K K 0?4*fr UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CALIfORNIA PLANT DISEASES By RALPH E. SMITH and ELIZABETH H. SMITH BULLETIN No. 218 (Berkeley, Cal., June, 1911) SACRAMENTO W. W. SHANNON - - - - SUPERINTENDENT OF STATE PRTNTING 1911 Benj. Ide Wheeler, Ph.D., LL.D., President of the University. EXPERIMENT STATION STAFF. E. J. Wickson, M.A., Director and Horticulturist. E. W. Hilgard, Ph.D., LL.D., Chemist (Emeritus). W. A. Setchell, Ph.D., Botanist. Leroy Anderson, Ph.D., Dairy Industry and Superintendent University Farm Schools. M. E. Jaffa, M.S., Nutrition Expert, in charge of the Poultry Station. R. H. Loughridge, Ph.D., Soil Chemist and Physicist (Emeritus). C. W. Woodworth, M.S., Entomologist. Ralph E. Smith, B.S., Plant Pathologist and Superintendent of Southern California Pathological Laboratory and Experiment Station. G. W. Shaw, M.A., Ph.D., Experimental Agronomist and Agricultural Technologist, in charge of Cereal Stations. E. W. Major, B.Agr., Animal Industry, Farm Manager, University Farm, Davis. F. T. Bioletti, M.S., Viticulturist. B. A. Etcheverry, B.S., Irrigation Expert. George E. Colby, M.S., Chemist (Fruits, Waters and Insecticides), in charge of Chemical Laboratory. H. J. Quayle, A.B., Assistant Entomologist, Plant Disease Laboratory, Whittier. W. T. Clarke, B.S., Assistant Horticulturist and Superintendent of University Exten- sion in Agriculture. H. M. Hall, Ph.D., Assistant Botanist. C. M. Haring, D.V.M., Assistant Veterinarian and Bacteriologist. John S. Burd, B.S., Chemist, in charge of Fertilizer Control. E. B. Babcock, B.S., Assistant Agricultural Education. W. B. Herms, M.A., Assistant Entomologist. J. H. Norton, M.S., Assistant Chemist, in charge of Citrus Experiment Station, River- side. W. T. Horne, B.S., Assistant Plant Pathologist. J. E. Coit, Ph.D., Assistant Pomologist, Plant Disease Laboratory, Whittier. C. B. Lipman, Ph.D., Soil Chemist and Bacterioligist. R. E. Mansell, Assistant in Horticulture, in charge of Central Station grounds. A. J. Gaumnitz, M.S., Assistant in Cereal Investigations, University Farm, Davis. E. H. Hagemann, Assistant in Dairying, Davis. B. S. Brown, B.S.A., Assistant in Horticulture, University Farm, Davis. F. D. Hawk, B.S.A., Assistant in Animal Industry. J. I. Thompson, B.S., Assistant in Animal Industry, Davis. R. M. Roberts, B.S.A., University Farm Manager, University Farm, Davis. J. C. Bridwell, B.S., Assistant Entomologist. C. H. McCharles, B.S., Assistant in Agricultural Chemical Laboratory. N. D. Ingham, B.S., Assistant in Sylviculture, Santa Monica. E. H. Smith, M.S., Assistant Plant Pathologist. T. F. Hunt, B.S., Assistant Plant Pathologist. C. O. Smith, M.S., Assistant Plant Pathologist, Plant Disease Laboratory, Whittier. F. L. Yeaw, B.S., Assistant Plant Pathologist, Vacaville. F. E. Johnson, B.L., M.S., Assistant in Soil Laboratory. Charles Fuchs, Curator Entomological Museum. P. L. Hibbard, B.S., Assistant Fertilizer Control Laboratory. L. M. Davis, B.S., Assistant in Dairy Husbandry, University Farm, Davis. L. Bonnett, I.S., Assistant in Viticulture. S. S. Rogers, B.S., Assistant Plant Pathologist, Plant Disease Laboratory, Whittier. B. A. Madson, B.S.A., Assistant in Cereal Laboratory. Walter E. Packard, M.S., Field Assistant, Imperial Valley Investigations, El Centro. M. E. Stover, B.S., Assistant in Agricultural Chemical Laboratory. P. L. McCreary, B.S., Laboratory Assistant in Fertilizer Control. F. C. H. Flossfeder, Field Assistant in Viticulture, Davis. E. E. Thomas, B.S., Assistant Chemist, Plant Disease Laboratory, Whittier. Anna Hamilton, Assistant in Entomology. Mrs. D. L. Bunnell, Secretary to Director. W. H. Volck, Field Assistant in Entomology, Watsonville. E. L. Morris, B.S., Field Assistant in Entomology, San Jose. J. S. Hunter, Field Assistant in Entomology, San Mateo. J. C. Roper, Patron University Forestry Station, Chico. John T. Bearss, Foreman Kearney Park Station, Fresno. E. C. Miller, Foreman University Forestry Station, Chico. CALIfORNIA PLANT DISEASES. By Ralph E. Smith and Elizabeth H. Smith. An important part of the work of every agricultural experiment station consists in the dissemination of useful information, as well as the carrying on of investigations seeking for new knowledge. It is the former phase of station work which is represented in the present bulletin. This publication is intended as a handbook of plant diseases occurring in California, giving a brief description of the nature of the principal troubles, together with directions for their control. Many miscellaneous and less important troubles are also described, the plan being to record all plant diseases of any possible interest which have been observed in California by members of the department. The illustrations are all original in this department, save those illustrating vine diseases reproduced from Bulletin 197 of this experi- ment station. The photographs have been taken by various members of the staff, while the drawings are by Miss E. H. Smith. The meaning of the word ' ' disease, ' ' as it applies in the present sense tc plant production, is decidedly less specific than the conception of the same word as applied to the human race or domestic animals. In the latter case disease may be defined as the opposite of health, and health means a condition of normal functional activity of the body. In the growing of cultivated plants or "crops,' however, there are always two distinct objects or considerations involved for successful, satis- factory results. These are as follows : (1) The plant must make a vigorous development and maintain to as great an extent as possible that condition which we denote as "thrift. " In almost all cases of crop production it is desirable to maintain thrifty and vigorous growth. This corresponds quite closely to what we call "health' ' in the animal body. (2) Along with this thrifty condition it is likewise necessary to attain certain arbitrary qualities or characteristics of the root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit or seed, such characteristics being those which make the product of the plant most desirable from a commercial standpoint. Most of these qualities are not at all necessary to a condition of ordinary health or thrift, and some of them are even opposed to it. We may, therefore, say in the present sense that we are considering under the term "disease" any condition of a plant in which there is .1040 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. a decided failure of thrifty development, or failure of the plant to produce a commercial product of satisfactory quality or quantity. This bulletin will impress many, at first sight, as being of a much more general nature and wider in scope than the usual plant disease manual. It may seem to some to leave the province of the plant pathologist and invade that of the soil chemist and physicist, the agron- omist and the horticulturist. Such a conception of the scope of plant pathology results from the common impression that all plant diseases are caused by insects, fungi, bacteria or other living organisms of the nature known as parasites. This is far from being the case, particu- larly in a region like California, where the conditions attending the culture of plants are extremely artificial, the soils largely in a semi- arid or desert condition before being brought under cultivation, and where the commercial crops are produced by plants which have been introduced from all sorts of climates and conditions. Under such circumstances it is not surprising that soil and climatic conditions should have powerful influences upon plant growth, and produce many abnormal effects and disturbances. Such is the case, and in diagnosing plant troubles in California it is quite as necessary and usually more difficult to judge such influences accurately than to deter- mine the work of parasitic organisms. Many of these effects can not be distinctly segregated or described as specific diseases of certain plants, but they will be briefly summarized and described in a later chapter. The development of plants and the nature of the products which they bear are influenced by two principal factors : first, the inherent quality of the plant itself, transmitted through the seed or bud ; second, the nature of the environment in which the plant develops. One factor is as important as the other, and the plant pathologist must work through both in order to attain the desired results. In the former case he enters the field or calls upon the services of the plant breeder, in order to obtain varieties of plants having the desired qualities, while in the latter case he investigates the effects of the various influences and agencies which act upon the plant during its growth and seeks means to counteract or stimulate such influences, as the case may be. Here again the aid of various sciences must be invoked in order to obtain the desired results. In a recent text-book the matter is well expressed in the following language: "Every plant has definite requirements for its best development. The character of the mature plant is the result of two sets of forces. The first of these is the inherent capacity of the seed to develop and produce a normal individual of its kind. The second set of forces constitutes the environment in which the plant grows, and of which the soil is one part, the other component being Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1041 climate. Every plant is an expression of the combination and inter- action of these three groups of forces — the seed, the climate, and the soil."* Ideal conditions for the production of any crop may be summarized as follows: In the Plant : Proper Inherent Qualities of Growth and Production. In the Air : Proper Temperature ; Proper Moisture ; Proper Light ; Proper Chemical Composition ; Freedom from Injurious Influences. In the Soil : Proper moisture ; Proper Aeration ; Proper Chemical Composition ; Proper Physical Composition ; Freedom from Injurious Influences. In other words, the plant needs in its environment, for successful development, a proper degree of heat, moisture, air, light, and food, and freedom from injurious influences. Any serious departure from these ideal conditions results, in the present sense, in disease. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. A clear understanding of the fundamental principles of normal plant physiology is necessary to enable one to judge abnormal or diseased conditions with any degree of accuracy. A brief exposition of this subject may, therefore, be of use at this point. Every plant consists of certain parts or organs, each with its parti- cular duty to perform to maintain the life and activities of the whole. These parts are commonly as follows : The root, stem, branch, leaf, flower, fruit and seed. Any or all of these parts is liable to disease, either in the strict sense of the word, meaning that they may be so affected as to cause an unhealthy condition, or they may be affected in the broader sense of having undesirable commercial characteristics, since all of these parts, in various plants, represent the commercially desirable portion. Some plants, for instance, like the turnip or carrot, are cultivated for the root, some for the stem or branches, like the asparagus or celery, some for the leaf, like the lettuce, and a great many different kinds for the flowers, fruit, or seed. If the root or stem be diseased, in a sense of being in an injured or unhealthy condition, the flow T of water from the ground will be cut off or interfered with and the remainder of the plant suffer accordingly. If the leaves are injured or destroyed their functions will be interfered with and the rest of the * Soils. Lyon and Fippin. 1042 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. plant suffer from starvation. Likewise, the value of the crop will be injured or destroyed if the particular part of which the plant is cultivated has imperfections or undesirable characteristics, whether the health or thrift of the plant is injured or not. Fig. 1. — Diagram of tree showing movements of fluids as shown by arrows. Of the organs mentioned, the root commonly grows in the soil and the remainder of the plant in the air. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA plant DISEASES. 1043 SOIL RELATION. The soil has two general purposes in relation to plant growth. In the first place it furnishes a medium through which the root is able to accomplish its mechanical function of holding the plant upright in the air and exposing its parts to the air and sunlight. Second and more important, the soil is a storehouse of food and moisture, both of which are indispensable to plant growth. The soil is composed of an aggre- gation of various sized particles of mineral matter, resulting from the disintegration of rocks, into which is mixed various amounts of organic matter, resulting from the decomposition of plant and animal remains. Being composed of individual particles of irregular shape there is more or less space between these particles, which is filled either with water or with air and other gases. The size of the spaces and, therefore, the amount of water or air which the soil may contain depends upon the size of the particles and the degree to which they are com- pacted together. Far from being an inert mass of dead mineral and organic matter, the soil is likewise the home of uncounted myriads of living organisms, not only soil bacteria, of which much has been heard of late, but also many other forms of low plant life, hosts of simple animal organisms, and likewise more highly developed creatures, such as earth worms and many other forms. All of these exert a profound influence upon the soil and its relation to plant production. The features of the soil which particularly interest us in this connec- tion have three phases : chemical, physical and biological. Chemically, the soil furnishes most of the elements of food which the plant requires, said elements being derived from the original rocks from which the soil was formed and the decaying plant and animal remains which it contains, all being gradually brought into solution in the water which permeates the soil. The soil may likewise contain substances of a nature injurious to plants. It is, therefore, most evident that the student of plant pathology must carefully consider the chemical nature of the soil in studying the condition and health of the plant. Physically, the texture of the soil has a very great influence upon the development of the root, upon the supply of moisture which the soil may furnish to the plant, upon the availability and accessibility of the food supply stored up in the soil, upon the performance of cultural opera- tions necessary to the proper development of the plant and is in every way fully as important as the chemical consideration. Biologically, both the chemical and physical condition of the soil are largely influenced by the activities of the living organisms which it contains, and this relation is of great importance in many ways to the growth of the plant. We need not consider these matters in further 1044 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. detail in this place more than to call attention to their fundamental importance. The root of the plant spreads through the soil by growth and subdivi- sion, forming a network of line branches, the extremities of which are the delicate, minute root hairs through which food and water are absorbed (Fig. 2). Air is also required by the root as well as by other parts of the plant. The activities of the root are therefore entirely dependent upon the physical texture, moisture supply, tem- perature and chemical composi- tion of the soil. If these con- ditions are favorable, the plant flourishes so far as the func- tions of the root are concerned. If decidedly unfavorable in any important respect, bad results or disease follow. The specific food substances taken from the soil by the root are as follows : Nitrogen, hy- drogen, sulphur, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, mag- nesium and oxygen. Some of these elements may be replaced to some extent by others, as, for instance, sodium and calcium may partly take the place of potassium and magnesium. Other non-essential substances may also be taken up, and in- deed it may be said that almost any element in the soil may be absorbed in considerable quan- tities. All these elements are absorbed by the plant through the root in the form of a solu- tion in w r ater. In other words, the water of the soil is a weak solution of these and any other soluble substances which the soil may contain. Each of these substances, with the exceptions stated, is indispensable to the growth of ordinary plants. In other words, the plant is unable to develop if any one of these be lacking. Some of them are needed only in very small amount, and we can scarcely imagine a soil which would be entirely deficient in any one of these elements. Soils differ, how- Fig. 2. — Root hairs in soil. Bulletin 21S] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1045 ever, in the relative amounts of these substances which they contain and there is likewise a great difference in the amounts of them which are demanded by plants. The three elements most likely to be lacking in quantities sufficient for the maximum development of plants are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Less commonly calcium (lime) is lacking, and in some instances an addition of iron to the soil shows a beneficial effect upon the growth of plants. A B C D E Fig. 3. — Section of tree trunk. A outer bark, B inner bark, C cambium, D sap wood, E heart wood. The chemical nature of the soil and its modification by the addition of various substances in the practice of fertilization or soil modification, form a very complicated subject in regard to its effect upon the growth of plants. Such effects, while sometimes comparatively simple and consisting merely in a direct addition to the supply of food material taken up by the plant, are often extremely indirect, and the ultimate effect upon the plant may come about through the chemical action of the 1046 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. material upon other chemical substances in the soil, its effect upon living organisms, or in various other ways. We may cite here, for example, the recent discussions which have come up in southern California in regard to the ratio of lime and magnesia contained in soils, the injurious effects upon plant life of certain combinations of this sort, and the pos- sibilities of correcting such troubles by the addition of lime or magnesia to the soil. From the standpoint of the plant pathologist, the chemical nature of the soil, through which most of the physical and biological effects are ultimately expressed, has three main considerations: first, the limiting of growth by a deficiency in one or more necessary constituents, includ- ing water; second, a possibility of injurious effects resulting from the presence in the soil of certain substances in excessive amounts; third, specific effects of the chemical elements of the soil upon the character of the commercial product of the plant, such, for instance, as the color, fiavor or texture of the fruit. In other words, the question arises in numerous instances as to whether poor growth, lack of fruit production, deficiency in size, or some other partial failure may be due to a lack or an excess of some substance in the soil, and also to what extent arbi- trary characteristics in the commercial product such as color, flavor, or texture may be influenced by chemical treatment or the chemical nature of the soil. This, in California, is one of the most important phases of our subject. Another feature of the soil, which relates to plant physiology, is its temperature, a factor which may be of some importance. MOVEMENTS OF FLUIDS. After being absorbed by the root the soil solution, or as we may now call it the sap, passes upward into the plant from the smaller into the main, larger roots, on up into the trunk. The particular path of this upward stream is located in the xylem or woody portion of the conduct- ing fibers; in woody trees of considerable size this upward flow of sap from the roots is most active in the newer, outer layers of wood or what we call the ' ' sap wood. ' ' Very large amounts of water, with food mate- rials in solution, pass up through the stems of plants in this way, as may readily be seen when we consider the amount of the soil elements which plants contain, and the fact that the solution in which they come into the plant from the soil is an extremely dilute one. A large supply of water is therefore necessary and indispensable to the growth of the plant, not only for its actual use as food, but also as a conveyor of other elements, and likewise to maintain the turgidity or rigidity of the whole plant body. We may say, indeed, that up to a certain point the growth of a plant is proportionate to the amount of water which it receives, since the more water the soil contains the more food material will be dissolved Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1047 and given entry to the root. Beyond a certain point the soil may receive too much water, aeration be too much reduced, and the roots become sluggish, injured, or even killed. Under the semi-arid condi- tions of California, however, nothing is so striking in regard to plant life as the marvelous effect of an abundant water supply upon growth and fruit production. The crude sap solution passes along up through the wood or xylem of the stem out into the branches and finally reaches the leaves. — S Fig. 4. — Cross section of leaf, ep upper epidermis, sm and st sugar and starch-making cells, vb fibro- vascular bundle, s stoma. AIR RELATION. The relation of the plant to the atmosphere which surrounds it is of supreme importance, its relation being expressed most largely through the leaves, which act as organs both of absorption and excretion. The water supply coming from the roots, with its food elements in solution, comes into the leaves and there the larger portion of the water is evaporated off into the air by the process called transpiration. This excess of water passes off in the form of vapor, reaching the air through minute openings called stomata in the leaf surface. These are usually more abundant on the lower than on the upper surface of the leaf, and in the leaves of some plants are confined entirely to the lower portion. 1048 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. At the same time that this process is going on the leaves absorb large quantities of carbon from the air in the form of carbon dioxide gas. Carbon completes the list of food substances necessary to the plant, taken together with those mentioned as being derived from the soil. The leaves are able, by means of a process exerted through the influence of sunlight upon their green coloring material or chlorophyll, to decompose this carbon dioxide and bring the carbon into combination with hydrogen and oxygen derived from the soil. As a result of this process, which is called photosynthesis, a succession of chemical changes occurs which results in the formation of sugar in the leaf, followed by large quantities of starch. This process goes on during sunlight, and is indispensable to the life of the plant. During active sunlight in the daytime a large excess of these substances is formed, so that by evening the leaf contains an accumulation of starch and sugar. Meantime, both day and night, the starch is digested into sugar, and a solution of the latter substance is continually being distributed from the leaves to all parts of the plant where growth is taking place or where food material is being stored up. This current passes largely through vessels called the sieve tubes, which in woody plants are located in the inner bark. Before the materials formed by photosynthesis can be assimilated by living substance, they are formed into new compounds containing nitrogen. A variety of complicated chemical processes goes on all over the plant in which use is made of the various materials taken from the soil, and the various substances formed build up the growth of new parts, the formation of fruit, or are otherwise made use of in the activities of the plant. Respiration goes on in the leaves in a manner chemically similar to that in animals. Oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide given off. RELATION OF THE PLANT TO CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. The atmosphere has many relations to the growth of plants other than that of supplying carbon dioxide and oxygen to the leaves. Its temperature, for instance, is one of the most important factors in con- trolling the distribution of plants or the choice of location where certain species can be grown. The humidity of the air, its degree of moisture or dryness, is also of considerable importance. The degree of light which the leaves receive is a very important matter, especially as it influences the process of photosynthesis, which is the first, fundamental operation in the nutrition of the plant. The air may also contain substances injurious to vegetation, although this rarely, if ever, occurs naturally. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1049 CAUSES OF PLANT DISEASE. Non-Parasitic Troubles. Atmospheric : Excessive Cold ; Excessive Heat ; Excessive Dryness ; Excessive Moisture ; Wind ; Hail; Artificial Influences. Soil: Deficiency of Necessary Substances ; Excess of Certain Substances (Alkali, Salt, Acid) ; Excessive Dryness ; Excessive Moisture ; Faulty Physical Structure (Hard-pan, Heavy or Coarse subsoil) ; Artificial Influences. Parasitic Troubles. Higher Animals (Gophers, Moles, Squirrels) ; Insects ; Worms ; Mollusks (Slugs, Snails) ; Higher Plants (Dodder, Mistletoe) ; Fungi ; Bacteria ; Slime Moulds. The above table indicates most of the influences which affect plants injuriously in California, so far as they can be definitely tabulated. It should be further mentioned that, in many cases, various combinations of the above have disastrous results which could not be attributed to any influence acting alone. DIRECTIONS FOR EXAMINATION OF DISEASED PLANTS. Before proceeding to a description of the principal troubles of our various crops it may be useful to give the following general directions for the examination of unhealthy plants : 1. Note whether any particular portion of the orchard or field shows the trouble worse or less and, if so, seek to find wherein conditions are different there from those in the remainder of the planting. 2. Note whether any particular kind or variety of the crop is more or less affected than others, also whether any particular individuals show marked resistance, immunity or freedom from the trouble. Ascertain the commercial qualities and desirability of any seemingly resistant or immune variety or individuals. 3. Determine as accurately as possible the part of the plant which is actually affected. In many cases, for instance, the leaves or top may wilt and die when the real trouble is in the roots. 4. Look first for the simplest effects, such as those of animals, frost or other climatic influences, simple injuries or other obvious causes of trouble. 1050 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. 5. Look for indications of alkali, salt, poor drainage, too light or too heavy soil or other injurious soil conditions, as shown by surface incrus- tations, the occurrence of native vegetation peculiar to certain conditions or any peculiarity in the appearance of the soil in the region of the affected plants. 6. Look for the presence of fungi, insects or other parasites, so far as one's ability extends in this direction. Endeavor to observe accurately and judge intelligently whether the organisms found are the cause of the trouble or simply secondary. 7. If nothing is found above ground to indicate the cause of the trouble, dig or bore a hole to the depth reached by the lowest roots. During the digging notice the condition of the roots, the consistency of the layers of soil, the amount of moisture which they contain, and their relation to the development of the roots. Look carefully for any peculiar or suspicious condition, either in the roots or soil, and continue the examination out to the smallest roots and down to an ample depth. 8. Ascertain as closely as possible all that can be found out about the previous history and treatment of the soil and plants, all information of possible value as to irrigation practice, fertilization, cultural methods and previous climatic conditions ; also the nature of the trouble from its very first appearance. 9. If necessary, examine healthy groves, trees or plants of the same kind, making the same examinations and inquiries, and endeavor to ascertain wherein conditions differ from those where the trees or plants are diseased. After this examination, if more information is desired, endeavor to select the most characteristic samples, either of parts of the plant or soil, and send them to the proper authority with complete information as to the nature and occurrence of the trouble. In sending parts of plants, pack them so that they will remain as fresh as possible. In obtaining soil samples take a fair sample from each foot down to a depth of four feet. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1051 SOME OF THE MOST COMMON EEEECTS OE INJURIOUS ATMOSPHERIC AND SOIL CONDITIONS IN CALIFORNIA. ATMOSPHERIC INFLUENCES. Frost and Cold. — The effects of low temperature, in most of the culti- vated portions of California, are only such as are produced by infre- quent frosts or injurious effects of temperatures very little below the freezing point and lasting usually but a few hours. Such effects are in most cases evident and unmistakable, needing no detailed description and resulting simply in the death of the parts or organs which are severely frozen. This is seen, for instance, in the not infrequent killing of fruit blossoms and young shoots by late spring frosts, the nipping back of young and tender growth of citrus trees during occasional cold nights in the winter, and other similar effects. In regard to such injuries, the grower was formerly at the mercy of the elements, depend- ing for protection only upon choice of location in planting and avoiding places known to be dangerous for a certain crop on account of likelihood to frost. In comparatively recent times, however, appliances and meth- ods of frost protection have received much attention, and a high degree of satisfaction has been obtained. By the development of such methods, the culture of some of our more tender plants has been extended into regions hitherto dangerous. One of the most difficult frost injuries to detect is the slight freezing of oranges, which occurs now and then in some sections. When this happens the internal texture of the fruit is injured, its juice partially disappears, and a greater or less portion of the pulp of the orange becomes dry and insipid. Fruit which is badly affected in this way may be readily detected in handling by the experienced sorter, but occa- sionally there may be a considerable quantity of slightly affected fruit which is extremely difficult of detection until the oranges reach the con- sumer. A specific gravity method has been employed to some extent, eliminating all the oranges which float in a liquid of a certain density. This method works somewhat to the disadvantage of the producer, taking out all the lighter oranges, whether frozen or not. Another somewhat obscure effect of freezing is seen occasionally in young citrus and other trees in a killing of the inner bark just above the surface of the ground. Not infrequently young trees, which appear to have gone through the winter without harm, as indicated by the appear- ance of the top, begin to fail and die later in the spring, and on exam- ination it is found that the inner bark and wood in the vicinity of the cambium layer are entirely dead for some distance just above ground. In the case of deciduous fruits (see Almond, Apricot, Cherry, Peach and Pear), severe frost just after the fruit has set sometimes kills the 1052 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. young germ of the seed without causing the fruit to drop or even check- ing its growth for some time. Such fruit sometimes reaches considerable size before falling and is then found to contain a black, shriveled seed germ, killed by frost. In citrus districts most subject to low temperatures during the winter, with occasional severe freezes, there sometimes seems to occur a general lowering of the vitality of the trees, and an appearance of weak, un- healthy, mottled-leaf condition. In such regions where a considerable portion of the young growth of the trees is frequently killed back, a condition of degeneration lasting all through the season may occur, particularly if the trees do not receive the best cultural treatment. The matter of frost injury in most parts of California, where the injurious degree of temperature is very slight, its duration short, and its occurrence comparatively rare, is very much affected by compara- tively slight influences, particularly the condition of growth in the plant and the degree of moisture in the soil. By so handling the crop as to keep down as much as possible the production of tender new growth during the cold season, by keeping the soil in moist condition, and by the use of the comparatively simple protective means about to be described, much of the frost damage which is likely to happen in California may be prevented. Frost prevention, both for citrus and other crops, has received much attention in recent years, and with a large measure of success. For pre- venting damage to tender growth, fruit or blossoms on cold nights, methods have been perfected which consist in burning smoky, sooty fuel, such as soft coal or low grade oils, in numerous small receptacles placed upon the ground at proper intervals whenever the temperature approaches the danger mark. A variety of patented devices for this purpose is upon the market, and literature upon the same may be obtained from the makers. In the case of young trees, particularly citrus, special attention is required to carry them through the first three or four years in localities subject to occasional frosts. The damage described above, where the tree is killed just at the surface of the ground, and likewise the killing back of the top is successfully prevented by banking up the earth somewhat about the trunk in the fall, and by the use of a wrapping or protector of some sort about the trunk. A common practice with citrus trees consists in tying several cornstalks, palm leaves, tule or similar material about the trunk of sufficient length to enclose and protect most of the top of the tree at the same time. In many places citrus groves have been successfully developed by thus protecting the trees during their first two or three years in the orchard, when without such protection it would have been almost out of the question to get a growth started. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA plant DISEASES. 1053 Heat. — Cultivated plants in some portions of California are subjected to very extreme degrees of heat during the summer time, and the choice of crops for certain localities is largely influenced by this factor. Be- yond this, injury from unusual degrees of heat, particularly when com- bined with extreme atmospheric dryness, is of quite frequent occurrence. The effect of this is usually seen in a sudden burning and withering of the leaves, producing an effect sometimes called sun-scald. Much damage is sometimes caused in the same manner to fruit, particularly grapes, and occasionally some of the deciduous fruits. This injury shows itself as a burning or withering of the fruit on the exposed side, or a shriveling and drying of the fruit before it reaches full size. This trouble is frequently seen in prunes in the northern part of the State. Trouble of the same sort is also common with the English walnut. Quite frequently an unusually hot, dry period, particularly when the crop is approaching maturity, causes a withering and blackening of the exposed sides of the green hulls which enclose the nuts, and this burning extends as a discoloration into the meat of the nut itself, causing the hull to stick to the nut on that side, and the nut to blacken, both inside and out. This form of sunburn often causes large losses to the walnut grower, and also limits the growth of this crop to regions where the sun is not too severe.' The condition of weather, commonly known in this State as a "hot norther " or " Santa Ana, ' ' is frequently the cause of much damage to some crops, especially when occurring early in the season. The condi- tion referred to consists in a hot, extremely dry, electrical wind, blowing from the interior or desert portions of the State toward the coast. When such winds occur the blossoms of fruit trees are sometimes killed and young sprouts dried up and destroyed, the latter particularly in the case of buds or grafts which have recently been put in. The English walnut is also particularly susceptible to this form of injury when in bloom. The damage in this case appears to be done mainly to the pollen, and if this sort of weather occurs just when the catkins are shedding their pollen, the setting of the crop may be very seriously affected. Another condition commonly called sunburn is of frequent occurrence, affecting the stems or trunks of young trees. This is almost invariably seen on the southwest side 'Of the tree, although local peculiarities may influence this feature somewhat. The trouble is due to a killing of the cambium layer by the heat of the sun and results in an area of dead bark extending up and down the trunk or on the sides of larger limbs, through which decay often sets in and the tree is badly injured or killed. This form of sunburn is seen particularly in young trees recently set out, where the trunks are exposed to hot sun before the trees have been able to draw a plentiful supply of moisture from the soil by the formation 2— Bul. 218 1054 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. of new roots. Trees which for any reason make a poor start and fail to root properly are especially liable to sunburn in the trunk. When, for example, nursery trees are allowed to become too dry before planting this frequently occurs and the trees may be entirely killed, damaged on one side or, in some cases, may throw out new shoots from the lower portion of the trunk. This occurrence of sunburn is by no means confined to the summer season, but takes place even more commonly during the winter in our climate. Particularly with such trees as the walnut, apple, peach and prune, which shed their leaves in the winter, the sap movement does not become entirely dormant during the winter but is kept in a state of irreg- ular activity by the occurrence of frequent periods of warm weather. Especially in regions where the nights are fairly cold and the days hot during a considerable portion of the winter, trees of this sort become badly sunburned. The sap starts and stops again in the trunk and without the presence of leaves to regulate this flow in a normal manner abnormal conditions occur in the cambium and the hot afternoon sun causes a burning of one side of the trunk. Toadstool or other fungi causing decay may then effect an entrance through such a wound and the tree is destroyed. Sunburn is prevented by the presence of an abundant supply of moisture in the soil more than by any other in- fluence. We may, of course, except from this statement the influence of shade, or climatic conditions not conducive to damage of this sort. Other things being equal, however, trees or plants having an abundant supply of moisture in the ground are much less likely to suffer from sunburn, either in the trunk or as affecting the fruit. It is therefore advisable to give plants and trees a particularly abundant supply of water in hot, dry times when the fruit may be kept from injury by this means, and also during the fall and winter, if abundant rains do not occur, in order to prevent damage to the trunks and buds. In the case of nursery trees which have become too dry before planting, it is often advisable to cut them back nearly to the ground and allow a new shoot to come up and form the trunk. This should always be done when the tree is found to be badly sunburned and standing in a dormant condition without throwing out any new growth. By thus bringing up a fresh shoot from below, through which the sap is able to circulate freely, a good, thrifty tree is often produced, while if the tree is not cut back it stands all through the season throwing out a few stunted, sickly shoots from its sunburned trunk and very likely dies entirely. In the case mentioned of deciduous trees which become sunburned in the trunk during the winter time on account of an irregular activity of the sap, this condition is usually aggravated if the surface of the soil is bare and free from vegetation. Frequently the same influences which cause sunburn prevent the development of vegetation on such soils, on Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1055 account of the extreme variation in temperature in winter between the day and the night. Heavy frosts occur at night, freezing the surface of the ground, while the hot sun of the day heaves it up and destroys any seedlings which may have started. The only thing which can be done in such a case is to make every effort to get some sort of growth started during the fall before the coldest nights come on. This is fre- quently difficult on account of a lack of water for starting such a growth. If it is not feasible the next best thing is to mulch the surface of the ground about the trees, covering it with straw or any similar material which may be available. It is also advisable to cover the trunks and main limbs of any trees which are in danger of sunburn with a coating of thick whitewash. This should also be done to prevent sunburn w T hen the tops of trees are heavily cut back for any purpose, as. for instance, after top-working them to other varieties. Before leaving the subject of the relation of temperature to vegeta- tion in California, we may say that many peculiar and obscure effects frequently occur as a result of bringing plants native to the temperate zone and accustomed to a definite period of dormancy during the winter, to a region where the change of the seasons is so slightly marked. These plants are by nature accustomed to and prepared for a dormant period during a portion of the year. They not only drop their leaves and cease their growth at the approach of winter, but also undergo chemical and various other physiological changes in preparation for this dormant period. The stimulation or irritation caused by the frequent occurrence during the winter of weather conditions entirely similar to those normal to the spring time, must cause a frequent starting and stopping again of those processes which go on in the tree during the normal commencement of growth in the spring, and in this way pathological conditions are produced. To conditions of this sort appear to be partially due such troubles as little leaf of the peach, walnut yellows, sour sap of stone fruits and possibly other of the so-called physiological or climatic diseases. The only relief to be expected from this trouble is through the planting of species or varieties of fruit which are known to be unaffected by such disturbances. Excessive Dryness. — This subject has already been treated in connec- tion with extremes of temperature. High temperature in California is almost invariably accompanied by extreme dryness and the two work together in producing burning of foliage, withering of fruit and similar effects. Excessive Moisture. — Little trouble of this sort is experienced in Cali- fornia, since no rain falls during most of the growing season of the majority of our crops. Fruit setting is sometimes prevented by violent or long continued rains during the blossoming period, this result being 1056 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. produced largely by interference with or prevention of the process of pollination. Most of our deciduous fruits have the unfortunate habit of blooming just when our most abundant rains are likely to occur and the setting of fruit is sometimes considerably diminished by this means. In many cases also imperfect pollination results and the fruit either falls after growing for a short time or the seed does not properly fill. Our most serious effect of excessive moisture in the air is probably that of favoring the development of various fungus diseases and causing thus an indirect injury. It is an almost universal rule that the develop- ment of parasitic fungi is favored by atmospheric moisture and very marked differences result in California in the occurrence of plant diseases in various seasons according to the amount of moisture which occurs. The same comparative effect is seen in different sections of the State, the same crop being badly affected by a fungus disease in one place and entirely free from it in another, as a result of a difference in atmospheric moisture conditions. Wind. — This is an important consideration in connection with Cali- fornia agriculture, particularly in the case of the production of tree fruits. In choosing a location for an orchard, and particularly a citrus grove, this feature should be considered along with temperature, char- acter of the soil and water supply. The bad effects of wind are mostly mechanical, consisting in a bruising of the fruit by contact with the branches and twigs. More than this, serious loss is often caused in windy localities by quantities of fruit being actually blown from the trees on to the ground before it is ready for picking. In very windy localities the growth and form of the trees are decidedly affected, the tendency usually being to cause the tree to lean over and make its prin- cipal growth in the direction of the prevailing wind. In a few cases, notably the apricot tree, it is a curious fact that the tree shows the opposite response, its branches curving over and pointing directly into the face of the wind. In very windy localities, particularly along the coast, the young shoots in the tops of the trees are continually killed back by the wind, which, together with the breaking off of large limbs, gives the trees a stunted and deformed appearance. Citrus fruit from windy localities loses much in quality on account of being covered with scars and blemishes, and also in quantity, as just stated, on account of being blown from the trees. On the other hand, a locality otherwise desirable for orcharding should not be too hastily condemned on account of wind. Most parts of California are comparatively windy in their primitive state on account of the absence of trees to break the force of the wind. It is very noticeable that as a given locality or valley becomes settled, and the Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1057 country is broken up with buildings and trees, the wind currents become less severe and less damage results from this cause than at first. In almost all orchard planting in new districts this fact is taken into account, and protection from the wind is attempted and attained to a more or less extent by the planting of rows of trees called wind-breaks. This is done by planting close rows of suitable trees at intervals across the path of the prevailing wind, on the windward side of orchards, or home sites, or in any position which will best break the wind in the locality where protection is desired. For this purpose eucalyptus trees have been most commonly used in California, particularly the blue gum ? Eucalyptus globulus, in all regions adapted to its growth. It is customary to plant these trees about eight feet apart, using two or three rows in an alternate manner. Another tree much used for wind-breaks is the Monterey cypress. This makes a much denser growth close to the ground than eucalyptus, and needs to be planted only in a single row. Its growth is slower than that of the blue gum but rapid compared with that of most trees other than eucalyptus. Often a combination is made of cypress and eucalyp- tus planted alternately in a single row. This makes a taller and more rapid growing break than cypress alone and a denser one than eucalyptus alone. Wind-breaks have a serious objection on account of the large amount of moisture and plant food which these large, rapid-growing trees take up. With eucalyptus, particularly, it is impossible to grow thrifty fruit trees within a space of fifty or more feet of the wind-break after the trees become large. The shade of the trees also has a detrimental effect upon the neighboring fruit trees, and a still further objection is the formation of so-called frost pockets, the latter being due to a lack of air circulation on cold nights in the portions of the grove most sheltered by the wind-break. The grower must decide for himself in individual cases whether the benefit of such a planting will more than repay its disadvantages. There is a marked tendency at present in our older settled districts to cut down the original wind-breaks, since the general development of the country has broken up the sweep of the wind and the land occupied by