UC-NRLF THE By STEPHEN CHRISTIE l I }: ! Hiiimil ii li'l iiiilt! mm itil illii i i ill iiiiii il LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class Stephen Christie BOILER RULES AND TABLES used in the CONSTRUCTION, TESTING AND OPERATION OF STEAM BOILERS Rules Comprehensive and Exemplified PUBLICATION OP THC UNIVERSITY OF GENERAL Copyright. 1908 by STEPHEN CHRISTIE PREFACE. THE writer, after many years of experience in connection with boilers, as a boiler maker, master boiler maker, and boiler inspector, has, in his vocation, found it necessary to use rules, tables and formulas in conjunction with his work and duties and has profited by those of older and wider experience in the craft and, having had ample opportunity, inclination and resource for research for comprehensive, concise and condensed formulas and rules governing his daily duties, .has compiled this work. The author does not claim originality ; it is the intention to make the subject as clear as possible, to make it a pleasant study so that the layman can master the many rules that may seem too intricate and attention has been given to the most practical part of estimating values in connection with steam boiler designing. Many valuable and scientific books have treated the subject of steam boilers and some exhaustively and from them I have learned. I have quoted from those authors' fund of information and from personal experience, and it will be my aim to make this compilation clear and free from any technicalities that would in a measure con- fuse the student and sincerely hope it may accomplish the mission intended, to interest those whose duties, labors and interests are in connection with the steam boiler. STEPHEN CHRISTIE. 1 95020 CHAPTER I. MATERIALS. It has been stated by historians that Tubal Cain was an iron worker, no doubt an artificer in plow shares and pruning hooks, but that in remote antiquity, when metals were few in number and knowledge of their uses limited, and it is doubtful if the steam boiler was among the articles made. Historians record the nature of metals during those early ages as gold, silver, brass, iron, tin and lead, and also state that bronze had been in use before iron, thus we may favor doubt about boilers of some description being in use during those ages of antiquity. Aristotle seems to be the earliest authority quoted on the subject of iron, saying "that iron was purified from acoria by melting, and after repeated treatments by melting became purified." What state of purification in relation to iron working tools or metals was not stated. Daimachus, an early writer on the. subject mentions different kinds of steel and the purposes to which they were used, and sev- erally suited, viz. : Chalybdie for carpenter tools. Lacedoemonian for files and drills and stone cutters' tools. Lydian for knives and razors. Thus ancient history records some notice of materials used in boiler construction, but it is doubtful if ancient process of manu- facturers or knowledge of material construction brought it up to anything like the state of perfection that could be used in steam boilers of today. This chapter was not intended to treat on metallurgy only to touch upon materials as now used in these days of high pressure boilers. Manufacturers assume great responsibilities in selecting material for boilers, hence care in selection. Boiler making today is a science, demanding scientific education and knowledge gained by research, investigation and reasoning. The writer can go back mentally to the days when boiler making was apparently in its infancy, this when comparing the boilers of to- 5 6 THE BOILER. day with the demands for power and when the very low pressures were then well suited to the low grade material manufactured ; de- signs crude, seams out of all proportions, bracing out of reasoning, and the ignorant mechanic, whose only evidence of work was strong in arm, wrought defects without thought of effects. There is evolution and revolution in boiler making today. High pressures are necessary, also care in selecting" materials and designing boilers. The construction for the demands today are high pressures ; due to competition, economy and fuel and space. It is nec- essary then to have all parts equal in strength, different parts favored with material of specific quality, such as braces, tubes, fire sheets, where circulation is least ; corrosion, expansion, contraction or pit- ting active will necessitate increased thickness of plate ; again, to secure complete circulation, combustion of fuel, etc. ; to arrange heat- ing surface in proportion to grate area and steam space, to make the form of boiler such that it can be constructed without mechanical difficulty or great expense. Designs must be made to give strength, durability under the action of hot gases and corrosive elements, to be accessible, for clean- ing, repairing and to provide safety appliance of ample proportions and applied properly. Thus the necessity of the greater education in boiler designing and construction and knowledge of material used. Material for boiler purposes as well as other uses invariably con- tains in combination sonic proportion of various elements, and although these may appear small, have very marked influence upon its strength, ductility and working qualities, thus making it neces- sary to have both chemical as well as physical tests. In the manu- facturing of boiler material the process of carburization changes the nature and properties of contained carbon, thus wrought iron con- tains from 5 per cent to only a trace per cent of carbon, and steel including all kinds of iron contains not more than 1.75 per cent of carbon and varies in fusibility, hardness, susceptibility to temper- ing and malleability. The first two properties being increased by increase of carbon, while the others are diminished. All ores go through the process of reduction, and the more im- purities they contain the greater amount of work is necessary to treat them ; these include carbonic acid, water, combustible and earthy matter. MATERIAL. 7 CAST IRON. In cast iron these qualities looked for are taken from the fuel and mode of smelting", this materially as much as the character of ore. To convert cast iron into bar, forged or malleable iron, it has to be re- fined by smelting with coke or charcoal ; this process eliminates the oxygen and carbon which may be left, thus bringing it to a state of refined metal, this is forged under hammer, passed through roll and drawn into bars, cut in lengths and formed into bundles or piles, again reheated and once more hammered and rolled into any shape. Cast iron has in its makeup carbon-silicon ; this is a slag and its presence makes iron and steel hard and brittle, but up to 6 per cent is harmless providing 3 per cent, of manganese is present with it. Manganese, of which 5 per cent is sufficient to make iron cold short, is valuable in iron to be converted into steel. Sulphur and phosphorus, when 8 per cent is present, make iron and steel crystallized and unfits it for plate for boiler purposes. Arsenic increases the hardness in steel at the expense of tough- ness, as does carbon with it in form of graphite. The gray iron con- tains most graphite and carbon, making it more fusible and softer than white iron. The latter contains more combined carbon ; these constituents vary, thus having various influence on the mechanical properties, and, after repeated fusings, loses its carbon. THE ELEMENTS IN CAST IRON ARE AS FOLLOWS: ELEMENTS. PERCENTAGE. Combined carbon 15 to 1 . 25 per cent Graphite 1 . 85 to 3 . 25 Silicon 15 to 5 . Sulphur to .05 Phosphorus to 1 . 3 Manganese . . : to 1 . 5 Iron 90 . to 95 . Cast iron is not reliable for boiler construction unless for very low pressure, while it resists corrosion it is brittle and to get strength great thickness is necessary. From cast iron to steel, plate is susceptible to the widest variation in its character ; cast iron as extracted from ore, is melted with com- parative facility and according to mode of operation in foundry, may be rendered so hard that it requires special tools to work it. 8 THE BOILER. This metal by treatment with heat and air is converted into great tensile strength and ductility, still soft and easily worked into shapes without fracture. The difference in molecular construction between cast and malle- able iron is, the cast iron contains a larger proportion of carbon and some silicon, the malleable iron practically none thus to produce steel the cast iron is melted first, then wrought iron and steel scraps are added by degrees (these in equal proportion), then an addition of spiegeleisen is added with manganese ; as soon as this metal ceases to flow it is removed and poured into moulds, reheated and rolled into plate. WROUGHT IRON. Wrought iron is made by the process called puddling to eliminate the graphite and combined carbon from the pig iron, leaving sufficient to give strength in this new combination. In operation the mass is heated and kneaded by the paddles into blooms, and these are com- pressed under a hammer to remove the slag, again heated, rolled out and further squeezed by passing through rolls, thus forming a puddle bar. These bars are broken up and worked by hammering and roll- ing more or less according to degree of purity and strength required, thus iron plates retain the fibrous quality imparted to the bar, but owing to the secretion of cinder scale between the layers (thus pro- ducing. blisters), careful tests are necessary by eye or hammer. Wrought iron, while possessing great tenacity combined with toughness and ductility is well adapted to resist sudden strains. While the puddle bars are going through the rolls oxide of iron is formed in scales, caused by the hot iron coming in contact with the air; these scales are collected for the puddling furnace, with use being that of absorbing the carbon from the iron. The wrought iron is Lamina in its construction, is ductile and has a tensile strength varying up to 55,000 pounds per square inch and a ductility to 40 per cent ; its uses in boiler construction are in tubes, rivets, braces and for reinforcement. .One objectional feature in iron plates is the smallness of plate that can be manufactured with- out chance of blistering or lamination ; another is the excess of labor due to more seams, thus reducing the strength of boiler. The great advantages steel has over wrought iron are, plate can MATERIAL. 9 he made in sizes of larger dimensions, boilers can be made of lighter material, greater power of conductivity of heat can be secured, but it necessitates greater care in flanging the material and in fitting up. MATERIAL. Average crushing and breaking strains of iron and steel : Breaking strain of wrought iron 23 tons Crushing " 17 Breaking strain of cast iron 7^ Crushing " " " " 50 Breaking strain of steel bars 55 Crushing " " " " 110 this per square inch of section. STEEL PLATE. Steel is a carburet of iron and the earliest invention of same was prepared by fusion and not by cementation ; in this later process the metal is surrounded by charcoal, and thus it draws its supply of carbon, the molecules of iron taking up the latter. Since that early process there have been several methods em- ployed to produce the steel, viz. : 1st Direct from ores. 2nd By addition of carbon and malleable iron. 3rd By the partial decarburization of pig iron. 4th By diluting the carbon in pig iron and the addition of malleable iron. Steel plate is termed mild steel, low steel and high steel, which contains a high percentage of carbon. The following table will show the proportion of carbon and corresponding hardness : NO. OF HARDNESS. PER CENT OF CARBON. OBSERVATION. 1 2 3 4 1.58 to 1.38. . 1.38 to 1.12 1.12 to .88 .88 to .62 . . . cannot be welded. . . .welds easily and used for chisels. . . .used for cutting tools. . . .mild steel for tires, etc 5 6 7 .62 to .38and\ .38 to .15 / 15 to 05 /tempers slightly, steel for boiler \ plates, /does not temper, used for \ machinery Steel and iron, like all other metals, are composed of atoms grouped in molecules, and any force that alters the relations of the atoms in the molecules modifies the physical properties of the metal, thus in heating, cooling and crushing the physical properties of metals vary with its degree of purity. 10 THE BOILER. Density of a metal is dependent on the intimacy of the contact between the molecules and is influenced by temperature and rate of cooling; its density can be augmented by hammering or any com- pressing stress ; pressure on all sides increases its density. Malleability is the property of permanently extending in all directions without rupture by pressure produced by slow stress or by impact. Ductility is the property that enables metal to be worked into flanges or drawn into wire, and this ductility increases with increased temperature. Tenacity is a property possessed by metals in varying degree, it is the resisting, the separating of the molecules after the limit of elasticity has passed. Hardness is the resistance offered by the molecules of a substance to their separation by penetrating action of another substance. Brittleness is the sudden interruption of molecules, cohesion, when substances are subjected to the action of some extraneous force, such as a blow or change of temperature and largely influ- enced by purity of metal. Elasticity is the power a body possesses of resuming its original form after removal of an external force which has changed its form, and to measure the strength of metals it is necessary to deter- mine : First. The greatest stress the metal can sustain within the limits of elasticity. Second. The total exent of strain before rupture takes place. Third. The ultimate tensile strength or maximum stress the metals can sustain without rupture. The difference between steel and iron is seen when subjected to a high temperature and suddenly cooled by plunging in cold water. The iron is affected very little while the steel becomes hardened. A chemical test to distinguish iron from steel is by placing a drop of diluted nitric acid upon a clean surface of the metal ; a greenish- gray stain appears upon iron ; on the steel a black spot, this latter is due to the separation of carbon. The processes of making boiler plate are the Siemens-Martin or open hearth process, and by the Bessemer converter. The latter is costly. The former offers better facilities for testing the quality MATERIAL. 11 while still in a molten state and its character modified at will by addi- tion of such material required to produce desired results. While the Bessemer process is not as desirable owing to its not offering facil- ities for testing or adjustment. The elements that increase tensile strength will reduce ductility, as carbon increases strength up to a certain limit then beyond excess reduces it, as a certain limit separ- ates steel from cast iron. The hardening elements are carbon, silicon, manganese and phos- phorus. Manganese steel contains a high percentage of the latter, having a little carbon and is avoided in boiler construction. The qualities in steel for boilers are homogenity, tenacity, elas- ticity and ductility ; distinct from steel used for other purposes boiler plate should be tcugh and not of such a character that it might harden under the action of sudden great changes of temperature. Steel is structural and chemical, it is a compound or an alloy of elements, silver, tungsten, chromium, titanium, silicon and cyanogen. It forms an intermediate link between ordinary cast iron and wrought iron, uniting with the properties, of both and its distin- guishness or characteristic is its capability of being hardened or softened by rapid or slow cooling. TABLE SHOWING COMPARISONS OF IRON AND STEEL: IRON STEEL. SWEDISH. PENN. MILD. VERY MILD. Carbon Silicon Sulphur Phosphorus Manganese Iron. .087 .56 .005 99 '220 .067 .020 .001 .075 .009 99.828 .238 .105 .012 .034 .184 99.427 .009 .163 .009 .084 .620 99.115 U. S. GOVERNMENT SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIAL. Fire-box steel should show a tensile strength of not less than 52,000 pounds, and not over 62,000 pounds per square inch, an elastic limit not less than one-half ( l / 2 ) the ultimate strength, elon- gation 25 per cent and tested as follows: Cold and quench bends 12 THE BOILER. 180 degrees flat on itself without fracture on outside of bent portion, not over .04 per cent of sulphur or .04 per cent phosphorus. Flange steel to show a tensile strength of from 55,000 to 65,000 pounds per square inch, elastic limit not less than one-half of its ultimate strength, elongation 25 per cent, cold and quench bends 180 degrees flat on itself, without fracture on one side of bent portion and not over .04 per cent of phosphorus and not over .05 per cent of sulphur. Extra soft steel to show a tensile strength of, 45,000 to 55,COO pounds per square inch, elastic limit not less than one-half its ulti- mate strength, elongation 28 per cent, cold and quench bends 180 degrees flat on itself without fracture on outside of bent portion, not over .04 per cent of sulphur or phosphorus. Plates and steel rivets to be made by the open hearth process and tests to be made to determine tensile strength, ductility, elasticity, elongation ; physical and chemical tests to be made at place of manu- facture, all plates to be plainly stamped at corner near center. Mate- rial for stay bolts and braces to have a tensile strength of not less than 46,000 pounds per square inch when made of iron and not less than 55,000 pounds when made of steel. Steel rivet material to have a tensile strength of 50,000 to 60,000 pounds per square inch of sectional area and elastic limit not less than one-half the ultimate strength, a bending test as follows at 180 degrees flat on itself without fracture on outside portion ; elonga- tion 26 per cent. Iron rivet material to have a tensile strength of 40,000 pounds per square inch. SPECIFICATION AND TESTING OF MATERIALS. The U. S. Government rules as specified for the construction of boilers coming under federal supervision are as follows : "That iron or steel plate intended for construction of boiler to be used in steam vessels shall be stamped in at least five different places by the manufacturer at place where made, viz., at corners about eight inches from edges and near center and with number of pounds per square inch of tensile strength ; it will be the sectional inch and which must not be less than 45,000 pounds for iron or 50,000 pounds MATERIAL. 13 for steel ; from plates shall be taken coupons and prepared, by plain- ing edges, these test pieces shall be at least 16 inches in length and from one and one-half (1^) inches to three and one-half (3^) inches in width at ends, which ends shall join by an easy fillet, a straight in the center of at least 9 inches in length and 1 inch in width, in form to the following diagram marked with light prick punch marks at distances one inch apart, spaced so as to give 8 inches in length." About 8 inches. ). iMnchee. About 8 inches, j. The strain necessary to break the test pieces as described is taken the proportion of the T S (tensile strength) per square inch. EXAMPLES. Test piece or coupon reduced to smallest part is one-fourth of a square inch and is broken at 15,000 pounds. 15000 4 60000 TS per square inch To determine the elongation, the part cut out in test piece marked at inch sections and the force necessary to break it asunder is the proportionate part of the T S per square inch, and distance stretched represents percentage of elongation. EXAMPLE. To find percentage of elongation in a test piece. Coupon 8" before testing, elongated to 10. 5 =10^" after testing 8 = before testing 10 . 5) 2 . 500 (23 per cent of elongation 2 10 400 315 85 14 THE BOILER. Test piece 1 /8 x ^ breaks at 34,000 pounds. 1.625 .375 8125 11375 4875 .609375)34000.0000(55829 Ibs. TS 3045 3550 3045 5050 4872 1780 1218 5620 5481 139 Strain necessary to break a test piece is the proportionate part of the tensile strength per square inch. A piece of plate sectional area .5 square inch breaks at 30,000 pounds. .5000)30000.0000(60000 Ibs. TS 300000 000 TABLE. Showing width of plate expressed in 100th of an inch that will equal one quarter of one square inch of section of the various thick- ness of plate. Example. If plate is y\ inch in thickness the width should be 100th of an inch wide to equal one quarter of one square inch of section or as follows : .21X119 ......................................... 33X76 . 23 X 109 ......................................... 35X71 MX100 ........................................ \ X67 .26X 96 ................................ . .29X 86 MATERIAL. 15 Only steel plates manufactured by what is known as the basic or acid open hearth process will be allowed to be used in the con- struction of boilers for marine purposes and manufacturer shall furnish a certificate with each order of steel tested stating technical process by which said steel was manufactured, this is not intended to apply to plates used in construction of Bessemer steel tubes. No plate made by acid process shall contain more than 0.06 per f cent of phosphorus or 0.04 per cent of sulphur, and no plate made by Jfche basic process shall contain more than .04 per cent of sulphur or /phosphorus. This to be determined by analysis by the manufacturer. Steel plates must have a tensile" strength not less than 55,000 pounds and not. over 75,000 pounds per square inch of section, but boilers whose construction is commenced after June 30, 1905, where plate will come in contact with fire either in use or in course of con- struction of the boiler the tensile strength shall not be more than 70,000 pounds per square inch of section. No plate shall be stamped with a greater tensile strength than 70,000. Elongation shall show at least 25 per cent in a length of 2 inches for thickness to one-fourth (*4 ) inclusive in a length of 4 inches for over one-fourth to seven-sixteenths inch, inclusive ; in a length of 6 inches for all plates over seven-sixteenths inch. The sample must show a reduction of sectional area as follows : At least 50 per cent for thickness over one-half to three-fourths inch inclusive, 45 per cent for thickness over one-half to three- fourths inclusive, and 32.5 per cent for thickness over three-fourths of an inch. Quenching and bending test pieces shall be at least 12 inches in length and from 1 to 3j/2 inches in width. The sides where sheared or planed must not be rounded, but the edges may have the sharp- ness taken off with a fine file. The test piece shall be heated to a cherry red (as seen in a dark place) and then plunged into water at a temperature of about 82 degrees F. Thus prepared the sample shall be bent to a curve, the inner radius of which is not greater than one and one-half times the thickness of the sample without cracks or flaws, the ends must be parallel after bending. Iron plates when tested must show a tensile strength of not less than 45,000 pounds and not over 60,000 pounds per square inch of 16 THE BOILER. sectional area and show an elongation of at least 15 per cent in a length of 8 inches and a reduction of area as follows : For plate having 45,000 T S 15 per cent, and for each additional 1,000 pounds up to 55,000 add 1 per cent ; for samples over 55,000 pounds up to 60,000 T S 25 per cent shall be required ; a bending test as follows : a piece 12 inches in length and from 1 to 3 T / 2 inches in width, the edge not to be rounded, then bent cold to an angle of 90 degrees to a curve the inner radius of which no greater than one and one-half times' the thickness of the sample without cracks or flaws." The chemical or analytical test is for the purpose to show right proportions of elements and properties useful in the material's make-up, for specific purposes, and if free from those whose pres- ence are bad, a certain proportion of carbon gives it a given degree of strength, while a small percentage of sulphur will render it use- less for boiler purposes. The effect of the latter and phosphorus is crystalization of metal. Plates are usually ordered by thickness, but there are occasions when weight is defined rather than the thickness and rejected unless up to demands. The effects sometimes are that owing to the plates being made of large dimensions and cut up to demands for smaller sizes some of uneven thickness are left ; this is due to the process of rolling, the center of rolls expanding, thus leaving center of plate thicker ; while rolls are turned in center to obviate this effect the heating of rolls must offset the turning down. BOILER DESIGNING. Boiler designing is a science and much depends on the accuracy of details. Modern engines, higher pressure, and that potent factor of the times, competition, demand the greatest efficiency from fuel and engine. But a few years ago comparatively, the rule was "thumb" in the designing of a boiler, of "what had been done" without any reason- ing ; this apparently when we see some of the boilers now in use ; plates, seams, rivets, location of same, brace design, number, and method of attaching them, tubes, size, number and distribution ; domes, their ratio to boiler, old-time makers and engineers said, "one-fifth the size of boiler was a fair ratio ;" all giving evidence that MATERIAL. 17 it was no defined rule from reasoning, but following what had been done. Today the designing of a boiler is a problem to be worked out, solved by factors entering into the matter ; location, space economy, fuel economy, engine design and efficiency, arrangement of furnaces that available heat can be most completely absorbed and utilized, effects of contraction and expansion, the various types of boiler must be considered for their niche of maximum usefulness, for often times one will excel in certain duties and fail in another. Requirements must be looked into and the one factor, location, would change a design completely, for instance, where space is limited, cost and life may be sacrificed, another where fuel would bo for life, again, locations where fuel must be sacrificed, where water is bad, and a design must be made to suit the accessibilities to clean. Again, an illustration of what must be considered, and the sacrifice for demands and conditions to obtain results, is the fire engine boiler, life, cost, fuel, and access to clean and repair, all for quick steaming qualities. Then grate proportion for heating surface in different types of boiler, and the necessity of steam space and tube arrangement to avoid obstruction of steam passages that retard cir- culation ; points which in early boiler designing were badly neg- lected. Increased pressure has been demanded due to space and type of engine would often times vary proportions. The power of boilers today is estimated from an evaporative measure, not from the old-time commercial rating, i. e., so many square feet of heating surface per H. P., leaving design or type out of the question. Thus we see the importance of boiler designing. The earliest known steam generator was a sphere. In the boiler of Worcester and Papin and Savery the flue encircled the outside of shell. Newcomen substituted that by having a hemispherical top and flat arch or bottom. The wagon boiler designed by Watt re- sembled a wagon and hence its name. Boilers have been made in many and various forms, classified by designer's name, their uses or form. Today boilers are generally classed as internal, external, water tube, pipe, and sectional (the latter used extensively for heat- ing), each class usually bearing a name incident to their use, such as locomotive or marine, again boilers are further classed as vertical, horizontal, tubular, cylinder and flue. CHAPTER II. SELECTION OF BOILER. In estimating the power of a boiler it was formerly a custom to have a certain number of square feet of heating surface to repre- sent a H. P. (horse power) and the different types were supposed to have better or inferior efficiencies due to design for instance. The cylinder type of boiler was reckoned from a unit of 10 square feet of heating surface per horse power, the horizontal tubular type, 12 to 15 square feet; the reason for the difference was the former type of boiler's heating surface was considered as all active and exposed to the highest temperature, while the latter had the heating surface of tubes that was exposed to the waste gases after coming in contact with the bottom thus a lower temperature, while as a fact the tubes were thinner and had more conductivity for heat; thus 15 square feet was considered the unit of measurement for that type. Internal fire boilers were measured from the 10 square feet standard. But as fuels now are valued by their heating values, the amount of water they will evaporate per pound of class fuel, so with the boiler, it must be measured from its efficiency from an evaporative point, other factors entering into its performances are hardness of water and temperature of feed water. As the subject of the steam boiler is one that can be treated almost inexhaustibly, it is the writer's intention to devote this work to boiler rules and tables governing their construction. ENGINE POWER. Power, or as it is mechanically expressed, heat, is measured, and the unit of this measurement is the amount of heat which will raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree F at its point of greatest density (39 deg. F.). The number of heat units in one pound of water at any given temperature is called the "Heat in liquid," when heat is applied to water in open vessel the temperature 18 SELECTION OF BOILER. 19 will rise until its boiling point is reached, beyond this point no in- crease of temperature will result ; the heat absorbed being employed in transforming the water from liquid to steam ; this is called the "heat of vaporization," and diminishes as the temperature and pres- sure increases. The "heat in liquid," added to the "heat of vapori- zation," is equal to the total heat. The ratio of the amount of heat required to make one pound of steam under any given conditions to that required to make a pound of steam from and at 212 is called the "factor of evaporation." This factor is found by subtracting the heat units in one pound of the feed water at the given temperature from the heat units or total heat of one pound of the steam at the given pressure, and dividing the result by 965.7, which is the heat of vaporization, or number of heat units required to evaporate one pound of water at 212 into steam at 212. The total number of pounds of water to be evaporated per hour under a given steam pressure multiplied by its particular factor of evaporating gives us the "equivalent evaporation," from and at 212, or in other words, the amount of water which would have been evaporated, with the same amount of fuel, had the feed water been at 212 degrees and the pressure that of the atmosphere. Assuming an engine to be one of 200 H. P. and the boiler to be selected according to the commercial rating of boilers. The given data to determine from would be : 200 HP engine, engine taking 20 Ibs. of steam per HP per hour 120 absolute pressure (by gauge 105) 190 temperature of feed water the evaporation of 34.5 Ibs. of water at 212. As stated, the number of pounds of water to be evaporated to produce a horse power from an engine will be computed from the type of engine used. See table of engine efficiencies, Standards of Steam Engine. 20 THE BOILER. TABLE OF STANDARD OF STEAM ENGINES. TYPE OF BOILERS. TYPE OF ENGINES. 1 t*<2 PH Q 03 as y *-j o i> C J^ O r/i & 8/8 bjo ' pounds of water; therefore, for an engine using 30 pounds of water per horse power per hour, each horse power of the engine reqttiresg.75square feet heating surface in the boiler. On one square foot of fire grate can be burned on an average from 10 to 12 pounds hard coal, or 18 to 35 pounds soft coal, per hour, with natural draft. Two and one-quarter pounds of dry wood is equal to 1 pound of average quality soft coal. Condensing engines require from 20 to 30 times the amount of feed water for condensing purposes; approximately for most en- gines, 1 to \y 2 gallons condensing water per minute per indicated horse power, -depending on temperature of injection water. Surface condensers for compound steam engines require about 2 square feet of cooling surface per horse power ; ordinary engines will require more surface according to their economy in the use of steam. It is absolutely necessary that the air pump should be set lower than the condenser for satisfactory results. The effect of a good air pump and condenser should be to get 25 inches of vacuum and to make available about 10 pounds more mean effective pressure with the same terminal pressure, or to give the same mean effective pressure with a correspondingly less ter- minal pressure. Approximately, a good condenser will save one- fourth of the fuel consumed, or, in other words, increase the power of the engine one-fourth, the fuel consumption remaining the same. One pound of water evaporated from, and at 212 F. is equiv- alent to 965.7 British thermal units. The evaporation of 30 pounds of water per hour, from a temper- 32 THE BOILER. ature of 100 F., into steam at 70 pounds gauge pressure = one H. P. This is equivalent to 34^ pounds of water from and at 212 F. A common rule to find horse power on an engine : Multiply area of piston by pressure per square inch and by length of stroke and again by number of revolutions per minute; divide this sum by constant 16500. LEGEND: FORMULA: P = pressure = 100 Ibs. A X P X S X R A = area of piston = 7 8. 5 400 =H.P. S = length of stroke in feet = 1 ft. C R = number of revolutions = 70 C = constant = 16500 EXAMPLE: 78 . 5400 =area of piston 100=lbs. pressure 7854.0000 1 ft. stroke 7854.0000 70 = number of revolutions constant = 16500) 549780.0000 (33 . 3 = horse power 49500 54780 49500 52800 49500 3300 THE THERMOMETER. To convert Fahrenheit degrees to centigrade, subtract 32 de- grees from number of degrees Fahrenheit; multiply the sum by 5 and divide product by 9. LEGEND: FORMULA: F = Fahrenheit =32 5 X (F 32) C = Centigrade = 100 = Centigrade R = Reaumur = 80 9 SELECTION OF BOILER. 33 EXAMPLE: 212=degrees Fahrenheit 32 180 5 - 9)900 100= Centigrade To convert Centigrade degrees to Fahrenheit : Multiply the number of degrees centigrade by 9, divide result by 5 and add 32 to quotient. FORMULA: EXAMPLE: 9 X C 100= degrees Centigrade - + 32 = Fahrenheit 9 SJ 5)900 180 32 to be added 212 = degrees Fahrenheit To convert Fahrenheit degrees to Reaumur subtract from num- ber of degrees Fahrenheit 32; multiply result by 4 and divide product by 9. FORMULA: EXAMPLE: 4 X (F 32) 2 12= degrees Fahrenheit = Reaumur 32 g 180 4 9)720 80 = degrees Reaumur To convert Reaumur degrees to Fahrenheit: Multiply number of degrees of Reaumur by 9; divide product by 4 and add 32 to quotient. FORMULA: EXAMPLE: 9 X R 80= degrees Reaumur + 32 = Fahrenheit 9 4 4)720 180 32 to be added 212 = degrees Fahrenheit 34 THE BOILER. COMPARISONS OF THERMOMETER SCALES. Fahrenheit Centigrade Reaumur Fahrenheit Centigrade Reaumur 4 20 -16 113 45 36 + 5 15 12 112 50 40 14 10 8 131 55 44 23 5 4 140 60 48 32 149 65 52 41 + 5 + 4 158 70 56 50 10 8 167 75 60 59 15 12 176 80 64 68 20 16 185 85 68 77 25 20 194 90 72 86 30 24 203 95 76 95 35 28 212 100 80 104 40 32 BOILING BOILING BOILING FREEZING FREEZING FREEZING POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT 212 100 80 32 CHAPTER III. BOILER CONSTRUCTION. Boiler construction can be classed as one of the highest among crafts. In old-time boiler making holes were punched leaving in- itial fractures around edge of holes and often times, when assem- bling joints, holes were found out of alignment, and to admit a rivet the plate had to be cut by reaming to make the holes coincide, thus reducing the percentage of strength, at best, very low. Today drilled holes are specified by reliable authorities and followed up by reputable boiler makers. Modern machinery of today has developed a wonderful improvement in the craft ; it has taken the place of old- time hand methods ; accuracy, efficiency and strength have been gained ; improved tools to facilitate work, brain and not all muscle employed by the mechanics ; he reasons, conceives, then executes with these modern conveniences ; his aim is to produce results, bet- terment of his work. Flanging machines have added factors to safety ; that old methods of flanging were not conducive to good effects or results is now apparent ; for when the part of work to be flanged was heated, hammered, reheated and hammered again hot and cold often resulting in defects in plates that made them unfit for use, time and material would be wasted. With the modern flanging machine time is saved, expense lessened and work turned out as near perfect as possible, one heat and the cooling having an annealing effect, general and gradual, gang punches ad- justed accurately, time and labor saved and the efficiency of joint holes not impaired. Rivet machinery with its power of compression ensures strength of rivet joints and lessens the effect of injury to plate by caulking as done by the old-time hand riveted joint, especially when left to the novice, defects were developed and material operated on was de- stroyed. Electric cranes and air lifts are found necessary for facilitating work by aiding in assembling or fitting up parts of boilers under construction. 35 36 THE BOILER. Thus we find boiler making today one of the scientific mechanical crafts and with the expectations that work carried out as designed produce the best results. This book will give general rules and tables used in the construc- tion of the steam boiler and governing their use in safety. RIVETS AND RIVETING. In designing a joint like any part of the construction of boilers, care in calculation and proportioning of rivet are very essential. Shearing strength and ductility are important factors; perfect alignment of holes, size of same, and method of making same, must not be overlooked. On the driving of a rivet will depend much. Without going into the details on the subject of riveting it may be well to say that in the old-time methods of hand riveting the structural makeup of a rivet was changed ; when the rivet should have been finished, the many repeated blows soon changed its nature, and, unnecessary to say, "it was near finished." But improved machinery has wrought changes and with it the changing of rivet material this in turn has provided a larger factor of safety using old rules, and has provided greater efficiency by lighter material. The heating of rivet to proper degree of heat is another im- portant measure and with modern forges as used this can be ac- complished with no difficulty or more than ordinary attention. BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 37 TABLE OF RIVETS AND BOLTS WITHOUT NUTS IN 100 LBS. Average number. Length of Rivets. DIAMETER OF RIVETS. H A H A 1 A 5 A tt M K M 8000 5100 3200 1900 5 /8 7000 4500 2900 1800 H 6300 4100 2373 1476 1103 642 H 5700 3700 2190 1371 1030 604 i 5200 3400 2034 1280 968 571 400 345 IH 4700 3100 1898 1200 910 541 382 322 208 IH 4400 2900 1780 1129 862 514 365 311 206 IH 4100 2700 1675 1066 815 489 350 295 204 m 4000 2500 1582 1010 776 462 335 284 201 IS 3800 2300 1498 960 740 446 324 275 199 m 3500 2200 1424 914 707 428 311 266 192 IK 3400 2000 1356 872 672 411 302 257 185 2 3000 1900 1295 834 648 395 293 249 178 2y 8 1238 800 623 381 285 240 172 2^4 2800 1800 1187 768 599 367 277 233 167 2Ys 1139 738 577 354 269 226 162 2 1 A 2500 1700 1095 711 556 343 261 219 157 1% 1052 687 537 332 253 212 152 2% 1017 662 519 321 245 206 148 2y 982 636 503 311 237 201 144 3 8 .... .... 949 611 487 302 230 196 140 3^ 890 581 459 285 218 186 132 3^9 837 548 433 270 208 177 126 /^ 3% 791 519 411 257 198 168 120 ** X 4- 3^ 395 250 195 165 119 '749 "400 390 244 189 161 115 4K 372 233 180 155 110 4V4 355 223 172 149 105 4% 339 214 166 143 101 5 325 205 160 136 97 5M 312 197 154 131 94 ^ /4r 5U 300 190 149 127 91 5M 289 183 144 123 88 6 279 177 139 118 85 The measurement of a cone or button head rivet is taken under the head; rivets for counter sunk holes measured over all. 38 THE BOILER. to "\ BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 39 .- 43 OJ JL> rt ^= cn C/5 -2 OS OJ ^i W3 ^ t/5 V-i U O ^> -I O u, *4J cn "C ri O c c 3 4J O H5 C V 40 THE BOILER. OO OS O OCOt^C5O'-"NCO TfiiOCOt^OO I b- CO CO CO 5- -t Ic IO IO CO CO b- t- f- 00 .-...T-HTtHb-OTj-OSTfO COC COCOO5COOO'-"OO5 IN 5 O^ C^ W CO CO ^ ^ ^ IO I o COb- b- ) 5 i i 00 Tf O O CO . CO N X ** ! -H(NTt< C l^ O5 "M "^T^Tf TjHTtl^OlO' X ^Scot-os OMcoScoc COCOCOCOCO TfTti^T(! CO Tfi 1C CO b- 00 OS O -* i C^ CO * O . O i (N CO * 42 THE BOILER. C CO 10 00 ' O Oi CO 00 CH^. ^ CD C O O5 C5C5C1CC'-*' i ?) C^l fO CO CO ' O O <-> 01 CO i-O t- C CO >0 00 *H CO Tfe C5 < oscoi^'-noairor-T-itooTfasco t^ -* o < t^ 00 00 C5 Ci C5 C O --I ^ !M ) 71 CDC- Slsiillllsf g **' s?"* 15 " 9 ' W NCiC^d 01 (M c-i c^i ( wfio>MoS5D5wSroi> "* r^woo VBuiHBagHn i p OW(Ml^O-H(NI>Wt^(N>0 P O 50 N h- M O >C p 12 i ~ ooboocosaojooocqi CD X <> CO 5O CO ^- 1^ t^ t^ t- t^ 00 00 66 00 00 00 00 O O5 O ^ ^g -a I M a I 73 Q BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 43 ESTIMATING THE WEIGHT OF STEEL PLATES. The table of the weight of steel plates is based upon the as- sumption that one cubic inch of rolled steel weighs .2833 pounds and that this is increased, by the springage of the rolls, by a certain percentage depending upon the width and thickness of the plate and which is assumed to be in accordance with a table given here- with : PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OF DENSITY OF ROLLED STEEL PLATES. THICKNESS OF PLATE. Inch. WIDTH OF PLATE. Up to 75 Inches. Per cent. 75 to 100 Inches. Per cent. 100 to 115 Inches. Per cent. Over 115 Inches. Per cent. 17 13 12 11 10 9 Over y % 10 8 7 6 5 4 14 12 10 8 7 6 2 5 18 16 13 10 9 8 To illustrate the method used in calculating the table fol- lowing this article, we will calculate the estimated weight of a Y 4 " plate 38" wide and 138" long. Multiplying these three dimensions together gives us the number of cubic inches of steel in the plate as follows: J4 X 38 X 138= 1311. As the increase in density is 10 per cent for this size plate, according to the table, we add 10 per cent to the weight of one cubic inch of steel (.2833) as follows: .2833 X .10 = .02833 and .2833 + .02833 = .31163 the weight in pounds of one cubic inch of steel in this particular plate. Multiplying the number of cubic inches in the plate (1311) by this gives us the weight of the plate in pounds as follows: 131 IX -31 16 = 408.55 = weight of plate in pounds. Taking the nearest unit makes it 409, which agrees with the table, but no allowance has been made here for springage of the rolls and in using this table the percentage given in the table above must be added. By so doing we get a result which will agree very closely with the table. 44 THE BOILER. WEIGHT PER SQUARE FOOT OF ROLLED STEEL PLATE NOT ALLOWING FOR SPRINGAGE OF ROLLS. Thickness of Pounds per Thickness of Pounds per Plate, inches. Sq. Foot. Plate, inches Sq. Foot. y 8 25.497 & 1 . 2748 ft 28 . 047 A 2.5496 % 30.596 :& 3 . 8244 if 33 . 146 y 8 5.0992 y 8 35.696 6.3740 ft 38.245 ^ 7.6488 1 40.795 & 8.9236 1^ 43.344 JJ 10.199 iy 8 45.894 & 11.474 1& 48.444 & 12 . 749 I & 50 . 993 & 14.024 1& 53.543 Y % 15.299 -IJj 56.092 M 16.574 1^6 58.642 A 17.849 1^ 61.192 || 19.124 l^C 71.390 % 20.398 lJ/ 8 76.489 A. ..22.948 2 ..81.588 The weight per square foot of l /^" plate as given by this table is 10.199 and in a piece of 38" X 138", according to the first table, the increase would be 10 per cent, making the in- crease 10.199 X -10 = 1.0199. Adding the increase to the weight per square foot given in the table makes it 11.2189 as follows: 10.199 + 1.0199 = = 11.2189. The area of the plate in square feet is obtained by multiplying its width by its length in inches and dividing by 144 the number of square inches in a square foot, as follows : 38 X 138 = 5244 = number of square inches in plate. Dividing this by 144 gives us the arek of the plate in square feet, as follows : 5244 4- 144 = 36.417 = number of square feet in plate. Multiplying this by the weight per square foot as calculated above (11.219) gives us the weight of the plate as follows: 36.417 X 11.219 = 408.56 = weight of plate in pounds. This agrees practically with the table given below and the weight calculated by the other method at the beginning of this article. BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 45 WEIGHT OF STEEL BOILER PLATES. PLATE. Size. Weight, Pounds. 26X120 243 26X138..'. 280 30X120 280 30X138 323 36X120 . 337 36X138 387 38X120 355 38X138 409 40X120 374 40X138 .430 40X143 446. 42X120 393 42X138 452 43X138 462 43X143 479 43X156 523 44X120 411 44X138 473 46X120 430 46X138 495 48X120 449 48X138 516 49X 98 374 49X138 552 49X143 572 49X156 624 50X120 467 Size. Weight, Pounds. 50 X138 538 54 X120 505 57 X138 613 57 X143 635 57 X156 693 60 X 98 458 60 X120 561 60 X138 645 64%X138 696 64% X 143 721 64%X156 787 64% X 175 883 64% X 194 979 72 X 98 550 72 X120 673 72 X138 774 72 X143 802 72 X156 875 72 x'175 982 72 X194 1088 84 x 98 665 84 X120 814 84 X138 936 84 X143 970 84 X156 .1058 84 X175 :1187 84 X194.. ..1316 PLATE. 26 X 80 199 26 X 90 223 26 X 99 246 26X120 298 26X138 ...343 30 X 80 229 30 X 90 258 30 X 99 284 30X120 344 30X138 396 36 X 80 275 36X 90 310 36X 99 341 36X120 413 36X138 475 38X 80 291 38 X 90 327 38X 99 360 38X120 435 38X138 501 40X 80 306 40 X 90 344 40X 99.. ..379 49 X143 670 49 X156 731 49 X175 820 49 X194 909 50 X120 574 50 X138 660 54 X120 620 57 X 80 436 57 X 90 490 57 X 99 540 57 X138 752 57 X143 779 57 X156 850 57 X175 954 57 X194 1057 60 X120 688 60 X138 792 64%X 90 557 64% X 99 613 64% X 138 854 64%X143 885 64%X156 966 64%X175 1083 46 THE BOILER. PLATE. Size. 40X120 40X138 42X120 42X138 43 X 80 43 X 90 43 X 99 43X138 Weight, Pounds. . .. .459 ....528 482 554 329 370 407 .-...567 Size. 64 ''4X194. 72^,X 99. 72^X120. 72^X138. 72^X143. 72^X156. 72^X175. 72^X194. Weight, Pounds. 1201 686 832 957 991 1081 1213 1345 PLATE. 30 X120 499 36 X120 491 36 X138 565 40 X120 546 40 X138 627 44 X120 600 44 X138 690 48 X120 655 48 X138 753 50 X120 682 50 X138 784 54 X120 737 54 X138 847 60 X120 818 60 X138 941 64^X118 869 64MX194 1428 64^X212^ 1564 64^X231^ 1704 65MX108J4 799 72^X108^ ............ 894 72^X118 .............. 972 72^X212^ ............ 1751 72^X231^ ............ 1908 84 84 84 84 84 96 96 96 96 96 X118 X194 1065 1158 1904 2086 2282 1217 1324 2176 2384 2597 107^X108^ ............ 1400 107^X118 ' ............ 1523 107^X194 ............ 3504 107^X212^ ............ 2742 107^X231^ ............ 2988 XH8 X194 36X120. 40X120. 48X120. 568 631 757 PLATE. 60X120 946 72X120.. 1135 36X120 643 40X120 714 48X120.. . 857 PLATE. 60X120 1071 72X120 1285 36X120 950 40X120 ...1056 48X120.. ..1267 PLATE. 60X120 1583 72X120.. ..1900 40X112 1149 40X154^.... 1996 53X112 1523 PLATE. 53X133 1809 53X154 2094 BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 47 TABLES OF WIDTH, LENGTH AND THICKNESS OF PLATES THAT CAN BE MADE FOR BOILER PURPOSES, ALSO DIAMETER OF HEADS. Thickness. Diameter of Heads. Width and Length of Plate. Width. Length. 1 A A 1 y* 5 /s 115 120 126 126 126 126 114' 126' 140' 140' 144' 144' 200' 240' 180' 180' 180' 180' Longer lengths can be made but would be less in width. Rules adopted by the Association of American Steel Manu- facturers : "When ordering plates \2 l / 2 pounds to square footer heavier, up to 100 inches wide, by weight, they shall not average more than 2 l / 2 per cent above or below the theoretical weight, when 100 inches and over the limit is 5 per cent." TABLE OF ALLOWANCES FOR OVERWEIGHT FOR RECTANGULAR PLATE WHEN ORDERED BY GAUGE. Thickness of Plate. WIDTH OF PLATE. Up to 50 inches. 50 inches and above. Up to 75 inches. 75 inches to 100 in. over 100 inches. y% up to -3% & up to ^ T\ U P to y A- 1 I y% over *A 10 per ct. SK ;; ;; 15 per ct. 12^" " 10 " " 10 p< 8 7 6 5 4^ 4 ZVo ;r c t. 14 p ( 12 10 8 7 6^ 6 5 jr c t. 18 p 16 13 10 9 8^ 8 6K er ct 48 THE BOILER. DOME PLATE ALLOWANCES. Diame- DIAMETER OF SHELLS. ter of Domes. 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 84 20 6K ST/ 5 K 22 7 if 6}/ 5% 5 V 24 gi/ 7 */ 5% 5 1/ 26 g{/ 7 1/ ' 6 28 9^/ 8 7% 6 30 10% 9 8 7% 6% 6% 5% 5% 32 10 8% 8 7% 6% 6% 5% 34 . . . 9% 8% 8 7M 7 6 36 . . . 10% 93^ 8/^ 8 7% 6;Hj 38 10% 9/^ 8% 8 7 40 10M 9% 71^ 42 11 M 10% 10 8 44 11 10 Vo 9 46 12% 10% 9^ 48 13 11^ 10 The above table is based on single riveting, and the allowances named are those commonly used in figuring the finished length of domes. For double riveting add 2 inches. BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 49 m < X 7. D c/2 H X W CSdlS 3^ Iffi 0^ C/} s 1 o a "-^ c o i> C8 "S 3 - cK 5 i J3 ^ o ^ o 'i E "5 HH W C Q vO N OO t^ O\ VO i-H t^ VO VO OO rH OO> 1 i li t H\ 50 THE BOILER. Rule to find number of square feet of heating' surface in tubes : Multiply the number of tubes by the diameter of a tube in inches and by its length in feet, and by .2618 constant. LEGEND: D=Tubes 4" L= Length =16' N= Number = 44 C= Constant = .26 18 FORMULA: N XDxLx .2618 (constant) =heating surface EXAMPLE: 44 = number of tubes 4 = diameter in inches 176 16 = length in feet 1056 176 2816 261 8= constant 22528 2816 16896 5632 737.2288 =total square feet of heating sur- face in 44 4" tubes. HEATING SURFACE OF BOILER TUBES. Diameter X 3.1416 = circumference X 12 = number of square inches in tube one foot of length -=- 144 = number of square feet (in decimals) one foot of length. EXAMPLE: 2 inch tube one foot in length : 2X3. 1416 =6 . 2832 X 12 = 75 . 3984 = . 5236 of a square foot 144 BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 51 TABLE. Diam. Diam. Diam. Diam. in. Multipl'r in. Multipl'r in. Multipl'r in. Multipl'r 1 .2618 11^ 3.0107 | 32 8.3776 53 13.8754 1M .3272 H 3.0761 32^ 8.5085 53^ 14.0063 1H .3927 12 3.1416 33 8.6394 54 14.1372 134 .4581 12^ 3.2725 33 H 8.7703 54^ 14.2681 2 .5236 13 3.4037 34 8.9012 55 14.399 2M .589 U% 3.5343 34^ 9.0321 55^ 14.5299 2K .6545 14 3.6652 35 9.163 56 14.6608 2M .7199 14^ 3.7961 35^ 9.2939 56^ 14.7917 3 .7854 15 3.927 36 9.4248 57 14.9226 34 .8508 15^ 4.0579 36^ 9.5557 57^ 15.0536 3^ .9163 16 4.1888 37 9.6866 58 15.1844 3i4 .9817 16^ 4.3197 37^ 9.8175 58^ 15.3153 4 1.0472 17 4.4506 38 9.9844 59 15.4462 4M 1.1126 17^ 4.5815 38^ 10.0793 59^ 15.5771 4H 1.1781 18 4.7124 39 10.2102 60 15.708 4% | 1.2435 18H 4.8433 39^ 10.3411 60^ 15.8389 5 1.309 19 4.9742 40 10.472 61 15.9698 5M 1.3744 19^ 5.1051 40^ 10.6029 61^ 16.1007 5H 1.4399 20 5.236 41 10.7338 62 16.2316 5M 1.5053 20^ 5.3669 41^ 10.8647 62^ 16.3625 6 1.5708 21 5.4978 42 10.9956 63 16.4934 64 1.6362 21^ 5.6287 42 Y 2 11.1265 63^ 16.6243 6^ 1.7017 22 5.7596 43 11.2574 64 16.7552 6-M 1.7671 22^ 5.8905 43^ 11.3883 64 H 16.8861 7 1.8326 23 6.0214 44 11.5192 65 17.017 7K 1.8980 23^ 6.1523 44^ 11.6501 65^ 17.1479 7^ 1.9335 24 6.2832 45 11.781 66 17.2788 7*4 2.0289 24^ 6.4141 45^ 11.9119 66^ 17.4097 8 2.0944 25 6.545 46 12.0428 67 17.5406 8M 2.0598 25^ 6.6759 46^ 12.1735 67^ 17.6715 8H 2.2253 26 6.8034 47 12.3045 68 17.8024 8-M 2.2907 26^ 6.9377 47^ 12.4355 68^ 17.9333 9 2.3562 27 7.0686 48 12.5664 69 18.0642 9M 2.4216 27^ 7.1995 48^ 12.6973 69^ 18.1951 9^ 2.4872 28 7.3384 49 12.8282 70 18.326 94 2.5525 28^ 7.4614 49 H 12.9591 70^ 18.4569 10 2.618 29 7.5913 50 13.09 71 18.5868 iOM 2.6834 29^ 7.7231 50^ 13.2209 71^ 18.7187 ion 2.7489 30 7.8554 51 13.3518 72 18.8496 IOM 2.8143 30^ 7.9849 51^ 13.4827 78 20.3370 11 2.8798 31 8.1158 52 13.6136 84 21.9912 HM 2.9452 31H 8.2467 52^ 13.7445 96 25.1328 52 THE BOILER. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT OF ROUND BRACES WITH FLAT ENDS. Length of Braces, inches Diameter of Braces, inches SIZE OF ENDS. Weight, Ibs. Width, inches Thickness, in. 14 1 2M )4 7 16 1 2M y* 7M 18 1 2^ y* 7)4 20 1 y* 8 22 1 2^ y* &)4 24 1 y* 9 26 1 P y* 9y> 28 1 )4 10 30 1 2 M H 10/^ 32 1 2M 11 34 1 2M 111^ 36 1 2M i^ 12 38 1 Ip '^ 12^ 40 1 /^ 13 42 1 2M Yt 13J^ 44 1 y^ 14 46 1 2M y% 143^ 48 1 2M % 15 50 1 2M x^ 15/^9 52 1 2M /^2 16 54 1 2M 1 16)4 56 1 17 58 1 2M ^ 173^ 60 1 2M x^ 18 14 1 /^ 5^ 7)4 16 1^8 2M % 8 18 l//g 2M Y% 8/^2 20 \^/Q % 9 22 l/"8 2M % 10 24 1^8 2M % 11 26 \y % 2^ 5 /8 12 28 \y> %> 13 30 \y 2M H 14 32 \y 2M 15 34 \V& 2M sh 16 36 \y^ 2 M /R 17 38 1 ^ 2/4 % 17/^2 40 \y % 2 M y% 18 42 \y. 2/^ % is y^ 44 \y% 2K % 19 46 \y. 2/4 % 19^ 48 1)4 2M 5 /8 20 f 50 1 ^8 5 /8 21 52 \~\/ 2M 5 /8 22 54 \y^ 2M 5 /8 23 56 \y^ 2M 5 /8 24 58 ITX 5 /8 25 60 1)4 2M 5 /8 26 BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 53 NUMBER MODERN FORMED BRACES COMMONLY USED IN STANDARD TUBULAR BOILERS. Length of Brace. DIAMETER OF SHELL. 36 42 44 54 60 66 72 84 30 42 48 60 72 6 2 6 4 8 '4 10 '6 10 '6 4 10 8 '4 12 'k '4 16 16 '6 Under the diameter of each shell will be found the number of each length of brace generally used. The thickness of brace varies with thickness of shell. METALS. WEIGHT OF SUPERFICIAL FOOT. Thick- ness. W Iron. C Iron. Steel. Copper. Brass. Lead. Zinc. Inch. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. TV 2.52 2.34 2.55 2.89 2.73 3.71 2.34 y s 5.05 4.69 5.10 5.78 5.47 7.42 4.69 & 7.58 7.03 7.66 8.67 8.20 11.13 7.03 x 10.10 9.38 10.21 11.56 10.94 14.83 9.38 A 12.63 11.72 12.76 14.45 13.67 18.54 11.72 y% 15.16 14.06 15.31 17.34 16.41 22.25 14.06 A 17.68 16.41 17.87 20 23 19.14 25.96 16.41 H 20.21 18.75 20.42 23 13 21.88 29.67 18.75 5 /8 25.27 23 44 25.52 28.91 27.34 37.08 23.44 Y* 30.31 28.13 30.63 34.69 32.81 44.50 28.13 K 35.37 32.81 35.73 40.47 38.28 51.92 32.81 l 40.42 37.50 40.83 46.25 43.75 59.33 37.50 54 THE BOILER. BIRMINGHAM GAUGE. U. S. STANDARD GAUGE. No. of Gauge. Thick- ness, Inches. Weight. No. of Gauge. THICKNESS, IN. Weight, Iron. Iron. Steel. Frac- tions. Deci- mals. 0000 .454 18,22 18.46 0000000 /v .5 20. 000 .425 17.05 17.28 000000 i .468 18.75 00 .38 15.25 15.45 00000 T6 .437 17.50 .34 13.64 13.82 0000 H .406 16.25 1 .3 12.04 12.20 000 3 '8 .375 15. 2 3 .284 .259 11.40 10.39 11.55 10.53 00 1 .343 .312 13.75 12.50 4 .238 9.55 9.68 1 A .281 11.25 5 .22 8.83 8.95 2 tt .265 10.625 6 .203 8.15 8.25 3 X .25 10. 7 .18 7.22 7.32 4 .234 9.375 8 .165 6.62 6.71 5 Jy .218 8.75 9 .148 5.94 6.02 6 t .203 8.125 10 .134 5.38 5.45 7 T .187 7.5 11 .12 4.82 4.88 8 M .171 6.875 12 .109 4.37 4.43 9 A .156 6.25 13 .095 3.81 3.86 10 * .140 5.625 14 .083 3.33 3.37 11 .125 5. 15 .072 2.89 2.93 12 Ft .109 4.375 16 .065 2.61 2.64 13 $2 .093 3.75 17 .058 2.33 2.36 14 1 A .078 3.125 18 .049 1.97 1.99 15 llj^ .070 2.8125 19 .042 1.69 1.71 16 .062 2.5 20 .035 1.40 1.42 17 iftf .056 2.25 21 .032 1.28 1.30 18 jfa .05 2. 22 .028 1.12 1.14 19 _i .043 1.75 23 .025 1.00 1.02 20 \ .037 1.50 24 .022 .883 .895 21 VsV .034 1.375 25 .02 .803 .813 22 T2 .031 1.25 26 .018 .722 .732 23 T*0 .028 1.125 27 .016 .642 .651 24 & .025 1. 28 .014 .562 .569 25 ifao .021 .875 26 _JL 018 . 75 27 28 1^0 S [017 .015 ^6875 .625 The U. S. Standard is the one in common use. To CONVERT WEIGHT OF METALS MULTIPLY BY FOLLOWING CONSTANTS: Wrought iron into cast iron X -928 " steel X 1.014 " zinc X -918 " brass X 1.082 " copper X 1.144 " " lead XI. 468 Square iron into round X 7854 BOILER CONSTRUCTION. WEIGHT OF CAST IRON BALLS. 55 DIAMETER. WEIGHT. DIAMETER. WEIGHT. DIAMETER. WEIGHT. 1 1H .136 .460 5 5^ 17.04 22.68 9 9^ 99.40 116.90 2 1.09 6 29.45 10 136.35 2^ 2.13 63^ 37.44 10^ 157.84 3 3.68 7 46.76 11 181.48 3^ 5.84 7^ 57.52 11^ 207.37 4 8.72 8 69.81 12 235.62 4^ 12.42 8]jj 83.73 ANGLES. WEIGHTS PER FOOT, CORRESPONDING TO THICKNESS VARYING BY -fa INCH, ONE CUBIC FOOT WEIGHING 480 LBS. Sizes, inches. A X A H A H A % H H H H Equal Legs. 6 x6 5 x5 4 x4 3^x3^ 3Mx3M 3 x3 2x2% 2 J^ x 2 .^ 2^x2^ 2 x2 1 M x 1 % IMxlX \K*lX 1 X 1 &x M 16.75 14.28 11.16 9.75 9.05 8.51 7.70 7.00 6.29 5.60 5.00 19.14 16.56 12.82 11.20 10.40 9.74 8.80 8.00 7.20 21.53 18.84 14.49 12.65 11.75 10.97 23.92 21.13 16.16 14.10 13.10 12.20 26.31 23.42 17.83 15.55 14.45 28.70 25.71 19.20 17.00 15.80 31.10 26.85 33.50 28.00 12.00 9.50 8.30 7.70 7.28 6.60 6.00 5.38 4.80 4.28 3.60 's.'io 2.90 2.60 2.40 2.20 2.00 1.66 1.45 1.23 1.02 .79 .60 '4.50 4.20 3.80 3.50 3.00 2.80 2.42 2.13 1.80 1.50 1.20 .90 'h'.QO 8.66 6.95 4.83 4.41 4.00 3.57 3.21 2.84 2.40 2.00 6.05 5.50 5.00 4.47 4.00 3.56 3.00 Unequal Legs. 6 x4 6 x3^ 5 x4 5 x3^ 5 x3 4 X3J4 4 x3 3.^x2% 3^x3 3^x2H 3 x 2 > 3^x2 3 x2 2^x2 2 xl^ 12.00 11.50 10.80 10.20 9.50 8.90 8.30 7.50 7.70 7.30 6.70 6.37 5.88 4.92 14.44 13.24 12.61 11.26 11.16 10.46 9.75 8.75 9.05 8.55 7.85 7.43 6.84 5.66 16.38 14.98 14.42 13.72 12.82 12.02 11.20 10.00 10.40 9.80 8.80 8.50 7.80 6.40 18.32 16.72 16.24 15.49 14.49 13.59 12.65 11.25 11.75 20.26 18.47 18.06 17.26 16.16 15.16 14.10 12.50 13.00 22.20 20.22 19.88 19.03 17.83 16.73 15.55 13.75 24.15 21.97 21.70 20.40 19.50 18.30 17.00 15.00 26.10 23.72 23.45 28.00 26.60 25.20 '.'.','.'. 6.50 6.05 5.55 5.31 4.93 4.18 4.80 4.40 4.20 3.98 3.45 2.90 3.03 2.72 2.20 56 THE BOILER. WEIGHTS AND MEASUREMENTS OF STEEL "I" BEAMS. Depth, Inches. Min. Weight, Ibs. per foot. Inner Weights. Max. Weight, Ibs. per foot. Min. Flange, inches. Min. Web, inches. Min. Area, square inches. 4 7 5 Vary by 1 Ib 10 5 2 66 19 2 2 5 6 9.75 12 25 Vary by 2^ Ibs Vary by 2U Ibs. . 14.75 17.25 3.00 3 33 .21 .23 2.9 3 6 7 15 Vary by 2^ Ibs 20.0 3 66 .25 4 4 8 17 75 Vary by 2^ Ibs 25.25 4.00 .27 5 2 9 10 21.0 25.0 25 Ibs. then vary by 5 Ibs. Vary by 5 Ibs 35.0 40.0 4.33 4.66 .29 .31 6.3 7.4 12 12 31.5 40 35 Ibs. then vary by 5 Ibs. Vary by 5 Ibs 45.0 55 5.00 5 25 .35 41 9.3 11 85 15 15 42.0 60.0 45 Ibs. then vary by 5 Ibs. Varv bv 5 Ibs . .' 60.0 80.0 5.50 6.00 .46 .59 12.5 17.68 WEIGHTS AND MEASUREMENTS OF STEEL CHANNELS. Depth, Inches. Min. Weight, Ibs. per foot. Inner Weights. Max. Weight, Ibs. per fool. Min. Flange, inches. Min. Web, inches. Min. Area, square inches. 4 5 25 Vary by 1 Ib 7.25 1.58 .18 1.6 5 6 5 Varv by 2^ Ibs 11.5 1.75 .19 2.0 6 8 Vary by 2 y> Ibs 15 5 1 92 20 2.4 7 9 75 Vary by 2 y> Ibs 19 75 2 09 .21 2.9 8 11 25 Vary by 2^ Ibs 21 25 2 26 .22 3.4 9 10 13^25 15 15 Ibs. then vary by 5 Ibs. Vary by 5 Ibs 25.0 35 2.43 2.60 .23 .24 3.9 4.5 12 15 20.5 33.0 25 Ibs. then vary by 5 Ibs. 33 Ibs. then vary by 5 Ibs. 40.0 55.0 2.94 3.40 .28 .40 6.0 9.9 PIPE AND PIPING. Rule to find pressure allowed on a main steam pipe or header when thickness of pipe and diameter is known: From thickness of plate subtract the constant .1250, then multiply by one-sixth of tensile strength of plate and divide this product by diameter; the sum will be pressure allowed. LEGEND: T = Thickness of plate = . 4850 C = Constant =.1250 T. S = Tensile strength = 60000 D = Diameter =24" FORMULA : (T . 1250) X ( l/6th of TS) = pressure BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 57 EXAMPLE: .4850 = thickness of plate .1250= constant .3600 10000 = 1/6 of tensile strength diameter 24") 3600. 0000(150 Ibs. pressure allowed 24 120 120 Rule to find thickness of material for a main, steel or iron, steam pipe or cylinder lap welded: Multiply pressure by diameter and divide by one-sixth of the tensile strength, and add .125 LEGEND. FORMULA: P= pressure = 150 Ibs. PXD D = diameter = 24" \-. 125 =thickness T.S. = tensile strength = 60,000 1/6 of T. S. EXAMPLE: 150 =lbs. pressure 24"= diameter 600 300 1/6 of tensile strength = 10, 000) 3600 00( .36 3000 . 125 added 600 00 . 485 =thickness or 31/64 600 00 approximately Rule to find thickness of plate for a 5" copper pipe : Multiply pressure by inside diameter of pipe and divide by constant 8000; add to quotient the constant .0625. LEGEND: FORMULA: P= pressure = 175 PXlD I D =inside diameter of pipe = . 5 f- . 062 5 = thickness of plate C = constant = 8000 C EXAMPLE: 175 =pressure . S" =iriside diameter of pipe 8000) 87. 50000 (.109 80 00 .062 5= constant 75 00 . 1 7 1 5 = approximately 72 00 3 00 58 THE BOILER. RADIATION OF DIFFERENT SIZES OF WROUGHT- IRON PIPE. The following table gives the actual lengths of different sizes of pipe sufficient to make ten square feet of radiation : 1 inch Pipe, 28 lineal feet = 10 square feet radiation. i 24 " =10 . ' 20 " =10 * 16 " =10 -' 13 " =10 11 " =10 TABLE OF EXPANSION OF WROUGHT-!RON PIPE. Temperature of the Air when the Pipe is fitted. Length of Pipe when fitted. LENGTH OF PIPE WHEN HEATED TO 160 Degrees. 180 Degrees. 200 Degrees. Degrees Fahr. Feet. Feet. Inches. Feet Inches Feet Inches 32 64 100 100 100 100 100 100 1.28 1.02 .77 100 100 100 1.44 1.18 .93 100 100 100 1.60 1.34 1.09 STANDARD FLANGES. SIZES: THREADED OR PLAIN. Size Pipe, Inches. Diameter Flange. Thickness of Flanges. Equivalent to Cast Iron. 1- Inch 6- Inch 2^- Inch 1^-Inch 1 L/ 6 3^ ii4 i'H 6 jl 11^ 2 8 1^ 2 21^ 9 ^ 2 3 9 H 2 3^3 10 H 2 4 10 2 4^3 lO^j /^ 2 5 11^ Ni 2 6 WH ^ 2 7 133^ g 2 8 15^ 2^ 9 16^ ' - : ?J 10 17^ 2M 12 21 N 2K BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 59 73. - '53 S o t^ OO OO -f Tfr- CN) i-H rH i-H i I rHn-li-lrHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i (vn C U n . 10 11 12 ?/ i? 11 %. . 10 11 12 n y- y 5 A 5i B 10 11 12 y* n n 5 9 10 . . 45 23 ii 8? 9 10 i| ^J i 8 i g iH 7 8 15 ii 14 1A 7 8 15 31 in 7 i* ITS IX i* 7 if 1% 6 1U Ifk 1A 1W 6 6 1? l^f iili j'if 6 1^ 1A 1%. . S 5U l^J 1^ l^g l*f IS- 5 5K iH 5 113 1U 1^ 134 5 j3L iH 4U 5 1^ 111 15^ 1M 4U 5 1A 14J 2 4U . li 1M 1 OF THE UNIVERSITY 62 THE BOILER. PIPE TAPS. Size Pipe No. of Threads to the Inch Diameter of Drill Size Pipe No. of Threads to the Inch Diameter of Drill U 27 ft 3 8 3A M- 18 zy>. . 8 313. R ^ % iii. 18 14 14 1W \\y> 1 !*:::::: 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 4^8 . 5% ^Te 5*: -.:: HH 11^ 2 8 9 8 8 8 I/ vy> 2K.-. 8 2U 10. . 8 10 U WEIGHTS OF ROUND AND SQUARE STEEL. PER LINEAL FOOT. Round, Square, Round, Square, Size, inches. Weight, Ibs. Weight, Ibs. Size, inches. Weight, Ibs. Weight, Ibs. P .094 .120 2 y s 12.06 15.36 .167 .213 2/4 13.52 17.22 A .261 .332 2% 15.07 19.19 N .375 .478 2}4 16.70 21.26 T$ .511 .651 2% 18.41 23.44 7& .668 .851 2% 20.21 25.73 A .845 1.076 24.05 30.62 1.044 1.329 3M 28.23 35.94 M 1.503 1.914 31^ 32.74 41.68 j^ 2.046 2.605 3^ 37.57 47.84 i 2.672 3.402 4 42.77 54.45 iK 3.382 4.306 4^> 54.83 69.81 i-M 4.175 5.316 5 66.82 85.08 1% 5.052 6.432 5L/ 80.85 102.94 ijjj 6.012 7.655 6 96.22 122.51 15^ 7.056 8.984 6^? 112.92 143.78 1% 8.183 10.419 7 131.97 166.75 1 7^ 9.394 11.961 7;M> 150.34 191.42 2 10.69 13.61 8 171.04 217.78 BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 63 WEIGHTS OF FLAT STEEL. PER LINEAL FOOT. -C t/3 T3 J: THICKNESS, INCHES. ?J3 A l /s & M A *A r 7 * 1 A 5 /S H % 1 1 .21 .43 .638 .850 1.06 1.28 1.49 1.70 2.12 2.55 2.98 1H .24 .48 .720 .955 1.20 1.43 1.68 1.92 2.39 2.87 3.35 '3!88 iM .27 .53 .797 1.06 1.33 1.59 1.86 2.12 2.65 3.19 3.72 4.21 iH .30 .59 .875 1.17 1.46 1.76 2.05 2.34 2.92 3.51 4.09 4.68 W .32 .64 .957 1.28 1.59 1.92 2.23 2.55 3.19 3.83 4.47 5.10 1^ .35 .69 1.04 1.38 1.73 2.08 2.42 2.77 3.46 4.15 4.84 5.53 1; 1 4 .38 .75 1.11 1.49 1.86 2.23 2.60 2.98 3.72 4.47 5.20 5.95 2 .43 .85 1.28 1.70 2.12 2.55 2.98 3.40 4.25 5.10 5.95 6.80 2M .48 .96 1.44 1.91 2.39 2.87 3.35 3.83 4.78 5.75 6.69 7.65 2^ .53 1.06 1.59 2.12 2.65 3.19 3.72 4.25 5.31 6.38 7.44 8.50 2^ .59 1.17 1.75 2.34 2.92 3.51 4.09 4.67 5.84 7.02 8.18 9.35 3 .64 1.28 1.91 2.55 3.19 3.83 4.46 5.10 6.38 7.65 8.93 10.20 3}4 .69 1.38 2.07 2.76 3.45 4.15 4.83 5.53 6.91 8.29 9.67 11.05 3^ .75 1.49 2.23 2.98 3.72 4.47 5.20 5.95 7.44 8.93 10.41 11.90 3^ .80 1.60 2.39 3.19 3.99 4.78 5.58 6.38 7.97 9.57 11.16 12.75 4 .85 1.70 2.55 3.40 4.25 5.10 5.95 6.80 8.50 10.20 11.90 13.60 4^ .96 1.92 2.87 3.83 4.78 5.74 6.70 7.65 9.57 11.48 13.39 15.30 5 1.07 2.13 3.19 4.25 5.31 6.38 7.44 8.50 10.63 12.75 14.87 17.00 5^ 1.17 2.34 3.51 4.67 5.84 7.02 8.18 9.35 11.69 14.03 16.36 18.70 6 1.28 2.55 3.83 5.10 6.38 7.65 8.93 10.20 12.75 15.30 17.85 20.40 7 1.49 2.98 4.46 5.95 7.44 8.93 10.41 11.90 14.87 17.85 20.83 23.80 8 1.70 3.40 5.10 6.80 8.50 10.20 11.90 13.60 17.00 20.40 23.80 27.20 RULES FOR OBTAINING APPROXIMATE WEIGHT OF WROUGHT IRON. FOR ROUND BARS. RULE : Multiply the square of the diameter in inches by the length in feet, and that product by 2.6. The product will be the weight in pounds, nearly. FOR SQUARE AND FLAT WROUGHT BARS. RULE : Multiply the area of the end of the bar in inches by the length in feet, and that 3.32. The product will be the weight in pounds, nearly. WROUGHT IRON, ASSUMED WEIGHT. A cubic foot A square foot, 1 inch thick A bar 1 inch square, 1 foot long A bar 1 inch square, 1 yard long = 480 Ibs. 40 Ibs. 3 1-3 Ibs = 10 Ibs. 64 THE BOILER. RULE FOR FINDING THE SECTIONAL AREA OF A BAR OF WROUGHT IRON, WHEN WEIGHT PER FOOT IS GIVEN. Multiply by 3 and divide by 10. RULE FOR FINDING THE WEIGHT PER FOOT., WHEN AREA IS GIVEN. Divide by 3 and multiply by 10. NOTES ON CONSTRUCTION. The necessity for vigilance and supervision of boiler designing and construction is made apparent in England by the stringent laws and by enforced rules and practices governing the same in way of additional factors for safety. They result in promoting good work and care in the operating and management of steam boilers. Additional factors for safety are added to the established one of 5 due to deterioration by usage, age or fuel. The English Board of Trade has established and tabulated a table of percentage of increase of factor of safety and cites reasons for such additional proportions. All boilers must be designed and constructed according to their specifications, viz. : Holes to be drilled when shell plates have been rolled ; straps or cover plates not less than jj^j of plates they cover; in butt joints rivet sections must be 75 per cent over rivets in single shear and circumferential seams at least one-half the percentage of longitudnal seam. The increased factor of safety is insisted on when conditions are as follows : TABLE. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE A. = .1 To be added when all holes are fair and good in the long seam, but drilled out of place after bending. B. = .2 When all holes are fair and good in longitudinal seams, but drilled before bending. . BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 65 PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE C. = .2 When all holes are fair and good in longitudinal seams, but punched after bending. D. = .3 When all holes are lair and good in longitudinal seam but punched before bending. E. = .7 When all holes are not fair and good in longitudinal seam (and increased according to values). F. = .8 When holes are all fair and good in the circumferential seams, but drilled out of place after bending. G. = .1 When all holes are fair and good in the circumferential seams, but drilled before bending. H. = .1 When holes are fair and good in the circumferential seams, but punched after bending. I. = .15 If the holes are all fair and good in the circumferential seams, but punched before bending. J. = .15 If the holes are not fair and good in the circumferential seams (and increased according to values). K .2 If the double butt straps are not fitted to the longitudinal seams and said seams are lap and double riveted. L. . 07 If double butt straps are not fitted to the longitudinal seams and said seams are lap and triple riveted. M. = .3 If only single butt straps are fitted to the longitudinal seams and said seams are double riveted. N. = .15 If only single butt straps are fitted to the longitudinal seams and said seams are triple riveted. O. = .1 When any description of joint in the longitudinal seam is single riveted. P. = . 2 If all holes are punched small and reamed afterwards or drilled out in place. Q. = .4 If the longitudinal seams are fitted with single butt straps and are single riveted. R. = .4 When material or workmanship is according to inspector doubtful or not the best (then the factor is increased accord- ingly). S. = . 1 If the circumferential seams are lap joints and double riveted. T. = .2 If the circumferential seams are lap joints and single riveted. U. = .25 When the circumferential seams are lap and the plates are not entirely under or over covers, and 1.65 to be added if the boiler is not open to inspection during the whole period of its construction. The benefits derived from these additional factors of safety will be the means of bringing the science of boiler designing and work of construction up to a high standard. In designing seams reason must govern when calculations are made, for if too great a pitch is used the plate cannot be drawn together without springing of plate or heads of rivets coming off, and so prevent making a tight caulking edge. 66 THE BOILER. Each joint will be taken np separately as the strength of a joint is less than that of the solid plate due to cutting away for rivet holes and the single riveted lap joint is the weakest designed. Tests have been made on various designed joints, and as it would be impossible to test all joints constructed, calculations from practice, factors and co-efficients must be relied on and followed up ; these have proved satisfactory when construction has been care- fully complied with according to designs. The aim in boiler construction is to have the percentage of strength in rivet and plate as near equal as possible. The maximum strength of a boiler is calculated from its weakest point, and the subject of seams in various forms and design will be taken up later ; also boiler diameter, material thickness of same ; rivets, their diameter; shearing strength, if single or double; pitch of rivets, number of rivets in joints; butt straps and factors, such as constants, taken into consideration when calculating the strength of a seam and varying according to conditions ; methods of construc- tion and design of joint or difference in material. The necessity for care in designing and constructing to resist great forces is clearly shown by the following calculation : A com- mon size boiler 60" X 16' has approximately 32,145 square inches of bursting area and at a pressure of 100 pounds it has a total of 1,607 tons of energy or bursting pressure; with the higher pressures now used, this hazard increases. The English Board of Trade, a recognized authority on steam boilers, says that the rivet percentage of seam should be in excess of the plate and when computing the rivet section when steel plates and rivets are used the rivet section must be divided by 28/23. If iron rivets are used with steel plates then the rivet section must be y% times greater than plate section and be divided by 13/8. When describing strains, the action of shearing rivets means to shear across its diameter. The tearing strain refers to the action of tearing apart of plate. The crushing strain is the action to crush or rupture the plate between rivet holes and edge of plate. In calculations for rivet strength the diameter of the rivet hole will be taken and not the diameter of the rivet, for the rivet must fill the rivet hole. BOILER CONSTRUCTION. 67 The reader will observe in following calculations that decimals will be omitted when of minor value. LEGEND. SYMBOLS USED IN FORMULAS P= pressure p= pitch of rivets Pm = maximum pitch N = number of rivets Pd = diagonal pitch of rivets D = diameter of boiler d = diameter of rivet hole T = Thickness of plate % = percentage V= distance between rows E = distance center of rivets to edge of plate (lap) TS = tensile strength of plate AR =area of rivet hole F = factor of safety A coefficient is a prescribed amount to make up for any defects reducing" strength of plate due to punching, riveting, caulking, &c. A factor of safety is the difference between the safe working and bursting pressures. It is well to explain here that calculations of joints are based on the principle that sections of the same do not vary, except according to the joints designed; the boiler, figuratively speaking, is composed of rings, each one having the same amount of plate width and pitch of rivets and the weakest part of this supposed ring is the base of the maximum strength. In the process of computing calculations this will appear clear to the student. The rules for calculating strength of joints vary in formulas and results, but as stated in previous pages the rules the writer has used in connection with designing, testing and inspecting have been based on experiments and found in practice to have a factor of safety of reasonable margin. While in computing joints the aim is to get the plate and rivet strength as near equal ; favoring the rivet ; it must be remembered that a variance in pitch will vary efficiencies as will also the diameter of a rivet, these being of standard sizes and varying in sixteenths ; some of the rules will show an excess of rivet strength or even plate, and will appeal to the reader that a smaller diameter of rivet or greater pitch, or a lower or higher tensile strength, would affect the factors in securing the best possible efficiencies. 68 THE BOILER. In the following rules in connection with boiler as outlined there are calculations to make from material and ratios for efficiencies. The strength of rivets has been computed from exhaustive tests and as the subject of rivet shearing will be a factor in calculating seams of efficiency it may be well to make some explanations. The neces- sary force to shear a rivet in single shear is 38,000 Ibs. to square inch of cross section of rivet. The strain necessary to shear a rivet in double shear is 85 per cent more than in single shear. EXAMPLE: Rule to find strength of rivet in single shear: Multiply area of rivet hole by shearing resistance of rivet. FORMULA: A X S = strength of rivet in single shear EXAMPLE: .5185 =area of rivet hole 3 8000= shearing resistance 41480000 15555 SHEAR 19,703 =strength of one rivet in single shear 38000 =lbs. single shear . 85 = % more for double shear 190000 304000 32300.00 Ibs. =85% of 38000 Ibs. DOUBLE SHEAR adding the value to the above 3 8000= single shearing strength 32300 = 85% added 70300 = shearing strength of a rivet in double shear CHAPTER IV. BRACES AND REINFORCING. While there are boilers being made today that have strength in designed circular forms, the many in use and those being con- structed have surfaces requiring reinforcements, some having an excess over other types and the high pressures now in demand re- quire the best methods and improved design of brace. This is a subject of as much importance as the designing of a joint and requires careful selection, proportioning and attaching braces to counteract strains that may be due to resisting bursting pressures, and those of contraction, expansion and collapsing. Various designed braces and stays have been in use and are as varied in stability, some having minimum amount of strength, due to their structural weakness; again while some have the desired form and strength, location or principle of attaching same has de- preciated their value as a reinforcement. The subject of bracing is broad and could be treated inexhaust- ively, this owing to the many necessities and forms where each must necessarily be worked out separately. It is the intention to take up the most general methods, such as stay bolts, formed braces, stay tubes, crown bars, and angle irons. Factors that are taken into consideration are Structural, Design, Tensile strength, Location, and Principle of attaching. In using rivets for braces it is customary to have the combined area equal to \ l /\. times the brace area. STAY BOLTS. The use of stay bolts or stud stays for bracing is not at best a very satisfactory method of reinforcement, this owing to position 69 70 THE BOILER. and conditions, especially in fire box boilers where strains are caused by a bending force through the expansion of fire sheet, a pulling strain by the collapsing and bursting pressures and by that of vibration. Care is necessary in selecting the best material ; the U. S. Govern- men requires the same tests to be made in accordance with those of plate used in connection with boilers coming under the supervision of the Federal Government. In physical and chemical tests results must show according to prescribed rules. Constant vibration is a menace to safety and braces are subject to and effected more by it than the strains from the pressures and more than the shell tubes or rivets are by it. The best material for this strain is that made from piling material over that which is made from the bloom, this being due to its lamina structure. Requirements to look for in brace materials are : Tensile strength, Elongation, Reduction of area, Elasticity. Vigilance, careful and frequent tests and inspections of the stay bolts are necessary, for the force of expansion, contraction, tension, bending and vibration are severe. In the work of inserting and finishing this part of boiler construction defects often develop, this by stripping of threads when entering inner plate, again by hammer- ing over ends ; when this does occur the value of the brace is gone. The design of the brace (stay bolt) is weak in the first place for the threads act in a measure as an initial fracture, especially so when one portion of thread is cut a little deeper than the balance. The hollow type of stay bolt has commendable features, viz. : The available admission of air to the (rich in heat units) volatile gases from fuel in furnace (these gases having a heat value of 62,000 heat units per pound, while the carbon or coke has only 14,500), the heating of the air before coming in contact and mixing with same, thus producing economical results, from minimum "heat absorbed by air from water ; another feature that commends itself is instant notice of any failure. BRACES AND REINFORCING. 71 Rule to find safe working pressure on flat surfaces when thick- ness of plate and pitch of stay bolts are known : Multiply the constant given for the specified thickness by the thickness of plate squared in sixteenths and divide by the greatest pitch squared. FORMULA: C X T 2 'Safe working pressure What is the safe working pressure on a curved surface less than a true circle ? Plate 7/16 thick and stay bolts 5" X 6" centers. EXAMPLE: 7 = &= thickness 7 112 = constant as provided for 49 = thickness squared 49 = thickness squared pitch = 6" 1008 6 448 pitch squared =36 )S488 (152 Ibs. safe working pressure 36 188 180 88 72 16 Note constants for specific conditions as used in following ex- amples : For a plate three-fourths of an inch thick, stayed 9-inch by 10-inch centers : 120X144 Working pressure = = 172 pounds. 100 For a plate nine-sixteenths of an inch thick, screw stays with nuts, stays pitched 9-inch by 10-inch centers: 135X81 Working pressure = = 109 pounds. 100 72 THE BOILER. For a plate three-fourths of an inch thick, supported by stays with double nuts, without washers or doubling plates, 10-inch by 12-inch centers: 170X144 Working pressure = = 170 pounds. 144 For plate one-half inch thick, with washers three-eighths of an inch thick, stayed 10-inch by 12-inch centers: 160X101.60 Working pressure = = 112 pounds 144 For plate five-eighths of an inch thick, with doubling plate seven- sixteenths of an inch thick, stayed by 14-inch by 14-inch centers : 200X149.81 Working pressure = = 152 pounds. 196 For plate five-eighths of an inch thick, with tees or angle bars one-half of an inch thick, stayed by 14-inch by 14-inch centers : 200X167.96 Working pressure = = 171 pounds. 196 Plates heated for working must be annealed afterwards. The diameter of a screw stay shall be taken at the bottom of the thread, provided it is the least diameter of the stay. Flat heads not exceeding 20 inches in diameter may be used unsupported at pressure allowed by following rule : Multiplying constant by thickness of head in sixteenths squared, and dividing by half of area to be supported, gives the pressure allowed. FORMULA: CXT 2 = P y 2 ot A Where P=steam pressure allowable in pounds. T = thickness of material = % =}f . A =area of head in inches =314". C = 112 for plates -^ of an inch and under. C =120 for plates over ^ of an inch. Provided, The flanges are made to an inside radius of at least 1^ inches. BRACES AND REINFORCING. 73 EXAMPLE: Required the working pressure of a flat head 20 inches in diameter and of an inch thick. 120 = constant as provided for 144=head in sixteenths squared 480 480 120 one-half area of head = 157) 17280 (110 pounds safe working pressure 158 157 10 FLAT SURFACES. The maximum stress allowable on flat plates supported by stays shall be determined by the following rule : All stayed surfaces formed to a curve the radius of which is over 21 inches, excepting surfaces otherwise provided for, shall be deemed flat surfaces. CONSTANTS. C = 112 for screw stays with riveted heads, plates seven-sixteenths of an inch thick and under. C = 120 for screw stays with riveted heads, plates above seven-sixteenths of an inch thick. C = 120 for screw stays with nuts, plates seven-sixteenths of an inch thick and under. C=125 for screw stays with nuts, plates above seven-sixteenths of an inch thick and under nine-sixteenths of an inch. C =135 for screw stays with nuts, plates nine-sixteenths of an inch thick and above. C = 170 for stays with double nuts having one nut on the inside and one nut on the outside of plate, without washers or doubling plates. C =160- for stays fitted with washers or doubling strips which have a thick- ness of at least .5 of the thickness of the plate and a diameter of at least .5 of the greatest pitch of the stay, riveted to the outside of the plates, and stays having one nut inside of the plate, and one nut outside of the washer or doubling strip. For T take 72 per cent of the combined thickness of the plate and washer or plate or doubling strip. C =200 for stays fitted with doubling strips which have a thickness equal to at least .5 of the thickness of the plate reinforced, and covering the full area braced (up to the curvature of the flange, if any), riveted to either the inside or outside of the plate, and stays having one nut outside and one inside of the plates. Washers or doubling plates to be substantially riveted. For T take 72 per cent of the combined thickness of the two plates. 74 THE BOILER. C=200 for stays with plates stiffened with tees or angle-bars having a thickness of at least two-thirds the thickness of plate and depth of webs at least one-fourth of the greatest pitch of the stays, and sub- stantially riveted on the inside of the plates, and stays having one nut inside bearing on washers fitted to the edges of the webs, that are at right angles to the plate. For T take 72 per cent of the combined thickness of web and plate. No flat plates or surfaces shall be unsupported at a greater distance than 18 inches. Multiply the constant 120 by the thickness squared in six- teenths and divide product by the pitch of stay squared : FORMULA: CXT 2 = working pressure P 2 LEGEND: T = thickness of plate = ^ = 7 P=pitch = 10" C= constant = 120 EXAMPLE: 120= constant 49=plate squared in 16ths 1080 480 pitch squared = 100)5880 (58. 8 Ibs. pressure allowed or 59 Ibs. nearly 500 880 800 80 Rules adopted by authorities that have proven satisfactory from tests and usage and adopted by the U. S. Government and reputable boiler manufacturers are given in this chapter, and in connection material and workmanship is considered to be the best, fitted accur- ately and properly secured. Exhaustive tests have been made by the highest authorities, governments, scientific and mechanical and results have shown that there are some differences; sufficient reasons in the fact show that the majority are near enough to establish formulas that have liberal margins of safety. Judgment must be governed by conditions and construction when out of the ordinary and special consideration given, always BRACES AND REINFORCING. 75 allowing" a reasonable factor of safety for an unusual form or position. For all stays the least sectional area shall be taken in calculating the stress allowable. All screw stay bolts shall be drilled at the ends with a one- eighth inch hole to at least a depth of one-half inch beyond the inside surface of the sheet. Stays through laps or butt straps may be drilled with larger hole to a depth so that the inner end of said larger hole shall not be nearer than the thickness of the boiler plates from the inner surface of the boiler. Such screw stay bolts, with or without sockets, may be used in the construction of marine boilers where fresh water is used for generating steam: Provided, hoiucver, that screw stay bolts of a greater length than 24 inches will not be allowed in any instance, unless the ends of said bolts are fitted with nuts. Water used from a surface condenser shall be deemed fresh water. Holes for screwed stays must be tapped fair and true and full thread. The ends of stays which are upset to include the depth of thread shall be thoroughly annealed after being upset. The sectional area of pins to resist double shear and bending, accurately fitted and secured in crow feet, sling, and similar stays, shall be at least equal to required sectional area of the brace. Breadth across each side and depth to crown of eye shall be not less than .35 to .55 of diameter of pin. In order to compensate for inaccurate distribution the forks should be proportioned to support two-thirds of the load, thickness of forks to be not less than .66 to .75 of the diameter of pins. The combined sectional area of rivets used in securing tee irons and crow feet to shell, said rivets being in tension, shall be not less than the required sectional area of brace. To insure a well-pro- portioned rivet point, the total length of shank shall closely approx- imate the grip plus 1.5 times the diameter of the shank. All rivet holes shall be drilled. Distance from center of rivet hole to edge of tee irons, crow feet, and similar fastenings shall be so propor- tioned that the net sectional areas through sides at rivet holes shall equal the required rivet section. Rivet holes shall be slightly coun- tersunk in order to form a fillet at point and head. 76 THE BOILER. CONSTANTS PROVIDED FOR THE VARYING REQUIREMENTS. C=9,000 for tested steel stays exceeding 2^ inches in diameter. C = 8,000 for tested steel stays 1^ inches and not exceeding 2^ inches in diameter, when such stays are not forged or welded. The ends, how- ever, may be upset to a sufficient diameter to allow for the depth of the thread. The diameter shall be taken at the bottom of the thread, provided it is the least diameter of the stay. All such stays after being upset shall be thoroughly annealed. C=8,000 for a tested Huston or similar type of brace, the cross-sectional area of which exceeds 5 square inches. C=7,000 for such tested braces when the cross-sectional area is not less than 1.227 and not more than 5 square inches, provided such braces are prepared at one heat from a solid piece of plate without welds. C =6,000 for all stays not otherwise provided for. Rule to find sectional area of a brace to support a given area when pressure is known : Multiply area to be supported by pressure per square inch and divide by constant as provided for size and ma- terial of brace. FORMULA: AxP = sectional area of brace LEGEND: C A =area to be supported =36 square inches P = pressure = 150 Ibs. C = co nstant= brace steel having 1^ diameter = 8000 EXAMPLE: 36" = sectional area to be supported 150 = Ibs. pressure 1800 36 constant for 1M steel brace = 8000) 54000000 (.6750 =43/64 or ^ cross-sec- 48000 tional area nearly 60000 56000 40000 40000 BRACES AND REINFORCING. 77 Rule to find strain on a stay bolt : Multiply the area supported by the stay, by the pressure. FORMULA: A X P = strain on stay LEGEND: A =area =6" X6" = 36 square inches P ^pressure = 150 Ibs. EXAMPLE: 36 square inches =area 150=lbs. pressure 1800 36 5400 =lbs. strain on bolt Rule to find greatest area one stay bolt may support : Multiply area of stay bolt by constant and divide by working pressure. FORMULA: AXC = limit of area to be supported by one bolt P LEGEND: C =constant =6000 Ibs. allowed per cross-sectional area A =area of stay bolt = j| = . 69029 P = pressure = 150 Ibs. EXAMPLE: . 69029 =area of ft bolt 6000= constant pressure = 150) 41417. 000(27. 6" =limit of area to be sup 300 ported by one bolt 1141 1050 917 900 17 Rule to find number of stay bolts to support a given area when pressure is given : Multiply area to be supported by pressure and divide sum by constants as provided for. Constants for the different size bolts to be used are as follows: for %" diameter use constant 4000, " W 6000, if for over that diameter and up to 2^" 8000, being pounds pressure per square inch of cross-sectional area. THE BOILER. FORMULA : AXP = number of stay bolts The following example is where bolts are %" in diameter LEGEND: A =area to be supported =800 square inches P = pressure = 100 Ibs. C = constant =4000 EXAMPLE : 800 =area to be supported 100=lbs. pressure constant =4000) 80000 (20 stay bolts required 8000 The following example is where bolts are 1^6" diameter LEGEND: A =area to be supported = 500 P =pressure = 120 Ibs. C = constant =6000 EXAMPLE: 500 =area to be supported 120=lbs. pressure 10000 500 constant =6000)60000(10 stay bolts required 6000 Rule to find centers for stay bolts when pressure, area to be supported and constant provided for stay bolt are known : Multiply area. of stay bolt by constant and divide by pressure. FORMULA: AXC = centers of stay bolts P LEGEND: A =area to be supported = . 3750 C = constant = 4000 P = pressure = 150 Ibs. BRACES AND REINFORCING. 79 EXAMPLE : .3750 =area of stay bolt 4000 = constant pressure = 1 50)1 500. 0000 ( 10"= centers of stay bolts 150 Rule to find area of stay bolt. Multiply centers of stay bolt by pressure and divide by constant 4,000; the quotient is area of stay bolt required. FORMULA: CBXP =area of stay bolt LEGEND: P =pressure = 150 Ibs. C = constant = 4000 . CB = center of stay bolt =10" EXAMPLE: 10" = center of stay bolt 150 = pressure 500 10 constant =4000) 1500. 0000 (. 3750 =area of stay bolt 1200 300 00 280 00 20 000 20 000 English Board of Trade rule to find safe working pressure when steel stay bolts are used and are screwed into plates and fitted with nuts : Multiply constant 80 (plus 25% for steel) by thickness of plate in sixteenths plus one sixteenth squared; divide by pitch of rivet squared minus 6; product is safe working pressure. FORMULA: - =safe working pressure P 2 6 80 THE BOILER. LEGEND: T = thickness of plate = P = pitch = 7 C = constant =80 % =25% added for steel EXAMPLE: 80 = constant 20 =25% added for steel pitch = 7 100 7 64 = ^ + ^ or T 8 6 , squared pitch squared = 49 400 minus 6 600 43 ) 6400 (148 =lbs. pressure for steel bolts 43 210 7= ;&= thickness of plate 172 1 = A added 380 8=A 344 8 36 64 = T 8 e squared Rule to find pitch of stay bolts : Multiply constant 112 by the square of the thickness of plate in sixteenths of an inch; divide this product by steam pressure and extract the square root of quotient. FORMULA : CXT 2 \/ = pitch of stay LEGEND: C= constant = 112 T = thickness of plate = & P= pressure = 150 EXAMPLE: 112 = constant 49= the square of 1008 448 150)5488(36 450 square root of 36 is 6" pitch 988 900 6)36(6" = square root = pitch of bolts 36 88 BRACES AND REINFORCING. 81 TABLE OF STAY BOLTS, PLATE, PITCH AND PRESSURE. Pressure in pounds. Centers of Stay Bolts. %" Plate tV' Plate. Y*' Plate. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 150 160 llM"pi 8 6^ 5^ 5 4^ 4M 4^ 4 tch 13" pi 9M 7^ $ $ 4<4 4^ tch 15" pi W sH $ f>Ys $ 5 A 5^ 5^ tch Diam. of stay bolt H" 1" IK" CROW FOOT OR FORMED BRACES. As stated in preceding pages the many and varied surfaces to be braced requiring specific methods and application of bracing, the H. T. boiler, having the minimum amount of flat surface and condi- tions favorable to apply the selection for suitable type of brace, is confined to the one with minimum structural weakness, taking the Huston, McGregor, or of equal stability. In calculating the necessary reinforcement by bracing the area of surface to be stayed, and working pressure is considered ; while the thickness of head is a factor in its strength, the necessity for braces in lieu of increasing the thickness of head to self supporting, is without comment. In all types of stays the least sectional area must be taken in calculating the stress allowable and the combined sectional area of rivets used in securing crow feet, angle irons and such form of braces, necessitating rivets, must not be less than the required sec- tional area of brace; all rivet holes to be drilled, and the distance from center of hole to edge of palm or brace surface shall be so proportionate that the net sectional areas through sides at rivet holes shall equal the rivet section; rivet holes in plate to be slightly countersunk. Taking a flat surface in head above water line, say 800 square inches, to proportionate a proper thickness of head for that unstated 82 THE BOILER. portion it would be necessary to have the thickness of head by rule as follows : Multiply area by pressure and again by constant ; divide product by tensile strength multiplied by 10; the quotient will be the thick- ness for unstayed portion. LEGEND: FORMULA: A = area 800 square inches AxPxC P = pressure = 100 = thickness for un- C = constant =7000 Ibs. per square inch TS X 10 stayed portion TS = tensile strength =60000 EXAMPLE: 800= area 100 = pressure tensile strength =60000 80000 multiplied by 10 7000 = constant 600000)560000000(933 =ftf inch nearly in thickness 5400000 2000000 1800000 2000000 1800000 200000 This would not be desirable for reasons of cost, labor attached to working it and conductivity of heat, therefore heads must be of less thickness and bracing resorted to. To find the area of an unstayed segment is the first thing neces- sary and that is a simple rule as used in boiler construction, as calculations for such measures are always favored. Rule to find minimum area of stay or brace to support a given area: Divide load on stay by allowable strain per square inch of sectional area as provided ; the quotient is minimum area of stay. FORMULA: L =area of brace S LEGEND: L = load on stay =6750 Ibs. S =strain per square inch of sectional area =6000 Ibs. BRACES AND REINFORCING. 83 EXAMPLE: strain allowed per sq. in. =6000)6750 . 000(1 . 125 or \y%' diameter 6000 750 600 150 00 120 00 300 00 300 00 Rule to find area of stay beyond maximum of curved surface unsupported when thickness of plate and pressure are known : Mul- tiply constant 112 by thickness of plate in sixteenths of an inch and divide product by the pressure in pounds per square inch; the quotient is area of stay required. LEGEND: FORMULA: C = constant = 112 CxT T = thickness of plate = Tg =area of stay P = pressure = 150 Ibs. P EXAMPLE: 112 = constant . 7 = thickness in 16ths pressure = 150) 78. 4000 (. 5226 =area or | approximately 75 3 40 3 00 400 300 1000 900 100 To determine the areas of diagonal stays : Multiply the area of a direct stay required to support the surface by the slant or diagonal length of the stay ; divide this product by the length of a line drawn at right angles to surface supported to center of palm of diagonal stay. The quotient will be the required area of the diagonal stay. FORMULA: AXL = sectional area of diagonal stay 84 THE BOILER. LEGEND: A = sectional area of direct stay = . 7854 L =length of diagonal stay =60" 1= length of line drawn at right angles to boiler head or surface supported to center of palm of diagonal stay = 48" EXAMPLE: .7854 =area of 1" direct stay 60 = length of stay length of line drawn at right angles to boiler = 48") 47. 1240 (. 9817 =sectional area of a diag- 43 2 onal brace = 1^" nearly 3 92 3 84 84 48 360 336 24 When diagonal braces are applied the angle should not exceed over 30 degrees. Rule to find the load on a stay : Multiply area to be supported by pressure and divide by sectional area of stay bolt. LEGEND: FORMULA: A = area to be supported =50" AxP P =pressure = 160 Ibs. =strain on sectional area SB =area of stay bolt = . 69029 SB of stay EXAMPLE: 50" =area to be supported 160= pressure 3000 50 area of stay bolt = .69029)8000.00000(11589 Ibs. =strain on sec- 6902 9 tional area of stay 1097 10 690 29 406 810 345 145 61 6650 55 2232 6 44180 6 21261 22919 BRACES AND REINFORCING. 85 HEADS. All heads employed in the construction of cylindrical externally fired boilers, for steamers navigating- the Red River of the North and rivers that flow into the Gulf of Mexico, shall have a thickness of material as follows : For boilers having a diameter - Over 32 inches and not over 36 inches, not less than 1^ inch. Over 36 inches and not over 40 inches, not less than ^ inch. Over 40 inches and not over 48 inches, not less than ^ inch. Over 48 inches, not less than % inch. Where flat heads do not exceed 20 inches in diameter they may be used without being stayed, and the steam pressure allowable shall be determined by the following formula : CxT 2 P= Where P = steam pressure allowable in pounds. T = thickness of material in sixteenths of an inch. A = one-half the area of head in inches. C = 112 for plates -fa of an inch and under. C = 120 for plates over fa of an inch. Provided, The flanges are made to an inside radius of at least \ l /2 inches. EXAMPLE. Required the working pressure of a flat head 20 inches in diame- ter and y^ of an inch thick. Substituting values, we have 120X144 P = =110 pounds 157 The heads of steam and mud drums of such boilers shall have a thickness of material of not less than half an inch ; pressure to be determined by formula for flatheads. 86 THE BOILER. CONVEXED HEAD. Rule to find pressure allowed on a convexed head : Multiply the thickness of the plate by one-sixth of the tensile strength and divide by one-half of radius to which head is bumped ; result gives pressure allowed per square inch. Add 20 per cent to pressure when the head is double riveted to the shell and the holes are fairly drilled. LEGEND: FORMULA: TS = tensile strength =60000 T X ( 1/6 of TS ) T = thickness of plate = ^ = . 625 =lbs. pressure al- R=radius of bump =60" }/% of R lowed EXAMPLE : . 625 = thickness of plate 10000 = 1/6 of TS half of radius =30)6250.p00 (208 Ibs. = pressure allowed on single 60 riveted circumferential seam 250 240 10 208 Ibs. = pressure allowed on single riveted 41.6= 20% added for double riveted 249 . 6 Ibs. pressure allowed double riveted Rule to find bursting pressure on flat head : Multiply thickness of plate by ten times the tensile strength and divide by area of head in inches ; the sum is bursting pressure. LEGEND: FORMULA: T = thickness of plate = & = .5625 Tx(lOXTS) TS =tensile strength =60000 =bursting pressure A = area of head =934. 822 inches AxC D = diameter of head =34^" EXAMPLE: . 5625 = thickness of plate 600000 =ten times tensile strength area of head =934822)337500. 0000 (361 Ibs. bursting pressure 280446 6 57053 40 56089 32 964 080 934 822 29 258 Divide bursting pressure by 5 and this will give working pressure BRACES AND REINFORCING. 87 CONCAVED HEAD. Rule to find pressure allowed on a concave head : Multiply the pressure per square inch allowed on a bumped head attached con- vexly by the constant 6, and the product will give the pressure per square inch allowed on concaved head. LEGEND: FORMULA: P XC = pressure on concaved head P= pressure allowed on a bumped head =208 Ibs. C = constant =.6 EXAMPLE: 208 = pressure allowed on a bumped head .6 = constant 124.8 =lbs. pressure on a concaved head NOTE ON DISHED HEADS. Dished or bumped heads have strength due to form and thickness depending on diameter. Bumped heads may contain a manhole opening flanged inwardly, when such flange is turned to a depth of three times the thickness of the material in the head. DEPTHS OF DISH AND FLANGE HEADS. Diam. after Diam. Heads. Dishing and Flanging. Depth of Dish. Depth of Flange. 34 30 3 2 40 36 3 2 46 42 4 2 52^ 48 5 2 58^ 54 6 2 65 60 6 2 71 66 7 2 77 71^ 7 2 78 72 8 2 87 80 8 2-L/ 91 84 9 2^ 97 90 10 2 J^> 102 96 12 2J*| 88 THE BOILER. CAST IRON HEADS. Rule to find thickness of an unstayed boiler head so it will equal in strength the shell : Multiply square root of radius by the thick- ness of the shell plate in inches ; the product is the required thickness of head. LEGEND: FORMULA: T=thickness of plate %," = .375 (\/IR) XT=thicknessof head IR =inside radius = 19 . 9809 EXAMPLE: 4.47 =square root of radius .375 = thickness of shell 2235 3129 1341 1.67625 = thickness of head required =1^" approx. A rule" to find area of a segment of a circle as outlined by A, B and C. Divide the diameter of circle by height of the segment, subtract 608 from quotient and extract the square root of the remainder; this result multiplied by four times the square of the height of the segment and divided by three, will give the area. FORMULA: f V D ~r f 4XHM { . 608 > X { r = area of segment 1 H J I 3 J BRACES AND REINFORCING. 89 LEGEND: H = height of segment 22" D =diam. of boiler 72" C= constant = .608 EXAMPLE: (diameter) height 22") 72. 0000 (3. 2727 66 60 44 3.2727 160 . 608 constant 1)2.66470000(1.6323 sq. root 154 1 60 26 1 66 1.6323 44 1 56 645 160 323 1047 8 1615 154 969 65 292 979 38 6 3262 7800 22" height of segment 6524 1052 . 8335 22 or 1053"=area of 32643 127600 segment. 44 97929 44 29671 484 height squared 4 four times 3) 1936 =4 times square of height 645.33 Rule to find number of braces to support a segment as just described: Multiply area of segment by pressure in pounds per square inch and divide by number of pounds pressure form or type of brace sectional area is allowed. To illustrate : A modern formed brace by 8,000 when sectional area exceeds 5 square inches ; 7,000 when sectional area is less than 5 square inches, and 6,000 for all stays not otherwise provided for. FORMULA: A X Pressure = number of braces required Brace supporting value 90 THE BOILER. EXAMPLE: 1053 =area of segment required 160 =lbs. pressure 63180 1053 modern brace =8000)168480(21 + or 22 braces 16000 8480 8000 480 The table given below is an extract from Trautwine's Engineers' Pocket Book, and will be found of great value in arriving at an accurate solution. The first column marked height, is the height of the segment in parts of the diameter of the boiler. The first number .001 refers to a segment whose height is 1/1000 of the diameter of the boiler, the second number refers to 2/1000 of the diameter of the boiler, and the third 3/1000 of the diameter of the boiler and so on until it reaches a complete semi-circle or half-diameter of the boiler. CUBICAL CONTENTS. Suppose now we desire to find the cubical contents by the table of the steam space in a boiler 48 inches in diameter by 14 feet long. The water line say is 4" above the top row of tubes and the height of the segment is 12 inches. The area of circles or similar parts of circles of different sizes are directly proportional to the square of their diameter. Hence, it will only be necessary to find what part of the diameter, 12 inches (the height of the steam space), is. This is done by dividing 12 by 48 = .250. Find this quotient in the column of heights in the table, take the corresponding area and multiply it by the square of the diameter. Then 4X4 equals 16 and 12-^-48 equals .250. By the table we find that the area of a segment whose height is .250 is seen to be .153546. This multiplied by 16 gives 2.4567 square feet of the cross sectional area of the steam space. This area multi- plied by 14, which is the length of the boiler in feet, or 2.4567 X 14 equals 34.39, which is the volume of steam space in cubic feet. The same result in cubic feet can be obtained by the first method, which I do not think can be simplified any further. BRACES AND REINFORCING. 91 AREAS OF CIRCULAR ARCS. By This Table May be Obtained the Area of Segments of Circles. Height Area Height Area Height Area Height Area .001 .002 .003 .000 042 .000 119 .000 219 .040 .041 .042 .010 538 .010 932 .011 331 079 .080 .081 .028 894 .029 435 .029 979 .118 .119 .120 .052 090 .052 737 .053 385 .004 .005 .006 .000 337 .000 471 .000 619 .043 .044 .045 .011 734 .012 142 .012 555 .082 .083 .084 .030 526 .031 077 .031 630 .121 .122 .123 .054 037 .054 690 .055 346 .007 .008 .009 .000 779 .000 952 .001 135 .046 .047 .048 .012 971 .013 393 .013 818 .085 .086 .087 .032 186 .032 746 .033 308 .124 .125 .126 .056 004 .056 664 .057 327 .010 .011 .012 .001 329 .001 533 .001 746 .049 .050 .051 .014 248 .014 681 .015 119 .088 .089 .090 .033 873 .034 441 .035 012 .127 .128 .129 .057 991 .058 658 .059 328 .013 .014 .015 .001 969 .002 199 .002 438 .052 .053 .054 .015 561 .016 008 .016 458 .091 .092 .093 .035 586 .036 162 .036 742 .130 .131 .132 .059 999 .060 673 .061 349 .016 .017 .018 .002 685 . 002 940 . 003 202 .055 .056 .057 .016 912 .017 369 .017 831 .094 .095 .096 .037 324 .037 909 .038 497 .133 .134 .135 .062 027 .062 707 .063 389 .019 .020 021 .003 472) .003 749 004 032 .058 .059 .060 .018 297 .018 766 .019 239 .097 .098 .099 .039 087 .039 681 .040 277 .136 .137 .138 .064 074 .064 761 .065 449 .022 .023 .024 .004 322 .004 619 .004 922 .061 .062 .063 .019 716 .020 197 .020 681 .100 .101 .102 .040 875 .041 477 .042 081 .139 .140 .141 .066 140 .066 833 .067 528 .025 .026 .027 .005 231 .005 546 .005 867 .064 .065 .066 .021 168 .021 660 .022 155 .103 .104 .105 .042 687 .043 296 . 043 908 .142 .143 .144 .068 225 .068 924 .069 626 .028 .029 .030 .006 194 .006 527 .006 866 .067 .068 .069 .022 653 .023 155 . 023 660 .106 .107 .108 .044 523 .045 140 .045 759 .145 .146 .147 .070 329 .071 034 .071 741 .031 .032 .033 .007 209 .007 559 .007 913 .070 .071 .072 .024 168 .024 680 .025 196 .109 .110 .111 .046 381 .047 006 .047 633 .148 .149 .150 .072 450 .073 162 .073 875 .034 .035 .036 .008 273 .008 638 .009 008 .073 .074 .075 .025 714 .026 236 .026 761 .112 .113 .114 .048 262 .048 894 .049 529 .151 .152 .153 .074 590 .075 307 .076 026 .037 .038 .039 .009 383 .009 764 .010 148 . .076 .077 .078 .027 290 .027 821| .028 356| .115 .116 .117 .050 165 .050 805 .051 446 .154 .155 .156 .076 747 .0^7 470 .078 194 92 THE BOILER. Height Area Height Area Height Area Height Area .157 .158 .159 .078 921 .079 650 .080 380 .199 .200 .201 .111 025 .111 824 .112 625 .241 .242 .243 . 145 800 .146 656 .147 513 .281 .282 .283 .180 918 .181 818 .182 718 .160 .161 .162 .081 112 .081 847 .082 582 .202 .203 .204 .113 427 .114 231 .115 036 .244 .245 .246 .148 371 .149 231 .150 091 .284 .285 .286 .183 619 .184 522 .185 425 .163 .164 .165 .083 320 .084 090 .084 801 .205 .206 .207 .115 842 .116 651 .117 460 .247 .248 .249 .150 953 .151 816 .152 681 .287 .288 .289 .186 329 .187 235 .188 141 .166 .167 .168 .085 545 .086 200 .087 037 .208 .209 .210 .118 271 .119 084 .119 898 .250 .153 546 .290 .291 .292 .189 048 .189 956 .190 865 .169 .170 .171 .087 785 .088 536 .089 288 .211 .212 .213 .120 713 .121 530 .122 348 .251 .252 .253 .154 413 .155 281 .156 149 .293 .294 .295 .191 774 .192 685 .193 597 .172 .173 .174 . 090 042 .090 797 .091 555 .214 .215 .216 .123 167 .123 988 .124 811 .254 .255 .256 .157 019 .157 891 .158 763 .296 .297 .298 .194 509 . 195 423 .196 337 .175 .176 .177 .092 314 .093 074 .093 837 .217 .218 .219 .125 634 .126 459 .127 286 .257 .258 .259 .159 636 .160 511 .161 386 .299 .300 .301 .197 252 .198 168 .199 085 .178 .179 .180 .094 601 .095 367 .096 135 .220 .221 .222 .128 114 . 128 943 .129 773 .260 .261 .262 .162 263 .163 141 .164 020 .302 .303 .304 .200 003 .200 922 .201 841 .181 .182 .183 .096 904 .097 675 .098 447 .223 .224 .225 . 130 605 .131 438 .132 273 .263 .264 .265 . 164 900 .165 781 .166 663 .305 .306 .307 .202 762 .203 683 . 204 605 .184 .185 .186 .099 221 .099 997 . 100 774 .226 .227 .228 . 133 109 .133 946 . 134 784 .266 .267 .268 .167 546 .168 431 .169 316 .308 .309 .310 .205 528 .206 452 .207 376 .187 .188 .189 .101 553 .102 334 .103 116 .229 .230 .231 .135 624 .136 465 .137 307 .269 .270 .271 .170 202 .171 090 .171 978 .311 .312 .313 .208 302 .209 228 .210 155 .190 .191 .192 . 103 900 .104 686 .105 472 .232 .233 .234 .138 151 .138 996 . 139 842 .272 .273 .274 .172 868 .173 758 .174 650 .314 .315 .316 .211 083 212 Oil 212 941 .193 .194 .195 .106 261 .107 051 . 107 843 .235 .236 .237 .140 689 .141 538 .142 388 .275 .276 .277 .175 542 .176 436 177 330 .317 .318 .319 213 871 214 802 215 734 .196 .197 .198 .108 636 .109 431 .110 227 .238 .239 .240 . 143 239 .144 091 . 144 945 .278 .279 .280 .178 226 .179 122 .180 020 .320 .321 .322 216 666 217 600 218 534 BRACES AND REINFORCING. 93 Height Area Height Area Height Area Height Area .323 .324 .325 .219 469 .220 404 .221 341 .368 .369 .370 .262 249 .263 214 .264 179 .413 .414 .415 .306 140 .307 125 .308 110 .458 .459 .460 .350 749 .351 745 .352 742 .326 .327 .328 .222 278 .223 216 .224 154 .371 .372 373 .265 145 266 111 .267 078 .416 .417 .418 .309 096 .310 082 .311 068 .461 .462 .463 .353 739 .354 736 .355 733 .329 .330 .331 .225 094 .226 034 .226 974 .374 .375 .376 .268 046 .269 014 .269 982 .419 .420 .421 .312 055 .313 042 .314 029 .464 .465 .466 .356 730 .357 728 .358 725 .332 .333 .334 .227 916 .228 858 .229 801 .377 .378 .379 .270 951 .271 921 .272 891 .422 .423 .424 .315 017 .316 005 .316 993 .467 .468 .469 .359 723 .360 721 .361 719 .335 .336 .337 .230 745 .231 689 .232 634 .380 .381 .382 .273 861 .274 832 .275 804 .425 .426 .427 .317 981 .318 970 .319 959 .470 .471 .472 .362 717 .363 715 .364 714 .338 .339 .340 .233 580 .234 526 .235 473 .383 .384 .385 .276 776 .277 748 .278 721 .428 .429 .430 .320 949 .321 938 .322 928 .473 .474 .475 .365 712 .366 711 .367 710 .341 .342 .343 .236 421 .237 369 .238 319 .386 .387 .388 .279 695 .280 669 .281 643 .431 .432 .433 .323 919 .324 909 .325 900 .476 .477 .478 .368 708 .369 707 .370 706 .344 .345 .346 .239 268 .240 219 .241 170 .389 .390 .391 .282 618 .283 593 .284 569 .434 .435 .436 .326 891 .327 883 .328 874 .479 .480 .481 .371 705 .372 704 .373 704 .347 .348 .349 .242 122 .243 074 .244 027 .392 .393 .394 .285 545 .286 521 .287 499 .437 .438 .439 .329 866 .330 858 .331 851 .482 .483 .484 .374 703 .375 702 .376 702 .350 .351 .352 .244 980 .245 935 .246 890 .395 .396 .397 .288 476 .289 454 .290 432 .440 .441 .442 .332 843 .333 836 .334 829 .485 .486 .487 .377 701 .378 701 .379 701 .353 .354 .355 .247 845 .248 801 .249 758 .398 .399 .400 .291 411 .292 390 .293 370 .443 .444 .445 .335 823 .336 816 .337 810 .488 .489 .490 .380 700 .381 700 .382 700 .356 .357 .358 .*250 715 .251 673 .252 632 .401 .402 .403 .294 350 .295 330 .296 311 .446 .447 .448 .338 804 .339 799 . 340 793 .491 .492 .493 .383 700 .384 699 .385 699 .359 .360 .361 .253 591 .254 551 .255 511 .404 . 105 .406 .297 292 .298 274 .299 256 .449 .450 .451 .341 788 .342 783 .343 778 .494 .495 .496 .386 699 .387 699 .388 699 .362 .363 .364 .256 472 .257 433 .258 395 .407 .408 .409 .300 238 .301 221 .302 204 .452 .453 .454 .344 773 .345 768 .346 764 .497 .498 .499 .389 699 .390 699 .391 699 .365 .366 .367 .259 358 .260 321 .261 285 .410 .411 .412 .303 187 .304 171 .305 156 .455 .456 ,457 .347 760 .348 756 .349 752 .500 .392 699 94 THE BOILER. Rule to find pressure allowed on a brace for given size : Multiply area of brace by pressure allowed per square inch cross sectional area. LEGEND: FORMULA: A = area of brace 3"x^" =1.5" area AxS=pressure allowed S =strain allowed = 6000 Ibs. that size brace EXAMPLE: 3" .5 1.5= area 6000 Ibs. allowed per square inch 9000J3 Ibs. allowed on brace of that size THROUGH BRACE RODS. Through brace rods are often used when conditions are favor- able, space ample for cleaning and inspection. These rods are usually 1^4 to 2^/2 inches diameter and washer or plates riveted to heads to increase holding or breaking surface ; thickness of heads are governed by pressure, also by the size and number of rods. Same rule is used that governs the palm or formed brace. Rule to find working pressure allowed on a through brace rod. Multiply area of rod by strain allowed according to corresponding diameter and divide by area supported by rod. LEGEND: FORMULA: AR= 2" rod =3. 1416= area of rod ARxS A = 16x14 surface =224" area =working pressure S = strain allowed on that size A brace = 8000 EXAMPLE: 3.1416=area of 2" rod 8000 Ibs. allowed on sectional area surface area =224)25132. #000 (112 Ibs. working pressure 224 273 224 492 448 44 BRACES AND REINFORCING. 95 CURVED SURFACES. To find safe working pressure on curved sufrace when stiffened by angle, single or double, or tee bars ; for single, the angle iron should have a thickness of at least eight-tenths that of plate and a depth of at least one-half pitch ; where stiffened with double angle or tee irons, to have at least two-thirds that of thickness of plate and a depth of at least one-fourth of pitch ; angles or tee bars being substantially riveted to the plate supported. Where rounded tops of combustion chambers are stiffened with single or double angle-iron stiffeners, or tee bars, such angles or tee bars, shall be of thickness and depth of leaf not less than specified for rounded bottoms of combustion chambers. Said angles or tee bars shall be supported on thimbles and riveted through with rivets not less than one inch in diameter and spaced not to exceed six inches between centers. Rule to find working pressure allowed on rounded surfaces sup- ported by angle irons or tee bars: Multiply constant by thickness squared in sixteenths and divide by the pitch multiplied by the diameter of curve. FORMULA: CxT 2 = working pressure PXD LEGEND: T = thickness of plate in sixteenths of an inch = & = 81 P = pitch of angle or tee stiffeners in inches = 7 inches D = diameter of curve to which plate is bent, in inches =51 inches C = constant = 900 EXAMPLE: ^ 900 = constant 51" =diameter 81 = thickness squared in 16ths 7" = pitch 900 357 7200 72900 714 1500 1428 72 357)72900(204 Ibs. = working pressure 96 THE BOILER. TUBE PLATE Rule to find the working pressure of a tube sheet supporting a crown sheet braced by crown bars: Subtract inside diameter of tubes in inches from the least horizontal distance between tube cen- ters in inches ; multiply the remainder by thickness of tube plate and then by constant 27,000; divide product by extreme width of com- bustion chamber multiplied by least horizontal distance between tube centers. FORMULA: (D d)TxC = working pressure WXD LEGEND: D =least horizontal distance between tube centers in inches = 4^ inches d =inside diameter of tubes in inches = 2 . 782 inches T = thickness of tube plate in inches =^ inches = . 6875 W ^extreme width of combustion chamber in inches =34*4 inches C =27,000. EXAMPLE: 4. 125 = least horizontal distance 2 . 782 = inside diameter 1.343 .6875 = thickness of tube plate 6715 9401 10744 34. 25= extreme width 8058 4 . 125 = least horizontal distance .9233125 17125 2 7000= constant 6850 3425 646 31875000 13700 1846 6250 141. 24929. ^3WP0 141)24929(176 Ibs. = working pressure 141 1082 987 959 846 113 BRACES AND REINFORCING. 97 Rule to find thickness of plate for a tube sheet : Multiply pressure by width of fire box and by pitch of tubes (distance between centers) and divide this sum by pitch of tubes minus one inside diameter of one tube multiplied by constant. FORMULA: PxWxp (p d)xC LEGEND: = thickness of plate p = pitch of tube =4^ d = inside diam. of tube =2. 7 82 P = pressure = 176 Ibs. C = constant =2 7000 W = width of combustion chamber =34)4 inches EXAMPLE: 176 = pressure Ibs. per square inch 34.25 = width of fire box 880 352 704 528 pitch of tubes =4. 12 5 inside diam. =2.782 6028.00 4. 12 5= pitch of tubes 1.343 constant = 27000 3014000 1205600 9401000 602800 2686 2411200 36261000)24865. 5000 (.6857 or ft nearly 217566 310890 290088 208020 181305 267150 253827 13323 98 THE BOILER. U. S. RULES. The compressive stress on tube plates, as determined by the following formula, must not exceed 13,500 pounds per square inch, when pressure on tops of combustion chamber is supported by vertical plates of such chamber. PxDxW = compressive stress 2X(D d)XT P = working pressure in pounds = 176 Ibs. D =least horizontal distance between tube centers in inches =4. 1250" d =inside diameter of tube in inches =2 . 782. W = extreme width of combustion chamber in inches =34^ T = thickness of tube sheet in inches =^ = . 6875. EXAMPLE: 176 = pressure 4. 1250=distance tubes horizontally 8800 352 176 704 726.0000 34 . 25 = width of combustion chamber 36300000 4. 1250 =dis. bet. tubes 14520000 2.782 =inside diam. tube 29040000 21780000 1.3430 2 = twice 1.84662500)24865. 50000000 (13465 =compres- - 184662500 sive strain 2.6860 .6875=^ = thickness of 6399 25000 tube sheet 5539 87500 134300 188020 859 375000 214880 738 650000 161160 120 7250000 1.84662500 110 7975000 9 92750000 9 23312500 69437500 Sling stays may be used in lieu of girders in all cases, provided, however, that when such sling stays are used, girders or screw stays of the same sectional area must be used for securing the bottom of combustion chamber to the boiler shell. BRACES AND REINFORCING. 99 Rule to find thickness of steel girder : From length of girder sub- tract pitch of bolts and multiply by centers of girders and by length of same and this sum by pressure; divide this product by depth of girder squared multiplied by constant and then multiplied by the square root of number of supporting bolts. FORMULA: (L P)XGXLXP = thickness of girder required. d 2 xCX\/N LEGEND: L = length of girder = 32" P =pitch of bolts =9" G = girder centers = 8 3^" d = depth of girder = 5.18" C= constant =6000 N = number of bolts =9 EXAMPLE: 32 . 000" = length of girder 9 . 000" = pitch of bolts 23.000" 8 . 5" =girder centers 115000 184000 depth of girders =5.18 5.18 195.5000 32" = length of girder 4144 518 3910000 2590 5865000 26.8324 6256.0000 constant = 6000 160=pressure 160994.4000 3753600000 sq. rt. of bolts = 3 62560000 4829832000) 1000960000 (2 . = thickness of girder 965966 349940 100 THE BOILER. In connection with rules covering girder calculations there are constants used and varying according to plate thickness and design of bolt, such as screwed stayed bolts with and without lock nuts, sockets, with riveted heads, number of bolts and water used, as follows : Use constant 5400 for roof stays, wrought iron. Use constant 6000 for roof stays, steel. A constant used by Joshua Rose for computing girder or crown bar supporting bolts 9000 (this for steel). Rule to find area of supporting bolts (steel) for a girder stay or crown bar. Multiply pressure by area to be supported and divide this product by constant 9000, this will give the pounds strain allowed per square inch of sectional area for a mild steel bolt. FORMULA: AXP = afea supporting bolt required LEGEND: A =area to be supported =8" X 8" = 64 square inches P = pressure = 170 Ibs. C= constant =9000 EXAMPLE: 64= square inches to be supported 170= pressure 4480 64 constant = 9000) 10880 . 0000 (1 . 2088 =area = 1 ^ approximately 9000 1880 1800 800 00 720 00 80 000 72 000 8 000 BRACES AND REINFORCING. 101 Rule to find safe working pressure on a girder supporting a crown sheet of a back smoke box connection, when not subjected to heat in excess of ordinary steam pressures and assuming the com- bustion chamber ends are fitted to the edge of tube plate and the back of plate of the combustion box, four supporting bolts being used. Multiply constant by depth of girder squared in inches and multiply this sum by thickness of girder in inches; divide product by width of combustion chamber in inches minus pitch of supporting bolts multiplied by distance between girders from center to center in inches and again by length of girder in feet. FORMULA: : Cxd 2 XT = pressure (W P)XDXL LEGEND: W = width of combustion box in inches = 36" P = pitch of supporting bolts in inches =7^=7.5 D = distance between girder centers in inches =7% =7. 75 L = length of girder in feet =3 feet =3 d = depth of girder in inches = 7^=7.5 T = thickness of girder in inches =2" = 2 C = constant = 550 when girder is fitted with one supporting bolt 825 two or three supporting bolts 93 5 four supporting bolts EXAMPLE: width =3 6" pitch = 7.5 28.5 distance = 7.75 56.25 935 1 425 19 95 199 5 281 25 1687 5 50625 220.875 length = 3 52593.75 2 93 5= constant = thickness 662.02^ 105187.^ 662)105187. (158 or 159 Ibs. nearly 662 3898 3310 5887 5296 591 102 THE BOILER. Rule to find depth of steel girder for top of a combustion cham- ber : Multiply pressure by centers of girder and by length of girder bolts and multiply this sum by length of girder bolts minus pitch of same; divide this product by constant multiplied by thickness of girder and again by square root of number of bolts. The square root of quotient is depth of girder. FORMULA : PXGXLX (L p) = depth of girder LEGEND: CxTXx/N P = pressure = 160 Ibs. G = girder centers =8 J^. L=length of girder = 32" C = constant 6000 for steel C = constant 54000 for iron T =thickness of girder = 2" p = pitch of bolts = 9" N = number of bolts = 9 d= depth of girder = 9" EXAMPLE: 160= pressure 8 . 5 = girder centers 800 1280 1360.0 32 ^length of girder 27200 40800 constant = 6000 thickness of girder = 2" square root of no. of bolts 12000 '.' 3 43520 23 = length of girder minus pitch of bolts 1305600 870400 36000) 1000960 . 0000 (27 . 8044 72000 280960 252000 289600 288000 5)27. 8044 (5 . 272 = 5& nearly )25 depth of girder 102) 280 ) 204 160000 144000 1047) ) 160000 10542) 144000 ) 7644 7329 31500 21084 16000 ) 10416 BRACES AND REINFORCING. 103 ENGLISH BOARD OF TRADE RULES GOVERNING GIRDERS. LEGEND: P = pressure. W = width of combustion chamber p = pitch of bolts = distance between girder centers L= length of girder d = depth of girder T = thickness of girder C = constant for number of bolts Constants vary according to the iron or steel used, the lower constant for iron. Constant =6000 =when only one supporting bolt 9000 to 9900 =when two or three supporting bolts 10200 to 11220 =when four to five supporting bolts For five bolts use same constant as for four For six or seven bolts use constant 10500 for iron 11550 " steel FORMULAS: Cxd 2 xT = working pressure (W pitch) XD XL PX(W pitch) XD XL = thickness of girder Cxd 2 PX (W pitch) XDXL CXT : depth of girder REINFORCEMENT FOR HOLES CUT IN BOILER SHELL. All holes exceeding 6 inches in diameter cut in either the flat heads or circumferential shell of steel boilers shall be reinforced with wrought or cast steel rings to compensate for the material removed. In lieu of such a reinforce ring, holes in flat heads may, if preferred, be reinforced by flanging the metal about the hole inward to a depth of not less than three-quarters of an inch measured from the inner surface. Reinforce rings on flat heads must be efficiently riveted to the head, and must have a sectional area not less than .8 the section of metal removed, the latter being measured across the shorter axis of the opening. Reinforce rings on the circumferential shell must be efficiently riveted to the shell, and must have a sectional area not less than .7 the section of metal removed, the latter being measured across the hole in a direction parallel to the length of the boiler. Reinforce rings should be of thickness not less than that of plate to which attached. 104 THE BOILER. Rule to find width of ring to reinforce an opening in a boiler shell such as a man-hole, when one ring is used : Multiply diameter of opening longitudinally by the thickness of plate and divide the product by twice the thickness of reinforcement ring; add the diameter of rivet hole to quotient. This will be for single riveting and when double riveted add twice the diameter of rivet hole. FORMULA: OXT + 1R =width of ring for single riveted 2XN LEGEND: R = rivet diameter hole = . 9375 O = diameter of opening = 11" T = thickness of shell = %" = . 5000 N = thickness of ring = %" = . 6250 EXAMPLE: thickness of ring = . 6250 11" =diameter of opening 2 . 5000 = thickness of shell plate twice thickness of ring = : JU2500 ) 5 . 50000 (4 . 4 5 0000 . 9375 = diam. of rivet hole 50000 5.3375=5^" nearly 50000 When two rings are used the thickness of each must be at least that of shell and have same tensile strength as that of shell plate; a single ring not less than 1J4 the thickness of shell. Rule to find number of rivets to be used in a reinforcement ring for reinforcing an opening such as a man-hole in boiler shell : Multi- ply the net section of the ring by four times the tensile strength of the material and divide this product by the product of the shearing strength of rivet multiplied by its area. FORMULA: NSX(^XTS) = number of rivets required SSXA LEGEND: NS =net section = 1 . 5625 SS = shearing strength =38000 TS = tensile strength = 60000 A =area of rivet = . 6013 BRACES AND REINFORCING. 105 EXAMPLE: 38000 = shearing strength 60000 = tensile strength . 6013 -area of rivet 4 times 114000 240000 38000 228000 1 . 5625 = net section 240000 =4 times tensile strength 22849.^000 625000000 31250 22849)375000.0000(16 rivets %" diameter required 22849 146510 137094 9416 For a double riveted ring multiply net section of one ring by eight times the tensile strength of material and divide product by the sum obtained by multiplying 1.85 times the shearing strength of rivet's sectional area and the area of rivet. CHAPTER V. AMENDMENTS OF STEAMBOAT INSPECTION RULES AND REGULATIONS. Lap welded boiler flues over 4 inches up to and including" 30 inches in diameter shall be made of wrought iron or mild steel made by any process. A test piece, 2 inches in length, cut from a tube, must stand being flattened by hammering until the sides are brought parallel with the curve on the inside at the ends not greater than three times the thickness of the metal without showing cracks or flaws, with bend at one side in the weld. Each tube shall be subjected to an internal hydrostatic pressure of 500 pounds per square inch without showing signs of weakness or defects. All steel tubes shall have ends properly annealed by the manu- facturer before shipment. Tubes must stand drilling, riveting, and calking, and work necessary to install them into the tube head with- out showing any signs of weakness or defects. No tube increased in thickness by welding one tube inside of another shall be allowed for use. SEAMLESS STEEL BOILER TUBES. MATERIAL. The steel shall be made by the open-hearth process. SURFACE INSPECTION. The pipe must be free, inside and outside, from all surface defects that would materially weaken it or form starting points of corrosion. The defects to be especially avoided are snakes, checks, slivers, laps, pits, etc. Pipe must be smooth and straight. The following tests shall be made before shipment by the manu- facturer : (a) A test piece, 2 inches in length, cut from a tube, must stand being flattened by hammering until the sides are brought parallel with the curve on the inside at the ends not greater than three times the thickness of the metal without showing cracks or flaws. 106 GOVERNMENT'S RULESFLUES AND FURNACES. 107 (b) Pulling tests must be made from every 50 pieces furnished, or fraction thereof, and must show the following results: Tensile strength, not less than 48,000 pounds per square inch. Elongation in 8-inch specimen, not less than 12 per cent. The results of the pulling tests must be forwarded by the manu- facturer to the purchaser of steam pipe, who will forward same to local inspector. Any pipe used for mud or steam drums must have the ends of same properly annealed before the holes are drilled or the heads are riveted in : Provided, That this paragraph shall apply only to drums not exceeding 15 inches in diameter for use on pipe and coil boilers. When pipe is used for steam lines where flanges are riveted on and calked, the ends of the pipe shall be properly annealed before drilling or riveting the flanges on. When pipes are expanded into flanges by proper and approved machinery, and flared out at the ends to an angle not exceeding 20 (said angle to be taken in the direction of the length of the pipe) and having a depth of flare equal to at least one and one-half times the thickness of the material in said pipe, such pipes may be used for all steam and exhaust pipes when tested to two and one-half times the working pressure and found perfect in every respect. If the pipe is used for steam lines where the pipe is peened in and 'flanged over, the ends of the pipe should be properly annealed before the peening or flanging is done. The use of a square-nosed tool is recommended for cutting tubes and pipe. Provided, That this entire section shall apply only to tubes and pipes used or to be used in boilers built after June 30, 1905, and to all other pipes referred to in this section subject to pressure in- stalled for use on steam vessels after that date. TABLES AND EXAMPLES. Flues and furnaces safe working pressures. The following table shows diameters, thickness of plate and safe working pressure on flues in sections of 3 feet, maximum length allowed 5 feet ,also sections of 30" in length, maximum 40". 108 THE BOILER. ! gf s.1 J: II 'S 5 I 0* O< o (5 Oco o ON o ^a >oooc>oo>coco co >* rf< 10 10 co CD r- b- oo co co * * 10 co to i> oc Oo o fc2 > a >t--G 6--S s s I o d ecsccccccccccccccccccccccc oo.O- O WO 00 O CO OO-H-l^iM^1WMCOCO . -H i-( ^-1 (M C-l (M (N CO CO 01 -^ "-I >-i iM IN , the diameter thickness of plate = . 3750)225000000 (60000 Ibs. =tensile strength 22500 00000 LAP JOINTS. 143 Rule to find thickness of shell plate when percentage of joint is known : Multiply diameter of shell by pressure and again by factor of safety and multiply this sum by 100 ; divide product by tensile strength multiplied by efficiency of seam multiplied by 2. LEGEND: FORMULA: D= diameter = 60" DxPXFXlOO P = pressure = 150 = thickness of shell plate F=f actor of safety = 5 TSX%X2 % = percentage of seam strength = 80 TS = tensile strength = 60000 C = constant = 100 EXAMPLE: 60" = diameter of shell ISO = pressure 3000 60 tensile strength = 60000 9000 percentage = 80 5 =factor 4800000 45000 two times = 2 100= constant 9600000) 4500000 . 0000 ( . 4687 = 15/32" = thickness 3840000 required 660000 00 576000 00 84000 000 76800 000 7200 0000 6720 0000 480 0000 Rule to find diameter of steel rivet for steel plate double riveted lap joint : Add y% of an inch to plate thickness. FORMULA: ^ plus T = diameter of rivet T =thickness of plate = & = . 4375 EXAMPLE : .4375 = plate .375 = 8125 = rivet diameter 144 THE BOILER. Rule to find pitch of rivet in a double riveted lap joint steel plate, steel rivets : Multiply square of diameter of rivet hole by constant 23, this sum by .7854; then multiply this product by the number of rows of rivets; divide by diameter of rivet multiplied by constant 28, and add diameter of rivet hole to quotient. Result gives pitch of rivet. FORMULA: d 2 X23X.7854xN dx28 + d = pitch d = diameter of rivet hole = % = . 9375 N = number of rows = 2 EXAMPLE: .9375 = diameter rivet hole .9375 46875 65625 28125 84375 [squared .87890625= diameter of rivet hole 23= constant 263671875 175781250 20 .7854 808592 1010740 diam. of rivet hole = . 9375 1617184 constant = 28 1415036 75000 15,87670392 19750 2 rows of rivets 26 . 2500)31.75340784 (1 . 2096 262500 . 9375 =diameterof rivethole 550340 2. 1471= 2 & nearly =pitch 525000 2534078 2362500 1715784 1S75000 140784 LAP JOINTS. 145 Rule to find distance between rows of chain double riveted joint: To four times the diameter of one rivet hole add one and divide by two. FORMULA: 4d plus 1 = distance between rows chain riveted joint 2 LEGEND: d = diameter of rivet hole = J/g = . 8750 EXAMPLE : . 8750 = diameter of rivet hole 3.5000 1 . 0000 added 2)4.5000 2 . 2500 = 2 }' distance between rows Rule to find diagonal pitch of rivet : To four times the diameter of rivet hole add six times the pitch on straight line and divide by 10. FORMULA: 4d + 6P = diagonal pitch 10 LEGEND: d =diameter of rivet hole = % = . 8750 p=pitch=3^=3.3750 EXAMPLE: 3 . 3750 = pitch .8750 = diameter of rivet hole 6 times 4 times 20.2500 3.5000=4 times diameter V- - 20. 2500 =6 times pitch 10)23 . 7500 (2 . 3750 =2 % diagonal pitch of 20 rivets 37 30 75 70 50 50 146 THE BOILER. Rule to find spacings center of rivet to edge of plate. Multiply diameter of rivet by 3 and divide by 2. FORMULA: 3Xd - = distance from center of rivet to edge of plate 2 d=diam. of rivet % = . 8750 EXAMPLE: .8750 3 2)2.6250 1.3 125=1^ inch distance Rule to find pitch of rivet to give best percentage of strength in a double zig zag riveted joint: Multiply twice the rivet sectional area by the shearing strength of rivet and divide by thickness of plate multiplied by its tensile strength ; add to product one diameter of rivet. FORMULA: (2XA)XSS plus 1 diam. of rivet = pitch LEGEND: TxTS A = rivet area = ! =.5185 SS = shearing strength one rivet =38000 T = plate thickness = % = . 3750 TS = tensile strength of plate = 60000 d = diameter of rivet =f =.8125 EXAMPLE: .5185 = sectional area of rivet 2 1 . 0370 =twice sectional area of rivet 38000 = shearing strength of one rivet Y % plate = .3750 82960000 tensile strength = 6000031110 22500. 0000)39406. 0000 (1.7513 22500 . 8125 =diam. of one rivet 169060 2. 5 638= 2 & inch pitch 157500 115600 112500 31000 22500 85000 67500 17500 LAP JOINTS. 147 Rule to find plate percentage in a double riveted lap joint From pitch of rivet subtract diameter of rivet and multiply by con- stant 100; divide this product by pitch of rivet. LEGEND- FORMULA: P -pitch =3^ -3. 125 (P d)XlOO = percentage of plate d = diameter of rivet hole C= constant = 100 = .8750 EXAMPLE: 3 . 1250 =pitch of rivet . 8750 =diameterof rivet hole 2.2500 100= constant 3 . 1250)225 . 0000 (72 = percentage of plate 218750 62500 62500 Rule to find percentage of rivet in a double riveted lap joint: Multiply area of rivet by the number of rows of rivet in one pitch ; multiply this product by 100 and by the constant 23; divide this product by pitch multiplied by thickness of plate and constant 28. FORMULA: .4375 AXNX100X23 =per cent, of rivet LEGEND: T = thickness of plate = P -pitch =3% =3. 125 A =area of rivet hole = % = . 6013 d =diameter of rivet = % = . 8750 N = number of rows == 2 pitch =3. 125 thickness of plate = .4375 PXTX28 section EXAMPLE: 6013 =area of rivet hole 2 rows 15625 21875 9375 1 2500 1.3671875 constant= 28 1.2026 100 = constant 120.2600 23 = constant 10 9375000 27 343750 38.2812500 3607800 2405200 38 . 281 )2765 . 9800 (72.2= % of rivet strength 2679 67 86 310 76 562 9 7480 7 6562 2 0918 148 THE BOILER. Rule to find bursting pressure of boiler: Multiply tensile strength by twice the thickness of plate and divide by the internal diameter of boiler. FORMULA : TSX(2XT) D LEGEND : = bursting pressure TS = tensile strength =60000 T = thickness of plate = % = . 375 D =internal diameter = 60" EXAMPLE: thickness of plate = .375 60000 = tensile strength 2 . 750 = twice thickness of plate twice thickness = .750 3000000 420000 internal diameter =60") 45000. 000 (750 Ibs. per square inch burst- 420 ing pressure 300 300 The bursting pressure divided by the factor of safety will give the safe working pressure. The factor of safety of 5 has been generally accepted by eminent engineers and boilermakers. factor = 5) 750 per sq. inch bursting pressure 150 Ibs. working pressure Rule to find working pressure on boilers from a lowest per- centage of joint: Multiply tensile strength of material by the lowest percentage of joint, then by twice the thickness of plate and divide by diameter multiplied by factor of safety. FORMULA: TSX%X(2XT) =working pressure DXF LEGEND: TS =tensile strength = 60000 % = lowest percentage of joint = 80 T = thickness of plate = % = . 500 D =internal diameter = 71.1250 (outside = 72" ) Internal LAP JOINTS. EXAMPLE : 60000 = tensile strength 80 = percentage of joint 149 diameter of boiler - 71 . 1250 4800000 factor of safety = 6 1 . 0000 = twice thickness of plate 426. 75^0)4800000 . 0000 (112 Ibs. working pressure 4267500 5325000 4267500 10575000 8535000 2040000 Rule to find safe working pressure according to the U. S. Gov- ernment rule is as follows : Multiply one sixth of the lowest tensile strength found stamped on any plate by the thickness of same, expressed in inches or decimal parts of same, and divide by the radius or half of diameter expressed in inches. The result will give pressure allowed for a single riveted boiler; when double riveted add 20 per cent. This rule is based on the rivet and plate section being equal and holes drilled. Thickness of plate Diameter of rivet Pitch in inches Lap in inches Distance between rows Efficiency M H ^ \l 1 iS- 69 72 M H 2 % 111 li| 74 T N 2ft IM 1^ 68 ft tt 1% 70 . A 2K i J^ 1^| 72 || M iM 1 K 68 if it K 2% JS 2 69 71 * ^ 2 & i j4 65 ft K 2 il 2 2 67 7 3 _^. 70 \^ K 2tt ift 2 1 " 65 y>, if 3 I'H 2 K 66 /^ i 3 1^ l^i 2^ 68 ft g 15 ^ 2 63 65 150 THE BOILER. COMPUTING STRENGTH OF TRIPLE RIVETED LAP JOINTS. Causes for failure at joint. 1st. Resistance to shearing three rivets. 2nd. Resistance to tearing between three rivets. 3rd. Resistance to crushing in front of three rivets. Assuming a boiler of dimensions and data as follows : LEGEND: T -thickness of plate == y % = . 375 TS = tensile strength = 55000 d -diameter of rivet = 13/16 = . 8125 A = area of rivet hole =13 X 16 = .5185 P =pitch of rivet = 3 J4 = 3 . 2500 SR = shearing resistance of rivets =38000 CS = crushing strength of rivet and plate = 95000 D = diameter of boiler = 60" F = factor of safety = 5 First. Resistance to shearing of three rivets. Rule to find strength of rivets in single shear : Multiply area of rivet hole by number of rivets, and multiply this sum by the shearing resistance of rivet material. FORMULA: Ax No. of rivets XSR = strength of rivets in single shear EXAMPLE: .5185 =area of rivet hole 3 = number of rivets 1.5555 38000 = shearing resistance of rivets 124440000 46665 59109.0000 59,109 Ibs. = strength of three rivets in single . c hear LAP JOINTS. 151 Second. Resistance to tearing of plate between three rivets. Rule to find strength of net section of plate : From pitch of rivets subtract diameter of rivet hole and multiply by thickness of plate and multiply this sum by the tensile strength of plate. FORMULA: (P d) XTxTS= strength of net section of plate EXAMPLE : 3 . 2500 -pitch of rivet . 8125 = diameter of rivet hole 2.4375 .375 = thickness of plate 121875 170625 73125 9140625 55000 = tensile strength 45703125000 45703125 50273.4375000 50,273 ^strength of net section of plate Third : Resistance to crushing in front of plate in front of three rivets. FORMULA: dX3xTxCS= resistance to crushing in front of three rivets EXAMPLE: .8125 = diameter of rivet 3 = three rivets 2.4375 .375 = thickness of plate 121875 170625 73125 9140625 95000= crushing strength of rivet and plate 4570 3125000 82265 625 86835.9375000 86,835 Ibs. = resistance to crushing of material 152 THE BOILER. Rule to find strength of solid plate : Multiply pitch of rivets by thickness of plate and this sum by tensile strength of material. FORMULA: P XT XTS = strength of solid plate EXAMPLE: 3. 2500 -pitch .375 = thickness of solid plate 162500 227500 97500 1.2187500 55000 = tensile strength 6093 7500000 60937 500000 67031.2500000 67,031 Ibs. -strength of solid plate Rule to find efficiency of this joint: Divide net section of plate by strength of solid plate. EXAMPLE: 50,273 =net section of plate 67,031 = strength of solid plate 67031) 50273 . 000 ( . 749 =efficiency 46921 7 3351 30 2681 24 670 060 603 279 66 781 LAP JOINTS. 153 Rule to find safe working pressure from these calculations: Multiply tensile strength of plate by efficiency of joint and multiply this sum by twice thickness of plate ; divide this product by diameter of boiler in inches multiplied by factor of safety. EXAMPLE: 55000 = tensile strength of plate . 749 = percentage of joint 495 000 2200 00 38500 41195.000 . 7 500 = twice thickness of plate diam. of boiler = 60" 2059 7500 factor of safety = 5 28836 5 300)30896.23^(102.9 Ibs. working pressure 300 896 600 2962 2700 262 Thickness of plate Diameter of rivet I I 1 14 \ !ii Pitch in in inches Lap in in inches 14 Distance between rows 2 Efficiency 76 80 81 76 76 79 76 77 79 73 76 77 73 74 76 72 73 CHAPTER VII. BUTT JOINT DOUBLE STRAPPED AND DOUBLE RIVETED. Where butt straps are used in the construction of marine boilers, the straps for single butt strapping shall in no case be less than the thickness of the shell plates; and where double butt straps are used, the thickness of each shall in no case be less than five-eighths (^s) the thickness of the shell plates. A rule to find thickness of butt straps is as follows : Multiply the thickness of shell plate by factor 5 and this sum by the wide pitch of rivets in inches minus diameter of one rivet ; divide this product by the wide pitch minus two times diameter of rivet multiplied by constant 8. FORMULA: TxFx(WP d) WP (2Xd)xC LEGEND: = thickness of each butt strap T = thickness of plate = ^ = 4375 d =diameter of rivet = % = . 8750 WP=wide pitch =6% =6. 7500 F=factor = 5 C= constant =8 154 BUTT JOINTS. 155 EXAMPLE: . 4375 = thickness of plate 5 = factor 2 . 1875 =5 times thickness 5.8750 6. 7 5 00= wide pitch wide pitch = 6 . 7500 . 8750 =rivet diameter twice rivet diam. = 1. 7500 1093750 153125 5.8750 5.0000 175000 constant = 8 109375 40 . 0W) 12 . 85150JW ( . 3212 = thickness of butt strap 12 = $ approximately 85 80 51 40 115 80 35 When joints have one strap, butt or lap, the rivets are in single shear only. In triple riveted joints, double strap, the two inner rows are in double shear and the outer in single shear. Rule to find strength of a solid strip of plate or resistance to a tensile strength : Multiply width of strip by thickness of plate and this product by the tensile strength of material. FORMULA: WxTxTS = strength of solid plate LEGEND: W = width of strip =6.3750 T = thickness of plate = .4375 TS = tensile strength =60000 EXAMPLE: 6.3750=width of strip .4375 = thickness of plate 318750 446250 191250 2 55000 2.78906250 60000 = tensile strength 1 67343. 167,343 Ibs. =strength of solid plate 156 THE BOILER. BUTT JOINT, DOUBLE STRAP AND DOUBLE RIVETED. Possible causes for failure. First. Resistance to tearing of plate at outer row of rivets. Second. Resistance to shearing of two rivets in double shear and one in single shear. Third. Resistance to tearing of plate at inner row of rivets and shearing one of the outer row single shear. Fourth. Resistance to crushing in front of three rivets. Fifth. Crushing in front of two rivets and shearing one rivet. LEGEND: T = thickness of plate = & = . 4375 dh =diameter of rivet hole = if = . 8125 D = diameter of boiler = 60" p=pitchof rivets =4 ^ =4. 3750 TS A S = tensile strength = 60000 A =area of rivet hole = if - . 5185 SS=shearing strength of rivet, single shear =38000 DS= " " " double " =70300 N = number of rows of rivets =2 CS = crushing strength of material =95000 F = factor of safety =-5 First. Resistance to tearing at outer row of rivets. FORMULA: (p dh) xTxTS =net section of plate EXAMPLE: 4 . 3750 =pitch of rivet . 8125 =diameter of rivet hole 3.5625 .4375 = thickness of plate 178125 249375 106875 1 42500 1.55859375 60000 = tensile strength 93,515 Ibs. = strength of net section of plate. Second. The resistance to shearing two rivets in double shear and one in single shear. FORMULA: A X N X DS + ( A X SS ) = total shearing strength of rivets BUTT JOINTS. 157 EXAMPLE: .5185 =area of rivet hole 2 = number of rows of rivets 1.0370 70300 shearing strength double shear area of rivet = .5185 3111000 single shearing strength = 38000 72590 4148 0000 72901. J000 15555 19703 . -area multiplied by SS 19703. JW 92604 lbs.= total shearing strength of rivets Third. The resistance to tearing at inner row of rivets and shearing of one rivet. FORMULA: (p 2dh) XTXTS+ (AxSS) = resistance to tearing at inner row EXAMPLE: 4. 3750 -pitch of rivets 1 . 6250 =two diameters of rivet hole 2.7500 .4375 -thickness of plate 137500 192500 82500 1 10000 1.20312500 60000 tensile strength 72187.^0000000 19703 -area multiplied by SS 91890 Ibs. resistance to tearing at inner row of rivets Fourth. The resistance to crushing in front of three rivets. FORMULA: dh X 3 X T X CS = resistance to crushing 158 THE BOILER. EXAMPLE : . 8125 =diameter of rivet 3 = three rivets 2.4375 .4375 = thickness of plate 121875 170625 73125 97500 1.06640625 9 5 000= crushing strength 5332 03125000 95976 5625 101308 .^9^/7^000 Ibs. = resistance to crushing strength in front of three rivets Fifth. The resistance to crush in front of two rivets and shearing of one rivet FORMULA: 2xTxCS+ (AxSS) =resistance to crushing plate and shearing one rivet EXAMPLE : .4375 = thickness of plate 2 =two rivets . 8750=twice thickness of plate 95000 = crushing strength 43750000 78750 83125.0000 19703 =area multiplied by SS 102828 Ibs. ^resistance to crushing plate and shearing one rivet Strength of solid plate. FORMULA: p xTxTS = strength of solid plate EXAMPLE: 4.3750=pitch .4375 =thickness of plate 218750 306250 131250 1 75000 1.91406250 60000= tensile strength 1 14843.^000000 Ibs. ^strength of solid plate BUTT JOINTS. 159 To find efficiency of joint from these computations : Divide weakest sec- tion of plate by strength of solid plate. EXAMPLE: Weakest section of plate =91890 Strength of solid plate =114843 1 14843 ) 91890 . 00 ( . 80 ^efficiency of joint 91874 4 15 60 Rule to find safe working pressure from joint efficiency : Multi- ply tensile strength of plate by joint efficiency and multiply that product by twice the thickness of plate ; divide by diameter of boiler multiplied by factor of safety. FORMULA: TSX%X(2XT) =safe working pressure DXF EXAMPLE : 60000 =tensile strength . 80 = efficiency, of joint 48000. ( .8750 2400000 diameter of boiler = 60" 3360000 factor = 5 3840000 300) 42000. W*0 (140 Ibs. = working pressure 300 1200 1200 DOUBLE RIVETED BUTT JOINTS. s gw C 51 Y6 m X" 4% " 9 in 9% " l^in 2K " 83 82.9 82 80 160 THE BOILER. BUTT JOINT DOUBLE STRAPPED TRIPLE RIVETED. " Rule to find diagonal pitch of rivets for a butt joint double strap and triple riveted: To the horizontal pitch multiplied by 6 add diameter of rivet multiplied by 4 and divide result by 10. FORMULA: (HpxC6) + (dxC4) =diagonal pitch 10 LEGEND: Hp = horizontal pitch =3.3750 d = diameter of rivet = . 8750 horizontal pitch = 3 . 3750 6 20.2500 3.5000 EXAMPLE :, diameter of rivet = .8750 . 4 3.5000 10)23.7500(2.3750=diagonal pitch 20 37 30 75 70 50 50 BUTT JOINTS. 161 Rule to find distance between inner rows of rivets in a butt joint, double or triple riveted chain or zig zag form. Multiply 1 1 times the pitch plus 8 times the rivet diameter by the pitch, plus 8 times the rivet diameter ; extract square root of this product and divide the sum by 10. FORMULA: distance between rows of rivets 10 LEGEND: p = narrow pitch =3^=3.375 d = diameter of rivet = . 875 EXAMPLE: 3.375=narrow pitch 11=11 times 37.125 7.000 . 875= rivet diam. 44.125 10.375 7 . 000 = 8 times rivet diam. 220625 3.375 = narrow pitch 3 08875 7 . 000 = 8 times diam. rivet 13 2375 441 25 10.375 2)458.796875(21.419 41) 58 ) 41 424) 1779 10)21.419 | 16% 2.1419=2^ approximate dis- 4281) 8368 tanCG ) 4281 42829) 408775 ) 385461 \ ) 23314 Rule to find pitch of rivets in a -butt joint double strap and triple riveted inner row : Multiply thickness of plate by 3.5 and add 1^ of an inch to product. LEGEND: FORMULA: T=thickness of plate = ^ = .4375 TX3.5 + ! 5 /6=pitch p=pitch 3.5=3.5000 1^=1.6250 162 THE BOILER. EXAMPLE: .4375 = th*ickness of plate 3.5 21875 13125 1.53125 i.625o = 3.15625= 3& pitch Rule to find plate percentage at wide pitch : From wide pitch subtract diameter of rivet and divide this product by wide pitch of rivet. FORMULA : WP d = plate percentage WP LEGEND: WP = wide pitch = 6 . 7500 d = rivet diameter = = . 93 75 EXAMPLE : 6 . 7500 =pitch of rivet . 9375 =diameter of rivet wide pitch =6.7500)5. 812500 (. 86 =plate .percentage at wide pitch 5 40000 412500 405000 7500 Rule to find percentage of plate at narrow pitch : From narrow pitch subtract rivet diameter and divide this product by narrow pitch. FORMULA : NP d = plate percentage NP LEGEND: NP= narrow pitch =3. 5 000 d = rivet diameter =|| = . 9375 BUTT JOINTS. 163 EXAMPLE : 3 . 5000 = narrow pitch .9375 rivet diameter narrow pitch -3. 5000) 2. 562500 (.73 = plate percentage at nar- 2 45000 row pitch 112500 105000 7500 Rule to find safe working pressure on a boiler butt joint double strap, triple riveted : Multiply tensile strength of material by the lowest percentage of joint and this sum by twice the thickness of plate ; divide by diameter of boiler multiplied by factor of saftey. FORMULA: TSX%X(Tx2) DxF LEGEND: TS = tensile strength =60000 % = lowest percentage of joint =73% T = thickness of plate = ^ = . 4375 D = diameter of boiler = 72" F = factor of safety =5 EXAMPLE: =safe working pressure 60000 = tensile strength . 73 = lowest percentage of joint 180000 420000 43800.00 .8750=twice thickness of plate 219000000 boiler diam. = 72 30660000 factor = 5 35040000 360)38325. JWW (106 Ibs. working pressure 360 2325 2160 165 164 THE BOILER. TRIPLE RIVETED BUTT JOINTS. o ^-, c. o's & f 1 1 Yf \l X u A 11 14 14 9% LO LO 11 16 16M 18 18 3M 3M 3% I 674 6M 2^ 87 86 88 88 87 87 86 86 86 85 84 COMPUTING STRENGTH OF A BUTT JOINT DOUBLE STRAP AND TRIPLE RIVETED. There are five causes for failure at a butt joint double strap and triple riveted, as follows : First. By tearing at outer row of rivets. Second. By shearing of four rivets in double shear and one in single shear. Third. By the tearing at middle row of rivets and the shearing of one rivet. Fourth. By the crushing in front of four rivets and shearing of one rivet. Fifth. By the crushing in front of five rivets, four through strap, the fifth through inner covering of plate only. LEGEND: D = diameter of boiler = 72" ID = internal diameter of boiler = 71 . 1250 F=factor = 5 TS = tensile strength = 60000 P = pressure Pt = pitch inner row =3^=3.375 . ;i Po =pitch outer row =6% =6. 750 SS = shearing strength of rivets =38000 CS = crushing resistance =95000 T ^thickness of plate = T V = . 4375 d ^diameter of rivet = % = . 8750 DH = diameter of rivet hole = jf = . 9375 A =area of rivet = . 6903 CP = cover plate or thickness of strap = . 3750 BUTT JOINTS. 165 First. The failure by tearing at the outer row of rivets, the resistance is found by the following rule: From pitch of rivet subtract the diameter of rivet and multiply by thickness of plate and then multi- ply by tensile strength of material. FORMULA: (Po DH) XTxTS =net section of plate EXAMPLE: 6. 7 5 00= wide pitch .9375 = diameter of rivet hole 5.8125 .4375 = thickness of plate 290625 406875 174375 2 32500 2.54296875 60000 = tensile strength of plate 152578. WWWW Ibs. -net section of plate Second. Shearing of four rivets in double shear and one in single shear. FORMULA: A X N X DS + Id of SS = strength of rivets N = number of rivets =4 for double shear EXAMPLE: . 6903 =area of f rivet 4 = number of rivets, double shear area of rivet = . 6903 2.7612 single shearing re- = 38000 70300 = strength of rivets double shear sistance 55224000 8283600 20709 193284 26231. &W 194112. 26231. = single shearing strength one rivet 220343 . Ibs. -strength of rivets Third. Tearing at middle row of rivets and shearing of one rivet, the resist- ance is : FORMULA: (Po 2DH) XT XTS plus (A X SS) = resistance to tearing of plate at middle row and shearing one rivet 166 THE BOILER. EXAMPLE: 6. 7 5 00= wide pitch 1.8750=2 diameters of rivet hole 4.8750 .4375 = thickness of plate 243750 341250 146250 1 95000 2.13281250 60000= tensile strength 127968. 10000000 26231. =shearing strength one rivet single shear 154199. Ibs. = resistance to tearing at middle row and shearing one rivet Fourth. Crushing in front of four rivets and shearing of one rivet. FORMULA: (4DH XT xCS)plus (A XSS) = resistance to crushing in front of four rivets and shearing one rivet EXAMPLE: 3 . 7500 =four diameters of rivet hole .4375 = thickness of plate 187500 262500 112500 1 50000 1.64062500 95000 = crushing strength of rivet material 820312500000 14765625 155859.J 26231 = shearing strength one rivet single shear 182090. Ibs. = resistance to crushing in front of four rivets and shearing of one Fifth. Crushing in front of five rivets, four thro ugh straps, the fifth through inner cover plate only, the resistance is : FORMULA: (4DHXTXCS) plus(DHxCPxCS) = resistance to crushing of plate in front of five rivets BUTT JOINTS. 167 EXAMPLE: diameter of rivet hole = . 9375 3 . 7500 = four diameters of rivet hole strap thickness = . 3750 . 4375 =thickness of plate 468750 187500 65625 262500 28125 112500 1 50000 crushing strength .35156250 of rivet = 95000 1.64062500 95000= crushing strength of 175781250000 rivet 316406250 820312500000 1476562500 33398. WWWKt 155859. 33398 189257 Ibs. ^crushing strain of plate in front of five rivets Rule to find strength of strip of plate at wide pitch. FORMULA: Po XT XTS =strength of plate at wide pitch EXAMPLE: 6.7500=wide pitch .4375 = thickness of plate 337500 472500 202500 2 70000 2.95312500 60000= tensile strength 177 18 7. 0000000 Ibs. = strength of strip of plate at wide pitch Rule to find efficiency of joint from these calculations. LEGEND: 152578 = strength of net section of plate 177187 = strength of solid plate EXAMPLE: 177187) 152578 . 00 ( . 86 ^efficiency of joint 141749 6 10828 40 10631 22 197 18 168 THE BOILER. Rule to find safe working pressure from efficiency of joint: Multiply tensile strength of plate by percentage of joint; multiply this sum by twice thickness of plate and divide product by diameter multiplied by factor of safety. The quotient will be the safe work- ing pressure of boiler. FORMULA : TSX%X(2XT) IDXF EXAMPLE: =safe working pressure 60000 = tensile strength of plate . 86 = percentage of joint 3600 00 48000 51600.00 .8750 = twice thickness of plate internal diam. of 258 000000 boiler = 71.1250 3612 0000 factor of safety = 5 41280 000 355. 6250)45150. 000000 (126. 95 -safe working pressure 3556250 9587500 7112500 24750000 21337500 34125000 32006250 21187500 17781250 3406250 BUTT JOINTS. QUADRUPLE-RIVETED BUTT JOINT. 169 ; :': <) (S) ..:j Computing strength of a quadruple-riveted butt joint. Causes for possible failure in a butt joint double strap quadruple riveted: and First. Tearing of plate through the line of rivets at outer row. Second. Tearing of plate through line of rivets at se.cond outer row and shearing of outer row of rivets. Third. Failure of plate through second row of narrow pitch and shearing of the two outer rows of rivets Fourth. By shearing of all rivets. LEGEND: TS = tensile strength = 60000 SS shearing strength of rivets material =38000 CS = crushing strain of material =95000 T = thickness of plate = ^ = . 4375 D = diameter of boiler = 72" d = diameter of rivets = ^f =.8125 DH = diameter of rivet hole = % = . 8750 A =area of rivets = % = . 6013 PN = narrow pitch = 4^=4. 062 5 PW=wide pitch =8^=8. 125 Po = outside pitch = 1634" = 16 . 2500 or width of strap N = number of rivets In connection with this problem it is assumed that the straps or cover plates are three fourths (%) the thickness of shell plates. Calculations will be made according to points of possible failures. First. Tearing of plate through the line of rivets at outer row, FORMULA: Po d = section of plate to resist tearing 170 THE BOILER. EXAMPLE: 16 . 2500 =outside pitch .8750 = diameter of rivet hole 15 . 3750 ^section of plate to resist tearing less diameter of rivet To calculate the efficiency of a joint it will be necessary to find out strength of solid plate in strip calculated. 16. 2500 =pitch outside row . 4375 = thickness of plate 812500 1137500 487500 650000 7.10937500 60000= tensile strength 426562 .00000000 Ibs. ^strength of solid plate at point of calculation. Second. Tearing of plate at line of rivets next to outer row. FORMULA: (Po 2DH) XTxTS + SS of Id = resistance to tearing of plate at line of 2d outer row EXAMPLE: 16 . 2500 = outer pitch or width of strip 1. 7500 =two diameters of rivet hole 14.5000 .4375 = thickness of plate 725000 1015000 435000 580000 6.34375000 60000 = tensile strength of plate 380625.00000000 380625 =lbs. resistance to tearing of plate at second outer row 22849 ^strength of the one rivet in outer row 403474 =lbs. resistance at that part of joint Third. Failure of plate through second row of rivets in narrow pitch and shearing of the two outer rows of rivets. FORMULA: (Po 4DH) XTxTS + SSof 3d =lbs. resistance in width of strip BUTT JOINTS. 171 EXAMPLE: .6013 =area of one rivet 16. 2500 = width of strip of plate outer row 38000 = shearing strength 3 . 5000 = diameter of four rivet hole of rivet 48104000 12.7500 18039 .4375 = thickness of plate 22849.4000 637500 3 =three. rivets 892500 382500 68548.2000 510000 5.57812500 60000= tensile strength 334687. 68548 ^shearing strength of three rivets in outer rows 403235 =lbs. resistance through net section of plate Fourth. Point of possible failure by shearing of all rivets. There being three rivets in single shear and eight in double shear. FORMULA : AxSSxN = single shear + N in double shear = shearing strength of rivets in joint EXAMPLE: . 6013 =area of % rivet 38000 ^shearing strength in single shear 48104000 18038 22849.4000 3 = number of rivets in single shear 68548 . 2000 = shearing strength of 3 rivets in single shear . 6013 =area of % rivet 70300 = shearing strength in double shear 1803900 420910 42271.3900 8 = number of rivets 338171 Add this latter product to the sum of three rivets in single shear, which gives the total shearing strength of rivets in joint. 68548 =shearing strength of 3 rivets in single shear 338171 =shearing strength of 8 rivets in double shear 406719 Ibs. =total shearing strength of rivets in joint 172 THE BOILER. To get the efficiency of joint at this point : Divide resistance of net sec- tion of plate by strength of solid plate. EXAMPLE: 403235 = resistance through net section of plate 426562 =strength of solid plate 426562) 403235. 000 (. 945 =per cent, of efficiency 3839058 1932920 1706248 2266720 2132810 133910 Rule to find safe working pressure for boiler from these calculations: Multiply tensile strength by lowest percentage and by twice thickness of plate; divide this product by diameter multiplied by factor of safety. FORMULA: TSX%X2T DXF EXAMPLE: = safe working pressure 60000 = tensile strength . 945 = lowest percentage of joint 300000 240000 540000 56700.000 . 8750 = twice thickness of plate 2835000000 diam. of boiler = 72" 396900000 factor of safety = 5 453600000 360)49612. 5000000 (137. 8=lbs. safe workingpres- 360 sure 1361 1080 2812 2520 2925 2880 45 BUTT JOINTS. 173 Butt straps or cover plates of a quadruple riveted joint. Possible causes for failure of butt straps. First. Both straps breaking across the inner row of rivets. Second. The plate and inner strap breaking through line of next to inner row of rivets. Third. The inner strap breaking through the inner row of rivets and shear- ing rivets. Fourth. The outer strap breaking through the inside row of rivets and shear- ing of rivets. LEGEND: DH -diameter of rivet hole = % = . 8750 TS = tensile strength - 60000 Po -outer pitch = 16 . 2500 T = thickness of strap = . 3750 First possible cause. Both straps breaking across the inner row of rivets. FORMULA. (Po 4DH) XT XN XTS = tensile strength of two straps EXAMPLE: 16. 2 5 00 -outer pitch 3. 5000 =four rivet hole diameters 12.7500 . 3750 -thickness of strap 6375000 892500 3 82500 4. 78125000 -square inches of material at 2 straps (point of possible fracture 9. 56250000 -total number of square inches 60000 -tensile strength 573750.00P00000 Ibs. -tensile strength of the two straps Showing strength of straps section stronger than plate section. Second. Point of possible failure the resistance to fracture at this point is greater than first possible cause. Third. Possible cause for failure by breaking of strap through line of rive; holes at inner row. FORMULA: (Po 4DH) XT XTS + (N X SS) -total resistance to tear plate and shear rivets. 1/4 THE BOILER. EXAMPLE : 16. 2500 -outer pitch 3 . 5000 =four rivet hole diameters 12.7500 . 3750 = thickness of plate 6375000 892500 3 82500 4.78125000 60000 = tensile strength 182792 = rivet strength 469667 Ibs. = resistance to tear plate and shear rivets 22849 shearing resistance single shear of 7 / 8 rivets 8 number of rivets 182792 Fourth. Point of possible failure same as third point. These calculations show the straps resistance to strain exceeds the shell plate. CHAPTER VIII. SAFE WORKING STEAM PRESSURE OF BOILERS. AS PRESCRIBED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISING INSPECTORS OF STEAM VESSELS OF THE UNITED STATES. The working- steam pressure of a boiler shell is determined by the following rule : Multiply one-sixth (1-6) of the lowest tensile strength, found stamped on any plate in the cylindrical shell, by the thickness ex- pressed in inches or parts of an inch, of the thinnest plate in the same cylindrical shell, and divide by the radius or half diameter also expressed in inches and the sum will be the pressure allow- able per square inch of surface for single riveting, to which add 20 per cent, for double riveting when all the holes have been fairly drilled and no part of the hole has been punched. EXAMPLE. A boiler 36 inches in diameter, ]/ inch in thickness, tensile strength 60,000 pounds, resolves itself into the following : 1/6 of 60000 = 10000 X . 25 =2500 = 138 . 88 working steam pressure allowable 18 for single riveting; for double riveting and drilled holes, 20 per cent, added = 166.65, this being the pressure allowable by the United States Marine Inspectors. On the following pages find tables of pressure allowed on various sizes of boiler shells for 50,000, 55,000 and 60,000 pounds tensile strength plates ; also a table which simplifies the calculation. Steel plate having a tensile strength of 60,000 pounds is almost universally used by builders of both stationary and marine boilers. 175 176 THE BOILER. fi fe a I! 20 per cent ad- ditional. 10 co oo TH CO i-< CO OO * LO CO CO O CO 00 040 H O'-'C^COTl Ill ss (NCOLOCOl>OSOi-lCOTt< i-HCO^LOCDOOOSO(MCO rH C4 CO >O IQ T-(^-lrH^-I^^H(N GO I-H CO LO LO 00 CM ** COLOOiOOOCO^cOtMCO l> (M LO (N LOOOC (^Hr^^H^KM ^^221^2^(22 ^S^^S^H^S^S ^SSr 1 ^ Is 'If a^ o o fl+3 M o'S >'- ^H (M rt 10 10 t^ O5 O iH < Tt-H CO 00 (N LO GO IN OOOt>CDcO- il l-O t^- (M lO OOi-HCOiOcOOi'-HCOlOt- r-IO1 c-HCOLOt^ 00'-lCOLOCOOS'-iCOLOI> OO^COLO< ^H(N(N(N( S a3 all 1 THE STEAM BOILER. 177 a .3 ar Q"C -f W* l '-iOOCO^'M' t~ i^c; co oo - n iCCOCOCO-^t^OOt-I^O OS C "M CC * iC CO t^ OS cooo 01 x i- ^ w os os o ^ 01 01 5 ic co r o -"So" 20 per ent ad- itional ^ Ol rC * ic 1 - X 55 ~ Ol 1 I^H^-l^i-l^-lr-li-IOlOl ^ O5 OS 1C C 01 OS GO OS * i-O '-ii CO 1C CO OS OS COO 01 PH to ,; I h-i-i ^ 8 SI 01 O * w 00 i-i * OS i-C OlTt"i-CCO'^OOOOOTf< t^-OSCO> S^ 71 "^ 10 !-^ 00 ^? 2^I2 : r-ososososos LC rf CO CO T* * OS O Tj< 1C CO <-* W O O * >C O -^ CO 00 <- O1 O OS O ^'-'co^ioicr^ 00 1^ 1C TjJ 00 O O t^ >C CO t-OOOSOOOlCOCO-^lC S5 CO^ h-CD'^OlTt< CO OSOl-^iC'-iCSOlOlTt'OO 1C CD 1C ^ OS Ol CO -< O ^4 OOOSO I "H CO 't C t- OlOSCOCOOH^.TttOlOSLC t^ CO CO CO CO O 1C iC Tf rj- oor^ic-^oooct^-icco 'tco^osco'C'*--<< - Tt< oo co >c ^ r^ 01 CO0100rt-' 1C OS O Os' CO CO CO t-OOOOOSOS'-i'-iOlCOTf SI "= 00 (NIC SO O 00 1-1 CO >O 00 00 1> O 00 co Tf ic co r^ CO 00 '-< I>XOSOO' IO1CO '-^.2 li oicor? X CO C CO CO t^ t- i c *' oi co 06 1^ ic co co XOSOO' i Ol CO "* C CO CO 01 00 t^ 01 1C CO CO 01 O t-' ^ CO 01 OS CD CD >C t^- ^H t-^ Ol o x co co J^ x t-' co' '-I d t^- 1- X OS OS O <-H Ol COrf O^T-^OICO S t t ^ l^ Ol X CO CO X CDcDt^XXOSOOT^Ol OS 1C C OO'C'-iOO'-'Ot^COOSt^ iCCDt-t^OOOSOSOO'-H SSI Ha OS'-i (NCO tCNiM(M(M(NCOCOCOCO 1C O t^ Ol 1C 00<- - I-H0101010101COCOCOCO s .2fe : Q-8. 178 THE BOILER. S!3 all 12 ~ COOOOI>00 O5C5(MCOfO(MIMO5COO5 COOCt^COOSC^lCOOlt^O COO'-*'*-* Tta>MOCOCOOOO5CCO5 LOCOO-OOSOXXO I-H O OS X C^l iO O iM < i M COC>lOX- qo O (N OC t^iO CO S*2 8.2 . OJ 11 COiOGO 1-1 i5 00 COCO (N(N(NCClCOCOCO^^rt< iOTfOO OOCOC5 'OOS'OOrO'MOrC'GO'-' '-'OO'OlMiOiO'MOC^fO JOt-OCX0500-lM X OS OS 1-1 LI (M ^1 X OS T^ t^ i 1 1C C^l ^ O C^ CO X iO OS OSt^OO'lCOt^'C(NO5X (NOSCO COt-XO3OSOi-N r-OSCOCOCOCOOOSfO^ ^OSOCOCCCO^OSCOOS >LOCO^LOX^--*(M(M (M OS --0 CO C CO rf OS CO - (N^COCO'* t^-rfi O CO OS =-s; S'l-^oo^jooopeooiodi^ i>Ttiocoosxiooco^ >M x co cs !M c co i r^ * ^coxcoco t-t^XXOSO^H i(N OCOt-t-t^XOSOO'-i id'COCOl-XXaiCTSO TfiOiCCOCO t^Tj~ re o >o ^ x /oi oixrecioioco^^t^-^ >^ iC '-CO CO I- X XC-. CIO iC O iC O Ol O5 C 00 CO 04 ^H XXC5CSO ^^Ic!cJcoSf2t-o6 t-oio ^cec5-*t^-c x o ~i cc --' x Ol Ol Ol iC X CO Tf iC 00 CC 01 ~* i-C 00 CC CO i-C CO c ^' co -- cc d co' o ic ' * ic ic co cc i- r- x x cs >^Tj< OCCOt^ Ir- C S ccos-^os'C PH i t^t-XXOs os !" V5 ?J ~ U '2 ^' ?- ^ ^! Hx^ ^"^js^-s^ J~ :C '* X^'" v lc: 2c "-5ZJ2F ^-iceccox r^ oi cc -' co -* CO -H i * ^-'l--X^X'H "So w ^ J. "^ CS Ol OS -^ p| *-**: _ -^ -s i 01 x 01 1-- ce - =^ I i-i-xxcs ^^iccore t- S^ 8S8SS k iC iC 1C iC t^- CM 1C l^- Ol iC ir 180 THE BOILER. is .s .IS ; *s L-S2 .1 20 per cent ad- ditional. 's-S ^ IM a; ^3 o a'-S O C 10 ^ ^iO>O?DCOl^t--OOiX)O5 1-1 O5 O Ol h- O5 00 COCOC5Tft^^iOTt i (M fe il THE STEAM BOILER. 181 The following rules and tables are from a commercial rating and only approximate. STANDARD STEAM BOILER MEAUSUREMENTS. HORIZONTAL TUBULAR. Based on 12 square feet of heating surface to a horse power. A Commercial Rating. Size. Thick- ness. Boiler with Hand Holes. Boiler with Man Holes. .2 Z j~ J 'fi "2 ffi Size of Dome. Tubes No. Dia. Heat. Surf, sq. ft. Horse Power Tubes No. Heating. Surf. Dia. sq. ft. Horse Power. 30 6 y 3^ 16x20 19 2 i^ 106 9 30 8 J iMI " 16x20 19 2 % 141 12 38 2 % 256 21 36 8 M M 18x20 28 3 226 19 25 3 % 234 20 38 2/4 311 26 36 10 K 3^ 18x20 28 3 283 24 25 3Y2 292 24 42 10 M % 20x24 38 3 372 31 34 3% 385 32 42 12 M % 20x24 38 3 446 37 34 3 H} 462 39 42 14 ^ N 20x24 38 3 520 43 34 3 ^2 539 45 42 16 M % 20x24 38 3 595 43 34 3 Yz 616 51 44 12 M % 24x24 48 3 544 45 38 510 43 44 14 K 3% 24x24 48 3 2 635 53 38 491 41 43 12 A A 24x24 58 3 2 647 54 50 3 572 48 50 651 54 34 3M 475 40 48 14 A A 24x24 58 3 755 63 50 3 667 55 50 3 Y% 759 63 34 3 1 A 547 46 48 16 A A 24x24 58 3 862 72 50 3 762 64 50 3 y% 867 72 34 3Y Z 633 53 48 18 A A 24x24 58 3 970 81 50 3 857 71 50 3 /4 976 81 34 3Y Z 712 59 71 3 912 76 59 3 780 65 54 14 A i^ 30x30 56 3 ^2 851 71 48 3 Y% 748 62 43 4 763 64 40 4 719 60 71 3 1042 87 59 3 891 74 54 16 A H 30x30 56 3 ^2 972 81 48 3Y Z 855 71 43 4 802 67 40 4 821 68 The above table is based on rule for ascertaining Heating Surface. A commercial rating of boiler horse power is obtained by the following rule : Add to two-thirds of boiler shell area, tube area and the area of one head (this will compensate for tubes holes in both) and 182 THE BOILER. divide product by unit of H. P. according to type of boiler. (See table.) FORMULA: SA + TA + AH LEGEND: SA = shell area TA =tube area AH =area of head 60" =boiler diameter 16' = length 46 4" tubes HP unit =12 sq. ft. diameter of head = HP HP unit EXAMPLE: 3 . 1416 = circumference of one inch 60" = diameter of boiler 60" 60 188.4960 192" = length of boiler area of one inch = 3769920 16964640 3600 1884960 .7854 3)36191. 2320 =area of boiler shell 14400 18000 28800 25200 12063 . 7440 2 area head =2827 . 4400 24127 . 4880 = % of boiler shell area 2827 . 4400 =area of one head 26954.9280 110986. 4448 =tube area inches per square ft. = 144) 137941 . 3 72M (957 . 9 =square feet of heating 1296 surface 834 720 3. 1416=circumferenceof lin. 1141 calculating 12 square 4"= tube diameter 1008 ft. per HP = 12)957. 9(79. 8 -HP 84 12.5664 192" =length of tube 251328 1130976 125664 1333 1296 37 117 108 99 96 2412 . 7488 = heating surface one tube 46 tubes 144764928 96509952 110986.4448 =tube area THE STEAM BOILER. 183 Heating surface proper means any portion of the boiler where heat is applied to one side of the plate, and water on the other. The heating surface of a round furnace and tubes is figured by their internal diameter, water tubes and external fired surfaces are measured by their outside diameter, this latter being the surface heated must necessarily be considered as effective heating surface. The heating surface of boilers can readily be obtained from the following table : In the case of horizontal tubular bricked in boilers, two-thirds of the boiler shell, the whole of the tube surface, and the front and rear head deducting area of tubes and surface above water- line is figured as effective heating surface. Diameter of boiler, inches 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 Two-thirds of the heating surface of shell per foot of length 4.54 4.89 5 . 24 5.59 5.93 6.29 6.G3I 6.98 7.331 7.68 8.03 8.38 Diameter of boiler, inches 50 52 54 5G 58 GO 62 64 66 68 70 72 Two-thirds of the l heating surface of i shell per foot of I I length |8.73 9.08 9.42 9.77110.12 10.47110 82 11.17111.52 11 .87112.22 12.57 TYPES OF BOILERS AND ESTIMATED GRATE TO HEATING SURFACE PER HORSE POWER. Types. Square feet of Heating Surface per horse power. Square feet of Heating Surface to one foot of grate . Cylinder 6 to 10 12 to 15 Flue . 8 to 12 20 to 25 Horizontal Tubular Water Tube Vertical 12 to 14 11 to 12 10 to 12 25 to 35 35 to 40 25 to 30 Internal Fired 12 to 15 50 to 100 RATIO GRATE SURFACE TO HORSE POWER. Type of Boiler. Ratio. HT 4 to 6 WT 3 Loco .02 " 6 Marine. . . . 12 HEATING SURFACE RATIO TO GRATE SURFACE. HT 40 to 50 WT 34 " 65 Loco , 30 " 34 Marine . .28 " 32 184 THE BOILER. COAL AND GRATE. The average consumption of coal for steam boilers is 12 pounds per hour for each square foot of grate surface. Western coals, having a large amount of sulphur, require more space in furnace and more air. Rule to find area of grate for a given boiler: Divide pounds of water to be evaporated per hour by number of pounds of water evaporated multiplied by number of pounds of coal burned per hour per square foot of grate. FORMULA: number of Ibs. of water evaporated per hour water in Ibs. evap. X per Ibs. of coal per hour LEGEND: EXAMPLE: 'area of grate 2400 =lbs. of water to be evaporated 12 =lbs. of coal per square foot of grate 9 =lbs. of water 108)2400 (22 square feet of grate required 216 240 216 24 12 Ibs. of coal per sq. ft. of grate 9 Ibs. of water per Ibs. of coal 108 Ibs. of water evaporated per sq. foot of grate TABLE FOR PRESSED STEEL BOILER LUGS. Iron rivets have a shearing strength of 38000 Ibs. Steel " " 45000 " See tables for boiler weights and rivet strength. Diameter of boiler, inches. Height of base of lug above center of boiler. Width of lug. Length of lug pro- jection. Height of lug on boiler. Thick- ness. Weight, Ibs. 30 1 7 7 7 A 6 36 2 7 7 7 M 8 42 2j^ 8 8 8 L/ 10 Vo 48 3^ 8 8 8 & 14 54 10 10 10 & 20^ 60 4^ 10 10 10 3/ 23 66 4L/ 12 12 12 ^8 35 72 5 12 12 12 40 78 6 12 12 12 iHi 45 84 7 12 12 12 * 50 THE STEAM BOILER. 185 WEIGHT OF HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILERS FOR 125 LBS. STEAM PRESSURE COMPLETE WITH FITTINGS FULL OF WATER. Diameter of boiler, inches Length in feet . . Weight full of water 36 8 6,100 36 10 7,600 42 10 9,500 42 12 10,600 44 12 11,600 48 12 13,400 50 13 14,300 54 13 15,400 54 15 17,900 60 14 20,900 60 15 24,900 Diameter of boiler, inches . Length in feet Weight full of water 60 16 27,300 66 16 30,400 66 16 35,100 72 16 40,100 72 18 44,100 78 18 48,100 78 20 56,100 84 18 55,100 84 20 67,100 90 18 65,100 90 20 75,100 DIRECTIONS FOR SETTING BOILERS. Make the excavation to a depth suitable to ground that boiler is to rest upon not less than 24 inches. Build foundation walls at least 12" wider than walls to floor level, fronts to rest upon two courses of brick above the floor level. Set boiler in place and block it up three or four inches higher than it is to remain, the back side of front to set back four inches from front edge of brick work. Carry up the side and end walls to the proper height for the resting place of brackets (if boiler has brackets place rollers between plates and lugs) leaving space so that walls will not be pushed out of place by expansion of boiler. (Some engineers prefer an air space in setting side and end walls, as a nonconductor of heat.) The walls should be tied together by headers and run every eighteen inches. The headers from outside walls should touch those of inner wall and not be tied together. Fire brick in the furnace should be laid with a course of headers every six courses so that the wall can easily be taken out and repaired at any time when necessary. The rear con- nection or back arch should be lined with fire brick, the ends of arch resting on side walls and the arch of such radius to permit of easy access to tubes at rear head. A space of one inch should be left between rear end of boiler and inside of arch so that the expansion of boiler will not affect brick work and should be so arranged that it can be removed without injury to walls. It is preferable when cov- ering a boiler to do so with magnesia, as it is light, a non-conductor and will give evidence of any leakage at a local point by discoloration or becoming soft, not like the brick covered boiler that may have leakage many feet from point of steam issuing. If brick is to be used a two inch space should be left between boiler and brick work. oooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo oooo 000 ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo oooo 000 THE STEAM BOILER. 187 H Q B.l P H < W _} 04 0. IUOJJ si IBM -'P!S jo ss.)U>(Jiqx jo ssou>piqx jo s juojj jo i[4P!A\ jo qjflu.rj jo MJP!A\ jo[iog jo iuo;;oq o; JOO[ ,J jo cloj, joiiog jo iuo;joq 04 SO;BJO jo dox o; P Ko H jtoB j->|iog jo uioj;oq o; |[B sapug xog jo j,;ouieiQ citiJ-tiJ-oloooiooooolcLood t-t-c-t-t-t-t-t-c-c-t-c-c-t-t- 1 M 7 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OOOOOi-H^-li-l aSSaSSSSSSaSSSS ooiMiMNeoeoifluTnotDtcoooo V 188 THE BOILER. MATERIALS FOR BRICKWORK OF REGULAR TUBULAR BOILERS. SINGLE SETTING. Boilers. Common Brick. Fire Brick. Sand, bushels Cement, barrels. Fire Clay, Ibs. Lime, barrels. 30 inches x 8 feet 5200 320 42 5 192 2 30 " x 10 " 5800 320 46 53^ 192 2M 36 " x 8 " 6200 480 50 6 288 2^ 36 " x 9 " 6600 480 53 63^ 288 2% 36 " x 10 " 7000 480 56 7 288 36 " x 12 " 7800 480 62 8 288 3M 42 " x 10 " 10000 720 80 10 432 4 42 " x 12 " 10800 720 86 11 432 4K 42 " x 14 " 11600 720 92 11M 432 ^A 42 " x 16 " 12400 720 99 12^ 432 5 48 " x 10 " 12500 980 100 12H 590 5M 48 " x 12 " 13200 980 108 13 H 590 53^ 48 " x 14 " 14200 980 116 143^ 590 5M 48 " x 16 " 54 " x 12 " 15200 13800 980 1150 124 108 153^ 13M 590 690 6 $ 1 A 54 " x 14 " 14900 1150 117 15 690 6 54 " x 16 " 16000 1150 126 16 690 6M 60 " x 10 " 13500 1280 108 133^ 768 53^ 60 " x 12 " 14800 1280 118 14M 768 6 60 " x 14 " 16100 1280 128 16 768 6^ 60 " x 16 " 17400 1280 140 173^ 768 7 60 " x 18 " 18700 1280 148 ISM 768 7^ 66 " x 16 " 19700 1400 157 19% 840 8 72 x 16 20800 1550 166 20M 930 8K TWO BOILERS IN A BATTERY. 30 inches x 8 feet 8900 640 70 9 384 33^ 30 " x 10 " 9600 640 76 93^ 384 4 36 " x 8 " 10500 960 84 103/6 576 4M 36 " x 9 " 11100 960 88 11 576 4^ 36 " x 10 " 11800 960 95 12 576 4% 36 " x 12 " 13000 960 104 13 576 5M 42 " x 10 " 17500 1440 140 17H 864 7 42 " x 12 " 18600 1440 148 18^ 864 73^ 42 " x 14 " 19900 1440 159 20 864 8 42 " x 16 " 21200 1440 168 21 864 8K 48 " x 10 " 21400 1960 170 21H 1180 8M 48 " x 12 " 22300 1960 178 22 y 3 1180 9 48 " x 14 " 23900 1960 190 24 1180 9^ 48 " x 16 " 25100 1960 200 25 1180 10 54 " x 12 " 23300 2300 186 233^ 1380 934 54 " x 14 " 24800 2300 198 25 1380 10 54 " x 16 " 26300 2300 210 263^ 1380 103^ 60 " x 10 " 22600 2560 180 22^ 1536 9 60 " x 12 " 24800 2560 198 25 1536 10 60 " x 14 " 26800 2560 214 27 1536 10M 60 " x 16 " 28900 2560 230 29 1536 ii-H 60 " x 18 " 31000 2560 248 31 1536 123^ 66 " x 16 " 33100 2800 264 33 1680 13H 72 " x 16 (< 34000 3100 272 34 1860 13M THE STEAM BOILER. 189 In connection with boiler setting the following information will be useful : One barrel of lime will lay 800 brick. Two barrels of lime will lay one perch rubble stone. To every barrel of lime estimate about ^ yards of good sand for brick work. One and one quarter barrels of cement and three quarters yard of sand will lay 100 feet of rubble stone. Rule to find number of brick required: Multiply the number of cubic feet by 22.5. The cubic feet is found by multiplying length by height, then by thickness. Bricks are usually made 8" X 4" X 2" requiring 27 bricks to make a cubic foot without mortar, the latter is estimated to fill one sixth of space. CHIMNEYS AND STACKS. The use for chimneys is necessary in many plants and main- tained at great expense of heat units varying as high as 30 per cent of fuel. The necessity arises from following causes, viz. : cost of installing modern methods and the necessity for a chimney to carry off obnoxious gases. The main object is to obtain air supply for combustion of fuel. Areas for chimneys are calculated from grate area, coal burned in a certain time and usually a ratio of 8 to 1. The temperatures of gases escaping up a chimney will depend on the material and distance from boilers the higher the tem- perature the greater the velocity. The weight of air necessary for fuels varies, hence the necessity for computing for the maximum amount. The volume of air is proportional to its temperature ; 24 pounds of air at the mean of the atmosphere temperature is 300 cubic feet and at a temperature of 550 degrees F is twice as great. Rule to find the volume of one pound of air under atmospheric pressure for a given temperature: Divide the absolute temperature 190 THE BOILER. of air by x the constant 40 ; the result gives the volume in cubic feet nearly. LEGEND: EXAMPLE: Temp, of atmosphere 80 40)80 (2 = volume of one pound in cubic feet Constant 40 80 The intensity of draft is independent of the area of the flue but is proportional to the difference in weight of two columns of air of equal base, one internal and one external. The difference in temperatures between the volume escaping from the inside and the atmosphere increases the draft as the difference between the temperature increases. The atmospheric pressure or draft is estimated by the height of an equivalent column of water. CONSIDERATIONS GOVERNING THE HEIGHT OF A CHIMNEY. It must be high enough to give the required intensity of draft at an economical flue temperature, and to be well above the surround- ing objects; increased capacity is much more cheaply gained by increasing the area, it being cheaper to build nearer the ground, and the capacity increases with the square of the diameter and only as the square root of the height. If of brick the height should not exceed ten or eleven times the base, on account of stability. Rule to find the difference in pressure to be expected between the inside and outside of a chimney for a given height and temperature : Divide 39 by the absolute (actual temperature Fahrenheit plus 461) temperature of the outside air; again, divide 40 by the absolute average temperature of the gases in the stack; subtract the latter from the former quotient, multiply the remainder by the height of the chimney in feet, and divide by 5.2; the final quotient will be the draft in inches in water. The following table will give the draft power in inches of water for chimneys of specific height basing the temperature as follows : Escaping gases 552 degrees F. Atmospheric temperature 62 degrees F. THE STEAM BOILER. 191 Height of Chimney Draft Power in Inches Theoretical velocity in feet per second. in Feet. of Water. Cold Air Hot Gases Entering. Escaping. 10 .073 17.8 35.6 20 .146 25.3 50.6 30 .219 31.0 62.0 40 .292 35.7 71.4 50 .365 40.0 80.0 60 .438 43.8 87.6 70 .511 47.3 94.6 80 .585 50.6 101.2 90 .657 53.7 107.4 100 .730 56.5 113.0 120 .876 62.0 124.0 150 1.095 69.3 138.6 175 1.277 74.8 149.6 200 1.460 80.0 160.0 Draft required depends largely on quality and nature of fuel and rate of combustion ; it is least for wood and free burning fuels and greatest for fine coal; for slack coal draft equivalent to 1J4 inches of water is necessary. In designing height of chimney it is the aim to provide for an excess of demands and regulate by dampejs to amount required. Increasing height will increase the flow of escaping gases. AREA OF CHIMNEY WHEN HORSE POWER IS GIVEN. Three horse power per square foot of grate surface. Rule. Divide 'the horse power by 3.33 times the square root ot the height. The quotient will be the required effective area in square feet. To the diameter or length of side required to give this area add two inches to compensate for friction. HORSE POWER OF A GIVEN CHIMNEY. Rule. From the area in square feet subtract .6 of the square root of that area and multiply the remainder by the square root of the height and by 3.33. Or: Multiply the area in square inches by the square root of the height in feet and divide by 40. The quotient will be the horse power. 192 THE BOILER. + t J 1 &8 a 5T jjg, 3g. rft 0^02 C/3 to s o a * f 3 > . t^ OO i-H I-H c^J c^ N ro ro ro ro -3- "* ^o 10 vo t^ t^ oo oo &\ o\ o o r-i co I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 O Sd r-i t^. to to oo -3- c. ro <* m O-Tt-rHO i-HU-)rH<^ CTlCO^-lO CO^-i>.O ro^OOro t^.c^i-ii-1 I-H I-H i i CO c.o ^-oovovo I-HI ii i^t COCOCSjro roro-^-^o vo S if) 00 O CO u-> vo OO OO CTi OO t^ m i-H t^ TJ- rj- to oo ro O <^i O ro oo 10 10 ro *ooo oo* (Nvo-^-ro l-lrHi-Hr-l C^CO(NC<1 COrO^lO O 8* CM C\ CO O 00 OO O CO O vo 10 1> O ^t- O (N Tj- VO 00 0 >* i-H ^-vOCTi^ i-lOrHro t^COOOs OCOC^O ro ^t- v> t^ <^ r-n ro o r^ o ro 10 O^CMCTit^ *" I-HI-II-II ic3C^roro^ a 3 Si! PQ *o JH OO vOvOi-HC^ C^roC^OO CTivOOCTi iOOf^C TJ- CO i i I-H ro i> ro O\ oo oo rn ^o C^J ro ^- IO O OO O ro O CTi ON I-H Tf - . ro i i i-H i-H 0*1 (NrO^-^O t^OOOCO I 1 I 1 2 w 13 .rorov) I-HI-H CO^vooo Oro^OC^ coi-t i-H r-l i-H r-l CO CO o . ^ CJ t>i-Hoooo O^ocoro vo co-^-ot^ o co vo oo -( i-H i-t i-H i-l CO o . 10 VO OO T}- CO CO lO i-H co ro tor- vo . . -4-i t^-t^oooo oooot^t^ vo^rHOO rooorovo ^i iroro rocoooco ^^Ot^- lO^T^-io t^T^-ioO\ OOOt^t>- i IOCNOO OO CO r 1 t--. '41 o a to ft 1 ^ < 11 W i-H CO CO CO "* vo vo t^ O CO VO O 10 - CO r-H "* i-H CO t^ VO OO VO O rH rH (N ro ro rj- vo ix oo O\ CO to ^ ro oo ro oo <* O vo ro O oo 10 ro rH rH i-H COCOCOrO ^ VO to VO t^ t^ ^ rH rH 11 Qfl OO rH rj- t-* O ro VO (^ CO OO Tj- O VO CO OO Tf O VO CO OO Tf O CO ^t" r-n CO co co ro ro ro ro ^ ^ to vo voixt^oo O O 1C O O O LO O lO C >-O O iO C ^ O lO O LO C 1C O lO O 1C O >O C ~ I - C vl .^7 I - C ' vl .~ I - 5 vl i~ I ^ = iHHiH tH N W CN C* TO COW CO -* rf -^i rt< tC <-C >O O CO CO CC O t^- l> t^ t^ 00 00 00 00 O5 O5 O5 O5 C CO CO O rf 00 ^ !M O 1^ O5 M ^ vl CO -* LO CO t^ X Ci ~ ^ vl CC 't LO CD t~ X Gi C: C: ^ vl CO-* LO "^ o> * o ^ o>^ ^ ooQOoo eowoocjooo eogoecooeogpes JTj COX vl t^, i CO OLO O5-* X CC 1~ vl CD ^H LO O ^f O CO X v_l l;-rH CO O LO i/j rHOO5XI'~t^COLO"#COvl'-HOOC5Xt COLOLOTtiCOvlrH I LOOOOO'-Hi-OX(MLOO>O 1^ C COLO X "- 1 CC CO O5rH -^ t-. rH rHrHvIvKMC-ICOCCCO^^Tf^LOLOLOLOCOCOCOCOt^t^t-XXOOXOSOSOSOiOCC OiCOI^OTtHXiMCOOT^r^rHuOOSCOt^' iT^XiMCOO-^XvlLO O5COt-rH LOOS vl COO 1 * . -t^iH(N(M(MCOCOCOCO^TfiTj<^lOiOOCOCOoSt^t*t-t^OOOOOOOJO5C>O5OCO ooiXXXXt^-r^-t^-r^-cocococoiOLOLOio^T^T^^cococcccvividvirHrHrHrHooo rHrHrHrH(r-COO^Tt^COC v lC v lrHOO5OiXr^COc1OLO^^COvl*-Hi-HOOi^Xl^COcOLO^fCOCOC'lrHrH r>-LOCOrHOOCOTti(MOI>LOCO'-HO5COTt<(MOXOCOi-HO5t^Tti(MOXCOCOO O-Hv1COCCTt vl CD O5 vl LO C3 vl LO X vl LO X rH CO X rH ,_|,-HrHlCOCOCOTtlTtTt O TfO5COXCOl~-(MI^rHCOrHLOOTt O LOrHLOCOC3LOOCOcO t^- COt>OTt'-HTtiXvl5o5COt^C't l XvlLO c^ 25 !> c oq o b- * > lO O O O lO O 1 > (M O l> O 01 gj ^ | m .~ O '~ ui rs.E tx *"? *" o g s A! ^J ^ ^j j _^ ^ Ic ^ -<" P ^ b" C c *-" . o-O C T3 ^ "o ~ ~ = r. r] ~ "~" '> ~ ffi K Q K n fe c Cn e U .S U " J 100 30 70 0.41 0.25 30 7 6 4 6 3 4 20.6 4500 3500 7.1 115 30- 90 0.53 0.28 34 8 6 4 8 3 4 29.5 5000 5000 10.0 130 30 110 . 65 0.32 38 9 4 9 3 4 40.0 7000 6500 13.0 125 33 70 0.41 0.31 36 7 4 4 9 3 7 25.0 5000 4500 8.8 140 33 90 ).53 0.35 42 8 3 5 3 7 34.5 6000 5500 11.0 160 33 110 ).65 0.40 46 9 3 5 2 3 7 46.0 7500 7000 14.1 150 36 70 0.41 0.37 44 7 7 5 3 10 29.6 5000 5000 9.6 175 36 90 0.53 0.44 52 s 6 5 2 3 10 40.0 7000 6000 11.6 200 36 110 0.65 0.50 58 9 6 5 4 3 10 52.5 8000 8000 15.0 250 42 90 0.53 0.62 74 8 9 5 6 4 4 32.1 7500 6000 12.3 275 42 110 0.65 0.68 80 9 3 5 8 4 4 46.0 9000 8000 16.2 300 42 130 0.76 0.75 92 10 9 6 2 4 4 63.3 10500 11000 20.2 350 48 90 ).53 0.87 104 9 2 6 5 4 10 40.0 8000 7000 13.6 375 48 110 0.65 0.93 110 9 9 6 9 4 10 56.0 10000 9000 18.1 400 48 130 0.76 1.00 118 11 4 6 8 4 10 75.7 12000 12000 21.8 430 54 90 0.53 1.07 126 9 8 6 6 5 4 52.6 9000 7500 15.3 470 54 110 0.65 1.17 138 10 8 6 8 5 4 71.9 11000 10000 20.1 510 54 130 0.76 1.27 150 11 9 7 2 5 4 94.7 13000 13000 24.0 580 60 100 ).59 1.45 170 10 6 7 5 10 67.3 11000 8000 18.5 675 60 125 0.73 1.62 190 12 7 8 5 10 97.0 14000 13000 24.7 700 60 150 0.87 1.75 206 13 2 7 9 5 10 122.0 17000 17000 31.9 700 66 100 ).59 1.75 206 11 7 6 6 4 80.0 12000 9000 20.8 800 66 125 0.73 2 00 234 12 6 8 2 6 4 105.0 15000 15000 26.3 900 66 150 0.87 2.25 264 13 8 8 4 6 4 135 . 18000 20000 34.4 950 72 125 0.65 2.37 280 13 8 8 6 10 90.0 16000 11000 27.2 1050 72 150 0.87 2.67 310 14 2 8 9 6 10 113.0 20000 19000 38.8 1150 72 175 1.03 2.87 326 15 3 9 6 10 155.0 23000 26000 42.3 1150 78 1 25 0.65 2.87 326 13 6 9 2 7 4 105.0 17000 18000 30.0 1250 78 150 0.87 3.12 368 14 8 9 4 7 4 141.0 21000 24000 38.9 1350 78 175 1.03 3.37 396 15 9 9 6 7 4 185.0 24000 29000 45.0 1400 84 130 0.76 3.50 412 14 9 8 7 10 116.0 19000 21000 33.8 1550 84 It).', 0.97 3.87 456 15 4 9 9 7 10 161.0 25000 28000 44.7 1700 84 200 1.18 4.25 500 16 9 10 7 10 217.0 30000 34000 54.3 1800 96 140 0.82 4.501 530 15 4 10 8 8 10 140.0 24000 25000 42.4 2100 96 180 1.06 5.25 620 17 10 9 8 10 200.0 30000 31000 52.9 2300 96 );() 1.30 5.75 676 18 8 11 8 10 273.0 37000 42000 65.3 2400 108 150 0.87 6.00 706 16 9 11 9 9 10 175.0 28000 31000 49.9 2700 108 190 1.12 6.75 794 18 6 12 9 10 242.0 35000 37000 62.3 3000 108 240 1.41 7.50 882 20 6 12 2 9 10 325.0 45000 48000 89.0 3000 120 150 0.87 7.50 882 17 9 12 9 10 10 262.0 31000 35000 53.9 3500 120 200 1.18 8.75 1030 19 9 13 10 10 304.0 40000 47000 71.0 3900 120 250 1.48 9.75 1148 21 9 13 2 10 10 400.0 51000 60000 94.8 4200 132 200 1.18 10.50 1236 20 9 14 11 10 294.0 45000 50000 77.2 4700 132 250 1.48 11.75 1382 23 4 14 4 11 10 400.0 56000 62000 100.5 5200 132 300 1.67|13.00 1528 25 14 8 11 10 530.0 67000 75000 140.7 196 THE BOILER. SMOKE STACKS. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT IN POUNDS OF ONE FOOT OF STACK. Diameter, inches. THICKNESS OF MATERIAL. No. 16. No. 14. No. 12. No. 10. No. 8. Weight. Weight. Weight. Weight. Weight. 10 8 10 13 16 \9 12 9 12 14 19 23 14 11 14 16 22 27 16 12 16 20 25 31 18 14 18 23 28 35 20 15 19 25 31 38 22 17 21 28 34 42 24 18 23 30 36 45 26 19 24 32 40 48 28 21 26 35 43 52 30 22 28 37 46 56 32 23 30 39 48 58 34 24 31 41 50 60 36 26 32 43 .52 63 38 27 34 44 54 66 40 29 36 47 57 70 42 31 38 49 60 74 44 33 41 54 66 81 48 35 45 59 72 89 54 38 48 64 82 97 60 42 53 71 90 108 66 45 59 77 98 117 72 '51 65 86 110 131 78 58 74 98 120 150 84 62 80 105 130 160 96 72 92 130 148 180 THE STEAM BOILER. 197 I * I rfH 00 10 05 -CO CO - CO O Oi t^ NjfN? !^ O S rvi ^ M os co co -S*> n Jj M ^ 1 OO O5 O ^H I-H ^H IQ es s . he of shell, inches . shell, inches ubes, inches. . 2-inch tubes . f shell, inches of heads, inche urnace, inches f furnace, inc rface, square f r safety-valve -off, inches .. 12 5 i oc B - Is! |co : ji|j||*i . _ .j i . .2 S '' 1 198 THE BOILER. CAPACITIES OF BOILERS FOR Low PRESSURE STEAM HEATING APPARATUS. Boiler Surface, square feet. Total Direct Radiation, square feet. Direct Radiation per square foot of Boiler Surface. 40 168 4.20 50 218 4.36 60 272 4.53 80 384 4.80 100 504 5.04 120 626 5.21 140 752 5.37 152 830 5.46 172 962 5.60 194 1114 5.74 211 1232 5.84 252 1522 6.04 292 1816 6.21 295 1840 6.23 347 2240 6.45 399 2642 6.62 421 2820 6.69 482 3321 6.89 541 3818 7.05 580 4247 7.37 720 6210 8.46 The quantities of radiation in the above table are exclusive of all piping. One square foot of indirect requires the same boiler capacity as 1^ square feet of direct radiation. TO DETERMINE THE SIZE OF STEAM PIPE MAINS FOR VARYING RADIATION. For every 100 square feet of radiating surface, allow the area of a one-inch pipe (.7854 square inches). LIST OF SIZES OF STEAM MAINS. Radiation, square feet. One Pipe Work, inches. Two Pipe Work, inches. 40 t o 50 1 MX Y 100 125 m 1 x M 125 250 m iMxi 250 400 2 i^xi M 400 650 2^ 2 xl^ 650 900 3 2^x2 900 1250 3^ 3 x2^ 1250 1600 4 3^x3 1600 2050 4^ 4 x3^ 2050 2500 4^x4 2500 3600 6 5 x4^ 3600 5000 7 6 x5 5000 6500 8 7 x6 6500 8100 9 8 x6 8100 10000 10 9 x6 THE STEAM BOILER. 199 Under ordinary conditions, one square foot of direct radiation surface will heat approximately in: Bath-room ............................................ Living-room .......................................... Living-room, exposures, ordinary amount of glass ........... Halls ............................................ 50 to Sleeping rooms ................................... 55 " School-rooms ... .................................. 60 " Churches and auditoriums of large cubic contents and with high ceilings ............................. 65 Factories and work-shops 75 40 cubic feet. 50 " 60 " 70 70 80 100 150 CAPACITIES OF BOILERS FOR HOT WATER HEATING APPARATUS. Boiler Surface, square feet. Total Direct Radiation, square feet. Direct Radiation per square foot of boiler surface. 20 110 5.50 30 181 6.03 40 257 6.42 50 338 6.76 60 425 7.08 70 512 7.46 80 603 7.54 90 695 7.72 100 792 7.92 120 991 8.26 140 1198 8.56 159 1400 8.80 199 1842 9.25 225 2142 9.52 279 2788 9.99 323 3332 10.31 372 3976 10.68 453 5065 11.18 517 5938 11.48 The quantities of radiation in the above table are exclusive of all piping- One square foot of indirect requires the same boiler capacity as \Y-2. square feet of direct radiation. CHAPTER IX. SAFETY VALVES. A safety valve should have area sufficient for the escape of steam with rapidity to prevent the raising of steam to exceed 10 per cent of pressure allowed and calculations should be from a standard, the maximum water that could be evaporated per pounds of fuel- Any spring-loaded safety valve constructed so as to give an increased lift by the operation of steam, after being raised from its seat, or any spring-loaded safety valve constructed in any other manner so as to give an effective area equal to that of the afore- mentioned spring-loaded safety valve, may be used in lieu of the common lever-weighted valve on all boilers on steam vessels, and each spring-loaded valve shall be supplied with a lever that will raise the valve from its seat a distance of not less than that equal to one-eighth of the diameter of the valve opening; but in no case shall any spring-loaded safety valve be used in lieu of the lever- weighted safety valve without first having been approved by the Board of Supervising Inspectors. The valves shall be so arranged that each boiler shall have at least one separate safety valve, unless the arrangement is such as to preclude the possibility of shutting off the communication of any boiler with the safety valve or valves employed. This arrangement shall also apply to lock-up safety valves when they are employed. The use of two safety valves may be allowed on any boiler, provided the combined area of such valves is equal to that required by rule for one such valve. Whenever the area of a safety valve, as found by the rule of this section will be greater than that cor- 200 TESTS AND INSPECTION. 201 responding to 6 inches in diameter, two or more safety valves, the combined area of which shall be equal at least to the area required, must be used. EXAMPLES: Boiler pressure =75 pounds per square inch (gauge ) . 2 furnaces: Grate surface =2x5 feet 6 inches long X 3 feet wide = 33 square feet. Water evaporated per pound of coal = 8 pounds. Coal burned per square foot grate surface per hour = 12^ pounds. Evaporation per square foot grate surface per hour = 8X12^ =100 Ibs. Hence W = 100 and gauge pressure =75 pounds. From table the corresponding value of a is .230 square inches. Therefore area of safety valve =33 X.23 =7.59 square inches. For which the diameter is 3^ inches nearly. Boiler pressure =215 pounds. 6 furnaces: Grate surface =6X5 feet 6 inches long X 3 feet 4 inches wide =110 square feet. Water evaporated per pound coal = 10 pounds. Coal burned per square foot grate surface per hour = 30 pounds. Evaporation per square foot grate surface per hour = 10 X 30 =300 Ibs. Hence W =300, gauge pressure =215, and a =.270 (from table). Therefore area of safety valve = 110 X. 270 =29.7 square inches, which is too large for one valve. Use two. 29.7 = 14.85 square inches. Diameter = 4 % inches. Rule to determine the area of a safety valve for boiler using oil as fuel or for boilers designed for any evaporation per hour : Divide the total number of pounds of water evaporated per hour by any number of pounds of water evaporated per square foot of grate surface per hour (W) taken from, and within the limits of, the table. This will give the equivalent number of square feet of grate surface for boiler for estimating the area of valve. Then apply the table as in previous examples. The areas of all safety valves on boilers contracted for or the construction of which commenced on or after June 1, 1904, shall be determined in accordance with the following formula and table : 202 THE BOILER. EXAMPLE. Required the area of a safety valve for a boiler using oil as fuel, designed to evaporate 8,000 pounds of water per hour, at 175 pounds gauge pressure. Make W=200. 8,000 = 40, the equivalent grate surface, in square feet. 200 For gauge pre:sure = 175 pounds and W=200 from table, a =.218 square inch. .218x40=8.72 square inches, the total area of safety valve required for this boiler, for which the diameter is 3jf square inches nearly. From which formula the areas required per square foot of grate surface in the following table are found by assuming the different values of W and P. The figures (a) in table multiplied by square feet of grate surface give the area of safety valve or valves required. When these calculations result in an odd size of safety valve, use next larger standard size. TESTS AND INSPECTION. 203 r (W) = pounds water eva rface per hour. pounds per square foot of grate surface per h X pounds coal burned per square foot grate .............................. CO 00 C CO CO C5 O OO'-H 5< * TJ* CO (M >-i i C < 01 CO ' CO w co co co co ro co co ro w c-i Oi M i- 'M a: -f x 't -M r si -~ -r -M ~ x i - -o ~ -r w c^t ~ c-. cr- n - co co ~ o -t *? ?o ro 'M 00 00 I- I- ffl CO O lO O O ITS >f Tf rf if rf TJ< re rC rO TO CO CO CO CO CO IN 71 C-l M 01 ^1 01 M n M M ^1 M - : x -^ OCCt-CD-trC'M 'CC ic * * * rt< * co ro co co co ro ro co ?o co < O ^ CO c -r re t-i * ~ cs x i - '-o o o -f -t re ro >! t c^ c^i -M c^i i ^ OOOt^COOI^>OCO'- J C5l~OCC'M i~CiXI-CCOO-t-frO'M7)'^^ W N 00t Q'*'* t-QlO -H -^ COO^ OOWt'N QOCO O^J Q CO COO t^- O5i-O^X)O'O--fCOCO'M^'^OOC5C;XXXI^t^t^CDCO i -H ^ 6 ^Ht^Tt<^HO5CO'tiCO'- H OXt-COO-frO'M'M- J OOO5XXl^l^t-CDCDiOiOOTtiTt<^COCOCOCO ^ t (^ w o o o ^ iri c-<'- P >-i t- o oft o c '-'XCO^'MOOJt^CC'iO-fCO'M^OO CO CO CO CO (M M Ol Ol Ol C^ O-1 C r 04 (O Q P 1-1 D N 00 19 <-* 00 j( O O O O ) T-H i-i (M (M ro CO it I >\ 'M iM (M O O i-O Tt< Tfi ^ < CO CO CO CO 01 TtiOlOOO 01 01 01 I-H Ol O t^ O Tjn Ol O 00 CO lO CO Ol T-I.-I, ii-Hi-HOOOCC iOJOOt^CDTtlCOOlOOS Ol OO5 0300000000 00 0000 t^- oooooocooooc oooi^LO-^cooioosoor^ ooooooooooo ipm aaunbs i-O O LO O O O iO O IO O 3 O * 10 O CD CO t- t-- GO 00 05 O5 Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol OJ Ol Ol OJ Ol O) CO qoui axenbs ao! amssaad ^oooo^oo^oooo^o O1O1O1O1O1O1O1COCOCOCO 4-> *o c o CO bJD i-O *0 "rt 13 TESTS AND INSPECTION. 205 Rule to find area of pop safety valve computed from grate sur- face, water evaporation and pressure : Multiply constant .2074 by water evaporated per pound of coal per hour and divide by working- pressure ; this gives area of safety valve per square foot of grate surface. Multiplying this result by total .grate surface gives re- quired area of safety valve for furnace grate area. FORMULA: .2074XW =area of safety valve per square foot of grate area LEGEND: C= constant = .2074 W = pounds of water evaporated per square foot of grate surface per hour 8 pounds of water per pound of coal. P=absolute pressure plus 15 pounds atmospheric pressure =90 pounds. G = grate surface =30 feet. Coal burned per square foot of grate per hour = 12.5 pounds. EXAMPLE: Ibs. of coal burned per square foot of grate per hour = 12.5 water evaporated = 8 100.0 .2074= constant 100 =lbs. of water evap. per hour working pressure =90)20. 7400 (. 2304 =area of valve per 1 18 square foot of grate 2 74 2 70 400 360 40 . 2304 =area of valve %j "" 30 = total square feet of grate surface 6 . 9120 =3" diameter valve required 206 THE BOILER. REQUIREMENTS IN CONSTRUCTION OF LEVER-SAFETY VALVES. All the points of bearing on lever must be in the same plane. The distance of the fulcrum must in no case be less than the diameter of the valve opening. The length of the lever should not exceed the distance of the fulcrum multiplied by ten. The width of the bearings of the fulcrum must not be less than three-fourths of 1 inch. The length of the fulcrum link should not be less than 4 inches. In all cases the weight must be adjusted on the lever to the pressure of steam allowed in each case by a correct steam gauge attached to the boiler. The weight must then be securely fastened in its position and the lever marked for the purpose of facilitating the replacing of the weight should it be necessary to remove the same, and in no case shall a line or any other device be attached to the lever or weight except in such manner as will enable the engineer to raise the valve from its seat. When safety valve is blown off always note pressure on gauge ; if there is a difference, seek the cause and adjust the gauge or valve until they are as intended. The lever safety valve, while being very extensively used, is not perfect in action or operation, in not seating itself until pressure has been reduced considerable below point it is set at. The following rules are used in determining values, viz. : pressure, length of lever and weight of ball. Rule to find weight of ball when pressure, length of lever and area of valve is known : Multiply pressure in pounds by area of valve in inches and multiply this product by distance of valve center to fulcrum ; subtract weight of lever from this product and divide sum by length of lever. LEGEND: Va = valve area = 12 . 5664 =4" valve L=length of lever = 30" W = weight of lever =20 Ibs. d = distance valve center to fulcrum =4" P = pressure =100 Ibs. FORMULA: PxVaXd W = weight required for ball TESTS AND INSPECTION. 207 EXAMPLE: 12.5664 4" valve area 100 = pressure 1256.6400 4= distance valve center to ful- crum 5026.5600 20. == weight of lever length of lever =30") 5006. 5600 (166. 8853 or 167 Ibs. nearly 30 weight of ball 200 180 206 180 265 240 256 240 160 150 100 90 10 Rule to find length of lever when pressure and weight of ball and area of valve is given: Multiply area of valve by pressure in pounds and by distance of center of valve to fulcrum ; to this product add weight of lever ; divide by weight of ball. FORMULA: VaXPXd + W = length of lever Wt EXAMPLE Wt= weight of ball = 166. 8853 Ibs. 12 . 5664 = valve area 100 =lbs. pressure 1256.6400 4" = valve center to fulcrum 5026.5600 20. = weight of lever weight of ball -166. 8853)5046. 5600 (30 =length of lever 5006 559 40 0010 208 THE BOILER. Rule to find pressure a safety valve will blow off at when weight of ball, length of lever and distance of valve center to fulcrum are known: Multiply weight of ball by length of lever, add weight of lever to this and divide by valve area multiplied by distance of valve center to fulcrum ; the quotient will be pressure in pounds. FORMULA: WtXL + W = pressure VaXd EXAMPLE : 166 . 8853 = weight of ball 30" = length of lever valve area =12. 5664 5006.5590 distance == 4" 20. = weight of lever 50 . 2656) 5026 .55900 (99 . 9 or 100 pounds 4523 904 pressure nearly 502 6550 452 3904 50 26460 45 23904 5 02556 Extracts from U. S. Government rules and regulations, pre- scribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors, as amended Janu- ary, 1907: " No engineer's license shall be issued hereafter or grade in- creased except upon. written examination, which written examination shall be placed on file as records of the office of the inspectors issuing said license. When any person makes application for license it shall be the duty of local inspectors to give the applicant the required examination as soon as practicable." CLASSIFICATION -OF ENGINEERS. CHIEF. Chief engineer of ocean steamers. Chief engineer of condensing lake, bay and sound steamers. Chief engineer of noncondensing lake, bay and sound steamers. Chief engineer of condensing river steamers. Chief engineer of noncondensing river steamers. TESTS AND INSPECTION. 209 Any person holding" chief engineer's license shall be permitted to act as first assistant on any steamer of double the tonnage of same class named in said chief's license. Engineers of all classifications may be allowed to pursue their profession upon all waters of the United States in the class for which they are licensed. FIRST ASSISTANT. First assistant engineer of ocean steamers. First assistant engineer of condensing lake, bay and sound steamers. First assistant engineer of noncondensing lake, bay and sound steamers. First assistant engineer of condensing river steamers. First assistant engineer of noncondensing river steamers. Engineers of lake, bay and sound steamers, who have actually performed the duties of engineer for a period of three years, shall be entitled to examination for engineer of ocean steamers, applicant to be examined in the use of salt water, method employed in regu- lating the density of the water in boilers, the application of the hydrometer in determining the density of sea water and the prin- ciple of constructing the instrument ; and shall be granted such grade as the inspectors having jurisdiction on the Great Lakes 'and seaboard may find him competent to fill. Any assistant engineer of steamers of 1,500 gross tons and over, having had actual service in that position for one year, may, if the local inspectors, in their judgment, deem it advisable, have his license indorsed to act as chief engineer on lake, bay, sound, or river steamers of 750 gross tons or under. Any person having had a first assistant engineer's license for two years and having had two years' experience as second assistant engineer, shall be eligible for examination for chief engineer's license. SECOND ASSISTANT. Second assistant engineer of ocean steamers. Second assistant engineer of condensing lake, bay and sound steamers. Second assistant engineer of noncondensing lake, bay and sound steamers. 210 THE BOILER. Second assistant engineer of condensing river steamers. Any person having had a second assistant engineer's license for two years and having had two years' experience as third assistant engineer, shall be eligible for examination for first assistant engineer's license. THIRD ASSISTANT. Third assistant engineer of ocean steamers. Third assistant engineer of condensing lake, bay and sound steamers. First, second, and third assistant engineers may act as such on any steamer of the grade of which they hold license, or as such assistant engineer on any steamer of a lower grade than those to which they hold a license. Any person having a third assistant engineer's license for two years and having had two years' experience as oiler or water tender since receiving said license, shall be eligible for examination for second assistant engineer's license. Inspectors may designate upon the certificate of any chief or assistant engineer the tonnage of the vessel on which he may act. Any assistant engineer may act as engineer in charge on steam- ers of 100 tons and under. In all cases where an assistant engineer is permitted to act as engineer in charge, the inspectors shall so state on the face of his certificate of license without further ex- amination. It shall be the duty of an engineer when he assumes charge of the boilers and machinery of a steamer to forthwith thoroughly examine the same and if he finds any part thereof in bad condition, caused by neglect or inattention on the part of his predecessor, he shall immediately report the facts to the master, owner, or agent and to the local inspectors of the district, who shall thereupon in- vestigate the matter and if the former engineer has been culpably derelict of his duty, they shall suspend or revoke his license. Before making general repairs to a boiler of a steam vessel the engineer in charge of such steamer shall report, in writing, the nature of such repairs to the local inspector of the district wherein such repairs are to be made. And it shall be the duty of all engineers when an accident occurs to the boilers or machinery in their charge tending to render TESTS AND INSPECTION. 211 the further use of such boilers or machinery unsafe until repairs are made, or when, by reason of ordinary wear, such boilers or machinery have become so unsafe, to report the same to the local inspectors immediately upon the arrival of the vessel at the first port reached subsequent to the accident, or after the discovery of such unsafe condition by said engineer. Whenever a steamer meets with an accident involving loss of life or damage to property, it shall be the duty of the licensed officers of any such steamer to report the same in writing and in person without delay to the nearest board: Provided, That when from distance it may be inconvenient to report in person it may be done in writing only and the report sworn to before any person authorized to administer oaths. No person shall receive an original license as engineer or assist- ant engineer (except for special license on small pleasure steamers and ferryboats of 10 tons and under, sawmill boats, pile drivers, boats exclusively engaged as fishing boats and other similar small vessels) who has not served at least three years in the engineer's department of a steam vessel, a portion of which experience must have been obtained within the three years next preceding the application. Provided, That any person who has served three years as ap- prentice to the machinist trade in a marine, stationary, or locomotive engine works, and any person who has served for a period of not less than three years as a locomotive or stationary engineer, and any. person graduated as a mechanical engineer from a duly recog- nized school of technology, may be licensed to serve as an engineer of steam vessels after having had not less than one year's experi- ence in the engine department of steam vessels, a portion of which experience must have been obtained within the three years preced- ing his application ; which fact must be verified by the certificate, in writing, of the licensed engineer or master under whom the appli- cant has served, said certificate to be filed with the application of the candidate; and no person shall receive license as above, except for special license, who is not able to determine the weight necessary to be placed on the lever of a safety valve (the diameter of valve, length of lever, distance from center of valve to fulcrum, weight of lever and weight of valve and stem being known) to with- 212 THE BOILER. stand any given pressure of steam in a boiler, or who is not able to figure and determine the strain brought on the braces of a boiler with a given pressure of steam, the position and distance apart of braces being known, such knowledge to be determined by an examination in writing, and the report of examination filed with the application in the office of the local inspectors, and no engineer or assistant engineer now holding a license shall have the grade of the same raised without possessing the above qualifications. No origi- nal license shall be granted any engineer or assistant engineer who can not read and write and does not understand the plain rules of arithmetic. Any person may be licensed as engineer (on Form 2130^) [New Form 880] on vessels propelled by gas, fluid, naphtha, or electric motors, of 15 gross tons or over, engaged in commerce, if in the judgment of the inspectors, after due examination in writing, he be found duly qualified to take charge of the machinery of vessels so propelled. Any person holding a license as engineer of steam vessels, de- siring to act as engineer of motor vessels, must appear before a board of local inspectors for examination as to his knowledge of the machinery of such motor vessels, and if found qualified shall be licensed as engineer of motor vessels. Form 878, special license to engineers, shall be issued only to engineers in charge of vessels of 10 tons and under. All other licenses to engineers shall be issued on Forms 876 and 877, according to grades specified in this section. INSPECTING BOILERS. The necessity of care in inspecting steam boilers is apparent when the amount of power stored up while the boiler is in commis- sion is known as an illustration: a common sized boiler 60" X 16' has 38923square inches, and carrying a pressure of 100 pounds, has 1946 tons of energy. With strains of expansion and contrac- tion not equal all over but varying, and limits to the extreme (i. e.) the temperature of fire in furnace to that of parts furthest from it, and furthermore when considering that 85% of the boiler is concealed this by design or principle of installation the TESTS AND INSPECTION. 213 necessity of vigilance can be realized, especially when the causes of failure and defects are numerous, viz. : Material, Design, Construction, Appliances, Fuel, Feed Water, Settings, and Management and Care. The hydrostatic test is a method not very satisfactory but often necessary when access to parts is impossible, or where a design of boiler has flat surface and notice of bulging or elongation must be noted before and after pressure ; it is necessary when notes of bracing are to be taken and when there are any minor defects such as leaks at rivets or caulking so they can be remedied before more serious results follow. When a hydrostatic test is made of boilers that are accessible, braces and such joints that are weaker than the original plates' tensile strength, must be inspected carefully for any distortions or leaks due to riveting, welds or defective flanges and hidden defects may give evidence of their presence. INSPECTIONS. There are internal and external inspections, both essential in determining the boiler's safety; for to determine the safe working pressures, an internal inspection is absolutely necessary. The conditions for this latter examination are as follows : The boiler must be cool, water out (this is supposing the boiler has been in commission), ashes and soot removed, the mud only washed out of boiler (it is well to avoid excessive pump pressure when washing out until inspection is made), this so as not to destroy or wash off any evidence of leaks that might be at points inaccessible to view from the outside, but would be in evidence at a point inside, for deposits or precipitation in suspension would collect at point where leakage was, thus giving evidence of leaks that could not be seen from outside ; this, of course, applies to boilers of size and design accessible. A thorough examination must be made of all parts of boiler accessible ; sounding plates where possible over fire or in 214 THE BOILER. furnace ; and parts where not possible over fire or in furnace to see or sound, symptoms that would deceive the eye, can, at times, be detected by the sense of touch; flanges and junction of pipes at boilers must be examined, for threads are an initial fracture, and by the pipe or boiler expanding much undue strain results and often causes breaking off of pipe. The tubes at rear and front heads being thin, are often a source of annoyance ; examine seams and rivets for leakage and cracks; see that openings to outlets are free from obstructions ; sound braces ; examine flanges, seams and rivets internally, the condition as to incrustation, corrosion, pitting, and when in doubt, give a hydrostatic test; this would reveal any weak- ness and leaks impossible to see, or defects developed by closing down the boiler, resulting in contraction. An inspection and sound- ing of braces should follow the hydrostatic test. Stay bolts must be sounded when type of boiler is braced by them. The first thing, look at or for the water level, then the steam pressure; view the furnace, tube sheets, crown sheets and sides in internal fired boilers and bottom and furnace walls in external fired boilers, looking at back head from rear doors for leakage; (the doors at rear end were designed for access to back head and to view when the boilers were in commission) the blow-off, and as much of the bottom as possible; brick work; examine the blow off pipe; if it is hot outside of valve it is evidence of leakage at valve (this unless some drips or other steam outlets are connected into same blow-off pipe). A leaky blow-off valve is a source of danger, waste of fuel and energy; the danger lies in the fact that the precipitates will collect at a point where there is leakage and as the blow-off pipe part of it is exposed to heat one can realize there is danger by burning of blow-off pipe. The outside of brick settings should be examined for fissures or cracks caused by expanding of boiler and excessive heat. These cracks admit cold air, quantity governed by size and draft. These are the cause of much loss of energy, certainly a waste of fuel, and at expense of life or boiler. Examine the feed appliances ; test the steam gauge ; following this up by firing up of boiler to point of safe working pressure, then the setting of valve if necessary. When the steam gauge is taken off. blow out the pipe and be sure it is clear, for oftentimes these pipes TESTS AND INSPECTION. 215 are neglected, and if there is a syphon or trap for condensation, this latter will generate corrosion and liable to stop up stop-cock, if nol; the pipe. Management and care must be considered, as we have measured the safe working pressure by design, material and construction. The best of man's work would be trivial in th^ hands of an ignorant boiler attendant, and the only factor for safety in such cases would be to keep the boilers cold. Again, the inspector must bear in mind that those in power to hire attendants are oftentimes those whose knowledge of the requirements necessary, for men and duties is very limited. Fuel should be considered by the inspector, for in these days of coal as fuel it must be remembered that the more sulphur in the fuel, the quicker crystallization will develop in the plates. Quality of feed water, its temperature and point of admission should be looked after; for these are elements that will, in a meas- ure, give evidence of what one expects. POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN INSPECTING BOILERS. Evidence of excessive firing; piping of boilers for best effect to allow for expansion; avoid rigidity; pipe of sufficient strength for high pressures; deterioration from leakage; corrosion from sul- phuric action soot and moisture develops sulphuric acid. Remember that 75 per cent of the boiler is concealed either by the design or set- tings and much depends on viewing and examining the minimum por- tion ; that a large amount of energy is stored up in the boiler when in commission ; for instance, a boiler 60" X 16' at 100 pounds pressure has approximately 1946" tons of energy stored in it. This suggests reasons for thought. There is lamination or blisters and bagging of plates to look for, or to be expected. See that water columns are properly connected and convenient to try at all times; that the safety valve is of sufficient size and operative ; that blow- pipes are of proper size and protected ; that the feed water ap- pliances are ample and more than one to feed boiler ; that the feed water enters at a suitable place ; that the check and stop valves are connected and placed a reasonable distance from boiler ; that the boiler (if externally fired) is properly set for heat distribution; that the grates are not too close to the boiler (bottom), for space is necessary for combustion and conductivity of heat. Do not for- 216 THE BOILER. get that it is a human being who is in charge of the boiler and that it is human to err. This will impress the inspector that if the man in -charge knew as much as he does, the inspector's services would not be necessary. It also qualifies the old adage, "No man is the best judge of his own work or actions." % THE SAFE WORKING PRESSURE. Years ago the Lloyds of Europe adopted a rule to govern the safe working by pressure, viz. : One sixth of the tensile strength of plate, multiplied by thickness of the plate, and divided by the radius ; and for years this rule was used universally. It was the supposition that the plate and rivet strength would be near equal and construction the best, 20 per cent was added for double riveted longitudinal seam. At that time low pressures were the rule, con- sequently security or safety was reasonably expected ; but when other factors came to be considered, different types of engines that required higher pressures and fuel became a prime factor, along with space, the demand for higher pressure became apparent and something more than the old time design and construction of boilers had to be considered. The weakest point had to be strengthened, necessitating butt joints, drilled holes, modern flanging, braces and bracing, larger plates and less joints, abandonment of cast iron for man holes and openings. Boiler making tools and machinery had to keep pace, thus the advancement made in the craft necessitates some more definite rules to govern us in the allowing of a safe working pressure. The factor of six, as formerly used, was, no doubt, little enough when iron plates, short and narrow, were used ; chipping done by hand, i. e., the grooving by same ; punched holes ; the drift pin and designing of seams. Thus it was absolutely necessary for a large factor of safety ; but as stated, boiler con- struction to-day is modern and complies to the demand for high pressures. We are too advanced to use such a large safety factor as 6. It is true there are the extremes, but there are things that must be considered in this matter of safety factor, viz., design ; tensile strength ; thickness of plate ; diameter of hole ; diameter and pitch of rivet; shearing strength of rivet; diameter of boiler; bracing; lowest percentage of seam. It might be carried further to be more definite, by considering the boiler's use ; if boiler would TESTS AND INSPECTION. 217 be forced ; if loads would vary ; type of engine ; if the boiler would be used for power or heating only. It would not be consistent to lay clown any specified rule to govern all cases. It may be that the boiler would deteriorate faster in one location than another. This, of course, would be a local consideration, but in these days of modern ideas, designs and con- struction, a factor of four would be ample to cover all differences in construction and material. Prepare for inspection by having ashes and deposits removed from under boiler and ash pits, tubes cleaned and soot removed. Allow boiler and setting time to cool off gradually, open gauge- cocks before letting water run out. Leave dampers open and furnace door closed. Wash boiler out and have same as dry as possible. Take steam gauges down for testing. Steam gauges should be connected with a union between stop cock and gauge, so that the latter can be taken off syphon or pipe without disturbing threads that would alter position when connect- ing gauge again. It is advisable, when having gauges tested, to raise steam and note point of blowing off, and adjust safety valve if necessary. If a hydrostatic test is to be made have pump and piping con- nected and the hydrostatic test applied to a pressure equal to the proportions of 150 pounds to 100 pounds working pressure. The U. S. Government makes annual inspections and tests and all mandates are carried out to the letter. Testing of plates, piping and material must fill all requirements, or condemnation or rejection follows. Boilers and appliances must be approved before installing and put into commission. Some of the requirements are as follows : CAST STEEL AND CAST IRON. No cast steel or cast iron subject to pressure shall be allowed to be used 4n boilers or the pipes connected thereto, except as de- scribed as follows: Cast iron or cast steel may be used in the construction of man- hole and hand-hole plates, valves and cocks, water columns, flanges, saddles, ells, tees, crosses or manifolds when such flanges, saddles, 218 THE BOILER. ells, tees, crosses, valves and cocks, or manifolds are bolted or riveted directly to the boiler and the valves or cocks ; also, casings of slip joints in pipes : Provided, however, that the material shall be of the best grade and of suitable thickness and uniform section for the pressure allowed on boilers. FEED WATER. The feed water shall not be admitted into any boiler at a temper- ature less than 100 F., and no marine boiler shall be used with- out having proper auxiliary appliances for supplying said boilers with water in addition to the usual mode employed. NAME PLATES. There shall be fastened to each boiler a plate containing the name of the manufacturer of the material, the place where manu- factured, the tensile strength, the name of the builder of the boiler, when and where built. FUSIBLE PLUGS. Every boiler, other than boilers of the water-tube type, shall have at least one fusible plug as described below. Plugs shall be made of a bronze casing filled with good Banca tin from end to end. The manufacturers of fusible plugs shall stamp their name or initials thereon for identification and shall file with the local in- spectors a certificate, duly sworn to, that such plugs are filled with Banca tin. Fusible plugs, except as otherwise provided, shall have an ex- ternal diameter of not less than three-fourths of an inch pipe tap, and the Banca tin shall be at least one-half of an inch in diameter at the smallest end and shall have a larger diameter at the center or at the opposite end of the plug. Fusible plugs, when used in the tubes of upright boilers, shall have an external diameter of not less than three-eighths of an inch pipe tap, and the Banca tin shall be at least one- fourth of an inch in diameter at the smaller end and shall have a greater diameter at the opposite end of the plug: Provided, however, that all plugs used in boilers carrying a steam pressure exceeding 150 pounds to the square inch may be reduced at the smaller end of the Banca tin to five-sixteenths of an inch in diameter. Externally heated cylindrical boilers, with flues, shall have one TESTS AND INSPECTION. 219 plug inserted in one flue and also one plug inserted in shell of each boiler, immediately below the' fire line and not less than 4 feet from the front end : Provided, however, that when such flues are not more than 6 inches in diameter a fusible plug of not less diameter than three-eighths-inch pipe tap may be used in such flues. Other shell boilers, except especially provided for, shall have one plug inserted in the crown sheet of the back connection. Vertical tubular boilers shall have one plug inserted in one of the tubes at least 2 inches below the lowest gauge cock, but in boilers having a cone top the plug shall be inserted in the upper tube sheet. All plugs shall be inserted so that the small end of the Banca tin shall be exposed to the fire. It shall be the duty of the inspector at each annual inspection to see that the plugs are in good condition. GAUGE COCKS AND WATER GLASS. All boilers shall be supplied with one reliable water gauge and three gauge cocks in each boiler: Provided, that when the gauge glass and gauge cocks are connected to the boilers by a water column there must be an additional gauge cock inserted in the head or shell of boiler. The lower gauge cock in boilers more than 48 inches in diameter shall not be less than 4 inches from the top of the flues or tubes. In boilers less than 48 inches in diameter the lower gauge cock shall not be less than 2y 2 inches above the top of the flues or tubes. A gauge glass shall be con- sidered a reliable water gauge, and a float such as used on western river steamers shall be considered on such boilers as a reliable water gauge. In vertical boilers or boilers of the water-tube type the location of the lowest gauge cock shall be determined by the local inspectors. Boilers known as flash boilers constructed of a continuous coil of pipe or series of coils of pipes under three-fourths inch in diam- eter, whose construction has been approved by the Board of Super- vising Inspectors, shall not be required to be supplied with gauge cocks or low- water gauges. 220 THE BOILER. DRILLING TO DETERMINE THICKNESS. Any boiler ten years old or more shall, at the first annual inspection thereafter, be drilled at points near the water line and at bottom of shell of boiler, or such other points as the local in- spectors may direct, to determine the thickness of such material at those points ; and the steam pressures allowed shall be gov- erned by such ascertained thickness and the general condition of the boiler. HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE. The hydrostatic pressure applied must be in the proportion of 150 pounds to the square inch to 100 pounds to the square inch of the steam pressure allowed and the inspector, after applying the hydrostatic test, must thoroughly examine every part of the boiler. In applying the hydrostatic test to boilers with a steam chimney, the test gauge should be applied to the water line of such boilers. All coil and pipe boilers hereafter made, when such boiler is completed and ready for inspection, must be subjected at the first inspection to a hydrostatic pressure double that of the steam pres- sure allowed in the certificate of inspection. The use of malleable-iron or cast-steel manifolds, tees, return bends or elbows in the construction of pipe generators shall be allowed and the pressure of steam shall not be restricted to less than one-half the hydrostatic pressure applied to pipe generators unless a weakness should develop under such test as would render it unsafe in the judgment of the inspector making such inspection. DRUMS AND HEADS. All drums attached to coil, pipe, sectional or water-tube boilers not already in use or actually contracted for, to be built for use on a steam vessel and its building commenced at or before the date of the approval of this rule, shall be required to have the heads of wrought iron or steel or cast steel flanged and substan- tially riveted to the drums or secured by bolts and nuts of equal strength with rivets, in all cases where the diameters of such drums exceed 6 inches. Drums and water cylinders constructed with a bumped head at each or either end, (any opening in the shell or heads to be TESTS AND INSPECTION. 221 reinforced as required by the rules of the Board, the circumferen- tial and horizontal seams to be welded and properly annealed after such welding is completed), when tested with a hydrostatic pressure at least double the amount of the steam pressure allowed may be used for marine purposes. PIPES. COPPER. All copper pipe subject to pressure shall be flanged over or outward to a depth of not less than twice the thickness of the material in the pipe and such flanging shall be made to a radius not to exceed the thickness of the pipe. On boilers whose con- struction was commenced after June 30, 1905, no bend will be allowed in copper pipe of which the radius is less than one and one-half times the diameter of the pipe and such pipe must be so led and flanges so placed that they may be readily taken down if required. Such pipes must be protected by iron casings when run through coal bunkers and must be clear of the coal chutes. The flanges of all copper steam pipes over 3 inches in diam- eter shall be made of brass or bronze composition, forged iron or steel, or open-hearth steel castings and shall be securely brazed or riveted to the pipe : Provided, however, that when such pipes are properly formed with a taper through the flange, such taper being fully reinforced, the riveting or brazing may be dispensed with : And provided, also, that when the pipe has been expanded by proper and capable machinery into grooved flanges and the pipe flared out at the ends to an angle of approximately 20, said angle to be taken in the direction of the length of the pipe and having a depth of flare equal to at least one and one-half times the thick- ness of the material in the pipe, said riveting or brazing may be dispensed with. Where copper pipes are expanded into or riveted to 4 flanges it will be necessary for the pipes with their flanges at- tached to withstand a hydrostatic pressure of two and one-half times the boiler pressure. Flanges must be of sufficient thickness and must be fitted with such number of good and substantial bolts to make the joints at least equal in strength to all other parts of the pipe. Any form of joint that will add to the safety or increase the 222 THE BOILER. strength of flange and pipe connections over those provided for by this rule, will be allowed on any and all classes of steam pipe. WATER TUBE AND COIL BOILERS. Blue prints or drawings of coil boilers and of other boilers, with their specifications, submitted to the Board of Supervising In- spectors for approval under section 4429, Revised Statutes of the United States, must be in duplicate before action thereon will be taken by the Board, with a view of approving the same ; one set to be filed with the records of the Board of Supervising Inspectors and the other with the records of the supervising inspector of the district where the manufacturer of the boiler is located. Rule to find the working pressure allowable on cylindrical shells of water tube or coil boilers, when such shells have a row or rows of pipes or tubes inserted therein : From pitch of holes subtract diame- ter of pipe, then multiply by thickness of plate and one-sixth of tensile strength. Divide this product by pitch of holes multiplied by radius. FORMULA: p d XT X 1/6 of TS pXR LEGEND: = pressure p= pitch =1" d = diameter of pipe = 1" T = thickness of plate = K?" TS= tensile strength =60000 R = radius = 10" EXAMPLE: 2 = pitch 1 = diameter of pipe 1 . 5 = thickness of plate pitch = 2" .5 radius =10" 10000 = one-sixth of tensile strength of plate 20) 5000 . (250 pounds pressure allowed 40 100 100 CHAPTER X. FEED WATER HEATING AND PURIFICATION. While boiler designing, construction and setting have received the thought and attention of many prominent specialists of this age, this for security against the high pressures necessary to meet the demands of modern engines and that factor, fuel, it is apparent even to the layman that the feed water for steam boilers must be a factor worthy of much consideration, for it means life of boiler and efficiency of same this under varying conditions even to those who have free fuel and best of water. Various appliances and methods are employed to obtain the best possible results from feed water, for the latter is one of the primaries for disaster and expense in operation. Many well designed and well constructed boilers have been condemned on this account. Reputations that have been built on years of experience and study have been affected by local influences bad feed water. Instances can be cited where boilers designed and made by the most progressive boiler makers have been condemned and only material and construction given by the operators as a cause for failures or reduced condition. Feed water is the initial factor in the steam plant. To install the best designed and constructed boiler from the best of material and subject the same to bad feed water, failure of seams or plate are the results expected. In some localities incrustation and deposits from water are un- known this where matter which is soluble in land strata are absent but these locations are very few to the major part of this country. Hence the necessity for an appliance a vital adjunct to the steam plant i. e., a feed water purifier. Many and varied are the appliances now used for this purpose ; it would seem that each one has its advocates and no doubt its niche, or suitable place. They all aim to obtain the best possible results, but many fail to accomplish the maximum effect. 223 224 THE BOILER. A brief description of types mostly in use may be interesting or at least give some food for thought. Possibly future discussions may change views and show that present convictions are wrong. Such subjects are almost inexhaustible and when analyzed they can be made subjects of much merit and of great interest to those whose lives are devoted to steam engineering. For instance, analyzing the boiler, we. find : Material. Design. Construction. Settings. Appliances. Management and care, and Feed water. . It is the latter which I will attempt to digest, not in material value order, or on personal judgment, but as they suggest themselves to the mind when reviewing this subject. A brief description of types in use are : 1. Auxiliary pipes. 2. Water backs. 3. Pipes in uptakes. 4. Closed heaters. 5. Boxes or receptacles in boilers. 6. Live steam heaters. 7. Open heaters. There is no question but that any or all of these types have some merit in some particular place or under some conditions. I will take them up in individual order and try to point out their degree of usefulness, or advantages, one over the other. In order to obtain the best values, we must look for require- ments, they must be known ; then put them in valued order. The heater and purifier must have some of these requirements. There is much variance with each type, no two alike, when units of measurement are taken. Quotations of prices are based on indi- vidual units of measurement and, like the different types of boilers, are rated on a given quantity of heating surface ranging from 6 to 15 square feet this irrespective of plate thickness, grate surface, fuel or draft. It is the same with the heaters and so-called purifiers. MISCELLANEOUS. 225 1. AUXILIARY PIPES. These are connected to boiler, water and steam connections. They simply make additional heating surface and have very little merit otherwise. They are not to be recommended for either effi- ciency, safety or economy. They are short-lived, a menace to se- curity, subject to incrustation and fracture due to expansion and contraction; impossible to clean, making, oftentimes, long and serious delays. It is like courting disaster to apply these to a boiler. 2. WATER BACKS. These are usually placed back of boiler, top of setting, or in front of or at sides of furnace and shapes are either cylindrical or flat. They are supposed to act in a dual capacity feed water heater and form an arch or a part of the furnace. It cannot be said that there is any fuel economy. They are a part of the boiler and absorb furnace heat. They have boiler pressure, and are no prevention against solids in suspension going into boiler. They often become incrustated, necessitating repairs, and when one con- siders the difference in temperature in such a short space, between parts exposed to fire and boiler room, expectations can be realized. The tempering of water by heat before going to boiler, as in case of injectors, is the only point of merit they have. The cylinder type may have some advantages strength of form and being more accessible to clean. The flat type offers little in that respect. The latter are more costly, owing to the flange and the bracing by stay bolts. Again, either type has the disadvantage of adding weight on settings or walls. The latter are expensive items in keeping up the boiler plant. 3. PIPES IN UPTAKE. This application for heating feed water has sometimes primary benefits in the way of economy, due to absorbing heat from escaping gases. But this is largely a guess and it is a question if they are often or long economical, for the heat escaping up the stack or uptake is a large factor, in fact very necessary and essential when natural draft is depended on, and supply limited ; for to reduce this temperature means less oxygen to fuel. 226 THE BOILER. In some places, and under some conditions, there may be some economy, but in the average plant, none. Incrustated pipes, solids in suspension forced into boilers, fractures, delays in removal or cleaning, can be expected. This type cannot be considered a profit- able investment even in plants where induced draft is used, unless water is purified before going through same. 4. CLOSED HEATERS. Water or steam tubes or pipes, return bends, corrugated or straight, coils, with and without setting chambers. These appliances are made in varying forms, the aim being to obtain heat from exhaust steam in non-condensing plants, but it is futile to expect anything like purification of feed water from this type. No matter what design they are, their value is limited to that of heating to some extent, the feed water then at a low temperature. They have pressure in excess of the boiler, this owing to the neces- sity of lifting check valve or overcoming weight of water and pres- sure in boiler. The exhaust steam temperature must be. conducted through plate pipes, coils or tubes, there being no chance for precipi- tation other than light solids, such as magnesia this owing to lack of temperature imparted by exhaust and the existing pressure in heater, even with back pressure on engine, for to precipitate other solids the temperature must be increased with pressure obtained in heater. For instance, if pressure was 100 pounds, the temperature necessary would be 338 F., but at atmospheric pressure it would be 212 F. Then what chances could there be even with back pressure when the heat must be conducted through plate? Should light solids be precipitated these would be forced into boiler. Again, this type or class of heater is hard if not almost impossible to clean. Thus, should any solids be in suspension and collect, when the attempt is made to clean exhaust pipes must be disconnected and those of water or steam tube type are difficult for access. Those with a so-called setting chamber have very little effect from settling, for these have a continuous circulation when feed water passes through. Hence settling is impossible when pumps would be stopped ; then the only amount of settling would be equal to that which volume of water at that time would hold. One argument used in its favor, as heard, is that "only one MISCELLANEOUS. 227 pump is required." This apparently is enough to convince the lay- man that to select this type is wise. Some of these closed heaters may have individual merit. For instance, the return bend expands on one end that is, it is free to do so. Then the corrugated tube has additional heating surface and prevents leaking at ends, expan- sion and contraction being taken up by the corrugations. But in this form of heater, condensation is usually lost with its purity and heat units. This heater is fast being relegated to one place in the power plant, and that place is the condensing one. Its position being between the engine, cylinder and injection water. Its value, besides giving some heat, is to prevent condensation of steam in cylinder by the injection water. 5. THE BOX OR RECEPTACLE THAT IS PLACED IN THE BOILER. This idea of a feed water heater and purifier is not new. It is old and has been tried and found wanting. These may be ob- tained in any shape, or to be put or placed in any part of boiler, on top of tubes or under same. That does not prevent results from being the same. Though feeding impure water into a box having holes or slots, it is a fact the water must find its level, must flow to that point where steam globules are formed and then ascend into space to diffuse. Precipitation does not occur at the instant of contact with heat. Even if it did these receptacles are only settling pans and the perforations are limited this to confine water inside as long as possible and to aid precipitation. Danger is courted, for should those openings become stopped up danger from low water is the result. If these boxes are open then the solids will find their way to all parts of boiler this through circulation. These boxes obstruct steam passages, retard circulation and make internal inspections impossible. The price involved in these would bo far better invested in something to prevent solids from going into boiler or in aiding to purify feed water before going into boilers, this being done now in modern plants. 6. THE LIVE STEAM HEATER AND PURIFIER. The live steam purifier, like all other contrivances and appliances for bettering the condition of boilers and increasing efficiency and reducing the hazard and risk in steam boilers, has its advocates. 228 THE BOILER. Much has been claimed for it. Like preceding types it no doubt has some features that might at least appear commendable. But, however, claims are one thing, effects, results and investments are others. The name is somewhat misleading. Its value ceases as an investment when cost and maintenance are experienced. While ad- mitting that it would have one factor, that of precipitation of solids that were held in solution by boiler pressure temperature, this does not alone insure purity of water or establish it as a purifier, for two results are necessary for purification of feed water viz. : precipitation and filtering. The pans used are settling surfaces for some of the solids that will settle, but much goes into boiler through gravity circulation. The live steam heaters are selected for only one action precipita- tion and this at the expense of condensation, they being in a position at a considerable distance from water line to grate surface. Some argue that if only some of the solids are prevented from going into boiler, the value of the live steam heater must be considered with fuel saving and efficiency gained, this offsetting the condensa- tion. But there are points of disadvantages. The added hazard, being subjected to the full boiler pressure, has additional energy stored in it. They are placed much higher than boiler water line, access to clean difficult, involve much expense for installation, special frame support and floor. When points of advantages are taken into consideration and weighed with the disadvantages, care should be taken when selection of a feed water purifier is to be made. 7. THE OPEN HEATER AND PURIFIER. Feed water purification is a possibility and this is when open type of feed water heater and purifier is used, (this is only when care and reason are exercised in selection), and this can be done with minimum loss of furnace heat. It is practically the solution solved when the elements and requirements are adjusted and propor- tions are .proper, viz., time and temperature. Where a lack of temperature fails time must be increased. Additional body of water will represent time. This appliance is open to the atmosphere. The feed water supply comes in contact with the exhaust steam or steam used for tern- MISCELLANEOUS. 229 perature necessary for precipitation. It will produce a partial vacuum on engine when exhaust steam is used. Precipitation occurs at lowest possible temperature, 15 to 20 per cent of pure water being gained by condensation. There are some open heaters that are so constructed that precipitation is expected at instant of contact of steam and water. Others have so limited a supply of water that no time for action is allowed. In some cases a few strokes of the pump takes all the water out. Others, while they have a copious supply of water, the filtering material is such that it separates, thus leaving water with its solids in suspension free to go to pump, then to the boiler. Others, again, have no facilities for cleaning the filter, unless at expense of closing down or putting cold water into boilers. Most of these are simply receivers, heaters or condensers. They cannot be termed feed water purifiers. A few suggestions on selection may be in order. Conditions must be observed. First, quality of water to be used ; this will de- termine the filtering^ surface, but the main requirements are : high temperature, large body of water, large amount of filtering surface, easy to clean. The two elements, time and temperature, are necessary. Points to be considered in selecting slow filtering filter acces- sible to clean when in use, filtering material and adjustment of same against derangement. When filtering is operative, deposits will collect on filtering ma- terial, thus the necessity of some way fo clean off same at any time. There is the greatest of economy in heating feed water by exhaust steam, even when the latter is used for heating purposes. In this age we are resorting to chemistry as a positive aid in water purification. 230 THE BOILER. H * g J, 1 S I oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo o* o^ ^ o^ ^ ^ ^ o^ ^ ^ ^ o o OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO O^ ^ ^ O^ O** O^i ^ ^ ^ O> O^i O O O 10 ro ' * O ^ t^ CO IP 1-1 6*0 H o o o o o o o i I CO CO CO CO CO CO o T3 y, II rt C tf> oJ C/3 flj OJ C- bJO ^ C^ C .*3 % ' ^tf V B ^o D ^2 W o 8H VH a MISCELLANEOUS. 231 FORMULA: FT OT X C = percentage FT = final temperature = 209 OT = original temperature =60 C = constant = . 0864 EXAMPLE: 209 = final temperature 60 = original temperature 149 = difference of temperature . 0864 = column constant 596 894 1192 12 . 8736 = 12 9/10 per cent, nearly PUMPS AND TANKS. The efficiency of a pump varies with the type, size, lift, elevation, temperature of water and friction. The steam pump is flexible as regards capacity, a few revolutions faster or slower will greatly increase or diminish the quantity delivered, the maximum efficiency depending on details as to size and connection and locating pump. Hot water cannot be lifted by suction, as its vapor destroys the necessary vacuum, hence the necessity to have the hot water flow to the pump. When long suction pipes are used it will be necessary to have a larger size than with shorter distances, this to allow for friction which might prevent adequate supply to pump. Use as few elbows and sharp bends and valves as possible; avoid traps or air pockets in pipe ; suction pipes should be absolutely air tight. A vacuum chamber should be placed on the opposite side of the pump from where suction enters and a foot valve will be found advantage- ous and desirable, the latter if its location is such that it can be drained when necessary. The valve insures quick starting of pump by keeping suction pipe filled with water. A priming pipe will be convenient when chambers are to be filled to enable pump to start quickly. In starting a pump under pressure it oftentimes happens that the pump will not discharge the water while the pressure is 232 THE BOILER. resting on the discharge valve, for the reason that the air in pump cylinders is not discharged, but only compressed by the motion of plungers, then it is necessary to expel air from pump and suction pipe. This can be done by placing a check valve in the discharge pipe near the pump and opening an air vent on the discharge be- tween pump and check, or on a valve chamber on top. A relief valve is desirable, to prevent damage which might occur by obstruction in discharge line, thus increasing pressure on pump in excess of that which pump was designed for. Sometimes a pump when first started will deliver a good stream of water, which gradually diminishes in volume until it stops entirely. One reason for this is leak in suction pipes or stuffing box of pump, or, when suction primer is used, in the hand pump stuffing box. Another reason might be that the* pump lowers the suction supply, thus increasing the lift until there is not sufficient speed for the elevation. If the pump works indifferently, delivering a stream obviously too small, it is generally because the pump was not properly primed and some air remains in the top part of pump shell. Unless primed by steam ejector the pet cock or plug found on top of pump shell should always be open while priming, and the pump must not be started until water flows out of same. A pump with horizontal top discharge and short length of dis- charge pipe is sometimes difficult to start, especially if suction lift is high, owing to the fact that the water is thrown out of the pump shell before the water in suction pipe has got fairly started, thus allowing air to rush back into the pump. If the pump is to work under this condition it is better to use a pump with a vertical dis- charge and deliver through an elbow, or else lead the discharge pipe upward for a short distance so as to keep a slight pressure or head on the pump, and after priming as high as possible start quickly. There is generally nothing gained by running above the proper speed required for a given elevation. MISCELLANEOUS. 233 To find the theoretical horse power required to elevate water, multiply the gallons pumped per minute by the head in feet and by 8.33 (weight of one gallon of water) and divide product by 33,000. This will be only approximate. LEGEND: EXAMPLE: 800 = gallons per minute 800 gallons per minute 20 =feet elevation 20 =feet elevation 8.33 = weight of one gallon of water 16000 8 . 33 = weight of one gallon of water 48000 48000 128000 33000)133280.000(4.038 H. P. required 132000 1280 00 990 00 290 000 264 000 26 000 Ordinarily pumps will elevate water 50 to 60 feet, and if specially built in regard to strength, could elevate 100 feet, depending on speed. THEORETICAL STEAM CONSUMPTION. AT A PISTON TRAVEL OF 100 FEET PER MINUTE. For use with this table, the effective piston travel is only that portion of the total travel during which the steam valve is open. Thus, if an engine is running 400 feet per minute, and cutting off at T/2 stroke, its effective travel will be 200 feet, and its theoretical steam consumption will be 200 divided by 100 multiplied by the amount given in the table for its cylinder diameter and steam 234 THE BOILER. pressure. The actual consumption exceeds the theoretical by 25 per cent to 50 per cent. *o ^ Q'lS 11 -L- C INITIAL STEAM PRESSURE o.S = ">> s? 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 go uS STEAM CONSUMPTION IN POUNDS PER HOUR 8 34.9 365 410 455 500 540 585 630 670 720 760 9 44.3 465 507 575 630 690 740 800 855 920 964 10 54.5 570 640 710 780 845 915 985 1050 1125 1185 11 66 690 770 860 940 1020 1110 1190 1270 1360 1435 12 78.5 820 920 1020 1120 1220 1320 1420 1520 1620 1710 14 107 1120 1250 1390 1530 1660 1800 1940 2070 2210 2330 16 139.6 1460 1625 1810 2000 2160 2350 2530 2700 2880 3040 18 176.7 1850 2070 2290 2530 2750 2970 3200 3420 3650 3850 20 218.2 2290 2550 2840 3120 3380 3660 3950 4200 4500 4750 22 264 2760 3090 3430 3760 4100 4430 4780 5090 5440 5750 24 314 3290 3660 4070 4490 4860 5270 5680 6060 6480 6820 26 369 3870 4310 4800 5270 5720 6200 6680 7110 7600 8020 28 428 4490 5000 5560 6110 6650 7190 7750 8260 8820 9310 30 491 5160 5750 6390 7010 7610 8250 8880 9490 10120 10680 EXAMPLE: To determine the steam consumption of a 12 and 18 X 12 X 18 Duplex Compound Pump : Piston speed 85 feet per minute : Initial Steam pressure 100 pounds. Since the pump is duplex and since live steam enters the high pressure cylinders only, the theoretical consumption would be double that of a single 12" cylinder ; or at 100 feet piston speed, 1220 X 2 - 2440 pounds per hour. Theoretical consumption at 85 feet piston speed, 2440 X .85 = 2074 pounds per hour. The actual steam consumption exceeds the theoretical by 20 per cent to 50 per cent. The mean pressure of the atmosphere is usually estimated at 14.7 pounds per square inch, so that with a perfect vacuum it will sustain a column of mercury 29.9 inches, or a column of water 33.9 feet high at sea level. To determine the proportion between the steam and the pump cylinder, multiply the given area of the pump cylinder by the resistance on the pump in pounds per square inch, and divide the product by the available pressure of steam in pounds per square inch. The product equals the area of the steam cylinder. To this MISCELLANEOUS. 235 must be added an extra area to overcome the friction, which is usually taken at 25 per cent. The resistance of friction in the flow of water through pipes of uniform diameter is independent of the pressure and increase directly as the length and the square of the velocity of the flow, and inversely as the diameter of the pipe. With wooden pipes the fric- tion is 1.75 times greater than in metallic. Doubling the diameter increases the capacity four times. To determine the velocity in feet per minute necessary to dis- charge a given volume of water in a given time, multiply the number of cubic feet of water by 144 and divide the product by the area of the pipe in inches. To determine the area of a required pipe, the volume and velocity of water being given, mulptily the number of cubic feet of water by 144 and divide the product by the velocity in feet per minute. To find the diameter of pump plungers to pump a given quantity of water at 100 feet piston speed per minute, divide the number of gallons by 4, then extract the square root, and the result will be the diameter in inches of the plungers. To find the number of gallons delivered per minute by a single double-acting pump at 100 feet piston speed per minute, square the diameters of the plungers, then multiply by 4. The area 'of the steam piston, multiplied by the steam pressure, gives the total amount of pressure that can be exerted. The area of the water piston, multiplied by the pressure of water per square inch, gives the resistance. A margin must be made between the power and resistance. CAPACITY OF PUMPS AT 100 FEET PISTON SPEED. A travel of 100 feet piston speed per minute is considered prac- tical and is accepted as standard speed. Slow speed for boiler feeding is recommended. No set rule can be given to cover all conditions. In Fire Pumps, where the largest quantity of water is required, the speed may exceed 200 feet per minute. 236 THE BOILER. THEORETICAL CAPACITY OF PUMPS AT 100 FEET SPEED OF PISTON OR PLUNGER. Diameter of Pump or Plunger in Inches U. S. GALLONS PER Diameter of Pump or Plunger in Inches U. S. GALLONS PER Minute Hour 24 Hours Minute Hour 24 Hours 1 4.07 244.7 5875 14% 828 49704 1192896 1% 6.37 382.5 9180 143 / 2 858 51468 1235232 1;L/ 9.18 550.8 13219 14% 887 53256 1278144 1% 12.49 749 17992 15 918 55070 1321915 2 16.31 979 23500 15% 949 56928 1366272 2% 20.6 1239 28180 980 58800 1411200 25.5 1530 36720 15% 1012 60720 1457280 2% 30.8 1851 44424 16 1044 62668 1504046 36.7 2203 52878 16 M 1077 64638 1551312 3% 43.1 2586 62064 1110 66642 1599408 49.9 2998 71971 16% 1144 68676 1648224 3% 57.3 3442 82619 17 1179 70752 1698048 4 65.2 3916 94002 17% 1214 72840 1748160 4% 73.7 4422 106128 1249 74964 1799136 82.6 4957 118971 17% 1285 77124 1850976 4% 92 5523 132552 18 1322 79314 1903550 102 6120 146880 18% 1359 81528 1956672 5M 112 6745 161934 1396 83778 2010672 123 7404 177696 18% 1434 86060 2065449 5% 134 8093 194248 19 1473 88368 2120832 6 146 8812 211511 19% 1511 90660 2175840 6M 159 9562 229500 19//> 1552 93120 2234880 63^ 172 10344 248256 19% 1590 95400 2289600 185 11152 267660 20 1632 97920 2350080 7 4 200 11995 287884 20% 1673 100380 2409120 7% 214 12867 308808 20^ 1714 102840 2468160 229 13769 330478 20% 1756 105396 2529504 7% 245 14700 352300 21 1799 107952 2590848 8 261 15667 376011 21% 1842 110538 2652912 8% 277 16660 399852 213^ 1886 113154 2715696 294 17688 424512 21% 1930 115800 2779200 8% 312 18741 449978 22 1974 118482 2843568 9 330 19828 475887 22% 2020 121194 2908656 349 20944 502668 22^ 2065 123924 2974176 91^ 368 22092 530208 22% 2111 126696 3040704 9% 388 23280 558720 23 2158 129492 3107808 10 408 24480 587518 23 % 2205 132324 3175776 10% 428 25716 617184 233^ 2253 135186 3244464 449 26989 647789 23% 2301 138078 3313872 10% 471 28290 678960 24 2349 140958 3382992 11 493 - 29616 710784 24% 2399 143952 3454848 11% 516 30986 743677 243^ 2449 146958 3526992 539 32374 776993 24% 2499 149952 3598848 11% 564 33795 811080 25 2550 152994 3671856 12 587 35251 846046 253^ 2653 159179 3820300 12% 612 36735 881640 26 2758 165484 3971630 637 38250 918000 263^ 2865 171908 4125800 12% 663 39816 955584 27 2974 178457 4282967 13 689 41370 992880 273^ 3085 185130 4443125 13% 716 42972 1031328 28 3199 191922 4606125 743 44610 1070640 28K 3314 198838 4772118 13% 771 46278 1110672 29 3431 205876 4941028 14 799 47980 1151536 30 3672 220320 5287675 For practical purposes, deduct deliver its theoretical capacity. 10 per cent, as no pump will MISCELLANEOUS. 237 FRICTION Loss IN POUNDS PRESSURE. For each 100 feet of length, in different size, clean iron pipes, discharging given quantities of water per minute. SIZES OF PIPES INSIDE DIAMETER. 3-S I i ! 1 i i 16 in. 18 in. OS 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 fin. 3.3 13.0 28.7 50.4 78.0 1 in. 0.84 3.16 6.98 12.3 19.0 27.5 37 liin. 0.31 1.05 2.38 4.07 6.40 9.15 19 4 Hm. 0.12 0.47 0.97 1.66 2.62 3.75 5 05 2 in. 6!i2 ' 6!i2 oioi 2^ in. 3 in. 4 in. 6 in. Sin. 10 in. 12in. 14 in. ..,.. 0.21 1.10 48.0 16.1 20 2 6.52 8 15 1.60 24.9 56 1 10.0 22 4 2.44 5 32 0.81 1 80 0.35 74 0.09 39.0 9.46 14 9 7.20 4 89 1.31 1 99 0.33 0.05 21.2 28.1 37.5 7.0 9.46 12.47 19.66 28.06 2.85 3.85 5.02 7.76 11.2 15.2 19 5 0.69 0.10 1.22 1.89 2.66 3.65 4 73 0.17 0.26 0.37 0.50 66 '6!67 0.09 0.12 16 '6.03 0.04 0.05 08 6.6 i 6'.02 '.'.'.'.'. : : : : : '.'.'.'.'. ..... '. ... '. 25.0 30.8 6.0.1 7.43 0.81 0.96 2.21 3.88 0.20 0.25 0.53 9.94 1 46 0.07 0.09 0.18 0.32 49 0.03 0.04 0.08 0.13 20 6.'6i7 6.062 6.009 6.036 6.005 6.020 2.09 0.70 95 0.29 38 0.135 0.071 0.040 1.23 0.49 63 0.234 0.123 0.071 ...... ::;:: 0.77 1.11 0.362 0.515 0.697 0.910 0.188 0.267 0.365 0.472 0.593 0.730 0.107 0.150 0.204 0.263 0.333 0.408 ;:;:: . . .' . '. i I 238 THE BOILER. PH s 03 0) 0* CN O o pi }0 cq t^ xo u-i t^. (f\ OO O ^t- "I !>. ^ r-H VO CO O t^ ^O ^O * OO rH U") 0> ^CM^^CSJi-HCyiOOOOOTfOrOOO PH B r^ 00 u-> 00 t^ CO 10 CM O ^ Ch ^1 00 g i? 03 00 ::::::::::::: ^>00 , g t^ (N O CN 00 00 O fO 00 vO 1> i 1 1 i ro ^- >-o r^ c^ o o 01 vo o C<] ro ** vo MISCELLANEOUS. SIZES FOR BOILER FEED PUMPS. 239 Diameter of Strain Cylinder Diam. of Water Cylinder Stroke Horse Power Boilers Steam Pipe Exhaust Pipe Suction Pipe Discharge Pipe zy>" 2M" 4" 30 to 40 H" MT 1" " 4^ 2^ 4 80 to 100 y?, M 2 1M 5^ 3^ 5 140 to 160 H 1M 2^ 1H When long suction is required use larger suction pipe. Ordi- narily allowance for boiler feeding is to deliver 1 cubic foot or 7y 2 gallons of water per horse power. 240 THE BOILER. M OTS 8 o ^g r W I? bX) oJ o3 o w i i ,O O , ,; 'jfi O)^,-, WJH o3 ^ CO O oo rOiJ^t^oO xo ^-O ^o 10 *o VD vo vo vo vO rH ^ rH i t O O^ I>* 10 ro ~H i-HC0 1 ^v)t^oO<^ oj ^ C ^5 -d ^ c o rt >> ll bo "to ' ^ CO - le el o3 vr>vOvOO>OvO'OvO'sOvOvO. c oV^ ^ 242 THE BOILER. MISCELLANEOUS. 243 Rule to find pressure of water head : Multiply constant .434 by number of feet of head. EXAMPLE: . 434 = constant 45 =feet head 2170 1736 19. 530 ^pressure or 19^ Ibs. approxi- mately TANKS. Rule to find capacity of round tank : Square diameter in inches and multiply sum by .7854, then by height in inches ; divide this product by 231. This gives capacity in gallons. FORMULA : D 2 x.7854xh = capacity of round tank 231 LEGEND: D = diameter of tank = 60" h = height of tank =60" 231 cubic inches in one gallon EXAMPLE: 60" = diameter of tank 60 3600 = diameter squared .7854 14400 18000 28800 25200 2827.4400 60 = height 231) 169646 . 4000 (734 . 4 gallons capacity 1617 794 693 1016 924 924 924 244 THE BOILER. U. S. GALLONS IN ROUND TANKS. For 1 Foot in Depth. Dia. of Tanks. 1 No. U. S. Gals. Cubic Ft. and Area in sq. ft Dia. of Tanks. No. U. S. Gals. Cubic Ft. ami Area in sq. ft. Dia. of Tanks. No. U. S. Gals. Cubic Ft. and Area in sq. ft. ft. in ft. in. ft. in. 1 5.87 .785 5 8 188.66 25.22 19 2120.90 283 53 1 1 6.89 .922 5 9 194.25 25.97 19 3 2177.10 291 .04 1 2 8. 1.069 5 10 199.92 26.73 19 6 2234 298 . 65 1 3 9.18 1.227 5 11 205.67 27.49 19 9 2291.70 306 . 25 1 4 10.44 1.396 6 211.51 28.27 20 2350 10 314.16 1 5 11.79 1 . 576 6 3 229.50 30 . 68 20 3 2409 . 20 322 '. 06 1 6 13.22 1.767 6 6 248 . 23 33.18 20 6 2469.10 330 . 06 1 1 7 8 14.73 16.32 1.989 2.182 6 7 9 267 . 69 287 . 88 35 . 78 38.48 20 21 9 2529 . 60 2591. 338.16 346 . 36 1 9 17.99 2.405 7 3 308.81 41.28 21 3 2653. 354 (}(*, 1 1 2 2 2 10 11 1 2 17.95 21.58 23.50 25.50 27.58 2.460 2.885 3.142 3.409 3 . 687 7 7 8 8 8 6 9 3 6 330.48 352 . 88 376.01 399 . 88 424.48 44.18 47.17 50.27 53 . 46 56.75 21 21 22 22 22 6 9 3 6 2715.80 2779.30 2843 . 60 2908 . 60 2974.30 363.' 05 371.54 380 . 1 3 388.82 397.61 2 3 29.74 3.976 8 9 449 . 82 60.13 22 9 3040 . 80 406 . 49 2 4 31.99 4 . 276 9 475.89 63.62 23 3108. 415 48 2 2 5 6 34.31 36 . 72 4.587 4.909 9 9 3 6 502 . 70 530 . 24 67.20 70.88 23 23 3 6 3179.90 3244 60 424 '56 433 . 74 2 7 39.21 5.241 9 9 558.51 74.66 23 9 3314. 443' 01 2 8 41 .78 5.585 10 587 . 52 78.54 24 3384 10 452.39 2 9 44.43 5.940 10 3 617.26 82.52 24 3 3455. 461 .86 2 10 47.16 6 . 305 10 6 640 . 74 86.59 24 6 3526 60 471.44 2 11 49.98 6.681 10 9 678 . 95 90.76 24 9 3598.90 481 .11 3 52.88. 7.609 11 710.90 95.03 25 3672 . 490.87 3 1 55.86 7.467 11 3 743.58 1 99.40 25 3 3745.80 500 . 74 3 2 58.92 7.876 11 6 | 766.99 1 103.87 25 6 3820 . 30 510 71 3 3 62.06 8.296 11 9 811.14 108 . 43 25 9 I 3895.60 520.77 3 4 65.28 8.727 12 846 . 03 113.10 26 3971.60 530 . 93 3 5 68.58 9.168 12 3 881.65 117.86 26 3 4048 . 40 541.19 3 6 71 .97 9.261 12 6 918. 122.72 26 6 4125.90 551 .55 3 7 75.44 10.085 12 9 955.09 127.68 26 9 4204.10 562 3 8 78.99 10.559 13 992.91 132.73 27 4283. 572.66 3 9 82.62 11.045 13 3 1031.50 137.89 27 3 4362.70 583.21 3 10 86.33 11.541 13 6 1070.80 143.14 27 6 4443 . 10 593.96 3 11 90.13 12.048 13 9 1110.80 148.49 27 9 4524.30 604.81 4 94. 12.566 14 1151.50 153.94 28 4606 . 20 615.75 4 1 97.96 13.095 14 3 1193.0 159.48 28 3 4688.80 626.80 4 2 102. 13.635 14 6 1235.30 165.13 28 6 4772.10 637.94 4 3 106.12 14.186 14 9 1278.20 170.87 28 9 4856 . 20 649. 18 4 4 110.32 14.748 15 1321.90 176.71 29 4941. 660 52 4 5 114.61 15.321 15 3 1366.40 182.65 29 3 5026 . 60 671.96 4 6 118.97 15.90 15 6 1411.50 188.69 29 6 5112.90 683 . 49 4 7 123.42 16.50 15 9 1457.40 194.83 29 9 5199.90 695.13 4 8 127.95 17.10 16 1504.10 201.06 30 5287.70 1 706.86 4 9 132.56 17.72 16 3 1551.40 207 . 39 30 3 5376.20 718.69 4 10 137.25 18.35 16 6 1599.50 213.82 30 6 5465 . 40 730 . 62 4 11 142.02 18.99 16 9 1648.40 220.35 30 9 5555 . 40 742 . 64 5 146.88 19.63 17 1697.90 226.98 31 5646.10 754.77 5 1 151.82 20.29 17 3 1748.20 233.71 31 3 5737.50 766 . 99 5 2 156.83 20.97 17 6 1799.30 240.53 31 6 5829 . 70 779.31 5 3 161.93 21.65 17 9 1851.10 247.45 31 9 5922.60 791.73 5 4 167.12 22.34 18 1903.60 254.47 32 6016.20 804 . 25 5 5 172.38 23.04 18 3 1956.80 261.59 32 3 6110.60 816.86 5 6 177.72 23 . 76 18 6 2010.80 268.80 32 6 6205 . 70 829 . 58 5 7 183.15 24.48 18 9 2065.50 276.12 32 9 6301.50 842 . 39 3iy 2 Gallons equals 1 Barrel. To find the capacity of Tanks greater than the largest given in the table, look in the table for a Tank of one-half of the given size and multiply its capacity by 4, or one of one-third its size and mul- tiply its capacity by 9, etc. MISCELLANEOUS. 245 STEEL TANK DIMENSIONS. Diameter, Feet. Height, Feet. Thickness, Shell, Inches. Thickness, Head, Inches. Size, Angle Iron, Inches. Weight, Lbs. 3 2y 2 t A 1^ 300 3 3 fk ji2 385 4 3 A A l/^ 475 4 4 3 _3_ 1 ^ 585 43^*? 4 ^L ^ 1^ 670 4^/9 41^ T^ ~re 1^ 730 5 4^1 TG M 2 885 5 5 TS M 2 955 sy> 5 rs M 2 1065 5 12 $y> JL- 2 1135 6 51^ / M 2 1600 6 6 / / 2 1700 7 6 M M 2 2100 7 7 M M 2 2350 8 7 / 2^ 2800 8 o / M 2^i 3000 9 8 M M 2^ 3730 9 9 /4 2V^ 4060 10 9 A tk 2^ 4965 10 9 A A 2J^ 5400 10 10 A A 2X 585 12 10 A JL 2 Vi> 7250 12 12 \ S A 2^1 8300 246 THE BOILER. i-H * t O CO CD 1 - * 1 CO O **< t~000 i v-| r-H i-H (M (M G^ CO CO CO CO ^ T* ^ " CDO'^t l OO(McOO^* ( GOC^COO' 1 ^ ^cocq SS cor^^I ^Sc5SSct-2S 4 O5 CO CM O5 kO C^l O5 c^cc^SSc^c^t^S^SS OJ iO C5 C^l iO OO I-H "^ OO I-H "Tf t>- ,-H H *-i C^ . i !> *iiOl O C^l -5t< CO OO OO *O IM O5 CO CO O OCNI ^ t co MISCELLANEOUS. 247 Rule to find capacity of a square tank : Divide cubic inches of tank by 231. The sum will be the number of gallons. EXAMPLE: Tank 60" X 60" X 60" 60" width 60" long 3600 60= height gallons in cubic foot 231)216000 ( =935 gallons capacity 2079 810 693 1170 1155 15 Rule to find weight of water in same tank : Multiply the number of gallons by 8.33 (this is weight of one gallon of water). This sum will be weight in pounds. EXAMPLE: 935 = gallons 8 . 33 = weight of one gallon of water 28 05 280 5 7480 7788 . 55 = weight of water in pounds 248 THE BOILER. WATER. One U. S. gallon equals 231 cubic inches. One U. S. gallon equals .133 cubic feet. One U. S. gallon equals 8.33 pounds. One U. S. gallon equals .83 imperial gallon. One imperial gallon equals 277.274 cubic inches. One imperial gallon equals .16 cubic feet. One imperial gallon equals 10 pounds. One imperial gallon equals 1.2 U. S. gallon. One cubic inch of water equals .03607 pound. One cubic inch of water equals .003607 imperial gallon. One cubic inch of water equals .004329 U. S. gallon. One cubic foot of water equals 6.23 imperial gallons. One cubic foot of water equals 7.48 U. S. gallons. One cubic foot of water equals 62.321 pounds. One cubic foot of water equals .028 ton. One pound of water equals 27.72 cubic inches. One pound of water equals .10 imperial gallon. One pound of water equals .12005 U. S. gallon. One ton of water equals 35.98 cubic feet. One ton of water equals 224 imperial gallons. One ton of water equals 268.8 U. S. gallons. A column of water 1 foot high equals .433 pounds pressure per square inch. A pressure of 1 pound per square inch equals 2.31 feet of water in height. A pressure of 1 ounce per square inch equals .144 feet of water in height. MISCELLANEOUS. 249 O> * CS-O-'MrPiO-OCCCCOCCOOOiMt^ -tH (M O LO CO CO _P_, . . p C: O O ' O O O O O O O O O O CO -00 OS'M O CO OJ * 00 W !M !M IN M M CO CO CO * -*t 1*3 -CO <3> TjH -143 -COOOO5 - i M O C5 00 t^ rH i!? i i i-t 'M *M *M ^) M CO fO M CC * ** iO IO - C-'3^eOMO5TjHOO*iaC'O--'l^MMOaOOO'NOOTt<00*tCO E ^H ,-< ,-1 ,-H ,-H ,-! ,-* ^H -H r^'N'N'N'N'M'M'MM'M'M'NMM... , ~U - ^U- M 00 M 00 M 00 M p M p M p ^_ ^_ rt| Ti< Tf T*< Tj| CO CD CO 00 00 i^-t ... iQOWMO*HOO'^OOMI^e*OON-O t- p *-* M CO 00 O C M M T< t~ 1-1 CO i-H-O O >O O> C'l O5 (M t^ Ol CO ^H 10 O O O MH OOO>^MTt'--iC v lTtXT-J^t^O^10000COTtO O O CO CD CO t^- 1^ t^ 00 OS O <-< CL 4 OcDt^QOOlO T ~ | C v l'>lT^T^iOcOI^OOO3O'^ ro VbOOOO94eO^>Q O ^ CO ^ ^CO t 00 06 O ^ (N ^^ g b- 00 Q i^ ^ CO t^ 00 OS O * 00 Q * Q - V 35" pulley main shaft 150 revolutions 1750 35 diameter pulley, counter shaft 15)5250 (350 revolution of counter shaft 45 75 75 Slip of belt, also thickness of same, will vary the revolutions some. MISCELLANEOUS. HORSE POWER SHAFTING TRANSMISSION 253 Diameter of Shaft in Inches REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE. 100 125 150 175 200 | 225 250 300 350 400 ,8::::::::::::: HORSE POWER. 1.2 2.4 , 4.3 6.7 10.0 14.3 19.5 26.0 33.8 43.0 53.6 65.9 80.0 113.9 156.3 1.4 3.1 5.3 8.4 12.5 17.8 24.4 32.5 42.2 53.6 67.0 82.4 100.0 142.4 195.3 1.7 3.7 6.4 10.1 15.0 21.4 29.3 39.0 50.6 64.4 79.4 97.9 120.0 170.8 234.4 2.1 4.3 7.4 11.7 17.5 24.9 34.1 43.5 59.1 75.1 93.8 115.4 140.0 199.3 273.4 2.4 4.9 8.5 13.4 20.0 28.5 39.0 52.0 67.5 85.8 107.2 121.8 160.0 227.8 312.5 2.6 5.5 9.5 15.1 22.5 32.1 44.1 58.5 75.9 96.6 120.1 148.3 180.0 256.2 351.5 3.1 6.1 10.5 16.7 25.0 35.6 48.7 65.0 84.4 107.3 134.0 164.8 200.0 284.7 390.6 3.6 7.3 12.7 20.1 30.0 42.7 58.5 78.0 101.3 128.7 158.8 195.7 240.0 341.7 468.7 4.3 8.5 14.8 23.4 35.0 49.8 68.2 87.0 118.2 150.3 187.6 230.7 280 398.6 546.8 5.0 9.7 16.9 26.8 40.0 57.0 78.0 104.0 135.0 171.6 214.4 243.6 320.0 455.6 625.0 }jj 2J- *>j 5. > 1 1 4j|: .::::::::::: The following- table gives the maximum permissable distances between bearings of continuous shafts: Diameterof shaft in inches Distance between wrought iron Bearings in feet steel 1 12.27 12.61 2 15.46 15.89 3 17.7 18.19 4 19.48 20.02 5 20.99 21.57 6 22.3 22.92 7 23.48 24.13 8 24.55 25.23 9 25.53 26.24 10 26.4 27.18 The length of a bearing is usually given as three times the diameter of the shaft in inches. The distance between bearings are also given as three times diameter, the product being expressed in feet. Rule to find diameter of a shaft. Multiply the horse power to be transmitted by the constant 100 for wrought iron ; divide the product by the number of revolutions per minute and extract the cube root of quotient ; this sum will give safe diameter of shaft- ing. For steel use constant 62.5. Rule to find diameter of shafts as second movers, transmitting power through long lines. Use preceding rule, using constant 50 for wrought iron and 31.5 for steel. 254 THE BOILER. Rule to find diameter for counter shafting well supported by bearings at short distances. Use preceding rules with constant 33 for wrought iron and 21 for steel. Rule to find horse power a given shaft will transmit. Multiply the cube of the diameter by the revolutions per minute and divide the product by 100. For SECOND MOVERS Multiply the cube of the diameter by twice the revolutions and divide the product by 100. For THIRD MOVERS Multiply the cube of the diameter by three times the revolutions and divide by 100. Approximately a one inch shaft will transmit at 100 revolutions 1 horse power as first mover, 2 horse power as second mover, and 3 horse power as third mover, the power transmitted with safety will vary in proportion as to the speed and as the cube of the diameter. RULES FOR STEAM BOILERS. See that water-level has not fallen, and examine joints and seams to detect leakage, and furnaces for evidence of bulging. Blow through water gages ; open blow-off cock to remove sedi- ment.; try safety valve to insure free action; raise dampers to clear flues of explosive gases ; and stir up fire, heating boiler and setting slowly. In case of low water, immediately cover the fires with ashes, or, if no ashes are at hand, use fresh coal, and close ash-pit doors. Don't turn on the feed under any circumstances, nor tamper with nor open the safety valve. Let the steam outlets remain as they are. Close throttle and keep closed long enough to show true level of water. If that level is sufficiently high, feeding and blowing will usually suffice to correct the evil. In case of violent foaming, caused by dirty water, or change from salt to fresh, or vice versa, in addition to the action above stated, check draft and cover fires with fresh coal. In preparing to get up steam after boilers have been open, or MISCELLANEOUS. 255 out of service, great care should be exercised in making- the man and hand-hole joints. Safety valve should then be opened, and blocked open, and the necessary supply of water run in or pumped into the boilers until it shows at second guage in tubular and locomotive boilers ; a higher level is advisable in vertical tubulars as a protection to the top end of the tubes. After this is done fuel may be placed upon the grate, dampers opened, and fires started. If chimney or stack is cold and does not draw properly, burn some oily waste or light kindling at the base. Start fires in ample time so it will not be necessary to force them unduly. When steam issues from the safety valve, lower it carefully to its seat and note pressure and action of steam gauge. If there are other boilers in operation, and stop valves are to be opened to place boilers in connection with others on a steam pipe line, watch those recently fired up until pressure is up to that of the other boilers to which they are to be connected ; and, when that pressure is attained open the stop-valves very slowly and care- fully. Never feed cold water into a boiler as it is injurious to the plates and liable to spring the seams and cause them to leak. A good feed water heater should be used ; they not only save early repairs on the boiler but effect a great saving in the consumption of coal. Boilers should be blown off, a little at least, once or twice a day, and the water should be entirely blown off at least once every two weeks, depending on the nature of the feed water. Never blow out a boiler while it is too hot as the arch plates, flues and braces retain heat enough to bake the deposits of mud into a hard scale that becomes firmly attached to their surface. With the walls and arches too hot while blowing off, the plates are liable to injury. Always allow the setting to cool down before emptying completely as the scale and mud will then be quite soft and can easily be washed out with a hose. If necessary to blow down, allow the boilers to become cool before filling again. Cold water pumped into hot boilers is very injurious from sudden contraction. Care should be taken that no water comes in contact with the exterior of the boiler, either from leaky joints or other causes. 256 THE BOILER. In tubular boilers the hand holes should be often opened, and all deposits removed, and fire-plates carefully cleaned. Keep the boiler clean internally and externally and thoroughly examine plates and seams at frequent intervals, especially those in contact with setting or exposed to direct action of fire. Always raise steam slowly and never light fire until water shows in gauge glasses. Keep furnace walls in good condition and well pointed up. Allow boiler and brick work to cool before emptying boiler. Prevent oil and greasy matter from entering boiler, as same lead to serious inefficiency and to dangerous heating of plates. Mud drums should be given careful attention and cleaned and inspected regularly just the same as the boiler. Try the safety valves cautiously and often, as they are liable to become fast in their seats and useless for the purpose intended. If the valve is of the lever type, do not load it with additional weights. The safety valve is set to blow off at a certain pressure and should blow off when the steam gauge registers this pressure ; if it does not, one or the other is wrong and should be corrected. When a blister appears there must be no delay in having it carefully examined, and trimmed or patched, as the case may require. Particular care should be taken to keep sheets and parts of boilers exposed to the fire perfectly clean ; also all tubes, flues and connections well swept. This is particularly necessary where wood or soft coal is used for fuel. See that proper water-level is maintained. Keep water gauge classes clean and passages clear, by trying gauges frequently. (Lack of proper attention to water gauges leads to more accidents than any other cause.) Maintain a fire of even thickness, free from holes and clear of ashes and clinkers. (The proper thickness of fire increases with the hardness and size of coal and with the strength of draft.) Regulate fire and draft and feed to meet demands for steam, keep- ing water level constant to avoid priming or burning of plates. Ash pits are to be kept clear to avoid burning grate bars and to prevent loss of draft and efficiency. Never attempt to stop a leak or tighten a joint when boiler is MISCELLANEOUS. 257 under high pressure. Never cut in a boiler with a battery until its pressure is equal to that of the battery. Before banking fires run water to proper level, which note, and see that the steam pipe drains are open and in working order. Water in ash pit has an effect of clinkering, and this varies with the amount of sulphur and iron pyrites and ash in fuel, thus choking up air spaces in grate effecting the life of same. Again the moisture mixing with sulphur has the corrosive effect on boiler and "tubes; it also has a cooling effect which detracts from com- bustion, and volatile gases escape unconsumed. NOTES. Slight leakage at joints causes grooving. Covering of boiler and steam pipes saves fuel and increases efficiency. A boiler showing pulsations of engine gives evidence of being too small for duty. Fly wheels should not have a greater speed than one mile per minute to be safe. Globe valves should always be so placed in steam pipes that their stems are nearly horizontal. Stack should drain inside for reasons appearance as stacks are in use, most of the time, the advantage of having drain- age outside is not to be weighed with the advantage of draining inside and appearance. 258 THE BOILER. KNOTS AND MILES. Knts Miles Knts Miles Knts Miles Knts Miles Knts Miles 1.00 1.1515 6.00 6.9091 11.00 12.6667 16.00 18.4242 21.00 24.1818 1.25 1.4394 6.25 7.1970 11.25 12.9545 16.25 18.7121 21.25 24.4697 1.50 1.7273 6.50 7.4848 11.50 13.2424 16.50 19.0000 21.50 24.7576 1.75 2.0152 6.75 7.7727 11.75 13.5303 16.75 19.2879 21.75 25.0455 2.00 2.3030 7.00 8.0606 12.00 13.8182 17.00 19.5758 22.00 25.3333 2.25 2.5909 7.25 8.3485 12.25 14.1061 17.25 19.8636 22.25 25.6212 2.50 2.8788 7.50 8.6364 12.50 14.3939 17.50 20.1515 22.50 25.9091 2.75 3.1667 7.75 8.9242 12.75 14.6818 17.75 20.4394 22.75 26.1970 3.00 3.4545 8.00 9.2121 13.00 14.9697 18.00 20.7273 23.00 26.4848 3-25 3.7424 8.25 9.5000 13.25 15.2576 18.25 21.0152 23.25 26.7727 3.50 4.0303 8.50 9.7879 13.50 15.5455 18.50 21.3030 23.50 27.0606 3.75 4.3182 8.75 10.0758 13.75 15.8333 18.75 21.5909 23.75 27.3485 4.00 4.6061 9.00 10.3636 14.00 16.1212 19.00 21.8788 24.00 27.6364 4.25 4.8939 9.25 10.6515 14.25 16.4091 19.25 22.1667 24.25 27.9242 4.50 5.1818 9.50 10.9394 14.50 16.6970 19.50 22.4545 24.50 28.2121 4.75 5.4697 9.75 11.2273 14.75 16.9848 19.75 22.7424 24.75 28.5000 5.00 5.7576 10.00 11.5152 15.00 17.2727 20.00 23.0303 25.00 28.7879 5.25 6.0455 10.25 11.8030 15.25 17.5606 20.25 23.3182 25.25 29.0758 5.50 6.3333 10.50 12.0909 15.50 17.8485 20.50 23.6061 25.50 29.3636 5.75 6.6212 10.75 12.3788 15.75 18.1364 20.75 23.8939 25.75 29.6515 TABLE 'SHOWING KNOTS REDUCED TO MILES. A nautical mile or knot is 6,080.27 feet. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. PAGE MATERIALS 5 CHAPTER II. SELECTION OF BOILER . ... 18 CHAPTER III. BOILER CONSTRUCTION ... . . -. . 35 CHAPTER IV. BRACES AND REINFORCEMENT . . . . . . . 69 CHAPTER V. FURNACES, FLUES AND U. S. RULES. /- . ... 106 CHAPTER VI. LAP JOINT RULES . . . . . . . . 126 CHAPTER VII. BUTT JOINT RULES . . . . . . . .154 CHAPTER VIII. THE STEAM BOILER ........ 175 CHAPTER IX. INSPECTIONS ......... 200 CHAPTER X. MISCELLANEOUS 223 259 INDEX Adamson furnace rules ; 120 to 122, 125 Angle irons, sizes and weights, table 55 B Belting, tables and rules 249 to 251 Boilers, construction 35 to 67 " designing 6, 16, 17 ". U. S. Government requirements 218 " selection 18 " hot water, rules and tables 159 " standard measurements 181, 182 heating, low pressure 198 " verticle, specifications, tables 197 weights, table of 185 " water tube or coil, rules 221, 222 Boiler room, rules and notes 254 to 257 Braces, measurements and weights 52 " number for standard boilers, table 53 " number, and rule to find 90 rods, rule to find working pressures 94 " and bracing, material 69. 70 socket bolts, rules to find pressure 125 formed 94 Butt Joints 154 to 172 Brown Furnaces 117 c Channel steel, size and weight, table 56 Chimneys and stacks, rules and tables 189 to 196 Circles, rules for calculations, segments 20 to 23, 88, 89 " tables of areas and circumference 24, 25 Cones, rules 118, 119 Collapsing pressures, furnaces, rule to find 113 to 116, 123. 124, 126 Curved surfaces, rule 95 260 INDEX. 261 Dome plate 48 Drills, table of sizes 61 *Drums and Heads, U. S. Government requirements 220 E Engines, power 18, 19, 31 " types, efficiencies, table 20 Engineers, marine, classification 208 to 212 qualifications and duties 208 to 212 F Feed water, heaters and heating 223 to 229 " admission 217 heating, tables and rules 230. 231 Flanges, diameters, sizes for pipes 58 Furnaces 105 plain, rules and tables 108 to 112, 120 Morrison, rules 113, 114, 121 " U. S. Government, rules and tables 108 to 112 Purvis, rules 117, 121 " verticle, rules 121 " Leeds Suspension, rules 116 Brown , 117, 121 Flues and furnaces 106, 108, 109 plain, rules . .110 to 122 G Gauge cocks and water glass 219 Girders, rules .99, 103 Grate surface, rules and tables - 183, 184 H Heads, flat 85 cast iron, rule 88 " convex, rule 86 " concaved 87 boiler, diameter and weights, table , 40 to 42 Heating surface, ratios, tables 183. 198 " surface, rule to find 50 Horse power, tables and rules 26, 27, 28, 181, 182 Hydrostatic test . 220 262 THE BOILER. I beams, sizes and weights 55 Iron, cast, composition, tables of properties 7 217 wrought g cast, balls, diameter and weight, table 55 Inspections, U. S. Government rules 106 to 122, 219 of boilers 212 to 222 J Joints, lap, single riveted, rules 127 to 137 lap, single riveted, table of efficiencies 137 lap, double riveted, rules . . 138 to 149 lap, double riveted, table of efficiencies 149 lap, triple riveted, rules 150 to 153 lap, triple riveted, table of efficiencies 153 butt, double strapped, double riveted, rules 154 to 159 butt, double strapped, double riveted, table of efficiencies 159 butt, double strapped, triple riveted, rules 160 to 168 butt, double strapped, triple riveted, table of efficiencies 164 butt, double strapped, quadruple riveted 169 to 174 butt, double strapped, quadruple riveted, table of efficiencies 172 K Knots and miles 258 L Lap joints 127 to 153 M Materials . . 5 to 16 U. S. Govt. inspection, selection, tests 11. 106, 107 Metals, weights and table of ' 53 to 55 Morrison furnace 113 t o 121 N Notes on boiler room, rules, etc ; 254 to 257 P Pipe, steam, heating, radiation, table 198, 221 expansion and radiation, table 58 and piping 56 steam, gas, water, dimensions, table 59 INDEX. 263 Pipe, rules to find thickness of 57 friction loss in discharge, table 237 " discharge at nozzle, table 240 Plates, steel, rules and tables 6, 9, 10, 11, 43 to 48 Pressures, U. S. Govt. rules, shells 175 U. S. Govt. tables 176 to 180 water heads, tables and rules ' 241, 242, 243 U. S. Govt. requirements 222 Pump, rules 231 tables, notes 234, 235 " capacities 236 piping table 237 " elevation of water 238 " feed, size, table 239 Pulleys, rules for calculations 251, 252 Purvis Furnace 251, 252 R Reinforcement of openings, rules 103 to 105 Rivets and Riveting, table 1 36 to 39 *' shearing strength of 38, 39, 68 Rods, braces, rules 94 Rules, for calculating circles 20, 88 " mensuration 20, 23 S Safety valve, rules and tables 200 to 207 Settings, boiler 185, 186 " measurements 186, 187 materials for 188, 189 Shafting, rules and tables 253, 254 Shearing strength of rivets 38, 39, 68 Socket bolt rules 125 Steam boiler notes 254 to 257 notes 28, 32 pressures, temperature and tables 29 Steel, flat, weight per foot, table 62, 63 round, square, weights, table 61, 62 " cast 217 Stay bolts, sizes and threads of same 60 " bolts, strain, areas, bracing of 71, 84 264 THE BOILER. Tables, decimals, circumferences, areas 24 to 26 pressures and temperature 29 " weights and size of boiler heads 40 I beams 56 " sizes, threads, flanges 58 flat steel, sizes and weights 63 " metals, weights 63, 64 Birmingham and U. S. standards, gauges 53, 54, 63, 64 " rivets 37 shearing strength of rivets 38, 39 circumference, areas and decimals 24, 25. 26 areas of circular arcs 91 to 93 horse power boilers 176 to 181 weights of boilers 185 " chimneys and stacks 191, 195 for safety valves 202, 203 Tanks, capacities, tables and rules 244 to 247 Taps and drills 61, 62 Testing, boiler plate, drilling 219, 222 Thermometer, rules and tables 32, 33, 34 Tube, rules and tables, standard sizes 49 to 51 plates, rule to find pressures 96 to 98 4< plates, thickness 97 plates, compressive strain 98, 101, 124 U U. S. Government rules, tables, pressures 175 to 180 V Verticle boiler, table of specifications 197 w Water tube and coil boiler requirements 221, 222 pressure tables and rules 241, 242, 243 " measurement, notes 248 :BR^ OF THE UNIVERSITY X)F THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. NOV 26 wov 29 NOV 30 1932 APK 10 1S35 JAN 23 1944 AUG 25 1990 MJT0.01SC LD 21-50m-8,*32 1 95030 , ij i i i ! 1 1 !l 1