GV 495 W67M 9llarcfung i (7 i ai>a vJai\cAj Oteps for tf\e S/?/ a t Qrnu^iffli (Xivft-lov <>( (fi* Q^rtiuai ot(c (irti'u-iatiu'at (l ^i)(cfo<'f <'| J^fnijtcfd C<(uc<((!<'u i/lliura MILWAUKEE, '-.VIS FREIDENKER PUBLISHING CO.. PRINTERS 1905. car NTRODUCTION. |itt tlje Mrectittg of physical training classes the introduc- tion of fancy steps has been found by the author of this little book to be an invaluable adjunct. In addition to being a recreation and diversion from the heavier work, they have proven a great factor in the production of grace and agility, and in the development and control of the body. In all of the steps (unless otherwise stated) the hands should be placed on the hips with the fingers forward and thumbs toward the rear. Be sure to stretch the ankles and point the toes downward. Nothing can /be more ungraceful than fancy steps performed with the toes awkwardly turned up. Also avoid "toeing in." The head should be held high and the shest up. so that the exercises will be of real benefit to the entire body. GEKTRVDH WILLIAMS-LUNDGREX. ist of (abbreviations K. right. L. left. Backw. backward. Forw. forward. Obi. obliquely. Ext. extend. Ft. foot. Diag. diagonally. Sidew. side wise. Alt. alternate. Pos. position. Downw. downward. Exer. exercise. Opp. opposite. V i Jllarci>iT>g Oaustl>ei>tC8 of>a vTar\c^ Steps for tf\e Qyn>t>asium. The following steps and marching calisthenics are done to a well marked march or *4 time. One step as described is continued until another command is given bv the instructor. 1. March on tips of toes. 2. Alarch on heels, turning the toes up. 3. Alternate exercises 1 and 2. 4. March bending the knees, in stoop position. 5. March raising left knee close to the body, toes pointed down- ward. 6. Same as exer. 5, only clapping the left knee with the left hand as the knee is raised. 7. March raising each knee alternately close to the bodv. 8. March alternately bending the knees, and then marching on tips of toes. 9. March lifting the heels backward as high as possible. 10. Alareh lifting the feet forward before stepping each time. 11. Hop forward on both teet, bending the knees, and with heels together. (Land on the floor with balls ot teet.) 12. Hold left foot in the left hand and hop on right foot. 13. Same as exer. 12, only hold right foot in right hand and hop forward. 14. Same as 12 and 13, onlv hop backward. 15. March swinging legs treelv forward Irom the hips. 16. On 1 swing left leg freely forward. On 2 " " " backward. On 3 " " " forward again. On 4 step forward with left foot. Same right. 17. March slowly without bendirg the knees. 18. March very slowly, tensing the muscles of the legs. 19. March turning the toes in and heels out. 20. March turning the toes out and heels in. 21. Alternate exercises 19 and 20. 22. March alternately on left toe then on right heel (then on left heel and then right toe). - 1 23. Prison step. Class in line and each places her hands on the shoulders of the one marching in front of her so that the class resembles a line of prisoners. In this position all march, each raising left knee close to the body as she marches. ( Point left toe down as it is raised.) 24. On 1 extend the arms straight in front, shoulder height, and at the same time jump to stride position with the feet far apart. On 2 bring hands to chest and feet to position with heels together. 25. Same as exercise 24, onlv advance on 2. 26. Same as exercise 24, only retreat on 2. 27. March placing one foot directly in front of the other. 28. Follow step. On 1 step forward with left foot. On 2 bring right toe quicklv to left heel. Same right. 29. Single touch step. On 1 touch Hoor lightly diagonally forward to left side with left foot. On 2 step forward with left foot. Same with right toot. 30. Same as exercise 29. only raise the leg high on the second count as the toot is brought forward. 31. Same as exercise 3O and clap hands tinder the raised knee first left knee, then right, continuouslv. 32. Same as exercise 29, bending the right knee as the left foot touches the floor on the first count, and then as the right foot touches the floor, bending the left knee. 33. Same as exercise 29, only touch foot to floor at the side instead of forward. 34-. Same as exercise 21), onlv touch toe on floor backward instead of forward on first count. 35. Same as exercise 29, only touch toe to floor across in front of other foot on first count. 36. On 1 raise left leg very high (leg straight). On 2 step forward with left foot. Same with right foot. 37. On 1 touch the floor in front with left toe. On 2 touch it to left toe side. On 3 touch forward again. On 4 step forward with left foot. Same with right foot. 38. Same as exercise 37, onlv combine with arm movements. On 1 touch left toe forward, bringing arms forward, shoulder height. On 2 touch left toe to left side and extend arms out at sides, shoulder height. On 3 touch left toe forward and extend arms forward. On 4 step forward with left foot with hands on the hips. Same with right foot. 39. Same as exercise 3s, onlv on fourth count inscead of stepping jump forward with hands on hips and heels together, and alight on balls of feet. 40. Same as exercise 38, onlv the direction of arm movements is reversed. When the foot is out at the left side the arms are brought parallel to right side, and when the foot is out at right side the arms are parallel to left side. 41. Same as exercise -58, onlv arms are straight overhead on 1. On 2 arms are at sides, shoulder height. On 3 arms are overhead. On 4 hands on hips. 42. On 1 touch left toe forward. On 2 touch left toe on floor in back. On 3 touch floor in front with left toe. On 4 step forward with left foot. -10- 43. Same as exercise 42, only combine with arm movements. On 1 bring arms parallel forward. On 2 " overhead. On 3 " forward. On 4 hands on hips. 44. Same as 43, only bring arms out at the sides, shoulder height, on 1 and 3. 45. Same as exercise 43, onU r on 1 extend arms out at sides, shoul- der height, with palms of hanrls down. On 2 hands at chest with palms down. On 3 arms parallel overhead, palms facing. On 4 hands at chest. 46. On 1 touch the floor diagonally forward to left with left toe. On 2 touch floor across in front of right foot with left foot. On 3 same as 1. On 4 step forward with left foot. Same right. 47. Same as 46, only combine with different arm movements. 4H. Same as 46, only on 1 cross left foot over right and touch floor. On 2 touch floor diagonally forward with left toe. On 3 same as 1. On 4 step forward with left foot. Same right. 49. On 1 touch floor directly at left side with left toe. On 2 touch floor directly forward with left toe. On 3 same as 1 . On 4 step. Same right. ">(). Combine exercise 4S with arm movements. 51. On 1 raise left knee -close to body and point toe downward. On 2 step forward with left foot. Same with right foot. ."2. With left foot in advance take four long slide steps diagonally forward to left side and then four slide steps to right side with right foot in advance. .%.'!. Same as exercise ~2, only the second four slide steps directly to front instead of diagonally. ~)4. 4 slide steps diagonally forward to left side with left foot in advance. 4 slide steps directly forward, left foot in advance. -11- 4 slide steps diagonally forward to right side with right foot in advance. 4 slide steps directly rear with right foot starting. 55. Same as exercises 51, 52, 5!{, with only two slide steps each time instead of four. 56. On 1 touch left heel to floor diagonally forward to left side, hopping on right foot. On 2 bring left toe to right toe and at the same time hop on right foot. On 3 touch left heel to floor diagonally forward to left side, hopping on right foot. On 4 bring left toe to right heel, at the same time hopping on right foot. Same right. (This exercise should be done very quickly to "jig-time.") 57. Jump lightly on balls of feet, with feet extended out at sides on 1. On 2 jump and bring heels together, advancing as feet are brought together. 58. Same as exercise 57, only retreat slightly as feet are brought together. 59. On 1 cross left foot forward over right foot and at same time hop on right foot. On 2 cross left foot back of right foot and at the same time hop on right foot. On } kick forward ^high) with left foot and at the same time hop on right foot. (Point left toe downward.) On 4 heels together. Same right. 60. On 1 high forward kick with left foot and at the same time hop on right foot. On 2 high forward kick with right foot and at the same time hop on left foot. 61. On 1 high kick with left foot directly out at left side, turning toe out at side and pointing downward, and at the same time hop on right foot. On 2 same with right foot at right side. 62. On 1 cross left foot in back of right foot and change weight of bodv to left foot. On 2 extend right foot out to right side and change weight to right foot. -12- On 3 cross left foot in front of right foot with weight on left foot. On 4 extend right foot out at right side and kick. Same, beginning with right foot. 63. Same as exercise 61, except that on 4 the arms are carried parallel across the body and as the right leg is raised at right side the hands push out at side, shoulder height. 64. Same as exercise 61, except that instead of the kick at the side the knee is brought up close to body, the leg flexed and the toe pointed downward. 65. Same as 63. This exercise may be done in couples. The pupil on the right side starting with left foot and the pupil on the left starting with the right foot. The two partners move away from each other. When they meet, instead of kicking, the knee is brought up close to the body as in exercise 64 and the partners clap each others hands and then move from each other again. 66. On 1 touch left foot forward. On 2 touch left foot to left side. On 3 touch left foot forward. On 4 heels together quickly bv bringing right foot up to left foot. Same right. G7. Same as exercise (}">, only touch floor in back on second count. Same right. 68. Same as exercise 65, except that as rear foot is quickly brought to the other foot the knee is bent so that it is brought up close to the body, and then lock heels. 69. Same as exercise 65, only kick with the rear foot, bringing it straight forward before locking the heels on. fourth count. Some Steps In Fancy Dancing. Music *A time. 1 . Skirt dance. 1. Cross left foot in front of right foot with toe pointed down- ward and at the same time hop on right foot. 2. Hop on right foot and at the same time kick forward (high) with left foot. 3. Quickly cross right foot in front of left foot and at the same time hop on left foot. 4. Kick high with right foot and at the same time hop on left foot. Note The difficulty in executing the above fancy step is in bringing the foot across in front quickly enough on the 3rd count. On the 1st and -''.rd counts advance slightlv. This step may also be given retreating slightly instead of advancing. 2. Music Skirt dance. 1. Kick high with 1. It. forw. and at same time hop on 1. ft. 2. Kick high with r. ft. backw. and at same time hop on 1. ft. 3. Same alt. quickly as I. ft. is brought down the r. ft. is kicked backw., etc. 3. Music Skirt dance. 1. Hop on r. ft. and at same time kick forw. with 1. ft. 2. Repeat 1 (keep 1. ft. out to front). 3. Hop on 1. ft. and kick backw. with r. ft. 4. Repeat 3. 4. Music Skirt dance. 1. Swing 1. leg forw. freely from the hips. 2. Swing 1. leg backw. 3. Swing 1. leg forw. 4. Jump forw. and alight on toes with heels together. Same r. -14 5. Music "My Alamo Love," from "The Tenderfoot." 1. Kick forw. with 1. ft. and bend 1. knee slightly. 2. Touch floor with 1. ft. across in front of r. ft. Same r. 6. Music "My Alamo Love" from "The Tenderfoot." 1. Kick rear with r. ft. and at the same time curve the r. arm gracefully overh. and hop on r. ft. 2. Kick forw. with 1. ft., curving 1. arm overh., bringing the arm down and hopping on r. ft. 7. Music March from "The Tenderfoot." Hop 4 times forw. on 1. ft. with r. leg ext. straight in back. Hop 4 times forw. r. with r. ft. in advance and 1. leg extended straight to tlu- rear. When hopping on the 1. ft. the I. arm is curved overhead and when hopping on the r. ft. the r. arm is curved overhead. Xote The foregoing exer. is very effective if the class stand in a circle and do this step with arm movements "grand right and left" around the circle. 8. Music Skirt dance. 1. Run 1 step with 1. ft. 2. " " " " r. ft. 8. " " " " 1. ft. 4. " " " " r. ft. "). Ext. 1. leg quickly out at 1. side, bending the r. knee with weight on r. ft. (5. Heels together. 7. Same as 5, with r. ft. 8. Heels together. 9. Music "His Object All Sublime" from "The Mikado." HAMILTON" STEP. 1. Kick diag. forw. with 1. ft. and at the same time hop on r. ft. 2. Bring 1. toe up to r. knee. ".. Same as 1 . 4. Same as 2. 12 .' 4. Four slide steps diag. forw. to 1. with 1. (t in advance. Same r. 1 ") 10. Music Skirt dance. 1. Hop on 1. ft., kicking r. ft. to rear. 2. Hop on r. ft., kicking 1. ft. to rear. 3. Same as 1. 4. Kick forw. with r. ft. and kick. Same starting with r. ft. 11. Music "Lauterbach Waltzes." 1. Hop twice on r. ft. with 1. ft. forw. 2. Hop twice on 1 ft. with r. ft. to the rear. Bend the body well forw. as the 1. ft. touches the floor. 12. Music "Sailor's Hornpipe." 1. Hop on r. ft. and at the same time ext. the 1. ft. diag. forw. 1. (heel on the floor, toe up, and hands brought way down near floor in front of the body). 2. Back to pos. with heels together and hands at chest, body straight (movement is like a rowing exer.). Same starting with r. ft. 13. Music Skirt dance. 