these eucalyptus or other trees is now more valuable for fruit trees or other purposes. Hail. — Violent hail storms are of occasional occurrence, even in the most frost-free portions of California. Damage is sometimes caused through the bruising of fruit and the breaking of foliage and twigs. Artificial Substances in the Air. — We have already said that the atmos- phere never contains normally anything injurious to plants. Fre- quently, however, in the vicinity of cities or industrial enterprises, various emanations are poured into the air and act disastrously upon 1058 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. vegetation. Such effects are frequently seen in the vicinity of smelters, chemical works, or in localities where soft coal containing large amounts of sulphur is burned. Particularly injurious are the fumes resulting from the burning of sulphur in any form, if they come into contact with vegetation without being very much diluted with air. The subject of smelter fume injuries has received very extensive investigation both in this country and Europe for many years. This has also been the subject of a vast amount of expensive litigation between smelting and other companies on the one hand, and agricultural or timber interests on the other. There is no subject which needs the most competent expert attention and the most careful judicial consideration more than this. Grave and extensive injustice may be done by an improper finding for either the smelting or the agricultural interests. Both industries are of great importance, and their relative rights and standing must be carefully considered in cases where their interests seem to clash. From the standpoint of the smelting company, there should be clearly and positively established the amount of damage which is actually being caused by the fumes and the relative value of the agri- cultural interests affected in proportion to that of the smelting and mining interests. There is invariably a very natural tendency in the vicinity of smelting and similar plants to lay to the smoke all sorts of plant and animal troubles, real and imaginary, which are not caused by any other very obvious agency. In all agricultural pursuits there is a certain element of uncertainty, due to climate, soil conditions, and other uncontrollable and obscure factors. In normal districts a certain amount of animal and plant disease, crop failure and similar conditions is expected from such sources. Given, however, a specific, ever-present agency, known to be injurious under certain conditions, and it is a natural tendency to lay all sorts of troubles which can not be otherwise accounted for to this one cause. On the other hand, it is sometimes the tendency of the smelting company, partly perhaps in self-protection, to attempt to lay all troubles and injuries to effects other than smoke, and minimize as much as possible the damage which is actually caused. There can be but one satisfactory basis of settlement of all such cases, namely, as we have already said, a careful, expert, and unprejudiced examination of actual conditions and a settlement of damages or deter- mination of future policy on this basis. In many European districts permanent courts or arbitration boards have been established under state control to settle these questions and this method is far superior to a constant wrangling in the courts with final decisions based on the relative arguing ability of the opposing attorneys or the influence of more or less incompetent, so-called experts, subsidized by the opposing sides to present their cases in the best possible light. If this matter is properly Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1059 managed, there is no reason why agriculture and mining should not both be carried on to mutual advantage and without antagonism. The specific effects of smelter fumes upon vegetation can not be stated or described in such a manner as to make their identification absolutely certain. In a general way it may be said that such effects consist in a spotting or burning of the leaves, and we may also say that there can be no injury without such spotting or burning. In other words, there is no such thing as an invisible damage to plants by smelter fumes. Leaf spot, however, is caused by so many other agencies and conditions that Fig. 5. — Effect of smelter fumes on leaves of alfalfa. only the most careful local examination, and broad, general knowledge of other effects which act injuriously upon vegetation, can enable one to positively distinguish smoke injury. Microscopic study of injured tissues is of much assistance to the experienced investigator, but here again no definite symptoms can be laid down which distinguish this injury from all others. Chemical analysis, also, has its place, but does not suffice to distinguish arbitrarily and specifically all smelter smoke 1060 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. injury from every other possible source of trouble. One having a gen- eral knowledge of plant pathology and entomology can usually soon eliminate in a smoke district many fungus, bacterial and insect effects which have been ascribed more or less to the smoke, but beyond this he may encounter effects of frost, unfavorable soil or climatic conditions, lack of proper cultivation, effects of fire and many other influences which must be thoroughly understood and considered. On the other hand, he must not exaggerate such effects as these and attribute to them injuries which are really due to the smoke. Different species of plants vary widely in their susceptibility to smoke injury, and the amount of injury is also decidedly influenced by weather conditions. Other things being equal, more damage to vegetation is caused during wet than in dry weather. This may be due to the fact that the injurious substances are absorbed by moisture, and thus brought into contact with vegetation in a more concentrated form when it is wet. More injury is caused in localities where the wind tends to blow steadily in one direction much of the time than in places where the currents of air are constantly shifting. In the latter case, a fairly concentrated smoke may cause no appreciable damage, while, in the former, quite dilute fumes may mark out a very evident path of destruction on the vegetation in the direction of the prevailing wind. Damage is also sometimes caused by manufacturing plants which discharge large amounts of dust into the atmosphere. This is the case in the manufacture of cement, where great quantities of dust go out into the air and settle upon the leaves of surrounding vegetation, the dust often setting like cement to a considerable extent. This is very destructive to the appearance and selling quality of fruit or vegeta- bles upon which it occurs, and in the case of trees, particularly ever- greens like the orange and lemon, there appears to be in some cases considerable damage to the vitality of the tree. This may come about through an interference with photosynthesis, caused by the light being cut off through the layer of dust upon the leaves and resulting in injury to the nutrition of the tree, although this fact has not been clearly established. There is nothing in the dust itself which would be chem- ically injurious to the tree or soil. Question has also been raised as to the effect of such dust deposition upon pollination and the setting of fruit. "With citrus fruit it is well to bear in mind that damage of this sort is very doubtful in many cases, since in our most popular variety of orange, the Washington Navel, and to some extent in other citrus fruits, pollina- tion is not necessary, and does not ordinarily occur, the fruit developing by vegetative growth. The same condition exists to a greater or less extent in other citrus fruits which have a tendency toward seedlessness. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1061 SOIL INFLUENCES. Deficiencies. — We have shown before that the plant requires from the soil certain specific chemical elements in proper amounts and propor- tions, together with a large amount of water. The plant differs from the animal body in that it may continue growing in size throughout its Avhole life rather than ceasing to increase at a certain stage of maturity. The amount or rapidity of this increase, if temperature conditions are favorable and no injurious influences present, depends almost entirely upon the amount of the necessary elements and the supply of water which is available in the soil. Particularly noteworthy in this connec- tion is the fact that the lack of one element may keep back the whole development of the plant, even though all the others are present and abundant. On this account the whole matter of successful soil fertiliza- tion depends almost entirely upon the determination of the limiting element or elements and applying these in sufficient quantities for maxi- mum results, without at the same time using quantities or elements which are wasteful and without effect. In this connection the function of water and the possibility of its being the limiting factor, rather than any chemical element, can not be too strongly emphasized. There is no question that in a large portion of the citrus acreage of California, for instance, where artificial fertil- izers are applied more or less regularly and in fairly large amounts, the deficiency of water is greater than that of any chemical element and a large portion of the fertilizers applied remains inert in the soil or is washed away by rain without ever reaching the interior of the tree.* For this reason it is extremely important in the examination of unthrifty trees to inquire carefully into the irrigation treatment which the trees have received, and ? much more important, to examine the soil to a depth of several feet and find out positively the moisture condition of the lower layers of soil. This is discussed more particularly in a later paragraph. We would not infer by this that soils are never deficient in chemical elements, or that fertilization is never effective. Many soils are decid- edly deficient in one or more of the essential elements, and practically all * In order to give further weight to this point we append the following quotation : "From a theoretical point of view it is not possible to say that any one of the main soil constituents is more important than any other, since all are necessary to a proper functioning. Practically, however, there can be no two opinions as to the supreme importance of the soil water. Nine times out of ten it is the supply of this constituent which limits crop production. Usually the other constituents are suffi- ciently if not maximally, favorable, and poor water supply and infertility go hand in hand. Controlled water usually means controlled fertility. The soil water must occupy, then, a very prominent place in the theories of the soil physicist, and the study of its nature and movements must ever be a most important and absorbing branch of his activity. Nor is the importance of the soil water intrinsic only. It is the medium of the soil solution and only through it are the necessary food elements carried from soil to plant. From soil chemist, as from soil physicist, the soil water is receiving ever increased attention and especially so in the light of the most modern theories of the dynamics of plant food." — E. E. Price, "Studies in Soil Physics II" The Plant World, Vol. U, page 59. 1062 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. soils, after continuous cultivation for several years, become exhausted. Moreover, there are many cases of soils where thrifty plants and profit- able crops can still be grown without fertilization, and yet, by such practice, an increased crop can be obtained which will prove a profitable investment on the cost of fertilization. The effects of a deficiency of any of the elements most commonly lack- ing in soils, nitrogen, phosphoric acid or potash, are seen as a backward- ness in the development of the plant. Nitrogen is most noticeable in its effect upon growth, and is most likely to be lacking in California soils, yet an actual deficiency of any of the other necessary elements is equally effective in checking development. The specific effects of the various elements upon plant life are frequently described, but we have little definite information of this sort as applied to California crops. With the orange, for instance, we are frequently told that nitrogen promotes especially the growth of the tree; that phosphorus is most concerned in the setting of the fruit, and that the application of potash produces more sugar in the fruit. Various statements are also frequently made as to the effect of these various elements upon the fruit in its time of maturity, its flavor, texture, color, and various other characteristics. "We are also told that lack of iron has a marked influence in causing yellow, light-colored foliage, and that an application of this element will remedy such a condition. In regard to these ideas, however, we may say that certainly most of them have never been definitely proven in California. The most careful experiments have almost entirely failed to show any specific effects or differences of this sort. So many other influences come in, such as those of temperature and other cli- matic conditions, soil moisture, variation in trees and other compli- cated factors, that it is very easy to ascribe marked differences, noticeable in a single season, to some substance which has been applied to the soil, when really some other influence altogether was responsible for the effect observed. The best evidence goes to show that any fertilizing element or any other influence which promotes the growth of the citrus tree like- wise promotes and increases the production of fruit. It also appears to be a fact that citrus trees which are best nourished and in the most thrifty condition bear the best fruit, and are in every way most profit- able. The specific subject of the methods and materials of soil fertilization is too extensive a one for complete consideration here. Persons desiring information along this line should consult some of the numerous pub- lications upon the subject. We may say, in brief, that the substances mentioned as being most likely to be needed, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash, are commonly supplied either in the form of stable manure or in various substances, the preparation of which forms a large and important industry. Nitro- Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1063 gen is supplied in the form of salts, such as nitrate of soda and sulphate of ammonia, or in various substances prepared from slaughterhouse refuse, such as bone, dried blood, and tankage. Phosphorus comes com- monly either from finely ground mineral phosphates, which are usually treated with sulphuric acid to make them more soluble and are then called superphosphate, or in the form of bone or other animal refuse. Potash, as used in California, comes almost exclusively from the salt sulphate of potash, which is mined in Germany. The various fertilizer dealers supply these different materials and are also in the habit of mix- ing them together in supposedly proper proportions into so-called com- plete fertilizers, which are easier and, for the inexperienced, sometimes safer to use. Deficiencies in nitrogen in the soil are also supplied in many cases very satisfactorily and economically by growing and plowing under so-called green manure or cover crops. For this purpose are used certain plants, such as clover, vetch, peas or other legumes, which have the power of absorbing nitrogen from the air. By adding large amounts of such material to the soil its stock of nitrogen is appreciably increased and its mechanical condition likewise improved. Excesses. — Plant troubles due to an excess of certain substances in the soil are very frequently met with in California. This is particularly the case in so-called alkali soils. In such cases the soil is impregnated with excessive and harmful amounts of certain salts which in more humid climates are dissolved by the frequent rains and carried away in the drainage. Alkali Soils. — The most common of the alkali salts are the so-called white alkali, sodium sulphate, and black alkali, sodium carbonate. Another substance frequently found in soils in injurious amounts is common salt, sodium chloride. The presence of these salts is not usually difficult of detection in a superficial examination, while by chemical analysis their presence and amount can be absolutely determined. Alkali lands are usually characterized by spots or areas of greater or less extent where a white incrustation can be seen upon the surface of the ground. Black alkali is so called from the fact that when wet it dissolves the humus of the soil, forming a black, greasy looking sub- stance upon the surface of the soil, or giving a black color to surface water. The effect upon native vegetation is always quite characteristic of the presence and amount of alkali salts. Certain species of plants prefer alkali soil and flourish according to the amount of these sub- stances which the soil contains. Most plants, however, are easily injured by them, with the result that spots containing any considerable amount of these injurious salts either have upon them the above men- tioned characteristic plants or remain bare of vegetation with the alkali 1064 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. crust upon the surface, while the surrounding ground is covered with normal vegetation. In every case where there is any reason to suspect the effects of alkali or other injurious salts, the soil should be chemically analyzed down to a depth of several feet. The present subject, although belonging more in the field of the soil chemist than that of the plant pathologist, is of so much importance in the study of plant diseases in California that we have thought it desir- able in this chapter to make the following quotations from Professor E. W. Hilgard's authoritative treatment of the subject:* Effects of Alkali Upon Culture Plants. — In land very strongly impregnated with alkali salts, most culture plants, if their seed germinates at all, will show a sickly growth for a short time, "spindle up" and then die without fruiting. In soils less heavily charged the plants may simply become dwarfed, and fruit scantily. The effect on grown trees around which alkali has come up, is first, scanty leafage and short growth of shoots, themselves but sparsely clothed with leaves. Nature of the Injury to Plants from Alkali. — When we examine plants that have been injured by alkali, we will mostly find that the visible damage has been done near the base of the trunk, or root crown; rarely at any considerable depth in the soil itself. In the case of green herbaceous stems, the bark is found to have been turned to a brownish tinge for half an inch or more, so as to be soft and easily peeled off. In the case of trees, the rough bark is found to be of a dark, almost black r tint, and the green layer underneath has, as in the case of herbaceous stems, been turned brown to a greater or less extent. In either case the plant has been practi- cally "girdled," the effect being aggravated by the diseased sap poisoning more or less the whole stem and roots. The plant may not die, but it will be quite certain to become unprofitable to the grower. It is mainly in the case of land very heavily charged with common salt, as in the marshes bordering the sea, or salt lakes, that injury arises from the direct effects of the salty soil-water upon the feeding roots themselves. In a few cases the gradual rise of salt water from below, in consequence of defective drainage, has seriously injured, and even destroyed, old orange orchards. The natural occupancy of the ground by certain native plants may be held to indicate that the soil is too heavily charged with saline ingredients to permit healthy root growth or nutrition until the excess of salts is removed. The fact that in cultivated land the injury is usually found to occur near the surface of the soil, concurrently with the well-known fact that the maximum accu- mulation of salts at the surface is always found near the end of the dry season, indicates clearly that this accumulation is due to evaporation at the surface. The latter is often found covered with a crust consisting of earth cemented by the crystal- lized salts and later in the season with a layer of whitish dust resulting from the drying-out of the crust first formed. It is this dust which becomes so annoying to the inhabitants and travelers in alkali regions, when high winds prevail, irritating the eyes and nostrils and parching the lips. Effects of Irrigation. — One of the most annoying and discouraging features of the cultivation of lands in alkali regions is that, although in their natural condition they may show but little alkali on their surface, and that mostly in limited spots, these spots are found to enlarge rapidly as irrigation is practiced. Yet since alkali salts are the symptoms and result of insufficient rainfall, irrigation is a necessary condition of agriculture wherever they prevail. Under irrigation, neighboring spots will oftentimes merge together into one large one, and at times the entire area, once highly productive and perhaps covered with valuable plantations of trees or vines, will become incapable of supporting useful growth. This annoying phenomenon is *"Soils," pages 426-429. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1065 popularly known as "the rise of the alkali" in the western United States, but is equally well known in India and other irrigation regions. The soil being impregnated with a solution of the alkali salts, and acting like a wick, the salts naturally remain behind on the surface as the water evaporates, the process only stopping when the moisture in the soil is exhausted. We thus not infrequently find that after an unusually heavy rainfall there follows a heavier accumulation of alkali salts at the surface, while a right shower produces no per- ceptible permanent effect. We are thus taught that, within certain limits, the more water evaporates during the season the heavier will be the rise of the alkali ; pro- vided that the water is not so abundant as to leach the salts through the soil and sub-soil into the subdrainage. Leaky Irrigation Ditches. — Worst of all, however, is the effect of irrigation ditches laid in sandy lands (such as are naturally predominant in arid regions) without proper provision against seepage. The ditch water then gradually fills up the entire substrata so far as they are permeable, and the water-table rises from below until it reaches nearly to the ditch level, shallowing the subsoil, drowning out the deep roots of all vegetation, and bringing close to the surface the entire mass of alkali salts previously diffused through many feet of substrata. An effect similar to that described in the last paragraph is sometimes seen in the case of young seedlings, as in seed beds of eucalyptus or orange trees, grown in soil containing a considerable amount of alkali or salt, especially if they are watered with water of a similar nature. In such cases the young plants frequently begin dying in a manner very similar to that produced by damping-off fungi. The natural tendency for the grower is then to use less water and endeavor to keep the soil as dry as possible, which in the present case has the effect of increasing rather than preventing the injury, since the injurious salts tend to accumulate by evaporation about the stem of each seedling. As to the best method of procedure in such cases, assuming that the trouble is known to be due to injurious salts and not a case of true damping-off caused by the fungi, we may again quote from Hilgard (p. 249) : Mode of Using Saline Irrigation Waters. — The fact that abundant growth of native as well as cultivated plants may sometimes be seen on the margins of "alkali lakes" where water of over a hundred grains of mineral salts per gallon continuously bathes the roots, while the same plants perish at some distance from the water's edge, points the way to the utilization, in emergencies, of fairly strong saline waters, viz., by the prevention of their concentration to the point of injury by evaporation. It is clear that when such waters are used sparingly, so as to penetrate but a few feet underground, whence the moisture re-ascends for evaporation at the surface, a few repetitions of its use will accumulate so much alkali near the surface as to bring about serious injury. If, on the other hand, the water is used so abundantly that the roots may be considered as being, like the marginal vegetation of alkali lakes, bathed only by water of moderate strength, no such injury need occur ; and what does accumulate in consequence of the inevitable measure of evaporation occurring in the course of a season, may be washed out of the land by copious winter irrigation. This, of course, presupposes that the land, as is mostly the case in the arid region, is readily drained downwards when a sufficiency of water is used. When this is not the case, e. g., in clay or adobe soils, or in those underlaid by hardpan, waters which in sandy land could have been used with impunity, may become inap- plicable to irrigation use. Apparent Paradox. — Tne prescription to use saline waters more abundantly than purer ones, in order to avoid injury from alkali, though paradoxical at first sight, is 1066 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. therefore plainly justified by common sense as well as by experience, in pervious (sandy) soils; while in difficultly permeable ones, their use may be either wholly impracticable, or subject to very close limitation. Sometimes the alternate use of pure and salt-charged water serves to eke out a too scant supply of the former. But in all such cases, close attention to the measure of water that will wet the soil to a certain depth, and "eternal vigilance" with respect to the accumulation of alkali near the surface, must be the price of immunity from injury. In all cases the farmer should know how much of alkali salt he introduces into the land with the irrigation water, and watch that it does not approach too closely, or exceed, the tolerance of his crops for alkali salts. A proper discussion of the methods of utilization and improvement of alkali lands would be too extensive to include in a publication of this sort. The subject is very fully treated by Hilgard, pages 422 to 484. We may say, in a general way, that the possibilities in this direction lie, first in the planting of crops most resistant to such conditions, since cultivated plants vary widely in this respect. The date palm, for instance, grows and flourishes in soil where almost no other cultivated plant can maintain its existence. The grapevine and olive are also highly resistant, while the peach, apricot, and prune are much more sensitive. The specific substance present in the soil, whether sodium carbonate (black alkali), sodium sulphate (white alkali), or sodium chloride (common salt), is of great importance in this connection, as the relative tolerance of various plants for these different salts varies widely. It is also to be remembered that in the case of fruit trees there is usually some choice in regard to the kind of root upon which the trees may be budded or grafted, as the various roots vary consid- erably in their tolerance of saline salts. In addition to the possibilities of utilizing alkali lands by the choice of resistant plants, the possibilities of reclaiming or improving such lands lie mostly in the direction of dissolving out the injurious salts by flooding with water, and then removing the water with the salts in solution by drainage. Much good may be done in this manner where an abundant supply of fairly pure water is available and the topography of the land is such that drainage can be secured. Something can also be done in the way of neutralizing or changing the composition of these soils by application of chemical substances to the soil. It has been demonstrated, for instance, that in the case of black alkali (sodium carbonate), a change of this substance to white alkali (sodium sulphate), can be effected by an application of gypsum, the sulphate being much less injurious to vegetation than the carbonate. This whole subject is discussed at length by Hilgard. Acid Soils. — Vegetation is sometimes injured or its growth prevented by an acid or sour condition of the soil. This is much less common in California, however, than in the Atlantic States. It is more apt to occur in wet, swampy land, or in recently cleared forest soils, where there is Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1067 a large amount of vegetable matter in the ground. Such a condition can be definitely determined by chemical analysis. Soil acidity is corrected by the application of lime. (See Hilgard, pages 122 and 123.) EFFECTS OF DRYNESS. (The following discussion presupposes to a large extent the avail- ability of water for irrigation purposes, yet it is to be remembered that large areas of fruit tree and other crops are grown in California without irrigation. What is said in regard to the use of irrigation water will, of course, not apply in such cases. The grower of non-irrigated crops must look to choice of soil and location and cultural methods of moisture conservation. What is said in regard to physical soil defects as affecting the moisture supply applies even more forcibly in this case than in that where irrigation is practiced.) Some of the greatest mistakes in California horticulture have been made in the attempt to grow crops, particularly tree fruits, without irrigation. Many acres of dying or dead, abandoned orchards still remain to testify to the disastrous results of such experiments. Further- more, it may be said that even in the case of a large acreage of orchard fruits which is still being cultivated and producing fairly profitable returns, such returns would be very much greater if water for irriga- tion were available. Even in cases where irrigation might not be neces- sary every year, a possible source of water supply to be drawn upon during dry years would be the most valuable form of insurance which the grower could obtain. There are many orchards and large areas of land in California where good returns are obtained year after year without irrigation, yet even in the most favorable cases as the trees grow older, filling the soil with roots, drawing more completely upon its moisture content, and demanding more and more water as the tops grow larger and the crops greater, the desirability of irrigation is likely to become more or less pronounced. Nothing should be considered more seriously by the intending planter than the water question, and he should undertake planting without the possibility of irrigation only with the utmost conservatism. No doubt more trouble and failure in cultivated plants is caused in California from lack of soil moisture than from any other influence. While it would seem that so simple a cause would be readily seen and remedied, yet it is a fact that under our semi-arid conditions, where irrigation during most of the growing season is usually an absolute necessity, a lack of a sufficient amount of water quite unsuspected by the grower is one of our most common troubles. It is due in some cases to an insufficient supply of available water, making it impossible to obtain the necessary amount, but more often to a failure of the grower 1068 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. to realize or examine the condition of the soil beneath the surface, and a failure to apply the necessary amount of moisture or to use methods which would insure its absorption by the deeper layers of soil. In our citrus groves, for instance, no experience is more common in examining trees supposed to be suffering from some mysterious disease, than to dig down three or four feet or less below the surface and find the soil entirely dry, much to the surprise of the owner. Sometimes, also, in the case of deciduous as well as citrus groves, in the winter when rainfall is commonly expected to provide sufficient moisture, the subsoil may be found extremely dry because the usual amount of rain has not occurred. Trees often suffer severely from this cause, even when in a dormant condition. Particularly in the fall, after the crop and leaves are off, deciduous orchards often go for many weeks without rain or irrigation, the grower failing to realize that the trees need a plentiful supply of water even though they are not growing or carrying a crop of fruit. Severe injury is frequently caused in this manner to walnut, apple, and other similar trees, which injury shows itself in a poor crop or die-back condition the following season. In citrus groves the uncertainties of our rainy season lead often to equally bad results. The usual practice in citrus irrigation consists in an application of water about every thirty days, on the average, during the dry summer season, which application is supposed to be supple- mented by copious rainfall during the winter months. Such rainfall is expected to soak the ground more completely and deeply than can ordinarily be accomplished by irrigation, and is counted upon partic- ularly to create a subterranean store of moisture in the subsoil. The citrus grower expects, in an average season, sufficient rainfall to make irrigation unnecessary during a period extending from about November first to May first. Relying upon such an expectation his tendency is to withhold irrigation after October, waiting for the expected rain, and to put it off as late as possible in the spring for the same reason. The grower of deciduous fruits, whose crop comes off in the summer and whose trees are leafless and dormant during the winter, stops irrigating still earlier and is apt to pay little attention to his trees after the crop is gathered. Most seasons this confidence in the elements is not misplaced, rain coming soon enough and late enough to prevent serious damage. From time to time, however, a season occurs when the rain does not come on schedule time in the fall, or the rainy season ceases unusually early in the spring. In such seasons the grower, with each day's waiting, is more and more certain that rain will come and continues to postpone irrigation. Serious injury is sometimes caused in this way and one which may lead to more obscure after-effects, such as die-back, gumming, Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1069 mottled leaf, and other pathological symptoms. Particularly when a dry fall follows a dry spring, making nearly a year without rain, is this sort of trouble likely to occur. In such a season, even with more irrigation than usual, the soil does not get the deep soaking which only long, heavy rains can give it, and the subsoil is likely to dry out. This condition is most pronounced, naturally, on soils underlaid with a porous subsoil not having the greatest water-retaining capacity, or where there is hardpan or other hard material beneath the surface, preventing a deep soaking-in of the water. The average irrigation comes far from equalling a good rain in wetting the ground. "When the winter rain is up to or above the average in amount and distributed over its normal season, groves which receive even tolerable irrigation, upon soil of even moderate water-retaining properties, may go through in fairly good condition. Following the dry seasons the groves where the subsoil dried out begin to show up and exhibit signs of distress. In the very driest years this may extend to groves upon soil which ordinarily is considered to have good water-retaining qualities. The effect of frost and cold weather is much more decided on trees in this dry condition than upon those which have their tissue filled with the proper amount of moisture, and numerous instances are to be seen of severe frost injury to citrus and deciduous trees in groves allowed to become extremely dry in the fall, while neighboring groves, which receive proper irrigation, are entirely unaffected. A dry condition of the subsoil is frequently brought about, even where the amount of water available is sufficient, through faulty physical conditions such as hardpan, soils underlaid with rock close to the surface, sandy or gravelly subsoil, or other similar conditions which prevent the retention of a proper amount of moisture several feet below the surface of the ground. All sorts of conditions may occur which have this effect of limiting the moisture supply available to the roots, and, as we have just said, nothing is more common in California than to find plant troubles due to this cause. This is one of the most impor- tant reasons, therefore, for digging down into the soil to an ample depth in investigating cases of failure or poor development. In some parts of the State, particularly in the northern portion, a very irregular soil moisture condition occurs, due to the combination of a heavy winter rainfall and a very dry, hot summer, with a porous, gravelly soil more or less underlaid by hardpan. In such regions the soil becomes extremely wet in winter and if hardpan exists near the surface the water does not drain away but the soil remains saturated clear to the surface. After the rains cease, however, the moisture dries out rapidly, so that during the summer the dryness of the soil reaches an equally extreme stage. Large areas of orchard have been planted 3— Bul. 218 1070 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. under conditions similar to this without irrigation under the impression that no irrigation would be needed, on account of the large amount of rainfall and the extremely wet condition of the soil during the winter. Such plantings, however, have in every case resulted in absolute failure, except where subsequently a permanent water supply for irrigation was secured. The trees linger along for a few years, making a fair growth at first, but ultimately becoming stunted, affected by die-back, and finally dying completely, except in the case of the most drouth-resistant species. The remedy for such troubles is usually obvious, consisting in choos- ing, so far as possible, deep soils with fairly heavy subsoil, and in obtaining a sufficient water supply, using methods for its distribution and application which will insure a proper moistening of the soil to a sufficient depth. When trouble of this sort is once realized it is in many cases not difficult to remedy it by proper cultural methods, if the soil is of proper quality and particularly if sufficient water for irrigation is available. Again we would say, however, that a failure to examine the subsoil by deep digging and a consequent lack of knowledge of its moisture condition is one of our most common causes of tree failure. Frequently, even at the very time of irrigation, when the surface soil was saturated and covered with water, it has been found that at a depth of two or three feet the ground was completely dry on account of a plow- sole or hardpan which prevented the water from soaking down to a proper depth. It will be seen from what has been said that this sort of trouble may occur from one of two causes : either from a too porous sub- soil with insufficient water-retaining quality, or from a hard layer beneath the surface which does not allow the proper penetration of water. The methods of improving these conditions are considered in another chapter, see page 1074. It is obvious that the remedy lies on the one hand in adding humus or organic matter to the lighter soils to make them hold water better, and on the other hand in breaking up the hard layer of subsoil in order to allow the water to penetrate more rapidly and deeply. Beyond these methods of soil improvement there must also be considered the methods of irrigation best adapted to each condition. In order to keep more moisture in the soil there are three possibilities in addition to what may be accomplished by cultural means : either more water must be put on at the usual time of irrigation, or the water must be put on more frequently, or the irrigation season must begin earlier or be ex- tended later to connect more closely with the rainy season. It may, for instance, be necessary with an orchard having a light, porous subsoil, especially in a dry season, to irrigate oftener than every thirty days, if the water can be obtained, or to irrigate earlier or later in the season than is customary. On heavier soils, or where it is impossible to get Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1071 water other than at the regular time, it may be possible and effective to put on more water than has been the practice. It is easier and cheaper, of course, to put on larger amounts of water at longer intervals rather than smaller amounts at shorter intervals. The former method is also more likely to conform with the established regulations in most irri- gation districts. Such considerations and the water-retaining capacity of the subsoil must govern the grower. In addition to the moistening of the soil by irrigation, there must not be forgotten the possibilities of preventing surface evaporation by fre- quent cultivation. This leads us, however, too far from our subject, and we must leave the matter with this suggestion. Most important of all is for the grower to know definitely the moisture condition of the soil at all times down to a depth of at least four feet, disregarding entirely the appearance on the surface, and irrigate accordingly. EFFECTS OF EXCESSIVE MOISTURE. Although a lack of moisture is so common in our cultivated soils, yet cases are also quite common and sometimes entirely unsuspected where there is too much water in the subsoil, and vegetation suffers accordingly. This, again, can be easily determined by digging a hole down to the depths of the lower roots and examining the condition of the soil as to moisture. In some regions the natural water level is near the surface, and this fact must be kept in mind and the level of the water accurately determined before making extensive plantings. Again, through irriga- tion or otherwise, the water level may be raised, either in the hollows and lower spots of a region where the surface is uneven, or under the whole surface of large areas where the surface is level. The latter case has already been alluded to in our discussion of alkali soils and the rise of water in the same, page 1064. Many large areas of good land in Cali- fornia have been rendered almost worthless in this manner and often this condition has come about and orchards and other plantings been severely injured before the true condition was realized by the owner. Here, again, the simple process of digging a hole to a depth of several feet in the ground is sufficient to indicate the cause of the trouble. Trees affected in this manner usually begin dying in the top and at the ends of the branches, the leaves developing poorly, turning yellow and falling off as the die-back proceeds. The effect is very similar to that produced by dryness of the soil, and, in fact, the effect upon the parts above ground is practically the same in either case. If the soil is too dry, the top suffers because the roots can not send up the proper amount of moisture, while if the soil is too wet the roots are injured and killed and again the top fails to receive what it should from the roots. One of the worst troubles of this sort is experienced in cases where the 1072 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. water level does not remain constant, either high or low, but rises and falls a considerable number of feet during the year. This is a condition of quite frequent occurrence in some sections, particularly in the vicinity of large, uncemented irrigation canals in sandy soil. In such places the water level of the surrounding country may come up nearly to the surface of the ground during the irrigation season when the canals are constantly full of water, while after the water is shut off its level in the soil goes down for many feet. Under such conditions, the roots have no opportunity to accustom themselves to development at a certain level, but are continually subjected to alternate flooding and drying. Such a condition can be determined by digging an open pit or well to a depth of 10 or 15 feet, and watching the fluctuation of the water level during the season. The only remedy for all these conditions consists in drainage to pre- vent the water rising above a certain level, and, in the last instance described, in cementing the bottom and sides of the main ditches so that seepage can not occur. The latter is expensive but is the only means of stopping the widespread injury of this sort, which is at present occurring in some regions. EFFECTS OF FAULTY PHYSICAL STRUCTURE. Cultivated plants frequently suffer or die on account of unfavorable conditions of structure or formation of the subsoil. Nothing is more fatal to the success of the land-seeker in California than to judge the value of a piece of ground by the nature of the surface soil. By digging or boring down to a depth of a few inches or feet he may encounter something entirely different from that seen on top, and something which would doom his proposed planting to absolute failure from the very start. Again, plantings may be made and flourish for a time, but then begin to fail as the roots reach the unfavorable conditions below. Faults of this sort are most commonly of two general classes, namely, the subsoil is either too hard and impenetrable, preventing the roots from developing properly and limiting the supply of moisture available for them ; or it is too coarse and porous, being unable to retain moisture, and deficient in plant food. In the former instance, on digging down into the soil one may encounter at a slight depth solid rock, hard clay (hardpan), or he may come into gravel, coarse sand, or some other undesirable soil formation. Again, in the case of old, long cultivated orchards, particularly in heavy soils, an artificial hardpan or plow-sole is frequently formed on account of the gathering together of the finest soil particles at a depth just below that reached by the plow and cultivator. All of these conditions can be readily determined by digging or boring down into soil. The chief difficulty in this respect is that of judging accurately just Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1073 ~ PLOW SOLE E ■'- •'•'.. ,'\ •••• " • *••' • • • '•"'.-"'.. ••• * •' . -" * «'-**' .•• : / . ••. ••'.' ,.»■: .■- ,• • ". H :•.•...;-- -V. • " > •»..'• • . •'. i .••,•••/•» . CO • . J • . '.•..., MI B i . i •V-. J .*.'. .•-•«.%. ■» V ••• >h: . , » A . • ' i" . .-v. : ' o '. • • . • * .»;•. • ■ .- to ' • !* »*« • »o B o to o 09 2 ri o CD I d M .... • ../: ." \-.' >•*. • •- ; >:• "/..•: -• or- '■ :-" ; % • • *..'"'" • . . ' ' . . ' * *■'..'' N • *' ■ ml 1 1 li IS ill •1' ' % ' *' '" ' V,- '*- '••''. ?r *.V /• '*. "".• '. : •••••'..-- . ' • » • :, , •. «' »" . ." # " ./ V •'»*'.• -CO ' .'-\ ' ' ' ■ x '. < : - •*' ■' '•*;.•,-- • • ••" ■•' -■•'.•.■•• • .' i ••'.':■/ •.-;. ../•-•:• , v •:*' '-'..'• '-.