THE TRUTH IDA Q t A3HN?SiTIR LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF -. Class TRUTH A MESSAGE FROM THE SPIRIT BY IDA G. ASHENFELTER IDA G. ASHENFELTER Covina, Cal. Copyright by Ida G. Ashenfelter. 1908 CONTENTS Page Introduction 5 The Beginning 11 Planes of Creation 13 Evolving Intelligences 18 Personal Infinity and Its Evolvement 21 Jehova and Jehovana 27 Abel, the Head of Man 28 Saint Andrew, the Head of Physical Creation .... 31 Saint Germane 35 The Creative Trinity 41 Empowerment for Sexual Purity 44 Empowering the Wrong Entities 45 Zeus, Head of Human 46 Creating the Human 49 Secondary Creation 51 Romane 54 Verdane 54 Closing the Seerage Powers 55 The Green Oil 57 Father Neptune 60 Pandora as the Eagle 61 Moline, the Sun Maker 64 Colored Races 67 Strenuosity and Purity 69 Creative Entities of the Lower Planes 71 What a Cycle Is 74 Freeing the Holders 75 170043 CONTENTS Continued Page Forgetting Things 79 Yerma's Copper Wire 85 My White Power 91 My Steel 92 The Infinite Green Power 94 Pan in the Work 95 The House of Power 102 The Spirit Sword 104 Pan's Tongue Power 107 The Sexless Men of Saturn Ill What It Is to Come in Perfection 112 Powers of the Perfect 115 The Perfect Physical 119 Supplementary Planets 124 Self Empowerments 128 Moving Westward 132 INTRODUCTION To some this may seem to be the book of an egotist, but I have been promised that the truth of what I have written shall be proven by the testimony of others who shall know these things. They are as familiar to me as the circumstances surrounding my physical life, and I give them as facts, not philosophies or mere possibilities. I have learned them through what spirit teachers term seerage. This, in its limited sense, is ability to see things which are in spirit, but when it comes as a power in spirit evolvement it is fuller and embraces sight, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting. There is also another power known as sensing. This can be explained most read- ily by example: I may be looking into a dark, clear space and know that my mother is there holding power, though there is no face or hu- man form visible. I know this because she touches me somewhere, and though I do not feel the touch I sense her entity. I have been told that I, in my infinite ex- istence, empowered spirits to keep the things I have written and give them to me after I came into the physical that I might write of them, and through the four and a half years of constant work I have realized the truth of this. When I have complained that my wishes had been disregarded or plans set aside I have been answered that I had not "set it that way," or I had not said to do that. So far, the way I "set it" in my infinite life has proven of more value, spiritually, than my plans formed since corning into the physical, though I have been moved at times to say impatiently: "If I had had good sense I would have seen to that," or "No cpirit so careless of life in the physical has any right to 'set things.' " One thing I have learned is that things decided for oneself in the physical by oneself while in infinite life are not set aside but always come. Some of the matter is written as it was dic- tated by those who had something to give but the most of it I have been held to write after the manner of inspiration when the subject had become thoroughly familiar. All has been written under difficulty because of the hold the crude entities had with me, several days passing, often, with only a sentence or two written. This was not from lack of knowledge but because my power had been taken from me and my capability of thought quenched. Much has been dropped as pertaining to other 6 works, some of it contrary to my wishes, but now I think all I intended for this volume has been settled in it. I have been attended, throughout the work, by a spirit with whom I have a combining creativity. When he died, in the summer of 1867, before I was seven years of age, he came to me and combined his yellow seerage power with my blue and began closing my sight against the power of the wrong spirits. I did not see understandingly at that time, and was afraid of what I would see after I went to bed. For about twenty-five years I had but little spiritistic experience, then my sight was allowed to open again. To his friendship and helpfulness I owe much and feel that life would have been impossible, at times, without him. Though he was known for awhile by a name adopted by several spirits who worked together as one and whose mediums each claimed a guide as that one, I have given him his Earth* name, which is Miguel. I am not the only one who has been hin- dered by the crude entities, or the spirits known as evil. From the beginnings of crea- *Throughout this work the name of our planet is used, as those of others, without the article but with a beginning capital. This is in harmony with spirit teaching. 7 tion such spirits have been encouraged to cul- tivate the perfect and complete as a means of growth. This has extended even to putting upon them their vicious tendencies, both in the infinite and physical life. Many brutish men in physical life are fine creative spirits who have allowed such expressment through them- selves, and in doing so have proven themselves generous martyrs who are bringing about the recreation of others who are unfit to take on physical expressment, but need something es- tablished in it. Though I did not express for them I allowed them a hold by which I would be brought in touch with them when my sight was opened. This has caused me unspeakable annoyances and much suffering but now when the conditions which brought them are almost passed I consider the experience worth all it has cost. An interesting thing on the spirit side, and one which has caused me some perplexity, is the greatness of the scope of language. Many words which were simple and plain in mean- ing could not be found in my dictionary when I sought to ascertain the formal mode of spell- ing them, and I was obliged to shave down my vocabulary to fit my own side of life. Our irregular forms are spoken of by spirit teach- ers as "eructations," and after a few months 8 of their teaching many of them appear ridicu- lous and are unpleasing to the ear. Another defect is the use of one form for more than one meaning. I use the word exud- ence which means a substance exuded. In the dictionary exudation is given as meaning the substance and also the act of exuding. The farther we go out on the unphysical planes the nearer are all languages one. As we come in toward the physical they divide up accord- ing to the planes of animal life, one originating with bear, another with lion, another with dog, another with ape, etc., these all being con- cerned in the development of man. Mates are given the same name in the first evolvement, generally, the ending of the female denoting its gender. The first evolvement is that of entity. If either has a separate crea- tivity, or working power, a name meaning that is adopted in addition to the entity name, and if this power requires an empowering mate outside of the embodiment of entity this extra mate also bears the adopted name but with an ending showing a secondary, or merely em- powering, position. This empowering mate also has a name originating with his evolve- ment in entity, and it is borne independently of the mateship he empowers. Mateship is the one thing an entity cannot escape if he is to 9 work in creativity. When the bond is sev- ered the male becomes a mere crude entity and the female retires to its state previous to evolvement, all work concerning growth being at an end until re-empowerment takes place. The mate in evolvement is the mate forever and the only one whose power can develop and evolve the entities in the material which an entity defines as his own, such entities be- ing nearer to him than those of any other re- lationship he may ever form. Some persons may think it impossible to learn of things on the infinite planes of crea- tion and in infinity. I doubted my own ability to do so at one time and expressed the doubt to Jehova, the head of infinity, but he answered positively that he could show me anything he could see and tell me anything he knew. I have also been told that the people of Earth would return to its beginning state when all people were seers, the power which held them from it having been withdrawn. This is fully explained under the heading "Closing the Seerage Powers." The infinitizing power of Earth being pure animal places this planet among those which are the most susceptible to spirit influence because all animals have seerage, being on those planes which are still held for evolvement. 10 THE BEGINNING Creation began with the evolvement of cer- tain heads, each of whom developed some power especially his own and brought about the unfoldment and endowment of entity which is latent in all material. They had this ability because of having come wholly or in part in infinity, which is the growing power. The growing power was evolved by Jehova who is still its head. It is called infinity because it does not take physical expressment but en- dows it; hence Jehova's power is to endow, not express, material. All the other creative heads had some part of the person evolved from material and had expressment in it. The feet of Jehova connect with that part of the other heads which evolved from material and give them creativity in it. Some of these have come into the crude physical, both to create and for expressment, others are at work on more infinite planes and will only go into the perfect physical when this cycle is finished, thus preserving the more infinite phases of their creativities. The perfect physical is con- sequent upon the decomposition of crude, this latter being our own. 11 Jehova empowers fully developed entity in complete infinity, which is the growing power of all things ; each attacts something especially his own and this is called his personal infinity and gives him power to receive inspiration. An entity is fully developed when it shows capability of creation, which is taking on of expressment. Those entities which are capable of creation receive empowerment from his front, which is positive, while those who are too weak to bear creation are empowered from his back, which is negative, and go out in this negativity away from the physical for further evolvement. As they become able they take the infinite planes of creation in preparation for whichever physical is a better endowment for them. This empowering is not done arbitrarily, but according to what they attract. Some who should have been thus negatized refused to take empowerment in infinity. All things in spirit are done according to inspiration which they had not the power to receive and they could only be held in check. Having too much affinity for material to be forced into negativity for that purpose, they were put through the infinite planes of creation. All deteriorated. Only two took on physical. This they had by cultivation after having reached infinite man. 12 One of these on reaching man still had no personal infinity on account of the density of the head material, and was saved from idiocy in physical man by being given a human whose personal infinity was the same as that which he should have had. All the others saw the wisdom of not taking on physical and decided to remain in infinite power for further growth. They are scattered through all the planes of infinite life, and the wrong empowerment of these by the two who took on physical made all the trouble and caused all the wrong which was brought about during creation, creating in them a phase of insanity because of a hold on an endowment for which they were not prepared. PLANES OF CREATION The first plane of creation is that of material, its expressments being metal, stone, wood, hair, flesh, bone, hoof, etc. These are termed "powers" in spirit, as they always act in that capacity. The other planes are plant, protozoa, worm, insect, animal and man. Protozoa means beginning animal and is half plant, be- ing represented by such growths as mush- rooms, lichens and toadstools. 13 On the infinite planes of creation the entities in these expressments are not established, but evolve from simple entity through the above planes. Establishment is brought about by expressment in the physical of the different forms. The entities which give physical ex- pressment find that the material which they have defined as their own is not capable of immediate forwardment to the plane of in- finite man, but will take expressment in the physical and after this expressment will go into decomposition, which is a preparedment for the perfect physical. When an entity ex- presses itself on any plane all its material has evolved to that plane. These expressments are made by the well-known means of sprouting hatching and birth except when life is to be established on a new planet when all forms are materalized. It takes fifteen years to material- ize a human body capable of reproduction. All materials which enter into the composition of a planet, whether solids or liquids, are ma- terialized without the intention of reproduction, but are embodiments put there for the estab- lishment of their expressing entities as well as for the benefit of those forms which show life. Such material entities are held by this establishment until the planet is no longer 14 capable of supporting physical life, then they are free to establish more material in another planet. The next plane of expressment is plant. The entities which express on this plane are too negative to attract animal, but take reproduc- tivity and are endowed with plant. Some who are too negative to take animal are capable of evolving to man without expressment and do so with plant reproductivity, but animal is taken in every case where it will hold because it makes stronger entity. Entities which ex- press plants are capable of doing so again so soon as the expressment loses vitality, the en- tities expressing a field of wheat this year be- ing just as capable of expressing again next year. The next plane is half plant and half animal, its expressments being designated as protozoa. The next plane is worm. The worm is an entity which has evolved from stone, or some other form on the material plane, through plant into the protozoa form of animal and then into worm, which is the first form of the animal plane. If he appears in this form in the physi- cal he establishes worm as his animal infinity, this being his natural physical expressment in the evolvement to man. If he evolves to insect for expressment he will hold his form 15 on that plane as his animal infinity. The same is true of the next or animal plane. If he reaches infinite man before establishment he will hold his strongest plane as a power in his work in spirit. This may be man. The human is an entity which takes ex- pressment in the physical when half way be- tween the plane of infinite man and the pre- vious one. It is still half animal and retains its power to express physical, while its gain of man gives it human shape. Some of the negative entities endowed with plant show an inclination to express on some plane above plant. This is satisfied by devolvement when the plane of man is nearly reached, by which they are enabled to express human for those who evolved to man with plant reproductivity. These forms below man are called infinities because their infinitization is not complete. None of the established infinities have yet reached the plane of man but those known as animal will reach it in the next cycle, which will begin when all the entities which form this cycle have been established. That is two trillions of years hence. Establishment is a thing no created entity can escape. If he becomes infinite man before establishment he must take it subsequently by some method of cultivation of which there are 16 many. The most potent of these is to begin at plant and take physical development in each plane successively up to and including man. By this method, though he does not express the different forms, he is the actor in each of them, and capable of carrying with him all the entities he has cultivated and giving them a re- lationship with his own established man. This form of expressment is termed composite. If he fails to take the animal plane, which is the strongest, his development in this form of ex- pressment will be a silent one termed planet- izing and he will be called a planetary. This mode of development gives permanence of shape and power to work in conjunction with other members of his expressment, and estab- lishes for him a wide relationship. The development of the human entity in a composite expressment is also a silent one, though he expresses the form and is capable of taking it alone. He takes a planetary de- velopment under some conditions. Entities take planetary development in plants, some- times, but on account of the infinite nature of the plant entity it is termed infinitizing. An infinite man entity who had been holding plant for the crude entities was so weakened he was about to lose and to strengthen him he was given this kind of a development in pansy. The 17 writer had the advantage of seeing this done. A spirit developer held him for the infinitiza- tion and his face was plainly visible on the first blossom, which was very fine, the pansy being a pure white with a gold eye. The be- ginning is made before the plant reaches ma- turity because it is a growing in process. EVOLVING INTELLIGENCES After entities have defined the material which is to be their own they take empower- ment in complete infinity by which they gain ability to infinitize all their material. This material is not merely the person but that with extensions, consisting of a lake of hand power, or material, a lake of foot material, a lake of head material, and one of every other organ of the body. When this is all thoroughly infinit- ized its infinitizer is called its head, while it is called his infinite because it is his infinitizing power. Each entity in such an infinite has complete infinity for the general purpose of evolvement, but no personal infinity because he has not been empowered to attract it. By the time he has become fully developed entity 18 his material is defined and he shows his plane of expressment, whether he is plant, insect, animal or man. Then he will go out for per- sonal empowerment in complete infinity, which will enable him to infinitize all his material and form an evolving infinite of his own. By the time he has reached the plane of infinite man he will have finished the creation of his per- sonal infinity which began with his empower- ment in complete. This is always one element, as a metal or crystal, wood or flesh and defines his power as man. If an entity expresses himself on any plane it is because he has infinitized all his material on the planes below him and has none defined on the planes above him. So soon as an ex- pressing entity returns to spirit he begins at- tracting man. When the entities evolving from the material defined by an entity are all set for expressment in the power of Abel, the head of man, then, and not till then, does he reach the plane of man. Upon his empowerment in complete infinity an entity attracts the most advanced entities evolving from the head power in his infinite for a working head, the most advanced in the hand power for working hands and the most advanced in the material of other parts of the body to form those parts, and thus gains a 19 working person or body the entities in which evolve to man with him. Different parts of the body empower different forms of entity. A few examples will serve to show what will be given in full in another work. The head empowers bird, some taking the whole or a large part, while others take a small part, as the eye or the brow. The brain empowers bee and spider, the hair empowers snake, the feet, skunk, the knees, turtle, the hips, ele- phant, the thigh, swine, the stomach, fly and the heart, dog. Lion takes the full trunk in empowerment, being the greatest power of all. The hands empower mouse. It may take ten thousand years for these entities which form the person to become independent after having reached man. The writer's mother stated that she was a hand of Abel, the head of man, and reached man in an hour after being attracted to him but it was five thousand years before she became independent. In this case the hand empowerment given above is not true, Abel's hands empowering quail. It came about in this way. He had relinquished lion, which was his highest power, for the sake of holding the crude entities and quail, his second power, be- came his power of evolvement. In order to have his head free and also use his personal infinity for a hold power he empowered it in 20 his hand and quail, which is a head power, followed it. He uses his animal infinity, which is infinite fly, as a head power. He is the only entity empowered in this way and no other has been deprived of his highest power. PERSONAL INFINITY AND ITS EVOLVEMENT Personal infinity is what we gather from our empowerment in complete infinity, or growing power. The latter resembles light when eman- ating from its head or evolver, and takes the form of shafts of light when used in the work of empowering. An entity is empowered by slicing downward through the top of the head, which is the seat of entity power. This en- dows with the capacity to gather in whatever growing power the entity naturally attracts. In the case of infinite man entities a metal or crystalized substance is taken because these are full of the infinity of man which is pure, trans- parent crystal, giving sparkle to crystalized substances and the capability of polish to met- als. When soft materials, such as wood and hair, are attracted as a personal infinity it shows a disposition to express on some plane 21 below that of man and is given human. When a crystal mixed with some other substance is attracted it shows an animal expressment, and when leaf is attracted it shows an expressment of plant. All those entities who showed a disposition to gather man infinity as a personal infinity were set aside on account of the inadequacy of Abel, the head of man. They could not be brought in perfection at the beginning but could come in another round of cycles. One was held by the wrong entities as a means of destroying that power and it was intended that he should remain on the infinite planes of crea- tion, but being under the influence of the wrong power he insisted upon taking physical life. He and his mate are the only two in physical life with pure crystal infinity. None of their powers in evolvement took the physi- cal but remained on the infinite planes, and at death their heads will lose the physical de- velopment which they had and return to those planes to resume the old relationship. Like all those who take physical contrary to the highest power, these two did much harm to others. The male, not having his own -man, disobediently gathered from others who were to take the physical, and finding this might be held he gave it by empowerment to a male 22 kine which should have expressed on the ani- mal plane, but who, on account of this man empowerment, persisted in holding a human entity and taking physical man. His mate, who remained on her own plane, arranged that his going in should establish her in kine and his power has been sent to a kine planet for establishment when he comes out. The be- havior of this male kine entity was so evil that he earned the name Anus (devil) and his mate took the female form Ana. He did the most harm by hindering the work of a creative fe- male entity who purposely fell in with the wrong entities because she saw that by doing so she would be able to rule them and save much power. Her entity was a composite one, her nose empowering kine. Though her per- sonal infinity was female she attracted a male person which rendered her invulnerable to them. The manned kine entity held her nose, which was like him, and made much trouble, and she was influenced by her mate to repudi- ate the powers of her evolvement and take on others. In this way he saved them much de- powerment, and they were developed by him with Yermana, the head of perfection. This creative female's connection with Anus gave her the name Ane and her mate the name Anu, the ending in u showing him to be head of 23 the empowerment. The wrong behavior of Anus and Ane was indescribable until he was depowered and she was cleared. Nothing was too cruel or vulgar for either to say or do. But the deportment of Ana and Anu was per- fection because of Ana being assisted by an infinite man entity and his mate, who had evolved from kine, and Anu having a connec- tion with Yermana. By these means their powers were kept for them in perfection against the time when they will return to them which will be in this cycle, Anus and Ana being perfect kine and Anu and Ane hav- ing evolved from perfect snake. The evolvement of the personal infinity looks like shining, white silk gauze and hangs like a veil from the head, sometimes reaching the feet and even trailing on the ground. There is another veil evolving from the protozoa (mushroom, or lichen etc. which is half plant and half animal). This holds the color of the plant which is taken in cultivating the physi- cal. It may be held by the feet in strong empowerment or may hang like a petticoat from beneath the other power. Either of these, or both, may be known as the aura, to mediums, but in spirit the aura is the evolve- ment of the personal infinity alone and is white, and the colored one, if there is one, is called 24 the veil. If a white flower has been taken the veil will be white. If a red flower has been taken this will show red, as many do of those who cultivated poppy, this being a favorite flower on account of the speed with which it could be taken. Primrose yellow and spider lily blue are two other common colors. Some have taken red poppy while the mates took blue lily for the sake of combining the colors into a purple infinite. Other colors also are taken in combination, but whatever the color it is taken for the sake of accentuating some power which the entity already has and estab- lishing its color and never as a matter of mere taste. The expressment of personal infinity is men- tality, and this is the plane of establishment of those entities evolving from the personal infinity, some being established each time a physical development is taken, then they draw man, and the number of physical developments of an entity is limited only by its needs. These entities endow themselves with man because of an excess of man infinity, while others bear- ing the same name express the different ma- terials they represent. It does not always happen that a mateship exists between the entities evolving from the personal infinities of mates, these being of dif- 25 ferent substances frequently. When either in- finity mate is in spirit and the other in the physical the former is likely to become an in- spiring power to the latter. The child prodigy is an example of one who has the personal infinity mate not only in spirit but without any physical development. Such infinite things as painting and poetry, especially the spiritual kinds, are inspired by this spirit mateship, while the men who are great in an industrial way have the infinity mate settled in their own powers, as a wife or mother, giving them con- trol of life in the crude physical. The mental trend of an entity is defined by the kind of personal infinity he attracts. One in silver holds to literary attainments; one in gold fol- lows pursuits which beautify; one in slate leans to common pursuits as farming or mill- ing. A hold on the personal infinity by a crude spirit may cause either insanity or idiocy. In the case of the latter, the infinity was not al- lowed to take expressment, while in the former the expressment is depowered. If the hold is not so strong as to destroy the mentality it may cause it to be erratic. A thing to realize and remember is that personal infinity is not a material but the growing power of one. 26 JEHOVA AND JEHOVANA Jehova is the evolver and head of complete infinity, which is the growing power of all things. Being in no sense man he has no form like the human but is simply a head. His power is like light, causing him to appear as a sun with a face visible. When wishing a body for strength he controls some other entity, more or less physical, often a baby or small child. Sometimes he enters right into a man or woman and accentuates his or her work. His influence is utterly pleasant and refreshing, and depowerment from it, even for a short time, is bereaving. He is not solemn but, rather, mirthful and childlike. He has even confessed to a feeling of hilarity over the be- havior of the workers bereft by the crudities. Most of these were absolute perfection and to see them acting like veritable crudes was ridiculous in the extreme. He is like a rock when a thing is to be done, there being no advantage even in considering anything but the right course. His constant work is to em- power in infinity. Jehovana, the mate, evolved seerage, which is stone complete. As head of this power she is known as Minerva. A power complete on any plane is a combination of all the powers 27 on that plane. Jehovana has more the ap- pearance of man because of having taken an infinite phase of creation which rendered her invulnerable to crude entity, this was having her stone complete made perfection. She was not positive to Jehova and he, being male, was liable to depowerment which would separate him from her. Perfecting her stone complete made her positive to him and removed all danger. It is not impossible that they should go into the perfect physical a cycle or so hence. When asked if it were possible for them to take crude physical he replied that it was not. He said that on the infinite planes of creation their insect power was only green plant louse, which as an entity appears in the expectoration of grasshoppers and thence evolves into frog, the water power in it deciding that it should be frog instead of toad, which evolves from grasshopper itself, and that they had no crude physical power whatever. ABEL, THE HEAD OF MAN The next most infinite power after infinity, or the growing power, is man. When an entity has reached man he is, like Jehova, in a state where 28 \ f UNIVERSITY ) \ OF / XgAUF he can endow material but cannot express it. The evolver of this power and creator in it is Abel, its head. He also creates in stone by empowerment. Abel was the only head not allowed to take perfection of development. He took his sec- ondary power. He was natural lion and took quail. It came about in this way. When it was decided to send the wrongly disposed en- tities into creation it devolved upon him to hold them because the infinite phase of his creativity gave him the most power with them. To control them he willed his lion power through those channels by which it would reach them as they passed through the animal plane. His natural place was on the plane of infinite man and he could do this without great loss to himself. He had an empowered mateship, as head of man, with an invulnerable female creator known as Yermana, who is the head of perfection, and further empowered her to act as mate, arranging that his mate in en- tity should not take on man in order to create but should remain in quail. As she did not work in creativity the harmful entities were debarred from using her inadequacy to destroy the creative power of both. Creative female not invulnerable to crudity loses the creative 29 power, as she had not taken her greatest power of development she was not invulnerable. Abel also gives permanence to all entities of this cycle by means of infinite pearl, in which he empowers them, according to the form they should have in the physical. This special creativity is bone and is a power of Abelana, his mate, who relinquished it to him for development. This empowerment must be established with each entity to insure perman- ence of the spirit power as well as the physi- cal form. Before permanence is established the spirit power, when at rest, forms in a circle about the head instead of retaining the shape like the human. The entities evolving from these empowering forms also derive perman- ence from this establishment and continue to act as powers to the establishing entities until the perfect physical is reached, then they go in without further development, being inde- pendent. Through Yermana, the head of perfection, Abel empowers each planet in stone, and he es- tablishes man in each center by empowering her to make the first planet, she having evolved the matehead in his highest creativity which is man. He will not be free to take on physical until all the entities of this cycle are estab- lished because, having become the head of his 30 mate's pearl, he holds her so firmly that should he establish himself as man he would establish her as quail, and mates must always establish on the same plane. When they take physical endowment it will be in a center of complete pearl, which is the most animal of all stone powers. Its physical expressments are bone, hair, nails, hoofs and claws, feathers and scales, and all kinds of shells as well as the pearls of oysters. It gives hardness to wood and ex- presses thorns and stings of plants and the hairs on the surface of leaves. SAINT ANDREW, HEAD OF PHYSICAL CREATION The head next in order of infinity is Saint Andrew who evolves entities from the infinite planes to the finite, and rules over what is com- monly called Saint Andrew's gate. This is made up of heads of all the powers of all the planes. These heads have developed these powers finitely. Only those entities who have reached the plane of infinite man take this em- powerment, it makes it possible for them to take physical life by cultivation. Those who 31 take all the planes become principals in com- posite expressments, while those who take plant and insect only, or any other limited em- powerment, become planetaries. The class to be cultivated by each entity on every plane is defined by this empowerment. Those who take lion power at this gate cultivate lion for the physical, and those who take fly here take it in the physical. The same is true of all the other powers on all the planes. This empowerment for physical life does not always follow the order of that which was taken on the infinite planes, the latter develop- ing the same characteristics all the way through. The entity who has taken lion in evolvement has come through spider and this empowerment in the physical would give to man a nature too grasping, because both en- dow him with a capacity to gather in and save, so the spider is displaced by fly when empow- ering finitely. Lion being the greatest power of all is never displaced, and only lion is sub- stituted for some of the other great animal powers. A character arising from a physical development of the fly nature carried through the animal naturally following, which is dog, would result in a temperament too dependent to be successful in strenuous life, and in such 32 an evolvement spider is substituted for the fly or lion for the dog in the empowerment at the gate. Saint Andrew also determines the physical center in which each entity shall cultivate. This is decided before passing through the finiting gate. The test begins with empower- ment in plant protozoa, from which they pass to infinite pearl which empowers them to take the pearl form, then they go into the animal protozoa. These are the first steps to finite empowerment, and those who do not lose the plant and pearl while in the animal protozoa are fitted for empowerment at the gate. Those who lose pass to the finiting gate of another center where they are given another test, and those who retain the power are attracted into that center which is lighter than ours. Some lose in this second test also and are attracted into a third center much lighter. After pass- ing through these empowering gates entities are in finite power preparing for physical life. There are but three completed centers at work, a fourth has its first planet made and will be ready for physical life in four thousand years. Now before coming through the finiting gate the whole work of the infinite man entity is developing and enlivening and infinitizing material. This collects in great bodies or pools 33 and remains outside when he comes in. After his empowerment he begins to call it in and it gathers about him, and when thoroughly finited, or empowered as he is, it settles in a pool at his feet and is called his infinite be- cause it infinitizes. Now all the infinites of all the entities, collectively, who have taken empowerment at the same gate form one great infinite that fills the lower half of a creative center which is in the form of a globe, the upper half being reserved as planetary space for development in the physical. The most important relation of entity is mateship. They are one embodiment as they appear in material, and come to the finiting gate together. For the sake of combination they are sometimes given different plants, but their powers on the animal planes are identical. The more positive, whether male or female, is given the power direct from the head and the nega- tive through the empowered mate, getting it in a lesser degree, this being according to embodiment in infinity. In infinite stone the positive holds the negative, the former facing the back of the latter, and on the physical planes the positive embodies the negative mate wherever practicable in order to establish the relationship in the finite, were the negative to 34 embody the positive, it would deteriorate the latter while the opposite course accentuates the former. SAINT GERMANE When this creative head had defined the ma- terial which was to be his own he found that it was not capable of immediate forwardment to the plane of infinite man except that per- taining to the head. He was infinite lion with a head attracting man. Instead of hold- ing back for full development he allowed his head to take man immediately. This phase of development is called germaning, or evolving to the germ, the germ being man. Being the evolver of this power he remains its head. The results of this phase of creativity are dis- cernible on all the growing planes of life, some animals having almost an upright form on account of their capability of germaning, which is affinity for man. The storing of honey in such perfect comb, the beauty of some spider webs and the perfection of the silk worm's work are all evidences of manned entity. Ger- maning gives the birds ingenuity in weaving and hanging nests, it teaches the male bird 35 to feed the female while incubating or relieve her while she feeds, and causes them both to feed the young personally. The lion, which evolves from power with great affinity for man, feeds his female after mating until he leaves her, which may be after many years, and he will care for as many as three mates at one time, gathering in all the food. This does not refer to lions in captivity, where the wild na- ture is changed to one of dependence. Spirits tell of one instance where a male lion had been shot and his female, which was with young, was in want. Another male whose mentality was finited by man development was success- fully influenced to care for her until her young was born, mating with her afterward. One idea in germaning which has not yet been expressed is the talking animal, though we have the talking bird. The talking animal will found a race of his kind on a new planet which will be ready for physical life in nine- teen hundred and fifty-four. He has so much man power that he has served as principal in a composite expressment of skunk and looks like a fair-haired boy to the waist. Below that he has the hind quarters of an animal. This power has been specially retained for ex- pressment. He was developed in Earth power and his mate was developed in Jupiter. The 36 writer had the privilege of feeding him as a skunk for more than a year, and during that time she conversed with him by spirit many times. There are many signs of germaning among plants. The sensitive plant is manned, also those which sleep at night. The vine is a ger- mane. When a germaned plant entity takes de- velopment in a plant grown from the seed of a standard plant it changes it to a climber. When a vine climbs by tendrils it has been given arm power, while one which creeps over the ground taking root has been germaned with snake, the name being applied to any form of setting forward. When wood is ger- maned it expresses it in greater leafage and finer blossoms, these being expansions of wood power. Saint Germane has been in physical life on this planet. He advanced far enough toward the plane of infinite man to become principal in a composite expressment though he did not reach it in perfection until after his return to spirit life. He is known to the world as Esau, though the current story of his life gives but a poor idea of the real man. His mate, in speaking of him, said: "I knew then that he was the finest thing on Earth in his day and I was his third wife. Our reason for marrying 37 when there were already two wives was to embody all the children possible. We were seers and knew we had a thousand children waiting for physical development." Then when he was speaking on the same subject he said: "I had seerage and knew where my mate was, and, with the consent of my two wives, I went to her and explained myself. We needed to embody all the children we could there were so many waiting, and the time was propitious, there being such an abundance of the necessi- ties of life." When asked why he did not marry his mate first since he knew her place of abode he answered: "I was held," and in- dicated the children who had done the holding. They explained their action by saying the mate might not have been willing to have other wives, and they needed all they could get to embody. When she was free to do so the mate explained that the crude entities had her power and fearing she would be held to refuse to be a multiple wife if she should come first to the household she had instructed her chil- dren to arrange that the other two should come first, knowing she would not refuse a life with her own mate even with other wives. After Saint Germane's death he was given the name Yerma (perfection) because he had become perfected man. When an entity reaches 38 man after establishment he is not infinite, but transcendant, man. Yerma, as he is always called, is spirit ruler of the planet Earth and his mate rules Venus. They empower each other by means of aids and work in conjunction on the two planets. The duties of rulers include the care of all those entities which are in developing power on the spirit side of a planet, and influencing and caring for those in the physical. Their hold on the developing spirit material keeps them in touch with all, and a call for help is heard instantly whether from man or those on the lower planes. There is never a death by fire or any other means which has not its spirit attendants, and sometimes these are thousands in number. Anyone executed, or one who has died by suicide, is given special care that he may not be spoiled by the crude entities. That they have their power is evidenced by the kind of death they had determined or been com- pelled to meet. Father Yerma took one suicide in his arms and said: "Whenever a human be- ing feels that life is a burden which cannot be borne he has a right to end it, it is his." Dur- ing the years of the writer's experience she has not known of one soul entering spirit life which did not feel it a relief and a pleasure. Some have come from the pulpit, some from the gal- 39 lows or death at the stake and still others from the business life, and all were shown the same respect by those in power. Some have needed to return to physical life on other planets al- most immediately in order to retain their powers which were held by the crude entities. This has been true of all classes and means that their creativities are in use in the work of recreation. This going in was not by means of birth nor, perhaps, for a great length of time for in a year a hold on the materializing power of a new planet can be gained which is of great use in spirit work. Mother Yerma, as Yerma's mate is called, made the planet Aldebaran and took an in- finite form of physical development with it. It was made for the purpose of reinfinitizing the male wheat entities who were spoiled by the crude entities, its infinitizing power being wheat. This duty fell to her for two reasons. The plant of her evolvement is wheat, and a very female planet was needed. Her infinite name is Leona on account of her lion power, and her mate name in the creativity of german- ing is Germana. Seerage was assured to these two entities when they took development in physical man while still part animal. The mates of Yerma's other wives have never been free to take on 40 physical farther than the animal plane. Both his wives and their mates were his lions on Saturn and the two females took another lion development by materialization at the begin- ning of Earth and became his mates, and, after physical birth his wives. Thus he performed the duties of two embodiments besides his own. THE CREATIVE TRINITY The heads of this creative form also evolved perfection, and were named Yermano, Yermana and Yermani in the first empowerment. Yer- mano, the name of the positive male, means "I bring perfection." Yermana has the same meaning but is female in form, and Yermani means "we bring perfection," showing his re- lation to the embodiment. The last was em- powered negatively to prevent him from re- producing in the animal. Yermana, the female, was head of the evolvement. The ending o in the name of the positive male shows him to be secondary to her in perfection though he was head of the creative power, having evolved physical capability as his personal endowment. Yermani was empowered head of plant crea- tivity. 41 Yermana, being the head of perfection was in- vulnerable to all crudity, and having evolved a mateship with Abel as head of man was cul- tivated by him as mate in other empowerments in the place of his own mate who remained in quail. She was empowered to establish all centers and endow them with man by making the first planet, each planet having an infinite of infinitizing power. In each first planet this is man. She also empowered the work of re- creating the crude entities from their rejection of infinity to the time when they should be under absolute control and sent out for nega- tization. These entities evolved in the reverse of the natural order, being capable of for- wardment toward man except as to the head. They could feel the power in the lower part of the person but the head, being so at variance, refused to accept empowerment in infinity. As the seat of power of an entity is the head these had no hope of ever evolving to man. They had destroyed the utility of the first crea- tive infinites by tainting the personal infinity of Gerrold who was empowered head of the first center infinite, and creation was at a standstill until new heads could be evolved and new infinites formed. It devolved upon Yermano to evolve the human creative head being empowered by Yermana. Yermani and 42 Yermana evolved the mate. Thus they were brought in perfection and invulnerable to wrong by the crude entities though not capa- ble of taking expressment in crude flesh on account of a hold on their powers they had al- lowed them for the sake of the creative advan- tage it would afford them. This difference existed because the voluntary taking on of crude flesh is negatizing. This second evolve- ment of the creative infinites and their heads was the work of a million years immediately subsequent to the empowerment of the cre- ative trinity at Saint Andrew's gate, then the work of creation began again. The new hu- man creator was given the name Saint Thomas (second head), and the mate took the female form Thomasina. The head of the new center infinite was a female plant entity whose physical expressment would be pecan. The heads of the other two center infinites, which are at work, are hickory in the nearer and black walnut in the farther one. When the perfect physical is reached, these heads af- ford nuts which are eaten by those of spent powers for recuperative purposes. The writer has tasted of both of these nuts as they were eaten by others and the flavors were true to nature and rich. 43 EMPOWERMENT FOR SEXUAL PURITY Another work of Yermana, the head of per- fection, was to control the sexual life of male entities in the physical to the full extent of her lion power. She had not renounced this power but had taken it in its fullness. It was great in infinity for having been in perfection. The males to be controlled were those whose infinites, collectively, made up the first center infinite which was tainted when the wrong entities spoiled the head, and in order to save its empowering entities from sexual crudity in the physical they were empowered for control in this infinite lion to the full extent of its capacity, which embraced ten millions. One million had freedom to request this empower- ment but all the others were held by the taint- ing power. The object in controlling these males was to have perfection in sexual life, which means a use of the power for the sole purpose of embodying children. This empow- erment was reinforced by Abel who brought about the formation of celibate societies. He did this by his hold upon man through the empowerment in infinite pearl. After the clos- ing of the seerage powers of the people of Earth these societies developed a religious phase. 44 EMPOWERING THE WRONG ENTITIES The first empowerment of the wrong entities was in the infinite lion of Saint Abel, which was for the purpose of controlling them. An- other empowerment was given in infinite pearl, which was for the purpose of re-creating them. The latter took place while Yermana, who was known as Pandora in her creative capacity, was making her own form. It was snatched from her piece by piece by those whom it was designed to recreate. They were allowed to do this because they would not have taken it willingly in any other way, and it was planned to have them take it voluntarily. She did not regain this form until after her physical birth and was not permanent in spirit power, being the only entity established without it. The pearl form of the human establishes its physi- cal power by bone, and its spirit expressment by the same means in a more infinite phase, but does not effect the power of the principal, if there is one. Yermana was also head of what is called the embodying power. This is not the flesh power but that which embodies the entities which make up the pearl forms and is con- cerned with their development in the perfect physical. In taking away her form they easily 45 attracted and held this, and the two together formed the basis of their recreation. Both were in perfection and very infinite, the latter being perfect infinite topaz. In losing her topaz Yermana lost her power to embody the pearl entities and Saint Thomas embodied them in developing spirit until the other should be released. When this was done, the de- veloping spirit dissolved and the topaz, also called "infinite white," took its place. This change was witnessed by the writer. ZEUS, HEAD OF HUMAN This creative head was the first entity to embody for work about planets, hence his name. When halfway between the animal plane and that of infinite man he saw that his material would advance no farther but would take expressment in the physical, and this es- tablished him as head of the human phase of development. He holds all human entities for advancement toward man after physical devel- opment, his creativity being effective only with established entity. He has been the greatest planetary ruler that ever existed, ruling so 46 many planets at one time that he was called "Great Spirit," and the finitized spirit mater- ial of the planets he ruled was also called great spirit to distinguish it as his power. Pure spiritized material has the appearance of white silk gauze and the great spirit has a tinge of blue in it which comes from the stone used to positize it. The infinite name of this stone is azure, and it is Yermana's seerage power which was cultivated by Zeus during the time she was his ruling mate. During the first million years of planetary life Yermana was the only female who was invulnerable to the crude conditions which prevailed sufficiently to work about planets. The general work of mates was a holding one and they remained down in the center infinite. Zeusala, the mate of Zeus, was less invulnerable than many on account of being half animal, and ruled with him only after Yermana had gone into plant pro- tozoa and she could gather her resigned power, which was about two millions of years after planetary life began. The great spirit, with its tinge of blue, puffs out and stands above the surface of Earth and holds the atmosphere by a physical expressment which is invisible except as to the color which we call the blue sky. One day when the sky was very blue Zeus said: "My spirit is floating high today," 47 and the higher it floats the more is visible and the bluer the sky. After more than two millions of years as chief planetary ruler of this center Zeus is now cultivating to take physical development. He and his mate will materalize as lions on the new planet which has been given as the devel- oping place of the talking animal. After dy- ing as lions they will take physical man by birth. Having simply cultivated the lower planes lion will be their first expressment. They will be children of the first-born on the planet, which are always human to make a strong race. Having human parents will ac- centuate that power in themselves, which is desirable, as they have advanced too far toward man to express. These human parents will be children of the creative trinity and Hapitsu, the latter being Yermano's empowered mate for physical life. They will materialize when the planet is new for the sake of establishing a physical relationship with Zeus and Zeusala. Both lives of the latter (animal and human) will not last over a hundred and twenty-five years, and Zeus expects in a thousand years to have regained his great ruling power. He will be head of the human center when it is finished, its nucleus having been established in nineteen hundred and five or six. Its infinite 48 will give universal seerage because of it being formed by the infinites, collectively, of entities still half animal. Of all the great infinite rulers of planets Zeus will be the last to take development in the crude physical. He said that no more in- finite entities would be empowered to rule planets, there being enough of those who had taken establishment, and the latter are always stronger in power. CREATING THE HUMAN The human creative heads are double in evolvement, taking two powers, one evolving to man and the other retaining a hold on the animal with which to empower the animal half of the human entity. The work of the human creators is to empower the human entity in capability of physical expressment. The creative form which holds the incubat- ing power is the personal evolvement of the female who holds it in her person during incu- bation. During creative activity it is not un- usual for her to be occupied with incubation for a thousand years at a time, the entities be- ing hatched at the rate of about four a minute. 49 The word "hatch" is her own term. The hatching brings the entities from without the human creative infinite, through the nest which occupies the womb region, to within it. The male empowers the female in spermazoa. Placing himself in a position parallel with her he passes entirely around her several times, and when fully empowered she appears to be floating in an oblong body of semi-transparent liquid, which is a grayish white in color and extends a little beyond her person in all direc- tions. During constant incubation this em- powering act must take place about every half hour. The spermazoa is the personal evolve- ment of the male creative head, and its physical expressment is the material of the brain, spinal cord and other nerve centers. After being hatched into the creative infinite further development of the human entity is in the form of growth until it is fitted to take the physical. After that stage is reached it may wait a thousand years for empowerment with its natural or selected parents, it then remains with them until they coalesce in spirit and give it a hold on a physical endowment. It not only awaits this act but is the only thing which brings it to pass if there is perfection in sexual life. When the spirits of the parents coalesce the human entity of the expressment 50 seeking endowment attaches itself to the hu- man entity of the mother at the navel and first takes possession of the ovum, then by degrees pulls in the infinite man entity, if one was cultivated with it. Its physical body is drawn from the flesh infinites of both its parents. It takes from four to six weeks to draw the whole expressment within. It has been the writer's privilege to see an attached express- ment with the little man entity still out, the human having been in only a week or two. If the human entity of the mother is out at the time of coalition no conception takes place. When it becomes desirable to lessen the num- ber of births on a planet which is losing vi- tality the human entity of the mother de- powers and remains out. Another work of Saint Thomas is to em- power all creative entities in the human cre- ative infinite. This enables them to work with all the entities therein. SECONDARY CREATION The work of the creative trinity, collectively, is known as secondary creation, being naturally on those planes below man. As heads of per- fection the members of the trinity are known 51 as Yermano, Yermana and Yermani, but in creative work they are called Pan, Pandora and Verdans. They will be designated by their names in creativity hereafter, in this work. Besides animal and plant life, second- ary creation includes the establishment of all creative centers, the formation of all planets and the cultivation of all materials concerned in growth; also the development of tastes, odors, colors and qualities in all powers de- signed for physical expressment. It includes the embodiment of spirit entities for work about planets. Male creators outside of the trinity have power to do this embodying but it must be done with Pandora as empowering mate. Male infinite man entities have power, generally, to make planets, but it must be done with Pandora's power as forming center, not that of any other female. Some females be- sides Pandora have made planets, but they are those having male all around and in positivity as well as the female. Such planets are very female in character and those females with only female in front, or in positivity, are not empowered to make planets because of the necessity for taking Pandora's power for the center in order to have it come in absolute per- fection, for she having only female in posi- tivity also would make the planet too female. 52 Mercury is one of the planets made by Pandora empowered by Abel, the head of man, to establish man in this center, and was the first. It was named Zeus in honor of the hu- man head, who was the first embodiment in planetary power. Its infinitizing power being man, is white. On Mercury were the first ex- pressions of physical life. This was by ma- terialization, the first thing materialized being a bumblebee which is the animal head, or Pan, in a creative trinity in his class, and is now the head of the infinitizing power of the planet Vega, which is bumblebee. He will be head of the insect center when it is finished and will be transcendant man in the next creative cycle. The first man materialized is known as Satyrai because he evolved from satyr, which is not a mythical animal, but is known to us as the chinchilla. He also materialized many other forms on that planet, having a special gift in that line of work. Mercury is now losing its vitality, and will be a dead planet in about one hundred and fifty years. It has existed for more than two millions of years, having had a longer life en- dowment than most planets, and is one of the planets which have personal endowment of heat, light and electricity and are not in- fluenced by the sun in these respects. 53 ROMANE All creativity is in infinity and those entities who have creative power have some part of the person evolved from infinity. The creative heads who have received consideration thus far have had infinity in full or as to the upper part of the person, the one to be considered now evolved from infinity as to the soles of his feet only. This gave him the ability to romane or devolve from man, the germ, back to animal. This method of development is employed when a creative entity takes the physical planes of life. The animal expressment is given by a romaned entity in order to insure the greatest ability possible. The evolver and head of this power was named Romane. VERDANE The head of devolving from man to plant is known as Verdane and the creativity is termed verdaning. This does not give the subject a physical expressment in plant but empowers him in plant creativity. The evolver of this power was in infinity as to the lower three- fourths of his person, and empowerment by him gives a plant creator three-fourths plant reproductivity. This renders him unfit to re- produce his kind in the physical without special 54 empowerment. He is always a negatized en- tity and is on the right hand of an embodiment of three. The other male, who is on the left, is positive to the embodiment and creates in animal. The female who is the central figure incubates for both. This female evolves with plant reproductivity and is the plant head's complete mate, but has the sole of one foot in animal making her capable of empowerment in animal creativity by its head. She does not embody human children in the physical for him, however, because this would re-empower the plant head in the animal reproductivity with which he evolved and which was set aside to allow him to create in plant. There is al- ways an assistant mate to the animal head who is the mother of his human children and who evolves with capability in this respect. This is shown by her having one foot endowed with the power of the animal head. This female has also a mate in entity and when empowered with the animal creator is known as Hapitsu which means helping mate. CLOSING THE SEERAGE POWERS The first people of Earth were all seers. The closing of the seerage powers came about in this way. The influence of the wrong entities 55 upon Earth was so great, the planet having been made for the purpose of freeing those who held them, that the races were positized to save them from crudity. The work of pos- itizing was placed in the hands of Saint An- drew and mate, Andrewana, who formed a power known as "bright complete" which was a combination of the infinities of Saint Abel and the triple creative heads. These infinities consisted of white infinite fly, which was the animal infinity of Abel, and ruby, which is his personal infinity or medium of inspiration. Also the personal infinities of Pan, Pandora and Verdans, which are gold, silver and cop- per, respectively. With these were combined the seerage powers of Pandora and Verdans which were azure and opal. By his empowering ability, Saint Andrew sent this hold power through all the planet that it might be taken in by all the entities who were to be established in the physical. This min- imized the sensitiveness of the human race and prevented much harm. The infinite fly was used with the positizers for the reason that its influence is toward gen- tleness and softness of character, and would assist in the elimination of any tendency toward savagery following the cutting off of 56 spirit sight from physical man. The people of other planets were not subjected to this posi- tizing influence and have full spirit sight. THE GREEN OIL There are other heads in creative infinity. One is known as Alimentahl, head of the green or healing oil. This is an exudence of his per- sonal infinity which is pure emerald. This power came to him when he became trans- cendent man and is used a great deal in de- velopment. He is the developer of all entities which are special expressments. By special expressment is meant one like the talking animal or those intended for the establishment of colored races. In the latter the female only is part animal in the physical, and in the for- mer both male and female are part animal in the physical and in spirit also. The great developing power of Alimentahl comes from his ability to coalesce. He coalesces naturally with every form of development. This creative head was the last man on Sa- turn, and was alone there forty years. Saturn has been in spirit life since Earth was ready for physical forms, which has been twenty thou- sand years, the former having relinquished its 57 black infinitizing power, which is scorpion, to the latter. Earth is now losing. Its black is being attracted to the planet which has been mentioned as the developing place of Zeus and the talking animal. Life on this new planet, which is near the north star, will be more pleasant than that on Earth because its entity power is an infinity, and will make the planet less compact, and more susceptible to an en- dowment of heat, light and electricity. The only entity power of earth is complete animal. This same power entered into the composition of Saturn, but that planet was slightly lighter than Earth on account of having a second en- tity power which is an infinity. Both these entity powers are spirit powers of Saturn, the complete animal being a rich brown and the infinity a shining white which is called "Sa- turn white," and is used as a killing power. This power, which is infinity of perfection, compels a mussed power to become perfection or return to its former state of infinity. This is a last resort, for an entity is not deprived of any development it has gained unless the gain was at the expense of its original power. Alimentahl is distinguished by the fact that he was never born though he has taken physi- cal development in every plane from worm to man inclusive, having cultivated all the other 58 planes. He began physical life during the last days of Saturn when materialization was made possible by the dissolving powers of the planet. First taking worm he continued through the planes to physical man, leaving each express- ment by death. This is not natural at such a time, the tendency being to dematerialize with other things, but a better spirit power is gained by dying and he was held to bring it about. He married and embodied one child which is all an entity is capable of if it materializes at the end of planet life. Alimentahl's mate was not in physical man on Saturn but he had a lion mateship with her there and a fly mateship with Mother Yerma. He had a worm mateship with Pandora who is said to have been the mother of ten millions of flies during her lives in that insect, which endured five years each on Saturn and Earth. Her mateships in fly are said to be one million and those in lion fifty. During the one hun- dred and five years of her lion life, which was all passed on Earth, she gave birth to over five hundred lions. This great prolificness was purposely brought about to give to as many males as possible a relationship with the head of perfection for power in the work of recreation. 59 : ; /Vy * "* ' * '--' "^ < V ~X ^ OF THE " UNIVERSITY OF FATHER NEPTUNE Another creative head is generally known as Father Neptune because he made the planet of that name. It has an infinitizing power of caul, which is his special creativity, being a combination of pure tin, which is the metal of his personal infinity and infinite mouse, which is the animal of his evolvement. An endowment of caul gives to seers special pow- ers of a spiritual nature. It must be estab- lished with an entity when it takes physical man, and is ever after one of its powers in all physical expressments. The material is a light gray in color and has a fiber-like feeling for a while if for any reason it must be renewed and the subject is conscious of it. It does not cover the face only, as some have seemed to think, but the whole person and resembles a suit of underwear with the hands and feet closed and having a closed head piece. Father Neptune has made many planets, among them Mars, whose race of people he helped to found. When working in the power of that planet he is known as Father Mars. Strangely enough the original creativity of this head was the controlling of waters. This con- sists of the stirring up of the moisture of the ocean and disseminating it through the at- 60 mosphere for the purpose of causing rain. When he developed his present power the con- trol of waters passed to another who is known as Young Neptune. The latter is one of those entities known as Pandora's blue seers. There were ten thousand of these seers, one of whom will be last man on Earth. He will have mater- ialized parents. Father Neptune is the son of Alimentahl and died on Saturn when two years of age. PANDORA AS THE EAGLE Up to the time of making the blue seers Pandora had acted as empowering mate to all males working about planets, conditions had then advanced to a stage when other females could take on embodiment. For a million years she had given female endowment to the spiritized material in all planets, this being gathered in at the time of completion. Such planetary work establishes what is called a ruling mateship. Another work of Pandora during that period was the dissemination of seerage power through the developing spirit material in planets for the benefit of the enti- ties therein. Such entities are said to be in protozoa, or physical beginning power. They 61 consist of plant entities with those who have taken them for development; also human, either alone or with those who are designed to take physical power with them, and all other entities including animal, insect, worm and protozoa forms, (as mushroom or lichen) both with and without infinite man entities develop- ing with them. The physical power which holds them also holds animal life, including man, on a planet and forms a tie between them. At the end of the first million years Pan had gone into plant protozoa, the wrong en- tities having destroyed his planetary power through their hold on his animal reproductiv- ity. They had this hold because of their em- powerment in Saint Abel's lion. Pandora's reproductivity, being plant, rendered her too infinite to be influenced by them. On account of being of Pan's embodiment his planetary power came to her and, after finishing the work of making the blue seers, she completed his unfinished work and also her own, acting for both during the next million years which elapsed before she went into plant protozoa. Now she was a complete entity in the finite, half male and half female, the latter being her front or positive power. Pan was also com- plete with the male power positive and being 62 head of the embodiment he was positive to her, thus she was rendered too male to do cor- rect planetary work as a double entity. To off- set her maleness, the human who was to give her physical man and the eagle who was the head of her greatest power after having re- linquished her lion were empowered with her. This preserved the female quality of her own creativity and empowered her perfectly to fin- ite entities. This human was the female in a creative trinity in that class and mate to the seer who is to be the last man on Earth and who is plant head in her embodiment. Finiting of entities consists in empowering infinite man with whatever developing entity he is to take. If she finited the male in Pan's power she did the mate, or female, in her own, and vice versa. During this time she had eagle feet, never having had her pearl form, and hav- ing only the head power of her human entity. Her face grew eagle-like also because of the full empowerment of the bird and she was constantly referred to as "the eagle." Her going into protozoa was delayed to allow her to complete the work and during the last hun- dred thousand years Verdans worked with her. When he came to her, her human entity left her and she worked constantly in Pan's power to the end. Previous to this Verdans had been 63 doing more infinite work such as cultivating color in power. It was known that when he came he would take her into protozoa and this change began with the combination of his opal with her azure. This formed the nucleus of a mauve in- finite personal to both of them, and this will be a seerage power which will be of use to them in the perfect physical. MOLINE, THE SUN MAKER This creative head is the maker of such planetary developments as suns. These plan- ets are physical expressments of metallic in- finity personal to creative entity. The creative entities whose personal infinities create heat, light and electricity are Pan, Pandora and Ver- dans respectively. Pan's, which creates heat is gold; Pandora's, which creates light, is sil- ver; and Verdans', which creates electricity is copper. They are the only heads who have this creativity in this round of cycles. These three personal infinities are combined in the making of suns. These are especially for the benefit of those planets which are too compact to receive the endowment personally. Many 64 are so capable and have no need for suns and are not effected by them unless specially planned for receiving such influence. Metallic infinity personal to creative entity is magnetic, and into those planets which are too compact to attract their own heating and light- ing power the material of a creative entity having metallic infinity enters, and .he is used as a power to draw them from the sun. The metal having the most magnetic power is cop- per, and the creative entity having the most power in copper is Yerma. His material en- tered into the composition of both Saturn and Earth which are the two planets the most needy in lighting and heating power. This ma- terial shows brown in both of these planets and is not known as an infinitizing power but is called an entity power because it is a per- sonal creativity. An infinitizing power of a planet is a single power, as one kind of aminal, insect or plant, and is the one to dissolve or die out when the planet goes to spirit. Entity powers remain as spirit powers of the planet and are always powers of those who evolved them, thus giving such entities a hold or own- ership in the planet. This hold is increased with every planet thus empowered and the established powers of the empowering entity correspondingly grows, the number of planets 65 he may hold being limited only by the needs of creation or his power to expand. All in- finitizing powers are established from Pan- dora's evolving infinite in order to have them absolute perfection, but any entity may estab- lish one or more of his powers as entity pow- ers in a planet whenever he so desires, making a planet for the purpose if it is necessary. Some planets are capable of partial endow- ment in heating, lighting and electrifying power but require assistance, these are estab- lished near some other planet which has power to influence them. The rings of Saturn formed its sun express- ment when it was in physical power. That planet was less unpleasant as an abiding place for humanity than Earth on account of its en- tity power of complete infinity of perfection, a lightening of the material brought about milder extremes of heat and cold. This difference was because infinity is an endowing power, while animal is not, and Earth being pure ani- mal could not attract its own heat and light power. Mercury, whose infinitizing power is man which endows but cannot express, is in- dependent of all sun expressment, electrifying, heating and lighting itself. Having no entity power whatever it is not affected by the sun in these respects. 66 Our "milky way'* is a sun expressment forming for the use of Earth when it grows to the perfect physical and is being established by Yerma who will be head of the perfect physical center, and whose entity power at- tends to the lighting and heating of this planet in its crude state. COLORED RACES The creativity which enables man to estab- lish colored races arises from a personal in- finity in emerald and is a phase of the develop- ing power which embraces the green oil. The object is to endow color power with man, giv- ing it the highest physical development. Man alone does not express color and animal, which does, is introduced. The color is always the highest one of the founders. Our Indian race was founded by a man named Octowashinaw, whose highest color is brown, and his mate Octowashinawa. They first founded a race of the same kind of the planet Jupiter. The female cultivated bear with human and materialized all the character- istics of the animal possible to a mateship with man. Some of this first establishment show 67 bear, some show man and some show both. When Earth was ready they came over and established our Indian race by the same method, but none of these show bear, that en- tity having advanced too far toward the plane of man in the eight hundred thousand years which have elapsed since the first materializa- tion. Some of the Jupiter children of these found- ers came over in the beginning of Earth and, materializing, established the Hindu race. Ourang outang combined with man formed the expressment whose offspring founded the Japanese race. This also came from Jupiter. The Chinese race was founded by the Mars offspring of an expressment of man and monkey. The black or Negro race was founded on Earth about eight thousand years ago by a man known as Umbrustat (establisher of black) with his mate Umbrusta. The female took chimpanzee by birth, carry- ing human with her to give finite mentality. The nature of the chimpanzee, being gentle, did not necessitate materialization. The man had known her and her place of abode all his life and both knew what work was before them. Their union was made a great occasion, for he was a king's son and they were to be the 68 founders of a new race of people. He was met and welcomed by her family, her father having taken human also. She was able to understand the language spoken by Umbrustat but never was able to speak it. This was unnecessary, however, because they could converse fluently by spirit. Her face and one foot and part of the fingers of one hand were white like man but the rest of her person was covered with fur like an animal. Since returning to spirit life Umbrustat has made a planet whose infinitizing power is chimpanzee for the further development of the race. The founders will establish another fam- ily there which will show less chimpanzee. That animal advances toward the plane of man more rapidly because of being a germane. The same individual is used until it advances too far to express. The planet is one of those known as moons of Jupiter and will be ready for physical life in about fifty years. Its name is Umbra. STRENUOSITY AND PURITY Into the development of all entities the char- acteristics of two opposite powers enter. One of these, the head of strenuosity, is known as 69 Bellericus. The other, the head of purity, is called Gabriel (silent). These two powers enter into the composition of all develop- ments. Bellericus gives strenuous activity. The other inclines to mental pursuits and gen- tleness of demeanor. The power of Belleri- cus is black, that of Gabriel is white. The power of Bellericus gives endurance as well as activity. The entity endowed with it will pass through great drain of physical strength and still retain its hold on life. Over-empower- ment in it gives bellicoseness of temperament. One endowed with purity alone is inclined to fail under great stress, and let go the hold on life easily. It is the peace power and in- clines to relinquishment of advantage rather than war to gain or retain it. It says: "Give me quiet." These heads are both creative entities. The part of Bellericus which evolved from infinity was the internal, made up of those organs whose action is said to be involuntary. The external shell of his body evolved from ma- terial which had great affinity for man. The entity endowed by this head is capable of great achievements. The external of Gabriel's body evolved from infinity while the internal came from a yellow material known as the fertilizing power. Its 70 most common expressment is the pollen of flowers. This material advanced to the plane of man immediately. Thus these two became very infinite heads of great powers on the far- thest boundaries of creation, the mate of Bel- lericus being purity in power and the mate of Gabriel being strenuosity in power to modify their empowerments. Gabriel said to the writer: "We were out on the boundaries a thousand million years be- fore Saint Andrew came to preside over the empowering gate. First came Saint John, the head of Earth's infinite, and we hoped he would stay, but he worked awhile and went on in. Next came Saint Steven, the head of Jupiter's infinite, and worked awhile and went on in. Then Saint Andrew came and he will stay until creation is finished." CREATIVE ENTITIES OF THE LOWER PLANES The creators who are to be established in this cycle are not confined to those who have reached the plane of infinite man, but are in every class on every plane of physical ex- pressment. These will use their power in 71 succeeding cycles. The lions who gave ani- mal expressment to Pan, Pandora and Verdans are a creative trinity, and heads of secondary creation in the next cycle. The heads of sec- ondary creation in the other two centers which are at work are those of bear and ape, the ape being in the center next to us, which is the heavier. Not being invulnerable they could not express in crude physical and preserve their creativity. They evolved to infinite man immediately and became heads of centers. All who are capable of crude physical are al- lowed to take it because it gives greater power. The writer had the pleasure of knowing the creative trinity in mouse in her own house and conversing with the female. She ex- plained, one night, that her offspring had been born dead and she was digging a hole in which to bury them and had pushed the loose soil through a hole out upon the cement shelf of the cellar. In the morning an investigation was made and the pile of dirt found but it had been drawn up over the hole in a small heap, the marks showing what had been done looked like those made by very little hands and furnished satisfactory verification of what the darling had said. The association with trinities extends to others besides the one in mouse, she was concerned in the care of the 72 whole embodiment in domestic chicken, having taken the female to bed with her repeatedly to keep her warm at night because she had been hatched from a "nest egg" with no mother to care for her. She owned the animal head until his death which occurred before he was a month old, and rescued the plant head from a water ditch in which he was about to drown. After being dried with a towel he lay on his side in her hand and chirped in a way that delighted the spirits greatly because it was so characteristic of the plant heads who take empowerment from Gabriel, the un- strenuous. She also knew the Pandora in ruby throat and the Verdans in redpoll warb- ler, both having lived at her house. The near- est acquaintance she had with the trinity in mocking bird was seeing the animal head and hearing him sing. She was attracted by the song which came from the top of a pepper tree, and upon going out noticed a light in the yard, not the sunlight but the light of in- finity. The bird was looking out across the orange grove as though singing to something at a distance, then the smiling face of Zeus appeared and he said: "That is Pan." The other two in this trinity were still in spirit. 73 WHAT A CYCLE IS This cycle began when Abel, the head of man, reached the plane of infinite man, and it will end when all he holds for expressment are established. These include the heads of every phase of creative power and all they have with them when the material which is to be their own is defined. Though a cycle is defined by a creative event the time required for its com- pletion is known. Abel reached the plane of infinite man four trillions of years ago and the completion of his work of establishing the entities will require two trillions of years more, making this creative cycle six trillions of years in length. The next cycle is the one in which all the entities which belong on the animal planes will reach the plane of man. This includes in- sect and worm entities as well as animal and will be three trillions of years in length. The third cycle is the one in which all plant enti- ties will reach the plane of man and will also be three trillions of years in length, the pro- tozoa entities taking the last of the animal cy- cle and the first of the plant cycle to reach that plane. The fourth cycle will be the longest of all, being eleven trillions of years. In this cycle all material entities will not only reach 74 the plane of man but must be established as man in the perfect physical. This is because the infinite man entities when cultivating the physical begin at plant, giving the material entities no relation with their established man. When this round of cycles is finished the heads of creation now at work will go out for new empowerment in material, and a new set of heads will also empower. This new set of creators is identical in powers with those now at work, being heads of every phase of cre- ativity in every class on every plane. When this takes place our group of centers will in- clude one of every class on every plane, and the new heads will begin a new round of cen- ters with the new round of cycles which they are to define. FREEING THE HOLDERS The work which has given the writer the opportunity of learning the facts which are written in this book was begun for the purpose of freeing those who held the wrong entities. The beginning was four and a half years ago and we are now almost at the end. This work has been so personal to the writer that it will be told in the first person. 75 In the beginning the condition of those en- tities which had taken development in Earth was pitiable. The secret of the trouble was the depowerment of the human person of those who had been principals in composite develop- ments. This person or body is the express- ment of the spirit power of the human and shows the man, the animal being held within. It is very similar to the physical body, having its pearl form established with it. Its animal power connects with the man in a line simu- lating the spinal cord extending over the top of the head and down the middle of the fore- head into the nostrils. The top of the head also has a cross line which reaches down and spreads out in the ear region. This cross does not appear in the bodies from other planets, the head power being in a simple bunch in the brain region. In the Earth empowerment the line, instead of terminating at the lower end of the spinal cord, as it does in those of other planets, passes to the front at the navel and spreads over the abdomen. This is for the sake of positizing it at the lower end where breakage occurs in case of accidents. A break- age here causes a depowerment of the whole person as well as crippling the infinite man en- tity who was established in it, and is depend- ent upon it for power for many years after 76 passing to spirit life. This depowerment was the chief hold of the wrong entities on human development. Their power was focussed in Earth but extended to those of other planets who had been in protozoa on Earth. They had been empowered in Saint Abel's lion and this gave them a connection with the animal of the human entity. When this break was made the human person withered and the infinite man entity lost power with it, retiring to its former state of infinity with the handicap of a devel- opment controlled by the wrongly disposed en- tities. Many people have sought communica- tion with friends who had passed to spirit life and .been unable to receive it because the friends had retired to infinity and were holding the power against further harm. Such human persons were in all respects dead, and Earth was filled with those in that condition. This human person, if uninjured, was attracted at death to the planet Saturn where it continued in growth and gave power to the infinite man who was developed in it. While there it would be safe from harm but many spirits would feel the need of it for a body to work in and bring it to Earth for that purpose, and were invariably hurt and obliged to hold. Such as these seldom came up to the surface, but remained below in the power to make 77 great flats or rafts of spirit material and lay upon them the hurt and poorly powered for recuperation. These were constantly treated by Yerma who had developed a power in the form of a thick, brown liquid which, when drunken, would bring together the pieces of a body which had been torn up and scattered, and cause it to grow into fine white flesh again in a few minutes. The person of one woman I knew, and I think she is still living, was brought near to me with a piece of the with- ered flesh trailing along behind though not connected with the body in any way that I could see. Pan said: "I think we need some yerma here." And a large cup of the brown liquid came to his hand. He gave the woman a swallow and her feet and some of her legs straightened out and grew white. He waited a second and gave her another swallow, and she stretched out her whole body as we do when yawning vigorously and the flesh be- came white with a jerk. Pan called the liquid "yerma," in honor of its evolver, but Yerma called it perfection. It was a phase of his creativity in complete animal. Some bodies had been dead for thousands of years and had only a slight hold on the physical development they had received, the next step backward be- ing plant. 78 FORGETTING THINGS Yerma himself, the ruler of Earth, had be- come unable to explain many things concern- ing the development of man; this was because of having been broken at the beginning of spirit life and being obliged to hold those pow- ers. He saw the human person as a power of the man entity, forgetting that another had de- veloped it for its own. Other great rulers, upon coming into Earth's influence lost the power to impart knowledge they had gained on other planets, even forgetting what they had been and what they had been doing before they had taken physical development. Ali- mentahl, the special developer, could not tell me what he was when he developed Pan and Pandora's violet in which Pan had been the female and Pandora the male, both taking de- velopment in one plant. The exchange of sex was to enable Pandora to establish violet for Verdans, it being the plant of their evolve- ment. Verdans was to take poppy in order to establish pink in the evolvement of his pro- tozoa, that being the color of his opal seerage power. The two took development in the same plant in order to establish Pandora's blue seer- age power in Pan's protozoa evolvement, the plant entities first receiving the endowment of color. This also established it in her own. I was 79 able to trace nearly the whole of the develop- er's way through his physical expressments and could not imagine what he was when he made the violet, that being previous to all his physical development. One day he remarked in a thoughtful way that he was trying to think what he was when he "made that violet," and the answer came to me like a flash out of the infinite, and I informed him that he was then what we called an infinite ruler and had not taken any physical development. It was dif- ficult then for even the strongest to state the facts in regard to anything. To do so required the exclusion of every particle of wrong em- powerment while talking, such empowerment being devoid of all infinity and lacking all in- spiration. Another wrong done to those who had taken development in Earth was a hardening of the head powers by which they were made to grow together in one lump. This was the re- sult of retaining the human person with the man and was very common. The two when not freed from each other still retained the empowerment of bright complete, and this be- ing nearly all stone could be made to collect material. Such a head felt to my hand, when in spirit, like a common skull, and when de- prived of its material it looked like one ex- 80 cept as to the jaws which were absent. I watched Pan divest one of these of its material after a night spent in forcibly holding its owner, who had taken possession of me. I had pinned him to my back with long, quivering steel sticks which were passed to me by my husband who was in spirit. Every time I felt a spot in his person move I would reach out my hand and get another and weave it in. When I inquired who furnished such posi- tive sticks my husband answered that he ob- tained them from Mrs. R a very dear friend of both of us. I learned later that she had an em- powerment by which she could repositize my own power in that line. When daylight came Pan and Moline relieved me. After Pan had picked the head clean of stuff, which I learned did not belong to it and had held it wrongfully, he passed it to Moline who split it down the middle like splitting a thin board in his two hands, and his hold on me weakened. This spirit was one of the holders who were to be freed. Having come under the power of the wrong entities he was greatly harmed, but after being dissolved he retired to infinity and began to grow into his development again. If taken in time such heads could be cleared and softened by applications of a black liquid dissolvent which is a spirit form of pure graph- 81 ite. This is the material from which scorpion evolves, and that being the infinitizing power of Earth gave it a relation with it. Materials bearing this relation to planets are spoken of as their infinities. Many heads, like the one de- scribed, had gone so far that nothing but entire dissolution, or spirit death, would suffice. After that had taken place it was always pos- sible to renew the entity's power. Spirits with hardened heads nearly always behaved like the crudities which held them and could easily be mistaken for evil, even believing themselves to be so. So soon as they became clear and began to gather in their power they manifested a de- sire to let me know about it, and my feeling of relief at their destruction would be changed to delight and interest in their ability to return to power. I know of but two who required a second physical development in the same planet to complete this return, and one was back in spirit in a few weeks with a very in- finite hold which looked like a tiny, shining baby form. I have no satisfactory information in regard to the other but my impression is that he retained his hold long enough to be born and is still in physical life on Jupiter. If free the composite development would be attracted to Jupiter power which would dis- solve the bright complete and free the man 82 entity allowing the human person to go to Saturn, but if held the two remained together and spoiled. The positizing power now having been with- drawn the human is free to come away so soon as it develops sufficient self-assertion, not wait- ing for the death of the physical form. It is not uncommon, now, for them to come away before birth. In the past some who had worked in infinite creation among the wrong entities had the human person dragged away by them at birth, and such were controlled by them as they willed. One of these was a man I knew. When they grew tired of the body they dropped it, torn and wrinkled, down among others in the black power of Earth. When they all began to revive it was brought to me for treatment and I thought the man was dead. So thought many spirits, and if Yerma knew the truth he was unable to com- municate it to me because of the necessity of depowering others in order to do so. I wrote to his brother who declared him to be alive, but I still believed him dead for he was con- stantly with me. In a few weeks I received word that he was at home and then began a season of enlightenment. This man had been a great infinite ruler, assisting the crude enti- ties much. His creativity was the power to 83 evolve entities and powers to their proper plane when held below it. In infinite power his infinity mingled with the whole of his per- son making his creativity a complete one. In physical life he was a gambler and drinker and natural libertine, and Saint Abel said : "He has had nothing in his life on Earth and when he dies he shall have his own planet and do just as he pleases." Some one remarked that he doubted the wisdom of giving such a man so much power, but the saint answered: "He was a wise and great ruler and is a perfect spirit and I know he will do right." I learned later that he had made many planets, among them the whole constellation of Orion. The south star in the belt is named for himself, Magula. His mate has been there throughout the work, holding his power. Her name is Magulana and the meaning of both is complete ruler, hers being the female form. Upon going into the physical he had delegated to Abel the ability to decide whether his powers were still fit for ruling after a life under such conditions, and that head had declared them to be without a flaw. Evidence of the truth of this was given to all of us when he came out during sleep and evolved held powers and people. His manner at this time was that of one who was delighted to be back in his natural element. When some 84 one twitted him with his life in the physical he manifested an interest in discovering the speaker as though looking for more work and when he saw that it was just an ill natured spirit he said mildly: "Of course, that is the way that went in," meaning the expressment he had taken. YERMA'S COPPER WIRE We began actual work early in the fall of 1903 and sometime during the succeeding win- ter a wire appeared, one busy afternoon, in a place convenient for us to hang people on it. It looked like new copper, and was "animal complete" held by copper. Animal complete is Yerma's creativity which he established by taking physical man while still part animal and the copper which held it is the metal of his personal infinity. Besides his personal infinity he had infinity of the same metal extending down one side into his foot, and this gave him the creativity in animal. This is the ability to restore the development lost by the animal half of the human person when the latter is broken. His power of germaning is used on the infinite planes. 85 Some of the people we hung on the wire were mere heads, or rather, faces with a sur- rounding fringe of short hair, other were in ragged bodies, but they all resisted us and seemed to think we meant harm to them. When they were on the wire they would dis- appear, usually, and we would forget them, the wire taking entire charge of them in order to hold them in safety. The object of bring- ing them up to the surface was to give them special empowerment in Yerma's creativity free from the hold power of the planet. These wires gradually increased in number and we had the power of securing them at will. At first there was quite a discussion as to where the wires came from, some declaring they were the power of the "Infinite," and this made them seem very mysterious and awe-inspiring, but others insisted that they were Yerma's, and when the controversy became somewhat inter- esting the "Infinite" compelled the ruler to explain that they were his power. It seems queer now that he should have done so with the manner of one ashamed, it is so settled that he is the only entity having such a creativity established, unless we except his son who will inherit it when the perfect physical center is completed and Yerma becomes its head; but, besides being a modest spirit, he feared the ef- 86 feet on the spirits who believed it to be some- thing greater than anything belonging to an established spirit which was a mere human being and which they had helped to depower. These are all satisfied now that the "Infinite" is no greater than Yerma nor half as great in the physical power. It was not long before we were making great shelves of the wires, or they were ap- pearing when we needed them, and they were soon filled with hurt people, some of whom were in such dirty empowerment as to sicken them so soon as they could feel, and they must feel in order to grow. We realized that we did not do all of this work though we seemed to be much alone, for the shelves extended in tiers above us and stretched out on all sides of us, the most of them being full. The cen- ter of this was in my own house, but different conditions brought different surroundings and often we were in great pavilions. One of these had several floors one above another, the lower one being quite low down in the power twenty or thirty feet below the surface of the ground, while others were high above it. Spirits who had mended sufficiently to em- power were constantly going about on these floors treating the people. Some who had only heads brought the dissolving fluid and treated 87 the heads which had been hardened. I had my own head filled with it for the benefit of some I held and the effect was very soothing. These little carriers displayed a sense of humor at times by making themselves into quart cups and bottles for holding the liquid, but gener- ally there was more grief than playfulness. One man sat down and rocked some torn and wrinkled bodies in his arms like children and wept. Another who had carried up all he could in a pocketed apron turned his back and sobbed, saying some of them might be his own children. A man who suddenly felt his fa- ther with me fought excitedly for a nearer place, and when asked to have patience ans- wered : "I feel my dad in there and I intend to have him," his manner showing that he thought we would try to prevent him, but when the man was finally given to him his manner was all gentleness and he received him with grief in his face, taking him like a child in his arms, for there was but little to be seen of him but a withered face and some stringy clothing. Thousands came up done in a fanci- ful or ridiculous shape. Pan's people were made up like swine and his mother wept over him because it was intended as an insult, and called him her blessed son. Others looked like short, thick feet made of papier mache. Such as these were in better condition than those who were loose and dirty because they had been done by those who had been given the care of them, and though influenced by the wrong entities to try to spoil them a bene- ficial power had been sent in which they put them, and this saved them somewhat. When I made an extra effort, one day, to lift some people to the wires I found myself scooping them up with a grain shovel and laughingly cried out that I had my father's scoop shovel. It was very helpful until I dis- covered that a man used himself to make it. This shocked me and I lost power with it. Then I saw a man on the shelves using a hay fork and it finally lost power too, but because it was absorbed by the people moved with it. These tools were made by entities who had expressed the material of which they had been manufactured. Having gone into decomposi- tion they could again be gathered as powers, and it was not unusual to have things of this nature with us in the work. Bringing up the people for treatment was often attended with difficulty and disappoint- ment. Some times a man would succeed in getting halfway up with a load of little spirits and then have them jerked from him and scat- tered. A Japanese sat near me and sobbed at intervals for a whole evening over a happen- ing of this kind. He had gathered all he could and could not return on account of his own infirmity but when near to us his load was jerked from him and strewd to the bot- tom of the pavilion. The power of the copper wire was irresist- ible, and a broken spirit who could hold one could will himself to any part of the pavilion to which he felt called. This call might be from some of his own or it might be from a helper who was drawing him, but the wires and the flats made of black power were per- fectly obedient to every call. This was be- cause of what the spirits call "empowerment." Those empowering all the equipment for the work were obedient to their highest inspira- tion and of sufficient power, and there was no failure because of disobedience or want. Such empowerment was possible because of universal intelligence which was a property of the materials as well as the entities who had expressed them. Not only right empower- ments are obedient to inspiration but wrong ones also. Of course, in the case of the latter the inspiration is a wrong one too being given by wrong entities. Most all work in spirit is done by this means. 90 MY WHITE POWER About the same time that Yerma's copper wire appeared I became conscious of a pe- culiar power of my own. A strip of soft, white material could be drawn away from me on either side and rolled up like a sheet of cotton batting, being about the same width and simi- lar in texture. I could will a sheet of it about a spirit and send him upon the copper wire, where he would remain until taken away by some worker. Miguel, my attendant guide, would draw from me a strip and hold it a few seconds to empower it in "white yerma," then will it through me and carry out any "musser" who was bothering me. The spoiled spirits were eager to get it and would pass by me in a line and pull for it ; I could whiten their faces by looking at them. I could see rolls of it down in the power and was informed by Yerma that he had been storing it ever since my birth for use in the work, wishing to have a supply in case of my death, for after it was obtained it could be repowered from any me- diumistic person. Yerma called it animal magnetism, and I could greatly increase the supply by eating grown beef, any kind of meat having the same tendency. Some of the rolls below were 91 full of spirits, and many of the wire shelves were spread with it for the benefit of those who were on them. It assisted in giving back the physical development which they had lost by being broken, restoring the half of the human person which is man. MY STEEL A little later I became aware that when I so willed a quivering steel-like stick would float out of my back or head and do whatever I chose and then float back and settle in me again, unless I used it to pin something to the wire. This came when it had become difficult to get a sheet of my white power, and was the same material positized, both being pure tin. So much had been given out that it could be held, and the form was changed so that we could use it. Both were attracted by my caul which looked like a white knit suit covering hands and feet and head. It had the physical power of pain, and when it became torn and cut it became a source of annoyance, and was dissolved and renewed by Father Neptune. The spirits would ask me to will the sticks into their eyes because they had a clearing ef- 92 feet on the sight, and sometimes they would go away with one hanging to each eye. It was unpleasant for me to do this at first but they assured me there was no pain attending it. I often willed them into my own eyes later, doing so with all the strength at my com- mand, and if the musser I sought to depower was stronger than I pain would fellow, if not I would be relieved. Heaps of sticks were deposited down below in the course of a few weeks and the power changed again. Father Yerma called this last form "our lead" because it was a power com- mon to several of us, though its evolver was a Mercury man whose personal infinity was lead. The effect of this was just as wonderful as that of the other two, and was applicable to a class of spirits which was different from those which took the magnetism and steel. Once when I had covered a spirit with it and forced him to go below I was struck by the looks of it, and remarked to Miguel that it looked like an old lard can. I suspected that Father Yerma had caused it to take that shape, for he was pleased to amuse us at times, and perhaps himself. Later, however, he confessed to it as an inspiration from the evolver who has an empowerment of mirth, but that one blamed it upon Jehova's interpreter who then looked 93 accusingly out at the head of infinity himself. My settled belief is that it came from the INFINITE, as some would have him called. I often, afterward, hung up people in just such cans by lapping the top over the wire. All such applications were intended and destined to benefit the ones receiving them, and if they did not understand the motive in the begin- ning they would before many minutes. THE INFINITE GREEN POWER When we were clearing the Jupiter people who had materialized at the beginning of Earth's physical there came a power of a light sage green color which was called the infinite green power. It was made into platforms, steps, stool and chairs. What we called shutes were also formed of it. These were places with slanting walls, the openings not wider than a foot or two. When a struggling man was once on the inside of a shute he rapidly lost power and gained sense. All he had would combine with the green power and he would soon be- come clear. The attraction of this power was marvelous ; we found a man apparently playing with a little stool of it and taking it from him 94 Miguel bade him sit upon it, and in trying to obey he almost fell upon it, and I felt the pull myself. He instantly looked pleased and I knew it was a good thing for him. He was a Mars human and was spoiled in a way that held the animal power outside, and had a very bad appearance, for the man power should al- ways do the holding. When a spirit needed treatment at the feet he would be told to climb and a step would form just ahead of him each time he moved a foot forward, and when he was through he would be at the head of a flight of steps. Such steps were formed on the spot by spirits who had power with the materials. One spirit pro- fessed to feel scorn for anyone who would stoop to such labor, and the mate of Father Neptune informed him that she had made many a step. He looked at her disbelievingly a moment and then retired. The green power was made of infinite man power and the stone power of Jehova's personal infinity, which is pure emerald. PAN IN THE WORK About all the working power of his own that Pan could gather in the beginning was made up of a soft white turban and jacket, 95 and a childish face which often quivered with grief over the hurts of the people. He had lost personal power upon his first visit to Pandora after her empowerment in the physical. So soon as he was in her mother's presence the wrong entities drew his pearl form away, and he had not recovered it when the work began. He was thus obliged to empower especially, and what he wore when healing looked like a priest's robe or cloak and changed his appear- ance completely, making it necessary to know him by inspiration. This was spoken of as Miguel's, and I looked upon it as the power he had grown or gathered during his novitiate, for he had partly prepared for the priesthood. Then the developer, Alimentahl, appeared in a suit which had become familiar to me as Mig- uel's soldier clothes. They were a nice gray and seemed to beautify everyone who wore them. They were so sought after that I said if we wished a spirit to behave we had only to put him into that suit. It may have been on account of the infinity in them for Father Yerma said that Miguel's life had been per- fect. They seemed to be invulnerable for Pan wore them into some very depowering places. Another one I saw wearing them was Basil, a little boy about six years old then who had been born dead and was growing up in spirit. 96 He was compelling some torn but resisting bodies to go upon a wire and had the same look of infinity upon his face, though the clothes were so large they hung down all about him and seemed to cling to him rather than be worn. When Pandora's pearl form was released Pan's was also freed and he began to gather in his power. When this was completed he looked like a great angel who wore a white turban and robe with a pale blue petticoat, a soft light showing through all. There were also glimpses of brilliant yellow in his raimant, which was animal fertilization. This was the chief power used in his work of healing, as later events proved. After spending a month or so treating the people below he came up and worked among the children, and when work- ing with me he sometimes imitated household utensils. I had purchased some galvanized iron pans for my chickens to drink from, and being new they looked like tin. He would take a spirit form of one of these and put into it a handful of black muss, as the ruined power was called, and after shaking it gently back and forth a moment a little face would appear, then a shoulder and arm and soon a little baby would be rolling to and fro in it. An affection- ate pull at it would set it to cooing, and one 97 left the pan entirely and wrapped itself about my head. He brought about two hundred babies back to life in those pans. He next empowered his spirit person and would put a collection of dead things inside and hold them, and soon a white, whole baby would slip out between his feet and float down below to Yerma's shelves and fall asleep. This would occur every few minutes until his power was spent, which was in two or three days. Then after spending a day or so work- ing with me, while I occupied a large chair in my sitting room, he was weakened and went farther down and formed a hollow cone of sev- eral powers and worked with that. It was also for the purpose of healing children. There were two large heaps of the little bodies of colored children which umbrustat had gathered up. These were brought up on a circular platform of the infinite green power which surrounded the cone, and several people were set to the work of mending their little broken powers. Most of the workers were colored. The break was healed by a pressure of the hand of those sitting on the green power. The wisdom of Pan was shown at this time by a little incident. One of the colored workers was empowered in a way that gave him a black cape and skull cap which added greatly to his 98 appearance, and as fine looks always attracted those a little spoiled, there was a rush of candi- dates for empowerment, hoping it would be the same. Pan indicated that they should wait a moment and then gave each some work which did not call for the cape and cap. Only one accepted. He saw through the trick and laughingly went to work. The others were as yet unfit. One of the first to empower re- marked to me over his shoulder that he had not gotten the cape either, but was set to scraping something, but he went to work for he knew that would help. Promotore, the son of Pan, assisted him in the work by bringing the human persons of living people to help empower, and the children were very greedy for them and followed them around. One amused us greatly by swimming around after them as though he were in the water. Pan overworked just before forming this cone and had a hysterical spell like a woman. He accused his father of neglecting him, and declared that in future he would in- sist upon having more of his care. His father, who was interpreter for the Infinite, went up into his high tower, which was for the purpose of taking him out of the Earth power, and sought inspiration. He soon announced that Pan had simply overworked and that when he 99 could not see yellow in his spirit he must rest. He had been lending me a portion of his power by keeping a foot upon my head and, delighted to find myself so able, I had used it without stint. This depowered him faster than he was aware and led to his sobbing arraignment of his father and the making of the cone so that he could do more by concentrating several powers. During this period when I awoke one morn- ing there was a little girl about two years of age directly in front of me; she was held by Pan who had a way of occupying the same space I did. Her face was natural flesh color but the rest of her body was like a shadow. She was looking down below and off to the right where a group of children were watching her. As she passed her shadowy hands over her face I could see that she was communicating with them, but I could not hear a word she said, and one of the children ex- plained that she was saying "Now I have my face," and "My neck is right now," and "Now my arms are showing," and I could see that she was growing white all over. But the thing which held me was her face which was exactly like that of a young girl I had known when we were school children, and this was evidently her child. Her name was Josie and we called 100 the child Josie for her. Pan had selected her for work at that time because he knew that I would remember, though it had been twenty- nine years since we had parted. Before long the mother of the child joined the group below and then the mother of the Josie I had known, and they were all alike, having pretty oval faces and brown curly hair. I learned later that the three were all human. The little Josie and the human who expressed for Pan's young- est son proved to be mates and human creators in the class human. Many people whom I had seen in the past were being brought to life at this time. One was a young girl I had seen in her coffin twenty-six years before and now saw across her father's lap being nursed back to con- sciousness, never having opened her eyes on a spirit world. Her eyelids would tremble but there was no communication for several days. She afterward told me that she could sense things some time before she could communi- cate. Another resurrection, which was a pleasure to me, was that of a spirit I had known in my first days of clairvoyance. I had loved him as a dear guide but he had ceased to visit me and I had come to think he had not actually ex- isted, so strong was the wrong power to draw 101 him from me. One day a person represented only by a little black face passed by me in charge of a flat full of spoiled people and a voice said: "This is Charlie." It was my old friend, whom I had given that name though he was an ancient Greek, and I was as much sur- prised as I was pleased to see him again. I soon learned that several others whom I had come to consider myths, because of the hold upon me, were real personalities and were as anxious to renew acquaintance as I. They had been hurt and could not come to the surface and it pleased the wrong spirits to make me think I had never known them but had been deceived by enemies of whom I had scores. THE HOUSE OF POWER Another exhibition of Pan's power was given on a platform at least as high as my head, and quite outside of the center to the northwest. There was a little house of the in- finite green power consisting of one room only, with an opening in each end which would allow spirits to be thrown entirely through. Though the outside walls and roof were green the inside was a solid, transparent black. Pan would take up a body with his left hand and 102 press the broken part with his positive right, then throw it through the house of power which would attract from it all it should not have, and it would fall upon the wire shelves beyond and disappear. The disappearance was intentional and the result of the body filling with power. Nearly everything was held in- visibly on account of the greater safety. One of the subjects of Pan's healing at this time was a well known western woman. She had not withered because of her power being all pearl, but she was broken. She had always shown a determination to heal herself, and had worked at the break during intervals of rest from her work with others. Suddenly Pan decided that the time had come for her to be relieved and called her to him. She was at work then but something was bothering her. He filled her with the green power, then stand- ing her low down pointed to the flight of steps which appeared at that instant leading up to the platform. She walked up but it seemed as though she must float, being so buoyant. When upon the platform he passed her a green chair and she sat down. Some of her power is still holding those who caused the break and has been sitting on the platform for more than two years, while she has comparative freedom. 103 THE SPIRIT SWORD One day when I was trying to throw off an annoying influence, which I could not see or locate, Miguel said : "Wait and I will send this after it." He had in his hand what looked like a sword and sent it away, willing it to find and depower the disturber. I asked him what it was, and he answered that it was Yerma's sword. I had not seen it before, and as he had not seemed to leave me for a moment, I won- dered when he had grown familiar with it. He was able, soon, to tell me that he had not seen it before but that Yerma had sent it to him just then saying: "Here is my sword, use it for that." Later, Miguel told me that he could will it anywhere and it would find any- one he wished and depower him. It looked like a fine steel sword with a handle of silver work made with deep places for the fingers. It could be divided into layers and each used separately, but they all had the same silver handle though they were smaller. Yerma showed me where it came from when there was an opportunity, and reaching his hand behind he drew it from its place in the lower part of his back. It seemed to be held there by many fine threads. It did not show the handle then and I learned that it was not a part of it, but was made of 104 my own silver which, being the metal of my personal infinity, gave it empowerment with me. The deep places in the handle were to allow the fingers to come into contact with the sword and combine the two powers. I was shown that the location of the sword during life is in the heart, Pan lifting my own from my heart and unfolding it for me to see. At death it passes to the back. It is the property of the infinite man entity only, and results from his human development, connecting him with the human person. My human developer pulled on me to illustrate and pulled on my heart with all her person, a fine web of threads being stretched between. A male human near her, whose principal had been dead thousands of years, said there was always a slight con- nection. Another said the sword was our re- lationship, and showed the same gauzy mater- ial connecting the human with the man which lasted always. Pan used his sword to treat living people. I have known a strip of it to whirl for several days in the lungs of the human belonging to a woman of my acquaintance. This was to relieve her of lung trouble. One day on the street I met a man with a badly swollen foot and Pan said : "Go slowly," and kneeling down he ran the sword into the foot. My first ex- 105 perience with this sword had been forgotten when I saw Yerma's, and when reminded of it it seemed like a dream, but I remember it dis- tinctly now. It was in the beginning of the work when the hold on me was so strong that the occurrences of a night would be unreali- ties by noon the following day. I was poor in health in several ways then and believe the treatment I received has prolonged my life. I was awakened by the sensation of being cauterized over all the weak and sore places in- side of my body. It seemed that a slim iron about eighteen inches, or less, in length was searching for every spot not in health and burning it relentlessly again and again so long as it would hurt. When it could not hurt a sore place it left it and tried another. I felt a relief, and when it went to my head it seemed to be in a hurry to go and I seized it in my hands and stirred up the things in it which bothered me, but not for long, for it slipped from my grasp. When I reminded the human creator of my disappointment at its getting away he said I would have lost things I was to hold if I had cleared my head. His own creative infinite had empowered it for my treatment and that of the woman with the lung trouble, but when treating the swollen foot it was empowered by Abel's infinite man in order 106 that it might be given to those who had caused the trouble. I have also seen him treat a lame horse and a sick chicken, and at these times he used his own animal power. When the em- powerment was given by an infinite which was not Pan's power his human went into it and kept full to supply it. In this same way he has strengthened spirits bereft while work- ing in the poorly powered places. Bellericus, who is a strong spirit, has been literally eaten in such places and left without power to rise, then Pan would send him a light piece of his sword and he would soon be able again. PAN'S TONGUE POWER One evening when Miguel and I seemed to be alone, and surrounded by people who were evil, Pan, who had gone below, threw us a small, dark thing which looked like the tongue of an animal. It excreted a liquid which had a very dissolving effect and would even set things in a bright blaze on account of the rapidity of its work. A part of the time I had it in my hand and a part of the time Miguel had it, but between us we threw the liquid over the people and the stuff they had with them, 107 and their faces would light up as though on fire on the inside and then disappear. Other tongues were attracted to us and one attached itself to the top of my head, where Pan had empowered me in some of his personal infinity, and began to set fire to things there. It was a pleasure to the crude entities to imagine they were frightening me and they willingly began stacking coffinlike shapes upon my head. The one below would blaze up brightly for a mo- ment and then fall away allowing the next one to settle down and begin burning. This continued until seven coffins had burned up and fallen away, then all was darkness. After the disappearance of the people there was some discussion down below as to whether they were dead, one declaring he knew one still lived. This was a disappointment to me for he had stood a little way from us and somewhat above and had kept up such a boist- erous yelling and talking that I felt it would be an insult to us to allow him to remain alive after all the strain we had endured, but he proved to be a very important holder who could not be spared for awhile. After the light had gone out my gaze was attracted below to a spirit of a class which had always worn a peculiar gray, and I saw Pan throw a tongue at him and he soon dis- 108 appeared. Then there was a discussion again as to whether he had died, but when we were clear enough for me to receive inspiration I knew that none of them had actually died in the sense of having been destroyed, and none of them were evil but were holding evil power, and the burning meant that the time had come for them to be cleared. The one Pan had thrown the tongue at had begged for it, and as I remember him now his face was sad and his figure had a pathetic droop. He and his class were holders of spider web and this gave them their gray color. One of my most painful days was the one on which he was finally cleared. It seemed to be necessary to bring him into the flat which I occupied when lying down. I think this was because the crudities willed it for much of my suffering was brought about in this way. During the day I looked back at the stubborn face of the man and wondered that he would be allowed to hurt me with such a physical hurt that the wind blowing on my head caused me sickening pain when I was obliged to go out for fuel for the fire. There had been cuts across the back of my head for some time and just to touch them nauseated me. My human person was still in and it suf- fered like the physical because of my negative condition. When I was told that it was done 109 I glanced at the man again with impatience, but the face I saw was childlike and showed only that it had suffered and longed for kind- ness. I could not repress a smile at the change, but his answering look was a little resentful as though my smile hurt his feelings. I asked Pan where he had obtained the ton- gues and after a short silence, in which he seemed to be trying to remember where, he answered that he had gathered them out in the infinite. Although that was true it was not so very enlightening. I learned more later be- cause of a form which looked like a man dressed in thick clothes with flaps to the pock- ets of his coat. By inspiration I learned that Pan as head of flesh was head of tongue also, the latter being a form of flesh. The mannish form was made up of entities evolving from tongue and the most advanced ruled it. I saw Pan use this as his own person one evening very effectively, though without the show that attended Miguel and myself in our work with tongue. He licked the faces of many people with the tongue in its mouth and made them appear to grow into white flesh again after be- coming wrinkled and dark. His own son, who was so changed that he was known to him only by inspiration, was licked all over his body and then handed over to Hapitsu and her mate, for 110 though he was the physical son of Pan he be- longed to his wife and her mate in entity. When he was whole and white like flesh the tongue ceased to lick him, then when others came the impulse to lick was felt again and this continued until the power settled, which was after an hour or two, and many grown people had had their faces licked, and children also, and been sent out on the wires to continue growth more slowly. This was conducted after the manner of most all spirit work, which is inspired by the intention in the powers themselves. Several days after this I saw an- other son of Pan being tossed about as though he had lost all power and expressed myself as disappointed that he had done nothing for Bright Eyes, a name I had given him because it was appropriate, and I could get no other. After looking him over Pan lifted and laid him across my head on the tongue and left him there several hours. I could see him growing and finally he was whole and white. Another young man was on the flat beside me and was growing too all the time, and when they were well they went out together. Because they looked alike, and were so nice after having been spoiled, we called them the two saints. The tongue on my head grew to be so large that its power was taken by others and I did 111 little but act as its holder. It was about twenty feet across and a strip of it went down inside and came out at my waist line. The wrong entities enjoyed annoying me with this part of it, but it surely went on dissolving their power even while they held it, and much work was done in this very manner. THE SEXLESS MEN OF SATURN These numbered about a million, and were those in the first center infinite who were too much under the control of the tainting power which spoiled the head to be trusted with the sex power in the physical. Pandora's lion power controlled ten millions, and Saint Abel took all the remainder in charge with the ex- ception of these who were sent into Saturn physical by materialization depowered of sex. Only males were subject to control because male, being crude, absorbs all wrong, driving out the female which returns to infinity, this being the natural course of the latter when the embodiment is spoiled. All these sexless men were pure male, having been separated from the embodiment of entity. Being human they expressed their own physical, though held for 112 UNIVERSITY } OF J 2~ it by Satyrai the maker of the planet. This was necessary because, being under the wrong power, they would gather sex if free. One of these, later, made Jupiter and took full physical man by materialization on that planet. He is now known as Father Jupiter and is the sire of Moline, the maker of Earth. Not all have had the sex power returned, as yet. Being obliged to work among those who empowered them wrongfully it was deemed of greater safety to remain as they were. Their mates are scattered throughout the three cre- ative centers and have all taken on physical. They will be re-empowered in mateship upon the return of their former state of perfection, which will be at the completion of the re- creation of the wrong entities. This will be brought about during a stay in the elements which compose their personal infinities. WHAT IT IS TO COME IN PERFECTION To come in perfection is to have all the ma- terial which we define as our own of the very highest quality. To come true to type means to have all the material which we attract as a working person take man with us. To come 113 in perfection does not always mean coming true to type. Yerma, who had all his material of the very highest quality, was not true to type. His head took man while the most of his person was lion, and he had copper in his back which set for expressment and needed to be transferred. This compositeness of entity gave the wrong powers a hold on his material but because of his physical creativity, or sex- ual power, being in perfection they could not effect his sanity, though they utterly destroyed his planetary power in three hundred thousand years after embodiment. For nearly two mil- lions of years before his physical birth he was in protozoa. This is not a period of sleep or idleness, but one full of labor which is per- formed while lying on the back with the work- ing power in a circle about the head. Entities working in this power are called protozoa rulers. This leaning from type was a great source of weakness with many. If it effected the physical creativity there was no avail against insanity after the two crude entities took on physical. The loins empower cat in the type, but in some this went to man and in others to snake. In such cases there was no hold against crudity. The reason for this power being the most subject to wrong was that the 114 majority of those at variance were cat with no chance at man. These were encouraged to cultivate a hold on the loin power of perfect entities who were true to type in order to create in them an affinity for man. All would have been well if they had remained in in- finite power, as it was they ruined the physi- cal creativity of many in Earth life. Upon reaching finite creation perfect entities take a power known as "complete," which is the perfection evolved by Pandora's embodi- ment developed finitely. It contains power of every class on every plane constantly in an evolving condition. In color it is a reddish brown. When one color in it is held, giving it a black or blue cast, it is termed black com- plete or blue complete. The ruling head of complete is a female entity who is man em- powering head at Saint Andrew's gate. She acts both as male and female, having both powers all around and thus in positivity. She, with the male and female lions, which are the greatest animal powers, on the right hand and the head plant entities, which are two syca- more trees, on the left, forms the upper or rul- ing tier in the empowering gate. In this way every infinite man entity taking empowerment at the gate is given a hold on complete whether he comes in perfection or not. Most all en- 115 tities have one or more things in perfection, only two being known to be absolutely without this quality. They are the two who persisted in taking on physical when utterly unfit. POWERS OF THE PERFECT Yerma's right to his name was often demon- strated during the work of freeing the spirits. One night a man on Saturn sent word that he believed he could come to Earth if he just had Yerma, meaning his brown, or animal com- plete. In a few moments a broad strip of brown spirit material extended from the ruler toward the west. Some one asked what was being done and he answered with some amuse- ment : "My foot is on Saturn." In a short time the man came in, looking nothing like a man, except as to the head, but like a sea of fine, transparent cloth two or three acres in extent, full of spirit faces. At another time a man on Aldebaran felt that he needed help to draw his host within Earth's power and the strip of power extended east and then down. In a few minutes another lot of badly powered spirit entities and their holder were added to our accumulation. These two, as well as other 116 holders, had attracted the wrong entities be- cause of having evolved creativities which they needed to bring about normal entity power. This hold was not only allowed but was often brought about by strategy, being the only way a change in their powers could ever be effected. It was to continue so long as they grew through its agency, but when they began to decrease in power they were to be sent 'out for negatization and the holders freed. This latter condition had now evolved and they were being sent into whatever power fitted them best. The greatest powers come from development in the crude physical, and the heavier the center or planet the greater the powers developed. What we mean by greatness is greatness in the sense of strength or ability. Such fully empowered entities become owners of much spiritized material. The person of Yerma, if erect, would be a mile in length from head to foot. He does not present this appearance, however, because he reaches down and spreads around in the planet to connect with the developing spirit, such being the order with rulers. Zeus, the "great spirit father" when on Jupiter could put one foot on Mer- cury and one on Earth and rule all three plan- ets. He has empowered spirit material on 117 every working planet in this creative center. His greatness of personal power comes be- cause of two things. One is his natural power in crude because of being human or half ani- mal, and the other is his empowerment as Pan- dora's ruling mate, she being in absolute per- fection and invulnerable to all wrong. Pandora's ruling spirit which was attracted from Mercury at the beginning of the work here covered this planet to the depth of a yard all over, and Pan's lay coalesced with it, also some of Verdans. The latter did but little planetary work as compared with the other two, and his power was still in the creative in- finite. These are ten feet deep over Earth now and are not all here. They are not their per- sons but the planetary developing spirit which they empowered personally. Alimental, the special developer, has spirit material on every planet in this center; and Promotore, whose creativity is to develop the medium spirit, has empowered material with every female sensitive in this center. Another example of what can be done by a spirit great in power was shown during the work at the "house of power." Yerma came up a little from below and announced that he was about to split the powers of all the first born of Earth, these being human. And taking 118 one of the first born, who was a son of Moline, he used his sword as a part of himself, causing it to look as though he had suddenly grown a tail like that of an animal, and turned it still attached into a sword in his hand with which he split the line of power which extends up the back, and is animal, to the top of the head, but did not cut through the line which crosses the head. By this one act all the first born of Earth were split in like manner. Evidence of the occurrence has not been lacking for we have all had them to look at and work with, and we ordinarily called them "splits." The object in doing so was to hold them safe from the wrong power. The advantages of being perfect are not con- fined to the ruling powers. Seers who have come in perfection have power to leave the planets on which they are in physical life and go consciously to others. Such persons have watched the progress of this work from other planets, my experience being limited to one on Jupiter, one on Polaris and one on Aldebaran. These are all living in the flesh, and have an- swered my questions in regard to the physical conditions of their planets and the attainments of their people. They have often been near enough for me to touch them and were all fe- males. Though the husband of the one from 119 Jupiter was often with her she was reporting seer for the society which was seeking the in- formation. She was a queen in her own right, and thus had unlimited opportunity, not being hedged about by custom such as that of queens of Earth. She answered an inquiry of mine by saying the Jupiter people had everything known to the people of Earth except automo- biles. She was able to see none of those even when looking by seerage but later she called to me and said: "The Jupiter people fly;" meaning by machine. The seer on Polaris is the mate of a man who had taken physical development by birth on that planet, and finding those powers could not hold what had been put upon him had been de- powered and born in Earth. He was well known to me, but had been dead several years. His father had had the same experience. The mate of the seer on Aldebaran had not yet taken physical development, never having been free to do so because of being a holder in the work. THE PERFECT PHYSICAL The perfect physical is consequent upon the decomposition of crude, and those entities who are incapable of establishing in crude wait for 120 the perfect for that purpose. The perfect physical flesh power looks like white meal and is capable of dissemination with crude mater- ials and becoming invisible. The crude flesh power is inclined to remain in masses. It col- lects in bodies and is drawn toward people in physical life showing inclination for express- ment. Some children, when explaining the dif- ference between perfect and crude, said: "Our flesh power looks like meat," and showed me the crude flesh power which had a fiber like the flesh of animals and a red color. Entities established in crude advance to the perfect physical in their own center and return to crude at will. A center established in crude always has some crude, even though it has planets in the perfect. Entities who have any- thing in perfection begin to gather a perfect physical infinite personal to themselves so soon as they are established, its center being in their crude personal infinite. The nucleus of the first perfect physical cen- ter was established eight thousand years ago. It will be ready for expressment of entity so soon as there is enough power to sustain a planet, which will be in seven millions of years. This establishment was accomplished by bind- ing together the entities whose personal in- finites, collectively, were to form the center in- 121 finite and connecting them with the power which forms the center. This forming power was that of Pandora who establishes all cen- ters. One of her heads in her complete infinite was used as a connecting link to draw power from her to the center. This attracts the over- flow from crude centers, they retaining what they have most attraction for. Yerma, who will have the most power in the perfect physi- cal, because of his compositeness of entity, will be head of the center, delegating his creativi- ties to others. The establishment of a perfect physical cen- ter constitutes the establishment of its forming entities also, as they do not enter the crude physical, being in negativity. The creators in perfect physical do not create in crude nor do the entities they create take crude, being also in negativity. To take expressment in perfect physical an entity, if man, empowers himself, or if one of the lower forms, is empowered, first in flesh power then in the power of the planet on which he wishes to establish. This is done by passing the powers through the person repeatedly, like slicing with them, until it is full. This requires only a short time, about an hour, and he is attracted to the planet in which he is empowered. There he grows a perfect physical body during a stay in its infinite of 122 about a year, then he is ready to empower en- tity. He empowers only those of his own per- sonal infinite. He does this by attracting them to him and wearing them as his own personal power until they are strong enough to be in- dependent. In about a month he can empower as many as would constitute a strong body for him, and this would fit them to attract perfect physical bodies of their own made up of en- tities from their own personal infinites. This requires mate empowerment after the manner of that among spirits, which is by touching of the feet, and is confined to the mate in entity. The sex empowered is according to personal endowment, if both are complete they will em- power male and female equally. No one em- powers entirely one or the other. An entity in the perfect physical is not con- fined to the planet on which he takes express- ment but is able to move to another and attract his body and its confining entities to him. This may require an hour. The stay on any planet depends upon the number who hold for em- powerment and may be a year or ten years. The depowerment of the perfect physical body is not like dying, but is a dematerialization which allows it to return to the power from which it was taken. Perfect physical planets which are established in the perfect physical 123 mature in one thousand years, but they are not established as such in crude centers unless for some special purpose. They are allowed to grow to that state from crude. Our creative center will have a planet grown to the perfect physical in fifteen thousand years. This will be Saturn, whose center shows perfect physical now which can be seen by seers. The middle creative center has had planets in the perfect physical four thousand years and the farther one has them ready for expressment. When this last center was discovered to be perfect we were holding out to it and talking on this subject. A spirit stooped down and said, with some excitement, that they were perfect then. Previously they had said they were almost ready for expressment. When I asked how he knew he answered that he could see it. Later, another spirit said he knew it because he was being pulled in for expressment. And the first spirit said what he had seen was the power of that man being taken away to the center hold power of that planet, and he knew it was going there to take empowerment. 124 SUPPLEMENTARY PLANETS Duplicates were made of all planets effected by the wrong power. This does not mean that the infinitizing power was reproduced, for such planets were not intended for the support of physical life but for a holding or clarifying power. In the case of Earth there were two duplicates. One was of the material from which scorpion evolves, scorpion being the in- finitizing power of Earth. The other was of complete animal, which is the entity power of Yerma established in the planet for the purpose of attracting heat, light and electricity from the sun. The material which formed the black duplicate looked like tar but was transparent. It would flow in and fill the whole planet and I could see it far above my head, as though we were in a black transparent lake. It was very dissolvent, being the same material mentioned under "Forgetting Things." Some were afraid of it, the idea prevailing among the spoiled that to dissolve meant to perish utterly. People were sometimes sent to the planet for treat- ment. It was situated southeast of Earth and above the horizon about one-fourth of the dis- tance to the zenith. When I asked some chil- dren how they went there and how it looked they answered that they "just got full and 125 flipped off" and that at the planet it was a clear black all around. In most cases these duplicates were made of the entity power estab- blished in the planets only, Earth being an ex- ception in that respect because of the wrong powers being concentrated in this planet. I could count twenty-three duplicates. The originals were all burned out one night and it was an inspiring sight. Some of the spoiled thought it fearful. When the planet Sirius be- gan to burn its ruler was with us, having been drawn in by Zeus to prevent him from losing what he held. When he was attracted by the light he asked: "What are my little dears do- ing now?" meaning the entities in protozoa power taking development. Zeus answered: "The spirit will flow in immediately. The planet will not be emptied of it." Then I knew it meant the dissolvement of the developing spirit and its return to infinity, for much had been drawn in from planets and destroyed. The work of freeing those who held was be- gun forty years late because these duplicate planets were not ready for use. It takes four thousand years to mature a planet in a crude physical center, and forty of the last four thou- sand had passed before it developed that the powers would be held. They were all made by Father Neptune, the head of caul, the dupli- 126 cate of the planet Neptune being of that ma- terial. He had been instructed by Pandora, in her capacity of seer, that they would be needed and that he could wait forty-five years beyond the allotted time, but if it had not de- veloped then that they would be needed they should be made without longer waiting for the need would surely come and certain powers would be weakening. When forty of the forty- five had passed the planets she had indicated were all held and the duplicates made. The wrong entities did this by gaining possession of the hold powers in the center infinite which sustain the planets. This sustaining, or "sus- pending," of a planet in the upper regions of a center is a simple thing in spirit, there being no such thing as weight in the sense of a pull downward. The entities establishing the planet are of the same power as those compos- ing its holding or sustaining power in the cen- ter infinite, and they all will to do the same tfting. This willing added to the natural ten- dencies or talents of the forming powers brings the thing about. Sometimes it happens that a new planet is drawn out of its plane by one near which it is established. When this is true the stone entities assist it by sustaining plane- toids near it until it is advanced in its material- ization far enongh to overcome the disturbing 127 attraction, then they allow them to be attracted into some passing planet which will take them as its own material. These in their scattered condition are often known to us as meteors, having materialized after the manner of true planets. Our sun and moon required no duplicates, being too infinite in quality to be influenced wrongfully, and were used in the work of clear- ing very freely. Saturn being a dead planet, was also free from hold, though in the work of communication between spirits and the people in the physical its white power has been used as restraining power to keep the medium's en- tity free from wrong influence, and in this way the crude entities gathered a force from it by which they could bring discomfort to people of Earth through its cold. They could also freeze vegetation out of its natural time and where the climate is semi-tropical, doing much damage to the citrus fruit industry. They could also bring devastating storms and floods, and delighted in nothing so much as these great catastrophes which terrified and bur- dened mankind. The electric power from the sun used with certain materials gave forth a sound like that of electric machinery, and when used as an explosive power it had the danger- ous snap of a bolt of lightning in proximity, 128 and left the struck material in the form of floating white ashes. The spirits who brought the sun power were men who were born on Earth. They had gone to the planet and cultivated holding it until they could bring its powers here for use. They were spoken of by others as sun rulers. The planet Aldebaran gives a light in spirit by which clairvoyants may discern physical ob- jects. Its light has been thrown around the house when I have heard noises in the night and I could see every object it covered. This is an entity power of Mother Yerma who made the planet. SELF-EMPOWERMENTS Many who knew themselves to be tainted by the wrong entities empowered with reference to physical life. Some saw they could not take on physical during the recreation of the wrong powers without being utterly spoiled in it and empowered themselves not to go in during that period. Others empowered with reference to special things which might prove a bar to a right life. Such were all under the influence of the wrong entities and were held by Jehova to see their plight and remedy it. 129 One man who had passed a long and useful life with no shadow of wrong on his name came into spirit to find that he had been tainted by those whom he had assisted, and still had power left which was a great surprise to him, being so at variance with the character of his life. Instead of the hymns he had been accustomed to hear and the prayers he had been wont to utter it contained vulgarity and ill feeling. He went courageously to work to purify it, as he saw he could. While he worked it came to him more and more clearly that his own empower- ment of himself for physical life was respon- sible for its great success, both as to its purity of aim and its freedom from temptations with which it had been empowered by the wrong entities. He had empowered himself with spe- cial reference to alcoholic stimulants because one of his creativities was establishing wine in power and this might prove a weakness to him. He had arranged that even a social glass would give him a pain at the base of the brain, and that had caused him to abstain from drink of all kinds. He also empowered himself evangel- istically and spent his life evangelizing and establishing churches of the Presbyterian faith. At times he felt amusement over the great surprise he had left for himself in spirit life. 130 Most people have had power to arrange for life in the physical as they have seen fit. This does not mean as they would have been pleased to have it, but as their infinity or highest in- spiration saw was the way their creativity would accomplish the most for those who re- tained a hold on them. Many have resigned themselves to a life of unhappiness or im- morality because to escape it they must de- power of some one, or many, who brought it about by clinging with crude powers. Life in the physical to which we are born seems so short to spirits, and the entities with nothing by means of which they may grow seem so piti- able. The perfect spirits are sure of their per- fection being everlasting, even though they lead the lives of criminals or vagabonds in the crude physical. Saint Abel said there was no doubt in his mind about himself being a thief or murderer were he to take on crude physical while the wrong entities held his power, and all such have his greatest sympathy. Many suicides and murderers have returned to per- fect spirit powers and the greatest usefulness. Many of these do not seek to establish their own powers when taking physical for the first time, but take something which is being culti- vated for the ones holding them, leaving their own to be taken when they are freer, thus they 131 become veritable incarnations of the crudest of spirits. Many women have gone in knowingly to lives of shame and want rather than spoil the powers of others. Such things as these, done in simplicity of mind, tend to make ordin- ary spirits great and change great ones into gods. Not all who empower themselves are mar- tyrs, however, for many arrange for the estab- lishment of talents which they possess, as of painting or music or literature. I know of one man who empowered himself to be a great financier, taking the talent of another man who could not establish it. The evolver of the power was a poor man in the physical, and died early because of things which he held, but his great talent is working still and is as firmly established as though he had taken it. Then some having power in crude, because of com- positeness of entity, have been placed in posi- tions of great responsibility, as that of rulers of countries, while their more infinite powers call for an inferior position. Such make ex- cellent rulers and have been among the great- est of Earth. The entities with very refined powers are not so successful in physical life as those whose powers are more in strength. 132 MOVING WESTWARD When this work began in the fall of 1903 the other two creative centers were in a line extending directly northwest of us, and three years later they were straight northeast of us. This change was brought about by the west- ward movement of this creative center and the consequent movements which were necessary to the other two in order to preserve their positions relative to us, the heavier being the nearer. We have now settled upon the south- western edge of our human creative infinite where we will remain for one million years. During this time we will be in touch with in- finite creation, and the wrong entities will have the benefit of the two powers, the negatizing influence of Jehova's infinity and the positizing influence of finite creation, thus completing their recreation. They are being sent out for negatization, but will not be entirely deprived of the power of our creative center which was made heavy for them, for some of them take the positive more naturally than the negative and could not be developed without it. Those who decided to remain in infinite power preserved the relationship with the en- ties which evolved from the material which they had defined as their own, and these are 133 being returned to them for further develop- ment as they are perfectly capable of caring for them from now on. These entities had been distributed among others more or less perfect during the first period of recreation. The entities which evolved from the material of those who took on physical were also dis- tributed among those who had power with them. They are being sent out to infinity to await the time when their heads will come out to take on empowerment in complete infinity, which will enable them to cultivate their for- mer relation. It is expected that this will be completed at the end of the next million years, but that the one who took on physical without having cre- ated personal infinity will have established idiocy for himself, and will never be able to resume those former relations on account of his lack of this empowerment. THE END 134 17004:5