101 li mil B 3 IDM mb |!ij ti;}! /■■■V r' X '■ )-^'',l THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID ^^NOW N r- ^ ^ r> f ^ A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES, TOGETHER WITH THEIR SEVERAL CONNEXIONS WITH EACH OT.HER, AND WITH THE MUSCLES; SPECIALLY ADAPTED ?tuStnt!5 lit anatoma* By JOHN F. SOUTH, ASSISTANT-SURGEON TO ST. THOMAs's HOSPITAL. ILLUSTRATED WITH NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS BY BRANSTON. THIRD EDITION, ENLARGED AND CORRECTED. LONDON : SHERWOOD, GILBERT AND PIPER PATERNOSTER ROW. . 1837. Z/^^M^ VIZETELI.Y, BaANSTON AND CO. PRINTERS, FLKET STREET, LONDON. PREFACE. St In presenting to the Profession a Third Edition of this Uttle Work, I trust that its altered form will tend considerably to improve its usefulness. The employment of pictorial illustration as auxiliary to descriptive Anatomy, is now so general, and the increased facihty it affords to the Student so fully admitted, that I feel no apology necessary for the introduction of Wood- cuts as explanatory of the text. It is not intended to compete with the mag- nificent " Osteographia " of Cheselden, which must ever be considered one of the finest specimens of engraving and anatomical fideht}" ; but the great value and rarity of that noble work remove it beyond the reach of most persons, and its large size would, even if it were easily procured, render it inconvenient for constant reference. I have, therefore, availed myself of Mr. Bran- ston's able assistance, in providing for the Student a pocket companion on that section of Anatomy iG3 IV PREFACE. which, if perfectly understood, renders every other comparatively easy. The Drawings for the several subjects, have been made from the bones them- selves, and are not, as is commonly the case, copied from other works, with the exception of the frontispiece from Cheselden, and some parts of the Ear, which have been taken from Soemmering's great work, "De Auditu," and which are acknow- ledged. The entire section on the bony structure of the Ear I have added more fully than at first intended ; and I hope the description here given will remove the difficulty so commonly felt in acquiring a knowledge of that beautiful, though complicated apparatus. JOHN F. SOUTH. 2, Adelaide Place, London Bridge, December 1, 1836. CONTENTS, CHAP. I. Page Of the Skeleton 1 CHAP. II. Of the Bones of the Trunk 4 CHAP. III. Of the Upper Extremity 32 CHAP. IV. Of the Lower Extremity 53 CHAP. V. Of the Head 70 CHAP. VI. Of the Sutures and the Basis of the Skull 101 CHAP. VII. Of the Bones of the Face 116 CHAP. VIII. Of the Orbits, Nostrils, Palate, and Ears 130 CHAP. IX. Of the peculiarities of the Bony Structure of the Foetus 144 DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. CHAPTER I. Of the Skeleton. The Bones are those hard parts of the Human Body which are composed principally of phosphate, with a small portion of carbonate of lime, deposited in an or- ganized substance, consisting of gelatine, and plentifully supplied with vessels, for the purpose of nourishment and growth. They serve as a frame-work to the soft parts ; pro- tect the more important organs ; and afford a series of levers, by means of which, through the agency of the muscles, locomotion is performed. The Bones together form THE SKELETON, which is said to be either natural or artificial. It is called a natural skeleton, when the bones are kept together by their natural ligaments ; but this 2 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. kind is of little use for practical purposes, since the extremities of the bones, which are very important, as forming the joints, are so completely covered, that their form cannot be seen. It, therefore, becomes necessary to remove all the soft parts, and join the bones together with wires; and thus is produced the artificial skeleton. The Skeleton consists of two hundred and forty-nine bones, which are divided into those of the Trunk, Ex- tremities, and Head ; some of them are single, and others in pairs. They are CO Si r Vertebrae 24 Costag 24 Sternum 2 Ossa innominata 2 Os sacrum 1 — coccygis 1 f Claviculae 2 Scapulae 2 Ossa humeri 2 Ulnre 2 Radii 2 Ossa carpi 16 metacai'pi 10 Phalanges digitorum manus 28 Ossa sesamoidea 4 femoris 2 Patella? 2 Tibiae 2 Fibulae 2 Ossa tarsi 14 metatarsi 10 Phalanges digitorum pedis 28 Ossa sesamoidea 4 186 r3 ^i o A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. Brought forward 186 f Os frontis 1 Ossa parietalia 2 Os occipitis 1 Ossa temporum 2 Ossicula auditus 8 Os splienoides 1 — ethmoides 1 Ossa malarum 2 maxillaria superiora 2 nasi 2 lachrymalia 2 palatina 2 turbinata 2 Vomer 1 Os maxillare inferius 1 Dentes 32 ^Os hyoides 1 249 Before proceeding with the description of the Bones, it will be necessary to speak of THE TERMS generally used in describing relative position, or the relation which one part bears to another. The anatomist supposes the body erect, with the arms in such position that the palms of the hands are turned forwards, and the lower extremities so placed, that the knees and toes are directly in front. The terms, by which relative position is usually denoted, with their several senses, are as follow. By superior and inferior, we signify higher and lower with respect to the summit of the head; by anterior and posterior, we denote the situation of the parts as nearer to the fore or B 2 4 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. the hinder surface of the body ; and by laterally to the right or left^ we understand that the parts so described approach the one side or the other. Inner and outer express the relation of any given part or portion of the lK)dy to an imaginary plane, assumed by anatomists for the purpose of distinct conception or description, and named by them the Median plane, it being supposed to bisect the body into lateral halves, passing through the middle of the head and trunk, and continued between the inferior extremities : inner denotes an approach to, outer a removal from, this imaginary plane. The terms external and internal, without and within, are used only in speaking of cavities. CHAP. II. Of the Bones of the Trunk, The Trunk is composed of the Spine, Thorax, and Pelvis. 1. THE SPINE, Columna Spinalis, Consists of twenty-four bones called vertebrae, which are piled one upon the other, the lowest resting upon the sacrum, and the uppermost supporting the head. THE VERTEBRA.' Each VERTEBRA cousists of a body, seven processes, a hole, and four notches. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. The body, corpus (1), is the thick strong part situated in the front, of an irregular oval or rounded form ; flat or shghtly concave above (a) and below (b), convex laterally before (c, c), and hollowed behind {d), where it forms part of the spinal hole. The processes are, four articular, two transverse, and one spinous process. Of the articular processes, j)' articulares, which join the back part of the body, and form the sides of the spinal hole, the two superior (2, 2) have their articulating surfaces facing backwards, and a little outwards, whilst the two inferior (3, 3) face forwards, and rather inwards. From the roots of the superior articular processes extend outwards, or outwards and backwards, the transverse processes, p. transversi (4, 4), very strong and thick, which are particularly for the attachment of muscles. From between the superior and inferior articular pro- cesses extends backwards, or backwards and downwards, the spinous process, p. spinosus (5) ; this is sharp above (e), concave below (/), and more or less hooked down- wards. 6 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. By tlie junction of the processes with the back part of the body of the vertebra, the spinal hole foramen ver- tehrale (G) is formed, which is either triangular or round, and through it passes the spinal marrow and its mem- branes. The roots of the articular processes are hollowed out above and below into notches (7, 7, 7, 7), of which the inferior are very deep ; these, when the vertebrae are fitted together, form holes on each side (see page 14), through which the nerves pass from the spinal canal. DIVISION OF THE VERTEBRiE. The vertebrae are divided into three classes, the CERVICAL, of which there are seven, forming the neck ; the DORSAL, or those of the back, which are twelve in number ; and the lumbar, or those of the loins, consist- ing of five vertebrae. These three classes not only have remarkable general peculiarities, but also among them- selves differ from each other. The cervical vertebra are smaller than the others; their bodies (1) are longer from side to side ; the upper surface {a) the largest, and concave laterally, the lower (h) the smallest, and concave from behind forwards ; articular processes oblique, the superior (2, 2) oval, slightly con- vex, facing upwards and backwards ; the inferior (3, 3) A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 7 also oval, slightly concave, facing downwards and for- wards ; transverse processes (4, 4) short and thin, passing directly outwards from the body, and from the roots of the articular processes, having a hole (8, 8) in each for the transmission of the vertebral artery, and bifurcated (g) for the attachment of muscles; spinous process (5) short, horizontal, and bifid (A) ; spinal hole large and tri- angular (6) ; its upper edge sharp, its lower edge larger than the upper, and slightly rounded : the notches (7, 7) at the roots of the articular processes not so large as in the other vertebrae. The dorsal vertebrae diminish in size from the first to the fourth or fifth, from which they increase to the twelfth, which is the largest of all. The body (1) is longer from before to behind, than from side to side, flat above («) and below (6), and the inferior surface the largest ; at the junction of the body with the arch, a half articular surface on the upper and lower margin (9, 9) ; these, when the vertebrae are put together, form an articular surface on each side, between every two dorsal vertebrae to receive the heads of the ribs : articular processes perpendicular and flat, the two superior (2, 2) facing backwards and 8 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. outwards, the two inferior (3, 3) forwards and inwards : transverse processes (4, 4) strong, extending outwards and backwards, having a concave articular surface (10, 10) on the front of their points for the tubercles of the ribs ; spinous process (5) much hooked downwards, triangular, and sharp above and behind, hollowed before and below : spinal hole (6) round, notches larger than in the cervical vertebrae. The lumbar vertebra are of larger size than the others, broader than their depth ; their long axes from side to side, and slightly concave from behind to before, both above and below : articular processes perpendicular, the two upper (2, 2) concave, facing backwards and inwards, the two lower (3, 3) convex, facing forw'ards and outwards : transverse processes (4, 4) slender, and passing backwards and outw^ards, inclining at the same time rather upwards : spinous process (5) deep, long, horizontal, and flattened at the sides : spinal hole (6) triangular : notches large. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 9 Differences' IN particular VERTEBRiE of each Division. ^ Among the cervical vertebra, the first, second, and seventli differ from the others. The first vertebra, or Atlas, scarcely resembles a vertebra, consisting merely of a bony ring, the ante- rior part of which is hollowed out in place of the body (1), for the dentiform process of the second vertebra, and has an articular surface on its posterior surface (i) for the front of that process ; the superior articular processes (2, 2) irregularly oval, their long axes from behind to before, concave in the same direction, and facing upwards and inwards ; the inferior (3, 3) broad, and nearly flat, facing downwards and inwards : trans- verse processes (4, 4) not bifid but large, and originating from between the upper and lower articular processes, inclining shghtly downwards ; a groove {j) extending on each side from the back of the hole (8, 8) in the transverse process, along the upper edges of the arch, and winding round the back of the roots of the upper articular processes for the vertebral artery to make its turn : spinal hole (6) large : notches situated behind the roots of the articular processes. 10 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. The second vertebra, Axis vel Vertebra Dentatay is ^^ remarkable for a strong tooth-like process or pivot, the dentiform pro- cess, p, dentatus (11), which rises from the upper part of tlie body (1), *^ j^'-i^^Mn^^U has an oval articular surface (A;) on its front, and is received into the hollow of the Atlas : the superior articular processes (2) very broad and nearly flat, face upwards and outwards, and are situated immediately to the outside of the denti- form process ; the inferior (3) placed below and behind them, face forwards and downwards : the transverse processes (4) very small and single, originate from the outsides of the superior articular processes ; the holes (8) in them not perpendicular, but passing upwards and outwards : the spinal hole large : the superior notches behind the upper articular, the inferior before the lower articular processes. The seventh vertebra diflTers from the other cervical, '^ in being larger, in having the transverse processes (4, 4) single, with a hole in each for the trans- mission of the vertebral veins, and a smooth surface on the front of their roots, over which the vertebral artery passes to enter into the holes in the transverse processes of the sixth ; and in the spinous process (5) not being bifid but longer, and slightly hooked down- wards like the dorsal. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 11 Among the dorsal VERXEBRiE, the first, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth differ from the others. The jirst has a whole articular surface (12) on each side of the body for the heads of the first pair of ribs, besides the half surfaces (9) for the second pair. The tenth (X) has but one pair of half articular sur- faces (9) on the body for the tenth pair of ribs. The eleventh (XI) and twelfth (XII) have whole articular surfaces (12, 12) for the two lowest pairs of ribs ; the transverse processes (4) di- minish gradually in size, so that those of the twelfth are the smallest, and those pro- cesses of the eleventh and twelfth have no articular surfaces upon them : the twelfth is further distin- guished by having its inferior articular processes (3) con- vex laterally, and facing forwards and outwards. Among the lumbar vertebra, the fifth differs in having the lower surface (6) oblique instead of flat, so that the anterior edge (c) of the body is much deeper than the posterior (c?); and the spinous process (5) is much hooked downwards. X!I 12 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES- General Remarks on the Spine. ■m The vertebrae, when articulated to- gether, form the Spine or Vertebral Column, which measures about one- third of the total height of the body, the other two-thirds being made up of the head, pelvis, and lower extremities. With regard to the proportions which the different divisions of the Spine bear to each other, the dorsal division will be found about two inches shorter than the cervical and lumbar divisions taken together. When viewed in front, the Spine appears of a pyramidal figure, the base of it resting upon the sacrum, and the apex supporting the head : but the apex is not the most tapering part ; the bodies of the vertebrae gradually diminish in size, from the last lumbar up to the fourth or fifth dorsal, and from that they begin to enlarge up to the last cervical, from which again they diminish to the second cervical, which is very large in comparison with the four ver- tebrae immediately below it ; and above that, the transverse processes of the first vertebra are seen much expanded beyond those of the other cervical ver- tebrae. With respect to the diminution of size in the middle of the dorsal ver- A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 13 m'l^. /A rv~ tebrae, it is probably intended to give room for the important viscera contained in the Thorax, of which they form a large part of the posterior boundary ; and to this end some anatomists have described a curve on the left side to give room for the aorta. M. Beclard, however, has shown that this circum- stance merely depends upon the use of the right arm ; for in persons who were left-handed, he found the curvature in the opposite direction. In looking at the Spine posteriorly, the spinous processes are seen project- ing in the middle ; those of the cervical and lumbar vertebrae horizontally back- wards, and those of the dorsal hooked downwards ; on each side of these is seen a groove, formed by the junction of the arches of all the vertebrae, and bounded on the outside by the trans- verse processes, in which lie nearly all the muscles contained in the vertebral region. These being prominent in the recent state, leave a depression between them, in which the points of the spinous processes are felt extending from the head to the sacrum. A lateral view of the Spinal Column presents anteriorly, two convexities and a middle concavity, the superior con- vexity formed by the lower cervical and H A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. f cales upper dorsal vertebrae, and the infe- rior by the lumbar ; whilst the middle concavity is produced by the retro- cession of the bodies of the middle dorsal vertebrae. Behind the bodies of the vertebrae, and between them and the roots of the articular pro- cesses, are seen the holes formed by the junction of the notches, through which the nerves pass from the spinal canal. And the different directions of the spinous processes may also be well seen in this view. The Spinal Canal, Canalis Verte- bralis, is formed by the junction of the arches of all the vertebrae ; it is situated behind their bodies, and bounded by the roots of all the pro- cesses laterally and posteriorly ; it forms a complete bony case for the spinal marrow, protecting it in its passage from the cranium to its ter- ^j mination in the sacrum : it is largest -0M\ in the cervical and lumbar vertebrae ; and smallest in the dorsal. The muscles attached to the spine are, on the back part, M. trapezii, ^^^s!^^^^"^!™ latissimi dorsi, rhomboidei majores ^ & minores, levatores scapulae, serrati postici superiores & inferiores, sple- nii, complexi, sacro-lumbales, cervi- descendentes, trachelo-mastoidei, longissimi dorsi. ^^^'^v*! 'if A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 15 transversales colli, spinales & semispinales dorsi, semi- spinales colli, recti capitis postici majores & minores, obliqui capitis superiores & inferiores, multifidi spinae, interspinales, intertransversales, & levatores costarum ; on the fore party M. longi colli, recti capitis interni majores & minores, recti capitis laterales, scaleni antici, medii & postici, diaphragma, qiiadrati lumborum, psose magni & parvi, obliqui interni & transversales abdominis. 2. THE CHEST, Thorax, Is formed by twelve pairs of ribs, two bones of the STERNUM, and the twelve dorsal vertebrae already described. 16 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. THE RIBS. Costce. Situation. They are placed on each side of the dorsal vertebrae, and form with them the posterior and lateral parts of the Thorax. They are divided into true, false, and floating ribs ; of these the true, the seven superior, are articulated to the sternum ; whilst the false, the three below the true, join by their cartilages to each other ; and the floating ribs, or two lowest, have their anterior extremities unattached to each other and termi- nating in the muscles. JDescriiition. The form of the ribs is very irregular. Each rib consists of two extremities with an inter- mediate body, which is more or less curved forwards and inwards, flat without (a) and within, (6) rounded above (c) and sharp below {d), with a groove (e) along its inferior edge for the intercostal vessels and nerves ; the posterior or vertebral extremity is called the head (1), which has two articular surfaces (2, 2) [upon it divided A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. r by a middle ridge (3), to articulate with the bodies of the dorsal vertebrae ; imme- diately to the outside of the head, the bone is contracted T^^.T''^ to form the neck (4), which is marked by the capsular hgament ; a little to the outer, under, and back part of the neck is the tubercle (5), having a plane articular surface (C) for the transverse pro- cess of the vertebra ; further outward, the bone be- comes suddenly bent forwards, and produces the angle (7) ; from which proceeds the body (8, 8), which passes forwards and inwards, inclining at the same time down- wards, to terminate at the sternal extremity (9), which becomes deeper, and has an oval concave surface (10) in which the cartilage is received. Differences in Particular Ribs. No two pairs of ribs resemble each other in length, or in the direction of their curvature ; the first pair is the shortest, the second longer than that, and so on till the seventh pair ; when they begin again to decrease in length to the twelfth, which is nearly as short as the first pair : and with regard to the direction of their curvature, that of the first is nearly horizontal, whilst the lower pairs dip down more and more at their points. But there are other more remarkable distinctions in the first, eleventh, and twelfth ribs. The first rib is very short and much curved; its body (8, 8) is very thin, and broad above and below, with 18 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. a smooth and slightly hollowed surface near its sternal extremity, over which the sub- clavian artery passes ; its head (1) has only a single articular surface (11) by which it joins to the whole articular surface on the side of the body of the first dorsal vertebra ; and the tubercle (5), which is very large, is placed immediately upon the angle (7) of the bone, so that some anatomists describe it as wanting the angle. The eleventh and twelfth ribs are shorter than all the others, except the first; their heads (11, 11) have only single articular surfaces to join with the whole articu- lar cavities on the sides of the lowest dorsal vertebrae, and have no angles; their anterior extremities (10) although tipped witli cartilage, are not attached to the cartilages of the other ribs, but are floating amongst the muscles, from whence they have been c3\\g<\ floating ribs ; and not having tubercles, they are not connected with the transverse processes of the vertebrae. The muscles attached to the ribs are the i\I. pectorales majores and minores, subclavii, sterno-thyroidei, scaleni antici, medii & postici, latissimi dorsi, serrati majores A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 19 antici, superiores & inferiores postici, sacro-lumbales, accessorii ad sacro-lumbalem, longissimi dorsi, levatores & depressores costarum, intercostales, sterno-coslalis, diaphragma, obliqui externi & interni, tranversales & recti abdominis, & quadrati lumborum. THE BREAST-BONE. Sternum. Situation, In the front of the chest and connected with the ribs and clavicles. It consists of two bones. Descrijotion. The frst hone is of a triangular shape, the base (1) of which is above, very thick, and forms the fore and upper bomidary of the chest ; the apex (2) below and truncated, having an irregular articular surface for the second bone : it is irregularly convex before (a) and concave behind (6) : at the top, on each point (3, 3) is an articular surface, concave from side to side for the sternal extremities of the clavicles, and between them the top of the bone is rounded : on each side and below these, is a large whole articular surface (4, 4) for the cartilages of the first pair of ribs : the sides of the bone become contracted, and at the lower part is a half articular surface (5, 5) for the second rib. The second bone is long and narrow, flat before (a) and behind (b) : at the top it has an articular surface (1) for the first bone, and below, a smaller one (2) for the c 2 20 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. ensiform cartilage, which has a half articular surface for the seventh rib, and in old people is converted into bone : on either side it has four whole concave articular sur- faces (3, 4, 5, 6) for the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth ribs, and two half ones for the second and seventh, that at the upper part (7) being for the second, and that at the lower (8) for the seventh, which is not very distinct from the whole one for the sixth rib. The muscles attached to the sternum are the M. pec- torales majores, sterno-mastoidei, sterno-hyoidei, sterno- thyroidei, sterno-costalis, & intercostales interni. General View of the Thorax. The Thorax, composed of the dorsal vertebrae, ster- num, and ribs with their cartilages, resembles a cone, the base of which is below, and the apex above : the base is very wide, particularly in a transverse direction, and is remarkable for a deep notch, which is bounded laterally by the margins of the cartilages of the ribs, and has pro- jecting into it from above, the point of the ensiform car- A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 21 tilage : the apex is truncated, leaving an oval opening, which is longest from side to side, through which pass the trachaea, the oesophagus, the great vessels of the upper extremities and head, and the nerves of the thoracic and abdominal viscera. As to the relative proportions of the thorax in the male and female, in the former it is highest, and in the latter widest. 3. THE PELVIS Is the large bony cavity situated at, and forming the lowest part of the trunk, by means of which its weight is transmitted to the lower extremities. It consists of a pair and two single bones, the ossa innominata, os SACRUM, and os coccygis. UNNAMED BONES, Ossa Innominata, A pair. Situation. On the sides and front of the Pelvis. Each Os Innominatum is usually described as consisting oo A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. of three portions, viz., os ilii, os ischii, and os pubis, into which it is found divided in the young subject : but at the age of puberty or soon after, the three pieces be- come united and form one bone. a. Hip-bone. Os lUi (I.). Situation, At the upper and outer part of the pelvis, and forming the projection called the Hip. Description. The lower part of the bone, forming the upper part of the acetabulum (\\ or articular cavity, for the head of the thigh bone, has above it a smooth sur- face (2), over which the M, psoas magnus & iliacus pass from the abdomen : bounding this to the outer side, and above, is the inferior anterior spinous process, p. spino- sus anterior inferior (S), to which one head of the M. rectus femoris is attached ; above it is a notch (4) bounded superiorly by the superior anterior spinous pro- cess, j). spinosus anterior superior [5), to which the M. tensor vaginae femoris & sartorius are attached : extend- ing backwards and upwards, and then backwards and downwards is the crest, crista (G, 6), which has an inner A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. ^3 and outer lip, labium internum (7) et externum (8), to which the M. obliquiis externus & interims, & transver- sahs abdominis, qiiadratus hmiborum & latissimus dorsi are attached : the crest is terminated behind by the su- perior posterior spinous process, p. spinosus posterior superior (9) : below which is a small notch (10) bounded inferiorly by the inferior posterior spinous process, p. spi}iosus posterior inferior {11) : and from between the two processes originate the M. sacro-lumbalis & longis- simus dorsi : before this the bone appears cut out to form part of the greater ischiatic notch, incisura ischiatica major (12), and from thence begins the Ischium : on the inside of the posterior spinous processes, is a large irre- gular articular surface for the sacrum (13), with which it forms the sacro iliac symphysis, or bird's head articula- tion. The ilium is of an irregular fan-like shape, the handle of which forms the upper part of the aceta- bulum ; it is irregularly convex without («), and this part is called the back, dorsum, which is marked by a curved line (14) extending in a curved direction from the superior anterior spinous process to the middle of the ischiatic notch, below which the M. gluteus minimus arises, and above it the M. gluteus medius : the inside (6) is called the belly, venter, it is concave and smooth, giving origin to the M. iliacus ; from the middle of the articular surface for the sacrum, an obtuse edge extends forwards to the junction of the bone with the os pubis, as if the bone were pinched up ; it forms part of the brim of the pelvis, Unea iliopectinea (15), into which the M. psoas parvus is inserted. 24 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. /S. The Haunch-bones. Os Ischii, Situation. At the outer and under part of the pelvis, and forming the back and under part of the acetabulum. Description. Continuous from that part of the ischi- atic notch (12), at which the ilium terminates, is the Ischium, forming the front of the greater notch, the lowest boundary of which is marked by a blunt spinous process, p. spinosus (16) giving origin to the superior head of the M. gemini & coccygeus and the anterior sacro- ischiatic ligament, opposite to which the bone is very thick, forming the back and under part of the acetabulum (1). Below the spinous process is another notch, the lesser ischi- atic notch, incisura ischiatica minor {17), bounded below by the broad tuberosity, tuber (IS), which has an irregu- lar surface upon it, broadest behind and covered with cartilage, upon which Ave sit, and giving origin to the abductor and adductor muscles of the thigh and the flexors of the leg : on the inside of the tuberosity is a groove (19) in which the pudic artery and vein lay ; above the tuberosity, between it and the under part of the acetabulum, is a groove (20), over which the tendon of the M. obturator externus plays : extending forwards and upwards is the leg, cms (21), obtuse within, where it gives attachment to the crus penis and M. erector penis ; and sharp without, where it forms part of the foramen obturator; and about the middle of this, on its inner side, it terminates in the crus of the os pubis. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BOXES. 25 y. The Share-bone. Os Pubis. Situation. In the front of the pelvis, and forming the inner and under part of the acetabulum. Description. Continuing upwards from the crus of the ischium, is the leg, cms (22), of the Pubis, the outer edge (23) of which forms part of the obturator fora- men, and the inner rough ' to form the symphysis (24) or junction of the two ossa innominata : at right angles with the crus, and extending outwards, is the angle, an- gulus (25), immediately before which is the spinous pro- cess, p. spinosus (26), to which Poupart's ligament is attached ; extending outwards is the body, corpus (27), smooth above, forming the flat surface over which the iliac vessels and the anterior crural nerve pass ; sharp below to form the upper part of the obturator foramen, and sharp behind (14) to complete the linea iliopectinea : at the outer extremity, the body becomes thick and hollowed to form the fore and under part of the acetabulum (1). The muscles attached to and covering the os innomi- natum, are the M. psoas magnus & parvus, iliacus, levator ani, obturator internus, pyriformis, coccygeus, obliquus externus & internus, transversalis, rectus & pyramidalis abdominis, quadratus lumborum, longissimus dorsi, sacro- lumbalis & latissimus dorsi, tensor vaginas femoris, sarto- rius, gluteus maximus, medius & minimus, rectus femoris, gemini, quadratus femoris, biceps flexor cruris, semiten- dinosus & semimembranosus, transversus perinaei, & transversus perinaei alter, erector penis vel clitoridis, tri- ceps adductor femoris, gracilis, pectineus & obturator externus. 26 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. The Rump-bone. Os Sacrum. Situation. In the back of the pelvis, supported by the ossa innominata on the sides, and receiving the Ver- tebral Column above. Description. The sacrum is of a triangular shape, its base (1) facing upwards and forwards, its apex, which is truncated (2), also facing forwards : it is concave before (6) from above downwards, and irregularly convex behind («) in the same direction : in the young subject it consists of five pieces, which, from their general resemblance to the vertebrae, have been called the false vertebrae, but in the adult they are anchylosed into a single piece : in the an- terior concave surface are four transverse lines (3, 3, 3,3) marking the original separation into the five bodies, and on each side of these are the four anterior sacral holes, foramina sacralia anteriora (4, 4, 4, 4), bounded by the transverse processes, p. transversi (5) ; the upper trans- verse processes very broad, and having a notch (6, 6) between them and the articular surface on the base, to form part of the holes for the last pair of lumbar nerves : on the base or upper part, an oval articular surface (7), its long axis from side to side, and facing upwards and forwards for the body of the last lumbar vertebra : the A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 27 apex or lowest part having an oval articular surface (8) for the OS coccygis, and a notch (9, 9) on each side of it for the last pair of sacral nerves : on the posterior sur- face, at the top, are seen the articular processes {x, x), which receive those of the last lumbar vertebra: in the middle are four processes, answering to the spinous processes (10) of the vertebrae, which are generally bifid, and occasionally so completely as to leave the spinal canal open, and this is generally the case with the two lowest : on either side of these are four holes, foramina sacralia posteriora (11), for the passage of small branches of nerves and vessels : the sides of the sacrum are of an irregular triangular shape with the base above, and having an articular surface (12) for the OS innominatum. In consequence of the base of the sacrum facing forwards and upwards, the anterior margin projects considerably, and this is called the promontory (13) of the sacrum. The muscles attached to the sacrum are the M. latis- simi & longissimi dorsi, sacro-lumbales, multifidi spinse, glutei maxuni, pyriformes & coccygei. Si-*! The Coccyx. Os Coccygis, Situation. At the tip of the os sacrum. Description, The Coccyx consists of three or four pieces (1, 2, 3, 4), in shape resembling the sacrmu, and moveable upon it, and one an- i^,^*. k>^^^~^ ^ other, till late in life, when they become anchylosed into a single bone : the upper is the largest, and the lower the smallest piece ; they have plain oval 28 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. concave articular surfaces above and below for each other ; the upper surface (5) of the first piece is the largest, and receives upon it the point of the sacrum : be- hind and to the outer sides of this surface are two little horns, cornua (6, 6), giving attachment to ligaments : the lowest point of the last piece is rounded : the lateral edges answering to transverse processes are thin and sharp : neither piece is perforated by the spinal canal. The muscles attached to it are the M. coccygei. General View of the Pelvis. The Pelvis, composed of the ossa innominata, os sa- crum, and OS coccygis, is divided into two cavities by the linea iliopectinea, which extends from the front on either side as far as the sacro-iliac symphysis, sharp before and obtuse behind. The upper cavity, or false j^^lvis, is only partial, being deficient in front ; its lateral and posterior parts are formed by the bellies of the ilia, and the fore part is com- Brim. Female. Male. pleted by the abdominal muscles, against which the abdo- minal viscera rest. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 29 The lower cavity, or true pelvis^ is bounded anteriorly by the ossa pubis and ischii, laterally by the ossa ischii, and a small portion of the ossa ilii, and posteriorly by the OS sacrum and os coccygis. It contains in the male the bladder and rectum ; and in the female, besides them, the vagina and uterus. The upper opening is called the brim, fades abdomi- nalis {a, a, a, a) : its figure resembles the shape of the heart painted on cards, the point of which is placed in front. The diameter of the brim differs much in the male and female pelvis, in the former it is greater from pubis to sacrum, in the latter from ilium to ilium. The lower opening is named the outlet, (b, b, b, b) it is of an irregular diamond shape, and having the points be- fore, behind, and on the sides : in the male it is compara- Outlet. Female. Male. tively small, but in the female very large, and within the lat- ter the greatest extent is from pubis to sacrum, on account of the sacrum not being so much curved as in the male. The cavity, or true pelvis, is placed between the brim and the outlet ; it is deepest posteriorly, not so deep la- terally, and shallowest anteriorly. Forming the front of the true pelvis are the pubes, the junction of the rami of which at the symphysis pro- 30 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. duces the arch of the pubis (c) ; this in the male is very acute, but in the female it is obtuse for the purpose of increasing the size of the outlet to facilitate delivery. On each side of the arch of the pubis is the large ob- turator hole, foramen obturator (d), formed by the ischium and OS pubis : it is of an oval shape with the long axis vertical, and its margin is very sharp for the attachment of ligaments, except at the upper and outer part, where it is rounded for the passage of the obturator artery, vein, and nerve. On each side and still further outwards is the arti- cular cavity for the head of the thigh-bone, acetabulum (e), formed by the junction of the ilium (i.), ischium (ii.), and pubis (iii.): it is of a deep cup-like shape, with its concavity facing outwards and a little downwards : its margin is not com- pletely circular, but deficient at the under and fore part forming a notch (/), which space in the recent state is filled up with ligament; the upper, outer, and under part of the acetabulum is smooth, but opposite the notch it is scooped out, forming a cavity (g) to which the round ligament is attached, surrounded by a quantity of fat : the upper and outer part (h) of the acetabulum, by which the weight of the body is transmit- ted to the head of the thigh-bone, is the deepest, and the under and fore part the shallowest. The proportions in which the ilium, ischium and pubis enter into the com- position of the acetabulum are, the upper and outer part not quite two- fifths of the whole cavity by the ilium ; the under part rather more than two-fifths by the ischium ; and the fore part, one-fifth by the pubis. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 31 With respect to the axis of the pelvis, it is so placed that the trunk does not rest upon the outlet, but upon the tuberosities of the ischia, so that the outlet faces down- wards and backwards, and the brim upwards and forwards, in such way, that a line raised perpendicular with the middle of the brim, will pass upwards and forwards through the um- bilicus. This oblique bearing of the pelvis is particularly important in surgical and ob- stetric practice connected with the pelvis. The differences between the male and female pelvis, may briefly be said to consist in the greater lateral dia- meter of the brim, in the greater extent of the outlet, in the greater width of the arch of the pubis, and the greater distance between the acetabula in the female than in the male. 32 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. CHAP. III. Of the Upper Extremity. The Upper Extremity consists of the shoulder, UPPER ARM, FORE ARM, and HAND ; tlicsc are connected by the clavicle to the trunk, which is their only bony union ; the other connections being by muscles. 1. THE SHOULDER. Scapula, Consists of the clavicle and scapula. THE CLAVICLE. Clavicle (I.). Situation. At the upper part of the chest, horizon- tally between the sternum and the scapula. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 33 Description. The clavicle, so called from its resem- blance to an ancient key, is divided into body, two extremities, two articular surfaces, and two processes. Its shape is that of a small Italic f, and it is placed horizontally ; its inner or sternal extremity (I) is very large, and irregularly cylin- drical ; upon its point is a large articular surface (2), by which it joins with the in- terarticular cartilage placed between it and the sternum ; about an inch from the sternal extremity on the under edge is a rough surface, the rhomboid process, p. rhoni- boides (3), by which it is attached to a ligament ; it then becomes smooth and rounded, projects forwards, and afterwards backwards, having the hole for the medullary artery on its under surface, and about three-fourths from the sternal extremity projects forward again, becomes considerably expanded, and forms the scapular extremity (4), which is the flattest part of the bone ; about an inch and a half from the outer point, and on its under surface, is a rough process called the tubercle, tuber (5), for the attachment of ligaments ; and upon the outer part of the scapular extremity a plane articular surface (6) for the acromion of the scapula. Connection, With the first bone of the sternum by its inner, and with the acromial process of the scapula by its outer extremity. The muscles attached to the clavicle are six, to its under part M. pectoralis major, deltoides, & subclavius ; 34 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. and to its upper part M. trapezius, sterno-mastoideus, & sterno-liyoideus. THE BLADE BONE. Scapula (II). Situation. On the posterior and superior part of the chest. Description. The scapula is of a triangular figure consisting of three angles, three edges, three pits, three processes, two articular surfaces, and two notches. The inner and superior point is called the superior angle, nngulus superior (1), the inner and inferior, the inferior angle, angulus inferior (2), and the outer and superior, the outer angle, angulus externus (3); the outer angle has a slightly concave oval articular surface upon it called the glenoid cavity, cavitas glenoides (4), by which the os humeri articulates with the scapula, and around it the bone is contracted and forms the neck, cervix (5) ; the edges, costce, are the inner or base (6) between the A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 35 superior and inferior angles, the inferior (7) between the inferior and external angles, and the superior (8) between the external and internal angles : the body of the bone is divided behind or upon the dorsum (a) into two pits, fossce, of which the inferior is the larger, by the spine (13), the space above it is called the fossa sujnaspinata (9), and that below it ihe fossa infraspinata (10) ; on the inferior point of this is a triangular fiat surface (11) immediately above the inferior angle, giving origin to the M. teres major ; the front (h) of the bone forming the third pit is hollow, and called the fossa siibscapularis or venter (12) ; the spine, sjjina (13), begins from the base, where it has a small smooth surface about an inch and a half below the superior internal angle, it passes outwards and upwards, and terminates in the acromion, processus acromion (14), which is expanded over the top of the glenoid cavity, and about an inch above it, forming the point of the shoulder ; it is of a triangular figure, and has an articular surface (15) on its inner and anterior edge to join with the clavicle ; the third process is the coracoid, processus coracoides (16), which originates by a thick root from the fore and upper part of the neck of the bone, and curves forwards and outwards before the glenoid cavity ; the notches, incimrce, are, one in the superior edge (17) at the root of the coracoid process, and to its inner side for the passage of the suprascapular artery, vein, and nerve ; and one between the root of the glenoid cavity and the root of the acromion (18), through which the superior dorsal artery and vein pass to the fossa infraspinata. Connection. By the articular surface on the acromion V. ith the collar bone. p 2 36 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. The muscles attached to the scapula are sixteen, viz. to the spine above, M. trapezius, and below, M. dehoides ; to tlie base M. levator scapulae, rhomboideus minor & major, & serratus magnus ; to the notch in the superior costa, M. omo-hyoideus ; to the fossae, M. supraspina- tus, infraspinatus &: subscapularis ; to the inferior costa, M. teres minor & triceps extensor cubiti (its long head) ; to the inferior angle, M. teres major ; and to the coracoid process, M. coraco-brachialis, pectoralis minor &: biceps flexor cubiti (its short head) ; the latter also from the upper edge of the glenoid cavity (its long head). 2. THE UPPER ARiM, Brachium, Consists of a single bone. THE BONE OF THE ARIM. Os Humeri. Situation. On the side of the chest, forming the upper arm ; attached to the scapula above, and to the radius and ulna below. Description, The os humeri, or upper arm, is divided into the head, two tubercles, body, two condyles, three articular surfaces, and two pits. Tiie head, cajnit (1), which is hemispherical, is placed at the upper and inner part of the bone, facing upwards, inwards, and rather backwards, it is smooth to articulate with the glenoid cavity of the scapula, and around its edge are the marks produced by the attachment of the capsular ligament ; on the outer and fore part are seen the two tubercles, separated by a groove, sulcus bicipitalis (2), for the tendon of the long head of the M. biceps, the A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 37 anterior or lesser tubercle, tuhercuhnn mmiis (3), giving insertion to the M. subscapularis, the external or greater tubercle, tuber culinn ma- jus (4), giving insertion to the M. supraspina- tus, infraspinatus & teres minor ; immediately be- low the head and tuber- cles the bone is con- tracted, and forms the neck, cervix (5); the body, corpus (6, G), appears as if the upper part were twisted outwards and the lower inwards ; the hole for tlie medullary artery, foramen medul- lare, is about one-third of the bone downwards ; extending from the fore part of the greater tuber- cle downwards is the outer edge (7) of the bi- cipital groove, to which the M. pectoralis major is attached, and from the lesser tubercle the inner edge (8) of the same groove, to which the M. latissimus dorsi 8c teres major are attached ; one-third down on the outside is a rough surface (9), to whicli the M. deltoides & brachialis internus are attached ; at the same distance from the head, and to the inner side of the 38 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. bicipital groove another rough surface (10) for the attach- ment of the M. coraco-brachialis & brachialis externus (one of the heads of the M. triceps) : from the middle of the bone on the outside extending downwards to the outer condyle, is a line (11) giving origin to the I\I. supi- nator radii longus & extensor carpi radialis longior, and on the inside another line (12) passing to the inner con- dyle ; between these two lines the M. brachialis internus arises before, and the M. brachialis externus behind ; the outer condyle, condylus externus (13), which is at the outer side of the lower end of the bone, projects but little, it gives origin to the M. anconeus, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor communis digitorum, extensor carpi radialis brevior & supinator radii brevis ; the inner condyle, con- dylus internus (14), at the inside of the lower end of the bone, projects very much inwards, it gives origin to the M. pronator radii teres, and all the long flexors of the hand and fingers, except the M. flexor digitorum pro- fundus ; the lowest part of the bone has two articular surfaces upon it, that on the outside convex (15) from before to behind, and from side to side, for the head of the radius; and that on the inside convex (1(3) from be- fore to behind, and concave from side to side, for the sigmoid cavity of the ulna ; between this articular sur- face and the inner condyle behind, is a groove, sulcus ulnaris (17), for the ulnar nerve : above the articular surfaces before, is a pit (18) for the coronoid process of the ulna, and behind another (19) deeper for the olecra- non of the ulna ; around the condyles there are ligamen- tous marks. Connection. With the scapula above, and with the radius and ulna below. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 39 The muscles attached to the os humeri are twenty- four ; viz. jNI. deltoides, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis, pectorahs major, latissimus dorsi &: teres major, coraco-brachialis, triceps extensor cubiti, brachiahs internus, palmaris longus, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum subhmis perforatus, flexor longus poUicis, pronator radii teres, supinator radii longus & brevis, extensor carpi radialis longior & brevior, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor digi- torum communis, & anconeus. 3. THE FORE ARM, Antihrachhm, Consists of two bones, the ulna and radius. THE CUBIT. Ulna (I). Situation. On the inside of the fore arm, attached above to the os humeri, on the outer side to the radius, and below by means of an interarticular cartilage to the OS cuneiforme. Description. The ulna is divided into a body, ex- tremities, four processes, and four articular surfaces. The upper extremity is very large, scooped out ante- riorly to form the greater sigmoid cavity, cavitas sigmoidea major (1), which faces forwards, and is divided by a mid- dle ridge (2), for the inner articular surface of the base of the OS humeri, and bounded before by a projecting lip called the coronoid process, 'processus coronoides (3) ; on 40 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. the outer side, between the olecranon and the coronoid process, is a concave articular surface for the head of the radius, the lesser sigmoid cavity, cavitas s'lgmoidca minor (4) ; below, and before the coronoid process, is another process called the tubercle, iuher (5) ; the greater sigmoid cavity is bounded behind and above by the olecranon, lyroccssus olecranon (6), which forms the projecting part of the elbow, gives insertion to the M. triceps extensor cubiti behind, and to the M. anconeus on its outer edge ; it has a flat surface on the posterior part covered only by skin, which is strictly the place called the elbow, or ancon (7) ; the body of the bone, corpus (8), is strongly marked by the attachment of muscles ; it is rounded and smooth on the inner, and ^vf^ sharp on the outer side, for the attach- ^^£'1^ ment of the interosseous ligament; about a third down is the hole for the medul- lary artery ; the lower end of the bone is rounded, having a rounded articular surface (9) on its outer side for the base of the radius, and an irregular one (10) below for the interarticular cartilage ; on the inside it is lengthened to form the styloid process, j^^ocessus styliformis (ll), and on the back is a slight groove (12) for the M. extensor carpi ulnaris. Connection. With the humerus above : with the radius on the outside ; and by the interarticular cartilage with the cuneiform bone below. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 41 The muscles attached to the ulna are fifteen ; viz. M. brachiahs internus, triceps extensor cubiti & anconeus, pronator radii teres, flexor carpi radiahs, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum communis sublimis & profun- dus, supinator radii brevis, pronator quadratus, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis, extensor primi internodii pollicis, extensor secundi internodii pollicis &: indicator. THE SMALL BONE OF THE ARM. Radius (II). Situation. On the outside of the fore arm, attached above to the os humeri, on the inner side to the ulna, and below to the OS scaphoides and lunare. Description. The radius is said to resemble the spoke of a wheel ; it is divided into head, neck, body, base, two processes, four articular surfaces, and four grooves. The head or upper part, caput (1), is rounded, having a concave articular surface at the top (2), to receive the convex articular surface of the outer condyle of the os humeri ; on the side of the inner and anterior half of the head is an articular surface (3), by which it joins with the lesser sig- moid cavity of the ulna ; immediately below this the bone is contracted to form its neck, cervix (4), bounded below on the fore and inner part by an obtuse process called the tubercle, tuher (5), into 42 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. which tlie tendon of the M. biceps flexor cubiti is in- serted; the body, corpus (6, 6), is rounded along its outer edge (a), and sharp within (b), to give attachment to the interosseous ligament : the lower end of the bone is much expanded, forming the base, basis (7), which has a triangular concave articular surface (8), with its apex outwards for the scaphoid and lunar bones, some- times divided by a ridge ; on the inside it has a concave articular surface (9) for the lower extremity of the ulna ; on the outer edge it is extended to form the styloid process, processus styliformis (10), and has a groove (11), through which pass the tendons of the M. extensor ossis metacarpi & extensor primi internodii pollicis, and on the back three other grooves, the largest of which is the outermost (12), for the tendons of the M. extensor carpi radialis longior & brevior ; next to it is a small one (13), for that of the M. extensor secundi internodii pollicis, and the innermost (14), nearest the ulna gives passage for those of the M. indicator & extensor disitorum communis. Connection. With the humerus above ; with the ulna on the inside ; and with the scaphoid and lunar bones below. The muscles attached to the radius are eight : viz. the M. supinator radii longus & brevis, pronator teres, & quadratus, biceps flexor cubiti, flexor digitorum commu- nis sublimis, flexor pollicis longus, & extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis. 4. THE HAND, Manns, Consists of the carpus, metacarpus and phalanges ; of these, part of the carpus (a) with the radius form the A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 43 wrist joint ; the metacarpus (b) forms the palm of the hand ; and the phalanges (c) the fingers. THE CARPAL BONES. Carpus. Situation, Between the fore arm and hand. Description. They consist of eight bones forming an arch, supported by ligament, the concavity of which is placed before, and the convexity behind. These eight bones are arranged in two rows, four in each ; they are, in the first row, on the outside the os scaphoides (i), on IV Upper Surf ace Lower Surface. IV its inner side the os lunare (ii), next it the os cunei- forme (in), and on the front of that bone the os pisi- 44 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. forme (iv) : in tlie second row, on the outside is the os trapezium (v), next to it, the os trapezoides (vi), to its V VI VII Vlll VIII VU VI V Loicer Surface, i inner side, the os magnum (vii), and next to that the os unciforme (viii). Of these bones the first row is arti- culated above vvath the radius, and the interarticular car- tilage at the extremity of the ulna, and below with the second row ; the second row articulates above with the first row, and below with the bases of the metacarpal bones.* THE SCAPHOID BONE. Os Scapho'ides (I). Description. The scaphoid bone somewhat resembles a boat in shape ; it has four articular surfaces, one above (1 ), the largest, is convex, and of a triangu- lar shape, with its apex outwards for the base of the radius ; one on the back and under part also convex (2), for the os trapezium and os trapezoides ; one on the inner and upper part small and flat (3), for the lunar bone; and one below it and on the inside concave (4), to form part of the socket for the head of the os magnum : the rest of the bone not occupied by articular surfaces is strongly marked by ligament. * The surfaces figured on the upper and lower surfaces of these rows of the carpus are referred to in the description of the single bones to save repetition. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BOXES. 45 Connection. Above to the radius, below to the tra- pezium & trapezoid, on the inner side to the lunar, and below it to the large bone. There are no muscles attached to this bone. THE LUNx\R BONE, Os Lunare (II). Description. The lunar bone is said to resemble a half moon, its convexity being placed upwards ; it is largest on its fore part, and projects into the carpal arch ; it has four articular surfaces; one above convex (1), for A,^' _— :r5) ^^^^ radius; one below concave (2), which li '^\ ,-;,? with that of the scaphoid bone, forms the ■"^^^""^ Vl!7 cup for the head of the os magnum ; one on the outside flat (3), for the scaphoid bone; and one on the inside also flat (4), for the cuneiform bone. Connection. With the radius above, and the laro-e bone below, with the scaphoid on the outer, and the cuneiform on the inner side. No muscles attached to this bone. THE CUNEIFORM BONE. Os Cuneiforme (III). Description. The cuneiform bone is said to resemble a wedge, the base of which faces outwards, and the apex inwards ; it has four articular surfaces ; a small one on its upper and outer edge J \ /<^^^ ^'T^s^ /KV E (1 )j for the interarticular cartilage, which is at- tached to it ; another on the outside (2), for the lunar bone ; one below slightly and irregularly concave (3), for the unciform bone ; and a flat one on its fore part (4), for the os pisiforme. 46 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. Connection. Above with the interarticular cartilage of the uhia, below with the unciform bone, on the outside with the lunar, and before with the pisiform bone. No muscles attached to this bone. THE PISIFORM BONE. Os Pisiforme (IV). Description. This bone is named from its resemblance to a large pea; it is rounded before (1), and has a flat articular surface behind (2). Connection. With the front of the cunei- form bone. The muscles attached to it are three ; viz. the M. flexor carpi ulnaris, abductor minimi digitorum, & palmaris brevis. THE TRAPEZIUM. Os Trapezium (V). Description. Said to resemble the mathematical figure of that name, but of an irregular form ; it is re- 4-!f^^ markable for a deep groove (1), on its ]» '1 fore part, through which the tendon of ^^\'M the M. flexor carpi radialis passes ; it y^^ has four articular surfaces ; one concave above (2), for the scaphoid bone ; one on the inside (3), for the trapezoid bone ; a large one on the outside (4), con- cave from above downwards, and convex from before to behind, for the metacarpal bone of the thumb ; and a small flat one below (5), for part of the metacarpal bone of the fore finger, between that for the metacarpal bone of the thumb and that for the trapezoid bone. Connection. Above to the scaphoid, on the outside to the metacarpal bone of the thumb, on the inside to the trapezoid, and below to the metacarpal bone of the fore finjrer. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 47 The muscles attached to it are four ; viz., M. flexor ossis metacarpi polHcis, abductor pollicis, abductor indicis & extensor ossis metacarpi poliicis. THE TRAPEZOID BONE. Os Trapezoides (VI). Description. The trapezoid bone, hke the preceding, is also said to resemble the mathematical figure ; it is, f^ C^^^ however, of a very irregular shape, ■'( f^ ''^ being broadest and smoothest be- hind (1), with its lower edge rounded: it has four articular surfaces, one above (2), for the scaphoid ; one on the outside (3), for the os trapezium ; one on the inside (4), for the os magnum ; and one be- low (5), for the metacarpal bone of the fore finger. Connection. Above wuth the scaphoid, below with the metacarpal bone of the fore finger, on the outside with the OS trapezium, and on the inside with the os magnum. The only muscle attached to this bone is the M. flexor brevis pollicis. THE LARGE BONE. Os Magnum (VII). Description. This is the largest bone of the carpus, from whence it derives its name ; it has six articular sur- faces ; it is sometimes called os capitatum, on account of the head or large hemi- spherical articular surface |'S|^ J W^^ ' '^--^^ (1)' at the upper part, >^f " which forms a ball to be received into a socket formed in the first row of the carpal bones by the scaphoid and lunar bones, which tends much 48 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. to Strengthen the junction of the parts of the carpus to each other ; on the outside, the large bone has an arti- cular surface for the trapezoid (2), and on the inner (3), for the unciform bone ; below, it has an irregularly con- cave surface (4), for the metacarpal bone of the middle finger, the outer edge of which (5) is pared off, as it were, to articulate it with a small portion of the metacarpal bone of the fore finger ; and a similar but much smaller articular surface is found on the posterior and inner point (6), for the metacarpal bone of the ring finger. Coimect'ion. Above with the scaphoid and lunar, on the outside with the trapezoid, and on the inner side with the unciform bone, below in the middle with the meta- carpal bone of the middle, on the outside with that of the fore, and on the inside with that of the ring finger. The only muscle attached to this bone is the M. flexor brevis pollicis. THE UNCIFORM BONE. Os Unciforme (VIII). Descriiition. The unciform bone has a remarkable hook-like process (1), on its fore and inner edge, which curves outwards towards the root of the thumb ; it has four arti- cular surfaces ; one large above and to the inner side (2) for the cuneiform ; one on the outside (3), for the os magnum ; and two below divided by a ridge («), the outer smaller one (4), for part of the metacarpal bone of the ring finger, and the other (5), for the metacarpal bone of the little finder. A DESCRIPTIOX OF THE BONES. 49 Connection. Above with the cuneiform, on the out- side with the large bone, and below with the metacarpal bones of the ring and little fingers. The muscles attached to this bone are three ; viz. the M. flexor brevis pollicis, flexor proprius. & adductor minimi digiti. THE METACARPAL BONES. Ossa Mctacarpi. (B.) Situation. Below the carpus and above the fingers, forming the back and palm of tlie hand. Description. Of tlie metacarpal bones there are five, each of which is divided into its upper part, or basis (a ); middle or body, corjnis (b); andlower part or head, caput (c ), which forms ^the knuckle, and projects when the fingers are bent. Upon the bases are articular sur- faces for the carpal bones ; the bodies be- hind are sharp above and expanded below towards the knuckles,* before they are ex- panded above and sharp below for the purpose of giving room for the M. interossei ; the heads of all except that of tiie thumb, are convex from before to behind and from side to side, having large articular sur- * See page 43. E .50 A DESCRIPTION 01' THE BONES. faces for the first row of the phalanges of the fingers ; and immediately above the head is a groove for the attachment of the capsular ligament. They differ much from each other, particularly that Of the Thumb (i), which very much resembles the first phalanx of the fingers : it is the shortest of all the metacarpal bones, and placed obliquely on the carpus, in- stead of perpendicularly like the other metacarpal bones ; it is of the same breadth throughout, smooth behind, rounded from side to side before, and forming a sharp edge on either side : the articular surface on its base (1) is much expanded ; it is convex laterally, and concave from before to behind, the anterior lip being much pro- duced ; its head is slightly convex from before to behind, but flat laterally. Connection. With the trapezium above. Of the First Finger (ii). The basis of this bone has three articular surfaces divided by two edges, the middle and larger for the os trapezoides (l) ; the outer and smaller for the os trapezium (2) ; and the inner for the OS magnum (3) ; immediately below the articular surface for the os magnum, is a plane surface on the side for the metacarpal bone of the second finger. Connection. With the trapezium, trapezoid, and large bone above, and with the metacarpal bone of the second finger on the inside. Of the Second Finger (in). The basis of this bone has an articular surface in the middle for the os mag- num (1) ; one on the outer side of the base concave (2) for the base of the metacarpal bone of the first finger, and another on the inside for that of the third finger. Connection. With the os magnum above, with the A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 51 metacarpal bone of the first finger on the outside, and of the third finger on the inside. Of the Third Finger (iv). The basis of this has two articular surfaces, a very small one at the upper and outer part (1) for the os magnum, and a large one on the upper and inner part (2) for the os unciforme; on each side of the base are articular surfaces for the meta- carpal bones of the second and fourth fingers. Connection, Above with the large and unciform bone ; on the outside, with the metacarpal bone of the second, and on the inside with that of the fourth finger. Of the Fourth Finder (v). The base has an articu- lar surface above (1) for the os unciforme, and on the outside another for the metacarpal bone of the third finger. Connection. With the os unciforme above, and the metacarpal bone of the third finger on the outside. The muscles attached to the metacarpal bones are fif- teen ; viz. M. interossei (seven), common to all except that of the thumb ; to that of the thumb before, M. flexor brevis & flexor ossis metacarpi pollicis, & abductor indicis, and 6eAmrf, extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis; to that of the fore finger before, IM. flexor carpi radialis, and behind, M. extensor carpi radialis longior ; to that of the middle fin- ger, M. extensor carpi radialis brevior, and to that of the little finger, M. extensor carpi ulnaris. THE FINGERS. Phalanges Digitorum. (C). The thumb and fingers of each hand consist of four- teen pieces or phalanges, of these twelve belong to the fingers, and are disposed in three rows, those of the O'Z A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. middle finger being longest, and of the little finger short- Front. est ; whilst the thumb has but two, its middle phalanx being deficient, but they are stronger than those of the fingers. The phalanges consist of base (1), body (2), and head (3), ancl they taper from the base or upper part to the head, the in- termediate part or body being; rounded behind.* and flat before, with two projecting lateral edges to give attachment to the sheaths of the tendons. In the First Row {a) the base (1) is concave from before to behind, and from side to side, in which direction it is longest ; the head (3) has a pulley-like articulation upon it, concave laterally, broadest in front, and convex from be- fore to behind. In the Second Row (5), which is wanting in the thumb, the base (l) is concave laterally, and deepened before and behind in the middle by a lip, between which a ridge ex- tends, dividing it into two smaller concavities : the body (2) and head (3) are like those of the first row, but the body is shorter. In the Third Row (c) the phalanges become very ta- per, their bases (l) are like those of the second, but their points (3) are expanded into thin rough surfaces, which are rounded at the tip and give attachment to the nails. * See page 43. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 53 The muscles attached to the phalanges are twenty- one ; viz., before, M. flexor brevis digitorum sublimis, & profundus, flexor longus 8: brevis, & adductor & abduc- tor pollicis, flexor proprius & adductor minimi digiti, lumbricales (four), & interossei (seven) ; behind, M. extensor digitorum communis & indicator. SESAMOID BONES. Ossa Sessamoidea. Of these there are usually two at the root of the first ^ phalanx of the thumb ; they are small bones, round ^ before and flat behind ; they give attachment to the U M. flexor brevis pollicis manus ; sometmies there are also some to the little finger. CHAP IV. Of the Lower Extremity. The lower extremity consists of the thigh, leg, and FOOT, which are connected by the head of the thigh bone with the acetabulum. 1. THE THIGH, Femur, Consisting of a single bone. THE THIGH BONE. Os Femoris. Situation. In the thigh between the trunk above and the leg below. 54 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. Description. The os femoris is tlie largest bone in the body ; it consists of a liead, neck, and trochanters, or upper part : a body or mid- dle ; and con- dyles, or lower part. The head, caput (1), is si- tuated at the upper and in- ner part of the bone, forming the greater part of a sphere, and presenting a large articular surface which faces upwards and inwards? and has a rough hole (2) in it, to w^hich is attach- ed the round li- gament; extend- in o- outwards and downwards to join with the upper part of the body is the neck, cervix (3), which is broader below than above and flattest behind and before ; a rough oblique line marks the extent of the neck and the attachment of the A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 55 capsular ligament in front (4) ; the upper and outer part of the body projects above the neck, forming the greater trochanter, trochanter major (5), which is smooth on the outer and back part where the M. gluteus maximus passes over it ; its upper part gives attachment to the M, gluteus medius & minimus, and has, on the inside, a deep pit, fossa trochanterica (6), to give insertion to some of the abductor muscles : about two inches below it, on the inner and back part of the bone, is a strong rounded projecting process, the lesser trochanter, trochanter minor (7), to which the M. psoas magnus & iliacus are attached ; a curved line, linea quadrata (8), extending from one trochan- ter to the other, gives attachment to the M. quadratus femoris, and marks the termination of the neck and the attachment of the capsular ligament posteriorly : the body, corpus (9), is arched in front and slightly concave behind ; it is smooth and slightly rounded before, but sharp in the middle behind, forming the rough line, linea aspera (10), which occupies the middle third of the bone, and divides above and below into two lines, the two upper (c, c) pass one into each trochanter, and the two lower {d, d) one into each condyle, having between them a flat triangular space, strictly called the Ham (11 ), in which the popliteal artery, vein, and nerve lay ; the lower end of the bone becomes much expanded to form the condyles, con- dyli (12, 13), of which the inner (13) is considerably the larger and longer ; upon the condyles are four articu- lar surfaces, the two ttpjoer (14, 15) on the fore part for the patella, of which that on the outer condyle (15) is the larger, and separated from each other by a slight depres- sion, and the two lower (16, 10) for the head of the tibia, extending very far backwards and upwards, and separated .■)() A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. by a very deep pit (17), into which the crucial ligaments are inserted ; these articular surfaces are broadest below and narrowest behind and above ; on the inside of the inner condyle, and above its articular surface is a projec- tion (18) more or less distinct, to which the M. adductor magnus femoris is attached. The medullary artery enters about the middle of the back of the bone. Connection. By means of the head, with the aceta- bulum of the OS innominatum above, and by the condyles below, with the tibia, and before, with the patella. The muscles attached to this bone are nineteen : viz. to tlie trochanter major, M. gluteus medius & minimus ; to the trochanter minor, M. psoas magnus & iliacus ; to the linea qiiadrata, M. quadratus ; to the fossa trochan- terica, M. obturator internus & externus, gemini and pyriformis ; to the Unea aspera, M. gluteus maximus, pectineus, & triceps femoris, vasti & biceps flexor cruris ; to the condyli, M. gastrocnemius externus, plantaris & popliteus; to the fore 2:)art of the body, M. crureus : the M. sartorius, gracilis, &: tensor vaginas femoris, are upon the OS femoris, but not attached to it. 2. THE LEG. Cms, The leg is composed of three bones, the patella, TIBIA, and FIBULA, which in their disposition are analogous to the bones of the fore arm, but with these two dif- ferences : — 1st, that the patella which corresponds to the olechranon of the ulna in its use as a protection to the joint, and as increasing the length of the lever on which the great extensor muscle of the limb acts, is a separate and moveable bone, instead of formino-, like A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES 57 the olechranon, part of the bone itself; and, 2cl]y, that there is but the least possible motion between the two large bones, instead of the rotation of one bone upon the other, as in the fore arm. J2 THE KNEE CAP. Patella (I). Situation. On the front of the knee and protecting the joint : it may be considered to bear the same relation to the tibia, which the olecranon does to the ulna. Description. The patella is of a heart shape, with the base, basis (1), above, and the point, ajoex (2), below, the sides, margines (3), are between the base and point ; it is convex laterally and from above downwards, and rough in front in consequence of the attachment of the tendon of the M. rectus, and the ligament of the patella ; it has two articular surfaces (4, 5) behind, slightly concave, and divided by a middle perpendicular projecting ridge (6), the outer (4) of them being the larger. Connection. With the condyles of the os femoris behind. The muscles attached to the patella are four; viz. to the basis, M. rectus and crureus, and to the sides^ M. vasti. 58 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. THE SHIN BONE. Tibia (II). Situation. On the inside of the leg. Description. The tibia is said to resemble an ancient flute in shape : it consists of a head or upper part, body or middle, base or lower part, two processes and six articular surfaces. The head, caput (1), is much expanded, and of an oval form, with its long axis from side to side ; on the top it has two semicircular articular surfaces (2, 3) for the condyles of the os fe- moris, of which the inner (3) is the larger ; these are slightly concave, and have their diameters towards each other, separated by a middle ridge (4), having one pit before (5) and ano- ther behind it (6), to which the crucial ligaments are attached ; on the posterior under and outer part of the head is a small flat arti- cular surface (7) for the head of the fibula ; about an inch below the head on the fore part is the tubercle, tubcj' (8), which gives at- tachment to the ligaments of the patella and some mus- A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES 59 cles ; the body, corpus (9, 9) is of a prismatic form, the base (10) of which is behind, and the apex before, which latter presents a sharp ridge extending down to the inside of the base, and called spine or shin, sjnna (11); the inside of the body is very smooth and covered only by skin, the outside slightly hollowed for the lodgement of muscles, and the posterior irregularly flat and marked by an oblique line, Unea implHea (12), which extends from the articular surface for the fibula across to the inner edge of the bone, about a third downwards, and marks the at- tachment of the M. popliteus and gastrocnemius internus. The lower part of the bone is expanded to form the base, basis (13), which has an articular surface upon it (14), concave from before to behind for the top of the astra- galus ; on the inside the base is lengthened by a strong process, the inner ankle, malleolus internus (15) which is marked on the under back part by a slight groove (IG) for the passage of the tendon of the M. tibialis posticus, and has a flat articular surface on the outside (17) for the inside of the astragalus ; on the outside of the base is an irregular articular surface for the fibula (18). The hole for the medullary artery is in the middle and back part. Connection. Above with the condyles of . the os femoris, below and to the inner side with the astragalus, and on the outside to the fibula. The muscles attached to this bone are ten ; viz. below the tubercle, M. sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus ; to the back of the head, M. semimembranosus ; to the back of the head and body, M. popliteus, gastrocnemius internus, tibialis posticus, flexor longus digitorum pedis ; and to the fore part of the head and body, M. tibialis anticus & extensor longus digitorum pedis. 60 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. THE SPLINT BONE. Fibula (III). Situation. On the outside of the leg, and forming a splint or support to the tibia. Descrijotion. The fibula is of a very irregular shape, and composed of a head, body, base, two processes, and three articular surfaces. The head, caput (1), or upper extremity, is large and irregular, it has a smooth articular surface (2) on its inner side facing upwards and inwards to join it with the ti- bia, and on the upper and outer part a little projecting process, processus bicipitalis (3), for the attachment of the M. biceps flexor cruris : the body, corptus (4, 4), con- sists of several ridges and depressions for the origin and lodgement of muscles ; it becomes larger at the base, basis (5), which is smooth in front, and covered only by skin ; on its inner side is an irregular articular surface (6) to join it with the outside of the base of the tibia ; below the base is lengthened to form the outer ankle, malleolus externus (7), on the inside of which is an oblique articular surface (8) facing downwards and inwards for the outside of the astragalus ; the extreme *^|I^ outer point gives attachment to Ugaments, and the posterior part (9) is grooved for the tendons of the M. peronei. The medullary artery enters in the middle of the posterior part of the bone. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 61 Connection, On its inside above to the tibia, and below to that bone and the astragalus. The muscles attached to this bone are eight : viz. to the processus biclpitaUs, M. biceps flexor cruris ; to the fore part of the body, M. extensor longus digitorum & extensor proprius pollicis pedis ; on the outside, the M. peroneus longus & brevis ; and behind, the M. gastrocnemius internus, tibialis posticus, & flexor longus pollicis pedis. 3. THE FOOT, Pes, Consists of the tarsus, metatarsus, and toes. THE TARSAL BONES, Tarsus (A), Like the carpus, form a kind of arch, under which tendons, vessels, and nerves pass into the sole of the foot. It consists of seven bones : the astragalus, os calcis, and os naviculare, form the first row ; and the three ossa cuneiformia and OS cuboides, compose the second row and support the metatarsus.* * Some of the articular surfaces are seen more distinctly when the bones are connected, and therefore are numbered here. 62 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. THE ASTRAGALUS. Astragalus (I). Situation. At the upper and back part of the foot, and connecting it with the leg. Description. Said to resemble an ancient die ; it has six articular surfaces ; it is convex above from behind to before, forming its largest articular surface (1) for the base of the tibia ; on the inside it has a small articular sur- face (2) nearly flat for the inner malle- olus ; and on the outside it has a large articular surface (3) concave from above downwards and pointed below, for the outer malleolus : the fore part of the bone is rounded, forming the head (4), which is smooth, to articulate it with the os naviculare : the under part of the bone has two articular surfaces (5, 6) for the OS calcis, separated by a deep groove (a), the posterior concave (5) from within to without, and the anterior slightly convex (6) ; those parts of the bone not occupied by articular surfaces are marked by ligament. Connection. By its upper articular surface with the base of the tibia, on the inner side with the inner malle- olus, on the outer with the outer malleolus ; below with the OS calcis, and before with the os naviculare. The only muscle attached to this bone is M. tibialis posticus. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 6S THE HEEL BONE. Os Calcis (H). Situation. At the back, outer, and under part of the foot, projectmg backwards to form the heel. Description. The os calcis is the largest bone of the foot ; it is of an irregular figure ; it has three articular surfaces, is flat on the outside and concave on the inside ; it is much lengthened behind to form the heel, or tuberosity, tuher (1) ; on the upper and fore part where the bone appears concave, are two articular surfaces for the astragalus, the posterior convex (2) and the anterior concave (3), the inner edges of which project much inwards, and form, with the inside of the tube- rosity, a deep cavity, the sinuosity (4) through which the flexor tendons pass into the sole of the foot ; at the fore and outer part of the bone is an irregular con- cave articular surface for the os cuboides (5). Connection. By the two superior articular surfaces with the astragalus, and by the anterior with the os cu- boides. The muscles attached to the os calcis are ten : viz. to the upjoerpart, M. extensor brevis digitorum pedis ; to the under part, M. abductor, flexor brevis & adductor polli- cis pedis, flexor brevis & flexor digitorum accessorius, & abductor minimi digiti ; the back part, M. gastroc- nemius externus & internus, & plantaris. 64< A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. NAVICULAR BONE. Os Naviculare (III). Situation. On the inner and upper part of the foot before the astragalus. Description. In shape resembles a boat, broad later- J.^-^ ^ ally, narrow from before to behind ; it has three articular 2. - surfaces, one behind deep and concave (1) for the astragalus; another before convex (2), divided by two ridges (3, 4) for the three ossa cunei- formia ; and on the outer edge of the articular surface for the outer cuneiform bone, a small articular surface (5) for the OS cuboides ; on the inner side of the bone is a strong projecting rounded process (6). Connection. Behind with the astragalus, before with the ossa cuneiformia, and on the outer edge with the os cuboides. The only muscle attached to this bone is, to its under part, M. tibialis posticus. CUNEIFORM BONES. 0^5^ Cuneiformia (IV. V. VI.) Situation. On the inner and upper part of the foot ; they are three in number, and are called from their posi- tion, inner, middle, and outer cuneiform bones. Description. The inner cuneiform bone (iv) is the largest of the three, it is of an irregular prismatic shape, its base placed below and the apex above ; it has four articular surfaces, one behind ^k I LsmmiiftttBiil / i^^ftilil/' concave (1) to form part of the articulation for the navicular bone; it has a plain articular surface before (2) for the me- tatarsal bone of the oreat toe ; its inner face is slightlv A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. Q5 convex, and has a smooth surface on its under and fore part (3), to which the M. tibialis anticus and peroneus longus are inserted ; its outer face is irregularly con- cave, and has on its upper edge an irregular flat articular surface (4) for the middle cuneiform bone, and a smaller surface before it (5), for the inside of the metatarsal bone of the second toe ; its under surface and the other parts not smooth for articulation, are strongly marked by liga- ment. The middle cuneiform bone (v), wliich is of a prismatic shape and the smallest of the three, has its base above shghtly convex laterally : it has four articular surfaces ; r^^ one behind, concave (1) for the navicular ; T^T 1 one before, flat (2) for the base of the -. a,J second metatarsal bone ; one on the inside, nearly flat (3) for the inner cuneiform ; and one on the outer and posterior part, slightly concave (4) for the outer cuneiform bone. The outer cuneiform bone, in shape resembling the preceding and having its base upwards, has five articular surfaces, one concave behind (1) for the fi navicular; two before, the inner (2) for the third metatarsal, and a very small one on the outer corner (3) for part of the fourth meta- tarsal ; two on the inside, the posterior (4) of which is for the middle cuneiform, and the anterior (5) for the second metatarsal ; and a large one on the outside (6) for the cuboid bone. Connection. The three cuneiform bones form a cup* behind, into which is received the rounded articular sur- face of the navicular bone ; before they join with the * See page 62. F (yG A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. three larger metatarsal bones ; and in consequence of the shortness of the middle cuneiform bone, a kind of mortise* is formed by the inner and outer, in which the second metatarsal bone is received like a tenon ; the middle cu- neiform bone articulates on the inside with the inner, and on the outside with the outer cuneiform bones ; and the outer cuneiform joins by its outer surface with the cuboid and with the fourth metatarsal bone. The muscles attached to these bones are five ; viz. to the inner, M. tibialis anticus & peroneus longus ; to the outer, M. flexor brevis & adductor pollicis pedis ; and to all three hones, M. tibialis posticus. CUBOID BONE. Os Cuhoides. Situation. On the outer part of the foot, immediately before the os calcis. Description. Of an irregular cuboidal form, its outer edge being the shortest : it has three articular surfaces, the largest of which is behind and concave (1) for the OS calcis ; the anterior (2, 3) slightly concave and divided by a middle perpendicular ridge (4) into two for the fourth (2) and fifth (3) metatarsal bones ; and the smallest on the inside (5, 6) di- vided by a ridge (7) into two unequal portions, of which the smaller and poste- rior (5) is for the outer and under edge of the navicular, and the larger anterior (6) for the outer side of the outer cuneiform bone : above, the bone is convex ; and below, it has a deep groove (8) through which the tendon of the * See page 62, A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 67 M. peroneus longus plays ; the ridge, which bounds this behind, terminates externally in a protuberance (9) the pos- terior part of which marks its junction with the os calcis. Connection. With the fore part of the os calcis be- hind, with the two small metatarsal bones before, and on the inside behind with the navicular, and before with the outer cuneiform bone. The muscles attached to this bone are two ; viz. on its under surface, M. flexor brevis minimi digiti & adductor poUicis pedis. Bttses THE METATARSAL BONES. Metatarsus. (B.) Situation. Between the tarsus and toes. Description. The metatarsus consists of five bones,* of which the first, or that of the great toe, is the shortest and largest, and that of the second the longest. Like the meta- carpus they have bases (a), the broadest and hindmost part, all which have flat articular sur- faces to join them with the tarsus ; and heads, (c) or anterior rounded articular surfaces for the phalanges ; the middle part is the body, (b) which is sharp above and broad beneath. * See page 61. L'nder Surface. F 'J (38 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. The first (i) has an articular surface on its base (1) for the inner cuneiform bone, and one on the outside for the second metatarsal. The second (ii) has on its base an articular surface for the middle cuneiform (1), two on the inner side, the hind- most (2) for the inner cuneiform, the foremost for the first metatarsal ; and two on the outside, both of which receive part of the outer cuneiform (3) and the third metatarsal. The third (in) has one on its base (l) for the outer cuneiform, two on the inside for the second metatar- sal, and a large one on the outside for the fourth me- tatarsal. The fourth (iv) has one on its base (1) for the cu- boid, two on its inside, the hind one (2) for the outer cuneiform, and the other for the third metatarsal, and one on its outside for the fifth. The fifth (v) has one on the base (i) for the cuboid, and one on the inner side for the fourth metatarsal. It is also remarkable for a tuberosity (2) on its outer part which projects very much, gives attachment to a strong ligament which supports the arch of the tarsus on the outside, and marks its junction with the os cuboides, which is immediately behind it. The Connection of the metatarsal bones has been given in their description. The muscles attached to them are fourteen : viz. the M. interossei (seven) & transversahs pedis, common to all ; to the first metatarsal are attached M. tibialis anticus & peroneus longus ; to the second, M. adductor poilicis pedis ; and to the fifth, M. peroneus brevis, abductor & flexor brevis minimi digiti. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES- GO THE TOES. Phalanges Digitorum Pedis. (C.) Situation. Before the metatarsus. Description. They consist of fourteen bones,* of which there are but two rows to the great toe, pollex pedis, and three to the other toes ; their division is similar to that of the fingers, into base, body, and head, but they are much shorter and flatter. The muscles attached to them are nineteen ; viz. above, M. extensor proprius poUicis & extensor longus & brevis digitorum pedis, in- terossei (seven) ; belojv, M. flexor longus & brevis & abductor pollicis, flexor longus & brevis digitorum & lumbricales (four). SESAMOID BONES. Ossa Sesamoidea Of these there are two at the base of the first pha- Q/% lanx of the great toe, givinsc insertion to the ^^ M. flexor brevis & abductor pollicis pedis. Under Surface, * See page 61. TO A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. CHAP. V. Of the Head. The bones of the Head, cajiut, are twenty- two in number, exclusive of the auditory bones and teeth, which are forty in addition. > They are usually divided into those of the skull, cranium, and face, fades; some of them are in pairs, but others are only single bones. To the Skull there are two pairs and two single bones; viz. 2 Ossa parietalia(l). 2 temporum (2). 1 Os frontis (3). 1 — occipitis (4). A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 71 To the Skull and Face two single bones are common ; viz. lOs ethmoides(l), 1 — sphenoides (2). To the Face there are six pairs and two single bones; viz. 2 Ossa malarum (1). 2 Ossa palatina (5). 2 — maxillaria superiora (2). 2 turbinata(6). 2 Ossa nasi (3). 1 Vomer (7). 2 lachrymalia (4). 1 Os maxillareinferius (8). 72 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. All these bones, with the exception of the ossa tem- porum and os maxillare inferius, which form a gingly- moid, or hinge joint, are united by that species of SYNARTHROSIS, wliich is called suture, from its resem- blance to the stitches of a seam. And here would seem to be the proper place to describe the sutures, but as they cannot be well explained, till the processes of the different bones of the head have been spoken of, it has been deemed best to defer the description of them till the student has obtained a perfect knowledge of the separate bones of the skull and face. THE BONES OF THE SKULL, Strictly so called, have been before mentioned as two pairs and two single bones. FRONTAL BONE. Os Frontis (1). Situation. In the anterior superior part of the skull, forming the forehead and part of the temples above, and to the sides ; and the roof of the orbits below. Description. The os frontis nearly resembles in shape a clam shell : it is convex and regular before, concave and slightly irregular behind : convex from before back- wards, and from side to side above ; and irregularly con- cave below. On the External Surface, it is naturally divided into two portions by the su- perciliary ridges, arcus super ciliares, situated at the most anterior infe- 'Qr7'*s^ rior part of the bone ; that which is above the ridges is called the fronto-temporal portion (i) ; and that behind them, the ethmoido-orbital portion (ii). A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. In the Fronto-Temporal Portion are found, immedi- ately above the su- perciliary ridges, the two frontal prominences, pro- tuheranticE fron- tales (1, 1), just above the inner corners of the or- bits, and marking the situation of the frontal sinuses, sinus frontales : about an inch above them, and rather to their outer side, are two other projections (2, 2) which mark the beginning of ossification : extending upwards and backwards from the lowest part of the bone, in the mesial line is seen a slight ridge (3, 3) more or less projecting, marking the place at which the bone was divided into two portions in the young subject, and also part of the course of the lono-itudinal sinus of the dura mater within the skull : the sides of this portion, forming the temples, are separated from the forehead by the temporal arches, arcus tempo- rales (4, 4,) which at first are very strongly marked be- low, and become less distinct as they pass upwards and backwards ; the hollows below form parts of the temporal pits, fossce temporales (5, 5,) in which the M. temporales rest. The posterior edge of the fronto-temporal portion is deeply serrated as far as the temporal arches, and bevelled from above downwards and forwards ; whilst that below them is squamous, and slightly serrated downwards and backwards. 74 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. In the Ethmoido-Orbital Portion are found, In the middle, the nasal process, iwocessus nasalis (6), deeply den- ticulated, and springing out from it, is the nasal spine,5pi72« nasalis (7); behind which is the ethmoidal notch, incisura ethmoi- dalis (8) ; at the outer edges of the nasal process are the two internal angular processes, processus angulares in- terni (9, 9), and rising up from them, the superciliary ridges, ai'cus super ciliares (10, 10) with a notch or hole, the supra-orbitar ho\e, foramen supra-orbitare, (11, 11) in each : as the ridges pass upwards, outwards, and down- wards, to terminate in the external angular processes, processus angulares externi (12, 12), the bone appears pinched up, which, together with the hollows of the temporal pits behind, render the external more distinct than the internal angular processes ; behind and between the angular processes are the two orbitar plates, lamellce orhitares (13, 13) of a triangular shapC; the bases in front, the apices behind, and truncated ; the orbitar plates are concave from side to side, and deepest close by the exter- nal angular processes, forming a cavity for the lacrymal gland, called lacrymal pit, fossa lacrjjmalis (14, 14); be- hind the internal angular process is a depression or a spine, sometimes one, sometimes the other, to give attachment to the pulley of the superior oblique muscle of the eye ; when a spine, it is called spina trochlearis (15, 15) ; between the orbitar plates and the edges of the ethmoidal notch are found the openings of the frontal sinuses (16, 16). A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. On the Internal Surface are found, in the fronto- ' 1^^2r(/>v TEMPORAL PORTION, numerous sbVht emi- /«*.&' ,« >d^i%«n^^^^^B.terygoideus (5), having two grooves (6, 6) in it, to receive the pterygoid pro- cesses of the OS sphenoides, and a middle ridge (7) which enters into the fissura pte- rygo-palatina of that bone ; anteriorly this process is rough (8), where it joins with the tuberosity of the os maxillare supe- rius and grooved where forming with it the palato-maxillary canal, canalis palato- Inferior Surface, maxillaris (9), terminating below in the Internal Surface. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES lg5 palato-maxillary hole, foramen palato-maxillare (10), through which the palatine nerve and vessels pass to the palate ; sometimes, indeed generally, there is another small hole behind, which is then called palatine hole, foramen palatinum (11), to transmit branches of the same vessels and nerve to the soft palate ; above the nasal process, the bone springs out into two processes, divided by a notch (12), the anterior is the orbitar process, p. orhi- taris (13), of a triangular shape, and received between the flat plate of the os ethmoides, and the orbitar plate of the OS maxillare superius, to the inner and fore part, and the root of the pterygoid process of the os sphe- noides behind, forming a covering to part of the ethmoidal sinuses ; the posterior process is the sphenoidal process, 'processus sphenoidalis (14), which joins to the anterior inferior part of the body of the os sphenoides : the notch between the two processes forms the lower part of the spheno-palatine hole, foramen spheno-palathmm (12), the remainder of which is formed by the os sphenoides. The Foramina in this bone are two perfect and one imperfect. The two perfect are Foramen p>alato-maxillare {\0), formed by the junc- tion of the palatine with the pterygoid process for the passage of the palatine vessels and nerves. Foramen imlat'inum (11), for the passage of branches of the same nerve and vessels. The imperfect one is Foramen spheno-palatinum (12), formed in part by the OS palati, and in part by the os sphenoides, for the passage of the spheno-palatine nerve into the nose. Junctions. The os palati joins to its fellow by the palatine process ; and by their nasal crest to the vomer : by the anterior part of the palatine process to the same 126 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. process of the os maxillare superius ; by tlie ridge on the inside of tlie nasal process to the os turbinatum ; by the nasal and pterygoid processes to the body and tuberosity of the OS maxillare superius ; by its pterygoid, sphenoi- dal, and orbitar processes to the pterygoid processes and body of the os sphenoides ; and by its orbitar process to the same process of the os maxillare superius, and the flat plate of the os ethmoides. The muscles attached to and connected with the os pa- lati, are five ; viz. M. buccinator, pterygoideus externus & internus, constrictor pharyngis superior, & azygos uvulae. TURBINATED BONES. Ossa Turhinata. Situation. On the outer sides of the cavities of the nostrils. Description. The os turbinatum is composed of two unequal concave plates, joined together above, with their concavities facing towards each other ; the outer plate (1), the narrowest, and joined to the body of OS maxillare superius, forming part of the inner wall of the maxillary sinus ; the inner plate (2) the broadest, and depending into the nose ; its anterior edge (3) slightly concave, and attached to the ridge on the nasal process of the OS maxillare superius, just touching the lacrymal plate of the os lacrymale, to complete the nasal duct ; its posterior extremity (4) very acute, and attached to the ridge on the nasal process of the os palati. Junctions. Above and to the outer side, with the body of the os maxillare superius ; anteriorly, to the nasal process of the same bone, and to the os lacrymale ; and posteriorly, to the nasal process of the os palati. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. IZ PLOUGHSHARE BONE. Vomer. Situation. Between the cavities of the nose. Description. The vomer is said to resemble a ploughshare. It is divided into fom' edges, the supe- rior, or sj-jhenoidal (1), the broadest, hollowed to receive the processus azvgos of the os sphenoides ; the anterior, or nasal (2), grooved to receive the nasal plate of the os ethmoides, and the cartilaginous septmii of the nose ; the inferior, or crista! (3) thin, to join with the nasal crest of the ossa maxillaria superiora and palatina ; and the posterior, or jjIiarTjngeal (4), con- cave, and facing towards the pharynx. LOWER JAW. Os Maxillare Inferius. Situation. Below all the other bones of the head, and forming the lower boundary of the face. Description. The lower jaw is of a semi-ellip- tical form : it is divided into horizontal and ascending branches. The ho- rizontal branches, rami horizontaIes{l), form the lower part of the bone, and to- gether produce a semi-ellipsis, which is usually less than External Surface. the UppCr jaW, SO as to be received within it : when, however, the lower jaw extends beyond the upper, the jaw is said to be under- 128 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. Internal Surfnce. hung : the diameter of the semi- ellipsis being behind, its points form the angles, anguVi (3) ; extending forwards from which are the sides (4) of the jaw : the front, instead of being elliptical, is flattened from side to side, rather pro- duced below, and called the chin, sym- physis (5) ; at the parts where the symphysis and rami join, are seen the mental holes, foramina mentalia (G); the sides and chin are about two fingers deep, and termi- nated above by the jDrocessus alveolar es (7, 7), divided by lamellce alveolares, into cavitates alveolares, of which there are sixteen ; the under edges of the rami (8, 8) are gibbous or thick, and rounded; within, the symphysis and rami horizontals form a similar curve ; at the back of the symphysis is seen the mental spine, sjmia mentalis (9), which is sometimes bifid ; and extending along the rami, is seen on either side, as far as the last dens mola- ris, a sharp line (10, 10) for the attachment of the M. mylo-hyoideus ; behind this the line becomes more obtuse, and gives attachment to the M. buccinator. The ascending branches, rami ascendentes (2), rise up from the angles, and produce obtuse angles with the horizontal branches ; they are broad from before to behind, pass upwards, and terminate in a narrow neck, cervix (11); on each side above which are tlie condyloid processes, p. condyloides (12), convex and narrow from before to A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 129 behind, broad and slig;htlv convex from side to side : before the neck is a sharp concavity (13), into which the M. pterygoideus externus is inserted ; this is bounded anteriorly by the coronoid process, p. coronoides (14), which is angidar, it passes down a little way sharp in front, and then divides into two legs, which are lost, one on the alveolar process, and the other on the side of the jaw ; about an inch below the middle of the con- cavity, between the condyloid and coronoid processes, on the inside, are the inferior maxillary holes, foramina maxillar'm inferiora (15), having a spinous process, p. ■spinosus (IG), at the inner edge of each, for the attach- ment of a ligament; and from below this a furrow (17), runs downwards and forwards, in which a nerve rests. Between the inferior maxillary and mental holes, a canal, the infra-maxillary canal, canal'is infra-maxlllaris, runs within the bone, under the alveolar cavities for the lodge- ment of the dental nerve and vessels. The Foramina in this bone are two pairs. Foramina maxillaria inferiora (15), through which the dental arteries and nerves enter the canal ; and the Foramina mentalia (6), by which they pass out. Junction. By capsular and lateral ligaments with the glenoid cavities of the ossa temporum, having an inter- articular cartilage between them. The muscles attached to the os maxillare inferius are thirteen pairs ; viz. externally M. masseteres, depressores anguli oris, depressores & levatores labii inferioris ; in- ternally M. temporales, pterygoidei externi 8c interni, buccinatores, constrictores pharyngis medii, mylo-hj-oidei, genio-hyoidei, digastrici, & genio-hyo-glassi. The M. platysma myoides passes over it. K 130 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. CHAP VIII. Of the Orbits f Nostrils, Palate, and Ears. Besides the braincase and auditory passages, the bones of the head form the cavities of the orbits, nostrils, palate, and ears. 1. THE ORBITS, Orhitce, Are two in number, and contain the organs of vision with their appendages. Situation. In the upper part of the face, above the cheeks, on either side of the nostrils, and immediately beneath the frontal bone. They are irregularly conical cavities, having their bases facing forwards and outwards, and their apices inwards and backwards. They are formed by three single bones, viz. Os frontis (i), os ethmoides (ii), and os sphenoides (III) ; and four pairs, viz. Ossa maxillaria superiora (iv, iv), ossa palati (v, v), ossa lacrymalia (vi, vi), and ossa malag (vii, vii). Each orbit, therefore, is formed of seven bones, but both orbits are composed of only eleven bones. ri,iiiN>^v^^ OulcT Side. Iiintr Side. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 131 The processes of these several bones are thus situated. The orbitar process (1) of the frontal bone is placed above, and forms the entire vault of the orbit. On the inner side anteriorly is the nasal process (2) of the superior maxillary bone, behind which are the lacry- mal and orbitar plates (3, 8) of the lacrymal bone, and posterior to it the flat plate of the ethmoid (4). In the back of the orbit is the outer part of the body of the sphenoid bone (5). On the outer side at the fore part is the orbitar plate (6) of the malar bone, and behind it the orbitar plate (7) of the sphenoid. Below, in front, is the inferior orbitar process (8') of the malar bone, and behind it, forming the greater part of the floor of the orbit, the orbitar plate (9) of the superior maxillary bone. The Foramina in the orbits are ten pairs. 1. Tlie large openings of the orbits (10) to which the eyelids are attached, composed of the superciliary ridge {a) of the frontal bone above, the margin of the malar bone (6), from its superior to its inferior orbitar process inclusive below, and the nasal process (2) of the superior maxillary bone. 2. The siq^erior orifices of the nasal ducts (11) placed im- mediately behind the nasal process (2) of the superior maxillary bone, and formed by it and the lacrymal plate (3) of the lacrymal bone. 3. Foramina frontalia (12). 4. ethmoidea interna anteriora (13). 5. ethmoidea interna posteriora (14). 6. lacera orbitaria superiora (15). K 2 1 'lO A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 7. Foramina laccra orb'itar'ia inferiora (16), sen Jissura' sphcno-maxillares. 8. ojjtica (17). 9. supra-orhitaria (1 8). 1 0. The posterior openings of the infra-orhitar canals (19), whicli commencing opposite the middle of the in- ferior lacerated holes, rmi forwards beneath the orbitar plate of the superior maxillary bone, to terminate at the infra-orbitar hole on the cheek. 2. THE NOSTRILS, Cava Nasalia, Are double, consisting of fourteen bones, viz. four single, viz. Os frontis (i) ; os ethmoides (ii); os sphenoides (iii) ; and vomer (iv) ; and Jive pairs, viz. Ossa nasi (v v) ; ossa lacrymalia (vi vi) ; ossa max- illaria superiora (vii vii) ; ossa palatina (viii viii) ; and ossa turbinata (ix).* The anterior boundary of the nostrils is formed Antcrxor bunndarv. Posterior boundary. * It is well to observe that in order to save the multiplication of cuts, reference to several of the engravings not in the immediate neighbourhood of the descriptive part is necessary. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 133 above by the nasal (1) and inner angular processes (2, 2) of the frontal bone, the nasal processes (3, 3) of the superior maxillary bones, and the nasal bones (v v) ; and on the sides by the notches (4, 4), and below by the palatine processes (5, o) of the superior maxillary bones. The iiosterwr boundary is formed above by the body (6) of the sphenoid bone, on the sides by the nasal plates (7, 7) of the same bone, and below by the palatine pro- cesses (8, 8) of the palate bone. The lateral boundaries consist below, of the bodies (9, 9) of the superior maxil- lary bones in front, and the nasal processes (10, 10) of the palate bones and the nasal plates (7, 7) of the sphenoid bone behind, and the insides of .26 the orbits (11, 11) above. The superior boundary, _ or roof, is formed by the LaJl^^ou^XT^^ n-'^sal (1) and inner angular (2, 2) processes of the frontal bone, and the cribriform plates (12, 12) of the ethmoid before, and by the body (6) of the sphenoid bone behind. The inferior boundary, or floor, consists of the pala- tine processes (5, 5) of the superior maxillary bonel^in front, and the palatine processes (8, 8) of the palate bones behind. The two nostrils are separated by an imperfect parti- tion, septum, which, in the recent state, is completed by cartilage. It consists of the nasal plate (13) of the eth- moid bone, which joins above and before with the nasal process (1) of the frontal bone, and behind with the body 134 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. (6) of the sphenoid bone; both these bones join be- hind and below with the vomer (iv), which is connected by its lower edge with nearly the whole length of the nasal crest (15, 15) of the su- perior maxillary and palate bones. Into the cavities of the nostrils depend, at ^pa,tiiionof\ostriis. the Upper part the con- volutions (16, 16) of the ethmoid bone, including its 19 10 turbinated plates (17, 17), and towards the lower parts of the side walls the turbinated bones, (ix, ix) are at- tached from the hook- like process (18) of the lacrymal bone, along the superior maxillary and palate bones as far back as the nasal plates (7, 7) ■"of the sphenoid. By the jutting of the turbinated plates of the ethmoid, and turbinated bones, each nostril is sub- divided into three irregular cavities or chambers, meatus. The superior chamber, meatus superior (a), includes the space between the cribriform plate (12) of the eth- moid above, and the lower edge of its turbinated plate (17) below. In it are The openings of the cribrous holes (19, 19), of the "Vransverse vertical section of Orbits, Nostrils, and Palate. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 135 posterior ethmoidal (20), and of the sphenoidal sinus (21), divided from its fellow by a bony plate (14). The middle chamber, meatus med'ius (b), is the space contained between the turbinated plate (17) of the eth- moid above, and the turbinated bone (ix) below. In it are The openings of the frontal (22), anterior ethmoidal (23), and maxillary sinus (24), and the spheno-palatine hole (25). The inferior chamber, meatus inferior (c), is bounded above by the turbinated bone (ix), and below by the floor (5, 8) of the nostrils. In it, immediately below the junction of the turbinated with the lacrymal bones, is The opening of the nasal duct (26'), and that of the ductus incisivus (27). With all three chambers are connected The anterior (28, 28) and posterior (29, 29) openings of the nostrils. 3. THE PALATE. Fornix Palat inus. The bony structure of the palate consists of t7vo pairs of bones and a single one, viz. Ossa maxillaria superiora (i, i) ; ossa palatina (ii, ii) ; and ossa sphenoides (iii). The margin is formed by (' the alveolar processes (1, 1) of ^ the superior maxillary bones, before and on the sides, and by the tips of the nasal plates (iii, III) of the sphenoid behind ; the arch of the palate by the palatine processes (2, 2) of the superior maxillary bones, and by the palatine pro- 1.56 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. cesses (3, 3) of the palate bones. In it are seen five holes, viz. one single and two pairs. The opening of the ductus incislvus (5), at the fore part. And behind, close to the alveolar processes, the 2. Foramina palato-maxillaria (6, 6), and 3. palatina (7, 7). 4. THE EAR, Aims Interna. The bony part of the organ of hearing is principally- contained in the petrous portion of the temporal bone, which is more fully developed at a very early period than either of the other portions ; the evolution of which does not seem actually necessary, as not being perfected till the approach of manhood, and, even then, their existence seems to be rather supplementary than absolutely ne- cessary. The internal ear, as it is commonly called, consists of two parts : the drum, tympanum (i), with its canals, by which it is connected with the auricle and throat ; and liilative situation of Tympanum and Labyrinth. The above engraving is copied from Soemmering. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 137 the labyrinth, labyrinthus (ii), in which the nervous apparatus, in other words, the true auditory organ, is expanded, and by which it is protected. The Drum. Tympanum (I). The drum of the ear is placed on the under part of the petrous portion, at the bottom of a canal called the external auditory passage, meatus auditorius externus (1), commencing at the external auditory hole (2), and pass- ing inwards and forwards about half an inch, till it meets with a ridge of bone (3) containing a groove, where it terminates. This ridge inclines outwards and backwards at its upper and hinder part, so that the passage is of greater length before and below, than behind and above. The membrane of the drum, which is received within the groove, consequently inclines downwards and inwards.^ External section. Internal section. The drum is situated to the inner side of this ridge, and opposite to it, nearly in a parallel plane ; is bounded by an irregular plate of bone (6), which separates it from the labyrinth : above it is protected by a thin plate of bone (6'), part of the anterior surface of the petrous por- tion, and below it is bounded by the top of the jugular pit (4) and carotid canal (5) : it is of an oval form, and 138 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. its greatest width, from within to without, is about three lines. Three projec- tions are seen in it : one in the middle, upon the inner plate, called the pro- montory, i^^omontor'ium (6j, which resembles a hillock, surrounded by a deep ir- regularly circular trench. Internal section of liimpanam magnified. SlllUS tympani (7), aboVC the upper part of which is seen the second, viz. the projection of the commencement of the stylo-mastoid canal (8), here distinctly exhibiting itself in the upper and back part of the drum : the third is the pyramid, eminentia pyramida^ lis (9), a minute eminence, standing forwards just below the point where the stylo-mastoid canal begins to dis- appear from the drum. Nine principal apertures are found in the drum : 1. The large aperture (10) leading to the external auditory passage. 2. The vestibular hole. Fenestra ovalis (11), above the promontory, between it and the projection of the stylo-mastoid canal, and leading into the vestibule. 3. The cochlear hole, Fenestra rotunda (12), below the promontory, on its under part, and so overlapped by it as to be easily overlooked ; this leads to the cochlea. 4. The aperture in the top of the pyramid (13), through which the tendon of the M. stapedius passes. 5. A very small hole, apertura chordce (14), which runs into the stylo-mastoid canal behind and opposite the pyramid, and allows the passage of the Nervus chorda tym- pani into the drum, having traversed which, it quits by A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 139 6. The glenoid hole, foramen glenoideum (15), at the fore and upper part. 7. The opening of the Eustachian tube, tuba Eusta- chiana (16), large enough to admit the head of a probe, is situated at the inner and under part of the drum, and is the commencement of a canal, which gradually expands as it passes inwards to terminate before the foramen lacerum basis cranii anterius, in its cartilaginous part which opens into the throat. 8. The opening by which the M, tensor tympani enters the drum (17), is placed immediately before the front end of the vestibular hole, and is the termination of a bony canal running above the Eustachian tube, in which the muscle just named is contained. 9. The large opening to the mastoidal cells (18), above the pyramid, and passing over the projection of the stylo-mastoid canal. Contained in the cavity of the drum, are the four small « Jl_ bones, ossicida auditus, viz. the ^C ^ A hammer (a), anvil (ft), lenticular (c), and stirrup (d) bones. The hammer bone, malleus (a), has some resemblance to the thigh bone deprived of its condyles ; it has a rounded head (1), a smooth, arti- cular surface, connected by a short neck (2) to the shaft of the bone which, form- ing the short process, j^rocessus brevis (3), corresponds to the great trochanter : passing down from this, and tapering towards its tip, which curves slightly forwards, is the remainder of the shaft, which is called the handle, manubrium (4), and, from the front of the neck, curves forwards and down- 140 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. wards, the longest but most delicate process, which is of a flattened shape, and called the slender process, pro- cessus gracilis (5) ; this is very commonly broken short off at its root, and therefore not often seen. The anvil bone, incus (h), has great similarity to a double fanged grinding tooth; its head(l), which faces outwards, is hollowed to receive the head of the hammer bone ; it has two processes : the short process, 2^rocessus brevis (2), runs horizontally inwards from the head ; and the long process, processus longus (3), descends nearly vertically, is of lighter form than the former, and its tip curves slightly inwards, receiving upon it. The lenze bone, os lenticulare seu rotundum (c), which is the smallest bone in the body, not exceeding the size of a © f/ small pin's head, and often described as part of the anvil bone, with which it becomes anchylosed at an early period. Its shape resembles a lenze, whence its name. The stirrup bone, stapes (d), rests on its side ; a little projection on its outer end, hollowed to receive the lenze bone, is called the 3 -g head (1), from which curve inwards two slender processes (2, 2), connected at their points by the base (3). These four bones are con- nected together, forming a chain, which brinirs the membrane of the drum into connection with that of the vestibular hole, the hammer bone being attached by its handle to the tympanal, and the stapes by its base to the vestibular membrane. A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 141 The Labyrinth. Labyrinthus. (II). The labyrinth is placed behind and to the inner side of the drum, in the most solid part of the petrous por- VIEVVS OF LABYRINTH. Posterior . Anttrior. Inferio y. tion, and consists of three pieces : the vestibule (a), the semi-circular canals (b), and the cochlea (c). The vestibule, vestibulum (a), is placed posteriorly and to the inner side of the drum, and immediately behind the fenestra ovalis (11); within, before, and be- low, it is bounded by the cochlea, and above and behind by the semicircular canals : its size is about that of a grain of wheat, and it has in it several apertures ; on the fore and outer part is the vestibular hole (11), on the outer and back part are the five openings of the semi- vaticai Section. circular canals (19); on the inner part, directly opposite the fenestra, the opening (20) by which the auditory nerve enters the vestibule ; on the fore and under part is a hole lead- Internal Surface. i^g tO tllC COChlca (21); and at the posterior and inner part, near the common orifice of the vertical and oblique semicircular canals, is the orifice of the aqueduct, aquceductus vestibuli (22), * All the succeeding Engravings, except the last, are copied from Soemmering. Posterior, 142 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. which passes to terminate on the posterior surface of the petrous portion. The semicircular canals, canalcs semicircularcs (b), of which there are three, are situated above and to the outer side of the vestibule, and immedi- ately behind tlie tympanum ; they are three in number ; their name V| implies their form, and their extre- 'i|' mities swelling out, each like a flask, have been thence called ampidlce (d). They are named from their position vertical or superior (23), oblique or Antei'ior J'ieu:. Seition of Canals. posterior (24), and horizontal or inferior (25) ; and each leg opens by a distinct aperture into the vestibule, except the posterior leg of the vertical, and the superior of the oblique, which terminate in a common orifice, so that there are but five apertures from them in the Anteriov internal Surface. VeStlDUJC. Tiie OS temporis consists only of two portions, which are separate, viz. the squamous and petrous ; the mamil- lary portion not being formed till some years after birth. The cochlea (c) is placed immediately to the inner fc^-^ Base. Apex. side of the promontory and vestibule ; its form resembles A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 143 Anterior interjinl surface of spiral tube ; that of a snail shell, its base (35) facing backwards and upwards forms the bottom of the internal auditory passage, its apex (24) depending forwards rests against the back of the beginning of the Eustachian tube ; it is composed of a central pillar of a conical form, called the modiolus (26), and two and a half turns of a spiral tube (27) wound around it, the apex of which forming the apex of the cochlea is called the cupola (28). This spiral the lamina spiralis removed. tubC Is ImpCrfcCtly divldcd iutO tWO passages called scalce, by a thin plate of bone called Z«- Lamina spiralis ; minu Spiralis (29), wliich, commcucing from the promontory, makes two and a half turns around the modiolus, and terminates in a hook-like tip, called the hook, hamulus (30), which is received into a funnel-like process, called the mfundihulum (31), projecting into the cochlea from the inside of the cupola ; the upper of these passages is called the scala vestibuli (32), commencing from the hole at the upper inner part of the vestibule, and having made its turns, reaches the hamulus and infundibu- lum where it terminates in the lower passage, the scala tympani (33), which, in like manner, makes its turns and terminates at the fenestra rotunda. The whole of these passages are freely pierced by numerous holes for nerves which have already perforated the cribri- form base (35) of the modiolus. Besides these, close the external shell of the cochlea removed. Horizontal section thrnvzh tube, lamina, mnd'olus and mtatus inttrnus. 144 A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. to the termination of the scala tympani, immediately in front of the fenestra rotunda, is another opening, that of the aqucuductus cochlecB (84), which terminates in the jugular pit, on the under part of the petrous portion. The base (35) of the modiolus faces backwards, and forms the anterior boundary of the internal auditory passage (3G). CHAP. IX. Of the peculiarities in the bony structure of the Foetus, All the long bones are composed of several parts, viz. the body and the epiphyses; the latter really include all the projections which in the adult state become pro- cesses, but the term is more generally and especially applied only to the ends of the long bones. These three (as they are commonly enumerated) pieces, viz. the body and the extremities of the long bones, are the parts in which ossification commences in as many distinct points, and it is only as the earthy deposit proceeds that the several portions ultimately become connected. Indeed the shaft and extremities of a long bone seldom form one single mass till eighteen or twenty years of age ; prior to that period the bone, if macerated, falls into three pieces, more or less perfectly formed, according to the age of the individual. The bones of the skull are quite rudimental in the fcetus, so as to enable the head to mould itself to the pelvis, whilst passing through it during parturition. The OS frontis is divided into two portions by the A DESCRIPTION OF THE BONES. 145 continuation of the sagittal suture into the ethmoidal fissure. The OS temporis consists only of two portions, which are separate, viz. the squamous and petrous ; the mamil- lary portion not being formed till some years after birth. The OS occipitis is divided into four pieces, the crucial ridge not having become ossified. The ossa parietalia have neither their frontal nor occipital angles formed ; and consequently two large chasms exist, one in front with the frontal bone, which is deficient at that spot; and the other behind with the occipital bone, which is also deficient ; these two openings are called the fontanels, hregmata vel fonta- nellce^ of which the anterior is called the greater, and the posterior the lesser fontanel. THE END. VIZBTELLV , BRANSTON AND CO. PKINTBKS iLKBT STU EK J , LONPON. JUST PUBLISHED. Vol. I. OF ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL REPORTS, BY DR. WILLIAMS, DR. ROOTS, DR. BURTON, DR. LISTER, MR. TR AVERS, MR. GREEN, MR. TYRRELL, MR. SOUTH. Edited by JOHN F. SOUTH, Assistant-Surgeon. Price 12s. cloth. This Volume contains an Account of the most interesting Cases which have recently occurred in the Hospital, and includes the Clinical Lectures delivered by the Medical Officers of the Institution. *** These Reports are published every alternate Month, Price 'is. each Part. 3URN/ ' iRB'fST/ fry / am 3^1