•• i * • '• » • *" • *• * *i ■ " ,". • ' • •' ■• ** "* *• * . ,i 1074 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. what degree of hardness or coarseness in the subsoil is undesirable or in- jurious, or what conditions in these respects are desirable and favorable to plant life. On the one hand, the heavier the soil the better it will retain moisture and plant food, so long as it is not so extremely hard or impervious as to prevent its being penetrated by roots and water. On the other hand, the heavier the soil the more difficult it is to cultivate, while if it is sandy and porous it is easier to handle, takes up water more readily, and is more easily penetrated by plant roots. On lighter soils plants usually respond more promptly to applications of water and plant food ; such soils are easier to plow and cultivate and can be worked at any time of year, while heavy soils present an opposite condition in these respects. Furthermore, different kinds of trees and plants vary widely in their adaptability to heavy or light soils, or the depth of soil which they require for proper development. Soils which are entirely too light or too shallow for one kind of tree may be entirely fitted for another kind. Altogether, therefore, one may not judge too hastily or be too quick either to condemn or approve a soil for a certain plant without large experience, and expert knowledge of practical conditions and results in this respect. The methods of improvement of soils of poor mechanical structure form a subject in themselves too extensive to be taken up in this place. Such improvement must be mainly brought about in one of two ways : First, through cultural operations, such as deep plowing and special cultivation; second, by adding materials to the soil, such as straw, manure, or green manure crops. Special treatises on this subject should be consulted for information along these lines. In the case of hardpan of limited thickness underlaid by good soil, the radical practice is sometimes resorted to of blasting with powder or dynamite, blowing out a hole for each tree before it is planted. Even in established groves, blasting between the trees is sometimes done with good results. ( See Hilgard 's ' ' Soils, ' ' page 181. ) Artificial Influences in the Soil. — Injury to plants sometimes occurs through the presence in the soil of injurious substances which have come there artificially through drainage, or by being placed in or upon the soil. These may be waste substances from manufacturing or result from any one of a great variety of causes, sometimes wholly unsuspected. As an instance of this, we may cite injury to citrus trees which sometimes occurs from the pouring upon the ground of the residue of sulphuric acid and potassium cyanide remaining after the process of fumigation for killing scale insects. Sometimes a single root or one side of the trunk will be affected by some injurious substance of this sort, and the injury reflect itself in only one limb, or on one side of the tree corre- Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1075 sponding to the injured portion of the root or trunk. Some very mys- terious cases of tree disease have been traced to this source. A not infrequent source of injury to trees, particularly street trees, is the presence in the soil of illuminating gas escaping from leaky pipes. Great damage has resulted to the street trees of many cities from this source. In any case, where street trees commence to fail and die from no apparent reason, this sort of trouble should be looked for if there is a gas pipe in the street. INJURIES BY ANIMALS. Various animals are injurious to cultivated crops, but their effects and remedies are mostly obvious, and need no special consideration. The most serious injury of this sort in California is that produced by the common gopher, which is one of our greatest pests. These animals feed upon the roots of all sorts of cultivated plants and trees, and under favorable conditions become very numerous. Their most evident effects are seen where plants suddenly wilt and die on account of the roots being eaten off. In the case of orchard trees of considerable size, the gopher often works on the bark of the main roots, causing the tree to gradually decline and its foliage to become yellow, finally bringing about the death of the tree. It may linger along for several years, however, before be- coming entirely dead. In citrus groves, especially where gopher control has been neglected, trees are frequently seen with foliage of a bright yellow color and covered with an abnormally large number of small fruits. Such trees are an almost invariable indication of gopher attacks, and, if not taken in hand very promptly, will soon be killed. If, how- ever, gophers are gotten rid of before the injury to the roots has gone too far, the tree may form new bark and finally recover. In such cases, it is well to cut the top back to an extent proportionate to the amount of injury and thus give the tree a better chance to recover. Gophers can only be kept down by constant warfare through the use of traps, poison and shooting. Special traps and poisonous preparations are made for this purpose, some of which are very effective. See bulletin 172, "The Pocket Gopher," Kansas Experiment Station, Manhattan, Kansas. Squirrels, moles, and other similar animals often cause much damage to vegetation and are to be controlled by means of the nature just alluded to, namely, poisoning, trapping, and shooting. See Circular 76, "The California Ground Squirrel,' ' Bureau of Biological Survey, United States Department of Agriculture. See, also, Wickson 's ' ' Cali- fornia Fruits,' ' page 410, for methods of control of gophers, squirrels, rabbits, etc. In regard to rabbits, we quote the following from the "California Cultivator' ' of March 23, 1911 : "According to the experts of the North 1076 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. Dakota Agricultural College, damage to trees by rabbits gnawing the bark can be stopped in the following way: Make a thick whitewash; slaking the lime over night improves it. To each pailful of the white- wash add three tablespoonfuls of paris green, and paint the trees with it. Stir frequently when applying it. ' ' Insects. — The control of insect pests will not be considered in this bulletin. This is a large subject in itself and publications are available covering most of our common pests. Worms. — One organism of this group is of particular importance in connection with California plant diseases, namely, the Nematode Root Worm, Heterodera radicicola. This is a worm of microscopic size, which lives parasitically in the roots of many different plants, causing small nodules or galls upon them. Such nodules are quite frequently seen upon the roots of nursery stock, garden vegetables, and other plants, but for some reason this organism does not seem to become serious in this State. In the southeastern portion of the country it causes serious damage to orchard trees and other plantings, but this does not seem to be the case in California. The organism in question is hatched from eggs which are deposited by adult female worms in the root galls. These eggs hatch and the young worms, which are so small as to be quite invisible to the eye, move about in the soil for a few days but soon burrow into the tips of young roots where they come to rest. By their presence in the roots they cause an irritation which produces a swelling and the formation of galls. The mature female worms can be seen with the naked eye by careful exam- ination, being little, pearly-white, pear-shaped bodies, about the size of small pin head. They may be found embedded in the tissues just beneath the surface of the galls. This form of injury is alluded to more specifically in connection with various plants in a later portion of this bulletin. Slugs and Snails. — These creatures are frequently the cause of much damage to plants, especially in moist weather. They are best controlled by sprinkling dry lime dust upon the ground in circles about the plants, upon the leaves of the plants themselves, or in any way so that the slugs will be obliged to come into contact with the lime. This is very repulsive to them on account of its irritating effect upon their soft bodies. They may also be trapped to some extent by laying boards upon the ground in the vicinity of the plants upon which they feed, thus affording a shelter under which they may be found and killed. It is said that ducks are particularly fond of these creatures. In regard to snails, we find the following in the Pacific Rural Press, of June 12, 1909, page 439 : 'These pests are quite common in England Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1077 and in English gardeners ' experience a mixture of salt and soot scattered upon the ground which they traverse seems to be most effective. Lime, which is something of a protection against the slug branch of the snail family, does not seem to be objectionable to the shell bearer." Fungi, Bacteria, and Slime Molds. — Organisms of this sort are the cause of most of our specific plant diseases, and these are described in connection with their particular host plants in the following alpha- betical list. A short description of the general nature of these organisms may be useful at this point. Fungi. — The organisms called fungi are true plants but of a very low order. The largest and most highly developed members of the family are represented by the toadstools, mushrooms, and similar plants. Other common examples of fungi are the various molds and mildews often seen growing upon different organic materials, especially in moist air. Only certain fungi are injurious to vegetation. Those species which are not are called saprophytes. These grow upon dead material, like the toadstools which we see upon dead wood or manure and the molds which develop upon decaying fruit, moist leather, bread or jelly. Many kinds of fungi, however, are able to grow only upon the tissues of living plants. These are called parasites. Examples of this are seen in the rose mildew, a mold-like fungus which can not live except upon living leaves, and the various rusts which have the same habit. In the case of the rust most of the fungous plant develops in the interior tissue of the leaf, while in the rose mildew it grows mostly upon the surface. It is characteristic of parasitic fungi that in most cases each particular species of fungus has a particular species of plant which it attacks, or its attacks are limited to a few closely related plants. Certain species of rust, for instance, attack only a few of the grains or grasses. Another species of rust attacks the asparagus, but the asparagus rust fungus can not develop upon grain nor the grain rust upon the asparagus plant. Some fungi are both parasitic and saprophytic, being able to grow either upon living plants or dead matter. Others are mainly sapro- phytic but may become parasites upon plants in a weakened or un- healthy condition. The body of a fungous plant consists usually of a branching mass of very fine, thread-like filaments called the mycelium. In toadstools the mycelial filaments become very abundant and mass together into structures of considerable size and definite form. In the mold fungi the mycelium develops abundantly under favorable conditions and makes a cobweb-like or cottony mass. In most of the parasitic fungi the filaments of the mycelium grow through the interior tissues of the plant attacked (called the host plant) and at the same time withdraw 1078 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. nourishment for their own use. They also sometimes secrete poisonous substances, and thus are caused the leaf spots or dying of whole leaves which we see resulting from fungus attacks. Some fungi also cause active decay of fruit, fleshy roots, tubers, wood, and other vegetable material. The reproductive bodies of fungi, corresponding to the seeds of higher plants, are called spores. These are usually very small, dust- like particles, each of which is capable of sprouting and reproducing the fungus if it finds favorable conditions. In the case of the rusts we see the spores as a dusty powder which develops on affected plants. Most of the common molds also produce a dusty mass of spores on the surface of the mycelium. The control of fungus diseases by spraying is almost always effected by covering the plants with the poisonous material before the fungus has made its attack, thus killing the spores before they can send out sprouts and reach the interior tissues. If the latter has been accom- plished and the fungus is already inside the plant nothing can then be done to stop its effects save by preventing its spread to other leaves or plants not yet affected. Bacteria. — The bacteria are organisms of even simpler nature than the fungi, having no mycelial body, but consisting of very minute, indi- vidual particles. Each of these individuals is able to multiply very extensively and rapidly by division, so that under favorable conditions bacteria can develop in sufficient abundance to form a mass visible to the eye. Such a mass of bacteria is usually of a slimy nature, as seen in fruit and vegetables which have become so thoroughly decayed as to be in a semi-liquid condition. Most of the bacteria are purely saprophytes, living only on dead matter and producing by their growth decay, fer- mentation, putrefaction and similar processes. A number of species, however, are parasitic on animals, causing many of the commonest and most serious human and animal diseases. The bacterial plant parasites are fewer in number, although the list of bacterial plant diseases is gradually growing. Some of the most conspicuous examples, like the pear blight and walnut blight, develop in the fresh, succulent tissues of the bark or in the fruit, causing the death of the parts affected. It should be said in connection with fungus and bacterial diseases that the mere finding of an organism of this sort upon a diseased plant or any of its parts is by no means proof that the organism found is the cause of the trouble. If a leaf, for instance, is injured in any way so that its vitality is almost or quite destroyed, various kinds of sapro- phytic fungi or bacteria usually develop upon it very quickly. If a plant dies or becomes very much weakened from any cause its roots soon begin to decay and various saprophytic soil fungi and bacteria will be found in its tissues. It is practically impossible for dead or dying plant BULLETIN 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1079 tissue, no matter how it was first affected, to remain in existence without falling prey to all sorts of fungi and bacteria which would have no power whatever of developing upon the same plant when in a healthy condition. The plant pathologist must, therefore, proceed with extreme caution to attribute plant troubles to organisms of this sort until he has absolutely proven that the initial injury was produced by the organism under suspicion, when the plant was still in a healthy condition. To make this absolutely certain, he must not only find the organism upon the plant, but must also produce all the characteristic symptoms of the disease by inoculating healthy plants of the same species with his fungus or bacterium. Long experience may make this unnecessary at times and obviate much tedious work, but the young investigator is more apt to err in the other direction, attributing plant troubles to fungi or bacteria which really had nothing to do with them. Slime Molds (Myxomycetes) . — A few plant diseases are caused by organisms of this class. They are grouped at the very bottom of the vegetable kingdom, and comprise some of the simplest forms of life. A LIST Of THE MORE SPECIFIC PLANT DISEASES IN CALIFORNIA, WITH BRIEF DIRECTIONS FOR TREATMENT. ALFALFA. Crown Gall (Urophlyctis alfalfw). Figure 7. Gall-like swellings appear on the stems and main roots just at the surface of the ground and the plants die. The trouble is favored by excessive moisture in the soil. Caused by a fungus. This is a new disease in this State, and has not been reported elsewhere in the country at this writing. Allow the ground in affected spots to dry thoroughly and do not use it again for some time. Leaf Spot (Pseudopeziza medicaginis) . Figure 8. The leaves turn yellow and die, with small, dark spots upon the surface. The trouble is not a serious one in this State, and needs no special treatment. Caused by a fungus. Cut and burn the crop if badly affected. Rust (Uromyces striatus) . Reddish-brown, dusty pustules break out in small spots on the surface of the leaves. This trouble is caused by a true rust, and sometimes becomes quite destructive to alfalfa during the rainy season. It in- variably disappears with the coming of dry weather, so need not be seriously feared. Cut and burn badly affected crops. 1080 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. Fig. 7. — Crown gall of alfalfa (Urophlyctis alfalfae), Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1081 Stem Rot (Sclerotinia libertiana). The stems wilt and die after reaching nearly full size. Usually scat- tering stems here and there about the field are affected, and may be easily seen by their contrast with the thrifty, green appearance of the other stalks. This trouble usually occurs most abundantly where there is a thick stand of alfalfa, heavily shading the ground, particularly in the spring when the ground is very moist. On pulling an affected stem it is found to be decayed at the base, and usually shows a more or less abundant white mold upon the surface if there is an abundance of moisture. In this mold small, roundish, black bodies develop, which represent one stage of the fungus. This is apparently the same fungus which causes the cottony mold decay of lemons (page 1123) and also Fig. 8. — Leaf spot of alfalfa (Pseudopeziza medicaginis ) . stem rot of various other plants. It causes considerable damage to alfalfa at times in this State, and it has been reported as a serious disease in other States. The fungus is common, affecting various plants all over the world. No specific remedy can be suggested, but the disease usually disap- pears to a large extent during the summer and fall. Badly affected fields should be plowed up and used for some other crop for several years. 1082 UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. Fig. 9. — Shot-hole of almond (Cercospora circumscissa) . Fig. 10. — Almond rust (Puccinia pruni), Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1083 Dodder (Cuscuta). A thread-like, yellowish vine forms a thick mat in the alfalfa, and becomes parasitic upon it. It is a true flowering plant. In badly affected fields a large proportion of the crop is lost from this source. Allow the field to dry out for some time and the dodder will often Fig. 11. — Crown gall of almond (Bacterium tumefaciens) . be entirely killed without destroying the alfalfa roots. If the field is badly affected plow and replant later. Avoid planting infested seed. Dodder seed is often mixed with that of alfalfa. ALMOND. Shot-hole (Cercospora circumscissa) . Figure 9. There appear on the leaves numerous, small, dead spots, which finally fall out, giving a shot-hole effect. The young twigs are also spotted. The trees are sometimes defoliated early in the season by this fungus and the crop badly injured. Spray with Bordeaux mixture in the spring as the buds are opening. 1084 UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. Rust (Pnccinia pruni). Figure 10. Red or brown, dusty pustules appear on the under side of the leaves, usually late in the season. The fungus may hasten the normal dropping of the leaves somewhat but is not serious on thrifty trees ; worse where the trees suffer from drouth. No treatment ordinarily needed. Crown Gall (Bacterium tumefaciens) . Figure 11. Large swellings appear on the main root just below ground and to some extent on the smaller roots. This results in a gradual failure and dying of the trees. This is one of the commonest troubles of our stone fruit trees, being found both in the nursery and on mature orchard trees. This trouble is caused by a bacterial organism which infests the soil. The organism would seem to be abundant in California soils, since cases are not rare of infection on the roots of trees grown from pits in virgin soil. Avoid planting nursery trees in affected ground and in orchard planting discard every tree which shows any evidence of this trouble. On old trees the galls may sometimes be chiseled off after digging down and exposing the main roots, but this treatment is not usually very satisfactory. Disinfect the cuts with strong bluestone or corrosive sublimate solution. Root Rot — Oak Fungus. Figure 12. Many orchards of almonds and other trees contain certain spots where the trees commence dying from a center, the trouble gradually proceeding outward in a circle, involving tree after tree. Clusters of toadstools frequently appear about the base of affected trees in the winter. These spots usually coincide with places where oak trees formerly stood and the destruction of the fruit trees is due to certain ' ' toadstool ' ' fungi which apparently live on the old oak roots and spread through the soil, infecting the roots of the orchard trees. Several dif- ferent fungi seem to cause this disease, among which Armillaria mellea is probably the most important. The progress of the trouble may be checked by digging a deep trench around the affected area, but this is impracticable in most cases. The development of a resistant root presents the only practical remedy. The pear root, fig and that of the California black walnut are some of the most resistant among fruit-bearing trees and these may usually be planted with safety. The cherry is the most resistant of the stone fruits. Fruit Drop. The fruit falls to the ground while still very small and undeveloped. Due partly to seasonal conditions which can not be controlled, and partly to a lack of cross pollination, which can be secured by mixing Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1085 varieties in planting. Heavy rains at the time of blossoming may have this effect, and it may also be produced by frost, killing the young germ in the seed of the fruit. Many other fruits are affected in the same way, such as the apricot, cherry, peach, and pear. The fruit may remain on the tree and continue to grow in size for some time before dropping. Fig. 12. — Root rot caused by the toad-stool fungus (Armillaria mellea) on live oak. Sour Sap. "When affected with this trouble the tree may suddenly die just as it is coming out in the spring in full vigor, or the effect may be limited to one limb or one portion of the tree, which dies after the leaves have started, or even after the fruit is partly grown. All our stone fruits suffer frequently with the disease characterized by this name, while 4— Bul. 218 1086 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. occasionally the pear and other trees are affected. The trouble appears to be due entirely to climatic conditions resulting from a combination of unseasonably warm, balmy weather in winter, followed by a marked change to colder weather. The sap of these trees frequently starts into active circulation with the first approach of spring, and when this occurs too early in the season, cold weather following suddenly, checks the flow of sap and other functional activities of the tree, causing a stagnation and finally fermentation. Affected trees should be pruned back to healthy wood, where there is enough remaining to make a new top. Fig. 13. — Die-back of orchard trees. Die-Back. Numerous more or less abandoned groves of almonds, as well as other deciduous fruit trees, are to be seen in California which present a dis- tressing appearance on account of a dying back of the branches. In some cases the trees are entirely dead, while in others they show all stages of deterioration. The trouble in the majority of these cases is due primarily to a lack of water induced by a variety of causes, either an absolute lack of sufficient moisture during the year to keep the trees alive, or unfavorable soil conditions, such as hardpan, gravel, and similar Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1087 troubles. Lack of soil fertility is frequently a contributory factor. Such cases of die-back are connected usually with some of the unfavor- able soil conditions which we have described in connection with that Fig. 14. — Apple twig affected by mildew (Podosphaera oxyacanthae) . subject. In the majority of cases these plantings were doomed to failure from the start and represent an ill-advised undertaking, or in some cases criminal deception. Various secondary causes may contribute to the 1088 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. dying of such trees as we have described, but such factors are usually of little importance, and in many cases are an actual blessing to the owner in hastening the time when his expenditures for the maintenance of such an orchard are brought to an end. APPLE. Mildew (Podosphacra oxyacanthw) . Figure 14. Characterized by a dwarfing of the tips of the new shoots, which, together with the leaves which they bear, remain stunted and covered ^WHfh, ,1 Fig. 15. — Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) . with the white mildew growth of the fungus. Much worse on some varieties than others. Has not been controlled very successfully heretofore, but good results have been obtained in some instances by spraying quite frequently through the early part of the season, commencing just before the buds unfold, with sulphide sprays. (See page 1187.) Some growers report success from spraying with the caustic soda- sulphur spray, about 10 pounds of dry sulphur being added to each 50 gallons of spray. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1089 The iron sulphide spray mentioned on page 1187 is said to be partic- ularly effective for mildew in the Pajaro Valley. Scab (Venturia inaequalis) . Figure 15. Easily identified by the scabby patches produced on the surface of the fruit, in which the brown, velvety growth of the fungus can be seen. Spray with Bordeaux mixture just as the buds are opening, again after the petals fall, and once or twice at intervals later, where the variety or location is particularly susceptible. Arsenate of lead or paris green for codling moth may be combined with this spray. Blight (Bacillus amylovorus) . See pear blight, which is caused by the same organism. Blight is not usually as destructive in apples as in pears, except occasionally with very susceptible varieties. Its worst effect in apples usually consists in killing the blossoms and thus destroying the crop, rather than causing the death of large limbs or whole trees. Sometimes the disease runs down into the large limbs and may remain alive there from year to year, forming a source of infection to neighboring pear and apple orchards. More often the infection proceeds only to the base of the fruit spurs, killing the twigs to that point. Destroy old, worthless apple trees standing in the vicinity of valuable apple or pear orchards. Root Hot. The " toad-stool' ' disease, described for the almond, occasionally affects young apple trees recently set out, but it is not usually serious on established trees. Stem Rot (Schizophyllum commune) . Figure 16. . This is another toad-stool disease, affecting the tree above ground. The fungus in question shows itself in clusters of small, bracket-like growths which appear on dead portions of the trunk or branches. This fungus infects the tree through wounds caused by pruning or any injury and in some cases develops rapidly in the heart wood of young trees, extending far up in the trunk and out into the branches, while the bark is still green and healthy and the whole tree appears to be in good condition. From the heart wood the fungus gradually works out into the outer sap wood and cambium, killing the tree. Affected trees often appear in good condition at the end of the growing season in the fall, but are found to be dead the following spring when they fail to leaf out. This sudden effect is produced by the development of the fungus into the sap wood and cambium during the winter while the tree is dormant and more susceptible. Make all pruning cuts cleanly and close to the trunk, and paint over 1090 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. Fig. 16. — Canker of apple limbs caused by the fungus Schizophyllum. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1091 the scars with thick lead paint. In cases of trees unavoidably injured the wounds should be treated in the same manner as soon as possible. Sun Burn. Figure 17. The bark on one side of the trunk dies and the wounds thus produced frequently become in- fected with the little Schizo- phyllum fungus just described. The apple is quite susceptible to winter sun burn injury of the trunk and large branches. Es- pecially in the higher foothill regions, where in late winter and spring the days are hot and the nights cold, trouble of this sort often occurs, as de- scribed on page 1054. Paint the trunks with thick whitewash, and keep the ground about the trees covered in winter with vegetation or a mulch of some sort. Fig. 17. — Effect of sun burn on trunk of apple tree. Fig. 18. — Fruit spot of apple. 1092 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. Die-Back. See Almond. Fruit Spot. Figure 18. Characterized by the appearance of sunken, discolored spots on the surface of the apple, beneath which the tissue is found to be brown and dead. The dead tissue also extends to a considerable extent in streaks and lines through the flesh of the apple. This effect may show while the apple is still on the tree or sometimes develops only after the fruit has been picked for some time. The trouble has been ascribed to various causes. This disease is similar to that called "brown spot" or "Bald- win spot" in other portions of the country. No cause or remedy satisfactorily demonstrated in California. Fig. 19. — Storage spot of apple. Storage Spot. Numerous dark, dead spots appear on apples after being in storage for some time, usually on the upper side of each apple as it lies in the box. Especially common on the White Winter Pearmain, but also found on Jonathan and other varieties. Cause not definitely known, but in storage not due to freezing. Has recently been attributed to after-effects of arsenical insecticides. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1093 Hollow Apple. Figure 20. A peculiar condition found in one or two instances.. The affected fruit is sunken in on one side and has a misshapen appearance. On cutting through the apple large hollow cavities are found corresponding to the sunken areas on the surface. Due apparently to some injury- while the fruit was small. Fig. 20. — Hollow apple. Club Tip. Terminal buds die back or fail to grow and enlarged swellings develop at the ends of the living portion of the twigs. Lateral shoots may develop later from these. Affects some varieties more than others. Due apparently to unfavorable soil or climatic conditions which check the growth of the terminal buds. Sometimes caused by apple mildew. No remedy, save in latter case, which see. Seasonal Effects. Figure 21. Apple trees in California, particularly in the valleys, are sometimes affected by the seasonal diseases described on page 1151. These effects show themselves in die-back, blooming out of season, failure of the buds to open at the proper time, " Little Leaf," and a stunted, weak growth of the shoots. Such effects are produced most commonly, perhaps, by a long, dry season in the fall, causing the trees to become especially dor- 1094 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. mant, followed by warm, spring-like weather during the winter soon after the first rains. Again, they may be produced by long, continuous rainfall during the winter, followed by a very sudden end of the rainy season and a long period during the spring and early summer of hot, dry weather. These, and other irregular combinations may produce the effects described and other similar ones. Fig. 21. — Little leaf of apple. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1095 APRICOT. Shot-Hole and Fruit Spot (Coryneum beyerinkii). Figure 22. This fungus is the same as that causing the peach blight and produces in the apricot a spotting of the fruit, shot-hole effect in the leaves and killing of the buds. Spray with Bordeaux mixture during November and again in spring just as the buds open. See bulletin 203, page 33, California Experiment Station. Fio. 22. — Apricot shot-hole and leaf spot (.Coryneum beyerinkii), 1096 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. Fig. 23. — Apricot bud blight. Bud Blight. Figure 23. Characterized by a dying of the buds during the early winter and caused very largely by the fungus just mentioned. Similar trouble is caused more or less by "Sour Sap" conditions. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1097 Scab (Cladosporium carpophilum) . Figure 24. Causes a scabby spotting on the surface of the fruit. Has never been sufficiently serious to warrant treatment in California. Brown Rot (Sclerotinia fructigena). Figure 20. A decay of the fruit while still on the tree, occurring some seasons in the vicinity of San Francisco Bay and other moist localities. The young growth as well as the fruit is also sometimes affected, the new shoots wilting and dying back from the attacks of this fungus. This is the most serious obstacle to stone fruit production in the eastern states, but does not find sufficient moisture for its development in California, Fig. 24. — Apricot scab (Cladosporium carpophilum) . except on early varieties in occasional seasons of late rains in the local- ities mentioned above. No definite remedy for this trouble has been demonstrated in Cali- fornia, but spraying with self-boiled lime sulphur just as the fruit is setting and again with the same following subsequent rains is recom- mended for trial. See bulletin 203, page 39, California Experiment Station. Blossom Rot. Figure 26. The young fruit decays while still very small and enclosed by the calyx or outer cup of the blossom. The trouble occurs when wet rainy weather prevails during the time of fruit setting. It commences in a rotting of the calyx cup, which is dead and susceptible to decay by saprophytic fungi, which decay spreads to the young fruit. It is caused by various fungi, of which perhaps a species of Sclerotinia, apparently 8. libertiana, is most common, causing a decay of the young fruit on the tree. When such fruit is picked and placed in moist chamber it develops an abundant cottony mold in which black sclerotia soon forms. This appears to be the same fungus causing the cottony mold or white rot of 1098 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. the lemon storage. Botrytis vulgaris is also common in this trouble. Same treatment as brown rot. Fig. 25. — Brown rot of apricot (Sclerotinia fructigena) . Spraying for shot-hole fungus might also be of some benefit in this trouble. Fkuit Drop. See Almond. Sour Sap and Seasonal Effects. The apricot is particularly sensitive to sour sap (see Almond) and other seasonal effects. It is a tree having a free flow of sap, quick to respond to stimulating influences and one having the characteristic of all the stone fruits of forming an abundance of gum when injured in any manner. On this account, if any active sap movement from the Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1099 Fig. 26. — Apricot calyx rot (Sclerotinia Hbertiana). roots is started early in the season by warm weather or an abundance of moisture and this activity be checked again by less stimulating weather conditions, trouble is very apt to follow. The sap becomes stagnant in the tissues, full of sugars and other easily fermentable substances, gum begins to form, sun burn may also occur and very often severe injury take place in the tissues of the sap wood and cambium layer. 1100 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. Crown Gall and Root Rot. See Almond. Die-Back. See Almond. Gummosis. See Cherry. ASPARAGUS. Rust (Puccinia asparagi). Figures 27 and 28. Causes premature death of the bushy tops which grow up after the cutting season, thus injuring the vitality of the plants. The fungus causing the rust shows three different stages, the spring rust, appearing in the form of elliptical patches on the stems of plants which are allowed to grow up early in the season, the summer or red rust, which covers the tops with a reddish, dusty powder of spores during the summer, causing their death, and the black rust stage, which ap- pears on the tops in the form of numerous black pustules following the red rust. During the cutting season allow no wild asparagus to grow up. Keep the fields well irrigated and culti- vated during the summer and fall after cut- ting stops. Dust the tops thoroughly with flowers of sulphur about three weeks after Fig. 27. — Asparagus rust, winter stage. Fig. 28. — Asparagus rust, summer stage. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1101 the cutting season ends and repeat this two or three times during the remainder of the season. . Select seed for planting from the most rust-resistant plants. See Bulletins 165 and 172, California Experiment Station. ASTER. Yellows. Characterized by the production of sickly, yellow shoots and abortion of the flowers. Apparently caused by climatic conditions. Not very serious in California. No remedy known. BARLEY. Closed Smut (Ustilago hordei). The grain is turned a dark color by the formation of the fungus spores in its substance. This remains firm rather than flying out in a dusty mass, as in the next form. Loose Smut (Ustilago nuda). Figure 29. Differs from the last in that the smutty substance of the grain scatters out in the form of black dust, leaving the heads empty. Barley is not often affected with smut in California, so that we can not distin- guish as to the occurrence of these two different species. It is advisable, how- ever, to treat the seed as follows : Soak for 10 minutes in one of the fol- lowing solutions : 1. Bluestone 1 pound to 5 gallons of water. 2. Formalin 1 pint to 30 gallons of water. The seed should be soaked long enough to get every grain thoroughly wet and then immediately taken out. If not planted at once the grain must be dried before storing. Plant a little more seed after this treatment than would be used with untreated grain. Loose smut alone is more successfully controlled by the following seed treat- ment : in cold water for 5 hours. Then soak in water at a temperature degrees F. for 15 minutes. The proper temperature must be Fig. 29. — Loose smut of barley (Ustilago nuda). Soak of 125 5_Bul. 218 1102 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. carefully maintained to make this treatment successful, but it is not usually necessary in California. Blade Blight (Helminthosporium gramineum) . Figure 30. The leaves turn yellow and are covered with elongated black spots. This is frequently seen in unfavorable seasons when the plants are small and rather stunted. The plants usually overcome the diseased condi- tion when weather conditions are favorable. It is a question whether the primary trouble is not caused by weather conditions more than by the fungus. In periods of long continued, cold rain in winter, to which barley is often subjected, the plants grow very feebly, turn yellow and form their roots close to the surface of the water-soaked ground. "When, as sometimes happens, the seasonal rain suddenly ends and hot, dry windy weather follows, the surface soil dries out suddenly, the shallow-rooted bar- ley is left without moisture and the al- ready weakened plants fall an easy prey to fungi. No remedy feasible or commonly needed. BEAN. Mildew (Erj/siphe polygoni). Produces a white growth of the fungus covering the surface of the leaves in moist weather. Sprinkle with dry sulphur. Rust (TJromyces appcndiculatus) . Causes a yellowing and death of the leaves with the production of a dusty red rust on the under side. Not usually de- structive except on plants growing poorly. ,,/ Spot {Collet otrichum lindemuthianum) . Figure 31. Causes large, scabby, dead spots upon the pods. Not often serious in this State. May be controlled by selecting clean seed Fig. 31. — An- thracnose of" Fig. 30. — Blade blight of bar- ley (Heimin- an d spraying the plants with Bordeaux bean (Coiieto- thospor ium . trichum linde- grarmneum). mixture. muthianum). BEET. Rust (Uromyces oetm) . A typical red rust on the leaves, common on sugar and garden beets, if grown during the rainy season. Not serious. Bulletin 21S] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1103 Fig. 32. — Leaf spot on beet {Cercospora beticola). Leaf Spot (Cercospora beticola). Figure 32. Produces small dead spots all over the leaves. Quite common in California, but practically unknown on sugar beets. Downy Mildew {Peronospora schachtii). Figure 33. Causes a stunting of the inner leaves and a checking of the growth of the plant. The fungus is visible to the eye as a mildew on the under 1104 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. side of the affected leaves in the center of the plant. Found recently in California on sugar beets, this being the first report in this country. Not yet serious. Occurs only during the rainy season. When found, the plants should be pulled and destroyed. Root Rot (Rhizoctonia) . Appears in young plants as a decay of the main root. Does not usually kill the plant but causes the root to fork and become misshapen. Not very serious. Curly Top — Blight. Figures 34 and 35. Characterized by thickened, curled leaves, stunted growth, an abun- dance of fibrous roots and a pronounced blackening of the concentric Fig. 33. — Downy mildew of beet (Peronospora schachtii). rings in the interior of the beet. Our most serious sugar beet disease. The cause of this disease has recently been found to be an insect ( Eutettix) , but its development is very largely influenced by climatic conditions. Avoided largely by determining the best time for planting in affected localities. See bulletin 184, page 240, California Experiment Station. Root Knot (Nematode). Produces small ; gall-like swellings on the roots. Has been found in California but does not seem to have become serious. See page 1076. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1105 Fig. 34. — Curly top of beet. 1106 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. Fig. 35. — Curly top of beet. Sections showing blackened fibrovascular rings. Bulletin 21 S J CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1107 Produces bright orange masses of spores all over the under side of the Leaves. The fungus spreads all through the plant so that it is not easily con- trolled. Cut affected plants to the ground and burn. Spray new growth with Bordeaux mixture. BLACKBERRY. Rust (Oymnocotiia int ers tit alls ) . Fig- Leaf Spot (Septoria rubi). ure 36. Produces small dead spots on the leaves. Not usu- ally very serious. Spray with Bor- Fig. 37. — Fruit rot of blackberry (Botrytis vulgaris). Fig. 36. — Leaf spot of blackberry {Septoria rubi). deaux mixture about four times at short intervals (of about ten days), the first application when the buds are beginning to unfold. Crown Gall ( Bacterium tumefaciens ) . Produces large swellings or galls just below ground. Destroy affected plants and use care in planting clean stock. Fruit Rot (Botrytis). Fig- ure 37. The ripe fruit decays on the bushes and is covered with a grey, dusty mold. Usually not abundant ex- cept in moist weather. No treatment feasible. All affected fruit should be 1108 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. discarded and not mixed with that which is unaffected, as the rot will spread after picking. CABBAGE. Club Foot (Plasmodiophora brassiccc). Produces large swellings on the roots and stunting or death of the plants. Not common in California. Black Rot (Pscndomonas campestris). This bacterial disease causes the ruin of the heads, the veins of the leaves turning black and decay- ing. The trouble is very uncom- mon in California if it occurs at all. CARNATION. Rust (Uromyces caryophyllinus) . Produces pustules containing the reddish, dusty spore masses of the fungus on the leaves. Not serious on healthy plants in this State. Wilt — Stem Rot (Fusarium). Causes a dry rot of the stem and root tissue of the plant. Not serious. Leaf Spot (Heterosporium echinulatum and Septoria dianthi). Figure 38. Produces dead spots on the leaves. Not important in this State. This disease, together with the rust, may be controlled to some ex- tent by spraying with Bordeaux mixture if necessary. In both cases use care in selecting healthy cut- tings for propagation and grow them in fresh soil. Fig. 38. — Leaf spot of carnation ( Heterosporium echinulatum ) . CELERY. Summer Blight (Cercospora apii). Produces large, irregular dead spots on the leaves during the summer. Quite common in moist localities but not serious. Winter Blight (Septoria petroselini, var. apii). Figure 39. Produces smaller spots than the last, with numerous black pustules dotting them. Develops more during the rainy season, especially if the growth of the plants is checked by unfavorable conditions. The disease Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1109 affects mostly the older outside leaves, causing a stunting of the plant and also decay in shipment. Spray frequently with Bordeaux mixture at all times during the Fig. 39. — Winter blight of celery (Septoria petroselini). growth of the plant, from the seed bed up to maturity, whenever there is much moisture in the air. See Bulletin 208, California Experiment Station. Stem Rot (Sclerotinia). Causes a reddish, soft decay of the stalks. Root Rot (Fusarium). A decay of the roots. Both this and the last occur only when the land is wet and heavy and the plants growing poorly. Neither is common nor serious. CHERRY. Brown Rot (Sclerotinia fructigena) . See Apricot. Root Rot. See Almond. Gummosis. The cherry, like other stone fruit trees, is very subject to gumming of the trunk and branches, as a result of any injury. In seasons of heavy rains during the spring cherry trees frequently show a trouble 1110 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. of this sort quite similar to that of citrus trees. Masses of gum break out on the trunk and the trees frequently die. Young trees are some- times affected much like citrus trees, the gum breaking out just at the surface of the ground. This is a climatic or seasonal effect and can not be controlled. Trees on wet ground usually show the trouble worst. This is especially true with young trees which have been planted too deeply. Die-Back. Cherry trees, while not attacked by many fungus diseases in Cali- fornia, are very subject to injury from unfavorable conditions of soil, moisture, etc. As a result of such injuries the trees frequently die back from the top and suffer severely in this way. This trouble can be controlled only by planting on soil which is partic- ularly suited to the cherry and by determining the best root stock for any given type of soil or locality. Trees in which die-back and gummosis are produced by unusual climatic conditions should be cut back in the top to sound wood, and have the trunks protected from sun burn by whitewash or wrapping. Fruit Drop. See Almond. CHRYSANTHEMUM. Rust (Puccinia chrysanthemi) . Figure 40. A true red rust causing injury to the growth of the plants with the production of powdery spore masses on the leaves. Only seri- ous with us when the plants do not receive sufficient water. Vigorously grow- ing plants which are well irrigated do not suffer from this trouble. CORN. Smut (Ustilago may Ms). Produces large, tumor- like swellings on the ears, stalks or tassels. These finally break and discharge their contents in the form of a black, powdery dust which is chiefly com- posed of the spores of the fungus. Not seriously abundant. Fig. 40. — Chrysanthemum rust {Puccinia chry- santhemi). "Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1111 Rust (Puccinia sorghi). A powdery, red rust on the leaves. Not serious. Mold (Diplodia zcw) . The corn becomes moldy and covered with fungus growth in the ear. ©■ o w o to 00 C 1-1 03 m o bfl O 00 O i— i r,. 9— Bul. 218 1166 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. SORGHUM. Smut (Sphacelotheca sorghi and S. reiliana). This crop is affected by two different smut fungi in California, the former developing a black, dusty mass of spores in place of the seeds of the grain, while the latter breaks out in swellings on the plant itself, containing the black, smutty spore masses like corn smut. Use seed from fields free of smut. STRAWBERRY. Leaf Spot (Sphaerella fragarice). Figure 88. This fungus produces on the leaves numerous small dead spots with dark purple margins. Fig. 88. — Leaf spot of strawberry (Sphaerella fragariae). In badly affected fields mow the leaves closely and burn them. Spray with Bordeaux mixture if the trouble is serious enough to war- rant this. Mildew {Sphaerotheca castagnei). A white surface mildew. Not serious. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1167 SQUASH. See Pumpkin. SWEET POTATO. Stem Rot — Wilt (Fusarium). The plants gradually die and wither away in the field, the stem and roots being affected by this dry rot fungus. Use seed from an uninfested locality and plant on fresh land as far as possible. Gather and burn all affected vines. Black Rot (Ceratocystis fimbriata). Characterized by black, dry, scabby patches developing on the potatoes while they are in the ground. Do not use seed from infested fields or plant again on the same ground. Soft Rot (Rhizopus nigricans). Figure 89. A soft decay of the potatoes in storage, caused by a black mold which appears on the surface. Handle the potatoes carefully while green and let them cure or dry thoroughly before storing. Pack in dry sand for long keeping. SYCAMORE. Blight (Gloeosporium nervisequum) . The young growth is killed back as though by frost. This fungus affects syca- more trees quite universally just after they leaf out in the spring. No practical means of control, except by spraying specimen or particularly choice trees with Bordeaux mixture just before they leaf out. Fig. 89. — Sweet potato rot {Rhizopus nigricans). Mildew (Microsphaera sp.). A powdery mildew has been found in nurseries on the Sycamore. TOMATO. Damping Off (Rhizoctonia, Fusarium. Sclerotinia, Botrytis). Figure 90. Young plants in the seed bed decay at the surface of the ground and die away in large numbers. Much worse in damp, cloudy weather and sometimes difficult to control under such conditions. Caused by various fungi. The trouble is checked by bright sunlight and dry weather. Make the seed bed soil as sandy as possible. 