably rank in point of numbers in the order in which they are mentioned. Other sects, respectable in amount of numbers, are Unitarians, Associate and other Methodists, Freewill Baptists, Dutch Reformed Menonites, Associate and Cumberland Presbyterians, Tunkers, and many others. In fact, almost all the sects of Christianity are represented in our country. There are no early enumerations of the population on which much reliance can be placed ; but, in 1753, the number was estimated at 1,051,000. A regular de- cennial census, taken since 1790, gave, at that period, 3,929,827; in 1800, 5,305,925 ; in 1810, 7,239,814 ; in 1820, 9,638,131. It is most interesting to con- sider, as the immensity of unoccupied land leaves full scope for this power of mul- tiplication, how vast the future numbers may be with which this region will be peopled, and which will render it much the greatest state that ever existed in an- cient or modern times. It is calculated, upon good grounds, that in a century it will contain 160,000,000 ; and still, being only half as .populous as Britain or France, leave ample scope for future increase. The Americans, should they con- tinue united, would then become the greatest nation in the world ; and the most powerful states of Europe would rank as secondary to them. The population, exclusive of the aboriginal races within the United States' limits, whose numbers are not comprised in the above statements, consists of three classes : whites, free coloured persons, and slaves, whose relative proportions at five different periods are here given : UNITED STATES. 153 Whites. Slaves. Free coloured. 1790 3,172,464 697,897 59,465 1800 4,304,489 893,041 108,395 1810 5,862,004 1,191,364 186,446 1820 7,861,710 1,538,038 232,524 1830 10,526,248 2,009,043 319,599 In regard to these numbers it is to be observed that in the census of 1790, are not included the inhabitants of the Mississippi and Northwest Territories, esti- mated at about 12,000; and that between 1800 and 1810, Louisiana was acquired with about 50,000 inhabitants, and 39,000 Africans were brought into the country. The following statement shows the relative rate of increase of the whole popula- tion, and of each of the three classes, in the two periods from 1810 to 1820, and from 1820 to 1830. 1810—1820. 1820—1830. Increase of whole population 33.3 per cent 33.4 per cent Whites 34 33.9 Slaves 28.6 30.6 Free Blacks 24.8 37.4 Blacks 28.5 31.5 Maine... . N. Hampshire Vermont .... Massachus'ts Rhode Island. Connecticut . New York. .. New Jersey. . Pennsylvania Delaware. .. . .Maryland.. .. Vireinia N. Carolina. . S. Carolina . . Georgia Alabama .... Mississippi.. . Louisiana . . . Tennessee. . . Kentucky Ohio Indiana Illinois Missouri D. of Colura... Florida Ter. .. Michigan. ... Arkansas. .. . Total. 90,540 141,899 85,410 378,717 69,110 238,141 340,120 184,139 434,373 59,096 319,728 748,308 393,751 249.073 82,548 35,791 73,077 952 2,759 21,324 11,423 3,737 8,887 103,036 993,4? 100,572 107,094 29,264 Total. 3,417 11,830 151,719 183,71 154,465 423,245 69,122 251,002 586,786 211,949 602,365 64,273 341,548 880,200 478,103 345,591 162,101 8,850 105,602 220,955 45,365 4,875 14,093 381 951 20,343 12,422 1,706 6,153 105,635 345,796 133,290 146,151 59,404 13,584 40,343 3,244 Total. 228,705 214,360 217,713 472,040 77,031 262,042 959,949 249,555 810,091 72,674 380,546 974,622 555,500 415,115 252,433 40,352 76,556 261,727 406,511 230,760 24,520 12.282 20,845 24,023 4,762 Total. 103 310 15,017 10,851 795 J 4,177 111,502 392,518 1 168,824 196,365 105,218 17,088 34,660 44,535 80,561 237 168 3,011 5,395 21 298,335 244,161 235,764 523,287 83,059 275,202 ,372,812 277,575 ,049,458 72,749 407.350 ,065,379 638,829 502,741 340,987 127,901 75,448 153,407 422,813 564,31 581,434 147,178 55,211 66,586 33,03 8,896 14,273 48 97 10,088 7,557 211 4,509 107,398 425,153 205,017 258,475 149,656 41,879 32,814 69,064 80,107 126,732 190 917 10,222 6,377 1,617 399,955 269,328 280,652 610,408 97,199 297,665 1,918,608 320,823 1,348,233 76,748 447,040 1,211,405 737,987 581,185 516,823 309,527 136,621 215,739 681,904 687,91 937,903 343,031 157,455 140,445 39,834 34,730 36,629 30,388 14 25 76 2,254 403 3,292 102,994 469,757 245,601 315,401 217,531 117,549 65,659 109,588 141,603 165,213 25,081 6,119 15,501 4,576 Totals- • ■| 3, 929,827 I 679,897 15,305,925 8 93,04l|7,239,814 1,191.364 9,638.131 j,5 38,038| 12.866,020 2,009,043 Ages,