IRLF QD SB 35 M33 CJ REESE LIBRARY ,j\ n_~ A Ji * i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ?iveJ iHrvrs \fT EXPERIMENTS ARRANGED FOR STUDENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY BY EDGAR F. SMITH AND HARRY F. KELLER, it PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, MICHIGAN MINING PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA. SCHOOL, HOUGHTON. SECOND EDITION, ENLARGED, WITH 37 ILLUSTRATIONS. PHILADELPHIA: P. BLAKISTON, SON & CO 1012 WALNUT STREET. |)Q$ COPYRIGHT, 1891, BY P. BLAKISTON, SON & Co. PRESS or WM F. FELL & Co., I22O-24 SANSOM ST., PHILADELPHIA. PREFACE. This little work is designed as a guide for beginners in chemistry. The arrangement of the course is such as the authors have used with success in the instruction of their classes ; its object is not to dispense with the supervision of an instructor, but rather to assist him. Although reference is made to Richter's "Inorganic Chemistry," any other text- book on the subject can be employed in its stead. The experiments have been collected from various sources, and no claim is made for originality. CONTENTS. PART I. CHAPTER PAGE I. APPARATUS, MANIPULATIONS AND OPERATIONS, 9-10 II. GENERAL PRINCIPLES 10-11 III. HYDROGEN, 12-14 IV. CHLORINE, BROMINE, IODINE, FLUORINE, 14-19 V. OXYGEN, SULPHUR, . . 19-25 VI. NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, ARSENIC, ANTIMONY, ." 25-32 VII. CARBON AND SILICON, BORON, 32-34 PART II. VIII. POTASSIUM, SODIUM [AMMONIUM], 35-38 IX. CALCIUM, STRONTIUM, BARIUM, 39-41 X. MAGNESIUM, ZINC, 41-42 XL MERCURY, COPPER, SILVER, GOLD, 43-46 XII. ALUMINIUM, TIN, LEAD, BISMUTH, 46-50 XIII. CHROMIUM, MANGANESE, IRON, NICKEL, COBALT, 50-56 NON-METALS. FIG. i. CHAPTER I. APPARATUS, MANIPULATIONS AND OPERATIONS. 1 i ) The Bunsen burner and the blowpipe. i. Make a borax bead. 2. Dissolve a very minute quantity of man- ganese dioxide in it. 3. Heat in the oxidizing flame (?). 4. In the reducing flame (?). 5. Heat oxide of lead on charcoal in the reducing flame. 6. In the oxidizing flame. (2) Working with glass tubing and rods. i. Cut various lengths of rods and tubing. 2. Round the sharp edges by softening and turning the ends in the lamp. (3) Construct a wash-bottle (Fig. i). i. Soften a sound cork by rolling it under your foot on a clean floor. 2. Bore two parallel holes through it by means of a cork-borer. These perforations should be cyl- indrical and of less diameter than the glass tubes they are to receive. Use a rat-tail file in enlarging them. 3. Cut suitable lengths of glass tubing. 4. Draw the longer one to a fine point after softening in the flame. 5. Bend the tubes in an ordinary fish-tail burner, and round the sharp edges. 6. Fit the different pieces together. (4) Arrange some other form of apparatus for practice. (5) The balance. i. Weigh an object by placing it on the left-hand pan of the balance, and a weight judged about equal on the right-hand pan. Should the latter be found too heavy, replace it by the next smaller one \ if too light, by the next heavier one. Then add systematically the smaller weights, until the needle points to the middle of the scale. The final adjustment is made with the rider. In adding or removing weights, the supports must always be raised. (6) Measuring vessels. i. Measure off 10 cc. of water (a] in a cylinder, () in a burette, (c) 9 10 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. in a pipette. Always read the lower meniscus. 2. Measure off similarly 50, 100 and 200 cc. of water, and determine their weight. 3. Measure the volume of 50 grms. of oil of vitriol, and of 65 grms. of muriatic acid. What are the specific gravities of these substances ? Note the relation between weight and volume in the metric system. (7) Chemical operations : Solution, evaporation, crystallization, precip- itation, filtration, washing and drying. i. Place into a test-tube pure sodium carbonate, into another cobalt chloride, and add distilled water to each. Stir. What occurs ? 2. To calcium carbonate, add water. Is there any change ? Now add a little hydrochloric acid. What action has it ? 3. Pour 5 cc. of strong hydro- chloric acid upon powdered manganese dioxide ; observe appearance and odor. Note, too, in each case, whether heat has any effect. Distinguish between chemical and mechanical solution. 4. Heat the cobalt chloride and the calcium carbonate solutions, each in a separate dish, on an iron plate, until the liquids are completely driven off (?). 5. Dissolve potas- sium chlorate in hot water, and allow to stand and cool (?). 6. To a portion of the cobalt chloride solution, add a solution of soda; boil. 7. Allow to settle and filter. 8. Wash the precipitate "until pure water runs through the filter (?). 9. Heat the filter until perfectly dry. CHAPTER II. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. (i) Changes in matter. i. Rub a glass rod with a piece of cloth, then touch particles of paper with it (?). 2. Through an insulated spiral of stout copper wire pass a current from two Bunsen cells. Place a piece of wrought-iron a nail will answer inside the spiral, and bring iron filings in contact with it. What happens? Interrupt the current and note the result ; repeat. 3. Heat a platinum wire in the non-luminous flame ; is there any change ? What is the effect of removing it ? Are the original properties of the substances in the above experiments altered, after the action of the forces of electricity, magnetism and heat has been stopped ? 4. Mix intimately four parts, by weight, of finely powdered sulphur with seven parts of very finely divided iron (filings). Pass a magnet over a portion of the mixture. Another portion treat with carbon disulphide in GENERAL PRINCIPLES. II a test-tube. Then heat the remaining portion in a tube over a gas flame. Note carefully what occurs in each case. Powder the mass FIG a resulting from the last operation in a dry mortar. Can you extract from it any iron with a magnet, or dissolve out any sulphur with carbon disulphide? What inference do you draw from the facts observed ? 5. Decompose water in Hofmann's apparatus by an electric current. The water should be acid- ulated with sulphuric acid to make it a conductor of elec- tricity. A current from four to six Bunsen cells is required. To the gas, of which a larger volume has collected, apply a flame, and to the other a glowing spark (?) 6. Heat oxide of mercury in a tube of hard glass (Fig. 2). Apply the spark test (?). 7. Rub some sulphur and mercury together in a mortar (?) 8. Heat sugar in a dry test-tube, at first gently, and then more strongly. Note color and odor. 9. Mix dry soda and tartaric acid in a mortar. Is there any action ? What occurs when you add water ? Point out in what respect the changes involved in experiments 1-3 differ essentially from those in 4-9. By what general names can you distinguish the two different kinds? With which does chemisty concern itself? Define chemistry. Through what agencies have the results been obtained in experiments 4-9 ? Has any gain or loss of matter occurred in any of them ? (2) The products resulting from 5 and 6 cannot be further simplified, *. e., decomposed into dissimilar substances. They are elements* What are water and red oxide of mercury ? i. Dissolve in a little nitric acid, the black powder obtained by heating an intimate mixture of powdered sulphur and copper filings. f Evaporate the solution nearly to dryness, take up in water FIG. 3 . and filter. What remains on the filter ? Place the filtrate in a beaker, dip the platinum electrodes of a battery (one or two ~*" P Bunsen cells) into it (Fig. 3), and allow the current to act for ten minutes. What do you observe upon the platinum foil, forming the negative pole ? What changes have the copper and the sulphur undergone in this experiment ? (Study pp. 18-27, i n Richter's Chemistry.) (3) Metals and non-metals. (See Richter, p. 20.) * The instructor should here develop the idea of element more fully. f A better substitute would be finely divided copper ; such as may be obtained by the reduction of black cupric oxide in a current of hydrogen gas (see page 14). 12 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. CHAPTER III. HYDROGEN. H. (i) Put several pieces of granulated zinc into a test-tube and pour dilute sulphuric acid upon them. What occurs? FlG . 4 . (2) Arrange the apparatus shown in Fig. 4. The flask should contain about 15 grms. of Zn, and dilute H 2 SO 4 is poured through the funnel tube. When all the air in the apparatus has been displaced (ask for precautions /) collect six test- tubes full of the gas over water. (3) What are its properties ? Will it burn ? Support combustion? Is it lighter than air? (4) i. To learn what becomes of hydrogen when it burns in air, arrange apparatus as in Fig. 5. The gas is led from the evolution flask A, into a bottle containing concentrated H 2 SO 4 , and then passes through a tube filled with pieces of CaCl 2 . The gas which escapes is free from moisture. Burn it under a cold glass jar. What do you obtain ? 2. Fill a small flask with a mixture of one vol. of H and five vols. of air ; cork ; invert the flask several times to mix the gases; wrap a towel around it and bring its mouth to a flame. Result ? FIG. 5 . (5) Hydrogen is not the only product of the action of Jf 2 SO 4 itpo?i Zn. Pour some of the liquid remaining in the flask, in which H was generated, into a porcelain dish. Evaporate to about one-third of the original bulk ; allow to stand several hours. You will now dis- cover that the solution is full of colorless crystals. These are zinc sulphate or white vitriol a salt, ZnSO 4 -j- 7H 2 O. Write the equation of the reaction. (6) Determine the weight of H generated by a given weight of Zn. A piece of Zn (not more than .02 grm.) is accurately weighed, and placed under a funnel in a beaker (Fig. 6). The latter is then nearly filled with water, so that the en- tire funnel is under the surface. A test-tube containing dilute H,SO 4 is lowered over the stem of the funnel. Hydrogen appears and collects in the tube. When all the Zn has dis- appeared,* transfer the tube containing the H to a larger vessel, holding water. Measure the volume of the gas by marking FIG. 6. This may be hastened by bringing a spiral of platinum wire in contact with the Zn. HYDROGEN. 1 3 the tube where the inner and outer levels of water are even, and then weighing or measuring the quantity of water that it will hold to that mark. Note the temperature of the water, and the height of the baro- meter. The weight of the H is found by multiplying the vol. by the wt. of i cc., /. Pb (NO 3 ) 2 , ZnSO 4 (?). (Study Richter, pp. 228-232.) (8) Carbon monoxide CO. Preparation. i. In a tube of hard glass heat zinc dust to faint redness, while conducting a slow current of CO 2 over it. In what respect does the product differ from CO 2 . 2. Heat crystals of oxalic acid with cone. H 2 SO 4 in a flask, and wash the product with a NaOH solution. Write the reaction. Study the properties of this gas. (Richter, p. 233.) (9) Carbon disulphide CS 2 . Perform some of the experiments indicated in Richter, p. 234. (10) CARBON AND NITROGEN. i. In a dry test-tube heat a nitrogenous carbon compound with a small piece of K. Cool and add water. KCN is formed and can be tested with AgNO 3 . 2. Convert a portion of the KCN into KCNS by evapo- rating with (NH 4 ) 2 S. Test with FeCl 3 . 3. To a solution of FeSO 4 add potassium ferrocyanide. What results ? 4. What is the action of the ferrocyanide upon solutions of ferric salts ? (n) Study the nature of flame. Make the experiments described'in Richter, pp. 155-160. SILICON. Si. (i) Preparation. Make an intimate mixture 1 of i grm. magnesium powder and 4 grms. of finely powdered quartz-sand. Heat this to bright redness in a wide tube of hard glass. It is best to use the blast lamp for this purpose. The part of the tube containing the mixture should be rotated in the flame. The residue, after a few minutes' heating, is allowed to cool, and treated with water containing HC1. The product 5 34 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. consists of amorphous silicon and undecomposed quartz. 2. Test the action of the following reagents upon Si : sulphuric, nitric and hydro- fluoric acids, potash solution and chlorine. (Read Richter, p. 161.) SILICON AND OXYGEN. (2) Silicon dioxide (Silica, Quartz) SiO 2 . i. Test its solubility in the various acids and alkalies. 2. Fuse a mix- ture of i grm. of finely powdered quartz with 4 grms. of Na. 2 CO 3 , in a platinum crucible. Dissolve the product in water. 3. To a portion of this solution add HC1, and evaporate to complete dryness. Take up the residue with water and filter off the insoluble portion. 4. To another portion of the aqueous solution of the fusion add NH 4 C1. (?). Make a bead of salt of phosphorus ; bring a fragment of a silicate or of quartz into it, and heat in the blow-pipe flame for a few minutes (?). BORON. B. (1) Preparation similar to that of Si. What are its properties? Does it unite directly with other elements ? Is it known in several allotropic modifications ? What is the valency of this element ? (Read Richter, pp. 240 and 241.) BORON AND OXYGEN. (2) Boric Acid -BO 3 . i. Dissolve borax in 5 parts of boiling water, add HC1 to acid reaction, and allow to cool. What crystallizes out of the solution ? Dry some of the product by pressing it between filter paper. Test its solubility in water and in alcohol. What do you observe on igniting the alcoholic solution ? Moisten a piece of turmeric paper with an aqueous solution of boric acid, and dry at a gentle heat. What happens? Problems. (i) How much CO 2 results from the combustion of 12 grms. of carbon ? (2) How much CO 2 will an indefinite quantity of CaCO 3 give, when acted upon by 4.666 grms. of muriatic acid, contain- ing 30 per cent, of pure HC1 ? (3) How many cubic decimeters of CO can be obtained from 90 grms. of oxalic acid ? (4) What amount of SiO. 2 can be obtained from 2 grms. of Wollastonite (CaSiO 3 ) ? (5) What is the theoretical quantity of boric acid obtainable from 15 grms. of borax (Na 2 B 4 O 7 -f ioH 2 O)? METALS OF THE ALKALIES POTASSIUM AND OXYGEN. 35 METALS. CHAPTER VII. METALS OF THE ALKALIES POTASSIUM, SODIUM, [AMMONIUM]. POTASSIUM. K. (1) Preparation. Arrange apparatus as shown in Fig. 35. Into a tube of hard glass, c, introduce a porcelain boat containing about i grm. of a mixture of 138 pts. (i FJG 35 mol.) of dry (?)K 2 CO 3 and 72 pts. (3 at.) of Mg powder. Pass a cur- rent of dry H over it, and after all the air has been displaced in the apparatus (?), light the escaping gas ; heat the part of the tube surround- ing the boat to incipient redness. Observe the brilliant metallic mirror which is formed, and drive it away from the boat by increasing the temperature : it is potassium. Note also the green color of the vapor and the violet coloration it imparts to the burning hydrogen. What is the residue left in the boat ? Test its reaction with litmus (?). Formulate the reaction involved in this method of preparation. (2) i. Cut a piece of K with a knife, and observe the color and lustre of the fresh surface. Care ! 2. To ascertain whether the metal is fusible, heat a small piece of it in a stream of H. 3. Is it heavier or lighter than water ? (3) i. Expose a thin slice of K to the air. What takes place? 2. Throw a small piece of it upon H 2 O (?). In this experiment it is ad- visable to use a tall beaker and to cover the same with a glass plate. 3. What is the action of the halogens upon K? Ask for instructions. POTASSIUM AND OXYGEN. (4) Preparation of Potassium Hydroxide. In an iron vessel dissolve 50 grms. of crystallized Ba(OH) 2 in 160 cc. of water. Cautiously add a hot concentrated solution of 20 grms. of K 2 SO 4 until a sample of the supernatant liquid is no longer precipitated by either K 2 SO 4 or Ba(OH) 2 . Filter rapidly through a plaited filter, and evaporate the solution in an iron or silver dish over a large flame. Continue heating the residue till it appears in a state of quiet fusion. During this operation protect the eyes with a glass plate. Now pour the product upon a clean iron surface, and 36 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. while still warm put it into a bottle provided with a well-fitting stopper. Examine its fracture and color. Try its solubility in water and in alcohol. What is the reaction of the aqueous solution with litmus ? What is an alkali ? Salts. (5) Potassium Chlorate. KC1O 3 . (See p. 22). (6) Potassium Nitrate. KNO 3 . To a hot concentrated solution of 20 grms. of NaNO 3 add a solution of 18 grms. of KC1. Boil. What sepa- rates from the warm mixture ? What crystallizes from the mother liquor on cooling ? Recrystallize the latter product. Examine its crystalline form. Is it more soluble in hot than in cold water ? Explain the method of preparation. (7) Into a red-hot platinum crucible throw small portions of an intimate mixture of 10 grms. of KNO 3 and i^ grms. of charcoal powder. What takes place? Write the reaction. What is gunpowder ? Reactions. (8) Use KNO 3 for the following tests. i. Place a little of the salt upon the end of a clean platinum wire and introduce it into a non-luminous flame. What color do you observe? View the flame through a cobalt glass (?). 2. To the aqueous solution of the potassium salt add HCland boil. Concentrate by evaporation and add PtCl 4 . What is the composition of the resulting precipitate ? Try its solubility in hot and in cold water, also in alcohol. 3. To the con- centrated solution of the salt add a saturated solution of tartaric acid ; either at once, or on shaking, a white crystalline precipitate appears (?). SODIUM. Na. (1) How is this metal usually prepared ? (2) Study its physical and chemical properties (Richter, p. 285). Wherein does it differ from K? (3) Prepare Sodium Amalgam. To 500 grms. of dry mercury, contained in a Wedgewood mortar add gradually 5-10 grms. of Na in thin slices. Perform this operation in a good draught chamber, as the union of the two metals is attended with the evolution of light and heat, and poisonous vapors are given off. Stir well with the pestle, allow to cool, and transfer the product to a well- stoppered bottle. What is its action on H 2 O or dilute H 2 SO 4 ? SODIUM AND OXYGEN. (4) Preparation of Sodium Hydroxide solution. Add a little water to 10 grms of fresh quicklime contained in an iron (or porcelain) vessel. Cover the latter, and in a second iron pot dis- solve 25 grms. of soda ash (Na 2 CO 3 ), using about 100 cc. of water. METALS OF THE ALKALIES SODIUM AND OXYGEN. 37 Heat the solution to boiling ; stir the quicklime which should have broken up to a white powder with enough water to form a thin paste (milk of lime), and add this gradually to the boiling liquid. Stir well with an iron wire ; transfer the mixture to a bottle ; cork, and allow it to stand. After the supernatant liquid has become perfectly clear, decant it by means of a glass siphon filled with water. It should be preserved in a tightly corked bottle (?). Test a few drops of the solution with BaCl 2 (?). What should the solution contain, and of what does the precipitate, from which it was separated, consist? Write the equation representing the re- action. (5) Determine the amount of NaOH contained in the solution. Measure off accurately 20 cc. into a porcelain dish ; add a drop or two of phenolphthalein solution, and dilute with water. From a burette care- fully add dilute hydrochloric acid until the red color has just disappeared. Read off the volume of the acid used ; it is the exact quantity needed to neutralize the alkali : NaOH -f HC1 = NaCl + H 2 O; that is, 40 pts. (i mol.) of NaOH require 36.5 pts. (i mol.) of HC1, and if we know the weight of the HC1 contained in the volume of the dilute acid consumed, a simple proportion will give the weight of the alkali in 20 cc. of the solution. The strength of the acid is determined as follows: In a porcelain dish, dissolve 1.06 grms. of pure Na 2 CO 3 , previously ignited and accurately weighed; add a little phenolphthalein, heat to boiling and introduce acid from the burette until the liquid remains colorless after continued boiling. The carbonate is then exactly neutralized : Na 2 CO 3 + 2HC1 = 2NaCl + CO 2 + H 2 O. It takes, therefore, 73 pts. of HC1 for 106 pts. of Na 2 CO 3 . Suppose, now, 20 cc. of the acid had been used to decolorize the indicator, then i cc. would equal iffi = .53 grms. of Na 2 CO 3 , or .365 grms. of HC1. The latter number is the standard or strength of the dilute acid. The phenolphthalein takes no part in these reactions ; it merely indi- cates by its change of color the complete neutralization of the alkali. Why is it necessary to boil the solution when the acid is standardized with a carbonate ? Salts. (6) Sodium chloride. NaCl. Purify common salt. Grind 50 grms. of salt in a mortar with 150 cc. of water. Filter into a beaker, and conduct HC1 gas into the solution, 38 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. as shown in Fig. 36. Pure NaCl separates out. Collect it on a platinum no. 3 6. cone, remove the liquid with the aid of a filter pump, and dry the salt by warming it in a porce- lain dish, while stirring it with a glass rod. (7) Sodium carbonate. Na 2 CO 3 . Recrystallize some of the commercial carbo- nate. Heat a portion of the product in a porce- lain dish. What do you observe ? Reactions. (8) Use the purified chloride for the tests, i. What color do sodium salts give to the flame? 2. Mix a drop of the aqueous solution with 10 drops of a PtCl 4 solution on a watch-glass. Evaporate very carefully to a small volume. On cooling, a red colored salt crystallizes out in long monoclinic needles (?). Is it soluble in water? in alcohol? 3. Are there any salts of sodium which are not soluble in water ? Can com- pounds of sodium be precipitated by any reagent ? AMMONIUM. (1) What is the composition of ammonium? Can it be obtained in a free state? (See Richter, p. 295.) (2) Dissolve commercial sal ammoniac in a little water, add ammonia in slight excess, warm, filter if a precipitate is formed, and evaporate to crystallization; stir constantly. Ammonium chloride is thus obtained in the form of a fine powder. Reactions. (3) i. On a piece of platinum foil heat successively small portions of the chloride, the sulphate, and the nitrate. What occurs in each case ? 2. Mix a little NH 4 C1 with burnt lime in a small mortar. Note the odor of the escaping gas and its reaction with litmus. 3. Heat a small por- tion of NH 4 C1 with a caustic soda solution. What is given off? Explain the action of strong bases upon ammonium salts. 4. Add PtCl 4 to a solution of NH 4 C1. Result? 5. To a concentrated solution of the ammonium salt add tartaric acid and shake the mixture (?). 6. Do com- pounds of ammonium impart a color to the flame ? Compare the metals of the alkalies with each other. How can the com- pounds of potassium, sodium, and ammonium be distinguished ? Problems. i. How much KNO 3 is theoretically obtainable from 2 kilos METALS OF THE ALKALINE EARTHS CALCIUM. 39 of Chili saltpetre of 97%, and what amount of Sylvite containing 98% of KC1 is required? 2. Suppose that 75 cc. of dilute HNO 3 were required to saturate 50 cc. of a potash lye; further, that 10 cc. of the acid neu- tralized i. 06 grms. of Na 2 CO 3 , what amount of KOH would the lye con- tain? 3. In the valuation of a pearl ash (impure K 2 CO 3 ), 29.1 cc. of a sulphuric acid were used to neutralize 5 grms. of the sample ; the acid contained 98 grms. of H 2 SO 4 per litre ; calculate the percentage of im- purities in the product. 4. Required the minimum amount of marble that should be burnt to liberate the NH 3 from 50 grms. of NH 4 NO 3 . CHAPTER VIII. METALS OF THE ALKALINE EARTHS CALCIUM, STRONTIUM, BARIUM. CALCIUM. Ca. CALCIUM AND OXYGEN. (1) i. Ignite 2 grms. of powdered marble in a platinum crucible to the highest temperature obtainable with the aid of the blast lamp. Con- tinue this for 15 minutes, occasionally stirring the mass with a platinum wire ; what is the residue ? Explain the reaction. 2. Add about 5 cc. of water to the product. What do you observe? Test the reaction of the product with litmus paper. (2) i. Prepare lime water. To the slaked lime obtained from 20 grms. of quicklime (see p. 37) add i litre of water ; transfer the mixture to a bottle. Cork tightly, shake and allow to stand. When the solution has become clear, draw it off by means of a siphon ? What does it con- tain ? Of what does the undissolved portion consist ? 2. Place a por- tion of the lime water on a watch glass and expose to the air(?). 3. Through a second portion blow air from your lungs (?). 4. Conduct a stream of CO 2 through a third portion and observe carefully the successive changes. Explain them. 5. What takes place upon boiling the clear solu- tion which is obtained as the final product in the preceding experiment ? Salts. (3) Calcium Chloride. CaCl 2 . i. Evaporate some of the spent acid of a CO 2 generator to dryness. What is the residue? 2. Expose a little of the salt to the air (?). 3. What use have you made of CaCl 2 previously? 4. Prepare porous CaC/^ (CaCl 2 -f- 2H 2 O). Dissolve the residue obtained in i in lime water, filter, and neutralize exactly with HC1. Evaporate the filtrate to dryness 40 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. in a porcelain dish, and heat the residue for some time on the sand-bath. The solution of the product must show a neutral reaction. (4) Calcium Hypochlorite.C*(C\Q\. (See p. 22.) (5) Calcium Sulphate. CaSO 4 . i. Carefully heat a few grms. of gypsum in a porcelain dish until the water of crystallization is completely expelled. Pulverize the residue. What happens when it is made into a paste with water and allowed to stand ? Reactions. Use the pure CaCl 2 for the following tests : i. Introduce a small portion of the salt into the Bunsen flame by means of a platinum wire (?). 2. To the aqueous solution add (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 . Result ? 3. To another portion add dilute H 2 SO 4 . What is the composition of the precipitate? Why does it not form in very dilute solutions? 3. Add (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4 to the filtrate from the CaSO 4 (?). * t STRONTIUM. Sr. Reactions. i. What color is imparted to the Bunsen flame by compounds of this element ? 2. Add a CaSO 4 solution to the solution of a strontium salt (?). BARIUM. Ba. Reactions. i. Observe what color Ba compounds give to the flame. Moisten the sample with HC1 before heating it (?). 2. To a portion of the aqueous solution of the chloride add (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 . What results? 2. Add dilute H 2 SO 4 to a second portion (?). Point out how the elements of this group may be distinguished (#) from those of the preceding group ; (b} from each other. Problems. i. How much nitric acid of 20 per cent, will effect the so- lution of i grm. of Iceland spar (CaCO 3 ) ? How much CO 2 is given off, and what volume would it occupy at 20 C. under a pressure of 750 mm. ? 2. Suppose .5 grm. of sulphur were dissolved in HNO 3 , what quantity of BaCl 2 must be added until it ceases to produce a precipitate ? 3. One grm. of a mineral consisting of the carbonates of Ca, Sr, and Ba, in the proportion of their molecular weights, will leave what weight of the mixed sulphates on treating and evaporating with an excess of H 2 SO 4 ? MAGNESIUM GROUP MAGNESIUM. 41 CHAPTER IX. MAGNESIUM GROUP MAGNESIUM, ZINC, CADMIUM. MAGNESIUM. Mg. (1) Examine the metal in the forms of ingot, ribbon and powder* Note its color, lustre and specific gravity. 2. Introduce a piece of the rib- bon into the flame with the forceps (?). What is the product ? 3. Treat a piece of the ribbon with dilute H 2 SO 4 . Reaction ? Salts. (2) Magnesium Chloride. MgCl 2 . Prepare the ANHYDROUS salt. Dissolve about 50 grms. of the crystal- lized (?) chloride and 50 grms. of NH 4 C1 in as little water as possible. Evaporate to dryness in a porcelain dish. Reduce the mass while hot to small pieces in a mortar, dry it carefully, so as to remove every trace of moisture. It is best to do this by heating small portions of the material in a porcelain crucible until it no longer sinters. A small sample should not give off moisture when heated in a dry test-tube. Be careful also to prevent re-absorption of moisture. Quickly transfer the warm powder to a platinum crucible provided with a well-fitting cover. Heat, at first gently, to expel the NH 4 Cl, then increase the temperature until the mass is in a state of quiet fusion. It is the anhydrous salt which, being extremely hygroscopic, should be preserved in a tightly stoppered bottle. It should dissolve in water to a clear liquid. Why cannot the anhydrous chloride be obtained by evaporation of the aqueous solution ? (3) Magnesium Sulphate. Mg SO 4 -f yH 2 O. Recrystallize some of the commercial salt. What is the form of the crystals ? Taste ? (4) Reactions. i. Heat a portion of the sulphate or chloride on a platinum wire in the Bunsen flame ; moisten with Co(NO 3 ) 2 solution and heat again. A pink-colored mass results. 2. Add some caustic soda to a little of the solution of the chloride (?). The resulting precipitate dissolves on ad- dition of an ammonium salt (?) 3. Mix a second portion of the chloride solution with NH 3 and NH 4 C1, add Na 2 HPO 4 and agitate the liquid. What is the composition of the precipitate ? Examine it with the aid of a lens. 6 42 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. ZINC. Zn. (1) How is this metal obtained from its ores? (2) Study the physical and chemical properties of Zn (see Richter, p. 316). i. Treat a small piece of pure Zn with dilute H 2 SO 4 (?). 2. Re- peat this experiment, substituting the impure commercial metal. What difference do you observe ? What causes it ? (3) Granulate commercial zinc. Melt 100 grms. of the metal in a well- covered Hessian crucible. The blast lamp maybe used for this purpose, but it is better to perform the operation in a wind furnace. The crucible is then removed from the source of heat, and allowed to cool until the melted metal no longer takes fire when the cover is lifted. Pour the metal, in a thin stream, into a pail filled with cold water. Drain the product and dry at a moderate heat. Salts. (4) Zinc sulphate. Zn SO 4 -f 7H 2 O. (See p. 12). i. Prepare some of this salt and recrystallize it carefully from water. 2. Examine the crystals. What other salt have you prepared that exhibits similar forms ? Is there any analogy in the composition of the two salts ? Reactions. (5) i. Heat a small piece of Zn on charcoal in the oxidizing flame. (?) 2. Moisten the incrustation obtained with a drop of Co(NO 3 ) 2 , and heat again. Result ? 3. To a solution of ZnSO 4 add (NH 4 ) 2 S. What is the color of the precipitate ? Try its solubility in dilute HC1 and in HC 2 H 3 O, (acetic acid). 4. Study the action of caustic alkalies, e. g., NaOH upon the Zn solution. How could you distinguish between Zn and Mg ? What differences are there between this and the preceding groups ? Problems. i. What is the strength of a sulphuric acid of which 20 cc. dissolve exactly .048 grm. of Mg? 2. Suppose it was found that i grm. of Zn gave with H 2 SO 4 , 325 cc. of H at 16 C. and 755 mm., and, further, that .369 grm. of Mg produced the same amount of the gas. Knowing the atomic weight of Mg to be 24, and remembering that the two sulphates are isomorphous, how is it possible to deduce the at. wt. of Zn from the data given ? MERCURY AND OXYGEN. 43 CHAPTER X. MERCURY, COPPER, SILVER, GOLD. MERCURY. Hg. (i) Study the physical and chemical properties of the metal. Wherein does it differ from the other metals? MERCURY AND OXYGEN. ( 2 ) Mercuric oxide. Hg O . How is this substance prepared? What is its behavior on heating? Mix a little powdered S with dry Na. 2 CO 3 and HgO. Ignite the mix- ture in a dry test-tube. Extract the residue with water, filter, acidify with HC1 and add BaCl 2 . What has become of the oxide of mercury in this experiment? Salts. (3) Mercurous Nitrate. HgNO 3 . An excess of metallic mercury (use 10-15 g rms O i g treated in the cold with moderately strong HNO 3 until the formation of crystals is no longer noticeable. Redissolve the crystals by warming, filter, and allow to crystallize. To prepare a solution of the salt take it up with water acidulated with HN0 3 (?). (4) Mercuric chloride. HgCl 2 . Dissolve about 5 grms. of Hg in aqua regia. Evaporate to dryness on a water bath. Place the residue into a small dry flask, cover the latter with a watch-glass, and heat cautiously on a sand-bath. What is the sublimate formed in the upper part of the flask ? Dissolve it in four parts of boiling water and allow to crystallize. Reactions. (5) Mercurous compounds. Use the solution of the nitrate, i. Add a few drops of HC1 to 2 or 3 cc. of the solution. What takes place ? Filter, and add NH 3 to the precipitate (?). 2. Add stannous chloride to another portion of the nitrate solution (?). 3. In a third portion immerse a slip of Cu foil. Examine the stain on the metal ; is it changed when you hold it in the flame? (6) Mercuric compounds. The chloride will answer for the tests. i. Pass H 2 S through a dilute solution and observe the gradation of colors through which the precipitate passes. What is the final product ? 44 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. 2. Add SnCl 2 , drop by drop, to the mercury solution. Explain the changes which occur. COPPER. Cu. i. Preparation. Ignite the pure oxide in a current of dry H (see p. 14). Examine the color and the lustre of the product \ test its solu- bility in HC1, H 2 SO 4 (both strong and dilute), and HNO 3 . Write equa- tions representing the reactions. Salts. (2) Copper Sulphate. CuSO, -f sH 2 O. To 10 grms. of Cu in a flask add 45 grms. of cone. H 2 SO 4 , and heat. When the metal has completely disappeared and the gas (?) ceases to be given off, allow to cool, place the white crystalline residue (?) into a porcelain dish, rinse the flask with hot water. Now add a few drops of HNO 3 to the hot water solution, and filter. From the filtrate the sulphate crystallizes on standing. Recrystallize the product. Does this salt suffer decomposition on exposure to the atmosphere? Heat a small quantity in a porcelain crucible, first moderately, then more strongly (?). (3) Sulphate of Copper and Potassium. CuK 2 (SOt) 2 -f- 6 H 2 O. Prepare solutions of 10 grms. of blue vitriol and 7 grms. of K 2 SO 4 , both saturated at 70. The latter should also contain a few drops of H 2 SO 4 . Mix the solutions ; on cooling the double salt separates in whitish-blue crystals. Examine their form. Reactions. (4) Use either of the salts you have prepared. i. Mix a little of the salt with Na 2 CO 3 , and heat on charcoal in the reducing flame (?). 2. Make a borax bead and dissolve a minute quan- tity of a Cu-compound in it. What color does it give (a) in the oxidiz- ing flame? (<) in the reducing flame? (r) when the bead is reduced with a small piece of tin ? 3. Through a dilute Cu-solution pass H 2 S. Is the resulting precipitate soluble in HC1 or in HNO 3 ? 4. Add ammonia, drop by drop, to the solution. What changes do you observe? 5. To a portion of the very dilute solution add potassium ferrocyanide (?). (5) To a solution of copper sulphate in a porcelain dish add a small piece of Zn. Allow to stand over night. Note the result. Has the Zn disappeared ? Does the solution contain any of this metal ? In what form ? Where is the Cu ? (6) Repeat the experiment, weighing the copper sulphate (.5 grm.) and the Zn (.2 grm.). Add.HCl in quantity sufficient to insure the SILVER. 45 entire solution of the Zn, collect the Cu on a filter, wash with alcohol, dry, heat gently and weigh it in a porcelain crucible. The filtrate should be colorless. Compare the weight of the metallic Cu obtained with that of the Zn employed (?). How does the found Cu accord with the calculated amount of that metal in .5 grm. CuSO 4 .5H 2 O? Repeat the experiment using Cd in place of Zn. Compare the weights of the metals as before. What deduction can you make ? SILVER. Ag. (1) Prepare pure Silver from a coin. Dissolve a 25-cent piece in nitric acid of sp. gr. 1.2, filter (?), and evaporate the blue (?) solution to dryness. Fuse the residue till it blackens, extract with 250 cc. of water ; filter. Now add ammonia in large excess, and then, cautiously, a sodium bisulphite solution (of about 40 %) until on boiling a small portion of the liquid, it is completely decolorized. The greater part of the Ag separates from the solution on standing in the cold ; it is well crystallized. The remainder may be precipitated by warming to 70. Digest the product with strong ammonia (?), wash, dry and ignite it. Examine the metal carefully. What are its physical and chemical characteristics? SILVER AND SULPHUR. (2) Silver Sulphide. Ag. 2 S. Into a dilute solution of AgNO 3 (see next experiment), containing about 2 grms. of the metal, pass H. 2 S. When the liquid smells of the gas, filter off the black precipitate, wash it with water and dry at 100. Salts. (3) Silver Nitrate. AgNO 3 . Dissolve the Ag obtained in (i) in dilute HNO S and evaporate to dry- ness on the water bath. Dissolve the residue in 80 cc. of distilled water, and preserve the solution in a dark bottle (?). What is its reaction with litmus ? Reactions. (4) i. Compounds of Ag on charcoal before the blow-pipe give a white metallic globule (?). 2. To a silver solution use the nitrate add HC1. Collect the precipitate on a small filter, wash, dissolve it in am- monia, and add an excess of HNO 3 to the solution (?). Explain these 46 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. reactions. 3. Expose a small portion of the chloride to direct sunlight. Any change ? What practical application is made of this reaction ? (Read Richter, p. 340.)* (5) Place strips of the metals Zn, Fe, Sn, Pb, and Cd in a solution of silver nitrate. What is the result in each case? Explain. GOLD. Au. (1) How could you distinguish the metal Au from Hg, Ag, and Cu? Reactions. (2) i. Dissolve a small piece of gold (or of a substance containing gold) in aqua regia, concentrate the solution at a gentle heat and pour it into a porcelain dish. Add a solution of FeCl 3 to an SnCl 2 solution until the latter is permanently yellow. After diluting, dip a glass rod into this and then into the gold solution. A purple streak (purple of Cassius) is formed. 2. Add ferrous sulphate to some of the AuCl 3 solution (?). In what respects do the members of this group differ from each other, and how can they be distinguished from the metals of the preceding groups ? Problems. 1.5 grms. of HgO gave on ignition with carbon 4.63 grms. of metallic mercury; the specific gravity of the vapor of HgCl 2 referred to H, was found to be 135.5. What is the atomic weight of Hg ? 2. The molecule of Hg contains how many atoms, if the vapor density equals- TOO? 3. On analysis a chalcocite was found to contain 20.15 per cent, of S and 79.85 per cent, of Cu. Deduce the molecular formula of the mineral. 4. What quantities of Ag, Au, and Hg can be precipi- tated from their respective solutions by i grm. of Cu ? CHAPTER XI. ALUMINIUM, TIN, LEAD, BISMUTH. ALUMINIUM. Al. (i) By what methods is this metal obtained on a large scale? What are its properties? Try the action of the following reagents upon Al : HC1, HNO 3 , and NaOH solution. Write the reactions. * If practicable, the instructor should here show and explain the preparation of a photographic negative. TIN. 47 Sa/ts. (2) Sulphate of Aluminium and Potassium. KA1(SO 4 ) 2 -j- i2H 2 O. Prepare saturated solutions of A1 2 (SO 4 ) 3 and K 2 SO 4 ; mix these so that the resulting liquid contains the two sulphates approximately in the pro- portion of their molecular weights. The double sulphate crystallizes on standing. Why? Recrystallize it from water. What is the form of the crystals ? What is an alum! (See Richter, p. 351.) Reactions. (3) Use alum. i. Heat a little of the salt on a platinum wire in the oxidizing flame, moisten with Co(NO 3 ) 2 , and heat again. A blue mass (?) is the product. 2. To an aqueous solution add ammonia (?). Add (NH 4 ) 2 S to another portion of the solution. What do you observe ? 4. To the diluted solution add NaOH, drop by drop. Note the successive changes (?). TIN. Sn. (1) Examine a bar of this metal, i. Note the sound it emits on bending (?). 2. Etch a smooth surface with HC1 (?). 3. Try the solu- bility of Sn in hot HC1. 4. What action have moderately dilute, and concentrated, HNO 3 upon it? Write the reactions. (2) Determine the specific heat of Tin. A thin glass beaker of about 200 cc. capacity is carefully covered on the outside with a moderately thin layer of cotton wool. This may' be called the calorimeter. Pour 100 cc. of distilled water into the beaker. Suspend a thermometer in the water. Place 25 grms. of granulated tin into a test-tube, close the mouth of the latter with a plug of cotton. Introduce the test-tube with its contents into a beaker glass containing boiling water. A stout copper wire will serve as a handle. After ten or fifteen minutes the tin will have acquired the temperature of the boiling water 100. The tube is then rapidly removed from the latter and its outer surface freed from moisture by quickly passing a towel over it. Remove the cotton from the mouth, and transfer the tin to the calori- meter. While the metal is being introduced raise the thermometer from the water, and replace it as soon as all the metal has been added ; stir the liquid well and observe, as accurately as possible, the highest point 48 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. reached by the mercury column. Approximate results can be obtained from these data. Calculate as follows : Let y temperature of water before introducing the tin. " z " " " after " " w = weight of the water. " v = " of the metal. " x = sp. heat then x __ loo(z-y) "25 (loo-z) (Study Richter pp. 256-259.) Would the specific heat found for tin, when multiplied by the constant 6.4 give the same value as that found in experiment (3) for the equivalent of tin ? Explain. How many series of tin compounds are there ? (3) Determine the equivalent weight of Tin. Place about 3 grms. of tin in a porcelain crucible that has been pre- viously weighed. Cover the metal with 5-10 cc. of concentrated HNO 3 . Then carefully apply heat by means of an iron plate. The tin is dis- solved, while fumes of NO 2 are set free. When the acid has been entirely expelled, heat the crucible with the white stannic oxide over a Bunsen burner ; allow to cool and weigh. Let w = weight of crucible and SnO 2 " v = " " " " metallic tin. a. v _ (( (t y Then w - v = weight of O, andv - y = " " Sn. Equiv. ofSn=i^-^ 8 W V Softs. (4) Stannous Chloride. SnCl 2 . Dissolve 10 grms. of granulated Sn in warm cone. HC1 with the addition of a few drops of PtCl 4 (?). Put the solution into a well-stoppered bottle. Reactions. (5) Stannous Compounds. Use the chloride solution. i. Conduct H 2 S through a portion of the diluted liquid. A brown precipitate (?) is thrown down. Is it soluble in yellow ammonium sul- phide? What does HC1 precipitate from the sulphide solution? 2. What is the action of HgCl 2 upon SnCl 2 (see p. 44). (6) Stannic Compounds. Add a few drops of Br to a portion of the SnCl 2 solution, and boil (?). Use the diluted liquid for the tests. 1. Pass H 2 S into a portion of the solution. What is the color of the precipitate? Is it soluble in HC1? in (NH 4 ) 2 S? 2. Add Cu-turnings, boil, decant the liquid, and add HgCl 2 . What happens? Explain.. BISMUTH. 49 LEAD. Pb. (i) How can this metal be obtained from the oxide? By what physi- cal properties can it be distinguished from other metals ? Is it soluble in the mineral acids? (2) In a solution of 5 grms. of lead nitrate in about 50 cc. of water, suspend a strip of metallic Zn and let stand for a few days (?). Salts. (3) Dissolve 5 grms. of granulated lead (test-lead) by warming with dilute HNO 3 . Concentrate by evaporation and allow to crystallize. Reactions. (4) i. Before the blowpipe, on charcoal, lead compounds are reduced to metallic beads, which are sectile with the knife. 2. Add HC1 to a solution of the nitrate. Boil the precipitate with water. (?) What takes place on cooling? 3. To another portion add dilute H 2 SO 4 (?). 4. Pass H 2 S into a third portion (?). BISMUTH. Bi. Reactions. (i) i. Mix a little of the oxide or nitrate of Bi with Na 2 CO 3 and heat in the reducing flame on charcoal. Does the resulting metallic globule resemble lead ? Is it sectile? 2. Pass H 2 S into a solution of the chloride or nitrate in HC1 (?). 3. Add a large volume of water to a bismuth solution. What occurs? What reactions distinguish Al, Sn, Pb and Bi from each other, and from the metals previously studied ? Problems. i. What is the molecular formula of a mineral containing SiO 2 = 43.08 A1 2 3 = 36.82 CaO = 20.10 100.00 2. A compound of tin and chlorine yielded on analysis 29.42 parts of Sn and 35.40 parts of Cl ; its vapor density was ascertained to be 132.85. What is the atomic weight of tin ? 3. Deduce the formula of Cosalite from the following analysis : S = 15.27 Bi = 41.76 Pb = 40.32 Ag = 2.65 IOO.OO 50 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. CHAPTER XII. CHROMIUM, MANGANESE, IRON, NICKEL/ COBALT. CHROMIUM. Cr. CHROMIUM AND OXYGEN. (1) Chromic oxide. Cr. 2 O 3 . i. Preparation. Mix intimately 20 grms. of potassium dichromate and 4 grms. of sulphur. Heat the mixture in a porcelain crucible over the blast lamp for about 20 minutes. Cool, extract the residue with boiling water and dry it at a gentle heat. What is its color ; is it soluble in dilute HC1? 2. Fuse a portion of it with six times its weight of NaHSO 4 in a platinum crucible. What takes place? 3. Repeat this experiment with some finely powdered chromite. (?) Salts. (2) Chromic Chloride. CrCl 3 . Prepare the anhydrous salt. Intimately mix 10 grams of Cr 2 O 3 , pre- pared as described, and 3 grms. of powdered charcoal, and convert this into a dough with a little starch paste. Form the product into balls of the size of a pea ; dry, and then ignite these (covered with charcoal powder) in a Hessian crucible, provided with well-fitting lid. Place the residue into a tube of hard glass, and heat it in a current of CO. 2 to expel every trace of moisture. With the aid of a blast lamp increase the tempera- ture and replace the CO 2 by a current of Cl. The excess of Cl should be absorbed by conducting it into a bottle filled with caustic soda. (?) The resulting CrCl 3 sublimes to the cooler portions of the tube. Describe its appearance. Is it soluble in water? What other chlorides are prepared in a similar way ? Write the equa- tion, expressing the reaction. (3) Chrome Alum. Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 .K 2 SO 4 + 24 H 2 O. Dissolve 10 grms. of K 2 Cr 2 O 7 in a little water ; acidify with H 2 SO 4 , pass SO 2 into the liquid until the latter is saturated with the gas. Allow to stand ; the double salt crystallizes. What is its crystalline form ? Dis- solve some of it in cold water and note the color of the solution ; now warm it. What takes place (see Richter, p. 374)? (4) i. Examine crystals of potassium dichromate, K 2 Cr 2 O 7 . How is it obtained? 2. Dissolve 10 grms. of this salt in water, and from a burette carefully add a caustic soda solution until the color is changed to yellow (?). MANGANESE AND OXYGEN. 51 What crystallizes from the solution on evaporation ? How can you re- convert the product into the dichromate ? Reactions. (5) i. Dissolve a minute quantity of a chromium compound in a borax bead. Heat in the oxidizing and in the reducing flame. Results? 2. Heat a little of the compound with KNO 3 on a platinum foil (?) (6) Chromic compounds. Use chrome alum for the tests. i. Add caustic soda, drop by drop, to a little of the solution. (?) Continue the addition of the reagent till the precipitate is redissolved. What takes place on boiling the solution ? 2. What is the action of ammonia on the solution of the chromium salt ? (7) Chromates. Use a solution of potassium chromate. i. Add lead acetate solution. Note the color of the precipitate. Is it soluble in acetic acid? 2. Substitute BaCl 2 for the lead salt in the preceding ex- periment. (?) 3. Acidify the chromate solution with H 2 SO 4 and add H 2 O 2 to the liquid. What happens? 4. To some of the chromate solution add a few drops of HC1 and about i cc. of alcohol. What occurs when the mixture is heated to boiling ? MANGANESE. Mn. MANGANESE AND OXYGEN. (1) In what proportions do these two elements unite with each other? Enumerate the oxides which occur in nature. What is formed when the oxides of manganese are heated in H ? When they are ignited in the air? Salts. (2) Manganous Chloride. MnCl 2 -f- 4H 2 O. Evaporate in a porcelain dish the solution obtained in the preparation of Cl from MnO 2 and HC1. Heat the dry residue over a small flame for some time. Add much water and boil. Filter, and to ^ of the filtrate add a solution of Na 2 CO 3 in excess. Allow the precipitate (?) to settle, draw off the supernatant liquid with a siphon, and wash the remaining precipitate several times with water by decantation. Add the precipitate then to the principal solution and digest at a gentle heat until a small filtered sample mixed with (NH 4 ) 2 S gives a flesh-colored precipitate which is completely dissolved by dilute acetic acid. Now filter and evaporate to crystallization. (3) Potassium Manganate K 2 MnO 4 and Potassium Permanganate K 2 Mn 2 O 8 . 52 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. In a porcelain crucible fuse a mixture of 5 grms. KOH and 2.5 grms. KC1O 3 \ gradually add 5 grms. finely powdered MnO 2 . Maintain a moderate red heat for 15 minutes. Dissolve the dark-green residue in a little water. Observe the color of the solution. What does it contain? Then dilute with much water and conduct CO 2 into the liquid. Is there any change ? If so, write the equation expressing it. K 2 Mn 2 O 8 as well as K 2 MnO 4 are powerful oxidizing agents. Warm a little of the alkaline K 2 MnO 4 solution with a few drops of alcohol (?). To a little of the permanganate solution, acidified with H 2 SO 4 , add sul- phurous acid (?). Treat the acidified solution also with solutions of ferrous sulphate and oxalic acid (?). Reactions. (4) i. What color do Mn-compounds impart to a borax bead in the oxidizing flame? What is the effect of the reducing flame? 2. Heat a little of an Mn-compound with Na 2 CO 3 and KNO 3 on a platinum foil. What does the resulting mass contain ? 3. To a little of the solution of the chloride in water add (NH 4 ) 2 S. What is the color of the precipitate. Test its solubility in acids (including acetic acid). 4. Add caustic soda to another portion of the chloride solution. Is the precipitate soluble in an excess of the reagent ? Is its color affected by exposure to the air ? Explain. IRON. Fe. (1) Preparation. Into a tube of Bohemian glass place a porcelain boat filled with the finely powdered oxide. Pass a current of dry H through the tube, and when all the air is expelled (how could you test it?), apply heat to that part of the tube which contains the boat. What is formed in the anterior portion of the tube ? After a red heat has been maintained for 10 minutes allow the boat to cool in H, and examine its contents. Are they attracted by the magnet ? Expose the product to air (?). How is iron obtained from its ores on a large scale ? What are its properties? (see Richter, pp. 393 and 394). Distinguish between cast- iron, steel, and wrought-iron. Salts. (2) Ferrous Sulphate. -Fe SO 4 -f 7H 2 O. To 25 grms. of Fe in the form of nails or wire, free from rust, contained in a flask, add 200 cc. of dilute (i : 4) sulphuric acid. When the evolu- tion of the gas (? Note its odor !) is no longer violent, warm, and finally boil until the liberation of gas ceases. A sample of the solution poured IRON. 53 into a test-tube should, on cooling, give a copious separation of crystals. Filter into a casserole containing 2-3 cc. of cone, H 2 SO 4 , and let stand for 8 hours. Collect the crystallized product in a funnel the stem of which is closed with a loose plug of glass wool,* allow the mother liquor to drain off, wash with very little cold water (?), and dry between sheets of filter paper. Examine the product carefully. Note its color, taste, solubility in water and crystal form. What other salts of analo- gous composition are isomorphous with it ? What is observed when some of the salt is heated, first moderately, then strongly, in a tube of hard glass ? Expose the aqueous solution of the salt to the air for several hours (?). (3) Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate. Fe (NH 4 ) 2 (SO 4 ) 2 -f- 6H 2 O. In 100 cc. of dilute sulphuric acid dissolve clean iron wire till no more hydrogen is given off; neutralize a like quantity of the acid exactly with ammonia water, and add to it a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid. Filter the iron solution into that of the ammonium salt. Let the salt crystallize, drain it on a funnel provided with a perforated platinum cone, wash and dry as described under (2). Preserve in a well-stoppered bottle. What metals can replace the iron in this salt without altering its crystalline form? (4) Ferric Ammonium Sulphate. Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 .(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 -f 24H 2 O. Place 20 grms. of crystallized ferrous sulphate into a porcelain dish together with a few cc. of water and 3.5 grms. of oil of vitriol. Warm on an asbestos plate, adding nitric acid, drop by drop, until no further change of color (?) is observed. Evaporate the excess of HNO 3 , dissolve the residue in hot water and add 3.5 grms. of (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ; filter, and set the solution aside for crystallization. Separate the crystals from the mother liquor, and wash and dry them as under (2). To what class of substances does this salt belong ? Why ? Reactions. (5) In a borax bead dissolve a small quantity of an iron compound, and treat it successively in the oxidizing and reducing flames. What changes do you observe ? (6) Ferrous Compounds. Use a freshly prepared solution of ferrous sulphate for the following tests: i. To a few drops of it, diluted with water, add ammonia. Note the color of the precipitate, and the changes which occur on exposure to the air (?). 2. Add (NH 4 ) 2 S to another portion (?). Is the resulting precipitate soluble in HC1 ? 3. In a porce- lain capsule bring together a little of the ferrous solution and a drop of * It is better to use a perforated platinum cone, and to remove the adhering solution with the aid of a filter pump. 54 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. a potassium ferrocyanide solution. Result ? 4. In a similar manner test a drop of the iron solution with ferricyanide of potassium. (7) Ferric compounds. In the presence of free acids, oxidizing agents convert iron compounds from the ferrous into the ferric condition, i. Acidify the ferrous sulphate solution with sulphuric acid, warm, and add cone. HNO 3 until it fails to produce a change in color ; the iron is then in the ferric state. 2. Dilute a few drops of the yellow liquid with several cc. of water and add ammonia (?). 3. Test a drop of the ferric solution with potassium ferrocyanide (?). 4. Treat a. second drop with ferricyanide of potassium (?). 5. Mix another drop with a solution of potassium sulphocyanate (?). 6. Conduct H 2 S into some of the ferric sulphate solution. What do you observe? Explain the reaction, and write the equation expressing it. 7. Place a piece of metallic Zn in a test-tube containing a solution of the ferric salt. What takes place ? (8) Quantitative estimation of iron. Under manganese it was observed that the salt potassium permanganate is an oxidizing agent. To show how this salt acts with iron in its lower form of oxidation, fill a burette with an aqueous solution of it ; allow it to drop slowly into the solution of a ferrous salt acidulated with H 2 SO 4 . The pink color of the perman- ganate immediately disappears on stirring with a glass rod. This con- tinues until the ferrous salt is completely oxidized to the ferric state. A drop of permanganate added in excess will then impart a faint pink color to the liquid. This indicates that the reaction is ended. Write the equation. This behavior may be utilized for determining the quantity of iron in a solution. That this may be done, it is first necessary to standardize the FIG. 37- permanganate solution. Proceed as follows: Dissolve about 2 grms. of the permanganate in 1000 cc. of H 2 O. Fill a burette 'with this solution. Weigh out .2 grm. of clean piano wire. Place this into a small flask (Fig. 37) provided with a cork and valve.* Cover the iron wire with dilute sulphuric acid. Warm. When the iron is completely dissolved, remove the cork, add cold water to the solution, and slowly admit the per- manganate until the final pink coloration appears. Note the volume of the K 2 Mn 2 O 8 required to produce this effect. Suppose 30 cc. had been consumed, then : 30 cc. K 2 Mn 2 O 8 = .2000 grm. metallic iron. I " = .00666 " " This is then the standard of the permanganate in iron units. * With a sharp knife make a longitudinal incision of about I cm. length, in a rubber tube, and close one end by means of a glass rod. COBALT AND NICKEL. 55 Next, dissolve i grm. of ferrous ammonium sulphate in 100 cc. distilled water, add 5 cc. H 2 SO 4 , and then introduce the permanganate until the final reaction is observed. Calculate the percentage of iron in this salt and compare the experimental result with the theoretical value. How much oxygen will each molecule of K 2 Mn. 2 O 8 give up in oxidizing ? How many molecules of FeO can be changed to Fe 2 O 3 by a molecule of K 2 Mn 2 8 ? COBALT. Co AND NICKEL. Ni. Reactions. i. Dissolve a minute quantity of a cobalt compound in a borax bead. Heat first in the oxidizing, then in the reducing flame (?). 2. What is the behavior of nickel compounds under like conditions? 3. Add caustic alkali to a solution of Co(NO 3 ) 2 , warm the mixture (?). What action have caustic alkalies on solutions of nickel salts? 5. To the cobalt solu- tion cautiously add ammonia. After a precipitate (?) has formed, add more of the reagent. What takes place ? Expose the resulting solution to the air in a shallow dish (?). 6. Treat a nickel solution in an analo- gous manner (?). 7. To the solutions of Co and Ni, each in a separate test-tube, add (NH 4 ) 2 S. Filter and wash the precipitated sulphides, and test their solubility in acids (?). Note the colors of cobalt and nickel salts, in the hydrated as well as in the anhydrous state. Is there any marked difference between Co and Ni in respect to their chemical deportment? Point out the differences in the reactions of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni. How may ferrous compounds be distinguished from ferric ? What con- ditions are favorable to the conversion of the former into the latter? The latter into the former ? By what means may chromic salts be changed into compounds of chromic acid? How may the reverse change be effected? Devise a method for separating the elements treated in this chapter. Problems. i. How much K 2 Cr 2 O T can be obtained theoretically from 100 kilos of a chromite containing 58.6 per cent, of Cr 2 O 3 ? 2. 100 grms. of a pyrolusite which was found to contain 4 per cent, of impuri- 56 EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY. ties, will give what volume of O, measured at 20 C and 745 mm., when strongly ignited ? What is the weight of the residue, assuming that one- half of the impurities was moisture, the other half quartz ? 3. How many grms. of HNO 3 are required to oxidize 12 grms. of crystallized ferrous sulphate ? 4. What percentage of metallic iron is contained in a salt, of which .7 grm. are exactly oxidized by 17.8 cc. of permanganate solu- tion (standard : i cc. = .0056 grm. Fe) ? APPENDIX. TABLE OF METRIC WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, MEASURES OF LENGTH. I metre = 10 decimetres 100 centimetres = 1000 millimetres, i metre 1.09363 yards = 3.2809 feet = 39.3709 inches. MEASURES OF CAPACITY. i cubic metre 1000 litres 1,000,000 cubic centimetres 1,000,000,000 cubic millimetres. i litre = 61.02705 cubic inches = .035317 cubic foot 3= 1.76077 pints = .22097 gallon. MEASURES OF WEIGHT. I gram = weight of i cc. of water at 4 C. I Kilogram = 1000 grams = 100.000 centigrams = 1,000,000 milligrams. I Kilogram = 2.20462 Ibs. = 35-2739 ounces = 15432.35 grains. TABLE OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS OF ELEMENTS. Aluminium . . Al . . 27.0 Lead . . . . Pb . . .... 207.0 Antimony . Sb . . I2O.O Magnesium Mg 24.0 Arsenic As 7S.O Manganese Mn cc o Barium . . . Ba . . 137.0 Mercury H g 2OO.O Bismuth Bi . . . 208.0 Molybdenum Mo . Q6.O Boron . . . . B . . II.O Nickel . . . . Ni . . C.O.O Bromine . . . Br . . . . . 80.0 Nitrogen N 14.0 Cadmium Cd II2.O Oxygen o 16.0 Calcium . . . Ca . . 4O.O Phosphorus . P . . 31.0 Carbon C I2.O Platinum Pt 195.0 Chlorine . . . Cl . . 35.5 Potassium . . . K . . .... 39.0 Chromium . Cr . . C2.C, Silicon . Si . . . 28.0 Cobalt Co SO.O Silver Ag 108.0 Copper . . Cu . . 63.3 Sodium . . . . Na . 23.0 Fluorine Fl IQ.O Strontium . Sr . 87.5 Gold . . . . . Au . ..... 197.0 Sulphur . . . . S . . .... 32.0 Hydrogen . H . i.o Tin ... . Sn . 118.0 Iodine . . . . I . . . 127.0 Zinc . Zn . .... 65.0 Iron Fe c6.o 57 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. DEC 3 19*' LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476 C. I