e?^ 1914 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES — 1_ PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ADVISORY BOARD OF YALE UNIVERSITY Price, Twenty Cents Order through Secretary's Office, Yale University LIFE AT VALE 02 P to o w o w O o p hi O LIFE AT YALE Prepared and published in compliance with a vote of the Alumni Advisory Board of Yale University directing "that the Alumni Advisory Board prepare a pamphlet on Yale dealing with the Uni- versity and with the various phases of Yale life ' ' ; the committee appointed to take charge of this work consisting of Messrs. Edward Hidden, '85, of St. Louis, Mo., Chairman; Robert Wat- kinson Huntington, Jr., '89, of Hartford, Conn.; Walter Alden DeCanip, '90, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Edited by Edwin Rogers Embree, '06, Alumni Registrar SECOND EDITION PRINTED IN NEW HAVEN 1914 - < - 8 E o £ a § — H 7 8 £33/ AiT CONTENTS Page Yale Ideals, by President Hadley 1 What the Freshman Finds at Yale 5 Life at Yale College 11 Life at Sheffield Scientific School 20 Intellectual Life and Outside Activities 27 Religious Life at Yale 42 Working One's Way 45 ( Graduate Interest and Organization 49 The Yale Man's New Haven 59 Sketch of the History of Yale 05 Information — Facts and Figures Relating Particularly to the Undergraduate Departments Entrance Requirements 73 Courses of Study 75 The University Calendar 75 Expenses 70 Facilities for Self Help 70 University Privileges The University Church 80 Concerts, Lectures, Collections, etc SO Libraries 81 Laboratories >S2 The Infirmary 82 General Club' Life S2 Athletic Facilities 83 The Yale Corporation 85 The Alumni Advisory Board 86 Yale University — outline of organization (inside back cover) Many of the illustrations in this booklet are reproduced through the courtesy of the Yale Alumni Weekly. 762575 W M Hi M YALE IDEALS By Arthur Twining Hadley President of Yale University What are the things that Yale stands for ? First and foremost, in common with every other college and uni- versity worthy of the name, Yale stands for the pursuit of truth. -^ No school or group of schools, however brilliant, would deserve to be called a university if it simply taught its students how to earn as large fees as possible in their several callings. It must inspire them with a higher ideal and a deeper motive. It must make them crave to see things as they really are and to do things as they really ought to be done; to make truth and. right the objects of a man's effort, instead of subordinating them to the pursuit of money, pleasure, or power. These are the ideas which underlie all good college teaching, in science and in history, in poetry and in philosophy, in morals and in religion. Yale also, in common with other universities, stands for breadth of culture ; for a wide view of life and of what life means. The man who goes to college has the leisure to know many kinds of men and to study many kinds of things. If he uses this leisure badly it results in mere dissipation, physical or mental as the case may be. But if he uses it rightly — and in our American colleges the great majority of students are helped to use it rightly — it means culture. Culture is essentially a power to enjoy the best things in life on as many different lines as possible, instead of confining our interests to a narrow range of things which are immediately before our eyes. Some of this power of enjoyment is learned in the class- room itself. Some is learned by independent reading and thinking. Some is learned by personal contact and conversation with instruc- tors and with fellow students. Some — often a very large part — is learned in connection with the social and athletic activities of the student body. Any of these activities, when pursued in an honorable spirit, increases a boy's range of appreciation and enjoyment and tends to make him a broader man and a more cultivated gentleman. Finally, Yale stands for training in citizenship. It aims to pre- pare its students to be members of our American democracy. To 2 LIFE AT YALE a greater or less degree every college does this. Every man is a better citizen if he has learned to love the truth and to broaden his points of contact with life as a whole. But men may pursue the truth either separately or shoulder to shoulder with their fellows. Culture may be sought either by the indivdual for himself alone, or by the citizen for himself and those about him. Yale encourages a man to choose the second of these alternatives — to do his thinking as a member of a community rather than as an isolated individual. This is the most distinct, if not the most important, lesson which Yale teaches her students. From the day when a boy comes to Yale as a Freshman, he is made to feel that he belongs to a closely knit commonwealth. He enters into a heritage of traditions and sentiments common to the students as a whole. He finds himself face to face with a body of public opinion which he is given his share in moulding and to which he is expected to conform as far as his conscience and his abilities will permit him. This force of tradition and opinion is what governs Yale ; and in the main it does its work well. It insists on clean living. It frowns on drunkenness ; it condemns sex- ual dissipation unequivocally. There is no place where a boy with right instincts, going out into the world to enjoy his freedom, gets more help from public sentiment than he does at Yale. It is also unequivocal in condemning shams of every kind. It encourages the student to try to value men and things for what they are rather than for what they advertise themselves to be. Of course it does not always succeed in getting a true scale of values. Some things look large to the student body which look small in after life. Some things are judged under the influence of momentary waves of emo- tion, which might be judged differently if the verdict were more deliberate. But on the whole the standard is democratic and manly, and in the majority of instances essentially right. The boy also finds himself encouraged in every way to put his talents at the service of the community. Is there something that he can do with his brains or his voice or his hands or his feet? Let him measure himself against others and show who can serve the community best. By such competition will he get a proper sense and proper rating of his own power ; by such competition will the community gel the leaders it wants to take charge of the things that it wants done. Here again the judgment of the student body is YALE IDKALS :: far from perfect. It does not always reward most highly the things that arc best worth doing. Its tests of power arc not always as broad or as wise as those that maturer men might apply. But such as the competition is, it is fairly conducted — more fairly than in almost any other community. Nor does Yale confine its apprecia- tion to the man who has succeeded. To him who comes out first it uives the prize. To him who has tried and fallen short it gives honorable recognition and encouragement to try again. It condemns none except the man who was too lazy or too self-centered to try at all. These, then, are the things for which Yale stands : The pursuit of truth as an ideal, the development of breadth of understanding, and the training for citizenship which results from fair competition and government by public opinion. Scene Before a Sunday Chapel Service Attendance at daily and Sunday chapel, or service in a city church, is required of undergraduates in the College and is optional for members of other depart- ments of the University. Eminent clergymen of various denominations preach at the Sunday services, which are once a month transferred from the chapel to the large University Auditorium to accommodate attendants from the entire University. a "o « rt O o M (J <) O 03 .3 3 ° 5 3 "^ S-, o 3 2 « &£ °° 1 3 * So >■ § ^ 3 3 re s -; •— CD ^-* ; a) j) ? ,o a c > fc^ -2 *^ -3 * ^ ^ « p a « 2 3 -^ cr. PS — +i = ■1-3 3 T3 3 « 1 X o K o P ~ -3 .5 -r M -t-3 r2 •3 O - 'in CO O 3 CD s > 03 +3 1* ~ » a o .& a 3 -w re q; ZZ o S 3 to t-. >i >3 "S5 13. ■** 4> >- 05 jfc * s £ 5 ^ ° Ji w 5 g H o 3 « *" — P, CD a -5 5 « .2 "S 03 CD •+» -3 _ ^ 3h +> O 3 3 .2 J ^ 'I '5 22 "E. .2 -g £ 2 | a 2 8,11 53* 3 3 3 ^ ^ 2 - ^ ^o ce .= r, J! -S = ^ s ^ S? 03 g & DQ o CD = o CO C — i '3 CD +3 o CO _CD Q c a O !-. -*3 CD M ea 03 -1-5 3 03 « CO 0> O O cB CO 60 •3 CD O 03 +S C5 -P 42 % O 3 J co 3 03 -3 > CD — CD CO - •5 3 O - ■P O co CO id 3 O — = u 0) -P 03 H o -4-3 o 3 3 CD P - CO c u CD o3 bt en p a o CO T 60 *3 a 1 CD -3 1 CO - CD s 43 TJ '5 Ph o O O &*» S< :_ 3 O ep o CD ^ "o 33 CD 'C o — CO C t — ~ Jl — WHAT THE FRESHMAN" FINDS AT YALE An entering Class at Yale comes to New Haven from the four quarters of the globe. Men from Texas and Pennsylvania arrive on the same train. They meet at the station a group from Illinois, another from Hartford and another from Seattle; while already in the city, perspiring over last examinations, are planters' sons from the South, farmers' from the West, and bankers', teachers' and merchants' sons from Louisville, Cincinnati and Denver. A smaller number are from Honolulu, China, Japan, and the countries of Europe. High schools in almost every important city in the country are represented, while groups from the large preparatory schools of the East and of the West form ever widening circles of acquaintance. The men of the entering classes, the Freshmen, meet first on the crowded before-term trains, which come laboring up from New York or down from the North and East. For three days, early in the week before the fall term starts, these groups of singing, chatting upperclassmen and eager, half shy Freshmen pour into New Haven. Swinging hand bags, hat boxes and mandolin cases, they wander in groups up through the city streets to search out their college rooms and to happen upon acquaintances old and new. These nights just before the term opens are times of uncertainty for the Freshmen. Their peace of mind is often disturbed by the last entrance examinations. Their studies and even their slumbers are disturbed by visits from good-natured but not always desired groups of Sophomores. On a night at the beginning of the fall term, late in September, the Freshmen first mass together, first come to feel themselves a unit, a Class. In the fantastic torchlight pro- cession through the city streets, ending in the Freshman-Sophomore wrestling bouts on the Campus, these three or four hundred oddly assorted men, who make a Yale Class, are welded together. In the weird, winding snake dance and march through the streets, the men stammer through the "Brek-ek-ek-ex coax coax" Greek cheer, and sing the Yale marching songs. They grip one another's shoulders. They are a Class ! From that time on, the members think of them- selves first not as Californians or lumbermen's sons, but as Yale men, and Yale men of a particular Class. In the College (or Aca- 6 LIFE AT YALE demical Department) the "Freshman Rush" occurs on the Wednesday night before the opening of the term ; in the Sheffield Scientific School this welding process of the entering Class takes place on the following Saturday, when the parti-colored costumes of the Seniors, leading the procession, add to the picturesqueness of the event. The Freshmen quickly settle into their scholarly work. This is the work for which essentially they came to college and which forms the foundation for all other phases of college work and play. Soon they become aware of other fields of work, numberless competitions, all about them. In a mass meeting they are told, though most of the men know of it themselves, of the multiplicity of activities which go to make up life at Yale. Before the first year is a week old, the greetings of Freshmen become : '"What are you out for V Many are on the athletic fields playing football, baseball, tennis, or on the track, competing for places on Class and later University teams. Others are darting hither and thither about the Campus walks and city streets on rumbling bicycles, pursuing items in their competition for the Daily News. Awkward banjo and mandolin cases encom- pass those who are playing on the musical clubs. Some are trying for dramatic honors, for literary acceptance in the college periodi- Tiir Freshman Fence Orations Toward the close of the college year the Freshmen are given the right to sit on the "Fence" in a ceremony consisting of an interchange of good natured raillery between a Sophomore and a Freshman "Fence orator." Weight Hall, the New Freshman Campus Dormitory cals, for debating teams. Within a week the new Class has started that campaign for achievement and honor in Yale life, that campaign which in the College does not relax one jot or one tittle until the approach of Senior year, three years later, when, resting after honors won or honestly striven for and missed, the Class settles back for a quiet year of companionship after three years of competition. And yet this many-sided activity forms but the surface of the work, conspicuous because on the surface. At the foundation of every boy's work at Yale is the rigid necessity for study, and usually, too, the fixed purpose and real desire to study. The desire for study, the pursuit of truth, is the reason for the existence of this, as of any real college or university, and few indeed are the enrolled stu- dents at Yale who lose sight of the real purpose for which they have come. The subjects and fields of study determine the departments of the Universitv in which the enterine; men enroll themselves. Some >> % 5 P ■a « — «© HI w (/) a 0> ■a I 01 p "- M 03 P +3 i-c O p & O g a q> O H S W go « "£ P O w hi Hi M be ^ w o3 H § * w 02 ^ H ' H CD ■„ 2 a fa p-i p O ® tn -P P m 43 s H fa fa CO H 3 -§ H o «4 ,P cs w ■+-> •— H be fl H e • rH < t3 += P P P r=< p 'P £ -P p S >» o +» 5? & rP 53 > m -a os b p- -p S 'P T3 O rQ p O (V p * .5 O H •+-> be 0J tn -P .2 »-[ H ^ _p t3 1 | 3 cs J-. WHAT THE FRESHMAN" FINDS AT YALE 9 four hundred of the new-coming men enter the College, historic ances- tor of the entire University, now but one of its many departments. An equal number form the entering Class of the Sheffield Scientific School, known to Yale as "Sheff." Smaller numbers each year, having completed preliminary college work at Yale or elsewhere, enter the professional schools of Theology, Medicine, and Law, the Graduate School and Forest School, or the Schools of Music and the Fine Arts. A total of about four hundred new members enter these graduate or professional schools each year, coming for further study from more than one hundred and seventy-five colleges and uni- versities of this and foreign countries. It is of the life in the two undergraduate departments, the College and "Sheff," that this book- let particularly concerns itself. Of this undergraduate life at Yale one dominant characteristic may well be emphasized before the individual phases are considered. That characteristic is the dominance in the undergraduate life of the warm, hearty, sane feeling of comradeship in effort, the vigorous determination to accomplish something for the common good ; the clean endeavor, in the light of two hundred years of favoring tradition, to work together with common industry for a common goal — the thing which in a word we call Yale Spirit. It is this spirit that sets the tone of undergraduate life at Yale. And the tone that it sets is cleanness of life, diligence of endeavor in study or play, impatience of sham, quick appreciation of ability or effort, and lasting belief in the ultimate good of common work in pursuit of a common goal. It is this spirit that makes the competition in the multiform activities of undergraduate life at Yale so keen, so all- pervading; that characterizes Yale life by that compelling power called team play. It is this spirit, too, that dominates the intel- lectual life of the undergraduate. The class room, the Fence, the athletic field, all are marked by this feeling of comradeship in industry, this Yale Spirit, It is this spirit that the Freshman feels first as he swings into step in the torchlight procession on the first night of his first year, as he is bumped and jostled and borne along on the shoulders and in the open arms of his fellows. It is this spirit that carries him through his years at Yale; years in which he measures himself against his fellows in keenest com- petition for honors and responsibilities, and yet feels himself all the time borne aloft by the assurance of their hearty and united support. LO LIFE AT YALE It is this spirit that at the end of the college course makes the man feel that he has not completed his association with these classmates. but has simply started a new phase of his Yale life; that makes the graduate sing at reunion gatherings throughout the world in a voice growing more and more