_ _ PHOTOROPISMS "'I?H--tt03fdeHR--L#&&i4^tM%*^' ,5^^ SL&brvJL^-'i*) &fi reviewing trie literature ***H&i[Diological experiments ' >^U- *s~.0.i&-. t^CS^rdf with monochromatic light one is struck by fehe abaanoo of quauti ave records of -either the quality w tne interisity of the ill- umination. -It ia tfr-woll known f;^ct that "Tae ordinary li^ht filters used to obtain rnonochtomatic lig":t transmit not only tho^e vive lengths which predo ; iiu . t.t? i i ive t .e color to the screen, but rlso othearts of the spectrum .thariresence of can be detected only by a spectroscopic analysis. Vor example, certain results are frequently ascribed to blue light with no record of just what range of the soectrum was used nor what "ave lengths other than the predominating ones were acting. 'mother source of inaccuracy has been the neglect or over- sight of the great variation in the intensity or quantity of ra- diant energy transmitted by tjie color screens. Biological .XO^IOV CFiIA BUO'JT MI VOIJ OITAMOHHOOMCT' TTTIW eM ; enoiJ'B.Jngi'io sojjboarr oJ iJnrni^B Jrfgil lo i9. r oa orfT ni bs^JBi^anomab \;l9biw nssd earC rfoirfw nonsmonsprq a ei " I iB'igJ'Blinu nnso ylno Jo; ; .ei oJb^nxx iBmin;- i-ru? d'n^Icr er*3 rf^ocf ,eJrislT " o gsios-re SPITOS ni iut rf.twoT: bnB ecfnsmsvom ^i .emto'i bsJelsi briB BinioouT bn." .euou'? .nr lo enslq saavsalo Jeii'J 9r^^ 1o noi^osixb s 9i>ie bsbarfa arf^ no IIso arf^ ese^o rloue ni sonic! .9ioae 1o ^JiiBlog srfJ Ilso iBbiosirfi gnd 1 89Hioo9d gao^e er'.i "io .v^iVBig 1o 9vi^o9qe9Tii bgnimis^gb ei rfoue lo ajini-i'Dy J i9voosifc oJ Jgnig^.^B Y flfi / fcl er" ? enoi , experimenters have fot he most part failed to take into i sideration "he fact that the quantity as well as the quality of the light stimulus varies with the different colors and that the former variable must be eliminated before results can be attributed to differences in wave length alonei Quite recently (/y/Y )such work has been aone end published with the die statement thst^ results! are Qualitative -eniy becau-e there is no way of comparing lights of different colors as to amounts & ,_ t&4 The wave lengths to which each/we^e transparent "/ere known;; and the energy behind eacHi was determined ny means of a therme- pile and a, d'Arsonval galvanometer. The interference of the long heat rays w.-is prevented by inserting a water layer in a parallel sided container between tne thermopile and the source pf light. Day (/?/( }, obtained light of known wave length by mean of a spectfcum from ."ernt Glower^s formed by e carbon bisulfide prisu and cut down by/a diaphragm witn narrow ver- tical slits whicn could be adjusted so as to permit any de- sired region of tne spectrum to be used. In t-iis adjustment p spectroscope w;-s used to determine the exact range of wave- lengths passing through the plit.in each of the four illumin- attions used, --- red, yellow, gfeen, and blue. He measured intensity of each with a Boys r: diomicromet, er, nd balanced" them by varying the number of glowers employed in the lamps. "hus there was one glower for tne red light light, two for the yellow, and three fot the green ajid biue. ('?" J Laurens in an investigation of the reactions of amphibians used these sane metnods and the same ^ppnratus for the quanti tave analysis oi - the monochromatic light he u-ed^ ard for bnlanc- ing then with respect to their relative intensity. Gross! Ifi2) also used these snrne methods in determining the reactions of Arthropods to raonocnromatic light. An instrument has been devised by I'.acDougal and Gpoehr. ( ) which ner-sures the total radiant energy of any light in terras of 1 its dissociation effect on a photosensitive substance. This is measured by a galvanometer, "he advantages in the use of this "photoelectric cell" are said to be its extreme sensitiveness t% the wave lengths of the blue end of the spectrum, arid the fact thst its action in ligi-t is H raore nesrly that of the organism than that v of any othor light measuring instruments available. There have been therefore three different methods worked ot out for biological experiraentsf or the quantitoive analysis ofi light stimuli; viz., those of Kniep and Hinder, Day, and of ^ racUoupiJ and Sooehr. The interesting apparatus of Patte add of I.oeb and Northrut) wherebya quantitave measurement of the re- action of organisms subjected to two beams of light of different intensity, is obtained. The measurement is in terms of the angular deflections from an initial path of locomotion. The same methods might be ar^olied to work with colored lights. A quantitative measur- ment of the greater effectiveness of one spectral region over another of equal intensity might be measured by the angular deviation of the rath of a motile organism from a line perpendicular to a line connect- inp the two sources. All of these methods with the exception of those of i'nien and inder involve special a^^aratus often not easily available. It was aecessaty for fH e -rurroses of this investigation to find a simpler of accomplishing the sa-ne results, '"his report therefore is concerned "/ith t'vo rro ultras; first, a means of making th r: intensity of monochromatic light outlined with a act of light filters equal; second, a comparative study of the tronisma obtained with differ- ra nt ''ive lengths when the intensity variable in eliminated. The nar- ^henomena chosen for this study are t^ e rower of monochro- matic lights to (I) establish the rolurity of ^ucus sror el incs and :,he origin and consequent direction of the rhizoids; (2) to nro- iuce the negative rhototr -^ism of t 1 n rhizoid; (3) to direct the move- icnt?? of 1r olvox. , Ar>raratus and r ethods for Exposure to Monochro- matic Light of Equal Intensity. As biologocal science oec ones more exact with the tend- eouce the expression of natural -phenomena to mathematical form- it is obviously essential to define stimuli of all sorts ouant- Ltatively. Indefinaite or incomplete records of light stimuli can 10 longer bo attributed to the lack of means of measuring them be- :aune access to a spectroscore ano thermopile make it possible to inalyae any light qualitatively ana quantitatively. anyq put; uaajj' yif^. qcoj soaij^. PUB '/HOTESA" i/q. aoj O/A$ 'q.u> s *atiiq pun 'u. '..oitsfi. 'pa.r --- 'patm anoj e^q. jo i;oi.o uf^ti ; m 3. ^uTut; jo ef.'uij ::a oi'Cj. aufisja^cjp oq. potm B ./.i oaooaojQ.0 j : ; ii q. u - .;n eq oq raij^oa^l jo uo ; -. in.'-'ad o r 4 su Ofci pa^an ruoo I.OTXIM s -j- | | ' .: I .:/:' u/.v r; | no pll;; f'Sfc-: uo(\j-t;o . <\ p-at.uoj ..aao/^oio .; a j utigq.o8. s u jo g suuot- /!q i{-_l : usT 9.J IT peujq.qo ( . T t :d eo^nos ai{^ PITB etT^o'-'^^'U^ & - ^ uocs^aq ao-.-.-pc^uoo [ -spys Uf .re/lBi ,:05.M u ??uTq.J8eut A"q po^. OA8jd e M /!<: ^} oi s ; !}. jo eouajajjeq-uj ei[i aa^eraoukiAio'J T>AUOSJV,P u pu>: s: u ^o susu yCq pauTiae^op Btm ^c;o puxtfsq XSjeuo 9t{q. 8js/.. ^uejHdauua', aaaa r.O'ua ipyqM o^ eq^guai yA/u q.t3fT jo aojnos &i[^ s ^^Sftunt tiq.T^ *uoTq.nxos uaaa, PUB uaajoe joioo pej i ;u eniq .; ,vasn Jwifci ( ) aaput;. pun /!q. auop e^ ean^ou sfq, jo y L aOM ^ot^.e eq . jo A^Tfiue^uT SAf^Biaj eipj. UOTI{<., jo sueen /!q pesiA .-J JO g s^unonre o-; ^, S.TOIOO q.uajajjip jo B^trSfi 5?ufJxc^oo jo -^BA\ oq B-p"8joir^ e.-nebsq. ^iuo 8ATq.(.^TiBnb t[^T^ poqsfiqnd pu<; auo; uoaq sutj 8q.tri") suoit; i^!?uat OAV.M ut BaouejajjTP o;. pa^riq-pja^f; sq u .0 s^insaj aaojaq pa^-jufUTTe eq ^sn 1 8-[qxj>JA .letiijoj at{^ ^em pu saoioo q-uaaajjfp ai^ i{^TM safxuA snimuf^e m^TT 3^ J -v> u 3'. There are two methods for obtaining monochromatic light for biological experiment/S ' . ---the projection of a snectrum upon the yijH/y/i^X organisms or oehr(l9l7) have described some colored glass screens designed by them for biological work, but the range of wave lengths to which they ar-e transparent is considerably greater than for the Wratten filter. In the experiments to be described, seven Wratten light filters were used , each of which was fitted as a window in the fy end of a dak b .x. i-lach transmitted only a narrqw range of -ave lengths but all together they embraced the whole of the visible spectrum. The wave lengths to which each screen was transparent ^ev* determined by testing tie lipht transmitted by^ each with a direct wtsion spectroscope with a wave length scale attached. Thus the quality of the light stimulus acting in each box is accurately known. iirq. PU use.. ?oj so .lift. PUB ' I PSJ w J J -^<*-&e. fleeted from the galvanometer mirror.was noted. This was repea't" ed six times and the average deflection recorded. The other filte^rs were then used in turn to screen the thermopile t and thermopile and screen' moved to such ^ distance 'rrom the arc that the displacement^ of the galvanometer &3&& indi- ^ cator opt*'* approximately equal. This -rdi3tan.c'was ^.al.so j^^^y for the ui'icnjroGne.d thermopile^ which rerres en red the removal of the control from the source. For the experiment the quantity of light used can be varied for the whole set ^ of screens by multiplying or dividing these distances by the same numbervandthe intensity infall the boxes will remain equal. The actual amount o lisht in candlepowers can be measured by means of a photometer. Then from the law of in- * verse squares, viz., that the intensity of li<*ht per unit surface varies inversely as the aquare of t^ ft. distance from -B the source , the intensity at any distance from the arc can be computed. r The calibration oT~nTe\screens was repeated seven times or until satisfactory checks of the distances were obtained. some thermopiles of less rapid action than the one used here, it ^/ in impossible to get results oy waiting for the galvanometer indicator to come to a steady fftate.In such a case the deflections produced by exposure to the ligh^'""' for equal intervals of time can be compared. A series of measurements fom five second exposures agreed very well with those obtained by the other mejjthod, TABLE SITC'VINr, LIGHT FILTERS^) ?ROM AN TKAlOaTT2DARB EQUAL. Filter No. Wave- lengths Color 70 6600-^-7000 A.U. Red 71 6200-6800 A.U. Red Distance from light 320 cm. 275 cm. 72 5900-6200 Orange 23( 73 5600-5900 " Yellow 25( 74 5200-5609 " Green 28( 75 4700-5200 " Blue 25( 76 4000-4700 " Violet 25( \ Control ,'JTe. 34( ;e the same" effect it migTTE oe tne resort or a general inten- iy gradiant; if only the blue ligh<; is effective, the problem one of a chemical effect; if only the red it might be assumed in. TROPIRTIC REACTIONS TO MONOCHROMATIC LIGHT IN FUCUS SPORELINGS. The power of external factors to determine the polarity of a germinating spore is, without doubt, the power to orient the spin- dle of the first dividing nucleus, if that polarity is established by the direction of tne first cleavage plane. The work on such orientations is very, limitedjaml has often resulted in negative resuWs / &fy<~MtcJL/$j. ^/S^-iL^f/^^. ^kjjito<-JT~-\ ^2-c*u) woril^U**^ o fr gfl S' 9 ' eggs ,'/\ -j^r |r - - f* -omoryo QJ subjecting *aasQ.o pressure. The spindle parallel to the flattened sides of the egg. This is consistent with Hertwig's theory that the spindle. should form pareifcel to the longer aocis ofl a iding cell. It is conceivable that the power of light to orient <*- tfe* spindle might result from its power to cause more rapid growth <-O-^L*^O-v. -v--v^^-^--T -*1*u^-l<"Vl,^ V along one axis, with tho rtfeult thayche elongated celljin turn * orients the spindle No such effect of light has been demonstrated with animal eg,^s? but in certain pi an ts . vi z . , Equi se turn , Fucus .Pi c- o^v^f( C/i<-ocxxw W to the mechanics of aZuA orientations. If all wave lengths should pre- s\ duce the same effect it might be the result of a general inten- sity gradient; if only the blue ligho is effective, the problem is one of a chemical effect; if only the red it might DC assumed th*"t~ the orientation is due to a metabolism gradiant. The second pur- pose qC&^a study of the photro*ropism of the young rhizoids in monochromatic light. It has been shown (^T^jft that they are neg- atively heliotropicjbut the apparatus designed for the polarity experiments made it very easy to answer^, several questions concerning tnyfr phenomenon wore definitely. These questions are:(j) What wave- lengchs are responsible for the turning away from a source of white lightt (2) What is the role of intensity of the light or is it a matter of quality alone or both? (3) Do all lights which have any efiect at all produce the same negr tive tropism profluced by white ^ light? The f irat work establishing the nov: km I fact that one- - sided illumination will cause the first division plane of a germinating J spore to be perpendicular to the direction of the incident light s done by Stahl(/f? $"*) on Equi fee turn. He found th?t side. Inlsupport of this theory is the fact th ':. although light can determine the polnrity of all Rosenvinge(1889) showed that in Fucus spiralia there is no relation between gravity and the first division plane nor did con- . tacf with a solid body have any effect. He got tne same orientation - to light in Ascophylium and ./ucrus' that Stahl did with Bfruisetum. but with puzzling exceptions. There the spores were in groups the ^k_ /T_xjv-^W - *^ cell/ toward the -4e&r, interior of the G r up became; and in the lov/er part of hanging drops the rhizoids appeaWon the upper side of the /f tne specie^- led excet> Vucua serratus ;viz. .Agcojohyllum nodosum. Fucus vesciculosus, J<\ soirniis, n/.d Pexvetia comiii cul r it.p , their sensibility to light differs and the oxygen factor or internal caue~ es t&tjS&Bfe?/ produce frequent exceptions in all but Pelvetia. The rhizoids of the latter species are alwa/y sf oraed on the darker side of the spore, and this is the one species in which tne egg is surrounded by an oogonial wall which might prevent any of he effects of varying oxygen concentrntion^which can net more potent- ly thsn light on the spores of the other species. Rosenvinge quotes Kny as finding that neither light, gravity, ijor contract c?t( influ- ence the point of origin of the pollen tube from pollen grains, but that in tne neighborhood of other grains tne tubelwill be sent out from t,-.'.e side away from them, on which side the supply of oitygen or nutritive elements would be greater. -iS^SHSV, farmer and Will iaias ( iS'fv ) state/ that if Fucus spores / are illuminated on all sides they tend to remain spherical in%tead of producing B rhizoid bu t<:e elongation of one of the two cells. Again(l898) they experimented with one-sided illumination with the usual result that most of .he rhizoids originated on trie shaded side of the spore and the others *fere turned that Iway. The fact that some graw out at an angle to tne incident light 4s attributed to "the character of the egg itself". inkler(#//1900) found the some orienting effect of light on tne spores of Cy s t o s e i r a __b ar b a ta but failed to find any dffect of a difference in the oxygen content of the -vater. He too A that gravity and contact are not factors in the establishment of polarity of the sporelings. r.e found that the direction is determin- ed before the firs', division takes place. Since t is polarity is established during the firstjfour hours of illumination and connot changed afterwards by any change in the direction of the incident light, he concludes that light can orient the spore only during fertilization. - Randolph and I : ^rce(l905) performed *m one-sided illumination experiments on Sicbyota. JJictyooteris. Lanrencia, and Gystoseira, and poinl^out the certainty of the j^/diium-jy action of other factor because rhizoids are formed in .he dark and in all-sided illumin- i ation. They say that although Y/inkler (1900) suggest^ tne possibility of stopping germination toy changing the direction of lign-; every three hours, i ; could not be done with Sictyopteris. They emphasized^ theroossibility of influences preceding the illumination affecting tr:e polarity. The work of Fronrne'Rev. 1914) on the urediniospores of Puccinia rhamnif shauid oa men-. ioned horo/. He *&* that in darkness the ^ U germ tube grew from any side^oT the spore, but that in inilateral e tubes almost always issued from the darker side of the a* spore. of. the first cleavage icus scores. germinated in u**Tlateral have failed so far ^L^' _^^ A All attempts to solve thi groblera as to wh^tr"wave lengths of ;ht are responsible lor the orientation \ plane o ^^ ^ and apparently -aTnvalsucceed^fith the pparatus described in the first port of th^>^pape>>*41owever it seems worth while to report t-e metlpyrfs used and why theyhmte failed. T 7ork v/ill be continued on^fenis investigation at the earliest o*pXjrtunity, PS it is mereiar a matter of obtaining the right conditions of "gmjwth bejtffnd the light filters, together with a sufficiently strong illumination. The fruiting plants of Fucus eyanescens were collected at Sausilito at low tide of one day and kept over night in damp news 1 *' papers. The next mornibg they were dried slightly by exposing them to the air for about half an hour or less. The fruiting tips were then cut off a'^ submerged in *ta- v/ater in the culture dishes. After fifteen minutes many eggsjand sperms have settled to the bottom of the dish or can be scraped 6ff into the water. The piece of plant is then removedVnd the dish is placed in the rack which fits into a dark box behind a filter screen. Each box with its cultures is placed at the proper distance from the light so that each is il luminated with equal intensity. These distances for each the raethod by which they -'ere obtfii- ed^ by five as the case might be distance given tnei? however was divided by four or ; / *\ in order to increase the intensity of the illumination equally for all. The illumination with the electric arc was continued V ^ for eight in an otherwise darkened room, the carbons being ad- justed every five minutes. This time was judged more than sufficient M*4 to produce **jseffect since it was found in Cystoseira ( that the polarity of the egg is so firmly established by four hours exposure to daylight that it cannot be changed. / The f Upon examination a few days later every culture was-te found to show strikingly the strong orienting effect of unilateral in daylight. Even the one fartherest away, 350 cm. from the window^ were practically all oriented c^~4j,* "l^more'dfr lets^/ r ._ivery Culture js nowing this orientaion has.f requent ex- ceptions to the rule. Every worker on this problem has reported such exfceptiens and they toave been ex*~plained by the assumption of the existence of an inherent polarity which as a rule i over- come by the stronger light stimulus. The fact that in absolute -fr darkness, germination and normal growth are as rapid or more so than in light, also points 60 an inherent polarity. But the tend- ancy varies enormously in individual spores. Therefore it is easy to understand that slight variations in the quantity and quality of illumination might easily produce'-b*^ changes in the ] sensitiveness of the spore toward light, which ;eans failure of experiments with monochromatic light until the right combination of other external factors in produced. It was^oon discovered in the course of this investigation that although the WJLtf intensity of the electric are. used was too low to orient the cleavage plane of the egg and too low to cause the cell away from the ligh , to become the rhizoidal cell, it was strong enough to produce a conspicuous neeative heliotropism of the rhizoids of these same spores if the illumination was resumed after the rhizoids fead develop d- OKly seven hour exposures were used to obtain this effect. On th^day after s-ich illumination examin- ation showed that the rhizoids of th_; cultures behind t sharply blue and violet filters were all turned away from the light, tff/ltr behind -3d*- t. 1 '.^ filters continued in the direction in which the jtAAJSs *SQ -4^~~tt had started, .anqpoaring no different thair-&aa control in dark- * ness. Therefore the wave IS-ngths responsible for the neg- ative phototroplsm ffi////jiin white lighyare those of the blue end of the spectrum. It should be remembered that -Hi there is no question of a difference in intensity entering here because each screen was placed at such a distance from the arc that the quantity of light in each box qas the same. These re- sults are summarized in the following table .. KELIOTROPI S M Filter^ COLOR TAV^ L^CGTH? DISTANCE FROM , LIGHT CULTUPES NO. I + J 70 red 6600-7JOQ A.U. T& <~ . 71 orange 62^0-6800 ' bff - orange 5900-6200 -rt - yellow 5600-5900 fe>2. - green 5200-5600 70 blue 4800-5200 (* % " violet 4000-4700 * " + -f white tfo f <*s<-*-<^ -* behind the green filter. &******[< , ->J"Jr<7L /' / L ^JLtZ^^eu^^*^ +*&* **^J^* waj These experiments 'ndicate that the light of wave length * 4ooo-520CWImgstrom yUnitaVf^ responsible for the phenomenon, but that some rhizoids, more sensitive, will respond to those of 5200-5600. It seems very possible in view of the results on ir olvox reported in the third part of this parer that with a^greater ^ intensity, the rays of the red end of the spectrum might caWse the sane negative phototropism. *&? Only the growing tips of the Jifrhizofds are sensitive to light^, m his results in a sharp angular turn if the direction of illumination is changed through 90 or 180 degrees, or if the plants be brought from darkness into unilateral light. As pointed out by Loeb and others tropismJla uncftubljunliy due to the di ference in the speed of the chemical reactions going in the two dides of the growing tip. T he first protuberance of the germinating spore is not affected by light striking it from th'i side; and if it is so illuminated during the early stage of elongation of this cell, the first bend occurs at the cross wall separating it from the next rhizoidal cell. In s~* other words, the firs t rhizoidal /^elongation continues in the orig- inal direction established by the first cleavage plane. and the wall separating it from the next cell of the growing ehizoid appears as the axis of the tropism. In every culture of Pucus evanescens whether germinated in darkness or in strong unilateral light a most striking orientation of the first cross-wall with reference to adjacent spores appears, ^her- e-teer a group of spores are lying within about 0.2 mm. of each other, the first cleavage plane is perpendicular to the direction of the cen- t^er of the group. THe cell toward the interior invariably becomes C ) the rhizcidal cell. This phenomenon was reported by Fosenvinge in --" other species of Fucus and in Ascophyllum. ^ A study of this phenomenon ^pfs madeM'to determine the strength , compared to *^'**^' of the stimulus producing this effect, **- that of light. in A A orientation lu lh ) lUnaaliou of itc rayo.lt was at once very evident that for most spores the formal? provaiirs when the spores are within a short distance of eachf other --- .2 mm. or often more --- and beyond this distance, the chemical^) stimulus becomes too weak and only the light is able to determine the polarity of the plant. Only the comparatively isolated spores therefore ever show the orient- ation to light ; i-rrj )i I'JL I'H-iml with the^ource^ of illumination uned here. The phenomenon is V3ry conspicuous ia groups o"' 2, 3, or 4 eggs as well as in masses of fifty or a hundred.. In these 1 ,rge ,-roups it is made evident by the invariable rtile that no ;%fl/^/rhizoid ever extends outwards from a group. Then two spores are within the distance which through the stimulus is effective, the first cleavage planes of the two are often parallel and the rhizoids grow towards each other and often meet tip to tip. The groups of five or six often make symmetrical star-like designs when the rhizoids have grown and p/oject beyond the group. ""he spores are more rarely affected in thas way when the distano^ between them is over*>.3 mm^but the phenomenon is sometimes observed in spores as much as O.5 mm. apart. Tithin a distance ofo.2 mir.. there are practically no exceptions. ^he relative sensitiveness of a sj ore towards light and towards this cherr.ical( ? ) stimulus varies greatly for different spores. "'hen cultutes were placed in the window to get as strong a light stimulus as possible in order to determine at what distance from each other the eggs had to be not to show a greater sensitive- ness towards/the chemical stimulus than towards the light, it was found that^this distance followed no rule, the scores showing the greatest in- dividual differences. Of two spores lying within 0.3 mm. of each other one might be ^entirely oriented by the adjacent sporephile the otherj apparently like it, Would show only the action of the light stimulus. In many canes two such spores wouljl see- to show a rss-iltant effect of the two stimuli so that both -YOU Id be half turned towards each other with fe*VhlzOidal ceil showing a^tcTtake -a direction away from the - oK- iv*~-* light at resultant angle. T osenvinge ascribes this group orientation to a difference d>n the concentration of oxygen or of nutritive substances on the two forms on th > side sides of the spore. He thinks the rhizoid^i'/ 4,/V/ 1 / toward of a group or towards another egg because the water on that side is less rich" than on the outer side of the spores as a result o,' their /\ **u^A. metabolism, '"inkier (^ ) working with Cystoaeira barbata^that a dif- ference in oxygen concentration ha? no such effect. Apparently the phe- nomenon does not occur naturally in)thisjspecies since Wwr figure given shows nothing but the effect of light. I have nevor seen a culture, of Fucus evanescenjlth spOres germinating so near each other, which s! owed only light orientation and ::ot the group orientation. aAl- raost invariably when the spores- of this species germinate in such close proximity, lipht appears to have no power to establish the po- larity of the plant. The possibility that the group orientation is due to a pol- arity established by the position of the egg in the oogoniura is tut*** suggested by finding many groups of lying just as they escaped fror- the oogonial sac and conspicuously oriented with respe?t to each other. The fact that groups of ten or of two are as regularly oriented, would refute thT suggestion; but in order to prove that the phenomenon is the resuljr of a stimulus acting after the eggs leave the oogonium, a group of them were transferred to a watch crys- tal and mixed with the point of a needle until their relative posi-fc- "/ions were entirely changed. But when they germinated the character- istic orientation with respect to each other was found to be with- out an exception. m he only apparent explanation of the group orientation is '.hat of a diffusion gradiant of some substance emanati^ng from a growing spore, or of some substance being used up by it. A continuation of the inve/stigati ^n of this problem will b3 an attempt to dis- cover a substance or substances which can so effect the dividing nucleus of the egg cell that its unequal distribution on *M sides of the cell will orient the qxis of the spindle, The effect of bub- bling carbon dioxide or_ oxygen through one end of a culture will be tried as being the most probable factor^ involved. A striking phenomenon which seems to be further evidence of the power of a chemical stimulus to orient the spores was found in three different cultures. ?.mall pieces of a foreign substance, apparently sand, caused the orientation of the spores adjacent to astey'ith the result that the rhizoids all extended inward towards t: e substance. This material was present in too small amounts for chemical analysis. A search for some difficultly soluble substance, or an insoluble substance which might be sligBiJfly soluble in the weak carbonic acid produced by the growing spores, which, when added to the cultures , might orient the eggs adjacent to it, has failed to brin* any positive results. They do show ^however, that the phenom- enon is not due to a contact stimulus. "Ehe^//^ substances tried W3repcheelite/ Ca^o^Oj; 'Magnetite/ F Qj J, Ba ite/Ba^So), Casser-ite n oAnornblend, tfubellite, beach sand, granite, and silve~r filings. The substance or condition originating in the activity ofacfjacenf spores which has so powerful an effect in orientating the first plane and in determining which cell shall become the A zoidal cell has no power to cause any chemotropism of the rhizoids after they are started. No rhizoid has been found to have its direct- Ti on modified by the presence of other spores adjacent to it. In the absence of any light s$imulus)the rhizoids continue in the direc - tion that they take priginally from the spore. -i-Ct^Yrt/ma/W TO summarize briefl" '. .is work on light and chemical stimu li as they affect the polarity of ^ucus e .d the direction of growth of the rhizoida: (1) Green, blue, 8$rt violet "-ight (4000-5609 A.n.) of an inten- sity great enough to produce negative phototropisms of the growing rhizoids is without effect on the direction of the first cleavage f plane of the egg. 3 ? N > J chemical stimulus which orients the direction of the first cleavage plane and determines which cell shall become ths rhizoidal cell alli diet vhemi ' ~-' hrig no power to ^s&r,. c cf rhizoids . ()Th laxative photctropism or the rhizoicr : . *i .^o- .. ~ c ' _ . '. .' , . "^ " .a_. ^ 13 since, with equal intensity of illumin; ." ;ht : peel . Lthoti ^ j - 244. V. -- Pho tot rop isms ci Volvox in Mono chro 'na tic Light of Equal Intensity. Oltraanns ( /?ut for most of the molluscs and arthropods it apcears to be in the ,^re ^n or yellow." T -)t tb ? -:ife in Golden Gate Park on April 2, 1918. They we*e so abundant that the water was quite : Tr?n vr ith them. On April 5 they were exposed to direct nunlifiht behind the seven Vfrat '.en litfit filters used in the work on iucus. The same rectangular, flat-aided dishes made of microscope slides cut and ce- mented together were used. The disfcss, filled with a Vclvox -us- pension were planed in the dark boxes in one end of e r ioh of wliioh a color sere ?n waa fitted. The series of eight boxes were tnen ex- posed to direct sunli.-jit. A: intervals the covers were raised to de- termine roughly the ^r^ntage of org'inisns reipondinst as shown by the completeness of thei c aggregation. Ths results of Uiis series are surnra-'xrized below, the plus ^i ,hs i :! opting an obvious positive hello tro pi am with Uie org nip-in coll e -ted against the ^lass on the side toward the sun, a 2<=>ro indicnti".; r no ^vidence of any eftect of the light. --26 Table No. 1. Volvox Reactions to Sunlight behind Wratten Colored Filters. Filter 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Control. Table No. 2. 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Control. Wave Length in Angs t r o m un its. - 7000 3~c[ OO (o^OQ 5-e in intensity of illumination and so tended to equalize the Rtiraulus acting on the different sides cf the orginism. When a series of cultures was xpooed in the same way with the sun hidden by clouds no respcns -> could be obtained behind the red, cringe ^nd yellow filters. Theae experiments srow the greater stimulating eiticiency of th e blue end nf the apectrura since comparison of the order of efficiency of the screens in produciri/-; the positive response is not in agreement with the order of the intensity of the light behind them, (see table 1 ) In fact the stimuli of least energy produce the most rapid response. They also show that with a longer exposure or more intense stimulus the less effective wave lengths may produce the s-ime degre " of r spons e * In none of the exposures to sunlight were there any negative reactions or reversals of the response. On April 6, the experiments ^re repeated -vith the electric arc as the source of li ht, and with the dark boxes at such distances from it that the intensity behind all was the same. The results are --2S-- as follows: Filter 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Wave -^-'n.- (.(.oa ~ "7 & b 1(1 O - & % 00 ac, - *> Color Distance osure AJL CJ + H y oo - 5 ' ^ 6 ~ Lf -J u0 - -i 000 ft. r r t t f- t 1- The ri.pid reBpcne-- in. t>m re'. v;s aurpriging sinoe the energy must have be-n leea '.han in sunlight. It took 20 minutes to get a noticeable reaction in - Jie orange and yellow in sunliriht the day befor Here with the arc as a source of light it took hut thre minutes. It toc-y 30 minutes to get the resporv e in the red that was produoed by the arc in 5 minutes. The explanation rni^ht be that the colonies were niore sensitive to light nn April 6. It was unfortu- nate that tjiis day vrae oloudy so that the experiment -*ith sunlight o uld not be repeated. That the ability of the colonies to re- spond is dependent to a large extent en their own condition as aflected by external factors of their invironment was shown striking- ly by the fact that organisims kept over night in a small mouth bottle -vould not respond to -my lirjit stimulus, while o th-TS cf the same collection ?ept in shallow pans reacted rapidly. Mast ( found considerable difficulty in ,;etting consistent responses on account of the gre t change in the reactions of . is organisms with Change in their con di lion due supposedly to the li, ht and temp ^r-s oonditons. 30-- ism, Also it, J.B prob-'.ble in vi-^w-of jLoab^s -vor>- (1^6 ) that the phototropio reactions of all organisms change with their age. Another explanation which was suggested by the fact that white light was often slower in producing a response than the b lue and violet, is that the greater energy of the red in sunlight might have tended to reverse the positive reaction or neutralize it; or it ight h-iv* be?n Law in the reactions of th is form U> li :ht. This law states ing that o'J<-r conditions "be/eqial, the product of the intensity and the duration of the exposure Is .'? co .stant. Owing, however, to the short time required for response and the variations in the sensitive- ness of individuals making it impossible to determine the end points exactly no thin- c ,n be concluded o.s to the truth of this law for Volvox u Li] . nr? RQ urate ra^ans of ..leosuring the b 'ginning and end of the reactions is obtained. To show the diilic^lty produced by 51 th i :}- responses of the colonies, -..he tira" taken for most individuals to ^rosa the dish, i. e. ^' .;a.. , in white li.'ht bO om. from the source in a straight line towards the aro was about 1 minute. ?n this distance was doubled, the time was still about 1 minute. When the c Iture was re::.cved 200 om. many c lonies still requii-ed rrily 1 rainu^e to get icroes Uie dish. This effect of Changing the distance was repeated with the No. 70 filter, since as it transmits the longest wav~ lengths the time cf the reaction nhculd be longer. However, they were still too n.^.rt to obviate tho lar.je errors due to the indefinite end points. At a distance cf 25 cm. Lhere was a noticeable collection on tiie li ( shter si 3 of the dish. After 13 minutes nearly all had moved over. At a distance nf 50 cm., ICO cm., :nc 200 cm., the same positive reoulte v/ re c^ 'ith t>ie five minute exposure. Al- though failing to si:ow the applicability of the Rosooe-Bunsen L w this exp^riniont r^.cws th<; potency of the long red rays to oause the same pro to tropisms produced by the blue waves when they aot with the right intensity. ~:ry exposure througiiouc, tli^-^e experiraents was made with a fresh culture BC t.-at in no inst nee was tiiere a ch.ince of the sensitiveness being ..ifior^nt for the succeaaive exposures because of the of -fact I -ceedin t: ; illumination. j (^9o3) reports that tiie positive p}:ototropism in medium li'jht is reversed by strong light. Att-=>mpts w^ro made t): ere- f re to find the turning point for each screen by .lessening its is- tan*5e fro^i the aro. *t the control behind clear glass was the only one in which any negative pho to t ro ;: i 3in could be obtained nnd the response M -re varied at different times. In one experiment, the 32-- orgaii^ms reacted positively at 40 cm. from the aro, negatively at 20 cm. In another, the neutral point seamed to be 50 cm. away. Quite often Tit this distance there were nearly as raany colonies swimming away from as towards light. The response wis always more definitely positive at 100 om. than at 50 era. Sometimes, however, the response was mrstly positive as close as 10 om. , so that the re- versal is dependent to a large extent en the -cndition of the org'-n- isms as for the other screens, the greatest intensity obtainable be- hind any was too low to produce any negative renuonse. An entire carbon aro run was projected on one dish of organisms. By looVing down it could be seen immediately that while those crT.nir"3 fin din selves in the yellow, ^reen, blue and violet lip;ht swam LowirdH the litf-.t, these of the red waved not to- wards the front of the dish but in a direction por.^ii^i to it, i.e. towards the yellow. The yellow apr.eared to the eye the Brightest part of the dish. The organisms in it were dcubtless decidedly photo vronic boc-'i-se of the relatively greater intensity, while those of the blue were so in almost equal degree because cf the greater ef f ectiveneflr* of these wave Tr-n;-:tr.8 even ^ t low intensity. In the red the intensify wna not gre t en< ugh U) overcome the ineffectiveness of the lon/3 r;iys, 30 tiie organisms responded either to an intensity gradiant whi oh led them towards the yellow, or to > wave length gradiant which would also lead tnen toward the yellow. Or the r - suit might have be-=>n due to a diffusion of the more ei-:irint rays into the red. The rara a red rayp in th< 5 naVed aro exposure thre was no -iefl -ntion of the pat!"! leading dire^t-ly toward? the source of light. --33-- It is interesting in this connection to note Holt and Lee's ) conclusions as to the vole of the intensity factor in phcto- tropis . They ntate that, "T'n^re is no evidence t/iat respond to any other property cf li^ht than its intensity. All phototatio response in ^xplainea by the ii tensity of the 11,-^rt, and the direction fro;a wai ^Ji it -lornes. 11 But my experiments 'Vith Volvox show oonolu'9ively t/iac for Any Driven intensity the blu3 and violet wave lengths tire --test stim luting effioienoy, but tliat by increasin-; th-j duration of the exoosure the same effect is produced L n d tlie otlir BCte^naJ and "by , aity of the other colors they oan be made to produce an equally rapid re ponse. This is in in or a i . 1 -.c-'t's ( '^'7 ) Conclusions that photo- tropio resp'-na-jB are net entirely in ependent of intensity. NON-CIRCULATING BOOK 783071 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY