BERKEL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN LIBRARY SCHOOL GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. SAKGANT BEKNHAED WHISHAW. LONDON : HENRY FROWDE, AMEN CORNER, E.G. 1891. (All Rights Reserved.} XONDON : HABBISON AND SONS, PBINTEB8 IN OBDINABY TO HEB MAJESTY, ST. MABTIN'S LANE. - - , PREFACE. IN the large and increasing number of works, good, bad, and indifferent, which exist upon every subject, it is often difficult for the ordinary reader to choose the book he wants. Catalogues, which are comprehensive and not selective, are of little assistance. They seldom afford an indication of the nature and scope of the books named in them, nor do they discriminate between what has and what has not real merit; while bibliographies, besides being open to the same objections, are too voluminous to be of much service except to the student, and, moreover, are not always easily accessible. The object of this little work is to place at the service of the reader the opinions of those who may be trusted to give sound advice as to the books which are of value in each department of knowledge. It is not always possible, even for specialists, to name the best works, but they can, at least, give an assurance that books which they recommend are thoroughly good. The list of names printed at the end of this preface will probably be a sufficient guarantee that reliance may be placed upon the information supplied. Many works which are valuable in themselves, or historically in- teresting, will not be found in these pages. The idea in which the book has originated is precisely opposed to an enumeration of the whole literature upon any subject : its aim is to select as carefully as possible what is essential, and to omit all the remainder. This work is one of such difficulty, even in the hands of the most competent authorities, that the first issue is likely to be imperfect both by excess and defect : but the Editors hope, by inviting and noting criticisms and suggestions, to improve the book, should succeeding editions be called for. Magazine articles, when not reprinted in book form, articles in encyclo- paedias and dictionaries, and special chapters of books or special papers published in volumes of collected essays, &c., have been, as a rule, omitted, nor has any selection of school text-books been generally attempted. The prices quoted are, for English books, the published price ; for works published abroad, the nett cash price in London. Although the greatest trouble has been taken to ensure accuracy, the Editors cannot guarantee the correctness of all the prices given ; and, moreover, from the fact that books are continually going out of print and new editions appearing, complete exactness in this respect is unattainable. The titles are not necessarily given in full, but frequently in an abbreviated form, sufficient for identification. To the contributors named below the Editors desire to express their thanks, not only for the trouble taken in drawing up the lists of books, but for much valuable advice and criticism. Thanks are also due to many friends, whose names do not appear, for the kindly interest they have taken in the preparation of the Guide Book, and for many useful sugges- tions as to books, subjects and arrangement. Contributors. CAPT. W. DE W. ABNEY, R.E., C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S. ME. R. ADAMSON, LL.D., Professor of Moral Philosophy, Owens Coll., Manchester. WILLIAM ARCHER. R. N. BAIN, British Museum. T. HUDSON BEARS, B. Sc., Professor of Engineering, University Coll., London. A. BEAZELEY, M. Inst. C.E. Librarian to the Royal Institute of British Architects. MRS. HUGH BELL. MR. A. BERRY, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer King's Coll., Cambridge. W. C. A. BLEW. JAMES BONAR, M.A. H. COURTHOPE BOWEN, M.A., Cambridge. University Lecturer on the History and Theory of Education. PROFESSOR BRIDGE, Mus. Doc., Organist of Westminster Abbey. MR. H. L. BR^KSTAD. B. BROOMHALL. JAMES BRYCE, M.P., D.C.L., Regius Professor of Civil Law, Oxford. FRANK CAMPBELL, British Museum. F. M. CAMPBELL. R3AR ADMIRAL COLOMB. MR. P. COWELL, Librarian of the Liverpool Free Library. RIGHT REV. M. CREIGHTON, M.A., Bishop of Peterborough. MRS. CRAWFORD. PREFACE. V MB. L. CUTHBEET CROPPER, Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. T. W. RHYS DAVIDS, LL.D. Professor of Pali and Buddhist Literature, University Coll., London. RIGHT REV. RANDALL T. DAVIDSON, D.D., Bishop of Rochester. MR. R. K. DOUGLAS, Professor of Chinese, King's Coll., London. ,, A. DBYDEN, Hon. Sec. Wimbledon Skating Club. T. H. EAGLES, M.A., Professor of Geometrical Drawing, Royal Indian Engineering Coll., Cooper's Hill. JOHN EARLE, M.A., Professor of Anglo-Saxon, Oxford. MRS. FAWCETT. MR. L. FLETCHER, M.A., F.R.S., Keeper of Mineralogy, Natural History Museum. H. O. ARNOLD FORSTER. H. S. FOXWELL, M.A., Professor of Political Economy, Univ. Coll., London. Hon. C. W. FREMANTLE, C.B., Master of the Mint. Miss GARRETT. MR. ALFRED SCOTT GATTY, F.S.A., York Herald, Herald's College. ARCH. GEIKIE, LL.D., F.R.S., Director-General of the Geological Survey. LAWRENCE GOMME, F.S.A., Director of the Folk-Lore Society. WALTER T. GOOLDEN, M.A., Member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers. W. GOWLAND, Late Director of the Imperial Mint, Japan. JOSEPH GRIFFITHS, M.B., Assistant Professor of Surgery, Cambridge. SIR GEORGE GROVE, D.C.D., Director of the Royal College of Music. MR. J. W. HALES, M.A., Professor of English, King's Coll., London. FREDERICK HARRISON. J. E. HARTING, Librarian to the Linnrean Society. DR. N. HEINEMANN. MlSS L. HlGGIN. MR. J. E. HODGSON, R.A., Librarian to the Royal Academy. J. R. JACKSON, A.L.S., Curator of the Museums, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. HENRY JONES (" Cavendish "). J. SCOTT KELTIE, Librarian to the Royal Geographical Society. DIXON KEMP. W. P. KER, M.A., Professor of English Literature, University Coll., London. COLONEL C. COOPER KING. MR. T. J. KIERNAN, Assistant Librarian, Harvard University. JOSEPH KNIGHT, Secretary to the Vegetarian Society. ,, C. C. LACAITA. E. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Zoology, University Coll., London. C. G. LELAND. V. B. LEWES, Professor of Chemistry, Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich. J. NORMAN LOCKYER, F.R.S. ., ROBERT W. LOWE. SIR JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart., M.P., D.C.L., F.R.S. HON. ALFRED LYTTELTON. VI PREPACK MRS. JOHN MACCUNN. ME. W. McTuRK, Angelo's Royal School of Arms. SIR PHILIP MAGNUS, City and Guilds of London Technical Institute. ME. EIBIKR MAGNUSSON, M.A., Sub-Librarian of the University Library, Cambridge. D. S. MAEGOLIOUTH, M.A., Laud's Professor of Arabic, Oxford. J. E. MARE, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer, St. John's Coll., Cambridge. Secretary to the Geological Society. A. MILNES MAESHALL, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., Professor of Zoology, Owens Coll., Man- chester. W. R. MORFILL, M.A., University Reader in Russian and the other Slavonic Languages, Oxford. WILLIAM MOEEIS. ,, F. MAX MULLEB, M.A., Professor of Comparative Philology, Oxford. ,, G. NICHOLSON, A.L.S., Curator of the Gardens, Kew. PEOFESSOR D. OLIVER, F.R.S., Keeper of the Herbarium and Library, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ME. REGINALD F. D. PALGRAVE, C.B., Clerk of the House of Commons. H. F. PELHAM, M.A., Camden Professor of Ancient History, Oxford. REV. J. PERCIVAL, LL.D., Head Master of Rugby. SIE FREDERICK POLLOCK, Bart., M.A., Corpus Professor of Jurisprudence, Oxford. REV. T. G. P. POPE, English Chaplain, Lisbon. MR. R. STUART POOLE, LL.D. Keeper of Coins, British Museum ; Correspondent of the Institute of France. EEV. R. H. QUICK, M.A., Trinity Coll., Cambridge, Sometime University Lecturer on the History of Education. Miss C. RADFORD. MR. R. RAE, Secretary of the National Temperance League. W. RAMSAY, Ph.D., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry, University Coll., London. T. A. REED. JOHN RHYS, M.A., Professor of Celtic, Oxford. D. A. RITCHIE, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer of Jesus Coll., Oxford. R. D. ROBERTS, M.A., D.Sc., Fellow of Clare Coll., Cambridge ; Sec. London Society for the Extension of University Teaching. W. C. ROBERTS- AUSTEN, F.R.S., Professor of Metallurgy, Royal School of Mines. SIE H. E. ROSCOE, M.P., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. MB. H. LING ROTH. F. W. RUDLEE, Curator of the Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn Street. E. M. SADLER, M.A., Sec. Oxford Society for the Extension of University Teaching. GEORGE SAINTSBURY. REV. W. SANDAY, M.A., Ireland Professor of Exegesis, Oxford. MR. J. BURDON SANDERSON, M.A., Waynflete Professor of Physiology, Oxford. Miss ETHEL SAEGANT. MB, J. R. SEELEY, M.A., Professor of Modern History, Cambridge. W. SENIOE (" Red Spinner "). A. SlDGWlCK, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Corpus Christ! Coll., Oxford. PREFACE. Vli MR. H. SIDGWICK, D.Litt., Professor of Moral Philosophy, Cambridge. MRS. HENRY SIDGWICK. MR. F. STORR, M.A. RIGHT REV. WILLIAM STUBBS, D.D., Bishop of Oxford. MDLLE. SOUVESTBE. MR. A. W. SUNDERLAND, M.A., Late Scholar of Trin. Coll., Cambridge. Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries. J. J. SYLVESTER, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S. Savilian Professor of Geometry, Oxford. J. ADDINGTON SYMONDS. H. R. TEDDER, Librarian to the Athenaeum Club. SIR HENRY THOMPSON, F.R.C.S., M.B., Consulting Surgeon to University Coll. Hospital. MR. J. J. THOMSON, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Experimental Physics, Cambridge. SIR WILLIAM THOMSON, LL.D., F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy, Glasgow. MR. ANDREW TUER, F.S.A. E. B. TYLOR, M.A.. D.C.L., F.R.S., Reader in Anthropology, Oxford. REV. E. VENABLES, Canon of Lincoln. MR. A. W. VERRALL, M.A., D.Litt., Fellow and Lecturer of Trin. Coll., Cambridge, A. H. VESEY, A.M.I.C.E. ROBT. WALLACE, Professor of Agriculture, Edinburgh. H. MARSHALL WARD, Professor of Botany, Royal Indian Engineering Coll., Cooper's Hill. REV. WENTWORTH WEBSTER, M.A., Oxon., Corresponding Member of the Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid. MR. C. WELCH, F.S.A., Librarian of the Guildhall Library. E. H. WHINFIELD, M.A. MRS. BERNHARD WHISHAW. COL. SIR CHARLES WILSON, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., R.E., D.C.L., F.R.S. MR. E. T. WILSON, B.A., M.B. (Oxon.), F.R.C.P. W. T. WILSON, F.R.C.V.S., Professor of Veterinary Science, Royal Agricultural Coll., Cirencester. HON. LEWIS WINGPIELD. MR. JUSTIN WINSOR, Librarian of Harvard University. H. J. WOLSTENHOLME. Miss A. ROMLEY WRIGHT, Manchester School of Domestic Economy. Contributors of Local Information. VERY REV. JAS. ALLEN, M.A., Dean of St. David's. MR. THOS. ARCHER, C.M.G., Agent-General for Queensland. WALTER BARING, H.M. Charge" d'Affaires, Cettinje. HON. WILLIAM A. C. BARRINGTON, Secretary of Embassy, Madrid. HON. FREDERICK BERNAL, H.M. Consul-General, Havre. SIR GEORGE BERTRAM, Bailiff of Jersey. G. F. BONHAM, Bart., Secretary of Legation, Lisbon. Vlii PREFACE. VEEY REV. G. D. BOYLE, Dean of Salisbury. G. C. BRADLEY, D.D., Dean of Westminster. MB. E. N. C. BRADDON, Agent-General for Tasmania. MONTAGU YEATS BROWN, H.M. Consul, Genoa. G. W. BUCHANAN, H.M. Charg6 d'Affaires, Berne. S. DEERING, Assistant Agent-General for South Australia. D. DONOHOE, H.M. Consul, San Francisco. VICTOB DBUMMOND, H.M. Charg6 d'Affaires, Munich. VERY REV. GILBERT ELLIOT, D.D., Dean of Bristol. MB. H. P. FENTON, Secretary of Legation, The Hague. A. DE FONBLANQUE, H.M. Consul, New Orleans. W. E. GOSCHEN, Secretary of Legation, Copenhagen. H. GRANT, H.M. Consul-General, Warsaw. VEBY REV. W. G. HENDERSON, D.D., Dean of Carlisle. MB. W. R. HOARE, H.M. Consul, New York. VEBY REV. G. W. KITCHIN, D.D., Dean of Winchester. W. C. LAKE, D.D., Dean of Durham. H. G. LIDDELL, D.D., Dean of Christ Church. REV. G. M. LIVETT, Precentor of Rochester. SIR EDGAR MACCULLOCH, Bailiff of Guernsey. MB. A. F. HASTINGS MEDHUBST, H.M. Vice-Consul, Moscow. VEBY REV. CHAS. MEBIVALE, D.D., Dean of Ely. MB. A. W. MOOBE, J.P., Member of the House of Keys. VEN. F. J. MOUNT, Archdeacon of Chichester. MB. J. NICHOLSON, Librarian of Lincoln's Inn. SIB A. NICOLSON, K.C.I.E., H.M. Consul-General, Buda-Pesth. MB. N. R. O'CONOB, C.B., C.M.G., H.M. Agent and Consul-General, Sofia. R. OTTLEY, H.M. Consul, Lyons. MB. C. G. G. PEBCEVAL, H.M. Consul, Marseilles. RIGHT REV. J. J. STEWABT PEBOWNE, D.D., Bishop of Worcester. LIEUT.-COL. SIB R. LAMBEBT PLAYFAIB, K.C.M.G., H.M. Consul-General, Algiers VEBY REV. A. P. PUBEY-CUST, D.D., Dean of York. E. H. PLUMPTBE, D.D., Dean of Wells. SIB SAUL SAMUEL, K.C.M.G., Agent-General for New South Wales. MB. T. B. SANDWITH, C.B., H.M. Consul-General, Odessa. REV. W. SPABROW SIMPSON, D.D., Librarian of St. Paul's. VERY REV. R. PAYNE SMITH, D.D., Dean of Canterbury. H. D. M. SPENCE, D.D., Dean of Gloucester. MB. GEOBGE STRACHEY, H.M. Charg6 d'Affaires, Dresden. J. SPENCER B. TODD, C.M.G., Secretary to the Agency-General for the Cape Colony HON. P. LE POEB TBENCH, Secretary of Legation, Berlin. SIB CHARLES TUPPEB, G.C.M.G., High Commissioner for Canada. MR. WILLIAM WARD, H.M. Consul, Bordeaux. TABLE OF CONTENTS. A. Abyssinia. Afghanistan and Baluchistan. Afghan language. Africa I. General. II. Noith. III. West. IV. Central. V. East. Agriculture I. History and theory. II. Crops. III. Soils. IV. Equipment. V. Management. VI. Keference. Alcoholism. Algebra. Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli. Ambulance. America, North. America, Central. America, South I. General. II. Minor states : Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Patagonia. Anatomy, human. I. General. II. Histological. III. Artistic. Anglo-Saxon I. Grammars and reading books. II. Dictionaries and reference. III. History and criticism. IV. Texts. V. Translations. Anthropology I. General. II. Pre-historic races. III. Ancient races. IV. Modern ethnography. V. Physical characteristics. VI. Philological classification. Antiseptics and bacteriology. Arabia, geography. Arabia, language and literature I. Grammars, dictionaries, etc. (a) Classical. (&) Modern dialects. II. Literature. III. Reference. Archaeology. Archery. Architecture I. History and general. II. Styles and periods. III. Castles and Monuments. IV. Miscellaneous and reference. Arctic and Antarctic regions. Argentine Republic and River Plate States. Arithmetic. Armenia, language. Arms and armour. Army I. Arms of the service. II. Art of war. III. Military law and history. IV. Biography. V. Miscella Art, pictorial and plastic I. History and general. II. Schools. III. Biography. TABLE OP CONTENTS. Art continued Bible continued IV. Theory, aesthetics, and criticism. V. Symbolism. (c) Biographical and expository. (d) Lexicons and grammars. VI. Technique. VII. Perspective. VIII. Decoration. (e) Texts and versions. Bibliophilia and bindings. Artistic Processes Billiards. I. Etching. Bohemia, language. II. Prints and engravings. III. Engraved gems. IV. Gold and silversmith's work. Book-keeping. Botany V. Jewellery. I. Text-books. VI. Bronzes. II. Reference. VII. Enamelling. III. Biological treatises. VIII. Wood carving. IV. Geographical distribution. IX. Illuminating. V. Economic botany. X. Tapestry. >t-=^ VI. History and bibliography. XI. Stained glass. Boxing and wrestling. Asia I. General. II. Central. Buddhism. Assurance. Building construction. Assyria I. Archaeology. Bulgaria I. Geography. II. Language. II. History. Astronomy III. Language. I. Text-books and treatises. Burma and Shan states. II. Popular works. III. Special subjects. . IV. Biography. C. Athletics. Canada Atlantic ocean. I. Geography. Atlases. II. History, government, etc. Australasia Cape and South Africa. I. General. Cards. II. Australia, general. Cat. III. New South Wales. IV. Victoria. Cathedrals and churches, English. V. Queensland. Celtic literature VI. South Australia. I. Old Cornish. VII. West Australia. II. Breton. VIII. Tasmania. IX. New Zealand. Ceylon. X. New Guinea. Channel Islands. Austria-Hungary. Charities. Chemistry B. I. History. II. Text-books. Basque language. III. Physical. Bees IV. Analytical. Bible V. Reference ard biography. I General Chess. II. Old Testament Children's books () Introductory essays, history, I. Fairy tales and commentaries. (a) Folklore. (&) Texts and translations. (&) Original. (c) English versions of the Psalms. II. Tales from the classics. III. Apocrypha. IV. New Testament III. Fables and allegories. IV. Tales of school and home (a) Introductions. (J) Texts with commentaries. (a) For little children. (J) For older children. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Children's Books continued E. V. Tales of adventure. VI. Historical Tales. Economic products (foreign) - VII. Biography and history. VIII. Travel, sport, and natural history. II. Caoutchouc. III. Cinchona. IX. Poetry (a) Collections. IV. Coffee. (&) Humorous. (c) Songs with music. X. Illustrated books. VI. Fibrous substances. VII. Maize. XI. Magazines and serials. VIII. Silk. IX. Sugar. Chili. X. Tea. China. XI. Tobacco. I. Geography. XII. Reference. II. Language and literature. Education Church history I. History. II. Theory. I. General. II. Early Church to 800 A.D. III. Theory and practice. IV. Practice. III. Mediaeval period. IV. Period of the Reformation. V. Modern period V. Miscellaneous. VI. Reference. (a) England. (Z) Scotland. I. Geography and description. (c) Ireland. II. Archaeology. ( 2 vols. Black. 23s. ALGIERS, TUNIS, AND TRIPOLI : Murray's Handbook to Algeria and Tunis. Ed. R. L. Playfair. p. 8vo. Murray. 12s. Twelve maps and plans ; and short bibliography. Harris, G. W. Practical guide to Algiers. 8vo. Philip. ?>s. Tchihatcheff, P. de. Espagne, Algrie, et Tunis. 8vo. (Paris). 10*-. Vignon, L. La France dans 1'Afrique du Nord. 8vo. (Paris'). fin. With preface by E. de Laveleye. Seguin, L. G. Walks in Algiers and its surroundings, p. 8vo. Daldy. illus. 12s. Knox, A. The new playground ; or wanderings in Algeria, c. 8vo. Paul. fis. A cleverly- written book of travels, by the well-known London police magistrate. Playfair, R. L. Travels in the footsteps of Bruce in Algeria and Tunis. 4to. Paul. !3*. Illustrated by fac-similes of Bruce's drawing. ,, The scourge of Christendom, d. 8vo. Smith, Elder, illus. 14s. The great interest of the work is the subject of Christian slavery. Russell, M. History and present condition of the Barbary states, 12mo. (Edinburgh). O.P. In " Edinburgh Cabinet Library." Poole, S. Lane. The Barbary Corsairs, c. 8vo. Unwin. illus. 5s. Playfair, R. L. Bibliography of Algeria, from the Expedition of Charles V. in 1541, to 1887. 8vo. Royal Geographical Society. 4s. Tissot, C. Exploration scientifique de la Tunisie. 4to. 2 vols., 15s. each. (Paris'). 30s. Largely archaeological. Graham and Ashbee. Travels in Tunisia. Dulau. illus. 25s. With glossary, map, and bibliography, which is also published separately. G Algiers, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. America, North Broadley, A. M. Tunis, past and present. 8vo. 2 vols. SlacJui-ood. illus. 25*'. With a narrative of the French conquest. Charmes, G. La Tunisie et la Tripolitaine. 12mo. (Paris). ?>s. Fournel, M. La Tripolitaine ; les routes du Soudan. 8vo. (Paris). 2s. (id. Smith and Porcher. Recent discoveries at Cyrene. Day. pub. 126s. O.P. Expedition to the Cyrenaica in 1860-61. Superbly illustrated with 12 maps and plates, tinted lithographs, and wood-cuts. Beechy, F., and H. Proceedings of the expedition to the N. Coast of Africa, from Tripoli, eastward, in 1821-22. 4to. Murray, illus. pub. 63s. O.P. Comprehending an account of the Greater Syrtis and the Cyrenaica. Nine maps. Playfair, R. L. Bibliography of Tripoli and the Cyrenaica. Royal Geo- yrajjMcal Society. 3s. ALLOTMENTS, see POLITICAL ECONOMY VII. ALPS, see SWITZERLAND. AMBULANCE : Esmarck, F. First aid to the injured. Tr. by H.R.H. Princess Christian. f. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 2s. Roberts, R. L. Lectures on ambulance work. c. 8vo. H. K. Lewis. illus. 2s. M. Pye, W. Elementary bandaging. 18mo. Hotilston. illus. 2s. Heath, C. Manual of minor surgery and bandaging, f. 8vo. CJiurcJdll. illus. 6*. Caird and Cathcart. Surgical handbook. Griffin, illus. 8s. &d. Good, and well illustrated. AMERICA, NORTH: See also CANADA and UNITED STATES. Reclus, E. Universal geography, vol. xv. i. 8vo. Virtue. 21s. rat Stanford's Compendium; North America. Ed. Hayden and Selwyn. 1. p. 8vo. Stanford, illus. and maps. 21s. Catlin, G. North American Indians, r. 8vo. 2 vols. Chatto. col. plates. 03s. Maclean, J. M. Twenty-five years' service in the Hudson's Bay Territory. 8vo. 2 vols. Sentley. 1849. pub. 21s. O.P. Contains much information on Labrador. Hind, H. Y. Explorations in the interior of Labrador. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans, pub. 32s. O.P. The publications of the Royal Geographical Society, and the American Geographical Society, should be consulted on Labrador. Hatton and Harvey. Newfoundland, d. 8vo. Cliapman. 18s. Hall, E. H. The Home Colony: a guide book to Newfoundland. 8vo. Stanford. Is. Pedley, C. History of Newfoundland. 8vo. Longmans, pub. 10s. O.P. Campbell, D. History of Prince Edward Island. 12mo. (Charlottetonn). CONSULT also the Bulletin of the American Geographical Society (N, York). America, Central GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. America, South. AMERICA, CENTRAL : See also MEXICO. Reclus, E. Universal geography, vol. xvi. i. 8vo. Virtue. 21*. Stanford's Compendium : Central America, the W. Indies, and S. America. Ed. H. W. Bates. 1. p. 8vo. Stanford, illus. and maps. 21*. Caceres, J. M. Geografla de Centre-America. 8vo. (Paris'). 2s. Brigham, W. T. Guatemala; the land of the Quetzal, d. 8vo. Unmin. 21*. Bristowe and Wright. Handbook of British Honduras for 1889-90. c. 8vo. Blaoltn-ood. 6*. Historical, statistical, and general information concerning the colony. Squier, E. G. Honduras, p. 8vo. Trnbner. pub. 3s. Gd. O.P. Descriptive, historical, and statistical. Soltera, M. A lady's ride across Spanish Honduras. 8vo. Blacfovood. illus. 12*. Gd. Squier, E. G. Nicaragua. 8vo. 2 vols. Harper, illus. pub. 20*. O.P. Reyes, R. Apuntamientos estadisticos sobre la Republica del Salvador. (San Salvador). Published for Paris Exhibition, 188U. Guzman, D. Topografia fisica de Salvador. (San Salvador). AMERICA, SOUTH : See also ARGENTINE, BRAZIL, CHILI, GUIANA, PERU. I. GENERAL: D'Orbigny, A. Voyage dans l'Amrique meridionale. 7 vols. (Paris). 1833-47. illus O.P. Humboldt, A. von. Personal narrative of travels in America (1799-1804). p. 8vo. 3 vols., 5*. each. Hell (Bolin). 15*. Ball, J. Naturalist in South America, c. 8vo. Paul. 8*. Gd. Vincent, F. Round and about S. America. 8vo. Appletan. 21*. Watson, R. G. Spanish and Portuguese South America, p. 8vo. 2 vols. Triilmer. 21*. II. MINOR STATES : COLUMBIA. Pereira, R. S. E"tats-Unis de Colombie. 8vo. Marpon. 8*. Gd. COSTA RICA. Calvo. Costa Rica. 12mo. (Washington). 10s. Gd. ECUADOR. Hassaurek, P. Four years among Spanish Americans, p. 8vo. Low. pub. 7*. Gd. O.P. Sirnson, A. Travels in the wilds of Ecuador, c. 8vo. Low. 8*. Gd. VENEZUELA. Dance, C. D. Four years in Venezuela, p. 8vo. H. 3. King. Is. Gd. Spence, J. M. Land of Bolivar. 8vo. 2 vols. Lorn. pub. 31*. Gd. O.P. America, South GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Anatomy, Human Statistical Annuary of Venezuela. Venezuelan Consulate (London). To be had on application. BOLIVIA. Mathews, E. D. Up the Amazon and Madeira rivers, through Bolivia and Peru. 8vo. Lon-. 18s. Wiener, C. Perou et Bolivie. 8vo. (Paris). Maps and illus. 20s. PATAGONIA. Musters, G. C. At home with the Patagonians. p. 8vo. Murray, illus. Is. Gd. Dixie, F. Across Patagonia. 8vo. Sent ley. illus. 15s. Coppinger, R. W. Cruise of the " Alert." 8vo. Sonnenscliein. illus. 6s. Four years 11878-1882) in Patagonian, Melanesian, and Mascarene waters. Beerbohm, J. Wanderings in Patagonia, c. 8vo. Cliatto. illus. 3s. Gd. ANATOMY, HUMAN : 1. GENERAL: Quain's Anatomy. Ed. Thomson, Schafer, and Thane. 8vo. 2 vols., 18s. each. Longmans, illus. 3(5s. Knox, R. Manual of human anatomy. 12mo. Renshaw. 1852. illus. pub. 12s. Gd. O.P. Gray, H. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical, r. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 3(>s. Macalister, A. Text-book of anatomy. (Advanced), m. 8vo. (fr(ffin. illus. 36*. Humphry, G. Human skeleton, m. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. 14s. Braune. Topographical anatomy. Tr. Bellamy, m. 8vo. Cliurcldll. illus. 40s. Turner, W. Popular atlas of anatomy and p/iysiology. fo. Johnston. 25s. Very good. Humphry, G. M. The human foot and human hand. f. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. 4s. Gd. Ellis, T. The human foot. d. 8vo. Cliurcldll. illus. Is. Gd. Bell, C. The hand. p. 8vo. Hell. 5s. Symington, J. Topographical anatomy of the child, fo. Jiaillicre. 42s. Flower, W. H. Diagrams of the nerves of the human body. r. 4to. Cliurcldll. illus. 12s. Tomes, C. S. Dental anatomy, c. 8vo, Cliurcldll. illus. 12s. Gd. II. HISTOLOGICAL : Schafer, E. A. Essentials of histology, c. 8vo. Longmans, illus. (>s. Klein, E. Elements of histology, c. 8vo. Cauett. illus. 7s. Gd. Klein and Smith. Atlas of histology. 4to. Smith, Elder. 84s. Strieker, S. Manual of human and comparative histology. Tr. H. Power. 8vo. 3 vols. New Sydenham Soc. To subscribers only. 31s. Gd. Gibbs, H. Practical histology and pathology, c. 8vo. //. A". Len-is. Gs. Medical. Foster and Langley. Practical physiology and histology, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 7s. Gd, ( J Anatomy, Human GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Anglo-Saxon III. ARTISTIC : Marshall, J. Anatomy for artists, c. 8vo. Smith, Elder, illus. 31s. Gd. Duval, M. Artistic anatomy. Tr. Fenton. c. 8vo. Cassell. illus. 5s. Bell, C. Anatomy and philosophy of expression. 8vo. Sell. K>s. Also 12mo., 5s. ANCIENT CIVILISATION, see ANTHBOPOLOGY III. ANEMONES, BRITISH, see ZOOLOGY VI. ANGLING, see FISHING. ANGLO-SAXON : SUGGESTIONS TO BEGINNERS : First take Earle's Short Grammar, and after acquiring some knowledge of the grammatical f orms of words, read the selections from the Gospels, with constant reference to the grammar, and parsing every word with the help of the glossary. Then take Sweet's Reader and read the pieces in prose. After this, take Plmnmer's Chronicles and read it well through with the help of his excellent glossary. After which, return to Sweet's Reader, and study the poetry, beginning with the Battle of Maldon. This done, the student will be able to guide himself. I. GRAMMARS AND READING BOOKS : Marsh, F. A. Comparative grammar of the Anglo-Saxon language. Svo. Low. 12s. On a large scale. Sievers, E. Old English grammar. Tr. A. S. Cook. 12mo. Girin. >. Chiefly phonetic. Earle, J. Book for beginners in Anglo-Saxon, ex. f. Svo. Clar. Press. 2s. (id. Short grammar, prose reading, and glossary. ,, Philology of the English tongue, ex. f. Svo. Clar. Press. Is. Gd. Sweet, H. History of English sounds, d. Svo. Clar. Press. 14s. Skeat, W. W. Principles of English etymology, c. Svo. Clar. Press. Ser. I. The native element, 9. Ser. II. The foreign element, 10s. M. Sweet, H. Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse, ex. f. Svo. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 13s. Vol. i., 8s. 6rf. ; vol. ii., 4*. 6d. Zupitza. Old and middle English reader. Ed. Maclean. (Him. II. DICTIONARIES AND REFERENCE : Bosworth, J. Anglo-Saxon dictionary. Ed. and enlarged by T. N. Toller, sm. 4to. Clar. Press. Parts i. to iii. down to Sar ; 15*. each. Leo, H. Angelsachsisches Glossar. r. Svo. (Halle). 15s. Mayhew and Skeat. Concise dictionary of Middle English, c. Svo. Clar. Press. Is. Cxi. Grein, C. W. Sprachschatz der angelsachsischen Dichter. Svo. 2 vols. (Cassel). O.P. Wulcker, R. P., Grundriss zur Geschischte der angelsachsischen Literatur. Svo. (Leipzig). 10s. Good for bibliology ; the criticism not always quite judicial. "Wright, T. Biographia Britannica literaria (Anglo-Saxon period). Svo. J. W. Parker. 1842. pub. 12s. O.P. 10 Anglo-Saxon GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Anglo-Saxon III. HISTORY AND CRITICISM : Watson, R. S. Caedmon, the first English poet. c. 8vo. Longmans. pub. 3s. 6d. O.P. Earle, J. Anglo-Saxon literature, f . 8vo. 8. P. C. K. 2s. Gel. Brink, B. ten, Early English literature. Tr. H. M. Kennedy p. 8vo. Bell (Boliri). 3s. Gd. The Anglo-Saxon period forms the introductory part. Freeman, E. A. Old English history for children, ex. f . 8vo. Macmillan. Us. Bright, W. Chapters of early English church history, d. 8vo. Clar. Press. 12s. IV. TEXTS : Thorpe, B. Anglo-Saxon version of the gospels. Rivinytons. 1848. O.P. Caedmon. Angelsachsische biblische Dictungen. Ed. Bouterweck. 8vo. 2vols. (Elberfeld). 1844-50.' Since Thorpe's Caedmon was O.P. this has been the only separate edition. Schmidt, R. Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen. 8vo. (Leipzig). 20s. The only edition of Saxon laws in the market. Thorpe's edition (Ancient laws and Wulfstan. Homilies : text. Ed. A. Napier. 8vo. (Berlin'). Is. Be Domes Daege. (Early English Text Soc.). Eel. J. Lawson Lurnby. d. 8vo. Triibner. 2s. After Beda's Be diejudicii. Anglo-Saxon Life of St. Katherine : with Latin original. (Early English Text Soc.). Ed. Einenkel. d. 8vo. Triibner. 12s. Alfred's version of " Cura pastoralis." (Early English Text Soc.), Ed. H. Sweet, d. 8vo. 2 vols., 10s. each. Triibner. 20s. Alfred's version of Orosius. (Early English Text Soc.), Ed. H. Sweet. d. 8vo. Trilbner. Part i., 13s. Oldest English texts. (Early English Text Soc.). Ed. H. Sweet, cl. 8vo. Triibner. 20s. Old English vocabularies. Ed. Wright and Wulcker. 8vo. 2 vols. Triibner. 28s. Aelfric's Grammatik and Glossar : text. Ed. Zupitza. 8vo. (Berlin). Is. Lay of St. Andreas. Ed. W. M. Baskerville. 12mo. Ginn. Is. Gd. Aelfric's homilies. Ed. B. Thorpe. 2 vols. Aelfric Soc. 1844-6. O.P. In libraries ; there is no later edition. Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburg. Ed. Harrison and Sharp. 12mo. Ginn. (5s. Saxon Chronicles, A.D. 787-1001. Ed. C. Plummer. c. 8vo. Clar. Press. 3s. A revised text ; with introduction, critical notes, and glossary. Saxon Chronicles ; with English translation. Ed. and tr. B. Thorpe. r. 8vo. 2 vols., 10s. each. Eyre. 20s. Codex Exoniensis. Ed. and tr. B. Thorpe. 8vo. Picltering. 1842. pub. 20s. O.P. A collection of Anglo-Saxon poetry, from MS. of Dean and Chapter of Exeter. This text has since been embodied in the next book. Bibliothek der angelsiichsischen Poesie. Ed. C. Grein. 8vo. 2 vols. (Cassel). Vol. i., 12. ; vol. ii. (part 1), 8*. 11 Anglo-Saxon GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Anthropology Cartularium Saxonicum. Ed. W. de Gray Birch, c. 8vo. 2 vols., Bis. Gd. each. Wldting. Vol. iii., in progress, 2s. 6cl. per part. Nos. i. to xxvii., to A.D. 973. Earle, J. Handbook to the land charters, c. 8vo. Clar. Press. 16s. Caedmon. Exodus and Daniel. Ed. Hunt. 12mo. Giwn. 3s. Gd. Beowulf; fac-simile. (Early English Text Soc.). Ed. Znpitza. d. 8vo. Triibner. 25s. Blickling homilies i.-iii. (Early English Text Soc.). Ed. R. Morris, d. 8vo. 3 vols. Triibner. 20s. Vol. i., 8s. ; vol. ii.. 4x. ; vol. iii., 8. Aelfric. Metrical lives of saints. (Early English Text Soc.). Ed. W. W. Skeat. d. 8vo. 3 vols. Triibner. Vol. i., 10s. ; vol. ii., 12*. V. TRANSLATIONS : Weymouth, R. F. Literal translation of Cynewulf 's " Elene." 8vo. StocJt. 5s. Low, W. H. Translation of Saxon Chronicles, from A.D. 787 to 1001. c. 8vo. dire. 3s. Garnett, J. M. Translation of the Beowulf. 12mo. Ginn. 5*. 6d. Translated line for line. , , Translation of the " Elene," " Judith," " Athelstan," and " Byrhtnoth." c. 8vo. Ginn. 5s. ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE, see MENTAL PHYSIOLOGY I. MAGNETISM, see PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. PHYSIOLOGY, gee PHYSIOLOGY. ANIMALS, DISEASES OF, see LIVE-STOCK and VETERINARY SCIENCE. DISTRIBUTION OF, see ZOOLOGY IV. DOMESTICATED, see LIVE-STOCK. ANNUITIES, see ASSURANCE. ANTARCTIC REGIONS, see ARCTIC. ANTHROPOLOGY : See also FOLKLORE. Tyler's Anthropolofiy should be read first as an introduction : then Lubbock's Oripin Of Civilisation; afterwards Im Thurn's Aiiwiiijst the Indians of Giiiami may be studied for the daily life of a savage. The student will then appreciate Tylor's Early History and Primitive Culture. For an introduction to archaeological anthropology Lubbock's Pre- historic Time*, and for an introduction to philology Fr. Miiller's Gruiuiriss is recommended. The comparative study of man's physical characteristics is best given by Topinard, and the classification of mankind by De Quatrefages. Mr. Galton has made heredity and anthro- pometry his especial subjects. Lists of works relating to anthropology (and kindred subjects), compiled by Otis Mason, have appeared in the appendices to the Smithsonian Reports < Wusfiiiifiton), 1879-SC. I. GENERAL: Joly, N. Man before metals. (" Inter. Scient." ser.). c. 8vo. Paul. 5s. A good popular account of early man. 12 Anthropology GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Anthropology Lubbock, J. Origin of civilisation and primitive condition of man. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 18*. See introductory remarks. Tylor, E. B. Researches into the early history of mankind. Svo. Murray. 12s. See introductory remarks. ,, Anthropology, c. Svo. Macmillan. illus. Is. &d. ,, Primitive culture. Svo. 2 vols. Murray. 24*. The standard work on primitive beliefs and customs. II. PREHISTORIC RACES AND THEIR MONUMENTS : Lyell, C. Antiquity of man. Svo. Miirray. pub. 14s. O.P. Lubbock, J. Prehistoric times. Svo. Williams. 18*. Schrader, 0. Prehistoric antiquities of Aryan peoples. Tr. F. B. Jevons. d. Svo. Griffin. 21s. A manual of comparative philology and the earliest culture. Dawkins, W. B. Cave hunting. Svo. Macmillan. illus. pub. 21*. O.P. Kesearches on the remains of prehistoric man in the bone caves of Europe. ,, Early man in Britain, m. Svo. Macmillan. 25*. Evans, J. Ancient stone implements of Great Britain, r. Svo. Longmans. illus. pub. 28*. O.P. ,, Ancient bronze implements of Great Britain and Ireland. Svo. Longmans, illus. pub. 25*. O.P. These works by Dawkins and Evans are suited to advanced students. Greenwell, W. British barrows, m. Svo. Clar. Press, illus. 25*. Munro, R. Ancient Scottish lake-dwellings, d. Svo. illus. 21*. ,, Lake dwellings of Europe. Svo. Cassell. 3X. Gd. Keller, F. Lake-dwellings of Switzerland and of Europe. Tr. J. Lee. Svo. 2 vols. Longmans, illus. pub. 42*. O.P. An important book for advanced students. Nilsson, S. Primitive inhabitants of Scandinavia. Ed. J. Lubbock. Svo. Longmans, pub. 18*. O.P. Comparative ethnography in the N. of Europe during the Stone Age. III. ANCIENT RACES AND THEIR INSTITUTIONS : Letourneau, C. La sociologie d'apres 1'ethnographie. 12mo. Reinn-ald. 4*. 6d Spencer, H. Studies in sociology. (" Inter. Scient." ser.). c. Svo. Paul. 5*. Maine, H. Early history of institutions. Svo. Murray. 9*. Freeman, E. A. Comparative politics. Svo. Macmillan. 14*. Gomme, G. L. Literature of local institutions, f . Svo. Stock. 4*. Gd. Applies only to English institutions, but it is the only bibliography. Maine, H. Ancient law. Svo. Murray. 9*. , , Early law and custom. Svo. Murray. 9*. Gomme, G. L. Primitive folkmoots. Svo. Low. 12*. Frazer, J. G. Totemism. c. Svo. Slack. 3*. 6d. McLennan, J. F. Studies in ancient history. Svo. Macmillan. 16*. ,, The patriarchal theory. Svo. Macmillan. 14*. Pulszky, A. Theory of law and civil society, d. Svo. Unwin. 18*. Morgan, L. Ancient society. Svo. Macmillan. O.P. 13 Anthropology GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Anthropology Schrader, O. Prehistoric antiquities of the Aryan peoples. Tr. Svo. Griffin. 21s. Hearn, W. E. Aryan household. Svo. Longmans. 16*. Coulanges, F. de. Aryan civilization. Tr. Svo. Parker, pub. 5s. O.P. Maine, H. Village communities in the east and west. Svo. Murray. !-<.. Gomme, G. L. The village community. (" Contemp. science " ser.). Scott. illus. 3s. Gd. Phear, J. B. The Aryan village in India and Ceylon, p. Svo. Macmillan. pub. 7s. 6d. O.P. Laveleye, E. de. Primitive property. Tr. Svo. Macmillan. pub. 12$. O.P. Seebohm, F. English village community. Svo. Longmans. 16*. Mayne, J. D. Hindu law and usage, r. Svo. Stevens. 32s. Smith, W. Kobertson. Religion of the Semites ; fundamental institutions. d. Svo. BlacU. 15*. , , Kinship and marriage in early Arabia, c. Svo. Cambridge Press. 7s. Gd. O'Curry, E. Manners and customs of the ancient Irish. Svo. 3 vols. Williams. 30s. Fenton, J. Early Hebrew life. Svo. Irubner. pub. 5s. O.P. Wilkinson, J. G. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. c. Svo. 3 vols. Murray, illus. 84s. A popular edition at 12. Mallet, P. Northern antiquities. Tr. Percy, p. Svo. Sell (BoJtn). 5s. IV. MODERN ETHNOGRAPHY: Wood, J. G. Illustrated history of man. r. Svo. 2 vols. ^itledf/e. 28s. A good popular account of savage and barbaric peoples. Lane, E. W. Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians. Ed. E. S. Poole. c. Svo. 2 vols. Murray. 12s. Dalton, E. T. Descriptive ethnology of Bengal. 4to. Iriilner. illus. 126*. Elliott, H. M. History, folklore, and distribution of the races of the North-West Provinces of India, d. Svo. Irubner. illus. 36s. lie win, T. H. Wild races of south-east India, p. Svo. Allen, pub. 10s. Gd. O.P. Man, E. H. Aboriginal inhabitants of the Andaman Islands, d. Svo. Triibner. illus. 10s. Gd. Nadaillac, Marquis de. Prehistoric America. Tr. N. D'Anvers. Svo. Murray, illus. 16*. Bancroft, H. H. Native races of the Pacific States, r. Svo. 5 vols., 25s. each. Longmans. 125s. Vast collection of anthropological material as to the tribes and nations of the west side of Schoolcraft, H. R. Archives of aboriginal knowledge, i. 4to. 6 vols. Uppincott. 15 is,. All the original papers laid before the Congress respecting the history, antiquity, ethnology of the Indian tribes of the United States. Brinton, D. G. Library of American aboriginal literature. Svo. 7 vols. Triibner. 82s. Vols. i., ii.. iv., v.. vi., vii., 12*. each ; vol. iii., 10. Im Thurn, E. F. Among the Indians of Guiana. Svo. Paul, illus. 18s. 14 Anthropology GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Antiseptics Curr, E. M. Australian race. d. 8vo. 4 vols. Triilner. illus. 42s. Valuable treasury of native phUology and custom. Conclusions not to be accepted implicitly. Dawson, J. Australian aborigines. 4to. Macmillan. 14s. Description of natives of Western Victoria. Smyth, R. B. Aborigines of Victoria. 4to. Trubner. illus. 63s. Both, H. Ling. Aborigines of Tasmania. 8vo. Trubner. illus. pub. 21*. O.P. With preface by E. B. Tylor. Turner, G. Samoa a hundred years ago. p. 8vo. Macmillan. 9s. Description of customs of the Kavigator Islanders. Notes and queries on anthropology for the use of travellers and residents in uncivilised lands, f. 8vo. Stanford. 5s. Prepared by a committee of the British Association. Of great value for travellers in savage and barbaric countries. V. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS : Topinard, P. Elements d' anthropologie generale. 8vo. (Paris'), illus. 20s. An exhaustive comparative study of the physical characters of man. Haeckel, E. History of the evolution of man. Tr. p. 8vo. 2 vols. Paid. illus. 32s. To be read by students acquainted with technical zoology. Quatrefages, A. De. Histoire generale cles races humaines. 1. 8vo. 2 vols. (Paris), illus. 22s. Latest contribution to the study of the classification of the races of man. Beddoe, J. Races of Britain, r. 8vo. Arrorvsmitli . illus. and maps. 21s. Physical anthropology. Darwin, C. Descent of man. c. 8vo. Murray, illus. 7s. Gd. This classical work should be read by all students who approach anthropology on the zoological side. Roberts, C. Manual of anthropometry, d. 8vo. Churchill, illus. 8s. Gd. Galton, F. Hereditary genius. 8vo. Macmillan. pub. 12s. O.P. Bibot, T. Heredity, r. 8vo. H. S. Ring. 9s. Weissmann, A. Essays on heredity. (Advanced). 8vo. Clar. Press. IGs. - VI. PHILOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION : Miiller, F. Grundriss der Sprachwissenschaft. 8vo. 4 vols. ( Viennn). 52s. An important general philological classification of peoples by languages. For advanced students. PERIODICALS : L'Anthropo!o(,ie (Masson), fortnightly : Zeitschrift fffr Etfnioloyie (Asher), monthly ; Journal of the A utliropoloffical Institute, quarterly. ANTILLES, see WEST INDIES II. ANTIQUITIES, see ARCHAEOLOGY and ANTHROPOLOGY. POPULAR, see FOLKLORE. ANTISEPTICS AND BACTERIOLOGY : Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments, and moulds. 8vo. Paul, illus. 5s. Klein. Micro-organisms in disease, c. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. 6s. Cheyne, W. Watson. Antiseptic surgery, d. 8vo. Smith, Elder, illus. 21s. De Bary, A. Lectures on bacteria. Tr. Garnsey and Balfour. c. 8vo. Clar. Press. 6s. 15 Apiary GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Arabia APIARY, see BEES. APPARITIONS, see PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. ARABIA : GEOGRAPHY : Reclus, E. Universal geography, vol. ix. Tr. i. 8vo. Virtue. 21s. Palgrave, W. G. A year's journey through Central and Eastern Arabia (1862-63). c. 8vo. Macmlllan. G.y. Blunt, Lady Anne. Pilgrimage to Nejd, the cradle of the Arab race. 2 vols. Murray, illus. 24s. Burton, R. F. Pilgrimage to El-Medina and Meccah. 3 vols. Longmans. illus. pub. 43*. O.P. Doughty, C. M. Travels in Arabia Deserta. 8vo. 2 vols. Cambridge Press, illus. 63s. Hrugronje, C. S. Mekka. 8vo. 2 vols. (Leyden). 40s. Vol. i.. Die Stadt und ihre Herren ; vol. ii., Aus dem hexitigen Leben. With atlas, 4to. Glaser. Skizze der Geschichte und Geographic Arabiens. r. 8vo. Dulau. 21s. ARABIA : LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE : The student is recommended to master the selections in either Socin's or Lansing's manual, while making; himself familiar with the grammatical paradigms and rules ; to pro- ceed thence through the reading-book of Forbes or Kosegarten ; next to work through the grammar of Wright, and the reading-book of either Wright or De Sacy. He will then be in a position to study the original literature. J. GRAMMARS, DICTIONARIES, ETC. : (A) CLASSICAL. Socin, A. Arabic grammar. 8vo. Williams. Is. Qd. Contains Litteratura Arabica ; a bibliography of the literature. Lansing, J. G. The Arabic manual. 8vo. Nutt. 10s. Gel. Wright, W. Arabic grammar. Tr. from Caspari. 8vo. 2 vols. Williams. pub. 23s. O.P. Howell, M. S. Arabic grammar. 8vo. 3 vols. (Allahabad'). 80s. Gd. Vol. i. (1), 28. ; (2), 21. ; vols. ii., iii., 81. 6(1. Native system. "Wortapet and Porter. Arabic-English dictionary. 12mo. (Cairo'). 22s Gd. Abcarius, J. English-Arabic dictionary. 8vo. (Seyrouf). 32s. Steingass, F. English-Arabic dictionary, d. 8vo. W. II. Allen. 28s. Lane, E. W. Arabic-English dictionary. Ed. Poole. 4to. 7 vols., 25s. each. Williams. 17 5s. Unfinished. Badger, G. P. English-Arabic dictionary. 4to. Paul. 189s. Thornton, F. du Pre. Elementary Arabic reading lessons, c. 8vo. IF. II. Allen. ' Part, i., 3s. 6d. Grammatical analysis of parts of the Koran. Forbes, D. Arabic reading lessons, r. 8vo. W. H. -Allen. 15s. With glossary. Kosegarten, J.' Chrestomathia Arabica. 8vo. (Leipzig). 1828. 12s. Excellent collection. Glossary in Latin. Sacy, S. de. Chrestomathie Arabe. r. 8vo. 3 vols. Imprimerie du Hoi. 1827. 105s. 16 Arabia GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Arboriculture Wright, W. Arabic reading book. 8vo. Williams. Is. Gd. Very advanced. (B) MODERN. Green, A. 0. Practical Arabic grammar, c. 8vo. Clar. Press. Is. Gd. Dialect of Egypt. Tien, A. Colloquial Arabic, f. 8vo. W. H. Allen. 7s. Gd. Chiefly dialect of Syria. Spitta-Bey. Grammatik des arabischen Vulgar-Dialectes von ^Egypten. 8vo. (Berlin). 25s. Newman, F. W. Arabic-English and English-Arabic dictionary. Sso. Trubner. Gs. Difficult system of transliteration. Birdwood, A. Arabic reading book. 8vo. W. II. Allen. 5s. Dialect of Egypt. Machuel, L. Manuel de 1'Arabisant. 8vo. (Algiers). 5s. Dialect of Algiers. Spitta-Bey. Contes arabes modernes. 8vo. (Leyden). 6s. Gd. Dialect of Egypt. In European characters ; of the greatest value. II. LITERATUEE: The Koran. (Arabic text). Ed. Fliigel. 4to. (Leipzig). 20s. ,, (" Chandos Classics "). Tr. Sale. c. 8vo. _ Warne. 2s. Tr. Palmer, d. 8vo. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 21s. Selections from the Koran. Tr. E. W. Lane. 8vo. Trubner. 9s. Elif Leila wa Leila. (" Arabian Nights "). Arabic text. 4 vols. (Beyrouf). 24s. Minhadj at-Tiilibin. Tr. into French by Van den Berg. r. 8vo. 3 vols. (Batavia). 50s. Shafe'ite system. Makainas of Hariri. Ed. Serkis. (Beyrouf). Assemblies of Hariri. Tr. Chenery. r. 8vo. Williams. 10*. Elegant prose. Kalila wa Dimna. (Bidpai's Fables). Arabic text. (Beyrout). Diwan el-Mutanabli. Ed. Nasif el-Yazagi. 8vo. (Beyrout). 10*. Gd. Lyall, C. J. Translations from ancient Arabian poetry, f . 4to. Williams. 10s. Gd. Poetical works of Zoheir. Tr. Palmer, c. 4to. 2 vols., 10s. Gd. each. Cambridge Press. 21s. Burckhardt, J. Arabic proverbs. 8vo. Quaritch. 10s. III. REFERENCE: Haji Khalfa's Lexicon bibliographicum et encyclopaedicum. Ed. and tr. into Latin by G. Fliigel. 4to. 7 vols. (Leipzig-). 1835-59. 126#. Muller, A. Orientalische Bibliographic. 8vo. 4 vols. (Berlin). 28*. Vol. i.,6*. ; vol. ii., 6s. ; vols. iii., iv., 8s. each. In progress. Journal of Royal Asiatic Society. Ed. Rhys Davids. Trilbner. First series, complete in 20 vols., 10. New series, vol. i. (in two parts), 16. ; vol. ii., 16. ; vol. iii., 22s. ; vol. iv., 16s. ; vol. v., 18s. 6cl. ; vol. vi., 16s. ; vol. vii., 16s. ; vol. viii., 16s. ; vol. ix.,'l8s. Gd. ; vol. x., 22s. ; vol. xi., 20s. 6d. ; vol. xii., vol. xv., 21*. ; vol. xvi., 27s. 6d. ; vol. xvii., 80s. ; vol. xi Arbuthnot, F. F. Arabic authors. 8vo. Heinemann. ARABS, HISTORY OF, see MAHOMETANISM. ARBORICULTURE, see FORESTRY. 17 Archaeology GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Architecture ARCHEOLOGY : See also ANTHROPOLOGY II., and ARCHITECTURE III., ASSYRIA, EGYPT, GREECE, MEXICO, PALESTINE, PHOENICIA, ROME. Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 8vo. Murray. 28s. Daremberg et Saglio. Dictionnaire des antiquite's. 4to. (Paris). Parts i. to xiii., is. G<1. each. In progress. Rich, A. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities, p. 8vo. Longmans. Is. (>d. Roscher, W. H. Lexicon der Mythologie. r. 8vo. (Leipzig). Parts i. to xviii., 2., each. In progress. Baumeister, A. Denkmaler des classischen Alterthums. r. 8vo. 3 vols. (Munich). 87*. Vol. i., 26. ; vol. ii., 2,'te. ; vol. iii., 38s. Babelon, E. Manual of Oriental antiquities. Tr. T. A. Evetts. 8vo. G 'revel. 10*. Grf. Perrot and Chipiez. L'art dans 1'antiquite. 4to. Hacliette. illus. Vol. i., L'Egypte ; vol. ii.. Chattel et Assyrie ; vol. iii., Phemcie, Cypre ; vol. iv. t Jud^e, Sardaigne, Syrie, 24*. each. In progress. For English translation, see ART I. The chief treatises referred to by Perrot are the following : Empire of the Hittites, by W. Wright (Nisbet) ; Reisen in Klein-Aiien und Nordsyrlen, by Huraann and Puchstein (Berlin) ; Description de rAsie-Mineure, by C. Texier ; Exploration archeologique, by Perrot, Guillaume, and Delbet ; Ramsay's Studies in Aia Minor and Phrijgia (in vols. iii. and v. of Hellenic Journal, Macmillan), and Relation* between Western Phrygia and Cappadocia (Trubner); Sayce's K,i>-ii t,i,,nn,i,,r ::,tiont (Triibner); and Notes from journeys in the Troad and Lydia (in vol. i. of Hellenic Journal). Maspero, G. Histoire ancienne des peuples de 1'orient. 12mo. Hacliette. 5s. GUIDES : Guide-books to British Museum, Louvre, and Berlin Museum. JOURNALS : Publications of the German Archaeological Institute; Journal of Hellenic Studies (Macmillan); Bulletin de correspondence hellenique; Gazette, archeolog iqne ; Comptes-rendus de V Academic de St. Petersbourg ; Ephemeris arehaiologike (Greek); Clatiical Journal. ARCHERY : The most important treatises on Archery from an historical point of view are: (1) Toxophilus, by Roger Ascham ; first edition, 1545 ; modern edition of Ascham's works in 4 vols., 12*. (Reeves, 196, Strand). (2) The English Bowman, by T. Roberts. 8vo. 1801. Ford, H. Theory and practice of archery. 8vo. Longmans. 14*. The Archer's Register. Ed. F. T. Follett. H. Cox. 3s. (id. Published annually ; contains records of archery meetings through the year. ARCHITECTURE : For the professional student the best selection of reading is that contained in the Kalendar issued annually by the Royal Institute of British Architects. Those who desire to acquire a good general acquaintance with the subject, or to judge of their fitness for the profession, may well read the following books : Tarver (Guide), Mitchell (3Ianual). Smith and Slater (Classic and early Christian architecture), Leeds (Orders) ; for Christian and Byzantine. Fergusson's History ; for Saracenic. Smith and Slater's Classic; T. R. Smith (Gothic), Parker (Introduction to Gothic), Rickmau (Gothic in En(iland), Turner and Parker (Domestic Architecture), T. E. Smith (Renaissance), and Fergusson (Modern tyles). I. HISTORY AND GENERAL : Tarver, E. J. Guide to the study of the history of architecture. Pettitt. o.r. A handy and useful elementary book containing numerous bibliographical references. Mitchell, T. Rudimentary manual of architecture, c. 8vo. Longmans. illus. pub. 10*. 6d. o.r. Fergusson, J. History of architecture. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray, illus. 63s. New edition in preparation. 18 Architecture GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Architecture Freeman, E. A. History of architecture, d. 8vo. Masters, pub. 49s. O.P. Viollet-le-Duc, E. Lectures on architecture. Tr. Bucknall. 8vo. 2 vols., 31s. Gd. each. Lorn, illus. 03,?. II. STYLES AND PERIODS : These are treated of in the foregoing works, but speciHcaUy in the following. Wilkinson, G. The architecture of ancient Egypt. 8vo. (London). 1850. illus. O.P. Leeds, W. H. The orders of architecture, p. 8vo. Locltrvood. Is. Gd. Normand, C. New parallel of the orders of architecture. fo. Tr. Pugin. Taylor, illus. O.P. Mauch, J. M. von. Die architektonischen Ordnungen der Griechen und Romer. r. 8vo. (Berlin), illus. Us. Gd. Penrose, F. C. Principles of Athenian architecture, fo. Macmillan. illus. 147s. Dilettanti Society's publication. Stuart and Revet t. Antiquities of Athens, fo. 5 vols. Priestley and Weale. 1841. illus. O.P. ,, The same, abridged ed. p. 8vo. Bell, illus. 5s. Taylor and Cresy. Architectural antiquities of Rome. fo. Crosby, Locliwood. illus. G3s. Smith and Slater. Classic and early Christian architecture. 8vo. Lorn. 5s. Texier and Pullan. Byzantine architecture, fo. Day. illus. O.P. Dartein, F. de. Etude sur 1'architecture lombarde. 4to. plates fo. (Paris). 120s. Scott, Gilbert. Lectures on mediaeval architecture. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. illus. 42s. Parker, J. H. Introduction to Gothic architecture, f. 8vo. (Oxford'). illus. 5s. Bloxam, M. H. Principles of Gothic ecclesiastical architecture, p. 8vo. 3 vols. Bell, illus. 22s. Gd. Moore, C. H. Gothic architecture, m. 8vo. Macmillan. 18s. Bickman, T. Attempt to discriminate the styles of architecture in England, d. 8vo. Parker (Oxford}, illus. 16s. Additions by J. H. Parker; contains pre-Norman work, omitted from 7th edition with a view to publication in separate form, an idea not yet carried out. Turner and Parker. Domestic architecture in England. 3 vols. (Oxford). illus. 72s. Vol. i., 21*. ; vol. ii., 21*. ; vol. iii., 30. Moller, G. Memorials of German Gothic architecture. Tr. Leeds, s. 8vo. Weale. 1824. O.P. Whewell and Lassaulx. Architectural notes on German churches. 8vo. (Cambridge). 1842. O.P. Buskin, J. Stones of Venice, i. 8vo. 3 vols. G. Allen, illus. 89s. Street, G. E. Gothic architecture in Spain. Murray, illus. pub. 30s. O.P. Smith, T. R. Gothic and renaissance architecture, c. 8vo. Lmv. illus. 5s. Fergusson, J. Modern styles of architecture. 8vo. Murray, illus. 31s. Gd. 19 c 2 Architecture GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Architecture Liibke, W. Ecclesiastical art in Germany. Tr. Wheateley. r. 8vo. (Edinburgh), ilhis. 21s. Deals with transition from Byzantine to Gothic. Berty, A. La renaissance monumentale en France. 1. 4to. 2 vols. Morel. illns. 72s. (\d. Grandjean de Montigny, and Famin. L'architecture toscane. fo. (Paris). illns. t50s. - III. CASTLES AND MONUMENTS : Clark, G. T. Medieval military architecture in England. 8vo. 2 vols. "Wyman. illus. 31s. <5rZ. M'Gibbon and Koss. Castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland. r. 8vo. 4 vols., 42*. each. Douglas. 168s. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Military architecture of the middle ages. Tr. M. Macdermot. m. 8vo. Parker, illus. 10s. Gd. Britton, J. Architectural antiquities of Great Britain. 4to. 5 vols. Longvians. 1807-26. O.P. Cutts, E.L. Sepulchral slabs and crosses of the middle ages. Parker. 1849. O.P. Birnmer, A. Ancient stone crosses of England. 8vo. Virtue, illus. 9s. Haines, H. Manual of ornamental brasses. 8vo. 2 vols. Parker. 21s. Greeny, W. F. Monumental brasses on the Continent, fo. Goose (NonvicJi). 50s. A fine work; plates executed in facsimile from rubbings. Fergusson, J. Rude stone monuments, r. 8vo. Murray, illus. pub. 24s. O.P. A perfect encyclopaedia of so-called " Druidical remains." Abbeys and churches of England and Wales. Ed. T. G. Bonney. Cassell. illus. 21s. IV. MISCELLANEOUS AND REFERENCE : Garbett, E. L. Principles of design in architecture. 12mo. Lockwood. 2s. Gd. Ruskin, J. Seven lamps of architecture, i. 8vo. G. Allen, illus. 21s. Alsop.8vo.,7.6(Z. Chambers, W. Decorative part of civil architecture. Ed. W. H. Leeds. 4to. Locknood. illus. 21s. Blackburne, E. L. Decorative painting applied to English architecture. fo. Williams. 1847. illus. O.P. Heideloff, C. von. Architectural ornaments of the middle ages in the Byzantine and Gothic style. Tr. 4to. (Nuremberg), illus. 30s. Gwilt, J. Encyclopaedia of architecture. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 52s. Gd. Contains a bibliography, and a large number of brief biographical notices. Parker, J. H. Glossary of terms used in architecture, d. 8vo. 3 vols. (Oorford). 1850. illus. O.P. , , Concise glossary of terms used in architecture, f . 8vo. Jos. Parker. illus. 7s. M. An abridgment of the larger work, without the plates. Dictionary of architecture. Architectural Publication Soc. (9, Conduit- street, W.). Seven volumes of text out of eight are already issued ; and three vols. of illustrations. Price of the complete work to subscribers, 21. 20 Architecture GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Arctic and Antarctic Viollet-le-Duc, E. Dictionnaire raisonnee de 1'architecture fransaise du ll e au 16 e siecle. 1. 8vo. 10 vols. (Paris), illus. 12 12s. Milizia, F. Lives of celebrated architects. Tr. Mrs. Cresy. 8vo. 2 vols. o.r. ir. 1826. JOURNALS, ETC.: Builder (46, Catherine-street, W.C.) : Suilcliiif/ Hews (332, Strand. W.C.); Proceeilini/s and Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architect* (9. Conduit-street. W.). ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC REGIONS : Richardson, J. The polar regions; physical geography and ethnology. 8vo. Longmans. 14s. Arctic geography and ethnology. 8vo. Murray, maps. It. &d. Selection of papers for the Arctic expedition of 1875. Rink, H. Danish Greenland. Ed. Brown, p. 8vo. King. 10s. 6d. Nansen, F. The first crossing of Greenland. 8 vols. 2 vols. Longmans. 36s. Barrow, J. Voyages in the arctic regions. 8vo. Murray. 1818. O.P. ,, Voyages of discovery and research in the arctic regions from 1818. 8vo. Murray. 1846. 8s. , , Discovery and adventure in polar seas and regions. Ed. Leslie and others. 12mo. Harper. 5s. Nordenskjold, A. E. von. Arctic voyages, 1858-79. Ed. A. Leslie. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. 16s. ,, Voyage of the " Vega " round Asia and Europe. Tr. Leslie. 8vo. 2 vols. Nacmillan. illus. 45s. With review of all previous voyages along the north coast of the Old World. Nares, G. S. Voyage to the polar gea in the "Alert" and "Discovery." 8vo. 2 vols. Lorn. 42s. Markham, A. H. The great frozen sea ; voyage of the " Alert." c. 8vo. Paul. 6s. Markham, C. E. The threshold of the unknown region, c. 8vo. Lmv. 10s. 6^7. Hall, C. F. Life with the Esquimaux, i. 8vo. Bickers, pub. 6s. o.r ,, Second Arctic expedition of Charles F. Hall. Ed. J. Nourse. 4to. Trubner. 28s. His voyage to Repulse Bay ; sledge journeys to the Straits of Fury and Hecla, and to King William's Land ; and residence among the Eskimo during the years 1864-9. ,, Narrative of the expedition in the "Polaris." Ed. Davis. 4to. Iriilner. illus. 28s. Schley and Soley. The rescue of Greeley. 8vo. Lore. 12s. 6r/. With photos and maps. Greeley, A. W. Three years of Arctic service ; Lady Franklin Bay expedi- tion, 1881-4. r. 8vo. 2 vols. Bentley. 42s. Weddell, J. Voyage towards the south Pole, 1822-24. 8vo. Longmans. 1825. O.P. Ross, J. C. Voyages to Antarctic regions, 1839-43. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 1847. O.P. McCormick, R. Voyages in the Antarctic Seas, 1839-43. r. 8vo. 2 vols. Lorn. 52s. 6^. 21 Argentine Republic GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Arms and Armour ARGENTINE REPUBLIC AND RIVER PLATE STATES: Napp and others. Argentine Republic. (Buenos Ayres). Mulhall, M. G., and E. T. Handbook of the River Plate, c. 8vo. Trubner. 8s. Comprising the Argentine Republic, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Rumbold, H. Great silver river, c. 8vo. Murray, illus. 12s. Uruguayan Republic, territory and conditions, c. 8vo. Stanford. By authority of Consulate-General of Uruguay. ARITHMETIC : Brook-Smith. Arithmetic in theory and practice, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 4s. Gd. Key, with each example completely worked out. c. 8vo. Jtacmillan. 10. 6(Z. Sonnenschein and Nesbitt. A.B.C. of arithmetic. 2 parts, Is. each. Sonnenschein. 2s. For teachers of very young children. ,, Science and art of arithmetic, c. 8vo. Sonnenschein. 5s. Gd. Chiefly for teachers. De Morgan, A. Elements of arithmetic. 8vo. (London'). 1848. O.P. Though modern writers have drawn on De Morgan for their materials, this book is still of the greatest value to the student. ARMENIA, TURKISH, see TURKEY. ARMENIAN LANGUAGE: Lauer, M. Grammatik der classischen Armenischen Sprache. (Vienna). 2s. Gd. Calfa, A. Dictionnaire Armenien-Francais. 12mo. (Paris). 21s. ARMS AND ARMOUR : Lacombe, M. P. Arms and armour. Tr. Boutell. p. 8vo. Reeves and Turner, illus. 5s. Useful abstract for general reader; sketchy information. Demmin, A. Arms and armour. Tr. Black, p. 8vo. Sell, illus. Is. Gd. Valuable to the general collector. Inaccurate in some details, and with rather rough drawings. Egerton, W. Handbook of Indian arms. 4to. Triibner. 2s. Gd. South Kensington Museum handbook ; a very accurate and well-illustrated catalogue of the arms in the Indian Museum. Luard, J. History of the dress of the British soldier. (London'). 1852. O.P. Beautifully illustrated history of the armour of the different races that have inhabited Eng- land (and to some extent India) siuce-the Roman times. Cosson, De. Ancient helmets, etc. Archaeological Institute. O.P. An exhaustive catalogue. Meyrick, S. K. Ancient armour in Europe, i. 4to. 2 vols. SuUn. 1830. illus. pub. 94s. Gd. O.P. Best account of arms and armour ; specially of England to reign of Charles II. Grose, F. Ancient arms and armour. (London}. 1788. illus. o.P. An old but useful book. Scott, Sibbald. The British army ; its origin and equipment. 2 vols. Cassell. 'illus. 42s. Good general account of weapons and armour used in the English army. 22 Arms and Armour GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Army Burton, R. F. Book of the sword. 4to. Cliatto. illus. 32s. An exhaustive account of this special weapon. Hewitt, J. Ancient armour and weapons in Europe, d. 8vo. 3 vols. /. Parker, illus. 31s. Gd. A valuable book of reference. ing list. A list of those published "by authority" will be found in the Monthly Army List. (Eyre; Is. 6d. monthly). I. ARMS OF THE SERVICE : Pratt, S. C. Field artillery; its equipment, organization, and tactics. s. c. 8vo. Paul. Gs. Kraft, Prince. Letters on artillery. Tr. Walford. c. 8vo. Stanford. 7s. Gd. Mackinlay, E. Text-book of gunnery. Eyre. 4s. Denison, G. A history of cavalry from the earliest times. 8vo. Nac- millan. 18s. Kraft, Prince. Letters on cavalry. Tr. Walford. Stanford. Gs. Brack, F. de. Light cavalry outposts. Tr. Hale. Mitchell. Kraft, Prince. Letters on infantry. Tr. Walford. Stanford. 6s. Mayne, B. Infantry fire tactics. Stanford, illus. 6s. Instructions in military engineering. 5 parts. Eyre. 12s. (yd. Part i., 2s. ; ii., 2s. Gd. ; iii., 3s. ; iv., Is. Gd. ; v., 8s. 6(1. Lewis, J. F. Permanent fortification for English engineers. It. E. Institute, Chatham. Clarke, G. S. Fortification, past and present. Murray. 15s. Bucknill. Submarine mines and torpedoes, r. 8vo. Office of "Engineering." 12s. Gd. Brackenbury, C. B. Field works, s. c. 8vo. 2 parts. Paid. 12s. Walter. England's volunteer force. 12mo. domes. 5s. Cooke, A. C. Aide-memoire for the use of officers of Royal Engineers. 2 vols., 12s. Gd. each. Eyre. pub. 25s. Technical, vol. i. o.p. Wolseley, G. Soldier's pocket-book for field service, sq. IGrno. Macmillan. 5s. General. II. ART OF WAR: Hamley, E. B. The operations of war explained and illustrated. 4to. Blacltnoocl. 30s. Shaw, W. Elements of modern tactics, s. c. 8vo. Paul, illus. 9s. Clery, C. Minor tactics, c. 8vo. Paul, illus. 9s. Verdy du Vernois. Studies in troop-leading (infantry). Tr. H. J. T. Hilclyard. 8vo. King. Is. Gd. , , Studies in troop-leading (cavalry). Tr. W. H. Harrison. Ed. B. Bell. 8vo. Ei/re. 5s. Hamley, E. B. National defence, p. 8vo. Blackmood. Gs. Frome, E. Outline of the method of conducting a trigonometrical survey, etc. Revised C. Warren. 8vo. Locfavood. 1840. 12s. Hutchinson, H. D. Military sketching made easy. 8vo. Gale, and Polden. 4s. 23 Army GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Army Schellendorf, B. Von. Duties of the general staff. Tr. Hare. 8vo. 2 vols. Eyre. 15.s-. Grierson, J. M. Staff duties in the field. Harrison. In press. Furse, G. Military transport. 8vo. Eyre. 5s. III. MILITARY LAW AND HISTORY : Buxton, J. W. Elements of military administration and law. s. c. 8vo. Paul. 7s. Gd. Thring and others. Manual of military law. Eyre. 2s. Gd. Abbreviated 1888 ; 1. Gd. Pratt, S. C. Military law ; its procedure and practice, s. c. 8vo. Paid. 4s. Gd. Clode, C. M. The military forces of the crown. 8vo. 2 vols., 21*. each. Murray. 42,v. Dealing with their relation to the Government. Adams, C. Great campaigns. Ed. C. C. King. 8vo. Blacltmood. 16s. A succinct account of the principal operations which have taken place in Europe from 1790 to 1870. Napier, W. F. P. History of the war in the Peninsula, c. 8vo. 3 vols. Routledge. 10s. Gd. Vol. i. (1807-10), 3*. Gd. ; ii. (1810-12), 3. 6d. ; Hi. (1812-14), 3s. Gd. Chesney, C. C. Waterloo lectures ; a study of the campaign. 8vo. Longmans. 10s. Gd. Kaye, J. W. History of the war in Afghanistan, c. 8vo. 3 vols. W. H. Allen. 26s. Hamley, E. B. The Crimean campaign. 5* Kaye, J. W. History of the Sepoy war in India, d. 8vo. 3 vols. W. H. Allen. 58s. Battles and leaders of the civil war (American). 8vo. 4 vols. Unnin. 105s. The Franco-German war, 1870-71. Tr. from the German official account by F. C. H. Clarke. 8vo. 3 vols. Eyre. 131s. Gd. Also in 25 separate sections, from 2. Gd. to 31. 6rf. each. Greene, F. V. The Russian army and its campaigns in Turkey in 1877-8. r. 8vo. Allen. 32s. Wilson, A. The ever victorious army. 8vo. Blackmood. o.r. Suppression of the Taeping rebellion, by Colonel (afterwards General) Gordon. IV. BIOGRAPHY: Series of military biographies. 4s. each vol. Chapman. Frederick the Great (Brackenbury), Washington (Cooper King), French revolutionary generals (Griffiths!, Turenne ^Hozier), Prince Eugene (Malleson), Parliamentary generals of civil war (Watford). Coxe, W. Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough. 8vo. 3 vols., 3s. Gd. each. Sell (BoJtri). 10s. Gd. Wrottesley, G. Life and correspondence of F.-M. Sir J. Burgoyne. 8vo. 2 vols. BentUy. 30s. Bourrienne, L. A. F. de. Memoirs of Napoleon Buonaparte. (Tr. from the French). Ed. R. W. Phipps. d. 8vo. 3 vols. Bentley. 42s. Napier, W. Life and opinions of General Sir C. Napier, p. 8vo. 4 vols. Murray. 1847. O.r. Brialmont. Life of Arthur, first Duke of Wellington. Tr. C. R. Gleig. 8vo. 4 vols. Longmans. O.P. 24 Army GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Art Gurwood, J. Selections from the despatches of the Duke of Wellington. r. 8vo. Murray. 1841. O.P. Shadwell. Life of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde. 8vo. 2 vols. Black-mood. 3Gs. Gordon, H. W. Events in the life of Charles George Gordon, d. 8vo. Paul, illus. 7,t. 6d. V. MISCELLANEOUS: Maurice, J. F. Hostilities without declaration of war. 8vo. Eyre. 2s. Blunt, S. E. Kifle and carbine firing for the United States army. Low. 8s. Gd. Laidley , F. S. A course of instruction in rifle firing. IGmo. Lippineott. Is. 6d. Kitchener, H. E. Kevolvers and their use. Royal United Sen-ice Instit. O.P. Farrow, E. S. Military encyclopaedia. 4to. 3 vols. (New Yorlt). 170s. ART PICTORIAL AND PLASTIC : I. HISTORY AND GENERAL : D'Anvers, N. Elementary history of art (architecture, painting, sculpture). c. 8vo. Low. illus. 10s. Gd. Adopted as text-book at South Kensington. Liibke, W. History of art, Tr. F. E. Bunnett. 1. 8vo. 2 vols. Smith, Elder, illus. 42s. Winckelman. History of ancient art. Tr. Lodge. 8vo. 2 vols. Chap- man. 1851. illus. o.r. Perrot and Chipiez. History of art. Tr. W. Armstrong, i. 8vo. Chapman. illus. In progress. Judaea, Sardinia, Syria, and Cappadocia, 2 vols., 42. ; Phomicia, 2 vols., 42*.; Chaldaea and Assyria, 2 vols., 12s. ; Egypt, 2 vols., 42. A comprehensive and excellent work. Rather advanced for the general reader, perhaps, but eminently readable. Labarte, J. Handbook of the arts of the middle ages. Tr. 8vo. Murray. illus. O.P. Bibliotheque cle 1'enseignement des beaux-arts. 8vo. 34 vols., 3s. to 5s. each. Quantin. Newton, C. T. Essays on art and archeology. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. 12s. Gd. Rayet, 0. Monuments de 1'art antique, fo. (Paris), illus. 120s. Art in chronological order, from earliest period to second century B.C. Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 16s. Scott, L. Renaissance of art in Italy. 4to. Low. illus. 31s. Gd. Milntz, E. La renaissance en Italic et en France, r. 8vo. (Paris'). 30s. Pattison, Mrs. Mark. Renaissance of art in France. 8vo. 2 vols. Paul. illus. (In progress). 32*. Laborde, L. de. La renaissance des arts & la cour dc France. (14th century). 8vo. (Paris'). O.P. Eastlake, C. L. Materials for a history of oil painting. Ed. (2nd vol.) Lady Eastlake. Longmans. O.P. Chiefly history of technique. Woltmann and Woermann. History of painting. Ed. S. Colvin. 8vo. Vol. i., 28s. ; ii., 42s. Paul, illus. 70s. 25 Art GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Art Crowe and Cavalcaselle. A new history of painting in Italy from 2nd to 16th century. 8vo. 3 vols. Murray, illus. O.P. ,, History of painting in north Italy from 14th to 16th century. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray, illus. 42s. Lanzi, L. History of painting in Italy. 8vo. 3 vols., 3s. fid. each. Sell (Bohri). 10s. Qd. Walpole, H. Anecdotes of painting in England. 8vo. Murray. 6s. Ottley, W. Y. Origin and early history of engraving on copper and wood. 4to. 2 vols. (London}. 1816. O.P. Liibke, W. History of sculpture. Tr. Bunnett. i. 8vo. 2 vols. Smith, Elder, illus. 42s. Perkins, C. C. Tuscan sculptors. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans, pub. 63s. O.P. ,, Italian sculptors. 8vo. Longmans, pub. 42s. O.P. II. SCHOOLS : See also JAPAN. Kugler, F. T. Handbook of painting. Ed. Layard. p. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray, illus. 30s. Wornum, R. N. Epochs of painting. 8vo. Chapman, illus. 20s. Siret, A. Dictionnaire historique des peintres cle toutes les Scoles. 8vo. (Paris), illus. 25s. Smith, J. Catalogue raisonne'e of Dutch, Flemish, and French painters. 8vo. 9 parts. Smith. 1829-42. O.P. Invaluable to collectors, for identification of pictures. Kugler, F. T. Handbook of painting: German, Flemish, and Dutch schools. Ed. J. A. Crowe, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 24s. Ruskin, J. Giotto and his works in Padua. 3 parts. Arundel Society, illus. 15s. ,, Vald'Arno. 8vo. G.Allen, illus. 22s. Gd. XIII. century art in Pisa and Florence. III. BIOGRAPHY: Vasari, G. Le vite de' piu eccellenti pittori, scultori, ed architetti. 15 vols. 12mo. (Florence). 48s. Other editions. Also translated by Mrs. Foster; p. 8vo. 6 iols.Ss.Gd. each. Sell (Sohu}. 21. Charignarie and Aurray. Dictionnaire general des artistes de 1'e'cole fran9aise. r. 8vo. 2 vols. (Paris). 60s. Redgrave, R. and S. A century of painters of the English school. 8vo. 2 vols. Smith, Elder. 32s. Redgrave, S. Dictionary of artists of the English school, cl. 8vo. Bell. 16s. Cunningham, A. Lives of British painters, sculptors, and architects. p. 8vo. 3 vols., 3s. 6d. each. Sell (Bohn). 10s. &d. Strutt, J. Biographical dictionary of engravers. (London). 1785-6. O.P. Bryan, M. Dictionary of painters and engravers. Ed. Graves. 2 vols., 31*. &d. each. Bell. 63s. Ottley, H. Dictionary of painters and engravers, i. 8vo. Bell. 12s. Supplement to Bryan. Wilson, C. Michel Angelo. 8vo. Murray, illus. 15s. Crowe and Cavalcaselle. Life and works of Raphael. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 33s. Vol.i., 15s.; vol. ii., 18s. 26 rt GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Art Muntz, E. Raphael, sa vie, son ceuvre, et son temps, r. 8vo. (Paris'). illus. 25s. ,, Raphael ; his life, works and times. Tr. i.Svo. Chapman, illus. 25s. Meyer, J. Correggio. Tr. Mrs. Heaton. i. 8vo. Macmillan. 31s. Gd. Crowe and Cavalcaselle. Titian, his life and times. 8vo. Murray, illas. 21s. Symonds, J. A. Benvenuto Cellini. 8vo. Mmmo. illus. 12s. Maxwell, W. S. Annals of the artists of Spain. 8vo. G vols. Nimnw. illus. 126*. Vols. i. to iv. issued ; v. and vi. shortly. Curtis, C. B. Velasquez and Murillo. r. 8vo. Lorn. 31s. Gd. Few personal details, but valuable as a record of pictures. Justi, C. Velasquez. Tr. A. H. Keane. r. 8vo. ffrevel. 3(5*. Thausing, M. Alb. Diirer. Ed. F. A. Eaton. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. illus. 42s. Wornum, R. N. Holbein, r. 8vo. Chapman. 31*. Gd. Curtis, C. B. Rembrandt's etchings, with biography and notes, fo. illus. Dodd, Mead $ Co., N. Y. 1 2(5*. Vosmaer. Rembrandt, sa vie et ses ceuvres. r. 8vo. (The Hague). 24*. Sainsbury, W. Noel. Original and unpublished papers of Rubens. 8vo. o.P. Bradbury. Leslie, C. R. Constable. 4to. Longmans. 1845. pub. 21s. O.P. Fulcher, G. W. Gainsborough, c. 8vo. Longmans, pub. 6s. O.P. Rossi, G. Angelica Kauffman. 8vo. (Florence). 1810. O.P. Taylor, Tom. Sir Joshua Reynolds. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray, pub. 42s. o.P. Thornbury, W. Turner. 8vo. 2 vols. Hurst. 30s. Smith, J. T. Nollekens. 8vo. 2 vols. Colburn. 1829. O.P. Plon, E. Thorwaldsen ; sa vie et son ceuvre. 8vo. (Vienna), illus. 15*. -IV. THEORY, JESTHETICS AND CRITICISM : Alison, A. Essays on the nature and principles of taste. 8vo. (Edin- burgh). 1825. O.P. Lessing, G. E. Laokoon. Tr. T. Burbidge. 8vo. Macmillan. 12s. Schlegel, F. ^Esthetic and miscellaneous works. Tr. E. J. Millington. p. 8vo. Bell (Bohn). 3s. Gd. Taine, H. De 1'icleal dans 1'art. 12mo. (Paris). 2s. Gd. Guizot, F. P. G. The fine arts ; their nature and relations. Tr. G. Grove. 8vo. Bosreortli (London). O.P. Parry, T. G. The ministry of fine art. 8vo. Murray. 14s. Fromentin, E. Les maitres d'autrefois. 12mo. (Paris). 4s. A model of intelligent criticism. Morelli, G. Italian masters in German galleries. Tr. Mrs. L. Richter. c. 8vo. Bell. Ss. Gd. Should be studied by collectors. Buskin, J. Modern Painters, i. 8vo. 5 vols. (T. Allen, illus. 12(5*. ,, Aratra Pentelici. 8vo. G.Allen. 22s. Gd. Elements of sculpture. ,, Ariadne Florentina. 8vo. G. Allen. 22*. Gd. Florentine engraving wood and metal. ,, Elements of drawing. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 1857. O.P. 27 Art GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Art V. SYMBOLISM: Jameson, Mrs. Sacred and legendary art. 8vo. 4 vols. Longmans, illus. Legends of the Saints and Martyrs, 2 vols, 20. Legends of the Madonna, 10s. Legends of the Monastic Orders, 10. Didron, A. N. Christian iconography. Tr. Millington. c. 8vo. 2 vols., 5s. each. Bell (Bolwi). illus. 10s. Jameson, Mrs., and Lady Eastlake. History of the Saviour as exemplified in works of art. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans, illus. 20s. VI. TECHNIQUE: Church, A. H. Chemistry of paints and painting. 8vo. Seeley. 5s. Merrifield, Mrs. Original treatises, from the 12th to the 18th century. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 1849. O.P. On oil painting, miniature, mosaic, glass, gilding, dyeing, colours, and artificial gems. Cennini, C. Treatise on painting. Tr. Mrs. Merrifield. r. 8vo. Lumley. 1844. O.P. Written in 1137. Practical directions for painting, with the art of illuminating MSS. Book of Art. Ed. F. Knight Hunt. 4to. (London). 1846. illus. O.P. Practical directions for preparing and painting in fresco. Lippman, F. Art of wood engraving in Italy in the 15th century. Tr. Quaritch. 25s. VII. PEESPECTIVE: Hayter, C. Introduction to perspective, practical geometry, drawing, and painting. 8vo. Bagster. illus. A good general manual, very suitable for ladies. Burchett, E. Linear perspective, p. 8vo. Chapman, illus. Is. Malton, T. Compleat treatise on perspective, fo. (London'). 1779-83. illus. Ware, W. K. Modern perspective. 12mo. Osgood (Boston), plates 4to. 25.v. The most recent advanced work. High-class. VIII. DECOEATION AND OENAMENT : Wornum, E. N. Analysis of ornament, r. 8vo. Ctiapman. illus. 8s. The first book to be read by a student beginning this subject. There is nothing equal to it as Day, L. F. Anatomy of pattern, c. 8vo. Batsford. illus. 3s. Gd. , , Planning of ornament, c. 8vo. Batsford. illus. 3s. Qd. ,, Application of ornament, c. 8vo. Batsford. illus. 3s. 6d. These three are very useful little handbooks. Dresser, C. Art of decorative design, c. 8vo. Cassell. illus. 5s. Buskin, J. The two paths. 8vo. G. Allen. 13s. Principles of decorative art. Bacinet, A. Polychromatic ornament. Tr. fo. Sothenm. illus. 126s. A truly magnificent work, systematically arranged. The text is instructive. 100 plates in gold, silver, and colours. ,, L'ornement polychrome (2me. series). (Paris). Semper, G. Polychromy. Tr. 8vo. 1851. O.P. In Museum of Classical Antiquities. Classic work and classic revival. Hittorf, J. C. L'architecture polychrome chez les Grecs. 4to. Didot. O.P. 28 Art GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Artistic Processes Field's Chromatography. Ed. Taylor, c. 8vo. Winsor and Newton, illus. 5s. Magne, L. (Euvre des peintres verriers francais. 2 vols. sm. fo. Firmiii- Didot. 100s. The last two works are artistic and critical. Levy and Capronnier. Peinture sur verre, particulierement en Belgique. (Brussels). Historical and critical. See also Labarte's Handbook of the arts of the middle age*, cited under Section I. Church, A. H. Colour (elem.). Cassell. 3s. 6d, Chevreul, M. E. La loi du contrasts simultan6 des couleurs. text 8vo. plates 4to. (Paris'). 1839. O.P. ,, The same. Tr. Martel. 8vo. Bell(BoJm). illus. 5s. ,, The same. Tr. Spanton. c. 8vo. Routledge. illus. 3s. 6d. A standard work ; neither of the translations is perfectly satisfactory, Martel's having no coloured plates, and Spanton's being abridged in the text. Shaw, H. Decorative arts of the middle ages. Svo. .Bell. 21s. monthly, 1. 6d. Magazine of Art (Cassellj ; monthly, Is. ARTILLERY, see ARMY I. ARTISTIC ANATOMY, see ANATOMY III. AUTISTIC PROCESSES : I. ETCHING: Hamerton, P. G. Etching and etchers. Svo. JIacmillan. illus. o.p. ,, The etcher's handbook (elem.). c. Svo. Roberson. 5. Technique. II. PRINTS AND ENGRAVINGS: Brown, W. N. Practical manual of wood engraving, c. Svo. LocltwoocL. 2s. With brief historical introduction; good on technique. Chatto and Jackson. Wood engraving, historical and practical. 1. 4to. Chatto. illus. 28s. Didot, A. F. Essai sur la gravure sur bois (advanced). Svo. (Paris). 4s. Qd. Historical and critical ; contains list of artists and bibliography. Passavant, J. D. Le peintre graveur. Svo. 6 vols. (Leipzig). 54s. III. ENGRAVED GEMS : Billing, A. The science of gems. r. Svo.. Bell and Daldy. 21*. Scientific and critical ; contains a little technique. King, C. W. Antique gems and rings, r. Svo. 2 vols. Bell and Daldy. 42s. Historical and critical ; contains biographical notices, and a bibliography. ,, Handbook of engraved gems. i. Svo. Bell, illus. 16s. Historical and critical; contains a catalogue of ancient artists. See also Jacquemart's History of furniture, cited under BRONZES. IV. GOLD AND SILVERSMITHS' WORK : Pollen, J. H. Gold and silversmiths' work (S. Kensington art handbook). 1. Svo. Chapman. 2s. 6d. Historical only. 29 Artistic Processes GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Artistic Processes Wheatley and Delamotte. Art work in gold and silver. 8vo. 2 vols., 2s. Gd. each. Lorn. 5*. Vol. i., Medieval ; vol. ii., Modern. Historical and critical. Gee, G. E. Goldsmiths' handbook. 12mo. Loelaeood. 3s. (id. ,, Silversmiths' handbook. 12mo. LocJtwood. 3s. (id. Both the latter books are technical and practical. Cripps, W. J. College and corporation plate (S. Kensington art hand- book). 1. c. 8vo. Chapman. 2s. (id. Historical, descriptive, and critical handbook to copies and reproductions in the S. Ken- ,, Old English plate, m. 8vo. Murray, illus. 21s. Historical and descriptive ; contains list of makers' marks, etc. ,, Old French plate. 8vo. Murray. 8s. (id. Handbook for collectors ; critical and historical ; contains list of marks (towns and makers), etc. V. JEWELLERY: Wallis, G. Jewellery (in "British manufacturing industries" ser.). p. 8vo. Stanford. 3s. (id. Technical. Boutell, C. Gold working (in same series), p. Svo. Stanford. 3s. (id. Technical. Metal work (technique). Ed. G. W. Yapp. Virtue. O.P. Historical and descriptive ; very fine plates ; text rather slight, but edited by Yapp, who is a good authority. See also Gee's Goldsmiths' handbook, cited in the preceding section ; and Jacquemart's History of furniture, cited under BRONZES. VI. BRONZES : Fortnum, C. D. E. Bronzes (S. Kensington art handbook). 1. c. Svo. Chapman. 2s. (id. Historical and technical. Jacquemart, A. History of furniture. Tr. Mrs. B. Palliser. i. Svo. Chapman. illus. pub. 31s. (id. o.p. See also Yapp's Metal Work, cited in the preceding section; and J. C. Robinson's Treasury of ornamental art. Day. illus. o.p. Description only ; text slight. VII. ENAMELLING : Ferrand, J. P. L'art du feu, ou de peindre en email. (Paris). 1732. o.p. Technique in detail ; old-fashioned ; no illustrations ; the most practical work on the subject. ' Goupil and Renauld. Manuel vulgarisateur des connaissances artistiques (elem.). 16mo. (Paris). o.p. Technique ; wholly practical ; very brief (16 pp.) ; no illustrations. See also J. Labarte's Handbook of the arts of the middle ages (in ART. I.) ; and Jacquemart's History of furniture, cited under BRONZES. VIII. WOOD CARVING : Miller, F. Wood carving (elem.). c. 8vo. Wijman. 5s. Technique good. Wood carving for amateurs. Upcott Gill. Is. Technique good. Leland, C. G. Manual of wood carving. 4to. Wltittalter. 5s. IX. ILLUMINATING : Audsley, W., and G. Guide to the art of illuminating. Svo. Moreney. Is. Historical and technical. Artistic Processes GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Asia Offbr, E. Art of illuminating without a master. 8vo. Bunyarcl. Gs. Technical. Tymms and Wyatt. Art of illuminating, r. 8vo. Day. pub. 21s. O.P. Historical, critical, and technical ; text slight ; splendid illustrations. Shaw, H. Handbook of the art of illumination, i. 8vo. -Bell and Dalay. illus. 21s. Jones and Humphreys. Illuminated books of the middle ages. Longmans. 1849. O.P. X. TAPESTRY: Champeaux, A. de. Tapestry (S. Kensington art handbook), c. 8vo. Chapman. Mtintz, E. Tapestry. Tr. Miss L. J. Davis. Cassell. Godon, J. Painted tapestry and its applications. LecJiertier (London). XL STAINED GLASS WINDOWS : Miller, F. Glass painting. Wyman. Gessert and Fromberg. Glass staining, and art of painting on glass. Tr. 12mo. Lockmood. Technique. Winston, C. Difference of style in ancient glass paintings, especially in England, m. 8vo. 2 vols. Parker, illus. ASCENSION ISLAND, see ATLANTIC. See also AFGHANISTAN, BURMA AND SHAN STATES, CEYLON, CHINA, COEEA, INDIA, INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO, JAPAN, MALAY PENINSULA, PALESTINE, PERSIA, RUSSIA IN ASIA, TURKEY. I. GENERAL : Reclus, E. Universal geography, i. 8vo. Virtue, illus. and maps. Vol. vi., Asiatic Russia (Caucasia, Turkestan, and Siberia) ; vol. vii., East Asia (Chinese Empire, Corea, and Japan); vol. viii., India and Indo-China ; vol. ix., South-Western Asia (Afghanistan, Beluchistau, Persia, Asiatic Turkey, Asia Minor, Cyprus, Syria, Palestine, and Arabia). The introductory chapter of vol. vi. gives a general account of the geography of Asia. Stanford's Compendium. Asia ; with ethnological appendix. Ed. Keane and Temple. 1. p. 8vo. Stanford. JOURNALS of the Royal Asiatic Society. ( Triilner). [For particulars see AHCHJEOLOO v.] II. CENTRAL : The student will consult the Gazetteer of Central Asia, published by the India Office ; the Annual Reports of the Survey of India ; and the Journal and Proceed 'ini/s of the Roijal Qeoi/raphical Society. Stumm, H. Russia in Central Asia. Tr. Ozanne and Sachs. 8vo. Harri- son. Historical sketch of Russia's progress in the East up to 1873. 31 Asia GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Assurance Lansdell, H. Russian Central Asia. 8vo. 2 vols. Low. illus. 42s. A popular summary. Including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva, Merv. Curzon, G. N. Eussia in Central Asia in 1889. 8vo. Longmans. 21s. Anglo-Russian question ; deals especially with the Central Asian railway. Burnaby, F. Ride to Khiva, c. 8vo. Cassell. 3s. 6d. Vambery, A. History of Bokhara. 8vo. King. pub. 18*. o.p. Hue, Abbe. Chinese Empire ; Tartary and Thibet. 8vo. 2 vols. Long- mans. 24s. Prejevalsky, N. From Kulja, the Thian Shan, to Lob Nor. Tr. Morgan. 8vo. Low. 15s. With notices of the Central Asian lakes \>y Sir D. Forsyth. For General Prejevalsky's later journeys, the proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society should be consulted. Kuropatkin, A. N. Kashgaria. Tr. W. E. Gowan. r. 8vo. Thacker. 10s. Qd. Historical and geographical sketch of the country, etc. Prejevalsky, N. Mongolia, the Tangut Country, Northern Thibet, etc. Tr. Morgan and Yule. 8vo. 2 vols. Low. 42s. Gilmour, J. Among the Mongols, c. 8vo. R. T. S. illus. Is. 6d. Howorth, H. H. History of the Mongols, r. 8vo. 4 vols. Longmans. 98s. Wood, J. Journey to the source of the Oxus, 1840. Eel. Yule. 8vo. Murray. 12s. With essay on the geography of the Oxus Valley, by Col. Yule. Narratives of G. Boyle's mission to Thibet, 1774, and T. Manning's journey to Lhasa. Ed. Markham. 8vo. Trubner. O.P. Contains a very complete sketch of the geography of Central Asia. Desgodins, C. H. Le Thibet. 8vo. (Paris). Is. ASIA MINOR, see TURKEY. ASSAYING, see METALLURGY. ASSURANCE : Assurance being a business, there are no text-books in the ordinary sense of the term. Life Assurance is the only department which has, to any extent, been made the subject of theoretical treatment. King, G. Theory of finance, d. 8vo. Layton. 4s. Porter, J. B. Laws of insurance. 8vo. Stevens and Haynes. 21s. Fire, Life, Accident, and Guarantee. Sutton, W. Institute of Actuaries' text-book, part i. m.Svo. Layton. 10s. 6d. King, G. Institute of Actuaries' text-book, part ii. m. 8vo. jMyton. 31s. 6^. Life contingencies, annuities, and other money benefits dependent on life. Institute of Actuaries' life-tables, d. 8vo. Layton. 21s. Mortality experience of life assurance companies, d. 8vo. Layton. 30s. Collected by Institute of Actuaries. Crawley, C. Law of life insurance, d. 8vo. Clowes. 12s. Qd. Accounts of life assurance companies, fo. Eyre. (For 1889). 2s. Sd. Board of Trade annual blue-book. Hardy, G. F. Friendly societies, m. 8vo. Layton. 2s. McArthur, C. Policy of marine insurance. 8vo. Layton. 3s. 6d. Popularly explained. Lowndes, R. Law of marine insurance, d. 8vo. Stevens. 12s. Qd. 32 Assurance GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Assyria Arnould, J. Law of marine insurance, r. 8vo. 2 vols. Stevens. 60s. Lowndes, K. Law of general average, r. 8vo. Stevens. 30s. Hare, F. A. C. Fire insurance manual, c. 8vo. Layton. 15s. Campbell, D. Fire underwriters' companion, d. 8vo. Layton. 10s. (id. Bunyon, C. J. Law of fire insurance, d. 8vo. Layton. 18*-. Insurance cyclopaedia. Ed. C. Walforcl. r. 8vo. G vols., 21s. each. Layton. 126s Incomplete. Walford, C. Insurance guide and handbook, d. 8vo. Layton. 10s. Gd. PERIODICALS, ETC. : Post Magazine Almanac (Buckley). Handy Assurance Directory (Bourne). JournalofthelnstfatteofActiiariesdjiiyton) ; F our parts yearly ; 2. 6cZ. per part. ASSYRIA : I. ARCHAEOLOGY: Layard, A. H. Monuments of Nineveh, i. fo. Murray. 1849-53. illus. pub. 210s. O.P. Rawlinson, G. Five great monarchies. 8vo. 3 vols. Murray, illus. 42s. Smith, G. Babylonia. Ed. A. H. Sayce. 8. P. C. A". 2*. ,, Assyria. S. P. C. A". 2s. Ragozia, Z.A. Chaldea. (" Story of the nations " series). c.Svo. Unwin. illus. 5s. ,, Assyria. (" Story of the nations " series). c.Svo. Unwin. illus. 5s. Menant, J. Annales des rois d'Assyrie. 1. 8vo. (Paris'). 12s. Gfl. Layard, A, H. Nineveh and its remains, c. 8vo. Murray, illus. 7s. Gd. With account of a visit to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, etc. ,, Nineveh and Babylon, c. 8vo. Murray, illus. 7s. Gff. Botta,P.E. Monument de Ninive. fo. 5 vols. (Paris'). 1847-50. illus. 72 Tiele, C. P. Babylonisch-Assyrische Geschichte. 8vo. 2 vols. (Gotlia). 13s. Vol. i., fa. ; vol. ii., 7*. Perrot et Chipiez. Chaldea and Assyria (L'art dans 1'antiquite, vol. ii.). Tr. Armstrong. Chapman and Hall. 42s. [For full particulars of the work see ARCHAEOLOGY, and ART I.] Oppert, J. Expedition en Mesopotamie (1851-4). 4to. 2 vols. (Paris). illus. 100s. Records of the Past. Ed. Birch. 12mo. 12 vols., 3s. Gd. each. Sagster. O.P., except vol. xii. For fuller particulars, gee EGYPT II. Records of the Past (Second series). Ed. Sayce. 4 vols., 4s. Gd. each. Baggier. 18s. Smith, G. Chaldean Genesis. Ed. Sayce. 8vo. Low. illus. 18s. Schrader, E. Cuneiform inscriptions and the Old Testament. Tr. 8vo. 2 vols. Williams. 21s. Menant, J. Bibliotheque de Ninive. 18rno. (Paris'). 2s. Gd. PERIODICALS : transactions and proceedintjs of the Society of Biblical Archaeology (Triibner) ; Zeitsc/iriftfiir Assyriologie. Ed. Bezold. II. LANGUAGE: Sayce, A. H. Elementary Assyrian grammar and reading book. c. 4to. JBaffster. 7s. Gd. Delitzsch, F. Assyrian grammar. Tr. A. R. Kennedy, c. 8vo. Williams. 15s. Lyon, D. G. Assyrian manual. 8vo. Scribner. 21s. Includes a vocabulary. 33 D Assyria GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Astronomy Delitzsch, F. Assyrisches Worterbuch. 4to. 3vols. (Leipzig). 91s. 6d. Schrader, E. Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek. 8vo. 2vols. (Berlin). Vol. i., 9. ; vol. ii., 12. In progress. Budge, E. A. History of Esarhaddon (reading book), p. 8vo. Triibner. 10s. (id. ASTRONOMY : I. TEXT-BOOKS AND TREATISES : Lockyer, J. N. Elementary lessons on astronomy, f. 8vo. Macmillan. 5s. 6d. Young, C. A. Elements of astronomy, c. 8vo. (finn. Is. Gd. ,, General astronomy, r. 8vo. Ginn. 12s. &d. Herschel, J. F. W. Outlines of astronomy (advanced). sq. c. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 12s. Ball, E. S. Elements of astronomy (advanced), c. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 6s. Godfray, H. Treatise on astronomy (mathematical, advanced). 8vo. Nacmillan. 12s. Qd. Watson, J. C. Theoretical astronomy (mathematical, advanced), i. 8vo. Triibner. 45s. venet, W. Treatise on astronomy (mathematical, advanced). 8vo. 2 vols. Lippincott. illus. 31s. 6d. Loomis, E. Practical astronomy (mathematical, advanced), r. 8vo. Lorn. illus. 8s. 6:, rui'fiioif Mni/nzhii- for June, 1890 (Stanford). For each country the best maps are those of the official survey, where there is one ; they are sold in sheets at a very cheap rate. The sheets of our own survey aredearer ; but Stanford, Bartholomen-, and Philip pub- lish reduced and comparatively cheap reproductions. As a rule, the maps in the atlases men- tioned below may be obtained separately. Cosmographic atlas, fo. Johnston. 21*. This is the most comprehensive English atlas at the price. Andree, E. von. Hand-atlas, fo. Triibner. 24s. The largest and best atlas published anywhere at the price. It is German, but there need be Bartholomew, J. Library reference atlas, fo. Macmillan. 52s. Gd. For quantity and quality this is the cheapest and best atlas published in England. Johnston, K. The royal atlas, fo. Johnston. 126s. This still maintains its place as, on the whole, the best English atlas. ,, Handy royal atlas, fo. Johnston. 52s. A cheaper form of the royal atlas. Taschen Atlas. Perthes (Gotha). 2s. Clark and Green. Bible atlas, r. 4to. S. P. C. X. 14s, Johnston, K. Bible atlas. 12mo. Johnston. Is. School atlas of classical geography, i. 8vo. Johnston. 12s. Gd. Smith, W. Atlas of classical geography, fo. Murray. 126s. Largest and best of its kind. Spruner, C. von. Historical atlas, ob. 4to. Triibner. There is a large and a small school edition ; each by far the best of its class. AUDITORS, see BOOK-KEEPING. AUSTRALASIA : I. GENEEAL : Stanford's Compendium; Australasia. Ed. A. E. Wallace. 1. p. 8vo. Stanford, illus. 21s. With ethnological appendix by A. H. Keane. Picturesque atlas of Australasia. 3 vols. Woodcock (17, Farringdon- streef). 15 15s. Bonwick, J. British colonies in Australasia, c. 8vo. Lore. Wilkins, W. Australasia ; descriptive and pictorial, c. 8vo. Blackie. illus. 2s. Gd. Westgarth, W. Half a century of Australasian progress. 8vo. Lon-. 12s. Trollope, A. Australia and New Zealand, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Chapman. Is. Gd. Wallace, E. Eural economy and agriculture of Australia and New Zealand. Lore. Maps and illus. (In prep.). 36 lustralasia GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Australasia Blair, D. Cyclopaedia of Australasia. PethericJi. 40s. Dictionary of events, dates, persons, and places connected with the discovery, exploration, and progress of the British dominions in the South. Australian Handbook. (Annual). 8vo. Gordon and Gotch. 18s Including New Zealand, Fiji, and New Guinea. A complete and trustworthy summary of the geography of the Australian Colonies, with good maps. PERIODICAL : Proceeding of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (Sydney). II. AUSTRALIA ; GENERAL : Beete-Jukes, J. Physical structure of Australia. 8vo. Boone. pub. 6s. O.P. Wall-Beresford, H. De la Poer. Physical geography of Australia. PetJterick. Woods, J. E. Tenison. History of the discovery and explorations of Aus- tralia. 8vo. 2 vols. Lmv. Favenc. History of Australian exploration, 1788 to 1888. r. 8vo. Griffith. Rusden, G. W. History of Australia, d. 8vo. 3 vols. Chapman. Curr, E. M. The Australian (aboriginal) race. 8vo. 4 vols. Triibner. illus. 42*. Inglis, J. Our Australian cousins. 8vo. Macmlllan. 14s. Chapters on New South Wales and Queensland. Hatton, H. Finch. Advance Australia. 8vo. W. H. Allen. 18s. Eight years in Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria. Froude, J. A. Oceana. c. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 2s. 6d. Heaton, J. H. Australian dictionary of dates and men of the time. r. 8vo. Triibner. 15s. Silver. Handbook for Australia and New Zealand, c. 8vo. Silver. 5s. Year-Book of Australia. Ed. E. Greville. d. 8vo. Paul. 10.s-. (M. III. NEW SOUTH WALES: Official history of New South Wales. Ed. G. B. Barton, d. 8vo. Paul. Vol. i., 15s. Compiled chiefly from the official and parliamentary records of the colony. Coghlan, T. A. (Government Statistician). Wealth and progress of New South Wales. 8vo. Robertson (17, Warwick-square, London). 8s. (id. With maps and tables. Griffin, G. W. Commerce and resources of New South Wales. (Sydney*). SEE ALSO Publications of the Linnseau Society of New South Wales, and Royal Society of New South Wales. IV. VICTORIA : Murray, R. A. F. Victoria : geology and physical geography. (Melbourne'). Hayter, H. H. Notes on the colony of Victoria. 8vo. PethericTt. 3s. Labilliere, F. P. Early history of Victoria (to 1856). 8vo. 2 vols. Low. 21s. Illustrated Handbook of Victoria. Petliericli. 5s. Victorian year-book (published annually at Melbourne), contains sketch of geography, and V. QUEENSLAND: Russell, H. S. The genesis of Queensland, r. 8vo. Griffith. 21s. Lumholtz, C. Among cannibals. 8vo. Murray. 37 Australasia GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Austria-Hungary VI. SOUTH AUSTRALIA : South Australia. Ed. Harcus. 8vo. Low. 25s. Best and most complete work on South Australia. Stow, J. P. South Australia : its history, productions, and natural resources. Petlierick. 5s. Gd. Sowden, W. J. Northern territory. (Adelaide'). Daly, Mrs. D. Digging, squatting, and pioneering life. 8vo. Lorn. 12s. VII. WEST AUSTRALIA : Favenc. Western Australia. 8vo. (Sydney). 21s. Nicolay, C. G. Handbook of Western Australia. (Perth, W.A.). o.p. VIII. TASMANIA: Walsh. Tasmanian guide book. (Hobarf). 5s. Just, T. C. Tasmaniana: a description of the island and its resources. 8vo. Petherick. 2s. Gd. Johnston, R. M. Geology of Tasmania. SimpTdn. o.p. Fenton, J. History of Tasmania (from 1642). 8vo. (Hobarf). 16s. West, J. History of Tasmania. 8vo. 2 vols. (Tasmania). O.P. Tasmanian Official Record, sold at Tasmanian Government Agency, 5, Victoria-street, S.W. IX. NEW ZEALAND: Hochstetter. New Zealand : its physical geography, geology, natural history, &c. Tr. Sauter. r. 8vo. (Stuttgart). 25s. Green, W. S. High Alps of New Zealand, p. 8vo. Maemillan. 7s. Gd. Rusden, G. W. History of New Zealand. 8vo. 3 vols. Cliapnian. 50s. Gisborne, W. Colony of New Zealand, c. 8vo. PethericJt. Is. Gd. Official Handbook of New Zealand, d. 8vo. 2 parts, Is. each. Stanford. 2s. X. NEW GUINEA : Macgillivray, J. Voyage of H.M.S. " Rattlesnake," 1846-50. 8vo. 2 vols. Boone. pub. 36s. o.p. Moresby, J. Discoveries and surveys in New Guinea. 8vo. Murray. pub. 15s. O.P. D'Albertis, L. M. New Guinea; what I did, and what I saw. 8vo. 2 vols. Low. 42s. Chalmers and Gill. Work and adventure in New Guinea, 1875 to 1885. p. 8vo. R. T. S. 6s. Chalmers, J. Pioneering in New Guinea. 8vo. R. T. S. illus. 16s. Romilly, H. H. From my verandah in New Guinea. 8vo. Nutt. Is. M. Nachrichten aus Kaiser Wilhelms Land. (Berlin). Published at intervals, on German New Guinea. Price varies. SEE ALSO Annual Reports of the Administrator of British New Guinea, issued by the Colonial Office. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY : Murray's Handbook to South Germany, Austria, Hungary, Tyrol, etc. p. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 12s. 38 Austria-Hungary GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Basque Language Baedeker's Southern Germany and Austria (including Hungary and Tran- sylvania). 12mo. Dulau. 7s. Physikalisch - statistischer Handatlas der oesterreich - ungarischen Monarchic, fo. (Vienna). Separate maps, 1*. 6d. 35s. Fuhrer durch Ungarn und seine Nebenlander. (Buda-Pestk). 3s. Id. Kay, D. Austria-Hungary. 8vo. Lorn. 3*. Qd. Rudolf, Prince. Die oesterreich-ungarische Monarchie in Wort und Bild. 108 parts, Sd. each. (Vienna,'). 72s. Jackson, T. G. Dalmatia, the Quarnero and Istria. d. 8vo. 3 vols. Clar. Press, illus. 42s. Gilbert and Churchill. The Dolomite mountains. 8vo. Longmans, illus. pub. 21s. O.P. White, W. Holidays in the Tyrol, p. 8vo. Chapman. 14s. Gerard, E. Transylvania. 8vo. 2 vols. Slacktvood. illus. 25s. Patterson, A. J. The Magyars, their country and institutions, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Smith, Elder. 18s. Magyarland. 2 vols. Low. 38s. Travels in the Carpathians, etc. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, HISTORY, see GERMANY and HUNGARY. AUTOMATISM, see PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. AVERROES AND AVERROISM, see CHURCH HISTORY III. AZORES, see ATLANTIC. B. BABYLON, see ASSYRIA. BACTERIOLOGY, see ANTISEPTICS. BALEARIC ISLANDS, see MEDITERRANEAN. BALKAN PENINSULA, see TURKEY for general works ; and BULGARIA, ROUMANIA, SERVIA. BALUCHISTAN, see AFGHANISTAN. BANKING, see POLITICAL ECONOMY IV. BAPTISTS, see CHURCH HISTORY V. (D). BARBARY, see ALGIERS. BARROWS, BRITISH, see ANTHROPOLOGY II. BASaUE LANGUAGE : Van-Eys, J. W. J. Graminaire comparee des dialectes basques. (Paris). 12s. Gd. ,, Dictionnaire Basque-Fran9ais. (Paris). 20s. 39 Basque Legends GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. BASQUE LEGENDS, see FOLKLORE. BATHS AND WELLS, see HEALTH RESORTS. BAYONET AND SABRE, see FENCING. Cook, A. J. Manual of the apiary. 8vo. Iriibner. 6s. Cheshire, F. R. Bee-keeping ; scientific and practical. 1. p. 8vo. 2 vols. mil. illus. 16s. Vol. i., 7. G(l. ; vol. ii., 8*. 6d. BEETLES, BRITISH, see ZOOLOGY VI. BELGIUM, see NETHERLANDS. BENGAL, ETHNOLOGY, see ANTHROPOLOGY IV. GEOGRAPHY, see INDIA, GEOGRAPHY. GAME, see SPORT. BERMUDAS, see ATLANTIC OCEAN. BEZIQUE, see CARDS. See also THEOLOGY. I. GENERAL: Smith, W. Dictionary of the Bible. 8vo. 3 vols. Murray. 105.?. Now rather out of date; a new edition is in preparation. Polyglottenbibel. Ed. Stier and Theile. 8vo. 6 vols. Nutt. 42s. Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Luther's German in parallel columns: in the N. T., Greek, Latin, and German. Very useful for the student. Beuss, E. La Bible, r. 8vo. 19 vols. (Paris). 170s. A complete critical commentary on the whole Bible and Apocrypha, with introduction and a Cheyne, Driver, and others. Variorum reference Bible. 8vo. Eyre. 8s. Very brief notes, and various readings from the best authorities. Helps to the study of the Bible. 12nao. Clar. Press. 2s. Aids to the student of the Bible. (Various authors). 8. P. C. K. Is. The Helps and Aids contain a concise summary of Biblical history, geography, etc. Westcott, B. F. History of the English Bible, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 10s. 6rf. Mombert, J. I. Handbook of English Versions of the Bible, p. 8vo. Bagster. 6s. By a very competent American scholar. Robinson, E. Biblical researches in Palestine. 8vo. 3 vols. Murray. 42#. The first systematic exploration of Palestine : still a standard authority. Thomson, W. M. The Land and the Book. c. 8vo. Nelson. 7s. 6^. Wilson, C. Picturesque Palestine. 24mo. 5 vols. Virtue, illus. 31s. M. For further works on the geography and antiquities of Palestine, see PALESTINE. Tristram, H. B. Natural history of the Bible, c. Svo. S. P. C. K. Is. Gd. More elaborate scientific details are contained in the Palestine Exploration Fund Memoirs. 40 Bible GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Bible Ewald, H. Antiquities of Israel. Tr. H. S. Solly. 8vo. Longmans. 12s. Gd. Edersheim, A. The Temple and its services, i. 16mo. R. T. 8. 5s. Arnold, M. Literature and dogma, c. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 2s. Gd. ,, God and the Bible, c. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 2s. Gd. , , St. Paul and Protestantism, c. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 2s. Gd. The views put forward in these three books have not met with much acceptance, but they Lee, W. Inspiration of Holy Scripture. 8vo. (Dublin'). O.P. Ladd, G. T. Doctrine of sacred Scripture. 8vo. 2 vols. Hamilton. 28s. A. very elaborate work, leaving no side of the question unexplained. II. OLD TESTAMENT : The present is a time of acute transition in regard to the Old Testament, and it is probable that the literature produced upon it in the next few years will be decidedly superior to most of that which has preceded. The student who wishes to understand the Old Testament in the light of present knowledge is advised first to read Dr. Robertson Smith's Old Testament in the Jewish Church, then to go at once to Dr. Driver's Isaiah (in Men of the Bible series) ; and then, if he desires a closer study, to read Dr. Cheyne's Commentary and Essays on the same prophet. He will find himself thus at the centre of the Old Testament, and from this point he will be able to turn in any direction he pleases. (A) INTRODUCTORY ESSAYS, HISTORY, AND COMMENTARIES. (1) Conservative. Cave, A. Inspiration of the Old Testament. 8vo. Cony. Union. 10s. Gd. This book is placed first, not as likely to satisfy the enquirer, but as written with knowledge and candour, and containing an attempt to adopt modern results with as little Oehler. Theology of the Old Testament. Tr. 8vo. 2 vols. T. and T. Clark. 21s. The best manual for the Old Testament. Mozley, J. B. Euling ideas of the Old Testament. 8vo. Longmans. 10*. Gd. Suggestive ; but needs supplementing by literary criticism. Green, W. H. Moses and the prophets. 12mo. (New Yorlt). 7s. Gd. Dr. Green was chairman of the American Old Testament Revisers, and has the re- putatiou of being the ablest advocate of the conservative position. Curtiss, S. I. The Levitical priests, p. 8vo. Hamilton. 5s. Green, W. H. The Hebrew feasts, p. 8vo. Nisbet. 5s. The two latter books discuss two of the burning questions of modern Pentatenchal criti- Green and Harper. Discussion on the Pentateuch question (in Hebraica). Quarterly. Lorn. 13s. per annum. By far the most exhaustive treatment of the question in English : Dr. Green taking the older, and Prof. Harper the newer, view ; still proceeding. Delitzsch, F. Messianic prophecy. Tr. 8vo. SimpTiin. 5s. Edersheim, A. Prophecy and history in relation to the Messiah. (Warburton lectures). 8vo. Longmans. 12s. Perowne, J. J. The Book of Psalms. 8vo. 2 vols. Bell. 34s. Vol. i., 18s. ; vol. ii., IGtt. Abridged edition, c. 8vo., 10. 6rf. Alexander, W. The witness of the Psalms to Christ. Svo. Murray. 14s. Ginsburg, C. D. Ecclesiastes (Bampton lectures). Svo. Longmans. 15s. ,, Song of Songs. Svo. Longmans. 10s. "Wright, C. H. Ecclesiastes. Svo. Hodder. 12s. ,, Zechariah (Bampton lectures). 8vo. Hodder. 14s. 41 ble GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Bible Pusey, E. B. The minor prophets. 4to. Parker. 31*. Gd. Exhibits massive learning. ,, Daniel. 8vo. Parker. 10*. Gd. Men of the Bible ; Series by various authors, c. 8vo. 2s. Gd. each. Nisbet. Inexpensive, but well supplied with illustrative matter ; do not deal with critical questions. The following may be named in the present connection -.Abraham, Rev. W. J. Deane: Moses, and Kings of Israel and Judah, Canon G. Rawlinson ; Solomon, Archd. F. W. Farrar ; Elijah, Dr. W. Milligan. Maclear, G. F. Classbook of Old Testament History. 18mo. Mac- millan. 4*. Gd. A brief manual, which is much used. Speaker's Commentary. Ed. Canon Cook. r. 8vo. 6 vols. Murray. 135*. Vol. i., Gen. to Deut., 30*. ; vol. ii., iii.. Josh, to Esther, S&>. ; vol. iv., Job to Song of Solomon, 2-18. ; vol. v., Isaiah to Lament., 20. ; vol. vi., Ezekiel to Malachi, 25. Cambridge Bible for Schools. Ed. J. J. 8. Perowne. 12mo. Each vol., 1*. 6d. to 5*. Cambridge Press. Of these Commentaries the Cumlrridge Bible is perhaps to be preferred, especially for the historical books. Job, Micah, and Hosea are fully critical. Keil and Delitzsch. Commentaries on the Old Testament. Tr. 8vo. 27 vols. Clark. 142*. Dr. Keil's editions cannot be regarded as satisfactory. Those by Delitzsch (Genesis, Job, Sonff of Solomon, Isaiah) are a mine of learning, and in their latest form make considerable Wordsworth, C. Commentary on the Old Testament, i. 8vo. 6 vols. Rivington. 120*. Not at all modern in its treatment, but shows special command of patristic literature. (2) Critical. Smith, W. Robertson. The Old Testament in the Jewish Church, p. 8vo. Longmans. Is. Gd. ,, Prophets of Israel, c. 8vo. Longmans. Is. Gd. Religion of the Semites. 8vo. Slack. 15s. An exploration of new ground, likely to develop in the future. Cheyne, T. K. The hallowing of criticism, p. 8vo. Hodder. 5*. Dr. Cheyne is an accomplished scholar and writer, who follows the critical instinct wherever ,, Isaiah, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 7s. Gd. A commentary, with important essays. ,, Hosea. Micah. (In " Cambridge Bible "). c. 8vo. Cambridge Press. Hosea, 3. ; Micah, Is. Gel. Jeremiah. (In " Men of the Bible " series), c. 8vo. Nisbet. 2s. Gd. Driver, S. R. Isaiah. (In " Men of the Bible " series), c. 8vo. Nisbet. 2*. Gd. A model book of its.kind. ,, Sunday school lessons from the Pentateuch. 12mo. Scribner. 4s. Slight, as the occasion necessitated, but, in the dearth of critical literature on the subject, will give some idea of the results arrived at. Smith, G. A. Isaiah. (In the " Expositor's Bible "). p. 8vo. 2 vols. Hodder. 7s. Gd. A good example of the application of critical interpretation to homiletic purposes. Briggs, C. A. Messianic prophecy, c. 8vo. Scribner. 12*. Gd. Riehm, E. Messianic prophecy. Tr. J. Jefferson, c. Svo. Clark. 5s. Kalisch, M. M. Genesis (18*.) ; Exodus (15*.) ; Leviticus (i., 15*. ; ii., 15*.). Svo. 4 vols. Longmans. 63*. A series of able commentaries, becoming more pronouncedly rationalistic as they proceed, and not quite corresponding with the present state of investigation, but still the best work on the Pentateuch in English. 42 Bible GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Bible Davidson, A. B. Job. (In " Cambridge Bible"). 12mo. Cambridge Press. 5s. An admirable commentary. Bradley, G. G. Job. c. 8vo. Clar. Press. Is. Gd. ,, Ecclesiastes. c. 8vo. Clar. Press. 4s. 6^7. Attractive literary studies. Schrader, E. The cuneiform inscriptions and the Old Testament. Tr. 0. C. Whitehonse. 8vo. 2 vols. Williams. 21s. The standard authority on the relation of Assyrian discoveries to the Bible. Sayce, A. H. Fresh light from the ancient monuments, c. 8vo. R. T. S. 3*. Stanley, A. P. Jewish Church, p. 8vo. 3 vols., 6s. each. Murray. 18s. Renan, E. Histoire du peuple d'Israel. 3 vols. (Paris'). Vols. i., ii., 12. Gd. For further works on Jewish history see JEWS. Kuenen, A. H. Religion of Israel. Tr. A. H. May. 8vo. 3 vols. , 10s. 6d. each. Williams. 31s. Gd.. Another work from the extreme left, distinguished by clearness of exposition. , , Historico-critical enquiry into the origin and composition of the Old Testament. Tr. Wicksteed. 8vo. Macmillan. 14s. Bleek, F. Introduction to the Old Testament, c. 8vo. 2 vols., 5s. each. Bell (Bolin). 10s. (B) TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS. Hebrew bibles differ very little from each other ; the most exact are those now being issued by S. Baer (Leipzig). Hebrew text. Ed. Hooght. 4to. Bagster. 6s. Fiirst, J. Hebrew and Chaldean concordance. Tr.' S. Davidson, r. 8vo. Williams. 21s. Greek (Septuagint). Vol. i. (Genesis to Kings) ; vol. ii., in preparation. Ed. H. B. Swete. c. 8vo. Cambridge Press. Is. Gd. Elegantly printed, and marked by great care and accuracy. Greek text. Ed. Tischendorf. 8vo. BrocMaus. 18s. Best for use until the Cambridge edition is ready. Trommius, A. Greek concordance (Septuagint). fo. 2 vols. (Amster- dam-). 1718. O.r. Handy Concordance (Septuagint). r. 8vo. Bagster. 15s. Accurate, but gives references only, not quotations, and does not include the Apocrypha. Origen's Hexapla. Ed. Dr. Field. 4to. Macmillan. 30s. A classical work on the other Greek versions besides the Septuagint. Latin (Vulgate). Ed. Tischendorf. 8vo. 2 vols. BrocMaus. 15*. Gives the various readings of one good MS. throughout, and of more in the early books. Dutripon, F. P. Latin concordance to the Old and New Testaments. 1. 4to. (Paris). 32s. (C) ENGLISH VERSIONS OF THE PSALMS. Witt, J. de. Praise songs of Israel. 8vo. Funk and Wagnalls. Is. Gd. A striking modern version which well preserves the grand and solemn rhythm of the original. Cheyne, T. K. Book of Psalms, p. 8vo. Paul. 6s. The literary skill displayed in much of this version has hardly yet received due recognition. III. APOCRYPHA: Speaker's commentary on the Apocrypha. Ed. Wace. m. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 50s. Much superior to the Speaker's Commentary on the Old Testament : a satisfactory book. 43 Sible GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Bible Bissell, E. C. Apocrypha of the Old Testament, i. 8vo. Clark. 15s. Based mainly on the German commentary of Fritzache. Deane, W. J. The Book of Wisdom, f. 4to. Clar. Press. 12s. Gd. Schodde, G. H. The Book of Enoch. 12mo. (Andover, U.S.). 9. A translation from the Ethiopic of this curious and interesting book, with introduction and notes. IV. NEW TESTAMENT : There is not the same necessity in the case of the New Testament as in that of the Old, to distinguish between conservative and critical treatment. Most of those who deal with the New Testament now write in a more or less critical spirit, but the older verdicts do not seem to need so much revision. In England we have a number of good commentaries on single books, though first-rate commentaries are still needed on the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, the Acts, Ephesians, Thessalonians, the Pastoral Epistles, and some of the Catholic Epistles. We have also nothing which quite corresponds with the best German introductions to the New Testament. (A) INTRODUCTIONS. Westcott, B. F. Canon of the New Testament, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 10s. Gd. A scholarly sketch of the history of the canon. Charteris, A. H. Canonicity. 8vo. Blacltnood. 18s. A collection of passages bearing on the history of the canon. Salmon, G. Introduction to the New Testament, c. 8vo. Murray. Vs. An extremely vigorous treatment, especially of the books which have been more called in question, with a valuable sketch of the formation of the canon, and of the non-canonical books. Weiss, B. Introduction to the New Testament. Tr. Miss Davidson, c. 8vo. 2 voLs., 7s. Gd. each. Hodder. 15s. The most scientific general introduction in English. Dods, Marcus. Introduction to the New Testament. 12mo. Hodder. 2s. Gd. Brief and popular, but well up to date in criticism. Westcott, B. F. Introduction to the study of the Gospels, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 10.?. (id. A close and scholarly study, now of some years' standing ; rather difficult to grasp from its subtle thought and profuse details. Sanday, W. The gospels in the second century, c. 8vo. Macmillan. pub. 10s. Gd. O.P. Farrar, F. W. Messages of the books. 8vo. Macmillan. Us. Useful descriptive outlines of the books and their contents. Watkins, H. W. Modern criticism and the fourth Gospel. 8vo. Murray. 15s. Gloag, P. J. Introduction to the Pauline epistles, d. 8vo. Clark. 12s. ,, Introduction to the Catholic epistles, d. 8vo. Clark. IQx. Gd. These two last named works are painstaking summaries of opinions. (B) TEXTS WITH COMMENTARIES. GENERAL NOTE. The student who desires an exact knowledge will do well to use Meyer for St. Matthew and St. Mark; Meyer and Godet for St. Luke, Godet and Westcott for St. John, Meyer for Acts, the Speaker's Commentary for Romans and i. and ii. Corinthians ; also Godet for Romans and i. Corinthians. If a fair scholar, Vaughan for Romans, Edwards for i. Corinthians, Lightfoot and Ellieott for the Epistles they have treated ; Westcott for Revelation. The less advanced student may substitute the Cambridge Greek Testament for Gospels and Hebrews. The general reader had better study the Gospels in the lives of Christ (Edershelm and Farrar), and the Epistles in Farrar's St. Paul or Early days of Christianity, using the other books for reference. Alford, H. Greek Testament. 8vo. 4 vols. Bivinf/ton. 102s. Vol. i., Four. Gospels, 28*.; vol. ii.. Acts to ii. Corinthians, 21.; vol. iii., Galatians to Philemon, 18*.; vol. iv., Hebrews to Revelation, 32s. Still the best complete Greek Testament by a single hand ; makes much use of German work. Wordsworth, C. Greek Testament, i. 8vo. 2 vols. Rivington. 60s. Vol. i., Gospels and Acts, 23s. ; Epistles, Apocalypse, and Index, 37s. Not modern in its treatment, though the good Greek scholarship of the author should be recognised. 44 b le GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Bible Meyer. Commentary on the New Testament (except Apocalypse). Ed. Diokson and Crombie. 8vo. Clark. 210*. Romans, 2 vols., 21s. ; Corinthians, 2 vols., 21*. ; Galatians, 10s, Gil. ; Ephesians and Philemon, 10s. M.;' Philippians and Colossians, 10s. fid.; Thessalonians, 10s. Gd. ; Pastoral Epistles, 10*. Gd. ; Hebrews, 10s. Gil. ; James and John, 10s. Gd. ; Peter and Jude, 10s. Gd. Meyer is still a standard authority in German, but the English translation (which was carefully done) has not the additions which have kept the German editions up to date. Able, but inconveniently printed, and foreign in style. Speaker's Commentary on the New Testament. Ed. F. C. Cook. m. 8vo. Murray. 94*-. Vol. i., Matthew, Mark, and Luke, 18s. ; vol. ii., John and Acts, 20s. ; vol. iii., Romans to Philemon, 28s. ; vol iv., Hebrews to Revelations, 2cS. ; also ed. in 2 vols., 7s. Gil. each. Unequal: the best are St. John, Romans, i. and ii. Corinthians, Philippians, James, Revelation. Cambridge Bible for Schools. Ed. J. J. S. Perowne. ex. f . 8vo. Cambridge Press. The best are those by Archdeacon Farrar (St. Luke, 4. Gil., and Hebrews, 3s. Gs. CATHEDRALS AND CHURCHES, ENGLISH : Murray's Handbooks to the English Cathedrals. Murray. Southern Cathedrals, illus. 2 vols. c. 8vo. Ms. (Winchester, Salisbury, Exeter, Wells, Rochester, Canterbury, Chichester, St. Alban's). Eastern Cathedrals, illus. c. fcvo. 21s. (Oxford, Peterborough, Ely, Norwich, Lincoln). Western Cathedrals, illus. c. 8vo. 16. (Bristol, Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Lichfield). Northern Cathedrals, illus. 2 vols. c. 8vo. 21. (York, Ripon, Durham, Carlisle, Chester, Manchester). Welsh Cathedrals, illus. c. Svo. 15. (Llandaff, St. David's, Bangor, St. Asaph's). Britton, J. Cathedrals of England and Wales. 4to. 5 vols. Longmans. 183(5. pub. 12 12s. O.P. Abbeys and churches of England and Wales. Eel. T. G. Bonney. Cassell. illus. 21s. Billings, R. W. History and description of Carlisle cathedral. 4to. Broome. 1840. O.P. Architectural illustrations. Willis, R. Architectural history of Canterbury cathedral. 8vo. Parker. 1845. 10s. Gd. ,, Architectural history of conventual buildings of Christ Church, Canterbury. Svo. (London). O.P. Stephens, W. R. Memorials of the see of Chichester. d. 8vo. Bentley. illus. 21s. Greenwell, W. Durham cathedral, p. Svo. Andrews (Durham). Stewart, D. J. Architectural history of Ely cathedral, d. Svo. Van Voorst, illus. 21s. Haines and Waller. Guide to the cathedral church of Gloucester, d. Svo. (Gloucester), illus. Is. Gd. Admirable and exhaustive guide, but dry, and filled with many uninteresting details. Paley, F. A. History and architecture of Peterborough cathedral. Livett, G. M. Foundations of the Saxon cathedral church of Rochester. d. Svo. Kent Archaeological Society, illus. 2s. Murray's Handbook to St. Alban's cathedral, c. Svo. Murray. <>.<. Published separately, but occurs in " Southern Cathedrals." Jones and Price. History of St. David's. Mason (Tenby). 30*. St. Paul's, see LONDON. Freeman, E. A. History of the cathedral church of Wells, c. Svo. Macmillan. 3s. Gd. Westminster Abbey, nee LONDON. Milner, J. History and antiquities of Winchester, r. Svo. ( Winchester). 1S40. O.P. 58 Cathedrals, etc-. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Channel Islands Loftie, W. J. Windsor. 8vo. Seeley. 6s. Poole and Hugall. Historical guide to York cathedral, r. 8vo. (YorK). O.P. CATTLE, see LIVE-STOCK and VETERINARY SCIENCE. CAUCASUS, see EUSSIA IN ASIA II. CAVALRY, see ARMY I. CELEBES, see INDIAN OCEAN. CELTIC LITERATURE : See also IRELAND, SCOTLAND, WALES, MAN, ISLE OF I. OLD COKNISH : Williams, R. Cornish-English dictionary. 4to. Triibner. 42s. Jago, W. P. English-Cornish dictionary, r. 8vo. SimpJdn. 21s. Norris, E. Ancient Cornish drama. Svo. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 21*. With texts and translations and a sketch of Cornish Grammar (sold separately, 2*. Gd). For further account of the Grammar, see Zeuss' Grammatica Celtica. (IRELAND III). Nearly all Cornish literature is dramatic and in verse. Life of St. Meriasek. Eel. and tr. Whitley Stokes, m. Svo. Trimmer. las. II. BRETON: Le Gonidec. Dictionnaire Breton-Francais, precede cle sa grammaire bretonne. 4to. 2 vols. (Saint-Brleuc'). 50s. Chants populaires de la Bretagne, recueillis et tradviits par F. R. Luzel. Svo. 2 vols. Lor lent. 15s. Ernault, E. Le mystere de Sainte Barbe. 4to. (Paris). 24s. Text, translation, and etymological dictionary. Only 120 copies printed. CEMENT, see BUILDING. CERAMICS, see POTTERY. Tennant, J. E. Ceylon: physical, historical, topographical, etc. Svo. 2 vols. Longmans, pub. 50s. O.P. Haeckel, E. Visit to Ceylon. Tr. Clara Bell. p. Svo. Paul. Is. Gd. Ferguson, A. M., & J. Ceylon : handbook and directory (Annual), p. Svo. Iriibner. 2s. CHAIRMAN, see PUBLIC MEETINGS. CHALD^EA, see ASSYRIA. CHANCERY, INNS OF, see LONDON III. CHANNEL ISLANDS: Ansted and Latham. Channel Islands. Svo. Allen, illus. 2(5*. Le duesne. Constitutional history of Jersey. Longmans, pnb. 18s. O.P 59 Channel Islands GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Chemistry Dupont, G. Histoire du Cotentin et de ses ties. 8vo. 4 vols., 6s. Gd. each. (Caen). 26*. Havet, T. Les Cours royales des lies normands. 8vo. Cliampion. Is. Tupper, F. B. History of Guernsey, with notices of Jersey. 8vo. Simpkin. pub. 12s. Gd. O.P. CHARITIES : Loch, C. S. Charities register and digest. Longmans. Annual. 10s. Gd. , , Charity organisation, c. 8vo. Sonnensohein. 2s. Gd. Low, S. Handbook to the London charities. Annual. 18mo. Low. Is. Gd. PERIODICAL: The Charity Organisation Review ; quarterly. (Longmans). CHARTISM, see POLITICAL ECONOMY IX. CHEESE-MAKING, see DAIRY. CHEMISTRY : For Technical Chemistry, see INDUSTRIES. The general reader should begin with such a book as Muir's Heroes of Science, and read some short text-book, such as Hemsen'a Inorganic Chemiitrff. If he wish to study the subject I. HISTORY: Thomson, T. History of chemistry, p. 8vo. 2 vols. Colburn. 1830-31. O.P. Bodwell, G. F. Birth of chemistry, p. 8vo. Macmillan. pub. 3s. Gd. O.P. Muir, M. M. Heroes of science : Chemists, c. 8vo. 8. P. C. K. 4s. Picton, H. Story of chemistry c. 8vo. Isbister. illus. 3s. Gd. The two last are short non-technical accounts of the development of chemical science. Schorlemmer, C. Rise and progress of organic chemistry. 8vo. Simj)Jdn. pub. 2s. Gd. O.P. Kopp, H. Geschichte der Chemie. 8vo. 4 vols. (Brunswi-cK). 1843-7. Vol. i., O.P. ; vol. H., 7*. Gd. ; vol. iii., 6s. ; vol. iv., 7. 6rf. The standard work. Meyer, E. V. Geschichte der Chemie. 8vo. (Leipzig). 9*. An excellent work ; in course of translation. II. TEXT-BOOKS : Roscoe and Schorlemmer. Inorganic and organic chemistry. 8vo. 3 vols. Macmillan. illus. 13Ss. Vol. i., ii., Inorganic, 21s. ; vol. iii. (five parts), Organic, 81s. Large work, well arranged, and full in its treatment. Miller, W. A. Elements of chemistry. Ed. H. McLeod. 8vo. 3 vols. Longmans. 71s. Gd. Vol. i., Physics, 16s. ; vol. ii., Inorganic, 24*. ; vol. iii., Organic, 31s. M. Fownes. Manual of chemistry. Ed. Tilden. c. 8vo. Churchill, illus. 18s. Gfl. Vol. i., Physical and inorganic, 8s. 6rZ. ; vol. ii., Carbon compounds, 10. Bloxam, C. L. Chemistry: inorganic and organic. Eel. M. Thomson. 8vo. Churchill. 18*. Well illustrated ; adapted for experimental work. Lewes, V. B. Service chemistry, d. 8vo. Whittingham. illus. 15s. Written specially for those who are interested in the practical applications of chemistry. 60 Chemistry GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Chemistry Remsen, J. Introduction to the study of inorganic chemistry, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 6*. Gd. One of the best elementary books. Roscoe, H. E. Lessons in elementary chemistry, f. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. 4s. 6d. Ramsay, W. Systematic inorganic chemistry, s. c. 8vo. Churchill. 4s. s. The standard work. Crookes, W. Select methods of chemical analysis. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 24s. Winkler and Lunge. Technical gas analysis, c. 8vo. Gurney. 7s. ~ V. REFERENCE AND BIOGRAPHY: Watts, H. Dictionary of chemistry. Ed. Morley and Muir. 8vo. 4 vols. Vol. i., ii., 42*. each ; vol. iii., iv., in preparation. An almost re-written edition, with tech- ,, Dictionary of chemistry. Ed. Thorpe, r. 8vo. 3 vols., 42s. each. Longmans. Technical dictionary. In course of publication. Vol. i., applied ; vol. ii., pure. Cundill. Dictionary of explosives. MacJtay (Chatham). (is. Eissler, M. Handbook of modern explosives. 8vo. LooJin-ood. 10s. (\d. Wilson, G. Life of the Hon. Henry Cavendish, d. 8vo. Harrison. 7s. Davy, J. Life of Sir Humphrey Davy. 8vo. 2 vols. Smith, Elder. 183it. pub. 28s. O.P. Hervy, W. C. Life and scientific researches of John Dalton. d. 8vo. Harrison. 7s. Jones, B. Life and letters of Faraday. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans, pub. 28s. o.r. Gladstone, J. H. Michael Faraday, c. 8vo. Macmillan. pub. 4s. Gd. O.P. Tyndall, J. Faraday as a discoverer, f. 8vo. Longmans. 3s. Gd. Hofmann, A. W. Life and work of Liebig. Macmillan. 5s. PERIODICALS AND TRANSACTIONS: ENGLISH: Transactions and Proceedinps of the Chemical Society of London, Ed. C. Groves ; pub. since 1841 ; (Harrison). Journal of Society of Chemical Industry, Ed. Watson Smith; pub. since 1882; (Eyre); applied chemistry. Chemical News, Ed. W. Crookes; pub. since 1842; analytical and general chemistry. American Chemical Journal, Ed. J. Remsen; (Baltimore;; bi-monthly; 15. per annum ; pure chemistry. -GERMAN: Annalen Her Chemie und Pharmaeie (Liebig's) ; conducted by a number of chemists; pub. since 1832; (Leipzig); issued in sets of four vols.; 24*. the set; pure chemistry. Many of the classical researches have been described in this journal. Berichte der deutschen chrminclien Gene/lsc/iaff, Ed. F. Tiemann; (Berlin); 40*. per annum. Journal fur prakt'nche Chemie, Ed. E. V. Meyer; pub. since 1834; (Leipzig); FRENCH: Annales de chimie et physique; pub. since 1789; 30.perannum. Thechief French journal. Bulletin de la. Societe Chimique de Paris ; pub. since 1863 ; 25*. per annum. CHESS : Staunton, H. Chess-player's handbook. 8vo. Sell. 5x. Cook, W. Synopsis of chess-openings. 8vo. Simphin. 4*. Chess-openings, ancient and modern. Ed. Freeborough and Ranken. 1. p. 8vo. Trubner. 7s. 6^7. Green, R. F. Chess. 8vo. Bell, illus. Is. Contains a bibliography. Steinitz, W. Chess : modern instructor. 8vo. Putnam. Part i., 7s. Gd. PERIODICALS: BritMi Clies* Mapaeine. (Triibnen. Chen Monthly. (Wade). CHILDREN, MANAGEMENT OF, see DOMESTIC ECONOMY. 62 Children's Books GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Children's Books CHILDREN'S BOOKS : This list is doubtless very incomplete, but it includes most of the time-honoured nursery classics. It is difficult to be consistent in matters of taste, but the attempt has been made to unfit for their age ; these, if otherwise unobjectionable, have been marked with an asterisk as a danger signal, the probable age of' the reader being taken as a guide. Thus, in the section " Fairy tales," regard has been had to the nerves of children from 8 to 1(1; but the standard ige boy of 12 or 14. " Grown-up" books, though as a rule, been included in the list. I. FAIRY TALES: (A) FOLKLORE. Grimm, J., and W. German popular stories. Tr. E. Taylor, sq. 8vo. Chatto. illus. by Cruikshank. Gs. Gd. *Wolff. Fairy tales and stories (German legends), c. 8vo. lioutledge. 2s. Gd. *Dasent, G. W. Popular tales from the Norse. Douglas. 10s. Gd. Includes some rather terrible tales. *Croker, T. Crofton. Fairy legends and traditions of Ireland, p. 8vo. Sonnenscliein. 2s. Gd. Arabian nights' entertainments, i. 8vo. Ward. Locli. 10s. Gd. Also RoutJedge. c. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Frere, Mary. Old Deccan days. p. 8vo. Murray. 5s. Steel and Temple. Wideawake stories, c. 8vo. Triibner. 9s. Indian fairy stories charmingly arranged for children. *Geldart, E. M. Folklore of modern Greece. SonnenscUein. illus. 2s. Gd. Griffis, W. E. Japanese fairy tales. 11 parts, Is. each. Dean. 11s. Parts sold separately. Harris, J. C. Uncle Kemus. c. 8vo. Routledge. 3s. Gd. Negro stories in dialect. Perrault and others. Fairy tales of all nations. Tr. J. R. Planche. p. 8vo. Routledge. 3s. Qd. Tegg. Child's own book. c. 8vo. Spencer Blacliett. 6s. Fairy tales from all sources. Lang, A. The blue fairy book. c. 8vo. Longmans. Gs. , , The red fairy book. c. 8vo. Longmans. Gs. (B) ORIGINAL FAIRY TALES. Andersen, Hans. Fairy tales. Tr. Mrs. Paull. d. 8vo. Warne. illus. 7s. M. Also Sell, 3s. 6d. Swift, J. Gulliver's travels, c. 8vo. Blacltie. G.S-. Also RoHtledf/e. c. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Baron Munchausen (" Daring deeds library "). c. 8vo. Warne. 2s. fid Kingsley, C. The water babies, c. 8vo. Maemillan. illus. Sambourne. 3s. Gd. Buskin, J. The king of the golden river. Gf. Allen, illus. 2s. Gd. Thackeray, W. M. The rose and the ring. Smith, Elder. In " Christmas books." c. 8vo. Is, Grf.-and 5s. ; or in one vol. with "Ballads," 3. Gd. and 10. 6a'. Also pocket edition, Is. 6ri. Holme Lee. Fairy tales. o.p. ,, Tuflongbo's adventures, f. 8vo. O.P. A selection from the " Fairy tales," forming a complete story. Carroll, Lewis. Alice's adventures in wonderland, c. 8vo. Maemillan. illus. 2s. Gd. and 6s. G3 Children's Books GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Children's Books Carroll, Lewis. Through the looking-glass, c. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. 2s. Gd. and Gs. Macdonald, G. At the back of the north wind. c. 8vo. SlacJde. as. Ewing, Mrs. Old-fashioned fairy tales. S. P. C. K. 3s. Gd. Giles, Chauncey. The wonderful pocket. , , The magic shoes. Bright tales, well written but for a few Americanisms. II. TALES FROM THE CLASSICS : Cox, G. W. Tales of ancient Greece, sm. c. 8vo. Paul. <;.?. Kingsley, C. Heroes, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 3*. Gd. A few tales from Greek mythology, told at length. Hawthorne, N. Wonder-book for girls and boys. c. 8vo. Routledge. Is. Gd. Greek myths re-told as modern fairy tales. Witt, C. Tales of the Trojan war. Tr. Younghusband. c. 8vo. Longmans. 2s. Tales from the Iliad. ,, Wanderings of Ulysses. Tr. Younghusband. c. 8vo. Longmans. 3s. Gd. Tales from the Odyeiri/. Church, A. J. Stories from the Greek tragedians. Seeley. illus. 5*. ,, Stories from Herodotus. Seeley. illus. 5s. Keary, A., and E. The heroes of Asgard. gl. 8vo. Macmillan. 2s. Gd. Tales from northern mythology. Joyce, P. W. Old Celtic romances, p. 8vo. Paul. pub. 7*. Gd. O.P. Irish legends of Finn Macoul. *Malory, T. Morte d'Arthur. (" Globe " ed.). 8vo. Macmillan. 3s. Gd. King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table. Griffith and Farran. O.P. A delightful setting of the principal adventures. Cox and Jones. Popular romances of the middle ages. c. 8vo. Paul. Gs. Brief versions of Bound Table and other legends. Hope, A. R. Stories of old renown, c. 8vo. Blackie. 3*. Gd. Old stories told in a modern way. *Johnson, R. Seven champions of Christendom, c. 8vo. 2*. Gd. Kingston, W. H. G. Seven champions of Christendom, c. 8vo. 'Griffith and Farran. O.P. Free and abridged version of Johnson for children. Reynard the Fox. c. 8vo. Sonnenschein. 3s. Gd. Storr and Turner. Canterbury chimes, f. 8vo. Paul, illus. 3s. Gd. Stories from Chaucer. Lamb, C., and M. Tales from Shakespeare, c. 8vo. Routledge. 2s. and 3*. Gd. III. FABLES AND ALLEGORIES : JEsop's fables, p. 8vo. Murray, illus. Tcnniel. 2s. Gd. Also Cassell. 8vo. illus. E. Griset. 5s. Gatty, Mrs. Parables from nature. 32mo. 5 series ; i., 1*. Gd. the rest 2s. each. 9*. Gd. Also sq. 16mo. 3*. Fowler, W. W. Tales of the birds, c. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. 3*. Gd. Delightful stories of bird life. Abbott, E. A. Parables for children, c. SYO. Macmillan. pub. 3*. Gd. O.P. Wilberforce, S. Agathos. sm. 8vo. Seeley. illus. Is. and 2*. Gd. 64 Children's Books GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Children's Books Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's progress. 8vo. Cassell. illus. fs. Also Warne. c. Svo. 2s. Carove. Story without an end. 4to. Low. illus. Is. Gd. Laboullaye, E. Abdallah, or the four-leaved shamrock (" Bayard series "). IGmo. Low. 2s. Gd. Craik, Mrs. The little lame prince, c. Svo. Macmlllan. illus. 3*. 6d. A charming allegory. IV. TALES OF SCHOOL AND HOME : (A) FOE LITTLE CHILDBEST. Barbauld, Mrs. Lessons for children, sm. Svo. Routledge. Is. Prentiss, Mrs. Little Susy's six birthdays, p. Svo. Nelson. 2s. ,, Little Susy's six teachers, p. Svo. Nelson. Is. Also Routleclge, Is. ,, Little Susy's servants, p. Svo. Nelson. Is. Also Routledge, \s. Edge-worth, Maria. Early lessons, c. Svo. Routledge. 3s. Gd. Bond, A. L. Tiny's natural history, f . 4to. Routledge. illus. Is. Gd. Trimmer, Mrs. Story of the robins, p. Svo. Routledge. Is. G-wynfryn. Friends in furs and feathers, p. Svo. Sell. In. Howitt, Mary. Story of a happy home. p. Svo. Nelson. 2s. First published as " The children's year." (B) FOE ELDEE CHILDEEN. Edgeworth, Maria. Parent's assistant, c. Svo. Routle&ge. 3s. Gd. Day, T. Sandford and Merton. c. Svo. Warne. 2s. Martineau, Harriet. The Crofton boys. c. Svo. Routledge. illus. 2s. ,, Feats on the fiord, c. Svo. Routledge. illus. Is. and 2s. *Stowe, Harriet B. Uncle Tom's cabin, c. Svo. Sell. 3s. Gd. Also Warne, 2s. Some scenes too painful for young or nervous children. Craik, Mrs. Adventures of a brownie. Macmillan. illus. 4s. Gd. Essentially domestic, in spite of the fairy machinery. ,, A hero. Routledge. illus. 2s. Gatty, Mrs. Aunt Judy's tales, f . Svo. Sell, illus. 3s. Gd. Swing, Mrs. Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances, sm. p. Svo. Sell, illus. Is. and 3s. ,, Six to sixteen, sm. p. Svo. Sell, illus. Is. and 3s. , , A great emergency, and other tales, sm. p. Svo. Sell, illus. Is. and 3s. ,, Jackanapes. Svo. Is. ,, Mary's meadow. Svo. S. P. C. K. Is. Shaw, Flora. Castle Blair, c. Svo. Paul. 3s. Gd. Keary, Annie. A York and Lancaster rose. gl. Svo. Macmillan. 2s. and 3s. Gd. Alcott, Louisa M. Little women. Ward, Loclt. Is. Gd. and 2s. Gd. , , Good wives. Ward, Loclt. Is. Gd. and 2s. Gd. Little men. IGmo. Low. 2s. Gd. New England life. Coolidge, S. What Katy did. Ward, LocTi. 2s. American story for girls. Children's Books GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Children's Books Hughes, T. Tom Brown's schooldays, c. Svo. Macmillan. illus. 3s. Gd. Also at 2s. Hope, A. R. My schoolboy friends. O.P. Yonge, C. M. Countess Kate ; and the Stokesley secret, c. 8vo. SmitU and Innes. 5s. ,, Ben Sylvester's word. 18mo. Smith and Innes. Is. V. TALES OF ADVENTURE : Defoe, D. Robinson Crusoe. 8vo. Cassell. 5s. Also Warne, Is. Swiss family Robinson, c. Svo. Warne. 5s. Also Nelson, 8. ; and others. Marryatt, F. Masterman Ready, p. Svo. Sell (Solm}. 3s. Gd. Poor Jack. p. Svo. Sell. Ss. Gd. Settlers in Canada, p. Svo. Sell. 3s. Gd. * ,, Peter Simple, c. Svo. Routledge. 2s. and 3s. Gd. Broad humour; sometimes coarse. Scott, Michael. Tom Cringle's log. c. Svo. Blacliwood. 3s. Bowman, Annie. Esperanza. c. Svo. Routledge. 2s. Gd. Old-fashioned, but spirited. Cooper, Feniniore. Leather stocking tales (" Deerslayer," "Last of the Mohicans," "Pathfinder," "Pioneers," "The Prairie"), c. Svo. 2s. each. Routledge. Or in one vol. 5s. Ballantyne, R. M. Coral island, p. Svo. Nelson. 3s. Gd. ,, Ungava (Esquimau land), p. Svo. Nelson. 3s. 6d. , , Young fur traders, p. Svo. Nelson. ,3s. Gd. Cottin, Mme. Elizabeth, or the exiles of Siberia, c. Svo. Nlmmo. Is. Stevenson, R. L. Treasure island. Cassell. illus. ' 5s. ,, Kidnapped. Cassell. illus. 5s. Fenn, G. Manville. The golden magnet, c. Svo. SlacUe. illus. Gs. Tale of gold diggings. ,, Dick o' the Fens. c. Svo. BUckie. illus. Cs. Tale of East Anglia in last century. ,, Devon boys. c. Svo. Slackie. illus. 6s. VI. HISTORICAL TALES : Kingsley, C. Hereward the Wake. c. Svo. Macmillan. 3s. Gd. A tale of the Conquest. ,, Westward ho! c. Svo. Macmillan. 3s. Gd. Marryatt, F. Children of the New Forest, c. Svo. Routledge. 5s. A tale of the Great Rebellion. Also at Is. 6d. Porter, Jane. The Scottish chiefs, c. Svo. Routledge. illus. 3s. 6d. A tale of Wallace. Yonge, C. M. The little duke. gl. Svo. Macmillan. illus. 2s. 6d. Normandy before the Conquest. ,, The lances of Lyn wood. gl. Svo. Macmillan. illus. 2s. Gd. French wars of Edward III. ,, The pigeon pie. d. Svo. Smith and Innes. Is. A cavalier story. GG Children's Book? GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Children's Books Peard, F. M. Mother Molly, sm. p. 8vo. Bell, illus. 3s. Plymouth in the time of Napoleon. Henty, G. A. In freedom's cause, c. 8vo. BlacUe. illus. Gs. ,, Under Drake's flag. c. 8vo. Blackie. illus. G.*. ,, Mother Goose. Routledje. Is. Gd. and 3s. Gd. Children's Books GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. China Greenaway, K. Pied piper or Hamelin. Routledge. G?. Crane, Walter. Baby's own jEsop. sm. 4to. Routledge. 5s. XI. MAGAZINES AND SERIALS : Infants' magazine (monthly). Partridge. Annual vol. 2s. Child's pictorial (monthly). S. P. C. K. Annual vol. 2s. 6d. Excellent short stories. Little Folks (monthly). Cassell. Half-yearly vol. 3s. Gd. and 5s. Saint Nicholas (monthly). Unwin. Half-yearly vol. 8s. The American serial for children. Aunt Judy's magazine. Ed. Mrs. and H. K. F. Gatty. o.r. No longer published, but the bound volumes are full of delightful stories, including most of Mrs. Swing's. Good Words for the young. O.r. The bound volumes contain good tales, some by George Macdonald. CHILI : Boyd, R. N. Sketches of Chili and the Chilians, c. 8vo. Allen. 10s. Gd. Pissis, A. Geografia fisica de la Republica de Chile. CHINA : I. GEOGRAPHY: For Chinese Umpire, see ASIA, CENTRAL ; for routes to BurmaJi, see BTJRMAH. Beclus, E. Universal geography, vol. vii. i. 8vo. Virtue. 21s. Bichthofen, F. F. von. China, Ergebnisse eigener Reisen. 4to. 4 vols. (Berlin-). Vols. i., ii., ii work on Chii Williams, S. W. The middle kingdom, d. 8vo. 2 vols. Allen. 42s. The most satisfactory work for the general reader. Douglas, R. K. China, p. 8vo. S. P. C. K. 5s. A popular account of the country and people. Gray, J. H. China ; history, laws, manners, etc. Ed. W. G. Gregor. 8vo. 2 vols. Macmillan. illus. 32s. Playfair, G. M. H. Cities and towns of China. Geographical dictionary. 8vo. Triibner. 25s. Thomson, J. Illustrations of China and its people. 200 photos with letter- press, i. 4to. 4 vols., 63s. each. Low. 252s. Henry, B. C. Ling-Nam, c. 8vo. Partridge, illus. 5s. Southern China, including explorations in the hitherto untraversed Island of Hainan. Little, A. J. Through the Yang-tse gorges. 8vo. Low. 10s. Gd. Trade and travel in West.rn China. Hosie, A. Three years in Western China, d. 8vo. Philip. 14s. Boulger, D. C. History of China, d. 8vo. 3 vols. Allen. 64s. Vol. i., ii., 18. each ; vol. Hi., 28*. of the Royal Geographical Society. II. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE : Williams, S. W. A syllabic dictionary of the Chinese language (Mandarin dialect). 4to. Triibner 105s. 69 GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Church History Williams, S. W. Tonic dictionary of the Chinese language (Canton dialect). 8vo. (Canton'). 84s. An excellent work. Couvreur, S. Dictionnaire Francais-Chinois (Languc mandarine). 8vo. Maisonneuve. 42s. Very useful. Julien, Stanislas. Syntaxe nouvelle de lalargie chinoise. 8vo. 2 vols. (Paris). 30s. An important work for students of Chinese literature. Premare, J. H. Notitia linguae Sinicae. Tr. J. G. Bridgman. 8vo. (Canton). 1847. O.P. A valuable work. Edkins, J. Grammar of the Chinese colloquial language (Mandarin dialect). 8vo. Triibner. 30,?. Douglas, E. K. Chinese manual. 12mo. W. H. Allen. 10s. Gd. Contains a condensed grammar, with idiomatic (phrases and dialogues. A useful book for Wade and Hillier. Yii-Yen-Tzu eTh'chi (colloquial Chinese). 4to. 3 vols. W. H. Allen. 63s. Invaluable for Pekingese dialects. Wen-chien Tzu 6rh chi. Ed. Sir T. F. Wade. 4to. 3 vols. (Triibner). A series of papers selected as specimens of documentary Chinese. Hirth, F. Text-book of documentary Chinese. 4to. 2 vols. (Shanghai). 24s. With valuable vocabulary. ,, Notes on the Chinese documentary style. 8vo. Quaritcli. 3s. Gd. Very useful. Lacouperie, Terrien de. The languages of China before the Chinese. 8vo. Nutt. 10s. Gd. Valuable philological work. Edkins, J. Introduction to the study of Chinese characters, r. Svo. Triibner. 18s. Chalmers, J. Structure of Chinese characters. Svo. Triibner. 12s. Gd. Chinese classics. Ed. and tr.'J. Legge. c. Svo. 5 vols. Triibner. Vol. i., Confucian analects, 42s. ; vol. ii., Mencius, 42s. ; vol. iii., Shoo-King, 2 parts, 42*. each ; vol. iv., She-King, 2 parts, 42. each ; vol. v., The Dukes, 2 parts, 42s. each. With Zottoli, A. Cursus litteraturae Sinicae. r. Svo. 5 vols., 50s. each. (SJiangliai'). 12 10s. Very valuable to beginners and advanced students. Mayers, W. F. The Chinese reader's manual. Svo. Triibner. 25s. Biographical, historical, and general literary reference. Wylie, A. Notes on Chinese literature. 4to. Triibner. 36s. Bibliographical. CHINA, see POTTEEY. CHURCHES, see CATHEDRALS. CHURCH VESTMENTS, see COSTUME and NEEDLEWORK. CHURCH HISTORY: I. GENEEAL : Fisher, G. P. History of the Christian Church. Svo. Hodder. 12s. A good text-book, especially for more modern times. 70 Church History GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Church History Allen, A. V. G. Continuity of Christian thought, c. Svo. (Boston}. 5s. An essay on the main features of theological developments. Kurtz, J. H. Church history. 3 vols., 7s. Gd. each. Hodder. 22s. Gd. The best German history in small compass. Mosheim, J. L. Institutes of ecclesiastical history. Svo. 3 vols. Longmans, pub. 45s. O.P. Neander, A. History of the Christian Church. Ti. p. Svo. 10 vols., 3s. Gd. each. Bell (Bohri). 35s. II. THE EARLY CHURCH TO 800 A.D. : Schaff, P. History of the Christian Church, ex. Svo. 6 vols. Clark. 84s. Vol. i., ii. (to A.D. 100), 21.; vol. iii., iv. (100-325), 21s.; vol. v., vi. (825-COO), 21s. ; vol. vii., viii. (590-1073), 21s. A useful handbook with copious bibliography. Mahan. Church history of the first seven centuries. Svo. Rivington. pub. 15s. (elem.); O.P. Farrar, F. W. Early days of Christianity. 2 vols. Cassell. 24s. Also 1 vol., Gs. Dbllinger, J. First age of Christianity, c. Svo. 2 vols. Allen. 18s. Plummer, A. Church of the early Fathers, f. Svo. Longmans. (elem.). 2s. Gd. Simcox, W. H. Beginnings of the Christian Church, c. Svo. Rivington. 7s. Gd. Bingham, J. Antiquities of the Christian Church, d. Svo. 10 vols. Clar. Press. 63s. A standard work for Christian institutions. Mason, A. J. Persecutions of Diocletian, d. Svo. Deigldon Bell. 10s. Gd. G-watkin, H. The Arian controversy, (elem.). f. Svo. Longmans. 2s. Gd. ,, Studies of Arianism. Svo. Deigliton Bell. 10s. Gd. Newman, J. H. Arians of the 4th century, c. Svo. Longmans. 6s. To be compared with Gwatkin's work. Hefele, C. J. History of the Councils of the Church to 451. Tr. Svo. ' 3 vols., 12s. each. Clark. 36s. Vol. i., to 325 ; ii., 326-429; iii., 431-451. Forms part of a large work, Conciliengeschichte, which carries the history of Councils to 1450. Dale, A. W. Synod of Elvira, c. Svo. Macmillan. 10s. Gd. Eusebius. Ecclesiastical history; continued by Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius. p. Svo. 4 vols., 5s. each. Bell (Bolin). 20s. These volumes contain translations of the earliest historical writings of the Church after the Apostles, reaching to 514. Broglie, Due de. L'eglise et 1'empire romain au iv e siecle. 12mo. G vols. (Paris). 18s. History of the 4th century. The Fathers for English readers, f . Svo. 12 vols., 2s. each ; 2 vols., 2s. Gd. each. S. P. C. K. 29s. Leo the Great, Gregory the Great, Basil, Synesius, and others. Maclear and Merivale. Conversion of the West. f. Svo. 5 vols., 2s. each. 8. P. C. K. (elem.). 10s. A series of vols. dealing with the Celts, Norsemen, Slavs, English and continental Teutons. Bright, W. Early English Church history, d. Svo. Clar. Press. 12s. Bede. Ecclesiastical history of England, p. Svo. Bell (Bolin). 5s. Stokes, G. T. Ireland and the Celtic Church, c. Svo. Hodder. 9s. 71 Church History GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Church History Mullinger, J. Bass. Schools of Charles the Great. 8vo. Longmans. pub. 7s. Gd. o.r. Contains a sketch of Christian education. III. MEDIAEVAL PERIOD, 800-1500: Robertson, J. C. History of the Christian Church, c. 8vo. 8 vols., 6s. each. Murray. 48s. Beaches to 1517, and gives full details. Milman, H. History of Latin Christianity, c. 8vo. 9 vols., 4s. each. ' Murray. 36s. Reaches to 1450 ; well written. Greenwood, T. Cathedra Petri. 8vo. 6 vols. Dickinson. o.r. The political history of the Papacy to 1410. Schmidt, C. Pr6cis de 1'histoire de 1'eglise d'occident pendant le moyen age. 1. 8vo. (Paris). 10s. A useful text-book. Villemain, A. F., Life of Gregory VII. Tr. J. B. Brockley. 8vo. 2 vols. Bentley. o.r. Church, R. W. St. Anselm. gl. 8vo. Macmillan. 5s. Montalembert, Comte de. The monks of the west. Tr. 8vo. 7 vols. Blackwood. pub. 77s. Gd. o.r. A history of monasticism, by a fervent believer : reaches to St. Bernard. Maclear, G. F. History of Christian missions in the middle ages. Macmillan. o.r. Morison, J. C. Life of St. Bernard, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 6s. Oliphant, Mrs. St. Francis of Assisi. c. 8vo. Macmillan. 6s. Lacordaire, H. D. Life of St. Dominic. Burns and Gates. 6s. Gd. Poole, R. L. Illustrations of the history of mediaeval thought. 8vo. Williams. 10s. Gd. Essays chiefly on the 12th century. Renan, E. Averroes et 1'Averroisme. 8vo. Levy. 6s. Gd. On the influence of the thought of the oriental philosophers. Lea, H. C. History of sacerdotal celibacy. 8vo. HougUon Mifflin. 19s. ,, History of the mediaeval Inquisition. 8vo. 3 vols. Lon\ 42s. Full of information on mediaeval sects, heresies, and their suppression. Butler, Mrs. St. Catherine of Siena, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 6s. Addison, C. G. History of the Knights Templars, c. 8vo. Longmans. pub. 10s. Gd. o.r. Porter, W. History of the Knights of Malta. 8vo. Longmans. o.r. Platina, Bapt. Lives of the Popes. 1. c. 8vo. 2 vols., Is. each. Griffith. 2s. Written by the Papal librarian at end of XV. century. Creighton, M. History of the Papacy during the Reformation. 8vo. 4 vols. Longmans. From 1370 to 1517. In progress. Vol. i., ii., 32*. ; vol. iii., iv., 21s. Hunt, W. The English Church in the middle ages. f. 8vo. Longmans. (elem.). 2s. Gd. Extends to Wvcliffe. Poole, R. L. Wycliffe and the beginning of the Reformation, f. 8vo. Longmans, (elem.). 2s. Gd. Hook, W. F. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, d. 8vo. 12 vols. Bentley. 180s. Vol. i., 15*. ; vol. ii., 15*.; rol. iii., iv., 30*. ; vol. v., 15*. ; vol. vi., vii., 30*. ; vol. viii., ix., x., xi., xii., 15*. each. Church History GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Church History Fosbrooke, T. D. British monachism. r. 8vo. Bentley. o.r. Lechler, G. V. John Wiclif and his English precursors. 8vo. R. T. S. illus. 8s.. Loserth, J. Wiclif and Hus. Tr. M. J. Evans, p. 8vo. Hodder. pub. Is. Gd. O.P. Stokes, G. T. Ireland and the Anglo-Norman church, c. 8vo. Hodder. 9s. From the English Conquest to the Reformation. Muston, A. The Israel of the Alps. Tr. W. Hazlitt. 12mo. Griffin. pub. 5s. O.P. Treats of the Vaudois. Kettle well, S. Thomas & Kempis, and the Brothers of Common Life. d.Svo. 2vols. Paul. 30s. Ullmann, C. Keformers before the Reformation. 8vo. 2 vols. Clark. 21*. Deals chiefly with the theologians of N. Germany in the XV. century. Schweinitz. History of the Moravians or United Brethren. 8vo. (Pennsylvania). Is. Gd. Villari, P. Life of Savonarola. Tr. Mme. Yillari. d. 8vo. 2 vols. Unrein. 32s. Hefele, C. J. Life of Cardinal Ximenez. Tr. Dalton. d. 8vo. Dolman. 10*. Gd. Contains much information about the Church in Spain. Gams, P. B. Kirchengeschichte von Spanien. 8vo. 3 vols. (Itegensburg). 39*. Menendez y Pelayo. Historia cle los heterodoxos Espanoles. (Madrid). Lea, H. C. Chapters from the religious history of Spain. (Philadelphia). IV. PERIOD OF THE REFORMATION, 1500-1600: Hausser, L. Period of the Reformation. 8vo. Gemmell. 7s. Gd. A useful text-book, reaching to 1648. Hardwick, C. History of the Christian Church during the Reformation. c. 8vo. Macmillan. 10*. Gd. Seebohm, F. The Oxford Reformers. 8vo. Longmans. 14*. An account of More, Colet, and Erasmus in England. Drummond, R. B. Life of Erasmus, p. 8vo. 2 vols. Smith, Elder. pub. 21*. o.r. Strauss, D. F. Ulrich von Hutten. 8vo. (Bonn). 7,v. Schaff, P. Modern Christianity, ex. d.Svo. 2 vols. Clark. 21s. The German Reformation, 1517-30; with full bibliography. (Vol. v. of his History of the Christian Church). Kostlin, J. Life of Luther. Tr. c. 8vo. Longmans, pub. 16*. o.r. The standard life in Germany. Beard, C'. Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany, d. 8vo. Paul. IGs. Only reaches to 1521. Valuable for the beginning of the Reformation movement. ,, The Reformation of the 16th century. 8vo. Williams. 1C*. Gd. Also at 4*. 6d. A good account of the relations of the Reformation movement to modern thought; from the standpoint of cultivated Unitarianism. Aubigne, M. d'. History of the Reformation of the 16th century. 8vo. R- T. S. 2ds. Vol. i., ii., iii., 3. each ; iv., 5. ; v., G*. A popular account with decided partisanship. Stebbing. Life and times of Calvin. Wltittalier. O.P. Willis, R. Servetus and Calvin. 8vo. H.S.King. O.P. Perry, G. C. The Reformation in England, (elem.). f. 8vo. Longmans. 2s. Gd. Gasquet. Henry VIII. and the English monasteries. 2 vols. Hodges. 24s. Roman Catholic. 73 Church History GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Church History Dixon, B. W. History of the Church of England, d. 8vo. 3 vols., 16s. each. Itoutledge. 48s. From 1529 to 1553. Strype, J. Memorials of Cranmer. d. 8vo. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 11s. McCrie, T. History of the Keformation in Italy, c. 8vo. BlacUmood. 4s. Benrath, K. Bernardino Ochino of Siena. 8vo. Nisbet. 9,?. The life of an Italian reformer. Young, M. Life and times of Paleario. 8vo. 2 vols. Bell. O.P. An account of the Catholic reformers in Italy. Rose, S. Ignatius Loyola and the early Jesuits. 8vo. Longmans. pub. 16s. O.P. Cartwright, W. C. The Jesuits. 8vo. Murray. 2s. Coleridge, H. J. Life and letters of St. Francis Xavier. c. Svo. Burns. 10s. 6d. Dalton, H. John &, Lasco. Hodder. O.P. Sander, N. Eise and growth of the Anglican schism, d. Svo. Burns. Is. The view of a Roman Catholic contemporary. Burnet, G. History of the reformation of the Church of England. Ed. N. Pocock. d. 8vo. 7 vols. Clar. Press. 30s. Foxe, J. Acts and monuments, r. Svo. 8 vols. R. T. S. 50s. Often called the Book of Martyrs. An account by a fervent Protestant of the English Knox, J. History of the Reformation in Scotland. Svo. Blacltie. O.P. Strype, J. Annals of the Reformation under Elizabeth. 7 vols. Clar. Press. O.P. ,, Life of Archbishop Parker. 3 vols. Clar. Press. O.P. ,, Life of Archbishop Grindal. Clar. Press. O.P. ,, Lif e of Archbishop Whitgift. d. Svo. 3 vols. Clar. Press. 16s. 6d. Ward, A. W. The counter Eeformation. (elem.). f. Svo. Longmans. 2s. Qd. Philippson. La contre-revolution religieuse. (Brussels'). Simpson, R. Edmund Campion. Svo. Williams. O.P. The coming of the Jesuits to England. Jessopp, A. One generation of a Norfolk house, d. Svo. Burns. 10s. 6d. The life of an English Jesuit in the time of Elizabeth. Letters of Cardinal Allen. Ed. T. F. Knox. 4to. Nutt. 30s. With a valuable introduction on the Papal policy towards England. Law, T.G. Jesuits and Seculars in the reign of Elizabeth. Svo. Nutt. 15s. Morris, J. Troubles of our Catholic forefathers. 3 vols., 14s. each. Burns. 42s. Vol. i., o P., contains full accounts of the position of the Roman Catholics. Foley, H. Eecords of the English Province of the Society of Jesus. 6 vols. and vol. vii. 2 parts separate. Burns. 216s. Vol. i., ii., iv., vi., vii. (1), vii. (2), 26s. each ; vol. iii., v., 308. each. V. MODEEN PERIOD, 1600-1880: (A) ENGLAND. Fuller, T. Church history of Britain (to 1648). Ed. J. S. Brewer, d. Svo. 6 vols. Clar. Press. 39s. Collier, J. Ecclesiastical history of Great Britain. Svo. 9 vols. Straker. 1840-1. O.P. Church History GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Church History Dodd, C. Church history of England (to 1688). Ed. M. A. Tierney. d. Svo. Dolman. 1849. 40s. The standard Roman Catholic history. Wordsworth, C. Ecclesiastical biography. Svo. 4 .vols. llivington. pub. 54s. O.P. A collection of contemporary lives, beginning: with Wolsey and ending with Tillotson. Wakeman, H. 0. The Church and the Puritans, (elem.). f. Svo. Longmans. 2s. Gd. Masson, D. Life of John Milton. 6 vols., 21s. each. Macmillan. 12Gs. The best source of information for the religious movements of the Commonwealth. Heylyn, P. Cyprianus Anglius. fo. 1671. Lathbury. History of Convocation. Svo. Leslie. 1853. O.P. ,, History of the Nonjurors. Svo. Leslie. 1845. O.P. Stoughton, J. History of religion in England from 1640. 3 vols., 7s. Gd. each. Hodder. 22s. Gd. With special reference to the Nonconformists. Perry, A. History of the Church of England from 1603. Svo. 3 vols. Saunders. O.P. Abbey and Overton. The English Church in the 18th century, c. Svo. Longmans. 7s. Gd. Plumptre, E. H. Life of Bishop Ken. d. Svo. 2 vols. Isbister. 12s. Curteis, G. H. Dissent in its relation to the Church of England, c. Svo. Macmillan. Is. Gd. Tyerman, L. Life and times of John Wesley. 3 vols., 6s. each. Hodder. 18s. Overton, J. H. The evangelical revival of the 18th century, (elem.). f. Svo. Longmans. 2s. Gd. Wilberforce, S. Life of William Wilberforce. c. Svo. Murray. 6s. Newman, J. H. Apologia pro vita suit. c. Svo. Longmans. 3s. Gd. Ward, W. William George Ward and the Oxford movement. Svo. Macmillan. Us. Church, R. W. The Oxford movement, 1833-45. Svo. Macmillan. 12s. Gd. Anderson, J. S. N. History of the Church of England in the colonies and dependencies, f. Svo. 3 vols. llivington. pub. 24s. O.P. Tucker, H. W. The English Church in other lands, (elem.). f. Svo. Longmans. 2s. Gd. (B) SCOTLAND. Rankin, J. Handbook of the Church of Scotland, c. Svo. Blaclnvood. Is. Gd. Spottiswoode, J. History of the Church of Scotland, to 1624. Svo. 3 vols. Oliver and Boyd. O.P. Written by an Episcopalian of the time. Calderwood, D. History of the Church of Scotland to 1624. Svo. 8 vols. Wodrow Society (Edin.}. O.P. Written by a Presbyterian of the time. Wodrow, R. History of the sufferings of the Church of Scotland from 1660 to 1688. Svo. 4 vols. (Glasgow}. 1838. O.P. Cunningham, J. Church history of Scotland. p. Svo. Thin. 16s. Lawson, J. P. History of the Scottish Episcopalian Church. Svo. (Edin.). 1843. O.P. 75 Church History GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Church History (C) IRELAND. Mant, R. History of the Church of Ireland (to 1800). 8vo. 2 vols. J. W. Parker. 1845. 34s. Killen, W. D. Ecclesiastical history of Ireland. 8vo. 2 vols. Macmillan. 25*. Brennan. Ecclesiastical history of Ireland (to 1829). 8vo. Duffy (Dublin). o.r. Written by a Roman Catholic. (D) NONCONFORMISTS. Skeats, H. History of the Free Churches of England. 8vo. M^all. o.r. A good general account. Vaughan, R. English Nonconformity. 8vo. Hodder. pub. Is. Gd. o.r. A sketch. "Waddington, J. Congregational history, d. 8vo. 4 vols., vol. i., J. Slum, pub. 16*. ; vol. ii., iii., iv., Longmans, pub. 15s. each. o.r. Vol. ii. (1700-1800) ; vol. iii. (1800-1850) ; vol. iv. (1850-). Full details. Heal, D. History of the Puritans (to 1688). 8vo. 2 vols. Harper. 20s. Barclay, R. Inner life of the religious societies of the Commonwealth. 8vo. Sadder. o.r. Especially useful for the growth of mysticism. Autobiography of George Fox. Ed. H.Newman, f . 4to. Partridge. 6*. Stoughton, J. William Penn. c. 8vo. Hodder. Is. 6d. Dexter, H.M. Congregationalism of the last 300 years. r.8vo. Harper. 24s. Valuable for its survey of literature. Crosby, T. History of the English Baptists. 8vo. 4 vols. (London}. 1738. o.r. A mass of material to 1717. Bogue and Bennett. History of Dissenters (1688 to 1808). 8vo. 4 vols. (London). 1812. o.r. Bennett, J. History of Dissenters from 1808 to 1838. 8vo. (London). 1839. o.r. Brown, J. John Bunyan. d. 8vo. Islister. Is. 6d. Stevens, A. History of Methodism, c. 8vo. 3 vols. Wesley an Conference Office. o.r. Oliphant, Mrs. Life of Edward Irving, p. Svo. Hurst. 5.v. Miller, E. History of Irvingism. 1. p. Svo. 2 vols. Paul. 15s. Charming, sa vie et ses ceuvres. Pref. by C. de Remusat. 12mo. (Paris'). 3s. White, W. Life and writings of Swedenborg. 8vo. Simpkin. 7-t. M. (E) GERMAN PROTESTANTISM. Dorner, J. A. History of Protestant theology. Svo. 2 vols. Clark. 2U Neale, J. M. History of the Jansenist Church of Holland. Svo. Parlter. 10s. Gd. Baur, W. Religious life in Germany during the wars of independence. p. Svo. Stralian. pub. Is. &d. o.r. Germany during the period of the French revolutionary movement. Geffcken, H. Church and State. Tr. E. F. Taylor. Svo. 2 vols. Long- mans, pub. 42s. o.r. Deals at length with Germany in the present century. (F) CHURCH OF ROME. Ranke, L. von. The Popes of Rome. Tr. Svo. 3 vols. Murray, pub. 30s. O.P. Also Sohn. 3 vol., 3. Gd. each. The Papacy from 1520 to 1830. Jervis, W. H. History of the Church of France. Svo. 2 vols. Murray. 28s. 76 Church History GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Church History Jervis, W. H. The Galilean Church from 1516 to the Revolution, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. Lear, H. L. Bossuet and his contemporaries, c. 8vo. Rivington. Schimmelpenninck, Mrs. Memoirs of Port Royal. c 8vo. 3 vols. Longmans, pub. 21s. O.P. Heard, C. Port Royal. 8vo. 2 vols. Williams. 12s. Coleridge, H. J Life of St. Teresa. c. 8vo. 3 vols., 7s. 6d. each. Sums. 22s. Gd. Weld, A. (S. J.) Suppression of the Jesuits in Portugal, c. 8vo. Sums. Is. Gd. Wiseman, Cardinal. Recollections of the last four Popes (1818-1837). Hurst. 5s. "Leto." Rome during the Vatican Council. 8vo. Murray. 12s. By one who was opposed to the action of the Council. "Janus." The Pope and the Council. Rivington. O.P. An historical survey of the growth of the Papal power by a liberal Roman Catholic. Manning 1 , Cardinal. True story of the Vatican Council. Sums. 5s. (G) EASTERN CHURCH. Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the history of the Eastern Church, c. 8vo. Murray. 6s. A general sketch. Neale, J. M. History of the Holy Eastern Church, d. 8vo. 5 vols. Masters. 1850. Vol. iii., iv., 21. each ; vol. i., ii., T., O.P. Tozer, H. F. The Church and the Eastern Empire, (elem.). f. 8vo. Longmans. 2s. Gd. Butler, A. T. Ancient Coptic Church of Egypt, d. 8vo. Clar. Press. illus. 30s. Le Q,uien. Oriens Christianus. fo. 3 vols. 1740. The four Patriarchates. VI. BOOKS OF REFERENCE: Hook, W. F. Church dictionary, m. 8vo. Murray. 21s Useful for general purposes. Migne. Encyclopedic theologique. r. 8vo. 3 series. (Paris). 1st series, 52 vols., 15 12*. : 2nd series, 53 vols., 16 ; 3rd series, 66 vols., 20. Separate vols. from 7s. to 10. each. Addis and Arnold. Catholic dictionary, d. 8vo. Paul. 21s. For Roman Catholic doctrine and ritual. Dictionary of Christian antiquities. Ed. Smith, m. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 42s. Full information and references for the early Church. ,, of Christian biography. Ed. Smith and Wace. 4 vols. Murray. 136s. Gd. Vol. i., ii., iii., Sis. 6d. ; vol. iv., 42*. Valuable for the first eight centuries. Mansi. Concilia, fo. 37 vols. (Lucca). 1757-98. O.P. A collection of all the documents bearing on the councils of the Church. Haddan and Stubbs. Councils and ecclesiastical documents relating to Great Britain, r. 8vo. 3 vols. Clar. Press. 56s. Vol. i., 21s. ; vol. ii. (part 1), 10*. Gel. ; vol. ii. (part 2), 3*. 6d. ; vol. iii., 21. Period before the reign of Alfred. Wilkins, D. Concilia Magnae Britanniae. fo. 4 vols. (London). 1737. o.P. A collection of all councils and synods of the English Church. 77 Church History GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Colonies, General Acta Sanctorum. Ed. Holland and Henschenius. fo. 56 vols. (Paris). 1734-1883. 100 Avast collection of the lives of all the saints of the Church, arranged according to the days of their festivals. Magnum Bullarium Romanum. fo. 32 vols. (Home). 1739-G2. 20 A collection of Papal Bulls. ,, (Continuation), fo. 19 vols. (Rome). 1835-57. 13 Baronius. Annales ecclesiastici. i. 4to. 37 vols. (Paris). 25 Annals compiled from authorities on a large scale, begun by Baronius, continued by Raynaldus and Laderchius to 1571. ,, The same ; continued by Theiner. 3 vols. (Rome). 41s. Gams, P. B. Series omnium episcoporum ecclesiae Catholicae. 4to. (Ratisbon). 34s. Gd. Stubbs, W. Registrum sacrum Anglicanum. s. 4to. Clar. Press. 8s. Gd. A catalogue of English Bishops. Dugdale, W. Monasticon Anglicanum (with additions), fo. 8 vols. 1817-30. O.P. Documents relating to the English monasteries. Gieseler, J. C. L. Compendium of ecclesiastical history. 8vo. 4 vols. Clark. 42s. the Reformation. The German edition, Lehrbuch der Kirctengeschichte, goes to 1840. CINCHONA, see ECONOMIC PRODUCTS III. CINQUE PORTS, see ENGLAND, HISTORY V. CITY COMPANIES, see LONDON II. CIVIL SERVICE, ENGLISH, see ENGLAND, HISTORY IV. CLIMATE, see HEALTH RESORTS and METEOROL CLOCKS AND WATCHES, see INDUSTRIES VI. COACHBUILDING, see INDUSTRIES VII. COAL, see GEOLOGY VI. and MINING. COAL-TAR, see INDUSTRIES VIII. COCHIN CHINA, see MALAY PENINSULA. COCOA, see ECONOMIC PRODUCTS I. COFFEE, see ECONOMIC PRODUCTS IV. COINS, see NUMISMATICS. COLONIES: GENERAL: Lucas, C. P. Historical geography of the British colonies, p. 8vo. Clar. Press. Vol. i., 5s. Cotton and "Payne. Colonies and dependencies, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 3s. Gd. Hiibner, Baron. Through the British Empire, p. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 24s. . S. Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Straits Settlements, India, S. Sea Islands, California, Oregon, Canada, etc. Colonies, General GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Contract Martin, K. M. History of the British colonies. 8vo. 6 vols. Tallis. 1850. maps. pub. 81s. o.p. Payne, E. J. History of European colonies. 12mo. Macmillan. maps. 4s. Gd. Bourne, F. Story of our colonies, p. 8vo. Hogg. 6s. Creasy, E. Imperial and colonial institutions of the British empire. 8vo. Longmans, pub. 15s. o.p. Seeley, J. R. Expansion of England, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 4s. Qd. An essay on the historical aspect of English colonisation. Dilke, C. Problems of Greater Britain, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 12s. 6d. A description of the present politics of the colonies. Trendell, A. J. R. Colonial year-book, c. 8vo. Low. 6s. JOURNAL : Colonies and India : weekly. (Silver). COLUMBIA, BRITISH, see CANADA. COLUMBIA, REPUBLIC, see AMERICA, SOUTH, II. COMMERCE, see POLITICAL ECONOMY and ENGLAND, HISTORY V. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE : Commercial correspondence in fifteen languages. 8vo. 15 vols., 2s. Qd. each. Maier (Stuttgart*). A series of letters, identical in all the fifteen languages, each language forming a separate book : English, French, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Hungarian, Czech, Servian, and Roumanian. COMMON, RIGHT OP, see ENGLAND, LAW IV. COMMONS, HOUSE OF, see PARLIAMENT. COMPANY LAW, see ENGLAND, LAW VIII. COMPASS, DEVIATION OF, see NAVY I. COMTISM, see POSITIVISM. CONCHOLOGY, see ZOOLOGY VI. CONCRETE, see BUILDING. CONGO, see AFRICA IV. CONGREGATIONALISM, see CHURCH HISTORY V. (D). CONJURING : Hoffmann, L. Modern magic. 8vo. Routledge. 5s. ,, More magic. 8vo. Routledge. 7s. 6d. Sachs, E. Sleight of hand. 8vo. Gill, illus. Is. 6d. Minute instructions for tricks of legerdemain. Houdin, R. His memoirs as ambassador, author, and conjuror, c. 8vo. 2 vols. O.P. CONTRACT, see ENGLAND, LAW VII. 79 Conveyancing GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Cookery and Food CONVEYANCING, see ENGLAND, LAW IV. CONVOCATION, HISTORY OF, see CHUBCH HISTORY V. (D). COOKERY AND FOOD : I. COOKERY: No good comprehensive treatise on the art of cookery, embracing first class cookery, exists in this country, nor any good work which also explains scientifically the processes necessary to render animal and vegetable products digestible and palatable. Cassell's dictionary of cookery. 8vo. Cassell. "s. Gd. An excellent epitome of English second class cookery. The principles of cookery are clearly, fully, and very correctly explained. Cassell's shilling cookery. 8vo. Cassell. ~[s. Mrs. Marshall's cookery book. c. 8vo. SimpJdn. 5s. Higher-class cookery ; contains several modern recipes, particularly for cold entrees. Reeve, Mrs. H. Cookery and housekeeping, c. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 5s. "Wyvern." Culinary jottings. 8vo. Tliaclter. 10s. any climate. Kettner. Book of the table. Tr. Dallas, c. 8vo. Dulau. 10s. Gd. Practical ; but largely literary and historical. William, W. M. Chemistry of cookery, c. 8vo. Chatto. Gs. Explains clearly certain scientific principles involved in the processes of coolcery, with many Gouffe, J. Royal cookery book. Tr. r. 8vo. Low. 20s. Also household edition, 10. 6d. ,, Le livre de cuisine, r. 8vo. Hachette. 42s. Part i.. La cuisine des manages ; part ii., La grande cuisine. Dubois and Bernard. La cuisine classique. 4to. 2 vols. Dentil, illus. 32s. The most complete treatise of the French school ; has partially superseded Gouffe"'s classical work. Dubois, U. La cuisine d'aujourd'hni. 8vo. Dentu. illus. 12s. Gd. Audot, L. E. La cuisiniere de la campagne. 12mo. (Paris'), illus. 3s. A good example of the common middle-class French cooking book. Brillat-Savarin. Gastronomy as a fine art. Tr. Anderson, p. 8vo. Chatto. 2s. Brotherton, Mrs. Vegetarian cookery. F. Pitman. 3s. Gd. II. FOODS : Smith, E. Foods. (" Inter. Scient." ser.). c. 8vo. Paul, illus. 5s. Thompson, H. Food and feeding, c. 8vo. IF 'arne. 3s. Gd. Yeo, J. B. Food in health and disease. 8vo. Cassell. 9s. Roberts, W. Dietetics and dyspepsia, c. Svo. Smith, Elder. 3s. Church, A. J. Food : its sources, constituents, and uses. 1. c. Svo. Chapman. 3s. Manual published for Committee of Council on Education. Bell, J. Foods. 1. c. Svo. 2 parts. Chapman. 5s. Gd. Part i., 2s. Gd. ; part ii., 3s. Pavy, F. W. Food and dietetics, d. Svo. Cliurcldll. 15s. Blyth, A. W. Foods : their composition and analysis, c. f vo. Griffin. illus. IGs. 80 Cookery and Food GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Costume, Historical Kingsford, Anna. Perfect way of diet. sm. c. 8vo. Paul. 2s. Newman, F. W. Essays on diet. sm. c. 8vo. Paul. 2s. The last two books advocate a vegetarian diet. CO-OPERATION, see POLITICAL ECONOMY VI. IN UNITED STATES, see UNITED STATES HISTOEY. COPTIC : Stern, L. Koptische Grammatik. (Leipzig). 18*. Peyron, A. Lexicon Copticum. 4to. (Turin). 1835. pub. 35*. O.P. COPTIC CHURCH, ANCIENT, see CHURCH HISTORY V. COPYHOLDS, see, ENGLAND, LAW IV. COPYRIGHT, see ENGLAND, LAW VI. CORAL ISLANDS, see GEOLOGY II. COREA: Ross, J. History of Corea, with descriptions of manners and customs. 8vo. Houlston. 12*. Gd. Oppert, E. Voyages to the Corea. 8vo. Low. illus. 21*. Lowell, P. Choson, a sketch of Korea. 1. 8vo. Trubner. illus. 24*. Carles, W. R. Life in Corea. 8vo. Macmillan. 12*. &d. G-riffis, W. E. Corea ; the hermit nation, r. 8vo. Allen. 18*. CORSAIRS OF BARBARY, see ALGIERS. OF FRANCE, see NAVY V. CORSICA, see MEDITERRANEAN. COSTA RICA, see AMERICA, SOUTH. COSTUME, HISTORICAL : See also NEEDLEWORK. Planche, J. R. Cyclopedia of costume, r. 4to. 2 vols. CJiatto. pub. 147*. O.P. For general reference o a superficial kind. Vol. i., dictionary ; vol. ii., general chronological history of dress. Luard, J. History of the dress of the British soldier. 8vo. Clowes. O.P. Hope, T. Costume of the ancients. 8vo. 2 vols. Cliatto. 45*. Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Asiatic nations. Rock, D. Church of our fathers ; fashions and vestments, i. 4to. 3 vols. Dolman. 1849. O.P. Ecclesiastical. Pugin, W. Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament and costume. 8vo. Quaritch. 126*. Very complete. 81 G Costume, Historical GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Crystallography Shaw, H. Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages. 4to. 2 vols. Pickering. 1843. 115* Fragmentary, but useful, embracing engraved specimens of jewellery, as well as illustrations from missals. Lacroix, P. Mreurs, usages, et costumes au moyen ttge, et & I'dpoque de la Eenaissance. 4to. Didot. illus. 24s. Beck, W. Gloves : their annals and associations, c. Svo. Hamilton, illus. Is. Gd. Greig, T. W. Ladies' old-fashioned shoes, fo. Douglas, illus. 31s. Gd TJzamxe, O. The fan. Tr. r. Svo. Nlmmo and Bain, illus. 31s. Gd Stewart, J. Plocacosmos, or the whole art of hairdressing. 1772. In British Museum. COTTAGE HOSPITALS, see HOSPITALS. COTTON MANUFACTURE, see TEXTILE FABP.ICS. COUNTERPOINT, see Music II. COUNTIES OF ENGLAND, see ENGLAND, HISTORY V. COUNTY GOVERNMENT, see LOCAL GOVERNMENT. CREMATION : Eassie, W. Cremation of the dead. d. Svo. Smith, Elder. 8s. Gd. Thompson, H. Modern cremation, c. Svo. Paul. 2s. Gd. CRETE, see MEDITERRANEAN. CRIBBAGE, see CARDS. CRICKET : Lyttelton, E. Cricket. (" All England " ser.). sm. Svo. Bell. Is. Steel and Lyttelton. Cricket. (" Badminton " ser.). c. Svo. Longmans. 10s. Gd. Lilly-white, J. Cricket scores and biographies. Svo. 4 vols. Longmans. pub. 50s. O.r. preserving. CRIME (HISTORY OF) IN ENGLAND, see ENGLAND, LAW III. CRIMEAN WAR, see ARMY III. CRIMINAL LAW, see ENGLAND, LAW III. CROATS, HISTORY OF, see HUNGARY, HISTORY. CROPS, see AGRICULTURE II. CROSSES, ANCIENT, see ARCHITECTURE III. CRUSADES, see ENGLAND, HISTORY II. and EUROPE II. CRYSTALLOGRAPHY : Miller, W. H. A tract on crystallography. Svo. Parker, pub. 9*. O.P. 82 Crystallography GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Darwinism Gurney, H. P. Crystallography (elem.). f. 8vo. S. P. C. K. Is. Maskelyne, N. S. Treatise on crystallography, c. 8vo. Clar. Press. Groth, P. Physikalische Krystallographie. 8vo. (Leipzig). IGs. Mallard, E. Traite de cristallographie. 8vo. 2 vols. Dunod. 3Gs. High mathematics. Vol. i., Caracteres crystallographitiues, 20s. ; vol. ii., Caracteres optiques, Lang, V. von. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie. 8vo. ( Vienna). 8s. CUBA, see WEST INDIES II. CURLING, see GAMES. CURRENCY, see POLITICAL ECONOMY IV. CUSTOMS, POPULAE, see ANTHROPOLOGY and FOLKLORE. CYCLADES, THE, see MEDITERRANEAN. CYCLING : Bury and Hillier. Cycling. (" Badminton Library"), c. 8vo. Longmans. Ws. Gd. Griffin, H. H. Cycling. ("All England " ser.). sm. 8vo. Sell. Is. Spencer, C. Cyclist's road-book. Grube. Is. CYPRUS, see MEDITERRANEAN. CYRENAICA, see ALGIERS. D. DAHOMEY, see AFRICA III. DAIRY : Sheldon, J. P. Dairy-farming. 4to. Cassell. illus. 31s. Gd. ,, The farm and the dairy. Sett, illus. 2s. Gd. Long and Morton. The dairy, c. 8vo. Vinton. 2s. Gd. Arnold, L. B. American dairying. 12mo. (New York). Gt. Harris, J. B. The cheese and butter-maker's handbook. Wright. Macgregor, A. Stewart. Milk supply of Copenhagen. Scott, Ferguson (Edinburgh), illus. Is. DALMATIA, see AUSTRIA. DARWINISM, see ZOOLOGY I. 83 G 2 Decoration GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Denmark DECORATION, see ART VIII. and HOUSE DECORATION. DEER STALKING, see SPORT. DENMARK : GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY : Murray's Handbook for Denmark, p. 8vo. Murray. Gs. With Schleswig, Holstein, and Iceland. Otte, E. C. Denmark and Iceland, c. 8vo. Lorn. 3*. Gd. Andersen, L. Copenhagen and its environs. Scott. 3s. Gd. Weitemeyer, H. Danemark ; Geschichte und Beschreibung. 12mo. Host . Gs. ,, Le Danemark, histoire et geographic, langue, litterature et beaux arts, situation sociale et economique. Host. 7s. Gd. English translation. Helnemann. Pontoppidan, H. Landsbybilleder. 12mo. (Copenhagen'). is. Gd. Dahlmann, F. C. Geschichte von Danemark. 8vo. 3 vols. (Gotha). 184043. 19s. Gd. DENMARK : LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE : very easy and simple ; then take up Oehlenschliiger's dramas, Andersen's fairy tales, then some of the modern novelists, and so on. I. GRAMMARS AND DICTIONARIES : Otte, E. C. Simplified grammar of the Danish language. Triibner. 2s. Gd. How to learn Danish (Ollendorffian system). Triibner. Is. Gd. Key, 3s. Rosing, S. Engelsk-Dansk Ordbog. 12mo. (Copenhagen). Is. Gd. Larsen, A. Dansk-Norsk-Engelsk Ordbog. 12mo. (Copenhagen). 9s. Danish-English and English-Danish pocket dictionary. 16mo. Tauchnitz. 5s. Gd. II. HISTORY AND CRITICISM : Petersen, N. M. Bidrag til den danske Literaturs Historic. 6 vols. (Copenhagen), pub. 63s. O.P. From the earliest period to 1800. Hansen, P. Illustreret dansk Literatur historie. 8vo. 2 vols. (Copenhagen). 45s. Including Norway to 1814. Brandes, G. Danske Digtere. 12mo. (Copenhagen). Is. The greatest of Scandinavian critics. ,, Kritiker og Portrseter. 12mo. (Copenhagen). 7s. Gd. III. CLASSICS, ETC. : Holberg, L. Comedier. 12mo. (Coperiliageri). 5x. The Moliere of the North. There are numerous cheap editions, and one edition de luxe, 4to. o. ,, Peder Paars. 12mo. (Copenhagen). 2s. Gd. Oehlenschlager. Heltedramaer (Hakon Jarl, 1*. ; Axel og Valborg, 9^. ; etc.). 12mo. (Copenhagen). Romantic poet. ,, Aladdin. 12mo. (Copenhagen). 3s. Gd. A fine dramatic poem. 84 Denmark GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Docks Grundtvig', N. F. S. Optrin af Nordens Kjoempeliv. 8vo. {Copenhagen). 12s. One of Denmark's most popular writers ; theologian, historian, and poet. Kierkegaard, S. Enten-Eller. 8vo. 2 vols. (Copenhagen) . 14.?. ,, Oieblikket. 12mo. (Copenhagen). 4*. The profoundest thinker and philosopher. Andersen, Hans. Eventyr og Historier. 4 vols. (Copenhagen). The famous fairy-tale writer. Winther, C. Hjortens Flugt. 12mo. (Copenhagen). 4s. IV. MODERN NOVELS, DRAMAS, ETC. : Ingemann, B. S. Historiske Romaner. 12mo. 4 vols. (Copenhagen). 14,?. The Danish Walter Scott. Miiller, F. Paludan. Adam Homo. 8vo. (Copenhagen). 10s. A satirical poem. Jacobsen, J. P. Fru Marie Grubbe. 12mo. (Copenhagen). (jg. For style, the best modem Danish novelist. Hostrup, C. Komedier. 12mo. 3 vols. (Copenhagen). 9,<-. Popular dramatist. Brandes, E. Et Besog. (Copenhagen). Best modem Danish dramatist. Drachmann, H. Dcempede Melodier. 12mo. (Copenhagen). 5s. Poet and novelist. Ewald,H.F. Den skotske Kvinde paa Tjele. 12mo. 2 vols. (Copenhagen). 7s. Qd. Popular novelist. V. TRANSLATIONS: Brandes, G. Eminent authors of the nineteenth century. 12mo. Crowell (N. Y.). 10s. Oehlenschlager. Aladdin; a dramatic poem. Tr. T. Martin, f. 8vo. Blachmood. 5s. ,, Axel and Valborg ; a tragedy. Tr. H. W. Freeland. (London). ,, Hakon Jarl ; a tragedy. Tr. J. Chapman. (London). O.P. ,, The gods of the North. Tr. W. E. Foye. (London). 1845. O.P. ,, Theatre choisi. 8vo. (Paris). 5s. Holberg, L. Journey to the world underground. (London"). 1828. O.P. VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND BIOGRAPHY : Erslev, T. H. Almindeligt Forfatter Lexicon. 8vo. 3 vols. and supple- ment. (Copenhagen). 45s. Dansk Bogfortegnelse (1841-80). 8vo. (Copenhagen). 90s. DEVOTIONAL WORKS, see THEOLOGY IV. DIET AND DIETETICS, see COOKERY. DISPENSARIES, see HOSPITALS. DISSENTERS, HISTORY OF, see CHURCH HISTORY V. DOCKS, see HYDRAULICS. 85 Dog GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Dutch Language Jesse, G. K. Researches into the history of the British dog. 8vo. 2 vols. Hardwick. 32*. Stables, G. Our friend the dog. 8vo. Dean, illus. 6s. 6d. ' ' Stonehenge." The dog, in health and disease. 8vo. Longmans, illus. Is.&d. Steel, J. H. Diseases of the dog. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 10*. &d. " H. H." The scientific education of dogs for the gun. c. 8vo. Low. 6s. Hutchinson, W. Dog breaking. 8vo. Murray, illus. 7*. Gd. DOMESTIC ANIMALS, see HOESB, CAT, DOG, LIVE-STOCK. DOMESTIC ECONOMY: See also COOKEBY, and HYGIENE. Buckton, Mrs. Health in the house, c. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 2*. Barnett, Mrs. The making of the home. (elem.). Cassell. Is. Gd. Lewes, G. H. Physiology of common life. c. 8vo. 2 vols. Blackmood. o.p. Johnston, J. H. Chemistry of common life. c. 8vo. Blackrvood. 7s. Gd. Barker, J. H. The hygienic management of infants and children. Churchill. O.P. Household medicine. Ed. J. Gardner, c. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 12s. Gd. Family physician, r. Svo. Cassell. 21s. West, C. Mother's manual of children's diseases, c. Svo. Longmans. 2s. &7. Wood, Catherine. Handbook for the nursing of sick children. Cassell. 2s. Gd. For other books on nursing, see NURSING. Starr, L. Hygiene of the nursery, c. Svo. Lewis, illus. 3*. Gd. Money, A. Health of children, c. Svo. Lewis. Gd. Smith, Louisa E. Home washing. JBemrose. Is. Enquire within upon everything, c. Svo. Houlston. 2s. Gd. DRAINAGE, LAND, see AGRICULTURE IV. HOUSE AND TOWN, see HYGIENE. DRAMA, see STAGE. CLASSIC, see GREECE, HISTORY III. DRESS, HISTORIC, see COSTUME. DRESSMAKING, see NEEDLEWORK. DRINK, see ALCOHOLISM. DRIVING, see HORSE V. DUTCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE : The books marked $ are recommended for young people. Beginning with the simple novels of Conscience, the student should go back to Vondel, after a careful perusal of whom he should be able to read anything. 86 Dutch Language GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Eastern Question Aim, F. Concise Dutch grammar, c. 8vo. Ihimm. 4s. Jaeger, A. English-Dutch and Dutch-English pocket dictionary. 16mo. Nutt. 4s. Gd. Vloten, L. Beknopte geschiedenis der nederlandsche letteren. 8vo. Tiel. Gs. Gd. Schneider, L. Geschichte der niederlandischen Literatur. 8vo. (Leipzig). 12s. Vondel, J. van. Meesterstucken uit zijne Werken. Ed. P. H. van Moerkerken. 8vo. (Amsterdam). Gs. Gd. Hooft, P. C. Gedichten. Ed. Leeudertz. Svo. 2 vols. (Amsterdam). IGs. Vondel. Gedichte. Tr. into German by Grimmelt and Jansen. 12mo. (Milnster). 2s. Vondel and Hooft are the great classical poets. Cats, J. De volledige Werken. fo. 2 vols. (Arnheim). 28s. Popular poet. Bilderdijk, W. Bloemlezing uit de Dichtwerken. Svo. (Arnlieim). 10s. Gd. Conscience, H. Romantische Werken. 12mo. 41 vols., 3s. each. (Leiden). 123s. , , The happiness of being rich, f . Svo. Hodges. Is. Gd. , , The lion of Flanders. Burns and Gates. . 3s. Cremer, J. J. Betuwsche novellen. 12mo. (Leiden). 2s. , , An everyday heroine. (London). Toussaint, Mme. Bosboom. Major Frans (novelle). 12mo. (TJie Hague). 4s. Historical novelist. , , Major Frank ; a novel. Tr. Akeroyd. c. Svo. Unmin. Gs. Costa, J. de. Komplete Dichterwerken. Svo. (Arnheim). Is. Gd. Modern poet. Aa, H. J. van der. Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Svo. 21 vols. (Haarlem). 11 Us. Bibliography. Ab Koude, J. van. Naamregister van de bekendste Neder'duitsche Boeken. (Rotterdam). O.P. Brinkman, C. C. Catalogue van Boeken in Nederland, 1850-1882. r. Svo. (Amsterdam). G7s. DYEING, 'see TEXTILE FABRICS. DYNAMICS, see MATHEMATICS II. and PHYSICS. DYNAMOS, see ELECTRICITY II. E. EARLY ENGLISH, see ANGLO-SAXON. EARTHQUAKES, see GEOLOGY II. EASTERN CHURCH, see CHURCH HISTORY V. (G). EASTERN QUESTION, see TURKEY II. 87 Ecarte GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Economic Products ECART, see CARDS. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, see CHURCH HISTORY. LAW, see ENGLAND, LAW XI. ECONOMICS, see POLITICAL ECONOMY. ECONOMIC PRODUCTS, FOREIGN: I. CACAO: Morris, D. Cacao ; how to grow and how to cure it. (Kingston, Jamaica). Mann, J. A. Cocoa : its cultivation, manufacture, and uses. (In Journal of the Society of Arts, Oct. 5, 1860). II. CAOUTCHOUC: Collins, J. The caoutchouc of commerce. 4to. W. II. Allen, illus. 5s. India-rubber. Eeprinted from " Spon's Encyclopedia," r. 8vo. Span. 4s. III. CINCHONA: King, G. Cinchona cultivation in India. (For planters). Govt. Print. Off. (Calcutta). IV. COFFEE : Coffee. Reprinted from " Spon's Encyclopaedia." r. 8vo. Spon. 4s. Sabonadiere, W. The coffee planter of Ceylon, p. 8vo. Spon. pub. Is. Gd. o.p. Hull, E. C. P. Coffee planting in Southern India and Ceylon, p. Svo. Spon. pub. 9s. O.P. V. COTTON: Royle, J. Forbes. Culture and commerce of cotton in India and elsewhere. Svo. Smith, Elder, illus. pub. 18s. O.P. Cassels, W. R. Cotton; its culture in the Bombay Presidency. 8vo. Smith, Elder, pub. 16s. o.r. Printed by order of the Indian Government. Gibbs, J. Cotton cultivation, c. Svo. Sjwn. pub. 7s. Qd. O.P. VI. FIBROUS SUBSTANCES : Fibrous substances. Reprinted from " Spon's Encyclopaedia." r. Svo. Spon. 4s. VII. MAIZE : Simmonds, P. L. Tropical agriculture. Svo. Spon. 21s. VIII. SILK: Wardle, J. Silk. J. Heymood. -IX. SUGAR : Reed, W. History of sugar and sugar-yielding plants, c. 8vo. Longmans. pub. 5s. O.P. Gill, C. H. Manufacture and refining of sugar. Svo. Society of Arts. 6<1. Economic Products GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Education Lock and others. Sugar growing and refining. 8vo. Span, illus. 30.". Both, H. Ling. Guide to the literature of sugar (bibliography.) Paul. 7s. Gd. X. TEA: Money, E. Cultivation and manufacture of tea. d. 8vo. Wldttingliam. 10*. Gd. Tea cyclopaedia. 8vo. Wliittingham. 28*. Tea. (Reprinted from " Spon's Encyclopaedia "). r. 8vo. Sjton. 2s. XI. TOBACCO: Tobacco. (Reprinted from " Spon's Encyclopaedia "). r. 8vo. Span. 4s. Watson, Forbes. Report on the cultivation and preparation of tobacco in India. XII. REFERENCE: Spon's Encyclopaedia of the industrial arts. Ed. C. G. Warnford Lock. sup. r. 8vo. Span, illus. 70*. ECUADOR, see AMERICA, SOUTH. EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY, see UNIVERSITIES. EDUCATION : See also UNIVERSITIES. For general reader. Locke's Thoughts and Conduct, Montaigne's Essays, as in list, Thring's Theory anil practice, H. Spencer's Education, J. H. Newman's Idea, Painter's History of Education, Pestalozzi's Leonard and Gertrude, Guimps' Life of Pestalozzi, Quick's Educational reformers. For Teachers. Fitcli's lectures, Payne's lectures, Thring's Theory and practice. Spencer's Education, Guimps' Life of Pestalozzi, Leonard and Gertrude, Trumbull's Teaching and teacAej-s.Montaigne's Essays, as in list, Locke's Thoughts and Conduct, Page's Theory and practice, Parker's Talks, De Garmo's Essentials, Compayr's lectures, Sidgwick's lectures, Cotterill's School reforms, Sully's Psychology, Marenholz-Biilow's Child and child-nature, Quick's Educational reformers, Ascham's Scholemaster. I. HISTORY: Compayre, G. History of pedagogy. Tr. W. H. Payne. 8vo. Sonnenscliein. 6s. Painter, F. V. N. History of education. Ed. W. T. Harris, c. 8vo. Appleton. 7*. Gd. A tolerable introduction to the subject. Barnard, H. German educators. 8vo. 2 vols. {Hartford, U.S.'). o.p. Quick, R. H. Educational reformers. 8vo. Longmans. 3s. Gd. Guimps, R. de. Life of Pestalozzi. Tr. J. Russell. 8vo. Sonnenscliein. Gt>. Stanley, A. P. Life of Dr. Arnold, c. Svo. 2 vols. Murray. 12*. Laurie, S. S. Life of Comenius. ex. f. Svo. Pitt Press. 3*. Gd. Leitch, J. Practical educationists. Macmillan. pub. 6*. O.P. Good account of Wilderspin, Stow, etc. Autobiography of Froebel. Tr. H. K. Moore. Svo. Sonnenscliein. 3*. II. THEORY: Locke, J. Thoughts concerning education, ex. f. Svo. Pitt Press. 3s. Gd. 89 Sducation GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Education Locke, J. Conduct of the understanding. Ed. T. Fowler, ex. f. 8vo. Clar. Press. 2s. Gd. Payne, J. Lectures on science and art of education. 8vo. Longmans. 9s. Spencer, H. Education. 8vo. Williams. 6s. Also 12mo, 2s. Gd. Makes much of science and nothing of literature. Newman, J. H. Idea of a university, c. 8vo. Lmigmans. Is. Milton, J. Tractate on education, ex. f. 8vo. Pitt Press. 3s. A poet's scheme. Montaigrne. Essays (Bk. i., Chaps. XXIV, XXV). IGmo. Itoutlcdge. 2s. Gd. Richter, J. P. F. Levana. Tr. r. 8vo. Sell (Bohn). 3s. Gd. Payne, W. H. Contributions to the science of education, c. 8vo. Blackie. 6s. De Garmo, C. Essentials of method (Psychological). Heath (Boston). 3s. Pestalozzi. Leonard and Gertrude. Tr. E. Channing. Heath (Boston). 4s. Gd. Preyer, W. Mind of the child. Tr. H. W. Brown, c. 8vo. 2 vols., 7s. Gd. each. Appleton. 15s. Scientific observation of children and other young animals. Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of education. Tr. A. C. Bracket, c. 8vo. Appleton. 7s. Gd. Latham, H. Action of examinations, p. 8vo. Bell. 10s. Gd. Should be studied by all who wish to understand this subject. Laurie, S. S. Occasional addresses on educational subjects, c. 8vo. Cam- bridge Press. 5s. Theory and biography. ,, The study of language, ex. f. 8vo. Pitt Press. 3s. 6d. Rousseau, J. J. Steeg's extracts from " Emile." Tr. E. Worthington. c. 8vo. IsUster. 3s. Gd. Froebel, F. Education of man. Tr. W. N. Hailmann. c. 8vo. Appleton. Is. Gd. Sully, J. Teacher's handbook of psychology, c. 8vo. Longmans. 6s. Gd. Marenholz-Biilow, B. von. Reminiscences of Froebel. 12mo. (Boston). 7s. Gd. Shirrefi, E. Intellectual education, c. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 6s. III. THEORY AND PRACTICE : Thring, E. Theory and practice of teaching. Ex. f. 8vo. Cambridge Press. 4s. Gd. Page, D. P. Theory and practice of teaching. 12rno. c. 8vo. Barnes (N. T.). Is. Gd. Good book for young teachers. Barnard, H. English pedagogy. 8vo. 2 ser., 17s. Gd. each. Brown and Gross (Hartford). 35s. , , German pedagogy. 8vo. Brown and Gross (Hartford, U.S.). 17s. Gd. Marenholz-Bulow, B. von. The child and child-nature, c. 8vo. Son- nenschein. illus. 3s. Shirreff, E. Kindergarten at home. d. 8vo. W. H. Allen, illus. 6s. Manuals of the science of teaching. Nat. Society. Series i., Science of teaching, 5 parts, 6d. and 8d. each ; series ii., Art of teaching, 6 parts, 6cZ. and 8d. each ; series iii., Advanced subjects, 9 parts, Sd. and lOd. each ; also in 2 vols., 5s. 6d. each vol. i. being series i., ii. ; vol. ii. series iii. Arnold, M. School reports, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 3s. Gd. Fearon, D. R. School inspection, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 2s. Gd. 90 Education GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Education IV. PRACTICE: Fitch, J. G. Lectures on teaching, c. 8vo. Cambridge Press. 5s. Parker, F. W. Talks on teaching. 16mo. Kellogg (New York). 3s. 6^. Excellent short book about elementary teaching. Abbott, J. The teacher. 12mo. Allman. 1833. o.p. Compayre, G. Lectures on teaching. Heath (Boston). IK. Trumbull, H. Clay. Teaching and teachers, p. 8vo. Hodder. 5s. Good book for young teachers. SidgTvick, A. Lecture on stimulus, ex. f. 8vo. Pitt Press. Is. , , Lecture on form discipline, c. 8vo. Rivinytons. Is. Qd. The last two books are excellent lectures based on schoolroom experiences. Calderwood, H. On teaching, ex. f. 8vo. Macmillan. 2s. 6d. Shaw and Donnell. School devices. 16mo. Kellogg (New Yorlt). Laurie, S. S. Language and linguistic method in the school, Cambridge Press. 4s. Geikie, A. Teaching of geography, gl. 8vo. Macmillan. 2s. Landon, J. School management, c. 8vo. Paul. 6. Ascham,R. The scholemaster. Ed. J. E. B. Mayor, p. 8vo. Bell(Bohri). Is. V. MISCELLANEOUS: Craik, H. State and education. (" Eng. Citizen " ser.). c. 8vo. Macmillan. 3s. (Jd. Roberts, R. D. Eighteen years of University extension, c. 8vo. Cam- bridge Press. \s. Mackinder and Sadler. University extension: has it a future? 8vo. Fron-de. Is. Report of a conference on University extension teaching held in Oxford, April, 1887. London Univ. Extension Soc., Charterhouse, E.G. Gd. Vincent, J. H. The Chatauqua movement (home reading), c. 8vo. Hume Reading Union. 5s. VI. REFERENCE, ETC. : , Report of the Royal Commission on elementary education (1861). 6 vols. Eyre. 18s. 3d. ,, School enquiry Commission, 1868 (Endowed schools). 21 vols. Eyre. 68s. 9d. ,, Royal Commission on technical instruction (1881). 5 vols. Eyre. 20s. Wd. ,, Royal Commission on elementary education (1886). 10 vols. Eyre. 59s. All the volumes of these reports are sold separately. Owen, H. Manual of the Education Acts. d. 8vo. Knight. Reprinting. Sonnenschein, A. Foreign education codes, p. 8vo. Sonncnschein. 3s. 6d. Cyclopaedia of education. 8vo. Sonnenschein. 7s. 6d. Hall and Mansfield. Bibliography of education, p. 8vo. Heath (Boston). Is. 6d. PERIODICALS : Journal of Education ; monthly ; general. Educational Times ; monthly ; organ of College of Preceptors. Education; monthly. New York School Journal; weekly (Kellogg) ; 12*. 6d. per annum. School Guardian ; weekly ; organ of National Soc. School Board Chronicle ; weekly. Schoolmaster ; weekly ; organ of elementary teachers. University Extension Journal; monthly (Charterhouse Press). See also the annual reports of the Committee of Council on Education (Eyre), and the list of pamphlets on education issued by the National Technical Association, 11, Dean's-yard. 91 Education GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Egypt EDUCATION IN CANADA, see CANADA II. IN UNITED STATES, see UNITED STATES, HISTORY IX. IN GEEECE, see GREECE, HISTORY III. EGYPT : I. GEOGRAPHY AND DESCRIPTION : Murray's Handbook for Egypt, p. 8vo. Murray 15*. Baedeker's Handbook of Egypt. 12mo. Dulau. 16*. Part i., Lower Egypt, etc. ; part ii., Upper Egypt. Beclus, E. Universal geography, vol. x. i. 8vo. Virtue, illus. 21*. The whole of the Nile basin, the great lake region, Abyssinia, Kordofan, Darfur. Edwards, Amelia B. A thousand miles up the Nile. r. 8vo. Routledge. 7*. Gd. Useful as a guide. Lane, E. W. Modern Egyptians : their manners and customs. Ed. E. S. Poole. c. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 12*. Written during 1825-28, and 1883-85. Villiers-Stuart, H. Egypt after the war (1882). m. 8vo. Murray. 31*. Gd. Wallace, D. M. Egypt and the Egyptian question. 8vo. Macmillan. Us. Bonomi and Sharpe. Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia. 4to. Smith, Elder. illus. pub. 63*. O.P. Zincke, F. B. Egypt of the Pharaohs and of the Khedive, d. 8vo. Smith, Elder, pub. 16,9. O.P. Moberly-Bell, C. F. From Pharaoh to Fellah. 4to. Gardner. 1(5*. II. ARCHEOLOGY: Maspero, G. Egyptian archaeology. Tr. A. B. Edwards, p. 8vo. Grevel. illus. 10*. M. Mariette, A. Monuments of Upper Egypt, p. 8vo. Paul. 7s. Gd. Wilkinson, J. G. Architecture of ancient Egypt. 8vo. (London), illus. pub. 63*. O.P. Poole, R. Stuart. Cities of Egypt, c. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 5s. Perrot and Chipiez. History of art in ancient Egypt. Tr. Armstrong. i. 8vo. 2 vols. Chapman, illus. 42*. Renouf, P. Le Page. Religion of ancient Egypt (Hibbert lectures). Svo. Williams. 10*. (\d. Book of the dead (Papyrus of Ani). fo. British Museum. Sis. Gd. Erman, A. Aegypten und Leben. Svo. 2 vols. (Tubingen). IS*. Wilkinson, J. G. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. Ed. Birch, c. Svo. 2 vols. Murray. 12*. Brugsch, H. History of Egypt. Tr. P. Smith. Svo. 2 vols. Murray. 32*. Maspero, G. Histoire ancienne des peuples de 1'orient. 12mo. (Paris). 5*. Brugsch and Bouriant. Livre des rois. Svo. Vol. i., 23*. (Vienna). Records of the past. Ed. Birch, c. Svo. 12 vols., 3*. Gd. each. Bagster. Vols. ii., iv., vi., viii., x., xii., are on Egypt ; the others on Assyria. O.P., except vols. x., xi., xii. ,, 2nd series. Ed. A. H. Sayce. c. Svo. 4 vols., 4s. Gd. each. Bagster. Vols. ii., iii., iv., mixed. 92 Egypt GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Electricity Lepsius, C. R. Denkmaler aus Aegypten und Aethiopen. e. fo. 12 vols. (Berlin). 1849-60. illus. 33 Rosellini, I. Monumenti dell' Egitto e della Nubia. 8vo. 9 ols. (Pisa). 1832-4. illus. 40*. Champollion, J. F. Monuments de 1'Egypte et de la Nubie. fo. 4 vols. (Paris'). 1835-45. illus. 20 III. LANGUAGE, ANCIENT : For Modern Egyptian, see ARABIA, LANGUAGE. Benouf, P. Le Page. Elementary grammar, c. 4to. Bagstcr. Is. Gd. Rouge, E. de. Chrestomathie egyptienne (Grammar and reading book). 4to. 4 vols. (Paris). 63s. Pierret, P. Vocabulaire hieroglyphique. 8vo. Yiemeg. 50s. Budge, E. A. Sarcophagus of Anchnesraneferab (Reading book). 4to. Nutt. 15s. PERIODICALS, ETC. : Egypt Exploration fund, Paul ; Society of Biblical Archaeology, Triibner; Eevue Egyptologique, 30s. per annum; Recueil de travaux, 30*. per annum (Egyptian and Assyrian archaeology and philology; ; Melanges d'arch^ologie, 10*. per vol. ; Revue de 1'hiatoire des religions, 25. per annum. ; Zeitschrift fiir aegyptische Sprache, 15*. ELECTIONS, see LOCAL GOVERNMENT. ELECTRICITY : I. THEORY: Thompson, S. P. Elementary lessons in electricity and magnetism. f. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. 4s. C,d. Clear, though not masterly. Gerard, E. Lecons sur 1'e'lectricite. 8vo. Gauthier- Villars. Vol. i., 10*. The best work ; not requiring a knowledge of high mathematics. Lodge, 0. T. Modern views of electricity, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 6s. Gd. Maxwell, J. Clerk. Electricity and magnetism, d. 8vo. 2 vols. Clar. Press, illus. 31s. Gd. Thomson, W. Papers on electro-statics and magnetism. 8vo. Macmillan. 18s. Wiedemann, G. Die Lehre von der Electricitat. 8vo. 5 vols. Vieweg. 12.V. Vol. i., 20s. ; vol. ii., 25*. ; vol. iii., 21*. ; vol. iv., 15*. ; vol. v., 21s. The most complete work of reference on the subject. Everett, J. D. Units and constants, (elem.). gl. 8vo. Macmillan. 5s. Gray, A. Theory and practiceof absolute measurements in electricity and magnetism, c. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. Vol. i., 12s. 6d. ,, Absolute measurements in electricity and magnetism, f. 8vo. Macmillan. 5s. (jd. Mascart and Joubert. Electricity and magnetism (mathematical). Tr. G. Atkinson, d. 8vo. 2 vols., 21s. each. De la Rue. illus. 42s. Reports of the committee on electrical standards. (British Assoc.). Including report to Royal Society on units of electric resistance. Issued since 1881 ; 21*. annually. Catalogue of books and papers relating to electricity, magnetism, and electric telegraph. Ed. A. J. Frost. 8vo. Span. 6s. 93 Electricity GUIDE LOOK TO BOOKS. Engineering II. ENGINEERING : Thompson, S. P. Dynamo electric machinery. 8vo. Span. pub. IGs. o.r. Keinpe, H. R. Handbook of electric testing, c. 8vo. Span. 10,v. Hospitaller, E. Formulaire pratique do 1'elcctricien. (Annual). 12mo. (Paris). is. Gd. ,, Modern applications of electricity. Tr. J. Maier. 8vo. 2vols. Paul. 25*-. Swinburne, J. Practical electrical measurements, d. 8vo. Alabaster. o.p. Slingo and Brooker. Electrical engineering, c. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 10s. Gel. Fleming, J. A. The alternate current transformer, d. 8vo. " Electrician " Publishing Co. illus. Vol. i., 7*. 6d. Preece and Sivewright. Telegraphy, c. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 5s. Culley, R. S. Handbook of practical telegraphy. Longmans, illus. !(!.<. Preece and Maiers. Telephone, c. 8vo. Bell, illus. 12*. Gd. EMBEOIDEEY, see NBEDLEWOEK. EMBEYOLOGY, see ZOOLOGY V. EMOTIONS, EXPEESSION OP, see ZOOLOGY. EMPLOYEES' LIABILITY, see ENGLAND, LAW IX. ENAMELLING, see AETISTIC PEOCESSES VII. ENGINEERING : See also BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, HYDEAULICS, HYGIENE, RAILWAYS, STEAM-ENGINE, SUEVEYING. The best and most complete works on applied mechanics, the basis of scientific engineering', are by French authors. The works of the late Professor Rankine are admirable. A certain I. GENERAL: Rankine, W. J. M. Applied mechanics. Ed. W. J. Millar, c. 8Vo. Griffin. illus. 12s. Gil. Comprehensive, but highly condensed, and involves mathematical reasoning of advanced character. Cotterill, J. H. Applied mechanics, m. 8vo. Maemillan. 18*-. Alexander, T. Elementary applied mechanics, part i. c. 8vo. Maemillan. pub. 4s. Gd. O.P. Alexander and Thomson. Elementary applied mechanics, part ii. c. 8vo. Maemillan. 10s. Gd. Weisbach, J. Manual of mechanics of engineering and construction. Tr. E. Coxe. 8vo. 2 vols. Trubner. 81s. Gd. Clebsch, R. A. F. Theorie de 1'elasticite des corps solides. Tr. from the German. 8vo. Dunod. Complete exposition of modern theory. 94 Engineering- GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Engineering Navier and St. Tenant. L'application de la mecanique & 1'etablissement des constructions et des machines. 8vo. Dunod. illus. Vol i., 20*. Course given at L'ecole des Fonts et Chaussees. Contains an interesting historical Bresse, J. A. C. Cours de mecanique appliquee. Svo. 3 vols. Gautltier Villars. Vol. i., 13*. ; vol. ii., 10*. ; vol. iii., o.P. Collignon, E. Cours de mecanique appliquee. Svo. 2 vols., Us. each. Dunod. 22s. Course at IA ! cole des Fonts et Chaussees. Clear and elegant demonstrations. Poncelet, J. V. La me'canique industrielle. Svo. Gauthicr Villars. 10s. Classical hook on " principle of work." Flamant, A. Resistance des mate'riaux. Svo. Baudry. illus. 20s. Graham, R. H. Graphic and analytic statics. Svo. Locliwood. 16s. Clarke, G. S. Graphic statics. 4to. Span. 12s. Gd. Merriman. Graphic statics (roofs and bridges). Svo. Wiley (2\#w YorTt). 12s. Gd. Smith., R. H. Graphics ; part i., with atlas. Svo. Longmans. 15s. Stoney, B. Theory of stresses on girders, r. Svo. Longmans, illus. 36s. Barlow, P. Strength of materials. Ed. Humber. d. Svo. Loclmood. 18s. TJnwin, W. C. Testing of materials of construction. Svo. Longmans. illus. 21s. Rankine, W. J. M. Useful rules and tables, c. Svo. Griffin, illus; 10s. M. Clark, D. K. Manual of rules, tables, and data.. Svo. SlacUe. 16s. Eagles, T. H. Geometry of plane curves, c. Svo. Macmillan. 12s. ,, Descriptive geometry, c. Svo. Scott. 3s. Gd. Rankine, W. J. M. Civil engineering. Ed. W. J. Millar, c. Svo. Griffin, illus. 16s. Mahan, D. Civil engineering. Svo. Span. 21s. Matheson, E. Aid book to engineering enterprise. Svo. Span. 21s. II. REFERENCE AND BIOGRAPHY : Spon's Dictionary of engineering, r. Svo. 4 vols. Sjton. 145s. Wershoven, F. J. Technological dictionary ; English and German. 2 vols. Whitt alter. 5s. Tire, A. Dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines. Svo. i vols. Lang- mans, pub. 147s. O.P. Smiles, S. Lives of the engineers, c. Svo. 5 vols., 7s. Gd. each. Murray. 37s. Gd. Helps, A. Life and labours of T. Brassey. p. Svo. Sell and Daldy. 10s. Gd. Brunei, I. Life of I. K. Brunei. Svo. Longmans, pub. 21s. O.P. Fairbairn, William, life of ; partly an autobiography. Completed by W. Pole. Svo. Longmans, pub. 18s. O.P. Smiles, S. Life of James Nasmyth. Svo. Murray. Is. Gd. Pole, W. Life of Sir William Siemens. Svo. Murray. 16s. Smiles, S. Life of George Stephenson, with memoir of Robert Stephenson, c. Svo. Murray, illus. 7s. 6d. 95 Engineering GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England Jeaflreson, J. C. Life of Robert Stephenson. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans. pub. 32*. O.P. Smiles, S. Life of Telford. c. 8vo. Murray, illus. Is. Gd. Muirhead, J. P. Life of James Watt. 8vo. Murray. O.P. of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, in the journals of the Society of Mechanical Engineers and of the Iron and Steel Institute, and in Van Noitrand'i Magazine. Engineering, published weekly, is perhaps the chief periodical. ENGLAND: GEOGRAPHY: I. GENERAL : Reclus, E. Universal geography, vol. iv. i. 8vo. Virtue. 21*. Ramsay, A. C. Physical geology and geography of Great Britain, p. 8vo. Stanford, illus. Is. Gd. Contains geological map. Our own country, ex. c. 4to. 6 vols., Is. Gd. each. Cassell. illus. 45*. Jukes-Browne, A. J. The building of the British Isles, p. 8vo. Sell. illus. 7*. Gd. Geikie, A. Elementary geography of the British Isles. 18mo. Macmillan. 1*. Bartholomew, J. Gazetteer of the British Isles, r. 8vo. Longmans, pub. 36*. O.P. Richard, J. R., and A. S. Short geography of the British islands, f. 8vo. Macmillan. 3*. Gd. On the whole the best text-book. II. TOPOGRAPHY: Baddeley's Thorough guide series. Ed. Baddeley and Ward. 12mo. Dulau. English Lake District. 5s. : North Devon and North Cornwall, 3s. 6d. ; South Devon and South Cornwall, 4s. ; Peak District 2s. 6d. ; Eastern Counties, 2s. 6d. In course of publication. Specially valuable for their numerous excellent maps, and the clear- ness and minuteness of their directions. Murray's Handbook for England and Wales, p. 8vo. 12*. ,, English handbooks, p. 8vo. Murray. Eastern Counties, 12s. : Kent, 7*. 6d. ; Sussex, 6s. ; Surrey and Hants, 10s. ; Berks, Bucks, and Oxon, 9s. ; Wilts, Dorset, and Somerset, 12s. : Devon, 7s. Gd. ; Cornwall, 6s. ; Gloucester, Hereford, and Worcester, 9s. ; Northampton and Rutland, Is. 6d. ; Derby, Notts, Leicester, and Stafford, 9s. ; Shropshire and Cheshire, Gs. ; Lancashire, 7s. 6d. ; Yorkshire, lit.; Lincolnshire, Durham, and Northumberland, 9s.; Westmoreland and Cumberland, 7s. 6d. ; Warwickshire (in preparation) ; Herts, Hunts, and Beds preparation). Stanford's Tourist's guides, f. 8vo. Stanford. Contain all that the majority of tourists want to know. Beds, Berks, Cambridge, Corn- wall and Scilly Islands, Derbyshire, North Devon, South Devon, Dorset, Essex, Gloucester- shire, Hants, Kent, Lake District, Norfolk, Somerset, Surrey, Sussex, Warwickshire, Wilts, Worcestershire, Yorks, North and East Riding, West Riding, 2s. each. Devonshire, 3*. 6d. Anderson, J. Book of British topography, i. 8vo. Satcliell. pub. 18*. O.P. A bibliography to be consulted whenever the names of books on special localities are needed. ENGLAND : HISTORY : I. GENERAL HISTORIES: Green, J. R. Short history of the English people, c. Svo. Macmillan. (elem.) 8*. Gd. Bright, J. F. History of England, c. Svo. 4 vols. Rivington. (elem.). 23*. Vol. i. (449-1485), 4. 6d. ; vol. ii. (1485-1688), 5s.; vol. iii. (1689-1837), 7s. d. ; yol. ir. (1887-80), 6s. More facts than Green. 96 England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England Green, J. R. History of the English people. 8vo. 4 TO!S., 16*. each. MacmUlan. 64*. Pauli, R. Geschichte von England (to 1509). 8vo. 5 vols. (Gotha). 48*. Tlie fullest general history of the medieval period. langard, J. History of England (to 1689). 10 vols. Nimmo. 105*. By a fair-minded Roman Catholic. Kennett. Complete history of England (to 1701). fo. 3 vols. (London). 1719. O.P. A valuable collection containing Buck's Richard III., Bacon's Henry VII., Herbert's Henry VIII., Godwin's Mary, Camden's Elizabeth and James I. ; the third volurao of Bishop Kennett is valuable for miscellaneous information. Carte, T. History of England (to 1654). fo. 4 vols. 1747-5; 1 ). O.P. The best of the older histories. Knight, C. Popular history of England. 8vo. 8 vols. Bradbu ry and Evans. O.P. II. SPECIAL PERIODS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER : Elton, C. Origins of English history. 8vo. QuaritcJt. 21*. Bhys, J. Celtic Britain, f. 8vo. S. P. C. K. 3* Scarth, H. M. Roman Britain, f. 8vo. S. P. C. K. 2s. Gd. "Wright, T. Celt, Roman, and Teuton, c. 8vo. Triibncr. illus. 9s. Freeman, E. A. Old English history. ex. f. 8vo. MacmUlan. (elem.) 6*. Green, J. R. Making of England. 8vo. MacmUlan. 16*. ,, Conquest of England. 8vo. MacmUlan. 18*. Freeman, E. A. History of the Norman conquest, d. 8vo. 6 vols. Clar. Press. 109*. Gd. Vol. i., ii., 36*. ; iii., 21*. ; iv., 21*. ; v., 21*. ; vi., 10*. 6cZ. ,, Reign of William Ruf us. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 36*. Norgate, Miss K. England under the Angevin Kings. 8vo. 2 vols. MacmUlan. illus. 32* Stubbs, W. The early Plantagenets. f. 8vo. Longmans, (elem.) 2s. Gd. Archer, T. A. Crusade of Richard I. 16mo. Nutt. 2s. Hutton, W. H. Misrule of Henry III. 16mo. Nutt. 1* ,, Simon de Montfort and his cause. 16mo. Nutt. Is The three last are selections from the Chronicles. Prothero, G. W. The life of Simon de Montfort. c. 8vo. Longmans. pub. 6*. O.P. Seeley, R. B. Life and reign of Edward I. 8vo. Seeley. 6*. "Longman, W. Life and times of Edward III. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans. 28*. "Wallon, H. Richard II. 8vo. 2 vols. Hachette. 12*. Gd. "Wylie, J. H. England under Henry IV. c. 8vo. Longmans. 10*. Gd. Vol. i. only, from 1399 to 1404. Tyler, J. E. Life of Henry of Monmouth. 8vo. 2 vols. 1838. O.P. Gairdner, J. Houses of Lancaster and York. f. 8vo. Longmans, (elem.) 2*. Gd. ,, Life and reign of Richard III. c. 8vo. Longmans. 10*. Gd. ,, Henry VII. c. 8vo. MacmUlan. (elem.) 2s. Gd. Brewer, J. S. Reign of Henry VIII. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 30*. To 1530. Creighton, M. Cardinal Wolsey. (elem.) MacmUlan. 97 England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England Friedmann, P. Anne Boleyn. 8vo. 2 vols. Macmillan. Gasquet. Henry VIII. and the English Monasteries. 2 vols. Hodges. 24,. Creighton, M. Age of Elizabeth, f. 8vo. Longmans, (elem.) 2s. 6d. Froude, J. A. England from 1530 to 1588. c. 8vo. 12 vols., 3s. 6d. each,, Longmans. 42s. Brosch, M. Geschichte von England. 8vo. (Gotlia). 13*. Continuation of Pauli, embracing the Tudor period. Devereux, W. B. Lives of the Devereux, Earls of Essex. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. o.l>. The Earls of Essex were important under Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I. Spedding, J. Life of Francis Bacon. 8vo. 2 vols. Trubncr. 21s. A mass of information about the end of Elizabeth and James I. Gardiner, S. R. History of England, 1603-1640. c. 8vo. 10 vols., 6s. each. Longmans. 60s. ,, History of the great civil war. 8vo. Longmans. Vol. i., 21. ; vol. ii., 24. Beaching to 1G47. Carlyle, T. Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches, d. 8vo. 5 vols., 9s. each. Chapman. 45s. Harrison, F. Oliver Cromwell, c. 8vo. Macmillan. (elem.) 2s. &d Palgrave, R. F. D. Oliver Cromwell the Protector, c. 8vo. Lorn. 10s. 6(7. Latest attack on Cromwell. Gardiner, S. R. The first two Stuarts, and the Puritan Revolution (1603- 1660). (elem.) f. 8vo. Longmans. . 2s. Gd. Clarendon. History of the Great Rebellion. Ed. Macray. c. 8vo. 6 vols. Clar. Press. 45s. Masson, D, Life of Milton. 6 vols. Macmillan. Tol. i. f vi., 21. each; vol. ii., O.P.; vol. iii., 18s.; vol. iv., v., 2. Full of information about the intellectual movements of the Great Rebellion. Hanke, L. von. History of England, principally in the 17th century. d. 8vo. 6 vols. Clar. Press. 63s. Especially valuable for foreign relations. Burnet, G. History of his own times (1660-1713). 6 vols. Clar. Press. O.P. A contemporary narrative of great value. Coxe, W. Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough. p. 8vb. 3 vols., 3*. &d. each. Sell, illus. 10s. Grf. With a useful atlas of campaigns. Diary of Samuel Pepys (1659-1669). Ed. Braybrooke. p. 8vo. 4 vols., 5s. each. Sell (Bohri). 20s. Fuller edition. Ed. Bright. Diary of John Evelyn (1620-1706). Ed. W. Bray. p. Svo. 4 vols., 5*. each. Bell (Bohn). illus. 20s. Hacaulay, T. B. History of England (from James II. to 1701). 8vo. 5 vols. Iionffmans. 80s. Also cheaper editions. Christie, W. D. Life of the first Earl of Shaftesbury. 2 vols. Macmillan. o.p. Harrop, R. Bolingbroke. 8vo. Paul. o.r. Wyon, F. W. Reign of Queen Anne. Svo. 2 vols. Chapman, pub. 32s. o.r. Coxe, W. Memoirs of Sir R. Walpole. Svo. (London). 1789. o.n. Lecky, W. E. H. England in the 18th century. Svo. 8 vols., 18s. each. Longmans. 144s. 98 England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England Stanhope, Lord. History of England, 1713-1783. p. 8vo. 9 vols., 5*. each. Murray. 45s. Harvey, Lord. Memoirs of the reign of George II. Sentley. 1848. O.P. Walpole, H. Memoirs of the reign of George III. 8vo. 4 vols. Sentley. 1845. O.P. Thackeray, F. Life of Lord Chatham. 4to. 2 vols. 1827. O.P. Massey, W. England during the reign of George III. f. 8vo. 4 vols. Longmans, pub. 24*. O.P. Thackeray, W. M. The four Georges, c. 8vo. Smith, Elder, illus. 10*. Gtl. E-ussell, Earl. Life of Fox. p. 8vo. 3 vols., 12s. each. Bentley. pub. 36s. O.P. Stanhope, Lord. Life of William Pitt. 8vo. 3 vols. Murray. 36*. Morley, J. Edmund Burke, g. 8vo. Macmillan. 5s. Macknight, T. Life and times of Burke. 8vo. 3 vols. Chapman. pub. 50s. O.P. Martineau, Harriet. History of England 1800-1815. p. 8vo. Sell. 3*. Gd. History of the thirty years' peace 1816-1846. p. 8vo. 4 vols., 3s. Qd. each. Sell (Bohri). 14s. Walpole, S. History of England 1815-1858. c. 8vo. 6 vols., 6s. each. Longmans. 36s. Stapleton, A. George Canning and his times. 8vo. J. W. Parker. O.P. Cory, W. Guide to modern English history 1815-1835. d. 8vo. 2 vols. Paul. 24s. Vol. i., 9. ; vol. ii., 15. Epigrammatic and amusing. McCarthy, J. History of our own times, d. 8vo. 4 vols., 12s. each. Chatto. 48s. Also at 6. each. Greville, C. C. F. Journals of the reigns of George IV., William IV., and Victoria, c. 8vo. 8 vols., 6s. each. Longmans. 48s. Martin, T. Life of the Prince Consort, d. 8vo. 5 vols., 18s. each. Smith, Elder, illus. 90s. Also in 1 vol., 4*. 6d. Ward, T. H. Reign of Queen Victoria, d. 8vo. 2 vels. Smith, Elder. 32s. Essays by various writers on the progress shown during the reign. Balling and Ashley. Life of Lord Palmerston. d. 8vo. 5 vols. Sentley. 75s. Vol. i., ii.. 80. ; vol. iii., 15. ; vol. iv., v., 80s. Also in 2 vols., 12. each. Walpole, S. Life of Earl Russell, p. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans. 12s. III. CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY: See also ENGLAND, LAW II. Ransome, C. Rise of constitutional government, c. 8vo. Rivingtons. (elem.) 6s. Taswell-Langmead, T. P. English constitutional history. 8vo. Stevens and Hay lies. 21s. A general compilation. Stubbs, W. Constitutional history of England to 1485. c. 8vo. 3 vols., 12s. each. Clar. Press. 36s. Earle, J. Handbook to land charters and other Saxon documents, c. 8vo. Clar. Press. 16s. 99 H 2 England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England Stubbs, W. Select charters, c. Svo. War. Press. 8*. Gd. Contains the chief documents of importance up to 1320. Hallam, H. Constitutional history of England. Svo. 3 vols. Murray. 30*. Henry VII. to George II. Also cheaper editions. Gardiner, S. R. Constitutional documents of the Commonwealth, c. Svo. Clar. Press. 9*. May, T. E. Constitutional history of England, c. Svo. 3 vols. Longmans. 18s. From George III. Gneist, R. History of the English constitution. Tr. P. A. Ashworth. d. Svo. 2 vols. domes. 32*. ,, History of the English Parliament. Tr. A. II. Keane. d. Svo. Clones. Is. Gd. Todd, A. Parliamentary government in England. Svo. 2 vols. Longmans. pub. 54*. O.P. An account of the actual doings of Parliament since George III. Vol. i., 21. ; vol. ii., 30*. Dicey, A. V. Law of the constitution. Svo. Macmillan. 12*. Gd. Bagehot, W. The English constitution, c. Svo. Paul. 7*. Gd. A survey of the constitution at present. Anson, W. R. Law and custom of the constitution, d. Svo. Part i., 10*. Gd. Clar. Press. IV. ADMINISTRATION: Dowell, S. History of taxes and taxation in England. Svo. 4 vols. Longmans, 42*. Hall, H. History of the Customs revenue of England, d. Svo. 2 vols. Stock. 21*. Campbell, Lord. Lives of the Lord Chancellors, c. Svo. 10 vols., 6*. each. Murray. 60*. ,, Lives of the Chief Justices. c.Svo. 4 vols., 6*. each. Murray. 24*. Toss, E. The Judges of England. Svo. 9 vols. Murray. O.P. Eaton, Dorman B. Civil Service in Great Britain. Svo. Harper. 12*. Gd. V. SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND INDUSTRIAL: Hall, H. Court life under the Plantagenets. SonnenscJieln. illus. 10*. Gd. Browne, M. Chaucer's England, p. Svo. 2 vols. Blackctt. O.P. Jusserand, J. J. Wayfaring life in England in the 14th century. Tr. L. T. Smith. Svo. Unrvln. illus. 12*. Denton, W. England in the 15th century, d. Svo. Bell. 12*. Thornbury, W. Shakespeare's England, c. Svo. 2 vols. Longmans. O.P. . Hall, H. Society in the Elizabethan age. Svo. Sonnensclicin. 10*. Gd. Bourne, H. R. Fox. English seamen under the Tudors. Svo. 2 vols. Bentley. o.r. Dyer, T. F. British popular customs, p. Svo. Bell (Bolm). 5*. Ashton, J. Social life in the reign of Queen Anne. c. Svo. Cliatto illus. 7*. Gd. "Wright, T. England under the House of Hanover. Svo. 2 vols. Bentley. 1848. O.P. 100 England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England Ashton, J. The dawn of the 19th century, c. 8vo. Unrein. 10*. Gd. Cunningham. W. Growth of English industry and commerce during the early and middle ages. d. 8vo. Cambridge Press. ' 16*. Ashley, W. J. English economic history and theory. Longmans. Vol. i. (Middle Ages) issued. 5. Rogers, J. E. T. Six centuries of work and wages, d. 8vo. Sonnenschein. 15*. ,, History of agriculture and prices in England (1259-1793). d. 8vo. 6 vols. Clar. Press. 142s. Vols. i. and ii., 42s. ; iii. and iv., 50. ; v. and vi., 50. Seebohm, F. The English village community. 8vo. Longmans. 16*. Gross, C. The gild merchant. 8vo. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 24*. Macpherson, D. Annals of commerce. 4to. 4 vols. (London). 1805. o.p. Eden, F. M. State of the poor. 4to. 3 vols. (London). 1797. O.P. Popular county histories. A series now in progress, d. 8vo. Is. 6d. each. Stock. Norfolk (W. Bye); Derbyshire (J. Pendleton); Devon (R. N. Worth); Berkshire (C. Cooper King) ; Warwickshire (S. Timmins) ; Cumberland (R. S. Ferguson). Historic towns. A series now in progress. c. 8vo. 3*. 6d. each. Longmans. Exeter (E. A. Freeman); Bristol (W. Hunt); London (W. J. Loftie); Oxford (C. W. Boase); Colchester (E. L. Cutts) ; Cinque Ports (Montagu Burrows); Carlisle (M.Creighton). VI. REFERENCE, COLLECTIONS, ETC. : Annals of England, d. 8vo. Jos. Parker. 12*. An excellent text-book for students. (Also in five parts, 1. 6d. each.) Acland and Ransome. Handbook of the political history of England. c. 8vo. Rivingtons. 6*. Chronological tables. Gardiner and Mullinger. Introduction to the study of English history. 1. c. 8vo. Paul. 9*. General sketch with account of the authorities. Dictionary of English history, r. 8vo. Cassell. (elem.) 10*. &d. Gairdner, J. Early chronicles of England, c. 8vo. S. P. C. K. (elem.) 4*. Doyle, J. E. Official baronage of England. 8vo. 3 vols. Longmans. illus. 105*. A valuable record of English noble families and the descent of titles. Dictionary of national biography. Ed. Leslie Stephen, d. 8vo. 15*. each. Smith, Elder. In course of publication ; with full references to all sources of information. Parry, C. H. Parliaments of England. 8vo. Murray. 1839. O.P. A handbook to Parliaments. ,, Parliamentary history of England to 1803 r. 8vo. 36 vols. (London). 1806-20. O.P. Chronicles of Great Britain, r. 8vo. 10*. each. Record Office. Published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. Calendar of State papers, i. 8vo. 15*. each. Record Office. Published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. SEE ALSO Publications of the Camden Society; Reports of the historical MSS. Com- mission; English Historical Review (quarterly, 5.). 101 England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England ENGLAND: LAW: See also LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Law books are very unlike other books, and the subject matter of legal literature is a constantly growing and changing one; hence a select list of books can be taken by the professed student of law merely as hints towards the art of using the resources of a law consult a legal friend. In default of that counsel such a list as the present may possibly help them. Law books are always quoted among lawyers by the shortest form of the title which will identify the book. This professional usage has here been followed. As a rule books of earlier date than Blackstone's Commentaries are not included, nor books of practice, unless amounting in fact and in use to text-books of substantive law. T. GENERAL AND HISTORY : Blackstone, W. Commentaries on the laws of England. full, is quite easily procurable for a Kent, J. Commentaries on American law. 8vo. 4 vols. (Low'). 100s. With notes by O. W. Holmes, Junr. A classical work, not nearly so much used in England Stephen, H. J. New commentaries on the laws of England. 8vo. 4 vols. Butternortli. 84*. Beeves, J. History of the English law. Ed. Finlason. 8vo. 3 vols. Reeves. o.p. Old editions are quite as useful, and not scarce. Brunner, H. The sources of the law of England (with bibliographical appendix by translator). Tr. W. Hustle, c. 8vo. Clarli. 2s. Gd. Holmes, O. W., Jun. The common law. 8vo. Macmillan. 12s. Broom, H. Commentaries on the common law. Ed. Archibald and Green. 8vo. Sweet and Maxwell. 25s Maitland, F. W. Justice and police (" English Citizen " ser.). c. Svo. Macmillan. 3s. Gd. II. EARLY AND CONSTITUTIONAL : /See also ENGLAND, HISTORY III. Dugdale, W. Origines juridiciales. fo. 3rd ed. 1680. The source of almost all the current information on English legal antiquities. Essays in Anglo-Saxon law. m. Svo. Macmillan. 18s. Bigelow, M. M. Placita Anglo-Normannica. Svo. Lorn. 18s. ,, History of procedure in England. Svo. Macmillan. Pleas of the Crown for the County of Gloucester. Ed. F. W. Maitland. Svo. Macmillan. 7s. Gd. Select Pleas of the Crown (Selden Society). Ed. Maitland. Quaritcli. o.p. Select Pleas in Manorial Courts (Selden Society). Ed. Maitland. Quaritcli. O.P. Bracton's note book. Ed. Maitland. d. Svo. ' 3 vols. Cambridge Press. 63s. Forsyth, W. Cases and opinions on constitutional law. r. Svo. Stevens and Haynes. 30s. Broom, H. Leading cases on constitutional law. Sweet and Maxwell. 25s. Gd. Traill, H. D. Central government ("English Citizen" ser.). c. Svo. Macmillan. 3s. Gd. Hearn, W. E. The government of England. Svo. Longmans. !(>.<. 102 England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Broom, H. Constitutional law. Ed. G. O. Denman. 8vo. Maxwell. May, T. E. Law Buttermorth. privileges, and proceedings of Parliament. 8v -III. CKIMINAL: Stephen, J. F. Digest of the criminal law. 8vo. Maemillan. , , Digest of the law of criminal procedure. 8vo. Maemillan. ,, History of the criminal law of England. 8vo. 3 vols. Maemillan. ,, General view of the criminal law. 8vo. Maemillan. Bussell, W. 0. Crimes and misdemeanours. Ed. S. Prentice, r. 8vo. 3 vols. Stevens. An exhaustive book of reference. Archbold. Pleading and evidence in criminal cases. Ed. Bruce, r. 12mo. Srvcct and Maxwell. Hoscoe. Digest of fehe law of evidence in criminal cases. Ed. Smith. r. 12mo. Stevens. " Archbold " and " Roscoe," notwithstanding their titles, deal largely with substantive law. Wright, R. S. Law of criminal conspiracies and agreements. 8vo. Buttem-ortn. Pollock and Wright. Possession in the common law. d. 8vo. Clar. Press. Contains full discussion of the law of theft. Du Cane, E. F. The punishment and prevention of crime ("English Citizen " ser.). c. 8vo. Maemillan. Pike, L. O. History of crime in England. 8vo. 2 vols. Smith, Elder. IV. REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY : Coke. Commentary on Littleton. Ed. Hargrave and Butler. 8vo. (London). 1823. There is a critical edition of Littleton's French text, by Tomlin (1811). Baleigh, T. Outline of the law of property, d. 8vo. Clar. Press. Smith and Trustram. Compendium of the law of real and personal property. d. 8vo. 2 vols. Stevens. Digby, K. E. History of the law of real property. 8vo. Clar. Press. Pollock, F. Land laws (" English Citizen " ser.). c. 8vo. Maemillan. Challis, H. W. Law of real property. "Williams, J. Principles of the law of real property. Ed. T. C. Williams. 8vo. Snseet and Maxwell. ,, Principles of the law of personal property. Ed. T. C. Williams. d. 8vo. Sweet and Maxwell. , , Rights of common, etc. 8vo. Sweet and Maxwell. Scrutton, T. E. Commons and common fields, d. 8vo. Cambridge Press. Hood and Challis. Conveyancing and settled land acts. r. 8vo. Beeves. Edwards, W. D. Compendium of the law of property in land. 8vo. Leake, S. M. Digest of the law of property in land. d. 8vo. 2 vols. Stevens and Hayncs. Elton, C. Copyholds and customary tenures. 8vo. Wildy. Scriven, J. Copyhold and law of manors. Ed. A. Brown. 8vo. Butter- worth. 103 England 31*. Gd. 48s. 16s. 12s. Gd. 48s. 14s. 115s, Gd. 31s. Gd. 31s. 6d. O.P. 8s. Gd. as. Gd. O.P. O.P. 7s. Gd. 42s. 10s. Gd. 21s. 14s. 10s. Gd. 15s. 20s. 44s. 20s. England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England Woodfall, W. Landlord and tenant. Ed. J. M. Lely. r. 8vo. Street and Maxwell. 38*. Pollock and Wright. Possession in the common law. d. 8vo. Clar. Press. 8$. G.I. Gale, C. J. Law of easements. Ed. Cave. r. 8vo. Sweet and Maxwell. 26*. Qoddard, J. L. Law of easements, d. 8vo. Stevens. 21*. Shelf or d, L. Heal property statutes. Ed. T. Carson. Sweet ana Maxwell. New edition in press. Dart, J. H. Vendors and purchasers of real estate. Ed. Barber, etc. r. 8vo. 2 vols. Stevens. 75*. Fry, E. Specific performance, r. 8vo. Butterworth. 3G*.. Tudor, 0. D. Leading cases on real property, r. 8vo. Butterworth. 52*. Gd. V. TRUSTS, SETTLEMENTS, AND FAMILY RELATIONS : Godefroi, H. Digest of the principles of the law of trust and trustees. d. 8vo. Stevens. 2Ls-. Lewin, J. Law of trusts. Ed. F. Lewin. r. 8vo. Sweet and Maxwell. 42*. Ellis, A. L. Trustees' guide to investments. 12mo. 3*. 6d. Smith, J. W. Manual of equity jurisprudence. Ed. Trustram. 12mo. Stevens. 12*. ft*. Vaizey, J. S. Settlements of property, r. 8vo. 78#. , , Investment of trust money, d. 8vo. 9*- Mainly extracted from the author's larger work on settlements. Williams, R. V. Executors and administrators. Ed. Williams, r. 8vo. 2 vols. Stevens. In preparation. Croswell, S. Executors and administrators. 8vo. (Boston). 31*. Gd. Macqueen, P. J. Husband and wife. Ed. Russell, r. 8vo. Sweet and Maxwell. 25s. Simpson, A. J. Infants. 8vo. Stevens and Ilaynes. 22*. Schooler, J. Law of the domestic relations. 8vo (Boston). 31*. Gd. Eversley, W. P. Law of the domestic relations, r. 8vo. Stevens and Haynes. 52*. Gd. VI. COPYRIGHT, PATENTS, ETC. : Copinger, W. A. Law of copyright. 8vo. Stevens and Ilaynes. 30*. Shortt, J. Law of literature and art. d. 8vo. Reeves and Turner. 30*. Scrutton, T. E. Law of copyright. 8vo. Clowes. New and re-cast edition. More concise than the foregoing. Aston, T. Patents, designs, and trade marks, r. 8vo. Stevens. 6*. Daniel, E. M. Patents, designs, and trade marks. 8vo. 8*. Gd. Mushet, R. S. Law of trade marks, c. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 5*. VII. CONTRACT: Anson, W. R. Principles of the English law of contract, d. 8vo. Clar. Press. 12*. Gd. Addison, C. G. Contracts. Ed. H. Smith, r. 8vo. Stevens. 50*. Chitty. Contracts. Ed. Lely and Geary, r. 8vo. 30*. Chitty has been more lately re-edited than Addison. 104 England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England Leake, S. M. Elementary digest of the law of contracts, d. 8vo. Stevens. 38*. An excellent book, but hardly elementary in the ordinary sense. Hare, J. Clark. Law of contracts. 8vo. Lorn. 26s. Pollock, F. Principles of contract, d. 8vo. Stevens. 28s. Langdell. C. C. Summary of the law of contracts. 12mo. (Boston). 12*. Qd. Finch, G. B. Selection of cases on the English law of contracts, r. 8vo. Cambridge Press. 28s. A selection of original authorities (not annotated) to be studied concurrently with a text-book. VIII. COMMERCIAL: Smith, J. Mercantile law. Ed. J. Macdonell. r. 8vo. 2 vols. Stevens. 42s. With new historical introduction. Story, J. Agency. 8vo. Lore. 35s. A classical work in England as well as America. Benjamin, J. P. Sale of personal property. Ed. Pearson and Boyd. r. 8vo. Sweet and Maxwell. 38s. Blackburn, Lord. Contract of sale (of goods). Ed. J. C. Graham, r. 8vo. Stevens. 21s. Benjamin and Blackburn cover the same ground to some extent, but a good lawyer ought to Ker, W. C. Digest of the law of sale of goods. 8vo. Reeves and Turner. Gs. Concise and handy. Chalmers, J. Sale of goods, d. 8vo. 10s. Codified digest ; somewhat fuller than Ker. ,, Digest of the law of bills of exchange, d. 8vo. Stevens. IGs. Maude and Pollock. Merchant shipping, r. 8vo. 2 vols. Sweet and Maxwell. 70s. Maclachlan, D. Merchant shipping, r. 8vo. Sweet and Maxwell. 40s. Arnould, J. Marine insurance. Ed. Maclachlan. r. 8vo. 2 vols. Stevens. GOs. Tudor, 0. D. Leading cases on mercantile and maritime law. r. 8vo. 2 vols. Stevens. 42s. Lindley, Lord. Partnership, r. 8vo. Sweet and Maxwell. 35s. The fifth edition of " Lindley on Partnership," re-cast in 2 vols., each complete in itself. ,, Company law. r. 8vo. 50s. 6d. Pollock, F. Digest of the law of partnership, d. 8vo. Stevens. 7s. Gd. Incorporating Partnership Act, 1890. Buckley, H. B. Companies Acts. r. 8vo. Stevens and Haynes. 32s. Palmer and Macnaghten. Company precedents, r. 8vo. Stevens. 34s. IX. CIVIL WRONGS : Bigelow, M. M. Elements of the law of torts, c. 8vo. Cambridge Press. 10s. Gd. Addison, C. G. Wrongs and their remedies. Ed. Smith, r. 8vo. Stevens. 38s. Pollock, F. Law of torts. 8vo. Stevens. 21s. Cooley, T. M. Law of torts. 8vo. (Chicago). 35s. Bigelow, M. M. Leading cases on the law of torts. 8vo. (Boston). 31s. Gd. Roberts and Wallace. Duty and liability of employers. 8vo. Reeves and Turner. 15s. Beven, T. Negligence, r. 8vo. Stevens and Haynes. 42s. Campbell, R. Negligence. 8vo. Stevens and Haynes. 12s. Smith, H. Negligence, d. 8vo. Stevens. 12*. Gd. Odgers, W. B. Libel and slander, r. 8vo. Steve-ns. 32s. 105 England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England X. LAW OF EVIDENCE : Taylor, J. Pitt. Law of evidence, r. Svo. Sweet and Maxwell. 75*. Exhaustive. Stephen, J. F. Digest of the law of evidence, c. Svo. Macmillan. 6*. Concise. Best, W. Principles of evidence. Ed. J. M. Lely. r. Svo. Sweet and Maxwell. 32*. Bigelow, M. M. Law of estoppel. Svo. Low. 31*. (\<1. Wharton, F. Evidence in civil cases. Svo. 2 vols. (Philadelphia). 63*. ,, Evidence in criminal cases. Svo. (Philadelphia). 35*. Greenleaf, S. Treatise on evidence. Svo. 3 vols. Low. Six. XI. SPECIAL JURISDICTIONS : Story, J. Equity jurisprudence. Ed. Bigelow. Svo. 2 vols. Low. 73*. fi^. Spence, G. Equitable jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery. o.t>. Easily accessible ; still of great historical value. Langdell. Equity pleading. Svo. (Cambridge, U.S.). 15*. Phillimore, R. Ecclesiastical law. Ed. Sir W. Phillimore. Svo. 2 vols. Srveet and Maxwell. 30*. Williams and Bruce. Admiralty practice. Svo. Sweet and Maxivell. 35*. Thring and others. Manual of military law (official). Eyre. 2s. Gd. XII. REFERENCE : Fisher's digest (with consolidated and annual supplements). Ed. Mews and others, r. Svo. 7 vols. Sweet and Maxwell. 12 12*. Fisher's Digest and the Equity Index are the working lawyer's guides to the great bulk of modern law contained in reported cases. The Digest to the Lam Reports contains only cases reported in the Law Reports from 1865 onwards. Chitty's" Equity Index." Ed. Hirst, r. Svo. 9 vols. Stevens. 1212*. Vol. i., ii., iii. v., vi., vii., viii., 31s. Gd. each ; vol. iv., 42. ; vol. ix., " Names of cas< Digest to the law reports (Annual). Ed. Emden and Thompson. Clowes. rer-ruled. r. Svo. Stevens. Ed. E. V. Williams, r. Svo. Dale and Lehmann. Digest of cases c "Williams' notes to Saunders' reports. Reeves and Turner. Smith's leading cases. Ed. Collins and Arbuthnot. r. Svo. Stveet and Maxwell. Both Williams', Saunders' and Smith's Leading cases are commentaries which have authoritative as it is possible for modern law books to be. The contents are made available by full indexes. About (5*. 50*. r. Svo. 2 vols. Sweet Leading cases in equity. Ed. White and Tudor. and Maxwell. Wallace. The reporters. Ed. Heard. Svo. (Boston). A bibliographical and antiquarian classic. Sweet. Catalogue of modern law books. Sweet. Soule. Lawyer's reference manual of law books and citations. Svo. Soule (Boston). Useful as genera guides to legal bibliography, customary abbreviations in citing text-books and reports, etc. Soule is naturally fuller as regards American law reports and literature, and is altogether the more elaborate work. An annual continuation of Sweet's catalogue was pro- jected, but not carried out. 106 84*. 30*. England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England Foss, E. Biographia juridica (a biographical dictionary of the judges of England). 8vo. Murray. 21*. Tabulae curiales. Murray. O.r. A most useful handbook of judicial chronology. ENGLAND: LITERATURE : See also ANGLO-SAXON. I. HISTORY AND CRITICISM : Craik, G. L. History of English literature, r. Svo. 2 vols. Griffin. 25*. Taine, H. History of English literature. Tr. c. 8vo. 4 vols. Chatto. 30*. Also in two vols., 15s. Arnold, T. Manual of English literature, p. Svo. Longmans. 7*. (>$. Gd. Craik, H. Life of Swift. Svo. Murray. 18,?. Thackeray, W. M. The English humorists of the 18th century. 1. Svo. Smith, Elder, illus. 10s. Gd. Also at 3*. Gd., and in cheaper editions. VII. 1740-90. AGE OF DR. JOHNSON : Johnson, S. Lives of the poets. Ed. Mrs. Napier, c. Svo. 3 vols., 3s. Gd. each. Sell (Bohn). 10s. Gd. Boswell, J. Selected essays. Ed. Reid. ISmo. Scott. Is. ,, Life of Johnson. Ed. Croker. m. Svo. Murray. 12s. Goldsmith, 0. Works, c. Svo. 5 vols., 3s. Gd. each. Sell (Sohn). 17s. Gd. Also " Globe " edition. Macmillan. 3s. (id. Forster, J. Life of Oliver Goldsmith, d. Svo. 2 vols. Ward. 10s. Also cheaper edition at 2. Burke, E. Select works. Ed. Payne, ex. f. Svo. 3 vols. Clar. Press. 14s. Gd. Richardson, S. Works. Svo. 12 vols. (calf). Sotheran. pub. 12Gs. O.P. Fielding, H. Works. Svo. 5 vols. Routledge. 25s. Alsor.Svo. Sell. 14s. Smollett, T. Works. Svo. G vols. Routledge. 30s. Alsor.Svo. Sell. Us. Sterne, L. Works. Ed. J. P. Brown. 4 vols. Sotheran. pub. 94s. Gd. O.P. Also Nimmo, 5. ; and Routledge, Ss. fid. TraUl, H. D. Sterne (" Eng. Men of Letters " ser.). c. Svo. Macmillan. Is. Gd. Hume, D. Philosophical works. Svo. 4 vols. Longmans. 5(js. ,, Essays. Svo. Warm. 3s. Gd. Huxley, T. H. Hume (" Eng. Men of Letters " ser.). c. Svo. Macmillan. Is. Gd. Smith, Adam. Wealth of nations. Ed. Rogers. Svo. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 21s. Alsoc.Svo. Routledge. 8. 6d. Sheridan, R. B. Works. Svo. 2 vols. Bickers. 21s. Also Soutledge, Gs. ; and Bell (BoJin], S. Gd. Ill England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England Walpole, H. Letters, d. 8vo. 9 vols. Sentley. 94*. Gd. Gray, T. Works. Ed. Gosse. gl. 8vo. 4 vols. Macmillan. 20*. Vol. i., Poems, journals, and essays ; vols. ii. and iii., Letters (specially worth reading) ; ol. iv., Notes on Aristophanes and Plato. Chesterfield, Lord. Letters. Ed. Lord Carnarvon, r. 8vo. Clar. Press. illus. 21*. Also Gibbingt, 7*. Gd., and selection, Low, 2*. Gd. " Junius." Letters, c. 8vo. 2 vols., 3*. 6^. each. JBett (Boliri). Is. Alsoc. 8vo. Routledffe. 3s. Gd. Blake, W. Songs of innocence. Ed. Eossetti. f. 8vo. Sett. 2*. (id. Scott, W. Lives of eminent novelists and dramatists, c. 8vo. Warne. 2*. Gibbon, E. Autobiography and correspondence, c. 8vo. Warne. 2*. Oliphant, Mrs. Historical sketches, p. 8vo. Blackwood. G*. Seeley, L. B. Fanny Barney and her friends. 8vo. Seeley. 7s. Gd. VIII. 1790-1830. AGE OF BURNS, SCOTT, WORDSWORTH : Burns, R. Works, c. 8vo. 3 vols., 5*. each. Sell (Boliri). 15*. Also Ed. Alex. Smith, in " Globe " series. Macmillan. 3. W. liOckhart, J. G. Life of Burns, p. 8vo. Sell (BoJin~). Cowper,W. Poetical works (" Globe "ser.). Ed. Benham. gl.8vo. Macmillan. ,, Letters. Ed. Southey. p. 8vo. 4 vols., 3*. Gd. each. Sell (Soling. illus. Us. This edition, including poems, etc., is complete in 8 vols., 28*. Wordsworth, W. Poetical works (The Editio princeps). Ed. Knight. 8vo. 8 vols., 15*. each. Paterson. 120*. ,, Poetical works. Ed. Rossetti. 8vo. Ward. 5*. Also Ed. John Morley. gl. 8vo. Macmillan. 7. Bd. Wordsworth and Coleridge. Lyrical ballads. Ed. Dowden. 16mo. Nutt. 7s. Gd. Wordsworthiana. Ed. Knight, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 7*. Gd. Scott, W. Poetical works, f . 8vo. 12 vols. Slack, illus. Turner. 38*. ,, Poetical works, r. 8vo. Slack, illus. Turner. 18*. Also "Globe "edition. Ed. Palgrave. Macmillan. 3s. Gd. ,, The Waverley novels. 1. 8vo. 25 vols., 8*. Gd. each. Slack. illus. 10 12*. Gd. The Waverley novels, c. 8vo. 25 vols., 3*. Gd. each. Slack, illus. 87*. 6^ ; Also several cheaper editions by Slack. , , Journals. 8vo. 2 vols. Douglas. 32*. Lockhart, J. G. Life of Scott, f. 8vo. 10 vols. Slack. 30* Abridged in one vol., 6s. Coleridge, S. T. Poetical works, f. 8vo. 4 vols. Macmillan. 31*. Gd. Also 2 vols. Sell. 5s. ; and selections, with preface, by Swinburne. Low. 2*. Gd. ,, Biographia literaria. 12mo. Sell. 3*. Gd. Byron, Lord. Works. 8vo. 6 vols. Murray. 45*. Also r. 8vo. (double columns, with rather small type). 7. Gd. Select poems (" Golden Treasury " ser.). Ed. Arnold. 18mo. Mac- millan. ' 4*. Gd. ,, Childe Harold. Ed. Tozer. ex. f. 8vo. Clar. Press. 3* Gd. Shelley, P. B. Works. Ed. Forman. 8vo. 8 vols. Reeves and lurner. 100*. Also poetical works. 2 vols. 16. Poetical works. Ed. Dowden. gl. 8vo. Macmillan. 7s. 6d. Also selections (" Golden Treasury " ser.). Macmillan. 4*. Gd. 112 England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. England Dowden, E. Life of Shelley. 8vo. 2 vols. Paul. 36s. Keats, J. Works. Ed. Forman. 8vo. 4 vols. Reeves and Turner. 52s. 6^. and Turner, 8s. ; Bell, 2s. Gd. Selections (" Golden Hazlitt, W. Spirit of the age. p. 8vo. Sett (Bohn). 3s. Gd. De Quincey, T. Select essays. Ed. Masson. c. 8vo. 2 vols. Black. 7s. Gd. Lamb, C. Essays of Elia. Ed. Ainger. gl. 8vo. Maomillan. 5s. Also Bell, 3s. 6d. ; and in " Pocket Library." Boutledge. Is. Landor, W. S. Imaginary conversations (selected). (" Golden Treasury " ser.). 18mo. Macmillan. 4s. Gd Bentham, J. Principles of morals and legislation, c. 8vo. Clar. Press. pub. 6s. Gd. O.P. Austen, Jane. Works, c. 8vo. 6 vols. Bentley. 36s. Also 5 vols., 2s. each (omitting Lady Susan and The Watsons'). Cassell. 10s. Smith, Goldwin. Jane Austen, c. 8vo. Scott. Is. IX. VICTORIAN AGE : For .authors, see ESSAYS, NOVELS, and POETRY. (A) BIOGRAPHY. Gaskell, Mrs. Life of Charlotte Bronte, c. 8vo. Smith, Elder, illus. 5s. Trevelyan, G. O. Life and letters of Lord Macaulay. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans. 36s. Also edition at 2s. Gd. Trollope, A. Thackeray (" Men of Letters " ser.). c. 8vo. Macmillan. Is. Gd. Forster, J. Life of Charles Dickens, d. 8vo. 2 vols. Chapman. 20s. Alsoc. 8vo. 2 vols., 7s. Cross, J. W. Life of Geo. Eliot, c. 8vo. 3 vols. Blachwoocl. 15s. Also in 1 vol., 1. Gd. Froude, J. A. Life of Thomas Carlyle. 8vo. 4 vols. Longmans. 64s. Also 4 vols., Us. Celebrities of the century. Ed. Sanders, r. 8vo. Cassell. 10s. Gd. (B) MISCELLANEOUS WRITERS. The works of living authors are excluded. Bronte, Charlotte. Works, c. 8vo. 7 vols., 5s. each. Smith, Elder, illus. 35s. Also at 2s. Gd., and cheaper editions. Macaulay, T. B. Works. 8vo. 8 vols. Longmans. 105s. Also cheaper edition, 4 vols., 10s. Thackeray, W. M. Works. 1. 8vo. 26 vols., 10s. Gd. each. Smith, Elder. 13 13s. Also 26 vols. at 3s. 6d. " Pocket " edition (rather small print), 27 vols. at Is. Gd., and many other editions. Dickens, C. Works, p. 8vo. 30 vols. Chapman. 12 Also " Charles Dickens " edition. 21 vols. at from 3s. to is. each, the set 70s. ; and " Pocket " edition (rather small print), 32 vols., Is. Gd. each. Eliot, George. Work's, c. 8vo. 21 vols., 5s. each. Blachmood. 105s. Also cheaper editions, in 8 vols., from 2s. Gd. to 7s. Gd. each ; the set, 34s. Gd. Carlyle, T. Works, d. 8vo. 34 vols. Chapman. 15 3s. Also cheaper editions, 37 vols., Is. each. Browning, R. Works, s. c. 8vo. 17 vols., 5s. each. Smith, Elder. 85s. Also Selections, 2 vols., 7s. ; and " Pocket " edition, Is. Browning, E. B. Works, s. c. 8vo. 6 vols., 5s. each. Smith, Elder. 30s. Also Selections, 2 vols., 7s. ; and " Pocket " edition, Is. 113 i England GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Engraving Arnold, M. Works, c. 8vo. Macmillan. Poetical works, 8 vols., 'is. 6d. each ; Essays on criticism, 9s. ; Essays on criticism, ser. ii., 7. 6d. ; Higher schools and universities in Germany. 6*. ; Discourses in America. 4. Gd. ; Reports on elementary schools, 3s. Gd. Also Poetical works, 7. Grf. ; and Selections (" Golden Treasury " ser.), 4. Gd. Bossetti, D. G. Works. Ed. W. M. Rossetti. p. 8vo. 2 vols. JSllit. 18s. Also one vol. c. 8vo. 6s. Newman, J. H. Works, c. 8vo. 21 vols., 3*. Gd. each. Longmans. 73s. Gd. X. SELECTIONS: English, verse. Ed. Linton and Stoddard. c. 8vo. 5 vols. Paul. pub. 5s. each. O.P. Percy's Reliques of ancient English poetry. Ed. Prichard. 8vo. 2 vols. Sell (BoJtri). 3*. Gd. each. 7s. Minstrelsy of the Scottish border. Ed. Sir W. Scott, f. 8vo. 2 vols. Slack. 10s. Gd. Ward, T. H. The English poets, c. 8vo. 4 vols., 7s. Gd. each. Macmillan. 30s. Vol. i., Chaucer to Donne ; vol. ii., Ben Jonson to Dryden ; vol. iii., Addisou to Blake ; vol. iv., Wordsworth to Rossetti. Specimens of British poets. Ed. Campbell, r. 8vo. Murray. pub. 15s. O.P. Golden treasury of songs and lyrics. Ed. Palgrave. c. 8vo. Macmillan. 10s. Gd. Also 18mo., 4. 6d. XL REFERENCE: Murray, J. A. H. A new English dictionary on historical principles, i. 4to. Clar. Press. 44s. In course of publication : vol. i., A and B, 52. Gd. Whitney, W. D. The Century dictionary. Uwm-in. To be completed in 6 vols., 42. each ; 3 vols. already issued. Skeat, W. W. Etymological dictionary of the English language. 8vo. Clar. Press. Also small ed., c. 8vo., 5. Gd. Chambers' Encyclopaedia of English literature, r. 8vo. 2 vols. Chambers. Halliwell (Phillips), J. 0. Dictionary of old English plays. 8vo. J. It. Smith. Adams, W. Davenport, Dictionary of English literature, ex. f. 4to. Cassell. Morris, R. Historical outlines of English accidence ex. f. 8vo. Mac- millan. Oliphant, T. L. K. Old and middle English, gl. 8vo. Macmillan. 9s. ,, The new English, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Macmillan. 21s. Marsh, G. P. Student's manual of the English language. Ed. Smit h. p. 8 vo. Murray. 7s. Gd. Sievers, E. Old English grammar. Tr. and Ed. Cook. c. 8vo. Ginn (Boston). Gs. Gd. Skeat, W. W. Principles of English etymology, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 19s. Gd. Vol. i., The native element, 9.; Vol. ii., The foreign element, 10*. Grf. Hodgson, W. B. Errors in the use of English, c. 8vo. Douglas (Edin.). 3s. Gtf. ENGRAVING, see AUTISTIC PROCESSES II. 114 Ensilage GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Essays ENSILAGE, see AGRICULTURE II. ENTOMOLOGY, see ZOOLOGY VI ESCHATOLOGY, see THEOLOGY II. ESKIMO, see ARCTIC REGIONS. ESSAYS: ENGLISH: Only names of essayists of the XIX. Century occur in this list. Arnold, M. Essays on criticism (1st series, 9s. ; 2nd series, 7*. Gd."). p. 8vo. Macmillan. 1C.*. Gd, ,, Irish essays, p. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 2s. Gd. ,, Mixed essays, p. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 9s. ,, Friendship's garland, p. 8vo. Smith, Elder. o.r. ,, Discourses in America, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 4s. Gd. ,, Culture and anarchy, p. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 2s. Gd. Bagehot, \V. Literary studies. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans. 28s. Brown, J. Horae subsecivae. p. 8vo. 3 vols., 7s. Gd. Douglas. 22s. Gd. Carlyle, T. Miscellaneous essays, p. 8vo. 7 vols., Is. each. Chapman. Is. Church, R. W. Essays, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 5s. Coleridge, S. T. Aids to reflection (religious), sm. 8vo. Sell (Bohn). 3s. Gd. ,, Lectures on Shakespeare, etc. 12mo. Sell (Bohn). 3s. Gd. Be (Juincey, T. Essays, p. 8vo. 2 vols. Blach. 7s. Gd. Dowden, E. Studies in literature. 8vo. Paul. Gs. Emerson, E. W. Essays. 8vo. Macmillan. 5s. Gosse, E. Studies in northern literature. 8vo. Paul. 12s. Hare, J. C., and A. W. Guesses at truth. 12mo. Macmillan. 4s. Gd. Harrison, F. On the choice of books, p. 8vo. Macmillan. Gs. Hazlitt, W. Winterslow. 8vo. Bell (Bohn). 3s. Gd. ,, The round table, c. 8vo. Bell (Bohn). 3s. Gd. Table talk. c. 8vo. Bell (Bohn). 3s. Gd. Helps, A. Friends in council, p. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 15s. ,, Companions of my solitude, p. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 7s. Gd. ,, Brevia. p. 8vo. Bell. G*. ,, Essays written in the intervals of business. 12mo. Smith, Elder. 4s. Gd. Hinton, J. The art of thinking, and other essays, p. 8vo. Paul. 8s. Gd. Holmes, O. W. The autocrat of the breakfast table, c. 8vo. Hoittledye. 3s. G^7. , , The professor at the breakfast table, c. Svo. Routledge. 3s. Gd. ,, The poet at the breakfast table, c. Svo. Routledge. 3s. Gd. Pocket edition of the three aeries. 6 vols. Douglat. Gs. Hutton, R. H. Essays, c. Svo. 2 vols., Gs. each. Macmillan. 12.. Huxley, T. H. Lay sermons, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 7s. Gd. Lamb, C. Essays of Elia. Ed. Ainger. gl. Svo. Macmillan. 5s. Pocket edition. Rotitledge. Is. Landor, W. S. Imaginary conversations (selected). 18mo. Macmilla\ 4,. Gd. 115 i 2 Essays GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Ethics Macaulay, T. B. Essays. 8vo. 3 vols. Longmans. 3Gs. Also 4 vols., 24s., and cheaper editions. Martineau, J. Essays, vol. i. Longmans. Is. Gd. Mill, J. S. Dissertations and discussions. 8vo. 4 vols. Longmans. 4Gs. Gd. Pater, W. Appreciations, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 8s. Gd. Saintsbury, G. Essays in English literature, 17801860. c. Svo. Per- dval. 7,. 6a , Seeley, J. E. Lectures and essays, p. Svo. Scott, W. Essays on chivalry, romance, etc. f. Svo. Slack. 2s. Gd. Stephen, Leslie. Hours in a library, p. Svo. 3ser.,9s. each. Smith, Elder. 27,v. Stevenson, R. L. Virginibus puerisque, and other papers, c. Svo. Chatto. Gs. ,, Memoirs and portraits, c. Svo. Chatto. Gs. Swinburne, A. C. Essays and studies, p. Svo. Chatto. 12s. Thoreau, H. D. "VValden. Svo. Harper (New York). 7s. Gd. Also Scott, 1*. Warner, C. D. My summer in a garden. 12mo. Lorn. 2s. Gd. Wilson, J. Noctes ambrosianae. 8vo. Clark. 4s. Gd. ESTATE MANAGEMENT, see AGRICULTURE V. ETCHING, see ARTISTIC PROCESSES I. ETHICS : I. GENERAL AND INTRODUCTORY : Porter, N. Elements of moral science. Svo. Low. 10s. Gd. Calderwood, H. Handbook of moral philosophy, c. Svo. Macmillan. Gs. Bain, A. Moral science, c. Svo. Longmans. 4s. Gd. Part ii. of Mental and moral science (10. 6(7.). Partly historical. Wilson and Fowler. Principles of morals. (Part i.). Svo. Oar. Press. 3s. Gd. Mainly historical or critical. Sidgwick, H. Outlines of history of ethics, c. Svo. Macmillan. 3s. Gd. Historical handbook. II. SYSTEMATIC TREATISES : (A) TRANSCENDENTALIST OR INTUITIONAL. Kant, Immanuel. Theory of ethics. Tr. (with the " Critique ") by Abbott. Svo. Longmans. 12s. Gd. Green, T. H. Prolegomena to ethics. Ed. Bradley. Svo. Clar. Press. 12s. Gd. Laurie, S. S. Ethica ; or ethics of reason. Svo. Williams. Gs. Martineau, J. Types of ethical theory. Svo. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 15s. Largely historical and critical. (B) UTILITARIAN. Mill, J. S. Utilitarianism. Svo. Longmans. 5s. Sidgwick, H. Methods of ethics. Svo. Macmillan. 14s. Fowler, T. Principles of morals. Svo. Clar.' Press. 10s. Gd. Part ii. of Fowler and Wilson's Principles. 116 Ethics GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Europe (C) EVOLUTIONAL. Spencer, II. Data of ethics. 8vo. Williams. 8s. Stephen, Leslie. Science of ethics, d. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 10*. III. MISCELLANEOUS : Butler, Bishop. Sermons on human nature. 8vo. It. T. S. In. Grote, G. Fragments on ethical subjects. 8vo. Murray. 7s. Gd. Lecky, W. E. H. History of European morals, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans 10*. ETHIOPIA, see EGYPT. ETHIOPIC LANGUAGE: Kbnig, E. None Studien iiber Schrift cler aethiopischen Sprache. 8vo. (Leipzig. I2x. Dillman, A. Lexicon linguae Ethiopicae. 4to. 3 vols. (Leipzig}. 80*. ETHNOLOGY, see ANTHROPOLOGY. ETRUSCAN ANTIQUITIES, see ITALY II. EUCHRE, see CARDS. EUCLID, see GEOMETRY. EUROPE : See also under the different countries. I. GEOGRAPHY: Reclus, E. Universal geography, i. 8vo. 5 vols., 21*. each. Virtue. 105*. Vol. i., Southern Europe, Greece, Turkey-in-Europe, Roumania, Servia, Italy, Spain, and Portugal; vol. ii., France and Switzerland; vol. iii.. Central Europe, Austria- Hungary, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands; vol. iv., British Isles ; vol. v., Scandinavia and Russia. Stanford's Compendium ; Europe (with ethnological appendix by A. H. Keane). 1. p. 8vo. Stanford, maps and illus. 21*. Freeman, E. A. Historical geography of Europe. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans. 31*. Gd. Vol. ii. Atlas showing the changes in European States. Droysen, G. Historischer Hand-Atlas, fo. (Leipzig}. 30*. Spruner, C. von. Historisch-geographischer Hand- Atlas, fo. (Gotlia). 58*. More detailed than Droysen. II. HISTORY: Maine, H. Ancient law. 8vo. Murray. 9*. Treats of the influence of Roman law on European institutions. ,, Early law and custom. 8vo. Murray. 0*. Freeman, E. A. General sketch of European history. 18rno. Macmillan. illus. 3*. Gd. Bury, J. B. History of the later Roman Empire (400-800). 8vo. 2 vols. Macmillan. 32*. Gibbon, E. Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. 8vo. 8 vols. Murray. CO* Best edition ; but there is a cheaper one by Bell. 117 Europe GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Europe Bryce, J. The Holy Roman Empire, c. Svo. Macmillan. 7,t. (\,v. Latham, R. G. The nationalities of Europe. 8vo. 2 vols. Allen. O.P. Sybel, H. von. History and literature of the crusades. Tr. Svo. Chapman. 10s. M. A critical estimate of the authorities. Kugler, B. Geschichte der Kreuzziige. 8vo. (Berlin). ISs. A good compendium of the whole period. Wilken, F. Geschichte der Kreuzziige. 8vo. 6 vols. (Leipzig}. 1807-32. O.P. Fuller ; most trustworthy. Michaud, J. F. History of the crusades. Tr. Robson. c. 8vo. 3 vols. Routledge. 10s. Gd. Not up to modern critical results, but the fullest account accessible in English. Ranke, L. von. History of the Latin and Teutonic peoples 1494-1514. Tr. c. 8vo. Sett (Bohn). 3*. G<7. Traces the formation of the modern conception of States. Huge, S. Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen (In " Allgemeinc Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen " ; ed. Oncken). (Berlin). 12,* A general account of the historical influence of maritime discoveries to 1600. Hallam, H. View of the state of Europe during the middle ages. c. 8vo. 3 vols. Murray. 12s The chapters relating to England have been superseded by more recent works. Robertson, W. History of the reign of Charles V. c. 8vo. Routledge. 10s Lodge, R. History of modern Europe (1453-1878). 8vo. Murray. 7s. M. Dyer, T. H. History of modern Europe (1453-1871). d. 8vo. 5 vols. Bell. 52s. C,iL Noorden, C. von. Europaische Geschichte im 18ten 'Jahrhundert. 8vo. (Leipzig). Vol. i., 10. ; vol. ii., 12. ; vol. iii., It*. In course of publication ; has reached 1710. Schlosser, F. C. History of the 18th century. Tr. 8vo. Chapman. 1843-52. O.P. Not up to date, but the best detailed account accessible in English. Weir, A. Historical basis of modern Europe (1700-1815). 8vo. Sonnen- scliein. 4s. (>d. Alison, A. History of Europe (1789-1815). c Svo. 13 vols. Blackrvood. illus. ult. Good in general military history. ,, The same continued (1815-22). c. Svo. 8 vols. Blacltwood. illus. 34s. Fyflfe, C. A. History of modern Europe. Svo. 3 vols., 12s. each. Cassell. 36s. Hertslet, E. The map of Europe by treaty, r. Svo. 3 vols. Butter- north, pub. 94s. 6d. O.P. European history since 1814. May, T. E. History of democracy in Europe. Svo. 2 vols. Longmans. 32s. Murdock, H. The reconstruction of Europe (1850-81). c. Svo. Watt. 10s. (\d. Mahan, A. T. Influence of sea power upon history (1666-1783). Lorn. 18s. REFERENCE. George, H. B. Genealogical tables, sm. Svo. Clar. Press. 12s. 118 Europe GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Farming Blair, J. Genealogical tables. Ed. Rosse. p. 8vo. Sell. 10,?. A cheap handbook. Mas Latrie. Tresor de chronologic, fo. (Paris'). 8O. The latest and most detailed information. L'art de verifier les dates. 8vo. 44 vols. (Paris'). 1821-44. o.p. Not superseded by Mas Latrie. Potthast. Wegweiser durch die Geschichtswerke des Mittelalters. 375-1500. 8vo. 3 vols. (Berlin). 18s. A list of all the authorities for the history of the middle ages. Adams, C. K. Manual of historical literature. Svo. Lore. 12*. 6d. EXAMINATIONS, see EDUCATION II. EXCHANGE, see POLITICAL ECONOMY IV. ., BILLS OF, see ENGLAND, LAW VIII. EXECUTORS, see ENGLAND, LAW V. EXTRADITION, see LAW OF NATIONS I. F. FABLES, see FOLKLORE. FACTORY LEGISLATION, see POLITICAL ECONOMY VI. FAIRY TALES, see FOLKLORE and CHILDREN'S BOOKS. FALCONRY : Campbell, J. Treatise of modern falconry. Svo. (Edinburgh}. 1773. o.p. Bilany, J. C. Treatise upon falconry. Svo. (Berwick-on-Trceed). 1841. o.r. Burton, R. F. Falconry in the valley of the Indus, p. Svo. Van Voorst (now Gurney}. (!.<- Salvin and Brodrick. Falconry in the British Isles, i. Svo. Gurney. illus. 42*-. Freeman and Salvin. Falconry, its claims, history, and practice. Svo. Longmans, illus. pub. 10s. Qd. o.p, Brodrick, W. Falconer's favourites, fo. Gurney. illus. 42.?. Freeman, G. E. Practical falconry, p. Svo. H. Cox. O.P. Harting, J. E. Hints on the management of hawks. Svo. //. Cox. illus. '3s. Cxi. ,, Bibliotheca accipitraria. Quaritcli. illus. A catalogue of ancient and modern books relating to falconry. In preparation. FALKLAND ISLANDS, see ATLANTIC. FANS, see COSTUME. FARMING, see AGRICULTURE, DAIRY, LIVE-STOCK. 119 Fencing GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Fishing FENCING AND SWORD EXERCISE : Angelo, M. L'escrime. fo. (London). 1763. illus. o.r Original edition in folio : 47 engravings. Prevost, Camille. Theorie pratique de 1'escrime. 1. 8vo. (Paris'). illus. 10. Dunn, H. A. Colmore. Fencing. (" All England " ser.). sm. Svo. Sell, illus. t is. Castle, E. Schools and masters of fence from the middle ages to 18th century, c. 4to. Sell, illus. 31s. M. Chapman, G. Foil practice. 8vo. Vigeant, A. La bibliographic de I'escrinie ancienne et moderne. 8vo. (Paris}, illus. 8*. Gd. Waite, J. M. Sabre, single-stick ; sabre and bayonet, c. Svo. Weldon. 2s. Gd. FERMENTATION, see PHYSIOLOGY III. and ANTISEPTICS. FEBNS, see BOTANY and GARDENING. FIJI, see PACIFIC III. FINANCE, see POLITICAL ECONOMY IV. FINLAND : LANGUAGE : TJjfalvy. Grammaire Finnoise. (Paris'). 5,v. Ahlman. Svenskt Finskt Lexicon. (Helslngfvra'). 10s. Gd. FIBE INSURANCE, see ASSURANCE. FIREWORKS, see GAMES III. FISHING AND FISHERIES : See also ZOOLOGY. For general essays and sketches on angling matters, the reader may be referred to the miscellaneous works of F. Francis, G. Rooper, " Red Spinner," Dr. Hamilton, Sir H. Davy, Dr. John Davy, Hofland, Stodhart, Stewart, Moffatt, Colquhoun, and others whose works are Francis, F. A book on angling, c. Svo. Longmans. 15s. Complete treatise on the art of angling in every branch ; thoroughly practical, and especially valuable in its list of salmon and trout flies. Cholmondeley-Pennell, H. Fishing (" Badminton Library ''). c. Svo. 2 vols., 10s. Gd. each. Longmans. 21s. Vol. i., Salmon and trout ; vol. ii.. Pike and coarse fish. Contribution by the best modern authorities, upon every method of angling. Bickerdyke, J. The book of the all-round angler, c. Svo. Gill, illus. Gs. Gd. Deals with the coarse fish, pike, game-fish, and sea-fish. Profusely illustrated, and an excellent work for the beginner. Each division is published separately. Cholmondeley-Pennell, H. Modern improvements in fishing-tackle. c. Svo. Loiv. 2s. ,, The modern practical angler, c. Svo. Routledge. pub. 5s. o.p. Keene, J. H. Fishing-tackle, c. Svo. Ward and LocJt. illus. 3s. Gd. The last three are illustrated handbooks for amateur tackle-makers. Halford, F. M. Floating flies, and how to dress them. Svo. , Lon: 15*. 120 Fishing GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Flowers Halford, F. M. Dry fly-fishing in theory and practice. Lore. 25*. Halford's books are beautifully illustrated works for the fly-fisher. Pritt, T. E. North country flies. Lore. 10*. Gd. Theakston, M. British angling flies. Ed. Walbran. c. 8vo. Low. 5s. These last two are treatises on angling with hackle flies in north country streams. Ronalds, A. The fly-fisher's entomology. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 14*. Modern edition of an old standard work on the general flies known to trout fishers. Day, F. British and Irish salmonide. i. 8vo. Cox. illus. 21*. The standard work on the history of the salmonidae. Willis-Bund, 3. W. Salmon problems, c. 8vo. Lore. 3*. Gd. Traherne, Major. The habits of the salmon, c. 8vo. Chapman, illus. 3*. Gd. These two deal with many unsolved problems concerning the life history of the salmon. Stone, L. Domesticated trout, c. 8vo. Lore, illus. 12*. Gd. Francis, F. The practical management of fisheries, p. 8vo. //. Cox. 3*. Gd. illus. Palmer, Black. Scotch loch-fishing, c. 8vo. Blacltwood. 4*. Began, Hi. How and where to fish in Ireland, c. 8vo. Lore. 3*. Gd. Indispensable to angler-tourists in Ireland. Thomas, H. S. The rod in India, r. 8vo. Hamilton Adams, illus. 25*. Standard work on fish and fishing in India. Senior, W. Travel and trout in the Antipodes, c. 8vo. Chatto. pub. G*. O.P. Trout streams of Tasmania and New Zealand. Brown, 3. 3. The angler's guide. 12mo. Appleton. illus. 10*. Gd. Hallock, C. Sportsman's gazetteer. Judd. 15*. Handbooks to fish and fishing in N. America. Angler's diary (annual), p. 8vo. Cox. 1*. Gd. A tourist fisherman's gazetteer of the rivers and lakes of the world ; with carefully prepared divisions on Norway and Sweden, France and Switzerland. Wilcocks, J. C. The sea fisherman, c. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 6*. Exhaustive and technical work. Bickerdyke, J. Angling in salt water, (elem.). c. 8vo. Gill, illus. Manley, J. J. Fish and fishing, c. 8vo. Lore. Brightly written essays on British angling; with chapters on ichthyology, and angling literature. Walton, I. The compleat angler. Ed. K. B. Marston. r. 4to. Lon: illus. " Lea and Dove " edition. Oke's Fishery laws. Ed. Willis-Bund, p. 8vo. Buttermortli . The second edition contains a supplement relating to the Freshwater Fisheries Act, 1884. Manley, J. J. Literature of sea and river fishing, domes. One of the handbooks of the Fisheries Exhibition of 1883. Westwood and Satchell. Bibliotheca piscatoria. 8vo. Satcliell. A carefully compiled catalogue ; with descriptive commentary on all works upon angling, fish- PERIODICALS, ETC. : Sportsman's Guide (monthly) ; Reports of the U.S. Commission on fish and fisheries (Washington) ; Reports of the Fishery Commissioners (Eyre) ; Reports of the Scotch Fishery Board (Eyre). FIVES, see TENNIS. FLAX, see AGRICULTURE II. FLOUR, see INDUSTRIES IV. FLOWERS, see BOTANY and GARDENING. Fodder GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Folklore FODDER, see AGRICULTURE and LIVE-STOCK. FOLKLORE : I. TREATISES: See also ANTHROPOLOGY IV. and RELIGION. The beginner should take up the Folklore Society's Handbook of folklore, and then Campbell's tales of the West Hiffhlands, with its clear and lucid introduction, and next Mrs.Hunt's translation of Grimm's Household tales, with Mr. Lang's introduction. Then turning to Sir George Cox's Introduction to mythology and folklore he will have gained an insight into the doctrines of the two chief schools of Folklore. From these he can proceed to The Folklore Society (director, Mr G. L. Gomme, 1, Beverley-viUas, Barnes), has pub- lished twenty-five volumes (Nutt, 270, Strand), including a yearly volume of miscellanies (first called The Folklore Record, then the Folklore Journal, and now Folklore) and a hand- book of Folklore. Lang, A. Custom and myth. c. 8vo. Longmans. 7s. Gd. ,, Myth, ritual, and religion, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans, pub. 21s. O.P. Clodd, E. Myths and dreams, c. 8vo. Chatto. 5s. Frazer, J. G. The golden bough, d. 8vo. 2 vols. Macmlllan. 28s. Hartland, E. S. The science of fairy tales (" Contemp. Science " ser.). c. 8vo. Scott. 3s. Gd. Gomme, G. L. Folklore relics of early village life. d. 8vo. StocL :5Gs. These six books give the anthropological interpretation of folklore. Cox, G. W. Introduction to mythology and folklore, c. 8vo. Paul. 7s. Gd. Keary, C. F. Outlines of primitive belief. 8vo. Longmans, pub. 18s. O.P. Dorman, R. N. Origin of primitive superstitions. 8vo. Lippincott. 15s. Callaway, Bishop. Religious system of the Amazulu. 8vo. Triilmer. 13s. Gd. Parts i., ii., iii., 4. each ; part iv., 1. 6d. Clouston, W. A. Popular tales and fictions, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Blachwood. 25s. " Borrowing-theory " of folklore. Gaster, M. Greeko-Slavonic literature. 1. p. 8vo. Triibner. 7s. Gd. Nutt, A. Studies in the legend of the Holy Grail (Folklore Soc.). 8vo. Nutt. 10s. Gd. Rhys, J. Celtic heathendom (Hibbert lectures). 8vo. Williams. 10s. Gd. ,, Studies in the Arthurian legend, d. 8vo. Clar. Press. 12s. Gd. Grimm, J. Teutonic mythology. Tr. J. S. Stallibrass. d. 8vo. Sell. G3s. Vol. i., ii., iii., 15*. each ; vol. iv., 18*. Brinton, D. G. (Ed.) Library of American aboriginal literature. 8vo. 7 vols. 2riibner. 82s. Vol. iii., 10*. ; the rest 12s. each. Myths of the new world, r. 8vo. Leypold ( U.S.). 12s. Gd. Black, W. G. Folk medicine (Folklore Soc.) 8vo. Nutt. 13s. Gd. II. CUSTOMS AND SUPERSTITIONS : Brand, J. Popular antiquities. Ed. Sir H. Ellis, c. 8vo. 3 vols., 5s. each. Sell (Bohri). 15s. Henderson, W. The folklore of the northern counties (Folklore Soc.). 8vo. Nutt. 21s. 122 Dlklore GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Folklore Gregor, W. Folklore of the north-east of Scotland (Folklore Soc.). 8vo. Jfutt. 13s. Gd. Napier, J. Folklore of the west of Scotland, c. 8vo. Gardner (Paisley). 4s. Dalyell, J. G. Darker superstitions of Scotland. Griffin. O.P. Burne, Miss C. S. Shropshire folklore. 8vo. 3 parts. Irubner. 22s. Gd. Manners and customs, superstitions and traditions (" Gentleman's Magazine Library "). Ed. G. L. Gomme. 8vo. 4 vols., 7s. Gd. each. Stock. 30s. Harland and Wilkinson. Lancashire folklore, c. 8vo. J. Heymood. 3s. Gd. Hampson, R. T. Medii ^Evi Calendarii (in English), d. 8vo. Causton. O.P. Roberts, P. Cambrian popular antiquities. E. Williams. O.P. Friend, H. Flowers and flower-lore, d. 8vo. Sonnenscliein. Is. Gd. Bolton, H. C. Counting out rhymes of children, c. 4to. Stock. Vs. Keightley, T. Fairy mythology, p. 8vo. Sell (Boliii). 5s. Bleek, W. H. A brief account of Bushman folklore, fo. Irubner. 2s. Gd. III. COLLECTIONS OF TALES, ETC. : Steel and Temple. Wide-awake stories, c. 8vo. Triibner. Vs. Punjab and Kashmir. Halliwell-Phillips, J. 0. Nursery rhymes of England, f. 4to. Warne. 10s. Gd. Popular rhymes of Scotland. Ed. R. Chambers. Chambers. 1841. 5*. Campbell, J. F. Popular tales of the Western Highlands, d. 8vo. 4 vols. Douglas, pub. 32s. O.P. Now being reprinted. The first edition is very scarce and high-priced. Maclnnes and Nutt. Folklore and hero tales from Argyleshire. 8vo. Nult. 15s. Kennedy, P. Fireside stories of Ireland. 12mo. McGlashan (Dublin'). pub. Is. O.P. Legendary fictions of the Irish Celts, p. 8vo. Macmillan. pub. Is. Gd. O.P. Croker, T. Crofton. Fairy legends and traditions of Ireland, p. 8vo. Son- nenscliein. 2s Gd. Grimm, J. and W. Household tales. Tr. Mrs. Margaret Hunt. p. 8vo. 2 vols., 3s. Gd. each. Sell (Bohn}. Is. Dasent, G. W. Tales of the Norse, c. 8vo. Douglas. 10s. Gd. Ralston, W. R. S. Russian folk-tales. 8vo. Smith, Elder, pub. IGs. O.P. ,, Songs of the Russian people. 8vo. Mils and Green. 12s. Wratislaw, A. H. Slavonic folk-tales, c. 8vo. Stock. Is. Gd. Kropf and Jones. Magyar folk-tales. 8vo. folklore Soc. 15s. Busk, R. H. Folk-songs of Italy, p. 8vo. Sonnenscltein. 5s. Crane, T. F. Italian popular tales. 8vo. Macmillan. pub. 14s. O.P. Stuart- Glennie, J. H. Greek folk-songs, d. 8vo. 2 vols. Ward and Doivney. Is. Gd. Geldart, E. M. Folk-lore of modern Greece. Sonnenscliein. illus. 2s. Gd. Webster and Vinson. Basque legends, p. 8vo. Griffith, pub. 7s. Gd. O.P. Rink, H. Tales of the Eskimo, p. 8vo. Blackwood. illus. pub. 10s. 6^. O.P. Buddhist birth stories. Tr. Rhys Davids. Iriibner. Vol. i. 18s. 123 Folklore GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. France Stokes, Maive. Indian fairy talcs. Introduction by W. R. S. Ralston. 8vj. Mils and Elvey. pub. 7*. Gd. o.r. Frere, Mary. Old Deccan days. p. 8vo. Murray, illus. 5*. Ralston, W. R. S. Tibetan tales, p. 8vo. Trubner. 14.*. Theal, G. McCall. Kaffir folklore, c. 8vo. Sonnenschein. 2s. (id. Callaway, Bishop. Zulu nursery tales. 8vo. Trubner. pub. 16*. o.r. Bleek, W. H. Reynard the fox in S. Africa, p. 8vo. Trubner. 3s. Gd. Gill, W. Myths and songs of the S. Pacific, c. 8vo. King. pub. 9s. o.r. Chamberlain, B. H. Aino folk-talcs. (Folklore Society). 8vo. Nutt. To members only, 5. Bonn, H. G. Handbook of proverbs, p. 8vo. Sell (Bohri). 5s. FOLKMOOTS, see ANTHEOPOLOGY III. FOOD, see COOKEEY. FOOTBALL : Shearman, M., and others. Football (" Badminton Lib.") c.Svo. Longmans. 10s. Gd. Vassall, H. Football ; Rugby game (" All England " ser.). sm. 8vo. Be II Is. Alcock, C. W. Football; Association game ("All England" ser.). sm. 8vo. Sell. If. FORESTRY : Schlich. Manual of Forestry. Bradbury, Ecans. pub. 7s. Gd. o.r. Hartig, R. Timbers, and how to know them. 12mo. Simjrftin. 2s. Fernandez and Smythies. Elements of sylviculture. Tr. Bagneris. . Rider. 5s. Des Cars, A. Pruning forest and ornamental trees, c. 8vo. Trubner. pub. 4s. O.P. Macgregor, J. L. Organisation and valuation of forests. 8vo. Wyman. FORTIFICATION, see ARMY I. FOSSILS, see GEOLOGY IV. FOWLING, WILD, see SHOOTING. FRANCE : GEOGRAPHY : I. GENERAL: Murray's Handbook for France. Part i. p. 8vo. Murray. 7s. Gd. Normandy, Brittany, the Seine and Loire, Touraine, Bordeaux, the Garonne, Limousin, the Pyrenees, etc. Handbook for France. Part ii. p. 8vo. Murray. Is. Gd. Central France, Auvergne, the Cevennes, Burgundy, the Ehone and Saone, Provence, Nimes, Aries, Marseilles, the French Alps, Alsace, Lorraine, Champagrne, etc. Baedeker's Guide-book to Northern France. 12mo. Dulau. Is. Guide-book ; " Le Centre de la France " (in French). Dulau. 5*. 124 France GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. France Guides Joanne. Is. Gd. each, except " Nord," " Corse," and " Pyrenees." IGmo. Hacliette. Savoie; Dauphine" et Hautes-Alpes ; Franche-Comte' et Jura; Provence; Corse (5*.), Auvergne et Centre ; La Loire ; De la Loire a la Gironde ; Pyre"ne"es (12s.) ; Gascogne et Languedoc ; C^vennes ; Bretagne ; Normandie ; Nord (9s.) Champagne et Ardennes ; Vosges. Also each divided into smaller sections, Ss. to 4s. each. Reclus, E. Universal geography, vol. ii. i. 8vo. Virtue. 21*. Lebon and Pelet. France as it is. Tr. Mrs. W. Arnold, c. 8vo. Cassell. Is. Gd. II. LOCAL : PARIS. Bemrose. Guide to Paris. Ed. Drewitt. Neal (Rue de Rivoli). 1*. Baedeker's Guide to Paris and its environs. 12mo. Dulau. Gs. Tours, C. de. Vingt jours a Paris. Quantin. illus. 3*. Gd. Barren, L. Les environs de Paris. Quantin. illus. 30*. Hugo, V. Paris. ISmo. Iletzel. 2s. Menorval, G. de. Paris depuis ses origines, jusqu'a nos jours. 8vo. Didot. Gs. Du Camp, M. Paris : ses origines, ses fonctions et sa vie dans la seconde moitie du 19e. siecle. 18mo. 6 vols. Hachette. 1(5*. Hoffbauer. Paris a travers les &ges. fo. 2 vols. Didot. 15 Or in 14 parts, 30s. each. With plans showing successive transformations of the city from the 13th century to the present day. Vachon. L'ancien Hotel de Ville de Paris. 4to. Quantin. illus. CO*. Yriarte. Histoire de Paris. Only in the Bibliotheque Nationale and the library of the H6tel de Ville. Guilhermy, F. Itineraire archSologique de Paris. (Paris'). o.p. BRITTANY. Hutchinson, T. J. Summer holidays in Brittany. 8vo. Low. pub. 10*. Gd. o.p. HAVRE. Braquehais. Guide au Havre. Bourdiynon. Is. Gd. Borely. Histoire du Havre. Lepelletrle. 25*. Very complete. ROUEN. Rouen illustre. Anger. 25*. BORDEAUX AND DISTRICT. Guide (Joanne) a Bordeaux. IGmo. Hachette. Is. Gradis. Histoire de Bordeaux. (Bordeaux). Gs. Drouyn, L. Varietes girondins ; essai historique et archeologique. 3 vols. (Bordeaux). 54*. Rebadien. La Guyenne d'autrefois. (Bordeaux). 5*. CEVENNES. Edwards, M. Betham. The roof of France (Lozere). d. 8vo. Bentley. 12*. Stevenson, R. L. Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. p. 8vo. Chatto. 2*. Gd. LYONS. Guide a Lyons. Gamier. 2s. Gd. Niepce. L'archeologie lyonnaise. 3 vols. (Lyons). 27s. Gd. 125 France GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. France PROVENCE. Fabre. Histoire de Provence. 4 vols. (Marseilles). 25*. FRANCE : HISTORY : Coulanges, F. de. Histoire des institutions de 1'ancienne France. 8vo. 3 vols., 6*. Gd. each. (Paris). 19s. Gd. Ouizot, W. History of civilization in France. Tr. W. Hazlitt. p. 8vo. 3 vols., 3s. Gd. each. Sett (SoJin). 10s. Gd. Hambaud, A. Histoire de la civilisation francaise. 12mo. Colin (Paris'). Us. Vol. i., S*. ; ii., 3s. Gd. ; iii., 4. Gd. Ijuchaire, A. Histoire des institutions monarchiques de la France. 987-1180. 8vo. 2 vols. (Paris). 15s. Histoire de France racontSe par les contemporains. Ed. Zeller. 16mo 56 vols., Gd. each. HacJiette. 28s. A valuable series of little volumes on separate epochs, consisting of extracts from the chronicles. Xitchin, G. W. History of France (to 1793). c. 8vo. 3 vols., 10s. Gd. each. Clar. Press. 31s. Gd The best general history in English. Sisrnondi, J. C. Histoire des Francais (to 1789). 8vo. 31 vols. (Paris). 126s. Michelet, J. Histoire de France. 12mo. 19 vols. (Paris). 66s. Gd. Martin, H. Histoire de France (to 1789). 8vo. 17 vols. (Paris'). 102s. Of the last three books Sismondi gives most details ; Martin is the most recent and judicious ; Michelet has great literary merits, but is sketchy, and falls off after the year 1600. "Wallon, H. Saint Louis et son temps. 8vo. 2 vols. (Paris). 15s Joinville's Memoirs of Louis IX. An admirable contemporary memoir. Forms part of the volume entitled Chronicles of the Crusades. (Bohn's Lib., 5.). Ijanglois, V. Le regne de Philippe III. (1270-1285). 8vo. Hacliette. Gs. Gd. Boutaric. La France sous Philippe le Bel. 8vo. (Paris). o.p. Beaucourt, G. de. Histoire de Charles VII. 8vo. 4 vols., 8s. each. (Paris). 32s Wallon, H. Jeanne d'Arc. 12mo. 2 vols. (Paris). 7s. Michel, F. Histoire du commerce et de la navigation sous la domination anglaise. 8vo. 2 vols. (Bordeaux). 15s. Xiuce, S. La France pendant la guerre de cent ans. 12mo. Hachette. 3s. Chiefly social. Comines, P. de. Memoirs (for Louis XI. and Charles VIII.). Tr. A. R. Scoble. p. 8vo. 3 vols., 3s. Gd. each. Bell (Bohri). 10s. Gd. Kirk, J. F. History of Charles the Bold. 8vo. 3 vols. Murray. 45s. Hookham, Mrs. M. A. Life and times of Margaret of Anjon (1444-1482). d. 8vo. 2 vols. Tinsley. pub. 25s. O.P. Cherrier, C. de. Histoire de Charles VIII. 12mo. 2 vols. (Paris). 7s Miintz,'E. La renaissance en Italie et France & 1'epoque de Charles VIII. r. 8vo. (Paris). 30s Hanke, L. von. Franzosische Geschichte (from 1550). 8vo. 6 vols. (Stuttgart). (50s. Mignet,[F.A. La rivalitede Francois Let Charles V. 8vo. 2vol?. (Paris). IDS. Baird, H. M. The rise of the Huguenots (1535-1574). 2 vol?. Jfodder. o.p. The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 8vo. 2 vols. Paul. 21s. 12G ranee GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. France Freer, M. W. Henry III., King of France. 8vo. 3 vols. Hurst. o.p. ,, History of the reign of Henry IV. 8vo. 4 vols. Hurst. o.p. Sully, Due de. Memoirs of Henry IV. Tr. p. 8vo. 4 vols., 3s. Gd. each. Bell (Bolin). 14.?. The memoirs of the chief minister of the period. Aumale, Due d'. Histoire des princes de Conde. 8vo. 4 vols.. 7s. Gd. each. (Paris). 30*. Voltaire. Le siecle de Louis XIV. 12mo. (Paris'). 2s. (W. Perkins, J. B. France under Kichelieu and Mazarin. 1. 8vo. 2 vols. Putnam. 16*. Jobez, A. La France sous Louis XV. 8vo. 6 vols., 6s. each. (Paris). 36*. Broglie, Due de. The king's secret. Tr. 8vo. 2 vols. Cassell. pub. 24s. o.p. French ed., 2 vols., 12mo., 7*. The diplomacy of Louis XV., 1752-1774. Frederic II. et Marie Therese. 12mo. 2 vols. (Paris). Is. Saint Simon. Memoires, 1692-1723. 12mo. 21 vols. (Paris). 73*-. M. Morley, J. Voltaire, gl. 8vo. Macmillan. 5*. ,, Eousseau, gl. 8vo. 2 vois. Macmillan. 10*. Aubertin, C. L'esprit publique au XVIIP. siecle. 12mo. (Paris). 4s. De Tocqueville. State of society in France before 1789. 8vo. Murray. 12* Rocquain, F. L'esprit revolutionnaire avant la revolution (1715-1789). 8vo. (Paris). $s. Gardiner, Mrs. The French revolution, (elem.). f. 8vo. Longmans. 2s. 6d. Taine, H. The ancient regime. Tr. 8vo. Low. 16*. Essays on the period without much detailed writing. ,, The revolution. Tr. 8vo. 2 vols., 16*. each. Lore. 32.y. Thiers, A. History of the French revolution (1789-1794). Tr. d. 8vo. 5 vols. Bentley. 36*. ,, Histoire du consulat et de 1'empire. 8vo. 20 vols. (Leipzig). 48*. Several other editions. Sybel, H. von. History of the French revolution, 1789-1795. Tr. 4 vols. Murray, pub. 48*. o.p. German ed., 5 vols. (Frankfort:}, Ms. Excellent for the political history of Europe generally, Seeley, J. R. Short history of Napoleon. 8vo. Seeley. H*. Renmsat, Mme. de. Memoirs, 1802-1808. Tr. 8vo. 2 vols., 16*. each. Lon: 32-v. An interesting account of Napoleon's character and court life. Lanfrey. History of Napoleon I. Tr. c. 8vo. 4 vols. Macmillan. 30*. An unfavourable view. Thureau-Dangin. Histoire de la monarchic de Juillet. 8vo. 4 vols (Paris). 28*. Blennerhasset, Lady. Life of Madame de Stael. 3 vols. Smith, Elder. o.r. Full of information about the thought and literature of the Napoleonic time. Delord, Taxile. Histoire du second empire. 8vo. 6 vols. (Paris). 42*. Jerrold, B. Life of Napoleon III. 8vo. 3 vols. Longmans, pub. 54*. O.P. Block, M. Le de~partement. 12mo. Hetzel. 1*. firf. ,, La commune. 12mo. Hetzel. is. 6d. Eecent and valuable works on French local administration. Viollet, P. Histoire 'cles institutions politiques et administratives cle la France. (Paris). Development of feudal institutions. 127 France GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. -REFERENCE AND COLLECTIONS: Monod. Bibliographic de 1'histoire de France. 8vo. llacliette. 7*. (\<1. Masson, G. Early chroniclers of France, c. 8vo. S. P. C. K. 4*. A sketch of authorities to 1490. Lalanne, L. Dictionnaire historique dc la France. 8vo. (Paris). 17,v. Bouillet, N. Dictionnaire universal d'histoire et de geographic, r. 8vo. (.Par if). 21*. Recueil des historians dcs Gaules et de la France (to 1328). Ed. Bouquet. 4to. 21 vols. 1738-1835. O.P. Collection complete de Memoires (1 120-1 7G3). Ed. Petitot and Monmerque'. 8vo. 130 vols. 1825-30. 27 10*. des chroniques nationales fransaises (1520-1800.) Ed. Buchon. 8vo. 47 vols. 1825-34. 22 Nouvelle collection de Memoires (1200-1800.) Ed. Michaud and Pou- joulat. r. 8vo. 34 vols. 1835-9. 12 12*. FRANCE: LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE : Including (1) A larger and a smaller selection of works, with dictionaries, etc. ; (2) Novels ; (3) Books for young people ; (4) A course of study for adult beginners ; (5) Books for young children. The books marked (*) belong to the smaller collection. Those marked () are recommended as suitable for young people, in addition to the books named in the special list. GENERAL NOTE. Read through one or other of the Primers recommended. Supplement it with one or more of the histories, and then follow, according to leisure and taste, with separate authors. Crdpet's poets will suffice many readers for the whole poetical side of the as Sainte-Beuve's, should be taken last of all, and after reading texts. I. DICTIONARIES, GRAMMARS, AND PRIMERS : Vapereau, G. Dictionnaire universe! des litterateurs, r. 8vo. llacliette. 24*. ,, Dictionnaire des contemporains. r. 8vo. HacJiette. 26*. Littre and Beaujean. Dictionnaire de la langue fran?aise. r. 8vo. Hachette. 14*. U All these are very valuable for reference. *Brachet. Historical grammar. Tr. Kitchin. ex. f. Svo. Clar. Press. ?>g. t>d *Eve and Baudiss. ' Wellington ? ' French grammar. 12mo. Nutt. 4*. *Masson, G. French and English dictionary, c. Svo. Macmillan. C*. *Saintsbury, G. Primer of French literature, ex. f. Svo. Clar. Press. 2*. *Warren. Primer of French literature. Heatli (lioxton). 4*. G<1. *Fasnacht, G. E. French grammar. Svo. Macmillan. 3*. Gd. II. HISTORY, CRITICISM, AND COLLECTIONS: Geruzez. Histoire de la litterature fran^aise. 12mo. 2 vols. Pcrrin. G*. Demogeot, J. Histoire de la littdrature fransaise. 12mo. Hacliette. P>*. (M. Saintsbury, G. Short history of French literature, c. Svo. Clar. Press. 10*. Cxi. Paris, G. La litteratura frangaise du moyen age. IGmo. Hacliettc. 2*. (>d. 128 France GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. France Hatzfeld and Darmesteter. Le seizieme siecle en France. 12mo. Delagrave. 5s. Each of the two last is invaluable for its period. The second contains large extracts which Bartsch, K. Chrestomathie de 1'ancien Fran each. Charpentier. 84s. Balzac. (Euvres. 8vo 24 vols. 154s. For selected novels of Hugo, Dumas, Mc ! rimee, Sand. Gautier, and Balzac, tee XOVELS. IV. NOVELS : Achard, A. Belle Rose. 12mo. Levy. 3s. Balzac. Les Chouans. 12mo. Levy. Is. 3d. ,, La pean de chagrin. 12mo. Levy. Is. 3d. ,, La cousine Bette. 12mo. Levy. Is. 3d. ,, Le pere Goriot. 12mo. Levy. Is. 3d. , , Le chef d'osuvre inconnu. 12mo. Levy. Is. 3d. ,, Eugenie Grandet. 12mo. Levy. Is. 3d. Bernard, C. de. L'ecueil. 12mo. Levy. Is. ,, Un homme s^rieux. 12mo. Levy. Is. ,, Gerfaut. 12mo. Levy. Is. , , Le paratonnerre. 12mo. Levy. Is. Beyle, H. (" Stendhal "). Le rouge et le noir. 12mo. 2 vols.. Is. each. Levy. 2s. ,, La Chartreuse de Parme. 12mo. Levy. Is. Boisgobey, F. du. Le crime de 1'omnibus. 12mo. Plon. 3s. ,, Margot la balafre'e. 12mo. 2 vols. Plon. 5s. Bourget, P. L'irr6parable. 16mo. Lemerre. 5s. Brete, J. de la. Mon oncle et mon cur6. 12mo. Plon. 3s. Capendu, E. Le roi des gabiers. 12mo. 3 vols. Cadot. 9s. Cherbuliez, V. Le roman d'une honnete femme. 12mo. Hachette. 3s. ,, Meta Holdenis. 12mo. Hachette. 3s. , , Samuel Brohl et Cie. 12mo. Hachette. 3s. 132 ranee GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. France CocMn,"H. Le manuscrit de M. Larsonnier. 12mo. Plon. 2s. &d. Constant, B. Adolphe. 12mo. Jouaust. 3s. 6d. Daudet,|A. Tartarin de Tarascon. 12mo. Marpon. illus. 3s. ,, Tartarin sur les Alpes. (Paris). 3s. ,, Fromont jeune et Risler aine. 12mo. Charpentier. 3s. ,, Jack. 12mo. Dentu. illus. 3s. ,, Le petit chose. 12mo. Lemerre. 5s. Droz, G. Monsieur, Madame et Beb6. 12mo. Havard. 3*. 6d. Dumas, pere. Les trois mousquetaires. 12mo. 2 vols. Levy. 2s. , , Vingt ans apres. 12mo. 3 vols. Levy. 2s. &d . ,, Le vicomte de Bragelonne. 12mo. 6 vols. Levy. 5s. , , La reine Margot. 12mo. 2 vols. Levy. 2s. , , Les quarante-cinq. 12mo. 3 vols. Levy. 2s. Qd. ,, La dame de Monsoreau. 12mo. 3 vols. Levy. 5s. ,, Le comte de Monte-Cristo. 12mo. 6 vols. Levy. 5s. Duruy, G. L'unisson. 12mo. Hacliette. 3s. Feuillet, O. Julia de Trecoeur. 12mo. Levy. 3s. , , La petite comtesse. 12mo. Levy. 3s. ,, Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre. 12mo. Levy. ,, M. de Camors. 12mo. Levy. 3s. Feval, P. La fee des greves. 12mo. Plon. 2s. 6d. Feydeau. Sylvie. 12mo. Levy. 3s. Flaubert, G. Madame Bovary. 12mo. Charpentier. 3s. ,, SalammbS. 12mo. Charpentier. 3s. ,, Trois contes. 12mo. Charpentier. 3s. ,, L'education sentimentale. 12mo. Cliarpentier. 3s. France, A. Le crime de Sylvestre Bonnard. 12mo. Levy. 3s. Gautier, T. Le capitaine Fracasse. 12mo. 2 vols. Charpentier. . 6s. , , Romans et contes. 12mo. Cliarpentier. 3s. ,, Nouvelles. 12mo. Charpentier. 3s. ,, Le roman de la Momie. 12mo. Charpentier. 3s. Greville, H. Dosia. 12mo. Plon. 2s. Gd. ,, Rose Rozier. 12mo. 2 vols. Plon. 6s. "Gyp." Le plus heureux de tous. 12mo. Levy. 3s. ,, Mademoiselle Eve. 12mo. Levy. 3s. Halevy, L. La famille Cardinal. 12mo. Levy. 3s. Hugo, V. Notre Dame de Paris. 12mo. 2 vols. (Paris). 3s. 6^. ,, Les travailleurs de la mer. 12mo. 2 vols. (Paris'). Bs. 6d. Quatre-vingt-treize. 12mo. 2 vols. (Paris). 3*. 6d. Le Sage. Gil Bias. 12mo. Charpentier. 3s. ,, Le diable boiteux. 12mo. (Paris). 3s. Xioti, P. Le mariage de Loti. 12mo. Levy. 3s. 133 France GUIDE ROOK TO ROOKS. France Loti, P. Mon frere Yves. 12mo. Levy. 3.?. Mahalin, P. L'hotellerie sanglante. 12mo. Tresse. 3s. Maupassant, G. de. . Pierre et Jean. . 12mo. Ollendorff. 3s. Merimee, P. Colomba, etc. 12mo. Levy. 3s. ,, Carmen, etc. 12mo. Levy. 3s. ,, Chronique de Charles IX. 12mo. Levy. 3s. ,, Dernieres nouvelles. 12mo. Levy. 3s. Murger, H. La vie de Boheme. 12mo. Levy. Is. , , Les buveurs d'eau. 12mo. Levy. Is. Rabusson, H. Le mari de Madame Orgevault. 12mo. Levy. 3s. Reybaud, L. Jerome Paturot. 12mo. Levy. Is. Sand, George. Mauprat. 12mo. Levy. 3s. Lelia. 12mo. 2 vols. Levy. 2s. ,, Lucrezia Floriani. 12mo. Levy. Is. Consuelo. 12mo. 3 vols. Levy. 2s. Gd. ,, La mare au diable. 12mo Levy. 3s. Sandeau, J. Le docteur Herbeau. 12mo. Charpentier. * 3s. ,, Mademoiselle de la Seigliere. 12mo. Charpentier. 3s. ,, Madeleine. 12mo. Charpentier. 3s. ,, Sacs et parchemins. 12mo. Levy. Is. Souvestre, E. Le foyer breton. 12m6. 2 vols. Levy. 2s. Sue, E. Le Juif errant. 12mo. 4 vols. Marpon et Flammarion. 4s. Gd. Theuriet, A. Michel Verneuil. 12mo. Ollendorff. 3s. Voltaire. Romans. 12mo. Didot. 2s. Gd. V. COURSE OF STUDY FOR THE ADULT BEGINNER: At least two of (A) more if possible shonld be worked carefully through with the notes, and the aid of dictionaryand grammar. As many of (B) as can be should be read, for interest and exercise combined, with dictionary only. Use Masson's JKctionary , Fasnacht's Grammar, Saintebury's SAorf history of French literature, and his Specimen* of French literature, or Masson's Lyre franfaue. [See above, Sec. I.] (A) Racine. Les plaideurs. Ed. Braunholtz. ex. f. 8vo. Pitt Pr. 2s. Moliere. L'ecole des femmes. Ed. Saintsbury. ex. f. 8vo. Pitt Pr. 2s. Gd. Bonnechose. Lazare Hoche. Ed. Colbeck. ex. f . 8vo. Pitt Pr. 2s. Voltaire. Merope. Ed. Saintsbury. ex. f. 8vo. Clar. Pr. 2s. Hugo,V. Les misSrables. Ed. Bo'ielle. c. 8vo. 2 vols., 3s. Gd. each. Williams. 7s. (B) Dumas., pere. Les trois mousquetaires. 2 vols. Levy. 2s. Thierry. Recits merovingiens. 8vo. Hachette. 5s. Merimee. Lettres & une inconnue. 12mo. 2 vols. Levy. Gs. Michelet, J. La montagne. 12mo. Lacroix. 3s. Musset. Comedies et proverbes. 12mo. 3 vols., 3s. each. Charpentier. 9s. Uuinet, E. Lettres sa mere. Alcan. 3s. Qautier. Voyage en Russie. 12mo. Charpentier. 3s. ,, Le capitaine Fracasse. 12mo. 2 vols. Charpentier. Gs. 134 GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. VI. BOOKS FOE THE YOUNG : (In addition to those marked in previous lists.) Books marked t are suitable for children under twelve. About, E. Le roi des montagnes. 12mo. Hacliette. Beauvoir, R. dc. Voyage autour du monde. r. 8vo. (Paris). Bernard, C. de. Le gentilhomme campagnard. 12mo. Levy. Cherbuliez, V. Le comte Kostia. 12mo. Hacliette. fDaudet, A. La belle Nivernaise. 12mo. Flammarion. f Desnoyers, L. Aventures de Jean Paul Choppart. 12mo. Hetzel. Dumas, pore. La tulipe noire. 12mo. Levy. f ,, La bouillie de la comtesse Berthe. 12mo. Levy. Erckmann-Chatrian. Maitre Daniel Rock. 12mo. (Paris). ,, La maison forestiere. 12mo. (Paris"), Les deux freres. 12mo. (Paris). Fabre, F. Mon oncle Celestin. 12mo. Charpentier. ,, L'abbe Tigrane. 12mo. Charpentier. France, A. Le livre de mon ami. 12mo. Levy. Fromentin, E. Un 6t6 dans le Sahara. 12mo. 2 vols. (Paris'). Les maitres d'autrefois. 12mo. (Paris). fGirardin, J. Les braves gens. . 16mo. , Hetzel. f ,, Latoute petite. 8vo. Hacliette. Halevy, L. L'Abbe Constantin. 12mo. (Paris). Hubner, Baron. Promenades autour du monde. , 12mo. . 2 Hugo, V. Le derniei 2s. each. Hetzel. . (Paris'). jour, d'un .condamne'; Bug Jargal. 12mo. 2 vols., 3s. 6d. each. (Paris'). Lamartine, A. de. Les confidences. 1 ,, Jocelyn. 12mo. (Paris). Loti, P. Pecheurs d'Islande. 12mo. Levy. Malot, H-. Sans famille. 12mo. 2 vols., 3s. each. Cliarpentier. Michelet, J. L'oiseau. 12mo. Hacliette. fPerey, L. Zerbeline et Zerbelin. 1. 8vo. Levy, illus. Pouvillon. Cesette. 12mo. Lemerre. Remusat, C. de. La Saint-Barthelemy. 12mo. Levy. Renan, E. Souvenirs d'enfance. 12mo. Levy. Sand, George. La famille de Germandre. 12mo. Levy. ,, Les maitres Sonneurs. 12mo. Levy. f ,, Histoire du veritable Gribouille. 12mo. (Paris'). Sandeau, J. Catherine. 12mo. Levy. ,, J. La maison de Penarvan. 12mo. (Paris'). fStahl, P. J. Maroussia. 12mo. Hetzel. fSouvestre, E. Theatre de la jeunesse. 12mo. (Paris). T5pffer. Nouvelles GSnevoises. ' 12mo. (Paris). Verne, J. Michel Strogoff. 12mo. 2 vols., 3s. each. (Paris). 135 20s. Is. 3s. Gd. 2s. 6d. Is. Is. 2s. 6d. 2s. Gd. 2s. 6d. 3s. 3s. 3s. Is. 3s. 6,. Moschus. Text ; in " Bucolici poetae." (See Sec. IV.). Plutarch. Text. 12mo. 5 vols. Teubner. 8s. &d. Gracchi, 6s. ; Nikias, 5s. ; Sulla, 6s. ; Timoleon, 6s. Ed. H. Holden. ex. f. 8vo. Pitt Press. Lives. Tr. A. H. Clough. 8vo. 3 vols. Lorn. 42s. Also in one vol., 18. Lucian. Text. Ed. C. Jacobitz. 12mo. 3 vols. Teubner. 6s. 6d. Vol. i., Somnium and Charoa ; ii., Piscator ; iii., De luctu. ,, Ed. W. Heitland. ex. f. 8vo. Pitt Press. 3s. 6d. Pausanias. Text. Ed. J. Schubart. 12mo. 2 vols. Teubner. 4s. Polybius. Text. Ed. Biittner and Dindorf. 12mo. 4 vols. 13s. Vol. i., 3s. 6d. ; vol. ii., 8*. 6d. ; vol. iii., 3s. ; vol. iv., 3. Theophrastus. Characters ; text. Ed. Foss. Teubner. O.P. 168 Greek Language GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Theophrastus. Text ; English notes and tr. by K. C. Jebb. Macmillan. GREEK CHURCH, see CHURCH HISTORY V. (G). PHILOSOPHY, see PHILOSOPHY II. GREENLAND, see ARCTIC REGIONS. GROUSE DRIVING, see SHOOTING. GUERNSEY, see CHANNEL ISLANDS. GUIANA : Whetham, J. W. B. Roraima and British Guiana. 8vo. Hurst. Im Thurn, E. F. Among the Indians of Guiana. 8vo. Paul, illus. Sketches, chiefly anthropological. Dalton, H. G. History of British Guiana, r. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans. Les colonies d'Ame'rique. 12mo. Quantin. Palgrave, W. G. Dutch Guiana. 8vo. Macmillan. GUN, see SHOOTING. GUNNERY, see ARMY I. , ! NAVY II. GYMNASTICS : Jenkin, A. F. Gymnastics (" All England " ser.). sm. 8vo. Sell. Ravenstein, E. G. Gymnasium and its fittings. 8vo. Trubner. Puritz, L. Code book of gymnastic exercises. Turner. Alexander, A. Gymnastics. 8vo. 4 vols. Philip, illus. Hawaii O.P. 15s. 18s. 52*. Gd. 3s. Gd. 2s. 2s. Gd. Lemaire, E. F. Indian clubs. 4to. lliffe. 5s. Melio, G. L. Swedish drill. Low. Is. Gd. Noakes, S. G. Free gymnastics. 32mo. SimpTdn. Is. GYPSIES AND GYPSY LANGUAGE : Leland, C. G. The gypsies, c. 8vo. Trubner. 10s. Gd. , , English gypsies and their language. 8vo. Trubner. Is. Gd. ,, Gypsy sorcery and fortune telling. 4to. Unrein. IGs. , , and Palmer. English gypsy songs ; with translations. 8vo. Trubner. 7s. Gd. Borrow, G. The gypsies of Spain, p. 8vo. Murray. 2s. Gd. , , Word-book of the Romany. 8vo. Murray, pub. 10s. Gd. O.P. HARBOURS, see HYDRAULICS. HAWAII, see PACIFIC II. H. 169 Hawking GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Hebrew HAWKING, see FALCONRY. HAYTI, see WEST INDIES II. HEALTH, see HYGIENE. HEALTH RESORTS : Yeo, J. B. Climate and health resorts, p. Svo. ClMpnum. 10s. Gd. Braun and Hermann. Curative effect of baths and waters, d. Svo. Smith, 18s. Elder. A handbook to the Spas of Europe. Wilson, W. S. The ocean as a health resort, c. Svo. Churchill, illus. 7s. Gd. McPherson, J. Baths and wells of Europe, p. Svo. Stanford. 6s. Gd. Bennet, H. Winter and spring on the shores of the Mediterranean, p. Svo. Churchill, illus. 12s. Gd. Sparks, E. I. The Riviera, c. Svo. Churchill, pub. Ss. Gd. O.P. Health resorts on the North Mediterranean coast. Wise, A. T. Alpine winter, d. Svo. Churchill, illus. 2s. Gd. Medical aspects ; with notes on Davos Platz, Wiesen. etc. Walker, A. D. Egypt as a health resort, f. Svo. Churchill. 3s. Gd. Illustrated handbook of American winter and summer resorts, c. Svo. 2 vols., is. each. Appleton. illus. 8s. Grabham, M. C. Madeira : climate and resources. 5s. Special reference to the welfare of invalids. Moore, W. J. Health in the tropics. Svo. Churchill. 9s. , , Health resorts for tropical invalids in India, at home, and abroad. p. Svo. Churchill. 5*. Tilt, E. T. Health in India for British women, c. Svo. Churchill. 5s. HEAT, see PHYSICS V. The student who is ignorant of the German language is recommended to make himself master of the elements of the grammar, and then work through Genesis with the assistance of Mr. Spurrell's notes. For the remaining books of the Bible he will find the translations in Messrs. Clark's " Foreign Theological Library " of great value. I. GRAMMARS AND DICTIONARIES : Gabriel, H. Rudiments of Hebrew grammar, (elern.). Svo. (Freiburg*). 2s. Contains some account of the syntax, which is wanting in the next book. Strack, H. L. Hebrew grammar, with exercises, (elem.). c. Svo. Williams. 4s. Gd. Ball, C. J. Merchant Taylors' Hebrew grammar, (elem.). d. Svo. Bacjstcr. 6s. Gesenius, W. Student's Hebrew grammar. Tr. B. Davies. Svo. Asher. Is. Gd. Land, J. P. Principles of Hebrew grammar. Tr. Lane-Poole. c. Svo. Irilbner. 7s. Gd. Deals specially with the accidence. Ewald, H. Syntax of the Hebrew language. Tr. J. Kennedy! d. Svo. Clark. 8s. Gd. Harper, W. R. Elements of Hebrew syntax. Svo. Nutt. Is. Gd. 170 Hebrew GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Hebrew Driver, S. R. Treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew, ex. f. 8vo. Clar. Press. 7s. Gd. Wickes, W. Hebrew accentuation of Psalms, Proverbs, and Job. d. 8vo. Clar. Press. 5s. ,, Hebrew prose accentuation, d. 8vo. Clar. Press. 10s. Gd. Siegfried and Strack. Lehrbuch der neuhebraischen Sprache. 12mo. (Carlsrulie). 3*. 6^. Davies, B. The student's Hebrew lexicon. 8vo. Asher. 12s. Gesenius, W. Handworterbuch iiber das alte Testament. Ed. Miihlau and others. 8vo. (Leipzig). 15s. Buxtorf, J. Lexicon Talmudicum et Rabbinicum. 4to. (Leipzig"). 70s. Jastrow, M. Lexicon to the Talmud (unfinished), d. 4to. 3 parts, 5*. each. Triibner. Lederer, P. Lehrbuch zum Selbstunterricht im babylonischen Talmud. 8vo. 3 vols. (Frankfurt). Gs. II. HISTORY OF LITERATURE, CRITICISM, ETC. : Zunz. Die gottesdienstlichen Vortrage der Juden. 8vo. (Berlin). 1832. O.r. Delitzsch, F. Zur Geschichte der jiidischen Poesie. 8vo. (Leipzig). 1836. 4s. Ginsburg, C. D. The Kabbala ; its origin, etc. 8vo. Longman*, pub. Is. Gd. O.P. Bleek, F. Introduction to the Old Testament, p. 8vo. 2 vols., 5s. each. Sett (Bohn). 10s. Later German editions, revised by WeUhausen. Kuenen, A. Historico-critical inquiry into the origin and composition of the Old Testament. Tr. Wicksteed. 8vo. Macmillan. 14s. Latest school. III. READING BOOKS AND TRANSLATIONS : Spurrell, G. J. Notes on the Hebrew text of Genesis, c. 8vo. Clar. Press. 10s. Gd. Fttrst, J. .Aramaische Chrestomathie. 8vo. (Leipzig). 1836. 4s. Taylor, C. Sayings of the Jewish fathers, d. 8vo. Cambridge Press. 10s. Hershon, P. I. Treasures of the Talmud, d. 8vo. Msbet. 12s. Gd. Talmud Jerushalnii. Tr. K. M. Schwabe. f. 4to. Williams. Part i., 9s. Ibn Ezra. Commentary on Isaiah (Soc. of Hebrew literature). Ed. and tr. M. Friedlander. d. 8vo. 3 vols. I riibner. 22s. Vol. i., 10s. 6j6$sogur og jEfint^ri. Ed. J. Arnason. 8vo. 2vols. (Leipzig}. Vigfusson and Powell. Corpus poeticum boreale. d. 8vo. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 42s. Biskupa, Sogur. 8vo. 2 vols. Copenhagen. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A "Guide-book to Books" Bibliography of Icelandic literature, by Eirfkr Magniisson, in preparation. (Provide). ICHTHYOLOGY, see FISHING and ZOOLOGY. ICONOGRAPHY, CHRISTIAN, see ART V. IDIOCY, see MENTAL PHYSIOLOGY. ILLUMINATING, see ARTISTIC PROCESSES IX. INDIA : GEOGRAPHY AND GENERAL : Murray's Handbooks to India, p. 8vo. 4 vols. Murray. G5s. Bengal, North- West Provinces and Burmah, 20s.; Punjab, Kashmir, etc., 15.; Bombaf, lag. ; Madras, loo. Hints to travellers in India, f. 8vo. W. II. Allen. Is. Reclus, E. Universal geography ; vol. viii. i. 8vo. Virtue. Is. Smith, G. Political and physical geography of British India, p. 8vo. Murray, illus. Is. Qd. The best text-book. Strachey, J. India, d. 8vo. Paul. 15s. Contains full details as to administration. Blanford, H. F. Guide to the climates and weather of India, Ceylon, and Burma; and the storms of the Indian seas. 8vo. Macmillan. 12*. Gd. Ball, V. Jungle life in India. 8vo. De la Rue. pub. 25s. O.P. The journeys and journals of an Indian geologist. Ross, D. Land of the Five Rivers, and Sindh. 8vo. Chapman. 12s. Drew, J. The Jummoo and Kashmir territories. 8vo. Stanford. Maps and illus. 42.?. Cooper, T. T. The Mishmee Hills, p. 8vo. H. 8. King. 7s. Qd. Account of an attempted journey to Thibet from Assam. Logan, W. Malabar. 2 vols. Gov. Press (Madras'). Marshall, W. E. A phrenologist amongst the Todas of South India. 8vo. Longmans, illus. pub. 21s. O.P. Wallace, R. India in 1887 (agriculture). 8vo. SimpUn. illus. 21s. Deals mainly with native agriculture and native breeds of cattle, and other farm live-stock. Nicholson, E. Indian snakes. 8vo. (Madras). 14s. Gtinther, A. C. Reptiles of British India, fo. (Ray Society). G3s. Fayrer, J. Thanatophidia of India, fo. (London). 147*. Moore, W. J. Manual of family medicine for India, p. 8vo. Churchill. illus. 12*. Hunter, W. W. Imperial gazetteer of India. 8vo. 14 vols. Trubner. 63*. There are separate official gazetteers for most of the provinces. The fullest information is given on all the tributary states and dependencies of India. Under the article " India " will be found a complete account of the country in all its aspects. The article forms ono e published annually, and abound in information for the 187 India GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. India INDIA: HISTORY: Hunter, W. W. Brief history of the Indian people, c. 8vo. Trillner. 3*. (hi. Elphinstone, M. History of India to 1761. 8vo. Murray. 18*. An account of the native states. Owen, S. J. India on the eve of the British conquest, p. 8vo. Allen. 8s. A lively account of the circumstances which led to English intervention. Malleson, G. B. The French in India (1674-1761). r. 8vo. Longmans. pub. 16s. O.P. Mill, Jas. History of British India to 1805. c. 8vo. 9 vols. Allen. 50*. Vols. vii., viii., ix., contain a continuation by H. H. Wilson (1805-1835). Strachey, J. India, d. 8vo. Paul. 15*. Trotter, L. J. History of the British Empire in India (1844-62). d. 8vo. 2 vols. Allen. 30*. Kaye, J. W. History of the Sepoy war. d. 8vo. 3 vols. Allen. 58*. Vol. i., IS*. ; vol. ii., 20. ; vol. iii., 20. Malleson, G. B. History of the Indian Mutiny. 8vo. 3 vols. Allen. GO*. Lyall, A. C. Asiatic studies. 8vo. Murray. 12,*. Illustrative of Hindoo thought. Trotter, L. J. Warren Hastings, c. 8vo. W. H. Allen. 9*. ,, Life of Lord Dalhousie ("Statesmen" ser.). c. 8vo. W. If. Allen. 2s. Gd. Smith, R. Bosworth. Life of Lord Lawrence, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Smith, Elder. 21*. INDIA : LANGUAGES : See alsb SANSKRIT and PALI. I. HINDI AND HINDUSTANI : Kellogg, S. H. Grammar of the Hindi language. 8vo. (Allahabad). 21*. Platts, J. T. Grammar of the Hindustani or Urdu language. 8vo. Allen. 12*. ,, Urdu, Hindi, and English dictionary, sup. r. 8vo. Allen. G3*. II. TAMIL: Pope, G. U. First lessons in Tamil. 12mo. Clar. Press. Is. Gd. ,, Tamil handbook (3 parts). 8vo. W. H. Allen. 12*. Gd. Part iii. contains Tamil-English and English-Tamil dictionary. ,, Sacred " Kurral of Tiruvalluva Nuyandr." 8vo. W. H. Allen. 24*. Deals with the higher grammar ; contains lexicon. III. TELUGU: The beginner should take Arden's Grammar, then Campbell's. Brown's Telugu Reader is essential, his Telugu Dictionary and Mixed Dialects Dictionary are useful, but absolutely unscientific. Arden, A. H. Progressive grammar of the Telugu language, r. 8vo. Irubner. 18*. Campbell, A. D. Grammar. 4to. Dulau. 1820. 21*. Very good. Brown, C. P. Grammar of the Telugu language. 8vo. W. H. Allen. 21*. Contains a mass of quite priceless information. ,, Telugu-English, English-Telugu dictionary, r. 8vo. 3 vols. in 2. W. H. Allen. 100*. 188 India GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Indian, etc. Vemana (with translation). Ed. C. P. Brown. 8vo. (Madras). 1829. O.P. Most useful. Brown, C. P. Dictionary of mixed dialects and foreign words used in Telugu. 8vo. (Madras). 12s. ,, Teloogoo reader. 8vo. 2 vols. Allen. 14s. INDIA : LAW : Anglo-Indian codes. Ed. Whitley Stokes, d. 8vo. 2 vols. and supp. Clar. Press. 67s. 6d. Vol. i., 30*. ; vol. ii., 85*. ; Supplement, 2*. 6cZ. Indian penal code. Ed. J. D. Mayne. d. 8vo. (Madras). 30s. ,, Ed. Morgan and Macpherson. (Calcutta). O.P. Collett, C. Comments on the Indian penal code. Macaulay, T. B. Notes on the Indian penal code. c. 8vo. Longmans. In vol. vii. of collected works, 8 vols., 48*. Mayne, J. D. Hindu law and usage. 8vo. Stevens. 32s. Macnaghten, W. Hindoo and Mohammedan law. Ed. Wilson. 8vo. Williams. 6s. Hindu law books. Ed. Whitley Stokes. 4to. (Madras'). O.P. Translated from Sanskrit. Rumsey, A. Moohummudan law of inheritance. 8vo. Allen. 12.s. Indian evidence act. Ed. J. F. Stephen. 8vo. Macmillan. pub. 12s. 6d. O.P. With introduction on principles of judicial evidence. INDIA, KACES OF, see ANTHROPOLOGY IV. INDIAN OCEAN AND ARCHIPELAGO : I. GENERAL: Keane, A. H. Eastern geography (with map), c. 8vo. Stanford. 5s. Malay Peninsula, Indo-China, Eastern Archipelago, Philippmes, New Guinea. St. John, H. The Indian Archipelago, p. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans, pub. 21s. O.P. Rosenberg, C. B. H. von. Der malayische Archipel ; with preface by Prof. Veth. r. 8vo. Weigel. 18s. Crawford, J. History of the Indian Archipelago. 8vo. 3 vols. Allen. 1820. pub. 52s. 6d. O.P. ,, Indian islands and adjacent countries. 8vo. Bradbury. 16s. Guillemard, F. H. Cruise of the " Marchesa." 8vo. Murray, illus. 21s. Important for the Loochoo and Sooloo islands. Wallace, A. R. The Malay Archipelago, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 6s. Forbes, H. 0. Naturalist's wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago. 8vo. Lorn. 21s. Findlay, A. G. Directory for the navigation of the Indian Archipelago. r. 8vo. R. H. Laurie. 28s. II. MAURITIUS : Pike, N. Sub-tropical rambles. 8vo. Lorn. 18s. 189 Indian, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Industries III. MALDIVES : Bell, H. C. P. Maldive Islands, fo. Triibner. 10s. Gd. IV. SUMATRA: Marsden, W. History of Sumatra. 4to. (London). 1783. O.P. V. BORNEO: Jacob, Gertrude L. Sir J. Brooke (Raja of Sarawak). 8vo. 2 vols. Mac- millan. 25s. St. John, S. Life in the forests of the far east. 8vo. 2 vols. SmitJi; Elder, illus. pub. 32*. O.P. Chiefly Borneo. Burbidge, F. W. Gardens of the sun. c. 8vo. Murray, illus. 14s. A naturalist's journal of travels in Borneo and the Sulu Archipelago. Hatton, J. The new Ceylon, c. 8vo. Chapman. Gs. Handbook of British North Borneo, c. 8vo. domes. 2s. Gd. VI. JAVA: Veth, P. J. Java : geographisch-ethnologisch-historisch. 8vo. 3 vols. (Haarlem). 55s. Raffles, T. S. History of Java. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray, illus. pub. 28s. O.P. VII. CELEBES: Hickson, S. J. Naturalist in north Celebes. 8vo. Murray, illus. 16s. Narrative of travels in Minahassa, the Sangir, and Talant Islands ; with notes on the fauna, VIII. PHILIPPINES: Bowring, J. A visit to the Philippine islands. 8vo. Smith, Elder, pub. 18.?. O.P. Jagor, F. Travels in the Philippines. Tr. 8vo. Chapman, illus. 16s. Montano, J. Voyage aux Philippines et en Malaisie. 12mo. Hachette. 3s. 6^. Guerra, J. A. Viages por Filipinas. 8vo. (Madrid). 9s. IX. LA REUNION : Colonies de 1'ocean indien. Ed. L. Henrique. 12mo. Quantin. 3s. Gd. Vol. i. of " Les colonies fra^aises." INDIANS, AMEP.ICAN, see ANTHROPOLOGY IV. INDIAN CLUBS, see GYMNASTICS. INDIA-P.UBBEB, see ECONOMIC PRODUCTS II. INDIES, WEST, see WEST INDIES. INDOOR GAMES, see GAMES II. INDUSTRIES : For industries not mentioned here, see under their respective heads. 190 Industries GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Industries I. GENERAL: Bevan, P. British manufacturing industries. 12mo. 12 vols., 3s. 6d. each. Stanford. 42.d. Lunge, G. Manufacture of sulphuric acid and alkali. 8vo. 3 vols. Gurney. 96s. Vol. i., 36*. ; vol. ii., 86*. ; vol. iii., 21*. III. BOOTS AND SHOES: Hill and Yeoman. Boot and shoe manufacture, d. 8vo. (9, St. Bride's- avenue, E. C.). 4s. Hannibal, A. Last fitting and pattern cutting, d. 8vo. (9, St. Bride's- avenue, E.C). 3s. IV. BREAD AND WHEAT : Jago, W. Wheat, flour, and bread-making, etc. Maclaren (Glasgow}. 12s. Qd. ,, Chemistry of wheat flour and bread : bread-making, etc. Slmpldn. 12s. (id. V. BREWING: Hooper, E. G. Brewing, scientific and technical, p. 8vo. Shepparcl. Is. Qd. VI. CLOCKS AND WATCHES : Glasgow, D. Watch and clock-making. 12mo. Cassell. 4s. Qd. Saunier, C. Modern horology. Tr. Tripplin and Rigg. p. 8vo. Lockn-ood. 9s. VII. COACH-BUILDING: Thrupp, G. A. History of coach-building. 8vo. Kerly and Endcan. illus. 6s. Philipson, J. Coach body making. Kemp, illus. 4s. Foggett, J. S. Wheel-making. Kemp, illus. 2s. Gd. VIII. COAL TAR : Lunge, G. Distillation of coal-tar and ammoniacal liquors. 8vo. Gurney. 31s. 6d. Mills, E. J. Destructive distillation, d. 8vo. Gurney. illus. 4*. Knecht, E. Chemistry of coal tar colours, sm. p. Svo. Bell. Gs. 6d. IX. ELECTRO-CHEMICAL : Gore, G. Electro-chemistry, d. Svo. "Electrician" Pub. Co. 2s. Watt, A. Electro-metallurgy practically treated, c. Svo. Loclmood. 3s. 6d. Gore, G. Art of electro-metallurgy, c. Svo. Longmans, illus. 6s. 191 GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Intemperance TJrquhart, J. W. Electro-plating, c. 8vo. LookmooA. 5s. ,, Electro-typing, c. 8vo. Lockwood. 5s. Watt, A. Electro-deposition, c. 8vo. Locliwood. 12s. Gd. X. GAS : Richards, W. Gas manufacture, d. 8vo. Span, illus. 28s. Newbigging, T. Handbook for gas engineers, f. 4to. King, illus. 15s. XI. GLASS: Powell and Chance. Principles of glass-making, sm. p. 8vo. Sell. 3s. Gd. XII. LEATHER: Watt, A. Art of leather manufacture, p. 8vo. Lochmood. 9s. Proctor, H. Handbook of tanning, c. 8vo. Span. Is. d. XIII. OILS AND VARNISHES: Cameron, J. Oils and varnishes, p. 8vo. Churchill. Is. Gd. XIV. PAPER : Cross and Be van. Paper-making, c. 8vo. Span. 12s. Gd. Hofmann, C. Manufacture of paper. 8vo. Low. 73s. Gd. XV. PLUMBING: Hellyer, S. S. The plumber, r. 8vo. Batsford. illus. 10*. Gd. Davies, P. J. Standard practical plumbing, r. 8vo. Spon. Is. Gd. Maguire, W. R. Domestic sanitary drainage and plumbing. 8vo. Paul. 12s. XVI. SAW MILLS: Bale, M. P. Saw mills, c. 8vo. LocJtmood. 10s. Gd. XVII. SOAP: Cameron, J. Soaps and candles, c. 8vo. Churchill, illus. 7s. Carpenter, W. Soaps, candles, and lubricants, c. 8vo. Spon. 10s. Gd. Watt, A. Art of soap-making, p. 8vo. LochmooA. Is. Gd. INFANTRY, see ARMY I. INFANTS, MANAGEMENT OF, see DOMESTIC ECONOMY. INFIRMARIES, see HOSPITALS. INNS OF COURT, see LONDON III. INQUISITION, see CHURCH HISTORY III. INSANITY, see MENTAL PHYSIOLOGY I. INSTITUTIONS, HISTORY OF, see ANTHROPOLOGY III. INSURANCE, see ASSURANCE. INTEMPERANCE, see ALCOHOLISM. 192 International GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Ireland INTERNATIONAL LAW, see LAW OF NATIONS. INVENTIONS, LAW RELATING TO, see ENGLAND, LAW VI. IONIAN ISLANDS, see MEDITERRANEAN. IRELAND : See ENGLAND, for books relating to England also. I. GEOGRAPHY: Baddeley and Ward. " Thorough Guide " series. 12mo. 2 parts. Dulau. 2s. Part i., North, is. ; part ii., East, West, and South, 5*. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ireland ; its scenery, character, etc. r. 8vo. 3 vols. How. illus. O.P. Vol. i., ii., pub. 25*. each ; vol. Hi., 30*. II. HISTORY: O'Curry, E. Manners and customs of the ancient Irish. 8vo. 3 vols. Williams. 30*. Lawless, Emily. Ireland, c. 8vo. Unrein, illus. 5s. Bichey, A. G. Short history of the Irish people to 1608. Ed. R. R. Kane. 8vo. Hodges. 14.. The test account of the period. Bagwell, R. Ireland under the Tudors. 8vo. 3 vols. Longmans. 50s. Vol. i., ii., 82. ; vol. iii., 18*. Froude, J. A. The English in Ireland, c. 8vo. 3 vols. Longmans. 18s. To be compared with the chapters on Ireland in Lecky's " History of the 18th Century." Ball, J. T. Historical review of the legislative system in Ireland (1172-1800). 8vo. Longmans. 6s. Hassencamp, R. History of Ireland (1530-1800). Tr. E. A. Robinson. 8vo Sonnenscliein. 9s. Gives a German view of Irish history. Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland, p. 8vo. Longmans. pub. Is. Qd. , O.P. Two centuries of Irish history. 1689-1870. Ed. J. Bryce. 8vo. Paul. 16s. III. LITERATURE: OLD AND MEDIEVAL: In this list the grammars and texts are arranged in the order of a course of mediaeval Irish study. For old Irish the same grammars have to serve, and for texts Goidelica (ed. Stokes), and Codice Irlandese (ed. Ascoli) ; see below. "Windisch, E. Short Irish grammar, (elem.). Tr. Dr. Norman Moore. c. 8vo. Pitt Press. Is. d. Stokes, Whitley. Celtic declension, (elem.). (Gottingen). Zeuss, J. C. Grammatica Celtica. Ed. Ebel. r. 8vo. (Berlin). 30s. Windisch, E. Irische Texte ; mit Worterbuch. 8vo. (Leipzig). 24s. Zimmer, H. Keltische Studien. 8vo. 2 vols. (Berlin}. 9s. Irische Texte ; mit Uebersetzungen und Worterbuch (2nd series, parts i. and ii.). Ed. W. Stokes and E. Windisch. 8vo. (Leipzig'). 11s. Tripartite life of St. Patrick. Ed. W. Stokes, r. 8vo. Rolls Series. 10s. accompanied with translations into English, notes, explanations, 193 o Ireland GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Italy laves of saints from the Book of Lismore. Ed. Stokes, c. 4to. Clar. Press. Bis. Gd. " Anecdota Oxoniensia ; " series " Mediaeval and modern ; " part v. Three Irish Glossaries (including Cormac's). Ed. Stokes. 8vo. Williams. 10s. Gil. Also a translation of Cormac by O'Donovan. Ed. Stokes. (Calctttta). Has more interest than an ordinary glossary, as it contains very curious archaeological and mythical articles. Passions and Homilies from Leabhar Breac. Ed. R. Atkinson. 8vo. Royal Irish Academy. 30s. Todd's lecture series : vol. ii. Text, translation, and glossary. Joyce, P. W. Old Celtic romances, p. 8vo. Paul. pub. 7s. Gd. o.p. Leabhar na h-Uidhre. (Book of the Dun), fo. Hodges. 63s. Lithographed facsimile of the oldest Irish MS. of any considerable size. Goidelica. Ed. W. Stokes, m. 8vo. Triibner. 18s. Codice Irlandese dell' Ambrosiana. Ed. Ascoli. 8vo. (Rome'). Vol. v., vi., of the Archivio Glottolojjico Italiauo ; issued in parts, about 10s. each. ELAND, CHUECH OP, HISTORY, see CHURCH HISTORY V. (c). IRON AND STEEL : I. METALLURGY : Percy, J. Iron and steel. 8vo. Murray. 30s. Greenwood, W. H. Steel and iron. 12mo. Cassell. 5s. Howe, H. Metallurgy of steel, sm. fo. Low. 52s. Gd. An elaborate treatise of much value. II. MANUFACTURE : Practical iron founding. WhittaJter. 4s. Bell, J. H. Mamifacture of iron and steel. Routledtje. 21s. Of special interest to blast furnace managers, and to others engaged in the production of pig Millis, C. T. Metal plate work. c. 8vo. Span. 9s. PERIODICAL : Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute (London). IRRIGATION, see AGRICULTURE IV. IRVINGITES, see CHURCH HISTORY V. (D). ISLAM, see MAHOMETANISM. ITALY : GEOGRAPHY AND DESCRIPTION : I. GENERAL : Murray's Handbook for Italy, p. 8vo. 3 vols. Murray. 32s. North Italy, 10s. ; Central Italy (2 parts), 10. ; South Italy and Sicily, 12,?. Baedeker's Handbook for Italy. 12mo. 3 vols. Dulau. 18s. North Italy, 6s. ; Central Italy, 6s. South Italy, 6*. Lobley, J. Logan. Vesuvius. 8vo. Stanford. 5s. Rodwell, G. F. Etna. p. 8vo. Paul. !',ner. 2s. Gd. entary. Ed. H. Furneaux. d. Svo. 18,. . . . . Svo. 2 vols. Weidmann. 5s. Gd. Vol. i., 3. ; vol. i Annals ; with French notes. Ed. E. Jacob. 1. Svo. 2 vols. (Paris). Histories ; with English notes. Ed. A. D. Goiley. 2 vols. Macmillan. Vol. i. (books i., ii.), 3s. Gd. ; vol. ii. (books iii., iv.), 3*. Gd. Gsrmania and Agricola ; with EnglU-h notes. Ed. Church aid Brodribb. Macmillan. Histories ; with English notes. Ed. K. Heraeus. Svo. 2 vols., Is. each. T Works. Tr. by Church and Erodribb. c. Svo. 3 vols. Ma History, Gs. ; Annals, ~f. Gd. ; Germania and Agricola. I . 6(7. 207 ttin GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Law Pliny (the elder). Text. Ed. D. Detlefsen. p. 8vo. 6 vols. Weidmann. 16s. Vol. i., 2s. ; vol. ii., 2s. 6& ; vol. iii., 2. 6d. ; vol. iv., 2s. Gd. ; vol. v., 2s. 6rZ. ; vol. vi., 4*. Pliny (the younger). Text. Ed. H. Keil. 12mo. Teubner. \s. 3d. Letters, books i., ii. with English notes. Ed. J. Cowan, f. 8vo. Jfacmillan. 3*. Letters, book iii. ; with English notes. Ed. J. E. B. Mayor, f . 8vo. MacmUlan. 3s. Grf. 's Letters (" Ancient Classics for English Readers"). 2s. 6(1. Suetonius. Text. Ed. L. Roth. 12mo. leubner. Is. Gd. Quintilian. Text. Ed. F. Bonnell. 12mo. 2 vols. Teubner. 2s. Gd. Institutiones; with French notes. Ed. Hild. 8vo. (Paris'). 3s. Valerius Maximus. Works. Ed. Kempf. 12mo. Teubner. 4s. Gd. School selection. Ed. W. R. Inge. Longmant. Ss. 6d. Quintus Curtius. History of Alexander the Great. Ed. Foss. 12mo. leubner. Is. 3d. ,, Alexander in India; with English notes. Ed. Heitland and Raven, ex. f . 8vo. Pitt Press. 3s. Gd. Aulus Gellius. Noctes Atticae. Ed. Hertz. 12mo. 2 vols. Teubner. 4s. Gd. Vol. i., 2s. ; vol. ii., 2*. M. Statius. Text. Ed. Bahrens and Kohlmann. 12mo. 2 vols. leubner. 3s. 3d. Vol. i., 2s. ; vol. ii., Is. 9d. Valerius Flaccus. Text. Ed. Bahrens. 12mo. Teubner. Is. Gd. Pervigilium Veneris. Ed. Bucheler. 12mo. Teubner. Is. Apuleius. Text. Ed. G. Hildebrand. 8vo. 2 vols. (Leipzig). 30s. Manilius. Text. Ed. F. Jacob. 8vo. (Berlin). 2s. Gd. Silius Italicus. Text (French edition). Ed. Lemaire. 8vo. 2 vols. o.p. Ausonius. Text. Ed. Schenkl. 4to. (Berlin). 10s. In " Monumenta Historiae Germanicae." Claudian. Text. Ed. Jeep. 8vo. 2 vols. (Leipzig). 21s. Prudentius. Text. Ed. Dressel. 8vo. (Leipzig). 7s. Gd. Sidonius Apollinaris. Text (French edition). Ed. Barret. 8vo. (Paris). 13s. Gd. Calpurnii et Nemesiani Bucolica. Ed. Schenkl. 8vo. (Leipzig). 6s. For rvorJis on ROMAN LAW, and on the law of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, UNITED STATES, INDIA, see under those heads. I. GENERAL JURISPRUDENCE AND EARLY HISTORY OF LAW : Hobbes, T. Leviathan (" Morley's Universal Library "). c. 8vo. Routledge. Is. Bentham, J. Theory of legislation. 8vo. Irubner. Is. Gd. , , Principles of morals and legislation, c. 8vo. Clar. Press. 6s. Gd. ,, Fragment on government. 8vo. Clar. Press. Is. Gd. Austin, J. Jurisprudence. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 32s. Student's edition, c. 8vo. 12s. Holland, T. E. Elements of jurisprudence, (elem.). d. Svo. Clar. Press. 10s. Gd. Markby, W. Elements of law. d. Svo. Clar. Press. 12s. Gd. Clark, E. C. Practical jurisprudence, c. Svo. Cambridge Press. 9s. Pollock, F. Essays in jurisprudence and ethics. 8vo. Macmillan. 10s. Gd. 208 Law GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Lawn-Tennis Pollock, F. Oxford lectures, etc. 8vo. Macmlllan. 9,. Maine, H. Ancient law. 8vo. Murray. 9s. , , Early history of institutions. 8vo. Murray. 9*. ,, Village communities. 8vo. Murray. 9s. Early law and custom. 8vo. Murray. 9s. II. REFERENCE : The leading law publishers issue annual catalogues, which give information of new works. Douthwaite, W. R. Catalogue of the library of Gray's Inn. 8vo. Librarian, Gray's Inn. Griswold, S. B. Catalogue of the New York State Library. (Albany, N. I'.). 21* Subject index of Law Library. Elphinstone and others. Glossary of law terms and interpretation of deeds. 8vo. Maxwell. 25s British. American, and foreign law reviews, with their contents, is published at the end of every number of the Law Quarterly Review. American Law Review (St. Louis, U.S.), LAW OF NATIONS : I. INTERNATIONAL LAW : Hall, W. E. International law. d. 8vo. Clar. Press. 22s. Qd. References to the leading continental authors will be found in Mr. Hall's book. Some knowledge of modern languages, or at least of French, is necessary for the profitable study of this subject. Wheaton, H. Elements of international law. Ed. Boyd. r. 8vo. Stevens. 80s. Woolsey, T. D. Introduction to international law. 8vo. (New York'). 18s. Phillimore, R. International law. 8vo. 4 vols. Butternorth. 34s, Maine, H. International law. 8vo. Murray. Is. Qd.- Published from the author's MS. lectures after his death. Wheaton, H. History of international law. 8vo. Stevens. 30s,. Clarke, Sir E. Law of extradition. 8vo. Stevens and Haynes. 20s,. Calvo, C. Le droit international. 8vo. 4 vols. (Paris). GOs.. Heffter, A.W. Das europaische Volkerrecht der Gegen wart. 8vo. (Berlin). 12s.. II. CONFLICT OF LAWS: Westlake. J. Private international law. 8vo. Maxwell. 15s. Foote, J.A. Private international jurisprudence. 8vo. Stevens and Haynes. 25s. Dicey, A. V. The law of domicile. Stevens. Nelson, H. Select cases, etc. r. 8vo. Stevens. 21s. Savigny, F. Private international law. Tr. Guthrie. 8vo. (Edin- burgh). 21s. Vol. viii. of the Si/stem des heutigen romischer Rechts. LAWN-TENNIS : Heathcote and others. Tennis, lawn-tennis, rackets, and fives. (" Badminton Library "). c. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 10s. &d. "Cavendish." Game of lawn-tennis. 8vo. De la Rue. Is, 6^. 209 p Lawn-Tennis GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Live-Stock Brownlee, W. Methven. Lawn-tennis; its rise and progress, c. 8vo. Arromsmith. 1*. Gd. Championship meetings; eminent players, with portraits ; a treatise on the game. Wilberforce, H. W. W. Lawn-tennis, with a chapter for ladies. (" All England " ser.). sm. 8vo. Sell. Is. PERIODICALS : Field, weekly ; Pastime, weekly ; Lawn-Tennis Annual (principally reports LEATHER, see INDUSTRIES XII. LEEWARD ISLANDS, see WEST INDIES I. LEGENDS, see FOLKLORE. LEGERDEMAIN, see CONJURING. LEGISLATION, THEORY OF, see LAW I. LIBEL, see ENGLAND, LAW IX. LIBERIA, see AFRICA II LIBRARIES : Slater, J. Herbert. Library manual. Upcott Gill. 2*. Gd. Wheatley, H. B. How to form a library, f . 8vo. Stock. 4*. Gd. Blackburn, C. F. Hints on catalogue titles, r. 8vo. Lore. 14.. Greenwood, T. Free public libraries, c. 8vo. Simpkin. 5*. LICHENS, see BOTANY. LIFE ASSURANCE, see ASSURANCE. LIGHT, see PHYSICS VI. LINCOLN'S INN, see LONDON III. LITHOGRAPHY, see PRINTING I. LlTU-LETTISH LANGUAGES, see SLAVONIC. LITURGIES, see THEOLOGY V. LIVE-STOCK : See also HORSE, DOG, and VETERINARY SCIENCE. I. GENERAL : Wallace, R. Farm live-stock of Great Britain, p. 8vo. Simpkin. 7s. Gd. Youatt, W. The complete grazier. 8vo. Lockwood. 30*. Carrington and others. Live-stock of the farm. c. 8vo. Vinton. 2*. Gd. Brown, Prof. Animal life of the farm. c. 8vo. Vinton. 2st. Gd. Seller and Stephens. Physiology at the farm. p. 8vo. Blacknood. illns. pub. 16*. O.P. Aid to rearing and feeding the live-stock. A standard work, though not new. 210 GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Local, etc. Gamgee, J. Our domestic animals in health and disease. Ed. MacLachlan and Stuart. 8vo. SimpMn, 22s. Cobbold, T. S. Internal parasites of domesticated animals, p. Svo. //. Cox. pub. 5s. O.P. A book of reference. Armsby, H. P. Manual of cattle-feeding, c. Svo. J. Willey. illus. 12*. Gd. Chemistry of feeding-stuffs, etc. ; appendix of useful tables. II. SPECIAL: Coleman, J. The cattle, sheep and pigs of Great Britain. Svo. H. Cox. illus. 12s. Gd. Good, though somewhat old in style. Macdonald and Sinclair. History of Hereford cattle. Vinton. illus. 10*. Gd. ,, History of polled cattle, c. Svo. Vinton. illus. 12*. Gd. Aberdeen Angus polled cattle. Aldine Co. (Detroit). History of the breed in England and America, with an introduction by Judge Goodwin. History of improved shorthorn or Durham cattle. (N. Engd. Farm Office). From notes by the late T. Bates, with memoir by T. Bell. Allen, L. F. History of the shorthorn cattle. Svo. (Buffalo, N. Y.~). 24*. Clater's cattle doctor. Ed. Armatage. d. Svo. Warm, illus. 21*. Steel, J. H. Treatise on the diseases of the ox. Svo. Longmans, illus. 15*. ,, Diseases of sheep. Svo. Stock. 12*. Lawes, J. B. Tables for estimating dead-weight and value of cattle from. live-weight. IGmo. Royal Agric. Soc. of England. Is. Most valuable. Sidney, S. The pig. Routledge. illus. 1*. Tegetineier, W. B. Poultry book. r. Svo. Routledge. 21*. Wright, L. Illustrated book of poultry. 4to. Cassell. 31*. Gd. , , Practical poultry keeper, c. Svo. Cassell. 3*. Gd. Wilson, Mrs. M. A. The A-B-C poultry book. 12mo. Cassell. 1*. Fulton, R. The pigeon book. 4to. Cassell. 31*. Gd. LIVERY COMPANIES, see LONDON II. LOCAL GOVERNMENT : editions are specially liable to be superseded or affected by current legislation. In some cases it is also necessary to make inquiry as to local orders or regulations. Bazalgette and Humphreys. Local and municipal government, sup. r. Svo. Stevens. Comprising the statutes relating to public health, municipal corporations, highways, etc. Smith, J. Toulmin. Local self-government and centralization, p. Svo. Chapman. 1851. pub. 5*. Deals with general principles. The examples in many cases are no longer applicable owing to changes in the law. Glen, W. C. and A. Public health, local government, etc. Svo. Butter- rvorth. Chalmers, M. D. Local government ("English Citizen" ser.). c. Svo. Macmillan. Rathbone, W. Local administration (" Imperial Parliament " ser.). c. Svo. Sonnenschein. 3G*. 3*. 6J. 1*. 211 p 2 Local, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Logic Goschen, G. J. Reports and speeches on local taxation. 8vo. Macmillan. 5s. An important review of the financial principles involved. Sargant, C. H. Urban rating. 8vo. Longmans. 6*. Bazalgette and Humphreys. County councils, r. 8vo. Stevens. Is. Gd. Pulling, A. Handbook for county authorities, d. 8vo. Clones. Is. Gd. Smith, J. Toulmin. The parish. 8vo. Srveet. 18*. Glen, W. C. and A. Highways. 12mo. Butterrvorth. 3*. Gd. Bxjgers, F. N. Elections, d. 8vo. 2 parts, 21*. each. Stevens. 42*. Arnold- Forster, H. 0. Laws of everyday life. Cassell. 1*. Gd. Citizen reader. 8vo. Cassell. Is. Gd. The last two are elementary books for children. Glen and Cunningham. Law of county government, d. 8vo. Knight. 42*. Local Government Act, 1888. Local government directory (annual), d. 8vo. Knight. 8*. Gd. LOCOMOTIVES, see STEAM ENGINE. LOGIC: I. DEDUCTIVE : (A) GENERAL. Keynes, J. N. Formal logic, (elem.). 8vo. Macmillan. 10*. Gd. Bain, A. Logical deduction, (elem.). p. 8vo. Longmans. 10*. Gd. Jevons, W. S. Studies in deductive logic, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 6s. Bowen, F. E./ Treatise on logic. 12mo. (Boston'). 7*. Lotze, H. Logic, (advanced). Ed. B. Bosanquet. p. 8vo. Clar. Press. 12*. Bradley, F. H. Principles of logic, (very advanced). 8vo. Paul. 16*. Bosanquet, B. Logic, (very advanced). 8vo. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 21*. Whateley, R. Elements of logic. 8vo. Longmans. 4s. Gd. Mainly of historical interest ; not an advanced treatise. Hamilton, W. Lectures on logic. 8vo. 4 vols. (Edinburgh). 24*. Newman, J. H. Grammar of assent, p. 8vo. Longmans. 3*. Gd. (B) MATHEMATICAL. Boole, G. Laws of thought. 8vo. Macmillan. 14*. De Morgan, A. Formal logic. Taylor and Walton. 1847. O.P. Venn, J. Symbolical logic, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 10*. Gd. ,, Logic of chance. 12mo. Macmillan. 10*. Gd. ,, Empirical logic. 8vo. Macmillan. 18*. Mathematical and inductive. II. INDUCTIVE: Bain, A. Logical induction, (elem.). p. 8vo. Longmans. Gs. Gd. Mill, J. S. System of logic, c. 8vo. Longmans. 5*. Taine, H. A study of John S. Mill. Tr. Haze. c. 8vo. Simpkin. pub. 1*. O.P. Jevons, W. S. Principles of science, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 12*. Gd. 212 GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. London Herschel, J. F. W. Introduction to the study of natural philosophy. 12mo. Longmans. 1840. pub. 3s. 6d. O.P. Whewell, W. History of scientific ideas, p. 8vo. Parker. 14s. Bacon, A. F. Novum organum (vols. i., ii. of "Complete works"). Tr. and ed. Ellis and Spedding. 8vo. 10s. 6d. each. Longmans. LONDON : I. GENERAL AND SUBURBS: Baedeker's London. 12mo. Dulau. 6s. Murray's Handbook of the environs of London, p. 8vo. 2 parts. Murray. 21s. Metropolitan Yearbook. Cassell. !* A guide to imperial, municipal, local, commercial, educational, and social London. Loftie, W. J. History of London, p. 8vo. 2 vols. Stanford. 32s. ,, London (in " Historic Towns "). 8vo. Longmans. 3s. 6d. "Wheatley, H. B. London, past and present. 8vo. 3 vols. Murray. 63s. Thornbury and Walford. Old and new London. 4to. 6 vols., 9s. each. Cassell. 54s Descriptive. "Walford, E. Greater London : a narrative of its history, people, and its places, r. 8vo. 2 vols., 9s. each. Cassell. illus. 18s. Timbs, J. Curiosities of London, c. 8vo. Virtue. 21s. Buxton, E. N. Epping Forest. 12mo. Stanford. 2s. Taunt. Illustrated guide to the Thames. Pltilip. 8s. Gd. Most useful in boating expeditions. Larger edition, with photographs, 15. II. CITY : For the bibliography of the City, tee Catalogue of the Guildhall library. Norton, G. Commentaries on the history, constitution, and chartered franchises of the City of London. 8vo. Longmans, pub. 14s. O.P. Constitution and government. Birch, W. de Gray. Historical charters and constitutional documents of the City of London, r. 8vo. Whiting. 31s. 6d. Pulling, A. Laws, customs, and regulations of the City and Port of London. 8vo. Stevens and Norton. 1842. pub. 18s. O.P. Memorials of London. Ed. H. T. Riley. i. 8vo. Longmans. 21s. London life in the 13th, 14th, and 15th centuries, being extracts from the early archives of the City. Herbert, W. History of the twelve great livery companies. 2 vols. Bohn. pub. 16s. O.P. Historical and antiquarian ; the only published book of value on the subject. Welch, C. Bibliography of the Livery Companies. Sale (87, Great Tich- field-street). 1. Stow, J. Survey of London (1598). Ed. H. Morley. 8vo. Routledge. 2s. Gd. City of London livery companies' Commission report, fo. 5 vols. Eyre. 33s. 8d. Historical enquiry, followed by statistics furnished by the companies, varying much in completeness. Mackmurdo, A. H. Wren's City churches. 8vo. *. Smith, R. H. Cutting tools. 18mo. Cassell. 3*. Qd. MADAGASCAR : Sibree, J. Madagascar. 8vo. Triibner. 12*. Physical geography, geology, exploration, natural history, botany, etc. The best succinct account of the island. Oliver, S. P. Madagascar, m. 8vo. 2 vols. Macmillan. 52*. (id. Historical and descriptive account of the island, and its former dependencies. A detailed Grandidier, A. Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar. 4to. 28 vols. (Paris'). 60 An elaborate and expensive work, with numerous maps and plates, and dealing with the geography, meteorology, ethnography, political and natural history, etc. Still in progress. MADNESS, see MENTAL PHYSIOLOGY I. MAGIC LANTERN, see GAMES III. MAGNETISM, see ELECTRICITY. MAGNETISM, ANIMAL, see PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. MAHOMETANISM : See also ARABIA, LITERATURE. Hughes, T. P. Dictionary of Islam, r. 8vo. Al'i^n. 42*. Encyclopedia of information. Muir, W. Life of Mahomet, d. 8vo. 4 vols. Smith, Elder. 32. Also in 1 vol., 14*. Sprenger, A. Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammed. 8vo. 3 vols. (Berlin). . 24*. Muir, W. Annals of the early Caliphate, d. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 16*. Weil, G. Geschichte der Chalifen. 8vo. 5 vols. (Mannheim). .. Brist and Bouquet. Thgorie des f onctions elliptiques. 4to. Gautier- Villars. Contains an account of the French theory. Durege. Elemente der Theorie der Functionen. 8vo. Teubner. Contains an account of the German theory. Thomae, I. Abriss einer Theorie der Functionen. 8vo. Contains much matter not included in the two former books. Durege. Theorie der elliptischen Functionen. 8vo. Teubner. Cayley, A. Elementary treatise on elliptic functions. Sell. New ed. in prep. Halphen, G. H. Fonctions elliptiques. 8vo. 2 vols. (Paris). 35*. Vol. i., 15. ; vol. ii., 20. Contains an account of Weierstross' methods, and applications to mixed mathematics. Only part is yet published. Carr, G. S. Synopsis of elementary results in pure mathematics, r. Svo. Hodgson. 4*. A large volume of more than 900 pp. ; suitable for reference or revision of bookwork ; contains an index to papers on pure mathematics in many British and foreign journals, etc. II. APPLIED: See also ASTRONOMY, ELECTRICITY, PHYSICS. Greaves, J. Statics for beginners, gl. Svo. Macmillan. 3s. tk7. Minchin, G. Statics. Svo. Longmans, pub. 10s. 6d. O.P. Loney, S. L. Elementary dynamics, c. Svo. Cambridge Press. Is. &d. Williamson and Tarleton. Dynamics, c. Svo. Longmans. 10s. &d. Routh, E. Dynamics of a system of rigid bodies. Svo. 2 vols., 14s. each. Macmillan. ' 28*. Newton, Sir I. Principia. Ed. Thomson and Blackburn. 4to. Macmillan. 31s. fid. Besant, W. H. Hydromechanics, f. Svo. Bell, illus. Part i., " Hydrostatics," St. Lamb, H. Motion of fluids, d. Svo. Cambridge Press. 12*. 218 Mathematics GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Mediterranean Basset, A. B. Hydrodynamics, d. 8vo. 2 vols. Sell. 23s. Vol. i., 10*. Gd. ; vol. ii.. 12. 6cl. Cotterill, J. H. Applied mechanics, in. 8vo. Maemillan. 18* MAURITIUS, see INDIAN OCEAN II. MECHANICS, see PHYSICS and MATHEMATICS II. MEDICINE : NOTE. Text-books, as well as special treatises on medicine and surgery, have been purposely omitted, as being useless and even mischievous, until the student has first become acquainted with the groundwork on which they are based, viz. : anatomy, physiology, chemistry, etc. Some popular works will be found under the heads ALCOHOLISM, I. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY : The healing art ; a sketch of medicine from the earliest times. 8vo. 2 vols. Ward and Downey. 25v. South, J. F. Memorials of the craft of surgery in England. Ed. D'Arcy Power. 8vo. Cassell. illus. 21*. Russell, J. R. History and heroes of the art of medicine. 8vo. Murray. pub. 14*. O.P Harvey, W. Works. Sydenham Soc. 1846-7. O.P. Willis, R. Harvey, and his discovery. 12mo. (Philadelphia), 4*. Gross, S. D. John Hunter and his pupils. 6s. Baron, J. Life and correspondence of Jenner. 2 vols. 1838. O.P. Pasteur, his life and labours. By his son-in-law. Tr. Lady Claud Hamilton. c. 8vo. Longmans. 7s. (yd. II. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE : Guy and Ferrier. Principles of forensic medicine, c. 8vo. Rensham. 12*. Gd. Taylor, A. Manual of medical jurisprudence. Ed. T. Stevenson, c. 8vo. Churchill, illus. 14s. ,, On poisons, in relation to medical jurisprudence and medicine. c. 8vo. Churchill, illus. 16s. MEDICINE, VETERINARY, see VETERINARY SCIENCE. MEDITERRANEAN : Murray's Handbook to the Mediterranean. Ed. R. L. Playfair. p. 8vo. Murray. 21s. Bidwell, C. T. The Balearic Islands, p. 8vo. Low. illus. 10s. Gd. Wood, C. W. Letters from Majorca. 8vo. Sentley. illus. 15s. Tennant, R. Sardinia and its resources, r. 8vo. Stanford. 12*. Qd. Forester, T. Rambles in Corsica and Sardinia. 8vo. Bolm. pub. 10s. (id. O.P. With notices of their history, antiquities and condition. Seddall, H. Malta, past and present. 8vo. Chapman. 12s. Ansted, D. T. Ionian Islands in 1863. 8vo. Allen. 16s. Tozer, H. F. Islands of the JEgean. c. 8vo. Clar. Press. 8s. 6<2. 219 Mediterranean GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Mental, etc. Bent, J. T. The Cyclades. c. 8vo. Longmans. 12s. Gd. Spratt, T. A. B. Travels and researches in Crete. 8vo. 2 vols. Van Voorst. 40*. Lang, R. H. Cyprus, history and present resources. Macmillan. O.P. Mallock, W. H. In an enchanted island. 8vo. Bentley. 12*. A winter's retreat in Cyprus. MELANESIA, see PACIFIC III. MEMORY, DISEASES OF, see MENTAL PHYSIOLOGY I. MENTAL PHYSIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY : I. MENTAL PHYSIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY : Carpenter, W. B. Principles of mental physiology. 8vo. Paul. 12*. Wundt, \V. Grundziige der physiologischen Psychologic. 8vo. 2 vols. (Leipzig). 18*. Has been translated into French. Holland, H. Chapters in mental physiology. 8vo. Longmans. O.P. Lewes, G. H. Physical basis of mind. 8vo. Trubner. 1C*. Terrier, D. Functions of the brain, d. 8vo. Smith, Elder, illus. 18*. Bastian, H. C. The brain as an organ of mind (" Internat. Scient." ser.). c. 8vo. Paul. 5*. Bain, A. Mind and body (" Internat. Scient." ser.). c. 8vo. Paul. 5*. Ladd, G. T. Elements of physiological psychology, p. 8vo. Longmans. 12*. Maudsley, H. Physiology of mind. c. 8vo. Macmillan. 10*. Gd. ,, Pathology of mind. 8vo. Macmillan. 18*. Romanes, G. J. Mental evolution in man. d. 8vo. Paul. 14*. Galton, F. Inquiry into human faculty. 8vo. Macmillan. 16*. Ribot, T. Diseases of memory (" Internat. Scient." ser.). c. 8vo. Paul. 5*. ,, Les maladies de la volonte\ p. 8vo. (Paris). 2*. Gd. Down, J. L. Mental affections of childhood and youth. 8vo. Churchill. 6*. Tuke, D. H. Insanity in ancient and modern life. c. 8vo. Macmillan. pub. 6*. O.P. Mercier, C. Sanity and insanity, c. 8vo. Scott. 3*. Gd. Maudsley, H. Responsibility in mental disease (" Internat. Scient." ser.). c. 8vo. Paul 5*. "Winslow, Forbes. Obscure diseases of the brain and mind. p. 8vo. Churchill. 10*. Gd. Savage, G. H. Insanity and allied neuroses, c. 8vo. Cassell. 8*. Gd. Darwin, C. Expression of the emotions, c. 8vo. Murray, illus. 12s. Lubbock, J. Senses, Instincts, and intelligence of animals (" Internat. Scient." ser.). c. 8vo. Paul. 5*. Romanes, G. J. Animal intelligence (" Internat. Scient." ser.). c. 8vo. Paul. 5*. ,, Mental evolution in animals, d. 8vo. Paul. 220 Mental, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Metallurgy II. PSYCHOLOGY: Many of the greater representative works in general philosophy, e.g., those of Locke, Hume, Hartley, and many of the works entered under the heading PHILOSOPHY AND METAPHYSICS are mainly psychological in character. M ind and the American Journal of Psychology are storehouses of material. (A) ELEMENTARY. Sully, J. Outlines of . psychology. 8vo. Longmans. 12*. Gd. , , Handbook of psychology for teachers, p. 8vo. Longmans. Gs. Gd. Murray, J. Clark. Handbook of psychology, c. 8vo. Gardner (Paisley"). 7s. Gd. Dewey, J. Psychology. 18mo. Harper. Gs. Bain, A. Mental and moral science, c. 8vo. Longmans. 10*. Gd. Lotze, H. Outlines of psychology. Tr. G. T. Ladd. 8vo. Ginn, Heath. 4s. Hamilton, W. Lectures on metaphysics. 8vo. 2 vols. BlacTtnood. 24*. (B) ADVANCED. Mill, Jas. Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind. Ed. J. S. Mill, Grote, and Findlater. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans. 28#. Bain, A. The senses and the intellect. 8vo. Longmans. 15*. ,, Emotions and the will. 8vo. Longmans. 15*. Spencer, H. Principles of psychology. 8vo. 2 vols. Williams. 36*. Lewes, G. H. Study of psychology (in "Problems of life and mind"). 8vo. Triibner. 7s. Gd. Taine, H. On intelligence. Tr. J. D. Haye. 8vo. L. Reeve. 18*. Sully, J. Sensation and intuition. 8vo. Paul. 10*. Gd. ,, Illusions (" Internat. Scient." ser.). c. 8vo. Paul. ;"*. Brodie, B. Psychological inquiries, f. 8vo. 2 ser., 5*. each. Parker. pub. 10*. O.P. Reid, T. Works. Ed. Sir W. Hamilton. 2 vols. Longmans. 30*. MERCANTILE LAW, see ENGLAND, LAW VIII. MERCANTILE MARINE, see NAVY. MERCHANT-SHIPPING, HISTORY OF, see NAVY V. MESMERISM, see PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. METALLURGY: Percy, J. Metallurgy. 8vo. 4 vols. Murray, illus. fireclays," 30*. ; " Lead and part of silver," 30*. ; " Silver and gold." part i., 30. ; " Iron and steel," 30*.; " Copper, zinc, and brass," O.P. Phillips and Bauerman. Elements of metallurgy, sm. 8vo. Griffin, illus. 3G*. A concise but comprehensive course of metallurgy. Greenwood, W. H. Manual of metallurgy, p. 8vo. 2 vols. Collins. Gs. Gd. Roberts- Austen, W. C. Introduction to metallurgy, c. 8vo. Griffin. illus. 7*. Gd. Bauerman, H. Metallurgy of iron. (elem.). 8vo. , Lockmood. 4*. Gd. For further works on metallurgy of iron and steel, see IRON. 221 Metallurgy GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Microscope Eissler, M. Metallurgy of gold. p. 8vo. Locltwood. 9s. Metallurgy of silver, p. 8vo. Lockrvood. illus. 10s. G.*. ,, Descriptive mineralogy, c. 8vo. Longmans, illus. O.v. Rutley, F. Mineralogy, (elem.). 8vo. Murray. 2*. Hatch, F. H. Introduction to the study of petrology: the igneous rocks. 8vo. Sonnenschein. 3. Qd. Phillips, J. Treatise on ore deposits, m. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. 25*. Brush, J. G. Manual of determinative mineralogy. 8vo. Wiley ( U.S.). 18*. Des Cloiseaux, A. Manuel de mineralogie. 8vo. Dunod. O.P. Vols. i., ii. (1). For reference. Lapparent, A de. Cours de mineralogie. 8vo. {Paris). 12*. Gd. Naumann, C. F. Elemente der Mineralogie. Ed. F. Zirkel. 8vo. (Leipzig). 14*. Tschermak, G. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie. 8vo. (Vienna). 18*. Rammelsberg, C. F. Handbuch der Mineral-Chemie. 8vo. 3 vols. (Leipzig'). 2(>*. Vol. i., 8s. ; vol. ii., 16s. ; supplement, 7s. For reference. Groth, P. Tabellarische Uebersicht der einfachen Mineralien. 4to. (Bruns- wick) " For classification. Buchner, O. Die Meteoriten in Sammlungen. 8vo. (Leipzig). 4x. Gd. Flight, W. A chapter in the history of meteorites. 8vo. Dulau. 12*. &d. Meunier, S. Meteorites, r. Svo. Dunod. 20*. MINING : Collins, J. II. Principles of mining, f. Svo. 2 vols. Collins. 2*. 223 Milling GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Mohammedanism Gallon, J. Lectures on mining. Tr. Foster and Galloway, r. Svo. 3 vols. Dulau. 80*. Vol. i., 26. ; vol. ii., 86. ; vol. iii., 18s. Atlas to each vol. Brough, B. H. Mine surveying, c. Svo. Griffin, illus. Is. Grf. Hunt, R. British mining, r. Svo. Lockwood. 63*. For history of mining. Percy, C. M. Mechanical engineering of collieries. Svo. 2 vols. " Colliery Guardian" Office, illus. 40s. Vol. i., 15. ; vol. ii., 25. Galloway, R. L. History of coal mining in Great Britain, p. Svo. Mac- millan. pub. 7*. 6d. Smyth, W. W. Coal and coal mining. 12mo. Lockrvood. Lock, C. G. \V. Practical gold mining, r. Svo. Spon. illus. Da vies, D. C. Slate and slate quarrying. Svo. Lockrvood. Bowie, A. J. Hydraulic mining in California, r. Svo. Spon. Sorley, W. R. Mining royalties, d. Svo. Fronde. Jevons, W. S. The coal question. Svo. Macmillan. pub. 10*. Qd. Merivale, J. H. Notes and formulae for mining-students, sm. c. Svo. Lockwood. 2s. &d Becker, G. F. Geology of the Comstock lode. (Washington). 12# Vol. iii. of monographs of U.S. Geological Survey. Lord, E. Comstock mining and miners. (Washington). 12s Vol. iv. of monographs of U.S. Geological Survey. Precious metals. ( Washington). Report of the tenth census of the U.S. Vol. xiii. PERIODICALS: Proceedings and Transactions of the Federated Institute of Mining Engineers. Part i. issued January, 1890. Proceedings of the South Wales Institution of Engineers. (Eyre). Transactions of the Mining Association of Cornwall. (Redrnth). Reports of H.M. Inspectors of mines and mineral statistics of the United Kingdom are issued by the Home Office. For Bibliography see School of Mines Quarterly, of Columbia College. New York. Vol. x. ; No. 2. January, 1889. MISSIONS, FOREIGN: Smith, G. Short history of Christian missions. Svo. Clark. 2s. &d. Warneck, G. Outline of the history of Protestant missions. Tr. T. Smith. c. Svo. Gemmell. 3*. 6d. Stowell and Storrow. Missionary work of the Church, c. Svo. Snore. 2s. 6d. Tucker, H. W. The English Church in other lands, f. Svo. Longmans. 2s: Gd. Sherring and Storrow. Protestant missions in India, 1706-1882. c. Svo. R. T. S. 6*. Broomhall, B. Evangelisation of the world, r. Svo. Morgan and Scott. illus. 3*. &d. Report of the Centenary Conference on Protestant missions, 1888. c. Svo. 2 vols. Nltbet. ,; -.<. Macfarren, G. Six lectures on harmony. 8vo. Longmans. Stainer, J. Theory of harmony, d. 8vo. Novella. Bridge, J. F. Primer of counterpoint, d. 8vo. Novella. Double counterpoint and canon, d. 8vo. Novella. Prout, E. Counterpoint. Augener. Higgs, J. Primer of fugue, d. 8vo. Novella. Ouseley, F. A. G. Counterpoint, canon, and fugue. 4to. Clar. Press. Hichter, E. F, Canon and fugue. Tr. F. Taylor. 4to. Cramer. Banister, H. C. Lectures on musical analysis, c. 8vo. Bell. Ouseley, F. A. G. Form. sm. 4to. Clar. Press. Stainer, J. Primer of composition, d. 8vo. Novella. Czerny. School of practical composition. Tr. fo. 3 vols., 10s. Gd. each. Cocks. Prout, E. Primer of instrumentation, d. 8vo. Novella. Berlioz. Instrumentation. Tr. 8vo. Novella. Stone, W. H. Scientific basis of music, d. 8vo. Novella. Taylor, Sedley. Sound and music, ex. c. 8vo. Macmillan. ILL INSTRUMENTAL: Hiles, J. Catechism of the organ. 4to. Brerver. Hopkins and Rimbault. The organ, its history and construction. 8vo. Cocks. Stainer, J. Organ primer. 4to. Novella. Archer, F. Organ tutor. Novella. Best, W. T. Art of organ playing, ob. fo. 2 vols. Novella. Vol. i., 3. ; vol. ii., Is. Bel. Bach. Compositions for the organ. Ed. Griepenkerl and Roitzsch. Peters. The most accurate and complete edition for advanced students. ,, Organ works. Ed. J. F. Bridge and J. Higgs. ob. fo. 9 vols. Novella.' Vol. i., 2s. Rd. ; vol. ii. to ix., 3s. each. In progress. Fingering and pedalling marked with directions for registering. For advanced students. Mendelssohn. Organ sonatas. Ed. W. T. Best. ob. f o. Novella. Best, W. T. Arrangements from the scores of the great masters ob. fo. 5 vols. Novella. Also in 100 numbers, 2. each. ,, "Cecilia." ob. fo. 40 vols., Is. each. Augener. Pauer, E. Pianoforte primer. 4to. Novella. Taylor, Franklin. Pianoforte primer. ISmo. Macmillan. Plaidy, L. Technical studies. 8vo. Brelfkopf and Hdrtel. 226 Music GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Music Bertini. Studies. ScUott. Cramer. Sixty studies. Ed. Billow. 4to. 7s (id. dementi. Gradus ad Parnassum. fo. Augener. 5, s >. Mozart's Sonatas. Ed. Agnes Zimmermann. 8vo., 3s. ; fo., 18s. Novella. Beethoven's Sonatas. Ed. A. Zimmermann. 8vo., 5s. ; fo., 2ls. Novella. , , Sonatas. Peters. Bach's 48 preludes and fugues. Ed. Pauer. 8vo. Augener. , is. Tours, B. Violin primer. 4to. Novella. 2s. Spohr, L. Violin school, fo. Coclts. 21*. De Swert. Violoncello primer. 4to. Novella. 2s. IV. VOCAL: Brown and Behnke. Voice, song, and speech. 8vo. Low. 5*. Mackenzie, M. Hygiene of the vocal organs, c. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. 6*. Garcia, M. Complete school of singing. Hutcldns and Homer. 15*. Randegger, A. Singing primer. 4to. Novella. !.<-. Concone. Solfeggi. Ed. A. Randegger. 8vo. 4 vols., Is. 6d. each. Novella. .-. Wilheni. Manual of singing. Tr. J. Hullah. 8vo. Longmans. 5s. Higgs, J. Two-part solfeggi. 8vo. Novella. if. Hiles, J. Catechism of class-singing. 4to. Brewer. \g, Curwen, J. S. Tonic sol-fa primer. Novella. 1*. Greenwood, J. Lancashire sol-fa primer, d. 8vo. Novella. l.v. V. CHURCH MUSIC : Jebb, J, The choral service of the church. 8vo. Parker. 1843. pub. 16*. o.P. Bridge, J. F. Choral service primer (organ accompaniment), d. 8vo. Novella. 2*. Troutbeck, J. Church choir training, d. 8vo. Novella. I,*. Helmore, T. Primer of plain song. d. 8vo. Novella. 2.-. VI. BIOGRAPHIES, REFERENCE, ETC. : " Great Musicians " series. Ed. F. Hueffer. c. 8vo. 3*. each. Low. A series of biographies. The best are Schumann, Mendelssohn, and Weber. Spitta, P. Life of Bach. Tr. F. Maitland. d. 8vo. 3 vol?. Novella. 42.-. Rockstro, W. S. Life of Handel. Macmillan. 10s. Gd. Schindler, A. Life and correspondence of Beethoven. Tr. Moscheles. c. 8vo. 2 vols. Colburn. 1841. pub. 21s. O.P. Rudall. Beethoven (" Great Composers " ser.). c. 8vo. Low. 3*. Jahn, 0. Life of Mozart. Tr. P. D. Townsend. d. 8vo. 3 vols. Novella. 31*. (id. Niecks, F. Chopin as a man and musician, d. 8vo. 2 vols. Novella. 25*. Hiller, E. Letters and recollections of Mendelssohn. Tr. c. 8vo. Mac- millan. pub. Is. &d. O.P. Grove, G. Dictionary of music and musicians. 8vo. 4 vols., 21s. each. Macmillan. 84.?. 227 Q 2 Music GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Navy, etc. Stainer and Barrett. Dictionary of musical terms. 8vo. Novello. Is. 6d. PERIODICALS: Musical Times. Sd. monthly. (Novello). Musical Standard. Weekly. (Beeves) ; 9. per vol. MYTHOLOGY, CLASSICAL, see GREECE, ARCHEOLOGY. GENERAL, see FOLKLORE. N. NATAL, see CAPE. NATIONAL GALLERY, see LONDON IV. NATURAL HISTORY, see SPORT and ZOOLOGY. It has been found impossible to draw up a list of works under this head, as the lines of demarcation are very vague. Under ZOOLOGY will be found (in addition to scientiHc treatises) elementary books on animals and their distribution, as well as a short selection of the travels of naturalists. Under SPORT are books dealing with natural history from the sportsman's point of view. The expeditions of naturalists are sometimes valuable as contributions to geo- graphical knowledge ; such books are entered under the heads of the countries to which they refer NAUTICAL TERMS, see NAVY II. and VI.. NAVY AND SHIPPING : I. NAVIGATION: Lecky, S. T. Wrinkles in practical navigation. 8vo. Philip. 15*. Harbord, J. B. Glossary of navigation. 8vo. Griffin (Portsmouth}. Is. Gd. Curling, J, J. Coastal navigation. 8vo. Griffin. 2s. Gd. Evans, F. J. Elementary manual for deviation of the compass, c. 8vo. Potter. (is. Gd. ,, Admiralty manual on the deviation of the compass, c. 8vo. Potter. 4*. Gd. Raper. Practice of navigation. 8vo. Potter. Ids. Murray, Digby. A-B-C. of Sumner's method. 4to. Potter. 5s. II. SEAMANSHIP AND TACTICS : Nares, G. S. Seamanship. 8vo Griffin. 21s. Colomb, P. H. Dangers of the modern rule of the road at sea. 8vo. Griffin. Is. Hoff, W. Modern naval tactics, d. 8vo. Griffin, illus. 10*. Gd. "Lewal, L. Principes des Evolutions navales 8vo. (Paris). 17*. Sleeman, C. Torpedoes and torpedo warfare, r. 8vo. Griffin. 25*. Noel, G. H. Gun, ram, and torpedo, p. 8vo. Griffin. 8*. Gd. Pickard and Fremantle. Nautical terms and phrases ; French and English. (elem.). c. 8vo. Griffin. 3*. Gd. Smyth, W. H. The sailor's word book. r. 8vo. Philip, pub. 7*. Gd. o.p. 228 Navy, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Navy, etc. III. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE : See also YACHTING II. White, W. H. Manual of naval architecture. 8vo. Murray. 24*. "Welch, J. J. Text-book of naval architecture, (elem.). d. 8vo. Griffin. 4s. Sennett, R. Marine steam engine. 8vo. Longmans, ilhis. 21s. For other books on the steam engine, see STEAM ENGINE. IV. LAW: Wendt, E. E. Papers on maritime legislation, r. 8vo. Longmans. 31*. Gd. Marsden, N. G. A treatise on the law of collisions at sea. d. 8vo. Stevens. 21.?. Arnould, J. Law of marine insurance. Ed. D. Maclachlan. r. 8vo. 2 vols. Stevens. 60s. Carver, J. G. Law of carriage by sea. r. 8vo. Stevens. 32s. Thring, Lord. Criminal law of the navy. Ed. C. E. Gifford. 12mo. Stevens. 12*. Gd. V. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY : Yonge, C. D. History of the British navy. 8vo. Sentley. 10*. Gd. Laughton, J. K. Studies in naval history, p. 8vo. Longmans. 10*. Gd. Nicolas, N. H. History of the royal navy (to 1422). 8vo. 2 vols. Sentley. 1847. pub. 28*. O.P. Of great antiquarian interest. James, W. Naval history of Great Britain, c. 8vo. 6 vols. Sentley. 42*. The standard record of naval events, 1793 to 1815. Roosevelt, T. The naval war of 1812. 8vo. Putnam. 12*. Gd. Quite the best history of the American war. The navy in the civil war. 12mo. 3 vols. Scribner. 15*. Vol.i., The blockade and the cruisers, by J. E. Soley, 5*. ; vol. ii.. The Atlantic coatt, by D. Ammen, 5*. ; vol. Hi., The gulf, and inland waters, by A. T. Mahan, 5s. Best account of the naval part of the civil war. Norman, C. B. The Corsairs of France. 8vo. Lore. 18*. Chevalier, E. Histoire de la marine franaise pendant la guerre de I'ind6pendance amMcaine. 8vo. Hachette. . Gs.. Gd. Lindsay, W. S. History of merchant shipping. 8vo. 4 vols, Low. 50*. Charnock, J. Biographia navalis. (London). 1794. O.P. The most complete biographical record of the period. Campbell, J. Naval history of Great Britain (Lives of the admirals). Stockdale. 1813. O.P. Barrow, J. Naval worthies of Queen Elizabeth. Murray. 1845. O.P. Valuable side-lights on naval origins. Markham, C. R. Life of Admiral Fairfax. 8vo. Macmillan. 12*. Gd. ' Dixon, W. Hepworth. Life of Blake. 8vo. Bickers. 7s. Gd. More literary than naval. Penn, G. Memorials of Sir W. Penn. Duncan. 1833. O.P. Valuable as tracing the rise of our naval power. 229 Navy, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Needlework, etc. Markham, J. A naval career during the old war (period 1666-1725). 8vo. Lorn. 14*. Barrow, J. Life of Lord Anson. 8vo. Murray. 1839. pub. 14s. o.p. Hunt, R. M. Life of Sir Hugh Palliser. 8vo. Chapman. 1844. 16.?. Valuable for the great controversy as to Keppell. Barrow, J. Life of Lord Howe. 8vo. Murray. 1838 pub. 12s. O.P. Burrows, M. Life of Admiral Lord Hawke. d. 8vo. Allen. 21*. Almost the only modern naval biography of great merit. Chatterton, Lady. Memorials of Lord Gambier. 8vo. 2 vols. Hurst. 28*. Allardyce, A. Memoir of Lord Keith. 8vo. Blackmood. illus. 21*. Valuable to the student of naval strategy. Tucker, J. S. Memoirs of Earl St. Vincent. 8vo. 2 vols. Sentley. 1844. oO*. The best life ; parts most interesting and amusing. Pettigrew, J. J. Memoirs of Lord Nelson. 8vo. 2 vols. Boone. 1849. pub. 36s. o.r. Remains the most complete life of Nelson. Southey's life cannot be recommended except for its literary style. Laughton, J. K. Letters and despatches of Horatio, Viscount Nelson. 8vo. Longmans. 16s. Dundonald, Earl of. Autobiography of a seaman, c. 8vo. Bentley. C*. VI. MISCELLANEOUS : Lewes, V. B. Service chemistry. 8vo. Whittingham. 15*. Specially written for sailors. Brassey, T. The British navy. 8vo. 4 vols. Longmans, pub. 21s. O.P. ,, Naval annual, r. 8vo. Griffin (Portsmouth). 10s. 6d. yearly. Leslie, E. C. Old sea wings, ways, and words, d. 8vo. Chapman. 14s. Bedford, F. G. Sailor's pocket-book. 18mo. Griffin, illus. Is. M,. PERIODICALS : Nautical magazine for the merchant service (Potter) ; Illustrated naval and military magazine for the navy (Allen) ; Journal of the Royal U. Ser. institution (Mitchell). NEEDLEWORK AND DRESSMAKING: See also COSTUME, HISTORICAL. e special ones on cutting, Baker, Harriet. Manual of high-school needlework, and cutting out. 12mo. Griffith. 8*. Technical. Alford, Lady M. Needlework as an art. r. 8vo. Lorn. 42*. Delimont, T. Encyclopaedia of needlework. 8vo. Comptoir Alsacien (267, Regent-street). 3*. Technical ; complete account of all kinds of needlework. Dolby, A. Church embroidery. 4to. Chapman, pub. 12s. O.P. ,, Church vestments. 4to. Chapman, pub. 21s. O.P. Technical ; the only standard books on the subject. Higgin, L. Handbook of embroidery. 8vo. Lorn. ,, Art as applied to dress, sq. 16mo. Virtue. 2s. M. Blanc, C. L'art dans la parure et dans le vehement. 8vo. (Paris), illus. 10*. 230 Needlework, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. New S. Wales Palliser, Mrs. History of lace. Svo. Low. illus. 21s. The " Queen " lace book. Svo. H. Cox. 5*. Reprinted from the Queen ; technical and general. NETHERLANDS : For literature, see DUTCH. I. GEOGRAPHY: Murray's Handbook for Holland and Belgium, p. Svo. Murray. 6*. Baedeker's Belgium and Holland. 12mo. Dulau. 6*. Mahaffy and Eogers. Sketches from a tour thro' Holland and Germany. ex. c. Svo. Macmillan. illus. 10*. 6d. Useful as a guide. Amicis, E. cle. Holland. Tr. Tilton. p. Svo. Allen. 10*. Gd. Havard, H. Picturesque Holland. Tr. A. Wood. d. Svo. Bentley. illus. 16*. ,, Dead cities of the Zuyder Zee. Svo. Bentley. illus. 6s. Blink, N. Nederland en zyne Bewoners. Svo. 3 vols. (Amsterdam}. 8s. 6d. Handbook of geography and ethnology of the Netherlands. II. HISTORY: Kampden, N. G. Geschichte der Niederlande. 2 vols. (Gotlia~). 1831. 15. &*. Young, A, Short history of the Netherlands, d. Svo. Urnvin. 7s. 6d. Ashley, W. J. James and Philip van Artevelde. c. Svo. Macmillan. 6. Vanderkindere, L. Le siecle des Artevelde. Svo. (Brussels^. Is. Gd. Good account of the political and economic conditions of the Netherlands when they were most closely connected with England. Barante. Histoire des dues de Bourgogne. 12mo. Svo. (Brussels'). pub. 23s. O.P. Motley, J. L. Rise of the Dutch republic (to 1584). d. Svo. 3 vols. Rmdleage. 10*. Gd. Also 1 vol., 3s. 6cZ. ,, History of the United Netherlands (1584-1609). c. Svo. 4 vols., 6s. each. Murray. 24*. ,, Life and death of John of Oldenbarnevelt (1609-23). 2 vols. Murray. 12*. Pontalis, A. L. Life of John de Witt (1650-72). Svo. 2 vols. Lony- mans. pub. 36*. O.P. Translated from the French. Wynne, J. A. Geschiedenis van het Vaderland. Svo. (Groningeri). 7s. NEVIS, see WEST INDIES II. NEW BEITAIN, see PACIFIC III. NEW CALEDONIA, see PACIFIC III. NEWFOUNDLAND, see AMEEICA, NOBTH. NEW GUINEA, see AUSTRALASIA X. NEW HEBRIDES, see PACIFIC. NEW SOUTH WALES, see AUSTRALASIA III. 231 Newspapers GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Norway NEWSPAPERS : Grant, J. Newspaper press ; its origin, progress, and present position. 2 vols. Tinsley. o.P. Interesting, but not always accurate. Hunt, F. K. The fourth estate. 2 vols. Bogue. 1850. O.P. Contributions towards a history of newspapers. Accurate in its facts. North, S. N. D. History and present condition of the newspaper and periodical press of the United States. (In " Reports of the tenth census of the United States, vol. viii., 1884). Statistical Bureau ( Washington). Contains a catalogue of the publications of the census year, 1880. The best authority on American newspapers. Newspaper press directory, r. 8vo. Mitchell. 2s. NEW ZEALAND, see AUSTRALASIA IX. NICARAGUA, see AMERICA, CENTRAL. NIGER, see AFRICA III. NILE, see EGYPT I. NINEVEH, see ASSYRIA. NONCONFORMITY, see CHURCH HISTORY V. (D). NONJURORS, see CHURCH HISTORY V. (A). NORFOLK BROADS, see YACHTING III. NORWAY, GEOGRAPHY, ETC. : Murray's Handbook for Norway, p. 8vo. Murray. 9*. Baedeker's Handbook for Norway and Sweden. 12mo. Dulau. SU. Nielsen, Y. Handbook. Tr. from the Norwegian. 12mo. (Christiania). 10s. 6d. Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the midnight sun. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. illus. ' 30,. Journeys through Sweden, Norway, Lapland, and Finland. Tromholt, S. Under the rays of the Aurora Borealis. Ed. C. Siewers. > 8vo. 2 vols. Low. 30.?. Laing, S. Chronicles of the kings of Norway. 8vo. 3 vols. Longmans. 1844. O.P. A translation of the Heimskringla, with an historical introduction. NORWAY : LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE : I. GRAMMARS AND DICTIONARIES: The student of Norwegian or Danish (they are essentially the same language), will do well to begin with Holberg's plays dee DENMARK), and then proceed with Asbjornsen's fairy tales, Bjornson's, Lie's, and Kielland's novels, and Ibsen's prose dramas. Ibsen's dramatic poems are more difficult. Smith and Hornemann. Norwegian grammar, with a glossary for tourists. Scharlach. Concise Norwegian grammar. 12mo. (Bergeri). 232 Norway GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Norway Geelmuyden and Brynildson. English-Norwegian dictionary. (Christiania). H.. Rosing 1 , S. Engelsk-Dansk Ordbog. 12mo. (Copenhagen). 7. &d. Larsen, A. Bansk-Norsk-Engelsk Ordbog. I2mo. (Copenhagen). 9. -II. HISTORY AND CRITICISM : Dietrichsen, L. Omrids af den norske Poesies Historie. 12mo. 2 vols. (Copenhagen). 8.?. Gd. Jaeger and Rolfsen. Norske Digtere, en Anthologie. (Bergen). Jseger, H. Norske Forfattere, Literatur billeder. (Christiania). Gosse, E. W. Northern studies ("Camelot" ser.). c. 8vo. Scott. Is. ja Hanson's Illustreret ie. (See DENMARK). -III. CLASSICS, ETC.: Welhaven, J. S. Samlede Skrifter. 12mo. 8 vols. (Copenhagen). 21s. Gd. Lyrical poet and critic. Wergeland. H. Udvalgte Skrifter. (Copenhagen). The creator of modern Norwegian literature ; poet, dramatist, essayist, etc. AsbjOrnsen and Moe. Norske Folke og Huldre Eventyr. 8vo. (Copen- The Grimm of Norway. IV. MODERN NOVELS, DRAMAS, ETC. : Bjb'rnson, B. Fortasllinger. 12mo. 2 vols. (Copenhagen). Gs. The national poet ; novelist, dramatist, etc. ,, Sigurd Slembe. 12mo. (Copenhagen). 5s. Gd. His best historical drama. ,, Digte (collection of poems). 12mo. (Copenhagen). is. 6d. ,, PaaGudsVeje. 12mo. (Copenliageri). 6s. His most important novel of modern life. Ibsen, H. PeerGynt. 12mo. (Copenhagen). is. Gd. ,, Brand. 12mo. (Copenhagen). is. Gd. ,, Et Dukkehjem. 12mo. (CopenJuigen). 3s. 6d. ,, Gengangere. 12mo. (Copenhagen). 3s. 6d. ,, Heclda Gabler. 12mo. (Copenhagen). is. Gd. Ibsen is the greatest Norwegian dramatist of the century. Peer Gynt and Brand are dramatic poems ; the next three are prose dramas, of the plays of series generally called his " Social dramas." Hjermsendene paa Helgoland. 12mo. (Copenhagen). 2s. Gd. His greatest historical drama. Kielland, A. Garman og Worse. 12mo. (Copenhagen). Is. , , Skipper Worse. 12mo. ( Copenhagen). 6s. Sne. 12mo. (CojjenJiagen). ' ' is. Gd. Kielland is a popular, brilliant novelist. Lie, J. Lodsen og bans Hustru. 12mo. (Copenhagen). 5s. Gd. ,, Kommandorens Dottre. 8vo. (CopenJiagen). 7s. The Dickens of Norway. V. TRANSLATIONS : Bjornson, B. Synnb've Solbakken. Tr. Miss J. Sutter. c. 8vo. Macmillan. 6*. His most popular tale of Norwegian peasant life. 233 Norway GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Novels Bjornson, B. Tales (" Arne," " A happy boy," etc.). Tr. K. Anderson. c. 8vo. 7 vols., 5s. each. Houghton, Mlffiin. 35s , , In God's way. Tr. Miss Carmichael. c. 8vo. Heinemann. 3s. (Jd. A gauntlet. Tr. H. L. Brsekstad. French. A play on modern life. ,, Sigurd Slembe. Tr. W. Morton Payne, c. 8vo. Hougliton, Mifflin. 7*. Historical play. Tbsen, H. Prose dramas. Ed. W. Archer, c. 8vo. 5 vols., 3s. 6d. each. Scott. 17s. Gd. , , Pillars of society, and other dramas (" Camelot " ser.). Tr. W. Archer and Mrs. Aveling. c. 8vo. Scott. Is. Kielland, Aw Skipper Worse. Tr. Earl Ducie. c. 8vo. Lorn. 10s. Gd. Garman and Worse. Tr. Kettlewell. Paul. 6s. Lie, J. The pilot and his wife. Tr. Tottenham, p. 8vo. Blackwood. pub. 10s. Gd. O.P. ,, The Commodore's daughters. Tr. Brsekstad and Miss Hughes. Heinemann. 3s. Gd. Asbjbrnsen, P. C. Round the Yule-leg (folk and fairy tales). Tr. Brsek- stad. Low. illus. 5,<. VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY, ETC.: Kraft, J. E. Norsk Forfatter Lexicon (to 1863). 8vo. (Christian-la). O.P. Halvorsen, J. B. Norsk Forfatter Lexicon, r. 8vo. (Christiania). In progress. Nearly half the work has been issued. Norsk Bogfortegnelse. From 1811 to date. NOVELS, ENGLISH: I. HISTORY, ETC. : Dunlop, J. History of fiction. 2 vols., 5s. each. Sell (Boltri). 10s. Masson, D. British novelists and their styles. c. 8vo. Haemillan. pub. 7s. Gd. O.P. Forsyth, W. Novels and novelists of the 18th century, c. 8vo. Murray. pub. 10s. 6d. O.P. II. PRE-VICTORIAN : Amory, T. Life of John Buncle. p. 8vo. 3 vols. 1825. O.P. Austen, Jane. Emma. c. 8vo. Bentley. 6s. Mansfield Park. c. 8vo. Bentley. (>s. , , Northanger Abbey, and Persuasion, c. 8vo. Bentley. (is. ,, Pride and prejudice, c. 8vo. Bentley. 6s. ,, Sense and sensibility, c. 8vo. Bentley. 6s. ,, Lady Susan, and The Watsons, c. 8vo. Bentley. 6s. Also the first five at 2*. each. Boutledpe. Banim, J. Tales of the O'Hara family, c. 8vo. 3 vols. Colburn. 1826. O.P. Beckford, W. Vathek. 12mo. Lorn. 2s. Gd. Behn, Aphra. Oroonoco. c. 8vo. TJiomson. Is. 234 oveis GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Novels Brooke, H. The fool of quality, c. 8vo. Macmillan. pub. 6s. O.P. Burney, Frances (Mme. D'Arblay). Evelina, c. 8vo. Bell (Bokri). 3s. Gd. Cecilia, c. 8vo. 2 vols., 3*. Gd. each. Sell (Boliri). Is. Also "Evelina." Cassell. 2s. Defoe, D. Adventures of Captain Singleton, c. 8vo. Bell (Baku). 3s. Gd. Life and adventures of Colonel Jack. c. 8vo. Bell (Bo7m~). 3s. Gd. Memoirs of a cavalier, c. 8vo. Bell (Bolin). 3s. Gd. ,, Moll Flanders, c. 8vo. Bell (JBoliri). 3s. Gd. Edgeworth, Maria. Absentee. 8vo. Routledge. 2s. ,, Belinda. 12mo. 1803. O.P. ,, Castle Rackrent. 12mo. 1801. O.P. ,, Ennui, f. 8vo. Routledge. Is. Gd. ,, Harrington, f. 8vo. Routledge. 2s. ,, Helen, c. 8vo. Routledge. 2s. ,, Manoeuvring, f. 8vo. Routle.dfje. 2s. ,, Patronage, f. 8vo. 2 vols. Routledge. 4.v. ,, Vivian, f. 8vo. Routledge. Is. Gd. Ferrier, Miss. Destiny, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Bentley. 10*. ,, Inheritance, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Bentley. 10s. ,, Marriage, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Bentley. 10s. Also 2s. each. Routledge. Fielding, H. Jonathan Wild. 8vo. Routledge. 5*. ,, Joseph Andrews. 8vo. Routledge. 5s. ,, Tom Jones. 8vo. 2 vols., 5s. each. Routledge. 10s. ,, Amelia. 8vo. Routledge. 5s. Also S. 6(1., Sell (Bohn) ; and 2s. each. Routledffe. Fielding, Sarah. David Simple. 12mo. 2 vols. 1744. O.P. Gait, J. Annals of the parish, f . 8vo. BlacJtrvood. 2s. Godwin, W. Caleb Williams, c. 8vo. Bentley. pub. 3s. Gd. O.P. ,, St. Leon. c. 8vo. Bentley. pub. 3*. Gd. O.P. Goldsmith, 0. Vicar of Wakefield. r. 8vo. Nimmo. col. illus. 12s. Gd. ,, Vicar of Wakefield. c. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. by Hugh Thompson. Gs. Also, Outsells, 5s. Sell (Bohn) (Pocket edition), 3s. 6d. Routledge, Is. Griffin, G. The Collegians, c. 8vo. Warne. 2s. Hogg. Confessions of a suicide, f. 8vo. Nimmo. 2s. Gd. Hook, T. Gilbert Gurney. c. 8vo. Routledge. pub. 2s. O.P. Hope, T. Anastasius. 12mo. 2 vols., 7s. Bentley. O.P. Inchbald, Mrs. Simple story, c. 8vo. Routledge. 3*. Gd. Irving, Washington. Bracebridge Hall. c. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. Gs. Rip Van Winkle, s. 4to. Blaclde. illus. 10s. Gd. ,, Tales of the Alhambra. c. 8vo. Bell (BoJiri). 3s. Gd. Also 3. 6d. Bell (Bofin) (Pocket edition) ; " Rip Van Winkle." Is. Routledge. Johnstone, C. C. 12mo. 4 vols. 1768. O.P. Lee, Sophia and Harriet. Canterbury tales. 12mo. 2 vols. Bentley. O.P. 235 GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Lewis, M. G. The monk. 8vo. 1795. O.P. Lockhart, J. G. Adam Blair, c. 8vo. Slackrvood. 2s. Gd. Mackenzie, H. The man of feeling. 12mo. Cassell. Gd. Marryat, F. Jacob Faithful, c. 8vo. Routledge. 3s. Gd. ,, Japhet in search of a father, c. 8vo. Routledge. 3s. Gd. ,, Midshipman Easy. c. 8vo. Routledge. 3s. Gd. ,, Peter Simple, c. 8vo. Routledge. 3*. Gd. Also Zi. and Is. each. Routledge. Maturin, R. C. Melmoth the Wanderer. 4 vols. 1820. O.P. Moore, Dr. Zeluco, c. 8vo. 1789. O.P. Moore, T. The Epicurean, c. 8vo. CJiutto. 2s. Paltock, R. Peter Wilkins. f. 8vo. 2 vols. Reeves. 10*. Gd. Peacock, T. L. Works, c. 8vo. 3 vols. Sentley. 31*. Gd. This edition includes "Headlong Hall," " M^lincourt," "Nightmare Abbey," "Maid Marion." " Misfortunes of Elphin." "Crotchet Castle," " Gryll Range." Radcliffe, Mrs. Mysteries of Udolpho. c. 8vo. Routledge. ,, Romance of the forest, c. 8vo. Routledge. Also2. Soutledge. Reeve, Clara. Old English Baron. 18mo. Cassell. Gd. Richardson, S. Clarissa Harlowe. c. 8vo. Routledge. 2s. ,, Pamela, c. 8vo. Routledge. 2*. , , Sir Charles Grandison. c. 8vo. Routledge. 2s. Scott, W. Waverley novels. 8vo. 25 vols., 8*. Gd. each. Slack. illus. 10 12*. Gd. ,, The same, f . 8vo. 48 vols., 2s. Gd. each. Slack, illus. 120*. ,, The same. c. 8vo. 25 vols., 3*. Gd. each. Slack, illus. 84*. Also 2., 1. 6d.. and 1. per vol. (Pocket edition). Slack; and li. per vol. Bradbury. Smith, Charlotte. Old Manor House. 12mo. 1793. O.P. Smith, Horace. Brambletye House, c. 8vo. Ward. pub. 2*. O.P. Smollett, T. Humphrey Clinker. 8vo. Routledge. 5*. ,, Peregrine Pickle. 8vo. 2 vols., 5*. each. Routledge. 10*. ,, Roderick Random. 8vo. Routledge. 5*. Alsoc. 8vo. 2. each. Routledge. Sterne, L. Sentimental journey. 18mo. Routledge. Is. ,, Tristram Shandy, c. 8vo. Routledge. Is. Walpole, H. The Castle of Otranto. 18mo. Cassell. Gd. Wilson, J. (Chr. North). Lights and shadows of Scottish life. c. 8vo. Slackrvood. 4s. ,, Trials of Margaret Lyndsay. c. 8vo. Cassell. 2s. III. VICTORIAN: The price of novels varies from Is. to 31*. Gd, according to the edition, and different editions of popular works are constantly being issued. Therefore no attempt lias been made to specify the cost of books in this list. In almost every case, reference to the catalogues of the larger librarians, such as Messrs. Mudie, or W. H. Smith (London), or Messrs. Douglas and Foulis (Edinburgh), will give all the information that can be desired. Abdy- Williams, E. M. The World Below. Ainsworth, Harrison. Old St. Paul's. Tower of London. 236 OV ei s GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Aldrich, T. B. Marjorie Daw. . Alexander, Mrs. The Freres. Allen, Grant. In All Shades. The Devil's Die. Anonymous. The Dalys of Sodden Fen. Democracy. Atelier du Lys. Mademoiselle Mori. An Australian Girl. Anstey, F. Vice Versa-. The Giant's Kobe. A Fallen Idol. Banks, Mrs. G. L. God's Providence House. Baring-Gould, S. Mehalah. Court Royal. Beaconsneld, Lord. Coningsby. Contarini Fleming. Henrietta Temple. Lothair. Sybil. Endymion. Bede, Cuthbert. Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. Besant, Walter. All Sorts and Conditions of Men. Children of Gibeon. Herr Paulus. Dorothy Forster. Armorel of Lyonesse. Besant and Rice. Chaplain of the Fleet. Golden Butterfly. Monks of Thelema. Ready-money Mortiboy. Betham-Edwards, M. Felicia. Black, William. A Princess of Thule. Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. A Daughter of Heth. New Prince Fortunatus. Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone. The Maid of Sker. Cradock Newell. Cristowell. Kit or Kitty. Borrow, G. Lavengro, the Scholar, the Gipsy, the Priest. The Romany Rye (sequel to above). Braddon, Miss. Ishmael. Vixen. Mohawks. BretHarte. The Luck of Roaring Camp. *Flip. In the Carquinez Woods. An Heiress of Red Dog. A Ward of the Golden Gate. Bronte, Anne. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Shirley. Villette. The Professor. Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Broughton, Rhoda. Nancy. Dr. Cupid. Buchanan, Robert. God and the Man. Burnett, Mrs. Hodgson. That Lass o' Lowry's. Through One Administra- tion. Louisiana. Caine, T. Hall. The Deemster. The Shadow of a Crime. The Bondman. Clarke, Marcus. His Natural Life. Collins, Wilkie. Armadale. The Moonstone. The Woman in White. The Frozen Deep. Craddock, Charles Egbert. The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountain. Despot of Broomsedge Cove. Crawford, F. Marion. Mr. Isaacs. Zoroaster. Sarracinesca. A Cigarette Maker's Romance. Cunnyngham, Sir H. Chronicles of Dustypore. The Coeruleans. Wheat and Tares. The Heriots. Gushing, Paul. The Bull i' th' Thorn. Deland, Margaret. John Ward, Preacher. Sidney. 237 Dvels GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Dickens, C. Barnaby Rudge. Bleak House. Christmas Carol. David Copperfield. Dombey and Son. Edwin Drood. Great Expectations. Little Dorrit. Martin Chuzzlewit. Nicholas Nickleby. Old Curiosity Shop. Oliver Twist. Our Mutual Friend. Pickwick. Tale of Two Cities. Edwardes, Mrs. A. Archie Lovell. Edwards, Amelia B. Barbara's History. Miss Carew. Eliot, George. Adam Bede. Daniel Deronda. Felix Holt. Middlemarch. Mill on the Floss. Eomola. Scenes of Clerical Life. Silas Marner. Fothergill, Jessie. The First Violin. Probation. Kith and Kin. A March in the Ranks. Froude, J. A. Two Chiefs of Dunboy. Gaskell, Mrs. Wives and Daughters. North and South. Sylvia's Lovers, Cranford. Mary Barton. Ruth. Lizzie Leigh. Gerard, D. and E. Waters of Hercules. Reata. Lady Baby. Gibbon, Charles. The Golden Shaft. Robin Gray. Gift, Theo. Lil Lorimer. Dishonoured. Gissing, George. Demos. Grant, J. The Romance of War. Adventures of an Aide-de-Camp. Gray, Maxwell. The Silence of Dean Maitland. Haggard, Rider. King Solomon's Mines. She. Jess. Hardy, Thomas. Far from the Madding Crowd. The Return of the Native. Under the Greenwood Tree. The Trumpet Major. Hawthorne, Julian. Dust. Garth. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Scarlet Letter. Transformation. House of the Seven Gables. Blithedale Romance. Mosses from an Old Manse. Holmes, 0. W. Elsie Venner. Hopkins, Tighe. Nugents of Cariconna. Howells, W. D. A Foregone Conclusion. A Modern Instance. The Lady of the Aroostook. Silas Lapham. Ingelow, Jean. Off the Skelligs. Fated to be Free. Sarah de Beringer. James, Henry. The Bostonians. Roderick Hudson. Daisy Miller. Princess Casamassima. The Tragic Muse. Jefferies, Richard. After London. Amaryllis at the Fair. Keary, Annie. Oldbury. Castle Daly. Kingsley, Charles. Hypatia. Westward Ho ! Two Years Ago. Kingsley, Henry. Geoffrey Hamlyn. Ravenshoe. Kipling, Rudyard. Soldiers Three. The Light that Failed. Lawless, Emily. Major Lawrence, F.L.S. Hurrish. Lee, Katharine. An Imperfect Gentleman. Le Fanu, J. S. Uncle Silas. In a Glass Darkly. Lever, Charles. Charles O'Malley. Jack Hinton. Tom Burke of " Ours." Levy, Amy. Romance of a Shop. Lover, S. Handy Andy. Rory O'More. Lyall, Edna. In the Golden Days. 238 3 vels GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Lynn Linton, E. The Atonement of Learn Dundas. Lytton, Lord. Last Days of Pompeii. The Caxtons. My Novel. Night and Morning. A Strange Story. Maartens, Maarten. The Sin of Joost Avelingh. Macdonald, G. David Elginbrod. Macquoid, Mrs. Patty. Malet, Lucas. Colonel Enderby's Wife. A Counsel of Perfection. Mallock, W. H. The New Republic. Martineau, Harriet. The Hour and the Man. McCarthy, J. Dear Lady Disdain. Miss Misanthrope. Meredith, George. The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. The Egoist. The Shaving of Shagpat. Diana of the Crossways. Evan Harrington. Mitford, Miss. Our Village. Belford and Regis. Tales of Our Village. Morier, J. Hajji Baba of Ispahan. Hajji Baba in England. Zohrab the Hostage. Muloch, Miss (Mrs. Craik). John Halifax, Gentleman. The Head of the Family. Murray, D. Christie. Hearts. John Vale's Guardian. Norris, W. E. Major and Minor. Thirlby Hall. The Rogue. Marcia. Oliphant, Laurence. Masollam. Altiora Peto. Piccadilly. Oliphant, Mrs. Chronicles of Carlingford (5 vols.). Intended to be read in sequence ; but each volume a complete story. Carita. A Beleaguered City. Kirsleen. Parr, Louisa, Dorothy Fox. Payn, James. By Proxy. Lost Sir Massingberd. The Burnt Million. Peard, F. M. A Country Cousin. Phillips, F. C. As in a Looking-glass. Praed, Mrs. Campbell. The Head Station. Price, E. C. The Little One. " Q,." Dead Man's Rock. Troy Town. The Splendid Spur. Reade, Charles. The Cloister and the Hearth. Hard cash. Never Too Late to Mend. BiddeU, Mrs. J. H. George Geith. Robinson, F. Mabel. Disenchantment. Robinson, F. W. Lazarus in London. Russell, W. Clarke. The Wreck of the " Grosvenor." An Ocean Tragedy. Rutherford, Mark. The Revolution in Tanner's Lane. Schreiner, Olive. The Story of an African Farm. Sergeant, Adeline. Little Miss Colwyn. Sinclair, Catherine. Modern Society. Modern Accomplishments. Shorthouse, J. H. John Inglesant. Sime, William. Cradle and Spade. Smart, Hawley. Breezie Langton. Smedley, F. E. Frank Fairleigh. Harry Coverdale's Courtship. Lewis Arundel. 239 Novels GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Numismatics Stevenson, R. L. Treasure Island. New Arabian Nights. The Dynamiters. Kidnapped. The Master of Ballantrae. Stockton, F. R. Rudder Grange. The Lady or the Tiger ? Stowe, Harriet B. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Dred. Sturgis, Julian. John Maidment. Surtees, R. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour. Handley Cross. Plain or Ringlets ? Thackeray, Miss. The Story of Elizabeth. Miss Angel. The Village on the Cliff. Thackeray, W. M. Vanity Fair. Pendennis. Barry Lyndon. The New- comes. Esmond. The Virginians. Adventures of Philip. The Irish Sketch Book. The Great Hoggarty Diamond. Major Gahagan. The Yellowplush Papers. The Fitzboodle Papers. The Book of Snobs. Lovel the Widower. Denis Duval. Christmas Books. Trollope, A. Chronicles of Barset. (6 vols.). Intended to be read in given sequence; but each volume a complete story. The Prime Minister. Tytler, Sarah. Citoyenne Jacqueline. Veley, Margaret. For Percival. A Garden of Memories. Walford, L. B. The Baby's Grandmother. Mr. Smith, a Part of his Life. Ward, Mrs. Humphry. Miss Bretherton. Robert Elsmere. Warner, C. D. A Little Journey in the World. Warren, Samuel. Diary of a Late Physician. Ten Thousand a Year. Whyte-Melville, G. J. The Gladiators. Kate Coventry. Holmby House. Wood, Mrs. Henry. East Lynne. The Channings. Within the Maze. Woolson, C. F. Anne. Jupiter Lights. Yonge, C. M. Heart's Ease. The Heir of Redcliffe. NUBIA, see EGYPT. NUMISMATICS : Head, B. V. Guide to the coins of the ancients. Quaritcli. 5*. ,, Historia numorum. r. 8vo. Clar. Press. 42*. A manual of Greek numismatics. Gardner, P. Types of Greek coins, imp. 4to. Cambridge Press. 31s. G<7. Leake. Numismata Hellenica. 4to. o.p. Mionnet, T. E. Description des m6dailles antiques grecques et romaines. 8vo. (Paris). 1837. 21*. Mommsen, T. Histoire de la monnaie romaine. Tr. Blacas and De Witte. 4 vols. (Paris). 120s. Babelon, E. Monnaies de la Republique romaine. 8vo. 2 vols., 20,?. each. (Paris). 40*. Cohen, H. Monnaies frappees sous 1' Empire remain. 8vo. 7 vols. (Paris'). 140,s. Hull, E. Survey of Western Palestine. 4to. Bentley. 21s. Survey of Western Palestine. Ed. Palmer and Besant. 7 vols. Trubner. illus. 21 Survey of Palestine Exploration Fund : reference book for students. Wilson and Warren. The recovery of Jerusalem. Svo. Bentley. 21* Conder, C. B. Heth and Moab ; explorations in Syria in 1881 and 1882. Svo. Bentley. 14s. Published for the Palestine Exploration Fund. 243 H 2 Palestine, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Pattern Perrot and Chipiez. L'art dans 1'antiquite. (Vols. iv., v., 24s. each). (Paris). The only systematic account of pre-Hellenic antiquities in this class. The Greek and Roman monuments are discussed in architectural works (see ARCHITECTURE). PALI: Miiller, E. Pali grammar, c. 8vo. Trubner. Is. Gd. Childers, R. C. Pali dictionary. 4to. Trubner. 63s. Fausbbll, V. The Jataka. 8vo. 5 vols., 28s. each. Paul. 140s. Stories and folklore in Pali. Davids, T. W. Rhys. Buddhist birth stories (translation of the Jataka). 8vo. Trubner. 18s. In progress. Oldenberg, H. Vinaya texts. 8vo. 5 vols., 21s. each. Williams. 105s. Rules of the order. Rhys Davids and Oldenberg. Yinaya texts ; translation of vols. i. and ii. of the last. d. 8vo. 3 vols., 10s. Gd. each. Clar. Press. 31s. Gd. Pali text society publications. 30 vols. Pali Text Soc. (22, Albemarle- street, W.). 21*. per annum. The sacred books. Wijesinha, L. C. The Mahawansa; Text and tr. into both Singalese and English. 8vo. Gout. Press (Colombo). 43s. History of Buddhism in India and Ceylon; part i., V. Century, A.D.; part ii., XII. Century, A.D. PAPER, see INDUSTRIES XIV. PARASITES, see ZOOLOGY VI. and LIVE-STOCK. PARISH, see LOCAL GOVERNMENT. PARLIAMENT : See also ENGLAND, HISTORY I. and IV. May, T. E. Treatise on the law, privileges, proceedings, and usages of parliament. 8vo. JSutterrvorth. Jennings, G. H. Anecdotal history of the British parliament, d. 8vo. " Lam Times " Office (10, Wellington-street). Townsend, W. C. History of the House of Commons (1688-1832). 8vo. 2 vols. Colburn. pub. 12s. Palgrave, R. F. D. The House of Commons : illustrations of its history and practice, c. 8vo. Macmlllan. PARSEES, see PERSIA III. PARTNERSHIP, see ENGLAND, LAW VIII. PATAGONIA, see AMERICA, SOUTH. PATENTS, see ENGLAND, LAW VI. PATIENCE, see CARDS. PATTERN, see ART VIII. 244 Pauperism GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Persia PAUPERISM, see POLITICAL ECONOMY IX. PEDAGOGY, see EDUCATION. PENINSULAR WAR, see ARMY III. PERIODICAL LITERATURE: Poole, W. F. Index to periodical literature. 8vo. (Boston). 73s. Qd. Poole and Fletcher. First supplement (to Poole's "Index"), r. 8vo. (London). 36s. Index of Magazine Articles (annual). "Review of Reviews" Office. 2s. JOURNAL: Review of Reviews (monthly GcZ.), deals with the periodical literature of the I. GEOGRAPHY: Malcolm, J. Sketches of Persia, p. 8vo. Murray. 3. Gd. Wills, C. J. Land of the lion and sun. 8vo. Macmillan. pub. 14*. O.P. , , Persia as it is. c. 8vo. Low. Ss. Gd. Bassett, J. Persia, the land of the Imams. 8vo. Blaclde. Map. Is. Qd. Stack, E. Six months in Persia, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Low. Maps. 24s. Benjamin, S. G. W. Persia and the Persians. 8vo. Murray, illus. 24s. Goldsmid, F. Eastern Persia, 1870-2. 8vo. 2 vols. Macmillan. illus. pub. 42s. O.P. II. ARCHAEOLOGY: Perrot and Chipiez. Histoire de 1'art dans 1'antiquite ; vol. v., Perse. (Paris). 24s. Flandin and Coste. Voyage en Perse. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Qd. Dieulafoy, M. L'Acropolis de Susa ; part i. 4to. (Paris'). 20s. ,, L'art antique de la Perse, fo. 5 vols. (Paris). 149s. III. HISTORY, ETC. : Malcolm, J. History of Persia, to 1800. 8vo. Murray. O.P. Watson, R. G. History of Persia, 1800-58. d. 8vo. Smith, Elder. pub. los. O.P. Benjamin, S. G. W. Persia. Unwin. 5s. "Vaux, W. S. History of Persia to the Arab conquest, f. 8vo. S. P. C. A". 21s. Ancient history from the monuments. Thompson, W. F. Practical philosophy of the Muhammadan people (Oriental Translation Fund). 8vo. Allen. 15s. A translation of the Akhlaq i Jalali. Haug, M. Essays on the Parsees. 8vo. Triibner. 16s. Hughes, T. P. Dictionary of Islam, r. 8vo. Allen. 42s. IV. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE : Students should begin with Forbes' Gulistan, edited by J. T. Platts. 245 rsia GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Peru Forbes, D. Persian grammar, reading lessons, and vocabulary, r Svo. Allen, 12*. Gd. Clarke, H. W. The Persian manual. ISmo. Allen. Is. Gd. Johnson, F. Persian dictionary, r. Svo. Allen, pub. 80s. O.P. Baretto. Persian dictionary. Svo. 2 vols. Allen. 12*. Palmer, E. H. Persian dictionary, sq. IGmo. Longmans. 10*. Gd. Zendavesta. Parts i. and ii. Tr. J. Darmesteter. d. Svo. 3 parts. Clar. Press. 33*. Cd. Parts i., ii., 10. Gd. each ; part iii., 12s. 0(7. Pahlavi texts. (Vols. v., xviii., and xxiv. of " Sacred books of the East "). Tr. E. W. West, d. Svo. 3 vols. Clar. Press. 35*. Gd. Vol. v., 12. Gd. ; vol. xviii., 12. Gd. ; vol. xxiv., 10s. Gil. Firdausi. Shahnama ; Persian text, with French translation by J. Mohl. fo. 6 vols. (Paris). 25 The translation only, Livre dee rots. Svo. 7 vols. 52. 6<7. ,, Heroic tales ; re-told by Helen Zimmern. p. Svo. Unmln. 5*. Selections from the Shahnama of Firdausi for children. Khayyam, Omar. Quatrains ; Persian text and translation by E. H. Whin- field, p. Svo. Triilner. 10*. Gd. ,, The Rubaiyat; rendered into English verse by E. Fitzgerald. p. 12mo. Quaritch. 13s.. Lankuran. The Vazfr ; a Persian play, text, with vocabulary and trans- lation by Haggard and Lestrange. p. Svo. Triibner. 10*. Gd. A good work for colloquial Persian. Jalalu 'd Din Muhammad i Rumi. Masnavi i Ma'navi. Tr. E. H. Whin- field, p. Svo. Triibner. 7s. Gd. ,, Song of the reed; the first few stories from the Masnavi. Tr. into verse by Prof. Palmer. Svo. Triibner. 5s. Sa'di. Bustan of Sa'di. Ed. and tr. H. W. Clarke. Svo. Allen. 30*. ,, Gulistan, or Rose garden of Sa'di. Ed. and tr. J. T. Platts. Svo. Triibner. 10*. Gd.. ,, With Sa'di in the garden (Chap. 3 of Sa'di's Bustan). Tr. into verse by Sir Ed. Arnold, p. Svo. Triibner. Is. Gd. Jami. Yusuf wa Zulaikha. Tr. R. T. Griffiths, p. Svo. Iriibner. 8*. Gd. Persian poetry for English readers (Hafiz, etc.). Ed. S. Robinson. (Glasgow). This includes the " Century of Ghazels " from Hafiz's Divan. Privately printed. Anvari i Soheili (Fables of Pilpay). Tr. A. N. Wollaston. r. Svo. Allen. 42*. Arbuthnot. Persian portraits. Svo. Quaritch. 5*. Hieu, C. Catalogue of Persian MSS. in British Museum. 4to. 3 vols. Sold at British Museum. 25*. PERSPECTIVE, see AET VII. Markham, C. R. Cuzco and Lima. Svo. Chapman, pub. 14*. Hutchinson, T. J. Two years in Peru ; with explorations of antiquities. Svo. 2 vols. Lore, illus. 246 Peru GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Philosophy, etc. Squier, E. G. Peru : travel and exploration in the land of the Incas. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. pub. 21*. O.P. Markham, C. R. Peru. 12mo. Low. 3*. Gd. Paz Soldan, M. F. Diccionario geographico estadistico del Peru. Imprenta del Estado. Prescott, W. H. History of the conquest of Peru. 8vo. lioutledge. 5*. PETROGRAPHY, see GEOLOGY III. PETROLEUM ENGINES, see STEAM ENGINE. PHEASANT REARING, see SHOOTING. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, see INDIAN OCEAN VIII. PHILOLOGY : See also the different languages. Bopp, F. Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, Zend, Griechischen, Lateinischen, Lithauischen, Gothischen und Deutschen. 8vo. 3 vols. (Berlin). 42*. Best translation is in French by Michel Breal. Grammaire comparee des Jangues indo- europeennes. 8vo. 5 vols. (Paris). 40s. ,, The same. Tr. Eastwick. 8vo. 3 vols. O.P. Wright, W. Lectures on the comparative grammar of the Semitic languages, d. 8vo. Cambridge Press. 14*. Muller, F. Max. Lectures on the science of language, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans. 16*. Sayce, A. H. Introduction to the science of language, p. 8vo. 2 vols. Paul. 21*. Paul, H. Principles of the history of language. Tr. Strong. 8vo. SonnenscUein. 10*. 6d. Muller, F. Grundriss der Sprachwissenschaft. 8vo. 4 vols. ( Vienna). 52*. Brugmann, G. Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der Indo- Germanischen Sprachen. 8vo. (Strassbury). Vol. i., 40s. ; vol ii. (part 1), 12s. ,, The same. Tr. J. Wright. 8vo. 2 vols. Nutt. .34*. Fick, A. Worterbuch der Indo-Germanischen Sprache. 8vo. 4 vols. ( Gottingen). 45*. Vol. i., 14*. ; vol. ii., Us. ; vol. iii., 7s. ; vol. iv., 10*. New edition in preparation. Henry, V. Comparative grammar of Greek and Latin. Tr. Sonnenschein. 7*. 6d, Curtius, G. Principles of Greek etymology. Tr. Wilkins and England. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 28*. PERIODICAL : Zeitschrift filr vergleichende Sprachfortchung ; ed. Kuhn and Schmidt ; pub. bi-monthly ; 16*. per annum. PHILOSOPHY AND METAPHYSICS : I. GENERAL TREATISES : Lotze, H. Mikrokosmos. 8vo. 2 vols. Clark. 36*. ,, Metaphysic. Tr. B. Bosanquet. 8vo. Clar. Press. 12*. 6d. ,, Outlines of metaphysic. Tr. G. T. Ladd. 8vo. Ginn, Heath. 12* 247 Philosophy, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Philosophy, etc. Ferrier, J. F. Institutes of metaphysics, c. Svo. Blaclinood. 10s. Gd. ,, Philosophical remains, c. Svo. 2 vols. Blacltwood. 24s. Great power of clear illustration. Grote, J. Exploratio philosophies Svo. Bell and Daldij. 9s. Hodgson, S. H. Time and space. Svo. Longmans. 16s. ,, Philosophy of reflection. Svo. 2 vols. Longmans. 21s. Fiske, J. Outlines of cosmic philosophy. Svo. 2 vols. Macmillan. 25s. Mill. J. S. Examination of Sir W. Hamilton's philosophy. Svo. Longmans. IGs. Herbert, T. M. Modern realism examined. Svo. Macmillan. 14s. Essays in philosophical criticism. Ed. Seth and Haldane. Svo. Longmans. pub. 9s. o.r. Balfour, A. .T. Defence of philosophical doubt. Svo. Macmillan. 12s. Bowne, B. P. Metaphysic ; a study in first principles. Svo. Harper. 12s. Gd. Spencer, H. First principles. Svo. Williams. 16s. Green, T. H. Works. Ed. R. L. Nettleship. Svo. 3 vols. Longman*. 21s. Very condensed. The memoir in vol. iii. contains a general sketch of his philosophy by the II. GENERAL HISTORIES : Schwegler, A. Handbook of the history of philosophy. Tr. J. H. Stirling. c. Svo. Douglas. 7s. Best short and cheap history. Lewes, G. H. History of philosophy. ISmo. 2 vols. Longmans. 16s. Ferrier, J. F. Lectures on the history of Greek philosophy, p. Svo. 2 vols. Blackmood. 24s. Early part, to death of Socrates, the best. Erdmann, J. E. History of philosophy. Tr. . Svo. 3 vols. Sonnenscliein. 42s. Vols. i., ii., 15. each ; vol. iii., 12s. Zeller, E. Outlines of history of ancient philosophy. Tr. p. Svo. Longmans. 9s. ,, Pre-Socratic philosophy. Tr. S. F. Alleyne. Svo. 2 vols. Long- mans. 30s. ,, Socrates and the Socratic schools. Tr. 0. J. Reichel. p. Svo. Longmans. 8s. Gd. ,, Plato. Tr. Alleyne and Goodwin, p. Svo. Longmans. 18s. ,, Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics. Tr. 0. J. Reichel. p. Svo. Longmans. 14s. ,, Eclecticism. Tr. S. F. Alleyne. p. Svo. Longmans. 10s. Gd. Bowen, F. E. Modern philosophy. Svo. Lorn. 14s. Lange, F. A. History of materialism. Tr. E. C. Thomas. Svo. 3 vols. Triibner. 31s. Gd. Masson, D. Recent British philosophy, c. Svo. Macmillan. 6s. III. SPECIAL AUTHORS : Plato. Dialogues. Tr. B. Jowett. Svo. 5 vols. Clar. Press. 70s. Grote, G. Plato, and other companions of Socrates. Svo. 3 vols. Murray. 45s. Index, 2s. 6d. ,, Aristotle. Ed. Bain and Robertson. Svo. Murray. 12s. 248 Philosophy, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Phoenicia Descartes. " Method " and " Meditations." Tr. J. Veitch. p. 8vo. Blaclm-ood. 6s. Gd. Pischer, K. Descartes and his school. Tr. r. 8vo. Uhtvin. 16s. Spinoza. Works. Tr. E. H. M. Elwes. p. 8vo. 2 vols., 5*. each. Bell. 10s. ,, Ethics. Tr. W. H. White. 8vo. 5 parts. Triibner. 10s. M. Martineau, J. Spinoza. 12mo. Macmillan. Gs. Pollock, F. Spinoza. 8vo. Paul. 16*. Bacon, F. Works. Ed. Ellis, Spedding, and Heath. 8vo. 7 vols. Longmans. 73s. Gd. Fraser, A. C. Locke. 8vo. Blachwood. 3s. Gd. Locke, J. Works, d. 8vo. 4 vols. Ward and Lock. 20s. Also Sell (Bohn), 2 vols., Ss. Gd. each. Berkeley, Bishop. Works. Ed. A. C. Fraser. Svo. 3 vols. Clar. Press. 42*. Fraser, A. C. Selections from Berkeley's Works, p. Svo. Clar. Press. Is.Gd. Eraser, A. C. Berkeley, p. Svo. Blackmood. 3s. Gd. Hume, D. Works. Ed. Green and Grose. Svo. 4 vols. Longmans. 5fs. Kant, I. Critique of pure reason. Tr. Max Miiller. Svo. 2 vols.. Macmillan. 32*-. Also Sell (Bohn), os. ,, Prolegomena and Metaphysics of natural science. Tr. Bax. Svo. Sell. 5s. Caird, E. Critical philosophy of Kant. Svo. 2 vols. Macmillan. pub. 18s. O.P. Watson, J. Selections from Kant. c. Svo. Maclehose. 7s. Gd. ,, Kant and his English critics. Svo. Maclehose. 12s. Gd. Wallace, W. Kant. c. 8vo. Blachrvood. 3s. Gd. Morris, G. S. Kant's Kritik of pure reason. 16mo. Griggs (Chicago}. Gs. Fichte, J. G. Popular writings. Tr. W. Smith. Svo. Triibner. 15s. , , Science of knowledge. Tr. A. E. Kroeger. r. Svo. Triibner. Gs. Adamson, R. Fichte. f. Svo. Blacliwood. 3s. Gd. Schelling, F. W. J. von. Transcendental idealism. Tr. J. Watson. 16rno. Griggs. G?. Hegel, G. W. F. Logic. Tr. W. Wallace. Svo. Clar. Press. 14s. Stirling, J. H. Secret of Hegel. Svo. 2 vols. Longmans. 28s. Caird, E. Hegel, p. Svo. Blacliwood. 3s. Gd. Schopenhauer, A. The world as will and idea. Tr. Haldane and Kemp. Svo. 3 vols. Triibner. 32s. ,, Fourfold root and will in nature, p. Svo. Bell (Bohn). 5,v. Hartmann, E. von. Philosophy of the unconscious. Tr. W. C. Coupland. c. Svo. 3 vols. Triibner. 31 S . Qd. Collins, F. H. Epitome of Synthetic Philosophy. Williams. 15s. An account of Spencer's whole works, published with his sanction. PHOENICIA : Perrot and Chipiez. Ancient art in Phoenicia (vol. iii. of " L'art dans 1'antiquite "). Tr. W. Armstrong, i. Svo. 2 vols. Chapman. 42s. Renan, E. Mission de Phenicie. 4to. (Paris). o.r. Ledrain, E. Notice des monuments pheniciens du Louvre. (Louvre catalogue). ISmo. (Paris'). Movers, F. C. Die Phb'nizier. Svo. (Berlin). 70s. 249 Phoenicia GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Physics Kenrick, J. Phoenicia. Svo. Fellones. illus. 16s. Rawlinson, G. History of Phoenicia. Svo. Longmans. 24s. Pietschmann, R. Geschichte der Phonizier (in Oncken's "Allgemeine Geschichte "). Svo. (Berlin). 12.?. Meltzer, 0. Geschichte der Karthager ; vol. i. Svo. (Berlin). 10s. Smith, R. Bosworth. Carthage and the Carthaginians, c. Svo. Longmans. 10s. Gd. PHONOGRAPHY, see SHORTHAND. PHOTOGRAPHY : COURSE OF READING : Elementary chemistry and light ; Elements of photography, and the treatise on photography ; Chemical effect of the spectrum ; Pictorial photography Meldola, R. Chemistry of photography. Svo. Macmillan. Gs. Abney, W. de W. Treatise on photography, c. Svo. Longmans. . 3.?. Gd. , , Instruction in photography. Svo. Piper and Carter. 3s. Gd. Jones, Chapman. Science and practice of photography, c. Svo. Iliffe. 3*. 6d. Emerson, P. H. Naturalistic photography, c. Svo. Low. 5s. Burton, W. K. Modern photography. Svo. Piper and Carter. Is. Robinson, H. P. Pictorial photography. Svo. Piper and Carter. 2s. Gd. Abney and Robinson. Silver printing, p. Svo. Piper and Carter. 2s. Gd. Eder, J. M. Chemical effect of the spectrum. Tr. W. de W. Abney. p. Svo. Harrison. 2s. Harrison, W. J. History of photography. Svo. Trubner. Is. Gd. Index to standard photographs (annual). Review of Reviews Office. 2s. PHYSIOGRAPHY, see GEOGRAPHY III. PHYSICS : See also ELECTRICITY and MATHEMATICS (APPLIED). I. GENERAL TREATISES: Stewart, Balfour. Primer of physics. ISmo. Macmillan. illus. Is. , , Lessons in elementary physics, f . Svo. Macmillan. illus. 4s. Gd. Daniell, A. Text-book of the principles of physics, m. Svo. Macmillan. illus. 21,9. Anthony and Brackett. Text-book of physics. Svo. Wiley (JVi York). 21s. Tait, P. G. Recent advances in physical science, c. Svo. Macmillan. 9s. Thomson and Tait. Treatise on natural philosophy (mathematical), d. Svo. 2 vols. Cambridge Press. 34.s. Vol. i., 16. ; vol. ii., 18*. Vol. ii. deals with elasticity. II. PRACTICAL PHYSICS : Worthington, A. M Physical laboratory practice ; 1st course, c. Svo. Rimngtons. 4s. Gd. Glazebrook and Snaw. Practical physics, c. Svo. Longmans. Gs. 250 Physics GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Physics in elementary practical physics Stewart and Gee. Lessc Macmillan. illus. Vol. i., 6. ; vol. ii., Is. 6d. -III. MECHANICS : Ball, E. S. Experimental mechanics, c. Svo. Macmillan. illus. Maxwell, J. Clerk. Matter and motion (mathematical), f. 8vo. S. P. C. K. Stewart, Balfour. Conservation of energy (" Inter. Scient." ser.). c. 8vo. Paul. -IV. PROPERTIES OF MATTER: Tait, P. G. Properties of matter, c. 8vo. Blacli. Thomson, J. J. Application of dynamics to physics and chemistry (mathematical), c. 8vo. Macmillan. Stewart, Balfour. An elementary treatise on heat. ex. f. 8vo. Clar. Press. illus. Is. 6d. Garnett, W. Elementary treatise on heat. p. Svo. Bell. is. Gd. Maxwell, J. Clerk. Theory of heat. c. Svo. Longmans. 3s. Gd. Baynes, R. Thermodynamics (mathematical), p. Svo. Clar. Press. Is. Gd. Clausius, R. Mechanical theory of heat (mathematical). Tr. W. R. Browne, c. Svo. Macmillan. 10s. Gd. VI. LIGHT: Stokes, G. G. On light, (elem.). c. Svo. Macmillan. Is. Gd. Wright, L. Light, c. Svo. Macmillan. illus. Is. Gd. Deals specially with lecture-room experiments. Heath, R. Geometrical optics (mathematical), d. Svo. Cambridge Press. 12s. Gd. Glazebrook, R. T. Physical optics (mathematical), f. Svo. Longmans. illus. Gs. Preston, J. Theory of light. Svo. Macmillan. 12s. Gd. Roscoe and Schuster. Spectrum analysis, m. Svo. Macmillan. illus. 21s. Schellen, H. Spectrum analysis. Svo. Longmans, illus. 31s. Gd. Lockyer, J. N. Studies in spectrum analysis (" Inter. Scient." ser.). c. Svo. Paul, illus. Gs. Gd. A popular work. Watts. Index of spectra, Heymood. 13s. Gd. VII. SOUND: Tyndall, J. Sound, c. Svo. Longmans, illus. 10s. Gd. Taylor, Sedley. Sound and music, ex. c. Svo. Macmillan. 8s. G^. Helmholtz, H. Sensations of tone. Tr. A. J. Ellis, r. Svo. Longmans. 28s. Rayleigh, Lord. Theory of sound (mathematical). 2 vols., 12s. Gd. each. Macmillan. 25s. VIII. REFERENCE: laipton, S. Numerical tables and constants in elementary science. ex. f. Svo. Macmillan. 2s. Gd. 251 Physics GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Physiology Everett, J. D. Units and physical constants, gl. 8vo. Macmillan. 5*. Clarke, F. W. Table of specific gravities. 8vo. Macmillan. 12*. Gd. Landolt and Bernstein. Physikalisch-chemischeTabellen. 4to. (Berlin). 12s. Poggendorff, J. Geschichte der Physik. 8vo. Earth. 17*. PHYSIOLOGY : See also MENTAL PHYSIOLOGY. I. BOOKS FOR BEGINNERS : Foster, M. Primer of physiology. 18rno. Macmillan. illus. 1*. Huxley, T. Lessons in elementary physiology, f. 8vo. Macmillan. illus. 4*. Gd. Milne-Edwards, A. Anatomic et physiologic animales. IGmo. Masson (Paris). 2s. Gd. Yeo, G. F. Manual of physiology, c. 8vo. Churchill, illus. 14*. Bernstein. Five senses of man (" Inter. Scient." ser.). c. 8vo. Paul. illus. & g , Conte, J. le. Sight ; the principles of monocular and binocular vision. (" Inter. Scient." ser.). c. 8vo. Paul, illus. 5*. II. GENERAL TREATISES : Guam's anatomy. Ed. Schafer and Thane. 8vo. 2 vols., 18*. each. Longmans, illus. 36*. Foster, M. Text-book of physiology. 8vo. 3 vols., 10*. Gd. each. Mac- millan. illus. 31*. Qd. The best introduction to the subject. McKendrick, J. G. Text-book of physiology, d. 8vo. 2 vols. Maclehose. illus. 4O. Vol. i., general, 16. ; vol. ii., special, 24s. Copiously illustrated ; contains valuable details as to methods of observation and research. Hermann, L. Lehrbuch der Physiologic. 8vo. (Berlin). 14*. Contains chapters of a special excellence on the physiology of muscle and nerve, on vision, and ,, The elements of human physiology. Tr. by A. Gamgee. d. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 1C*. Translation of the above. Handbuch cler Physiologic. Ed. Hermann. 6 vols. (Leipzig). 137*. Vol. i. (two parts, 19.) contains Physiology of muscle, by Hermann; Protoplasm, Engelmann; Speech, Grutzner; Motion, Fick. Vol. ii. (two parts, Ifi*. Gd.), Nervous system, by Hermann, Meyer, Eckhard, Exner. Vol. iii. (two parts, 27.), The senses, by Fick, Kiihne, Hering, Vintschgau, Funke. Vol. iv. (two parts, Us.), Circulation anil respiration, by Rollett, Aubert, Zimtz, Rosenthal. Vol. v. (two parts, 28*. 6d.). Secretion, digestion, and assimilation, by Heidenhain, Drechsel, Maly, Wittich, Mayer. Vol. vi. (two parts, 22.), Nutrition, generation, by Voet and Hensen. Landois, L. Text-book of human physiology. Tr. W. Stirling, with additions, m. 8vo. Griffin, illus. 34*. A useful book of reference. Smith, R. M. Physiology of the domestic animals. 8vo. (Philadelphia). 28*. Memoirs of the physiology of nerve, muscle, and the electrical organ. Ed. J. Burdon Sanderson, m. 8vo. Clar. Press. 21*. 252 Physiology GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Poetry III. PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY : Gamgee, A. Physiological chemistry of the human body. m. 8vo. Macmillan. Vol. i., 18s. First vol. only has appeared : second vol. now in preparation. Bunge, G. Physiological and pathological chemistry. Tr. L. Woodbridge. d. 8vo. Paul. 16s. Hoppe-Seyler. Physiologische Chemie. 8vo. 4 vols. (Berlin). 25s. Physiologische Analyse. 8vo. (Berlin}. 14s. The standard works. Schiitzenberger. Fermentation ("Inter. Scient." ser.). c. Svo. Paul. illus. 5s. Halliburton. Text-book of chemical physiology and pathology. Longmans. 28s. IV. PHYSIOLOGICAL PHYSICS : Draper, J. O. Text-book of medical physics, r. 8vo. Cliurcldll. illus. pub. 18s. O.P. G-ariel and Desplats. Elements de physique me'dicale. 8vo. (Paris), illus. 10s. Fick, A. Die medicinische Physik. 8vo. Viewer/. 8s. The best book on the subject. ,, Mechanische Arbeit und Warme-entwickelung bei der Muskel- thatigkeit. 8vo. Brocliliaus. 5s. Helmholtz, H. Handbuch der physiologischen Optik. 8vo. 5 parts, 3s. each. (Leipzig). 15s. The best book on the subject. ,, The sensations of tone. Tr. A. J. Ellis, r. Svo. Longmans. 28s. The best book on the subject. PICTURES, see ART. PIG, see LIVE-STOCK. PIGEON, see LIVE-STOCK. PIQUET, see CARDS. PISCICULTURE, see FISHING. PITCAIRN'S ISLAND, see PACIFIC III. PLAIN SONG, see Music V. PLATE, RIVER, see ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. PLATE, GOLD AND SILVER, see ARTISTIC PROCESSES IV. POETRY : VICTORIAN : I. SERIOUS: Arnold, M. Works, c. 8vo. 3 vols., Is. Gd. each. Macmillan. 22s. 6d. Also in one volume, c. Svo., 7. Gd. ; and selections (" Golden Treasury " ser.), is. 6d. Browning, E. B. Works, c. Svo. 6 vols., 5s. each. Smith, Elder. 30s. Also selections, 2 vols., 7. ; and selections (pocket ed.), Is. 253 Poetry' GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Poetry Browning, R. Works, c. Svo. 17 vols., 5s. each. Smith, Elder. 85s. Also selections, 2 vols., 7. ; and selections (pocket ed.), Is. Orr, Mrs. Handbook to Robert Browning's works, f. Svo. Sell. Gs. Clough, A. H. Works, c. Svo. Macmillan. la. Gd. Longfellow, H. W. Works, c. Svo. 11 vols. Routledge. 42s. Also pocket edition. 11 vols., 1*. each. (Hiawatha in one volume). Macaulay, T. B. Lays of ancient Rome. p. Svo. Longmans. 10s. Gd. Also at 3. Gd., and cheaper editions. Morris, W. The earthly Paradise, c. Svo. 4 vols. Reeves. 40s. Also 5 vols., 25s. ; and in one volume (double columns ; small type), 7s. Gd. " Guinevere," 8s. ; " Jason," 8s. ; " Niblungs," 6s. ; " Odyssey." Tr. Gs. Gel. Hossetti, D. G. Works, d. Svo. 2 vols. Ellis. 18s. Also in one volume, c. Svo. 6s. Swinburne, A. C. Works, c. Svo. 17 vols. Chatto. 6 16s " Poems and ballads," first series, 9*. ; second, 9s. : third, Is. " Songs before sunrise," 10s. 6rt. ; "Songs of two nations," 6. ; "Songs of the springtime," Gs.: "Studies in song," 7s.; "Century of roundels," 8s. ; "Mid-summer holiday," 7*.; "Atalanta," 6s.; " Chastelard," 7s.; "Bothwell," 12s. Or?.; "Erectheus," Gs.; "Mary Stuart," 8*. ; "Tristram," 9s. : " Marino Faliero," 6s. ; " Locrine," 6s. Selections, f . Svo. 6s. Tennyson, A. Works, c. Svo. 8 vols., 5s. each. Macmillan. 40s. In one vol., 7s. Gd. ; Lyrical poems (" Golden Treasury " ser.), is. Gd. Whitman, Walt. Leaves of grass, p. Svo. 9x Also selections (pocketed.), c. Svo. Is. Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets, p. Svo. Chatto. 9s. II. HUMOUR, DIALECT, VERS DE SOCIETE, ETC. : Austin, A. Works, c. Svo. 5 vols., 5s. each. Macmillan. 25s. Barham, R. H. D. Ingoldsby legends, c. 4to. Bentley. illus. 21s. Also d. 8vo., 10s. Gd. ; c. Svo., 2. Gd. ; and other editions. Bret Harte. Works, c. Svo. Chatto. Gs. Also selections (pocketed.). Routledge. 1. Calverley, C. S. Verses and fly-leaves, d. Svo. Hell. 7s. 6^. Also " Fly leaves," 8s. Gd. Courthope, W. J. Paradise of birds, r. Svo. Hatchard. 7s. Gd. Dobson, A. Old world idylls, f. Svo. Paul. G*. , , At the sign of the Lyre. Paul. Gs. Hood, T. Works, c. Svo. 2 vols., 5s. each. Ward. 10s. Vol. i., Serious ; vol. ii., Humorous. Lang, A. Ballades in blue china, 5s. ; Rhymes ii la mode, 5s. ; f. Svo. Paul. 10s. ,, Grass of Parnassus, f. Svo. Longmans. Gs. Leland, C. G. Hans Breitmann's ballads, f. Svo. Paul. 3s. G^. Locker, F. London lyrics, f. Svo. Paul. Gs, Lowell, J. R. Biglow papers, f. Svo. Macmillan. 4s. Gd. Lyra Elegantiarum. Ed. F. Locker Lampson. c. Svo. Ward. 2.. Martin and Aytoun. Bon Gaultier ballads, f . Svo. Blaclmood. 5s. Praed, W. M. Works, c. Svo. 2 vols., 5s. each. Ward. 10s. Also selections. Scott. Is. Smith, Brothers. Rejected addresses, f. Svo. Chatto. 5s. Also pocket ed. Routledge. Is. 254 Poetry GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Political Economy Traill, H. D. Kecaptured rhymes, c. 8vo. Paul. 5.?. ,, Saturday songs. 4to. Allen. 5s. Gd. POISONS, see CHEMISTRY IV. POLABISH, see SLAVONIC. POLAND: LANGUAGE: For beginning Polish the grammar of Vymazal is recommended; there are selections from Polish literature appended. The student might then read some of the minor poems of Mickiewicz. For a scientific study of Polish, the fine grammar of Malecki is invaluable ; it is written in Polish. Malecki, A. Grammatyka Historyczno-Por6wnawcza Jezyka Polskiego (Lemberg}. Historico-comparative grammar. Vymazal, F. Grammatik der polnischen Sprache. (Brunn.} 3s. Gd. Chopzko, A. Complete dictionary of English and Polish. 8vo. (Berlin). 20s. Schmidt, J. A. E. Nouveau dictionnaire portatif Frangais-Polonais et Polonais-Fransais. 18mo. (Leipzig}. 3s. Gd. Mickiewicz. Konrad Wallenrod. Tr. M. A. Biggs. 18mo. Triibner. 2s. Gd. ,, Master Thaddeus. Tr. M A. Biggs, f. 8vo. Triibner. 15*. POLAR REGIONS, see ARCTIC REGIONS. POLITICAL ECONOMY: It is difficult to recommend any one course of study which would be convenient to all readers. Generally the student of economics may be advised first to acquaint himself with the broad outlines of the theory of the subject ; and then to obtain some substantial knowledge of the particular field ultimately selected, whether that of industrial, commercial, monetary, financial, or other questions, it should be studied with thorough knowledge of the history and statistics of the subject, and with a comprehensive view of all considerations, economic or non-economic, which have any practical bearing upon it. The best information on questions societies and reviews, and in the reports of Commissions (sometimes abstracts of these are available), and in the various official publications. I. THEOEY: Walker, F. A. First lessons in political economy, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 5s. Marshall, A. Economics of industry, ex. f. 8vo. Macmillan. 2s. Gd. Sidgwick, H. Principles of political economy. 8vo. Macmillan. 16s. Marshall, A. Principles of economics. 8vo. Macmillan. 12s. Gd. Wicksteed, P. H. Alphabet of economic science, gl. 8vo. Macmillan. 2s. Gd. Introduces reader to mathematical conception of subject, and should precede the study of Jevons. Symes, J. E. Short text-book of political economy, c. 8vo. JRivington. 2s. Gd. Jevons, W. S. Theory of political economy. 8vo. Macmillan. 10s. 6 History and distinguishing characteristics. PREHISTORIC TIMES, see ANTHROPOLOGY II. PRESBYTERIANS, see CHURCH HISTORY V. (B). PRICES, HISTORY OP, see POLITICAL ECONOMY X, PRIMITIVE MAN, sec ANTHROPOLOGY and FOLKLORE. PRINTING : I. PRACTICE : Southward, J. Practical printing, d. 8vo. J. M. Powell, illus. 7.?. 6e\ Animal magnetism (" Internat. Scient." ser.). Tr. c. 8vo. Paul. 5s. Heidenhain, R. Animal magnetism. Tr. J. C. Wooldridge. sm. c. 8vo. Paul. 2s. Gd. Preface by G. J. Romanes. Janet, P. L'automatisme psychologique. 8vo. (Paris). Gs. Gd. Bernheim, H. Suggestive therapeutics. Tr. C. A. Herter. 8vo. Putnam. 14s. Tuke, D. H. Sleep-walking and hypnotism, d. 8vo. CkurcJiill. 5s. Seybert Commission. Preliminary report on modern spiritualism. Svo. "Wallace, A. R. On miracles and modern spiritualism, c. Svo. Paul. 5s. Crookes, W. Researches in the phenomena of spiritualism, d. Svo. J. Burns, illus. 5s. A record of experiments with various mediums, chiefly D. D. Home. 266 Psychical, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Hallways Zbllner, J. C. F. Transcendental physics. Tr. C. C. Massey. f. 8vo. E. W. Allen, illus. Moses, W. Stainton. Spirit teachings. 8vo. London Spiritualist Alliance (Duke-street, Adelphi). illus. 3*. Gd. Home, Mme. D. D. Home : his life and mission. 8vo. Trubner. 12*. Gd. Dessoir, Max. Bibliographic des modernen Hypnotismus. 8vo. (Berlin). 2v. Gives the recent books and publications on hypnotism in all languages. PERIODICALS : Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research (Trubner) ; usually 2 or 3 parts a year. PSYCHOLOGY, see MENTAL, PHYSIOLOGY II. PUBLIC HEALTH, see HYGIENE. PUBLIC MEETINGS : Palgrave, R. F. D. The chairman's handbook, c. 8vo. Lorn. 2s. G. QUAKERS, see CHUBCH HISTOEY V. (D). QUEENSLAND, see AUSTEALASIA V. QUOTATIONS AND PROVERBS : Grocott, J. C. Familiar quotations. 1. c. 8vo. Routledge. 6s. Allibone, S. A. Prose quotations, r. 8vo. (Philadelphia). 25s. , , Poetical quotations, r. 8vo. (Philadelphia'). 25*. Bohn, H. G. Handbook of proverbs, p. 8vo. Bell (Boliri). 5s. R. RACING, see HOESE IV. RACKETS, see TENNIS. RAILWAYS : Findlay, G. Working and management of an English railway, c. 8vo. WhittaJier. Is. Qd. Railways GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Reference Barry, J. W. Eailway appliances (" Text-books of Science "). c. 8vo. -ans. illus. 3-?. Gd. ,, and Bramwell. Railways and locomotives (engineering). 8vo. Longmans, illus. pub. 21s. Couche, C. Permanent way and rolling-stock. Tr. J. Schoolbred. 4to. 3 vols. Dulau. illus. Vol. i.. Permanent way, 40s. ; vol. ii., Carrying; stock, traction, 100. ; vol. iii., Production Grover, J. Railway bridges, stations, and culverts, with appendix, fo. Spon. Fidler, T. C. Bridge construction. 8vo. Griffin, illus. Baker, B. Long span railway bridges, c. 8vo. Spon. Simms, F. W. Tunnelling, i. 8vo. Lockrvood. illus. Balfour-Brown and Theobald. Law of railway companies, r. 8vo. Stevens. Hadley, A. T. Railroad transportation. 12mo. Putnam. Acworth, W. M. Railways of England. 8vo. Murray, illus. ,, Railways of Scotland, c. 8vo. Murray. ,, Railways of America. Ed. Cooley. 1. 8vo. Murray, illus. Bradshaw. Railway manual, shareholder's guide, and official directory. Adams (59, Fleet-street). RATES AND RATING, see LOCAL GOVERNMENT. REAL PROPERTY, see ENGLAND, LAW IV. REFERENCE BOOKS: useful books of general reference are added here. ALMANACS AND ANNUALS. Whittaker's almanac. Whittalter. With supplement, Zt. 6d. Hazell's annual. Ilazell. British almanac and companion (annual). 12mo. Stationers' Company. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Best books, The. p. 4to. Sonnenschein. A classified bibliography of current English and American literature. English catalogue (annual). Low. See also BIBLIOPHILIA. BIOGRAPHY. Dictionary of biographical reference. Ed. L. B. Phillips, r. 8vo. Low. Contains 100,000 names, with references to fuller biographies. Vapereau, G. ' Dictionnaire universel des contemporains. r. Svo. Hachette. Refers to all countries. Men and women of the time. Ed. G. W. Moon. d. Svo. Routledge. DATES AND EVENTS. Haydn's dictionary of dates. Ed. Vincent, r. 8vo. Ward, Lock. 2G8 Reference GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Religion Irving, J. Annals of our time (1837-1887). 8vo. 2 vols., 18*. each. Macmillan. 36*. Vol. i., June 20th, 1837, to Feb. 28, 1871 ; vol. ii., Feb. 1871, to June 24, 1887. Times index (quarterly), sm. 4to. Palmer. 10*. Gd. Annual register. 8vo. Rivingtons. 18*. A summary of domestic and foreign events, legislation, important trials, etc. DIRECTORIES. Official Army list (quarterly). 8vo. Eyre. 15*. Civil Service directory (annual), d. 8vo. Allen. 6*. Colonial Office list (annual). 8vo. Harrison. 7*. Gd. Crockford's Clerical directory (annual). 8vo. (121, Fleet-street, E.G.). 4*. Gd. India list, civil and military (half-yearly). 8vo. Allen. 10*. Gd. Law list (annual). 12mo. Stevens. 9*. Medical directory. 8vo. Churchill. 14*. Navy list (quarterly). 8vo. Eyre. 3s. ENCYCLOPEDIAS. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 4to. 24 vols., 30*. each ; with index, 20*. Slack. 37 Chambers' encyclopaedia, r. 8vo. 10 vols., 10*. each. Cliavibers. 100*. In progress ; vols. i. to iv. issued. MISCELLANEOUS. Allibone, S. A. Critical dictionary of English literature, and British and American authors, r. 8vo. 3 vols. Trubner. 103*. Gd. Vol. i., 31*. Grf. ; ii.,8Gs.; iii., 3G. Halkett and Laing. Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature of Great Britain. 8vo. 3 vols., 42*. each. Simpltin. 12G*. Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable, c. 8vo. Cassell. 3*. Gd. ,, Reader's handbook of allusions, references, plots, and stories. c. 8vo. Ckatto. 12*. Gd. Roget, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases, c. 8vo. Longmans. 10*. Gd. Farmer, J. S. Slang and its analogues, f. 8vo. 5 vols. Nutt. 160*. Two vols. issued. Hotten, J. C. Slang dictionary, p. Svo. Hotten. pub. 6*. Gd. O.P. Almanach de Gotha. 16mo. Pertz (Gotha). 7s. Dod's Peerage (annual). Svo. Whittaker. 10*. Gd. Haydn's Book of dignities. Ed. Ockerby. d. Svo. Allen. 28*. Year-book of scientific and learned societies of Great Britain and Ireland. Svo. Griffin. Is. Gd. Stock Exchange year-book. Svo. Skinner. 15s. REFORMATION, THE, see CHUP.CH HISTORY IV. and V. RELIGION, COMPARATIVE: For works on the different religion*, in addition to those given below, see BIBLE, BUDDHISM, MAHOMETANISM, POSITIVISM, SANSKRIT, THEOLOGY. Caird, J. Introduction to the philosophy of religion, c. Svo. Maclehose. G*. 269 Religion GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Religion Lotze, H. Outlines of philosophy of religion. Tr. Ladd. Glnn (Boslun). 3s. Gd. Pfleiderer, O. Philosophy of religion on the basis of its history. Tr. Stewart and Menzies. 8vo. 4 vols., 10s. Gd. each. Williams. 42s. Pending the translation of Prof. C. de la Saussaye's Rflii/innsnesctiiefitf, vol. iii. of Pfleiderer's work may be taken as an outline of the history of religious thought, naturally Martineau, J. Study of religion, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 15s. Tiele, C. P. Outlines of the history of religion. Tr. J. Estlin Carpenter. 8vo. Triibner. 7s. Gd. Comprehensive, with good bibliography to date (1877), but slight and sketchy. Kenan, E. Studies in religious history, c. 8vo. Sentley. 6s. Miiller, F. Max. Introduction to the science of religion, c. 8vo. Longmans. 7s. Gd. Origin and growth of religion (Hibbert lectures). 8vo. Williams. 10s. Gd. Natural religion (Gifford lectures), c. 8vo. Longmans. 10s. Gd. Prof. Max Miiller is well known as the accomplished exponent of a particular theory of the origin and early development of religious ideas. Tylor, E. B. Primitive culture. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 24s. Development of mythology, philosophy, religion, art, and custom. Lang, A. Custom and myth. c. 8vo. Longmans. Is. Gd. ,, Myth, ritual, and religion, c. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans, pub 21s. o.p. Mr. Lang and Mr. Tylor are exponents of the anthropological view. Spencer, Herbert. Ecclesiastical institutions. 8vo. Williams. 5s. Part of Mr. H. Spencer's great system of constructive philosophy, containing a restatement of the view put forward in First principles as to the growth of the religious idea. Kuenen, A. National religions and universal religions (Hibbert lectures). Tr. P. H. Wicksteed. 8vo. Williams. 10s. Gd. Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism, and Buddhism. Religious systems of the world, by various authors, p. Svo. Sonnenscliein. 7s. Gd. Reville, A. Prolegomena to the history of religion. Svo. Williams. 10s. Gd. Slight and sketchy. ,, Origin of religion (Hibbert lectures). Tr. P. H. Wicksteed. Svo. Williams. . 10s. Gd. Mexico and Peru. Renouf, P. Le Page. The religion of ancient Egypt (Hibbert lectures). Svo. Williams. 10s. Gd. Sayce, A. H. The Babylonian religion (Hibbert lectures). Svo. Williams. 10s. Gd. Johnson, S. Oriental religions. Svo. 3 vols. Hoiighton (iV. I"). 75s. Vol. i., India; vol. ii., China; vol. iii., Persia; 25s. each. Williams, Monier. Religious thought and life in India. Murray. 10s. Gd. Brahmanism and Hinduism. Smith, W. Robertson. Lectures on the religion of the Semites. Svo. Slack. 15s. Davids, T. W. Rhys. History of Indian Buddhism (Hibbert lectures). Svo. Williams. 10s. Gd. Dods, Marcus. Mohammed, Buddha, and Christ, c. Svo. Hodder. 3s. Gd. Covers similar ground to Dr. Kuenen's Hibbert Lectures in a more popular form. Smith, R. Bosworth. Mohammed and Mohammedanism, c. Svo. Smith, Elder. 8*. Gd. Wordsworth, J. The one religion. Svo. Rivingtons. 10s. Gd. 270 Religion GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Roman Law Hardwick, C. Christ and other masters. 8vo. Macmillan, 10,?. Qd. The two last books are written from the point of view of Christian apologetics. REPORTING, see SHORTHAND. REPTILES, see ZOOLOGY. REVOLVERS, see ARMY V. RIDING, see HORSE II. RIFLE, MILITARY, see ARMY V. SPORTSMAN'S, see SHOOTING. RIVIERA, see HEALTH RESORTS. ROADS, see LOCAL GOVERNMENT. ROME : HISTORY (ANCIENT) : See CHURCH HISTORY and EUROPE II. for later history of Some. Mommsen, T. History of Rome. Tr. P. W. Dickson. c. 8vo. 4 vols. Bentley. 4Gs. Gd. Also abridged edition in one vol. c. 8vo. 7. CcZ. Smith, W. Student's Rome. p. 8vo. Murray, illus. 7s. Gd. Merivale, C. History of the Romans under the Empire, c. 8vo. 8 vols., 3s, 6d. each. Longmans. 28s. Capes, W. W. Early Roman Empire ("Epochs of ancient history"). f. 8vo. Longmans. 2s. Gd. , , Roman Empire of the second century (" Epochs of ancient history "). f. 8vo. Longmans. 2s. Gd. Gibbon, E. Decline and fall of the Roman empire. 8vo. 8 vols., Is. Gd. each. Murray. GOs. Smith, R. Bosworth. Carthage and Carthaginians, c. 8vo. Longmans. 10s. Gd. Hodgkin, T. Italy and her invaders (375 to 553). d. 8vo. 4 vols. Clar. Press, illus. GSs. Vol. i., ii., 32s. ; vol. iii., iv., SGs. Bury, J. B. Later Roman empire (390-800). 8vo. 2 vols. Macmillan. 32*. ROMAN LAW : A knowledge of French and German, in addition to Latin, is necessary for any serions study of Roman law. Italian literature on the subject is also rapidly increasing, both in quantity and in importance. Justinian. Institutes. Ed. J. B. Moyle. d. Svo. 2 vols. Clar. Press. 22s. Vol. i., 1C*. : vol. ii., 6. Gaius. Institutes. Ed. Muirhead. 8vo. Clark. O.P. ,, The same. Ed. E. Poste. d. Svo. Clar. Press. 18s. Roby, H. J. Introduction to Justinian's Digest, d. Svo. Cambridge Press. 9s. Justinian's Digest, Select titles of. Ed. Holland and Shadwell. Svo. Clar. Press. 14s. Also sold in parts. Vol. i., 2*. Gd. ; vol. ii., 1. ; vol. iii., 2. Gd. ; vol. iv. (1), 2. Gd. ; vol. iv. (2), is. 6rZ. 271 Roman Law GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Russia Mui.rh.eacl, J. Historical introduction to the private law of Rome. d. 8vo. Slack. 21*. Hadley, J. Introduction to Roman law. p. 8vo. Lorn. Is. Gd. Hunter, W. A. Roman law in the order of a code. 8vo. Maxwell. 32*. ,, Introduction to Roman law. p,8vo. Maxwell. 7s. Gd. Dirksen, H. Manuale juris civilis. 4to. 1837. O.P. Grueber, E. The Roman law of damage to property, d. 8vo. Clar. Press. 10*. Gd. A commentary on the Digest Ad legem Aquiliam. ROMANY, see GYPSIES. RORAIMA, see GUIANA. ROUMANIA : See also TURKEY. Samuelson, J. Roumania, past and present, d. 8vo. Philip, illus. Gs. Walker, Mrs. Untrodden paths in Roumania. d. 8vo. Chapman, illus. 10*. Gd. ROUND GAMES, see CARDS. Brickwood, E. D. Boat-racing ; or the arts of rowing and training, c. 8vo. H. Cox. 5*. PERIODICAL: Rowing Almanac. Ed. E. D. Brickwood. H. Cox. RUNNING, see ATHLETICS. RUSSIA IN EUROPE: Murray's Handbook, p. 8vo. Murray. 18s. Bussia, Poland, and Finland, including the Crimea, Caucasus, Siberia, and Central Asia. Baedeker's Russland (in German). Dulau. 10*. Wallace, D. Mackenzie. Russia. 2 vols. Cassell. 5*. Beaulieu, Leroy. L'empire des Tsars et des Russes. 8vo. 3 vols., 6*. Gd. each. (Paris'). 19*. Gd. Roskoschny, H. Russland ; Land und Leute. 4to. 4 vols. (Leijtzit/). 77s. Vols. i. and ii. (41.) deal with Russia in Europe. RUSSIA IN ASIA: See also ASIA II. I. GENERAL: Reclus, E. Universal geography, vol. vi. i. 8vo. Virtw. 21s. II. CAUCASUS: Freshfield, D. W. Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan. 8vo. Longmans, pub. 18s. O.P. 272 Russia GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Russia Cunynghame, A. T. Travels in the Eastern Caucasus, p. Hvo. 2 vols. Murray. 18,?. Also in Daghestan, and on the frontiers of Persia and Turkey. Thielmann, Max von. Journey in the Caucasus, Persia, etc. p. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray. 18s. Telfer, J. B. Crimea and Transcaucasia. 8vo. 2 vols. //. 8. King. o.p. Bryce, J. Transcaucasia and Ararat, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 9s. Abercromby, J. Trip through the Eastern Caucasus. 8vo. Stanford. 14*. With a chapter on the languages of the country. Wardrop, O. Kingdom of Georgia. 8vo. Low. illus. 14s. Contains a useful bibliography. Brosset. Elements de la langue georgienne. (Paris). 12s. Choutinov. Dictionnaire Georgien-Russe-Francais. (Petersburg). 12s. Qd. III. SIBERIA AND THE EAST : Coxe, W. Russian discoveries between Asia and America. 1803. o.p. Ravenstein, E. G. Russians on the Amur ; its discovery, conquest, and colonisation. 8vo. Triibner. illus. 15,?, Eden, C. H. Frozen Asia. c. 8vo. S. P. C. K. 5$. Nordenskjold, A. E. von. Voyage of the "Vega." m. 8vo. 2 vols. Macmillan. illus. 45s. Popular edition, c. 8vo., 6s. Contains a very full account of the exploration and geography of Siberia. Long, G. W. De. Voyage of the "Jeannette" 1879-1881. 8vo. 2 vols. Paul, illus. 36s. The ship and ice journals of G. W. De Long (U.S. Polar expedition). Gilder, W. H. Icepack and tundra. 8vo. Lon. 18s. Search for the " Jeannette," and a sledge journey through Siberia. Melville, G. W. In the Lena delta. Ed. M. Philips, c. 8vo. Longmans. illus. pub. 14s. O.P. Search for Commander De Long and his companions, with account of the Greeley relief expedition, and a proposed method of reaching the North Pole. Niemojowski, L. Siberian pictures, from the Polish. 8vo. 2 vols. Hurst, illus. 21s. Seebohm, H. Siberia in Asia ; natural history, etc., of the valley of the Yenesei. 8vo. Murray, illus. pub. 14s. O.p, James, H. E. M. Journey in Manchuria. 8vo. Longmans. 24s, RUSSIA : HISTORY Ralston, W. R. S. Early Russian history, c. 8vo. Lore. pub. 5s. O.p. Rambaud, A. History of Russia. Tr. 8vo. 3 vols. Lon\ illus. 21s. The best general history in any language except Russian. Schuyler, E. Peter the Great. 8vo. 2 vols. Lon\ 32*. ,, Souvenir de la maison des morts. Tr. Neyroud. 12mo. Plon. 3*. Tolstoi, Voina i mir (War and peace). 12mo. 3 vols. 15*. ,, Anna Karenina (in Kussian). 12mo. 3 vols. 15*. ,, Works. Tr. c. 8vo. 2s. (id. each. Scott. ,, Anna Kargnine (in French). 12mo. 2 vols. Hacliette. 5s. ,, La guerre et la paix. 12mo. 3 vols. Hacliette. 7s. Gd. ,, Ma religion. 8vo. (Paris). 5s. Tourgueniev. Zapiski okhotnika (Memoirs of a sportsman). 12mo. 2 vols. Vs. ,, Dvorianskoe gniezdo (A nest of noblemen). O.P. May be had in Tourgu&iev's collected works, 10 vols., 40. ,, Memoires d'un seigneur russe. Tr. E. Charriere. 12mo. 2 vols. llacliette. 2s. Gd. ,, Lafumee. 12mo. Hetzel. 2s. Qd. ,, Un Bulgare. 12mo. Hetzel. 2s. (id. ,, Terres vierges. 12mo. Hetzel. 2s. Gd. ,, line nich6e de gentilshommes. 12mo. Hetzel. 2s. fid. ,, Peres et enfants. 12mo. Cltarpentier. 3*. These five works were translated into French by Toursne'mev himself. ,, Liza. Tr. W. K. Ealston. 12mo. 2 vols. Chapman. O.P. Nekrasov, N. A. Eed nosed frost. Tr. Kimo. TicJtnor. illus. 15*. Gogol, N. Dead souls. Tr. Isabel Hapgood. 12mo. 2 vols. (New York). 12*. Qd. ,, Les ftmes mortes. Tr. Hacliette. 2s. 6d. Ralston, W. R. S. Songs of the Russian people. 8vo. Ellis and Green. 12*. ,, Russian folk-tales. 8vo. Smith, Elder, pub. 16*. O.P. IV. MALO-RUSSIAN : Osadtsa, M. Grammar. 8vo. (Leniberg). Zelechowski, E. Ruthenisch-Deutsches Worterbuch. 8vo. 2 vols. (Lemberg). 10*. 30*. S. SAGAS, see ICELAND II. SAHAEA, see AFBICA II. 275 T 2 Sailing GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Sanskrit, etc. SAILING, see YACHTING. ST. DOMINGO, see WEST INDIES. ST. HELENA, see ATLANTIC. SALMON, gee FISHING. SAMOA, see PACIFIC. SANITATION, see HYGIENE. SANSKRIT AND BRAHMANICAL LITERATURE: I. GRAMMARS AND DICTIONARIES : Muller, F. Max. Sanskrit grammar, (elern.). Ed. Macdonell. c. 8vo. Longmans. Whitney, W. D. Sanskrit grammar. 8vo. Trilbner. Edgren, A. Sanskrit grammar, c. 8vo. Trubner. Vaidya, L. R. The standard Sanskrit-English dictionary. 8vo. Trilbner. Apte, V. S. Sanskrit-English dictionary. 8vo. Luzac. , , Student's guide to composition. 8vo. Luzac. Bbhtlingk and Roth. Sanskrit Worterbuch. 8vo. 7 vols. Petersburg Acad. II. HISTORY: Weber, A. History of Indian literature. 8vo. Trilbner. Schroeder, L. von. Indiens Literatur und Cultur. 8vo. (Leipzig'). Colebrooke, H. T. Essays on the religion and philosophy of the Hindus. 8vo. 2 vols. Trubner. Williams, Monier. Hinduism. 12mo. S. P. C. K. Muller, F. Max. India ; what can it teach us ? 8vo. Longmans. , , History of ancient Sanskrit literature. Williams. III. TEXTS: Original Sanskrit texts. Ed. J. Muir. d. 8vo. 5 vols. Trubner. Vol. i.. 21*. ; vol. ii., 21*. ; vol. iii.. 16*. ; vol. iv.. 21*. ; vol. v., 21. Rig-Veda-Samhita (Sacred hymns of the Brahmans). Ed. Max Muller. 4to. 6 vols. Trubner. Smaller edition: text only. 8vo. 2 vols. Trubner. 32*. Also new edition. Fronde. 105. Rig- Veda. Tr. into German and annotated by A. Ludwig. 8vo. 6 vols. ,, Tr. H. Wilson. 8vo. 6 vols. Trubner. Vols. i., ii., iii., v.. vi., 21*. each: vol. iv., 14*. Kaegi, A. The Rig- Veda. Tr. R. Arrowsmith. 8vo. Ginn (Boston). Ludwig, A. Anschauungen des Veda. 8vo. (Prague). " Sacred books of the East." Ed. Max Muller. 8vo. 48 vols. Clar. Press. First series, 24 vols. : second series, 24 vols. (in progress). From 10*. M. to 21*. per volume. Code of Manu (" Sacred books of the East," xxv.). Tr. G. Biihler. d. 8vo. Clar. Press. Code of Manu. Ed. Jolly, p. 8vo. Trubner. 276 Sanskrit, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Scotland Bhagavadgita ; text. Ed. Thompson. W. If. Allen. 5s. ("Sacred books of the East," viii.). Tr. K. T. Telang. d. 8vo. Clar. Press. 10s. Gd. Sakuntala ; a play. Ed. R. Pischel. 8vo. Trubner. 21s. Tr. W. Jones (" Works," ix.). (London). 1807. O.P. Hitopadesa (fables). Ed. F. Max Miiller. 8vo. 4 vols. Longmans. 26s. Vol. i., 3s. 6d. ; vol. ii.. iii., iv., 7. 6d. each. Mahabharata (epic). Sanskrit text. Tr. Pratap Chundra Roy. 8vo. (Calcutta). Ramayana ; text (epic). Ed. and tr. into Italian by G. Gorresio. 8vo. '10 vols. (Paris), pub. 12 12s. O.P. Panini's Grammar ; with German trans, by Bohtlingk. 8vo. (Leipzig'). 60s. Sanskrit texts ; in " Bibliotheca Indica." is a collection of oriental works published by the Asiatic Society Sanskrit series. (Bombay). Haas, E. Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pali books in British Museum. 4to. Trubner. 21.*,. PERIODICAL : Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Trubner). Another useful journal is the Indian Antiquary (Trubner). SARACENS, see MAHOMETANISM. SARDINIA, see MEDITERRANEAN. SAWMILLS, see INDUSTRIES XVI. SCANDINAVIA, see DENMARK, NORWAY and SWEDEN. ANCIENT RACES OF, see ANTHROPOLOGY II. and III. SCHOOLS, PUBLIC AND HIGH, see UNIVERSITIES. SCOTLAND : See ENGLAND/flr boolis dealing with England also. I. GEOGRAPHY: Baddeley, R. J. B. Scotland ("Thorough guide "series). 12mo. 4 vols. Dulau. Maps. 16s. Part i., The Highlands as far north as Inverness, 7*. ; part ii.. Northern Highlands, the mainland north of Inverness, 3. Gd. ; part iii.. The Lowlands, including Edinburgh and Glasgow, is. ; Orkney and Shetland, Is. 6d. Black's Guide to Scotland, f. 8vo. Slaclt. illus. 8s. fid. On the whole the fullest guide in one volume. Murray's Handbook for Scotland, p. 8vo. Murray. \)s. Specially valuable for its antiquarian, historical, and literary references. Geikie, A. The scenery of Scotland viewed in connection with its physical geology, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 12s. fid. Grant, J. Old and new Edinburgh. 4to. 3 vols., 9s. each. Cassell. 21s. II. HISTORY: See also CHURCH HISTORY V. (B). Scotland GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Senegal Burton, J. H. History of Scotland to 1748. c. 8vo. 8 vols. Macfawix) '. r>:i*. Vols. i. to vii., 7*. 6rf. each ; viii., and index. 10*. 6(7. Chambers, R. Biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen. ?> vols. BlacJeif. O.P. Skene, W. F. Celtic Scotland to 1200. d. 8vo. 3 vols., 15*. each. Douglas. 45*. Robertson, E. W. Scotland under her early kings (to 1285). d. 8vo. 2 vols. Douglas. Hailes, Lord. Annals of Scotland. 1770. limes, C. Sketches of early Scottish history, d. 8vo. Douglas, pub. 16s. ,, Scotland in the middle ages. d. 8vo. Douglas, pub. 10*. Gd. Skelton, J. Maitland of Lethington. 8vo. 2 vols. Blacforood. A good sketch of Scotland under Queen Mary. Hosack. Mary, Queen of Scots, and her accusers. 8vo. Blaeltwood. pub. 21*. The best book in defence of Mary. Goedeke, K. Maria Stuart. (Heidelberg). The most impartial estimate of Mary. Domestic annals of Scotland (1561 to 1745). Ed. R. Chambers, d. 8vo. 3 vols. Chambers. Vols.i.,ii.,21.; vol. iii., 16. Chambers, R. History of the rebellion, 1745-6. Chambers. Ramsay, J. Scotland and Scotsmen in the 18th century. 8vo. 2 vols. Blackrvood. III. LANGUAGE (GAELIC) : Stewart, A. Gaelic grammar. 12mo. Maclacklan. McAlpine, N. Gaelic-English and English-Gaelic dictionary. 8vo. Maclacldan. Gaelic pronunciation is given. McKinnon. Gaelic reader. 12mo. Maclachlan. Part i., :\*. r,,/. Macintyre, Duncan B. Songs and poems. 18mo. Mcwlaclilan. NOTE: Gaelic texts will be found in Campbell's Tales of the Kent HiitManils 'Gardner i, and Maclnnes' Folk ant! hero tales tNutt'. IV. LAW: No attempt is made to give an account of Scottish law-books on special subjects. Bell, G. J. Principles of the law of Scotland. Ed. W. Guthrie. 8vo. 2 vols. (Edlnlnmjli). Erskine, J. Principles of the law of Scotland. 8vo. (Edinburgh). Bell's Dictionary and digest of the law of Scotland. Ed. G. Watson. r. 8vo. Stevens aiid Haynes. Not by the same author as Bell's Principles. Mackay, JE. J. Practice of the Court of Session, r. 8vo. SteventandHaynet. SCULPTURE, see GREECE, ARCHEOLOGY. SEAMANSHIP, see NAVY II. SEAWEEDS, see BOTANY IV. SENEGAL, see AFRICA III. 278 Sermons GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Sermons SERMONS Alford, H. Sermons. ]6mo. Hodder. 2s. Gd. Andrewes, L. Selections. S. P. C. K. O.P. Arnold, T. Sermons (collected). 8vo. 6 vols., 5s. each. Reeves and Turner. 30.. ,, Christian life at school. 8vo. Longmans. 7s. Gd. Barrow, Isaac. Sermons (vol. Ix. of " National Library "). Cassell. Gd. Barry, A. Sermons preached at Westminster Abbey, c. 8vo. Cassell. 5s. Beecher, H. W. Plymouth Church sermons. 8vo. 10 vols., 3*. Gd. each. Dicfonson. 35s. Beveridge, W. Twenty-six sermons. S. P. C. K. (London). 1850. 8. Binney, T. Sermons preached in the King's Weigh House Chapel (two series), ex. f. 8vo. Macmillan. O.P. Congregational. Bradley, C. Sermons selected by G. J. Davies. c. 8vo. Wells, Gardner. 3s. Gd. Brooks, Phillips. Twenty sermons, c. 8vo. Macmillan. Gs, ,, The candle of the Lord. c. 8vo. Macmillan. Gs. ,, Sermons preached in English churches, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 6s. Broad. Bull, Bishop. Sermons (vol. i. of " Works "). 8vo. (Oxford). 1827. O.P. Butler, Bishop. Sermons. 8vo. Clar. Press. 5s. Gd. Butler, H. M. Sermons preached in Harrow School, c. 8vo. Macmillan. Is. Gd. Butler, A. Sermons (two series). 8vo. Macmillan. ] 5s. Caird, J. Sermons. 12mo. Blackwood. 5s. Carpenter, W. Boyd. Permanent elements of religion (Bampton lectures). c. 8vo. Macmillan. Gs. Chalmers, T. Select sermons. 12mo. (EdinburgU'). Is. (id. Charming, W. E. The perfect life. p. 8vo. Williams. 3s. Church, K. W. Human life and its conditions. Oxford Univ. sermons (1876-8). c. 8vo. Macmillan. Gs. ,, The gifts of civilization, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 7s. Gd. ,, The discipline of the Christian character, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 4s. Gd. ,, Advent sermons, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 4s. Gd. Cox, S. Genesis of evil. 8vo. Paul. 6s. ,, Salvator mundi. p. 8vo. Paul. 5s. Dale, R. W. Evangelical revival, and other sermons, c. 8vo. Hodder. 6s. Davies, Llewellyn. The Gospel and modern life. ex. f. 8vo. Macmillan. Gs. ,, Warnings against superstition, ex. f. 8vo. Macmillan. 2s. Gd. ,, The manifestation of the Son of God. f . 8vo. Macmillan. Gs. Gd. Eyton, R. The true life, and other sermons, p. 8vo. Paul. Is. Gd. Farrar, F. W. Ephphatha. c. 8vo. Macmillan. Gs. ,, Eternal hope. p. 8vo. Macmillan. Gs. Hare, A. W. Alton sermons, p. 8vo. Islister. 10s. 6d. Hare, J. C. The victory of faith, and other sermons, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 6s.. Gd. , , Mission of the Comforter, p. 8vo. Macmillan. Is. Gd. 279 rmons GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Sermons Holland, H. Scott. Logic and life. c. 8vo. Rivingtons. 7*. G<1. Irving, Ed. Sermons. 3 vols. (London). 1828. O.P. Keble, J. College sermons. 8vo. Parker. 12*. Kingsley, C. Sermons on national subjects, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 3s. Gd. ,, Village and town, and country sermons, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 3*. Gd. ,, Westminster sermons, c. 8vo. Macmillan. 3s. Gd. Latimer, Bishop. Sermons (in "Arber's reprints "). Is. Liddon, H. P. Oxford University sermons, c. 8vo. 2 ser., 5s. each. Rivingtons. 10*. ,, Easter in St. Paul's, c. 8vo. 2 vols. llivingtons. 10s. ,, The Magnificat sermons in St. Paul's, c. 8vo. Rivingtons. 2*. Gd. , , Some elements of religion, c. 8vo. Rivingtons. 2s, Gd. Maclaren, A. Sermons preached at Manchester, f. 8vo. 3 vols., 4*. Gd. each. Macmillan. 13s. Gd. , , Week-day evening addresses, f . 8vo. Macmillan. 2s. Gd. Macleod, Norman (Jr.). Simple truths to working people. 12mo. Daldy. 2.-?. Gd. Magee, Bishop. The Gospel and the age. c. 8vo. Isbister. 7s. Gd. Manning, H. E. Sermons preached before the University of Oxford. 8vo. Rimngtons. 1844. pub. 6*. O.P. ,, Sermons. 8vo. 4 vols., 10*. Gd. each. Pickering. 1850. pub. 42*. O.P. Martineau, J. Hours of thought on sacred things. 8vo. 2 vols., Is. Gd. each. Longmans. 15s. Unitarian. Maurice, J. F. D. Sermons. 8vo. 6 vols. Smith, Elder, pub. 21*. O.P. Broad. , , Prophets and kings of the Old Testament, c. 8vo. Macmillan. (5*. , , Social morality, c. 8vo. Macmillan. <>*. Melvill, H. Sermons. 12mo. 2 vols., 5*. each. Rivingtons. 10s. Mozley, J. B. Parochial sermons, c. 8vo. Rivingtons. 7s. Gd. , , Oxford University sermons, c. 8vo. Rivingtons. Is. Gd. Newman, J. H. Parochial and plain sermons, c. 8vo. 8 vols., 3*. Gd. each. Rivingtons. 28*. Pusey, E. B. Parochial and cathedral sermons. 8vo. Smith and Innes. 6s. Robertson, F. W. Sermons, c. 8vo. 4 vols., 3*. Gd. each. Paul. 14*. Salmon, G. The reign of law. p. 8vo. Macmillan. 5s. South, Canon. Sermons. 8vo. 4 vols. Tegg. 1843. pub. 24s. O.P. Spurgeon, C. H. The present truth : a collection of sermons. 8vo. Passmore and Alabaster. Is. Stanley, A. P. Sermons and essays on the Apostolic age. p. 8vo. Parker. Is. Gd. ,, Westminster sermons (special occasions). 8vo. Murray. 15s. Stowell, Hugh. Salford sermons, p. 8vo. Tegg, 2s. Gd. Taylor, Jeremy. Sermons (vols. v., vi., of " Works "). 8vo. 1839. O.P. Temple, F. Rugby sermons (three series), c. 8vo. Macmillan. 16*. Gd. First series, 4*. &d. ; second and third series, each 6*. Thorold, A. W. The claim of Christ on the young (Oxford University sermons), p. 8vo. Isbister. 2s. Gd. 280 Sermons GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Servia Trench, R. C. Shipwrecks of faith. 8vo. Maemillan. pub. 2s. 6d. O.P. ,, Westminster Abbey sermons, p. 8vo. Paul. 6s. Vaughan, C. J. Temple sermons, c. 8vo. Maemillan. 10s. 6d. ,, Oxford and Cambridge University sermons (1861-87). p. 8vo. Maemillan. 10s. 6d. ,, Church of the first days. f. 8vo. 3 series, 4s. Gd. each. Maemillan. 13s. 6d. Westcott, B. F. Revelation of the risen Lord. c. 8vo. Maemillan. 6s. ,, Revelation of the Father, c. 8vo. Maemillan. 6s. , , Christianity and social life. c. 8vo. Maemillan. 6s. ,, Christus Consummates c. 8vo. Maemillan. 6s. ,, The historic faith, c. 8vo. Maemillan. 6s. Wilberforce, S. Oxford University sermons; three series (1837-70). 8vo. Parker. Is. 6d. Wilson, J. M. Sermons preached in Clifton College, c. 8vo. Maemillan. 6s. Wright, D. Waiting for the light, p. 8vo. King. pub. 6s. O.P. COLLECTIONS. British eloquence of the XIX. century. Griffin. 1856-8. pub. 21*. O.P. Contains two series of " Sacred Oratory," one vol. of sermons of the Church of England, and one of sermons of the Presbyterian churches. Brogden, J. Illustrations of the liturgy and ritual of the churches of England and Ireland, p. 8vo. 3 vols. Murray. 1842. pub. 27s. O.P. Sermons by eminent divines of the XVII. century. Fish, H. C. History and repository of pulpit eloquence. 8vo. 2 vols. {New York), pub. 30s. O.P. British, American, French, German, Greek, and Latin pulpits. Knox, G. Family lectures. 1791-5. O.P. XVIII. century sermons. Practical sermons ; selected by A. Watson. 1845-6. O.P. Christian institutes ; selected by C. Wordsworth. 1837. O.P. SERVIA : See also TURKEY. I. GEOGRAPHY: Denton, W. Servia and the Servians. 8vo. Sell and Daldy. pub. 9s. 6d. O.P. Balme, L. J. A. La principaut de Serbie. 8vo. (Paris'). O.P. II. LANGUAGE: orks of Danichieh in Serbian Morfill, W. R. Simplified grammar of the Serbian language, c. 8vo. Trnbner. 4s. 6d. Popovich, G. Worterbuch der serbischen und deutschen Sprachen. 8vo. 2 vols. (Belgrade). 18s. Danichieh, G. Istoriya oblika Srpskogaili Khrvatskoga Yezika (History of forms of the Serbian or Croatian language). 8vo. (Belgrade). Is. 6d. ,, Osnove Srpskoga ili Khrvatskoga Yezika (The foundations of the Serbian or Croatian language). 8vo. (Belgrade). Qg, Dozen, A. L'epopee serbe. 12mo. (Paris). 6s. 6d. 281 iewerage GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Shakespeare EWEEAGE, see HYGIENE. I. GRAMMARS AND DICTIONARIES : Cowden-Clarke, Mrs. Concordance to Shakespeare. 8vo. Bickers. 25x. Furness, Mrs. H. H. Concordance to Shakespeare's poems, r. 8vo. Lippincott. 18*. Schmidt, A. Shakespeare lexicon, r. 8vo. 2 vols. Williams. 31*. Qd. Fleay, F. G. Shakespeare manual, ex. f. 8vo. Macmillan. is. Gd. Useful, but conclusions to be accepted with caution. Abbott, E. A. Shakespearian grammar, ex. f. 8vo. Macmillan. Gs. II. EDITIONS: Cambridge edition. Ed. Clarke and Wright. 8vo. 9 vols., 10*. 6d. each. Macmillan. 94*. Gd. The best authority in the matter of text. The " Globe " edition has the same text. Globe edition. Ed. Clarke and Wright. 8vo. Macmillan. 3*. Gd. Leopold Shakspere. 4to. Cassdl. 3*. Gd. Henry Irving Shakspere. Ed. F. A. Marshall, sm. 4to. 8 vols., 10*. Gd. each. BlacJde. illus. 84*. Useful variorum. New variorum edition. Ed. H. H. Furness. r. 8vo. Lippincott. Very important ; in progress. Seven plays now issued ; 18*. each. First folio. Ed. J. O. Halliwell-Phfflips, etc. 8vo. Cliatto. Is. Gd. Reduced photographic fac-simile, difficult to read. Reprint of first folio. 4to. Booth, pub. 52*. Gd. O.P. Fac-similes of quarto editions. Ed. Furnivall and others. IT". Gr'tgyg. In progress. 28 vols. published. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. T. Tyler. 8vo. Nutt. 12,*. III. CRITICISM: Walker, W. S. Critical examination of the text of Shakespeare. 12mo. 3 vols. J. Ik. Smith, pub. 18*. o.r. Stokes, H. P. Chronological order of Shakespeare's plays. Macmillan. O.P. Shakespeare's library. Ed. Collier and Hazlitt. 12mo. 6 vols. Beeves and Turner. . 20*. Important collection of sources of Shakespeare's plots, etc. Skeat, \V. W. Shakespeare's Plutarch, p. 8vo. Macmillan. 6 . Gervinus, G. G. Shakespeare commentaries. Tr. Miss Burnett, d. Svo. tfmith, Elder. 14*. Courtenay, T. P. Commentaries on the historical plays of Shakespeare. p. 8vo. Colburn. 1840. pub. 18*. o.r. Lloyd, W. W. Critical essays on the plays of Shakespeare, f. 8vo. Bell. 2*. Gd. Hazlitt, W. Characters of Shakespeare's plays, p. 8vo. Bell (Bolin). 3*. 6d. Jameson, Mrs. Shakespeare's heroines, p. 8vo. Bell (BoJtn). :!.<. M. Coleridge, S. T. Lectures and notes on Shakespeare. Ed. T. Ashe. p. 8vo. Bell (Bolin). 3*. 6d. The iwrtions reported by Collier to be taken with suspicion. 282 Shakespeare GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Shooting: Swinburne, A. C. A study of Shakespeare, c. 8vo. Cliatto. pub. 8s. o.r. Chasles, P. Etudes sur Shakespeare, etc. 12rno. (Paris). O.P. Dowden, E. Shakspere : his mind and art. p. 8vo. Paul. IV. LIFE AND TIMES : Hudson, H. N. Life, art, and character of Shakespeare, c. 8vo. 2 vols., 12s. each. Ginn (Boston). 24s. Halli well-Phillips, J. O. Outlines of the life of Shakespeare, r. 8vo. 2 vols. Longmans. 21s. Fleay, F. G-. Chronicle history of the life of Shakespeare. 8vo. Nlmmo. 15s. Elze, Karl. William Shakespeare ; a literary biography. Tr. Miss Dora Schmitz. 8vo. Sell (BoJni). 5s. Drake, N. Shakespeare and his times. 4to. 2 vols. 1817. O.P. Symonds, J. A. Shakespeare's predecessors in the English drama, d. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 16s. Simpson, K. The school of Shakespeare, c. 8vo. Chatto. pub. 18s. O.P. Griffiths, L. M. Evenings with Shakespeare, f. 4to. Arrwrsaritk (.Bristol). 15s. Industrious and useful collection of odds and ends of information. SHAN STATES, see BURMAH. SHEEP, see LIVE-STOCK. SHIPPING AND SHIP-BUILDING, see NAVY and YACHTING. SHOEIIAKING, see INDUSTRIES III. SHOOTING : See also DOG and SPORT. For a knowledge of the construction of shot-guns and rifles, history of development and improvement, read Stonehenge's Modern xpnrlxMini'n : nni inidrijle; for information on game- shooting, Shootint? (" Badminton Library"); on wild-fowling, The trild foirter. The fowler in Ireland, and Hints on shore shooting. Hawker's book is somewhat out of date, but Hawker, P. Instructions to young sportsmen in all* that relates to guns and shooting. 8vo. Longmans, illus. pub. 18s. O.P. Payne-Gallwey, K. Letters to young shooters, c. 8vo. Longmans. Is. 6d. " Stonehenge." The modern sportsman's gun and rifle. 8vo. 2 vols., 15s. each. //. Cox. 30s. Greener, W. W. The gun and its development. 4to. Cassell 10s. &d. Dougall. The rifle and how to use it. p. Svo. Lon: 10s. Gd. Walsingham and Gallwey. Shooting (" Badminton Library "). c. Svo. 2 vols. Longmans, illus. 21s. Vol. i., Field and covert, 10*. Gel. ; vol. ii., Moor and marsh, 10*. Grf. Trumbull, G-. Names and portraits of birds which interest gunners. Svo. Harper, illus. 12s. 6d. Descriptions and good illustrations. Folkard, H. C. The wild-fowler. Svo. Longmans, illus. pub. 15s. O.P. Leffingwell. Wild-fowl shooting. Svo. (Chicago), illus. 10s. 6^.. Chiefly shooting to decoys. English edition by Low. 283 Shooting GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Single-stick Payne- Gall wey, R. The fowler in Ireland. 8vo. Van Voorst. 21*. Good illustrations; includes decoys. Long, J. W. American wild-fowl shooting, c. 8vo. Triibner. illus. 10*. Harting, J. E. Hints on shore shooting, p. 8vo. Van Voorst. 3s. (id. With a chapter on skinning and preserving birds. Manley, J. J. Notes on game and game-shooting, p. 8vo. Gill, illus. 7*. tid. Carnegie, VV. Practical game-preserving, d. 8vo. Gill, illus. 21*. Oke's Game-laws. Ed. Willis-Bund, p. 8vo. ButterwortU. 10*. A manual of the law, necessary to shooters ; has not been very lately edited, but there is no later text-book. -"Deadfall." Experiences of a game-preserver, d. 8vo. H. Cox. illus. 21*. Price, R. J. Pheasant-rearing and grouse-driving. 1. p. 8vo. H. Cox. 3s. dd. SHORTHAND : Pitm indica Pitman, I. History of shorthand. I. Pitman. O.P. In phonographic characters. Reprinted in common type in the Phonetic Journal, 1884. Levy, M. History of shorthand. 8vo. Levy (Mitre-court, Fleet-st.). 5*. Pitman, I. Phonographic teacher, f. 8vo. I. Pitman. (}d. ,, Manual of phonography (advanced), f. 8vo. I. Pit-man. I*. (5^. ,, Reporter's companion, f. 8vo. I. Pitman. 2*. The most abbreviated style. Levy, M. Taylor's system of shorthand writing. 8vo. Levy. \s. Qd. An exposition of Harding's modification of Taylor's system. Gurney, W. B. Gurney's system of shorthand, p. 8vo. SutterrooTtli. 3*. The system employed by the official shorthand writer of the Houses of Parliament, and most of his staff. Everett, J. D. Shorthand for general use. f . 8vo. Marcus Ward. 2*. Gd. Heed, T. A. Reporter's guide. F. Pitman. Is. Gd. Concerning the duties of the professional reporter. Westby-Gibson, J. Bibliography of shorthand. 1. 8vo. I. Pitman. 5*. Rockwell, J. E. The teaching, practice, and literature of shorthand. Circular of Bureau of Education, U.S., Gov. Printing O^ffiee ( Washington). Contains the alphabets of most shorthand systems. Panstenographicon. Ed. Krieg and Zeibig. 8vo. (Dresden). 24*. Principal systems in all modern languages, each described by a writer of the system ; also accounts of Greek and Roman tachygraphy. PERIODICAL : Phonetic Journal (weekly). I. Pitman. Id. Printed partly in shorthand, and partly in common type. SIAM, see MALAY PENINSULA. SIGHT, see PHYSIOLOGY I. SILK, see ECONOMIC PRODUCTS VIII. SILVER, see METALLURGY. SILVERSMITHS' WORK, see ARTISTIC PROCESSES IV. SINGLE-STICK, see FENCING. 284 Skating GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Sleight, etc. SKATING : Vanderwell and Witham. System of figure-skating. 8vo. //. Cox. Is. Gd. Adams, D. Skating (" All England " ser.). sm. 8vo. Bell. 2*. Contains a chapter on speed-skating ; also a chapter by Miss Cheetham for kdies. Monier- Williams, M. and S. Combined figure-skating, c. 8vo. //. Cox. 5*. Goodman, N. and A. Fen-skating, c. 8vo. Low. 5*. Contains some history of skating in the Fens, and records of races. SLANDER, see ENGLAND, LAW IX. SLATE QUARRYING, see MINING. SLAVONIC LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE : With LITHUANIAN and LETTISH. See also BOHEMIA, BULGARIA, POLAND, RUSSIA, SERVIA. The most scientific way of studying the Slavonic languages is to begin with old Slavonic (Leskien's Handbuch) ; and then to go to Russian. Schleicher's PoJabish grammar (n language now extinct) is invaluable for the scientific study of Slavonic. Miklosich, F. von. Vergleichende Grammatik der slavischen Spvachen. 8vo. 4vols. (Vienna). 83,?. Vol. i.. 20s. ; vol. ii., 15. ; vol. iii., 18s. ; vol. iv., 30. A splendid contribution to philology. ,, Lexicon Palceoslovenico-Graeco-Latinum. r. 8vo. (Vienna). 27.. ,, Dictionnaire abrege 1 de six langues Slaves (Russe, Vieux-Slave, Bulgare, Serbe, Scheque, et Polonais) ainsi que Francais et Allemand. (Vienna), pub. 3 3*. O.P. ,, Etymologisches Worterbuch der slavischen Sprachen. 8vo. (Vienna). 20*. An invaluable book. Leskien, A. Handbuch der Altbulgarischen (Altkirchenslavischen) Sprache. 8vo. (Weimar). 6*. The most practical grammar of old Slavonic ; with chrestomathy. PypinandSpasovich. Istoria Slavianskikh Literatur. 8vo. (St. Petersburg*). The great work in Russian. Talvi (Mrs. Robinson). Historical view of the languages and literature of Slavic nations, p. 8vo. Putnam. 5s. Very readable and accurate, but a trifle out of date. Morfill, W. R. Slavonic literature, f. 8vo. S. P. C. K. 2*. Gd. Schleicher, A. Laut und Formenlehre cler polabischen Sprache. r. 8vo. (St. Petersburg). 5s. Cigale, M. Deutsch-Slovenisches Worterbuch. r. 8vo. 2 vols. (Laibach). 21s. Vblkel, M. J. A. Lithauisches Elementarbuch. 8vo. (Heidelberg). 3*. Kurschat, F. Grammatik der lithauischen Sprache. 8vo. (Halle). 12s. ,, Worterbuch der lithauischen Sprache. 8vo. (Halle). 22s. Gd. Schleicher, A. Handbuch der lithauischen Sprache. 8vo. 2 vols. (Prague). Us. Bielenstein, A. Die lettische Sprache. 8vo. 2 vols. (Berlin). 20s. Ulmann and Brasche. Lettisches Worterbuch. r. 8vo. 2 vols. (Riga). 14s. SLEIGHT OF HAND, see CONJURING. 285 Sloyd GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Spain SLOYD, see WOEKSHOP. SOAP, see INDUSTRIES XVII. SOCIALISM, see POLITICAL ECONOMY IX. SOCIOLOGY, see POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY 1. SOCIETY ISLANDS, see PACIFIC. SOILS, see AGRICULTURE III. SOLOMON ISLANDS, see PACIFIC. SOMALILAND, see AFRICA V. SOUDAN, see AFRICA II. and ALGIERS. SOUTH SEA ISLANDS, see PACIFIC. SPAIN : GEOGRAPHY, ETC. : Murray's Handbook to Spain, p. 8vo. Murray. 20s. Lavigne, G. de. L'Espagne et le Portugal ("Guide Joanne "X Kimo. Hachette. 15*. Arteche, J. Gomez de. Geografia de Espana, 4to. ( Madrid). 10.*. Webster, Wentworth. Spain (in " Foreign countries and British colonies " ser.). c. Svo. Loiv. 3*. Gd. Hose, H. J. Untrodden Spain and her black country. 8vo. 2 vols. Tinslei/. 30*. Campion, J. S. On foot in Spain. Svo. Chapman, illus. 16s. A walk from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean. Ross and Cooper. Highlands of Cantabria. Svo. Low. illus. 21*. Ford, R. Gatherings from Spain, p. Svo. Murray. 3*. 6d. Elliott, Mrs. Diary of an idle woman in Spain, c. 8vo. White, pub. (>*. o.p. Gilbard. Popular history of Gibraltar,with map and guide. Svo. (Gibraltar). Riano, J. F. The industrial arts in Spain, c. Svo. Chapman, illus. 4*. Espana : sus monumentos, artes, 6 historia. Cortezo {Barcelona), illus. A description of Spain in provinces ; sold separately. Illustrated chiefly from photographs. SPAIN: HISTORY: Including PORTUGAL. La Fuente. Historia general de Espana. 30 vols. (Madrid). Dunham, S. A. History of Spain and Portugal, f. Svo. 5 vols. Longmans. pub. 17*. (\d. O.P. Dahn, F. Die Konige der Germanen. 12mo. 6 vols. (Warzburg). 45*. Vol. v., vi., deal with the Visigoths in Spain. Colmeiro, Manuel. Cortes de los antiguos Reinos de Leon y Castilla. (Madrid). Conde, J. A. History of the dominion of the Arabs in Spain. Tr. Mrs. Forster. p. Svo. 3 vols., 3*. 6^. each. Hell (Bohn). 10*. Qd. 286 pain GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Spain Poole, S. Lane. The Moors in Spain, c. Svo. Unrnm. illus. 5s. Irving, Washington. The conquest of Granada, Bell (Boltri). 3*. 6d. Chronicle of James I., king of Aragon, 121G-7I5. Tr. J. Forster. r. 8vo. 2 vols. Chapman. 28s. Life and voyages of Columbus. Svo. 3 vols. Cassett. Is. (id. Prescott, W. H. History of Ferdinand and Isabella. 2 vols. Svo. liout- ledge. 10s. Robertson, W. Reign of Charles V. Ed. Prescott. 2 vols. Svo. Rout- ledge. 10s. Prescott, W. H. Reign of Philip II. Svo. 2 vols. Routledge. 10s. Ranke, L. von. The Spanish monarchy. Tr. WMttafar. O.P. A sketch of the constitution, government, and economic failure of Spain under Philip II. Maxwell, W. Stirling. Don John of Austria, r. Svo. 2 vols. Longmans. pub. 42s. O.P. Weiss, C. L'Espagne depuis Philippe II. jusqu'aux Bourbons. Svo. 2 vols. Haeliette. 10s. Coxe, W. History of the kings of Spain and House of Bourbon. 5 vols. (London). 1815. O.P. D'Aulnoy, Comtesse. La cour et la ville de Madrid vers la fin du 17me. siecle. 2 vols. (Paris'). Vol. i., O.P. ; vol. ii., 6*. An account of life in the Spanish Court, 1G79-80. Parnell, A. War of succession in Spain, 1702-11. d. Svo. Hell. 14s. Napier, W. F. P. History of the war in the Peninsula, 1807-14. c. Svo. 3 vols., 3s. (id. each. Itoutledge. 10s. 6d. Cardenas, F. de. Ensayo sobre la historia cle la propiedad territorial en Espana. (Madrid). Cronicas (in " Biblioteca de autores espanoles " ). r. Svo. 3 vols., 12s. Gd. each. (Madrid). 37s. Gd. Historia de sucesos particulares (in " Bibl. aut. esp.," xxi., xxviii). r. Svo. 12s. (id. each. 25s. Navarrette, M. F. de. Coleccion de documentos ineditos para la historia de Espana. (Madrid). In progress. 93 vols. issued. Svo. 12s. firf. each. Memorias de la Real Academia de la Historia (1796-1888). fo. 11 vols. (Madrid). 100s. Florez, F. H. and others. Espana Sagrada (1754-1879). 4to. 51 vols. (Madrid). 25. rauslated by F. F. Gonzalez SPAIN : LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE : - I. GRAMMARS AND DICTIONARIES: Del Mar, E. Complete grammar of the Spanish language (key 3s. Qd.) 12mo. Nutt. Clarke, Butler. Spanish grammar ("Parallel grammar" series). Son- nenscTiein. In press. Forster, P. Spanische Sprachlehre. Svo. (Leipzig}. 287 Spain GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Spain Velasquez. Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages, r. 8vo. Triibner. 24s. Smaller edition, c. 8vo. 7*. Grf. Diccionario de la Academia. 4to. Nutt. 3(>s. II. HISTORY AND CRITICISM : Ticknor, G. History of Spanish literature. 8vo. 3 vols. Houghton (U.S.) 40s. Los Bios, J. Amador de. Historia critica de la literatura espanola. 4to. 7 vols. (Madrid). O.P. May be obtained at about 150. Dozy, R. P. Recherches stir 1'histoire et la litterature d'Espagne pendant le moyen dge. 8vo. (Leyden). 10s. Hubbard, G. Histoire de la litterature contemporaine en Espagne. 12mo. Charpentier. 3s. Tannenberg, B. de. La poesie castillane contemporaine. 12mo. (Paris). 3s. Diercks, G. Das moderne Geistesleben Spaniens. 8vo. (Leipzig). 5s. The last three books are for literature later than that dealt with by Ticknor. III. COLLECTIONS : Biblioteca de autores Espanoles. r. 8vo. 71 vols., 12s. Gd. each. (Madrid). For students. A new edition, with better print, is in contemplation. Colleccion de autores Castellanos. 3s. Gd. each. (Madrid). More modern works. Biblioteca clasica Espanola. Is. Gd. each. (Barcelona). Coleccion de autores Espafioles. 41 vols., 3s. Gd. each. Brockhaus. Excellent for girls. Biblioteca Universal. 124 vols., Sd. each. (Madrid). Like Cassell's " National Library." IV. TEXTS: (A) POETRY AND DRAMA. Poema del Cid (" Bibl. Aut, Esp." vol. Ivii.). r. 8vo. (Madrid). 12s. Gd. ,, Original text, with French translation, by Damas Hinard. 4to. (Paris), pub. 16s. O.P. Bx>mancero del Cid. Ed. Michaelis. 12mo. BrocMans. 3s. Gd. Romanceros (in " Bibl. Aut. Esp." vols. x. and xvi.). Ed. Duran. r. 8vo. (Madrid). 25s. ,, Ed. Depping. 12mo. Brockhaus. 12s. Cantos populares. Ed. F. R. Marin. 12rno. 5 vols. (Seville). 30,?. Cantares populares (vol. xcvii. of "Bibl. Univ."). Ed. R. Caballero. (Madrid). Sd. Poesias populares. Ed. T. Segarra. Brockhaus. 7s. Ercilla. La Araucana (vol. xvii. of " Bibl. Aut. Esp."). r. 8vo. (Madrid). 12s. Gd. Antologia Espanola. Ed. C. Michaelis. 12mo. Brockhaus. 3s. Gd. Tesoro del Parnaso Espanol. Ed. Quintana. 8vo. (Paris). 10s. de lapoesia castellana (vols. xvii., xviii., xx., xxii., andxxx. of the " Bibl. Univ."). Sd. each. (Madrid). 3s. 4d. There is a larger collection in the " Bibl. Aut. Esp." Espronceda, J. de. Obras poeticas. Ed. Hartzenbusch. 8vo. (Paris). 5s. 288 Spain GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Spain Nuflez de Arce. Gritos del combate, etc. 8vo. (Madrid). 4s. Campoamor, R. de. Obras escogidas. ]2mo. 3 vols. Brockliaus. Ws.Gd. La Celestina. Obras (in " Bibl. Univ."). 2 vols., Sd. each. (Madrid). Is. id. Lope de Vega. Comedias escogidas (vols. xxiv., xxxiv., xli., lii., of " Bibl. Aut. Esp."). r. 8vo. 12s. Gd. each. (Madrid). 50s, Calderon de la Barca. Teatro completo (vols. vii., ix., xii., xiv., of " Bibl. Aut. Esp.). r. 8vo. 12s. Gd. each. (Madrid). 50s, ,, Teatro escogido. 12mo. 3 vols. Brockliaus. 10s. Gd. ,, Select plays. Ed. Norman Maccoll. c. 8vo. Macmillan. 14s. ,, Six dramas. Tr. Edward Fitzgerald. 12mo. O.P, Trench, R. C. Life and genius of Calderon. ex. f. 8vo. Paul. 5s. Gd. Lewes, G. H Spanish drama (Lope de Vega and Calderon). 12mo. Chapman. 1846. O.P, Ramon de la Cruz. Sainetes. 2 vols. (Barcelona). 6s. ,, Sainetes escogidas. (Madrid). O.P. Light comedies. Autores dramaticos contemporaneos. Ed. Novo y Colson. fo. 2 vols. (Madrid). 100s. The modern drama of Spain is worth study. These volumes are a selection of the best play of each author, with introductions by the best Spanish critics. (B) PROSE: INCLUDING NOVELS. Mendoza, H. de. Lazarillo de Tormes (1st part in vol. iii. of " Bibl. Aut. Esp."). r. 8vo. (Madrid). 12s. Gd, Hyta, G. P. de. Guerras civiles de Granada (in the last quoted volume). Cervantes. Don Quijote de la Mancha (in vol. i. of "Bibl. Aut. Esp."). r.Svo. (Madrid). 12s. Gd. , , The same. 12mo. 2 vols. Brockliaus. 3s. Gd. The same. Tr. Watts, sq. 8vo. 5 vols. Quaritcli. 84s. ,, The same. Tr. Ormsby. d. 8vo. 4 vols., 12s. Gd. each. Smith, Elder. 50s, ,, Novelas ejemplares. 12mo. Brockliaus. 3s. Gd, ,, Numantia. Tr. J. Gibson, c. 8vo. Paul. 5s. Viaje del Parnaso, text with tr. by Gibson, c. 8vo. Paul. 12s. Caballero, Fernan. La Gaviota. 12mo. Broclihaus. 3s. Gd. ,, Clemencia. 12mo. Brockliaus. 3s. Gd. Becquer, G. Obras. 12mo. 3 vols. (Madrid). 10s. Gd. These works by Caballero and Becquer form suitable readings for girls. Valera, J. Pepita Jimenez. 18mo. (Madrid). 5s. ,, Dona Luz. 18mo. (Madrid). 5s, Galdos, P. Episodios nacionales. 12mo. 20 vols., 2s. Gd. each. (Madrid). 50s. The Episodios nacionales are a series like the Erckmann-Chatriau French novels : Dona Perfecta, Gloria (2 vols.), and Marianela may be specially mentioned. Luis de Leon. Obras (vol. xxxvii. of " Bibl. Aut. Esp."). r. 8vo. (Madrid). 12s. Gd. Luis de Granada. Obras (vols. vi., viii., xi., of " Bibl. Aut. Esp."). r. 8vo. 12s. Gd. each. (Madrid). 37s. Gd. Luis de Leon and Luis de Granada were mystics whose works should be read for beauty of style. Pereda, J. de. Sotileza. 8vo. (Madrid). 4* 2S9 u Spain GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Sport, etc. Pereda, J. de. Escenas montafieses. 8vo. (Madrid). Is. ,, De tal palo tal astilla. 8vo. 4s. ,, El buey suelto. 8vo. 4s. Pereda's works are written in rather difficult Spanish dialect. Selgas, Jose'. Nona. 8vo. (Madrid). is. Suitable for girls. Bazan, E. P. La tribuna. (Barcelona). 3s. ,, Los pazos de Ulloa. 2 vols. (Barcelona'). ,, Madre naturaleza. 2 vols. (Barcelona). 6s. ,, La dama joven. (Barcelona). 3s. Alarcon, P. A. de. Un viage en las Alpujarras. (Madrid). 5s. Trueba, A. de. Cuentos populates, 3s. Gd. ; Cuentos campesinos, 3s. Gd. 12mo. Brockhaw. Rather puerile ; good for beginners. V. SPANISH AMERICA: Poesias de la America Meridional. Ed. A. J. de Witt stein. 12mo. BrocTiliaiis. 3*. Gd. Poesias mejicanas (vol. xlv. of " Bibl. Univ."). (Madrid). 8d. Isaacs, J. Maria. (Barcelona). A South American " Paul and Virginia " ; difficult Spanish. VI. MISCELLANEOUS: Quevedo Villegas. Obras (vols. xxiii., xlviii., Ixix., of " Bibl. Aut. Esp."). r. 8vo. 12s. Gd. each. (Madrid). 37s. Gd. The Dean Swift of Spain. Isla, Padre. Obras escogidas (vol. xv. of "Bibl. Aut. Esp."). r. 8vo. (Madrid). 12s. Gd. Canovas del Castillo. Obras. (Madrid). Eight vols. already published, 87*. They may be had separately ; vol. i., El solitario. SPECIES, OBIGIN OF, see ZOOLOGY. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, see PHYSICS VI. SPIRITUALISM, see PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. SPORT AND TRAVEL : See also SHOOTING. St. John, C. Natural history and sport in Moray, r. 8vo. Douglas, illus. 50s. ,, Tour in Sutherlandshire. c. 8vo. 2 vols. Murray, pub. 21s. o.p. Wild sports and natural history of the Highlands, c. 8vo. Murray. illus. 15. Colquhoun, J. The moor and the loch. 8vo. 2 vols. Blackmood. illus. 21s. Knox, A. E. Game-birds and wild-fowl, p. 8vo. Van Voorst. O.P. ,, Ornithological rambles in Sussex, p. 8vo. Van Voorst, illus. O.P. ,, Autumns on the Spey. p. 8vo. Van Voorst, illus. Gs. Boner, C. Forest creatures, c. 8vo. Longmans, pub. 10s. Gd. O.P. 290 Sport, etc. GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Stable Jefleries, R. Wild life in a southern country, c. Svo. Smith, Elder. Gs. ,, Red deer. p. 8vo. Longmans, pub. 4s. Gd. O.P. , , The gamekeeper at home. c. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 5s Also illus. by Whyrfper, 10s. Gd. , , The amateur poacher, c. 8vo. Smith, Elder. 5s. Scrope, W. The art of deer-stalking, r. 8vo. Murray, illus. O.P. Grimble, A. Deer-stalking. 8vo. Chapman. 5s. Collyns, C. P. Chase of the wild red deer. 8vo. Longmans, pub. IGs. O.P. Fortescue, J. Stag-hunting on Exmoor. 1. c. 8vo. Cliapman. illus. 16s. Smith, T. Diary of a huntsman (fox). Whittaker. 1838. illus. O.P. Beard, J. Diary of fifteen years' hunting (hare). Printed for the author. O.P. Macrae, A. Handbook of deer-stalking, f. 8vo. Blaclircood. illus. 3s. Gd. Introduction by Horatio Boss. Harting, J. E. Essays on sport and natural history. 8vo. Horace Cox. illus. IGt. Shooting, fishing, hawking, etc. Stuart, C. and J. Lays of the deer forest. 8vo. 2 vols. Blaekrcood. O.P. Rudolf, Prince. Sport and ornithology. Tr. d. 8vo. Van Voorst. 18*. Boner, C. Chamois-hunting in Bavaria, c. 8vo. Chapman, illus. O.P. Wheelwright, H. Spring and summer in Lapland. Groonibridge. pub. 10*. Gd. O.P. Davies, E. Wolf -hunting in Brittany, c. 8vo. Chapman. O.P. Wheelwright, H. Ten years in Sweden, c. 8vo. Groonibridge. pub. 16s. o.P. Sanderson, G. P. Thirteen years among the wild beasts of India, i. 8vo. Allen, illus. 25*. Markham, F. Shooting in the Himalayas. 8vo. Bentley. * O.P. Baldwin, J. H. Large and small game of Bengal. Paul, illus. O.P. Kinloch. Large game shooting. 4to. 2 ser., 21s. each. Harrison. Photos. 42s. Baden- Powell, R. S. Pigsticking in India, d. 8vo. Harrison, illus. 18s. Baker, S. W. Rifle and hound in Ceylon, c. 8vo. Longmans. 3*. Gd. Pollok, J. Sport in Burmah. Svo. 2 vols. Chapman. 24s. Baldwin, W. C. African hunting. 8vo. Bentley. illus. 15s. Baker, S. W. Wild beasts and their ways. 8vo. Maomillan. 12s. Gd. Selous, F. C. Hunter's wanderings in South Africa, d. 8vo. Bentley. illus. 18s. Bennett, G. Gatherings of a naturalist in Australia, d. 8vo. Van Voorst. illus. 21s. D'Albertis, L. M. Travels in New Guinea. 8vo. 2 vols. Lorn, illus. 42s. Dodge, R. J. Hunting grounds of the great west. Svo. Cliatto. pub. 24s. O.P. Big game of North America. Ed. G. O. Shields. 8vo. Lorn. 21s. Vivian, A. P. Wanderings in the western land. Svo. Lore. 10s. Gd. King, Ross. The sportsman and naturalist in Canada, r. Svo. Hurst. illus. 20s. Bromley-Devonport, W. Sport. 4to. Chapman, illus. IGs. STABLE, see HOESE I. 291 u 2 Stage GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Stage For the Classic Stage, see GREECE, HISTORY III. Lewes, G. H. Actors and the art of acting, c. 8vo. Smith, Elder. Is. Gd. Hazlitt, W. View of the English stage. 18J8. o.p. Fleay, F. G. Chronicle history of the English stage, 1559-1642. 8vo. Rf.eves and Turner. 8s. Hunt, Leigh. Critical essays on the performers of the London theatres. 1807. O.P. Lamb, C. Art of the stage, as set out in Charles Lamb's dramatic essays. Ed. P. Fitzgerald, c. 8vo. Remington. 7*. Gd. Marston, Westland. Our recent actors, p. 8vo. 2 vols. Low. 21,9. Morley, H. Journal of a London playgoer. 12mo. Eoutledge. pub. 5s. O.P. Cook, Dutton. Nights at the play. c. 8vo. Chatto. pub. 6*. O.P. Representative actors. Ed. Clark Russell, c. 8vo. Warne. 2s. Gd. Dramatic list. Ed. C. E. Pascoe. c. 8vo. Allen. 3s. Gd. Memoirs of living actors and actresses. Actors and actresses of Great Britain and the United States. Ed. Hutton and Matthews. Memoirs of players from the time of Garrick to the present day ; with selections from Collier, J. P. English dramatic poetry and annals of the stage to the Restoration, f. 4to. 3 vols. Sell. 70s. Ward, A. W. English dramatic literature to the death of Queen Anne. 8vo. 2 vols. Macmillan. 32,9. Archer, W. English dramatists of to-day, p. 8vo. Low. 8s. 6d. Genest, J. Some account of the English stage from 1660 to 1830. 8vo. 10 vols. 1832. O.P. The standard work on the subject. Doran, Dr. " Their Majesties' servants." d. 8vo. 3 vols. Nimmo. 54s. Annals of the stage from Betterton to Edmund Kean. Downes, J. Roscius Anglicanns. 8vo. Jarvis. Privately printed. Review of the stage from 1C60 to 17(16. Dibdin, J. C. Annals of the Edinburgh stage. 4to. Cameron (Edin- burgh}. 21*. Baker and others. Biographia dramatica. 1812. O.P. Lowe, R. W. English theatrical literature, biographical account, d. 8vo. Nimmo. 18s. ,, Thomas Betterton. c. 8vo. Paul. 2s. Gd. Apology for the life of Colley Cibber. Ed. R. W. Lowe. Nimmo. 42s. Fitzgerald, P. Life of Garrick. 8vo. 2 vols. Tinsley. 36s. Boaden, Jas. Life of Mrs. Siddons. O.P. ,, Life of John P. Kemble. 8vo. 2 vols. (London). 1825. O.P. Though O.P., very easily obtainable. Hawkins, F. W. Life of Edmund Kean. 8vo. 2 vols. Tinsley. 30s. Cole, J. W. Life and theatrical times of Charles Kean. p. 8vo. 2 vols. Bentley. 21s. Macready's reminiscences and diary. Ed. F. Pollock, c. Svo. Macmillan. pub. It. Gd. O.P. 292 Stage GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Superstitions Phelps and Forbes-Robertson. Life of Samuel Phelps. 8vo. Low. 12s. Hawkins, F. W. Annals of the French stage, d. 8vo. 2 vols. Chapman. 28s. ,, French stage of the eighteenth century, d. 8vo. 2 vols. Chapman. 30s. Gautier, T. Histoire de 1'art dramatique depuis 25 ans. 6 vols. (Paris). 15s. 1858. Janin, Jules. Histoire de 1'art dramatique. 6 vols. (Paris). 18s. Vitu, A. Les mille et une nuits du theatre. (Paris). Eight vols. issued, 3*. each. In progress. STAINED GLASS WINDOWS, see ARTISTIC PROCESSES XI. STEAM AND OTHER HEAT ENGINES: Anderson, TV. On the conversion of heat into work. 8vo. Wltittalier. illus. Gs. Practical handbook on heat engines. Cotterill, J. W. Steam-engine considered as a heat-engine. 8vo. Span. 12x. Gd. See also HEAT for works on this branch of the subject. Perry, J. Steam. 18mo. Macmillan. is. Gd. Weisbach, J. Mechanics of engineering and construction of machines. Tr. 8vo. Wiley (N. Y.). 50s. Vol. ii., Heat, steam, and stiam-en^ines. Hankine, W. J. M. Manual of the steam-engine. Ed. W. J. Millar, c. 8vo. Griffin, illus. 12s. Gd. Clark, D. K. The steam-engine. 4 vols., 12s. 6^. each. Blackie. illus. 50s. A very large number of plates illustrating modern practice. Northcott. The steam-engine, d. 8vo. Cassell. 3s. Gd. Bigg, R. Practical treatise on the steam-engine, d. 4to. Spon. illus. 25s. Zeuner, G. Value gear. Tr. J. F. Klein. 8vo. Span, illus. 12s. Gd. Winton and Millar. Modern steam practice and engineering. 8vo. 4 vols. Gebbie (N.Y.). 60s. Examples of some of the latest types of engines, etc. Wilson, R. Steam boilers. 8vo. Lockwood. 6s. Traill, T. W. Boilers. 8vo. Griffin. 12s. Rules, tables, and formulas of construction. Seaton, A. E. Manual of marine engineering, d. 8vo. Griffin, illus. 18s. Sennett, R. Marine steam-engine. 8vo. Longmans, illus. 21s. Jamieson, A. Steam and the steam-engine, c. 8vo. Griffin. 7s. Gd. Hobinson, W. Gas and petroleum engines. 8vo. Span. 14s. STEEL, see IRON. STOCK EXCHANGE, see POLITICAL ECONOMY IV. SUGAR, see ECONOMIC PRODUCTS IX. SULPHURIC ACID, see INDUSTRIES II. SUMATRA, see INDIAN OCEAN IV. SUPERSTITIONS, see FOLKLORE II. 293 Surgery GUIDE BOOK TO BOOKS. Sweden SUEGEBY, see AMBULANCE. VETEEINAEY, gee VETEEINAEY SCIENCE. SURVEYING : See also ENGINEEEING. Johnson, J. B. Theory and practice of surveying. Svo.. Wiley (IF. Y.). 18s. HaskoU, W. Engineering field-work. 8vo. Lochn-ood. 27s. Simms, F. Levelling. 8vo. Lockrvood, 8s. 6^. Stanley, W. F. Surveying and levelling instruments, c. 8vo. Spon. 7s. Gd. SWEDEN : GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY : See also NOEWAY/.">. ,, I. O., 51. J. G., 51. S, W.,2iH. Beaumarchais, 131, 13(3. Beaumont, R., 297. and Fletcher, 109. BigmoreandWvman, 263. Hilany, .I.C., 119. Bilderdijk, W., 87. V.,54. Beauvoir, R. de, 135. Billing, A., 29. and others, 292. Bebber, W. J. V., 222. Billings, R. W., 5*. Balbi, A., 261. P.i'ivaria, 200. Binet and Fer6, 266. liuMwin, J.,4. Beck, W., 82. Bingham, J., 71. J. H., 291. Becker, G. F., 224. Binney, T., 279. W. C., 291. W.. 178. Bion, 168. Bale, M. P., 192. Beckford, P., 182. Birch, 8,, 263. Battour, A. J., 24S. W., 234. W. de Gray, 213. V. M.,317. Becquer, G., 289. Bird, Isabella L., 101, 216. Balfour-Brown and Theobald, 268. Beddoe, J., 15. Birdwood, A., 17. Ball, C. J., 170. Bede, 71. Biskupa, Sogur, 1S7. J.,8. ,. Cuthbert, 237. Bissell, E. C., 44. J. T., 193. Bedford, F. G., 230. Bithell, R., 259. R. 8., 31, 68, 251. Beecher, H. W.. 27 i'. Bi/.onfv, F., 183. V.,187. Beechy. F. and H., 7. Biorkmann, c. J., 291. Ballantvne, R. M., 66, 180. Balme.L. J. A., 281. Boerbohm, J., 9. Beers, W. G., 13. Bjiirnsou, B., 23:i, I'.d. Black, William, 237. Baltet.C., 139. Beet, J. Agar, 46. W. G., 122. Balzac, 132. Beete-Jukes, J., 37. Blackburn, C. P., 210. Balzani. U., 195. Beethoven, 227. Lord, 105. Bancroft, G., 305, 307. Behaghel, O., 150. Blackburne, E. L., 20. H. H.. 14, 222, 305. Behn, Aphra, 234. Blackie, C., 144. Banks, Mrs. G. L., 237. Hrk,., C. T., 2. ,, W. G., 141. Banim, J., 175, 234. Bell, 278. Blackmore, R. D., 237. Banister, H. C., 226. C., 9, )f>. Blackstone, W., 102. Baragiola, A., 197. F. J., 317. Blades, W., 48, 264. Baraiite, 231. G. J., 278. Blair, D., 37. Barhauld, Mrs., 65. H. C. P., 190. J., 119. Barbosa, ^.,261. J., 80. Blake, W., 112. Barboza, 261. J. H., 194. Blauc, C., 230. Barbour, D.,2'i-. Mrs. Hugh, 136. C. L.,193. G.. :iu.-,. .]., lOt. ,, T., 318, 319. Bellew, H. W., 1. Blanche, August, 205. Blanford, W. T., 1. Barclay, R., 76. Belt, T., 315. H. P., 187. Kan-no, 246. Bemrose, 125. Bleek.C., 54. Barlmm, R. H. D., 68, 2." 4. Benedix, R.. 15'?. P., 43. Baring-Gould, S., 117, 177,237. Benham, W., 298. W. H., 123,124. Barker, J. H., 86. Barkley, H. C., 54. Benjamin, J. P., 103. S. G. W., 245. Blennerhassett, Lady, 127. ISO. liliuk, N., 231. Barlow, P.. . Bennett, G., 291. Block, -M.. 127. Barnard, H. r 89, 90. H., 170. Bloxam, C. L., 60. Barnett, Mrs.,86. J., 49. M. H., 19. Baron, J., 219. Baronius 78. ,, and Murray, 50. Benrath K 74 Blunt, Lady Anne, 16. J H.,801 Barrett, E. R., 6. Bent, J. T., 196, 220. 8. E., 25. Barron, A. P., 139. Bentham, G., 51. Bluntschli, J. K., 260. L., 125. J.,203. Blyth, A. W., 61. Barrow, Isaac, 279. and Hooker, 50. Boaden, Jas.. I".'.'. J.. 21, 140, 229, 230. Bentley, W. H.,3. Boccacio, 2'U. Bodenstedt, P., 156. J. W., 268. Earth, H., 2. Bedthv, Zs., 183. U.-owulf, 12. Bodmer, G. R., 184. Boeckh. A., 163. Bartholomew, J., 56, 96, 141. I'nMimer, 132. Bogue and Bennett, 76. Bartsch, K., 129. Beringer, J.J. and C., 222. Bogoroff, U. A., 54. and Horning, 129. Bary, A. de, 50. Basset, A. B., 219. Berkeley, Bishop, 249. lirrlioz, 226. Bernard. C. de, 132, 135. Bogusluwski, G. von, 143. Bonn, H. G., 57, 124. BdhtUngk and Both, 970. J., 245. Bernhardi, T. von, 273. Boileau, 130. Bastable, 257. Bernheim, H., 266. Boisgobey, F. du, 132. Bastian, H. C., 220. Berni, 199. Bolles, A. S., 308. Bate and Westwood, 318. B.-rnsMu, 252. Bolton, H. C., 123. Bates, H. W., 315. Bemthsen, A.,61. Bonar, J., 256. Baudelaire, C., 132. Beifjuin, 136. Boner, C., 290, 291. Bauerman, A., 223. Bert, P., 136. Bond, E. L.,65. H., 221. licrtini, 227. Bonnec.hose, 134. Bauerfeld, E. von, KB. Hfrii-mdde Born, 2(56. Bonomi and Sharpe, 92. Baumbach, R., 160. HrrtnuHU.,217. Bonwick, J., 36. Baiiineister, A.,18. Berty, A., 20. Boole, G., 212, 218. liaui. W., 76. Besant, Walter. 1-11,237. Boone, R. G.. 308. Bawr, Mine, de, 136. W. H., 147. 218. Booth, C., 259. Baxter, K., 258. and Kice, 237. Bopp, P., 247. Baynes, R., 251. Best, W., 106. Borely, 125. Bazalgette and Humphreys, 211. Bazan, E. P., 290. W. T., 226. Bevan, P., 191. H.-.r.M', L.. 155. Borrow, G., l".i. 237. i:,-:ic-,. iiMi,- 111, I,ord, 237. Be veil. T., 105. Bosanquet, B., 212. Beal, S., 53. Bevcridee, W.. 279. Bossuet, 131. H.-al.-. L., 222. Mow i^k, T., 319. Boswell, J., 111. Bear.W. E., 5. Beyle, H., 131, 132. Bosworth, J., 10. INDEX OF AUTHORS. 328 Bosworth and Waring, 161. Botta, P. E., 33. Brooke, H., 235. Brooks, C. F., 297. Bury, J. B., 117. ' Richard de. 4s. Bone, A., 303. H., 56. and Hillier, S3. Bouillet, N., 128. Phillips, 279. Busk, R. H., 123. Boulger, D. C., 69. Brook-Smith, 22. Butcher, S. H., 161. Boulnois, H. P., 185. Broom, H., 102, 103. Butler, A., 279. Boutell, C., 30, 172. Broomhall, B., 224. A. T., 77. Bourdaloue, 131. Brosch, M., 98, 196. G., 204. Bourget, P., 132. Brosset, 273. H. C., 72. Bourinot, J. G., 56. Brotherton, Mrs.,80. ,, H. M., 279. Bourne, H. R. Fox, 79, 100. Brough, B. H., 224. Bishop, 117, 2,'v, :;sar, 206. G. G., 43, 214. Browning, E. B., 113. Caird, A., 279. Bvadshaw, 268, 304. R., 113. ,. E., 249, 263. Braga, T., 261, 262. Brownlee, W. Methven, 210. Bralnn, O., 154. Bruce, A. B., 46, 300. ',', and Cathcart, 7. r.raithwaite, It., 51. James, 141. Caine, T. Hall, 237. Branco, C. C., 262. Bruckner, A., 273. Cairnes, J. E., 25f. Brand. J., 122. Bruder, H. C.,47. Caidecott, R.,68. Brandes, E., 85. Brngmann, G., 247. Calderon, 289. G., 84, 85, 150. Brugsch, H., 92. Calderwood, D., 75. Brandt, H. C., 152. and Bouriant, 92. H., 91, 116. Brant, Sebastian, 151. Brunei, I., 95. Calfa, A., 22. 1 Iran tome, 130. Braquehais, 125. Brunn, H., 162. Brunner, H., 102. Callaway, Bishop, 122, 124. Gallon, J., 224. Brasch and Kothenstein, 147. Brush, J. G,, 223. Calptirnius, 208. Brassey, Lady, 314. Bryant and Gay, 305. Calverley, C. S., 254. T., 230. Bryce, G., 55. Calvo, 8. Braun and Hermann, 170. J., 118, 273, 307. ,, C., 209. Braune, 9. ,, and Johnston, 144. Cameron, J., 192. W., 150, 161. Buchanan, Rohert, 237. Bray, Mrs., 179. Buchner, O., 223. Campbell', ATb., 188. Brehm, A. E.,316. Buckle, H. T., 181. D., 5,33. Bremer, Fredrika, 295. Buckley, Arabella B., 317. J., 119, 229. Brenchley, J., 243. H. B., 105. J. F., 123. Buckman, J., 4. Lord, 100. Brentano, L., 257. Bucknill, 23. It., 105. Bresse, J. A. C.,95, 134. Bucktou, Mrs., 8i. Campion, J. 8., 286. Bret Harte, 237,254. Brete, J. de la, 132. Budge, E. A., 31, 93 Button, 131. Campoamor, K. de, 289. Candolle, A. de, 51. Brewer, E. C., 269. J. S., 97. Bulkeley, O. T.. 312. Bull, Bishop, 279. Canoras del Castillo, 290. Cantu, C., 196, Brewster, D., 35. Bulthaupt, H., 157. Capello and Ivens, 3. Brialmont, 24. Bunbury, E. H.. 139. Capendu, E., 132. Brickwood, E. D., 272. Bridge, J. F., 22, 227. Bunge, G., 253. Bunyan. John., 65. Capes, W. W., 271. Capponi, G., 196. Briggs, C. A., 426 293. Brigham, W. T.,,8. Bright, J. F., 96. Bunvon, C. J.,33. Burbidge, F. W., 139, 190. Burchett. R., 23. Cardenas, F. de, 287. Cardncci, 199, 200. Carles, W. R., 81. ,, W., 71. Biirckhardt, J., 17. 196. Carll, L. B.. 217. Brightwen, Mrs., 67. Briilat-Savarin, 80. Burdett, H. C., 182. Biirger, G. A., 153. Carlvle, T., 98, 113, 115, 14? 258. Brink, B. ten, 107, 108. Brinkman, C. C., 87. Burgon, J. W., 48. Burke, E., 111. Carnegie, W. 284. Caro, A., 200. Brinton, D. G., 122. B., 172. Carov6, 65. Brist and Bouquet, 213. Bristed, C. A., 309. U. r 179. Burn, R.. 195. Carpenter, W., 192. W. B., 220, 222. Bristowe and Wright, 8. Britten and Holland, 51. liun.aby, F.,32. Hum,-. MissC. S., 123. W. Boyd, 3uo. Carr, G. S., 218. Britton, J., 20, 58. Burnet, G., 74, 98. Carraud, 136, 137. Broadley, A. M., 7. Broeklehurst. J. U., 22.'. Burnett, Mrs., Hodgson, 237. Burner, Francis, 23o. r.-iiTingtoii and others, 21'. Can-oil. Lewis, 63, 64. Brodie, B.,221. J., 242. Carte, T., 97. Biodrick, (T. C.,309. Burns, Dawson, (i. C.rt wright, W. C., 74. W., 119. R., 112. Cams, V., 315. Broglie. Due de. 71, 127. BurnsideandPanton,217. and Engelmann, 330. Bromley-Devonport, W., 291. Burrows. M., 230. Carver, J. G., 229. Bronte, Anne, 237. Burton, J. H., 48. 278. C'ascv, J., 116. Charlotte. 113,237. R, F.. 3, 16,23, 119, 185. Casini. T., 197. Emily, 2B7. W. K., 250. Cassels, W. R., 88. Y 2 324 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Castilho, Antonio T. de, 262. Castle, E., l.'O. Clarke, Butler, 287. E., 209. Cooper, Fenimore, 66, 179. H., 242. Lewis, 138. G. S., 23, 95. T. T., 187. Catlin, G., 7. H. W., 246. 252. ,, T. V., 307. Cats, J., 87. Catullus, 2<15. ,, Marcus, 237. Clarendon, 98. <'ni>iiiger, W. A., 101. Coppinger, R. W.. 9. Cave, A., 41. Clater, 211. Corbett, Julian, 174. -Cavendish," 57, 209. Claudiau, 208. Corbin, Diana, 141. Caylev, A., 140,218. Cecch'i, P. L., 199. Clans and Sedgwick, 317. C.ausins, R., 251. Cortield, W., 185. Corneille, 130. Cellini. Benvenuto, 200. Clavand Baldwin. 57. Cory, W., 99. Cennini, C., 28. Cleasbv and Vigfussou, 136. Cossa, L.. 256. (Vr\ antes. 2S9. Clebsch, H. A. F., 94. Cosson, De, 22. Chaffers, W., 263. dementi, 227. Costa, J. de, 87. Chagas, Manuel Pinheiro, 263. Challis, H. W., 103. Clements, H., 4. Clerk, 161. Cotterill, C. ('.,3)9. J. H., 94. Chalmers, J., 38, 70, 105. Clerke, Agnes M., 34. J. W., 293. M. D.,211. Clerv, C., 2<. Cottin, Mme., 66. T., 279. Cleveland, C. D., 110. Cotton and Payne, 78. and Gill, 38. Clodd, E., 122. Couch, J.. 318. Chamberlain, B.H.. 124, 202. Clode, C. M., 21. Couche, C., 268. Chambers, R., 27 8. C lough, A. H., 254. ('...ilamjes, F. de, 14, 126. W., 20. Clouston, W. A., 122. Courier, P. L., 132. Chamtleury, 58. Chamfort, 131. Clyde, J., 143. Coape, H. C., 177. Courtnay, T. P., 282. Courtlio'pe, \V. J., 254. Ohamisso, A. von, 155. Champeaux, A. de, 31. Cobb, J.F.,177. 178,179. Cobbett, M.,295. Couvrenr. S., 70. Cowden-Clarke, Mrs., 2S2. Cham poll ion, J. K.. 3. Cobbold, T. S., 211. Cowley, A., 110. Channing, W. E., 279. Cochin, H., 133. Cowper, F., 174. Chapman; A. W., 51. Cocks and Feret, 313. W.,112. ,, G., 1M9. 120. Coelho, Latino, 263. Cox, G. W., 64, 122, 162, 163. ChaBpell, W., 22:1. Charles, Mrs., 174, :76, 178. Coghlan, T. A., 37. Cohen, H., 240. S.,279. and Jones, 64. Charmes, G., 7. Charnav, D., 222. Charnock, J., 229. Coke, 103. Colange, E. de, 304. Cole, J. W., 292. Coxe, W..98, 148,273.287. Craddock, C. Egbert, 237. Craik, G.L.,107. Charteris, A. H., 44. Colebrooke, H. T., 276. H., 91,111. Chasles, P., 2?::. Coleman.J., 211. Mrs., 65, 239. Chateiubriand, 131. W. S., 318. Crake, A. D., 173, 178. Chatterton, Ladv, 230. Coleridge, H. J., ; 4, 77. Cramer, 227. Chatto and Jackson, 29. 8. T., 112, 115. Crane, T. F., 123, 129. W. A., 57. Coles, .1., 186. Walter, 69. Chaucer. G., 108. Collens, J. H., 313. Crawford, F. Marion, 237. Chaumont, F. de, 185. Collier, J.. 74. Cravvfurd, J., 189. Cliauveau and Fleming, 317. ., J. P., 292. O., 261. Clmuvenet, W., 34. Ch6nier, A., 131. Collins, F. 11., 249. ,, J., 88. Crawley, C., 32. Creasy, E., 79,303. Cberrier, C. de, 126. ,, J. E., 56. Creenv, W. F., 20. Cherbuliez, V., 132, 135. Cheshire, F. R., 40. J. H..223. Cregeeu, A., 216. r.riuhtnn.M.. 72,97,98. Ohemey, C. C., 24, 175. Coll'.'tt.C.. !-'<.' Cremer, H., 47. F. R., 303. Colletta. P., 196. J. J., 87. Chester, Col., 214. Collignon, E., 95. Cremona, 146. Chesterfield, Lord. 112. Collinguon, M., 162. Creswell, F. S.. 13>. Chevalier, E., 229. Collyns, C. P., 291. Crewe, A. W., 5. Chevreul. M. E., 29. Colman, W. S., 223. Cripps, W. J.. 3>i. Chevne, T. K., 42, 43. " W. Watson, 15. Colmeiro. Manuel, 286. Colomb, P. H., 22-. Croker, T. CYofton. 123. Croll, J., 145. and Driver, 10. Ci.lomlii. 201. Crookes, W.,62, 26-, 29<. Childers, R. C., 214. Colquhoun, A. H., 54. Crookshank, E. C., 310. Chisholm, G. G., 113. J.. l"."'. Crosby, 8. S., 211. Chitty, 104, 106. Comiiies, P. de', 126, 13'J. ,. T., 76. Cholmondelev- PenneM, H., 12.". Compavre, (}., Sii, 1U. Cross, J. W., 113. Chopzko, A.,'254. Comte, Auguste, 2 53. and Bevan, 192. Choutinov, 273. Coneone, 227. Croswell, S., 104. Christ, H.. 29 i. Condi;. J. A., 286. Crowe and Cavalcaselle, 2(5, 27 Christie, W. D., 98. Couder, C. R., 243. Crump, A., 256. Christlieb, 3<>o. Josiah, 142. Cruttwell, C. T.,204. Christy, R. M.. 55. Clirvstal, G., 6. Church A H '" ' K| ''''V3 ''>! Congreve, W., Ill Conkling, A. R., 222. H., 222. Cubas, A. G., 22.'. C'ullen, W., 184. t'lllley, R. S.,9l. Conscience, H., *7. Cumberland, Stuart ('.. 55. Constant, B., 133. Gumming. J. G., 216. , 'R. W., 72. 75,115, 11-i, 27!'. Conte, J. le, 252. Cnimmn^, W. II.. 225. and Seelev, 1>". Contopoulos, N.. 161. Cummins, A. II., 137. Gibber, Collev, 292. Cook, A. J., 40. Cundall, J., 48. Cicen>, 205, 206. ,, Dutton, 292. Cundill, 62. Oigale, .M ,285. E. T., 214. Cunningham .!.. . Cipolla, 195. ,, W.,62. rivialo, A., 296. Cooke, A. C., 23. Claeson, G., 294. Clark, D.K., 95, 2M. G. T., >(>. M.C.,51,67, 319. Cooley, F. M..808, T. M.. 105. Cunnyngham, H., 2:t7. Cunyngliame, A. T., 273. Curliig.J.J. 22S. E. C., 208. .. W. I)., 14,). Curr, E. M., 15. and Green, 36. Coolidge, S., 65. Curteis, A. M., 16;?. and Hughes, 146. Coolidge, W.A. 13., 296. G. H., 75. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Curtis, C. B., 27. Demattio, P., 197. .Orachmann, H., 85. C. E., 5. Demmin, A., 22. Drake, N., 283. G. T., 307. Demogeot, J., 128. Draper, J., 307, 353. J-, 4. De Morgan, A., 22, 212. Drayton, M., 109. Curtiss, S. I., 41. Demosthenes, 167. Dresser, C., 28. Curtius, E., 162. Denitte, H., 308. Drew, J., 187. G., 163. Denison, G., 23. W., 147. Curwen, J. S., 227. Denistoun, J., 196. Driver, S. R., 42, 171. Curzon, G. N., 32. Dennis, G., 195. Drummond, H., 3. Gushing, Paul, 237. Dent, H. C., 52. Denton J B P J., 298. ,, R B 73 Cuvier, G.,316.' W., 100,281. W., 109. Czerny, 226. De Quincey, T., 113. Droste-HUlshoff, A. von, 156. Czuczor and Fogorasi, 1S3. Des Cars, A., 124. Drouyn, L., 125. Descartes, 131, 2i9. Droysen, G., 117. IK-sClokeaux, A.,223. J. G., 149. Desgodins, C. H., 32. Droz, G., 133. Desnoyers, L., ia=S. Dryden, J., 110. D. Dessoir, Max, 267. Du'bois, U., 80. De Swert, 227. and Bernard, 80. Daguet, A., 296. Daiilinann, F. C., 84. De Tocqueville, A., 127, 306. Deus.Joaode, 262. Du Camp, M., 125. Du Cane, E. F., 103. and Waitz, 148. De Veer, Gerrit, 140. DuChaillu, P. B.,232. Dahii F 160 286 Devereux W B 98 D'Albertis, L. M., 38. De Vinne, T. L., 264. Duden, K., 152. Dale, A. W., 71. De Voisins, 184. Dufferiii, Lord, 186. R. W., 46, 279, 299. Dewey, J., 221. Durtield, S. W.,301. ,, and Lehmann, 106. Dalling and Ashley, 99. De Witt, C., 306. Dexter, H. M., 76. Dugdale, \V., 78, 102, 214. Dumas, pere, 132. 133, 135, 177. Daltou, E. T., 14. Dibdin, J. C., 292. Dunbar, H., 165. H., 74. T. P., 48, 264. W., 108. H. G., 169. Dicey, A. V., 100, 209. Duncker, 162. Daly, Mrs. D., 38. Dickens, C., 113, i38. Dundonald, Earl of, 230. Dalyell.J.G., 123. Dickson and Edmund, 265. Dunham, S. A., 286. Dampier, W., 141. Diderot, 131. Dunlop, J., 234. Dana, J. D., 145, 146, 223. Didot, A. F., 29, 265. Dunn, H. A. Colmore, 120. R. H., 67. Didron, A. N., 28. Dupont, E., 3. Dance, C. D., 8. Diercks G., 288. G., 60. Dandliker, K., 296. Diet richsen.L., 233. Durege, 218. Dauichieh, G., 281. Dieulafoy, M., 215. Duruy, G., 133. Daniel, E. M., 104. Diez, F.,197, 266. Dutripon, F. P., 43. 8., 109. Digl>v, K. E.,103. i nival, M., 10. Daniell, A., 250. Dilke, C., 79. Dwyer, P., 182. Dante, 198. Ditlmann, A., 117. Dyer, T. P., 100. D'Anvers, 25. Dini/., .lulio, 263. T. H., 118, 195. Dareinberg et Saglio, 18. Dirii'hlet, P. G. L., 218. Dart, J. H., 104. Dirksen,H.,272. Dartein, F. de, 19. D'lsraeli. Uen.jamin, 237. Darwin, C., 15, 50, 67, 145, 220, 315. Dittmar, W., 61. ,, F., 315. Dixie, F., 9. E. Dasent, G. W.,123. Dixon, H. H., 5. Daudet, A., 133, 135. R. W., 74. Eagles, T. H., 95. D Aulnoy, Comtesse, 287. , TV. G., 201. Earle, J., 10, 11, 12. Davids, T. W., Rhys, 53, 244. W. Hepworth, 214, 229. K,i,sic, W., 82. and Oldenberg, 244. Dobson, A., 111,254. Eastlake, C. L., 25. Davidson, A. B., 43, 46. ,, and Tarn, 54. Eaton, Dormau B., 100. B., 171. Dodd, C., 75. Eberhard, J. A., 152. J. W., 305. Dodge, R. J., 291. Ebers, G., 158, 160, 179, 180. Davies, B., 171. Dods, Marcus, 44, 270. Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von, 158. D. C., 224. Dohrn, A., 316. Eckermann, J. P., 153. E., 291. Dolby, A., 230. Eden, C. H., 201, 273, 312. G. C., 314. Dullinger, J., 71. F. M. 101. Llewellyn, 279. Donaldson, T., 304. Eder, J. M., 250. P. J., 192. Donelly, N., 52. Edersheim, A., 41, 202, 203. Davis, C. T., 54. G. E., 223. J., 307. Donovan, E., 318. Dorau, Dr., 292. D'Orbigny, A., 8. Edgar, J. G., 173, 180. Edgeworth, Maria, 65, 235. Edgren, A., 276. Davy, J., 62. Dorchester, D., 308. Anna C., 295. Dawkins, W. B., 13. Dorman, H. N., 122. Edkins, J., 53, 70. Dawson, J., 15. Dorner, J. A., 76, 299. Edwardes, 312. Day, F., 121, 318. Dostoievski, T., 275. Mrs. A., 238. L. F., 28. Dougall, 283. Edwards, Amelia B., 92, 238. T., 65. Doughty, C. M., 16. M. Betham, 125, 237. W. 181 182 T. C., 46. "Deadfall, "284. ' ' R. K./69, 70. W. D., 103. Deane, W. J., 44. Douse, T. le M., 161. Egerton, W., 22. De Bary, A., 15. Douthwaite, W. R., 209, 214. Egdsson, S., 186. Defoe, D., 66, 111, 235. Down, J. L., 220. Egli, J.J., 144. De Garmo, C., 90. Dowden, E., 113, 115, 283. Eiohendorff, J. von, 155, 158. De Hampole, R. R., 107. Dowell, B., 100. Eissler, M., 62, 222. Deland, Margaret, 237. Downes, J., 292. Elbe, A. v. d., 158. Delarc, O., 195. Downing, S., 184. Elder, W., 141. Delimout, T., 230. Doyle, A. C., 175. Eliot, George, 113, 238. Delitzseh, F., 33, 34, 41, 171. ,, J. E.. 101. Ellicott, C. J.,46. Del Mar. E., i!87. Dozon, A., 54, 281. Elliott, A. ,260. Delord, Taxile, 127 Dozy, R. P., 288. H. M., 14. .326 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Elliott, H. W.. ".".->. Fevdeau, 133. Franks, A. \V., 202. ,, Mrs..2Sti. Fichte, J. G., 249. Frauzos, K. E., 160. Ellis, A. B., 35. Fick, A., 247, 253. Fraser, A. C.,249. ,, A. L., 104. Fidler.T. C.,26f. Frazer, J. G., 13, 12-'. ,, R., 205. Field, 29. Fivam. W., 4, 55. T.,9. Mrs., 174. Freeman, E. A., 13, 19,58,97, 117 W.,243. Fielding, H., Ill, 235. 196, 215, 303. Elphinstone, M., 188. Sarah, 235. G. E.. 119. and others, 209. I'iliraia, 199. and Salvin, 119. Elton, C., 97, 103. Finch, G. B., 105. Freer, M. W., 127. Ehves, A., 261. Fiudlay, A. G., 189, 212, French, H., 5. Ely, R. T., 258, 308. D., 310. Frere, Mary, 63. Klynt, T., 109. G., 267. Freseuius, C. R.,61. Kl>", Karl, 283. Finlay, G., 162. Freshtield, D. W., 272. Emerson, P. H., 250. I'inUusi, 246. Freytag, G,, ML. i:,.;. 15-. R. W., 115. Firminger, T. A. C., 139. iM-i.-.lnlann. P., in. Ercilla, 288. Fischart, J., 151. Freiligrath, F., 155. Erckmann-Chatrian, 135, 136, 177. Fischer, K., 249. Friend, H., 123. Kr.lelvi, J., 183. Fisher, 106. Frith, H., 179. Erdmann, J. E., 248. G. P., 70, 300. Fritzner, J., 186. Erman, A., 92. Fiske, J., 24S, 306. Proebel. F., 90. Ernault, E., 59. Erskine, J., 278. Fiteh, J. G., 91. Fitzgerald, P., 48, 292. Froissart, 129. Frome, E:, 23. Erslev, T. H., 85. Fitzwygram, J.,181. Fromentin, 27, 135. i:-:-U,'i:;cin, 137. Flamant, A., 95. Frost, P., 217. Esmart-k, F., 7. Flandin and Coste, 245. K. Hatch, E., 47, 300. Hickson, 8. J., 190. Ho vie, 57. P. H., 223. Higgin, L., 230. Hu'bbard, C. B., 68. Hatton, H. Finch, 37. Higgs, J., 226, 227. G.,2(. J., 190. Hiles, J.,226, 227. Huber, V. A., 308. and Harvey, 7. Hi) land Yeoman, 191. Hiibner, Baron, 78, 135, 196. Hatzfeld and Dnrmesteter, 129. Hillebrand, K., 157. Hue, Abbe, 32. H-Huff, W., 158, 160. Killer, E.. 227. Hudson, H. N., 283. Haug,M.,245. Hillern, W. von, Hi. and Gosse, 317. Haupt, H., 53. Hime. T. W., 185. Hueffer, P., 266. Hiiusser, L., 73. Hincks, T., 317. Hughes, S.. 185. Havard, H., 231. Hind, H. Y., 7. T., 66. Havet, T., 60. Hinman, R.. H2. T. P., 215. Hawker, P., 283. Hinton.J., 115. W. R., 319. Hawkins, E., 241. Hiith, P., 70. Hugo, V., 125, 132, 133, 134, 135, F. W., 292, 293. Hitchman. F., 141. 136. J., 225. Hittorf, J. C., 28. Hull, E., 54, 145, 146, 243. Mary W. S., 140. Hawthorne, Julian, 238. Hoare, G. T., 67. Hobbes, T.. 110. E. C. P., 88. Hullah, J., 225. N., 64, 238. Hobkirk, C. P., 51. Humboldt, A. von, 8. 154. Hav. Drummond, 225. Hocc-leve, T., 108. W. von, 154. Ha>-es, M. H., 182. Hochstetter, 38. Hume, D., 111. Ha>ter, C., .78. H. H.,37. Hodder, E., 259. Hodge, A. A., 299. Hummel, J. J., 29?. Humphrey and Westwood, 318. Hazard, S., 312. Hazlitt, W., 113, 115, 282, 292. Hodgkin, T., 195. Hodgson, S. H., 248. Humphry, G., 9. L.,241. W. Carew, 196. W. B., 114. Hunialvy, P., lt>3. Head, B. V., 240. Hoff, W., 228. Hunt, F. K., 232. Hearn, W. E., 14, 102. Hoffbauer, 125. H. G. Bonavia, 225. Heath, C., 7. Hoffman, A. W., 62. Leigh, 292. R., 251. Hoffmann, C., 192. R.,224. Heathcote and others, 209. L., 79. R. M., 230. Heaton, J. H., 37. Prof., 138. W., 72. Hebbel, P., 155. Hogg, 235. Hunter, W. A., 272. Hebel, J. P., 154. J.222. W. W.. 187, 188. Heer, O., 296. Hefele, C. J., 71, 73. R.,139. Holberg, L., 84, 85. Hurgronje, C. S.. 16. Hurlbert, J. B.,55. Heffter, A. W., 209. Hegel, G. W. F., 181, 249. Heideloff, C. von, 20. Holden, E. S., 35. Holderlin, J. C. F., 154. Holland, H., 220. Hutchinson, H. D., 23. H. G., 161. T. J., 125, 246. Ht-idenhain, R.,-,266. H. Scott, 280. W., 86. Heim, A., 145. T. E., 208, 303. Button. R. H., 115. Heimburg, W., 160. Holme Lee, 63. W. H., 97. Heine, E., 218. Holmes, O. W., 115, 238. Huxlev T. H., Ill, 115, 142, l'.32 f H., 155. O. W., jun., 102. 263, 317, 318. Hellyer, S. S., 192. Hoist, H. von, 307. and Martin, 319. Helm, Klementine, 160. Holt, E. S., 173, 176, 180. Hyta, G. P. de, 289. Helmholtz, H., 253. Holty, L. H., 153. Helmore, T., 21'7. Holyoake, G. J., 257. Helps, A., 95, 115, 179, 180. Home, Mme., 267. Hen,sley,W.B.,51. Homer, 364, 165. I. Henderson, J., 52. Hood, G. P. J., 179. W., 122. T., 254. Ibn, Ezra, 171. Henfrey, H. W., 241. and Challis, 103. Khallikan, 216. Heimes.A.,147. Hooft, P. C., 87. Ibsen, H., 233, 234. Henrici, O., 146. Hook, T.. 235. lies, J. A. Burke, 313. INDEX OF AUTIIOHS. 829 Imhaus, 243. Immeriuann K. 158. Joly, N., 12. Jones, B., 62. Kinahan, G. H., 145. King, K., 304. 1m Thurn, E. F., 169. Chapman, 250. C. W., 29, 264. Inchbald, Mrs., 235. G., 32, 88. Ingelow, Jean, 238 Ingemann B S., 85. J. R., 176. L., 259. Ross, 291. and Cookson, 163. Inglis. J.,37. lugraham, J. H., 180. and Humphreys, 31. and Price, 58. Kinglake, A. W., 274. Kingsford, Anna. 81. Ingram, J. K., 256. Jonson, B.. 109. W., 56. limes, C., 278. Jonsson, Karl, 186. Jordan C 218 Kingsley, J. S., 319. Irving, Ed.', 280. w!, 156. 238, 258, 280, 312. J., 269. Jost, J. M., 203. Henry, 175, 238. Washington, 140, 235, 287. J oubert, 131. Kingston, W. H. G., 64, K6, 180. Isaacs, J., 290. Jowett, B., 46. Kinloch, 291. Isla, Padre, 290. Joyce, P. W., 64. Kipling, Rudvard, 238. Judd, J. W., 145. Kippis, Andrew, 141. Jukes, A., 300. Kirby and Spence, 318. Browne, A. J., 9(5. Kirk, J.F., 126. Julien, Stanislas, 70. Kisfaludy K., 184. J. .lunglians, Bophie, 158. "Junias,"112. Kitchener, H.E., 25. Kitchin, G. W., 126. Jackson, B. D., 52. T. G., 39. Jusserand, J. J., 100. Just T. C , 38. Kitto, J., 171. Jacob, Gertrude L., 190. Justi, 27. Juta, 5ti. and Smith, 9. Kleist, H. von, 154. Jaequemart, A.', 30', 263. Jaeger, A., 86. Juvenal, 207. Klippart, J. H., 5. Klopstock, F. G., 152. H., 233. Kluge, F., 152. and Rolf sen, 233. Knecht, E., 191. Jago, W., 191. Knight, C., 97. ,7 W. P.. 59. K. E. F., 314. Jagor, F., 190. Knox, A., 6. .lahn.0.,227. Kaegi, A., 276. A. E., 290. James I., 108. Kain, G. J.,49. J., 74. H. E. M., 273. Kalisch, M. M., 42. R.,9. F. L., 3. Kampden, K. G., 231. Koennecke, G., 150. G. P. R., 174, 175, 176, 177, Kanitz, F., 54. Konig, J.,61. 178, 179, 180. Kant, I., 116, 249. E., 117. Henry, 238. Kaufmann, G., 148. Kopp, H.,60. W., 229. Kay, D., 39. Korner, T., 160. Jameson, Mrs., 28, 282. Kaye, J. W., 24, 188. Kosegarten, J., 16. Jami, 246. Keane, A. H., 189. Kossuth,L.,lK5. Jamieson, A., 293. Keary, Annie, 65, 238. Kostlin, J., 151. .lam-t. P., 266. A. and E., 64. Kraft, Prince, 23. .Janin,. Jules, 293. C. P., 122. J. E., 234. "Janus," 77. Keats, J., 113. Krilov, J. A., 274. Jastrow, M., 171. Keble, J., 216, 280. Kroker, E., 162. Jeaffreson. J. C., 96. Keene, J. H., 120. Kropf and Jones, 123. Jeans, F. S., 184. Jebb, J., 227. Keightley, T., 123. Keil and Delitzsch, 42. Krummel, O., 143. Kncnen, A.. 171, 203, 270. R. C., 164, 1(55. Keim, T., 47. Miiidgcn, W. von, 157. Jefferies, Richard, 238, 281. Jeffreys, J. Gwyn,3l7. Kelland and Tait, 218. Ktller, F., 13, 52. Kugler, B., 118. , F.T.,26. Jelf, W., 163. Jellett, J.H.,300. G., 156, 158, 159. Kellgren, J. H., 295. Kiih, E., 155. Kunz, G. F.,264. Jenkin, A. F., 169. Jenkinson, 216. Jennings G. H., 244. Kellogg, 8. H., 188. Kelly, J., 216. and others, 216. Kuropatkin.A.N.,32. Kurschat, F., 285. Kurtz J H 71 Jenvns, L., 318. Keltic, J. Scott, 143. Kurz, H., 150. Jerrold, B., 127. Kemp, P., 314. Jervis, W. H., 76, 77. ,, E., 138. Jesse, G. H., 86. and Neison, 311. Jessop, A., 74. Kempe, H. R., 94. L. Jevons, F. B., 164. Kennedy, A., 215. W.S.,212, 255, 256, 258. B. H., 204. Labarte, J., 25. Jheoek, C. J.,49, 54. P., 123. Labiche, E., 136. Jobc/, A., 127. Kennett, 97. Labilliere, F. P., 37. Johnson, F., 246. Kenrick, J., 250. Laborde, L. de, 25... J., 265. Kent, J., 308. Laboullaye, E., 65. J. B., 294. ,, W. S., 317. La Bruydre, 131. J. Y., 35, 36. Kenyon, R. L., 241. La Celestina, 289. R., 64. Ker, W. C., 105. Lacombe, M. P., 22. Rossiter, 307. Kerney, M.,48. Lacordaire, H. D., 72. (Dr.) S., 111. Kerr, J., 138. Lacouperie, Terrien de, 70. S., 270. Lacroix, P., 82. S. W., 4. Robert i42. Ladd, G. T., 41, 220. Johnston, A., 242, 307. J. H., 86. Kr'rtbeny, K.M., 184. Kettlewell, 8., 73. Lafayette, .Mine, de, 130. La Fontaine, 130. H. H., 142. Kettner, 80. La Fuente, 286. K., 36, 143. Keynes, J. N., 212, 255. Laidley, F. S., 25. R. M., 38. Mia warn, Omiir, 246. Laing, S., 232. and Cameron, 5. Kleltond, A., 233,234. Lalanne, L.,128. Johnstone, C. C., 235. Kiepert, H., 143, 204. Lamartine, 132, 135. Joiiiville, 126, 130. Kierkegaard, S., 85. Lamb, C., 115, 292. Jokai, M., 184. Killeii, W. D., 76. C. and M., 64. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Lamb, H.,21*. Lainennais, Ki.'. Lamper.s, P., 147. Land, J. P., 17d. Lenau, N.,155. Lenngreu, Anna M., 295. Leo Africanus, John, 140. H., 10, 195. Loney, S. L., 218. Long, G. W. de, 273. J. W., 234. ,, and Morton, 83. Landois, L., 252. Li-imhardi, P., 303. Longfellow, H. W.. 254. Landolt and Bernstein, 252. Li'opardi, 199. Longman, \V., -.17, 214. Landon, J., ill. Le Plav, 259. Loomis, E., 34. Landor, W. S., 113. Lepsius, C. H., 93. Lope de Vega, 239. Lane, E. W., 16,92. Le Quesne, 59. Lord, E., 224. Lant'rey, 127. Le Quien, 77. and Baines, 302. Lang, A., 48, 63, 254, 260, 270, GOO. Lermontov, M. J., 274. and Rush, 310. R. H..2M. Leroy-Beaulieu, A., 274. Lorenz, O., 148. , V. von, 83. Le Sage, 131. Loretz, P., 197. L,aiij;dfll, 105, 106. Leskien, A., 235. Loserth, J., 73. Lauge, F. A., 248. Leslie, C. R., 27. Los Hios, J. Amador de, 233. Langland W., 103. Cliffe, 256. Lossing, B. J.,306. Ijanglois. V., 126. ,, Emma, 178. Loti, P., 133, 134, 135. Lauier. S., 176. R. C., 230. Lotze, H., 212, 221. 247, 270. Lankuran, 246. Lespinasse, Mdlle. de, 132. Lover, S., 238. Lansdell, H., 32. Lessing, G. E., 27, 152. Ljvett, 56. Lansing, J. G., 16. " Leto?" 77. R., 174. Lanzi, L., 26. Letourneau, C., 13. Low, 8., 60. Uppaiviit, A. de, 146, 223. Leuckart, R.,317. W. H., 12. Larochefoucauld, 131. Levasseur, E.,52. Lowe, R. W., 292. Larsen, A.. 233. Lever, Charles, 238. Lowell, J. R., 254. Latham, B., 185. Levi, L., 256, 257. P., 81. H., 90. 11. G., 113. Lathl.i'.rv, 75. Lew and Capronnier, 29. Levy, Amy, 238. M.,284. Lowenberg, G., 141. Lowndes, R., 32, 33. Luard, J., 22. Latimerl Bishop, 280. Laube, H., 155, 156. Lewal, L., 228. Lewald, Fanny, 159, 160. Lilbben, A., 150. LUbke, W., 20, 25, 26. Lauer, M., 22. Lewes, G. H., 86, 154, 220, 221, 248, Lubbock, J., 13, 50, 317, 318. Laughton, J. K., 229, 230. Lauivnt, P., 181. 289, 292. V. B., 230. Lucan, 207. Lucas, C. P., 78. Laurie, 8. S., 89, 90, 91, 116, 303. Lewin, J., 104. Luce, 8., 126. Lavrl.-YH, E. de, 14, 303. T. H., 14. Luchaire, A., 126. Lavigne, G. de, 286. Lewis, C., 204. l.urian, 168. Lavollee, R., 258. Law, T. G., 74. W.,301. G. C.,260. J. P., 23. ,, M. G.,236. Lucilius, 205. Lilckes, Eva, 241. Luckock, H. M.,300. Lawes, J.B.. 211. ,, and Short, 204. Lucretius, 205. and Gilbert, 4. Lexer. M., 150. Luden, H., 148. Lawless, Emily, 193, 233. Liddell and Scott, 163. Ludlow, J. M., 3C6. Lawson, J. P., 75. Liddon, H. P., 280, 299. Ludwig, A., 276. l.avamon, 107. Lie, J., 233, 234. 0., 156, 159. La'vanl, A. H., 33. ,, Sophus, 218. Luis de Granada, 289. Lea, H. C., 72, 73. I.iijhtfoot, J., 45,48,300. Leon, 289. Leach, 318. Lillie, A., 139. Lumby, J. R., 298. Leake, 240. S. M., 103, 105. Lillywhite, J., 83. Lily, J., 109. Lumh'oltz, C., 37. Lund, T. W. M., 194. Leal, F. A., 312. Lindau, M., 147. Lunge, G., 191. Lindley, Lord, 105. Lupton, S., 251. Lear, E., Hs. and Moore, 60. Ltithardt, 300. ,, H. L., 77. Leared, A., 225. Lindsay, W. 8., 140. Lingard, J., 97. Luther, Martin, 151. Lyall, C. J., 17. Lebon and Pelet, 125. Linnstrom, 295. ,. Edna, 238. Lechler, G. V.. 108. Lippe, C. D., 172. Lyell, C., 144, 145. Lecky, S. T., 22>. W. E. H., 93, 117, 193. Lederer, P., 171. Lippman, P., 28. List, P., 257. Little, A. J.. 69. Lyndsay, D., 109. Lynn Linton, E., 239. Lyon, D. G., 33. Ledger, E., 34. Littre- and Beaujean, 128. Lysias, 167. ledrain, ., 249. Liverpool, Lord, 256. Lvttelton, E., 82. Lee, A. B., 223, 319. Livett, G. M., 58. Lytton, Lord, 173, 174, 173, 179, Katharine, 233. ,, Sophia and Harriet, 235. W.. 41. Livy, 206. Ljunggren. G., 294. Lloyd, F. J., 4. 239. Leeds, W. H., 19. ., M., 311. ,, and Dwight, 57. ,, W. W., 163, 282. Le Fanu, J. S., 238. Lobley, J. Logan, 194. M. Leffingwell, 233. Loch, C. S., 60. Lefroy, J. H., 35. Lock, C. G. W., 185, 224. Macalister, A., 9. J. B., 302. Macaulav, T. B., 98, 111, 113, 116, I.i'U'-i , L., 148. W. G., 185. 189, 254. Le Gonidec, 59. ,, and others, 89. Macdonald. G., 64, 239. Legouve, E., 136.- Locke, J., 89, 90, 249, 260. and Sinclair, 211. andLabiche,136. Lehmann, 147. Leighton, W. A., 51. Locker, P., 254. Lockhart, J. G., 68, 112, 236. Lockyer, J. N., 34, 251. Macfarren, G., 226. Macgimvray.X^ Leiteh. j:, 89. Lodge, H. C., 306. Macgregor, A. Stewart, 83. Leiean, G., 303. O. T., 93. C. M., 2. Leland, C. G., 30, 169, 254. , R., 118. J. L., 124. Lelewel, J., 143. Loftie, W.J., 59. 213. Machiavell 1,196,200. Lemaire, E. P., 169. Loftus, W. R.. 313. Machuel, L., 17. Le Maout and Decaisne, 50. Logan, W., 187. MacInnesaiidNuH,123. Lemoine, H., 265. Loiseau, 262. Macintyre. Duncan B., 273. Lemesnrier, E. A., 195. Lomas, J., 191. Mackay, M. J., 273. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Maekellar, T.,264. Mackenzie, H. ( 236. Marot, 130. .Marrvat t, F., lit), 236. Melio, G. L., 169. Melliss, J. C., .'!o. M., 227. J., 263. Meltzer, O., 250. Macikey, A. G., 137. Marschall, A., 320. Melvill, II., 230. Mackinder and Sadler, 91. Mackinlay, E., 23. Marsden, N. G., 229. R., 297. Melville, G. W., 273. .Mackintosh, R., 299. Markmurdo, A. H., 213. ' W., 190. Marsh, P. A., 10. 180, 240. Menant, J., 33. Mackrow, C., 314. G. P., 114, 143. Mendelssohn, 226. Maclachlan, D., 105. Marshall, A., 255. Meadoza, H. de, 289. Maclaren, A., 230. A.M., 319. Menendez y Pelavo, 73. .Maclean,.!. M., 7. G. W., 172. Menorval, G. de,'l25. Maclear, G. P., 72, 299. J., 10, 297. Meuzies, Sutherland, 303. and Merivale, 71. Mrs., 80. Mercier, C., 220. Maeleod, Norman (Jr.), 230. MacMullen, J., 56. W. E., 187. and Hurst, 319. Mcn-dith, George, 239. Merimc-e, P., 132,134. R. T., 314. Mars ton, Westlaud, 292. Merivale, J. H., 221. MacMurdo, E., 261. Martcnsen, H. L., 299. C., 271. Macnaghten, W., 189. Martha, J., 195. Merrifleld, Mrs., 23. Maeneiil, J. G. S., 257. Martial, 207. Men-ill, S.,243. ittacpherson, D., 101. Martin, H., 123. Merriman, 95. Mac-queen, P. J., 104. R. M., 79. Mestica, G., 197. Macquoid, Mrs., 239. T., 99. Meunier, 8., 223. Maeiae, A., 291. ,, and Aytoun, 254. Meyer, 45. Macmuly, 292. and Rousselet, 144. C. E., 156. Madden, P. W., 241. Martineau, H., 65, 99, 180. C. P., 159. Madvig, J., 20J. J., 116, 249, 270, 280. E. V., 60. Magee, Bishop, 230. Martinengo, Count, 182. ,, J., 27. Magnan, V., 5. .Martini,',-.., 11. M. P. tic la, 225. L., 61. Magne, L., 29. Maguh-e, J., 6. W. R., 192. Marvel, A., 110. Marx, K., 258. Mascart and Joubert, 93. Meyers, 303. Meyrick, S. K., 22. Miall and Denny, 318. Mahaffy, J. P., 16i, 162, 163, 164. Maskell, W., 301. Michael Angelo'Bnonarroti, 199, and Rogers, 231. Mahalin. P., 13:3. Maskelyne, N.S.,83. MasLatrie, 119. Miuhaud, J. P., 118. and Poujoulat, 12.). Mahau, 71. Maspero, G., 92. Michel, D., 107. A. T., 118. Ma.-on, A. J., 71, 299. P., 126. IX, 95. Massillon, 131. Michelet. 12>i, 131, 135. Maimonides, 171. Masson, D., 98, 231, 248. Mickiewicz, 254. Main,', II. ,20s). G., 128. Middleton, 19-5. Maisti-e. X. de, 131. Matheson, E., 53, 95. Miers, H. A., 223. Maitland.F. W., 102. Mathews, E. D., 9. Migue, 77. Major, R. H., 140. Maturin, R. C., 236. Mignet, F. A., 126. Malcolm, J., 245. Mauch, J. M. von, 19. Miklosich, P. von, 285. Maldonatns, J., 45. Malecki, A.,254. Maude and Pollock, 105. Maudsley, H., 220. Mikszath, 184. Mili/ia, P., 21. Malet, Lucas, 239. Maupassant, G. de, 134. Mill, H. R., 143. Malherbe, 130. Mauri.-r, G. L. von, 148. ,, James, 188, 221. Mallard, E., 83. Maurice, C. E., 149. J. S., 116, 212, 248, 2.->(!, 2.ii', Mallesou, G. B., 1, 1SS. J. P., 25. 263. Mallet, P., 14. J. P. D., 280. Miller, E., 76. Mallock, R. H., 220. Maxwell, J. Clerk, 93, 251. ,, P., 30, 31. W. H., 205, 239. W. Stirling, 237. W. A., 60. Malinstrom, B. E., 294. W. 8., 27. W. H., 82. Malory, T., 108. -Lyte, H. C., 309. Millhouse, J., 17. Malot, H., 135. Malthus, T. R., 259. .Ma!t,>n,T.,28. May, A., 294. T. E., 100, 103, 118. Mayers, W. P., 70. Milligan, W., 42. Millis, C. T., 194. Mills, E. J., 191. Malvin, 137. Mayhew and Skeafr, 10. Milman, E. A., 179. Man, E. H., 14. H., 195, 203 214 Mandeville. J., 108. Mayne, B., 23. " Milne, J., 145. Manilius, 208. J. D., 189. -Edwards, A., 252. Manlev, J. J., 121,284. Mayor, J. E. B., 168. Milner, J., 58. Mann, J. A., 88. Mazade, C. de, 196. H. E., 139. Manning, Cardinal, 77, 230. Mazzini, 196. Milton, J., 90, 110, 260. Miss, 174, 178. 180. Mannyng (of Ermine), R., 108. McAlpine, N., 278. McArthur, C., 32. Minchin, G., 218. Minot, L., 108. Mansi, 77. Mant. R., 76. McCarthy, J., 99, 239. McClellan J B 45 Minto, W.,111, 173., 199,201. McConnell, P., 5. Mistral, P.,'266'. Maartens, Maarten, 239. McCormick, R., 21. Mitchell, J., 222. Marcou, 146. McCrie, T., 74. Lucv, 162. Marenholz-Biilow, B. von, 90. MeCulloch, J. R., 258, 259. T., 18. Marguerite de Valois, 130 .M-iiil.bonaud Ross, 20. Mitford, A. B., 202. Mariette, A..92. Mcllraith, J., 141. Miss, 239. Marivaux, P. C. de, 136. McKendrick, J. G., 252. Mivart, St. G., 58. Markby, W.,208. McKinnon, 278. Moberly-Bell, C. P., 92. Markham, 144. McLaren, W. S. B., 297. Moens, W., 314. A., 140, 141. McLennan, J. P., 13. Moffatt, J. 8., 142. A. H., 213. McMaster, J. B., 305. Mohr, K., 147. C. R., 1, 21, 140, 229, McNair, P., 216. Moliere, 130, 134. 248, 247. McPherson, J., 170. Moll, A., 266. P., 291. McTurpie, D., 47. Moller, G., 19. J., 230. Mead, R. B., 313. Mombert, J. I., 40, 118. Marlitt, E., 160. MeUsner. A., i:>7. 159. Mommsen.T., 210, 271. Marlowe, , 16s. and Wieseler, 162. Noble, J.. 56. Palliser, Mrs.,231. Mullinger, J. Bass, 309. Muloch, Miss, 65, 239. ]Munk,E.,206. Noel, G. H., 228. Noorden, C. von, 118. Nordenskjold, A. E. von, 21. Palmeirim, L. A.,262. Palmer, Black, 121. ,, E. H., 246. Munro, J. E. C., 56. ., R., 13. Miintz, E., 27, 31, 126. Nordhoff, C., 305, 308. Noreen, A., 186. Norgate, Miss K., 97. ,, W.,301. and Macnaghten, 105. Paltock, R., 236. Murdock, H., 118. None, 314. Panini, 277. Mure, W., 163. Norman, C. B., 229. Pape-Charpentier, Mme., 136. Murger, H., 134. Normand, C., 19. Papon, J., 296. Murphy, 8., 185. Norris, E., 59. Pap worth, 172. Murray, A., 316. -Newman, C. L., 57. Paiini. 199. A. 8., 162. W. E., 239. Paris, 162. D. Christie, 239. North, S. N. D., 232. Comte de, 307. Digbv, 228. Northcote, S., 258. G., 128. Northcott, 293. Park, Mungo, 141. INDEX OF AUTHORS. 333 Parker, F. W., 91. J. H., 19, 20. Pickard and Fremantle, 223. Picton, H., 60. Prever, AV., 90. Price, E. C., 239. , T. J.,319. Pieiret, P., 93. L. L., 257. Parkcs, E. A., 185. Piet.selimann, R., 250. R.J.,2^4. L. C., 185. Pike, L. 0., 103. Prior, H. C., 51. Parkman, F., 56, 306. N., 189. Pritt, T. E., 121. Parkyns, Mansfield, 1. Pilpay, 216. Pritzel, G. A., 52. Parn.'-ll. A., 287. Pimehtel, A. de Serpa, 2J3. Probyn, J. AV., 19j, 25S. Parr Louisa, 239. Pindar, 165. Procter, F., 301. Parry, C. H., 101. Pinkerton, John, 142. Pioctor, H., 192. G , 314. Piper, P., 150. R. A., 35. T. G., 27. Pissis, A., 69. Prolss, J., 155. W.E., 141. Pitman, I., 284. Pascal, 130, 131, 300. Mrs. E. R., 265. Prothero, G. AV., 97. Passavant, J. D., 29. Pixley, F. W., 49. H. E.,3. Pater, \V., 116. Pat more C. 68. PlaidY,L.,22t$. Prout, E., 22-5. Prudentius, 203. Patrick, R. W. C., 241. Platen, A. von, 155. Pughe, AV. 0., 311. Patterson, A. J., 39. Platina, Bapt., 72. I'ngm, W., 81. Pattison, Mrs. Maik, 25. Plato, 167. Pulling, A., 213,213. Patton, J. H.,304. Plattner, C. F., 62. Pulszky, A., 13. Pauer, E., 226. Platts, J. T., 188. Purchas, 142. Paul, H., 150, 247. Plautus, 205. Puritz, L., 169. W., 139. Pauli, R., 97. Plavlair, G. M. H., 69. R. L., 6, 7, 225. Pusey, E. B., 42, 230, 300. Pushkin, A. S., 274. I'ansatiias, 168. Pletier, E. von, 257. Putter, J. S., 148. Pavy, F. W., 80. Pliny, the elder, 2 J8. Pye, AV., 7. Pavn, James, 239. ,, the younger, 208. Pypin and Spasovich, 285. Payne, E. J., 79. Plon, E., 27. -Galhvev, R., 233, 284. J., 68, 90. Plumptre', E,*H.j 75. W. H.,90. Plutarch, 168. Paz Soldan, M. F., 247. Poggendorff, J., 252. Q. Peace W., 57. Pofe, W., 5', 95. Peacock, T. L., 236. Peake, Helena, 67. Polevoi, P., 274. Poli/iano, 198. Qua'in, 9.' Pearce, R., 214. Peard, F. M., 67, 177, 239. Polko, Elise, 160. Pollard, A. W., 109. Quatrefaues, A. de. 15. Queiroz, Eca de, 262. Pearson, J., 298. Pollen, J. H., 29, 183. Quevedo A'illegas, 290. Pecock, R., 108. Pollock, F., 103, !().., 2J-, 2 I?, 2! 9, Quick, R. H., 89. IVdlev, C., 7. 260. Quitter, J. H., 297. I'ein , Vidal, 266. and AVright, 103. Quinet, E., 134, 195. Pellico, Silvio, 265. Pollok, J., 291. Q.iintilian.208. Penn, G., 229. Polybius, 168. Quintus Curtius, 208. Pennington, A. S., 317. Poncelet, J. V., 95. Penny, A., 242. Pontalis.A. L., 231. Penrose, F. C., 19. Pontoppidan, H., 84. Pepys, S., 98. Poole, R. L., 72. Percy, 68, R. Stuart, 92. E. C. M., 224. S. Lane, 6, 237, 303. J., 194, 221. , W. F.,245. Rabelais, 130. I'ereda, J. de, 2-9, 290. ,, and Fletcher, 245. Rabusson, H., 134. IVrcira, R. S., 8. , andH L igall,59. Racine, 130, 134. Percy, L., 135. Perkins, C. C., 26. Pope, A., 111. G. U., 188. Racinct, A., 23. Radcliffe, Mrs., 2:!6. J.B., 127. W. B., 299. Rae, J., 258. Perovme, J. J., 41. Popovich, G., 281. AV. Fraser, 55. 1'errault, 63, 130. 136. Perrot and Cliipie/., 18, 25. Porter, J. B., 32. Jane, 66, 180. Raffles, T. S., 19". Ragnzia, Z. A.,33. Perry, A., 75. N., 116, 308. Raleigh, Sir W., 109. G.C., 73. W., 72. T., 103, 260. ,, J., 293. Ralston, AV. R. S., 123, 121,273,271. Persius, 207. Postgate, J. P., 2u4. Ramliuud, A., 126, 273. 2,4. Pertz, 149. IVschel.O., 143. Potthast, 119. Potts, A. AV., 204. Rammolsberg, C. F., 223. Ramon de la Cruz, 2.19. Pestalozzi, 90. Pouvillon, 135. Ramsay, A. C., 96, 146. Petersen, N. M., 84. Powell, A. C. J., 26t. J., 278. Petherick, 143. Wilfrid, 243. AV.,61. Petofi, S., 1S4. and Chance, 196. Randegger, A., 227. Pen-area, 198. IVtnmius, 207. Praed. .Mrs. Campbell, -39. , W. M., 254. Ranke, L. von., 76,98, 113, 126, 148, 149, 287, 303. Pettigrew, J. J., 230. Prantl, K., 50. Rankin, J., 75. Pet/holdt. J., 48. Pratt, S. C., 23, 21. Raukine, W. J. M., 91, 95, 21', 29.'.. Pevron, A., 81. Preece and Miners, 91. Uaii*>me, C., 99. Plleiderer. ()., 270. and Sivewright, 94. Jianvier, L., 223. Phear, J. B., 14. Phel.m, M., 49. Prejevalsky, N., 32. Premare, J. 11., 70. Raper, 228. Ras.sam, H., 1. Phelps and Forbes-Robertson, 293. i'hilippson, 74. Prendergast, G. L., 165. Prentiss, Mrs., 65. Uathl.nne, AV., 211. Rat /el, F., 143. J., 191. Present t., AV. H., 22-', 21", 247, '2-'. Ravenstein, E. G., 169, 273. Phillimore, R., 106, 209. Preston, G., 2u4. Raverty, H. G., 1, 2. Phillips, 217. J., 2 ,1. Rawlinson, <;., 33, 251). F. C., 239. Prestwich, J., 144, 146. Ra\vsm, R., 257. .1., 145. Pivvost, Camille, 12o. Ravet, O., 25. W., 223. L'AlAe, 131. Ravleigh, Lord, 251. -Paradol, lol. Rayiioiwrd, 266. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Reade, Charles, 239. Rebadien, 125. Robertson, P. W., 280. J. C., 72. S. Rtclus, E., 142. J. P., 118. Sa de Miranda, 262. ),V.l,lin-,C.,313. W., 118, 310. Sabin, J., 48. Redhouse, J. W., 304. Robinson, E.,40. Sabonadiere. W., 88. Heed, E. J., 202. P. Mabel, 239. Sachs, E.. 79, 138. T. A., 284. F. W., 239. ,, Hans, 151. T. B., 264. H.P.,250. J., 50, 52. ., W., 88. , Mrs. (" Talvi "), 285. Sackville, T.. 109. Reeve, Clara, 236. W., 138, 293. Sacy, S. de, 16. Mrs. H., 80. and Smith, 243. Sa' di, 246. ., and Sowerby, 318. Roby, H. J., 204, 271. Sainsburv, W. Noel, 27. Reeves, J., 102. Rock, D., 81. Saint-Beuve, C. A., 129. Regan, Hi, 121. Rockhill, W. W., 53. St. John, C., 290. Reynard, 130. Rockstro, W. S., 225, 227. H., 189. KV-,,ier,130. Rockwell, J. E., 284. S., 190, 312. Reid, 145. Rocquain, P., 127. Saint-Martin, V. de. 140. H., 54. Rodwell, G. P., 60, 194. Simon, 127, 130. ., T., 221. Rein, J. J., 201, 202. Rogers, F. N., 212. ,, J. E. T., 101, 256, 260. Saintsburv, G., 107, 116, 128. Salamon.F., 183. Reinecke, C., 6S. Roget, P. M., 269. Sallust, 206. Remsen, J., 61. Rorieston,G.,317. Salmon, G., 44, 217, 218, 280, 3CO Remusat, C. de, 135. Romanes, G. J., 220. Salvin and Brodrick, 119. Mme. de. 127. Renan, E., 43, 47, 72, 135, 249, 270. Kmmllv. H. H.,38, 242. Ronalds, A., 121. Samuelson, J., 54, 272. Sanctis, P. de, 197. Rendall, P., 46. Ronsard, 130. Sand, George, 132, 134 135. 136. Renouf, P. le Page, 92, 93. Retz, Cardinal de, 130. Roosevelt, T., 229, 304. Roquette, O., 159. Sanday, W., 44. Bandeau, J., i:u, 135. Reuleaux, P., 215. Ros, Lord de, 214. Sander, N., 74. KVumnnt, A. v., 160, 196. Roscher, 259. Sanders, D., 152. Reuss, E., 40. AV. H., 18. Sanderson, G. P.. 291. Renter, P., 159. Roscoe, 103. Sandys, J. E., 161. Reville, A., 270. H. E.. 61. Saiikl'V, C., 163. Rew, R. H., 4. ,, W., 196. Sansone, A., 297. Revhaud, L., 134. and Schorlemmer, 60. Sappho, 165. Reyes, R., 8. and Schuster, 251. Sargant, C. H., 212. H.'Vnolds, J. E. 61. Rhelnbardfe. B. H., 67. Rose, H. J., 286. S., 74. W. L., 259. Sarpi, P., 200. Rhys, J., 97, 122, 311. Rosellini, I., 93. Sauer, C. M., 197. Riano, J. P., 286. Rosenberg, C. B. H. von, 189. Saunders, A., 181. Kibeiro, T. 262. Rosenbusch, 145. H., 319. Ribot, T., 15, 220. Rosenkranz, J. R. P., 90. Saunier. C., 191. Ricardo, D., 256. Rosing, S., 84. Savage, G. H., 220. Rieci, J. H. de, 243. Roskoschny, H., 272. Savigny, P., 209. Rich, A., 18. Ross, D., 187. Sayce, A. H., 33, 43, 247, 270. Richard, J. R. nnd A. S., 96. J., 81. Savons, E., 183. Richards, W., 192, 311. J. C., 21. Bcarth, H. M., 97. Richardson, B. W., 185. C. J., 183. ,, and Cooper. 286. Rossetti, Christina,68. Sehafer, E. A., 9. J. W., 153. J-,21. D. G., 254. Schaff, P., 48, 71, 73, 29-*. Rossi, G., 27. and Jackson, MS. Richer, A. G., 193. Roth, H. Ling, 15, 89. Scharlach, 232. Richmond, W. I)., 264. Rotrou, 130. Scheffel, J.F., 178. Richter, E. P., 226. Roug6, E. de, 93. ,, V. von, loii, l.lii. J. P. P., 154. Roumanille, J., 266. Scheieher. A., 2S5. V. von, 61. Rousseau, J. J., 90, 131. Schellen,H.,251. Ricnthofen.F. F. von, 69. Routh, E., 218. Schellendort, B. von,2J. Rickman, T., 19. Rowan, J.J.. 55. Schelling, P. W. J. von, 249. Ricotti, E. 195. Rowland, T., 311. Srhrllkel, 171. Riddell, Mrs. J. H., 239. Rowlett, 297. Schenkendorff. Max von, lofi. Ridpath, J. C., 305. Rich!, W. H., 159, 160. Rowsell.M. C., 174. Royle, J. Porbes, 88. Rcherer, \V., Ki<>, 154, l.'iii. Scherr, J., 160. Riehm, E., 42, 172. Riickert, P., 155. Schiller. 154. Riemann, B. 217. liicii. C., 246. H., 150. Rudall, 227. Schimmelpenninck, Mrs., 77., A.,227. 1,'i-u. 11., 293. Ruding, R., 240. Schlegel. P..27, 181. Rimmer, A., 20. Ifu.lnlf. Prince. .-,9,291. Schlev and Soley, 21. Ringwalt, J.L.,265. Rink. H., 21, 123. Ruge. S., 118. Rumbold, H., 22. Schlich, 124. Sclilosser, P. C., 118. Riplev, R. S., 307. Rumsev, A., 189. Schmidt, A., 282. Ritchie, D. G., 260. Runeberg, J. L., 294. C., 72. Kitti-r. K.,143. Kus.len, G. W.,37, 38. J..15H. Rivarol, 131. Ruskin, J., 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 63, J.A. E.,255. K'ivrs.T., 139. 195, 214, 258. R.. 11. Rol)ert of Gloucester, 107. Russell, Earl, 99. Schneider. L., 87. Roberts, A. von., 159. H. 8., 37. Schodde, G. H., 44. -Austen, W. C., 221. J., 56. S.-hninann, G. P., 1*52. C., 15. J. R., 219. Schoolcraft, H. R., 14. , E. S., 162. M., 6. Schopenhauer, A.. 219. Miss, 177, 178. W. Clarke, 239. P., 123. W. O.. 103. Schouler, J., io4,':i05. , R. D.,91. Rutherford, Mark, 239. Schrader, E., 34, 43. , R. L.,7. W. G., 161. ()., 13. W., 80. Rutley, P., 145, 223. Schreiner, Olive. 239. and Wallace, 105. Schrever, AV., 147. Roliertson, E. W., 27. Schroeder, L. von, 276. INDEX OF AUTHORS. 335 Schubin, O., 160. Schuekard, VV. E., 318. Sime, J., 153,154. William, 239. Spencer, H., 90, 117, 221, 248, 259, Bohflrer, E., 47. Sirnmonds, P. L., 88, 317. Spenser, E,, 109. Schutzenberger, 253. Simms, F., 2H8, 294. Spielhagen, F., 159. Schuyler, E., 273. Schwegler, A., 248. Simon, J, 185. Simpson, A. J., 104. Spilabur,-. W. H., 214. Spinoza/249. Schweichel, R., 159. H., 74. 283. Spitta-Itey, 17. Schveinfurth, G., 3. W. G., 161. Spit! a, P., 227. St-hweinitz, 73. W. S., 214. Spofford 304. Schwicker, J., 183. Sims, R., 172. Spohr, L., 227. Scott, Gilbert, 19, 214. Spottiswoode, J., 75. J., 5. Sinclair, Catherine, 239. Sprague, W., 308. J. G., 54. L., 25. ,, and Brophy, 54. and Fyfe, 312. Spratt, T. A. B., 220. Sprenger, A., 215. Michael, 66. R. H., 222. Singer, I., 183. Siret, A., 26. Sprmier, C. von., 36, 117. Spurgeon, C. H., 280. Sibbald, 22. SiMiiondi, J. C., 126, 195. Spurrell, G. J., 171. Scribe, E.', 136. 282. Stables, G., 86. Scrivrn, J., 103. Skeats, H., 76. Stuck, E., 245. Scrivener, 47. Skeen,W.,264., 131. Scrope, W., 291. Skelton, J., 278. Stagnelius, E. J., 295. Scrutton, T. E., 103,104. T., 108. Stahl, P. J., 135. Scudder, S. H., 318, 32U. Skene, W. F., 27S. Stainer, J., 226. Beaton, A. E., 314. Secchi, A., 34. Sedaine 136 Skertcbley.J. A.,2. siai.r, J. Hartrt,210. Slavici J. 183. and Barrett, 228. Stanhope, Lord, 99. Seddall.H., 219. Sleeman, C., 228. 243, 280. Seebohm, P., 14, 73. Slingo and Brooker, 94. H. M., 3. H., 273, 319. Smart, Hawley, 239. W. F.,294. Seeley, J. R., 79, 116, 127, 149. Smedley, F. E., 239. Stapleton, A., 99. , L. B., 112. Smiles, S., 95,96, 315. Stare, J., 183. R. B., 97, 259. Smith, Adam, 111, 256. Starr, L., 86. Sequin, L. G., 6, 147. ,, C., 6, 217. Statins, 208. Segur, Mme. de, 136, 137. Selgas, Jos* 4 , 290. Charlotte, 236. E.,80. Staunton, H.,62, 309. Stavelev, E. F., 318. Sellar, W. Y., 204. ,, G., 33, 187, 224. S:,-bbing, 73. Seller and Stephens, 210. G. A., 42. Stebler and Schroter, 4. Selous. F. C., 291 . Gold win, 113, 181. Stedman, A. M., 309. SehvynandDawson,55. H., 105. E. C., 254. Semper, G., 28. H. H., 52. Steel, J. H., 86, 211. ! K., 315. Hamblin, 146. ,, andLvttieton, >:'. Seneca the elder, 207. Horace, 236. and Temple, 123. ,, the younger, 207. J., 26, 105, 139. Stein. A., 160. Senior, W., 121. ,, J. T., 27. Steingass, F., 16. Bennett, R., 229. J. Toulmin,211,212. Steinitz, W., 62. Sergeant Adeline 239. , J. W. 104 Stephen, H. J., 102. L., 261. Louisa E., 86. J. P., 103, 106, 260. Serret, 218. ,, R. Bosworth, 188, 250, 270, Leslie, 116, 117. Settembrini, L., 200. 271. Stephens, A. H., 3u7. S4vtgn6, Mme. de, 130. Sewell, Anna, 67. ,, R. H., 95, 215. R. M., 252. H.,4. J. P., 318. S)l:t,l\V(!ll, 25. T.,291. W. R., 58. Shakespeare, 282. T. R.,19. Stern, L., 81. Sharp, P., 297. W., 36, 40, 163, 271. Sterne, L., Ill, 236. W., 155. W. G.,4. Stevens, A., 76. Shaw, Flora, 65. ,, W. Robertson, 14, 42. J. L., 294. H.,29, 31,82, 183. ,, (Brothers), 254. Stevenson, R. L., 66, 68, 110, 12 T. G., 313. and Hornemann, 232. 174, 240. W., 23. ,, and Porcher, 7. Stewart, A., 278. andDonnell,91. ,, and Slater, ? 9. Balfour, 250, 251 . Shearman, M., 124. , , and Trusti am ,103. D. J., 58. and others. 35. Smollett. T., Ill, 236. J., 82. Sliedd, W. G. T., 299. Sheldon, J. P., 83. Smyth, R. B., 15. VV.W.,145. and Gee, 251. Stieler, K., 147. Sheiford, L., 104. Snoilsky, C.,294. Stimson, P. J., 308. Shelley, C., 313. SnoiTi/Sfurlusou, 186. Stirling, J. H.,249. P. B., 112. Socin.A., 16. Stjorn, 186. Shepard, J. H., 61. Solomon, F. W., 42. Stockton, F. R., 240. Sheridan, R. B., 111. Soltera, M., 8. Stokes, G. G., 251. >lmrcfT, E.,90. Souiienschein, A., 91. ,, G. T., 71,73. Shorthouse, J. H., 174. E. A., 2ti4. H. P.,L',S1>. Shortt, J., 104. and Nesbitt, 22. Maive. U'l. Sihree,J.,215. Sophocles, 165, 166. \Vhitk-v, 193. Siilgwick, A., 91. Si.rley, W. R., 224, 25S. Stone, L.. 121. ,, H., 116, 255. Soule, 106. 0.'M.,35. Mrs. A., 157. South, Canon, 280. W.H..2i6. Sidney, P., 109. J. F., 219. " Stonehenge," S6, 138, 2S3. S., 181,211. Southward, J., 2i<4. Stonev, B,, 95. 8idonlu8ApolllnariB,308. Souvcstic, K.. i::i, 135. Storer, F. H.. 5. Siegfried and Strack, 171. Sowden, W. J.,38. Storm, T., 159. Sievers, E., 10, 114. Sparkes, E. I., liO. Storr and Turiipr. 64. Silius Italicus, 208. Bpedding, J., 98, 109. St il'V. J.. 105, 11.16, 308. Silva, Pereira da, 262. Si>eiu-e, G., 106 Stoiighton. J., 7.-,, ;6, 2fv'>. J. F. da, 263. J. M..8. StowJ., 213. Simcox, W. H., 47, 71. Spencer, C., 8:. J. P., 38. 336 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Stowe, Harriet B., 240. Stowell, Hugh, 2-iO. and Storrow, 221. Tegetmeier, W. B., 211. Tegg. 63. Tegner, E., 294, 295. Tonrgueniev, 275. Tours, H., 227. C. de. 125. Struck, H. L., 170, 172. Temple, P., 2sO, 3(K). Toussaint, Mme. Bosboom, 87. Strachey, J., 187. Templt'-Lra.l.-r an. I Marcotti, 195. Tovey, C.. 313. K.,142. Tennant. J. E., 59, 013. Towrisend, W. C., 241. Strauss, D. Y., 137. E., 219. Toy, C. H., 47. Streckfuss, A., 147. Tennyson, A., 254. Tovnbee, A., 256. Street, G. E., 19. Terence, 205. Tozer, H. H., 77, 219, 3J3. Streeter, E. W., 264. TexierandPullan, 19. Traherne, Major. 121. Strieker, S., 9. Thackeray, P., 99. Traill, H. D., 102. Ill, 255. Strickland, Agnes. 67. Miss. 240. T. W.. 293. Strindberjr, A., 295. strung and Meyar.liO. W. M., 63, 99,111,113, 240. Train, J., 216. Tredgold. 54. Strutt, J., 26. Thausing, M., 27. Treitschke, H. von, 149. Strvpc, J., 74. Theal, G. McCall, 56, 57, 124. Trench, B. C., 46, 47, 68, 231, 239, Stuart, C. and J., 291. Theakston, M., 121. 301. Esme-, 177. Theocritus, 168. Trendell, A. J. It., 79. Stuart-Glennie. J. H., 123. Theophrastus, 168, 169. Trevelvan, G. O., 113. Stuart and Kevett, 19. Theuriet, A., 134. Trimmer, Mrs.. 65. Stubbs, J. W., 309. W., 78, 97, 99,100. Thielmann, Max von, 273. Tlii.-rrv, 134. Tristram, H. B., 40, 243. frollope. A., 36, 56, 113, 177, 240, Stumm, H., 31. Thiers, A., 127. 312. Sturgis, Julian, 240. Stuttield, H. E. M., 225. Thomae, I., 218. Thomas a Kempis, 300. T.A.. 179, 196. Tromholt, S., 232. Sue, E., 134. Thomas, J. J., 5. Trommius, A.. 43. Suetonius, 208. H. 8., 121. Trotter, L. J., 188. Sully, Due de, 127. Thompson, P E., 13. Trouessart, E. L., 15, 316. J., 221. H., 80. 82. Troutbeck, J. 227. Sumner, W. G., 257, 308. 8. P., 93, 94. Trueba, A. de, 290. Suit-..-. K.,240. W., 319. Trumbull, G., 283. Sutoliffe, I.D.,313. W. D'Arov, 320. H. Clay, 91. Sutton, P. ,1)2. W. P., 2J5. Tschermak, G.,2'.'3. M.J., 4. Thomson, A. W., 5. Tschndi, J. V., 293. , W., 32. C. Wvville, 316. Tucker, H. W., 75. Swainson, C. A., 301. Swf.-t, H., 10. D., 139. G. G., 251. J. 8., 230. Tudor, O. D., 105. Swift, J., 63, 111. J., 3, 69. 180, 225. Tuke, D. H., 220, 266. Swinburne, A. C., 116, 254, 283. J.,94. Svlwl. K. von. 118, 127. T., 60. W., 93. W. M., 40. Tapper, P. B., 60. Turner, C. E., 274. G., 242, 243. Svm.-s, J. B. f 235. Symington, J., 9. and Tait, 250. Thoreau.H. D., 116. W., 9. and Parker, 19. Tuttle H., 149. 19ti, 198. 283. Szigligeti, E., 184. and Walford, 213. Thome, T., 182. Thornton, P. du Pro, 16. Tyerman, L., 75. Tyler, J. E., 97. Tylor, E. B., 13. T., 2. Thorold, A. W..280. Tymms and Wyatt, 31. Tyndale, W., 108. Thorpe, B., 11. Tyndall, J., 62, 251, 296. T. ,, T.E..61. Tytler, S., 174, 176, 177, 210. Thouar, P., 201. Tacitus, 207. Thoulet, J., 143. Taine, H., 27, 107, 127, 212, 221. Thring, E.,90. Tait, P. G., 250. 251. Lord, 2S9. "Talvi" (Mrs. liobinson), 2*5. and others, 24, 108. U. Tannenberj?, B. de, 288. Thrapp, G. A., 191. Tarn, E., 53. Thucvdides, 166. Udall, P., 109. Tarver, E. J., 18. Thud'ichum anil Duprd, 313. Uhland, L., 135. Tasrhrnl.lTg, 320. Thureau-Dangin,127. l T jfalvv, 120. Tasso, 199. Tilmllus, 207. Ulmanu, C., 73. Taswell-Langmead, T. P., 99. Ticknor, G., 288. and Brasohf, 2-5. T.itr. W.,257. Tieck, L., 154. Unwin, W. C., 9-\ 215. Taunt, 213. Tiele, C. P., 33, 270. Ure, A., 95. Taussig, P. W., 257. Tien, A., 17. Urquhart, J. W., 192. Ta vernier, 141. Tikhomirov, L.,274. Ustrialov, N., 274. Tavlor, A., 219. Tillev. A. A., 129. Uzanne, O., 82. " A. and J., 68. Tilt.'E. T.,170. , Bayard, 157. Timbs, J., 213. C.; 147, 171. Timmins, S , mi. , Ellen M., 35. , Pranklin, 226. Tmipn-lev, C. H.,265. Tiraboschi, 197. V. I., 144. Tisserand, 35. Jeremy, 110,280, 300. Tissot, C., 6. Vacher, P., 185. J. Pitt. 106. , MwuioHS. 175. Toequeville, A. de, 127, 306. Todd, A., 56, 100. Vachon, 125. Vaidya, L. R., 276. Sedley, 226. Todhunter. I., 6, 1 Hi, 217, 21 s, ::o_>. Vaizey, J. W., 104. " Tom, 37. T,,ldy, P., 183. Valera, J.. 2S9. W. P., 3i. Tolstoi, 275. Valerius Flaccus, 208. and Cresv, 19. Tomes, C. S., 9. Maximus, 208. and others, 57. Tooke, W., 273. Valle, Pietro della. 141. Tchehicheff, P.. 218. and New-march, 259. Vallcfe, P., 48. Tchihatcheff, P. de, 6. Topelius, Z., 295. Vamb^rv, A., 32, 183. Tenle, T. P., 185. Tiipffer, 135. VaH.lrrkimlrr,., L.,231. Teall, 145. Topinard. P., 15. Vanderwell HIH! Witham, .85. Telfer, J. B., 273. Torraca, P., 197. Van-Eys, J. W. J., 39. INDEX OF AUTHORS. 337 Vapereau, G., 128. Walpole, H., 26, 99, 112, 236. Whitaker, W., 146. Vassall, H., 124. 8., 99. White, A. S., 2. Yasari, G., 200. \VaHic and Sargent, 179. Gilbert, 67. Vaughan, C. J., 46, 281. Walsingham and Galhvey, 283. W., 39, 76. H., 110. Walter, 23. ,, W. H.. 229. H. ( 76. F.,311. Whitington, G. F., 35. Vauvenargues, 131. Vaux, W. S.. 245. R., 141. Walther von der Vogelweide, 151 Whitley, 163. Whitman, C. O., 319. Velasquez, 288. Walton, I., 110, 121. Walt, 254. Veley, Margaret, 240. Venn J., 212. and Cotton, 67. Wagner, J., 3. Whitney, J. D., 304. W. D., 114, 151, 276. Venosta, G. Visconti, 201. Ward, A. W., 74, 292. W. N., 201. Verdy du Vernois, 23. H. Marshall, 51. Whitworth, W. H., *17. Verne, Jules, 135, 176. Verrall, A. W., 204. and Harrison, 162. J-, 4. Mrs. Humphry, 240. ,, T. H., 99, 114. Whymper, E., 67. Whyte-Melville, G. J., 174, 175. 178, 180, 240. Verteuil, L. A. A. de, 313. W., 75. Wiekes, W., 171. Veth, P. J., 190. Wardle, J., 88. Wicksteed, P. H., 255. Viehoff, H.,154. Vieira, A. de, 262. Wardrop, O., 273. Ware, W. R., 28. Wiedemann, G., 93. Wieland, C. M., 152. Vieyra, A., 261. Warlomont, E., 310. Wiener, C., 9. Vigeant, A., 120. Vigfusson and Powell, 187. AVarner, C. D., 116, 240. Warneck, G., 224. Wijcsinha. L. 0.. 244. Wilberforce, H. W. W., 210. Vignon, L., 6. Warren, 128. R. I., 25)9. Vigny A. de 132 136 176 Samuel, 240. ,, S., 64, 75 281. Villari, P., 196, 200. Warton, T., 107, Wilbrandt, A., 157. Villehardouin, 130. Watcrtou, C.. 67, 317. Wilcocks, J. C.,121. Villemain, A. F., 72. Watkins, H. W., 44. \\iMnilinicli, E. von, 156. VillhTS-Stuart, H., 92. Watson, C., 51. Wilhem, 227. Villon, 130. Forbes, 89. Wilkcii, F.,118. Vilmorin-Andrieux, M., 139. H. C., 51. Wilkes, C., 242. Vilovsky, T., 183. J., 249. Wilkins, A., 163. Vincent, F., 8. J. C., 34. D.,77. J. H., 91. P. B.,-294. , W., 36. Viollet-le-Duc, 19, 20, 21. R. G., 8, 245. Wilkinson, G., 19. Viollet, P., 127. R. S., 11. J. G., 92. Virgil, 206, 207. and Bean, 139. Willems, A., 265. Vitu, A.,293. Watt, A., 191, 192. William, W. M., 80. Vivian, A. P., 291. Wattenbach, W., 148. Williams, E. V., 106. Vlachos, A., 161. Watts, 62, 251. J., 103. Vloten, L., 87. Wauvermans H., 3. Jane, 311. Vogt,, C., 319. Webb, Mrs. J. B., 176, 178. Monier, 270. 276. Vogue", E. M. de, 274. T. W., 34. R., 59. Voiture, 130. Weber, A., 276. R. V., 104. Volkel, M. J. A., 285. G., 181. S. W., 69. Voltaire, 131, 134, 294. Webster, Wentworth, 286. W., 310. Vondel, J. van, 87. and Vinsjn, 123. and Bruce, 106. Yosma^r, 27. Weddell, J., 21. and Saunders, 106. Vymazal, F., 49, 54, 255. Weil, G., 215. Williamson, B., 217. Weir, A., 118. and Tarleton, 218. Weisbach, J., 94. Willis-Bund, J. W., 121. Weiss, B., 44, 47. C. J., 245. C., 287. Weissmann, A., 315. R., 58, 73, 219. Willshire. W. H.,57. W. Weitemeyer, H., 84. Wilmot, A., 56. Welch, C., 213. Wilson, A., 24; Wackernagel,W., 150. J. J., 229. O., 26, 40. Waddington, J.,76. Weld, A., 77. ,, G., 62, 185. Wade and Hillier, 70. Welhaven, J. S., 233. H., 307. Wagner, J., 3. Wells, J. W., 52. J., 4. Waite, J. M., 120. Wail/., Cr., 148. Wendt, E. E., 229. Wenstrom and Lundgren, 294. J.(ChristopherNorth),116, 236. Wakeman, H. O., 75. Walford, C., 33. Wergeland, H., 233. Wershoven F J 95 ,, J. C.,168. J M 281 ' E!,' 2i3. West, C., 86. ,, Mrs. M. A., 211. L. B., 240. J.,38. ,, R., 293. Walker, A. D., 170. Westbury, H., 178. T., 301. F. A., 255, 256, 257, 253. West liv-Uibsou, J., 284. .. W., 295. H. B., 55. Westcott.B.F., 40, 44, 45, 281, 298, W. S.. 170. Mrs., 272. 299. ,, and Fowler, 116. W. F., 35. W. S., 282. Westgarth, W., 36. \\Vstliall, C., 35. ,. and Geikie, 315. ,, and Grey, 264. Wall, C. H., 261. Westlake, J.,209. and Warren, 243. ,, -Beresford, H. de la Poer, 37. Westwood and Satchell, 121. Wimmer. L. T. A., 186. Wallace, 106. Weyman, 8., 176. \Vinrkrlman. 25. A. K., 242, 266, 315, 316. Weymouth, R. F., 12. Wharton, F,, 106. Windisch, E., 193. Winer, G. B., 47, 298. E., 168. W. J. L., 143. Wines, F. H., 265. L., 180. Whateley, R., 212. \Vingii.-M, !,,.\vis, 175. E., 36, 187, 210. W., 249. Wheatley, H. B., 58. 210, 213. and Delmotte, 30. Wn&erand Lunge, 62. Winslow, Forbes, 220. Wallin, J. 0., 295. Wheaton, H., 209. Winsor, Justin, 306. \Valii>, A.,179. ,, G., 30. Wind aright, H., 291. Vmetham, J. \V. 15., 169. Winstanlev, H., 1. Winston, C., 31. Wallon, H., 97, 126. Whevvell, W., 213. \Vimlicr, C., 85. \\almi.slcv, 53. and Lassaulx, 19. Winton and Millar, 293. 338 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Wirth, Max, 296. Wise, A. T., 77.170,179. Wright, D., 281. L., 211, 251. Yeo, J. B., 80, 170. G-. P., 252. Wiseman, Cardinal, 77, 179. ., R. 8., 103. Yonge. C. D., 229. Witt, C., 64. T., 10, 97, 100. C.M., 66,67, 174, 176,17 J. de, 43. W., 16, 17, 247. 180, 240. Wodrow, R., 75. and Hobhouse, 258. Young, A., 231. Wolf, R., 34. Wolff, 63, 156. Wrightson, J., 4. Wrottesley, G., 24. , C. A., 34. , M., 74. Wolfram von Eschenbach, 151. Wiilcker, R. P., 10. Younghusband, Capt., 138. Wolley, C. P., 55. Wulfstan, 11. Yriarte, 125, 196. Wolse'ley, G., 23. Wundt, W., 220. Yule, H.,54, 140. Woltman and Woerman, 25. Wvclif, J., 108. and Burnell, 144. Wood, Catherine, 241. Wylie, A., 70. C. W., 219. J.E.,97. J., 32. Wynn, Ellis, 311. J. G., 14, 67. Wynne, J. A., 231. Mrs. Henry, 240. Wyon, F. W., 98. Z. Woodfall, W., 104. " Wyvern," 80. Woodford, C. M., 242. Zacharie, H. S., 305. Woods, J. E. Tenison, 37. Zaelmsdorf, J. W., 48. M. A., 68. Zambaldi, P., 197. Woodward, H. B., 145. Zelechowski, E., 275. S. P., 317. X. Zeller, E., 248. Woolsey, T. D., 209. Zeuner, G., 293. Woolson, F., 240. Wordsworth, C., 42, 44, 75, 309. Xenophon, 167. Zeuss, J. C., 193. Zimmer, H., 193. J., 270. W., 112. and Coleridge, 112. Zimmern, Helen, 149, 153. Zincke, F. B., M. Zinkeisen, J. W., 303. Wornum, R. N., 26, 27, 28. Zoheir, 17. Wortapet and Porter, 16. Zollner, J. C. P., 267. Worthington, A. M., 250. Zottoli, A., 70. Wotton, 109. Yarrell, W., 318, 319. Zunz, 171. Wratislaw, A. H., 49, 123, 148. Yate, A. C., 1. Zupitza, 10. Wright, C. H., 41. Yeats, J., 191. Zvetkov, A., 274. INDEX OF BIOGEAPHIES AND AUTOBIOGRAPHIES. A. Carlvle, T., 113. Falletti, Marchesa Giulia, 26 Catherine 11. of Russia, 273. Faraday, Michael, 62. Adams, John, 308. Catherine of Siena, St., 72. Forbes. Edward. 315. J. Q., 308. Cavendish, Henry, 62. Forsyth, Sir D., 142. Agassiz, Louis, 315. Cavour, Count, 196. ! Fox, C. J., 99. Albert, Prince, 99. Angelo, Michael, 26. Caxton, William, 264. Cellini, Benvenuto, 27. ,, George, 76. Francis of Assisi, St., 72. Anselm, St., 72. Channing, 76. Franklin, Benjamin, 308. Alison, Lord, 230. Chatham. Lord. 99. Sir J., 141. Arc, Jeanne d', 126. i Chopin, 227. Frederick the Great, 24. 149. Arnold, Dr., 89. ' Gibber, Colley, 292. Freytag, G., 156. Artevelde, James and Philip, 231. . Cicero, 206. Frcebel789. Austen, Jane, 113. Azeglio, M. d', 200. Clyde, Lord (Colin Campbell), 25. Columbus, 140, 287. Fry, Elizabeth, 265. Comenius, 89. Constable, 27. Cook, Captain, 141. Correggio, 27. GK B. Cranmer, 74. Cromwell, Oliver, 97. Gainsborough, 27. Bach, 227. Gambier, Lord, 230. Bacon, Francis, 109. Garibaldi, 196. Baxter, Richard, 110. Garrick, David, 292. Beccaria, 200. Garrison, W. Lloyd, 307. Beethoven, 227. D. Goethe, 153, 154. Bernard, St., 72. Goldsmith, 111. Bernardino Ochino, of Siena, 74. Dalhousie, Lord, 186. Bertran de Born, 266. i Dalton, John, 62. Gordon, Charles George, 25. Grant, General, 307. Betterton, Thomas, 292. Darwin, Charles, 315. Beust, Count, 149. Davis, John, 140. Blake, Admiral, 229. Davy, Sir Humphrey, 62. Boleyri, Anne, 98. i Deak, Francis, 183. Gregory VI I., 72. Grillparzer, 155. Grindal, Archbishop, 74. Bolingbroke, 98. ! Defoe. 111. Bossuet, 77. Dickens, C., 113. Brassey, T., 95. Dominic, St., 72. Bronte, Charlotte, 113. Drake, Sir F., 140. H. Brooke. Sir J., 190. Dundonald, Earl of, 230. Brunei, I. K., 95. Diirer. Alb.. 27. Handel, 227. Buddha, 53. Harvey, 219. Bunyau, John, 110. Hastings, Warren, 186. Buonaparte, Napoleon, 24. Hawke, Admiral Lord. 2.MO. Burgoyne, Sir J., 24. Hawkwood, Sir John, 195. Burke, Edmund, 99. E. Hebbel, F., 155. Burney, Fanny, 112. Heine, 155. Burns, Robert, 112. Edward, Thomas, 31?. Henry of Monmouth, 97. Burton, R. F., 141. Eliot, George. 113. the Navigator 140. Erasmus. 73. Herculauo, A., 263. Eugene, Prince, 24. Herder, 153. Herschel, Caroline, 35. Sir William, 35. c. Holbein. 27. Home, D. D., 267. Calvin, 73. F. 1 Howard, John, 265. Campbell, Colin (Lord Clyde), 25. i Howe, Lord, 230. Campion, Edmund, 74. Fairhairn, W., 95. Hudson, Henry, 140. Canning, George, 99. j Fairfax, Admiral, 229. i Humboldt, 141. 340 INDEX OF BIOGRAPHIES AND AUTOBIOGRAPHIES. Hume, D., 111. Mozart, 227. Scott, Walter, 111. Hunter, John, 219. Murchison/Sir R., 141, 146. Sedi^uick, 146. Hus, John, 148. Murillo, 27. Settembrini, L., 200. Shaftesbury, Firsl, Earl of, Lord, 259. Shakespeare, 283. Shellev, 113. I. N. Siddons, Mrs., 292. Siemens, Sir William, 95. Irving, Edward, 76. Napier, Sir C., 24. Simon org, 76. Jenner, 219. Swift, 111. .lolm a Lasco, 74. Johnson, Dr., 111. 0. Ochino, Bernardino, of Siena, 74. T. Oldenbarnevelt, John of, 231. K. Owen, Robert, 2o9. Telford, 96. Thackeray, 113. Kane, Elisha K., 141. Thorwaldsen, 27. Cftufmann, Angelica, 27. Titian, 27. Kean, Charles, 292. Turenne.24. ,, Edmund, 292. P. Turner, 27. Keith, Lord, 230. Kemble, John P., 292. Paleario, 74. Ken, Bishop, 75. Palliser, Sir Hugh, 230. Kossuth, L., 83. Palmerston, Lord, 99. Park, Mungo, 3. U. Parker, Archbishop, 74. Pasteur, 219. Ulrich von Hutten, 157 Penn, William, 76. L. Sir W., 229. Pestalozzi, 89. Laud, Archbishop, 75. Peter the Great, 273. Lawrence, Lord, 186. Phelps, Samuel, 293. V. Leo X., 196. Pitt, William, 99. Lessing, 153. Pius IX., 196. Velasquez, 27. Liebig, 62. Pope, A., 110. Vietor Emmanuel, 196. I, ineoln, Abraham, 307. Prince Consort, 99. Voltaire, 127. Livingstone, D., 141. Louis, St., 126. Lorenzo de Medici, 196. Loyola, Ignatius, 74. Luther, Martin, 73. R. W. Lyell, Sir C., 146. Raleigh, Sir W., 140, Raphael, 26, 27. Walpole, Sir R., 98. Ward, William G., 75. Rembrandt, 27. Washington, 24. Reuter, Fritz, 157. Watt, James, 96. M. Revnolds, Sir Joshua, 27. Weber, 227. Richardson, Sir J., 141. Wellington, Duke of, 24. Macaulay, Lord, 113. Machiavelli, 196. Magellan, 140. Mahomet, 215. Rousseau, 127. Rubens, 27. Russell, Earl, 99. Wesley, Jchn, 75. Whitgift, Archbishop, 74. Wiclif, 73. Wilberforee, William, 75. Marlborough, Duke of, 24. Mathew, Father, 6. Wilson, Bishop, 216. Witt, John de, 231. Maurv, M. P., 141. Wolsey, Cardinal, 97. Mazzini, 196. S. tbeteady, 292. Meissner, A., 157. Sadler, M. T., 259. Mendelssohn, 227. St. Vincent, Earl, 230. Michael Angelo, 26. Savonarola, 200. X. Milton, John, 75. Schiller, 154. Moffatt, Robert and Mary, 142. Sehlcgel, Caroline, 157. Xavier, St. Francis, 74. Montfort, Simon de, 97. Schumann, 227. Ximenez, Cardinal, 73. ADVEETISEMENTS OF BOOKSELLERS. ENGLAND AND WALES. BANG OR. Jarvis & Foster, Lome House. BARNSTAPLE. Robert Harper, 27, High-street. BIRMINGHAM. Edward Baker, 15 & 17, John Bright- street. (10,000 books of all lands in stock ; catalogues jree.) Cornish Brothers, 37, New-street. Midland Educational Company, Ltd. (Netv and second-hand books ; export.) BOURNEMOUTH. T. J. Powell, Bookseller and Stationer, 71, Commercial-road. BRADFORD. W. Cockcroft, Post Office, Girlington, and Belle Vue Post Office, 75, Manningham-lane. BRIGHTON. D. B. Friend & Co., 77, Western- road, and 56, Church-road, Hove. Edward North, 30, Church-road, Hove. William J. Smith, 41, 42, 43, North- street. (Largest stock in the county.) H. & C. Treacher, 1 & 170, North- street, and 44, East-street. BRISTOL. Scholastic Trading Co., Ltd., 34, Bridge - street. (School and General Booksellers.) Thomas Thatcher. 44, College Green. 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Richard Amer, Lincoln's-Inn-Gate, Carey- street, W.C. (Laiv Books.) Henry Burnside, Blackheath, S.E. W. B. Clive, & Co., 13, Booksellers'- row, Strand, W.C. (Books for London University Examinations?) Congregational Union of England and Wales, Memorial Hall, Far- ringdon-street. (Congregational Hymnals, and Theological Lec- tures.) Crosby, Lockwood & Son, 7, Stationers' Hall Court, E.C. (Publishers of Scientific, Technical, and Educational Books, and Export Booksellers.) A. & F. Denny, 304, Strand, W.C. (Scientific and Medical.) Francis Edwards, 83, High-street, Marylebone, W. (Voyages and Travels.) Gilbert & Field, 67, Moorgate-street, E.C. William Glaisher, 265, High Holborn, W.C. (New books and remainders.) Hachette & Co., 18, King William- street, Charing Cross, W.C. (French Books.) Charles Higham, 27A, Farringdon- street, B.C. (Second-hand Theo- logical Books of all kinds, ancient and modern.) Jones & Evans, 77, Queen-street, Cheapside, B.C. (All important New and Standard Books ; also Art Books, and L. P. and special editions.) LONDON coiitd. H. K. Lewis, 136, Gower-street, 1 36, Gower-street, W.C. (Medical and Scientific.) Moffatt & Paige, 28, Wawick-lane, E.C. Educational Publishers and Booksellers.) David Nutt, 270, Strand, W.C. (Foreign, Classical, and Theological) H.'E. Pearce, 6 and 8, Cleaver-street, Kennington Cross, S.E. George Philip & Sons, 32, Fleet- street, B.C. (Geographical, and Technical Books, Maps, Atlases, and Globes.) George H. Robinson, The New Book Court, Crystal Palace, Norwood. (Newest books on day of publication) Walter Scott & Sons, 512, Brixtou- road, S.W. Truslove & Shirley, 143, Oxford- street, W. William Wesley & Son, 28, Essex- street, Strand, W.C. (Natural History and Science.) John G. Wheeler, 88, Mildrnay Park, N. (Bibles and Evangelical Litera- ture.) Wildy & Sons, Lincoln's Inn Arch- way, Carey-street, W.C. (Law Books, new and second-hand.) A. Wilson (late J. Gilbert & Co.), 18, Gracechurch - street, B.C. (Standard current Literature ; Books for Workmen's Institutes and Libraries.) MANCHESTER. J. E. Cornish, 16, St. Ann'g-squaro, (New and old Bookseller. ) Abel Hey wood & Son, 56 and 58, Oldham - street. (Technical and General.) MIDDLESBROUGH. Smith & Woolston, 22, Wilson-street. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. William Beavis, Nelson-street. NORWICH. Agas H. Goose, Rampant Horse- street. (Theological and Archae- ological.) Jarrold & Sons ; branches at Cromer and Yarmouth. London House, 3, Paternoster-buildings, B.C. (Topo- graphical and Antiquarian Works relating to the Eastern Counties.) ADVERTISEMENT* OF BOOKSELLERS. 343 NOTTINGHAM. R. Allen & Son, Limited, Caxton House, 34, Long-row. (Farm Account Books, and Almanacks.) James Bell, Carlton-strcet. OXFORD. Joseph Thornton & Son, 11, Broad- street. (Scholastic and University Books; also Theology.) PLYMPTON. Mrs. Ellen Parish, Bookseller and Stationer, Fore-street, Ridgeway. READING. Miss Lang-ley, 37 and 39, London- street. (A Collection of Buskin's Works ; rare and valuable editions ; Circulating Library.) William Smith, 109 and 111, London- street. (Miscellaneous books, new and second-hand.') ST.-LEONARD'S-ON-SEA. Whittaker & Williams, Royal Victoria Library. STOCKPOBT. Henry Dooley, 22, Lower Hillgate. (Old and new bookseller.) TAUNTON. Barnicott & Son, Fore-street. (Pub- lishers of " The Country Gentleman's Reference Catalogue.") Al exander Hamniet t, 53 , N orth-street. THIRSK. Zaccheus Wright, Market-place. TORQUAY. Arthur Westley, 10, Strand. (Pub- lisher of Torquay Guides, Plans and Maps.) ULVERSTON. Mrs. S. J. Whitham, 47, Market- street. (Bookseller and Circu- lating Library.) WARWICK. Henry T. Cooke & Son, 9, High- street. WE LLINGBOUO U GH. Dennes Bros., Booksellers and Printers. (Depot for the S.P.C.K.) WlGAN. James Starr, 43 and 45, Wallgate, and North Western Station Ap- proach. (New and second-hand books.) WlSBECII. Leach & Sou. WOODBRIDGE. John Loder, Stationers' Hall. WORCESTER. Deighton & Co., 53, High-street. (Domesday Books, Worcestershire and Local Histories.) SCOTLAND. ABERDEEN. D. Wyllie & Son, Booksellers and Stationers, 247, Union-street, and Bridge-street. (Local, Antiqua- rian; First Editions; Circulating Library.) ARBROATH. Mrs. Sutherland, 2191, High-street (Literature of every class.) EDINBURGH. George Adam Young & Co., 102, South Bridge. (Second-hand Foreign Literature, especially Ilebreio and Greek.) Andrew Elliott, 17, Princes-street. (General Bookseller and Pub- lisher.) R. W. Hunter, Theological Book Depot, 19, George IV. Bridge. (Theological and General Litera- EDINBURGH contd. tare, new and second-hand; cata- logues post free. ) Macniven & Wallace, 138, Princes- street. (New and second-hand books ; library.) James Thin, Bookseller, 55, South Bridge. (All departments, new and second-hand.) GLASGOW. Robert L. Holmes, Wholesale Book- seller, 3 and 5, Dunlop-street. James Maclehose & Sons, 61, St. Vincent-street. (Booksellers to the University.) John Smith & Son, 129, West George- street. (Law, Scientific, and Maps.) Alexander Stenhouse, College Gate, Hillhead. ( University, Medical, and General; new and second-hand.) 1 5 1962 344 ADVERTISEMENTS OF BOOKSELLERS. IRELAND. BELFAST. William Mullan & Son, 4, Donegall- place. (Educational and General.} COLERAINE AND PoiiTRUsii, Co. Deny. Miss Woods. DUBLIN. Hodges, Figgis & Co., 104,Grafton- street. (Booksellers and Publishers DUBLIN contd. to the University of Dublin : Sole Agents in Ireland for the sale of Government publications.) William McGee, 18, Nassau-street. (College, School, Law, and Medi- cal.) PRINTED BY HARBISON AND .SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, LONDON. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED I This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. NOV6 1962 JAN 6 1QRR eneral Library rsity of California Berkeley