MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME Mrttttn BY STEPHEN COLLINS FOSTER ILLUSTRATED BOSTON TICKNOR AND COMPANY 211 STrcmont Street 1889 Copyright, 1853, BY FIRTH, POND, AND COMPANY ; iSSi, BY MRS. MATIIEW D. WILEY AND MRS. MARION FOSTER WELCH ; 1887, HY TlCKNOR AND COMPANY. All rig/its reserved. Published by permission of WILLIAM A. POND & Co., owners of the Copyright. 33nttirrsttD $3rrss: JOHN WILSON AND SON, CAMBRIDGE. 3TntiE!tr attend BY MARY IIALLOCK FOOTE AND CHARLES COPELAND. Drawn, engraved, and printed under the stifem sion of A. V. S. ANTHONY. MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME, GOOD-NIGHT! THE sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home; T is summer, the darkeys are gay ; The corn-top s ripe, and the meadow s in the bloom, While the birds make music all the day. The young folks roll on the little cabin floor, All merry, all happy and bright; By- n -by Hard Times comes a-knocking at the door, Then my old Kentucky Home, good-night ! CHORUS. Weep no more, my lady; Oh, weep no more to-day ! We will sing one song for the old Kentucky Home, For the old Kentucky Home far away. They hunt no more for the possum and the coon On the meadow, the hill, and the shore ; They sing no more, by the glimmer of the moon, On the bench by the old cabin door. The day goes by like a shadow o er the heart, With sorrow where all was delight ; The time has come when the darkeys have to part, Then my old Kentucky Home, good-night ! CHORUS. The head must bow, and the back will have to bend, Wherever the darkey may go ; A few more days, and the trouble all will end In the field where the sugar-canes grow ; A few more days for to tote the weary load, No matter, t will never be light ; A few more days till we totter on the road, Then my old Kentucky Home, good-night ! CHORUS. m :*---* . .f in If-mm., .: A - r f ,-sv:t ike , t-Ke Kill, ike H\e Id CfeblE\ d u ? > ~ J - L : ; p -I vY :t: tt- .wC* A* \S- / MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME, GOOD NIGHT The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky hpmff/ T/is summer, the dark-eys ^1= . P- ^F *C\ -^*&* ~v- ^i.7 : ^ : gay, ^^^^ ^Thi?" corn , top s ripe *i)d / tne meadow s in the bloom, While the v/Thi young folks roll on the lit- tie cab-in floor, All mer - ry ^,811 ihati -^ty, /and. bright. U -,15yn-by Hard Times comes a- be my old KenUick - y Home, good - ni Wi-bV r \ ^ C^ n ( ~^&^Z & ^ x S ,J <S^~>^fe ft^s^^??^r~f^ ^^ : fe^^^^^T:^ 1 ^ ^ T" T~ "^ i i >hC . 2^f_i>_ ^eep x no fiWj,| my^z|i^ dyV_l^ COMx ^eep^ no more to ^^ %,(^1 ^^ F ^S^7f i i Avisri KV ^r 9nW ^rr^rr-j-j ^ g ,-yr sing \poei ^song/ for Aaold Kentuck-y Home, For the old Kentuck-y Ilorn^ far ; 71 Aw4yj.>" ^/fy/^^ffe-f. g r y rf . p: f f l-yi/p :-::- cr::.:SF S= ^SRIir F^ COPYRIGHT, 1853, l>>- FIRTH, POND, AND COMPANY; 1881, by Mrs. MATHEW D. WILEY and Mrs. MARION I- USTKR WELCH; 1887, by TICKNOR AND COMPANY. All rights reserved. k " l 5*P* University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. fte^ *p*ft* -^w g * msi >2^ ftKBI sfe k >* n ;^ : *&$$&$?*; ^S^?2KS&*lj * iv* -\< JvV^-aiF- .*. ^**3*8 ^ vs^ %S* j.ivr- *- >*/v ?** V7a,^ m/^^mW fcA *ff /- ^i* ~r~w ^*j ^*. ~S^* W -^-t ^^^T/*-*^^ ^^-/*^sr^,^fc Jtflfe l^sPfy^l 55 r ""S?* ^* Aff x - ^*t ik jJv CKV5 L- --***. ^f^ **fT -viw4/* : _*r r > flt *t^. f^Jfro^^