I IZZL P* 1 I BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA International Geographical History of the World THE INTERNATIONAL FLAT GLOBE IS PRINTED UPON A CIRCULAR DISK, 28 INCHES IN DIAMETER, ONE COMPLETE HEMISPHERE ON EACH SIDE; THUS PRE- SERVING THE CO-RELATION OF THE WHOLE EARTH'S SURFACE AND OF LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE AROUND THE ENTIRE WORLD. THESE TWO TWENTIETH CEN- TURY PRODUCTIONS COMPRISE TOGETHER A NEW, UP-TO-DATE, CORRECT AND SUPERIOR SYSTEM OF GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW AND REFERENCE. Xu>~w | fe> - Edited by ROBERT E. PEART, President American Geographical Society AND PRESIDENT EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CONGRESS COPYRIGHT 1901-1905 BY INTERNATIONAL GLOBE CO. NEW YORK CITY, U. S. A. $250.00 Globe Value, Price $5.00 MMMaMMMMMB>M*MMBWMM>MM*l Knowledge is Power. The Well-Informed are the Wise and Successful WASHINGTON, D. C., To THE PUBLIC: Every man, woman and child should have a correct geographical knowledge of the world upon which we live. The International Flat Globe, illustrating the world- continents, countries, islands and waters and International Geographical History, explaining and describing it, comprise together a new, accurate, valuable and up-to-date system of geograph- ical review and reference, at so low a price that every one should have them; they should be in every home, school, office, library and place of business. They form the most complete compilation of geographical intelligence and information yet published at the price. The International Globe and Geographical History are easily understood and will interest and benefit every individual, from a child of six to a man or woman of mature years. President American Geographical Society *l It pictures the world in large size (28 inches in diameter) at a glance. An old style Ball Globe the same size costs over $250.00. This Globe and History ( two parts ) only $5.00. The only value of a globe is the intelligence and information it contains. 1 It gives th,e best and most satisfactory presentation of the whole world ever produced, at so low a price that everybody can have one. f It gives a full and unobstructed view of each hemisphere, the north pole up, the south pole down ; to see the lower halves of the Hemispheres you do not have to turn thejearth upside down in a distorted position as you do in the old style globe.