Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofbooksOOsanfrich r San Francisco Free Public Library n CATALOGUE [^-'^J OF BOOKS IN THE CLASSES OF Natural Science AND USEFUL ARTS SAN FRANCISCO: August. 1899 Press of The Stanley-Taylor Co., San Francisco. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Abattoirs, 146, 151 Accidents, i6<>-i, 180, 182 Acoustics, 194, 190-2 Adulteration of food, 227 Aerolites, 189 Aeronautics, 194 Affinity, 140 Agave americana, 154 Agriculture, 213-25 Agriculture: Chemistry, 216 Air, 194, 186-9, 205 Air: Impure, 150, 152 Air: Micro-organisms, 113 Alchemy, 203-4 Alcohol, 156, 205 Alcohol: Manufacture, 210 Algebra, 164, 163, 166-7 Alkalis, 210-11 Alloys, 208-9, 236 Almanacs, 173-4 Alps: Botany, 123 Aluminium, 184 Ammonia, 210-11 Analysis: Chemical, 204-6 Analysis: Food, 227 Anatomyj 141-2 Anesthetics, 160-1 Aniline, 210 Animals: Diseases, 162 Animals: Domestic, 223-5, 141, 1 16-18, 124-7, 135-6 Animals: Reason, instinct, 124, 126-7, 134 Animals: Zoology, 124-41 Antelopes, 135-6 Anthropology. See Man Ants, 130, 116-19, 124-7, 128-30 Apartment houses, 153 Apes, 136 Apparatus: Scientific, 191 Aquariums, 127 Aqueducts, 248-9 Archaeology, 137-9 Arches, 247-8 Aristotle, 105 Arithmetic, 163 Armor, 250-1 Army worm, 218 Articulates, 128-31, 116-19, 124-7 Asbestos, 184 Asphalt, 244 Assaying, 207-9 Astronomy, 168-74, 191 Atlantis, 116, 138, 141 Atmosphere, 185, 186-9 Atoms, atomic theory, 204 Aurora, 168, 187-8 Auscultation, 156 Australasia: Geology, 179 Australia: Botany, 123 Automatism: Animal, 125 Bacteria, 113 Balloons, 194 Bamboo, 212 Barometers, 188, 249-50 Barometric hypsometry, 249-50 Baths, 149-50, 146 Bats, 135 Beauty: Physical, 140, 150 Beavers, 136 Beer, 210 Bees, 225, 124-7, 116-19 Beetles, 128-9, 116-19. 124-7 Bells, 240 Bells: Electric, 202-3 Berries. 219-20 B6ton-coignet, 257-8 Bicycles, 241 Biologrical science, 112-62 Bird-music, 133-4 Birds, 133-5, 116-18, 124-7, 217 Birds : Collectors' manuals, 1 18-19 Bison, 135 Bitumen, 182, 244 Black death, 159 Blacksmithing, 241 Blast furnaces, 207-9 Bleaching, 209-10 Blood, 157-60, 142-3 Blowpipe, 205 Blue color, 150 Boilers, steam, 253-6 Bones, 156 Bookbinding, 240 Books, 239-40 Botany, 119-24 Botany: Collectors' manuals, 118- 19 Botany: Fossil plants, 119 Brachiopoda, 128 Brain, 158-9, 142-3, 150 Brass, 236 Bread, 227-8 Breathing, 157-8, 142-3, 149 Brewing, 210 Bricks, brickmaking, 239, 247 Bridges, 246-8 Bridges : Military, 250-1 Bright's disease, 160 Building, 256-61 Building : Bridges and roofs, 247-8 Burial, 153 Butterflies, 130-1, 1 16-19, 124-7, 128- .30 Cabinet making, 260-1 Cage-birds, 135 Calculus, 166-8 California : Botany, 122-3 California : Geology, 177-9 Camels, 136 Camphor, 206 Canals, 245-6 Canary, 135 Candles, 211-13 Carpentry, 259 Carriages, 241 Cars, railway, 244 Casting, 235-6 Catarrh, 158 Cats, 224-5, 116-19, 124-7, 135-6 Cattle, 223-4, 162 Caves, 138, 185 Cell theory, 113 Cements, 258-9, 213 Charts : Astronomical, 172 Chemical technology, 207-13 Chemical theory, 204 Chemistry, 203-13, 190 Chemistry : Agricultural, 216 Chemistry : Medical, 153-5, 19O1 206 Chemistry: Of cookery, 227-8 Children, 229-30, 228 Children : Diseases, 159 Children : Physical education, 149 Chloral, 156 Chocolate, 227 Cholera, 159-60, 147 Chromatics, 195 Chronology, 173-4 Chronometer, 169 Cinchona, 154 Circulatory system, 157, 142-3 Civil engineering, 242-3 Cliff-dwellers, 139 Climate, 186-9, 189-90 Clocks, clockmaking, 240-1 Clothing, 149-50, 229 Coaches, 241 Coal, 229, 178, 182-3 Coal-tar, 211, 209 Coast defences, 250-1 Cocoa, 219 Coffee, 156, 219 Colds, 157-9 Collectors' manuals, natural his- tory, 118-19 Color blindness, 157 Color, colors, 194-5, 157 Color, colors : Of animals, 134, 141 Of flowers, 121-2 Of man, 140 Comets, 168-72 Concrete, 258-9 Confectionery, 227-8 Conic sections, 166-8 Consanguinity, 140 Construction, building, 256-61 Consumption, 155, 157 Contagious diseases, 159-60 Continents, 186 Cookery, 226-8 Copper, 184, 236 Corals, 127 Corn, 218 Corpulence, 160 Cosmology, 106 Cotton, 219 Cotton : Manufacture, trade, 237-8 Cotton worm, 217 Coughs, 158 Cows, 223-4, 1 16-18, 124-7, 135-6, 162 Crayfish, 131 Cremation, 153 Criminals, 142 Crustacea, 128-30, 116-19, 124-30 Crystallography, 206-7 Crystals, 183 Curiosities, 107 Cycling, 193 Cyclones, 187 Dairy, 223-4 Dairy : Bacteriologfy, 224 Dams, 249 Darwinism, 1 14-16 Dead : Disposal of, 153 Death, 148 Decoration, house, 260-1 Deer, 135-6 Dentistry, 161-2 Determinants, 167 De^v, 189, 206 Dew ponds, 214 Diamonds, 183-4 Diet, 228-9 Digestive system, 158, 142-3 Dining, 228 Diphtheria, 158 Discovery, scientific and mechani- cal, 234-5 Disease, 143-62 Disease: Germs, 113 Disease: Of plants, 217-18, 122, 222 Disinfection, 153 Disposal of the dead, 153 Distilling, 210 Docks, 245-6 Dogs, 224-5, 116-19, 135-6, 141, 162 Dogwood, Jamaica, 122 Domestic animals, 223-5, Hi> 162 Domestic economy, 226 Dragon flies, 129 Drainage, 216-17, 151-2 Dress, 229 11 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Droughts, i88 Drugs 156, 153-5 Dwarfs, 141 Dyeing, 209-10 Dynamics, 190 — Dynamometers, 192 Dynamos, 201-2 Dyspepsia, 158, 156 Ears, 157 Earth: Astronomy, 168-74 Earth: Figure of, 172-3 Earth: Geology, 174-85 Earth: Physical geography, 185-6 Earth: Physics, 190-203 Earthquakes, 176 Eclipses, 168-72 Economic geology, 179-84 Electric engineering, 196-203 Electricity, 196, 203, 191, 195 Electricity: I^ighting, 195 Electricity: Medical, 155 Electricity in warfare, 198 Electrolysis, 205 Electro-metallurgy, 208-9 Elephants, 127, 1 16-19, 124-7, ^25'^ Elixirs, 154 Embroidery, 23S Embryology, 112-13 Emotions, 143 Employment, 150 Engineering, 241-56 Engineering: Electrical, 196-203 Engineering: Marine, 251-2 Engineering: Mechanical, 251-6 Engineering: Military, 250-1 Ensilage, 223 Environment, 150 Epidemics, 159-60 Equations, 164-8 Ether, 160-1 Ethnology, 139-41 Europe: Geology, 176-7 Evolution, 114-16 Exercise, 143 Exhibitions: Industrial, 233-4 Explosions, 182, 255 Explosives, 211 Expression, 143 Eye-glasses, 157 Eyes, 157 Factory system, 235 Farms, farming:, 213-25 Fatalism, physical, 114 Fats, 205 Feet, 141-2, 150 Fencing, 149 Fermentation, 210 Ferns, 122-3 Fertilization of plants, 121 Fertilizers, 216 Fever, 160 Finger prints, 142 Fingers, 141-2, 149 Fire, 175, 203 Fire: Prevention and extinction, 256, 202 Fish, 131-2, 116-18, 124-7 Flax, 219 Floods, 246 Flour, 218 Flowers: Colors, 12 1-2 Flowers, I,anguage of, i2o-i Flying machines, 194 Food, 226-9, 229-30, 213-25, 148, 152 Forage plants, 218 Force, 190 — Forestry, 221-2, 189 Fortifications, 250-1 Fossils, 184-5, 178-9, 126 Fossils : Collectors' manuals, 119 Foundations, 247-8, 258 Foundry-work, 235-7 Friction, 252 Frog, 141 Frost, 175 Fruits, 219-21 Fruits: Injurious insects, 217-18 Fruits : Preserving, 228 Fuel, 229, 195, 205, 209, 213 Fulton, Robert, 262 Fungi, 217-18, 122 Fungicides, 122 Furniture, 260-1 Galvanometers, 196-9 Gardening, 218-19 Gas : Natural and manufactured, 212, 149, 182, 191, 195, 204-5, 229 Gastronomy, 228 Gems, 183-4 Genius, 116 Geodesy, 172-3 Geographical distribution of animals, 124-7, i33; 136 Geographical distribution of plants, 120 Geology, 174-85, 107, 168 Geometry, 164-5, 163, 166-8 Germs, germ diseases, 113, 116 Giants, 141 Girders, 247 Girls, 150 Glaciers, 176 Glass, 212, 150 Glue, 212-13 Glycerin, 154 Goats, 224 Gold, 183, 177-82 Gold: Working, 236 Goldfish, 132 Gophers, 135 Grains, 218 Granite, 258 Grapes, 220-1 Grasses, 218 Gravitation, 168, 192 Great Britain: Botany, 122-3 Gunpowder, 211 Guns, 241 Gunshot wounds, 147, 161 Gutta percha, 213, 241 Gymnastics, 149 Habit, habits: Of animals, 124-31, 116-18 Harbors, 245-6 Hardware, 241 Hamilton, Mt., 177 Hands, 137, 141-2 Hashisch, 156 Hats, 241 Hawaiian islands: Botany, 123 Hay-fever, 157 Headaches, 158-9 Health. See Hygiene. Health resorts, 189-90 Hearing, 157, 141-3 Heart, 157, 141-3, 156, 158 Heatj 195-6, 190-4, 253-6 Heating, 259-60 Heredity, 116, 112, 141 Hernia, 160 Highways, 244-5 Histology, 114, 141-2 Home, 226-30 Homeopathy, 155 Homes of animals, 116-19, 124-36 Hops, 218-19 Horology, 169 Horses, 223, 116-19, 124-7, 135-6, 141 Horses: Diseases, 162 Horses: Shoeing, 241 Hosiery, 237 Hospitals, 144, 147-8 Household arts, 226-30 Houses: Building, 256-9 Houses: Furniture and decora- tion, 260-1 Houses: Painting, paperhang- ing, etc., 259-60 Houses: Sanitation, 152-3 Humming-birds, 133-4 Husbandry, 213-25 Hybridism, 141 Hydraulic engineering, 248-9 Hydraulic mining, 246 Hydrophobia, 160 Hydrophthalmia, 160 Hydrozoa, 127 Hygiene, 143-62, 142 Hygiene: Personal, 148-51 Hygiene: Public, 151-3 Hygrometer, 188 Hypnotism, 154 Hypsometry, barometric, 249-50 Ice, 152 Ice: Making of, 229 Ice-age, 176 Illumination. See I,ighting Implements, 138 Incubators, 225 India rubber, 213, 241 Indian clubs, 149 Indigo, 219 Industrial arts, 230-41 Industrial exhibitions, 233-4 Industrial training, 232-3 Industries, 137 Industries of animals, 124-5 Infancy. See Children Infection, 113 Infectious diseases, 159-60 Inhalation, 157-8 Injuries, 160-1 Ink, 212-13 Inorganic chemistry, 203-4 Insanity, 149 Insects, 128-31, 116-18, 124-7, 217-18 Insects: Collectors' manuals, 119 Insects: Injurious, 217-18, 128-31, 116-18, 124-7 Instinct, 115, 124, 126-7, i34 Instrument making, 240-1 Instruments: Mathematical, 173 Inter-oceanic canal, 246 Intestines, 141-3, 158 Inventions, 234-5, 230, 232 Invertebrates, 124-31,116-19, 141 Iodide of ethyl, 154 Iodoform, 161 Iron: Manufacture, 236-7 Iron: Mines, mining, 182-3 Iron: Use, 257-8 Irrigation, 216-17 Ivy, 122 Jetties, 245-6 Joinery, 259 Jute, 215, 238 Kabbala, 156, 195 Kaleidoscope, 194 Keeley Gold cure, 156 Kinematics, 192-3 Knee, 160-1 Knitting, 237 Koch's cure for consumption, 157, 158 I,ace, 237-8 Lacquers, 212-13 Lake-dwellers, 138-9 Lakes, 175-6 Language, 140 Lard, 227 ' Larynx, 143 Lathes, 238-9 Latitude, 172-3 Leaching, 208-9 Lead, 184 Lead: Working, 236 Least squares, 166-7 Leather, 239 Left-handedness, 137 Lemons, 219-20 Lemurs, 136 Levees, 245-6 Lichens, 122 Life-boats, life saving service, 262 Light, 194, 190-2, 196, 158 Lighthouses, 245, 262 Lighting, 229 Lighting: Electric, 202, 195 Lighting: Gas, 195 Lightning, 196-9 Lions, 136 Lithology, 183 Liver, 158, 141-3 Liziviation, 208-9 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. m Loadstone, 197 Locks, 241, 236 I/jcomotives, 253-6 Locust, 217-18 Logarithms, 164-5 Longevity, 150, 148 Longitude, 169, 172-3 Lubrication, 252 Lunacy, 146 Lungs, 157-8, 141-3 Machinery, 251-6 Magic lantern, 195 Magnetism, i9i6-203 Malaria, 148 Malt, 210 Mammals, 135 — , 116-18, 124-7 Man : Anatomy, physiology, 141-3 Man: Anthropology, ethnology, 137-41 Man: Evolution, 114-16 Man: Natural history, 137-9 Manual training, 232-3 Manufactures, 235-41 Manures, 216 Marble, 239 Marine engineering, 251-2 Marriage, 116 Mars, 170 Marsupials, 136 Masonry, 258-9 Massage, 155 Matches, 211 Materia medica, 153-5 Materials, building, 257-9 Maternity, 159 Mathematical sciences, 162-8 Mechanical arts, 230 — Mechanical engineering, 251-6 Mechanics, 192-3, 190-203, 230 — , 251-6 Medical chemistry, 153-6, 206 Medical climatology, 189-90 Medical education, 144-6 Medical periodicals, 147-8 Medicine, 143-62 Memory, 159 Menhaden, 132 Mental diseases, 158-9 Mental evolution, 115 Mental physiology, 154 Mercury, i8i Metallurgy, 207-9 Metals, 235-7, 179-84, 176-9 Meteorites, 168-72 Meteorology, 186-9, 191 Micro-organisms, 113 Microphone, 200 Microscope, 113- 14 Midwifery, 159 Migration of animals, 117, 140 Migration of birds, 133 Migration of plants, 117 Military engineering, 250-1 Military hospitals, 147-8 Milk, 223-4, 230 Milk: Bacteriology, 227 Mill-work, 256 Mineral springs, 190 Minerals, mineralogy, 206-7. I7q- .84,118,174 ^-^ '' '^ Mines, mining, 180-4, 206-7, 249 Molecular physics, 204 Mollusks, 128, 1 16- 18, 124-7 Mollusks: Collectors' manuals, 119 Monkeys, 135-6, 126, 116- 19, 124-7 Monuments, 137-9 Moon, 168-74 Morphine, 156 Mosquitoes, 129 Mosses, 122 Moths, 130-1, 116-19, 124-7, 128-31 Motors, electric, heat, steam, water, 196-202, 253-6 Mound-builders, 138 Mounds., 138-9 Mountains, 175-6 Mouth, 157-8, 141-3 Movement, 121, 141 Mummies, 137 Muscle-beating, 149 Muscles, 141-3 Mushrooms, 122, 227 Myths: Astronomical, 169, 171 Myths: Zoological, 125 Narcotics, 156 Natural history, 116-18 Natural selection, 116 Nautical astronomy, 173 Nautical surveying, 17a Naval architecture, 261 Naval hygiene, 160 Navigation, 173, 262, 249-50 Navigation: Aerial, 194 Nebular theory, 171 Needlework, 238 Negro, 140 Neptune, 170 Nerves, 141-3 Nervous system, nervous diseases, 158-9, 141-3, 154 Neuralgia, 157 New Zealand: Botany, 123 Nicaragua canal, 246 Nitro-glycerine, 211 North America: Archaeology 137-9 North America: Botany, 122-4 North America: Geology, 177-8 176 ' North America: Mines and min- ing, 179-84 Nose, 157-8, 141-3 Numbers, 163-4 Nursing, nursery, 229-30, 144, 146-7 Observations: Astronomical, 172 Observatories: Astronomical, 172 Ocean, 185-6 Oil, oils, 182, 205, 213 Olive oil, 219-20 Olives, 219-20 Opium, 156 Opossums, 136 Optics, 194-5 Orang^es, 219-20 Orchids, 121-3 Ores, 179-84 Organic chemistry, 206 Ornaments. 138 Ostriches, 225 Overwork, 159 Oxen, 223-4, 116-18, 124-7, 135-6 Oysters, 128 Ozone, 203 Pacific Coast: Botany, 123 Pain, 143 Painting, paints, 212-13 Painting: House and sign 260 Palseontology, 184-5, 177-8 Paper^ 212 Parasites. 122, 128 Parrots, 133-5, 126, 116-19, 124-7 Pastry, 227-8 Patents, 234-5 Pathology, 156-60 Pavements, 244-5, i39 Peanuts, 218 Pearls, 128, 183 Pens, 236 Pepsin, 154 Perch, 131 Percussion, 156 Perfumery, 212-13 Periodicals: Industrial. 232 Periodicals: Mechanical, 232 Periodicals: Medical, 147-8 Periodicals: Scientific, 107 Peritonitis, 160 Personal hygiene, 148-51 Pests, insect, 217-18 Petrography, 183-4 Petroleum, 182-3 Pharmacy, 154, 204 Philology, 140 Phonographs, 194, 200 Phonopore, 200 Phosphate, 216 Phosphorescence, 195 Phosphorus, 154 Photography, 195, 250 Photo-micrographs, 114 Phrenology, 140 Phylloxera, 217 Physical culture, 149 Physical geography, 185-6 Physical science, 168 — , 105-11 Physics, 190-203 Physiology, 141-3 Piers, 246 Pigeons, 225 Planets, 169-72 plants, 119-24 plants: Poisonous, 122 plastering, 258-9 plovers, 135 plumbing, 152-3 Pneumatics, 192 Pneumonia, 147 Poisonous plants, 122 Poisons, poisoning, 155-6, 160-1 Polariscope, 195 Polyzoa, 127 Portland cement, 258 Potatoes, 218-19 Pottery, 138 Poultry, 225 Power: Transmission, 201-2 Precious metals, 183, 177-82 Precious stones, 183-4, 177-82 Printers, jjrinting, 239-40 Probabilities, 166-8 Proofreading, 240 Propellers, 254, 261 Protoplasm, 112 Protozoa, 127, 116-19, 124-7 Pterjrlography, 134 Public health, 151-3 Pumps, 252-3 Pygmies, 140 Quackery, 145 Quadrupeds, 135-6, 116-18, 124-7, 223-5 Quarantine, 153 Quarrying, 180 Quarternions, 167 Quebracho bark, 154 Quicksilver, 184 Rabbits. 223 Radiates, 127, 116-19, 124-7 Railroads, 222 Railroads: Electric, 201 Railroads: Engineering, 243-4 Railroads: Street, 243-4 Rails, steel and iron, 244 Rain, 186-9 Recreation, 150 Rectum 160 Refrigeration, 229 Reindeer, 223 Reptiles, 132-3, 116-19, 124-7 Reptiles: Collectors' manuals, 119 Respiratory system, 157-8, 141-3 Rest, 150 Rhizopoda, 127 Rhododendron, 122 Rifles, 241 Rivers: Engineering, 245-6 Roads, 244-5 Rocks, 183 Roentgen ray, 195, 199 Roofs, 246-8, 259 Ropes, 237 Rowing, 149 Salmon, 132 Sandpipers, 135 Sanitary engineering, 151-3 Sanitary science, 151-3 Saturn, 171 Saws, 253 Scarlet fever, 159-60 Science, 105 — Scorpion, 129 Scurvy, 160 Sea-anemonea, 127 IV INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Seals, 136 Seamanship, 262 Sea-sickness, 160 Sensation, 14 1-3 Senses, 157, 141-3 Servants, 229 Sewers, sewerage, 151-3, 241 Sewing machines, 241 Sex: Evolution, 115 Sexes, 137 Sheep, 224, 116-19, 124-7, 135-6, 162 Shells. See Mollusks Shipbuilding, 261 Ship railway: Tehuantepec, 246 Shoemaking, 239 Sickness, sickrooms, 229-30 Sight, 157, 141-3 Sign painting, 260 Silkworms, silk culture, 225 Silos, 223 Silver, 183, 177-82 Silver: Working, 236 Skin, 156-7, 141-3, 146 Sleep, 159 Sloyd, 233 Smell, 141-3 Smelting, 208-9 Snakes, 132, 116-19, 124-7 Snipes, 135 Snow, 186-7 Soap, 211-13 Soap-bubbles, 190 Societies: Industrial, 232 Societies: Scientific, 107-11 Soil, 216, 183 Sorghum, 211 Sound, 194, 190-2, 195 South America: Geology, 179 Spectacles, 157 Spectroscope, 195 Spectrum analysis, 205 Spencer's biological hypothesis, ii6 Spiders, 130, 116-19, 124-7, 128-30 Spine, 159-60, 141-3 Spongiadse, 127 Squirrels, 135 Stair building, 259 Stammering, 158 Stars, 168-73 Statics, 192-3, 247 Steam, 195 Steam engine, 253-6 Steam navigation, 262 Steel: Manufacture, 236-7 Stereotyping, 239-40 Stimulants, 156 Stocks: Mining, 179-80 Stone, 183, 170-6 Stone: Working, 258-9, 239 Storms, 186-8 Strains: Engineering, building, 193, 247, 257-8 Street cleaning, 152 Street railways, 243-4 Street railways: Electric, 201 Streets, 244-5 Strength of materials, 257-8, 247-8, 252 Strychnine, 155 Stuttering, 158 Submarine engineering, 245-6 Submarine mines, 250 Sugar, 211, 227-8 Sugar-beet, 211 Sulphurets, 206 Sulphuric acid, 211 Summer diseases, 156 Sun, 168-74, 196 Sun-birds, 134 Surgery, 160-1 Surveying, 249-50, 172-3 Swedish movement cure, 155, 149 Sweet potatoes, 218 Swimming, 149 Swine. 224, 116-19, 124-7, i35-6i 162 Tables: Mathematical, 163, 165 Tanning, 239 Tannins, 211 Tapestry, 238 Taste, 141-3 Taxidermy, 118-19 Tea, 219, 156 Technical instruction, 232-3 Technology, 230 — Technology: Chemical, 207-13 Teeth, 158, 141-3 Tehuantepec ship railway, 246 Telegraph, 200 Telephone, 199-200 Telescope, 195 Temperature. See Climate.— Heat Teratology: Vegetable, 120 Tesla, N., 198 Textile fabrics, 237-8 Textile fabrics: Dyeing, 210 Therapeutics, 153-5 Thermodynamics, 195-6 Thermometers, thermometry, 156, 187-8 Throat, 157-8, 141-3 Thunder, 197 Tides, 185 Tigers, 136 Tiles, 239 Tin, 184, 235-6 Tinder-box, 196 Tobacco, 219, 156 Toilet, 229 Tools, 181, 252-3 Topographical drawing, 249 Topographical surveying, 249-50 Tops, 193 Tornadoes, 186-7 Torpedoes, 250-1 Tourmaline, 183 Transit of Venus, i6g, 171 Transplantation, 161 Trees, 221-2 Trephining, 161 Trigonometry, 165, 163-4, 166-8, 250 Trout, 132 Tuberculosis, 157 Tunnels, tunneling, 242-3 Turning lathes, 238-9 Typhoid fever, 159 Typography, 239-40 United.States: Botany, 122-4 United States: Geology, 177-9 United States: Mines, mining, 179-84 Urine, 154, 160 Vaccination, 159-60 Vaccine virus, 154 Variation of species, 115 Varnishes, 212-13 Vegetables, 218-19 Ventilation, 259-60, 153, 180-2 Venus, Transit of, 169, 171 Vertebrates, 131-41, 116-19, 124-7 Veterinary medicine, 162 Vine: Disease, 217 Vinegar, 212-13 Vineyards, 220-21 Vineyards: Insect pests, 217-18 Vision, 157 Voice, 158, 148 Volcanoes, 176 War, 188 War, Electricity in, 198 Warming, 259-60 Watches, watchmaking, 240-1 Water: Heating, 259-60 Water: Hydrostatics, 193-4 Water: Micro-organisms, 113, 152 Water: Pollution and purifica- tion, 152, 248 Water: Power, 256, 248-9 Water: Supply, hydraulic engi- neering, 248-9 Water-cure, 155 Watering places, 190 Wax-flowers, 241 Weapons, 138 Weather, 186-9 Weaving, 237-8 Weismannism, 112 Wells, 248-9 Whale, 136 Wheat, 218 Whirlwinds, 187 Wilderness cure for lung disease, 158 Windmills, 256 Winds, 186-9 Winemaking, 220-21 Winter, 148 Wire, 237 Wires, wiring: Electric, 202-3 Women, 150, 137 Women: Diseases, 159, 161 Women: Hygiene, 150 Wood, woods, 257-8, 244 Wood work, 238-9 Wood working: Sloyd, 233 Wool, 237-8 Worcester, Marquis of, 105 World. See Earth Worms, 129-30, 116-19, 124-7 Wounds, 160-1 Wrestling, 149 Wrist, 149 X ray, 195. i99 Yellow fever, 159-60, 155, 147 Yucca borer, 217 Zoology, 124-41 OF TK* UNIVERSITY SCIENCE IN GENERAL. HISTORICAL. BDCKI.EY, A. B. {Mrs. Fisher.) Short history of natural science. Illus. 1876 509.18 Candoi,i.e, a. de. Histoire des sciences et dessavants. 2d ed. 1885 500.264 Forbes, J. D. Review of the progress of mathematical and physical sci- ence, 1775-1850. 1858 *5oo.ioi GoGDET, A. Y. Origin of laws, arts and sciences and their progress among the most ancient nations. PI. 3 vols. 1775 509.19-21 Huxley, T. H. Advance of science in the last half-century, 1888 500.266 lyACROix, P. Science and literature in the middle ages and at the renais- sance. PI. Illus. 1878 *509.4 JvEWES, G. H. Aristotle: a chapter from the history of science. 1864 509.23 Lubbock, 5'?V J. Fifty years of science. 3d ed. 1882 509.5 ROUTLEDGE, R. Popular history of science. 1881 509.27 Tyndall, J. Advancement of science. 1874 504.61 WHEWEm, W. History of the inductive sciences. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1875 509-6-7 MISCEI.LANEOUS. AttEN, G. Falling in love, with other essays. 1890 504.79 American library of useful knowledge. vol. I. 1831 504.58 Contents : Brougham, H. Baron. Ac- count of Bacon's Novum Organum, pt. i ; Ob- jects, etc. of science.— Everett, E. Scientific knowledge for practical men ; The working- men's party. 1831.— Herschel, J. F. W. Study of physical sciences.— Story, J. Discourse, Boston Mechanics' Inst. 1829.- Webster, D. Lecture, Boston Mechanics' Inst. 1828. Andrews, J. Stories Mother Nature told jAn 283.3 Bacon, F., Viscount St. Albans. Phy- sical and metaphysical works. Ed. by J. Devey 501.1 Baird, W. a cyclopedia of the natural sciences. Map. Illus. 1858 *503.i5 Brennan, M. S. What Catholics have done for science. 1887 504.118 Brooks, C. B. Popular guide to the terms of art and science. 1879 *503.i4 Brown, R., ed. Science for all. PI. Illus. 5 vols. n. d.- 500.285-9 Buchanan, W. M. The dictionary of science and technical terms. With supplement ed. by J. A. Smith. 1884 **503-23 Buckley, A. B. {Mrs. Fisher.) Fairy- land of science. 1879 504.20 Moral teachings of science. 1892 504.T04 Through magic glasses, etc J504.B85 t CallEJA, C. Principles of universal physiology. 1889 500.269 Champlin, J. D.,/r. Child's catechism of common things J502.C353 Young folks' cyclopedia of common things. Illus. 1879 J31.C35 Crabb, G. Handy cyclopedia: a diction- ary of science, literature and the arts. Illus, n. d **503.22 Universal technological dictionary of terms in all arts and sciences. 2 vols. 1823 *503-5-6 Dexter, R. The kingdoms of nature. Illus. 1889 590.116 DiRCKS, H. Scientific studies, i : Life of Marquis of Worcester. 2 : Chi- meras of science. Port. 1869 504.31 EiTEL, E. J- Feng-Shui ; or, rudiments of natural science in China. 84 pp. 1873 500.108 io6 SCIENCE IN GENERAL. ESXES, D., ed. Half-hour recreations in popular science. 2d ser. 1879 504.137 Farmkr, I/. H. Story book of science ;...J500.F22 Gai^l, J., and Robertson, D. Popular readings in science. 2d. ed. 1895... 504. 123 Good, J. M. Book of nature. 1849 500.300 Guthrie, F. First book of knowledge. 1883 504154 Harder, F. Theoretisch-praktisches Handbuch fiir den Anschauungs- Unterricht. 1874 504.120 Hartwig, G. The harmonies of nature. Illus. 1866 500.69 HerschEi,, Sir J. F. W., ed. Manual of scientific enquiry. 1859 500.55 Hewitt, W. Elementary science lessons : Standard I. 1890 507.3 Hoffman, F. S. Sphere of science : a study of scientific investigation. 1898 500.297 Hooker, W. Child's book of nature. Pts. 1-3 J502.H76 HuMBOl,DT, A. von. Cosmos.' Tr. by E. C. Ottd and W. S. Dallas. Port. 5 vols. 1875-7 500.41-5 Kosmos. 4 vols, (in 2) 500.295-6 Hunt, R. The poetry of science. 3d ed. 1854 500.94 Huxi,EY,T. H. Critiques and addresses. 1873 504.8 Lay sermons, addresses, reviews. 1878 50411 Science and culture, and other essays. 1882 504.60 Science primers : introductory. 1882 502.4 Ii,i,usTrated science for boys and girls j500.Il 9 JENKIN, F. Papers literary, scientific, etc. With memoir by R. L. Steven- son. 2 vols. 1887 500.267-8 Joyce, J. Familiar introduction to the arts and sciences. Illus. 1852 500.95 KiNGSLEY, C. Scientific lectures and essays. 1893 504.126 Laing, S. Modern science and modern thought. 1889 501.8 IvANKESTER, E. R. The advancement of science. 1890 504.93 M'Pherson, J. G. Tales of science. 1889 504.78 MiVART, St. G. An introduction to the elements of science. Illus. 1894. ..500.102 Moi,LOY, G. Gleanings in science. (1888) 504.94 Nichols, J. R. Science at home. 1879 504.16 NuTTALL, P. A. Dictionary of scientific terms. 1878 ^503. 13 Pearson, K. Grammar of science. 1892 501.11 Philp, R. K. Reason why. 1863 500.38 Pliny. Boys' and girls' Pliny. Ed. by J. S. White. Illus. 1885 J590.P71 Natural history. Tr. by J. Bostock and H. T. Riley. 6 vols. 1855-7 500.302-7 Natvralishistoriaecvm interpretatione etc. lohannisHardvini . . . recensvit varietatemque lectionis adiecit loh. Georg. Frid. Franzivs. 10 vols. 1778-91 **5oo.27o-79 Plurality of worlds. 1861 504.12 Porter, N. Sciences of nature versus the science of man. 1871 500.299 Pouchet, F. a. The universe. Illus. 1873 500.133 Proctor, R. A. The borderland of sci- ence. (1873?) 5043 Familiar science studies. 1882 504.52 Light science for leisure hours. 1879 504.6 Pleasant ways in science. (1878) 504.7 Science byways. 1876 504.5 Select works and essays 504.101 Rankine, W, J. M. Miscellaneous scien- tific papers. Port. 1881 504.110 REnan, E. Future of science. 1891 501.9 RODWELL, G. P., ed. Dictionary of sci- ence. Illus. 1873 , **503.2i RossiTER, W. An illustrated dictionary of scientific terms. (1878) ^503.16 Science lectures, Manchester. ist-8th ser. 1866-76 504.146-9 Scientific papers : pamphlets '*504.55 South Kensington Museum. Confer- ences, loan collection of scientific apparatus, 1876; Chemistry, biology, etc 50427 Spencer, H. Recent discussions in sci- ence, philosophy and morals. 1873 500.47 That's it : an encyclopedia of nature, art and science. Illus. i860 503.19 SCIENCE IN GENERAL. 107 Times, J. Things not generally known : curiosities of science. ist-2d ser. 1862-5 500.86 TiSSANDiKR, G. Half hours of scientific amusement J504.T52 — and Frith, H, Marvels of earth, air and water 500.265 Tyndai,!,, J. Fragments of science. 1871 504.28 Ui,TiMATB generalization. 1876 501.6 Wkli,S, D. a. Science popularly ex- plained. Illus. n. d 500.298 Whewei,!,, W. Novum organum reno- vatum : 2d pt. of Philosophy of the inductive sciences. 3d ed. 1858 501.5 Philosophy of the inductive sciences. 2 vols. 1847 501.3-4 Wii^soN, A. Science and crime, and sci- ence and poetry, with other essays 504.100 Wilson, J. M. The divine architect. 1854 500.28 WiNCHELi,, A. Sparks from a geolo- gist's hammer. Illus. 1881 504.151 World of wonders. PI. Illus. 2 vols. 1887-8 504.96-62 Wright, C. R. A. Threshold of science. Illus. 1891 507.4 Wylde, J., ed. Circle of the sciences. Ports. Illus. 4 vols. n. d *503.i-4 ZoLLNER, J. Die Krafte der Natur und ihre Benutzung 503.17 PERIODICALS. American journal of science. Vols. 1-123; 125-156. 1818-1882; 1883-1898+ 505.101-234+ ApplETon's popular science monthly. See Popular science monthly Archives des sciences physiques et nat- urelles. Vols. 1-84. i846-i873.*505.6i8-7oi Bolton, H. C. Catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals, 1665-1895, with chronological tables and a library check-list. 2d ed. 1897 **5oo.i7o 10 Hardwicke's science gossip. 1865-1892 **505.5i Intellectual observer. 1862-71. ...*505.6oi-i7 Note : With Feb., 1868, title changes to Stu- dent and Intellectual Observer. KOSMOS. Vol. I. Feb. -May, 1887 505.1227 Mdseo de La Plata. Revista. Vols. 1-8. 1890-8 **507.6 Nature. Vols. 1-58. 1869-98+ *505.55-86+ Popular science monthly. Vols. 1-53. May, 1872-Oct., 1898 *P722 Index vols. 1-20. 1872-82. Note : IVith v. 48 title changes to Appleton's popular science monthly. Popular science news and Boston journal of chemistry. Vols. 18-27. 1884-93 **505. 918-20 '' Popular science review. Vols. 1-20. 1862- 1881 *505.36-5o® Quarterly journal of science. Vols. 1-20. Jan., 1864-Oct., 1883 505.851-70 Science. Vols. 1-15 ; 21-2 ; N. S. vols. 3-7. 1883-90 ; 1893 ; 1896-8 *505.i226+ Science record. Ed. by A. E. Beach. 1872-3. 2 vols *505.i234-5 Smithsonian Tnstitution. Catalogue of publications of societies and of peri- odical works belonging to the S. I. Jan. I, 1866 **i6.293 Student and intellectual observer. See Intellectual observer Swiss cross. Vols. 1-5. 1887-89 *505.88 West American scientist. Vols. 1-4, 6-8. 1884-94. 2 vols *505.i223 Wileord's microcosm. Vols. 2, 2-3. 1882-4 *505.8i2-i3 Year-book of facts in science and art for 1861-5, 1867, 1869, 1873-4, i879-8o..*505.i236 Year-book of nature and popular science for 1872. Ed. by J. C. Draper *505.2i SOCIETIES.— INSTITUTIONS. Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia. Journal, vols. 1-8. 1817-42 **505.i23i Proceedings, 1841-68. 14 vols **505.i232 Alliance Scientifique Universelle, His- toire de, pub. par O. Pitrou. (Also) Commission mixte des recompenses et encouragements. 1887 **5o6.226 American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Proceedings, 1849- 1897 **5o6.72-io3+ American Philosophical Society. Pro- ceedings, vols. 3, 6, 8-35. 1843-96 **505.553-7i^^ Transactions, vols, i, 3-18. 1818, 1830-96 **505.572 io8 SCIENCE IN GENERAL. Australasian Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. Rep., 1891, 1892 **5oo.29i* * Bbcker, B. H. Scientific L,ondon. 1875 506.17 British Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports, i83i-98..**5o6.20-67+ BuFFAi,o Society of Natural Sciences. Bulletin, vol. i. Apr., 1873-Mar., 1874 *5o6.io Cai J. D. Botany. 3d ed. Illus. 1879 580.141 Hooker's journal of botany and Kew gar- den miscellany. See Journal of botany. HuivME, F. E. Plants : their natural growth and ornamental treatment. 1874 **58o.42 Journal of botany. By W. J. Hooker. [Continuation ^/"Botanical miscellany.) 20 vols, 1834-57 **58o.i6-25 Commencing with 1842 the title changes to London journal of botany, continuing until 1849 when it changes to Hooker's journal of botany and Kew garden miscellany. KELLERMan, W, A. Elements of botany ; with glossary. Illus. 1883 582,17 IyANGUAGE and poetry of flowers. Illus. 1875 580.38 I/E Maout, E. and Decaisne, J. General system of botany, Tr, by Mrs. Hooker. Illus, 1873 580.28 LEUNIS, J,, ed. Schul-Naturgeschichte, 2teTh: Botanik. 1875 580,130 London journal of botany. See Journal of botany. LouNSBERRY, A. Guide to the wild flow- ers. PI. Illus. (Cop. 1899) 580,144 Lowe, E, J,, and Howard, W. Beautiful leaved plants. Illus. 1868 583.1 Lubbock, Sir J, Contribution to our knowledge of seedlings. 2 vols, Illus. 1892 580.107-8 Macloskie, G. Elementary botany. Illus. 1883 582.14 McNab, W. R. Botany. 1881 580.43 Marion, F. Les merveilles de la v^g^ta- tion. Illus. 1872 580.145 Wonders of vegetation. Tr. by S. De Vere. 1872 580.137 Martin, A. Langage des fleurs, PL 1848 580.29 Masters, M. T. Vegetable teratology. Illus. 1869 *5o6.i57 4» Mathews, F, S. Familiar flowers of field and garden. Illus. 1895 580.118 Meyen, F, J. F, Outlines of the geogra- phy of plants, Tr, by M, Johnston, 1846 *5o6,i57» Miller, W, Dictionary of English names of plants, 2 pts, Eng.-Lat. and Lat,- Eng. 1884 **58o.io2 Oliver, D, Lessons in elementary botany. Illus. 1878 580.37 PaxTOn's magazine of botany, vols. 1-16. 1834-1849 **58o,53-68 Pickering, C. Chronological history of plants. Port. 1879 **58o.i09 Ray Society. Reports and papers on bot- any. 1846 *5o6.i57« Reports on the progress of zoology and botany. 1841-2 *5o6.i57 RusKiN, J. Proserpina: studies of way- side flowers, Illus, 2 vols. 1875-77. 580.6-7 Sachs, J. von. History of botany, (1530- 1860). Tr. by H. E. F. Garnsey. 1890 580.101 SCHLEiDEN, M. J. Poetry of the vegetable world. Illus. 1853 580.69 Principles of scientific botany. Tr. by E. Lankester. PI. 1849 580.39 SETCHell, W. a. Laboratory practice for beginnersiu botany. 1897 580.125 Smith, J. Dictionary of plants which furnish the wants of man. i882...**58o.5i Domestic botany. Pi, 1883 582.16 Strasburger, E, and others. Text-book of botany, Tr, by H, C, Porter, Illus, 1898 580.143 TORREY Botanical Club, Bulletins, vol. 9, No. 10, Oct,, 1882 z« *58o.50 Same, vols, 16-23, Jan., 1889-Dec., 1897, *58o.83+ TuCKWELL, W. Tongues in trees and ser- mons in stones. Illus. 1891 580.95 Tyas, R, The language of flowers, PI. 1869 *58o.33 BOTANY. 121 Vincent, F., ed. Plant world. lUus. 1897 0580. V74 Vines, S. H. Students' text-book of bot- any. Illus. 1895 580.119 Waterman, C. H. Flora's lexicon. Illus. 1863 580.142 Wood, A. Class-book of botany. Illus. by a flora of the United States north of lat. 38^*. loth ed. Illus. 1850. 580.94 — and Steele, J. D. Fourteen weeks in botany. Illus. 1879 582.8 YONGE, C. M. Herb of the field. 1887. 580.105 YouMANS, E. A. First book of botany. Illus. 1873 580.139 Second book of botany. Illus. 1874. 580.140 PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY. Allen, G. Colours offlowers as illustrated in the British flora. Illus. 1882 581.7 The story of the plants. Illus. 1895. 581.35 Arthur, J. C. and others. Handbook of plant dissection. Illus. 1886 581.36 Bailey, L. H. The nursery-book : guide to the multiplication of plants. 3d ed. Illus. 1896 581.25 Plant-breeding. Illus. 1895 581.21 Balfour, J. H. First book of botany. Illus. 1873 581.45 Second book of botany. Illus. (1873?) 581.46 Bentlky, R. Physiological botany. Illus. 1886 581.11 Carpenter, W. B. Vegetable physiology and systematic botany. 1875 581.13 Cross, C. F. and others. Cellulose : the chemistry of the structural elements of plants. Illus. 1895 581.30 Darwin, C. Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. Illus. 1877 581.41 The effects of cross and self fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom. 2d ed. 1888 581. 1 Insectivorous plants. ad ed. Illus. 1888 581.2 Movements and habits of climbing plants. Illus. 1888 581.40 Power of movement in plants. Illus. 1881 ., 581.42 Darwin, C. — Continued. The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 2d ed. Illus. 1890 581.39 Darwin, F., and Acton, E. H. Practical physiology of plants. 2d ed. Illus. 1895 581.20 Gaye, S. Great world's farm. Illus. 1893 581.18 GoODALE, G. Iv. Physiological botany. Illus. (Cop. 1885) 581.27 Gray, A. How plants behave. 46 pp. Illus. (Cop. 1872) 580.31 How plants grow. Illus. 1878: 581.47 Lessons in botany and vegetable physi- ology. 1875 580.2 Structural botany. Illus. (Cop. 1879.) 581.26 Grimard, E. La goutte de seve, histoire in time de la vie v^g^tale. n. d 581.8 Henslow, G. Origin of floral structures. Illus. 1888 581.17 Hofmeister, W. On the germination, development and fructification of high- er cryptogamia and on the fructifica- tion of the coniferse. Tr. by F. Currey. PI. 1862 *5o6.i57 29 Kerner von Marilaun, A. The natural history of plants. From the Ger. by F. W. Oliver and others. PI. Illus. 2 vols. 1895 581.22-3 KETCHum, a. C. Botany for academies. Illus. 1889 580.90 Lubbock, Sir J. British wild flowers con- sidered in relation to insects. Illus. 1875 581.38 Flowers, fruits and leaves. 1888 581.19 MiJLLER, H. The fertilisation of flowers. Tr. by D'A. W. Thompson. Illus. 1883 581.34 Sachs, J. von. Physiology of plants. Tr. by H. M. Ward. Illus. 1887 581.44 Text-book of botany. 2d ed. Illus. 1882 581.37 Scott, D. H. Introduction to structural botany, pts. 1-2. Illus. 2 vols. 1897. 581.31-2 Smith, Sir J. E. Introduction to physi- ological and systematic botany. 1836. 581-43 SORAUER, P. Physiology of plants. Tr. by F. E. Weiss. Illus. 1895 581.24 Step, E. Plant life. Illus. 1883 581.9 122 BOTANY. Taylor, J. E. Flowers, their origin, shapes, perfumes and colours. Illus. 1878 581.5 Thomb, O. W., and Bennett, A. W. Text- book of structural and physiological botany. 5th ed. 1885 581.12 TuBEUF, K. von. Diseases of plants in- duced by cryptogamic parasites Illus. 1897 581.33 VEGKTABI.E physiology, pt. I. (L. U. K.) in *63o.i7g Vines, S. H. I^ectures on. the physiology of plants. Illus. 1886 581.15 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. Bary, a. de. Comparative morphology and biology of the fungi mycetozoa and bacteria. Tr. by H. E. F. Garnsey. 1887 582.22 Behr, H. H. Synopsis of genera of vas- cular plants in vicinity of San Fran- cisco. 1884 582.18 Bennett, A. W., and Murray, G. Crypto- gamic botany. Illus. 1889 580.88 Campbei^L, D. H. Structure and de- velopment of the mosses and ferns. Illus. 1895 582.26 Cooke, M. C. Introduction to the study of fungi. Illus. 1895 582.49 FocKE, W. O. Ueber die BegriflFe Species und Varietas im Pflanzenreiche. 1875. 580.41 Gray, A. Genera of the plants of the United States. PI. 2 vols. i848-9..*587.33-4 Synoptical flora of North America : the gamopetalae. 1886 **5oo.i7o^ Same 587.47 HiBBERD, S. The ivy, a monograph. Illus. 1872 582.50 New and rare beautiful-leaved plants. PI. 1870 ^583.32 Hooker, Sir W. J. A second century of ferns. 1864 582.53 Jamaica dogwood. Working bulletin for the scientific investigation of in **58o.99 LeighTon, W. a. British species of angiocarpous lichens, elucidated by their sporidia. PI. 1851 *5o6.i57i8 IviNNAEUS, C. Vegetable kingdom. 2 vols. PI. 1806 582.5-52 LyeIvL, K. M. Geographical handbook of all the known ferns. 1870 582.11 Macmillan, H. First forms of vegeta- tion. 2d ed. Illus. 1874 580.32 Masses, G. British fungus flora. Illus. 4vols. 1892-5 584.7-9^ May, W. J. Mushroom culture for amateurs. 147 pp. Illus n. d 582.52 MiJl,i,ER, F. Baron von. Introduction to botanic teachings at the schools of Victoria. Illus. 1877 — 582.10 Palmer, J. A., Jr. About mushrooms. Illus. 1894 643.27 Mushrooms of America. 4 pp. 12 Plates. (Cop. 1885) *643.22 Phillips, W. Manual of the British dis- comycetes with descriptions of all species of fungi in Britain, 1887 584.6 Pratt, A. Poisonous, noxious and sus- pected plants of our fields and woods. Illus. n. d 584.4 PriTzel, G. a. Iconum botanicarum index : alphabetical register of phan- erogamic plants and ferns. i855....*582.i5 Rand, E. S. Orchids : the species and varieties grown at Glen Ridge, near Boston. Illus. 1876 582.54 The rhododendron and "American plants." 583-33 Robinson, J. Ferns in their homes and ours. PI. 1878 582.1 Sander, F. Reichenbachia: orchids illus. and described. Pt. i. PI. 1886 **582.59 Smith, J. Ferns, British and foreign. Illus. 1877 582.6 Stark, R. M. A popular history of British mosses. 2d ed. PI. i860 584.1 TuCKERMAN, E. A Synopsis of the North American lichens. Pt. i. 1882 587.26 Underwood, L. M. Our native ferns and their allies. 3d ed. rev. Illus. 1888. 582.23 Warming, E. A handbook of systematic botany. With a revision of the fungi by E. Knoblauch. Tr. by M. C. Potter. Illus. 1895 582.41 Watson, W., and Bean, W. Orchids. Illus. 1890 582.51 Weed, C. M. Fungi and fungicides. Illus. 1896 582.48 Willis, J. C. Manual and dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns. Illus. 2 vols. 1897 580.126-7 BOTANY. 123 WoiyF, R, L,e malattie crittogamiche delle piante erbacee coltivate. Comp. by W. Zopf. Tr. by P. Baccarini, Illus. 1889 580.113 REGIONAI. BOTANY. BenTham, G. Handbook of the British flora. 6th ed. 1892 584.11 — and Mueller, F. Flora Australiensis. 5 vols. 1863-70 *589,i2-i6 Britxon, N. Iv., and Brown, > A. Illustrated flora of the United States, Canada and the British possessions. Illus. 3 vols. 1896-8 587.28-30 CaIvIFornia. Geological Survey. Botany. By W. H. Brewer, S. Watson, and A. Gray. 2 vols, 1880 **587.20-i California horticulturist and floral mag- azine, vols. i-io. 1870-80. PI. Illus. **587.4-ii ' C0VII.1.E, F. V. Botany of the Death Valley expedition. PI. 1893 580.120^ Cresweli,, C. F. Ivist of seeds of Australia, etc. 1878 z« 580.50 Dai,l A-ToRRE, K. W. von. Tourist's guide to the flora of the Alps. Tr. by A. W. Bennett. 1886 584.5 Darby, J. A manual of botany of the southern states. Illus. 1841 *587.i4 Davidson, A. Catalogue of the plants of Ivos Angeles county. Pt. i : Phaeno- gamia. (1896) 587.31 Dudley, W. R. The Cayuga flora, pt. i. 1886 ««**58o.99 Eastwood, A. Flora of the Pacific states. 1897 in 580.128 Eaton, D. C. Ferns of North America. PI. 2 vols. 1879-80 **587.35-6 Eggers, Baron H. F. A. Flora of St. Croix and the Virgin islands. 1879. «« 500.280 2 Fitzgerald, R. D. Australian orchids. PI. n. d **589.6 Gray, A. Field, forest and garden botany of the United States, east of the Missis- sippi. 1875 587.3 Manual of the botany of the northern U. S., east of the Mississippi. 5th ed. (Cop. 1867) 587.2 HiLLEBRAND, W. Flora of the Hawaiian islands. Maps. 1888 589.11 Hooker, Sir J. D. Handbook of the New Zealand flora. 1867 **589.i7 Hooker, Sir'^. Yi .—Continued. Student's flora of the British islands. 3d ed. 1884 580.91 Hooker, ^^VW. J., ^df. Niger flora. Map. PI. 1849 586.1 — and Arnott, G. A. W. The botany of Capt. Beechey's voyage. PL 1841. **587.i3 Kirk, T. Forest flora of New Zealand. PI. 1889 *589.io lyOUDON, J. C. Encyclopedia of plants in Britain. 1880 **58o.47 Lowe, R. T. a manual flora of Madeira, Porto Santo and the Desertas. 1868.... 584.2 Macmillan, H. Holidays on high lands : rambles in search of Alpine plants. 2ded. 1873 584.3 Maiden, J. H. The useful native plants of Australia (incl. Tasmania). 1889. ..589.9 Meehan, T. The native flowers and ferns oftheU. S. PI. 2 vols. i878-9...*587.i5-i6 Moore, T. British wild flowers. Illus. 1867 584.10 MiJLLER, F. Baron von. Native plants of Victoria, pt. i. 1879. Select plants eligible for culture in Victoria. 1876. *589.i Parish, S. B., and W. F. Supplementary list of plants of southern California. x«*58o.50 Parsons, M. E. Wild flowers of Califor- nia. Illus. 1897 587.32 Rattan, V. Popular California flora. 4th ed. Illus, 1882.. 587,1 West coast botany : flora of the Pacific coast. Illus. 1898 587.46 Rothrock, J. T. and others. Reports upon the botanical collections made in por- tions of Nevada, Utah, California, Colorada, New Mexico and Arizona during 1871-5, (U. S. Eug, Dept. Geog. surv. west of looth mer. Rep. v. 6.) 557-15 * Tatnall, E. Catalogue of the phaenoga- mous and filicoid plants of Newcastle county, Delaware, i860 i»**58o,99 Thayer, E. H. Wild flowers of Colorado. PI- 1885 *587-24 Wild flowers of the Pacific coast. Illus. (Cop. 1887) **58o.82 University of the State of New York. Annual report of the State Botanist, 1894. 2d ed. 1897 **587.37 124 ZOOLOGY. Wagner, H. lUustrirte deutsche Flora. lUus. 1871 580.40 Ward, L,.F. Guide to the flora of Wash- ington and vicinity. 1881 in 500.280* Watson, S. Contributions to American botany, n. d ««**58o.99 Contents : I. List of plants collected by Dr. E. Palmer in southwestern Chihuahua, Mex., in 1885. — II. Descriptions of new species of plants chiefly from the Pacific states and Chihuahua. — III. Notes upon plants collected in the department of Yzabal, Guatemala, Feb.- Apr. 1885, Ranunculaceae to Connaraceae. — IV. Notes upon same palms of Guatemala. — and others. Botany. PI. Map. 1871. (U. S. Geolog. exploration of the 40th parallel.) 557-27 Wood, A. The American botanist and florist. lUus. 1870 582.7 ZOOLOGY. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. .^iviANUS Claudius. De natura animalum. Libri XVII. Ed. by G. Schneider. 1784 **590.i47 Afi^alo, F. G. Sketch of the natural his- tory of Australia. Illus. 1896 590.171 Agassiz, Iv. Bibliographia zoologiae et geologise. 4 vols. 1848-54 *5o6.i57 ^^-^^ The structure of animal life. 3d ed. (Cop. 1865) 590.68 Ai,i, about animals, for old and young. PI J596.AL5 Animai, life throughout the globe. Illus. 1876 590-153 Annai,es des sciences naturelles : zoologie et pal^ontologie, 6th ser. vols. 17-20 ; 7th ser. vols. 1-6, 9-20 ; 8th ser. vols. 1-7. 1884-8, 1890-98 *505.ioi9-2o Aristotle. History of animals. Tr. by R. Cresswell. 1878 590.64 AshTon, J. Curious creatures in zoology. Illus. n. d 590.148 Baker, Sir S. W. Wild beasts and their ways. Illus. 1890 596.19 Bamford, M. E. Talks by queer folks. .J590.B217 Barnum, p. T. The wild beasts, birds and reptiles of the world. Port. PI. Illus. 1889 596-14 BarTleTT, a. D. Wild animals in captiv- ity. Port. Illus. 1899 596-20 Bayi,I»S, C. K. In brook and bayou... J592.B29 Beard, J. C. Curious homes and their ten- ants. Illus .J590.B38 Beaugrand, C. Walks abroad ot two young naturalists J590-B383 Beddard, F. E. a text-book of zoogeog- raphy. Maps. Illus. 1895 590.156 BicknelI/,W. I. Scripture natural history and guide to general zoology. Illus. 2 vols. n. d 590.70-1 Boner, C. Forest creatures (habits, etc.). Illus. 1861 596.3 Brehm, C. L. Bilder und Skizzen aus der Thierwelt. Illus. (1865) 590. 53 Broderip, W. J. Zoological recreations. Ports. Illus. 1862 590.26 Brooks, W. K. Foundations of zoology. 1899 590-204 Invertebrate zoology. Ilius. 1882 *592. 18 BucKi,EY, A. B. {Mrs. Fisher.) Life and her children J592.B85 Winners in life's race J596.B85 BUFFON, G. L. L., Comte de. CBuvres choisies. Illus. 1864 590.31 Campbei,L, C. C. Natural history .J590.C15 Carpenter, W. B. Zoology. 2 vols. Illus. 1876 590.62-3 Cassei*i<'S natural history. Illus. 6 vols. 1883 590.134-9 Cassell's popular natural history. Vol. 4: reptiles, fishes, etc. PI. Illus. ..590.11 Church, E. R. Home-animals .J590.C47h Little neighbors at Elmridge .J590.C47n Cooper, S. Animal life •J590.C78 Cope, E. D. Zoological position of Texas. 1880 in 500.280 ^ Cornish, C. J. Animals at work and play. Illus. 1896 596.47 Crawford, J. H. Wild life of Scotland. Illus. 1896 590.170 CuviER, G. L. C. F. D. de. Baron. Animal kingdom. PI. Illus. 1878 ^590.12 Same. With additional descriptions by E. Griffith and others. PI. 16 vols. 1827-35 590.181-96 R^gne animal. 4 vols. 1817 **590.99-i02 Damon, W. E. Ocean wonders. Illus. 1879 590.21 Edwards, H. M. Manual of zoology. Tr. by R. Knox. 2d ed. Illus. 1863.... 590. 29 Evans, E. P. Evolutional ethics and animal psychology. 1898 590.208 Feathers, furs, etc -J590.F31 ZOOI.OGY. 125 FewkES, J. W. New invertebrata from the coast of California. 50 pp. lUus. PI. 1889 592.19 FiGUiER, Iv. The ocean world. New ed. lUus. n. d 590.25 FURNEAUX, W. Ivife in ponds and streams. PI. Illus. 1896 .J590.F98P GauTier, T. My household of pets...J59o.G23 Goodrich, S. G. Johnson's natural history, animal kingdom. Illus. 2 vols. (Cop. 1867) ....*590.74-5 GossE, P. H. An introduction to zoology. Illus. 2 vols. (1844?) 59023-4 The romance of natural history. Illus. 1862 590.80 GoDLD, A. A. Report on invertebrata of Massachusetts. 2d ed. Illus. 1870. 592.2 Gould, C. Mythical monsters. Illus. 1886 *590.io4 Gray, J. E. and others. ''Zoology of the voyage of H.M. S."Samarang," 1843-6. PI. 1850'. *590.4 Greenwood, J. Wild sports of the world. Illus. 1870 596.10 HamerTon, p. G. Chapters on animals. 059O-HI7 Hamley, Sir E. B. Our poor relations. Illus. 1872 596.40 Harbison, M. Elements of zoology. Illus. 1873; 590.30 HarTing, J. E. British animals extinct within historic times with some ac- count of Brit, wild white cattle. Illus. 1880 596.12 Harvard College. Museum of Compara- tive Zoology. Annual report, 1880-1. in **500.258 Heilprin, a. The animal life of our sea- shore ; with special reference to the New Jersey coast and the southern shore of Ivong Island. 2d ed. Illus. 1888 590.212 The geographical and geological dis- tribution of animals. Map. 1887 ....590. 130 Hertwig, R. General principles of zo- ology. Tr. by G. W. Field. 1896.. .590. 159 Hickson, S. J. The fauna of the deep sea. Illus. 1894 590.157 Story of life in the seas. Illus. 1898. 590.178 Holder, C. F. Along the Florida reef .J590.H7ia Holder, C. F. — Continued. Frozen dragon .J590.H71 Living lights .J590.H71L Marvels of animal life .J590.H7im A strange company .J590.H71S Hooker, W. Natural history. Illus. (Cop. i860) 590.86 Hooper, M. Ways and tricks of animals. J590H76 Houghton, W. Gleanings from the natural history of the ancients. Illus. n. d 590.27 Houssay, F. Industries of animals. Illus. 1893 591-23 HULME, F. E. Natural history lore and legend. 1895 590.219 Hunter, E. a. Some friends of mine. J590-H9I Hutchinson, H. N. Extinct monsters. 4th ed. Illus. 1896 590.150 Huxley, T. H. Animal automatism, and technical education, with other essays. 596.42 Sam.e in ^500. 259 Introduction to the classification of animals. Illus. 1869 590.103 Ingersoll, E. Friends worth knowing. 1881 .J590.In43 How the settlement of North America has affected its wild animals in 504.71 — and others. Habits of animals .J59o.In43h JEFFERIES, R. Wild life in a southern county J590J35 JohonnoT, J. Friends in feathers and fur J596.J66 Neighbors with wings and fins .J596.J66W Jones, T. R. The animal creation. Illus. 1873 590.69 Natural history of animals. Illus. 2 vols, (in i). 1845-52 592.22 Jones, W. The broad ocean and some of its inhabitants. Illus. n. d 590.43 Jordan, D. S. Vertebrate animals of the northern United States. 7th ed. 1894. .596.8 KENT, W. Saville. Great barrier reef of Australia : its products and potentiali- ties. PL Illus. (1893) **592.2i KiNGSLEY, C. Glaucus ; or. the wonders of the shore. 6th ed. Illus. 1878.. ..590.57 KiNGSLEY, J. S., ed. Riverside natural history. PI. Illus. 6 vols. 1884. **590. 108-13 126 ZOOLOGY. KiRBY, M. and E. Things in the forest. Illus. 1861 590-50 KiRBY, W. Power, wisdom and goodness of God in creation of animals, their habits, etc. Illus. 2 vols. 1853....596.4-5 KrefpT, G. Australian vertebrata, fossil and recent. 1871 i« *5o4.64 I/ANDRIN, A, The monsters of the deep. Tr. by W. H. D. Adams. Illus. 1875. 590.49 I/EWES, G. H. Seaside studies at Ilfra- combe, Tenby, the Scilly Isles and Jersey. Illus. 1858 590.83 Lindsay, W. I<. Mind in the lower ani- mals. 2 vols. 1880 590.40-1 Linnaeus, C. A general system of nature. Port. PI. 1806 590.17 I/UBBOCK, Sir J. Senses, instincts, and intelligence of animals. Illus. 1888. 590-89 Lydekker R. Geographical history of mammals. Map. Illus. 1896 590.206 ed. Royal natural history. PI. Illus. 6 vols. 1893-6 590.198-203 Macai^ister, a. Zoology of the inverte- brate animals, Illus. 1879 592-1 Zoology of the vertebrate animals. 1878. 596.1 Mangin, a. The mysteries of the ocean. Illus. 1868 500.26 Menaui3o 138 MAN. Carr, Iv, The mounds of the Mississippi valley historically considered *57i.44 Same in *57i.29 — and Shaler, N. S. Prehistoric remains of Kentucky. 31pp. Pi. n. d...z« *57i.44 Same in 571.29 Cartaii^hac, ^. Les ages pr6historiques de I'Espagne et du Portugal. PI. Illus. 1886 *57i.32 Dawkins, W. B. Cave hunting : researches respecting the early inhabitants of Europe. Illus. 1874 57i.io Early man in Britain and his place in the tertiary period. Illus. 1880 571-9 Desor, E. Les palafittes; ou, construc- tions lacustres du lac de Neuchatel. Illus. 1865 571-51 DoNNEivi^Y, I. Atlantis : the antediluvian world. Illus. 1882 *57i.24 Du Chaili^u. p. B. The Viking age. Map. PI. Illus. 2 vols. 1889. ..*57i. 33-4 DuvAR, J. H. The stone, bronze and iron ages. Illus. 1892 571-47 Earwaker, J. P., ed. Recent discoveries of Roman remains found in repairing the north wall of Chester. Illus. 1888. 571-37 ElwoT, W. S. Story of Atlantis. 1896. 572.75 Ei,y, T. Manual of archaeology. Illus. 1890 571-38 Evans, J. The ancient bronze im- plements, weapons and ornaments of Gr. Britain and Ireland. Illus. 1881. 571-20 Ancient stone implements, weapons, and ornaments of Gr. Britain. Illus. 1872. 571-6 EverS, E. Ancient pottery in S. E. Missouri. PI. 1880 in *57i.29 Eergusson, J. The ages and uses of the brochs and the rude stone monuments of the Orkney islands and the north of Scotland. 34 pp. 1877 57i-i7 Rude stone monuments in all countries ; their age and uses. Illus. 1872 571.11 FiGUiER, L. Primitive man. Illus. 1876. 571-85 Foster, J. W. Prehistoric races of the U. S. 3d ed. Illus. 1874 571-84 Fox, Maj-Gen. L. Catalogue of anthro- pological collection lent for exhibi- tion. 1874 ^609.13 Holmes, W. H. Archeological studies among the ancient cities of Mexico. Maps. Illus. 1895-7 *57i-57 HuMBOiyDT, A. von. Institutions and monuments of the ancient inhabitants of America. Tr. by H. M. Williams. Illus. 2 vols. (1813) 571.64-5 Huxley, T. H. Human remains from Keiss. 68 pp. PI. 1866 /« 571.42 JOLY, N. Man before metals. Illus. 1883 571-26 Jones, C. C./r. Antiquities of the south- ern Indians, particularly of the Georgia tribes. Illus. 1873 *57i-63 Keary, C. F. Dawn of history. 1878.. .504.13 Keller, F. Lake dwellings of Switzer- land and other parts of Europe. Tr. byj. E.Lee. Illus. 1866 *57i.6o Laing, S. Human origins. Illus. 1892. 571-49 Prehistoric remains of Caithness. PI. 1866 571-42 La Peyr^re, I. de. Praeadamitse . . . quibus inducuntur primi homines ante Adamum cocditi. 1655 *573-98 LE Plongeon, a. Archaeological com- munication on Yucatan. PI. 10 pp. ^w 571-53 Lubbock, Sir J. Origin of civilisation and the primitive condition of man. Illus. 1879 571-80 Prehistoric times as illus. by ancient re- mains and the manners and customs of modem savages. Illus. 1875 571.78 Lyell, Sir C. Geological evidences of the antiquity of man. 2dAmer. ed. Illus. 1870 571-79 Maclean, J. P. Antiquity of man. 9th ed. Illus. 1880 571-87 The mound builders, with investigation into the archaeology of Butler Co., O. Map. Illus. 1879 571.8 Martin, W. G. Wood. Pagan Ireland. Map. Illus. 1895 571-54 MERCER, H. C. Antiquity of man, in the Delaware valley and the eastern United States. PI. 1897 571-55 The hill caves of Yucatan. Map. PI. Illus. 1896 571-52 MONTELius, O. The civilisation of Sweden in heathen times. Tr. by F. W. Woods. 2d ed. enl. and rev. Maps. Illus. 1888 571-36 MAN. 139 Morgan, T. Romano-British mosaic pave- ments. PI. 1886 571.88 Muivi,ER, S. Die nordische Bronzezeit und dereu Periodentheilung. Illus. 1878. 571-31 MUNRO, R. Lake-dwellings of Europe. Illus. 1890 *57i-43 Nadailhac, J. F. A. du Pouget, Marquis de. Manners and monuments of pre- historic peoples. Tr. by N.Bell. Illus. 1892 57148 Prehistoric America. Tr. by N. D'An- vers. Illus. 1885 571-35 NoRDENSKici,D, G. CliflF dwellers of the Mesa Verde, southwestern Colorado, their pottery and implements. Tr. by D. L. Morgan. Port. Map. PI. Illus. (1893) **57i-75 PEET, S. D. Prehistoric America. Vol. 2 : Emblematic mounds and animal ef- figies. Illus. 1890 571-41 Potter, W. B. Archaeological remains in S. E. Missouri. 1880 z«*57i.29 Rau, C. Early man in Europe. Illus. 1876 571.7 Sawsbury, S., Jr. Terra cotta figure from isla Mujeres, northwest coast of Yuca- tan. PI. 22 pp «« 571-53 Short, J. T. North Americans of antiq- uity; origin, migrations, civilization. 2ded. Illus. 1880 571-83 Squier, E. G., and Davis, E. H. Ancient monuments of the Mississippi valley. 1847 **5oo.203 Starcke, C. N. The primitive family in its origin and development. 1889 572.46 Thomas, C. Catalogue of prehistoric works east of the Rocky Mts. 1891. *57i-50 Introduction to the study of North Amer- ican archaeology. Illus. 1898 571.72 Thruston, G. P. Antiquities of Tennessee and the adjacent states. Illus. 1890. 571-40 Tyi,OR, E. B. Early history of mankind and the development of civilization. Illus. 1878 571.14 Westropp, H. M. Prehistoric phases. Illus. 1872 571 -12 Wil^DE, Sir W. R. W. Descriptive cata- logue of antiquities in the Royal Irish Academy. Illus. 1863 571.28 Wilson, Sir D. Prehistoric man. 2d ed. Illus. 1865 ., 571.5 WiNCHELi/, A. Adamites and preadam- ites. 1878 571.82 Preadamites, a demonstration of the ex- istence of men before Adam, their condition, etc. Charts. Illus. 1880. 571-81 WiNDLE, B. C. A. Life in early Britain. Maps. Illus. 1897 571-58 Worsaae, J. J. A. The primeval antiq- uities of Denmark. Tr. by W. J. Thoms. Illus. 1849 571.22 ETHNOI^OGY. Bastian, a. Das Bestaudige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer Veranderlichkeit. Map. 1868. 572.33 Geographische und ethnologische Bilder. 1873 572.35 BETTany, G. T. Conquerors of the world: the peoples and races of Europe . Illus. 1889 572-56 Teeming millions of the east : the inhab- itants of Asia. Illus. 1889 572.58 The world's inhabitants ; or, mankind, animals and plants. 3d ed. Illus. 1892 57245 Brace, C. L. Races of the pld world. 1863 572.11 Brinton, D. G. The American race. 1891 572.63 Anthropology and ethnology. 1886. **572.59 BuCKi^AND, A. W. Anthropological studies. 1891 572.92 Cabeiii Humphry, G. M. Observations in myology. Illus. 1872 591-47 Huxley, T. H. Anatomy of invertebrated animals. Illus. 1878 591-38 Anatomy of vertebrated animals. Illus. 1878 591.4 Lawrence, Sir W. Comparative anatomy, physiology, zoology, natural history of man. New ed. Illus, 1866 591.3 IvYDEkker, R. Phases of animal life, past and present. Illus. 1892 591.20 Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism. Illus. 1874 591-34 Movement. Tr. by E. Pritchard. Illus. 1895 591.24 Marshall, J. Outlines of physiology, human and comparative. Illus. 2 vols. 1867 612,76-7 Martin, H. N,, awaTMoale, W. A. Verte- brate dissection. 3 vols. 1881-4.... 591. 8-10 MUYBRIDGE, E. Animal locomotion : an electro-photographic investigation of consecutive phases of animal move- ments, 1872-1885, PI. II vols, (with) Prospectus and catalogue of plates. 12 vols. 1887 **59i-i3-i3 ^^ Descriptive zoopraxography. Illus. 1893. 591.13 ^* Newton, E. T. Typical parts in the skel- etons of a cat, duck and codfish. 1875. *59i-6 Owen, Sir R. Odontography : compara- tive anatomy of teeth in vertebrate ani- mals. 2 vols. Vol. I, text. Vol. 2, pi. 1840-5 591-43-4 Parthenogenesis ; or, the successful pro- duction of procreating individuals from a single ovum. 1849 59L35 Parker, W. K. Structure and develop- ment of the shoulder-girdle and sternum in the vertebrata. PI. 1868 **5o6.i57«» PETTigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion. Illus. 1891 591.16 POULTON, E. B. Colours of animals. Illus. 1890 591-15 QUEKETT, J. T. Histology of plants and animals. Illus. 2 vols. 1852-4... 591. 45-6 Reynolds, S. H. Vertebrate skeleton. Illus. 1897 591-28 SiEBOLD, C. T. von. Anatomy of the in- vertebrata. Tr. by W. I. Burnett. 1874 591.39 Stubbs, G. Anatomy of the horse. Pi. 1853 **599,io4 WiEDERSHEiM, R, Elements of the com- parative anatomy of vertebrates, 2d ed. Illus. 1897 591.29 HUMAN ANATOMY. Andral, G. Anatomy. Vol. 2 : Special pathological anatomy, n. t, p *6ii,34 Annals of anatomy and surgery. Vol. 4. July-Dec, 1881 **6io.6i6 Same. Vol. 6. July-Dec, 1882. {Also) Vol. 7, No. I. Jan., 1883 **6io.6i8 Behr, a. von. Human anatomy. Tr. by J. Birkett. 1846 611.44 Bell, Sir C. The hand, its mechanism and vital endowments. {Also) Account of author's discoveries in the nervous system. By A. Shaw. 8th ed. i877.,..6ii.20 142 ANATOMY.— PHYSIOLOGY. BenedikT, M. Anatomical studies upon brains of criminals. Tr. by E. P. Fow- ler, 1881 611.27 Cutter, C. First book of anatomy, physi- ology and hygiene. Illus. (Cop. 1852.) 611.28 Button, G. Anatomy, scientific and pop- ular. 2d ed. Illus. 1892 *6ii.47 FerriER, D. The functions of the brain. Illus. 1880 611.21 FrKY, H. Histology and histochemistry of man. Tr. by A. E. J. Baker. Illus. 1875 : 611.6 Pyfe, a. Compendium of anatomy, hu- man and comparative. 9th ed. 4 vols. (Vol. 4 only.) 1826 *6ii.35 Gage, S. H. Notes on histological methods. 1885-6 611.32 Galton, p. Finger print directories. Pi. 1895 573-88 Finger prints. 2 vols. (Vol. 2) Suppl. chapter : Decipherment of blurred finger prints. Illus. 1892-3 573-85-6 Gray, H. Anatomy, descriptive and sur- gical. 3d ed. Illus. 1864 611. 1 HarIvEY, G. Histological demonstrations. Illus. 1866 611. 19 Heart and its function. 1881 611. 13 Hooper, F. H. Anatomy and physiology of the recurrent laryngeal nerves. ....«■« **6io.648 Humphry, G. M. Human foot and the human hand. Illus. 1861 611.40 Human skeleton (incl. the joints). PI. Illus. 1858 *6ii.42 Importance of study of anatomy. 1825. ««**6io.549 Keen, W. W. Clinical anatomy of lower extremity. 20 pp. 1881 in *6io.564 K6l,i,iKER, A. Human histology. Tr. by G. Busk and T. H. Huxi,EY. 2 vols. Illus. 1853-4 611.11-2 Lambert, T. S. Popular anatomy and physiology. Illus. 1850 611.43 I,EIDY, J. Elementary treatise on human anatomy. 2d ed. Illus. 1889 *6ii.36 Luce, C. E. Movements of the lower jaw. 8 pp. Illus. 1890 *6io.648* LuYS, J. Brain and its functions. 1882.. .611.31 Meigs, J. A. Catalogue of human crania in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila. Illus. 1857. i 611. 10 MiVART, St. G. Lessons in elementary anatomy. New ed. Illus. 1879 611.23 NancrEDE, C. B. Questions and answers on the essentials of anatomy. Illus. 1888 611.41 Parsons, U. Importance of anatomy and physiology (in) education. 1826. in **6io.562 Ranney, a. L. Applied anatomy of the nervous system. 2d ed. Illus, 1888. 611.39 ROSENTHAI,, I. General physiology of muscles and nerves. Illus. 1896 611.22 Talrich, J. Catalogue de preparations anatomiques. 1866 in **6io.55o HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY. Ai,coCK, T. Questions on Huxley's Les- sons in elementary physiology. 1890. 612.592 Ai,i,EN, M. Wood. Marvels of our bodily dwelling .J612.AL5 Angei*!,, J. Elements of animal physi- ology, chiefly human. Illus. 1873. 6i2.8 ASHBY, H. Notes on physiology. 5th ed. Illus. 1889 612.67 Bartlett, H. C. Digestion and assimila- tion of fat in the human body. 1877. ?«*6io.566 BeaIvE, L. S. Bioplasm. Illus. 1872. 610.109 Benedict, A. K. My wonder-story. ....J612.B43 Bennett, J. H. Outlines of physiology. 1858 612.63 Bl,UMENBACH, J. F. Elements of physi- ology. Tr. by C. Caldwell, with app. on animal electricity. 2 vols, (in i). 1795 612.48 Brown, R. T. Elements of physiology. (1872) 612.82 Bryant, W. S. Valves in the veins of the human intestines. 9 pp. Illus. 1890. *6io.648* Carpenter, W. B. Principles of human physiology. Illus. 1876 612.51 Ci,Ei,AND, J. Animal physiology. Illus. 1874 612.7 Cutter, C. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene. Illus. 1852 610.83 D ALTON, J. C. Physiology and hygiene, for schools, etc. Illus. 1877 612.33 MEDICINE. 143 Darwin, C. Expression of the emotions in man and animals. 2d ed. lUus. 1890 612.93 Donaldson, H. H. Growth of the brain : the nervous system in relation to edu- cation. lUus. 1895 612.74 Draper, J. W. Human physiology. 7th ed. lUus. 1865 612.1 Physiology. Illus. 1866 612.39 FwNT, A.,/r. Physiological efiFects of se- vere and protracted muscular exercise. 91 pp. 1871 612.13 Physiology of man. 5 vols. 1871-4. 612.94-8 Source of muscular power. 1878 612.14 Foi:,soM, N. Smell and taste. 1863. .«« *6io.562 Foster, M. Physiology. Illus. 1879. 612.9 Same. Rev. and abr. Illus. 1895 612.73 Fulton, J. Text-book of physiology. 2d ed. Illus. 1879 612.23 Garland, G. M. Intestinal digestion. 1874 , in *6io.562 Griscom, J. H. Animal mechanism and physiology. 1840 612.37 Harris, V. D., and Power, D. Manual for the physiological laboratory. 1881... 612.41 Harvey, W. Motion of the heart and blood in animals. Willis's tr., rev. by A. Bowie. 1889 612.91 HiNTON, J. Mystery of pain. (Repr.) 1887 612.68 ed. Physiology. Illus. 1874 612.10 Hooker, W. Human physiology. Illus. (Cop. 1854) 612.22 Hooper, F. H. Respiratory functions of human larynx. 1885 /»*6io.566 HoTZB, C. I/. First lessons in physiology. Illus. 1874 612.26 Huxley, T. H. Lessons in elementary physiology. 4th ed. Illus. 1870 ...612,59 — atid Youmans, W. J. Elements of phy- siology and hygiene. lilus. 1869. ..612.34 Knox, R. Man : his structure and physi- ology. Illus. 1857 612.28 Lankbster, E. Practical physiology. Illus. 1880 612.38 Lawson, H. Manual of popular physi- ology. Illus. 1873 612.19 Le PilEUR, a. Wouders of the human body. Illus. 1886 612.99 LowNE, B. T. Aids to physiology. 1880. 612.32 Mace, J. History of a mouthful of bread. , J612.M15 Servants of the stomach J612.M15S McKendrick, J. G. Ivife in motion ; or, muscle and nerve. Illus. 1892 612.71 — and Snodgrass, W. Physiology of the senses. Illus. 1893 612.72 Marshall, J. Description of the human body : its structure and functions. 2d ed. 2 vols. Vol. I, text. 1870 612.64 Outlines of physiology, human and com- parative. Illus. 2 vols. 1867 612.76-7 Mayo, H. Outlines of human physiology. 4th ed. Illus. 1837 612.80 Richerand, a. Elements of physiology. Tr. by G. J. De Lys. 2d ed. 1829. ..612.78 Rosenthal, I. General physiology of muscles and nerves. Illus. 1881 611.22 Shore, J. C. Primeval dignity of man. 1867. 20 pp «« **6io.676 Steele, J. D. Fourteen weeks in human physiology. Illus. 1873 612.25 Taylor, C. F. Sensation and pain 612.42 Taylor, Mrs. J. Wouldst know thyself ? Illus. 1858 612.54 Thomson, W. H. Materialism and mod- ern physiology of the nervous system. 1892 612.70 Usher, P. Importance of anatomy and physiology (in) education. 1826. in **6io.562 Valentin, G. Text-book of physiology. Tr. by W. Brinton. Illus. (1853).. ..612.81 Wagner, R. von. Elements of physiol- ogy. Tr. by R. Willis. Pt. 2 : Nutri- tion and secretion. Illus. 1842 612.62 Icones physiologicae : tabulae physiolo- giam etgeneseos historiam illustrantes. {hat. and Ger.) PI. 1839 *6i2.75 Walker, A. The nervous system, ana- tomical and physiological. 1834 612.79 Waller, A. D. Introduction to human physiology. 2d ed. Illus. 1893 612.88 HYGIENE AND MEDICINE. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. American Medical Association. Report of committee on medical literature. (1850) i«**6i4.i33 Andrew, J. A. Address to graduates, medical school. Harvard University. 1864 ««*6io.552 144 MEDICINE. Arkansas State Medical Society. Min- utes, 6th ann. session. {Also) Trans- actions, 7th annual session. 1882. .z« 610.671 Arnold, E. S. F. Medical provisions for railroads. 1862 ««*6io.562 Association of American Medical Col- leges. History, constitution, members. 1877 ?«**6io.545 AyerS, J. H. Every man his own doctor. Illus. 1879 610.78 Baas, J. H. Outlines of the history of medicine and the medical profession. Tr. by H. E. Handerson. 1889 *6io.667 Bennett, J. H. Introduction to clinical medicine. 2d ed. 1853 610.88 B11.LINGS, J. S. National medical diction- ary. 2 vols. 1890 **6io.679-8o Bock, C. E. Das Buch vom gesunden und Kranken Menschen. 10'^ Aufl. Illus. 1875 610.499 BosTOCK, J. History of medicine from its origin to 19th century. 1835 610.521 Boston Dispensary. Annual reports, 18751 1879, 1882-3. With By-laws, etc., 1871, 1875, 1878-79 m**6io.537 Boston Society for Medical Improvement. Constitution, by-laws, members, 1853. in *6io.537 Boston Society for Medical Observation. Constitution, members, etc., 1872. ««**6io.545 Boston Society of Medical Sciences. Pro- ceedings, 1873-9 in **6io.537 BOYLSTON Medical Society of Harvard University. Catalogue, 1853, 1858, 1861, 1867, 1871, 1874 z«**6io.545 Bridger, a. E. Man and his maladies. 1889 610.74 BrodiE, Sir B. C. Works. Port. Illus. 3 vols. 1865 610.691-3 Brown, F. H. Indexes to medical litera- ture z«*6io.5i5 Medical register for Boston, Cambridge, Charlestown, and Chelsea. i873...*6io.556 Medical register for Massachusetts. 1875 *6io.557 Medical register for New England. 1880. *6io.558 Brown, H. E. Medical department of the U. S. Army, 1775-1873 610.673 Buchan, W. Domestic medicine. New ed. (1782.) 610.95 Burdett, H. C. Pay hospitals and paying wards throughout the world. 1880. 615.20 Cambridge, Mass. Hospital for Women and Children, Account of. 1868. z«*6io.546 CAMPBEi,iy, F. R. Language of medicine. 1888 *6io.664 Cathei^L, D. W. The physician himself, and what he should add to his scientific acquirements. 3d ed. 1883. 610.506 Chadwick, J. R. Medical libraries of Boston, a report. 1876 z«*6i4.i33 Study and practice of medicine by women. 1879 in **6io.549 Charcot, J. M. Lemons cliniques sur les maladies des vieillards, etc. Illus. 1867 z«*6io.564 Charteris, M. Handbook of the practice of medicine. Illus. 1878 615.4 Clarke, E. H. and others. Century of American medicine. 1876 610.81 Clayton, M. F. Annual address (on eclectic school), Eclectic Medical Society of California, Dec. 14, 1875. z«**6io.5i4 College of Physicians and Surgeons. Medical dept. of Columbia College. Catalogue, 1864-5, 1867, 1868-71, 1873- 5, 1877-80 z«*6io.543 Same. 1881, 1887 z»*6io.677 Connecticut Medical Society. Proceed- ings, 1876, 1880 in **6io.544 CoTTiNG, B. E. Medical addresses. 1875. 610.559 CULLINGWORTH, C. J. Manual of nursing, medical and surgical. Illus. 1883. *6io.5ii Cutter, G. R. Dictionary of the German terms used in medicine. 1879 **6io.93 DanELSON,J. E. Counselor with recipes. Illus. 1880 **6io.454 DaremberG, C. V. Hippocrate. 1843. 610.646 Darwin, E. Zoonomia : the laws of organic life. 3d ed. 4 vols. 1801. 616. 102-5 Davis, A. J. Harbinger of health: medical prescriptions. (Cop. 1861.) 613.42 Dean, R. C. Naval medical schools of France and England. ' 1876 in **6i4.i33 MEDICINE. 145 DuANE, A. Students' dictionary of medi- cine and the allied sciences. 1896. **6io.684 DUNGWSON, R. Medical lexicon. 1874. **6io.64 DuNMAN, T. Glossary of biological, anatomical and physiological terms. 1879 610,82 Eberi,E, J. Practice of medicine. 6th ed. 2 vols. (Vol. I, only.) 1845 616.58 Femai^e Medical Education Society, Bos- ion. Report, Dec, 1850, with charter, etc in *6io.545 FWNT, A., the elder. Medical ethics and etiquette ; code adopted by the Am- erican Med. Assoc, with commentaries. 1883 *6io.5o8 Fort, G. F. Medical economy during the middle ages : Roman empire to 14th century. 1883 *6io.5i2 Frank, J. P. Grundsatze iiber die Be- handlung der Krankheiten des Menschen zu akademischen Vor- lesungen bestimmt. 6 vols. 1794- 1807 610.522-7 Gibbons, H. Illustrations of the literature of quackery. 1875 i» *6i 0.504 Introductory lecture. to the 4th session of Toland Med. Coll., June 4, 1867. 16 PP in **6 10.676 Gould, G. M. Illustrated dictionary of medicine, biology, and allied sciences. 3ded. rev. Illus. 1896 **6io.686 New medical dictionary. 1890 **6io.669 Grover, W. A., comp. Annual medical directory of the Pacific coast. 2d ed. 1878 in *6io.5o4 Catalogue of physicians and surgeons who have presented their diplomas, etc., to the Bds. of Exam, of the med. socs. of the State of Calif., etc., {with Code of ethics.) 1880 and 81 **6io.647 Same z«**6io.552 Hardwicke, H. J. Medical education and practice in all parts of the world. 1880. 610.107 Hartshorne, H. Essentials of the prin- ciples and practice of medicine. 5th ed. 1881 *6io.654 Harvard College. Medical School. Cata- logue, 1866-7 in **6io.54i Same. 1871 in **6io.543 Same. 1875-6, 1882-3 ««**6io.553 Harvard College. — Continued. Medical publications, 1887, 1890 610.648 Harvard Medical School Association. Bulletins, 2-5, 8-11. 1892-7. 2 vols, ^610.696 Hippocrates. The genuine works. Tr. with annotations, by F. Adams. 2 vols. 1849 *6io.53o-i HOBLYN, R. D. Dictionary of terms used in medicine and the collateral sciences. 9th ed. 1868 **6io.668 Holmes, O. W. Currents and counter currents in medical science. 1882....610.509 Medical essays, 1842-82. 1883 610.518 Hooper, R. Lexicon medicum. 4th Amer. ed. 2 vols. 1829 **6io.554-5 Howard, H. Domestic medicine. Illus. (1879) **6io.iio International medical annual and prac- titioner's index. Ed. by A. G. Bate- man and others. 7th year. 1889. **6io.666 Lane, L. C. Address, dedication of Cooper Medical College building. 1882. ««*6io.S52 LeClERC, D. Histoire de la medecine. Illus. 1729 **6io.535 Letter to clergymen on the preservation of health. (1859) z«*6io.550 MclNTiRE, C, Jr. Percentage of college- bred men in the medical profession. 1883 ««*6io.552 Mason, A. Quackery of the age, a satire. 1845 /«*6io.548 Massachusetts Medical College. Annual circular with history of medical dept. Catalogue, 1846 ««**6io.543 Massachusetts Medical Society. Acts of incorporation, by-laws, etc., 1840, 1826, 1819; Digest of the acts of the com- monwealth, with by-laws, etc., 1861, 1874.— Fellows, 1848, 1787-1854, 1781- 1870. — Trienn. cat., 1875. — Medical communications, 2d ser., vol. 8, pt. 2 ; 1876. — Proceedings of councilors, 1875. **6io.538 Mayne, R. G. Expository lexicon of terms in medical and general science. i860 **6io.520 Medical School of Boston. Some account of the medical school and Massachu- setts General Hospital. 1824... z'/?**6i 0.541 146 MBDICINK. Medicai, Society of the Comity of Kings, N. Y. Proceedings, vol. i. No. 8, Oct., 1876; No. 12, 1877 ?«**6io.544 Same. Vol. 4. Mar., 1879-Feb., 1880 **6io.i73 Same. Vol. 7. 1882 **6io.678 Medical Society of the State of California. Transactions, 1870-81, 1888 **6io.496-8 Medical Society of the State of Tennessee. Transactions, 1876, 1880 /«**6io.54o Medical Society of the State of West Virginia. Transactions, i874.../«**6io.54o Medical Society of the 3d Judicial District of Oregon. Constitution, code of ethics, 1871 z»**6io.540 Meryon, E. History of medicine. Vol. i. (no more published). 1861 610.500 Michigan State Medical Society. Trans- actions, 1874, 1876 f«**6io.544 Same. 1881-2 in **6io.67i-i ^ Same. 1889 ?«*6io.672 ^^ MiLLiNGEN, J. G. Curiosities of medical experience. 1838 610.507 Mitchell, S. W. Doctor and patient. 3d ed. 1895 615.62 Moore, D. W. C. Science of health con- servation. 1883 ..i«*6 10.552 Morris, H. Essentials of practice of med- icine. 2d ed. PI. 1893 616.70 Morten, H., comp. The nurse's diction- ary of medical terms and nursing treat- ment. 2d ed. n. d 610.685 Napheys, G. H. Handbook of popular medicine. Port. 1878 610.94 New Hampshire Medical Society. Char- ter, by-laws, ethics, members, 1873. ««*6io.540 Transactions, 1887-9, 1891, 1893-4, 1897. **6io.674 Sam^. 1890 ««**6io.67i 2 Oregon State Medical Society. Proceed- ings, 6th ann. meeting, June, 1879. in*6io.6'ji 2 Palmer, S. Pentaglot dictionary. Pt. i : French, Greek, Latin, German, Eng- lish. Pt. 2 : Ger., Eng., Fr. 1845. **6io.5i9 Pan-American Medical Congress. Trans- actions, 1893. 2 vols. 1895 *6io5.iio-ii Paulus ^gineta. Seven books. Tr. by F. Adams. 3 vols. 1844 *6io.532-4 PEABODY, A. P. What the physician should be. 1870 j«*6io.552 Pereira , J . Physician s' prescription book; terms, abbreviations, translations, etc. i6th ed. 1882 *6io.505 Pope, E. F. and others. Practice of medi- cine by women in the U. S. 1881. «»*6io.562 Post, a. C. and others. Ethical sym- posium. 1883 610.529 Putnam, C. P. Training-schools for nurses. 1874 ?»*6io.562 QuAiN, R., ed. Dictionary of medicine. 2 vols. 1895 **6io.689-90 QuiNAN, J. R. Medical annals of Balti- more, 1608 to 1880. Port. 1884 610.547 REYnolds,5z>J. R. Essays and addresses. Port. 1896 610.687 System of medicine. 4 vols. 1870-77. *6io.649-52 Rhode Island Medical Society. Act of incorporation, medical police, by-laws, rules, etc., 1849. Communications, 1863-4 z«**6io.54o Richardson, Sir B. W. Biological exper- imentation. 1896 612.87 Shoemaker, J. V. History of the Jeffer- son Quiz Association. 27 pp. 1880. /«**6io.676 SprEngel, K. Versuch einer pragmatis- chen Gescbichte der Arzneykunde. 3 Aufl. 6 vols, (in 8). 1821-8 **6io.656-63 Stallard, J. H. Medical progress for fifty years. 22 pp. 1889 z«**6io.676 Stevens, A. H. Plea, etc., in behalf of medical education. 4th ed. 1849. z«*6io.562 Stout, A. B. Writings. 1884 *6io.503 Contents : Aleutian isles. 1881. Arctic discovery. 1879. Chinese immigration. 1862. Diseases of the skin. 1873. Extracts from report of State Board of Health. 1877. Hy- giene, as regards sewerage of San Francisco. 1868. Medical jurisprudence in lunacy. 1875. Public education in California. 1866. Abattoirs and public baths. 1879 Infantile mortality. 1882. Laws regulating practice of medicine in California. 1879. Medical education. 1877, 1881. Mental diseases. 1879. Taneyhill, G. Iv. Historical sketch of medical societies of Baltimore, 1730 to 1880 ?«*6i4.i33 Taylor, E. R. Address, dedication of Cooper Medical College building. 1882 z«*6io.552 Thomson, J. Thomsonian system of the practice of medicine on botanical prin- ciples. 1830 610.694 I MEDICINK. 147 Thomson, W. G. Training-schools for nurses. 57 pp. 1883 610.517 United States. Medicine and surgery bureau. Medical essays, comp. from reports by medical oflBcers of the U. S. Navy. 1873 **6i4.8 Provost - Marshal- General. Statistics medical and anthropological derived from the armies of the United States during the late war of the rebellion. Comp. by J. H. Baxter. Maps. Charts. 2 vols. 1875 *6io.i02-3 Surgeon-General. Alphabetical list of abbreviations of titles of medical periodicals employed in the Index catalogue. Vols. 1-16 (ist sen). 1895. **i6.33i ^^ Catalogue of the Army Medical Museum, Jan. I, 1863 z«**6io.542 Circulars, 1-4, 8. 1867-75 *6io.675 i: Epidemic cholera and yellow fever in the army of the U. S. during 1867. 1868. 2: Excisions of the head of the femur for gunshot injury. PI. 1869. 3: Surgical cases treated in the army of the U. S. 1865-71. PI. 1871. 4: Reports on barracks and hospitals with descriptions of military posts. PI. 1870. 8: Hygiene of the U. S. Army with de- scriptions of military posts. Maps. PI. 1875. Index catalogue of the library. Vols. 9- 16. 2d ser. vols. 1-3. 1888-98 **i6.33i Medical and surgical history of the war of the rebellion. PI. 2 vols, (in 6). 1861-83 **6io.99-ioo Vol. i: Medical history. 3 pts. Pts. 1-2 by J. J. Woodward. Pt. 3 by C. Smart. Vol. 2: Surgical history. 3 pts. Pts. 1-2 by G. A. Otis. Pt. 3 by G. A. Otis and D. L. Huntingfton. Medical Dept. of the U. S. army, 1775- 1873. Comp. by H. E. Brown. 1873. 610.673 Statistical report on the sickness and mortality in the army of the United States from Jan., 1855 to Jan., i860. By R. H. Coolidge. i860 *6io.5oi United States Sanitary Commission. Report, July 31, 1861, on military hospitals at Washington. {Also) Re- port of committee on pneumonia. 1862. ««*6io.549 "Wii,DER, A. M. Old and new codes (of medical ethics). 1884 «« *6io.562 Wise, T. A. Review of the history of medicine. 2 vols. 1867 610.456-7 ZiEMSSEN, H. von., ed. Cyclopedia of the practice of medicine. (Amer. ed. by) A. H. Buck. 17 vols. 1874-8 **6io.i-i7 PERIODICAI^S. American journal of the medical sciences. Vols. 37-42, N. S. 1859-61 **6io.568-73 American medical intelligencer. Vols 1-4. 1837-41 610.655 American medical journal. Vol. 10. 1882. ...610. 1 12 ^° Buffai,o medical and surgical journal. Vol. 20. Aug., 1880-July, 1881 **6io.645 CAI.IFORNIA medical journal. Vol. 3. Jan. -Dec, 1882 **6io.iii ^ Chicago medical review. Vols. 5-6. 1882. *6io.625-6 Coi/*504.70 GreTSCHEI,, H. Katechismus der Meteor- ologie. 2d ed. Illus. 1878 551-133 GuyoT, A. Tables meteorological and physical. 4th ed. rev. 1884 **500,i68 Harrington, M. W. Rainfall and snow of the United States, to the end of 1891. 1894 551.193 HarTwig, G. Aerial world. Map. PI. Illus. 1875 551.57 Hazen, H. a. Handbook of meteorolog- ical tables. 1888 551. 171 The tornado. Illus. 1890 551.154 Henry, J. Climatology. 1855. Meteor- ology. 1856 *55r.89 Herschei,, Sir J. F. W. Meteorology. 2ded. 1862 551.134 METEOROLOGY. HoxiE, R. Iv., and Marshall, W. L. In- structions for taking and recording meteorological observations, etc. 1875, z«** 551. 100 Jambs, Sir H. Instructions for taking meteorological observations. PL 1861. *55i.86 Jenkins, T. A. Barometer, thermometer and hygrometer, rules for their use, etc. 1869 ««**55i.ioo JENYNS, afterwards Blomefield, Iv. Obser- vations in meteorology. 1858 55i'63 Kane, E. K. Meteorological observations in the arctic seas, 1853-5 i«*55i.io2 Knight, J. G. D. Aurora borealis...z« **620,528 I/OGAN, T. M. Report on meteorology : rainfall at Sacramento for 24 years. 1873 f« 551.100 LooMis, E. Certain storms in Europe and America, Dec, 1836. Charts ?«*538.i4 Lowe, E. J. Coming drought, with chro- nological history of droughts and frosts from A. D. 134. 1880 z«*5o4.56 McAdie, A. Mean temperatures and their corrections in the United States. 1891. ^ 551.196 McGregor, W. Protection of life and property from lightning during thun- derstorms. 1875 z«*5o4.66 Manson, M. Importance of north Pacific weather stations. 1893 *55i-i75 MeECH, L. W. Relative intensity of light of sun. upon diflferent latitudes. 1856. PI .i«*55i.i02 No YES, I. P. How to be weather wise. 2d ed. 1882 ?«*504.72 Osborne, J. W. Determination of subjec- tive temperature (a paper). Chart. 1877 z«*504.66 New meteorological instrument. PI. 1875 z«*55i.ioo Pearce, A.J. Weather guide-book. 1864..551.47 PERi,Ey, S. Historic storms of New Eng- land. 1891 551.162 Pickering, E. C. Atmospheric refrac- tion. 1886 in *504.7o PlanTamour, E. R6sum6 des observa- tions thermom^triques et barom^tri- ques faites a I'Observ. de Geneve et au grand St. Bernard pendant 1841 d 1850, suivi de tables hypsom^triques cal- culdes d'apr^s la formule de Bessel. I85I ?«*520.32 Pouii,i,ET, C. S. M. Kidmen ts de physique experimentale et de m^t^orologie. 7 ■"« ^d. 3 vols. Text 2 vols. Plates I vol. 1856 530.72-4 Powers, E. War and the weather. 1890. 551-165 QuEXEi.ET, A. M^t^orologie de la Bel- gique compar^e ^ celle du globe. 1867. 551-99 R^sum^ des observations m6t6orologiques faites en 1837 a I'Observ. de Bruxelles, suivi du r^sum^ des observations m^t6- orologiques faites ^ Louvain, par le Prof. Crahay /«*520.32 Redfiei^d, W. C. Observations on the hurricanes and storms of the West Indies and the coast of the U. S. 31 pp. Map. 1866 z«656.i6 RUSKIN, J. Storm cloud of the 19th cen- tury. 1884 551-136 RUSSEI^L, H. C. Climate of New South Wales. 1877 551-97 RussEi,!,, R. Lectures on meteorology. 1855 ««*55i.9i RUSSELI<, T. Meteorology ; weather, and methods of forecasting. lUus. 1895. 551.182 Stages of water at miscellaneous river stations in California, Oregon, North Carolina, etc., 1875-1889, inclusive. Pt. 3 551.198 ' St. HeI/Ena Magnetical and Meteorologi- cal Observatory. Observations, 1840- 49. 2 vols *55i.77-8 Saussure, H. B. de. Essais sur I'hygro- m^trie. 1783 55i-8i Saxby, S. M. Weather system ; or, lunar influence on weather. 2d ed. 1864. 551-54 Scott, R. H. Elementary meteorology. 5th ed. Illus 551.168 Singapore Magnetical Observatory. Me- teorological observations, 1841-5, by Capt. C. M. Elliott. 1850 *538.i3 Smith, N. D. Meteorological observations near Washington, Ark., 1840-59. ..z«*55i. 102 Smithsonian Institution. Directions for meteorological observations and regis- try of periodical phenomena, i860. z«*55i.ioo Meteorological tables. 1897 **5oo.i7o* Symons, G. J., cotnp. British rainfall, 1877 ; Distribution of rain over the METEOROLOGY. 189 Symons, G. 'i .—Continued. British isles, 1877. Map. lHus. 1878. *55i-67 TOMLINSON, C. The dew-drop and the mist. lUus 55149 Toronto Magnetical Observatory. Ab- stracts and results of magnetical and meteorological observations, 1841 to 1871 ?«*55i-ioo Same. 1854-9 *55i-65' Observations, 1840-8. PI. 3 vols *55i-75-6^ Results of meteorological observations, 1860-2. 1864 *55i-65 United States. Engineer Dept. Geo- graphical surveys west of the looth meridian. Instructions for meteor- ological observations. 1876 **622.52 Navy Dept. 2d and 3d report on meteor- ology. Charts. 1849, 1851. {Also) Directions to mariners. 1851 *55i-83 Signal Office. Charts showing the average monthly cloudiness in the United States **55i.i78 Charts showing average velocity and direction of the wind. 1891 *55i.i72 Charts showing maximum and minimum temperatures by decades for all years. 1891 **55i-i8o Charts showing the isobars, isotherms and winds in the United States for each month, Jan., 1871 to Dec, 1873. 1891. 551-197 Charts showing the "probability of rainy days," prepared from observa- tions for eighteen years **55i-i77 Normal temperature charts by decades for the United States and the Dominion 1 of Canada. 1891 **55i.i76 Tri-daily meteorological record, Jan. to Dec, 1878. 12 vols **55i-203 Surgeon-General. Army meteorological register for 12 years, 1843-54. Charts. 1855 *55i.79 Meteorological register, 1826-1830, 1822- 5. Map. 1840 **55i.i37 Weather Bureau. Bulletins, i-ii. 1892-3. *55i.i92 i: Harrington, M. W. Notes on climate and meteorology of Death Valley, Calif. 1892. —2: Bigelow, F. H. New method for dis- cussion of magnetic observations. 1892.— 3: Hilgard, E. W. Rep. on the relations of soil to climate. 1892.-4: Whitney, M. Some physical properties of soils in their relation to moisture and crop distribution. 1892.— 5: United States.— Cb«/t«« G. G. Light. 1892 535-27 Taylor, J. T. Optics of photography and photographiclenses. Illus. 1892 535.29 Thompson, E. P. Roentgen rays, and phenomena of the anode and cathode. Port. PI. Illus. (1896.) 535.36 Thompson, S. P. Light, visible and invis- ible. Illus. 1897 535-38 TissandiER, T., and Frith, H. Marvels of heat, light and sound, n. d 530.109 Tyndall.J. Light. 2ded. Illus. Port. 1877 535-8 Light and electricity. 1878 537.i8 Ward, //on. Mrs. M. The telescope. Illus. 3d ed. 1869.... 523.3 Wright, L. Optical projection. 3d ed. Illus. 1895 535.37 Wright, M. R. Sound, light and heat. 1887 530.110 HEAT. Abbott, J. Fire .jAb245.3i Heat ..,.J536.Ab245 AvELiNG, E. Heat and light. Illus. 1888 531.72 BayneS, R. E. Lessons on thermodynam- ics. Illus. 1878 536.8 Box T. Heat. 1869 536.5 Cazin, a. Phenomena and laws of heat. Tr. by E. Rich. Pi. Illus. 1885 536.21 Clausius, R. Mechanical theory of heat. Tr. by W. R. Browne. 1879 536.11 CoLBUR n , Z . N ature o f heat. 1 863 ...in *504. 66 Eddy, H. T. Thermodynamics. 1879... 536. 15 Faraday, M. Chemical history of a candle. Illus 536.27 Fourier, J. Analytical theory of heat. Tr. by A. Freeman. 1878 536.18 Gordon, J. E. H. Elementary book on heat. Illus. 1875 536.26 Joule, J. P. New determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat. PI. 1879 *536.i6 Lees, W. Acoustics, light and heat 530.65 Maxwell, J. C. Theory of heat. 4th ed. 1875 536.3 Metcalfe, S. L. Caloric. 2 vols. 1859. 536.1-2 PEabody, C. H. Tables of the properties of saturated steam and other vapors. 3ded. 35 PP- 1889 536.6 Poole, H. Calorific power of fuels : founded on Scheurer-Kestner's Pouvoir calorifique des combustibles. Illus. 1898 536.25 196 ELECTRICITY. Preston, T. Theory of heat. lUus. 1894. 536.24 PrivaT-DBSChanEi<, a. Heat. Tr. by J. D. Everett. Illus. 1878 530.159 Siemens, Sir C. W., ed. Conservation of solar energy. Illus. 1883 536.10 Stewart, B. Elementary treatise on heat. 3d ed. 1876 536.9 Stewart, R. W. Elementary text-book of heat and light. Illus. (1890,). ..530.126 Thurston, R. H. Heat as a form of energy. Illus. 1890 536.19 Tidy, C. M. Story of a tinder-box. Illus. 1897 .J536.T43 Tii,i,MANN, S. E. Elementary lessons in heat. 2d ed. 1892 536.20 TiSSANDiER, T., and Frith, H. Marvels of heat, light and sound, n. d 530.109 Tyndai,i<, J. Contributions to molecular physics in the domain of radiant heat. PI. 1873 536.28 Heat a mode of motion. 4th ed. 1875..536.4 Radiation. 1865 536.14 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. (See also Electricity in Medicine under Materia Medica.) GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Ax,l,SOP, F. C. Induction coils and coil- making. 2d ed. Illus. 1896 5371. 112 American Institute of Electrical En- gineers. Transactions, vols. 1-2, 4, 6, 8-13+. 1884-96 *537i.88 Angeli<, J. Elements of magnetism and electricity. Illus. (1874.) 537-8 Same. (Enl. ed.) 537.107 Argentine Repubwc. Curso electro- t^cnica de la escuela profesional su- perior por M. B. Bahia, vol. 6. 1894. 5371-86 ATKINSON, P. Electricity for everybody. Port. Illus. 1895 537.150 Elements of dynamic electricity and magnetism. 2d ed. Illus. 1891 5371.3 Elements of static electricity. Illus. 1887 537.90 Ayrton, W. E. Economical use of gas engines for the production of electric- ity. 1881 in *504.66 Practical electricity. Illus. 1887 5371-6 Barnard, C. First steps in electricity. Illus. 1888 537.64 Bedeli., F. Principles of the transformer. Illus. 1896 , 5371. "5 — and Crehore, A. C. Alternating cur- rents. Illus. 1893 5371.50 BENJAMIN, P. Age of electricity. 1886. 5371.64 Intellectual rise in electricity. Port. Illus. 1895 537.151 Voltaic cell. Illus. 1893 5371.55 Biggs, C. H. W. First principles of elec- trical engineering. Illus. n. d 5371.8 Bi,AKESLEY, T. H. Alternating currents of electricity. 2d ed. enl. 1889 5.171-49 BONNEY, G. E. Electrical experiments. Illus. n. d 5371.91 BoTTONE, S. R. Electrical instrument making for amateurs. 6th ed. 1894. 5371.85 Brackett, C. F. and others. Electricity in daily life. 1890 5371.80 BuRCH, G. J. Manual of electrical science. Illus. 1893 537-160 Caili^ard, E. M. Electricity the science of the 19th century. Illus. 1891 537.81 Canestrini, E. Fulmini e parafulmini. 1888 537-143 CarharT, H. S. Primary batteries. Illus. 1891 537.165 ChrysTal, G., and Shaw, W. N. Elec- tricity, electrometer, magnetism and electrolysis. 1894 5371. 7o Cook, J. Magnetism and electricity. Illus. 1875 537-2 Same. 1890 537-113 Crapper, E. H. Practical electrical meas- urements. Illus. 1897 5371. 117 CuMMiNG, L. Electricity treated experi- mentally. 4th ed. Illus. 1893 537.156 Introd. to the theory of electiicity. 2d ed. 1879 537.20 Cyclopedia of electrical engineering. Ports. Illus. 2 vols. 1891 **537i.26-7 DALENCfe, — . Traitt6 de I'aiman. 1687. 538.26 Desmond, C. Electricity for engineers. Illus. 1890 5371.84 Same. 1894 5371. 11 Du BoiS, H. Magnetic circuit in theory and practice. Tr. by E. Atkinson. Illus. 1896 537.175 Du MoNCEi,. T., Vicomte. Electro-mag- nets. 1833 5371.87 ff EI.ECTRICITY. 197 Du MoNCBi,, T. — Continued. Elements of construction for electro-mag- nets. Tr. by C. J. Wharton. 1883. 5371-10 DUNMAN, T. Electricity and magnetism. Illus. 1888 53767 Dyer, — . Induction coils : how made and how used. Repr. from 8th Eng. ed. 1881 5371-45 Dynamic electricity. 1884 5371-46 ELECTRiCAiy review. Vols. 15-32. Aug., 1889-June, 1898+ **537-73 " Electrician " primers. Vol. i, Theory ; vol. 2, Practice. 1891 5371-72-3 EmTage, W. T. a. Introd. to the mathe- matical theory of electricity and mag- netism. 1891 537-99 EwiNG, J. A. Magnetic induction in iron and other metals. Illus. 1892 537i-i2 Faraday, M. Experimental researches in electricity. PI. 3 vols. 1839-44. 537-14-16 Ferguson, R. M. Electricity. Illus. 1890.. 537-II6 FiSKE, B. A. Electricity in theory and practice. Illus. 8th ed. 1890 537I-I3 Fleming, J. A. Alternate current trans- former. 2 vols. 1892 5371-18-19 Magnets and electric currents. Illus. 1898 537-171 Short lectures to electrical artisans. 4th ed. Illus. 1892 5371.48 FoNViELLE, W. de. Les merveilles du monde invisible. Illus. 1869 537-176 Thunder and lightning. Tr. and ed. by T. Iv. Phipson. Illus. 1871 537- 141 Forbes, G. Electricity. Illus. 1888. 537-66 Frith, H. Marvels of electricity and mag- netism. Illus. n. d 537-65 Gerard, E. Electricity and magnetism. Tr. by R. C. Duncan. Illus. 1897. ..537. 164 Gilbert, W. Loadstone and magnetic bodies, and on the great magnet the earth. Tr. by P. F. Mottelay. Port. Illus. 1893 *537-6o GiRARD College. Magnetic and meteor- ological observations, 1840-5. 3 vols, and Atlas *538.6-9 Gladstone, J. H., a»fi^ Tribe, A. Chemis- try of the secondary batteries of Plants and Faure. 1883 537I-I4 Gordon, J. E. H. Electricity and magne- tism. 3d ed. Illus. 2 vols. 1891... 537. 32-3 Graffigny, H. de. Industrial electricity. Tr. by A. G. Elliott. Illus. 1898....5371.131 Gray, A. Absolute measurements in electricity and magnetism. Illus. 2 vols, (in 3). 1888-93 537-125-5 ' Magnetism and electricity. Vol. i. 1898. 537-173 Great Britain. Observations on days of unusual magnetic disturbance, at colonial observatories. Pt. i, 1840-1. 1843 *538.I2 Greer, H. Dictionary of electricity, with additions by W. I/. Allison. Illus. 1883 537.31 Storage of electricity, n. d ?»*504.7o GuiLLEMiN, A. Electricity and magne- tism. Tr. by S. P. Thompson. 1891. 537-146 Guthrie, F. Magnetism and electricity. Illus. (1875.) 537.13 Harris, Sir W. S. Frictional electricity. 1867 *537-42 Rudimentary magnetism. Illus 537-69 Haskins, C. D. Transformers. Illus. 1892 5371.22 Haskins, C. H. The galvanometer, and its uses. Illus. 1873 -5371.53 Same. 4th ed. 1890 537i-i5 Hawkins, N. New catechism of elec- tricity. Illus. 1898 537.168 HeavisidE, O. Electrical papers. 2 vols. 1892 5371.24-5 Henderson, J. Practical electricity and magnetism. Illus. 1898 - 537-172 HoSPiTALiER, E. Domestic electricity for amateurs. Tr. by C. J. Wharton. Illus. 1885 5371-28 Modern appliances of electricity. Tr. by J. Maier. Illus. 1882 537i.6o Houston, E. J. Dictionary of electrical words, 1 terms and phrases. 3d ed. enl. App. 1894 **537.47 Electric transmission of intelligence, and other advanced primers of electricity. Illus. 1893 5371-33 Electrical measurements and other ad- vanced primers of electricity. Illus. 1896 5371-125 Electricity and.magnetism. Illus. 1893. 537.110 1 98 ElvECTRIClTY. Houston, E. J. — Continued. — and Kennelly, A. E. Alternating elec- tric currents, lUus. 1895 5371. 119 Electrical engineering leaflets. lUus. 3 vols. 1895 5371,104-6 Electricity madCieasy. lUus. 1898....5371.129 Jackson, D. C. and]. P. Alternating cur- rents and alternating current machin- ery, lUus. 1896 537-155 Jamieson, a. Electrical rules, tables, tests and formulae. lUus. 1889 537.102 Elementary manual of magnetism and electricity. 3d ed. lUus. 1894 537.169 JBNKIN, F. Electricity and magnetism. 3d ed. lUus. 1876 537.4 JoubkrT, J. Elementary treatise on elec- tricity and magnetism. Tr. by G. C. Foster and E. Atkinson. lUus. 1896. 537167 Joyce, S. Examples in electrical engi- neering. Illus. 1896 537I-I09 Kapp, G. Alternating currents of elec- tricity. 1893 5371-66 Transformers for single and multiphase currents. Illus. 1896 537.162 Kempe, H. R. Electrical engineer's pock- et-book. Illus. 1890 5371-52 Handbook of electrical testing. 1876. 5371-20 Same. New ed. 1881 5371-57 Same. 3d ed. 1884 5371.58 Same. 5th ed. 1892 5371.21 Kii,GOUR, M. H. and others. Electrical distribution. Illus, n. d 537.161 KiRWAN, T. Modern electricity. Illus. 1889 537.74 KoHLRAUSCH, F. Introduction to physical measurements with appendices on ab- solute electrical measurement, etc. Tr. by T. H. Waller and H. R. Proctor. 1874 537-7 LEFROY, Sir J. H. Diary of a magnetic survey of a portion of Canada, 1842-4. Maps. 1883 538.17 IM MONNIER, P. C. I/oix du magn^tisme. Maps. 1776 538.27 Locke, J. Terrestrial magnetism. 1852. /«*538.i4 Lodge, O. J. Lightning conductors and lightning guards. Illus. 1892 537.157 Modern views of electricity (2d ed.) Illus. 1892 537.112 Loppife, F., and Bouquet, R. Alternate cur- rents in practice. Tr. by F. J. Moflfett. Illus. 1898 5371.133 Martin, T. C. Inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla. 3d ed. Port. 1894 537.83 ed. Measurement of electric currents. Illus. 1893 5371.100 Maxwei,!/, J. C. Electricity and magnet- ism. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1881 537.144-5 Same. 3d ed. 1892 537.122-3 Maycock, W, p. Alternating-current cir- cuit. Illus. 1897 5371. 118 Practical electrical notes and definitions. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Illus 537-84 Mayer, A. M. The earth a great magnet. 1872 537.3 Meadowcroft, W. H. a B C of electric- ity. Illus. (1888.) 537.163 MkndenhaIvI,, T. C. Century of electric- ity. Illus. 1887 5371.62 Mii.i,is, J. Electricity in land warfare. 20 pp ««537.75 MUNRO, J. Romance of electricity.. ...J537.M92 Story of electricity. Illus. 1896 537.159 — and Jamieson, A. Pocket-book of elec- trical rules and tables. 7th ed. rev. and enl. 1891 537.43 Same. loth ed. 1894 537.118 Neumayer, G. Results of the magnetic survey of the colony of Victoria, 1858- 1864. Maps ^538.3 NiBi^ETT, J. T. Portative electricity. Illus. (1893.) 5371-96 NiCHOiyS, E. L., ed. Laboratory manual of physics and applied electricity. Illus. 2 vols. 1894-6 530.136-7 NiPHER, F. E. Magnetic measurements. 94 pp. 1886.. 537-177 NOAD, H. M. Manual of electricity. 4th ed. Illus. 1859 537.1 Students' text-book of electricity. Illus. 1879 537-34 Parker, J. A. Polar magnetism ; on the non-existence of projectile forces in nature. 1874 «« 513.72 Practicai, electrics. 3d ed. 1891 5371-2 PrESCOTT, G. B. The speaking telephone, electric light and other recent electri- cal inventions. Illus. 1879 537i-3i Privat-Deschanei,, a. Electricity and magnetism. Illus. 1872 530.160 ELECTRICITY. 199 Reynibr, E. Voltaic accumulator. Tr. by J. A. Berly. lUus. 1889 5371.7 Robinson, H. Comparisons between the different systems of distributing elec- tricity. 1893 5371-83 RoGEf, P. M. Electricity, galvanism, magnetism, and electro-magnetism. Illus. 1832 537-27 Roi,FE, W. J., and Gillet, J. A. Elements of chemistry and electricity. 4th ed. Illus. 1868 540.123 SECCHI, a. Researches on electrical rheometry. Pi. 1852 /«*538.i4 See, J. W. Abridgments of United States patents, on underground lines, to Jan. I, 1886 5371-56 Siemens, Sir C. W. Electricity, etc. Pi. 1889 530. T20 Slingo, W., and Brooker, A. Electrical engineering. Illus. 1891 5371-34 Si,OANE, T. O'C. Arithmetic 'of electricity. (3d ed. rev.) Illus. 1892 537.98 SODTHAM, A. D. Electrical engineering as a profession. 3d ed. PI. Illus. 1896 5371-108 Spang, H. W. Lightning protection. Illus. 1877 5371-35 Sprague, J. T. Electricity. Illus. 1875. 537-6 Same. 3d ed. 1892 537.148 STEINmetz, C. p., and Berg, E. J. Theory and calculation of alternating current phenomena. 2d ed. 1898 5371.122 Stewart, B., and Gee, W. W. H. Elec- tricity and magnetism. Illus. 1887. 537-5 Swinburne, J. Practical electrical units popularly explained. 1883 537-41 Symons, G. J., ed. Lightning rod confer- ence. 1882 5371-1 Tesi,a, N. Experiments with alternate currents of high potential and high frequency. Port. ( Illus.) 1892 5371.36 Thompson, S. P. Electromagnet. Illus. 1892 537.48 Electromagnet and electromagnetic mechanism. 2d ed. Illus. 1892... 537. 170 Elementary lessons in electricity and magnetism. New rev. ed. 1895 537.149 Polyphase electric currents and alternate- current motors. PI. Illus. 1895. ..537. 153 Storage of electricity. 1881 in*$o^.']o Thomson, J. J. Recent researches in elec- tricity and magnetism. Illus. 1893. 537-124 Thomson, Sir W., Baron Kelvin. Elec- trostatics and magnetism. 2d ed. 1884 537-57 Toronto Magnetical Observatory. Ab- stracts of magnetical observations, 1856-62 inclusive and parts of 1853-5. *538-5 TrBadwei^I/, a., Jr. Storage battery. Illus, 1898 5371-130 TrevERT, E. Armature and field-magnet winding. Illus. 1892 5371.68 Electricity and its recent applications. Illus. 1891 5371-38 Electricity for students. Illus. 1895..5371.92 Experimental electricity. Illus. 1890. 5371-82 How to make and use induction coils. Illus. 1892 5371-39 Trowbridge, J. What is electricity? Illus. 1896 537-158 TdnzeI/MANN, G. W. von. Electricity in modern life. 1890 5371.40 Tyndai,!,, J. Diamagnetism and magne- crystallic action. Illus. 1888 537-46 Electrical phenomena and theories. 1889 537-28 Light and electricity. 1871 537.i8 United States. Coast and Geod. Survey. Notes on measurements of terrestrial magnetism. Prepared by C. A. Shott. z« 526.13 UrbaniTzky, A., Ritter Yon. Electricity in the service of man. Illus. 1886. ' • 5371-44 Verity, J. B. Electricity up to date. Illus. (1891.) 5371-59 Wai^ker, S. F. Electricity in our homes and workshops. 2d ed. Illus. 1890. 5371-67 Wai.msi,EY, R. M. Electric current. Illus. 1894 5371.42 Wright, L. Induction coil in practical work, including Rontgen X rays. Illus. 1897 5371.126 Young, F. Chilton, ed. Electrical appara- tus for amateurs. Illus. 1895 5371-107 TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE, ETC. Ai^i^op, F. C. Telephones. Illus. 1891. 5376-5 200 ELECTRICITY. American Electrical Engineering Assoc. Patented telephony. Illus. 1897. ..5376.12 American Telegraph Co. The Ataerican Telegraph Co. and the New York Asso- ciated Press (Statement of contro- versy). i860 ««*6oo.44 BeECHEY, F. S. Electro-telegraphy. Illus. 1876 5375.6 Bei,i., a. G. The telephone. 1878. in *5o4.66 Bond, R. The telegraph. 3d ed. Illus. T870 5375.7 Same. 4th ed. 1873 5375-i8 Cui,i,EY, R. S. Practical telegraphy. 7th ed. Illus. 1878 5375-19 D01.BEAR, A. E. The telephone. Illus. 1877 5376.1 DouGi Cooking and castle building. 1880 641.13 Gem cook book by a New England lady. 1875 641.3 228 HOUSEHOLD ARTS. GouFF^, J. Royal book of pastry and confectionery. Tr. by A. Gouff6. PI. Illus. 1874 642,2 Hari,and, M. {pseud, of M. V. Terhune.) Common sense in the household. 1871. 641.9 Cookery for beginners. 1884 641.21 Cottage kitchen : receipts. 1883 641.18 — and Herrick, C. T. National cook book. 1896 641.48 Henderson, M. F. Practical cooking and dinner giving. Illus. 1877 641.17 Herrick, C. T. Liberal living on narrow means. 1890 641.6 Home advice : a receipt book 641. 11 Ice-cream and cakes. 1883 641.15 Jago, W. Science and art of breadmak- ing. PI. Illus. 1895 641.42 KiRKi,AND, E. S. Six little cooks J641.K63 Murrey, T.J. Fifty soups. 1885 641.28 Salads and sauces. 1884 641.27 Oyster epicure, (by C.) in *64i.36 Pabke, Mrs. A. One hundred recipes. 1883 t«*64i.36 Parloa, M. New cook book and market- ing guide. (1880.) 641.12 Young housekeeper. Illus. 1894 641.46 Poole, H. M. Fruits and how to use them. 1890 641.32 Power, S. D. Anna Maria's housekeep- ing J641.P87 Ransom, D., Son & Co. Family receipt book. 1883 t«*64i.36 Richards, E. H. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning. 1882 640.34 — and Elliott, S. M. Chemistry of cooking and cleaning. 2d ed. 1897 640.53 Ronald, M, Century cook-book. 1896. 641.45 Seneca, {pseud.) Canoe and camp cook- ery. 1885 641.29 Thudichum, J. L. W. Spirit of cookery. 1895 641.43 Trai,!., R. T. Hygeian home cook-book. 1884 641.22 United States. Manual for army cooks. 1896 641.49 WeaTherley, H. Art of boiling sugar. 1869 642.5 WEI,!^, R. Ornamental confectionery. PI. 1890 642.4 What shall we eat? 1873 643.3 White, S. J. Cookery in the public schools. Illus. (Cop. 1890.) 641.39 Whitney, A. D. T. Just how. 1882 641.16 Williams, W. M. Chemistry of cookery. 1885 641.26 Woodman, M. S. Choice receipts. 1875. 641.10 GASTRONOMY.— DINING. Bellows, A. J. Philosophy of eating. 13th ed, 1882 643.15 BrillaT-Savarin, a. Gastronomy as a fine art. Tr. by R. E, Anderson, 1877 643,33 Physiologic du gout. 1876 643,7 Physiology of taste, Tr. by F. Robinson. 1854 6435 FiLiPPiNi, A. The table. Port. 1889, ,,643.34 Hayward, a. Art of dining, 1852 643,12 Herrick, C. T. What to eat, how to serve it. 1891 643.35 Hoy, a. H. Eating and drinking. 1896. 613.317 JEAFFRESON, J. C. Book about the table. ' 2d ed. 2 vols. 1875 643.13-14 Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. Carving and serv- ing. (52PP-) 1887 643.18 O'Leary, a. Ingesta : eating and drink- ing an art. (Cop. 1886.) 643.16 Walker, T. Aristology ; or, the art of dining. 1881 643.31 DIETETICS. Beard, G. M. Eating and drinking. 2d ed. 1877 643.2 Blanchard, V. W. Lectures and essays (food cure system). 1878 in **6io.548 CusT, M. a., Lady. Invalid's own book. 1888.... 641.31 FOTHERGILL, J. M. Manual of dietetics. 1886 .'. 613.320 — and Wood, H. C. Food for the invalid, convalescent, dyspeptic and gouty. 1880..... 613.69 Henderson, M. F. Diet for the sick, Illus, 1885 613,162 HoLLOWAY, L. C, Buddhist diet-book. 80 pp. 1886 613.268 Jacobi, a. Infant diet. 1876 613,16 Nichols, T. L. Diet cure. (Cop. 1881.) 613.267 HOUSEHOI.D ARTS. 229 Ruddock, E. H. Essentials of diet. 1876. ....613.25 RUMFORD, I. B. Edenic diet. 1889 613.285 SCHWCKEYSEN, G. Fruit and bread. Tr. by M. L. Holbrook. With app. Illus. (Cop. 1877.) 613.264 S EAGER, H. W., comp. Light diet. 1887. 613.275 Thompson, Sir H. Diet in relation to age and activity. 2d ed. 94 pp. 1888. ..613. 252 Whiting, S. Memoirs of a stomach. 6th ed *6i3.i58 Yeo, I. B. Food in health and disease. Illus. (1896.) 613.321 FUEI..— LIGHTS. —REFRIGERA- TION. (See also Gas under Chemical Technoi-ogy. ) BowDiTCH, W. R. Analysis, technical val- uation, purification and uses of coal gas. Illus. 1868 644.1 Clark, D.K. Fuel. 4th ed. Illus. 1891. 644.12 Galloway, R. Fuel. Illus. 1880 644.10 Gas consumer's guide. Illus. 1871 665.2 GiBBS, W. E. I/ighting by acetylene gen- erators, burners and electric furnaces. Illus. T898 665.25 Groves, C. E., and Thorp, W., eds. Chem- ical technology. PI. Illus. 2 vols. 1889, 1895 665.8-8^ Harris & Bro. Gas superintendent's pocket manual. 1871 665.3 Hartley, F. W. Gas measurement and gas meter testing. 4th ed. Illus. 1882 665.4 Leask, a. R. Refrigerating machinery. Illus. 1895 621.298 LeavitT, T. H. Facts about peat. 3d ed. 1867 644.5 Martin, E. A. Story of a piece of coal. Illus. 1896 644.13 Meldola, R. Coal and what we get from it. Illus. 1891 J662.M48 NicoLLS, W. J. American coals. 1897. ..644.15 Perkins, E. E. Gas and ventilation. Illus. 1869 644.4 SlEBEL, J. E. Compend of mechanical refrigeration. 2d ed. 1896 621.196 Siemens, C. W. Fuel. 1874 644.9 SvEDELius, G. Handbook for charcoal burners. Tr. by R. B. Anderson. Illus. 1875 662.13 Tayler, a. J. Wallis. Refrigerating and icemaking machinery. Illus. 1896. 621.299 Union Pacific R. R. Evolution of arti- ficial light from a pine knot to the Pintsch light. Map. Illus. 1893... .644. 14 Williams, C. W. Combustion of coal and the prevention of smoke. (Abr.) in 644.12 Wormald, J. Value of artificial fuels as compared with coal. 36 pp. 1874. in 644.9 CLOTHING.— TOILET. (See also Baths.— Clothing under Pbrsonal Htoibne.) CooLEY, A. J. Selection and use of per- fumes, cosmetics and other toilet articles, with formulae. 1873 646.5 Toilet in ancient and modem times. 1873 646.6 Dewing, Mrs. T. W. Beauty in dress. 1881 646.11 Gale, E. C. Hints on dress. 1872 646.4 Haweis, Mrs. M. E. Art of dress. 1879. 646.2 Myers, A. E. Home dressmaking. Illus. 1892 646.17 SERVANTS. Roberts, R. House servant's directory. 1827 647.2 Salmon, L. M. Domestic service. 1897. 647.4 Servants' guide and family manual. 2d ed. Illus. 1831 647.3 Spoeford, H. p. Servant girl question. 1881 647.1 NURSERY.— SICKROOM. Billroth, T. Care of the sick. Tr. by J. B. Endean. 3d ed. Port. Illus. 1894. 613.328 Blake, S.J. Care of infants. 1884 649.6 Canfield, W. B. Hygiene of the sick- room. 1892 610.695 Combe, A. Management of infancy. 1871. 613.165 Gardner, A. K. Our children : their physical and mental development. 1876 *6i3.47 230 MECHANICAL ARTS. Hale, a. M. Management of children. 1880 613.93 Hampton, I. A. Nursing. PI. lUus. 1893 649.4 Jeffries, J. A. Sterilization of milk and food for iufants. 11 pp. i890....*6io.648* KEATING, J. M. Mother's guide in the management and feeding of infants, 1881 , 613.96 Kneipp, S. Care of children. 1897 649.5 Nightingale, F. Notes on nursing, n. d. 649.1 RoTCH, T. M. Artificial feeding of in- fants. 1887 ?«**6io.648 ScoviL, E. R. Care of children. Rev. ed. Port. 1895 649.3 Stoney, E. a. M. Practical points in nursing. 2d ed. lUus. 1897 610.688 Uffelmann, J. Domestic hygiene of the child. Tr. by H. R. Milinowski. 1891 613.281 Warren, E. How I managed my children from infancy to marriage. (1865.). ..613.104 Weeks-Shaw, Mrs. C. S., comp. Text- book of nursing. 2d ed. Illus. 1895. 613.301 WiNTERBURN, F. H. Nursery ethics. (1895.) 649.2 Wood, F. F. Infancy and childhood. 1897 613.332 MECHANICAL ARTS. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Allen, H. B. Useful companion and artificer's assistant. Illus. 1883 603.48 Amateur work. (Also) Amateurs in council. PI. Illus. Vols. 1-7. 7 vols. n. d 680.27 Amateur's handbook of practical informa- tion for workshop, etc. 2d ed. 1879. 680.37 Amateur's workshop. By the author of " Pattern making." Illus. 1890 621.240 Appleton's cyclopaedia of applied mechanics. Illus. 2 vols. i883...**6o3.32-3 Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine work and engineer- ing. 2 vols. 1873 ^603. 1-2 Barlow, P. Encyclopaedia of arts, manufactures and machinery. /V^- fixed. View of principles of manu- factures, by C. Babbage. PI. 1851. 603.60 Beeton, S. O. Dictionary of industries and commerce. PI. Illus. n. d...**6o3.35 Benjamin, P. Wrinkles and recipes, from the Scientific American. 5th ed. Illus. 1891 603.20 BIRDWOOD, G. C. M. Industrial arts of India. Map. PI. Illus. 2 vols. n. d. 600.29-30 BlakelEE, G. E. Industrial cyclopedia. Illus. (Cop. 1884.) **6o3.43 Simple mechanics. Illus. n. d *62i.99 Boy's workshop .J600.B69W Bradbury, R. Encyclopaedia of practical information and universal formulary. 1888 •. 603.54 Brand, H. W. Cyclopedia of useful knowl- edge for farmer, mechanic, business man, housekeeper. 1879 **6o3.8 Brande, W. T., ed. Dictionary of science, literature and art. Illus. 1859 **6o3.53 Burn, R. S. Self-aid cyclopedia. PI. Illus. n. d 603.50 Burt, S. H., comp. What every one should know. 1888 ^^603.42 BuTTERWORTH, B. Growth of the indus- trial art. PI. 1892 *U.S. 522.730 Byrne, O. Handbook for artisan, me- chanic, engineer, etc. Illus. 1870 600.1 Chase, A. W. Recipes; or, information for everybody. 1876 **6o3.i7 Cleaves, a. H. Ways and means for ma- chinists, metal workers, model workers, watch and tool makers, etc. IIIUS....621.236 Cochrane, R. Romance of industry and invention. Illus. 1897 600.58 Wonders of modern mechanism, Illus. 1896 620.553 CooLEY, A. J. Cyclopaedia of practical re- ceipts in arts, trades, medicine, domes- tic economy. 6th ed. 2 vols. i88o..**6o3.7 MECHANICAL ARTS. 231 Courtney, W. S. Farmers' and mechan- ics' manual. lUus. 1874 **6o3.i5 Crane, W. and others. Arts and crafts es- says. 1893 600.57 Dick, W. B. Encyclopedia of practical re- ceipts and processes. 5th ed. 1892. **6o3.4 Dictionary of useful knowledge. 2 vols. (1858.) **6o3.36-7 DODD, G. Dictionary of manufactures, mining, machinery, industrial arts. (1869.) **6o3.23 DUPIN, C, Baron. Mathematics practi- cally applied to the useful and fiue arts. Adapted to the state of the arts in England by G. Birkbeck. 1827 600.41 Emporium of arts and sciences. Ports. PI. 4 vols. 1812-14 *6oo.3-6 Encyci,op^dia of the useful arts. Illus. 1848 **6o3.59 Contents : Russell, M. Agriculture. — Don, G. Horticulture.— Lowe, J. Commerce. — Senior, N. W. Political economy. — Nichol- son, P. Carpentry.— Mitchell, C. C. Fortifi- cation. — Harvey, G. Naval architecture. ErRERA, a. Manuale teorico-pratico per le piccole Industrie. 1880 600.56 Every man his own mechanic. Illus. n. d 680.19 GalTon, F. W., ed. Workers on their in- dustries. 1896 600.55 Griffith, R. Boys' useful pastimes..j6oo.G87 Grimshaw, R. Shop kinks and machine- shop chat. Illus. 1896 621.306 HarTshorne, H. Household cyclopedia of general information. Illus. 1881. **6o3.i4 Hasluck, p. N. Metal turner's handy book.' 2d ed. Illus. 1887 621.251 Hazen, E. Popular technology ; or, pro- fessions and trades. Illus. 2 vols. 1842 600.37-8 Hopkins, A. A. Scientific American cyclopedia of receipts, notes and queries. Illus. 1892 **6o3.44 Industrial, arts. Illus. n. d. (S. Kens. Mus. Sci. handbooks.') 600.71 Knight, E. H. American mechanical dictionary. Pi. Illus. 3 vols. 1874-5. **62o.i-3 IvUDWIg, R. and others. Die Gewinnung der Rohstoflfe. 1864 604.4 Io6.l6^ Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ann, catalogues, 1867-73, 1879-80. Re- ports of president, etc., 187 1-2, 1874. **6o7.i2 SCHOENHOK, J. Industrial education in France. Maps. 1888 607.16 SuTCLiFFE, J. D. Hand-craft : an Eng. exposition of Sloyd. PI. 1890 607.5 Technical educator. lUus. 4 vols. n. d. 607.1-4 Woodward, C. M. Manual training in education. Illus. 1896 607.18 Manual training school. Illus. 1887. ..607.13 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONS. ATLANTA. Cotton states Exposition, 1895. Exhibit in 506.158 Chicago. World's Columbian Exposi- tion, 1893. Glimpses of the World's Fair through a camera, pub. by Laird and Lee. 1893 606.180 Official manual. 1890 606.161 Argentine Republic. Orgauization et institutions sanitaires. 1893 606.175 Sciences m^dicales, par D. Decoud. 1893 606.176 Brazil. Catalogue. 1893 606.173 Germany. Amtlicher Katalog der Aus- stellung des deutschen Reiches. 1893. 606.X83 Great Britain. Official catalogue. Map. 1893 *6o6.i7i Russia. Catalogue. 1893 **6o6.i74 London. Exhibition, 1851. Art journal, illustrated catalogue : the industry of all nations *6o9.6 Lectures on the results of the exhibition, by W. Whewell and others. 1852... 606. 184 International Exhibition, 1862. In- dustry , science and art of the age ; the international exhibition popularly described by J. Timbs. 1863 606.187 Indian Dept. Classified catalogue, by J. F. Watson. Illus 606.185 International Health Exhibition. 1884. Education division, Special catalogue of. 2ded. 1884 606.189 Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic As- sociation. I4th-i5th exhibitions, 1881, 1884 606.151-51 2 New Orleans. North, Central and South American Exposition, 188^-6. Cata- logue of the products of California exhibited by Southern Pacific Co. 1886 606.160 World's Industrial and Cotton Centen- nial Exposition, 1884-3. Report of A. Andrews, U. S. Commissioner for Cali- fornia **6o6.i72 Paris. Universal Exposition, 1878. United States. Rep. of Commissioners. Illus. 5 vols. 1880 606.190-4 Victoria {colony). Rep. of Commission- ers. PI. Illus. 1879 *6o6.i86 Universal Exposition, 1889. L' Exposi- tion. 2 vols, (in i). Illus **6o6.i88 Argentine Republic. Catdlogo oficial de minerales exhibidas. 1889 606. x66 Catalogue. 1889 **6o6.x69 Coleccion de informes reunidos por el delegado del Gobierno. PI. 2 vols. 1890 606.163-4 Oficial memoria sobre las miuas, por H. D. Hoskold. 1889 **6o6.i68 United States. Official catalogue. 1889. 606.157 Rep. of the Commissioners. Illus. 5 vols. 1890 *6o6.i56-6 5 Philadelphia. Electrical Conference, 1884. Official catalogue 606.165 Philadelphia. International Exhibi- tion, 1876. Centennial exposition de- scribed and illustrated, by J. S. Ingram. Illus. 1876 606.170 Reports and awards. 12 vols. Maps. PI *6o6. 203-214 Visitors' guide. Maps in 606.179 What we saw and how we saw it, pt. 2: Tourthrough the main building. 1876. in 606.179 France. Notices on the models, charts and drawings relating to the works of the Ponts et chaussdes and the mines. 1876 606.203 Philadelphia. " Novelties ' ' Exhibition, 1885. Official catalogue in **6o6.i65 San Francisco. California Midwinter International Exposition, 1894. Offi- cial history. 1894 **6o6.i78 234 MKCHANICAI. ARTS. San Francisco. — Continued. International Exposition illustrated.Sept., 1893-July, 1894 (incomplete) **6o6.i55 ( IVith May, title changes to Illustrated Paci- fic states.) Mechanics' Institute. Industrial exhibi- tions. 8th, nth, 26th, 29th reports, 1871-96 *6o6.i02 INVENTIONS.— PATENTS. Archer, W. H. Abstracts of English and colonial patent specifications relating to the preservation of food, etc. PI. 1870 in **504.56 Bagger, L. , & Co. Complete guide for ob- taining patents. 1875 in *62i.i58 Bakrwei,!., F. C. Great facts: most re- markable inventions during the pres- ent century. Illus, i860 608.152 Beckmann, J. History of inventions and discoveries. Tr. by W. Johnston. 3d ed. 4 vols. 1817 608.1-4 Same. 4th ed. Ports. 2 vols. 1877-80. 608.722-3 Brown, J. Popular treatise on the patent laws. 1874 in *62i.i57 Burni,ey,J. Romance of invention. 1886. 608.703 Carpmaei<, a. and E., eds. Patent laws of the world. 1885 **6o8.i5i Cei,Ebration of the beginning of the se- cond century of the American patent system at Washington City, D. C, Apr. 8-10, 1891. Proceedings and addresses. **6o8.9 Curtis, G. T. Treatise on law of patents for useful inventions. 4th ed. 1873. **6o8.7 DiRCKS, H. Inventors and inventions. Port. 1867 6CO.8 EiNEiJHRUNG in die Geschichte der Erfin- dungen. Bildungsgang und Bildung- smittel der Menschheit. Von J. ZoU- ner, O. Mothes, F. Luckenbacher. Ports. Illus. 1864 608.721 FiGDiER, L. Merveilles de la science. Illus. 3 vols. 1867 *6oo.48-5o Gaumont, C. Inventions et d^couvertes. 1885 608.700 Great Britain. Illustrated official jour- nal of patents, vols. 7-10. i895-8...**6o8.4i9 Same. Index, vols. 7-9 **6o8.42o Great Britain. — Continued. Same. Abridgements of patented inven- tions, vols. 15-17. Jan., 1894-Dec., 1896. **6o8.4i8 Same. Report of patent, design and trade-mark cases, vols. 12-15. 1895-8. **6o8.42i Patents for inventions. Abridgements of specifications, 1533-1876. 61 vols. **6o8.430-89 Grimshaw, R. Tips to inventors. 1892. 608.704 Hai,E, E. E., ed. Stories of invention. J608.H13 HowsoN, H. andC. United States patents. 1877 608.101 Hunter, A. Popular catalogue of the cur- iosities in the National Institute, Pa- tent Office. 2d ed. 1855 *6o8.7i7 Johnson, J. and]. H. Patentee's manual. 1890 608.153 Knight, G. H. Patent Office manual. 1894 **6o8.7i2 Law, S. D. Copyright and patent laws of the United States, 1790-1866. 1866 608.6 I/UBY, "W. A. Patent office practice. 1897. **6o8.7i4 Maigne, W. Dictionnaire classique des origines, inventions et d^convertes dans les arts, les sciences, et les lettres. n. d **6o8.7ii MERWIN, H, C. Patentability of inven- tions. 1883 **6o8.4oi Moore, J. G. Patent office and patent laws, i860 608.29 MuiRHEAD, J. P. Origin and progress of the mechanical inventions of James Watt. Port. PI. Illus. 3 vols. 1854. *62i. 48-50 New South Waives. Letters of registra- tion of inventions under 16 Victoria, No. 24, 1866 - 8, 1870 - 2, 1873 - 76. **6o8. 122-130 NoYES, H. F. How to apply for a patent. Illus. (1897.) 608.715 PROPRi^Tfe industrielle : organe officiel du Bureau International de 1' Union pour la Protection de la Propridtd Indus- trielle, vols. 5-6. 1889-90 **6o8.699*« Ren WICK, E. S. Patentable invention. 1893 608.713 MANUFACTURES. 235 RouTLRDGE, R. • Discoveries and inven- tions of the 19th century. nth ed. PI. Illus. 1896 600.7 Scientific American reference book. (Patent laws, etc.) 1877 608.8 SiMONDS, W. E. Manual of patent law. 1874 608.5 Smith, J. The mechanic; or, compendium of practical inventions. 7th ed. 2 vols. 1825 608.718-9 Thompson, E. P. How to make inven- tions. (1891.) 608.705 Times, J. Stories of inventors and dis- coverers in science and the useful arts. Illus. i860 608.716 Wonderful inventions, n. d 608.720 TiSSANDiER, G., and Frith, H. Marvels of invention and scientific puzzles, n. d. 608.150 Toi^HAUSEN, A. Synopsis of the patent laws of various countries. 2d ed. 1868 **6o8.i3i United States. American Republics Bureau. Bulletin, 3: Patent and trade-mark laws of America. 1891...608.708 Patent Office. Destruction by fiire of the north and west halls of the model room the U. S. Patent Office building on the 24th of Sept., 1877. Illus. 1877. **6o8.7o6 Official gazette, vols, i-i i, 13-83. 1872-7, 1878-98+ **6o8.30-84 Same. Supplement containing the re- vised classification of subjects of in- vention, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1895 608.701 Reports of Commissioner, 1844-9, 1851- 71 *6o8.ii Same. 1873-97+ **6o8.4i6 Rules of practice in the U. S. Patent Office, revised Sept. i, 1880 **6o8.i34 Specifications and drawings of patents. May, 1871-Mar., 1896+ **6o8.30o-4oo Subject-matter index of patents issued 1790-1873. 3 vols. 1874 **6o8.4i6-6 3 Patents Committee. Arguments before the Committee on patents of the Senate and House of Representatives. 1878 **6o8.28 Victoria. Abstracts of specifications of patents, 1854-66 **6o8.i2i Patents and patentees, 1854-70, 1871-5. **6o8. 119-20 White, F. S. History of inventions and discoveries. 1827 608.709 Worcester, E. S. 2d Marquis of. Cen- tury of inventions (1663) : an exact re- print with introd., notes, etc., by J. Phin. Port. 1887 608.710 MANUFACTURES. MISCELLANEOUS. Benson, W. A. S. Elements of handi- craft and design. Illus. 1893 680.31 Bevan, G. p., ed. British manufacturing industries. 2d ed. Illus. 1877 670.60 Bishop, J. ly. American manufactures, 1608-1860. Ports. 3 vols. 1866... .670.51-3 Cassal, H. J. S. Workshop makeshifts. Illus. 1898 680.32 Chase, A., and Clow, E. Stories of in- dustry. 2 vols J670.C38 C0GGESHAI.1,, W. T. Processes of manu- facture and uses of printing, gaslight, pottery, glass, iron. Illus. 1864 670.1 ICELAND, C. G. Manual of mending and repairing. Illus. 1896 670.63 Lock, C. G. W. Workshop receipts. 4th ser. 1885 680.25 Massachusetts. Annual statistics of manufactures, 1886, 1887-94 670.59 M:feCHANiscHE Bearbeitung der Rohstoflfe. Von F. Kohl, F, Luckenbacher, H. Reutzsch. Ports. Illus. 1867 670.2 METCai^fe, H. Cost of manufactures and the administration of workshops. 1885 , 670.55 PECK, F. M., and Earl, H. H. Fall River and its industries. Ports. Map. Illus. 1877 670.64 SiMMONDS, p. ly. Animal products. Illus. n. d 670.19 UrE, a. Philosophy of manufactures : factory system of Gr. Britain. 3d ed. Illus. 1861 677.25 METALS. Blinn, L. J. Practical workshop compan- ion for tin, sheet iron, and copperplate workers. 1890 671. 11 Boi,i,and, S. Encyclopedia of founding, and dictionary of foundry terms. 1894. 671.66 236 MANUFACTURES. Brannt, W. T., ed. Metal worker's handy- book of receipts and processes, Illus. 1891 671.58 Butts, J. R. Tinman's manual and build- er's and mechanic's handbook. 5th ed. (1869.) *68o.3 Byrne, O. Practical metal workers' as- sistant. Illus. 1874 671.3 Davidson, E. A. Drawing for metal plate workers. PI. (1872.) 671.19 Dingey, P. S. Machinery pattern mak- ing, Illus. (1891.) 671.65 Fi,owER, P. W. History of the trade in tin. Port. Map. Illus. 1880 671.83 Fui,r,ER, J. Art of coppersmithing. Port. Illus. 1894 671.64 Gee, G. E. Goldsmith's handbook. 4th ed, 1892 671,77 Jeweller's assistant in the art of working in gold. 1892 671,63 Silversmith's handbook. 3d ed, Illus. 1890 671.72 Graham, W. Brassfounder's manual. Illus. 3d ed. 1870 671.18 GuETTiER, A. Manufacture of metallic alloys. Tr. by A. A. Fesquet. 1872. 671.22 Hasi^ope, T,. Iv. Repoussd work for amateurs. PI, Illus. 1887 671.56 HlORNS, A. H. Mixed metals and metallic alloys. Illus. 1890 671.69 HoBBS: A. C. Locks and saf^s. Illus. (1868.) 683.1 Horner, J. G. Pattern making. 2d ed. Illus. 1894 671.78 Johnson, E. Irish antique art metal work, facsimile reproductions of which have been specially manufac- tured for exhibition at Chicago. 1893. 671.80 KiTTREDGE, A. O. Metal worker pattern book. Illus. 1882 **67i.82 I/ARKIN, J. Practical brass and iron foun- der's guide, 5th ed. 1878 671.13 IvEij^«fif.) Modern American rifles. Illus. 1892. 683.H Greener, W. W. Choke-bore guns, and how to load for all kinds of game. PI. Illus. n. d 683.4 The gun and its development, with notes on shooting. Illus. (1881.) 683.7 Modern shot guns. Illus, (1888.) 683.10 Hancock, T. Caoutchouc or India rub- ber manufacture in England. PI. Illus. 1857 675.4 HEENER-AiyTENECK, J. H. von. Serrure- rie, ou les ouvrages en fer forg^ du moyen-fige et de la renaissance. Texte tr. par D. Ram€e. ire partie. 1869. 683.5 Herzberg, R. Sewing machine. Tr. by U. Green. PI. 1864 687.1 Heydt, E. Le fusil a aiguille. PI. 1866. in **504.56 Hub, The. Vol. 22. Apr., i88o-Feb., 1881. *684.42 IvUPO, Michele del. Pomologia artificiale. Illus. 1891 679.18 Miller, Sloss & Scott. Illustrated cata- logue (of hardware) No. 7. n, d....**67i.73 New York coachmaker's magazine. Vols. 1-9. June, 1858-May, 1868 *684.7-i5 Norton, C. B. American inventions and improvements in breech-loading small arms, heavy ordnance, etc. PI. 2d ed. 1882 *683.9 Thomson, J. Hatmaking and felting. Illus. 1868 687.2 Thrupp, G. A. History of coaches. Illus. 1877 684.25 ToMLlNSON, C. , ed. Rudimentary treatise on the Construction of door locks. 2d ed. Illus. 1848-9 683.8 Waxelowers: how to make them. Illus. 1872 679.12 ENGINEERING. Armengaud, C. Formulaire de I'ing^- nieur-constructeur. 1858 620.501 BlEnkarn, J. Practical specifications of works in architecture, engineering, roadmakkig and sewering. PI. 1865. *620.292 Burr, W. H. Elasticity and resistance of the materials of engineering. 2d ed. 1888 620.540 Byrne, O. Practical model calculator. 1852 620.566 civil. ENGINEERING. CassiEr's magazine. Vols. 7-12. Nov., 1894-Oct., 1897+ *P203 Dye, F. Popular engineering. 1895. ..620.536 Dyer, H. Education of civil and mechan- ical engineers. 1880 z«*504.56 Engineer, The. Vols. 23-70, Jan., 1867- Dec, 1890 **62o.396-42o Engineering. Vols. 1-65. Jan., 1866- June, 1898+ **62o.328-54 Engineering and mining journal. Vols. 19-34. 63-65. 1875 -1882, 1897.8 + **62o.449-464 Engineering news. Vols. 10-39. 1883- 1898+ **62o.554 ESSAYONS Club of the Corps of Engineers, Printed papers *62o.528 Examination of engineers 620.538 Frith, H. Romance of engineering. Ports. Illus. 1892 620.547 Triumphs of modern engineering, n, d, 620.539 Gai,i,oupE, F. E. Index to engineering periodicals, 1883-1887 **620.550 Hai,dane, J. W. C. Civil and mechanical engineering. PI. 1887 621.188 HarcourT, L. F, Vernon, Achievements in engineering during the last half century. Port. PL Illus, 1891... 620.537 HaupT, L. M. Engineering specifications and contracts. 2d ed. 1881 620.568 HuTTON, W. S. Works' manager's hand- book of modern rules, tables, and data for civil and mechanical engineers, etc. 3d ed, Illus. 1886 621,274 Johnson, J. B. Engineering contracts and specifications. 1895 621.295 — and others, eds. Descriptive index of current engineering literature. Vols. 1-2. 1884-95 **62o.555-6 McAi^PiNE, W. J. Modern engineering. 2d ed, 1874 620.570 Moi^ESWORTH, Sir G. ly. Pocket book of engineering formulae. 7th ed. Illus, 620.544 NouvEi.i,ES annales de la construction. Vols. 1-21. 3d ser. vols. 1-5. 1855-80. **620.270 Rankine, W. J. M. Useful rules and tables. 4th ed. 1873 620.22 Robertson, F. Engineering notes. 1873. 620.569 Scribner, J. M, Engineer's, contractor's and surveyor's pocket table book, 7th ed. 1870 620.12 Society of Engineers. Transactions, 1865- 78 *6o6. 12-25 Spon'S Dictionary of engineering. Ed, by Byrne and Spon, Illus. 8 vols. 1874. *62o. 303-10 Same. 3 vols. (Also) Supplement, 3 vols. 1877-81 **62o.4-6 * Spon'S Engineers' and contractors' illus- trated book of prices of machines, tools, ironwork, and contractors' material, for 1876 **620.i75 Technoi E., (ybrw^r/y E. B. Deni- son.) Book on building, civil and ecclesiastical, including church restora- tion, etc. 2d ed. 1880 690.18 CONSTRUCTION.— BUILDING. 257 BiRKMiRE, W. H. Skeleton construction in buildings. 2d ed. Illus. 1894.. .690.104 BiRli>GE, J. Engineer's practical guide for fixing hot water apparatus, warm- ing buildings, etc. 2d ed. Illus. 1874. .\ in *6io.5i3 Hood, C. Warming buildings by hot water, steam and hot air, on ventilation, etc. 5th ed. Illus. 1879 697.2 Houston, E. J., aftd Kennelly, A. E. Elec- tric heating. Illus. 1895 537 1- 103 Jones, W. Heating by hot water. 2d ed. Illus. 1894 697.20 KiTTREDGE, A. O., ed. Metal worker essays on house heating by steam, hot water and hot air. Illus. 1891 697.4 Lawi 128 Bannan, B., joint author. See Daddow, S. H Banting, W., 160 Barber, T. W., 251 Barker, D.W., 262 Barker, G. F., 190, 203 Barlow, P., 192, 230, 257 Barnaby, S. W., 261 Barnard, C, 196 —joint author. See Mayer, A.M. Barnard, H., ed., 232 Barnard, J. G., 245, 350 — and others, 245, 250 Barnes, C. L., 194 Barnes, E- G., 159 Barnes, J. K., and others, 257 Barnum, P. T., 124 Barr, W. M., 252 Barron, A. F., 220 Barrow, I., 162 Barrows, I. C, 232 Barrows, W. B., 217 — anrfSchwarz, E. A., 217 Barrus, G. H., 253 Barry, J. W., 243 Barry, P., 219 Barstow, W., 206 Bartholow, R., 153 Bartlett, A. D., 124 Bartlett, H.C., 142 Bartlett, W. H., 169, 17a Bartlett, W. H. C, 192, 194 Barton, S., 179 Barwick, J. A., 186 Bary, A de, 113, 122 Bashforth, P., 194, 247 Baskett, J. N., 133 Basset, A. B., 193, 194 Basset, N., 210 Bassnett, T., 186 Bastian, A., 139 Bastian, H. C, 112, 114, 158 Bates, H. W., 116 Battershall, J. P., 227 Batty, J. H., 118 Baudens, Z,., 148 Bauertnan, H., 206, 208 Baumeister, R., 152 Bax, E. I., 202 Bayard, E., joint author. Seemoyer.Sir J. Bayley, T., 207 Bayliss, C. K., 124 Bayne, S. G., 169 Baynes, R. E-, 195 Bazley, T. S., 238 Beal, F. E. L., 133 Beal, W. J., 218 Beale, A. M. A., joint au- thor. 5^«Bottone,S.R. Beale, I,. S., 112, 113, 142, 156 Beale, S., 225 Beale, T., 136 Beam, W., joint author. See I,effmann, H. Bean, T. H., joint author. SeeGoode, G. B. Bean, W., joint author. See Watson, W. Beaney, J. G., 160 Beard. G. M., 156, 157, 158, 160, 228 — and Rockwell, A. D., 155 Beard, J. C, 124 Beardmore, W. I,., 152 Beasley H., 153 Beasley, R. D., 165 Beaufoy, M.. 193 Beaugrand, C, 124 Beaumont, R., 237 Beck, L., 236 Becker, B. H., 108 Becker, G. F., 183 Beckett, 5«rE., 169,240,256 Beckmann, J., 234 Beckstein, J. M., 135 Beckwith, A., 244 Beckwith, E- L., 220 Beckwith, X,. F., 257 Beddard, F. E., 124, 141 Bedell, F,, 196 —and Crehore, A. C, 196 Beebe, 165 Beebe, W.. joint author. See Phillips, A. W. Beecher, C. E. anrfStowe, H. B., 226 Beecher, E. W., 226 Beechey, F. S., 200 Beeton, S. O., 225, 227, 230, 238 Behr, A. von, 141 Behr, H. H., 122 Behrens, J. W., 113 Beigel, H., 157 Beilstein, F., 204, 205 Belding, L., 133 Bell, A. G., 200 Bell, ^/VC, 141 Bell, I., 245 Bell, I. I,., 208, 235 Bell, J., 149, 160, 227 Bell, I,., 201 —joint author. See Crosby, O. T. Bell, R., 177 Bell, T. J., 248 Bellotti, G., 194 Bellows, A. J., 148, 228 Bellows, C F. K., joint au- thor. See Hodgman, F. Belluomini, G., 260 Beloe, C. H., 248 Belville, J. H., 186 Bement. C. N., 225 Bender, C, 247 Bender, C.B., 247 Bendire. C, 118, 133 Beneden, P. J. van, 128 Benedict, A. K., 142 Benedikt, M., 142 Benedikt, R., 205, 209 Benjamin. P.. 196, 230 Benjamin, S. G. W., 185 Bennet, J. H.. 157 Bennett, A. W., and Mur- ray. G., 122 —joint author. SeeT\iorD.t, O. W. Bennett, J., 166 Bennett, J. H., 142, 144 Bennett, R., and Elton, J., 218 Benson, W. A. S., 235 Bentham, G., 123 —and Mueller, F., 123 Bentley, R., 121 Berens, l^. H. , joint author . See Singer, I. Berg, E. J., joint author. See Steinmetz, C. P. Berg, W. G., 243 Berg- und Huettenmaen- nische Zeitung, 180 Bergen, J. Y., 119 — and Bergen, F. D., 114 Beringer, C. and J. J., 208 Berlin. Internationale Fis- cherei - Ausstellung, 1880, 132 Bermingham, E. J., 153 Bernard, H. M. , 128 Bemays, I,. A., 219 Bernheim, H., 154 Bernstein, J., 157 Berry, A., 169 Berthelot, M. P. E-, 211 Berthet, E)-. 137 Berthoud, H., 133 Bertram, J. G., 132 Berzelius, J. J., 205 Bessey, C. E., 119 Bettany, O. T., 119, 139 Betz, C, 149 Beudant, F. S., 206 Bevan, G.V.,ed., 235 Bevis, A. W., joint author. See Low, I). A. Bichowsky, E. C, 220 Bickerdyke, J., 210 Bicknell, W. I., 124 Biedermann, W., 155 Bigelow, H. J., 160 Bigelow, H. R., 160 Bigelow, J., 156 Biggin, F. C, joint author. 5 ^^Tiy 2c6, 207 Dana, R. H., Jr., 262 Dancer, T., 156 Danelson, J. E-. 144 Daniell, A., 190 Darby, J., 123 Daremberg, C. V., 144 Darwin, C, 114, 115, 117, 121, 127, 129, 143, 176 Darwin, E., 144 Darwin, F., and Acton, E. H., 121 Darwin, G. H., 169 Daumas, M. J. E., 223 Daussy, F., 173 Davenport Academy oi Natural Sciences, 108 Davey, E. O., joint author. See Mitchell, C. F. Davidson, A., 123 Davidson, E- A., 236, 251, 258, 259, 260 Davidson, G., 216, 245 Davidson, J., 162 Davie, O., 133 Davies, C._ 162, 163, i'54, 166, 249' Davies, D. C, 180 Davies, N. E. Yorke., 148 Davies, P. J., 152 Davies, T., 113 Davies, T. A., 174 Davis, A. J., 144, 159 Davis, C. H., 185 Davis, C. T., 212, 239 Davis, E. H., joint author. See Squier, E. G. Davis, E. P., and Keating, J. M., 159 Davis, G. E.i 113 Davis, I. P., 150 —joint author. See Guern- sey, A. H. Davis, J. W., 243 Davis, M. TA., joint author. See Maver, 'W.,Jr. Davis, W. M., 187 Davis, W. S., 174 Davison, C, joint author. See Levett, R. Davy, Sir H., 168 Dawidowsky, P., 212 Dawkins, W. B., 138 Dawson, G. M., 177 Dawson, J. P., 129 Dawson, Sir J. W., 112, 119, 174. 176, 177, 184 Day, R. E-, 202 Day, W., 223 Day, W. H., 159 Dean, B., 131 Dean, R. C, 144 Decaisne, J., joint author. See I,e Maout, E. De Groot, H., 180, 184 Dejean, J. F. M. A., Comte. 129 Delafield, R., 247 D6li6e, F. J., 227 Del Mar, A., 183 De Morgan, A., 166, 173 Dempsey, G. D., 152, 216, 247, 258 Denison, E. B. See Beck- ett, Sir E. Denning, D., 260 Dental Jairus, 162 Denton, W., 174 De Penning, G. A., 187 Deschanel. See Privat- Deschanel, A. Desmond, C, 196 Desor, E., 138 DeTurk, I., 221 De Vere, M. S., 117 Deville, A., 212 De Vinne, T. I,., 239 Dewey, S. P., 180 Dewhurst, H. W., 136 Dewing, T. W., 226, 229 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Dexter, R., 105 Diaz, A. M., 226 Dick, T., 169 Dick, W., 162 Dick, W. B., 231 Dickens, 173 Dickie, G. W., joint au- thor. See Moore, J. Dickinson Type Foundry, 239 Dickson, R., and Edmond, J- P.. 239 Dienger, J., 166 Dietz, K., joint author. See Koninck, I<. I,, de. Dieulafait, L., 183 Dinaro, S., 251 Dingey, P. S., 236 Dingier, J. G., and others, 232 Dircks, II., 105, 234, 251 Disturnell, J., 187 Dixon, A. C, 166 Dixon, C, 133 Dixon, E. T., 164 Dixon, R. B., 161 Dixon, T., 256 Dobson, E., 239, 258 Dock, L. I,., comp., 154 Dodd, G., 227, 231 Dodel, A., 115 Dods, M. L., 227 Dolbear, A. E., 194, 200, 204 Dollen, W., 169, 173 Dolley, C. S., 113 Donaldson, H. H., 143 Donaldson, J., 254 Donaldson, W., 192, 247 Donkin, B. ,_/>'., 256 Don kin, W. F., 194 Donnelly, I., 138, 176 Doolittle, C. L., 169 Doty, A. H., 161 Doubleday, Mrs. See Blan- chan, N. Douglas, J. C, 200 Douglas, J. W., and Scott, J-, 129 Douglas, W., 241 Dove, H. W., 187 Dowd, D. I,., 149 Downing, A J., 219, 220 Dowsing, W., 257 Doyle, M., 225 Doyle, P., 184 Dragendorflf, G., 205 Draper, J. C, 154 Draper, J. W., 143, 190, 203 Draper, I,. C, and Croffut, W. A., 214 Drayson, A. W. 176, 249 Dredge, J., 202, 243 Drinker, H. S., 242 Drummond, H., 115 Drysdale, J., 112 Duane, A., 145 Duane, J. C, 250 Du Bois, A. J., 192, 247 Du Bois, H., ig6, 240 Du Breuil, A., 220 Du Chaillu, P. B., 138 Duchenne, G. B., 155 Dudley, W. R., 123 Dudley Observatory, 108, 172 Duffey, Mrs., E. B., 150 Duhring, L. O., 156 Dulles, C. W., 161 Du Moncel, T., Vicomte, 196, 197, 200, 201 —and Preece, W. H., 202 Dun, F., 162 Dun Echt Observatory, 172 Dunbar, J., 212 Duncan, A., 249 Duncan, J., 129, 130 Duncan, P. M., 129 Dunglison, R., 145 Dunman, T., 145, 190, 197 Dupin, C, Baron, 231 Duplais, P., 210 Dupont-Auberville, — ., 237 Duprat, F. A., 239 Durant, G., 148, 150 Durham, W., 112 Dussauce, H., 211, 2x2, 239 Dutton, C. E., 177 Dutton, G., 142 Duvar, J. H., 138 Dwelshauvers, V., 192 Dwyer, C. P., 257 Dwyer, F., 223 Dye, F., 242, 259 Dyer, — ., 197 Dyer, H., 242 Dyson, Mrs., W. H., 222 Eads, J. B., 245 Eagles, T. H., 166 Earl, H. H., joint author. See Peck, F. M. Earwaker, J. P., .?rf.,'i38 Eassie, P. B., 257 Eassie, W., 152,' 153 Eastman, J. R., 187 Easton, A., 243 Eastwood, A., 123 Eastwood, B., 220 Eaton, D. C, 123 Eaton, J. S., 163 Eberle, J., 145 Ebert, H., 201 Eberty, F., i6g Ebstein, W., 160 Eccles, A. S., 155 Ecker, A., 141 Eckstein, G. F., 260 Eddy, H. T., 195 Ede, G., 236 Edison, T. F., and West- inghouse, C. J., 251 Edmond, J. P., joint au- thor. See Dickson, R. Edwards, A. M. and others, 119 Edwards, E., 254 Edwards, H., 130 Edwards, H. M., 124 Edwards, J., 166 Edwards, J. F., 148, 159, 160 Edwards, W. H., 131 Edwords. C. E., 135 Eggers, Baron H. F. A., 123 Egleston, N. H., 226 Egleston, T., 207, 208 Egloffstein, F. W. von Baron, iTj Eigenmann, C. H. and R. S., 131 Eigenmann, R. S., joint author. See Eigen- mann, C. H. Eijndhoven, A. J. van, 195 Eissler, M., 208, 211 Eitel, E. J., 105 Elam, C, 156 Elderhorst.'w., 205 Eldridge, J., 253, 260 Electrical review, 197 Electro-Therapeutic In- stitute, 5'. /^., 155 Elger, T. G , 169 Eliot, C. W., and Storer, F. H., 203, 205 Ellet, C, 247, 248 Ellet, E. F., 226 Elliot, D. G., 133, 134 Elliot. G. H., 262 Elliot, W. S., 138 Elliott, J, R., 214 Elliott, S. M., joint au- thor. See Richards, E. H. Ellis, E., 159 Ellis, H., 137 Ellis, T. G., 249 Elphinstone, H. W., 23S Elton, J., joint author. See Bennett, R. Ely, T., 138 E*nanuel, H.,183 Emerton, J. H., 130 Emmens, S. H., 192 Emtage, W. T. A., 197 Engrineer, The, 242 Engineering, 242 Engjineering and mining journal, 242 Engineering news, 242 English, T. A. and others, 192 English mechanic, 232 Ennis, J., 169 Enthoffer, J., 249 Entomological Society of Ontario, 129 Entomological Society of Philadelphia, 129 Entomologist's annual, 129 Entomologist's weekly, 129 Erichsen, J., 161 Erni, H., 207 Errera, A., 231 Eschricht, D. F. and others, 136 Essayons Club, 242 Estes, D., 106, 205 Euclid, 164, 165 Eulcr, L., iqo Evans, E. P., 124 Evans, J., 138 Evans, J H., 238 Evans, W. E., 134 Everett, J. D., 190 Evermann, B. 'W.,jointau- thor. See Jordan, D. S. Evers, E., 138 Evers, H., 173, 254, 262 Evola, F., 239 Ewart, J., 224 Ewbank, T., 256 Ewer, W. B.. 225 Ewing, E. P., 227 Ewing, J. A., 197, 254 Fabricius, J. C, 129 Fahie, A., 202 Fahie, J. J., 200 Fairbairn, SiV W., 247, 257 Fairchild, C. B., 243 Fairholt, F. W., 219 Fairley, W., 182 Falconer, H., 184 — awrfCautley, P. T., 184 Falke, J. von, 260 Falkner, F., 216 Fanning, J. T., 248 Faraday, M., 190, 195, 197, 205 Faralli, G., 148 Farey, J., 254 Faries, R., 149 Farmer, L. H., 106 Farmer, Little & Co., 239 Farrow, F. R., 257 Farwell, Mrs. M. E. C, 135 Fassig, 0. 1^., ed., 187 Faulkner, F., 210 Felker, P. H., 227 Felkin, W., 237 Feller, H., 158 Felts, W. W., 192 Female Medical Educa- tion Soc, 145 Fenner, C. G., 157 Fenwick, T., and Baker, T., 249 Ferguson, R. M., 197 Fergusson, J., 138 Fernow, B. E., 222 Ferrel, W., 166, 187 Ferrers, N. M., 166 Ferrier, D., 142, 159 Feuchtwanger, L., 183 ' Fewkes, J. W., 125 Ficklin, J., 164 Fidler, T. C, 247 Field, H. M., 200 Field, K., 212 Field, R., 153 Figuier, I,., 119, 125, 129, 135. 138, 139. 184, 234 Filippini, A., 228 Pinchan, J., 261 Findlater, A., 169 Findlay, G., 243 Fine, H. B., 166 Finlayson, C. T., 185 Finlayson, J., ed., 156 Fiuley, J. P., 187 Fischer, A., 210 Fish, D. W., 163 Fisher, Mrs. See Buckley, A. B. Fisher, A. K., 217 Fiske, B. A., 197 Fiske, J., 115 Fitch, A., 129, 217 Fitch, S. S., 156, 157, 158 Fitz, E. E., 169 Fitz, J., 218 Fitz, R. H., 160 Fitzgerald, R. D., 123 Fitz Roy, R., Adm., 187 Flagg, W., 117, 134 Flamant, A., 220 Flammarion, C, 169, 187 Flather, J. J., 192, 253 Fleming, G., 241 Fleming, J. A., 197, 202 Fletcher, W., 254 Fletcher, W. Y. , 240 Fleury, J., 224 Flint, A., the elder, 145 Flint, A. .Jr., 143 Flint, C. L., 218, 224 Flinz, T., 210 FloricuUural cabinet, 119 Flower, P. W., 236 Flower, W. H., 223 — anrfLydekker, R.. 13s Floyer, Sir J., and Bay- nard, E., 150 Fliickiger, F. A., 154 — anrf Hanbury, D., 154 Flynn, P. J., 216 Focke, W. O., 122 Folkard, C. W., 152 Folsom, N., 143 Fontaine, E., 139 Fontaine, H., 205 Fontaine, J., 157 Fonvielle, W. de., 197 Forbes, E., 127 Forbes, G., 169, 197 Forbes, J. D., 105, 162 Forbes, R. B., 262 Force, P., 187 Ford, W. C, 237 Ford, W. H., 254 Forichon, I,., and Mau- pied, — ., 140 Foruari, U., 212 Forney, M. N., 254 Forsyth, A. R., 166 Fort, G. F., 145 Foster, C. Le N., 180 Foster, H., 172 Foster, T- G-. 243 Foster, J. W., 138, 185 —and Whitney, J. D., 177- 184 Foster, M., 143 —and Balfour, F. M., 112 Foster, W. C, 247 Fotherbv, H. I., 108 Fothergill, J. M., 148, 150 156, 158, 227, 228 —and Wood, H. C, 228 Fourier, J., 195 Foumier, H., 239 VI INDEX OF AUTHORS. Fowler, W. W., 134 Fowues, G., 203 Fox, C. B., 152, 203, 227 Fox, Maj. Gen. L., 13S Foye, J. C, 207 Francis, J. B., 248, 257 Francis, J. G., 163 Francceur, L. B., 169, 172 Francolin, G., 190 Frank, J. P., 145 Frankland, E., 152, 203 — awrf Japp, F. R., 203 Frankland, P. F., 216 —and Frankland, Mrs. G. C, 113 Franklin Institute, 232 Fraser, T. E., 187 Frazer, D., 154 Fream, W., 216 Freedley, E. T., 226 Freitag, J. K., 257 Fremy, C, joint author. See Pelouze, T. J. French, B. F., 236 French, H. F., 216 French, J. H., 163 Frerichs, F. T. von, 158 Fresenius, C. R., 205 Frey, H., 113, 142 Frick, J., 190 Frisi, P., 248 Frith, H., 117, 169, 174, 185, 197, 242, 254 —joint author. See Tis- sandier, G. Frome, E. C, 249 Frost, P., 165, 166 Fry, H.,262 Fryer, W. J., 257 Fuchs, C. W. C, 205 Fuertes, J. H., 152 Fuller, A. S., 220, 221, 222 Fuller, J., 236 Fuller, J. E., 162 Fulton, J., 143 Fulton, J. A., 220 Furneaux, W., 117, 125 Fyfe, A., 142 Gabba, L., 225 Gadd, W. L., 211 Gage, A. P., 190 Gage, S. H., 142 Gaisford, H., joint comp. See I.angmaid, J. Galbraith, A. M., 150 Galbraith, W., 166, 249 Gale, E. C, 229 Gall, J., anrf Robertson, D., 106 Galloupe, F. E., 242 Galloway, R., 182, 229 Galloway, R. I,., 254 Galton, D., 153 Galton, F., 116, 142 Galton, F. W., ed., 231 Gamble, F. W. and others, 129 Ganilree, J., 159 Ganot, A., 190 Garden and forest, 214 Gardner, A. K., 229 Gardner, F. B., 241, 260 Gardner, J., 150 Garland, G. M., 143 Garrett, R. a«d A.,'260 Gatke, H., 134 Gattermann, I^., 206 Gaugain, Mrs. J., and Gore, Mrs. J. B., 238 Gaumont, C, 234 Gauss, K. F., 170 Gautero, G., 251 Gautier, T., 125 Gaye, S., 121 Gee, G. E., 236 Gee, W. W. H., joint au- thor. See Stewart, B. Geikie, Sir A., 174, 176, 185 Geikie, J., 174, 175, 176, 177 Geldard, J., 237 Gelli, J., 149 General Societj- of Mech- anics and Tradesmen of N. Y., 232 Geological record, 174 Geological Society of Am- erica, 174 Geological Society of Lon- don, 174 Geraldy, F., joint author. See Uu Moncel, T. Gerard, E., 197 Gerhard, W. P., 151, 152, 153 Gerland, G. K. C, 140 Gibbons, H., 145 Gibbons, W. P., 217 Gibbs, J., 219 Gibbs, W. E., 229 Giberne, A., 170, 187 Gibson, J., 131 Gibson, W. H., 117 Gilbert, C. 'H.., joint author. 5f« Jordan, D. S. Gilbert, G. K., 177 Gilbert, J. Ti., joint author. See Lawes, Sir J. B. Gilbert, W., 197 Gill, A. H., 205 Gill, J., 173 Gill, T., 131 Gill, W. I., 115 Gillespie, W. M., 244, 249 Gillet, J. A., and Rolfe, W. J-. 170 —joint author. See Rolfe, W.J. Gillett, W., 194 Gillmore, Q. A., 244 250, 258 Girard, M., 129 Girard College, 197 Gladstone, J. H., and Tribe, A., 197 Glaisher, J., 187, 194 Glaister, E., 238 Glasgow, D., 240 Glassford, W. K., joint au- thor. See Greeley,A. W. Glazebrook, R. T., 190, «, 192. 195 Gleason, O R., 223, 224 Gliddon, G. R., joint au- thor. &eNott, J. C. Glover, T., 129 Glynn, J., 253 Gmelin, I,., 203 Gobineau, A. de, Count, 140 Godman, J. D., 135 Godwin, H. C, 243 Goethe, J. W. von, 195 Goff, M. P., ed., 226 Goffart, A., 223 Goguet, A. y., 105 Going, J. A., 162 Goldsmith, O., 117 Gomez de Fuencarral, J., 220 Gooch, F. A., 205 Good, A., 190 Good, J. M., 106 Good health, 148 Goodale, G. L., 121 Goodale, S. I<., 223 Goode, G. B., 109, 132 — anrfBean, T. H., 131 —joint author. See Jones, J. M. Goodeve, T. M., 251, 254 Goodholme, T. S., pseud., 226 Goodrich, S. G., 125 Goodyear, W. A., 176, 182 Gordon, G., 222 Gordon, J. E- H., 195, 197, 203 Gordon, Mrs. J. E- H., 202 Gordon, W., 200 Gore, G., 168, 208 Gore, Mrs. J. B., 237 —joint author. See Gau- gain, Mrs. J. Gore, J. E., 170, 172 Gore, J. H., 172 Gorini, G., 212, 214, 239 Gorringe, H. H., 243 Gosse, P. H., 113, 117, 125, 127, 132, 134, 136, 185 Gosselin, L., 161 Gould, A. A., 125 —joint author. See Agas- siz, L. Gould, A. A. (Ralph Green- wood, /"i^-Mrf.), 241 Gould, B. A., 170, 200 Gould, C, 125 Gould, G. M., 145 Gould, J., 134 Gould, L. D., 259 Gouff6, J., 228 Gouley. J. W. S., 156 Gow, J., 162 Graffigny, H de, 197, 256 Graham, R. H., 166 Graham, "W., 236 Granguillet, E., and Kut- ter, W. R., 248 Grant, J. B., 134 Grant, R., 170, 226 Granville, J. M., 148, 159 Graves, H. S., joint author. See Pinchot, G. Gray, A., 197 — and Mathews, G. B., 166 Gray, Asa, 115, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 Gray, H., 142 Gray, J. E. and others, 125 Gray, M. E., 128 Gray, T., 185 Grazzi-Soncini, G., 221 Great Britain. Illustrated off. jour, of patents, 197, 234, 243 Local Government Board, 151. 152 Tidal Harbours Commis- sion, 245 Greaves, J., 193 Greeley, A. W.,'i87 — and Glassford, "W. A., 187 Greeley, H , 214 Green, F. W. E.,'157 Green, J. O., 157 Green, S., joint author. See Roosevelt, R. B. Green, S. A., 187 Greene, C. E., 247 Greene, H., 182 Greene, W. T., 135 Greener, W. W., 241 Greenfield, W. S.. 156 Greenhill, A. G.. 166, 193 Greenleaf, B., 163, 165 Greenwell, G. C. 180 Greenwich Royal Observa- tory, 170 Greenwood, J., 125 Greenwood, Ralph, pseud. See Gould, A. C. Greenwood, W. H., 208, 236 Greer, H., 197 Greg, R. P. , and Lettsom, W. G., 207 Gregory, O. G., 162 Gregorv, W., 203, 206 Greswell, W. P., 239 Gretschel, H., 187 Grey, T>., joint author. See Wilson, F. J. F. Grier, W., 251 Grier, W. W., 248 Griffin, J. J., 207 Griffin, W. N., 164 Griffith, J. W., 113 —and Henfrey, A., 113 Griffith, R.. 231 Griffiths, A. B., 216, 217 Griggs, W. N., 170 Grimard, E., 121 Grimes, J. S., 185 Grimshaw, H., 153 Grimshaw, R., 231, 232,234 253> 254 Grindon, t,. H., 112 Griscom, J. H., 143 Griswold, W., 243 Groos, K., 136 Gros, E. L., 160 Grotenfelt, G., 224 Groux, E. A., 161 Grove, SirG., 185 Grove, Sir W. R. and others, 190 Grover, W. A., comp., 145 Groves, C. E.. and Thorp, W., eds , 229 Grub6, A. W., 163 Gruner, L.. 237 Gruner, t. E., 208 Guernsey A. H., and Da- vis, I. P., 148 Guettier, A., 236 Guillemin, A., 170, 190, 197 Gummere, J., 170 Gunning, W. D., 174 Glinther, A. C. i,. G., 131, 132 Gurler, H. B., 224 Guthrie, F., ic6, 197 Guttman, O., iSo, 211 Guy, J., the younger, 170 Guyonneau de Pambour, F. M., Comte, 254 Guyot, A., 185, 187 Habich, G. E. and others, 207 Hackel, E., 21S Haddon, A. C, 112, 137 Haddon, J., 163 Haeckel, E., 115 Haeder, H., 254 Hagen, H. A., 129 Hague, J. D., 179 Hahnemann, S., 155 Haig, J. P., 225 Haldane, J. W. C, 242, 244, 254 Haldane, R., 207 Hale, A. M., 230 Hale, E. E., ed., 234 Hale, G. E., 120 Hale, L. P., 237 Hale, P. M., 222 Hall, A. W., 115 Hall, H., 262 Hall, J., 184 —a«rf Whitfield, R. P., 1S4 Hall, W. E., 244 Hall, W. H., 216, 217 Hall, W. W., 148, 150, 15!? Halleck, H. W., 182, 258 Halliday, G., 201, 253 Halstead, G. B., 166 Ham, C. H., 233 Hamerton, P. G., 125 Hamilton, F. H., 157 Hamilton, L. Le C, 192 Hamilton, R., 131, 136 Hamilton, W. G., 244 Hamley, Sir E. B., 125 Hamlin, A. C, 183 Hamm, W., 210 Hammarsten, O., 206 Hammond, R., 202 Hammond, W. A., 150, 159 Hampden, J., 172 Hampton, I. A., 230 Hanbury, D., joint author. See Fliickiger, F. A. Hanckes, — ., 245 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Vll Hancock, A.., joint author. See Alder, J. Haucock, T., 241 Hann, J., 165, 166 —and Young, J. R., 167 Hansen, A., 154 Hanus, P. H., 167 Haraszthy, A., 221 Harbison, M., 125 Harbord, J. B., 173 Harcourt, A. G. V., and Madan, H. G., 203 Harcourt, L. F. V., 242, 245 Hardaway, W. A., 159 Hardenstein, E., 155. i59 Harder, K., 106 Hardinge, E. M., 120 Hardwicke, H. J., 145 Hardwicke's science Igos- sip, 107 Hardy, A. S., 167 Hardy, W. J., 262 Hare, H. A., 156 Hargis, R. B. S., 159 Hargreaves, F. B., 156 Hargreaves, W., 156 Harker, A., 183 Harkuess, H. W., 184 Harkuess, J., and Morley F., 167 Harlan, G. C, 157 Harlan, R., 112, 136 Harland, J. W., 239 Harlaiid, M., 150, 228 —and Herrick, C. T., 228 Harley, G., 142 Harnack, A., 167 Harrington, M. W., 187 Harris df Bro., 229 Harris, A. B., 120, 134 Harris, G. F., 258 Harris, J., 216 Harris, T. W., 217 Harris, V. D., and Power, D., 143 Harris. Sir W. S., 197 Harrison, J. T.. 1S5 Harrison, W. B., 253 Harrison, W. li.,Jr., 218 Hart, M. C.,239 Hartelius, T. J., 149 Hartig, ^.,andW&\ss, T., 251 Hartig, R., 222 Harting, J. E., 125, 134 —joint author. 5.,Jr., 208 Hodgetts, E. A. B., 213 Hodgman, F., 249 —and Bellows, C. F. R., 249 Hodgson, F. T., 238, 253, 257, 259 Hoefer, H., and Veith, A., 182 Hoffer, R., 213 Hoffman, F. S., 106 Hoffmann, C, 177 Hoffmann, F., and Power, F. B., 205 Hofman, H. O., 208 Hofmann, A. W., 203 Hofmeister, W., 121 Hogan, K. E., 207 Hogg, J., 113, 190 Hogg, R., 220 Holbrook, J. E., 132 Holbrook, M. L., 158, 159 Holden, E. S., 172, 176 —joint author. See New- comb. S. Holder, C. F., 125, 136 Holland, G. C, 141 Holland. J. S., 254 Holland, W. J., 131 Hollihan, D. W., 214 Hollister, O. J., 180 Holloway, 1,. C, 228 Holly, H. W.. 259 Holman, S. W., 165, 192 Holmes, A. B., 202 Holmes, G., 148 Holmes, G. C. V., 254 Holmes, O. W., 145 Holmes, W. H., 138 Holt, A., 262 Holt, J., 151 Holtzapffel, C, 238 Homans, J., 161 Hood, C, 260 Hooker, Sir J. D , 120. 123 Hooker, W., 106, 125, 143, 203 Hooker, Sir W. J.. 122, 123 — and Arnott. G. A. W., 123 Hooker's journal of bot- any. See Journal of botany. Hooper, F. H., 142, 143, 156, 158 Hooper, M., 125 Hooper, R., 145 Hope, G. H., 156 Hopkins, A. A., 23! Hopkins, E., 174 Hopkins, G. M., 168 Hopkins, L. P., 185 Hopkins, W. J., 200 Hopkinson, J., 201, 202 Hopton, W., 182 Hornaday, W. T., 119 Hornby, J., 212 Home, H. P., 240 Horner, J. G., 236 Horsfield, T., and Moore, F., 131 Horticultural Society of London, 220 Horticulturist, 220 Hoskins, L- M., 192 Hoskold, H. D., 249 Hospitaller, E., 197 Hotze, C. Iv., 143, 190 Hough, E., 224 Hough, F. B., 222 Houghton, R. S., ed., 155 Houghton, W., 125 Houssay, F., 125 Houston, E. J., 197 — awrfKennelly, A.E., 198, 200, 201, 202, 260 Hovey, H. C, 185 Howard, C. R., 243, 244 Howard, H., 145 Howard, J., 203 Howard, W., joint author. See Ivowe, E- J. Howe, H. A., 170 Howe, H. M., 208 Howe, J. W., 158, 161 Howe, M. A., 243 Howe, S. G., 151 Howell, W. H., 141 Howitt, M., ed., 117 Howson. H. and C, 234 Hoxie, R. Iv. , and Marshall, W. L., 188, 249 Hoy, A. H., 228 Hub, The, 241 Hubbard, H. G., 217 Huber, F., 225 Huber, P., 130 Hiibner, J. 131 Hubrecht, A. A. W., 115 Hudson, J. R., 243 Hudson, W. H., 117, 160 Huggins, W., 170 Hughes, H. W., 182 Hughes, N., 200 Hughes, S., 212, 245 Hughes. W. C, 256 Hull, E., 174, 176. 182, 258 Hull, E. C. P., 219 Hulley, J., joint author. See Revenstein, E. G. Hulme, F. E., 120, 125 Humber, W., 258 Humboldt, A. von, 106, 138, 185 Hummel, J. J., 210 Humphreys, A. A., 177, 245 —and Abbot, H. L., 245 Humphreys, H. N., 239 Humphry, G. M., 141, 142 Hunt, L. B., 149 Hunt, R., 106, 181, 190, 195 Hunt, T,, 156 Hunt, T. S., 174, 182, 203 Hunter, A., 234 Hunter, E- A., 125 Hunter, G. Y., 159 Hunter, J., 117, 163 Huntington, A. K., and McMillan, W. G., 20S Hurst, G. H., 210, 213 Hurter, F., joint author. See I,unge, G. VIU INDEX OF AUTHORS. Husband, H. A., 151 Husinaun, G., 221 Hussak, M-, 183 Hutchinson, H. N-„ 145 137, 174, 184. 185 Huth, A. H., n6 Hutton, C, 162 Huttou, F. R., 253 Hutton, W. S., 242 Huxley, T. H., 105, 106, 112, 115, 125, 127, 131, 137, 138, 141, 143, 185 — ana Martin, H. N., 112 — and Youmans, W. J., 143 Hyatt, T. H., 221 Hyde, A., 214 Hyde, e;. W., 167 Ihlseng, M. C, 181 Illinois State Dental So- ciety, 162 Illustrated ann. register of rural afTairs, 214 Immisch, M , 240 Imray, J., and Biggs, C. H. W., 251 Indiana. Geological Sur- vey, 177 Ingersoll, E., nil "9> 125, 128, 132, 134, 136, 185 Institution of Civil En- gineers, 243 Intellectual observer, 107 International medical an- nual, 145 Iowa. Geological Survey, 177 Iowa Academy of Natural Sciences, 108 Iron and Steel Institute, 237 Irrigation age, 217 Irving, R. D., 184 — awrf Jackson, A. W., 177 Isham, C, 132 Jackson, A. W.,joinl au- thor. See Irving, R. D. Jackson, C. T., 161 Jackson, D. C, 201 — anrf Jackson, J. P., 198 Jackson, E- W., 149 Jackson, J. W., 140 Jackson, L. D' A., 248 Jackson, S., 223 Jackson, T., 136 Jacnbi, A., 228 Jacobi, C. T., 239 Jacoby, H. S., j'oini au- thor. See Merriman, M. Jacquemart, A., 260 Jaeger, B., 129 Jago, W., 203, 228 James, Sir H., 188 Jamieson, A., 193, 19S, 251, 254 —joint author. See Mun- ro, J. Jane, F. T., 250 Jannettaz, R., 183 Japp, F. K., joint au/hoi . See Franklaud, K. Jaques, W. H., 250 Jarchow, H. N., 222 Jardine, Sir W., 131, 134, 136, 225 —and Selby, P. J., 134 Jarves, D., 212 Jraffreson, J. C, 228 Jeans, H. W., 172 Jeans, J. S., 237 Jeffenes, R., 125 Jeffers, W. N., 172 Jeffries, B. J., 157 Jeffries, J. A., 161, 230 Jenkin, A. F., anrfCobbett, G. T. B., 149 Jenkin. P., 106, 198 Jenkins, E- H., joint au- thor. See Armsby, H. P. Jenkins, T. A., 188 Jenner, Sir W., 158 Jenness, M., 150 Jenney, W. P., joint au- thor. See Newton, H. Jennings, A. S., 260 Jennings, R., 162 Jenyns, afterwards Blome- field, L., 188 Jerdon, T. C, 136 Jervis, J. B.. 244 Jesse, E., 224 Jesse, G. R., 224 Jessopp, A., 214 Jewett, C, 161 Jillson, A., 163 Johns, W. "S.., joint author. 5e