1. Kick forw. with 1. ft. 2. As 1. ft. is brought down to floor kick forw. with r. ft. 3. As r. ft. is brought down kick backw. with 1. ft. 4. As 1. ft. is brought down kick backw. with r. ft. 14. Music "Navajo." 1. Kick high with 1. ft. 2. Return to pos. with heels together. 3. Kick high with r. ft. 4. Return to pos. r . Step forw. with 1. ft. (short step). 6. Step forw. with r. ft. 7. Step backw. with 1. ft. 8. Step backw. with r. ft. 15. Music "Laces and Graces." 1. Step diag. lorw. with 1. ft. and look backw., and down at r. ft. 2. Bring r. heel up to 1. heel, still looking down backw. 3. Step diag. rear r. with r. ft. with head turned forw. and toward 1.. looking down at 1. ft. 4. Bring 1. heel back to r. heel with eyes still directed on 1. ft. 5 6 7. 3 slide steps diag. forw. 1. with with 1. ft. in advance. -16- 8. Bring r. knee up close to body and extend leg forw. with toe pointed downw. Same starting r. Do this much of the exer. twice alt. with each ft. and then the music changes to very marked time. 1. Stamp hard with 1. ft. diag. forw. 1. 2. Return to pos. 3. Stamp hard with r. ft. diag. forw. r. 4. Return to pos. 5 6 7 8. 4 long slide steps diag. forw. 1. Same starting with r. ft. This part of the exer. is also done twice with each ft. alt. WALTZ TIME Is used for the following steps : Exer. 1. 1. Touch the floor in front with 1. toe, swinging arms upw. and outw. and downw., the outside edges of the hands meeting down near the floor in front of bod}-. Body bent well forw. as the toe touches the floor. 2. Touch 1. toe to 1. side, body erect, head up, eyes looking up at the hands which are brought outw. and upw. at the sides until the finger tips meet overh. (The arms are curved in this movement.) 8. Same as 1. 4. Step forw. with hands on hips. 2. Same as exer. 1, except that the ft. is brought forw. on 1, backw. on 2, forw. on 8, and step on 4. 3. Same as exer. 1, except that on the 4th count hop forw. with heels together. 4. Same as exer. 2, except that on the 4th count hop forw., keep- ing heels together. f>. Same as exer. 2, only ft. sidew. on 1, forw. on 2, sidew. on '-J, step on 4. '). 1. Hop diag. forw. on r. ft. during one measure of waltz time. On -:>rd beat hop again on the same ft. 2. Hop back on 1. ft., flexing the r. leg and bringing the r. knee up close to the bodv with toe 'jointed down. On the Jird beat, hop again on 1. ft. with r. ft. still in the same pos. -17- Continue with the r. ft. in front and advance slightly each time with the r. ft. 7. Music "Carmencita Waltz." 1. Kick diag. forw. with 1. ft. and at the same time hop on r. ft., first extending 1. leg and then flexing it, toe down. On 3rd beat, hop again on r. ft. 2. Balance step, starting with 1. ft. 3. Draw step diag. backw., beginning with r. ft. 4. Draw step again backw., beginning with r. ft. Same r. (4 measures of waltz time required for this exer. ). 8. Draw step. 1. Step out to r. side with r. ft. 2. Draw 1. ft. up to r. ft. with the 1. toe touching the floor and the heel raised. Look down at 1. ft. as it is brought to r. ft. 9. Music-"Rock-a-bve Baby" Waltz. 1. Balance step directly out at 1. side, bringing arms down across body parallel and out at 1. side, shoulder height. 2. Same as exercise 1, to r. side. 3 4. Walk two steps forw., beginning with 1. ft;, and arms crossed on chest. 10. 1. Hop diag. forw. on r. ft. and hold until the 3rd beat in measure and then drop again. 2. Hop on 1. ft. diag. rear and at the same time flex the r. leg. On the 3rd beat hop again on 1. ft. 11. Same as exer. 10, only combine the movement with arm move- ments. Bring arms forw. as though swimming as rear ft. touches the floor, and as the 1. ft. touches the floor bring arms back to the chest. 12. Same as exer. 1 1, except that the arms execute a rowing motion. 13. Same as exer. 11, except that the arms and hands pull an imaginary rope. 14. Music "In the Good Old Summer Time." 1. Step forw. with 1. i't. 2. Step forw. with r. ft. 3. Step with 1. ft. back of r. ft. 4. Step backw. with r. ft back of 1. ft. -iC.y. Touch floor lightlv with 1. toe diag. forw. 1. three times. 18 S. Step forw. with 1. ft. Same, starting with r. ft. The foregoing exer. requires 8 measures of waltz time. 15. 1. Charge diag. forw. with 1. ft., bending 1. knee and with weight on the 1. ft. 2. Swav backw. on r. ft., changing the weight to r. ft. but not changing the position of the feet. 3. Balance step once forw. with 1. ft. in advance. 4. Balance step backw., starting with r. ft. (4 measures of waltz time required.) K>. Music "Violet Song" from "The Prince of Pilsen." 1. Charge diag. forw. 1. it. 2. Sway backw. on r. ft. 3. Balance step forw., beginning with 1. ft. 4. Hop back on r. ft., raising the 1. knee close to the body and pointing 1. toe downvv. (4 measures of waltz time required.) 17. Balance step. 1. Step forw. with 1. ft. 2. Bring r. foot forw. to l.ft. with heels together and heels raised. 3. Lower the heels. Same with r. ft. 18. Music "Carmencita Waltz" (slowly). 1 . Hop forw. on 1. ft. 2. Bring r. ft. to 1. ft. 3. Hop on r. ft. without changing its pos. and at the same time cross 1. ft. over in front of r. ft. and ext. it straight forw. 19. Same as exer. 18, except that on the 3rd count the 1. leg should be Hexed instead of being straight. 20. Spanish step. 1 . Step 1. ft. out at 1. side. 2. Cross r. ft. in front of 1. ft. and rise on toes. 3. Lower heels. Same r. 21 . 1 . Hop to 1. side with 1. ft. 2. Cross r. ft. over in front of 1. ft., flexing r. leg slightly and pointing toe downw. 3. Hop again on 1. ft. with r. ft. still in the same pos. Same r. 22. Same as exercise 20., except that the body is bent to r. side as the foot is brought to the 1. side, and reverse. 23. Same as exer. 22, except that the 1. arm is circled overhead as the body is bent toward r. side. 24. Music "Violet Song" from "The Prince of Pilsen." 1. Charge diag. forw. on 1. ft. 2. Sway backw., changing the weight to the r. ft. 3. Balance step forw., starting with 1. ft. 4. Hop back on r. ft., raising the 1. knee close to the body and pointing toe downw. 25. Music "Peaceable Party" from "The Tenderfoot." 1 2. Balance step twice (quickly), turning around twice, 1. ft in advance. 3. Balance step forw. with 1. ft. in advance. 4. Balance step backw. 0678. Walk four steps, starting with 1. ft. 26. 1. Kick high with 1. ft. 2. Kick high with r. ft. 3. Balance step, starting with 1. ft. 4. Balance step, starting with r. ft. 27. Music "Carmencita Waltz." Same as exer. 7, except that as the 1. leg is flexed in the first movement it is swung out and around, and at the same time turn the body one half about and continue the exer. in that direction. Same starting r. 2s. Combine exer. 7 or exer. 27 with anv graceful arm movements. Pretend there are castagncts in the hands. Waltz time. 2'.. 1. Stride standing pos. with 1. ft. out at 1. side and on the 3rd beat carrv the r. ft. quickly in back and across the 1. ft. 2. Quickly stride step to 1. side with 1. ft. and hold in this pos. during 2nd and 3rd beats. 20 3. Step forw. with r. ft. (1 measure). 4. Same 1. Same r. (4 measures of waltz time required.) REDOWA TIME Is used for all of the following steps: 1. Double touch step. 1. Touch floor diag. forw. with 1. toe. 2. Same as 1. 3. Step forw. with 1. ft. Same exer. with r. ft. 2. Same as exer. 1, except that the leg is raised before the ft. touches the floor on 1 and 2. 3. Same as ex. 1, except that the r. knee is bent as 1. ft. is brought up on 1 and 2. Same with r. ft. 4. 1. Touch floor in front of 1. toe. 2. Touch floor to 1. side with 1. toe. 3. Step forw. with 1. ft. Same r. "). Same as exer. 4, except that the 1. toe touches the floor in back instead of at the side on 2. Same r. G. Same as exer. 4, except that the 1. toe touches floor at the 1. side on 1, then forw. on 2, and step on 3. 7. Same as exer. 4, except that on 1. Touch toe backw. 2. Touch toe sidew. .'?. Step forw. "v I. Touch diag. forw. 1. -. Touch 1. toe across in front of r. ft. '!. Step forw. with 1. ft. '.'. Combine arm movements with these steps. Move arms in same direction as the feet, and reverse the movements. <). Balance step. The balance step is a slow waltx step. 1 . Step forw. 1. with weight on 1. ft. 2. Bring r. ft. to 1. tt. with heels together and raised. 3. Lower the heels. Same r. 1 1 . Same as exer. 10, except start with a long slide step on the first count each time. 12. Cross balance step. 1. Step forw. 1. with weight on the 1. ft. 2. Ext. r. ft. across in front of 1. ft. so that the toes are beside each other, heels raised. H. Lower heels. Same r. !?. Same as ex. 12, only step backw. on 1. 14. Same as exer. 12, only combine with arm movements. On 1 swing arms down parallel across the body toward the 1. side until they are overhead, and at the same time turn head and look down at floor on r. side, bending the body toward the r. side. In lowering the arms and raising them allow the wrists to lead. Then swing arms across body and up at the r. side as the r. foot is extended at r. side, and look down at 1. side with body inclined toward the 1. 15. Place the hands on the shoulders of the pupil in front, thus forming a line of pupils, and in this pos. take the balance step (exer. 10) and cross balance step (exer. 12). Bend body toward the 1. side as the step is taken to the 1. and to the r. side as the step is taken toward the r. side. The leader's hands should be on her hips. 16. 1. Long hop step diag. forw. with 1. ft. 2. Bring r. heel up to 1. heel. ?t. Hop on r. ft. and at the same time flex the 1. leg, bringing the 1. ft. up in front of r. knee, toe down. Continue, starting each time with 1. ft. 17. Greyhound step. 1. Step forw. with the 1. ft. 2. R. leg raised straight forw. 3. Flex r. leg with r. toe in front of 1. knee, the knee forw. instead of close to the body, and toe pointed downw. is. Same as exer. 17, only turn the toe up on 2 and "> instead of clown. 19. 1. Long slide step diag. forw. with 1. ft. 5. With weight of body still on 1. ft., extend the r. leg out diag. forw. toward r. side, with toe pointed down. 6. Flex the r. leg, bringing r. ft. in until it is in front of the 1. knee. Same starting with r. ft. (2 measures of Redowa music required.) 20. Balance step (exer. 10). On the 3rd beat hop forw. with heels together. 21. Rocking step. 1. Step forw. with 1. ft. 2. Rock back on r. ft., changing weight of body to the r. ft., but not changing the pos. of the feet. 3. Step forw. with I. ft. Same r. 22. 1. Touch floor in front with 1. toe. 2. " " to 1. side " 1. " 3. " " forvv. " 1. " 4 5 (). Greyhound step (exer. 17). Same r. side. 2.'5. 1. The following exercise is performed in couples whose hands (inside) are joined overhead arms straight, with outside hands on hips. Music Redowa time. Bach partner starts with the outside foot and takes three slow steps, 1 2o. On -4 f> <> ext. the inside foot (toe pointed and touching floor). 2. Each partner turns one-half way around and again joins the hand inside with her partner's. March again three steps, 12.'!, starting with outside ft., and extend the inside ft. to floor in front during 4- ""> <>. 'i. Still hold partner's hand and without turning about this time march backw. three slow steps, 1 2 ", starting with tile inside ft. On 4 ") < the outside ft. is extended forw. with toe pointed downw. and the body bent slightly forw. and the part- ners peek at each other in front of their upraised arms. 4. Cross inside ft. in front of the other ft., rise on toes and turn completely around, 123, so that the partners face each other again. On 4, 5 and 6 make one low courtesy to partner with hand on heart. (Music required: 8 measures of any slow Redowa time. 24. Music 2 measures of slow Redowa time. 1. Touch floor with 1. toe at 1. side. 2. " " in front with 1. toe. 3. " " " back " 1. " 1 2 3. Greyhound step (exer. 17). Same r. side. 25. 1. Stride step diag. forw. with 1. ft. 2. Bring r. heel to 1. heel. 3. Hop on r. ft. and at the same time kick forw. with 1. ft. and quickly bring it in front of r. knee with toe pointed downw. Continue, starting each time with the 1. ft. POLKA TIME Is required for all of the following steps: 1. Polka step consists of three running steps, starting with the 1. ft.; then a little hitch step, followed by three short running steps, starting with the r. ft. 2. 1. Long slide step to front with 1. ft. 2. Same as 1. 123. Polka step. Same r. 3. Same as ex. 2, only take a long slide step directly out at 1. side instead of forw. and then polka forw. 4. Same as exer. 2, except that on 1. Long slide step with 1. ft. directly out at 1. side. 2. Same with r. ft. out at r. side. 123. Polka step forw., begin 1. Same r. .">. Same as exer. 2, only on 1. Long slide step to the rear with 1. ft. 24- 2. Same with r. ft. 1 2 3. Polka step forw., begin 1. Same r. 6. 1. Long slide step diag. forw. with 1. ft. 2. Same diag. rear with r. ft. 1 2 3. Polka step forw., begin 1. Same r. 7. 1. Long slide step diag. to the rear with 1. ft. 2. Long slide step diag. forw. toward the r. 1 2 3. Polka step, beginning with 1. ft. forw. 8. Polka step, ext. the arms alt. overhead. 9. Double Polka step. 1 . Cross 1. ft. in front of r. leg. 2. Touch 1. toe out at 1. side. 1-28. Polka step. Same r. 10. 1. Charge diag. forw. with 1. ft. 2. Sway backw. on r. ft. 123. Three short hops cliag. forw. with 1. ft. in advance. Same r. 11. Same as excr. 10, only charge diag. to rear with 1. It. and sway forw. 12. 1. Cross 1. ft. over in front of r. ft. 2. Charge diag. forw. with the 1. ft. 1 28. Three short hops diag. forw. 1. Same r. 13. 1. Charge directly out to 1. side with 1. ft. 2. Heels together. J . Step 1. forw. 2. Bring r. heel to 1. heel. 3. Hold in this pos. Same r. 14. 1. Slide 1. ft out at 1. side. 2. Touch 1. toe in front. 12:'.. I'olka step. Same r. 1 .". Music "Mv Alamo Love" from "The Tenderfoot." 1. Kick 1. ft. forw.. then down. 2. Same r. ft. 1 2 3. Three short hops backw. on the r. ft. with the 1. leg extended straight toward the front, toe pointed downw- 10. 1. Step forw. with 1. ft. 2. Pivot on toes and turn one half wav around. 1 2 3. Polka step in this new direetion. 17. Heel and Toe Polka. 1. Toueh 1. heel to floor in front, turning toe up. 2. Toueh 1. toe to rear. 1 2 3. Polka step forw. Same r. IS. 1. Kick high with 1. ft. 2. Same r. 1 2 3. Polka step forw. 19. 1. L. knee brought up elose to the bodv with toe pointed down. 2. Same r. 123. Polka step forw. 20. 1. Step forw. with 1. ft. 2. Bring r. heel elose to the 1. heel. Walk four quiek short steps, starting with 1. ft. 21 . Alusic "Narcissus." 1. Long slide step diag. forw. toward the 1. with 1. ft. in advance and bring r. heel to 1. heel. 2. Same as 1. 1 2 3. Three short slide steps in the same direction, and on 3 extend the r. leg diag. forw. and then flex it, bringing the r. toe in front of the 1. knee. Same toward the r. side. 22. Music March : "Tell Me, Pretty Maiden" ( "Floradora" ). 1. Step 1. 2. Step r. 3. Step I. 4. Short hitch step with the r. t't. and change the weight quicklv to the 1. ft., and stari the same exer. beginning with the r. ft. 23. Same as exer. 22, except that the first three steps are very long and the knees arc bent alt. 24. 1 . Step directlv to 1. with 1. ft. and bring r. ft. up in back of 1. ft. -26- 2. Same r. "X 12 3 4. Hop four times diag. forw. r., with 1. leg extended straight backw. Same r. 25. Music Polka time, very slowly. 1 . Charge diag. forw. 1. 2. Bring 1. ft across in back of r. ft. until the 1. knee touches the floor in back of r. ft. 123. Polka step. Same r. 26. Same as exer. 25, only hop three times diag. forw. instead of polka step. 27. Crow walk. Starting position. Stoop low and reach around outside of the feet and grasp the heels and hold them firmly. Then 1. Step forw. with 1. ft. 2. Same r. ft. 123. Hop forw. three times, keeping heels together. Same r. 28. 1. Step diag. forw. with 1. ft. 2. Bring r. heel up to 1. heel. 3. Step diag. back with r. ft. 4. Bring 1. heel back to r. heel. 1 2 3. Three slide steps diag. -forw. 1., bringing the r. tt. up to the 1. ft. each time. Same r. 2 1 J. 1 2 3. Three short running steps forw., beginning with 1. tt. 4. Touch r. toe diag. forw., raising arms parallel overh. 5. Touch r. toe backw., bending the body forw. and touching the floor with finger tips. Same r. 3O. Heel and Toe Polka (exer. IT). As the heel is brought forw. bend the body backw. and clasp hands in back ol head. As the toe touches the floor in back, bend the bodv forw., keep- ing the head up and hands on hips. '"I. 1. Touch 1. toe lorw. and return verv <|iucklv to r. It. 2. Same with r. ft. 12:',. Polka step. Marching Calisthenics combined with Dumbbell Exercises. 1. March, and at the same time strike the bells (little finger ends) together down in back of body as the 1. ft. touches the floor. 2. Same as exer. 1, only strike heels together as r. ft. touches floor. 3. March slowly and strike bells together (thumb ends) over- head as 1. ft. touches the floor. 4. Alt. exer. 1 and exer. 3. 5. Music Redowa. Balance step, striking the bells (little finger ends) behind the body as the heels are raised on the second count. P>. Music March. Follow step, striking bells (little finger ends) behind the body on the first count. 8. Music March. Single touch step, striking bells behind body as the foot touches the floor on 1. 9. March time. 1. Touch 1. ft. forxv. and strike bells (thumb ends) forxv., shoul- der height. '2. Touch 1. toe to 1, side and extend bells at the sides, shoul- der height. 3. Same as 1 . 4. Step forw. xvith 1. ft. and place hands on hips. Same r. 10. Polka step, striking bells together (little finger ends) behind the bodx r on 1. 28 11. Heel and toe polka, striking bells together (little finger ends I behind body as heel touches floor in front. 12. March time. Two slide steps diag. forw. toward the 1. and strike the bells together (little finger ends) in back of body on 1. Same r. !>. Same as exer. 12, only take four slide steps instead of two. 14. 1. Fling 1. ft. diagonally forw. toward the 1., touching the floor with the toe and raising the 1. bell straight overhead. 2. L. foot brought back diag. towards r. ft., the toe touching the floor and the 1. bell brought down to the 1. side. 3. Same as 1. 4. Step forw. 1. Same ex. to the r. WALTZ TIME MUSIC. 1"). 1. Touch floor in front with 1. toe and strike bells (thumb ends) in front of body, shoulder height. 2. L. toe out at 1. side touching floor, and the bells out at sides, shoulder height. '}. Touch 1. toe forw. and strike the bells (thumb ends) overhead. 4. Step forw. with 1. ft. and place bells on hips. Same r. 1(5. Waltx music. Same as exer. 1.1, ending with a hop on 4 instead of a step. 17. March with same arm movements as as exer. 1">. Is. Polka time. 1. Charge diag. forw. with 1. ft. and strike bells together (thumb ends) under 1. knee. 2. Heels together and bells on hips. 1 2 H. Three short running steps. Same r. 1!). Polka time. 1. Charge forw. with I. ft and extend bells straight overhead. L. Sway backw., changing the weight of body to r. ft. rind bending r. knee, and strike the bells (thumb ends) under under the I. knee. 1 23. Polka step starting with 1. ft. Same r. 20. Polka time. 1. Touch 1. toe forvv. and raise the r. bell straight overhead. 2. Heels together and bells down at sides. .3. Touch r. toe forw. and raise the 1. bell overhead. 4. Heels together and bells at sides. 1 2 3. Polka step with bells on hips. Same r. 21. Music Polka time. 1. Raise i. bell out straight at 1. side, shoulder height, then down. 2. Same r. 1 2 3. Polka step with bells on hips. 22. Same as exercise 21, only touch 1. toe out at 1. side and return on 1 . On 2 same r. and then polka step. 23. Same as exer. 21, only touch floor at r. side with r. ft. as the 1. arm is raised, and 1. ft. out at 1. side as the r. arm is raised. 24. 1. Touch 1. toe diag. forw. and swing the bells diag. upw. to 1. side overh. 2. Touch 1. toe across r. ft. and bring the bells parallel down across in front of the bodv to r. side. 3. Same a 1. 4. Step forw. 1. with bells on hips. Same r. 25. Same as ex. 24, only cross the 1. ft. over in front of r. ft. on 1, and then forw. 2G. ] . Touch 1. toe forw. and bring bells up under the arms. 2. Heels together and beUs down at the sides. 12 3. Polka step with bells on hips. 27. 1. Step diag. forw. 1. with 1. ft. and at the same time strike bells (little finger ends) behind the body. 2. Bring r. heel up to 1. heel and bells down at sides. 1 2 3. Hop diag. forw. 1. three times. Same r. 2S. March, and at the same time on 1. Strike bells forw., shoulder height (thumb ends). 2. Extend bells at sides, shoulder height. -30- 3. Same as 1. 4. Bells down at sides. 29. Music Redowa. Cross balancestep, and on the second count carry bells parallel across the body and upw. to 1. side and overhead and look down at the floor .over the r. shoulder. Same r. 30. Music March time. 1. Hop to stride position with feet apart and bells out at sides, shoulder height. 2. Heels together with a hop and strike bells together (thumb ends) in front of body, arms straight. 1 23. Hop forw. three times with heels together and bells on hips. 31 . Music Waltz time. 1. Touch 1. toe forw. and swing the bells up overhead (almost touching body as they are brought close together over- head) and out at sides and down low in front of bod}', with a circulor motion (little finger ends striking) and at same time bend the body well forw. 2. Touch 1. toe out at 1. side and swing the bells out at sides and up overh. with a circular movement until the thumb ends strike overhead. The head up, body erect and eyes directed to bells overhead. 3. Same as 1. 4. Step forw. with 1. ft., bells on hips. Same r. 32. Music Waltz time. Same as exer. 31, only end with a hop forw., with heels to- gether instead of a step. 33. Music Polka time. Heel and toe polka with arm movements. 1. Bring 1. bell to chest and the r. bell out at r. side, shoulder height. '2. Bring r. bell to chest and the 1. bell out at 1. side, shoulder height. 1 2 3. Bring bells to hips. 34. Music March time. March and at same time twist the bells backw. with hands down at sides. 35. Same out at sides, bells shoulder height. 36. Same as excr. 34, only bells overhead. 37. Same as exer. 34, only bells forw., shoulder height. 38. Combine exer. 34, 35, 30, 37, doing them alt., first down at sides, then out at sides, then overhead, and then foiw. 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES TH n- UMivERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY '%OAINfl 3^ > v / 7 1 3 Pr*P ?5 "^ ^.,HV from whteh it was borrowed UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY A 001340493 4