mellow with maturity and feeling: Bright college years, with pleasure rife, The shortest, gladdest years of life. How swiftly are ye gliding by ! Oh, why doth time so quickly fly ! The seasons come, the seasons go, The earth is green, or white with snow. But time and change shall naught avail To break the friendship formed at Yale. In after years, should troubles rise To cloud the blue of sunny skies, How bright will seem, thro' memory's haze, The happy, golden, bygone days ! Oh, let us strive that ever we May let these words our watch-cry be, Where'er upon life's sea we sail, — "For God, for Country, and for Yale !" Evening Comkadkky on the Fence Connecticut Hall, a Dormitory Erected in 1750, seen through the class of 1896 Memorial Gateway LIFE AT YALE COLLEGE To the incoming Freshman at Yale the morning chapel service probably seems on first experience the least necessary of all things to his personal comfort; before his graduation he is likely to think of it as the best illustration he can recall of the familiar forsan et liaec olim meminisse juvabit. The service suggests the solidarity of the undergraduate body, the inviolable tradition that an institution of age and respectability hands down from the past to its youngest sons. The daily association of the entire company of the college regularly assembled inspires these youngest sons to the observance of an order which they apply in their own way to the activities of student life. This order is not of the Faculty or powers above ; far from it. It is the self-ordained task of the undergraduate to see that established traditions of the place are maintained in matters 12 LIFE AT YALE which come within his province. Otherwise things become inef- fective, and he is dissatisfied because in the absence of accepted customs a college crowd degenerates into a mob and college customs lose their distinction. Beyond a little teasing in the open, which has replaced the ancient practice of hazing, the Freshman gets small attention from any students outside of his Class. He has his room assigned in one of the dormitories, either on York Street or the old Campus, allotted to Freshmen, and learns that the great majority of college men live like him in comfortable buildings on one of two adjoining quadrangles. The Campus, so-called, contains also the Library, Chapel, Art School and lecture rooms, in all of which he may be more or less concerned, but of the many University buildings which stretch for more than half a mile beyond these quadrangles, he will take little heed excepting of the Dining Hall — one of the finest interiors of its kind in America — where he will get his meals. On the whole, though in the midst of a con- siderable city, there is a detachment in the University life which renders it a thing by itself to the student. lint one re- mains now of the row of factory-like, brick buildings which used to face the City Green from the mid- dle of the Campus. This was erected a few years before the outbreak of the French-Indian War, and is willingly pre- served because of its respectable antiq- uity: i he others have been removed to leave free llle >pace of a ().\ the "Senioe Fence" Omega Lambda Ciii Celebration, a Spring Jollification double city block, around the edge of which are grouped the halls that constitute the most effective college quadrangle in the country. Into this world of his own the Freshman is allowed to find his way or make his place with scant courtesy, indeed, but with fewer risks of being taken up and played upon by older men than is the ease in most large institutions. Outside of the normal influences cf the curriculum, athletics, spiritual interests and college journal- ism — which arc explained elsewhere — the new-comer soon feels the reaction of that sense of partnership in a great family to whose inherited traditions of conduct he is expected to conform, lie is allowed to find himself before lie is subjected to any risks of dis- covery by upperclassmen, and the experience is often accounted the most interesting and surprising in the careers of many who recall it in subsequent years. There are no officers elected in any Class. The members of a Senior Council of seven, whose supervision of Campus affairs is admirably effective, are not ('lass officials in any sense. Ir is only upon graduation that a Secretary is elected to keep track of a Class and publish its annals in after life. 'Flic outside world conceives of the social life at Yale as a micro- cosm seething with hopes and fears inspired by its secret societies. 14 LIFE AT YALE Their influence upon the undergraduate community is important and, in some respects, peculiar to this institution, but their importance and peculiarities are greatly exaggerated. The Freshman is aware of little due to the societies that affects his life ; the visitor who has seen other colleges in America is not likely to detect with unaided vision any physical evidences that differentiate Yale from the rest. In the fall, when the so-called Junior fraternities initiate their first candidates from the Sophomore Class, the Campus gleams for an hour with the penetrating shafts of their great searchlights carried at the head of costumed processions sonorous with ritual songs as they pass upon their errands to one and another of the dormitories. After midnight the members of the three Senior societies return in silence from their conclaves, once a week, to the Campus. This and the elections, silently conferred on a May afternoon, are all the outside Senior Baseball in Vanderbilt Court The court of Vanderbilt Hall, a Senior dormitory, forms a playground of special Senior privilege. A novel ball game with a large soft ball is one of the special Campus prerogatives of members of the Senior Class. THE COLLEGE 15 world sees or knows of their existence. No badges are worn that can be seen ; nor, with the exception of a recent custom which bedecks members of the Junior fraternities with carnations in their buttonholes when an initial ion is impending, do the societies obtrude upon the senses of anyone living at Yale. The democracy of the undergraduate world has evolved this sup- pression of manifest signs of social hierarchy by a process all its own. Forty years ago, when there were secret societies for each Class in college, every member wore his pin upon his necktie. Less than thirty years ago those of the lower classes were for the most part exposed more modestly upon the waistcoats of their owners, though Seniors preserved the old custom longer. Within the past decade the last of the Senior societies to maintain the ancient promi- nence of its pin has followed the prevailing custom. The notion obtains abroad that with the increasing number of undergraduates the proportion of "society men" in college steadily decreases. The reverse is true. Leaving out the Freshman societies — abolished in 1880 — which any Freshman could join for the asking, only sixty- two per cent, of the Class graduating a generation ago belonged to any society, while the average at present is seventy-five per cent. So far as these organizations reflect undergraduate sentiment it would appear that they parade less and admit more now than formerly. The secret societies have sins enough to answer for in the estima- tion of many critics of American colleges ; but, in view of the fact that men everywhere are bound to combine in groups for interest or pleasure, their influence at Yale has been rather wholesome than otherwise. Their standards are necessarily high, for the moment one is suspected of maintaining lower ideals than the rest it is shunned by all desirable candidates. Moreover, their graduate mem- bers take them rather more seriously than is generally supposed, and they are apt to return to reunions preaching a loftier morality than they themselves ever lived up to when young. If their calls to righteousness are ignored by the active members they withdraw their moral support, and when this is removed the Society soon flags and presents itself to the Faculty as a septic growth upon the body poli- tic in need of surgical treatment. The secrecy of all these organiza- tions is preserved chiefly as a convenient means of protection from badinage ; there are no occult purposes to propagate in any of them, but long usage has made it a rudeness in college for any but his Hi LIFE AT YALE intimates to discuss a society in the presence of a member. In this way their privacy is maintained, just as people of refinement keep their family affairs private by refusing to countenance any discus- sion of them among chance acquaintances. Besides these strictly academic associations — all of them legally incorporated and possessing buildings of their own — three Greek letter societies include in their membership students from all depart incuts of the University. The eminent band of Phi Beta Kappa, con- sisting exclusively of the twenty-five or thirty ranking men of a (das.-, exerts mi social influence whatever, but its prestige is great, and it- annual banquet, which brings together graduate members and distin- guished speakers from abroad, is perhaps the most notable function of its kind in the college year. The Elizabethan Club, possessing a con- venient house and the most remarkable collection of first editions of Shakespeare in America, chooses its members from the upper classes of both undergraduate departments as they display a genuine interest in literature. This club, being endowed, is unique in making no pecuniary demands upon its members, while it stands by itself also in bringing undergraduates into intimate contact with graduates who frequent it, and in admitting the introduction of friends as visitors. A chapter of the Cosmopolitan Club which exists in all the larger American universities, is composed of foreign students of all nation- alities and native Americans whose interests are sufficiently catholic to find profit in meeting with them once a month. Xo Academic organization has its members living or eating together as such. Other groups and brotherhoods there are, too numerous indeed to mention. Places in the musical and dramatic clubs are particularly sought after because of the vacation trips which they afford. Some of the plays presented by the Dramatic Association equal the besl performances by amateurs anywhere. The social festival of the winter, known as the Junior Promenade Concert, is perhaps the most notable recurring function of the sort given in the 1'nit d States. Descending from the old "Wooden Spoon" festival, it has now become the climax of two days of festivity, Including a play. ;i concert, a round of club teas and a ball. Intellectual work, out- side of the curriculum and competitions for various scholastic prizes, is fostered by debates in the Yale and Freshman unions and in less formal (dubs, the besi representatives of which win places on the intercollegiate debating teams. Dwight Hall, a center of the reli- The Commencement Procession in Front of Yanderbilt Hall The dignified academic procession, which is a feature of Yale Commence- ments, embraces members of the Yale Corporation, those who are to receive honorary degrees and other invited guests, alumni, and the eight or nine hundred candidates who are to receive degrees in course from the several departments of the University. gious interests of college life, promotes not only its own series of meetings and Bible classes but three Sunday schools in the purlieus of the town and two regularly appointed houses for rescue work ;mk1 uplift in the slums. A college in the center of China, with about a hundred students and a hospital, is wholly manned by Yale graduates and maintained by subscriptions from Yale students and alumni. The Catholic, Berkeley (Episcopalian), Jonathan Edwards and Hebraic clubs indicate varieties of religious belief that find 18 LIFE AT YALE corporate expression in occasional meetings, but less is heard of such matters than of the harmless eccentricities of the ''Pundits" or "Kopper Kettle," or ephemeral coteries like the Whiffenpoofs, the Hogans, and Mohicans. Old graduates observe that social life at Yale is much less strident and emotional than it was in the old days. Much of this is due to the temper of the times but more comes from the settled policy of the Faculty to let students manage their own affairs so far as they can properly do so. There are no indications now of the ancient antagonism between teachers and taught which used to break out in the wanton mutilation of college property, midnight bonfires or the "burial of Euclid" — a ceremony that consigned a distasteful text- book to a formal interment in the woods. Rather oddly, the only survival of this sort of function is a Campus procession with costumes and dancing, in the spring, celebrating "Omega Lambda Chi," a mock initiation, shared by all the classes, into a society that never existed ; it is a parody, therefore, on the secret societies cordially conducted by the society men themselves. Nothing remains now of the furious antagonism between town and gown, which used to show itself in petty pranks along the city streets, in breaking street lamps, stealing signs, and once — sixty years ago — in a famous assault with fire arms upon a fire-engine house and the siege in return by the firemen of one of the college dormitories. The college world used to perch in its leisure hours upon the rails of a wooden fence facing the main street of the town. When this was replaced by buildings a fence of similar construction was erected between the drive and the grass-plot on the Campus, and here (in fair weather) the undergradu- ates are apt to assemble upon portions assigned by unwritten law to each Class. Freshmen are not included in this assignment, but they make what, in the language of international politics, might be called a "demonstration" when, on Washington's Birthday, they rush for it in a body and are withstood by the Sophomore Class. It is a harmless performance, supervised by the football captain, but it is cherished as a custom commemorating an old-time snow-ball fight between these two classes when the Freshmen on that holiday first ventured out in top-hats and canes. The consecrated section of the fence is handed over by Sophomores to the Freshmen in June with speeches from spokesmen in each Class — sometimes really witty and always received with appreciation. A pleasant custom sanctions an THE COLLEGE li> informal game of baseball (with a soft ball) which may be played by Seniors only, on a certain corner of the Campus. No college com- munity in the country cares more for its traditions than the little world of Yale, and in none is the sense of fellowship and the spirit of devotion to accepted ideals more sedulously cultivated. F. W. Williams, Class of 1879. Senior Class Day Two days before graduation the Seniors meet in academic caps and gowns and rehearse the achievements of their college course and sing familiar college songs before their families and friends, guests of the afternoon. Following this celebration the Class marches to plant the Class ivy and sing in dedication an "Ivy Ode" written in Latin by a member of the Class. LIFE AT SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL When I went to Sheff I thought that 1 had done no more than enter a department of a great institution. I thought that I told the whole truth when I said to the family minister, or sonic other formal person. "I am in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University.'' T did not realize for many years that Sheff is much more than a si c- tion of a university — that it is really a way of thinking about thin--. a point of view. At first it is "Sheff-town'' that catches your attention. I did not get at the thing which gives Sheff its peculiar and particular char- acter until long after graduation, hut the curiously definite geography of the place 1 strikes you at once. "Sheff-town'' is a little country, with clear boundaries and well-marked provinces within it. AVall Street bounds it on the south, a narrow, friendly street with boys incessantly hanging out of the windows up ami down the whole length. At one end is the white quadrangle of Vanderbilt-Seientific with its pleasant archways, oriels full of cushions, and a ball game per- petually on beneath them. At the other the Freshman lodging houses thicken towards the friendly, stranger territories of ■■Aca- demic.'' And across the midst cuts "Grub Street,'' the broad ave- nue to Commons. On the east of "Sheff-town" is Temple Street with the ancient Freshman Eow, that before they burnt the bridge once too often (the tale awaits you in Xew Haven) was a famous haunt of studentry. To the north are the pleasant places of the city opening through the beautiful Hillhouse Avenue to Sachem Woods with its vast laboratories. To the west is the old cemetery, rest- ing place of memorable dead, the pavement round its wall a favorite running-track for us when brains were muddy on winter afternoons. Just opposite is a row of grim buildings, ugly enough: but here the Scientific School began. And all within is Sheff. When that ridiculous tower of South Sheffield Hall, with its bat- tered top-hat of an observatory pulled down over its ears, sends our its bell-strokes for the first eight o'clock of the year, and all Shell' begins to stream from Commons, Byers Hall, Wall Street, and the dormitories, 1 never fail to remember how I first panted under it to the big assembly room to see my class. Such an incoherent, dis t m A -i A Siikkktet,d Campus Dormitory unified, mongrel assortment of boys as Sheff draws together for a Freshman ('lass! Spruce, self-contained fellows from the big prep, schools, who look over their neighbors keenly, and know just how much or how little to say to a new acquaintance; unlicked, tousled- headed boys from the farm, a fine, fresh light in their eyes, and voices loud from shyness; white-faced sous of hard-working families, who down on Oak Street, or along the water front, are sacrificing every- thing to give Johny or Frankie a chance; New Yorkers, just a Little supercilious (they get over it): Westerners, with a chip on their shoulders because they think th" East won't like them; Southerners, '22 LIFE AT YALE who seem to know everyone; and here and there a Chinese, or an Armenian, or a Jap, who stares at the tumult with inscrutable eyes. When you look back on it you wonder how all that was to be licked into shape, was to be made a body with some ideals and more ideas in common. And yet, this was done, and quickly. It was Junior year before we learned, all of us, to dress just alike, a very important thing in college, as all the ISTew Haven tailors and haberdashers testify by the pains they take to circulate one kind of cap, one kind of tie, and one cut of clothing. But long before that this composite assort- ment of diverse units became a Class. The "Sheff Rush" swept us in a marching, singing mob through fireworks, band music, and cheers into a consciousness that the man who gripped left sleeve and he who hung to right shoulder in the snake-dance were somehow or another to keep moving on and hanging on to us for years, perhaps for life. Then in we were tumbled, the lot of us, into class rooms, shaken up, pounded down, rubbed, polished off (and some of us finished), in a common tussle with Physics, Biology, English, and Mathematics, until slow brains began to move along the same logical processes. Ambition to be something in Yale life seized us. Football, Crew, Glee Club, the News, what difference did it make ; the impulse (vir- tue and fault, but greater virtue than fault of Yale) to do something in the college world gave a fellow-feeling. "What are you out for ?" was a common- place of chance meet- ings in Byers Hall or College Street. T h e n su ddenly we became painfully conscious of the up- per-classmen. The societies (wo hardly dared whisper their sacred names) were busy selecting. Light- ning was striking Mason Mechanical Engineeking Laboratory here and there. Groups formed and rfflf The New University Biological Laboratory reformed. New brothers, chosen by this fraternity or that, began to gather in preparation for next year, when they were to become housemates in one of the society dormitories. The disappointed and the independent, drew together in little coteries where friendship was the sufficient bond. Some pangs there were: not even the Twelve Apostles were chosen without heart-burnings, and our socie- ties are as human, and as fallible, as they are well-meaning. By Easter we were indubitable Sheff men; but we did not know what that term meant. Now Sheff, like all colleges, is imperfect; its educational system is imperfect, its teachers are imperfect, and its college life is imper- fect — the perfect college is still in the future, and threatens to stay there. Nevertheless, Sheff has some remarkably good qualities, and they have been good for so long that they are likely to stay good. As 24 LIFE AT YALE J look back over the college life of Shelf, as T Lave known it, the lust, — I am not sure that it is not the quality of all, for everything seems 1<> explain, and lie explained by it, is — well, I shall have to use a figure to make my meaning clear, for nothing is so hard to describe as the subtle conditions and subtler influences which make college life, [magine a kaleidoscope (the figure is old, hut useful) full of bits of glass of all shapes and colors. Let this stand for our Freshman Class. Now give it a dozen twists; and if yen look through each time you will see a design in which every bit of glass seems to find some good relation to other bits, so that a harmonious pattern is made of many harmonious groups, all of which touch or intersect. That mouse-colored fragment which glows in its own octagon is part of another figure. This big, purple fellow that entches the light at the point of a hexagon, is in the background of that circle too. Well, that is Sheff, as it should be, and as, to a rather remarkable extent, it is. For the whole system of its college life is based upon groups of friends or associates, upon circles that touch and inter- sect, until each boy has his place in many groups beside that which is particularly his own. When I went to Sheff the circles began to form before the entrance examinations were over. At first it was just prep, school associates that got together, and joined to themselves summer acquaintances, and the sons of father's friends. But the new life quickly reassortod us into new unities. It was the "eating- joint" first, a room full of talk and rattling dishes, or a Commons table with soup canting eerily over your head ; hut to either place came new hoys that found ;i common interest in each other's society or the quality of the "grub." ]STew circles formed that did not break the old. Two of your men were in the "football crowd"; your roommate consorted at odd hours with Academic friends; there were the fellows you studied with in livers Hall, the big student club, open to everyone; last there was your division, souls that toiled, ami wrought, and thoughl with you. joined by a common share in a section of the alpha bet, equal lessons, and a personal knowledge of your disastrous Hunks. The "joint" broke up; the friendships remained; but you were whirled by another twist of the kaleidoscope into another circle, more lasting this lime. It was spring. The fraternities had made their choices. Either you wen' joined to a group who next year and SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL 25 for the rest (if their Sheff experience would share a house in common, and supporl the prestige of ;m ancienl society; or yon became one of a ■■crowd" of friends who tacitly agreed to stick together in some corner of ;i dormitory while college life was to them. Fresh man year ended. The ("hiss was divided into coteries, into circles, subtly interrelated; but ii was left for the Sheff educational system to complete the plan. At Sheff, the Freshman year in this system is a common appli- cation for all of very much the same kind of educational medicine. When von are well dosed, then comes the time for the specialist. Towards spring yon were asked— do yon want to he an Engineer, a Chemist, a Biologist, and so on with a string of them; or do yon enter that "Select" course which is the Sheff name for what nowa- days we mean by a liberal education? Yon chose, and thereby sealed (often nnwittinsrly) your future career. I am not concerned A Winteb Morning on Vanderbilt Square, the Sheffield Campus 26 LIFE AT YALE with careers, as such. Let me point out the indirect effect of this system of required courses which came before the free elective sys- tem and has lasted after it. Junior year arrived. You — deeply imbedded in your little social coterie, living, eating, playing with a group of congenial friends — found yourself a part, like the glass in the kaleidoscope, of another circle, too, this time an intellectual one. For better or for worse you had become a member of your "course." Strive as you would, and some of us I regret to say did strive, the effect of that intellectual influence was unescapable. If we were Engineering students we began, however dimly, to think and feel as Engineers, to see the world in terms of mathematics, and talk of stresses or the strength of materials. If we were "Select,'' the historical method, the anthropological point of view, the criti- cal attitude of literature, insensibly {very insensibly sometimes) began to find its way into our thought and talk. These were the new intellectual circles into which individuals of the social groups entered without losing their place in the home life of their "crowd." The course had an esprit de corps which was obvious ; a way of thinking which to us was not obvious, but most evident to the more mature observer. And back to our old circles we carried the atmosphere of the new one. Talk waxed better as the minds of friend and friend developed along separating lines ; we grew more interesting to each other; even the big games (staples in talk for half the year) lent themselves to arguments flavored by difference in ways of think- ing; and it was a never-ending pleasure to attack the utter silliness of the other fellow's method of preparing for life. It is a common criticism that college men talk nothing but athle- tics. It is true that they make athletics so interesting to themselves that it often excludes more valuable subjects of conversation. But I have never so enjoyed good talk as in that little white "eating- joint" under the elm (now, alas, gone the way of the Old Brick Row) where on Sunday nights, dear fat old Mrs. Wiggin listening with her hands tucked beneath her apron, we wrangled over football scores, girls, religion, life-work, hard and easy courses, till the coffee was cold, and someone threw a biscuit at the wordiest member. We were intimates. We ate together, we roomed together. But we moved in other orbits, athletic, musical, religious, most of all intellectual, and came home bringing with us the point of view, the influences of each. And this unity in diversity is the secret of Sheff. Henry S. Can by, Class of 1899 S. The Old English Libraky Buildings The small buildings which form the wings of this group were originally the library buildings of the two famous literary societies of the early half of the last century, "Linonia" and "Brothers in Unity." The collection of modern fiction, successor to the collections of these societies, is still called the "Linonia and Brothers Library." INTELLECTUAL LIFE AND OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES Scholarly Work and Interest, Literary Life, Writing for the College Papers, the Glee Club and Dramatic Association, Athletics Intellectual, social and athletic activities are all vigorous at Yale, and they interpenetrate to a remarkable degree. Men who come to the front in them are the leaders of the undergraduate world; and the best men are not infrequently distinguished in all. The Eliza- bethan Club, which is a social center of Yale intellectual life, has crew, football and track men among its membership; and high- 28 LIFE AT YALE stand honors go almost as frequently to athletes and social leaders as to men whose reputations have been won in writing, study or debate. Bnt the most remarkable development in Yale undergraduate life in recent years has been along intellectual lines. The University has been "growing up." The Yale News, under the leadership of a series of able editors, has stirred the undergraduate body into think- ing for itself. Laziness never was fashionable at Yale; and now conventionality and lack of thought are growing unfashionable also. The atmosphere of the campus is electric. Competition, which has always been keen, has become highly intelligent. A boy w T ith indi- viduality will find every incentive to develop it in the direction which it should follow, and the resolution to be somebody and do something will swing him into the full current of college life. The distinction between curriculum and extra-curriculum activi- ties holds good, of course, although Yale rewards both ; but this distinction is no longer a sharp one. Play is recognized as the proper complement of work ; and some of the best work in the col- lege course is accomplished in the informal discussion of important questions outside of the class room. The list of extra-curriculum activities covers many varieties of endeavor — literary, athletic, musical, dramatic. Business — as in the competition for manager- ships of the many organizations — is one form. Scholarship — as in the struggle for the much coveted Phi Beta Kappa key — is another. It is a dull and insensitive boy who will not find his life made more active, his mind quickened and enriched, his share of happiness made larger, by participation in Yale life. Literary Life and Work Literary life at Yale is full of activity and flavor. It moves through many clubs, of which the Elizabethan is chief, and spills over into coteries who enjoy good talk of an evening in dormitory rooms, beneath the Campus elms, or at a table in "Mory's." Liter- ary work at Yale includes of course the regular curriculum work, competition for literary prizes and is most conspicuous in the com- petitions for editorships upon the many college periodicals. Perhaps nowhere else do student publications nourish as at Yale. Of the undergraduate journals the Yale Daily News is the most powerful. Editorial positions on this paper are most keenly striven UNDERGRADUATE ACTIVITIES 29 for and bring greatest responsibility as well as greatest honor. The chairman of the News is the uncrowned kino; of the Campus. The News was established in 1878, and is thus the oldest, college daily in the world. Originally established as a journal for informal attack on authority and tradition, it has now become one of the chief organs of conservative influence and is one of the greatest conserve rs of good deportment and good taste in undergraduate life. An editorial board of some fourteen members from each Class is chosen by successive competitions during the first two years of the college course. In each of these competitions from twenty to fifty underclassmen are engaged. As a result of any one competition not more than two or three editors are chosen. The competition is on the basis of amount of accepted news submitted by the com- peting reporter or "heeler," and a characteristic of Campus life "Make-up Night" in the Office of the Undergraduate Journal "The Record" Editorial positions on the Yale papers are gained by competition. The men who have the best record for manuscripts published in any papers during ,i given year or years are elected to edit that paper in their Senior Year. On "make-up night" the editors of the undergraduate comic, The Record, sit in shirt-sleeved comfort and go over submitted manuscripts with the competitors or "heelers." 30 LIFE AT YALE at all times is the nervous presence of these News heelers darting hither and thither over the entire University in search of items for their paper. Probably nowhere in the world is the news field more intensively cultivated than on the Yale Campus. Probably the reporters for no city newspaper work with such diligence and such zest as the heelers for the Yale News. Because of the requirement of an authentic signature endorsing each item submitted, this college paper has also a reputation for printing accurate news. The Yale Literary Magazine, founded in 1836, is the oldest liter- ary monthly not only in any of the colleges, but in all America. This paper, familiarly known as the "Lit," continues its highly respectable career. Not only does the Lit represent the best under- graduate writing done 'neath the elms, not only does it appeal to practically every man who has literary tastes and talent, but the five men on the board perform a service to the College by cheerfully acting as instructors in English Composition. Every man who writes for this paper — and there are a good many of them — has the privilege of calling upon an editor, and taking up hours of his time in going over an unsuccessful contribution. The Record affords an outlet for the wit, satire, burlesque and humor of undergraduate life. Here is a field where the contributors do work of a high order, and the flashes in the Record are extensively quoted in many parts of the country by the professional press. The opportunity is here given for spontaneous wit, native to the college undergraduate. In the pages of the Record, too, the large number of men in College who are skilled with the pencil have a chance in the illustrations and cartoons. The Courant, founded in 1805, represents a general kind of writ- ing midway betweeen that of the Lit and Record. It is more radical, and less traditionally conservative, than either the Lit or the News. It fills somewhat the place in college that the popular magazine does in the country at large. All of these journals are open to contributions, and all of them, except the Lit, are open to editorial membership by undergraduates in both the College and the Scientific School. In addition, SliefY has the Sheffield Monthly as the individual paper of that depart- ment. This paper is a mirror of Sheffield undergraduate thought, as well as a held for the scientific writing of undergraduates and graduates. o H w o o Q H O O ^5 +3 ,4 ft, +i >i -p h o a 5 - = .2 to 2 5 PL, 3 o ,3 .2 o -3 .2 ■§, > .- "So | as w 2 .=0 ft ^ ■ -8 b O fl " I *l M C5 as H -a i O +3 cs o -p cS as >. 2 T3 0) - O rf3 r^ o a °£ ^ a ^ ° ,3 O *£ ft ta a 5 cs » 60 as f* -p 4) •5 5 (h O 60 > bC" 5 OS cs -3 — S S os S « aj as os a +3 H ■H 5 S3 G? ft - O , w c< as be .5 OS 03 U .a js o a ft QQ cs "^ £ a cS O O s - £ ,2 OS £ rt &-. a 5 m- 35 .3 £ a c cs - - - ~ 03 c c ~ | a g ; 03 -»-» — 5 c« .. . .- Oj <- o !Z( 03 33 03 ,0 03 fc -P 03 w 03 ea s 03 03 T3 — H 03 03 "p 3 ^ F f- 03 be 03 •r 03 K "3 o — 3 PH O s a fc P - S Ph qj > cd w ■+J 1-1 tH < o 7. b* ce = bC £ O bD tC k3 d a a r o k DD O s bD CO < c 8 o9 13 co w § GO a H o i-5 es O cu H 0! -a MH H £ +a / O O T3 *V W o a o £ CD j2 ■«l V s c: - o: _j +z ■^ a; eS O 'o p C-j V be PS u CO > o IE fs < g d IPS w 1 8 c — w cS X i-5 q^ ^ ■«] >H ■M CO -jl5 £ -c H CO 4) W r3 5 t£ c4 5 s ffi o a. HH rt is e$ o £ +a m -«1 ? ® CO cu O to ;s _£ £ CO -2 5 5 -a C^ CS X! 5 S * * o i .flflKS^ ., — • ■*" ~J~- • a Hill L L. ,11.11 trrt t .^ ■■n 1 ^: Eights Starting from the Adee Boathouse for a Practice Row on the New Haven Harbor By the nature of its being, the social qualities are less emphasized by the Dramatic Association, and those of service more. A new- comer on the Campus, the Dramatic Association has achieved its present high position by the excellence of its work. Founded in 1900 with the aim of producing standard plays, such plays as we all read but rarely see, it has already presented such typical works as, of the Elizabethan drama, Dekker's Fair Maid of the West and Beaumont and Fletcher's Knight of the Burning Pestle; of Shakespeare, such as Henry IV ' , Part I and The Taming of the Shrew ; of satire, such as Sheridan's Critic and Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest; of modern drama, such as Ibsen's The Pretenders (produced for the first time in America) and original translations from the Italian and Russian. The Association presents in Commencement Week, 1914, a dramatization of one of Scott's novels by two undergraduate members. And the plays are astonishingly well done. The neces- sary lack of the professional star is compensated by the even balance of the cast. Those who were fortunate enough to see at a recent Commencement the Merry Wives, played as in Shakespeare's time, entirely by men, will never forget the charm and delicacy of the old comedy with the elms forming the proscenium arch. 38 LIFE AT YALE Athletics Activities characteristic of Yale are the various forms of athletics. The football teams, ending their annual season in the spectacular Yale-Princeton and Yale-Harvard championship contests, are known the world over. These great games have stirred the imagination of school boys for generations. Football is unquestionably the most popular as well as the most spectacular of the undergraduate activi- ties. Membership on the Yale football team is the ideal of thou- sands of American school boys, and just as the chairman of the News is the most influential undergraduate, so the captain of the football team is the most prominent, often the most popular. Athletics at Yale may be said to include all kinds of outdoor sports, as well as many varieties of indoor activities. Probably two-thirds of the men in college at some time during the year take part in some form of competitive athletics. The new University athletic field, which is being provided by the graduates, is to contain sufficient play- ground space for one-half of the undergraduate body to be engaged in recreative sport at the same time. While the chief interest is in the championship games of the important teams, these contests com- prise but a small part of athletic activity at Yale. ' There is inter- collegiate competition in football, rowing, baseball, track athletics, UlTDEEGBADUATES M Ai;< II I X<; OUT TO YALE FlELD TO ChEEB THE Team Before a Big Game UNDERGRADUATE ACTIVITIES 39 tennis, hockey, basketball, golf, swimming, soccer football, indoor gymnastics, wrestling, boxing, fencing and shooting. From fifty to two hundred men are actively engaged in competing for places on the University or Class teams in almost every one of these sports. The entire Freshman Class is compelled to take athletic exercise of some sort; on the regular teams if they desire and are physically able, otherwise in prescribed gymnastic exercise. The Class contests and the preliminary games in major sports arc carried on at Yale Field, an immense tract of land, practically quad- rupled in size by the recent purchase of the graduate committee, and now containing one hundred acres for contest and play-ground purposes. In football, the new "bowl" will provide for the seating of some sixty thousand spectators at the big games. The new field is also to provide for a half dozen gridirons for the use in play and practice of as many Class and "Scrub" teams. Many diamonds provide for baseball practice and contests in the spring. The interest in the championship baseball games at Com- mencement time is enhanced by the gay crowds of relatives and friends of the Seniors and by the parti-colored bands of graduates returned for their Class reunions. Baseball contests that have for generations enlivened the spring term have been the crossing of bats between the "Yale and Harvard High Brows," the members of Phi Beta Kappa at these universities, and the contest between the undergraduate high stand scholars and the members of the Faculty. In rowing, a large boat house and the wide stretch of the New Haven Harbor provide facilities that are in use during the fall and spring by a score of eight and four-oared crews, as well as for individual and dual sculling. The annual races with the Harvard crews take place on the Thames river near New London, Conn., immediately following the commencements of the two universities. Track athletics provide exercise and diversion for many, and the outlying streets of the city at the beginning of each season are streaked with squads of these track athletes in early training. In championship competition, dual track meets are held with Harvard and Princeton, followed, late in the spring, by the intercollegiate meet, which includes competitors from many colleges. The immense gymnasium floor provides space for basketball prac- tice and contests, as well as for general gymnastic exercises. Special 40 LIFE AT YALE rooms in the gymnasium are adapted for wrestling, fencing, boxing, handball and squash. The Carnegie pool, one of the largest and finest in the country, provides unusual facilities for swimming, and a knowledge and practice of swimming is required of every Fresh- man. A large skating rink guarantees a supply of ice throughout the winter for hockey. Tennis courts in many places, on college and city ground, and the golf links of the Racebrook Country Club pro- vide an opportunity for enjoyment and contest in these games. Soccer football is played on Yale Field. The Gun Club has grounds near the regular athletic field. The management of athletics at Yale, in itself an extensive activ- ity, is in the hands of the students themselves. Each of the major sports of football, rowing, baseball and track has an organization of its own. Another organization governs the remaining minor sports. These organizations are united in the general organization, ''The Yale University Athletic Association," composed of the undergrad- uate captains and managers of each of the major sports, the president of the Minor Athletic Association, and five graduates selected by the undergraduate captains. The financial organization of this association, by a cooperative principle, provides for the heavy expenses of such sports as rowing, track, etc., from the large receipts of the football and baseball teams. The general athletic organization makes the rules for insignia, determining what a man must do to be allowed, to wear a "Y" on his sweater and be known as a "Y" man. These rules change somewhat from time to time, but in general the award of the "Y" is given to all those who play in the final championship contests in football, baseball and rowing, who win points in intercollegiate or championship dual track games, and to a few who win special marked successes in minor athletics. Those who represent their Class in final athletic contests are awarded their Class numerals. In general, the principle of undergraduate con- trol of athletics has always been maintained at Yale. The schedules of contests, the eligibility rules, and such matters are submitted to the Faculty for approval, but it has been traditional for the under- graduate to have the first interest and, subject only to a necessary right of Faculty veto, the final decision in all matters touching his athletic affairs as well as his literary, musical and society interests. UKDERGRADrATE ACTIVITIES 41 Social Life All of the undergraduate activities are, of course, part of the -in- dent's social life. Under the Yale society system participation in these activities becomes not only a part of social life but an item in the friendly rivalry for social honors. The traditional social sys- tem in the college provides not only for election to societies early in the course, but for other selected and more desired social honors of Senior year. In the Scientific School this dual social system does not exist, but the honor of membership on the Senior councils and the numerous important, if less concrete, awards of social honor maintain the contest for distinction in both undergraduate depart- ments up to the last year of the course. In the Scientific School the upperclass society members, comprising about one-half the men of any Class, live in their society houses. In the College all men live together in dormitories provided or approved by the College, and membership or non-membership in a society does not in any way affect the place of a man's residence. Life at Yale is complex, many sided, marked by constant competi- tion, enriched by facilities for social intercourse. In general, life at Yale is clean and fair and healthy, and richer and more inspiring than any which these same men have lived, or will live at any other period of their lives. From papers by Wm. Lyon Phelps, Class of 18 87, Johx M. Bekdan, Class of 1890, Walter Camp, Class of 1880. THE RELIGIOUS LIFE AT YALE Perhaps the most striking thing about the religious life at Yale is its reality. Nowhere as much as in college are sham and pretense avoided and certain it is that here at Yale the voluntary religious life of the University hears testimony to this in a marked degree. Here Christian truths are real to men and the Freshman who comes to college with the desire to develop a well-rounded char- acter will find some of the strongest men in the University leading in what, to them, is not merely an organization, but a life. He will have the stimulating power of their friendships to help him in the battles that he must fight during his four years of college — a strik- ing contrast to the influence of the imaginary "evil companion- ' with whom fond parents often populate a college community. He may know all this for himself if he will but ally himself with the organized Christian work. The organized voluntary Christian work at Yale may be said to have started with the Christian Social Union in 1879. This name was changed in 1881 to "'The Yale Young Men's Christian Association" and has since grown into seven departmental associa- tions under the general name of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion of Yale University. The seven departments having their separate organizations are : College, Sheffield, Graduate, Law, Medi- cine, Theology, and Forestry. These associations, by means of Bible classes, religious meetings, social and mission work, oft'er to men the means for expressing and developing their Christian faith. Membership in the Association is of two kinds: active and asso- ciate. Active membership is open to all members of evangelical churches or those who (in case they do not happen to be members of churches) will consent to an evangelical statement. The asso- ciate membership is open to all who do not care to become active members. The departments having the largest associations are College and Sheffield. The work of the College Association finds its center in a building on the College Campus, known as Dwight Hall, while the work of the Sheffield Association lias its home in a building known as Dyers Hall on the Sheffield Campus. The work of the RELIGIOIS LI IK 43 Christian Association in these two departments is called by the name of the building in which it centers. Thus a man enter- ing the College would hear about the "Dwight Hall work" while a Sheffield Freshman would hear of the "'Byers Hall work." These two buildings are also used by the associations of the other depart- ments for their meetings. On Sunday evenings in Dwight Hall and on Wednesday evenings in Byers Hall are held the voluntary religious meetings of the Uni- versity. At these meetings are heard some of the best college preach- ers as w r ell as some of the most successful Christian laymen of this country. Bible classes under Faculty leadership are held on Wednes- day evenings in Dwight Hall and on Friday evenings in Byers Hall. Bible study is also carried on by means of informal groups of men who meet once a week in the dormitories to discuss some problem connected with the living out of the teachings of Christ. The whole aim of the Bible study work is to stimulate men by show- ing them what the Bible can acomplish in a man's life. Besides the work conducted by and for the students of the Uni- versity there is much done by the Association in the city of Watching tiie Spring Regatta on Lake Whitney 44 LIFE AT YALE New Haven. The foreign population is large and some fifty men are engaged each year in teaching English, civics, mechanical draw- ing, etc., to foreigners. This is known as the industrial work. The Yale Hope Mission, which is a rescue mission for abandoned men, is a tremendous source of inspiration for all kinds of Christian work. Here one may see the religion of Christ at work, reclaiming and remaking men. The above organizations, together with many smaller boys' clubs, Sunday school classes, special classes, etc., provide the means of expression which must of necessity follow impression if any strength of character is to be formed. These activities are a part of the Christian work at Yale. They are open to men of all departments of the University, but because of the question of time the two departments of the College and Shef- field furnish by far the greater proportion of men. Upon entering any department, however, a man will find strong Christian influ- ences, and the time which he may be able to give will be in demand for some form of religious work. The Christian Association at Yale stands high in the regard of the Campus. We believe that in few universities is the feeling so strongly in favor of Christian ideals as at Yale. The man who comes to Yale with a sympathetic attitude towards religious things finds a high moral plane, a willingness on the part of most men to work hard, an unwarped sense of recreation and fun, and above all, the companionship of men, to whom Christianity is not merely a creed but the more abundant kind of life. Sherwood S. Day, Class of 1911. WORKING ONE'S WAY What does Yale mean for the man who is working his way? What she means to others we all hear repeatedly; but what kind of life does she give to the penniless or almost penniless boy, who has nothing but brains and courage to carry him through? The life she offers for such men contains many hardships, especially at first; but it also contains many pleasant experiences which a man would not willingly lose. As in most experiences, the hardest part is usually the first dip. The boy has probably gone to see the wrestling matches the night before college opens, and has been as wildly enthusiastic there as anybody. But as he steals back late at night, all alone, to the remote little chamber which is all that he can afford, he is apt to feel with a sinking of the heart that his undertaking is big and he is small. All things in his life, classmates, customs, recitations, are new and strange; and the whole world seems to have entered into a con- spiracy to make Freshmen feel their insignificance, a thing he felt too strongly already. If he is the right kind of man, however, he will not yield to depression. He must do or die ; and the right kind of Yale man prefers to "do." In a day or two we find him at the Self- Help Bureau, a bureau organized on purpose to give needy students work, if possible. Here he is able to find, perhaps, a place where he may earn his meals by waiting on table ; and in a fortnight, it may be, he can get a position taking care of some one's grounds and fur- nace for two dollars a week. The future indicated by such offers is not exactly golden ; but he is there to fight out his fight in the good old Yale way, so he accepts what he can get, and plunges ahead. Soon his life falls into a definite routine. Early in the morning, passing the Campus buildings on his way to work, he imagines that he catches from neighboring dormitories the snores of his more lux- urious classmates. This thought, however, is not wholly one of envy. He is already beginning to feel the excitement of a fight well fought, and a certain strenuous pleasure in building his own road to success. He studies hard, partly to win the resulting deduction in tuition, partly to gain a chance to earn money by tutoring, and still more WOEKING ONE'S WAY 47 because the sacrifices which he is making' for his education teach him bow much that education is worth. He makes friends slowly, not because he is poor but because he is unknown and always in a hurry, nevertheless he does make friends and begins to catch glimpses of the gnat warm heart beating in undergraduate life. If he is a good student he soon gets a recommendation from his instructors to tutor in those subjects which he knows best. Oppor- tunities to do this come all too rarely; but since the minimum price is a dollar an hour, even a few hours of such work furnish a welcome addition to a boy's depleted purse. Also, such work often brings something better than money. It brings the poor tutor into touch with classmates whom he otherwise might never meet; and although they often look on him with reserve at first, many of them will eventually become his friends if he really has the manhood and warm heart that command friendship. There can be few better proofs of Yale democracy than the picture often seen on the eve of an important examination, when a strenuous night's work of tutoring is over, and teacher and taught relax for a genial social hour together over a midnight lunch. By maintaining a good stand, the struggling student at the end of the first term may increase the amount of his tuition scholar- ship, the money from which wholly or in large part pays his tui- tion. This money is usually not given outright by the University, but it is lent without interest for a period of several years, until the student is able to pay it back without severe hardship to himself. A good scholar may pay all or nearly all of his tuition through college by this means : and he may also win other prizes and scholarships for which the different classes in turn are eligible. Freshman year passes, and Sophomore and Junior years follow. The student has now practically solved his financial problem. He has to work hard and will have to work hard through all his college course; but he knows now that, as long as he is willing to work, he can find ways of completing his education. Now he has time to consider another problem, how to take an active part in the social life of his Class. In too many institutions what is best in under- graduate social life is forever closed to the self-help man. At Yale. such experience may be belated by a man's poverty; but if he is the right kind of man he may be sure that it will come in time. Just how it comes no one knows ; but the poor man who has any special 4S LIFE AT YALE gift in him sooner or later will find leisure to exercise it, in spite of the heavy demands on his time. One sturdy lad, who before entering college had never done anything in athletics, becomes a promising football man in Junior year; and in mingled joy and terror, under the good-natured coaching of a friendly "blue blood," actually blossoms out in full dress at the Junior Prom as one of the "big men" of the Class. Or again, we see the shy son of a country parson, a boy who had been a nobody in his Class at first, become one of the five editors of the Lit; and as he sits with his colleagues in the Lit's warm sanctum on "make-up" nights he hears the trem- bling steps of the "heelers" in the Class below, who are waiting for the verdict of Yale's literary supreme court. To be sure, there is little rest in such a life : money to earn when the man is not studying; outside interests to labor for when he is not earning money ; but when a man feels that he is "making good," that every day is bringing new knowledge, new friendships, new experience, no matter how tired he may creep to bed, he feels that "the game is worth the candle." Then comes Senior year, the most friendly, sincere, and demo- cratic year in undergraduate life. The long leisure hours and expensive outings in which wealthy Seniors indulge, the self- help man cannot reasonably expect; but all that is best and most significant in Senior year, the opportunity to be a leader in his Class ; the opportunity to form lifelong friendships ; the opportunity to grow more intelligent and manly by mixing with intelligent and manly young men— all this is open to the poorest man in the class, if he, in right of his own character and achievements, deserves it. As the man who has worked his way marches in the long procession of graduating Seniors on Commencement day, he may heave a sigh of relief that the most arduous period of his life is over. Yet his second sigh will be one of regret that so many precious experiences are things of the past. And some of those men would go through fire and water rather than lose what those four years have meant to them and will mean to them in the future. Frederick E. Pierce, Class of 1904. Graduates at a Dinner in Chicago Listening to Telephone Speech Delivered by President Hadley in New Haven GRADUATE INTEREST AND ORGANIZATION When all is said and done, Yale's chief business is manufacturing graduates. Men enter Yale in order to leave it. Somewhere in my memory there is lurking a sentence about history being a series of biographies. There is a smell of the class room about it — a sense of the breeze from New Haven Harbor and of loose-leaf note books. Some sub-vice-under-instructor of old Yale lectured that epigram at me. Now I'll fling it back in Yale's face. Yale is just a series of graduates. They're her measure, her excuse. That is true not merely because Yale is a graduate factory. There's another reason for it, and the story of that other reason is an endless surprise and delight to me. The "recipients of degrees," as the catalogue calls them, never really graduate away from Yale. On the contrary they return to her, to crowd into her halls from all New England, whenever there is an excuse for a day's holiday. :>0 LIFE AT YALE They come back to join her teaching' corps. They criticize her mercilessly and joyously, they indignantly meet and organize and resolute whenever there is a new professor to install or an old flag- stone walk to remove. They build her dormitories, and pay her professors, and bolster her over the hard places, and get their fingers caught in her machinery. Sometimes they snub all her idols of scholarship and professorial research. And once a year nearly every one of them meets somewhere, be it in Hartford or Honolulu, be he a last year's B.A. or a reverend gentleman of '60, and sings and cheers himself hoarse all one long night for the simple and solitary reason that he went to Yale like the other men beside him. He does not always argue the cause of all this. But he knows there is going inarching through his brain a regiment of old memories, gorgeous and proud and tattered — like the ranks of ancient battle flags that hang above the aisles in so many of England's churches. The loyalty of a college graduate is one of the most extraordinary and one of the humanest things in the world. The graduates of Yale are thoroughly organized. That is one reason, I suppose, why their accumulated enthusiasm is sometimes so overwhelming. To the best of my knowledge, no college in the world has the great federated outposts of past-students that Yale has. Nearly every first-size city in America has some kind of a Yale asso- ciation. New York has a full-fledged Yale Club, — on Forty-fourth Street, with a building, and a mortgage I think, and a membership as long as Tammany Hall, and all the other modern things essential to an adult club. All the large eastern and southern towns have a Yale association. Some of them are almost ancient. Even out in Denver, where the city is only fifty years old, there is a big Yale Association founded more than thirty years ago. China, Hawaii and Japan all have them. There are eleven sprinkled over New York State alone, and five on the Pacific coast. Many of the groups are business-like organizations, exhibiting an exchequer, a corporate charter and other solemnities. Some of them, particularly those in the far corners of the earth, are like the multitude of London clubs that Dickens wrote about. They consist only of a secretary and an annual banquet. It is the commonest thing in the world to read an account in the Alumni Weekly of half a dozen Yale men meeting by chance in some Oriental port, dining together and sending a report of the incident six or eight thousand miles to New Haven. The c ° >-2 f - W* * \JKjrf *■ % :■]£ * JBsL "' vfl ■■■rzl "?» •Ipl ■' H ♦"fv. i 1 " j *'" 1 1 **"^ ****** _^ I ;|jj *■ '4 p Jl '*T/ 1 1 1M * ? ^ t= * 'ml* 1 £? HwES •»> < * ^^^©?* - r- 1> oj _. ~ H r. i 5 co C — CO cS Ph CD "^ 4 s £ -■ cs t: -p> pq tn u - to rr. M -<-> — yj c Ti a pq ;/. - - '2 3 8 1 co CO > • ^ o ^ — co -p cu co i 1-5 c8 «4-l o 2 cs — CO a S- rrt m &-I O l-H CD IA { o ~ U & CD CO CO ^ CO CO fl § ^ — cS — S 5P o -= -2 - t, ._ - "3 CO m CS 43 w CO 52 LIFE AT YALE last figures show nearly eighteen thousand living Yale graduates and thousands more former students who never took the last hurdle and got a degree. In her two hundred odd years, Yale has delivered a sheepskin to some twenty-seven thousand men and turned them away with Godspeed. The students in New Haven catch sight of quaint old figures every morning, looking for some half -for gotten landmark that has probably been unvisited for a quarter of a century. The graduate associations are not mere reunion clubs. Most of them maintain a fund which loans money to men who want to work their way through Yale. Some of them spend hundreds of dollars a year at this. Nearly all of them are informal employment bureaus, and many a Yale man in America owes his right to a pay-envelope to the graduates in his neighborhood. New York City and Chicago have full-fledged offices for this object. The associations take an active part in the work of the central graduate Board and often campaign in the election for the six graduates who serve on the "Corporation," the governing body of the University. The organization of graduates does not end with the scattered garrisons. For one thing there are big leagues of clubs called the Associated Western Yale Clubs, the Associated New England Yale Clubs, and the Southern Federation of Yale Clubs. These hold annual conventions. For another, the several associations elect dele- gates to the Alumni Advisory Board. This is a sort of central congress which is the official mouthpiece for the scattered army of graduates. It makes reports on solemn affairs like financial prob- lems, tuition, and entrance requirements. Just now as I write it is building a great athletic stadium called the "Bowl." That Board publishes this pamphlet. Another big central headquarters goes under the name of the "Alumni University Fund Association of Yale." This body handles the flood of contributions ranging from somebody's loyal one dollar to somebody else's hundred thousand dollars, which streams into the University every year from graduates in the four corners of the earth. More than three thousand men contribute something to this fund every year. Besides all this work of general organization, each Yale Class keeps up steam in its boilers from the first embarrassed lecture hour of Freshman year until the last survivor quietly drops out of his page in "The Directory of Living Graduates." Every Class, as it comes GRADUATE INTEREST 53 to Senior year, picks out a Secretary who is to remain the permanent custodian of its records. A fund is made up to carry on the work and to print the Class hooks that come out every now and then with a chronicle of each man's career, the news of his marriage, his chil- dren, and, after a while, of his grandchildren. The University maintains a Class Secretaries Bureau whoso business it is to keep this machinery moving. It prods np the tardy secretaries and helps all with the routine of statistics. When the Class is finally extinct. the fund reverts to the University. Most of the younger classes, whose membership is still undepletcd and whose bald spots are still inconspicuous, have annual Class din- ners in some convenient big city. At these the committee in charge always announces that a "long distance cup" will be presented to the member who has come the farthest to attend the dinner. The greatest of the Class jubilees, however, — and to many Yaie men the greatest events in their lives — are the Commencement reunions. Nobody knows where this custom started, but at present tradition decrees that the third, the sixth, the tenth, and then about every fifth year on, from graduation, each Yale Class shall gather its clans at the University Commencement exercises. Each Class does. Tradition likewise decrees that each of the younger reunion classes shall for two days and two nights appear only in costume, and whether tradition has issued any papal bulls on this point or not, the fact is that the costumes are "sui generis" and "ne plus ultra" to the last inch. A Class dinner or two is held, the "Class Boy" (the first son born to any member) is proclaimed and installed, the classes march to, and usually completely into and over, the Com- mencement baseball game ; the president of the University, the dean and a favorite professor or two are called upon for a speech on the front porch, and the members scatter again to their work-a-day life. It isn't exactly a dignified proceeding, after all ; but I know supreme court judges and gray-haired men of God who talk as if they only tolerated life between one reunion and another. In all these Class activities, the Yale Alumni Weekly plays a great part. Out of a heap of new magazines on the library table, I catch myself picking up this first from among them, and I find, too, that when it is in my hand, I turn first to the back pages where they publish casual notes of my scattered classmates. Its bountiful illus- trations, its record of undergraduate events, its pages of fiery corre- ed J3 *i o GO C "o •+3 -P 5 CD a o H eS ed — ed o p OP >> CP <4-l o 5 si I "o o co cu S- - >* >H — W ^ o '3 i — i ed s o ■+3 c be tc 00 V Cp M _g o 4) ed rr p M «2 p o o +3 - Sh o u - 7 CU es p Sh ed CP T3 ed 0> hM cp >. o rt +3 cs cp cd — W 3 ■+3 u Cp te p< P T3 ed CP 53 — 0) CO O Sh M . CD o ^ O o cu H>3 h CD X od +3 Ed M cd 03 SH rt CP 15 ad ed 'q; +3 p CP "5 -P CD •p - o P O cp M O 5 o >H CD Sh cu S h- 1 u bo O o QD CP to CP u £ ■p d. >• — _r: u ■_2 CD d o3 H Pn '53 CO - .2 >H CP -P 2 +3 - 1 CU +3 _ed o O -r = ^ ^3 ~ ; CP H P Hi c« u bo i — -=' a ed CD cd T3 5 c4 CO CO cS < cp ,fH 3 c« m CD I 2 §'s e d > Z "^ J 71 o o CP Bj '= cS ■P ■*3 CP CO T» 5 c3 bo -= CP o ^3 CP o p <; CD CP ~i '5! +3 CP CO •P a Cp CP cj P CP CP CP CP p .S CO o -p bo a c '=' CP CO CO CP So n o o ^3 -t-< CD CP u CP bC p CP 3 CO -1-3 o o CP -1-3 CP 'co ~ *-• -^> -p -r [=1 O CP T3 CP CP fH s 9 CP ^3 CP ed o t3 cj bb o -p i cu Sh s O P CO CP o +3 o 13 T3 cu "7 3 c cu -+J 9 o '> o ^ co CP Sh C« fr 3 -p co CP CO 3 "ed u -p CS = co H ^ CP S3 O CO CO ed cu ed +3 Sh O co <1 CJ "3 o bo Ph CE OS CP : CO CP CP 'S •*- o 5 CO s H 1 Pi £ GRADUATE [NTEKEST spondence over some recent Yale defeat or victory, the accounts of polar expeditions and new dormitory buildings everything that goes to make it one of the most efficient magazines in America — have their turn. But the baeknumbers all open in your hand to a certain part of "Alumni Notes," among the advertisements. Only yester- day afternoon, it seems, we were the newest Class, down at the end of the long columns. Only a little while ago the notes were all records of young men entering business. There aren't many of those now. Then there was a period of marriage announcements, and then a blizzard of sons and daughters, all named after their fathers whom I knew. The notes of my Class are steadily moving to the head of the column. They are growing fewer. There is less to record. About the graduates of Yale as individuals, volumes can be and have been written. One of our graduates, a little while ago, was President of the United States and is still the titular head of a great political party. Another Yale graduate is the captain of the Conservation movement, and a leader in another great party. Many younger universities and colleges have been founded by the labors of Yale graduates, and I can count off-hand judges, state governors, poets, writers and men of science, among them, — a list in which every name would be familiar to you. Notwithstanding all this, the real pride of Yale in her graduates rests on another ground. One man has said that in his experience, wherever the civic warfare was sternest, wherever he felt the pressure for good citizenship the severest, he found Yale men around him. That sort of idea among her graduates is Yale's boast. Her pride is in a legion of sturdy citizens, mostly undistinguished, always intelligent and helpful, who have been for two centuries scattering from her doors to every corner of the world. A few years ago the two hundredth anniversary of the founda- tion of Yale University — the Bicentennial as it is familiarly called — was celebrated in New Haven. It was a great festival, marked by years of preparation and rich gifts to the institution, attended by official representatives from many countries, lasting for days and conducted with all the pomp and display of the world's great con- claves. The graduates, in particular, flocked in hundreds to New Haven. One night in the course of the celebration, a sort of torch- light review of epochs in Yale history was given before the visitors and the students in the Campus. When I stop to think of the grad- ,+J >> C >H V « rh & £ > fc « Ph "3 O -*> o -*> c 2 H «4-4 o „ O 00 8 o 3 W N = f>> U o 0> ft 03 w s 4) 3 Ph c o a ci o o o o r. ) >, - ■u T3 £ 03 o o ft o Ph Si o 0> > 0) s (h p -a <» C rS ft o <*H o CD 3 H W es in eu *— • A hn i: — s be o oo* s- S-H c o o ft y £ <1 -u o 13 P 3 ft O 0) Lzi 'd oo tin o 0> Ph G 0) 3 ■+j H 's T3 'ft. i-5 PQ c3 CD h) c 0) -*J S- ~ +i 1 eS H S-. «CH rt -2 Si | | Q 1 H C >> 2 O «5 o 0) it! a -a S >»2 t» 13 '3 ^ £2 03 CB r« CJ 03 -1-3 CJ *Ph t.J0 03 £ "-§ *w -(-> 03 03 o 3 ° .2 r3 CO M 2 o ^o O Oh m H * c> w o5* X u m 03 03 03 o 03 •4-J Cj 03 a £ O |5 PU o 03 -r 03 S 3 C . E g o u S 03 p»_, ci S ° 5 O rS >. I.' — a ~ 3 -l-i T3 .O o pa 03 03 O co 03 tfi s 3 n o +j rrt 03 M o *' o a -u sa ; - C fn — "3 t: of bu P3 pa id CO T) c6 . ;S - -a o +5 o pa «j t>> «J pfl •— ^3 HISTORICAL SKETCH 67 I'lio collection of books which brought the College into being, increasing in number, required an adequate depository, and the pro- ject of this building and other considerations forced action on the whole question of the permanent site of the College. In 1716 this question, after a bitter controversy, was decided by a majority vote of the trustees in favor of New Haven. By the Commencement in 1718 the College, safely settled in New Haven in a commodious building at the southeast corner of the present old College quadrangle, was formally named Yale College in honor of Elihu Yale, a Governor of Madras under the British East India Company, and son of one of the original settlers of the Colony of New Haven, who had made a donation to the institution of £502. 12s. in goods and a collection of books. Probably never has lasting fame come to any man for so little effort and such small expense. The College continued in one general building in New Haven until the Rectorship of Rev. Thomas Clap, under whose administra- tion was erected, in 1750, a large brick dormitory, "Connecticut Hall," a building which, recently restored to its original form and appearance, stands now on the College Campus. Through the influ- ence of Rector Clap a new charter was obtained from the Colonial Legislature in 1745 containing important modifications of the old one. By this charter the institution which had formerly been "a collegiate school" now became "Yale College" and the former "Rector" became its "President." The new charter also conferred ample powers of government on the "President and Fellows" who were to constitute the governing board or "Corporation," and these essential provisions remain unchanged to the present day. Toward the third quarter of the century the work of the College was somewhat interrupted by the Revolutionary War, in which the record of Yale men was most honorable. The Yale soldier whose name is probably most highly cherished is Nathan Hale of the Class of 1773, who volunteered as a spy in the service of General Washing- ton and was captured and executed by the British in 177G. The College continued to grow in prestige and numbers during the first century of its existence, so that in 1800, under the administra- tion of President Dwight, the enrollment numbered 217, and at even that early date the number of students from the Southern and Southwestern states formed so large a proportion of the total enroll- ment as to begin to fix the character of the College as a national 68 LIFE AT YALE institution. President Dwight's far-sighted plans for Yale contem- plated its expansion into a University with the four historic depart- ments of Philosophy, Theology, Law, and Medicine. During the administration of President Theodore D. Woolsey, from 1846 to 1871, Yale gained in reputation as an institution of scholarship and learning, and in strength and prosperity. With him were associated a notable group of educators the imprint of whose personality has shaped the educational policy not only of Yale but of many other American universities of the present day. The names that stand out particularly in this group are the following : Professors Elias Loomis and Denison Olmsted in Natural Philosophy, Noah Porter in Mental and Moral Philosophy, James D. Dana in Geology, Thomas A. Thaoher in Latin, Benjamin Silliman in Chemistry (son of the "elder" Benjamin Silliman also of Chemistry, '"the Nestor of American science"), James Hadley in Greek, William D. Whitney in Language, Hubert A. Newton in Mathematics, George J. Brush in Metallurgy, Cyrus Northrop in Rhetoric and English Litera- ture, Daniel C. Gilman in Geography and Library administration, Othniel C. Marsh in Paleontology, John P. Norton, Samuel W. Johnson and William H. Brewer in Agriculture and Agricultural Chemistry, and J. Willard Gibbs in the beginnings of his notable work in Physics. ^m bh m ;b iknJilHB - K - ■*aNf **. to V 1 ,..■-» r-A £ - S.v'U^' ' ' Lrf ' r, •.'-'";. ; s*V _v^ cfedta i - a -;■ fj *£ 3 * : - ' ~ Academic Procession Marching from the Campus to the AlDITORIUM AT TIIE YaLE BICENTENNIAL IN 1901 The Yale Forest School Organized in 1900, the Yale Forest School has quickly made an important place for itself among the University departments. Its two-years course, open to college graduates, includes, besides regular instruction in New Haven, a term of practical work in a large lumbering camp, and a summer term at the homo in Milford, Pa., of the late James W. Pinchot, father of Gifford Pinchot, Yale Class of 1889, former U. S. Forest Chief, and a patron of the School. In addition to the departments of Philosophy, Theology, Law, and Medicine, all of which were a part of the educational machinery of the institution since before the middle of the nineteenth century, an important development came during President Woolsey's adminis- tration in the organization of a new department of Philosophy and Arts. This department came in answer to a new popular demand for technical instruction, especially in chemistry, which, as applied to the arts, was then in its infancy. There was a demand for a ''new learning," different from that of the classical colleges, and one branch of this new department at Yale, the Sheffield Scientific School, was a pioneer in the effort to meet this demand. The other branch of this new department of Arts and Sciences was the Graduate School, again a pioneer movement in American education. Of this new educational movement at Yale, the President of the Carne- gie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, under the head- ing "The Evolution of the American Type of University/' says: 7<» LIFE AT YALE "Historically the account should begin with Yale College, when in 1840 graduate courses in Philosophy and the Arts were established. . . . The honor of having established the first creditable course of study for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is due to Yale. ..." Important expansions of the college work into other fields are found in the more recent establishment of the School of Fine Arts, the Peabody Museum of Natural History, the Winchester Observa- tory, the Music School, and the Forest School. The institution, for many years a university in fact, became so in name in 1886 at the inauguration of President Dwight, grandson of the former president of the same name, when the corporate title was changed from Yale College to Yale University. President 1 'wight's term witnessed advance in work and unprecedented growth in numbers and equipment. The thirteen years of the present admin- istration, that of President Arthur Twining Hadley, who succeeeded President Dwight in 1899, have marked continued expansion in important directions, particularly in material growth and prosperity and in the scholarly work of the Faculty and students. Yale has stood for two centuries and stands to-day for two distinct motives in education. The first is the training of the student for public service : described in the words of the earliest charter as the "fitting of youth for publick employment both in church and civil state." In this training for large public service the national char- acter of the student body has been a factor. For over a century the South and West have met in large numbers with the East and Now England states in the student enrollment at Yale. At present approximately one-fourth of the total number of Yale graduates are residents of the Western states ; nearly one-tenth are of the Southern states ; over one-third are of the Central states, and somewhat less than one-third are of the New England states. The enrollment of students at present in the University shows approximately the same distribution of residence. This national character of the student body, no less than the fixed purpose of the University, has kept the training at Yale directed not only toward sound scholarship but as well toward broad public service. The second characteristic in education at Yale may be traced 1" its origin in a collection of books and the close connection between the development of the library and the institution. The value of research, emphasis on the necessity for a university to increase as HISTOEICAL SKETCH 71 well as to rehearse the present field of knowledge, has been a char- acteristic principle of Yale's development. Present expansion in the direction of large, thoroughly equipped laboratories, and the scientific field-explorations in the realm of natural history and geography are recent evidences of Yale's regard for the worth of enlarging the field of human knowledge. There had been in 1913 a total of 27,488 graduates of the Uni- versity, of whom approximately 17,700 are now living. It is esti- mated that, in addition, students equal in number to about one half the total graduated were for a time enrolled in the University but failed to receive a degree. In this roll of graduates and former students, beside those mentioned above, and omitting the names of any now living, the following may be mentioned as having had par- ticular influence in the history of this country. Signers of the Declaration of Independence: Philip Livingston, 1737; Lewis Morris, 1746; Lyman Hall, 1747; Oliver Wolcott, 1747. Members of the Convention of 1787 who framed the Constitution of the United States: William Livingston, 1741; William Samuel Johnson, 1744; Abraham Baldwin, 1772. In Theology: Jonathan Edwards, 1720, probably the greatest theologian this country has produced; David Brainerd, *1743, missionary to the Indians; Lyman Beecher, 1797, a leader in the temperance and anti-slavery movement; Leonard Bacon, 1820, prominent in the anti-slavery contest; Horace Bushnell, 1827. In Laio and Public Affairs: James Kent, 1781, jurist, Chief Justice and Chancellor of New York; John C. Calhoun, 1804, Vice President of the United States, a chief exponent of the Doctrine of State Sovereignty; Judah P. Ben- jamin, *1829, Jurist and Secretary of State of the Southern Confederacy; Wil- liam M. Evarts, 1837, Secretary of State; Morrison R. Waite, 1837, Chief Justice of the United States. In Invention: Eli Whitney, 1792, inventor of the cotton-gin; Samuel F. B. Morse, 1810, inventor of the electric magneto telegraph. In Letters: Noah Webster, 1778; James Fenimore Cooper, *1806; Donald G. Mitchell, 1841; Edmund Clarence Stedman, 1853. In Education (in addition to those mentioned on page 08) : Jonathan Dickin- son, 1706, first president of Princeton; Samuel Johnson, 1714, first president of Columbia; Eleazar Wheelock, 1733, founder and first president of Dartmouth: Thomas H. Gallaudet, 1805, founder of deaf-mute instruction in America; Fred- erick A. P. Barnard, 1828, president of Columbia; Henry Barnard, 1830, founder of American Journal of Education and first United States Commissioner of Educa- tion; Daniel Coit Gilman, 1852, first president of Johns Hopkins; William Torrey Harris, 1858, United States Commissioner of Education; William Bainey Harper, 1875, first president of University of Chicago. Many of the Yale men prominent in science are named in the list on page 6S. * Classes marked with the asterisk signify that the person referred to was member of the given class but did not take a degree. M ° ° D INFORMATION Facts and Figures Relating Particularly to (lie Undergraduate Departments ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Students are admitted to the two undergraduate departments of Yale University upon passing examination in subjects noted below. The.se examinations may be taken at one time, or the candidate may present himself for examination in one or more subjects at any examination session. A schedule of examinations and list of places where examina- tions are to be held may be had from the Registrar of the department. The candidate should send to the Registrar of the department he wishes to enter, by May 15, a written notification of his intention to take the examination, and at what place he w T ill take it. A fee of $5.00 is charged for admission to every examination session and this should be paid by May 15, for the June examinations; or before the time of registration, for the September examinations, which are held only in New Haven. At or before each examination the candidate must send to the Registrar or present to the person in charge of the examination a definite statement from his principal instructor specifying subjects in which he is authorized to take the examination, and before his admis- sion to college he must submit an honorable dismissal from school or a certificate of moral character. In Yale College, conferring the degree of B.A., the subjects of exam- ination are as follows : Pbescribed Subjects — Required of all Candidates: 1. English (a) 6. Cicero-Sallust 2. English (6) 7. Vergil-Ovid 3. Latin Grammar 8. French (a) or German (a) 4. Latin Composition 9. Algebra, Elementary, I 5. Csesar-Nepos 10. Algebra, Elementary, II 11. Plane Geometry Elective Subjects — Of which four are required: Greek Grammar \ and Composi- [^ {both or tion ( neither) Xenophon J Homer French (a) or German (a) (i. e., the one not offered as one of the prescribed subjects) French ( b ) German (b) German (c) Ancient History Mediaeval and Modern European History English History American History and Civil Government Solid Geometry and Plane Trigonometry Physics Chemistry Physical Geography I s 5 £ 2 I 1 74 LIFE AT YALE In the Sheffield Scientific School, conferring the degree of Ph.B.. the subjects of examination are as follows : Prescribed Subjects — English: Both of the following: English (a): Reading (2) English (b) : Study (1) Foreign Languages: Any two of the following: , j Latin Grammar and Composition g ' Ca?sar-Nepos 2. French (a). Elementary (2) 3. German (a), Elementary (2) History: Any one of the following: American History ( 1 ) Mediaeval and Modern European History ( 1 ) English History (1) Ancient History and Civil Government (1) Mathematics: All of the following: Algebra, Elementary (1%) Algebra, Advanced (i/ 2 ) Plane Geometry ( 1 ) Solid Geometry ( y 2 ) Plane Trigonometry ( % ) Science: Any one of the following: Physics ( 1 ) Chemistry ( 1 ) Botany ( 1 ) Elective Subjects — Any two of the following subjects not already prescribed or elected : Physics ( 1 ) Chemistry ( 1 ) Botany ( 1 ) Mechanical Drawing (1) Latin Grammar and ) Composition (2) Caesar-Nepos I Cicero-Sallust or Vergil-Ovid ( 1 ) French (a), Elementary (2) French (b) , Intermediate (1) German (a), Elementary (2) German (b) , Intermediate (1) I listorv, any one unit noted above (1) The numbers in parenthesis after the subjects indicate the amount of time, or the "units," required for preparation, — a unit representing work involving four or five exercises a week for the whole school year. In place of the Yale examinations candidates in either department may meet the entrance requirements by passing examinations in the equivalent subjects which are set by the College Entrance Examination Board. This is a general examining board composed of representatives of many colleges, including Yale University. The examinations of this Board are accepted for entrance by the leading colleges of the country. This Board has its headquarters in New York City, and the list of places in which its examinations are held may be obtained by addressing the Secretary of the Board, Sub-Station 84, New York City. INFORMATION 75 The Board certificate which a candidate receives after passing the examinations should he sent for exchange to the Registrar of the depart- ment the student is to enter at Yale. Applications for admission to advanced standing with or without examination are received from graduates and undergraduates of other institutions. Particulars and forms of application may be obtained from the Registrar of the department to be entered. Further details in regard to the entrance examinations are given in the catalogue of the department concerned. COURSES OF STUDY While there is a certain liberty of election in courses of study at Yale, the courses that may be taken in the College or in the Sheffield Scientific School are divided into groups. In the College a student entering the Freshman Class must choose one of three groups of courses, from which most of his subsequent college studies will be chosen. In the Sheffield Scientific School each Class is divided into two groups at the beginning of the year: the Engineering Science group, and the Natural Science group. The final choice of specific courses within the two groups must be made during Freshman year before March 1. For particulars regarding courses one should refer to the University Catalogue or to the catalogue of the department concerned. THE UNIVERSITY CALENDAR The University Calendar adopted by the Corporation is as follows : The Yale Commencement shall occur on the next to the last Wednes- day in June. The University year shall consist of two terms. The first term shall open on Thursday, thirty-eight (38) weeks before the date of the following Commencement, and shall close the day before the opening of the second term. The second term shall open on Thursday, nineteen (19) weeks before the date of the following Commencement, and shall close Wednesday, seven days before Commencement. There shall occur the following recesses in the University year: A Thanksgiving recess, extending from 1.20 p. m. of the day before Thanksgiving to 8 a. m. of the day following Thanksgiving (a recess of one and a half days). A Christinas recess, extending from 6 p. m. on the Friday next follow- ing December 15 to 8 a. m. on the Tuesday next following January 2 (a recess of 17 days). 76 LIFE AT YALE An Easter recess, extending from 1.20 r. m. on the Wednesday before Easter to 8 a. m. on the Thursday following Easter (a recess of seven and a half days). EXPENSES Tuition in the College is regularly $100.00 per year (the exact amount varying according to the number of hours of classroom work taken), and in the Sheffield Scientific School $180.00. In the Scientific School an additional charge of $21.00 is made for use of libraries, gymnasium, etc. Rooms in College dormitories, which accommodate about 1,050 men, are obtainable at prices ranging from $60.00 to about $200.00 a year per student. Rooms are reserved in May for members of the Freshmen Class of the year following. These are assigned to appli- cants in order of application. Correspondence about College rooms should be addressed to the Registrar of the College. Rooming accom- modations for about 200 men in the Scientific School range in price from $76.00 to about $200.00. Rooms outside dormitories vary in price according to their location. The Sheffield Scientific School societies have society houses in which the members may room. The prices of these rooms average about the same as those in the dormitories, w T ith cer- tain reductions in some cases. Students in either the College or the Scientific School cannot room in any hotel, apartment house, or any building in which a family does not reside, except by special permission of the Faculty. Board may be obtained at cost at the University Dining Hall, which contains seats for 1,200 members of the University. The sum of $3.25 a week is charged for certain specified staples of food, and in addition there is an a la carte service. The board averages from $5.00 to $5.50 a week. Dwight Hall, on the College Campus, has a grill room open to all members of the University. Board outside of college costs from $4.50 to $8.00 per w T eek. The average price is probably about $5.50. The necessary annual expenses in college, omitting clothing, vacation expenses, and sundries, have been estimated as follows : the lowest amount, $335.00; a liberal amount, $770.00; and a general average, $525.00 a year. These amounts include tuition, rent of half-room in college, board, furniture, fuel and light, washing, text-books and sta- tionery, and subscriptions (to societies, sports, periodicals, etc.). They do not include clothing, traveling expenses, amusements and incidentals. FACILITIES FOR SELF-HELP A student may defray part or all of his expenses at Yale by doing various kinds of work. About 600, or one-fourth of the total number of Interior of the School of the Fine Arts The important collections of the Art School include the Jarves Gallery of Italian art, paintings dating from the eleventh to the seventeenth century, recently valued at one million dollars; the Trumbull Gallery of historical portraits; the Alden Collection of Belgian wood carvings of the seventeenth century; a collec- tion of casts and marbles representative of various periods of art; a collection of Chinese porcelains and bronzes ; a collection of Braun autotypes and Arundel prints; etc. men enrolled in the College and the Sheffield Scientific School at Yale, defray all or a part of their expenses at college by such work. Application for work and conference concerning facilities of self-help should be made at the Bureau of Appointments. Private tutoring is perhaps the most remunerative work for the undergraduate. Students may earn their board as waiters in small clubs. Applications for posi- tions as waiters should be made early in the fall, before the University opens, to boarding-house keepers or to the Bureau of Appointments. Students also obtain board by forming and managing eating-clubs of their fellows. About twenty-five students are employed in the Uni- versity Dining Hall as '-checkers" and clerks. The Bureau of Appoint- ments has the disposal of these positions, for which there is usually a long waiting list. Clerical work in business houses in the city, and in some of the University organizations, is obtainable. Canvassing is especially good work for vacation. Students often report for local papers 7^ LIFE AT YALE or act as correspondents for out of town papers. For the care of fur- naces and .sidewalks in winter, and of lawns and gardens in summer, a student obtains his room rent free or receive- from $1.50 to $2.50 a week. Typewriting and stenographic work is available in the busin iss organizations of the University. Students are often employed as motor- men and conductors. Some obtain positions in the choirs or as organists in city churches. Statistics taken recently show the following amounts earned in various types of work by students at Yale in one year: Numlior Work. of men. Amount. Teaching $37,163 Private tutoring L82 27,620 Waiting in eating clubs 135 18,463 Managing eating clubs (il 7,465 Clerical work 193 22,224 Canvassing 130 10.970 Reporting for newspapers IS 3.319 Street railway work la 2,418 Caring for furnaces, lawns, etc 32 1.711 Typewriting and stenography 29 2,671 Music 17 1,897 Other lines of work in which students had been employed the same year included: work at summer resorts, religious work, work in fac- tories, civil engineering, farming, banking, library work, managing boys' clubs, literary work, printing, surveying, housework, and railroading. Smaller sums were earned in ushering, monitoring, as chauffeurs, in summer camps, as proctors, ticket selling, in legal work, collect- ing, as guards at Y^ale Field, in mason work, carpentering, moving furniture, as guides about college buildings, operating stereopticon lan- terns, as station agents, painting, meat cutting, as fencing instructor, as fruit inspector, making banners, publishing programs, as interpreters, testing in a rope factory, as janitor, in lumber camp, as Pullman con- ductor, in sleight-of-hand entertainments, as "clearer" on theatre stage, collecting geological specimens, getting out blotters as advertisements, in laundry, wheeling invalid's chair, addressing envelopes, selling spring water, etc. Scholarships are maintained in various departments of the University for the aid of needy students of high standing. Special prizes of large and small sums are offered for competition in many subjects. Tuition scholarships are granted to approved students in the Academical Depart- ment upon the basis of need and of excellence in scholarship. They are at the rate of $70.00, $110.00, and $150.00 a year, according to the degree of need and excellence of scholarship. Application for these [\ FORMATION ?.) should be made to the Bureau of Appointments before September 10 of each year. The University Loan Fund furnishes loans of similar amounts to students both in the College, the Scientific School and other departments. Application for these may be made through the Bureau of Appointments. In both of these departments special scholarships are awarded to men selected for sundry special reasons by the Deans and Faculties or by the Bureau of Appointments. A complete list of such scholarships is printed in the University Catalogue. Yale Alumni Asso- ciations in several localities offer scholarships for the benefit of students entering from those localities. Such scholarship aid is offered by the alumni in Chicago, Cleveland, Colorado, Essex County (N. J.), Hart- ford, Hawaii, Louisville, Northern Minnesota and Northern Wisconsin, Michigan, Northeastern New York, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Southern Minnesota, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Rochester, Seattle, Southern Cali- fornia, and Wisconsin. Special scholarships are maintained by the University for the benefit of those entering from Connecticut and New Haven high schools. Men in the Sheffield Scientific School may obtain aid from the Sheffield Loaning Fund and the Yanderbilt Loaning Fund. Application for such assistance should be made to the Director of the Interior of the Carnegie Swimming Pool 80 LIFE AT VALE School. Prizes for excellence in special lines of work are offered by the various departments. The Loring TV. Andrews Memorial Loan Library, under the charge of the University Librarian, provides for the loan of text-books and works of reference to needy students of the Academical Department. Permis- sion to use this library must be obtained at the Bureau of Appoint- ments. The Lounsbury Loan Library provides for the loan to the Scientific School students of a limited supply of text-books. Furniture is also loaned to students through the Bureau of Appointments. The Yale Cooperative Corporation, organized by and in the interests of members of the University, has a store in Fayerweather Hall, near Elm Street, where students' supplies are sold practically at cost to its members. The fee for membership is $2.00 for one year, $4.00 for three years, and $5.00 for four years. UNIVERSITY PRIVILEGES The University Church The privileges of the Church of Christ in Yale University are extended to all students of the University. Prayers, conducted by vari- ous officers of the University, are held daily except Sunday at Battell Chapel. Services, with sermons by eminent preachers from various cities and institutions, are held Sundays either in Battell Chapel or TVoolsey Hall. Attendance of students in the College is required at both morning prayers and Sunday worship. Attendance at Sunday morning service may be either at the College Chapel or at one of the New Haven churches selected by the student or his parents. The College Chapel is open to all members of the University. Concerts, Lectures, Collections, etc. Among the many University privileges are concerts given either free of charge or at a moderate admission price, and many lectures. University Chamber Concerts, in which musicians of note take part, are held each year. Several concerts are given every winter by the New Haven Symphony Orchestra, with the assistance of eminent soloists, and the New Haven Oratorio Society gives at least one concert each season. Organ recitals are given in TVoolsey Hall each week during the winter term by Professor Jepson of Yale or by some distinguished visiting organist. Some informal recitals are given by students of the Department of Music each year. Symphony and artists' concerts by musicians and organizations of high standing are given from time to time. INFORMATION 81 In addition to lectures given in connection with the curriculum, there are a large number of lecture courses under the auspices of the various departments of the University. These are open to all University stu- dents. Among the more important lecture courses are included: the Silliman Memorial lectures on natural history; the Dodge lectures on citizenship; the Trowbridge lectures on art; the Lyman Beecher lec- tures on preaching; the Bromley lectures on journalism, literature, and public affairs; the Stanley Woodward lectures by distinguished for- eigners who are visiting this country; etc., etc. The Art School contains valuable collections of paintings, wood-carv- ings, sketches, casts, porcelains, and prints. The Peabody Museum of Natural History is especially strong in its mineralogical and geologi- cal collections. Other collections, at most times open for public exhibi- tion, include the Stoddard Collection of Greek and Etruscan Vases, the Collection of Babylonian Tablets and Inscriptions, and the Steinert Collection of Musical Instruments. Libraries The whole number of books in the libraries of the University is about 1,000,000. The University Library proper, which consists of Chitten- den Hall, Linsly Hall, and the old library building, contains about 800,000 of these volumes. The library contains many notable collec- tions, such as that of Chinese literature, of first and important editions of American belles lettres, of Arabic manuscripts, of Oriental books and manuscripts, the Marsh paleontological library, the Scandinavian library of Count Riant, the Curtius library of classical literature, the Speck Collection of Modern German Literature, and many other special collections, important and unique. In the "Linonia and Brothers" library in Chittenden Hall, there are about 25,000 selected books, chiefly of the best current literature. Here are also books of reference and the books reserved for special use in courses of study. The periodical room in Chittenden Hall contains over 700 of the leading scholarly periodi- cals. The reading-room in Dwight Hall contains the lighter periodicals and the leading daily newspapers. In Linsly Hall there are seminary rooms and libraries for the departments of History, Social Sciences, Philosophy and Psychology, Modern Languages, and the Natural and Physical Sciences. The Sheffield Scientific School Library in Sheffield Hall contains about 7,500 volumes, chiefly of mathematics. The Law Library in Hendrie Hall, the Law School, contains about 34,015 volumes and 3,500 pamphlets, being particularly strong in Roman law and United States statutory law. The new Day Missions Library of the Divinity School 82 LIFE AT YALE contains the largest strictly mission collection in America. Its reading- room is provided with about 200 missionary periodicals. The Eliza- bethan Club owns a library of belles lettres, and has a collection of Elizabethan first editions unequaled in any single collection in the world. In addition to these, there are about fifteen other special libra- ries used by the various departments of the University. Laboratories The Laboratories of the University include the following: For physics, the new Sloane Physics Laboratory for the joint use of the Academic, Scientific and Graduate departments. For chemistry, the Kent Chemical Laboratory of the College and the Sheffield Chemical Laboratory of the Scientific School. For biological sciences, the large new Osborn Laboratories of Zoology, Comparative Anatomy and Botany open for the joint use of the Aca- demic, Scientific and Graduate departments, the Sheffield Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, the laboratories for invertebrate zoology and paleontology in the Peabody Museum of Natural History, and labora- tories for physical physiology and pathology in the Medical School. For geological sciences, laboratories for geology, mineralogy, petrology and geography in Kirtland Hall and the Peabody Museum. For psychology, Herrick Hall. For engineering, the Mason Laboratory for Mechanical Engineering, the Electrical Engineering Laboratory, the Hammond Mining and Metallurgical Laboratory, and the laboratory for civil engineering in Winchester Hall. There is also an observatory and a botanical garden. The Infirmary The I'niversity infirmary, attractively located on Prospect Hill, may be used by students at the nominal price of $1.50 a day. A competent matron is in residence. The call and choice of physician rests with the patient. General Club Life In addition lo the fraternities or elective clubs, there are in the University a number of open general clubs. The most distinctive of these clubs are Dwighl Hall in the College and Byers Memorial Hall in the Scientific School. These buildings are the headquarters of the Christian associations in their respective departments. They also contain reading rooms, and general lounging and social rooms. The Yale University Club is a general club open to upper classmen of [ISTFOKMATION 83 cither undergraduate department. There are also a number of school and sectional cluhs composed of men coming to the University from the same school, city or state, and many clubs and associations of men of similar tastes, such as literary cluhs, the Cercle Frangais, Cosmopolitan Club, etc., etc. Athletic Facilities Yale athletics are divided into two groups: general exercise under the direction and supervision of the University, and sports carried on by the undergraduates. The Yale gymnasium, one of the largest buildings in the country devoted exclusively to gymnastics and athletics, is the center of the former group. The Director is a trained physician. A thorough physical examination is given each student yearly without charge. Gymnastic work is required of the Freshman Class of the College, except of those who are in training with the recognized athletic teams. The equipment includes the best devices from the German and Swedish gymnasiums, as well as the American development appliances. There are bowling-alleys, rowing-tanks, hand-ball courts, squash courts, basket- hall facilities, crew and foot-ball rooms, fencing and boxing rooms, etc., besides a main exercise hall. The Carnegie Swimming Pool, situated back of the gymnasium, is a building 120 by 60 feet, the pool itself being 75 by 30 feet. All Freshmen who cannot swim are given lessons free of charge. During October and November a course of lectures on health topics is given to the College Freshmen, attendance being compulsory. Athletic sports at Yale are in charge of the undergraduates. A revised set of rules governing these sports has recently been adopted in order to place Yale athletics on a more permanent and a broader cooperative graduate and undergraduate basis. A new Yale Uni- versity Athletic Association, which regulates the conduct of athletics in Yale, has been formed. It consists of the following members: the managers of the four major sports (foot-ball, base-ball, track teams and crew) ; the captains of the four major sports' teams ; the president of the Minor Athletic Association (representing tennis, golf, basket-ball, hockey, swimming, gymnastics, wrestling, fencing, gun, and soccer) ; and five additional members, graduates of Yale University. Yale Field, the athletic field of the University, is situated about a mile from the campus. It contains several base-ball and foot-ball fields, a quarter-mile running track, foot-ball stands accommodating over 35,000 people, and a covered base-ball stand with bleachers, seating over 7,000. A plan for enlarging the general athletic facilities and for permanent athletic equipment at Yale has recently been adopted. This 84 LIFE AT YALE plan was worked out by a graduate Committee of Twenty-One, appointed by the Alumni Advisory Board. The committee has already acquired 80 acres of land directly opposite Yale Field. The Yale "Bowl," a foot-ball coliseum, which will accommodate over 60,000 people, and a new club house for the use of the students, are planned to be erected on the newly acquired land. The remainder of the territory will be laid out for use of general recreation. This development will include : foot- ball fields, base-ball diamonds, tennis-courts, etc. The old field will be kept for the University base-ball team, for foot-ball and base-ball practice, and for track athletics. The base-ball stand is to be replaced by a permanent structure to seat about 20,000 people. The plans of the committee will provide opportunities for at least half of the under- graduate body to exercise at one time. The new George A. Adee Boat House, erected by the alumni at the cost of $100,000, was opened in May, 1911. It is situated on New Haven Harbor, and contains complete rowing equipment. Besides accommodations for the regular crews, there are ample facilities for all men who wish to train or take part in rowing. A new base-ball cage, erected north of the Carnegie Swimming Pool, contains in addition to a regulation base-ball diamond, a running track, and jumping and vaulting pits. It is intended particularly for winter base-ball practice. The courts of the Tennis Association are situated on Whitney Avenue. The Hockey Team has the use of the Arena rink in New Haven. THE YALE CORPORATION* President Arthur Twining Hadley, Ph.D., LL.D. Fellows His Excellency the Governor of Connecticut His Honor the Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut Rev. Joseph Anderson, D.D., Woodmont Rev. Edwin Pond Parker, D.D., LL.D., Hartford Rev. Newman Smyth, D.D., New Haven Rev. James Wesley Cooper, D.D., Hartford Payson Merrill, LL.B., M.A., New York City Hon. Eli Whitney, M.A., New Haven— 1919f Henry Bradford Sargent, M.A., New Haven — 1914f Charles Hopkins Clark, Litt.D., Hartford Rev. Newell Meeker Calhoun, M.A., Orange Otto Tremont Bannard, LL.B., M.A., New York City— 1916f Alfred Lawrence Ripley, M.A., Boston, Mass. — 1915f Clarence Hill Kelsey, M.A., New York City John Villiers Farwell, M.A., Chicago, III— 19l7f Rev. Charles Edward Jefferson, D.D., LL.D., New York City Howell Cheney, M.A., South Manchester. Hon. Vance Criswell McCormick, M.A., Harrisburg, Pa. — 1918f Secretary Rev. Anson Phelps Stokes, D.D. Treasurer George Parmly Day, M.A. * The Corporation is the governing body of the University. It consisted originally of ten Connecticut Congregational ministers. These original trustees are elected for life and their successors elect fellows to fill vacancies in their own number. These successors are no longer limited to Congregational clergy- men nor to residents of Connecticut. In 1792 the membership of the Cor- poration was increased to include the governor and lieutenant governor and the six senior senators of Connecticut. In 1871 the place in the Corporation of the six senators was given to alumni fellows elected by the alumni at large, each for a term of six years, with possibility of reelection. v A date indicates the year in which the term of a Fellow elected by tbe Alumni expires. THE ALUMNI ADVISORY BOARD Chairman, Edward Johnson Phelps, 50 South LaSalle st., Chicago, 111. Recording Secretary, Rev. Anson Phelps Stokes, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Cokresponding Secrktary, Edward Hidden, 400 Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Executive Committee, Mr. Phelps, Chairman, and Messrs. Chubb, DeCamp, Greene, Hidden, Howe, Swayne, Thaeher. MEMBERSf The President, Secretary and Treasurer of the University. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Yale Alumni University Fund Association, Samuel R. Betts, '75, 52 William st., New York City. The President and Secretary of the Yale Association of Class Secretaries. f President, George E. Hill, '87, Security Bldg., Bridgeport, Conn. ) Secretary, Yasa K. Bracher, '03 S., 2010 Broadway, New York City. Boston, Yale Club of Samuel J. Elder, '73, Pemberton Bldg., Boston. Rev. Samuel C. Bushnell, '74, 11 Maple st., Arlington, Mass. Bristol, Yale Cllb of George C. Clark, '93 S., Terryville, Conn. Buffalo, Yale Alumni Association of William C. Warren, '80S., 173 North st., Buffalo. A. Conger Goodyear, '99, 962 Ellicott sq., Buffalo. Central New York Federation (Auburn, Syracuse, and Utica) Hon. Irving Goodwin Vann, '63, 316 James st., Syracuse. Central Pennsylvania, Yale Alumni Association of Benjamin M. Nead, '70, Box 45, Harrisburg. Chicago, Yale Club of Edward J. Phelps, '86, 50 South LaSalle st., Chicago. Irwin Rew, '89 S., 108 South LaSalle st., Chicago. Cincinnati, Yale Club of Harley J. Morrison, '87 S., Clifton, Cincinnati. Walter A. DeCamp, '90, Traction Bldg., Cincinnati. f Al ni associations with a membership of 100 or more Vale graduates arc represented on the Alumni Advisory Board, those with 200 or more members may have two representatives. There are in all eighty-one formal Yale Alumni associations and clubs, including in their territory the principal cities and sec- tions of this and several foreign countries. The Alumni Advisory Board is the body which publishes "Life at Yale." ALUMNI ADVISORY BOAED ^7 t i i \'i:i.a.m>, Yale Ai.i.mxi Association of S. Lewis Smith, '89, 7706 Piatt av., Cleveland. Edward Belden Greene, '00, Cleveland Trust Co., 1 Euclid av., Cleveland. Colorado, Yale Alumni Association of Henry Treat Rogers, '66, Foster Bldg., Denver. James D. Skinner, '94 S., 909 Pearl st., Denver. Essex County (N. J.), Yale Alumni Association of Dickinson W. Richards, '80, 141 Broadway, New York City. Hendon Chubb, '95 S., 5 South William st., New York City. Fairfield County (Conn.), Alumni Association of Frederick Smillie Curtis, '69 S., Brookfleld Center. Hon. John Hoyt Perry, '70, Southport. Hartford, Yale Alumni Association of William H. Corbin, '89, 172 Collins st., Hartford. Robert W. Huntington, Jr., '89, Conn. General Life Insurance Co., Hartford. Indiana, Yale Alumni Association of Merrill Moores, '78, Law Bldg., Indianapolis. Kansas City, Yale Alumni Association of Rt. Rev. Sidney C. Partridge, D.D., '80, 14 West Armour boul., Kansas City. John V. Hanna, '85 S., 23d st. and Grand av., Kansas City. Kentucky, Yale Alumni Association of Isadore N. Bloom, M.D., '78, 2007 Second st., Louisville. Long Island, Yale Alumni Association of Hon. William B. Davenport, '67, 189 Montague st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Maryland, Yale Alumni Association of James W. Cain, '84, Washington College, Chester town. Michigan, Yale Alumni Association of Alexander I. Lewis, '98, 164 Jefferson av., Detroit. Nebraska, Yale Alumni Association of Victor B. Caldwell, '87, U. S. National Bank, Omaha. New Haven, Yale Alumni Association of David Daggett, '79, 100 Crown st., New Haven. Frank Lewis Bigelow, '81 S., 205 Whitney av., New Haven. New London County (Conn.), Yale Alumni Association of George S. Palmer, '78, New London. New York City, Yale Club of Thomas Thacher, '71, 62 Cedar st., New York City. Frederick W. Vanderbilt, '76 S., 459 Fifth av., New York City. 88 LIFE AT YALE Northeastern New York, Yale Alumni Association of John Ivassou Howe. '71, 51 State St., Albany. .Youth e ast kux Pennsylvania and Wyoming Valley. Vale Alumni Association of Hon. Joseph Benjamin Dimmick, '81, 17-30 Washington av., Scranton. Northern California, Yale Alumni Association oe Gerald L. Rathbone, '93, Burlingame. Northwest (Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and part of Washington), Yale Alumni Association of the Charles C. Bovey, '90, 1512 Harmon pi., Minneapolis. Theodore W. Griggs, ex- , 95 S., The St. Paul, St. Paul. Philadelphia, Yale Alumni Association of Thomas DeWitt Cuyler, 74, 701 Commercial Trust Bldg., Phila- delphia. Noah Haynes Swayne, 2d, '93, Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia. Pittsburgh, Yale Alumni Association of Edwin Whittier Smith, '78, Carnegie Bldg., Pittsburgh. Rhode Island, Yale Alumni Association of William L. Hodgman, '76, 66 South Main st., Providence. Southern California, Yale Alumni Association of William L. Thacher, '87, Thacher School, Nordhoff. Southern Federation of Yale Clubs Edwin W. Kobertson, '85, Columbia, S. C. Alvin P. Howard, '10 S., 555 St. Charles St., New Orleans, La. St. Louis, Yale Alumni Association of Edward Hidden, '85, 400 Broadway, St. Louis. Thomas Henry West, Jr., '96 S., 401 Locust st., St. Louis. Washington, D. C, Yale Alumni Association of James H. Hayden, '87 S., Wilkins Bldg., Washington. George Xavier McLanahan, '96, Union Trust Bldg., Washington. Westchester County; (N. Y.), Yale Alumni Association of William D. Sawyer, '89, 26 Liberty st., New York City. Western Massachusetts, Yale Alumni Association of Richard Hooker, '99, Springfield Republican, Springfield, Mass. Wisconsin, Yale Alumni Association of Nathan Glicksman, '91, 485 Terrace av., Milwaukee. YALE UNIVERSITY " The I'resldent and Fello Haven.'') ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS President: Arthur Twining Hadley, Ph.D., LL.D. Secretary: Anson Phelps Stokes, D.D. Treasurer: George Parmly Day, M.A. Librarian : John Christopher Schwab, Ph.D., LL.D. DEPARTMENTS The work of the University is carried on in the following Departments : Department of Philosophy and the Arts: Yale College, Frederick Scheetz Jones, M.A., Dean. A four years' course of academic study, partially prescribed, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). The Sheffield Scientific School, R. H. Chittenden, Sc.D., LL.D., Director. A three years' course of study, partially prescribed, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy (Ph.B.) and a five years' course leading to higher engineering degrees. A graduate course also leads to the degree of Master of Science (M.S.) The Graduate School, Hamis Oertel, Ph.D., Dean. Courses offered to college graduates leading to the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Master of Arts (M.A.) The School of the Fine Arts, W. Sergeant Kendall, M.A., N.A., Director. Regular and special courses in drawing, anatomy, perspective, painting, modeling, architecture, and illustration. Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) conferred for advanced work of distinction. The Music School, Horatio William Parker, Mus.D., Dean. Courses in theory of music leading, after four years' work, to degree of Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.). Also courses in piano, organ, violin, violon- cello, singing, and chamber music. The Forest School, James W. Tourney, M.S., M.A., Director. A two years' course, open to college graduates, leading to the degree of Master of Forestry (M.F.). [Note: Properly qualified women are admitted as candidates for the degree of Doctor Philosophy, also as members of the Schools of Music and of Fine Arts.] Department of Theology [School of Religion], Rev. Charles R. Brown, D.D., Dean. A three years' course, open to college graduates, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Divinity ( B.D. ) . There are five courses of study empha- sizing respectively Theology, Missions, Religious Education, and Philan- thropy, and History and Philosophy of Religion. Department of Medicine, George Blumer, M.D., Dean. A four years' course, following a preparation of at least two years' college study, leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine (M.D.). Department of Law, Henry Wade Rogers, LL.D., Dean. A three years' course, open to college graduates, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) or Bachelor of Civil Law (B.C.L.). Higher law degrees conferred for graduate work. For general information address Yale University Secretary, New Haven, Conn. For special information about examinations, courses, etc., address the Dean of the Department. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. SEP l 9 1957 AUG JUN 6 - n ft" M3Vli FEB 5 1973 REC APR 2 :\\ rorm L9-100m-9,'52(A3105)444 THE LIBRARY i LITHOMOUNT J PAMPHLET BINDER Manofatiund by ©AYLORD BROS. I.«. Syr«cut», N. V. Stoetton, Calif. v L 009 620 838 4