¥ v9 > ^be ^ubor ^facsimile Tleyts Jo oil ^IroHt §ou Date of the only known edition^ .... 1600 [B.M. C. 34, b. 32.) Reproduced in Facsimile, 19 12 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER aoli ^Iraut §0u 1600 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXII took ^bout lou 1600 This play is facsimiled from an original copy in the British Museum^ another example being at Bridgewater House, and yet another in the Dyce collection at South Kensington. Mr. J. A, Herbert, of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum, reports of the reproduction : — " There is nothing calling for special comment as regards the reproduction from the original copy.^' JOHN S. FARMER. rv. PLEASz^NT COM MO DIE. QAL LSV Locke about you. As It was lat<*!y pliyed by the r'glic honoura- ble ihe Lord HigliAiimirall his leru.uius i London, Printed for William FcrbranJ,andareto be foldc at his fliop at the fignc o<^ihc Crownc necre Guild- hall gate . 1600. (t// pleafaunt Commodjt^ called Looke aboutyou. Entcr^ohQnWooAayourtgl^obJe.mAn,^ CerHMrtt Wit^ him, ^ithrydmgvpandcs intheyr handes .asfthyhad heemnc^ lighted* I Kobm. GOe,waIke the horfes.wayte mc on the hill. This is the Hermit}. CcJl,goe out of fighr ; My bufities wnh him muft not be rcueal'd, T o any mortal] crcaturr but hitnfcJfe. So-^u lie waite your hon.^ur in the croiTc high- way. Sxir. Rob. Doc fo : Hermit deuout and reuercnd, Ifc^roufic age kcrpc not thyftiffi nedioynics. On chy vnj eftfuil bed, or if the h. urcs Of hcly Orizons detaync thee not, Comefoorth. Enter Skinke % an Hermit. Skw.Goo<^ morrow fon,good morro w,& God blcflfe thee A brighter Glcamcof true Nobility (Huntington, btunej not in any youth more then in thee . Thou fhair be rich m honour, ful? of fpecd. Thou flial( w;n foes by fcarc.and friend* by mcede. Rob,¥z\ hcr,I come not now to know my fate Imp.>rtantbufi.e5 vrgctli Princely Richard, Dclmcr letters. in thfle icrmesto falutcthyreucrenta«»c. Read jud be brief c,! know /ome caulc of cruft, iMadebim i i:ploy njcfor his meflcngcr. Shfn.h caufcoftruft indeed true honoured youth, i nnccihad need in maitcfs o:"in)port, * Ai To A pleafantCommody, To make nice choy le fatre Earlc,if 1 not crre, Thou art the Princes ward. ^o.Fathcrl amhisvvard,hisChamberlainc & bed-fellow. 5/;f./.Fairc fall thee honourable Robert Hood, Wend to Prince Rkh.ird,{\y though I am loath, Tovfc my skill iaConiuration : Yet Skjihk: that pcyfoned red chcekt Rojltm o^.cty Shall make appcarauncc at the Par'amenc, Hs Hiall b: there by nooiK aflurc his Grace. /J.t'.Good morrow Father/ce yoii fade hl;v. nor, * For though the vlUaine did a horrible deed. Vet hath the youni/King ^»ffc.tr^/,and Eatle lohu^ S wortie to defend him from his grestcft foe?. •^/;//7 .Gods bcnizon be with thee noble Earic i^fli'.Adew good father^holla there, my hoi Ic' txa. ' 5/v;''.Vp,fpnrthe kicking lad?, whde 1 tr.:kcfpccde ToCo:v.uic5',^7/\'outofhis Hemncs weevic-, Lye ttiCre religion keep thy M. grauc, And on the faire trull of [hcfePruKCs word To Court agaiwe 67yw^( :bur before I goe, Let mifchief e take aduile of viliany. why to the Merinit letters fliould be fcnt, To poaG SK!''h to the Court tpcontiucni: Isthcrcnotrickeinthisf haletme lee/' Or doc they know already lam h( ? Ifthey doc Ib.faithwcflward then with 5/;»/./;if: Bu: what an afle a m 1 to be thus fond, Hecrc lyes the Hermit whom I dying found So'.netvvomonthesfince, when I wjishowcilychargM With hJugU the Cry er and with Conftables, 1 faw hi:n in the ready way toheaucn, Ihclpthim forward, t'waja holydced; And iheie he lyes fomc fixe footc in the ground. Since when,and fmce,! kept me inhis wecdes. O what a world of fooles hauc fill'd my Cell j For Formncs,run-awaics,rtolnt goods,lott cattle. Among the number, all the fadtion That take the young Kings pare againft thcoldci Come caIIe3Lookc about yoii. \ Come to my (clfc to harkcn for my fclfe, So did the aducrfc party make enquire. But cyther fall full of contrary defire; The oldc Kings part would kill me being ftain*d, The youngJCings keep me from their violence. . So then thou ncedft not feare ,goe boldly on, Braue H^^Pimcc Dicl^,znd myfprucehor fpur^^JE^w, Heer's their fafe condu;7tfEarlcorf.ciftccandthcc6mons : OU A. Did you prcfcrre this by II? ^//. We did. (}):fl- L.i^cYce did not wcl'. G!o,Whythis is good, now fiiallwehauc the hell. j.'Bn.Chcfler and Lanchaflcr you wrong the King. Chcfc. f.4 .Our King vvc doe not. 2V;.K.Doc not you fee mc crownM? X.roiigh Europe, Affricke,Aflia, Tclsintheholl >wofnewes thirrtingcarcs, Qucene E(i*^oi liues in a dungion, For pitry and afFedlion toh<-r Tonne : But wncn the true caure^Cltffords daughter j death Sha ibc expofcd to ftrangcr nations: Wh at vollumes will be writ, what lybelsfprcd? i\ nd in each yne our Hate diflioncurcd. Fank.h\y Lord Ipeakes to the purpol'e,njary it may bee fo, Pray God it prooue notfo. Z-9'.Hearc me concludc,and there withJI conclude, It is an heyncus and vnheard ct finne .• Qucene EltKoy daughter to Kingly Fraunce, King HevriesWxiQ and royiU Henvits motiicr. Is kep: dole prifoncr for an a6^c o Tuft .cc, Committed on an odious Concubine, A'i '.Thou wrongll her Liifler, L'"/. Lcacherscuci prair;; the cauCe of their con^ufion. 'lie t\iiS\\t was ill fpokcn o^" it's truc.rru'. (was vile C}'.";},Yovxkt Cms or.c would doe asniuch foryou CM ~7T cmcdLo^c abour vou. Olde roole,young J^rcb^^dhnh a o.Tc J kno;^- fr And on your wife iiy fidcr no ild be/^o;v ,r ' Hcci^ a good world men hare adalrcrou; /in Count (cagulfc and yet rhcv-.oeds vvillin. ' Xtf/.Whatanrivcrcfortbc'jUi-ene? ijr..The King replycs your words arefoulc fiaundcrous /o^^/.Hishighncslayesnotfo «'u.rous i:-.'.Htshighnesdoth, ' (forger; e.. Tels you its a iliame for fuch wildc youth I ofmorhcr any impiety, * WuhOiew tochiihccloofcadulceric. Ssy Rof.i,nmdw^$ i^^-wicv Concubine Had neucr King a Concubine but he?' Did ^eA;.;.^ibrgin the fires in Frauncc? Made fhe^he Norcherne bordersreekc with flames > ynpeopled (lie the townesofPicardy^ ' left flie rhc wiues of England husbandly? ?u"? M^^^!?" "^ Igraunt/odoe we all Shcfc Iher felfe,defi;ing noneHiouId fall; But£/;..rwhomyoufomuch commend Hath been the bellowes of fedicious f?rc Ift notaniameto thmJcethat/Lc hatharm'd ^curcSonnesmht hands.againfl their fathers head And not the children of a lo w.pnz'd wretch ButonewhomGodonearthha^thderd; ' Sec where he fits with forrowinh.s eyes * SmilcswhJrthe weeps and wirh^n. ^ V j-rj - Imbrace bliih m rrh. whil- hie i\A u ""<''*'"«^, Fau Ma h.. I 1l V"',' "'s (ad heaic compla ne. //^-w-Peace doting fbole. ^/o^w.BfhlcntafTe ^«*.NaK«,eood^-.,^.„4';:4u,ci„,se. That A plealant Cdmmody Th at thus abufes your ri ght leucrcnd age, My broihfrs are too hoc. Fii^.Too hoc indeed, foolc, a(Te,ror fpeaking tiuth; ic's more than need. p.T''.May good SivMcIm.-c{ ac my kindc increate F; r all xhQ loue I bcorc yuisr n^'ble lioulc. Let no: your r bfci'ce kindle fiu thcr vvrr.ih, ]iic) liiie's ac counkn now He dov\ne I pray, IL-q'i tc ic withthck ndertloLC Imay. 6.V1.I cohjswife, K( •' . Pi i I ' cc i^ich rdWc fit dovv ne, Bui by tlu-faich lo/vebyrcEnglands Crovvne, Had yuu ii X becri I would h jue 1 ?fc ihc place, My Iciuice merit; net 'o much diigracc . Kif.Good Fmkr.bndge I thankc thee. Go to thdr placer. glo.An(\ you'l thinke ot"him,u you can (Icp into his bower at Stepney. F.m.PiinceRichard'sverykindcJknovvlfskindcney, . He loues me but he loues my Lady better. No more,Ile watch himjle prcuent his game. Young Lad.it's ill to hak before the lame. They breahf asunder. Papers thts ^hle being cjfred and fnb(crtbedbemeen€ eyther. H#,7.11e not fubfcribe to this indignity, llenotbecall'd aKingbutbeaKing; Allow me halfcthcReaIme,giue me the North, The Prouinccs that lyc beyond the Seas , ' Wales and the Iflcsthat compafle in the mayne. g/o.Nay giuc him all and he will fcant be pleaPd. R/c/;.Brothcr you askc too much. M«. To much.too little, hccfhall haue that and more I I will haue Nottingham and Salisbury, (^'^ca'^c ^« ^*"' Stafford and Darby ,and fome other Earledorac, OrbyS./«?/:'«(whor-blefledname I bearc) He make thefe places like a wilderncs. lit not a plague.an horrible abufe, A Km^,a King of England fhould be Father To tbu?e fuch p.oper youchs,as H.i//,and Dtche, canca l^oukc aDOUC yon. My brother Geffrey and my proper felfci And yet not giiie hisfonnesfuch maintcnaunce. As he confumcs among his minions. Rkh.^z more refpt ifliuc Ifhh /o-Rcfpedliue Richiirdfixcyow turn'dpure/'a changing \vc» I fay it's rcafon He7?ry fliould be King, (thcr-cocke? 1 hou Princc.I Duke,as leffyy is a Duke. Xrtw.What fhallyour Father doe? J^o.Liuc at his praycrs,h3ue a fufficient pention by the ycrc, Rcpenthisfinncsbccaufehis endisncerc. 67o.A gratious ronne,a very gratious Tonne. Kin.\M\\\ thiscontciit you ? \ thjft haue fat (lill, Amaz'd to lee my fcnncs dcuoyde of (hamej To hearc my fubied^s with rebellious tongues. Wound the kmdcbofomc oftheir Soucraigne, Can no more beare,but from a bleeding hart Dcliucr all my loue, for all your hate : . Will this content thcc cruell Elinor? Your fauagc mother, my vnctuill Qyccnc; The TygrcfTc that hath drunke the purple bloud, Ofthrce times twenty thoqfand valiant men; WaQiing her red chaps, in the weeping tcares. Of widdowSjVirgins^nurfeSjfucking babes. And laftly forced with her damn'd conforts, Entrcd alaborinth to murther loue. Will this content youPflae (hall be rclcaft. That flic may nexcfeaze mefhe mcft enuyes. Hcn.Oux mothers liberty is feme content. jRr<«.What clfe would /i/r«ry haue? //cw.Thc Kingdomc. JiTw.Perufe this byll, draw neere let vs conferre. pofc. Hall be not anfwered but with Soucraignty, For glorious is the fway of Maiefty. iuwormeofMaic%.thcufrpih,tbou pubic. i And muft I now be plcaf'd in peafc to ftand, ^ | While ftatiKcs make the owner of my land? Glo.Good pattimc good,now will che tliccucs fall out? - 2 fe O if I doc,let mc be neuer held - Royall King Henrycsfounepardon mcfaiher. Pull do wne this rebel! that hath done thee wrong. Dickc,€omeaadleaue his ride,aflaylc him Lords, ^ Let's haue no parly but With biWcs and fwoordcs. I X^Peace lohn, lay do wne thy armcs,heare Henry (pcakc. He niindes thee no fuch wrong. | /^♦Hcwwcnotbcft. . ^ Hw.Why ^ V^' called Loolce about you. |Si&' f/fW.Whyhayre-brain'd brother can yecbrooke no ieft? I doc confirme you Earlc of Nottingham , I?. And Moorton cooi* Hen, I and Moorton too, 7^. Why fp.no w once more 11 e fit downc by you. (j/o.Blow wmdcjthc you/igrii of King Henries ftockc, , Wouidfitlyfeructomakeaweathcr-cocke. - /<>,Gapccarth,chancnge thine ovrne as Glofterlyfs, Pitty filch niucke is coucr'd with the skies. Fuii.?tc quiet good my Lords,thc Kings commaund You fliould bequiec,and tis very mcctc. It's moR conuenicnt,how fay you Prince Richards R.fc/).It is indeed. Frf.Why that is wifely faid.youarc a very kindc indifferent Mary a God and by my hollidame, (maa. Were not I had a feeling in my He^d, ' Of'fome fufpition twixt my wife and him, I fliould affedhim more then all the world, ^/o.Takclicedcoldc Richardjkcep thee there mad lad. My Sifter's fairc.and beauty may turne bad. EwwRobcn Hood a pafertn HsImtjcI. Ojftca,Koomt th ere,make roome for young Huntington. F4«, A gallant youth , a proper Gentleman. j|r» /^tf^-Rschard I haue had wrong about his wardftiip. ^^ ^/c.You cannot right your felfc, /"•He can and fhajl. foc.Not with your hclp,but honourable youth Haueyccpcrform*d thcbufiocs I cnioyn'd? kob.l haue,and Skinke is conie,heere is bt« bill, fJen.Ho matter for his bill let him come in. ' Kw.\.ct him not enter, his infc^hous breath Will poyfon the affembly. Tj /.Ncuer doubt,chcr*s more infcaious breaths aboat your Leyfteris thcre,yourenuious Sonnes is therci (Throne, If them you can cndurc,no poyfon fcarc. J<:y;7.CoutcntthecGloftcr. (patient, GloJ muft be content, when you^tfiat (hould mend all are ^ I- A pleafantCommociy, VVhom rhou didft poyfon at our dread coiiimaund, And the appointment of our gracious Mother j See heere my Fathers hand vnto thy pardon. 5-^w.lreceiue it gratioufly, vvifhing his Ibulc fweet peace, in heauen for Co aicritorious a vvorkc, for I fcare rac I hauc not his heart though his hand. X/w.Be fure thou hatt not,murdcrous blouc- fucker , To iealiousenuy executioner. //t7;.Befides thou fueft to hauC' foine maintcnaunce, ! Wc haue bethought vs how wee will reward thee, Thou ilialt haue Rowden Lordfhip. gbftShalhc fo?will you reward your raurtherers with my fe/.Your landsritis our gift and he fhqil haue it. (lands G Iodic giue him feafure firft with thi s and this. StnJ^ him. fobn.L&y holdc on Glofler. iCi».HoIdc that murthcrous 5^i«%. Gfo.Villaincs hands off,I am a Prince, a Pcere, I And I haue borne difgracc whUc I can bcare. ir'*t«.Knaues leaue your rudenes,how now brother G'^/?frJ'na)' be appeaf'd,bc patient brother. RkhShik for thy fdfc good 5^?>7%,therV golde, away: p Heere will be parts. 5i^w.Swortds Xlc make one and ftay. ^o^.I prethce be gonefince thus it falleth our, ' Takcwater,hence,aw3y,thy life I doubt. I 5/;^!.VVell/arcwcll,getlQnceoutofdoore, 5J I be prcuenied of^what 1 intend. AV^.Commaund mc any feruicc in my power, gio.l pray you call fomc nimble footed fellow. To doe a mcfTage for me to my fiftcr. KeepC2M in Rcdcafi,hc waiteth with a Tipftaffe, Exit one He ftammcrsjbut he's fwift and tnifty Sir. f» Hm, £wrer Redcap. ^/j.No matter for his ftammering, is this he? Red! I am am Re Redcap f f fir. G/^-Run Redcap to Stepiwy. Red. We be at Stepney p p prcfcntly. Cjb.^iy ftay,goe to the Lady FauhcnbriJic my fifter. ^f<:^.The La La Lady Fan Fan FxuhfnhetchJ. i r run fir. C/o.But take thy errand,tell her I am prifoncr, Committed to the Flecte. Red.l am g g glad ofth th tfwt,my fa fa father the p p por*. ter fha (hall ge gc get a r fTec by you. Snll runnts. G//7.Stand Hill a while, defire her to make mcanes Vnto Prince Richard for my liberty, i Atthy returne(raake fpeed) I will reward thee. Red.V^vn g g gone fi fir. ifi£- Hf «. Yes Faukenbridge thou (halt, 5^0. And why ?hc is his wiues brother. Fan.Eaiic lohn, aJthpugh I bc,I am trac ?nto theStatc,& G/(?.What,fhal I haueno ieruant of my ownef (fo ishe» Hf«.No,but the houfliolde £eruantSK>f the Fleeter ^ . C7/o. I thanke you kinfaian King,your father knovVe* Glofter may boldclicgiue a bafc flauc blowes, p»uM,«iuuui yvm, — /^.That Caftlc flial be minc.v here ftandsic Faudenbridge Jf-'.i'i^.Far from your reach furc.vndcr Feckhill ridge, Fiuc hundred inen(Englandhath fcwfuch wight) Keeps it for Glorters vfc both day and nighc; But you mayeafily winnc it,\vantons words QiHckly Can mafter mcn.tongucs out brawie fwords. ycYceareanldyor. Rm7;.I preihee /o/j-tf forbearc, J'c/;. What fliali oldc winter with his frofty icftes, Croffc fl jwry pleafurc? Faii.l and mp you too, God mary mother I would tlcHe Were there no more in place but I and you. (you /uw.Seafc thcfc contentions/orward to the Tower, Relcafe QuceneEhnor,and Icauc roc there YouT pnfoner I ani fure^if yec had power, Therms nothmglcts you but the Commons fearc: Keep your Staie Lords,vve will hy water goe. Making th^rrefli 7 hameSjfalt with tearesofwoc* Hen.A:id wcc'Il by land through the Gtty ride. Making the people tre nrble at our pride. £xentn with Trum' Er?ter Si[: ; In fohts pets r Wo Vcaies. Shjn Blackc Heath qujt/i he.and I were King of all Kent, I would giuc it for a commodity ot Apron 4hings,ro Be in my cottage ageti.Pnnccs warrants^oiAiy Skinkc Findes them as furc a$ an obligation feaPd with butter. At Kings Bridge I durft not enter a boatc,through London the (tones were fiery, I haue hid a good Coole way through the fieldes,and in the high way ToRatcJ!ffcftand$3beatcr;Mj)c.end*scoueiedwilh Who goes chere« lis for me luiejO Kcnc,0 Kcntj I would giuc my part of all Chriftendome to feelc Thee as I fee ihec. If I goc forward I am flayed. If I goe back ward, thcr's a roge in a red cap,he*s rua From S.Iohnes after me : I were bcft (tay heerc, Leart ifhe come with hue and cry,he (top me yonder, Iwouldflipthe collerfor fearcofthc halter; But hecre comes my runner,and ifhe run forme, His race dycs,hc is as f«re dead, as if a Parlamcp: , * OfDcuils had dcheed ic. Enter Redcap. RciiStc Src Stepney chi chutch yonder, but I haue for^oc The La La Lady Fau Fau Fau plague on' her, I mu rr.\](\ b backctOihc FlcFleFlcctcto knknknow it. The la the la la Lady Fau.plague on'tjG Glofter Will gone neerctoit ftab nie,fo for forgetting Aly errand, he is fuch a ma ma mad Lord,the La Lady Fau Fau'Fau. Skjr/.H^p :iie dcuifc.vpon my life this foolc is fent From Glof^cr to his fiftcr Marm^ R^^c.I m mii(} ncc nccdsgoc backe, the La Lady F4U Fau Fau. Sk^r!.Qoi\ fpccd ffood fellow. ^f/^.Go go ood fp fp fpeed you fir. 5^w. Why ran'ft thou from me? Ked.Mx mary fir.I haueloloft aia Ladycs namc,andl am running ba backe to fe fe feeke it. 5A/>7.What Lady^ I prcthec ftay. Rf And finde cold welcome to calamities, j J^ob.And whyforgods fake** Z//<.Eutn for Glofters fake, R4«^hy by mine honnor,and Prince Richards faith, Your brother Glorter iliallhaue liberty, yppon condition you rclcafc a prifoher » That you haue lon<>e held in cap wuityc. La.lhz\ic naprifcner/ Rc.Ycsz vyoddQkies,yaur beiuy In a wilKng bondage tics >L^.C9 to^yoW are difpof 'd to icrt my Lord, " / M.ltt 1 called Looke about yoii. J?»klnearneftlmurt be an Cornell futer To you forlouc,yctyou muft be my tutcr. Z4. Are you in louef Roh.l dcarely louc Prince Richard. I>.Thcn doe you louc the louelicft man aliue. The Princelicft perfon of King H.Hownow fairc Maddam whohath angrcd you? t^.Grcifc at my brothers durauncc angers me. (you Kich. I had thought my Ward youDg Huntington had vcxt L4. who he? alas good Gentleman he wrongM mc not. No matter for all ihi$,Ile tell your tale.* tyfftoyfewttl}tn,EnterSk*r}ke,Blocl^f^onfiahU. Bh.Sit there cotncs no more of you in with him then the Conftable. Zounds hcares abeadioUofBillcs at thcgatcin* deed, back ye bafe l-<.Now firra whats the matter.' ^/<>.Marry heares aftammercr takcti dipping the Kings Englifti , and the Conftablc and his watch hath brought htm to yoH to be cxamin'd. ApicaiantCOminddy C^4.Nfo Madam wee arc commaundcd by the King to \vacch,ind meeting this fellow at Mile-eod^e tell V5, he is the Porters fonne of the Fleete^thac the Earle of Glofler fent him to you. ^i^>}.Iffforfoothhhedenreyoutofpeakecothe°pPrlnce for htm. " La,0 Iconceauc thee,bid hi m blithly fare, Beare him this Ring in token of my care. Skfn. If I be rid of this cuill Angcllthat haunts mee^many rings, much Fleete will Skinkc come vuto. CM.Madam,if you know this fellow we'll difcharge him. 5/(?c.Madam,and you be wife,truft your honcrt neighbors heere,let them bring this ca ca ca ca to the Flectc , and f fee your ring dcliuered. Sl^Tkh plague vpon you for a damned roge, t The Porter ofthc Fleete will furely know me, I LdGood neighbours bring this honeft fellow thether, Ther*s for his paines a crowne.if he (ay true, t And for your labour chcr's as much for you. 5^.WhyMaMa Madam, I am Re Re Redcapthe Pot. ters fonne. Z4.Thou haft no wrong in thij,farewcll good fellow. .S^ikBeft fpeaking to Prince Richard?no He try And hci out Redcap if the flaue were by. /'^.MakethcmdrinkeBlocke. ) £/i!.Come to the Burtery bar, ftitty ftitty ftammerer,com< honcftConrtible,hcythe vvatchofourtownc,wc*il drinkf , "tryhlllfaith. As thyg oe outyCnters Sir Rtthxtd Fiiuk^nbridge jruHngforVfani^ Prince *md Lady tdh^g, •, | ^o&.L«p«jwy He follow you to Courte and fecond you, F-<«.Follow to Courtjha:? then I finclla rat. Its probable he'll hauc about agayne, Long feige makes entrauncc to the ftrongeft fort. It muft not be I muft not leaue him heere, Priace Richard Jfyou loue my brothers good. Lets ride back to the Courte, lie wayte on you, . '- i?ir/;.He*s leliousjbut I mu(l obferue the rymc;, We'll ride voto tHe Court, lie leauemy boy Till we rctume, areyou agcced to this.^ called Looke about you. \ F4«»0hlhcei)fan:honourablcyouth, • y j Verruuos and modcftjHantingtons right heyre, N HisfaiherGilbcrtwasthcfmoothttfac'tLord . -^ That ere bare Armes in Engl and or in Fraunce, \ ^ic/j.SoIiciricRobinXady glue good care, ! And ofyour brothers frcedome neu£ r feare, 1 f *.whydocyounayfir; * - -l ^^^.Madam as aLidger tofolicitc for your abfent louc La,VJz\k in the Garden I will follow you, i Ifaith Ifaiih you are a noble waggc. ^0^. An honorable wag,andwagifliEarIe. '" > Euenwhatyouwillfwectudylmuftbeare, j Hoping oFpatience,profit will enfue. ' i ThatyoirwiilbcarethcPrinceasIbeareyoftj'-^- j La^WcW faid well faid, lie hauc tlufe toyes amended. 1 Goe,willyouvvaike into the Garden fir, 4 ^o^.But will you promife me to bring no maidw -5 Toretvpponmylitlcmanihipchcrei' * '] You thrcatnedwhijpping, audi am in feare, 1 Z.^.Vppoa my word lie bring none but my felfe, i^o^.You feel am weapned, doe not Ibelccchyou, - lie ftaa them come there twenty ere they breech mec. Exit L^.Thisyouthand Richand^thinkmccafily woone, ' * But Marrian rather will embrace; . The bony carcafic of difmaying death. Than proue vnchaft toNcble Faukcnbridee. Richard's king Henries fonne, isfight. •' V/antonandlouesnoth6mblemodeiiie, ' ' ^" VVh'ch makes me (mucbcontrary to m/thoughisi Flatter h.jhumorfor my brothers fafetye But I protcftllcdwd among the dead ' Erclpollute myfacred nuptialJbcd. ' ^^^. G-^-Porter What Porter wher'5 this drowfic aflc? Enter Porter, Pw.WhocaJIes/ ray Lord of Glofter all alone? 1 A pleanintG>mraody^ ^/i?. Alone and baue four wifdomes compante. Pray wher's the ftamcnering chatterer four fonaef He's cuer running but he makes fmall haRe, Die bring hislyther legges In bctierframe, ' And ifhcferue me thus another time. Kncck^withht. Harke fir your clients kaockc,and't be your pye^ I Let him vouchfafe to chatter ysfomenewes, I Tell him we daunce attendance in our chamber. Ex/>;>«rrcr. This lohn and Henry are fo full of hate, That they will haue my head by fome deuice, Glofter hath plotted meaises for an elcape. And ilit fadge,why fo; if not, then well, [ The way to heauen is death, this life's a hell. \ Enter Porter 4ndS\wh{ PortJWhy fhould the Watchmen come along with theef ^iiyw.Ther's fuch a que queftion for yon f fame r ro^uc Skink p plague keepe farre enough from him^ that a ao W- ne(l f fellow ca cannot w w walke the ftreetes. Port.WcH fit difpatch your bufines with the Earle, He's anery at your ftay I tell ye that . -EwV. 5^w. Sbloud what a frownc this Glol^er caftet at me, I hope he meaoes CO lend me DO more cuf{es. Such as he paide me k the Paclamene. §/<>. What mutter you,what tydings from my fifterf ^^^Cocommendacionsand 1 (he hath ffent ye this r ring. ^^.Hold ther's two Aneelf ,{hut the chamberdoorc. You mud about fome bunnes for me ftrayght; Come nearer rpan, 5^«.l feare I am to neare, gioHzi^ thou no wdtngs for my liberty? :?^«.No b but velh (hall he heare f from her p p prefently^. ^^. And pprefcotly (tr ofFwich your coate. Nay qutckc,vncafe| I am bold to borrow it, lie leaue my gowne,change is no robbery. Stutterer it's ro,neafe flinch, yecannot palTe, Cry»and by heaucn He cut chy cowards throate, Quickly cafhyre your fclfe,you fee me ftaye, .S^m.N n nay, b b but wh wh what m jneane ye? ^ called Looke about yowr GkTo fcape 1 hope,fir with your priuilcdge, How now,who'sihis,my finctamilliar Skinkc^ Quecnc-Bcldams minnion, j?\w.Zoun ds you fee ti*s I. Glo.Tymc forces not noiv to know thefc miseries. How ihou camft by this ring.or ftorft this coatc. They arc mine now in poflt (lion, for which kindcncs Ifl efcapc lie get thee Libertic, Or fire the flectc about the Wardens cares, Mum budgit not a word as thou loucft thy life, Sl{in.l mum mum fairc, pray God may chauncc it. My Lord,bucthat my ftatc is defperate, Ide fee your eyes out care 1 would be cheated. ^/7. Walke like an Earle villaine Ibmc arc comraingi Enter John and Porter, /tf.Whcrc is this Gloftcr? G/(j.Y y yonder he wal ks.Fa fa father,! let mc out. Porr.Why whether muft you now? ^lo.To le lericho I ih thinke,ti! fucb a h h humorous Earlc. i'wY. Well fir wilt pleafc you haftcn home againe. Clo.\ lie be h hearc in a trice j b but p praye haue ca care of th this madc3p,ifhcggiucYs the ffflip,fffomc ofvsa arc like to m make a fl fl flyppery occupation on't This Vfhtlcpljn walkes andjialhfs by Sh^t^^eyieHer a "^ord bet fpetie them, Port.Lookc to your bufines fir let mc a!onf . 6/(j.Alone?ncuertruft mc if I trcublrihec, I(?.MadGloftcr mute, all mirth turn*d to dilpairc?' Why now you fee what tis to erode a King, Dealc agimfl Princes cf the Royall blood, Youlc fnarle and raylc, but now your toungisbcdry'd. Come caper hay.fet aliat fix and i< aurn, What rauft ft thou with thought othc:l orhcaucnf 5^.7? .Of neither lohn 1 mufe at my dfgracc. That 1 am thus kept prilbncrmihs pi jcc. Jo,0 fir,anunber arc here prifoners My("oufcn Moorton whome Ic»me to vifitc. But he good man is at hh mortow m^fTc, D But I L_ Bud that neither Care lo fay nor (ings Come to fe<^\is thac preaching h.KC and pr^v er , And while they mumble vp their Orifon?, j We'll play a game at bowIcs/Ahat iaitt :hou GVf^rr? i .Ji^/».I care not if i dop, (ourfportcs^ Ji>kYci\i doe not care. Let olde men care for graueSjWC for Off with your go vvne, there lies ipy hatt and C bike. The bowks there quickly ,hcc ? Ski^'^o my gowne fiirres not ,it keeps ibrro AC warme, Andfhc,andl am nattobedeuorced, ' Efiter Toner ^th howles. 7". Yes sher's an axe muft pars your head an d you^ And wiih your head, forrowc will leaueyour heart. B ut come mall I b€gin?a pound agame, Skfft.Morc pounds and we thus hcauy?vvcll begin, JokRiih rub rub rub. 5.^«. Amen God iend it fliort enough,and mcc A fafc running with them clothes from thee. /^ib.Play RoDin, run run run. SkinV^t enough and wcll^flye onefoote more, Would I were halfe fo far without the doore. £htcr;T,orter. lok^Jo w Porter whats the newesf Pff^YourCoofien Moorcon humbly craws, Leauing your game, ycu would come viilt him, /ff.BowIe Gloftcr 1 Je conie prcfently. So ncere mad Robin/chcn hauc after you, Shfn.Woxi\d I were gonc,m>ke atcer as you may, /<». Well fir tis'yours, one all, throw but the lacke While I goc talke with Moortonrlle not i^ay, Kecpc Cloake and hat in pawne lie hould out play, 5%aI would be forylohn but you ihouidftay, - Vntill my bias run another way. Now psile, and hey pafle Skink vnto your tncks, Ti butachiiuncc aihazardKheie lyesGloftcr, an J hearcftands Skinkc, now lobn play thou thy parr, And it I fcape lleloue thee with my hsart. So porter let me foorth. £nterTorter» For,God " ^ -^r^ ^ ' cii'ies'l ,C*l'« ^wiJir yo^j. -y- ptf.GodbiciTeyoiir grace, ye fpokc with the L* Mo5tewithGloft€r, ■* Thlr meUncholy Earlc is comfortlciTc, po.l wold your grace would comfort him from nenc^, The Fleet is veary of his company, Kioicdf f^f^ocf^i, 5l.x>.Drink that/ome knockes; I prcthec let ms 1 «c. His head (hall off ere long, ncucrmakcdoubc. ExciMt^ Eater lohn at the other dme . ■ , y^.Now madcap thou winil all, whcrartthouRobyn? Vncafcd: nay then he meancsto play in earndi But whcrsmy Cloake.my rapier, and my hattf i 1 holde my birth-nght to a beggcrs fcrip, I The baftcrd is cfcapcd in ray cioathes. j Tis welljhe left mc his towalke the 1^. ; /fl.Bloiid I coulrftatcihcfe rogues. /cf e/. Wh wh what raw^tis a very ha fli mo morfcU, Ne next your be heart lo>k plague vpon your launts, what porter flauc? Rf-!j.I hauc been at g gtauefcnd fir* /(?/>. What's that to raej. [ ' W^AndatCaCa Canterbury. « "; Da M.And r- — -—^ — -^ :— TrpirsRim ^oittm^dy^ fa. ftnd *t the gallcvr';: zounds this frets ray foule. RgJJBa: I c could not f fiudc your ((Mcs the La Lady Fau Fiu'ccnbridgc. ?(?.Youftammeringnauehencc,chat among your Dawej, Come ye to mad mcf while the rogue your father. EnterPorter, RUMyffi father. Jo*9 ortcrpy ou damned flaue. U'ort.lil Midfomer doc you bfgin to raucf /o/?.Harkchow the tray tor flouts me to ny teeth, 1 would incrcat your knaucihip let me forth, For fcare I dafh your branes out with the keyes, What is become ofGloiler and my garment)? /•(jr. Alas in your apparrell Glofters gone, I leth im out,euen now I am vndone, Joh.lt was your pradilife, and to kecpe me backe You fent lackc Daw your fbnne with ca ca ca. To tell a Heueles tale:Iay hould on him, To Newgate with him and you tut acut. Run redcap and trudge about. Or bid your fathers porterfliipfarwcll. txcHttt^nth Porter. RcdMt heares a go good le le left by the L Lord to mo 'f^ mocke an ape withall:my fafa fatUerhasbrought his hoho i hogcs to a fa fa fairc m m market. Po po potter quoth you? i p po porter that will for me, and I po po porter it,lct them po po poft me to heiucn in this qua quarter. Bur I muft IT feekc this Gl GlGlofter and Sk Sk Skinke that co cony I catching ra ra rafcall.a pa paplauge coco confound h'lmRe re redcapmuft ru run he cannot tell whe whether. Exit Sound Trumfttsi^ Enter Hcwy the yjurrga-yW one hand of him j^w:efieEltwr^ontheotlxyLcjicc/}tr» /y^.Mother and Ceycclier adde iiotoyle to fire. Wrath's km died with a word, and cannot hcare The number kfle pcrfwafions^you infort, Qme.O but my ibnne thy father fauotiis hiih. Richard that vile ibortiue changlmg brat, And Faukeabiidoe, arc fallen acHenricsfcete. "^ They called Looke about you. They wooc for him, but intreat my fonne Gloftcr tiiay dye for this that he harh done, i, Xfir.If Glortcr liu- thou wilt be oucrthrownc, .^etf.lfGloftcrU'Jcthy mother dies in moane, li'T.lfG'iO'i^rliucLcyfterwill fliethcrealme, Q/fp.Tf Glortcr liuc thy kingdomc's bat a drcamc, //^w.Hiuc I not fworne by that ctcrnall armc That putsiuft vfngance fvvord m Monarcks hands, Glorter fiiall die for his pr^ fjniptionf What needs morcconiuratjon graiious Moihcri And honorable Lcyllcr marke .i)y words. IhaucaBedroleofromethrccfcorcLordi, OtGloftersfadion, Qfi'f.Nay of Henries ra(5lion. Of thy fal i"c fathers fayou as his fathf riou'd his mother, Kiyi.Vii^ fie vpon thcc hatcfutl Rhnor. I thought thou hadfi been long fi icc Icarlet dyde, i/#» She is and ,paticncc I p^ay, I thmke he comes vnlent for by my Tay, /■/clVhat mcanft rhou CJIoRerj/y^.VVhobrofpi G\o{\ti Jo.Lct GlofJci hang and thenuhat (hyth,er? There lyes hi.^ care,a miichiefc on his carkafle, Q«.My dearc Tonne lackc? (yotir afle,yftur gull. ^t'.Yourdccrefon lack anapc^,vour m6key,yourbabone, LfxAVhataylcsEarlc lohnr^ .Hence further frumy (ight, ^^y fiery thou^^hcs and wr.nh haue u orke in hand; Ilecuvfcycblackcrihcn the Leuarnian Lake, l^ou (land vAordnng at n.y forrow thu ; Iain \vitl]chi'dt',big,huoc!yf\volnev\ith rage, "Who'll pi -y thf MidwifCjind mychrobs afwagc.? JCm I XA ill my Sonne. He>i.\ will hi oh hatred brother, /5. You will,: nd you, tut^tut all you arc nothing, Twill our,tvvi!l our,my iclfe my felfc can c^fe; You chafe, you I well,ye are connnaundmg K-ng, My f-ther is your fooceftoole when he pleafe, Ycurword'salaWjtlicre Lordesdare neucrfpcakej; GlonermuftdyCjyourcrfrmiesmulifalh //<»,Whatmcanesourl rother? MHe mcanes that thou art mad jhefranticke^teyfter Itl-e babcjthefe grindcvs,bitevs,vfxe V8,charge, (foclifla And drfchargc, G^orier,0 Gio/lcr ! QA'f.WheieisGloftcrfonnc^ /ftf/z-Wherc is Glo. brother? Kin. \ hope he be efcaped. Jo.O I could ccaremv hayre,&riii;ns thws vpon tl-c So!idee3rth,digit)rcGkf]crs[i; ue,Joht v\cicdad And gone into the depth ofvndct ^oiidj. Or. L A plcafantCommody Or get fcditlous hundreth thoufand bands, J^(^"^ ^*^* BriarcuSjbattlc with thcStarrcs. To pull him downcfroni hcaucn if he were therfr, f rfw.Lool e CO Earlc lohn the Gentleman is mad, /r.O who would notbcmadatihisdifgraccf Gloftcr the fox is flcd,thcrc lies his calc, He coufncd mc of niyne, the porrcr helpt him, Hetf.Thc porter (hall be hangd let's part and fcekc hiai, Glofter fhaU dye all Europe mall not fauc him. j'o.Hc is wifcftoo wife (or v$,yet He goc with you. To get more fooles into my company. Qwre.This is your fathers ploc,reucnge ft fonne. f/r».Father by heauen if this were your aduice^ Your header heart Hiall pay the bitter price. Come mothcr,Brother Leyller Jets away, /^«.I,Ile be one, in hope to mecte the baUerd, And then no more iTiy fclfc wil! be his headfman. Exmm^ ^w-Richard and Fiukcnbridge follow thefearch, You may preuent mifchaunce by meeting Glofter, ! IfyeHndeSkmke fee that you apprehend him, # , I heare there is a wizard at blacke heath, Lee foine enquire ofhim where Skinke rcmaynes, ' Although I crtift not to thofe fallacies. Vet now and then fucb men proouc Soorhfaycrs. j Willyoubegonef j Fan. W ithall my heart,withaU my heart my Lord, { Come Prindy Richard, we are ever yoakU I Pray God there be no miftcry in this, j Ric^.Be not fufpitioas where there is nocaufe, i^^//.Naynoth{ng,nothmg,Iambucinieft. Exeunt^ JRTw.Callin a Pnrlcuant. L<<».Hearc$ one my Leidge, iCw.Thcre is a Porter likely to be hangd. For lctringGlo({crfcape,firra attend. You fhal I hauc a repreiue to bring him vs, . Tliefc boys are to to ftiibborne Lancafter, But ti$ theyr mothers faulr,irrhusflie n^ouc mc, Iic hauc her head though all the world rcproue me. Extuntt* Em» li^ called Lookcaboutybii. £nt(r Robin Hood an dLadyFakhfribnclgc. /Lrf.Doc not deny me gentle Huntington. t.obMy Lord will miflc mc. i^Tut let me excufe thee. \ f Rob.lmiiQ woman, O it is intollcrable ! L ^ Except you promifc mc co play the Page; Doe that.cry oncnight,and you'llaughfor cucr, To hearc the Orizons that Loucrs vfe; ThcirceremoniousfighcSjtheiridlcoathcs, Tohcare how you arc praif'd and pray*d vnto. For you are Richards Saint, they talke of Mary The blcffed Virgin, but vpon hisbeadcs i He oncly praycsto Marian Faukcnbridgc. If L<».Thc more his error,but will you agree To be the Lady Faukcnbridgc one day* ^o^Whenift? irf.On Munday, /?o&. Wherefore irt? Lrf.Nay then you doc mc wrong with inquifitioiL And yet I care not greatly ifl tell t hcc. Thou fecft my husband Aill of icaloufic; Prince Richard in his futc importunate. My brother Gloflerthreatncd by young Henry; Toclearc thefc doubtcs,! will in ibmc difguifc, Goc to blacke Heath vnto the holy Hermit, Wbofe wifedomc in forc-tclling things to come. Will let me fee the ifluc of my cares . If dcftinyes ordaine me happincs, lie chalc thcfc miiics of forrow from my heart. With thcbright Sunne ofmirth : if fate agree, Ic.and my frends,muft fuffer mifery. Yet Hebe merry too, till mifchcefe come, onclyllongtoknowcthcworftofill. ' V\ob.\\c once put on a fcarlct countcnaunce. Li.Be wary leaftyc be difcouercdRobyn, ^o^.Beft paint mc then, be furc I {ball not bludi. Enter Block, bleedings glofler ^ith him. S/^Beatc an Ofliccr,Rcdcap lie hauc ye ulkt withall, E Bcj : AplcafantCommody ^ Beatc Sir Richar(3^Por:cr/'heIpMadann,hcfp, ^/ff.Peace y ou damn ed rocue . L<<.BrotherIprayyouforDeare. ' <7^.Zwonds a hundrech at my heales almofl, ) And yet the vitlaine (lands on complaimeat. Block bots one you^ft youj Clo.Vf ill you to the doore you foole? and bar the gate« ! Hoide cher's an angel! for your broiken pace; If any knocke let them not in in hafte. I f/or.WeilUedoe asl feecaufe, bloodthouartdeareto me, but heere's a foueraigne plaiiler for the fore; golde hea« leth wounds, golde eaieth heartes: what can a manhaur morcf Exih Lthisdyeteth myminde, { Myrth is the obie(^ of my humorous (plcane. Thou high conimaunding furic! further deuice, i lefts areconceated,! long to fcetheit birth. What come ye fifter? Robyn a thceucs hand, But prethee w here hadft chon this beard and haire? L^.Prince Richard wore them hcther in a mafkc, C/<7.Saift thou me fo, faith loue the Princely youth , Tut you twuft tart- ftolne pleafure now and chan, Ro^.But if (he fteale and lelions eyes cfpie: She will be fure condemnd of Burglary, <7io.Ha crake? can your low ftumps venter fo deep Into affections ft reamed go to you wanton^ What want we no vv? my nightcap, O tis heare, SoQow ao Glofter^ but oldc Faukenbridge, H*rkc i called Looke about yon. Hatke.thc (carch knockcs, ilclet them in tny fclfe; Welcome goodfcllowc; ha, whac ift yon lacke;f Enter Redcap with another, Kcd.Mi mafter Co conftablc, fe fc fcarch you th that way, a and you ho honcU man ch that way . lie ru run t h this ^ ay ni niy o wne fe felfe. Thy difpearfe themftlftet. ^A^.WhatfearchyouforPwhatis uyou would haucf Enter 'Blocks* Bio, Madam, what (hall I doc to ihefc browne-bill f«I- lowes i fome runne into the wine feller^ fomc heete, fome there. Clo.Ltt them aloncjlet them fearch their fiUcs. BlocJ{.l\c looke to their Hngcrs for all that. glo.Doc Co good BIocke,be carefull honeft Blockc.^ ^.Sir ftammcrer & your wa watch,y*arc pa paft tfiith.Exit G/.WillyounotfpcakeknaueSjtclmewhoyoufeeke.? Kea.M^ mary fir we f fccke a va va vacabond,a fu fugatiue* my La Ladies owne b brother ; but and hee were the po p« Popes owne b brother,! would ffearch f f for him; for I hauc a p poorc father r ready to be ha ha hang'd f f for him. ^lo.O tis for Glo()er! mary fearch a gods name^ Scekc pcace,wtll he breakc prifon tooi It's pitty he fhould luie,nay I dcfye him. Come looke about,(earch euery little corner. My felfe will lead the way , pray you come, Seekc/eeke,and fpare not,though it be hbourloQ : \ He comes not vnder my roof e.hcare ye v, ife, He comes not hyiher, take it for a ^varning. ^f^.You fp fp rpeake like an honeft ge ge Gcntlr man,re rC reft you me me mery,co co come my ff friends,! be belccue h h he r ran by the g g garden w wall coward the wa water fide. Exeunt rnnmn^, 5/<7.Thls fellow is ofche humour I would chufc my wife. Few words and many paces,a word and a way, and fo Muft I : Sifter adieu,pray you for mc,lle do the like for you; Robin farewell,commend me to tht, Prince« /'. A Tauerne fir,the Salutation. 5/0. A Tauernc;? then I will turne prodigalf. Call for a pint of Sacke good fellow. P«r,Drawer? 2)r«i.Ananfir. Glo.K pint of thy beft Sacke my pretty yoiuh. Dra.God blefle your worfliip firj,ye flial hauc the beft in London fir. (y /.What knowft thou mcPknowft thou oldFaukenbridge? I am no Tauerne hunter I can tell thee, 1>raW,Biit my Martcr hath taken manyafairepoundof . your man Biocke ; he was hecre to day fir,and fild two bot- tles of nippitate facke. Glo. Well, fill vs ofyour nippitate fir. This is well chauncft, but hecie ye boy* Bring Suger in white paper,not in browney For in white paper I hauc heerc a tricke. Shall make the purfeuant firftfwoundjthen ficke. Thou honeft fellow what*s thy namef JP/^r-My name is Winteibornc fir. 67c.What countryman I prcihec^ P/^r.Barkefliirc and plcafe ye. gl^How lojig haft thou bin fwornc a mefiTengcr? PuftBut yefterday and pleafeyour wotfihip, ThisistheFirftimpIoymentlhauehad. Enter DraVecr )^thVoincand Suger. Gl^^. A pyg new ftickt, Skjit.Tctch me a fa wcer of the bloud,quicke runj Exit, lie fit the Purfcuanr, and Alderman, And F^ukcnbridge/f Skinke haue any wit. Well Glofter,! did neucrlouc thee yet. But th'art the maddcrt Lord that ere I met, If I fcapc this, and mcetc thee once againe, Cuifle Skinke,if he dye penny in thy der. Enter 'Drd^cr. Dra.O my Lord the houfe is full of holberts , and a great many Gentlemen aske for the roome where Prince lohn is? Shin.Lcn6 me thy Aprone,runne and fetch a pot from the next roome. Betray*d,fwoundsbetray*d,by gout,by p3lfie,by dropfic; O brauc boy,cxccllent bloud : vp, take my cloake And my hat to thy fliare,when I come from Kent, ile pay Thee like a King. JDra.\ thanke you my Lord. Exit* €mcr'johh\\kich4<'d.Fatil\aibrh^ge^SUriff'i sand Officers. 'S'^'.Now foiiunehelp or ncuercthcy come,and yec were a Pritice as yee fay ye arp, yce would bee adiamcd to abufe a poorcferuant thus, but and if you were not of the bloud Koyall, Ide breake the neckcofyccdowne theftayres,fo v\ ould I, Ide teach you to hurt prentites. i?j. Who hurt thee fellow? •^^w.Princedeuill or hij dam^Prince lohn ihcy call him. ?«?/7.GIoHer]hope. ^U doubt not but it's Skinke. ^<>. Where is he? Sk^in.Vp them ftayres,take heede of him. He*sihlhcCrownc. Eo'i. Alas poore fellow, he hath crown'd thee (hrcwdly. /^.Inrccompcncc, ificbc him I fee kc, ^ipff"i^.Sirrayouthat were borneto cryanan, What other copefmateshauc you in thehoufcf •i)AiW.Sir,my Maiftcrs gcflc be none of my copefmates, ^tf.WcH your geffe, can ye gefle who they be? 'Dr.AV.Marry heere's a purfeuanr ,that this Gentleman fir Richard Paukenbndge Icf: fick euen now. F^A/.Marry of God dyd f ,thou lyiug knaue? Dra.l am a poorc boy fir,your worfhip may fay your plea- (nre,our maides hauc had a foulc hand with him,you faid he would be ficke; fo he is with a witncfTe. Jok Looke about Faukenbri dge ,hccrc*$ workc for you. You haue fomc euill Angell in your fhape, Goefirra, bring vsfoorlh that Puifeuant.' Enter two le-tdin^ the Purfcaantjicke* Ric/;.Glofter,thou vvi 't be too too venterous, Thou dooft delight in thofe odde humours Co, That much I feare they'll be thy oncrthrowe, ajide, y^r.O O O not too fii\;0 1 am (ickc,0 very ficke, F 3 M.What A pTcalam: Commo dy /,?,Wliatp!i1»reofthcpc(lilfnccisthis;? 7^;.r\Apoorenianfir,apoore man fir: dovvnelpray yce, Ipray let mc lirdovvnc. A fir Richard, fir Richard,! good lirKichaid: vvinc haiicldcfcru'd loba thus dcalc with ail atyoufworniipshand5>aha, ah, all. FiUt.ht n^y hands kn.iue.-'at my hands paltry knauc? jVVrf. A nd I Oiould be brought to my bookc oath fir .• J'T/i;^/,/. What Jeffrey^ Dfw.Anan,anan, Job. A pl3t;ue vpon your lefFringjisyour name IcfFrey? .D/rf.I and't pleafe you fir, Kich.Why gentle leffr'^y then ihy you awhile, Wi)at can you niy,ifyou come to your bookej* X'/'.i.lf Ibeepofd vponabookeJir, thoughlbcca poore pfcntire,Imu{trpcakcthccruth,& nothing but the truthfir, fo. And what's your truth firy ywr.O^O my heart. Dra.M^iy fir this Knight,ihis man ofworHiip. Yan.V/cW, what ofmef what did my woifhip doef 2)rrf.Mary ye came into the Bel,our roomc next the Barrc, with this honcft manas Itakcit. F^«.Asthouiak'lh*t^ Pur.O fir lis too true,too true,tootruc O Lord« JDr.7. And i here he cail'd for a pint of Sacke,as good Sacke (He bcepof*d vpon all the bookes that euer opened and {liut)3s any is in all Chriftcndome, 4 FMt,Bo6y ofmcjcome and call for Sacked *P«r. O ye did,ye did,ye did,0 O. ; lofc.Wcll forward firra« Ric.GIortcrhath done this icft. Dra, And you cail'd then for Sugcr fir , as good Suger and as vvhoI(bme,;is euer came in any cup of Sacke: youdiunkc tothisman,and you doe well God bcthanked, buthccno iboner drunke: fui\But I,but I.but I,0 my head,0 my hcm^ TiichJ cannot chufe butfmile at thfffe confeitcs. /5lireby themarry God, lohn loues mc not. Prince Richard lou^s my wife, I fliall be charg'd heere/or a poyfncd knauc, Pradlifc by th'Lord, pra6life T fee it clcare. Pftr.And more Sir Richard,0 Lord O Sir Richard, ^xWhat more?what hart thou morei*>Ahatpradiremoref Tttr^O my box, my box, with the Kings armes,0 my box, O my box, it coll mc, O Lord eucry penny O, my box, Rci/;.' And what of your box fir. Dra.M^ry fir it's Ioft,&tis welknowne my Mafter kcrpi notheeucsinhis houfe, O there was none but you and he* f a«^0 then bclikc thou thinkcft I had his box, Pur^O fir Richard I will not.O Lord I will not chargeyou for all the worId,but,but,but for the warrant the olda King fignd to reprecuc the Porter of the flccr,0 God, O God ! /o/;.Thc Porter of the Pleet, the oldc king fignd, P^/r.l my good Lord.oh, oh. Ids he reprciucd then? P«r.No my LordjO fir Richaid tookeit from me with his ovvne hand, 0« F/«.Hceres a dcuite to bring me in contempt With the oldc King, that ] cncr lou'd, rrinccs and Shirifte,you can witnedc with mc. That lliauebin with yoUjthis after noonc, Oncly with you, with no body but you, And now a fellow whomc the King would fauc, Byarcpreiue.ihisfcilowfaycs ishan^'d, /o.Ifthou hadft done it,Idc haue iullified it. But Richard I conceipt this left already, This mad mate Skinke,this honcft merry knaue, Meeting this Purfeuan^and hearing tell He had a warranttc rcprccue a (1 jue, Whome we would hang : (bic it away from him. This is furc the left, vpon my life ic is, Tur.O but my warrant,how fhall I doe.'O, 1^ -^'f-Butlookc about you,hotbraind brother Iohn> And I belecue youl findc it othcrwife, . Gloftcr >-> (.■ '" ' " A p^fant Com'm dcry," ''" GloHcr hatli got the warrant in (iifguife. And fau'd the fcilpwyou fo tVine would hang;. yo.No,no,how fay you M.Shiri&e,is he not hang'd^ Shi.My Lord, the gibbet was fct vp by noonc III the oldc Bayly,and I charg'd my men. If I rcturnc not,though k were by Toardi light. To fee him executed ere they come. fo.l am greedy to hcarc newcs. f it is I fir.that's my warranc I0.IA youfyou rogue,you drunkerdjyeare cheated. And we are cheated of the ptifoner. Out dog»dog. JP«r.0666myLord. Exit And Dr^er. ShiMzMt patience and we wil haue a priuy fcarch. lohGot hang ye block-heads,gct ye from my fight, O would I werca BafiUske,to kill Thefe gleare ty^d villaines. Shir.Qom^ away let's Icauc him. Exeunt Shmffes We hauc a warrant let him doe his worft. and Officers* F4«.lle to Blacke-heath, He to the holy Hermit, There fliall I Knowe not onely thefe deceiucrs. But how my >|vife playes faQ ahd loofe with Richard, Ha, I (hall 6t them, I^ tickle them, lie ^oo't, lie hence, lie to the Heath amainr, Bxit, //>ib.Thcre (hall I know,wherc this dj^m ned Glofter is. He haue theDeuils roufd to finde that Deuili, Or clfc He coniurc the oldc Coniurer, lie L.__ ,_i "^ — 7 ^ , , c^ledloo'Kc'abom you. .. 1 He to Blaclcc-heathiand there with friends confpirc, ,. But lie haucGIoftcrshrad my hearts (Jclire. ^' Ric/;. Would mad EarlcRobynfivvthclc humourifles. Twpl'd feed him fat with Laughtcrj O twold fie him, Wherceuef he is ,1 knowethe ba^ecotifaitc Is better to him than his dainrieftfoodf, ^ Wcll,and it fits mce well, now I haue time, Tocoort iry Lady Faukcnbridge at leyfurc, toue IcmDlocc thy aide faireCipria, Thou fea-borne niother at affc diion s png, Shine brightly in thy fphcrc,thac at my ftwrc. My plannet thcu of all lights moll bcautious, Be tbcu corny defiresAurpitious. ' Ex^t\ ^mer Rohifi Hood w the LsJy Frnkenbrid^ei f' ' ovme tftight attire on h$s head. ady,wast]euer poore Gentleman troubled With Gentlewontan as I am with my felfc.my Lady Fauken- bridge hath fitted me a turne.heerelamvifitedwithdeetit* lelTe en-ands and with askingfor this thmo Madam and that thing Madam, that they make me almoft roadinearnel^ whoop beet's another Client. EnuraSerttingmm, ' ^tf^Hcet's my Lady Ra w fords Page itiends to fpcidce with yourLadyOiip. R^M pray ye bid her Lordfliips Page come \rxo tny Ladyfhip: w ell Robin Hood, part with thefe pectycoates, >nd caO thefe Ipofe deuices from thy backe, llcnere goe more vntruft,neuer bee kercheft« i : Ncuer haue this adoe, with what doe you lacke/* Enter Page, ^^. Madam my Lady greets your honour kindely. And fends you rhcfirft grapes of her young vii>e. ^(/^ I am much^indepted to het honour, then an apgel fo^ you to dnnke^fet them vp till after fupper* Humphery , pray looke about tor Blocke. Humphery? itvSk mce I thioke the fopjc ht Ijoft. Pa^^o forfooth. Madam hee'i V£On cbc; fiK^QC 1^1 wiih a ftaiiimercr,oa€ ncdcap. ' ■ ' ^ •' '^ ' ^ ' • ' '^ G KihXx'vt =^ " A pleafant Commody ^ Re&.Ic is a lewd fdlowc, praybidhimcomeJnyoij8h,I?8 I giuc him his welcome at the doorc : comnzend me to your Lady,Tpray ytf hartily. Exit T^agc Humphrey, I maruell where fir Richard is fo late/* truelyj ttuely hce does not as befeemcs a gentleman of his calling, pray let fomegoe foortli to mcctc him on the grcene ^ and fcadinihatbiockcheadBlocke. Exit Hum ^.hcc^^, | Enter Redcap aid BlockcaficrHm^ •; J5/of.WilyeteItale$yeaflc,willyei' | ^f^.Ile re tc tell your La La Lady or I would to g God we - ;| were ha hang'deire,as my fa father flnouldhauebiiL ^ B^^^Now what's the matter there I pray you /• what coiB= j pany haue you there a gods name? where fpendyoiuhe da^ I pray? j 2/(?f .Why where you gaue mcleauc,at the gallows I was, Rofariher, . .'', Red. A a and you be his La Lady.you are the La Lady Faa J Faukenbridge,theEarleofgloGlofters lifter* - i RtfM am fo fellow, 1 ^^^.YyyourraanbbBlockeheere,dcesnonothingbutf | ffloute m me,a and cr cries r run Re Redcap ad rffcc your f f father ha ha hang dJ(li{hal g go neere to m make m mur- der and he V vie it* ; /?o^.Wclfirra,lcauc your mockingyou were bcftjilcbob \ your4>eetle head and ifyoumockc him, J ig/o.He's run Redcap. ^fii.LalalawmaMadam. | ^(j^.Away ye faucyfoo!e,goe wake within. ; ^/(;.RunRedcap^un Redcap. ^ Exit. ■ c ^«^»Art thou the Porters fonnCjthaiwas condemned a- , | , bout tny brother GloQer? - ,,;% ; i Rr^I g g God be with yej am the p p Porters fonj ra raufl i r nintofTfceke your bbr brother. ^ ' -^oi>.Wel,drinkcthatfellow,ifihoufinde my brother bee ; Dot too vioIent,and He reward thee. i?f<^I th th thankeye hhartily,and I had not bin coufoned with Sk Skinke,! had no nee need of thcic ia wttn;$ , for Gl Gbfter was ffafc enough. ' ^ . Bmcr h m call cd Lookc ab on t you. ^nter Thckandthe T otter with lis cloahc muffled. 3/o.Ah farcwcl Redcap. Rf^,FafarcwcwcIandbchah3ni5. Exit. Roh.YQ\x\\ ncucr leaucyour knaiicry, whofe there more? 'J>/o.Onc Madam that hath commendations to you from your brother, ^iJ^.Commeft thou from Gloftcrf thou art welcome friend Sio.O it's one of thekindcli Ladies(thou.;hnic wil now & then haue about wjih Block)that euer breath'd ,and fhc hsd been in her mood now , Redcap would haue made her luch ip fp fport as't a pa pa paft, Ro^.Wil you make (port and fee who knockes againef 'BLOuT gates arc hke an Anuile,trom fourc to senjnothing bucknitkcaknockcvpon't. £.v//, ^tf^.Wilyou be gone fiifhcncft friend I am glad My brother dorter got vhy liberty. Whole flight w as caufe o\ thy captiuity : Nor flial. there be in vs luch negligence. Though thou haue lol\ thy Office and thy houft". But we wil fee thee better farre prouided. Than when thou wert porter in the Fkcte. Enttr Bkcke . 36.Madam your olde friend Prince Richard, All alone,tnakmgmoHe,fetchingmanyagreeuou9 grpne* ^o/'.Prmce Richard come To latc^lights to his chamber, Sirra, in any cafe fay I am fickc. ^ 2?/fl.Vcry ficke.fickc and like to dyerlle fing it and you wil ^9. Away ye knaue,tel hira» in the morning He hutnbly waite vpon his excellence. 'Blo.Thte* all his defire to haue ye lowly and humble . and ris a courteous thing in a Lady. Exm ^o.Hence, or elfe uc fet you hence ; goc in good friend. Come Lady Faukenbridge,it*s time to comCi Robin can holdc out no longer I fee, Hot wooers will be tempters prcfcntly. Exit EmerSkihkfltkfA Hermit. ^V.Now Holy Skinkf in thy religious weed, tookc out for purchafe,or thy wonted clyanti ; O t Warrants ^■:. Warrcni$ quoth you^I wa$ fairely warrcnted. Young Robin Hood the l^aTlcorHuntiiigcon, ShaUncucrfecch me more vmohit Prince. ^Enttr LaduPaHktnhridgeiHMcrchMSsrohtesMtyri. . Batp^«c«'^wi'^Skinkc,aJ>ri?e.'jpri2C, ,^ - Fy th'mas a pretty girlcxWc Hermit clofc, Pre-hcareifchoticanlijWhatflicdefircs, For fo my cunning and my credit fpreads. : L4(.Sechowaffc6Honarmcs my feeble ftrength, * To thi^ fo defpcrate iourneying all alone, . While Robin Hood young Eatlc of Huntington, Playes Lady Faukenbridge forme at home. ri^/.VVhat miftery isthis^the Lady Faukenbridgc, tsH'ie, fwecc fortune thou haft fenther wcl, I will intice rhis morccU to my Cell : Her husband's iealious,! will gt«e him caufe. As h« beleeues, I hope it (hall iiiccccd; Nay fwounds it /hal,(lic*$ mme in fcorne of fpeed. tv L^Bythifbroad beaten path, it fhould appease. The holy Hermits Caue cannot be farre, Andlf I erre not, ?his i« he himfclfe. 5A/. What houour'd tongac cnqijcre th for the Heim iff L4.What honout'd tongue? Sku\ LadyFaukcnbridge, 1 know ye,4nd I know for what you come. For Gloftcr and your husbands iealoufie. X*<.O.iWoti>^hofe,«ycofcQntcmphtion^ ,i Lookcs tluouoh the windows of the highcll hentiem, .] Refoluc thy Han d-maidc, where Eatle Glofter Kues: i Andwteheth€OiaUiue,andfcapethehatc, j oiproude young Henry aftd hi| brother lohn? 5J<^il F4«.Shc'l much bcleeucyou;you willcorrc? Tell me of my wife: this euening faile me not. My wife quoth you; He fend n.y wife from home, DojtcII my wife prince lohn.by my deare mother, lioue her too too well to like another. /.xlt /cemcs fo fox, O what a world is this, There moll linne raynes where leaft fufpition is, Fuii.You'l come. 1 'J will not faile, I warrant you^ JoMctmit is all this ctue, ^ SkiMimkUc dchuer not lb much before ye fleepe, Aoote me from out the borders of this Realme. y modity is to be prl;fer*d btf fotc pleafurc. About profit Skink^ for crowncs forcrownes y that make the kingly thoughts* X'^.laiiiaffur'jd that man's fome murderer, Exifi Good Father Hermit fpeake and comfort me. Are ye at prayers geod oldeman.'! pray ye (peake, f/'What*$hccre a beard^a counterfeited hayre? 'i.-*^ The Hermits portes/ garments and hiibeadesj Jefus defend me I willfly this denne, It*sfo!hctheeuc8caue,no haunt for holy men. ■ i What if the murderer, (as I ges him one) Set on my hulband, tuflh Prince lohn and hcc Are able to de^nd them noble feluips, HoW earc»I wjU not tarry, lie away, Leaft ynto theft ahd rape,! prooue apray. \ Exit ♦ SnterSktnf^SolHf, ' "". ' Si^w.Yonnder they are He fit them, hecr'smy groundt Wah^hoWjWahahoWjWahahow? ^ . ' ' ■ ■ • . '^ '- , Enters Tau^nhridge^ F^iW.T warrant ye my Lord fomeman*^ diftreft. Itfib^Wh y man tis a Faulcoaer, i F^/*.Maty '^ ■ > \ • -3 1 tr • ■ • ■.'■>■ . . -- • . -■ / • jy r-^ F* callcdXooIceaboutyou. lah.A vcngauncc on him. GloS)oo not curfTc good Princc,hc's bad enough, twcrc better pray for him, 7,wec haue troubled Lady Faukenbridge, And cyther fhc's not willing to be fcene. Or els not well; or with our boldnefle greeu'd, To cafe thefe I haue brought you to this window , Knowing your a; c in muficke excellent, I hauepend a ditry heere.* and I dcfirc You would fing Jt for her loue and my content. tJlIuJi.yMitU all my heart my Lord. £rJer K^hii fJoodltketh La-iy^ R(j^« Your excellence forgets your Princely worth. If I may humbly craue it at your hands, Let me defire this mufickc be dtfmirt, Ric.^ox bcarc I pray and with draw your felues. Be not offended gratious Marrian, Exeunt tJJ^ttficks^ Vuder the vpperheauen, nine goodly fphcres, * Turne "^ called Looke about you. Turnc with a moiion euermuncati. In PAlIacei of Kings,mcHodioui foundt. Offer picafures to ther foucraienes cares. In Temples, milke white clothed qucriftory. Sing facrcd Anthemes bowing to the flirine. And in the feelds whole quires of winged clarkcs. Salutes the morning bright and Chti()aline. Then blame not mciyou are my heauen.my Quecne, My faint, my comfort, brighter then the morne, To you all muficke, and all praife is due« For your delight you for delight was borne, Hi The world wold haueno mirth, no ioyjnoday^ ** If from the world your beautie were away, Kob^ic on loucs blafphemie and forgery. To call that in, chats onely mifery» I that am wedded to fufpicious age, « Solicited by your lafciuious youth , I that haue one poore comforte liuing, Glortcr my brother, my hie harted brother. He flies for feare, leaft he (hould faint and fall Into the hands of hate lirannicall, Ric.What would you I fhould doe! M^b.i would full faine,mybrotherGloner had his peace againe. ^fV.Shall louc be my reward if I doe bring A certainc token of his good eftate. And after pacyHe my brothers wrath? Say you'l louCjVVcT be fortunate, Xo^.Iwill. R«/«.No more, I vow to dve vnblcft Ifl performe not this inpolcd que ft. But one word Madam pray can you tell , Where Huntington my ward is ? 9.oh.\ was bold to fend yong Robin Hood your noble ward Vpon fomc b 'fines of import for me. J^i.1 am glad he is imployde in your affeyrei, Farewell kmdefaire.let one cloudy frownc Shaddowthe bright funncof thy beauties light; H 3 Be A pleafantCommody, B« confidcntin this,ilc finds thy brother, Rayfe power but wc*I haucpcace,oncly pcrforme Your 2ratious promifc at my backereturne. Kob.Wdyhcct's my hand, Prince Richard that , fairc'nlght Whkh fccondeth the day o f your returne, llebcyourbedfclbwjandtroni thachoure Forfweare the loathed bed oi Faukcnbridget Be fpccdy ihercfbre.asyou hope to fpccd, Rtc.O that I were as large wing'd as the winde. Then (liould you fee my expeditious will: My moft d<:firc,adcw,guefle by my hafte, Oryour fweec promifc thc.delicious talic. Exiu ^o^.Whyforlamridofhinibytliisdcuire, j^e would elfc hauc tyred me with his fighes and fbngj, Snttr Blocks, But now I fhall hauc cafe.heere coines the Saint, To whom fuch futc was made. C5/.MyLady Gentlewoman is eue nheercinherpriuitye walke, Madam beer's the Marchants wife was hecrcycficr- day would fpeake v\'ithyce;OIwas(oniewhac bolde to bring her in. J^^.Wel leaue vs firj y'arc welcome gentlewoman. * \ ^/o.Thefe women hauc no liberality in the world in them, I ncuer let in man to ray Lady, but I am rewarded. liob.PUife yc to walkc fir' wherforc mumble ycf Z.4.Robin what ncwci^how haft thou done this night; Ro.My Ladifliip hath done ray part,my taske, Lync all alone for Is eke ofcompany, I might hauc had Prince Richard, L^i.Was he heercif Kob^He went a way but now; I hauebin lou'd & wood too God rid mc of the woman once againc, (fimply, lie no: be tempted fo for all the world. Come, wil you toyourchambcr and'/ncafe^ />rf.Naykcepmyhabityct a little while, Olde Faukenbridgc is almoft at the gate, I met him at Black heath iuft at the Hermits, And taking mc to be a Merchants wif e^ Fell called Looke about you. Fell miglitily in loucgauemchis ring. Made me protc ft that I would mcctc him hcere. I tolde him of his Lady,0 tut quoth he. He fliakc her vp,ile packe her out of fight. He comes kinde Rob:n Hood, holde vp the ief}.' Enter Sir Kich.Fduhpibridge andBlock^, Frf«,Gods mary knaue,how long hath (he bin hccrc? '£loS\v fhe came but cuen in afore you. Frf. A cunning queane,a very cunning queane, Gotoyour bufines Block,ilc meete with her. (wards«E.YjV, "SkAh old Muttonmounger I beleeuc hecr's workc to- Vau.T)oc not beleeue her MalI,doe not belceue her: I oncly fpakc a word or two in icft. But would not for theworld haue bin To mad, Doenot belceue her MaII,doe not beleeue hen Kob.yN\^^t flionld Inotbelccue^what doe you meane? itf.Why good SirRicliard,let mefpeake with you, Alas wilyou vndoe mcf wilycu fliamc me? h this your promife^camc I hccre for this? To be a laughing ftocke vnto your Lady Ro^.How now Sir Richard,what*s the matterthcre ? Fa.Wc talke with you anon,come hythcr wom&n.' Didft not tcl my wife what match we made: ? La.\ tel yourwife.^thinkcye lam fuch a bcaft? Now God forgiue ye, I am quite vndone* F^//.Pcace duck,peace duckc,l warrant al h wci; Ro^. What's the matter^ I pray yc fir Richard tell me/ FduM^xy Mall thuj.about (omc twcluemoQthes fince, YourbrothcrGIofter,that mad prodigal!, Cauf 'd me to paffc my word vnto her husband,^ For fomc two thoufand pound; ormorepcrchaunce. No matter what it i$,you /hall not know, . Nay ycfhal ncuer asli to kiK>w. ^^^♦And what ofthis? F4«.Mary the man's dccayde. And 1 beleeue a little thmg would pleafc her; A very little thing,a thing of nothing. Gpe ingood Mall,andleauc v< two alone, r A pleafantCornmcdy Ifc dealc with yc as fimply a*, I can. La.Vox lookc aboutyff,ye arc cauglic yfaith. Ro^.Dcalc with her fimply,6 hoj what kindc ofdealingf Can ye not cJcale with her and I be by^ fau.Miry a God, what are ye Jealous;* Yc teach me what to doe; m, get you in. O I hauc heard Prince Richiru was your gucft, How dealt youthan?In gecyouin I fay, Muft I take care aboutyour brothers debts. And you ftjnd croflmgme,in,or ile fend you m.Exit Kohin, Ha firra,you*l be mailer, you'I wearc the yellow, You*l be an ouer-feer : mary ilial yce, Z*4.Ye arc too curft (mcthinkes fir)to your Lady; F4«.Ah wench content thee,I muft beareher hard, Elfe flie'I be prining into my dalliances: I am an olde man fvveet girle I muft be merry, All ftcclc,al fprightjkccp in health by change. Men may be wanton,wowen muft not range. Ld. Vou haue giuengood counfel fir,ile repent mc, Heer's your ring,ile onely loue my husband. F4M»I meane not To,! thinketo day thou toldes mc Thy husband was an vnthrift,andd bankrouc, And he be fojtut thou hzfi fauour ftore. Let the knaue beg,beaury cannot be poore. Ld Indeed my husband is a bankrout. Of faith, of lcue,of (hame, of chaftity. Dotes vpon other women more then me* FauMz doe he fo? then giue him tit ^r rat, Haue one fo young and faire,and loues another. He's worthy to be coockolded by the mafte. What is he olde or youngf £4. About your age. Frf. An old knaue and camiot be content with fuch a pcatc. Come to my clofet girle,makc much of me, We'll appoint a meeting place fome twife a wcake, And ile maintainc thee like a Lady,hai La.O but you'll forget me prefently, Whcnyoulookc well vpon your Ladies beauty. FdH.VVho '^f- calledLooke about you. ^. f rfw.Who vpon her? why (he is a very dowdy, A difhclout,a foulc lipfic vnto thee. Come to my cloflctlafTe, there take thy earneft Ofloue,ofpIcariire and ^ood maintcnaunce. /,4.I am vcf y fearcfull. A' FaiLComc foolc neucr fcare I am Lord hcaie,who (hall diHurb as then.' Njy come, or by the rood He make yoti cofw, />.<.Hclp Madam Faukenbridgefor gods fake* Enter f^hinHo'jdand'Bhchfi, Fj/u.How now, whii meanrt.'' Z/. ] t F^M.Why Mall wilt thou belceuc this paultriewomanf Hufwifc Ik haueyou whipt for flaundring me» Rtf. What Lcachcr, no flit 13 an honcft woman. Her husband's well knowne, all the houOiold knowes* ^/o.Hcer's fomenowjto tell all the to wnc your mynd, :^ I L^.Before ye all i mo(l Ture complaine • i You fee this wicked man, snd ye all knowc I Hcwofthehathbynlealousofmylife, Sufpe6^ing falfliood being falfe himfelfej i 2/w.O maifter,0 maifter, ; *' FduShc flaunders me. (t>c is a coufoning qocgtjp, ^ Fetch me the Conft able, He haue her punidic^ Lrf.The Conftable for me fie, fie vpor. ye. Madam do you know this ringf ^Mt is fir Richards. A plcafan t Coinmody ;^/(7.0 Ijtiiat's my mafterstoo fure, F*f/^.Imary,Ididl(ndictothera!le drab To fetch fomc money for that bankroutknaue Her husband, that lycsprifoncriii thcFlcetf. LxMy husband bankroutjmy husband inthcFIceteprifoi No.no.hc is as gocd a raan as you. (ncr^ Roh.l that he is,and can fpcnd pound Tor pound With thee yfairh,wert richer then thou art, I know the gentleman. L^Nay Mid im he is hard by,therc muft be Rcuclies at the Hiiidc to night; Your copcfmarc tht.re,Prince lohn. ^jt'Ther'sahotyouth. ' ... ^/.0,afiercc Gentleman. L.<.Hc was fierce as yo'u,buc 1 liaue matcht him. The Princf flc (hall be ih< re in my affyre. F4/<. A plaguy crafty cpeane/nary a God I fee Prince Iohn,coorted as well as T, And fince he Hial be niockr as well as T, Its fomc contentment, S/.Maffc he droopps/cllow Humphrey ,hc is almoft taken, Looke about ye old Richard ' F4«.Hcnce knaues.get in a little ,prerhec Mall Let thou and I and Hie^ihut vp this matter. ^(j^.Away firsjgct in. 5/.Come,comc let's goe,he wil be baited now/a re wel old B.o/'.Now fir,\vhat fayyounovvf (Richard. £.vi> Ftf.Mary fwcetMall I fjy Imet this woman,likt herjou'd For fhc is worthy loue I pr >mifc ther; (her, I fay I coorted her : tut make no braule Twixt thou and I, we'l haue amends for all. Ro«HadIdone fuch atricke,whar then.^whatthcn? F*/«. Ahprcthec Mall,tut bcare with men, RobAy'wc muft bcare with you; you*l be cxcuf'd, When women vndefcrucd are ibuf 'd, Frf'r.Naydoenoc weep pardon me gentle Lady, Iknowthecvertucu>,^ndl dooproiert, Ncucr to liatjc an cuiil thought of thcc. "CSIiedLOOT^t aooiii you, ^Roh.ljyyc fwcarCjWhc's that ibac will bdccuc yc;* Faif^Novjhy myholydiTj and hmcllfjuh, This Gcntlewc man flia 1 witncs what I fwcare. Sweet Duckc a little help me? L^.Trullhiin Midam. Faii.I will be kii)dc,crcduIouSjConflant eucr. Doe v^ hat thou wilt,ile be fulpi^ious neucr. R^For which Ichankc ncbic Faukenbridge. /"^M.Body ofr)»e who's this .•'yong Huntington^ Lrf. A nd I your Lady whomc you coorted laft, Yelookt about you ill, fcx^wehauccaughiyc, Imetycat Bl3ckchcath,andyc wcichot. _ FanA knew thee Mall,now by my fvvoord I knew thccj I winkf at all,! Iau£,ht at cuery iert. Ro/'.I,hedid winkc.thc blindc man had an cyc» f4 Peace Robin, hou'tonccbcamanasl, LHeathf (j/?.He is ypon chis Heath Sonrelooke about it. Run but iJic cpn»f aflc,ti.cu flult finde hiai ou»., 1 a Rf/Rt I KcJR t run? i!e r run the co compaflc ofal! kKcnt buK lie f findchimout, my fffather(viherccfchec !ay€jhjshead) dare r.c ncuer co come home 1 know,t t lill hee bee fofo found. ^/. Wcl thou (halt find him,knowft thou who's a hunrin»f EeJ.M mmaiy tisthcEarlescf La La Lancaftcr and Lc Leyftcr.Fa fa farewell f rathcr,and I finde Skink or Glo do. Ihr.Ileqggiucthee theprprifcofapennypp pudding for thyppaines. G/o-Adcwgoodfricndrthis isfurc the fellow I fcnr on tnelfage from the Parlamcnt. 7 he Porters fonne,he's ftill in queft of roe, And Skinke that coufoned him ofhis red cap. Erne' Kichard Itk^e a Scrning man. But lookc about thee Gloftcr,who comes vondcr.' O a plaine ferui(ig'nan,5c yet perhaps his bags ;»rc lyn'd. And my purffc now growcs ihinrif he luue any I mull f}iare Enter Skft-k^ tike a Hamlt, (with him. And who's on yond fidc?0 it is my Hermit, Hath Qot his other fuiefincc I went foorth. ^J^'.Sbloud yonder 's co«npany,ile backe againe, Elfc I would be with you eounterf cite,^ He leaue the rogue tillopportmiity, But neuer catc til! I haue quit my wrong. Exit «. cl f^vv two men attend Jikeholy Hermits, Onc'i fl pt away, the other at his beadcs. Now Richard for theloueof Marian, Make thy inquiry where madCIoller liucs. It England or the verpc of Scotland holde him, llefcekehimthusdilguifd : ifhebepart To any forraigne pari;ile (ollow him. Loue thou art Lord cfhearts,thy lawesarc fwecf. In cucry troubled wav.thou guidft our feere. Louers inioyn'd to paffc the daungerous Sea Of big fwolne forro w,iii the Barke affei^ion; The windes and waucs of woe need neuer feare, While LouejtHe helme doth like a Pylateftcarc. 9'».Hccr'» feme louer come^a milchicfc on him, f . 1* ~ ^"^ calledXo o]ccafcciityoii. IVnow not hew to anrwcrc thcfc mad foolcs, But ilc be bricfcjilc marre the Hermits mIc; Oft'gowftc.hoMc Bucklcr,flice it bilbowc blade, lUf.VV rat's thisfwhatfhould this mcanc/'oldsnanjgood C/o.Youn^^ foole dcliuer elfe fee your end. (friend lUf.f thought thou hadftbcen holy and a Hermit. Gramcrcy pri'icly Djcke, /JwMhauc ion.epowcr,! can rayfeiwothoufand Soldiers in an how cr, ^/(/.Gramcrcy Robin, gramercy little wag, Pri.ice R.ivhard,piay ice Huntinpton Carry my fiftcr 1 w, Meet you at ftepncy psy you all co morrow^ R^KAdewGlol^cr, 6/.Farwell,be fliorf;vou gone, 1 hope tohaucaIitt!c fport Rjf.Take heed mad Cuz. SxeMit^ CIoJTmi tc 11 not me of heed, Heihat's too wrayncuei hath good fpeed Hollo\\>w0vntHn^Enter Lofic.Yifttha broken J^-jffc in his hand, V\ hofe this old La ^cafter my honoured f rend* Ltfw.Thefc knaues haue feru*d mc well, left mcalonc^ I haue hunted fiurely,loft my purfe, my chaine, h']y Ic wels, and bin bangd h". a bold knaue. Clad in a Hermits gownc like an oldc man, O whar a world is this ? 6'MKiIi my Lord. Lar/.Hcc'i come againc,0 knaue tis the worfc fcr thct^ Kef pe from mc, be content with that thou haft, And ft e thou f^ie this heath,for if I take thee. He make thee to all theeue« afped^aclc, H-«d my ftaffe held, thou had(t not fcaped me fo^ Bur come not nearcmCjfoUow not thou art bcft, HcDa» Earlc Lcyfter, holla Huntfman hoc? 6V(j.V^p,'onmy litc,old Lancafter a Hunting, Hith met my fellow Hermir,couldf meet him^ Ide play rob theefe,atleart part ftakcs with him, Shi'i.tounds he is yonder alone, Fnfcr Redcap vnth .1 cndgdl, Skinke now reuenge thy felf'e onyondcr flaue, Znayles liilipreuented^this fame Redcap logue RUQj A'plcifant Commody Runs like hob-goblin vp and do wnc the heath. R.c<^. Wh w'h wh whope He Hcrmit.yc ha ha ma ma ma^e Re Redcap run a fine co co compaffe^ha hauc you not? 5^/J made thee run^ C/(>Youndcrs my cuill] Angcll,wprc redcap gonc,Gloftcr would coniure him, ^^.Icle Isfus bl blcde me, whop to to twoHermtts.'Ile ca ca capercla vv to to tone ofyee, for mo mo mocking me, and I dddoo nothahihangme:whw'h which is the fa fa falfc kk k knaueJfor lam fffurc the oldc He He Hermit wo would neuer mo mocke an hone(^ man* G"/o.he is the councerfet he mockt thee fellow. I did not fee thee in my life before, He weares my garments, and has couffoncd me, ^f^.Haue you co co coufoned the he Hermit and m made Redcap run to no pu pu purpoff? Skj'No he's counterfetl will tell no lyes. As fure as Skinke dcceiu'd thee of thy clothes. Sent thee to Kent, gaue thee thy fare by water, So fure hec*s falfe, and I the perfet Hermit, Cjio.Thh villaine is a coniurer 1 doubc. Were he the deuill yet I would not budge, ^l RedSi fi firra, you are the co countclette,0 this is the tr tr ^ ' true He Hcrmit,fta fta ftand ftill g good man at that, ile bu burobaft you yfaitb,ile make you ggiue the oldemm man hisgowne. Ojfen tofirth^^Cjlofler trifles vp his kelcs,pjtfis Skfnks tntohis place ^ G g gods lid are ye go good at that^ile cu cudgell yee f f for thiftrtrtricke. 5^/Jt was not I twas he that caft thee do wnc, ^M.Youliiiiilye yourararafcall you,Iieleft ye (I flan- ding he heare» 5^'.Zounds hold you ftammerer,orIlc cutyourftumps* ^/♦He's for tne he's weapon'dj like that. Ked. O hccr's a ro ro rogue in ca ca camat,hclp ,rau murde r murder. Enter Lmcafler ^ Huntjmfn at ottc door e, Ley fleri^ Hmtjmen 4t(taoil}fr. Lan.Lzy \ -■'ly;;. '^■i:^»^: ■ .- ■irvi:^? ""CSilca LOUKCiiuouL yuu. X^4»JLzyho\de vpon that thceuifh counterfeit, ^ Lr^'.Why hearcs another Hermit Lancafter.* qh.l aiji the Hermit fir, that wretched man Doth manyacobbcrieinmydilguife.- Sk^n.lts he that robs, he flaunders mc,he lies, Larr.Wh\c\\ fct on ihccf ReJ.Th tins (i fellow has a fffword and a buckler. L4?7.Search him; this is the thccfc,o hcaics my purfc. My chainc.my lewcls; oh tiiou wicked wretch, How datd thou vndcr (how of holmes. Commit fuch ad^ioos of impietic? , Rind him Jlehauehim madea publfcke fcornc. •.^^'♦Lay holde vpon that other hermit» fie )s a counterfeit as well as I, He rtolc thofc clothes from mc,fof laiu Skinke, Search him, I know himnot^he is Tome flauc, GJo,1 hoii\yti\ bale rarlet. Kc,0 g God he has a fword too,S 5kink arc you ca catcht? Lan.Vilhmc thou fhalt with roc vnto the Court, Zfy. And this with mc, this is the traytor Glofter. ^ij.Thou lyeft proud Ley ftcr I am no tray tor. Fc.G glofterf O b brauc,now m my father (h (hal be f free LanSzdc Gloftct I am forry thou art taken. G/o.I am not taken ycr,nor will lyeild To any hearebut noble Lancaftcr, Let Skinke be Leyfters prifoncr lie be thine. ixTjThoulhaltbe mine, §/,Firft through a crirafon flucc,Ilc fend thy hated foule to thofc blackc fiendes That long hauc houered gaping for their pane. When tyrant life fhouldlcauc thy traytor heart, Cotfie LancaHcr keep Skinke ilegoc with thee. Let loofe the mad knauc,for I pray fe his fhifts. He (hall not llarte away,ile be his guide. And with proudejooks outface young Henries pride. Ley, Lookc to them Lancaller vpon thy li^c. i?f^. Well ilc r r run and get a p pardoh of the K K KKing, GlGloftcr and Skinke tata taken? O b b braue,r r r run re K Re RcRcd ca cap a and ca ca cary the firft n n ne we$ co co co court. Ley.LancafterilehcIpe toguarde them to the Court. L<amc HkiII ncuer dwell vpon nn brow» Roklh\u^ iv.y Lord Hic's honoribly t clblu^d, For{lia(ncnoniorc,impottunchcrnomorc. -^;,Mirian I ftc thy virtue, and commend it, I knoi'v my error fcckingthy dishonor. But rlic rerp-6\lefle,rca Ionics commaund Ofmyinflamedloufjbdsmcftilltry, And trample vndcr footc all pietye. Yet for I wjll not fecme too impyous. Too inconfideratc ofthy iceming griefcj Vouchfafc to be my Miltris; vfe me kindely, ^ And I protci\ ile (hiue with all my power, " That luii himfelfe may in his hcatc dcuour j Z/xYou are lay fcruant then. i- i^.c.Thankes facrcd Miltrcffc. ■ \ /:..WhatamI? L.J. Vou arc my fcllcw Robert. Enter pjukfnbn^i^e in h's hofc aij, dubh .'. Rj//.What Prince Richard^ ncble Huntington/ WeIcome,y faith wclcome,bv the morrow Malic You are come as fitly as my heart can wiQi; Prince lohn this ni^ht will be a Kcucllcr, Hchath inuited mcaiid Mariun, Gods maty moLhergoe along withvs. Its but hard by,clofe by,at our townc rauernc. R: ... . ' ■^:s>t.-... , . — i^Mi — . .'? Rjc/JsGlcHer taken? Rcii: I he i$ u taken I wa warrant ye with a vvi wiincs, ^J/c»Thcii will I to Court ,&cythcr Tet him free,or dye the Follow me Fauk«:nbridge,fcarc not faireMadan^; (dcaih^ You faiJ you had the Portcrin your houfe, Some of your fcruanrs bring him, on my life One hiyre flial not be taken From his head, Norhc,noryou,nor GloHcriniured* F/i.Comc Mall, arid Richard lay the word ncrc fcarc. j^9.Madam, we haue twenty thoufand tt our call, The inoft.y cung Henry darcs,is but to braule. "" I,4.PrayGoditprooucfo, (Porter ^ Rtc; Follow Huniington.'fir Rich. doe not faile to fend the t Frf.Blocke^ring the Porter of the Flcctc to CourR. ^/.Iwilfir* Rp<^; The pp Porter ofthe If flFleete to Court? what p p porter ofthc fl fl Fleeted 5/5.WhatRedcap,run redcap, wilt thou fee thy father.' Red^My fa faihcrf I that I w wold fCec my f father,& there be a p porter in your ho houfe.its my f father. ^/.FoliovV me Redcap then. Exit^ Rf<:^, And you were two to twenty bBlockes.ideff follow ye f fo I would,and r run to the co co court too,and kkneclc before the kk King ff for his pa pardon^ 1^ ^/(jtNMv.Y/v';;,Come away Redcap,run Redcap; I ; . Red, 1 1 1 r r run as f f faft as II ca ca can run I wa warrant Enter a Simu p^ two HcrraUes, sfm them Leyfier )^uh 4 Sceptt,-^ tiTiC^flef Wnh a CroVerre Intperiallondcitfluon : ^y^fter them Henry the tUcr bArehadcd.bearwg djwoord and 4 Chbei after him joHftg H'nry Crowned i Eltror the mother Quecne Cro-pncdi ytUK^ J^eene frowned, Henry the elder' places his Sonneytht rWo Quecnescn ejtherhand, himjelfcat hufcttt^ Leyfter dvd Lancafier below him* f/^;7.Herra1d, fetch Lancafter and Lcyfter Coronetj, Suffer no Ma. qucfTejEarlc, nor Couniefle enter, K 3 Except I I ^ J r Txcept ihf Ir trmples circlcdare in golde, HciieliHin Coronets toLcyJ}(r^KeiLat/caf}(r. Shew them our vizc-roys: byour willcontrold As at a cornatioo, cuay Pcerc Appcarcs in all his pornpe,io at this fcaft HtJd for our birth-righc, let them be adornM. Let Cjloflcr be brought in,c» o wn'd like an Earle, £xn T his day wc'ii h jue no parley of his death, But tUkeoUouifanes and gleeful! mjrth. L( t ikinke come in, giue bun 3 Karomfcat, Hgh is his fpirrir, his defcrts ai c create, Aw.You wrong the honour of Nobihtic, © To place a robber in a Barons (read, Q/ue.Us well ye tearmc him not a raurthcrcr, jr?««Had I mifUarmed him? QHccl that had you Henry,' He did a pcecc of luftice at ray Bidding,' iCw.Who made you a luflice? //w,I that had the power, AVv, You had none then. Enter C/o/ier aid Skifil^m Ley yes he was crownd before. //rw^Why does not Giorter weare a Coronets oo gentle Earle. 5/;*; .Swoundi; doo.would I had one. Qv.Doo not I prethee kerpe thy proifclheart rtilL O'/^.lIe weare it but to croflc thy tfoward will. //f ?.'.Siv downc and cake thy place, ^/t).Its the low earth* Tohcr/ir.uft/romherlhaorr.v breath, /uV/;.VVeareplcal d thou j'liait hrtnerc,Skinlc take thy pLcs anioiig my nobles. called Locke about yoUr Enter John and JfUifeliwuh ^oromts, 5^f.Thankcs to King Henries grace. /o.Iohn Earlc of Mcrcon and of Notingham, i With Ifabell his Countcfle, bow thcmfclucs I Before their brochw-r Hcdi ics Koyall Throane, //ov.Aflendyour feats Iiue in our daily loue. Sntcr Ktch^i'Jf and Robot wi h ^oronti. Rir.Richardihc Prince ofHnghnd, with his Ward | The noble Robert Hood, Earlc Huntmgcon, PfcfentthcirferuicetoyourMaieftic. , ^j Hen,Y\rc welcome too,thoueh little be your loue* Smer Fankfnbr$Jlgc rnth htr LaJy.fliC a Coronet F^.Ol dc Richard Faukenbridge,Knight of the crofle, LordofthcCinqueports, with his noble wife Dnmc Marrian Countefle of well Hereford, Offer their duties at this Royall meeting. Hen.Sit downCjihou art a newterjflic a foe, Thy loue wc doubt.hcr hart too well we know. What furors are without, let them come in. do. And hauc no lufticc where contempt is King, .-^i //f^. Mad man Igiucnocaretothyloolcwords* /o.Ofiry'arc welcome, y-u haue your old feat. ^/i?.Though thou fit hicr yet my heart's as gieat. J^wf.Great heart wcc'll make you Itfler by the head. ' C/t^.llI comes noteutr'to the thicatned, • Ef.io- 'Blah: and Kc^cup^ Hfw. WhaRarc you two? Rf^«M niamary nnd'tpi>.arc you I am re re Redcap, Hfz?, And what's your rraic? '£fo. A poore Port er fir. loh.Thc Porter of the fleet ihat was condemned. ^.'!r.Father I doecoQimend yourhumblc courfe. L But ApleafdntCommody BiK'quitedifljkcthcproieilofvourfute/ Good words Jn an \l\ caufc makes the fa6l vvorfe, OfblcodorBafencs.TurticcwUl difputc. The greater man the greater his cranrgreflion, Wf-.er e rtrcngth vvrnngs weakncs, it is meare opprcflion, La.Obm King Henry hearc a Lihr Ipeakc, Glofter was wrong'd.his lands were gtucn away. They arcnotluftly faid, ludlawes to break, That keep their owoc righr,with what power they may, Thinkc then thy Rovall fclfc b 'j/an the wrong. In giuing Skinkc v\hat did to him belong, QueeHc&Tt: mc Sonne Henry, while ihou art & King, Giue.tjkejpryfon, thy fubie^Sls aic thy {l3ue<, Lifcjncedjthroncs. proud hearts indungions fling, Grace men to day, to morrow e glue the in graues* A Kini' muft be like Fortunc:cuer turning, 1 he world his football, all her glory fpurning. (jlo.StWl youioldecounfailc Beldam pcUicic, You*r a fit TutrefTc in a Monarchy. R;c/;.Mother you arc vniuli.fauage, too crucll, Vuhke a womanrgcntlenes guides their fcxc, But you to furycs fircad mcie fewell, The vexed (piritjWillyou delight to vex? God when Iconfaue whatyouh.ucdone, 1 am a diani'd to bccftcm'dyour foDnc. /'(j.Bafe Richard I difdainc to c dl thee brother, Takert thou a - raytor s part in our difgracc? For GloHerjWilt choti wrong our facre d mother.'* I fcoi ne thee and defic thee to thy face. O that we were in Held.f hen fliouldll thou trie, Kob.How faft Earlc John would from Prince Richard flyc ThounKcta Lyon in feeldf poore troufe, AilihyCarrcersarcina.BrothcUhoule. lahXounds boy. Fwr.Nowman: Lej'.Richard you wron g Prince lohn. KjrXcyftertwcarc Good you proou'd his Champion* /o.Haftcn called Looke about yoH. ^9 Hiften the ex ccutionRoyaU Lord, Lctcitfeds make anfwer for their worthkfle wordcs Gh,\ know if I rcfpe^^cd hand or head, I am encoirpafTc d vvitli a world of frends, And coiild trom (ury bee dchucrcd. But then my freedom hazards m^oy hues. Henry pci forme the vtmoftofthy hate. Let thy hard harccd mother haue her wd, Giue Ft anticke lohn no longer caufc to prate, I am prepared for the worft of ill, ^ You fee my knees kifTe the could pauements face. They are not bent to Henry nor his frends, Butto all you whofe bloud fled to your hearts, Shcwcs your true forrowc in your aftiyc cheeses; To you I bend my knec$,you I intrcat. To I'mile on Gloftcrs Refolution. Who eucr loucs mc will not flied a teare, Nor breath a figh, nor fliow a cloudy frowne, Lookc Henry, hearcs my hand, 1 lay it downc. And fwearc as I haue Knighthood hc«*t (ball lyc. Till thou haue vfcd all thy tyranny. Xrf.Has no nian heart to fpeakc.? C/o.Letall that louc mc kcepc filcncCjOrbyheaucn He hate therp dying. Q«f^Harryoflfwith his handjihcn with lushead. Fau.By the red rood I cannot chufc but weepe. Come louc or hare myicaresl cannot kc^pe^ Qrtf.Whcn comes this lingring executioner.' /o/;. An executioner :an executioner: Hen.Czli none tiU Wf haue drunke : faihcr fill wine,' To day your Office is to bearc our cupp. / Ric.llc fill it Henry. Khtededif^^rie, Hf -Dick you are too meane.fo bow vnto your foiicraignc, GAKntele to his childcf O hell !0 torrorl ( Giof^cr learnc: Who would loue life, toffeihishup;rdrfhonor? Hfw.Saturne kneel'd to his Sonne. rhe God wasfainc To call young loue his ages Soveraigiic. "TTpIeiTaiit Cbmmody "" Take now your (cate agaiiic And weare yout Crowncj Now (hineth Henry like che MidJaycs Sonne, Through his Horizon,dartingall his b:aiues, Biding with his brighc fplcndor euery eye, That litres agaiiift hts face of M lieily. , ^ Th<; Co M iKts,whofc malicious f;li:a lies Thrcacjicd che niync of our Royalty , Stands ar cue m':rcy,yctour wrath Jcnyes All fAaour^bat'cxcreime cxcrcamitycs, GIo(kr,haue to thy foiTOW.chafc thy arnie Thac I may fee thy bIoud([ long'd for oft) Gufhfro n thy V4ines,and Ilainrchis Paliace roofe. /o.TwouId exceed gilding. Q«f e. I as golde doth Oaker* Gh.Us welyc count my bloud fo precious. //rLanca[lcr,*noi- Huntington, ^ NorFaukcnbridgCjVviUlayahandonhim. ^ Mothcr,vvifc,brother,lctsdcrccndthcThroane Where Henry is the Monarch of the Wert, Hath fetaniongft his Princes dignified. Father take you the placcjfecluftice. A'r/.Its iniuft lurticc I muft tell thcc Sonne, //f«.Moiher holde you the Baron,you the Towell, I know your French hearts ihirrt for Englifh blouc^ lohn.takcth^Mallet,! will holde the knife, ' « And when I bid ihec fmite,ftrikc for thy life : MakeamarkeSurgion,Glofternowpreparethce# i (?Wut, I am ready,to thy worft I dare thee. //o»,l hen hauc I done my worftjihrife honoured Earfc^ ,< Idoeimbracetheeinaflfcilionsarmes. Qftft-.What meanes thou Henry /O what mean^ my Son/ //w.I mcane no longer to be lullaby *d, Jn your feditious armes. Hen,\^tfe, tJlf or Aieu Henry* Hew.- A/on/ft-K nor deuill, little tit of Frauncc, 1 know your hart Ipapes,at our hearts mifchaunce, / ,Hf/7.you'rbertbequiet,Icaft where wefindeyou.to the Tower we bcare you, • For being abroad,England hath caufe ro fcare yce. 'iC»».I am ftrucke douibe witT» wonder. L3 g/oj i A plcafant Commody Ch.'i ama7"'J, inugine that I fee a vizion. Hen Glollei', I giuc tlicc firll this Skinke,chis fla'je, If. iti thy power, h:s life tafpillor faue, 5/v/?.He'$ a noble gentleman jl docnotdoub hisyHige, f/c«.Scand not thus wondring,Princes kncele a!l dowoe, And caft yourCotcKts before hisCrowne, Dovvnc Hubborne Queene,kneelc to your wronged King, Downe Mammet; Leyrter ilc cut of thy le«s. If thou delay ihy ducty ; when proude lolinf -/o.Nay if ali knecle,of force 1 mult be op.e. FaM.Noyn by my holydoni a vertuous dcrd. Men, Father you fee your moft rebclltous fonne. Stricken with honor of his horred gu.lc, Requcfling fcDtence fitting lii* dciart, treadcvpon his header bat erode your heart- 1 doe delitier vp all dignity* CrownCjScepter/woord vnto your Maiefty. ^ JCittMy heart fuifcts with ioy in hearing this. And dcarc 5onne ilc blclTrr thcc with a kiflc. Hen»l will not rife,! will not Icauc this ground, Till all thefc voyces ioyncd in cue fcund; Cry.Godfauc Henry (ccond of that name. Let hii fiicndsWjhis foes fee death with (hatne. ty4l/.Ood faue Hcnt^ fccond of that name. Let his friends liuc,hi$ foes fee death with fliame. //ff/'.Amen,A*neD,Amen, ^ok Ha 1 ke mother harke ? My brother is ahready turned Clarke. Q«ec. He is a recreant,! am mad with rage. - Hen ,Bc angry at your cnuy gracious moihef , Lcarne patience and true humility Of your worrt tutcr'd Sonne,for I am he« 5cnd lienccthat FrcnChwoman,giuc her her dowry, fcther no: fpeake, to trouble my milde foulc. Which ofrhis world hath taken her lalt leaue: And by her power,wiUiny proude flefh controulc. Oft'wuh thefe filkcs,my garments (hall be gray, ^ caDed Lookcaboi2tyou. My fh?rtharclhayrc,my bed fhc afhfjf duftj My pillow but alumpcof hardned cUy 5 For clay I ara,and vnto clay I rniift:> O I belcech ye let mc goe aloiw, j,^ Toliuc.whereRiyloofchfelmaybemonee r ^ JCtn.Sonncf Q«»tf.Sonnc? ( , JiscEtothcvi ^ . ! /ff.Broiher? .'^ //rff. Lee none call tnetheirSonne,! 9m no mam brother^ My kindred is in heauen,! know no others Farewell ,farewell,thc world is yours,pray take itj lleleauev(xation,andwirhioyibr(akcic. Ex^^ f Lrf.Wondrous conaerHon. [5^ frfi*. Admirablegcodrnow by my kolydaniMaIipa(?ing ■ ^/f,H*aEhfit*dmyfoiilcIwillioPaleftine, (&^^^ \ , And pay my vowes bcfofg the Sepulcher^ ' r ' Among ihc multitude of misbcliefc^ lie flicw my fclfc thcSouIdier of Girift, - Spend bloud,rwcattcares^f or fanffa<5lion ,Of many many finnes which I lament; And ncuerthinkc CO hauc them pardoned^ Tilll hauc part of Sirria conquered. ^-^ C?/o. He makes me wonder, and inflames my /{>irtc^^ With an exceeding zealc to Portingale, Which Kingdome ihc vnchriftned Safifons^ ^ _ The blackc7ac*d Affi:ican$,and tawny Moores^ Hauc got vniuftly in pofftffion,* Whence 1 will fire them with the help of heaucn. 5iE;/.Skinkc will fcotrch them brauc Giofter Wake Carbonadoes of their Bacon flctches; Deferue to be counted valiant by his valour. And Ryuowili hccry,andGartile too. And wonders in the land ofCiuile doo» Rot O that I were a man t<5 fee thefc fights j To fpend my bloud amongft rhefc worthy Knights# f 4.Mary aye n&e, v\ ere I a boy againe, Idc Aplcafant Commody IJe either co U lufalem or Spainc. loA.Faith lie keepc England, mother you Jtid I Will liuc, for all this fight and foolery. KinVcice to vs .ill,let*» all for peace giuc pray fc^ Vnlookt for peace, vnlookt for happy daycs. Louc Henries birth day,he hath bin new borne, I am newcrowned,new fettled in my fcaie. Lets* all to the Chappcll, there giue ihankcs and praifc, Bcfceching grace from Heauens eternal Throne, That England ncucr know more Prince then onc» Exfum '.( Ff^hC^S, f> 2-month loons may oe i« ^°*rondrec.orgesrnovbernode4 days prior toduedate^ DUE AS STAMPED BELOW UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY