-^ X. . LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF -iij.^.^_.^. Class ^^^^ C»^ 3^0 niL . j^ju.^ . I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/algebraicarithmeOOcolerich I AN ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC » ^^n^g^ AN ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC AN EXPOSITION OF THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ADVANCED ARITHMETIC BASED ON THE ALGEBRAIC EQUATION BY S. E. COLEMAN, B.S. WILLIAM WHITING FELLOW AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY FORMERLY INSTRUCTOR IN MATHEMATICS IN THE OAKLAND HIGH SCHOOL, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Wetjj gorit THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON : MACMILLAN A CO., Ltd. 1898 All rights reserved / *■' OF THE UNIVERSITY OF £^LlFORfi:^ Copyright, 1897, By the MACMILLAN COMPANY. Vodnooti ^xt»» J. S. Cuihinj? A Co. - Rerwick k Smith Norwood MasB. U.S.A. PREFACE This arithmetic is not ojffered to the public as a refine- ment or super-refinement of the methods of existing text- books on the subject. It is a new departure. For a number of years arithmetics have been under- going a progressive change. Voluminous works, in which the isolated treatment of related topics and the multi- plicity of detail relating to business arithmetic completely obscured the unity of the science, have by degrees given place to more compendious works. The change has, however, been little more than a process of successive elimination. To the former plethora has succeeded an ever-increasing leanness, until at last the skeleton of the subject stands revealed indeed, for it alone remains. The arithmetic of to-day is merely a compilation of examples, classified and miscellaneous, with illustrative solutions accompanied by brief explanatory notes and a few defini- tions. The task of infusing a living, rational principle into these dry bones is left entirely to the teacher. A second change in the mathematics of the grammar school, contemporaneous with that above mentioned, has been the introduction of elementary geometry and, more recently, of elementary algebra. The situation is best described by saying that the latter subjects have partially 173093 VI PREFACE superseded arithmetic, since the whole time devoted to mathematics has remained substantially the same. The reason for these changes is not far to seek. The mathematics are chiefly valuable as a factor in education in that they afford a means of developing the reasoning powers of the child; and as arithmetic, in spite of the numerous attempts to improve the text-books and the methods of teaching, persisted in remaining little more than a collection of rule-of-thumb methods for turning out "answers," the progressive teacher naturally turned to other branches of mathematics which embodied a logi- cally coherent science not yet perverted by "practical applications." Much was gained by so doing. Geometry, which in its complete and rigidly demonstrative form is a fairly difficult subject for the high school, was found to contain a large number of facts that could be established by simple yet fairly conclusive reasoning. And not only is the method by which these facts are acquired in their logical relation of the highest value in developing the reasoning powers of the child, but the facts themselves possess a value far higher than that of mere utility. For example, it may possibly prove of use to some member of a large grammar-school class to know the empirical rule by which the contents of a cask or the number of feet of lumber in a round log are determined ; but it is important that all should know, and should be able to give some simple explanation of the fact, that similar surfaces are to each other as the squares and similar solids as the cubes of their like dimensions. These are universal truths, depending on the nature of space, by which all PREFACE Vll physical existence is conditioned; and a knowledge of them is therefore an essential part of a complete educa- tion; but this, from its very nature, can be true of no empirical rule. The introduction of elementary algebra into the schools is of more doubtful value for two principal reasons. The conceptions of geometry can be represented by fig- ures and objects, and are therefore readily grasped by the child, but those of algebra can be so represented only to a very limited degree; and, for the most part, are abstractions the nature of which the child comprehends with difficulty. Moreover, the time that can be allotted to the subject in the grammar school is barely sufficient to carry the pupil over the essentially uninteresting details of algebraic manipulation that necessarily precede any but the simplest applications of the science. But while the wisdom of introducing elementary algebra into the schools may, for these and minor reasons, be seriously questioned, the experience of several years as a teacher has led the author to the conclusion that the application of certain algebraic conceptions to arithmetic would contribute largely toward the rational presentation of the subject, thus increasing its disciplinary value, and at the same time preparing the way for a natural transi- tion to the algebra of the high school. These conceptions are the use of letters as the general representatives of (positive) numbers and of the equation to express their relations. Both ideas are introduced into the first chapter, and developed, so far as the purpose demands, in the second. The comparatively large amount of space given to prob- Vlll PREFACE lems is due to the fact that they afford at once the most interesting introduction to the subject and the best means of explaining the significance of the equation and its transformation.* Among the numerous and important applications of these ideas throughout the book, may be noted the following : The cases of percentage are reduced to three (Art. 32), and all are shown to be contained in the single equation p = hr. All the applications of percentage not involving time are shown to be merely special applications of the three percentage formulas. (For example, see table under Profit and Loss, Art. 33.) All the formulas of simple interest are derived from the two: i=prt and a=p-\-i-j these being obtained directly from the definitions. The interest formulas are shown to be special develop- ments of the earlier percentage formulas (Art 48). The principles of proportion are rigidly demonstrated, affording a simple and elegant illustration of the method of algebraic proof, freely used in the chapter on men- suration. * The attention of teachers is called to the fact that an equation is not a quantity, but an expression of relation, and therefore can- not be operated upon, in the usual sense of the word. Operations are not performed upon an equation, but upon its members. The abbreviated and, to beginners, highly misleading forms of state- ment, " Multiply the equation by 3," "Subtract 10 from the equa- tion," and the lik«, should be studiously avoided. For a similar reason, the word "transpose" should not be used. A term is transposed by addition or subtraction, and the specific operation should always be named. PREFACE IX The algebraic and geometrical explanation of evolution are combined in one, the algebraic symbols being the natural method of expressing the geometrical relations. Thus each set of ideas confirms the other. The chapter on mensuration embodies the principles enunciated in the early part of this preface as fully as the limited time generally allotted to this subject permits. In schools where a more extended course in elementary geometry is given, it will afford a convenient opportunity for a review of the most important results of the course. The author takes pleasure in acknowledging his indebted- ness to Hill's Lessons in Geometry for many valuable suggestions in the preparation of this chapter, and recom- mends the book as being admirably adapted to the needs of grammar schools. Among the features of the book not resulting from the algebraic method of treatment, the author would call attention to the use of the article to mark the logical divisions of the subject; to the rational explanation of the application of simple and compound proportion to the solution of problems;"* and to the treatment of partial payments. The latter subject is placed after compound interest, where the effect of the two usual methods of applying partial payments can be intelligibly discussed, and the manner in which interest is compounded by the United States Rule is fully explained. It is believed that the examples, which for the most part have been compiled from various sources, present a * The author has never seen anything on this point in any text- book, except variations of the rule of thumb : More requires more, and less requires less. X PREFACE fairly extensive and varied application of the subject matter. The author will receive with pleasure any suggestions or criticisms that will be of assistance in the improvement of later editions of this work. S. E. COLEMAN. Cambbidgb, Mass., Aug. 11, 1897. CONTENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION PAOB The Usb of Letters to denote Numbebs .... 1 The Equation . 4 Definitions 6 Axioms 7 The Solution of Equations 7 The Solution of Pboblems 9 Directions for the Solution of Problems ... 12 CHAPTER II ADDITION. SUBTRACTION. MULTIPLICATION. DIVISION Inverse Processes 15 Addition 16 Subtraction 17 Multiplication 20 Division 27 CHAPTER III PERCENTAGE AND ITS APPLICATIONS Percentage 31 Percentage Formulas 37 xi XU CONTENTS PAQB Profit and Loss 38 Commission and Brokerage 43 Commercial Discount 46 Insurance 48 Taxes 50 Duties 62 CHAPTER IV APPLICATIONS OF PERCENTAGE INVOLVING TIME Simple Interest 57 Accurate Interest 62 Problems in Interest 63 Interest Formulas 68 Present Worth and True Discount 70 Bank Discount 72 Annual Interest 75 Compound Interest 76 Partial Payments . . 78 CHAPTER V PROPORTION. PARTNERSHIP. AVERAGE OF PAYMENTS Ratio 84 Proportion 85 Problems in Simple Proportion 89 Compound Proportion 92 Problems in Compound Proportion 94 Partnership . .97 AyBRAOB of Payments . . 99 CONTENTS XUl CHAPTER VI INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION PAOE Involution 101 Evolution 102 The Square of the Sum of Two Numbers . . . 103 Square Root 105 The Cube of the Sum of Two Numbers . . . .110 Cube Root 112 CHAPTER VII MENSURATION Lines 117 Angles 118 Plane Figures 118 Area of Parallelograms 120 Area of Triangles 121 Area of Polygons . 124 The Circle 126 Similar Plane Figures 131 Solids 132 Prisms and Cylinders 132 Pyramids and Cones 135 The Sphere 139 Similar Solids 141 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. The Use of Letters to denote Numbers. It is often necessary to speak of something whicli is true not only of one number or set of numbers, but of all numbers or of all similar sets of numbers. For example, the sum of 9 and 6 is 15, and their difference is 3. If we add this sum and difference, we get 18, which is twice the greater of the two numbers. If we subtract the difference from the sum, we get 12, which is twice the smaller of the two numbers. The same relation is true of any two numbers, and may be expressed in the general statement : If the sum and difference of two numbers he added, the result is twice the greater of the numbers; if the difference be taken from the sum, the result is twice the smaller of the numbers. This may be expressed more briefly by the aid of signs; thus: sum of two numbers + difference of the numbers = twice the larger number. sum of two numbers — difference of the numbers = twice the smaller number. B 1 2 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC The statement may be still further shortened by using letters to represent the numbers. Thus, let g stand for the greater number, I for the less, s for their sum, and d for their difference. We then have s-^d = 2g, and s — d = 2l; in which, it must be remembered, a and b denote any two numbers, provided only that a is greater than b. From the above equations it is clear that 9='-ii (1) and ' = '-^- (2) These equations express the fact that the larger of two numbers is equal to one-half the sum found by adding the sum and the difference of the numbers, and the smaller number is equal to one-half the remainder found by sub- tracting the difference of the numbers from their sum. These equations are, in fact, a very convenient state- ment of the rule for finding any two numbers when their sum and difference are given. Note. Rules stated in the form of equations are called for- mulas. The following chapter will afford numerous illustra- tions of the advantage of using letters to denote numbers when we are studying their general properties. 2. Operations to be performed with numbers denoted by letters are indicated by the usual signs of arithmetic, in the same manner as when the numbers are expressed INTRODUCTION 8 with figures ; with the exception that the product of two numbers is indicated by writing the letters together, the sign of multiplication being omitted. Thus the sum of any two numbers a and b is indicated by a -f 6, their difference by a — 6, their product by a6, and their quotient by a ^ 6, or by -• b In each case the numerical value of the result can be found only when the values of a and b are given. Note 1. The word numerical relates to particular numbers, that is, to numbers expressed by figures ; the word literal, to num- bers expressed by letters. Thus 12 is a numerical quantity ; a, b, c, etc. , are literal quantities. Note 2. The sign of multiplication cannot be omitted between numerical factors, but is omitted between a numerical and a literal factor. Thus 6 x a x 6 is written Bab. (Omit "times" in read- ing.) EXAMPLES 1 If a = 4, 6 = 1, c = 3, and d = 2, find the numerical values of 1. a 4- 6. 6. ac — 2bd. 2. a — &4-C. 7. 4:Cd-\-ab. 3. 5a-2d. 8. Sa-5b-\-2acd. 4. 12b-2a. 9. abc -^ abd + bed. 5. a + 86 — 6d 10. 2a-r-d + 4c. If a = 6, 6 = 5, c = 2, and d = 0, find the values of 11. 2ab-{-b — cd. ^^ ^4.^. r ' c b 12. a -T- c X 6 — ac. ^ r , o ^ -_ 2 ac — 6 -f 3 d 13. 6 a6 -J- 5 c. • 7aH-a6c * 4 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC 3. The Equation. The statement that two numbers or two sets of numbers are equal is called an equation. Equations are used in Art. 1, and the values of the letters in the examples of Art. 2 are given by means of equations. The part of an equation on the left of the sign of equality is called the left side, left member, or first mem- ber of the equation; that on the right, the right side, right member, or second member. Many problems can be most easily solved by the use of letters to denote the numbers to be found, and equa- tions to express the relations that exist between these numbers and the given numbers of the problem. How this is done will be shown by the following examples : Ex. 1. If 5 be added to 3 times a certain number, the result is 29. Eind the number. The problem may be stated more briefly thus : 3 times a certain number 4- 5 = 29 ; or, if we let a stand for the number, it may be stated still more briefly by the equation 3a + 5 = 29. (1) Now if from this equation we can find the value of a, that is, the number that a represents, this value will be the answer to the problem. Let us try to do this. Subtracting 5 from both members of the equation, we get 3a = 24. (2) Dividing the sides of this equation by 3, we have a = 8. (3) THE EQUATION O To prove the result, replace a in equation (1) by its value. This gives 3x8+5 = 29, 29 = 29. The equation is said to be satisfied by a = 8 ; which means that when 8 is substituted for a, the equation is true. It is evident that it would not be satisfied by any other value of a. Ex. 2. The sum of two numbers is 38, and their difference is 8. What are the numbers ? The answer can be written down at once by substi- tuting s = 38, and (Z = 8 in formulas (1) and (2), Art. 1. The pupil should carefully compare this method of solu- tion with the following : Let us denote the greater of the numbers by x ; then, since the smaller number is 8 less than the larger, it will be denoted by a; — 8. The problem states that the larger number + the smaller number = 38. Hence x-\-{x-^) = 38, (1) or a; -h a; - 8 = 38, or 2a;-8 = 38. Add 8 to both sides of the equation ; then 2a; = 46. Divide both sides by 2 ; then a; = 23 = larger number. Hence a; — 8 = 16 = smaller number. 6 ALGEBBAIC ARITHMETIC Proof. Substituting these values in equation (1), we have 23 + 15 = 38, 38 = 38. Note. It is necessary to notice the punctuation after the equa- tions in the solution of a problem ; for the equations always occur as parts of sentences, and the punctuation helps to make the mean- ing clear, just as in the case of any other kind of sentence. 4. Definitions. The figures, letters, and signs used in arithmetic are called symbols. Any combination of symbols denoting a number is called an expression. If it contains letters, it is called an algebraic expression. The members of an equation are expressions. The parts of an expression which are separated from each other by the signs of addition or subtraction are called the terms of the expression. Thus the expression 2ab ~c-\- 5 has three terms ; 5(iocy has one term. A term may consist of two or more factors. Thus the term 5 axy contains four factors. If the factors of a product are separated into groups in any way, either group of factors is called the coefficient of the other group. Thus in the term 5 axy^ 5 is the coefficient of axy, 5 a is the coefficient of xy, 5 ay is the coefficient of x, etc. If a term has a numerical factor, it is generally spoken of as the coefficient of the term. Terms containing the same literal factors are called like terms. AXIOMS 7 Thus 5 ahx and 9 dbx are like terms ; 3 ab and 7 cdx are unlike terms. 5. Axioms. We have seen that some problems can be stated in the form of equations in which a letter stands for the answer ; and that the value of the letter which satisfies the equation is the answer to the problem. In solving such equations, frequent use is made of the fol- lowing simple truths, or axioms : Ax. 1. If equal numbers are added to equal numbers, the sums are equal. Ax. 2. If equal numbers are subtracted from equal numbers, the remainders are equal. Ax. 3. If equal numbers are multiplied by equal num- bers, the products are equal. Ax. 4. If equal numbers are divided by equal num- bers, the quotients are equal. Thus, if a = 5 and c = d, then a-\- c=b-}-d by Ax. 1. a — c = b — d by Ax. 2. ac = bd by Ax. 3. and a-i-c = b-i-d by Ax. 4. The four axioms may be summed up in the statement : Equal numbers will still remain equal numbers after they have been increased) diminished, multiplied, or divided by equal numbers. 6. The Solution of Equations. Let us now look again at the solution of Ex. 1, Art. 3. The algebraic (or sym- a ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC bolical) statement of the problem is 3 a + 5 = 29, in which a stands for the answer. Since the members of this equation are equal numbers, if we subtract 5 from each of them, the remainders will be equal by Ax. 2. This gives 3a + 5-5 = 29-5, or 3a = 24; that is, we form an equation out of the equal remainders. This could not have been done if we had subtracted more from one member than from the other, for in that case the remainders would have been unequal, and the equation would have been destroyed. We wish to obtain a alone in the left member of the equation. We can now do this by dividing that side by the coefficient of a; but since we must preserve the equality of the members, we divide both by 3, and obtain a = 8. In this operation we use Ax. 4. Since, in solving the original equation, we have made use of only those operations which do not destroy the equality of its members, we know that the last equation is true. It therefore gives us the required value of a. Exercise. Find what axioms have been used in the solution of Ex. 2, Art. 3. Ex. 1. Find the value of x if 2 a; 4- 5 = 15 — a;. Since we wish to obtain x alone in the left side, and only numerical quantities in the other, we must get rid of the X in the right side and the 5 in the left. The x THE SOLUTION OF EQUATIONS 9 will disappear from the right side if we add x to it, since 15 — a; -f a; = 15. Hence, adding x to both members to preserve their equality, we have 2a;-f-5-}-a; = 15 — aj + a; by Ax. 1. or 3a; + 5 = 15. Subtract 5 from both sides ; then 3a; = 10 by Ax. 2. Divide both sides by 3 ; then a; = JJ>_ = 3 J by Ax. 4. Note. This value of x satisfies not only the given equation, but also all the equations derived from it ; that is, x has the same value throughout the solution, which must be the case in the solution of any equation. EXAMPLES 2 Solve the following equations : 1. 3a; 4-4: = a; + 10. 1 7 2. 4a;4-4: = a; + 7. «• S^x 3. 4. 5. 5a;-5: a; + 4 = 14 = 1. X = 20-2a;. ^ 2(5 -a;). 8. a; + |a; 5^4 = 10. :1. 7. The Solution of Problems. Ex. 1. What number is that whose half added to 16 gives 25 ? Let X denote the number. Then ^ will denote half the number, and ^ + 16 will 2 ^ denote the half added to 16. 10 ALGEBRAIC AKITHMETIC But the problem states that this is 25 ; hence ^ + 16 = 25. Subtract 16 from both sides ; then 1 = 9 by Ax. 2. Multiply both sides by 2 ; then a; = 18 by Ax. 3. Proof : J^ + 16 = 25, 25 = 25. Ex. 2. A man having $92 spent a part of it, and then had 3 times as much as he had spent. How much did he spend? Let X be the number of dollars he spent. Then 92 — a; will be the number of dollars he had left. But the problem tells us that this is 3 times as much as he spent. Hence we have the equation 3a; = 92-a;. (1) Add X to both sides ; then 4a; = 92 by Ax. 1. Divide both sides by 4 ; then a; = 23 by Ax. 4. Hence the man spent % 23. Remarks. In problems involving concrete numbers, like the last, it is not necessary to express the kind of unit in the equation. Thus, in this problem, we do not write ^3a;=$92~$aj; THE SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS 11 for, though the statement is correct, it is not so simple as when made without the sign. The members of the equation are to be regarded as abstract numbers, denoting the number of times the con- crete unit is contained in the quantities to be compared. Thus the members of (1) denote the number of times $ 1 is contained in the sum of money the man had left. The quantities to be compared must be of the same kind, and must be measured by the same unit. For example, we cannot compare a sum of money with a dis- tance, nor can we compare two sums of money when one is measured in dollars and the other in cents or in dimes. Such statements as 100^= $1, 16 oz. = 1 lb., are not equations at all in the sense in which we shall use the word in this book. The first of these statements means that the two sums are equal in value; the second, that the two weights are equal ; but in neither of them are the two numbers equal. Equations, as we shall use them, will always mean that the two members are equal numbers. Ex. 3. A can do a piece of work in 10 days, but A and B working together can do it in 6 days. In how many days can B do it alone ? Let X = the number of days it would take B to do the work alone. Then - = the part of the work he can do in one day. 12 ^ ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC From the problem we know that A can do ^ of the work in one day ; and A and B together, ^ of the work in one day. H+ro (^) Multiply both sides by 30 x, the L. C. M. of the denom- inators; then 20f = 30^ + ^ by Ax. 3. 6 « 10 or 5x = S0-{-3x. Subtract 3 x from both sides ; then 2a;=30 by Ax. 2. Divide both sides by the coefficient of a?; then ■ a; = 15 by Ax. 4. Hence B can do the work in 15 days. Proof by substitution : Keplace x in (1) by 16 ; then Proof by analysis: Since A can do the work in 10 days, in one day he can do J^ of it ; since B can do the work in 15 days, in one day he can do yV of it. Hence A and B working together can do ^ 4- J^-, or ^, of it in one day, or the whole piece of work in 6 days. 8. From the examples of Art. 3 and Art. 7, the follow- ing directions for the solution of similar problems may be deduced : I. Denote the required number by some letter (it is customary to use x). This is called the unknown quantity. PROBLEMS 13 II. If there are other numbers in the problem that depend on the unknown quantity, find expressions for them in terms * of the unknown quantity. III. Write these expressions in the form of an equa- tion which expresses in symbolic form the conditions of the problem. IV. Clear the equation of fractions, if there are any, by multiplying both members by the /. c. m. of the denominators. V. By addition or subtraction remove all terms con- taining the. unknown quantity to one side of the equation, and all other terms to the other side. VI. After adding together the terms containing the unknown quantity, divide the members of the equation by its coefficient. This gives the answer. EXAMPLES 3 1. John is 3 times as old as James, and the sum of their ages is 16 years. What is the age of each ? 2. A boy bought a top and a ball for 24 cents, paying 5 times as much for the ball as for the top. What did he pay for each ? 3. Ida's sister gave her some money, and her brother gave her twice as much. After spending 12 cents, she had 18 cents left. How much was given her by each ? * A number is said to be expressed in terms of another number when the expression for it contains the letter that represents the other number. Thus in Ex. 2, Art. 3, the smaller number, cc — 8, is expressed in terms of the larger number, x ; and in Ex. 2, Art. 7, the number of dollars the man had left, 3aj, is expressed in terms of the number of dollars he spent, x. 14 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC 4. The sum of two numbers is 50, and their difference is 18. Find them. 5. The sum of three numbers is 126. The second is twice the first, and the third is equal to the sum of the other two. What are the numbers ? 6. A boy, after spending half his money, earned 14 cents, and then had 30 cents. How much had he at first? 7. A and B together can do a piece of work in 8 da., and A working alone can do it in 20 da. In what time can B do it ? \/s. Fred has 3 times as many marbles as Harry, lack- ing 2 ; and both together have 26. How many has each ? 9. The sum of two numbers is 62, and the greater is 3 less than 4 times the smaller. Find the numbers. 10. A father is 6 years more than 4 times as old as his son, and the sum of their ages is 71 years. Find the age of each. 11. If ^ of a certain number be subtracted from f of it, the remainder will be 8. What is the number ? 12. Divide 42 into two parts, such that one part shall be I of the other. 13. One of two apple trees bore f as many apples as the other, and both yielded 21 bu. How many bushels did each yield ? ^ 14. A lad having 45 cents bought an equal number of pears, oranges, and bananas ; the pears being 3 cents each, the oranges 4 cents, and the bananas 2 cents. How many of each did he buy ? CHAPTER II ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, MULTIPLICATION, DIVISION 9. We shall now study a little more fully the way in which operations are performed upon numbers denoted by letters. There are four fundamental operations, or processes, by certain combinations of which all the problems of arithmetic are solved. These are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You have already learned that subtraction is the inverse of addition, and division the inverse of multiplication; by which is meant that subtraction itii-does what addition does, and division un- does what multiplication does. Hence, if to any number I add any other number, and afterwards subtract the same number, I shall have left the first number unchanged, since the two operations exactly cancel each other. Thus, if a and h are any two numbers, a + b-b = a. (1) Again, if I multiply any number by any other number, then divide the product by the same number, the quotient will be the first number. If the division be performed first, then the multiplication, the result will still be the first number. 16 16 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC Thus, a X 6 -J- 6 = a ^ 6 X 6 = a, (2) ab a L or — = - X 6 = a. On account of this inverse relation, every fact in addition gives one or more corresponding facts in sub- traction, and similarly for multiplication and division. Thus, since 5 + 7 = 12, it follows that (7 _|. 5) _ 5 = 7^ or 12 - 5 = 7, and that (5 + 7) - 7 = 5, or 12 - 7 = 5; and since 6 x 8 = 48, it follows that (6 X 8) -- 8 = 6, or 48 -^ 8 = 6, and that (8 x 6) -^ 6 = 8, or 48 -r- 6 = 8. ADDITION 10. If we have a group of a things and a second group of h things, and if we form a single group from these by putting the two groups together, we shall have as many things in the single group thus formed as there were at first in both the groups. It is clear that this will be true whether we put the first group with the second or the second with the first; that is, the sum of the things is not changed by the way in which they are brought together. This fact or law is expressed symbolically thus : a + b=:b + a\ (1) and briefly in words thus : Additions may he performed in any order. Thus, for any three numbers a, 6, and c, a+6-fc=a+cH-6=64-a + c=a+(6H-c) = (6-|-a)-|-c, etc. SUBTRACTION 17 11. If I take a marbles from a box twice, and after- wards take the same number of marbles 3 times, I have in all taken a marbles (2 -f 3) times, or 5 times ; which makes 5 a marbles. Thus the number I take the first time is a -{-a, or 2 a, and the second time, a-\- a-\-a, or 3 a. Hence I take in all, a-\-a-\-a-\-a-{-ay or 5a. Hence 2a-f3a = (2 + 3)a = 5a. If I take a things m times, and again n times, I take in all a things (m -f- n) times, or {m + n) a things. Hence ma -{- na = {m -\- n) a. (1) From the formula we have the rule : To add terms having a common factor, write the common factor with a coefficient equal to the sum of the coefficients of the terms added. Ex. 1. 3a6 + 5a6 + a?> = 9a6. Ex. 2. 4ac-f-66c=(4a + 66)c. Exercise. Show that the above equations are true when a = l, 6 = 2, c = 3; when a = 4, 6 = 3, c = 2; when a = h = c = ^. Are they true for all values of the letters ? SUBTRACTION 12. If there are a apples in one basket and h in another, and I take away c of them, the number remain- ing will be a -f 6 — c. This result does not show whether I take the apples partly from each basket or all from 18 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC one. It merely indicates that the whole number of apples, a -h 6, has been diminished by c. If I take them all from the first basket, the number remaining in it will be a — c, and the whole number of apples remaining will be a — c + 6. Similarly, if I take them all from the second basket, the whole number re- maining will be a-\-(b — c)j or 6 — c + a. The whole number remaining will be the same which- ever way I take the c apples ; hence a-f-6 — < ,^f xj^^ ^^- = 77 rd. 18 X 60 Solution by Analysis. One man in 60 da. will build — of 126 126 rd., or — rd. : 6 men in the same time will build 6 times as 18 many rods, or — rd. ; in 1 da. the 6 men will build — of ''is 60 126ji6 ^ 126x_6 j,^ ^^^ .j^ j^Q ^^ ^^ ^.j^ ^^.j^ j^Q 18 18 X 60 ' times as many rods as in 1 da., or — -^ — ^-- — rd. 18 X 60 Ex. 2. If 18 men build 126 rd. of wall in 60 da., how many men will it take to build 77 rd. in 110 da. ? 126 rd. : 77 rd. ) .^ ■fiA J ar\A > : : 18 men : a; men. 110 da. : 60 da. ) xj«„«« r. r«^« 77 X 60 X 18 men ^ _^^ Hence x men = — — — --— = b men. 126 X 110 PROBLEMS 95 Explanation op the Method. In problems of this class all the numbers occur in like pairs, except one which is of the same kind as the answer. Take this as the third term of the proportion ; then the fourth term, when found, is the answer. Consider each of the pairs of numbers separately, forming a first couplet from each, as in simple proportion. In solving by analysis, begin with the number like the answer, and consider the effect upon it of the given change in each of the other numbers, separately. Thus, in the analysis of Ex. ] , we considered the effect upon the number of rods caused first by the change in the number of men from 18 to 6 (the time remaining unchanged), then by the change in the number of days from 60 to 110 (the num- ber of men remaining unchanged). In each case we first reason to 1 of the number that is changed. EXAMPLES 35 3. If 8 men earn $ 320 in 8 da., how much will 12 men earn in 4 da. ? 4. If it costs $ 41.25 to pave a sidewalk 5 ft. wide and 75 ft. long, what will it cost to pave a similar walk 8 ft. wide and 566 ft. long ? 5. If 16 horses consume 48 bu. of oats in 12 da., how many bushels will 20 horses consume in 8 wk. ? 6. What sum of money will gain $300 in 8 mo., if $ 800 gain | 70 in 15 mo. ? 7. If 10 men can cut 46 cords of wood in 18 da., work- ing 10 hr. a day, how many cords can 40 men cut in 24 da., working 9 hr. a day ? 8. What is the cost of 36^ yd. of cloth IJ yd. wide, if ^ yd., If yd. wide, cost $ 3.37^ ? 96 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC 9. A contractor employs 45 men to complete a work in 3 mo. What additional number of men must lie employ to complete the work in 2^ mo. ? 10. How many days will 21 men require to dig a ditch 80 ft. long, 3 ft. wide, and 8 ft. deep, if 7 men can dig a ditch 60 ft. long, 8 ft. wide, and 6 ft. deep in 12 da. ? 11. When the shadow of a post 10 ft. 6 in. high is 12 ft. 3 in. long, what is the length of shadow of a post 8 ft. 9 in. high ? 12. The shadow of a post 16 ft. 3 in. high is 5 ft. 5 in. long. What height of post will give a shadow 3 ft. 4 in. long? 13. If a vat 16 ft. long, 7 ft. wide, and 15 ft. deep holds 384 bbl., how many barrels will a vat 17^ ft. long, lOJ ft. wide, and 13 ft. deep hold ? 14. What is the weight of a block of granite 8 ft. long, 4 ft. wide, and 10 in. thick, if a similar block 10 ft. long, 5 ft. wide, and 16 in. thick weighs 5200 lb. ? 15. If it costs $15 to carry 20 tons IJ mi., what will it cost at the same rate to carry 400 tons ^ mi. ? 16. If 6 laborers can dig a ditch 34 yd. long in 10 da., how many days will 20 laborers require to dig a similar ditch 170 yd. long? 17. If a man walk 192 mi. in 6 da., walking 8 hr. a day, how far can he walk in 18 da., walking 6 hr. a day ? PARTNERSHIP 97 PARTNERSHIP 70. The association of two or more persons for the purpose of carrying on business is called partnership. The persons thus associated are called partners, and together they form a company or firm. The money or property invested is called the capital or stock. The money and property of all kinds belonging to a company, including the amounts due it, are called its resources or assets ; its debts are called liabilities. The profits and losses of a company are usually divided among the partners proportionally to the capital of each, if all invest for the same time ; and proportionally to the product of capital and time if the times are different. Problems in partnership are therefore solved by the same methods as other problems in proportion. EXAMPLES 36 1. A and B form a partnership. A furnishes $400 capital and B $600. They gain $250. What is the profit of each ? Suggestion. (1) The whole capital is ^ 1000 ; hence $ 1000 : $ 400 : : $ 250 : A's share. $ 1000 : $ 600 : : $ 250 : B's share. (2) Each partner receives the same fraction (or per cent) of the whole gain that his capital is of the whole capital. (3) The gain of each partner is the same fraction (or per cent) of his capital that the whole gain is of the whole capital. 2. A, B, and C traded in company. A put in $ 8000 ; B, $4500; and C, $3500. Their profits were $6400. What is each partner's share of the profits ? 98 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC 3. A and B, in trading for 3 yr., make a profit of $4800. A invested | as much stock as B. What is each man's share of the profits ? 4. Brooks & Co. fail in business; their liabilities amount to $22,000; their resources to $8800. Tliey owe A $4275, and B $2175.50. What will each of these creditors receive? 5. Four persons engage in manufacturing, and invest jointly $ 22,500. At the end of a certain time A's share of the gain is $2000; B's, $2800.75; C's, $1685.25; and D's, $ 1014. How much capital did each put in ? 6. Three partners, A, B, and C, furnish capital as follows : A, $ 500 for 2 mo. ; B, $ 400 for 3 mo. ; C, $ 200 for 4 mo. They gain $ 600. What is each part- ner's share ? Suggestion. The use of $500 for 2 mo. is equivalent to the use of !| 1000 for 1 mo. ; of $ 400 for 3 mo. to $ 1200 for 1 mo. ; of $200 for 4 mo. to $800 for 1 mo. Hence, divide the profits proportionally to 1000, 1200, and 800. 7. A, B, and C gain in trade $8000. A furnishes $ 12,000 for 6 mo. ; B, $ 10,000 for 8 mo. j and C, $ 8000 for 11 mo. Apportion the gain. 8. Jan. 1, 1896, three persons began business with $1300 capital furnished by A. March 1, B put in $1000; and Aug. 1, C put in $900. The profits at the end of the year were $ 750. Apportion it. 9. In a certain firm B has 3 times as much capital as A, and C has ^ as much as the other two. What is each one's share in a loss of $ 786 ? AVERAGE OF PAYMENTS 99 10. In a gain of $ 600 A received ^ ; B, ^ ; and C the remainder. If the whole capital was 12 times A^s gain, what was the capital of each ? 11. Two men receive ^1000 for grading. One fur- nishes 3 teams 20 da., and the other 5 teams 30 da. If the first receives $ 100 for overseeing the work, what does each receive ? 12. Two men contract to move $ 5316 cu. yd. of gravel at 25 cents a cu. yd., and agree to share the profits in the ratio of 2 to 3. They employ 5 teams 45 da., at $4 each per day. What did each make ? AVERAGE OF PAYMENTS 71. Ex. 1. A owes B $ 1200, of which 8 300 is due in 4 mo., $ 400 in 6 mo., and $ 500 in 12 mo. If he wishes to pay the whole debt at one time, when must he do so in order that neither party shall lose ? The loss that is here referred to is the loss of the use of money, which is really loss of interest. If A should pay the debt at once, he would lose the use of $300 for 4 mo., $400 for 6 mo., and $500 for 12 mo. ; to all of which he is entitled. The use of $ 300 for 4 mo. = the use of $ 1 for 1200 mo. The use of 400 for 6 mo. = the use of 1 for 2400 mo. The use of 500 for 12 mo. = the use of 1 for 6000 mo. $1200 9600 mo. Hence A is entitled to the use of $ 1 for 9600 mo., or to the use of the $ 1200 for ^\^ of 9600 mo., or 8 mo. That is, the whole debt will be due in a single payment in 8 mo. 100 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC EXAMPLES 37 2. On Dec. 1, 1896, a man gave three notes, the first for f 500, payable in 3 mo. ; the second for $ 750, payable in 6 mo. ; and the third for $ 1200, payable in 9 mo. Find the average time of payment. 3. Bought merchandise Jan. 1, 1895, as follows : f 350 on 2 mo., $500 on 3 mo., $700 on 6 mo. What is the average time of payment ? 4. Find the average date for paying three bills, due as follows: May 31, |100; June 18, $150; July 9, $ 200. (Compute each from May 31.) 5. If I borrow $ 250 for 8 mo., how long should I lend $ 400 to repay me an equal interest ? 6. A person owes a debt of $1680, due in 8 mo., of which he pays -g^ in 3 mo., ^ in 5 mo., -g- in 6 mo., and -J- in 7 mo. When is the remainder due ? 7. On a debt of $ 2500, due in 8 mo. from Feb. 1, the following payments were made : May 1, $ 250 ; July 1, $ 300 ; and Sept. 1, $ 500. When is the balance due ? 8. Dec. 1, 1894, purchased goods to the amount of $1200, on the following terms: 25% payable in cash, 30% in 3 mo., 20% in 4 mo., and the balance in 6 mo. Find the average time of payment and the cash value of the goods, computing discount at 7%. CHAPTER VI INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 72. Involution. Review Art. 22. The product of equal factors is called a power of the factor thus repeated. The factor taken once is called the first power; the product of two equal factors is called the second power ; of three equal factors, the third power, and so on. The second power of a number is also called the square of the number, because it is equal to the area of the square the length of whose side is the given number. For a similar reason the third power of a number is called its cube. A number is said to be squared when its second power is taken, and to be cubed when its third power is taken. The process of taking any power of a number is called involution. EXAMPLES 38 (Oral) Find the indicated power : 2^ 62 V 1 1002 1.22 22 1 32 1.V 2^ .72 902 3« .3» (1)^ .V 30^ 2* (t)^ ikf 102 .2* .012 101 102 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC 73. To find a Power of a Product. Study carefully the following : 1. 62 = (2x3)* = (2x3)(2x3) = 2x2x3x3 = 22x32 = 4x9 = 36. 2. 103 = (2x5)3=(2 X 5)(2 X 5)(2 X 5) = 2 X 2 X 2 X 5 X 5 X 5 = 2^ X 5»= 8 X 125 = 1000. 3. (3 ahy = (3 ahh) (Sabb) = 3 x 3 x aabbbb = 9 d'b*. 4. (a^y =:a^ X a^ = aaa x aaa = a% or (a^y = (aaay = aa x aa x aa = a^. A product is raised to any power by raising each of its factors to that power. (a'd)* 1 (2cy 74. Evolution. The process of taking one of the equal factors of a number is called evolution. It is the inverse of involution. One of the equal factors of a number is called a root of the number. One of the two equal factors of a num- ber is called its square root ; one of the three equal fac- tors, its cube root. Thus, since 25 is the square of 5, 5 is the square root of 25 ; since 27 is the cube of 3, 3 is the cube root of 27. Find: EXAMPLES 3 39 (Oral) (oc)^ (foa'b'y (iaey (2aby 2(aby i(aey (5aby 3a(aby fabV THE SQUARE 103 The square root of a number is indicated by the radical sign (V) placed before it ; the cube root by -^. Thus V25 = 5, ^27 = 3. The figure placed above the radical sign indicates what root is to be taken, and is called the index of the root. If no index is written, 2 is understood. If an expression consists of more than one term or factor, the root of the whole is indicated by placing the radical sign before the expression enclosed in parentheses or placed under a vinculum ; otherwise the sign affects only the term or the factor immediately following. Thus Vl6 + 9 = 4 + 9 = 13; V(l^ + 9) = V16 + 9 EXAMPLES 40 (Oral) Find: V49 Vl-21 ^2500 V* 12a-2V4^2 V400 ^M V1600 VM V25a^+aV96* ^125 V-81 Vl-44: ^\ ^a'b~c ^64 -^.001 ^1 ^ff V9W + 2 6*c 75. The Square of the Sum of Two Numbers. Review Arts. 18 and 19. We have learned (Art. 18) that a number is multiplied by multiplying each of its parts, and that for this pur- pose it may be separated into parts, or terms, in any way. If both multiplier and multiplicand consist of more than one term, their product is the sum of the partial 104 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC products obtained by multiplying each term of the mul- tiplicand by each term of the multiplier (Art. 19). If multiplier and multiplicand are equal and are sepa- rated into parts in the same way, the case is like that of Art. 22, Ex. 3, and the exercise. It was there shown that {a + bf^a' + Zab + f)'. (1) Since a and h may be any two numbers, we have the law: The square of the sum of two numbers equals the square of the first yiumher plus twice the product of the numbers plus the square of the second number. The operation of squaring a number of two figures is simplest when it is separated into its tens and units. When it is so separated, we shall use t to denote the tens, and w, the units. In this case formula (1) becomes (i^uy=e+2iu-\-u\ (2) Exercise. Express the meaning of (2) in words. 76. Illustration of the Formula, (t + uy is the area of the square the length of whose side is t-^u. The square may be divided into four parts, as shown in the figure. Comparing the right member of the formula with the figure, it will be seen that the first term is the area of the largest part; the second term is the area of the two rectangles; the last term is the area of the small square that fills out the corner, and is always the smallest of the terms. tu ^ w« t u t* <♦* s SQUARE ROOT 105 Note. The square of any number may be found by the for- mula. For example, 324 = 32 tens + 4 units ; hence t = 320, M = 4. EXAMPLES 41 J ^ Find by the formula : 1. 561 2. 732. 3. 2082. 4. 3161 SQUARE ROOT 77. Find ^784:, The problem may be stated thus : Find the side of the square whose area is 784 (sq. in., say). Or thus : Find t and u, when t^-{-2tu + u^ = 7S4:. Begin by taking the largest value possible for t. This is easily seen to be 20. f-\-2tu-^u^ = 7S4:sq, in. Subtract f = 400 sq. in. Eemainder = 2tu-i-u^=: 384 sq. in. Compare with the figure in the last article. What is the remainder the area of ? The two rectangles and the 3 i-^u -^ small square have one dimension, u, in common. If placed as in the accompanying figure, they form one long rectangle whose dimensions are 2 i + w and u, and whose area therefore is (2t + u)u. 106 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC How is the width of a rectangle found if its length and area are given ? To find the width u, we are obliged to use 2 tj or 40, as the length, since the whole length is as yet unknown. This may give too large a value for u ; if so, we take one less. 384 --2^ = 384 ^40 = 9+. This is too large ; for it gives (2^ + u)u = (40 + 9) X 9 = 441, and there are only 384 sq. in. Hence take w = 8. This gives (2 « -f- w)w = (40 + 8) x 8 = 384. Hence V'^^^ = 4^0 + 8 = 48. Arts. 2t FORMULA FOR SQUARE ROOT f-^2tu^u^ \t + u ^ 202 ~ 2x20 OPERATION 784 I 20 + 8 = 28 -\-u 2t-\-u 40 _8 48 400 384 384 2 Hs called the trial divisor. 2t-\-uiB called the complete divisor. The formula for the square may be written (f + £/)2=f2-|-(2f + i/)(|. (1) In this form, the first term of the coefficient of u is the tried divisor. The whole coefficient is the complete divisors- it is the whole length of the addition to the square of the tens. SQUARE ROOT EXAMPLES 42 Solve and prove : 1. V1156. 3. VS184. 5. V324. 2. V4225. 4. V841. 6. V9604. 107 78. Let any integer of three figures be separated into its hundreds, tens, and units, and denote these parts by the initial letters ; then the number will be denoted by the expression h + t -{- u. Let us find its square. ^ + t 4-w ^ + t -\-u hu + tu + u^ ht + t' tu h' + ht + hu h^-^2ht + f-{-2hu-\-2tu-\-u^ Hence (h-{-t-^ u)^ =h^ -\- f+ u^ + 2ht -\-2hu -i-2 tu. All we need observe here is that the square of the number contains the square of each of the figures plus other terms. This is true of any number. Thus, the square of 48.7 .72= .49 contains I 8^. = 64. plus other parts ; 42 . =16 . The square of 12.34 . 42 = contains 16 .32 = 21 = 04 V , =1 09 plus other parts. 108 ALGEBRAIC AKITHMETIO It will be seen from this that if the complete square of any number be separated into groups of two figures each, commencing at the decimal point, the number of groups (counting the last figure to the left as a group, if it stands alone) will be equal to the number of figures in the root ; and the square of each figure of the root will lie wholly within the corresponding group.^ 79. The square root of any number is found as follows : Separate the number into groups, as above directed, and proceed as in Art. 77, always regarding the part of the root already found as so many tens with respect to the next figure of the root. Ex. 1. Find the square root of 75076. FULL OPERATION CONTRACTED 7'50'76 274 7'50'76 1 274 4 4 2x20 = 40 350 47 350 7 329 544 329 47 2176 2x270 = 540 2176 2176 2176 4 544 Explanation. The first trial and complete divisors are ob- tained from the formula precisely as they would be if the given number were 760. That is « = 20 and w = 7. For the second divisors t — 270 and m = 4. When the cipher is omitted from the trial divisor, as in tlie con- tracted operation, omit mentally the right-hand figure of the divi- dend in finding the figure of the root. Write the latter, when found, in units' place in the trial divisor, thus completing it. SQUARE ROOT 109 9'41'.57'80 I 30.685 9 Ex. 2. Extract the square root of 941.578. Explanation. Complete the last group to the right by the addition of a cipher. Since there is a remainder after using the last group, the root is not exact ; but can be found to as many places as desired by annexing groups of ciphers. The first trial divisor, 6, is con- tained times in 4, Place in the root ; and annex to the trial divisor, and the next group to the dividend. To find the square root of a fraction, take the square root of its terms separately if they are seen to be perfect squares ; otherwise it is best to reduce to a decimal first, as by so doing evolution is performed but once. 606 4157 3636 6128 52180 49024 61365 315600 306825 Vi" ■g-^* TT- EXAMPLES 43 3. V13225. 9. V196.1369. 16. 4. V11881. 10. V2-251521. 16. 5. V994009. 11. -y/5S.U0625. 17. 6. V20506.24. 12. -^17.75. 18. 7. V2985.5296. 13. V10795.21. 19. 8. V001225. 14. V^f. 20. 21. A square field contains 1,016,064 sq. ft. the length of each side ? 22. A square farm contains 361 acres. Find the length of one side. 23. A field is 208 rd. long and 13 rd. wide. What is the length of the side of a square field containing an equal area? V30i. V69f What is 110 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC 24. If it costs ^ 312 to enclose a field 216 rd. long and 24 rd. wide, what will it cost to enclose a square field of equal area with the same kind of fence ? 25. Find the dimensions of a rectangular field contain- ing 3200 sq. rd., and twice as long as broad. 26. How many rods of fence will enclose a square field of 4 acres? 27. How many rods of fence would be required to en- close a field of 4 acres whose length is twice its width ? 28. What is the difference between the areas of two fields, one of which is 14 rd. square and the other 14 sq. rd. ? 29. An orchard containing 2401 trees has as many rows as there are trees in a row. How many rows has it ? 80. The Cube of the Sum of Two Numbers. a-j-b a^b^-2aW^-b^ a»-f2a26-|- a6* a3-f.3a26-4-3a62 + 63 Hence {a + by = a^-\-Za^b + Zab^ + b^ (1) Exercise 1. State the formula in words, calling a "the first number" and b "the second number." Solve the following by the formula, and verify by first taking the indicated sum, then cubing : (2 + 3)», (3 + 5)3, (i2+9)», (20-f-5)^ THE CUBE 111 The solution is the simplest when the number is sepa- rated into its tens and units. For this case we shall write the formula thus: Exercise 2. Express formula (2) in words. (2) 81. Illustration of the Formula. / 7 ^^6 Tt- - y 7 / / ^ / Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 {t -f uf is the volume of a cube, the length of whose edge is t-^u. Such a cube can be formed from 8 solids, as follows : A cube whose edge is t, and whose volume is therefore f (Fig. 1); 3 rectangular solids covering 3 adjacent faces of the cube and of thickness w, the volume of each being tht (Fig. 2) ; 3 rectangular solids filling the edges, the volume of each of which is tu^ (Fig. 3); a small cube whose edge is u and whose volume is v?, filling the corner (Fig. 4). The formula and figures may be applied to any num- ber, if we regard it as being made up of tens and units, as in Art. 76, note. EXAMPLES 44 Solve by the formula : 1. 15^ 2. 233. 68^ 4. 127». 112 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC CUBE ROOT 82. Find ^46656. The problem is to find the edge of a cube whose volume is 46656 (cu. in., say), or to find t and u when ^3 _,. 3 ^2^ _|. 3 ^^2 _^ ^3 ^ 4gg5g j.^ i^ (;i^) Begin by taking the largest value possible for t. This is 30; hence i^ = 27000. Subtract from the correspond- ing members of (1) ; then 3 <2|^ 4- 3 tu" + u^ = 19656 cu. in. (2) What is the remainder the volume of? (See the figures of the last article.) Observe that the seven addi- tions to the cube of the tens have one dimension, u, in common, and that equation (2) may be written (3 «2 + 3 = (3 X 302-f 3 X 30 X 6 +6^ X 6=19656. Hence -^46656 = 30 + 6 = 36. Ans, CUBE KOOT 113 Formula for Cube Root 3t' + 3tu-\-u^ 3f + 3tu-^u^ 3t\ + 3tu^-i-w' 3eu-\-3tu^-^u^ 3 f is called the trial divisor. 3t^ -{-3tu-\- u^ is called the complete divisor. Solution of -y/46656 by the formula : 46656 I 30 + 6 = 36 27000 3 X 30^ = 2700 ' 3 X 30 X 6 = 540 6^= 36 3276 19656 19656 The formula for the cube may be written (f + uf = f3 + (3 f2 4- 3 /^ + u^u. (4) The first term in the parenthesis in the right member is the trial divisor; the whole expression within the paren- thesis is the complete divisor. 1. ^15625. 2. ^166375. EXAMPLES 45 3. -^10648. 4. ^912673. 5. ^42875. 6. ^474552. 83. By multiplying the square of h + t -^u (Art. 78) by the first power, the pupil may prove for himself that {h -{- 1 -{- uy = h^ + f -\- u^ -\- other terms. I 114 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC That is, the cube of a number of three figures contains, among other parts, the cube of each of the figures. The same is true of any number. Thus the cube of 382.5 .53 = .125 23. = 008. 8» . = 512 . 3» . =27 contains plus other parts. It will be seen from this that if the complete cube of any number be separated into groups of three figures each, commencing at the decimal point, the number of groups will be equal to the number of figures in the root ; and the cube of each figure of the root will lie wholly within the corresponding group. The last group to the left may contain only one or two figures. To find the cube root of any number, separate it into groups as above directed, and proceed as in the last article, always regarding the part of the root already found as so many tens with respect to the next figure of the root. If the last group to the right of the decimal point is incomplete, it must be completed by annexing ciphers. No such number has an exact cube root. Why not ? When a cipher occurs in the root, annex two ciphers to the trial divisor, and another group to the dividend. If there is a remainder after the root of the last period is found, the result may be found to as many places as desired by annexing groups of ciphers. ^ 0^7 Si UNIVEr^SiTY OF iLiFORNVh> CUBE ROOT 115 Ex. 1. ^12812'904. 12'812'904 [234 8 3 X 202 = 1200 3 X 20 X 3 = 180 32= 9 1389 3 X 2302 = 158700 3 X 230 X 4 = 2760 42= 16 4812 4167 161476 645904 645904 Ex. 2. ^8710.37. 8'710'.370 1 20.57 + 8 3 X 202 = 1200 3 X 2002 = 120000 3 X 200 X 5 = 3000 52= 25 710 710370 123025 615125 3 X 20502 = 12607500 3 X 2050 X 7 = 43050 72= 49 95245000 88554195 11. f = u/^; (2) which is the usual formula for finding the area of a circle. It is sometimes convenient to use the formula ^=iw^ (3) which the pupil may derive for himself from (1) and the equation d — 2r. Exercise. Give the meaning of formulas (1), (2), and (3) in words. 99. Let Ci and Ca denote the circumferences of two circles ; r^ and r^ their radii. Then Cj = 2 irri, Cj = 2 ^r^. [Art. 97 (1)] Hence, dividing the members of the first equation by the corresponding members of the second, £i = ?Z!i = !i; (1) Ca 2 ttTj rg ' or, in words : The ratio of the ci/rcumferences of two circles THE CIRCLE 129 is equal to the ratio of their radii. Or, more briefly : The circumferences of two circles are to each other as their radii. Exercise. Prove that the circumferences of two cir- cles are to each other as their diameters. 100. Let Ai and A2 be the areas of two circles ; rj and r2 their radii. Then A^ = ttTj", A^ = Trr/. [Art. 98 (2)] That is : The ratio of the areas of two circles is equal to the ratio of the squares of their radii. Or, The areas of two circles are to each other as the squares of their radii. Taking the square root of the first and last members of (1), and interchanging them, we have In words : The radii of two circles are to each other as the square roots of their areas. Note. The relation between (1) and (2) is expressed by say- ing that either is the converse of the other. Exercise. (1) Prove from Art. 98 (3) that the areas of two circles are to each other as the squares of their diameters. Prove the converse. (2) Prove from Art. 98 (1) that the areas of two circles are to each other as the squares of their circumferences. Prove the converse. 130 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC EXAMPLES 49 1. What is the circumference of a circle whose diame- ter is 20 in. ? 2. What is the diameter of a tree whose girt is 18 ft. 6 in.? 3. Find the area of a circle whose diameter is 10 ft. 4. The distance around a circular park is l}j mi. How many acres does it contain? 5. What is the circumference of a circle whose area is 19.635 sq. ft. ? 6. What is the side of a square inscribed in a circle whose diameter is 6 rd. ? 7. The area of a circle is 78.54 sq. ft. Find the side of the inscribed square. 8. What is the circumference of a circular pond whose radius is 11 rd. ? Its area? 9. What is the radius of a circle equal in area to a triangle whose base is 13 ft. and altitude 10 ft. ? 10. A cow is one day tied to the top of -a stake 5 ft. high by a rope 20 ft. long. On the next day she is tied to the bottom of the stake by the same rope. Find the difference in the areas over which she can graze. 11. What will it cost at $ 2 a rod to fence a circular plot of land containing 1 acre ? 12. How many times will a carriage wheel 4 ft. in diameter turn round in going 1 mi. ? 13. A square field contains 31.5 acres. What is the length of its diagonal ? What is the circumference of a circular field of the same area ? SIMILAR PLANE FIGURES 131 101. Similar plane figures are plane figures having the same shape ; that is, their corresponding angles are equal and their corresponding lines (like dimensions) are pro- portional. Similar figures may be regarded as enlarged or reduced copies of one another. All circles are similar figures, and all regular polygons of the same number of sides. It is proved in geometry that : (i.) Any corresponding lines of similar plane figures are to each other as their other corresponding lines. (ii.) The areas of similar plane figures are to each other as the squares of their corresponding lines. Conversely, (iii.) The corresponding lines of similar plane figures are to each other as the square roots of their areas. Note. These general truths, or theorems, were proved in Arts. 99 and 100 for circles. Compare carefully the theorems as given for circles with the more general corresponding theorems of this article. EXAMPLES 50 1 . The length of one side of a triangular field contain- ing 2 A. 80 sq. rd. is 12 chains. Find the area of a field of similar shape whose corresponding side is 48 chains. Suggestion. 122 : 482 : : 2.5 A. : x A. [Theorem (ii.)] 2. The side of a square field containing 18 acres is 60 rd. long. Find the side of a square field that contains J as many acres. 132 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC 3. Two circles are to each other as 9 to 16, the diame- ter of the less being 112 ft. What is the diameter of the greater ? SoGGESTiON. 3:4:: 112 : oc. [Theorem (iii.)] 4. A rectangular field contains 720 sq. rd., and its length is to its breadth as 5 to 4. What are its dimen- sions ? Suggestion. Let I — length of field and 6 = its breadth. The area of a rectangle 5 by 4 is 20. Hence 20 : 720 : : 52 : Z2 ; 20 : 720 : : 4^ : h"^. Solve the proportions for P' and 6^^ then extract the square roots. 5. It is required to lay out 283 A. 107 sq. rd. of land in the form of a rectangle so that the length shall be 3 times the width. Find the dimensions. 6. A pipe 1.5 in. in diameter fills a cistern in 5 hr. Find the diameter of a pipe that will fill the same cistern in 55.1 min. 7. If it costs $ 167.70 to enclose a circular field con- taining 17 A. 110 sq. rd., what will it cgst to enclose another \ as large with the same kind of fence? 8. If 63.39 rd. of fence will enclose a circular field containing 2 A., what length will enclose a circular field of 8 A.? SOLIDS 102. Prisms and Cylinders. The word solid as used in mathematics means a portion of space bounded by sur- faces. It has no reference to what the space may contain. PRISMS AND CYLINDERS 133 A solid whose ends are equal and parallel polygons and whose sides are rectangles is called a right prism. The height of a prism is the perpendicular distance between its ends, or bases. From the form of their bases prisms are called tri- angular, quadriangular, pentagonal, etc. A right prism whose bases are rectangles is called a quadrangular prism, rectangular solid, or parallelopiped. A cube is a rectangular solid whose faces are all equal squares. Pentagonal Prism Cylinder Note. The space passed through by a moving surface is called the solid generated by the surface. f€E^ The solid generated by a rectangle rotating about one of its sides is called a right circular cylinder. Note. The word prism is often used for right prism, and cylinder for right circular cylinder. They are so used in what follows. 103. The area of the lateral surface {S) of a prism or a cylinder is equal to the product of its height (h) and the perimeter (p) of its base. 134 ALGEBKAIC ARITHMETIC The volume (V) of a rectangular solid is equal to the product of its three dimensions. The volume of a prism or a cylinder is equal to the product of its height (h) and the area (A) of its base. A / /-T-A V = lbh -p r| . kj / 5 = 2irr/» S = hp K = irr2A ¥ = hA EXAMPLES 51 1. Find the area of the lateral surface of a prism whose altitude is 7 in., and its base a pentagon, each side of which is 4 in. 2. What is the entire surface of a cylinder formed by the revolution about one of its sides of a rectangle 6 ft. 6 in. long and 4 ft. wide ? 3. Find the solid contents of a cylinder whose alti- tude is 15 ft., and its radius 1 ft. 3 in. 4. Find the entire surface of a prism whose base is an equilateral triangle, the perimeter being 18 ft., and the height 15 ft. 5. Find the contents of a box whose length, width, and depth are, respectively, 4 ft., 3 ft., and 2 ft. 6. Find its surface. PYRAMIDS AND CONES 135 7. Find the number of square feet necessary to make a stove pipe 2^ ft. long and 5 in. in diameter. 8. Find the amount of tin necessary to make a tin pail cylindrical in form, 6 in. in diameter and 8 in. deep, without a cover. 9. How many quarts will the pail hold ? 10. Find the depth of a cylindrical tank that holds 20 gal. and is 18 in. in diameter. 11. A rectangular can is 10 in. square on the bottom and holds 5 gal. How deep is it ? 12. What is the difference in the number of square feet of lumber necessary to make the sides of a room 16 ft. long, 12 ft. wide, and 10 ft. high, and one of cir- cular floor containing the same area and of the same height? 104. Pyramids and Cones. A regular pyramid is a solid whose base is a regular polygon, and whose sides are equal triangles which terminate in a common vertex. The common altitude of the triangular sides is called the slant height of the pyramid. The solid generated by a right triangle rotating about one of its legs is called a right circular cone. The length of the hypothenuse of the generating triangle is the slant height of the cone. The height of a pyramid or cone is the perpendicular distance from its vertex to its base. 136 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC The words pyramid and cone are frequently used for regular pyramid and right circular cone respectively. Pjrramid Frustum Cone The frustum of a pyramid or of a cone is the part that remains after cutting oif a portion of the top by a plane parallel to the base. 105. The lateral surface {S) of a pyramid or a cone is equal to one-half the product of its slant height (a) and the perimeter (p) of its base. This follows directly from the formula of Art. 95, and formula (1) of Art. 98. S = ^ap = irar The lateral surface of a frustum of a pyramid or a cone is equal to one-half the product of the slant height (a) and the sum of the perimeters (pi and j9a) of its bases. PYRAMIDS AND CONES 13T This follows for the frustum of a pyramid from Art. 93. The lateral surface of the frustum of a cone may be regarded as made up of a very great (infinite) number of trapezoids. S = tra(ri + r^) Let Vi be the radius of the lower base of the frustum of a cone, and 7*2 the radius of the upper base. Then S = ia(pi-\- p^) = ^ a(2 -rrr^ -\- 2 TrVi) = 1 a X 2 TT (ri 4- ^2) = 7ra(ri + r^). The volume of a pyramid or a cone is equal to one-third the product of its height (Ii) and the area (A) of its base. (See note to Art. 84.) The volume of the frustum of a pyramid or a cone is found as follows : Add the areas (A^ and A2) of the bases and the square root of their product, and multiply this sum by one-third of the height. (See note to Art. 84.) For the frustum of a cone, V=\h{A,-^A,+ ^A,A,) = |/l (Trri^ -f- -nri + -^/irr^Trr^ = \h (irri + irr^^ 4- Trrjra) = i'irh(ri^-\-r^^ + riri). 138 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC EXAMPLES 52 1. Find the lateral surface of a triangular pyramid, the slant height being 16 ft., and each side of the base 5 ft. 2. Find the lateral surface of a cone whose diameter is 17 ft. 6 in., and the slant height 30 ft. 3. Find the entire surface of a square pyramid whose base is 8 ft. 6 in. square, and its slant height 21 ft 4. How many cubic feet in the mast of a ship, its height being 50 ft., the circumference at one end 5 ft., and at the other 3 ft. ? 5. Find how much water can be put into a tin pail 10 in. deep, like a frustum of a cone in form, whose bot- tom is 8 in. across, and top 12 in. across. 6. How many square feet of tin in the pail described in the last example, without cover ? 7. A conical wood pile is 6 ft. high and 12 ft. in diameter at the base. How many cords are in it? 8. How many bushels of oats in a conical pile 2 ft. high and 12 ft. around it at the base ? 9. Find the number of cubic feet enclosed by a barn 60 ft. long, 40 ft. wide, and 20 ft. high, with a pyramidal roof 8 ft. high ; all inside measurements. 10. How many cubic feet of wood are in a log 20 ft. long and 14 in. in diameter ? 11. At 28 cents per cubic foot, what is the cost of a stone wall 28 in. thick at the base and 18 in. at the top, 4 ft. high and 36 id. long? THE SPHERE 139 12. How many cubic feet in a regular eight-sided post 10 ft. high, the width of one side being 3 in., and the dis- tance through it 7.24 in. ? 106. The Sphere. A sphere is a solid bounded by a uniformly curved surface, all points of which are equally distant from a point within called the centre. A sphere is generated by a semicircle rotating about its diameter. The radius and the diameter of the generating semicircle are the radius and the diameter, respectively, of the sphere. The section of a sphere made by a plane passing through its centre is called a great circle of the sphere. 107. The surface (S) of a sphere is equal to the lateral surface of the circumscribed cylinder. (Art. 84, note.) The diameter and the height of the circumscribed cylinder are each equal to the diameter of the sphere ; hence ^ = 2 Trr X 2 r = 4 Trr*. The area of the surface of a sphere is $ = A irr^, equal to four times the area of its great '^ = f »/* circle. 108. Let ri and r, be the radii of two spheres. Si and S2 their surfaces. Then Si = 4:7rr^% S2 = 4:nri\ Hence §1 S, 4 7rn^ 2» or 7rr2 rj S,:S,::n':r,'. 140 ALGEBEAIC ARITHMETIC The surfaces of two spheres are to each other as the squares of their radii. Conversely, Li = :^i. The radii of two spheres are to each other as the square roots of their surfaces. Exercise. (1) Prove that the surfaces of two spheres are to each other as the squares of their diameters. Prove the converse. (2) Prove that the surfaces of two spheres are to each other as the squares of the circumferences of their great circles. Prove the converse. 109. The Volume of a Sphere. We have seen that a circle may be regarded as made up of a very great num- ber of triangles having a common vertex at its centre. Similarly, a sphere may be regarded as made up of a very great (infinite) number of pyramids, having their bases in the surface of the sphere and their common ver- tex at its centre. The surface of the sphere is the sum of the bases of these pyramids, and its radius is their height. Now the volume of a pyramid is the product of its base and one-third its height; hence the volume of a sphere is the product of its surface and one-third its radius. Hence, since ^S = 4 irr'^, V=^\Sr = ^^'^. (1) 110. Let r^ and r^ be the radii of two spheres ; Vx and Fj their volumes. THE SPHERE 141 Then F, = i»n', F, = tW. Hence V, tirr/ ri' and The volumes of two spheres are to each other as the cubes of their radii. Conversely, TJie radii of two spheres are to each other as the cube roots of their volumes. Exercise. (1) Prove that the volumes of two spheres are to each other as the cubes of their diameters ; as the cubes of the circumferences of their great circles. (2) Prove the converse of each of the above. EXAMPLES 53 1. Find the surface of a sphere whose diameter is 9 in. 2. Find the volume of a sphere whose diameter is 18 in. 3. The glass tank of a lamp is spherical in shape and 4 in. in diameter on the inside. - How much oil will it hold? 4. The diameter of the earth is about 8000 mi. Find its surface and volume. 111. Similar solids are solids having the same form. Their corresponding surfaces are similar, their corre- sponding angles equal, and their corresponding lines pro- portional. All spheres are similar solids, and all cubes, 142 ALGEBRAIC ARITHMETIC Theorems : (i.) Any corresponding lines of similar solids are to each other as their other corresponding lines. (ii.) The surfaces of similar figures (plane or solid) are to each other as the squares of their corresponding lines. Conversely, (iii.) Tlie corresponding lines of similar figures are to each other as the square roots of their surfaces. (iv.) The volumes of similar solids are to each other as the cubes of their corresponding lines. Conversely, (v.) The corresponding lines of similar solids are to each other as the cube roots of their volumes. Note. These theorems were proved in Arts. 108 and 110 for spheres. Compare the theorems given there with the more general ones of this article. Why are these more general ? The reason for the truth of these theorems is that all lines have but one dimension — length; all surfaces are proportional to the product of two dimensions — length and width ; and all volumes to the product of three dimensions — length, width, and thickness. (Compare with Art. 68.) This is evident in the case of squares and cubes. If the side of one square is twice that of another, its area is 4 times as great. If the edge of one cube is twice that of another cube, its volume is 8 times as great, etc. Illustrate the last two statements by drawings. EXAMPLES 54 1. If a marble column 10 in. in diameter contains 27 cu. ft., what is the diameter of a column of equal length that contains i81 cu. ft. ? 2. A ball 4.6 in. in diameter weighs 18 oz. What is SIMILAR SOLIDS 143 the weight of another ball of the same density, that is 9 in. in diameter ? 3. Two vessels have the same shape. One is 12 in. deep and holds 7 gal. The other is 7 in. deep; what does it hold ? 4. A tank was made of 20 sq. ft. of sheet iron, and a tank of the same shape of 30 sq. ft. What is the ratio of their capacities ? Suggestion. First find the ratio of their linear dimensions. 5. What is the ratio of the corresponding edges of two similar rectangular solids whose volumes are respec- tively 2.7 cu. ft. and 1.5 cu. ft. ? 6. What is the. edge of a cube whose entire surface is 1050 sq. ft., and what is its volume ? 7. What must be the inner edge of a cubical bin to hold 1250 bu. of wheat ? 8. How many gallons will a cistern hold whose depth is 7 ft., the bottom being a circle 7 ft. in diameter and the top 5 ft. in diameter ? 9. What is the value of a stick of timber 24 ft. long, the larger end being 15 in. square, and the smaller 6 in., at 28 cents a cubic foot ? 10. The surface of a sphere is the same as that of a cube, the edge of which is 12 in. Find the volume of each. Examples 1 2. 4^, top; 10. 6f. 1. 5. 20;*, ball. 11. 18. 2. 6. 3. lOj^, sister ; 12. 90. 3. 16. 20^, brother. 13. If 4. 4. 4. 16 and 34. 14. 33,V 5. 0. 5. 21, 42, 63. 6. 8. , 6. 32;^. 7. 28. 7. 13ida. 1. 8a2. 8. 66. 8. 7 marbles, H ; 2. 16acd. 9. 26. 19 marbles, F. 3. 6a8&. 1©. 16. 9. 13 and 49. 4. 20 a^bK 11. 66. 10. 13 yr., son ; 5. Sa&Vrc. 13. 3. 58 yr., father. 6. S5 cex^y. 13. 18. 11. 48. 7. 3a + 36. 14. 3. 12. 18 and 24. 8. 15a -66. 15. tVV 13. 6^ bu. ; 14,4 bu. 9. a^-^a"^. 10. 2a5-a*. Examples 2 14. I 11. 3a3 + 6a2-6a. 1. 3. 12. a62c2 + a26ca 2. 1. Examples 4 + a^b^c. 8. 3f 13. 18. 4. 2. 1. 38. 14. 300. 5. tV 2. 8. 15. 900. 6. 66. 3. 10. 16. 76. 7. 6. 4. 73. 17. 29. 8. ^^: 5. 163. 18. 33. 6. 2^. 238. 19. 6. Examples 3 1 7. 20. 72. 1. 4yr., James ; 8. 9. 21. 20. 12 yr. , John. 9. 36. 146 22. 13. 23. 25. 12. 3 a& + 62 _ 3 ^2. 2. 27r/o; 24. 729. 13. 31^, 1st; 3H%; 25. 5a + 6. 62^, 2d ; ^%^ 26. 2 a6 + ac. 97^, 3d. 6f%; 27. 2 be. 14. 4hr. 28f%. 28. 6ab-7ac+2bc. 15. 16. 3. 28000. 29. 26-|c. 16. A, 24 apples ; 4. $5. 30. 22 a6 - 8 ac. B, 12 apples ; 5. 60%. 31. x^-\-2xy + 2/2. C, 16 apples. 6. 2500 sheep. 82. 4a2 + 4a6 4-62. 17. 40 men ; 7. $217.61. 83. a* + 2 a^c + c2. 80 boys ; 8. $40000. 34. 3a2+5a6+2 62. 880 women. 9. 15%. 35. 2a2+3a6-5 62. 18. $3000. 10. 39 yd. 36. ai-ab-2 b\ 19. 40 and 60. 11. $3000. 37. a3_2a6 + 62. 20. 12 and 24. 12. 52%; 38. 4a;2_i2a;y+9y2. 21. 6yr. $45,760. 39. a« - 2 a3c2 + c*. 22. 10 yr., son ; 40. 2a2-3a& + 62. 30 yr., father. Examples 13 41. 10a2-9a62 23. A, $30; + 2 6*. B,$15; 4. $2760. 42. a3+3a26+3a62 C, $20. 5. $5.25. + 68. 24. 164 artillery ; 6. $ 12800. 472 cavalry ; 7. $ 1300 cost. Examples 6 564 Infantry. 8. Neither. 25. 14 yr. ; 9. $720. 1. 3. 16 yr. ; 10. $300. 2. 3 a. 18 yr. 11. $1437.60. 8. 4 a. 26. 7 and 8. 12. 23%. 4. 3a;y. 27. 18 yr.; 13. 23i%. 6. 10 a6. 36 yr. 14. $1.47. 6. aHd^. 15. $.17^. 7. 4a2 + 6a6. Examples 11 16. $96. 8. 3 a6 - 2 c. 17. 24%. 9. fx-J2/2. 1. A, $1400; 18. 11%. 10. a B, $480; 19. 2|%loss. C, $453.60 20. $1.94^; 11. a2 + 2a6 + 62. D, $260. 16f%. ANSWERS 147 21. $50; $58.82; $65. 22. 4% loss. Examples 14 4. $378.13. 6. $96.90. 6. $6400.76 invest- ment. 7. 6%. 8. $600. 9. $1271.88. 10. $ 15 com. ; $ 750 inv. 11. $2905; 9|^^perlb. 12. $2920. 13. 14f%. 14. $432. 15. $506.25; 23750 lb. 16. 5|%. 17. $2100. 18. $ 82.11 com. ; $9301.89 pro- ceeds. 19. $10623.44. 20. $45111.44; $225.56. Examples 15 1. $555.75. 3. $256.50. $1080; 7. 8. 9. 10. $696.11. $666.90 ; $3.75. $786. $363.80; $20.81. $2.40. Examples 16 1. $217.50. 2. $37.50. 3. $738. 4. $58000. 5. $13600. 7. $424. 8. $ 44 prem. ; $5456 loss. 9. 2o/„. 10. $1840.50 pre- mium ; $79959.50 value. 11. $32000.^ 12. $3717.83. 13. $3168. 14. $5600. Examples 17 1. $88000. 2. $19072.16. 3. $.45. 4. U%, rate; $95.25, A's tax. 5. .0228 tax rate ; $214.66. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. $407.20. $224.37. $103.13. $21.43. 2 J mills. $76.39. Examples 19 1. $7212.50. 2. $37.15. 3. $11925. 4. $151.88. 5. $30.72. Examples 20 1. $3902.40. 2. $ 78133.33. 3. $208.33. 4. $6553.60. 6. $25372. 6. 48 bu. 7. $1700, Istyr.; $1785, 2d yr. 8. 40f%. 9. $40842. 10. 61788.6 lb. 11. 25f-% nearly. 12. 12%. 13. $2116.94. 14. 16^. 16. $863.99. $68.21. Examples 22 2. $83.22; $ 843.22. 3. $11.91; $191.41. 148 ANSWERS 4. $57.20; Examples 24 Examples 28 $382.20. 2. $6.06. 3. Mat. Oct. 30 ; 81 6. $146.19; 3. $82.36. da. term of $904.94. 4. $10.96. dis.; $940.14 6. $ 142.03 ; 5. $39.55. proceeds. $1166.28. 6. $106.99. 4. Apr. 8 ; 46 da. ; 7. $42.28; 7. $172.17. $917.21. $626.78. 8. $51.37. 6. Aug. 13 ; 64 da. ; 8. $55.77; 9. $205.48. $690.04. $781.61. 6. $641.55. 9. $83.02; 7. $1821.60. $470.97. Examples 26 8. $2548.53. 10. $.17; 9. $56.69. $42.37. 1. $516.71. 2. $1000. Examples 29 Examples 23 3. 3 yr. 4 mo. 24 da. 2. $2688. 1. $58.93. 4. 6%. 3. $464.10. 2. $ 8.40. 6. $650.80. 4. $3808. 3. $67.67. 6. 7%. 6. $586.04. 4. $159.75. 7. 7 mo. 10 da. 6. $247.52. 5. $67.09. 8. 7%. Examples 30 6. 7. a $38.11. $30.81. $8.93. $3647.61. 9. $669.12. 10. $1403.08. 2. $900 simple; $ 1035 annual ; 8. 9. Examples 27 $1046.30 comp. 3. $428.76. 10. 11. $1066.36. $2010.42. 2. $917.43; 4. $189.15. 6. $311.64. 12. 13. 14. 15. $142.45. $1886.17. $263.83. $410.70. $82.57. 3. $43.65 in favor of dis. 4. $1137.61. 6. $100.32. 7. $41.99. 8. $245.77. 9. $53.38. 10. $1540.79. 11. $2357.79. 16. 17. $25.78. $165.50. 5. $838.26. 6. The first by 5^ 18. $410.73. per ton. 19. $1936.60. 7. $2010.13. Examples 31 20. $1120.69. 8. $147.06. 2. $576. 21. $7.33. 9. $.92. 3. $98.33. ANSWERS 149 4. $575.34. 6. 280 bu. 9. A, $131; 5. $284.79. 6. $6428.57. B, $393; 6. $601.08. 7. 220| cd. C, $262. 8. $52.79. 10. A, $1800; Examples 32 9. 9 men. B, $600; 2. $577.38. 10. 2|da. C, $1200. 3. $99.88. 11. 10 ft. 2| in. 11. 1st, $357f; 4. $676.67. 12. 10 ft. 2d, $642f. 5. $285.99. 13. 546 bbl. 12. $171.60; 6. $603.49. 14. 2080 lb. $257.40. 7. $1386.78. 15. $100. 8. $1284.11. 16. 15 da. Examples 37 9. $162.25. 17. 432 mi. 2. June 27, 1897. 10. $4408.21. 11. $523.43. 1. Examples 36 A's, $100; 3. 4. May 5, 1896. June 23. Examples 34 B's, $150. 5. 6 mo. 3. $4.05. 4. 44|bbl. 5. 16 men. 2. A's, $3200; B's, $1800; C's, $ 1400. 6. 7. 8. 5 yr. 20 da. from date of last payment. Nov. 26. Mar. 7 ; $1178.01. 6. 96 sheep. 7. $5355. 8. 7 hr. 13^ min. 3. 4. A's, $ 1800 ; B's, $3000. A, $1710; 9. 112^ mi. B, $ 870.20. 10. 59|da. 5. A, $6000; Examples 43 11. $7320. B, $8402.25; 3. 115. 12. $10958.90. C, $5055.75; 4. 109. 13. 90 horses. D, $3042. 5. 997. 14. 2yr. 6mo. 6. A's, $200; 6. 143.2. 15. 3hr. B's, $240; 7. 54.64. 16. 20 men. C's, $160. 8. .036. 17. 75 da. 7. A, $2400; 9. 14.0048+. 18. 9 men. B, $2666.67; 10. 1.5006+ . C, $2933.33. 11. 7.625. Examples 35 8. A, $388.71 ; 12. 4.213+. 3. $240. B, $249.17; 13. 103.9. 4. $498.08. C, $112.12. 14. 1.5411 +. 150 ANSWERS 16. 16. If 17. tV^. 18. .91287 + . 19. 5.6. 20. 8^ 21. 1008 ft. 22. 240.33 rd. 23. 52 rd. 24. $187.20. 25. 80 X 40 rd 26. 101.2 rd. 27. 107.33 rd. 28. 182 sq. rd. 29. 49 rows. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Examples 46 , 101. 165. 101.5. 15.98. .45. .046. 3.4056. 10.77. M. 1.42+. .7936. 2 ft. 12150 sq. ft. 5 ft. 8+ in. 9 ft. 5.3+ in. 8 ft. 1.4 in. 3.17 ft. Examples 47 1. 84 sq. ft. 2. 5|A. 3. 42j3^ sq. ft. 4. $449.07. 5. 210 sq. ft. 6. 27 ft. 7. 4^ ft. 8. 20 in. 9. 39 ft. 10. 50 ft. 11. 56.57 rd. 12. 28 ft. 3.36 in. 13. 21ft. 14. 20 ft. 15. 15.59. in. 16. 10.6 rd.; 112.5 sq. rd. 17. 45.08 ft. 18. 92.45 mi. Examples 48 1. 153 sq. ft. 2. 2 A. 714 sq. ft. Given. 7.794+ in. 259.8+ sq. in. Examples 49 1. 5 ft. 2.83 in. 2. 5 ft. 10.67 in. 8. 78.54 sq. ft. 4. 114.59 A. 5. 15.708 ft. 8. 4.24 rd. 7. 7.07+ ft. 8. 69.12 rd. ; 380.13 sq. rd. 9. 4.55 ft. 10. 78.54 sq. ft. 11. $89.68. 12. 420+ times. 13. 100.399 sq. rd. diagonal ; 251.6 rd.circum. Examples 50 1. 40 A. 2. 34.64+ rd. 3. 149 ft. 4 in. 4. 30 rd.; 20 rd. 5. 369 rd. ; 123 rd. 6. 3.5 in. 7. $75. 8. 126.78 rd. Examples 51 1. 140 sq. in. 2. 263.89 sq.ft. 3. 73.63 cu. ft. 4. 301.177 sq. ft. 5. 24 cu. ft. 6. 62 sq. ft. 7. 3.27^ sq. ft. 8. 179.07 sq. in. 9. 3.91 qt. 10. 18.16 in. 11. 11.66 in. 12. 68.80 sq. ft. Examples 52 Examples 53 4. .54433. 1. 2. 3. 120 sq. ft. 824.67 sq. ft. 429^ sq. ft. 1. 254.47 sq. in. 2. 3053.6+ cu. in. 8. .58 qt. 5. 6. 1.2164+. 13.228 ft. edge ; 2315.03 cu. ft. 4. 6. 6. 64.99 cu. ft. 795.871 cu. in. 257 sq. ft. 4. 201062400 sq. mi.; 268083200000 7. 8. vol. 11 ft. 7 in. 1494.257 gal. 7. 8. 9. 1 cd. 98^ cu. ft. 6.14 bu. 54400 cu. ft. cu. mi. Examples 54 9. 10. $5.46. 1 cu. ft. vol. of cube; 10. 21.38 cu. ft. 1. 14.42 in. 1 cu. ft. 659 11. $1276.12. 2. 9 1b. cu. in. vol. of 12. 3+ cu. ft. 8. 1.389+ gal. sphere. ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW AMERICAN EDITION OF HALL AND KNIGHT'S ALGEBRA, FOR COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Revised and Enlarged for the Use of American Schools and Colleges. By FRANK L. SEVENOAK, A.M., Assistant Principal of the Academic Department^ Stevens Institute of Technology. Half leather. 12mo. $1.10. JAMES LEE LOVE, Instructor of Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.: — Professor Sevenoak's revision of the Elementary Algebra is an excellent book. 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