a GUDRUN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN OIE60 / S-2.S , kv/r -Tc n f titty yremw tnowt/yrt Fac-simile of the Ambrasian manuscript of Gudrun, reproduced from fCoenig's Deutsche Literatur Geschichte. MARY PICKERING NICHOLS BOSTON AND NEW YORK Houghton, Mifflin and Company Itiiicrsibc press, Camfcribge MDCCCLXXXIX Copyright, 1889, Br MARY PICKERING NICHOLS. All rights reserved. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass., U. S. A. Electrotyped and Printed by H. 0. Houghton & Co. preface. THE epic poem of Gu-drun is one of the most important early literary works of the German race. It is attributed to the latter part of the twelfth or the beginning of the thirteenth century, and to a date a little subsequent to that of the Nibelungen Lied. It was first brought to the notice of the modern world in the year 1817, the only ori- ginal manuscript now known to exist having been discov- ered about that time in the castle Anibras in the Tyrol, among other manuscripts which had been collected by the Emperor Maximilian I. (1493-1519). The manuscript is now in the Imperial Library at Vienna. It has been several times edited and printed in the original Middle High Ger- man, with critical annotations ; various translations into modern German have also been published : but so far as I can learn, no complete metrical version in the English language has been made public. The name of the author is unknown ; it is generally thought to have been constructed, in great measure, from earlier legends which had been repeated by wandering sing- ers. According to the late Karl Bartsch, the distinguished critic and editor of Mediaeval German literature, the tale iv preface shows affinity to legends of the Scalds of Norway and Den- mark, and to those of the Shetland Isles. Traces of resem- blance are said to be found among the relics of Anglo- Saxon literature. The supposition that the poem was con- structed from various early legends explains some of the marvellous incidents of the tale, and those chronological inconsistencies where the rude habits and ideas of earlier times are combined with the later knightly usages of the Middle Ages and with Christian belief. The scene of the poem is laid principally on the shores of the North Sea, and includes Ireland and Normandy, as well as Holland, Denmark, and Friesland. Very vague ideas of geography were, however, entertained by the poet. Some names of places are thought to be fabulous, and crit- ics disagree with regard to the modern countries designated by other names used. The poem is founded upon the themes of love and war, and properly consists of three parts. The first portion, embracing four tales, relates the adventures of Hagen, the grandfather of Gu-drun ; the second part gives the story of the wooing and abduction of Hilda, his daughter, the mother of Gu-drun. The proper story of Gu-drun begins only with the ninth tale. The narrative gives a vivid picture of the ideas, manners, and customs of the age of the author ; of the dwellings, dress, and ornaments in use ; of the weapons and warfare ; of the ships and sea-life ; and of the tournaments and court preface v festivities. From it we see the nature of the intellectual amusement enjoyed by the northern nations, at that period of their mental development when literary entertainment in the modern sense was yet unknown, and its place was supplied by listening to the recitals of wandering bards. Modern German critics agree in assigning a high literary value to the poem of Gu-drun, and compare it not un- favorably with the Nibelungen Lied. Bartsch, the critic above named, says : " The general impression which the poem gives is one of greater beauty, though not always of equal grandeur with that of the Nibelungen ; it is a worthy companion-piece. The two are justly compared, as are the Iliad and the Odyssey. In the Nibelungen as in the Iliad the fate of a whole people is decided by the sword, and the ruling house, consisting of noble heroes, meets destruction before our eyes ; but the conquerors do not fully rejoice in their success. The whole breathes a tragic spirit, even more than the Greek epic. ' J\ T ach Freude Leld ' ' after joy comes sorrow ' is the earnest tone throughout. Gu-drun, like the Odyssey, closes more tenderly and in a spirit of reconciliation. Although pitiless fate has destroyed the happiness of those for whom the poet has awakened our sympathy, and we see a noble being suffer in the most shameful manner, yet we are sustained by hope, and a happy end compensates for woes endured. ( Aus Leid Freude ' ' sorrows end in joy ' is the final conclu- sion. . . . All the characters are worked out in the most vi preface minute and careful manner, and are developed consistently. . . . The best traits of the German nature, fearless bravery, unfaltering fidelity, and unswerving integrity, are presented. The nobility of a feminine soul which, inspired by pure love, in the distress of a hard captivity, preserves its fidelity to its beloved, perhaps in no poem of the German middle ages is so strikingly shown as in the character of Gu-drun. . . . The descriptions both of battle and scenery are mas- terly, and are painted with a few decisive strokes." The metrical form of Gu-drun is similar to that of the Nibelungen. In both, the accentuation is determined by the logical sense, as in prose, and not always by the num- ber of syllables, as in most modern verse. In both, the lines are metrically divided, giving three accents to each half -line of the stanza, except in the fourth line, in which Gu-drun differs from the Nibelungen in having five accents instead of four on the concluding half-line. The translator has adhered to the original rhythm, and has endeavored in each stanza to convey strictly the ideas of the author, being careful not to introduce anything, in thought or simile, foreign to the poem, and, as far as the verse would permit, to give a verbal rendering. The translation has been made from Bartsch's edition of the original Middle High German (Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1874). He, like the other editors, has supplied some omissions in the manuscript, an instance of which may preface vii be seen in the sixth line of the fac-simile given. The drawings introduced are copied from medieval German printed books. I wish to acknowledge my obligation to my brother for careful revision and for many important improvements throughout the translation. M. P. N. BOSTON, 1889. Contents, TALE I. Sigeband, king of Ireland, after the death of his father, mar- ries a princess of Norway, who bears him a son, Hagen. During the celebration of a court festival, Hagen, now seven years old, while outside the castle in the care of his attendants, is caught up by a grif- fin, and borne to his nest in a distant land. Stanzas 1-66. TALE II. Hagen, falling from the grasp of one of the young griffins, crawls into a cave, where he finds three young daughters of kings, who had also been carried off by the griffins. He grows up in their company. At last, one day, he wanders with them to the seashore, where he finds a ship whose master, a lord from Karadie, he per- suades to rescue them from their exile. 67-113. TALE III. The master of the ship inquires of Hagen and the maidens concerning their country, and learns that Hagen is the son of an old enemy. He threatens to keep him as a hostage, but Hagen seizes thirty of the sailors, and flings them into the sea, and compels the others to steer towards his home. There, he sends messengers to an- nounce his arrival to his father and mother, who come down to the shore to meet him. 114-150. TALE IV. Hagen reconciles his father to the men who had brought him home, and receives from his father the government of the king- dom. He marries one of the three maidens, Hilda, from India. She gives birth to a daughter, likewise named Hilda. When she is grown up, her many suitors are rejected by her father. 151-203. TALE V. Hettel, king of the Hegelings, a suitor for Hilda, summons his vassals, Wa-te, Horant, and Fru-te, and sends them to obtain her for his wife. They go, purporting to be merchants, carrying seven hundred warriors concealed in the hold of the ship. They send rich gifts to Hagen, and at the request of his daughter, Hilda, they are kindly received at court. 204-371. TALE VI. Horant delights the court with his singing, and he with his friend Morunc are introduced to the bower of Hilda. He tells her of Hettel's suit, which she, charmed by the singing of Horant, re- x Contents; ceives with favor. They invite her to visit their ship, with her father and mother, and the invitation is accepted. 372-439. TALE VII. Hilda, with her father and mother and her maidens, rides down to the shore ; she and the maidens go on board the ship. While Hagen's attention is occupied, the vessel sets sail, and they arrive in Hettel's land. 440-486. TALE VIII. Hagen and his warriors follow in their ships, in order to rescue Hilda, and reach the Hegeling land : a battle takes place on the seashore. At Hilda's entreaty, peace is made, and Hagen con- sents to her marriage with Hettel. Hagen returns home, leaving Hilda and her maidens in Hettel's kingdom. 487-562. TALE IX. Wa-te, Horant, and the other vassals of Hettel go back to their homes. Hilda bears to Hettel a son, Ortwin, and a daughter, Gu-drun, who is afterwards sought by Siegfried, king of Moorland. He is rejected by her father, Hettel, and retires in anger. 563- 586. TALE X. Hartmut, a Norman prince, son of Ludwig and Gerlind, hears of the beauty of Gu-drun, and resolves to woo her. Messen- gers are dispatched with letters, but receive a forbidding answer. 587-616. TALE XI. Herwic, king of Sealand, sends suitors for the hand of Gu- drun, who are also rejected. Hartmut of Normandy comes to woo her in person, and is kindly received by her ; she, however, begs him, if he values his life, to leave the court. He returns to Normandy, resolved to win her by force. 617-629. TALE XII. Herwic, being forbidden by Hettel to woo his daughter, in- vades his kingdom, and, after a battle, Gu-drun, with Hettel's con- sent, is betrothed to him. 630-667. TALE XIII. Siegfried, a rival suitor for Gu-drun,, invades the land of Herwic, who sends to Hettel for his assistance : Hettel with many of his vassals comes to his help. Siegfried is driven into a castle, and there besieged. 668-724. TALE XIV. Hettel sends to announce to Hilda, his wife, and to Gu- drun, his daughter, his success in the fight with Siegfried. Hartmut, the Norman, takes advantage of the absence of both Hettel and Her- wic, and invades the Hegeling kingdom. 725752. TALE XV. Hartmut sends messengers again to Gu-drun to ask her hand, and threatens to take her by force if she still rejects his suit. She answers that she is betrothed to Herwic, and refuses him. Hart- mut and Ludwig bring an army and capture the Hegeling castle, and carry away Gu-drun with her hand-maidens. 753-809. Contents xi TALE XVI. Hettel and Herwic, being informed of their losses by Hilda, make peace with Siegfried, and release him on condition that he will unite with them in war against Hartmut. They take posses- sion of the ships of a pilgrim band, and pursue Hartmut. 810 846. TALE XVII. Ludwig and Hartmut, on their way to Normandy with Gu-drun, stop at a desert island, called Wulpensand ; Hettel and Her- wic, in pursuit, reach the island, and a battle ensues. 847-879. TALE XVIII. Ludwig, king of the Normans, slays Hettel, and his army steals away with the maidens in the night. The Hegelings discover their departure, bury the dead, and erect a hospital and cloister in their memory. 880-918. TALE XIX. The Hegelings return, and announce to Queen Hilda the death of her husband and their ill-success. They decide to wait till the young knights become old enough for war, and then to make a second campaign against the Normans. 919-950. TALE XX. The Normans reach their land with Gu-drun and her maid- ens ; she refuses to marry Hartmut, and is placed in the care of Ger- lind, his mother, who treats her harshly and obliges her to perform menial service. Ortrun, the sister of Hartmut, shows kindness to Gu-drun. 951-1040. TALE XXI. Gu-drun receives better treatment, but, still refusing to marry Hartmut, she is sent to wash clothes on the seashore. Hilde- burg, one of her maidens, obtains permission to share her labors, which are continued through many years. 1041-1070. TALE XXII. Hilda summons her vassals to make an expedition against the Normans. After visiting the graves of their kinsmen on the Wulpensand, they pass in safety the magnetic rocks at Givers, and arrive on the coast of Normandy. 1071-1141. TALE XXIII. Herwic and Ortwin, the brother of Gu-drun, agree to go forward in advance to procure intelligence in regard to her and her maidens. 1142-1164. TALE XXIV. While Gu-drun and Hildeburg are washing on the sea- shore, a swan announces to them the approach of Queen Hilda's army for their rescue, and tells them that two knights will come the next morning to inform them still further of this. 1165-1206. TALE XXV. Herwig and Ortwin, coming in a boat, see the maidens washing on the shore, recognize them, and make themselves known. Thinking it dishonorable to take the maids away without winning them in fight, the knights return to bring their army. The maidens xii Contents; go back to Gerlind, and, feeling sure of her speedy rescue, Gu-drun pretends to agree to Hartmut's suit, and is restored to favor. 1207- 1334. TALE XXVI. On their return to their friends, Herwic and Ortwin make known the result of their search. The Hegeling army arrives before the Norman castle, and is discovered by Ludwig and Hartinut. 1335- 1365. TALE XXVII. Hartmut names to Ludwig the banners of the coming knights. On learning that the Hegeling army is approaching, Ger- lind counsels her son, Hartmut, to await a siege ; but he chooses to sally forth, with Ludwig and their followers, and a battle ensues, in which Ludwig overthrows Herwic. 1366-1440. TALE XXVIII. Herwic, feeling mortified that Gu-drun from the cas- tle should see his fall, returns to the fight, and slays Ludwig. Ger- lind bribes one of her men to put Gu-drun to death, but he is pre- vented by the threats of Hartmut. Hartmut is taken prisoner, and carried on board a ship. 1441-1493. TALE XXIX. The Hegelings obtain possession of the castle, and spare neither old nor young. Ortrun seeks refuge with Gu-drun, and Ger- lind also implores her protection, but she is recognized and killed by Wa-te. The Hegeling army devastate the land : Hartmut and Ort- run are held captive. 14941560. TALE XXX. The Hegeling army returns home, bringing Gu-drun and her maidens, with the Norman captives. Hilda welcomes the return- ing ships, and embraces her daughter, whom she does not at first rec- ognize, after her long absence. By Gu-drnn's request, Hilda is recon- ciled to Hartmut and Ortrun, and Ortwin takes Ortrun for his bride. Hartmut and his men are set free, on their promise not to escape, and Hartmut agrees to wed Hildeburg. Herwic's sister is sent for, and betrothed to Siegfried. 15611666. TALE XXXI. A great wedding festival is held, at which the four kings, Herwic, Ortwin, Hartmut, and Siegfried, try to surpass each other in generous giving. Hartmut with his bride, Plildeburg, leaves for Nor- mandy- 16671695. TALE XXXII. Siegfried, king of Moorland, goes home, taking his bride, Herwic's sister. Herwic returns to his home with Gu-drun, after she has bidden farewell to her mother, Hilda, and to her bro- ther, Ortwin, and Ortrun, his wife. 1696-1705. of GER, an early king of Ireland, grandfather of Hagen. U-TE, wife of Ger. SIGEBAND, son of Ger and U-te. U-TE, a Norwegian princess, wife of Sigeband. HAGEN, son of Sigeband and the second U-te, and grandfather of Gu- drun. HILDA, a princess of India, wife of Hagen. HILDA, daughter of Hagen, wife of Hettel. HETTEL, king of the Hegelings, husband of Hilda, and father of Gu- drun and Ortwin. GU-DRUN, daughter of Hettel and Hilda. ORTWIN, prince of Ortland, son of Hettel and Hilda. WA-TE, FRU-TE, HORANT, vassals of Hettel. MORUNC, IROLD, I LUDWIG, king of Normandy. GERLIND, wife of Ludwig. HARTMUT, son of Ludwig and Gerlind, a suitor for Gu-drun. ORTRUN, daughter of Ludwig and Gerlind. SIEGFRIED, king of Moorland, a suitor for Gu-drun. HERWIC, king of Sealand, betrothed to Gu-drun. HILDEBURG,) . >- maiden companions of Gu-drun. HERGART, ) of ABAKIE, an imaginary Eastern land, subject to Siegfried. ABALIE, an Eastern land, noted for gems and cloths. ALZABIE, a fabulous Moorland city, the residence of Siegfried. AMILE, an imaginary Eastern laud, the home of mermaids. ARABY, a laud whence came fine clothes and treasures. BALLIAN Ballyghan, Hagen's chief city in Ireland. DANELAND, not the present Denmark, but, in the ninth century, the seat of the Danes in Friesland, near the mouth of the Scheldt. DIETMARSCH, a province subject to Hettel. FRIESLAND, subject to Hettel, and held in fief by Morunc and Irold. GALEIS, a land whose people are friendly to Herwic. GALICIA, Portugal, the home of Hildeburg. G ARADIE, an indeterminate country, near Ireland. GIVERS, a fabulous land, subject to Horant. GULSTRED, a place in the West. HEGELING, the name of a people on the North Sea, in Holland, governed by Hettel. HOLSTEIN, variously mentioned as subject to Fru-te, to Irolt, and to Ortwin. ICARIA, a fabulous land whose people are allies of Siegfried of Moorland. IRELAND, The situation seems sometimes to correspond with the modern Ireland, and sometimes to a part of Holland. There is a place in Texel, at the present day, named Eijerland. ISERLAND, the home of one of Gu-drun's maiden companions. KAMPALIA, a fabulous land noted for rich clothing. KAMPATILLE, Hettel' s castle, also called Matelan. K ARADIE, a land belonging to Siegfried of Moorland. KASSIAN, the chief city and castle of Normandy. MATELAN, see Kampatille. MOORLAND, the kingdom of Siegfried ; owing to the love of the marvelous in antiquity, regarded by the poet as the land of the Moors, but probably a low country near the North Sea. of pacr$ xv NIFLAND, " the land of fogs," on the lower Rhine, the home of the Nibelun- gen. NORMANDY or ORMANIE, may be the country now known as Normandy, or is perhaps a region near the mouth of the Scheldt, where the name Ormans-kapelle occurs in an ancient map. ORTLAND, probably Jutland, under the rule of Ortwin. SALME, a fabulous country. SEALAND, Herwic's kingdom, not the Danish Zealand, but probably the sea- lands of Friesland. SCOTLAND, spoken of as belonging to Norway. STURMLAND, subject to Wa-te, adjoining Herwic's kingdom. WALEIS, the western limit of Hettel's kingdom, by some supposed to be Wales, but generally thought to be the country near the mouth of the river Waal in Holland. WULPENSAND, an island at the mouth of the Scheldt. Cale tJ)t HOW HAGEN WAS CARRIED OFF BY THE GRIFFIN. JN olden days in Ireland a king to greatness came Who bore the name of Sigeband ; Ger was his father's name. Queen U-te was his mother ; she of a king was daughter ; High was her worth and goodness, and well her love beseemed the lord who sought her. The sway of Ger was mighty, as unto all is known ; He many lands and castles and lordships seven did own : Four thousand knights or over he thence was often leading, And wealth, and name yet greater, he daily won, with those who did his bidding. Now the youthful Sigeband to his father's court must go, That he might there be learning all he had need to know, To bear the spear in riding, to thrust it, and to shield him, That when he met the foeman, the better fame thereby the fight would yield him. 4-8 That age he now was reaching when he the sword might bear ; Of all that a knight befitteth he learned a goodly share. This from kin and vassals praise unmeasured brought him ; For this he still was striving, and of the toil it cost he ne'er bethought him. A few short days thereafter death came among them all, As even to men the greatest sadly doth befall. In every land and kingdom the truth of this we 're meeting, And we, with heavy sorrow, such news ourselves must every day be waiting. Sigeband's mother, U-te, the widow's seat must take ; Her son, so high and worthy, left all things for her sake. No whit he cared for wedlock, and had no heart for wooing ; Many a queenly lady at this was sad, young Sigeband's sorrow ruing. A worthy wife to find him his mother him besought ; So might he and his kingdom to greater name be brought ; And he with all his kindred, after their bitter sorrow For the death of the king, his father, might for themselves no little gladness borrow. The teaching of his mother he heard in kindly mood, And began at once to follow, as that of a friend one should. The best of high-born maidens, 'mong those in Norway dwelling, He bade his men to sue for : to help in this he found his kinsmen willing. 9-13 Cate tlje jfim 3 She soon to him was wedded, as hath of old been said. With her, among her followers, came many a lovely maid, And, from over Scotland's border, seven hundred warriors fully ; They came with her right gladly, when the worth of the king was known to them more truly. Proudly their way they wended, as beseemed the maiden's birth ; With all the care they led her befitting his kingly worth ; Hidden were the roadways by gazers without number, Who hasted to behold her ; for three miles and a half the throngs the ways did cumber. Where'er along the roadside the path with green was spread, Flowers and grass were trampled, by crowds, with heavy tread. It fell upon that season when the leaves are springing, And in every copse and thicket all the birds their best of songs are singing. Of simple folk and merry there rode with her enough ; While many loaded horses bore much costly stuff, Brought there from her birthland by followers of the maiden ; They came with her by thousands, with gold as well as clothing heavy-laden. On the shore of two wide marches, the dwellers by the sea, As they saw the west wind waft her, gave her welcome free ; They found a seemly lodging for the lovely, well-born lady, And brought her all things needful, by the youthful king, before, for her made ready. 4 uorun 14-18 The fair young maid they welcomed with knightly tournament ; Not soon their games they ended, when on the spear-fight bent. To the land of Ger his father they bore her to be wedded ; She there was loved and mighty, and men to sound her name she never needed. All, as they were able, waited on the maid ; The gaudy cloth for her saddle down to the grass was spread ; The horses' hoofs were hidden by the housing, heavy drooping. Aha I In mood how gleeful was Ireland's lord, once more a blessing hoping ! When now the time was fitting that he the maid should kiss, All crowded thick about him, in haste to see their bliss. The bosses of their bucklers were now heard loudly clashing, Struck with blows together ; each strove to shun the throngs, in uproar crashing. Now with the dawn of morning, they sent out, far and wide, To give to all the tidings of the coming of the bride, And that, with their master, they erelong would crown her. His queen she was thereafter, and well she earned from him the honor shown her. It was not deemed becoming that he his love should plight, Since she by birth was queenly, and he not yet a knight : He first, before his lieges, must the crown be wearing ; To this his kinsmen helped him, and later of his worth were all men hearing. 19-23 SDale rtje ffim 5 He, with knights five hundred, then was dubbed with the sword ; Whatever they could wish for was given them at his word, Both shields, and, for their wearing, every kind of clothing. The youthful king so dauntless, thro' life, of fame and honor wanted nothing. For many a day thereafter his sway did Ireland bless, And never did his greatness at any time grow less. To all he freely listened ; the poor man's wrongs he righted ; Widely known was his goodness ; no truer knight than he his word e'er plighted. His boundless acres yielded a full and ready gain ; His wife was known for wisdom, and worthy to be his queen. To hold her as their mistress full thirty lords it booted ; As long as the sway she wielded, her hand to each his lands and home allotted. She bore unto her husband, within the next three years, A child to see most comely ; (such is the tale one hears.) When later he was christened, and they were told to name him, They gave the name of Hagen ; and never since, the tale of his life doth shame him. He had most careful breeding, and kindly was he nursed ; Should he be like his fathers, he would of knights be first. Watched over by wise women, and by maidens of early age, His father and fond mother found in his face their glad eyes' pasturage. 6 (Sutirun 24-28 When now the boy, well fostered, to his seventh year was bred, 'T was seen that he by warriors by the hand was often led. He was happy in men's teaching, but was with women wearied ; All this he knew no longer ; for, torn from them, he far away was carried. Whene'er to him it happened weapons at court to see, He understood them readily, and their wearer longed to be ; The helmet and ringed armor would he have put on gladly : Alas ! not long he saw them, and all his hopes of fighting ended sadly. While the kingly Sigeband, beneath a cedar-tree, One day on the turf was seated, the queen said earnestly : " Although good name and riches we share with one another, At one thing yet I wonder, and this from you I dare to hide no further." He asked of her : " What is it ? " Then said his helpmeet kind : " It me doth sorely worry in body and in mind, And my heart, alas ! is heavy ; to my wish you give no heeding, To see you 'midst your vassals, my beaming eyes with pride upon you feeding.'* The king to her thus answered : " Plow should it ever be That you have had such longing me with my knights to see ? I will strive thy will to follow, of this think not so sadly ; Ever to meet thy wishes, both care and toil will I give myself most gladly." 29-33 2CaU rtje jfirst 7 She said : " No man is living who owns such wealth, I trow, Who has so many castles or lands so wide as thou, With silver and gems so costly, and gold so heavy weighing ; For this are our ways too lowly, and nought there is in life to me worth saying. " When erst I was a maiden, and on Scotland's soil drew breath, (Chide not, my lord, thy helpmeet, but list to what she saith,) I there was daily seeing the liegemen of my father For highest prizes striving ; but here such games we never see together. " A king so rich and mighty, as you in name have been, Before his followers often should let himself be seen ; He oft should ride in tilting with other champions knightly, That both himself and his kingdom should seem more fair, and hold their rank more fitly. " It shows, in a lord so noble, a most unworthy mind, When he has heaped together riches of every kind, If he with his faithful warriors to share them is unwilling : When men in the storm of warfare deep wounds have had, how else can they find healing ? " Then said to her King Sigeband : " Lady, you mock at me ; In all these warlike pastimes I will most earnest be ; And for the strife so worthy my wish shall never waver : No man shall find it easy the ways of well-born kings to teach me ever.' 8 d5uDrUU 34-38 She said : " You now for warriors must send throughout the land ; Stores of wealth and clothing must be given with open hand. I too will send out heralds my kinsmen all to rally, And to show them my good wishes ; we then shall find our life to pass more gaily." At this the king of Ireland unto his wife thus said : " I yield to you most willingly, for men are often led By the wishes of fair women great feastings to make ready ; I therefore now will gather my brave and hardy kinsmen, and those too of my lady." To him the queen then answered : " Sorrow no more I wear ; Five hundred women's garments I will give, to each her share ; To four and sixty maidens gay clothes to give I 'm willing." Then the king did tell her high times he soon would hold, his word fulfilling. The sports were then bespoken : he bade his men to send, In eighteen days or sooner, to liegeman and to friend, To say to all in Ireland, who would in his games be riding, That, after summer was ended, they should spend the winter, with him abiding. He bade his men make benches, so our tale doth run, And for these, from out the wilderness, timber must be drawn ; For sixty thousand warriors seats must they make ready. His henchmen and deft stewards, to do this work for the king, were skilled and speedy. 39-43 2DaU fye jfim 9 Thither men then hastened on many a winding way ; All were kindly cared for throughout their lengthened stay. Now from Ireland's kingdom, as the king had bidden, Full six and eighty thousand of warriors strong there to his court had ridden. From the store-rooms of the castle clothing now was borne, All the gear they wished for, and all that could be worn. Shields were also given, and steeds of Irish breeding ; The proud and queenly lady bedecked her guests with all they could be needing. She gave to a thousand women costly clothes enow, And likewise to fair maidens what one to youth should allow, Broidered bands and jewels, and silk that glistened brightly ; The many lovely ladies, together standing there, were fair and sightly. To every one who wished it were given clothes well-made. Horses were there seen prancing, by the hand of foot-boys led ; These light shields did carry, and their spears were seizing. U-te, the queenly mother, was gladly seen, as she on the leads sat gazing. The guests by the king were bidden freely in tilts to meet ; The glitter of their helmets grew dim in the dust and heat. The ladies, held in honor, near by were also seated, Where they the deeds of the warriors saw full well, and with words of wonder greeted. 10 As oft before has happened, the show had lasted long ; The king was not unwilling to be looked on by the throng. This, meanwhile, to his lady happiness was giving, As she, amidst her women, sat on the roof, and saw their earnest striving:. When now her lord had ridden, as doth beseem a king, He thought to end their onsets ; some rest to them to bring He deemed not unbecoming ; to stop the games he bade them. And then before the ladies, after their skill thus shown, he proudly led them. U-te, the high-born lady, began her friends to greet, With those from far-off kingdoms ; them as guests to meet The queen was truly willing ; on them her glad eyes rested. The gifts of Lady U-te were not on scornful friends that evening wasted. Knights and lovely ladies together there were seen. The good-will of the master to all well-known had been ; In all their games and tilting, his kindness was not hidden. Once more the guests, that evening, to ride in warlike strife by him were bidden. "Their games and sports had lasted until nine days were gone ; They, as knights befitteth, their skill to the king had shown. By the many wandering players the show was liked the better, And they plied their work more briskly, and hoped that their reward would be the greater. 49-53 2Dale tlje jftrst 11 Sackbuts loud and trumpets there might all men hear ; Fluting too and harping fell upon the ear. Some on the rote were playing, others in song were vying ; They, by their jigs and fifing, soon would better clothes for themselves be buying. On the tenth morn it happened, (now hark to iny sorry tale,) That, after all their pastimes, there rose a bitter wail. About these days so merry new tales were told on the morrow ; And tho' they now were mirthful, they came to know deep gloom and heavy sorrow. When the guests were seated beside their kingly host, There came to them a player, and proudly made his boast That he, before all others, (who should indeed believe him ?) Was far more skilled in playing, and even the greatest lords their ear must give him. Outside, a lovely maiden was leading by the hand The little son of Sigeband who swayed the Irish land ; With him were likewise women who to the boy gave heeding, And friendly kinsmen also, who carefully taught the child, and oversaw his breeding. Within the great king's palace was heard a din and shout ; All were there heard laughing, the roomy walls throughout. The guardians of young Hagen crowded up too nearly, And thus lost sight of the maiden, together with the child they loved so dearly. 12 rronD 17 When, crawling to his hiding, they the child did see, It might, so thought the maidens, a dwarfish goblin be, Or perhaps it was a water-oaf, from out the sea up-driven ; But when the boy came near them, at once a welcome kind to him was given. Hagen was ware of the maidens, as into their cave they stole, While with fear and sadness their little hearts were full, Before they yet had knowledge that they a Christian greeted. But the care they later showed him lifted the pain from many hearts o'erweighted. First spake the eldest maiden : " How darest thou in our cave, Where from the God of heaven we home and shelter have ? Go, seek again thy playmates, the billowy waters under ; Enough ourselves we sorrow, and on our bitter lot in sadness ponder." The high-born child then answered : " I pray you let me stay ; I truly am a Christian, you must not say me nay. One of the griffins seized me, and to the cave did carry ; I cannot live all lonely, and here with you would I most gladly tarry." Then to the child so friendless they loving welcome gave ; But they of his worth thereafter did better knowledge have. They now could ask him only, whence he had been stolen ; But, such was then his hunger, in telling his tale, his heart was full and swollen. 18 ^ufcrun so-84 Then spake the little foundling : " Food I sorely need ; Give to me, in kindness, a little drink and bread. 'T is long since I have had it, and now three days I 'm fasting, The while the griffin bore me, and full a hundred miles was hither hasting." Then answered one of the maidens : " Our lot it so hath been, That we our wonted cup-bearers never here have seen ; Neither our lordly steward, who should food to us be giving." Still they praised God's goodness ; altho' their years were few, they were wisely living. A search they soon were making for roots and herbage wild, Wherewith they hoped to strengthen Sigeband's darling child. Such food as they had lived on they gave to him most freely ; To him 't was a meal unwonted, but such as they long time had eaten daily. Yet he needs must eat it, for hunger sore he hath, And hard it is to any to meet with bitter death. Thro' all the days so dreary, while with the maidens dwelling, To them his help most willing he ever gave, his thankfulness thus telling. They, too, had him in keeping, that can I say for truth ; He there grew up in sadness, throughout his early youth ; Until, one day, the children, to make them greatly sorrow, Before their cavern-dwelling saw wonders rise, that threatened more to-morrow. 85-89 SDal* tlje >ftom> 19 I know not from what border, tossing o'er sea to land, Came to those shores so rocky a holy pilgrim band. The ground-swell it was heavy, and rocked the bark full sorely ; Thereat the banished maidens felt their care and sorrow growing hourly. Soon the ship was shattered ; not one his life could save. Quickly the stern old griffins came down beside the wave ; Seizing many drowned ones, back to their nest they hurried. Many a woman was mourning, soon as the sorry tale to her was carried. When to the hungry nestlings the food they took in haste, Back again the griffins came from their offspring's nest ; From what far spot I know not, along the sea-paths flying. Their young they left on the hillside, with a neighbor grim, while they were hither hieing. One day the goods of the sailors Hagen saw near the sea, For many had been drowned there ; holy men were they. He thought, among the wreckage, food might still lie hidden ; But, through fear of the wicked griffins, he softly crept to the shore, by hunger bidden. No one could he find there, but a body in armor alone ; Thereby the wild old griffin hard work would give him soon. Out from his armor he shook him, nor did he spurn to wear it : He found a bow and weapons, by its side, on the sandy shore, lying near it. 20 $uurun 9094 With these himself he girded, that simple little child ; When in the air above him he heard a rushing wild. He wished that he had loitered, the sorry little master ; But quickly came the griffin ; to the sheltering cavern fain would he flee the faster. The bird swung down in anger to the sandy beach and foam ; The little playmate and fellow of the young it left at home, Would by the angry griffin have at once been swallowed ; But now the bold young Hagen the ways of a daring foeman bravely followed. He with strength but youthful the tightened string drew out, And arrows swift and many from the well-bent bow he shot. Alas ! he did not hit him ; what hope of his ill-luck turning ? Then he of the sword bethought him ; he heard the maids bewailing him and mourning. Tho' his years were not yet many, he still was brave enough ; A wing from the angry griffin he struck at the shoulder off, And in the leg he smote him a heavier blow and stronger ; So that his wounded body the bird away from the spot could drag no longer. The boy was now the winner ; one of his foes lay dead ; But quickly came another, who sorrow for him made. All at last were slaughtered ; nor old nor young were living ; God in heaven helped him ; but truly against such strength 't were hopeless striving. 95-99 SDalf ttje ^cconD 21 When he that feat of wonder had done, with heart so brave, He called the friendly maidens from out their rocky cave. He said : " Let air and sunshine your sorry hearts be filling ; Since now the God in heaven to grant to us some bliss at last is willing-." His call they kindly welcomed, and many times, forsooth, The boy by the lovely maidens was kissed upon the mouth. Their keeper now lay lifeless ; and none there was to hinder Their roaming o'er the hillsides, and, far or near, at their good-will to wander. By help of the boy, from sorrow they now were wholly free ; The little childish wanderer, so skilled with the bow was he, That birds his well-shot arrows could never shun by flying. He shot them now for pastime ; but to get them soon for food must he be trying. He in heart was daring, he was mild, but also brave ; Hey ! from the wild beasts learning, what nimble leaps he gave ! As doth the strong young panther, over the rocks he scrambled ; Himself was his only teacher, and, far away from kin, alone he rambled. While on the shore, by the waters, his time he often spent, He saw, among the sea-waves, live fishes, as he went ; To catch them it were easy, but yet he did not get them, For with fire his kitchen smoked not. Daily his sorrow grew that he could not eat them. 22 e Jfourtlj 35 When the king had kissed them and soothed his angry mood, He to the shipwrecked pilgrims made their losses good. To them it was a blessing, and praise to Hagen carried ; The lands of the men of Ireland never since have they as foemen harried. Then their food and clothing the guests took out, for use, And up on the sands they bore them, trusting in Hagen' s truce ; To take their rest for a fortnight them did he embolden. The band of haughty pilgrims to give to him their thanks were now beholden. Then, in the midst of uproar, they rode away from the shore ; Up the castle of Ballian came also many more, Led by a tale of wonder that the son of the king was living, Of their king so rich and mighty ; a thing so strange was to many past believing. The water-weary pilgrims, long-tossed upon the sea, When fourteen days were ended to leave the land were free. To them by the host were given gifts of gold, bright shining ; By the help of his son's great kindness he hoped a lasting friendship to be winning. Hagen his maidens never henceforth unthought-of leaves ; Kindly doth he teach them ofttimes to bathe in the waves. He showed himself most loving, ever for them caring ; Rich clothes to them were given, and wise beyond his years was all his bearing. 36 (SuDtUU 164-168 Now was the youth beginning to be a man well-grown. He ever showed his kinsmen the skill to warriors known ; Whate'er a knight befitteth with hand and weapon doing. In the land of his father, Sigeband, his mighty sway he soon to all was showing. Hagen was ever learning what doth a king beseem. He who of knights is leader must ever free from shame And every stain be living ; this earns fair women's praises. So gentle was he truly that every one with wonder on him gazes. Brave he was and daring, (such is the olden song,) And ever was he ready to right his neighbor's wrong. He high upheld his honor in all things, never fearing ; Throughout the land, his praises were spoken and were sung in all men's hearing. In a waste he grew to manhood, that youthful son of a king, Wild beasts his only fellows ; but none so quick could spring That they to flee were able, if he for them was striving. I ween both he and his maidens had wonders seen, while by the waters living. Rightly his name was Hagen ; but later men did own He was " of kings the Devil ; " so came he to be known In every land and kingdom, such was his strength in fighting. The bold and wild young Hagen well did earn his name, his foemen smiting. 169-173 SEale tty jfourtfc 37 He oft was begged by his kinsmen that he a wife would take ; One so fair was near him that none had need to seek A fairer or a lovelier, all earthly kingdoms over. He himself had taught her ; with her in sorrow grown, and now her lover. She bore the name of Hilda ; from India she had come, And love she oft had shown him under their wretched doom, Since, in their early childhood, he in the cave had found her. None better need he wish for, or seek in any land the heavens under. His father bade him hasten to be knighted with the sword, With a hundred of his vassals. He gave, with kindly word, To him and to his maidens, for clothes and horses needed, A thousand marks of silver. Hagen said that the will of his father should be heeded. The news of this was bruited through many a prince's land ; And the day when it should happen all did understand. Soon the king's great kindness from all won praises golden In a year and three days after the festival of knighting them was holden. For this the knights made busy, glad to be bidden there. Soon they made them bucklers, bright and painted fair ; In making showy saddles the workmen were not idle ; With gold both red and shining the breastplate was bedecked, as was the bridle. 38 (Suurun 174-178 Upon a broad green meadow the guests of the mighty king Were bidden then to gather. He left not anything That they from him could ask for ; seats were spread in order, And many guests soon after were seen to ride to his land from every border. To those from far now ready the sword with him to bear Fighting-gear was given, that beseemed them well to wear. They who from other kingdoms into his land were faring A thousand men were reckoned ; to give them clothes and steeds he was not sparing. Unto his friends then said he : "If now you deem it fit That men a king should call me, it therefore seemeth meet That she my heart holds dearest a crown with me be wearing ; Never shall I rest happy until, for her love to me, she this is sharing." Then asked of him his followers who might the lady be, Who, riding proudly before them, they at court should see ? lie said : " Her name is Hilda, in India once living ; To me and to my kindred she, as our queen, no shame will e'er be giving." Well pleased was now his mother, when she the tidings had, That they thought to crown the lady ; his father, too was glad. Of them was she so worthy, that high in heart they set her. With him the sword was taken by full six hundred ; the number e'en was greater. 179-183 Me tt)e jfourttj 39 As is the way of Christians, both of them were bid First for the crown to be hallowed ; this at once they did. King Hagen with Queen Hilda in state were soon seen riding ; Many games of knighthood were played at court by his men, at Hagen's bidding. Sigeband, too, rode with them ; high rose his heart as he went ; He reckoned very little the wealth that must be spent. When in jousts they had ridden, in ways most true and knightly, Then were pages busy to make the halls for the guests all fair and sightly. Seats were brought together, strong, and broad, and long, With stools besides, and tables. After the mass was sung, IJ-te, his wife, came riding, with women round her thronging ; These the youthf ul warriors to gaze on, as they rode, right earnestly were longing While the great King Sigeband sat by U-te's side, And Hagen next to Hilda, all looked on with pride ; And said, in his child-beloved happy was their master. Before them, while at table, the throng was great ; the clash of spears grew faster. After the king of Ireland at the meal his fill had eat, By riders the grass was trodden ; flowers to dust they beat With rude and heavy trampling, while in uproar riding. The men best known for bravery, before the fair, in knightly jousts were leading. 