^4 ^yyy.:^M-':K ' \^- UC-NRLF ^ c^ LIBR^VRY ov Till-: University of California. GIKT OK Class "Vn ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ €)uv €>nlp Sufalliblc ^rof ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ jMcu^s College Beeorti ^ Jfour ^car Companion 93}) Walhtt f rtoin l^itl) ®ccovation;£j anti Cartoongi ^ or THf iNIVERSlTY ^aul CllJcr anti Company ^ubli6|)rrs> ^au jfraucisico Copyright, 1903 h Paul Elder and Company ® The Tomoye Press San Francisco TO YOUR HONOURABLE, THE FRESHMAN TO YOUR EXCELLENCY, THE SOPHOMORE TO YOUR HIGHNESS, THE JUNIOR, AND TO YOUR MAJESTY, THE SENIOR THIS TOO UNWORTHY TRIBUTE IS OFFERED BY YOUR LOWLY SERVANTS (I3ovDon IW^ 155DG2 mtiiQ Our College Yell Class Yell dl6 Fraternity Yell Club Yell jFootball ant) 2\aUj) fell Our College Colors Class Colors Fraternity Colors Club Colors iiap ^'ijots of €oUr5c Bmltiinss 91 i^atiiral iHtstake The Freshman lay asleep, asleep, Under the greenwood tree oh, The fields were green and the tree was green, And green was that young Freshee oh. The lambkins gamboled on the mead And the little calves nibbled their succulent feed, But the Freshman he gave no heed, no heed, Under the greenwood tree oh. Hi oh me for the greenwood tree. Hi oh me for the young Freshee, For the field was green and the tree was green And green was that young Freshee oh. The Freshman lay asleep, asleep. Under the greenwood tree oh. And the lambkins they nibbled so close around. But they saw not the young Freshee oh. For the Freshman was green as the grass that grew, So they ate him up and enjoyed him, too. For he tasted like lettuce sprinkled with dew Under the greenwood tree oh. Hi oh me for the greenwood tree. Hi oh me for the young Freshee, For the fielci was green and the tree was green And green was the young Freshee oh. Under the greenwood tree oh. jfirst S^mpressions iHj> jfrcsljmau l\oom Mv dfresljman B^oomtnate 33allatie of Olb ^ongs The campus lights through the twilight peer, The bell of the chapel sounds sweet and fev, And tuned to familiar chords, I hear The college songs of another day; There from the window over the way Comes the old strain of it, merry and mad. Just as it rang through the twilight grey When I was a rollicking undergrad. Was it a century, was it a year Since the old spirit urged me to play. Since the old nights of the crackers and beer, Pranks of the Sophomore reckless and gay ? Hear the wild lilt of that rag-time lay. How I remember each word of it — gad! — Just as it rang through the twilight grey When I was a rollicking undergrad. There is the Son of a Gambolier, There are Bingo and Mandalay^ The Song of the Stein to the youngsters dear And Schneider s Band W\t.\\ the trombone bray; How the old memories backward stray. Heart of the man and voice of the lad. Just as it rang through the twilight grey When I was a rollicking undergrad ! Envoy Pale, dead ghosts of the past, you say ? Nay, there is pulse in it, warm and glad, Just as it rang through the twilight grey When I was a rollicking undergrad. Campus ^nap ^Ijots Campus ^uap ^Ijots Class ^olittrs CoUrgr politics Cijr CoUcsf WiXiota This vale of tears has many kinds of vviddies oh, Some wear their weeds for sod, and some for grass, There are Hindoos fair and Chinee girls and Biddies oh. And every nationality and class; But for a wide experience in grieving. For expertness in dear, departed sighs, For quantities of annual bereaving The College Widow surelv takes the prize. Then it's hi for the fair College Widdy oh^ Though coy and inconstant she be^ For she' s flirting like mad With a fresh undergrad When she ought to be grieving for me. For her I spent my evenings off the campus oh, And blamed her for a mind she never knew, As changeful as the wind-blown plumes of pampas oh, (I laid it to, her youthful point of view.) I told a wise Alumnus of my passion, He whistled softly. "Is she still alive?" Then nipped my budding romance in this fashion, "I loved her madlv back in '95!" Then it's hi for the fair College Widdy oh. Though coy and inconstant she be^ For she's smiling today On a future B. A.^ And she's not even thinking of me. Her freshness never withers with the seasons oh. Her beauty tells no story of the past, Disdaining her excuses and her reasons oh. Each new roniance obliterates the last. A Senior holds her hand at graduation, And with his image faintly in her eyes, She meets a Freshman at matriculation — The College Widow surelv takes the prize! Then it' s hi for the gay College Widdy oh. Though coy and inconstant she be. For she's drowning her care In another affair When she ought to be pining for me. Beauty is only grin deep. aaibai attractions CariratuiTsi of 0l\> jfiirulis Uneasx 'ftsts the head that tvetJn a frozen. Caricatures of Mv jTrtentis CaricatuiTS of iHj) jfriruDs; ff/J.A\ 00 B^ Caricatures of tljc jTacultj) jfafultp ^nap ^Ijots W\ftn t\)t Captain begins to ^Voear They played like wooden Injuns, They fumbled and missed the ball, They showed small pluck in tackle or buck And they ran no ends at all; The partisans groaned on the side lines; The coach was wild with despair. But there came a change in a manner strange When the Captain began to swear. Then they stood in the line Hke Trojans, And thev snapped the hall with a vini ; The fullhack ran like a galvanized man — There was nothing the matter with him! Thev hammered the ends for twenty, And thev hutted the line for fair. And thev ran up the score with a rush and a roar, When the Captain began to swear. You mav talk of the cry of Nelson In Death's relentless grip, Or the battle call of Lawrence Of ''Don't give up the ship;" But there's nothing that wins in football Like that antidote for despair When the Captain limbers his husky timbers And swears an American swear. ^T^= ^ jfoortall ^f)otograp|)S When in doubt play the chump. aSasrtnU ^31)otograpl)S aaegatta P;otograpl)6 Cinrli PjotosiapI)6 Cennis ^jotosrapljs (golf P)0t05rapl)S Pride goeth before a ball. tores Baseball iitotcs tores i^egatta JSotcs "KTarsitp CiTtos or rHf ^. '^NIVERSI or TY Results Crack J^otcs Scores o OOq a Q Cennis O iJotrs o O Scores (©olf Jlotes Scores ^omr of ©ur ^ouss L-_^ m ^ ^ome of 0XIX ^ongs The beggar students in their clay, — Gaudcamus igiiur, — Sang the quaint old Latin lay, Gaudeamus Igitur. Rags they wore, they were not sad. Just a crust of bread they had. Just a sip to make them glad, Gaudeamus igitur! Good St. Goleas, their sire, — Gaudeamus igitur^ — Joked, their laughter to inspire, Gaudeamus igitur. Ne'er a jester more divine Crowned a glass or graced a shrine, Gave beneficence to wine, Gaudeamus igtturl In each oily Latin clause, — Gaudeamus i-ntur, — Dropped he waggish monkish saws,- Gaudeamus igitur^ — Taught the scholar to he jolly With his wisdom mingling folly Just to tease old Melancholy, Gaudeamus igitur ! Peace to Goleas' ancient dust, — Gaudeamus igitur, — He is merry still, I trust, Gaudeamus igitur. Other, graver Saints have wrought; None have more affection brought, None such fellowship have taught, Gaudeamus igitur! O- THF UNIVERSITY ^f^ H A. Hp UNIVERSITY 0[^ Summer l^atations Jlotes of jTust i9rar ¥^acation i^otrsi of ^rronti irar Taratton ilotrs of Cljirli fear Vacation i^otcs of jTourtl) J^rar ¥^acation ^'■'Pray come. Dr. Tapper, to a chafing-dish supper.'' Cljr Culturcti Cannibal He was a cannibal King Sent from the Island of Boo. Knowledge to fatten he entered in Latin, Greek and zoology too. Cured of his craving for man He was a glutton for law; Both physiology, Dutch and psychology, Covers and all, he ate raw. 'Twas savage, barbaric and rude When that dark, Polynesian rex. With cravings inherent he'd learned from his parent, \ oraciously crammed for an ex. But the King to his profs and his friends Seemed gentle, forbearing and mild; He always was burning for orgies of learning, But never for fricasseed child. Till a prof, — they are careless sometimes, — Gave the King minus D in his math ; Then, fierce as a vulture, he dropped all his culture. And ate up his gloves in his wrath. But the monarch was foxy and shrewd. So he sent to the prof an invite: " Pray come, Dr. Tupper, to a chafing-dish supper,- My rooms on the campus tonight." The prof he appeared on the hour, And he said to the monarch ot Boo, "I hate to be rude, but I don't see the food!" "The food," said the monarch, "Is vou ! " On the banquet that shortly ensued I have no occasion to dwell. Though the King made rejoicing^, at intervals voicing A cannibal basket-ball veil. Next morning the cannibal King Bade college and knowledge adieu. And he left with his grip for a little sea trip. He's now rusticating at Boo, Professors, take warning by this. At vespers retire to vour bunks And do not go near anv invites to beer In the dangerous season of flunks. /// onion there is strength. nap p^ljots of impromptu " ;fttriQ"^^^i^*' Eat, drink (2nd be merr\, for tomorrow zee buy. Coasts Coasts Beggars should not be boozers. CoclUail anil Cljafins^^tiisil) Baccijpcs 2'oo many broths spoil the cook. iHusical Clubs )tories ^ortlj putting Boton ^toncsi Wovt\) putting Botou College Bramaties j^p^^p^ CoUrgt Bramatics All that titters is not cola. Pjotograpljs of €>ur ^laj)S Pjotograpljs of 0nx ^laj>s programmes of ^ilaj>s A rolluig stone gath:rs r:o rock- "l%ouglj f[?ousfS" 3 ©a\)r attrnHrti CoUecje Statistics Colleges Location Denominational Control President OR Chairman of Faculty 1874 Hzi lS)i I8f)0 i8;8 184; 1847 185; 1881 1869 "794 1877 1764 1846 1880 1887 1874 1847 1874 1754 1821 i8;7 1868 184Z 1885 1769 i8}7 1785 1881 1866 1881 1789 1848 1867 1876 1854 1868 1656 1892 1855 1867 1850 1810 1847 1868 1844 1894 l88j 1876 1886 1858 I8J7 l8)2 1847 1866 1 891 i860 1855 1865 1857 1878 1856 1890 1881 1846 1888 1886 1874 I8}l 1889 1861 1851 i8h 1870 Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Amherst College Armour Institute Technology., . Augustana College Baker-University Baylor University Beloit College Berea College Bethany College Boston University Bowdoin College Biigham Young College Brown University Bucknell Unive'sity Case School Applied Science. . , . Catholic University, America.. . Central Unive'sity Clark University Clemson Agricultural College... College City of New York Colorado College Columbia University Columbian University Cornell College Cornell University Cumberland University Dakota University Dartmouth College DePauw Unive'sity Dickinson College Drake University Fisk University Fort Worth University Georgetown University Guard College Giant University Grove City College Hamline University Hampton Institute Harvard University Henry College Hillsdale College Howard University Illinois Wesleyan University... Indiana University Iowa College Iowa State College Iowa Wesleyan University Jacob Tome Institute John B. Stetson University Johns Hopkins University Kansas Wesleyan University. . . Kentucky University Knox College Lafayette College Lawrence University Lehigh University Leland Stanford Jr. University.. Louisiana State University Manhattan College Massachusetts Institute Tech... Michigan Agricultural College.. Mississippi A and M. College.. Monmouth Coiiege Morningside College MoTis Brown College Mt Union Coicge Nebraska Wesieyan Universiiy. Nevada State University New Oilcans University New Yo-k University North Carolina Agr & Mh. Art; Northwestern College Northwestern University Obeiiin College Ohio State University Auburn, Ala Amherst, Mass Chicago, 111 Rock Island, 111 Baldwin, Kansas Waco, Texas Beloit, Wis r. Berea, Ky Lindsborg, Kan Boston, Mass Brunswick, Me Logan, Utah Providence, R. I Lewisburg, Pa Cleveland, O Washington, D. C Danville, Ky Atlanta, Ga Clemson College, S. C. Manhattan Boro, N. Y.. Colorado Springs, Colo.. Manhattan Boro, N. Y.. Washington, D. C Mt. Vernon, Iowa Ithaca, N. Y Lebanon, Tenn Mitchell, S. Dak Hanover, N. H Greencastle, Ind Carlisle, Pa Des Moines, Iowa Nashville, Tenn Fort Worth, Texas Washington, D. C Philadelphia, Pa Chattanooga, Tenn Grove City, Pa St. Paul, Minn Hampton, Va Cambridge, Mass Campbell, Tex Hillsdale, Mich Washington, D. C Bloomington, III Bloomington, Ind Grinnell, Iowa Ames, Iowa Mt. Pleasant, Iowa Port Deposit, Md De Land, Fla Baltimore, Md Salina, Kan Lexington, Ky Galesburg, III Easton, Pa Applcton, Wis S. Bethlehem, Pa Palo Alto,C.il Baton Rouge, La Manhattan Boro, N. Y. Boston, Mass Lansing, Mich Agricult'l College, Miss .Monmouth, 111 Sioux City, Iowa Atlanta, Ga Alliance, O Universiiy PI., Neb Reno, Nev New Orleans, La New Yoik City, N. Y... West Raleigh, N. C Napcrviile, 111 Evanston, 111 Oberlin, O Columbus, O Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Lutheran Methodist Episcopal Baptist Non-Sectarian. . . . . . Non-Sectarian Lutheran Methodist Episcopal Congregational Latter Day Non-Sectarian Baptist Non-Sectarian Roman Catholic Presbyterian Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarirn Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian ....... Non-Sectarian Baptist Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Cumberland Presb'n Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Methodist Episcopal Christian Congregational Methodist Episcopal Roman Catholic Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Free Baptist Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Congregational Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Baptist Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Christian Non-Sectarian Presbyterian Interdenominational Non-Sectarian. . . . . . Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Roman Catholic Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian United Presbyterian Methodist Methodist Methodist Episcopal Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Evangelical Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Chas. C. Thach, A M George Harris, D. D. LL. D .. . F. W. Gunsaulus, D. D , LL. D. Gustav Andreen, Ph. D Lemuel H. Murlin, A. M Samuel P. Brooks, A. M Edw D. Eaton, D. D.,LL. D.. . Wm. G. Frost, Ph D., D. D... Rev. C. Swensson, Ph. D W. F. Warren, D. D., LL. D... Wm. DeWitt Hyde, D. D James H. Linford, B. S., B. D.. W. H. P. Faunce, A. M., D. D.. John H. Harris, LL. D Rt. Rev. T. J. Conaty , S. T. D. . William C. Roberts, D.D.,LL D. Chas. M. Melden, Ph. D., D. D. P. H. Mell, Ph. D A. G. Compton (Act. P.'es.).... W. F. Slocum, LL. D., D. D N. M. Butler, LL. D., Ph. D Chas. W Needham,LL. D Wm. F. King, D. D., LL. D J. G. Schurman, LL. D., A. M... D. E. Mitchell Rev. W. I, Graham, D.D., A. M Wm. J. Tucker, D. D., LL. D.. . Rev. H. A. Gobin, D. D , LL. D Geo. E. Reed, S. T. D., LL. D. . H. M. Bell Rev. Jas. G Merrill, D. D Rev. O. L. Fisher, A. M., D. D. . Rev. Jerome Daugherty, S. J , . . . A. H. Fetterolf, Ph. D., LL. D . . Rev. John H. Race, A. .M., D. D Rev. I. C. Ketler, Ph. D.,D.D.. . Rev. G. H. Bridgman, D. D Rev. H. B. Frissell, D. D Charles Wm. Eliot, LL. D T. H. Bridges Jos. W, Mauck, A M., LL D... J. E. Rankin, D. D., LL. D Edgar M. Smith, M. A., D. D... . Wm. L. Bryan, A. B., AM Dan. F. Bradley, D. D E. W. Stanton, M. Sc. (Act. P.) J. W. Hancher, A. M.,S. T D. A. W. Harris, A, M (Director). John F. Forbes, A M.,Ph. D... Ira Remsan, LL. D W. F. Hoyt, A. B., B. S B. A. Jenkins, A. M., B D Thomas McClelland, D. D E. D. Warfield, LL. D Samuel Plantz, Ph. D., D. D . . . Thomas M. Drown, LL D David Starr Jo'dan, LL D Thos. D. Bovd, A M , LL. D. . . Rev. Bro. Jerome. F S C Henry S. Pritchett, I.L. D J. L.'Snyde , M A., Ph D J. C. Hardy, A. M., LL. B J.N. Swan (Act. President) W. S. Lewis, D. D., A. M Rev. J. M Hendeison.A. M.... Albe-t B. Riker. D. D., A. M... D. W. C Huntington. D. D Joseph E. Stubbs, D D., LL. D . Frederic H. Knight, A B H. M. MacCracken.D D..LL D. Geo T. Winston, LL. D H.J Kiekhoefer, AM., Ph D. Edmund J. James, Ph. D Henry C. King, D. D W. O. Thompson, D. D.. LL. D 30 35 42 il 45 55 27 ii 47 144 40 28 76 45 29 28 107 14 44 9i 41 442 175 J5 367 32 M 66 28 ?2 104 n 54 120 67 61 18 67 82 534 '9 20 60 34 70 36 84 27 48 45 144 34 60 26 29 31 50 1)0 27 38 >39 60 40 17 35 18 26 40 24 28 212 35 20 322 86 136 College ^tatisties Colleges Location Denominational Control President or Chairman ok Faculty 1S04 1S44 lS.;z IS70 1S6,- iS7i IS 59 IS"? 1S47 KS47 1S4I 1829 1870 1S67 I852 18)4 ISJI 1891 187Z J8 >l 1S19 1877 1 864 178J 1889 1868 1864 1865 1857 1868 1848 IS40 I8;5 17S5 1869 1S91 1789 188} 1842 1 892 1876 1740 1850 1880 1868 '794 188? 1S50 1791 1825 1861 1848 1 886 1802 184; 1890 1872 1871 :867 1892 1855 Hz6 1787 1^67 184; 1785 1701 Ohio University Ohio Wesleyan University Oklahoma University Oregon Agricultural College , . . . Ottawa University Ouachita College Peabojy Teachers' College Pennsylvania State College Philander Smith College Polytechnic Institute Pratt Institute Princeton University.. PurJue University Simpson College Southwestern University State College of Kentucky State University of Iowa St. Francis Xjvier College St. John's College St. Louis University Syracuse University Talladega College Tufts College Tulane University University of Alabama University of Arizona University of Arkansas University of California University of Chicago University of Cincinnati University of Colorado University of Denver University of Georgia University of Idaho University of Illinois University of Kansas University of Maine University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of Mississippi University of Missouri University of Montana University of Nashville University of Nebraska University of New Mexico... University of North Carolina.... University of North Dakota. ... University of Notre Dame University of Oklahoma University of Oregon University of Pennsylvania University of Rochester University of So. California. . . . University of the South University of Tennessee University of Texas University of Utah University of Vermont University of Virginia University of Washington University of Wisconsin University of Wyoming U. S. Military Academy U. S. Naval Academy Utah Agricultural College Vanderbilt University V.rginia Polytechnic Institute. . Walden University Washington Agricultur'l College Washington University Western Reserve University . . . W'estern University of Penn... West Virginia University Willamette University Williams College Yale University Athens, O Delaware, O Norman, Oklahoma Ter. Corvallis, Ore Ottawa, Kan Arkadelphia, Ark Nashville, Tenn State College, Pa Little Rock, Ark Brooklyn, N. Y Brooklyn, N. Y Princeton, N. J Lafayette, Ind Indianola, Iowa Georgetown, Texas Lexington, Ky Iowa City, Iowa Manhattan Boro, N. Y. Fordham, N. Y. City... St. Louis, Mo Syracuse, N. Y Talladega, Ala Tufts College, Mass. . . New Orleans, La Tuscaloosa, Ala Tucson, Ariz Favetteville, Ark Berkeley, Cal Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, O Boulder, Colo University Park, Colo . Athens, Ga Moscow, Idaho Urbana, 111 Lawrence, Kan Orono, Me Ann Arbor, Mich Minneapolis, Minn. . . . Near Oxford, Miss Columbia, Mo Missoula, Mont Nashville, Tenn Lincoln, Neb Albuquerque, N. M.. . . Chapel Hill,N. C Grand Forks, N. Dak . . Notre Dame, Ind Norman, Okla Eugene, Ore Philadelphia, Pa Rochester, N. Y Los Angeles, Cal Sewanee,Tenn Knoxville, Tenn Austin, Tex Salt Lake City, Utah . . Burlington, Vt Charlottesville, Va Seattle, Wash Madison, Wis Laramie, Wyo West Point, N. Y Annapolis, Md Logan, Utah Nashville, Tenn Blacksburg, Va Nashville, Tenn Pullman, Wash St. Louis, Mo Cleveland, O Pittsburgh, Pa Morgantown, W. Va.. Salem, Ore Williamstown, Mafs. . . New Haven, Conn Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Baptist Baptist Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Metho't Epis'l South Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Roman Catholic . . . . Roman Catholic . . . . Roman Catholic Methodist Episcopal Congregational Universalist Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Roman Catholic... Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Baptist Methodist Episcopal Protestant Episcopal Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-oectarian Non-Sectarian Metho't Epis'l South Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian. . . Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Non-Sectarian Methodist Episcopal Non-Sectarian Non-.3ectarian Alston Ellis, Ph. D., LL. D.... James W. Bashford, D. D David R. Boyd, A. M., Ph. D. . Thos. M. Gatch,M. A., Ph. D. J. D. S. Riggs, Ph. D., L. H. D J. W. Conger, A. M., LL. D James D. Porter, LL. D Geo. W. Atherton, LL. D Rev. James M. Cox, D. D Henry S. Snow, A. B., LL. D . . . Charles M. Pratt Woodrow Wilson, LL. D., Lt.D. W. E. Stone, A. M., Ph. D Charles E. Shelton, A. M Robert S. Hyer, A. M J. K. Patterson, Ph. D., LL. D. . George E. Mac Lean, LL. D Rev. D. W. Hearn, S.J Rev. Geo. A. Pettit, S. J Rev. W. B. Rogers, S. J Rev. J. R. Day,LL. D. (Chan.) G. W. Andrews, A. B., M. A. . . Elmer Hewitt Capen, D. D Edwin A. Alderman, LL. D John W. Abercrombie F. Y. Adams, B. A., A. M Henry S. Hartzog, LL. D Banj. Ide Wheeler, LL. D Wm. R. Harper, Ph. D., D. D... Howard Ay ers, LL. D Jas. H. Baker, M. A., LL. D . . . . H. A. Buchtel, D. D., LL. D Walter B. Hill, LL. D James A. Mac Lean, Ph. D Andrew S. Draper, LL. D Frank Strong G. E. FeUows, Ph. D., LL. D... James B. Angell, LL. D Cyrus Northrop, LL. D Robert B. Fulton, LL. D Richard Henry Jesse, LL. D ... . Oscar J. Craig, A. M., Ph. D W. H. Payne, LL. D., Ph. D. . . E. Benj. Andrews, LL. D Wm. G Tight, Ph. D Francis P. Venable, Ph. D Weoster Merrilield, M. A Rev. A. Morrissey, C. S. C Da-id R. Boyd, A. M., Ph. D. . Prince L. Campbell, B. A Chas. C. Harrison, LL. D Rush Rhccs, D. D., LL. D Wm. T. Randall (Dean) B. L. Wiggins, M. A., LL. D. . . C. W. Daoney, Ph. D., LL. D.. W m. L. Prather, LL. D J. T. Kingsbury, Ph. D., D. Sc. Mat. H. huckham, D. D P. B. Barringer,M. D. (Ch. Fc.) Thos. F. Kane (Act. Presiaent) E>.w. A. Birge (Act. President) Rev. Elmer E. Smiley, D. D Col. A. L. Mills, U. S. A. Supt . Capt. W. H. Brownson, U. s. N Wm. J. Kerr, D. Sc J. H. KirKland, LL. D., D. C. L J. M. McBride, Ph. D.,LL. D... Rev. Jay B. Hamilton, D.D Enoch A. Bryan, A. M W. S. Chaplin, LL. D., A. M. .. Charles F. Thwing, D. D J. A. Brashear ( Act. Chan.) ... D. B. Purinton, Ph. D John H. Coleman, D.D Henry Hopkins, D. D., LL. D . . Arthur T. Hadley, LL. D 59 7! JO 50 i5 30 35 48 «4 50 129 lot 81 35 15 50 160 5i 40 n 169 28 l?o 86 4; 25 70 481 5^3 150 10; 172 138 30 JI2 81 54 247 290 18 100 14 67 220 12 69 57 60 28 7' 275 20 96 62 So 109 28 64 57 35 187 17 7' 69 47 100 40 3i 50 199 175 116 so 49 31 507 ittp Utttlc 3foururj>£(!in tljc WoxlD '^Knozvledge is pozcer and the hfn is mightier than her lord.'''' '-^Excelsior ! Bance Bates CoUrgr 9lum\)rrsanr6 Every dog has his day dreams. ©utsitic jFcUotos 3 %)iiMt iHct (Sraliuatrs bp l\rqur6t This is no rhvnie ot commencement time When the tacultv makes decree That the pure of heart shall be set apart By the mystical sign A. B. I sing tonight of a maverick wight Who is common to East and West, Who makes things snort tor an era short And graduates by request. The Freshmen o;o in the green ot the leaf, The Sophomores in their gall, The Juniors skip by the pink trip slip And tarry not for the tall. Where are the Seniors, too blithe to last. The dearest, the beerest, the best? They were caught in time ere their sinful prime, And are graduates by request. They go not out with a gladsome shout, But they go by ones and twos. And they go in pride, for they've qualified In their major subject — Booze. They have felt the heel of the faculty spiel. They have been the Committee's guest. And they hit the ties in the merry guise Of graduates by request. So the Freshman leav^eth his fields of grass. And the Sophomore leaveth his beer. And the Junior goeth where no man knoweth At any old time in the year. And the Senior doth wait at the campus gate With a sob in his throbbing chest As he joins the innumerable host Of the graduates by request. (@ui ^nap ^|)ots (§irl ^nap ^ijots A king may look at a cat. i.fftfis iLtttrrs Where there's a bill there's delay. Clippings; Clipptngs f I Sov Quests to g'lgn I t jTor 0xmt^ to ^ign Gn'f the Devil his pczv. h I I fox #uceits to ^ign jfor ©uceitci to ^igu L 'II I I jfor (!5ufsts to ^((^n f jfor (l^ursts to ^tgu jfov bursts to ^tsn t I I f CoUtgf pjotogvapijs CoUtcjr Pjotosrapljs College ^3l)otograpi)! You may lead a horse to slaughter hut you cannot make him think. jWisicellantousi JHisccllaucous JHisicrUanrousi JHisrrUancous The cloak of char its covers a multitude of shins Btarp of jTiTSljman §rar None but the brave deserve the scare. Btarp of jFvfSljman irnr Biarj) of jfrcsljman Bear My son, beucare ! The tree of knowledge containeth man\ rotten branches. >ear Biavp of ^opIjomoiT ^tar Money makes the hair go. ©larj) of ^opljomoit gear ©lavj' of 3Junior gfar Biarj) of junior gear Biarp of junior ^rar Mdkc piis zvhile the mon shines. Biarj) of funtor gear Ofie touch of nature sets the zvhole world a-grin. "Bmy of junior icar ®iarj> of junior gear Biarj) of Senior gear Btarj) of Mentor gear Biar)> of Senior ©tar Commencement Wttk Commencement Wttk UNIVERSITY or ^■Jnd pityingly I beard him speak^ "/ am a college graduated 91 Collrge (Sraliuatc The blasts ot winter blew a gale, A stranger plucked me by the coat. His face was scholarly, but pale, His shirt was open at the throat. Lean hunger's lines were on his cheek, — I saw a brother's need was great, And pityingly I heard him speak, " I am a college graduate." I marked his hat with battered crown. His rags that fluttered in the breeze, — What adverse fate had cast him down. This man of honors and degrees? A comrade soul in him I saw, Though sore reduced to many a straight, A bachelor of arts or law. Like me, a college graduate, I drew a coin of small deo;ree. And this into his palm I pressed. "Dear sir," I said, " I grieve to see A fellow scholar so distressed. Pray, from what college do you come? " He gave his trowsy head a toss. And pocketing my modest sum. He said, "A barbers' college, boss." Commencement ®aj> Commcnctmcut ©aj> ^ictuiTSi of Commcuccmcut Wttk programmes jTarctocll Cutertainmrnts; Class Banquet ^ropljccics ^ropljrrics 0lm Bear. 33op Bear Man dear, the years have stolen by And I'll leave you at the gate, For it's written down that man must die — And man must graduate ; And it's only a clasp of the hand, man dear. And a tear for the Magic Four Ere we speed to the call of the beckoning year When we shall be boys no more. Man dear^ boy dear, companion vagabond, 'The Land of Care is over there for many a league beyond; But in the strife of toil and life, and in the war of men Cannot Old Friendship enter in and make us boys again ? Man dear, the world may be great for you In glory and wife and gold, But will you forget in the flush of the new The devil-may-care of the old, The loyal thrill of the boy at play. The larks and the dreams and the zest? Good-bv! — I go to the East today And vou return to the West. Man dear, boy dear, comrade for the Four, The house of youth is still in sooth and bolted is the door; But in the new and larger view wherein we toil with men Cannot Old Friendship enter in and make us biys again? or THF UNIVERSITY r jftiture ailJtiiTSsrs aiutograpljs Slutograpljs 9lutograp|)2i Here endeth the Men s College Record. \J1^^^ CAl \i^ AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENT