Ex Libris ; C. K. OGDEN 'M^Mih^ Lull 1 T TIaT THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ln'^^' ^!l^5^'3ft^S?SP'f-t?9KWf!^^lR'B»!\*^5i^PM^^*ri^^!&K liaise. lAftftA^^ f^^f^Af\f^r.^^^' ^^.^i-A' ^A^^OJ^O' A^Ml '■^^AA/^' f\ "^. '« ./r ." _ ,M/5wn^':^:r.i 'b''^r>.'^ r\r\tf\ri l" 4/k -^.//^^ ^« (En ^mntf ^mmBl TUTOR'S COUNSEL TO HIS PUPILS. REV. a H. D. MATHIAS, M.A. LATE FELLOW OF KING'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. ^oxbj'irts, ^inbcr, t'orbiirts ! Marshal Blucher {passim). LONDON: CHAPMAN^ AND HALL, 193 PICCADILLY. 1866. LONDON : UOBSON AND SON, GREAT NORTHERN PRINTING WORKS, TANCRAS ROAD, N.W. TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF EICHMOND, m GEATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CONFIDENCE REPOSED BY HIM IN THE AUTHOR. 1030753 PEEFACE. It is to the suggestion of a pupil that the publication of the following pages is due. They were originally scattered hints on English composition, subjects for English essays, and notes on conversations about some of the many points on which the intelligent observation of those who have been lately public - school boys will often ask for information. Whatever truth there may be in the charge of ignorance brought against the Alumni of our two largest public schools, the author of the following pages can at least bear his testimony to their general VI PREFACE. activity of mind and love of information. If habits of continuous application are im- perfectly developed, yet, according to the author's experience, a passive contentment with ignorance is almost unknown. It is because he believes that there are many such beyond the narrow circle of his own pupil acquaintance that the author sends this volume to the press, hoping that it may contain answers (not easily found elsewhere) to some of the questions often asked, and explanations of subjects often discussed, by those who are beginning to take a wider interest in the studies and duties of life. September 18G6. CONTENTS. I. II. ni. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. xn. xm. XIV. XV. XVI. " Where had I best Travel?" On the Study of Language . J. N On Entering the Army On Entering the Army To A Pupil Entering the Army An Outline of the Life of Sir C, " How is One to write an Essay On Style .... On English Composition On English Composition On Metaphor .... How TO MAKE History interesting ? What is the Difference between Simile AND Metaphor ? . . . On Tennyson "What's the Use of Shakespeare?" On Novels PAGE 1 16 24 34 51 apier 62 93 105 119 133 152 158 170 182 195 Till CONTENTS. PAGE 206 XVII. On Novels xvin. To A Pupil at the University . . . 218 XIX. " How IS One to learn to Draw?" . . 228 XX. " How AWFULLY TEDIOUS "WORK IS !" . . 235 XXI. How TO GIVE Money away .... 243 XXII. A LITTLE Learning not a dangerous Thing . 258 XXIII. Hints on the Study of Shakespeare . . 267 LETTERS AND ESSAYS. WHEEE HAD I BEST TRAVEL? "17" OU tell me jou are to travel for a year -*- or so before you enter your ^^rofessioii ; and you ask me what countries I advise you to choose for your tour. Now before we come to the countries, let me beg you not to undervalue this year's travel, and not to treat it as mere amusement and nothing more: if you do, you will have less amusement after all, and no profit from it. Happily there is such a thing as ennui; and time devoted to nothing but idle amuse- ment is often as wearisome as it certainly is misspent. If you were starting for a few months' shooting tour, you would carefully look to your equipments ; suitable clothes for the B Z WHERE HAD I BEST TEAVEL ? climate, guns and ammunition in plenty, means of repairing any damage done to your gear, when far beyond the circle of civilisa- tion : jarepare yourself in the above way for youi" year's jom^ney; you have a month or two before you start, and much may be done even in so short a time as that. And as the knowledge of their lano-uage is tlie first and only approach to all know- ledge of the peoj^le, pray rub -up all you know of the spoken languages of whatever countries you think of visiting. Tlie two most important languages for continental travel are certainly French and Italian : the former will carry you through all the civilised parts of Germany, while German will take you nowhere beyond its own frontier, and Italian will not only carry you through its own glorious country^ " Magna parens frugum, Saturnia tellus, Magna vkum" — where French is unknown, but tlu'ough many of the cities of tlie Mediterranean coast be- yond the boundaries of old Satiu'u's realm. The more languages you know, the more you multiply the avenues of knowledge and amusement alike in your travels : when you WHERE HAD I BEST TRAVEL ? 3 are in the midst of foreigners, yon will find how plentiful a harvest may be reaped from the labour employed upon their language at home. You have, I conclude, some special tastes; very few have arrived at your age without acquiring some — either for art, or natural science, or history, or some study or other. Whatever your taste is, cultivate it with a view to reproducing it and enlarging it upon your travels. Some knowledge of history of course you have ; fix it geographically be- fore you start. My own especial taste is for architecture ; I have fixed my information on that subject geographically by underlining in red all the places of architectural interest on a travelling map of Avhatever country I am about to visit : by this simple expedient I have often been sujjplied with the means of prosecuting a favourite study, when de- layed or diverted from my route by acci- dent, and have always been able at a single glance to arrange a tour so as to comprehend as many objects of architectural interest as possible. You have little idea, initil you try it for yourself, how vividly and really historical events come home to you when you stand 4 WHERE HAD I BEST TRAVEL ? Upon the spot which saw them take place. In the midst of the bustle of Paris the Place du Carrousel is again crowded by a howling fui'ious mob, the Swiss guards again die valiantly at their posts, again the death- tumbrel rolls incessantly along the monoto- nous Rue de Rivoli, the guillotine as inces- santly falls with its deep thud, and above all its victims the deathlike pallor of the royal sufferer remains dee2;)est impressed upon the memory. Or at Fontainebleau (for instance) whole periods sweep before you at a glance, from the gay and profligate court of the first Francis to the tragic parting in the Cour des Adieux, and add to the richness of the Renais- sance art the interest which the joys and the sorrows of our race cannot fail to arouse in any one who has felt the truth of the old verse, " Homo sum, liumani nihil a me alienum puto." I have been told that a yomig under- graduate peer, not many years ago, visited the capitals of the great Italian republics of the Middle Ages, history in hand, and on his return showed himself the equal, if not the superior, of his examiners, in his know- ledge of his subject. I would venture to assert a belief that the knowledo-e he dis- WHEEE HAD I BEST TRAVEL ? 5 played was no way siijierior to the jjleasnre lie liacl enjoyed in the acquisition of it. There are two classes of English travellers whose example I recommend you not by any means to follow. Do not think, with one class, that when you have visited the prin- cipal theatres and "places," you have seen every thing, and so rush on to see if possible as little of another town ; do not, with the other, Murray in hand, painfully plod through " sights" which have for you no interest whatever. The conduct of the first is simply frivolous and silly ; that of the last is another form of the many-headed monster, humbug. Think of the many different professions, trades, employments, which occupy the people of a country, and if the history of past times does not interest you, you may yet learn a good deal — be sure we in England are still very far from perfect — from foreigners' man- agement in such things as the administration of their army, navy, in the organisation of government in its many branches, in agricul- tm'e, in education, in medicine, in popular amusements, in the conduct of charitable en- dowments. You will make some curious dis- coveries, if you keep your eyes open, in many points : how, for instance, with but little aid 6 WHEEE HAD I BEST TRAVEL ? from tlie taxes, the French organise an enor- mous system of poor-relief; how, with a naturally poor sandy soil, the Belgian and the Hollander will raise many times more produce than we can in our land, where their system of perpetual manimng is not adopted; how Belgian and French manufactiu'ers are beginning to undersell ours as makers of machinery which Englishmen invented ; how a French freeholder is often poorer than an English labourer any where north of the Trent. If you would appreciate the fairness of an English trial, attend, if you can, a government prosecution in France ; if you would see in their faces wdiere the intellect of France has taken refiige, take a turn or two up and down the arcades of the Palais de Justice at Paris, and you will find your- self in a moment amongst a race totally dif- ferent to the habitues of the Bourse and the cafes. If you would miderstand how far more useful educated women may be in their ser- vices to the poor, when reasonably organised, rather than when left each to her own devices, visit some of the many creches, ^. e. child- homes, or some of the hospitals under the tender care of the Soeurs de la Charite : and above all, if you would understand the people AYHERE HAD I BEST TRAVEL ? 7 among whom you are staying, skim tlu'ongh their chief newspaj)ers — all the best and some of the worst ; notice their ^peculiarities, both in what they omit and what they insert ; how the "padding" of the feidlleton takes the place of polities amongst us ; observe the "conspicuous absence" of all notices of pub- lic meetings, the careful repression of any safety-valve for public feeling, and yet the bitter hostility between different sections of the public, as evinced by the violent language of their antagonistic newspapers, — the Siecle, for instance, versus the Monde; and you will soon miderstand why there are a hundred thousand men in barracks encamped within twenty miles of the Tuileries, and how it is that the streets swarm with bon-bon shops, while you may often traverse several in a vain search after a bookseller's. You will do well, then, to visit a good deal besides all the theatres and j^erhaps a museum or two ; but yet, I would say, don't visit any thing because it is the correct thing to do so. You will often meet — and it is a humiliating sight — the great British traveller earnestly engaged in the conscientious per- formance of this sham. I shall not soon forg-et one I met in the old cathedi'al of Lau- 8 WHEEE HAD I BEST TEAVEL ? sanne. I was sketching at the time, I recol- lect, when I heard behind me the well-known tones of the great British traveller, this time not in broken French, but yet not by any means the purest English ; ho was employed in describing the cathedral to his better half in good solid sonorous utterances : it was exactly as if an English verger had been dropped, with all liis exact and dreary romid of infor- mation comi)lete, into the Swiss cathedral. In vain did the British traveller's poor wife struggle to escape from the infliction of a lesson expressed in language at least half of which must have been unintelligible to both of them : had he not a serious duty to do, and does not England expect &c. ? On flowed the current of unmeaning v^'ords : " The triforium and clerestory of this ancient building are unique ; observe the banded columns of the tower -piers; the abaci are &c. &c." And so on with persistent resolu- tion from tower to altar, and from altar to porch again ; when they finally retired, with the conviction of duty nobly done on the part of one, and (I hoped) a secret resolve to rebel on that of the other. Poor thine; ! her sufferings must have been acute, as tliey certainly were prolonged. I wondered if WHEEE HAD I BEST' TEAVEL ? 9 they had done the whole map of Switzerland upon the same scale. Now just as the amount of your shooting is hmited by the 2:)recautions you have taken with respect to your guns and ammunition, so you will find the pleasure of travelling ex- actly proportional to tlie knowledge you take with you, and the knowledge you are pre- pared to gain by keeping your eyes open and your wits about you while you are abroad. And now, I think, you will almost have anti- cipated my reply to your question : Where do you advise me to travel ? My answer is, " Exactly where your tastes lead you ;" only try and acquire in this as in every thing tastes as wide and large as possible. If you take most deliglit in scenery, you vv'ill, of course, rush to the Alps ; but while there, seize the opportunity of visiting the Swiss people in their homes, in their go- vernments, their manufactures, their public festivals, their religious rites. Some of the Swiss governments are very original and in- structive ; their public games, especially in Appenzell and the eastern cantons generally, date from days when we too had jniblic sports in every village in England; while theirs have lasted through the extinction of ours, and now lO WHERE HAD I BEST TRAVEL ? see tlieir revival in the form of the volunteer movament, the rifle-practising, and the gym- nasia now being established in our large towns. See for yourself whether the asser- tion is true — I have heard it both asseverated and contradicted — " that there is a marked difference in the appearance of the homes, in the cleanliness and comfort of the people, between the Roman Catholic and the Pro- testant cantons ;" and every where try and judge for yourself : use the accounts of pre- vious travellers much as an able navigator uses an old chart, — as a field for observation rather than as a standard of faith. I remember — m connection with this sub- ject — to have read not long ago a very in- structive letter of the great German poet and philosopher, Goethe, dated from Naples, May 28th, 1787 : he tells his correspondent that " the useful and learned Volckmann" (the Murray of his day) " asserts, and no one had ever dreamed of contradicting him, that there were from 30,000 to 40,000 idlers, va- gabonds, tramps in short, in Italy." Of course Najiles was their head-quarters ; so at Naples he sets to work to investigate the statement, which he does by going amongst the people at all hours and' in all places : on the ([uays WHERE HAD I BEST TKAVEL .'' I I lio finds a good many louno-er.s ; but on in- (juiiy tliey turn out to be wind-bound fisli- ormen (wliat hundreds maj be encountered at times round our industrious ports !), wlio flitted out of sight at once on the arrival of a fair Avind. At the principal places in the town he found many " idlers," but they were porters and cab-(h-ivers waiting for work, and only too glad to get some ; in the gar- dens round the city lie found labourers unre- mitting in their toil, dri\ing their donkeys laden with garden-produce many times a day i]ito the city, returning laden with manure, vegetable-stalks, or any rubbish that could enlarge the garden dung-heap ; and he adds, " the rich little think, as they leave the Oi)era at midnight, that before break of day some industrious fellow Avill have carefully follov/ed up the tracks of their horses Avith the same object" On the sea-shore he Avatched little children, some not more than three or four years old, collecting every scrap of drift- Avood, and packing it in bundles for the mai'ket. In the market-place he amused him- self Avitli noticing the Avatchful solicitude of a Avatcr-melon merchant, aged about tweh-e, OA'cr his Avares, Avhich he sold in slices to some equally Avatchful customers, avIio, though I 2 WHERE HAD I BEST TRAVEL ? perhaps his juniors, looked equally anxious to secui'e a fair farthing's worth for their far- thing. And you will find in this, as in many other instances, that much wider questions are opened up by using your own powers of observation, and not receiving as gospel the somewhat reckless assertions of preceding travellers. In this case you may be led to inquire whether idleness can exist largely in a state at all emerged from barbarism ; whe- ther, in fact, its existence is not a proof of barbarism resulting in great measure from bad government. And yet do not suppose that I undervalue good books of travels ; what I say is, " Don't be implicitly guided by them :" much may have been changed between their date and yours. Read some, however, before you start, or rather skim through some, to gather what the writer thought best worth seeing ; but far better read (not skim) a good book of the history of any country you are about to visit — that is worth a hundred travellers' tales ; while a good book of criticism on the chief European jralleries is the best cicerone you can hire for them. Remember, too, that as you go abroad to see foreign countries and foreign people, ■\^^IEnE HAD I BERT TRAVEl. ? I 3 and to hear foreign languages spoken, so you will do vrell to avoid the promiscuous swarms of English who fly yearly up the Rhine, thi'ough Switzerland, and escape homewards by some outlet into France, during August and Se})tember : you can arrange to be not on the Rhine or near the Alps then ; or, if this is impossible, make your way to smaller places (the Eng- lish always travel in herds), as, for mstance, in Switzerland, move on to Lauterbrunnen, instead of cockney Interlachen ; to Brunnen, the entrance of the grandest of Swiss water- scenery, the Bay of Uri, instead of Lucerne ; to Spietz, a thorough Swiss retreat, instead of Thun ; or, better still, get away into St. Gall and the Grisons, and the sublime shores of the lake of Wallenstadt, away from our countrymen's well-beaten tracks, which are lined (as the bottom of the sea from here to India is said to be) by empty beer- bottles. Few travellers have an idea how much of interest is to be found away from the beaten track, which is followed, not be- cause it is the best, but because the majority of English travellers are limited in point of time, and foolish enough to measure their 14 WHERE HAD I BEST TEAYEL ? enjoyment by the distance tliey have tra- versed, rather than by the objects of in- terest they have visited. It is only witliin qnite modern days that Paris has come (to most Enghsh travellers) to represent France. Even down to the Revolution, there Avere nominally many provincial parliaments, and every where the provinces still give pi'oofs of their former independence, having, what is totally wanting in England, each a long individual history, at times entirely sej^arate from that of France. A traveller has really seen but- little of France who has not visited Rouen and Caen, Tours and Blois, Rennes and Le Mans, Bordeaux and Rlieims and Nancy, and many other ancient cities, over and above Paris, Lyons, and Marseilles, which too often represent France to the modern English traveller, as he hurries on to see Italy, equally ill-represented by Genoa, Rome, and Naples. And pray do not forget that a gentleman can't be too careful not to offend (even unin- tentionally) the susceptibilities of foreigners. I am afraid that we English have acquired — and what is more, deserved — a bad character in this respect. Pray do your best to recover a better opinion of the manners of our coun- WHERE HAD I BEST TRAVEL ? I $ trymen among foreign nations. We expect tliem in England to behave quietly in our cliurches ; to remain in them and onr law- courts bareheaded, and generally to submit to the customs and observances of our country: and tliey expect the same of us. We are guests on any soil but our own ; and it is ill-manners to set yourself up as a judge of your host's etiquette and regulations. Much of our ill-mainiers in former days may, I hope, be set down to the score of ignorance ; but it is pretty widely known noAv that they don't like to see people walk arm-in-arm in a church, or turning their backs u})on the high altar ; and they are somewhat indig- nant, in the smaller towns especially, if you do not uncover as a religious procession passes. As Ave know these things, it is a pity tliat our evil repute has not been long ago erased fi'om the minds of our conti- nental neighbom-s. " Every mickle makes a muckle." In a year's tour you may do not a little to aid in removing this o})pro- brimn. It is in reference especially to our disregard of the feelings and ideas of others that the connnon French expression has be- come stereotyped, — "C'est un Anglais; que voulez-vous ?" II. ON THE STUDY OF LA.NGUAGE. "V"OU ask me whether there is any principle -^ on which a lancruase is to be studied. And I must own to not a little astonishment at having had the question put to me not by you merely, but by men many }'ears your seniors ; because I can't for the life of me conceive how Latin (for instance) is to be taught at all, except on principle. I Avill explain my meaning more clearly by illustration. Not long since an excellent mathematical scholar told me that he had been obhged (much against his washes) to give up Latin and Greek ever since he was fifteen years of age, as he could make nothing of them at all ; he much regretted his inabilit}^ to learn a language grammatically, because (independently of the sources of information from which he was thus debarred) when in Lidia it was of importance to him to know more than one of the native languages tho- rouglily, but he never could get beyond the little that his ear taught him — a certain con- ON THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE. I 7 versational fluency, but not one word could he ever learn to write correctly. On iiu|iiiry as to wherein his difficulty consisted, he told nic that it arose from no defect of memory ; he could easily recollect the meanings of the words in a Latin sen- tence, but ho never could get them into con- tinuous sense without more toil than the results were worth — " le jeu ne vaudrait pas la chandelle" — for, after all, the result was but guess-work. He used, he assm'ed me (and his i)lan must seem to any scholar highly ingenious), to work out a sentence on the mathematical rule for permutations and combinations : so many changes of the words were possible — all possible ones must be tried, and the most likely one adopted. Now, I quite believe tliis to be only an exaggerated forjn of the difficulties met with by so main' in the study of Latin and Greek, for want of having the first principles of those languages placed be- fore them. On going closer into the matter with my mathematical friend, he explained his position more clearly by taking a A^irgil and opening it at haphazard; we lighted on " Res dura et regni novitas me talia cogunt Moliri. et late lines custode tueri." I 8 OX THE STUDY OF LAXGUAGE. Wliicli he considered to mean "lie was com- pelled by the novelty of the state of affairs to commit many cruel actions, and sentinels protected his wide domains ;" which, you will see, conveys an idea of the meaning of the passage, but as a grammatical transla- tion was wrong in every particular. I saw at a glance that he had not an idea of the fu'st principles on which the Latin language is based. Now, all the languages with which you are at all likely to have to do — that is to say, the two great languages of the ancient, and two or three of the modern world — are based each on one of two principles, or on a mixture of the two. There is really a A'cry broad gulf fixed between the ancient and modern languages : it is simply this, they inflected their substantives, adjectives, and verbs ; and we, as a rule, do not. Of all the great modern lano;uao-es the German in- fleets most, and the English least. I will make this distinction, this great gtdf of separation, clearer by continuing our conversation relative to these same two lines chosen by the sortes Virgiliance. Where, I asked, in yom* translation do you get all your small words from — ' he,' ' was,' ' by,' I ON THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE. 1 9 'to,' 'of,' the plural formations ' sentinel^,' ' domain.s' ? — 0, all these must l)0 supplied, as they have none of them in Latin. — But, excuse me, they have every one of them as rigidly and exactly as we- have. — Where? I can't see any. — AVill you be good enough to tell me the meaning of each word, one by one? — Certainly: ' res' means a ' thing, event :' 'dura' means 'hard;' 'regni' means a 'king- dom;' 'novitas,' 'novelty;' 'talia,' 'such;" ' cogunt,' ' compel.' — Pardon me, you have not given the meaning of any single word right ; you have translated oidy a part of each word. The Latin word for ' event' is not ' res,' but ' re ;" for 'hard' is not ' dura,' but ' dur ;' for ' king- dom' is ' regn ;' for ' compel' is ' cog.' You smile at this, but I am not joking ; they are simple facts that I am stating. And now, if you want to express the word ' event' in the nominative case singular, you say ' res,' you affix an 's;' if you want to annex to 'dur,' ' hard,' the idea of a nominative singular feminine, you affix an ' a ;' if you want to say ' of a kingdom,' instead of placing ' of in front, as all the foreign languages exce})t German do, you affix an ' i' to ' regn ;' in fact, ' i' means ' of;' it is no capricious ter- mination ; in this declension it can mean no- 20 OX THE STUDY OF LANGFAGE. tiling else in tlie singular. Here tlie nomi- native of the Latin word ' novelty' is needed; in more grammatical language you want to employ ' novelty' as the subject of the sen- tence, so ' as' is added to ' novit ;' so ' talia' is not ' such,' but ' such things,' — not ' such men or women,' nor 'by' nor ' with' nor ' from' nor ' of nor ' to such things,' but simply ' such things,' nominative or accusative ; so 'cogunt' is not ' compel,' that is not enough, but ' they are compelling,' or ' they compel ;' ' cog' equals ' compel,' ' unt' equals 'they.' This is the principle, the very opposite of our mo- dren languages' principle, and it is carried out to a much greater extent in Greek than in Latin. Once master this idea ; look care- fidly for all the small words in the right place, namely at the end of the root- words, and I wall venture to assert that, with your mathematical memory, you will not be long before you read Latin nearly as easily as you read the Times. — But would you teach lan- guages that way? — Undoubtedly, as soon as the rudiments of the grammar are mastered : you must know the Latin ' of,' and ' by,' and ' from' first, directly you see them. How would you learn English if you were told that the little words did not sio-nifv ; ON THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE. 21 or French, if tlio ' do' and ' a' and ' du,' &c. meant any thing or nothing? You Avill find instead that sometimes in the chissi- cid languages more is expressed than our more chimsy form of speech can cope with ; us with that curious tense, the Greek aorist, which is, as its name tells us, of no time at all. And though the i)]an 1 have suggested may not be as amusing as guess -work at fii'st, yet its unerring accuracy will soon more than compensate for the absence of tlie excitement of permiitations and combi- natior.s. Listen now ; I Avill decline you a word ; the root is ' domin,' found in Latin in 'dominari,' to rule; 'dominatio,' a ruling; ' dominus,' a master; found in English in dominion, domineer, dominant. But with us, unfortunately, when we have taken the root, and formed a substantive, or verb, or adjective from it, we can do no more : then they are fixed for ever in one form, with only the slight iuHoction of the plural in the substantive, ami in the verb the disused se- cond person, domineerest, the ])articij)les ac- tive and passive. Now, if a Roman Avanted to express the idea that ' h)rd' was the sub- ject of the sentence, he made that unmis- takable bv adding ' us' to the root ; if he 2 2 ON THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE. Avantecl to express ' the property of tlie lord,' he said ' the property the lord-of,' or ' res domini ;' putting the ' of after the word it ([uahfies, instead of before it, and inserting the ' of in the place of ' us,' which was not wanted any longer, as the word ' lord' had ceased to be the subject. And he dealt ex- actly in the same way with the adjective ; so exactly, that the declension of substantives once well learned, the adjectives follow natu- rall}\ So with the verb : we say ' I rule ;' the Roman instead said with much more terseness 'rule-I,' 'dominor;' instead of 'we rule,' ' rule-we,' ' dominamm*.' But the powers of inflection ranged far beyond this : we have now to call in the aid of various clumsy auxiliaries ; the Romans did this but seldom ; the Greeks hardly ever. To express the simple notion of the in:iperfect we must introduce ' was,' and turn the verb into the participle : ' I Avas ruling,' in Latin ' rul-ing- was-I,' ' dominabar ;' and ffir beyond this again, ' a-man-likely-to-rule' is in Latin one word, ' dominaturus.' I was surprised, I must own, to think that a manifestly industrious man should never have had this simple and self-evident princi})lc made clear to him. For I am sure I ON THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE. 23 tliat half a year's hard study of Latin on this principle would have opened to him tlie stores of ancient literature, ■which he so much de- sired to read in their origmal language. You will understand, of course, that I have spoken of tiie simple sentence, or of separate clauses in a compound sentence : but very little more knowledge is required to enable you to analyse a compound sen- tence ; hardly more than is contained in the simple rule that you must not on any con- sideration put the cart before the horse — that is to say, the relative before its antecedent, or the dependent and helpless subjunctive before the independent and autocratic indi- cative. III. ON ENTERING THE ARMY. T T has been the frequent remark of foreign- ers, after viewing — not without a little secret envy, perhaps — our superlatively per- fect collections of zoology and botany at the Hegent's Park and at Kew, that it would be very much to our discredit not to possess such collections, considering our opportuni- ties — considering that England stretches out her arms over every sea, and has carved out for herself some of the finest slices of every continent. The argument, which is unan- swerable, may be applied with equal truth to certain points in connection with the gallant profession you have just joined. In two respects you have, as a young man, unrivalled oj)portunities over any equal of yours joining any other profession what- ever. The first is time ; the second, travel. Take the case of the ordinary professional man, whether barrister, town-clergyman, so- ox ENTERING THE AintY. 25 licitnr, moreliaiit, Ijankcr, niodical man, — yon will find their a\'('rago of Avork from seven to nine hours a day; yours (after the first few months' drill) is not, I think, under- stated at about three hours. Now, I want you elearly to realise this fact to yourself, that you may at least enter upon yo\ir pro- I'cssion with a knowledij;c of the advautao;es you have in it. Secondly, as regards travi;! : it would bo simply foolish to compare or rather contrast your opportunities w'ith those of any other professional man ; with them a six w^eeks' tour in Europe is ginierally the extent of their loosest tether. There are but two other professions to compare with yours in this respect, the English navy and foreign mili- tary service. i\ji English naval officer has certainly the richest opportunities of any man of " seeing tlie world ;" but there is this counter-bal- ancing disadvantage — liis view must ne- cessarily be a ])artial and in some respects a superficial one; he cannot be long al)sent from his ship, and must consequently con- fine his sicrht-secino; to the outside shell of the countries he visits. How many naval officers one meets who have been their four 26 ox ENTERING THE ARMY. years on the Mediterranean station, but have had ilo opportunities of visiting Venice, Flo- rence, or even Rome ; not to name Damascus, Cairo, or Jerusalem. Of the five great Em'opean armies, two, the Prussian and the Italian, are confined within the limits of their own countries — within hearing of their omii language ; and therefore the only advantage of travel that their officers can gain through their profes- sion is a knowledge of their respective coun- tries. The Austrian officer is liable to serve from Venetia in the west to Transylvania in the east : but if he is an Austrian, he is re- garded as an alien oppressor in both coun- tries ; if he is of either province, as the oppressor of the other ; in any case 20° of longitude bomid the extent of his military horizon. The great mass of French officers never leave la belle France ; in Algeria a comparatively small fraction has had an ex- cellent school for irregular warfare ; beyond Algeria, the French possessions are trifling, and their military occupation not worth mentionincr. The Russian officer alone is at all on a par with the English in his opportunities for seeing the world ; but with all the vastness of Russia, there is ON ENTERING THE ARMY. 27 hardly that variety of scenery, climate, and natural products which the English terri- tories afford ; and from the great tedious- ness and expense of moving large bodies of troops through whole continents devoid of railways, a Russian officer probably docs not in a lono* lifetime traverse one half of the surface of the globe, that many an English subaltern has seen before he gets his company. A nation which occupies military stations from Montreal to Hong- Kong, and from Inverness to Auckland — whose troops liave within the last few years taken Dellii, Lucknow, and Pekin — ought to possess a body of officers whose large ac- quaintance with geography, natural historj', and foreign countries generally, should have a perceptible influence upon the knowledge and the thought of modern English society. You will have, after allowing a large margin for amusements, some hours at least a day which you can, if you will, de- vote to something of more worth than the inevitable billiards or the irrepressible whist: not that I undervalue the skill required for either, especially the latter, game ; but they should be amusements {a musis), a turning aside from more serious studies. What 28 ON ENTERING THE ARMY. those more serious studies should be is de- cided primarily by your choice of a profes- siou ; you arc bound in honour to master tliat profession botli in its principles and details. It may be ever so true that the chances are against your ever needing that knowledge in the field ; but remember that tlie same shallow argument would abolish your profession altogether. This is, I know, one of the two poor arguments usually brought forward by a young officer against making a study of his profession ; the other is as baseless, that a general, like a poet, "nascitur, non fit." Let us examine each in turn. The very existence of an army is based on a contingency, at least with us : with some foreign armies, unhappily, the first ob- ject of an army is to overawe their own peo- ple ; with us the one sole object is to meet the contingency of foreign war. You are therefore bound in honour to the Queen and countiy you serve to be in as highly effective a condition as possible to meet the one contin- gency for which you exist, whenever it may arise. When that great man and true sol- dier. Sir Charles J. Napier, was making his oriiiinal comments for his own insti'uction ON ENTERING THE ARMY. 29 upon all tliiuojs military, from Alexander and Hannibal to Marshal Saxe and Nai)()lcon, what chance do you suppose he thought he had of ever bringing that knowledge to the test of actual warfare? He tells us in his diary more than once that he thought then he had none. And yet his masterly campaigns in Scinde — campaigns equally memorable for the genius with which they were planned and the vigour with which they were carried out — were the undouljted results of his military thought and studies of more than thii'ty years previously. liis ori- (jinal and most efficient schemes for camel and baggage corps, his exact appreciation of all the duties and difficulties of the jirivates, were the fruit of studies in the " piping days of peace," — peace which all men reasonably expected to last for at least the next half- century. In fact, the occurrence of war is always a matter of the greatest uncertainty ; we live in a mist until the thunder-cloud bursts upon us. The first great Exhibition was to have inaugurated ^' a term of uni- versal peace ;" and the re])ly to this amiable ])r()phecy was first the Indian mutiny, then the Crimean, and thirdly the Italian, war, and last and o'reatest, the American ci\ il 30 ON ENTERING THE ARMY. ■war. Depentl upon it, tlieii, tliat on tlio soberest principles of reason, as well as on tlie higher grounds of honour, a soldier is bound so to live in peace that war may never find him unprepared. Tlie other argument, derived from a dis- tortion of the truth about heaven-sent genius, is, I am afraid, often a merely specious cloak for idleness. For, first, we are not speak- ing of genius at all, but of a perfect and , most efficient knowledge of your profession. Apply the argument to other professions, — does the barrister, or the civil engineer, or the physician refuse to study because he feels his industry chilled in the shade of such great names as Mansfield, Stephenson, or Jenncr ? When you know more intimately the lives of great men, you will sec that their greatness was mainly the result of their in- cessant study of their professions, acting upon a capacious memory and a well -disciplined reason. It is not a little singular to see how actions which appear to the uninformed to be great strokes of genius are really (often confessedly) nothing but a rapid exercise of memory. You know how serious was the disparity of numbers and guns between us and the ON ENTERING THE ARMY. 3 I French at the battle of the Xilo ; you know, too, how greatly Nelson's stroke of genius was admired by Avhicli lie placed his ships inside the French, between them and the shoal-water, arguing that- ''where a largo French sliij) could swing, a smaller English one could float ;" how he thus attacked his enemies on their unprepared quarter, since tliey had not their guns in working order tliat were pointed towards the shoal. It was undeniably a master-stroke ; but that it was not the inspiration of the moment we have the best authority for believing, namely, Nelson's own : he told his captains that " he rememhered to have heard Lord Hood sug- jrest such an attack under similar circum- stances." Not many years ago, one of the most acute of our lawyers, then chief-justice, was trying a gang of sharpers who had plucked some silly }'oung fellow of all his feathers in a railroad earriao;e at various games of cards. A ])aek of cards found in the possession of these worthies was produced during the trial, accompanied by a certificate from the Lon- don detectives, stating that they had exa- mined the pack, and found it an honest one. The chief-justice took the pack, looked at 32 ON ENTEBING THE AEMY. it carefully for a minute or two, wliile tlie trial was going on, and laid it down. When he came to charge the jury, they were not a little astonished by his taking up the cards and assuring them that they xcere a sharper's pack, though both the detectives and the prosecutor's counsel had tailed to discover the fact. The prisoners visibly shuddered at the bar ; their last lio]ie was gone, as the judge assured the ju]y he would instantly name any card they liked to draw : he then called their attention to their flowery backs, and pointed out a quiet demure-looking little flower in one corner with dots for petals, which dots he showed them varied in num- ber and position according to the A-alue of the card. On being asked afterwards how he had detected so clever a fraud, the judge simply replied that "he roaembered it; he had seen something of the kind many years before." You will by these instances learn to appreciate the great force and worth of memory ; and pray o'cmemher this, that me- mory is of all mental powers the one most capable of improvement by cultivation ; like good steel, it will bear any amount of work and grinding. You will now admit that I have o-iven ON ENTERING THE ARMY. 33 you some good reasons for making a study of your profession. I will in my next letter suggest what subjects you can and ought to study. D IV. ON ENTERING THE ARMY. HE study and mastery of one's profes- sion is, you assure me, a very different matter in the army to what it is in any other hne of life : that elsewhere industry almost certainly brings success, whereas in the army success is very doubtful indeed, depending upon many other conditions besides merit. I do not deny the general truth of your ar- gument ; but let me remind you that success is not the only object in life ; let me again urge you to study on the plea of duty, be- cause it will make you a more efficient sol- dier than an ill-read and unscientific man can be ; and last (but not least) because it will supply healthy occupation for the mind, which otherwise is almost certain to betake itself to unhealthy occupation. Perhaps the greatest drawback in the army, as a profession, for a young officer, is the small amount of time demanded for his regidar duties, and the slight amount of study ON ENTEEING THE AmZY. 3 5 requisite to seciu'c his promotion. By study I don't mean mere l:)Ook-Avork, far from it : "vvhat I mean I will explain by an example, and will say that a young barrister who had no more knowledge of how to conduct a de- fence than many a young officer I have heard of has of light-infantry manoeuvres, would soon find his promotion more than problem- atical. The only corrective to this ignorance is a keen conviction in the mind of an officer that it is a matter of duty to understand his business as well as he would do if his daily bread depended on it. As regards the subjects of study over and above the practical details of his regimental duties, an officer has this immense advantage over the members of any other profession, that there is hardly one subject in science or literature that does not bear directly on the art of war. I do not deny that able men in all professions do to their great mental profit keep pace (to a certain extent) Avith the discove- ries and great intellectual efforts of the time ; but such study is midertaken rather for relax- ation from the severity of their professional duties, and can influence and extend their professional knowledge very indu-ectly; but in your case all your study will bear directly S6 OS ENTERING THE ARMY. upon the one great point, how to become an abler officer. In literature, take for instance military history and biography ; there has not been in modern times a single great com- mander who has not largely profited by the experience of those who have gone before him ; by a knowledge of their knowledge, their abilities, their successes, ay and their errors too ; for, after all, war is but a repe- tition of the same game, with slightly differ- ent pieces : mountain ranges will have to be _ passed, rivers to be crossed, combinations to be effected, commissariat to be supplied, the enemy to be outwitted or overwhelmed, to the end of time. And nov/ consider what advantages a general possesses who carries about with him, ready for instant use, a per- fect knowledge of how all these and more have been effected by able men before him. You can hardly conceive any position in wliich an officer in command of troops can be placed which has not been already de- scribed in the biographies of eminent soldiers: war carried on against civilised or barbarous nations in every Idnd of country and chm- ate, with or without allies, allies more or less untrustworthy ; a position with an army well or ill supported by the government at II ON ENTEEING THE AEMY. 37 home, in a coimtiy liostile or friendly, with troops your own countrymen or foreigners, with troops more or less mutinous, on the march or in transports, with sickness or ship- wreck to contend against, with siclaiess on the march, from cholera in Lidia to frozen limbs in Canada, with bad barrack accom- modation and consequent sickness and ill- feehng amongst the men ; all these and many more contingencies of the same natm'e you will find fully recorded in the annals of mi- litary histories ; and, depend upon it, the knowledo-e of how others have met similar difficulties will be most serviceable to any officer, whether general or subaltern, when he is himself similarly situated. Much, too, may be learnt from the his- tory of disasters clearly and honestly told. If you would learn how not to carry on a campaign, read the expedition to the Isle of Ehe in Charles I.'s time, or General Biu- goyne's disastrous campaign in the American war, or (worse than all) the Walcheren ex- pedition. Your greatest difficulty will be in choice of subject, you are met by an emharras de richesses ; as regards military history the old adage of "non multa sed midtuni" is as true as it is in the masterv of all rudi- 38 ox ENTEllING THE AEMY. meiitary knowledge : begin first with a cam- paign in Napier's Penmsular War, and mas- ter it by frequent reading, with a good map at jour side, so that you could tell the whole of it to a friend as accurately as if you had been engaged in it yourself: you will find also the study of Napier's criticisms at the end of each grand movement an exceUeut model to form your own upon. I suppose there is no man who reads at all who does not delight in history and bio- graiDhy ; other branches of study are far less generally popular; some men cannot with- out the greatest — and therefore the most useless — toil master a languao-e ancient or modern ; others again find themselves re- pulsed at their first attempt to scale the heights of science ; but all minds ahke, whe- ther by nature literary or scientific, meet on the common ground of history, which of all branches of knowledge is happily the one most profitable for a soldier : it is a study about which a soldier can make no mistake ; he may carry his science, or rather be run away with it, for all practical purposes, too far ; but you can never know too much of the principles upon which men in other days and countries have achieved success, re- il ON ENTERING THE AKSIY. 39 deemed losses, or sustained defeat. It is a study, too, wliicli can be carried out any where ; books are now liappily almost uni- versal, and history needs no professor or moonslice at youi* side to. smooth over diffi- culties and correct mistakes ; all your requi- sites for any amount of study are the book itself, a good map, and a note-book to make yoiu' own comments in. But supposing that your natural bent of mind is towards science, you will find that there is not one branch of science from the root — namely, pure mathematics — upwards, which will not return a rich harvest to the soldier-student. Surveying, road - making, fortification, architecture, are all foimdcd upon the basis of mathematics. I know a young officer, who after with great difficulty weathering the gale of the army examination, has been of the greatest service to his regi- ment in India by his practical knoAvledge of draining, building, &c., and thus restoring health and quieting panic in barracks situ- ated — as I am told they often are in India — in the most unhealthy localities. Which fact reminds me that that branch of science which the French call h)/gitne is a most im- portant study for an officer who has to com- 40 ON ENTERING THE ARMY. niancl men in countries where, as in Canada, the thermometer sinks to 30° below zero, and India, where it rises to 150°; and has to do his best to preserve his own and his men's health under either extreme of temperature. A knowledge of the main facts of physiology — which I daresay you know is only a long word for a man's domestic eco- nomy — useful for all, is doubly important for one who is intrusted with the health of a number of men as stupid and perverse about the preservation of their health as English soldiers seem to be in all and esj^e- cially in hot climates. " Prevention is better than cure," says the old proverb ; but really in a hot climate there is no comparison be- tween them at all : by wisdom and firmness you may prevent disease, where a cure is simply hopeless and luilooked for. Now you are almost certain to be sent before long to India : there was some excuse in former days for a young officer's arriving there a " Grif- fin," raw and inexperienced, ignorant of how to meet the exigencies of the climate, unable to adapt himself to the circumstances of life so different to those at home. There is no excuse now ; you may, by a little carefid reading, not about " India" generally (as ON ENTEEING THE ARMY. 41 people loosely talk), but about that country in it where you will be quartered, — you may know exactly the whole life there before you have set foot on its soil : and a very slight knowledge of your own domestic economy will convince you that if you are not tem- perate, especially in the matter of spirits, you will quickly manufactm-e m p/'oprm 'persona that great delicacy which has long immortahsed the ancient city of Strasburg. In the East, Avhich is now the best, al- most the only field for distinction open to a young officer, the passports to distinction are languages and applied mathematics. Of the value of the latter I have just spoken : many who can't master mathematics often possess a singular facility for acquiring languages, and for these you have in India " ample field and verge enough." Nor can the labour be very great, when you hear a language spoken con- stantly about you. An Englishman of aver- age intelligence Avill by residing in a Ger- man family in Germany soon acquire a very considerable knowledge of their language ; and the same principle of teaching must hold good Avith all languages : when your servants, cab-di'ivers, shopmen, all places of public amusement, the very beggars, are 42 ON ENTERING THE ARMY. your teachers, a man must be very dense or very careless, wlio does not, even with but little labom', soon gain a general acquaint- ance with the spoken language, and with labour acquire a ^^erfect command of it. Nor is Charles V.'s well-known saying about lan- guages at all obsolete yet. Considering how widely, our army is scat- tered over the earth's surface, and what va- rieties of scenes it meets, it is very surprising that the study of drawing should be so ne- glected as it is in the education of boys intended for the army. For cU'awing is not merely a most useful servant to a soldier, but a very amusing companion. I have mentioned in another letter the advantag-es of a laiowledge of it, and the principles on which it can so easily and so truly be studied. I will only add now that an officer in an or- dinary marching regiment coidd, after a few years' foreign service, bring home a richer collection of drawings and paintings than any but the wealthiest traveller could amass : indeed it rarely happens that very wealthy men can spare the time which a tour in India, China, or Australia demands, and none but the wealthy can endm-e the ex- penses of so long a journey. You get your ON ENTERING THE ARMY. 43 joiimey-money free, and can get plenty of time at your disposal as well. I have heard also of the large London printsellers paying officers very highly for good views and S})irited sketches in foreign parts ; but, independent of the money-question, you will find yourself amply repaid for your labour by a portfolio of the pleasantest souvenirs one can bring back from distant lands. It is a mere truism to add that a correct eye and a clever hand for draughtmanship have many a time pointed out a young officer to his general for employment and promotion, and that few claims are better established. Let me, however, add this warning, based on com])laints I have heard made by com- manding officers, that a showy and super- ficial sketch is always worthless and often mischievous ; it is the report of a scout who foro;ets a good deal of his intcllio;ence and exaggerates the rest. You can't be too ac- curate in your drawing. This complaint of the inaccm'acy of young officers' drawings is duo no doubt to the shallow system on which drawing is generally taught. Once master Iluskin's " stone out of the road," get its shape exactly, mark all its spots cor- rectly, round all its little projections, and 44 ON ENTERING THE AEMY. sink all its concavities rigidly, and after prac- tice of this natm^e you need not fear tlie im- putation of making a picture equally pretty and valueless. So all - important indeed is accm-acy in military matters, that photo- graphy will eventually suj)plant most hand- drawing on the field, wherever it is possible to get a small camera, which is almost every where ; and if you can acquire half the skill in the use of the camera that many amateurs now possess, you will find there another great resoiu'ce of personal amusement and profes- sional utility. I remember going a good many years ago to see a travelling circus in company with a young surgeon. We saw the usual exhibition of well-trained horses and men displaying an almost incredible activity and suppleness of body. " Ah ! shouldn't I like to have the dissecting of one of those fel- lows !" was the rather sanguinary remark of my companion. Very 2)rofessional, you will think, but very natural : to the rest of us the show had been one of skill and dexterity; while he had seen nerves strained and mus- cles elastic to tlieir uttermost far below the mere surface, to which our unscientific view was Hmited. ON ENTERING THE ARMY. 45 TJiis I believe is the spirit in Avliich an officer determined to tlioroiiglilj master liis j)rofcssion views every ])lacc he sees. Many spots will awake a twofold interest, that of past military history as well as of future military contingencies. Li Canada and India, our two most important military occupations, there is hardly a place of note that is not sacred ground to a true soldier. Whatever we hold in cither we have fought and fought well for : our supremacy in both countries has more than once trembled in tlae balance ; and in considering the history of that supremacy do not for a moment estimate a commander by the size of the army he commands. Tlie Walchereu expedition consisted of 40,000 men, it was conducted with infatuated stu- pidity and ended in humiliating discomfitm'e ; while Wolfe carried the heights of Abraham witli 3600 men : with 1000 English and 2000 sepoys Clive scattered 50,000 of the enemy at Plassy to the winds ; Avhile Modre — greater than either — turned at bay, and con- quered with less than 16,000 men, exliausted with weeks of forced marches over bad roads, with scanty food and in miserable weather, dispirited with the consciousness of retreat, but inflexibly supported by the loyal beHef 46 ON ENTEEING THE ARMY. that their general's ability was equal to any emergency. Tlie sequel of this glorious story proved how truly soldiers can gauge the merits of their commanders, and that no combination of untoward circumstances can crush British soldiers led by a general they can trust. There is, as I said, a double interest to the soldier in travel, arising from the sight of places immortalised by his comrades' vic- tories, and attractive from the interest they excite as places of military importance. Charles Napier could not, when travelling through the Continent, visit Ceneva without estimating the value of the Swiss militia ; or walk up the Simplon without observing the gentleness of the gradient ; or survey Milan without commenting, like a soldier, on the Austrian military arrangements, and hke a statesman on the injustice and unnaturalness of their position. In fact, the advantages that you possess in combining foreign travel with private study are simply incredible. No good historian will nowadays think of describing a battle or a siege, or any great mihtary operation, without first visiting the ground. Macaulay notoriously did so. But there are many scenes that no ci^dlian his- A ON ENTERING THE AEMY. 47 rian could visit. How can an orclinaiy stu- dent visit Assayc, Scringapatam, or Bhurt- poor ? You have every advantage in this respect ; don't neglect them. Add to this the fact that the man who studies a battle carefully from the best sources of informa- tion may know its events more correctly than officers who were actually present, being limited (as a man must necessarily be) to one part of the field at a time, and, if a regi- mental officer, to one part of the field alto- gether. This rather improbal)le fact is curi- ously pro^'ed by an anecdote in the life of the great German historian Niebulir : he was one day discussing with some friends the details of the great defeat of the Prussians at Jena ; the battle, you will recollect, which laid Prussia at the feet of the French Em- peror. Two officers were present who had been engaged in different parts of the field ; both flatly contradicted the historian as re- gards some movement Avliich he asserted had taken place at a certain time ; a statement based, if I remember right, upon the forma- tion of the ground on the field. Si)lendid as was Niebulu''s historical knowledge, his geographical was more marvellous still, and both were here called into court at once. An 48 ON ENTERING THE AKMY. arbiter must be appointed. Would the dis- putants submit to the decision of the mihtary archives at the Berhn Avar-office ? Tlie offi- cers — how could they otherwise ? — consented most readily. Notes were made by third parties of the points in dispute, the Prussian records of the battle consulted, and their evidence was decisive in favour of the histo- rian. Tlie officers had viewed the scene with eyesight limited in scope and half-blinded with the smoke of musketry and artillery. The historian surveyed the field with aU the aid that could be supplied by many eye-wit- nesses of the struggle at various points, by general orders, despatches, adjutant-generals' and quarter-master-generals' returns ; in a word, he had amassed that knowledge for his own personal infonnation, which you will I trust amass of many a great battle to en- able you to become a first-rate officer. I have spoken mostly hitherto of the knowledge to be gained from books. As my evidence on books may appear partial, hear what an old officer. Sir C Napier, writes to a young officer — the warrior of forty-five years' hard service to an ensign : " Whether a regiment be in good or bad order, it ought not to affect a young man of I ON ENTERING THE ARMY. 49 sense, because hj reading professional books you will discover what is faulty in }-our corps, if faults there are ; you Avill then learu how things ought to be, and will by daily observation sec how they are. Tims you can form yom* comparisons, which will in time teach you your profession. I hope your regiment is in good order ; but if not, take care that your company or section is, when you are intrusted with one. Keep up all knowledge that you have gained, and gain as much more as you can. U>/ reading^ you will be distinguished ; without it, abilities are of little use. A man may talk and write, but he cannot learn his profession without constant study to prepare, especially for the higher ranks, because he then wants the knowledge and experience of others im- proved by his own. But ivhen in a j^ost of responsibillti/ he has no time to read; and if he comes to such a post with an empty skull, it is too late to fill it, and he makes no figure Thus many people fail to distinguish them- selves, and say they are unfortimate, which is imtrue : their 0'.Aai previous idleness un- fitted them to profit from fortune. The smith who has to look for his hammer when the iron is red strikes too late : the hammer 5° ON ENTEEING THE AEMY. should be uplifted to fall like a thunderbolt while the white heat is in the metal. Thus will the forging prosper." And this, remem- ber, is the language of a man as original as he was well-read. ill I V. , TO A PUPIL ENTERING THE ARMY. T HAVE written at greater length con- -*- cerning tlie many lessons to be learned from books, because tliesc are, from some unaccountable reason, so distasteful to many young men nowadays; and yet think how unreasonable is your dislike. You Avould sit and listen by the houi* together to the J)uko of Wellington or the Napiers, or any great soldier recounting the narrative of his cam- paigns ; and Avhat else are their despatches, or diaries, or biographies, but conversations or lectures, lacldng indeed all the life of personal narration, but even superior in ac- curacy and carefulness and fulness of nar- rative ? There is, hoAvever, a large class of sub- jects where study and experiment must go hand in hand — such as chemistry, all the applied mathematics, and the physical sci- ences, and one other study of the deepest importance to a young officer ; it is certainly 52 TO A PUPIL ENTEEING THE AEMY. a dull one, but to every officer and soldier of tlio greatest moment, and can happily be studied, not only in books, but also by actual observation and experience. I have spoken of all studies, except history, as more or less useful: history is no doubt essential to an officer. You may or may not be a linguist, di'aughtsman, mechanician, chemist, or en- gineer. So much the better if you are any or all of these ; but remember, a judge you must be. You will ao;ain and again be called on to decide on questions affecting the liberty, the honour, and perhaps the life of your fellow-soldiers. Now I am sure you are far too kind and high-principled not to wish to do your very best when on a court- martial ; and I am equally sure that the thought that you had voted an unjust sen- tence woidd cause you bitter regret, and perhaps lasting remorse. But don't think that kind-heartedness and high principle can teach you how to weigh and estimate evi- dence : study and experience will alone do that. Apropos of study versus good inten- tions, there is an amusing anecdote of Simeon, the leader of the Low -Church party at Cambridge for many years. How a yomig clergyman who belonged to his TO A rUPIL ENTERING THE AlUZY. 53 school came to visit liim after a year's ex- perience of parish- work, lamenting his great deficiencies as an extempore preacher, re- comiting what trash he uttered, if he did not break down altogether ; concluding liis con- fession with the remark, " I suppose, sir, it is the want of faith that makes me so miser- able a preacher?" "Not in the least, my dear young friend.; justification comes by faith, but extempore j)reaching comes by works." I remember to have read somewhere a detailed account of the court-martial held ujwn Admiral Byng, which condemned him to death ; over whose remains his relations erected a monument — still extant — informing posterity that the government of that day had judicially mmxlered him. I well re- collect the impression of intense remorse conveyed to my mind by the language used by more than one of the officers who had condemned him on the court-martial, and had sentenced him to death — not the least expecting that government woidd carry out the sentence ; but who discovered, when too late, to their horror and distress, that they must abide by their decision. Byno- was to be sacrificed to the clamom' of the 54 TO A PUPIL ENTERING THE ARMY. mob, through the instrumentality of their verdict. No poet could load a victim with heavier burden of remorse than this re- flection would be to any man of honour ; the sense of havino- killed a brother officer and branded his name and family unrighte- ously. Now the learning, or rather the ability, to be acquired to enable you to form a just judgment, is really not very great. It has nothing whatever to do with the quirks and technicalities of the law : it is simply to learn what evidence is; how far what you hear or read is trustworthy; how far im- probable, when it is wortliless ; also the weight of it, how very much is needed for a conviction even for a minor offence. Now you wiU be almost certainly quartered, soon after joining your depot, at or near an assize town. Attend the Crown Court regularly ; some one you laiow will get you, as an officer, a quiet and comfortable seat. Make notes mental, and, if you can, in pencil too, of the evidence ; and -paj particular attention to every word of the judge's charge to the jury, which comments on the evidence. He will point out where the evidence is contradictory — either that of I TO A PUPIL ENTERIXG THE AP.MY. 55 one witness with anotlier, or one Avitness with liimself ; he will notice what evidence is weak and irrelevant, and what is con- vincing and conclusive ; he will draw the attention of the jury to the real points at issue — often carefull}^ obscured hy the pri- soner's counsel (that is their duty), and to the evidence on which these main points turn. Tims you will get a series of lessons in weighing evidence from a man whose experience in these matters began probably before you were born, and has continued uninterruptedly improving ever since. Can any reasonable man doubt that if officers thus learned how to value evidence — to view it apart from all extraneous circumstances of what other people think, apart from any in- fluence of fear or favour ; with the judicial calmness which characterises our bench — can any man doubt that coui'ts-martial would stand much higlicr in public estimation than they do at present? Now, pray don't misunderstand my ex- act meaning. I know that courts-martial arc diftbrently constituted, have a different and, in some respects, simpler form of pro- cedure to our civil courts. But the objects of both ai'c identical — to o;ct at the truth, to 56 TO A PUPIL ENTEEING THE ARMY. punish the guihy, and acquit the innocent; and the means by which you obtain the knowledge to form a decision upon are identical — evidence written and oral ; and the principles on which that evidence is sifted must be, and notoriously are, the same. If, then, a young man has made up his mind to enter the army, the sooner he attends some of the assize com-ts and listens to the evidence there given, the better. It cannot be right or fair to the prisoner that his judge should take his first lessons in jurispriidcnce in his case, however trifling a one. The cases may be simple that first come before a young officer, but the light of natm'e never taught any man yet how to meet the manoeuvres of a practised liar, or discriminate between the nervousness of unpractised per- jury and that of an anxious temperament and natural timidity. Practice alone will give this power ; and if you are attentive to even a few criminal trials, you will be siu-prised to find how differently you begin to regard evidence ; how weak some appears on reflection, which at flrst seemed so con- vincing; how slight often a whole mass of evidence aj^pears, when you consider, as did an old lawyer more than two centuries ago, TO A rUPIL ENTERING THE ARMY. 57 " tliat two-hundred white rabbits don't make (tiio "wliito horse;" that any amount of ac- cumnlati\'0 evidence proving a man a mis- chievons demagogue generally, will not con- vict him of treason. Of all your studies let this be the first: to gain that knowledge, without which you cannot possibly do that Avhich you solemnly undertake, to judge justly and fairly. Happily, an occasional attendance at a trial is regarded as an amusement rather than as a hardship by most educated Englishmen. You will see that I have exliausted a good large list of subjects of study all directly connected with your profession. There arc other pui'suits which you wiU have ample opportunities of following up, which wiU not only supply both pleasure and interest at the time, but add consider- ably to our general stock of knowledge. The immense advance made of late years in the studies of geology, mineralogy, and meteorology, is due, in great measui-e, to amateur students. Discovery paid and or- ganised by government is ahvays an after- thought. You may, with three simple in- struments — the thermometer, the barometer, and the rain-gauge — add no insignificant 58 TO A PUPIL ENTEEING THE AEMY. item to the general knowledge of the laws of climate. With a hammer and onlj as much book - knowledge as a small hand- book will supply, you may, in distant countries, materially increase om- daily- enlarging stores of geological knowledge. Indeed, you may, when abroad, advance these sciences far more efnciently than much abler men can do at home. Chemistry and the mathematics may, spealdng generally, be studied in any civilised place ; but these studies must be, in the main, local ; and it is seldom, in the history of scientific dis- covery, that a Humboldt can devotfe whole years to travel, while an English soldier must travel far and wide. Natiu'al history, too, you may well advance both by rod and gun. Only lately we have been told that M. Agassiz has discovered already hundreds of fishes, hitherto unknown, in the Amazon alone. Englishmen are widely famous for the energy and pluck they show in hunting wild animals, and many a poor Hindoo vil- lager blesses the day when first a party of English officers pitched their tents near, and slew their ch'eaded tigers. This same hmating expedition might enrich a private natural-history collection at home, or add TO A PUPIL ENTERING THE AR^IY. 59 valuable specimens to your local museum, or even supply a deficiency in the already overladen shelves of our great national col- lection. A man must have some emplojTnent in the army» over and above his profession. Happily Englishmen have too superabmidant energies to spend hom'S making and smoking cigarettes, as a Spanish gentleman will do. Tliere is tliis fui'ther argument to encoui'age you to take up some study ; that if you don't, you are sure to take up with some mischie- vous amusement, or learn to idle and fritter away yom' time in a manner miworthy of any reasonable man. You know how constantly men have to leave the army from debt con- tracted entirely out of idleness and a silly recklessness either in gambling or horse- racing. Our gardens loill grow something: put in good seed, work and cultivate them, and you will have a plentiful return ; neglect them, and they won't remain passive, grow- ing neither good nor evil ; it only depends upon the natm'e of the soil what sort of weeds will flourish there : therefore, don't give them a chance ; fill up tlie ground — every inch of it — with whatever suits yoiu* turn of mind : first giving place to those 6o TO A PUPIL ENTERING THE ARMY. studies wliicli I have tried to show you it is your absolute duty to prosecute, and which alone can fit you for the higher ranks of the honourable profession you have chosen. To sum up, then, in few words, my pre- vious arguments. You have, in the vast ex- tent of the British territories, a wider range for general observation than any members of any other profession can have. You have, from the nature of your duties, an immense amomit of time at your disposal ; you are sure to misuse that time if you don't employ it well — there is no middle path. You have chosen a profession where the minimum of knowledge required by regulation is small, but that required to make a man a good officer is really considerable, and therefore you are bound in honour to acquire that knowledge. These studies are both interest- ing and very unrestricted, gi^^ng you so free an option that it is impossible that you should not have a taste for some. And, finally, your very amusement and observa- tions in foreign countries may be of the greatest service towards increasing the ge- neral stock of human knowledge, to which it is equally a pleasure and an honour to add, i TO A PUPIL ENTERING THE ARMY. 6 1 inasmuch as the experience of history teaches witli unvarying uniformity tliat whatever adds to the knowledge adds to the hapjiincss and the security of our race. We were bom to be the lords of created nature ; only ignorant nations are its slaves ; but this supremacy is only to be won and maintained by studying the laws of nature, by ever accumulating fresh stores of knoAvledge : and none have a grander or richer field to work than those whose duties call them to brave every climate, and watch over the interests of our fcllow- subjccts in every quarter of our globe. i VI. AN OUTLINE OF THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIER. TN tlie toughest and bloodiest of all liis -^ many battles, "the day he overcame the Nervii," Csesar tells us how he was com- pletely surprised by the enemy, and forced into a general engagement without having made the slightest jDreparation to meet the danger. Of his troops, some were at work with mattock, spade, and axe — true Roman weapons as much as spear or sword — forti- fying the camp ; some were scattered fur- ther a-field looking for materials for the chevaux-de-frise for the rampart ; some had not yet arrived on the field ; no scarlet flag, the signal for battle, was displayed, no bugle-calls sounded, no speech made to the soldiers, no watchword passed ; — and the Imperial historian adds, so short was the interval, and so rapid the enemy's assault, that most of this was lefb undone. Then what in the world saved his army from il THE LIFE OF C. J. NATIER. 63 being doubled up, eruslicd, and swept into space by the most ferocious and resolute of all the Gallic tribes ? Let Caesar's own words reply ; none can be terser or more • to the point: "his ditficultatibus diisc res erant subsidio, scientia atque usus mili- tum." Tlie two things which saved them were the soldiers' scientific and practical knowledge of war ; they understood the theory, and had already tested it in prac- tice ; they brought both to bear upon the crisis, and converted imminent ruin into a decisive victory. "Scientia atque usus" — there lies the key to all success in every profession ; in the army remarkably so. And I now pro- jjose to give you a sketch of the life of a soldier, whose brilliant career was, by his own admission — his o"s^ni boast rather — due to the honoui'able and persevering study of the art of war, and of all other branches of knoAvlcdge that woidd tlu'ow any light upon the main study of his life. And let me not be mistaken. I do not hold up Charles James Napier as a pattern man, or even as a perfect soldier : a soldier in a constitutional country at least ought to l)ossess more self-control, to show less con- 64 THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIER. tempt for the foolish opinions of those by whom he is surrounded and by whom he will, if he gives offence, be surely thwarted ; he must be less credulous, and far more pliant than this gallant officer ever was. Like the great hero of the Greeks, he too was " Impiger, iracimdus, inexorabilis, acer ;" Bold, passionate, unbending, vehement ; like him too, " Jura neget sibi nata, niliil non arroget armis."' He would recklessly disdain the ^' ignomi- nious tyrants" of the East, and be anxious to fight a duel with any one who criticised his conduct. But all this only made his seat a more difficidt one to retain ; his brilliant campaigns and wonderfully successful rule only shine more successfully out of clouds which would have totally eclipsed the light of any mind less vigorous or talented. Avoid his errors, if you can; the ardent pursuit of his profession you certainly can imitate, for the acquisition of laiowledge de- mands only industry and zeal. You can hardly start in your profession with less knowledge than the Napiers pos- sessed. It is certain that William, the great THE LIFE OF C. J. KAriER. 65 historian, the only military author of repute since Raleigh, could not spell when he joined the army. Charles had not apparentl}- had much education, but he had what is worth cart-loads of knowledge compulsorily attained — namely, zeal ; the knowledge was sure to follow. In some respects, no doubt, Charles Na- pier possessed a few singular ad^'antages ; but we must never forget how heavily these were comiterbalanced by the many enmities he managed, justly or unjustly, to collect ai'ound him in his official life. The outline of his early military career runs thus : gazetted at seventeen, he had eight years of uninterrupted peace before war broke out, the terrible Peninsular war — four of the bloodiest years of which he served through ; then a short inter-\al of peace ; then a brief campaign on the Ame- rican coast, followed by six years of un- broken peace and study, mitil he •^^^as ap- pointed to his post in the Ionian Islands, at tlie age of thirty-seven. Tlu'ice again in his life he appears in a public capacit}', and on each occasion with aclaiowledged success and honom'able distinction : as Commandant of the Northern Military Division in Eng- F 66 THE LIFE OE C. J. NAPIER. land, during the Chartist movements ; as Governor in Scinde: and as Commander-in- Chief in India. Now, you will observe that during the earlier years of his military career, years during which the character is formed, and the attainments acquired for life — say from seventeen, when he joined, to thirty-seven, when he received his first great command, — out of those twenty years about five were spent in active warfare. What became of the other fifteen ? Consummate as no doubt were his natu- ral talents for war, great as was the military knowledge — the scientia atque usus — he gained under so accomplished a king of men as Sir John Moore, it is not merely this military skill that astonishes a reader of his biogra])hy ; it is his vast acquaintance with a hundred other branches of knowledge, — civil-engineering, political organisation, in- sight into the political as well as the social characteristics of savage clans, sound and enlarged views on the subject of trade, a prescient judgment of its future course, civil government in all its branches and in every detail. Now none of this knowledge comes by nature ; the fifteen years of peace 1 THE LIFE OF C. J. XAPIER. 67 Tvliicli elapsed between the ages of seventeen and thirty -seven will, if examined, tell us very accurately whence all this varied in- formation and rich experience came ; he carried with him the wide experience of the best men who had gone before him, and arrived at each post to which he was sum- moned a practical administrator, requiring only to see and hear the data in each sepa- rate case. And wliile others would be rack- ing empty brains for heaven-sent ideas, he solved the various problems of government or command by the application of principles with which he had long been familiar. In fact, it was with him individually what was the case with Sir J. Moore's famous Light Division collectively : they were acknow- ledged as veterans the first day they went into battle in Spain ; so trained were they by constant practice — so inured to the strictest discipline — that whatever disasters befel other regiments, they seemed by some fatality exempt from aU ; and in the famous march to Corunna, though they covered the retreat, they lost less men than other regi- ments who had only to march without fight- ing. But Corunna was won at the camp at Shorncliffe, and Charles Napier's victories 68 THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIER. on the field ; and success in government was equally won in his studj, years before he held any higher command than that of a regiment. Of his studies previous to the outbreak of the Peninsular wai* we have not the full detail that we have of the later ones ; but one short notice of what he was at the age of twenty-foul- will accomit for much of his fu- ture success. "Amidst these men" (the offi- cers of the famous Light Division) "Charles Napier's strong character was soon noticed. Nothing di'ew him from his study; he never gambled, drank no wine, had but few inti- mates, was mostly absorbed in thought, and though ready for good-fellowship in all manly games, eschewed it in the mess-room." It ■ was now, if ever, that he enjoyed any of those " peculiar advantages" which idleness generally ascribes to those who have risen, and excuses itself by the absence of the same. Tlie peculiar advantages of Napier's life were these two, shared in common with many gallant men at that time ; the first of wliich may perhaps not be regarded as pe- culiarly advantageous by some young officers of to-day: firstly, his strict training in every branch of military duty under Sir J. Moore f I THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIER. 69 at ShomclifFe ; and secondly, the opportunity of testing this discipline and skill in the fiery furnace of Mar for the fom* next event- ful years of life. That he was already, at the age of twenty- seven, no mean critic of large military opera- tions, his strictures upon the Talavera cam- paign will prove : the justice of which the Duke admitted in after years; the excuse being that he was deceived by false infor- mation, and was compelled to advance on pohtical grounds alone. At the age of thirty-one Napier found himself in this position; he had seen fom*- teen years' service, had been terribly womidcd, engaged in four great battles, served also ac- tively on the American coast, risen by hard work alone through every grade up to Lieu- tenant-colonel ; and was now, by the sudden arrival of peace, reduced to half-pay — peace which gave every promise of being lasting, and which did last for the next forty years in Europe, broken only by the brief and sudden tempest of the one-hmidi-ed days. But Napier had made the army his pro- fession ; and just when those who had not so made it would have given up in despair, he recommenced those studies which made 70 THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIEE. Mm, a quarter of a ceutmy later, the fore- most soldier of his time. " Nil actum reputans dum quid superesset agendum," seems to have been his motto at this time ; and he sowed the seed from which he reaped, so many years later, so abundant a harvest. As to what those studies consisted in, let the heading of one chapter in his biography- speak for itself. I copy it word for word: " Exchange to the 50th Regiment — Mihtary College — Notes — War — Conquest — ^Alexan- der the Great — Hannibal — Order of Battle — Cavalry — Booty — Horses — ^Armour — Com- mand — Soldiers' Marriages — Dress — Bajx- gage — Freedom — Rienzi — Languages — Lawyers — Nations — Strange Dreams — Epi- grams." And, later stiU, we read in his Hfe that at the age of thirty -four, "w^ar was over, he was still on half-pay, and his futm'e was mipromising; yet his note-book shows that general literature, commerce, agricul- ture, civil-engineering, and building — es]De- cially structui'es for the poor — ^jaolitical eco- nomy, and international law, were subjects of study as well as war and government." It might be supposed that in so large a range of reading, of subjects so various and i THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIER. 7 1 SO dissimilar, details would be neglected ne- cessarily : but you will find very noticeable instances of the closest attention to very minute detiiils, such as the computation of saving a thousand horses in any army of fifty regiments, by copying the French model and having the officer's personal baggage carried amongst the men of his own company — one man carrying sliirts, another socks, »fcc. And yet this close examination of details is consis- tent with the clearest and widest generalisa- tion, as when he says, " If ever I command a cavalry regiment, I will never lose sight of tlu'ee things — rigid discipline for the body, fencing for the individual, a light load for the horse." This note he wrote at Bermuda at the age of thii'ty-oue ; and this was the forging of the bolt : the bolt was launched with deadly effect against some of our most miscliievous enemies in Scinde thirty years later, " when he organised ami taught the famous Scinde Light Horse, whose excellence became proverbial." There are too, and there must ever be, times in the life of a conmiandinir- officer when he will be called upon to act, and that promptly and with decision, and in cases too which may severely test his judgment, and 72 THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIER. demand the exercise of much tact and dis- cretion. Now, these difficidtics are just the points in life on which distinction or extinc- tion hinge : no wise man will wait for their arrival ; most of them, all perhaps, may be forestalled, and the mind may be so habituated to the examination of a few main principles, that all circumstances, however a2)parently various, must fall within the scope of one of them. If you have never studied the main- springs of character, you must clearly be unequal to decide upon questions demanding that knowledge for their solution : if you have, for instance, decided, with Charles Napier, that "change in itself is bad," you will avoid a common error of men in office, the issuing of frequent orders ; and as you issue but few, you will value them the more highly, and enforce them rigidly ; you wiU be astonished, when you think it over, to find how large an area a few main principles cover — not merely in your own, but in every profession in life. The three alone that Na- pier dwells upon, in the note headed " com- manding-officer," would avoid a thousand blunders : first, issue few orders ; second, see that every one you issue is exactly obeyed, letter and spirit; third, avoid the THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIER. 73 liabit of scolding, — punish severely, if ne- cessary, but don't scold. Now, what I want particularly to bring before you is the fact, that the acquisition of these principles of conduct are no less the fruit of study and quiet thought, than a knowledge of strategy, or a profound acquaintance with military liistory. Tliis was how the fifteen years of peace were passed ; and let his four commands testify to the harvest he reaped from them. Witness in Cephalonia, roads carried along precipices and over chasms, new harbom-s pro- jected, light-houses raised, public buildings erected, the mischievous old feudal authority crushed, reforms carried out in every de- partment, and the revenue largely increased. Witness in the Northern military district of England, his wise and humane dealiiig with the misguided men Avho sought to gain by civil war what is foirly attainable by honest ])()litical agitation; his inviting some of the Chartist leaders to the barracks, and showing them the mananiATes of a battery of horse- artillery, upon which they returned sadder and wiser men — advising moral and not physical-force Chartism for the future. Wit- ness in Scinde his two great victories aciainst 74 THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIEK. some of the bravest warriors in India, with odds of about fifteen to one against him ; his just and generous government of the con- quered nations ; the records of his active brain and far-reaching hand every where — baggage and camel corps organised; prin- ciples readily adopted with masterly versa- tility to meet the exigencies of climate or character ; witness the present mercantile greatness of Kurrachee, his favourite cliild, and the growing traffic on the Indus, his pro- phecy of twenty-five years ago ; his perfectly unique campaign against the robbers of the Cutchee hills ; his vast engineering plans for irrigation and recovery of land from the flooding of the Indus ; in a word, a large country recovered from the misrule of the basest and most degraded tyrants, and brought into a state of quiet contentment and industry — the spade superseding the sword, the robber converted into the la- bourer. But this is but a crude, bare, and most imperfect outline of this great soldier's ca- reer: the whole pictm'e is weU worth a very careful study; but as you study it, re- member where its successes were really won ; where the foundation was laid on which THE LIFE OF C. J. XAPIER. 75 coukl be raised so brilliant a superstruc- ture; how it was that an old soldier was found to be an accomplished administrator and successful governor. The secret of the mystery lay in the spell, so simple indeed, but to so many so distasteful, expressed by the old poet in the words, "labor omnia vincit improbus," or in the Clmstian motto of " qui laborat orat." Nor was this amass- ing of knowledge upon many topics valuable only in a piu'ely scientific view of the mili- tary life ; his meditations upon character, and the various methods by which varieties of character are to be addressed and won, are well exemplified in his life. It is generally noticed that characters such as his, fearless and impetuous, are generous and forgiving ; but they don't often display such genial tact and thoughtfuluess as are expressed in that famous letter, in vol. ii. p. 445, to an officer on neglect of duty — a neglect covered by a false jn'ctcnce of conscientiousness; or such humorous kindliness as beams tln'ough every word of his letter to a private soldier, in vol. iii. p. 43, where he recommends peti- tioner to promotion, if he is, as he says he is, a remarkably sober man — and signs him- self " Charles Napier, Major-general and 'jd THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIEE. Governor of Scincle, because I have always been a remarkably sober man." No one will wonder, after reading these and many letters and other documents of a similar character, at the passionate love felt for him by privates and officers alike; at such hearty enthusiasm as was well expressed by a yoimg officer (vol. iii. p. 346): "When I see that old man on his horse, how can I be idle, who am young and strong? By God, I would go into a loaded cannon's mouth if he ordered me !" No wonder that a cam- paign pronomiced im^Jossible should suc- ceed gloriously, when, after taking every precaution, and making every preparation, a general could act so decisively on principles based on a profound acquaintance with cha- racter as Napier does (vol. iii. p. 218) ; an argument, be it observed, not merely logically irrefi-agable, but shortly ])roved conclusive by the still more irrefragable logic " of facts," the vmconditional submission of hill-tribes, which had set at naught all conquerors — from the great Iskander downwards — who from their rocky fastnesses had laughed at the helpless attempts of great generals for certainly two thousand years. It is easy enough to despise display and i THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIER. 'J'] denounce luxury when neither your means nor your position will support or sanction either ; it would be natm*al for a private soldier to declaim ao;ainst the flaijrant in- justice of a court - martial which would break a private and honourably acquit an officer on charges of drunkenness equally proved in either case; an Indian officer naturally prized tlie long ser\'ices and disci- pline of the native sepoy ; and educated and highly-refined civilians have borne witness to the courteous manners of a Hindoo gen- tleman ; a subaltern, smarting beneath his severity, will not unreasonably denomice a martinet : but it demands a rare combina- tion of gifts — some natural, more acquired by study and thought — to be equal to all these various influences. A man must have large sympatliies who could write and act as Napier wrote and acted, when a general officer in high command, on these and many more kindred topics or occasions. And re- member kindliness alone will not create sympathy, any more than a good intention will comi)letc a good action : for the latter you neotl also perseverance ; for the former knowledge of the position and circumstances of the person with whom you sympathise. 78 THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIER. Shakespeare, with his world-wide sympa- thies, did not create his hundreds of un- dying characters but by keen observation and incessant thought. I am told that this life of Napier is much more read amongst yoiuig officers than it was a few years ago. No one who has the well-being of the Enghsh army at heart but would heartily rejoice if such is the case ; it is only by some such example that the mischief will be met, so clearly foreseen long ago by Na2')ier himself, — the mischief which must ensue when the offi- cers think little of duty except as an inevit- able bore, and value amusement as of all importance, and imagine that to belong to a fast regiment is the tiling; i.e. "a regi- ment unfit for service, commanded by an adjutant, and having a mess in debt ; while, on the other hand, the private soldier goes daily to school or to his library — now always at hand — and thus daily acquires knowledge, while his dignified officer goes to the billiard- room or the smoking-room." If what I have now vsritten should in- duce you to read — no, not read, but study, note, digest Charles Napier's life — it will be some reward for the little trouble this out- THE LIFE OF C. J. NAPIER. 19 lino lias cost mo ; for Ijc sure of this, that sifter his worst enemies or warmest friends liavo " notliing exaggerated, nor set down aught in mahce" about his character, he was a man, and emphatically a soldier, " take him for all in all, we shall not look upon his like again." i VII. HOW IS ONE TO WRITE AN ESSAY? TT is singular that so mucli difficulty is ■^ made about English comj)osition, con- sidering that the material you have to work in is the language you have known from your cradle ; and it is almost more singular that you should assert your difficulties to be increased by the fact of your never having written an essay at school in your life. Now, you have done original Latin prose composition for years ; at some schools not a week passes without yom' having to send in a theme — that is to say an essay on some given subject ; and as the principles of composition in all languages are identical — as language is but the flesh which enfolds the same skeleton in all cases — I do not understand why you find this difficidty that you complain about so despairingly. Now composition, as its name implies, is now IS ONE TO WRITE AX ESSAY ? 8 I simply to comjpono ; to arrange your siiljjcct in intelligible form ; to marshal yom* troo])s as an army, instead of getting tliem clubljcd — as not a few ^vriters do — as a mob. That remarkable genius for organisation which the French display equally in all depart- ments of the government, and in arranging an imeute to overturn the government when perfectly organised, they display equally in all, and especially in their periodical litera- ture. An article in the Revue des deux Moudes, for instance, is quite a lesson in htcrary organisation to many of our writers ; fi'om first to last the writer never lets you lose sight of the main object of his writing ; even if forced by circumstances into an oc- casional digression, he will be sure to keep you always in sight of the port you are steering for, and to land you safely there at last. Now, there are three indispensable requi- sites for wTiting on any subject in any lan- guage : 1st, a fair Ivnowledge of the resom'ces of the language you are about to employ ; this I will discuss in a future letter, as- suming now that you laiow enough of yoiu* own language to express your ideas fluently and correctly in it : 2dly, a knowledge of the G 82 HOW IS OKE TO AVEITE AN ESSAY ? subject given you for your essay : Sdly, a lucid arrangement of the ideas you have formed on your subject, which latter is tech- nically termed composition. One great — perhaps the greatest — cause of failure is the absence of the second requi- site. A man's innate sense or taste will, in many cases, supply a deficiency of formal knowledge of the third requisite ; if a man is naturally clear-headed, he won't talk or write confusedly ; but no amomit of mother- wit can supply ideas on subjects about wliich you have never thought or read, or (what is often most useful) conversed; you are like the Israelites tiu-ned out into the fields brick- making without that most important item, the straw. Now, all the innumerable subjects that can be proposed for an essay are contained in one of two classes : they are either sim- ple or compound. Under the first are reck- oned such subjects as " the Feudal System," ''Commerce," the name of a place, e.g. Lon- don, Gibraltar: on such subjects you will write historically or descriptively, rather than argumentatively. In the second are jjlaced such subjects as " Slavery, the curse of the country that maintains it," " The power of HOW IS ONE TO WRITE AN ESSAY ? 83 public opinion is irresistible :" these must be treated argumentativcly. Now, Avliatever be tlic subject, it is clear that you can't draw water from an empty well ; and if you have never discussed or read and thought about slavery, and are suddenly set down to a desk, with however ample a provision of writing materials, you will bo totally helpless and in- capable of either treating it historically and generally, or investigating the causes Mdiich make it an equal curse to master and slave alilce. In a word, here too, as happily every where, you will find that only industry and mental activity can supply you with the re- quisite materials ; you have not yet got so far as your scaffolding; you have not yet collected your bricks and mortar, and timber and slates ; and, as in actual building, indus- try alone must apply them. When we come to the scaffolding question, then skill and judgment arc required, but as yet industry alone for collecting the materials. Tliese materials can be drawn only from two sources — readins; and conversation : and by reading I don't mean merely the reading of books — though, if you want to gain a full insight into any subject, you must have re- course to them — but rather reading, or, still 84 now IS ONE TO WEITE AN ESSAY ? better, if you have tlie opportunity, listening to good lectures on any subject that interests you; and better still, hearing aftill and warm debate in the Houses of Parliament upon some question of policy : then you will hear both sides of the question, and your judg- ment will be called more actively into play, as well as your attention. Spirited conver- sation, too, is a capital field for instruction, in which you are either a listener or a com- batant ; there, too, you see a question well sifted, with less formality, and therefore less mental effort than is demanded for a "debate in the house." Supposing, then, that your materials are collected well in hand for immediate use, your next step is to set up your scaffolding — that is to say, to write out the heads of what you intend to say, all arranged exactly in the order in which you intend them to come in your composition. But example is better than precept. I will show you how a master in composition wrote a treatise or essay on " Old Age," which the opinion of many generations has pronounced a master -piece ; an essay so per- fect in its composition that you never for a moment lose tlie tliread of the argument — so now IS ONE TO WRITE AX ESSAY ? 85 clear in illustration, that each page convnices you more fully of tlie invincibility of the •writer's position — expressed in language so choice and refined, that had liis other works been lost, the charm of this alone would place its author amongst the first of the greatest of Latin writers. I shall gladly welcome the opportunity, too, at the same time, of showing you that the principles of composition are absolutely identical in all good writers, whatever material they may happen to have worked in. Now, the point of view from which Cicero approaches his subject is to examine the charges usually brought against old age, and to refute them each in order. I shall refer to the chapters for convenience, though of course they were not specified by Cicero, though they follow accurately his own di- visions of the subject. The first chapter, then, is what we should call the dedication and preface : he dedicates the essay to his friend Atticus ; gives his reasons for writing at all on the subject, and also for composing it in the form of a dialogue ; tlie subject is introduced from chapters ii. to v., where Scipio and LjeHus are represented eliciting from the old Cato his sentiments on the sub- 86 HOW IS ONE TO WEITE AN ESSAY ? ject of old age, who fortifies his position with respect to the usefulness of old age by copious references to the experiences of men he had known of the past generation, and by quoting examples drawn fi'om other countries besides his own. Thus the subject is fairly laid open be- fore the reader; then the author distinctly informs you the heads imder which the sub- ject will be discussed, and the order in wliich they come. Cato tells us he will reply to each of the four charges in tmni ; and they are these : firstly, its removing us from ac- tive hfe ; secondly, its weakening the natm^al powers ; thirdly, its depriving us of almost all our pleasures ; and, fourtlily, its close vicinity to death. The first point he dis- cusses in chapters vi. vii. and viii. Li rej)ly to the first charge, the writer represents Cato as holding to the " irresistible logic of facts," and quoting many an instance from their own history of the valuable services con- ferred upon the state by the wisdom of the old men in comicil ; and indeed maintains truly enough that the prudence and care- fulness of age is needed in the commonweal to counterbalance the recklessness and im- petuosity of youth : this he rightly considers HOW IS ONE TO WRITE AN ESSAY ? 87 SO demonstrable from reason and their OAvn liistorj, that he dwells the less on the sub- ject, and passes on quickly to the second point, which is examined in chapters ix. x. and xi. The gist of old Cato's argument is tliis : you say the natural powers are abated by old age ; granted, if you mean a man's physical strength ; but if you mean his mental faculties, 1 deny it altogetlier. And again lie illustrates his point by many feli- citous anecdotes drawn from his vast stores of historical knowledge, and by his o"\^^l ex- ample ; he was himself an author at the age of eighty. The third di\'ision of his subject he discusses at much greater length — the charge against old age of depriving us of almost all our pleasures : this he continues until the end of the eighteenth chapter, and rephes to most fully; fh-st, by glatUy ad- mitting the truth of the charge, if by plea- sm'e is meant the ^•iolent passions of youth ; and, secondly, by denying the truth of it altogetlier, if by pleasure is meant the su- preme delight of adding daily to one's stores of Iviiowlcdge, of communicating that know- ledge to others, of enjoying well-ordered society, and, most of all, of pui'suing the study of agriculture, ■which the old Roman 88 HOW IS ONE TO WRITE AE- ESSAY ? dwells upon with all the love that the most active minds of the most active - minded nations have ever shown for ' this pm-snit : this leads the writer into a considerable di- gression upon the pleasures of farming — en- livened hy some good anecdotes illustrative of the advantages of rural life- and occupa- tions for old ao;e. The fom-th and last di- vision of his subject begins at the nineteenth chapter, and continues to the end of the book ; it is in itself a complete and very- eloquent essay on the question, "whether the neighbourhood of death to old age is an evil ;" for the old, he argues, death is the natural conclusion of life, and he fondly dwells upon the recollection of the many Komans of former days who had rushed to meet a voluntary death at the hands of their enemies for their country's sake, and these both yomig and often uneducated men ; a weighty lesson, he asserts, to us, wdio are certainly old, and consider ourselves well educated. But the real consolation in death is the hope of meeting the great and good in the other world ; and this belief he expounds in language of undying force and beauty — in language so choice and powerful that, had no speeches of the great writer come now IS ONE TO WRITE AN ESSAY ? 89 down to us, wo could have judged that his eloquence was of no common order from this peroration alone. As a summary, then, of the lesson of composition to be drawn from this treatise, we will suppose that Cicero wrote out — cer- tainly had in his mind before he began the actual writing — an abstract of it, that ran thus : Dedication to my friend Atticus — Li- ti'oduction of subject — Dialogue — Cato chief speaker — The worth of old age — Fom* main charges to be refrited. Such would really be the first outline of the subject, the first, sketching-in of the figm'es in a picture. And now, to show you how such brief notes as these are capable of expansion — how some sinews are laid upon the bones before the flesh is completed — how some good stout scaffolding is erected before you begin your bricks and mortar, — we will suppose the author looking over the first chai'ge against old age, viz. " that it removes a man from active life :" from outline the argument is thus worked up more fully : What is meant by active life? Of active mental life our ancestors fm'nish innumerable examples — quote Ennius or Appius Claudius — illustrate by the old pilot at the helm — let Cato quote 90 HOW IS ONE TO WRITE AN ESSAY ? his owni example of active interference in state affairs — Senatus derived fi*om Senes — quote Nffivius on the mischief wrought by the inconsiderateness of youth — examine the charge of failm-e of memory — Themistocles and myself evidence to the contrary — no old man forgets what it is to his own interest to remember — memory a matter of industry — anecdote of Sophocles' (Edipus Coloneus — collect instances of powerful memories among the poets, the philosophers — examine briefly whetlier the society of the old is disagreeable. This would be sufficient framework to rest his building operations on ; and be as- sm-ed that a system of construction wliich great writers have not disdained, Httle writers must gratefully avail themselves of. All the rest of Cicero's argument may be analysed in the same manner ; and exactly as I have picked to pieces before your eyes this one of the most perfect essays in Roman literature, so you may treat a good composition in any language; the same rules hold good whatever is the nature of the composition : if you exa- mine a sj)eech of Demosthenes, of Cicero, or of Burke, you will find introduction and ex- planation of the subject ; secondly, a review of all the aro-uments that will maintain their now IS ONE TO "WHITE AN ESSAY ? 9 1 own and impugn tlieir adversaries' position ; lastly, a peroration as it is called, or conclu- sion, briefly recapitulating tlie previous argu- ments, and appealing strongly to the feelings of their hearers : it is to ' these perorations that one looks for the highest efforts of ora- tory, last impressions being always most im- portant, the feelings of the speal^er and his audience being ever Idndled into mutual sjan- pathy, and the orator conscious of the neces- sity of throwing himself into one last effort for the interests of his cause. But here I am rather wandering into the second division of my subject, viz. style ; at present I have a little more to say about the structm*e of your essay. If, then, you really wash to compose well, you must practise yom'self in making ab- stracts — I have shown you liow^ ah'cady — first of short essays ; take any good articles m a good weekly review, tlie Spectator or the Saturday for instance ; then try longer arti- cles, such as you wall find in MacmiUaii's, the Fortmjlitlyy or one of the Quarterlies ; don't be afraid of not finding enough w'oi'k in an analysis of tliis kind ; you will find in some articles much to imitate, in some as much to avoid. Notice, what is so difficult to a 92 now IS ONE TO WEITE AN ESSAY ? beginner at English composition, the com- mencements of good essays ; how the subject is ushered into society, sometimes by an anecdote, sometimes by a quotation, some- times by a simple statement of who he is ; he sends in, in fact, his name and business. Notice too, in a really good essay, how, after the completion of the building, the scafiPolding has been carefully removed, and all signs of it effaced. And now, I think, if you find much diffi- culty in composing, on a moderate scale at least, the difficulty will lie elsewhere ; where, I expect, it mostly lies — not in ignorance of the principles of building, but in want of materials wherewith to build : that defi- ciency I have ah'eady discussed, and its re- medy ; but if you read, and discuss con- versationally, and pick up all information fi'om every quarter, you will not long feel hampered by this difficulty. There is no royal road to this more than to any other Ijranch of learning ; if you would always be ready to meet your foes in war, you must keep yom' armomy well filled and well furbished in time of peace. VIII. ON STYLE. T OOK at this picture : " Flanders is sub- -*-^ clued; the Ocean and tlie Mediterranean are reunited; vast harbours are excavated; a chain of fortresses encircles France ; the colonnades of the Louvre ai*e raised ; the gardens of Versailles are designed; the work- men of the Low Countries and Holland find themselves excelled by the new workshops of France; a rivalry in labour, in fame, in greatness, spreads every whore ; a new and splendid language recounts and glorifies these wonders for all future time. Boileau's letters ai'e dated from the conquests of Louis XIV. ; Racine puts upon the stage the weaknesses and elegancies of the com*t ; MoHere surren- ders his mighty genius to the greatness of the throne ; La Fontaine himself appreciates the groat deeds of the young king and be- comes his flatterer. Such is the brilliant 94 ON STYLE. picture presented us by the first twenty years of this memorable reign." Now on this : " Tlie twilight of history first dawns ujDon us in Asia; and thi'ough all succeeding centuries, during which Africa still remained almost entirely sunk in pro- found darkness, and Europe itself arose tar- dily and laboriously from out of the same, there hovers a light over Asia which shows us great revolutions, whose arena it was, not indeed in equal, but in ever-increasing clear- ness ; so that we can survey its progress in every thing, and thence di'aw general prin- ciples to milock the history of our race. The further we travel back into this history, the more we compare the Sagas of the na- tions one with another from their origin and their later accidents, and the more we learn withal to recognise the diiferences of their external civilisation, the more we shall be always led back to Asia ; and the more pro- bable does it appear that man has his home peculiarly there, however much he may have raised or degraded himself in other divisions of the world, under foreign skies, and under the influence of favourable and unfavourable circumstances." Now these are quotations from two books ON STYLE. 95 of prose extracts, compiled respectively by a Frencliman and a German for the tuition of their respective youth : the Grerman book is published " by authority," and is the German reading-book for the middle classes of their higher academies : either therefore may be taken as a representative book, and no one ^vho knows any thing of French and German prose will assert that the quotations I have made are other than honest rei:)resentatives of French and German style respectively. Those styles are at the very opposite poles of composition ; the former delighting in sentences brief and perspicuous, the latter in such as are lengthy and laborious: indeed my extract is a very moderate example of tlie German ; easily could sentences be quoted of double and treble the length; some of Kant's would fill an octavo page. The tend- ency of the former is no doubt to monotony and to effects somewhat spasmodic ; that of the latter to confusion and hopeless obscur- ity: but whereas the tendency of the German writers to theu' error is a constant quan- tity, and that a very largo one, that of the French is a comparatively trifling one. The French style is always Hn'cIv, translucent, harmonious; the German (with tlic excep- gS ON STYLE. tion of three or four of their great writers) is nebulous, perplexed, and wearisome ; and for this reason he piles clause on clause luitil the overloaded sentence sinks in the waters of confusion. I do not deny he writes for- titer in re; his thoughts, muddy in expres- sion, are original and profound ; but the vehicle he conveys those thoughts in to your door ! — it reminds one of one of his own eil- wagen, such as were common enough a few years back in unvisited parts of Grermany, and called in bitter mockery '^ post - haste chaises," with timber enough in them to have built a jolly-boat, with rope -harness and jades of posters, the lineal descendants (probably) of the steed immortalised by Shakespeare that carried Petrucliio to wed the Shrew. If, then, the first great object of style is to present your thoughts in an intelligiljle form to yom' reader or hearer, form your sentences sim2:)le and decisive, with few and brief clauses ; interpose here and there a simple sentence of only one clause if pos- sible ; avoid parentheses as far as you pos- sibly can; if the choice hes between repe- tition and obscurity, choose the former in- stantly as the lesser fault : repetition may ON STYLE. 97 throAV some further light even if it is mono- tonous ; obscurity is fiital, subversive of the only object of yom' expressing your ideas in language at all. And now that we have decided that the French model should be chosen, and the Ger- man eschewed, for the framework of our sentences, I will quote an anecdote of De Quincey's to guide us in our choice of words ; and you can have no better example of a manly, nervous, and refined English style than De Quincey's. " Some eight years ago," he tells us, "we had occasion to look for lodgings in a newly-built suburb of Lon- don to the south of the Thames. The mis- tress of the house Avas in regular training, it appeared, as a student of newspapers. She had no children ; the newspapers were her children. There lay her studies ; that branch of learning constituted her occupation from morning to night; and the following were among the words which she — this semibar- barian — poured from her cornucopia diu*- ing the very few minutes of our interview ; Avhich interview was brought to an abrupt issue by mere nervous agitation upon oiu* part. The words, as noted down within an hour of the occasion, and after allowing a H 98 ON STYLE. fair time for our recovery, were these : first, * category;' secondly, ' predicament;' thirdly, * individuality ;' fourthly, ' procrastination ;' fifthly, ' speaking diplomatically would not wish to commit herself;' sixthly, ' would sjoontaneously adopt the several modes of do- mestication to the reciprocal interests ;' and finally (which word it was that settled us), seventhly, ' anteriorly ;' concerning Avhicli word we solemnly declare and make affidavit that neither from man, woman, or book, had we ever heard it before this miique rencontre with this abominable woman on the staircase. The occasion which furnished the excuse for such a word was this : from the staircase window we saw a large shed in the rear of the house ; apprehending some nuisance of ' manufacturing industry' in our neighbour- hood, ' What's that ?' we demanded. Mark the answer : ' A shed ; that's what it is : vide- licet a shed ; and anteriorly to the existing shed there was — ' What there was pos- terity must consent to have WTapt up in darkness ; for there came on our nervous seizure, which intercepted further communi- cation. But observe as a point which took away any gleam of consolation from the case, the total absence of all malaprop picturesque- ON STYLE. 99 iicss, tliiit might liavc defeated its deadly action upon the nervous system. No ; it is due to the integrity of her disease, and to the com])leteness of our suffering, that we should attest tlio unimpeachable correctness of her words, and of the syntax by which she connected them." The style of all the better and more in- fluential newspapers has no doul:)t improved since Do Quincey related this humorous anec- dote ; but in the smaller provincial prints you will find language as " tall" and mean- ingless still ; in American papers you will see it in its rankest luxuriance. Like bad taste in dress or furniture, or bad manners, it has its uses ; the same which our ances- tors thought they extracted from the exhi- bition of gibbeted highwaymen up and down the high-roads. But there is a dee]ier truth still, besides the warning, to be gathered from that sublime vulgarity " anteriorly." The sources of our noble English language are double ; Home gave us one, Germany the other ; and the worthy landlady, like many of the " great semi -educated," drew from the former well in preference to the latter : these sources are so distinct that not merely pass- aircs but whole books have been almost ex- I OO ox STYLE. clusivelj composed in either of the two dia- lects, if I may so term them ; it is this double source that gives oui' language its peculiar richness and munificence. From the German we draw words of narrative and simple de- scription, from tlie Roman words of thought and passion ; from the one the language of childhood, from the other that of reason, the maturcr pov\^er of manhood : our position is unique amongst the languages of Europe, j)robably of the world ; we can write in two languages at once ; not a word but has its syn- onym, many two or three, not that they are even exact equivalents, but sufficiently so for ordinary purposes ; and to prove to you this is no mere paradox, I would refer you to the writings of such men as John Bunyan, Svv'ift, and Cobbett, for Saxon, and Jeremy Taylor and Jolmson for Latin-English. You will find Avhole pages in either set of authors, where one has hardly a word of Latin origin, and the other not a word of Saxon, except prepositions and auxiliaries, and such as are unavoidable. Compare, or rather contrast these two extracts ; I have purposely drawn them from simple narratives of journeys, one through Hampshire, the other through Scot- land; and judge for yourself how the simpli- .ii ON STYLE. lOI city of Saxon-Englisli excels the laboriousness of the Latmised, wherever the latter is not demanded by the more complex character of the subject. " We got leave to go and see the grounds at Waverley, Avhere all the old monks' gar- den-walls are totally gone, and where the spot is become a sort of lawn. I showed liim the spot where the strawberry-garden was, and where I, when sent to gather hautboys, used to eat every remarkably fine one, in- stead of letting it go to be eaten by Sir Ro- bert Rich. I showed him a tree close by the ruins of the abbey, from a limb of which I once feU into the river, in an attempt to take the nest of a crow, which had artfully placed it upon a branch so far from the trunk as not to be able to bear the weight of a boy eight years old. I showed him an old elm-tree which was hollow even then, into which I, when a very Httle boy, saw a cat go, which was as big as a middle-sized spa- niel-dog ; for relating which I got a great scolding, for standing to which I at last got a beating, but stand to which I still did; I have since many times repeated it, and I would take my oath of it to this day." And so for pages together of Cobbett's clear and I02 ON STYLE. simple narrative you will not find a single Latin intruder into liis domain of uncorrupted English prose. And now listen respectfully to tlie language of the great critic of the eighteenth century. " We are now treading that illustrious island which was once the luminary of the Caledonian regions ; whence savage clans and roving barbarians derived the benefits of knowledo;e and the blessino-s of religion. To abstract the mind from all local emotion would be impossible if it were endeavoiu'ed, and would be foolish if it Avere possible. Whatever withdraws us from the power of oiu- senses, whatever makes the past, the dis- tant, or the future predominate over the present, advances us in the dignity of think- ing beings. Far from me and my friends be such frigid philosophy as may conduct us indifferent and unmoved over any ground wliich has been dignified by wisdom, bravery, or virtue. The man is little to be envied whose patriotism would not gain force on the plains of Marathon, or whose piety would not grow warmer among the ruins of lona." With the exception of the last sentence, the style of which is excellent, thanks to its simplicity, what pompous, labom-cd, "tall" ON STYLE. 103 talk all this is! Aiid yet our grandfathers tliouglit this as magnificent as it certainly is mugnil()(|uent ; happily Burns, Scott, and Byron, and Cobbett, Wordsworth, and Sou- thcy have lived since then to redeem us from such lifeless artificialities. As a rule, then, never use a long word when a short one is equally exjjressive ; never use a Latinised w^ord when a homely Saxon one will suit as well. On the other hand, there is a pedantry to be avoided here too : Avhen you get beyond simple subjects and ordinary narrative into the higher re- gions of argument, or philosophy, or criti- cism, freely use the words they demand, w'hicli our language, above all others, is rich in : don't desjiise its wealth, but don't em- ploy it on unsuitable objects: to ''narrate" a journey in Johnson's sesquipedaUa verha is just to build a boat wdth timbers cut out for a ship. It is a frequent and not an unreasonable complaint, that the clergy choose their words from a vocabidary utterly beyond the com- prehension of most of their hearers. If they woidd adopt this simple rule, to expunge any word of Latin birth t)ut of their sermons wherever a Saxon word would suit, this I04 ox STYLE. would relieve them from half their dulness by removing all obscurity of their language at any rate. What think you would have been the fate of Bunyan's immortal book had he related the Pilgrim's journey in the pon- derous " -osities" and " -ations" of John- son, or the gorgeous Latinisms of Taylor? Would all Burns's true pathos and hearty humom' have secured, rather I should say asserted, for his poems a place on every cot- tier's shelf, had not the language, simple, plain, unaffected, secm^ed them a home in every cottier's memory ? And so when Eng- Hsh preachers again adopt old Latimer's simple Saxon and homely illustrations in their sermons, they too will find, as he did, no lack of audience or attention. Adapt, therefore, your language to your subject, and your audience or yoiu' readers, as the case may be ; always erring, if err you must, on the side of simplicity; just so in the composition of your sentences, mar- shal, as the French do, two deep, rather than as the Germans, ten, twenty, any thing up to infinity; and then too err, if err you must, on the side of perspicuity; fear no- thing so much as the charge of artificial lan- guage and a cloud v stvle. IX. ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION. A S yet I have spoken of style only with -^^ reference to yom* audience ; now we will examine its principles on other grounds. At present I have treated it, as De Quincey has well put it, "as a mechanical process ; whereas style is really organic ;" that is to say, instinct with a life and power of its own. Every style, if truly developed, is just what good music is — really the reflection of the composer's character, of his powers and dis- position, intellectual and moral. This you can see at a glance by reference to the writ- ings and speeches of the best authors and orators ; their styles are remarkably differ- ent, and yet harmonise decidedly with their characters : tlie fervid temperament and im- petuous pride of Chatham, the philo80i)hic and cultivated mind of Burke, the calm, thoughtful, and judicial spirit of Hallam, are as visible in their Avorks as in their biom-a- Io6 ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION. pliies, and — magnis componei'e jKirva — it is so with us all. If youi' disposition is natui'ally quiet, amiable, and retiring, you may write as elegantly as Gray ; but if you aim to imi- tate the vivacity of Fielding, it will be but an imitation, a faint spectre, such a relation as the ghosts in Homer bore to men : but on the other hand, if your sense of the ridicu- lous and inconsistent is peculiarly keen, you may copy Swift's humoiu- and solemn irony, and improve upon them by omitting his coarseness. You will notice continually in the course of your reading how widely this truth is spread. Li writing history, for instance, which demands a considerable variation in style, the statesman warms to the passages descriptive of great acts of policy and great state trials ; the soldier's style rises as his heart kindles at the description of battles and sieges; the scientific or artistic mind dwells fondly on the progress of the victories of industry. And it is just here that the an- cient writers had so great an advantage over us moderns — they lived so much more varied lives than we do, that they could tlu'ow them- selves into the labours of writing with a rich exjoerience, drawn not from a well-filled li- ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION. 1 07 braiy, but from a personal knowledge of the occm'renees in wliicli they had themselves played no insignificant part. What won- der that -^schylus should recount in im- perishable language the overthrow of the cU'caded Persians, when he had himself been one of that gallant band who charged down the plain of Marathon in tlie decisive battle of the world ? We talk, by the Avay, loosely enough of the decisive " battles," in the plm-al ; as if any battle yet fought by mortal man could compare with that which saved Athens from becoming the chef -lieu of a prefecture in some bloated Asiatic satrapy; saved it for her own great futui'e and our own, and all times, — the sacred altar from whence all comino- o-enerations should kindle their torches of science, literatm-e, or art. What marvel is it that Thucydides the scholar sliovdd Avrite inspired by the fire of Thucydides the soldier, and the wisdom of Thucydides the politician? Or that Xcno- phon the well-educated country -gentleman should still claim our attention to the diaries of Xenophon the volunteer and general? Or that note-books of Caesar's should still interest — Caesar the statesman, general, and first emperor of Rome ; the one man of his Io8 ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION. time who could read the future of his mighty country ? In each of these great writers, too, their style is unmistakably a reflected image of their own character ; nor, if you think a mo- ment upon it, could it well be otherwise, if a man is but ''true to himself" It is im- possible to conceive Hooker's style — Hooker, the father of English prose — as careless or undignified ; or Dryden's, whoso prose has happily outlived much of his verse, as feeble and obscure ; or Gibbon's as mean and vul- gar ; or Burke's as incomplete and timid ; or Napier's as tame. Each adopted, as all great writers have done, their own style, formed not luifrequently on the model of another, but not with any slavish imitation ; they made their models' style their own, and thus' their own became, as I said before, an or- ganic, not a mere mechanical existence. Now, as you are anxious to form a good style for yom"self, I will extract some passages at once characteristic of some of our greatest writers, and expressive of a variety of feelings and passions, which each possessed more or less conspicuously, and which they have clothed in words, either with the aid of simple language, or I ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION. 109 by adopting some figrn'o of spcecli or pecu- liarity of style. I have already spoken of the language and style suitable for a plain simple narrati\'e of simple life — a style based on Cobbett and Swift, Cobbett's master — which you would do well to cultivate ; as Turner worked for years with brown and gray tints alone, before he ventured to enter the realms of jroro-eous co- lour, in which he afterwards reigned as king without a rival : but the moment you reach beyond this narrow limit, and have energetic action to describe, your language must rise to the occasion. See how Napier's does, — his sentences fall swift and decisive as one of Jus own rifle shot. If you w^ould know how varied and rich a language om-s is on one, and that a very narrow', topic, how lively, vigorous, and animated w^ords themselves be- come in the hands of a master, himself full of lofty sentiment and generous sjTiipathy with the scenes, deeds, and men he has im- mortalised, — read the battles and sieges in Napier's Peninsular TFar, and read tliis now as a sample ; it is the closing scene at Albuera. '' Suddenly and sternly recovering, they closed on their terrible enemies; and then was seen with what a strength, and majesty no ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION. the British soklier fights. In vain did Soult, by voice and gesture, animate his French- men ; in vain did the hardiest veterans, extri- cating themselves from the crowded cohimns, sacrifice their lives to gain time fi3r the mass to open out on such a fair field ; in vain did the mass itself bear up, and, fiercely striving, fire indiscriminately upon friends and foes, while the horsemen hovering on the flank threatened to charge the advan- cing line. JSTothing could stop that aston- ishing infantry; no sudden burst of im- disciplined valour, no nervous enthusiasm, weakened the stability of their order ; their flashino; eves were bent on the dark columns in their front; their measured tread shook the ground ; their dreadful voUeys swept away the head of every formation ; their deaf- ening shouts overpowered the different cries that broke from aU parts of the tumultuous crowd, as, foot by foot, and with a horrid carnage, it was driven by the incessant vi- gour of the attack to the furthest edge of the hill. In vain did the French reserves, join- ing with the struggling multitudes, endea- vour to sustain the fight; their efforts only increased the irremediable confusion, and the mighty mass giving way like a loosened ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION. 1 1 1 cliff went headlong do'^^^l the ascent. The rain poured after in streams discoloured with l)l()od, and fifteen hundred imwoundcd men, tlio remnant of six thousand unconquerable British soldiers, stood triumphant on the fatal field." And here observe, besides the impetuosity of the st}de, rivalling that of the soldiers it describes, how decidedly and persistently the narrative itself marches forwards ; the sen- tences may be long, but they are never in- volved ; and notice above aU what Mrs. Mala- prop liked so well, "a choice derangement of epitaphs ;" each adjective and adverb fitting into its place almost as if placed there by Shakespeare's unerring hand. None but a master in composition can summon each epithet he requires, and set them without stint and yet without redundance into the posts they are to occupy. Amonffst a crowd of Avriters not much inferior I must mention to you two who, invaluable in other respects, should also be read as masters in the art of descriptive writing; Macaulay, of scenes in history; Ruskin, of scenes in nature and criticisms in art. In the essays of the former the trial of Warren Hastings, and in his history the 112 ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION. battle of Sedgemoor, tlie trial of the seven bishops, and the siege of Londonderry, stand j^reominent for vividness. You will see there all that language can do to recal the past. A reader must indeed have been denied by nature the gift of imagination who cannot see that dignified court, the gifted accusers, and the splendid throng that crowded to the impeachment of the great proconsul of India. Macaulay is so well known, and his works so widely circulated, that you can easily find the places I have referred you to, and read them at length. Huskin's are imfortunately less appreciated, partly from their great expense, partly fi'om the fact that art is naturally not so popular a sub- ject amongst Englishmen as political liis- tory. I will quote an extract from liis Stones of Venice, that you may judge for yourself whether it is not advisable to know more of an author who can at least express his thouo;hts in lano;uao;e at once so nervous and so picturesque. You must miderstand, that in order to bring the scene of St. Mark's Place at Venice most vividly before his readers he takes you first to the west front of an English cathedral, ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION. l I 3 and tlion passes rapidly to the great Italian clmrcii : lieiglitening the lights and deepen- ing the shadows, and brightening the co- loured niarhles of the latter by contrasting thein with tlie sober tints and uniform grays of the northern stones and the northern climate. "And so we will go along the straight walk to the Avest front, and there stand for a time, looking up at its deep pointed porches and the dark places be- tween their pillars, where there were statues once, and Avhere the fragments here and there of a stately figure are still left, which has in it the likeness of a king — perhaps indeed a king on earth — perhaps a saintly king long ago in heaven ; and so higher and higher up to the great mouldering Avail of rugged sculpture and confused ar- cades, shattered and gray, and grisly Avith the heads of dragons and mocking fiends, Avorn by the rain and SAvirling Avinds into yet unscemlier shape, and coloured on the stony scales by the deep russet orange lichen, melancholy gold; and so higher still to the bleak toAvers so far above that the eye loses itself amongst the bosses of their tracery, though they are rude and strong, and only sees, like a drift of eddying black points now I 114 ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION. closing, now scattering, and now settling suddenly into invisible places amongst tlie bosses and flowers, tlie crowd of restless birds, tliat fill the old square with that cease- less clangour of theirs, so harsh and yet so soothing, like the cries of birds on a solitary coast between the cliffs and the sea." And now study this beautiful word-paint- ing of the art of the sunny sovith. " We will push fast through them into the shadow of the pillars at the end of the Bocca di Piazza, and there we forget them all ; for between those pillars there opens a great light, and in the midst of it, as we advance slowly, the vast tower of St. Mark's seems to lift itself visibly forth from the level field of chequered stones, and on each side the countless arches prolong themselves into ranged symmetry, as if the rugged and irregular houses that pressed together above us in the dark alley had been struck back into sudden obedience and lovely order, and all their rude casements and broken walls had been transformed into arches charged with goodly sculpture and fluted shafts of delicate stone. "And well may they fall back, for beyond those troops of ordered arches there rises a vision out of the earth, and all the great i/! ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION. I I 5 •square seems to have opened from it in a kind of awe, that wo may see it far away ; a multitude of pillars and wliite domes, clus- tered into a long low pyramid of colom*ed light, a treasure - keep, it seems, partly of gold, and partly of opal and mother-of-pearl, holl(Jwed beneath into five great vaulted porches ceiled with fair mosaic, and beset with sculpture of alabaster, clear as amber, and delicate as ivory — sculpture fantastic and involved, of palm-leaves and lilies, and grapes and pomegranates, and birds clinging and fluttering among the branches, all twined too-ether into an endless network of buds and ])lumes ; and in the midst of it the solemn forms of angels,, sculptui'ed and robed to the feet, and leaning to each other across the gates, their figures indistinct among the ii'leamino; of the fjolden o-round throuo-h the leaves beside them, interrupted and dim, like the mornino; lifjlit as it faded back amono- the l)ranchcs of Eden, when first its gates were angel - guarded long ago. And round the walls of the porches there are set pillars of variegated stones — jaspar and porphyry, and deep green serpentine, spotted with fitd<.cs of snow, and marbles that half refuse and half yield to the sunsliine, Cleopatra-like. ' their 1 1 6 ox ENGLISH co:mpositiox. bluest veins to kiss ;' the sliadow, us it steals back from them, revealing line after line of aznre undulation, as the receding tide leaves the waved sand ; their capitals rich with interwoven tracery, rooted knots of herb- age, and drifting leaves of acanthus and vine, and mystical signs all beginning and endino- in the cross. And above them in the broad archivolts a continuous chain of lano'uao-e and of life, an^rels and the signs of heaven, and the labours of men, each in its appointed season upon the earth ; and above these another range of glittering pinnacles, mixed with white arches edged with scarlet flowers — a confusion of delight — amidst which the breasts of the Greek horses are seen blazino; in their breadth of golden strength, and the St. Mark's lion lifted on a blue field covered with stars, until at last, as if in ecstasy, the crests of the arches break into a marble foam, and toss themselves far into the bhie sky in flashes and wreaths of sculptured spray, as if the breakers on the Lido shore had been frost-bomid before they fell, and the sea-nymphs had inlaid them Avith coral and amethyst. " Between that grim cathedral of England and this, what an interval ! there is a type of ON EXGLLSII COMPOSITION. 1 1 7 it in tlio very birds that liaunt tliom ; for instead of tlic restless crowd — hoarse-voiced and sable -winged — drifting on the bleak upper air, the St. Mark's porches are full of doves that nestle among the marble foliage, and mingle the soft irridescence of their liv- ing plumes, changing at every motion with the tints hardly less lovely that have stood unchanged for seven himdrcd years." Now these are but extracts from one of a series of great works, the greatest yet that have ever appeared on art in the English language. And we shall value style the more highly when we remember that the author undertook to establish princi})les either forgotten or ignored or des])ised by the artists and critics of his day; to do battle against the fetish-worship of great names and pretentious authorities; to raise the noble arts of architecture and painting from being the plaything of the Avealthy, to be the delight and instruction of all who would educate themselves sufficiently to a])preciate their Avorth; to establish a standard of eternal principles — i)rinci})les not true because ar- tistic, but artistic because true — against the dogmas of men who ruled in art for the same reason that the one-eyed man was king 1 1 8 ox ENGLISH COMPOSITIOX. amongst tlie blind. Eemembering all tliis, we shall value the aid of such an ally as style more than ever — an ally which in this case, though at times perhaps too caustic and assuming, has by its own vigour and loveli- ness attracted many to a class of works which would otherwise have been passed by un- opened. What a pleasant address, and a clear enunciation, and musical voice, and genial manners are to a man, that and much more is a good style to composition ; and we need no more convincing proof of its puis- sance than the total revolution in opinion concerning art mainly effected through the instrumentality of the charming writings of this one author. i X. ox ENGLISH COMPOSITION. T PROPOSE in this my last letter on this -^ subject to give illustrations of what are called the ornaments of composition — such as irony, pathos, Avit, banter, &c. ; the hills and valleys, broken rocks and stately masses in the ordinary and necessarily dead level of com- position, ■whether in history, argument, or ora- tory. But in reading extracts from speeches, you must recollect that these passages Avero composed and introduced as spoken, not written compositions; whatever tameness at- taches itself to them now is attributable to them in their present form. Picture to your- self any assembly of English gentlemen, any House of Commons — that of the austen* Bare- bones alone excepted — and then imagine tlie shouts of laughter that nnist have greeted the birth of the following witty meta})hor. In order fully to enjoy the absiu'dity of the picture, you must understand that the Earl I20 ON EXGLISn COilPOSITlOX. of Chatham had. just seriously damaged his great reputation for wisdom and lessened his 2)0])ularity by the acceptance of a peerage ; he was no lono;er " the great Commoner." And in order to get a ministry together, lie liad been reduced to collect them from the most opposite and least likely quarters. Burke Avas now a rising member in the O])position, having cntei-ed the House comparatively late in life, rich with the thought and study of years, and gifted with that astonishing eloquence which could excite his hearers equally to laughter or to tears — ^wliicli could enliven by vivid illustrations the most weari- some subjects, and ennoble a debate by founding it upon arguments based on prin- ciple, instead of on tactions interests. He has thus immortalised the handiwork of the newly-created Earl of Chatham. "He made an administration so chequered and speckled ; he put together a piece of joinery so crossly indented and so whimsically dove- tailed ; a cabinet so variously inlaid ; such a piece of diversified mosaic; such a tessellated pavement Avithout cement, here a bit of black stone and there a bit of white ; patriots and courtiers ; king's friends and republicans ; Whiefs and Tories : treacherous friends and I ON ENGLISH COMPOSITION. 1 2 1 open enemies, — tliat it was indeed a very curicnis sliow, but utterly unsafe to touch and unsure to stand on. The colleagues "whom lie had assorted at the same boards stared at each other, and were obliged to ask, ' Sir, ■\-()ur name?' ' Sir, you have the advantage of me.' 'Mr. Such-a-one, I beg a thou- sand pardons.' I venture to say it did so hapj)cn that persons had a single office di- vided between them who had never spoken to each other in their lives until they found tliomselves, they knew not how, pigging to- gether, heads and points, in the same truckle- bed." And now, if you would conceive how deeply the sceva indi(7<7;7'/«fl(7o." Here you liaAC four inetapliors in tlircc lines. He would be a bold critic ^^'ho would ven- ture to condemn tlio abundance of tlicni. The spirit of true ornament is better under- stood now. If guided by good taste, you cannot have too much, any more than the sun can set in too gorgeous a firmament of many- coloured clouds. It is worth observing: how much may be expressed by a single Avord of metaphor ; but then it is a master's hand that has summoned that word into that place. Could any one word express more perfectly the disgust of men disappointed of their ex- pectations from one they had helped to raise than " this ingrate and cankered Boling- broke" ? When Hamlet is determined to solve the qiTcstion of his uncle's fears, he will not merely watch him through the ]>lay, but " I mine eyes Avill rivet on his face."' Horace has been quoted, and rightly, as supplying excellent instances of mctai^hor, regulated by perfect good taste ; and from his example attempts have absurdly been made to di'aw a strin£rcnt rule ao-ainst the L 146 ON METAPHOR. use of more than three or four words at most in the same metaphor. It would really be as reasonable to confine the prolific fancy of a Shakespeare or a Milton within Hora- tian limits as it would be to attempt to ac- commodate an eagle within the exquisite workmanship of the humming-bird's nest. I admire heartily the excellent taste of such metaphors as and ' Qaofonte derivata clades In patriam populumque^?/.rt!^;" " Incedis per ignes Svppositos cineri doloso." But because Horace thus — most wisely I doubt not — limited himself, are we to dis- parage Milton's most lovely lines — " or they led the vine To ived her elm ; she, spoused, about him twines Her marriageable arms, and with her brings Her dower, the adopted clusters, to adorn His harren leaves ;" where the metaphor is continued through at least seven words ? The truth is, that no rigid rule is applicable. The principle is identical in Horace and all other great poets and composers in all languages. Never pro- tract your metaphor so far as to cause tlie ON METAPHOK. 1 47 least obscurity : this will alone account for tlie brevity of Horace's metaphors. Of all faults of writing he dreaded obscurity or confusion the most, and naturally trusted himself least where there were the strongest temptations. It is a noticeable proof of the largeness of heart of our great Shakespeare, that so many of his most powerful metaphors are taken from the common events, usages, implements of every - day life : it is another lesson in calling nothing common or unclean, in "findinpetite ; their dreamy, list- . less, worthless existence is well pictured in ; the simile, " As when the sun, a crescent of ech'psc, Dreams over lakes and lawns and isles and capes." And now you must pause for a minute, and remember the extreme difficidty of the subject the ]ioet has proposed to himself: ho has to publish that which will not bear publicity; the prophet must u])lift his voice against sin, and yet not oU'end the delicacy of modesty, nor even the fastidiousness of refinement. And if you will now carefully read the second i)art, you will, I think, be equally charmed and surprised at the skill Avith which this task is accomj)lished. Notice particularly the aiil the poet brings from metre. Strict hric metres are essentially passionate. Here the lines avou- derfully express the passion of voluptuous- ness ; yet there is not an image that disgusts, not a thouoht that could insult the most 1 74 ON TENNYSON. delicate sensitiveness. Nor is it a mere word -picture — indistinct, and therefore un- real : the all-absorbing power of passion, the absolute slavery and degradation of its vic- tim, the total loss of self-respect, and for- getfulness of all duty, are portrayed in a gorgeousness of language unparalleled else- where, I think, even in Tennyson's poetry. And now, in the third part, we return to the metre of the first again; and let me, in passing, call your attention to the fact that there is a great difference in the rhythm of the lines between this and Pope's metre : with him, and usually, the sense concludes with the rhyme ; here, as in Keats' Endy- mion, the sense runs as it were athwart the rhyme, concluding often in the middle of a line, as blank- verse does : thereby is added some of the dignity of blank-verse to the natural richness of rhyme ; for truths noble and solemn demand a noble metre and so- lemn language : diamonds should not be set in any other than the purest gold. And now the poet's " vision" closes on the scene of luxury and sensuality, and the degradation of all that is good and true in man, and opens on the grand daily opera- tions of nature as they march stately on ON TENNYSON. I 75 tlieir course, unmoved by man's sin and folly, bearing silent witness, -vvlietlier we will hear or whether we will forbear, to a spirit of majesty and purity and might, and to scenes of glory of which even they in all their magnificence are but a ty})e. Every morning (" day by day we magnify Thee") God shows his awfulness to man in the rosy flames of dawn, by the profligate and the reveller unheeded ; and then from those same heights whence comes the daily witness of God's presence and majesty descends also daily nearer the cold, hueless, formless va- pour of death, and that too moves on un- heeded by the besotted reveller. And here do not fail to mark a touch of nature seem- ingly thrown in by accident, but which ma- terially deepens the impression of a terrible reality. The poet struggles, as men do in dreams, to speak and warn the madman ; but, as in dreams, ho cannot : " no man may deliver his brother, nor make agree- ment unto God for him." And noAV the scene of the vision is again dianged. The youth who had ridden the horse with wings, and so entered the gates of the palace of pleasure and sin, leaves the gates a gray and gap-toothed man, as Kan as I "](> ON TENNYSON. death ; what he had become in character ho tells us himself in the fourth part of the poem. The metre changes again, following always the current of the ideas. The youth has passed through the fullest gratification of every sensual passion into a cruel and in- tense misanthropy: he needs the sharp, short decision of the metre to express his bitter bons-mots, his gibes and sneers at all that is lofty and noble, and he avails himself of the advantages of the metre to the full ; scorn and insult to the servants who come out to take his horse and lead its master into the inn, sneers at all the world in turn, at name and fame and friendshij:), at virtue, at pa- triotism, at freedom and tyranny alike ; not a gibe without some truth in it, and yet in all of them the perverted truth, which is the worst lie of all. There is ability, plenty of it, a sad perversion of the intellect, in the old man's mockery and scoffing ; he has widely observed mankind, both as individuals and as nations, and believes, or rather says he believes, the sum of all to be, that " Every heart, when sifted well, Is a clot of warmer dust, Mixed with cunning sparks of hell." To show you how the true meaning of this ON TENNYSON. I -Jf poem lias been misunderstood, I may men- tion that I have seen extracts made from this old cynic's soliloquies and set to four-})art music (and very good music too) as a drink- iiiiX sono;. You have now the key to the whole of the fourtli part. I need not analyse at length individual passages in it ; you can see and weigh well enough for yourself the epicurean refrain of the song, "Fill the cup and fill the can," &c., the gradual passage from mockery to coarseness, and the revelling in all that is loathsome ; the sneers at the hopes of youth ; an attitude towai'ds Death at once defiant and reckless ; and when you have noted all this, do not leave it without reflecting that this is no fancy picture, neither is it a ser- mon written to adapt itself to a text ; it is a lesson clad in lanmiage of undving strength and beauty, taught by a lawman, one of tlio most gifted and deeply thoughtful men of our age, who warns us here how a life of self- indulgence must end in an old age of bitter misanthropy and selfish disbelief in all tliat is good. Nor is it merely the vice of the old man that is so appalling; it is even more his vjnovance of all the better part of man. The whole ^•ast world of truth and honour, gene- N 17^^ ON TENXYSON. rositj and purity, is to him inconceivable — he never moved in it; and thinking that his own httle circle of sin and self-indulgence is " the world," he scoflPs at all beyond that circle as impossible or hypocritical. This is a useful lesson to the so-called wisdom of men of the world, as they are termed, the " Sir Mulberry Hawkes" of society : their knowledge is no doubt very perfect as far as it goes, but how far is that ? to the pur- lieus of riot and gambling and vice, and what they impudently call " the world." What can such as they, what could this aged voluptuary here, understand of the spirit that animated the crew and soldiers of the Birkenhead, who put the women and children into the boats, and themselves sank into the cruel South Atlantic waves, swarm- ing with sharks, each man standing in his rank as calmly as on parade ? Conceive the impertinence and ignorance of a man who tells us with a sneer that virtue, friendship, honour, love of country, are but hollow mockeries, while we see a Garibaldi winning a whole country in the field, and then con- tentedly retiring to his little island farm; while not a week passes without its history of generous (often fatal) self-exposm'e to ON TENNYSON. 1 79 rescue the cIro^^^ling from a wreck or the suffocating from a mine. These, remember, are your " men of the world," who ask us to beheve this misanthropic trash. You liave heard perhaps of the beetle who, as he crawled across the pavement of St. Paul's, scntcn- tiously remarked, " Xo, he coidd not at all approve of the architectm'e of the building, there were far too many cracks in the pa\c- ment, and his legs fell into them." Your ancient roue takes about as extended a view of life, and the mixtiu'e of good and evil of which that life is compounded. Would you have sounder, juster, truer views of life? Svu'voy rather a Avider horizon than that which limited this old man's view. Woidd you possess a judgment unpoisoned, and a mental vision undistorted ? then live purely in yoiith. The old misanthrope did but reaj) in his old age the fruits of that which he had sown in his youth ; it could not be other- wise. ' There is a stately grandem* in the conclu- sion of the poem ; the metre again abruptly changes with the sense, the last faint echoes of mockery die away as the mountain range again appears before us ; this time Death is at work Avith its subtle chemistry, producing 1 8o ON TENNYSOJr. lower life out of the dissolution of nobler things ; while through the air, above aU this decay, ring the questions which every thought- ful man must often have asked himself in vain. The Saviour's great command, " Judge not, that ye be not judged," has lost happily none of its ancient force yet. First mercy pleads, " It was a crime of sense, mere sen- sual indulgence ; it brought its o^vn punish- ment, for it faded and perished as time fled on ; siu'ely he suffered in this world enough in losing that for which alone he lived." The reply is obvious, " The crime is more than you think, not of sense merely; it was that originally, but grew to be one of malice, — a crime of the wiU, not one of the mere passions." To this again the rejoinder comes, subtler but not less true ; it admits the truth of the accusation, but pleads extenuating cir- cumstances : "After all, some sj)arks of hfe are left; are they to be quenched? His very bitterness and cynicism prove the exist- ence of some m'ain of conscience left smould- ering below." Fain woidd we know what lies " behind the veil ;" often would our curiosity, or a nobler feeling of inquiry into the world beyond, demand " is there any hope ?" But still the reply comes (happily, ox TENNYSON. I 8 1 no doubt, for us), miderstood l)y none. But ^^•c have still the Father's works to contem- plate ; still many a lesson to learn from the rain which falls equally on the good and bad alike, the life which is given to all to use or misuse as they Avill ; still, above the \ace and riot of our luxurious cities, above too the questionings of the philosopher, the self-tor- menting spirit of modern inquiry, " On the glimmering limit far withdrawn God makes Himself an awful rose of daw-n." XV. WHAT'S THE USE OF SHAKESPEARE? "XT^OU mentioned the other day that you did -*- not see what practical use there was in Shakespeare. Of course a good deal must depend upon the very ambiguous term use. We should probably attach quite different meanings ; but I will suj)pose that you mean to value his plays, not merely by the low standard of how much money or money's worth can be made out of the study of his works, but what lessons he gives us for the practical life of this practical age. First, I must protest against this as a test of more than a very small part of Shake- speare's worth ; and then, with this protest entered, I will take him at yom* standard, and show you, I think, one very important lesson on the spot. You remember our laughing very heartily at an account of the hustings performances — speech there was none — of a poor young gentleman brought what's the use of SHAKESPEARE ? I 83 forward at tlio last general election to re- present a southern county ? How one of an unsym])atliising audience cruelly remarked "that he 'ad more in his 'at" (viz. his writ- ten speech^" than he 'ad in his 'ead :" how, on his declaring with perfect truth that he could not speak, they good-naturedly re- joined, " Give us a song then, governor." AVell, what was very funny to us Avas equally distressing to him and his friends. You may perhaps be on the same hustings in a few years' time. I hope you may never be in his humiliating position. Let us see if Shake- speare can help to save you from attaining to " such bad eminence" as this unha2)py candidate found it. Now it so happens that Shakespeare, w^ho has given us several mas- terpieces of debate, has given us at least two hustings speeches : one as bad as a man of any note could make ; the other, the reply, as excellent as it was successful ; and I will venture to assert that any man who coidd apply the principles on which Mark Antony framed his speech to the mob, woidd be able to carry a large portion of his hearers with him, even in the teeth of their own coha ic- tions. The two speeches arc in Julius dvsar^ tlie second act and first scene. Both are to I 84 what's the use of SHAKESPEARE ? the same crowd ; but Brutus has this great advantage, that he addresses a not unspn- pathising audience. Tlie deepest-rooted of any of the baser feelings of our nature is en\y; and to say that Csesar was great — great in ahnost any sense of the word — is. to say that he w*as largely envied. Antony had a very up-hill game to play. As we are to regard this from a strictly practical point of view, I shall do no more than notice the literary distinction Shakespeare has made between the prose of Brutus and the poetry of Antony. It could not have been written otherwise with truth ; but that we must not dwell upon now, only I must beg you to notice that poetry itself has more to do with practical life than you think of. There was no prose, except the absence of metre, about the noblest passages of the speeches of Fox, the two Pitts, Sheridan, and Burke. As you have to learn rather than unlearn, we will not dwell long on Brutus's speech. Read it through, and then ask yourselves if ever mortal man was influenced by such a hodge-podge of cold, lifeless antitheses. One would think it was a pedantic rhetorician, not a statesman, speaking, or rather weigh- ing out his miserable word-clauses oimce by what's the use of SHAKESPEARE? I 85 ounce. " Hear me for my cause," lie says. Now for something neat and pretty, and voiy nice to match that, antithetical if possible. ^' Be silent that you may hear." To criti- cise one sentence is to criticise all. Was ever human heart aroused by such heartless stuff? Look on a few lines, the same silly rhetorical prettinesses. " Ca}sar lives — ^you are slaves ; Caesar dies — you are free men ;" the strained climax, "As Ca3sar loved me, I weep for him ; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it ; as he was valiant, I honour him ; but as he was ambitious, I slew him." And so on with the same dreary commonplaces to the end. But poor as the speech is, he has a potent ally in the vulgar hatred of tyranny amongst a mob who have not brains cnouo'h to see that the days of senatorial tj-ranny and misgovernmcnt Avere ended, that an auto- cratic tA'ranny there must be — if not of the great and wise, then of the man of narrow heart and feeble brain. And noAv let us picture the scene in our imagination. Antony ascends the rostra, i. e. the hustings; around him a boisterous sea of faces, each in his own way more or less vio- lently expressive of hopes and feelings the very opposite of the orator's. The foAv articu- 1 86 what's the use of shakespeaee ? late words that are heard above the general uproar are to the effect that Csesar was a tyrant, and " we are bless'd that Rome is rid of him," and "'twere best he speak no harm of Brutus here." Yet, if you look on to the next street-scene, these same ardent partisans of Brutus and haters of Ca3sar are tearing the conspirators to shreds, and build- ing up a funeral pile for the body of the great emperor. Never did orator ascend hustings with the chances more seriously against, not only his success, but his own personal safety ; never did orator descend more superlatively victorious. What wrought this marvellous change ? When Pitt was on a visit to Paris during the short peace of 1783, he was asked by some French statesman, " How can a man like Fox, a man of pleasure, ruined by the dice-box and the turf, have such weight with you in England?" He replied, "You have never been under the wand of the magician." And yet Antony's secret is no profound one, though profoundly hidden from states- men and orators of the Brutus school. " One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." Appeal to men's feelings, the massive deep- laid foundation of all sympathy between us all. Antony appeals in tmii to their a^Dprc- what's the use of Shakespeare ? i i-j ciation of frienclship, their soisc of pity, their curiosity (a very potent spell with all, espe- cially the uneducated), their g-ratitudc, their military pride, their hatred of ingratitude ; and finally he carries their feelings away by the mute eloquence of the visible, — Cajsar's rent mantle and bleeding wounds, exciting to the highest pitch all the feelings previously appealed to, on the principle well embodied in the Avell-known Horatian lines : " Segnius irritant animos domissa per aures Quam qu;c sunt oculis subjecta tidelibus." It is but the few who can appreciate choice language, apt illustration, delicate satire, gorgeous metaphor, and the other graces of oratory, which must be acquired to enable you to address with weight an educated audience ; but the merest mob — and I am speaking of a hustings address to a mob — can appreciate what they see. The Avarmest hearts and most ardent feelings are as often found under fustian as under broad-cloth ; any ordinary crowd can and will heartily love and honour friendship expressed even for an enemy ; they can and will pity the fjiUcn, respect gratitude, and hate the mi- grateful, even if he has benefited them ; for iSS what's THE USE OF SHAKESPEARE ? there Is a strong rough sense of justice and honour to wliich one never appeals wholly in vain. Antony's task Is twofold ; for he has first to disarm the mob of their anger against Cajsar, to disabuse them of their admiration of Brutus's conductj and secondly to arouse them (if possible) to expel the conspirators bodily from E,ome, and leave the coast clear for the operations of his, the Cassarean party. Notice the extreme caution of the opening words: "I come to bury Ca3sar, not to praise him;" he disarms their resentment by dis- claiming all idea of a formal funeral lauda- tory oration. Notice the subtle suggestion in the seventh line of the j)ossibility of Brutus being mistaken about Caesar's ambition : ^^ If it were so, it were a grievous fault." He does not venture at first to do more than suggest the possibility of error on Brutus's part, but leaves the oily suggestion to do its work, merely reminding them that Ca3sar had grievously paid for it, if Brutus and the other honourable men were right. But in the thirteenth line of his speech he strikes a chord which he knows will ring deep and true through the hearts of the people : '' He Vfas my friend ; faithful and just to me." I what's the use of SHAEESPEAEE ? I 89 at least, as a private man, may and will say so mueli. He may have been ambitious or not, but he was my friend — faithful and just; tJiat you can appreciate and honoui' even in a tyrant. And they did appreciate the feeling, and listened quietly while the cunning orator cautiously began " spargere voces in vulgum ambiguas," and suggest that it was no am- bition to fill the " generaV coffers, to weep when the " poor have cried ;" to " tlmce refuse the kingly crown ;" closing his state- ment by the prudent disclaimer of disproving Brutus's words, but basing his assertions on the inexorable logic of facts : " I do speak what I do know." The nail is driven well home. He sees the crowd moved by his eloquence ; one more blow, and Brutus's work will be undone. The crowd, never tolerant of the praise of others, are getting well nauseated by the continued repetition of the honom'able character of Brutus and the rest, as contrasted with the facts which Antony " did knoAv." Once excite their feelings, their reason is more than half convinced, and all is gained. He cju-ries them back to past days — days which none can think of without emotion. " You all 190 what's THE USE OF SHAKESPEARE ? (lid love lilm once," then why not mourn at least for him now? I do not ask you for more : with broken voice the skilful orator stammers through the next two lines, and then sto^^s, overpowered by his feelings : " Si vis me flere, dolendum est Primum ipsi tibi." Tlie crowd is evidently moved, but still un- certain ; however, their former belief in Brutus's infallibility is wrecked : "If thou consider rightly of the matter, Csesar has had great wrong ;" " If it be fomid so, some wiU dear abide it ;" all point to which way the wind is setting : Antony has secured their feelings, and his game is safe. But yet he needs caution ; the very anxiety that the crowd show to listen proves that though they have lost faith in Brutus, they are not yet converted to Antony. Notice, then, with what consummate skill the orator excites first their pity — picturing Csesar yesterday so great, to-day so low. Widely spread as en^y is, pity is — at least amongst all minds but the basest — as deeply planted. Notice the wise introduction of the idea of mutiny In a conditional sentence, as before he intro- duced the doubt about Csesar's ambition : what's the "USE OF SHAKESPEARE ? 1 9 1 " If I were disposed to stir your Iiearts and minds to mutiny and rage." Notice tlio strong appeal to the spirit of curiosity, as strong a passion in many, especially unedu- cated, minds : " liis will, -which, 2)ardon me, I do not mean to read ;" how he dare not read it for fear of enlistino; their feelino-s too strongly on Caasar's behalf; how cleverly ho disclaims, as if casually, the important fact that they, the people, were his heirs : and then observe the almost undisguised scorn in which he now speaks of the honourable men, anticipating the reply fi'om some — ''they were traitors;" exacting from all the imiversal cry of " the will, the testament !" He is now on the full flood-tide of success, and has only to consider how he may safely steer his ship into port ; yet he will excite the raging waves more : his object is sedi- tion, mutiny, and rage ; death to the con- spirators, fire to their homes. He now appeals victoriously, in no timid uncertain note as before, to their ])ity for Caesar. He makes them stand with him round the body; he kindles again the t)ld Homan worship of military distinctions, as he holds up the scarred and rent mantle, and reminds them in one line of his owu 192 what's THE USE OF SHAKESPEAEE ? presence too at one of the hardest fouglit of all Cassar's great battles, " the day lie overcame the Nervii." What recollections must have thrilled through them of the oft- repeated news of fresh victories won, fresh provinces torn from their hereditary enemy the Gaul ; of countries, before mitrodden by a Roman, made part of the imperial domain — that domain of which they were the lords. Then picture the impassioned gestures of the orator as he described, carefully prolonging the account in each detail, the separate wounds of each conspirator. And see the deepening fury on each swarthy southern face, the wildness of revenge which southern nations alone are capable of feeling or ex- pressing. " Now you weep," as you look but at the mantle. He has excited all this burst of passion by the dead garment alone ; now come and regard the late living body which it contained. But the work must not be done by halves ; the mob must be possessed with the convic- tion of the worthlessness of the conspirators, and the overwhelming claim that Caesar has ujjon their love. How inimitable is the suggestion, that as this assassination could not have been done on public grounds, there what's TUE use of SHAKESPEARE ? 1 93 must hiivG been private ones, arousing 'oy a line the latent distrust of the governed for the governing : " What private griefs they have, alas ! I know not." While his dis- claiming all eloquence such as Brutus had would be almost ludicrous, did Ave not re- member that an excited croAvd will believe any thing. One more appeal to their pity : " Sweet Caesar's wounds, poor ])oor dumb mouths," followed by the reminder of the will and the announcement of its contents, and the successful orator may well hug him- self with the thought that " mischief is well a-foot," and be reckless of its consequences. I coidd add not a little upon the words put into the mouths of the different indivi- duals amongst the audience, the very " mo- bile vulgus ;" but though there is a very good study of the worshipful many-headed (under which appellation I should include myself or you, if we were found shouting a modern equi- valent to " Great is Diana of the Ephesians," and (piite ignorant of '' why we had all come together") ; yet I have in this essay ])roj)()sed to set before you one consideration only ; and I think you will admit that I have been as good as my word — that I liaAC given you reason to think that Shakespeare is not alto- 1 94 what's the use of shakespeaee ? gether useless for practical life, but would teach you one thing at least, how to talk a mob over into accordance with your own views ; in other words, how to make a capital speech from the hustings. XVI. ON NOVELS, TTT'HEN, about a hundred years ago, a * " worthy country rector wrote a series of letters to his pupils, one of which was on Novels, he could not but speak ill of them, both as reo;arded their intrinsic worth and tendencies ; and any one who is at all ac- quainted with the works to which he refers, will, I think, in the main, endorse his con- dcnniation. Happily, since he wrote, we liave seen a totally ncAv school of no^•elists arise ; and so far from condemning the works of a great majority of them, I heartily wish I could induce you to read them nuich more than you do ; and this I feel not merely in the despairing spirit in which a pater- familias is reported to have ejaculated, '' If my boys would read any thing — if they would only read Punch, I should have better hopes of them ;" but rather as believing that a irreat amount of real and Aaluable infor- 1 96 ON NOVELS. mation is contained in them — some, perhaps, which you will hardly find elsewhere. Now, of course, as of most things, " there are novels and novels;" and I know that there is more trash introduced into public life in this costume than in any other — more his- tory falsified, truth caricatured, impossibilities created, life distorted. Yet, on the other hand, there is in the works of the best (and they are happily very numerous) such ad- mirable sketches of life both past and pre- sent, such happy analysis of character, so many beauties of style, that we may well say of them what Hamlet said a play should be, that they " hold as 'twere a mirror up to nature, to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure." There is no young man who is to move in your position in life who would not be better armed to play his part in life well by know- ing two or three of Thackeray's novels well ; he would there see at least " how scorn was shown her own image ;" and might start with a sounder estimate and truer value of meanness, and flattery, and self-conceit, and e\'erv thino- untruthful. Not to burden you with many names, ox NOVELS. 197 and in order to simi)]if>' my romurks as much as possible, I M-ill coniiiie iiiyscli" to tlio tlnx'c <2;reat novelists of the eentmy — the three to whom I think all others would con- cede the palm, or whom they Avoukl consi- der the best after themselves — the value i)ut upon Themistocles by the confederate generals after Salamis. The great Duke of Marl- borough used to say that all he knew of English history was contained in Shake- speare ; and on the same principle he would, no doubt, had the Wizard of the North then livetl, have added to his store a good deal more of history from Scott's novels. You miffht irct much worse information from many professed historians : indeed it has been evident, ever since the days of Hero- dotus and Thucydides, that to be a good his- torian you must possess some of the qualifi- cations of both tragedian and novelist ; if you would describe a character correctly, you must have insight into character, a delicate perception of motive, traceable often in un- important actions; and if you would describe a scene correctly, you nuist wield the wand of the magician, and picture the past by an effort of the imagination. The famous '' cha- racters" in Clarendon's History demanded 198 ON XOVELS. talents of tlie same nature to describe tliem as did Shakespeare's Henrys and Ricliards. Macaulay's word-pictures of the trials of the seven bishops and of Warren Hastings are the results of the employment of the same faculties as those which painted the pageants in Kenihvortli, or the torture-scene in Old Mortality. I do not deny that there is truth in the criticism, that Scott's novels have too much of a family-likeness amongst them, — that there is too uniform a set of characters throuo-hout : but a man must be a much greater novel-reader than you are likely to be at present to discover that weakness ; and when he has found it in Scott, he will find it as luimistakably and quite as inexcusably in other novelists : but of this I am sure, that you will learn not a little soimd history from the Crusades, to the " Forty-five," and gain a considerable insight into all — and especially Scotch — character by a perusal of Scott's novels. You will have brought vividly be- fore you, painted in colours which can never entirely fade, the enthusiastic crusade-period both at home and abroad, the brilliant court of Elizabeth, London life in James I.'s time, the days of the Puritan ascendancy, and the ON NOVELS. 1 99 reaction against that ascendancy under tlio third Stuart, tlie talc of mingled cruelty and courage of the fanatic Covenanters, the hoj)c- less attempt of Fifteen, and the all-bnt suc- cessful one of Forty-five, — all described in language as vivid as the style is natui'al, and by a pen guided by so high a sense of duty that not one word calls for erasure to meet the eyes of the pui'est-minded or most fas- tidious. If for no other purpose, Scott's novels will always be studied as examples of a perfectly unaffected style, untainted by a pretentiousness which other great novelists might well have avoided. You have told me more than once, when called on to write an essay descriptive of some place or scene, how difhcult a VNork it is either to think of what to say, or to find fit words in which to express your ideas. I cannot do better than recommend to you a careful study of some of Scott's descriptions ; }'0U will find them very numerously scat- tered up and down his Avritings : indeed they are the distinguishing feature of his works, and so o;ood that the most exacting critic has never yet found fault with them. Among the best is his picture of the coast of Fife- shire in Tlie Antiquanj, under the cireum- 200 ON NOVELS. stances of a gathering and then raging tem- pest, and with all the natnral awfnlness of the scene heightened by the narrow escape of the chief characters from death. It is too good not to be quoted at length : " The sun was now resting his huge disk upon the edge of the level ocean, and gilded the accumulation of towering clouds through which he had travelled the livelong day, and which now assembled on all sides, like misfortunes and disasters around a sinking empire and fallen monarch. Still, however, his dying splen- dour gave a sombre magnificence to the massive con- gregation of vapours, forming out of their unsubstantial gloom the show of pyramids and towers — some touched with gold, some with purple, some with a hue of deeji and dark red. The distant sea, stretched beneath this varied and gorgeous canopy, lay almost portentously still, reflecting back the dazzling and level beams of the descending lumiuary, and the splendid colouring of the clouds amidst which he was setting. Nearer to the beach the tide rippled onward in waves of sparkling silver, that imperceptibly yet rapidly gained upon the sand Following the windings of the beach, they passed one jDrojecting point of headland or rock after another, and now found themselves under a huge and continued extent of precipices by which that iron-bound coast is in most places defended. Long projecting reefs of rock, extending under water, and only evincing their existence by here and there a peak entirely bare, or by the breakers which foamed over those that were par- tially covered, rendered Knockwinnock Bay dreaded by pilots and shipmasters. The crags which rose between the beach and the mainland to the height of two or three hundred feet afforded in their crevices shelter ON NOVELS. 201 for unnmulicrcd sea-fowl, in situations Recmingly se- cured by their dizzy lieight from the rapacity of man. Many of these ^\■'M tribes, with tlie instinct that sends tliem to seek the land before a storm arises, were now winging towards their nests with the shrill and dis- sonant clang which announces disquietude and fear. The disk of the sun became almost totally oljscured ere he had altogether sunk below the horizon, aud an early and lurid shade of darknoss blotted the serene twilight of a summer evening. The wind began to arise ; but its wild and moaning sound was heard for some time, and its effects became visible on the bosom of the sea, before the gale was felt on shore. The mass of waters, now dark and threatening, began to lift itself in larger ridges, and sink in deeper furrows, forming waves that rose high in foam upon the breakers, or burst upon the beach with a sound resembling distant thunder," You will hardly, after reading this, ex- perience the " aching void" you speak of upon having to describe a well-known scene ; and this is but one specimen of very many scores of such in Scott's novels : it is one of the best, but there are not a few others equal to it ; such as the rush of the flood-tide over the S(jhvay Firth in Redgaiintld, the wildncss of the border-land in Gnij Manmring, and the iron coast of Galloway in the same novel, the Scotch highlands in Waverley, and even scenes which were known to the writer only by books and described only through the united eiFort of a well-storod nKnni)r\' aud a 202 ON NOVELS. ricli imagination, sucli as the Syrian desert in The Talisman, or the Alpine pass in Anne of Geierstein, which latter a Swiss critic could not believe had been written by a man v/ho had never seen a glacier or heard an ava- lanche. Nor indeed was it in descriptions of natural scenery only that Scott's genius was preeminent : whenever the canvas had to be filled by many figm-es, the more lively was the scene, the more successful were the artist's efforts. He will introduce you into the golden pageantry of Elizabeth's court as readily as Shakespeare does into the stately revels of the courts of her father and her father's great minister. AVould you traverse the streets of London in days when the ap- prentices' persuasive tongues were employed at the doors, instead of, as now, behind the counters? Scott will take you down the Strand arm-in-arm with Nigeh He will usher you into the courts of kings as readily as into the worshipful society of Alsatians and gipsies ; he is equally at home by the farmer's snug fireside, in the smuggler's boat, at the hospitable board of a Saxon thane, or the silent supper of the rigid Puritan. You cannot fail of being carried along with your cicerone : you feel the spell ON NOVELS. 203 of tlio magician upon you, and oLcy you must. It is fair criticism tliat Scott's types of character are not many. It is true they are not ; but the few there are are perfect in tlicir way. We will omit all historical cha- racters — and you may go further and fare worse in your search after better likenesses of them — but his oAvn creations are well worth an introduction to. In these days, when law and society necessarily level many eccentricities, and help to throw the leaden mantle of uniformity over all of us, it is pleasant to be introduced to such extinct species as Edie Ochiltree and Meg Merri- lies and the fjxithful Caleb, and to realise what life must have been like in days that could e^'oke the mercenary courage of Du- gald Dalgetty, or the iron fanaticism of Bal- four of Burley. You will find all the richest and best types of Scott's characters — all the raciest humour and all the truest pathos — in (as is natural) his Scotch novels. Aflter all, the petty belt of land from the Grampians to the Cheviots, and from the Firth of Forth to Portpatrick, is Scott's own. All his best no- vels (with the single exception of the P irate') took root in that soil. It was to him what 204 ox NOVELS. tlie backwoods of America were to Cooper ; what England — not tlie United Kingdom — lias been to Dickens ; and London fashion- able life and English country-houses have been to Thackeray. The original idea of the Scott monument at Edinburgh — still, I believe, incomplete — was to surround the central figure of the great magician with the figures of the cha- racters which his spirit had called fi'om the vasty deep. It would have been far more in accordance with his genius to have executed his great historical and exquisite natural scenes in fresco, in a hall wdiich would have led up to the great master's statue, while still adornino; that hall with statues of the best of his characters. But the time when he died was not ripe for such a work ; we had not architectural knowledge sufficient to see that rows of statues in the open air are an extravagant absurdity in a northern cli- mate ; and there was no general perception then of the vast superiority of his scenes over his characters ; or rather the school had not then risen which was to delineate the various shades of character of the present as skilfully as he had roughly but vigorously painted the past, else it would have indeed been a memo- ON NOVELS. 205 riiil worthy of the subject to have enslirinccl Scott in a hall glowing with bright colours, where luider one roof the impetuous Charles of Burgundy and his wily suzerain, the courtly Leicester and the witty Rochester, the unhappy Queen of Scots and tlie bril- liant Chevalier, might have delighted the eyes of many generations. Nor would room h.ave been wanting for homelier scenes ; and the Antiquary might have discovered the Prwtorium, and Caleb Balderstone have rub- bed his imaginaiy plate, and old IMausc have preached martyrdom to the vmwilling Cud- die, and Dandie Dinmont have mustered the many generations of Peppers and Mustards for ever. Dis allter visum. May future ge- nerations recognise their opportunities more wisely, and may Scott's characters and scenes be part of the education of all futvu-e Eng- lishmen, as they have been of every educated Eno'lishman hitherto ! XVII. ON NOVELS. No. 2. nnHE enormous popularity which Dickens -^ met with from the outset of his career leaves me the less to say, as you are ac- quainted with more of his novels than of any other author. There is, perhaps, more mere amusement and less information to be gained from them than from either of the two other great novelists. The lessons which Dickens midoubtedly intended to convey, and to a considerable extent did successfully impart, are now less needed ; not a little, we may believe, thanks to his writings. To take but two instances : this much is certain, that an improvement in the character and compe- tency of nurses for the sick dates from the introduction of the firm of Mesdames Gamp and Prig to the public ; and the fact that some dozen northern private schoolmasters threatened Dickens with legal proceedings is a pretty clear proof that the mysteries of ox NOVELS. 207 Do-tlie-boys Hall were most righteously un- veiled to the public gaze. I cannot recom- mend you to study Dickens for style. It is sometimes slipshod and weak, and sometimes strained and artificial. The weaknesses of an author's style are seen most vividly in his admirers and imitators ; and you will see Dickens's style miintentionally caricatm'ed, and that to perfection, in many of the se- cond-rate periodicals of the day. Nor is the author to blame for this. Through all time Horace's " imitatores servum peous" will abound, — men who have neither the taste to perceive nor the sense to avoid the exag- gerations of a master. Doubtless Dickens, too, has many a time felt what Horace not only felt but expressed : " ut milii sfrpe Bilem, sajpe jocum vestri movere tumultus." Sometimes you will find an English scene painted in words singularly forcible and ap- propriate, as the well-known gale at Great Yarmouth in David Coi:)perJield ; but from the very first and best of all his works it is unmistakably apparent what his real powers are. Humour rich and rare ; the hapjiiest conception, not merely of individual clia- 2o8 ON NOVELS. racter, but of the funniest circumstances in wliicli to place them ; the most feheitous filling of the canvas by each figm'e in its right place ; a certain extravagance of ab- surdity which is never out of place in the society in which it occurs, — are character- istics which at once assured and have since secured to him the Avidest and most lastino; popularity of all contemporary novelists. There is no doubt a certain latent error in this excess of fun ; his life is rather that of children than of men ; and after the pub- lication of his first and richest display of humour, Dickens felt the truth which Shake- speare has in all his plays persistently main- tained, that life is not all joke nor all serious- ness. In his most solemn tragedies there is some comedy, in the cheerfullest melodi'ama some tragedy : the careworn Bolingbroke and his fiery nobles are succeeded in the next scene by Falstaff, and Bardolf, and Mrs. Quickly; the road to battle lies by Justice Shallow's country house ; Hamlet does not die until he has "chaffed" the grave-digger in his own quaint vein. You will soon notice for your- self, as you read, where Dickens's superiority lies, and you will probably regret with me that there are not more Pickwicks, and less ox NOVELS. 209 Bleak Houses, despite tlio fact that Pickwick is a burlesque tliroughout. I shall add no more about Dickons than that I am sure you may spend many an idle hour worse than in the worshipful society of Sam AYcller, Mr. Peeksniff, Mrs. Gam]), Mr. Bumble, and Mr. Micawber. How many who were young when Mrs. G amp first quoted Mrs. Harris would Avish that they had no worse-spent hours to look back ui)on ! It is a remarkable fact that two writers so great and so dissimilar should have been contemporaries as Dickens and Thackeray. I will merely point out to you that they arc almost the counterparts of one another, and leave you to conjecture whether, if the powers of both had been united in one person, wo should not have had a man m'eat with some- thing of Shakespeare's greatness, that many- sidedness which all can admire and none can attain to. In Thackeray you will find the daily life of London, fashionable and idle, as well as laborious and vulgar, described in language equally lively, nervous, and exact. You may learn many a lesson in self-know- ledge, as the critic cruelly lays bare the mixed motives which too often guide our best, and the mean ones wliich guide the worst, of our 2 I O OX NOVELS. actions: "mutato nomine, de me fabnla nar- ratur," eacli of us may, in one page or an- other, say of ourselves. And we can never admire enouo;li the vahant battle he wages throughout with shams of all kinds ; from sham dinner-parties to sham jiatriotism, which latter Dr. Johnson well defined as " the last refuge of a scoundrel." The predominant element in Thackeray's writings is imdoubtedly the critical spirit ; a spirit of almost suspicious mistrust of all ex- ternal appearances. He reminds one of the instruments we have read of detectives usinp; to discover hidden papers — hammers to tap for secret drawers, long skewers to probe cushions and chair-seats. Perhaps (for per- fect works of art) there is too much of it in his novels ; but consider whether in a coun- try where wealth has increased far faster than education has improved — I don't mean only learning, but the mental training which makes the gentleman and lady — where Avith many a display of money and money's Avorth is the sole test and criterion of the gentle- man — whether such a preacher as Thackeray was not imperatively called for, and does not exactly meet the wants of the times. And none but very superficial readers — and these ox NOVELS. 2 1 1 are the last novels to bo read superficially — •would assert that Thackeray's heart docs not warm as readily to goodness as his scvva in- dignatio kindles at imtruthfulness or cruelty. As one of the best illustrations of the truth of this, I would advise you to read without delay, if you have not done so already, that very clever pair of pictui'es, the " Curate's Walk," and a " Dinner in the City," ])ul3- lishcd in the second vohnne of " Miscella- nies." You will rarely find any tiling- more tender, loving, kindly, and good, than the former ; the different sketches of the throe little sisters in their solitary home, which they keep exquisitely neat, and where they work all day — the eldest of them ten, who " had been a mother ever since she was five" — their Sunday "holiday" spent at church and the Sunday-school; the description of the room, Avith the tea got ready at three o'clock P.M., two or three bits of dry bread and a jug of water — covdd not have been dl■a^^'n ))ut by a man Avhose heart warmed instinctiAcly to all that was good and true. Notice too the quiet satire in the account of the glories of Mr. Filch's shop-window: the scene so natural when the drunken father sends the child off before he o;ocs to drink 212 ON NOVELS. away the value of the waistcoat just pawned ; the keen insight which could see the pride of the shoemaker of " advanced" opinions, as the proud priest supplied him with food and money ; and above all, the humorous epi- sode of the children to Avliom, " though knowing it is wrong to give away large sums of money promiscuously," he gives a penny ; and the neglect of the mangy puppy that ensued thereupon. You will hardly find in all Thackeray's works a better ex- ample of his singrJar power (the kindly heart and vigorous brain) than is contained in this simple little story. And the pendant is as good a miniature of his powers of another class. The assem- bling of the guests, the decorations of the table, the enumeration of the viands, cul- minate in the summary of the banquet itself: " A steam of meats, a flare of candles, a rushing to and fro of waiters, a ceaseless clinking of glass and steel, a dizzy mist of gluttony, out of which I can see my old friend of the turtle-soup making terrific play among the peas, his knife darting down his throat." But, above all, do not merely read but study the speeches ; they are models of what after- dinner oratory should not be, to all time : the hel})less blunders of the old general, the ON NOVELS. 2 1 3 pompous emptiness of tlie seci'ctiiiy of tho tape and sealing-wax office, the fluent con- ceit of the American minister, are all alike inimitable. I have spoken as yet only of Thackeray's poAvers as an artist : what I Aalue most is Thackeray the moralist ; and I wish that any of you who are to enter upon Belgravian litb knew all liis great novels well. Forearmed is forewarned ; and it is well to liavc read of all kinds of character — of both Lady Kew and Lady Rockminster, Colonel Newcome and the Marquis of Farintosh, Ethel and Becky Sharpe — before you meet them. And in these novels you will travel far beyond Eng- lish homes of kindliness and boudoirs of scandal. Would you like to know the sort of company that waits your arrival at a German gambling board ? Here is one of them ch'awn to the life : " That man, so calm and Avell-bred, with a string of orders on his breast, so well dressed, with siieli wliito hands, has stabbed trusting hearts, severed family ties, written lying vows, signed false oaths, torn up pitilessly- tender appeals for redress, and tossed away into the lire supplications blistered with tears ; i)acked cards and cogged dice, and used pistol or sword as cahnly and dexterously as he now ranges his battalions of geld j)ieces." 214 ON NOVELS. You may travel in Tliackeray's company (and who could wish for better ?) more than once through tlie Rhine country and Switzer- land, into all the ruined glories of ancient Rome, and the eccentricities of artist life in modern Rome ; you can attend a hall at the Prince Polignac's, or smoke your cigar at the Cafe Grreco ; but, after all, as the Border land was Scott's own country, so the Parks, and Belgravia, and Brighton, in the season, are Thackeray's : he will point out aU the nota- bilities to you do"\\ai Rotten Row and in the Oj)era ; will introduce you to a quiet party at Greenwich, and a noisy one at the Star and Garter ; and so will many another novelist, but they will not raise the veil and show you the real characters of the men as Thackeray will ; you will not learn from them, as you do from Thackeray, to see the meanness con- cealed beneath the cloak of ostentation, and hypocrisy in the mask of honour : above all, few others will give you such true views of life, few will be true to truth, and dare to describe the gallant simple-minded preux chevalier dying in his little room, a pensioner at Greyfriars — concerning which I will only say I do not envy the man who can read that chapter with dry eyes — and Miss Becky ON NOVELS. 2 I 5 I Sliarpe entertaining licr clique at ]3atli as Lady Crawley. And yet each luul ]-c:i])cd as they had sown ; but few novelists are true enough to say so in their works. It was right that Becky's manoeuvres should end in a somewhat questionahle respeetahihty in Bath society, and that tlie siniple-niinded Colonel Newcome's childlike character should be the victim of his own simplicity, and that he should be deserted by the friends of his wealth. And yet even now' Thackeray's works are (like Tennyson's) caviare to the multitude : they are harder to ap])reciate than either Dickens or Scott, or indeed than any other of our novelists ; hai'der because they con- tain a more subtle and more j)rofound ana- lysis of character, because they are written to teach as Avell as to amuse ; hartler because they describe a society of which the itjnoh'de vulr/us care only to hear scandal ; harder be- cause the great British public is not yet educated to appreciate the delicate shades of character by which Thackeray chiefly charms us, the mixed motives, the weaknesses of the o-ood, the nobler moments of tlie frivolous or sclHsli ; but all the more therefore should excellences such as these, so true to nature. 2 1 6 ON NOVELS. and yet so rare in books, be felt and admired by men of education. There is too a tone of melancholy pervading his finest works which is characteristic of all the greatest authors, and of none but the greatest; and this too will probably long retard the popularity of his writings amongst the large class to whom a burlesque is the noblest effort of the drama, and a sensation novel the perfection of litera- ture. It is a simple subject the sight of an old letter ; but read what associations it re- calls to a man of deep feeling : " See the faded ink on the yellow jiaper that may- have ci'ossed and recrossed the ocean, that has lain locked in chests for years and buried under piles of family archives, while j^our friends have been dying and your head has grown white. Who has not dis- interred mementos like these, from which the past smiles at you so sadly, shimmering out of Hades an instant, but to sink back again into the cold shades, perhaps with a faint, faint sound, as of a remembered tone — a ghostly echo of a once-familiar laughter? I was looking of late at a wall in the Naj^les Museum, whereon a boy of Herculaneum, eighteen hundred years ago, had scratched with a nail the figure of a soldier. I could fancy the child turning round and smiling at me after having done his etching. Which of us that is thirty years old has not had his Pompeii ? Deep under ashes lies the life of youth, the careless sport, the plea- sure and passion, the darling joy. You open an old letter-box and look at your own childish scrawls, or ox NOVELS. 2 1 7 your mother's letters to you when you were at school, and excavate your heart. O me 1 for the daj' when the whole city shall be bare, and tlie chambers unroofed, and every cranny visible to the light above, from the Forum to the Lujianar !" XVIII. TO A PUPIL AT THE UNIVEPtSITY. T DO certainly recommend you to join both A- the "Union" and the "Amateur Dra- matic ;" and I will defend my advice not only on the ground of reason but of antiquity ; the most redoubtable conservative of ancient customs shall admit the force of the argu- ment. You are not expected, you tell me, by your friends to take more than an ordinary degree : if it were otherwise, I should still advise your joining one of the two societies you were asking me about ; and that because a man not only needs much in life that he can learn otherwise than through books, but yet fm-ther, he needs much that books cannot possibly teach him in any way. It is a curi- ous fact in the history of University studies that every object of study except book- work has steadily died out there ; only one im- portant name is left at Cambridge testifying TO A rUPIL AT TUE UNIVERSITY. 219 to quite a different line of study in days gone by. The wranglers were really the ablest dis- putants of their year ; the moderators played the part, and somewhat more, of the mode- rator in the Scotch ecclesiastical assemblies — they were chairmen, and guided and judged the fray. Whether or no the University has done wisely in abolishing all this training — training, you will notice, of quite a different kind to that tested by papers in an examina- tion-hall — time alone will decide ; but I do without hesitation maintain the belief that the lessons once taught by " wrangling" in the schools are now taught, perhaps more effectu- ally because less compulsorily, in the Union debating; rooms and on the boards of the Amateur Dramatic. Powers of composition are at least as A'aluable as those of analysis ; we have run crazy on criticism in England ever since Coleridge's time ; it would be well if the tables were turned for a while, and Ave had more of the old training of the wranglers and less of the modern training of books alone : the one evoked quickness in percep- tion, readiness in language, facility in reply, self-dependence, presence of mind, and the qualities necessary for men in any public station. Now as no men seek an University 2 20 TO A PUPIL AT THE UNIVERSITY. education who do not intend to appear more or less in public life, I earnestly advise you to seize the only opportunities of cultivating these powers which University life still offers you. Your work for your examinations will teach you to think ; what you want fiu'ther, is to gain the result of thought — composition, not criticism ; synthesis, as it is technically termed, not analysis. For all University men, as a rule, are preparing for one of three spheres of life — the barrister's, the country gentleman's, or the clergyman's. As regards the first of these professions, how many able men have been lost to active life, and been obliged to subside into chamber -counsel, from want of the powers we have spoken of, is known really to none, and can only be very slightly guessed at ; but by all accounts it is considerable. In their case one failure fi"om want of language, readiness, tact, or presence of mind, is fatal ; the victim passes away into obscurity : and perhaps many wish that the victims of a similar inca})acity in the other two spheres of life did the same ; but they don't, and this is often very visible and very vexatious. For, say what you will, it is a sad deficiency not to possess the slightest frao-ment of that oift which has been well TO A PUPIL AT Till'] UNIVERSITY. 22 1 defined as " tlio power of tliinkiiio; on your legs." It is a serious drawback for a young man entering ])ul)lic life to liave tlic sneer recorded aiiainst liim tliat lie manafrod the speech in his hat not so badly after all : it is a real affliction to be seized with a fit of sudden dumbness as you rise to propose some trivial toast at a bucolic festival : it is a real grief to a high-minded clergpnan to tread out the weary round of formal sermons week by week, to notice the flagging interest and watch the glazing eyes and nodding heads of his congregation, and know that his rival the Independent tinker can, any evening in the week, collect hundreds of the parishioners on the village-green to listen to his execrable theology, but homely and vigorous English. Now as you have to look forward to facing some of these difficulties before many more years of your life are over, you are unques- tionably right in having chosen to add this especial study to those now provided by Alma Mater; and if you were reading for high honours, I should (after some years' experi- ence of the world) advise your joining one of the two societies you name, as in your case I advise joining both. And this I do knowino- well the common objoctions raised 2 22 TO A PUPIL AT THE UNIVERSITY. against either, whicli are, like most olijec- tions, "very sound as far as they go." It is easy enough to ridicule the speakers at the Union (where, by the way, I never made one myself) ; but if all societies were to be snubbed, and if possible abolished, where absurd speeches were made, what would be- come of the great debating society at St. Stephen's, Westminster ? If no crude know- ledge, no exaggerated statements, no " tall talk," were to be permitted, the daily papers would be vacant with the horrible vacancy of the recess all the year round. A sneer never proved any thing 3^et, except how very dis- agreeable the sneerer was ; but you may be sure that if you begin by carefully listening to debates of the Union, and by degrees gain confidence to take part in them, you will ac- quire powers at least as valuable as a know- ledge of Paley's profound morahty, or of the construction of a common-(place) pump; you will exercise your memory in collecting ma- terials for your own orations, your judgment in seizing upon the right points to wdiich to reply in yoiu" component's speech ; you will add enormously to your vocabulary and to your knowledge of the strength and resources of the English lanixnace. I TO A rUI'IL AT THE T-NIVERSITY. 223 Tins last acquisition alone is a matter of the very greatest importance. How often of late years have really able men broken down in public life from the pure and simjilc ignor- ance of their OAvn language. Even when they had mastered their subject thoroughh', and held their disconnected facts (like marbles loose in a bag) at command by the thousand together, they could not collect the scattered threads, or Aveave them into any fabric pre- scntal)le to the least fastidious audience. And it is no use to possess tlu'eads of purple and lawn and gold, if you can only jiroducc them as frayed, as meagre, as dilapidated as the jacket of a ragged schoolboy. Depend u})on it there was much to be said for the old wrangling or disputing in the schools in former days ; it degenerated no doubt into a fiirce, but the spirit should have been main- tained, though the form was changed : " The old order chnngeth, giving place to new, And God fuHils Himself in many ways." But the clean sweep that was made of all oral examination, and the entire substitution of paper-Avork, are at best questionable ad- vantajres. No doubt writing is the test of acem'acy, and accuracy is the first tiling no- 2 24 TO A PUPIL AT THE UNIVERSITY. cessary in mental discipline; but tlio many mental powers elicited, developed, and ma- tm-ed by debate, are of no sliglit weight in the daily affairs of men, and must always remain so. It is, too, a considerable ad- vantage for a man who has not the goal of " honours" before his eyes, to have set be- fore him a weekly subject for discussion ; some at least of the subjects proposed will be to your taste ; and you will surely lay no bad foundation for more complete knowledge as a 2:)olitician in the careful study of a few such subjects at your present time of life. It is notorious that many of the best speakers of late years in '' the House" were fore- most in the debates of the Oxford Union of their day ; and Ruskln would probably teU you that it is to the same practice that he owes the power of " calling from the vasty deep," not spirits, but living words, which indeed are instinct with a life and spirit of their own, whether he wants with them to colour a cottage wall, or catch the fleeting thunder-cloud, — whether to employ them on errands of invective or sarcasm, or to invoke pity or awe. As regards the amateur acting, of course the great attraction to you is in the fun of the thing, and that I can fully sympa- TO A PUPIL AT TJIE UXIVERSITY. 225 tlilse -witli ; but there is nnicli more lliau tliis in tlic backoTound. It is no sliolit n;ain to be able to acquire even a few of tlic quali- fications of a good actor ; it is not every body wlio can so throw off liis own personality and identify himself with the feelings, desires, circumstances, and character of another. And the strengthening one's memory is no slight consideration: you must "learn your part" — in a very different sense to that in which you learned it at your repetition lessons at school ; and if you want to become a good actor, you must fully understand all the parts of the other characters who appear with you. The merely intellectual labour required is of itself no slight recommendation ; and if any body has a doubt about the general tendencies of such an amusement, let him read the ac- count of the Eton private theatricals of about half a century ago, in that amusing account of Eton entitled Etoniana. There may be, of course, olijcctions to the Amateur Dramatic, indoi)endent alto- gether of the principle of the tlu'iig ; there may be at times an itndesirable body of men at the head of it, with Avhom it is not pru- dent for you to associate. That is a separate question altogether, and mu>t bo treated in- Q 2 26 TO A PUriL AT THE UNIVERSITY. depenclently. Your own sense and good feeling must, then, decide your course. I have written merely regarding the spirit and object of the two societies ; and if quickness of perception, readiness of speech, fluency of language, and a graceful carriage, are mat- ters of real importance in the affairs of life, then, on the principle that whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well, I shall hope to hear of you as a " skilful gladiator" in debate, and a " decided success" on the amateur boards. It is well known that for purposes of public speaking there are few schools more effective than the amateur the- atre. The copia verhonwi supplied by the study of several parts in different plays is very great. The strengthening of the memory, by the continual exercise in which it is kept by the fours deforce which on an emergency it must be capable of, is far more important than is generally imagined. You gain too in habits of confidence and self-dependence. You are prepared to face, not sin-ink from, the public. There is no ordeal so sharp, no test so crucial, as the criticism of your own equals. The value of this test is one of the commonest arguments for the maintenance -of the old custom of reciting speeches at our TO A PUPIL AT TIIK UXIVEllSITY. 2 2/ puLUc schools; and if true ii; tliat case, it is doubly true in the one before us : " a man must screw up liis cournf:^e to the stickini^- place" before lie can run the gauntlet of men as unsparing of criticism as University men naturally arc. XIX. HOW IS ONE TO LEARN TO DRAW? f\F ftll the " accomplishments," as they are ^-^ most erroneously termed, there is none, perhaps, the ignorance of which is more often regretted in later years, or whose principles are more easily mastered in youth, than this of drawing. I am speaking of drawing with pencil or pen, not of painting in any material. It is a curious but well-proved fact that num- bers of people are born more or less colour- blind, as numbers are more or less unmusical, that is, music-deaf; but very few, if any, are blind to form and shadow ; and drawing is nothing else but the correct representation of these two. If but a fraction of the time that is laboriously wasted, sometimes upon languages, sometimes on music, sometimes on so-called science, i. e. young ladies' school- room science (Heaven save the mark !), were devoted to studying drawing on right prin- ciples, our sight would be disciplined, and a UOW IS ONE TO LEAEN TO DRAW ? 229 habit of correct observation v.ould be formed — a point of paramount importance, and 0110 of the first cliaracteristics of an educated mind — and we should be furnislied with one of the pleasantest companions on our join-neys abroad or at home, there being no diary to compare with a well-filled sketch-book, and besides, Avith a pleasant employment for many an idle hour, on wet days, A\dien even chro- nic billiards and an occasional look at the stables will not keep off the evil spirit of ennui. Some studies are almost impossibilities to many minds, and minds too of no ordinary calibre. No powder on earth, Dr. Ai'nold said, coidd have made him understand a really difficult problem in algebra. That eminent scholar the late Archdeacon Hare was another example of the same inabilit}'. A correct pronunciation of French is pro- bably never accpiired by au}- man after the age of twenty. Tlie first rudiments of science are to many as iucom^jrehensible as I have been told music is to many scientific or lite- rary minds. But it may be doubted whether there really are so many as five per cent in your position, and with your education, who coidd not be tauoht to lU'aw correct! v — I 230 HOW IS ONE TO LEAIIN TO DEAW ? mean so as to give pleasure to themselves and convey information to others. The re- markable success of drawing-lessons esta- blished amongst classes without half your education and opportunities, has decidedly proved how liberally nature has endowed us all with this power of describing the distant and the unseen. And yet it is painfully evi- dent that drawing is impopular. I am con- tinually met with the same answer : " I wish I coidd learn ; but it is awfully stupid work, learning." The reason is truer than many similar ones ; the study is made an awfully stupid one. Its unj)opularity lies in the fact of the extremely mu-easonable system on which it is taught; a system which makes no pretence to a knowledge of principles, which teaches a hodge-podge of disjointed facts, or rather fails of teaching even them, from the weariness and disgust which its stupidity is sui'e to create. Now there are but two difficulties to be mastered, two points of study in all ; one is form, and the other is shadow. By the first you observe and imitate the relative shape and size of objects, and their relative distance from each other ; by the second you discover and imitate the secret of their round- HOW IS ONE TO LEAllX TO UltAW ? 23 I ness, and tlio effect of siiii-liolit hjjoh tlion. You can get no further by drawing tliau this : form will tell you that in distance objects appear, and therefore must be rejire- sentedj smaller than those nearer to you ; and sliadow will tell you that in distance shadows will, except in a partially lighted scene, ap- pear lighter, mitil they disappear into the skv-shadow in the distance ; every thincially the latter," it must be indeed a di'cary study. But when you have once mastered the geography and physical features of, for instance, Auvergnc, you will then gain some idea of the nature of the last great struggle for Gallic independence, of the unwearied determination of the Roman, his marches through days of snow and ice, his siege-o])erations conducted on a scale to enclose 80,000 men within the fatal walls of circumvallation. But if you wall not use the means you have before you to gain an intel- ligent appreciation of what you are reading, 3'ou have no right to turn round upon }'our subject and complain of its diyncss. I have given this as an illustration : the same ])rinciple holds good with whatever you do. I have explained it more at length in connection with the two studies of history and geograph}'. There are two causes which produce this habit of imperfect learning : one — the less common of the two — a desire to learn too much in too short a space of time, eoririno- without diioec of churcli funn'turc, where it is manifest that if the })arishioners really wanted those things, they would provide them for themselves ; if they do not, the erection of them by others is a queer me- thod of expressing the parishioners' spirit of self-sacrifice and delight in giving of their best to God's worship. The beauty of our old parish churches Avas not accomplished thus by their munificent founders. I need hardly speak of the claims which your own parish has upon your support to its various little clubs for the benefit of the poor; their utility is universally admitted; and they demand support on no ground more than this, that they do what other charities fail altogether in doing — help the poor to help themselves; the most useful and needful lesson that can be taught them. If ever the chronic pauperism of the country is to be fairly grapi)led with, it will be tlu'ough the spread of this principle. Soup-kitchens, gifts of bread, donations of all kinds, relieve im- mediate poverty, but they foster rather than remedy the disease of pauperism. On the other hand, every penny that you can get the poor to lay by, even temporarily, is a 250 HOW TO GIVE MONEY AWAY. stone tlu'own upon the cairn that marks the grave of pauperism. The wanton extravagance and senseless wastefulness of many amongst Englisli ar- tisans, are, I believe, unparalleled in any other European country. It is a common occurrence in some places for men who are earning as much as 25.s. to 35.?. a week to apply to the clergyman, or hoard of guar- dians, for relief after being a fortnight out of work. And I have heard of far worse cases than these : of families earning SI. and 4:1. a week spending exery farthing in eating and drinking, and begging shamefully after a week's want of work. The establishment of the Government Savings' Bank is one of the most powerful levers at work for the raising and educating of the artisan and labouring classes ; any aid that you can give to the same principle in supporting your parish clothing, coal, &c. clubs is doubly well spent ; for it assists the needy at the present, and encourages a sj^irit of thrift and prudence for the future. As regards the third upon my list of begging letters, they come no doubt many of them from well-intentioned institutions; but here too some care is demanded. Not HOW TO GIVE MONEY AWAY. 25 1 a few of these societies are iiotliing niuro than scliisms ft'om old foundations; and some are even schisms dissevered from the first schismatical de})osit. They remind one of the case of a Scotch servant, who, applying to a lady for a place, hoped that she woidd be allowed to attend her own place of wor- ship. "Certainly; you belong to the split, then?" " Xo, ni'm ; I belong to the split after the split had split." These successive splits have really little claim upon our sym- pathy. Born in disunion, they have been nursed too often in the unwholesome at- mosphere of faction, and slander, and quar- relling ; from repidsive little brats they have grown into an uglier and more mischievous manhood, and so have in turn begotten a second generation pmiier and more worth- less, but still more clamorous and impor- tunate than their parents. A\'e need not be deceived by the vulgar argument that a great many good men support them ; a great many good men give their money to objects of which they know nothing, simply to deaden the incessant assaidt of a])])lications. Tlicse societies are too often im[)ost(-)rs. Look out the oldest societies for each specific (.)bject, and support those ; and if assailed to assist 252 HOW TO GIVE MONEY AWAY. tlie others on the score that you might give more to that object, the reply is obvious : if you have more, you give it to the first so- ciety, and not to its illegitimate offspring. Tliere is scarcely a charitable cause that has not two or three societies supporting it, Avast- ing the alms of their subscribers with duj)li- cate offices, duplicate officers, and a double organisation, and disgusting numbers of libe- rally disposed persons with applications for objects to which they have just subscribed. A w^ord or two about another larg-e class wdiich has sprung into great luxuriance in the last twenty years. This class of society — say for distressed washerwomen — selects the recipients of its bounty by the votes of its subscribers, every subscriber of 11., 10s., or in some cases of 5.?., receiving a vote. If you want to be hunted perpetually for votes for distressed washerwomen, by all means subscribe your name and money too ; if, however, you value your time and peace, subscribe, if you approve, to the charity, but don't let your left hand know what your right hand has subscribed. Indeed, the nuisance of this system has become so in- tolerable that steps are being taken by the managers of some of these charities to alter HOW TO GIVE MOXEY AWAY. 253 the system of election to tliciu aito^oAhcr. It 13 said (but such systematic meanness is scarcely credible) that numbers of subscribers would fall off at once if their names did not appear duly registered, and so they may enjoy at times a letter from a real peeress canvassing for some poor dependent. What would Thackeray have said to this sublimity of British flunkeyism? One abuse of the system will be patent from the fact that it regularly costs about 251. in writing and postage to secure votes in some of these so- cieties for an annuity of perhaps 20/., which, from the age of the candidate, is not worth more than five years' purchase. Of many of the charitable societies — of the sisterhoods, for instance, the orphanages, homes for the destitute, hospitals, houses of refuge for the penitent, and many similar institutions, — which have been established within the last few years in many of om* towns, it is impossible to speak except in terms of admiration and delight, and hope- fulness for the country that has given birth to them. One I will mention particularly, because of its extreme sim})licity. It is worked by men, is apparently independent of laws, exacts no particular dress, and piu'- 2 54 HOW TO GIVE MONEY AWAY. jwses to give not money so mucli as per- sonal service to the poor; to visit them in their homes, assist them when needed, and report their cases to the clergyman of the parish. It is a cheering sign of the times to see many young men of good birth and liigh social position — officers of the Guards, not a few (so-called) idle men about London, busi- ness men who will make some spare odds and ends of time for this work — join in an as- sociation for becoming personally acquainted with the needs of the poor. It is ignorance rather than selfishness that is at the root of our worst social evils. It is quite one thing to read a thrilling account of misery and suf- fering in a leading article, and another thing to go and see the horrible details, and minister to these shocking wants in person. There is an appalling truth at the bottom of that silly parody, " Whene'er I take my walks abroad, How many poor I see ; And 'cause I never speak to them, They never speak to me." And it is this : that between the life — com- fortable, luxurious, refined, and intellectual — of the rich, and that of the poor — sordid and laborious, and often gross and vicious — there now TO GIVE MOXEY AWAY. 255 is a great gulf fixed. Our intellectual pur- suits, as well as our luxurious iudulgonces, tend to widen that gulf daily. All honour to any society that will try to bridge it ; for it must be bridged otherAviso than ])y the treacherous materials of self-interest. The weekly payment and receipt of wages will never do it. As in surgery, so here, sym- pathy alone will unite a fractured liml). You are aware, no doubt, that the old charities, gifts left by will and distributed generally at Christmas, are very great throughout the country; but it may be a novelty to you to hear that in many, per- haps in a large majority of cases, they are a curse rather than a blessing ; that the poor forestall them, claim them as a right, quarrel over them, lie and backbite for them, and then waste them ; that these gifts demoralise and even pauperise parishes where they exist in large amounts ; and finally, that a con- siderable fraction, perhaps as much as half, goes straight into the hands of owners of cot- tages in these (unhappily) endowed parishes. Brilliantly as the abominations of these un- charitable charities w^ere exposed by Mr. Gladstone in a speech delivered a few 3'cars ago, these abuses might have been recounted 256 now TO GIVE MONEY AWAY. in fourfold abundance. I know a parish well wdiere, of two contiguous and perfectly simi- lar cottages, one will pay one-tliird more rent than the other. The highly-rented one is just within the boundary-line of the highly- endowed parish. The neighbouring parish, happily for its morality and industry, has no charities of any kind. Now in this, as in all abuses, there are hundreds, indeed thou- sands, interested. To sweep even the worst of them into a new channel, that should fer- tilise instead of withering all in its course, would be resisted to the death. The battle will, however, have to be fought, perhaps ere long. Don't be biased by any views of mine, but think the question carefully over by yom'self; and when the time comes, act; you are sure to have an opportunity for ac- tion in some line or other. I cannot better conclude than with the words of one who is old now, but during a long life has given largely, and now enjoys the happy recollection of acts of generous munificence : " Of all the money that I have given away in charity, none gives me more pleasure to remember than that which I have given to hospitals and schools. However greatly other charities may be, and are, HOW TO GIVE MONEY AWAY. 257 abused, these can liardly be junonost tlicir number; for no one -will net into a hospital wlio can keep out of it; and thouoh our old grammar-schools are still mostly in a state of decrepitude, no modern scIkjoI can arrive at that condition for some time at least. A child must learn something there ; and every something there learnt is a guarantee against the abuse of that or any other school long after the time when I shall be dead and gone." xxir. A LITTLE LEARNING NOT A DANGEROUS THING. /^NE would be curious to discover tlie ^^ origiuator of the proverb which affirms that a little learning is dangerous. Was he an unsuccessful inventor in Dean Swift's inimitable Universitj of Laputa? Or was it the fond parent who stoutly insisted that her dear boy should never enter the water until he could swim ? And yet it is not so very astonishing that so silly a saying, once published, shoiTld at- tain a certain circulation and notoriety. It has a degree of plausibility about it ; it strikes one, at its first introduction, as being redolent of profound study and the midnight oil, and has therefore' served again and again the pur- pose of a convenient mask for idleness to play behind ; and yet, except on this score (which indeed would argue a vast amount of idle- ness in the world), a fallacy so transparent A LITTLE LEARNING NOT DANGEROUS. 259 as tliis ought not to liave ol)t!iInere- sence of mind) from the total annihilation which the maid's want of a little learning had prepared for them. Of the two, there 26o A LITTLE LEARNING NOT DANGEROUS. can hardly be a doubt here as to which was the "dangerous thing." Now this anecdote may be taken as a fair sample of the experience of every-day life ; of the vexatioiis troubles brought about by the unaccountable absence of a little learning. I am not afraid of having quoted to me the witty remark made by a clever lawyer on reading the title of a law-book, Every Man Ids oivn Laioyer — " Then he would have a fool for his client." A little learning is just what is wanted to warn a man not to meddle with a profession he has not mastered. It does not need the wisdom of a Solomon to advise an untaught countryman not to ven- ture on a battle with a practised pugilist. Let us take a few occasions in daily life where a little knowledge would be, as it has often been, of the very highest value. The knowledge of the fact that the two main constituents of our food are carbon and starch can hardly be called profound. Nor, again, of this fact, that what nature demands for its main support is carbon in colder, and starch in warmer climates; that is to say, more animal food the nearer you approach the poles, and more vegetable the nearer you approach the equator. Now there is no doubt A LITTLE LExVRNING NOT DANGEROUS. 26 1 tliat this little know]edo:e -would be not dan- gerous, but most advantageous, to any young officer, or civilian, or merchant, starting for India, Burmah, China, and many other of our foreign possessions. There are literally scores of anecdotes of the hunting- and the battle-field which tell us how often a very little knowledge of sur- gery or of meiUcine has assuaged ])ain, and indeed stayed the a])proach of death itself. The construction of an extem})ore tournicpiet to close a severed artery is not a work of either genius or elaborate skill ; it demands nothing but a stick, a stone, and a pocket- handkerchief or two ; and yet how many valuablo lives has this fragment, this shred of knowledge, preserved ! History tells us that the Marquis of Wel- lesley, while Governor-general of India, used to send despatches to those of his subordinates who were scholars enough to understand tliem written in pure Attic Greek. Tijipoo Sahib was well known to have interpreters at his court of every modern European lan- guage, but ancient Attic was too nuich tor them. Other despatches in various tongues had been intercepted and easily deciphered ; these might be intercepted — that is the fate 262 A LITTLE LEARNING NOT DANGEROUS. of war — but not one ever gave up its secret. But it may be objected, this surely is an instance of the utihty of not a httle, but a great deal of knowledge. The Governor- general still lives fresh in the memory of Eton as a most accomplished scholar ; almost dearer to his old school on that account than as a distinguished statesman. Hear, then, the following : I remember being shown, a short time after the Indian mutiny, a facsimile of a despatch which had been sent in a quill — the usual method in India — by Inglis to Havelock (undying names) respecting the best plan of entry into the walls of besieged Lucknow. Every pro- per name, both of place and person, was written in ancient Greek characters — the characters merely, there was not an attempt at expressing an idea in the Greek language ; but by this simple expedient the message was made perfectly unintelligible to the army of the mutineers, had it fallen into their hands, while conveying the same information that Eno;lish would have done to the areneral to whom it was addressed. Of the blunders that are almost daily made from want of tlie most rudimentary A LITTLE LEAKNING NOT DANGEROUS. 263 knowledge of art tlic newspapers all furnish frequent instances. A year or two ago an amusing instance came into court, when it appeared that some wealthy simpleton had purchased what he believed to be genuine j)ie- tures by Michael Angelo and liaphael, which were really copies of copies of their great originals, manufactured at so much the square foot in Manchester. Kow even if he could not tell a picture from a daub, it would have required but a very little literary know- ledge of art to be aware that the originals were in one or other of the great galleries or churches on the Continent — some, perhaps, that he had hurried past while accomplish- ing, as Englishmen will in their travels, the greatest amount of space in the smallest amount of time. What anecdotes of ruinous blundering cannot builders tell, all arising from their employers' ignorance, not of details — that is the builder's business — but of the first idea or conception of the thing house ! Despite the truth that medical science reiterates about light and sunshine being the first necessaries of health, how many new houses are thoughtlessly built to fjice the north and north-east ; thouirh, if medical science had 764 A LITTLE LEARNING NOT DANGEROUS. been silent, the experience and example of the great builders of the Middle Ages might have made us wiser in our generation. You Avill find that, with hardly an exception, in our climate at least, the cathedral or huge monastery-chiu'ch stood at the north side of the whole range of buildings, protecting the cloisters, refectory, and dormitory from the cold winds, and leaving them open to the warmth of the south. That this did not arise from an accidental or a conventional style of arrangement is clear from the fact that in Spain the cloister court is found on the north side of the church, for coolness. I will add but one more illustration from building. The very simple law of capillary attraction is well known, by which bricks or any porous material will sop up water to any height ; so that the floor and even the roof- timbers will be kept constantly damp if laid on bricks, which, again, are placed upon a damp soil ; yet, despite this very simple and self-evident fact, how many houses are built by men regardless of the easy expedient of inserting a layer of slates in cement just below the lowest floor-timbers, so as to cut off the risino; moisture once and for all ! Now as all wide -spread fallacies have A LITTLE LEARNING NOT DANGEROUS, 265 always been based upon a perverted or con- cealed truth, let us see what the grain of hidden truth is in this case. Is it not tin's ? that a little knowledge, if you think it big when it really is little, is a dangerous thing ? which in other words means this, that it is not the little knowledge that is dangerous at all, but your taking a false estimate of it. Now this truth is undeniable ; but it is equally true that a proverb which demands so much explanation, so many addenda et corrigenda^ is a very clumsy piece of work- manship indeed ; and when to this you add the undeniable fact that it has been made the excuse for a multitude of sins of idleness, it does deserve the treatment that the jack- daw in the fable received, who decked him- self out in the borrowed peacock plumes. In fact there are two distinct truths involved in this clumsy and pretentious apothegm, neither of which is, however, at all fully conveyed in it : the fii'st of which is, '^ be modest about what you know ;" and the second, " do not despise any knowledge, however slight or even fragmentary;" cor- rect it if possible, and reclaim it from its fragmentary state into order and system if you can ; but whether you can systematise it 266 A LITTLE LEARNING NOT DANGEEOUS. or not, still be ever collecting knowledge from all quarters, acquire it through every avenue of information — through conversation no less than throuo-h books, throuo-h the eve no lest than the ear. Much of Shakespeare's ripe- ness and extraordinary accuracy of know- ledge must have come — as we know from his biography that Goethe's did — from ob- servation of mechanics at their work, from noticing the conduct and language of work- men in their fields, in their ships, at their markets, in their churches, or in their shops. It is a part of an old, old truth, but capable of wider interpretation than it generally receives — despise not small tilings. xxiir. HINTS ON THE STUDY OF SHAKESPEARE. 'V'OU tell me that, much as you wish it -^ were otherwise, you find Shakespeare very heavy reading, and you heartily wish you could feel some of the intense admira- tion with which all Shakespeare readers speak of his works. You are convinced that the man whom Goethe and Coleridge illustrated and Schiller translated, whom all the greatest authors united in honouring, must indeed be great : and you tell me }ou have lately seen it noticed that the number of copies of Shakespeare taken out of the Manchester free library is greater than that of almost any other book ; proving that not only the literati, the men Avho read Homer and Dante and Goethe, but that many of the artisan class delight in the Avorks of him whom the Germans characteristicall}' entitle "the myriad-minded." I will, then, in this letter, give you a 268 ON THE STUDY OF SHAKESPEARE. few hints — set up, so to say, a few finger- posts in the route for you to travel over ; the route, or one very similar to it, that all must have travelled over to their goal; which is the delight inspired by the beavity and apt- ness of the language, the depth of thought, the delineation of feelings of awe and mirth, of love and phrensy, combined in one vast j)icture. And first you should clearly understand that your difficulty is not unique in this par- ticular. You could as little, without artistic and architectural study, comprehend a cathe- dral in all the grandeur of its design and the loveliness of its details, or a great picture in its variety of excellences, as you can compre- hend one of Shakespeare's vast life-pictures : indeed the latter is the most difficult achieve- ment of any; higher mental powers are taxed to comprehend such a play as Hamlet or Lear than are called into play to appreciate any art. And yet you would, I daresay, feel as helpless before, for instance, that grand pic- ture of the Supper in Cana of Paul Veronese in the Louvre, where at the first glance we feel a dim sense of beauty, of lovely colour, of graceful form, of animated expression ; but without some explanation, without some ox THE STUDY OF SHAKESPEARE. 269 acquired knowledge of art, we can liardly advance much further. But when we analyse the painting in detail, and know that the musicians (I take the foreground first) are portraits of the great painters of the day, including such names as Tintorct and Titian ; the guests on tlie left of the picture are all portraits of the great monarchs of a period of great monarchs, — Charles the Fifth and Francis the First, and Solyman ''the Mag- nificent," — we begin to feel that there is an historical greatness in the Avork, independent of artistic worth. Add to this the skill with which the painter has represented the prepa- ration for a feast on the gallery in tile back- ground, thus combining (in dramatic lan- iTuaire) subordinate scenes with the main plot of the play. Add to this the skilful in- troduction of severe lines of architectm-e on either side, to act as foils to the gracefid shapes and flowing robes of the feasters; then consider the masterly drawing, the rich and yet subdued colouring. Add to this again the life thrown into every detail, down to the cat sharpening its claws upon the embossed sides of a silver vase, and the leash of hounds, one of which pulls away from his sleepy fellow as it eagerly watches the cat. Add to 270 ox THE STUDY OF SHAKESPEAEE. all tills the solemn central figures ; — and we then begin to appreciate the work by de- grees in its fulness. Last of all, perhaps, you feel that, however many anachronisms there may be — Italian architectm-e, kingly guests, modern musical instruments in a sacred sub- ject — yet it is a thoroughly perfect and com- plete picture, conveying the impression that thus He would have appeared amongst men at rich men's tables, had He come in later times : and as we remember this, the ana- chronism is but one of time ; there is no unreality about it, even as a sacred pictm^e ; while the introduction of the peculiarities of the artist's own time vastly enhances the value of the pictiu'e in an historical and artistic point of view. Apply this principle of study, of gradual comprehension, to a play of Shakespeare, and you will find, if I mistake not, that fully three readings of a play are required if you would really appreciate not " the beauties of Shakespeare," but Shakespeare himself The first reading, to master the difficulties of the language ; the second, to comjH'e- hend each leading character singly ; the third, to grasp the meaning and complete- ness of the play as a whole. ON THE STUDY OF SHAKESPEARE. 27 1 There is no need of entering now into the reasons why the mere text of Shakespeare is full of difficulties ; but they arise mainly from two sources : 1st, language ; 2dly, gram- mar. It is confessedly impossible to understand an author unless you are perfectly accpiainted with his language. Now if you really think that Shakespeare presents but few difficulties of language, pray undeceive yom'self by run- ning 3'our eye down a good glossary of his words and phrases : the obsolete expressions alone are very numerous ; and be sm'e that until you comprehend these as readily as you enter into the language of daily life, you can't really comprehend Shakespeare. The gram- mar is another difficidty; but this arises from a totally different cause, Avhich is the close- ness of the thought on the part of the speaker. If you have any doubts on this head, let mo refer you to that famous speech of Macbeth's beginning, "To be thus is nothing;" and you will quickly change your opinion on tliis head also. I believe that these two difficul- ties alone are the greatest impediments to the interest that Shakespeare would other- wise create in the mind of every educated Englishman, They are really more serious 2/2 ON THE STUDY OF SHAKESPEARE. impediments, because they are often over- looked from being undervalued : scenes are consequently but half understood, all strength and life have evaporated, the portrait is like that in a blurred photograph, where you would hardly recognise even a well-known friend after the unskilftd treatment he has undergone. Now, next to understanding the phrase- ology and grammar of a play, which is in itself no light work, you should try and gain a distinct conception of the drift and mean- ing of each individual character. Therefore, as a second matter of study, I should say, take in turn each great character — say four or five in the play — and read their parts straight through, with only as much of the context as will tlu"ow light upon the single character you are studying. To make my meaning clearer : take, for instance, the first part of King Henry IV. — Knight's, or any good edition, will tell you at the beginning of the play in what acts and scenes each character appears : — take Hotspur ; he first appears in act i. scene 3, where his character soon displays itself as bold, impetuous, irrit- able, inconsiderate, reckless of consequences, ready to beard the king to his face, and then ox THE STUDY OF SHAKESPEARE. 273 joining any intemperate sclicnie for revenge; in act ii. scene 3, he is all ardour and excite- ment for the campaign, parrying his "svife's attempts to discover the secret of his warlike ^^reparations, scoffing at the faint-heartedness of those who are less impetuous than him- self; in actiii. scene 1, his reckless overbear- ing spirit leads him to insult the calm and dignified, but vain and superstitious Glen- dower, then quarrel with him about a few pounds' -worth of land, mock at his accom- plishments, irritate to the last degree the man whose aid would be a mainstay in their treasonable enterprise ; and at the close of the scene his manners and lano;uao;e, rough and somewhat coarse, show the want of all real refinement beneath the brilliant display of courage, hardihood, and resolution ; and thus he continues on to the last. The con- sistency of his character will force itself upon your notice when you read tliese scenes con- secutively. And when you have thus studied a few of the leading characters carefully and at length, you will be prepared for the last reading, which will then present the play before you as a whole. There are two points of view from which a play of Shakespeare's may be regarded : T 2 74 ON THE STUDY OF SHAKESPEARE. either as a work of art, or (which is the higher view still) as a practical lesson in the conduct of affairs in life ; and perhaps, in studying a play as a whole, you will do well to examine it from these two different points of view separately, at least in those plays that you make a systematic study of. And in studying a play as a work of art, you will notice the skill with which the author strikes the key-note of the coming plot in the first scene, however short that scene may be. In the play we have just been considering, the main plot is a most dangerous, though un- successful rebellion ; and in the first lines we see the coming tempest, the little cloud, no bisffer than a man's hand, on the horizon. Then you will notice the skill with which the comic and the serious scenes are interwoven : the truthful pictm'e of life there given, not all laughter, not all tears ; U Allegro and II Penseroso ever side by side, as Milton has embodied them for all time. And thus by these and similar observations you will soon be led to appreciate the greatness of the work as merely a work of art. But how much higher greatness do these plays dis- close in gauging the jiowers and sounding the passions of mankind ! This, the highest ON THE STUDY OF SHAKESPEARE. 275 walk of criticism, you must not expect to tread early in your studies : it is only by slow degrees and enlarged knowledge of character that you will learn to appreciate the truths underlying often the lightest as well as the most serious scenes ; the deep insight into human nature in not one but a thousand varieties ; the strange apparent in- consistencies of the same character, — noble in one direction, commonplace and even sordid in another; the noble Maebetli a mur- derer, while maxims of wisdom fall from the lips of the old dotard Polonius ; the natural consistency of a character with itself at dif- ferent periods of life, though brought on the stage at only one of those periods : take, for instance. Justice Shallow, who ajipears only in age, a liar, drunkard, boaster, and fool ; the natural conclusion to a youth Avhich he describes himself as frivolous, idle, and de- bauched. And lastly, consider the many and great lessons that each play conveys as a Avliole. The deadly poison of temptation once tam- pered Avith, its poAvcr to ruin a nol)lo soul like Macbeth's ; the unbalanced judgment, and impotency of decision, the slavery to the impulse of the moment, in Eichard II. ; the 276 ON THE STUDY OF SHAKESPEAEE. ruin of '' ill-weaved ambition" in Hotspur and Wolsey ; the loss of all peace coincident with the loss of faith in goodness in Othello ; the total paralysis inflicted upon the highest intellectual powers by indecision and pro- crastination in Hamlet ; the brutal ignorance and senseless inconsistency of mobs, the need that every one who thinks he stands should take heed to his falling, in Angelo ; the close alliance between a life of sensuality on the one hand, and lying, boasting, slander, and all the meaner vices on the other, in Lucio, in the same play ; — all these there are, and a thousand more lessons, expressed too in a spirit of the truest morality; no glozing over vice with specious words and sugared phrases ; the old profligate Falstaff, with all his wit, is not only detected and exposed, but (what vice hates tenfold worse) baffled and ridiculed by the Merry Wives of Wind- sor. All this will become an open book to you, very easy to decipher at a glance, when you have once honestly toiled your way up the ascent; but here, as elsewhere, there is no royal road to learning. You must be perfectly acquainted with the language the poet em- ploys, and be able to unravel his closest grammatical constructions ; you must have ox THE STUDY OF SlIAKESPEAllE. 277 steadily studied individual elmraetcrs, and mastered some of the earlier and easier plays, before you can unseal the riddle of the mys- tic book at a glance, and ever draw fresh streams from the ever-s})ringing fountain, and learn the words of wisdom, and gain all the pleasure and enjo^'ment of reading, which is the lot of those to whom his characters are " familiar in their mouths as household words." grijt C-nb. 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