40 $UDrun 184-188 Four and twenty warriors, bearing well the shield, Over the plain came riding ; bold were they in the field, And now in many a struggle all their strength were spending. 'T was done in sight of the ladies, and hard it was of their games to make an ending. The brave young son of Sigeband himself in the onset rode. Not loth was she to gaze on him who her with hope had wooed ; That she to him was friendly in a far-off land forsaken, For this would he reward her. No truer knight the sword had ever taken. Amid the throngs here riding, one thro' the dust might see Men whose birth was princely, in number twelve and three ; The Christian and the heathen to him their fiefs were owing, And honor now, right heartily, to Sigeband and Hagen they were showing. Long those high times lasted ; their mirth, how loud it rose ! With crowding and with shouting great the bustle grows. The king now bade the champions to end the strife so heated ; And leave to them was given that they beside the ladies should be seated. Before his friends and kinsmen then spake King Sigeband : " Unto my dear son Hagen give I now my land, With the dwellers and the strongholds, be they far or nearer. Let all my trusty liegemen have him now for their lord, and hold none dearer." 189-193 2Dale tt)e jfourtt) 41 As soon as his father, Sigeband, his sway did thus forego, Hagen his lands and castles began in fief to bestow ; This he did right freely, and to those to whom he gave them He seemed so true and worthy that they indeed from him would gladly have them. As by feudal law is rightful, many stretched the hand To the youthful king in fealty. To all, from every land, Or far or near, then gave he clothes and riches hoarded. A feast so freely given would now the poor not harm, and with thanks be rewarded. At court now dwelt the maidens who had before been brought With him within those borders ; of these one now was sought, And sent to the king and Hilda ; there she soon was dwelling. The maid it was from Iserland ; of one more fair to see none e'er was telling. A princely youth soon wooed her, who saw the maiden fair Beside the king's fair daughter. Soothly might he swear That she by right was worthy to be of a crown the wearer. She had erst been Hilda's playmate ; of widespread lands she now became the sharer. At last the guests were scattered, and all now left the king. That high-born lady also men did straightway bring Into the land of Norway, to her youthful lord's kind keeping. After her heavy sorrows, blest with hope, she knew no more of weeping. 42 5uurun 194-193 Now, throughout all Ireland, did Hagen his sway begin. If ever among his lieges a deed of wrong was seen, At once for this the doer must pay with pain well dreaded ; Of such, within a twelvemonth, eighty or more were for evil deeds beheaded. An inroad made he later into the lands of his foes. He spared the poor, and brought not flames, to add to their woes ; But if with pride and rudeness he was by any treated, He quick laid waste their strongholds, and deadly wounds in bitter wrath he meted. When it came to fighting, he was a goodly knight. Of heroes high in breeding he soon brought low the might ; To all he showed his bravery, whether far or near him. Of kings was he the Devil ; in truth his many foes might greatly fear him. The life he led was happy, nor of gladness asked he more. His wife, from far-off India, to her lord and master bore A fair and lovely daughter ; she also, like her mother, Bore the name of Hilda ; well known is her tale to us, and to many another. Wild Hagen bade his maidens so to rear the child, That the sun ne'er shone upon her ; nor were rough winds wild Oft allowed to touch her. She was by ladies guarded, And cared for by her kinsmen ; most wisely was the trust to them awarded. 199-203 2Cate ttie jfourtl) 43 Before twelve years were ended the fair and well-born maid Was comely more than any, and her name was widely spread ; Rich and high-born princes gladly would have sought her, And earnestly were thinking how they could win wild Hagen's lovely daughter. One of these same princes in Denmark had his home, Within the land of Waleis. When the tale to him had come About this lovely maiden, his longing ne'er would leave him ; But he was scorned by Hagen, who swore of life and name he would bereave him. Whene'er to seek the maiden men were by wooers sent, In his pride, wild Hagen upon their death was bent. He to none would give her who than himself was weaker ; Of the tale of the mighty Hagen, far and near, was every man the speaker. He bade that more than twenty of those sent there be hung ; None might wreak his anger, though sore his heart was wrung. When all had done their errand, for Hagen's daughter suing, " Enough," soon went the saying : " 'T were best that none should go for her a-wooing." But still by high-born warriors the maid was not unsought. Let pride be ne'er so lofty, as we have long been taught, There always is another with just as high a bearing ; While to win her kindness his yearning grows, and his toil he is never sparing. HOW WA-TE WAS SENT TO IRELAND AS A SUITOR. was lord in Daneland ; to be its king he rose ; <& 'T was in the Sturmisch marches, as many a one well knows ; There abode his kindred, who ways of honor taught him. Ortland also served him. His might and worth high fame with all soon brought him. One among his kinsfolk the name of Wa-te bore ; He for his lands and castles fealty to Hettel swore. As kinsman of his master, he careful teaching gave him In all things good and worthy, and in his watchful care did ever have him. A landed knight in Daneland was Wa-te's sister's son, The brave and upright Horant. Later his faith was shown Unto his lord, King Hettel, who for his worth did crown him. This to him he grudged not, but ever for a prince was glad to own him. 207-211 2Dale tfje jfifttj 45 Hettel, rich and mighty, at Hegeling held his seat, Not far from the lord of Ortland ; this is true, I weet. He there owned many castles, eighty at least or over ; They who these strongholds guarded in truest faith and honor held them ever. Lord he was of Friesland, its waters and its land ; Ditmarsh, as well as Waleis, were swayed by his kingly hand. Hettel was truly mighty ; his kinsmen they were many ; Bold was he and daring, and 'gainst his foes he plotted, well as any. Hettel was an orphan, and so he felt the need That he a wife should find him. To him, at last, were dead Father as well as mother, who their lands had left him. He friends in truth had many, yet found he much in life that of bliss bereft him. The best of these besought him some maiden's love to seek, Who of his birth was worthy. The knight did answer make : " I here know none who fitly should be o'er the Hegelings seated, Nor is there any lady who, brought from far, should as my queen be greeted." Then spake a knight of Nifland, Morunc, a youthful lord : " I know of a lovely maiden, of whom I oft have heard ; She in truth is fairer than all on earth now living. Her will we gladly sue for, that she her troth to you may soon be giving." 46 d5uUrUtt 212-216 Then quoth the king : " Who is she ? her name I pray you tell." Then said Morunc : " 'T is Hilda, in Ireland she doth dwell ; Her father's name is Hagen ; King Ger was her forefather. If to this land she cometh, your life will then be blissful altogether." Then spake the young King Hettel : " I oft have heard it said, Whoever woos this maiden her father's wrath must dread. Many a worthy suitor his life for her has ended ; But none among my vassals must meet his death for having me befriended." Morunc quickly answered : " Then send to Horant's land, And bid that he come hither ; he well doth understand The ways and moods of Hagen, for often has he seen them. Unless his help he gives you, 't will come to nought, howe'er your friends demean them." He said : " Your will I follow, since she is so fair ; But if my friends shall seek her, yourself the suit must share ; And if unto your friendship the task I 've trusted fitly, Wealth shall you have and honor, when as the Hegeling's queen she 's greeted rightly." He quickly sent out riders through the Danish land to haste ; By them was the mighty Horant, his nephew, found at last, And to the court was bidden ; to come must he be speedy, Within seven days, not later, if he to help his lord in truth were ready. 217-221 2Dale tye jfiftl) 47 When Horant met the heralds, and did their errand hear, Then for friendly service himself he would not spare. Right gladly did he listen to the bidding of his master ; But this, 011 a day thereafter, to him brought sorrow great, and sore disaster. To the court he soon went riding, with sixty of his men ; Of friends at home young Horant to take his leave was seen. He then made haste the faster, when now the tale was told him How he must help his master, if for a faithful knight he now would hold him. Upon the seventh morning he came to Hettel's land ; Decked in finest clothing was he and all his band. The king to welcome Horant rode forth, most glad to greet him, And saw that with him Fru-te, another Danish knight, was there to meet him. Good news it was of their coming, of which all men now spoke ; Glad was the king to see them ; from him a share it took Of the deep and heavy sorrow which his heart was filling. " Welcome, Cousin Fru-te ! " cried he, the while he looked upon him smiling. When Horant now with Fru-te before the king did stand, Then he asked for tidings of their home in the Danish land. Both of them now answered : " Not many days are ended Since we in stormy battle with many deadly blows our lives defended." 48 <0UDrtin 222-226 He asked whence they had ridden from off the stormy field. They said : " It was from Portugal, where the strife was held ; There the mighty ruler from fighting would not spare us ; Daily within our borders he did us wrong, and much ill-will did bear us." The young King Hettel answered : " Now cast all care away ; I know that the aged Wa-te will never yield the sway He holds o'er the Sturmisch marches ; he of the land is owner ; Who wins from him a castle will earn high praise and long be held in honor." Within the roomy palace the guests then took their seats. Both Horant and Sir Fru-te with thoughtless, merry wits, Of the loves of high-born ladies began to gossip gaily. To them the young king listened, and costly gifts he gave unto them freely. Hettel turned to Horant, and thus to ask began : " If aught hath reached your hearing, then tell me, if you can, How 't is with Lady Hilda, King Hagen's lovely daughter ? To her would I send most gladly, and would that words of love from me were brought her." The youthful knight then answered : " She is to me well known ; A maid so fair and lovely my eyes ne'er looked upon As she, that maid of Ireland, Hilda, the rich and stately, The daughter of wild Hagen ; to wear a crown with you would befit her greatly." 227-231 2Cale tlje jfifrt) 49 On this King Hettel asked him : " Now think you, can it be That ever her lordly father will give this maid to me ? If I deemed he were so friendly, I would seek to win her, And would reward him ever who gave to me his ready help to gain her." " That can never happen," to him young Horant said : " No rider with this errand to Hagen need be sped. To hasten thither boldly I feel, myself, no longing ; The man sent there to seek her is either slain with blows, or dies by hanging." Then spake again King Hettel : " Not so for her I care ; To hang my trusty vassal should Hagen ever dare, Then he, the king of Ireland, himself must death be facing. Be he ne'er so boastful, he '11 find his rashness is to him no blessing." Then spake the knightly Fru-te : " If Wa-te deigns to go Unto the king of Ireland, to woo this maid for you, Lucky will be our errand, and we shall bring the lady ; Or wounds throughout our bodies, e'en to the heart, to take shall we be ready." Then said to him King Hettel : " My men I now will send With word to the lord of Sturmland ; I do not fear the end, For Wa-te will hasten gladly wherever I shall bid him. Bring Irold, too, from Friesland, with all his men, for sorely do I need him." 50 $UDrtin 232-236 His riders then went quickly into the Sturmisch land, Where the brave old Wa-te they found among his band. Then the word they gave him, now to the king to betake him ; But Wa-te felt great wonder, to know for what the Hegeling king did seek him. He asked if it were needful to bring, when he should go, His breastplate and his helmet, and any followers, too ? One of the heralds answered : " We did not hear it spoken That he had need of fighters ; for you alone did his words a wish betoken." Wa-te would be going, but left behind a guard, To care for lands and castles. Then taking horse, at his word, Twelve of his followers only with him from home now started ; Wa-te, the brave old warrior, at once on his way to court in haste departed. He reached the land of the Hegelings. When he now was seen, As he came near Kampatille, but little sorrow, I ween, Was felt by the kingly Hettel ; with speed he went to greet him, And thought of the kindly welcome he would give his friend, old Wa-te, when he met him. Right glad was he to see him ; with hearty speech he says ; " Sir Wa-te, thou art welcome ; many are the days Since I have looked upon you, when on our horses sitting, Side by side together, we proudly met our foes with blows befitting." 237-241 2Cale ttje j?ifttj 51 Then answered him old Wa-te : " Ever should good friends Be glad to be together ; that fight the better ends Where, before the foenian, friends as one are fighting." Then by the hand he held him, to him his love and friendship warmly plighting. They took their seats together, nor place to other gave. Hettel, he was mighty, and Wa-te, he was brave ; He yet was also haughty, and proud in all his bearing. Hettel now was thinking how Wa-te could be brought to Ireland to be faring. Then spake the knightly Hettel : " For this I bade thee come ; Need have I of riders, to send to Hagen's home. Truly I know of no one whom I would send the sooner Than thee, my good friend Wa-te, or who in this could bring me greater honor.'* Then said the aged Wa-te : " Whatever I can do To show my love and fealty, I '11 gladly do for you. Herein I may be trusted, to be for you bold-hearted ; And to bring about your wishes, unless in this by death I should be thwarted." Then quoth the kingly Hettel : " Many friends have said That if the mighty Hagen will my wooing heed, And give to me his daughter, she, as my queen, would honor Me and my kingdom also ; my heart is bent as a wife and queen to own her.'' 52 45uarun 242-246 Angrily spoke Wa-te : " Whoever this has said Would truly feel no sorrow if I this day were dead. 'T is Fru-te, he of Denmark, I know it is no other, Who to this has stirred you, to send me to the maid, your suit to further. " This young and lovely maiden is guarded now with care ; Horant and Fru-te also, who say she is so fair, And speak to you her praises, must go with me to seek her. Never shall I rest easy unless they strive with me your own to make her." Both these faithful vassals King Hettel sent for soon ; To others good and trusty they also made it known, That by their king and master they at court were wanted. No more their thoughts men whispered, but freely spoke of the coming raid, undaunted. When Wa-te, the brave old warrior, did on Horant look, And on the Danish Fru-te, how sharply then he spoke ! " Brave knights, may God reward you, to me you are so friendly, And of my fame so careful, and my trip to court this time you help so kindly. " You are, forsooth, most willing that I this errand do ; But both of you are bounden with me thereon to go, To serve the king, our master, even as our duty calleth. He who my life endangers himself the risk must share, whate'er befalleth." 247-251 Kate ttje Jftffl) 53 " For this I now am ready," answered Horant the Dane ; " If leave the king will grant us, I then will shun no pain, Nor aught of toil will grudge me. Only to see this lady, For me and for my kinsman, were happiness enough, and bliss already." " Then we ought," said Fru-te, " to take upon our way Seven hundred warriors. No man doth honor pay To Hagen without grudging. He is overweening, truly ; If he thinks that he can crush us, he soon must lay aside his boasting wholly. " Sir king, you should bid your workmen a ship of cypress-wood To build upon the river ; strong must it be and good, So your band of warriors shall shipwreck ne'er be ruing. From timber white as silver the lofty masts your men must soon be hewing. " Also food for your fighters you must now bespeak ; And bid that men be busy helmets for us to make, And hauberks strong for many ; when we these are wearing, Then wild Hagen's daughter we shall the easier win by craft and daring. " Also my nephew Horant, who is shrewd and wise, Must go with us as a shopman ; (I grudge him not his guise) There must he to the ladies be clasps and arm-bands selling, With gold and costly jewels ; thus greater trust in us will they be feeling. 54 43uDrun 252-255 " For sale we also must carry weapons and clothing, too ; And since wild Hagen's daughter it is such risk to woo, That only now by fighting one can hope to wed her, Let Wa-te choose the warriors to go with him, and home to the king to lead her." Then spake the aged Wa-te : " A shop I cannot keep ; Not often doth my money in coffers idly sleep ; My lot I 've shared with fighters, and that I still am doing ; Therein I am not skilful, that I to ladies gew-gaws should be showing. " But since my nephew Horant on me this task has laid, He knows full well that Hagen will never yield the maid : He prides himself on owning the strength of six and twenty ; If he shall learn of our wooing, our hope to leave his land will be but scanty. " Good king, now let us hasten, but bid that first our hull With a deck of deal be covered ; let it, below, be full Of knights both strong and doughty, who shall help be giving, If ever the wild King Hagen forbids that we shall leave his kingdom, living. " Of these brave knights a hundred, with outfits good for wp,r, Unto the land of Ireland we in our ships must bear ; There shall my nephew Horant in his shop be seated, Keeping two hundred near him ; thus shall the ladies' coming be awaited. 257-261 2Cale tlje j?ifttj 55 " Your men must also build us barges strong and wide, To carry food and horses, and to sail our ships beside : Enough for a year or longer we must take to feed us ; And we will say to Hagen that to leave our land King Hettel did forbid us, " And that our lord and master great wrong to us hath wrought. Then with our gifts so costly we often shall be brought To Hagen and to Hilda, where they their court are keeping ; Our gifts shall make us welcome, and kindness from the king shall we be reaping. " We then the tale will tell him, we wretched outlaws are ; And thus at once the pity of Hagen we shall share. To us, poor homeless wanderers, shelter will be granted, And in his land King Hagen thenceforth will see that nought by us is wanted." Hettel asked his warriors : " My friends, I pray you tell, Since you to go are willing, how soon you hence will sail ? " " So soon as comes the summer, and May with gladsome weather," They said, " we shall be ready, and, riding again to court, will we come hither. "' Meanwhile must men be making whatever we shall need, Sails and also rudders, well-made, and that with speed, Barges wide, and galleys, to bear us to our haven ; So the swell of the waters shall stir us not, nor make us sick or craven." 56 ^UDrUH 262-266 King Hettel said : " Ride quickly, now, to your land and home. For horses and for clothing no cost to you shall come ; For you and all your followers such outfit shall be ready, That you no shame shall suffer, whenever you are seen by any lady." When he his leave had taken, Wa-te to Sturmland rode ; Horant and with him Fru-te followed in hurried mood, Back to the land of Denmark, where they held the lordship. To help their master Hettel they thought could never be to them a hardship. Then, in his home, King Hettel let his will be known ; Of shipwrights and of workmen idle was not one. While the ships were building to do their best they hastened ; The beams that met together, were with bands of silver strongly fastened. All the spars and mast-trees, they were strong and good ; Red gold, and brightly shining, was laid on the rudder-wood, And like to fire was glowing : wealth their master blesses. When time it was for leaving, the men their tasks had done, and won high praises. The ropes that held the anchors came from a far-off strand, Brought from the shores of Araby ; never on sea or land, Before that day or after, had any man seen better: So might the men of the Hegelings easier make their way o'er the deep sea-water. 267-271 2Dale tlje jfiftt) 57 They who the sails were making worked late, and early rose ; For the king had bid them hurry. For making these they chose Silken stuff from Abalie, as good as could be brought them. Truly far from idle were, in those days, the busy hands that wrought them. Can any one believe it ? They had the anchors made Of purest beaten silver. The heart of the king was led Strongly now to wooing ; no rest would he be knowing, Nor of his men was sparing, until the day when they should thence be going. Well-framed, with heavy planking, now the ships were seen, Sound 'gainst war and weather. Then word was sent to the men, That to seek the lovely lady they must soon be faring. This was told to no one but those who the trust of the king were rightly sharing. Wa-te to meet King Hettel from Sturmland held his course ; With silver gear and housing, heavily went his horse. To court went, too, his followers, four hundred men undaunted ; And now the doughty Hettel brave knights enough, for guests, no longer wanted. Morunc, the brave and daring, from Friesland thither went, And with him brought two hundred. Word to the king was sent That now, with helms and breastplates, they were thither riding ; In haste came Irold also ; thus gladly Hettel's kinsmen did his bidding. 58 (SuDrUtt 272-276 Thither rode from Denmark Horant young and brave ; Hettel to do his errand did trusty liegemen have ; A thousand men or over might he for this be sending ; Only a prince so mighty of such a task had ever made an ending. Irold, too, of Ortland, was ready now to go : E'en though on him King Hettel should never clothes bestow, Yet, for himself and his followers, he had of these so many, That where soe'er they were going, they never need to beg for aught from any. The king, as well beseemed him, greeted all the band ; First, his liegeman Irold he kindly took by the hand ; Then he turned to Wa-te, to where he found him seated : At last, his hardy warriors, ready to leave the land, his word awaited. To all it now was bidden that they should give good heed, And everything make ready that knights could ever need. Now were seen by the warriors the ships so fair and stately ; To woo the lovely Hilda the king in all things showed his forethought greatly. Two new and well-made galleys they had upon the flood, With two broad ships of burden ; both were strong and good. A ship of state went with them ; than this had ne'er a better, By any friend or foeman, on the shores of any land, been seen upon the water. 277-281 2Date tlje j?tftt) 59 To start they now are willing ; already on the ships Were the clothes and horses loaded. Then from Wa-te's lips Came kindly words to Hettel ; he begged him to feel easy, Till they should again be coming, for to do his bidding they would all be busy. The king to him said mournfully : "I give into your care The knights, untaught and youthful, who such risks will dare, With you upon this errand : most earnestly I pray you That, for your honor, daily you teach these youths with care, and make them to obey you." Him thus Wa-te answered : " To that give not a thought ; Keep a brave heart, I beg you, that here at home, in nought You fail of being steadfast, where'er your honor reaches : Watch well, too, o'er our holdings ; these youths shall learn from me what wisdom teaches." The good and trusty Fru-te the wealth of the king did guard, The gold and costly jewels, and of many things a hoard. The king was free in spending whatsoe'er was wanted ; If Fru-te aught did ask for, thirty-fold to him he gladly granted. A hundred men were chosen, and now within the ship, Wherein to woo the maiden his friends must cross the deep, All craftily were hidden, to help them, if 't were needful. Gifts both rich and worthy the king to give these faithful men was heedful. 60 &UDrtin 282-286 With these, among the followers, every rank was seen ; Of knights and squires also, thirty hundred men, Who, for toil and struggle, from far-off lands came riding. Then said the king to his lieges : " May God in heaven to you give careful guiding." To him thus Horant answered : " From fear now be you free ; When you shall see us coming, you then with us will see A maid so fair and lovely, you well may wish to greet her." This the king heard gladly, but far was the day when he at last should meet her. They took their leave with kisses, the king and many a guest ; For these the king was feeling wearisome unrest. While they for him are toiling, each hour he fear must borrow ; He forsooth was downcast, and nought could cheer him, in his mood of sorrow. This was for his welfare, that a wind from out the north Now their sails was swelling, and briskly helped them forth. The ships were wafted evenly, as they from land were turning ; But hardships they had known not the youths, upon their way, erelong were learning. The truth we cannot tell you, nor can it e'en be guessed, For nights full six and thirty what lodgings gave them rest, While upon the water. The youths they with them carried, Bound by oaths of fealty, swore again to keep them, where'er they tarried. 287-291 2Dale tije jfifttj 61 However willing were they to sail on the tossing sea, Yet sometimes it befell them in great unrest to be. Ease they took but seldom, as the waves would spare it ; But he who ploughs the waters pain must often feel, and yet must bear it. After the waves had borne them full a thousand miles, They came to Hagen's castle, where, as was said erewhiles, He, the master of Ballian, shamefully had lorded : This was a wicked falsehood, the deeds were never done as the tale was worded. When now the men from Hegel ing over the sea had gone, And neared wild Hagen's castle, their coming soon was known ; Much the folk there wondered from what far kingdom sailing The waves had borne them thither ; how finely they were clad all men were telling. First the ship with an anchor was fastened on the strand ; To furl the sails then quickly each gave a ready hand. It was not long thereafter before the news was bruited, Throughout King Hagen's castle, that ships, with unknown men, in his harbor floated. Xow on the shore they landed, and did their goods unlade ; Whatever could be wanted on the sands, for sale, they spread, And all that any asked for. In wealth they were not lacking ; But tho' their men had silver, 't was little that they bought, or for themselves were taking. 62 tf5Ut)run 292-296 Clothed in the garb of tradesmen, on the shore did stand Sixty men or over, well-dight, a goodly band. Fru-te, the lord of Denmark, was busy as their leader ; His clothing was far better than there was worn by any other trader. The worthy lord and master over Ballian town, When he heard of their coming, and the riches they did own, Rode down with many followers to where those crafty sellers He found, himself awaiting. Kind was the mien of all who there were dwellers. First the master asked them : " Whence their way they had made, And over the sea come thither ? " To him then Fru-te said : " God have you in his keeping ; we from afar are sailing ; Tradesmen truly are we ; our masters rich, near by, in ships are dwelling." " Let peace with us be plighted," old Wa-te then began ; But from the master's grimness, the truth to see was plain, That, where he was the ruler, stern and harsh was his bearing. Straightway then to Hagen they led the guests, who with their tale were faring. Hagen said, as he met them : " Safeguard to you I give ; My peace I pledge you willingly. He shall no longer live, But hang upon the gallows, who these guests shall harry : Let them not be fearful ; them shall nothing harm while in my land they tarry." 297-301 2Dale tfje jftfrtj 63 Rich and costly jewels they to Hagen gave, In worth, of marks a thousand. From them he nought did crave, Nor even so much as a penny ; but what for sale they offered He begged of them to show him, such as to knights and ladies might be proffered. For all he thanked them warmly ; he said : " If I should live Not more than three days longer, for all that now they give My guests shall be rewarded. If my liegeman do not heed me, And these for aught be lacking, all shall then for this with right upbraid me." Now the gifts they gave him the king with his men did share ; Among them there were necklaces, fit for ladies fair, With finger-rings and arm-bands, as well as ribands dainty, And head-gear, to bedeck them : these the king to many gave in plenty. His wife and lovely daughter now most rightly thought That never to their kingdom had gifts for them been brought, That were so rare and costly, by sellers or by traders. Horant and Wa-te also in sending gifts to court were now the leaders. Sixty silken garments, the best that e'er were sold, Up to the shore were carried, and forty wrought with gold. They would have prized but lightly cloths from Bagdad even ; Of linen suits a hundred, the best they had, now to the king were Driven. 64 5uDrun 302-306 Beside the handsome clothing, made of silken stuff, Of richest inner garments they also gave enough ; There might perhaps be forty, or more, if reckoned fully ; Could ever man buy praises, they by their costly gifts had gained them truly. Twelve Castilian horses, all saddled, were brought, I trow ; Also many breastplates, and well-made helmets, too, Men were bidden to carry ; twelve bucklers likewise bore they, Rimmed with golden edges. Kind were Hagen's guests ; free givers were they. Then, too, with gifts came riding Horant the brave and bold ; Irold the strong came with him ; this to the king was told : 'T was said to him, moreover, that those now thither faring Of lands were the lords and owners. This might well be seen by the gifts they were bearing. After these came riding four and twenty men Whom they were thither leading, well-bred were they, I ween ; Such also was their clothing, they seemed as if well fitted, And now in truth were coming, that very day to be by Hagen knighted. Then unto King Hagen one of his friends thus spake : " The gifts the men now bring you 't is best you deign to take : Never must you leave them unthanked for all their treasure." Hagen lacked not riches, but yet his thanks he gave them without measure. 307-311 2Cale tije jfiftl) 65 He said : " I thank you kindly, as I of right should do." Then he bade that his stewards to see the gifts should go ; And also that the clothing, piece by piece, be shown them. Glad were they to see them, and wondered greatly as they gazed upon them. Then said one of the stewards : " Hear now the truth I tell : Chests there are of silver, and filled with gold as well, With many costly jewels, rich and kingly even : Marks fully twenty thousand the goods are worth, which they to you have given." Then the king thus answered : " Blessings on my guests ! I now will share with others the riches in these chests." Then to his knights was given whate'er of these they wanted ; To every one among them all that he might wish by the king was granted. The king now seated near him both the two young men, Irold and also Horant ; he began to ask them then, " Whence to his kingdom sailing, they to come had striven ? Gifts so rich and worthy have ne'er before by guests to me been given." Then spake the knightly Horant : " This shall you know full well ; My lord, now hear us kindly while we our sorrows tell. Outlawed wanderers are we, and from our homes were driven ; A king most rich and mighty, to wreak his anger, woe to us hath given." 66 $UDrUtt - 312-316 Then spake again wild Hagen : " What may be his name, From whose rich kingdom driven, outcasts you became ? You of wealth are owners, and, if not by his wits forsaken, To keep such worthy lieges within his land he would some pains have taken." He asked " Who them had outlawed, and what name he bore ? Of what misdoings guilty, had they to this far shore Made their flight in sorrow, to ask the help of strangers ? " To him then answered Horant : " To you will we make known our woes and dangers. " He bears the name of ' Hettel, Lord of the Hegeling land ' ; Brave and mighty is he, and sways with a heavy hand. We of all our happiness have been robbed and plundered ; Of right are we embittered, since from our land and home we now are sundered." To him spoke Hagen kindly : " This to your good shall turn ; I will in full repay you the losses that you mourn. If I make myself a beggar, by thus so freely giving, Yet from the king of the Hegelings you need not ask for help while I am living. " If you, good knights," he added, " here with me will stay, With you will I share right gladly the lands I own to-day ; Such guerdon by King Hettel ne'er to you was given. The wealth from you he has taken, that give I you, and more by tenfold even." 317-321 2Dale ttje jftftl) 67 " To stay with you we are ready," then said Horant the Dane, " But we fear that when King Hettel shall learn that we were seen Within the Irish borders, he will find a way to reach us ; And I am ever dreading that we can nowhere live, and this he '11 teach us." Then to the band of wanderers the lordly Hagen said : " Do what now I bid you, and a home for you is made. Never will King Hettel dare for your harm to seek you Within my land and kingdom ; it were a wrong to me from hence to take you.'' He bade they should be sheltered, at once, within his town ; Then to his men and lieges he made his wishes known, That now unto the wanderers all honor should be granted. The water-weary sailors soon found the rest that they so long had wanted. Then the townsmen freely did the king's behest ; To do it they were ready : houses, the very best, Forty, or even over, were empty left, to be taken By the Danish sailors ; their homes, by the king's good lieges were willingly forsaken. Up on the beach were carried the wares, full many a pile, That in the ships lay hidden. Their owners thought, the while, That they would rather struggle with storms upon the water, Than to seek their luck and welfare in wooing Hilda, Hagen's lovely daughter. 68 <>uarun 322-325 Hagen bade his followers : " Now ask these guests of mine If they will deign most kindly to eat my bread and wine, Till they, within my kingdom, on lands they hold are living." The Danish Fru-te answered : " To take your food would shame to us be giving. " If erst the great King Hettel had been to us so good, That he both gold and silver would give to us for food, We in our houses had them, and might of them be wasteful ; We e'en could stay our hunger, and feed thereon, if this to us were tasteful." 'T was bidden then by Fru-te that his booth should be set up. To see for sale such riches men ne'er again could hope. Never within their borders did any trader oifer Fine goods at such a bargain ; they easily were sold before the day was over. All could buy who wished them, gold and jewels rare. The king, by greatest kindness, was to his guests made dear. If any, without buying, still these treasures wanted, The traders were so friendly that they, as gifts, the goods to many granted. Whate'er of Wa-te or Fru-te was said by any one, Of all the deeds of kindness that here by them were done, The tale might not be trusted, how they for these were ready ; They strove to gain high praises, and this at court was told to many a lady. 327-331 Stale t|)e jfiftfj 69 Of the poor nor man nor woman for clothes was seen to lack ; To those in need among them they gave their pledges back, And from debt they freed them. To the princess, morn and even, Oft by her faithful steward the tale of these guests from far was truly given. To the king she made her prayer : " Dearest father mine, Ask that these guests so worthy to ride to court will deign. They say that one among them hath charms beyond all measure ; Should he to your bidding listen, the sight of him of ttimes would give me pleasure." To her the king thus answered : " That shall quickly be ; His well-bred ways and bearing I soon will let you see." But still the great King Hagen never yet had known him ; Long the ladies waited till Wa-te came, and they could look upon hini. Word to the guests was carried ; to them 't was kindly said, That if it e'er should happen that they of aught had need, They should to the king betake them, and his food be sharing. To Fru-te this was pleasing, for wise he was, not less than he was daring. Those who came from Denmark, when at court, took care Ever to be blameless for the clothes that they should wear : 'T was so with the men of Wa-te, from Sturmland thither faring, And than himself no sword-knight in any land could show a finer bearing. 70 45ttUrun 332-336 Those who came with Morunc wore mantles over all, With robes from far Kampalia. Fiery red, as a coal, Gold and gems that sparkled on their clothes were shining. Irold, the daring champion, came not alone, young Hilda bent on winning,, Thither came brave Horant ; all others he out-vied In rich and costly clothing. With mantles long and wide, Gay in hue and gaudy, his men were decked out brightly : Those brave men from Denmark proudly came, and had a look most knightly. Tho' Hagen's birth was kingly, and lordly was his mood, He yet went forth to meet them. His daughter, fair and good, Rose up before old Wjt-te from where she now was seated. Such was Wa-te's bearing as if with smiles his friends he never greeted. She said, in way most seemly : " Welcome to you I give ; Both I and the king, my father, must from your looks believe That you are weary warriors, and sorely have been fighting. Good-will the king will show you, and soon his faith to you will he be plighting." To her they all bent lowly ; their ways, they were well-bred. The king then bade to be seated, as hosts are wont to bid. Of drink to them was given, wine the best and rarest ; Better ne'er was tasted in the home of any lord, albeit the fairest. 337-341 2DaU rt)e Jftftf) 71 In talk and fun and merriment seated were they all. Soon the queenly maiden was seen to leave the hall : But first she begged her father the kindness now to show her To bid the knights so worthy to come to her, for pastime, to her bower. Her wish the king then granted, (so to us, 't is said) ; His young and lovely daughter at this was truly glad. Soon fair clothes and jewels the maidens all were wearing ; And earnestly were watching the many knights from far, to see their bearing. When now the elder Hilda sat by her daughter fair, Each one of her lovely maidens demeaned herself with care ; So that all who saw her high in breeding thought her, And nothing else could say of her, but that she was indeed a king's fair daughter. Now bade they that old Wa-te should to the maids be brought ; Though he was gray and aged, none the less they thought, To guard against his wooing, they must as children meet him. Then to the aged Wa-te stepped forth the youthful queen, right glad to greet him. She was the first to do so, but wished she might be spared When she now must kiss him : broad and gray was his beard, And the hair of the aged Wa-te with golden strings was braided. He and the Danish Fru-te the queen's behest to seat them slowly heeded. 72 tfSuDrttn 342-346 Both the well-clad heroes before their seats now stood ; Well they knew fine breeding, and made their teaching good. In many a bitter struggle, in their manhood early, They gained a name as warriors j and men to them gave praises for it fairly. Queen Hilda and her daughter, in lively, merry mood, Began to ask of Wa-te, whether he thought it good, Thus with lovely ladies to sit in ease and pleasure, Or if to him 't were better his strength in stormy fight with foes to measure? The aged Wa-te answered : " To me the last seems best ; Altho' among fair ladies glad am I to rest, Never am I happier than when with knights most daring, Wherever that may happen, upon the stormy field the fight I am sharing." At this the gay young maiden broke into laughter loud ; Well she saw, with ladies, his stern, uneasy mood. With this in the halls yet longer were the maidens merry ; Queen Hilda and her daughter to talk with Morunc's knights were never weary. She asked about old Wa-te : " Say, by what name is he known ? Has he any liegemen ? Doth he lands and castles own ? Has he a wife and children in the land whence he is roving ? There, as I am thinking, at his home and hearth, there must be little loving." 347-351 SDate rtje jfiftti 73 Then answered one of the warriors : " Both children and a wife In his home and land await him. His riches and his life He risketh for his duty ; a hero brave he has shown him. A bold and daring champion, throughout his life, both friend and foe have known him." Irold the tale was telling about this fearless knight, That never worthier liegeman, or bolder man in fight, A king need e'er be seeking, his lands and castles over : Though mildly now he bears him, there ne'er was found a stronger or a braver. The queen then said to Wa-te : " Give heed to what I say ; Since in his Danish kingdom Hettel forbids your stay, I here, within my borders, a home will gladly give you ; There lives no lord so mighty that he would ever dare from hence to drive you." Then to the queen he answered : " I too, myself, own land ; There give I clothes and horses, at will, with open hand. To wait on you as liegeman, would make me sorry-hearted ; And from my lands and castles, more than a year, I never can be parted." At last they all were going : then begged the lovely queen, That when at court they waited, they always might be seen Seated among the ladies ; no shame by this were done them : Then said to her brave Irold, that in their home this seat was ever shown them. 74 45uDrttn 352-356 To load with gifts these wanderers the king was ever bent. But in a mood so haughty had they been thither sent, To no man were they willing to be for a mark beholden. Hagen, the king, was lordly, and took it ill that their pride should them embolden. To the king they now betook them ; many were they who came ; There they found, for pastime, for each some merry game : Draughts were many playing, or spear and shield were trying ; For these they cared but little, but ever were in Hagen's praises vying. As happens oft in Ireland, with every kind of fun Forthwith the men made merry. In this old Wa-te won A friend for himself in Hagen ; but to win the ladies' praises, Horant, the knight from Denmark, his time in lightsome frolic with them passes. Fru-te and also Wa-te were knights full brave and bold ; When standing near each other, both alike looked old. Their locks were gray and hoary, and with gold were twisted ; But where the bold were needed, to show their bravery earnestly they listed. The followers of King Hagen wore their shields at court, With clubs as well as bucklers ; there they strove in sport, In the sword-play slashing ; thrusts of spears they parried ; Well themselves they shielded. The youthful knights in games were never wearied. 357-361 SDale ttje jfiftlj 75 Then asked the brave King Hagen of Wa-te and his men, " If, where they erst were living, such fights were ever seen, Or such heavy onslaughts, as his good knights were dealing, Here in his Irish kingdom ? " A smile of scorn o'er Wa-te's face was stealing. Then quoth the knight from Sturmlaud : " The like I never saw ; If any here could teach it, from here would I not withdraw Till a year was fully ended, and I had learned it rightly. Whoe'er should be my master, for his care and pains would I not reward him lightly." The king to him then answered : " For the love to you I bear, I will bid my best of masters teach you his art with care, Till the three strokes are easy, that, in field-storms raging, Men give to one another ; by this will you be helped when battle waging." Then came a fencing-master, and began his craft to show To Wa-te, the daring fighter ; in him he found a foe Who fear for his life soon gave him. Wa-te his onset parried, With all the skill of a fencer. The face of Fru-te the Dane a smile now carried. To save himself, the teacher gave a spring as wide As doth an untamed leopard. Wa-te his weapon plied, And in his hand it clattered, until the fire-sparks glistened Upon his foeman's buckler ; he well might thank the youth who to him had listened. 76 45U&rUn 362-366 Then said the king, wild Hagen : " Give me the sword in hand. I will take a little pastime with him of the Sturmisch land ; I will be his teacher, and he my four strokes be learning. He for this will thank me." Soon was the king high praise from Wa-te earning. To him old Wa-te answered : " A pledge I now must hear That I from you, great Hagen, no guile soe'er may fear ; Should I by you be wounded, with ladies' scorn shall I redden." In the fight was Wa-te nimble ; such quickness to believe should none be bidden. The simple, untaught fencer smote Hagen many a blow ; Till, like a wet brand steaming, was the king before his foe. The learner outdid his teacher : well his strength he boasted. The host laid strokes unnumbered upon the guest, who in his skill had trusted. Many looked on gladly to see the strength of both. To own the skill of Wa-te the king was nothing loth ; He might have shown his anger, and brought no shame upon him. Great was the strength of Wa-te, but yet 't was seen that Hagen had outdone him. To the king then spake old Wa-te : " Let each no favor show, While we together struggle. Well have I learned from you Your four strokes to be plying ; my thanks be you now sharing." Such thanks he later showed him as doth a fighting Frank or Saxon daring. 367-371 Me tfje jftftt) 77 No more a truce was thought of by Wa-te and the king ; With strokes that loud were crashing, the hall began to ring. Harder blows than ever they gave, as now they battled ; All their thrusts were sudden ; the knobs upon their swords snapped off and rattled. The two sat down to rest them ; then Hagen said to his guest : " You fain would be a learner, but you in truth are the best That ever I was teaching the skill that the f oeman dazes. Wherever you are fighting, you in the field will win most worthy praises." Then to the king spake Irold : " My lord, the strife is done That you so well were waging ; such fights have we seen won, In the land of our king and master. Oft, at home, we freely Try our skill with weapons ; knights and squires there meet in matches daily." Then again spoke Hagen : " Did I this understand, I never a fighting weapon had taken in my hand. No youth have I ever met with who was so quick at learning." When to these words they listened, the face of many a one to smiles was turning. Now by the king 'twas granted to his guests to pass the day As they might all be choosing. Glad of this were they, The men from out the Northland. When the hours grew weary, They vied huge stones in hurling ; or else in shooting arrows made them merry. flje HOW SWEETLY HORANT SANG. JT came to pass one evening, good luck did so befall, That Horant, the knight of Daneland, sang before them all. His singing was so wondrous that all who listened near him Found his song well-pleasing ; the little birds all hushed their notes to hear him. King Hagen heard him gladly, and with him all his men : The song of the Danish Horant friends for him did gain. Likewise the queenly mother hearkened with ear befitting, As it sounded thro' the opening where she upon the leaded roof was sitting. Then spake the fair young Hilda : " What is it that I hear ? Just now a song the sweetest was thrilling on mine ear, That e'er from any singer I heard until this hour. Would to God in heaven my chamberlain to raise such notes had power ! " 375-379 2Dale tfje &ivfy 79 Then she bade them bring her him who so sweetly sung ; Soon as the knight came forward, thanks were on her tongue. For her with song the evening blissfully was ended ; By Lady Hilda's women the minstrel-knight was carefully befriended. Then spake the lovely Hilda : " Once more you must let us hear The songs that you this evening have made to us so dear. Truly it were blissful every day, at even, To hear from you such singing ; for this would great reward to you be given." " Since you your thanks, fair lady, have thus on me bestowed, Every day will I gladly sing you a song as good ; And whoso listens rightly shall find his pains departed, His cares shall all be lessened, and he henceforth will feel himself light-hearted." When he his word had given, forthwith he left the queen. Great reward in Ireland did his singing win ; Never in his birthland had such to him been meted. Thus did the knight from Denmark give his help to Hettel, as him befitted. Soon as the night was ended, with the early dawn of day, Horant raised his carol ; the birds soon stopped their lay, And to his song they listened, while in hedges hidden. The folk who yet were sleeping rested no more, by his sweet tones upbidden. 80 d5tlDrun 380-384 Horant's song rose softly, higher and yet more sweet ; King Hagen also heard it, while near his wife was his seat. From out their inner chamber drawn to the roof, they waited ; Their guest of this had warning ; and Hilda the young gave ear, where she was seated. The daughter of wild Hagen with her maids around her heard From where they sat and listened ; and now each little bird Wholly forgot his singing, and in the court-yard lighted ; The warriors hearkened also, and well the song of the Danish minstrel greeted. Thanks to him were given by women and by men ; " But," said the Danish Fru-te, " would that I ne'er again Such songs might hear him singing. Whom would he be pleasing ? To whom is my witless nephew such worthless morning-hymns so bent on raising ? " Then spake King Hagen's liegemen : " My lord, let him be heard ; There 's none so sick is lying but would in truth be cheered, If to the songs he listened which fall from him so sweetly." Said Hageu : " Would to Heaven such skill to sing were mine ; 't would glad me greatly." When the knightly minstrel three songs to the end had sung, No one there who heard him thought they were too long. The turn of a hand, not longer, they had thought it lasted, E'en if they had listened while for a thousand miles a horseman hasted. 385-389 Stale rtje ^tjctlj 81 When his song he ended, and to leave his seat was seen, The youthful, queenly maiden more blithe had never been, Nor decked, at early morning, in gayer clothes or better ; Forthwith the high-born lady sent to beg her father now to meet her. Then came her father quickly, and on the maiden looked, While, in a mood of sadness, her father's chin she stroked ; With her hand she coaxed him, to make her word the stronger, And said : " My dearest father, bid that he at court may sing yet longer." He answered : " Best loved daughter, if again, at the hour of eve, His songs he deigns to sing you, a thousand pounds I '11 give. But now a mien so lofty these guests of ours are wearing, To us 'tis not so pleasant here, at court, to give his songs a hearing." However much she pressed him, would the king no longer stay ; Then strove again young Horant, and never on any day, Had his knightly song been better. Sick and well together All lost their wits in hearing, and none could leave who to listen once came hither. The wild beasts in the forest let their pasture grow ; The little worms that creeping through grass are wont to go, The fishes, too, that ever amidst the waves were swimming, All now stopped to listen ; the singer's heart with pride was overbrimming. 82 45uUrun 390-394 Whatever he might sing to them, to no one seemed it long ; 111 vied with his song the choral which by priests is sung. Even the bells no longer rang as of yore so sweetly ; Every one who heard him was moved by Horant's song, and saddened greatly. Then begged the lovely maiden that he to her be brought ; Without her father's knowledge, she slyly this besought. From her mother, Hilda, also must the tale be hidden That unto her, in her bower, unknown to all, the minstrel had been bidden. It was a yielding chamberlain who did the wages gain, That, for his help, she gave him ; red gold it was, I ween. Glittering and heavy, with armlets twelve, full-weighted. 'T was thus within her bower the maid, at eventide, the singer greeted. By hidden ways he did it ; Horant was glad indeed That such good-will and kindness, at court, had been his meed. To win her love for his master from far had he been faring: ; O 7 To his tuneful skill he owed it that she such friendly will to him was bearing. She bade her faithful chamberlain to stand before the house ; That so there might be no one who could the threshold cross Until the songs were ended, soon heard with praises truthful. None went into her bower but Horant only and Morunc the youthful. 395-399 2Dair fye fyifffy 83 She bade the bard be seated : " Now sing to me once more," Thus spake the high-born maiden, " those songs I heard before. For this I feel sore craving ; than aught beside 't is sweeter Unto your lays to listen ; than any gem or pastime 't is far better." " If I might dare to sing to you, most fair and lovely maid, And never need be fearful for this to lose my head, Thro' your father's anger, never will I falter In any wise to serve you, if in my master's land you '11 seek a shelter." He then began a ditty of a mermaid of Amile, Which never man nor Christian had learned to sing or say, Although he may have heard it on some wild, unknown water. In this the good knight, Horant, gave honor meet at court to Hagen's daughter. At last, when he the love-song had sung unto the end, Then said the lovely maiden : "Thanks I give, my friend." She drew a ring from her finger, nought of gold were fairer, And said : " I give it gladly ; be this of my good-will to you the bearer." Now her word she pledged him, and with it gave her hand : " Should she of a crown be wearer, and ever sway the land, That ne'er by the hand of any need lie be further driven Than unto her in her castle ; there to live in honor would leave be given." 84 45uDrun 400-404 Of all she pressed upon him nothing would he take Unless indeed a girdle. He said : " Let no man speak, And say that I the maiden e'er for myself was wooing ; I will to my master bring her, and for this his heart shall be with bliss o'erflowing." She asked : " Who is thy master ? By name how is he known ? Have e'er his liegemen crowned him ? And any lands doth he own ? For love of thee, most truly, good-will I bear him ever." The knight from Denmark answered : " A king so rich and mighty saw I never." He said : " To none betray us, most fair and lovely maid ; To thee will I tell most gladly what our master said, When from his land we started, hither to come at his bidding ; For thy dear sake, fair lady, unto thy father's land and castle speeding." She said : " Then tell me freely the errand on which you 're sent By him you call your master ; if my will that way is bent I shall let you know it truly, before we yet are parted." But Horant feared wild Hagen, and began at court to feel himself faint-hearted. To the lady thus he answered : " To you he sends this word, That his heart for you is longing , his love alone is stirred. For him, I beg, fair lady, let now your kindness waken ; He from other women has for your sake his love and longing taken." 405-409 SEale tlje ^tjctt) 85 She said : " May God reward him ; such love for me he shows. If he in birth is my fellow, I fain would be his spouse, If you will deign to sing to me every morn and even." He said : " That will I gladly ; to this no care by you need e'er be given." Quoth he to the queenly Hilda : " Most fair and high-born maid, There daily live with my master, and long at court have staid, Twelve minstrels who, before me, earn much higher praises ; But, though sweet their singing, my lord, the king, in song still better pleases." She said : " If your loving master in song so skilf id be, Of longing for him, truly, I never can be free ; My best of thanks I give him for the love he now is showing, And, dared I leave my father, gladly from here would I with you be going." Then spake the knightly Morunc : " Lady, with us there are Warriors full seven hundred : our weal or woe they share, And each for this is ready ; if once in our hands we have you, Know you nor fear nor sorrow lest we to meet wild Hagen's wrath should leave you." He said : " From Hagen's kingdom we wish forthwith to go ; Therefore beg your father the kindness to us to show, Youthful, high-born maiden, that he and your queenly mother Will deign our bark to look on ; and you must also come, e'en if no other." 86 " That will I do most gladly, if my father's leave you have ; Of him and those about him this boon you now must crave, That I and my maidens also may ride to the shore some morning. If he shall grant your wishes, three days before, of the time you must give us warning." The first of all the chamberlains was wont, and had a right, Often to be with the maidens. Just then, this very knight There had come for pastime, and to give to them his greeting ; There found he Horaut and Morunc ; well might they fear some harm was their lives awaiting. He said to Lady Hilda : " Wlio are they sitting here ? " From the lord so hot and hasty was never such wrath to fear. He said : " Whoe'er allowed you to come into this bower ? Whoso in this hath helped you ne'er showed you falser friendship to this hour." She said : " Now soothe your anger : in peace pray let them live. If to yourself great evil you do not wish to give, You must unseen by any, them to their rooms be bringing ; It else hath helped but little that his knightly songs the minstrel here was singing." " Is this the knight," he asked her, " they say so well can sing ? E'en such a minstrel know I : never hath any king Had a braver fighter. My father and his mother Were children of one father ; worthier knight than he there 's not another." 415-419 2Dale ttje >ij:tt) 8T The maid began to ask him : " Tell me, then, his name." He said : " Men call him Horant ; from the Danish land he came. Although no crown he weareth, he yet for one is fitted : We now know not each other, but once at Hettel's court our love we plighted." When Morunc, too, was telling that erst, in his fatherland, He also had been outlawed, his heart was sorely pained. His eyes with tears were welling, and now were overflowing ; Then the queenly lady kindly looked on him, her sorrow showing. Then saw the chamberlain also how that his eyes were wet. He said : " Most worthy lady, these friends whom here we meet I know to be my kinsmen ; help now that all goes rightly With both these worthy champions : most careful will I be to keep them fitly." Much for them he sorrowed, and felt heart-pain, forsooth ; " Durst I before my ladies, I would kiss upon the mouth Each of these knights so worthy. The days indeed are many Since tidings of King Hettel I could from a Hegeling ask, or learn from any." Then spake the maiden further : " Since these thy kinsmen be, Now so much the dearer are they as guests to me. Known unto my father thou should'st quickly make them ; They will not then so hastily to their homes afar across the sea betake them." 420-424 A busy talk began they, those two young heroes brave ; Morunc tuito the chamberlain his mind most freely gave. He said for Lady Hilda they came within those borders ; And that their master Hettel to bring her back had sent them, as her warders. Then said to them the chamberlain : "A twofold care I feel, As liegeman of my master, and to help you, too, as well. How could I turn his anger, if he knew you now were seeking To win his maiden daughter ? Never from here could you your way be taking." Then spake the knightly Horant : " Hear well what now I say In four days' time to Hagen, we will come, and him will pray That we may leave his kingdom, if such may be his pleasure. The king will then make ready gifts for us of clothes, as well as treasure. " We will ask for nothing further, (help you here must lend,) But that Hagen shall be willing, as well beseems a friend, To come to the shore to see us, my lady with him riding, His wife, the high-born Hilda ; there to see the ship in which we 're biding. " Might we in this be lucky, our toil we well shall spend ; And, with a happy outcome, our sorrows have an end. If only to the seashore he will ride with his daughter, We well shall be rewarded at home by our master Hettel, for whom we sought her." 425-429 SCale tfce ^iprt) 89 Then from out the castle they were led by the crafty man, So that the kingly Hagen mistrusted not their plan. When, for their floating shelter, they the courtyard quitted, All they had done for their master should not, I ween, by him at home be slighted. They told the aged Wa-te what yet to none was known : They said the high-born maiden her love did freely own Unto their master, Hettel, for whom they now had sought her ; They talked with wise old W&-te how best to bring her home across the water. Then spake the aged Wa-te : " Were she once outside the gate, And I the lovely maiden there might only meet, However hard the struggle that there we had with the foeman, To cross her father's threshold none again should see that lovely woman." Their plot, well-laid and crafty, to no one did they break, But slyly made them ready their homeward way to take. This they told the warriors on board their ship there lying ; Not loth were they to hear it, for now to sail the weary men were sighing. They quickly brought together such goods as they did own ; Then, in stillness whispered, their hidden thought made known. Later, throughout Ireland, it was mourned, with bitter wailing ; Though woe it brought to Hagen, the Hegeling's greatness would it soon be telling. 90 45tl&run 430-434 Upon the fourth day's morning to court they bravely rode, With new and well-cut clothing ; none better ever showed. Then the guests there gathered were their wishes speaking ; Of the king and all his liegemen they asked that they their leave might now be taking. Then spake to them King Ilagen : " Why will you leave my land ? So far as I was able, I have striven for this end, That you within my kingdom should meet with kindness only ; Now would you hence be sailing, leaving me here, to lead a life all lonely." To him old Wa-te answered : " The Hegeling king, our lord, Has sent to call us homeward ; he will not hear a word Of aught but our forgiveness. Then, too, for us are mourning Those we left behind us ; we therefore soon must back on our way be turning." Then said to him wild Hagen : " Your loss my heart doth break ; Horses and fine clothing deign, for my love, to take, With gold and costly jewels. Right well it doth beseem me For all your gifts to pay you ; in this shall no one ever dare to blame me." Then said the hoary Wa-te : " Too rich am I to-day That I the gold you give us should wish to take away. Our master, whose forgiveness our friends have lately won us, The rich and mighty Hettel, in such a deed would truly never own us. 435-439 2Eale rtje ^ijtlj 91 " One thing we have yet further, my lord, to ask of thee ; (If you this kindness show us, a worthy boon 't will be.) It is that you shall witness how well we can be feasting ; Of food for hearty eaters we have in store what might three years be lasting. " To all who ask we give it, for hence we sail o'er the deep ; May God long give you honor, yourself may He ever keep. We now betake us homeward, we here may bide no longer ; Now may you and your kinsfolk ride with us to our ship ; no guard were stronger. " If but your lovely daughter, and with her my lady, your wife, Shall look upon our riches, glad will it make our life, And dear to us forever. If this to us be granted, Great and good King Hagen, from you no other gifts shall e'er be wanted." Then to his guests he answered, with seemly, well-bred mien : " Since you are now so earnest, at early morn shall be seen A hundred mares made ready, saddled for woman or maiden ; I, too, will ride down with them ; right glad am I that to see your ship I 'm bidden." Then for the night they left him, and rode away to the shore. Then up on the beach was carried of wine a goodly store, That in the bark was lying ; for food they were not lacking. By this the ship was lightened ; wisely had Fru-te of Denmark his plans been making. ale HOW THE MAIDENS CAME TO SEE THE SHIP, AND WERE CARRIED TO HETTEL'S KINGDOM. /ilARLY on the morrow, after the mass was said, To don their richest clothing strove each wife and maid : A throng of these King Hagen to the sandy shore was leading ; And with them riding gayly a thousand stalwart Irish knights were speeding. Within the town of Ballian the guests had heard the mass. Of all the woe and sorrow, that soon would come to pass, Hagen as yet knew nothing : little honor was left him By his guests' withdrawal ; this of his fair and well-born child bereft him. When now they all had ridden to the ships upon the strand, Queen Hilda and her ladies were lifted down on the sand. The young and lovely maidens to see the ships were taken : The traders' booths were open, and the goods did wonder great in the queen awaken. 443-447 2Dale tlje fysbrnfy 93 Many fair-wrought jewels lay in sight in the shops, Such as men prize highly ; King Hagen to see them stops, And many with him also : soon as the goods were shown them, The maidens, too, must see them, and rings and bands of gold were pressed upon them. To see the sights King Hagen into a boat had gone : Not all the booths were open, nor all the goods were shown, When Wa-te's men heaved anchor up from the sea-sands deftly, And Hilda with her maidens was borne away from the land of her fathers swiftly. For no one's hate and anger Wa-te greatly cares ; Little he recks what happens to the shops of costly wares : Hilda, the queenly mother, was sundered from her daughter ; The men, in the ship long hidden, up-sprang and sorrow made for Hagen on the water. Then the sails were hoisted, and 't was seen that they were set : From the ship they threw the foemen, who thoroughly were wet, Like sea-birds on the water, when near the sands they flutter. For her daughter dear-beloved sorrow and anger the queen aloud did utter. When the weaponed fighters by Hagen there were seen, Then, in truth, how scornful and wrathful was his mien ! " Now bring to me my long-spear, to feel it I will teach them ; They all shall die full quickly when my strong right arm with that shall reach them ! " 94 45ttDrun 448-452 Boldly then spoke Morunc : " Be not so much in haste ! Though now you think to fight us, and to rush on us so fast With a thousand well-armed f oemen, we yet will overthrow them, And fling them into the water ; a damp, cold lodging we will quickly show them ! " Still, brave Hagen's followers the fight would not give o'er ; The water shone and glistened with the armor that they wore ; Then they drew their long-swords, spears were thickly flying ; But oars were dipped full quickly, and fast the boats away from the shore were hieing. The bold and daring Wa-te from the sands had given a bound Into a well-manned row-boat ; loud did his mail resound, As he, with fifty warriors, after Hilda hasted : Hagen's careless followers now must rouse themselves, no time they wasted. Onward came King Hagen ; his fighting-gear he wore, And a heavy sword, the sharpest, he proudly with him bore ; But now the aged Wa-te almost too long had waited ; Wild and grim was Hagen, and high his spear he raised 'gainst his foe belated. Loudly then he shouted, and bade his men make haste ; None of all his followers would he allow to rest, Hoping these guests, now fleeing, who had been such traitors, Might be with speed o'ertaken, and either should be slain, or bound in fetters. 453-457 2Dale tije >etjem^ 95 The king had now about him fighters many and brave, But yet he could not follow across the wild sea-wave ; His ships were all unready, and many of them leaking, When now he would be sailing ; of Hagen's blame for this were all soon speaking. On the gravelly sea- shore standing, no other way he knew But that more ships be builded for him and his liegemen true, And workmen called together, who must therein be speedy : All came who now were able, and these he found to be both skilled and ready. Upon the seventh morning, there left the Irish land The men sent forth by Hettel to ask for Hilda's hand, And bring to him the lady. They were a thousand barely ; Hagen brought against them thirty hundred men, if reckoned fairly. The daring knights of Denmark sent men home before, To carry word to Hettel that Hagen's child they bore, And to his land would bring her, with honor him befitting. Though now they little thought it, still harder work erelong must they be meeting. To them their master, Hettel, in happy mood then spoke : " My sorrows now are over. Great toils my liegemen took For me in Hagen's kingdom, and now have brought me gladness ; Since they 011 their errand left me, fear for their doom has filled my heart with sadness. 96 ^UDrun 458-482 " Dear friends, if with your tidings you have not me betrayed, And do not tell me falsely that you have seen the maid Near to my land and kingdom, and in my friends' safe-keeping, For your tale will I reward you, and gladly will your praise be ever speaking." They said : " No lie we tell you, that we the maid have seen ; But when we miles had measured, the daughter of the queen Sadly said, for our welfare she feared, and was heavy-hearted, Lest the king, her father, to follow with his ships e'en then had started." For the tidings, Hettel gave them a hundred marks in worth ; For all his knights there gathered, men at once brought forth Swords as well as helmets, and shields for them were bidden : Thus from Hettel's castle they went, as if to court, to bring the maiden. All the men he was able Hettel for this now sought ; Greatly was he hoping, and much thereof he thought, So great a host to muster, and these so well outfitted, That never to king's fair daughter so fine a welcome might again be meted. In haste were all then bidden who ought with him to go ; They still made ready slowly, till gifts he should bestow Of all things that they needed ; they for this were waiting. At length by him were gathered a thousand men or more, for Hilda's greeting. 463-467 2Dale tlje >etoentl) 97 Gay were they in clothing, 'gainst this could none say nay, Poor as well as wealthy were shining in war-array : To bring the lovely ladies to their new home and dwelling Were Hettel's lieges earnest ; with lofty hopes of this their hearts were swelling. Soon as they left the castle, shouts the land did fill, As they their way were making thro' lowland and o'er hill ; Men saw upon the pathways crowds still thronging nearer : Hettel hastened forward, to see the maid, than every other dearer. At last the aged Wa-te, the knight from the Sturmisch land, Had reached the Waalisch marches and stepped upon the sand. There on the shore were gathered the sailors, water-weary ; Shelter they sought for Hilda, and in a friendly land were glad to tarry Stakes for tents were driven near to the broad sea-flood By the followers of Wa-te ; they were in happy mood. Erelong the news was bruited, and soon to them was given, That Hettel, king of the Hegelings, had left his home, and now was near them even ; And that he with many liegemen was riding down to the shore, To meet his well-beloved. Now hoped the maids the more That she with greatest honor should, as her birth befitted, Be brought into his kingdom. No more the thought of strife their hearts affrighted. 98 45uDrun 468-472 The guests for nothing wanted, they had both wine and food ; Those who were living near them freely on them bestowed The best that they were able ; the wants of all they heeded ; Whate'er they had they gave them, and left them not to lack for aught they needed. Hettel now drew nearer to those who had reached his land ; And with him, gathered hastily, the strong and goodly band, Drawn from his father's kingdom. They came bedecked so gaily, And in such glittering armor, the guests looked on full glad, and praised them freely. Then the men of the Hegelings came down upon the plain, And soon the rushing riders a tilting-match began ; All with youthful boldness for knightly prizes striving : Then came the Danish Fru-te, and with him Wa-te, wise as any living. They were seen from afar by Hettel ; happy in heart was he. His horse he set a-prancing ; right glad was he to see Two of his bravest liegemen, sent by him o'er the water, With fighters bold to Ireland, in hopes to win for him wild Hagen's daughter. On him, too, looked they gladly, their worthy king, so good ; Each day they spent there with him found them in happy mood. Wa-te with all his fellows, while far away they were living, Had known much bitter hardship : for this would Hettel now reward be giving. 473-477 SDale tije frttenfy 99 As he met his friendly liegemen, King Hettel wore a smile ; Then said he to them kindly : " Much have I feared erewhile For you, my faithful helpers, and a heavy heart was bearing, Lest in Hagen's castles my men were held, and all were bondage sharing.'' Then for love he kissed them, both those gray old men ; His eyes had never rested on so glad a sight as then, Nor on a fairer pasture had fed, with longing fonder. I ween that never to Hettel was aught so full of bliss and sudden wonder. Then spake the aged Wa-te : " No harm to us was done ; But yet a sway so mighty I ne'er before have known, As this that wild King Hagen over his lands now wieldeth : His followers bear them proudly, and he himself in strength to no one yieldeth. " It was a day as happy as ever could be thought, When we to you sent tidings that we had Hilda brought, The loveliest of maidens (no falsehood have I spoken, Believe the tale I tell you) that ever in this world my eyes did look on." The high-born knight then added : " Belike with greatest speed Will come these daring foemen ; for this should you take heed Lest the angry Hagen soon shall overtake us Here within your marches ; if so, his hatred bitter woe will make us." 100 45uUrun 473-182 Then Wa-te and Sir Fru-te down to the shore did bring Many worthy followers, knights of Hettel, the king, There to see fair Hilda, and there must they await her. Upon their shining bucklers many a spear-shaft crashed in battle later. Now came the fair young maiden, under a comely hat ; Then all the men of the Hegelings who on their horses sat By the side of the king, their master, upon the grass alighted. With merry hearts then gladly the well-bred throng their love and friendship plighted. Irold, he of Ortland, and Morimc of the Frisian land, Both of those brave champions, one on either hand, Came with lovely Hilda, and Hettel soon were meeting ; Worthy was she of praises. Now thought the maid to give the king her greeting. With her there came young maidens, twenty or even more, All clad in fair white linen, whiter none e'er wore, Or best of silken clothing, that could be found by any : Proud were they to wear them, and, gaily decked, they there were seen by many. The king, both good and stately, then began to greet With well-bred, seemly bearing, the maid he thought was meet To wear the crown hereafter. He gazed on her with yearning ; Her in his arms he folded, and fondly kissed the maid, her face upturning. 483-486 2Dal* tije ^ebentlj 101 Then one by one he welcomed all the maidens fair ; But one there was among them so lofty in her air She might of birth be kingly : in nought her kin were lacking. She was one of the maidens who with the griffin long her home was making. She bore the name of Hildeburg : from Hilda, Hagen's wife, She ever had won the honor befitting her worthy life ; Born in the land of Portugal, thence had she been taken. She now saw many strangers : a longing sad for her friends did this awaken. Hettel to all the maidens gave a welcome free, Yet was their lot no brighter ; for when they thought to see An end of all their sadness, upon the coming morrow, Soon as the day was dawning, there came to them again as great a sorrow. Her throng of high-born followers were greeted on every side ; Near to Hagen's daughter on a flowery meadow wide, Under silken awnings, many there were seated. But Hagen was now too near them ; to them from him must many ills be meted. Cale tlje HOW HAGEN FOLLOWED HIS DAUGHTER. the day was dawning, there was seen full well, And known by Horant of Daneland, a cross upon a sail, With other emblems blazoned, that pilgrims did betoken. For such a band of pilgrims in Wa-te's heart was little love bespoken. Loudly Morunc shouted to Irold brave and true : " Now ask our lord, King Hettel, what he thinks to do ? A sail with the arms of Hagen comes to our shore too nearly : Too long have we been sleeping, and well to be rid of this will cost us dearly." To Hettel the tale was carried that the father of his bride, Hither from Ireland sailing, with ships broad-built and wide As well as many a galley, now their shore was nearing. From Wa-te and from Fru-te their wisest thoughts the king was bent on hearing. 490-494 2Dale tlje Cigljtl) 103 Both those knights of Denmark could hardly this believe, Had not their eyes beheld it, that Hagen, with followers brave, Seeking his daughter Hilda, to the river Waal was steering. The men who came from Ortland lay happy on the beach, no danger fearing. The fair and noble Hilda soon heard the wondrous tale, Whereat the kindly maiden did loudly thus bewail : " My father, if he comes hither, soon will make such slaughter, That none e'er knew the sorrow that will be felt by many a wife and daughter. " We 'gainst that can guard us," answered the knight Irold : " However he may bluster, I would not take of gold A mountain's weight in barter, that day when foes are mated, Could I see my uncle Wa-te near wild Hagen come, with anger heated." Then the lovely maidens began to wail and mourn. The ship was tossed and rolling, now by the west wind borne, With warriors filled and crowded, near to Waal, the river. They there, in heavy fighting, soon found a blood-stained resting-place forever. Wa-te bade that Hilda on board a ship should stay. To guard the queenly maiden, while near the shore it lay, On every side all hastily men their shields were bearing : To keep a watch o'er the ladies, there were on board a hundred warriors daring. 104 (SUtJTUn 495-499 Ready now for battle were all who to the strand Had brought the lovely Hilda from her Irish fatherland, Whence they the maid had stolen, to her father Hagen's sorrow. Many, sound and healthy, must sorely fear for their lives before the morrow. Hettel was soon heard shouting and calling aloud to his men : " Be on your guard, brave fighters ! Who never gold did gain, To him it shall be measured, in handfuls, without weighing. Let this be not forgotten, that now your Irish foes you may be slaying." Bearing then their weapons, down they rushed to the sand ; Stirred with warlike bustle was all the Waalisch strand. Thither to King Hettel flocked his champions daring ; Friends as well as foemen soon towards the self-same spot were faring. Now had Hagen also reached the sandy shore, And men at him were hurling the spears they bravely bore : Those upon the seashore well their lives then guarded From the stormy Irish onset ; but wounds yet all the more their bravery rewarded. How seldom would a father have wished to send his child Where sparks of fire, all-glowing, were struck by foemen wild Forth from hardened helmets, in sight of many a maiden ! To have sailed with these roving fighters did now at last the lovely Hilda sadden. 500-504 2Dale tfje Cigljt^ 105 By turns they smote each other with heavy spears and long : Altho' themselves they guarded beneath their bucklers strong, Yet wounded thro' their hauberks, they were gashed and bloody ; And soon with flowing life-blood the waters' depths were deeply stained and ruddy. Then to his trusty liegemen Hagen called aloud : The sea gave back his shouting, truly his strength was good, He bade them help to land him, their wounds by them unheeded ; Glad were they to do it : thereby were spears in many hearts imbedded. Hagen now drew nearer, not far was he from the sand ; His sword it clattered loudly ; Hettel, near at hand, Was standing by the water, on the seashore waiting : There, with daring followers, deeds he did that praise should aye be meeting. Hagen, wild with anger, leaped into the wave, And to the shore he waded. Then on that warrior brave Came a shower of lances ; like snowflakes falling thickly, Fast they fell around him, shot by the Hegeling foemen, thronging quickly. Then from the clash of sword-blades a mighty noise arose. Those who would slay wild Hagen soon beneath his blows Were seen to reel and stagger. Hettel, the noble fighter, Drew near to Hilda's father ; at this the maiden wept, with tears most bitter. 106 (OtlDrtin 505-509 It was indeed a wonder, as we the tale have heard, So strong and brave was Hagen, that Hettel, the Hegeling lord, Before him held his footing. As soon as, wildly fighting, They had reached each other, their helmets rang beneath the heavy smiting. But not so quickly ended was yet the stormy fight. Soon was Hettel wounded by brave King Hagen's might : Wa-te the old of Sturmland, with his kin, to Hettel hasted, With Irold, too, and Morunc, knights as good as foemen's lands e'er wasted. Now came the brave old Fru-te and Wa-te with his throng : Knights there were a thousand, the press of them was strong. Hettel's Hegeling kinsmen, well their weapons plying, Wounded many foemen ; on every side stretched low, the men were lying. After bravest fighting, now had reached the land The followers of Hagen ; then crowded to the sand, After his friends so faithful, a host from Ireland's borders. Soon were helmets shattered : grimly they fought to win the maids from their warders. Hagen saw then near him Hettel, the youthful knight : Many strong and stalwart were shorn of strength outright, Both by those from Daneland and the Hegeling lieges : Now to meet wild Hagen every one old Wa-te loud beseeches. 510-514 2Dale tlje C&gljtl) 107 Then, by his strength, King Hagen broke thro' the crowd a path, And with his sword hewed boldly ; well he wreaked his wrath, Because his much-loved daughter from him by craft was taken ; Coats of mail lay fallen : the wrongs of Hagen hate in him did waken. He might not quench his anger with the sword alone ; By the thrust of his heavy long-spear soon were overthrown Many a knight most daring : never the tale was given By these unto their kinsmen, of how in the stormy fight their luck had thriven. Now came Wa-te quickly, the knight well born and good ; Soon of his well-loved kinsmen he saw the flowing blood, Under the slash of broadswords, out of their armor dripping : Of those who would have helped him, five hundred wounded men in death were sleeping. Everywhere were gathered friends as well as foes, All in uproar minged ; a mighty din arose. Wa-te and wild Hagen rushed on each other madly, Whoe'er could shun their pathway of all the risk he had fled was thinking gladly. Hagen laid on Wa-te many a heavy blow, Well his strength he wielded. Their helmets were aglow With fiery sparks outflashing, like to brands they glittered ; Each cleft the other's helmet, and ever still, each other's blows they bettered. 108 ^UOmn 515-519 The ground beneath was trembling with aged Wa-te's stroke : Scarcely could the maidens of his onslaught shun the shock. Now the wounds of Hettel his faithful friends were binding 1 : o 7 He then began to ask them where his cousin Wa-te he could be finding. With Hagen, " of kings the Devil," he found old Wa-te soon : The skill of him of Sturmland to guard himself was shown : Brave were both these warriors, and oft the tale was spoken How Wa-te the bold and Hagen in hardest strife had each his anger wroken. Hagen's spear was broken erelong on Wa-te's shield : Well in the fight he bore it, and strength enough did wield. Ne'er on the field of warfare did blows of men fall thicker, Even of bravest warriors ; Wa-te scorned to flinch, or seem the worker. Hagen cleft the head-piece of Hettel's brave old man, The trusty, daring Wa-te, till blood from his helmet ran, From out his wounds fast flowing. Now the wind blew colder, For eventide was nearing ; the struggling throng in fight but grew the bolder. Wa-te gave back in anger each grim and deadly blow, Making the blood, like tear-drops, on Hagen's breast to flow ; Strokes he gave his foeman, until the sword-blade glittered On the bosses of his helmet ; daylight before his darkened eyesight flittered. 520-^24 SDale tJje igl)tlj 109 Wounded, too, was Irold, Ortland's champion brave. Though many there lay dying from the wounds that Hagen gave, Yet the blows of Wa-te still did Hagen batter. Sorely wept the maidens when of so many swords they heard the clatter. Now, in fear and sorrow, Hilda, the maiden fair, Cried unto King Hettel, and begged of him to spare Her father from old Wa-te, the fight so grimly waging. He called for his standard-bearer, and bade him lead his men where the strife was raffing. Then the kingly Hettel right well and bravely fought ; Soon he found old Wa-te, to whom no joy it brought : Then Hettel called to Hagen : " Let hatred hence be driven ; So shall it raise your honor, if now our friends no more to death be given." Hagen shouted loudly, fell indeed was his mood, " Who bids that we be parted ? " Then cried the warrior good : " I bid it, I, King Hettel, the Hegelings' lord and master, Who for the Lady Hilda sent my friends so far, from you to wrest her." Then spake the lordly Hagen : " Since first to me 't was told How you to win my daughter showed yourself so bold, This to your name with warriors shame has ne'er been doing ; Clever was the cunning to which your winning of my child is o whiff.' 110 ^UOrun 525-529 Hettel then sprang nearer, as oft by one is done, "Who thinks to stop the fighting. Grim was the mood yet shown By the bold and aged Wa-te ; but he and Hagen yielded : Then with all his followers Hagen stepped back, nor longer his weapon wielded. Now the lordly Hettel his helmet laid aside ; A truce was loudly called for by all, both far and wide ; 'T was said by Hilda's father there was an end of fighting : For many a day, the maidens had heard no tale their ears so much delighting. The men took off the armor which they in fight had worn, And now at last they rested. Many then must mourn For wounds, in warfare given, whence the blood was welling ; But many lay there also who never more on thoughts of war were dwelling. Then stepped forth King Hettel and near to Hagen stood, And thus he spake to the warrior : " Since I well have wooed Your lovely daughter Hilda, 't is fit that you allow her To wear the crown beside me : my many well-bred knights will fealty show her." Then Hettel sent for W&-te, of whom he was in need ; For many years now ended, of him it had been said That he from some wild woman had learned a leech's cunning : Wa-te, forsooth, was skilful to heal deep wounds and stanch the life-blood running. 530-634 SCale tlje d&gljtt) ill Wa-te laid by his weapons ; his wounds he first had bound. Herbs that were good for healing by him were quickly found ; He had a box full costly, that in it held a plaster. Now the fair Queen Hilda besought his help, and at his feet she cast her. She said, " My dear friend Wa-te, my father heal, I pray ; For this, whate'er you ask me, I ne'er will say you nay ; And help his warriors also, who in the dust lie bleeding, And show your skill to his liegemen who stood by him, when he their help was needing. " Nor must you be forgetful of those of the Hegeling land, Who were friends to Hettel ; wet with their blood is the sand On which they now are lying, as if a rain were falling : Sorrowful tales of their fighting for me there ne'er can be an end of telling." Then spake the aged Wa-te : " Their wounds I cannot heal, In that I will not meddle, until as friends they feel Each unto the other, Hagen brave and knightly, And Hettel, my lord and master ; till then shall I withhold my skill most rightly.' 