UC-NRLF ^B 273 bT4 ELEMENTS OF APPLIED ELECTRICITY BY H. H. BLISS State Supervisor of Trade and Industrial Education for Nevada, Formerly in charge of Extension Engineering Courses for the University of California ii •i \-:A PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL OF ELECTRICITY SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 1920 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elementsofapplieOOblisrich ELEMENTS OF APPLIED ELECTRICITY H. H. BLISS State Supervisor of Trade and ntdrCStrml Education for Nevada . Formerly in charge of Extension Engineering Courses for the University of California FIRST EDITION Copyright. 1920. by Journal of Electricity PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL OF ELECTRICITY SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 1920 PREFACE What do you know about electricity? Can you explain simple circuits, losses, power and efficiency, wiring calcula- tions, how generators and motors are installed, how they work, what efficiency means and how to calculate it, and how current for electric lighting and heating is estimated? "Know the fundamentals" is the cry of the hour. Here is a series of discussion which has appeared in the columms of the Journal of Electricity in cooperation with the Extension Division of the University of California on the all-important subject of elementary laws of electricity. The forwarding of this movement is a matter that strongly appeals to every member of the electrical industry — manufacturers, jobbers, central station men, electrical contractors and dealers — and has received the heartiest endorsement of the electrical indus- try from all quarters. These discussions which appeared in the columns of the Journal of Electricity during the year of 1919-1920 under the endorsement of the California Electrical Cooperative Campaign, an organization composed of all mem- bers of the electrical industry, have received wide and em- phatic endorsement. The author, Mr. H. H. Bliss, for a number of years was head of the technical instruction of the Extension Divis- ion of the University of California, and while occupying that position gave this course through the University Extension in cooperation with the Journal of Electricity. The course proved unusually successful, and aroused interest throughout the West in the study of fundamentals. It is with this same hope that this group of papers may prove of increasing help- fulness that the Journal of Electricity has compiled these pages into book form in order that a permanent record may be had with these papers in one volume so that the biggest and most intensified use of this valuable collection may be offered to that ever growing group of young and enthusiastic as well as ambitious men in our industry who wish to forward themselves to greater remuneration from their employers and to greater usefulness in their chosen profession. ROBERT SIBLEY, Editor, Journal of Electricity. ■;1 -' .^oiri ^>TT TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page IV Ohm's Law and the Electric Circuit 1 IL Series and Multiple Circuits 8 III. Power — Losses — Efficiency 15 IV. Electromagnets — Transformation of Energy 21 V. Wire Calculations 28 VL The Generator 35 VII. Armature and Field Windings 42 VIII. Losses and Reactions in D.C. Generators 49 IX. Electrolysis '..... 55 X. Electric Motors 63 XL Motor Characteristics 71 XIL Electric Meters 78 XIII. Lamps and Illuminations 86 XIV. Induction — Transformers — Interpoles 94 438289 ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiii i!;iiiiiiMi.iiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii{|||||||||iiiii{|in^ ^lllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!;illlllllill!lllllllllllllllllllillllllllllJ|||Hllllllllll!n ELEMENTS OF APPLIED ELECTRICITY I OHM'S LAW AND THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT Our discussion of electrical principles and prac- tice begins with the consideration of Ohm's Law, which is the basis of all quantita- tive knowledge of circuits and ma- chines. Its fundamental character is recognized in the industry, and the National Electric Light Associ- ation has adopted * for its official emblem the Ohm's Law formula "C = E/R," which appears upon all the stationery and official documents of this nation-wide organi- zation. Electric Currents. — In order to utilize electric energy it is necessary to connect the source of the current, such as a battery or generator, to other apparatus, such as motors, heaters, or lamps. There must be a continuous path for the current from the source to the point of use and back again to the source. As soon as this circuit is broken at any point the current stops. The materials which can carry electricity are called "conductors." They include all metals, both when solid and liquified (as mercury or melted iron) ; carbon; impure water; earth; moist woods, etc. Materials which stop the flow of electricity more or less completely are termed "insulators.'' These in- 2 ': V^ / '. APFIilED ELECTRICITY ^dIi^;lrteL^^s^•|)of•cela^^^ marble, slate, rubber, paper, cloth* wax, ary\^6od','etc. The fact that any water, except chemically pure distilled water, can carry electricity causes such materials as wood, cloth, paper, dirt, etc., to fall into one class or the other according to whether they are dry or wet. And A current of gas may be measured in cubic feet per minute, by means of this meter and a watch; an elec- tric current is more easily measured, in "coulombs per second" or "amperes," by means of a single instrument, the ammeter. The^cur- rent in either case must go through the meter. (See Fig. 1., small particles or veins of metal in insulating ma- terials sometimes lead the current to places where it is a source of annoyance or danger. Air is gen- erally an insulator, but under certain circumstances it becomes a conductor, as, for example, in the elec- tric arc where large currents flow for a short dis- tance through air. Measuring Electric Current. — A current of water in a pipe or a river can be metered in various ways, and the rate of flow can be stated in terms of gallons per second. In a similar way the rate of flow of an electric current can be stated as so many "coulombs per second," but it is more customary to substitute for this phrase the single word "amperes." A statement that "the current is 16 amperes" means that 16 coulombs pass a given point in the wire every second. OHM'S LAW AND THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT 3 Tungsten lamps take currents ranging from .23 to .91 amperes in the sizes commonly used (25 to 100 watts) ; arc lamps take from 3 to 20 amperes ; a 10 horsepower motor on a 250 volt circuit will take about 40 amperes. To measure the rate of flow in an electric cir- cuit we use an instrument called an ''ampere meter" or "ammeter.'' It is inserted into the circuit, as shown in Fig. 1, so that the current must go through the instrument between the source and the load. A needle shaped pointer moving over a scale gives a reading of the current in amperes. Fig. 1- — The current goes through the ammeter between the battery and the lamp. When the switch (S) is opened the battery (B) can no longer send current to the lamp and the ammeter needle points to the zero mark. Resistance. — ^If in the circuit of Fig. 1 we re- place the lamp by one of different candle power or by a piece of fine iron wire or by an electric bell, we shall find the ammeter giving an entirely different reading. The battery tries equally hard to force electricity through the circuit, but the amount it can send depends upon the apparatus through which the current must flow. We may say that the lamps differ in the amount of "resistance" they offer to the passage of electricity. If one takes three times as many amperes as a second, we may say that it has one-third the resistance of the second. Electrical resistance is measured in "ohms." It is thought of as a sort of "electrical friction," like the opposition a rough pipe offers to the flow of water through it. The resistance of a 25 watt Tung- sten lamp is about 485 ohms; that of an electric 4 APPLIE^D ELECTRICITY iron, about 25 ohms; the resistance of a piece of copper wire 1/10 inch in diameter and 1000 feet long is one ohm. When this switch is opened it stops the cur- rent in a high tension power line by interpos- ing an air resistance of millions of ofhms. When closed, the resistance of the switch is practic- ally zero. The current carried may amount to 300 amperes. To pre- vent the escape of cur- rent, under the enor- mous pressure of 110,- 000 volts, the switch has to be supported upon these huge insu- lators. Switches of this type are to be used in connection with the Chicago, Milwaukee & Pu get Sound — the first electric transconti- nental railway. Pressure. — We come now to the consideration of a third factor in electric circuits, namely, the "pressure" which forces the current through the wires. There is evidently something in a battery or an electric generator which forces electricity to go out at one terminal and to come back at the other, just as a pump sends water out at one place and draws it in at another. Of course, an open switch or a closed valve may block the flow, but the electric pressure or water pressure is still ready to start the current when opportunity is offered. Water pressure is measured in pounds per square inch, by means of a pressure gage. The unit of electrical pressure is the "volt." The pressure or "voltage" in ordinary house circuits is about 110 volts; a dry battery has a pressure of about 1.5 volts; the voltage applied to street car motors is usually about 550. OHM'S LAW AND THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT 5 There should be no confusion about the words ampere and volt. The number of amperes indicates the rate of flow, without reference to the pressure driving the current. Then "110 volts'' indicates only a tendency to send current with no reference to how much, if any, actually flows. We may have 110 volts and 1, 5, or 500 amperes, or no flow at all, depending upon the resistance in the circuit. V 1 M 1 Fig. 2. — Voltmeter Vi measures the electromotive force of the generator ; V2 measures the pressure applied to the motor. To measure pressure we use a "voltmeter," an instrument which somewhat resembles an ammeter. To find what voltage is sending (or available to send) current through a circuit or piece of appara- tus, we connect one terminal of the voltmeter to each end of the circuit or to each terminal of the appa- Here is an electric warming pad — quite a companion on cold nights. Attached to a 110 volt circuit it takes a current of one-half an ampere. What is its resistance? ratus. In Fig. 2 the voltmeter marked ''Y^' meas- ures the ^'voltage across the motor" (the pressure tending to send current through the motor), while the other voltmeter measures the pressure the gen- APPLIED ELECTRICITY erator exerts to send current through the whole cir- cuit. The two instruments need not give equal readings. Ohm's Law. — One volt is the pressure needed to send one ampere through one ohm resistance. From this it follows that the number of volts required to send a current through any resistance is equal. to the product of the numbers of amperes and ohms. This statement, which is known as Ohm's Law, may Here is a typical exam- ple of the use of insu- lators and conductors in long distance transmis- sion of electric power. The famous crossing of the lines of the Pacific Gas & . Electric Com- p a n y, at Carquinez Straits in California was for years the most daring enterprise of its kind and today it ranks as the second longest span in the world. Each of the six cables con- sists of 19 strands of steel wire, making a composite size for each cable of %-inch diam- eter, with the remark- able length of 6200 ft. Assuming that a cable 6200 ft. long, equiva- lent to No. 1 copper wire, has a resistance of 0.77 ohms and a carrying capacity of 150 amperes, what is the voltage required to force the current through this resistance, according to Ohm's Law? be indicated by a brief formula : "Volts = amperes X ohms.'' Other ways of writing it are: "Am- peres = volts -f- ohms" and "Ohms = volts -^ am- peres.'' All three formulas should be memorized. The second of the three formulas may be writ- ten : "Current = electromotive force -^ resistance." Using initials instead of words, C = E -^ R. This is OHM'S LAW AND THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT 7 the symbolic representation of the law as used in the emblem of the N. E. L. A. shown at the head of the chapter. II SERIES AND MULTIPLE CIRCUITS Series Circuits. — Many electric circuits consist of several different parts through which the current passes in "series." This means that the electricity- must go through one part after another. Make a clear distinction between this arrangement and the "multiple" circuit in which the current divides and flows through several branches. Fig. 3 illustrates the first and Fig. 4 the second type. What is said about these applies to direct cur- rent circuits and also to those alternating current aohms 120 V. SLohma Fig. 3. — Resistances in Series. In spite of the varying resistance of the various elements of the circuit, the current passing through each is the same — 3 ajmperes. circuits which contain only simple resistance and no electromagnetic apparatus or condensers. The current leaving the generator in Fig. 3 goes first through an ammeter, then through the upper wire, then through a lamp, then through a resistance coil, and finally back to the generator through the lower wire. It is obvious that if 3 coulombs per second (3 amperes) pass through the generator to the ammeter, the same number must travel along the upper wire through the lamp and the coil and 8 SERIES AND MULTIPLE CIRCUITS 9 back to the generator through the lower wire. If any more coulombs passed out through the ammeter than came back through the lower wire there would be an accumulation of electricity somewhere in the right hand part of the circuit ; if any more returned to the generator than left it there would be a pro- duction of coulombs somewhere in the right hand part of the circuit. Both of these alternatives are impossible with this apparatus and hence we con- clude that: In a series circuit the current is the same everywhere. If a resistance of 2 ohms is in a series of another of 3 ohms, the electromotive force must overcome 5 ohms in sending current around the circuit. If we apply 20 volts the amperes will amount to 20-^-5 or 4. In a series circuit the total ohms = the sum of separate resistances. To find the voltage across each one of the re- sistances in the previous example we apply Ohm's Law as usual : 4X2 = 8 volts across one, and 4 X 3 = 12 volts across the other. Across the whole combination the pressure =: 4 amps. X 5 ohms = 20. This result is also found by adding the two voltages 8 and 12. Pressure across a series of resistances equals sum of the voltages across the separate resistances. In Fig. 3 a lamp of 31 ohms resistance is in series with a coil having 5 ohms. Current is supplied from a 120 volt generator through two line wires of 2 ohms each. What current flows and what pressure is used to force this current through the lamp ? The total resistance is 40 ohms. Hence the current ^=3 amperes. To drive 3 amperes through 31 ohms re- quires 3 X 31 or 93 volts, which is the pressure across the lamp. Voltage Drop. — In this example we find the pressure across the lamp considerably lower than that supplied by the generator. There has been a SERIES AND MULTIPLE CIRCUITS 11 drop in the voltage from 120 to 93, or 27 volts. This may also be calculated by Ohm's Law. The resist- ance of the circuit between the generator and the .Oohrm Fig. 4. — Resistances in Multiple. The current divides between the lamp and the resistance coil, 3 amperes being carried by the one, 5 by the other. lamp totals 9 ohms. The pressure necessary to force the 3 amperes through this is, of course, 3X9 or 27 volts. This municipal Christmas tree in a California city was lighted by 70 lamps in parallel. Each lamp took .23 ampere and the circuit voltage was 110 at the tree. The current was brought from a transformer on two wires of .12 ohm each. Can you calculate the resistance of each lamp, the combined resistance of all of them, the voltage drop in the wires and the voltage at the transformer? The voltage drop in any conductor equals the pressure required to force the current through its resistance. 12 APPLIED ELECTRICITY The drop between a generator and its load de- pends, then, upon both the Hiie resistance and the number of amperes. Resistances in Multiple. — When several lamps are located in one lighting fixture they are generally not connected in series with each other. Though Two 400-horsepower motors are connected in multiple on the same power circuit. They are furthermore "direct connected" to the same shaft, so that the load is divided equally between them and the motors take equal currents. They lift the mine hoist at the South Eureka gold mine on the Mother Lode in California. they are all governed by one wall switch, any lamp can be burned out or unscrewed without affecting the others. In a series circuit this could not be done. In Fig. 4 we have a simple example of two re- sistances, a lamp and a coil, connected in "multiple" with each other; that is, connected so that the cur- rent flowing through the ammeter divides and part goes through the lamp and part through the coil. SERIES AND MULTIPLE CIRCUITS 13 Either can be disconnected without stopping the current in the other. This arrangement is some- times spoken of as a "shunt" connection or a "paral- lel" connection. Suppose that there is a pressure of 30 volts between the line wires at' point E, close to the load. This is a measure of the effort to send current These two fans operate in multiple on the same circuit. Hence either can be turned off without stopping the other. If the line current is 5 amperes at 110 volts when both are operating, what is the voltage and amperage for each motor? What is the resistance of a heater which takes as much current as three fan motors ? through the lamp and, if the lamp has 10 ohms re- sistance, it will carry a current of 3 amperes. The same pressure tends to send current through the coil, and, if that has 6 ohms, it will carry 5 amperes. The ammeter will read the sum of these two cur- rents, 8 amperes. 14 APPLIED ELECTRICITY In a multiple circuit the voltage is the same across every branch; total current equals the sum of the branch currents. Combined Resistance. — As the combination of resistances shown in Fig. 4 takes more current than either one alone, we realize that the combination offers less resistance to current flow than either of its parts. Considering the lamp and coil as united into a piece of apparatus with terminals at B andC, we may compute its resistance from Ohm's Law as volts -^- amperes : 30 -^- 8 = 3.75 ohms. A standard way to calculate is to assume one volt applied to the circuit, add the currents which would flow, and divide their sum into the one volt. Trying this on Fig. 4 we have 1/10 + 1/6 = 16/60, the combined current. The resistance = 1-=- 16/60 = 60/16 = 3.75 ohms. In a multiple circuit combined resistance is less than ohms in any one branch; combined resist- ance =^1-^ sum of reciprocals of branch resistances. Ill POWER— LOSSES— EFFICIENCY In stating the "power" of a motor we tell not only how much the machine can do but also how quickly it can do it. A single horse is able to haul an automobile to the top of a certain long hill, but it takes a 40 horsepower engine to perform the work in five minutes. We have, then, two factors which determine the amount of power, the force required and the rate at which it drives the load. Fig. 5 — Metering electric power with a watt meter. The reading depends both upon the volts (see connection to the pressure coil, P) and upon the amperes (see connection to the current coil, C). In an electric circuit we have what corresponds to a force (the "voltage'' or "pressure") and a quan- tity of electricity which is driven through the wires by this electromotive force. The rate at which the electricity is carried is indicated by the number of amperes of current, or "coulombs per second." Both 15 16 APPLIED ELECTRICITY the voltage and the current, then, are factors in the power necessary to force electricity around a circuit. It has been agreed that the simplest practical unit of power would be that required to drive one ampere by a pressure of one volt. This unit is called the "watt" in honor of the man who gave the world its first notions of power. Then if one volt drives current at the rate of 3 amperes, the power is 3 watts. If it takes 2 volts to drive 3 amperes, the power is twice as much, or 6 watts. In general, the number of watts equals the product of the number of volts times the number of amperes. This statement holds good in direct current cir- cuits and in those alternating current circuits which include no coils, condensers or long parallel lines. With one or more of these, there are reactions which reduce the power requirement below the number of "volt-amperes." The following expression is correct in all cases: Watts --= volts X amperes X power factor, where the "power factor" is equal to one or less, generally expressed as a percentage. It varies from 60% to 90% in most cases of alternating current motors and transformers, and is 100% for heaters, resistance boxes, incandescent lamps, etc., and for all direct current circuits. Watts, Kilowatts and Horse Power. — ^The direct current load carried by an average power house may be 2000 amperes at 550 volts. The output of the ma- chines, then, equals 550X2000 = 1,100,000 watts. This is too large a number to be handled conven- iently, and it is customary in all such cases to use a larger unit, namely, the "kilowatt," which equals 1000 watts. Then the load above is expressed as 1100 kw. (kilowatts). The general formula is: Kilowatts = volts X amperes X power factor -^ 1000. It is perfectly feasible to measure the power in electric circuits in terms of the "horse power," which was invented primarily for such machines as POWER— LOSSES— EFFICIENCY 17 the steam engine. It has been established by calcu- lation and measurement that one horsepower equals 746 watts, or approximately % kw. Thus it is pos- sible to transfer quantities from one system to the other with little difficulty: 20 hp. (horsepower) = % of 20, or 15 kw., and 50 kw. = 4/3 of 50, or 66.7 hp. (approximately) . Among the many household uses for electric energy, one of the most convenient is illustrated here. With a certain piece of sewing in the machine the motor was found to take a current of 4 amperes, while a watt meter (connected as in Fig. 5) read .12 kw. What was the voltage of the d.c. circuit which supplied the current? Power Measurement. — The horsepower output of a gas engine is conveniently measured mechan- ically by making it move a load. One horsepower is required to lift one pound at the rate of 550 feet per second, or to lift 550 lbs. one foot per second. For calculation, Hp. = pounds pull X f^^t per second -f- 550. Electric power may be measured either by means of a wattmeter, connected as shown in Fig. 5, or by a combination of ammeter, voltmeter and power factor meter. The power factor meter is, of course, not used with circuits which are known to have 100% power factor. The wattmeter has both a "pressure coil" (terminals at P in Fig. 5) and a "current coil" (terminals at C), and their reaction upon each other determines the reading, which is thus proportional to both volts and amperes. On i5i_2 POWER— LOSSES— EFFICIENCY 19 a.c. (alternating current) circuits the wattmeter is able to take account of power factor also. Losses and Efficiency.— The voltage at the gen- erator end of a short d.c. (direct current) trans- mission line is 250 volts. At the receiving end a voltmeter reads 230 and an ammeter reads 50. The This heater has a resistance of 27.5 ohms. What current does it take on a 110 volt circuit? How many watts of power? How many kw. ? How many electrical horse power? voltage drop is then 20 volts. The power given the line by the generator = 250 X 50 = 12500 watts or 12.5 kw. That delivered by the line = 230 X 50 = 11500 watts or 11.5 kw. There is a loss of power of one kw. which is used up in forcing the current through the wires. Such a loss always occurs, and it results in heat- ing the wires, just as the energy expended in mov- ing a train changes to heat in the parts where there is friction. It is possible to calculate the watt loss in a d.c. circuit by multiplying the voltage drop in the line by the current, as the watts in any part equal volts across that part times amperes. Thus in the exam- ple above we find 20 X 50 = 1000 watts. Further- 20 APPLIED ELECTRICITY more, since the volt drop equals ohms X amperes, the watt loss = ohms X amperes X amperes, or the product of resistance times the square of the cur- rent. This last is a most important relation, and it applies to all circuits, both d.c. and a.c. When we speak of the "efficiency" of a trans- mission system we have in mind a comparison of the power delivered with power put into the line at the generating end. Strictly, the efficiency is the num- ber found by dividing the "output'' of the line by the "input." As an example, consider a system which delivers 9,000 kw., the current" being 800 amperes and the total line resistance 3 ohms. The loss = 3 X 800 X 800 = 1,920,000 watts, or 1,920 kw. The input to the line = 9,000 + 1,920 = 10,920 kw. Then the efficiency of transmission = 9,000 -f- 10,920 = .824, which is 82.4%. A mechanical machine, such as a waterwheel, may give out 40 h.p. while receiving 50 h.p. from the water. Its efficiency = 40 -f- 50 == 80 % . No machine has ever been made with efficiency as great as 100%, for some of the energy put in is always lost by friction. No transmission of electricity is 100% efficient, for energy is always converted into heat in overcoming resistance. ELECTROMAGNETS— TRANSFORMATION OF ENERGY A soft iron bar with a coil of wire around it becomes a magnet when current flows through the wire. The magnetism disappears when the current stops, so that whatever had been picked up now falls away. A similar "electromagnet" may be made without any iron, but the pull it exerts is far less. Magnetic effects are explained on the theory that an electromagnet or a permanent steel magnet produces "lines of force'' which issue from one end or "pole" and return to the other end, and then pass through the instrument itself. Thus eacK line of force is a complete, closed curve. The end of the magnet out of which the lines come is called the "north pole" for it is found that, whenever it is so supported as to be free to turn (as by floating it upon a cork or balancing it upon a pivot), this end turns toward the north. The force lines (often called "magnetic flux") enter the magnet at the "south pole," after passing through the air or any iron or steel objects in the neigh- borhood. Magnetic flux runs through all substances, but far more easily through iron and steel than any other material. Thus a current flowing in a simple coil produces lines of force, but with an iron core in the coil many more lines are found. And if an iron path is provided for the lines outside the magnet, so they do not have to go through any other material, a large flux can be produced with a small current. 21 22 APPLIED ELECTRICITY Hence, electromagnets are often made in the shape of a horseshoe, and iron paths are provided for the external flux in such electromagnetic machines as generators and motors. The amount of flux produced by a magnet de- pends upon the number of turns in the coil and upon the current, as well as upon the material the lines traverse. It is found that 8 amperes through 20 turns give exactly the same flux as 40 amperes This is a hand magnet used in various ways such as the handling of hot castings, removing iron and steel from materials for making solder and recovering nails from sweepings. through 4 turns. In other words, the product of amperes X turns (which is called the "ampere- turns'") determines the tendency to produce flux, while the number of lines actually set up depends also upon the nature of the magnetic path. Ammeters. — Applications of electromagnetism are found in the ammeters used for measuring cur- rents on switchboards and elsewhere. One type is illustrated in Fig. 6, which shows the d'Arsonval movement found in one type of ammeter. When the current to be measured flows around the coil at- tached to the pointer, the coil becomes a magnet with each face one pole. These are attracted to the opposite sides of the permanent steel magnet con- stituting the frame, which causes the coil to turn against the restraint of springs. If the current in- creases, the turning effort becomes stronger, so that the pointer is carried farther along the scale. ELECTROMAGNETS 23 The KOowatt Hour. — If a man uses 3 kw. for four hours he makes only half as much demand on the power company as if he used 3 kw. for eight hours, and he gets only half as much work done by his motor. In one case he uses 4 X 3 or 12 "kilowatt- Fig. 6. — Current entering the ammeter through the spiral spring makes the coil and its iron core an electromagnet hours" of electrical energy, and in the other case 8X3 or 24 kw-hr. The cost of electric service depends on both the power and the time; the usual custom is to base the charge on the "kilowatt-hour," which is the energy supplied in one hour by one kw. The retail price of one kw-hr. varies from one to 5 cents for heating, cooking and motors, and from 6 to 15 cents for lighting. Energy is sometimes sold by the horsepower-hour (% of a kw-hr.), and some- times by the horsepower-year (especially for pump- ing irrigation water). 24 APPLIED ELECTRICITY At 6 cents per kw-hr. $1.80 will buy 30 kw-hr. The power may be 30 kw. for 1 hour; or 10 kw. for 3 hours; or 6 kw. for 5 hours; or l/^ kw. for 60 hours; or 4 kw. for 3 hours and 9 kw. for 2 hours. Evidently a statement of a number of kw-hr. does not tell anything at all about the number of kw. (or power). Instruments that measure kw-hr. are not "watt-meters" but "watt-hour meters." WESTERN ELECTRIC HOT PLATE AND KLAXON HORN Here are two devices for transforming electric energy into other forms — sound in the Klaxon horn and heat in the hot plate. The latter takes 4 amperes on a 220 volt circuit — how many British thermal units will it give out in an hour? If one-half of the heat escapes to the air, how hot will a gallon of water (8 lbs.) get in half an hour if its temperature is 60° when it is set upon the hot plate? If you know the kw-hr. and the number of hours, you can find the average kw. In the example above, if it is given that the 30 kw-hr. are used in 5 hours we can say that the average power is 6 kw. — but it may be 4 kw. for 3 hours and 9 for 2 hours. Note the particular meaning of the word "average** here; average kw. = number of kw-hr. divided by the number of hours. Heat Energy. — It has been found by numerous careful experiments that when one kw-hr. of elec- trical energy is used up in overcoming "electrical friction** or resistance, a certain definite amount of heat is developed, namely, enough to heat 3,412 pounds of water one degree hotter (by Fahrenheit thermometer). This is generally expressed by say- ing that 1 kw-hr. = 3,412 "British Thermal Units** or 3,412 B.t.u. Also when one kw-hr. of mechanical energy (1 1/3 h.p. hours) is used up in overcoming g S -5 ft S ^ ®. . 2> S XJ 4> oj c ^ ■Ml~ § *"-"3 » « 5-£ £ -^ «.£ 0,=^ St! 26 APPLIED ELECTRICITY friction 3,412 B.t.u. of heat is developed. One horse- power-hour similarly gives 2,545 B.t.u. In a steam or gas engine it is possible to meas- ure the heat developed by the fuel and the heat wasted in the exhaust, radiation, etc. The loss of heat is always less than the heat developed, the dif- ference being a certain definite number of B.t.u. in each case. It is found that this difference, divided INSIDE THE FARM HOUSE This installation of an electric range and an electric water heater in a ranch home in California uses $6.00 worth of electric energy per month at a rate of 3 cents per kw-hr. What was the average current taken, if the apparatus was used on a 110 volt circuit 5 hours a day for 30 days? by 2,545, gives the number of h.p. hours of mechan- ical energy developed. Or, the ''useful" B.t.u. divided by 3,412 = the number of mechanical kw-hr. Thus it is proved that 3,412 B.t.u. can be changed to 1 kw-hr., or 1 kw-hr. can be changed to 3,412 B.t.u. Mechanical energy, electrical energy, and heat are simply three forms of the same thing; by various devices we can make energy take any form desired. Efficiency of Transformation. — In many trans- formations of energy, there is a "loss" of some of ELECTROMAGNETS 27 the energy — loss in the sense that the energy- changes into some form that is not desired, or goes to some place where it is not wanted. For example, in a motor we wish electrical energy to be converted to mechanical, but inevitably some energy goes into heat through friction, resistance in the wires, etc. If the motor has an efficiency of 80%, 20% of the electrical input is expended in undesired ways. Sim- ilarly, in an electric water heater we desire the con- version of the electrical energy into heat in the water, but some heat is sure to escape to the sur- rounding air, material of the container, etc. The efficiency of such a device = useful B.t.u. -^ total B.t.u. produced from the electrical energy ; or eff . = useful B.t.u. -^ 3,412 X kw-hr. expended. On the other hand, an electric air heater in a room has per- fect or 100% efficiency, for all the heat must get into the air and objects where it is wanted. Engines which are used for the purpose of con- verting heat into mechanical energy are compara- tively inefficient. A large part of the heat given to them is sent out again as heat and not as work. Most of it goes out through the exhaust, but in many cases (as in gas engines) a large part of the heat is passed out through the cylinder walls to the cooling water. The efficiency of steam and gas en- gines in practice varies from 10% to 30%. WIRE CALCULATIONS Wires used to carry electricity are usually of copper, aluminum or iron. In the United States copper and aluminum wires are made in various sizes according to an arbitrary set of dimensions known as the "Brown & Sharpe (or American Standard) Wire 11 Ji H !■ 1 _^ PIPE STRAPS JK D 1 ' llL 7^ li Br W^ ^m. 1 1 iiii5^?yi«.,ii! L '^ ^ J P ^ ^ ^ I ^ z fh ^ ^ f^ r f%,^ ^'f^ ^"■%/ C %/ ■ ^ ■ ■"■^^'''Tgjr if '^'■*fi^ 1 1 r I — ^~"^^~f r— 1 1 'i„. \,. i Fig. 7. — Connecting block for an interior telephone system. If each wire is No. 18, what is the resistance of 200 feet of the cable if all the wires are con- nected together at each end? Gage." A wire known as No. 5, for example, has a diameter of .1819 inch, and No. 10 has a diameter of .1019 inch. The largest size in this gage is No. 0000, the next is No. 000, then 00, then 0, then Numbers 1 to 40, of which the last is the smallest wire (.00315 inch diameter). 28 WIRE CALCULATIONS 29 It is customary to express the diameter in "mils" (one mil = .001 inch) rather than in inches. Then No. 5 wire is 181.9 mils thick, and No. 10 is 101.9 mils thick. The cross section area of a wire can not be expressed conveniently in square inches; it is found preferable to use, instead, the "circular mil" (cm.) as a unit. For wires and cables larger than No. 0000 the size is designated by their circular mil area. The diameter of a solid wire is found by taking the square root of its cm. area. When the diameter is known, the cm. area is found by squar- ing the number of mils in the diameter. Wire tables are found in all electricians' text books and hand books. From these one can quickly determine the characteristics of copper wire of any size. The tables differ somewhat in arrangement, but practically all of them give the diameter and the section area for each numbered size, together with the resistance and the weight of 1000 feet of wire. The partial table on p. 32 gives figures for a number of sizes of copper and aluminum wire. If one knows that the resistance of one foot of 36 wire is .414 ohm, it is easy to compute the resist- ance of any length. Six feet, for instance, will have 6 X .414 or 2.484 ohms, for we have six resistances of .414 ohm each connected in series. Then the resistance of 220 feet of No. 18 copper wire is 220 times 1/1000 of 6.374 (see table), for 6.374 ohms is the resistance of 1000 feet. The weight of any length of bare wire is figured in exactly the same way from the tabulated figures of the lbs. per thousand feet. Manufacturers and dealers supply with price lists tables of the weights of wires insulated in various ways. In the table below the resistances are given for a temperature of 68° Fahrenheit. For any other tem- perature the figures are incorrect, since the resist- ance of metals increases with rising temperature. For copper and aluminum the ohms increase about 0.2% for each degree, so that at 88° the resistance is 4% greater than indicated by the table. 4) « « g .2 ft «** ^ r«*5iS^ t-C000«0(MOCX)t-«0»O D oj »-* t- o rr rH t- «c CO •Tj' o4 •^ . -, ^ Cv| t- CO 1-1 CO «© Tf t- ioc-(io-'^05i^«0"^oqoo<3»<=J<'>ci<>:'^co'-^rHOOo S*O06w0ic0O0J0i»H^0Ju5CTj t- eo "^ 00 eo M »-( tH rH «© lO -^ CO C(^^loollJ^^-HOcoI-lCOTj'«30«5>aOridOSt-COTjt->-l(MOOU5dCO3 W t-H CO «e O «© CO O 00 «D lO "^ CO (N ri f-H .-I «0 CO O 00 «e »0 rf CO N (M .-( t-i tH CJO«e"5O^-^C0U3THOt-W3 ost-ooosoooocooscOi-HOs«>ooseooo5»-H lS2 OOSTt'<*OSl^^05T|5t-HCg"^o6Tiai-HOosoot-«oioio-^coNc. N 1 1 >' Fig. 8. — ^The details of Faraday's arrangement for causing a flow of cur- rent through an ammeter by moving the magnet into and out of the coil. get a definite numerical statement, as will be ex- plained later in connection with the voltage of generators. Faraday's apparatus always produced an alter- nating voltage; pulling out the magnet induced an e.m.f. opposite to that caused by putting it in. Inserting the S pole induced a voltage opposite to that caused by inserting the N pole. The only way to get a current through the ammeter of Fig. 8 continuously in the same direction is to reverse the connections with every movement of the magnet. The A.C. Generator. — On account of the mechan- ical advantages of rotary over reciprocating motion, generators are built commercially with either the magnets or the coils revolving. Fig. 9 gives a gen- eral idea of the arrangement of a "revolving field'' alternator. We have here a magnet turning on a shaft so that the lines of force close to its poles cut across the stationary wires A and B. The N pole induces in wire A a voltage directed toward the back THE GENERATOR 37 of the machine, while in B the S pole sets up an e.m.f. in the forward direction. The wires are joined at the rear and connected to a lamp in front, which at the instant shown has current flowing in it from right to left. When the poles are turned far enough to exchange places, the electromotive force is again induced but in the opposite direction, so Fig. 9.- -The plan of the "revolving field" alternator. At the instant shown the lamp has current in it from right to left that the current flows from left to right in the lamp, having stopped when the magnet was halfway be- tween the two positions. Thus is produced an alter- nating current, which might be "rectified" so as to flow always in the same direction through the lamp by reversing the lamp connections twice in each rev- olution of the magnet. The **revolving field'' usually contains, instead of a single permanent magnet, a number of strong electromagnets. An iron ring is placed around the outside of the "inductors" (wires cut by the lines of force) so that the flux may get from pole to pole with as little difficulty as possible. Thus there is provided a large number of lines of force, and by turning the shaft rapidly it is possible to induce sev- eral volts in one inductor. Finally, a number of wires are connected in series, so that the generator produces any voltage desired. 38 APPLIED ELECTRICITY The D.C. Generator. — A revolving field machine is not v^ell adapted for producing direct currents. The d.c. generator in Fig. 10 has therefore a station- ary field and revolving "armature." (The armature is the structure which includes the inductors and the iron core to which they are attached ; the core is omitted from Fig. 10 for the sake of clearness.) Fig. 10. — A d.c. generator with a stationary field and revolving armature for producing a direct current. In the position shown the wire A has induced in it a voltage directed forward, which drives current out of the armature through the sliding contact between a "segment" (B) and a brush (C). The segment B is attached to the armature and revolves with it, so that when A reaches a position close to the N pole it is in contact with the other brush, and segment E has come around to brush C. Thus the wire passing the S pole always sends current out to brush C, and so downward through the lamp, L. With this simple arrangement the voltage drops to zero twice in every revolution. If a second coil were put on the armature at right angles to the first coil, it would have a strong e.m.f. when the first e.m.f. is zero. With the ring split into four parts instead of two, and the new coil connected to two of the segments, a fairly uniform pressure could be produced. In practice many coils are used on the armature and correspondingly many segments are built into the ''commutator" as the split-ring device is called. THE GENERATOR 39 It should be clear that a d.c. generator pro- duces an alternating current which is "rectified'' or made into direct current by means of the commu- tator. Many d.c. machines are made with more than two poles; in these there are usually as many brushes as poles. Carbon is the material used in the brushes, chiefly because of its resistance which is useful in limiting the short circuit currents which In a Columbia River salmon cannery this 6 kw., 120 volt d. c. generator produces all the current necessary to operate the lights and motors. It is driven by a 10 h. p. semi-Diesel oil engine. What is the efficiency of the generator and what current does it supply when fully loaded? How many pounds of oil are used in 8 hours if the average load is 40 amperes, the engine efficiency is 30% and the fuel gives 19000 B. T. U. per lb.? tend to flow from one *'bar" (segment) of the com- mutator to the next while the brush is touching both. Generator Voltage. — It is customary to specify the strength of the magnets used in generators by the number of lines of force they produce. This system is, of course, based on an arbitrary standard, for a line of force is merely a convenient term to use in connection with magnets and it has no tangi- THE GENERATOR 41 ble existence. In practice the electromagnets most used have from 100,000 to several million lines issuing" from their N poles. It is to be noted that one inductor cuts across all these lines once when passing the N pole of a magnet and again when passing the S pole, so that the total number of cut- tings during one revolution equals the product of the number of poles times the lines per pole. The standards of pole strength and electro- motive force have been so selected that one volt is the e.m.f. induced by cutting one wire in one second by 100,000,000 lines of force. Putting inductors in series adds their voltages, so that Generator Voltage = No. Poles Passed per Second X Flux per Pole X No. Wires in Series -f- 100,009,000. This formula gives the average voltage for an alternating or fluctuating current, or the steady voltage in a d.c. machine. The number of wires in series may be the total number of inductors on the armature, or one-half that number, or one-fourth or one-sixth, or less. Direct current generators usually have enough coils and commutator segments to make the voltage practically constant at the value given by the formula. VII ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS Of all the types of generators, the simplest is the alternating current magneto, which is used for ringing telephone bells and for ignition in gas engines. The magnetic flux is supplied by one or more stationary permanent magnets of horseshoe shape. The armature generally consists of a single coil wound upon an iron core, which revolves between the magnet poles. One end of the winding may be Fig. 11. — Shunt generator. Coils of small wire on the magnet poles are connected in multiple or shunt with the load. "grounded" (connected to the metal of the arma- ture) while the other is connected to the external circuit through a sliding contact. All other generators have electro-magnets for producing the "magnetic field" or flux. The wires which carry the current around these magnets con- stitute the "field winding." 42 ARMATURE AND FIELD WINDINGS 43 The magnets are ^'excited'' by sending direct current through these windings, the current being produced either by the generator itself or by some external source. Direct current generators are almost always ''self excited/' while a.c. machines are "sepa- rately excited" by the use of small d.c. generators called "exciters." A few alternators have special arrangements for producing small amounts of direct current, thus saving the expense of an extra machine. In Fig. 11 is shown the simplest arrangement for self excitation, a direct current machine with the field winding connected in piultiple or "shunt" with the load. The diagram on the right is a preferable way to represent the same arrangement. Many turns of fine wire are used, which offer enough re- sistance to limit the field current to a small value, and yet give sufficient "ampere-turns" almost to saturate the iron with magnetism. When the machine is stopped the current dies out of the shunt field and the magnetism disappears, with the exception of a small amount which is known as "residual magnetism"; that is, the iron has to a slight extent the characteristics of a permanent magnet. When the generator is again brought up to its running speed, it is found that a low voltage is produced, and if the shunt field switch is then closed, a small current is sent through the coils. This increases the magnetism and raises the voltage, which comes up, little by little, to the pressure for which the machine is designed. To control the electromotive force of a genera- tor, it is customary to insert a variable resistance or "rheostat" in series with the field winding. Thus the current and flux can be altered at will, and hence the voltage, which depends on the strength of the magnets, can be raised or lowered within wide limits. (See the rheostat, R, in Fig. 12.) An additional feature of the field winding of most d.c. generators is shown in the "series winding" in Fig. 12. A few more turns of wire are put around r. c 35 o g q; iJ ft 0^ ^ a> ft LOSSES AND REACTIONS ^3 120 X 8 = 960 watts and the series field loss = 200 X 200 X -01 = 400 watts. Mechanical and Iron Losses. — In a d.c. generator there are three kinds of mechanical power losses and two different iron losses. The former include bear- ing friction, "windage'' or air friction, and friction Fig. 16. — This compound wound generator has a loss of 960 watts in the shunt winding and 400 watts in the series coils. between the stationary brushes and the moving com- mutator. The iron losses include those due to "hys- teresis" and "eddy currents.'' Armatures are influenced by the poles which surround them and become magnets themselves. As they rotate their magnetic condition must be contin- ually changing, for each particle of iron is magnet- ized as it passes one pole and remagnetized in the opposite sense when it reaches the next. The par- ticles oppose this change by what seems like internal friction, and the energy thus wasted (changed into heat) is the "hysteresis loss." As the lines of force cut through the armature iron, currents of electricity are induced in it by exactly the same process as the currents in the armature wires. These "eddy currents" require the expenditure of energy and produce heat. To minim- ize the currents, which tend to flow parallel to the inductors, the armature is built of thin circular sheets, or "laminations" of iron. The oxide on the faces of the sheets forms an insulator which pre- 54 APPLIED ELECTRICITY vents passage of the currents and thus reduces the eddy loss to a relatively small amount. Armature Drop and Reaction. — In a separately excited machine (Fig. 14) or a shunt generator the brush voltage is lower when a load is carried than when the external circuit is open. One cause is the "armature drop/' another is the *'brush contact drop" and a third is the "armature reaction.'' It is to overcome these as well as "line drop" that the compound winding shown in Fig. 16 is used. There is always a voltage drop in a conductor which carries current, and this is true even in an armature where voltage is being generated. Then in the armature of Fig. 15 with a resistance of .053 ohm, the drop is 90 X -053 = 4.77 volts when the machine produces 90 amperes. This would reduce the voltage from the generated pressure of 84 to 79.23 volts. Due to the contact resistance between the com- mutator and brushes there will be a further drop of about one volt. The armature inductors carrying current tend to make the armature a magnet with poles between the pole pieces of the generator. This results in lessening the total flux through the armature and makes other disturbances which lower the efficiency of the machine. The whole effect, known as "arma- ture reaction," varies with the amount of current being drawn by the external circuit. Armature reaction is counteracted in various ways, such as shifting the brushes, building the generator with "interpoles," and putting "compensating windings" upon the pole faces. IX ELECTROLYSIS The word "Electrolysis" is used to indicate the carrying of an electric current through a solution. It is found that absolutely pure water is an almost perfect insulator, but that the presence of an appre- ciable amount of any one of a number of substances makes the liquid a fairly good conductor. These soluble substances are called "electrolytes/' and they Fig. 17. — The d.c. generator sends current through the liquid from the "anode" (marked "+"), to the "cathode" (" — ") when the switch is down. If the plates are lead and the electrolyte sulphuric acid, a battery is thus produced, capable of ringing the bell when the switch is up. include acids, salts, and "bases" (or alkalis). Sugar is not an electrolyte. The current is carried into and out of the solu- tions generally by metal "electrodes," the one where the current enters the liquid being called the positive or "anode," and the other the negative or "cathode." When the electrodes are far apart the current must pass through a long body of liquid, hence meeting 55 56 APPLIED ELECTRICITY high resistance; when the electrodes are large the conducting body of liquid has a cross section, which lowers the resistance. Hence in all kinds of bat- teries, including stoVage cells (* 'accumulators"), the effort is made to have the electrodes as large and as near together as possible, for the current must flow between them and resistance causes loss of energy. Chemical Effects. — When current flows through a solution, as in Fig. 17 when the switch is closed, it tends to separate and release at the electrodes the components of the electrolyte. For example, sulphu- ric acid is a union of hydrogen with the ^'sulphate DDOH Z^Ql — ■ — — — /»• "^"^ 1n ^ QJ :s5| If -c: WOJQ S H w C t^ 06 o> (N £ ^1 ^ 13 ? c ^ - , -fi ^ >> ^ ^ §i« 50 m £ •s| ^tfH TS ^ c j3r::'5'3 •^ ^ POPMPk ^ :£ § CO '^ iO «o .- a ^ w 1.1 -u tc bo > t< H ■e-" &\ ^C/2tf ►^ ai s . 0^ 1| 2.u^ tJ -^ Q) bo ^ .S «- :s§«f^ 1 ^^w| HOo;z; .12 « 10 «c t^ 06 «M m - bo simp :e. P lows : ^1 tl tl >^ Note the inner fa< parts fol 3SSB .^ N eo Tj! ELECTRIC MOTORS 69 tions the synchronous motor is started without load by means of a small a.c. motor of another kind. For all ordinary applications, the * 'induction motor'' is most widely used. The construction is simple, cheap and rugged, and operation and mainte- nance are easy and inexpensive. The tj^ical motor There are far less "kicks" in the mines since the electric motor displaced the time-honored mule locomotive. In some mines trolley lines are used ; in others the motors are driven by storage batteries carried by the locomo- tives themselves (as in this illustration). of this type has no sliding contacts and only the simplest elements of a winding upon the revolving part or *'rotor." Alternating currents in coils wound about por- tions of the iron "stator'' (stationary part) of an induction motor produce magnetic poles which are north when the current flows one way and south when it reverses. Other poles of opposite polarity are produced between these by coils wound in the opposite direction. The result is that north poles ap- pear at several points around the stator and shortly after (when the current has reversed) they appear in different places. By the use of two or more alter- nating currents which reverse at different times there is produced a smooth progression of the poles 70 APPLIED ELECTRICITY around the inside of the stator, and this is known as the "revolving field." Just as in the alternating generator, the wires near the poles of a revolving field are cut by the moving lines of force and have e.m.f. induced in them. Thus the conductors of the rotor, which are short circuited upon each other, carry heavy induced currents, but no electrical contact with the supply circuit is needed. The reaction between these in- duced currents and the magnet poles of the stator causes the rotor to turn. As it gains speed it almost catches up with the revolving field but it never runs quite as fast. If it did, there would be no more induction of e.m.f. on the rotor, for each wire would keep beside some pole and there could be no cutting of the inductors by lines of force. The difference between the speeds of the rotor and the revolving field is known as the '*slip," and this varies whenever the load is changed. XI MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS Direct Current Motors. — For operation upon d.c. circuits motors are built of three different types. They are known as series, shunt and compound motors, the names referring to t>.e connection be- tween the armature and the field winding, as in the A Westinghouse motor-generator set run by direct current and producing alternating current. This last is raised to high voltage by means of transformers and then "rectified" for use in precipitating dust in flue gases. case of d.c. generators. The magnet coils in a series motor consist of a few turns of large wire carrying the whole current of the machine. A shunt motor has field windings of small wire and many turns, connected in multiple or shunt with the armature. Both series and shunt coils are put upon the field of a compound motor. 71 72 APPLIED ELECTRICITY The "torque" or turning effort of a motor de- pends upon the strength of the magnetic field and hence is proportional to the field current except for the disturbing effects of saturation and armature reaction. Therefore, decreasing the field Current to half value cuts the torque approximately in two. This direct current G-E fan runs at 1500 r.p.m. When the fan blades are removed, the motor runs at about 3500 r.p.m. Is the field shunt. sfs-ifsL or compound wound? This is on the assumption that the current in the armature remains constant, for the torque is directly proportional also to armature amperes. Then in a series motor, where the same current flows through armature and field, triple current would give nine times the torque were it not for the disturbing fac- tors mentioned above. (On test a certain 500-volt machine was found to give with 60 amperes five times as great a torque as with 20.) Series motors are used for electric railways, hoists, cranes, etc. When a street car starts up-hill from the level the motors at once lose speed and the counter e.m.f. decreases. More current is thus per- mitted to flow and this raises the torque of the motors sufficiently to carry the increased load. This flexibility in regard to torque and speed is what makes the series d.c. motor the most convenient for all such applications as hoisting and traction where heavy and variable loads must be frequently started and stopped. It is necessary to keep a series motor coupled to its load, however, and to control it care- MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS 73 fully, for if the load is removed the speed will run very high, possibly ruining the armature by cen- trifugal action. Shunt Motors. — When a shunt motor is operated without a load it does not run faster than a certain speed, behaving like a steam engine with a governor, in contrast to the series motor which acts like an un- governed automobile engine. At the "no load speed" of a shunt motor it develops a back e.m.f. almost equal to the applied voltage, so that only a small current can flow. A slight increase in the speed would raise the back e.m.f. so high that no current could enter the armature and the machine could take no power from the line. When a shunt motor is required to drive a load it must absorb more watts than when running idle. Suppose 100 volts applied to the armature and the back e.m.f. at no load equals 99. The net voltage driving current through the armature is, then, 1 volt, and the current will be 10 amperes if the resistance is 0.1 ohm. If a load is then applied which requires an input of 4 kw., the current must rise to 4000 -f- 100, or 40 amperes, which means that the net voltage must be 40 X 0.1 = 4. The back e.m.f. must drop to 96 volts, which means that the speed must drop to 96/99 of the no load speed. At full load a shunt motor runs about 5% slower than at no load. It is often desirable to run a shunt motor at other than normal speed. In a machine shop, for instance, a motor driven lathe should have several available speeds suitable for different jobs. There are four ways of accomplishing this: (1) By install- ing a multivoltage system; (2) by rheostat control of armature current; (3) by changing the field flux mechanically; (4) by rheostat control of the field current. With two or more generators one can apply to the motor armature different voltages and obtain speeds in proportion. The field strength may be kept constant by using always the same voltage for ex- 74 APPLIED ELECTRICITY citation. A similar effect may be obtained by put- ting a rheostat in series with the armature and thus lowering the applied e.m.f . by means of the voltage drop. This method is wasteful of power, while the first is expensive and complicated. Weakening the field of a shunt motor by moving the poles and armature farther apart or by putting Fig. 22. — Cutting down the field current in this shunt motor by means of the rheostat causes the armature to run faster. It must do this to keep the counter electromotive force nearly equal to the voltage of the line. resistance into the exciting circuit changes the speed (see Fig. 22). Suppose the unloaded 100-volt motor considered above had its field weakened 7% — what alteration in speed would occur? The back e.m.f. would instantly fall to about 92 volts and a large current would flow (8 -^ 0.1 = 80 amperes) . This would produce a strong torque and speed up the armature until the back e.m.f. reached approxi- mately^ its former value. Weakening the field increases the speed. Compound Wound Motors. — Some motors have a series winding in addition to the shunt coils on the field poles. Imagine current supplied to a compound generator, entering at the positive (+) terminal (from which the current was sent out when the machine was generating) . Would the series field help or oppose the shunt field, and which way would the armature rotate ? The current would flow in the old direction through the shunt coil (from the + to the — brush), but in the reverse direction through the series coil. Hence the field will be weakened by the series coil. The armature will rotate in the old MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS 75 direction, for it must produce an induced e.m.f. opposing current, and hence directed out at the + brush. When a load is put upon this motor the in- creased current in the series coil tends to weaken the field and hence to increase the speed. Thus a compound motor can be arranged to have a constant speed with varying load. A "cumulative compound winding" is produced when the series coil is connected the opposite way, so as to assist the shunt coil. Such a winding gives a strong torque at starting, due to the heavy series current and the strong field it produces. An increase of load in such a machine causes the speed to drop more than with a simple shunt winding, as the in- crease of current strengthens the field. Such a char- acteristic is desired for such machines as punch presses, shears, etc. These motors with various de- grees of compounding are used also for elevators, rolling mill machinery, etc. Alternating Current Motors. — A synchronous motor runs at a constant speed which is determined by the number of poles and the frequency with which the supply current reverses its direction. Adding or taking off the load changes the number of amperes, and varying the field strength changes the "phase relation" of the supply current, but the motor runs at constant speed unless the load is heavy enough to make it "fall out of step" and come to a standstill. Induction motors without load run at nearly synchronous speed. This can be calculated from the number of poles and the frequency of the supply cir- cuit. For "60 cycle current" the revolutions per second = 60 -^ no. of pairs of poles. Thus a 6 pole motor makes 20 revolutions per second or 1200 r.p.m. unloaded. The 50 cj^cle current used in Southern California drives a 4 pole synchronous motor at 1500 r.p.m. As the load on an induction motor is increased its speed decreases, the "slip" varying from prac- tically zero to 5% or more. Some motors, specially MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS 77 built with high resistance rotors, have a slip of 10 or 15%. Such machines are used for driving the rolls in steel mills and similar work where the load is heavy and intermittent. With a punch press, for instance, such a motor can speed up and deliver energy to a heavy flywheel during the interval be- tween operations, and then slow down to give the An induction motor driving a wood saw. This small machine runs at 1200 r.p.m. when unloaded, and is rated at 5 hp. Calculate the number of poles and the frequency of the alternating current supply. flywheel a chance to do much of the work of driving the punch. A constant speed motor would be of very little value for such applications for it would be very heavily overloaded part of the time and idle for the remainder. The cumulative compound d.c. motor and the induction motor with large slip are much used with flywheels for this class of work. XII ELECTRIC METERS Direct Current Instruments. — Practically all electrical meters operate by reason of the production of magnetic fields by electric currents. The earliest indicating instrument was merely a single wire held above a compass needle. A flow of electricity in the wire caused the needle to turn through an angle de- pendent upon the strength of the current. Running the wire below the needle doubled the turning moment and it was a short step to the simple gal- vanometer which consisted of a compass mounted in a coil of wire with the needle perpendicular to the axis of the coil. There are serious disadvantages connected with the use of the "moving needle" type of instrument, and these are eliminated in the "moving coil" and "magnetic vane" meters now commonly used. The moving coil meter of the D'Arsonval type has a coil like the armature winding of a motor, and this is placed in a magnetic field. When current (which is led into and out of the coil through spiral springs around the shaft) flows through the winding, the armature turns for the same reason that a motor revolves, but the springs restrain the motion so that the attached pointer moves only a limited distance. The torque depends upon the armature current, and hence the pointer indicates upon its scale a reading proportional to the current. (See Fig. 6, p. 23.) In instruments of this type every motion of the coil causes the metal bobbin upon which it is wound to move through a strong magnetic field. This in- 78 ELECTRIC METERS 79 duces eddy currents in the metal, the effect of which is to slow the motion and prevent vibration of the coil after the needle reaches the point where the reading should be made. Such instruments are called "dead beat/' Other meters do not depend upon eddy- current "damping" but contain air chambers in which move vanes which stop vibration by air friction. ZenoAdjuster Edgewise Ammeter. This instrument is used on station switchboards for metering direct current. Light moving coils with delicate springs can not carry heavy currents, and ammeters of this type usually contain "shunts'* which carry a definite frac- tion of the total amperes in multiple with the coil. The scale of the instrument is marked or "cali- brated" to indicate the total current flowing in the coil and shunt. A "milliammeter" or "mil-ammeter" is adapted to measure small currents and marked in thou- sandths of an ampere. Suppose the coil of such an instrument to have a resistance of 9 ohms and imag- ine a coil of 991 ohms connected in series with it inside the case. There would be a total of 1000 ohms between terminals, and if a pressure of 30 volts were applied, the current flow would be only 0.030 am- peres or 30 mil-amperes. The scale reading would be 30, exactly equal to the voltage. A voltmeter, then, is simply a very sensitive galvanometer or am- meter with large resistance. Such an instrument is calibrated by connecting it in multiple with a stand- 80 APPLIED ELECTRICITY ard voltmeter and altering the voltage by suitable steps. If it is desired to use a 150-volt voltmeter on a 1200-volt circuit it is necessary to put more resist- ance in series with it. Manufacturers supply "multi- pliers" which are simply resistance coils to be used in this way. The meter reading must be multiplied by the appropriate factor to get the pressure. Multiplier to use in connection with a voltmeter or wattmeter. What resistance should it have to make a 9000-ohm voltmeter read 140 on a 560- volt circuit? What would the multiplier be called? Electrodynamometer Instruments. — ^Many mov- ing coil ammeters and voltmeters have magnetic fields produced either by permanent magnets or by electro-magnets excited by a steady current. The "electro-dynamometer'' ammeter or voltmeter, how- ever, has a field coil connected in series with the moving coil, so that the torque depends upon the square of the current. The instruments contain no iron, and the reaction between the coils is spoken of as electro-dynamic, rather than electro-magnetic. The reading scale of such an instrument is not regu- lar or uniform but the marks are much wider apart at some places than others. The power in a d.c. circuit equals the product of volts times amperes, and it can be conveniently metered by an electro-dynamometer instrument. The moving coil (with high resistance) is connected across the line and takes a current proportional to the voltage. The stationary coil is put in series with the load and so carries the load current. The torque ELECTRIC METERS 81 developed is proportional to the product of pressure and current and hence the scale may be calibrated in watts or kilowatts. The divisions may be very nearly uniform. Such a wattmeter may be used for high voltages by connecting a multiplier in series with the voltage coil, and for large currents with the help of shunts like ammeter shunts. General Electric Wattmeter. Why are there more terminals than on a voltmeter ? Is this instrument built for a switchboard or for occasional use ? For connections, see Fig. 5— ^page 15. Metering Alternating Currents. — If the current is reversed in a moving needle instrument or in one having a moving coil and a permanent magnet, the pointer will be seen to deflect in the opposite direc- tion. Such meters can not, then, be used on alternat- ing current circuits. Electro-dynamometer instru- ments, however, operate perfectly with alternating current, for the field of the stationary coil reverses as often as the current in the moving coil, thus pro- ducing torque always in the same direction. Hence electrodynamometers are often used for a.c. circuits, as ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeters. They may be calibrated with direct current and used on either kind of circuit. Various other meters have been developed for use with both direct and alternating current. The "electrostatic voltmeter" consists of moving and stationary vanes which are charged with static elec- tricity by connecting to the opposite sides of a high 82 APPLIED ELECTRICITY potential circuit. The vanes are drawn toward each other, moving a pointer against the restraint of a spring. A fountain pen rubbed upon a coat sleeve will attract bits of paper by a similar electrostatic action. A device used for both ammeters and voltmeters is the "hot wire." Current through a piece of re- sistance wire heats it, causing expansion which per- mits a spring to pull a pointer across a scale. Another scheme is to use for a voltmeter or ammeter a sta- tionary coil surrounding two light parallel iron rods, one of which is fixed in position. The other is attached to the pointer and can move around the inside of the coil, always keeping parallel to the fixed rod. Both rods are magnetized when current flows, and the repulsion of like poles causes one to move away from the other. Still another device consists of a soft iron plunger which is sucked into a coil when current flows around it, the plunger being sup- ported by the spindle which carries the pointer. Pocket instruments for testing dry cells are of this type. All these meters will work with more or less accuracy upon alternating as well as direct current circuits, for, obviously, reversing the current does not reverse the effect upon the pointer. Many alternating current voltmeters, ammeters and wattmeters are of the "induction type." In these a rotating field is produced, as in the induction motor, and this induces in the rotor short circuit currents which tend to turn it on its axis. A re- straining spring and a pointer complete the moving element. Such instruments can, of course, only be used on a.c. circuits. An induction wattmeter has certain coils connected across the line and others in series with the load; ammeters and voltmeters have all their coils in series. Watthour Meters. — Instruments for measuring energy consumption are often mistakenly called "wattmeters." A watthour meter is a small electric motor so constructed as to use up very little en- ergy and yet to run at a speed proportional at all ELECTRIC METERS 83 times to the power taken by the electrical load on the line. By means of a revolution counter a record is made on the dial of the number of revolutions of the armature, thus accounting for the kw-hr. Interior of a direct current watthour meter. Note the four permanent horseshoe magnets and the retarding disc between their poles. that have passed the meter. Many d.c. watt- hour meters have commutators and brushes, the armatures being of high resistance and connected across the line so as to carry current proportional to line voltage. The field is then connected in series with the load. Such meters have no iron at all in the magnetic circuit, which means that the flux and torque are proportional to the voltage and current and no complications are caused by variations in permeability, etc. Reversing the current in both the armature and series coils of such a meter gives torque in the pre- vious direction, and hence it may be used on a.c. circuits. For several reasons, however, watthour 84 APPLIED ELECTRICITY meters of the induction type are generally preferred for such service. These are simply induction motors, lacking commutator and brushes, and thus having no moving contacts. It is necessary in all watthour meters to restrain the motion of the armature or else even a light load would cause rapid rotation and high readings on the Testing meters taken from residences in Fresno, Cal- ifornia. Are these watt- meters or energy meters? dials. Usually a disc of aluminum is attached to the armature shaft and arranged to rotate close to the poles of strong permanent magnets. Eddy currents are set up which hold back the disc with a force pro- portional to the speed, and the result is that the speed is made proportional to the driving torque of the armature. In induction watthour meters the retarding disc serves also as armature, the revolving field setting up in one part of it eddy currents which cause it to move, and the stationary magnets setting up in another place currents which retard it. Curve Tracing Meters. — ^Many meters are in service which make graphical records, or charts. The curve drawn by a recording voltmeter, for in- stance, tells the voltage at every instant during a ELECTRIC METERS 85 period of twenty-four hours. New sheets are in- serted daily and thus continuous record is kept, which at any future time may be called upon for information regarding pressure fluctuations, short circuits, etc. Station operators who fall asleep on the ^'graveyard watch'' sometimes are thus betrayed by a record of voltage too high or too low during half an hour. Such an instrument includes a meter with a pen mounted on its pointer, and a clock for moving a piece of paper uniformly past the point of the pen. The mechanism of the meter may be similar to that of an ordinary electrodynamic voltmeter or watt- meter, but with sufficient turns of wire to give strong forces to overcome pen friction, etc. Other record- ing instruments make use of relays so that the pen is moved by electromagnets operating when the metering mechanism closes certain contacts. XIII LAMPS AND ILLUMINATION Commercial and home portrait pho- tographers use gas filled Mazdas in deep reflectors to illuminate their subjects. LL sorts of lamps are used for producing ar- tificial light, but in this country the incandes- cent lamp is used to a greater extent than all others combined. Until recent years the car- bon filament lamp of this type was the standard, but the su- perior economy of metallic filaments has caused the carbon lamp to be practically displaced by the tungsten lamp. The latter gives approximately three times as much light as the former for the same power consumption. In lamps of medium and large size it is found that the efficiency is increased by filling the bulb with an inert gas, such as nitrogen. The ordinary tungsten lamp has the air removed, the filament being allowed to glow in an almost perfect vacuum. The gas permits the filament to be heated to a higher temperature. This means that a larger proportion of the energy expended in heating the wire is radiated off in light waves. For instance, the vacuum lamp in the 100-watt size gives only 80% as much light as the gas filled 100-watt lamp. 86 LAMPS AND ILLUMINATION 87 Lamps carrying large currents have better effi- ciencies than those of smaller amperage. The 200- watt 220-volt Mazda has the same efficiency as the 100- watt 110-volt lamp, and only 86% as high effi- ciency as the 200-watt 110-volt lamp. Local lighting gives the largest proportion of the total light of the lamps at the point of use Candle Power and Foot Candle. — If an incandes- cent lamp, hung in the usual position with base up- ward, gives off in a horizontal direction as much light as a standard candle, it may be called a "one 3 O si ot'T Ho; LAMPS AND ILLUMINATION 89 candle power" (one c.p.) lamp. More accurately we say that its "horizontal candle power" is one. This point must be emphasized, for the amount of light sent in other directions is not the same. If a lamp is located at the center of a globe or sphere, it sends light to nearly every point on the inner surface; but different amounts to different places. The average candle power in all directions is called the ''mean spherical candle power," and it is usually considerably less than the ''horizontal candle power." Ordinary lamps have a mean spherical c.p. equal to about .8 of the horizontal c.p. If a very concentrated one c.p. light is one foot from a wall, the illumination at the point on the wall nearest is one "foot candle." Every other part of the surface is less brightly lighted, since it is more than a foot away. However, if the wall were warped so that a considerable part of it was exactly one foot from the light, the illumination would be one foot candle all over that part. A spot on a wall one foot from a lamp of 20 horizontal c.p. would be illum- inated with an intensity of 20 foot candles. For various purposes different intensities of illumination are required. In the operating room of a hospital the illumination on the "working plane" (the plane level with the table top) should be 12 or more foot candles; in a dining room 2 foot candles would be satisfactory. Following are the suggestions of various illuminating engineers for a few cases : Auditorium 1 to 3 Lavatory 2 to 6 Cigar Store 4 to 6 Library (tables) 3 to 4 Coil Winding 4 to 12 Office 4 to 10 Department Store 4 to 10 Outdoor Construction .5 to 2 Drafting Room 7 to 12 Proof Reading 4 to 12 Drug Store 3 to 8 Residence-Cellar 0.6 Elevator 1 to 3 Residence-Kitchen 2.0 Engine Room 3 to 9 Residence-Parlor 1.5 Garage 3 to 9 Shoe Store 3 to 5 Grocery 3 to 6 Stairs and Halls .5 to 2 Laundry 3 to 9 Telephone Exchange 3 to 9 Reflectors. — Reflectors or shades are used with nearly all incandescent lamps, though they absorb much of the light and therefore are far less than 90 APPLIED ELECTRICITY 100% efficient. A surface of porcelain over steel, which is much used in shop and factory reflectors, absorbs about 35% of the light that falls upon it. There are two good reasons for the use of bell- shaped reflectors for interior lighting: (1) they put Indirect lighting in the new and beautiful California Theater, San Fran- cisco. Note the individual reflector for each lamp. the greater part of the light where it is wanted and (2) they protect the eyes by making it impossible to see the glaring filament unless one looks in an unusual direction. An ordinary bare lamp throws LAMPS AND ILLUMINATION 91 very little light downward (past the tip), and so is very inefficient if hung vertically over the work to be lighted. Furthermore the intense light which enters the eye of a person who has a bare lamp within his angle of vision is not only annoying but also painful and injurious. Indirect Lighting. — In some cases the reflectors are turned upside down and arranged to throw all the light toward the ceiling. Then the useful light in the room is only that which is reflected downward from the ceiling or from special white surfaces placed above the lamps. This is known as "indirect" or "totally indirect" lighting. Note that the reflectors are completely opaque. The method is very considerably adopted be- cause it gives freedom from eye strain. It requires more wattage than any other system, and tends to decrease rapidly in efficiency on account of the col- lection of dust. Some objection is made to indirect lighting on the ground that shadows are largely elim- inated, which makes it difficult to see the details clearly. It has been claimed, however, that with the same eye fatigue from two to five times as much drafting and similar work can be done under indirect lighting as with any other artificial light. A modified method, known as "semi-indirect" lighting, is widely used. A translucent reflector is put under the lamp, permitting a portion of the light to come through as well as reflecting much .light to the ceiling. This is fairly efficient and has many advantages, but is open to some of the objections to both the ordinary and the indirect systems. If reflectors were perfectly efficient and walls and ceilings reflected all the light that reached them, absorbing none, the total light flux from the lamps would reach the working plane. In most installations it receives only from 20 to 60% of the light emitted by the lamps. By multiplying the required foot candle inten- sity in any room by the area of the working plane 92 APPLIED ELECTRICITY (which equals the floor area) we obtain a measure of the useful light necessary. This figure has to be multiplied by a factor of from 1.7 to 5 or more to find the total light the lamps must give. Below are Warehouse lighted by large lamps (300-watt gas filled) at a total expendi- ture of .15 watt per sq. ft. What is the size of the squares into which the ceiling is divided by the lighting fixtures? What part of the light is wasted if the illumination averages one foot candle at the working plane listed some approximate factors for small rooms with light ceilings: Reflector IJght Dark Walls Walls Prismatic glass bowl 2.7 3.0 steel bowl (deep) 2.6 3.0 Light opal glass 3.4 3.7 Totally indirect 5.0 6.2 Semi-indirect 4.3 5.3 A 25-watt Mazda lamp has a mean spherical candle power of 17.7. If it were surrounded by a spherical shell one foot in radius, the inner surface of the shell, being one foot from the lamp, would receive an average illumination of 17.7 foot candles. As there are 12.57 sq. ft. of surface, the total light Ordinary Tungsten Watts Spherical c.p. Total light 15 10.0 125 25 17.7 223 40 29.4 369 60 45.8 575 100 79.5 997 LAMPS AND ILLUMINATION 93 emitted by the lamp may be figured as 17.7 X 12.57 = 223 units. Similarly a 500-watt gas filled lamp (mean spherical c.p. = 694) produces a flux of 694 X 12.57 = 8720. Such numbers are found in the following table for the most common lamps: Gas Filled (Mazda C) Watts Spherical c.p. Total ligrht 75 69 865 100 100 1257 150 163 2050 200 232 2920 300 385 4830 What size lamp should be used in the six indirect lighting fixtures in a reading room 23 x 30 ft. with light ceiling and dark walls? Take foot candles =3.5 by the first list ; the area =: 690 sq. ft., hence the useful light = 3.5 X 690 = 2415 units. The total light =: 6.2 times this, or 15,000 units, which re- quires 2500 units of light from each of the six fix- tures. Hence, select 200-watt gas filled lamps. Similar calculations are made for many effective lighting installations, but the design is not generally as simple as this example might suggest. Consid- erations of art, utility, and the plans of the owners and architect complicate the situation, so that much study and experience are required to develop power to plan satisfactory lighting systems. XIV INDUCTION— TRANSFORMERS— INTERPOLES Induction Coils. — If a coil carrying current is thrust into another coil, an electromotive force will be induced in the latter, due to the cutting of the b 1 ) ■ V """* Fig. 23. — The Induction Coil consists of two independent coils with the same core. Varying current in the Primary (P) induces e.m.f. in the sec- ondary (S). wires of the second by the lines of force. If the "primary coir' (P, Fig. 23) has an iron core, it will, of course, have a greater flux than otherwise, and so produce more **interlinkages" of lines of force with the turns of wire of the secondary, S. The voltage set up is proportional to the number of inter- 94 INDUCTION— TRANSFORMERS— INTERPOLES 95 linkages (number of lines X number of secondary turns) and the quickness with which they are pro- duced — one volt if the rate is 100,000,000 per second. Leaving the primary standing within the secondary induces no voltage, and the needle of the voltmeter stays at zero. But breaking the primary circuit at K produces the same effect as withdrawing coil P, destroying the interlinkages and moving the voltmeter pointer in the negative direction. Closing K sets up the linkages and gives a positive indication on V. Thus we obtain an alternating current in S by starting and stopping the primary direct current, but we get no effect with a steady primary current when the coils are stationary. If we replace K by a telephone transmitter, any sound near it will cause motion of the diaphragm, with consequent variation in the resistance of the in- strument. When the primary current rises, it in- creases the flux and sends current in one direction through the secondary circuit; when it decreases it produces secondary current in the opposite direction. The apparatus (P and S) thus used constitutes the "induction coir' found in every telephone circuit. The ordinary induction coil, used to shock people for the betterment of their health or to produce sparks for ignition and wireless telegraphy, consists of the primary and secondary coils and some apparatus for suddenly opening and closing the circuit at K. Transformers. — When alternating current is supplied to the primary coil, the apparatus becomes a "transformer." The flux produced by the primary and linking with the secondary is directed first one way and then the other as the supply current flows forward and backward. Every time the flux comes to a maximum and commences to decrease, the sec- ondary voltage stops and reverses. Thus is obtained an alternating e.m.f . of the same "frequency" (num- ber of cycles per second) as the primary current. The ratio of the induced voltage to the pressure applied to the transformer is almost exactly the same as the ratio of secondary to primary turns. Under 96 APPLIED ELECTRICITY operating conditions the secondary voltage is a little lower than is indicated by this relation, on account of drop due to resistance and the "leakage" of part of the flux (some lines are produced by one coil and fail to link with the other). Iron cores are used in induction coils and trans- formers, the latter usually having a complete iron path for the flux, while the former have **open cores" which are merely straight bars of iron. Of course the laminated construction must be used for all cores Fig. 24. — At one instant the current and magnetic lines of the power circuit are as indicated. When they reverse, the lines which reach the telephone wires induce a voltage there. carrying an alternating flux, to prevent undue losses by eddy currents. (See illustration of transformer construction, p. 52.) Whether or not iron cores are used, the chang- ing flux due to varying current in one circuit will set up an alternating e.m.f. in any other circuit with which the lines become linked. Thus the apparatus of Fig. 23 will give evidence of a small effect on V, even if the coils are separated as shown and contain only an air core. This "mutual induction" is often troublesome. Coils near together on a telephone switchboard used to affect one another and produce "cross talk" until each coil was surrounded by an iron case which kept the flux from straying. In a telephone line near an INDUCTION— TRANSFORMERS— INTERPOLES 97 a.c. power circuit (Fig. 24) alternating currents are induced by the lines of force which link with the tele- phone wires. It is to overcome mutual induction that the conductors of power lines and telephone systems are crossed over each other or "transposed" at inter- vals. Self Induction. — Flux set up by a coil links first of all with the wires of that coil, and this interlink- ing produces inductive effects similar in principle to In this induction motor the alternating current in the primary winding is choked down to a safe value by self-inductance. Short circuited currents are induced in the rotor by what resembles transformer action. those of mutual induction. When K is opened (Fig. 23) a spark appears there, more evident if there is an iron core in the coil. A voltage is induced by the change of linkages, and this may be far higher than the battery voltage. Indeed, one may obtain a very perceptible shock with a small electromagnet (such as that in an electric door bell) and a single dry cell. The voltage induced by the cutting down of bat- tery current and consequent reduction of linkages is, naturally, so directed as to oppose this diminution of current. Thus the current is kept flowing through the increasing resistance of the opening key, crossing the air gap in a spark or arc. The faster the gap is opened the greater the voltage induced. Low speed gas engines sometimes have the ''make and break" spark for ignition. A pair of con- tacts inside the cylinder are caused to touch, and INDUCTION— TRANSFORMERS— INTERPOLES 99 current flows from a battery through a coil of high "self inductance" (having an iron core and many turns of wire) . When the circuit is suddenly broken, a spark jumps across the break and ignites the ex- plosive charge. A similar device is used for lighting gas lamps and stoves. When an electromotive force is applied to a cir- cuit containing self induction, the current grows but slowly, for the increasing interlinkages induce a counter voltage. An alternating e.m.f . sends through an inductive coil a current which is small compared with what it could send through an equal non-induc- tive resistance, because the voltage begins to de- crease before the current has time to rise much. Furthermore, the voltage falls to zero and reverses some time before the current does. Such a current is said to be "lagging,'' and in these cases the power factor is less than 100%. Small induction motors often take current lagging so much that the power factor is 80% or less. Commutation. — Fig. 25 represents a four pole d.c. generator at the instant when each of the brushes touches two commutator bars. The coil including inductors numbered 1 and 6 is short circuited by brush A at this time. Just before the brush touched the left hand bar, current was flowing in inductor No. 1 the same way as in Nos. 2 and 3; an instant later, when brush A no longer touches the right hand bar, current must flow the opposite way in No. 1, for it will then be under the south pole. The current in the coil must stop and reverse in the time it takes a commutator segment to pass across the face of one brush — possibly 1/500 sec. in an ordinary machine. Self induction keeps the current flowing in the coil after it is short circuited, thus producing heat and making trouble at the face of the brush. To remedy this an "interpole'' (IP, Fig. 25) may be placed between the main poles. The flux it produces must be enough to overcome the m^gjietizing effect of armature reaction and in additiaij induce* iii^ the 100 APPLIED ELECTRICITY short circuited coil a voltage opposing the e.m.f. of self induction and assisting the starting of current in the new direction. The interpole winding is con- nected in series with the armature and hence its strength is proportional to the armature current. Fig. 25. — Four pole d.c. generator armature. The heavy radial lines num- bered 1, 2, 3, etc., represent the inductors. To avoid confusion the brushes are drawn inside the commutator. The interpole shown should have south polarity, to prepare the inductors for the south pole they are about to reach. Three more interpoles would be used, one in each gap between main poles, and each of the same polarity as the main pole which fol- lows it. On motors interpoles are much used also. Here each one has the same polarity as the main pole which an inductor passes before it reaches the inter- pole. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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