SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT 72 Sections for a Seminary of Learning, IN RKLATIOX TO T1IK H Pi'BLir Bl'ILDIMiii 500,000 ACRES FOR INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. SACRAMENTO: STATK ()] F ITK ; ; ; F< P THOMPSON. St PT. STATK PRINTING. 1S79. SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT IN RELATION TO THE OF 10 BED! 72 Sections for a Seminary of Learning, AND 500,000 ACRES FOR INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. SACRAMENTO: STATE OFFICE : : : F. P. THOMPSON, SUPT. STATE PRINTING. 1879. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, OFFICE OF SURVEYOR-GENERAL, ) SACRAMENTO, August 23d, 1879. j To His Excellency, William Irwin, Governor of California : SIR: In compliance with the request of the Honorable Commis- sioner of the General Land Office at Washington, I have the honor to submit the following supplemental report in relation to the condi- tion of the grant of 10 sections, and the grant of 72 sections, made to the State of California under the twelfth and thirteenth sections of an Act of Congress, approved March 3d, 1853, and the grant of 500,000 acres made under an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, as shown by the records of this office, the lists from the Department of the Interior, and the certificates of the Registers of the United States Land Offices. Very respectfully, WILLIAM MINIS, Surveyor-General. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE, ) WASHINGTON, D. C., May 2d, 1879. j William Minis, Esq., Survey or- General of California, Sacramento, Cali- fornia : SIR : With a view to the adjustment of the grants to the State of California for seminaries and public buildings, I have to request that you furnish this office with certified copies of your record of application under said grants, showing the tracts applied for, and the application rejected or refused by the Registers and Receivers on account of conflicts, and not now claimed by the State. An early response will oblige. Very respectfully, J. A. WILLIAMSON, Commissioner. A LIST Selected by the State of California, under the \Zth Section of an Township. .Range. Section. Description of Tract. 7 n 6 e 7 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. Stockton Land District. SW J 7 n 6 e 18 NW i _' 4 n 7 e 35 SE i _ 7 n 1 w 30 NE 6 n 1 w 1 NWi 6 n 1 w 12 NWi 6 e 7 e 12 SW i of sw i 6 s 7 e 13 NWiof nwi __. 6 s 7 e 14 N i of ne i 5 s 14 e 18 NWi _ . 3 s 7 e 21 Fractional s i of se i _ 3 s 7 e 28 Fractional n ^ and fractional nejofse^ 6 s 9 e 27 NE i and e i of nw i 6 s 9 e 22 S^ofswi _ 10 s 13 e 1 W i 10 s 13 e 12 N i of n i _ _ . 24 n 4 w 7 Marysville Land District. S ^ of ne J, nw J of se J, and se i of nw i 24 n 4 w 7 E i of se i 24 n 4 w 8 W^ofswi . 9 n 1 w 6 NEi 10 n 2 e _ _. 25 NWi _ _ 9 n 1 w 4 NWi 10 n 2 e 23 SEi 6 n _ 3 w 26 San Francisco Land District. NW| 6 n 3 w _ 23 _ SW i OF LANDS Act of Congress, approved March 3rf, 1853 Grant of 10 Sections. Number of Acres. Date of Selection in United States Land Office. Remarks. | 320.78 March 23, 1859 Not listed. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1859 Not listed. 160.00 April 2, 1860 List No. 14, San Francisco District grant of 500,000 acres. 160.00 Sept. 5, 1860 List No. 14, San Francisco District grant of 500,000 acres. 160.00 Sept. 5, 1860 _ Not listed. I 160.00 Sept. 5, 1860 Not listed. 154.15 Sept. 5, 1860 List No. 11, Stockton District grant of 500,000 acres. 302.76 Dec. 27, 1862 List No. 1, Stockton District grant of 10 sections. 320.00 Dec. 21, 1868 List No. 1, Stockton District grant of 10 sections. 480.00 Nov. 4, 3868 List No. 1, Stockton District grant of 10 sections. J 2,377.69 160.00 April 5, 1859 _ _ _List No. 1, Marysville District grant of 10 sections. 1 160.00 April 5, 1859 ._ List No. 1, Marysville District grant of 10 sections. J 160.00 Dec. 12, 1859 List No. 2, Marysville District grant of 10 sections. 160.00 Nov. 21, 1859 List No. 3, Marysville District grant of 10 sections. 160.00 June 20, 1860. Lisi^No. 4, Marysville District grant of 10 sections. 160.00 Nov. 26, 1860 List No. 5, Marysville District grant of 10 sections. 960.00 160.00 160.00 320.00 July 29,1860 July 29, 1860 4t___tt^^y=*c*k!:^ Not listed. July 7,1859 July 7,1859 July 7,1859 jL^-.-JLH-.-J^aa^yv-iM^^fcirt NeWwted. August 18, 1859 lJ.__Hiv.te*tdfe:rfr KeUieted. Sept. 17, 1859 __ . ot listed. Sept. 17, 1859 ___-_ . Not listed. October 30, 1859__ _ r 1 __. .Not listed. October 30, 1859 Not listed, Dec. 21, 1858 !$yi/'_?#fr*^ .?r??_l____Not listed. March 16, 1860 April 2, 1860 <^rZ-.j--ja^--!4^JiMk!vv Notliotod. April 10, 1860 J^*~___3.__.3Jt~__itJ^^5dL Nut listed. April 11, 1860 -_v4_r_ __.._ _' Notfeted. May 1, 1860 List No. 8, San Francisco District grant of 72 sections. May 1, 1860 List No. 8, San Francisco District grant of 72 sections. May 6,] 860 List No. 8, San Francisco District grant of 72 sections. May 18, 1860 | List No. 8, San Francisco District grant of 72 sections. July 29, 1860 (^4.^___<2l_IL*^i. t .-?i1^_f : ._. Net liated. March 22, 1861 Ac>JX__J&__Ae^_^:?^^_^_i JfoHiSteTf: May 7, 1861 .il^l.-.Z-.-cT^vv^-li^^^ift-ff- Nut libUjd. May 8, 1863 List No. 8, San Francisco District grant of 72 sections. May 8, 1863 List No. 8, San Francisco District grant of 72 sections. June 1, 1863 S i of ne iand nwjof nejin List No. 8, San Francisco District. June 1, 1863 SE i in List No. 8, San Francisco District. August 8, 1870 Not listed. 16 A LIST Selected by the State of California, under the 12th Section of an Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 10 n 6 e 17 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Marysville Land District. Ni _ 10 n 6'e 17 SEi 12 n 6 e 9 SEi 12 n 6 e 10 SWi 11 n 6 e 24 E 11 n 6 e 13 and 24 NW i of sec 24 and sw i of sec 13 11 n 7 e 18 NWi 11 n 6 e_ _ 13 NEi , 11 n 7 e 7 E 11 n 6 e 14 and 11 NE i of sec 14 and se J of sec 11 11 n 6 e 17 Si 12 n 6 e 35 Si 12 n 6 e 35 _ S i of nw i and S i of ne i 11 n 6 e 18andl9 S i of sw 4 of sec 1 8 and n \ of nw 4 of sec 19 11 n 5 e 24 NE i 8 n 8 e 19 Lots 5 and 6 of sw i _ 8 n 8e _ 19 NE i, e i of nw 4, and fractional se J 8n 8e__ _- 17 and 20 S i of sw i of sec 17 and n i of nw i of sec 20 8 n 8 e 17 and 20 SE i of sec 17 and ne i of sec 20 9 n 8e 29 and 30 SW J and s i of nw of sec 29 and e i of se i of sec 30 9 n 8e 29 and 32 SE i of sec 29 and ne J of sec 32 9 n 8 e 31 and 32 NE i of sec 31 and nw i of sec 32 11 n 5 e 29 and 30 NW i of sec 29 and ne i of sec 30 11 n 6 e 12 and 1 NE of sec 12 and se i of sec 1 13 n 6 e 32 W i 13 n 6e 34 E i 12 n 6 e 3 NWi 13 n 6 e 34 and 33 S i of sw i of sec 34 and s i of se i of sec 33 15 n 5 e 6 Lots 2 and 3 of ne J and lots 2 and 3 of nw 4- 12 n 6 e 4 NE i and n i of se i 11 n 6e 18 and 19 SE i of sec 18 and ne i of sec 19 Selected and claimed by the State _ 17 OF LANDS Act of Congress, approved March 2>d, 1853 Grant of 72 Sections. Number of Acres. Date of Selection in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320 00 Dec. 11, 1858 List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections 160 00 Dec. 11, 1858 List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections. 160 00 Dec. 11, 1858 List No. 1, Marysville District grant of 72 sections 160.00 Dec. 11, 1858 - - _- List No. 1, Marysville 320.00 Dec. 11, 1858 District, and List No. 1, Sacramento District charged twice. List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections. 320 00 Dec 11 1858 List No. 1 Sacramento District grant of 72 sections I 319 go Dec 11 1858 List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections 320.00 Dec. 11, 1858 List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections. 320 00 Dec. 11 1858 .. List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections. 320.00 Dec. 11, 1858 _ List No. 2, Sacramento District grant of 500.000 acres. 320 00 Dec 11 1858 List No. 1, Marysville District grant of 72 sections. 160.00 Dec. 11, 1858 List No. 1, Marysville District grant of 72 sections. | 318.15 Dec. 11, 1858 List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections. 56 07 Dec 11 1858 Not listed 281.87 Dec 11 1858 Not listed. 160.00 Dec. 11, 1858 Not listed. 320.00 Dec. 11, 1858 ___ . _ _ _ Not listed. 320.00 Dec. 11, 1858 List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections 320.00 Dec. 11, 1858 List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections. 320.00 Dec 11 1858 List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections. K 20.00 Dec. 11, 1858 List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections. 20.00 Dec. 11, 1858 __ _ . List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections. ^20.00 Dec 13, 1858 List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections. 320.00 Dec. 13, 1858 List No. 1, Sacramento District grant of 72 sections. I 32. 4, Benicia District. 160.00 March 16, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. 60.73 March 16, 1855 _ _ _ __ _ . List No. 7, Humboldt District. 157.63 March 16, 1855 List No. 7, Humboldt District. 32.60 March 16, 1855 List No. 7, Humboldt District. 160.00 March 16, 1855 _ __ List No. 4, Benicia District. 240.00 March 16, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. 80.00 March 16, 1855 ______ List No. 4, Benicia District. 160.00 March 16, 1855 __ _ __ _ List No. 4, Benicia District. 80.00 April 21, 1855 _ List No. 4, Benicia District. 221.50 April 21, 1855 _ __ _ List No. 4, Benicia District. 320.00 May 15, 1855 List No. 6, Humboldt District. 320.00 May 15, 1855 _ . List No. 4, Benicia District. 160.00 May 15, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. 153.61 May 15, 1855 _ _ List No. 4, Benicia District. 320.00 Jan. 7, 1856 List No. 4, Benicia District. 303.75 Jan. 7, 1856. _ __ _ __ List No. 6, Humboldt District. 407.50 March 16, 1855 List No. 7, Humboldt District. f Disposed of 4,937.32 (by United States, 0.00; claimed by the State, 4,937.32 acres. 7 C 50 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco and Benicia Land Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 5 n lw 34 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. SE J of se i 5 n lw 35 S i of sw and sw ^ of se i 4 n 1 vv 2 N i of nw J and n i of ne i 5 11 1 w 34 SE of ne and ne J of se J 5 n lw 35 S i of nw \, n of sw i, sw i of ne i, and nw \ of se \ 5 n 1 w 34 E i of sw i and w i of se J 4 n 1 vv 3 N i of nw \ and n i of ne \ __ _ _ 5 n 1 w 27 W i of se J and e i of sw 5 n 1 w 34 _ W i of ne i and e i of nw 5 n 1 w 25 NW J, w i of ne i, and lots 1 and 2 5 n lw 23 SE of se i and w of se i 5 n 1 w 24 - Lots 1, 2, and 4 and s i of sw J ._ 5 n 1 w 14 .. MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Si 1 n 10 e 1 Fractional w of nw \, fractional e of nw J, and fractional w ^ of ne J In _ . 10 e 2___ Fractional e of ne \ . -- 1 s 7 e 9 E i of se i and nw ^ of se i 1 s 7 e 10 W i of sw J, ne J of sw J, and s of nw J 1 s 7 e 12 W i 13 s 23 e 26 Lot No. 4 _ _ 13 s 23 e 34 Lots 5 and 6 13 s 23 e 35 Lots 2, 3, and 4 14 s 23 e 3. _ Lots 2 and 3 _. 21 s 28 e . 33 Si 21 s 28 e 34 Si 21 s 28 e 32 S i 18 s 25 e 13 Fractional sw J 18 s 25 e 24 Fractional nw J 3n__. 1 e 15... N i and se i 3 n 1 e 14 W i 3 n. 1 e 23 NW i Selected by the State 51 OF LANDS Districts, under the Sth Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4.ih, 1841, Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Kemarks. March 16, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. March 16, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. March 16, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. March 16, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. March 16, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. March 16, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. March 16, 1855 List No. 4, Beni- eia, and No. 6, Humboldt Districts same land in both lists. March 16, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. March 16, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. April 21. 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. April 21, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. April 21, 1855 List No. 4, Benicia District. Feb. 14, 1857 List No. 8, San Francisco District. Dec. 18, 1856 List No. 1, Benicia District. July 20, 1857 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. July 20, 1857 .... Not listed; disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. August 4, 1857 _* Not listed; disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. Sept. 28. 1857 Not listed. See Register's cer- tificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia District; claimed by the State. Sept. 28, 1857 Not listed. See Register's cer- tificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia District; claimed by the State. Sept. 28, 1857 Not listed. See Register's cer- tificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia District; claimed by the State. Sept. 28, 1857 Not listed. See Register's cer- tificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia District; claimed by the State. Sept. 28, 1857 List No. 7, Visalia District. Sept. 28, 1857 List No. 7, Visalia District. Sept. 28, 1857 . List No. 7, Visalia District. Oct. 26, 1857 Not listed. See Register's cer- tificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia District; claimed by the State. Oct. 26, 1857 Not listed. See Register's cer- tificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia District; claimed by the State. Oct. 31, 1857 List No. 1, San Francisco District. Oct. 31, 1857 List No. 1, San Francisco District. Oct. 31, 1857 List No. 1, San Francisco District. Disposed of by United States, 640. 00 acres; claimed by the State, 5,074.18 acres. 52 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco and Benicia Land Township. Eange. Section. Description of Tract. 14 s 24 e 17 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. NE i 14 s 24 e 16 NWi _ 3 n 1 e 24 Ei _ 3 n 1 e 24 NWJ 3 n 1 e 24 SW i ______ 3 n 1 e 23 _ Ei . _ 3 n 1 e 3 S i 3 n _ 1 e 10 W * _ 3 n 1 e 4 N -J of nw J and sw J of nw J 3 n 1 e 5 N of ne J, se-J of ne i, and lot 1 19 s 24 e 18 Fractional s i of nw J and fractional ne ^ 19 s 24 e 17 W of nw J 5 s 14 e 19 W i of sw |, ne of sw J, se i of ne i, and lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 5 s 14 e 18 Lot in se J 2.40 acres 5s 12 e 35 Lot 66. 11 acres- ___ 5 s 12 e 35 Lot=31.08 acres, and lot 24.81 acres 6 s 12 e 2 Fractional e i of ne J and lots 4 and 5 5s 12 e__ . 25 Lot No. 4 5 s 13 e 30 Lots 4, 5, 7, and 8 (lots 4 and 8 91.80) 3 s 12 e 35 S of ne i, 11 of se J, lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 5 s 13 e 25 NEi 5 s 13 e 24 Lots 6 and 7 and se J of so J 1 n 8 e 19 N i 8 s 12 e _ . 2 _ S % of nw J, s ^ of ne J, n i of ne J, and ne i of nw J 21 s 28 e 32 S i of ne i 21 s 28 e 33 S ^ of nw J, and s ^ of ne J 21 s 28 e 34 S^ofnwi _ 21 s 27 e _ _ 18 NE J of ne J, nw J of ne J, and e of nw i 21 s 27 e 8 Fractional sw J 21 s 27 e 7 SE J of se J, fractional n of se J, sw J of se J, fractional n $ of sw J, sw i of sw i, and se J of sw J of sec 7 Selected by the State 53 OF LANDS Districts, under the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Kemarks. October 26, 1857 Not listed. See Register's certificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia. October 26, 1857 In place. See Register's certificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia. October 31, 1857 List No. 1, San Francisco District. October 31, 1857 List No. 14, San Francisco District. October 31, 1857 List No. 1, San Francisco District. Nov. 2, 1857 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879, San Francisco District. Nov. 2, 1857 List No. 9, San Francisco District. Nov. 2, 1857 j 1 List No. 1, San Francisco District. Nov. 10, 1857 List No. 14, San Francisco District. Nov. 10, 1857 List No. 14, San Francisco District. Nov. 17, 1857 Not listed. See Register's certificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia District; claimed by the State. Nov. 17, 1857 Not listed. See" Register's certificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia District; claimed by the State. Dec. 5, 1857 List No. 20, Stockton District. Dec. 5, 1857 List No. 20, Stockton District. Dec. 5, 1857 List No. 22, Stockton District. Dec. 5,1857 List No. 22, Stockton District. Dec. 5, 1857 List No. 22, Stockton District. Dec. 5, 1857 Not listed. See report for Stockton District. Dec. 17, 1857 List No. 22, Stockton District. Jan. 4, 1858 List No. 12, Stockton District. Jan. 4, 1858 List No. 12, Stockton District. Jan. 7, 1858 List No. 11, Stockton District. Jan. 12, 1858 List No. 11, Stockton District. Jan. 21, 1858 List No. 7, Visalia District. Jan. 21, 1858 ... List No. 7, Visalia District. Jan. 21, 1858 List No. 7, Visalia District. Jan. 22, 1858 List No. 7, Visalia District. Jan. 22, 1858 List No. 7, Visalia District. Jan. 22, 1858__, List No. 7, Visalia District. Disposed of by United States, 731.80 acres; claimed by the State, 4,732.44 acres. A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco and Benicia Land Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 21 8 26 e 12 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. Lots 2 and 3 and 11 of se J 18 3 27 e 11 NW 18 s 27 e 10 NE i _ 3 s 12 e 34 Lots 1 and 2 __ 3 s 12 e 27 SE and e of sw i _ 3 n 10 e 30 SW i _ 3 n 10 e 31 NW i 4 s 13 e 6 E ^ of sw ^ and w of se J 4 s 13 e 7 N 4 of ne i _____ _. 4 s 13 e 8 N of nw i 1 n 10 e 19 SE i and s i of sw In 10 e . . 20 W i of sw i 1 n 10 e 30 NE i 3 s 12 c 32 W i of ne i and n i of nw J 3 s 12 e 29 Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, and sw ^ of s\v i 2 s 8 e 20 W i 2 s 9 e 23 Lots 3 and 4 and n -J of sw J 2 s 9 e 22 Lots 1, 2, and 3, and ne i of ne J 1 n 8e 34 All 18s 26 e 13 NE i, n i of se f and n ^ of sw J 4 s 7 e 11 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, se i of ne i, and e of se i 4s 7 e 12 NW i of sw i 2 s 8 e 19 _ E i _ _ Selected by the State 55 OF LANDS Districts, under the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office Remarks. 157.19 160.00 160.00 54.81 240.00 160.00 160.00 160.00 80.00 80.00 Jan. 22, 1858. Jan. 23, 1858. Jan. 23, 1858. Not listed. See Register's certificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia District. List No'. 7, Visalia District. List No. 7, Visalia District. Jan. 26, 1858 | Not listed; dis- | posed of by United States. See report for Stockton District- Jan. 26, 1858 ! i Not listed; dis- posed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. I List No. 6, Stockton District. List No. 6, Stockton District. List No. 6, Stockton District. Feb. 17, 1858 j List No. 6, Stockton District. Feb. 17, 1858 List No. 6, Stockton District, Feb. 6, 1858. Feb. 6, 1858. Feb. 17, 1858. 80.00 March 9, 1 858 List No. 11, Stockton District. 160.00 March 9, 1858 . _ __ List No. 11, Stockton District. 160.00 March 16, 1858 List No. 11, Stockton District 142.08 March 16, 1858_ . List No. 11, Stockton District. 320.00 April 7, 1858 Not listed di- 301.56 April 17, 1858__ posed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. List No. 19, Stockton District. 640.00 April 17, 1858 List No. 11, Stockton District. 320.00 April 27, 1858 Not listed 271.60 Mav 31,1858 See Register's certificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia District. List No. 12, Stockton District 40.00 May 31,1858 _ _ List No. 12, Stockton District. 320.00 June 14, 1858 List No. 19, Stockton District 4,406.52 Disposed of by United States, 614.81; claimed by the s'tate, 3,791.71 acres. 56 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 6 n 3 w 22 and 27 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. SE J sec 22, and ne J sec 27 6 n 3 w 26 and 35 SW i sec 26, and nw i sec 35 7 n 4 w 19 and 20 Fractional e of sw J, se J sec 19, and west J of sw J sec 20 6 3 2 w 33 and 34 S i sec 33, and sw i sec 34 Z s . _ 6 w 1 and 2 Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, sec 1, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and s of nw i sec 2 2 s 6 w _._ 34 and 35 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and ne J of se J of sec 34, and lot 9 sec 35 7 n 8 w 2 and 3 W ^ of nw i of sec 2, ne i and lot 1 of sec 3 8 n__ 8 w 35 _ SWiofswJ ... ._ 1 n 1 e 6 and 7 SE J sec 6. and ne \ sec 7 1 n 1 e 11 Ni 1 n 1 e 12 Wi 8 s 4 w 5 and 4 E ^ of sw i and se i sec 5, and w i of sw J sec 4 10 8 1 e 26 N 10 s 1 e 34 and 2 7 E i of ne J, ne J of se J, and lots 1 and 2 sec 34, and e ^ of se J, and lot 4 sec 27 _ __ _ 10 s 1 e 22,15,23 NE i of se i, e of ne J, lots 1, 2, and 3 of sec 22, lots 1 and 16 s 22 e 27 and 2 6 2, and e i of se J sec 15, n i of sw i, and sw J of nw i sec 23_ SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4. and sw i of ne J sec 27, and lot 1, and fractional se J of sw J, and n of sw sec 26 12 s 6e 20 and 21 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. S i of ne i, n i of se i, and lots 1 and 2 of sec 20, and all of sec 21 17 n 17 w 30 and 29 SE i of nw i, s i of ne J, lots 4 and 5 sec 30, and lots 1, 2, 3, sec 29 _____ _ . _ _ 15 n 17 w 11,10,2,3 E i, nw J, and ne J of sw J sec 11, e i of ne J sec 10, sw i of sw | sec 2, and se | of sw i, s of se i, and nw i of se i sec 3 7 n . 4 w 35 SE i . 6 n 4 w 2 W ^ of ne J, se J of ne J and ne J of sei 7 n 10 w 7 and 18 Lot '2, se J of nw i, e i of sw J, sw J oT se J sec 7, and n i of ne i, and ne i of nw J sec 18 7 n 11 w 3 and 2 Lots 1 and 2 and se J of ne J sec 3, w ^ of nw J, and sw J sec 2 8n 11 w 21,28,27, SE i of se i sec 21, e i of ne i sec 28, w i of nw J, and w i and 34. of sw J sec 27, w i of nw i, n of sw i, se i of sw i, nw J of se J, and s ^ of se J sec 34 2 s 13 w_ 21 SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. E -J, e J of nw J, and e ^ of sw J Amount selected by the State - 57 OF LANDS the 8th Section -of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 Warrants. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.00 August 1, 1860 __._List 1, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 May 18, 1861 List 18, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 296.99 May 19, 1864 List 21, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 480.00 July 29, 1865 Disposed I of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. 310.79 August 12, 1864 __! Rancho Laguna de la Merced. 224.94 August 12, 1864 _.: See second and third ; lines on pages 6-7, and Register's certificate, August 2d, 1879. 301.67 Dec. 29, 1865 | List 11, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 May 16, 1864 i List 2, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 May 16, 1864 List 2, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 May 16, 1864 | List 2, sup- i plemental, and List 2, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 Sept. 22, 1866 ! All clear. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. 320.00 March 14, 1866___! List 15, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 316.88 March 14, 1866 ! List 13, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 476.00 March 14, 1866 ' List 13, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 314.24 August , 1867 Fort Yuma Reservation. 926.56 Nov, 7, 1866 List 5, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 311.70 February 25, 1867 List 11, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 800.00 April 13, 1867 List 7, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 327.86 May 24, 1871 I List 12, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. * 311.66 July 18, 1868 ! List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 960.00 July 18, 1868 List 12, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District; charged to State twice. 480.00 May 12, 1868 List 3, 500,000 acres, Los Angeles District. ,079.27 Disposed of by United States, 1,015.73 acres; claimed by the State, 8,063.54 acres. 58 A LIST Selected by the State of California, in the San Francixco Land District, Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 30s _ _ 14 e 6, 7, 8 . MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. Lots 1, 2, and e i of sw J sec 6, lot 1, ne J of nw J and n i of ne J sec 7, and n of n i sec 8 29 S 13 e 32 Ni _. 10 n 19 w 12 SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Wi 10 n 19 w 8 E i 10 n 19w 4 All _-_ 8 8 2w 30 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. N 9 s 4 e 19,20,29 NE J sec 19, sw J of nw J, n i of sw J, and se J of sw i of sec 20, and ne i of nw i, w i of ne J, and nw \ of sec 29 sei 7 n 5w_ . 20 Lot 3 nw of se i, s i of nw J, and sw J 4 n 2 e 11 E i 4 n 2 e 27 E 6 n 1 e_ _ _ 9 S i 6 n 2 e 15 and 14 SE i sec 15 and swj sec 14 _ _ 6 n 2 e 27 Hi 6 n 2 e 27 r Si 7 n 2 e 29 E i 7 n 2 e 33 SE i, w of ne i, se J of ne J, and ne i of nw i 5 n 1 e 33 E i 6 n 2 e 35 Wi 11 n 8w 13 and 14 NW i sec 13, and ne i sec 14 11 n 8w 3 and 10 W J of se i sec 3, and w ^ of ne J, and aw J sec 10 26 s 10 e 8, 17, 18, and 20 _ W i of se J sec 8, e of nw 4, sw i of nw J, n of sw J, sw J of sw i sec 17, e of se J sec 18, w of w sec 2 J of ne J sec 17 and 0,w 11 n 15w 21 and 22 E i of se i sec 21, sw i, w of se J sec 22 25 s 12 e 33 and 34 S i of ne ^ and e J of se J sec 33, and w ^ of w i sec 34 9 n 10 w 20 W 4 n 1 e 13 N* 7 n 11 w 5 and 4 SE i of nw i, s i of ne J sec 5, s of nw J, ne i of sw J, and n -J of se J sec 4 8 n 11 w 2 7 and 34 SE J of sw J sec 27 and E of nw J sec 34 Amount selected by State 59 iNDS under the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. Feb. 1, 1869 List 11,500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Feb. 1, 1869 List 11,500,800 acres, San Francisco District. June 16, 1869 List 10, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. June 16, 1869 List 10,500,000 acres, San Francisco District. June 16, 1869 N i List 10, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District; s i not listed abandoned by the State. July 14,1869 List 10,500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Nov. 19, 1869 List 10,500,000 acres, San' Francisco District. Disposed of by the United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Disposed of by the United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Disposed of by the United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Disposed of by the United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Disposed of by the United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Disposed of by the United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Disposed of by the United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Disposed of by the United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. No selection. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. July 9,1870 List 12,500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Nov. 29,1870 List 12, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Nov. 25,1870 List 12, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District; charged to State twice. Nov. 25,1870 List 20,500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Nov. 25,1870 List 12,500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Nov. 25, 1870 List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Nov. 25,1870 List 12, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District ; charged to State twice. Dec. 9, 1870 Listl2, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District; charged to State twice. July 10,1854 List 9,500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Dec. 16, 1870 Listl2, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District; charged to State twice. Dec. 16, 1870 List 12,500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Disposed of by United States, 3,199.13 acres; claimed by the State, 6,200 acres. 60 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco Land District, Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 7 n 1 e 10 and 15 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. NW i, e ^ of sw J sec 10, and e of nw J sec 15 2s 6 w ___ 27,34,35. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, and fractional ne i of ne i of sec 27, and ne J of se i, and lots 3 and 4 sec 34, and lot 9 sec 35 _ 2 n 2 w 13 Lot 1 __ __ _ _ _ _ 2n 1 w _'____ 7,18,17- NE of nw , nw i of ne i, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8, sec 18, ne i of sw J, lots 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, of sec 17, lots 9, 10, 1 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, of sec 7 9 n 14 w 1 Lots 1, 2, and se J of ne J 9 n 13 w _ 6 Lot 7, se i of nw J, and s i of ne i__ 6n 32 w 19,29,30, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. and 32 _ Lots 2, 3, and 4, sec 19, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, n i of se 1, and e of nw i of sec 30, w i of sw i and se i of sw i of sec 29, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and ne 4 of ne J of sec 32 13 n 17 w 34 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. SE J of se J and lot 5 _ _ 12 n 17 w 3 and 2 __ Lots 1, 2, 3, and 5, sec 3, and nw J of sw ^, sw J of nw i, and lot 4, sec 2 12 n 17 w 11 and 12 N i of ne J sec 11, w ^ of nw J, se J of nw J, ne of sw J, and w i of se i sec 12 _ _. 14 n 16 w _ . 4, 9, 10 SE J of sw i and sw J of se J of sec 4, n of ne J, se i of ne 15 n 16 w 17 J of sec 9, and n i of sw i and sw i of nw i of sec 10 S $ of ne J, n of sw J, and se J 15 n 16 w 7, 8, 9 NE i sec 7, n i of sw J, se J and n i sec 8, w of nw J and s i sec 9 __^ 14 n 12 w 18 and 19 W ^ of sw J sec 18, n ^ of nw i, s i of ne J, se i of nw J, and nw J of se J sec 19 __ _ 7 n 4 w 34 SEi 13 n 11 w 28 and 29 E i of ne J, s i of nw J, and s ^ of sec 28, se J of ne J, n ^ of se J, and ne i of sw J sec 29 6 n 33 w 24,25,26 SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Lots 1 and 2 sec 26 lots 1 2, 3 4, ne J, n i of nw J sec 25, lots 3, 4, 5, s i of se i, nw J of se i, and se J of sw J of sec 24 _ 6 n 32 w 19 Lot 1 sec 19 6 n 32 w 30 and 29 Lots 7 and 8 and s of ne J sec 30, lots 1, 2, ft, 4, and s i of se J sec 29 6 n _. 33 w 15 and 22 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, sw i of se J, se J of sw J sec 15, ne i of nw i, nw i of ne J, s i of ne J sec 22 _ Amount selected by State 61 OF LANDS under the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. June 18, 1870 List No. 14, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. May 14, 1864 List No. 14, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Jan. 19, 1872 List No. 15, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. May 25, 1872 List No. 14, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. August 9, 1872 List No. 15, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Disposed. of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Jan. 22, 1873 List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Jan. 27, 1873 List 16, 500^000 acres, San Francisco District. Feb. 1, 1873 List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. March 26, 1873 List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. April 23, 1867 List 12, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. March 14, 1873 List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. March 12, 1873 List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. March 12, 1873 List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. March 12, 1873 List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Disposed of by United States, 603.42 acres; claimed by the State, 6,384.67 acres. 62 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco Land District, Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 15 n 16w 6 and 5 ._ MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. SE J of se J sec 6, s i of sw J, sw J of ne J, and se J sec 5 14 n 16 w 10,11,14 S 4 of se J sec 10, s i of sw J, ne i of sw J, nw i of se i of sec 11, and n 4 of nw J sec 14 __ _ 1 n 1 e 14,15,23 SW ^ sec 14, nw J sec 23, se J, s 4 of nw J, and the n i of sw sec!5 _____ 12 n 16w n Ion 17w 12 and 13 S 4 of se J sec 1 2, and ne i of ne J sec 1 3 15 n 16w 18 ._ N i of n i and se J of ne j sec 18 9 s 3w 31 Si 9 s 4 e 19 SE i, ne J of sw J, e i of nw J, and lots 3 and 4 3s 4 e 34 16 s 8 e 22,26,27 NW i sec 26, n i of ne J, ne i of nw J sec 27, se J, and se J of sw i of sec 22 ._ _ __ ._ 30s 13 e 11,12,13. Lots 1, 2, 3, se i of nw J sec 13, lot 1 sec 12, lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of sec 11 9 s lw 5 S i of se i 8 s 1 w 32 N E J and e A of se J 24s 15 e _ 24 24 s 16 e 18 Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, n i lot 8, and n i lot 9 __ 9 8 1 w 5 N i of ne J 6 n 34 w 10,14,15, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. and 22 _ Lot 1 sec 10, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, e i of se , sw J of se i of sec 15, lots 1, 2, sec 14, lot 1 sec 22 6n _ 34w 22 and 23 Lots 2, 6, and ne i sec 22, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, sw J of nw J sec 23 24~s 16 e 7 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. NE ^ and lots 1 and 2 15 n 17w 3 and 4 S i of n i, ne i of se J, n i of sw | sec 3, and lot 1 of sec 4 15 n 17 w 12 W i, s i of ne \, n i of se i sec 12- 15 n 16 w 7, 8, 17 N i of nw , sw J of nw i, n i of s 4, se J of sw J, se \ of se J of sec 7, sw i of sw i sec 8, nw i and n i of ne J sec 17 16 n 13 w _. 29,31,32 E 4 of ne J, nw J of ne J, n 4 of nw J sec 32, ne J of ne J sec 31, se ^ of se 4, and sw J of sw ^ sec 29 Amount selected by State 63 OF LANDS under the 8th Section of an Act of Cmgress, approved September 4th, 1841. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. March 27, 1873 List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. April 12, 1873 List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. January 17, 1865 List 11, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. April 29, 1873 List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. April 30, 1873 List 16, 500.000 acres, San Francisco District. July 28, 1873 List 16, 500,000 acres. San Francisco District. August 14, 1873 List 16, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. May 1,1866 List 17, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. April 6, 1874 List 22, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. July 25,1874._. List 20, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. January 17, 1867 List 9, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. October 3, 1874 All clear. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. October 3. 1874___ List 20, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. January 17, 1867 List 9, 500,000 acres^San Francisco District. Not filed in United States Land Office. See Register's certfficate, July 25th, 1979. Not filed in United States Land Office. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Not filed in United States Land Office. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Not filed in United States Land Office. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Listed to the State in lieu of 16th and 36th sections. May 13, 1875 List 22, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Disposed of by United States, 2,400.03 acres; claimed by the State, 5,044.95 acres. 64 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco Land District, Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 12 n 8 w 10,11,15, 21, 22, 27, 26, and 23 _ 33,34,27 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. SE J sec 10, sw J sec 11, sw J w of se i sec 15, and n sec 15, n i sec 21, w se i sec 22, ne J of sec 27, nw i sec 26, sw i, s ^ of nw J, ne of nw J sec 23 18 n 17 w SE J of ne i sec 33, nw i sec 34, s i of sw i and nw i of sw i sec 27 18 n 17 W 34 18 n 17 w 33 N i of se i, se i of se J, sw i of ne i, n i of sw i, and s nwj iof 12 n 11 w 17 w 17 w 15 w 5, 8,9 SW J of se i sec 5, e i of ne i, nw i of ne J of sec 8, nw J of sec 9 and 18 n 22,26,27. 25,26 15 and 22 NW J of sw i, e ^ of sw i, se J sec 22, n i of ne i, se ne J, and ne J of se J sec 27, nw i of sw J sec 26_ iof 18 n S ^ of se i, e i of sw J, nw J of sw J sec 25. n of se i, ne i of sw J sec 26.. _ and 23 n SE J of sw J sec 15, e of ne i, n i of se i, ne i of sw J, and e -J of nw J sec 22 2s___ _ 2 w ___ 4 7 NE i of nw J, n i of ne J, se J of ne i, and se i 2 s 2 w 11 E i 2 s 2 w _ 11 1 s_ 2 w W i 1 s 2 w 15 NE i 1 8- - - 2 w __ 1 S 2 w 11 Lots 1, 2, 3, w i of ne J, w i of se i, se J of se J__ Amount selected by State _ _ _ G5 OF LANDS under the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, Number cf Acres. Date of Filing in United States Laud Office. Remarks. 2 280.00 June 10, 1871 Lists 12, 14, and 20, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320 00 March 17, 1876 List 22, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 March 17, 1876___ .__ List 22, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 March 20, 1876 List 22, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 All clear. See Register's certificate, Julv 25th, 1879. 480.00 March 28, 1877- __ List 22, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 March 28, 187 7 __ List 22, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 All clear. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. 320 00 All clear. See Register's certificate, Julv 25th, 1879. 320.00 All clear. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. 320.00 All clear. Sec Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. 320.00 All clear. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. 160.00 __ __ All clear. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. 320.00 All clear. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. 278.33 All clear. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. 6,718.33 Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the State, 6,718.33 acres. 9< A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco Land District, under the Sth Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 5 s 2 w 1 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Alameda County. SW J of se J, and e i of se J, and sw J 5 s 2 w 12 NW i of nw i 2 w _ 1 NE i, s of nw i, and nw J of se i 5s' 1 w 6_ S of nw J, e of sw J, and nw J of sw J 5 s 1 w 7 NW J of nw i 5 s 1 w 6 _ _ SWiofswi _ - 5s 2 w 12 NEi and n of se i 5 s 2 w 2 NE of se i, se i of nw J, and ne i 5 s 2 w 1 N^ofnwi __ 5 s ___ 2 w 11 SW i of ne J and e i of nw J 5 s 2 w 12 E i of sw i, sw J of sw i, and w i of se 5 s 2 w 12 E i of nw J, sw J of nw J, and ne J of sw J 5 s 2 w 11_ ___ N i of ne J and se J.of ne i_ __ _ 5 s 2 w 2 SE J of se i 3 s 1 e 2 N* 3 s 1 e 3 N 3 s 1 e 1 N^ 3 s 2 e 6 NW J and w of e 2 s 1 e 34 Si 4 s 1 w 9 NE J of ne i 4 s 1 w 4 SE i of sei 4 s 1 w 10 SW i of ne i, se i of nw i, w i of nw i, and lots 2 and 3 3 s 3 e 25 S -J of nw J and 11 i of sw J 3 s 3 e 26 S i of ne i and n i of se i 3 s 4e 30 SWi 3 s 3 e 25 S i of ne i and n i of se i 3 s 4e 32 E i of nw J, and w of ne J, and e i of ne J 3 s 4e - 33 _ W^ofnwi _ 3 s 1 e 35 Si Selected by the State 67 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 On Unsurveyed Lands. Number of Acres. Date of Surrey. Remarks. 320.00 Sept. 27, 1859 - -- - - In Mission San Jose 480.00 Sept. 27, 185.9 In Mission San Jose 320 00 Sept. 27, 1859 [ 320.00 Sept. 27, 1859 In Mission San Jose 320.00 Sept. 27, 1859 In Mission San Jose. ! 320.00 Sept. 27, 1859 __ _ _ In Mission San Jose 320.00 March 2, 1860 . Not listed ; disposed 320.00 March 2, 1860 of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Not listed disposed 320.00 April 17. 1860 of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. In Rancho Las Pocitas 320.00 April 17, 1860 In Rancho Las Pocitas 320.00 Sept. 27, I860... S of s i in Rancho Las Pocitas. Not claimed by the State. I 294.01 Dec. Y, 1860 _ List No. 20, San Francisco District. J I 320.00 April 9, 1861 _ Not listed disposed. 1 320.00 April 9, 1861 of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Not listed; disposed J } 320.00 June 3, 1861 of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. List No. 12, San Francisco District. J 320.00 April 15, 1862 of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. 5,254.01 Disposed of by United States, 4,640.00 acres; claimed by the State, 614.01 acres. 68 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco Land District, under the 8th Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 1 S 5 w MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. Marin County. Fractional sections 4, 5, 8, and 9 4 n 9 w j SW i _ _ _ 4 n 9 w 2 SE J> s -J of ne \, and fractional e \ of sw J 4 n 9 w 12 Fractional nw J - 1 n 1 e 5 and 7 Contra Costa County. SE i of sec 6, and ue i of sec 7 1 n 1 e 11 N i 1 n 1 e 5 S * 1 n 1 e 12 W of nw , w i of sw |, and ne J of sw J 1 n 1 e 12 SE 4 of nw 4 and e i of sw 2 n 1 e 28 SW i of sw i 2 n 1 e 29 Siofsei - 2 n 1 e 32 N \ of ne \ and se J of ne J 2 n 1 e 33 W i of nw i and nw i of sw J _ 2 n 1 e 28 SE i of sw \ and sw \ of se J 2 n 1 e 33 E of nw J and ne J 14 s 6 e 1 Monterey County. SWi 14 s 6 e 2 Fractional e -J and fractional nw J 12 s 6 e 21 All 12 s 6 e 29 W i 12 s 6 e 32 W * 12 s 6 e 32 E i 12 s 6 e 33 W i 12 s 6 e 29 W i of e i 12 s 6 e 20 Fractional s of nw J and s of ne J 13 s . 2 e 4 . __ S i of nw J, sw }, and Lot No. 2 __ _ 13 s 2 e 5 NE i, n i of se i, se i of se i, and Lot No. 7 12 s 4 e 18 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and s of ne J of sec 18 12 s 4 e 17 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and sw i of sw of sec 17 17 s _ . 8 e.__ . 23 and 26 SW i of sec 23, and nw i of sec 26 Selected by the State 69 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4/A, 1841 On Unsurveyed Land. Number of Acres. Date of Survey by County Surveyor. Remarks. 705.23 April 28, 1860 United States Military Reservation (Angel Island). [ 447.98 August 13, 1860 * In Rancho Tomales. March 23, 1861 List No. 2, San Francisco March 28, 1861 District. See pages 56-57, San Francisco District, for same land. List No 2, San Francisco 320.00 January 7, 1863 District. See pages 56-57, San Francisco District, for same land. Not listed; not claimed June 10, 1862 under this grant. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1789. List No. 2, San Francisco District; dated April 10th, June 10, 1862 1867. See pages 56-57, San Francisco District, for same land. List No. 2, dated October 20th, 1868, and List 40.00 Sept. 10, 1863 No. 2, dated December 30th, 1868; same land in both lists. Not listed; not 80.00 Sept. 10, 1863 claimed by the State. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Not listed; not 120.00 Sept. 10, 1863 claimed by the State. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Not listed; not 120.00 Sept. 10, 1863 . _ claimed by the State. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. _ _ __Not listed; not 80.00 August 10, 1863 claimed by the State. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1 879. _ _ ._ ..Not listed; not 240.00 August 10, 1863 claimed by the State. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. _ . __ _ Not listed; not } 471.17 May 2, 1859 claimed by the State. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. In Rancho Cienega de los Paicines. J May 2 1859 Relocated with other land November 27th 1866 See List No [ 640.00 May 2 1859 5, San Francisco. See pages 56-57, San Francisco, for same land. Not claimed i 640.00 May 2, 1859 under this grant. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Not claimed } 320.00 May 4, 1859 under this grant. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. _ Not claimed under J \ 595.98 October 1, 1859 this grant. See List 18, San Francisco, indemnity selections. __ List No. 11, San Francisco District. J I 288.45 October 7, 1859 Not listed ; 320.00 Nov. 28, 1859 claimed by the State. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. List No. 19, San Francisco District. 5,428.81 Disposed of by United States, 4,224.38 acres; claimed by the State, 1,204.43 acres. 70 A LIST Selected by the State of California, in the San Francisco Land District, under the 8th Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 17 s 1 e 13 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. Monterey County. W \ of sw i 17 s 1 e 14 E i of se and sw \ of se \ 17 s 1 e 23 N i of ne \ and se \ of ne \ 17 s 2 e __ _. 20 Lots 3 and 4, s \ of se \, and nw i of se \ 17 s 2 e 22 S -i of sw J and nw J of sw J 17 s 2 e 27 W \ of nw i 17 s 2 e 28j S of ne J e \ of nw \ and nw J of nw J 17 s 2 e 29 NE i of ne i 17 s 2 e 17 _ . _ SE J, fractional e i of sw J, and s ^ of ne J 15 s 8 e 3 W i of sw i 15 s 8 e 4 E of se J, s i of ne J, nw J of se \, and ne J of nw i 12 s 4 e 28 NE \, and lots 1, 2, and 3 12 s 4e 33 - Lots 6 and 7 6 n 4 w _ _ 14 Napa County. SE J of se i - -. 6 n . 4 w 23 NEiofnei . 6 n 4 w 24 W i of nw J and sw J 6 n 4 w 2 W icf sw i 6 n 4 w 3 E i of se i 6 n 4 w 10 E A of ne i 6 n 4 w 11 W of nw J _ 8 n 4 w 6 NE i of se J 8 n 4 w 5 W i of sw J, and se i of sw J 8 n 4 w __. 8 NE i of nw i, n i of ne J, and se i of ne J 7 n 4 w 26 j^j} ^ e i of nw J and n i of se ^ 6 n 5 w 2 Lots 1, 2, and 3 - -- 6 n 5 w __. 3 N ^ of se i, and e i of lots 2 and 3 __. . _ _ __ 5n 4w 35 Fractional s i of ne i, fractional s i of nw J, n of sw i, and sej - 5 n 3 w 18 NWi 5 n 4 w 13 E , e i of nw J, and e ^ of sw J __ Selected by the State 71 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 On Unsurveyed Land. Number of Date of Survey by Acres. County Surveyor. Remarks. 80.00 Dec. 15, 1859 _ -List No. 17, San Francisco District. 120.00 Dec. 15, 1859 _ _ .List No. 17, San Francisco District. 120.00 Dec. 15, 1859 List No. 17, San Francisco District. - 582.33 Dec. 15, 1859 ___._ _ List No. 17, San Francisco District. 40 00 Dec 15 1859 301.60 Dec. 15, 1859 on file in this office. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. List No. 17, San Francisco District 320.00 April 23, 1860 Not listed 293 31 April 23 1860 claimed by the State. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. List No 10 San Francisco District >. 320.00 June 11, 1859 List No. 22, San Francisco District - 320.00 June 13, 1859 List No. 3, San Francisco District > 320 00 June 16, 1859 Not listed 320.00 June 22, 1859 - claimed by the State. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. _ List No. 1, San Francisco District. 319 65 June 28, 1859 List No 16 San Francisco District 320.00 August 14, 1859 _ ; . Not listed j disposed > 640 00 June 6, 1859 of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. List No 1 San Francisco District 4,416.89 _ Disposed of by United States, 320.00; claimed by the State, 4,096.89 acres. 72 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco Land District, under the 8th Township. Eange. Section. Description of Tract. 7 n 3w 26 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Napa County. E ^ of se 4, s i of ne J, nw J of ne J, and ne J of nw 4- 7 n 3w 25 W i of sw i 8 n 7w 12 S of n ^and n i of s i . . 8 n 4 w 8 S of nw J _ _ ___ 8 n 4 w 7 E \ of ne J and nw \ of ne \ _ 8 n 4 w 6 SW of se and s \ of sw \ 8 n 6w 7 and 18 S of sw i of sec 7, and n * of nw of sec 18 . 8 n 7w 12andl3 S of se J of sec 12, and n of ne \ of sec 13 8n 6vv. __. 8 T_ SW i of ne i, nw J of se \, n i of sw \, and s ^ of nw J 8 n 6 \v 7 SE of ne and ne i of se i _ - __ _ 8 n 4 w 9 W J of sw i 8 n 4w 17 E of ne 4- 8 n - 4w 8 SE i of se \, w i of se \, and se \ of sw J _ 7 n 4 w 25 S \ of se 4 and sw \ 7 n 4w 26and35 SE i of se J of sec 26, and ne \ of ne i of sec 35 8 n 6w 2 land 22 S ^ of nw i and s i of ne \ of sec 21, and nw \ of sec 22__ _ 4 n 4 w 1 and 2 W \ of sw 4 of sec 1, so J and e ^ of sw i of sec 2 4 n 4 w Ilandl2 NE J of sec 11 and nw \ of sec 12 4 n 4w 11 Wi - - 4 n 4 w 11 SE J 4 n 4 w 13 and 14 S i of sw J of sec 13. and s of se \ -of sec 14 4 n 4 w 23 and 24 NE i of sec 23, and n i of sec 24 4 n 3w 17 SW J of nw J 4 n 3w 18 E ^ of ne J, sw J of ne J, n ^ of sw 4, and n 4 of se \ 8 n 5w 20 E % of se J, nw J of se 4, ne J, and ne 4- of nw J 28 s 14e__ 15 and 22 #an iim Obispo County. NW J and w i of ne J of sec 22, and w i of sw J of sec 15 29 s 11 e __ 22 SE i 29 s 11 e 27 W of ne i and e i of nw i _ _. 31 s 12 e __ 11 Wi . . 31 s 12 e 10 and 15 N -J of ne J of sec 15, and s ^ of se 4- of sec 10 Selected by the State _-. 73 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 On Unsurveyed Land. Date of Survey by County Surveyor. Remarks. August 13, 1859 List No. 1, San Francisco District. March 9, 1860 Not listed; no selection. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. March 29, 1860 Not listed; claimed by the State. April 11, 1860 List No. 11, San Francisco District. April 11, 1860 , Part n Rancho Carne Humana and balance preempted. April 30,1860 Not listed; claimed by the State. May 22,1800 List No. 1, San Francisco District. Nov. 16, I860 List No. 10, San Francisco District. May 10, 1861 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. May 10, 1861 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. May 10, 1861 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. May 10, 1861 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. May 10, 1861 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. May 10, 1861 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. May 18, 1863 List No. 10, San Francisco District. May 17, 1859 List No. 7, San Francisco District. July 14,1860 , Not listed; no selection. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Feb. 8, 1861 List No. 7, San Francisco District. Feb. 8, 1861 List No. 7, San Francisco District. Disposed of by United States, 3,040.00 acres; claimed by the State, 3,040.00 acres. 10 74 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco Land District, under the 8th Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 11 s 3 e 23 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Santa Clara County. S of se i 11 s 3 e 26 N ^ of ne * n i of nw J and sw J of nw J n s 3 e 27 NEiofnei . 7 s 2w 26 SE i and se i of sw i 7 s 2 w 35 NE i of nw J and w 4 of ne J _ .._ 7 s 2w 27 E J of ne J and ne J of se J 7 s 2w 26 W i of nw J, w of sw i, and ne i of sw i 9 s 4 e 19 NEi 9 8 4 e 20 SW i of nw J, n i of sw \, and se J of sw J 9 s _ 4 e 29 NE i of nw J, w of ne , and ne i of se J_ 6 s 2w 33 and 34 S i of sec 33, aitd sw i vf sec 34 _ . . __ _ _ 7 s 2w 3 and 4 *NW i of sec 3, and ne i of sec 4 7 s 3 e 31 and 32 E i of se i of sec 31, and w i of sw i of sec 32 _ ._ 8 s 3 e 6 E ^ of ne J and ne J of se J 8 s 3 e 5 W i of nw J, nw J of sw J, and e i of sw i 10 s 2 e 35 S ^ of ne i, e i of se i, n w J of se i, and ne J of sw J - 8 s 3 e 24 E ^ of ne i, and ne J of se i 8 s 4 e 19 _ NW i of nw i, e i of n w J, ne J of sw , and nw i of se i _ _ 7 s 3 e _ 30 and 31 SE J of sec 30, and ne i of sec 31 8 s 3 e 25 E ^ of nw i, w ^ of ne i, and sw J 7 s 1 w 3 S i 8 s 1 e 23 and 22 Fractional sw J of sec 23, and se i of sec 22 __ ___ __ 8 s 1 e 27 N ^ of ne ^, se J of ne 4, and ne i of se J 8 s 1 w 11 and 12 SE i of sec 11, and sw i of sec 12 6 s 2 w 21 and 20 SW i and n of se J of sec 21 and n -V of se J of sec 20 6 s 2vv 21,27,28 SE J of se i of sec 21, nw J of nw J of sec 27, and n i of ne J of sec 28 _ 9 s 1 e 1, 2, 11 _ NW J of sw J, and sw i of nw J of sec 1, se i of sec 2, and n of ne J of sec 11 9 s 1 e 2 E i of sw J _ _ ___ 9 s 1 e_ 11 E ^ of nw i, s i of ne J, nw i of se i, and ne J of sw J_ __ 9 B 1 e 1 NE i of sw i, se J of nw i, and n i of nw i 9 s 1 e_ 2 E i of ne i, sw i of ne J, and se J of nw i Selected by the State _ _ 75 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September th, 1841 On Unsurveyed Land. Number of Date of Survey by Acres. County Surveyor. Remarks. March 28,1859 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. July 27,1859 List No. 12, San Francisco District. July 29, 1859 List No. 12, San Francisco District. Sept. 20, 185.9 . List No. 10, San Francisco District; relocated. See pages 58-59, San Francisco District. Sept. 21, 1859 Notlisted; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Nov. 17,1859 Notlisted; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Dec. 19, 1859 Notlisted; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Feb. 11,1860 Notlisted; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. April 25, 1860 Notlisted; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. May 23,1860 Notlisted; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Jan. 10, 1861 Notlisted; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. July 14,1861. Notlisted; not claimed by the State. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Feb. 4, 1862 Not listed; no selection. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. April 27, 1864 In Rancho Pastoria de las Borregas. May 4, 1864 In Rancho Pastoria de las Borregas. Feb. 25, 1864 In Rancho San Vincente. March 1, 1864 In Rancho San Vincente. March 1, 1864 In Rancho San Vincente. Disposed of by United States, 5,353.50 acres; claimed by the State, 640.00 acres. 76 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco Land District, under the 8th Township Bange. Srction. Description of Tract. 10 s 2 c 19 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. Santa Cruz County. SWi 10 s 1 e 24 S 10 s 1 e 25 W 10 s _ 2 e 29 and 32 SW i of sec 29, and nw i of sec 32 10 s 3 w 27 and 28 N A of nw i of sec 27 and e -i of ne i of sec 28 10 s 3w 21 S i of se J, nw J of se J, and svv ^ of ne J _ 10 s_ _ . 2 e 29 and 30 NW J of sec 29, and ne i of sec 30 8s 4 w 19 __ E and sw _ - 10 s 1 w 31 SW :J, e ^ of nw \, and w J of ne J 10 s ___ . lw_ 29 and 32 W ^ of se J and e i of sw i sec 29, w i of ne i and e i of iiw i of sec 32 4s 5w 32 San Mateo County. NE J 4s 5w 33 W^andsei . _ 5 s 4w 18 Fractional s ^ and s ^ of nw J 6 n 9w 15 and 22 Sonoma County. SE J of sec 15 and ne J of sec 22 8 n 13 w 5 and 6 6 n 8w_ _ 15 Ei . 7 T n Sw 26 and 27 Fractional s $ of sec 26 and fractional se J of se J of sec 27 7*u _ - - 8w 25 W of sw ^ and fractional sw J of nw J 7 n 8w 3 and 2 SE J of sec 3 and w of sw J of sec 2 7 n 8w 3 W ^ of ne i 8 n 8\v 6, 5, 8 E ^ of se i of sec 6, w i of sw of sec 5, and nw i of sec 8. 7 n 9 w 24 23 26 SW i of sec 24 e of se J of sec 23 and e i of ne J of sec 26 11 n 9 w 13,14, 15 NW i of se J, n ^ of sw J, sw i of lie J, and s of nw J of sec 13 -- .- - 11 11 9w 13,14 15 N ^ of s i and s J of n J of sec 14, ne i of se J and se J of ne ^ of sec 15 (This survey was adjusted to the United States surveys on the 15th of January, 1868, by Leander Ransom, State Agent, to n i of sec 14, and n i of sec 13, t 11 n, r 9 w, Mount Diablo base and meridian ; and the n i of sec 14 is listed in List No. 12, San Francisco Dis- trict. Selected by the State 77 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 On Umsurocyed Land. Date of Survey by County Surveyor. Remarks. June 27, 1859 List No. 16, San Francisco District. June 27, 1859 List No. la, San Francisco District. June 27, 1859 List No. 14, San Francisco District. Augusts, 1859 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. April 2, 1860 1 Not listed; no selection. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Nov. 19, 1860 List No. 16, San Francisco District. April 25, 1861 In Rancho Nov. 25, 1852 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Dec. 21, 1861 List No. 7, San Francisco District. October S, 1860 _. List No. 16, San Francisco District. October 8, 1860 List No. 16, San Francisco District. Jan. 17, 1861 - Not listed: no selection. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. June 11, 1859 List No. 11, San Francisco District. July 4, 1859 In German Rancho and Ocean. Sept. 1, 1859 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Sept. 1, 1859 In Rancho Cabeza de Santa Rosa and Llanos de Santa Rosa. October 8, 1859 Located and listed in lieu of 16th and 36th sections. October 8, 1859 See selection 29th December, 1865; List 1 1 ,San Francisco District. March 16, 1861 List No. 4, San Francisco District. March 9, 1861 List No. 11, San Francisco District. Sept. 11, 1862 See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Disposed of by United States, 3,008.00; claimed by the State, 3,680.00 acres. 78 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco Land District, under the 8th Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 17 n 16 w 28 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Mendocino County. NE i and n i of se 17 n 16 w 21 S of se J 17 n 16 w 21 NE i, n i of se i, and e i of nw i 17 n 16 w _ _ 15and22 S of sw i of sec 15, nw*J and n i of sw i of sec 22 17 n 16 w 22and27 SE i of sec 22, and ne i of sec 27 17 n 16 w 23 S of n and n of s i 17 n 16 w _ 23and26 S i of s i of sec 23, and n of n i of sec 26 __ 3 n 2 w 19 ... Solano County. N 3 n 2 w 19and20 S i of sec 19, and sw i of sec 20 3 n 3 w 7 and 1 8 S $ of sw J of sec 7, nw i and n ^ of sw J of sec 18 3 n 4 w 12andl3 Fractional s ^ of s 4 of sec 12, and n J of nw J of sec 13 3 n 4 w 24 Fractional e 4 3 n 3 w 19andl8 W of ne i and nw i of ne J of, sec 19, and s of s i of sec 18_ 3 n 3 w 29and30 SW i of sec 29, and ne of sec 30 3 n 4 w 13,14,24 Fractional s J of sec 13, se J of sec 14, and nw J of sec 24 3 n 3 w' 17,18,19, 3 n 3 w and20_ 30,31,32 SW i of se J, w i of se J, and sw J of sec 17, ne J of ne i of sec 18, e i of ne J of sec 19, nw and w i of ne J of sec 20_ Fractional nw ^ and s of sec 30, fractional ne i of ne J of sec 31, and fractional nw J of nw of sec 32 . __ 3 n 4 w 11,12,14 Fractional sec 11, fractional nw J of sw J, and fractional sw J of nw ^ of sec 12, and fractional ne 4 of sec 14 3 n 3 w 19,20,29. Fractional se J and sw J of ne i of sec 19, fractional sw J and w ^ of se J of sec 20, nw J and w -J of ne 4 of sec 29 4 n _ ___ 2 w 7,18,19 Fractional s of s i of sec 7, fractional w of sec 18, frac- tional se i and fractional w of sec 19 _ _ 4n 2 w 30,29,32 Fractional e J of sec 30, fractional sw J of sec 29, fractional w and se i of sec 32 3 n 2 w 5 Fractional nw J 3 n 2 w 29,30,31 Fractional nw J of sec 29, s i of nw J, ne J, and fractional s of sec 30, fractional n of sec 31 4 n 2 w 31 E of e i 4 n 2 w 30 W i 6 n 1 e lOandll N of ne J of sec 10, and nw J of sec 11 6 n 1 e 3 SEi 6 n 1 e_ _ 2 and 11 SW i of sec 2, and n of sw J of sec 11 7n 1 e 24 and 25. SE J of sec 24, and ne i of sec 25 Selected by the State 79 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 On Unsurveyed Land. Date of Survey by County Surveyor. Remarks. Nov. 1, 1861 List No. 6, San Francisco District. Nov. 1, 1861 List No. 6, San Francisco District. Nov. 1, 1861 List No. 16, San Francisco District. Nov. 2, 1861 List No. 6, San Francisco District. Nov. 2, 1861 List No. 6, San Francisco District. Nov. 4, 1861 List No. 6, San Francisco District. April 3, 1862 Disposed of by the United States. April 3, 1862 Disposed of by Jhe United States. April 3, 1862 Disposed of by the United States. April 3, 1862 Disposed of by the United States. April 3, 1862 Disposed of by the United States. April 3, 1862 Disposed of by the United States. April 3, 1862 Disposed of by the United States. April 4, 1862 Disposed of by the United States. April 4, 1862 Disposed of by the United States. April 4, 1862 Disposed of by the United States. April 4, 1862 Disposed of by the United States. May 8,1862 Disposed of by the United States. May 8, 1862 1 Disposed of by the United States. May 8, 1862 Disposed of by the United States. May 8,1862 Disposed of by the United States. May 8, 1862 Disposed of by the United States. July 24,1862 List No. 14, San Francisco District. July 24,1862 List No. 18, San Francisco District. July 24, 1862 Preempted. See Commissioner's letter, November 19th, 1872. Nov. 29, 1862 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. Disposed of by United States, 7,338.94 ; claimed by the State, 2,320.00 acres. 80 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the several Land Districts, under the 8th Section of an Act of Office except the Lists Township. Kange. Section. Description of Tract. 15 n 2 w 18 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MKRIDIAN. Si - . . _. .. 15 n 2 w 19 N i 15 n 3w 13 E of sw i, and se i of nw , s of ne J, n of se , and s i of se J ._ __ _. 15 n 3w 24 NE J of n\v J and n \ of ne J 17 n 4 e 13 S i of nw i, n of sw i, and s i of sw i 17 n 4 e 14 E i of se i 15 n 3 w 13 SW i of sw i 15 n 3 w 14 SE i of se i 15 n 3w 23 and 24. NE of ne i of sec 23, and nw of nw i of sec 24. 18 n 2w 26 SW i 18n 2w _'_ 35, N i of ne J and n ^ of nw i_ _ 18 n 2w 27 S i of ne J, s -J of nw J, and sw J 18 n.- 2 w 34 .. N ^ of 11 w i and n i of ne 18 n 2w "26 S ^ of ne i, s i of nw J, and se ^ 18 n 2vv 27 SE J 22 n 4w 2 SWiands^ofnwi . _ _. 22 n 4 w 3 NE i of se i and se of ne i 13 n 6 e 21 E i . - 13 n 6 e 14 NEi 13 n 6 e 11 S i 15 n 3w 24 S of se i and s i of sw J 15 n 3\v 25 N i of ne J and n i of nw J 5 n 1 e 9 HUMBOLDT BASK AND MERIDIAN. NE J, ne J of nw J, ne J of sw J, and n ^ of se 4 5 n 1 e 3 NE J of nw J and w i of ne J 6 n 1 e 34_. SWi 6 n 1 e 20 All 6 n 1 e 21 _ SWi ._. . 6 n 1 e rv> E i of sw J, w i of se , and e ^ of sw J 6 n 1 e 27 . S i of sw i 2 n 1 e 20 SW of ne J, nw J of se J, n i of sw J, and n 4 of ne J _ __ 2n . 1 e 17 W i of se J Selected and claimed by the State 81 OF LANDS Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, of which there is no record in the Surveyor- General' s from Washington. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 286.34 Dec. 17, 1855 ._ List No. 1, Marysville District. 286.00 Dec. 17, 1855 List No. 1, Marvsville District. 1 480.00 Dec. 17, 1855 List No. 1, Marysville District. [ 320.00 January 19, 1856 List No. 1, Marysville District. * 160.00 March 18, 1856 List No. 1, Marysville District. [ 320.00 March 19, 1856 List No. 1, Marvsville District. I 960.00 March 19, 1856 _ _ ...List No. 1, Marysville District. \ 320.00 July 19,1858 List No. 1, Marvsville District. 320.00 June 16, 1856 _ _ _ _ _ List No. 1, Marvsville District. 160.00 June 16, 1856 List No. 1, Marvsville District. 320.00 June 16, 1856 -. _- _ List No. 1, Marvsville District. 1 320.00 Sept. 20, 1856 __ List No. 1, Marysville District. 320.00 March 6, 1856 List No. 1, Marysville District. ' 291.55 April 28, 1856 List No. 1, Marvsville District. j 640.00 April 16, 1856 ._ _ List No. 1, Marysville District. 160.00 April 16, 1856 List No 1, Marysville District. 240.00 April 16, 1856 List No. 1, Marvsville District. 80.00 April 16, 1856 . _ _ List No. 1, Marvsville District. i 320.00 April 16, 1856 List No 1, Marysville District 6,303.89 82 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the several Land Districts, under the 8t.h Section of an Act of Office except the Lisls Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 6 n 1 e 28 HUMBOLDT BASK AND MERIDIAN. N i 4 n 1 w 15 W i 4 n 1 w . 22 NW J of ne J, n i of nw J, and sw J of nw J 5 n 1 e 4 S i of se i 3 n 2 w 1 E i ._ 5 n 8 e 20 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. W of se J, s of sw J, and ne J of sec 20 5 n 8e 19 E of ne J, and ne i of se of see 19- __ .-_ 5 n 8 e -_ '_.- 20 N ^ of sw i, e ^ of n w \, and sw of nw \ of sec 20 __ 4 u 8 e 14and 15 NW i of sec 14, w i of ne 1, and se \ of ne i of sec 15 4 n 8 e 21 SWi . _, 4 n 8 e 21 NE i 4 s 7 e 11 Lots 1 , 2, 3, 4, and 5, se i of ne \, and e of se i 4 s 7 e 12 NWiofswi _ 4 n 1 w 4 SW i of ne i and lots 3 and 4 4 n 1 e 20 N i 17 n 1 e 18andl9 SE i and lots 5 and 6 of sec 1 8, lots 7 and 8 of sec 19 . - __ 32 n 5 w 26 Fractional s \ ... _ ._ 29 n 3 w 27,28,33, and 34. Fractional sw \ of nw J, and w of sw \ of sec 27, fractional s i of ne J and se J of sec 28, fractional n of se i, and se \ of se i of sec 33, w i of nw i, se i of nw i and sw i of sec34 . . _-. 5 s 13 e 24,25,26. Lot 5 of sec 24, lot 1, e of nw J, and sw \ of nw of sec 25, lots 5, 6. and 7, and ne J of se J of sec 26 17 n 4 e '23 and 24 E i of ne \ of sec 23, w of ne J and nw \ of 'sec 24 21 n 12 w 33,34,28. E i of se i and e \ of ne J of sec 33, sw J of sec 34, and se J of se i of sec 28 20 n 12 w 3,4,9 NE i and e of se \ of sec 4, s i of nw J, n \ of sw J, nw \ 16 n 1 w 28 and 2 1 of nw J, and sw of n w J of sec 3, and e i of ne \ of sec 9_ HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. NE i and e of nw \ of sec 28, and e i of se i of sec 21 Selected and claimed by the State i 83 OF LANDS Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, of which there is no record in the Surveyor- General's from Washington. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.00 April 16, 1856 List No. 1, Marvsville District. 320.00 April 28, 1856 __ __ List No. 1, Mary svi lie District. 160.00 April 28, 1856 List No. 1, Marvsville District. 80.00 March 6, 1856 List No. 1, Humboldt District supplemental. 320.00 April 16, 1858 List No. 7, Humboldt District. 320.00 March 10, 1856 List No. 9, Stockton District. i 320.00 Nov. 19, 1856 _t List No. 9, Stockton District. 2SO.OO 160.00 March 10, 1856 May 1,1856 List No. 12, Stockton District. List No. 12, Stockton District. 160.00 May 14,1856 List No. 16, Stockton District. ] 311.61 May 31, 1858 ___ List No. 12, Stockton District. j 151.29. Dec. 24, 1853. List No. 8, San Francisco District. 318.12 October 4, 1858 _ List No. 11, San Francisco District. 309. 56 Mav 1 1 , 1 858 List No. 5, Marvsville District. 257.31 Dec*. 22, 1856- _ . __ __ __ List No. 1, Shasta District. 594.73 Nov. 22, 1856 _ __ _ List No. 2, Shasta District. 317.70 August 9, 1858 _ _ _ List No. 20, Stockton District. 320.00 May 22, 1856 List No 10, Marysville District. \ 921.50 March 21, 1860 __ _ _ List No. 2, Humboldt District. 1 312.62 April 12, 1858 List No. 8, Humboldt District. 6,254.44 84 A LIST Selected by the State of California, in the Marysville Land District, under the Stk Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 17 n 3 e. __. 14 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Butte County. SW J of ne J, w of se \, and w 17 n 3 e 15 NE J e of se i ne J of nw J lots 2 3 and 4 17 n.__ 3 e-__ _ 22. NE i of ne i, sw i of ne J, lots 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 _ 17 n 3 e 23 Lots 1 and 2 and nw J of ne J 17 n 3 e 27 Lot 5 and ne J of nw J 21 n 1 e 26 E ^ of ne J 21 n 1 e 25 NW i of nw i, e i of nw J, w i of ne J 21 n 1 e 24 SE i of sw i 22 n 2w 18 Col lisa Cbunty. SE J ne J of sw J, w -J of nw ^ and se J of nw J 22 n 2w 19 SE i of nw J, s i of ne J, n i of se J 22 n 2w 20 W ^- of sw J and se J of sw J 25 n 3w 31 Tehama County. S ^ of sw J and se J t 25 n 3w 32 W i of sw i 8 n 2 e 1 IWo County. E * 8 n 2 e 1 W $ 8 n 2 e 2 SE J of ne i> e ^ of sw J, sw ^ of sw J, and se J 8 n 2 e 10 NE J of sw J se J of ne J and se i 8 n 2 e 11 . All 8,n 2 e 12 NW i and n of sw i 8 n 2 e 14 N -J of nw J and se J of nw J and nw J of ne J 8 n 2 e 8 8 n 2 e '_ 9 SW J of nw J, sw J, and s of se J 8n 2 e 10 S i of sw i 8 n 2 e 15 N ^ n % of sw J and n ^ of se J 8 n 2 e 14 SW J of nw J, n ^- of sw J, and iiw J of se J 14 n 3 e Fw6a County. Parts of sections 13 14 23 24 25 and 26 13 n 3 and 4 e Parts of sections 1, 12, 6, and 7 Selected by the State __ _ 85 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 On Unsurveyed Lands. Date of Survey by County Surveyor. Remarks. 1,281.03 320.00 320.00 t 320.00 | 309.82 320.00 320.00 320.00 240.00 640.00 240.00 160.00 280.00 280.00 80.00 480.00 160.00 1,597.00 640.00 Mav 22, 1860 List No. 8, Mary svi lie District. April 18, 1863 Not listed ; disposed June 7, 1859 of- by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. List No. 10, Marysville District. August 24, 1859 _ _ _ List No. 10, Marvsville" District. February 19, 1861. March 30, 1863 List No. 6, Marysville District. Not listed ; disposed March 31, 1863 of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. Not listed ; disposed March 31, 1863 __ of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. _Not listed; disposed March 31, 1863. of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. Not listed; disposed March 31, 1863 of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. Not listed ; disposed March 31, 1863 of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. Not listed ; disposed March 31, 1863 of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. Not listed ; disposed March 31, 1863___ of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. . _ _ Not listed ; disposed March 31, 1863 __ of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. _Not listed; disposed March 31, 1863 of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. .Not listed; disposed March 31, 1863. _ of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. Not listed ; disposed March 31, 1863 _. of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. _ _. . ___Not listed; disposed August 5, 1861 of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. All in New Helvetia Rancho. August 29, 1861 _ All in New Helvetia Rancho. T)!sr>ospH of hv 8,307.85 United States, 6,077 acres; claimed by the State, 2,230.85 acres. 86 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Marysville Land District, under the 8th Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 14 n 6 e. 31 * MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Sutter County. 12 n_. 1 e 12andl3 Lots 3 and 4 of sec 12, lot 1 of sec 13 _ _ 12 n 2 e 7 Lots 5, 6, a nd 7, sw J of se J, and s 4 of s\v ^ of sec 7 12 n 2 e 18 N of nw 13 n 4 e 12 Fractional s 4 of ne i 13 n 5 e 7 N 4 of sw \ and fractional n J 13 n 3 e 13 Fractional w J of sec 13 13 n 3 e 14 E i of ne \ -, and e i of se J of sec 14 _ 13 n 3 e 23 E i of se i- 13 n 3 e 24 W of se i t and sw J Selected by the State 87 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1 841 On Unsurveyed Land. Number of Acres. Date of Survey ly County Purveyor. Remarks. 312.00 Dec. 19, 1859 Not listed; disposed [ 307.72 June 30, 1860 of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. List No. 9, Marysville District. 1 291.00 Dec. 11, 1860 _. Not listed; disposed I \ 480.00 Oct. 4, 1861 of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. In New Helvetia Rancho. I 320.00 Feb. 10, 1862 In New Helvetia Rancho. 1,710.72 , Disposed of by United States, 1,403.00 acres; claimed by the State, 307.72 acres. 88 A LIST Selected by the State of California, in the Marysville Land District, under the 8th Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 22 n 3w 14 and 15 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. NW J sec 14, andne i sec 15 . 17 n 1 e 8 and 17 S of sw J sec 8, nw i, n of sw i sec 17 _ 10 n 6 e 18 NEi 10 n 6 e_ 18 SEi _ _ . _ 10 n 6 e 8 S -J of ne 4 and n of se J 10 n 6 e 8 S of nw i and n i of sw J _ __ 10 n 6 e 10 Ei _ __ 10 n 6 e 10 S i of sw i 10 n. 6 e 15 Niofnwi 10 n 6 e 10 . N of sw J, s i ofnw i _______ _. _ 13 n 5 e 23 and 26 SE sec 23, and ne i sec 26 13 n 5 e 23 and 26 SW i sec 23, and nw i sec 26 13 n_-_ 6 e_ 4 _ Si 13 n 6 e 9 Ni 13 n 6 e 9 S i 13 n 5 e 34 E i 17 n 2 e 4 and 3 SE i sec 4, and sw sec 3 ]4 n 5 e 5 Si_ . . 23 n 6w 20 and 17 N i of nw J sec 20, sw i, s i of nw J sec 17 __ 13 n 5 e 24 Ni 10 n 6 e 5 and 8 S i of s i sec 5, n i of n i sec 8 10 n_ _ 6 e 3,4,9,10 S i of sw J sec 3, s i of se i sec 4, n i of ne \ sec 9. and n i of nw J sec 10 9 n 8 e_ 6 NWi _ 9 n _ 8 e 6 NEi . 9 n 8e f NWi 9 n 8e_ 5 NEi _ 9 n 8 e I9and30_ SW i sec 19, and nw i sec 30 9 n 8 e 8 W i 12 n 5 e 27 _. . Ni ._ 12 n 5 e 26 N i Amount selected by the State > _ _ 89 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 Balance of 500,000 acres. Number of Acres. Date of Filfng in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.00 320.00 160.00 160.00 . 160.00 160.00 320.00 160.00 160.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 148.19 164.20 166.55 168.45 306.43 320.00 320.00 320.00 October 4, 1858___ List 2. 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. Seminary lands, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres. Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. -es, none; claimed by State, 7,673.82. October 4, 1858 List October 4, 1858. List October 4, 1858 List October 4, 1858. . List October 4, 1858 List October 4, 1858 List October 4, 1858___ October 4, 1858 j List i . List 1. lank October 4, 1858_ List October 12, 1858 . ._ List October 12, 1858. List October 12, 1858 List October 12, 1858 j List October 12, 1858 . List October 20, 1858 List October 20, 1858 1 List October 20, 1858 ___ List October 20, 1858 List October 20, 1858 _ List October 20 1858 List October 25, 1858 List October 25, 1858 _ List October 25, 1S58._ List October 25, 1858 List October 25, 1858 _ List October 25, 1858 List October 25 1858 List October 25, 1858 1 List .Disposed of by United Sta< 7,673.82 12 90 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Marysville Land District, Township. llange. Section. Description of Tract. 12 n 5 e 26 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. S 33 n 5 e 22 and 21 SE i of nw i, sw i sec 22, s of se i, ne i of se i sec 21 . 12 n 5 e 17 S 12 n 5 e 28 and 33 SW i sec 28, and nw i'sec 33 22 u 3w_ 7 __ Niof ni , 22 n 4w! 1 and 12 W i of se i, se i of se \ sec 1, ne i of ne i sec 1 2 14 n 15 n __'.__ 5 e __.;_. 5 e 15 27and34_ W of ne i, se J of nw i, nw \ of se i, and fractional sw \. SE i of sw i, s 4 of se \ sec 27, ne i of ne \ sec 34_. _ _ 15 11 5 e 34 E J of nw \ and w ^ of ne \ 10 n 6 e 9 S i of ne i _ _ . _ _ 10 n 6 e 9 SEi 10 n 6 e 9 E i of sw i 10 n 6 e 9 NWi . _. . _ _. 10 n 6 e 4 S i of sw \ 10 n 6 e 8 _ _ S * of se i 10 n 6 e 9- W*of sw i __ _ *_- 10 n 6 e 8 S * of sw i 10 n 6 e 7 SW i 10 n 5 e _ 13 SEi - - - 10 n 5 e 13 SW i 10 n 5 e 13 _ ___ NE i 10 n 5 e 12 . SEi - - 10 n 13 NW i . 10 n 5 e 14 S 4 10 n 5 e 14 N * 10 n 5 e 15 NE i 10 n 5 e 10 _ . S i of se i _ . 10 n 5 e 11 and 10 SWi sec 11, and n i of se i sec 10 10 n 5 e 11 SE i 10 n 6 e 13 Si 32 n. 5w 25 84 Amount selected by the State .- 91 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. ... Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.00 Oct. 25, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Oct. 25, 1858 List No. 2, 500.000 acres, Marvsville District. 320.00 Oct. 25, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Oct. 25, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. [ 311.00 Nov. 11, 1858 _ _ List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 309.80 Nov. 11, 1858 __ __ .List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 160.00 Nov. 11, 1858 List No. 6, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 160.00 Nov. 11, 1858. _ _ List No. 6, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. I 240.00 ( __ List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. Nov. 20, 1858 } List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 80 00 Nov. 20, 1858 List No. 1, 500 000 acres, Sacramento District. 160.00 Nov. 20, 1858 - - List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 80.00 Nov. 20, 1858 . ...List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. f .- __ .List No. 2, 500.000 acres, Marysville District. 160.00 Nov. 20, 1858 { _ List No. 1,500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 80 00 Nov. 20, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 158.69 Nov. 20, 1858 _ _. List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. {_ List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. [ 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. f _ List No. 2, 50(),000 acres, Marvsville District. [ 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 { List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 160.00 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 Nov. 20, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. f List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. [ 240.00 Nov. 20, 1858 { List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 240.00 Nov. 20, 1858 . List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 160.00 Nov. 20, 1858 __ List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 303.43 Nov. 20, 1858 . . List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Shasta District. 5,882.92 Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by State, 5,882.92 acres. 92 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Marysville Land District, under Township. Bange. Section. Description of Tract. 22 n_ 6 w ___ 13andl4_ 22,27,26. 28 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. W i of nw J, ne J of nw i sec 13, se i of ne i, n sec 14 i of si 23 n 6w SW of se J sec 22, w i of ne i, se i sec 27, nw of sw i sec 26_ S i of nw i, n i of sw J 11 n 6 e 11 n 6 e 29 NEi 11 n__ 6 e___ 28and27. 27 SE i sec 28, s i of ne i sec 28, and s i of nw i sec 2 S 11 n 6 e 11 n * 6 e 26and34 SW'J sec 26, n i of 11 i sec 34 __ _ _ 12 n 6 e 18 N" i 15 n 6 e 32 and 31 _ 6 . E i of ne J, sw J of ne i, w of nw , se J of nw J sw J sec 32, ne i of se sec 31 _ , nw i of 10 n_ 6 e SWi _ 10 n 6 e fi Fractional nw 10 n 5 e - 1 Fractional e i __ __ __ 10 n_ .._ 5 e 12 and 1_ 7 and 8 NW i sec 12, s i sw i sec 1 11 n 5 e SE i sec 7, and sw i sec 8 11 n _ 5 e 33 and 32. 14,15,22, and 23_ 32 W i of sw sec 33, se i, e of sw i sec 32 22 n 6w SE i sec 15, s i of sw i sec 14, nw i of nw i sec 23, of nejsec22 _ and ne i 13 n 5 e E i 13 n 5 e 33 Wi 9 n 8 e_ . 22 S i of n J and n i of s 15 n 6 e 31 and 32 _ 26 SW i, w i of se , se J of se J sec 31, and sw i of sw Si i sec 32. 15 n_ 5 e 14 n_ _ _ 5 e 4 and 9._ 3 and 10_ 35 N i of sw J, se i sec 4, and n of ne J sec 9 14 n 5 e SW i sec 3, n i of n i sec 10 15 n 5 e Ni 12 n 6 e 15and22. 32 SW of se i, s i of sw J sec 15, and nw J sec 22 __ 13 n 5 e W i 12 n_ 5 e 6 Fractional si 12 n 5 e 6 Fractional n Amount selected by the State 93 LANDS 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September, 1841, Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Laud Office. Remarks. 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 20,J858 . List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 160.00 Nov. 20, 1858 _ . _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 160.00 Nov. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 .___ _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 20,1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 _ _ List 2, 500,000 acres. Marysville District. 314.57 Nov. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 List 5, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 159.25 Nov. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 24.00 Nov. 20, 1858 . _ . List 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 183.05 Nov. 20, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 240.00 Nov. 20, 1858 . _ _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320 00 Nov 20 1858 List 2 500 000 acres Marysville District 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 _ _ _ List 6, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 List 6, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 20, 1858 List 6, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 List 5, 500.000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 List 5, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 List 5, 500,000~acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 __ _ List 5, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Nov. 27,1858 __ List 6, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 280.00 Nov. 27, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 . List 6, 500JOOO acres, Marvsville District. 298.16 Nov. 27, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 298.74 Nov. 27, 1858 . _ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 7,877.77 *_ _ Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by State, 7,877.77 acres. 94 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Marysville Land Distirct, under Township Range. Section. Description of Tract. 11 n__ __ 1 w 20 and 21 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. NE i of nw i, n i of ne J sec 20, n i of nw i, w i of ne J, and nw \ of se J sec 21 24 n __. 4 w __ __ 9 24 n 4 w 8 NE J s i of ii w 4- 24 n 5 w 12,13,14 SW 4- of se sec 12, nw \ of ne J, nw \ sec 13, se J of ne \. ne of se J sec 14 . . 24 n 5 w 14 and 23 SW 4 of ne i, w i of se J, sw \ sec 14, nw \ of nw J sec 23 27 n 3 w 18 19 20 Fractional w i of nw \ sec 20 ne \ sec 19 s i of se J sec 18 11 n 5 e 19 and 30 SW J sec 19, and nw i sec 30 . 11 n 5 e 19 and 20 SE \ sec 19, w i of sw J sec 20 10 n 5 e 17 S i of n i, and n i of s i _ _ 10 n._ _ _ 5 e _ 8 and 17 S i of s i sec 8, n i of n i sec 17 10 n 5 e 11 12 n 6 e 8 E ^ 12 n 6 e 8 . 12 n 6 e 17 N \ 12 n 6 e 19 SE i _ . . --- 12 n 6 e 19 and 30 Fractional sw \ sec 19, and fractional nw 4 sec 30 12 n 5 e 25 and 24 NE \ sec 25, and se \ sec 24 12 n 5 e ___ 25 SEi _ _ -.___ 12 n 5 e 18 12 n 5 e 18 S i 12 n ... 5 e 14 and 15 SW i sec 14, and se \ sec 15 _ . - _ _ _ 12 n 5 e 5 12 n 5e 5 _ _ BWJ 12 n_ ___ 5 e 4 NWi .. 10 n 6 e 18 W-i 9 n 1 w 5 ^ _ N iof nw J . ___ _ 15 n 4e 1,2,11. ._ Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, se i of ne i, s i sec 2, lots 1, 2, w i lot 3 in nw 4- sec 1, and ne J sec 11 Amount selected by the State 95 OF LANDS the 8tk Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.00 Nov 27, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres Marysville District 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 _ . .. List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 240.00 Nov. 27, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 __ List 2, 500,000 acres, Ma rvsville District. 249.49 Nov. 27, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres. Shasta District. 318.45 Nov. 27. 1858 . List 2, 500.000 acres, Marysville District. 240.00 Nov. 27, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 -. List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320 00 Nov. 27, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 List 2 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Dec. 4, 1858 .. . List 1 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Dec. 4, 1858 List 1 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Dec. 4, 1858 ..__ List 1 500.000 acres, Sacramento District. 160.00 Dec. 4, 1858 List 1 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 308.74 Dec. 4, 1858- _ List 1 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320 00 Dec. 4. 1858 List 1 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 160.00 Dec. 4, 1858 List 1 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 301.37 Dec. 4, 1858 . . __ List 2, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 302.93 Dec. 4, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Dec. 4, 1858 _ . List 2, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 320 97 Dec. 4, 1858 NW in List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District; ne i in List 1. Marysville District. ( List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 1 320.27 Dec. 4, 1858.. __. List 1 500 000 acres Sacramento District 316.38 Dec. 11, 1858 . . _ List 1 , 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 74 69 Oct. 8, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 919 68 Lots 1 and 2 disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 8,072 97 Disposed of by United States, 160.00 acres; claimed by the State, 7,912.97. 96 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Marysville Land District, under the Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 27 n 3 w 19 and 29 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MKRIDIAN. E of se J sec 1 9, and n J of nw J sec 29 27 n 3 w 20 Fractional sw J sec 20 ._ __ 11 n 1 w 7 and 18 Fractional sw J sec 7, and fractional nw \ sec 18 11 n 1 w .. 15 and 10 W ^ of sw J, ne i of sw , se J of nw i, w i of ne i, and ne J of ne i sec 15, se i of se J sec 10 27 n 3 w 18 N of se J, ne i, e i of nw 12 n 6 e 14 Wiofei, eiofswi 8 n 8 e 18 and 7 E i sec 1 8 and se J sec 7 29 n 3 w 7 -_ . Ei __ 19 n 3 w _._ _ 2,3,10,11. SW i sec 2, e i of se i sec 3, e i of ne J sec 10, n 4 sec 11- . 9 n 1 w 5 NEi 9 n 1 w 5 SEi 9 n 1 w 17 N"4 9n 1 w 26 N| 10 n 2 e 21 S 4 10 n 2 e 35 Ni 15 n 3 w 26 and 23 NE i sec 26, and se J sec 23 9 n 1 w 20 Ni _ 14 n 4e 2 land 20 W 4 of ne 1, ne i of ne i, nw sec 21, se of ne i sec 20 8n 1 w 21 Ni 14 n 1 e_ 10 Si. 24 n 1 w 4 and 5 W ^ of nw J sec 4, e ^ of ne J s p c 5 25 n 1 \v 33 SW i 10 n 2 e 31,32,29 NE i sec 31, n J of nw i sec 32, s 4 of sw i sec 29 9 n 1 w _ __ 23 Wi 15 n 5 e 3 and 4 W 4 of lot 2 in nw sec 3, lots 1 and 2 of ne i, e 4 of lot 2s in nw i, and n 4 of se J sec 4 _ 15 n. 5e_-_ _ 4, 9, 8 S of se i sec 4, ne J sec 8, s | of nw J, ne J, and s J of sec 9 15 n 5 e 3 W 4 of lot 3 of ne i, and lot 3 of nw i 15 n 5 e 3 SEi . Aftaount selected bv the State _ 97 OF LANDS 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 Warrants. Number of Acres. .Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Kernarks. [ 296.77 Nov. 10, 1858 f __ Not listed. See letter from Shasta District, July 23d, 1879. { List 1, 500,000 acres, Shasta District. 298.20 Nov. 27, 1858 ___ _ List 6, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 320.00 Nov. 27, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Shasta District. 240 00 February 4 1859 Not 480.00 February 4, 1859 listed. See Eegister's letter, July 25th, 1879, Sacramento District. List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 February 4, 1859 _ _ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Shasta District. 640.00 June 14, 1858. and August 9, 1859 __ _ Disposed of bv United 154.23 October 8 1859 _ States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. Rehearing ordered by the Commissioner 8th July, 1879; case set for August 27th, 1879. .List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 160.00 October 8 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 October 8 1859_ __ _ _ .List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 October 8 1859 _ _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 308.08 October 8 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 October 8 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 320.00 October 8 1859___ Dec. 27, 1859 .160 acres disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 320.00 July 2, 1861 List 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 October 24, 1860 List 6, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 July 17, 1862 List 9, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. [ 313.91 June 20, 1860 List 2, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 October 4, 1860 List 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 22, 1861 List 6, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Sept. 13, 1862 _ ._ _ _ _ List 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 800.00 Sept. 13, 1862 _ List 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 155.92 Sept. 13, 1862 List 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 160.00 January 2, 1863 _ __ _ List 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 8,487.11 . _ _ Disposed of by United States, 160.00 acres; claimed by State, 8,327.11 acres. 13 C A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Marysville Land District, under the Township. Bange. Section. Description of Tract. 9 n 2 e 28 and 21 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. NW i n of sw J sec 28, w of sw sec 21 15 11 5 e 5 Lot 1 of ne J and lot 1 of nw J 15 u_ 5 e 3 W i of lot 2 of ne J, e of lot 2 of nw i, lot 1 of sw i nw J, and 15 n 5e__ _. 6 SW i, se i, e of lot 1 of ne i 29 n 3\v 3 and 10. 9, 10, 15. 22,27,28. 1 W i of e i, lots 4 and 5 sec 3, w i of ne J, fractional e of nw J sec 10 14 n. ___ 4 e E of se J sec 9, w i of sw J, se i of sw , SAV i 10, and n ^ of nw J sec 15 - . of se i sec 9 n 2 e SE i, e i of sw i sec 22, n i of nw \, ne ,.w i sec 27, and n of ne sec 28 of se i of 9 n 1 e _ __ SWi 9 11 ] e 2 SE i 8 n 1 e 13 and 24 S ^ sec 13, and fractional n \ sec 24 9 n _ _ 2 e 31 W . _ 9 11 _ 2e 19 E *_ _ 8 n 2 ft 15and22. 32 NW i sec 22, e i of sw i, lots 7 and 12 sec 15 14 n 3 e NI 13 n 4 e 13 SW i 13 n 4 e 11,12,13. 20 and 21 SE i of se i sec 11, si of sw i, ne J of sw \ sec \ of se \ sec 14 12, and ne 14 n 3 e ' NE i of se i sec 20, nw i, n \ of sw i, se i of sw SE J sec 34, and sw \ sec 35 J sec 21_. 11 n 2e 34 and 35. 7,18,19 15 n 3 e E i of sw i sec 7, e i of w i sec 18, e i of nw i se SE J sec 33, sw J sec 34 c 19 16 n 3 e 33 and 34 15 11 2e 34 and 35 _ 35 E ^ of ne J sec 34, w of ne J, nw i sec 35 15 n 2 e E ^ of ne i, e J of sw J, and se 4 16 n __ 2w 30andl9. 5,4,3,10, and9_ 17__ NW i, n i of ne i sec 30, s i of se i sec 19 16 n lw W i of ne J, se \ of ne J sec 5, s \ of nw , e \ of ne J, sw i of ne J sec 4, w i of nw i, w i of sw J sec 3, w of w sec 10, se J sec 9 _ __ -_ 18 n lw Ei _ 18 n lw 15 N i Amount selected by the State 99 OF LANDS 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September th, 1841 Warrants. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.00 Oct. 24, 1862 List No. 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 160.00 Jan. 2, 1863 List No. 5, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 320.00 Jan. 2, 1863 List No. 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 305.58 Jan. 2, 1863 _ Lists Nos. 5 and 6, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 318.10 July 17, 1862 _ _ __ List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Shasta District. 320.00 Dec. 6, 1862 List No. 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 640.00 M%rch 16, 1863 All disposed 160.00 May 11, 1863 of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. List No. 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 160.00 May 11, 1863 List No. 9, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 588.17 April 4, 1863 Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 320.00 April 1, 1863 _ List No. 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 April 1, 1863 List No. 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 303.64 August 18, 1863 _ Disposed 320.00 Dec. 16, 1864 of by United States. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. List No. 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 160.00 March 5, 1863 _ Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 479.52 March 5, 1863 _ _ __ List No. 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 August 31, 1866 List No. 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 July 14, 1864 _ List No. 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Julv 1, 1867 __ List No. 3, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 314.20 August 3, 1867 List No. 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Oct. 7, 1867 List No. 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Oct. 7, 1867 List No. 5, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 315.85 May 3, 1867 _ _ List No. 3, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 799.41 Nov. 14, 1867 List No. 9, 500,000 acres, 320.00 Marysville District ; w of ne i, se i of ne i sec 5, nw i of nw i sec 3, se i sec 9, are not listed. See letter, July 22d, 1879. Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 320.00 Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 8,864.47 _ Disposed of by United States, 2,651.81 acres; claimed by State, 6,212.66 acres. 100 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Marysville Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 16 n lw 8 and 9 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. S ^ of ne J and fractional nw J sec 8, s ^ of nw J sec 9 18 n Iw 5,4,3,10 Lot 3 of ne i sec 5, s i of nw J, s i of ne \, n i of se i of sec 17 n 1 w 17 4, s i of sw J, nw i of sw i sec 3, nw i, nw of sw \ sec 10_ Ni 17 n lw __ 7 and 8 S sec 7, and s J sec 8__ __ 17 n 1 w 32 E i of sw , sw i of sw J, se J of nw J, and se J_ 17 n lw 5 SW J of ne i, se J, e i of sw i, se J of nw J, lots 4, 5, 6, 7 17 n lw 6, 7, 8 E ^ of se i sec 6, fractional n sec 7, nw , w of ne i sec 8 17 n 1 w 17 and 20 SW i sec 17, n i of nw , nw i of ne i sec 20 18 n lw 20 and 21 S i of s J sec 20, s ^ of sw i, ne J of sw J, nw^l of se i, sw J of ne i, e i of nw J, and nw J of nw | secTl __ 8 n 2 e 17 E 17 n 3w 2 W i and ne i 13 n 1 e 22,23,26, and 27. Lot 1 sec 22, fractional s i of sw J, sw J of se J, se J of se J, fractional ne i of sw J, and nw i of se sec 23, fractional n w i, w i of ne J, 11 i of se i, ne J of sw i, e i of ne i of sec 26, and lot 1 sec 27 17 n 4w 1 and 2 N ^ of s -J sec 2, and sw J sec 1 23 n 2w 3 Si __ ___ 24 n 2w 28, 33, 34 Lots 3, 4, 5, s i of se J sec 28, e i of ne i, e i of sw J, and se i sec 33, w i of nw J, nw of sw \, lot 4 sec 34 15 n 5 e 4 and 9 Lot 1 in nw J and sw i sec 4, and n i of nw i sec 9 10 n 1 w 6 Fractional w \ 24 n 4 e 18 N i 24 n 4 e 28 E i __ _ 24 ii 4e 32_ Ni _ 24 n 4 e 8 SW J, nw J of se J, w i of ne i, se i of ne i 24 n 4e 6 i_ All . L 15 n 5w 26 and 35. E ^ of nw i, w i of ne J, and ne of sw i, and w of se i sec 26, and nw \ of ne \ sec 35 15 n 5w 24 and 25 E i of e i sec 24, e i of e i sec 25 Amount selected by tlie State - 101 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Kemarks. 316.10 Nov. 14, 1867 List 3, 500,000 acres, Marysville District 613.37 Nov. 14, 1867 __List 3, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 __ Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 640.00 Nov. 16, 1867 _List 4, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 16, 1867 List 4, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 440.00 -Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 640.00 Nov. 16, 1867 List 4, 5CfD,000 acres, Marysville District. 280.00 Nov. 16, 1867 _ _ List 4, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 477.13 Nov. 16, 1867 __ _ S"W J of ne 2, e of nw J, nw 320.00 i of nw i sec 21, not listed; balance in List 4, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. See Register's letters, July 22d, 1879. Disposed of bv United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 480.00 Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 635.15 March 23, 1864 _ N i of se i and 320.00 ne i of sw i sec 26, not listed; balance in List 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 320.00 Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 631.09 Disposed of by United States'. See letter, Julv 22d, 1879. 320.00 Sept 16, 1862 List 5, Marysville District, 500,000 acres. 272.98 Dec. 14, 1869 List 6, Marysville District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 March 7 1870 List 6, Marysville District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 March 7, 1870 List 10, Marysville District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 .Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 320.00 March 7, 1870 List 6, Marysville District, 500,000 acres. 640.00 March 7, 1870- .List 6, Marysville District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 May 11, 1870 List 7, Marvsville District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 May 14 1870 List 7, Marysville District, 500,000 acres. 9 905 82 Disposed of by United States, 3,431.09 acres; claimed by State 6,474.73. 102 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Marysville Land District, Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 23 n 14 e 13,23,24. 3,2,11 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MKRIDIAN. SW J of nw i, s of sw i, nw i of sw , n of se J, sw of se J sec 13, e of se | sec 23, s , s of nw i, nw i of nw J, nw J of ne ^, se J of ne J sec 24 23 n 3w NE i of se sec 3, e i of w i, nw i of sw J, sw i 2, nw i of ne J sec 11 of se J sec 14 n 4 w 9 and 4__ 18 NW J of ne J, s of ne J, se J sec 9, and sw ^ of Si. se i sec 4_ 18 n 2w 18 n 2w_ _ 32 __ _ Ei 15 n 4 w 28 and 33.. 18 SW i sec 28, and nw i sec 33 18 n 2 w NE J e i of nw i lots 1 and 2 18 n__.. __ 2\v 30 SEi, e i of sw J, lots 3 and 4 18 n 2w 30 NE i, e of nw i, lots 1 and 2 18 n 4 w 33 Wi 19 n 5w 9 W 14 n 4 w 7 SE i, e i of sw ^, and sw ^ of sw J 14 n 5w 12 SE i of se i . . 16 n._ 3w 35 W i ' ^ 14 n 5 w 1 and 12_ 13 W i of w J, ne J of sw , n of se J sec 1, nw J of nw J sec 12 E . _ 14 n 5w _ 16 n__ 3w 27 W i 17 n 3 e 33,34,28 and 27. S i of ne i and se i sec 33, lots 2, 3, 4 sec 34, and 2 sec 27, fractional se J sec 28, n iof ne i sec 33 sec 34 lots 1 and , and lot 1 Amount selected by the State 103 OF LANDS under the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 1,259.60 May 30, 1870 List 7, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 July 15, 1863 List 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Nov. 14, 1872 List 9, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 329.15 Jan. 24, 1873 List 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Jan. 24, 1873 List 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Sept. 22, 1873 _ _ List 9, 500,000 acres, Marvsville District. 329.15 Sept. 24, 1873 List 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 328.52 Sept. 24, 1873 List 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 328.60 Sept. 24, 1873 _ List 9, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 320.00 Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 320.00 Sept. 4, 1875 List 10, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. } 320.00 Not listed. See letter, July 22d, 1879. J 320.00 Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 320.00 Not claimed bv State. See letter, Julv 22d, 1879. 320.00 Not listed. See Register's letter, July 22d, 1879. 320.00 Disposed of by United States. See letter, July 22d, 1879. 609.00 Mar. 6 and 8, 1856 _ _A11 in Boga Ranchoj List 6, 500,000 acres, Marysville District. 6,704.02 ._ _, -Disposed of by United States, 1,600.00 acres: claimed by the State, 5,104.02 acres. 104 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the. Stockton Land District, under the Sth Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 3 n 7 e 34. . MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. San Joaquin County. E i of se i 3 n _ _ 7 e 35 Wof sei and sw i 2 n 6 e 17 S 3 n 5 e 13 Si 3 n 6 e 19 and 18 NW 4- of sec 19, and sw i of sec 18 2 n 6 e 10andll_ NE i of sec 10, and nw i of sec 1 1 2 n 6 e 2 and 11 SE i of sec 2, and ne i of sec 11 2 n 7 e 7 . Fractional s i of sw 4 and s i of se J 2 n 7 e 8 SWJofswi 2 n 7 e. 18 NW i of ne and fractional n i of nw 2 n 7 e 5 SW J and w of se i 2 n 7 e 8 N i of nw i 2 n 7 e_ 5 E ^ of nw J ard w i of ne J _ _ 3 n 7 e 32 E -J of sw 4 and w ^ of se J 2 n 6 e 20 and 21 NE J of sec 20, and nw i of sec 21 _ 2 n 6 e 5 S * 3 n 6 e 29 Si 3 n 6 e 7 and 18 SW J of sec 7, and nw J of sec 18 4 n 6 e 7 Fractional se J and fractional ne J of sw J _ _ 4n 6 e 18 _ Fractional n i _ _ Selected by the State 7 n 8 e 4 Sacramento Land District, Sacramento County. Fractional w i and fractional n i of se 4 Selected bv the State Selected by the State 105 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 On Unsurveyed Land. Number of Acres. Date of Survey by County Surveyor. Eemarks. 80.00 Nov. 14,1861 I .._ _ .Not listed; disposed of 240.00 320.00 NoV 14, 1861 Dec. 31, 1861 ' by United States. See Register's certificate, Stockton District. Not listed ; disposed of 320.00 Nov. 1,1853 by United States. See Register's certificate, Stockton District. Not listed; disposed of 320.00 Nov. 1, 1853 . by United States. See Register's certificate, Stockton District. Not listed ; disposed of 320.00 May 21,1862 by United States. See Register's certificate, Stockton District. List No. 15, Stockton District. 320.00 May 21, 1862 _ _ List No. 15, Stockton District. I 242.39 Sept. 25,1860 . . List No. 15, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 25,1860 _ __ List No. 14, Stockton District. 320.00 June 7, 1862 '____ Notlisted; 320.00 May 22, 1862 disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. _ List No. 4, Stockton District. 320.00 June 4, 1862 _ __ Not listed; 320.00 June 6,1862 disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. _ . . Notlisted; 314.18 June 28, 1862 disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. List No. 12, Stockton District. [ 450.00 May 1,1863 Notlisted; disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 4,526 57 Disposed of by United 381.69 April 16 1860 States, 2,690.00 acres; claimed by the State, 1,836.57 acres. List No. 3, Sacramento District. 381 69 Disposed of 4,908.26 by United States, none; claimed by the State, 381.69 acres. Disposed of by United States, 2,690.00; claimed by the State, 2,218.26 acres. 14* 106 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under the Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 4 n 1 e 4 and 3 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. NE J sec 4, and nw sec 3 2s 7 e 32 and 29 NE i sec 32, and se i sec 29 _ 2 s 7 e 19 _ SW i, se 1 of nw J, and w of nw J 2 s 7 e 29 SW i, w of ne i, and e of nw J 2 s 7 e 32 W i 3 n 9 e 6 and 7 Lots 1 and 2 in s i of sec 6, and lots 1 and 2 in n sec 7_ _ 10 s 18 e. 25 Si 7 n 1 w 20 N 4n 1 e 25 E i _ _ 4 n 1 \v 8 E i 4n 1 w 9 E i 10 s 8e 1 E i and sw J 4n 1 e 27 and 28 W sec 27, and e sec 28 _ 1 s 31 e 35 S i of se J and ne J of se J 2 s 31 e 2 E J of nw J, n -J of ne J, and se J of ne J 6 s 7 e __ 4 Ei __ . . _ 6 8 7 e 22 Wi 7 s 8e- 4 Si 7 s . _ __ 8e_ . 4__ Ni . _ 10 S 13 e 23,24,25, and 26 SE sec 23, s i sec 24, all sec 25, and ne i sec 26 7 s 9 e __ _ 19 N_ . 7 s 8e 12 W i 6 s 7 e 15,9,10 S i of sw i, e i, n i of nw J, sw J of nw J of sec 15, and s of se J sec 9, and sw i of sw i sec 10__ 6 s 8 e 34 All 7s 8 e 9 NW i, n i of sw J, se J of sw J, and nw Jofsei 6s 8e 3 and 4 SW J sec 3, and all of sec 4 5 s 7 e 13 All 5 s 8e 19 All except ne J of ne J 5 s 8 e 29 Wi 7 s__ . 9 e___ 2, 11, 12, 13,24.. SE i sec 2, lots 4 and 5 and ne i sec 11, fractional sec 1 2, and lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, ne i of ne i sec 13, and lot 1 of sec 24__ Amount selected by the State ___ 107 OF LANDS 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September &th, 1841 Warrants. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. Dec. 24, 1858 List 14, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Dec. 31, 1858 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District, Dec. 31, 1858 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. Dec. 31, 1858 I Not listed; disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. Dec. 31, 1858 ... __. Not listed; disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. Jan. 21, 1859 Not listed; no claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. Jan. 13, 1859 Not listed; no claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. Jan. 13, 1859 List 12, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. June 12, 1860 J List 7, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. June 29, 1860 List 12, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District; charged twice. June 29, 1860 Preempted. See Register's certificate, Julv 25th, 1879, San Francisco District. Nov. 28, 1861 .". Not listed; disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. Feb. 4, 1863 List 12, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. Jan. 18, 1866 List 2, 500,000 acres, Independence District. Dec. 28, 1866 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Dec. 28, 1866 Lists 12 and 14,500,000 acres, Stockton District ; charged twice. Aug. 14, 1867 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 29, 1867 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stocktofc District. Nov. 29, 1867 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Dec. 20, 1867 List 10, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Dec. 20, 1867 List 10, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Feb. 25, 1868. List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. March 2, 1868 Lists 12 and 15, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. March 2, 1868 List 15, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. April 2, 1868 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. May 1, 1868 Not listed; disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. May 1, 1868 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. May 1, 1868 List 12,500,000 acres, Stockton District. April 30, 1868 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Disposed of by United States, 2,681.28; claimed by the State, 10,732.86 acres. 108 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under the 8th Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 7 s 10 e 17,20,21 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. E i, e i of sw J, sw J of sw J sec 17, e -J of ne 4 an d nw J of ne J sec 20, w i of nw sec 21 6s 7 e 23 7 s 8 e 23 and 24 All sec 23, and sw J sec 24 6 s 7 e__ _ 1 and 2 _ Lot 2 in ne J and lot 2 in nw of sec 1, and lot 2 in ne J and lot 2 in nw J of sec 2 6 s 7 e 24 and 25 NW i sec 25, and s of s i sec 24 13 e 12 and 11 S i of n i and s i sec 12, e i sec 11 6 s 7 e 22,27,26 S i of se J sec 22, e i of ne sec 27, s i of n i sec ' 26 10 s 8 e 12 Si _ 5 s 7 e 11 10 s 8 e 12 NWi . 9s ]0 e 15 and 14 S i of s i sec 15, and s i of s i sec 14 9 s 10 e 25 W i of e i and sw i 2 n 14 e 3 and 2 Lots 1, 2, and 3, se i of ne i and n i of se 4- of sec 3, and lot 4, sw i of nw J and nw J of sw J sec 2 __ __ 9 s 10 e 23 and 24 SE i sec 23, w i of w i sec 24 9 s 10 e _ _ 15 and 14. N i of s i sec 15, n i of sw J, nw J of se i, se J of nw i sec 14 9s 10 e__ 2,3,4 N i, n i of s i sec 2, n i of n -^ sec 3, and n i of n i \ sec 4 9 s 10 e 5,6,7 NW J, w i of sw J sec 5, s i of s i sec 6, n i of nw J sec 7 11 s 14 e 21,22,23, and 24 N i sec 24, n i sec 23, n i sec 22, and e i of e i sec 21 11 s 14 e 1 and 2 W i sec 1, and ne i sec 2 _ 10 s 13 e 13, 14, 24 E i of se J sec 14, w i of sw ^ sec 13, and nw J sec 24 10 s 13 e 11 NWi 11 s 14 e 14 and 15 N i sec 15, and s i of n i sec 14_ 10 s 13 e 14 E i of nw J and w i of ne J 11 s 14 e 2,10,11 SW J sec 2, all sec 11, s i sec 10 7s ._ 7 e 6 Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, n i lot 11, n i lot 12, n i lot 13 9 s 10 e 17 and 20 All sec 17, and n i sec 20 Amount selected by the State _ * Not included in the total. 109 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 Warrants. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Kemarks. April 30, 1868 Lists 11 and 14, 500,000, acres, Stockton District. May], 1868 List 15, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. May 27, 1868 L Lists 10, 15, and 22,500,000 acres, Stockton District; sw J sec 24 listed twice in lists 15 and 22. July 7, 1868 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Oct. 26, 1868 ! List 14, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 18, 1868 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 12, 1868 Lists 12 and 14, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 21, 1868 List 14, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Jan. 20, 1869- .'---i Not listed; i no claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. June 2, 1869 ' List 14,500,000 acres, Stockton District. June 16, 1870 ' List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. June 16, 1870 ' List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. March 21, 1871__J f List 17,500,000 acres, Stockton District. June 16, 1870 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District ; w i of n w i of sec 24 not listed. June 16, 1870 . List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 5, 1870 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District, Listed to the State in lieu of 16th and 36th sections. May 10, 1872 .!___ List 14, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Disposed of by United States. See Register's report for Stockton District. Not claimed by the State under this grant. See report for Stockton District. Not claimed by the State under this grant. See report for Stockton District. Not listed; no claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. Not claimed by the State under this grant. See report for Stockton District. Not listed; no claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. -___Not listed; no claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. Disposed of by United States, 1,600 acres; claimed by the State, 10,397.97 acres. 110 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, Binder the 8th Township. Range. Section. Pescription of Tract. 1 S 7 e 14, 23, 22 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. W of nw J and w i of sw J sec 14, w of nw J sec 23, and e i of ne sec 22 _ 1 S 7 e_ 29 Wi Is 7 e 22 W of ne J and e i of nw i 2n 1 n 8e 8e 17, 8, 9__ 29 and 32 E i of e sec 17, e of se J sec 8, and w of sw J sec 9 E i of se i sec 29, ne i and e of nw J sec 32 1 s 7 e 21 Wi 1 n 8e 30,31,32 W of se J sec 30, ne i sec 31, and w of nw 4- sec 32 1 n 8 e 22and27 E J of sw J sec 22, and e ^ of nw \ and ne i sec 27 _ 3 s 7e_ _ _ 4 and 3 N i of ne J sec 4, and n of nw J and ne i sec 3 _ __ 3 s 7 e 4 and 3 S ^ of ne 4- and se J sec 4, and s ^ of nw J sec 3 1 s 7 e 7 and 8 ls_ 7e 23 and 26 W -^ of se i and e of sw ^ sec 23, and nw J sec 26 1 s 7 e 23 W ^ of ne ^ and e ^ of nw 4 2 s. 7 e 20 _ W* - _ 2 n _ _ 10 e 26 and 25- SW J, w J of se J, and ne i of se J sec 26, and nw i of sw i sec 25 2 n 10 e 35 _ SEi _ __ . 1 n __ 11 e 18andl9 SE i sec 18, and ne i sec 19 1 n 11 e 8 S i 1 n 11 e 18andl9 SW i sec 18, and nw i sec 19 1 n 11 e 17 . W* __ . . 1 n 10 e 2 E ^ of nw 4 and w ^ of ne 4 and se J In . 9 e 18 E i 1 n 8 e 17 Ni :___*_ _ 1 n 8 e 30 N i 1 n 8e 21 E i of w i and w of e i 1 n 8 e 22 NE J and e ^ of nw i 1 n 8 e 22 SE i 2 and 3 n 8 e 31 and 6 SE sec 31, r 8 e, t 2 n, s of ne J and nw J of ne J sec 6, t3n,r8e __ _ _ 1 n 8 e 24 W i 1 n 8 e 21 and 20 W i of w sec 21, and n of se sec 20 __ Amount selected by the State Ill OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September th, 1841 Balance of 500,OOP acres. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Kemarks. 320.00 Aug. 19, 1858 Lists 1 and 2,500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aug. 19,1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Aug. 19, 1858-. . _ Lists 1 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District listed twice. 320.00 Aug. 19, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aug. 19, 1858 __ __List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aug. 19, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aug. 19, 1858 _ ._ _ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aug. 19, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 306.05 Aug. 19, 1858 . _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 304.71 Aug. 19, 1858 . Lists 1 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aug. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aug. 20, 1858 . _ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Aug. 20, 1858 List 21, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aug. 20, 1858 ._ _ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Feb. 5, 1859 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Aug. 20, 1858 No claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 Aug. 20, 1858 List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aug. 20, 1858 . List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 317.12 320.00 Aug. 20, 1858 Aug. 20, 1858. Lists 1 and 16,500,000 acres, Stockton District. _ .List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 318.05 Au<7. 20, 1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 320.00 Aug. 20, 1858 Aug. 20, 1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 315.64 Aug. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aug 20 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, 240.00 Aug. 20,1858 Stockton District; \v i of se i of sec 21 listed twice in List 11. __ List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Aug. 20, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 282.05 Aug. 20, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aug. 20, 1858 Lists 11 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 Aug. 20, 1858 _ .__ Lists 11 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District; n i of se i sec 20 listed twice in Lists 11 and 12. 8,723.62 Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the State, 8,723.62 acres. 112 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of .Tract. 4 n 8e 27 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. N 4 n 8e 28and33 SW i and w i of se J sec 28, and n of nw J sec 33 2s _ 8e 1 E i ______ __ _ _ _ _ _ 4 n 8e 15an<122 SE i sec 15, and e i of e sec 22 4n 8 e 22and21 SW i sec 22, and se i sec 21 4n_ 8e 2 and 11 SW sec 2, and nw i sec 11 _ 4n 8e 30 and 31 _ W i of se |, and se of se J, and e of sw i of sec 30, and ne i of nw J, and n of ne of sec 31 4 n 8 e_ _ 32 and 29 NW sec 32, and sw i sec 29 4n 8e 29 and 32 SE i sec 29, and ne i sec 32 4 n 8 e 19 NE i and e _- of se i _ _ 4 n 8e 19 SW i and w of se i 3n 8 e 5 and 6 SW ^ and w of se sec 5, and e i of se J sec 6_ 2 n 8e 17andl8_ W i of ne J, nw J of se i, n ^ of sw J, and e J of nw ^ sec 17, and ne ^ of se J of sec 18 _ 2 n 8 e 30 W i 2 11 8 e 2 7 and 34 SW i sec 27, and nw i sec 34 1 n 8 e 18 Si . ln_ 8e 11. . Ni 1 n 8 e 10 and 11 E ^ of se J sec 1 0, and sw J and w i of se J sec 11 1 n__ 9 e 19 and 30 SE i sec 19, and ne i sec 30 _ - __ __ 2 s 9 e 4 and 9 SW J sec 4, and nw J sec 9 2 s 9 e 6 E i 2 s 9 e 5 and 8 SE i sec f, and ne J sec 8 __ _ 4 n 8 e 20 and 29 SW and w J of se i sec 20, and w _- of ne i sec 29 1 n 8e 24 E _- 2s_ 9 e 6_ 8W i, e i of nw i* sw i of nw i - 1 n 8 e 20andl7 NW i sec 20, and sw i sec 17 n 8 e 26 E i n 8 e 1 NW ^, s _- of ne i, and nw ^ of ne J _ n Se 12 N_- n 8e 1 S i _ _ u 8 e 12 S ^ n 8 e 14and~13 NE i sec 14, and nw i sec 13 Amount selected by the State 113 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September th, 1841. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. August 21, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 List ], 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 __! List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District, August 21, 1858 _ ! List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 __! List 7, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 Lists 1 and 7, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 Lists 7 and 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District; same land charged twice. August 21, 1858 Lists 7 and 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District; same land charged twice. August 21, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 List 7, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 List 12. 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 Lists 11 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 Lists 1 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 _. Lists 1 and 12, 500.000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 21, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 24, 1858 . List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 24, 1858 Lists 11 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 24, 1858 .___ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton Distr ct. August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 25, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See Register's report for Stockton District. August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. August 25, 1858 Lists 1 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Disposed of by United States, 283.92 acres; claimed by the State, 9,686.98 acres. 15 C 114 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land. District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 1 n 8 e 23 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. SEi 1 11 8 e 23 _ W i 1 n _ 8 e _ . 13_ .__- E _ .. _ _ . . __ 1 n 9 e 11 and 14 SW sec 11, and nw J sec 14 1 11 9 e_ 15 Ni 1 n 9 e 13 and 14 NW J sec 13, and ne sec 14 1 n 9 e 10 SE i, e i of sw J, and sw ^ of sw J In 9 e 29 _ __ Ni 1 n .. 9 e 23 __ Wi __ 1 n 9 e 27 NWJ 1 n 9 e_ 18_ NW i, e i of sw J, and sw J of sw i _ _ 1 11 9 e 26 W of e and e i of w i 1 n 9 e 27 and 26 NE i sec 27, and w of nw J sec 26 1 n 8 e 6 and 7 S i of nw J, sw i of ne J, and sw J sec 6, and w sec 7 2 n 8e 19 E i 2 n 8 e 19. W i 2 n Se 23 and 22 SW J sec 23, and se i sec 22 _ _ _ _ _ 1 n 10 e 31 S i 1 n 10 e 19 and 20 E ^ of ne J of sec 19, iiw J and w ^ of ne J sec 20 2 n 8 e 24 and 25 SW J sec 24 'and nw J sec 25 2 n 8 e 30 Ei 2 n 8 e 35._. N 2 n 8 e 21 Si ._ 2 n 8 e 35 Si 2 n 8 e 20 and 29 E i of ne J, sw J of ne J, and se J sec 20, and ne J of ne J of sec 29 _ _ _ _ - 2 n 9 e 6, 5, 8 S -J of se J of sec 6, w i of sw J of sec 5, w -i- of iiw J and n i of sw J sec 8 2 and 3 n 9 e 33 and 4 S i of se J sec 33 t 3 n ne i and nw J of se i sec 4, t 2 11 3 n 9 e 33 Ni 4 n 8 e 3 and 10 SE J sec 3, and ne i sec 10 5 n 8 e 21 Ni _ 5n 9 e 7 and 18_ Lots 2 and 3 in sw i sec 7, and lots 2 and 3 in nw i sec 18__ Amount selected by the State __ _ 115 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 160.00 August 25, 1858 __ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 ___-._ __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 320.00 August 25, 1858 __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 280.00 August 25, 1858 __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 320.00 August 25, 1858 Lists 1 and 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 August '25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.18 August 25, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 320.00 August 25, 1858 __ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 548.64 August 25, 1858 _ List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 _ _ ._ __ .List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 287.36 August 25, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 , _ __ List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 319.08 August 25, 1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 _ _ Lists 11 and 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 _ __ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 __ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 320.00 August 25, 1858 _ . _ . Lists 11 and 12, 500.000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 __ _ _ List. 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 281.77 August 25, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 _ List 10, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 _ __ __List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 291.77 August 25, 1858 Disposed of by United States; in Rancho Arroyo Seco. 9,608.80 __ __ __ Disposed of by United States, 291.77 acres; claimed by the State, 9,317.03. 116 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 5 n 8 e 10 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. E J of w and w of e _ 1 8 7 e 19 E 1 S 7 e 11 SWi 1 8 7 e 10 SEi 1 S 7 e 28 N-i 1 S 7 e 2 land 22 NE ^ sec 21 and w of nw J sec 22 1 S 7 e 15 W i of sw i and se i of sw i - 1 S 7 e 20 W 1 S 8 e 35 Si _ 1 S 8 e 28 . . _ E i . _ _ 1 S 8 e 27 '. _ W 1 S 8 e 27 and 26 SE i sec 27, and sw sec 26 8 e 27 and 26 NE sec 27, and nw i sec 26 1 S 8 e 35 Ni 2 s 8 e o Wi . _ g 8 e 1 W 2s 9 e _ _ 15 Wi .. . . _ 2 s 9 e 17and20 NE | and lots 1 and 2 of sec 17, and lot 1 of sec 20 2 a 9 e 3 and 4 SW sec 3, and se i sec 4 1 n 8 e 35 N i jt. 1 n 8 e 25 W* 1 n 8 e 4 and 9 S of ne J, n of se J, e of sw , and se i of nw J sec 4, and ne i of nw J sec 9 _ 1 n 8 e 2 All of sec 2 n 8 e 12 and 13 SE i sec 12, and ne J sec 13 - -__ 2 n 8 e 28 and 29 NW i sec 28. w i of ne J, and se i of ne i sec 29 . 2 n 8 e 28 and 33 S ^ of sec 28, and w ^ of nw ^ and ne 4 of nw J sec 33 2 n 8 e 32 and 33 NE i and e | of se J sec 32, and w of sw i sec 33 2 n 8 e 1,2,11,12 SW J of sw J sec 1, s i of se i and se J of sw sec 2, and ne \ 2 h 8 e 15 and 14 of nw J and n of ne of sec 11, and nw i of nw J sec 12 _ SE \ and n -J sec 15, and nw J sec 14 3 n 8 e 33 and 34 SE | and s i of ne j sec 33, and w i of sw J sec 34 Amount selected by the State 117 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.00 August 25, 1858 _ .List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 August 25, 1858 _ _ .List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 August 25, 1858 _ _ ._ .List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 __ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 August 25, 1858 __ __ _. List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 120.00 August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 Disposed of bv United States. See Stockton report. 320.00 August 25, 1858 __ . ._ ._ . Disposed of by United States. See Stockton report. 320.00 August 25, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See Stockton report. 320.00 August 25, 1858 __ .Disposed of by United States. See Stockton report. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.26 August 25, 1858 __ _List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 319.88 August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 296.76 August 25, 1858 __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 25, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 28, 1 858 .List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 28, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 28, 1858 _. List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 646.55 August 28, 1858 W i, List 1, 320.00 August 28, 1858 Stockton District; e not listed; disposed of by United States. List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 280.00 August 28, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 440.00 August 28, 1858 _. ._ _. _ Lists 11 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 28, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 28, 1858 Lists 12 and 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 640.00 August 28, 1858 List 12, 500.000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 28, 1858 - _ .List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 9,703.45 _ _ Disposed of bv United States, 1,603.72 acres; claimed by the State, 8,099.73 acres. 118 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District^ Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 3 n 8 e 32 and 29 _ 32 and 33 _ 2 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. NW J sec 32, and sw J sec 29 3 n 8 e NE J sec 32, and nw \ sec 33 4 n . 8e_ ___ NW i, s i of ne i, and nw i of fee i ___ _ _ __ _ __ _ 5 11 9 e 7, 8, 18 W \ of ne J, ne i of ne J sec 18, e of se i sec 7, w \ of i and sw ^ of nw \ sec 8 sw 5 n 9 e 9 and 8 W _ of nw \ sec 9, e \ of ne i, sw i of ne i, se i of nw and ne \ of sw \ } and nw J of se \ sec 8 i 1 n 9 e_ _ _ 21 and 28- 7 SE i sec 21, and ne \ sec 28 _ 1 n 9 e 1 n 9 e 7 s i 2 n 9 e _ _ 7 Lots 2 and 3 in n \ sec 7, and lots 2 and 3 in s ^ sec 7 _ 2 n 9 e_ 18andl9_ Lot 3 in n i and lot 3 in s i sec 18, lot 1 and n \ of lots 2 and 3 in n ^ of sec 19 2 n _ 9 e East 80-acre lot in nw \ and east 80-acre lot in sw \ 2 n ___ 9 e_ 7 E i 2 11 9 e 18 Two east 80-acre lots in nw J and two east 80-acre lots in sw S \. _____ i- 1 s 8 e 4 1 s 8e .. _ 6 1 n 8e 33 SE i 1 s 8 e 4 Is 8 e_ 29 E * 1 s 8 e 28 W i 2 s 8 e 22 and 21 W ^ of ne i and nw J sec 22, and e ^ of ne J sec 21 2 n _ __ 8e 33 __ E i of ne J, nw ^ of ne J, and ne \ of se i_ _ __ 2 n 8 e 33 E ^ of sw |, nw i of se i, sw i of ne \, and se of nw N ^ --- 1 s 9 e 28 Is 8 e 9 1 n 8 e 33 SW 1 s 8 e 4 NW i _ 1 s 7 e 27 and 34- 27 and 28. 31 SW i sec 27, and nw \ sec 34 1 s 7 e NW i sec 27, and se i sec 28 1 s 7 e N i _ _ Amount selected by the State 119 OF LANDS the 8ih Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4tk, 1841. , P;tte of Filing in United States Land Aties - j Office. Remarks. 320.00 August 28, 1858 Lists 1 and 12,500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aagust 28, 1858__j List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 289.21 August 28, 18581 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 28, 1858 -Disposed of by United States; in Rancho Arroyo Seco. 320.00 August 28, 1858_. 1 Disposed of by United States: in Rancho Arroyo Seco. 320.00 August 28, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 356.93 August 28, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 352.65 August 28, 1858-J List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 302.98 August 28, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 289.50 August 28, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 August 28, 1858..J List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 28, 1858! List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 28, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 28, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres. Stockton District. 284.60 August 28, 1858-J List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 311.30 August 28, 1858| List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320'.00 August 28, 1858__l_Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 August 28, 1858_J List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 August 28, 1858__| List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 August 28, 1858__| List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 200.00 August 28, 1858__! List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 4, 1858 I List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 4, 1858 ! List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 4, 1858 | List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 4, 1858 ! List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 4, 1858 | List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 ' Sept. 4, 1858 i List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 8,147.26 ! . ! Disposed of by j United States, 960. 00 acres: claimed by the State, 7,187.26 acres. 120 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 1 n 11 e 19and30- 24 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. SW | sec 19, and ne J of nw J sec 30 1 n 10 e E 4 of se and se of ne 4- 5 n 9 e. _ _ 4 and 5__ 9 and 8__ 28 E 4 of nw i and nw of nw i sec 4, and n 4 of ne ; ne 4 of nw 4- sec 5 and 5 n 9 e W 4 of se J, sw i of ne J, se of nw i, e i of sw 4-, and of sw sec 9, and ne i of se sec 8 nw i 1 n 9 e W 4 2 n 8 e 34 8 e 22 _ _ _ NE J _. 2 n 8 e 23 NW i 2 n S P 32 ~$Tff i e 4 of sw 4* and w 4 of se 2 n .._ . 8 e 26 _I " 2 n ! S P 22 and 21 _ 3 and 10. 95 W 4 sec 22, and e 4 of ne 4 sec 21 1 n 8 e - _ _ SE J sec 3, and ne 4- sec 1 _ ___.' _ . 1 n 8 e E 4 7 n 5 e 21and20_ 34 __. NW J and n 4 of sw sec 21, and n 4 of se J sec 20 1 s _. _ . 7 e E 4 1 s 9 e 28 E 4 1 s 8 e 33 N 4 1 S - 8 e 33 1 s 8 e 20 S A 1 n 3 n 11 e 8 e 19,29,29, and 30_ E 4 of se and sw of se \ sec 19, e 4 of ne i and nw J of ne J of sec 30, sw ^ of sw J sec 20, and sw i of nw sec 29 _ 33 SW * 2 n 8 e. _ 4 NE 4- and n 4 of nw 4- __ ._ 4 n 8 e 4 n 8 e 17 E * 6 n 5 e - 29.__ 6 n _ _ _ 5 e 20and21_ 17 NE J sec 20. and nw sec 21 _ __ _ _ 6 n 5 e SE i 6 n 5 e 17andl8. 8 NW J sec 17, and se 4- of ne , and ne of se J sec 18 _. 6 n 5 e SW i 1 s 8e 17 - W4 Amount selected by the State 121 OF LAXDS under the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 . Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. t 319.36 Sept. 4,1858 __ _.List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 296.44 Sept. 4, 1858 Disposed of by United States ; in Arroyo Seco Rancho 320.00 Sept. 4,1858 Disposed of by United States; in Arroyo Seco Rancho. 320.00 Sept. 4. 1858 _ __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 4, 1 858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Sept. 4, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160 00 Sept. 4, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 320.00 Sept. 4, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320 00 Sept. 4, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 400.00 Sept. 4,1858 W of sec 22 in List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District; 320.00 Sept. 4,1858 e of ne i sec 21, not listed; disposed of by United States. Lists 1 and 11, 500,000 acre?. Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 4, 1858--. List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 4, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District 320.00 Sept. 6,1858. List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320 00 Sept. 4, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 6,1858 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 6, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320 00 Sept. 6,1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 6, 1858 __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 1 420.00 Sept. 6,1858 _. Lists 11 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 6,1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320 00 Sept. f,1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 6,1858 List 2, 500,000 acres. Sacramento District. 320.00 Sept. 6, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres. Stockton, and List 2, Sacramento District. 160.00 Sept. 6,1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 240.00 Sept. 6, 1858_ __ List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160 00 Sept. 6,1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 7, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 8,395.80 Disposed of by United States, 696.44 acres; claimed by the State, 7,699.36 acres. 16 C 122 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Kange. Section. Description of Tract. 1 n 9 e__. 25 ._ MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. S i of se and e J of sw _____ 1 n 9 e 25 N i of se J and s t of ne 3 n _ 9 e . 32 and 33 SE i sec 32, and sw i sec 33_ _ 7 n 5 e 5 S i of se i 7 n 5 e 8, 9, 4 NE J sec 8, w i of nw i sec 9, and w i of sw i sec 4 7 n 5 e. . 8, 17, 7 E i of se i, nw of se |, e ^ of sw , and s of nw sec 8, 7 n 5 e 9 and w i of ne i sec 17, sw J of se J and e i of ne J sec 7_. S i 6 n _ . 5 e 10 Ni __. _ . _ 1 s 7 e_ . 18 and 17. NE i sec 18, and nw i sec 17 _ _ - _ 1 s 7 e 18 SE i 1 s.. 7 e 17 SWi _ . . 1 s 8 e. 10 _ . . S i 1 s 8 e 10 NW J 1 s 8 e 22 E . _-_ ... -_ 1 s _ 8 e__ _ 23 W i 1 s 8 e 15 W i 1 s 8 e 15 E 1 s 8 e._ _.. 19 _ Si _ _ _ . 1 s 8 e 8 and 7 SW J sec 8, and se i sec 7 1 s 8 e 5 N * - _ 1 s 8 e 14 __ __ Si _ _ _ . _ 1 s 8 e 14 N i 8 e 34 W * 1 s-_ _ 8 e _ 34 E i _ __-_--- 1 s 8 e 5 and 6 SW J sec 5, and se J sec 6 _-__ ._ - .__ _ _ 1 s 8 e 3 Si 1 s__. 9 e 31 __ Ei 1 s 9 e 31 W 4 1 s 9 e 32 W i . -_ 1 s 9 e 32 _ Ei _ _ _ Amount selected by the State 123 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 160.00 Sept. 7, 1858 i List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Sept. 7, 1858 ! List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 7, 1858 Lists 1 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 80.00 Sept. 7, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 7,1858 Listl, 500,000 acres, Stockton District, and List 2, Sacramento District. 480.00 Sept. 7, 1858 I List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Sept. 7, 1858 j List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Sept. 7, 1858 | List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 | List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Sept. 11, 1858 i List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Sept. 11, 1858 I List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 J List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Sept. 11,1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 i Sept. 11, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 I Sept. 11, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 i Sept. 11, 1858 LDisposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 315.91 | Sept. 11, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 293.60 Sept. 11, 1858 List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 List I, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 j Lists 1 and 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 \ SE i, List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District; sw $ not listed: disposed of by United States. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. * 51 .___ Disposed of j by United States, 2,715.91; claimed by the State, 5,9 73.60 acres. 124 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 1 n 10 e 22 and 23 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MKRIDIAN. W 4 of se J, ne J of se 4-, e 4 of ne J, and sw 4 of ne J of sec 22, and w 4 of nw \ of sec 23 1 n 10 e _ . 23 and 24 SE and e 4 of sw J sec 23, and w 4 of sw i sec 24 _ __ ] n 10 e 35 W 4 4 n 8 e __ 23 N 4 1 n _ 11 e 29 and 32 _ SW 4-. se of nw J, nw J of se J sec 29, and n 4 of nw sec 32 2 n 10 e . . 5 SE i of sw J, w ^ of se J, sw | of ne J, and fractional nw J 2 n 8 e 2 E 4 of nw 4-, w ^ of ne 4, ne 4- of sw 4-, and nw J of se 4- 3 11 8 e 35 SW 4- of se J 2 n 8e 1 and 2 E i of ne J and ne i of se i of sec 2, and w J of nw 4- and iiw J of sw of sec 1 _ __ 3 n 8e_ 35 SE of se J 4 n 8 e_ 22 and 15 E i of nw i and w of e sec 22, and e i of sw ^ sec 15 2 n 9 e 2 W i 3 n 9e_ __. 25 and 24 SW J, e J of nw sec 25, e J of sw sec 24 3 n 9 e 25 Siofsel _ ___ . . 6 n 5 e 5 and 8 1 SW sec 5, and nw J sec 8 6 n 5 e_ . 5 and 8 SE sec 5, and ne i s!c 8 6 n 5 e 20 SW J 6 n 5 e 20 SE i _ . 6 n 5 e__ 20,19,18 S 4 of nw J of sec 20, ne 4- of sec 19, ne of nw J of sec 19, se J of sw J of sec 18 6 n 5 e 4 NW 1 7 n 5 e 33 SW i 6 n 5 e 5 NE i 7 n .__. 5 e 32 _._ SEi _ _ . _ 6 n 5 e 30 and 31 SE J s 4 of sw sec 30 and n i of nw J sec 31 7 n _ _ 5 e- 35 S * 7 n 5 e 26 W 4 * 7 n 5 e 1. 8, 5, 6 N 4 of nw J sec 8, s 4 of sw J sec 5, and e 4 of se 4 sec 6 7 n 5 e 5 and 4 N 4 of se i and ne J sec 5 and w & of nw J sec 4 7 n 5 e 31 SEi, e 4 of w 4 - 7 n 5 e 20and29 S 4 of s 4 sec 20 and n 4 of n 4 sec 29 7 n 5 e 3 land 30 NE J sec 31, and e 4 of sw and w 4 of se i sec 30 7 n 5 e 29 S 4 of n 4 and n 4 of s 4 _ _ Amount selected by the State __ 125 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500;000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500.000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11. 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 2, i 500,000 acres, Sacramento District, and List 1, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 Not listed. See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879, Sacramento District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District, and List 2, Sacramento District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District, except s i of sw J of sec 30, not listed. See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879, Sacramento District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District, and List 1, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. Sept. 11, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 11, 1858 _.__ List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. Disposed of by United States, 320.00 acres; claimed by the State, 7,940.12 acres. 126 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 7 n 5 e 32 ._. _ MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. NWi- - 7 n 5 e 30 and 29 E of se sec 30, and s i of sw sec 29 _ 7 n 5 e 14 and 13 SE i sec 14, and sw i sec 13 7 n 5 e 13 and 24 SE i sec 1'3, and ne i sec 24 _ 7 n _. 5 e 26 E i 7 11 5 e 13 and 12 NE i sec 13, and se i sec 12 3 s 7 e 5 E ___ 3 s 7 e 4 W 4 1 s 7e 19 and 30 SW i sec 19, and nw i sec 30 3 s 7e._ __ 3 and 10 Fractional s -J sec 3, and lot 1 in sec 10 1 s 8 e 3 NE J 1 s 8e _ _ 17 Ei 1 s 8 e 8 KX 2 s 7 e 31 E 2 s 7e 30 and 29 SE i and s i of ne J sec 30, and w of nw J sec 29 2 s 7 e 31, W 2 s 7 e 30 w a 1 n 8e 21 and 22 E of e ^ sec 21 , and w J of w i sec 22 1 n 8e_._ _ 27 W i of nw i 1 n 8e 28 V-A 1 n 8e 28 and 33 SE i sec 28 and ne i sec 33 1 n 8e 27 Si 1 n 9 e 23 SE i - 1 n 9 e _ _ 19 NW i e J of sw i and nw J of sw i 1 n 9 e 30 and 19 NW i sec 30, and sw \ of sw i sec 19 1 n 10 e 22and21 SW i of sec 22 and se i sec 21 1 n 10 e 32 S* 2 n 8e 2 W i of sw i and w of nw J 3 n 8e 35 S i of sw i 4 11 8e 9 and 4 N -J of ne 4 sec 9 and s ^ of se J sec 4 4 n 8e 9 SE ^ s ^ of ne J 4 n 8e 15 Siofnw-i Amount selected by the State 127 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 160.00 ' Sept. 11, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 160.00 Sept. 11, 1858 __ P _ _ List 2, 500,000 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 _ _ acres, Sacramento District, and List 1, Stockton District. List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 _ __ __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 . . List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Sept. 11, 1858 _ _ _ __ . _ _List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 14, 1858 __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 14, 1858 _. _ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 310.72 Sept. 15, 1858 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 273.38 Sept. 15, 1858 List 1, 500,000 a^res, Stockton District. 152.87 Sept. 15, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 15, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 15, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 15, 1858 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 15, 1858 _ .Lists 12 and 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 15, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 15, 1858' List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 15, 1858. _ Lists 11 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 80.00 Sept. 15, 1858 ___ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 15, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 15, 1858 ._ Lists 1 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. S20.00 Sept. 15, 1858 .List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Sept. 15, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 308.47 Sept. 15, 1858 _ _ _ .List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 213.65 Sept. 15, 1858 List ]2, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 15, 1858 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 15, 1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. I 244.98 Sept. 15 1858 160.00 Sept. 15, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 Sept. 15, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 80.00 Sept. 15, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 8,309.07 Disposed of by United States, 240.00 acres: claimed by the State, 8,069.07. 128 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the, Stockton Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 6 n 5 e 10 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. Si 6 n 5 e __ 6 and 7 E i of sw J sec 6, and lie J of nw J sec 7 6 n __ -_ 5 e 5 and 6 NW J of nw sec 5, and ne i and s of nw J sec 6_ 6 n 5 e 6 and 7 SE J sec 6, and ne J sec 7 7 n 6 e___ 32 SW i 6 n 5 e 5 S i of nw J and ne ^ of nw J 6 n 5 e 3 and 4 SW J sec 3, and se i sec 4 6 n 5 e 3 E i 7 n 5 e 33 and 34 SE i sec 33 and sw J sec 34 7 n 5 e 34 E * 7 n 5 e _ ... _ 35 Ni 7 n 5 e 97 E i 7 n 5 e 27 NW J 7 n 5 e 14andl3 NE 4 sec 14, and nw J ^ec 13 7 n 5 e 15 and 14 NE J sec 15, and sw J sec 14 7 n_ 5 e __ _ 15 W _ 7 n 5 e 24 E i 7 n 5 e 25 N i 7n__ -_. 5 e _ ... 23 S * _. _ . 7 n 6 e 31 N i 7 n 6 e 19 and 30 SW J sec 19, and nw J sec 30 7n 6 e 30 S4 5 n 8 e 10 E i of e 1 7 n 8 e 9 and 4 NE J, n J of nw 4 sec 9, and 2 lots in se 4 sec 4 Is 8 e 25 Si_ _ . '_ s 8 e 23 E i s 8 e 25 and 26 NW i sec 25, and ne i sec 26 s 8 e 24 N 8 e 5 " SE i s 8 e 32 NW i s 8e 32 E i s 8 e 9 Ni - - Amount selected by tlie State 129 )F LANDS lie 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. N\nber of Icres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. Sl'O.OO Sept. 15, 1858 List 1, Stockton District, 500,000 acres 120.00 Sept. 15, 1858 List 2, Sacramento District, 500,000 acres. 290.80 Sept. 15, 1858 _ _ _ _ _ _ List 2, Sacramento District. 500,000 acres. 320.00 Sent. 15. 1858 .. ._ List 2. Sacramento District. 500.000 acres. 281.70 I Sept. 15, 1858 List 2, Sacramento District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 321.60 320.00 Sept, Sept, Sept. 320.00 Sept. 15, 320.00 Sept. 15, 320.00 Sept. 15, 160.00 Sept. 15, 320.00 Sept. 15, 320. 00 Sept. 15, 320.00 Sept. 15, 320.00 Sept. 15, 320.00 Sept. 15, 320.00 Sept. 15, 320.09 Sept. 15, 320.78 Sept. 15, 320.69 Sept. 15, 160.00 i Sept. 15, 302.78 Sept. 15, 320.00 Sept. 20, 320.00 Sept, 20, 320.00 Sept. 20, 320.00 Sept. 20, 160.00 Sept, 20, 160.00 Sept. 20, 320.00 Sept. 20, '320.00 Sept. 20, List 1, Stockton District, 500,000 acres. List 1, Stockton District, 500,000 acres. ._ List 1, 1858 1858 1858 Stockton District, 500.000 acres, and List 2, Sacramento District. 1858 List J, Stockton District, 500,000 acres. 1858 I List 1, Stockton District, 500,000 acres. 1858 ___-! List 2, Sacramento District, 500,000 acres. 1858 i List 2, Sacramento District, 500,000 acres. 1858 I List 1, Stockton District, 500,000 acres. 1858 __Listl, 8,998.44 Stockton District, 500,000 acres, and List 1, Sacramento Dis f rict, 1858 List 2, Sacramento District. 1858 ! List 1, Stockton District, 500,000 acres. 1858 J List 2, Sacramento District. 1858 j List 1, Stockton District, 500,000 acres. 1858 ! List 2, Sacramento District. 1858 | List 1, Stockton District, 500,000 acres. 1858 I List 2, Sacramento District. 1858 i List 12, Stockton District, 500,000 acres. 1858 j List 2, Sacramento District, 1858 (.Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 1858 i_ Disposed of by United States. ' 1858 ____!_ Disposed of by United States. 1858 (.Disposed of by United States. 1858 I List 1, Stockton District, 500,000 acres. 1858 j List 16, Stockton District, 500,000 acres. 1858 { List 16, Stockton District, 500,000 acres. 1858 ! List 1 3 Stockton District, 500,000 acres. I Disposed of by United States, 1,280.00 acres; claimed by the State, 7,718.44 acres. See report for Stockton District, See report for Stockton District. See report for Stockton District. 17' 130 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. 2 s 7 e 35 SW i 3 s 7e_ __. 2 S ^ of nw i and fractional ne i 2 s 7 e 32 and 33 SE i sec 32 and sw sec 33 2s 7 e 6 and 7 SW sec 6, and nw 4- sec 7 5 s _ _ . 14 e _ _ 8 and 9 SE i of lie J, ne i of se i, lot 1 sec 8, lots 4 and 5 in sw J sec 9 4 11 1 e 9 3 n _ 9 e 35 E 4 1 n 8 e 10 and 3 E i of nw 4- sec 10, and e _ of sw 4- sec 3 1 n 8e 9, 10, 4 S i of se 4" sec 4, n i of ne 4 sec 9, and nw 4 of nw 4 sec 10 1 n 8 e 29 N i 2 11 8 e 13 4 n 8 e 12 S ^ 6 n 5 e 1 and 2 NW i sec 1, and ne i sec 2 6 n 5e_ .__ 28 _ __ SWi 6 n 5 e 28 6 n 31 S i 6 n 5 e 22 6 11 5 e 2 and 11 SW J sec 2, and nw i sec 11 6 11 5 e 15 S i- 6 11 5 e 22 Si _____ 6 n 5 e 1 2 and 1 NW | sec 12, and sw 4- sec 1 .__._____ 6 n 7 e 34 and 33 W i of sw J sec 34, and e ^- of se J sec 33 6 11 7 e 33 W i of se 4- and e i of sw J sec 33 7 n 5 e 9 NE i 7 n . 5 e 21 7 n 5 e 22 W ^ 7 n 5 e 33 N i 7 n 5 e 34 and 2 7 NW i sec 34, and sw i sec 27 _ 7 n . 5 e 28 7 n 5 e NW J, w i of ne i 7 n 5 e 11 S i Amount selected bv the State 131 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. } 310.37 Sept. 20, 1858 _ __ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. J 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 311.60 Sept. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 165.84 320.00 Sept. 20,1858 Sept. 20, 1858 _No claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. .__ List 2, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 160.00 200.00 Sept. 20,1858 Sept. 20,1858 Sept. 20, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. -Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 320.00 Sept. 20,1858 _ Lists 11 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.40 Sept. 20,1858 ._ _ _ _ _ __ List 1, 160.00 Sept. 20, 1858 500,000 acres, Stockton District, and List 2, Sacramento District. _ _ _ List 2, Sacramento District. 160.00 Sept. 20,1858 _ _ _ List 2, Sacramento District. 319.80 Sept. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 _ ._ __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 List 1 , 500,000 acres, Stockton District 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 __ __ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District 160.00 Sept. 20, 1858 _---_ _ Disposed 160.00 Sept. 20,1858 of .by United States. See Eegister's letter, July 25th, 1879. 80 acres disposed of by United States. See selec- 160.00 Sept. 20,1858 tion February 21st, 1859, and Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. List 4, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 20,1858 . . . _ _ . List 1, 500,0.00 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 Sept. 20, 1858 List 4, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Sept. 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 8,268.01 __ _ ..Disposed of bv United States, 480. 00 acres; claimed by the State, 7,788.01 acres. 132 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, Township. Kange. Section. Description of Tract. 7 n 5 e 11 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. NWi 3 n 8 e 8 Wi 3 n 3 n 8e 8 e 3 and 2__ 3 SE sec 3, and sw J sec 2 SW i, s i of n i _ 3 n 8 e 10 _ Ei _ ._ 3 n 8 e 9 l E i 3 n 8 e 9 W i . _ . _ 3 n 8 e 10 W* _ 3 n 8 e 8 ! E i 3 n 8e 17 ! N A 3 n 8 e LI Wi 2 n 8 e . NW i of ne i 3 n 8e 34 SE i of sw J and s i of se . 3 n 8 e 29 and 28. 20and21 NE | sec 29, and nw sec 28 3 n 8e 8e_ _ SE i sec 20, and sw i sec 21 3 n 28and33_ 33and34_ 6 SW i sec 28, w i of se i and se i of se i ne i of sec 33 __ _ of sec 28, nw J of 3 n 8e NE i of ne i of sec 33, nw i, ne i of sw sec 34 i and n i of se i 3 n 8 e NE i, n i of nw J, and se i of nw J 2 n 8e 9 NW1 2 n_._- 8 e 12 and l_j E i of nw i of sec 12, w i of se i and e i 24 Si of sw i sec 1 4 n 8 e 1 n 10 e '21,28,29. 30and31_ 33 SW i of sec 21, n i of mv i of sec 28, n \ SW \ of sec 30, and nw i sec 31 of ne i of sec 29 _ 1 n 10 e 1 n 10 e Si In 10 e 34 Si _ _ _. 1 n 9 e 25and24_ 17 E i of nw J and n i of ne \ of sec 25, s i N i of si of sec24___ 1 n 9 e 2 n 9 e 6 and 5__ 5 and 8 W i of se i and s i of ne i of sec 6, s i of nw \ and nw i of nw \ of sec 5 4 n 9 e S i of sw \ sec 5, n i of nw J sec 8 4n 9 e 5 and 8__ 4, 5, 8, 9. SW i of se i of sec 5, w i of ne i and se SW i of sw i sec 4, se i of se i sec 5, n nw J of nw \ sec 9 i of nw i of sec 8_ e i of ne i sec 8, 4 n 9 e Amount selected by the State 133 OF LANDS under the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 160.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 20,1858 | List No. 1 24, 1858 List No. 1 24, 1858 24, 1858 24, 1858 j List No. 1 24, 1858 I List No. 1 24, 1858 List No. 1 24, 1858 List No. 1 24, 1858 List No. 1 24,1858 ! List No. 1 500,000 acres, Stockton 500,000 acres, Stockton List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton 500,000 acres, Stockton 500,000 acres, Stockton 500,000 acres, Stockton 500,000 acres, Stockton 500,000 acres, Stockton 500,000 acres, Stockton 24, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. District. District. District. District. District. District. District. District. District. District. 165.23 | Sept. 24, 1858 I List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 320.00 320.00 Sept. 24, 1858 Sept. 24, 1858 .Disposed of by United States. .Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. See report for Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 SW i of sec 28 in List 1, grantof 16th and 36th sections, j Stockton; balance not listed. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 306.82 160.00 240.00 320.00 320.00 318.47 320.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 280.97 160.00 160.00 160.00 Sept. 24, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 List No. J2, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 Disposed of bv United States. See report for Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 _ List No. 10, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept, 24, 1858 . - __ _ -List No. 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 __ List No. 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 List No. 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 . __ . . List No. 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 List No. 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 __ _. _ List No. 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 _ . __List No. 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Sept. 24, 1858 __ List No. 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. __ __ ._ _ Disposed of by United 8,511.49 States, 1,120.00 acres; claimed by the State, 7,391.49 acres 134 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Kange. Section. Description of Tract. 4 n 9 e 4 and 9 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. SE 4 of sw J and sw J of se J sec 4, and n -J of ne J sec 9 7 n 5 e 1 and 12 SE J sec 1, and ne J sec 12 __ 7 n 6 e 6 N i 7 n 6 e 6 and 7 SE 4" sec 6, and ne \ sec 7 7 n 6 e 5 N 7 n___ _ 6 e _ 18andl9- SW | sec 18, and nw J sec 19 _ __ _ 7 n 6 e 7 and 18 SE J sec 7, and ne i sec 18 1 s 8 e 11 W Is 8 e 6 _ SWi J 1 s 8 e 22 and 21 SE J sec 21, and sw J sec 22 2 s 9 e 7 E 2s 7 e 17 wVl 2 s 7 e 17 E 2 s 7 e 18 E i 2s 7 e 18 W 2 s 8e 23 and 26. Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9 sec 23, n of ne J, ne i of nw i, 1 of sec 26 and lot 2 s 8e 25 Lots 3, 4, and 6, and sw J of nw J 2 s 8 e 3 S * 2s 8 e N 11 s 16 e 14 S 11 s 16 e 13andl4 W of nw J of sec 13, ne i, s of nw i sec 14 2 n 8 e 12 and 11 S W J sw i of nw J of sec 12 se i of ne i of sec 11 1 n 8 e 19 SE i 1 n 8 e 18 NW i 1 n 8 e 18 NE i 2 n 8 e 10 g\V i, w i of se i 3 n 8e 6 and 4 __ SE i of se i of sec 5, s i of sw , se i of nw J, an dsiof ne J sec 4 3 n 8 e 7 and 18 SW i sec 7, and nw i sec 1 8 4 n 8e Il-andl2 NE i of sec 11, and ne J of sec 12 4 n 8 e Hand 13 NE J of sec 14 and nw of sec 13 4 n 9 e 6 SE J, lot 1 in nw ^, and lot 1 in sw J In 10 e 20 SE i, e i of ne i Amount selected by the State 135 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 160.00 Sept. 24, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 24, 1858 .List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 322.01 Sept. 24, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 24, 1858 __ _ __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 323.58 Sept. 24, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.18 Sept. 24, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 24, 1858 __ ._ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 24, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.60 Sept. 24, 1858 __ _ __ . . List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 24, 1858 Lists land 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 24, 1858 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 24, 1 858 . . . List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 24, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 24, 1858 __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 316.12 Sept. 24, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 287.12 Sept. 24, 1858_ ___ _. List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 132.93 Sept. 24, 1858 List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 24, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 321.04 Sept. 24, 1858 List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 24, 1858 _ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Sept. 24, 1858 _ . _ List 1, 500,000 acres. Stockton District. 240.00 Sept. 24, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District; except se 160.00 Oct. 1 1858 i of ne J of sec 11, not listed. See report for Stockton District. List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 148.36 Oct. 1 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Oct. 1 1858 - 1 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 Oct. 1 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 280.00 Oct. 1 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 291.94 Oct. 1 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 1 1858 _. _ __ _ Lists 1 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 1 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.04 Oct. 1 1858 _- . _ _ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 Oct. 1 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 8,903.92 _ _ Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the State, 8,903.92 acres. 136 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Kange. Section. Description of Tract. 6 n /> p. 12 and 13 MOUNT DIABLO 'BASE AND MERIDIAN. SE J sec 12, and ne J sec 13 6 n ! .5 ft 14 and 13. 12 and 11 _ 14 and 23 NE i sec 14, and nw J sec 13 6 n 5 e SW i sec 12, and se ^ sec 11 _ 6 n 5 e SW i sec 14, and nw i sec 23 7 n 5 e 6 E ^ of nw i and sw i of ne i 7 n 5 e E of ne and nw J of ne i 7 n 6 e 21 E i 7 n 6 e 22 _ N| 7 11 6 e _ _ _ 21 and 28_ 20 SW i sec 21, and nw \ sec 28 Is 7 e. _ _ NEi _ ._ . 1 s 7 e 29 and 32 _ 13 __ SE i sec 29, and ne i sec 32 1 s 7 e Ni 1 s 7 e 9,8,17 SW \ sec 9, e ^ of se 4 sec 8 e \ of rue i sec 1 7 2 s 7 e 19 N E \ and n ^ of se \ 2 s 7 e _ 20-.-. _ Ei 1 s 8 e 20 and 21 NE \ sec 20, and sw \ sec 21 1 s_ 8 e 8 SEi 2 s 8 e 2 E i 2 s 9 e . _ 4 and 5__ 12 S ^ of nw \ sec 4, s i of n and n \ of sw i sec 5 11 e NE i, e i of nw \ 3 s 12 e 7 and 6__ 19 ____ W i of nw i sec 7, w \ of sw ^ and sw \ of nw sec 6 1 n 8 e SW J 1 n 8 e 30 and 31 SW \ sec 30, and nw i sec 31 2 n 8 e 3 NWi I n 10 e 35 S ^ of ne i and n i of se J 1 n _ 11 e _ . 33 NEi, e^of wi 4 n 1 e 5 and 4 20 Lots 1, 2, in nw J, fractional n i of ne J sec 5, and fractional n ^ of nw i, and sw i of nw i of sec 4 4 n ] e S^ 4 n 1 e 21 W \ 4 n 1 e 17 Lots 1 and 2, e -J of nw J, and ne \ 4 11 1 e 5 and 8__ SE J sec 5, and ne \ sec 8 _ __ Amount selected by the State 137 OF LANDS the Sth Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.00 October 1, 1858 _ . List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 1, 1858. _. List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 1, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 October 1, 1858 __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 120.00 October 1, 1858 List 4, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 120.00 October 1, 1858 _ _ List 4, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 October 1, 1858 _ . List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 1, 1858 List 2,500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 October 1, 1858. _ _ __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 October 1, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 1, 1858 _ _ _ _ Lists 1 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 1, 1858 Not claimed by the State. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 October 1, 1858 __ List 12, 500.000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 October 1, 1858- .. .__ List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 1, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 1, 1858 . _ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 October 1, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 319.98 October 1, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 1. 1858_ _. _. List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 October 1, 1858 List 1, 500.000 acres, Stockton District. 230.22 October 1, 1858 _ . List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 154.17 October 4, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. . 314.24 October 4, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 170.42 October 4, 1858 __ _ __ Patented to J. B. Messick, pre- 160.00 320.00 October 4, 1858___ October 4, 1858 emptor, July 20th, 1872, and in List No. 12, Stockton District. _No claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 290 28 October 4, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 October 4, 1858 List 11, 500.000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 October 4, 1858 _ _ List 11, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 311.53 October 4, 1858 List 11, 500,000 acres, San P'rancisco District. 320.00 October 4, 1858 Lists 2 and 14, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 8,430.84 . _ _ _ _ Disposed of by United States, 490.42 acres; claimed by the State, 7,940.42 acres. 18 138 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 4 n 1 e 8 and 9 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. E ^ of sw , se J sec 8, and w of sw J sec 9 _____ 5 s 13 e 22and27 SW J see 22 and lots 3 and 4 sec 27 5 s 13 e 2 2 and 2 7 SE i sec 22, and lots 1 and 2 sec 27 5 s 13 e 22 N 5 s 12 e 13 SE of ne i 5 s 13 e 18and7 SW i of nw i and e of nw \ sec 18, se J of sw J and w \ of se i and ne i of se J of sec 7 _~_ 5 s 13 e Hand 20 E of se i sec 1 7, and ne J sec 20 5 s 13 e 20 and 19 SE 1, e i of sw i, and sw J of sw J sec 20, se i of se i sec 19 5 s 13 e ] 3 and 24 SW i sec 13, w of nw J and lots 3 and 4 of sec 24 5 s 13 e 12andl3 SE i of se i sec 12, and ne i sec 13 5 s 13 e 14 N _ -_ _ __ _ 5 s 13 e 12and 13 SW J sec 12, and nw J sec 13 5 s 13 e 14 and 23 SE J sec 14, and ne sec 23 2 s 9 e 8 W* _ 2 s 9 e 8 and 9 SE ^ sec 8 and sw J sec 9 2 s 9 e 9 E i Is 7 e 18andl9 SW i sec 18, and nw i sec 19 _ __ 1 s 8 e 21 Ni 5 s 15 e 6 and 7 S ^ of se J sec 6, and ne J and lots 1 and 2 sec 7 7 n 6 e _ 22 S * __ 7 n 6 e 15 W i 7 n 5 e 11 and 12 NE 4 sec 11, and nw J sec 12 7 n 5 e 1 and 2 SW J sec 1, and se J sec 2 7 n _ 5 e. _ 4 . E ^ of sw J and se J _ __ - _ 3 n 10 e 30 and 31 E -i of se J sec 30, and ne 4 and n ^ of se J sec 31 2 n ___ 8 e 9 SEJ _ .._ 2 n 8 e 8 __ _ NWJ __ _ _ . _ 2 n 8 e 5 SWi 2 n _ 8 e 9 NE i 1 n 9 e 29 Niof si _ . 1 n 9 e 30 SW I Amount selected by the State _ _ 139 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.00 Oct. 4,1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 219.76 Oct. 4, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 253.95 Oct. 4,1858 _.List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 4,1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. I 317.22 Oct. 4,1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 Oct. 4,1858 _ __ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 4, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 294.54 Oct. 4, 1858 -_ _. List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 200.00 320.00 Oct. 4,1858 Oct. 4, 1858- List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. _____ _ _ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 4, 1858 Lists 1 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 4,1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 4,1858 List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 4. 1 858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 4, 1858- __ _ __ .List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 314,44 Oct 4,1858 Lists 1 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 4, 1858 _ __ _ _ List 1, 500,000. acres, Stockton District. 300.42 Oct. 7,1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 7,1858 _ List 2, 500.000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Oct. 7,1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 7, 1858 Listl, 320.00 Oct. 7,1858 500,000 acres, Stockton District, and List 2, Sacramento District. List 1, 240.08 Oct. 7,1858 500,000 acres, Stockton District, and List 2, Sacramento District. List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Oct. 7,1858__ _ List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Oct. 7, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 360.00 Oct. 7, 1 858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Oct. 7,1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 160.00 Oct. 7,1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 160.00 Oct. 7,1858 ._ __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 167.84 Oct. 7, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 8,148.17 Disposed of by United States, 480.00 acres; claimed by the State, 7,668.17 acres. 140 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 1 n 9 e__t._ 30 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. SEJ__ _ . 7n 5 e 12 SW i 4n 8 e 31 S i 4 n 8 e 31 and 32 S of ne J sec 31, sw i and w i of se J sec 32 1 n 9 e 31 W i 5s._ 13 e 13 and 24. SE i sec 13, and lots 1 and 2 sec 24 5 s _ 14 e 3 and 10_ S i of nw J and n of sw i and lots 2 and 3 of sec 3, and lot 2 of sec 10 5s 14 e 1 and 12_ S of nw i and sw i sec 1, and lots 3 and 4 of sec 12 5 s 14 e 18 W of ne i 5 s - 14 e 18andl9 SW i sec 18. and lot 1 sec 19 1 s _ 8 e_ . _ 13 E i _ . . 1 s 8 e 10 NE i 1 s 8 e 18 and 19 SW i sec 18, and nw J sec 19 1 s 7 e 28 and 33. SW J sec 28, and nw sec 33 1 s 7e 27and26_ SE i sec 27,and sw sec 26. _ . ._ 1 s 8 e 18 NWi 1 s 9 e 29 W 1 s 9 e 29 E i \ s 9 e 30 NW i n i of sw i se i of sw i 1 s 9 e 30 SE i, ne i of sw i 3 s 13 e 32 and 33 Lot 1 of sec 32, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, nw J of ne and ne J of nw i sec 33 5s 13 e 32,28,33, and 29. SE i of ne J and lots 4 and 5 of sec 32, lot 7 sec 2^, sec 28, and lot 1 and sw of nw sec 33 lot 5 of 5 s 13 e 33 and 28 NE i of nw i sec 33 and lots 6 7, 8 of sec 28 5 s 13 e 29 and 30 E ^ of nw J, nw J of nw J and lot 5 in nw J sec 29, ind n of ne J and lots 1 and 2 in ne i sec 30 _ 5 s 13 e 15 E i 5 s 15 e 8 and 5 N J of nw J sec 8, and s ^ of sw J sec 5 5 s 15 e 8 S -J of nw ^, and lots 4 and 5 _ 1 n 8 e 32 SEi . 1 n 8e 35 S i Amount selected by the State 141 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th f 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 160.00 October 7, 1858. 160.00 October 7, 1858. 306.48 October 9, 1858. 320.00 October 9, 1858. 326.02 October 9, 1858. 245.20 October 9, 1858. 238.54 297.26 80.00 193.07 320.00 160.00 313.91 320.00 320.00 158.00 320.00 320.00 297.32 200.00 October October October October October October October October October October October October October October List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. .Lists 1 and 12, 500.000 acres, Stockton District. List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 9, 1858 List 11, 9, 1858 List 11, 9. 1858 ! List 11, 9, 1858 _ LNo claim adverse to the State. 9. 1858 .[-Disposed of by United States. , 1858 List 1, 9, 1858___ 14, 1858. _ 14, 1858- 14, 1858- 14, 1858- 14, 1858- 14, 1858- 14, 1858__ List 1, List 1, disposed of by United States. List 1, -Disposed of by United States. List 1, -Disposed of by United States. -Disposed of by United States. 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 500,000 acres, Stockton District. See report for Stockton District. See report for Stockton District. 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160 acres See report for Stockton District. 500,000 acres, Stockton District. See report for Stockton District. 500,000 acres, Stockton District. See report for Stockton District. See report for Stockton District. 312.10 | October 14, 1858 ._ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 211.42' October 14, 1858 _ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 140 39 October 14, 1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District 298.17- October 14, 1858 . _ _ _. List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320 00 October 14, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 October 14, 1858 _ List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 155 26 October 14, 1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 October 14, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 14, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 7,133.14 __ __ __ .Disposed of by United States, 1,297.32 acres; claimed by the State, 5,835.82 acres. 142 A LIST Selected by the State of California, in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 2 n 8 e 1 and 12 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. E i of se J sec 1, and ne J sec 12 2 11 9 e 6 Lot 3 in s i __ 1 n 9 e 31 E i 2 n 9 e 6 Lots 1 and 2 in n J and lots 1 and 2 in s i 7 n 5 e_ _ 2 N"W i 7 11 5 e 2 NE J 1 n 10 e 20 Eofswi___ 1 n 9 e _ _ _ 15 SEJ 1 n 9 e 22 NEi 1 n 8 e 31 SEi 2 n 8 e 11 SEiofswi __ ___ 2 n 8 e 18 W i 3 n 8 e 29 and 20 SE J and e i of nw J sec 29, and e J of sw J pec 20 S n 8 e 30 and 19_ NE.i of se i, e i of ne , and nw J of ne i sec 30, and se i sec 19 6 n 5 e 21 Ei 7 n 5 e 3 SW J 1 s 7 e 32 and 33 SE J sec 32, and sw i sec 33 1 s 7 e 32 1 s 8e_ ___ 7 NE i 1 s 8 e 2 S i 1 s 8 e 12 S i Is 8 e 12 N i 2 s 8 e 24 SE i of ne i 2 s 9 e 18andl9 Lot 1 in se i of sec 18, lots 1, 2, and 4, w i of nw J, and ne J of nw J sec 19. __. _. ____ __ _ __ 2 s 10 e 1,2,11,12 Lot 2 of sec 2, lots 5 and 6 sec 1, se J of ne J of sec 11, and n w J of sec 12. _ 4s. 8e 7 E i of se J, lots 3 and 4 of se J, w i of ne J, lot 2, and ne J of nw J 5s 14 e 8_ _ _ SWi . _ ... _ 5 s 13 e 15 5 s 13 e 11 SEi 5 s 13 e 25 NW i of sw i 6 n_ 5 e 3 land 32 NE i sec 31, s i of nw J and n i of sw i sec 32 _ _ _. 6 n 5 e_ 29 and 32 SE J sec 29, and ne i sec 32_ .. __ _ Amount selected by the State _ . 143 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. [ 311.65 October 14, 1858 Lists 12 and 13, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 14, 1858 .. List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 14, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 158.40 October 15, 1858 _ List 2, 500.000 acres, Sacramento District. 158.40 October 14, 1858. . _ _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 80.00 ]00.00 October 20, 1858_. October 20, 1858- -No claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 October 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 October 20, 1858. _ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 40.00 October 20, 1858 List 18, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 288.96 October 20, 1858 _ _ _ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 20, 1858 ... _._.._ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 20, 1858 _ List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 October 20, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 October 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 -acres, Stockton District. 160.00 October 20, 1858- . ... _._ List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 320.00 320.00 I 313.68 October 20, 1858 October 20, 1858 October 20, 1858_- October 20, 1 858 .Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. .Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. -Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 299.94 October 20, 1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 309.37 October 20, 1858 List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 October 20, 1858 _ _ List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 October 20, 1858__ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 October 20, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 40.00 320.00 October 20, 1858_. November 1, 1858 -Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. Listl, 320.00 November 1, 1858 500,000 acres, Stockton District, and List 2, Sacramento District. List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 7,280.40 Disposed of by United " States, 1,000.00 acres; claimed by the State, .6,280.40 acres. 144 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 6 n 5 e 9 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. E i 7 n 5 e 4___ NE J and e ^ of nw J 7 n ___ 5e__ __ 29and32_ S i of se J sec 29, and ne i sec 32 5 n 8 e 25 ___ . SE i of nw J, s of ne J, ne i of se i 5 11 9 e 30 Lot 1, n J lot 2 n i of lot 3 in s i of sec 30 6 8 ]2 e 1 NW , nw J of ne i. w of sw i 5 s 14 e__ 18 _ . NW i of se i, lots 1 and 2 4 n 9 e 5 N i of SAV i 4 n 9 e 5 __ . SW i of ne i and n of se | 7 n 6e 29 E i 1 n 8 e 20 and 19 NW J sec 20, and ne i sec 19 1 n 8 e_ 22 NW i 7 n . 6 e __ . . 29 and 30. NW i sec 29, and ne i sec 30 _ 5 s 13 e 27 Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, and sw of se J 1 s 7 e 2 land 22. SE i sec 21, and w i of sw J sec 22 2s _ 9 e 17 W ^ of nw J, se of nw , fractional sw 1, nw i of se J 1 s 7 e 33 and 34 SE ^ sec 33, and sw sec 34 2 s 9 e_ 5_ _ _ . S i of sw i 2 s 9 e 18 NE ^ w ^ of se 4 ne J of se J 2 n 10 e 6 N of ne i 3 n 10 e 32and31. SW J sec 32, and s * of se i sec 31 2 s 11 e 2,3,4,9 _ Lots 5 and 6 of sec 2, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, of sec 3, lot 7 of sec 4, n ^ of ne J sec 9 2 n 10 e 6, 5, 8 _ SE i of ne J, e ^ of se of sec 6, w of sw i an i ne J of sw i of sec 5, n i of nw i sec 8_ _ 2 n 9 e 2 _ _ E 5 n 8 e 13 N i 3 s 11 e 27,34,35 E ^ of se i and sw J of se i sec 27, lots 1 and 2 sec 34, lot 1 sec 25 3s 11 e 27,28,33, and 34 _ S J of sw J sec 27, lots 3 and 4 sec 34, lots 1 and of se i sec 28 2 sec 33, se i 3 n ___ 9 e 32 and 29 NE J sec 32, and se i sec 29 . 2 s 12 e 2 NW J, sw i of ne \, w ^ of se J, ne J of se J Amount selected by the State _ 145 OF LANDS under the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September kth, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Laud Office. Remarks. 320.00 Nov. 1, 1858 . _ List 1 , 500,000 acres. Stockton District. 240.00 Nov. 1, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 Nov. 1, 1858 List 1, [ 329.72 Nov. 1, 1858 500,000 acres, Stockton District, and List 2, Sacramento District. List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 282.80 Nov. 1, 1858 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 129.94 Nov. 1, 1858 No claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. 80.00 Nov. 1, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 120.00 Nov. 1, 1858 __ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Nov. 1,1858 __ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Nov. 1, 1858 List 16, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Nov. 1, 1858 ._ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Nov. 1, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 219.25 Nov. 1, 1858 _ __ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 Nov. 1, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 307.52 Nov. 1, 1858 _ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Nov. 1, 1858 _ . List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 80.00 Nov. 1, 1858 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 280.00 Nov. 1, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. | 319.49 *Nov. 1, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 322.89 Nov. 1, 1858 . . List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Nov. 1, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 321.29 Nov. 1, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Nov. 1, 1858 In Arroyo Seco grant. 209.82 Nov. 1, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 217.26 Nov. 1, 1858 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Nov. 1, 1858 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 324.23 6,984.21 April 18, 1859 _No claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. Disposed of by United States, 919.49 acres; claimed by the State, 6,064.72 acres. 19 C 146 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, Township. Bange. Section. Description of Tract. 3 n 9 e 28and27_ 15 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. E i of sw i, w of se J, se i of se i sec 28, and s \ and sw J of se J sec 27 of sw i In _ 8 e SWi _ 1 n 8e 6 N J, of nw \ and nw J of ne J _ _ 2 n 8 e 31 SW J of se \ 1 n 1 11 9 e 9 e 22 11 and 10 NWi .. NW i sec 11, and e of ne \ sec 10 3 n 10 e 33 and 32 _ 2 N ^ of sw J sec 33 and ne J and n of se i sec 32 6 n 5 e _ SEJandnwi __ _ 7 n 6 e 7 NW J 7 n 6 e 27_ W of sw \ and se i of sw i 7 n 6 e 33 Fractional s J __ __ 7 n 6 e 28 SEJ 7 n 6 e 33 and 34 NE i sec 33, and fractional s J of nw J sec 34 7 n 6 e 34 Fractional n i of nw J _ _ 7 n 6 e 27 _ NE J of sw i, fractional n i of se i, and fractionals w i of se i_ E i of sw i and w i of se J 1 s 7 e 14 1 s 7 e 23 E i of se i . 2 s 7 e ] N ^ - 2 s 7 e 1 S i- 1 s 8 e 31 Ni Z. 2 s 13 e 20andl7_ 17 NE i sec 20, and se \ sec 17 2 s 13 e SW \ and s i of n i 4s 7 e 2and3___ 1. . Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, sw i of ne \ and s * of nw \ sec 2, 1 and 2 sec 3 and lots 4 s 8 e Lot 4 _ _ 4 s . _ _ 9 e 6and7___ 21 and 28_ 31 W i of sw J, se i of sw \, fractional s i of se i se lot 1, sec 7 c 6, and 5 s 13 e . SW J sec 21, and n i of ne J and lots 1 and 2 sec 28 W \ of ne J, se \ of ne i, nw J of se J, n i of sw J E i of se i of sec 9, w ^ of sw \ sec 10, and nw J of SE i sec 26, and sw i sec 25 5 s 13 e 7 s 2 n 16 e 9 e 9, 10, 15_ 26 and 25 _ 12 sec 15 __ 2 s 7 e W i 2 s 7 e 2 S i Amount selected by the State 147 OF LANDS under the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September th, 1841. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. Nov. 1, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 8, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 1, 500.000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 . List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. Nov. 17, 1858 I List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. Nov. 17, 1858 Not listed. See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879; Sacramento District. Nov. 17, 1858 Not listed. See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879 ; Sacramento District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 ! ..Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 16,500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 1 Lists Nos. 1 and 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 1,500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 16,500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 12,500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 List No. 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. Nov. 17, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. Disposed of by United States, 1,363.00 acres ; claimed by the State, 5,639.91 acres. 148 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. fiange. Section. Description of Tract. 7 n 5 e 10 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. W i . 7 n 5 e 21 S i of sw J ._ 2 n 10 e 35and34_ 33 W of svv J and nw i sec 35, and e of ne sec 34 6 n 7 e SW J -_- 3 n 1 n 9 e 28,21,27.. 4 NE i sec 28, s i of se J sec 21, w of nw sec 27 8e N of ne i 2 n 8 e 33 . _ _ S i of sej --_ 2 n 10 e 14and23_ 26and23. 18 SE J sec 14, and ne i sec 23 ._ _ ___ 2 n 10 e . NW J, nw i of ne J sec 26, and w of se J and ne of sec 23 sei 3 n 8 e E 4 1 n 10 e 1 S i 1 s 7 e 11 NE and n i of nw _ . _ 7 e 35 N ^ of nw 1 s 7 e 35- SW J 1 8 7e._ __ 25 SWi _ _ _ 4 s 11 e 5 and 6__ 25 Lots 1 and 2 sec 5, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and n of ne i sec 6 1 s 7 e E i of se ^ and nw J of se 4 1 s 8 e 30 SW i _ . ... 7 n 8 e 33 and 32 _ 25 N i of nw i and sw i of nw i sec 33, and e of ne i sw ^ of ne 4 and n of se ^ sec 32 and 1 s 7 e NE i 5 n 7 e 35 NE i, s i of nw J, n of sw 7 n 1 vv 21 NE i 7 n .. lw 21 NW i __ _ 8 s 16 e 1 and 2 N ^ of nw J sec 1, and ne J sec 2 2 s 13 e 21 W 1 n 8 e 5 and 4 E ^ of e i sec 5 w ^ of w sec 4 1 n 8 e 5 W i of e i and e of w 1 n 8e 5 and 6__ 32and31. 31 W J of nw i and nw J of sw J sec 5, and e of ne J sec 6 W iof sw i sec 32, se i of sei sec 31 _ 2 n 8e 2 n 8e NE \ and n i of se i 11 s 16 e 15 SE J and ne J of sw J Amount selected by the State 149 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filin g in United States Land Office. Bern arks. 320.00 Nov. 30, 1858 _See Register's certificate, Sacramento District, July 25th, 1879. 80.00 Dec. 31, 1858 . _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 320.00 Jan. 22, 1859. _ . .__ ._ List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Feb. 1, 1859 See Register's letter, Julv 25th, 1879, Sacramento District. 320.00 Feb. 1, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. } 162.67 Feb. 5, 1859 _ _ List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. J 320.00 Feb. 5, 1859 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Feb. 5, 1859 _ List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Feb". 12, 1859 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 Feb. 12, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 Feb. 12, 1859 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 80.00 Feb. 12, 1859 _ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Feb. 12, 1859 _ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Feb. 12, J859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 312.76 Feb. 12, 1859 _ _ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 1 274.10 Feb. 12, 1859_ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. J 320.00 Feb. 15, 1859 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 March 23, 1859 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Aug. 19, 1859 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 Aug. 19,1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 160.00 Aug. 19, 1859 List 2. 500 000 acres San Francisco District. 284.44 Au". 19, 1859 List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Oct. 7,1859 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 322.13 Oct. 7,1859 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 322.56 Oct. 7,1859 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. ) Lists 8 and 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. I 322.84 Oct 7 1859 SE J of se i sec 31 and nw ^ of 240.00 Oct. 7,1859 sw i of sec 32; listed twice; Lists 8 and 11, Stockton District. List 8, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 200.00 Oct. 7, 1859 _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District; 7,001.50 Disposed of by United States, 640.00 acres; claimed by the State, 6,361.50 acres. 150 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 7 n lw 28 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. NWJ 7n lw_u_. _ 28 NEi _ _ _ 7 n lw 28 and 29 SW i sec 28, e i of se i, and s of ne i sec 29 7 n ' lw 20 and 29 SE J of sw i sec 20, e of nw J, and sw of nw i sec 29 4'n 7e 21,22,26, and 27- S of se i sec 21, s i of s i sec 22, ne i of ne J sec 27, and nw i of nw J sec 26 _ _ 4 n 7 e 32,33,28, and 29_ NE J of se i and e of ne i sec 32, nw J of nw i and lot 5 sec 33, s ^ of sw i sec 28, se i of se i sec 29 __ _ 4 n 7 e 27 and 26 NE J of se J, e ^ of ne J sec 27, n ^ of sw i, s i of iiw J, and ne i of nw J sec 26 4n 7e 34,27,28. Lot 2 sec 34, e i of sw J, nw J of sw i, w i of se i sec 27, and n i of se J sec 28 4n 7 e 27 and 28 N ^ of nw i, se i of nw i sec 27, se i of ne i, and n J of ne i sec 28 7 s 9 e 2 and 3 Lot 1 sec 2, lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and w i of ne i sec 3 6 n lw ___ 13 NEi_ 6 n 1 w 13 NWi 2 n 8 e 10 and 3 NW i sec 10, and sw J sec 3 4 n 1 e 19 and 30 SE i, se J of ne i, and lots 1 and 2 sec 30, lot 2 sec 19 9 s 17 e 1 S of ne J and n -J of se J 9 5 ___ 18 e 6 NWJ _ _ _ _ __ _ 2 n 8 e 31 NWi 2 n 8 e 7 SW i, w i of se i 2 n 8 e 7_ Ni . 2 n 8 e 6 S ^ 11 s 16 e 15 S ^ of n ^, nw J of ne i, w ^ of sw 4, and se J of sw J 7 n lw 19 and 30 W ^ of se i, e i of sw J, and sw J of sw i sec 19, w of nw i, se J of nw 4 of sec 30 2 n 8 e 6 NE i of nei 2 n 8 e 5 SEJ of ne i - 6 s 15 e 1 W ^ of ne J e -J of nw J w i of se J, and e ^ of sw J 2 n 8 e 5 SW i of ne i Amount selected by the State 151 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 160.00 October 22, 1859 _ List 11, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 160.00 October 22, 1859 List 11, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 October 22, 1859 _ List 11, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 160.00 October 22, 1859 List 11, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 320.00 October 25, 1859 Lists 1 and 22. 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 316.70 October 25, 1859 _ _ List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320 00 Nov 3, 1859 List 1 500 000 acres Stockton District. 301.70 Nov. 3, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 240.00 Nov. 3, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 298.13 January 13, 1860 ._ _ _ List 22, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 160.00 June 30, 1860 Claimed by the State. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879. 160.00 June 30, 1860 _ Claimed by the State. See 320.00 June 30, 1860 Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879, San Francisco District. List 12, 500 000 acres, Stockton District. 320.26 Sept. 5, 1860 _ ___ _ __ _ List 11, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. I 320.82 143.22 Nov. 21, 1860 Nov. 21, 1860 __ -Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. List 9, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 225.81 Nov. 26, 1860 List 5, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 306.73 Nov. 26, 1860 _ _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 307.29 Nov. 26, 1860 List 2, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Nov. 26, 1860 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 320.78 Nov. 26, 1860 "W A of se i sec 19, in List 23, grant of 16th and 42.87 40.00 March 4, 1861 March 4, 1861 36th sections, Stockton District; disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, July 25th, 1879, San Francisco District. _No claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.40 April 25, 1861 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 40.00 March 4, 1861 .Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 5,944 71 Disposed of by United States, 1,322.00 acres; claimed by the State, 4,622.71 acres. 152 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 7 s 8 e 26 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. 7 s 9 e 31 and 32 SW J of sw J sec 32, s of s J, nw of sw J, and w _- of nw i sec 31 _ 7 s 8 e 24 7 s _ _ 8 e 25 E ^ 7 s 8 e 25 W _- 7 s 10 e 7 S i 7 s 10 e 18 7s 10 e _ . 19 and 20 Lots 2, 3, 4, ne \ of nw J, and nw J of ne i of sec 19, and lot 1, and ne of nw J of sec 20 7 s 10 e ._ 20 _ Lots 2 and 3, and sw | of ne J 7 s 10 e 21 E J of w $ and se J 7 s 10 e 18 7s 7 e __ . laud 2 W i of w , and ne J of nw sec. 1, and n J of ne J, and se J of ne J sec 2 7 s 10 e 15 3s 7 e 19,20,21 Lot 1 sec 19, fractional nw J, fraction in sw J, w^of ne J 10 s 13 e _ 2 and se J of ne J, and se J sec 20, and fractional sw \ sec 21 . All 2s 13e 13,14,15 SW \ sec 13, nw J, nw J of sw \, and se \ sec 14, ne J and n % oi se J, sw J of se ^ sec 15 4 n _ 8 e 11 Si 4 n 8e 15 and 14 NE i sec 15, and nw sec 14 __ _ 4 n 8e 10 and 15 SE J and s A of sw sec 10, n i of nw i sec 15 _ . 5 n__. 8e 20 NE J, w i of se J, and s i of sw J __ __ 7s 10 e 31 SE J of sw J and se J 7s 10 e 32 S i of nw , sw J of se i and sw _ __ _ 7s lOe 33 SE i of nw J, ne i of sw i, n i of se , and ne i 7s 10 e 33 and 34 SE ^ of se J sec 33, nw J of nw i, s i of nw 4, and sw J sec 34 . ______ ___ 7 s 10 e 34 and 35 NE of nw i, w i of ne J, se J sec 34, and sw ^ of sw J sec 35 Amount selected by the State 153 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, September Mh, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Laud Office. Remarks. 320.00 April 2, 1868 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.25 April 2, 1868 List 14, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 April 27, 1808. _ List 10, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 April 27, 1868 List 10, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 April 27, 1868_ _ _ List 10, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.30 April 27, 1868 .__ List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. .320.40 April 30, 1868 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 316.69 April 30, 1868 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 142.87 April 30, 1868 . List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 April 30, 1868 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 May 26, 1868 List 11 500 000 acres Stockton District 320.21 Sept. 2, 1868 _ List 14, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 Nov. 21, 1868 . _ __ List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 604.55 Dec. 27, 1862 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 640.00 Nov. 4, 1868 List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 800.00 Aug. 3, 1872 No claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 Disposed of by United States. See report for Stockton District. 320.00 March 10, 1856 NW i of sec 14, w i of ne i, and se i of 320.00 April 26, 1856 ne i of sec 15, in List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District; no claim adverse to the State. See report for Stockton District. S J of sw 4, n ^ of se J, and sw 4 of se J of sec 10, 320.00 March 10, 1856 and n i of nw J of sec 15, in List 12, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. See San Francisco and Benicia List for same land. List 9, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 200.00 July 29, 1870.. _ . List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 1280.00 July 29, 1870 List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 July 29, 1870 ___ _ _ List 11, 500,000 acres, Stockton District. 320.00 July 29,1870 __ List 11, 500,000 acres. Stockton District. 320 00 Julv 29 1870 List 11 500 000 acres Stockton District 8,745.27 Disposed of by United States, 640.00 acres; claimed by the State, 8,105.27 acres. 20 154 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Sacramento Land District, under the Township. Kange. Section. Description of Tract. 12 n 18 e 5,4,8,9 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Lots 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and se \ sec 5, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and sw i sec 4, e sec 8, nw , w \ of sw J, ne i of s w sec 9 ___ ______ 12 n _ 18 e 11 and 14 SE 4, se 4 of ne 4 sec 11, n \ of ne \ and ne J of nw 4- sec 14 12 n 18 e 4,3,10,2, and 11 _ E of se i and lot 11 sec 4, s i lots 8, 9, 10, w i lot 11 of sec 3, N ^ of n sec 10, w of sw , se \ of sw J, and sw J of se i sec 2, ne \ of nw \, s \ of nw i, w \ of ne i, and n of sw 4 sec 11 12 n__ 18 e 8 and 17 W \ sec 8, and nw i sec 17 12 n 18 e 17andl8 E \ and sw \ sec 17, and all sec 18 _ _ 12 n 18 e 2,12,1,11 N J of se \ and se 4 of se \ sec 2, w of nw J sec 12, w \ of sw \ sec 1, ne i of ne i sec 11 _ 12 n 18 e 7 and 6 All sec 7, lots 9 10, 11, ne 4- of sw J sec 6 12 n 18 e 12 and 13 E J of nw i lot 1, w $ lot 8, lots 9, 10, 11> 12, 13, w of lot 14, lots 17, 18, 19, and 20 in sec 12, e \ of lots 2, 9, 12, and 19, lots 3, 4, 7, 8, 13, 14, 17, 18, and fractional lots 6, 15, and 16, and w -J of lots 2 and 9 in sec 13 11 n_ 19 e 12 and 1 NW i, nw i of ne i sec 12, s $ of se J, ne \ of se i sec 1__ _ 8 n 7 e 7 and 18 SE J of sec 7 and e ^ of sec 18 12 n_ . 6 e 12 S \ of n i and n of s \ _ 12 n 6 e 12 SW J of se J and s i of sw J 12n___ 6 e 11 SE i of se J _ 12 n 6 e 14 NEiofnei _ _ 12 n 6 e 13 N J of nw J and nw J of ne J Amount selected by the State __ _ 155 LANDS 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 Warrants. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 1,910.96 320.00 1,440.00 480.00 1,120.00 320.00 812.48 1,925.11 320.00 480.00 320.00 120.00 40.00 40.00 120.00 Sept. 20, 1872 Oct. 8, 1872 _ All, except ne i sec 8, in Li List st 3, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. 3, 500,000 acres, Sacramento District. See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. DisDosed Rejected. Not listed. _Not claimed by the State. Not listed. _Not claimed by the State. Not listed. Not listed. Feb. 25, 1857 of by United States. See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. See Register's letter. Julv 25th. 1879. May 10,1858 See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. May 10, 1858 See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. May 10,1858 See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. May 10,1858 _See Register's letter, July 25th, 1879. T)isnospd of bv United 9,768.55 States, 3,852.48 acres; claimed by the State, 5,916.07 acres. 156 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Susanville Land District, Township Kange. Section. Description of Tract. 28 n 9 e 21_. MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. W ^ of se J, e i of sw i, and se of nw i 28 n 9 e 28 W i of ne J and ne \ of nw J 28 n 9 e 27 S ^ of n ^ and n of s i Amount selected by the State __ _ 157 OF LANDS under the Stk Section of an Act of Congress, approved September ^th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Laud Office. Remarks. 200.00 I Listed to 120.00 320.00 I the State as swamp land, and in lieu of 16th and 36th sections. _ . See Register's certificate, August 5th, 1879. 640.00 Disposed of by United States, 640.00 acres; claimed by the State, none. 158 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Independence Land District, under the 8th Township. Eange. Section. Description of Tract. 3 S. 29 29 4, 5, 8, 17, 9, 10, 15, 22, 23, 26,and 35__. 1, 12, 2 11, 10, 9, 8, 5, 6, 8, 7, 17, 15, 14, 22, and 23. MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. W ^ of sw i and se i of sw J sec 4, ne J, e ^ of se J sec 5, s of ne i, se J, e of sw J sec 8, nw i, w of sw i sec 17, n i and se J sec 9, sw i, sw J of nw , and sw i of se i sec 10, w ^ of ne J, n i of se J, se J of se , nw i of sw J, nw J sec 15, e i of ne i, ne J of se i sec 22, w i of sw J sec 23, n i of nw i, se i of nw i, sw i of se i, e i of sw i sec 26, w i of ne J, w J of se J, e J of w ^ sec 35 SW J of sw J sec 1, ne J, e i of se i sec 2, w i of w i sec 12, s i of s i sec 11, s i sec 10, all sec 9, n sec 8, w i of sw i sec 5, s i of se i sec 6, n of se i, se J of se i of sec 8, nw J of ne J, ne i of nw i, s i of nw i sec 7, e i of ne J, 11 i of se i, se i of se i sec 17, all sec 15, n of se i, n of nw J sec 14, ne i, e i of nw J of sec 22, nw J of ne i, nw J, n iof sw i sec 23 Amount selected by the State * : 159 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 Balance of 500,000 acres. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. > 6,640.00 July 5, 1871. f _ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Aurora (now Bodie) District. I 6,640.00 Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the State, 6,640.00 acres. 160 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Shasta Land District, under the Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 33 n 1 w 20. _. MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. S i ' 31 n 2e 11,12,13, and 14. S of ne J. nw J of ne J, and se \ of nw J sec 13, n % of and w of nw i sec 13, e of ne i sec 14, s i of ne J, of se J, and svv ^ sec 12, and s ^ sec 11 si ni 31 n 2 e 11,12,1 W ^ of ne , se J of ne sec 11, s of nw J, n -1 of ne J sec 12, sw of se ^ sec 1 31 n 2e . 32 NE i, s i of nw i, n i of sw i Amount selected by the State 161 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 Warrants. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.00 May 20,1876 Not listed. See letter, July 23d, 1879. 1,120.00 Auo-ust 19, 1876 Not listed. See letter, July 23d, 1879. 320.00 Julv 9,1877 Not listed. See letter, July 23d, 1879. 320.00 Nov. 1,1877 Not listed. See letter, July 23d, 1879. 2)080.00 Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by State, 2,080.00 acres. 162 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Visalia Land District, under the 8th Section Township. Kange. Section. Description of Tract. 18s 26 e 7 and 18_ MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. W of se J, e of sw i, and lot 2 of sw i sec 7, nw J of nw i, ne i of nw i sec 18 18 s 27 e 19,20,29, and 30_ S i of se i sec 19, s i of sw i sec 20, n i of nw i sec 29, and n i of ne i sec 30 18 s 26 e 31 N i 14 s 23 e 4 and 9 SW J, and fractional sw J of se 4 sec 4, lots 1, 2, 3, sec 9 18 s 27 e 4,3,9,10 SE J of se J sec 4, sw i of sw i sec 3, n of ne J sec 9, and nw J sec 10__ _ 18 s 25 e 5, 8, 9 N -J- of sw J, w J of se J, se J of se J sec 5, ne J of ne J sec 8, w i of nw i sec 9 18 s 26 e 32 E i 18 s 26 e 20 S _- 18 s _ 26 e. 30 E_- _ _ ______ 19 s 26 e 4 Fractional n ^ of nw J, s _- of nw J, and sw J 17 s 25 e 23and24 NE J sec 23, and nw i sec 24 21 s 27 e 28 and 29' NW i sec 28 and ne J sec 29 21 s 27 e 20 s _- 26 s 28 e 1 and 12 SW i sec 1, w J of ne J, and e J of nw i sec 12 29 s 21 e 35 S i of sw J _ 30s 30 s 21 e 21 e 2,3,11,10. 4, 5, 6, 7, E ^ of w i, sw i of sw J sec 2, e of se J, s of ne J, and nw i of ne i sec 3, nw J of nw i sec 11, ne J of ne J sec 10_ 8, and 9_ SW i of ne J, n i of nw i, se J of nw i, s i of sw J, and ne J of sw i sec 4, s i of ne i, ne i of ne i, and w i of se i, and sw i sec 5, se i, s i of sw i, ne i of sw i sec 6, n i of n i sec 7, n ^ of nw i, sw i of nw i, and ne J sec 8, and w -J of nw J sec 9 - ___ _ 19 s .__ 37 e _ 18 NE J, nw i of se i, ne J of sw J, sw J of nw i, and nw J of sw J Amount selected by the State 163 OF LANDS of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 Balance of 500,000 acres. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Kemarks. 312.28 Oct. 25, 1858 __ See Eegister's certificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia District. 320.00 Oct. 25, 1858 Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 320.00 Oct. 25, 1858 Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 313.55 Oct. 25, 1858 __See Register's certificate, July 24th, 1879, Visalia District. 320.00 Nov. 17, 1858 Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 ^cres, Visalia District. 320.00 Nov. 17, 1858 __ _ _ Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 320.00 Nov. 17, 1858 Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 320.00 Nov. 17, 1858 Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 320.00 Nov. 17, 1858 Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 318.09 Nov. 25, 1858 ___ Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 320.00 Nov. 25, 1858 Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 320.00 Nov. 26, 1858 Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 320.00 Nov. 26, 1858 Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 320.00 Sept. 28, 1860 Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. I 561.59 Dec. 20, 1870 List 6, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 1,443.67 Dec. 20, 1870 List 6, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 321.49 Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 6,790.67 Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the State, 6,790.67 acres. 164 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Visalia Land District, under the Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 13s 35 e 6 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Fractional sw i, lot 1 in nw J, and lot 1 in ne i _ _ 13 s 35 e 2 _ . W i of e i and e i of lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 13 s 35 e 13 E i of w J> and w of e . __ 28s 19 e 14andl1. Lots 2, 6, 7, 11, and 12, sec 14, and lots 6 and 11, sw J of ne J of sec 1 1 28s 20 e 3 land 32 Lots 9, 10, 16, sec 31, and lot 13 sec 32 _ __ 29 s 20 e 5 and 6 Lots 3 and 4 sec 5, and lot 1 sec 6 21 s 27 e 2 land 22 SE i sec 21, fractional sw i sec 22 Amount selected by the State 165 OF LANDS 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 Warrants. Number of Acres. Date of Fili ng in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.74 July 18,1863 No claim 320.00 Sept. 1, 1863 adverse to the State. See certificate, Independence District. _ No claim 320.00 Sept. 1, 1863 adverse to the State. See certificate, Independence District. No claim 297.47 March 11, 1872_. adverse to the State. See certificate, Independence District. _ _ _ List 6, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 1 317.87 March 11, 1872^. _. __ _ . _ List 6, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 278.93 Jan. 8, 1856 __*_ List 7, 500,000 acres, Visalia District. 1,855.01 Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the State, 1,855.01 166 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Los Angeles Land District, under the 8th Township, Range. Section. Description of Tract. 12 s 4 w 24 SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. San Diego County. SW J 12 s 4 w 25 NWi_ _ -_ 4 s 9 w 4 Los Angeles County. S ^ of nw J, s of ne J, and n of sw J _ 4 s 9 w 5 SE of nei and nei of sei 1 s __ 14 w 21__ W f se i and sw i 1 s 14 w 20 E of se i 14 w 28 NTO-nf^w^ 3 s 9 w 8. ___ Fractional e of nw J, s i of n^^, and ne J of ne i 3 s 9 w 9 NW i of sw J and sw J of nw J 2 s 9 w 28 S i of se J . 2 s 9 w 33 W i of ne J, e i of nw J, sw i of nw i, and nw J of sw i _ _ Amount selected by the State 167 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 On Unsurveyed Lands. Number of Acres. Date of Survey by County Surveyor. Remarks. 160.00 January 7, 1861 List No. 3, Los Angeles District. 160.00 January 7, 1861 List No. 3, Los Angeles District. [ 320.00 July 19, 1860 Disposed of by [ 320.00 Sept. 26, 1860 United States, as per Registers certificate, dated March 2d, 1878. _ _ _ In Rancho La Brea and Rancho Cienegas. [ 247.05 May 6, 1861 List No. 10, San Francisco District. [ 320.00 May 7, 1861 List No. 10, San Francisco District. 1,527.05 _ _ Disposed of by United States, 640.00 acres; claimed by the State, 887.05 acres. 168 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Los Angeles Land District, under the Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 2 s lw _ 7 . SAN BERNARDINO BASK AND MERIDIAN. Wiof eand sw J _ 2 s 1 w 23 and 22 N ^ of s\v J sec 23, se J, e of sw \ sec 22 2 s 1 w 34 W of ne J, nw J, n of sw i 5 n 29w 34and 33 S W of se j, sw J, s ^ of nw J sec 34, and se i of ne J sec 33 5 n 29 w 35 and 34 N ^ of sw J, s of nw J sec 35, n i of se , s ^ of ne J sec 34 1 s lw 31 SWi 2s lw 6, 7, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 18_ W i sec 6, nw \ sec 7, se J, sw J of sw i sec 4, se J of se J sec 5, ne i of ne i, s of ne J, and s of nw i of sec 8, s J of nw J, ne J of sw 4 sec 9, and n ^ sec 18 2s 2w 1,2, 7, 8, 18, 10, 14, 15, 11,12, 13, 14, 22, 23, and 24. All of sees 1 and 2, s i of se i and se J of sw J sec 7, sw \ sec 8, n i of nw i sec 18, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, sec 10, n of sec 14, n i of ne i sec 15, all of sees 11 and 12, n \ sec 13, w of sw | sec 14, n i of ne i and nw \ sec 22, and nw i of nw i sec 23 5 n _ 28w _ 32 SW \ of ne J, nw J of se \, ne J of sw J, lots 1, 2, and 3 7s 8w 3_ SE J, n i of sw i, si of nw i _ Amount selected by the State 169 OF LANDS 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4dh, 1841 Warrants. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 321.77 Koy. 27, 1869 List 1, 500,000 acres, Los Angeles District. 320.00 July 22,1870 List 1, 500,000 acres, Los Angeles District. 320.00 May 1, 187L List 1, 500,000 acres, Los Angeles District. 320.00 July 11, 1872 List 2, 500,000 acres, Los Angeles District. 320.00 July 11,1872 List 2, 500,000 acres, Los Angeles District. 1 \ 5,443.72 March 23, 1871 4 _ _ List 1, 500,000 acres, Los Angeles District. 213.24 Canceled. See Register's certificate, August 2d, 1879. 320.00 Disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, August 2d, 1879. 7,578.73 Disposed of by United States, 533.24 acres; claimed by the State, 7,045.49 acres. 22 170 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under the 8th Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 4 n _ _ 3 e 6 HUMBOLDT BASE Humboldt NW J of nw i AND MERIDIAN. County. 5 n 3 e 31 S of sw 4n 2 e _ 1 E i of ne J, nw J of ne J, and n \ of nw 4 1 s 2w 22 NE J and e i of nw J 1 s 2w 22j W of nw i 1 s 2w 30 1 s 3w 13 Fractional* w i Amount selected by the Stat 3 171 OF LANDS Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 On Unsurveyed Land. Number of Acres. Date of Survey by County Surveyor. Remarks. I 320.00 240.00 80.00 320.00 320.00 Dec. 8, 1860 \ Not listed ; no claim Feb. 8, 1864 adverse to the State. See Register's certificate, August 8th, 1879. __ List No. 7, Humboldt District. Feb. 8, 1864 List No. 12, Humboldt District. Feb. 8, 1864_ __ __ .Not listed; sold Feb. 8, 1864 to preemptors. See Register's certificate, August 8th, 1879. _ _ fc Not listed; sold to preemptors. See Register's certificate, August 8th, 1879. Disposed of by 1,280.00 United States, 640.00 acres; claimed by the State, 640.00 acres. 172 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land district, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 3n._. lw HUMBOLDT BASK AND MERIDIAN. 3 n 1 w 8 E ^ 3 n lw 35 N ^ of sw 4 and s ^ of nw 4 3 n 1 w 34 and 35 _ 28 and 33. 34 and 35 S 4 of sw 4 sec 35, and s of se 4 sec 34 2 n 1 e SE 4, s 4 of sw J sec 28, nw 4- of ne 4> ne 4 of nw 4 sec 33 Fractional s i sec 34, s 4 of s\v 4> sw 4 of se 4 sec 35 3 n 2w 2n lw 9 and 8 __ 24 SW i, s i of nw 4 sec 9, se 4 of ue 4, and ne 4 of se 4 s s 4 ec8_. 2 n lw 43 n 9w 25 and 26. 22 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. W of w i sec 25, e i of e i sec 26 43 n 9 w 42 u 9w.-_ __ 23 and 24. 2 land 22. 13 S 4 of ne J, n 4- of se 4, se 4 of nw 4, ne 4 of sw 4 sec 23 sw 4 of nw 4-, and nw 4 of sw 4 sec 24 , and 44 n 6w NE 4 sec 21, and nw 4 sec 22 16 n___ 2w HUMBOLDT BASK AND MERIDIAN. W ^ of se 4, fractional e i of sw i, and fractional nw J NW 4 w ^ of ne J, ne 4- of ne J 2 n 2w 2w 2 w 2 33,32,29- 34 Is 1 s W 4 of w J sec 33, ne 4 of ne sec 32, e of se i, nw se i sec 29 4 of SW 2 s 2 w 3 and 4__ 33 N W i sec 3, and e i of ne i sec 4 1 8 2w Eiofsei 1 S 2 w 28. . 1 S 2 w 20 S i 1 s 2 w 20 Is 2w 21 N -^ 1 s 2 w 15 S i 1 s 2w 18 Is 2w 31,32,29. 29 NE 4 sec 31, w of nw 4 sec 32, w 4 of sw 4 sec 29 1 8 2 w 1 S 2w 19 W -i 2 s 2 w 7 N -V 2s lw. 34 and 35 _ E ^ of nw 4j nw 4 of nw 4> ne 4 sec 34, and sw 4 of sec 35 - - nw 4 Amount selected by the State 173 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 Warrants. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320 00 October 11, 1858 Lists 2 and 8,500,000 acres, Hum bold t District. 320.00 October 11, 1858 ._ _ __List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160 00 October 11, 1858 List 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 154 03 October 11, 1858 List 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 October 19, J858-. .. m List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 309.14 Nov. 16,1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 January 17, 1859 _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Jauuary 21, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 February 9,1859 __List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 February 9, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 February 9, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 January 26,1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 310.26 January 17,1859-. .List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 285.18 April 19, 1860 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320 00 January 10, 1865 Lists 2 and 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 January 10,1865 _ _ _ _ .List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 1 313.90 January 10, 1865 _ _Lists 7 and 10, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320 00 January 10 1865 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 January 10, 1865 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 January 10,1865 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 January 10,1865 _ Lists 7 and 12, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 January 10,1865 __ List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 321 60 January 10, 1865 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 January 10, 1865 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 January 10, 1865 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 323.58 January 26, 1865 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 322.89 February 25,1865 _ List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 April 4, 1865 Lists 12 and 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 8,420.58 _ Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by State, 8,420.58 acres. 174 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 2 s 1 W 35 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. W i of sw J, ne J of sw J, and se J of nw i_ 2 s 2 W 1 E i 4 n 1 e 30,31,32, 29, 28, 33, 34__ Lots 3, 4, e i of w i, e i sec 30, ne i of nw i of sec 31, n i of nw i*ne J sec 32, s of ne J, se i and w i of sec 29, s i of uw J, ne i, s i sec 28, n of n of sec 33, n -J of nw i, se i of nw sec 34 18 n 16 w 27,28,33, MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. and 34 _ S ^ of sw i sec 27, se J of se J sec 28, w of ne J, ne J of ne 4, se J of nw 4 sec 33, ne J of nw J sec 34 18 n 16 w 6, 5, 4, 9 Lots 6, 7, se ^ of sw i, e of se i, sw of se sec 6, w of sw J, se i of sw i, s i of se 4- sec 5, s i of sw J sec 4, ne i of nw i, and n ^ of 116,4- sec 9 18 n 16 w 19,20,21, 30, 29, and 32 _ Lot 4, se of ne , se J sec 19, nw i, s i of ne i sec 20, sw i of nw J sec 21, lot 1, e i of nw J, w of ne i, e of se i, nw i of se i sec 30, s i of sw sec 29, nw J, sw i of ne J, ne i of sw i, e i of se i, nw i of se i sec32_ 18 n 17 w 14, 23, 24 W i of se J, ne J of sw i sec 14, ne J of se J and ne i sec 23, s i of nw i, n i of sw i, and se i sec 24 18 n 17 w 12,11,14, 10,8,9, and 15_ NE i of ne J, sw i of ne i, sw j of sw J, lots 1, 4, 5, 7, of sec 12, lots 2 and 4 sec 11, lots 1, 5, 6, ne i of ne i, sw | of ne i, s i of nw i sec 14, lots 1, 3, 6, of sec 15, lots 3 and 7 sec 10, lots 13, 9, 11, 4, 6, 2, 7, 12, se i of nw i sec 9, and lot 2 of sec 8 18 n 16 w 12, 11, 14, and 10- N i, w i of sw i sec 12, s i of s i sec 11, n i of ne J, ne J of nw i sec 14, w of se i, se i of se i, ne J of BW i, e i of nw i, and nw J of nw i sec 10 18 n 15 w 9, 10, 15, 14, 11, and 12 _ S i of se i sec 9, s J of sw J, s i of se i sec 10, n of nw J, n i of ne i sec 15, n i of nw i, nw J of ne i sec 14, se J of sw J, w i of-se i, ne i of se i, e i of ne i sec 11, nw | of nw J sec 12 18 n 15 w 17 and 8 NW i, w ^ of ne i, ne J of ne i sec 17, se J of se J sec 8 8n 1 e 7, 18, 19, HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. 30, 20, 29,32__ S i sec 7, e i sec 18, e i sec 19, e i sec 30, w i sec 20, w i of sec 29, n i sec 32 __ _ _ Amount selected by the State 175 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 Warrants. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 160.00 April 4, 1865 _ _. List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 319.89 April 26, 1865 _ _ _ _ Lists 2 and 2,237.05 July 23, 1868 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District; same land in both lists. Lists 5 and 9, 500,000 acres, Humboldt Dis- 320.00 October 2, 1868 trict; e of nw i sec 30, s \ of ne J sec 30, n i of se J sec 30, not listed; preempted. See Eegister's certificate, June 26th, 1879. List 4, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 634.07 October 2, 1868 List 4, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 1,274.05 October 2, 1868 List 4, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 640.00 October 2, 1868 List 4, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 948.00 October 6, 1868 List 4, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 960.00 October 6, 1868 List 4,500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 800.00 October 6, 1868_ . List 5, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 October 6, 1868 List 5, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 2,239 31 Dec 14 1868 List 3 500 000 acres Humboldt District. 10,852.37 Disposed of by United States, 240.00 acres; claimed by the State, 10,612.37 acres. 176 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 3 n 1 w 3 and 10 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MKRIDIAN. SW sec 3, and nw J sec 10 4n 1 e 32,33,34, and 35_ SE J sec 32, s 4 of nw i, s 4 of ne , s 4 sec 33, sw J of nw i, s 4 of ne i, s 4 sec 34, sw J of nw i, and sw J sec 35 18 n 17 w 8, 7, 18, MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. 19,20__ Lots 3, 5, fi, 9, se of se i sec 8, lots 7 and 8 sec 7, and lot 7, ne of ne i, sw i of ne i, w 4 of se J sec 18, and ne sec 19, s 4 of nw J, n 4 of sw \, s 4 of ne i, and ne i of se i of sec 20 18 n 17 w 35 S 4 _' 3 n 1 w 14,15,23, HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. aud24_ SE i sec 15, s 4 of sw i sec 14, nw J and e 4 sec 23, s 4 of nw i,s4sec24 _. __ 18 n 17 w 31 and 32 .MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. SW, s4of sei sec 31, and s 4 of sw i sec 32 _ 7 n 1 e 3 and 2 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. E 4 sec 3 and w 4 sec 2 4n 3 e__ 28,21,29 NE \ of nw J, w 4 of nw J, nw of sw J sec 28, s 4 of sw J sec 21, e 4 of ne i sec 29 ._ _ 3 n 4e 15 and 14 NE i see 15, and nw i sec 14 3 n 4 e 9,10,11 E 4 of se i sec 9, se J of se \, n 4 of sw J, w 4 of se \ sec 10, sw J of sw \ sec 1 1 4 s 6 e 27 N 4 5 s 6 e 1 and 12 NW i sec 1, w 4 of sw J sec 1, w 4 of uw i see 12 _ 9 n 1 e 21,28,33, and 34_ S 4 of sec 21, s 4 of sec 28, n 4 of sec 33, and s 4 of sec 33, and s 4 of sec 34 _ 1 s 2e 29,28 N 4 of n 4 sec 29, n 4 of nw J, se \ of nw J, sw J of ne \ sec 28 1 s 2e 1, 2, 11 _ S 4 of s 4 sec 1, sw i, s 4 of se i sec 2, e 4 of nw i, w 4 of ne i, ne J of sw J, and nw \ of se J sec 11 1 8_ 2e 28,29,33, and 34_ S 4 of s 4 sec 29, sw J of sw i sec 28, n 4 of nw J, w 4 of ne i, and se i of se i sec 33, sw i of nw i, sw i, sw i of se i sec 34 1 s 2 e 26 and 35 S 4 of sw i sec 26 and uw i, e 4 of sw i sec 35 Amount selected bv the State _ __ 177 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841 Warrants. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Laud Office. Remarks. 320.00 April 26, 1869 List 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 1,280.00 April 24, 1869 . _ _ Lists 6, 8, and 9, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 802.70 May 22,1869 _ .List 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Nov. 1, 1869 List 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 1,120.00 Nov. 5, 1869 List 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 307.95 October 5, 1872 _ _ . _ __List 19, 500,000 acres, San Francisco District. 640 00 Preempted. See Eegister's certificate, June 26th, 1879. 320.00 Jan. 23, 1874 List 10, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 160 acres preempted, balance 320.00 March 19, 1874 abandoned by State. See Register's certificate, June 26th, 1879. List 10, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 June 2, 1874 List 11, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 June 2, 1874 _ List 11, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 1 600 00 Jan 31, 1876 Rejected 320.00 640.00 ] by the Register, because all the land is claimed by preemptors. No applications made to United 640.00 320.00 States Land Office. See Register's certificate, June 26th, 1879. 9,910.65 Disposed of by United States, 3,480.00 acres,- claimed by the State, 6,430.65 acres. 23 178 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 1 n 3w 14 and 11 HUMBOLDT BASK AND MERIDIAN. N i of nw i sec 14, and s _ of s i sec 11, and N of ne \ sec 14 _ _ _ In 3w. _ 13 NWi,w_-ofneJ - ... 2 n 1 w 12 SEi 3 n ___ Iw 9 SWi _ . _ _ _ 2 n lw 12 SW , 3 n 1 w 17 SE i 3 n . lw 17 SW _. 3 n 1 w 18 N i of ne i 3 n 1 w 17 N| 3 n 1 w 9 SEi - 1 n 3w 26 Ni 1 n 3 w 13 E of ne J In 2w _ 18 NW 1 n 2w 18 SW i 5 n 1 e 32 SE J 3 n lw 20 NEi_ .. _ 5 n .. lw 25 SEJ 3 n 1 w 21 NW J 5 n 1 e 28 N _- ... _ - 4 n _ lw. ._ 1 W__ _ 2 n 1 e 18 and 7 NW i sec 18, and sw i sec 7 6 n 1 e . _ 8 NE i _ __ _____ . _ ._ . _ 4 n 1 w 28 NW i 4 n 1 w ' 17,20.29 Lots 2, 3, 4, sw i of sw J of sec 17, w i of nw i, lots 1 and 2, and se i of sw J sec 20, lot 1 sec 29 _ 2n_. ___ 1 e 7 S J of nw J, sw i of ne i, nw i of se J _ _ ...-. 2 n lw 12 S i of n i 2 n 1 e 7 and 8 SE i of ne J, ne J of se J sec 7, sw i of nw , and nw J of sw 4 sec 8 2 n 1 w 1 and 2 N ^ of sw i, sw J of nw J sec 1, and se i of ne ^ sec 2 2 n 1 w 22,21,28 SW i sec 22, e i of se i sec 21, 11 of ne i sec 28 _ Amount selected by the State . 179 OF LANDS under the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Kemarks. 320 00 June 7, 1859 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District; not listed. 240.00 June 7, 1859 _List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17, 1859 ___ IList No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160 00 Oct. 11, 1858 . List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17, 1859 .List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160 00 Oct. 11, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11, 1858 .. . __.List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 80 00 Dec. 8, 1858 List No. 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Oct. 11, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11, 1858 _ _ . __ List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 June 7,1859 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. | 239.08 June 6, 1859 List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 159.16 June 6, 1859 _ _ _ _ _ .List No. 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11, 1858 List No. 2. 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11, 1858 .List No. 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Oct. 11, 1858 List No. 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 319 70 Oct. 11, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 321.65 Oct. 19, 1858 __. List No. 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 19, 1858 _ List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 313.80 Oct. 11, 1858 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.15 Oct. 19, 1858 __ _ ' ___ List No. 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17, 1859 _ _ List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 19, 1858 . _ __ __ List No. 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Jan. 17, 1859 _ ..List No. 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 5,833.54 Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the State, 5,833.54 acres. 180 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Kange. Section. Description of Tract. 4n 2w 35 and 26 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. NE J sec 35, and lots 4 and 5 sec 26 5 ii 1 e 32 E of w 2 n 1 e 22 _ SEi 4n Iw 29 NEi 5 n .__ _ I e 31 and 32 J sec 32 5 n I e 30 and 31 S ^ of sw J sec 30 nw 4 n of sw J sec 31 2n 1 w 11 and 12 E i of ne J, nw J of ne J sec 11, and nw J of nw J sec 12 2 n 1 w 1 and 12 i sec 12 2 n 1 e 22 and 21 N of sw J and se J of nw J sec 22 and ne J of se i sec 21 5 n 1 e 32 NW J of nw i 5 n le" 30 31 32 S i of se i sec 30 n of ne sw J of ne J sec 31 i of nw J, and nw i of sw J sec 32 3 n 1 w 19 20 29 NW i of nw i sec 29 sw i sec 20 11 i of se i sec 19 6 n 1 e 7 8 17 and 18_ 'BE J of se i sec 7, ne i of ne i sec 18, n i of nw \ ne i sec 17, s i of sw J, sw of se i sec 8 , nw i of 6 n 1 e 6 g\V i, n i of se i, s i of ne i 2n 1 w 22 NW i 5 n_ 1 w 26 NE i of ne i 5 11 1 w 26' E i of se J, 11 w J of se ^, se J of ne J 5 n 1 w 27 E i of se i 1 n 2 w 20 and 17 N J of ne i sec 20 se 4, s i of ne J sec 17 5 n 1 w 23 E J of sw 4 and sw J of sw J 5 n 1 w 2 7 and 22 NE i sec 27 and s i of se i sec 22 5 n 1 e 17 SE ^ 5 n 1 e 33 SW i 5 n 1 e 33 SE i ' ' 5 n 1 e 20 and 17 E i of nw J sec 20 se i of sw J se J of ne i sec 17 5n 1 w 25 SW J 5 n 1 e 33 N i 5 n_ 1 w 26 and 35 sec 35 5 n 1 w 26 NW i .i Amount selected by the State 181 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 213.21 Oct. 21,1858 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11,1858.__ . - __ _List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 12, 1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 156.99 Oct. 11,1858 _ .List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 317.55 Oct. 11, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 310.33 Oct. 11,1858- __. List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17, 1859 __ . __ . List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17, 1859 _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 12, 1858 _. List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 40.00 Oct. 11, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 280.00 Oct. 11,1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 238.23 Oct. 26, 1858 Lists 2 and 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Oct. 11,1858 ___ __ _ __ __ _ .List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 319.04 Oct. 11,1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17, 1859 ._ List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 40.00 Oct. 11, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11,1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 80.00 Oct. 11,1858. __ List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 June 6, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 120.00 Oct. 11,1858 _ List 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 240.00 Oct. 11, 1858 _ _. __ _ _ .List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct 11 1858 List 8 500 000 acres Humboldt District 160.00 Oct. 11,1858. ._ ._ __ __ __ _ .List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11,1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District; e of nw J 160.00 Oct. 11,1858 sec 20, not listed. See Register's certificate, June 26th, 1879. _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Oct. 11, 1858. __ _ _List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Oct. 11, 1858. ___ List 2, 500,00t) acres. Humboldt District. 5,555.35 _ __ _ . Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the State, 5,555.35 acres. 182 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 17 n lw__ _. 20,28,29, HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. and 21- E of e sec 20, nw J of nw i sec 28, ne J of ne J < w ^ of sw J sec 21 >f sec 29, 5 n -'. 1 e_ 28 SWi and s i of se i 2n 1 w_ 22 _ _ _ NEi _ _ . 4 n 1 w 1 NEi 5 n 1 e___ _ 29 E i of se i 1 n 3w 14andll S of nw sec 14, and n of sw J sec 11 1 n 3\v 34 W i of ne J, w of se J, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4 1 n 3 w 27 NE J w J of se e of sw J 4n . lw._ 22 SW of ne J, se j of nw J, nw J of sw J, e of sw i, w i of se J, and se J of se J __ .. __ 4 n 1 w 17 E J of nw J, and w of ne J In lw 7 and 18 W ^ of e i and e ^ of nw J sec 18, e of sw ^ sec *! 1 n Iw 20___ .._. E iof w iand w i of e i _ ._ 5 n 1 e 21 NE J, w of se i, e i of nw 5 n 1 e '_. 20 and 21 E i of se J, se J of ne J sec 20, sw , sw i of nw J sec 21 __ 2n 1 e__ . 28,21,22. NE i sec 28, s of se i sec 21, s i of sw i sec 22 . 1 n lw 17,18,19, and 20 _ NW J of nw i sec 20, w of sw J sec 17, e of ne and e of se J, and se J of ne 4 sec 18 i sec 19, 3 n 2w 23 Fractional sec 6 n 1 e 8 and 7 NW i of se i, n i of sw sec 8, ne J of se i sec 7 5 n 1 e._ _.. 20 and 21 NE i of ne i sec 20, nw i of nw J, and e of se J sec21__ 2 n 1 e 21 SW I 2 n 1 e 28 NWJ 2 n 1 e 20 and 29 SE i of ne J, e i of se i sec 20, ne J of ne J sec 29 2 n 3 e 34 E i 2 n 3 e 35 Wiofwi 2n 3 e 35 E i of w i 2 n 3 e 35 E | 12 n 7w 22 and 15_ MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. E i of sw J, w i of se i, ne* \ of se i, e of ne J se se i of se i sec 15 3 22, and Amount selected by the State - - __ 183 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Laud Office. Kemarks. 320.00 October 11, 1858 _ _ List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 240.00 October 11, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 157.64 January 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Kumboldt District. 159.90 October 1 1, 1858 . _ ._ .List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 80.00 October 11, 1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 June 7, 1859 _ _ .List 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 304.82 June 6, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 June 6, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320 00 October 14 1858 List 6 500 000 acres Humboldt District 154.38 October 11, 1858 . _ _ _ _ .List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320 00 June 6 1859 List 1 500 000 acres Humboldt District 320.00 June 6, 1859 . __ . __ List 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 October 19, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 October 19, 1858 Lists 2 and 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 October 19, 1858 . . __. List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 June 6, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Humbojdt District. 311.93 October 19, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 October 19, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 October 19, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 October 19, 1858 .List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 October 19, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 October 19, 1858 _ _ _. .List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 October 26, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 October 26, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 October 26, 1858 .. . .. .List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 October 26, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 October 20, 1858 Disposed of by United States. See Register's certificate, San Francisco District. 6,528.67 _ Disposed of by United States, 320.00 acres; claimed by the State, 6,208.67 acres. 184 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 12 n 7w 13,23,24 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MKRIDIAN. SE J of ne \, ne i of se J sec 23, nw i ef sw i, sw J of nw i, and n of nw i sec 24, s of sw sec 13 _ 12 n_ 7w 13 Niof swi _ __ __ _ 12 n 7 w_ 3 and 4 N of nw J sec 3, n sec 4 12 n 7w 14 and 23 S of s sec 14, n of n sec 23 12 n 7 w 2 and 3 W ^ of nw J sec 2 ne J, s ^ of nw J sec 3 3 n Iw 20 and 19 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. NW i sec 20, s of ne J sec 19 2 n 1 w 15 SE 2 n 1 w 15 SWi _ 2n 1 e 10 and 15 W i of w sec 15, s i of sw i, and w of se J sec 10_. _ 2 n Iw 26 and 35 SE i of sw i, lot 4, sec 26, nw J of ne J, ne i of nw J, and lot 1, sec 35 _ __ 2 rt Iw 35 E ^ of ne 1 and lots 2, 3, and 4 2 n 1 e 17 NWi 2 n 1 e 8 N -J of se J e ^ of sw J 4 u Iw 21 NE J, w i of se i, e i of sw 4 n Iw 21 and 20 NW i sec 21, e of ne i sec 20 2 n Iw _ _ 15 SiofnwJ . __ 2 n Iw 15 Lot 1 2 n Iw 12 NE J of ne i 2 n Iw 9 SEi _ 2 n Iw 11 SW i 2 n Iw 14 W J of ne i and lots 1 and 2 2 n 1 w 11 SE i _ _ 3 n 2w 24 E i 3 n 2 w 24 SWi 3 n Iw 20 and 29 S of se J sec 20, ne J of nw i, n of ne J, sw J of ne J, n i of se i sec 29 17 n , Iw 17 and 8 N ^ of ne i sec 17 and W i of se i sec 8 17 n Iw _ _. 17 SE i and si of nei 17 n Iw 20 and 29 W i of e i, e i of sw i sec 20, nw i of ne i sec 29 Amount selected by the State . 185 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.00 Oct. 20, 1858 __ _ Disposed of by 80.00 Oct. 20, 1858 United States. See Register's certificate, San Francisco District. _ _ Disposed of by 203.45 Oct. 20, 1858 United States. See Register's certificate, San Francisco District. No claim adverse 320.00 Oct. 20, 1858 to the State. See Register's certificate, San Francisco District. Disposed of by 280 20 Oct 20 1858 United States. See Register's certificate, San Francisco District. 240.00 Oct. 26, 1858 to the State. See Register's certificate, San Francisco District. __ _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 155.26 Jan. 17, 1859 . _ __ __ __ .List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres. Humboldt District. 320.00 Oct. 26, 1858 _ . . . List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 178.05 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 172.46 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Nov. 13,1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Nov. 13, 1858 _ __ .List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Nov. 6, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 240 00 Nov. 6,1858 List 8, 500,000 acres Humboldt District. 80.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 62.74 Jan. 17, 1859 _ ._. _ __ .List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 40 00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 182.36 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17, 1859 __ .List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 314.19 Nov. 6, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 138.74 Nov. 6, 1858 _ _ __ _List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 313.56 Nov. 6, 1858 _ List 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Nov. 13, 1858 _. ______ ..List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 240.00 Nov. 13, 1858 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 280.00 Nov. 13, 1858 .__ ..List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 5,601.01 _ _ __ Disposed of by United States, 720.00 acres; claimed by the State, 4,881. 01 acres. 24 186 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 16 n 1 w 23 and 22 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. W ^ of se and s\v J sec 23, and e i of'se J sec 22 _ _ __ 2 n 3 e 15 W i of se i and e of sw i 2 n 3 e 14,15,22, and 23- SW i of sw J sec 14, nw of nw J sec 23, ne i of ne i of sec 22, and se i of se i sec 15 3 n 1 w _ 4 SW i _ _ _. _ _ _ _ 3 n 1 w 4 NWi 2 n 1 e 18 and 19 SE i of ne i and ?e i sec 18, nw J of ne i sec 19 2 n 1 e 18 __ SW ' . . 2 n 1 e 26 NE -J- and e of nw \ 2 n 1 e 26 and 27 SW i of nw J sec 26, nw i, n of ne i, se i of se J sec 27 3 n _ 1 w . 7 NWi _ 3 n 2 w 12 NEi 42 n 9 w 11 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. N of se i, ne i of sw i 42 n 9 w 28and21 NW i sec 28, s i of sw i and w i of se 1 sec 21 42 n 9 w . . 2 NEi 42 n 9 w 2 SE i, e i of sw J 42 n 9 w 2,10,11 W ^ of sw J sec 2, e ^ of ne i sec 10, w i of nw J sec 11 42 n 9 w 11 E i of nw J and ne J 3 n 1 w 34 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. S ^ of ne J, n J of se J 3 n 1 w 34 and 27 N i of ne i sec 34, s i of se J sec 27 _ _ 3 n 1 w 24 NE J of nw J, s i of nw J, e i of sw i - _ 3 n 1 w 21 and 28 S ^ of sw J sec 21, n of nw J sec 28 3 n 1 w 21and28 S i of se i sec 21, n i of ne J sec 28 _ 43 n 9 w 35 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. S of se i - 45 n 6 w 18 W i of ne i nw J of se J se J of se J 45 n 6 w 18 and 17 E ^ of ne J ne J of se J sec 18, and nw J of sw J sec 17 3 n 1 w 7 and 18 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. SW J sec 7, and n i of nw i sec 18 3 n 1 w 6 SWi _ . . 3 n 1 w 6 Fractional nw J 3 n 2 w 12 NE i of se i 2n 1 e 7 and 18 SE i of se i sec 7, w i of ne i, ne i of ne i sec 18 Amount selected by the State 187 OF LANDS the 8tk Section of an Act of approved September 4th, 1841. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. Dec. 28, 1858 Lists 2 and 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 13, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 13, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 13, 1858 List 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 13, 1858 List 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Dec. 8, 1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Dec. 8, 1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 13, 1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 13, 1858 Lists 2 and 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Dec. 8, 1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Dec. 8, 1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 22,1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 22, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 22,1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov.22, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 22, 1858 _' List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 22, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 22, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 22, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District, Nov. 22, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Dec. 8, 1858 List 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Dec. 8, 1858 List 6, 500,000 acres, Huraboldt District. Nov. 22, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 24, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Nov. 24, 1858 List 2, Humboldt; nw i of sw i of sec 17, not listed; no claim adverse to tbe State. See certificate, Shasta District. Dec. 8 1858 List 8, 500,000jicres, Humboldt District. Dec. 8 1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Dec. 8 1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Dec. 8 1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Dec. 8, 1858 List 8, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the State, 5,472.08 acres. 188 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Kange. Section. Description of Tract. 43 n 6\v 27 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. SEi 43 n 6 w 27and26 E of ne i sec 27, w of nw i sec 26 46 n 5w_ 6, 1, 8_ E i of se i sec 6, e ^ of ne i, sw i of ne \, n of se i of sec 7, nw i of sw i sec 8 41 n 9w ._ 2 Si _____ 41 n.__ _ 9w_ _ 11 .. _ N _ __ _ 44 n 4 w 5 SW i, n i of se i 44 n 4w - 6 SEi _ ___ __ 44 n_ .' . 4w 6 NWi, wofnei_ _.._ _ 44 n 5 w 1 N ^ of ne i, ne i of nw \ 45 n 4w 31 SW i of nw i and w \ of sw i _ _ . _ __ 44 n 5w _ 1 and 2__ S i of nw J, n \ of sw J sec 1, s _r of ne i and n i of se J sec 2 45 n 5w 34 _ ___ SEi 45 n 5 w 35 N i of s \ 45 n 5w 34 and 35 NE i sec 34, and nw \ sec 35 45 n_ 5w_ 34and33 NW i sec 34, and e i of ne J sec 33 45 n_ ___ 5w 27 SWi 45 n 5 w 27 S \ of ne i, n i of se i 45 n 5w 27 and 22 N of ne i sec 27 and s i of se J sec 22 45 n_ _ _ 5w_ _ . 26 NWi_ __ 45 n 5w 26 and 25 S i of ne i sec 26, and w \ of nw J sec 25 45 n 5w 26 _ SEi - 42 n 6w 3 and 10 SE \ sec 3, and ne J sec ] 42 n 6w 10 and 9 NW \ sec 10, e \ of ne J, sw \ of ne \, se \ of nw \ sec 9 42 n 6w 9 SK__ -- 42 n 6 w 10 SWi 42 n 5w 30 E i 3 n Iw 28 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. W i of se | and s i of ne i 42 n 5w 28 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. SEi 42i_ ___ 5w __ 28 SWi - - 42 n 5w 28 and 21 NW i, w i of ne i sec 28, sw i of se i sec 21 Amount selected by the State 189 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District 500 000 acres 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 240.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 243.25 Dec. 23, 1858 _ _ _ -List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. ' 244.71 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. j 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 160.00 Dec 23 1858 List 2, Humboldt District 500 000 acres 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 . . List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 _List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 240.00 Dec. 23, 1858 ___ _ _ .List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt. District, 500,000 acres. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 __ .List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1 858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500.000 acres. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 _ __ _ _. List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 _ _. List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 ___ _ _ __ _ _ __ List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 3, Shasta and Humboldt Districts, 500,000 acres. 157.13 Feb. 9, 1859 List 6, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 _ _ List 3, Shasta and Humboldt Districts, 500,000 acres. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 _ List 3, Shasta and Humboldt Districts, 500,000 acres. 280.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 3, Shasta and Humboldt Districts, 500,000 acres. 6,525.39 _ Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the State, 6,525.39 acres. 190' A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Range: Section. Description of Tract. 42 n 5\V 22,21,28,' MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. and 27_ S of sw J sec 22, se J of se i sec 21, e i of ne i sec 28, and w of nw J sec 27 _ __ - __ 42 n 5w 15 and 22 S of sw J sec 15, and e i of nw i sec 22 42 n 5\v 15 and 10_ NW i, n ^ of sw i sec 15, and e ^ of sw J sec 10 _ _ _ _ 42 n 5w 5 W of ne 4, ne 4 of ne 4, nw J of se 4-, and e ^ of sw J 43 n 5w 32 E i of se i 43 n 5w. . 28,21,29_ NW 4- sec 28, sw i of sw i sec 21, se of ne i, and n of se J sec 29 43 n 5w 17 Ei _ 43 n 9w 34 Ei 43 n 9 w 35 W i 43 n 9w 27and26 E of se 4- sec 27, sw J and w i of se J sec 26 43 n.__ _ 9 w ___ 26,23,27- W i of nw J sec 26, w of sw J sec 23, e of ne i sec 27 43 n 9w . 23 and 26 E ^ of sw J, w i of se J sec 23, e of nw J, and w of se i sec 26 __ 43 n 9w 22 and 15 E ^ of e i sec 22, and se i of se J sec 15 43 11 9w 14 and 23 S i of sw i, sw i of se i sec 14, nw J, nw i of ne J sec 23 43 n 9w___ _ 14 NW i, n i of sw J, nw J of se J, sw i of ne i 43 n 9w 14andl3_ E i of se J sec 14, sw ^ and w of se sec 13 43 n 9 w 21,28,27 SE i sec 21, e i of ne i sec 28, w of nw i sec 27 43 n 9w 27 and 28 SW sec 27, and se sec 28 43 n 9w 28and29 SW i and s i of nw i sec 28, and s i of se J sec 29 43 n 9 w 2 NE 4 _ _ 43 n 9w 2 NE i of nw J 44 n 9w 35 E i of se J and sw J of se i 44 n 9w 30 and 31 SW J sec 30, and nw i sec 31 44 n 9w_ 30 and 29 SE i sec 30, and sw sec 29 44 n . _ . 9w 32 E i _.. _ 42 n 9 w 35 NW i, e i of sw i, w ^ of se i 42 n 9 w 26 SW i, s i of n i 42 n 9w__ ___ 23,24,25, S \ of se i, se i of sw i sec 23, sw \ of sw 4- sec 24, nw J of and 26. nw J sec 25, n \ of ne J, and ne - of nw J sec 26 _ Amount selected bv the State 191 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, Number of Acres. Date of F i 1 i n g in United States Land Office. Remarks. 280.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 3, Shasta and Humboldt Districts, 500,000 acres. 160.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 1, Shasta District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 1, Shasta and Humboldt Districts, 500.000 acres. i 321.16 Dec. 23, 1858 _ _ __ _ List 1, Shasta and Humboldt Districts, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 . __ List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858. _ . _ . ._. List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 ___ . _ _ List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 240.00 Dec. 23, 1858 _ _ List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 200.00 Dec. 23, 1858 _ . . _ .List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 a.cres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 ___ __ List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 __ . List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 -____. _. List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2 > Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 160.00 Jan. 17,1859 _ _ _. Not listed; no claim 160.00 Jan.17, 1859 adverse to the State. See Register's certificate, Shasta District. Not listed; no claim 323.00 Dec. 23, 1858 adverse to the State. See Register's certificate, Shasta District. __ _ List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 ^. List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Jan.17, 1859- List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 _ _ -List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 320.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, Humboldt District, 500,000 acres. 7,604.16 Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the' State, 7,604.16 acres. 192 A LIST Selected by the State of California, in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 42 n 9 w 27 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. N 42 n 9 w 22,23,26 SE J, ne i of sw i sec 22, w i of sw 4 sec 23, and nw iof nw J sec 26 _ ______ 42 n 9 w 15 and 22 SE i sec 15, and ne i sec 22 42 n 9 w 15 NE i and s i of nw J, and n i of sw J 42 n_ 9 w 11 and 14 W i of sw i sec 11, and nw and n i of sw J sec 14 _ 42 n 9 w 9 and 1 NE i sec 9 and nw J sec 10 42 n 9 w 9,4, 5,8 NW i sec 9, s i of sw i sec 4, se J of se i sec 5, and ne i of ne J sec 8 42 n 9 w 4 E i 42 n 9 w 3 . _ _ Si _ _ . 42 n 9 w 2 and 3 NW J sec 2, and ne J sec 3 43 n 9 w 24 and 25 E i of sw i, w }> of se i sec 24, e i of w i sec 25 43 n 8 w 17,18,19, 42 n_ _ _ 9 w __ and 20 _ 10 and 9 SW i of sw J sec 17, s i of se i sec 18, n i of ne i, ne nw i, and sw i of ne sec 19, and nw i of nw i sec W ^ of sw J sec 10 and se sec 9 iof 20___ 42 n 9 w 8 SE i of ne i and ne i of se } 42 n 9 w 10 SE i, w i of ne |, e i of sw 42 n 9 w 8 SEiofswi _ 42 n 9 w 17 S i of ne i 42 n 9 w 9, 8, 17 W i of sw J sec 9, w ^ of se J, se J of se i sec 8, and n iof ne J sec 17 42 n 9 w 17 and 20 S i of se i sec 17, e i of ne J , sw i of ne i sec 20 42 n 9 w 17 N i of se i . _ 16 n 1 w 10 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. E i of e 16 n 1 w 15 _ NEJ _ _ _-. 16 n 1 w 14 and 15 W ^ of se J sw J se* 14, and e ' of se J sec 15 16 n 1 w 22 W of se J and se J of sw J 16 n 1 w 22 W | of sw i and ne J of sw J _______ 16 n 1 w 27 JT| 16 n 1 w 26 NW i Amount selected by the State 193 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres. Humboldt District. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 _ _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320 00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, 500.000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Jau. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres. Humboldt District. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858-. . List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 318.85 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 319.34 Dec. 23, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Jan. 17, 1859- _ . List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 240.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 80.00 Jan. 17, 1859 _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 40.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 80.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 280-.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 200.00 Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 80.00 Jan. 17, 1859 _ _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Dec. 28, 1858 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Dec. 28, 1858 _ . . _ List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 * Dec. 28, 1858 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 120.00 Dec. 28, 1858 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 120.00 Dec. 28, 1858 _ . List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Dec. 28, 1858 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Dec. 28, 1858 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 6,518.19 Disposed of by United States, none ; claimed by the State, 6,518.19 acres. 25 194 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 16 n Iw 26 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. W of ne 16 n lw_ _ 27 N of se i 16 n_ Iw 2 7 and 34 S of se i sec 27, fractional n J of ne i and fractional nw J sec 34 36 n Iw 3 5 and 34 Fractional sw J sec 35, fractional se J and fractional s ^ of ne J sec 34 _ _ _ _ 16 n Iw 35 NWi 17 n Iw 9 ___ ,_ E ^ of sw i, w ^ of se J, and se J of nw J 17 n 1 w 4,9,10 SE 4 of se 4 sec 4, e ^ of ne 4 sec 9, w J of nw J sec 10 17 n Iw 9 and 4 NE 4- of nw i, and w J of ne 4 sec 9, and sw J of se i sec 4 17 n 1 w. 4 and 3 NE J sec 4, and nw J sec 3 18 n ___ 1 w _ 35 S of sw i, and sw i of se | _ _ _ _ 18 n 1 w 35 N i of s i 18 n 1 w 35 NEi__. ___ 18 n Iw 26 SE i 18 n Iw 5 .. NEi 19 n Iw 32 S J of se J and fractional e i of sw J 45 n 7 w 25 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Wi _ . _ 41 n__ _ 9w 11,12,13, and 14_ S of se i sec 11, W i of sw J, se i of sw J sec 12, nw i of nw J sec 13, and n of ne j sec 14 _ 2n _ Iw _ _ 15 and 10 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. N i of nw J sec 15, and s ^ of sw J sec 10 _ 2n Iw 10 N ^ of sw i and s ^ of nw J _ _ _ 2 n Iw 24 and 23 W i of nw | sec 24, ne J of se i sec 23 2 n Iw _ _ 23 _ NEi - -- 2 n Iw 14 SE J 2 n Iw 14 and 23 Lots 3 and 4 sec 14, and fractional ne J of nw J sec 23 2 n__ Iw 2 7 and 22 N ^ of nw i sec 27, and w i of se ^ sec 22 2 n Iw 8 W i of sw i 2 n Iw 8 E ^ of sw J and w ^ of se J 2 n __ Iw 17 and 8 NE i of nw J, n i of ne i sec 17, se i of se i sec 8 2 n Iw _ 9 N i of nw I _ _ 44 n 6w 25 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. W i of nw J, se J of nw J, and sw J of ne J 44 n 6 w 23 and 26 E i of se J sec 23 and n i of ne J sec 26 Amount selected by the State 195 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September Uh, 1841. Date of Filing in United gtates and Office. Remarks. 80.00 Dec. 28, 1858 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 80.00 Dec. 28, 1858 _ List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 167.95 Dec. 28,1858 _ _List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 223.49 Dec. 28, 1858 __ .List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Dec. 28, 1858 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 200.00 Jan. 6, 1859 _ List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 200.00 Jan. 6, 1859 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 6, 1859 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 299.14 Jan. 6, 1859 _ ___ List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 120.00 Jan. 6, 1859 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 6, 1859 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 6, 1859 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 6. 1859 _ List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 293.79 Jan. 6, 1859 __ _ List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 Jan. 6,1859... List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 i Jan. 1, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District.- 160.00 Jan. 17 , 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160 00 Jan. 17 , 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 120.00 Jan. 17 , 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17 , 1859 _ _ _List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160 00 Jan. 17 , 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 91.66 Jan. 17 , 1859 _ _ List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17 , 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 80.00 Jan. 17 , 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17 , 1859 _List2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 17 , ]859 _ List 7, 500,000 80.00 Jan. 17 , 1859 acres, Humboldt District; n List 2, e i of mv i 500,000 acres, sec 17, not listed. Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. n 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 160.00 Jan. 6. 1859... _.List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 4,916.03 Disposed of by United States, 40.00 acres; claimed by the State, 4,876.03 acres. 196 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Kange. Section. Description of Tract. 44 n 6 w 20 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. E 44 n 6 w 26 and 35 E of nw J and sw J sec 26, w ^ of nw J sec 35 42 n 6 w 3and2 NE J sec 3, and nw sec 2 42 n 6 w 11 and 2 N -J- of nw J sec 11, and sw 4- sec 2 42 n 6 w 11 N i of sw and s i of nw J 3 n 1 w 27 and 28. HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. W i of sw J sec 27, and e i of se i sec 28 42 n 5 w 4 and 5 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. NW J and nw J of ne \ sec 4, and se i of ne J and ne J of se J sec 5 _ __ 43 n 5 w 33 SE i of sw i 42 n 9 w 4 and 5 __ N of sw J, s i of nw sec 4, ne i of se i, se J of ne J sec 5 42 n 9 w 4 and 5 N \ of nw 4 sec 4, and ne 4 of ne J sec 5 43 n 9 w 33 S i of sw J 44 n 5 w 19 NW J, s of ne |, n i of sei 44 n 5 w 2 and 3 W J of sw J sec 2, se J, e i of sw i sec 3 44 n 4 w 2 land 20 SW i of nw sec 21, s i of ne , se i of nw i, nw i of se i, s i of sw J, and ne i- of sw sec 20 _ _ '6 n 1 e 33 and 34 _ HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. NE i, n ^ of se i sec 33, and w of nw i sec 34 _ _ 43 n 5 w 33 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Ei _ . _ 44 n 7 w ' 12 and 13 E of SP. J sw 4* of se J sw J of sw 4 sec 12, w ^ of ne i, and n J of nw \ sec 13 --?- 45 n 7 w 34 and 35 NE i sec 34, and nw J sec 35 . 45 n 6 w 18 S i of nw J and n ^ of sw J 45 n 7 w 13 S J of ne J, and n J of se J 44 n 8 w 33 and 32 NW i sec 33, and s i of ne J, nw i of se i, and se J of nw i sec 32 16 n 1 w 8and5 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. SW i, w ^ of nw J sec 8, and w i of sw i sec 5 16 n 1 w 20 W i of se J and sw 4- - 16 n 1 w 19 and 30 Fractional w i of se i and se J of se J sec 19, and fractional ne J sec 30 16 n 1 w 11 N * . 16 n 1 w 11 SE i 18 n. _._ 1 W 33 W * of sw J, ne i of sw i, nw J of se i and sw J of ne i __ 18 n 1 w 33 and 32 NW J sec 33 and e i of ne i sec 32 18 n 1 w 26 35,34 S i of sw i sec 26 nw J sec 35, e i of ne J sec 34 Amount selected by the State 197 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September kth, 1841. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 __List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt Disirict. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Feb. 9, 1859 List 6, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 Lists 1 and 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt and Shasta Districts. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 " List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Feb. 9, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Feb. 9, 1859 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859__" List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 6, 1859 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 7, 1859 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 7, 1859 __List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 7, 1859 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Disposed of by United States, none,- claimed by the State, 7,144.37 acres. 198 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 18 n lw_ 26 _ _ HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. N of sw J and s i of nw J __ _ _____ 18 n Iw 26and23_ 22and27_ 34 _ N ^ of nw i sec 26, and s of sw J sec 23 18 n Iw S of ne i, se i sec 22, and n of ne J sec 27 3n 2w E i of nw i and fractional e of sw i __ __ . 3 n 2w 34 NE J and n fraction of se J 3 n _ __- 2 w 26 NW i 3 n 2w _ _ 26 Fractional ne J, w J of se J, se J of se i __ 45 n__ 5w_ _ 26and27_ 31and32_ 14 and 11 _ 13 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. SW J sec 26, and S of se i sec 27 3 n Iw HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. SE i of nw J and ne J of sw \, fractional s i of ne J, n se J and se J of se 4 sec 31, and nw J of sw J sec 32 *of 3 n 3 e NW i of ne i sec 14, and sw i, se J of nw i and w i of se J sec 11 __ _ _ _ 2 n Iw NE i 2 n Iw 13 SEi 2 n Iw 13 NW i _ __ 2 n 1 w 14 23,26,22 E of ne J 1 n Iw W i of se J, s ^ of sw i sec 23, nw J of ne i, n i of nw \ 26, se J of se J sec 22 _ __ sec 1 n 1 n Iw 1 w 22 and 21 _ 21and20_ 23 W of se J and sw i sec 22, and e i of se i sec 21 _ . W ^ of se i, se i of nw J, and sw i sec 21, ne i of se J sec 20_ W J of se J, sw J of ne i, s ^ of nw ^ and n J of sw J_ 1 n _ 3w 1 n 17 n 2w lw_ 5, 6, 7, 8_ 1, 12, 11 SE J of se i sec 6, sw of sw i sec 5, e i of ne i sec 7, nw J sec 8 and SE i of nw i and e i of sw i sec 1, nw i sec 12, and ne ne J sec 11 iof 13 n 7w 1 w 34 31 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Lots 2 5 6 s i of ne J 17 n HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. SE J of ne 4 and fractional n _ of se J 17 n 1 w 32 SW i 13 n 3 n 7w 3 e 34 and 35 _ 20 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Lots 3 4, 7, ne J of se i sec 34, lots 1 and 3 sec 35 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. Si 2 n 1 w 24 E i of ne J 3 n 3 e 29 N * Amount selected by the State 199 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. Jan. 7, 1859 List 7, 500,000 acres, Humholdt District. Jan. 7, 1859 List 7,500,000 acres, HumlRdt District. Jan. 7, 1859 List 7,500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 17, 1859 List 2,500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Feb. 9, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Feb. 17, 1859 List 2,- 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Feb. 26, 1859 List 2,500,000 acres, Humboldt District.. Feb. 17, 1859 List 2,500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Feb. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Feb. 17, 1859 List 2,500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Feb. 17, 1859 List 2,500,000 acres, Humboldt District. June 6, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. June 6, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. June 6, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. June 6, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. June 6, 1859 List 1, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 17, 1859 ,__List 7,500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 17, 1859 Not listed; no claim adverse to the State. See Eegister's certificate, San Francisco District. Jan. 17, 1859 List 2,500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 17, 1859 Not listed; no claim adverse to the State. See Eegister's certificate, San Francisco District. Jan. 21/1859 List 2,500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 17, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Jan. 21, 1859 j List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the State, 6,050.53 acres. 200 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 44 n 4w 22 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. W of tie i 1 n 3w 12 HUMBOLDT BASE AND MERIDIAN. S 1 n 2w 12andl3 SE i of ne i, nw i of se J. e i of se J sec 12, e i of e i sec 13 2n 3w_ 13 and 24 SE i sec 13 and ne J sec 24 _ . 1 n__ 4e 2 NW i of ne J, s i of ne J, se J of nw J, n ^ of sw J, and i -i A of se i 7 n 1 e_ 13, 24, 25 W i of se i sec 13, w i of ne J and se J of sec 24, and e ^ of ne i sec 25 _. Amount selected by the State 201 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 80.00 Jan. 26, 1859 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 June 8, 1861 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 June 6, 1861 List 2, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 June 6, 1861 - List 7, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 320.00 List 10, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 400.00 List 12, 500,000 acres, Humboldt District. 1,760.00 _ _ Disposed of by United States, none; claimed by the State, 1,760.00 acres. 26 202 KECAPITULATION 500,000 ACEES. PAGES. Selected by the State. Disposed of by the United States. Claimed by the State. 28-29 4,772.86 84.57 4,688.29 30-31 ___ . _ .__ 9,560.00 3,160.00 6,400.00 32-33 7,346.41 4,541.39 2,805.02 34-35 _ . 7,151.97 320.00 6,831.97 36 37 7,545.20 7,545.20 38-39 3,692.80 160.00 3,532.80 40^1 _ .. _ 7,530.98 640.00 6,890.98 42-43 5,477.11 800.00 4,677.11 44-45 5,222.57 1,120.00 4,102.57 46-47 _- __ - 5,036.27 640.00 4,396.27 48-49 4,937.32 4,937.32 50-51 _ 5,714.18 640.00 5,074.18 52-53 5,464.24 731.80 4,732.44 54-55 4,406 52 614.81 3,791 71 56-57 _ _ -_ _ 9,079.27 1,015.73 8,063.54 58-59 . 9,399.13 3,199.13 6,200.00 60-61 . 6,988.09 603.42 6,384.67 62-63 7,444.98 2.400.03 5,044.95 64-65 6,718.33 6,718.33 66-67 . _- - _ 5,254.01 4,640.00 614.01 68-69 5,428.81 4.224.38 1,204.43 70-71 4,416.89 320.00 4,096.89 72-73 _ _ 6,080.00 3,040.00 3,040.00 74-75 5,993.50 5,353.50' 640.00 76-77 _ 6,688.00 3,008.00 3,680.00 78-79 9,658.94 7,338.94 2,320.00 80-81 6,303.89 6,303.89 82-83 _ __ _ . 6,254.44 6,254.44 84-85 8,307.85 6,077.00 2,230.85 86-87 _ _ _ - - 1,710.72 1,403.00 307.72 88-89 _ _ 7,673.82 7,673.82 90-91 5,882.92 5,882.92 92 93 7,877.77 7,877.77 94-95 _ _ 8,072.97 160.00 7,912.97 96-97 8,487.11 160.00 8,327.11 98-99 - _- __ _ 8,864.47 2,651.81 6,212.66 100-101 9,905.82 3,431.09 6,474.73 102-103 _ _ _ _ _ 6,704.02 1,600.00 5,104.02 104-105 4,908.26 2,690.00 2,218.26 106-107 13,414.14 2,681.28 10,732.86 108-109 11,997.97 1,600.00 10,397.97 110-111 8,723.62 8,723.62 112-113 _ _ 9,970.88 283.92 9,686.96 114-115 .. __ 9,608.80 291.77 9,317.03 116-117 9,703.45 1,603.72 8,099.73 118-119 __ __ 8,147.26 960.00 7,187.26 120-121 8,395.80 696.44 7,699.36 122-123 ___ 8,689.51 2,715.91 5,973.60 124 125 8,260.12 320.00 7,940.12 126-127 _ 8,309.07 240.00 8,069.07 128-129 _ 8,998.44 1*280.00 7,718.44 130-131 8,268.01 480.00 7,788.01 132-133 8,511.49 1,120.00 7,391.49 134-135 8,903.92 8,903.92 136 137 8 430 84 320 00 8 110 84 138-139 8,148.17 480.00 7,668.17 140-141 _ 7,133.14 1,297.32 5,835.82 142 143 7 280 40 1 000 00 6 280 40 144-145 6,984.21 919.49 6,064.72 146-147 7,002.91 1,363.00 5,639.91 148-149 7,001.50 640.00 6,361.50 150-151 5,944.71 1,322.00 4,622.71 152-153 8,745.27 640.00 8,105.27 154-155 9,768.55 3,852.48 5,916.07 Amount carried forward __ 474,304.52 93,046.35 381,258.27 203 BECAPITULATION Continued. PAGES. Selected by the State. Disposed of by the United States. Claimed by the State. Amount brought forward 474,304.52 93,046.35 381,258.27 156 157 640.00 640.00 158 159 6,640.00 6,640.00 160 161 2,080.00 2,080.00 162 163 6,790 67 6,790.67 164 165 1,855.01 1,855.01 166-167 1,527.05 640.00 887.05 168-169_ . ______ 7,578.73. 533.24 7,045.49 170-171 1,280.00 640.00 640.00 172 173 8,420.58 8,420.58 174-175 10,852.37 240.00 10,612.37 176-177 __ _ 9,910.65 3,480.00 6,430.65 178-179 5,833.54 5,833.54 180 181 5,555.35 5,555.35 182-183 6,528.67 320.00 6,208.67 184-185 _ _ _ 5,601.01 720.00 4,881.01 186 187 5,472.08 5,472.08 188-189 6,525.39 6,525.39 190 191 7,604.16 7,604.16 192-193 6,518.19 6,518.19 194-195 _ _ _ __ 4,916.03 40.00 4,876.03 196-197 7,144.37 7,144.37 198-199 6,050.53 6,050.53 200-201 1,760.00 1,760.00 Totals 601,389.00 100,299.59 501,089.41 204 RECAPITULATION Of the Lists from the Department of the Interior under the grant of 500,000 acres. Stockton District. List No. 1 74,780.08 San Francisco District. List No. 11 8,160.00 List No 2 640.00 List No. 12 3,400.00 List No. 2 160.00 List No. 12 7,647.86 List No. 4 _ 320.00 List No. 13 792.96 List No. 5 225.81 List No. 14 4,658.16 List No. 6 640.00 List No. 15. 2,200.00 List No. 7 _ 1,272.00 List No. 15 17.44 List No. 8 640.00 List No. 16 8,330.46 List No. 9 800.00 List No. 17 1,542.33 List No 10 2,640.29 List No. 18 480.00 List No. 11 24,460.00 List No. 19 _ 640.00 List No. 12 43,120.16 List No. 20 1,960.00 List No. 13 80.00 List No. 21 320.00 List No. 14 3,400.65 List No. 22 2,840.00 List No. 15_ 2.040.00 List No. 16 _ 7,294.25 73,584.05 List No. 17 320.00 Humboldt District. List No. 18 40 00 List No. 1 4,823.06 List No. 19 640.00 List No. 1 80.00 List No. 20 960.00 List No. 2 _ 49,960.53 List No. 20_ _ _ 320.00 List No. 3 . 2,240.00 List No 21 160 00 List No 4 4 755 38 List No. 22 ______ 10,180.39 List No. 5 2,400.00 List No 6 6 155 05 175,133.63 List No. 7 12,540.00 Marysville District. List No. 8 6,175.51 List No. 1 7,200.00 List No. 9 1,520.00 List No. 2 _ _ _ 19,102.11 List No. 10 1,200.00 List No. 3 _ _ _ 1,600.00 List No. 11 _ __ 645.17 List No. 4 1,920.00 List No. 12 720.00 List No. 5 7 240 00 List No. 6 6,400.00 93,214.60 List No. 7 1,900.00 Benicia District. List No. 8 1,281.03 List No. 1 _ 14,720.00 List No. 9 6,629.40 List No 2 9,920.00 List No. 10 1,760.00 List No. 3 960.00 List No 4 5,281 40 54,932.54 List No. 5 _ _._ _ 3,200.00 Visalia District. List No. 6 800.00 List No 1 4 801 49 List No. 2 4,801.49 34,161.40 List No. 6 2,643.08 Sacramento District. List No. 7 4,853.65 List No. 1 8,020.00 List No 2 14 120 00 17,099.71 List No. 3 2,704.15 Independence District, List No. 4 640.00 320 00 San Francisco District. List No. 1 3 680 00 Los Angeles District. List No 1 25,484.15 6,405.49 List No. 2 840.00 List No. 2 640.00 List No. 2 _ _ 1,410.28 List No. 3 800.00 List No 2 120 00 List No. 2 120.00 7,845.49 List No. 3 320.00 Shasta District. List No. 4 _ 320.00 List No. 1 1,600.00 List No. 5 844 56 List No 1 1,082.64 List No. 6 1,600.00 List No. 2 961.77 List No. 7 _ 3,520.00 List No. 3 1,200.00 List No 7 2 360 00 List No. 8 _ 2,640.00 4,844.41 List No. 9 9,280 00 Aurora District. List No. 10 3,540.00 List No. 1 _ 6,640.00 205 EECAPITULATION Continued. Acres. Stockton District 175,133.63 Marysville District 54,932.54 Visalia District 17,0yy. Independence District 320.00 San Francisco District 73,584.05 Humboldt District 93,214.60 Benicia District 34,161.40 Sacramento District 25,484.15 Los Angeles District 7,845.49 Shasta District 4,844.41 Aurora District 6,640.00 Whole amount charged to the State in the foregoing lists 493,259.98 The following amounts have been charged to the State twice in the foregoing lists and under other grants : Acres. Lists 7 and 16, Stockton District 472.00 List 12, Stockton District 40.00 Lists 12 and 14, Stockton District 320.00 Lists 2 and 2, supplemental, San Francisco District 120.00 Lists 7 and 9, San Francisco District 3,520.00 Lists 4, Benicia, and 6, Humboldt District 320.00 Lists 1 and 2, Visalia District 4,161.49 Lists 1 and 2, Visalia District, grant of 10 sections 320.00 Lists 1 and 2, Visalia District, grant of 72 sections 320.00 List 6, Marysville District, in Boga Rancho 640.00 List 2, Sacramento District, grant of 72 sections 640.00 Lists 2 and 7, Humboldt District 320.00 List 12, San Francisco District, July 12th, 1871, and List 12, San Fran- cisco District, May 29th, 1872 2,560.00 List 14, San Francisco District, grant of 10 sections 320.00 Lists 5, Benicia District, and 7, Visalia District 1,892.26 Lists 15 and 22, Stockton District 160.00 Lists 5 and 10, Marysville District 160.00 List 11, Stockton District, grant of 10 sections 160.00 Overcharged to the State in the foregoing lists 4,637.41 List No 12, Stockton District, nw i of sec 3, t. 2 n, r 8 e, preempted ___ 170.42 21,253.58 Whole amount listed to the State 472,006.40 REGISTERS' REPORTS 208 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the San Francisco Land District, under the 8th Section of an present condition of the same, as reported by Township. Range. . Section. Description of Tract. 4 n Iw 12 MERIDIAN. Lots 1 and 2 3s_ 6w_ 13 N i of nw J, ne J of nw J, and lots 3 and 4 3s 6w 1 E i . 3 s 6w 12 All 3s 6w 14 NE J, n i of se i, sw J of se , e i of nw J, and e i of s w J 3 s 6 w 11 E i e i of nw J, e i of sw J, and lot No 1 3 s 6w 23 Lots 2 and 3 6s 4 w 21 Lot 2 and ne J of se i 6 s 4w 22 Lots 1, 2, and 3, w i of sw J, and se J of sw 6s 4w 27 W i of ne J and ne J of nw i 4 n 1 e 14 Si 5 n 1 e 26 Si , 5 n 1 e 25 N i and sw J 3 n 1 e 23 Ei _____ 6 s 2w 33 S i 6 s 2w 34 SW i 8 s 4 w 5 E i of sw J and se J 8s 4 w 4 W i of sw i 7 n 5w 20 Lot No. 3, nw of se J, s i of nw i, and sw J 4 n 2e 11 4 n 2 e 27 Ei 6n 1 e 9 Si 6 n 2 e 15 and 14 SE 1 of sec 15. and sw J of sec 14 6 n 2 e___ 27 Ni _ _ _ 6 n 2 e 27 S i 7 n 2 e 29 E i 7n 2 e 33 __ SE i, w i of ne J, se i of ne J, and ne of nw J 13 n 17w 34 SE J of se J and Lot No. 5 12 n 17w 3 and 2 Lots 1, 2, 3, and 5 of sec 3, nw J of sw J, sw i of nw J, and Lot No. 4 of sec 2 1 12 n _ _ 17w 11 N i of ne i 12 u 17 w 12 W i of nw J, se J of nw J, ne J of sw J, and w i of se J 24s 15 e 24 N i 6 n 34 w 10 SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Lot No. 1 15 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, e i of se J, and sw i of se J 14and 9 2 Lots 1 and 2 of sec 14, and lot 1 of sec 22 6 n 34 w 22 Lots 2 and 6 and ne J 23 Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, and sw J of nw i of sec 33 24s .. 16 e 7 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. NE J and lots 1 and 2 15 n 17w 3 and 4 S i of n i, ne J of se i, and n i of sw J of sec 3, and Lot, No. 1 of sec 4 12 n._ llw 5 SW J of se i 12 n llw 8 E i of ne i and nw J of ne J _ _ 12 n llw 9 NW i 23 n 15w 15 SE J of sw i 23 n 15w 22 E i of ne i, n i of se i, ne J of nw 4, and e i of nw J 2s_ 2w 7 NE J of nw J, n i of ne i, se J of ne ^, and se i 2 s 2w 11 E i 2s 2w 11 W i 1 s 2w 1] W i 1 s 2w 15 NE i 1 s 2w 15 W i Is 2w 11 Lots 1, 2, and 3, w i of ne J, w i of se J, and se ^ of se J 7n__. 24 and 25. SE 1 of sec 24. and ne i of sec 25. _. 209 OF LANDS Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, which have not been listed to the State, and the the Register of United States Land Office. Number of Acres. Date of F i 1 i n g in United States Land Office. Eemarks. UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, JULY 28TH, 1879. 72.07 Patented to preemptor. f '. Paid for by settlers. | Canceled by Commissioner. I 9 oie IQ J All Paid f r by settlers. J- 2,218.18 -j Paid for by settlers. j Canceled by Commissioner. [ ' Paid for by settlers. ( : Lot 2,appro- | priated in Indemnity List 39 ; no contest With ne i of se i. 461.02 -{ Lot 1, appropriated in Indemnity List J39 ; lot 2, paid for by preemption ; lot 3, patented to settler ; w I [ of sw i and se i of sw i, appropriated in Indemnity List 35. 320.00 ! Never selected by State under this grant. 320.00 i i Patented by United States. 480.00 i July 10,1854 j No conflict. 320.00 | I ! Patented by United States. 320.00 ; Canceled by Commissioner, March 20, 1879. 160.00 i Canceled by Commissioner, March 20, 1879. 240.00 ! No contest. 80.00 : | No contest. 319.13 ; j Canceled: abandoned by the State. 320.00 Patented by United States. 320.00 Patented by United States; State filed abandonment. 320.00 ! "_ Canceled by Gbvern- ment Land Office, October llth, 1870; patented by United States. 320.00 ' Patented by United States. 320.00 j Canceled by General Land Office; patented by United States. 320.00 I , As above; as above. 320.00 | Abandoned by State; as above. 320.00 Never selected in United States Land Office. ! 283.42 ; Canceled by General Land Office, March 30th, 1876. I 320.00 ! Canceled by General Land Office, September 8th, 1876. 320.00 October 3, 1874___| "Good;" no conflict. I 320.10 1 Never selected in United States Land Office. ] [ 319.17 ! i Never selected in United States Land Office. J 320.00 _ ._ .Selection never filed here. i 320.76 ; Not on file in United States Land Office. " i f 0. K.; good. } 320.00 ! _ !l - - - - - - O. K.; good. J .I .O.K.; good. I 320.00 August 7, 1877 :. Good; no contest. 320.00 ! 1 320.00 320.00 | 320.00 : __Apply to Commissioner for status of these. 160.00 ! . 320.00 278.33 |J 320.00 ; ' Canceled by General Land Office, August 21st, 1869; G." 27 210 SAN FRANCISCO LAND Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 10 s 2 e 29 and 32 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. SW 1 of sec 29, and nw i of sec 32 10 s 3w 27and28 N 4 of nw i of sec 27, and e of ne 1 of sec 28 10 s _ . . 3w _ 21 S ^ of se i, nw of se i, and sw 4- of ne \ _ 10 s 1 w 31 5 s 4\v Fractional s i and s ^ of iiw i _ 6 11 . Sw _. 1 5 Ei 11 n 9w 13 11 s _ _ _ 3 e 23 S i of se i _ _ __ _____ 11s 3 e 26 N i of ne 4-, n i of nw 4-, and sw \ of nw \ 11 s 3 e 27 NE i of ne i 6 s 2w 33and34 S i of sec 33, and sw of sec 34 7 s 2w 3 and 4 NW of sec 3, and ne 4 of sec 4 7 3 3 e 3 land 32 E i of se J of sec 31 and w ^ of sw J of sec 32 8 s 3 e E ^ of ne J and ne ^ of se 4- 8 s 3 e 5 W i of nw J. nw 4" of sw J, and e J of sw J 10 s 2 e 35 - S i of ne J, e i of se i, nw i of se i, and ne | of sw J 8 s 3 e 24 E ^ of ne J and ne \ of se J 8s 4 e NW 4- of nw J, e A of nw J, ne J of sw J, and nw J of se J 7 s 3 e 30 and 31 SE J of sec 30, and ne of sec 31 8 s 3 e 25 E i of nw 4- w -J of ne J, and sw 4- 7s _ 1 w. 8 s 1 e _ 23 and 22 Fractional sw i of sec 23, and se i of sec 22 __ __ .__ 8s _ 1 e 27 8 s 1 w 1 1 and 12 SE i of sec 11, and sw J of sec 12 8 n 7 w_ . 12 . _ 8 of n i and n ^ of s i _.__ _.. _ 8 n 4w Sand 7 S i of nw * of sec 8, e \ of ne \ and nw \ of ne J of sec 7 8 n 4w 6 SW of se J and s i of sw i 8n 4w_ . 9 and 17 W i of sw i of sec 9, and e \ of ne J of sec 17 - 8 n 4w 8 SE 4 of se J, w i of se 4, and se J of sw \ 4 n 4 w 1 and 2 W i of sw \ of sec 1 se \ and e of sw \ of sec 2 4 n 4w 11 and 12 NE \ of sec 11, and nw J of sec 12 4 n 4w 11 W * and se i 4 n 4w 13 and 14 S i of sw i of sec 13, and s - of se \ of sec 14 _ _ 4n 4w_ 23 and 24 _ NE i of sec 23, and n i of sec 24 _. ._ __ _ ___ _ 4 n_ _ _ 3w 17 SWiofnwJ 4 n 3w 18 E -J of ne 4, sw \ of ne, n i of sw J, and n i of se 4 29 s 22and27_ SE i of sec'22, w J of ne \ and e \ of nw J of sec 27_ 17 s 2 e 29 NE J of ne J 15 s _ 8e 3 W^ofswi _ _ _ _ 15 s 8e 4 E i of se J, s -J of ne i, nw \ of se \, and ne J of nw J 8 n 4 w 6 and 5 NE \ of se i of sec 6, w of sw i and se J of sw \ of sec 5 8n_ 4 w 8 NE \ of nw J, n \ of ne J, and sejofnej. _ __. _- 5 n 4 w 35 Fractional s i of ne i, fractional s i of nw \, n i of sw J, and sei _ _ __ _ 1 n 1 e 5 S ^ 2 n 1 e 28and29 SW i of sw J of sec 28, and s i of se i of sec 29 2 11 1 e 32and33 N ^ of ne J and se \ of ne J of sec 32, and w \ of nw \ and n w \ of sw J of sec 33 2 n 1 e 28 and 33 SE \ of sw 4 and sw \ of se \ of sec 28, e \ of nw J and ne- J of sec 33 _. 12 s 6 e 29 and 32 W i of sec 29 and w ^ of sec 32 12 s 6 e 32 and 33 E i of sec 32 and w \ of sec 33 12 s 6 e 29and20_ W i of e i of sec 29, fractional s \ of nw i and s i of ne i of sec 20 211 DISTRICT Continued. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320 00 UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, JULY 28TH, 1879. SW J sec 29, appeared in List 26, Indemnity Selection; nw J sec 32, patented by United States. ( Never selected here. [ 320.00 ( Never selected here. 310.00 ! _ _ _ __ Patented by United States. 300.00 Never selected here. 320.00 _ . In patented grant. 320.00 1 In contest before Commissioner; Polack case. \ {Canceled by Commissioner, November 29th, 1872. I 320.00 Canceled by Commissioner, November 29th, 1872. Canceled bv Commissioner, November 29th, 1872. ' OAA fin Canceled bv Commissioner, March 20th, 1879. { Returned by United States Surveyor-General as salt marsh. .. In patented grant. 1 f In patented grant. J 480.00 240.00 _ _S of ne is unsurveyed land ; balance is in patented grants, except about 15 acres in n i of se i and ne i of sw J, which is also unsurveyed land. }In patented grant. [ 320.00 320.00 In patented grant. 320.00 _ In patented grant. 320.00 Never selected I 4.73 50 here ; land is patented to Western Pacific Railroad Company. 320.00 Never selected here; land is patented to settlers. 320.00 Selection never filed here f - Unsurveyed land. i 320.00 ) ( _ _ Unsurveyed land. I 320.00 320.00 Does not appear on our books; Soscol grant 320.00 _ __ __ Sold under Soscol Act. 480.00 Sold under Soscol Act Sold under Soscol Act. _ _ Sold under Soscol Act. f Sold under j 320.00 Soscol Act ; does not appear to have been applied for by State. 320.00 [ Soscol Act; does not appear to have been applied for by State. Selection never filed here. 40.00 0. K.; approved in List 17. f No plat on file. 1 320.00 No plat on file J ( __ _ _ _ _ Unsurveyed land. r 320.00 \ Unsurveyed land. 320.00 Sold under Soscol Act. 320.00 _ __ _ ._ '_ _ SE ^ pat- ^ ented to Western Pacific Railroad Company; cannot say as to condition of s\v i ; it is claimed by Railroad Company, and also by Indemnity Selection of May 19th, 1864, besides this claim. {_ _ No selection or application on file. V 360.00 . No application on file. 320.00 _ Selection never filed here. 640.00 Selection 640.00 never filed here; land is listed under Indemnity Selections. _ Selection never filed here. 320.00 On Section 20, " good/' and listed. On Section 29, no selection has been filed. 212 SAN FRANCISCO LAND Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 12 S 4 e 18 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 and s i of ne i of sec 18 12 s 4 e 17 Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 and sw J of sw J of sec 17 3 s 1 e 2 N i 3 s 1 e 3 _ Ni . _ . 3 s 3 e 25 S i of nw J and n i of sw J 3s 3 e -- . 26 S i of ne and n i of se i _ 3 s 4e 30 _ SW 3 s 3 e 25 S i of ne i and n i of se i 3 s 1 e 35 S i 6 n 1 w 13 NE J 6 n 1 w 13 NW J 7 n lw 19 W i of se i, e i of sw J, and sw J of sw i 7 n 1 w 30 W i of nw J> and se J of nw J 4 n I w 9 E i 2 s 6 w 34 Lot 1 2 s 6w 34 Lot 2 2s 6w 34 Lot 3 2 s G w 34 Lot 4 2 s 6w 34 Lot 5 2s 6w 34 Lot 6 _ 2 s 6 w 34 NE i of se J 2 s 6 w 35 _ ___ Lot 9 12 n 7 w 23 SE J of ne J, ne i of se i 12 n 7w 24 NW J of sw J, sw J of nw i, and n i of sw J ._ 12 n 7w 13 S J of sw ^ > 12 n 7 w 13 Niofswi . 12 n 7w 3 N i of nw i 12 11 7 w 4 N i _ 12 n 7w_ 14 Si of si _ 12 n 7w 23 N i of n i 12 n 7w 2 W i of nw i 3 NE i and s i of nw i 13 n 7w 34 Lots 2, 5, and 6, and s i of ne i 13 n 7w 34 Lots 3 4 and 7 and ne J of se i 13 n 7 w 35 Lots 1 and 3 12 n 7w 22 E i of sw i, w i of se i, ne J of se J, and e i of ne i __ _ 12 n 7w 15 SE i of sei 213 DISTRICT Continued. Number ol Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, JULY 28TH, 1879. f - - Will - 288.45 have to apply to Commissioner whether good or not; conflicts. 1 Will 320.00 [ have to apply to Commissioner whether good or not ; conflicts. In confirmed Spanish grant. 320.00 In confirmed Spanish grant. | _ ._ _ __ On 25, patented I 320.00 to Western Pacific Railroad Companv by United States. On 26, patented as coal land by United States. | {Patented as coal lands. I 320 00 Patented 320.00 to Western Pacific Railroad Company by United States. _ __ In confirmed Spanish grant. 160.00 June 30, 1860, San Francisco office. UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, JULY 25TH, 1879. Said to have been objected to for infor- 160.00 June 30, 1860, San Francisco office _ malities by Commissioner's letter of July 3d, 1862, to Stock- J ton office, but do not appear to have been formally canceled. ' W of se J sec 19, approved 320 78 to the State in List 23, Indemnity Selection; e i of sw J 320.00 and sw i of sw i sec 19, patented to homestead claimant. _W i of nw i and se J of nw J sec 30 patented by United States. School warrant location : canceled August 17, 1864 August 31st, 1878 ; and land e i sec 9 is patented to preemptors. UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, AUGUST 2o, 1879. .Lots 1, 2, 5, and 6 of sec 34, patented by United States to Patrick 80.00 AT HUMBOLDT. October 20, 1858 Rogers; remainder of this location approved to State in List 14. UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, AUGUST 18TH, 1879. NE ^ of se J, approved in List 20, of Indemnity 160.00 October 20, 1858 Selections; se i of ne J, patented to S. A. Copsey, June 1st, 1861. SW J of nw J and nw 80.00 October 20, 1858 i of sw i, patented to S. A. Copsey, June- 1st, 1861 ; ne J of sw i vacant on our books ; our books call for n i of nw J, instead of n of sw J; n ^ of nw i approved in Indemnity List 20. No adverse claim. 80.00 October 20, 1858 Approved in Indemnity List 23. I 203.45 { _ ._ _ _ _ _ No adverse claim. October 20, 1858__ |_ .._ _ No adverse claim. 160.00 October 20, 1858 S i of sw approved in Indem- 160.00 October 20, 1858 nity List 20; si of se i patented to P. Smith, June 1st, 1861. NE J of nw i and n i of ne J approved in Indemnity List 20;, nw i of nw J patented to C. N. Copsey, June 1st, 1861. ( No adverse claim. I 280.20 October 20, 1858 __ | No adverse claim. 200.86 January 17, 1859 No adverse claim. No adverse claim. 148.25 January 17, 1859 _ No adverse claim. | f _ Nffi J of se i, se i of sw J, and w i of j- 320.00 1 October 20, 1859 __ 1 se i paid for December 27th, 1858, by C C. Copsey, as a pre- -j emptor; e of ne i paid for December 27th, 1858, by C. N. 1 Copsey, as a preemptor; ne i of sw i sec 22 is clear to the State. [ _ Patented June 1st, 1861, to C. N. Copsey. WM. R. WHEATON, Register. 214 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Marysville Land District, under the 8th Section of an Act condition of the same as reported by the Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 21 n 1 e 26 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. E \ of ne \ 21 n 1 e 25 NW \ of nw \, e \ of nw J, and w \ of ne \ 21 n 1 e 24 SE J of sw \ 8 n __ __ 2 e 1 _ E 8n 2 e 1 Wi 8 n 2 e 2 SE J of ne J e of sw J sw i of sw \, and se J 8 n 2 e 10 NE J of sw J, se J of ne 4, and se J 8 n 2 e 11 All _ ' _ _ 8 n 2 e 12 NW and n of sw J 8n 2 e 14 N -^ of nw J, se J of nw i, and nw J of ne J '" - _ 8 n 2 e .. 8 S A of ne J, se J, and se J of sw J ' _ 8n 2 e 9 SW J of nw J, sw J, and s 1 of se J _- 8 n 2 e 10 S i of sw i 8 n 2 e 15 N i, n i of sw J, and n of se J 8n 2 e 14 SW i of nw i, n i of sw \, and nw i of se J * _ 14 n 6 e 31 N ^ 13 n 4 e 12 Fractional s J of ne J - 13 n 5 e 7 15 n 4 e 1 Lots 1 and 2 and w \ of lot 3 in nw J 15 n 4 e 2 Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, se i of ne J and si _ 15 n 4 e 11 NE i 19 n 3 w 2 SW i - 19 n 3 w 3 E i of sw i ; rehearing ordered by the Commissioner of the t General Land Office, July 8th, 1879 ; case set for August 27th 1879 -- -- 19 n 3 \v 10 E^ofnei 19 n 3 w 11 *T4 15 n_ . 3 w _. 20__. NEi__ 215 OF LANDS of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, which have not been listed to the State, and the present Register of the United States Land Office. Number of Acres. Remarks. UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, JULY 22o, 1879. 80.00 E A of ne i is divided into lots 1 and 2 and se i of ne i ; C. E. 4,509, David H. Hulen, October 6th, 1870, for lots 2 and 4 of n i of ne i; C. E. 4,868, Robert M. Turner, August 25th. 1871, for lots 1, 3, 11, and se i of ne J sec 26, 1 21 n, r 1 e; patent issued to both, 200.00 C. E. 4,868, Robert M. Turner, August 25th, 1871, for nw i, lot 5, and sw i of ne J; patent issued; lot 4 listed to California and Oregon Railroad Com- pany, February 9th, 1875 ; w 4 of ne i sec 25 is divided into lots 4, 5, and sw i of ne . 40.00 A. C. S. L. A. 742, R, and R. 170, Peter Jones, August 28th, 1871, sw i sec 24, t 21 n, r 1 e; patent issued. 320.00 C. E. 2,031, Simon H. Littner, June 6th, 1867, for e and nw i sec 1, t 8 n, r 2 e; patent issued. 320.00 _C. E. 2,032, Isaac S. Chiles, June 6th, 1867, for sw i sec 1, t 8 n, r 2 e ; patent issued. 320.00 C. E. 2,032, Isaac S. Chiles, June 6th, 1867, for e i of ne i, se i, e i of sw i, and sw i of sw i sec 2; patent issued; w \ of ne J, nw J, and nw i of sw i, approved as swamp, June 5th, 1872. 240.00 C. E. 1,985, Jerome C. Davis, May 16th, 1867, se i of ne J, ne i of sw i, s i of sw J, and sw i sec 10, t 8 a, r 2 e. 640.00 C. E. 1,985, Jerome C. Davis, May 16th, 1867, sw i of sw i ; C. E. 2,032, Isaac S. Chiles, June 6th, 1867, for ne i, se \, nw i, e i of sw i, and nw i of sw i sec 11, t 8 n, r 2 e ; patent issued. 240.00 C. E. 2,032, Isaac S. j Cniles, June 6th, 1867, for nw \ and n i of sw i sec 12, t S n, r 2 e; patent issued. 160.00 I * C. E. 2,032, Isaac S. Chiles, June 6th, 1867, for nw J of ne i, e i of nw i, and lots 2 and 3 sec 14, t 8 n, r 2 e; patent issued ; C. E. 1,985, Jerome C. Davis, May 16th, 1867, for w of nw \ and fractional \ sec 14, t 8 n, r 2 e. 280.00 _C. E.I, 985, Jerome C.Davis, May 16th, 1867, for si of nei,se sec8,t 8n,r 2e; C. E. 1,718, Sanford E. Herrick, September 6th, 1866, w i of sec 8, t 8 n, r 2 e ; patent issued. 280.00 1 C. E. 1,985, Jerome C. Davis, May 16th, 1867, for sw i of nw i, s * of se , and swi sec 9.t 8 n, r 2 e. 80.00 i C. E. 1,985, Jerome i C. Davis, May 16th, 1867, for se J of ne i, e i of sw \, sw \ of sw J, and se \ sec 10. 480.00 ! C. E. 1,985, Jerome C. Davis, May 16th, 1867, for lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, e \ of ne i, nw i of ne i, n i of nw i sec 15, 1 8 n, r 2 e ; C.'E. 2,684, Frederick Werner, April 23d, 1 868, for lots 1 0, 11, and s \ of se i sec 15, t 8 n, r 2 e ; pat- ent issued ; lot 8 of hw \, lots 7 and 12 and e 4 of sw i, listed to Central Pacific Railroad Company, successors to Western Pacific Railroad Company, June 5th., 1872. 160.00 * See above. 312.00 All of fractional j sec 31, t 14 n, r 6 e, listed to Central Pacific Railroad Company, February 1 8th, 1875. I C. E. 1,524, Thos. Brown, November 6th, 1865, for 291.00 lots 1 and 2 of nej, wof sej and ne \ of sei sec 12, t!3 n,r4e; patent issued ; all of fractional section 7 listed to Central Pacific Railroad Company, October 5th, 1879. ^ C. E. 4,408, Thomas Quinn, August 12th, 1870, for lots 1 and 2 of nw i sec 1, t!5 n,r4 e; patent issued _ The plats show this as State selection ; tract books do not show it, and I can find no application on file. 160.00 ( State appli- cation, dated July 19th, 1858; subsequent application for same tracts rejected. 80.00 i j Abandoned by J. W. Bost, Surveyor-General, j April 16th, 1869; canceled by Commissioner's letter "C," of May 27th, 1878. 80.00 -{ Joshua Harlan made homestead entry No. I 2,261, June 7th, 1878; filed claim No. 745 June 7th, 1878, for e i of sw i sec 2. 320.00 i I , Hiram Kellogg made homestead entry No. 2,263, June 7th, 1878; filed claim No. 747 June 7th, 1878, for w i of sw i sec 2. Henry F. Nash made homestead entry No. 2,262, June 7th, 1878; filed claim No. 746 June 7th, 1878, for e 4 of ne i sec 10. That portion in odd sections now before Secretary of Interior in case of State of California and Central Pacific Railroad Company vs. Elisha Holcomb et al. 160.00 i Canceled July 12th, 1877, by Commissioner's letter "C," of July 3d, 1877. 216 MARYSVILLK LAND Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 15 n 3 w 23 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. SE J __ 9 n 2 e 22 SE i and e of sw J 9 n 2 e 27 N Jt of nw J n.e J, and w % of se J 9 n ___ 2e 28 N iof ne i __ 8 n 1 e -_ 13 Si 8 n 1 e 24 Fractional n i . _.. _ __ __ 8 n 2 e 22 NWi - 8 n 2 e 15 E i of nw i and lots 7 and 1 2 13'n 4 e 13 SW i 16 n 1 w _ _ 5. __ W of ne i and se i of ne i _ 16 n 1 w _ 3 NW i of nw \ 16 n 1 w 9 SEi 18 n 1 w . 17- E \ -_ _ 18 n 1 w 15 Ni 17 n _. 1 w 17 Ni _ _- 17 n 1 w 5 SW J of ne J, se i, e i of sw J, se i of nw \, and lots 4, 5, 6, and 7 - - 8 n 2 e 17 E i ' - 17 n 3 w 2 W J and ne i - 17 n 4 w 2 N i of s i 17 n 4 w 1 SWi _ -_ 23 n_ _ 2 w _ _ 3 Si -. 24 n 2 w 28 Lots 3^ 4, and 5, and s J of se J _ __ 24 n . _ 2 w _ 33 E i of ne i, e i of sw i, and se i . _ ._ 24 n 2 w 34 W i of nw i nw J of sw J and lot 4 24 n 4 e 32 Ni 18 n 4 w 33 W i 14n__ 4 w 7 SE J, e * of sw i, and sw J of sw \ 14 n 5 w 12 SE \ of se i 217 DISTRICT Continued. Number of Acres. Remarks. UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, JULY 22o, 1879. 160.00 Awarded to State of California by Commissioner's letter "F," September 20th, 1877, and no appeal taken. 240.00 C. E. 1,812, Wm. Keithly, November 23d, 1866, for se i and e i of sw i sec 22, 1 9 n, r 2 e; patent issued. 320.00 C. E. 1,812, Wm. Keithly, November 23d, 1866, for ne J, se i, and n i of nw J sec 27, 1 9 n, r 2 e; patent issued. 80.00 C. E. 1,812, Wm. Keithly, November 23d, 1866, for n i of ne J sec 28, t 9 n, r 2 e; patent issued. roo 17 C. E. 1,718, Sanford E. Herrick, Sep- tember 6th, 1866, for all of sec 13 and fractional n i sec 24, t 8 n, r 1 e ; patent issued. ( NWi sec 22, t 8 n, I r 2 e; listed to State of California under Act of July 2d, 1862, March 27th, 1877. " Lots 7 and 12 of sec 15, t 8 n,r 2 e, patented to Central Pacific Railroad Company, May 22, 1877. of nw i sec 15, 1 8 n, r 2 e, embraced in C. E. 1, 985, Jerome C. Davis, May 16th, 1867. 160.00 |_C.E.4,721,BenjaminBerry,April24th,1871,forswisecl3,tl3n.r4e; patentissued. 120.00 Lot 2 and s i of ne i sec 5, t 16 n, r 1 w, listed to California and Oregon Railroad Company, March 4th, 1872. 40.00 Lot 4 of nw i sec 5, t 16 n, r 1 w, listed to California and Oregon Railroad Company, March 4th, 1872. 160.00 SE i sec 9, 1 16 n, r 1 w, listed to California and Oregon Railroad Company, March 4th, 1872. 320.00 j C. E. 2,825, Maberry Davis, July 3d, 1868, for s i of ne J and n i of se J sec 17, 1 18 n, r 1 w ; patent issued ; C. E. 3,026, Zachariah Copeland, September 23d, 1868, for sw J of se i sec 17, 1 18 n, r 1 w ; patent issued ; n i of ne i and se i of se i listed to California and Oregon Railroad Company, March 4th, 1872. 320.00 All of sec 15, t 18 n, r 1 w, listed to California and Oregon Railroad Company, March 4th, 1872. 320.00 C. E. 3,460, Matthew Edge, February 16th, 1869, for ne J; patent issued ; nw \ listed to California and Oregon Railroad Company, March 4th, 1872. 440.00 SE J, s i of ne i, fractional sw J, fractional s i of nw i, and lot 4 of nw J sec 5, 1 17 n, r 1 w, listed to California and Oregon Railroad Company, March 4th, 1872. 320.00 C. E. 1,985, Jerome C. Davis, May 16th, 1867, ne t, n i of se i, and se i of se i sec 17, t 8 n, r 2 e; C. E. 4,857, Wm. Platt, August 9th, 1871, sw \ of se i sec 1 7, t 8 n, r 2 e ; patent issued. 480.00 C. E. 3,478, B. B. Redding, February 1 7th, 1869, fractional ne i sec 2, 1 17 n, r 3 w ; patent issued ; C. E. 3,477, B. B. Red- ding, February 17th, 1869, sw i sec 2, 1 17 n, r 3 w ; patent issued ; C. E. 4,512, Enos C. Hunter, October 7th, 1870, lots 1 and 2 of nw i sec 2, 1 17 n, r 3 w ; patent issued. 160.00 C. E. 3,717, Joseph Glide, March 8th, 1869, for n \ of se i and n of sw \ sec 2, t 17 n, r 4 w; patent issued. 160.00 C. E. 3,398, E. H. Miller, Jr., January 29th, 1869, s i of se J and s of sw \ sec 2, 1 17 n, r 4 w ; patent issued. 320.00 All of sec 3, t 23 n, r 2 w, listed to California and Oregon Railroad Company, February 9th, 1875. C. E. 4,419, Louis A. Gyle, August 17th, 1870, for 4 and 5 and s i of se i sec 28, 1 24 n, r 2 w ; patent issued ; C. E. 4,296, Christian P. Gardner, May 23d, 1870, for 1, 2, and 3, and w i of nw \ sec 28, t 24 n, r 2 w; patent issued. All of sec 33, t24 n, r 2 w, listed to California and Oregon Railroad Company, February 9th, 1875, C. E. 4,271, Morris S. Barnett, May 2d,1870. for w i of nw i, nw J of sw i, and lot 4 of sw \ seo 34, t 24 n, r 2 w ; patent issued. 320.00 A. C. S. Virginia 1,524, R. and R. 598, Joshua C. Roby, for nw \ sec 32, t 24 n, r 4 e, March 8th, 1873 ; patent issued ; D. S. 8,130, filed by W. H. G. Starr, December 4, 1871, alleging settlement August 5th, 1871, on ne J sec 32, t 24 n, r 4 e; no evidence of State selection on either plat or tract book. 320.00 ___A. C. S. Illinois 1,328, R. and R. 892, Wm. Jenisch, December 23, 1873, for e i of n w i and e of sw | sec 33, 1 1 8 n, r 4 w ; patent issued ; C. E. 6,190, Wm. A. Maxey, August 18th, 1875, for w i of nw J and w i of sw i sec 33, 1 18 n, r 4 w ; patent issued. State application 1 dated February 21st, 1877; R. and R. No. 24; no action had; no adverse claim. 28 218 MARYSVILLE LAND Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 16 n 3 w 35 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. Wi 14 n 5 w _ 1 W i of w -J, ne 4- of sw i, and n of se J 14 n 5 w 12 NW i of nw i 16 ii- 3 w 27 _ W J lS n 1 w 21 SW J of ne i, e ^ of nw J, and nw J of nw J 13 n 1 e 26 N J of se J and ne 4 of sw 4 14 n 5 w _ _ 13 E i_ _ _ . _ UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, MARYSVILLE, CALIFORNIA, July 22d, 1879. 219 DISTRICT Continued. Number of Acres. Remarks. UNITED STATKS REGISTER'S REMARKS, JULY 22o, 1879. 320.00 All of sec 35, 1 16 n, r 3 w, listed to California and Oregon Railroad Company, February 9th, 1875. See decis- ion of United States Supreme Court, Ryan vs. California and Oregon Railroad Company, homestead application 1,760, Geo. M. Potts, July 14th, 1876, for nw J sec 35, 1 16 n, r 3 w; homestead application 1,794, G. W. Henshaw, July 14th, 1876, for sw J sec 35, 1 16 n, r 3 w, canceled by Commissioner's letter F, of December 6th, 1877. 280.0QC ' No evidence of State selection under 40.00 J Act "of September 4th, 1841, on either tract books or plats; no adverse claim. 320.00 All of sec 27, 1 16 n, r 3 w, listed to California and Oregon Railroad Company, February 9th, 1875. 160.00 NWJ, wi of nei, and ne i of ne i sec 21, 1 18 n, r 1 w, was listed to California and Oregon Railroad Company, March 4th, 1872. 120.00 Approved to State of California as Indemnity School Selection, January 20th, 1873, List No. 5. 320.00 No action has been had on the application. C. M. PATTERSON, Register. 220 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Stockton Land District, under the 8th Section of an Act condition of the same as reported by the Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 3 n 7 e 34 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. E i of se i 3 n 7 e 35 W i of se i and sw J 2 11 6 e 17 . Si 3 n 5 e 13 S 3 n 6e___ . 19andl8. 5 NW i of sec 19, and sw J of sec 18 2 n 7 e_ E i of nw J and w i of ne ^ 3 n 7 e 32 ___ E i of sw J and w i of se 2 n 6 e 5 S i 3 n 6 e 29 Si _ 4n 6 e 7 and 18_ 32 and 29 _ J9 Fractional se i, and fractional ne i of sw i, and fractional n i of sec 18 2 s 7 e NE ^ of sec 32 and se i of sec 29 2 s 7 e SW J, se J of nw J, and w i of nw J 2 s _ 7 e 29 SW i, w i of ne , and e i of nw i 2 s 7 e 32 Wi 3 n 9 e 6 and 7__ 25 Lots 1 and 2 in s i of sec 6, and lots 1 and 2 in n i of Si _ sec 7_ 10 s 18 e 7 s 12 e 22 _ S i of nw J s i of ne J n i of se i, and n i of sw J 3 s 7 e 6 Ei 3 s ___ 7 e 7 NE i _ _. 3 s 7 e 8 W i 4 n 8 e 10 SE i of se i 1 n 8 e 3 N i 3 n 8 e 32 W i of sw i 3 n _ 8 e 30 S i of se i 3 n 8 e 31 2 n 8 e 5. SW i of ne i - 1 s 7 e 9 E i of se J and nw 4 of se J 1 8 7 e 10 W i of sw J ne J of sw J, and s i of nw J 1 S 7 e 12 W i 5 s 12 e 25 _. Lot No. 4 5 s 3 s 13 e 12 e 30 34 Lots 4, 5, 7, and 8 Lots 1 and 2 3 s 12 e 27 SE J and e i of sw i 2 s 8 e 20 W i 10 s 8 e 1 E i and sw J 5 s 7 e 13 All 5 s _ 7 e 11 N i _ - 11 s 14 e 1 and 2 W i of sec 1 and ne i of sec 2 10 s 13 e 14,13,24_ 11 E i of se i of sec 14, w i of sw i of sec 13, and nw i of sec 24_ NWi - - 10 s 13 e_ 11 s 14 e 15 and 14 N i of sec 15 and s i of n i of sec 14 10 s 13 e 14 11 s 14 e 2,11,10 SW J of sec 2 all of sec 11 , and s i of sec 10 7s 7 e 6 Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, and 14, n i of Lot No. 11, n i of lot 12 n i of lot 13 , and 9 s 10 e 17 and 20 All of sec 17 and n i of sec 20 2 n 10 e 35 SE i 1 n 8 e 1 NW i s i of ne J and nw J of ne i 1 s 8 e 28 E i 221 OF LANDS of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, which have not been listed to the State, and the present Register of the United States Land Office Number of Acres. Kemarks. UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, AUGUST STH, 1879. 320 OQ ( ______________________ Located by Joseph H. Cole, under Act of July 23d, 1866. { ___ NW of sw swamp and overflowed, sw J of sw i entered by Jos. S. Osborn. 320.00 ------- Patented to Western Pacific Railroad Company and entered by pre-emptors. 320.00 ________________ Entered by Tredway and Kittleman, under Act of July 23d, 1866. 320.00 ___________________________ SW i sec 18, and n i nw i sec 19, entered by Tredway and Kittleman, Act of July 23d, 1866; s of nw i swamp and overflowed land. 320.00 _ Located by pre-emptors, except w of se J, swamp and overflowed land, List No 1. 320.00 | ______________________________________________________ Patented to pre-emptors. 320.00 ____________________________________________________ SW i andn of se i swamp and overflowed land, List No. 1 ; s i of se i Western Pacific Railroad Company. 450.00 _______________________________________________________ Patented to pre-emptors. 320.00 ____________________________________ Patented to John McMullan; private entry. 281.28 ____________________________________ Patented to John McMullan; private entry. 320.00 ____________________________________ Patented to John McMullan; private entry. 320.00 ____________________________________ Patented to John McMullan; private entry. 320.00 ______________________ _______________ No claim adverse to the State of California. 320.00 _____________________________________ No claim adverse to the State of California. ___________ Bought at private entry, and patented to Geo. W. Kidd, August 1st, 1872. _____ Military bounty land warrant location of Geo. W. Sanderson, July 27th, 1862. _______ Military bounty land warrant location of John McMullan, July 27th, 1862. _____ Military bounty land warrant location of Geo. W. Sanderson, July 27th, 1862. __________________ ___________________ No claim adverse to the State of California. ________ Military bounty land warrant location of Wm. H. Lyons, March 3d, 1860. ____ _ ______ Pre-emption location of Nicholas Walch; patented January 10th, 1865. _____________________________________ No claim adverse to the State of California. ________________________________________________________ E of nw J patented to John McDonald, August 1st, 1861 ; ne J, no claim adverse to the State of California. ___________________________________________ Listed to the State. See List No. 11. __________ ^Military bounty land warrant location of Geo. H. Castle, June 2d, 1862. ___________ Military bounty land warrant location of Geo. H. Castle, June 2d, 1862. ________________________ _" ______ Military bounty land warrant location of Wm. H. Lyons, February 4th, 1860; patented to James L. Grover, December 15th, 1871. _____________________________________ No claim adverse to the State of California. _____________________________________________________________________ Lots 5, 6, and 7, no claim adverse to State; lots 4 and 8 located and patented by pre-emptors. ______________ S of se i sec 27 entered by Harris Harrington, December 2d, 1859. ____________ N of se i entered by Wm. H. Lyons, December 3d, 1859; e of sw J entered by Charles S. Pickle, December 14th, 1857; San Francisco Land Office. _________________ NW , pre-emption location of Perry Yaple, patented April 15th, 1864; n of sw i, pre-emption location of Geo. T. Hughes, patented April 15th, 1864; s iof sw J, pre-emption location of Wm. H.Hughes, patented June 15th, 1863. 480.00 _________________ Patented to Southern Pacific Railroad Company April 20th, 1875. 640.00 __, _____________________________________________________ Patented to preemptors. 320.00 _____________________________________ No claim adverse to the State of California, ___________________________________________________________ SW sec 1, and ne i sec 2, patented to preemptors; ne J sec 1, homestead entry of Thos. Van Dusen. 320.00 ______________________________ E of sei sec 14, and w i of sw i sec 13, and sw i of nw | sec 24, lieu location; n i nw \ and se i nw i, no claim adverse to State. 160.00 ________________________________________________________________ Lieu location. 480.00 __________________________________ ..._No claim adverse to the State of California. 160.00 ________________________________________________________________ Lieu location. 1,120.00 _____________________________________ No claim adverse to the State of California. ___________________________________ No claim adverse to the State of California. 960.00 I _____________________________________ No claim adverse to the State of California. 160.00 _____________________________________ No claim adverse to the State of California. 283.90 I _____________________ Patented to Wm. Howes, November 1st, 1865; private entry. 320.00 ! __________________________________________ NE i, patented to Wm. Gelabert, July I 1st, 1861, preemptor; se i patented to John Minges, December 1st, 1860, preemptor. 222 STOCKTON LAND . Township. flange. Section. Description of Tract. 1 S 8e 27 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. W i 1 s 8 e 27 and 26 SE of sec 27, and sw of sec 26 1 s 8 e 27 and 26 NE i of sec 27 and nw J of sec 26 1 n 8 e 2 E i I s 8e 29 E i - 2 n 8e 21 E of ne i 1 s 8 e 23 Wi __ 1 s 8e 15 W i _ 1 s 8 e 15 E J s _ __ 8 e 19 Si _ 1 s 8e 14 Si _ 1 s 8 e 14 Ni ] s 8 e 3 SW 1 1 s 9 e 31 Wi 1 s 9e 32. _*____ Ei 4 n 8 e 9 SE i and s i of ne i _ __ _ 1 s 8 e 25_ Si_ . _ 1 s 8 e 23 Ei _ - _-_ 1 s 8e 25 and 26 NW i of sec 25, and ne 4 of sec 26 1 s 8 e 24 BTi 5 s 14 e 8 and 9 SE J of ne i, ne i of se i, and lot 1 of sec- 8, and lots 4 and 5 in sw J of sec 9 __ - 1 n 8 e 10 and 3 S i of nw J of sec 10, and e i of sw J of sec 3 3 n 8 e 29 and 28 NE J of sec 29, and nw i of sec 28 3 n 8 e 20 and 21 SE J of sec 20, and sw J of sec 21 3 n 8 e 28 SWi _ _ _ 3 n 8 e - 28 W i of se J and se J of se J 3 n 8 e 33 NW i of ne i 2 n 8 e 9 NWi ... i 2 n 8 e 11 SE i of ne i 1 s 7 e 13 N4 _ _ _ 2 n 8 e 3 NW i 1 n 10 e 35 S i of ne J and n i of se J 2 n 8e 9 SE i 2 n 8 e 5 SW i 2 n 8 e 9 NE J 5 s 14 e 18 and 19 SW i of sec 18, and lot 1 of sec 19 1 s 8 e 13 E i 1 s 7 e. 27and26 SE i of sec 27, and sw i of sec 26 1S 9 e 29 Wi 1 s 9 e 30 NW ^, w i of sw J, and se i of sw J 1 s 9 e 30 SE i and ne i of sw i _ _ _ 1 n 10 e 20 E i of sw i 1 s 8e 2 S * 1 s__ 8e__ 12__. s ! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 223 DISTRICT Continued. Remarks. UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, AUGUST 5TH, 1879. Patented to Win. H. Lyons, July 20th, 1862, private entry. SE i sec 27, patented to Israel P. Alcorn, January 1st, 1862, private entry; sw ^ sec 26, patented to Andrew Van Valer, January 20th, 1862, private entry. NE J sec 27 patented to Andrew Van Valer, November 15th, 1862 ; uw i sec 26 patented to Joseph B. Kerrick, February 20th, 1866. Patented to William H. Lyons, February 9th, 1861 : private entry. NE patented to Josiah W. Hanscom, February 9th, 1861; se i patented to Bernard Thompson, February 9th, 1861. Entered by Henry Pardy, December 30th, 1863. NW i patented to Western Pacific Railroad Company, April 9th, 1870; sw J entered by Daniel Abbstt, March 17th, 1879 Settlers' Relief Act of March 3d, 1875. NW i homestead entry of John Robinson, February 7th, 1879; sw i patented to Joel E. Holman, November 1st, 1862. NE i patented to Western Pacific Railroad Company, April 9th, 1870; se J patented to Craig Ashurst, November 25th, 1870. SEi patented to William H. Lyons, July 1st, 1861; sw i entered by Willam H. Lyons, April 27th, 1861. SE i patented to John Gannon, July 1st, 1873; sw i patented to James S. Muncy, January 2d, 1874. NE i patented to Timothy Paige, December 1st, 1865 ; nw entered under the Homestead Law. . Patented to John L. Black, December 1st, 1860. NW i entered by William H. Lyons, March 5th, 1861; sw i entered by William H. Lyons, May 3d, 1861. NE i patented to William H. Lyons, November 20th, 1863; se i patented to William H. Lyons, November 20th, 1863. Entered by five different parties. SE entered by Wm. H. Lyons, October 22d, 1861 ; sw i entered by Wm. H. Lyons, February 27th, 1861. NE patented to Western Pacific Railroad Company, April 9th, 1870 ; se i patented to Mark A. Evans, November 1st, 1862. NW i sec 25 entered by Wm. H. Lyons, February 27th, 1861; ne i sec 26 patented to Wm. H. Lyons, January 20th, 1862. All patented (to several different parties); not room to specify. No claim adverse to State. E i of sw i sec 3 patented to Wm. H. Lyons, December 1st, 1860; se of nw J sec 10 patented to Wm. H. Lyons, December 1st, 1860. (SW J of nw i entered in San Francisco Land Office.) NWi sec 28 patented to Samuel C. Dibble, November 7th, 1874; ne J sec 29 patented to Western Pacific Railroad Company, April 9th, 1870. SEi sec 20 patented to Chester W. Messick, April 20th, 1875; sw i sec 21 patented to Western Pacific Railroad Company, April 9th, 1870. Listed to the State. See List No. 1, approved June 21st, 1870. f In sec 28, patented to Patrick Carey, November 15th, 1873. { In sec 33, patented to Western Pacific Railroad Company, June 6th, 1879. Patented to Brunes Kenyou, 'October 1st, 1867. Listed to the State. See List No. 12, approved October 18th, 1871. -NE J patented to Frank Lewis, June llth, 1866; nw no claim adverse to State. Listed to State, in List No. 12 ; patented to Joseph B. Messick, preemptor. No claim adverse to State. Patented to Tristam D. Pittee, May 1st, 1868. Patented to Jasper S. Hall, August "lOth, 1869. Patented to Turoy C. Tull, April 10th, 1867. No claim adverse to State. , NE J patented to Henry Hart; se \ patented to Timothy Paige. _SW I sec 26, entered by Stephen C. Munson; seisec27 no claim adverse to State. 1 NW i patented to John Wilkinson, June 1st, 1872; sw i patented to William H. Lyons and H. B. Underbill, November 20th. 1863. 1 Patented to William H. Lyons. __SE patented to Lyons and Underbill ; ne i of sw i patented to William H. Lyons. No claim adverse to State. Patented to James Harris. Patented to N. B. Gann and J. D. Griggs. 224 STOCKTON LAND Township. Bange. Section. Description of Tract. 1 8 8 e 12 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. N 5 s 13 e 25 . NW i of sw i 5s 14 e 18__ - - NW i of se i, and lots 1 and 2 2 s 9 e 18 NE J, w ^ of se J, and ne 4 of se J 2 n 10 e 6 ' N i of ne i 3 n 10 e 32 and 31 SW of sec 32, and s i of se i of sec 31 2n 10 e 6,5,8 SE J of ne i and e _? of se J of sec 6, w of sw i and ne J of sw i sec 5, and n of nw i of sec 8 __ 2 s 12 e 2 1 s 7 e_ 23 Eiofsei . 2 s 7 e 1 N 2 s 7 e 1 S 2 s 7 e 12 W i 2s 7 e 2 SJ_ 3 n 8 e 18 E i 9 s 17e- _. 1 S i of ne J and n \ of se \ 9 s 18 e _ _ 6 NWi _____ . _ _. 11 s 16 e 15 S i of ne 4, nw J of ne J, s -4- of nw i, w _ of sw J, and se J of sw J 2 n 8 e 6 N E i of ne \ 6 s 15 e 1 W _f of ne J, e -J of nw J, w _f of se \, and e ^ of sw J 2 n 8 e 5 SW J of ne i 2s 13e_. _ 13 SWi _ .__ _ 14 NW i, nw i of sw \, and se \ 15 -__ . NE i, n i of se i, and sw i of se i 2 s 7 e 30 SE i 4 n 8 e 11 S . 4 n 8 e 15 NE i of ne i UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA, August 5th, 1879. 225 DISTRICT Con tinued. Numlier of Acres. Remarks. UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, AUGUST 5TH, 1879. 320.00 Patented to Aug. Hunter. 40.00 ! Entered by Timothy Paige, May llth, 1868. 129.94 I No claim adverse to State. 280.00 I -.Entered by Wm. H. Lyons. }f Patented to Daniel Hunt, March lst/1879. 319.49 N Abandoned by State and canceled by Commissioner. I ( S iof se i sec 31 vacant; swi sec 32 patented to Charles Morrill. 320.00 Wiof sw i and ne i of sw J sec 5 patented to Charles Marcileno; se i of ne and e of se i sec 6 patented to Thomas Johns; n of nw i sec 8 patented to Walter Spencer. 324.23 No claim adverse to State. 80.00 Entered by Wm. Miller, October 14th, 1862. 323.00 Patented to George S. and William Hall. 320.00 SEJ entered by Win. H. Lyons, January 31st, 1861; sw i patented to John Reis, September 1st, 1869. 320.00 NW i patented to Henry W. Lander, September 10th, 1866; sw } patented to William Miller. 320.00 Patented to Win. If. Lyons, June 1st, 1870. 320.00 - Patented to John W. Mitchell. 1 ^20 8*> I Patented to Bell and Ashe. ' " { Abandoned by State and entered by Louis Hebert. 320.00 Entered by Wm. S. Chapman. 40.00 No claim adverse to State. 320.40 Patented to Thomas 0. Griffiths. 40.00 Patented to Thomas F. Walsh. 160.00 ") 360.00 V No claim adverse to State. 280.00 J 160.00 See Commissioner's List No. 1; approved December 21st. 1866. 320.00 SE \ patented to Frank Smith, November 20th, 1863; sw J patented to Bernard Poppe, October 2d, 1863. 40.00 . __No claim adverse to State. G. A. MoKENZIE, Register. 29 226 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Sacramento Land District, under the 8th Section of an present condition of the same as reported by the Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 6 n 5 e __ 20 MOUNT DIABLO BASE AND MERIDIAN. S J of nw J (vacant) _ _ _ 6 n 5 e._ 19. .. NE i and ne i of nw i (sold by United States) . 6 n 5 e 18 SE i of sw J (vacant) S n 5e._ 30 S i of sw 5n.. 7e 34 W of sw i (sold by United States) 5 n 7 e 33 E of se i (sold by United States) 5 n ._ 7 e_ __ 33 W of se i (sold by United States) 5 n__ 7 e 33 SWi I _ _ r n 6 e 34 Fractional n -J of nw J 1 n 6 e 27 Ne J of sw J, fractional n J of se 4, and fractional sw J of se J 7 n 5 e 10 W i (sw i sold by United States) L2 n 6 e 14 W -J of ne J, w ^ of se J, and e -J of sw J 12 n 18 e 4 Lot 10 and e i of se i (sold by United States) 12 n. _ 18 e 3 S , lots 8, 9, and 10, and w of lot 11 (sold by United States) 12 n 18 e 10 N of ne i and n of nw J (sold by United States) L2& 18 e 2 W J of sw 4-, se of sw J, and sw J of sw J (sold by United States) L2 n 18 e 11 _ .. NE J of nw J, s of nw , w of ne J, and n J of sw J (sold bv United States) __ _ _" . 12 n 18 e 8 and 17 W | of sec 8, and nw i of sec 17 12 n 18e 17 E i and sw J (no claim on record) _ L2 n 18 e 18 All (all sold by United States except w ^ of nw J and w -J of sw i) L2 n 18 e 2 and 12 N of se 4 and se J of se J of sec 2, and w i of nw J of sec 12 . [2 n 18 e 1 and 11 W i of sw J of sec 1, and ne J of ne \ of sec 11 L2 n We 7 All (w i sold by United States) 12 n 18 e ___ 6. Lots 9, 10, and 11 . L2 n 18 e 6- _ NE i of ne i (Homestead Entry No. 874) L2 n 18 e 12 E i of nw J, lot 1, w i of lot 8, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, w of lot 14 L2 n 18 e 12 .. Lots 17, 18, 19, and 20 - _. __ 12 n 18e 13_.. E \ of lots 2, 9, 12, and 19, lots 3, 4, 7, 8, 13, 14, 17, and 18 L2 n 18 e 13 W ^ of lots 2 and 9, and fractional lots 6, 15, and 16 LI 11 19 e . 12 NW i and nw i of ne J_ _ LI 11- 19 e 1 S i of se i and ne i of se J __ __ __ __ _ _ 12 n 18 e 8 NEi 3 n 7 e 7 SE I n 7 e. 18 L2 n 6 e . _ 12 S J of n i and n ^ of s i -_ __ L2 n 6 e 12 S \ of sw J and sw 4 of se J L2 n 6 e 14 NE i of ne \ L2 n 6 e 13 N J of nw J and nw \ of ne \ 12 n 6 e 11 SE i of se i 227 OF LANDS Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, which have not been listed to the State, and the Register of the United States Land Office. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Kemarks. 80.00 UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, JULY 25TH, 1879. No selection by State shown on tract books. 200.00 No selection by State shown on tract books. 40.00 No selection by State shown on tract books. 80.00 Selected bv the State September llth, 1858. 80.00 No selection by State shown on tract books. 80.00 No selection by State shown on tract books. 80.00 No selection by State shown on tract books. 160.00 Selected by the State, February 1st, 1859. 57.87 Selected by the State, November 27th, 1858. 95.12 Selected by the State, November 17th, 1858. 320.00 No selection by State shown on tract books. 240.00 Selected by the State Februarv 1st, 1859. 1,440.00 Presented for filing Nov. 27, 1872 Refused by Register and Receiver, and State filed an 480.00 Oct. 16,1874 _. abandonment to selections and applications, January 22d, 1873. Approved 480.00 Jan. 13, 1875 by Register and Receiver and transmitted March 9th, 1876. State filed abandonment July 13th, 1875. 640.00 Jan. 13,1875 State filed abandonment July 13th, 1875. 200.00 Jan. 11, 1875 - _ Approved 120.00 Jan. 11, 1875 by Register and Receiver and transmitted March 9th, 1876. Approved > 812.48 Feb. 3, 1875 by Register and Receiver and transmitted March 9th, 1876. State filed abandonment to selections July 13th, 1876. ) - 1,925.11 July 14,1875 _ Approved ! 320.00 June 19, 1876 . by Register and Receiver and transmitted March 9th, 1876. Approved by 160.00 Nov. 28, 1873 Register and Receiver and transmitted September 20th, 1878. Expired preemption filing. 160.00 Patented to Central Pacific Railroad Company. 320.00 Patented to Geo F Brown and Thomas F. Gilleland. 320.00 February 25,1857 Selected at Marvsville. 120.00 Mav 10,1858. ._ .Selected at Marvsville. 40.00 May 10, 1858 Selected at Marysville. 120.00 May 10,1858 _ __ Selected at Marvsville. 40.00 Vacant on the records. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, SACRAMENTO, July 25th, 1879. Honorable Wm. Minis: SIR: I return lists with such data as I am enabled to furnish after an examination of our tract books, etc. Very respectfully, E. F. TAYLOR, Register. 228 A LIST Selected by ike, State of California in the Susanville Land District, under the Slh Section of an Act condition of the .same as reported by the Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 28 n 9 e MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. E ^ of sw J AV ^ of se 4, and se \ of se \ 28 n 9 e 28 NW ^ of ne 4 and ne 4 of nw J 28 n 9 e 21 S ^ of n ^ and ne \ of se _ 28 n 9 e 28 SW i of ne i 28 n 9 e 27 N 2 of sw ^ and nw^ of se 4 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Shasta Land District, under the 8/A Section of an Act of condition of the name as reported by the. Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 27 n 3\V 19 MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. E i of se i 27 n 3w 29 Is" \ of nw J _ _ . 33 n 1 w 20 Si 31 n 2 e 12 S of ne \, n -J of se J, and sw \ 31 n 2 e 11 Si _ 31 n _ 2 e 13 S J of ne ^, nw \ of ne i. and se \ of nw \ 31 n 2 e 13 ______ N ^ of s \ and w of nw \ _ 31 11 2 e 14 E of ne J 31 n 2 e 11 W of ne \ and se \ of ne \ 31 n 2 e 12 S i of nw \ and n _ of ne J 31 n 2 e 1 SWJofsei __ 31 n 2 e 32 NE \, s i of n w \, and n \ of sw J 45 n __ 6w 17 NW \ of sw i 45 n 6 w 18 NE J, n i of se J and se of se \ 43 n 9 w 2 NE 1 43 n 9 w 2 NE \ of nw \ 44 n 9 w 35 E \ of se J and sw \ of se \ 44 n 9 w 32 E _ UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, SHASTA, CALIFORNIA, July 23d, 1879. 229 OF LANDS of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, ichich have not been listed to the State, and the present Register of the United Slates Land Office. Number of Acivs. L'ate of F i 1 i n K in United states Land Office. Kemarks. 200.00 } !.._ Listed to State as swamp 80.00 200.00 40.00 \ and overflowed land, per List No. 6, approved May 19th, 1873: ( Listed to State as indemnity for lost 120.00 J } school lands, per List No. 2, approved September llth, 1875. LAND OFFICR, SUSANVILLE, CALIFORNIA, August 5th, 1879. Honorable 'Wm. Minis, State Surveyor- General, California: SIR: The lands embraced by above list have been disposed of as stated. I suppose that when the portion was adjudged swamp that the application was withdrawn. Respectfully, J. K. LOCKWOOD, Register. OF LANDS Congress, approved* Sept ember $th, 1 841 , which have not been listed to the State, and the present Register of the United Stales Land Office. Number of Acres. Date of Filing in United States Land Office. Remarks. 80.00 Nov. 9, 1858 UNITKD STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, JULY 23o, 1879. _ ' Suspended Com. 80.00 Nov. 9. 1858 Town site. See letter to Dr. Gwin, December 2d, 1859. All clear. 320.00 May 20, 1876 . _ . ' _. All clear. 320.00 August 19, 1876 All clear. 320.00 August 19, 1876 .All clear. 160.00 ) _W of ne i, se i of ne J, and w i of nw i, se i of nw f. and 240.00 ^ n of sw i and n of se J 400 acres. This description 80.00 August 19, 1876 J found on our books; State selection, filed August 19th, 1876. A 11 clear. 120.00 July 9, 1877 All clear. 160.00 Julv 9, 1877 A 11 clear. 40.00 July 9, 1877 ...All clear. 320.00 Nov. 1,1877 All clear. '40.00 160.00 40.00 120. 00 320.00 Nov. 24, 1858 Jan. 17, 1859 Jan. 17, 1859 Jan. 17,1859 .NWiof swj sec!7,andnei and n i of se i.and sejof se J sec 18; approved March 14th, 1866 ; one selection total, 320 acres. j- In all, 640. 00 acres in one selection; approved March 14th, 1866. ADOLPH DOBROWSKY, Receiver. 230 Selected by the State of California in the Visalia Land District, under the 8th Section of an Act of condition of the same as reported by the Section, or Part of. Township. Kange. Acres. Lot No. 4 sec 14, lots Nos. 1 and 2, and fractional w i of se i sec 23 18 s 25 e 156.97 E i of ne i sec 23, lot No. 3, and e of se sec 14 18s 25 e 156.72 E of sw i sec 23 _ 18s __. 25 e Fractional sw J sec 13 18s 25 e 153.19 Fractional nw J sec 24 __ 18s 25 e ._ 159.91 Lot No. 4 sec 26 13s _ 23 e 34.43 Lots Nos. 5 and 6 sec 34 _ _ _ _ 13s 23 e 83.60 Lots Nos. 2, 3, and 4 sec 35 13 s 23 e 116.97 Lots Nos. 2 and 3 sec 3 14 s 23 e 82.52 NE i sec 17, and nw J sec 16 _ __ __ _ _ 14s 24 e 320.00 Fractional s ^ of sw J sec 1 8 19 s 24 e Fractional e of nw J and fractional ne J sec 1 8, and frac- tional w \ of nw \ sec 17 19 s 24e 288.47 Lots 2 and 3 and n i of se sec 12 21 s _ 26 e 157.19 NE i, n i of se \, and n i of sw i sec 13 18s 2e 320.00 W i of se J, e i of sw J, and lot 2 of sw J sec 7, and nw J of nw i and ne i of nw i sec 18 18 s 26 e 312.28 SW i and sw fraction of se J sec 4, and lots 1, 2, and 3 sec 9 14 s 23 e 313.55 SW fraction of se 4 sec 4, and lot 1 sec 9 14 s 23 e . 42.75 Lots 2 and 3 sec 9, and s ^ of sw J sec 4 14 s 23 e 190.80 N i of sw i sec 4 _ 14 s 23 e 80.00 23} OF LANDS Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, which have not been listed to the State, and the present Register of the United States Land Office. Remarks, Showing Status, etc. State selection under Act of September 4th, 1841; date of location, November 23d, 1855; School Land Warrant No. 284; in name of John Guttler. State selection under Act of September 4th, 1841: date of location, November 23d, 1855; School Land Warrant No. 283; in name of John Cuttler. 1 Entered by Edward Taylor, February 5th, 1859; cash entry No. 64; patented to Edward Taylor, November 15th, 1865. I find no State selection for this land. State selection under Act of September 4th, 1841; date of location, October 26th, 1857;' Warrant No. 286; John Cuttler. State selection under Act of September 4th, 1841; date of location, October 26th, 1857; Warrant No. 285; George F. Shipp. I State selection under Act of Sep- f tember4th, 1841; date of location, September 28th, 1857; Warrant No. 300; James B. Speer. State selection under Act of September 4th, 1841; date of location, October 26th, 1857; Warrant No. 304; James B. Speer. This selection was rejected by the General Land Office, because part of the selection was granted by a prior Act, and the State refused to take the remainder in full for 320 acres. The location was canceled by letter "C" from General Land Office, dated January 21st, 1870, and Warrant No. 304 returped for delivery, to proper party. The ne J of sec 17 was entered by James S. Williams, March 3d, 1870 cash entry No. 1,388 and the same was patented to James S. Williams, March 15th, 1871. I find no State selection for this land ; that part of it which is not swamp has been disposed of by the United States. State selection No. 162, under Act of September 4th, 1841 ; location dated November 17th, 1857 ; Warrant No. 43 ; Yancey B. Stokes. State selection, Act September 4th, 1841 ; location No. 181 ; dated January 22d, 1858. State selection, Act September 4th, 1841 ; location No. 199; dated April 27th, 1858; Warrant No. 117; George Edward Long. State selection, Act September 4th, 1841; location No. 1; dated November 17th, 1858, for David Biggs. It seems that the original list of the State Locating Agent reads : " E i of se J of sec 7," instead of w of se J. It seems certain, however, that the w % of se i was intended, because that is the land claimed under the location, and otherwise the tracts would not be contiguous. The e of se J of sec 7 was patented to the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, December 12th, 1874. State selection under Act of September 4th, 1841 ; location No. 4; dated October 25th, 1858, for E. G. Campbell. H. D. Bequette, State Locating Agent, September 28th, 1860, withdrew this location. The Honor- able Commissioner of the General Land Office, by letter of October llth, 1864, to this office, states that this withdrawal is without legal authority or effect, and that the selection is binding. '_ State selection, Act of September 4th, 1841; location No. 18; dated January 22d, 1865, for Benjamin S. Booker; relocation of No. 4. State selection, Act of September 4th, 1841; location No. 15; dated January 12th, 1865, for Jerome B. Sweem; relocation of No. 4. State selection, Act of September 4th, 1841 ; location No. 16; dated January 28th, 1865, for Gabriel Moore, relocation of No. 4. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, VISALIA, July 24th, 1879. The remarks opposite the tracts of land above described indicate their present status, as shown by the records of my office. J. D. HYDE, Eegister. 232 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Independence Land District, under the Sth Section of an present condition of the same an reported by Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 13 s 35 e 6' MOUNT DIABLO BASK AND MERIDIAN. Fractional svv J, lot 1 in nw 4-, and lot 1 in ne 4 13 s 35 e 2 W of se i, w 4 of ne i, and e of lots 1, 2. 3, and 4 15 s 35 e 13 E i of nw J, e of sw \, w i of se i, and w of ne J A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Humboldt Land District, under the Sth Section of an Act condition of the same as reported by the Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 4 n 1 e 30 E J of nw 4- HUMBOLDT BASE . , s -J of ne 4-, and n VND MERIDIAN. i of se i 3 n 4 e Hand 15 S J of ne 4- ( >f sec 15, and s i oi nw J of sec 14 3 n 4 e 14 and 15 N ^ of nw of sec 14 and n ^ of ne 4 of sec 1 5 7 n 1 e 3 and 2 E of sec 3 and w -J of sec 2 5 n __ 1 e 20 E ^ of nw 4- 2 n 1 w 17 NE i of nw J 1 s 2 e 29 N i of n Jl 1 s 2 e 28 N i of n w J , se J of nw J, and sw J of ne J 1 s 2 e 1 3 2, 11 S i of s $ of sec 1, sw J and s J of se J of sec 2, e -J of nw J w J of ne 4-, ne of sw J, an< J nw J of se 4- of sec 11. 1 s 2 e 29 and 28 S of s i of sec 29, sw J of svv J of sec 28 1 s 2 e 33 and 34 W i of ne J of sec 33, sw of nw 4-, svv 4-, and sw J of se ^ of sec 34 1 s 2 e 26 and 35 S i of sw J ">f sec 26, and nw 4- of sec 35 1 s 2 e 33 N ^ of nw J and se \ of se J 1 S 2 e 35 . . E ^ of sw J 1 s 2 e 2 SW i 4 n 3 e 6 NW J of nv 7 J 5 n 3 e 31 S i of sw J 4n 2 e 1 E i of ne i, nw 4- of ne J, and n ^ of nw J 1 s 2w 30 N i 1 s 3w 13 _-.. Fractional v f \ 233 OF LANDS Act of C&ngrewi, approved September 4th, 1841, which have not been listed to the State, and the the Register of the United States Land Office. Number 'cf Acres Date of F i 1 i ti g in United States Land Office. Remarks. 320.74 July 18,1864 Entered on tract books; selected by State. 320.00 Sept. 4, 1864 __ . Entered on tract books; selected by State. 320.00 Sept. 1, 1864 Entered on tract books; selected by State I hereby certify that the above lands stand upon the tract books of this office, as selected by State, under the Act of September 4th, 1841, and that there are no adverse claimants to the claim of the State thereto. R. M. BRIGGS, Register. OF LANDS of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, which have not been listed to the State, and the present Register of the United States Land Office. Number of Acres. Remarks. UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, JUNE 26TH, 1879. 240.00 160.00 . All sold to preemptors. Sold to a preemptor. 160.00 | No claim adverse to the State. 640.00 | All sold to preemptors. 80.00 40.00 320.00 640.00 760.00 120.00 80.00 160.00 320.00 320.00 320.00 No claim adverse to the State. Sold to a preemptor. NW i of nw J of sec 29 cov- ered by a homestead; records do not show that the State ever claimed this land. Records do not show that the State ever claimed this land. Records do not show .that the State ever claimed this land. Unsurveyed. Covered by indemnity selections. Co'/ered by homestead; patent issued. UNITED STATES REGISTER'S REMARKS, AUGUST 8-m, 1879. No claim adverse to the State; relocated by the State, October 19th, 1874. NW i sec 30 sold to Shelby S. Hunter, August 30th, 1869 ; ne i sec 30 sold to George Cody, October I Oth, 1872. Nothing on the records to show that the Slate ever claimed the land; it was located with Chippavva half- breed scrip, and patented, with the exception of the n i of nw i sec 13, which was canceled, and relocated with a Soldiers' Additional Homestead, January 14th, 1878. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, ) HUMBOLDT, CALIFORNIA, August 8th, 1879. j I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct exhibit of the condition of the land described in this List as shown by the records of this office. C. F. ROBERTS, Register. 30 234 A LIST Selected by the State of California in the Los Angeles Land District, under Township. Range. Section. Description of Tract. 5 n 28 w 32 SAN BKRNARDINO BASK AND MKRIIHAN^ SW J of ne i, nw i of se J, ne i of sw J,and lots 1, 2, and 3 7 s 8 w 3 SE J, n -J of sw J, and s ^ of nw J 10 n 19 w 4 S 235 OF LANDS the 8th Section of an Act of Congress, approved September 4th, 1841, Number of Acres. Remarks. I 213.24 Canceled by Commissioner's letter "C," September 5th, 1878. ( _ Awarded to Hirain A. Rawson et al. r 320.00 320.00 \ except as to the sw \ of nw J, in which the award is subject to compliance with the law on the part of Wm.Higgins, claiming the same under a preemption filing. ... ._ _ Patented to Wm. W. Hudson. LAND OFFICK, Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, August 2d, 1879. I hereby certify that the foregoing remarks exhibit the condition of the tracts of land herein described as shown by the records of this office. ALFRED JAMES, Register.