1 The high-born maiden answered : " This I may not dare To ask of the king, my father ; his tears I did not spare, And now have not the boldness to bring to him my greeting ; Both he and all his kinsmen I fear would now my love with scorn be meeting." 112 (SttOrun 535-539 Then 't was asked of Hagen : " My lord, may this now be, That it would not stir your anger your daughter here to see, The youthful, queenly Hilda ? If you for this are willing, She will come most gladly, and soon your many wounds will help in healing." " Gladly will I see her, whatever she has done ; To me will she be welcome : why should I her disown, Here in a land of foemen, nor take her greeting kindly ? To me and to my daughter, King Hettel must atone for deeds unfriendly." Horant, the knight from Daneland, led her by the hand, And with him went brave Fru-te, to where the king did stand ; One maiden only with them looked on Hagen wounded. For friends did Hilda sorrow, though Hettel' s love for her was all unbounded. On Hildeburg and Hilda when Hagen now did look, Then, from his seat upspringing, thus he quickly spoke : " Welcome be thou, my daughter, Hilda, most noble lady ! I cannot leave unspoken the greeting warm which I to give am ready." His daughter he allowed not the care of his wounds to take ; While Wa-te these was binding he bade the maids step back, The youthful high-born ladies. Wa-te's wish was the stronger To heal her father quickly, that so his daughter there might weep no longer. 540-544 Calf tlje tgt)tl) 113 Healed with plants and herbage and many a far-sought weed, From all his pain did Hagen feel himself now freed ; They eased his hurts with plaster, and when again the maiden Turned to see her father, she found him well, with aches no longer laden. Wa-te, the healing-master, made haste, no time he lost ; He hoped to gain such riches among this wounded host, That scarce could they by camels be carried to his dwelling. A skill so great and wondrous never, that I have heard, have men been telling. First he healed King Hettel, the lord of the Hegeling land ; Then all he saw there wounded he helped by his skilful hand. Those in the care of others still with pain did sicken ; But they, when nursed by Wa-te, were turned to life, tho' they by death were stricken. There would they no longer let the maidens stay. Hagen said to Hilda : " Elsewhere must we to-day Find us rest and shelter ; while others must not idly Leave the dead thus lying, who burial scarce can wait, here scattered widely." Hettel begged King Hagen with him to his home to go ; Though loath, to this he yielded, as soon as he came to know That he, the king of the Hegelings, of many lands was owner : Hagen then with his daughter went with him to his home, and there had honor. 114 Outrun 545-549 The youthful knights were singing, as they left the field. Happy then were the living ; but, never to be healed, They behind were leaving three hundred dead and dying, The rich and poor together, slashed with the sword, and pitifully lying. Then the war-worn fighters through the land went home ; AH who there were dwelling were blithe to see them come : But the kinsmen of the warriors who in death lay sleeping Were slow their hearts to gladden ; they for kindred slain long time were weeping. Hettel and Hilda with him took their homeward way. Many, bereft of fathers, sorely wept that day, Whose after life was happy. The mighty Hettel later Crowned the fair young Hilda ; by this the Hegeling name became the greater. Hettel now had thriven, his suit he well did gain. Old and young together with swords at court were seen, As were the guests of Hagen who from the ships came kindly. The wedding of his daughter was highly praised by Hagen, now grown friendly. Then with what great honor to the bridal seat was led That high-born, lovely lady ! Moreover, it is said That full five hundred liegemen then at court were knighted. Fru-te the wise from Denmark to guard King Hettel's wealth was thought well fitted. 550-564 2Dale tlje CEigljtl) 115 The riches of King Hettel by Hagen now were seen ; The tale had erst been told him by many of Hettel's kin, That over seven princedoms well his sway had thriven. All the poor there with them were home in gladness sent, and lodgings given. Hettel gave rich clothing to Ireland's warriors brave ; Bright-red gold and silver, and horses, too, he gave. The whole they scarce could carry, as they homeward wended : Thus good friends he won him, and this for Hilda in highest praises ended. Upon the twelfth day's morning they left King Hettel's land. The horses bred in Denmark led they out on the sand ; Each his mane, thick hanging, down to his hoofs was shaking. The guests from afar were happy that they King Hettel's friendship had been making. Grooms and also stewards with Hagen then did ride, With cup-bearers and carvers. Ne'er, in his greatest pride, In his home and kingdom, had he been served so truly. The crown was worn by Hilda, and Hagen's heart with bliss was brimming fully Food as well as lodgings they found upon their road ; On Hagen and his followers all men their care bestowed : So to their homes most gladly they the tale did carry Of how the friends of Hettel in showing them all kindness ne'er were weary. 116 ^UDrun 555-559 Hagen greeted Hildeburg, and clasped her in his arms ; He said, " Watch over Hilda for the love your bosom warms. So great a throng of followers at times a woman dazes ; Care for her so kindly that of your worth all men shall speak with praises." " My lord, that will I gladly : to you has much been told Of the woes that with her mother I bore in days of old ; And I for years my friendship for her did never loosen ; Her for miles I followed ere for a lover you by her were chosen." Hagen bade the others their way to court to take ; Never then could the maidens an end of weeping make : Now by the hand he took them, and to Hettel they were given ; He asked for them his kindness, since from their homes they sadly had been riven. Then said he to his daughter : "So well the crown now wear, That neither I nor your mother the tale shall ever hear That men ill-will do bear you. High your lot has raised you, And you of blame were worthy, if when men spoke your name they never praised you." Low bowed to the king wild Hagen, and kissed his child again. Neither by him nor his followers ever more was seen The kingdom of the Hegeling : too far away was their dwelling. Back to his home in Ballian, in his trusty ships, King Hagen soon was sailing. 560-562 SDale t&e Cigljtl) 117 When he had reached his castle, and sat with the queen alone, The mother of fair Hilda, Hagen was free to own That none to win his daughter more fitly could have pleaded ; And if he had yet others, he fain to the Hegeling land would send them to be wedded. Hilda for this gave praises to her master, Christ the Lord : " That I of my dear daughter such happy news have heard Fills my heart with gladness, and with bliss o'erflowing. How fares it with her followers, and Hildeburg, who long her love was showing ? " Then spake the kingly Hagen : " Now in their land and home All of them are happy ; great hath our child become ; Ne'er, with us, were her maidens clothed in such fine dresses. There we now must leave them : for her were many breast- plates hacked to pieces." Cale tlje intlj, HOW GUDRUN WAS SOUGHT BY SIEGFRIED. 9^fi^ E s P ea k no m ore of Hagen. A word may now be told * f ^* About King Hettel's kinsmen : they who land did hold Ever owed him fealty for these and for their castles ; To court they all came often when Hettel and Hilda sent to call their vassals. Wa-te went to Sturmland, Morunc to Nifland rode ; Horant, prince of Denmark, led his warriors good To Givers, by the seashore, where as lord they held him ; There their homes they guarded, and many, far and wide, their master called him. With mighty sway in Ortland Irold had his seat ; Its lands he held of Hettel ; so, as a vassal meet, Near and far to serve him, his duty was the greater : The king was brave and worthy ; and ne'er for a lord of lands was known a better. 566-570 2Date rtje $int& 119 If ever in any kingdom Hettel heard them speak Of a fair and well-born maiden, her he sought to take Into his home and castle, as handmaid to his lady : Whatever Hilda wished for, to help wild Hagen's child they all were ready. The king, with his wife beside him, was happy on the throne ; Their life was ever blissful. To all in the land 't was known That better far and dearer than all on earth he thought her. Never by all his kinsmen a lovelier could be found, where'er they sought her. Within seven years thereafter Hettel, in stormy fight, Thrice to his foes gave battle. They who, day and night, To wrong his name and honor did their utmost gladly, Now by the knightly Hettel found themselves brought low and chastened sadly. His castles he did strengthen, and peace he gave to his land, As well a king befitteth : such were the deeds of his hand, That never in any kingdom, when his name was spoken, Was it said he was faint-hearted. The praise of all did well his worth betoken. While, with name so worthy, Hettel held the throne, Wa-te, the man of wisdom, never left undone His duty to his master, to see him three times yearly ; Truly he was faithful, far and near, to the lord he held so dearly. 120 45ttDrtt1t 571-575 Horant, the lord from Denmark, to court not seldom rode ; Costly gems and clothing on the maids he there bestowed, With gold and silken raiment, meet for women's wearing : He from Daneland brought them, and to all who wished was he of gifts unsparing. The service true and steady that the liegemen of the king Gave to the lordly Hettel honor to him did bring. Praised was he for knighthood more than any other : This Hilda also furthered, a queen herself, and child of a queenly mother. Hilda, Hagen's daughter, children two did bear Unto her lord, King Hettel : to bring them up with care His faithful friends were bidden. Soon among his vassals Were the tidings bruited that an heir no more was lacking for his lands and castles. One became a warrior, Ortwin was his name ; To Wa-te he was trusted. It was the teacher's aim That he from early boyhood should his thoughts be turning To all things good and worthy ; to be a trusty knight he thus was learning. The very comely daughter of Hilda and the king Was called Gu-drun the lovely : from the land of the Hegeling To Denmark she was carried, to be in her kinsmen's wardship. Thus they helped King Hettel, and this they never felt to be a hardship. 576-580 SDale flje $inti) 121 When the maid grew older, her shape became so fair That neither man nor woman to praise her could forbear : Far from the maiden's birthplace, all her worth were telling. Gu-drun her kinsfolk called her, in the Danish land where now she had her dwelling. That age she now was reaching when, had she been a man, A sword she might have wielded. Many a prince was fain To wed the lovely maiden, and sought her love and favor ; But many came a-wooing who soon their hopes must lose, \ and win her never. However fair was Hilda, Hettel's lovely wife, Yet was Gu-drun more lovely, and fair beyond belief ; More fair than the early Hilda, erst to Ireland carried. Above all other women Gu-drun was praised, ere yet the maid was married. Her father scorned to give her to the king of Alzabe ; When he heard he could not win her to him 't was a sorry day. He held himself most highly for all his kingly graces, And thought there could be no one whose deeds, like his, were worthy of men's praises. Both brave he was and daring, and from the Moorland came : He was known afar and widely, Siegfried was his name ; A king was he full mighty over vassals seven. He sued for Hilda's daughter, such tales of her lofty worth to him were given. 122 45ttDrUtt 581-585 He, with his faithful liegemen from far Icaria's strand, Won many costly prizes there in Hettel's land : His strong and doughty warriors, in sight of ladies seated Before King Hettel's castle, in games of knighthood often there were mated. When Hilda and her daughter passed the hall within, Before the house of Wigaleis there rose a mighty din From warriors of the Moorland, who, all boldly dashing, Rode in the sight of the women ; oft of spears and shields was heard the clashing. Never could knight in tilting better in this behave. A friendly will she bore him, and oft kind words she gave, Though he was brown to look on, and in hue was dusky even. He for her love was yearning, yet for a wife she ne'er to him was given. This pained him beyond measure, and truly he was wroth That he from far had ridden, yet gave she not her troth. To burn the land of Hettel then did he threaten madly : His followers from Moorland, when now his hopes were lost, were mourning sadly. From him was the maid withholden by Hettel's lofty pride ; And now their loving friendship was ended on either side. Then swore the Moor that never he his hate would slacken, And that the grudge he bore him, whate'er befell, should never be forsaken. 586 Ale 123 Then from the land of the Hegeling rode they all away. When many years were ended, there came at last a day When by a knight most worthy was bitter sorrow tasted ; Then the foes of Herwic did him the worst they could, nor in it rested. Cale tlje Centlj HOW HARTMUT SENT TO WOO GUDRUN. in the land of Normandy the tale was widely told, ^ That never fairer maiden did any man behold Than was King Hettel's daughter, Gu-drun, the high-born lady. A king, whose name was Hartmut, to her then turned his love, to woo her ready. Gerlind, Hartnmt's mother, her wish to him made known, That he should woo the maiden ; her word he followed soon. First they sent for his father, when they of this had spoken ; He bore the name of Ludwig, and in Norman lands he wore the kingly token. Then the aged father rode to see his son. Of the end that he was seeking had Ludwig knowledge won ; But when to him he hearkened, and learned his wishes wholly, Evil he foreboded, yet still the youth's fond hopes upheld he fully. 590-594 SEale tlje 2Dentf) 125 " Who tells you," said King Ludwig, " she is so very fair ? Tho' she all lands were owning, the home is not so near, Wherein the maid is dwelling, that we should go a-wooing ; If we sent our men before us to ask her love, their task they would soon be ruing." Then did Hartmut answer : " For me 't is not too far ; Whene'er the lord of a kingdom no pain or toil doth spare To win a wife and riches, he gains a life-long blessing. My wish, I pray you, follow ; let men be sent, that they my suit be pressing." Then spake his mother, Gerlind, of Normandy the queen : " Letters must now be written ; let clothes, the best e'er seen, With gold, to those be given upon your errand speeding ; They, too, must learn the roadways that towards the home of fair Gu-drun are leading;." Then spake again King Ludwig : " Know you not full well That Hilda, the maiden's mother, did erst in Ireland dwell ? And know you not what happened to many a one who sought her ? Her kin are proud and lofty, and now will scorn the love we shall have brought her." Then young Hartmut answered : " Tho' with a warlike band I afar must seek her, over sea and land, That shall I do most willingly : my heart to her is given, And never will I rest me till I for Hilda's daughter happily have striven." 126 <0UDrUtt 595-699 " Gladly will I help you," King Ludwig then did say : " Let this now make you happy ; erelong, upon the way I' 11 send twelve sumpter-horses bearing silver treasure ; That when they hear our errand, our wealth and worth they may more rightly measure." By Hartmut then were chosen sixty men, to send To woo the fair young maiden, and help to him to lend ; With food and clothing also well were they outfitted, And on the road well guided : Ludwig was wise, and was in this foresighted. When everything was ready that soon the men would need, Then were letters written, sealed, and given with speed, Both by brave young Hartmut and his queenly mother. Then from home they started ; so proud a throng there never was another. Fast they rode and steadily for many a day and night, Until the land they sought for came at last in sight, And they might tell the errand they were thither bringing. Long was Hartmut waiting, while love and care were in his heart upspringing. Over land and rivers they took their toilsome way, As far as in days a hundred a pasturing herd may stray, Until the land of the Hegelings lay before them stretching. Their steeds were worn and weary ere they gave the letters they were fetching 600-604 Cale tfje SDentl) 127 At last they far had ridden, and to the sea had come, Upon the shores of Denmark : sadly they long did roam, Before they reached the kingdom, and its lord did know them ; Now they begged for guidance, and men were bid the nearest way to show them. The news was given to Horant, the knight well-bred and bold ; Now asked the errand-bearers, and the truth to them was told, About King Hettel and Hilda, and all they had been hearing. They saw the men of Hettel coming in throngs, their shields and weapons bearing. Horant, lord of Daneland, then to his liegemen spake, And bade for the errand-bearers a safeguard now to make, And that the men of Hartmut should be by them well guided To the court of his lord, King Hettel ; they grudged no toil, and well his bidding heeded. When thro' the Hegeling kingdom the heralds took their way, So lordly was their bearing, that often men did say : " These folk are rich and mighty, whatever they are seeking." The news to the king was carried, and soon to him all men the tale were speaking. To all the guests from Normandy were lodgings given there ; The king now bade his liegemen to wait on them with care. He knew not yet their errand, and why to him they had ridden : But on the twelfth day, early, young Hartmut' s men before the king were bidden. 12& 45ttDrun 605-609 An earl there was among them ; how well his breeding showed ! Upon their clothing also were praises high bestowed ; They rode the best of horses on which men e'er were seated, And before the king they gathered, in fairest guise, that well they might be greeted. The king gave kindly welcome, as also did his men, Until their wooing errand was unto him made plain : Then were they ill-treated, and knew the king's hard feeling. I ween the mighty Hettel to grant young Hartmut's wish would ne'er be willing. One who in that was skilful to the king the letters read ; But he was greatly angered that they to court were led By the good and upright Horant, a knight so brave and noble ; And, had they not his friendship, they had not left the king without more trouble. Then spake to them King Hettel : " No good to you 't will bring That you were sent a-wooing by Hartmut, your lord and king. To pay for this full dearly you may well be fearing ; Your kingly master's wishes both I and Lady Hilda are wroth at hearing;." One among them answered : " Hartmut makes it known That much he loves the maiden ; and if to wear the crown In Normandy she deigneth, before his friends there living, That he, a knight all spotless, will rightly earn the love she shall be giving." 610-614 2Dale flje SDenrt) 129 Then quoth the Lady Hilda : " How can she be his wife ? A hundred and three of his castles his father held in fief, Within the land of Cardigan, from Hagen, my noble sire ; It ill becomes my kinsmen to be King Ludwig's vassals, or owe him hire. " Ludwig dwelt in Scotland, and there it erst befell That a brother of King Otto did wrong to Ludwig deal : Both were Hagen's vassals, and of him their lands had taken ; And thus my father's friendship for him was lost, and hate instead did waken. " Say you now to Hartmut she ne'er his wife shall be. Your lord is not so worthy that he to boast is free, That he doth love my daughter, and she doth not disdain him ; Bid him elsewhere be looking, if he be fain a queen for his land to gain him." The heralds' hearts were heavy ; 't was not for their good name That they, for miles full many, in sorrow and in shame, Back to their homes in Normandy this news must carry sadly. Hartmut, as well as Ludwig, was vexed that they herein were foiled so badly. Forthwith to them said Hartmut : " Tell me now the truth, The grand-daughter of Hagen have you seen, forsooth ? Is the maid, Gu-drun, as lovely as men have here been saying ? May God bring shame to Hettel, that he my suit with such ill-will is paying ! " 130 Then the earl thus answered : Whoe'er shall see the maiden Above all maids and women, 615, 616 " This can I truly say, must feel her charms and sway ; her worth is past the telling." Then quoth the kingly Hartmut : " To live without her ne'er shall I be willing." Whereon his mother, Gerlind, sadly thus did say, With tears her lot bewailing : " My son, oh, lack-a-day 1 Alas that e'er the heralds to win the maiden started ! If we at home had kept them, e'en to this day had I been still light-hearted." Cale HOW HERWIC SENT TO SEEK GUDRUN AND PIOW HARTMUT CAME HIMSELF. ^ARTMUT left his wooing to wait for many a year. *2^ Soon a tale was bruited ('t was ^ rue what men did hear) Of one whose name was Herwic, a king as yet but youthful ; Often his worth was spoken, and men yet speak of him with praises truthful. lie began his wooing, trusting the lovely maid Would take him for her lover ; long his hopes he fed, And much he toiled to win her, both with love and riches : But tho' the maid was willing, her father, Hettel, he in vain beseeches. Though Herwic long was striving, and men to seek her rode, Yet was his wooing slighted ; for this his wrath he showed. The heart of proud young Herwic by heavy care was fettered ; Freely his love he gave her, and thought a life with her could not be bettered. 132 d5uDrUtt 620-624 There came at length a morning when it to them befell That in the Hegeling kingdom both knights and maids as well, With many lovely ladies, his coming never fearing, Before them saw bold Hartmut ; Hettel could not believe he 'd be so daring. From this did endless evil soon come upon the land : These guests high-born and worthy were yet an unknown band ; Hartmut and his kinsmen their host's goodwill were sharing, And he the hope still harbored that the maid would yet the crown with him be wearing. Now before Queen Hilda by ladies he was seen To stand with lofty breeding, and with a stately mien. There the proud young Hartmut wore a look so knightly, That he the love of ladies well might ask, and 't would be granted rightly. Well-grown was he in body, fair he was and bold, Kind as well as lordly. Why I ne'er was told Had Hettel and Queen Hilda from him withheld their daughter, When he had thought to woo her ; wroth was he to be scorned when now he sought her. Of her his heart had longed for he now had gained the sight ; There oft were stolen glances between Gu-drun and the knight. He made it known to the maiden, by speech from others hidden, That he was young King Hartmut, and from the Norman land had lately ridden. 625-629 2CaIe rtje d&Utentft 133 Then she told her wooer the pain to her it gave ; And tho' she wished he ever a happy life might have, Yet from her father's kingdom she begged him now to hasten, For in the land of Hettel was his life at risk, and this would never lessen. She looked on him so kindly that now her heart was warned That he shoidd stay no longer, for here his suit was spurned. Friendly was she to Hartmut, who her love so wanted, But his hopes she little heeded, and while he wooed, not much to him she granted. At last her well-bred lover from Hettel's land must go ; He bore upon his shoulders a heavy load of woe : To wreak his wrath on Hettel would he now be choosing, Yet feared he, if he harmed him, that he the maiden's love would then be losing. 'T was thus the daring Hartmut the Hegeling kingdom left ; Much he felt of sadness, though not of hope bereft. He knew not yet the ending of his wooing of the maiden ; For the sake of her, thereafter, were helmets cleft, and many sorrow-laden. When he had reached his kingdom, and home again did turn, Where dwelt his father and mother, Hartmut, grim and stern, For war with Hettel longing, began to make him ready. Gerlind, the old she-devil, at all times spurred him on with hatred steady. Caie tlje t&elftl} HOW HERWIC MADE WAR ON HETTEL, AND HOW GUDRUN WAS BETROTHED TO HIM. more befell young Hartinut we now forbear to say. Upon the brave King Herwie a weight of sorrow lay, As great as that of Hartmut, for love of the high-born lady. He, with all his kinsmen, to woo Gu-drun, as best they might, made ready. Near her he was dwelling, and there he held his land. A thousand times tho' daily he should send to ask her hand, Ever would his wooing be met with scorn and flouting ; But though he now was thwarted, later on her, as his wife, he was fondly doting. The king forbade him longer to woo Gu-drun, his child ; Then sent he word in anger that never would he yield : Hettel should see him coming, with men and shields, a-wooing ; And this to him and Hilda would evil bring, that they would long be ruing. 633-637 2Date rtje SCtoelfrt) 135 Whose rede it was I know not, but thrice a thousand men, Showing thus their friendship, were soon with Herwic seen. By them against the Hegelings harm erelong was plotted For the sake of the lovely maiden he fondly hoped would be to him allotted. Those who came from Sturmland the tale would not believe', To those from Denmark also none the tidings gave ; But Irold, lord of Ortland, soon the word was hearing That now the daring Herwic for warlike ends to Hettel's home was faring. When 't was known to Hettel that Herwic, fearing naught, E'en now the land was nearing, and followers with him brought, Then asked he of his kinsmen, and of the queen, his lady : " What say you to the tidings ? I hear that guests to our home have come already." She said : " What can I answer, but that 't is well and right, When one such deeds is doing as befit a worthy knight, Tho' good or ill it bring us, praise should they be earning. Can aught amiss befall him ? Herwic is wise, and aye for honor yearning." His queenly wife said further : " Yet must we beware, That he may bring no burden unto our kinsmen here. This have many told me, 't is for the sake of your daughter That he with many warriors has come into your borders, o'er the water." 136 <>UUrun 638-642 Hettel with his kinsmen had waited a little too long : The wrath of young King Herwic now had waxen strong. In the cool of the early morning, he, with followers daring, Reached King Hettel's castle, and later with his men the strife was sharing:. While yet the men were sleeping within King Hettel's halls, The watchman from the castle down to them loudly calls : " Up from your rest now, quickly ! Arm yourselves and listen ! Foes from abroad are coming ! E'en now, on their way, I see the helmets glisten." From off their beds upsprang they, no longer dared they lie ; Whoe'er there was among them, in rank or low or high, Must bear a heavy burden, for life and honor caring. Thus the young King Herwic strove for a wife, the storm of warfare daring. Hettel and Queen Hilda had now to the window come : Men they saw with Herwic, brought from a far-off home Among the hills of Galeis, where they had their dwelling ; These the mighty Morunc in Waleis knew, and oft of them was telling:. The foes were seen by Hettel, thronging towards the gate. Well Gu-drun's brave father must fear to meet their hate, As they were rushing onward, tho' high his heart was swelling : Much they roused his anger, but them his burghers helped erelong in quelling. 2Cale rtje SCtortfti) 137 Armed to guard the castle were a hundred men or more ; Hettel himself fought boldly, goodwill for this he bore. His lieges all were doughty, but yet they could not save him ; Hard were the blows for Hettel, that in the fight the brave young Herwic gave him. Upon his foeman's helmet whizzing blasts, fire-hot, Were struck by the daring Herwic. The many blows he smote Gu-drun now saw with wonder, her eyes upon him feeding : He seemed a knight most worthy, and love she felt, e'en though her heart was bleeding. Hettel bore his weapon grimly 'gainst his foe ; Of strength no less than riches he had, in truth, enow : But soon he did unwisely, he pressed on him too nearly, And those within the castle saw the fight between them all too clearly. The sore-beleaguered dwellers the gates would gladly shut ; But now their losses told them that this would nothing boot : Friends as well as foemen near the gates were thronging, And great was the hope of Herwic to win the maid for whom his heart was longing. Hettel then and Herwic against each other dashed, In sight of all their followers ; flames shot out and flashed On the bosses of the bucklers which they both were wearing : But little while it lasted, ere knowledge of each other they were sharing. 138 (SuUrtin 648-652 When Hettel saw in Herwic a warrior so proud, And one so truly daring, he cried to all aloud : " Should any here forbid me that I with him be friendly, He knows the knight but little ; deadly wounds he hews, in mood unkindly." Gu-drun, the lovely maiden, looked on, and heard the din. Luck is round and rolling, like a ball, I ween ; And since to end the fighting to her it was not given, She hoped that, when 't was over, her father and his foe would find their strength was even. She then began to call to him, from out the palace hall : " Hettel, my noble father, behold how blood doth fall, From out the hauberks flowing ! Everywhere about us The walls therewith are spattered ! A neighbor ill is Herwic, and harm hath wrought us. " If you would grant my wishes, you now will be at peace ; Give rest to heart from anger, and let your fighting cease, Till I can ask of Herwic, and he to us be telling, About his land and kingdom, and where his nearest kinsmen have their dwelling:." Then said the proud young Herwic : " Not yet may peace begin, Unless without my weapons I your love may win. If rest a while be granted, the knowledge you are seeking I then will give you freely, and of my kinsmen will to you be speaking." 653-657 Me flje 2foelftlj 139 Now, for love of the maiden, the strife did they forego. Then shook they off their armor, each battle-weary foe, And bathed in running waters, from rusty stains to free them. They soon were cheered and rested, and none could grudge in happy mood to see them. A hundred knights with Herwic went from the field to find Gu-drun, the Hegeling maiden, still wavering in her mind. She, with other ladies, gave him welcome kindly ; But the worthy, high-born Herwic hardly dared to think their wishes friendly. The fair and comely maiden showed the guests their seats ; The bravery of Herwic erelong with love she meets : His high and noble breeding earned him kindest greeting. 'T was thought Gu-drun and Hilda should grant his suit, without a longer waiting. To the ladies then spake Herwic : " I oft have heard it said That you of me speak lightly, and think me lowly bred : Your scorn may bring you sorrow, after all my striving ; The rich may from the poorest a blessing gain, the while with them they 're living." She said : " Where is the maiden who could behold with scorn A knight who strove so bravely, or from his love could turn ? Believe me," said the maiden, " I do not hold you lightly ; Never maid more kindly has looked on you, or prized your worth more rightly. 140 Outrun 658-662 " If now my friends and kindred leave for this will give, Even as you wish it, with you I will gladly live." Then with fondest glances he her eye was seeking : In her heart she bore him, and owned the truth to all, no falsehood speaking. The brave and happy Herwic begged that he might dare To woo the fair young maiden. Now to grant his prayer Were Hettel and Hilda ready ; but first must they be knowing Whether Gu-drun, their daughter, was glad or sorry for the kingly Herwic's wooing. Herwic was quick in learning how kindly was her mood : And now the brave young warrior before the maiden stood, In shape as fair and comely as if the hand of a master On a white wall had drawn him : while there he stood her love but grew the faster. " If you your love will give me," he said, " most lovely maid, Then shall my truest worship to you be ever paid ; Throughout my lands and castles to you there shall be given My kinsmen's faithful service, and ne'er shall I repent that thus I 've striven." She said : " I give you freely the love for which you pray ; By all your toils and daring you well have earned to-day That you and all my kindred foes shall be no longer. Now none can make me sorrow, and every day our bliss shall grow the stronger." 663-667 SDale tlje 2Dtoelffl) 141 Then they sent for Hettel : thus ended was the fight. Soon came he to his daughter ; and many a faithful knight Followed the king, their master, who unto him had ridden From all the Hegeling kingdom. Thus to the strife a long farewell was bidden. Now when Hettel's kinsmen their wish for this did speak, Then asked he of his daughter if she would gladly take Herwic, the knight so noble, who in his heart had set her. Then said the lovely maiden : " There 's not another I could love the better.' They then betrothed the maiden at once to the knightly king, Who in his land would crown her. This did gladness bring To him, and sorrow likewise : ere many years were ended, And she to him was wedded, good knights in stormy fight their lives defended. To take the maiden with him Herwic now was fain ; But this her mother grudged him : thereby much woe and pain Came upon him later from foes as yet unheeded. The king was told by Hilda that longer time ere she be crowned was needed. They thought it best for Herwic to leave the maiden there, While he with other women might pass the time elsewhere, And wait to wed the lady until a year were ended. This learned the men of Alzabie : to wait so long for her young Herwic ill befriended. Cale HOW SIEGFRIED MADE WAR AGAINST HERWIC. , king of Moorland, called for all his men ; (^ Ships were soon made ready, wherever they were seen ; Then with food and weapons to load them it was bidden, For war against King Herwic : from all but faithful friends his thoughts were hidden. A score of wide, strong barges bade he to be made. I ween they liked it little to whom the king now said That forthwith unto Sealand to fight must they be faring ; And he would thither hasten as soon as, winter o'er, springtide was nearing. Eighty thousand warriors soon to him had come ; Of fighting men in Alzabie none were left at home. Then swore the Moorland princes for war to make them ready ; Some of these still lingered, others to follow with the king were speedy. 671-675 SDafc t|ie SDtjirtenttf) 143 Then against the Sealands the threat of war he made. This roused the wrath of Herwic, who well might him upbraid ; To earn the hate of Siegfried wrong had he done him never. His marches and his castles he bade his men to guard, now more than ever. Then he said in sorrow to friends who came in haste That foes would burn his castles, and his lands lay waste : All he could give his liegemen, that he held but lightly. They took their wages gladly ; that war would bring them riches, hoped they rightly. About the gladsome May-time, there went across the sea Warriors out of Alzabie, and eke from Abakie. Onward came they proudly, as tho' the world's end seeking ; Many now trod boldly who in the dust their rest would soon be taking. Into the land of Herwic they cast the burning brand. Then all whom he could gather, and all his friends at hand, Rode to the field with Herwic. Thro' war-storms grimly driven, They with their lives must bargain for gold and gems and silver to them given. To him, the king of Sealand, great ill erelong was wrought. A stalwart f oeman was he : Aha, how well he fought ! He made the land the richer with the dead there lying : The old in fight grew youthful : the strong were slain, who recked not yet of dying. 144 d5U&rtin 676-680 Long the fighting lasted, till thickly lay the dead : Then to the brave King Herwic came at last the need To flee into his marches, for life he there was turning ; All his lands lay smoking : of this to Gu-drun, his lady, sent he warning. Now to the land of Hettel men at his bidding went : Many tears and bitter they shed when they were sent To find the great King Hettel, and the tale to him to carry. They were not long in showing unto the king their plight so hard and dreary. Tho' sad hi mood he found them, a welcome kind he gave, Such as far-off wanderers and homeless friends should have. Pie asked if from their homesteads they were hither driven, When foes their lands had wasted, and all their marches had to flames been given. Then to him they answered : " In sorrow did we leave : The faithful men of Herwic, from early morn till eve, Sell their lives full dearly, and well his gifts are earning ; They fight for name and honor : for this at home are many women mourning. Then to them said Hettel : " To my daughter make it known ; Whatever she shall wish for at once shall that be done. If she for vengeance calleth for the wrongs he wrought you, We then will help you gladly, and pay him back the ill that he has brought you." 681-685 2ale tl)e SOjirtentrtj 145 Before they yet had spoken unto the fair young maid, Already of her sorrow her friends had taken heed. The lady had been longing to see the heralds hourly ; Them in haste she sent for, the loss of land and honor, mourning sorely. When they came before her, they found the queenly maid Sitting sad, and weeping, faithful love she had ; She asked them of her lover, and how they leave had taken, And if he still was living when they of late had land and home forsaken. Then answered one among them : " We left him sound and well ; But since the day we saw him we know not what befell, Or how the men of Moorland may his home have wasted : Mischief they had done him, neither from fire and plunder had they rested. " Listen, high-born maiden ! my master's bidding heed : He and all his warriors are now in sorest need. To lose both life and honor they are fearing daily ; And now my lord, King Herwic, sends to beg your men to his help to rally." Gu-drun, the lovely maiden, then from her seat upstood ; The wrongs that had been done her she to her father showed : She said her men were slaughtered, and her castles wasted, And told her father, Hettel, that to ride to Herwic's help she would he had hasted. 146 tfiU&rUn 686-690 Then in her arms she pressed him, her eyes with weeping wet : " Help, O dearest father ! My woes are all too great, Unless your many liegemen, with ready hand, are willing To help my good friend Herwic : none else can end the strife, my sorrow healing." " That will I leave to no one," the king did freely say ; " I will haste to help King Herwic, and wait not many a day. As well as I am able, I will end your sorrow : I will call for the aged Wa-te and many other friends, before the morrow. " He will bring from Sturmland all the men of his lands ; And when 't is known by Morunc how ill with us it stands, Fighters full a thousand to bring will he be speedy. Our foes shall find out quickly, that under helmets we to march are ready. " Horant, too, from Denmark shall bring upon the way Of men full thrice a thousand : nor will Irold stay ; But he will raise his banner, and hasten to the slaughter. Then, too, thy brother Ortwin will come, and all will earn the blessing of my daughter.'* The heralds soon went riding whom the maid did send. Her friends far off were living, but all who help would lend To heal the maiden's sorrow would honor great be earning ; Knights would she warmly welcome : for this erelong the more to her were turning. 691-695 SDale tlje SOjutenttlj 147 Hilda, the maiden's mother, unto her daughter spake : " Whoe'er is quick to help you, and now his shield shall take To follow with your warriors when they to war are faring, Whate'er we gain by fighting he shall, in truth, henceforth with us be sharing.'' Then the chests were opened ; men to court soon bore Whate'er therein was lying, of fighting-gear a store, Fast with steel well studded ; then the knights were laden With armor white as silver : this made glad the heart of the queenly maiden. To full a thousand warriors were given clothes and steeds ; Out of stalls men brought them, as oft the horse one leads. When, along the highways, men to the fight go riding. Of all the king's good horses they left but very few at rest abiding:. When from his queenly lady the king his leave did take, Both Hilda and her daughter began to weep for his sake ; But on the knights forth riding gladly they were gazing, And said : " May God in heaven so help the fight that men may you be praising.'' After they all were gathered without the castle gate, Youths were there heard singing, hoping for plunder great. Each thought, by hardest fighting, to win himself much riches ; But far must they yet be riding, for long the way to their master's foemen stretches. 148 45uDrttn 696-700 On the third morning early came, at break of day, The very aged Wa-te with a thousand to the fray ; And from the Danish kingdom, as the seventh day was dawning, Came Horant with four thousand, to whom the fair Gu-drun had sent her warning. From out the Waalisch marches Morunc thither rode ; He ever fought for the ladies, for the love to them he owed. Twenty thousand warriors he brought, for nought he tarried : These were all well-weaponed, and happily rode, while help to the king they carried. The queenly maiden's brother, Ortwin, the youthful knight, Brought across the water, to help her in the fight, Forty hundred warriors, or even a number greater : Were it known to the men of Alzabie, well might they have feared to meet him later. Before they yet could help him, to Herwic and his men The strife had now gone badly, his luck began to wane : To him and all his followers was evil sore betiding ; Altho' they struggled bravely, his foes too near his castle gate were riding. Great mishaps to Herwic from Siegfried's kin arose ; For now the gates of the castle were shattered by their blows. False friends had made it easy, and boasts too loudly spoken : If e'er to such one trusteth, it worketh him no good, and his hopes are broken. 701-705 2Dale tije Ktytttmtf) 149 Now 't was told to Herwic, men fast for help had gone. The foes from fight ne'er rested, by anger driven on ; From early morn to even, they oft to the strife were bidden : But now the friends of Herwic on every side drew near, nor long lay hidden. When this the men of Karadie did learn, they well might fear That now two kings against them in the fight should share : For them it was unlucky that Hettel now was leading His many fighters thither ; he from afar had come, to Herwic speeding. Friends were they to each other ; so both would meet the foe. These, the men from Moorland, bold themselves did show : One saw by all their bearing they would from none be flying ; Those who with them struggled by hardest toil must their reward be buying. Wa-te, the very daring, with all his knights had come ; Gu-drun, the lovely lady, had called him from his home To help her lover, Herwic, and a host had ridden hither : Whate'er might now befall them, later full happy rode they thence together. Although their foes were heathen, from out the Moorish land, They might not back be driven : one well might understand That in any earthly kingdom they were the best and boldest. To all who came to meet them they gave a sorry welcome and a shelter coldest. 150 d5uDfUtt 706-710 Herwic, king of Sealand, his loss would now make good Upon his foes from ALzabie. For this must flow the blood On either side of many ; to friends and kin were given Wounds full fast and heavy : to bear his own was hard for Hettel even. When they had come together of whom I spoke before, Bringing all their followers, gladness they knew no more ; On them were ever resting heavy care and sorrow For what the night might bring them. They thought : " How shall we live to see the morrow? " Thrice with the Moorish foemen they strove on the stormy field, While peace was given the castle, as knights are wont to yield. Again with sword and spear-shaft they the strife would settle : Peace not yet they wished for, but wounds the more they got in hard-fought battle. Nor Herwic's men nor Siegfried's yet would leave the fight ; They to the last had struggled, and many a bravest knight Upon the field lay wounded, or in death was sleeping. This was told to the women, who now began a wild, unmeasured weeping. How well the daring Wa-te in battle-storm did fight ! Strong was he and skilful, and oft the aged knight Gave to the foe heart-sorrow, by all the ill he wrought him : Ever to fight with his warriors, by the side of the boldest and best, his wishes taught him. 711-715 2Cale $e SOjtrteenrt) 151 Horant, too, from Denmark, brave was he enough ! Beneath his hand were shattered helmets strong and tough: Ne'er by him 't was forgotten to wear his armor shining ; 111 he wrought to many, and oft the ranks of his foemen he was thinning. The quick and fearless Morunc boldly stretched his hand Ofttimes beyond his buckler, and oft the fight he gained. To shun the king of Moorland ne'er would he be seeking ; Upon that king, so mighty, he the wrath of Herwic now was wreaking. The great and doughty Hettel, when that his daughter fair Had sent to beg her father in Herwic's fight to share, That peace at last might follow, fought for him not idly : If life were dear to any, 't were best to shun King Hettel's borders widely. Bravely strove King Herwic on the field and at the gate ; None than he fought better. His head was often wet, Beneath his armor dripping, with sweat that fast was oozing. In death were many deafened ; they who would crush him must their lives be losing. Wigaleis, the faithful, great ill to many wrought. Sir Fru-te, too, from Daneland, with knightly prowess fought : The thanks of all his fellows he shoidd of right be sharing ; He strove where the fight was stormy, and none e'er knew an aged knight so daring. 152 d5uDrUtt 716-720 The lord who came from Ortland, Ortwin, brave and young, Showed the hand of a warrior ; it was on many a tongue, That never man in warfare bore himself more boldly : Wounds he gave the deepest, and this by none was ever told of coldly. For twelve long days of fighting, earnestly they strove. The men led on by Hettel oft their spear-shafts drove Thro' their foes' light bucklers, as close they met together : The fighters proud from Moorland sorely rued the day that brought them thither. Upon the thirteenth morning, ere early mass was said, With sorry heart spake Siegfried : " How many here lie dead Of all our bravest warriors ! In his lofty wooing The king of Sealand also here to himself has evil great been doing." Then to the men of Karadie made he known his will, To a stronghold to betake them, there their wounds to heal : They, with those from Alzabie, were earnest to go thither ; Right glad were these far-riders that all in death might not be found together. Then to a sheltering castle to turn they all began, Where onward, fast beside it, a wide, deep river ran. While they were thither riding, fleeing away from danger, They were still seen fighting with those who ne'er would yield their homes to a stranger. 721-724 2Dale flje SOiuteentf) 153 Now against King Hettel the king of Moorland rode : Well might one believe it, his former warlike mood Was but a slight beginning ; he soon a foe was meeting Who many of his kinsmen with deep and deadly wounds of late was greeting. Hettel, he of the Hegelings, and Siegfried, the Moorland king, There unto the struggle all their strength did bring ; Shields were hacked to pieces by the swords they wielded : The mighty lord of Moorland to the castle fled, nor to him of Daneland yielded. Camps by the men from Denmark for themselves were made : Then the beleaguered warriors, it cannot be gainsaid, E'er many days were over, with care were burdened sadly ; However good their shelter, all would then have been at home more gladly. Thus the boastful fighters were by the foeman's hand Fast held within the stronghold ; nor was their knightly band Now able to give battle, although for this yet longing. Their castle well they guarded, as best they might, wherein they now were thronging. Cale tlje fourteenth HOW HETTEL SENT TIDINGS FROM HERWIC'S LAND. then sent tidings, to still their fears at home. & To the fair and high-born ladies men with news did come, That unto the old and youthful, throughout the stormy fighting, Good luck had aye befallen ; and now, with hope must they for them be waiting. He bade his men to tell them how Siegfried was besieged, While he with all his followers war against him waged, To help the lord of Sealand, loved by Gu-drun, his daughter ; That all, as they were able, daily fought for her, and for him who sought her. Hettel's queen, fair Hilda, the hope began to have That luck would follow Herwic and all his warriors brave ; And, as their worth befitted, all might well be speeding. Then said Gu-drun : " God grant it, that they our friends may back in health be leading." 728-732 SDale tlje jfourteenrtj 155 By Wa-te's men from Sturmland, the foes from Alzabie And all who came from Moorland were kept away from the sea ; Sadly must they tarry within the sheltering castle : In Wa-te and in Fru-te foes they had with whom they ill could wrestle. Loudly swore King Hettel the castle ne'er to leave ; That he and all his followers still to the end would strive, Till those to him had yielded who now the Moor befriended. Unwise had been their inroad, and this for them one day in sorrow ended. Meanwhile the spies of Hartmut, whom he had thither sent, Tho' little good they looked for, from the Norman border went ; Ever to learn what happened they a watch were keeping, And from the stormy warfare they hoped that Hettel might no gain be reaping. Now they saw that Siegfried, the Moorland king high-born, Was kept within the castle, besieged both eve and morn ; Thence could he sally never, and this he knew with sorrow ; His lands so far were lying, he little help from them could hope to borrow. The Norman errand-bearers, sent forth their watch to make By Ludwig and young Hartmut, to them now hastened back : The happy news they carried, and soon at home were giving, That Hettel, the king, and Herwic were busy now, in warfare ever striving. 156 &UDrun 733-737 To them the lord of Normandy thanks for the tidings gave, And asked them : " Can you tell us how long those f oemen brave, The men from the land of Karadie, will in Sealand tarry, Fighting 'gainst its warriors, till they, their wrongs avenged, of war are weary ? " One of them made answer : " The truth you now may hear : There they yet must linger more than another year. Never from their stronghold will the Hegelings free them ; They there so well are guarded, that on their homeward way none e'er shall see them." Then the knight of Normandy, the daring Hartmut, spake : " This frees my heart from sorrow, and hope in me doth wake ! If they are now beleaguered, then are we well befriended ; We must to Hegeling hasten, ere Hettel's fight with Siegfried shall be ended." Ludwig and young Hartmut had both the selfsame mind, Had they ten thousand fighters whom they at once could find, Gu-drun they might lay hold on, and to their home might carry, Before her father, Hettel, came back again from the land where he did tarry. Hartmut's mother, Gerlind, earnestly gave thought To wreak her wrath on Hettel, that he to harm be brought, Because her dear son Hartmut he shamefully had slighted. She wished the aged Wa-te and Fru-te might be hanged, for the help they plighted. 738-742 2Eale tfje jfourteenrt) 157 Then spake the old she-devil : " Good knights, your hire behold ! If you will now ride thither, my silver and my gold, That will I give you freely, but women shall not share it. I care not if Hettel and Hilda shall rue their wrong, and ne'er again will dare it." Quoth Ludwig, Hartmut's father : " We from our Norman land Forthwith must make an inroad : soon will I have at hand Twenty thousand fighters whom I for war will gather ; With these it will be easy to seize Gu-drun, and bear her from her father." Then spake the youthful Hartmut : " Might ever this betide, That Hilda's lovely daughter I here should see my bride, I would not take in barter for that a princedom fairest ; Then might we here together pass our lives, each one to the other dearest." Busily his followers, hour by hour, gave thought How they could do his wishes. A host King Ludwig brought To lead against the Hegelings ; well were they outfitted. How should Hilda know it, that soon thereby her welfare would be blighted ? The wife of Ludwig also helped them as she could. For this she plotted ever, that fair Gu-drun be wooed, And, as the bride of Hartmut, to Normandy be carried ; She did her best most busily that the maid one day should to her son be married. 158 d5uDrun 743-747 Ludwig 1 said to Hartmut, his well beloved son : O ' " Think well, O knight most worthy, no toil we now must shun, Until our foes are mastered and from their lands are driven. Reward the guests who help us ; to our men at home by me shall gifts be given." These they soon were sharing, all and every one. Never yet in Suabia gifts so rich were known, Of steeds for war or burden, saddles, and shields fair shining ; I ween they were gladly given : Ludwig ne'er before such thanks was winning. Quickly all made ready to start upon their way. Sailors were found by Ludwig ; skilful men were they, Who the deep sea-pathways knew, and well could follow ; Hard must they be toiling to win their wages high upon the billow. Now, in seemly measure, fit were they to go. Throughout the lands and highways soon the news did grow That Ludwig and young Hartmut home and land were leaving. They yet would see much sorrow, when they erelong their Hegeling foe were braving. When to the shore they had ridden, ships were floating there, That workmen well had builded, the knights away to bear ; Gerlind's gold and riches had made them strong and steady. Nor Wa-te the old nor Fru-te of this knew aught, nor were for their coming ready. 748-752 SDale rtje jfourteentfj 159 With three and twenty thousand they sailed the waters o'er. Now for Gu-drun young Hartmut a weight of sorrow bore : This, before his followers, to hide he was not earnest ; He hoped to meet King Hettel, and him to overcome in strife the sternest. As yet they knew not fully how they his land could reach. To the sons of many a mother the raid did sorrow teach. Near to the shores of Ortland the rolling billows bore them, Before 't was known to Hettel : now Hilda's castle rose in sight before them. The warriors led by Hartmut were still twelve miles away ; Yet had they come already over the wide, deep sea, Unto the land of the Hegelings, and to its shores so nearly That castles, towers, and palaces in Hilda's town they all could see most clearly. Ludwig, king of Normandy, bade that on the sand They now should drop the anchors ; he then gave word to land To all his men together, and bade them do it quickly : They now had come so near them, they feared the Hegeling bands would gather thickly. Then bore they up the weapons, with shields and helmets good, That they had with them carried over the heaving flood : They to fight made ready ; yet they at first bethought them To send through the land their runners, to learn if friendly helpers might be brought them. Cale t^e -fifteenth HOW HARTMUT CARRIED AWAY GUDRUN. 'OW at Hartmut's bidding heralds quickly rode To where the queenly Hilda and her daughter dear abode. To them his word they carried, that if to wed the maiden They should think him worthy, her and her mother both it well might gladden. If she her love would give him, as he had asked before, Ofttimes his heart was heavy for the love to her he bore, That he would ever serve her so long as he was living, And many lands wide-reaching, held of his father, would to her be giving. But if she would not love him, she then would earn his hate ; He asked of her that kindly she his love would meet, So that he to his fatherland his lovely bride might carry Without a fight or struggle. To hope for this brave Hartmut ne'er was weary. 756-760 2Cale ttje jfiftwntfj 161 Did she gainsay his wooing, Hartmut sent this word : " I will not be bought with silver, albeit a heavy hoard, To leave in peace her kingdom ; she yet shall give me heeding. I will show Gu-drun, fair maiden, brave knights enough, to be for her eyes fine feeding ! " Further, good errand-bearers, this say to her from me : I ne'er will leave her borders to sail on the wide, deep sea ; Better will I think it to be hewn in pieces even, Unless the Hegeling maiden will follow me hence, to me in wedlock given. " But, should she scorn me wholly, and never my bride will be, Then me, with my daring fighters, riding here she will see. Before the Hegeling castle I will then leave lying Twenty thousand warriors, on both sides of the roadway, dead or dying. " Since by the craft of Wigaleis King Hettel has been led, And by the aged Wa-te, hither our way we 've made Into the Hegeling kingdom, time and toil thus spending ; For this shall many be fatherless, and glad shall I be of the whole to make an ending." Those sent forth by Hartmut fast on their way did ride, For he bade them wait no longer. They came to a castle wide, By name ycleped Matelan ; therein was Hilda dwelling, And with her was her daughter, the maid about whose charms all men were telling. 162 45u&run TGI-IGS With them sent Hartmut also two earls of wealth and name, Who with him out of Normandy over the waters came. He bade them see Queen Hilda, and kindly to bespeak her ; To pledge to her his friendship, and say that his goodwill would ne'er forsake her. Of her they must ask her daughter, for him who in his mind So high had ever set her, above all womankind : In worthy love he wooed her, and she would rank be taking That for aye would make her happy ; to do her will she ne'er would find him lacking. To the maiden's waiting-women the news was quickly told, That from out the land of Normandy a band of wooers bold Hither rode to Matelan, and for Gu-drun were suing : Hilda hushed the tidings, for now Gu-drun in fright the tale was ruing. Queen Hilda's faithful warders opened soon the gate ; Those who had ridden thither need no longer wait ; They to come in were bidden. The gate was thrown wide open, And the men sent there by Hartmut into Matelan rode : no ill to them did happen. They quickly told their wishes, to see King Hettel's wife. It was not yet allowed them ; they who should guard her life, And to the king must answer, at first had this forbidden : They never left uncared for Hilda the queen, and eke Gu-drun the maiden. 766-770 SDale tty Jfiftcentf) 163 At last the men of Hartmut into the hall were led. To them the queenly Hilda kindly greeting made, As did Gu-drun the lady, with fair and lofty bearing ; But she, the high-born maiden, love for Herwic in her heart was weariner. Altho' they felt unfriendly, yet drink they gave to the men Ere yet they told their errand ; freely then the queen Bade them to be seated before herself and her daughter. She begged them then to tell her : " What boon to seek had brought them o'er the water ? " All the men of Hartmut before their seats yet stood, As well-bred men beseemeth, and errand-bearers should. Then they told the ladies what they would there be doing, That for their master, Hartmut, they for the fair Gu-drun had come a-wooing. The high-born maiden answered : " Of this I nought will hear, That with the young King Hartmut I the crown should share, Before our friendly kinsmen, and troth to him be plighted : The name of the knight is Herwic whose love shall never by myself be slighted. " To him I am betrothed ; me he chose for a wife, And him for myself I have taken. Ever, throughout his life, All of good I wish him that can henceforth befall him : Ne'er, till my days are ended, will I ask the love of another, or my lord will call him." 164 <5UDrun 771-775 One of them then answered : " This warning Hartmut gives : If nay shall be your answer, before three days, if he lives, Against great Matelan castle you shall see him leading All his knightly followers." Smiles at this were the maiden's face o'erspreading. Their leave they would be taking, and hasten on their way, Those two great earls so haughty ; but Hilda bade them stay. Altho' she ne'er had known them, of gifts she was not chary ; But yet they would not take them, for crafty men were they, and in truth were wary. At those sent there by Hartmut Hettel's followers sneered, And said, their scorn and anger they very little feared : If to drink the wine of Hettel they were, in truth, unwilling, Then this warning gave they : that they their cup with blood would soon be filling. When they had heard this answer, back to the shore they went Whence they had been by Hartmut upon their errand sent. He then ran forth to meet them, to ask how they were treated, And what had them befallen, and how his courtship by Gu-drun was greeted. Then one of them thus answered : " This to us they said : The high and queenly maiden a lover long has had, For whom, beyond all others, love in her heart she is feeling : If you will not taste their wine-cup, they soon will fill to you, your life-blood spilling." 776-780 2Dale t&e jftfteenttj 165 " AJi, woe is me ! " said Hartmut, when he this answer heard ; " My heart is full of anger, with shame I hear your word ! Never men more friendly shall I need, till I am dying, Than those who now will help me." Straightway his men upsprang, on the shore then lying. Ludwig now and Hartmut, with their men, set out for war ; Their banners high uplifted in pride and wrath they bore. These from Matelan castle were seen afar to shimmer : " Cheer up ! " then said the maiden ; " Herwic and Hettel come ! their weapons glimmer ! " But Hilda saw the standard bore not King Hettel's mark : " Ah, woe shall now betide us before this day grows dark ! To seek Gu-drun are coming foemen grim and daring; Many a well-made helmet their blows shall hew before the night is nearing." Then her friendly Hegelings thus to Hilda spake : " If those led on by Hartmut to-day an onslaught make, Wounds we then must deal them, and show we are the stronger." Queen Hilda then gave bidding to shut the castle gates, and wait no longer. But the men of brave King Hettel followed not her hest ; They who the castle guarded thought to fight their best. They bade that now their banners to the shafts be fastened ; King Hettel's daring followers, to slay his foes, from out the castle hastened. 166 (SuUrutt 781-785 The bars that should be lowered, to keep the foemen out, Were left, in over-boldness, and the gates not fully shut, Since from Hartmut's foreguard they little harm foreboded. But when they pressed in boldly, then came the rest, who ever on them crowded. A thousand men or over stood before the gate ; These, their swords upbearing, the fight did there await. A thousand more with Hartmut now came thronging thickly ; They then from their steeds alighted, and back to the rear they sent their horses quickly. Spears in hand they carried, with points full keen to cut. Who could shun their onset ? With heavy wounds they smote Those who the castle guarded, in their pride o'erweening. Just at the hour came Ludwig, with his Norman knights, as the fight was now beginning. Much the women sorrowed as Ludwig nearer rode : The banners o'er them floating well and proudly showed The fearless foe oncoming ; beneath each standard flocking, Three thousand now came boldly, tho' sad on their homeward way they might yet be looking. Before the walls beleaguered the guards were a busy band : Never hardier fighters were seen in any land Than were the faithful warders in Hettel's castle dwelling ; Their blows they were thickly dealing, and Hartmut's men their strength were quickly feeling. 786-790 2Eal* rfje jfifteentt) 167 Ludwig, Hartmut's father, the Norman king, was seen From hardened rims of bucklers to strike a fiery sheen : Truly, great was the bravery that now his heart was swelling ; His friends and followers also, in the bloody game, were bold beyond all telling. When they who the castle guarded hoped for rest and peace, Then their daring foemen did nearer to them press, Led by him of Normandy : the youthful Hartmut's father Grudged no toil to help him ; and this from that day's fight one well might gather. Now the trustful warders began in truth to mourn, That they, 'gainst Hilda's bidding, had their care forborne, The hest of the wife of Hettel, the high and worthy lady. For this their shields were shattered, and many a life was lost, in fight too ready. Ludwig now and Hartmut on the field had met, And, holding speech together, learned that, striving yet, Queen Hilda's men were seeking the castle gates to fasten ; Then, with shields before them, to bear their flags within they all did hasten. Rocks were hurled from the castle, and many spears were thrown, But the foe it hurt but little, and his daring lessened none. Little thought was given to the dead around them lying : "With heavy stones down beaten, many bold besiegers there fell dying. 168 (SttDrun 791-795 When Hartmut and King Ludwig came within the gate, Many, badly wounded, from them their death-stroke met. For this the lovely maiden began to sorrow sorely ; Now in Hettel's castle the woe they wrought was growing greater hourly. Then the king of Normandy was glad enough, I ween, When to the halls of Hettel he could lead his men, Bearing well their weapons : soon his banner fluttered Over the roof of the castle. Hilda at this her sorrow loudly uttered. Greatly do I wonder what might these guests befall, Had now the grim old Wa-te been there, and seen it all, The while the men of Hartmut, with Ludwig, brave and daring, Thro' the halls were rushing, and from her home the fair Gu-drun were tearing. Both Wa-te and King Hettel, if to them that day A warning had been given, would stoutly have barred the way ; They their foemen's helmets with swords would so have riven That back to their homes in Normandy, without Gu-drun, would they have soon been driven. Now within the castle were all in saddest mood ; So men to-day might sorrow. Whate'er the foemen would, There did they lay hands on, and took from out the dwelling. Rich grew Hartmut's followers, you well may trust that I the truth am telling. 796-800 2Dale rtje jftftenttf) 169 Then came the bold young Hartmut where he Gu-drun could see, And said : " Most worthy lady, you erst looked down on me ; But now both I and my followers think of your kin so little, We will not seize and hold them, but slay and hang them, so the strife to settle." Then said the maiden only : " Alas ! O father mine, Had you of this been knowing, that I, a child of thine, One day from out your kingdom would thus by foes be stolen, Never to me, poor maiden, such woe and sorry shame had here befallen." Then was the gold and clothing borne out by the robber band : Forth they took Queen Hilda, led by her snow-white hand. Matelan's goodly castle they would have burned up gladly ; For what became of the dwellers the Normans never cared, nor thought of sadly. But Hartmut now had bidden that it should not be burned. To leave the land he hastened, and home again he turned, Before 't was known to Hettel, who with his men was lying Within the Waalisch marches, and there against his foe his strength was trying. " Leave your stolen booty ! " to his men young Hartmut said ; " At home my father's riches will I give to you instead : Thus o'er the watery pathway our sail will be the lighter." To Gu-drun the hand of Ludwig brought a heavy wrong, and woe full bitter. 170 <5uDrun 801-805 They overthrew the castle, the town with fire they burned ; From it the best was taken ; with wealth they homeward turned : Two and sixty women thence with them they carried, And many lovely maidens. With heartfelt woe was queenly Hilda wearied. How were they filled with sadness to leave the wine behind ! Now did the queenly mother a seat in the window find, And looked upon her daughter, from home in sorrow turning. Many a stately lady the Normans left in tears, and bitterly mourning. Weeping now and wailing was heard on either hand ; No one there was happy, when from the father-land The foe with Hilda's daughter and with her maidens hasted. Many, now but children, for this, when men, to work them woe ne'er rested. Those who were seized by Hartmut down to the shore he took ; All their lands were wasted ; their homes went up in smoke. Now his hopes and wishes happily were granted : Both Gu-drun and Hildeburg he with him carried off, the prize he wanted. Well he knew that Hettel was many a league away, And war was grimly waging ; no more would Hartmut stay. Yet from the Hegeling kingdom no whit too fast he speeded, For word was sent by Hilda to Hettel and his friends, that much their help was needed. 806-809 Cale rtje JFiffrentf) 171 How mournful were the tidings before the king she laid ! That in his home and castle his knights were lying dead, Or else were left by Hartmut now with death-wounds bleeding ; That foes had seized his daughter, and with her many maids were homeward speeding. She said : " Now tell King Hettel that I am here alone ; Evil hath me o'ertaken, and now, with pride o'ergrown, Our mighty foeman, Ludwig, back to his land is faring ; A thousand men or better lie at our gates, and the pains of death are bearing." Quickly then went Hartmut, and, ere three days were o'er, On board his keels was ready ; these the plunder bore, As much as they could carry, whate'er his men had stolen. The men of brave King Hettel were dazed and stunned by all that had befallen. "WTiat further did betide them, who in truth can tell ? Loud on the ear it sounded, as they shifted the flapping sail, And away from the Hegeling kingdom, unto an isle forsaken, They their barks were turning ; the name of Wulpensand or shore of the wolves it had taken. Cale tlje HOW HILDA SENT TO HETTEL AND HERWIC TO ASK THEIR HELP AGAINST HARTMUT. 'HE fair and queenly Hilda, with all her will and mind, Gave her thoughts now wholly trusty men to find To bear the tale to Hettel. Her heart indeed was riven By the wrongful deeds of Hartmut, and food for tears he to her eyes had given. To Herwic and her husband she bade that it be said That foes had seized her daughter, that many knights lay dead ; And she was left in wretchedness, lonely and forsaken ; That all her gold and jewels the Normans on their way had with them taken. Quickly rode the heralds and through the land they went : The q\ieen in greatest sorrow these on their way had sent. Upon the seventh morning, they came where they were greeted With the sight of beleaguering Hegelings who before their Moorland foes were seated. 813-817 SDale rtje ^tpteentfj 173 Oft in knightly matches strove they every day, And one might also hear them at many a game and play, That they might not be weary who the siege were keeping ; Some at a mark were shooting, and others strove in running and in leaping. When by the Danish Horant errand-bearers were seen Who to the land were coming, thither sent by the queen, Then said he unto Hettel : " With news for us they 're riding ; May God in kindness grant it, no ill to those at home is now betiding ! " The king himself went forward, and met them where they stood. He said, with seemly bearing, to them in their sorry mood : " Brave knights, I give you welcome here to this far-off border. How fares it with Queen Hilda ? Who sent you here ? and who is left to guard her ? " Said one : " Your lady sent us ; to you for help she turns : Wasted are your castles ; your lands the f oeman burns. Gu-drim from thence is carried ; her maidens, too, are taken : Never can your kingdom from all these woes and ills again awaken. " This must I say, moreover, we are in straitest need ; Now of your men and kindred a thousand there lie dead ; And into far-off kingdoms have foes your riches carried ; Your hoard of wealth is scattered : it shames good knights that thus your lands are harried." 174 tf5uUrtin 818-822 The king then bade them tell him who these deeds had done. One among them answered, and their names to him made known : " Ludwig was one, the Norman ; with many knights he fought us ; Hartmut, his son, was the other : 't was they the inroad made, and havoc wrought us." Then King Hettel answered : " To Hartmut I would not give, For his bride, Gu-drun my daughter ; for this he now doth strive To waste with war my kingdom. I know his lands are holden Of Hagen, her mother's father ; to woo her should his rank not him embolden. " To our beleaguered foemen we nought of this must tell, And to our friends but whisper the ills that us befell ; We then must call our kinsmen hither to be hasting. Worse coidd never happen unto good knights at home, from warfare resting." Herwic then was bidden to Hettel forthwith to go : Hettel's friends and kindred and his men were sent for, too. When now these knights so worthy their way to him had taken. They found their king and master dark in mind, and of every hope forsaken. Then said the lord of the Hegelings : "To you I make my moan ; And, trusting in your friendship, my sorrows must 1 own : The queen, my Lady Hilda, has sent to give us warning, That the men of the Hegeling kingdom are ill bestead, and bitterly are mourning. 823-827 2Dale rtje >ijrtewtl) 175 " My lands with fire are wasted, and my castle broken down ; 111 our walls were guarded while we from home were gone : Foes have seized my daughter ; my kin in death are sleeping ; My trusty men are slaughtered to whom I left my land and name in keeping." Herwic now was weeping, in his eyes the tear-drops stood ; Wet were the eyes of Hettel, and fast they overflowed : So it was with others, at seeing them thus weeping ; Every one was sorrowful who, near the king, his faith to him was keeping. Then said the aged Wa-te : " Further of this say nought. For all the woe and losses these friends to us have brought, Soon will we repay them, and we shall yet be gladdened ; Ludwig's kin and Hartmut's shall at our hands for this erelong: be saddened." Hettel asked in wonder : " How can that be done ? " To him old Wa-te answered : " ' T is best that peace be won Now with the king of Moorland, with whom we yet are warring ; Our men, who here besiege him, to seek for fair Gu-drun we may then be sparing." Wise was the aged Wa-te, the words he spake were meet : " To-morrow morning early, let us with Siegfried treat ; And we ought so to bear us that he shall well be knowing That, should we not allow it, he with his men can ne'er be homeward going." 176 45uDrtin 828-832 Then said the daring Herwic : " Wa-te has spoken right ; To-day must you be thinking how, with the morrow's light, You all before the foeman may show a warlike bearing : It gives me pain that women should make us leave our siege, and hence be faring." Then they got together horses and clothes with speed ; Unto the words of Wa-te they readily gave heed. When the day was dawning, they again were striving 'Gainst those from Abakia. Great praise for this were all to them soon giving. On every side, with banners, they to the field did throng ; Many, sound in body, there were slain erelong : Wa-te's men from Sturmland " Nearer ! Nearer ! " shouted ; But those they would o'ermaster were quicker yet in fight, and nought it booted. Soon the knightly Irold, over the edge of his shield, Called out, " Men of Moorland, to peace with us will you yield ? King Hettel bids us ask you, will you this be choosing ? Your lands so far are lying, that you your goods and men will else be losing." Siegfried, lord of Moorland, answered to him thus : " Would you for peace have pledges, then win the fight o'er us ; With no one will I bargain for aught my name may lessen : If you think to overcome us, you will the more by this your losses hasten." 833-837 2ale e >teentt 177 Then spake the knightly Fru-te : " If help to us you '11 give, And pledge your word to do it, your stronghold you may leave And go from my master's kingdom, without more bloody fighting." The Moors from Karadia on this stretched forth the hand, their faith thus plighting. There came to strife a stand-still, this I for truth may say. The glad and happy warriors met that selfsame day ; Those who erst were f oemen their help to each other granted. They both had quenched their hatred ; to fight the Normans now was all they wanted. Then to Siegfried of Moorland at once King Hettel told All the heavy tidings that he in his breast did hold ; He pledged to him his friendship, so long as he was living, If Hartmut's foul misdoing now to repay, his help he would be giving. To him the lord of Alzabie, the Moorish Siegfried said : " Knew we where to find them, they should our coming dread." The aged Wa-te answered : " I can show you nearly Their path across the water : and we perhaps on the sea may meet them early." Then to them all spake Hettel : " Where can ships be sought ? And, if I wish to harm them, how bring my wish about ? I might at home make ready within their lands to seek them, And there, when I had found them, my anger for my wrongs should quick o'ertake them." 178 ^UtJrun 838-842 To him then said old Wa-te : " In this I can help you still ; God is ever mighty to do whate'er he will. I know within these borders now are lying near us Well-made ships full seventy ; filled with food, these barks from the sands will bear us. " In them have wandering pilgrims sailed the waters o'er : Their ships, whatever happens, we must seize upon the shore ; The pilgrims must be willing that on the sand we leave them, Until our Norman foemen make good our wrongs, or we again shall brave them." At once old Wa-te started, no longer would he wait ; A hundred knights went with him, the others lingered yet. He said he came for buying ; what could the pilgrims sell him ? For this men died thereafter, and, for himself, but sorry luck befell him. On the shore he found the pilgrims, this I know is true, Fully thirty hundred, I ween, and better, too. To fight were they unready, and could not rouse them quickly : Nearer came King Hettel, and with him led his men, now crowding thickly. Their goods the pilgrims guarded, yet Wa-te sent on shore All that he had no need for, of silver and clothes a store ; But the food was left on shipboard, so old Wa-te chooses : He said he should come hereafter, and would reward them well for all their losses. 843-846 rije >ij;tf enrtj 179 Sadly mourned the pilgrims, for sorest was their need ; But for all they said old "VYa-te cared not a crust of bread : The bold, unyielding warrior, stern and never smiling, Said : " Both ships and flatboats they to leave to him must now be willing." Hettel recked but little if ever they sailed again Over the sea with their crosses : then he took of their men Five hundred at least, or over, the best they had among them ; Of these to the Hegeling kingdom few came back, from the death that overhung them. I know not whether Hettel atoned for his evil deed Done to these poor pilgrims, that made their hearts to bleed, And, in a far-off kingdom, rent their band, to their sorrow. I ween the God in heaven saw the wrong, and his anger showed on the morrow. King Hettel and his followers met with a kindly breeze, And now their way were taking quickly across the seas ; Seeking for their foemen, they sailed far over the water, Wherever they might find them, longing to show their wrath, and bent on slaughter. Cale tlje HOW HETTEL CAME TO THE WULPENSAND IN SEARCH OF HIS DAUGHTER. ^ TJDWIG, king of the Normans, and Hartmut, too, his son, Now, with all their followers, far away had gone, And on a lone, wild seashore, after their toil, were resting. Though many there were gathered, yet little happiness they then were tasting. 'T was on a broad, low island, hight the Wulpensand, That now the brave King Lmdwig, and they of the Norman land, Shelter for men and horses had found unto their liking ; But a doom to them most woful erelong must come, instead of the rest they were seeking. The very high-born maidens, torn from the Hegeling land, Had been led out, and wandered along the barren sand ; So far as 't was allowed them to show their feelings freely, They who had been stolen in sadness wept before the foeman daily. 850-854 2Dale tlje ^tfjentrentt) 181 Fires upon the seashore were seen on every side ; The men from far-off Normandy were thinking there to abide. Gladly with the maidens would they seven days have rested, And there have made them lodgings ; but every hope of this erelong was blasted. While on this isle forsaken Hartinut now must stay, Loth were he and his followers the hope to put away, Which till now they fostered, that they for rest might tarry Throughout a week in the shelter whither they the maidens fair did carry. It was from far-off Matelan that Ludwig and his band The fair Gu-drun had taken unto this lonely strand ; Nor felt they now uneasy lest to their hidden dwelling Wa-te them should follow, and never harm from him were they foretelling. Now saw King Ludwig's sailors, tossing on the wave, A ship with sails the richest. To the king they warning gave ; But when 't was seen by Hartmut, and others with him standing, That on the sails were crosses, they said these must be pilgrims, bent on landing. On the waters floating three good ships were seen, With new and well-made flatboats ; they bore across the main Those who on their clothing never yet wore crosses, Their love to God thus showing. The Normans must from them meet heavy losses. 182 (SUfirUH 855-859 As they the shore were nearing, one on the ships might see Helmets brightly shining. No more from care were free King Ludwig and his kinsmen, and harm their fears foreboded : " Look there ! " then shouted Hartmut ; " with grimmest foes of mine these ships are loaded." The ships were turned so quickly that now men loudly heard Rudders strained and cracking, held by those who steered. Both the young and aged, who on the sea-sands rested, Were indeed bewildered when to spring on shore the foeman hasted. Ludwig and young Hartmut their shields in hand now bore. For them it had been easier to reach their homes once more If they had not too freely their rest on the island taken : They had falsely reckoned that Hettel had now no friends, and was all forsaken. Ludwig called out loudly to all his trusty men, (He thought it child's play only that he before had seen,) " Now with worthy foemen must I, at length, be striving ! He shall be the richer who 'neath my flag his help to me is giving. Soon was Hartmut's banner raised upon the shore. The ships had now come nearer ; with spears the Normans bore To reach the foe were easy from where they now were waiting : I ween the aged Wa-te was ready with his shield, the foeman meeting. 860-864 Me ttje >rijemeentt) 183 Ne'er before so grimly did champions guard their land. Boldly the Hegeling warriors nearer pressed to the strand ; Soon they met the Normans with sword and spear, undaunted ; Blows they freely bartered : such bargains cheaply given no more they wanted. Everywhere the Hegelings sprang upon the shore. After a wind from the hill-tops was never seen before Snow so thickly whirling as spears from hands that threw them : Though they had done it gladly idle it were to shun the strokes that slew them. Thick fly the spears on both sides : the time but slowly goes, Till they on the beach are standing. Quickly on his foes Sprang the aged Wa-te, just as they were nearing ; His mood was of the grimmest, and soon they saw what mind he now was bearing. Ludwig, king of the Normans, then at Wa-te ran, And hurled a spear well sharpened against the brave old man. The shaft, in splinters shattered, high thro' air went crashing, For Ludwig drove it bravely ; soon to the fight came Wa-te's kinsmen dashing. With a heavy stroke, old Wa-te Lud wig's helmet cut ; The edge of the sword he wielded the head of his foeman smote, Who beneath his breastplate a shirt of silk was wearing ; (In Abalie 't was woven ;) were it not for this, his end he must be nearinjj. 184 &UDrun 865-869 Hardly from him could Ludwig with life and limb go free ; The spot he would fain be leaving, for Wa-te was ill to see When he was roused to anger, and to win the day was trying : Struck by his hand were many, who, brave in warfare, now on the field lay dying. Irold and young Hartmut each on the other sprang : On either side their weapons on the f oeman's helmet rang ; Throughout the throng of fighters, all could hear it loudly ; For bold in war was Irold, and Hartmut, too, was brave, and bore him proudly. Herwic from the Sealands, a warrior strong and good, Could not reach the landing, but leaped into the flood, And in the waves was standing, up to his shoulders hidden. Soon to his cost was he learning how hard a task it is to win a maiden. They the shore who guarded their foemen thought to drown While in the waters struggling. Shafts at them were thrown, And many on them broken ; but they, their foes now seeking, Soon the sands were treading, and many a knight his wrath on them was wreaking. Ere they had reached the shoreland, one saw the watery flood Dyed by the killed and wounded, in hue as red as blood ; Everywhere, so widely the reddened waves were flowing, One could not shoot beyond them, how far soe'er he might his spear be throwing. 870-874 2Cale rt>e frtbenttmtf 185 Heavier toil and losses heroes never found, And never so many warriors lay trampled on the ground : Enough were they for a kingdom who lay, unwounded, dying. The Normans who o'erthrew them, on all sides too, I ween, in death were lying. It was to save his daughter that there King Hettel fought, And all his kinsmen with him. On every side were wrought, By him and those who helped him, havoc and bitter sorrow. Dead on the Wulpensand were many bodies found before the morrow. Unto their lords all faithful, they strove upon the sand, Alike the men of Normandy and they of the Hegeling land. Warriors brave from Denmark fought with matchless daring ; He ne'er should wait their onset who much for his welfare or his life was caring. Morunc and with him Ortwin boldly held their ground, And for themselves won honor ; nowhere could be found Men who greater slaughter wrought, with hearts undaunted : The heroes twain, with their followers, gave full many wounds, with spears well planted. Proudly the men from Moorland, as I have heard it said, When from their ships they landed, the way to the foemen led. Hettel hoped, in his struggle, help from them to be gaining, For they were daring fighters : one saw the blood beneath their helmets raining. 186 (SuUrttn 876-879 How could he who led them have braver or bolder been ? That day he dimmed with life-blood many breastplates' sheen ; Siegfried it was, unyielding in storm of battle ever. How could the Danish Fru-te, or even Wa-te the old, have shown them braver ? Thickly hurled were lances, hither and thither thrown : Ortwin, with his followers, in hopeful mood came on ; Helmets that day he shattered, blows upon them dealing. Gu-drun was bitterly weeping : her women, too, were deepest sorrow feeling. The strife, on both sides, lasted throughout the livelong day ; Longing to reach each other, they crowded to the fray. There to knights and warriors must the fight go badly, Where the friends of Hettel to win his daughter back were striving gladly. The evening sun sank lower ; and for King Hettel now His losses grew the greater. King Ludwig's men, I trow, Did their best in fighting, but could not flee the slaughter ; Their foes they wounded deeply, and guarded thus Gu-drun from those who sought her. The strife began at morning ; by night alone 't was stopped, And steadily had lasted ; they ne'er their weapons dropped. The old and young together gained no shame in fighting. Now the brave King Hettel forward pressed, the king of the Normans meeting. ale tt)t (H HOW LUDWIG SLEW HETTEL, AND NIGHT. STOLE AWAY IN THE 3\ IGH in hand their weapons Hettel and Ludwig bore, *& Well had they been sharpened. Soon each knew the more Who was now his f oeman, suck strength they both were showing. Ludwig slew King Hettel ; and out of this our mournful tale is growing. When the lord of Matelan upon the field lay slain, Soon 't was told to his daughter : loudly then began Gu-drun to mourn her father, so did many a maiden ; Not one could stop her wailing : friends and foes alike were sorrow-laden. Soon as the grim old Wa-te the death of the king did know, He cried and roared in anger. Like to the evening glow, Now were helmets blazing, beneath the strokes quick given By him and all his followers, who by their loss were unto madness driven. 188 d5uarun sss-ss? However hard their fighting, how could it bring them good ? Drenched was all the island with many knights' hot blood. Not yet the Hegeling warriors to think of peace were ready ; Away from the Wulpensand they only wished to bring Gu-drun, their lady. In stormy fight the Waal men bewreked the death of the king ; To many a fighting Ortlander and hard-pressed Hegeling Those who came from Denmark of friendship gave a token : Soon these knights so daring found in their hands their trusty weapons broken. Now to avenge his father Ortwin bravely strove : Faithful to him did Horant and all his followers prove. Night the field had darkened, the light of day was failing ; Then were given to many wounds from which the life-blood fast was welling. Soon, in the dark, on Horant a Danish follower sprang ; The sword that he was holding loud on the armor rang : Thinking he was a foeman, Horant at once upon him Wrought most bitter sorrow : a deadly wound by that warrior brave was done him. When Horant saw that his kinsman beneath his blow lay dead, Then he bade that his banner be borne with his own o'erhead. The voice of him who was dying told whose life he had taken With his hand so rashly ; sorely he mourned the friend who never would waken. 888-892 SCale tlje 6t$ttentl) 189 Loudly called out Herwic : " Murder here is done ! Since we can see no longer, and daylight now is gone, We all shall kill each other, friends and foes together. If this shall last till morning, two may be left to fight, but not another." Where'er they saw old Wa-te on the stormy fighting-ground, No one there was willing near him to be found ; No welcome, in his madness, was he to any giving : Many a foe he wounded, and laid on the spot that he would ne'er be leaving. 'T was well the foes were sundered until the break of day ; On either side the foemen near each other lay, Wounded to death or slaughtered. Fast the light was waning, Not yet the moon was risen, and the Hegeling foe the field were nowhere gaining. The warriors grim, unwillingly, to the strife now put a stop ; The hands of all were weary ere they gave the struggle up : But, when the fight was over, they near each other loitered. Wherever fires were burning, for each the other's shields and helmets glittered. Ludwig then and Hartmut, lords of the Norman land, Talked aside together. Then to his faithful band Spake the elder warrior : " Why be longer staying So near the brave old Wa-te, who all of us is madly bent on slaying ? " 190 &UDrun 893-897 The wily king then bade them : " Lie low, and be not seen, With your heads upon your bucklers : you then must make a din ; And so the men of the Hegelings my plan will not be knowing, That, if I now can do it, I with you all may hence unseen be going." Ludwig's men and kinsmen did as he had said : They upon their sackbuts and trumpets loudly played, As if they, by their prowess, the land had gained them wholly. Ludwig now to his followers showed his crafty plot and cunning fully. Then were heard, on all sides, mingled shouts and cries ; But wailing from the maidens was not allowed to rise : All who would not stop it were threatened death by drowning, To be sunk beneath the waters, if they were sobbing heard, or loudly moaning. Whate'er was owned by the Normans now to the ships was ta'en ; The dead were there left lying, e'en where they were slain. Friends were lost to many who, seeking, could not find them : So few there were still living, that many an empty ship was left behind them. Thus unbeknown and slyly, sailed away o'er the main The men of the land of Normandy ; great was the women's pain From kinsfolk to be sundered, and yet to hush their weeping. Of this the men knew nothing who now upon the Wulpensand were sleeping. 898-902 2Dale flje d&gljteentf) 191 Before the day was dawning, well were on their way They whom the Danish warriors had thought that morn to slay. Then Wa-te bade that loudly his war-horn should be sounded ; He was in haste to follow, and hoped erelong to fell them, deeply wounded. On foot and on their horses, the men of the Hegeling land All were seen together, flocking o'er the sand, To fight the fleeing Normans ; never in this they rested. Ludwig with his followers already far upon their way had hasted. Many ships lay empty, and clothing there was found ; All about the Wulpensand 't was scattered o'er the ground ; Many weapons also were seen, with none to bear them. They had overslept their going, and never to harm their foes could they come near them. When this was told to Wa-te, with anger he was torn : How for the death of Hettel he bitterly did mourn ! And that on Ludwig's body his wrath he was not wreaking ! Helmets there lay shattered ; for this must many a woman's heart be aching. How gloomily and sadly now, in angry mood, Ortwin was bewailing the loss of his warriors good ! He said : " Rouse up, my fighters ! we may perhaps o'ertake them Before they leave these waters ; not far from shore we yet in flight may check them." 192 43uDrun 903-907 Willingly old Wa-te would his bidding do : Fru-te the winds was watching, to learn which way they blew. Then said he to his kinsmen : " What helps it though we hasten ? Mark what now I tell you : the thirty miles they 've gained we ne'er can lessen. " Moreover, we of fighters have not here enough That we in aught can harm them, e'en should we now set off : Scorn me not," said Fru-te, " and to my words give heeding ; What more to say is needful ? Your foes you cannot reach, howe'er you 're speeding. " Bid that now the wounded upon the ships be laid ; Then on the field of battle let search for the dead be made, And bid that they be buried upon this strand forsaken, So friends may rest together ; this good at least from them should not be taken." All, standing there together, wringing their hands were seen. For this one sorrow only, would their lot have hapless been, To lose the youthful maiden, Hilda's lovely daughter. How, when they saw her mother, if home they went, could news so sad be brought her ? Then to them said Momnc : " Would there were nothing more, Beyond our own sad losses, for which our hearts are sore ! Small reward will be given for the news we home shall carry, That Hettel dead is lying : far from Hilda fain would I longer tarry." 908-912 2Dale rtje (Eigljteent^ 193 Then went the warriors searching for the dead upon the sand. Those they knew were Christians who lay upon the strand, As the Sturmisch Wa-te bade them, were all together carried ; Then both the old and the younger chose a spot whereon the dead were buried. Then said the knight, young Ortwin : " Let us bury them here ; And thought must we be taking to build a church full near, That they be not forgotten, while this their end is showing. For it shall all their kinsmen give of their wealth, each one his share bestowing." Then spake the Sturmisch Wa-te : " In this thou well hast said ; We now should sell the horses and the clothing of the dead, Who on the shore are lying ; so, since their life is ended, Shall many poor and needy, with the wealth they left, be holpen and befriended." Then asked the warrior Irold, if foes who there lay dead Should also now be buried, or if wolves should on them feed, And hungry ravens tear them, that round their bodies hovered ? Then to the wise they listened ; none of the dead were left on the field uncovered. When now the fight was over, and all were free from care, Hettel, their king, they buried, who for his daughter dear, Upon this barren seashore, e'en unto death had striven. To others who had fallen, whate'er their land and name, was burial given. 194 tffU&run 913-917 First, the men from Moorland each by himself they laid ; The same was done for the Hegelings found among the dead ; Unto the Normans, also, gave they graves allotted : Alone was each one buried, if Christian he were or heathen, it nothing booted. Until six days were over, busy were they, at their best, And never time were finding (for the warriors took no rest) To ask for dead and dying the grace of God in heaven, For sins of which they were guilty ; that they for their misdeeds should be forgiven. Saying mass and singing were later heard on the strand. Never was God so worshipped, in any other land, For the dead in stormy fighting. Wherever men were lying With their death-wounds smitten, holy priests they brought to shrive the dying. Many there did tarry to care for the churchly men. A deed of gift was written, wherein it could be seen How of land to the brothers three hundred hides was given. Far and wide 't was bruited, that well a godly house was builded, and had thriven. All who there were mourning the loss of friends and kin Gave of their wealth a tithing, women as well as men, For weal of the souls of any whose bodies there lay buried. The cloister soon was wealthy, by the yield of three hundred hides, through toil unwearied. 918 tfjc Ctgljtrrntt) 195 Now may God in his keeping have those who there lie dead, And the holy men there dwelling. Those then homeward sped Who still upon the Wulpensand were left among the living ; After all their sorrows, they reached their fatherland, no more in warfare striving. Cale tlje HOW THE HEGELINGS WENT HOME TO THEIR OWN LAND Of HE kinsmen of King Hettel upon the sands had left Many in death's fast keeping ; never knights bereft Their homeward way had taken, hearts so sorry bringing. Thereafter lovely women for this, with weeping eyes, their hands were wringing. Ortwin, the knight of Ortland, who to the fight had come, After such shame and losses, back to fair Hilda's home Feared to bring these tidings, his mother dear to sadden. She there was waiting daily, hoping her men would bring Gu-drun the maiden. Wa-te, fearing sorely, rode to Hilda's land ; The others dared not tell her of the loss on the Wulpensand. Ill in the storm of fighting, his strength her men had warded ; Not lightly her forgiveness he hoped to gain, who thus her lord had guarded. 922-926 SDale tfce $ineteenti) 197 When the word was spoken that Wa-te near had come, At once were men faint-hearted. Erewhiles when he came home, Back from the war-field riding, it was with war-horns braying. This he did at all times ; but now they all were still, and nought were saying. " Woe 's me ! " said Lady Hilda, " what sorrows must we fear? The men of the aged Wa-te shattered shields now bear ; Slowly step the horses, with armor heavy-loaded. Some evil has befallen. Oh ! say what harm to the king is now forboded ? " When thus the queen had spoken, but little time had passed Ere to the aged Wa-te crowds came up in haste, Who of friends and kinsfolk tidings now were seeking. Soon a tale he told them with which the hearts of all were well-nigh breaking. Thus spake the Stunnisch Wa-te : " Your loss I may not hide. Nor falsehood will I tell you ; all in the fight have died." The young and old together at this with fear were stricken. Ne'er was a throng more wretched ; no other woes could one to theirs e'er liken. " Alas ! my bitter sorrow ! " said King Ilettel's wife. " From me my lord is sundered, who there laid down his life, The great and mighty Ilettel ! My pride, how is it fallen ! Lost are child and husband ! Gu-drun I ne'er shall see, from me forever stolen."' 198 (SttOrun 927-931 Then both knights and maidens with sharpest woe were torn ; Their sorrow knew no healing. Loudly the queen forlorn Was heard, throughout the palace, for her husband mourning. " Ah, wretched me," cried Hilda, " that now to Hartmut's side the luck is turning ! " Then spake the brave old Wa-te : "My lady, end your moan : Home are they coming never, but when to men are grown The youths within our kingdom, sad days will have an ending ; To Ludwig and to Hartmut the like we '11 do, our wrath upon them spending." Then quoth the weeping lady : " Alas, that I must live ! Whatever I am owning I would most gladly give Could e'er my wrongs be righted. If but this were granted, That I, poor God-forsaken, might see Gu-drun again, naught else were wanted." Old Wa-te spake to Hilda : " Lady, weep no more. 'T is best that we be sending, before twelve days are o'er, To gather all your warriors, who will help you gladly To plan a raid on the foeman ; so with the Norman will it yet go badly." He said : " My Lady Hilda, list to what befell : Erewhile I took from pilgrims nine ships, and then set sail : These should again be given to those we ill have treated ; That when new strifes we 're waging, a better luck to us may then be meted." 932-936 2Dale ttje jftmtttmtf) 199 The weeping Hilda answered : " 'T is best that this be done ; Ever is it fitting that men for misdeeds atone. To steal the goods of pilgrims is a sin not lightly shriven : For every mark we 've taken, to them three marks of silver shall be given." The ships were brought to the pilgrims, as the queen did say ; Not one there was among them, when they sailed away, Who left a curse behind him. For wrongs they found a healing ; And for Hilda, Hagen's daughter, they harbored, when they left, no bitter feeling. Upon the morrow early, thither to come was seen Herwic, the lord of Sealand ; soon he found the queen Weeping for her husband, who in death was lying. She gave the knight a welcome, with hands she ever wrung, and deeply sighing. Seeing the lady weeping, then, too, to weep began The young and lordly Herwic ; soon spake that well-born man : " Their lives not all have given, who help to you are owing, And who would gladly grant it ; though many by their death their love were showing. " My arm shall never falter, nor heart from care be free, Till Hartmut feels my anger, who stole the maid from me, And dared from home to tear her, death to many dealing : Soon will I ride to his borders ; then will I seize and hold his lands and dwelling." 200 ^uorun 937-941 His men, though filled with sorrow, rode towards the town, Flocking to Matelan castle. The queen her hope made known That, whatsoe'er might happen, their fealty would not weaken ; And, though the worst befell them, that she by them would never be forsaken. To her the men from Friesland and those from Sturmland went, And from the Danish kingdom were warriors likewise sent ; The knights of Morunc also, from the land of Waleis riding, Thither came with the Hegelings, to where the fair Queen Hilda was abiding. Forthwith there came from Ortland, Ortwin, Hilda's son ; Then mourned they, as was fitting, his father dead and gone. Soon were all the warriors aside with their ladies speaking, And talking of the inroad the fighters strong one day would thence be making. Then said the aged Wa-te : " This can never be Till those who now are children fully-grown we see, And worthy to be swordsmen. Then, their fathers mourning, And of their kinsmen mindful, gladly will they with us to war be turning/' Queen Hilda then made answer : " To wait for this were long ; Meanwhile Gu-drun, my daughter, held by foeinen strong, Must in a far-off kingdom be kept in bondage bitter ; And I, poor queen and mother, shall know no bliss, and my heart will ne'er grovr lighter." 942-946 SDale ttje ^meteentt) 201 Then said the Danish Fru-te : " The maid we cannot free Until once more your kingdom shall full of warriors be. Then, for the struggle ready, we hence shall ride, unfearing ; And so upon our foemen shall work the greatest ill with blows unsparing." To this Queen Hilda answered : " That day may God soon give; But I, unhappy woman, a weary life must live. Whoe'er of me is mindful, and of Gu-drun, poor maiden, Him will I trust most fully, knowing his heart for us with care is laden." They now their leave were taking ; to them the lady spake : " May he be blest and happy who thought for me shall take. 'T is right that you, brave warriors, to fight for me are ready ; Meanwhile for the coming inroad do all you can, and therein be you speedy." Wisely then spake Wa-te, the warrior old and good : " Lady, we should be felling trees in the western wood. Since we to fight have chosen, our hopes upon it staking, The men of every princedom should forty well-built ships for us be making." " I too will bid," quoth Hilda, " that near the deep sea-flood Twenty ships be builded, strong, and firm, and good ; And have them fully ready my hest shall well be heeded - To bear my friends and kindred to where they for the fight will soon be needed." 202 45 tt D rUtt 947-950 Siegfried, lord of Moorland, while their leave they took, With kind and seemly bearing, thus to the women spoke : " You have to tell me only when our time to wait is ending ; To sail shall I be ready, nor need you then for me be further sending." Then to the sorrowing women, before they spread the sail, The friendly guests, now leaving, bade a kind farewell. The hearts of knights and maidens deep in woe were sinking ; Yet warlike deeds they plotted of which their Norman foes were never thinking. When they at length had ridden back again to their land, Sadly they mourned their losses : then to the Wulpensand, For the sake of the dead, did Hilda bid that food be taken To the priests for them there praying. The queen was wise, the dead were not forsaken. There she bade to be builded a minster fair and wide ; A house for the sick, and a cloister built they at its side, Near where the slain were buried. In many a land one heareth Its name, and of those there fallen : ' The church of Wulpensand ' is the name it beareth. ale tlje HOW HARTMUT WENT HOME TO NORMANDY. QijYO further will we tell you of how with these it fared, Cz> Or how the cloister-brothers their life together shared. Now to the tale of Hartmut we ask you all to listen ; How he with many maidens, high-born and fair, unto his land did hasten. After the fight was ended, as I have told before, For many there was sorrow for the bitter wounds they bore : Many who had fallen on the stormy field lay dying ; Children bereft of fathers bewailed them soon with tears they ne'er were drying. "With heavy hearts the Normans were wafted o'er the flood ; Every night and morning many a warrior good Felt ashamed and sorry, thus from the sands to be driven ; So felt the old and the youthful, although in all tilings else they well had thriven. 204 <{5uDrun 954-958 They came to the Norman borders, unto King Ludwig's land. It was a day of gladness to all the sailing band, To see at last their homesteads and thither to be steering. Then said one among them : " These are Hartmut's towns that we are nearinsr." Helped by kindly breezes, soon they reached the shore. Now the men of Normandy happy hearts all bore, When to their wives and children they again were coming ; Long had they been fearing that they must die, while they afar were roaming. When now the glad King Ludwig did on his castles look, Thus the lordly Norman to Gu-drun, the maiden, spoke : " See you that palace, Lady ? In bliss you may there be living ; If you to us are kindly, our richest lands will we to you be giving." Then the high-born maiden thus made her sorrow known : " To whom should I feel kindly, when kindness none have shown ? From that, alas ! I 'm sundered, and in my hopes am thwarted ; Nothing I know but hardship, and all my weary days I spend sad-hearted." Then answered her King Ludwig: "Throw off this sorry mood, And give your love to Hartmut, a knight both brave and good. Whatever we are owning to give you we are willing ; With one who is so worthy blest may you live, and lofty rank be filling." 959-963 2Dale ti)e SDtoemietl) 205 Then spake Hilda's daughter : " Why leave me not in peace ? Rather than wed with Hartmut death would I dread far less. That he should be my lover by birth he is not fitted ; To lose my life were better than take his love and as his bride be greeted." When this was heard by Ludwig, filled with wrath was he ; Quick by the hair he seized her, and flung her into the sea. Straightway the daring Hartmut his ready help then gave her ; He sprang at once to the maiden, and from the whirling waves his arm did save her. Just as the maid was sinking Hartmut reached her side ; Had not her lover helped her drowned were she in the tide. Her yellow locks well grasping, then from out the water With his hands he drew her : else nought from death had spared Queen Hilda's daughter. Back to the ship did Hartmut bring the maiden fair ; Rough ways to lovely women Ludwig did not spare. Dragged from out the water, she in her smock was seated ; How full was she of sadness ! Never before had the maiden thus been treated. Then all her friends together wept for the lovely maid, None could there be happy ; for what coidd be more sad Than to see the king's own daughter handled thus so roughly ? The thought to them was rising : " To us they now will bear themselves more gruffly." 206 0UDrun 964-968 Then said the knightly Hartmut : " Why drown my hoped-for wife, Gu-drun, the lovely maiden, dear to me as life ? If any but my father so foul a wrong had done her, Sore would be my anger, and I from him would take both life and honor." To him King Ludwig answered : " Ever free from shame Have I till age been living, and still a worthy name And rank among my fellows will hold till life is ending. Bid now Gu-drun, your lady, that she no more her scorn on me be spending." Now unto Queen Gerlind errand-bearers came, Who, in mood most happy, bore in Hartmut's name Words of love and honor, as from her son was fitting. He asked a friendly welcome for his many knights who on the shore were waiting. They bore from him the tidings that he across the wave Had brought the Hegeling maiden, to whom his love he gave Ere he had looked upon her, and for whom he still was pining. When this was heard by Gerlind, a happier day on her was never shining. Then said he who told it : " Lady, you now should ride To the sea before the castle, where yet the maid doth bide, And give her, in her sorrow, your love and kindly greeting ; You and your daughter, Ortrun, should haste to the shore, the homeless maiden meeting. 969-973 2Dafc tf)t SDtoentietti 207 " Likewise, riding with you down unto the flood, Should go both maids and women, and also warriors good. Her you will find in the harbor who from home was riven ; Both to the maid and her followers a welcome kind by you should now be given." Then Queen Gerlind answered : " That will I gladly do ; 'T will make me richly happy King HetteFs child to know, And to find that, with her maidens, she has come to tarry. Well I know that Hartmut will soon be blest, when he the maid shall marry." Then she bade that horses, with saddle-cloths, be brought. Ortrun, the youthful princess, was happy in the thought Soon in her father's kingdom to see Gu-drun, the maiden, If this might truly happen ; for the speech of all was with her praises laden. Then out of chests were taken of all the clothes the best They knew therein were lying, to be worn to meet the guest. Soon the knights of Hartmut to don the clothes were bidden ; Erelong a throng of followers, gaily bedight, from Gerlind's halls had ridden. Upon the third day early, women as well as men, All who there had gathered before Gerlind, their queen, To give the maidens welcome, were ready and outfitted ; Out of the gates they crowded, and on their steeds not long in the court-yard waited. 208 ^Utrun 974-978 The Normans now with the women had into the harbor come : The booty they unloaded that they would carry home. All unto their birthland back had come right gladly ; Gu-drun and her band of maidens, alone of all, demeaned themselves but sadly. Now the brave Sir Hartmut led her forth by the hand. If she had deemed it fitting, this she had not deigned ; Yet the poor child, in sorrow, took his love but coldly, Altho' he showed it warmly, and worship more had done freely and boldly. With her went sixty maidens who over the sea had come : One saw, as he beheld them, how that all from their home Came with proudest bearing. They erst high rank had taken, In other lands and kingdoms ; their hearts were heavy now, of bliss forsaken. The sister of young Hartmut between two barons rode ; Now to Hilda's daughter a welcome warm she showed : Ortrun, Ludwig's daughter, her eyes now wet with weeping, Kissed the homeless maiden, while she her fair white hands in her own was keeping. Then the wife of Ludwig to kiss her, too, was fain, But to the youthful maiden the thought was full of pain. Thus she spake to Gerlind : " Why come you here to meet me ? Loath am I to kiss you, and neither can I bear that you should greet me. 979-983 2Dale tfje SCfoentiertj 209 " 'T was by your own ill-doing that I, poor wretched maid, Have known no home nor dwelling ; heart-sorrow long I 've had ; My lot, alas ! is shameful, and will, I fear, grow harder." Then Ortrun strove to soothe her, and did her best that with love Gu-drun should reward her. One by one she greeted the maids on every side. Now rose a wondrous shouting ; men flocked from far and wide : Upon the pebbly sea-beach stakes for tents were driven ; With silken ropes were they fastened ; to Hartmut and his men was shelter in them given. To bear the goods from the seaside the folk were all astir. Gu-drun, fair maiden, sorrowed, and pain it gave to her To see that all around her the Normans were so many ; Unless it were to Ortrun, she never showed a friendly mood to any. The maidens on the seashore must all the day abide. With tears their eyes were flowing, whatever others did ; Dry were they but seldom, their cheeks were pale with sorrow : Hartmut tried to soothe them, but their sadness lasted yet through many a morrow. To hold Gu-drun in honor was Ortrun ever stern, And, e'en if others wronged her, with love to her did turn : She in her father's kingdom strove to make her merry, But, far from friends and kindred, often the poor young girl was sad and weary. 210 ^UUrUU 984-988 To the Normans home was welcome, as indeed was right ; They boasted much of the booty, both churl as well as knight, Brought from the Hegeling kingdom, as they home were turning. What welcome glad all gave them who ne'er to see them hoped, albeit yearning ! Soon as Hartmut's warriors from all their toil were free, And they were fully rested from off the stormy sea, They quickly left each other, for their homes in many places : While some their hands were wringing, smiles were seen to brighten others' faces. Then did Hartmut also turn away from the shore, And to a stately palace the fair Gu-drun he bore. Henceforth the youthful maiden must tarry there far longer Than she to stay was minded, and there her woe and pain grew ever stronger. When now the high-born maiden sat in Hartmut's hall, Where his men should crown her, then he bade them all To be forever faithful, and their goodwill to show her ; So would she not forget them, but would enrich whoe'er should kindness do her. Then spake the mother, Gerlind, old King Ludwig's wife : " When will Gu-drun be ready to share young Hartmut's life, Our youthful prince so noble, and in her arms to fold him ? Of her his rank is worthy, and ne'er will she be sorry for her lord to hold him." 989-993 2Dale rtje 2toenttetl) 211 Gu-drun to this had listened, the wretched, homeless maid ; She said : " My Lady Gerlind, 't would make you sad indeed If you must take in wedlock one who the lives had wasted Of many friends and kinsfolk ; by toil for him your life were ever blasted." " This shall no one hinder," to her then said the queen ; " Gainsay his will no longer, let your love for him be seen, And on my head I pledge you that rich shall be your guerdon : If to be a queen you spurn not, you of my crown shall bear the happy burden." Then said the sorrowing maiden : " That will I never wear ; Of all his wealth and greatness you the tale may spare. Your son, the knightly Hartmut, my love can ne'er be winning : Unwilling here I linger, and hence to go I day by day am pining." Then the youthful Hartmut, who of the land was lord, Was angry with the maiden when he her answer heard. He said : "If, then, to wed her the lady granteth never, So, also, to the fair one shall my goodwill and love be wanting ever." Then the wicked Gerlind to Hartmut said, in turn : " Ever the young and thoughtless from the wise should learn. Now leave to me this maiden, let me for her be caring, And I so well shall teach her that she will quickly drop her lofty bearing." 212 (SuUtUn 994-998 " That will I grant you gladly," Hartmut answering said ; " Whate'er from this may follow, to you I give the maid, To have in your good keeping, as suits her rank and honor ; The maid is sad and homeless ; lady, 't is right that kindly care be shown her." So Gu-drun, the fair one, when Hartmut went that day, Was left unto his mother, and given to her sway : But Hilda's youthful daughter Gerlind's guidance hated ; She could not brook her teaching, and never her dislike for this abated. Then to the lovely maiden the old she-devil spake : " If you will not live happy, then sorrow you must take. You have to heat my chamber ; yourself the fire must kindle ; See, there is none to help you, nor may you hope your toil will ever dwindle." The high-born maiden answered : " That I well can do ; Whatever you shall bid me, in all must I yield to you, Until the God in heaven at last my wrongs has righted. Never my mother's daughter the fire upon the hearth ere this has lighted." Said Gerlind : " As I 'm living, to toil must you begin, As never queenly daughter to do before was seen. To be so proud and headstrong I will make you weary : Before to-morrow darkens, your maidens you must leave, and ne'er be merry. 999-1003 SDale tfyt SDtoenttett) 213 " You hold yourself too highly, as I have heard it said ; For this shall work most toilsome soon upon you be laid. This pride and froward bearing must be by you forsaken ; Your lofty mood will I lower, and all your hopes will very quickly weaken." Then went the wicked Gerlind to court, in anger wild ; She said to her son, young Hartmut : " Hettel's wilful child Scorns both you and your kindred, and ever at us is sneering : Would we had never seen her, if we such talk from her must now be hearing." Then spake unto his mother Hartmut, the knight so brave : " Pray treat the maiden kindly, howe'er she may behave : So, for the care you show her, my thanks will you be earning. Greatly have I wronged her ; it well may be that she my love is spurning." Then said to him old Gerlind : " Whate'er by us is done, In mood she is so stubborn that she will yield to none. Unless we treat her harshly she ne'er, as you would have her, Will come to you in wedlock ; this must we do, or else to herself must leave her." Then to her thus answered the worthy Norman knight : " Good lady, show her kindness henceforth in all men's sight, Now for the love you bear me ; such care I beg you give her That from her love and friendship the king's fair daughter may not bar me ever." 214 $uDrun 1004-ioos Then his devilish mother, with anger brimming o'er, To the throng of Hegeling maidens quickly went once more. She said : " Make ready, maidens, and to your toil betake you, To do what you are bidden ; the task to each that 's given ne'er forsake you." The maidens then were sundered, and soon from each other torn ; They saw not one another, and long must live forlorn. Those who once so worthily lofty rank were taking, In winding yarn were busied ; while they sat at work their hearts were aching. Some her flax were combing, others for her must spin ; Ladies of lofty breeding, whose pastime it had been On their silken clothing to lay, with skill unsparing, Gold and gems most costly, these for her now heavy toil were bearing. The first in birth among them at the court was kept ; Water she must carry to the room where Ortrun slept : To wait upon that lady the high-born maid was bidden ; By name was she called Hergart ; her lofty birth was nought, she still was chidden. Among them was another, brought from Galicia's strand ; The griffin her from Portugal had borne to a far-off land. She to the Hegeling kingdom with Hagen's child was carried, From over Ireland's borders ; now with the maids in the Norman land she tarried. 1009-1013 2ale ttje SDtoenttfrtj 215 She was a prince's daughter, who castles owned and lands ; The fire must now be lighted by her, with fair white hands, While in the room well heated Gerlind's ladies rested. For all the work she was doing no thanks on her by them were ever wasted. Now you well may wonder to hear her sorry plight. For Gerlind's lowest wenches she drudged both day and night ; Whatever task they set her, to do must she be willing. It helped her not with the Normans that she at home a lofty- rank was filling. The work was mean and shameful that they were made to do For seven half years and over, this is all too true, Until the young Lord Hartmut, when three wars were ended, Had come again to his kingdom, and found the maids at work, and ill-befriended. To see again his loved one Hartmut deeply yearned ; But when he looked upon her, the truth he quickly learned, That she good food and lodging of late had seldom tasted : For choosing to live rightly, 't was her reward to be with sorrow wasted. When fortli she came to meet him, to her young Hartmut said : " Gu-drun, most lovely maiden, what is the life you have led Since I, with all my warriors, my lands and home was leaving ? " She said : " Such tasks they set me, 't was sin for you, and shame to me 't was giving." 216 <$uorun 1014-1018 Then outspoke young Hartmut : " Why has this been done, Gerlind, my dearest mother ? Your love she should have known ; When with you I left her, her lot you should have brightened, And all her heavy sorrows you should for her within my land have lightened." His wolfish mother answered : " How could I better teach King Hettel's ill-bred daughter ? 'T was bootless to beseech, Nor could I ever bend her, to make her leave her jeering : She scorned both you and your father and kindred, too : to this should you give hearing." Then again spake Hartmut : " Much wrong we 've done the maid. Slain by us, her kindred and many knights lie dead ; While from the lovely maiden her father we have taken, Slain by my father, Ludwig, and now with thoughtless words her woes we waken." Then answered him his mother : " My son, 't is truth I say ; If we Gu-drun, proud maiden, for thirty years should pray, If she with brooms were stricken, or with rods were beaten, Your wife we ne'er could make her ; hopeless it is the wayward maid to threaten." She farther said to Hartmut : " However, since you bid, I '11 gladly treat her better." But still her mind she hid, And Hartmut never knew it ; erelong Gu-drun would find her Harsher yet than ever ; and now the maiden's wrongs could no one hinder. 1019-1023 2Cale rtje Etomtitfy 217 Then went again old Gerlind to where Gu-drun then sat, And said to the Hegeling maiden, in her wrath and hate : " 'T were best you now bethink you, or else, my fair young maiden, You with your flowing tresses must wipe the stools and seats, with dust thick laden. " Then the room I sleep in, mark what now I say, You, to do my bidding, must sweep three times a day ; You carefully must warm it, and keep the fire well burning." Said she : " That do I gladly, rather than take a lover I am spurning." Whatever she was bidden the willing maiden did ; No work of hers she slighted, nor should for aught be chid. For seven years, full-numbered, in a land far over the water, The maid was toiling wearily, and none did hold her as a kingly daughter. The years had long been running, and the ninth was coming on, When Hartmut to bethink him wisely had begun, That indeed 't was shameful that he no crown was wearing ; And for himself and his kinsmen 't was right the name of king he now were bearing. After heavy fighting, Hartmut, with his men, Bearing the prize of bravery, riding home was seen. He hoped the love of the maiden would now to him be granted ; For, more than any other, he the fair Gu-drun for his true love wanted. 218 (SttUrun 1024-1028 When he reached his homestead, he bade them bring the maid. His evil mother, Gerlind, allowed her to be clad In meanest clothing only : Gu-drun but little heeded The youthful Hartmut's wooing ; steadfast and true, no love from him she needed. To him his friends then whispered, that, whether glad or no For this might be his mother, he never should forego To bend the maid to his wishes ; and must his care be giving That so he might with the lady for many a happy day in love be living. To the ladies' room he hastened, when thus his kinsmen spoke, And there he found the maiden ; her by the hand he took, And said to her : " Fair lady, love me now, I pray you, And sit as queen beside me ; my knights and men shall worship ever pay you." Then said the lovely maiden : " For this I have no mind ; For while the fiendish Gerlind to me is so unkind, The love of knights, tho' worthy, I can long for never. To her and all her kindred henceforth am I a bitter foe forever." " Sorry am I," said Hartmut ; " to you will I make good The hate my mother Gerlind to you so harshly showed ; As for both of us is worthy, your wrongs shall now be righted." The high-born maiden answered : " I trust you not ; your word need ne'er be plighted." 1029-1033 2Dale rtje SDtoentietl) 219 Then said to her young Hartmut, the lord of the Norman land : " Gudrun, most lovely maiden, you well must understand Mine are these lands and castles : to none may you betake you ; Who is there here would hang me if, 'gainst your will, I now my own should make you ? " Then said King Hettel's daughter : " That were a deed of shame : Of aught so wrong and hateful never did I dream. It would be said by princes, should they the tale be hearing, That one of the kin of Hagen in Hartmut's land a harlot's name is bearing." Then did Hartmut answer : " What care I what they say ? If only you, fair lady, do not say me nay, A king my men shall see me, and you my seat be sharing." Then said the maid to Hartmut : " That I should love you be you never fearing. " Well you know, Sir Hartmut, how with me it stands ; And all the wrong and sorrow I met with at your hands, When far from home you carried me whom you had stolen, And, wounded by your warriors, my father's men erewhile in death had fallen. " Well known to you 't is also, for this I mourn again, How my father, Hettel, was by your father slain. Were I knight, and not a woman, he durst not come before me Unless his weapons wearing. Why wed the man who from my kindred tore rne ? ' 220 ^UOrUtt 1034-1038 For many years now bygone, it ever was the way, No man should take a woman, and have her in his sway, Unless they both were willing. Much praise for this is owing. Gu-drun, the homeless maiden, her father's loss still mourned, with tears o'erflowing. Then spake to her in anger Hartmut, the youthful knight : " Whatever may befall you, I reck not for your plight ; Since now you are not willing to wear the crown beside me, You '11 have what you are seeking, your meed you '11 daily earn, nor need you chide me." " That will I earn most gladly, as I have done before, Though for the men of Hartmut the hardest toil I bore, And for Queen Gerlind's women. If God my wrongs forgetteth, To bear them I am willing ; but heavy is the woe that me besetteth." Still they sought to soothe her : first to the court they sent Young Ortrun, Hartmut's sister, whose looks all kindness meant ; 'T was hoped that she and her maidens, now by friendly dealing, Would bring Gu-drun, poor lone one, to bear towards them all a better feeling. Then to his sister Ortrun Hartmut freely spake : " Wealth I will give you, sister, if kindly, for my sake, To me you will be helpful, and bring Gu-drun, fair lady, Soon to forget her sorrows ; nor o'er her woes to brood be ever ready." 1039-1040 SDale rfje 2Dfomtierf) 221 Then spake the youthful Ortrun, the Norman maiden fair : " To help both her and her maidens shall ever be my care, Till they forget their sorrows : I bow my head before her, And I and mine will hold her even as our kin, and watchful love spread o'er her." Gu-drun now said to Ortrun : " My hearty thanks you win, That you, with kindly wishes, would see me sit as queen, By the side of Hartmut, while with pride I 'm gladdened : For this my trust I give you, but homeless, none the less, my days are saddened." Cale HOW GUDRUN MUST WASH CLOTHES ON THE BEACH. OfHEN to Gu-drun they offered castles strong and lands : ^^ Of these would she have nothing. So, upon the sands, She must wash their clothing, from early morn till even. Great ill this wrought for Ludwig, when he with Herwic in the fight had striven. First, Gu-drun was bidden to leave her seat, that soon She, the high-born maiden, should go with fair Ortrun ; They bade that she be merry, and wine with her be drinking. The homeless wanderer answered : " To make me queen you never need be thinking. " Well you wot, Lord Hartmut, whate'er your wish may be, Betrothed am I to another, and am no longer free. That I one day shall wed him has with an oath been plighted ; Until by death he 's taken I will not wed with any man e'er knighted." 1044-1048 SDale tlje 2Etoenti?;5?ir$t 223 Then spake the lordly Hartmut : " You only waste your breath ; By nought shall we be sundered unless it shall be death. In friendship with my sister you should now be living ; Your hardships she will lighten, and will, I know, her love to you be giving." Fain to think was Hartmut that her unyielding mood Might now by this be softened ; he hoped, whatever good Should e'er befall his sister, the maiden would be sharing : Thus for both he trusted, that a happy life erelong would them be cheering. Gu-drtm soon greeted kindly many a friend and maid. Ortrun sat beside her ; her hue grew rosy-red With eating and with drinking, ere many days were ended. Enough was always ready : still the poor girl her mood ne'er wisely mended. If Hartmut thought to greet her, and spoke in friendly mood, How little did it cheer her ! She o'er her woes did brood, That she and all her maidens in a far-off land were bearing. Soon, against young Hartmut, of harsh and angry words she was not sparing. So long a time this lasted, the king at length was wroth ; He said : " Gu-drun, fair lady, as good am I in birth As is the young King Herwic, who now you think is fitter Than I to be your lover : too much you jeer at me, witli words most bitter. 224 (SuDtUn 1049-1053 " If you would leave your sorrow, for both of us 't were gain. It wounds me out of measure when any gives you pain, Or seeks your heart to burden, or in your wish to cross you : Though now you are unfriendly, to be my queen I yet would gladly choose you." Then young Hartmut left her, and straight his men he sought. He bade them to be watchful of ills that threatened aught, And well to guard his kingdom ; for he the while bethought him, So sorely was he hated, 't was much to fear some harm would yet be wrought him. The cross and wicked Gerlind for her hard tasks did set ; She on a seat but seldom any rest did get. Erst 'mong princes' daughters men were wont to greet her, As for her was rightful ; now with the scorned and lowly they must meet her. To her, in mood unfriendly, the old she-wolf then spake : " Now Queen Hilda's daughter I a drudge will make ; Although her evil feelings seem so strong and steady, We yet shall see her toiling as ne'er before to do has she been ready." Then said the high-born maiden : " To work with all my might, With hand and heart, I 'm willing ; in this, both day and night, Will I be always busy, and every hour be striving ; Since ill-luck begrudges that I among my friends should now be living." 1054-1058 2Dale tlje 2toent^j?ir$t 225 The wicked Gerlind answered : " Now daily to the beach You my clothes must carry, there on the sands to bleach. You must for me and my maidens be washing and be drying ; And that no one find you idle, your work with care you ever must be plying." Then spake the high-born maiden : " Wife of a mighty king, If they will only teach me the way to wash and wring, And how to cleanse your clothing, to do it I am willing. Bliss no more I look for ; still greater woe my heart must yet be filling. " Bid them now to teach me, and I will gladly learn ; So high I do not hold me that I the task should spurn. Thus shall I be earning the food I here am eating ; Nought I say against it." The poor Gu-drun her lot was wisely meeting. Then by a washerwoman clothes to the sands were brought, And how to wash and dry them the maiden now was taught. Much at first she sorrowed, and by the work was flurried, Yet was she spared by no one. So was the fair Gu-drun by Gerlind worried. Before King Ludwig's castle, she gained a skilful hand ; For knights who there were dwelling within the Norman land, None could be more helpful, their clothing better washing. Loudly mourned her maidens to see her toiling where the waves were dashing. 226 ^UDrUtt 1059-1063 One there was among them who was also a great king's child ; The wailing of the others was to hers a whisper mild. This work so mean and lowly went to their hearts too nearly, As they saw the high-born lady drudging on the shore, both late and early. Then with love true-hearted Hildeburg made moan : " Well we all must rue it to God may this be known Who in this Norman kingdom erst with Gu-drun were landing ; No rest ought we to hope for while on the sea-beach washing she is standing." This was heard by Gerlind, who in anger spoke : "If on the toils of your lady with such ill-will you look, The work shall you be doing, and her place be filling." " That would I do right gladly," said Hildeburg, " if only you were willing. " For the love of God Almighty, Gerlind, my lady queen, Let not this great king's daughter toiling alone be seen : A crown, too, wore my father, yet work would I be doing ; Let me with her stand washing, whatever good or ill we may be knowing. " It fills my heart with sorrow, I feel her woes my own. Once the greatest honor to her by God was shown : Her forefathers and kindred were kings, and none were higher ; Though now her work is lowly, to toil with the maiden I shall never tire." 1064-1068 SDale ttje &\ntnty$itst 227 Then said the wicked Gerlind : " This oft will bring you pain ; However hard the winter, still in snow and rain My clothes must you be washing, altho' cold winds are blowing ; So will you be wishing that you the warmth of heated rooms were knowing." Unwillingly she waited until the night drew near ; From this Gu-drun the high-born gained at last some cheer. Then into her bedroom went Hildeburg in sorrow ; There they wept together for the work that they must do upon the morrow. Then the Lady Hildeburg said to her in tears : " The woes that you are bearing my heart with you now shares ; I begged the old she-devil no more alone to leave you Upon the sea-sands washing ; with you I '11 bear the burden, and my help will give you." The homeless maiden answered : " May Christ your love reward, That you with so much sorrow of all my woes have heard. If we may wash together, the days will be the brighter, And time will seem far shorter, and on our hearts the shame will weigh the lighter." Soon as her wish was granted, down to the sandy shore The clothing then she carried, gladness to know no more. There must they wash in sorrow, whatever was the weather ; Whate'er was done by others, yet still these two must wash and toil together. 228 (SuDrun 1069,1070 When her throng of handmaidens had time from work to spare, Bitter was their weeping, to see her standing there Upon the sea-sands washing. Loud were their moans and many, Nor did their sorrow lessen ; greater woe was never known by any. Long the toiling lasted, that is true enough ; There must they be working full five years and a half. Clothes for Hartmut's followers they must wash and whiten : Ne'er were maidens sadder ; their toils before the castle nought could lighten. Cale HOW HILDA MADE WAR TO BRING BACK HER DAUGHTER. Q|K^E now will speak no longer of the toil the maidens bore For knights as well as ladies. Queen Hilda evermore Her thoughts to this had given how to win back her daughter, Out of the Norman kingdom, whither from home the daring Hartmut brought her. First were workmen bidden, near to the deep sea-flood, Of ships to build her seven, strong, well made, and good ; With two-and-twenty barges, broad, with both ends rounded. Whate'er for them was needed was quickly brought, and everything abounded. Forty galleys also lay upon the sea ; On these her eyes were feeding. Longing great had she To see the throng of fighters who should soon be sailing. She their food made ready ; for this the knights her praise were loudly telling. 230 &UDrttn 1074-1078 The time was drawing nearer, when now to cross the sea No more should they be waiting, who wished the maids to free, That in a far-off kingdom in hardest toil were living. Now Hilda sent for her liegemen ; to those who called them clothes she first was giving. The day that she had chosen was at the Christmas-tide, When they must seek the foemen by whom King Hettel died. Forthwith to friends and kinsmen Hilda gave her bidding, That they to bring her daughter back from the Norman land must then be speeding. Trusty men were bidden by Hilda first to go To Herwic and his followers, that one and all should know Of the inroad on the Normans that she had sworn and plotted. To many Hegeling children this erelong an orphan's life allotted. The men sent out by Hilda to Herwic rode in haste : For what they then were coming the king full quickly guessed ; Then went he forth to meet them, soon as he saw them nearing ; Gladly them he greeted, and soon from them Queen Hilda's wish was hearing. " Well you know, Lord Herwic, our woe and plight forlorn, And how the Hegeling warriors to help the queen have sworn. Yourself Queen Hilda trusteth more than any other ; To none Gu-drun is dearer, the homeless maid, long sundered from her mother." 1079-1083 HDale tlje SDtoent^ecotttJ 231 The well-born knight thus answered : " I know in truth too well How Hartmut had the boldness my fair betrothed to steal, Because his love she slighted, and hearkened to my wooing ; For this Gu-drun, my lady, her father lost, and still her lot is ruing. " My pledge and hearty greeting bear to your lady good ; No more the Norman Hartmut by me shall be allowed To hold so long in bondage my own betrothed maiden : For me, of all, 't is fittest to bring the lady home, our lives to gladden. " To Hilda and her kinsmen this answer you may say : When Christmas time is over, on the sixth-and-twentieth day, I will ride to the Hegelings, three thousand fighters taking." Then the men of Hilda waited no more, but home their way were making. Now Herwic made him ready, and to the strife gave thought, With many faithful liegemen who oft had bravely fought. Those who to go were willing he for war outfitted ; Though wintry was the weather, they to take the field no longer waited. Of help the widowed Hilda sorely felt the need : Soon to her friends in Denmark she sent her men with speed, To tell the knights and warriors no more at home to tarry ; For they to the Norman kingdom must ride, to free Gu-drun from bondage dreary. 232 45uUrtin 1084-1088 They bore to the youthful Horant this errand from the queen : That he and all his kinsmen were to her lord of kin, And the sorrows of her daughter should by them be heeded ; For death to her were better than ever that her child to Hartmut should be wedded. Then sent the knight this answer : " Unto Queen Hilda say, Though yet 't will cost to women many a bitter day, I still, with all my followers, will help be gladly giving ; For this will be heard the weeping of many a mother's child, in the land now living. " I bid you now, moreover, to say unto the queen, Ere many days are ended, in her land will I be seen ; Tell her that my wishes all to war are bending, And soon ten thousand warriors from out the Danish land will I be sending." The men sent there by Hilda of Horant took their leave : They sped to the "Waalisch marches, and found Morunc the brave With all his men about him, a margrave rich and daring. He gladly saw them coming, and of a loving welcome was not sparing. Then spake the knightly Irold : " Since now by me 't is known That into the Hegeling kingdom, before seven weeks are gone, I with all my followers am bidden to be riding, For this will I be ready, whatever luck be there for us betiding." 1089-1093 SCale ttje 2Etocnt'->econD 233 The news was spread by Morunc, within the Holstein land, That Hilda now was sending for all her friends at hand ; He said that all good warriors must the field be taking. To the Danish knight, brave Fru-te, they also gave the word, his help bespeaking. The worthy knight, then answering, his ready will did show : " Back to her home will we bring her. Thirteen years ago, We swore the land of the Normans should with war be wasted ; 'T was then the friends of Hartmut stole the maid Gu-drun, and homeward hasted." Wa-te, the knight from Sturmland, to this at once gave thought, How he might also help her. Altho' he yet knew nought Of the word that Hilda sent him, yet he at once bestirred him ; Of his knights a goodly number then in haste he called, who gladly heard him. All of them were busy with care for the coming war ; Wa^te the old from Sturmland brought from near and far Full a thousand kinsmen, for the fight well fitted ; With these he hoped that Hartmut would soon be overcome and be outwitted. The sad and homeless women in toil and pain were kept By the cross and evil Gerlind : but fewer wrongs were heaped Upon the Lady Hergart ; (this name to her was given :) She loved the king's high cup-bearer, and greatly hoped to be a princess even. 234 $uDrun 1094-1008 For this fair Hilda's daughter often sorely wept ; And Hergart, too, yet later woe and sorrow reaped, Because she ne'er with others would their toils be sharing. Whate'er to her might happen, Gu-drun for all her ills was little caring. Of the Hegelings none were idle, as you before have heard : Tho' many for all their toiling would find but scant reward, Yet all within the kingdom their ready help were lending. Now the knights were thinking for the brother of Gu-drun 't were best they should be sending. Riders then went swiftly into the land of the North, And found in an open meadow the youth of kingly birth, Where by the edge of a river many birds were flocking : There with his trusty falconer he showed his skill, and spent his time in hawking. As soon as, riding quickly, these by him were seen, He said : " Those men now coming are sent to us by the queen ; They come to give her bidding, proudly hither hasting ; My mother thinketh wrongly that we the war forget, and time are wasting." He set his hawk a-flying, and thence at once he rode. Very soon thereafter darkened was his mood ; For when the men he greeted, and they their tale were telling, He learned that the queen, his mother, ever in tears her loss was aye bewailing. 1099-1103 Stale ttie SDtoent^econD 235 She to the youthful warrior sent her greeting kind : In her wretched lot, she asked him what might be his mind ; And asked how many followers he could to the war be leading ; For from the Hegeling kingdom they all to the Norman land must soon be speeding. Then Ortwin sent this answer : " Me dost thou rightly bid ; I from hence will hasten, and bring from far and wide Twenty thousand fighters, men both brave and daring ; These my steps will follow even to death, their lives and homes forswearing." Now from every border many warriors went Riding to Hilda's kingdom, for whom the queen had sent ; They vied with one another, to win her praises striving. Not less than sixty thousand together came, their help for Hilda giving. On the river Waal Sir Morunc had upon the wave Of broad-built ships full sixty, strong to bear the brave Who with the Hegelings sailing would o'er the sea be carried, To free Gu-drun, the maiden, who sadly now among the Normans tarried. From out the Northland also finest ships were brought, With horses and with clothing, as good as could be sought : Decked were all the helmets, the weapons glittered brightly, Ready for the onset bravely they came, in armor fair and knightly. 236 &UDrUtt 1104-1108 Now by their shields men reckoned how many there might be Who to the Norman kingdom would go the maid to free, And to the great Queen Hilda their help to give were ready ; They numbered seventy thousand ; gifts to all were given by the queenly lady. On all who there were gathered, or to court who later came, The queen, though ever mournful, yet let her kindness beam : She gave them hearty welcome, and every one she greeted ; Wondrous was the clothing that to the chosen knights Queen Hilda meted. The many ships of Hilda were stored with all things well, And early on the morrow were ready thence to sail ; Seemly was the outfit for her worthy guests who waited : They chose not to be going, while aught they lacked to meet the foeman hated. They put on board the weapons, as was the queen's behest, And with them many helmets of beaten steel the best. Hauberks white were given, besides the ones in wearing, For warriors full five hundred ; these she bade them take, to war now faring. Their anchor-ropes well twisted of strongest silk were made : Their sails both rich and showy to the winds were spread ; These to the shores of the Norman the Hegelings would carry, Who back to Lady Hilda would gladly bring Gu-drun, of waiting weary. 1109-1113 2Cale rtje SCtoent^econo 237 The anchors for the sailors were not of iron made, But of bell-metal moulded ; (so have we heard it said :) They with Spanish brasses all were bound and strengthened, That loadstones should not hold them, and so the sailors' way by this be lengthened. To Wa-te and his followers the Lady Hilda gave Many clasps and arm-bands. This roused the strong and brave To meet their death from foemen, for the Hegelings fighting, When they from Hartmut's castle strove to wrest the maid, in bondage sitting. Freely then and earnestly Queen Hilda spoke her thought Unto the men from Daneland : " When you have bravely fought On the stormy field of warfare, I will reward you fitly. Still my banner follow ; that will show the way, and lead you rightly." They asked of her, who held it ; to this then answered she : " He bears the name of Horant ; a Danish lord is he. His mother, Hettel's sister, she it was who bore him ; Let him by you be trusted ; forsake him not in fight with foes before him. " Never, my hardy warriors, must you forget my son, Young Ortwin, dear-beloved, to manhood nearly grown. Of life the youth has numbered twenty years already ; If any risk should threaten, to guard him well then let your help be speedy." 238 45 u a run 1114^1118 To this they pledged them gladly, and all together said, So long as they were with him nought had he to dread ; If he their lead would follow, those from whom he parted Again unharmed would see him. At this young Ortwin showed himself light-hearted. Soon the ships were laden with goods of every kind, And now to tell his wonder none fit words could find. They asked good Hilda's blessing 011 the work now undertaken ; The queen then begged of Heaven that they by Christ should never be forsaken. Many youths went with them whose fathers erst were slain ; Now bereft, these brave ones to right their wrongs were fain. The women of the Hegelings were mourning all and weeping, Beseeching God in Heaven to bring them back their sons in his holy keeping. But all this pain and sorrow the warriors might not bear ; They sternly bade the women their bitter wails to spare ; Then on their way they started in gladness, shouting loudly, And as they went on shipboard all were heard to sing, and set forth proudly. After these daring sailors had cast off from the land, Many sorrowing women did at the windows stand : From Matelan's lofty castle, never the watch forsaking, Their eyes the sea-path followed, as from the land the men their way were taking. 1119-1123 2DaU ttje 2tontt^econD 239 A friendly wind was blowing, and loudly cracked the mast ; They the sails stretched tightly, and left the land at last. The son of many a mother went, for honor seeking ; Though this awaited many, yet to gain it they must toil be taking. I cannot tell you fully of all that them befell, Save that the lord of Karadie, who in that land did dwell, With fighters came to help them, the foeman never fearing ; He from home brought with him ten thousand knights, all men of strength and daring. Where foes upon the Wulpensand had met in deadly fray, These knights from many a kingdom, now, at this later day, Chose the spot for meeting ; and here they came together : A church had here been builded, and old and young alike had their gifts brought hither. Now within its harbor, to seek their fathers' graves, Out of the ships here gathered went many of Hilda's braves. Bitter was their sorrow, and anger keen did waken ; Hard would it be for any who erst in fight the lives of their friends had taken. Unto the lord of Moorland they hearty welcome gave. Four and twenty broad-boats he brought with warriors brave ; Food therein was laden that might for all have lasted Till twenty years were ended : to war with the Normans now they gladly hasted. 240 45uDrun 1124^1128 When they to sail were ready, they left the sheltering shore To make their way o'er the waters ; but heavy toil they bore Upon the wild sea-billows before their sail was ended. What helped it that their leaders, Fru-te the Dane and Wa-te, them befriended ? A wind from the south was blowing, and drove them out to sea. The crew of warlike shipmates from fear no more were free ; They could not find the bottom, altho' they should be casting Lengths of rope a thousand ; many sailors wept, their lot foretasting. Before the mount at Givers soon lay Queen Hilda's host ; However good their anchors, upon that gloomy coast, Drawn by loadstones thither, they a long time rested. Their masts so tough and hardy soon before their eyes were bent and twisted. When now the hopeless sailors were weeping o'er their lot, Thus spoke the aged Wa-te : ' " Anchors again throw out, The strongest and the heaviest, into the sea unsounded. I 've heard of many wonders I would rather see, than here on the rocks be grounded. " Since, astray long sailing, our lady's ships here lie, And we so far are driven across the darkling sea, I now will tell a sea-tale, that stirred my childish wonder, Of how, near the mount at Givers, a kingdom erst was built by a mighty founder. 1129-1133 SDale rtje SCtomti^ttonii 241 " Men there in wealth are living ; so rich is all their land That under the flowing rivers silver is the sand ; With this they make their castles, and the stones are golden With which their walls are builded. In all the kingdom none in want are holden. " 'T was told to me, moreover, (by God are wonders wrought,) If one who by the loadstone unto this mount is brought, Here will only tarry till the wind from the land is blowing, He with all his kindred may be forever rich when homeward going. " Let us our food be eating until our luck shall turn," Said then the aged Wa-te ; " before we hence are borne, Our ships that here are lying shall with ore be loaded : When this we home shall carry, wealth shall we have that no one e'er foreboded." Then spake the Danish Fru-te : " A still, unruffled sea Shall never keep in idleness the men now here with me : A thousand times I swear to you, no gold would I be seeking, But rather away from this mountain, with friendly winds, would I my way be taking." The Christian men among them raised to Heaven a prayer ; But yet the ships ne'er yielded, strongly fastened there : For four long days or over all their hopes were thwarted ; Sorely feared the Hegelings that they from thence could nevermore be started. 242 43tlDrun 1134-1138 The clouds now lifted higher, as the mighty God had willed ; Then no more they sorrowed, for soon the waves were stilled, And from out the darkness the sun was shining brightly. A wind from the west was blowing, and now the woes were o'er of the wanderers knightly. For miles full six and twenty, past Givers' craggy shore, The ships at last were wafted. By this they saw yet more The work of God and his goodness, in all the help then given. Wa-te with his followers had been too near the rocks of loadstone driven. To smoothly flowing waters they now were come at last : Their sins were not rewarded, and all their woes were past, While fear from them was taken, since God was not unwilling. The ships that bore the warriors straight to the Norman land at length were sailing. But soon among the sailors arose again a wail ; For now the ships were groaning, and soon began to reel, Tossed among the breakers that overwhelmed them nearly : Then said the brave knight Ortwin : " We now indeed must buy our honors dearly." Outspake then one of the sailors : " Alas ! and well-a-day ! I would we were at Givers, and dead near its mountain lay ! If one is by God forgotten, by whom is he befriended? My brave and hardy warriors, the roar of the blustering sea is not yet ended." 1139-1141 2Eate ttje 2Dtonrt^>rconti 243 Then cried the knight, Sir Horant, he of the Danish land : " Be of good heart, brave fellows ; I well can understand This wind no harm will do us ; from out the west 't is blowing." This cheered the lord of Karadie, on him and on his men fresh hope bestowing. Horant, the daring warrior, up to the topmast climbed, And the widely stretching billows swept, with eyes undimmed, Keeping for land an outlook. They soon his call were hearing : " Wait you now, unf earing ; I see that we the Norman land are nearing ! " The word to all was given, that they should lower sail : Searching the waters over, they saw far off a hill, Lofty, and thickly wooded, with groves and leafage shaded ; Then old Wa-te bade them thither to bend their way, and this they heeded. Cale HOW HILDA'S WARRIOKS LANDED IN SIGHT OF HARTMUT'S KINGDOM. EFORE the hill they landed, in sight of the leafy grove ; Wary to be, and daring, them did it now behoove. First they dropped their anchors, deep the waters under ; In a lonely spot were they hidden, where none could see, nor at their coming wonder. Then from the ships, to rest them, they stepped upon the beach. Hey ! what they had longed for was now within their reach ! A stream of pure, cold water, through the fir-trees flowing, Ran down the wooded hillside, upon the wave-worn knights new life bestowing. While the weary warriors were resting and asleep, Irold soon had clambered, there his watch to keep, Into a tree high-branching. He then began to ponder Which way they should be taking ; and, lo ! the Norman land he saw with wonder. 1145-1149 SDale ttie 2Dtoent^2Ct)irD 245 " Now, my youths, be merry ! " thus cried the youthful knight. " My cares indeed are lightened, for now I have in sight Seven lofty palaces, with roomy halls wide-spreading ; Before to-morrow's midday, the land of Normandy shall we be treading." Then said the wise old Wa-te : " Up to the sands now bear All your shields and weapons, whate'er in fight you wear. Let every one be busy, and let the youths be hastened ; At once lead out the horses ; helmets and breastplates must with straps be fastened. " And now, if any outfits are not good to wear, Nor meet for you in fighting, to that I '11 give my care. The queen, my lady Hilda, has sent with us already Full five hundred breastplates ; these will we give to any who are needy." Quickly were the horses forth on the sea-beach led ; And all the showy horse-cloths, that should 011 them be spread, Were by the men unfolded, and laid on steeds in waiting, To see which best beseemed them ; and each then took the one he deemed most fitting. In leaping, and in galloping up and down the shore, They rode, and watched the horses ; many, strong before, Now were dull and sluggish, nor longer quick at running ; Too long had they been standing, and Wa-te had them killed, as not worth owning. 246 rUtt 1178-1182 Then said Hilda's daughter : " My sorrows none can know ; Much that I wished to ask thee, now must I forego. For the sake of Christ, I beg thee, ere thou alone dost leave me, Poor and wretched maiden, that freedom from my woes thou yet wilt give me." Before her eyes he floated, and once again he spake : " Ere yet we two are parted, and hence my way I take, If I in aught can help you, of that I will not weary, And, since through Christ you ask it, to tell you of your kin will longer tarry." She said : "I fain were hearing, if thou the truth hast learned, If Horant, lord of Denmark, his way has hither turned, And with him leads his kinsmen ? They leave me here forsaken. Knowing him brave and daring, I would my lonely lot his care might waken." " From Denmark sailing hither, Horant, your kinsman, comes ; He to war is leading his followers from their homes. The banner of Queen Hilda aloft in his hand he is bearing ; 'T is thus the Hegeling warriors now the Norman Hartmut's land are nearinsr." Gu-drun then asked him further : " This would I also hear : Lives Wa-te still of Sturmland ? If so, no more I fear. We all might then be happy, if thou could'st this be telling, That under the flag of my mother he and the aged Fru-te are hither sailing." nsa-1187 SDale e 2DtorntJfourtf) 253 To her the angel answered : " Hither comes in haste Wa-te the old from Sturmland. He in his hand holds fast The strong and guiding rudder, and Fru-te's ship is steering. Truer friends or better you ne'er need wish their swords for you were bearing." Once more the bird was ready upon his way to go ; Then said the wretched maiden : " I still am full of woe ; And now to know am longing if life such bliss can lend me When I, poor homeless maiden, shall see my mother's knights, whom she doth send me." The angel answered quickly : " Your happiness is near ; To-morrow morning early, will two brave knights be here. Both are true and upright, and falsehood ne'er will tell you ; Whatever news they bring you you well may trust, and never will it fail you." At last the heavenly angel hence in truth must go : From him the homeless maidens sought no more to know. In mind they ever wavered, 'twixt hope and fear still tossing ; Where their helpers lingered they could not know, yet trust were never losing. Lazily and slowly they washed the livelong day ; Of knights sent there by Hilda, who now were on their way From over the Hegeling border, busily they chatted : Gu-drun's good, faithful kinsmen were by the long-lost maids uneasily awaited. 254 45u&run 1188-1192 Each day must have its ending ; to the castle now must go The weary, homesick maidens. They there must harshness know From evil-minded Gerlind, who their lives still harrowed ; A day went by but seldom that she scolded them not, nor still their bondage narrowed. Thus she spoke to the maidens : " Who gave the word to you That you might wash so slowly my clothes and linen, too ? All the things I gave you must be quickly whitened ; 'T were best that you be careful, you else shall weep, and for your lives be frightened." Then answered her young Hildeburg : " Our work we ever mind ; Truly you ought, fair lady, to be to us more kind. We oft are almost freezing, with water o'er us splashing ; If only the winds were warmer, we might for you far better then be washing." Grimly answered Gerlind, and roughly them did twit : " Whatever be the weather, my work you may not slight. Early must you be washing, nor rest till night be knowing ; To-morrow morn, at daybreak, you from my room must down to the beach be going. " I ween you know already that Holytide is near ; Palm-Sunday soon is coming, and guests will then be here : If to ill-washed clothing my knights shall then be treated, Never in kingly castle to those who washed have woes like yours been meted." 1193-1197 2DaU rtje ftomt^jfourtf) 255 Then the maidens left her ; they laid aside, all wet, The clothing they were wearing they better care should get. All they had known of kindness for them no longer lasted, And soon for this they sorrowed, for bread and water now was all they tasted. Now the downcast maidens for sleep had sought their bed ; But this was not the softest, and each one, in her need, A dirty shirt was wearing. Thus was Gerlind showing Her care and kindness for them, on benches hard a pillow ne'er bestowing. Never Gu-drun, poor maiden, on a harder bed had lain ; All were tired with watching till day should dawn again. They had but broken slumber ; I ween, they oft bethought them How soon the knights were coming, of whom the angel-bird the news had brought them. Soon as the morning lightened, Hildeburg the good, Erst from Galicia stolen, at the window gazing stood ; All night she slept but little, but on her bed lay tossing. She saw that snow had fallen, and hope the heart-sick maid was wellnigh losing. Then spake the hapless maiden : " To wash we now must go. Should God not change the weather, and we, in storm and snow, To-day must stand a-washing, before the evening corneth We, all chilled and barefoot, shall dead be found, while us the cold benumbeth." 256 t)rtt) 287 Hushed were all by Wa-te, throughout the warlike band, As soon as they to rest them lay down upon the sand. To his water-weary followers leave for this was granted ; Their shields about them spreading, on them they laid their heads, for sleep they wanted. " Whoe'er to-morrow morning hopes to gain the fight Must not," said the aged Wa-te, " oversleep to-night. For the struggle now before us we hardly can be waiting ; As soon as morning lightens, then, good knights, the foe must we be meeting." " Further I give you warning : whoe'er my horn shall hear Along the seashore sounded, soon as it meets his ear, Let him at once make ready the foeman to be meeting. When I shall blow at daybreak, no longer then may any there be waiting. " When I again shall blow it, let each to this give heed ; Quickly let his saddle be laid upon his steed. Let him then be waiting, till I see 't is daylight fiilly, And the time has come for the onset ; let none hang back, but meet the struggle truly." To do as Wa-te bade them their word they gladly gave. How many a lovely woman did he of bliss bereave ! For soon their dearest kindred unto death were wounded, Who now were only waiting until the horn in the early morning sounded. 288 6ttUrun 1353-1357 " When you, my friends and kinsmen, thrice my horn shall hear, Then, seated on your horses, must you your weapons wear ; Thus must you, brave warriors, wait, your steeds bestriding, Till me you see, well-weaponed, under the fair Queen Hilda's banner riding." Now on the seashore weary lay they, one and all ; Very near were they resting to old King Ludwig's hall. Altho' the night had fallen, its towers they saw while waking ; The brave and fearless warriors in stillness lay, no sound or outcry making. The early star of morning now had risen high ; Then came a lovely maiden unto the window nigh. She there was gazing skyward, to see when day was breaking, That she might bring the tidings, and rich reward from fair Gu-drun be seeking. Ere she long had waited, there dawned on the maiden's sight, With its wonted gleam on the waters, the early morning light ; Then the sheen of helmets and many shields there flittered : Foes had besieged the castle, and all the sands below with weapons glittered. Back then went the maiden to where Gu-drun she found : " Arouse, my queenly lady, wake from your slumber sound ! The land is held by foemen, who will these walls be storming ; We have not been forgotten by those at home ; our friends come hither swarming." 1358-1362 SDale tfje SEtoent^ttfl) 289 Gu-drun, the high-born lady, quickly sprang from her bed, And, hasting to the window, to the maid her thanks she said. " For this good news you give me, wealth shall you be earning." After her heavy sorrow, now for her friends Gu-drun was sorely yearning. Rich sails were seen to flutter near by upon the sea ; Then said the high-born maiden : " Ah, wellaway ! Woe 's me ! Would that I ne'er were living ! " the wretched one was sighing : " Many a doughty warrior this day for me shall here in death be lying." While thus she was bewailing, nearly all still slept ; But soon was one heard shouting, who guard for Ludwig kept : " Be up, you careless warriors ! your arms, your arms be taking ! And you, my king of Normandy ! I fear that all too late you will be waking." This the wicked Gerlind heard, as the warder cried ; Then, while fast he slumbered, she left the old king's side. Up to the roof of the castle then at once she hastened ; She thence saw many foemen, and on her devilish heart great sorrow fastened. Back again she speeded to where she found the king : " Awake, my lord, make ready for guests who followers bring ! Now hem they in your castle, and well may they be dreaded : That smile of young Gu-drun will cost your knights a strife as yet unheeded." 290 1363-1365 " Hush ! " then answered Ludwig, " I will go myself to see ; We must all be bravely waiting for whatsoe'er may be." Then looked he from his castle, to see the f oemen thronging ; His eyes by guests were greeted, on whom to look he never might be longing. Before his palace waving, he saw their banners spread ; Then said the old King Ludwig : " Let some one go with speed And bear this news to Hartmut. I for pilgrims take them, To sell their wares come hither ; before my hall a market would they make them." Then they wakened Hartmut, that he the tale might hear. Outspoke that daring warrior : " Let none be sad or fear. I see full twenty princes their blazoned banners bearing ; I ween these foes are coming to wreak the hate they long 'gainst us are wearing." Cale tlje HOW LUDWIG AND HARTMUT MET THE HEGELINGS. SLEEP still left he lying all his faithful men. O He and his father Ludwig, the twain, to go were seen, And, gazing from the window, they saw the throngs below them. Quickly then said Hartmut : " Too near our castle-walls me thinks they show them. " I ween they are not pilgrims, in truth, my father dear ; More like it is that Wa-te and all his men draw near. He from Sturmland cometh, the lord of Ortland bringing ; The men I see are like them, as I know from the flag that they to the breeze are flinging. " I see a brown silk pennon, that comes from Karade" ; Before that flag is lowered, many will rue the day. On it a head is blazoned, as red as gold it glitters : Guests so bold and warlike we well can spare ; their sight the day embitters. 292 (Stt&rtttt 1369-1373 " The Moorland king is bringing full twenty thousand men, Knights as strong and daring as any I have seen ; To win from us great honor methiiiks they now are craving. There comes another banner, that o'er yet other knights its folds is waving 1 . " It is the flag of Horant, the knight from the Danish land ; I see with him Lord Fru-te, I know both him and his band. And hither, too, from Waleis, many foemen leading, Morunc now comes riding ; he, for the morning's fight, o'er the sands is speeding. " I see another banner, on it a chevron red, With sharpened spears within it ; for this shall many bleed. Ortwin it is who bears it, from Ortland hither faring : Erewhile we slew his father ; no kindly thought to us he now is bearing. " There floats another banner, whiter than any swan ; Blazons bright and golden you well may see thereon. It is our mother Hilda who sends it o'er the water ; The hatred of the Hegelings will soon be known by me who stole her daughter. " There I see uplifted a flag outspreading wide ; Of sky-blue silk 't is woven. The truth I will not hide ; Herwic bears this banner, he in the Sealands dwelling. Sea-leaves are shown upon it ; he soon on us his wrath will here be telling. 1374-1378 2ate te 2Dtoent*et)ent 293 " There Irold, too, is coming, this that I say is true, From Friesland leading many, as well indeed I know, With fighting men from Holstein, warriors brave and daring. A stormy fight is nearing ; now in our castle all must arms be wearing." Then cried Hartmut loudly : " Up, my faithful men ! If to these guests so warlike, who 'neath our walls are seen, It may not now be granted to ride so boldly near us, Then, before the gateway, with sword-blows we must greet them, and bravely bear us." Then from their beds upsprang they all who yet did lie ; At once, to bring their war-gear, loudly did they cry. The call to guard their master gladly they were hearing ; Forty hundred warriors showed themselves, their shining armor wearing. Ludwig and Hartmut with him armed themselves for fight : To the sad and homeless maidens this was a sorry sight ; These within the castle uneasy hearts were keeping ; They said to one another : " Let him who smiled before this day be weeping ! " Quickly came Queen Gerlind, old King Ludwig's wife ; She said : " What will you, Hartmut ? Would you lose your life, With that of all your kinsmen who here our lot are sharing ? The foe will surely slay you, if to leave the castle-walls you now be daring." 294 ^UUrun 1379-1383 The well-born knight then answered : " Mother, stay within ; You may not give your teaching to me or to my men. Spare your words for women ; they mayhap will listen, While they sit at sewing, making their silks with gold and gems to glisten. " Now, mother, let us see you send Gu-drun to wash, As you did before, with her maidens, where the billows dash. You weened they all were friendless, and had no kindred living ; You yet may see, ere nightfall, what thanks to us our guests will yet be giving." Then spake his devilish mother : " I did it for your sake, Thinking her will to bridle. My bidding kindly take ; Strongly built is the castle, let now the gates be fastened ; They then will gain but little who on their toilsome way have hither hastened. " Full well you know it, Hartmut, you bear the maiden's hate, For you have slain her kinsmen : your watch you must not bate. It is not friends or kinsfolk who at our gates are knocking ; The proud and warlike Hegelings, twenty to one of us, come hither nocking. " Of this bethink you further, my well-beloved son : Bread we have in the castle and wine for every one ; Food will not be lacking if here for a year we are staying ; But if on the field you are taken, our foes will you from bondage ne'er be freeing.' 1384-1388 2Date tf)e SDtontt^etentl) 295 Then to him spake further old King Ludwig's wife : " Ever guard your honor, but do not lose your life. Bid men to shoot with longbows at the loop-holes standing ; So shall wounds be given, for which their friends at home will tears be spending. " Let slings with ropes be fitted ; we then will meet the foe By hurling rocks upon them : knights we have enow. Before with these new-comers you your swords are crossing, Stones will I and my maidens bring in aprons white, on them to be tossing." Angrily spake Hartmut : " Lady, get you gone ! Why do you seek to lead me ? Is not my mind my own ? Before my foes shall find me within my castle hiding, Outside I would die far sooner, in fight with Hilda's men, against me riding." Then to him said, weeping, old King Ludwig's wife : " I gave to you this warning that you might spare your life, And guard yourself the better. Whoe'er is seen this morning Beneath your banner fighting, rich gifts from us shall he be fairly earning. " Now arm ourselves," cried Gerlind, " stand by my son in fight ; Strike from your foemen's helmets a glowing, fiery light. Be always near your master, to help him ever striving ; Fitly these guests to welcome, deep be the wounds that you to them are giving." 296 6ttUrun 1389-1393 Then to his men said Hartmut : " My mother's words are true ; If you to me are faithful, and strive your best to do, And this day, in the struggle, to give your help are ready, When fathers shall have fallen, a friend I '11 be to sons bereft and needy." A thousand and a hundred within King Ludwig's halls Now were all well-weaponed. Before from out the walls Went any thro' the gateways, they left the stronghold guarded ; Still within it posted, five hundred warriors brave the castle warded. On four gates of the castle the bolts were backward thrown : Ne'er had they been opened to a single spur alone. Then with the youthful Hartmut, outgoing at his bidding, All with helmets fastened, went thirty hundred followers boldly riding. The hour of strife drew nearer. He of the Sturmisch land, WS-te, his horn was blowing ; and loud across the sand, For thirty miles or over, men the blast were hearing ; The fighters of the Hegelings, to flock to Hilda's flag, their arms were wearing. Once again he blew it : at this should all take heed, That every knight among them then should mount his steed, And each his men should gather to ride as they were bidden. A knight so old as Wa-te, and yet so brave, to the fight had never ridden. 1394-1398 2Dale tfje SDfoent^ffcentf) 297 The third time that he blew it, he such a blast did make That all the land was shaken, and the sea a sound gave back ; Almost from Ludwig's castle the corner-stones were falling : To raise Queen Hilda's banner Wa-te to Horant then was loudly calling. They feared old Wa-te sorely, none dared to speak aloud ; A horse was e'en heard neighing. Upon the roof now stood Herwic's well-beloved, and saw the warriors daring, Onward proudly riding, to wage the fight with Hartmut, nothing fearing. Hartmut rode to meet them ; he and all his men, Bearing well their weapons, to leave the gates were seen. Those from the windows gazing saw the helmets glisten Of friends as well as foemen. Hartmut not alone to the fight did hasten. To all four sides of the castle the foes their banners bore ; Bright in hue like silver was the armor that they wore ; The bosses of their bucklers were seen to glitter brightly. Much was Wa-te dreaded ; no lion grim and wild were feared more rightly. The fighters from the Moorland were seen apart to ride, And heavy shafts were hurling ; splinters were scattered wide. When with the Norman foemen soon the fight did thicken, Sharply from their weapons and from their breastplates fiery sparks were stricken. 298 (SuDrUtt 1399-1403 The warriors from Denmark near to the castle rode. There the mighty Irold six thousand fighters good Up to the walls was leading, an onslaught to be making : Brave and daring were they ; sore ill from them erelong was Ludwig taking. Elsewhere, riding boldly, Ortwin his followers led, No less than eighty hundred ; sorrow and woe they made For many of the Normans, and all the land they harried. Gerlind and Ortrun weeping, watching the fight from the roof, together tarried. Then came Herwic also, betrothed to fair Gu-drun ; Through him full many a woman must come to sorrow soon, When, for his heart's beloved, he to the fight was springing. Beneath the heavy weapons were heard the clattering helmets loudly ringing. Now came the aged Wa-te, with warriors not a few ; Grim was he and fearless, as soon they all well knew. His spear not yet he lowered as he to the walls came riding : Sad was the sight to Gerlind, but other were the thoughts Gu-drun was hiding. Then came the Norman Hartmut, riding before his men. E'en had he been Kaiser, never would he be seen To bear himself more proudly. In the sun was seen to glisten All his shining armor. His boldness on the field not yet did lessen. 1404-1408 SCale tfje Ctoent^efjenrt) 299 When he was seen by Ortwin, the lord of Ortland's throne, He said : " Will any tell us, to whom this knight is known, Who is the daring fighter now against us turning ? He shows as bold a bearing as if to win a kingdom he were yearning." Then said one among them : " 'T is Hartmut whom you see ; There indeed is a warrior ! a daring knight is he. The selfsame foeman is he who erstwhile slew your father. Where'er the strife is raging, a bolder man than he there 's not another." Angrily spake Ortwin : " Me for his wrongs he owes, And must atone full dearly before from here he goes. The ills that he has done us must he be soon undoing ; Gerlind cannot help him that he from hence may e'er alive be going." Down upon young Ortwin Hartmut riding bore. Altho' he did not know him, deep he plunged his spur ; His horse sprang forward widely, against brave Ortwin driven. Both their spears were lowered ; fire on their armor flashed from spear-strokes given. No thrust against the other did either leave undone : The war-horse then of Ortwin was on his haunches thrown ; Soon, too, the steed did stagger whereon was Hartmut seated ; They could not bear the onset of kings who rushed together, to madness heated. 300 Outrun 1409-1413 High upreared the horses ; a mighty clang arose From clash of kingly sword-blades. Thanks were due to those Who the fight thus opened, as knights beseemeth ever. Brave were both and fearless ; to shrink from one another thought they never. On both sides came their followers, lowering their spears, And bringing death to many ; each his f oeman nears, And in the shock of the onset heavy wounds was giving. All of them were faithful, and well for a worthy name they now were striving. A thousand 'gainst a thousand, now the strife began Of Hartmut's men with Wa-te's, each man against his man. Soon by the lord of Sturmland were they so badly treated That whoso now came near him never a second time with him was mated. Now were thickly mingled of foes ten thousand men, Among King Herwic's warriors ; they came in anger keen. Their mood it was so stubborn that rather than be flying Far from the field of fighting, they on the ground would first in death be lying. A knight indeed was Herwic ; what daring deeds he did ! Earnest was he in fighting, that so the lovely maid Might be to him the kinder. But how could he be dreaming The boon could e'er befall him, that the eyes of fair Gu-drun on him were beaming ? 1414-1418 SDale flje HDiofnt^&rfjrml) 301 Ludwig, king of the Normans, and they of the Danish land, Now had met together. Ludwig bore in hand His strong and heavy weapon ; lordly was his bearing, Yet he with all his followers to come too far without the walls was daring. There, with his men from Holstein, Fru-te, brave and bold, Slew full many a foeman ; of this could much be told. Now, too, from the land of Waleis, Morunc, many slaying, Before King Ludwig's castle made rich the earth with the dead he low was laying. Irold, the youthful champion, a knight both true and good, Slashed thro' foemen's armor, shedding their hot life-blood. Under Hilda's banner was Wa-te's kinsman fighting ; Many in death grew paler as Horant thinned the crowd he fast was smiting. Now the young King Hartmut and Ortwin met again. Thicker then than snow-flakes blown by the wind are seen, The sword-strokes of the warriors upon each other lighted : Thus it was that Hartmut once more by Ortwin on the field. was greeted. Gu-drun's young brother, Ortwin, was bold and brave enow, But Hartmut through his helmet smote him a heavy blow ; Over his shining breastplate soon the blood was streaming : The followers of Ortwin sadly saw the flow, its brightness dimming. 302 (SttDrUtt 1419-1423 Great was the crush and uproar ; hand to hand they fought ; Many wounds were gaping thro' rings of steel well-wrought ; Many a head had fallen beneath the sword-strokes given : Death was like a robber, that from their kin the dearest friends had riven. Now saw the Danish Horant that Ortwin from his foe A bloody wound had taken ; then Horant bade them show Who 't was that thus had wounded his master loved so dearly. Hartmut at this was laughing, for both upon the field had met too nearly. Ortwin himself then answered : " 'T is Hartmut this has done." Then Hilda's banner was given by Horant to one of his own ; Thinking thus the f oeman he could harm the better, And gain himself much honor : now he sought his foe with boldness greater. Hartmut heard around him a loud and stormy din. On many of his warriors streams of blood were seen Fast from wounds out-welling ; down to their feet 't was flowing. Then cried Hartmut boldly : " For this shall you atone, and this be ruing." Now he turned him quickly where Horant met his sight ; Then might one be seeing, so brave were both in fight, How from their ringed armor sparks of fire were flying ; Blunted were the sword-blades which they on each other's helmets fast were plying. 1424-1428 SDale tfje 2toenti?;>etjentt) 303 Hartmut wounded Horant, even as lie had done Not long before to Ortwin ; a ruddy stream full soon Ran from out his armor, at Hartmut' s hand forth welling. Strong indeed was his foeman ; who now to win his lands could hope be feeling ? Then in bitter struggle many, on either side, Saw their bucklers shattered, tho' strong and often tried ; Beaten were they and broken by sword-strokes quickly given By each upon the other. Well to guard himself had Hartmut striven. Now the friends of Ortwin, and those of Horant, too, Away from the field did lead them ; and care did they bestow To bind their wounds wide-gaping ; no time for this they wasted. Then again to the war-field the knights both rode ; once more to the strife they hasted. We now must leave them fighting as bravely as they will. Who the day was winning, or whom his foe did kill, Before King Ludwig's castle, none could yet be saying. Grimly strove the Normans ; their foes, not less, for fame were strength outlaying. Of all that there befell them none may ever tell ; But 't is not yet forgotten that many a knight there fell. On every side were sword-blades heard together ringing ; Foemen all were mingled, the slow with those who quick in fight were springing. 304 Outrun 1429-1433 Wa-te stood not idle, that can I well believe. He bade farewell to many, nor longer let them live ; Cut down by him in the struggle, were they before him lying. Fain were Hartmut's kinsmen to wreak their wrath for friends who there were dying. Now came Herwic nearer, so the tale is told, And led against King Ludwig many a champion bold. He saw that aged warrior his weapons bravely bearing, Where he with all his liegemen, a wondrous host of foes beat down, unsparing. Herwic called out loudly : " Can any one now tell Who is that fighting graybeard, who all his foes doth fell ? Deepest wounds for many there his hand is hewing, With bravery so fearless : women in tears will this erelong be ruing." When this was heard by Ludwig, outspoke that Norman foe : " Who in the midst of battle seeks my name to know ? I bear the name of Ludwig : for Normandy I 'm fighting ; Could I but meet my foemen, them indeed would I be sorely smiting." Then spake to him King Herwic : " This thou well dost earn : Seeing thou art Ludwig, with hate for thee I burn. For us, upon the sand-drifts, many knights thou wast slaying : Thou slewest Hettel also ; a warrior brave was he, beyond all saying. 1434-1438 2Cale tfce SCtontti^etentf) 305 " Still further thou hast wronged us, before thy day was done : For this we still are mourning. I for my loss have known Heart-heaviness and sorrow : thou hast my lady stolen From me upon the Wulpensand ; and many knights for her in death have fallen. " I bear the name of Herwic : thou hast taken my hoped-for wife, And again to me must give her ; else to give his life, With that of many a liegeman, must one of us be willing." Then King Ludwig answered : " Too boldly thou in my land in threats art dealing. " Thy name, and this thy warning, thou hast no need to tell ; There yet are many others from whom I took, as well, Their goods and eke their kinsmen. To trust my word be ready, In this I will not falter ; thou nevermore may'st hope to kiss thy lady." When they thus had spoken, the kings no more did rest, But sprang upon each other. If either got the best, To hold it was not easy ; youths were forward pushing Under both the standards, and daring knights to help their lords were rushing. A fearless king was Herwic, and long and bravely fought ; But quickly Hartmut's father the youthful Herwic smote, Till he began to stagger 'neath blows by Ludwig given, Who gladly would have slain him, or would from out his lands his foe have driven. 306 (SttDrun 1439,1440 If Herwic's faithful followers so near him had not been, And given help so quickly, never could he, I ween, Have freed himself from Ludwig, or left the field yet living ; So well that aged warrior to make young Herwic dread him now was striving. But help to him was granted, his life he did not lose ; And, neither stunned nor wounded, he from his fall arose. Then to the roof quick turning, his eyes he now was raising, To see if, 'mongst the ladies, his heart's beloved had on his fall been gazing. Cale tlje HOW HERWIC SLEW LUDWIG. said Herwic sadly : " Ah, welaway ! Woe 's me ! ^ If fair Gu-drun, my lady, my fall did lately see. Should e'er the hour be coming when I shall clasp the maiden, And as a wife shall own her, with blame and scorn shall I by her be laden. " Sorely doth it shame me, that now the gray old man Thus has overthrown me." Forthwith he bade again His men to raise his banner, and 'gainst King Ludwig bear it ; Then rushed they on the foemen, who might not flee the fight, but all must share it. Ludwig heard behind him an uproar loud and din ; Then he turned him quickly, and Herwic sought again. Soon he heard on helmets many sword-blows stricken. Those who stood near Ludwig well might dread the wrath that both did quicken. 308 45uorun 1444-1443 They sprang upon each other, and fast and well they smote ; Blows on blows loud sounded the stormy field throughout. Who can tell how many now in death were lying ? The day was lost to Ludwig, who there his strength with Herwic would be trying. Soon Gu-drun's betrothed reached over Ludwig's shield, And smote him 'neath his helmet ; well his sword did he wield. Him he sorely wounded, and strength no more did leave him ; Grim death he there awaited until King Herwic should of life bereave him. Then Herwic with his broadsword smote the king anew ; At once the head of Ludwig from off his shoulders flew. Well repaid was Herwic for his shameful overthrowing ; The king lay dead before him. For this fair eyes must soon be overflowing. Ludwig's faithful followers, after their king was slain, His banner to the castle thought to bear again ; But all too far from the gateway they had now been straying : From them the flag was taken, and death must them erelong with their lord be laying. The watchman saw from the castle how Ludwig lost his life ; Then was heard the mourning of knights and many a wife : Their king, so old and mighty, they knew in death was lying ; Gu-drun and all her maidens stood in the hall in fear, and loud were crying. 1449-1453 2Dale flje HDtoem^Cigftrt) 309 As yet the Norman Hartnmt, knew nothing of the tale, How that the king, his father, and kinsmen young as well, With many bravest warriors, now in death were sleeping. Then he heard from the castle the shrieks and wails of those who there were weeping. Now the knightly Hartmut unto his followers said : " 'T is best we hence withdraw us ; how many here lie dead Who in stormy fighting thought our men to be slaying ! Now will we seek the castle, and there until a better time be staying.' To him they listened gladly, and followed where he rode. Great was the work of slaughter the field around them showed, Where with grimmest f oemen they were closely warring ; Freely had blood been flowing beneath the hand of Hartmut and his followers daring. " So well," he said, " have you helped me, who my kinsmen are, That all my lands and riches gladly with you I '11 share. We now will ride to my castle, and there to rest betake us ; Men the gates will open, and wine for us will pour, and mead will make us." Fallen knights full many they left on the field behind : Were these of the land the owners, still with no braver mind They then had met the onset. Those for the gates now striving, By W&-te and his thousand were not allowed to reach the castle living. 310 45uDrun 1434-1458 He with a host of fighters near the gates was seen, When Hartmut with his followers sought to come within ; They in this were baffled, and their strength were wasting. Those who the castle guarded heavy stones from off the wall were casting. They hurled them down so wildly on Wa-te and his men, Like hailstones they were falling, with not a stop between. Wa-te recked but little how many were dead or living, Might he the day be gaining ; to this alone his thoughts he now was giving. Hartmut saw old Wa-te before the castle-gate. He said : " Tho' from our f oemen our gains this day are great, Before it shall be ended, for this their hate they '11 show us : Let now the strong be heedful ; dead must many lie on the field below us. " Fear and care it gives me that many here are seen Whom we must now be meeting. Wa-te with all his men I see before the gateway, there with sword-strokes hewing. If he of the gate be keeper, I look for little kindness he '11 be doing. " See for yourselves, my warriors, the gateways and the walls By foes on all sides girded ; knight to knight there calls. The roadways all are crowded, whichever way we 're turning : Gu-drun's good friends and champions will spare no toil ; to win the day they 're burning. 1459-1463 2Dale rtje SCtoent^tgljtl) 311 " That you may know too truly, as I see already well ; Friends we must lose full many. Howe'er it so befell, Before the outer gateway already see I waving The Moorland foeman's banner ; lest they get in, a care must you be having. " Near to the second gateway I see yet other foes : I saw Lord Ortwin's banner, as on the breeze it rose. Gu-drun's young brother is he ; fair women's smiles he 's seeking : Ere he shall cool his anger, beneath his blows will helmets yet be breaking. " Now see I, too, brave Herwic, before the third gate there ; With him seven thousand followers upon the field are near. He comes in guise most knightly, to win his own heart's lady ; On him are gazing gladly the fair Gu-drun, and many maids already. " To hasten back to my castle, the thought too late has come. I know not where, with my warriors, now to seek a home. I see the stern old Wa-te before the fourth gate fighting ; My many friends in the castle, I fear indeed must long for us be waiting. " Fly from here I cannot ; no wings for this have I ; Nor in the earth can hide me, whatever else I try. Neither from the foeman to the waves can we be turning : Now, in our lot so wretched, what best it is to do from me be learning. 312 43tl&run 1464-1468 " Good knights of mine, now hearken ; there 's nothing left to do But, to the ground alighting, their hot life's-blood to hew From out the ringed armor : fear not the word I 've given." Then, from their saddles leaping, their horses back at once from them were driven. " Now on, brave knights and warriors ! " Hartmut called to all ; " To the castle-gates press nearer, whatever may befall. I yet must meet old Wa-te, whether I live or am dying ; To drive him from the gateway, and from the walls, I will at least be trying." Soon, with swords uplifted, rushing on were seen The brave and youthful Hartmut, and with him all his men. He fell upon grim Wa-te, who met his coming gladly ; Now their sword-blades clattered, and many knights lay dead, or wounded badly. When Wa-te saw young Hartmut the onslaught on him make, While Fru-te bore the banner, in wrath old Wa-te spake : " I hear the swords loud ringing of many pressing near us ; I beg, dear cousin Fru-te, let none come out from the gates ; from that now spare us." Then Wa-te, wild with anger, did on King Hartmut run ; But he, so brave and daring, the onset would not shun. The sun with dust was darkened, now from the struggle rising : Their strength was unabated ; still for good name they fought, that both were prizing. 1469-1473 2Dale rtje SDtoent^tgfjrtj 313 What helped it that of Wa-te men said he was as strong As six and twenty warriors ? Though this was on each tongue, Yet still to him young Hartmut his knightly skill was showing : Howe'er his foe was striving, the Norman lord and his men no less were doing. A knight he was most truly, and well indeed he fought ; Of the dead there lay a mountain whom on the field he smote. It was, forsooth, a wonder that Hartmut had not yielded, And died before old Wa-te : grim was the wrath from which himself he shielded. Soon heard he, loudly shrieking, old King Ludwig's wife ; Sorely she was mourning the loss of her husband's life. She said she would reward him who felt his death past bearing, And would Gu-drun be slaying, with all the maids who there her lot were sharing. Then ran a worthless fellow, to whom the fee was dear, To where the Hegeling maidens sat together near. Then the hearts of the women with many fears he loaded ; For the sake of gold to be given, to take their lives he now was sharply goaded. When that Hilda's daughter against her saw him bear A sharp and naked weapon, she well indeed might fear, And mourn that, far from kindred, she was thus forsaken. Had not young Hartmut seen it, the knave her head from her would then have taken. 314 d5uUrtin 1474-1178 She so forgot her breeding that now she screamed aloud, As if in dread of dying ; great fear made wild her mood. 'T was the same with all her maidens, there beside her seated, From out the window gazing ; the ladies such behavior ill befitted. At once the sound of her wailing to Hartmut made her known ; And greatly did he wonder what made her scream and moan. Soon he saw a ruffian whose sword was near to falling, As if he meant to kill her. Loudly now to him 'gan Hartmut calling : " Who are you, low-born dastard ? For what reward or need Do you affright these maidens, and seek to strike them dead ? If you shall strike one lady, I give you now this warning, Your life shall quick be ended ; your kinsmen too shall hang, this very morning." Back then sprang the rascal, his anger he did fear ; For now the youtful Hartmut held his life not dear, When to the homeless maidens he his help was giving : With care was he o'erladen, while from grim death to free them he was striving. Quickly then came Ortrun, she of Norman lands, The fair and youthful princess ; in woe she wrung her hands. She to Gu-drun came nearer, the stately, high-born maiden, And, at her feet down-falling, bewept her father's death, with sorrow laden. 1479-1483 SDale tlje 2Dtoent;igl)tf) 315 She said : " Most queenly lady, do not your tears forbear, For all my many kinsmen who death together share. Bethink you, if you also a father slain were weeping, How you would feel, great princess. My father slain I mourn, in death now sleeping. " Behold, most high-born maiden, my woe and bitter need ; How almost all my kinsmen lie, with my father, dead : And now the knightly Hartmut is death from Wa-te fearing. If I should lose my brother, bereft of kindred, nought could life be cheering. " Reward the love I 've shown you," said the Norman maid. " Of all that saw your sorrow, when none a tear did shed, I then alone was friendly, and had you in my keeping ; For all the wrongs they did you, I the livelong day for you was weeping. Queen Hilda's daughter answered : " Thou wast indeed my friend ; But yet this strife so deadly I know not how to end. Were I indeed a warrior, and knightly weapons wearing, I 'd stop the fighting gladly ; and none to slay your brother then were daring." Ortrun was sorely weeping ; she still the maid besought, Until within the window Gu-drun at length she brought, Who with her hand then beckoned, and begged that it be told her If from the land of her fathers knights had come who did in friendship hold her. 316 run 1599-1003 Then spake to them Queen Hilda : " Leave your weeping now ; Their chains will I unloosen ; they to my court may go : But not to seek their freedom they their word must give me, And with an oath must swear it, not hence to ride unbidden, nor to leave me." Now the noble bondsmen were from chains set free. Gu-drun then bade these warriors to bathe them in the sea ; Then, in finest clothing, men to court must lead them. Knights were they most worthy ; and so the more, good luck did ever speed them. There among the others Hartmut now was seen ; Never a braver warrior or better knight had been : E'en now, amid his sorrows, such a mien was he wearing, It seemed as if a pencil had drawn him there, and a parchment him was bearing. Now on him with kindness did all the ladies look, While he, their friendship trusting, greater boldness took. Ill-will, that erst was borne him, none were longer feeling ; It was by all forgotten what wounds they erst had been to each other dealing;. Herwic now bethought him from the land of the Hegeling How he might be going. He bade his men to bring His clothing and his weapons, and on the horses load them : When this was known to Hilda, to let them go no ready will she showed them. 1604-1608 SDale tlje SDljirtittl) 341 She said : " My good Lord Herwic, I beg you longer stay ! All your love and kindness a weight on me doth lay. Not yet with my good wishes may you hence be riding ; Before you yet shall leave me, there shall be high times for the guests with me abiding." To her Lord Herwic answered : " Lady, you know the way, How those who send their kinsmen to lands which others sway Again at home to see them are always greatly longing : With pain our friends are waiting until again they see us homeward thronging." Then spake again Queen Hilda : " Grudge not, I beg, to me One happiness and honor, for none can greater be ; Herwic, king most worthy, the boon now deign to give me, That I, poor lonely woman, may see my daughter crowned, ere she shall leave me." For this was he unwilling ; but still she begged and bade : Thereby those held in bondage were soon from sorrow freed. When now at last he told her that to do it he was willing, Then the Lady Hilda was glad in heart, and rest of mind was feeling. Seats were made at her bidding, yet more and better still. Which many knights with honor, near Hilda, soon did fill, When came the high times merry, that now were widely bruited. To crown Gu-drun, the fair one, King Herwic bade, for him it now well suited. 342 (SttUrun 1609-1613 Of those who him had followed there went away not one Before at Matelan castle the high times were begun. Then by Lady Hilda was clothing kindly given To sixty maids or over : for praise and honor she had ever striven. To full a hundred women clothing good she gave : None of those were slighted, but all her care did have, Who from their homes were taken ; these had clothes the rarest. The gifts indeed were wondrous that Hilda gave, of queens the best and fairest. Irold must guard the treasure ; to dwell in Hilda's home That knight erelong was bidden, and quickly did he come : Wa-te, he of Sturmland, must carve the meat at table ; They also sent for Fru-te, to come to her as soon as he was able. Her cup-bearer she made him ; thereon thus spake the knight : " That will I be most gladly, if now you think it right. A fief you then will give me, with banners twelve to show it ; Then am I lord in Denmark." Queen Hilda smiled, but never thought to do it. To Fru-te thus she answered : " That gift is not for thee ; For still your nephew Horant Daneland's lord must be. You, in his stead, for friendship, must now our cup be filling ; And, while he is with the Normans, kindly to care for him must you be willing." 1614-1618 2Dale tf)t 2Et)irtirtt) 343 The men and maids in waiting all to their tasks were set : Silken clothes were called for ; a hoard both rich and great, In rooms and chests long treasured, Queen Hilda bade them open. These were brought by stewards, and all the guests to them were freely holpen. Of these the very lowest had clothing of the best. If others than the Normans were bidden to the feast, Or why they called them thither, I have no way of telling : Full thirty thousand were they whom there they brought, in Norman lands once dwelling. Clothes for all were wanted, but where could these be found ? If e'en the wealth of Araby any there had owned, I ween he could no better or finer clothes have given Than now they shared so freely : that this should be, Gu-drun her best had striven. Soon as this lovely maiden by the guests had now her seat, She sent for her brother Ortwin, and did his coming wait, That she the word might give him to be fair Ortrun's lover ; She, King Ludwig's daughter, beside Gu-drun was seated then, as ever. Ortwin, lord of Ortland, made haste to his sister's bower : Him welcomed many a maiden who sat with her that hour. Then, from her seat arising, by the hand she kindly took him ; And him aside then leading, at the further end of the hall she thus bespoke him, 344 $UDrttn 1619-1623 Saying : " Dearest brother, hear what for you is best ; All that I shall tell you comes from a faithful breast. If you for bliss are hoping, so long as you are living, Then for Hartmut's sister you must, as best you may, henceforth be striving." To her young Ortwin answered : " Now think you this is well ? I and her brother Hartmut never as friends can feel ; We slew their father Ludwig, and, when to me she 's wedded, Of him will she be thinking ; then with her sighs I oft shall be upbraided." " You such love must show her that for him she will not long. If now this word I give you, 't is from a love as strong As I have had for any, or e'er in my life was feeling. Should she to you be wedded, your bliss with her will be beyond all telling." Then said her knightly brother : " If she to you is known, And now you think the Hegelings will her for a mistress own, Gladly will I love her, a maid of such high-breeding." Him Gu-drun then answered : " You '11 ne'er a sorry day with her be leading." Of this he spoke to others, but Hilda's word was nay ; He told it unto Herwic, to hear what he would say, Who held it right and worthy ; then to Fru-te speaking, That friend would have him woo her, " for many knights will she your own be making. 1624-1628 2Dale tlje Ktynittf) 345 " Soothed should be the hatred that we each other bore ; Of how it may be ended, I now will tell you more ; Then," said the Danish Fru-te, whose word was ever heeded, " Hildeburg, the maiden, to young King Hartmut also must be wedded." The wise and upright Herwic with faithful words thus spake : " I deem it right and fitting the maiden him should take ; When in the land of Hartmut she is queen and lady, A thousand lordly castles to own her sway will there be glad and ready." Then to the high-born Hildeburg Gu-drun the fair thus spake, With words unheard by others : " Care for your weal I '11 take ; If I may well reward you, my friend and playmate dearest, For all the love you 've shown me, soon in the Norman land a crown thou wearest." To her then said fair Hildeburg : " For me it were not well To give my troth to any who ne'er his love did tell, Nor unto me, in fondness, e'er his heart was turning ; Should we grow old together, I fear between us oft there '11 be heart-burning." Her Gu-drun thus answered : " Give not a thought to that : I soon will send to Hartmut, and bid him answer straight Whether he now would like it if from his pledge I free him, As well as all his followers, and send him home, that his friends again may see him. 346 45 tt D rtl H 1629-1633 " If he his thanks shall tell me, I then in turn will bid That he by deeds shall show it, and shall my wishes heed. I then will freely ask him if he will wed a maiden, That I and all my kinsmen may him with love and friendship ever gladden." To her they brought young Hartmut, king of the Norman land, And with him came old Fru-te. Near her, on either hand, Proud Hildeburg and Ortrun within her bower were sitting ; If the lady's word they heeded, their many woes they both would be forgetting. Hartmut, the son of Ludwig, went through the palace hall ; To him a friendly greeting was given by one and all, Alike both high and lowly from their seats arising. None than he was braver ; no worth or greatness e'er in him was missing. He by Gu-drun, fair lady, to seat himself was told ; And neither of the others her greeting did withhold. Then said Queen Hilda's daughter : " I beg you to be sitting Near my faithful maidens, who washed with me for your knights, as was befitting." " This in scorn you bid me, fair and lovely queen ! Whatever wrong was done you truly gives me pain : 'T was by my mother's wishes that this from me was hidden ; To keep it from my father, and from his knights as well, were all men bidden." 1634-1638 SDale tije SOjtrttert) 347 To him the maiden answered : " My wish I may not hide : I now, in truth, Sir Hartmut, must speak with you aside. I and yourself, we only, may hear what I am saying." Hartmut then bethought him : " May God now grant she is not falsely playing." No one else but Fru-te allowed she to come near ; Then the high-born maiden said in Hartmut's ear : " If you to me will hearken, and do what I shall tell you With ready heart and freely, now of all your sorrows I will heal you." " Well I know your wisdom," then young Hartmut said ; " Of aught that is unworthy I need not be afraid. My heart for nothing wishes, unless to do your bidding : Gladly, high-born lady, to all that you shall say will I give heeding." She said : " My wish I tell you, and now your life would cheer ; I, and my kinsmen with me, will give you a helpmeet fair. To keep both land and honor you may thus be seeking, And of the hate we bore you none shall evermore a word be speaking." " Who is it, say, fair lady, that you for me will choose ? Ere yet my love I give her, life would I rather lose Than ever that my kinsmen her with scorn were eying ; For me it were far better that I in death upon the field were lying." 348 d5u&run 1639-1643 " I will give your sister Ortrun, the maid beloved and fair, To be a wife to my brother, himself to me most dear. You must wed with Hildeburg, of a king the well-born daughter : Never a dearer maiden you in the world could find, where'er you sought her." " If this indeed may happen," then young Hartmut said, " And now your brother Ortwin shall take that lovely maid, My dear-loved sister, Ortrun, and she to him is wedded, Then I will woo fair Hildeburg ; thus hate will end, nor longer shall be dreaded." She said : " To this I 've brought him ; his troth to her he gave. If now 't would make you happy your father's lands to have, And again within his castles that you should soon be living, You well may wed with Hildeburg, and there the queenly crown to her be giving." He said : " That pledge I gladly, and on it give my hand ; As soon as the king of Ortland shall with my sister stand, And both the crown have taken, then I, no more forbearing, Will, with lovely Hildeburg, among our men our lands and fiefs be sharing." When he his word had plighted, then said the high-born maid : " Now will I do gladly a further friendly deed ; Unto the lord of Karadie for a wife will I be giving The sister of King Herwic, that she with him may evermore be living." 1644-1648 Stale rtje SOjtrttetl) 349 I ween that never hatred was smoothed as now was done : Brave knights who long were foemen now became as one. Fru-te, the lord of Danelancl, thought it right and fitting Soon to send for Ortwin ; also the Moorland king must them be meeting. When they to court were coming, finest clothes they wore. The news Gu-drun had told them others to Wa-te bore ; To Irold, too, they gave it, as soon as he came thither ; This aside they talked of, and fitting speech long time they held together. Then spake the aged Wa-te : " Peace we can never know Until Ortrun and Hartmut to Hilda, the queen, shall go, And ask of her forgiveness, down at her feet low bending. Only if she allows it, can we be friends, and hatred have an ending." Then spake Gu-drun, the high-born : " This I can truly say : To them is she not unfriendly ; Ortrun wears to-day Such clothes as by my mother to me and my maids were given. I '11 gladly gain forgiveness ; in me they all may trust, from home now riven." Within a ring of maidens Ortrun then they set, And with her also Hildeburg, of birth both high and meet : Ortwin then and Hartmut led them out to wed them. " I hope," said Lady Hilda, " that now, forever, we our friends have made them." 350 d5uDfUn 1649-1653 When to his side young Ortwin did the maiden Ortrun bring, Lovingly and kindly, he took a golden ring, And this upon the finger of her fair white hand he fitted. Then far off were driven the many woes that late her life had greeted. Hartmut around fair Hildeburg then his arms did throw ; Each on the hand of the other did a golden ring bestow. The lovely maid was blameless, and sorrow gave him never ; Of him and of fair Hildeburg nothing their faithful hearts thro' life could sever. Then said Queen Hilda's daughter : " Herwic, my lord most dear, Say, does the land of your fathers lie to us so near That men could bring your sister, if this by us were needed, Here to my mother's kingdom, that she to the lord of Karadie may now be wedded ? " To her King Herwic answered : " This will I say to you : Your men, if they will hasten, in twelve days' time can go ; But if any to your kingdom the maiden would be leading, 111 luck, I ween, awaits him, unless with him my own good knights be speeding." Then answered Hilda's daughter : " Your help, I beg you, grant ; By doing this, of happiness you nought shall ever want. To your men both food and clothing my mother will be giving ; Only bring us the maiden, that I may thank you, long as you are living/' 1654-1658 2Cale tlje SDtjtrtictft 351 To her then said Lord Herwic : " How can she be clad ? The mighty lord of Karadie a waste of my kingdom made ; There he burned my castles, and of her clothes bereft her." Then said the king of Moorland : " Her would I woo, if only a smock were left her." To bring the maid then Herwic a hundred warriors sent ; He bade his men to hasten when on their way they went. He begged that Wa-te and Fru-te would with them go riding : This was to them a burden ; but yet the worthy knights both did his bidding. With greatest speed they hastened, both by day and night, Until they found the maiden. Wa-te they feared would fight, 'Gainst this did Herwic's liegmen give their careful heeding. Soon from her home the lady, with four and twenty maids, the kniffhts were leading. By Wa-te they were guided from the castle down to the sand : Two ships they found, with row-boats, lying by the strand ; One of these they seized on, and, helped by breezes blowing, They fast away were sailing : throughout twelve days they to their homes were going. When to the land of the Hegelings they had brought the maid, Many knights bethought them over the sand to speed, To meet the lovely lady, and all with banners hasted. They who had brought the maiden had kept their oaths, nor from the task had rested. 352 43uUrun 1659-1663 How could any maiden a better welcome find ? Gu-drun went forth to meet her, and gave her greeting kind ; Hilda, with many ladies, to see the maiden hasted : Nor came King Herwic's sister all alone, though with fire her land was wasted. She from home was followed by full three hundred men. Now when the kingly Herwic his sister met again, He, to show her honor, rode forward, proudly dashing ; So did many others : loud were the shields of the knights together clashing. Four kings both rich and mighty rode to meet her there ; Thereon the knights 'gan wrangle which of the ladies fair Was loveliest and fairest. Long their time they wasted, For all alike were worthy ; on this at last their wordy war they rested. The fair Gu-drun then kissed her and those who with her came. They walked along the seashore, till a tent was seen by them, With richest silken hangings ; while they stood thereunder, What now to her should happen gave to Herwic's sister greatest wonder. Now the king of Karadie forthwith to come they bade ; Then they asked the maiden : " Will you this man now wed ? Kingdoms nine most mighty have for their master owned him." With him were knights full many, yellow in hue, now standing all around him. 1664-1666 2Dale tfje His father and his mother But him, so light in color, Like to gold, spun finely, She would choose unwisely 353 were not of faith the same ; one might a Christian name, the hair on his head was lying : if she to him her love were now denying. She was slow her love to grant him, as oft one sees a maid ; But she to him was given. The worthy knight then said : " So well I like this lady, from love I ne'er can free me. Never will I leave her, and as her husband men erelong shall see me/' At last this knight and maiden each their troth did plight : Both of them scarce waited till day should turn to night, ^Vhen, from others hidden, they should their bliss be owning. Soon, 'mid knightly warriors, daughters of four rich kings were hallowed for the crowning. Cale HOW THE FOUR KINGS WERE WEDDED IN HILDA'S LAND. OfHEN the kings were hallowed, as in days of yore ; ^^ Also there were knihted Now in Hilda's kingdom It was at Matelan castle, five hundred men or more. the folk high times were having ; before the walls where the sea the sands was laving. There the fair Queen Hilda to all fine clothing gave. How, in the sight of ladies, rode W&-te old and brave ! How Irold, too, and Fru-te of Daneland, rode before them ! One heard the spear-shafts broken, as these they lowered, and in the onset bore them. Lightly the wind was blowing, but the dust was dark as night ; Yet to the maidens' clothing the knights gave heeding slight, Altho' 't was soiled and covered with the dust thick flying. Before the ladies seated, riders bold in many a tilt were vying. 1670-1674 Stale tije Ctjirt^jfirtft 355 Now at length the maidens were left no longer there ; They, with the queenly Hilda, were led to a window near, Where the daring champions their eyes on them were feeding : Beside the four betrothed, a hundred well-clothed maids they were thither leading. Many wandering players there let their skill be shown ; The best that each was able, how gladly was it done ! When early mass was ended, upon the next day's morning, And God by them was worshiped, knights of the sword again to their games were turning. Of uproar and of gladness where could more be found ? Of many tunes and singing the halls gave back the sound. Until four days were over, there the high times lasted : Well-born throngs were gathered, nor oft the hours in idleness they wasted. An open-handed giver, that day was Herwic seen. He knew the wandering players, who there had come again, Were bent on growing richer, and well for this were striving ; Herwic meant, in kindness, that all, while there, should gain an easy living. First the lord of Sealand flung his gifts around With willing hand so freely that thanks from all did sound Who saw his love and kindness, or heard about it later : In ruddy gold King Herwic the worth of full a thousand pounds did scatter. 356 &UUrUtt 1675-1679 Clothing, too, was given by his friends as well as kin ; Horses finely saddled many there did win, Who before not often on such steeds had ridden. When this was seen by Ortwin, in giving then he would not be outbidden. He, the king of Ortland finest clothes now gave : Since then, if better clothing knights did ever have, Forsooth we cannot tell you, it never reached our hearing. He and all his followers stood bereft, erelong, of much that they were wearing. No one now could reckon what store of clothing good Was given by those from Moorland. There fine horses stood, Soon to be given also, such indeed is the saying : Those who were to have them for better never hoped, nor e'er were praying. All were now made richer, both the young and old. Then, too, was seen King Hartmut ; nought would he withhold, As though his home and kingdom had not in war been wasted : They saw him give so freely, that greater love and kindness none e'er tasted. By him and his friendly kinsmen who thither with him came, And there were held in bondage, how readily by them Was given what was left them, that any from them wanted ! By Hartmut and his followers all that could be asked was gladly granted. 1680-1684 SDafc rtje SDljit%5Ftr$t 357 Gu-drun, the lovely maiden, a friendly will e'er bore To Hildeburg of Ireland, with whom, in days of yore, To wash upon the sea-sands the clothes she oft was bearing. I ween no pains she slighted that Hartmut's love her friend might now be sharing. Gu-drun then bade her steward a hoard of goods to take For those who shared her kindness. Men of this would speak, And say in wealth to give them she would ne'er be wanting ; Heavy gold and silver, and clothes, could she to all her friends be granting. Before his seat upstanding, the Sturmisch lord was seen, Clad so well and richly that never king nor his men Finer clothes or better at any time were wearing. None long time were waiting who hoped that day his kindness to be sharing. Above all others, W&-te gave such clothing there That truly never better a king was seen to wear ; With gold and gems it sparkled, o'erhung with richest netting : Such clothes with him he carried when on his way to court he was forth setting. In every one of the meshes lay a costly stone, However one might name it ; thereby it could be known That in the land of Abalie the gems therein were fitted. To Wsi-te and his followers all gave the hand, and them with thanks they greeted. 358 45tlDrun 1685-1689 None of those there gathered, who saw the clothes that day, Could of the brave old Wa-te this truth indeed gainsay, That beyond the gifts of princes his were far outreaching. Of wealth he soon was master who for these gifts his hand was now outstretching. Willingly did Irold let them see his mind, That he to none was grudging gifts of any kind. Good care of Hilda's riches was Fru-te ever taking : He was a faithful steward, and long of him thereafter men were speaking. The high times now were ended, and all their leave would take. Then 't was allowed to Hartmut, as well his worth bespake, His peace to gain forever ; to this Gu-drun had brought him. Then for their home they started ; each happier went than he had erst bethought him. With friendly love, Queen Hilda bade them all farewell ; With her, Gu-drun and Hildeburg went, with kind goodwill, Far beyond the castle, with all their maids-in-waiting. There took they leave of Hartmut, when he at last was on his way forth setting. A guard Queen Hilda gave them across the land and sea ; Great was the host that Herwic and Ortwin now set free, Whom, long held in bondage, they now were homeward sending ; Full a thousand followers Hartmut brought to his land when the war was ending. 1690-1694 2Dale rtje 2Dlnrti?;JFtrgt 359 Everywhere the ladies one another kissed. Many now were sundered who long each other missed, And nevermore thereafter might again be meeting. The high-bred Ortwin and Herwic went with them to the boats that for them were waiting. Irold must be their leader, while they did homeward fare. Then by the king 't was bidden that he the word should bear To Horant, lord of Denmark, how they the land were leaving : Soon Irold to the warriors guidance and guard unto their homes was giving. The time, or late or early, in truth I cannot tell, When they for their home in Kassian did at last set sail. The folk, now faring thither, were nought but gladness showing ; After many sorrows, God on them was fullest bliss bestowing. Irold said to Horant, when he reached the Norman land, That he by the king was bidden homeward to lead the band. " To leave to them their kingdom," he answered, " it is fitting, They home have come so gladly ; I, too, to see my land with pain am waiting." Then they welcomed Hartmut, and to him his land did leave ; But how he swayed his kingdom I now no knowledge have. With all his friends, then Horant quickly homeward hasted, And left the land behind them ; Denmark they reached, nor many days they wasted. 360 1695 There we now will leave them, and only this will say : That never from a wedding homeward took their way Happier knights and kinsmen than now from there were going : Only the men of Karadie tarried still in the land, their gladness showing. Cale tlje HOW THEY ALL WENT TO THEIR HOMES. with the friendly Hegelings none would tarry more. Soon on the way to Alzabie they Herwic's sister bore, Shouting all for gladness that they the maid were bringing ; While, on their watery pathway, with proud and happy hearts, the knights were singing. Queen Hilda gave, at parting, a kind farewell to them. Tho' rich were Herwic's followers when first to her they came, Yet gifts she gave full many to them, when homeward faring. When one is seen so lavish, the name of a wonder-worker is he rightly bearing. Gu-drun then spake to her mother : " May blessings on you be ! Mourn not for the fallen ; by both my lord and me Shall love to you be given : no more you need be feeling Heaviness or sorrow ; your woes shall Herwic's kindness now be healing." 362 (StlDrUtt 1699-1703 To her Queen Hilda answered : " Dearest daughter mine, If you would make me happy, henceforth must friends of thine Come to the land of the Hegeling thrice to see me yearly ; Else must I greatly sorrow, and never can bear the loss I feel so nearly." Then said Gu-drun, the high-born : " Mother, it shall be done." At once, with smiles and weeping, and glances backward thrown, She left the castle of Matelan, with many a friendly maiden. Her sorrows now were ended : nought before did ever maids so gladden. Hither men brought horses, saddled and fitly bred, To bear her hence with her maidens ; these their keepers led : Light were all the breastplates, and golden-red each bridle. I ween the ladies wished not longer far from home to linger idle. Many, with hair down-flowing, and decked with gold, rode there ; Methinks from tears and sorrow none could then forbear, Who must at last from Ortrun and from her maids be parted. Should Ortrun be unhappy, Gu-drun would then be sad and heavy-hearted. Ortrun, betrothed to Ortwin, then her thanks did give To fair Gu-drun, the queenly, that she had granted leave To hold the Norman kingdom to Hartmut, her knightly brother : " Gu-drun, may God reward you ! my cares are gone, I ne'er shall know another." 1704, 1705 SDalr ttje 363 To her mother Hilda, also, Ortrun her thanks did say, That she in Ortland's kingdom the crown should wear one day, Together with King Ortwin, and there be called his lady. Then said to her Queen Hilda that she to grant her this was ever ready. Ortwin then and Herwic each to the other swore, With strong and steady friendship, that they forevermore Would sway with right and honor the lands to them belonging, And ever would be earnest to seize and slay whoe'er was either wronging. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed.