EfHJs 'BmMWWwbbI HBBUHBMKI C 2 5Eb 135 ass •";''' %\>t

Denebaud .. 20 Huddy ..115 Beauchamp ... 4 Dodington . .. 21 Huntley .. 38 Beresford ... 5 Dyer .. 21 Hyett " .. 38 Berkley ... 5 Biecombe ... 7 Blewett ... 7 English .. 22 Ingham & St. Martin 116 Blewett ... 8 Isham .. 39 Blewett ... 8 Ivery .. 39 Bonvile ... 96 Faber . .. 23 Bourman ... 9 Farewell .. 23 Bourne ... 10 Fitzjames .. 24 Jaye .. 40 Bratton ... 11 Fitzjames ..106 Brent ... 96 Foster .. 24 Brice ... 11 Francis .. 25 Kelke ..117 Brompton ... 97 Furneux ..108 Kelway ..118 Broughton ... 12 Kemys ..118 Bulbeck ... 98 Kingsraill .. 40 Buller ... 12 Gilbert ..108 Knoell .. 41 Burre ... 13 Godwyn .. 25 Ivytchen ..120 Bushe ... 14 Gorge . . .. 26 Gorge ..110 4 Gough ..no Ley .. 41 Carlille ... 14 Gould ..111 Linde (or Lande) .. 42 Cave • • • */ 1/ Gourney .. 26 Lovell .. 42 Challons ... 99 Lowle ..120 Champneys ...100 Luttrell .. 42 Chudleigh ... 15 Hach ..112 Lyte .. 44 Clarke ...101 Hales .. 27 Claveshey ... 15 Halswell .. 28 Cogan ...102 Harvey .. 28 Malet .. 44 Colethurst ... 16 Hawley ..113 Malet .. 46 Colles ... 16 Hearle .. 29 Marshall , .. 47 Colston ...102 Helmbridge ..113 Maudley .. 47 Compton ... 17 Hewish .. 31 Maun sell .. 48 Compton ...103 Hill of Houndston . .. 32 Maunsell .. 48 Cooper ...103 Hill of Poundisfon I 33 Maye .. 49 INDEX OF PEDIGREES. Merick ..121 Pyke .. 64 Stewkley .. 80 Meriett ..122 Pym .. 65 Strowde ..131 Micliell .. 50 Pyne .. 66 St urges .. 81 Moeles .. 50 Symcoke ..131 Moleyns .. 51 Montacute .. 52 Quick .. 67 Moore .. 53 Towse .. 81 Moore ..122 Tremayle .. 82 Morgan .. 53 Radbard Raleigh Ramsey .. 68 .. 68 .. 69 Twinyho ..132 Newport ..123 Richards ..127 Upton .. 82 Newton .. 54 Richmound .. 69 Newton .. 54 Roberts ..128 N orris .. 55 Rodney .. 70 Vawer ..133 Rosseter ..128 Verney .. 83 Rowboro ..129 Oldmixon .. 56 Rowswell .. 70 Rowswell .. 71 Wadham .. 83 Russell and Gorges. .. 72 Wake ..133 Palmer .. 57 Walker .. 85 Palton .. 57 Walrond .. 85 Paimcefoot ... 58 Walsh .. 86 Pawlett .. 59 St. Aubyn .. 73 Walsh .. 87 Pawlett ... 59 St. Barbe .. 73 Walton ..134 Payne .. 60 St. Mature ..129 Warre .. 87 Penyngton .. 61 Salisbury .. 75 Warre .. 88 Pepwall ..123 Sam borne .. 75 Watkins .. 89 Percival .. 61 Sands ..130 Wattes .. 89 Peryam ... 62 Sedborough .. 76 Willilegh ..135 Peyssun ...124 Sidenham .. 76 Windham .. 90 Popham ... 62 Sidenham .. 77 Woodvile ..136 Popliam ... 63 Sidenham .. 78 Worthe .. 91 Porter or Gloster ...125 8 nitre? ..130 Wrothe ... 91 Portman ... 63 Somersett .. 78 Wyke ... 94 Prowse ... 64 Stawell .. 79 Pryn ...125 Steninges .. 79 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. xi [Berry's Hants' Genealogies = B]. Page 1. Abarouyk, B. p. 265. 29. For Fankeleroye, Sims (Index, p. 247) reads Faukeleroy or Fockeroy. 31. For Nansant, Visitn. Corn. 1620, p. 20. reads Nan/an. 40. Waller of Old Stoke (Stoke Charity), B. p. 109. 1 1 . John Coward of Axbridge [Harl. MS. 1385, fo. 45]. 43. Windsvre of Stanwell, B. p. 36. 44. Lee of Isle of Wight, B. p. 123. 49. Cooke of Thorue in Ottery St. Mary, 1564 Devon, p. 60, and Westcote, p. bob. 67. Staverton, B. p. 179. 71. Vastern is near Wooton Bassett. 74. Broadlands is close to Ronisey ; for St. Barbe, see Burke's " Extinct Baronetcies, p. 460. 80. Stewkley, B. p. 310. 81. John Towse of Taunton=d. and h. to Comyne, after mar. to Sr. John Grenfeilde [Harl. MS. 1385, fo. 28^] 82. Ashley of Deane, see Wilts Visitn. 1623, p. 80. 85. Dattison, see Burke's " Extinct Baronetcies," p. 148. 88. Le Warre, B. p. 1 98. 103. Cooper, see Phillipps' Visitations of Hants, p. 15. 105. Newton of Barrs Court, see Burke's " Extinct Baronetcies," p. 384. 105. Perrott of Yestington. This place (sometimes spelt Jestlngton) is in the parish of Rhoscrowther on Milford Haven ; see Fenton's Pembrokeshire, pp. 226, 398. 107. Luppingcot, 1564 Devon, p. 152, and Westcote, p. 554. Margaret Fitzjames=Tristram Pistar of Elton, B. p. 263. 110. Vaughan of Eery est. This place is in the parish of Kington, Herefordshire ; see Robinson's Mansions of Herefordshire, p. 163. 114 (Note 2). Moleyns, B. p. 249. Imitations of Somerset Arms and Ped. 1623, p. I. 1 Of Ditcheat, Som. Collinson, II. 57, 63. John Atboruughe of North-=j=Margery, d. Wm. boroughe [N. Harrow], Som. | Gregory. 1 ' John Abroughe^Isabell, d. Raphe of Dichett [Dit- cheat]. Hanam of Ever- crich. I 2. Hercules. 1. Anthony. Mary. Agnes. ^rtljn: Of Claptox tx Gordaxo, xr. Bristol. Arms. — Gu. a chevron betw. three rests [or clarions] Or. Sir Rich. Arther of Clopton=j=... d. fflory. in Goodhauke, E.I. Colliuson, III. 177. Albany [3 helmets pp. ~\ Wm., 15 E. II.=f=... d. andh. r i Bassett. 2 ._i i Rich., 44 E. III.=j=Isabel, d. and h. I Turvile of Bristol. 3 r~ ~i 2. Edmond 1. Sir Thos.,=j=Isabel, d. ofB'psworth, High Sh. of nr. Bristol. Som. 1 H. IV. I Barkley. Sir John Albany of=f=Cicely. Kingsholm, Glos. r— J =j=Christian, | d. and h. r ' Simon CaduU-pEve, d. and h. \Arg. a rross engr. Vt.~\ r — I John, of 2. Wm., of=f=Ann, d. 1. John of 3. Thos., Emma, d.=jf=John Bishops- Bedminster. worth. Hampden. 4 Clopton. o. s.p. and h. L. r j Hyett. 5 John of= Bishops- worth. =Margt., d. Mom- *~1 Alice, d.=Rog. Richard of C. Roger, s. and h. __J sey [? Meynell] andh. Kemys. 19 E. IV. of Norf. | , , I _J John, o. s.p. Julian.=Hugh Mead John=j=Joan, aunt and h. of Bristol. of C. | Wm. Hyett* A Richard, s. and h. ! *Wm. Hyett, s. and h., o. s.p. 1 Arms and Ped. 1623, p. 1, means that the Arms and a Pedigree are to be found on page 1 of the Visitation of Somerset 1623, volume xi of the Harleian Society, edited by Dr. Colby, F.S.A. 2 Paly of six Or and Gu. on a canton Ar. a cross Sa. 3 Gu. a chev. betw. three martlets Ar. 4 Ar. a saltire betw. 4 eagles displ. Az. 5 Ar. a lion ramp. Sa., a chief p.p. fess indented Ar. and Sa. * Vairee, Ar. and Sa. a bend Gu. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. r~ Margt.=Roger Porter of Glos. "1 John of C.,=j=M.argt, d. John Boteler 26 H. vin. of Badmington, Glos. j_ I 1 1 2. Edmond, Thos. of C.=f=d. Shiftman of Anne. =Th. Morgan of ffayland o. s.p. H. YI1I. Bristoll. [in Wraxall]. _L I 1. John, d. before=Joan, d. Sr. his fatlier. Edw. Gorge. L'hos. of C.=r=Syeele, d. Agard of London. I 1 1 2. Thos. of Clivedon 1. Edw.=y=Mary, d. Erasmus Pym of Anne.=La\vr. Swet- [Clevedon]. of C. Bryniore in Cannington. tenham. 1 I 1 1 1 Margt.=Wm. Francis Dor.=Hercules Thos.,=^=Eliz., d. Mary,=Wm.Wm- of Combe- flory. Holworthy. s. & h. Storrier. ter of Dir- ham,Glos. f" 1. Baldwin 2. John of Hart-=j=Anne, d. das. of Clevedon. well, Northants. Ingrahain. "~I ffrancis.=Tli. Pickhards, of Salisbury. r~ Thos., s. and h. Eliz. Anne. — I Barbara. This Pedigree, although contained in Hail. MS. 1385 [1573 Visit.] is in a fifty years' later hand than the rest of the MS. The Pedigree in Collinson, III. 177, should be compared with this. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 4. 2blj£ or %%%t Of South Petherton, Som. Wm. Esse, al. Aslie.=f= I I J John.=f=Tliomasin, d. Maynard. Collinson, III. 112. Nicholas. 2 =|=Joan, d. Ant. Pollard of Horwood [nr. Barnstaple.] 1, Richard. 4. Anthony. 2. Thos. ■~l Eliz. = And. Sil- Petronilla.=H. Thackham [Thos. vertop. Henery of Thack- ham, 1573.] 3. James of-=j=Ann, d. Joh. Walrond of Bovey Mary.=Rob. Boyes. Som., 1573. j House [nr. Beer, Devon.] 2. Wm. 3. Hum. 4. Thos. 1. John. Cath. Joan. — I Cicely. 1 Ar. on a bend Vert three half spades of the field. 2 Nich. Esse of Slowcombe [1561 Devon, 171.] Akms and Ped. 1623, p. 3. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Of Mells. Hugh Averey of=f=d. Irishe. Congeisbury, Som. r~ __J Jacobe of Mells,=j=I)or. d., Hugh Whitcombe Som. of Sherborne, Dor, Joseph of Lon- Samuel of Benjamin. Christian. =John Irishe of Yat- Honora. don, Marchant. Melles. ton, Som. [Yetton]. Itabtr Of Regilbury in Nbmpnett, Som. For Arms and two Pedigrees, see 1623, p. 5 ; Collinson, I. 241; II. 89, 319. John Baber.=j=Alice, d. Adams. , i John.=j=Agnes, d. Joh. "VVillet of Butcombe. 3. Thos. Jane.=R. Hippisley. 4. Wm. ~i 2. Webb.=Margery.=l. Ric. Bush. 1. John.=f=Felice, d. of Browne. ~1 2. Edw., Serj. ^Catherine, 1 d. Sir Tb. Leigh, at Law. 1 I L. M. of London, 1558. I — I I 1 1 ' 1 2. Rob. 4. Edw. Francis. =Ann, d. of Marv.=l. R. Wilbra- — — ■ Whitmore 3 ham, m. of ye 3. Wm. Eliz. of London. Request. r - 1 - ■ t t 1 2. John.=j=Mary, d. J. Wotton of Lane. 3.AYm.,o.s.p. 1. Ricli. L> =y= 4. Matthew. =j= John, 25 in 1623. Alice. Eliz. Rob. ._i r~ Matthew. 1 There is a monument to Edw. Baber (d. 1 578) and Catherine in Chew Magna Ch. Catherine (d. 1601) was dau. of J. Leigh of Stoneleigh,Warwick (Collinson). 2 Richard of Wanstrow, nr. Frome. See 1623, p. 5 [2nd Pedigree]. 3 Ann (d. 1650), dau. of Whitmore of Apley, Salop (Collinson). 4 Robert of S. George's, i.e., Easton in Gordano, nr. Bristol. B 2 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Akms. — Vairee. Of West Stoke ix Stoke-sub-Hamdox. John de Beauchamp. , I Collinson, I. 44, 67. John.=j=Honor, d. Sir Oliver Keynes. 2 r - .J Geoff. =j=Eliz., d. Tregoz of Tregoz [in Cornwall]. 3 L. r — — . ! ! John Keines-=r=Joan, coh. X. John.=f=d. Chendrick Wm. Roger. [MS. Raynes]. j Wanipford. [Chenduit]. L_ ~~\ Rich., 5 H. VI. John, d. 8 H. V.^Margery. Thos^d. Randall Petit. r - Job. Speke of Som.=j=Joan, h. r~ _j Tho.-i-d. Tredarf [Tredurf.] ~i Sr. John. =f= Alice, cousin=[2. H. Tho., 24 H.VI,^ Eliz.=R. Wood- d.=Theoh and h. to Tli. Hill. J of Croutchlak Beauchamp. ing. L. ville. Gorges, d.1468. "l Sir John,=j=Alice, a Spanish John, d. s.p. before H. VII. woman. his father. i — r Geo, Christoph. Sir John, d. be- before bis father. 2. John.^pAlice, d. Sir Th. Arundel. 4 ~ 1 Alice. __J Sir Tho. Speke, Ktd.=j=Ann, d. Ricb. Berkley by H. VIII. 5 of Stoke Gilford, Glos. r~ Eliz., d. Sir And.=j=Sr. Geo. Speke. =f=Dor., d. Ed. Gilbert of London, Luttrell. I r JL Anne.=Geo. Trencbard. Barbara.=W. Thornhill. ~ 1 Sir Geo. , KB. to K. James. renupta Sir John Horsey. 2. HiIgh.=Eliz., d. H. Beale of Berks. 1. Job.=Eliz.: Cbud- leigh. -2. Clifton.— 3. Pol- lard. E)or.=Edw. Gorge of Wraxall, Som. 1 John de Beauchamp of West Stoke, d. 1304. See Murray p. 381. 2 Keynes of Dowlish Wake. Collinson I. 37 ; III. 120. 3 Tregoz of Chelwood. Collinson II. 419. 4 Of Lanherne in the par. of Mawgan, Corn, See Collinson I. 67. 5 For Speke Aims and Pedigree, see 1623, p. 103. Collinson I. 67. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. tymxtoxb Of Taunton Castle. Robert Beresforlewett.=f*Joan, d. John Roo [1564 | Devon, p. 185]. --T- 2. Nieh 1. Dorothy, d.=f= John. =2. Eliz., d. Pakenhorne, heir of John Who. Blount, Ld. Mountjoy. Cosworthe [potentious widow to John Consworthe 1573]. 2. John. Richd.=j=Marv, d. Sir Joh. Chichester. I Arthur. %lttottt Or Greenham, Som., and Holcombe-Rogus, Devon. Akms. — Same as the last, with crescent for difference. Walter Blewett, 4 Ed. IV. =p 2. Rich.=j=Agnes, d. Verney of Fairfield Nich., of Grindham [Farsfeilde, 1573], in Stoke- and Holcombe. Courcy, Som. Nicholas. =j=Ann, d. John Wvkes. 2. Rohert. r - 1. Nic. Lamper=Alice.=2. Nic. Croy- (Lampre). don. "1 Mary.=Digory Carusther [1573 Gregory Carwitham]. r - 2. Wm. 2. Agnes, d.^Nieholas 1 ^!. Agnes, d. Agnes. =Martin. Ric. Clawsey [Claveshey]. of Lottis- ham,Soni. i — r _L —\ Sydenham of Nettlecombe. 1. John. 3. Edward. 5. Rohert. E Manor. 2. Nicholas. 4. Richard. Jane. Riggs. Nicholas Blewett of Lottisham [in par. Ditcheat] ; Collinson, III. 24. The MSS. give Cottshain. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. %tmtmm [%ovtmm] Of Wells. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 11. John Bourman of=j=Joan, d. Birkham Hemyoke, Devon. als. Kirkham. I 1 John, a preste and Win., a preste, confessor of the B.C.L., Sub-Dean nonnesof Lee,o. s.p. of Wells, o. s.p. 1 Dionisse.=Wm. Bonde. James, h. to his=j=Isabel, d. We Car- brothers. ■ vaniell of Taunton. "~l Mary,*— Joseph Cater. J Alice. =pPeter Lev. ! John. 2. Law-=»Kath., d. Card- rence. well, a Spaniard. 3. Wm.=j=Eliz., d. Eob. of Wells. Longe of Longe [she mar. 1 Hen. Clarke]. i — r Andrew=Sara, d. Richd. of Wells. Halswell. Margaret. =1. Thos. Good- wyn, Bp. Bath and Wells. =2.Wm.Martyn of Totnes. C Cieely.=f=John Ley, son of Peter Ley. Melanie.=i=Robart Webber. T -~\ _L Charles. Henry. "1 Edward. Lawrence. "1 4. Henry of 5.Cbristoph.=j=Agnes, d. I'alche. Chard, o. s.p. 1. Geo. 2. Lawrence, 1 — | 3. James. 4. George. 1 3 daus. ""I 1. Simonde=j=Joan.=f=Wm. Criste of Som. Willinge. i 1 Francis, 1 Eliz.=l.Wm. Combe. ux. Rob. 2. Geo. Hill of Thorne. Hame. r - "l 1. John=Bridgett, Criste. d. Lewis Pyne. 2. Robert.=l. Anne, d. An- drew Rynge. 1 Alice. =John Style of Wells. 10 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 1. Andrew =j= Agnes, d. ofHemyock. Jaa of= Hemy- ock. -J Richards. ary, d. Step. Gyles, came out of=j=Kath., d. de Devon into Spain. ! la Salde. ~1 Ramesbury. 6. Hugh, d.=f=Mary, d. 7. Simond,= at Malago in Spay ne. S. G., ol). of London, at Malago. ob. 1601. =Isabel, d. S. G., ob. 1599. i — i — i — i — i — r 2. Edw. 3. Andr' 4. Wm. 1. Henry=f=Agnes, d. Wm. S,ir Andre w j ■ J oan. Cicely=Sr. Eman- uel de bo- na Vedos. o a -I , . of Hemy- j Gyles of Wei- of Malago, ock. j lington. lived 1619. I" Isabel. Joane. Agnes. Gyles. James. Eliz. Mary. i — r 1. Hugh. Paula. Clare. 2. Andrew. Joan. rn — i 1. Simonde. 1 2. Hugh. 2 _ — ! — j Kath.=Wm. Marston. Anne.— =Thos. Ryce. Margt.=Xeville Goode. Mary.=Eman. Sanders of Soms. 3. Henry. =Eliz. Norris. Eliz.=l. Woodbourne. — — =2. Thus. Camp of London. Maudlyne, died young. Stephen, o. s.p. IBotmu Of Street, xr. Glastonbury. Arms. — Sable, chevron p. pale Arg. and Or, betw. three griffins' heads erased Arg. 3 John Bourne. Wni , 28 H. V I. John. I~ I John.=j=d. Gilbert of Som. [1573, Devon]. I Wm. of Edgcott,=f=Mary, d. Walter Curson of Walterpure, Oxon, Lucks. I wid. to John Poure of Liechintjton. I 1 1 2. Walter. 3. Mathew. Francis of Street,=j=Edith, d. (Stret) 1573. j John Lyte. I 1 -1 1 ' — I 1 1. Gilbert. 2. Francis. 3. Dicory. Jane. Ursula. Agnes. 1 Counsell to the Felowship of Merchants in Spayne. - Principall of the Council to the Eog. Merchants in Spayne. 8 According to Bm - ke and Berry, these are not the Arms of Bourne. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 11 bt Uxatton Of Bbatton i\ Mixehead. Arms. — Arg. fess engrailed betw. 3 mullets pierced Sa Collinson, II. 31. Robert de Bratton 13 Ed. L— John, 4 Ed. III. Peter, 16 R. II. Thos., d.=j=Jane, d. Sydenham 1 of Orchard 38 H. VI. | Windham [nr. Monksilver]. i i I i ! 1. John. 2. Simon. =f=Cath., d. Lodovic Mathew. I 1 John.=j=Joane, d. R. Chichester of Raleigh | [in Pilton, Devon], d. 6 Ed. IV. i ^n John, s.p. 2. Nicholas. =j=Joan, d. Win. Fowell of Fowell's | Comb [in Ugborough, Devon.] I -I n Alice.=Rob. Erye of Yarty Joan.=Wm. Sedborough. [in Membury Devon.] Of Dixxingtox nr. Crewkerxe. Arms and Pedigree 1623, \\ 14. Collinson, I. 238, III. 121 Wm. Brice. I r John= ofD. =Jane, d. Wm. Samford [Sandford] of Lopen, Som. m 1 2. Hen. Peter. ^Philippa, d. W. Pols- 3. Hugh. lave [Polselovve]. 1 Joan.=Adrian God^vyn Hugh=j=Eliz. , d. Ric. Spen- Florence. =Ste. Pitts. al. Lynge. 1573. j cer of London. i i r~ 1 1 -1 " — n 1 1 1 1 Hugh. Philip. Margt. Eliz. Florence. Joan. Jane. Ann. Mary. 1 Sydenham of Orchard Wvndh.mi (Collinson, III. 448). & 12 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Uraugljtmt Of Saxdfokd Bickford in Wbmbdon. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 16. John Broiiirhton. i — John. .J 1. d. St. Maui'. 1 — John of Sampton=j=2. Joan, d. Thos. Bockield. ! Clmuntrcll. 2 1. 1)or.,d.=j=Thos. of =f=2. Alice, d. Robert [Cut — 3. Lucy, d. Jo. Cuffe. Sandford. | bert] Corborne of Chester. John Welch 1 1— -i Justice. r~ 2. Geo. Mary.=Wm. Sanders. 1. Robert. 2. George, Erasmus. =j=Joan, d. Jo. Heydon j of Devon [1564 , 1 Devon, p. 106]. Joan. Untltt Of Wood in Knowle St. Giles and of Lillesdon in X. Curry. An ms.- — Sa. on a cross Arg. quarter pierced of the field, four eagles displayed of the first. Collinson, II. 179. Ralph Buller of Wood. John.=f=Ann, d. Roger Staley. John.=f=d. Gourney. I John. Nicholas. =j=h. J. IVauchamp of Lillesdon r- John.=j=Agnes, h. N. Chedington of Dorset. 1 Of Castle Cary, Collinson, II. 54. Of Kingston Seymour, Collinson, IT. 122. - Hutchiiis' " Dorset," i, 667, of (Jodlingston in Swanwich. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 13 A .J John.-pThomnsin, A. John Orchard of Som. (Collinson, III. 274,488.) 2. Robert. I John. I John.=f=Alice, d. J. Sidnani of lirimpton, Som. 1 3. John. "~1 I — Robert -f-h, Peverell of Dor. I Robert, o. s.p. I 2. Ann, d. Gyles^Alex.^1. Eliz., d. Sir Daubney. i — r T. Horsey. John.=y=Dor., d. John, Ann.=Francklin. J. Kel- o. s.p loway. 1 Richard 1 of Wood Mary.=Thos. Abingdon. 1573. I I I I Edmund. Robert. Bessamir. Richard. John of= Lilsdon. r~ =Margt., wid. of Courtney of Corn- wall and coh. Jo. Tretherf (Had. Soc. ix, 51). "Williams. •Eliz., d. Sir J. Francis of=j=Thomasin,d. Mary .= Wise. Rogers (Collin- Shilling- son III. 532). ham,'" Corn- wall. 1. George. 3. Robert. 2. John. 4. Benjamin. 1 5. Richard. L. H Richard=i=Alice, d. Rowland of Swell. | Howard of London. I -- _J 2. George of=j=Mary, d. Hanger of 1. Francis, set. 17,=j=Thomasin, d. Th. Honey- the Temple, j London, merchi 1620, living 1667. | wood of Elmstead, Kent. -J l r* Mary, sole h.=Sam. Thompson of Osterley, Midd., living 1701. "1 Francis, 1667. Item anu Simpson Of Cricket Malherbie, nr. Chard. Arms. — Erm. on a chief indented Sa. two lions ramp. Arg., crescent for difference. John Burre of Shellow, Essex. J Thos. of Norton in Essex. A\ m. Simson.=Alice,d. Burckley [Birchleighe] of Herts L. "1 r - "l 2. Joan,=j=Johnof Nor-=f=l. Ann. Humphry of =Ji»an, :; d. of=j=Joh. Barfoote Cricket [Henry]. Mollins. [Barford], 2ndh d. Nevill. j ton, Essex. 4t r 1 2. Thos. John of Crikiett Malherbe, 1573.— Joan Barfoot [Barford]. .J 1 See Berry's " Hampshire Genealogies," p. 3:58. 2 [MS. Shellington] in the parish of St. Stephen's, nr. Saltash. See Lvsons's "Cornwall," p. 289, and Hurl. Soc. ix, 24. 3 lf>73 says John Barford was Joan's 1st husb and Henry Simson 2nd. 14 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. lhtsl)i>. Arms. — Az. ;i wolf rampant Aig. collared and chained Or, in chief three crosses patee fitchce of the second. Dynland, 1 als. to=Cicely, d. Tlios. Bush of Carmar- Rys [Ryd] of thenshire. Rodescourt. Wm. Bushe.=rd. and coh. Strange of Glos. r~ John.=j=E]iz., d. Ric. feirnfielde of J Stanings, Sussex. I Jokn.=j=Eliz., d. Jo. Bamfield of Hardington, Som. I Peter. z ttarlilk Of Taunton [op Locking, Collinson, III. 597]. Arms. — Arg. on a chevron between three choughs Sa. three estoilles Or. Christ. Conyers of =f= Alice, base dau. Pinchingthorpe, Yorks. to Rich. Nevell, E. of Warwick. Richd. Carlille.=f=Eliz. Agnes. =Geffery Lee of Dor.— Salter of Maydston, Kent. Sussex. Thos.,of Taun-=j=Anne, d. Bushell ton, 1573. of Som. Thomas. 1 [? Daylwyn] see Daylwyn pedigree (post) and Burke's " Armoury, 1884," Bushe [or Daylwyn]. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 15 ttbttblttjj!) Of Place Barton in Ashton, S. of Exeter. Arms. — Erm. three lions rampant Gu. James Chudleigh=j=Margaret, d. Win. of Asheton, De- von. Ld. Sturton (mar. 1476). William. =j=Jone, d. Sir W. Huddy | of Pyllesdon, Dorset. I Richards =Mary, d. Sir IS". Waddam of Merryfield. Wyllymot.=j=Rich. Coffyn of Portelage, Christyan. Devon [Portledge, S. of Bideford.] 1 1 1 Christoph. Olyver. Margt. 1 Jaket. This Pedigree is in the 1531 Visitation. See 1564 Visitation of Devon, p. 52. Clatelj^ 1 Of Clavelshay in X. Pethertox, axd of Curry Rivel, nr. Langport. Arms. — Sa. a chev. per pale, Arg. and Or. betw. three bulls' heads Arg. horned Or. Collinson, III. 73. Cuthbert[CatbeardJ"^Margt d. Joli. Popham Claveshey. j (d. 1546 J I Richd.=f=Cath.. d. Rob. Payne I of Wilts. 2. Edw. 1. John of Curry Rivel [Cory RivellJ 1573.J 1 Clavelshay or Clavelsleigh, now called Classey, Clawsey, or Clasway farm. Collinson, III. 72. 16 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. € olci burst Op HrxTox Charterhouse, Som. Arms. — Arg. fesse betw. three nags passant Sa. Collinson, III. 369; I. 146. Henry Colethurst (yr. Br. of= Colthurst of Edisford, Yorks). r - Matthew of Wardour-pAiin, d. Thos.- Grim- Castle, Wilts. | ston of Suff. 2. Matthew. 4. Richard. 3. Andrew. 5. Thomas. Edmund of =f=E!inor, d. Thos. Eliz. Hint on, Som., living 1588. de la River of Yorkshire. I — 1 ' 1 1 1. Henry. 2. Edward. Eliz. Dor. =Jas. Dae- Anne* kom of Dor. Hoiks Of Barton ix Pitmixster. Arms. — 1. Gu. on a chevron betw. three leoparda' heads Arg. an Ermine spot. (Colles.) 2. Arg. three bars Gu. a file of three Sa. (Wolacombe.) Collinson, III. 285-7. Thos. Wolcombe. 1 r Wm.=j=Joan. Tho. Wm.=j=Joan, d. W. Shapton. Margt. Thos. =f= Ann, d. J. Chelstow Eliz. [Miehelstow]. Hum. Colles Ric. Sharshill.=f=Thoinasine, d. Jo. Coles— Thos. Wra, Monke. of Soms. of N. Tawton, Devon. r- J r J John. Joh. Hame.=f-Eliz. r~ — 1 l__ ~i Wm.=j=Mary, d. Sr. Ric. Martin [Arg. 2 barrs Gu.] i , Walter Colles. =j=Ann. r 2. Wm. I John. -f Alice, h. A 1 See 1564, Visitation Devon, p. 203. Ed. by Dr. Colby. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 17 Humfrey. =fd. John Hext. 1 Eliz., d. R. Lambert,=j=IIumfrcy.=f=Eliz., d. Rog. Darcey and s. Thos. Ld. M. of London. Ld. Darcey of Cliiche, Essex. "1 M., afterward wife of John Lon" of Nethercombe. Pym of Cannington. r~ John. "1 Eliz. =Th. Mallet. Mother of Geo. Philippa.=Alexander John of= Barton. Dor. Ann, d. Sir J. Thy nne. Eliz, Gtmttpt0it Op Wigborough in South Petherton. Arms and Pedigree, 1623, p. 29. Collinson, III. 112. John Compton of=j=Eliz., d. Walt. Trevyt Cannington, Som. r~" .J of Cannington. John of Can---=pEliz., d. Win. Strowde of Parnliain, nington. Dorset [Hntchins, }I. 130]. ~l Richd.=j=Jone, d. Trysteram Storke 2 of 2. John. Trent, Som. [Thnrstan Storke.] I — I 1 I — I 1 2. Edw. James of S.=j=Eliz., h. Joh. Bromo 3 of Mary.=Edw.Middleton. Dorothy. Petlierton, S. Petherton, Som. [S. — m. 1573. Pederton], Eliz.=Thos. Ilardye. 1 — I 1 1 — I 1 — I 1 1 — i Frances. 1. Henry. Theophila. Andrie. Joane. 2. Thos. Eliz. Mary. Alice. Part of this pedigree is in 1531 Visitation. 3. Rich. 1 Of High Ham. Collinson, III. 415; and see 1564 Visitation of Devon p. l'^9, 8 Collinson, II. 385. 3 Collinson, III, 111. See also I. 51, P 18 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Aums. — T'aly of 6, Or and Az., on a chief of the first an eagle displ. with 2 necks Sa. JohnCouert of Stoke gomev=f=... [? Stoke Gregory], Som. r~ 1. John. Simon of N. Petherton. r~ John. Geo. 1 Humfrey. |— John,=Anice 2. Simon. =p Agnes, d. Joh. Mus- o. s.p. Grove. j gi »rove of Kingston. John. Wm. I "— i Alice. Agnes. John the=j=Sarah, d. Edw. Popham of yon. I Huntworth [in N. Petherton]. Thomas. 1 Florence. r-i 1, Edward. m - 3. John. 1 Florence. 2. Thomas. 4. Symon. Several of the family are buried in Stoke Gregory Ch. (Col., II. 181, I. 221). Collinson says they were of Lillisdon in N. Curry. (taffe Op Creech St. Michael, nr. Taunton. Arms and Pedigree, 1623, p. 30. Collinson, I. 76. John Cuffe of Ilchester,==j=EHz., d. Rich. Pawlshott, afterwards to lived 1544. John Strowde of Parnham, Dorset. Jolm of Creech [Criche].=j=Joan, d. W. Denya. 2. Robert. 2. Wm. 3. John. I 1 1 2. Philip. 3. Hugh. Thos. of Donyatt, nr. Ilminster. -~r~i — Susan. —\ — I Eliz. Robert of-f=Cath. d. Uor.=Tho. Beale. Criche, d. 1595. Cutter. Ursula.=W. Seeley [Seley.] Lucy. Mary. r Robert, Thos, — I Jane, VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 19 B ant Of Wells. Arms. — Sa., a serpent coiled and erect Arg. Kicliard=j=Editli, d. and h. of Dane of Bristol. John Fawkenor of Bucks. r~ -T- ~±- 2. Josua. John of=Eliz.,d.Thos. Susan. =R. Membray Wells Hooper of [Memburyl. 1573. Wells. D 2 Bagifogn x Radwgan Vawre of Gadwgan in Kydweley. Radwgan Vauchan. I r ' Gruffeth ap Radwgan. Meredeth=j=Ciceley, d. and h. Thos. Ryd of ap Gruff. Ridscourt by Talecherne. L -n Gruffeth ap Mrdd John ap Gruffeth. I r— J ' David Daylwyn. I Evan Daylwyn ! Wm. Daylwyn. r - John Daylwyn the elder. I r- John Daylwyn the younger. 1 For arms, see Bushe, page 14. 20 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Drndbanft Of Hinton S. George. Akms. — Az., on a chief Arg. a lion rampt. issuant Gn. Collinson, I. 63, II. 166. Sr. John Denebaud, Ld.=y=Aliee, d. and h. Thos. of Porsceuet in Wales. Phillipe= de Hen- ton. Gifford of Henton. r~- ._i Alice, d. Ric Fitzhamon [Col. II. 280, III. 146]. "1 1 1 Matthew of Wm.=f=Alice. Eichd. o. s.p., Triffelands, had the divi- o. s.p. sion of Hinton S. Geo. Hamon=pRoisia, d. Sr. John Strad- of H. ling of Wales [St. Donats, Glam.] [Col., III. 334.]. r~ _J Phillipe.=pCieely, d. Simon Grind- ham, al's Grondynham [Col., III. 29]. I 1 — 1 — I — I Robart. Eudo of John of H, H. after o. s.p. his bro- — therd. 15 Philippns. Jun.1512. — Will. T1 — 1 Johans. Wencilean. Alice. r- John,=Joan, d. John Alice.=Endon de pil- o. s.p. Lepenfourd lesfron. [Lopenford]. ~i — m Maud.=Rob. de More. Felicia.=Mathew le Ware. Margt.=John Roagges 1 of Chely Chilton. Dionicia.=Hum. Kayll. ..J Simonde, 1. Agnes. =f= Wm. =Joan, d. o. s.p. Stocklyns. r —^ -i Rob. Brent. I Thos. =t= Joan. i — r Wm. Robert. 1 Robert. =pEliz John, 1573.=f=Florence, d. Rich. Archdeacon. Eliz.=Sir Wm. Pawlett, Kt. Robert John. Brent. John. 1 Marg. married John Wagges, or Fage, of Chilthorn Vagg in Chilthorn-Domer, nr. "iSeovil. See Harl. MS. 1559, p. 9. See Collinson, III. 217. VISITAT 1 ( ) N S OF S< )M KRS ET. 21 Unbinatott Of Dodington, nr. Bridqwater. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 33. Collinson, II. 373, Ilf. 518, 577. Johannes de Dodington. I Wm. I Roger. I Win. I Philip. 1. Beautrix,=j=Thos.=j=2. Jane, d. and h. John Guphay 1 d. Buckler. of Woodland in Wilts. 1. John of={=Mary, d. John Dodington, Payne of Hutton. 1 2. Philip of Woodland. John of D.=j=Eliz., d. and h. Oliver Hewish of Donniford, Som. Richard of D.=j=Eliz., d. and h. John Leigh of Newent, Glos. r - 2. Gyles.=j=d. Morgan of Glamorgansh. Henry. John of D.=j=ThoiiKisin, d. Roh. Duland of Devon. Robert. .Jane. — I J one. Note. — Part of this Pedigree is in the 1531 Visitation. IBgsr Of Sharpham in Glastonbury and of Roundhill and Uratton St. Maur, NR. WlNCANTON. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 33-34. This Pedigree is given in full on pp. 33, 34 of 1623, but 1573 and Sir Thos. Phillipps' copy differ in several points. 1 Thos. Gapphey of Gapphey in the parish of Meare. Collinson, III. 51S. 00 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. On p. 33. — 2. Alex.— d. Jaquos of Granede [Germany]. Ankaretta.=John Elvens of co. Lincoln [Evans]. On p. 34. — Richard Dyer.=d. Walton, co. Som. [Waiton]. Sir Jas. Dyer, Kt., Chief Justice-=Dor. d. Barrow and wid. of the Common Pleas, d. 1581. Sr. Thos. Elliott. 1. Alice=f=John Dyer of=j=2. d. John Ernley[1623 Jove. RoundhiU. Wilts, p. 74]. r~ Jas.=j=Cheelve, George of Bratton St.=f=d. Shirley. Maur, living 1623. L- James, 1620, Chaplyn to K. James. Wm. 1 . Lawience.=f=Jane Rich. ) South. — • a Thos. ) 8 P' John of RoundhiU, =j=Margt. nr. Win can ton. Dyer. r~ .j ■"i Wm. Rich, of Stough-=j=Mary, d. Sr. Win. Jane, wife to Step. Dyer and Francis, ton Hunts. Fitzwilliams. wid. to Walter Sidenham. o. s.p. r — Wm. Anne.=Sir Ed. Carr of Sleaford, Line. The 1623 Visitation [Harl. Soc., vol. xi] should be corrected in accordance with the above; only those points are given where the Visitations materially differ. (English 1 Of Puddimoke Milton. ARMS. — Quarterly, 1 and 4 (English)— three lions passant in pale, in thedexter corner a crescent for difference ; 2 and 3 (Hodges) — Or, three descents Sa. on a canton of the second a coronet of the first. [See Marshall a 1623 Visitation of Wilts, p. 84.] John English of Ortesbury, Wilts. ^IThos. of=j=Jane, d. & h. Walter Hodges Wilts of Puddimore Milton, Som. Thomas of P. M.=pMargt., d. John Elagdon & of Kingeswood, Wilts. r~r- 1. John. [Blackden] of Kingswood. — I Rebecca.=Hen. Stratton of Wilts, gent. m— Rebecca. Joan. Margt. 2. Joseph. Mary. Deborah. Rachell. This, although contained in Harl. MS. 1385 [1573 Visit.], is in a 50 years' later hand than the rest. 1 Sims (Index, p. 303) gives, " English of King&wood, from Co. Cumb." Kingswood is in the hundred of Chippenham. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 23 jfatar (®abor) Of Nunnie, nr. Erome. * From Mr. Leman'a Book at Bath, not in Harl. Visitations. [Copied from Sir Thos. Phillipps, p. 68.] John Faber of=j=Joan, d. Biggs of Chelmsford, jSTunnie, Som. wid. of Hart. Sarah, d. Thos. Andrews of-r-Mark of Wells, =j=Julian, d. Rowland of Bristol Winterhcad in Winscomb 1623 r Jane. Marke, s.p. Francis, s.p. 1 Frances, s.p. This Pedigree is found with slight variations in Colby's 1623 Visitation of Somerset, p. 110, under the name Tabor. Sims (Index to Pedigrees, p. 252) also reads Tabor. Jfarritrril Op Hull Episoopi, nr. Taunton, and op Holbrooke, nr. Wincanton. Arms and Pedigree, 1G23, p. 36. Collinson, II. 73, 143, III. 38, 255. Simon Farwell.=pJnlian. Simon. -r-Dor. Joan.=Rie. Howe. d. R. Dyer. r— r— i 2. George. 3. Christopher. 4. Richard. I — T" 2. Thos. 3. Alex. John.=j=Ursula, d. Joh. Fhelips of Montacute. "T71 rn Ehz. Judith. Agnes. Jane. James of Holbrooke, =Eliz. d. of Johnson nr. Wincanton. of Bridge [in S. Petherton.] Eliz. F.B. George Farewell was Rector of S. Cadbury, he died A p. 6, 1717, aged 41. Col. II. 73. 24 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Jfitjjanwa Of Redlixch, xr. Brutox, Arms.— Ax., a dolphin naiant, embowed Arg. Collinson I. 22G. John Fyz James of=j=..., d. Bluet of Som. (1st wife). Radelyghe, Som. Sir Jolm,C. J. d 1539. •Jone, d. Tlio. More (living 1532) of Mylfleffhye, Devon [W. Melplash in Netherbury, Dor. Hutchins, II. 115.] Alice Jone. Jolm.=Eliz. d. Joli. Basket 1 Dorothy=f=Rob. Moreton (of Milborne, of Berks. (Christian). S. And. Hutchins, II. 594). r~ r Robert. Jerome. George. T Jone.=f=Ric. Fortescue of Filley, Devon. Bartholomew. This is in the 1531 Visitation. Mary. Eliz. Jftfsto 2 Of Luxborough, xr. Duxster. Aums. — Sa., chevron engrailed betw. three arrows inverted Arg. See 1023, p. 37. John Foster, 13 II. IV. John Foster of Lux-=j=Christian. boroughe, Som. [Jas.] Thos.=j=Ermynge, d. Hen. Howe of of L. Stawley, nr. Milverton. n 1 ~~ — ; nr i 2. Jas. 1. John of=f=Alice, d. 4. Tlios. Alice. =j=Jolm — L. 1573. 3. Rob., a prest. Baker. Joan. Agnes. I — Ursula, .J Howe. r~ Wm, Anthony. N.B.— John How of Stawley, will Mar. 20, 1520 (Collinson, III. 29). Foster of Aldermaston, Berks, a younger branch. See 1023, p. 37. 1 See Collinson, III. 192. 2 See Savage's llist. of Carhampton Hundred, p. 200, VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 25 Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 37. 2. Hum. 3. Nich. JFrands Of Combe Flory, nr. Taunton. Henry Francis. r~ _j Nicholas, a 38 H. VI. r __J John.=pFloronce, d. Ashford of Ashford in Devon. Nicholas. =j=Cicely, d. Sir W. Courteney of Powderham. .J Sir Wm.=j=Margt., sister of Sir Maurice Berkley, d. Eich. Berkley. — I —- j- 1 Mary.=Ric. Fitz John.=j=Margt., d. Sr. John Eliz.=Ric. Bon- James. | Windham. ville. 3. John.=f=Sarah, d. Geo. ! Lutterell. — i — i — — 1. Francis. 2. Thomas. 4. Wm. "T~l Eliz. Margt. dnfttoint Of Wells. [Of Godwyn's Bower in Bridgwater. 1 Collimson, III. 84.] Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 40. Wm. Godwin of=j=d. and h. Welles, Som. . j Swaine. r - .J John, temp. H. VIII. ._) Wm. of=j=Cliristian, d. Bruges of Welles. Batcombe, Som. 2. Anthony. Richd. of=j=Margt. , d. Rob. Agnes. —Anthony Isabel. 3. Gilbert. 4. Wm. Welles 1573. Maye of Char- terhouse. Chappell. Margt. 1 This family had the k 0rgj>. See 1623, pp. 42, 122. 1573 has the following additions — Edmund Gorge and d. Walsh had 2 daus. Alice and Margarett. Sir Edwd. G. and Dor. Speake had 2 daughters named Dorothy, the 1st unmarried, the 2nd mard. Wm. Gary of Clovelly, Devon. 2. Mary=y=Sir Edwd.=f=l. Mary Poynes. of Wraxall. I Newton. I r- 5. Sr. 'hos. of Sr. Wm. James Langford, 1 Wilts, d. 1610, set. 74. Wm. 1 1. Edmund, born 1526. A dau. There is a guod Pedigree of Gorge, .shewing these addition* and many n ore, in Sir T. Philippe' Visit of Sorn., p. 82. For Gorge Baron Dundalk, see Part II. dtotmtQj Of E. Harptree, Som. Arjis. Paly of six, Or. and Gu. Collinson, II. 133, III. 320, 340. Hugo de=j=l}azele, d. Gerald Gourney. Earele. i ~ : 1 Hugo.=f=Eliz., sist. of Wm. Gundreda.=Nigel de Albany E. Warren. [Col., III. 107.] ~1 Hugo.=f=Sarah, d. Ralph de Peronne. 1 Hugo. I Hugh. An.selin.=j=Eve, sist. Maurice de Wm. de— Maude. Gaunte, Ld. of Barew. Harptree. 1 Gerald. I 1 Robert of Bever-=r=Ellen, h. of Wm. ston, Glos. Harptree. 1 Longford Castle on the Avon, 3 m. S. of Salisbury. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 27 I 1 1 Win. Thomas of Eng- John 1 of lishcombe. Beverston. r Tlios. of Stoke Hugh. Eliz. h.=Sir J. Apadam. 2 a Hamdon. L Sir Thos. Thos. of E. Harptree. -r- - 1 Sir Matthew, Joan, h. j= Walter, s. John R. Hampton. 2 =f=Eliz., coh. Sir o.s.p. 1406, set. 96. Cadicott. ■1 Joh. Bitton. Alice. =j=Philip H. Richard H.=j=Eglina, d. Sir T. Trivett. I r J Thomas. =j= Julian, sister of Rich. Stilling-* | ton, Bp. of Bath & Wells. , I Lucy.==Thos. Newton (see post, Newton pedigree). Cjp Of Highchurch in Hemington. Arms and Pedighek 1623, p, 44. Richard Hales.=j=d. Beauchamp. I , 1 John of Hychurch, Som.=j=Joan, d. Thos. Burnham. J Edward of Hichurche.=j=Anne, d. Grenefeilde. I rn 1 H ■ L 2. Haniell. 1. John. Suzanna.=Wm. Knighton Mar}', — [or Kington]. 3. Win, 1 John de G. mar. Oliva, d. Henry Ld. Lovel of Castle Ciiy. Col. II. 309. 1 Az. bend Or. betw. three fleur de lys Arg. (Hampton). Col., III. 588 ; Gaunte, II. 138 ; Harptree, III. 587 ; Ap Adam, II. 309. 3 One MS. says "sister of Rob. Halsam, Bp. of Bath." There was no Bishop of Bath of that name. <> 28 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Of Halswell in Goathurst. Au ms and Pedigree 1623, p. 4;">. Robert Hdlsvvoll. =pKath., d. & coh. Gat- combe 1 of Gatcombe. r~ John.=y=Mary, d. Hen. Est of Yardley, Wore. Nicholas. =f=Marg., d. John Tremayle | of Cannington, Som. r~ ~) J ohn. Michael. Collinson, I. 80. This Pedigree is in 1531 Visitation. Harfog Op Brockley, nr. Bristol. Arms and Pedigree 1G23, p. 47. Collinson, II. 121. Robert Harvey of Lestidiell=j=Margt. [Lostwithiel] Corn. John Bevent. I ' John, 44 E. III. Robert, 1 H. IV. r~ '1 Maud.=Ric. Drue, of Co- Rich.=j=d. St. Bony Win. Job. Scof-=j=Joan, d. lonant, Corn. r _j of Lanbi- drake. feilde. & coh. r~ Elianor.=Wm. Hogges, Si\ Nicho-=y=Eliz.,d. Alice.— 1. Pike. Elinor. =f=Hum. al. Rogers, of las of Les- St. Lawrence, tidiall. nr. Bodmin. _! & coh. =2. Gilbert. -3. Mounta- Jo Brockas. m. 1 Hiunfrey of=j=Agnes, d. and h. Brockley. I Job. Atwater. John. i Edith. =Brid Simon Kermick, Lord of Kermick. r— J Philip Keimick of Arvos [changed his name to Arvos because he dweleth there.] I John de Arvos. =}=Em ma, ). Pridyeux. (G) Step. Trewetheuik.«*r»Me]lior, e. Osbert Talferne. L_ Sr. Roger j Carmino. "1 =Maud, il. Gervaes Stephen.=f=Jane, d. Sr. John Ilornicott. H Robert. Trevanion. Sr. John Tregean. "plane, d. and h. I B VISITATIONS <)K SOMERSET. 31 B .J Sr. Roger. Steplien.=j=Alice, d. Wm. Chenduit. Sr. John. Step. Trenotlie -pJane, d. and h. r - .j Reignolde, .son of Osbert Woldcdon. _J .J St. Walter. =|=Alic.e, d. Raphe. -j«Jane, d. Wm. Reignold.' L Bloyow. Eassett. Wm. r i 'Ieabell, d. and h. Win. Trewithian. Jolm.=p=Jane, d. Jas. Nansant. John. Walter. =Jane, d. Ric. John of Tre-=j=Honor, d. Wm. Andrew. Respryn. Thos. garthen. Tregarthyn. L. "~1 . "1 John Carniino.=f=Phillipe, d. h. _L Rich. I Juhn. 1 John, o.s. p. Thos. 2\ T icholas.=f=Kath., d. and h. T" Nick Hearle.=Eliz., d. and h. (C) Of Donniford, in St. Decuman's. Arms and Pedigree, 1623, p. 49. Collinson, III. 491, 541. Gilbert Hewish=j=d. Richards, of Donyverd. , I r~ Oliver. =j=>d. Cavendish. I John.=j=Grace, d. Walrond of Som. I)or.=Ed. Hendesley of Devon. 2. Roger. 3. James of London, =j=Margt., d. Rob. Bowier. grocer. n Rowland. Geff'ery. Mary. Martha. 2. Dor., d.=j= William. =j=L Eliz., cob, Gaunte of Sidenham. _J I Dorset [Grannt of Som.] 2. Joan. Grace. r~ 71 Silvester.=j=Anstice, d. Wm. Nurris E Honor, of Milverton. — 2. Dorothy, Wm. 32 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. fill Op Houndstox in Odcombe (and op Spaxton. Collinson, III. 196.) Akms. — Gules a saltire vair between four mullets Or. Collinson, I. 244. 2. Matilda, d. Sir G. Dau-=Sir John Hill of Houns-===l. Dionysia, d. Sr. beney of Barrington. ton, Sonu, d. 1408. John Durborough. Joan.=John, s. and li. Sir B. Malet. Robert, d.-j-Isabel, <*• Sir Fichett (Col. I. 244) of 1423. j Perry Fichett [in Wcmbdon] Som. John, (1. 1434.= =Cicely, d. Job. Stnrton of Preston Plncknett. L_ 1. Margt., d. Sir WaL Rodney=j=John, b. 1424.=f=2. Maud, d. Sir G. Daubney, of Rodney Stoke, Som. (A. p. 33) | | Kt. of Barrington, Som. r "I d.— Walgrave. [Genofeffe.] Jenoffekke.^Sir W. Say Raulfe.=j=d. ... of Glos. of Herts [of Hartsnest, 1573.] Robert.=j=Alice, d. Jo. Sturton ] of Pieston, Som. Elianor. Eliz. r - Giles.===Aliee [or Agnes], d. R. Brent of Cossing- ton (Col. ITT. 434). Margt.=i=Sir Hugh Luttrell of Dunster. r~ Jane.=f=Sir N. Wadliam of Meryfield. "1 Sir Andrew. John. r~ John. Giles. 1 Andrew. ■ I I I 1 Andrew. Anne. Jane. Dorothy. I Robert. ! Margt., h. of her mother Jane, h. of Thos. Flamook- of Cornwall. Maud.=j=John, s. & h. of Jo. Trevy- lian of Net- tlecombe. L. Gyles. Peter. John. H — I Agnes. Hugh. John. Baldwin. Bryse (Brex). 1 Andrew. Dorothy. This Pedigree is in the 1531 Visitation. 1 See Col., I. 244. 3 Harl. Soc. ix. 71. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 33 Hill, continued. 1573 has the following additions : — Giles Hill of Hounston,=f= Agnes (b. 1479) d. Rob. Brent (eet. 24 and more in 1493.) I of Cossington. I 2. Hugh.-r b. 1507. 3 dau. 3. John, o. s.p. 4. Baldwyn, cler. 1 m 1 5. Brysse, Jane, ob. Mand.=Jno. Tre- o. s.p. 1588. virgo, b. 1505. vylian of b. 1508. Nettle- — combe. Dorothy. 71 1. Robert, =j=Margt., d. and sole 6. An-^ 1 Margt., d. 1. Chris. ==Anne.=f=2. Lewis b 1503. I I I Giles. Peter. John. h. to her mother, d. thony. and h. Thos. Fla- mock [of Heligan] Cornwall. — r— I Agnes. Dorothy. rr~r John. Richard. Lewis. Sir Jno. Iladley. Morye of Brat ...(f). i — i rn — Arthur. John. Stukeley. Sipeon. George. 1. Margaret. =Hays. 2. Joan.=Pollard, (A) 1573 gives- Wm. Croftes.=j= Sr. Rich.=d. Sr. Joh. Barre. -1 Rich.=pd. Fox. i Sr. Joh. Rodney. =f= Ann. ~" — l Frances. Sir Walter of Stoke. I Amies. John Hill of Hounston=Margaret. Note. — See Pedigree of Hylle of Spaxton by B. W. Greenfield, privately printed, 1883. till Of Poundisford in Pitminster. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 50. Collinson, III. 287. Roger Hill of Taunton.=j= Alice, d. John Towse. 2 r - 2. Lucy, d.=Wm.=l. Agnes, 3 re- Ryves [Ryve] lictofHassard of Dor. [Hut- [Hansard], chins, iv. 96]. m 1. James. 2. John, o. s.p. 3. Hugh of Splot. —\ — r Jane. Margt. 2. Elinor, =f=2. Robert. =j=l. Alice, d. of d. Sir Jas. Marvyn [John]. Clarke. .J -J Mary. Eliz.=Wm. Symes [John Sinimes.] 1 Margt., d. Sr. John Moryce and widow of Sothee of Devon [Harl. 1559, fo. 56 b .] 2 Alice, d. of Joh. Towse of Som. by Joan, d. of Combes [1573 Convyne]. Joan married secondly, Sir Thos. Grenville of Cornwall, Kt. 3 1623 make.->Wm. marry 1. Ann, d. Joh. Trowbridge of Colyton, Devon. 34 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Ijabks Of Stogursey, or Stoke Codrcy. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 53. David Hobbes of-j-Maude, d. See Stoke Gussye. of Bristol. r _ 1 , 2. Arthur. 4. Nicholas. 3. Giles. Ann.=E. Popwell 1 [Wm. Pep- well]. [— Maude. =G. Hig- gins. Kath.=Hum. Michell. Thos. of Bromptou=j=Eliz., d. Webber Ralph, b. 1600. 2. David. 3. Silvester. [Webster]. 1. Edward. =f=Elinor, d. Mallock of Axminster. ~~r~r Jane. Ann. i Margt. Thos. of Bromp-=Mary, coh. Edw. ton Ralph. Batten of Bristol. ljJ%£JS Of Speckington in Yeovilton. Arms. — Sa. tht - ee crescents Or. on a canton Gn. a ducal crown of the second. Collinson, III. 200. Wm. Hodges of=pDionice, d. Wm. Raymond=2. Rog. Pulestlen, Speckington. of London, ob. 1598. ob. s.p. Ann, d. and h.=j=Wni, Burchinshaw 2 of | London, ob. 1600. Mn 1600 r~r i i Sara, aet. 15 Margt. 12 Susanna 9 Mary 4 The same family as Hodges of Lufton, nr. Yeovil. See 1623, p. 53. 1 Michael Pepwall of Bristol. See Pepwall Pedigree in Part II. 2 Burchinshaw, Dwnn's Visitations of Wales, ii. 300, 346. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 35 Urtrs^g Of Martin, Wilts. Arms. — Az. three horses' heads couped in armour, Or. Hutchins, iv. 427. 3. Edith, d. Lyte=j=John Horsey of=j=l. Isabel, d. Tho. Hussey of Shapyke [Shapwick, Dor.] [Hutchins, III. 162.] 6. Judith, (I. Lyte=pJohn Horsey of Lyte's Cary. | Martin, Wilts. r~ Anne. r~ Wm.=f=Dor. d. Joh. Lud- I low, of Wilts. Jone.=Thos. Woodshaw of Standlye. Bridget. John. Wm. Earth. This Pedigree is in the 1531 Visitation. ~Eliz. Thomas. Edith. Itflhtt Of Huntspil De la Hay in Huntspil. Collinson, II, 393. Arms. — Or, a fesse betw. three wolves' heads erased Sa. See Burke's Extinct Baronetcies. John Howe of=i=Margery, d. John Lewen r~ John of Huntspill. Huntspill de la Heist, Som. of London, gent., ob. 28 Mar. 1573. Anne.=Wm. Hilliard of ye Midell Temple. Suzanna. Judith. ijfltapn: Of Meryet. Arms. — Gyronny of 8, Or and Erm., a castle triple turretted Sa. 1. Agnes. =j=Tristram Howper of=j=2. Eliz., d. John Bustard j Blackmore, Devon. | of Adderbury, Oxon. r J L -n Richd. of Brook-=Agnes, d. and cob. John James of Mer-=Dor., d. Servington 1 of land, Devon. ChidleighofThorncombe. yet, Som. Langford, co. Salop [? Wilts. T. P.] The above is copied from Sir Thos. Phillipps' Visitation Som. p. 104. 1 See 1564 Devon, p. 188, and Hoare's Wilts, III. v. 27. Servington of Longford Castle in Britfcrd, ur. Salisbury. 36 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Howper, continued. This Pedigree is given below as it appears in Colby's 1564 Visit. Devon, p. 137. Arms. — Gyrcmny of eight Erm. and Or. a castle with three battlements Gu., port open. Agnes.=j=Thos. Howper of=j=Eliz., &. Bustard Blackraore, gent. of Oxon, gent. Richd. of Buckland,— Agnes, d. John Chudleigh als. Brookland, gent, of Thornecombe, gent. 1 James. Hitb&y Of Stowell, xr. Sherborne. Collinson, II. 379. Hutchins', II. 233. ABM8. — Arg. a fesse indented paly Vert, and Sa. cotised of the first, within a bord. engrailed of the second, in chief a mullet Sa. Sir Thos. [John]=f=Marg., h. J. Cole of Nitheway Hnddy. in Brixham], Devon. I ' 1 2. Alexr., o.s.p., of Gotheney Sir Jolin.=f=Eliz., h. Jo. Jewe 1 of [in Charlinch]. d. 1441. Whitfield, Som. r- John.^Eliz., d. J. Thornbury. John. Win., L.C.B. .j Margt.=Th. Bainham of Deane, Glos. Andrew. =y=Joan, d. Bnrnell of Poyntington, Som. Margt. Cath. .J Wm.= r Mary,d. R. Yard 2 of Devon [Bradley, nr. Newton Abbot]. i — r - John. John. Win. Richard.=pMary, d. Lyte of Lyte's Cary. 1 John Jewe of Whitfield in Wiveliscombe. Phelps' Somerset, I. 334. 2 1564 Devon, p. 215. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 37 A _J_ 2. Edm.,-i-d. K. Ogden 1 1573. I I I [Okcden] of Hants. John,= 1576. ■Eliz., d. G. Anke- 3. Ant toll of Aim or, Dor. [Hutching, iv. 513]. 1 1 1. Faith. 2.Lucy. Law. Hoo- per. Edmund. Ann. Joan. Christoph.=j =Eliz., d. J. Upton of Lucton in Brixhani. Ann. =Th. James of Devon. Ms i i i 1. John. 1 I 4. Hugh. i i i Lucy. — i I Eliz. 2. Gilbert. 5. Arthur. Ann. Gert 3.Christoph. Jane. Ma ry. = J. Westwocd of Dorset. Arms. — Arg. a fesse, indented, point in point, Vert, and Sa. cotised, counterchanged. Wm. Hoddey, mil.=j=Eleauor, d. Baldwin cap baro scaccarij. Malet mil. 1. Reignaldus,=j=Eliz , d d. in his fa- ther's lifetime. John Druham. 3. John Huddie= ofLangnam[1573 Langman]. 2. Wm. de Pillesdon, Do*. Tomasina.=Mich. Littel- cote. Eliz.=Rob. Strode de Porham [Parn- ham, Dor.] "1 John. =f= Jane, d. H. Gren ville [Greville] of II minster. 1. Hum. 2. Walter. Jane. Eliz. N.B. — Huddie of Stowell, Som., married h. of Cole of Netheway, Devon, from that family are descended the Huddys of Northover, Som., and of Pillesdon, Dor. 1 Berry's Hants' Genealogies, p. 329. 38 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Umttlqj Of Shiplade in Bleadon, Som., and op Milbornb S. Andrew, Dorset. Hutchins, II. 592. John Huntley of=j=Eliz., d. Rob. Hymer- 1 Shiplacl, Som. ford of Coker, Som. Edmonde=j=Kath., d. Wm. Knoell of S. of Sandford Orcas. 1. Wm. of =p Joan, d. and cob. ~1 Chedder, So 111. Sayer of Lapton, Som. [Laxton.] 2. John of Mel-=Edith, d. Giles bourne St. Andrews, Pennye of Co- Dor, ker, Som. L. Thos Kath. cVf fJWtt Of Muohblnby, nr. Langport, and of Wotton, Som. Akms. — 1. A man digging tinder a castle [Sir T. Phillipps] ; 2. Ar. a Hon ramp. Gu.; a chief, per fesse indented, of the first and Sa. (see Burke). Philip Hyett=f of Michelney. Robert of=f=Joan, d. John Balch of Street. r™ .J Horton [in Ilminster]. Thomas of =■= Alice, d. Tho. Codrington of Cod- Wootton, rington [in Wapley], Glos., by Som. ,1573. Mary, d. and h. John Caylway. N.B. — John Hyett of Street, will proved 1559 by Anne his wife. See Helmbridge Pedigree in Part II. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 39 Isfjam Of Ile Brewers, Som. Arms. — Vert, in chief a fleur de lys Or, betvv. three piles Arg. [Richd.] Roberta Isham of Salop. Roger of Ilbruars.=j=d. Balam. i r~\ 1 Eliz.=Strowde. Catli. Joan.=Forte. Ann. 2. Hen. 4. Thos. 8. Edw. 3. John. 5. Philip. o. s.p. 7. Thos. =j= Agnes, d. Devin 1. Wm. [Angell Be vine]. " I r~ 6. Hen.=f=Ann, coheir of Fogge Serj. Porter of Calais John [Thomas]. 1. Roger. 2. Christoph. 1. Edwd. 2. Henry. Anne. Itog 1 Of Donyatt, nr. Ilminster. Arms. — Arg. on a bend Gu. three oak leaves of the first. John Ivery of=f=Eliz. Dunyate, Som. I 1. John. I 1. John. 2. John=f=Mas?dalen, d. ffold 1573. of CalKa 2. John. 3. Thos. 1 Jurey 1573. 40 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Jap 1 John Jitye of Som. I i Rob. Strang=j=d. Norton by of 1 Jerks. d. Forster. 1 I Wm. Wosleye.=f=Kath., d. Rob. John. -^ Ann. Rich. Pulleyn=f=Margt.,d. Hiigh Thome of Bris- towe. H of Shropshire. r - Lowther of the Northe. 2. Eliz. d. Wm.=f=Bennett Jaye=j=l. Eliz., d. Ric. Woseley. of Bristowe. John. r~\ 1 2. Anth. 1. Robert. =j=Eliz., d. — Oliver 3. Fran. Fachell. Anthony. Pulleyn. 1 Jane.=Ric. Bell of Friswithe.=Ric. Marche. Farnham, Surrey. luttgsmtU Of Hants. See Berry's Hants' Genealogies, p. 44, and Burke's Extinct Baronetcies. Arms. — Arg. semce of cross crosslets Sa., a chevron Erm. betw. tliree fers de moline of the second, a chief of the third. John Kinsgnrill of Basing-=j=Jane, d. John Gyford, stoke, d. 1504. Esq., of Lshill. T" John of Sid- 1 mantonjlants. ■Constance, d.Joh. Mary.=pRich.,s. andh. Joh. Alice. =j=Thos. Bul- Gorynge of Bur- ton, Suss. i — r~ Wm. Rich. "1 — 1 — Roger. Jane. Waller and h. to Hampton of Old Stoke L. John Waller. Edw. Alice. This pedigree is in (he 1531 Som. Visitation. locke of Berks. issue. 1 For Jav of the Jay in the parish of Leint\v:\rdine in Salop and Herefordshire, see Sims' Index, p. 238, and* Hi23, p. 61. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 41 Of Sandford Orcas, nr. Sherborne. For Arms and Pedigree, see 1623, p. 123. Collinson, II. 378. Mare Kimball is Kimble Magna, Bucks. Harl. MS. 1445 makes Wm, grandson of Leonard, thus — Thos. Knoell.=T=d. Wm. Payne. 2. Thos. 1 Wm.=f=Joan Champneys. 2. Thos. Dorothy. =John Burnell of Poyntington, 1. Peter K.=f=d. Moore of Som. [s.p. his will prd. 1544]. \J/ Som. Leonard. =j= Jane, d.R. Baynard *Catherine.=Joh. Huntley of Lackham, nr. [Col., Ill, 207] Chippenham. of Soms. 1 I ■"" — I 1 *2. Wm. *Edw. ofOrcas,=i=Catherine, d. Rob. Martin Ann. Som. of Athelhampton, Lor. 2 , .1 Wm. Eliz. and 7 other daughters. * 1623 does not gi\e these. %t% ot Hzq\) [ox %n%t f 1573] Of Wells from Ley in Beer Ferris, Devon. Arms. — Arg. on a chevron Gules three martlets Or on a chief of the second a fess inscribed Or. Tho. Legh s of Legh, Devon. =j= I , l Wm. of Legh.=j=Margy., d. John Foorde [Fourd] of Devon. r -J- -i Thos. of Wells,=j=Alice, d. Tho. Calverton, Joan —J oh. Berkley of Kings- Som., d. 1551 [Col. III. 407]. of Southwell, Notts [she bridge, Devon [1573 d. 1606.] Backley.] Alice. =J. Erie [Kerle] Cath.=Joh. Coward Elinor.=Joh. Whiting, of Herefs. of Wells. 1 Of Shiplade, Som., and Milborne S. And., Dor. Hutching, II. 592. See p. 38. 2 See Hutchins, II. 582. 3 For that " dignous " family, Ley of Ley, sue Wtstcote's Devon, eil. 1630, p. 374. 42 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 4 Of Wells. Giles Linde of Dent, Yorks. J I Richd.=j=Eliz., d. Wm. Mason of Dente. I r -H 1. George. John of Wells=f=Ann, d. Edw. Knoell of Som. Sandford Orcas, Som. "-L.- Moiice, set. Frances. Sybill.=Ric. Tucknell. Blandine.=John Gilbert. 30, 1623. Copied from fcslr Thos. Phillippe, p. 112. This pedigree is given in 1623 Visitation, p. b'6, under the name of Land lofoU Of Frome Selwood from Tarant Rawson \ciVs Antiocheston 1 ], Dorset. Arms. — Barry nebulee of six Or and Gu. on the second five bezants. Hutchins, I. 325. Wm. Lovell of Taryntarmtigiston=j=Eliz., d. Wm. Twhynyho' 2 or Tarentan-tyocheston. of Fromselwoode, Som. i- — -n 2. John. 3. Marmaduke. 1. Wm.=f= Margarett. Edith. This Pedigree is in the 1531 Visitation. See Sims's Index, p. 249. tttttrdl Of Dunster. Arms.— Quarterly, 1 and 4, Or, a bend betw. six martlets Sa. Collinson, II. 10, 13, III. 498. Margt., d. Ld.=Sir Hugh, founder=pGwenlian, d. Yarde Daubney. of Dunster Castle. of Devon. Andrew.=j= A 1 From its ancient lords the Antiochs. See Hutchins, I. 325 who gives a pedigree. 2 See Twinyho Pedigree in Part II. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 43 A .J Sir Andrew. =j=Eliz., d. Hugh Courtney Earl of Devon byMargt.. d. Hum. de Bohun E. of Hereford. SirHugh.^Kath., d. Sr. Joh. Beam ont of Devon. Eliz. =j= John Stratton of Weston. _j Sir James. =j=Eliz., d. Sir Ph. Courtney=j=Hum. Audeley Eliz., d. =j= J olin Andrews of Powderliam by Eliz., d. Wa, Ld. Hungerford. r - (2 husb.) and h. of Baylham, Sufi. j_ Sir John. Eliz.^j=Jo. Sid- Anne.=Sr. Joh. Eliz.=j=Sir Th. nam. Suliard. Sir Jo. S. of Brimpton, Soni. Windi- sore of Stan well. Sr. Andrew. 1, Sir John. 2. George. Eliz.=Geo. Stewkley. Hugh, d. 1521.=j=Margt., d. John Hill. m Gyles, s. p. Eliz. 'I ~ Jane. Elinor. Sir Andrew,= d. 1547. Cicely. =Ric. "Rogers, son to Sir Jo. Rogers. Honor. =Edw. Abarough of Som. -Margt., d, SirThos. Wadham. Margt.=Piers Edgecombe of Devon. "1 Eliz.=l. Ric. Malet. =2. Sr. Geo. Speake. —\ Sir John made=jf=Mary, d. Nich. 2.Thos.=j=Margy., d. 3. Michael. =|=Jone, d. Kt. at Leith, ta- ken prisoner in Scotland 3 E.G. Sr. Ric. Griffin. Eliz. Dor. " 1 Mary. W. Copley. Hum.Whitte Hen.Shelley. of London. Chris. Hartley of Withy-' combe. Chris. Chaun- terell. i — rn — 1. Andrew. 2. Thos. 3. Hugh. "i — — r~i Eliz., s.p. Margt. Elimr. I 1 — I ! Ursula, 2. John.— Sister to Sr. George, -j= Joan, d. Hugh Mary. =Sir Rob. Strowde s.p. Amias Bam- 1575. field rn 1 1 ; — Hugh. John. Margerv.=J. Trevylian — of Xettle- Geo. combe. Stewkley. ofParnham,Dor. n Thos. of Kath.=PeterPyneof Dunster. East down, Devon. i ; — " — ; — 1 1 Sara.==Joh. Francis of Comb Flory, Som. Eliz. Sara. 44 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Inte' Of Lyte's Cary in Charltox Mackerel. Arms. — 1. Gules a chev. betw. three swans statant Arg. (Lyte). 2. A cross engrailed Sa. in the dex. chief an eagle displ. Gu. Thos. Lyte of=f=h. of Drue. Lytescary,Som. Collinson, III. 193. 2. Wm. 3. Wm. 4. Thos. 5. Edw. Johnof^Eliz., d. Joli. 6. Arthur. 1 L.C. r~ Mary.=R. Huddie* of Alice.=John St. Stowell [ nr. Aubyn. Templecombe]. Horsey of Mar- — tin, Wilts. [See 7. Geo. p. 35.] 1 Grace.=l. Stroud. 2. Lee of the I. of Wight. r- Edith. =Francis 2. John. 1. Agnes, d.=j=Henry,=j=2. Frances, d.=f=3. Dor. d. Bourne. J. Kellaway of Colyton [1573 rightly Col- lumpton.] d.1607, «3t. 78. 1. John, 3 o. s.p. — 1 — I Mary. Frances. .J Jane.=John Smith of Shouldam, Norf. r~r J. Tiptoft of London [1573 John Tipte.] Glover of Somerton. Ralphe. Gartrede. 2.Tlios.,d.l638. Hester. =Wm. Eel- — lain of 3. Henry. Xorthants. Henry, died young. *Note. — See "Lyte's Cary Minor House," written and published by Mr. Wm. George, of Bristol Arms and Pedigree 1G23, p. 72. UtaUt Op Enmorr. Sir Wm. Mallet, H.I.^Sarah. Lord of Shepton Mallet. I Collinson, I. 90. 2. Raynold [Raymond.] Wm. llcleuisa. Sybil. 1 Mabel. 1 1573 fays, 6. " Anthony, a gentleman usher." 2 For Huddy or Hody family, see Collinson, I. 210, II. 379, and ante, p. 36. 3 1573 makes this John son of the second wife. 4 1573 gives a dau. Florence, mar. to Hen. Meare. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 45 A H Baldwyn. I Wm. I Baldwyn, I John. I . Baldwin. I i John. I Baldwin. I John.=j=Eliz., d. Sr. J. Kingston. John de Valletort. ■ I Hu. 1458, of Wells, Som. John of Wells. =j=Elinor, d. Thos. PopweU of Devon. I~ 2. Geo. Thos. of Wells-i-Frances, d. Jo. Roynon of Bick- 1573. fold (in Compton Martin) 1 [1573 John Banian of Bikfford]. — I — I Joan. Eliz. John. 1 Roynon of Bickfold is corrupted into Bcuyon, Banian, &c. 48 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. I 1. Robert. Andrew. I Phillipe. I Thomas. I Robart. I Phillipe. Robart. I Robart. Jltamtssll Of Maunsel in N. Petherton. Phillipe Mauncell. I Phillipe. I l Collinson, III. 72. Humfry Le Caile. r~ Hunifrey=]=Mabel d. and h. Allen 1 2. John. I John. i Le Caile. le Furneux. Joan, d. and h.=j=Allen Beuin, 9 ( al. Kingston. I~" Henry, ob. ante patrern. I Henry. I John.=j=d and h. Phil. Longe mil. Alien Beuin, al. Kingston. r— J James de Kingston. I i ' Raphe de Kingston. L Thos. i Henry. "I Robert of Bury Grange, Bucks. I Hugh of Chich- ley, 6 E. II. Walter de Walia, mil. John. 23 E. III. Win. Richard of=f=Joan, d. Joh, Wm. de Kingston. John of Bury and Chichley. Mauncell. I Boncours. I i John of Mauncell. =p Agnes, d. and h. [See next pedigree.] John.=j=Joan, d. Savage. I John. JKamtstll Of Maunsel in N. Petherton. Collinson, III. 72. Arms. — 1. Gules a fesse and chev. betw. three gambes cut below the knee Arg. (Maunsel). 2. Sa. three leopards' heads crowned, Arg. (Beuin). 3. Gu. on a bend betw. six crosslets Or, a crescent for difference. Robert Maunsel. I Rob. 10 H. IV. I Wm. 1 Collinson, I. 262, III. 213, 532. 1 The Bath copy of Harl. MS. 1445 reads Brain of Kingston. Sims (Index, p. 249) makes this the same family as Kingston of Venue, given in 1623, p. 65. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 49 A .J Richard of Maunsel.=j=Joan, d. Joh, Boncoura. .J [See last ped. A] John.=j=Agnes, h. Wm. Kingston. r~r n Robert. Jane, <1. Thorn-=j=John Maunsel=r=Isabel, d. John Wm. bury. of Mauncell. r~ __i Weekes. Maude. Alice, d. Joh.=j=Marmaduke. 1 =Joau, d. Alex. Handy Weekes. of Bradford. 2. Robert. Joane.=Tho. [John] Johnof= Kemys. Maun- cell. I John. =Cath., d. W. Veel [Veil] Isabel. (Col., III. 272). Ann> ■Cath. d. W. Cooke [Croke]. I . ~ T~. L. "1 1 Richard. =j=Eliz.,d. Ric. iitzjames. Eliz. Cath. Jane. Alice. Agnes. Elinor. Philippa [Philip]. — rn r— i 5. Richard. Dowsabel [Donabelj. I — I — I 1 — I Rich., 1. John. 3. Wm. o. s.p. — — 2. Thos. 4. Marmaduke. 6. Philip. Mary Mmu Of Charterhouse Hidon upon Men dip. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 73. 2 Jenkyn Maye.-pd, Sr. Hugh Spencer. John of Melsam [Melksham], Wilts. r : J Robeit.=pAlice, d. Baker of Chipnam. r ■ L Robert of Charterhouse Hedon=f=l )or. , <1. Hugh, nppcn Mendipe, Soiu., 1573. | Mallet. r~] — 1. John. 3 2. Thos. M'ar«t.=»=Rich. Goodwill (Godwyn). — i — r Eliz. Sara. Collinson, II. 235. 1 Margt. Dor. Francis. Cicely. Rachell. 1 Inq. p m. 36 H. VIII. (Sir Thos. PhilKppe). - Sir T. P.'s copy reads Henry Horn/ of Sum. instead of Henry Fanmy (1623, p. 73) :i Sir T. P. gives 1. Robert. H 50 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Utidjdtt Op Gourney Street in Cannington. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 124. Collinson, I. 232. This Pedigree is in 1531 Visitation, which has the following additions. Isabel M.-f-Hugh Mallet of Cory- poole [in Charlinch]. r -*- T n Thos. Kichd. Eliz. 1573 has two additions — 1. Marg., d. John Fitz James of Redlinch the elder. 2. Richard Michell had a son Richard, ob. in Templo, London. it fftisekz Of N. Cadbury. Collinson, II. 66. Copied from Sir Thos. Phillipps, p. 1 f)2. Arms. — Arg. 2 bars Gu. in chief three torteaux. I 1 James de Newmarch, Anno 6 John brother, held N. Cadbury, ob. 17 John. o. s.p. I ; 1 John de ljotereaux.=Maud.=j=2. Nich. Moeles, Isabel la^=Rog. Russell. I had N. Cadbury. Roger, ob.=j= Alice, d. and h. 13 E. I. I Wm. Preux. i John, ob. 3 E. IT.=f=d. Ld. Grey de Ruthin. Nicholas, ob.=j=xMary, d. Sr. Hugh 9 E. II. j Courtenay. A VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 51 A Roger, set. 26 9 E. II, John, ob.= o.s.p. 19 E. IT. HE. III. ■Joan, d. ami coh. Rich. Lovcl of Castle Can. r* .J Wm. de Botreaux,=f=Isabel. Muriel,— Sir Thos. Courtenay. ob. 23 E. III. i Wm., ob."T»Eliz., d. Ralph Daubeny, by Kath., sister 15 R. II. andh. Thos. Thweng. oh. 12 H.VI Wm., oh. 13=f=Eliz., d. and h. John Thos. Ralph. John. H IV. dc St. Lo. L. Wm., ob.=f=Eliz., d. John, Ld. 2 E. 4. Beaumont Margt., d.=Sr. Kob. Hungerford,son ami h. of Sir Walter H. ItoUg its See Berry'a Hants' Genealogies, p. 249. Of Bridgwater, from Sandhall Heath, in Rockbowxe, Hants. Abhs. — Or, across moline 8a., in chief three leopards' heads erased of the last, a crescent for dirt'. Richard Moleyns of= Sandall, Hank-. r" .j William of-j-Emelyn, d. W. Walrond [Ellen Waldron Sandall | 1573] of Bove-y House, nr. Seaton. 3. Edw. 4. Rich. Robert of Bridg-==Ellen, d. T. 2. Humphrey. Eliz.=Th<». Winch- water, 1572. Holworthie. combe. 1. Wm. 2. John. 1 Moleyns of West Hall in Folke, Dorset, same aims [Hutcfeins, IX. 181]. 52 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. JKontatute < )i- Slow Court in West Camel. Collinson, III. 190. Partly copied from Sr. Thos. Phillipps, p. 151, and partly from 1573 Visitation Arms. — 1. A grirHn segreant. 2. Two talbots passant. 3. Arg. three fusils in fesse Gu. within a bordure Sa. See Collinson, III. 47-49. Simon de Montacute 18 E. I., had Chedzoy ex dono Regis. .J r "Win., ob.^Eli/.., sis. John 11 E. 2. de Montfort, Wm. [Marshall of Eng.] ob.=f=Kath. d. Wm. dc Grandison by E. III., IstE. of Salisbury. Sibilla, d. and h. of Tregoz. Wm., E. of=j=Eliz., d. & coh. Sarum, ob. 20 R. II. John Ld. Mo- hun. Sir John, d.=f=Margt., d. and before his | h. Thos. Ld. brother. Mounthermer. Edw., o. s.p. .J 1 ~ Wm., 0. s.p. slain=Eliz., d. Rich. by his father at E. of Arundel. a tilt at Windsor, 6 R. II. I Thomas, l^ean of Sarum. -~i Robert of Sutton Richd.of Slowi Som. Montague. Som. Slowe .J Sir John, E. of Sarum,=j=Maud, d. and h. Sir Adam Francis ob. 1 H. IV. of London, wid. of Sr. Allan Boxhull. Robert, i John. I Wm. of Slowe. .J l-'.linor, d. Thos.=j=Thomas, E.=2. Alice, d. Thos.=lsthusb. Sir Thos.of Slowe. [Edm.] Holland E. of Kent. of Sarum. Chaucer, ob. 1475. Joh. Phillips =Wm. de la Pole, I), of Kidder- of Suffolk 1424. minster. Alice, d. and h.=Ric. Nevill, E. of Salisbury. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 63 JHnors 1 Op the Priory in Taunton. ASMS. — Arg. two bars engrailed Az. betw. nine martlets Gu. Collin.sun HI. 216. r~ i—t Thos. Moore 2 of= Bagborougb. ._l 1. Eliz.,d. J.=|=Thos. ofTaunton,=f=2. Eliz. (Edith), d. Constable. d. 1576. ,_i W. Stukclev. 2. Geoff. Robert,™^. Bond of Pur- Florence. -=d. Edw. Courtney. 1573. beck [Hutchins, =2. Hum. Walrond. 3. Francis. I. 602]. Jane. 1 4. Jasper. Jttargait Op Witham Friary, Sum. Gregory [Geffery]= Morgan. J i //in. Edward of Chittern=j=Eliz., d. Daccombi All Sts. [Chitorne], Wilts, ob. 20 H. VIII. of Stepleton, Dor. [Hutchins, 1. '299]. "1 Jtthn.-—d. tj - //. Wm, Strode. r - P't<'i;iet. IS, 2. Philip of 1. John of Friary=j=Eliiior, d. Edward. 20 H. VIII. Wilts. [Fraery], Som., 1573. T\vyne :; < if Hants. .J Uorothy.— Wm. Hopton. The additions in italics are from Sir T. Phillipps's copy, p. 120. -~l — I — I — I Isabella. Eliz. Jane. Johanna. 1 A full pedigree of this family given in Hutchins, IV. '17. They were of Taunton, Heytenbury, Hawkchurch, Dorset, and Spargrove in Batcombe, Som. " Thos. More of Taunton, s. and h. to Thos. More of Blackburn (tic), 1681 Visitation. 3 Berry's Hants' Genealogies, 223. 157-3 says Frvmc of Hants 54 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. JUfotoit Arms and Pkdigkke 1623, p. 79. Of Swell, nr. Langfort. William Newton 5 of Cheshire. Collin.son, I. 66. 2. Agnes, d. Cuthbert= Claveshey. r~ Alexr. of Swell, =j=l. d. Wing- Som. field. I 1 1 Mary. — =W. Stephens 1. Cath., d. Poulets— J ohn of Swell=2. Joane,-' d. Try- [Stephen]. of Gotehurst [MS. and Withy- aek [Trade] of 1445 of co. Glos.] combe, 1 1573. Dunster. Jbtottftf Of E. Harftree. Arms. — Arg. on a chevron Az. three garbs Or. Collinson, III. 588 Sir Rich. Newton, burd.= at Yatton, 1449. =Emate d. John Hardy of London. Sir John, bur. at=pEliz., d, and h. Thus. Chedder, Yatton, 1488. | she d. 1498 [Col. III. 575]. 1 _ d. Brent.=f=Thos. =pd. Atkins. 1 i i Thos. Alex. (C) Richard.=j=Wilniot, d. Lau- — — rence Carvainell Wm. s.p. John. [Carvanille]. i r i 1. Alex. 2. Rich. 3. Emanuel. (C) 1573 says— d. Brent.=j=Thos.=f=d. Atkins. -J 1 i i i II I Alexr. of Richd.— Wilmot, d. Law- John, Thos. Wm., s.p. Sullolk. ranee Carvanille. 1 Of Sandell in Withycornbe, nr. Dunster. Colliuaon, II. 48. 2 She died Oct. 29,1612. 3 See pedigree of Oradock, al's Newton in Part II. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 55 r~ A J 1 Rie]icl.,=j=Eliz. St. (1. 1501. r" John. 2.ThQ8.- r Lucy (ob. 1501), tL— 1. H. Thos. Chokke. Thos. Hampton. =3. H. Sir Edm. Gorges. L [sabeL-pSr. Giles Joan.— Thos. Sir John^Margt., <1. 2. Thos. Capel. \l/ Griffan. burd. at Harptree, 1568. Grace.— Sampson Elinor.— Joh. Elyott Norton, of Herts. Maud. Sir Ant. Points. d. Sir Edw. Pennye. Gorge. Bridget. —Rich. Hanham [of Dean's Ct. Wiraborne, Hutchins, III. 231]. rrr" 2. Jolm. 3. Thos. Theopliila.— Wm.Butler. Jane,— 1. Cartwright. =2. Fitz James. Tlieodosia.=Sr. Thos. Man ners. 1. Sr. Thos.— Margt =2. Lord Southwill. Paget. r~r 4. Sampson. G.Francis, Sir Henry, b. =y=Cath., d. Dean of 5. Anthony. Winton. 1531, d. 1599, bur. in Bristol Cath. Sr. Thos Paston. r Sr. Theodore,=f=Penelope cL Sr. d. 1632. John Rodney. Sr. John, Bart. 1660, o. B.p.— Grace Stone. 1661, burd. in Bristol Cath. This Peligree out.iim addition; kindly supplied by Mr. B. W. Greenfield. Jtarrts Of Splate [or Plat, Sims's Index, p. 250]. Arms and Pkdiokeb 162-3, p. 80. See Westcote p. 026. John Norris of Wincke-r- Agnes, d. Gal- Devon ( Winkle igh). | hampton. r- 2. Win. of Milnerstone [Milverton], Som. n Richd.ofWincke, Eliz.— John Thomas Devon. of Collumpton. 56 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. r* John of Splate,=«jF"Petrone]la, d. John Passlow of Hor- Soni. wood, Devon [Paalew of Church Horwood]. r - Hugh 1 of Splate,=f=Joan, d. Clarke of 1573. Oky [ Wookey], Som. 1 Petronell. Philippe. "^John Fourde of CopenswelL i Petronell. Thos. Note. — Norris of Brodwoode, Devon, 1564 Visitation, p. 188. Winkleigh is near Broadwood. Op Oldmixon, in Huttox. Arms. — 1. Az. a battle axe Or erect Arg. handled Or. 2. Or. chev. Erm. between three griffins' heads eras'd Gu. beak'd Or. Rob. Caulx [or Caulexj.-f-Alica. Collinson, III. 591. Thos. Walter. T i Hen. 1 John. Joan. L. r~" "Win. Oldmixon of Oldmixon, Som. I r~ John. Humphrey Caulx. John. -] L. "~1 L. William.=f=Isahel, h. of II. C. 1 John. I — H- -i Henry. Win. "] Rirhd., o. s.p. i — r - 2. Win. 3. John. 4. Thos. 5. Geo. n Robert 01d-=j= Alice, d. Hy- pulian.=W. St. Cleere.- mixon. merford. I 1 1 John of Old-=j=l)or., d. Joh. Payne 1 Margt.=Arthur Mary.=Tho. Gyles of mixon. J of Christon, Som. Syden- Gileston, nr. ham. Cow bridge, Thos. Glam. 1 4 Eliz., the office of Clerk of tha Castle and bailiff of Taunton was granted to Hugh Norris and his 2 sons. Collinson, III. 228. 2 St. Clare of Stapleton in Martoek. Collinson, III. 7. 3 Collinson, III. 578. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 57 falmsr Of Fairfield in Stoke-Courcy. Collinson, I. 254. Of the family of Palmer of Angmering, nr. Arundel, Sussex, and of Packam [? Patcham], nr. Brighton. That part of the Ped which relates to Somt. copied from Sir T. Phillipps, p. 125. Arms. —Two bars gu. on each three trefoils Arg. in chief a greyhound courant Sa. Wm. Palmer of=j=Eliz., d. and h. Hugh Vernai Pacham, ob. 1586. of Fairfield, Som. 2. Sir Roger-=Dor., d. Th. Malet^Sir Thos. of Fair- Sarah. Grey. of Enmore. Cath. field, d. 1605. R. Smith. Th. Hooper. r* Wm., o. s.p. Peregrine,=f=Ann, d. Nath. Ste- 1652. ob. 1683. phena of Glos. -r - r~ Cath. Frances. Dor. _L 1. Thos. 3. Robert. r T i i Nathaniel,=j=Francis, d. Sir Wm. Cath. Eliz.=Sir John Wroth d. 1717. i ; Thos.,=Eliz., d. and s.p. coh. Sir Th. Wroth. Windham of Or- — chard Windham. Dor. of Petherton Pk. " l" "I Wm. Nath. Peregrine, =h. of Long- o. s.p. 1762. man. I Frances. Eliz. Rachel. Catherine. — I Ann Ann.=Francis x Rolleof Shap- wick (Somt.) ht |Mton Of Paulton, nr. Radstock. Arms. — Arg. six roses Gu., 3, 2 and 1. Collinson, II. 152. Oliver Dinant, 28 E. I. I John de Palton,= 20 Ed. II. r- r~ 1. ...=01iver,=f=2. Margt., d. and h. 1342. J Ric. Hydon. 1 — l Sir John, 24 Ed. III. Sr. Wm. Asthorpe.=j=Marg., d. and h. 2 dra nuns. | mar.^39 E. III. L _, 1 Robert, 49=pEliz., h. of Sir Wm. Asthorpe 2 of Camelerton Ed. III. | [nr. Radstock]. Inq. p.m. 1 H. IV. 1 Collinson, III. 427, and Westcote, p. 593. 2 Collinson, III. 330. 58 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. i Robert, 8. p., ob. 2 H. IV, A __l 2. Sir Win., ob.=j=Eliz. d. Sir J. Worth of Brompton Ralph, and h. of her brother J. W. [? Wm] Palton.^ I Joan, coh.=j=John Kelly, ob. 5 E. IV. " L. Agnes, coh,—Nich. St Loe, 1 28 II. VI. —\ Edith, d. and fa. The Palton arms are on the font of Batcombe Church [Som.] Paunaf00tt OP COiMPTON Pauncepoote, nr. Gastle Cary. Arms. — Per fesse Ass. and Gn. three fleurs de lys Or. Cbllinson, II. 76. Sir Gum-bald Pauncefoote.-pd. of Turbeville. I I ' Sir Henry. John, 9. Eel. II.=f=Alice, h. Sir And. Herle by the heir of Rous of Glos. Nicholas, 11 Ed. III. i Richard, 43 Ed. III. Thos., 13 H. rV.-j-AHce, h. of John Whitton. i AValter.=j=d. of Davera 2. Robert of West Ambrey=f=Elinor, h. of Th. Blantorde [Davies]. [W. Amsbury], Wilts. of Waylord, Som. [Blanch- forde of Bcrforde]. H L — a Sir Walter, 1 H. VII.=f=Thomasine, d. of John Bamfield. hliz.=Jas. Daubney. 2 I 1 1 Maude, coh.=Joh. Brent. Peter, o. s.p. Anne, coh.=John Whitinge. 6 H. VII. ' Of Newton St. Loe. Collinson, III. 342. 2 Of S. lVtherton. Collinson, II. 446, III. 107. VISITATIONS OK SOMERSET. 59 fafoktt Of Goathurst, xr. Caxxixgton. As given in 1573 Visitation. Asms and Pedigree IC23, p. S3. Sir John Pawlett of=f=Eliz., d. and h. Hen. Burton, t Alice, d. and h. Goathurst, Soni. Wm, Credy. John de r>osc(i. L. .J Thos.=j=Margt., d. and h. I John of G. I John of G. | r J John.=f=d. Kawlings. I I Wm.^Eliz., d. Walter 1 of Hants. John. — 1 — I — Joyce. rn — Petronel. Margery. Ursula. I Eliz. Edward of=f=Alice, d. G. 1573. Galuigdon. j Cicely, faluktt Op Hintox S. George, Som. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 83. Collinson, II. ICG. Sir John Poulet of=j=Eliz., d. Thos. Reyney 2 of Rowd, Wilts. l~ Sherston in N. Petherton. Sir John,=j=Eliz., d. Wm. Credy of Creedy [nr. d. 1378. | Crediton], Devon [Col. II. 166]. A 1 T\a1ler See Berry's Hants' Genealogies. I 2 Collinson, II. 166. GO VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. A 2. Alice, d. Bosco= Thomas. of Alberton, Devon [Col. It 73]. =1. Margt., d. Joh. Dune. 1 Win. Sir William, =j=Eliz., d. T. Denebawde* of Hinton S. Geo. Sir Amias,=j=Lora, d. Sir W. d. 1538. Kellaway of Roke- bum, Hants. Christian. =j=N. Chichester of Rayley [in Pilton, Devon]. John. "I—I John. Henry. Hugh.=p=Philippa, d. Sir L. Pol- lard 3 of Grylstead [Grylleston], Devon. L. -] 1 Anne. Jane. Eliz.=j=W. Careswell of Devon. Nicholas. This pedigree is in the 1531 Visitation, it is given at great length 1564 V. Devon, p. 167. fagtte Op Hutton, nr. Weston-super-Mare. Arms. — Gu. three crosses botonne Arg. on a chief Az. two escallops Or. Collinson, III. 591. John Payne. =pLady Jane Kelloway. Thos. 4 =j=EHz. [Sa. a bend nclmle Arg.] Thos. of Som. 1573.— Margt., d. Baynham. 1 See Collinson, II. 167. 2 Collinson, I. 63, II. 166. See ante p. 20. 3 Of King's Nympton. Sir L. P., b. 1465, m. Agnes, d. Thos. Hext of Kingston in the parish of Staverton. See Burke's Extinct Baronetcies. Grylleston or Griston is in Bp's Nympton. 4 "Pray for the soules of Thomas Pavne, squier, and Eliz. his wife, which departed the 15 day of August 1528." Col. III. 591.' VISITATIONS OF SOMERSKT. 61 fJatSttjtoit Arms. — Or, a Op Thorncombe, Devon (now in Dorset). of five lozenges Gu. each charged with an escallop Or, mullet for difference. John Penyngton=j=d. Bragge of Devon of Thorncombe. r~ .J (Col, II. 175). Rich. P. alias=f=Xtian, d. Joh. Partridge Towker. of Thorncombe. Mary.=Cozens of Crewkerne [Cossins]. " I Isabel. — G. Bernard of Otcomb [Gylles Barnard of Hecomb], 2. Margt., d.= Thos. Hooper of Poolham, Dor. 3. Leonard,= al's Towker of Taunton, 1573. I 1 " Joan. 3. Bernard. =1. Joan, d. W. Horsey of Taunton [Horsley]. 1 I 1. Leonard. 2. George. 2. Wm/= I - 1 1. Rich. 2. John. -"T"l Mary. Joan. Eliz. 1 1. Robert. Margt., d. Middleton of Islington. fbrribai Op Weston in Goroano, nr. CLEvriDnr. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 84. Colliuson, III. 172. Percivall (whose ancestors^ came out of Wales.) _i John of Weston Percival.=j= Agnes, sister and h. of Joh. Cav<;~ of Sidenham (in Bridgwater). Gorgan T" David. =t= Alice, h. of Moore, al. Bithe- more 3 of ISTailsea, Som. I" George. ==d. Bamneld of Poltimore, Devon. 1 1573 has Wm. P. al's Towker a twin, 2ndly Leonard. 2 See Colliuson, III. 87. For Cave pedigree, see Part II, 3 Bythcmorc of Nailsea Court. See Murray 341, and Colliuson, I. 18), 62 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. fbrgam Of Ftjlford, Devon*. Westcote, p. 584. Arms.— Gn. a chev. engr. betw. three leopards' heads Or [bat, according to Westcote, Arg. a chev. Sa. between four pears Gu.]. See 1564 Visitation Devon, p. 1G8. John Peryam.=j=Joan, d. and coh. Wm, Dodesham. I John. — I Alex. John. J Dorothy.===Courtney of Molland, Devon. ffopljam Of Alfoxton in Strjngston, and of Porlock. Arms. — Arg. on a chief Gales two bucks' heads oabossed Or. Collinson, I. 264. [1 573 Richd. of Olffbxton]. Thos. Popham, Rie. II I 2. John. 1. Richard. r~" John of= Porlock. •Margy., d. Hamden [Honn dens] of Dorset. I — ~. J Joan, h.,=John, St. Aubyn d. 1493. (Rich.). 2. Wra. 1. Walter of-f-Agnea, d. Wm. Hatch of Aller (or Alder) Porlock. [Aller in S. Mo] ton], Devon. Walter of=Eliz., d.Nich. Berry of Porlock. Berrynarhor, Devon. — I Alice.=Alex. Xott [Xatt] of Devon. 1. Rich. 2. Walter. Jane. Eglyntyne. In MS. 1445 there is another Pedigree of Popham of Huntworthy in N. Petherton, but it is the same as those in 1623, pp. 87, 124. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 63 $0pljam Sec 1623 Visitation, p. 124. 1573 Visitation has this Pedigree with the following additions and alteration- Walter de Kentesbere^ [Collinson, III. 71]. •Julian, d. and coh. Jordan Ruffus. Sr. Walter. — Sibell. p. 124, 1. 14. Hugh l ) opham.== Alice, d. Wm. Brent. p. 125, 1. 2. John Popham.— Isabel!, d. and coh. Thos. Knowell (see ante p. 41). p. 125, 1. 15 Eliz. Popham.—Rafle Ware. fjottman Of Orchard Portman, nr. Taunton. Arms and Pkdigsee 1023, p. 126-7. Collinson, III. 275. Sir Wm. Portman of= Orchard, d. 1556. =Eliz., d. and h. Joh. Gilbert, (see Part II.) r - Sir Henry, = d. 1590. =Joan, d. Th. Michell, of Cannington. Sir Hugh, d. 1603. Sir John, d.=f=d. Ld. Keeper 1 1607. Puckering. Sir Henry, Kt. and—Ann, d. Wm. Bart., d. 1624, s.p. E. of Derby. 1 Sir John. 1 This Pedigree ditlers somewhat from that in 1623, p. 127. In the latter there is no mention of Puckering. [Sr. John Puckering, L. Keeper 1573]. Burke says Sir Jolm=Amu'. d. Sr. H. Gifforrl 64 VISITATIONS OF SOMEESET. fjtotose Of Old Cleeve, nr. Dunster, Som. FOR Arms and two Pedigrees see 1623, p. 89, and Collinson, III. 562-3. John Prowse (a younger brother of Prowse= of Chagford 1 ) of Oulclcliff, Som. 'Ajnies. George. 2 =j= Joan, d. John Duffield of Clyffe. .J r— i 2. Conant. 3. Andrew. Wm. of 01dcliffe.=j=Joan, d. John Michell of CliU'e. _i_ "TT 4. Geo. 5. Wm. 1 — John, s. &h. n i Margt. Jane. ■~1 — I Joan. Elinor fgk Of Pine's Ash in Martock and of Moorlinch, nr. Bridgwater. Arms. — Per pale Az. and Sa., over all three crescents Or. Collinson, III. 7. Sir Rich. Pyke, living 8 K. II. I . Thos. I Hugh, 3 H. VL-pEliz. r J Thos. I John. I i r William of More-=j= Alice, h. of Thos. Bo wring of Bowring's linche, Som. | Leigh [in W. Alvington], Devon. A 1 See Visitation of Devon 1620, p. 223. a Will proved 1553, Joan died before her husband. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 65 I 1 Robert. =j=Eliz., d. Thornhill. 1 2. Stephen. ^Dor., d. J. Cuifc [Cuttsj. r- Thos. of Mor-=j=d. Sir John John of Bridg-=Jane, d. R. Francis. Eliz. linche. I Stowell of water 1573. Castehnan. =■ Cothelstone. Jerome 1 Jones. Eliz., heir.=j=Jas. Aleighe. 2 2. Wm. Thos. Eliz. |3imittt£ Of Brymorb in Cannington. Collinson, I. 234. Arms. — Sa. a bull's head couped Ar. enclosed in a wreath Or. and Az. (Pym) Arg. on a chevron Sa. betw. three trefoils of the second, three mullets Or ( Dodesham). Wm. Pynime. I r - Elias.=j=Matilda, d. Geoff, de Brymore. Roger. (d. 1349) Roger 12 Ed. II. Joh. Farway.=j=Matilda. Hen. 26 Ed. III. Peter Trivett 3 .=pJoan. .J , I r Philip, 40 Ed. III. John. 4 (d. 1480) Wm. Doddesham^Joan, d. | I [Col. I.235]ofCannington. | 1472. —J , _! , : I Roger. =j= Joan, sis. and h. Peter, s. p. Wm., d.=j=d. Walles[of Woolavington, Col. of Peter Trivett. 1470. III. 438]. [Erm. a bend Sa,] H i H n Philip,=pJoan. Ric. Gilbert of Wool-=j=Elinor, John, Joan,=John Periam 1471. avington, Som. coh. s.p. cob. (see p. 62.) — i r- Roger. =f=Joan, h. Gilbert (see Part II). A 1 Thornhullof Thornhull in Stalbridge. Hutchins, IV. 417. 2 Of Cornwall. Harl. Soc, IX. 1. 3 TRIVETT ok Chilton-Tkivkt in Cannington. Arms. — Arg. a trivet within a bordure Sa. Collinson, III. 89, 92. 4 Of Sidbury, Devon, a younger branch of Trivet of Durborongh. Collinson, I. 234. K 6C VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. A ..J Thomasin, d.=j=Alexr. of=Eliz., dL Rob. Gilbert Steynings of Honicote. Brymore, of Witcombe [in Cor- el. 1492. ton Denham]. Reginald. =j=Mary, d. Sr. Th. Dabridgcoart.i Erasmus (will=y=Cath., d. Ed. Bamfield pr. 1582-3.) of Poltimore. Joan (d.— Leonard Tilley 1577.) (will pr. 1565). I n 1 1 2. Wm. 1. Eliz. d.=rAlex.=j=2.Pliilippa,d. Mary.— 1. Ed. Arthur of Bridget. John Con- Hum. Colles. Clapton in = yers. Gordano,Som. H. Moleyns ==2. Thomas. of Dorset. [Gil. a chev. [Ilutehins, betw. 3... Or.] IV. 181.] r" _j L. Cath., set. 6,==W. Cholmonly Joanna, set. 1583. of Higate. 2, 1583. John. 2 fane Of Cathanger in Eivehead. Aims. — Az. a fesse betw. three escallops Or. Collinson, I. 42. Richard Pyne.=j=Alice, h. of R. Percye of Sbaftsbury, by Mar- garet, d. and h. of Robert Bathe, 22 R. II. i f 6 L. Wm. I Wm. of T)ittes-=y=Ann, cob Wm. ham, Devon. | Ruder. :t 1 Berry's Hants' Genealogies, p. 71. 2 John Pym, the famous member of the Long Parliament, son of Alexr., was born 1584. 3 A saltire betw. four crosslets Az. (Shilston). Arg. on a canton Az. six martlets, 3, 2, 1, Or (Ruder). "Wm. Shilston (see Westcote, p. 581, and 1564 Devon, p. 205). L _, John. I Thos. Ruder. =j=Isabel, heir to John Shilston. L 1 Thos. I John. Wm. l Ann, coh.=Wm. Pvne. Eliz., coh.=Rich. Tokerman, VISITATIONS (>F SOMERSET. 67 2. Win.— A John Toser. n 3. Henry. 4. Robert John of Meriet, Som. 1573. r~ Dor.=And. Speake. Mary.=Barnard Langford. •Julian, (1. Joh. Towse of Swell by Agnes Newton. -1 Amy. 1. Thos.=Amy, d. Hanhiim. I 7—1 ' 1 1 Marg.— Rth. Jones. Frances. =John Marshall. 3. John.=Jone, d. Leigh. _L 2. Hugh, (d.=j= Mabel, d. H. Staverton " I 1628) of Lin- coln's Tnn. by Cath , d. Reg. Wil- liams. 1. Mary, d.=4. George=^2. Agnes, Farrant. of Curry Malet. I Christabel. Arthur=Grace, d. Rob John, of=j=coh. Han- of Cat- Bailey of Elsen- Curry Mal- SirEd. Wyiut- hanger, ham Hall, Bun- let 1668. ham. mow, Essex. ham of Wimborne. 1. John, set. 35, 1668. 1 2. Arthur. 3. Francis. d. Kate. I 1 2. Valentine. 3. H\im. 1. \Villiam=j=Honor, d. Rich. of Baltons- borough, Som., set 70, 1668. Geo. Legg = of Mem- Eliz., coh. bury,Devon. Jos. Gallant of Staff Ann. Thos.Harvy. Valentine. 1 — I I'.enj. L. 1. Arthur, 2. Geo. a-t.33,1672. Xath. Hugh. 3. Wm., act 30. Note. —The latter part uf this Pedigree is found only in MS. 1445, fo. 202 (Sims' Index, p. 250). (^mck Of Wkstmonkton, Som. Arms. — Sa. a chev. vaire, Or and of the first, betw. three griffins' heads erased of the second. John Quick of=pCicely, d. Thos. Whiddon of Chag- Sandford, 1 Som. | ford, Devon (Westcote p. 581V .1 J Richard uf Sainlfurd.=j=Eliz., d. John Bydwell. J r~ John 2 of Westmonkton.=f=Joano, d. Thos. Shalder of Wellington. I I 1 1 2. John. Humfry, s. and h. Pmllippe, Alice. 1 1573 Visitation describes this John as of West Monkton in co. Southampton. 2 In 1573 John Quick of ltendy in Oake bought Westmonkton. Collinaoh, III. 451. 68 VISITATIONS OF SOMEKSET. itaftbarti Of Lambrooke, nr. Ilchester. Arms. — Or chev. betw. three bulls statant Sa. horned and tailed Ar. John Radbard.=j=Mary, d. Koynon of Som. I — Agnes. r~ i ; Wm. a priest, John. Alice. Pettard [Perored]. Balch. Walter of=Dor. d. Allerl573. Claveles- leigh [see p. 15]. Collinson, III. 415. 1 Gertrude. Wa< r .c[ett. 5. Blaze of=Cicely, d. and Westover. 1 h. to [Hues] of Wiltshire. 2 1 1. Kich.=|=Alice, d. N. I Fitz James. 1. Mary. 2. Alice. .J Halrfgb Of Nettlecombe, nr. Dunstek. Arms. — Chequy, Or and Gu. a chief Vair (of Raleigh, co. Devon). Simon Raleigh, 14 Ed. I.=pJoan. . I Collinson, III. 536. Sir John, 40 Ed. III. r - ._j John, d. 46=plsmania, d. and coh. Simon=j=Sir Joh.Ikirgherth, 1 Ed. III. Hanaps or Hanning, oh. 8 H. V. ob. 15 R. II. r~ _L ~1 L. " ! Thos.of Simon, d.—Jane, d. Joan (heir-f=Johu Walis- Maud, a Xettle- 18 H. VI, 33 H. VI. toherbro- burgh, 4 d. 5 coh. ob. combe, s.p. ther). H. V. 436. "Thos. Chaucer (s. of Geof. the Poet), b. 1367, d. 1434. r Thos. W., d.=j=Maude. h. of r - .j 21 E. IV. Wm. Bowes. Alice, 5 on]y=j=Wm. de la Pole D. of child, b. 1404. N ^8uffolk, ob. 1450, a?t, 54. Isabel, h., mar. 1453.=j=Joh. Trevylian 6 of Nettlecombe, I John Trevylian. 1 Westover in Di-ayton, the will of Blaze R. proved Mar. 5, 1576-7. 2 Visitation of "Wilts 1623, p. 46, edited by Dr. Marshall, F.S.A. 3 For Burghersh, see Col. III. 352. 4 See Coll. III. 538 (Whalesborough of Whalesborough, nr. Stratton, Cornwall) and 1564 Devon, p. 198. * Alice Chaucer.=l. Sir John Phelip.=2. Thos. de Montacute, E. of Salisbury. She died 20 May 1475 [from Mr. Creenfield's M.S. Notes]. She mar. the D. of Suffolk in 1430. 6 For Trevylian pedigree, see 1623, p. 112, and Col. III. 539. They take their name from Trevehan, in St. Veep, nr. Fowey, Cornwall. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 69 Of Mudfoud Toruy is Mudford. 1 Arms. — Arg. a fess Gu. label "f five points Az. John do Ramsey,*- 27 Edw. I. Walter, 7 Ed. IlJ.-pCath., Lady of Orelad [Orchardleigh, nr. Erome. Hutching, IV. 426]. i ' J ohn.=j= Margery, d. 47 Ed. III. Sir Walter, 5 H. IV.=j=Alice, d. 6 H. IV. I I ' Thos.,d. 1H. IV. =r —\ Marian.^Tho. Bingham. Sir Thos. 8 H. V.-i- Walter, 7 H. VI. Joane, h.=Tho. Kelway. Joane, h. Thos. Payne. Eicl)m0Utt& Au...s. — Gu. two bars gemelles, a chief Or (according to Burke, these are the arms of Richmond of Highead Castle, Cumberland. See Sims' Index, p. 59). Richmound.=f=d. Phillipes. , I Richmound.=f=d. Hipsley. John.=f=d. Langton [quarterly Sa. and Or. a bend Aig.] 1 _, 1. Riehd.»=f='Kath., d. Jane 2. John.=Margt., d. 3.(ieo.=d. Edw. Mai v. Becher. Bradston. 3 Holliday. 3 = Ed. Brad- ston. - l ! rn rn John. 2 sons. 2 dans. 1 Mudford Torry a manor in Mudford, formerly owned by the Komsey famiiy. Collinson, III, 221. 2 (Bradston) Arg. on a canton Gu. a rose Or. (of co. Glos. See Burke's Arin>ury\ 3 (Holliday) Sa. three helmets Arg. a tardive engr. Or. (or HalUday. See Burke's Armoury). 70 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. JU&twn Of Rodney Stoke, nr. Wells. Arms and Pedighee 1623, p. 93. Collinson, III. 603. Sr. John Rodney of Stoke=f=Anne, d. Sir Gifford, ids. Stoke Rodney, d. 1526. J as. Croft. Sr. Walter, &■ hefore his fa- fcher in 1521. Eliz. 1 =Thos. Powtreii [of Derbyshire. Sims' Index, p. 65]. =Eliz., sis. Sr. Wm. Compton. 1 Geo., d. 1580, «t. 30, 2 s, ,1). ~l Ann<'. 1 =Xich. Powtreii. Kliz. l ^=John Claxton. John of Stoke=t=Anne, d. Ld. Mor- ■~i Gifford. dant, wid. Sr. Mich. Fisher. Ann. 1 =Sutton of Aram [Averham, Notts]. L- Morris, of S. G.=f=Joan, d. Sir d. 1587. Thos. Dyer. i — i — 1. Henry. 3. Geo. '"I — I Jane. 2. Thos. Dorothy. Of Bradford, nr. Taunton. Jenkyn or John Rowswelh of Bradford, nr. Taunton. Richd. of=f=Alice, d. Sellie of Curry 2 Bradford. [Selley of Surrey']. A Thos. 1 Sir T. Phillipps' copy seems tu make these daughters of Sir John and Ladv Anne Rodney. - Ceelyu of North Curry, Somerset, See 1623, p. 133. VISITATIONS OF SOMF/RSET. 71 .lane.=Tlio. Fovvaker Adam., o. 8.p. of Som. 2. Tilley.=Win.=f=l. Fontncys. (A below) I 1 — Richd. ofyAgnes, d. Ric. Dyer of l Wm., Solr. to Qu.=j=Eliz., d. Mat. Dale, wid. Bradford. r~r~ Geo. Alex. r~ Wincanton, Som. Eliz., ob. 15G5. (B) | to Greg. Isham. .r. — William. Poynings. 1 — i 2 dans. (?) ■I — I — Peter. Augustine. Eliz.=Thos. Darby of Staley in Som. — 1 Kath.=John Hill of Bradforde. Rich, of Wasterne =j=Margt., d. Job. Bayley, Thoniazine.=Tho8. Tiken -loan. Wilts, 1573 [Vas- terue Sims' Index, p. 306] of Wasterne. of Colliford, Devon. — ^ ! — ] r j—j j John, s. Ann. Eliz. Brjdgett. Dorotby. and b. — — Mary. Jane. Untostoli Of Dunkerton and of Englishcombe, nr. Bath. Collinson. III. 341. Arms. — Per pale, Gu. and Az., over all a lion ramp. Arg. bearing on his shoulder a crescent for difference. Richard Rowswell of=j=d. Selley of Surrey Bradford, nr. Taunt mi. (A) [North Curry]. (B) John. 1. Joan, 1573. MS. 144"> says "ancestor to the Queen's Solicitor." See next Pedigree (B). 2 For Hippisley, see 1(J'2:J, p. 52, and Part II. 72 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. [1623 Som., p. 122]. Of Kingston Russell, Dorset. See 1564, Devon, p. 116. and Hutching, II. 189, Arms. — Arg. on a chief Gu. three bezants [Russell]. See 1623 Visit. Som. p. 42. Ralph Russell. =j=Isabel, d. and li. Jas. Newmarch. James. I I Sir Wm. 1 Robert. ._i Radus, os. p. r~ Theobald. =j=Elinor, d. and h. Sr. Raphe Gorges. I , 3. Theobald R.=T=Marg., d. Th. Beauchamp of Hache, Som. n al. Gorges 10 H. VI. Sr. Raphe. «r»IsabeL 2. Wm. .J Isabel d.=j=Maurice, 2ndly=j=Joan, d. Stradings. Brune. | m. Eliz. I" -I Thos. Gorges.-- Isabel. 1. Giles Den-=Margt. =2. John Sir Thos. L_ nis, Kt. Reines. "1 Jane, d. Jo. Haggs LElaggs].=f=Theobald.=f=Jane, d. Hankford. (Westcote, p. 483.) I— Rich. Gorges. Margy., o. s.p. Edm. OldalUyd. Sr. Hen. Englishe. r - _J Sir Wm.=j=d. Ld. Willoughby, | 2ndly to Skipwith. I Walter Gorges. =f=Mary, d. and h. Sr. Edward.==j=Anne, d. J. Howard, D. of Norfolk. 1 Isabel.= John Lege I John, s.p. Edward. Nicholas. Thomas. Margaret. Juane. Margery, I ' 1 1 1. Edm.=r=J. Sr. Jo. Welshe 2. Wm. T Winifred, d. Rog. Sr. Ed\v.=j=d. Sr. Ant of Glos Budokshide. 2 | Poyntz. L_ r~ I ■ r-r— 1 — "1 1. Edwd.=Cicely, d. Wm. 2. Rob. Tlmrstan. Sr. Thos.=j=Helen, d. Geo Ligon of Wor- cestershire. 3. John. Francis. Swanden and Marchioness of Northampton. ~ 1. Sir Edw. of 2. Sr. Arthur. =Eliz.,d. H.Clinton, 3. Sr. Ferdinando. Eliz Langford, Wilts E. of Lincoln. Frances. 1 Arms of Oldehall. Gu. a lion ramp. Erm. - 1564 Visitation of Devon, p. 26. Westeote's Devon, p. 465, VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 73 >t ^ubntt ( )f Alfoxton in Stringston Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 96. Collinaon, I. 26 1-7. John St. Anbyn=f=Jone, d. and sole heir Rich. of Alfoxton. Popham of Alfoxton. John of A.=p=Eliz., d. and coh. Job. Trevyt of Chilton in Cannington (see p. 65, note 3). L John of A.=j=l. Cicely, d. Johu Hymerford 1 of Coker, Som. — n Richard. I 1 i n rrTT" Geo. of A.=f=Margt., d. John Acland of Hugh. Mary. Acland[in Landkey, Devon]. — "~i — i Eliz. Gyles. Welthyan. Eleanor. ""1 2. Andrew, s.p. 1. J ohn,=j= Alice, d. Joh. Light Robert. Jone. 3. Gyles. ob. 1573. of Lytes Cary [in CharltonMackerel]. John. Margt. \—r-\ 1. John. 2. Launcelot. 3. Arthur. 1 — | — | — — 1 — p-r 4. Tristram [Thnrstanj. Mary. 5. George. Grace. 6. Edward. Winifred. This Pedigree occurs in 1581 Visitation. Cicely. Jane. Frances. A i:. \rs. — Chequy Arc;, and Sa. Of S. Brent, Som. Robert St. Barbe. I Robert. I Rich. 32 Ed. I. Collinson, I. 199. 1 There is great confusion here. Phillippe says d. John Sanford. 1573, John Emmerford. I believe the text is right. See Helmbridge Pedigree in Part I [. ■' A fuller Pedigree is given in Berry's Hants' Genealogies, pp. 2-6. This should be compared with that. The words in square brackets are from Berry. 74 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. A I Rich. r~ «7ohn,=j=Margt., sister and li. Sir Hugh Longland. Rich. Isabel. =f=Wm. Stradlinge [of | St. Donats, Glam.] L_ Joan.=f=Ric. Derborough. I " I r _j Thos.=j=Jane, »1. Rio. Havocourt. Sr. Edward. .)oan.=j=Alex. Hadley. i John [living=j=Jane, d. John Sidenham Henry. John Hadley. 14601. of Brimpton. [" Richd.=y=Margery, wid. Hum. 2. Thos =j=Cicely, d. Thos. Butler [Boteler]. Grey of Westbrooke [Withybrook, Warw.] Hugh, o. s.]>. L _ ^ Thos. Henry [ob.=j=Elinor, d. Edw. Lewknorof Wm. of the=f=Mary, d. I 1 Thos. Geo. 1567]. r - Ursula.=l. Rio, Woreley. =2. Sr. Fran. Wal- singham, Sec. to Qu. Eliz. I — 1 Frances. =FrancisYarde. Edith.— Rob. Bealc,Clk. of the Council. Kingston Bowsey, Sussex Privy Cham- (als. Kingston -by-Sea). ber to Qu. Eliz. Dor.— Ste, Michell. Margt— Wm. Cloothe [Cooke]. 2. Wm. 5. lien. Rol). Lit- tellofBray, Berks. I l 4. Tli ns. 5. Sam. 1 p— , — Barbara. 6. Geo. 7. Rich. Edw.— Christian, <1. Wm. Bes- wick, Aldn. of London. r~ .j Edwd. of Astington, nr. Sherborne 1 in=j=Franeis, d. Win. Flem- Jane. Geo. Colsell [Caste! 1 of Sur- rey]. Som. (Ashington, Col III. 213; [ob. 1592]. inge, Esq. [of Broad- lands, Hants]. Francis (son). Grace. 4 Ashington, Somerset, nr. Sherborne, Dorset. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 75 ^alistan Of Cathanger in Fivehead. Amis. — Gu. a lion ramp. Arg. in chief a mullet betw. 2 crescents Or. Collinson, I. 42. Sir Thos. Salisbury of Denbighshire. Sir Roger of-pEliz., s. Sr. John [? Cr]owney. Pulesdon. John Walshe of=j=Jane, sister Sr. Catanger. 1 Dav. Brooke. r~\ ' 1 1 1 Thus., o. s.p. Sir John.=y=J;ine, d. Middel- 3. Nicholas.=j=Agnes. ton of Chester. 2. Foulke. John, d. before his father. Sir John. 2. Henry. Geo. of Cat-=j=Jane, d. Geo. Alice. anger 1573. Edwaye [Heway]. Edw.=p 4> John Pittes. Agnes. Win. Spilman of Swarling, Kent. •arabonw Of Timsbury nr, Bath. Collinson, II. 112, 220 See 1623, p. 97. A copy of this Pedigree has been added to Harl. MS. 1385 (1573 Visitation) in a fifty years' later hand than the rest of the MS. i r \v ' J. W.'s will proved 1572 by Geo. Salisbury. 76 VISJTATIOKS OF SOMERSET. ^ibcrougb Of Porlock. Arms. — Arg. a fesse cngr. betw. three ibexes p\«s. 8a. Eliz. John Sedboroughe. r - Wni.=f=Joan, h. of Thos. Ahratton. Humphry of Por-=|= Agnes, d. Thos. Spencer lock, Som. [1573 Spurier]. 1 . John. 2. Walter. Agnes. >itoljam Of Brympton D'Everuy, nr. Yeovil. AkmK— Arg. three rams passant Sa. Collineun, III. 214. Walter Sidenham. John, 1st Ld. Stourton. .j John = Agnes. I John Stourton =f=d. and h. of Preston Plucknett. Payne. Win., L. Stourton. Edith. =f=Sir John Beauchamp. r" .J John.=i=Alice, d. and h. 1. Si. 01iver=Mar£t.— 2. John Duke Alex. St. John. of Somerset. "~ 1 Joan. Walter of=f=Margt., d. Marcell. Richard. =r=Joan,d.Cam- d. Popham. = Brimpton. John St. Barbe. Sr. Rob. Harcourt. J ohn Lar- der. si/ brey of Den- bighshire. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 77 A I Sr. John. I Tohn.-f-Eliz., d. Sir Hugh Awdeley. i i r~ T 2. Geo. Eliz.=Ric. Bam- field =Anne, d. Sr. Billes [Gyles] Bridges sister to John Bridges. _ , , Sir John.=Eliz., d. Sr Araias Annc=Alex. Si- l'awlett. denhamof Earlston. Mary. n =John Fitz [of Fitzford, nr. 3. Walter. =f=d. and cob, Lawrance Tavistock 1564 Devon, p. 96]. of Lawrance. J_ l 1 John iitz. 1. George.-f- 2. Walter. si/ £$&mbam Of Winpoed Eagle, co. Dorset. Hutchins, II. 703-5. From Sir T. Phillipps, pp. 139, 140. 2, Kichd. of Brimpton, Soni. ! i 3. Thos. of Winford=j=Alice, d. Thos. Stephens Eagle, Dor. of Winford Eagle. r~ Thos. =p Jane, d. and h. Win. Speake - Eliz.— Ellis Holcombe of Dulish, Som. of Devon. i r 1 1 1 1. Richard. =f-Jane d. Moore of 2. Chris. 3. Henry. 4. Thos. Joan. Moorehayes, Devon. T 1. Thos. =f=Eliz., d. Sir Thos. 2. Geo. Ursula. Fulford. — Thomasin. "I Agnes. r i Wm., set. 30.=j=Mary, d. Sr. John Jefteray of Catherston, Dorset. I 1 1 1 1 1. Win., set. 8. 2. Francis. Mary. Eliz, Martha. 78 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. j&itenljam Op Aller, kr.. Langport. Arms. — 1623, p. 100, mullet for difference. John Sydenham. =y= J one, d. andh. John Sturton of Brimpton. I™ ~ I 3. Kichard Sidnam-pJane, d. Camhray 1. "Walter. 2. Alexander, of Aller. n 1. Christoph. 2. Andrew. of Denbighshire. 4. Thos. [of Win- ford Eagle, Dor.] I — T" 2. Rich. 3. Geo. 3. Win. =j= Agnes, d. Worth of Washheld 1 [1564 Devon, p. 212] John of Lang-=j=Cath., d. Th. ford Budville, Som. Newton of Swell. ~1 1 . Cath.=Hambridge Ehz.^14. An- of Exeter. drews. m ' n n 1 1. Nicholas. Thomasin. Mary. Agnes. 2. Hum. Julian. Joan. tonwradt Of South Brent nr. Bridgwater. Aims. — Or, on a bend V. three mullets of the first. Walter Somersett.=r= Collinson, I. 200. r~ Wm.=f=Isabel, d. Thos. Brent of Huntspill. John of [Brett]= S. Brent 1573. =Maude. d. Win. Millwarde 2. Edmund. 1. John. John S. d. 1663-4. Collinson, I. 200 1 Christian. 1 Simon Worth of Worth in Washfield. or. Tiverton, will proved 1564 (same family). VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 79 >iato£ll or ^t0httir Of Cothelstone, xr. Taunton. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 106. Collinson, III. 249, 445. Sir Thos. Stawell of=j=Elinor, d. Sir Rich. Martyn of Martin, Cothelstone, Som. Devon (Westcote, p. 594). r~ Walter. =j=d. and h. Farraway of Penneland, Cornwall [Penliellam 1573]. Robert. =j= Eliz., d. Job. Wadhani j of Merrifield, Som. r~ Edward. =f= Agnes, d. Joh. Cheyney of Davye. Pyn, Devon [Pynhoe]. H Robert. =j= Anne, d. and coh. John Seymour | [St. Maur] of N. Molton, Devon. Johiv "~i =Dorothy, d. 1. W. Stewkeley of=f=Jone.=p2. Joh. Gere [or Ire 1573]" Sir Edw. Carew. Rich. 3 [Jryth. Tb os. Margaret. Kenn (or Kenny), nr. Exeter [West- cote, p. 579]. "TH . I rn done. Christopher, Eliz. Eliz. Kath. This pedigree is in 15:51 Visitation. L. of Hevytrie, Devon. ] r _ ] Andrew. Mary. Jane $tmin$zs [1623 . j&tamthtjje] Of Holnicote in Selworthy Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 103. Collinson, II. 42. Wm. Stenings.=^=Margery, d. Rich Holney* [Holwey]. r- Wm.=j=Mande, d. and h. John Woode, and of her mother Margery, d. and h. to Oliver Hewish. 1 The family take their name from Stawell in Moorlinch. See Collinson, III. 219, 431, 415. 2 For Gere see Visitation Devon 1564, (ed. by Dr. Colby), p. 110. 3 1573 adds, Richd. died before his father, m. dau. W. Paulet Mirquis of Winch., and had issue Sir John, Kt., living 1574 ; he m. Frances, d. Sr, Thos. and s. Sir Edw. Dyer and had John, s. and h. 4 Arms. — Arg. a chevron Sa. between three holly leaves Vert. 80 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. A Robert.=*j=d. and li. Spry of Devon. Edw "^-Jane, d. Michell of Cannington. Waittn-.^Eliz.. d. Harvey 1 [or Harris] of Devon. —\ Thos. of Erlesonn' in co. Suffolk [Earl Soham, see Sims' Index, p. 271]. Honor. ^«=Thos. Gawdye. Philiipe of =j= Alice, d. Wm. Honvcotte. 2. Wm. 4. Henry. 3. Robert, 5. Philiipe. Frye of Mem- bre v Devon. Eliz.=Baerofte [Bayn- crofte]. — I Mary. Charles. = sU Ursula. Suzanna. Margaret, >t^inkktr Op Marsh in Duxster. Arms. - Chequy, Arg. and Sa. a fesse Gu. within a bordure Az. (Burke}. Ric. Ste\vkley.=f-Joan, d, and h. Thomas. r~ ._j George.=j=Jane, d. Sr. Jas. Luttrell. Coffinfloa, II. 12. Peter. =j= Agnes, d. Trubody or Totherby. i 2. Geo. Hugh.' 2 =|=Eliz., d. Ric. Chamberlayne, | Aldn. of London. J_ i — r Joan. Geo. Luttrell. See Burke's Extinct Baronetcies (Stukeley . Thomas, Susanna. s. and h. — Margaret. "~l Ursula. 1 1573 Harvey ; 1623 Harris. 2 Buried at Punster 1588-9. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 81 >tnrgss Op Wolverton, nr. Frome. Arms. — Sa. a chevron betw. three cross crosslets fitchee within a bord. engr. Arg. John Sturges=j=d Spenceri of of Wilts. Wales. 1. d. Newborough of Som. [of=j=John of Wolverton.=2. d. Unwin [Berry's Berkley, nr. Frame, 1623, p. 78]. Hants' Genealogies, p. 59]. John of W.=j=Mary, <1. Hugh 1573. Mallett. r~ Marv. Eliz. 1 Mawdlyn. %o\nst Op Tauxtox and Swet.t, xr. Laxgport. Arms and Pedigree 1623, p. 111. John To\vse,.' 2 =Joan Combes. =2. Sir Th. Granville. John Towse d. 1502. See Collinson, II [. 237. Julian.— John Pine of Curry Mallet. Julian, d. 1628 ; John Pine, d. 1609. See Collinson, I. 34. Alexander. —Agnes, d. Ley of Buckland Brewer, Devon. 1 Arms. — Arg. a fesse Gu. in chief three lions ramp. Gu. - One of his daughters=Boys of Bridgwater. In 1623 pedigree Stokeland is Stokelane, nr. Shepton Mallet; and Reinon should be Roynon. Mary=Rob. Bettiscombe [d. 1628] of Vere's Wotton in Simondsbury [Hutching, II. 241]. L5?3 says Alice=Rich. [not Roger] Hill of Taunton. M 82 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. femaijk Op Cannington, Som. Arms. — Arg. a fesse Gu. between three trammels Sa. See 1623, p. 45. John Tremayle of= Sydbury, Devon. .J Thomas. =y=Margt., d. Ryvers of Dunster, Som. "1 Philipp.=r=Jane, d. Xich. Whiting of John of Can-=j=Eliz., d. John Spekc Came, in Gittisham Devon. nington. of Tyleslioad, Wilts. r j .j Florence. =Wm. Ashley of Deane. I Margery. -pNich. Halswell'-' of HaL well Som. I r John. Mychael. Note. — This Pedigree is in the 1531 Visitation. toflmt Of Worminster, nr. Wells. Arms.— Sa. a cross moline Arg. on chief of the second three mullets of the field. Westcote, p. 519. Wm. Upton of Launs-=j=[June, d. J. Povmte of Derby s] (MS. 1559 ton, 16 Ed. IV. says d. and h.Rich. Palmer of Langsson). r John of Frome Selwood.=j=Eliz. d. Edm. Leversedge. 8 Hen. VIII. I 2. Richard. Geoftry of Wor- minster, Som., 1573. ■Mary, coh. Tho. Hone of Ottery S. Mary, Devon [Westcote, p. 538]. I 1 I 1 — I 1 1. George of=pFrances, d. and sole heir of Thomasin. 4 Susan,* 2.- Edmund. Wells, 1591. r j John Newton, 2nd son of Sr. John Newton of E. Harptree Eliz. (see Cradock in part II). Mary.' Fiances, d. and sole h. s.p. 1 Buried at Goathurst 1558 2 Will proved 1564 3 See Visitation of Devon, 1564, p. 201 ; Visitation of Devon, 1620, p. 292 ; Cornwall, 1620, p. 291. This family is a Somerset branch of the Uptons of Pnslinch in Newton - Ferrers and Lupton (or Lucton) in Brixham, Devon ; and of Trelask, in Lewannick, nr. Launceston, Cornwall. 4 The mazh.=Hen. Hays of Hants. Elizabeth=l. Wm. Strowd of Shepton 3Iallct.— ~2. Edw. Byase. Mary=^=Wm. Pyke. Susan=Ambrose Mervyn. Additions from MS. 1559, f£ 20 b , 135 1 ', VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 83 Umteg Of I'Aiiii'iELu in Stoke-Courcy. Ahms. — Arg. three fern leaves in fesse. Collinson, I. 253. Win. Verney of=j=Maud, d. and coll. Phil. Col- fferfield, Som. lombere 1 of Stowy, Som. , I Jolm.=f=Maud, d. Sir Thos. Trevyt of Dorbnrough, | Som. [in Stogursey] (see p. 65 note). I I John, d. 14-61.=f=Eliz., d. John Brent of Cossington. I Win,, d. 1488.=|=Jane, d. Joh. Broughton of Sampford Bickford, Som. r~ John, d. 1507. •Kathu, d. Rob. Gambon 2 of Buckland, Devon. I ' , Robert, d.=j=Eliz., d. John Sydenham of Bramton, John. 1546, Som. [Brimpton D'EvercyJ. I 1 1 1 John, d.=Jone, d. W. Mallei 2. Win. 3. Geo. Margt. 1556. of Corypoole. This Pedigree is in the 1531 Visitation. 3 Of Catherston, Dok. and op Merrifield in Ilton, Som. Arms. — Gu. a chevron betw. three roses Arg. a mullet Sa. Hutchins, II. 216. Sr. John Wadham of Richard, E. of Cornewall. Merfeild, Kt. I l 1 Sir John.=f=Alice. 4 Sir Walter Cornewall, Kt. Edm. E. of Cornewall. 1 See Collinson, III. 254, 551 (Columbers of Nether-Stowey). - Collinson, I. 254. Gambon of Marston, als. Mowston in par. of Halberton. nr. Tiverton. 3 Collinson's Pedigree does not agree with this ; he has Win., Ralph, and then three Johns in succession. 4 The Pedigree in Hutchins, II. 216, should be consulted. M 2 84 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. r~ A B L. Margt., d. and coh.=j=Wni.=f=Joan, d. and h. Wm. Payne of Catherston,Dor. Wm. Chessildon of Dorset. Wm. l r r: J r- -Jolm of=f=Eliz., d. and Win.=f=Eliz., d. and li. John.=j=Margery, d. Sr. John Treago. M. h. Ste. Pop- ham. L. Umlett p Sent- hill, 1 Devon]. L. •"1 David Hendure of=j=Isabel, d. HendureinN. Wales. I and h. d. Cheyney=Sr. John.' of Pyne [Pinhoe]. ■~1 I =d. Stuldey. John. =j= Mary, d. John farington (Far- ingdon 1 of De- von). David. ._] of M. J i r Nich., Jane.=j=Foi\ster of o. s.p. Badesley, Hants. I r 1 Edward. Andrew. Jane. Andrew, o. s.p. Rob. Hill. 2. Margt.,=f=Sr. Nicholas=j=l. Joan, d. sister Sr. John Sey- mer. John.=j=Margt., d. Nich. Wil- loughby. George. Thos.^Kath., d. & h. Rob. Chamber- layne. ■"1 1. Lawrence. =j=Margt., d. Wm. Huddey. Nich., o. s.p. Thos. Tre-=j= Margt., d. and garthin. "I h. Marv.=j=Ric. Chidleighe. I Christopher. I John.=j=Jane, d. Joh. Tredurffe of Tredurffe. 2. Giles. =j= Agnes, d. Clanson 1 [Clausey] of Burton. 1 Ed. Bam-=pEliz.=j=John John=j=Jane,d.=Joh. Kello- feilde. Ware. ofM. L. and h. way of Co- lompton, Corn. (tic). 1 1 1. Margt., ^=Edw.=2. Alice, Dor. d. John ofM. d. Cary. — Hum. Worthe. L ~n 1 Kich.^Eliz., d. Sr. Joh. I Sidenham. Yonge -~\ ~] — I John. C race. Gylles Bamfielde. r" .J Nich. of M. 1, Sr.=j=Joa o. s.p. Gylles = Strang- Dor., d. Sr. ways. Wm. Potter, ii T 1 1 Joan. =f=2. Sir Joh. Margt. =j=Nic. Mar- Florence=f=John Yonge. tyn of A- thelhamp- ton, Dor. Wind- ham. John. Sr. John. Geo. Nich. Anne. Eliz. — I — 1 Rob. Jane. Eliz.=Thos. White 2 of Jane. Fittefeld [Fittle- — ford], Dorset. Anne. 1 Francis. / 1 The Pedigree in Hutchins, II. 216, should be consulted. 2 Of Fittlefor-d in Sturminster Newton (Hutchins, IV. 341). VISITATIONS OF SOMEKSET. 85 Maltar Of Nether Stowev Aims and Pedigree 1623, p, 114. Collinson, III. 533. -John Walker of=j=Ann, d. \V. Babington Casthorne, 1 Staff, of Dam, Derbyshire. r~ I Iuni}>lii'y.=f=vy, botw. three demi-griffins Or, four cinquefoils Az. Humphrey Watkins"T B Catherine, d. Job. Symonds of Holwell, Som. of Calais (Cally). Eliz. 1 Acnes. Alex. Luckier 1 Th. Gollop of Netber- of Comb in Ma- bury, Dor. [Hutchins, travers, Dor. II. 113 J. i — r~ 2. Geo. 3. Hugh. -~r~i 1 . Dor.=Geo. Coinage. Elinor. I Barbara. = J oh. Francis. Job. Bishop [of Chilcombe, Dor. Hutchins, II. 738]. 4. Humphrey. 5. Christopher. Rich.=j=Mary, d. Rob. Coker of Mappowder, Dor. [Hutchins, III. 723.] r~ -j Mary.=Jas. Hanham of Purse Candel. Mention is made of the family in 1623, p. 76 [Muttlebery] where Holloway should be Holwell. NOTE. — This Pedigree is only found in Harl. MS. 1445, f. 180 (see Preface). Wattes Arms. — Az. three arrows Or, feathered and headed Arg. ; on a chief of the second three Moors' heads couped, sidefaced, Sa. Win. Kaynell of Biddeston,=f=Isabel. nr. Chippenham, Wilts. 1. r - i L. =Ric. Wattes. =f= Alice, d. and coh. Florence, d. and coh.=pWm. Snell [Visit. of Wilts 1623, ed. by Dr. Mar- shall, pp. 12, 32]. 1 Laniard. John, o. s.p. — I John. L 1 Robert, 1573. I Richard Snell. Nicholas of Kingston, S. Michael, Wilts. For Watts 1 of Cucklington, Holbrooke and Shanks, Som., see 1623, p. 117 (this family has the same arms.) 1 Buckler of Wolcombe-Matravers in Melbury-Bubb (Hutchins), see Sims' Index, p. 88. 2 See Sims' Index, p. 252, where Codington should be CuckUwjton. N 90 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. htttljam Op Orohard-Windham in St. Dbcumans. Arms. — Az. a chevron betw. three lions' heads erased Or. Collinsou, III. 488. John Windham of=f=Margt., d. Rob. Clifton of Crowthorpe, Norf. Buckenham, Norf. Elinor, d. Nor-= manWalshorne in Norf. 1 ; Sir Johu.=j=Margt., d. John Howard, D. of Norf. Isabel. Yell. Francis, s.p. Eliz.=Francis Calthroi te 2. John. I I 2. Francis. 3. Thos. of Ingham. I — T" 2. Edw. 3. Oeo. Simonde Thos. Falstolphe Wiseman, of Ipswiche. Anne.=Geffery Ratcliff of Suffolk. "1 Dor. —\ Eliz., d. Hen.=j=Sir Thomas=f=Elinor, d. and Wentworthe of Letheringsett. ofFelbridge, Norf. Sr. Thos. i ■— 1 Henry. 2 daus. coh. Ric.Scroope of Upsall. Sr. Edw.=f- Suzanna, d. Sr. Rog. Townesend of Norf. Marg. Sr. And. Lutterell. Mary. Erasmus, s. of Sr. Wm. Paston. Eliz., o. s.p. Eliz. Mary. Broke of Norf. Roger. =j=Mary, d. Sr. Chris. Heydon. Sir, ohnof= Orchard, Som. Amy. Hen. Hene- ingham, s, of Sr. An- thony. =Eliz., d. and coh. Sidenham of Or- chard Windham. Jane.=l. John Pope of Rockson in Oxtedsh. [Rockstone, Oxon] Sims' Index,p.228. =2. Hum. Co- il iesby of Herts. r - John of Fel- hridge, Norf. 2. Edwd.=Margery, d. Rich, of Orchard Chamb'layn, Aldm. 1573. of London. n 3. Humphrey. 4. Charles. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 91 [in Gordano], Collinson. Wm. Cave. John Marshall, more, 1 1 III. 172. more, l 1 husband -J David Percivall=y=Allice, d. and heire of Weston. j of ... Blythmor. Cljallons* 0? Combe Raleigh, Devon. See Westcote, p. 614, ami 1564 Devon, p. 149. Arms.— Gu. two bars between six martlets, 3, 2, and 1 Arg. Johannes de-pJohauua, til. Joins, de Beauchanipe. | Whalesbuigh, mil. * See Preface. 1 Thos. Bythemore of Nailsea, Som. 100 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. A L. Robert Challons, sonn of Hardwin,=j=Jonne, d. and 3 sonn of the greatt Erie of Challons coheire. by frlorence Lady of leigh Challons and Charlwood. —"I Elizebetli, d. and coheire, ux. Johia tfortescue. 4/ St. Robert Challons, Knt.=j=Blanch, d. of Hugh Waterton. Henery Challons=j=Margerett, d. of Elizabeth, aunt and heire Catherin, annt and of Com. Rale v. Roll. Clifton of of John Challons, ux. coheire to JohnOhal- ffenybridg. John fferrers of Chuch- Ions, ux. John St. eston 1 in com. Devon. Albin. John Challons, s.p., was of Com. Raley. r~ T .j Margerett, d. and coheire, ux. Reig- nald Treth(urfe). Joane, ux. Wm. Dennis of Com. Raleigh. Allice, ux. John Bonvile, base sonn of Willm. Lord Bonvile. Jane, d. and coheire to her mother, ux. Willm. ffulfford. Vide Devon. 4/ Arms.— See 1623, p. 21. Margerett, ux. John Barnehowse. 3 Margerett, ux. Nicholas Kirkham. 2 T 1 Of Frome Selwood. Thomas Champneys of ffrome= Selwood in com. Somersett. Collinson, IT. 102. 1 Uhiirston- Ferrers, near Torquay. 2 Of Blagdon in Paignton, Devon. See 1564, Devon. 182-3. 3 Of Marshe, Devon, See Sims' Index, p. 07. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 101 A J_. I [ciiery Champneys of=j=[Jane.] ffrom Sell wood [ob. Aug. 14, 1506]. r~" -j — r Thomas Cliamp-=j= neys of fTrom Sellwcod. WalterChamp-=j= , d. of neys of ...nigh Bristow. Richard, Richard Champneys. Ambrose, oh. s.p. Thomas, John, ohiit. ohiit. Champneys of Gloster- shire. 1 Henery, ohiit. r" Walter Champneys.=j=Margery, d. and sole heire of Willm Gorges of Plimouth by Elizeheth, d. of Thorn. Bynd of Plymouth. r~r Peeter Champneys of Lyon's Inn. John Champneys of Clifford's Inn. Willm. Champney. George Champneys. 1 ; — Thomasin, ux. Henery Attwill. 1 Margerett, ux. Nicho las Staplehill, Mar- chant, of Exeter. (tlaritf Op Bristol pr. co. Salop. Arms. — Per chevron Or and Gu. three lions' heads erased counterchanged. A pattent to William Clarke of Wenlock in com. Sallop, by March King of Armas, 1 5 E. IV Thomas Clarke of Wenloek=j=Margery. in com. ! Gallop. i 1. John Clarke of= Bristoll, Vintner, 1591. , . . -Margery, cl of Shereston of Bath. i 2. Edward =Joane Clark. it i Anno. Ellenor. Mary. 1. Robert Clai 2. John Clark "1 ^ke. 'A. Edward Clarke. e. 102 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Cogan # Of Mountague. Arms of Cogan of Chard. — Go. three leaves erect Argent. See 1G23, pp. 20, 110. William Symes of Charde=fAgnes, d. of in com. Somersett. Colendon _J Joane, ux. Thomas Cogan of Mountague. Thomas Cogan of Manchester. 1 Anthony Cogan of Monntague. Colston Op Bristol. Arms. — Arg. three dolphins embowed Sa. within a bordnre of the last. Lawrance Colston of preston=j= in ordornes in com. Lane. I ; 1 ' 1 Thomas Colston=Elizabeth, d. Rob. Colston of=Elinor, d. of ...Colston of Bristol! of Manscll. poole in com. Morgan Read of London. Dorset t. of Poole. I 1 4. Vincent Margerett. Colston. 1 — i 3. John Colston, Rebecca. of London. I 1. George Colston. 1 2. Richard Colston=Anne, d. of Edward of Bristol!. Willm. Colston of= Bristoll, 1591. Lewes of Bristoll. ■Elizabeth, d. of Win. Gittyns of Bristoll. 2. William 3. Richard Colston. Colston. 1 1 — i 4. Thomas 5. Laurance 6. Christopher. Colston. Colston. — Susanna. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 103 Campton Or Beckington and Newton. Collinson, II. 201. John ComptoD of Bekington in com.=j=[Edyth.] Somcrsett, d. Oct. 13, 1510. r - _j Thomas Com pton of =j= Alary, <1. of Robert Hnssye of Barley in com. Southampton. Bekington. n 1. Joseph Compton=j=Amyc, d. of John ~] of Newton, 1591. r - Hollyhox in com. Dorsett. 2. Thonias=p(Jyles, d. of Willm. Compton. Hussey of in com. Wilts. i__ T _ 1 ! ,_ , , 1. Henery Compton. 3. Nicholas. Luce,ux. Mary. Anne. 2 daughters. — — George — 2. Joseph. 4. Raffe. Clarke. tfrances. Cflflpn: Of Rockborne, Hants. Ahms.— Gu. a bend eugr. betw. six lions ramp. Or. Collinson, II. 434 Sr. John Cooper 1 of Rock borne= in co. Somcrsett [Hants], buried 13 December 1610. =Martha, d. and coheire of Anthony 2 Skutt of Stanton Drew in coin. Somcrsett, Esqr. John Cooper, 13 yere old 1610. Bridgett. Margarett, ux. Wm. Dunch :i of Avebury in com- Wilts. m Martha. Jane. 1 See Burke's Peerage (Shaftesbury). 2 A. Skutt died 7 Jan. 1537 (Collinson, II. 437). 3 The Duuehes were of Little Witnam, Berks (Sim's Index, p. 10). See also Berry's Hants' Gen. p. 34. 104 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Crabork # Of Newton. 1 Arms. — Or, on a chevron Az. three gar be Or. Howell ap Grono= lord of Newton. Collinson, III. 588. Cradock ap Howell De Grono, lord of Newton. Sr. Willrn. Cradock,=j=Joane, d. of Sr. Mathew lord of Newton. Owgan, Kt. r" Willm. Cradock,=f=Catherin, d. and heire of Sr. lord of Newton. William De la mar, Knt., Lord of Richardstone. John Cradog^ Esq., lord of Newton. =Jone, d. of Sr. Elider, Knt. [Sr. Elyder Dee]. 2 r" __i Rob. Cradog, Esqr., Lord=j=Margeret, d. of of Newton rburied at Nangle]. Nic. Sherborne, Esqr. John Cradog, lord^Neast [Nest],' 2 d of of Newton [buried at St. Brides]. T" Sr. Peter Russell, knight. John Cradog,=f=Margarett, d. of Holl. Moyther [Howell lord of New- Moythye] 2 of Castell odwyn and foun- ton. tayne gate. * See Preface. 1 Cradock or Caradoc of Trenewith, or Newton, in Powys Land in the Principality of Wales (Collinson). 2 That contained in brackets [ ] and numbered 2 is from another Newton Pedigree in Harl. MS. 1559, f. 136. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 105 Sr. Ric. Newton als. Cradog, =j=Emme, d. and coheire of Sir Thorn, perrotfc, knight of Yestington [? Eastington, Glos.] Lord of Newton and Nangle and Cheefe Justice of England. James Cradog 1 ' of [Stafford] in coin. Stafford. r~ _j Sr. John Newton=T=Isabell, 2 d. ami coheire of Sr. John Chedder, knight, vide seales and discents. als. Cradog Rafe Cradock^f=Jane, d. of of Willy in coin. Sallop. .J Harrison of Lemster. Richard Newton* ... in com. ..., Esq. =d. and heire of MathewHarnp- ton, Esq. I John Cradock.= -J ■Isabel], d. of laeye. Sr. John Newton of=j=Margarett, d. of Sr. Anthony Hartrey (East Harp- tree) in com. Som. Poyntz of [Alderley] in com. Gloster. r- Sr. Hen. New-=j=Catherin, d. of ton, als. Cra- dock, of Est hartrey in com. Som .[ob. 1599]. Sr. Thorn. Pas- ton of [Paston] in com. [Norf.J, Knt. Francis, ux. Wm. Lord Cobham. r 2 - LNe John- ewton. Theoder New-=j=Penelope, d. of ton of Bitton at Borscourte 2 in com. [Glos.] Sr. John Rod- ney of Pelton (Pilton), Knt. r~l ffrances, ux. Giles Strang- weyes, Esqr. Elizebeth, ux. JohnJudcott. ■Anthony («/c), d. and heire of Henery Clarke of Wells. Margarett Frances, =f=Geo. TJp- andAnne, d. and h. s.p. John Newton, 12 yere old 1623. ll'rances. penelopey. — I Anne. peton of Wells, 1591. Frances, d. and"]* heire, a p. J Crosse Of Charlinch. Abmb. — Sa. a fesse in chief two mullets Ar. pierced Gu. A. patent of these Amies aud Crest to Robert Crosse somie of William Crosse of Charleug in com. Som., dated the 26 of Queene Elizebeth, 1584, per Clarencuulx Cooke. William Crosse of Charlenu in com. Somersett.=f= William Crosse of Charleng.=j= Sr. Robert Crosse of Charleng in com. Somersett, Knt., ob. s.p., to whom the pattent was past. Elizebeth, ux. Thorn. Sidenham of Whet- stow 3 in com. Som. * [ ]* is from Harl. MS. 1559, fo. 136. 1 Sims' Index, p. 255. 8 Barr's Court in Bitton. 3 Westowe, in Lydiard St. Lawrence. Collinson, III. 265. 106 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Jfii^anus Of Rbdlinch, nh. Brdton (see p. 24). AKjrs. — Az. a dolphin naiant, em bowed Arg. Collinson, I. 226. John Fitzjaines. =[=... Morgan. r - Elinor.=Thos. Horsey of Clifton Mawbank, Dorset (d. 1 469). J ames. =t= Elinor Draycott of Redlinch. dau. Bluet, 1. d. ...=j=John, k=2. Isabella F itz James.=pMary. Bluet of Sow. i — r~ Alice. Jane. 1443, d. (d. 1527). 1510. Richard(d. 1521-2) consec. Bp. Roch. 1497, trans, to Chich. 1503, trans, to London 1506, warden of Merton. l~ Jone.=»=Ric. Fortescue Nicholas (d. ofFilly.Devon. 1549-50) H. Sh. 1545. Aldred(d. 1555). i A =Joan Colepe- per(d.l579). She=2.Joh. Leweston. Vide p. 107. Vide p. 107. Mary. =Thos. Michel] Sir John (d. "p L Joan, d.=2. Eliz. Con- FJiz.« of Canning- 1542) Ch. ton v d. 1503). Just. King's Bench. Thos. Isabel. Thos. More ningsbye,wid. of Melplash, of SirR. Berk- Dorset, ley of Stoke- Gifford, Glos. (d. 1546;. I =John Gil- bert [see p. 109]. James(d. 1541), John (o.s.p. Christian. Joan.=l. JohnMar- John.-pXtian, Chanc. of Wells, 1534). Rector of Dit- — ■ Rob.Morc- cheatl519,Preb. Eliz. Baskett ton. of St. Pauls, R. of Berks of St. Clement (o.s.p. 1550). Danes, R. of N. Cadbury. shall of Ivy- d.Wm. thorn. Bas- 2. Sir Jas. | ' kett. Percivall of Eliz. Weston in = Gordano. Sr. W. Portman, Ch. Just. (d. 1 557). Notk. — This Pedigree has been kindly supplied by the Rev. F. Brown, F.S.A. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 107 Alice. Radbord of Lambrooke [see p. 68]. r~ Vide p. 106. A 1. Robert. =y= Jane A run- dell. (*) 2. Sir James 1 of 3.Rich-==Mary,(« I ) d. .J Redlinch (o.s.p. ard.( r ) 1579). Jane, d. Sr. Job. Newton of E. Harptrcc. of Sr. W. Francis of ConibFlorv. p Thomasine.— Thos. Turhervill 1 . Johii. 2 =j=Jaiu', d. 2. James. V'). Mary. of Bere Regis, Dorset (lie d. 1587). Sr. .John Younge, 3. Richard. G. Prater- of Kt, of NunneyCas- BristoL tie. Joan, r - Vide p. 106. B L Sir Jobn=f-Joan Tren- Dorothy .=Rob. Ludlow. Eliz.— Wm.Filloll. Margaret. d. 1625. chard. T Leweston= (d.1638). r - =Elinor Winston. " 1 T" John. Aldred. Thos. "T1 Ralpb. Robert. Grace. Joan. TT 1 Sir Jobn.=j=Marg. Ste- Sir Henry. Dionis. =»Wm. Lupping- Joan.=Goddow. phens. — cot of Wybery, — Thos. Devon. Sarah. r~" J_ "l 1 — I John, o.s.p. Grace. =j=Sr. G. Strode Elinor.=W. Freeman 1679. (d. 1701). L. Frances, d. 1674. Catherine. =G.IIa(lley. Margaret, Grace.=pH, Thynne. T Frances.=E. of Hertford, father of Duchess of Northumberland. From the Bruton Registers : — (») 1563-4, Feb. 25. Mrs. Jonn F. buried, wife of Robert F. & d. Sr. John Arundell of Lanherne, Cornwall. 1569-70, Feb. 22. ffrances F. baptized. ( b ) 1571, Mar. 25. James F, gent, baptized. 1573-4, Feb. 27. Dame Mary F. buried. («) 1595, Nov. 12. Mr. Richard F., Esq., buried. C 1 ) 1607, Mar. 14. Mrs. Mary P., the wife of Mr. Richard F, Esq., buried. 1625, Ap. 18. Jone, d. Richard Fitzham (*91. Tho. Warder of Bristoll. J_ 1. Robert Goughe 2. Mathew Goughe. 1 Sims' Index, p. 216 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Ill dmtU Collinson, II. 172. Of Sbaborough. Arms. — Or, on a chevron between three roses Az. as many roseleaves Or. John Gould Crusader in Egypt, 1248, (granted estate in Seaborough 1249). Eliasof S., circ. 1315. John of S. Inq.=pJoan, d. before Robert of Sampit in par. Broad p.m. 1320. 1323. Windsor, Dorset, living 1323. John of S.,=j=Isabella (held manor of living 1341. | Hinton S. Geo. 1349). r J John of S. and Sampit, living 1414. Win. Huddes-=f= Alice. Robert of S.=f=Idonea, d. Mycheldever 1 field of Shilling- ford, Devon. —\ living 1436. of East Coker. John, living 1436. .J r" _j r~ Sir Wm. H., Thos. ol'S.=7=d. and Christiana, =f=Roger Ap- Alice. ■*■ John Crewk erne Knt., d. 20 Inq. p.m. Mar. 1499 1436. (monument in Shilling- ford Ch.) coh. Pyne. d. and coh. _L 3.John'of«j=Cath., d. 1. Thos. bur. -fEdith. Coombe in Staver- ton, De- von, d. 1534. Rich. Pres- at Crew- ton of kerne, 1525, Staverton, d. 1559. pleton. of Childhaye [Dorset, Sims' Index, p. 88]. Alice, d. and h. Wm. Monck of Po- theridge, Devon. 1 1 1 2. James-pMargt. Isabella, or Ma- L ^ 1. Margt.=f=Ric. Marty n 2 son of Sir Wm. M. of Athel- hampton. Adam Martyn of Seaborough. of S. d. 1530. bella. Geo. Pyne of E. Down, De- von. "1 1 Bernard of Benescombe in 2. Kath., o.s.p. Worth Matravers, d. 1577. 1586. — = 1. Elinor, d. Ric. Andrews Hen. Hoskyns. and relt. Joh. Sellar of Exon, d. s.p. 2.Dor.,d. W. Keymerof W John=f=Eliz.,d. 3. Alice =pJoh. Anne.=j=W. Strechley Chelborough, Dorset, and ofS., d. 1555. 1584-5. — l John, o.s.p. Bale. M/ of Erming- wid. Langford of Wcodiate ton, Devon, Dorset. d. 1583. __i I Christian, left==l.Sr.Chris.Chud-=2, Geo. Cary issue by both leigh of Ashton, of Clovelly. husbands. Devon. Notb. — This Pedigree has been kindly communicated by the Rev. S. Baring-Gould See Helmbridge Pedigree {post). 112 VISITATIONS ()K SOMKKSET. i ad)' See 1561 Devon, p. 124. Aims. — 1. Gu. two denii-iiona pass, guard, couped in pale Ur (H;ich). 2. Gu. a pale engr. Erin, surmounted by a {ease of the last i, Dirwyii). Geffery Hach.=j= I r J John Hach.=p J Willm. Hach.=f=Joane, d, and heire of Mathew Wolrington. Thonias=f=Mabell, d. and heire Hach. of Tho. Aleigh. 1 Robert=f=Wentelyan, d. and ... Dirwyn.=p... d. and coheire of Wm. Credy. Hach. heire of Sr. John Murdake, 2 Knight. Robert Dirwyn.=y=Joanej -d. mid coheire of Win. Markham. r - Robert=i=Blanch, d. and Hach. heire of Rowland Audley. Willm. Dirwyn.=j=Jenett, d. and heire of Sr. Giles Ashe, Knight and of the d. and heire of Ric. Halse. L. — 1 John Hach,=j=Elizaheth, d. and heire of Wm. Dirwyn. _J John Hach.=f=d. of Sr. Edward Gorge of Wroxall in com. Gloster [Somerset]. 1 Thomas=j=Allee, d. of Sr. John Hach. r J Bassett. Anne, d. and heire ux. Baldwin Mallett of Devon. 1 (1) Tho. Leighe, 1564 Devon, p. 124. (2) Tho. Allen, 1564 Devon, p. 125. 2 Gwentheline, d. Tho. Mardaok, Kt., 1564 Devon, p. 125. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 113 Utatakp Of Aller and Buckland-Sorortjm in Durston. Arms. — Vert, a saltire engr. Ar. Collinson, III. 99. See Burke's Extinct B:\ronetage, p. 251. John Hawley. r - J Willm. Hawley, 17 H. VII.=j= I John Hawley of Auler=f=Dorothey, sister of Thomas Tym-=j=. . . d. andheire in com. Som., the first Wm. Walton of bury. of Thornton, Sergeant at Amies. of yt name yt came to live there. Shapwicke in com. Som. Jeremy Hawley. =j=Kynbery, d. of Saunders. Wm. Hawley= of Awler in com. Som. r~r r I'M I =Margerett,d. of Thorn. Tymbury of Vpton in com. Devon. 1. James Hawley. 3. Henery Gabriell Haw-=f=Margarett,d. Ffrancis=j=Jane, d. and Hawley. ley of Buck- 2.Willm.Hawlev. land, 1591. of Sr. Hen. Hawley. Portinan, Knight. NK 1 — r heire of Tho. Isley, 1 sonn of Sr. Hen. Isley. 1. Hen. Hawley. =f=Elizabeth, d. of Sr. 2. Hal ton Hawley Anthony Pawlett of [or Hatton]. Hinton [Hinton S. — George]. 3. Gabriell Hawley. — I 4. Edward Hawley. Henery Hawley. ffrancis. 1 Gabriell. Of East Coker. Arms (ace. to Burke). — Chequy, Ar. and Sa. a bend Gu. Arms of Hemerford or Hymerford of Estocke [? East Stoke], Som. — Arg. a chew Sa. betw. three drakes of the last. Richard Mieheldever.=j= John Micheldever. : 1 For Isley of Sondridge [Sundridge], co. Kent. See Sims' Index, p. 143. Q 114 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. B William Micheldever.=p Thomas. L. i L William, dyed yong. Thomas Copleston. , .1 Elizabeth, ux. William Seymor. '1 1 John Helm-=j=Allice, sister and heire of ... ux. Goulde bridg. J Thorn. Micheldever. of Sey borough. 1 — : 1 1 . i ' 1 William' 2 =j=Margerett, Catherin, Henery=j=Joane, d. Thomas= ITenier- fford of Stokes in com. ... d. of Tho- ux. Syd- Helm- mas Cople- enham. ston. bridg. of Tho- masSegar. Gould. r* ._j William Helmbridg.=j=Joane, d. of Thomas Gould.=p | John Eisly. I . — ( j — Margerett, ux. Wil- Joane, d. and=j=John Helm-=j=Catheryn, d liam YoAvell. coheire. bridg of East Coker. John Gould. I~ L. of Syden- ham, 2 wiffe. Richard Helmbridg-r-Elizebeth, d of Est Coker. of Vpham. Willm. Helmbridge <>f Est Coker. John Helmbridg=j=Yrsida, d. of John Cooke George, of Est Coker of Hampshire [ Sims' — 1591. Index, p. 115]. William. James Helmbridg. Bridgett. ijippiskjj Of Stox Eastox axd Camley. ABMS. — Sa. three mullets betw. two bendlets Or. Collinson, II. 136, 155. See 1623, p. 52. [A pattent granted to John Hippesley, Camleigh, in com. Somersett, A 1564, by William Harvey, Clarenceulx]. John Hippisley of»=f=... d. of Stone Eston. Allen. 1 See the Gould Pedigree, p. 111. 2 There were Hemerfords or Hymerfords of Coker, Somerset and of Folke, Dorset. See p. 38, and Hutchins, IV. 181. Henry Hymerford of Folke had a son Robert, (d. 2 Ed. VI.), a dau. Eliz., who married Moleyns, and a daughter Avice, late wife of John Bayle. Thomas Copleston was of Luckcombe, Somerset. See 1564 Devon, p. 62, note 2. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 115 1. John Hip-=j=Mary, d. of 2. William, pisley. fflower of Eg- — ham in com. 3. Thomas. Surrey. n 4. Richard. 5. William. John Hippisley.=j=Dorathey, d. of Sr. John Horner of Clouert [Cloford] in com. Somersett. r~ Mary, ux. George Dodington of London. I 2. Ferdinando, m. .. d. of ... Hampton. r~ John, a3t. 19, 1623. Dorathey, ux. Tho- mas Morgan, and oh. s.p. Gartrud, nx. John Stroud of Stoke in com. Som. [Strode of Stoke S.Michael or Stoke-Lane]. Dorathey, ux. periam Poole, sonne of Sr. Willm. Poole, Knt. Anne, ux. Hen. Mcggs 1 of Bradffotd in com. Dor- sett. 1 — | 8. Thomas. 3. Thomas. 6. Morris. 5. Anthony. 7. Edward. 9. Edward 10. GabrielL 1. John Hipsley of Com.=f=Elizeheth d. of John Leigh in com. Som., ob. 1623 [Camley]. Organ of lamborne in com. Berks [ Sims' Index, p. 13]. 1 4. Robert T =...;d. of ... Hipsley. | Hampton. r— L i Dorothey. Mary. r~i 1 n r~i — ; n Dorothey. Debbora. 1 . John Hipsley Richard, let. 16. Edward, iet. 13. — yet. 19, 1623 — — Elizebeth. Robert, act 15. Thomas, set. 10. ~yi Of Crewkerne. Arms. — Ar. a fess, indented, point in point, Vert and Sa. cotised, counter-change il. Sr. Willm. Huddy, Knt., Lord=f=Ellinor, d. of ... Mallett Cheefe Baron of the Exchequer, 2 sonn of Sr. John. -J of Cory Poole in com. Somersett. 1. Reginald Huddy, Sonn and Heire. 2. Willm. Huddy=f=Mary, d. and heire of An- of Pillesdon. j thony Kenne of Kenne.3 A 1 Megges of Bradford Peverell, fr. Co. Kent. Sims' Index, p. 90. See also Hut chins, II. 53?. 2 For this Pedigree, see Harl. MS. 1559, ff. 119, 129 b . 5 See 1623, p. 64, and Collinson, III. 592. Q' 116 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. A _i_ 1. Richard Huddy=f=Edith, d. of Ro- of Gotherneuey. 1 bert Moore of Dorssett. .J Willm. Huddy of* Pillesdon in com. Dorssett. =Bridgett, d. of John Smyth of Essex. 2. John Huddy=j=Mary, of Estechenock [EastCliinnock]. d. of 3. Willm. Huddy of Dorsett. r~ _j Robert Huddy of=j=Mary, d. of John Phillips of Cros- combe Crewkerne in com. Som. 1591. 1. Henery Huddy. 2. Richard Huddy, I — T John Huddy. Humffrey. William. Robert. Jasper. Mary. Jfttgljam antr %t Jltartm* Of West Dean, Wilts. See Hoare's Wilts, V. i. 21. [On fo. 2 of Harl. MS. 1559, there is a coat with liquarterings]. Sr. Walters-Maude, d. to Wm. son to Wm. Walrand. Lougespe, E. of Sarum. r - _L Walter ]Srevill.=j=Isabella, Ciceley, uxor d. and JohnMeringe, coheire. sanz yssue. Sr.Walter=j=Aubery, d. and coheire. Ingham, i__ Jordan, St.=j=Jone ; d. and Martin. heire. r~ Willm. St.=f=Amphelicia. Martin. r~ gn< Martin. Sr. Walter Ingham. Olyver Ingham. = ._i Regnold St.=y=Emm., d. to AlainPlunk- nett. Sr. John=j=Maud, d. to John Ingham. Lorty. John Lord Lovell. T r" H r* j Olyver Ingham. =f= Sr. Lawrence=j=Ciceley, d. and St. Martin. | coheire. A Margret, uxor Henry Sturmy. ._! done, d. and heire, xixor Myles Stapleton. 1 Gotheney in Charlinch. Collinson, I. 239. 2 Walter Waleran, Ld. of Dean, ob. 1200 (Hoare's Wilts). VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 117 r~- Sr. Henry=j=Ciceley, d. and Popham. coheire. 1 done, uxor. "Roger .. 1 Henry Popham.' Sr. Stephen=j=Elizabeth, d. and coheire Sr. John Popham. Popham. 1 to Richard Read. •~l John AVadham.— Elizabeth, 3rd d. and coheire. Mk Op Bristol. Arms. — Sa. a plain bend Ar. between two bendlets flory of the last. Wm. Kelk of= Bristol!. .... d. of Thome. Thorn. Kelke=f=... d. of ... 2. Clement Kelke 3. John Kelke=f=... d. of... Dale of Bristoll. [? Bulk]. of London. of ... in ... of London. Nathaniel Kelke. Anne, d. of John= Yong of Axmin- ster, Devon, 1 wife. =Richard Kelke o£ Bristoll, 1591. "~l =Mary, d. of Tho. Rowswellof Don- kerton in com. Som., 2 wife (see p. 71). William, ob. s.p. John, ob. s.p L. John, ob. yong. Thomas Kelke. Anne Kelke. Popham of Popham, co. Hants, temp. King John; the last male heir of the chief line, Sir Step. Popham, Kt., left 4 daughters his coheirs, one of whom was Eliz., md. to John Wadham. Arms. — Ar. on a chief Gu. two bucks' heads cabossed Or. (Burke's Armoury). 118 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Urthrcij Of Stowford 1 ix Berwick, Somerset. Arms— At. two glaziers' snippers in saltire Sa. between four pears Or. Hutching' Dorset, IV. 194. Joane. d. and lieire of=f=Willm.Kelwav=r=... d. of ... Stanter 5 Hen. Barrett of White parish in com. Wilts, 1 wiffe [Sims' Index, p. 301]. of Sherborne, Dorsett, r~- j of Horningham in com. Wilts, 2 wiffe. \1/ Thomas Kelway of =}=... d. of ... Lewson of Sherhorne in com. Lewson in com. Dorssett Dorssett [Hutchins, IV. 129]. r~ n 1. Robert. Elizebeth, d. of=j=2. Willm. Kelwey of=j=Ellinor, d. of John Agnes, RobertWyffen, 1 wiffe. Sawbridg in com. Dorsett [Stalbridge]. J_ I 1 — I 1. Thomas=pMargerett, d. 2. Richard of Henery Kelwey. Martin. — 3. William. Coker of Ashe : * in com. Dorsett. Kelway, I — 4. Thomas Kel-=j=Elizebeth, wey of StowfTord in com. Somersett, 1591. __J 1 5. Robert d. of Davy Kelwey. Joanes. Henery Kelwey. 1. Richard Kelwey. 1 1 — 2. Andrew. 3. Robert. 4. Roffe, Vrsula. ibmjis* Of Westwick 4 and Bedmixster. ARMS. — Vert, on a chevron Ar. three pheons Sa. a crescent for difference. [In Harl. MS. 1559, fo. 132 b , there is a coat with 9 quarterings.] Garward, lord=j=Nest, d. and coheire of Kemys. Andrew Began. r - Willm. Kemys=f=Elizebeth, d. of Reginald Lord Gray of Ruthen. of the Began 1 See Visitation of Som. 1623 (Harl. Soc, xi. p. 145), where Stonerd should beStoford ; Banvick is now Berwick. 2 Stanter of Horningsham, fr. Co. Devon, Sims' Index, p. 306. 3 Coker of Ashbosham. Sims' Index, p. 88, and Hutchins, I. 310. 4 [? Wickwick, Glos. See Burke's Armoury, and Sims' Index, p. 112. Wickwick is in the parish of Frampton Cotterel and belonged to the Kemys family. Rudder's Glos. 455. There is a Westwick in Banwell, Somerset.] VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 119 A .J Henery Kemys of=f=Catherin, d. of Llewellyn the Began. | ap Howell velyn of ... r~ John Kemys of=j=Jenet, d. of Ryn ;i]> Syselt. the Began. ._j Jenkin Kemys^Crisseye, il. of Morgan a]> Blederys. of tlie Began r~ _j Yevan Kemys of=Jenet, d. of Yevan ap Lyzan ap Yestyn. the Began r~ 1. Morgan Kemys=y= 2. William Kemys-p of the Began. of the Newport. 5. Howell 6. Thomas Kemys Kemys. of Stow. =j= T \U 4- 3. Henery Kemys-p 4. David Ke-=f= of Caly Cod. mys of Ke xj/ venmably. si/ "1 John Kemys. =j=Anne, d, of Willm. Stradlinc. .j John Kemys of Syston=j=Margerett, d. and coheire of [Siston, Glos.] Russell and widdow of Dennis. Roger Kemys=f=Allice, d. and heire of Willm. of Syston. Arther of Bedmynster (see p. 1). John Kemys= of Oldbery. Arther Kemys=j=Joane, d. of Marmaduke of Bedmynster. M'aunsell (see p. 49). T" John Kemys of Roger Kemys=j=Issabell,d. Thomas Kemys, Elizebelh,ux. Knolle, base sonn of West wike in | of George buried in Christ Christopher of Yledbery, ob. com.Somersett. j Hadley, Church in I. on- Nappe. s.p. 1591. don, s.p. i m Margerett, ux. Mary Kemys rn r— i 1. Arther Kemys, 1591. 3. Thomas. Gyles Kemys — — of Newport. Elizabeth Kemys. 2. Walter Kemys. 4. Walter. 120 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Of Bristol. Arms. — Ar. on a chevron party per chevron Gu. and Az. between three bustards Gu. as many fleur de lis Or. Richard Kytchen of=j=Maryan, d. of ... Kendale in com. Wcstmerland. Slake, of . . . in com. Westmorland. _L I 1 1 1 Thomas. Robert Ky tchen=f=Joane, d. of . . . Matthew Richard-p... d. of ... Alderman of Bris- tol!. Sachville, no Kytchin. Kytchin. yssue (1 1st wife). ■"I Pytta of Bristoll. H ... Kytchin, sonn Maryan. Elizebeth. Margerett. Robert Kytchin, and heire. of London. Uotok # Of Clyvedon. Arms. — Sa, a hand, couped at the wrist, grasping three darts, one in pale, and two in saltire Arg. William Lowle of Yardley=f=... d. of in com. Worcester. Lytleton. James Lowle.=r=... d. of ... Baskervile. Andrew, "1 Samuel!. i ' ; 1 p 1 Raffe Lowle. =f=... d. of Husebrigg, George. Eumond. Andrew. Walter=j=Joane, d. of Lowle. -J Russell. Thomas. Anthony. Sabrey. Richard Lowle, dyed at Yardley in=f=... d. of Tuener com. Worster, and is there buried with his coate. (Turner). VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 121 Thomas=p... d. of .. Lowle. Mayhouse. Richard Lowlo, slaino at Breming- ham in com. "Warwick. J_ I 1 1 1 John Lowle, dyed at Clyvedon=T=... d. of ... William. Thomas. Roger. in com. Somersett. Wake. 1. John=pApolyn, d. Lowle. of Richard Leversedg. 2. Roger=i=Joane, d. and heire of Lowle. John Oage of Walton in com. Somersett. \J/ 1. Richard Lowle.=r=... d. of ... Percivall. 2. Edmond. 1 3. John. Percivall Lowle 1591, in New England 1639. iiUrirk Of West Camel. Arms. — Paly of six, Or and Az. on a fesse Gu. three mullets Ar. Merick of Mericks Court 1 in= com. Hereftbrd, gent. 1. ... Merick of Mericks-=j= court in Herefford. ._i — r J Robert Merick of Taunton 1 in com. Somersett. .J . . . d. and heire ux. Herbert. Robert Merick of Taunton,=p ob. 10; Q. Elizebeth. r _ Robert Merick of=j=Sisley, d. of Willm. Morris 2 of Queens Camell in com. Som., by Joane d. of Wm. Longford. West Camell in com. Som. j Andrew Merick of= West Camell. =Elizebeth, d. of Christopher Chidleigh of Ashton, in com. Devon, Esqr. Chidley Merick, 1589. Dorathey. —\ Anne, ob. young. 1 See Sims' Index, p. 122. 2 See 1623, p. SI, Pedigree of Culliford. 122 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. iHmett* Arms. — Barry of six, Or and So. Coilinson, II. 169, 297, III. 258-9. Johannes Beauchamp, Baro de Hach,===Margeretta, com. War- ob. 13 E. Ill, 1338 [oh. 1343]. wick, oh. 35 E. III. Wiilmus Beauchainp,=Alicia, soror Tho., com. Baro de hach, oh. 35 War., renupta Mathew E. III. 1361 [John Gurney, mil. ["The*. Earl E. oh. Oct. 7 13611. cf Warwick." She died s.]>. 1383.] John and Edward, B.p. r~ Ellinora, 1 nx. Johes Meriett Miles [He was h. 1328, d. 1369]. ■~rn Cecillia. Margeretta. John Meriett, oh.=j=[Matilda, wid. Sr. Raphe Seymour. She 3 R TI [oh. 26 July 1391]. m. 3rdly Sir Hugh Cheyne, Kt. He d. circ. 1406, she survived him]. r~" -j Elizeheth,' 2 til. et heres. See the De Meriet Pedigree by B. W. Greenfield, in the Proceedings of the Somerset Arch. Society for 1882. Mr. Greenfield's corrections and additions are given in brackets. For Beauchamp of Hatch-Beauchamp, see Coilinson, I. 44. Jttflflw Of Drayton. Robert Moore of Moore.* f— .J George Moore of Drayton=j=Cicleye, d. of Eyre of in com. Somersett. ... in com. Wilts. .J Mareinaduke Moore^ of Draton, 1591. =Joane. d. of Adam Martin of Georgehenton. Adam Moore. John Moore. — P Elizeheth. 1 Mar. circ. 1345, ob. ante 1361. 2 Sole child and heir, born 1386, contracted in marriage to Urry Seymour before July 1391 ; she died an infant circa 1395. (De Meriet Pedigree.) VISITATIONS OF SOMEBSET. 123 $Uiuport Of Bridgwater. Arms. 1 — Gu. on a canton Arg. a fleur de lya Ha. a mullet for difference. Ffrancis Newport of . ..=j= in coin. Worker. i r 1 John Newport of Bridg-=j=Emme, d. of John Sel- Willm., Maud Newport water in com. Som. wood of Charde. ob. s.p. was a nun. I 1 1 John Newport, Emanuell Newport =f=Lueey, d. of Rob. Graunt Marge rett, ux. Phil- ob. s.p. of Bridgwater, 1591. of Enmer Graunt. lip Hedges of Enmer. f~ Thomas Newport. John Newport. Amye. fflorence. < )f Bristol. Arms. — Or, on a chevron Az. betw. three carnations Ar. stalked and leaved Vert., tliree lions' heads ei-ased of the first. Willm. Pepwall of Cold^Elizebeth. d. Ashton in com. Gloster. of Smyth. Mary, ux. Phillip Langley Elizebeth, ux. and hath yssue thereby. Rice Joanes. ! . ( Susan, ux. Richard 3. Timothey. Yong. r~ 1. Michell Pepwali=j=Anne, d. of of Bristoll, 1591. David Hobbes. H 2. Phillip=Joane, d. of Ste- Pepwall. phen Coale. 2 1 — I 1 — I 1 — i 1 — I 1 — 1 Mary, ux. Willm. Sara. John Pepwall. 3. Thomas. 5. Edward. 7. Mathew. Boulton of Bristoll. — — — — — Anne. 2. Michell. 4. Arther. 6. Gyles. 8. Samuel!. This is a Gloucestershire family. See Sims' Index, p. 113. 1 These according to Burke are the Arms of Newport of co. Stafford. * And widow of Penterish [from a Glos. Visitation in Bath Library]. R* 124 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET I tm&nn Of Hey. Arms. — Az. 1 (or Gu.) a falcon rising Ar. beaked and legged Or, a chief Or. John Peyssun of Abbots- bury in com. Dorssett. ■Elizabeth, J. and beire of .. Salmon of ... in hampshire. I Hugh Peyssun" of Abbotsburv. •Dorathey, d. Johnpeys-^Joane, d. of John Richard Peyssun of ...Browne sun. •of Sussex. Cocksden of com. of Est Myng. 1 )orssett. =f= Robert. "1 I 1 Roger Peyssun=f=... d. of ... (Jeffrey Peyssum=j=Grace,d. of Ro- Hugh Robert of Abbotsburv. Samways. of hey in com. Somersett. .J bertGland(f)of Peyssun. Peyssun. Will in 1 'ton. John Peyssun. Hugh Peyssun. Anne. Dorathey. Mabell Peasinge of Abbotsbuky. Visitn. of Dorset 1623. Hutchins, II. 719. Peasinge, . ..Peasinge of Abbotsburv, Dorset. = ""1 John, Abbott of Abbotsbury. r- Hugh of Abbotsbury. =j=Dorothy, d. Browne of eo. Sussex. John of Lillington,=y=Joan, d. Chins. Darbye of 2. Roger. =d. Samways. 1 tarset, living 1623. Askerswell, Dorset. Joan.=Ric. Gilling- Dorothy.* ham", rector of Lillinizton. =Geo. Sand- Mary, ford of Eon- unmar- tlon. ried. John, s.=j=Anne, d. Law- andh.,aet. 21, 1623. renceGroatman de Sherborne. John, s. and h., set 2, 1623. Notk. — In 30 Eliz. lived Hugh Pyaing of Ansty in Helton or Hilton 1 xa. N.W. of Milton Abbas, Dorset, and they are met with in registers till 1670. They seem to be descendants of an Abbot of Abbotsbury of that name. Hutchins' Dorset, IV. 355. Not specified in Harl. MS. 1559, fo. 110. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 125 garter 1 ox (Slosto.* Akms. —(iu. on a fesse Or three hurts, the middle one charged with a lion pass. Or, the other with a fleur-de-lys as the last, between three wings of the same. Thomas Gloster=j=Ceciley, d. of John Chnrsdon a Is. Porter. I als. Long. John Artherof Clopton. Thomas Porter.=Catherin, d. of *7= John Howard. I — — ~~ John Arther-T-Marceretfe. d. of John of Clopton. Butler of Badmington in coin. Glo8ter. 1 Margeiett.=j=Koger Porter of com. \J/ Gloster (see p. 2). ._! I ; ■ — ■ Arther Porter. =f=Allice, d. of John Arnold, 17 ii. Yin. Si'. Thomas=j=Anii<', d. of Porter, Knt. Richard Dennis. .J — I Arnold Porter. Richard Porter, I J). S.l). Arther Porter. Pridgett, ux. Xrofer Baynham, sonn of Sr, < ioorge. $rgn Of Swainswick. [OF SHROPSHIRE, WORCESTERSHIRE, AND SOMERSET, See Sillis' Index.] Abms. — Or, a fesse engr. Az. between three escallops Gu. Collinson, 1. 155. Ambrose Pryn of Kynverton=j=... d. of ... Beale in com. Sallop. of Broughton. !— 1. John Pryn, 2. Henery Pryn of Kynver,* oh. s.p. had lands at Grymesby and Branghton Cought. r™ ■Ellenor, d. of...Kelley. ---] ■ 1 3. Ambrose. 4. Thomas. 1. Andrew Pryn^pElizrbeth, of Kynver. d. of . . . Clyfton. 2. Richard. 3. John. 1 — i 4. Anthony. 5. Thomas. r 2 daughters. 1 Thomas Prvn.= 2. Edward. 1 A daughter 1 Porter of Gloucestershire, see Sims' Index, p. 1 1 3. 126 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. r~ A i Alexander Pryn of= ... in com. Worster. l~ 2. Nicholas. 3. Edward. Joane. 1 Mary. EdwardPryn inherited 1 the lands by a deede made from Richard Erie of Warwick. «... cL of ... Sebright of Clauds vel Elands [1 Wore] n — i — 1. Richard. r - 1 Issabell. 2. Bartholomew. Elenor. John r~i — 2. Richard= d. of Pryn, Pryn, a mar- a prest. chant of Bris- tow. a marchant of Vaughan, whose brother Bristow, Wm, Erie of Pembrook killed. Edward Pryn,=j=... d. Richard Pryn of Broken Cought in of ... Ben- nett. com. Worster. L_ _L 1. Nicholas Pryn.= n L_ 2. Sr. Edward=... one of the King- 3. Thomas Pryn, Pryn. dom of Portingale. ob. 8. p. ~1 Sr. Gilbert Pryn of Allington in com. Gloc, Knt. r~ A sonn, Frances, 1 d., ux. Sr. Francis Senior, 2 d., ux. Sr. died Senior of Merleborongh in George Hastings, bro- yong. com. Wilts, brother of the ther to the Earle of E. of Hertford. Huntington. m. to his=j=Erasmus Pryn=|=Bridgett, d. of John Pryn— Agnes, d of Andrew 1 wife. i — Joane. of Clifton and Aest in com. Gloc. [Aust.] Pyland of of London, Bachbor of Cliesliam. ..., 2 wife. ob. s.p. Allice. 4. Bennett, ob. s.p. 6. James Pryn of=j=Joyce, d. of Ro- bert Codrington of Oodrington in com. Gloc. ffurnivalls Inn.gent. 5 ArtherPryn, ob. 1626, March, s.p. 1. Eel- ward, ob. s.p. l 3. Nicholas Pryn. =j=... d. of ..., renupta Bevill [ Moulesworth of London. Anne Pryn A sonn, d. yong. " I ... d. of ...Smyth,=f=2. Thomas Pryn of Swanswick=j=Marv, d. of Wm. Sherston of 1 wife. in com. Som. Bath in corn. Som., 2 wife. __J i t I 1 1 1 — I. Ann, ux. George 1. William Pryn 2. Thomas. Joane, ux. Wm. Catherin. Gough of Bristow, of Lincoln's Inn, Kemish of Wick- marchant. 1626. wick [Glos.] 1 Bridgett. 1 See Rudder's Glos., p. 455. Wick wick 13 in Frampton Cotterel. See ante p. 118. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 127 Of Lovelixcii ix Milverton. Akms of Avenell of Loxbere, Devon. — Arg. five fusils in fesse Sa. betw. two cotises <>u. [Richards of Somerset and Devon on the marriage of Edw. Richards and the coh. of Avenell assumed the above arms]. See Westcote's Devon, p. 98, and Burke's Armoury. James Richarde, bnried=j= Agnes, d. of Milverton Church A 1332. Gambon. J Edwarde Richarde=j=Joane, d. of Caverley of Mylverton. of ... in com. Devon. __i r — ; r 1. John Richarde Anthony Richard-fMary, d. of ... Maynard of Mylverton. of Mylverton. of Milverton. _J Wilhn. Richard of=r=Joane, d. of Richard Mylverton, 1591. Raxworthy. I — I ; Joane Richarde. Mary Richarde. i — r Denny s Richarde. William. John Richarde. Edward. John. Mr. Glanville Richards has kindly sent the following pedigree. - John Avenell, Ld. of Loxbere, Devon, descended from Sr. Galfrid A. Ld. of Loxbere, temp. Henry II. (Pole). r" Eleanor Avenell. =j=Ed ward Richards (ob. 25 Mar. 1513). "I . . Avenell=j=Trowbridge. (coheiress.). James Richards, from whom come Richards of Devon. Edw. Richards John Trowbridge, of Lovelinch. s. and h. L Edw.=Grace Glyn. Wm. of Lovelinch. Jane.=pWm. Lancaster of Milverton. From whom come the Richards of Somerset. r - _J r" Jane Lancaster."-* Wm. Trowbridge of Loxbere, 1 )evon. 128 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Kntaris Of Bristol. Arms. — Per pale Ar. and Gu. a lion ramp. S&, . "Willni. Roberts. =p... d. of Busholine. r" "Willui. Roberts of Stanton=f=... d. of ... Lacy in Sallop Peneston. r~ Willni. Roberts of Bor\vay=j=Jane, d. and heire in com. Sallop. of ... Gomond. Otber yssue as in Glostershire. John Roberts of Ashfford= in com. Sallop. •Margerett, d. of Richard Johnson Sergeant at Armes to Prince Arther. I 1 John Roberts Alderman=f=Mary, d. of Willm. Henery Roberts. =Elizebeth, d. of of Bristoll, 1591. Chester of Bristoll. Robert Baynam. Mary, ux. John Combe (?) of Bristow . 1 1 1 rhomas, Walter Ro-=f= John Sache-=i=Elizebeth vile. | Roberts. ob. berts. r~ _j John Roberts. r* Thomas Sachevile. John Roberts. =r=Margerett, d. of John Butler, brother to Erie of Ormomd. I 1 T" Thomas Roberts, Catheryn. Mary. vide Gloster. Margerett. %osuttx # Of Crewkerne. Arms. — Ar. on a chevron Gu. three pheona Or. John ffoster of Luxborough, 1573.=i= Alice, d. of ... Baker. Joane, ux. John Nutcombe 1 of Agnes, ux. John Rosseter of Nutcombe in com. Devon. Crookhorne in com. Somersett. r~ John Rosseter of Old Cliffe (Old Cleeve) in com. Somersett, 1631, June. 1 Harl. Soc., vi. 202. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 129 fi0iub0r0* Of Bristol. Robson, als. Roborow. r~ John Robson, als. Rowboro of=j=... d. of... Sr. Jaiues Blunt of*f"Anne, d. of Kings wood in com. Wilts. Ashe. Kynlett (co. Salop). Rif. Croft. William Rowboro. =j=...d. of... Warren of William Whithed.=j=Bridgett, d. of Sr, the forrest of Dene. r~ James Blunt. 2. Thomas, ... d. of ... haly-=pJohnRowboro.=y=Anne, d. of Win. Whithed of ob. s.p. day, 1 Avife. I 1. William" Rowboro. r - .J William Rowboro. Mytton [co. Wore] 2 wife. "~r~i Anne, ux. James Hawkins. Vrsula, ux. John Lawes. i r 1 4. JohnRow T boro of=j=Mary, d. of John 5. Anthony r —~ 1 =... d. of ... 2. George Rowboro. Greene of — Glostershire. 3. Edward Rowboro. Bristoll, 1591. I Anne. Sarpevile. Maw, Elizebeth. Rowboro. >f. Jftaitri>* [Of Castle Cary. Collinson, II. 54.] Akms. — Ar. two chevrons Gu. a label of three points Vert. Sr. Richard St. Maure,=f= Knt., ob. 2 H. IV. , I John St. Maure,= ob. =Margerett, d. and heire of [Joh.] Erleigh, 1 ob. 21 H. VI. r John St. Maure,=j= ob. 17 H. VI. r J Sr. Thomas St. Maure,=f= Knt., ob. 5 H. VII. | I John St. Maure.=f=Elizebeth Choke. 2 Anne, ux. Sowell [Stowell]. Margerett, ux. Bamffeld. 1 Erleigh of Beckington. Margt.=l. John, 2nd son of Sir Ric. St. Maur.=2. Sir Walter Sondes, Kt.=3. Sir Wm, Cheney, Kt. Collinson, II. 199. For Erleigh of Somerton-Erleigh, see Collinson, III. 185. 2 d. Sr. Kic. Choke of Long Ashton, 1623, p. 22, Collinson, II. 291, 434 S 130 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Of S. Pethertox. Arms and Pedigree '.623, p. 97. 7. Symon Bourman=f=lsabell, d. of Stephen Gyles, of London, dyed 25 of May 1601. a Spaniard and of Katherin Delaseld lies wiffe, ob. 1599. Mary, nx. Einannell Sands of com. Som. Symon Sands. — 1 Fraunces Sands. mm Of Bristol. Arms. — Az. three leopards' heads in pale Or. John Snygge. =j=Allice, d. of ... Collinson, II. 123. Thomas=f=Mary, Base d. of Snygge. Lord Barklev. ... nx. John Rowland of Bristol!. L. John Snygge.=f=Anne, d. of Kingston. George Snygg.=j=Margerett, d. of Tayler. 1 1 Thomas, s.p. Mary. i ; m George Snigg of=j=Allice, d. of Willm. John, ob. yong. Bristoll, Sergeant at Law. r~i — Anne. Johne. Yong of Ogbome, in com. "Wilts. William, ob. yong. r~T" Cicelye. Margerett. 1 1. John 2. George. William=r=Elizabeth Salterne. Snygge. — 3. William. n 1. George Salterne. 2. Robert. Snygge. 3. Henery. Alison. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 131 itrnhrte Of Pitminstbh. John Strowd of Kyme=}= Joane, d. of ... Kvme 1 in com. Dorsett. of ... in com. Dorsett. Judith, d. of Willm. ==j=l. Willm. Strowde of Pit-=j=Catlieriu, .1. Winterhay* of Eat- myster in com. Som., m. to of ... flard- mister. myster in com. Som., m. to his 2 wiffe Agnes, d. of Walter Hogges of ..in com. Somersett. ing* of ... in com. Somer- sett. 1. Thomas Strowd. I 1 1 2. Walter Strowd. Mary. Susan. 1 2. Robert Strowd. — I 1 Roberta. Sara. ►nmcmu Of IjUtleigh. CV-llinson, III. 449. Arms (granted 157b per C. Cooke). — Erm. three bears' heads couped Sa. muzzled Or. Wm. Symcoke of-=j= Staffordshire. , I Wm. Symcoke of Stoker-Margery, d. of in com. Worster. John Shreese. r~ ._! Christopher Symcoke of Ihit-=j=Mary, d. of Nicholas leigh in com. Som. 1591. I Halswell of Gothurst I (see p. 28). ' I 1 1. Tho. Symcoke=Margerett, 3. Dyer of in com. d. of ... Symcoke. Nottingham. Jesop. 1 — i 3. Hmnfrey. 4. Christopher. — I — 1 Margerett, ux. Bryan Pope. Joane. Allice, ux. Wm. Coward. 2. Alexander=j=Margerett, d. of Symcoke. Willm. Guppye. I r 1. Christopher. Mary. 2. Willm. Elizebeth, Joane. Thomas Symcok. Christopher Symcok. 1 John Kyme. Hutchins' Dorset, II. 185, 786. 2 Hutchins, IV. 453 (Winterhay of Chetnoll in Yetminster). s There was a Win. Farthing of Stonehall in Enmore. See 1623, p. 136 [under Charlinch]. S* 132 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. Htotnglja* Of Kayford in Frome. Arms. — Ar. a chevron betsv. three lapwings close Sa. Twinyho of ...=f= I r J Twinyho of ...=j= Collinson, II. 189. -J Win. Twinyho of Kay-=j=... d. and heire of Cobing- ford in com. Som. ton [? Codrington]. 1. Wm. Twinyho=j=Ankerctt, d. of ... Hawkes- of Kayford. ton and his heire. Elizebeth, ux. Wm. Lovell. John Twiniho of Ciren- cester and Bristow. " 1 r" Edith, ux. Alary, ux. Wm. Dorathey, d.=j=Thom. Mor Thomas de la lind. Reade of Bores- and heire of tall in com. Buck- John Twini- ingham. ho. ton of Lech lade in com Gloster. \1/ JohnTwynyho= of Kay ford. — I Willm. Twinyho. =j=Catherin, d. and heire j of ... Solers. 1. Roger slayne 2. Thomas, s. p. Edith, ux. Montfort. 3. George-pElizebeth, d. of at Blackheath. 4. John, s.p. r~ .J Maud, ux. Ludlow. Twinyhoe of Kay- ford. Thorn. Audley, Brother to Ja- mes Lord Aud- ley. " I Edw. Tinyho=pEdith, d. of Christopher Twiny-=j=Edith, d. and co- Elizebeth, of Kayford. Sr. Wm.Vue- ho of Turn worth 1 in dale[Uvedale]. com. Dorsett. r~ _L heire of Wm. ux Bamfeld of Turn- Wrough- worth . ton, ob. s. p. Anne. Thomas 1. George Twinyho=j=Vrsula, d. of John 2. Charles Twi- Jane. Twiuyho. of Turnworth 1624. Baskett 2 of Aps in nyho of Turn- the Isle of Wight. worth. r~ 1. Christopher. Anne, ux. John Estmond of Barbara Edith. Shroton, als. Iwerne Courtney — in com. Dorsett, Clerke. Jane. 2. George I 1 ~T 1 1 1. Thomas. 2. John. 3. Christopher. 4. George. Jane. Note. — This family takes its name from Twyniho, a hamlet in Wellow. Collinson, III. 328. 1 Hutchins' Dorset, III. 468. 2 Berry's Hants' Genealogies, p. 160 (Apse in Shanklin). VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 133 JTatoer Of Bristol, from Herefordshire. Ar.ms. — Sa. tliree scaling ladders Ar. 2 and 1, betw. the 2, in chief, a spearhead of the last ; on a chief C4u. a tower triple towered of the second. Howell Vawer.=j=Eva, <1. of llyn ap David. Rice ap Howell=y=Angherd, d. of Jenkyn Vawer. David ap Yevan. r~ Jenkyn Vawer 1 of=j=Elizabeth Hygda, Hereford West. d. of ... 3. Lewes Vawer .Margerett,d. of=j=l. Win, Vawer -pAune, d. of Kie. 2. Thorn. of Here ford West, lewes Phillips, 1 wife. of Bristol! i — r 1. James Vawer. Thomas. Margerett. Jenkyn Vawer. William. Bennett of Wal- Vawer, 2 lingford in com. sonn of Berks, 2 wife. Jenkyn. John Vawer. Richard Vawer. 1 George Vawer. Hake* Of Northamptonshire. See Sims' Index, p, 218. Arms. — Ar. (or Or) two bars Gu. in chief three torteaux. 2 Bauldwyn Lord Wake.-r- i , . , i Thomas, lord Wake. Sr. Hugh Wake, Knt. r~ i Sr. Thomas Wake,^=Allice, d. and heire of Knt., 134 . (6 ?). Sr. John Pateshall. .J Sr. Thomas=j=Mauld, d. of Sr. Thorn. Wake, Knt. | Pygott, Knt. A 1 Vawer of Hereford West (Sims' Index, p. 123) ■ Wake of Clevedon, co. Somerset, and Wake of Deeping, co. Lincoln, have these Arms (Burke's Armoury). For Wake of Dotclithwake, ^ee Oollinson III. 119. 134 VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. A Thomas Wake, Esqr.=y=..., d. of ... Philpott. r~ Thomas AVake, called=r= Agnes, d. and lieire of Sr. Great Wake. John Lovell, Knt. _l Roger Wake.=j=Elizebeth, d. of Sr. Willm. Catesby. .J Richard Wake of Hatewell, 2 sonn=j=Dorathey, d. of Sr. [Hartwell, Northants]. John Dyve, Kt. John Bubeck,'=f=Elizabeth, d. of Esq., 1 559. j Richard Wake. aStaltott Of Shapwick. Ahms. — A fletir de lya Gu. a mullet for difference. Thomas Walton 2 of Hame in=f= com. Som. [High Ham]. Cotlinson, III. 427. Joane, d. of ... legh 3 =j=Wm. Walton of Shap- of the Isle of Wight, wick in com. Som., 3 1 wife. sonn. =Issabell, d. of Ric. Lang of Glaston, 2 wife. L. i t -~ . r~ n Dunston Walton Ric. Walton=f=Elizebeth, d. of John Cary Francis Henery. of London. of Shapwick. Jane, tix. hngh Margerett, ux. Worth. David Gal- hampton. of Cade Kabeare* in com. Walton. Devon. Robert. "i.i ' i Elizabeth, Frances. Anne. — n 1. Thomas Walton. 2. Dunstan Walton. 3. Wm.==Anne, d. and heire of Walton. George Tilly. 1 4. Alexander. 1 See ante, Bulbeck Pedigree, p. 98 (where Eastwell should be Hartwell). 2 Walton of Hamme (Som.} and London, has the same Arms as Walton of Little Burstead, Essex (Burke's Armoury). * Of Shonvell, I. W. Berry's Hants' Genealogies, p. 122. 4 John Cary, s. and h. of Robert by Jane Care\v=Ann, d. and h. Edm. Devick of Kegbeare. Westcote, p. 508. VISITATIONS OF SOMERSET. 135 # Of Kknlbgh, Salop. Arms. — Az. fretty Or, a canton Era. See Ey f on's Antiquities of Shropshire, II. 51. Willm. de Wiffiley.**- i i Willm. de Williley.=j= r~ -_i Warnerius de Williley dria maneriorum de Cretington Wilderc:iJ>M ..:■ ..x ■..■■•■,'-•!■•••;■■. : " S38 R»»' Bang— MWMI^B ■'■; 3 £38 111111$ .,■ •!>.•!,. '■■ . .'■■'■ : ' .■.„■.':•.•'.■."'' .:'.,': ::"",' ''.'■• ''"'>'