1168 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. Avoid excessive watering when the weather is favorable to this trouble; water only in the morning and on sunny days so far as pos- sible. Give the plants plenty of ventilation and fresh air. Summer Blight (Fusarium). Occasional plants here and there in the field gradually turn yellow, sicken and die, after reaching consider- able size. A dry rot is found in the stem and roots, caused by a fungus. This fungus does not infest the soil in the field and the disease may be abundant one year and totally absent the next year in the same field. Affected plants sometimes do not show the fungus until in the last stages, and there is some doubt as to the identity or cause of this trouble. Plants may become infested in the seed bed under conditions favorable to damping off. It is possible that two different diseases are confused in this trouble. Keep the seedlings as free from damp- ing off as possible and use only the best plants for planting in the field. Select seed from healthy plants. See Bulletin 175, California Experi- ment Station. Winter Blight {Phytophthora infestans). Figures 91 and 92. The leaves and stems are suddenly blackened and killed and the fruit spots and decays. The whole effect is quite similar to that of frost. Caused by the potato blight fungus. Never occurs dur- ing the summer, but occasionally comes on to a disastrous extent on the winter shipping crop following early fall rains, or in early spring plants. Spray with Bordeaux mixture immediately following rain. See Bulletin 175, California Experiment Station. Blossom End Rot. Figure 93. The end of the tomato becomes discolored and affected with a dry rot which spreads to a greater or less extent. Tomatoes of all sizes are affected, particularly those which are half grown. No definite cause has been found for this trouble, which varies in abundance from year to Fig. 90. — Damping off of tomato seedlings. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1169 Fig. 91. — Winter blight of tomato fruit (Phytophthora infestans), 1170 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. year. Apparently worse on dry ground where the vines do not receive regular irrigation. Fig. 92. — Winter blight of tomato leaf (Phytophthora infestans) , Fig. 93. — Blossom end rot of tomato. Stem Rot (Sclerotinia libertiana). A dry rot of the stem and wilting of the vine. Found only in green- houses. Not serious. Bulletin 21S] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1171 Leaf Spot (Scptoria lycopersici) . Small dead spots appear on the leaves. Not common or serious. Found mostly in seed beds. Root Knot (Nematode). Galls or swellings appear all over the roots and the plants sicken and die. Infection takes place in the seed bed. Carefully discard affected plants in field planting and change the soil in infested beds. TURNIP. See Cabbage. Fig. 94. — Leaf spot of vetch (Colletotrichum sp.). VETCH. Leaf Spot. Figure 94. Small black spots appear on the leaves and the whole plant is more or less killed. Does some damage on vetch planted for a cover crop ; usually associated with the cottony mold fungus, Sclerotinia. Caused by a fungus, probably a species of Collet otrichum. 1172 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. WALNUT. Bacteriosis (Pscudomonas juglandis). Figures 95, 96 and 97. Blight. Causes a black spotting on the surface of the young nuts, many of which drop prematurely. Affected nuts which reach full size have the contents blackened and spoiled. The shoots are also affected with the production of black, canker-like areas, most of which heal out as the wood hardens, leaving wounds and cankers of considerable size. Many of the small fruit spurs and twigs are entirely killed, but the disease Fig. 95. — Walnut blight on nuts (Pseudomonas juglandis) . does not kill large limbs or whole trees. The leaves are also affected in black spots. The disease varies in abundance from year to year, being most preva- lent in seasons with much fog and moisture late in the spring. No practical remedy has been found for this disease, but the problem has been largely solved by the development of immune varieties. Such trees are now available to a limited extent and must soon supplant the present plantings of seedlings or susceptible kinds. Some control may possibly be obtained by spraying with Bordeaux mixture or sulphur sprays just before the buds open. The expense of spraying walnut trees thoroughly is so great, and so much time is re- quired to thoroughly cover trees of this size, that we have no faith in a satisfactory solution of the walnut blight problem along this line. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1173 On old groves liberal fertilization with nitrogenous fertilizers, to- gether with the use of green manure crops, will go far towards making up for the losses caused by the disease. Most walnut groves would be benefited by more irrigation than they Fig. 96. — Lesions on blighted walnut twigs (Pseudomonas juglandis) . receive at present, particularly during the winter and in the fall after the crop is harvested. See Bulletin 203, page 24, California Experiment Station. Trunk Rot {Schizophyllum commune). Figure Go. The trunk or main branches rot, with a production of small, white bracket toadstools on the surface of the affected wood. This fungus does not affect sound trunks, but follows deep wounds, bruises, heavy cutting, sunburn or other injuries. The wood of the English walnut is particularly susceptible to this form of decay. 1174 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. Fig. 97. — Blighted walnut twigs (Pseudomonas juglandis) . Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1175 All severe cuts or wounds should be carefully covered with grafting wax to allow healing over without decay. In top-grafting walnut trees this should be given special attention or serious decay may follow. Sun Burn. Figure 98. Serious damage is sometimes caused from this source, both on the fruit and the tree. In the latter case the trunk is usually affected, dead areas developing in the bark on the sunny side. This originates mostly in winter when the nights are cold and the days bright and sunny. Not usually serious on thrifty trees growing in good soil. Black walnut Fig. 98. — Walnuts affected by sun burn. trunks with rough bark are not affected by sun burn, so that trees grafted high on such trunks are immune. On the fruit the sun sometimes has a disastrous effect, causing a blackening and burning of the husk on one side during extremely hot weather in summer. The meat is also blackened, and the husk sticks to the shell so that separation is difficult and a black spot is left. Thrifty trees are less affected, particularly when supplied with an abundance of moisture at the root. Individual trees or varieties vary in suscepti- bility to this trouble, and this quality should be considered in planting in localities where trouble from sunburn is likely to occur. Perforation. Figure 99. The shell fails to develop properly, being only partially formed, with numerous openings and thin places. This appears to be simply a lack of development due to climatic conditions and occurs in seasons with a dry spring and a dry, hot summer. Seems worse on trees attacked by aphis. 1176 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. Erinose. Blister-like swellings appear on the leaves, sometimes becoming very abundant. This trouble is caused by an insect, so minute that it is not visible to the eye. Not serious or requiring treatment. Fig. 99. — Walnut perforation. Die-Back. Figure 100. The limbs die back from the ends, sometimes for only a short dis- tance and sometimes down to the main forks of the tree. All the limbs or only a part of them may be affected. Two general types of die-back may be distinguished, one on the old trees, particularly "hard shells," which die back slowly all over the top, and another in young trees from two to ten years old, which die back suddenly during a single winter in part or all of the limbs, or sometimes the whole tree dies back clear to the ground. The former type of die-back affecting old trees occurs mostly on light soils where the trees are getting old and the roots find insufficient moist- BULLETIN 21 S | CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1177 ure. Such dying back is also hastened by lack of cultivation, irrigation and plant food, which lack becomes more pronounced as the trees grow older and the tops and roots more crowded. The only remedy for this trouble is to thin out the trees where they are too closely planted and give the soil better care. Most of these old hard shell orchards, even at best, have now become so unprofitable and undesirable as to make it seem better for the owners to cut down the trees and use the land for some other purpose. The second form of die-back mentioned, that occurring in young trees which have formerly been thrifty, killing them down to the forks or even to the ground, is a very serious matter at present in some districts. The trouble shows usually to a greater extent in a certain por- tion of the orchard or in certain orchards worse than in others near by. It developed more ex- tensively in the spring of 1911 than ever before, when a great many trees which had seemed healthy and vigorous the pre- vious fall were found to be al- most entirely dead in the spring. Affected trees failed to leaf out at the proper time and more or less of the top proved to be either entirely dead or developed very slowly later in the season. Such trees often threw out new growth or suckers toward the base, which made a very vigorous growth, while the tops were dead or very slow in coming out. The leaves which finally developed from the affected limbs had a yellow, sickly appearance. This trouble is more or less the same as that described under w r alnut 'Yellows," and evidently has been caused by the abnormally dry sea- son of 1910. The disease is practically the same in its nature as that described as the "Little Leaf" of the peach and shows similar relations. Trees standing over coarse, dry subsoil or those which had for any rea- son become drier than usual during the fall of 1910 showed the trouble the worst. Young trees under ten years of age showed the trouble worse than older ones. It is a common practice in some of the worst affected districts to grow alfalfa between the walnut rows and in groves or portions of groves which for this reason became drier than the aver- Fig/100. — Die-back of walnut. 1178 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. age late in 1910 the trouble has been worse. Even in some fairly heavy soils the packing of the surface on account of several years' irrigation and handling of alfalfa prevented the moisture reaching the subsoil and thus the same effect was produced. Frost was also responsible to a greater or less extent for the dying back of trees in dry ground. Trees affected in this way should be pruned back to good live wood, if not too far gone, and it is to be expected that a new top will soon be produced. By proper attention to irrigation late in the season, espe- cially in dry years, it is not to be expected that the trouble will occur again save in soils most unsuitable for walnuts on account of coarse subsoil near the surface. We may say here that in choosing crops for interplanting walnuts, it is not desirable to let the ground remain in alfalfa too long unless an abundant water supply is available, and one can be sure by actual examination that the soil is sufficiently moist at all times, both for the alfalfa and for the trees. In any event, it is ordinarily best to leave a cultivated strip at least eight feet wide on each side of the tree row, and as the trees grow older it is better to plow out the alfalfa and grow some annual crop which will receive regular cultivation, as well as irrigation. Yellows. Spindling, yellow shoots develop which usually die back from the tip. All degrees of the trouble may occur from slightly unnatural yellowing and slenderness of the normal shoots to the production of masses of small, yellow shoots, with continual dying back. This affects the English walnut, and is even more pronounced on the Northern California black walnut in certain seasons and places. It has been abundant even on black walnut trees of large size in some parts of northern California during the last two or three years, and very preva- lent in nursery trees of the northern California species grown in the southern part of the State. At the same time and in the same nurseries seedlings of the southern California black walnut have never shown the slightest indication of this trouble. This disease appears to be the same which affects the peach (which see), and also to some extent the pecan, apple, and many other trees. It is probably due to a climatic or soil condition rather than to any parasite. Conditions which result in sour sap and similar troubles in the stone fruits seem to be related to this disease, and it is very likely due to a disturbance of the dormant or resting condition through which these trees normally pass during the winter. Also seems to be connected with lack of rain or irrigation late in the season. Crown Gall — Black Knot. Figure 101. Walnut trees are affected in some instances with large knots or cankers on the trunk just below ground or a slight distance above Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1179 ground. This trouble is not a common one, but seems to occur in some districts more than others. Whether such knots are due to the real crown gall organism (Bacterium tumefaciens) has never been de- termined, but their appearance leads one to suspect that they originate from infection of scars or wounds on the trunk by this parasite. Known only upon the English walnut. As soon as the trouble appears cut out the diseased tissue, disinfect with strong bluestone solution and paint over the wound. Fig. 101. — Black knot on walnut trunk (Bacillus tumefaciens) . Crop Failure. It is a very noticeable fact in connection with the California walnut industry that the total product of the groves of the State is not mate- rially increasing, although the acreage has multiplied many times during recent years. This is due to a very general condition of poor produc- tion in the large walnut-growing sections of the southern portion of the State. The older groves, although by no means at an age when they should be deteriorating, show very little tendency to increase their yield, and in many cases are gradually going back. The quality and size of the nuts, as well as the quantity, is also a source of complaint. Many of the nuts which mature are empty or poorly filled with shriveled, light weight meat, giving the nut when cracked an unattractive appear- ance. 1180 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — EXPERIMENT STATION. Trouble of this nature is quite commonly attributed to walnut blight, with which disease, however, it has nothing to do. There is probably no one cause or reason for this condition. It is due, generally speaking, to a loss of vitality in the trees, brought about mostly by unavoidable mistakes made in planting when the industry was new and experience in walnut growing very limited. In the first place, all the older groves were planted with the trees too close together. At the common distance of forty feet the branches begin to touch before the trees are ten years old, and by the time they reach full bearing age, the ground is com- pletely shaded and the tops of the trees form a solid mass throughout. This condition is extremely unfavorable to walnut production, and as the groves grow older is the cause of more and more lessening of the crop. Another factor in walnut deterioration has been the common idea that these trees require very little cultivation, irrigation, or fertilization and the very irregular attention which they have received in this respect. It is true that many walnut trees exist which receive no cultivation whatever and produce very good crops. Such trees, however, usualty stand out by themselves with full exposure on all sides, and moreover, while the ground about them is not cultivated, it is at least subject to uniform conditions. The walnut tree seems to particularly resent rad- ical changes in soil treatment. It may do well with no cultivation and will do better, other things being equal, with good cultivation, but it is decidedly injured by irregular treatment in this respect. Another feature of the situation is the fact that all our older groves are seedling trees, growing thus on their own roots. The English wal- nut root of the type most commonly grown in southern California is thrifty and vigorous when soil conditions are very favorable, but has little ability to withstand hardship. Many of the present walnut groves have been planted on soil which for one reason or another is not well adapted to this root, and as a result the trees gradually fail as they grow older. Again, the inherent nature of the trees in regard to quality and quantity of production is responsible to a considerable extent for the present unsatisfactory condition. Almost every walnut tree over ten years of age in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange counties is of the type known as the Santa Barbara soft shell seedling. These have all descended from a few trees of the original planting of Joseph Sexton and have in most cases been planted with no discrimina- tion or selection of the nuts. As a result of this the type has degener- ated to a marked extent and a large proportion of the present trees are decidedly inferior inheritently to their original parents. In addition to all this, the climatic conditions of the last two or Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1181 three years have been such as to have a decidedly unfavorable effect upon walnuts, as described in other portions of this bulletin. The case is, therefore, not altogether hopeless, since it is to be expected that even under present conditions we may have better walnut seasons and crops than those of the past few years. With better and more regular cultural care of the orchards which is now coming into practice, there is still more hope for the future. Growers are beginning to realize that some of the attention which they give their orange and lemon groves might not be wasted upon walnuts. The faults outlined above may be counteracted to a considerable ex- tent by thinning out the closely planted trees, either by removing a por- tion of the tops or taking out some of the trees bodily, and by giving the groves cultivation, irrigation, and fertilization along rational lines. The fact is apparent, however, that the present seedling walnut groves have had their day and that they will gradually disappear just as the seedling apple, the seedling orange and all other fruits of the same nature are gradually supplanted by more desirable, definite varieties. The real hope of the walnut industry lies in the future, and is based upon an entirely new start along the lines just mentioned. Upon this basis there is absolutely no doubt but that the walnut will again come into its own and prove one of our most attractive and profitable crops. A complete bulletin upon walnut culture in all of its phases is now under preparation by the senior writer. WATERMELON. Wilt (Fusarium). The vines wilt and die with a dry rot of the stem and leaves. Caused by a fungus which infests the soil and lives there from year to year. Plant on new soil. Resistant varieties are being developed. WHEAT. Closed Smut (Tilletia foetans). Figure 102. The grains are converted into a black substance which does not scatter out loosely as in the next. Affected grains have a disagreeable odor. Use seed treatment as for barley smut. Loose Smut (Ustilago tritici). Figure 102. The kernels and chaff are converted into a black, powdery mass, which blows away before harvest time, leaving the bare stalks. Use the hot water treatment as for barley if this form of smut is particularly bad. Rust (Puccinia graminis). The rust appears as an orange-red powder on the leaves, later turning black. Wheat fields are sometimes badly injured when the weather is 10— Bul. 218 1182 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. moist and favorable to the rust. Some varieties are considerably re- sistant. Yellow s — Wi n teri ng . Wheat, as well as other grains, sometimes shows in the spring a yellow- ing and discoloration of the leaves with no apparent specific cause. Fig. 102. — Closed and loose smut of wheat (Tilletia foetans and Ustilago tritici). Sometimes the whole field shows this condition so decidedly as to have the appearance of being badly injured. The trouble appears to be due to climatic conditions, producing a disturbance in the growth of the plant. The yellowing usually disappears in the spring and, if condi- tions are favorable, the plants regain their normal appearance. Bulletin 2183 CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1183 FUNGICIDES. The following are the chief substances used for the control of plant diseases by spraying, dipping, disinfecting, etc. It should be clearly understood that all control of this nature must be accomplished entirely by prevention rather than cure. In other words, these fungicides where they are to be effective must be applied for the purpose of poison- ing and killing the spores or germs of the parasites and thus preventing their further spread and development. bluestone. (Copper Sulphate.) This material comes in the form of large, hard, blue crystals, and is used in large quantities in fungicidal work, as the basis of Bordeaux mixture. The crystals dissolve readily in hot water and more slowly in cold. If thrown into the water and allowed to sink to the bottom they soon form there a concentrated solution and only a small part of the material is dissolved. For this reason it is necessary to either stir the water frequently or suspend the bluestone in a sack or basket so that it just dips under the surface. This substance is extremely caustic to vegetation when used alone, and is, therefore, commonly combined with lime in Bordeaux mixture. A plain solution of bluestone and water of about 3 pounds to 50 gal- lons may be used during the winter time on fruit trees to remove moss, etc., from the bark. This solution would be extremely disastrous to green leaves. LIME. This material in the form called "quick-lime" or "stone-lime,' is mainly useful in fungicidal work as an ingredient of Bordeaux mixture. For this purpose it must be in a fresh, hard condition and not in the least air-slaked. Hydrated lime, a form which is coming considerably into use, consists of lime which has been slaked with a small amount of water and then ground to a fine powder. In this condition it can not air slake, but re- tains its quality indefinitely. This form of lime is being used to some extent for making Bordeaux mixture and quite extensively as a basis of dust sprays. sulphur. This in a finely powdered condition is used extensively in the control of plant diseases, particularly for surface mildews and the like. Sul- phur acts in these cases through its gaseous fumes, which are produced when the hot sun shines upon it. For such purposes the sulphur should be in as finely divided a condition as possible and this is best obtained in the form known as flowers of sulphur or sublimed sulphur. Ground 1184 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. sulphur is to be had in various degrees of fineness, but should never be used for application to plants except in the very finest condition. The sublimed form is somewhat more expensive per pound, but much bulkier, and therefore no more expensive in the end. When used in liquid sprays where cooking takes place and the sulphur becomes dissolved, the cheaper, coarser forms may be used. COPPER CARBONATE. This material is used to a limited extent in the form of a solution in ammonia and water in the case of spraying fruit, flowers, ornamentals, etc., where Bordeaux mixture is objectionable on account of its disfigur- ing effect. This ammoniacal copper carbonate is prepared in the follow- ing manner : Copper carbonate 6 ounces Strong ammonia 3 pints Water 50 gallons Make a paste of the copper carbonate with a little water and add to this the ammonia diluted with about two gallons of water. Stir vigor- ously and continue to add the ammonia until all the copper is dissolved. Then dilute to 50 gallons. potassium sulphide. (Liver of Sulphur.) This material comes in the form of a greenish-yellow solid. Used particularly in a solution of 1 ounce to 3 gallons of water for the con- trol of surface mildews. Both the solid and the solution deteriorate on standing exposed to the air. FORMALIN. This is a clear liquid consisting of a gas dissolved in water. Commer- cial formalin should have a strength of 40 per cent and the formula given below is based upon this concentration. In buying formalin par- ticular care should be taken to see that the material purchased is a 40 per cent solution. One pint dissolved in thirty gallons of water is used for soaking seed potatoes in the control of scab and for grain in controlling smut. CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE. This is a white, extremely poisonous, solid material which may be bought most conveniently in the form of tablets. It is used particularly for disinfection after cutting out pear blight, dissolved in water in a strength of 1-1000. The tablets may be obtained in a size convenient for making this strength. This material is particularly poisonous to ani- mal life and should not be carelessly used. Bulletin 218] CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1185 BORDEAUX MIXTURE. Copper sulphate (Milestone) 5 pounds Quick-lime (good stone lime) 6 pounds Water 50 gallons Put the bluestone in a sack and hang so it will be suspended just under the surface of a barrel of water over night, or dissolve in hot water. Use one gallon of water to one pound of bluestone. Slake the lime in a separate barrel, using just enough water to make a smooth,, clean, thin whitewash. Stir this vigorously. Use wooden vessels only. Fill the spray tank half full of water, add one gallon of bluestone solution for each pound required, then strain in the lime and the remainder of the water and stir the mixture thoroughly. Do not mix the solution hot. For extensive work, large amounts of bluestone and lime may be pre- pared in advance in separate receptacles, making stock solutions of definite strength. (One pound to the gallon is convenient.) Always dilute well before mixing. The formula may be varied according to conditions, using from 3 to 8 pounds of bluestone to 50 gallons of water and an equal amount or slight excess of lime. Use the stronger mixture in rainy weather. Keep the mixture constantly agitated while applying. Recently, the so-called "hydrated" lime has been used to a con- siderable extent in making Bordeaux. Chemically, the hydrated lime is entirely satisfactory for making Bordeaux mixture, and it is some- what more convenient for use than stone or quick lime. The same quan- tities should be employed as with the latter. Objection has been made to hydrated lime in some quarters on the ground that Bordeaux mixture thus prepared settles more readily and has a coarser consistency. We are not prepared to state, however, that this is a general fault of hydrated-lime Bordeaux. In using large quantities of Bordeaux mixture or any other fungicide it is very convenient to place tanks upon an elevated platform to which water is piped. The various solutions can then be prepared upon this platform and discharged by gravity into a spray tank. In the case of Bordeaux mixture it is advisable to run the diluted bluestone and lime solution into a single trough and let them drop from this into a spray tank, as in this way a more complete mixture is secured. CAUSTIC SODA AND POTASH. Either of these substances may be used for spraying dormant trees in winter, dissolved in water in the proportion of 1 pound to 10 gallons. This is effective in removing moss, lichens, etc., from trees and also has some fungicidal value in certain cases. These materials are also used 1186 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. combined with sulphur in liquid sprays in which the sulphur goes into solution. SULPHUR SPRAYS. Quick-lime 20 pounds Ground sulphur 15 pounds Water 50 gallons Slake the lime with hot water in a large kettle, add the sulphur and stir well together. After the violent slaking subsides add more water and boil the mixture over a fire for at least one hour. After boiling sufficiently strain into the spray tank and dilute with water to the proper strength. If a steam boiler is available this mixture may be prepared more easily on a large scale by cooking in barrels into which steam pipes are introduced. This mixture can not be applied safely except during the winter Avhen the trees are dormant. SELF-BOILED LIME-SULPHUR. The heat generated by the lime in slaking is in itself sufficient to dissolve a considerable quantity of sulphur and a mixture may be pre- pared in this way which is quite satisfactory for fungicidal purposes. This method has been in use for several years in California, as described in Bulletin 163 of the California Experiment Station. The lime is placed in a tight cask instead of a kettle, and over it is poured the sulphur mixed into a thin paste with hot water. Ten or fifteen gallons of boiling water are then added and the cask covered tightly with sacks and a wooden cover. Violent boiling immediately takes place. When this begins to subside the mixture is stirred thoroughly and after the boiling stops it is strained into the spray tank and diluted to the proper strength. Recently a more dilute form of this mixture has found considerable use for fungicidal purposes for application to trees in foliage during the summer time. This is made in a similar manner to that just de- scribed, using 10 pounds of lime and 10 pounds of sulphur to 50 gallons of water. See Circular 27, Bureau of Plant Industry. U. S. D. A. CONCENTRATED LIME-SULPHUR. Another method of preparing the lime-sulphur spray is that described in Bulletin 306, Geneva, New York Experiment Station. Formula : Lump lime 60 pounds Sulphur 125 pounds Water 50 gallons This is mixed in a kettle and cooked over a fire, according to the first method given above, boiling for one or more hours. After the cooking Bulletin 2181 CALIFORNIA PLANT DISEASES. 1187 is completed the clear liquid is drawn off and strained and water added sufficient to make the required 50 gallons. For use, 5 gallons of this concentrated liquid is diluted with 45 gallons of water. This is said to be safe to use on trees when the buds are opening or even in full foliage. COMMERCIAL LIME-SULPHUR. Several commercial preparations of lime-sulphur are now on the market which are similar in nature to the above. These are concentrated mixtures to be used diluted with water. There is no reason why they should not be effective for the purposes to which such a spray is adapted if properly prepared. OTHER LIQUID SULPHUR SPRAYS. • Sprays somewhat similar to the above are sometimes made for fungicidal purposes by boiling sulphur with caustic soda or potash solu- tion. The following formula is a typical one : Caustic soda 12 pounds Sulphur 50 pounds Water 200 gallons Bring the soda to a boil in a kettle of water, then add the sulphur slowly and boil with frequent stirring for about an hour. Strain the mixture into the spray tank and make up to 200 gallons. Caustic potash may be used instead of soda. IRON SULPHIDE SPRAY. This is highly recommended by Mr. W. H. Volck, County Entomolo- gist of Santa Cruz County, as a fungicide for the control of apple mil- dew. The process of preparing this material is quite complicated and is one which would scarcely be undertaken by the average grower. A commercial preparation of this material is on the market. ADHESIVES. In spraying plants with a smooth or waxy surface, such as onions, cabbage, and asparagus, it is sometimes useful to add to Bordeaux mix- ture or other sprays some material which will make the spray liquid adhere more satisfactorily. The following formula is useful for this purpose : Resin 2 pounds Sal soda crystals 1 pound Water 1 gallon Boil in a kettle until the mixture becomes a clear, amber liquid. Add this amount to 50 gallons of spray. 1188 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA EXPERIMENT STATION. SOAP. The addition of 4 or 5 pounds of whale-oil or other cheap soap to each 50 gallons of Bordeaux or other spray is quite effective in increas- ing its adhesive qualities. LITERATURE. A few references to some of the best books upon the subjects treated in this bulletin may be of use to those who wish to obtain more detailed information along various lines. The following list is given as being well adapted to the general reader : "Fungous Diseases of Plants." Dug-gar. Published by Ginn & Company. "Diseases of Economic Plants." Stevens & Hall. Published by The Macmillan Company. "Diseases of Plants." Tubeuf & Smith. Published by Longmans & Company. "Disease in Plants." Marshall Ward. Published by Macmillan & Company. "Text Book of Botany," 2 volumes. Coulter, Barnes & Cowles. Published by The American Book Company. "California Fruits." Wickson. Published by Pacific Rural Press Company. "Soils." Hilgard. Published by The Macmillan Company. INDEX. Acid soil 1066. Adhesives 1187. Air — relation to plant growth 1047. Alfalfa. crown gall 1079; dodder 1083; leaf spot 1079; rust 1079; stem rot 1081. Almond. crown gall 1084; die back 1086; fruit drop 1084; oak fungus, root rot 1084; rust 1084; shot-hole 1083; sour sap 1085. Anaheim disease. grape 1117. Apple. blight 1089; climatic effects 1093; club tip 1093; storage spot 1092; die back, see Almond; fruit spot 1092; hollow 1093; little leaf 1093; mildew 1088; root rot 1089; scab 1089; seasonal effects 1093; stem rot 1089; sunburn 1091; toadstool disease 1089. Apricot. blossom rot 1097; brown rot 1097; bud blight 1096; climatic effects 1098; crown gall, die back, fruit drop, see Almond; fruit spot 1095; gummosis, see Cherry; root rot, see Almond; scab 1097; seasonal effects 1098; shot- hole 1095; sour sap 1098. Asparagus. rust 1100. Aster. yellows 1101. Atmospheric effects, injurious 1051. Bacteria, general acount of, 1078. Bacteriosis. walnut 1172. Barley. leaf spot 1102; smut, closed and loose 1101. Bean. mildew 1102; rust 1102; spot 1102. Beet. blight 1104; curly top 1104; downy mildew 1103; eutettix 1104; leaf spot 1102; nematode 1104; root knot 1104; root rot 1104; rust 1102. Black knot. grape 1115; quince 1160; walnut 1178. Black leaf. pear 1155. Black leg. potato 1158. Black rot. cabbage 1108; orange 1143; sweet potato 1167. Black spot, rose 1163. Blackberry. crown gall 1107; leaf spot 1107; rust 1107; soft rot 1107. Blasting — to loosen soil 1074. Blight. apple 1094; apricot bud blight 1089; beet 1104; celery 1108; lemon 1126; loquat 1130; orange, see Lemon; pea 1149; peach 1149; pear 1154; potato, early blight, 1157; late blight 1157; quince, see Pear; rose, cane blight 1163; sycamore 1167; tomato, summer blight 1168; winter blight 1168; walnut. 1172. Blosom end rot. tomato 1168. Blossom rot. apricot 1097. Blue mold. lemon 1126; orange 1142. Bluestone 1183. Boll rot. cotton 1111. Bordeaux mixture 1185. Brown rot. apricot 1097; cherry 1109; lemon 1122; orange, see Lemon; peach and plum, see Apricot. Brown spot. orange 1143. Brown streak. potato 1158. Brunissure. grape 1118. Bud blight. apricot 1096. Cabbage. black rot 1108; club foot 1108. California yellows. peach 1151. Cane blight, rose 1163. Carnation. leaf spot 1108; rust 1108; stem rot. 1108; wilt 1108. 1190 INDEX. Chemical elements. deficiency in the soil 1061. Celery. root rot 1109; stem rot 1109; summer blight 1108; winter blight 1108. Cement dust 1060. Cherry. brown rot 1109; die back 1110; fruit drop 1110; guramosis 1109; root rot 1109. Chlorosis. orange 1137. Chrysanthemum, rust 1110. Citrus. diseases, see Lemon and Orange; peculiarities 1133. Climatic conditions. irregular 1054; relation to plant 1048. Climatic effects. apple 1093; apricot 1098. Club foot. cabbage 1108. Club tip. apple 1093. Cold 1051. Cold storage spot, apple 1092. Copper carbonate 1184. Copper sulphate 1183. Corn. mold 1111; rust 1111; smut 1110. Corrosive sublimate 1184. Cotton. boll rot 1111. Cottony mold. lemon 1123. Coulure. grape 1117. Crater blight. pear 1156. Crop production, ideal conditions for, 1041. Crown gall. almond 1084; apricot, see Almond; eucalyptus 1114; nursery stock 1131; peach and plum, see Almond; walnut 1178. Cucumber. leaf spot 1112; mildew 1111; root knot 1112; stem rot 1111. Curly bark, pear 1156. Curly top. beet 1104. Currant. mildew 1112. Dahlia. mildew 1112. Damping off. eucalyptus 1113; lettuce 1130; tomato 1167. Dewberry, see Blackbery. Die back. almond 1086; apple and apricot, see Almond; cherry 1110; orange, Florida die back 1136, 1139; peach and plum, see Almond; walnut 1176. Disease. defined 1039; causes classified 1049. Dodder. alfalfa 1083. Downy mildew. beet 1103; onion 1133. Drop. lettuce 1130. Dry rot. olive 1133; potato 1156. Dryness. Atmospheric, injurious effects of 1055; soil 1067. Dust 1060. Early blight. potato 1157. Egg plant. rot 1112; stem rot, wilt 1113. Erinose. walnut 1176. Eucalyptus. crown gall 1114; damping off 1113; leaf spot 1113; mildew 1113. Eutettix. beet 1104. Exanthema. orange 1136. Fertilization, soil 1062. Florida die-back. orange 1136. Fluids — movements in plants 1046. Folletage. grape 1118. Formalin 1184. Frizzles. pecan 1156. Frost 1051. protection 1052. Fruit drop. almond 1084; apricot, see Almond; cherry 1110; peach, see Almond; pear 1156. Fruit gumming, peach 1151. Fruit spot. apple 1092; apricot 1095. Fungi, general account of, 1077. Fungicides 1183. Gas, illuminating — injury to trees 1075. INDEX. 1191 Gopher 1075. Grape. Anaheim disease 1117; black knot 1115; brunissure 1118; coulure 1117; folletage 1118; little leaf 1117; mildew 1114; red leaf 1118; rougeot 1118. Grape fruit, see Orange. Grey mold. lemon 1125. Guava. russeting 1119. Gummosis. apricot, see Cherry; cherry 1109; lemon 1120; orange, see Lemon. Hail 1057. Hardpan 1072. blasting 1074. Heat, atmospheric, injurious effects of, 1053. Hollyhock. rust 1119. Hollow. apple 1093. Insects 1076. Introduction 1039. Iris. leaf spot 1120. Iron sulphide 1187. Late blight, potato 115 f. Leaf. functions of 1047; respiration in 1048. Leaf curl. peach llii). Leaf gum spot, orange 1142. Leaf spot. alfalfa 1079; barley 1102; beet 1102; blackberry 1107; carnation 1108; cu- cumber 1112; eucalyptus 1113; iris 1120; madrone 1130; oleander 1131; olive 1133; palm, date 1148; palm, Washingtonia 1148; strawberry 1166; tomato 1171; vetch 1171. Lemon. blue and green mold, see Orange brown rot 1122; cottony mold 1123 gray mold 1125; gummosis 1120 peteca 1129; red rot 1129; twig blight 1126; wither- tip, "tear stain" 1127. Lettuce. damping off 1130; drop 1130. Lime 1183. Lime-sulphur 1186, 1187. Literature 1188. Little leaf. apple 1093; grape 1117; peach 1151; quince, see Peach. Little peach 1050. Little potato 1158. Loganberry, see Blackberry. Loquat. blight 1130; scab 1130. Madrone. leaf spot 1130. Mai di gomma. orange 1136. Mildew. apple 1088; bean 1102; beet, downy mildew 1103; cucumber 1111; currant 1112; dahlia 1112; eucalyptus 1113; grape 1114; onion, downy mildew 1133; pea 1149; peach 1150; pumpkin 1160; rose 1163; strawberry 1166; syca- more 1167. Moisture. atmospheric, injurious effects of, 1055; excessive, in soil, 1071. Mold. corn 1111; lemon, grey mold 1125; blue mold, see Orange; orange, blue mold 1142. Moles 1075. Mottled leaf. orange 1137. Navel rot. orange 1143. Nematode. beet 1104; nursery stock 1131; tomato 1171. Nematode worm 1076. Nursery stock. crown gall 1131; nematode 1131; root knot 1131. Oak fungus. almond 1084. Oat. rust 1131; smut 1131. Oleander. leaf spot 1131; twig gall 1131. Olive. dry rot 1133; leaf spot 1133; root rot and toadstool, see Almond; tubercu- losis. 1132. Onion. downy mildew 1133. Orange. anthracnose 1140; black rot 1143; blue mold 1142; brown rot, see Lemon; brown spot 1143; chlorosis 1137; damping off 1141; die back 1139; ex- anthema 1136; Florida die back 1136; gummosis, see Lemon; leaf gum spot 1142; mal di gomma 1136; miscellane- ous spots 1146; mottled leaf 1137; navel rot 1143; puffing 1146; root rot 1140; scaly bark 1135; shoulder spot 1146; stain 1146; stem end spot 1146; splitting 1145; tear stain 1140; toad- stool 1140; trunk rot 1140; twig blight, see Lemon; wither-tip 1140. 1192 INDEX. Palm, date. leaf spot 1148. Palm, Washingtonia. leaf spot 1148. Pea. blight 1149; mildew 1149. Peach. blight 1149; brown rot, see Apricot California yellows 1151; crown gall, die back, fruit rot, see Almond; fruit gumming 1151; gummosis, see Cherry; leaf curl 1149; little leaf 1151; little peach 1150; mildew 1150; root rot, rust, sour sap, see Almond; split pit 1151; yellows 1151. Pear. black leaf 1155; blight 1154; crater blight 1156; curly bark 1156; fruit drop 1156; ringed fruit 1156; scab 1153. Pecan. rosette or frizzles 1156. Perforation. walnut 1175. Peteca. lemon 1129. Photosynthesis 1048. Physiological diseases 1055. Plant. disease, causes classified 1049; disease defined 1039; disease, directions for examining 1049; food, substances taken from soil 1043; growth, factors af- fecting 1040; movement of fluids in 1046; pathology, scope 1040; physiol- ogical diseases 1055; physiology 1041; starch formation in 1048; sugar for- mation in 1048. Plum. brown rot, see Apricot; crown gall, die back, rust, sour sap, see Almond. Pomelo, see Orange. Potash, caustic 1185. Potassium sulphide — liver of sulphur 1184. Potato. black leg 1158; brown streak 1158; dry rot 1158; early blight 1157; gen- eral directions for planting 1159; late blight 1157; little potato 1158; scab 1157. Pumpkin. mildew 1160; wilt 1160. Prune. shrivels 1160; see Plum, also. Puffing. orange 1146. Quince. black knot 1160; blight, see Pear; lit- tle leaf, see Peach. Rabbits 1075. Red leaf. grape 1118. Red rot. lemon 1129. Resin 1188. Respiration. in leaves 1047; in root 1044. Ringed fruit, pear 1156. Root. functions of 1044; respiration in 1044, Root knot. beet 1104; cucumber 1112; nursery stock 1131; peach, see Almond crown gall; tomato 1171. Koot rot. almond 1084; apple 1089; apricot, see Almond; celery 1109; cherry 1109; olive 1133; orange 1140. Rose. black spot 1163; cane blight 1163; mil- dew 1163; rust 1163. Rosette. pecan 1156. Rot. egg plant 1112. Rougeot. grape 1118. Russeting. guava 1119. Rust. alfalfa 1079; almond 1084; asparagus 1100; bean 1102; beet 1102; black- berry 1107; carnation 1108; chrysan- themums 1110; corn 1111; hollyhock 1119; oat 1131; peach and plum, see Almond; rose 1163; wheat 1182. Saline water, irrigation with, 1065. Santa Ana 1053. Scab. apple 1089; apricot 1097; loquat 1130; pear 1153; potato 1157. Scaly bark, orange 1135. Seasonal effects. apple 1093; apricot 1098. Shot hole. almond 1083; apricot 1095. Shoulder spot, orange 1146. Shrivels. prune 1160. Slime molds 1079. Slugs 1076. Smelter fumes 1058. Smut. barley 1101; corn 1110; oat 1131; sor- ghum 1166; wheat 1182. INDEX. 1193 Soap, 1188. Soda, caustic 1185. Soft rot. blackberry 1107; sweet potato 1167. Soil. acid 1066; alkali 1063; artificial sub- stances in 1074; chemical deficiency 1061; chemical nature 1045; chemical, physical and biological relation to plant growth 1043; deficiencies 1061; dryness 1067; excess of water 1071; faulty structure 1072; fertilization 1062; water deficiency 1061, 1067. Sorghum. smut 1166. Sour sap. almond 1085; apricot 1098; peach and plum, see Almond. Split pit. peach 1151. Splitting. orange 1145. Spot. bean 1102; orange, leaf gum spot 1142; miscellaneous spots, shoulder spot, stem end spot 1146. Squash, see Pumpkin. Squirrels 1075. Stain. orange 1146. Starch — formation in plant 1048. Stem end spot. orange 1146. Stem rot. alfalfa 1081; apple 1089; carnation 1108; celery 1109; cucumber 1111; egg plant 1113; tomato 1170. Strawberry. leaf spot 1166; mildew 1166. Subsoil, dry 1069. Subsoil, faulty structure 1072. Sugar, formation in plant 1048. Sulphur 1183. sprays 1186. Summer blight. celery 1108; tomato 1168. Sunburn 1053. apple 1091; prevention of 1054; wal- nut 1175. Sunscald 1053. Sweet potato. black rot 1167; stem rot 1167; soft rot 1167; wilt 1167. Sycamore. blight 1167; mildew 1167. Toadstool disease. almond, see Root rot 1084; apple 1089; olive, see Almond; orange 1140. Tomato. blossom end rot 1168; damping off 1167; leaf spot 1171; nematode 1171; root knot 1171; stem rot 1170; summer blight 1168; winter blight 1168. Trunk rot. orange 1140; walnut 1173. Tuberculosis, olive 1132. Turnip, see Cabbage. Twig blight. lemon 1126; orange, see Lemon. Twig gall. oleander 1131. Vetch. leaf spot 1171. Walnut. bacteriosis 1172; black knot 1178; blight 1172; crop failure 1179; crown gall 1178; die back 1176; erinose 1176; perforation 1175; sunburn 1175; trunk rot 1173; yellows 1178. Water. alkali, irrigation with 1064; alkali, rise of, in soil water 1065; deficiency in soil 1061, 1067; excessive, in soil 1071; fluctuating level in soil 1071; saline, irrigation with 1065. Watermelon, wilt 1181. Wheat. closed smut 1181; loose smut 1181; rust 1181; yellows 1182. White rot. lemon 1123. Wilt. carnation 1108; egg plant 1113; pump- kin 1160; watermelon 1181. Wind, injurious effects of, 1056. Wind-breaks 1057. Winter blight. celery 1108; tomato 1168. Wither-tip. lemon 1127; orange 1140. Worm, Nematode 1089. Yellows. aster 1101; peach, California yellows 1151; walnut 1178; wheat 1182. STATION PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION. REPORTS. 1896. Report of the Viticultural Work during the seasons 1887-93, with data regard- ing the Vintages of 1894-95. 1897. Resistant Vines, their Selection, Adaptation, and Grafting. Appendix to Viti- cultural Report for 1896. 1902. Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station for 1898-1901. 1903. Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station for 1901-03. 1904. Twenty-second Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station for 1903-04. BULLETINS. Reprint. Endurance of Drought in Soils of the Arid Region. No. 128. Nature, Value, and Utilization of Alkali Lands, and Tolerance of Alkali. (Revised and Re- print, 1905.) 133. Tolerance of Alkali by Various Cultures. 147. Culture Work of the Sub-sta- tions. 149. California Sugar Industry. 151. Arsenical Insecticides. 153. Spraying with Distillates. 159. Contribution to the Study of Fermentation. 162. Commercial Fertilizers. (De- cember 1, 1904.) 165. Asparagus and Asparagus Rust in California. 167. Manufacture of Dry Wines in Hot Countries. 168. Observations on Some Vine Dis- eases in Sonoma County. 169. Tolerance of the Sugar Beet for Alkali. 170. Studies in Grasshopper Control. 171. Commercial Fertilizers. (June 30, 1905.) 172. Further Experience in Asparagus Rust Control. 174. A New Wine-cooling Machine. 176. Sugar Beets in the San Joaquin Valley. 177. A New Method of Making Dry Red Wine. 178. Mosquito Control. 179. Commercial Fertilizers. (June, 1906.) 180. Resistant Vineyards. 181. The Selection of Seed-Wheat. 182. Analysis of Paris Green and Lead Arsenic. Proposed Insec- ticide Law. 183. The California Tussock-moth. 184. Report of the Plant Pathologist to July 1, 1906. 185. Report of Progress in Cereal Investigations. 186. The Oidium of the Vine. 187. Commercial Fertilizers. (Janu- ary, 1907.) No. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. Lining of Ditches and Reservoirs to Prevent Seepage and Losses. Commercial Fertilizers. (June, 1907.) The Brown Rot of the Lemon. California Peach Blight. Insects Injurious to the Vine in California. The Best Wine Grapes for Cali- fornia ; Pruning Young Vines ; Pruning the Sultanina. Commercial Fertilizers. (De- cember, 1907.) The California Grape Root-worm. Grape Culture in California ; Improved Methods of Wine- making ; Yeast from California Grapes. The Grape Leaf-Hopper. Bovine Tuberculosis. Gum Diseases of Citrus Tres in California. Commercial Fertilizers. (June, 1908.) Commercial Fertilizers. (De- cember, 1908.) Report of the Plant Pathologist to July 1, 1909. The Dairy Cow's Record and the Stable. Commercial Fertilizers. (De- cember, 1909.) Commercial Fertilizers. (June, 1910.) The Control of the Argentine Ant. The Late Blight of Celery. The Cream Supply. Imperial Valley Settlers' Crop Manual. How to Increase the Yield of Wheat in California. California White Wheats. The Principles of Wine-Making. Citrus Fruit Insects. The Housefly in Its Relation to Public Health. A Progress Report Upon Soil and Climatic Factors in Influencing the Composition of Wheat. Honey Plants of California. CIRCULARS. No. 1. Texas Fever. 5. Contagious Abortion in Cows. 7. Remedies for Insects. 9. Asparagus Rust. 11. Fumigation Practice. 12. Silk Culture. 15. Recent Problems in Agriculture. What a University Farm is For. 19. Disinfection of Stables. 29. Preliminary Announcement Con- cerning Instruction in Practical Agriculture upon the University Farm, Davis, Cal. White Fly in California. White Fly Eradication. 33. Packing Prunes in Cans. Cane Sugar vs. Beet Sugar. Analyses of Fertilizers for Con- sumers. Instruction in Practical Agricul- ture at the University Farm. Suggestions for Garden Work in California Schools. 47. Agriculture in the High Schools. 48. Butter Scoring Contest, 1909. 49. Insecticides. 50. Fumigation Scheduling. 30 32 36. 39. 46. No. 51. University Farm School. 52. Information for Students Concern- ing the College of Agriculture. 53. Announcement of Farmers' Short Courses for 1910. 54. Some Creamery Problems and Tests. 55. Farmers' Institutes and Universit Extension in Agriculture. 57. Announcement of Farmers' Short Courses in Animal Industry and Veterinary Science. 58. Experiments with Plants and Soils in Laboratory, Garden, and Field. 59. Tree Growing in the Public Schools. 60. Butter Scoring Contest, 1910. 61. University Farm School. 62. The School Garden in the Course of Study. 63. How to Make an Observation Hive. 64. Announcement of Farmers' Short Courses for 1911. 65. Calif ornin. Insecticide Law. 66. Insecticides and Insect Control.