UC-NRLF IV150N BLAKEMAN XEWYORKAKoCHlCA . .r, SWINTON'S WORD-BOOK SERIES. LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. 2$J/fl/^ > 189 Accession No. 'KS1~ - Claxs No. me artemion 01 tjuucatura is caneu tu me JLUIIUWIU^ UJ.D- tinctive points : 1. Exceedingly short lessons. 2. The grouping of words according to leading ideas. 3. The selection of common words that can be understood by young children. 4. The division of the book into specific Monthly and Yearly sections. 5. Review Lessons. W. S. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, by WILLIAM SWLNTON, In th Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. FIRST YEAR'S WORK. FIRST MONTH. NOTE TO TEACHERS. This book is intended for the use of children who have learned to read from charts, or from some reading primer. 1. NAMES OP PLAYTHINGS. tops dolls mar'bies balls hoops wag ons kites carts pic tures 2. THINGS WE EAT. bread fish but'ter beef cake pud ding cheese pies pas try 4 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 3. THINGS IN THE KITCHEN. pan sink ta'ble tub disli ket tic stove broom boil er 4. THINGS ON THE TABLE. cups knives ^ tum'blers, plates x- forks sau cers mugs spoons nap kins 5. THINGS WORN. hat boots bon'net cap shoes jack et coat dress a pron 6. THINGS AT HOME. chair clothes car'pet bed trunk cup board lamp clock clos et FIRST MONTH'S WORK. 5 7. NAMES OF ANIMALS. horse colt kit'ten cow calf pup py sheep lamb chick en 8. NAMES OF ANIMALS. dogs pigs gos' lings cats hogs rab bits goats hens tur keys 9. THINGS IN THE SCHOOL-ROOM. desks bell rub'bers books ink blackboard pens slates ink-stands 10. NAMES OF BOYS AND GIRLS. Copy this Lesson on your Slate. / 6 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 11. KINDS OF FRUIT. peach -quince ap'ple pear fig or ange plum grape cur rant 12. PARTS OF THE BODY. hands feet toes red blue green legs arms thumbs fin'gers knuck les el bows 13. KINDS OF COLORS. white or'ange black pur pie brown yel low 14. GIVEN NAMES, COMMONLY CALLED "CHRISTIAN NAMES." ( @ t / / ' / ^M W44Z C/^-^W: FIRST MONTH'S WORK. 7 15. PARTS OP THE HEAD. eyes hairy cheeks ears lips teeth chin mouth tongue A 16. PARTS OF THE BODY. joints ribs an'kle knees soles in step heels wrists eye brows 17. MONTHLY REVIEW. bread wagon melon pies pudding raisin cheese bonnet daisy plates saucers knuckles cloths apron orange tongue chicken ankles shoes turkey eyebrows slates blackboard apples SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. SECOND MONTH'S WORK. 1. SOUND OF A IN FATE. Exercise in Pronunciation and Oral Spelling. age blade bathe aid aim pail raise praise maize bake shake snake 2. SOUND OP A. a"'corn a ere cham ber 3. SOUND OP A. paid braid staid an'gel dan ger stran ger ma'ple sta Me fable dai'sy rai ment rai sin 4. CHRISTIAN NAMES. SECOND MONTH'S WORK. 9 5. SOUND OP A. break skein sleigh steak vein weigh great rein neigh 6. SOUND OF A. chase lace chain vase race main case place brain 7. SIMPLE SENTENCES. -./ 7 / 7- / 10 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 8. SOUND OF A. hay o bey' ex plain' day de lay re main play con vey de tain 9. PARTS OP THE BODY. neck nos'trils back'bone nails eye lids shoul der throat fore head stom ach 10. MEASURES. pint inch gallon quart foot bush el peck yard bar rel 11. TIME. Mon'day Thuvs'day Sun'day Tues day Fri day week ly Wednes day Sat'ur day year ly SECOND MONTH'S WORK. 11 12. SOUND OF A IN PAR. card are gar'ment harm aunt har vest yarn art tar dy 13. SOUND OF A. balm daunt gape calm haunt laugh palm gaunt jaunt 14. SOUND OF A IN FALL. hall halt gauze call malt squall wall fault waltz 15. SOUND OF A. au'tumn hal'ter gau'dy sau sage al ter law suit naugh ty au thor wa ter SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. THIRD MONTH'S WORK. 1. SOUND OF A IN FAT. gas flax an'vil attic hab'it ham mer plant at las hatch et 2. SOUND OF B IN ME. street sweet cheese ea'gle rea der rea son wea'ry weak er wea sel 3. dlOME WORDa fa'ther sis'ter moth er daugh ter broth er un cle aunt son cous in 4. FARM-WORK. plowing hoe'ing dig'ging sow ing mow ing hay ing reaping threshing chopping THIRD MONTH'S WORK. 13 5. SOUND OF E. grief niece meal mean cheap heat piece lean reap 6. SOUND OP E. dea'con mea'sles sea'man bea con teach er sea son grea sy preach, er rea son 7. KINDS OF TREES. oak pine spruce elm beech birch ma'ple pop lar hem lock 8. BIRDS. duck wren rob'in quail hawk lark thrush eagle spar row 14 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 9. SOUND OP E IN MET. egg peg edge cellar jel ly let ter pep'per peb ble ren net 10. SOUND OF E. breath deaf spread dread thread bread death sweat tread 11. SENTENCES. WRITTEN LESSON. / / / ^^^ c^ / / 7 . &'&> fa^-e^i/M fotl44<& 'faz^fZd'. y l THIRD MONTH'S WORK. 12. SOUND OF E. 15 tell neck ev'er well bell peck speck never sev er 13. SHORT E. sense pence read'y dense hence stead y fence thence bed ding 14. SOUND OF B. ledge sledge guess edge wedge bless hedge pledge mess 15. NUMBER. thir'teen six'teen nineteen four teen seven teen twenty fifteen eighteen twenty-one 16 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER 16. QUARTERLY REVIEW FOR A SPELLING-MATCH. sweet attic hoeing cheat hatchet running chief eagle uncle field weary cousin niece measles wagon cheap teacher ankles piece season raisin edge cellar shoulder health melon father deaf pebble sausage thread never water tongue steady bushel guess ready saucer friend J ell J knuckles hedge pudding eye brows FOURTH MONTH'S WORK. 17 FOURTH MONTH'S WORK. 1. SOUND OF I, AS IN PINE. light night tight order ci pher ri der i'ron vital si lent 2. SOUND OP L guide quite quire shy why tie lied dried tried 3. SOUND OP I. hire squire mire dye type lye li'ar nigh er sly er 4. ORDER. fourth seventh tenth fifth sixth eighth ninth eleventh twelfth 18 * SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 5 ; SOUND OP I IN PIN. ill quill rich'es mill quick ditch es pill quit switch es 6. SOUND OP I. squint stitch din'ner quilt hitch slip per built pitch dip per 7. WRITTEN SPELLING-. Put a Period at the end of each Sentence. / Z iz^-ti ^6 p /7J/^ft rf /9 * / FOURTH MONTH'S WORK. 19 8, SHORT SOUND OP I. rich big thick rich'er big'ger thicker rich est big gest thick est 9. KINDS OP COLORS. (Browns,) (Browns.) (Grays.) russet ha'zel slate au burn clar et pearl-gray chest nut snuff steel-gray 10, WRITTEN SPELLING. Copy on your Slate, and put a Period at the end of each Sen- tence. r , 20 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 11. SOUND OP I. knit knit'ting win'ning hit hit ting trim ming spit spit ting whip ping 12. ACTIONS. eat'ing laugh'ing play'ing drink ing cry ing read ing sleep ing work ing spell ing 13. WRITTEN SPELLING. Put a Period at the end of each Sentence. 0.&ez, / / FOURTH MONTH'S WORK. 21 14. ACTIONS. seeing touching hearing look ing tast ing talk ing feel ing smell ing walk ing 15. PARTS OF A HOUSE. roof win'dows cham'ber eaves par lor gar ret doors kitch en eel lar 16. MONTHLY REVIEW. light cipher biggest quite iron kitchen tie liar garret type hazel whipping tenth ditches printer fifth stitches windows eighth city slipper eaves pretty cider 22 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. FIFTH MONTH'S WORK. I. SOUND OP LONG 6 IN NO. globe bone toast boast mo'tion no tice choke coast no tion 2. SOUND OP 6. load goad toad roast boast coast pork porch sport 3. BR AND EST. low low'er low'est slow slow er slow est old old er old est cold cold er cold est bold bold er bold est droll droll er droll est coarse coars er coars est hoarse hoars er hoars est FIFTH MONTH'S WORK. 33 4. SOUND OP LONG 6. floor droll stone store knoll bone shore stroll vote 5. SOUND OF 6. groan hoax froze moan coax nose loan oaks goes 6. WRITTEN SPELLING. Copy from the open book. sr7C /. e v< wenaww d $$ / f ^ / / / / 24 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 7. ARTICLES OP FOOD. pork veal ham mut'ton chick'en beef steak tur key ba con sau sage 8. ARTICLES OP POOD. butter onions turnips biscuit celery radishes pickles oysters cauliflower perch pout trout 9. INSECTS. bee flea bee'tle hor net spi der moth ant gnat 10. FISH. cod roach eel mack'er el pick er el floun der FIFTH MONTH'S WORK. 25 11. ER AND EST. sad sad'der sad'dest glad mad glad der mad der glad dest mad dest red red der red dest hot hot ter hot test wet wet ter wet test big dim big ger dim mer big gest dim mest 12. Study this Lesson by Copying it on your Slates. kick- -The horse kicked the dog. pick- -We picked the apples, lock Mother locked the door, rock Maria rocked the cradle, stop Father stopped the wagon, pop Grandma popped the corn, pin Maud pinned my shawl, skip The girls skipped rope. SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 13. WRITTEN SPELLING. One, and more than One. box box'es hors'es fox foxes church es dress dress es chees es mess kiss fish mess es kiss es fish es peach es glass es nos es dish dish es faces brush brush es plac es 14. MONTHLY REVIEW. choke o ral beef steak coast o dor on ions broke no tice floun der though coars est sir loin hoarse bolt ed oys ters sword vo ted mut ton board load ed droll est droll big gest glad dest SIXTH MONTH'S WORK. 27 SIXTH MONTH'S WORK. 1. SOUND OP SHORT 6 IN NOT. block flock knock stock clock lost knob mock frock frost knot frog 2. SOUND OP 6. college hon'or squash es knowl edge frol ic squab ble lion est os trich squal id 3. A GRAMMAR LESSON. Changing y into i, and adding es. ^/ . fan 46 6 SIXTH MONTH'S WORK. 31 13. WORDS ENDING IN LB. kef tie ap'ple dim'ple net tie dap pie pim pie cat tie crip pie rum pie rat tie am pie crum pie prat tie tram pie pur pie lit tie sam pie peo pie whit tie tern pie stee pie bot tie sim pie grap pie 14. WRITTEN SPELLING. Study this Lesson by Copying it on your Slate. grate I saw my mother grate a nutmeg. gre3.t The great apple tree is in bloom. here Maggie, come lure to me. hear William, do you hear what I say ? HO Olive, did you say, no ? IniOW Walter, do you know your lesson ? hare A hare can run swiftly. hair Frank's hair is dark brown. 32 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. SEVENTH MONTH'S WORK. 1. SOUND OF LONG- U, AS IN TUBE. cube tube tune bu'gle mu sic duty cubic tun ing beau ty 2. SOUND OP U. cue due news muse during use ful ewe fuse iuiey 3. LAND AND WATER. WRITTEN. sea o'cean island gulf riv er val ley bay moun tain des ert 4. KINDS OF COLORS. WRITTEN. (Orange.) (Green.) (Purple.) cream olive violet buff emerald lilac amber pea-green lavender SEVENTH MONTH'S WORK. 33 5. SOUND OP SHORT U IN TUB. buzz numb love cuff crumb glove snuff dumb . sponge 6. SOUND OP U. such bud'get puz'zle much cud gel rus set touch drug gist sud den 7. NAMES OF MONTHS. "WRITTEN. 1. Jan'uary is the first month. 2. Feb'ru a ry is the second month. 3. A'pril is the fourth month. 4. Au'gust is the eighth month. 5. Sep temper is the ninth month. 6. Oc to'ber is the tenth month. 7. No vem'ber is the eleventh month. 8. De cem x ber is the twefth month. 34 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 8. SHORT SOUND OP U. judge come couple trudge some doub le drudge done troub le 9. SOUND OF U. bung inon'key moth'er sung on ion mon ey tongue oth er Mon clay 10. WORDS RELATING TO SEWING. seam bind sew stitch baste mend hem patch fell 11. THINGS USED IN SEWING. spool cord thimble thread twist needle wax shears scissors SIXTH MONTH'S WORK. 35 12. SOUND OF U IN FULL. pull could book full should foot put would crook 13. SOUND OF U. bullet butch'er cuck'oo pul let wo man cush ion bill rush pud ding put ting 14. WRITTEN SPELLING. Stairs The cellar stairs are steep. gtareS The polite boy never stares. rOW@d Reuben rowed his own boat. rode Richard rode a black horse. Steal Thou shalt not steal. Steel A razor. is made of steel See What did you go to see? Sea The ship was lost at sea. 36 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 15. HOUSEWORK. frying kneading broiling stewing rolling spicing baking paring salting 16. HOUSEWORK. sweeping washing scrubbing dusting ironing scouring cleaning starching scraping 17. MONTHLY REVIEW. blue niu sic pul let ewe wo man butch er dumb jui cy wo man sponge beau ty cush ion tongue pu pil spi cing pull drug gist mon ey could coup le scis sors foot doub le moun tain EIGHTH MONTH'S WORK. 37 EIGHTH MONTH'S WORK. 1. SOUND OF OU IN OUT. bounce noun pound doubt mouth round count mouse south 2. SOUND OP OU. ounce foun'dry tow el shout trou sers tow er stout bound ed vow el 3. THINGS IN A GROCERY STORE. flour nut'megs crack ers lard cof fee ol ives meal mus tard sug ar 4. FARMING TOOLS. plow reap'er har'row rake thresh er pitch fork hoe mow er shov el 38 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 5. SOUND OF OU. owl pow'er trow'el scowl bow er show er fowl pow der growl er 6. SOUND OP OI IN BOIL. oil point noi'sy soil joint coin age toil choice moist ure 7. WORDS RELATING TO "WEATHER. raining storming sultry snowing blowing sunny hailing freezing cloudy 8. WORDS RELATING TO TIME. to-day yesterday midnight to-night afternoon midday to-morrow forenoon morning EIGHTH MONTH'S WORK. 39 9. SOUND OP A IN ASK. grass lass task gasp class mass flask clasp brass bask grasp hasp 10. SOUND OP A. last fast chaff draft mast past cast blast raft craft graft shaft 11. SENTENCES. There is no place like home. their Their books are in my desk. threw He threw stones through the window. WOH He won one marble. Weals The sick man is very weak. Week Seven days make a week. The peacock is a vain bird. The vane turns with the wind. 40 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 12. PRONUNCIATION. SOUND OP A BEFORE R, AS IN CARE. bare scarce air tear dare snare chair wear scare rare stair swear 13. PRONUNCIATION. SOUND OF E BEFORE R, AS IN VERGE. verse bird earth were herd girl heard serve fern first search pert 14. SENTENCES. SU1H He paid him a small sum. SOIXie Some boys and girls are idle. time Time is passing rapidly. thyme Thyme grows in the garden. reins Hold the reins with both hands. rains It rains very hard to-day. Cruel The Indians w^ere cruel savages. Crewel I bought some crewel for my wors- ted work. EIGHTH MONTH'S WORK. 41 15. PRONUNCIATION. SOUND OF I BEFORE R = E IN VERGE. birch third fir whirl shirt mirth cir'cle sir loin thirs tj 16. PRONUNCIATION. SOUND OP O BEFORE R = E ! IN VERGE. work worm worth nour'ish flour ish cour age wor'ry wor ship word-book 17. MONTHLY REVIEW. doubt vow el coffee shout sug ar nut megs brass pitch fork shov el chaif noi sy freez ing craft mid day nour ish scare trou sers wors ted chair moist ure to-day swear pray er to-night 42 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. NINTH MONTH'S WORK. 1. ORAL SPELLING. SOUND OP O BEFORE R, AS IN LORD. horse cor'ner or'der storm or chard bor der corn hor net morn ing 2. PARTS OP A SHIP. hull keel sails cab'in deck stem spars cable masts stern helm rud der 3. WRITTEN SENTENCES. PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE TIME. 1. William walks fast to-day. 2. Daniel walked faster yesterday. 3. I learn my lesson to-day. 4. I learned my spelling yesterday. 5. I shall learn my lesson to-morrow. 6. You will learn your Geography easily. 7. I try to learn Arithmetic this term. 8. Edwin tried to learn Grammar last year. NINTH MONTH'S WORK. 43 SOUND OP U BEFORE R = E IN VERGE. turn bur * nurses churn pur purses hurl spur curses 6. SHORT SOUND OP OO IN BOOK. cook shook wool look brook soot took foot hood 6. WRITTEN SPELLING. OCCUPATIONS. ba'ker farm'er print'er mi ner coop er doc tor mil ler teach er butch er 7. TRADES. shoemaker tailor tanner carpenter saddler sailor milliner painter blacksmith 44 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 8. ORAL SPELLING. wrap wreath wren write wreck wrong wring wrought wrench 9. ORAL SPELLING. knoll snow off knob knot though dough cough trough 10. ORAL SPELLING. ought sought bought snuff rough tough eight weight freight 11. ORAL SPELLING. SOUND OF IE = TO E. thief chief brief grief lief piece field shield wield NINTH MONTH'S WORK. 45 12. ARTICLES IN A DRY GOODS STORE. sheeting flannel drilling damask velvet gingham poplin satin worsted 13. ARTICLES IN A SHOEMAKER'S SHOP. wax pegs lap'stone thread awls whet stone brads last leath er 14. MONTHLY REVIEW. thief breadth knoll earth , grief thread dough birth where wrought trough guide pair wrong cough slide piece knob snuff tried there gnaw rough satin one weight sought velvet none freight ought leather 46 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. TENTH MONTH'S WORK. 1. ONE, AND MORE THAN ONE. watch watch'es wives match match es loaves face fac es leaves 2. HUMBEB, ditch ditch'es vers'es nurse nurs es squash es purse purs es fish es 3. NUMBER. Change y into I, and add es. sky skies lil'ies fly flies jel lies city cit'ies can dies glory glo ries la dies pony po nies dai ries baby ba bies cher ries pan try pan tries ber ries TENTH MONTH'S WORK. 47 4. SOUND OF O IN MOVE. tomb fruit noon lose prove grew hoof rule school 5. SOUND OP O. cool pool spool prune soup droop spruce wound crew 3. GARDEN VEGETABLES. WRITTEN. peas lettuce parsnips beans salad carrots beets rhubarb parsley 7. WRITTEN SPELLING. thirteenth seventeenth four teenth eight eenth fif teenth nine teenth six teenth twen ti eth 48 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 8. SOUND OF O IN MOVE. two you drew hoof wool proof true grew chew 9. SOUND OF O. boom whom whose food rude shrewd prune swoon bruise 10. THINGS IN A DRY GOODS STORE. hose shawls gauze scarfs plaids silks lin'en mus lin tow els 11. THINGS IN A BLACKSMITH'S SHOP. an'vil ham mer sledge bel lows horse shoes nails i ron bo rax steel TENTH MONTH'S WORK. 49 YEARLY REVIEW. Lesson I. tongue notice cities knees college ladies wrists knowledge lettuce braid honest cupboard quail squabble rabbits piece knotted houses mean echoes knuckles spruce turkeys ankles dense whistle saucers thence juicy raisins Lesson II. guess cushion stomach w r edge sugar lawsuit fifth sirloin water eighth gingham carriage dough coffee weasel toe vowel cousin droll orchard homestead folks saddler ready eel leather cipher perch many kitchen 50 SWINTON'S WQ&D PRIMER. SECOND YEAR'S WORK. FIRST MONTH. 1. WORDS RELATING TO BOOKS. leaves mar'gin \ words pages covers paper pre face -\ chapters y / ti tie sec tions let ters par a graphs 2. METALS AND MINERALS. (Metals.) (Minerals.) gold lead tin zinc iron * coal silver slate copper^ quartz . mercury mica ~/ mar'ble granite Band stone la va / 3. QUALITIES OF IRON. hard tough rough heavy solid A due tile / fus i ble opaque 7 malle a ble tenacious e las tic in sol ; u ble FIRST MONTH'S WORK. 51 4. THINGS MADE OP IRON. stoves knives ax'es ham rners , scissors/ horseshoes spikes ; nails f en gines ket ties / an chors .. hatch ets 5. THINGS MADE OF GOLD. watch'es earrings chains medals lockets studs but tons buck les rings bracelets brooches pins 6. WRITTEN SPELLING. 1. Iron can be melted by fire. 2. Therefore, iron is fusible. 3. Iron can be drawn into wire. 4. Therefore, iron is ductile. 5. Gold can be hammered into thin leaves. 6. Therefore, gold is a malleable metal. 7. Gold is the most precious of metals. 8. Iron is the most useful of metals. 52 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 7. SHAPES OP SOLIDS. globe glob'ular ball sphere spher i cal prism cube cubical cyl'in der cone con i cal pyr a mid 8. SURFACES AND LINES. cir'cle straight ob lique' ' square curved hor i zon'tal tri'an gle crook'ed par'al lei rect an gle vert i cal perpen dic' 9. QUALITIES AND SUBSTANCES. WRITTEN. 1. Iron and oak are tough. 2. Lead and gold are dense. 3. Glue and paste are stick'y. 4. Glass and chalk are brittle. 5. Sponge and cor r al are par ous. 6. Slate and wood are opaque'. 7. India rubber and ivory are e las' tic. 8. Iron and lead are fus'i Ue. 9: Sugar and salt are sol!u Ue. 10, Air and wa x ter are transparent. FIRST MONTH'S WORK. 53 10. ORAL SPELLING-. SOUND OF G HARD, AS IN GIVE. ea'ger bug'gy gid'dyj gew gaw dig ger gild in dag ger rig ger gig gle big ger get ting gim let-+ 11. DOUBLE CONSONANTS. lad'der fod der 4. rad der rud'dy glim mer skim mer slip'per dip per chat ter shud der sum mer pat ter 12. DOUBLE CONSONANTS. er'ror4~ gallon , coffee i ter ror mam mon ~f"" of fer mirror r cannon^ letter hor ror com mon bet ter 13. NAMES OF GIRLS. Caroline, or Carrie. Susan, or Susie. Eveline, or Eva. Mary, or Mollie. Abigail, or Abbie. Martha, or Mattie. Josephine, or Josie. Gertrude, or Gertie. 54 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 14. ORAL SPELLING-. WORDS HAVING G HARD, AND N SOUNDED LIKE NG. an'ger bundle him giy angry dan gle jin gle angle fin ger Ion ger an gler hun ger Ion gest 15. WRITTEN SPELLING. spin spinning spinier rob rob bing rob ber tan tan ning tan ner dig digging digger 16. WRITTEN SPELLING. plan drum bid planning drum ming bid ding plan'ner drum mer bid der run run ning run ner 17. ABBREVIATIONS. A. M. forenoon. Ans. answer. P. M. afternoon. Ibs. pounds. M. noon. oz. ounces. E. K. railroad. viz. namely. SECOND MONTH'S WORK. 55 SECOND MONTH'S WORK. Words that sub mit' admit per mit omit , com mit out wit refit 1. WRITTEN SPELLING. double the last letter when injg or ed is added. sub mil/ting sub minted ad mit ting permitting o mit ting com mit ting out wit ting re fit ting ad mit ted per mit ted o mit ted coin mit ted out wit ted re fit ted 2. WRITTEN SPELLING. pre fer 7 pre fer'ring-f- pre fer'red de fer de fer ring de fer red con fer conferring con fer red re fer re fer ring re fer red de ter de ter ring de ter red de mur de mur ring de mur red 3. THINGS AT HOME. bed'stead nap'kin can'dle-stick bol ster dust pan coun ter pane- pil lows fruit dish cov er let mat tress knife -tray grid i ron4 56 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 4. WRITTEN SPELLING. Words that do not double the last letter. Study this Lesson by Writing it on your Slate. differ differ ing differed offer of fer ing of fered suf fer suf fer ing suf fered car pet car pet ing car pet ed 5. WRITTEN SPELLING. market mar'ket ing mar'ket ed cred it -f- cred it ing cred it ed cov et cov et ing cov et ed whis per^L whis per ing whis pered 14. SENTENCES TO BE WRITTEN. CHANGING THE AC 'CENT OF WORDS. 1 . A min'ute is the sixtieth part of an hour. 2. An atom is a minute 7 particle of matter. 3. Why do you object 7 to my project? 4. What object do you have in view ? 5. Our teacher re cords 7 our monthly rec 7 - 6. Pre fix 7 the pre 7 fix fore to tell. 7. You were ab 7 sent from school yesterday. 8. Why did you ab sent 7 yourself ? SECOND MONTH'S WORK. 57 7. ORAL SPELLING. Words in which ed does not make a separate syllable. stain stained > fished clean cleaned missed groan groanedx stamped nail ^ whirl earn learn gnaw +- nailed 8. ORAL SPELLING. whirled^ earned j^ learned gnawed -f~ jumped fetched snatched pinched j peeped 9. MAXIMS TO BE WRITTEN. 1. Practice makes perfect. 2. Honesty is the best policy. 3. Have a place for everything. 4. Put everything in its place. 5. Lazy folks take the most pains. 6. Make the best of a bad bargain. 7. A penny saved is a penny earned. 8. A stitch in time saves nine. 9. Birds of a feather flock together. 10. Everybody's business is nobody's business. 58 SVVINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 10. WORDS ENDING IN LB. freckle x muz'zle ruffle sick le fickle r puzzle dazzle muffle shuffle cack le-f tack le strag gle gargle baffle raffle 11. "WORDS RELATING TO PLACE. here there upon afar be low' beneath where whence~f farther f~ near er be yond above 6. AN EASY GRAMMAR LESSON. Study tliis Lesson by Copying it on your Slates. 1. Nouns name things. 2. Pronouns stand for nouns. 3. Yerbs make statements. 4. Adverbs limit verbs. 5. Adjectives limit things. 6. Prepositions link words. 7. Conjunctions connect statements. 8. Interjections express emotion. THIRD MONTH'S WORK. 59 THIRD MONTH'S WORK. 1. SOUND OF A. Drop e before ing or eel. change changing changed waste wasting wast'ed paste past ing past ed taste tasting tasted graze graz ing grazed glaze glazing glazed 2. PRONUNCIATION. Be careful to sound the e as part of a distinct syllable. rev'el hov'el sor'rel lev el nov el sud den reb el vow el sul len grav el trow el mit ten travel funnel linen model tunnel mullen 3. PRONUNCIATION. Words in which ed does not make a distinct syllable. w r his per whiskered retired 7 thun der thun dered desired fol low fol lowed displeased scat ter scat tered amused 60 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. sleeve sneak seize leaf 4. SOUND OF B. de ceive' con ceive eon ceal complete 5. SOUND OF E. sphere de ceit'4 queer de feat sere en treat pier re peat re'cent de cent fe ver drea ry wea ry sea weed dea con neat ness 6. WRITTEN SENTENCES. 1. add Maria added her figures. 2. mend Louisa mended my jacket. 3. braid Malvina braided a carpet. 4. grate Matilda grated a nutmeg. 5. heat Rebecca heated the water. 6. fit Lucinda fitted the dress. 7. chat Lucre tia chatted with Lottie. 8. roast Lucy roasted the chestnuts. 9. tend Delia tended little Tot. 10. feast Julia feasted on peaches. THIRD MONTH'S WORK. 61 7. ORAL SPELLING. WORDS HAVING THE SOUND OP A. spacious a'cre / rail road gra cious an cient f rai ment - pa tient f- na tion prai rie -/- dain ty pay ment pa tri ot a wake' for sake be have ar range 8. ORAL SPELLING-. de range 7 re tain / de tain ex plain com plain f- ac quaint ob tain de claim 9. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. fore tell 7 to tell beforehand, fore warn to warn beforehand, fore shad'ow to shadow beforehand, fore see to see beforehand, foreground ground in front, fore'sail the sail in front, forethought thought beforehand, forelock lock in front, fore'deck forward part of the deck, fore'head front part of the head. 62 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 10. ORAL SPELLING-. WORDS HAVING THE SOUND OP I. tried trifle widest eyed rifle miser fried sti fle mi ner bride rider finer spied spi der fi nest dried wi der pri zes H 11. PRONUNCIATION. NOTE. The teacher will train pupils to pronounce these words correctly. creat'ure lect'ure posture nature culture Scripture feat ure capt ure vent ure fut ure moist ure / pict ure 12. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. en a'ble to make able, en fee ble to make feeble, en liv en to make lively, en no ble to make noble, en fran cliise to make free, en rich to make rich. THIRD MONTH'S WORK. 63 13. ORAL SPELLING-. WORDS HAVING THE SOUND OP 6. own thrown known yokes spokes . coats both loaf soul pole pour try shoulder y soldier , oak en bow sprit 14. ORAL SPELLING. co'coa -f- cean 01 der quotient quoted ar row mar row har row shad ow mead ow yellow pil low wil low wid ow shal low 15. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. over do 7 to do too much, over work to work too much, overrun to run over, over task to task too much, over act to act too much, overrule to rule above, over eat to eat too much, over sleep to sleep too much. 64 SWINTON'S WORD PEIMER. FOURTH MO NTH* & WORK. 1. ORAL SPELLING. "WORDS HAVING- THE SOUND OP A IN FAR. farthest hard est larg est part ner laughter laundry^- jaundice- daunt less -*- 2. ORAL SPELLING. heart'y heartless heart felt heartsick sharpen parties ci gar'-H var nish part ridge-f afar harness > gar den mam ma f- ar mies gar ment papa 3. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. ^ ASV\J& bright en to make bright, sharp en to make sharp, cheapen to make cheap, deep en to make deep, deaf en to make deaf, glad den to make glad, length en to make long, f- moist en to make moist, soft en to make soft. FOURTH MONTH'S WORK. 65 4. ORAL SPELLING. WORDS HAVING THE SOUND OF . IN FALL. al'most al'tar /- falsehood - i al so lial ter talk ing al ways fal ter walk ing alder water awkward ) ^T 5. SOUND OF A. caucus auction sau'cy^ fau cet f~ au burn f- sau cer haugli ty Au tumn au thor p daugh ter Au gust pau per 6. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. braz'en made of brass, earth en : made of earth, gold en made of gold, wool en made of wool, wooden made of wood. 7. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. ^ lifeless without life, blood less without blood, doubt less without doubt, friend less without friends. 66 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 8. ORAL SPELLING-. WORDS HAVING THE SOUND OP A IN CARS, careful shar ing bare ly dar ing par ent rare ly par ing stair way square ly-f star ing f fair est f air ly 9. PRONUNCIATION. WORDS HAVING- THE SOUND OF A IN FAST. lastly vast'ness passive 4 plas ter ask ing mas sive mas ter pass ing pas ture mas tiff -f pastor rafter \ 10. SENTENCES TO BE WRITTEN. base He did a base act. bass Did you hear the bass viol ? beat We beat them in the game. beet The beet weighed ten pounds. bow Can you make a graceful bow ? bough The bough is full of fruit. course Of course you thanked him. coarse His manners were coarse. FOURTH MONTH'S WORK. 11. PRONUNCIATION. SOUND OF O BEFORE R, AS IN FOR. 67 mortar hor'net horseback short er hor ses for tune form er mor sel J^ fort night *f warm er orb it -/- storm y 12. ORAL SPELLING. speak spoken bitten break brok en driv en choose chos en striv en freeze froz en eat en weave wov en fal len steal stolen given tear torn riv en'V wear worn swol len 13. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. stu'pe fy to make stupid, rec ti fy to make right, sane ti fy to make holy, fertilize to make fertile, e qual ize to make equal. 68 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 14. ORAL SPELLING-. WORDS HAVING THE SOUND OF I. ad vise' de sign 7 re quire' re vise re sign ,; in quire de spise re side a right sur prise re cite in vite 15. SOUND OP I. skill'Mf- frigid - ginger will ful live long pitch er stin gy vine yard pig eon skit tish f pret ty pip pin 16. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. ce les'tial pertaining to the heavens, denial pertaining to the teeth, fin al pertaining to the end. nav al pertaining to ships, ver nal pertaining to spring, roy al pertaining to the king, med i cal pertaining to medicine, bib li cal pertaining to the bible. FIFTH MONTH'S WORK. G9 good bad FIFTH MONTH'S WORK. 1. QUALITY-WORDS. better best worse worst little less least much more most old older oldest late later latest nigh nigher nighest near nearer nearest high higher highest tall taller tallest less more older 2. ADJECTIVES. later nigher nearer higher taller 3. WRITTEN EXERCISE. CHANGING THE AC'CENT OF WORDS. I 1. His con'duct w T as very polite. 2. Con duct' yourself properly. 3. He lost his way in the des'ert. 4. Do not de serif a friend. 5. Tea and coffee are im'ports. 6. The United States imports' silk and wine. 70 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 4. PRONUNCIATION. SOUND OP E BEFORE R, AS IN VERGE. certain nerv'ousic searching ser vice herb age^ earn est per feet earn ing earth en per son learn ing earth quake-f 5. PRONUNCIATION. SOUND OF U AFTER R = OO. brumal ra'ral tru'ant fru gal plu ral ru mor ru in tru ly ru ler pru dent truth ful ru by 6. ADJECTIVES FROM NAMES. pertaining to France. Scotch pertaining to Scotland. Welch pertaining to Wales. Irish pertaining to Ireland. Chinese pertaining to China. British pertaining to Britain. English pertaining to England. Romanpertaining to Eome. Italian pertaining to Italy. FIFTH MONTH'S WORK. 71 copper hop per up per sup per win ter splin ter 7. PRONUNCIATION. Be careful to sound the final r. bet'ter let ter fet ter gut ter sput ter stutter 8. (or = er.) hon'or hor ror error ter ror doc tor par lor spi ces nut megs suipnur- bees wax sago soda sug ar cof fee THINGS WE BUY. sar dines 7 4-ben zine -fcam phene pre serves 9 EXERCISE IN DEFINING. * Swiss pertaining to Switzerland. Japanese pertaining to Japan. Mexican pertaining to Mexico. Peruvian pertaining to Peru. Danish pertaining to Denmark. Russian pertaining to Eussia. Hungarian pertaining to Hungary. Norwegian pertaining to Norway. Spanish pertaining to Spain. 72 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 10. PRONUNCIATION. WORDS PRONOUNCED IN ONE SYI/L ABLE ; ED = D. snowed clothed grieved rained weighed- plagued hailed prayed praised poured played seized / 11. THINGS IN A HARDWARE STORE. ax'es bolts wrench'es- awls butts trow els brads skates sta pies bits scythes pad locks locks planes au gers 12. SENTENCES TO BE WRITTEN. 1. Two cups of tea are too much. 2. Last week the sick man was very weak. 3. He was a weakly child. 4. He publishes a weekly paper. 5. He wrote it before he got it by rote. 6. Did you ever see a yew tree ? 7. George ate eight cherries. 8. Can you not tie a hard knot ? FIFTH MONTH'S WORK. 73 13. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. hitman relating to man. lu nar relating to the moon, oc'u lar pertaining to the eye. so lar pertaining to the sun. lit er a ry pertaining to learning, mil i ta ry pertaining to soldiers, pe cun'i a ry relating to money, o ce an'ic relating to the ocean, heroic pertaining to a hero. 14. AN EASY GRAMMAR LESSON. In each case the second is the correct form. 1. I seen him when he done it. 2. I saw him when he did it. 1. Henry done his examples good. 2. Henry did his examples well. 1. / and John and you had went to school. 2. You and John and / had gone to school. 1. Me and him have rode in the cars. 2. He and I have ridden in the cars. 1. Who's there? It is me. 2. Who's there? It is /. 74 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. SIXTH MONTH'S WORK. 1. ORAL SPELLING-. WORDS HAVING THE SOUND OP E. weather health'ful heaven leath er wealth y leav en feath er weapon readyx break fast deafen stead y meas lire deafness many x treas ure jeal ons any x 2. PROPER NAMES. Silas Joseph Lewis Richard Stephen Ezra Ira Matthew Patrick Isaac Robert Eufus Walter Enoch Gilbert Jesse Michael Oscar 3. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. sail'or one who sails on the sea. farm er one who farms, hat ter one who makes hats, teach er one who teaches pupils, team ster one who drives a team, min er one who works in a mine. SIXTH MONTH'S WORK. 75 4. ORAL SPELLING. WORDS HAVING THE SOUND OP E. for get' ex pect/ pos sess' e rect pro tect ex press e lect fciis pect pro fess ef feet neg lect con sent 5. ORAL SPELLING. SHORT SOUND OF 6, AS IN OFF. scoff process watchers watch prod uce wad ding N what product wallet wash prog ress w r an der 6. SENTENCES. peace Make peace by giving him a piece. know No one can know him better than you do. plane Carpenters plane boards, plain Tell the plain truth. quire Give me a quire of paper. choir Laura sings in the choir. Wrings Ellen wrings the clothes. rings The sexton rings the bell. SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 7. ORAL SPELLING-. WORDS HAVING THE SOUND OF LONG E, AS IN MB. re ceive 7 disease 7 sin cere 7 de ceive dis please complete per ceive , con ceal ex treme con ceive re peat su preme de ceit de feat ei 7 tlier con ceit \ ap pear nei ther 8. EI AND IE. (ei.) (ie.) (ie.) seize be lieve 7 re lieve seized be lieved re lieved leisure \ be liev er relieving sei zure x be liev ing re lief ceiling > be lief achieve 9. WORDS OFTEN MISSPELLED. al'most arm'ful brunette 7 spoonful fetlock ro sette 7 x spoon'fuls colic co logne 7 cupful myrtle ca tarrh 7 cupluls custard liur rah 7 fuch'sia dahlia qua drille SIXTH MONTH'S WORK. 77 10. ORAL SPELLING-. WORDS HAVING THE SOUND OF SHORT I, AS IN PIN. biscuit \ vine'yard slipped bus i ness syn tax dipped bus y syr inge x whipped bilious \ guinea gripped\ \ 11. LESSON IN DEFINING. cemetery place of burial, fish er y place where fish are caught, foun dry place where metals are cast, laun dry place w^here clothes are washed, gran &ry place where grain is kept, fact o ry place where things are made, bak er y place where bread is baked, arm ojy place where arms are kept. 12. ABBREVIATIONS. Mr., pronounced Mister. Co., company. Mrs., pronounced Missis. Cts., cents. II. S., United States. Doz., dozen. N. A., North America. Esq., Esquire. S. A., South America. Jr., junior. N. Y., New York. No., number. 78 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 13. PRONUNCIATION AND SPELLING. WORDS HAVING THE SOUND OF SHORT U, AS IN TUB. lovely oth'er ov'en gov ern\ moth'er slov en N hover broth er com fort^ lover cov er com ing plov er x rough er^ come ly\ won der tough est x com pass 14. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. an i maFcule a little animal, glob'ule a little globe, gran ule a little grain, satch el a little sack, lamb kin a little lamb, gosling a little goose, dar ling a little dear, hil lock a little hill. 15. SENTENCES TO BE WRITTEN. due One dollar is due you. dew Dew falls on the flowers. draught Give me a draught of water. . draft Give me a draft on the bank. SEVENTH MONTH'S WORK. 79 SEVENTH MONTH'S WORK. 3. EXERCISE IN PRONUNCIATION. Be careful to give the short sound of t in the first syllable. di reel/ di rec'tion di vorce di vide di vis ion ci gar f i nance f i nan cial di vine di gest di ges tion di vert 2. PRONUNCIATION. Short sound of & in the last syllable. en'gine rep'tile / native hos tile tor toise \ ac tive fertile active agile - ser vile due tile ag ate x 3. WRITTEN SPELLING. root Take the root and plant it. route We went by the Paris route.^ sale He bought a sail boat at the sale. seen I have never seen a finer scene^ Sea Do you see that ship, far out at sea? SOUl The .soufof man cannot die. sole The shoemaker put a sole on my shoe. SO SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 4. PRONUNCIATION. In tlie last syllable of these words, C(/j$e lias tlie sound of village rav'age cottage til lage sav age conr age band age cab bage pot tage man age dam age spin age baggage coin age car riage Ing gage leak age mar riage 5. ORAL SPELLING. WORDS HAVING THE SOUND OF OI IN OIL. noi'sy boil'er toiler poi son toil et broil er j oin er loi ter spoil er poin ter oil y soil ing 6. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. li'ar one who tells lies, cow ard one who is afraid, sing gard one who is slow, stn dent one who studies, oculist one who treats the eyes, den tist one who treats the teeth, fid dler one who plays on a fiddle. SEVENTH MONTH'S WORK, 81 7. WORDS OFTEN MISSPELLED. bur'y cit'y granite man'y busy civil honest any cab in cop y hon ey met al camel forest limit merit 8. EASY TO BE MISSPELLED. mon'ey ov'en sal'ad stud'y sunny pity sallow very never rapid scholar college ever rivet sever coming 9. WRITTEN SPELLING. guest Our guest staid a week. guessed I guessed the riddle. lain I had lain down on the sofa. lane The cows ran down the lane. red Her cheeks are red as a rose. read Blanche read her lesson well. knead You need not knead the dough. pare Can you pare the pear with &pair of scissors? 82 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 10. PROPER NAMES. Martha Myra Ada Emma Pauline Stella x Clara Rachel Amy Flora Rhoda Bridget Fanny Agries ^ Dora Mabel Florence Cora 11. ARTICLES OP TRADE. in'di go cot'ton ani'ber o pi urn leath er cor al choc o late rose wood to bac'co dia monds log wood ma hog a ny 12. ABBREVIATIONS. Col. ; Colonel. Gen., General. Maj., Major. Capt., Captain. Lieut. , Lieutenant. Supt. ? Superintendent. Prof., Professor. M.D., Doctor of Physic. P.S., Postscript. M.C., Member Congress. N.B. 3 Take notice. Do. ? ditto, the same. Etc. ? and so forth. Hon., Honorable. Rep. ? Representative. Mt. ? Mountain. SEVENTH MONTH'S WORK. 83 13. SHORT A. knapsack an'ec dote sal mon cat a logue grand ma av er age pal ate al co hoi span iel al ge bra asthma alphabet 14. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. east'ward in the direction of the east. heavenward in the direction of heaven, windward in the direction from which the wind blows, leeward in the direction in which the wind blows. 15. "WORDS OFTEN MISSPELLED. 1. Cop'y do not spell it cop'py. 2o Daily do not spell it day'ly. 3. Sug'ar do not spell it sliug'ar. 4. Truly do not spell it true'ly. 5. Laid do not spell it layed. 6. Paid do not spell it payed. 7. Staid do not spell it stayed. 8. Spec'i men do not spell it spec' a man. 84 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. EIGHTH MONTH'S WORK. 1. PRONUNCIATION AND SPELLING. gratitude payable N lat'i tude P ar j 1 graph an i mal par a sol annual \ parody an te lope > s mar i gold attitude . mariner 2. NAMES. Jer ome' EU gene I sai all Jo si ah -I " "V. FMi'ip Rufus Her bert Leon ard Ed'mund Moses Be riah x Ne he miah^ 3. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. re cline / to lean back ; to rest, re deem to buy back ; to save, re fleet to bend back ; to turn, reject to throw back; to refuse, re'fuge a place to fly back to. re make 7 to make again, re fill to fill again, re tain to hold back. EIGHTH MONTH'S WORK. 85 4. EXERCISE IN PRONUNCIATION. NOTE. The teacher must train pupils in the correct sound of final a in words like the following : so'fa ex tra comma Cu ba mica pica flora quota stan manna Asia 5, ORAL SPELLING. dec 7 ! mal ex'cel lent 4- sev er al \ ev i dent gen er ous neg li gent gen u ine x reg u lar em i nentx flex i ble \ elegantx terrible differ offer suffer dag ger dig ger trig ger man ner 6. PRONUNCIATION. Be careful to sound the final r. rab'ber bar'ber blub ber har der lub ber ren der tim ber ten der lim ber lum ber gen der slen der num ber cin der \ 83 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 7. PRONUNCIATION. In these words e and o, in e?i or on, are silent. bitten taken reason smitten waken season kitten shaken broken gotten rotten cotton N button mutton s> pardon spoken frozen x taken 8. PRONUNCIATION. WORDS PRONOUNCED IN ONE SYLLABLE; ED LIKE T. baked walked scorched^ raked talked parched liked cracked x latched \ wiped shocked \ quenched heaped thanked limped leaped ranked crimped 9. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. in firm 7 not firm ; weak. in flex i ble not able to be bent ; stiff. in ac cu rate not done with care. ir reg u lar not regular. in'fant one not speaking ; a baby. NINTH MONTH'S WORK. 87 NINTH MONTH'S WORK. 1. NAMES OF GIRLS. Catharine, or Kate. , Marion Harriet, or Hattie. Estelle, Isabella, or Belle. Theresa - Caroline, orTarrie. Amanda^ /Eleanor, or Nellie. Emily Adeline, or Addie. Annette / \ 2. EXERCISE IN DEFINING. ante ante date, to date before. post post date, to date after. ad advert, to turn to. a a vert, to turn from. in in gress, a going in. e e gress, a going out. ex ex hale, to draw out. anti antipathy, a feeling against. gym sympathy, a feeling with. bene benefactor, one who does well. male malefactor, one who does ill. SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 3. WORDS SOMEWHAT ALIKE. N. B. Read across the page. stout smell want world work wave strong scent, lack ro bust 7 o'dor need earth toil * globe la'bor billow break er 4. WORDS OF SIMILAR MEANING be gin 7 com mence childhood likely prob a ble worth die ex pile! live in fan cy val'ue x ex 1st' \ fath'er ly pa tern'al freedom lib er ty shun a void 7 5. NAMES. Benjamin Frederick Oliver Timothy Theodore Ferdinand Jonathan Phineas Ulysses Horatio Nathaniel Jeremiah NINTH MONTH'S WORK. 89 6. WORDS SOMEWHAT ALIKE N. B. Read across the page. hur'ry hast 7 en quick 7 en do per form 7 ac com 7 plish change va 7 ry a! 7 ter bu 7 ry in ter 7 en tomb 7 bear $ar 7 ry con vey^- seem look ap pear 7. WORDS SOMEWHAT ALIKE. N. B. Read across the page. pair brace couple aim view design 7 *i an 7 swer re ply 7 re sponse 7 craft y cun 7 ning art 7 ful quick active nimble sour a cid ^ tart 8. WORDS SOMEWHAT ALIKE. N. B. Read across the page. clothes dress garments grave solemn Y serious flock herd drove goodbye adieu farewell modest bashful diffident^ 90 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 9. WORDS IN PAIRS. join unite real actual y. news tidings / question query speech language^ whole total riches wealth trial attempt x sum amount 10. WORDS IN PAIRS. haste hide trouble hurry conceal molest * gift present^ kind sort' foretell predict y wages salary-^ huge x vast' zeal ardor 11. WORDS OFTEN MISSPELLED. 1. Very do not spell it with two r j s. 2. Many do not spell it menny. 3. Any do not spell it enny. 4. Pity do not spell it pitty. 5. Grammar do not spell it grammer. , 6. Every do not spell it evry. 7. Which do not spell it wwh. TENTH MONTH'S WORK. 91 TENTH MONTH'S WORK. I. WRITTEN SPELLING. Drop e before inj? or ed. range ranging ranged change chang ing changed waste wast ing washed paste past ing past ed baste basting basted taste tast ing tast ed graze graz ing graced glaze glaz ing glazed raise rais ing raised please pleas ing pleased 2. A LANGUAGE LESSON. Wrong. Awtt you going to school ? Right. Are you not going to school ? Wrong. He hadn't ought to do so. Right. He ought not to do so. Wrong. Henry wwrit going a fishing. Right. Henry wasn't going a fishing. Wrong. Haiti t you been learned to speak good English ? Right. Havn't you been taught to speak good English? 92 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 3. "WRITTEN SPELLING. VERBS. N. B. To be read across the page. Present Past. . Present Perfect. / 3fr? // %? /? / aae/ com mit v re fer ac quit con cur x regret occur \ con fer re fit re mit de fer re cur > o mit 94 SWINTON'S WORD PRIMER. 8. WRITTEN LESSON. Words spelled with only one Middle Consonant. ag'ate alum atom com'et \ clar et clev er damage frigate , frol ic bal ance . bodice ' coral cover habit lim it body cred it linen 9 . WRITTEN SPELLING. Only one Middle Consonant. med'al moral sheriff melon novel shad ow metal jnal ice mod est min ute pol ish palace pal ate pity study stead y widow vis it 10. ABBREVIATED COLLOQUIAL EXPRESSIONS. 1. Wouldn't he go ? Didn't he come ? 2. Hasn't he read ? Havn't they spelled ? 3. Who'll go home with me ? Can't you? 4. I'll go if he doesn't wish to go. 5. What's the matter ? Who's afraid ? 6. Isn't this a pretty piece of work ! TENTH MONTH'S WORK. 95 11. WORDS HAVING SILENT LETTERS. heiress knowledge isthmus herb age sleigh ing al though 7 hon est neigh bor through out 7 honor thor ough straighten hour-glass shep herd strengthen 12. HARD WORDS. acre > car riage be lieve prairie Y mar riage de ceive bar gain Ian guage lei sure> hearken sal mon y inea sles^ asth ma X an tumn y neph ew 13. HARD WORDS. hiccough nuisance flourish myr tie pew ter foreign col umn bis cuit li quor for feit break fast lun cheon os trich busi ness plover sol emn cam brie quo tient 96 NINTH MONTH'S WORK. YEARLY REVIEW. Lesson I. preface farthest business buggy laughter syringe wagon laundry bilious granite partner sloven scissors falsehood oven bedstead faucet agate wrenches auction engine pincers careful cabbage nutmegs daring marriage coral fairest busy Lesson II. diamonds mastiff scholar , gracious fortnight salad x spacious v skillful x sofa prairie^ pretty comma railroad pigeon. patient acre truant^ quotient dainty noisy meadow prizes \ breakfast always cocoa any squarely ocean many vineyard ^mmcan ^trutalional THE SPENCERIAN SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP. The Spencerian Penmanship was first published in 1848, and has maintained from the first a standard position. It claims to be more practical, more thorough, and more original than any other system of writing published, and especially commends itself over other systems as superior in its simple and easily comprehended Analysis and Method ; in its systematically and progressively arranged Copies ; in the beauty and simplicity of its Style ; in its plan of Ruling, whereby correct slanting and proper spacing are obtained ; and in its Move- ment Exercises, which readily enable the pupil to become a rapid and easy writer. The Spencerian is the accredited source from which {he best pen- men of the country have derived their knowledge and skill in the art of writing. It is used in more Normal Schools and Business Col- leges than all other systems combined ; and it is more generally used throughout the United States and Canada, than any other system. A fair evidence of the originality and superiority of the Spencerian System maybe inferred from the fact that several copy-book makers have imitated many of its prominent characteristics, and claim these as the chief excellencies of their books. One of the " Authors " of a rival Series of Copy-Books, unlike many of our competitors with less merit, frankly acknowledges his indebtedness when he says : " It is too late in the day to popularize any style of Penmanship not founded on the Spencerian Model." t3^~ Full descriptive CIRCULARS of the various books, charts, keys, &c., of the series, with prices, will be sent by mail on application. -V THE EDUCATIONAL REPORTER-Full of interesting and valuable Educational information, is published three times a year, bearing date respectively January, May and September, and will be sent to teachers and educationists, without charge, on application. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHERS, 188 & 140 GRAND ST., NEW YORK. 138 & 135 STATE ST., CHICAGO. ^mmrsn EURY>8 GERMS AM*/? HRYANT & STRACTO S 1 Printed in colors, and than any other works on , 8.PENCERIAN PENMA \$J]jP. neplus ultra of all writing.