U A UC-NRLF TABLES OF ORGANIZATION UNITED STATES ARMY 1917 CNJ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 GIFT OF '* A-WUtvd jrcv^cval^ 0^,'^e. TABLES OF ORGANIZATION UNITED STATES ARMY 1917 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 WAR DEPARTMENT DOCUMENT NO. 571 OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL WAE DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, May 3, 1917. The following Tables of Organization, approved by the Secretary of War, include the typical Infantry and Cavalry divisions authorized under the national defense act approved June 3, 1916, with the detailed tables of the component units. Departures from the pre- scribed organization will be authorized by the War Department only. The bases on which the tables have been prepared are, as regards supply, the same as those prescribed in Tables of Organization, 1914. Rifle ammunition with troops and combat trains has been fixed at 220 rounds per rifle for all rifles in the division, with an equal amount in the divisional ammunition train. The machine-gun ammunition with troops is duplicated in the ammunition train. The bases for the artillery-ammunition supply are 464 rounds per 3-inch gun and 432 rounds per 3.8-iiich howitzer with the divisional artillery. Alternative animal and motor drawn transport is provided for the divisional trains, and these will be organized according to the special circumstances in each case. The allotment of personnel and transport from Headquarters and Supply companies for detached organizations is shown in italics in the corresponding columns, and these allotments will always be made when an organization is detached. The letter li placed at the upper right hand of any number in the tables indicates " mounted on a horse"; if the letter is preceded by a numeral, the latter indicates the number of men of that grade who are so mounted. In like manner, the letter ra indicates " mounted on a mule." These tables will be used as a basis for the equipment manuals of the several arms, and the latter will be made to conform thereto. BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: H. L. SCOTT, Major General, Gliief of Staff . OFFICIAL : H. P. MCCAIN, Tlie Adjutant General. in 362034 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 10 CENTS PER COPY TABLE OF CONTENTS. Table No. Page. Headquarters of a brigade, Infantry, Cavalry, or Field Artillery 1 3 Infantry brigade: Maximum strength 2 4 Minimum strength 3 6 Cavalry brigade : Maximum strength. 4 8 Minimum strength 5 10 Field Artillery brigade: Divisional Maximum strength 6 12 Minimum strength 7 14 Corps, horse-drawn Maximum strength 8 16 Minimum strength 9 18 Corps, motor Maximum strength 10 20 Minimum strength 11 22 Regiment of Field Artillery: Horse Maximum strength . . 12 24 Minimum strength 13 26 Mountain- Maximum strength 14 28 Minimum strength 15 30 Regiment of Engineers: Maximum strength 16 32 Minimum strength 17 33 Battalion of Mounted Engineers: Maximum strength 18 34 Minimum strength 19 35 Field Signal battalion, maximum and minimum strength 20 36 Aero squadron, maximum and minimum strength 21 37 Headquarters of a division, Infantry or Cavalry 22 38 Infantry division, maximum strength 23 39 Trains, maximum strength 24 40 Infantry division, minimum strength 25 41 Trains, minimum strength 26 42 Trains Infantry division: Headquarters and military police Maximum-strength 27 43 Minimum strength 28 44 Ammunition Wagon Maximum strength 29 45 Minimum strength 30 47 v VI CONTENTS. Trains Infantry division Continued. Table No. rage. , Ammunition Motor, maximum and minimum strength 31 49 Supply Wagon v Maximum strength 32 51 Minimum strength 33 52 Supply Motor, maximum and minimum strength 34 53 Engineer, maximum and minimum strength 35 51 Sanitary Maximum 38 55 Minimum 37 56 Cavalry division, maximum strength 38 57 Trains, maximum strength 39 58 Cavalry division, minimum strength 40 59 Trains, minimum strength 41 60 Trains Cavalry division: Headquarters and military police Maximum strength. 42 61 Minimum strength 43 62 Ammunition Wagon Maximum strength 44 63 Minimum strength 45 64 Aminunition-^-Motor, maximum and minimum strength 46 65 Supply W T agon, pack Maximum strength 47 66 Minimum strength 48 67 Supply Motor, maximum and minimum strength 49 68 Engineer, maximum and minimum strength 50 69 Sanitary- Maximum strength 51 70 Minimum strength 52 71 Medical Department personnel attached to mobile organizations 53 72 Bauds... 54 73 TABLE 1. Headquarters of a brigade. INFANTRY, CAVALRY, OR FIELD ARTILLERY. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 I 4 5 6 ^ Units. Commander. Adjutant. 2 3j E.J || ^ o3 0) IE M 73 1 H Remarks. Brigadier general lh 1 Major a lh 1 Lieutenant 2'i 2 Total commissioned 1 1 2 4 Field clerk ( d l) (1) Sergeant major elh 1 b Orderly to commander. Sergeant blh 1 Wagoner 2 2 Cook 1 1 Private, first class clQlh 10 6 on motorcycles. Total enlisted 1 14 15 Aggregate 2 j 2 14 19 o M i-l CO CO O 1C O "5 O 1C O "5 1-1 T 1C TJ1 >O OO l ?O O> O5 X 1 CO CO rti orj l " OOCMt^ '3 -K-S ^ ^ --! C^5 r-H H M-i i LJ ^J O*J .,-4 -pH -4-3 ^1 1 1 f ill S I - - e . ^5^0 ' c ' "fecS iS^g-S . bCcoX^H^ .g^+ + Pri ri A,WS Com Field Field g ^33 li|f W sss Stf 6 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. a iis-a $3%% a^^ w 8f -a >v--j.a >>p lilt. E |^^| S||-^ Isiis PUB '4 u 9 ui rt 00 CO >fl 00 CC 31 '.O X '.O X O uiE[deqo PUB ^ u a ui unS 'saiuBduico f r-IC<5W-torr roo eoooeo rHTflO^rH OC ^ *!< -^ Tf t CO O T r^ -9<3 I-H co rs o ic o i-l * iO- n o* o oc oo sjueraiSej g 1 O: 'O !C 'O iM >O Tf CO O --O 00 C<3 PUB ;u9uijji -QQ I^J?P9K suoapBtibs g dooj) Ajddns dooa; rHrHCOiC^>0 -~N5Tl. ^H CO t 1 C^4 1 (N (M (N O 5O ->r . ^ . rt rH 35 CS rH ^H rH ! rH .' (N N r-tOCOGNlN sdooj} Sq " * ^*to . 3-c-ni' CQ^c^fq; 10 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. -gq ittoip9K uiT?idBqo PUB ju9uijJBd -9 a suoapBnbs g dooij uoipBtibs ut dooajj 2 rHJOCOCiOOOCOOM - CiOOOCOO f-l * >O -^ I-H cc ec a> o oo rH rH CO O = > *** co * o x x> X rr C fj i- O 1 <9 99 40 '-^ >c ra >-: x, 3i -r ~- '" ~ < - S5 B * "! f 1* 2i ~ X TT c. x i ^._ S_ -o i TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 11 i! OtfjH II s ! * 'So2 04 X, c-i - 00 OQ 5 O COf (M oo (N o j ac co CO jj O 01 >0 I CO :oV T\\ m >O II "0 O4 O4 * 1 ; S--3 EH : a X. 4 ""* t~ en wTc/jC/T c^'^*--iH in ss s K ssia 12 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. Si Xucd ^^-a^o-c " M -V CO ^H UT.J tNeN 5 - ?il i^i-o Ssc, *J *--< *v * fe S. "o ; ^ 'EcS'SbSSS!3 .2 QJ c w;- c3 J-Jg ^ ES, ^^; iihliHE!^ C *"^ 2^c3 L* o ~- cc co co -* -I -O '-O . O5 00 CO OOOOO ' OC OO O 00 os o ro < ^o o o S ;i i s JSJ asa I il 15 ;!P .-Illlf^" cSqSiSS^a 91466 17 2 14 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 3 si Ig 7 s I B sjuamjSai g luedtaoo ^iddng w-^fOio CO0 . p4 >^ * e satn^vq g ^ja^Bq Suuij 11 -c 3 oo ^Hr-tHOCO X t- S ^ 2 c o e^~ :/." r: >< c3 I {=, P5 pq SoSoDCB<25o TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 15 >> j, rt ^ > ~^f.2-a SlrtSS-S-gS- ^3">. oe . * r-i r -r -" i-- -o '' 2 ^ *^ O O QT c c u' S23 S : C 30 ec coco 00 COCO CO ~ co co o> o o ro - M ^ GO f-i PUB ;uara : : : : : :': sco -tT-lf* *~ < 1C TH CO CO 00 '.'. PUB '4 u a ra 1 S 'IB^OJ, -a 3 rH O" ec 00 - 1* W TH 50 - M,, W05 SS 8 . ,.. sg . - ra o a ^ M n S rHf-lrH CO eq rH TH >74 Cft XuBdraoo H T- M rH (M TH TH rH Tj< O5 00 rt mox ^ 2 C- O 00 O CO c P 2 S W tr ion. njeplwcio PUB ^ u a ui uifiidBqQ pnB ?U9TH -^jBdagiBOTpaK oo'faioo T-I CC Tf CO -< raoo saua^cq 2 SJ9^JBnbpB8H <5 '"o li ^ ' CT>r-ioi G M T* ^ ft r . T3 .^3 C3 .-H C3 J^ -*- 1 T3rt t^ ~~ t CXCtub^X^ 1 ^ OJ^ .i G^nlobJDci.^ TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 19 8 iii! gg 5 No n^ ssits ooo oo S5 5 of of of oocso^o as ^_ .a M I ^ a bf s 11 1 1 If I %. I g g|*^ ^T3 | || SSJ 3 3 ta 5 ^^ o oo ^. 00 00 ^> iO CO (N IN (N S 04 l rH rH 00 CO ^H CO i r-t M L-J T-I co Lieutenant d Lieutenan al Departme T3 O 5 .3 H_j T3 S3 03 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 21 CO 1 s eo" II co" as s a so -i N K 5! s 5 w PUB ureidBqo Xtred Xja^^q Stnirj r-l H CO C*) -^ CO |1||||||| 5-^-O-f i i^Cro^OfM-H (N ^t CS M i-l t^- rH ~P IN S3 50 N '0 50 N ' co t* i* CO i-l W i-l T-4 7-( CO W irHT-t (MO< rH ^H rH CO rH W i-l TH T-H TH CO tH Cl t-l fcSas s&owiab -3 ISS^Ifl^llla' 1 p3 rt ?s i --= _?_ TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 23 g & s o a p, S* I O ',"2* '. S is i \m 1C T-H ss gs Scs 06 rH CO MN a CC rH ocooiocct-c^coc^ coo CO CO CO i 1 t T t T*< cs to o a Pi CO CO fi OC (M O-1 C^ O I ! i| ?! 2 p?P?S-aS > ^i > '>r85o .; ^2 3 "a t 2 'C-e ^ S 1 illl '^O^f^fcPQS StS T3S.^S2S2^3 g^,<; < fc 24 TABLES OF OEGAN1ZAT10N, UNITED STATES ARMY, ]917. ~^-2 o - gl pj Isll l fl -dcij3 pire juatu Xutjduioo Atddng Autjdraoo saojJBnbp EGH UTBJJ }T?quio j i-l i-l CO IN "f ,,50*00000. cao OC O OC O !T< CO CD 00 O ! TH T-l f-l 05 ^ n JO ^H ro t^ .- co ro I-H P^fl ^SklN o Jg gS &o i'd'E IlSlslllIalllllll TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 25 I! So II -+ S3 8 1 lie 35 1-4 o i-i weo IM O tO * oc cc o CC iM IS If! I aft - ,22/3 CO 03-rJ " ^ STS C'tH 03 PndHpq^ e. [J S^! C^ T5T3 S S 5-i|s| S3 ob O O W CQ PH ^ CM 26 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. I UIB[ -dt?q3 pus itiatu ^oredtaoo [ddng all il i-i FHCOCS Tf eo Ijoneq Suuij !532 J N CO CM I-H f ^H O TO rH CS i-( I-H ed life 1! airsr I |S S S'aC a s?ftg g SS?1 33* Sags'!* gg|'| ) e > 8|, III ' TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1017. 27 1*8 Ijjl 3 T-. ~ l ~~ S S^ = |i 1 W o oc c O CO JH CO >0 CO OS OS CO CO CO CO'CO rH CO 10 CO CT> CO ^j^sq Suuij; . . an part ^ g g.i'^S.g " g g S %a g'g' 5 ' 1 C* 3 o 1 ^ " OMSoEaSo KPH^fx,c;ScoS ++ I |a .52 S PH<^ 91466 17- 30 TABLES OF OBGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. ft! -deqo pire lue'ra m headquarters company. For re duty with battalion and accompa when detached. Not totaled, but in headquarters company. lar it (N 00 1 Captain lh 3 6 q 4 6 3 3 h First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Medical Department . . . lh Chaplain 1 Total commis- sioned i 4 2 12 14 5 28 33 4 37 4 12 1 2 2 6 18 1 2 6 6 6 50 108 6 6 27 19 12 186 558 23 Master engineer, senior grade 4 Master engineer, junior grade 6 h 6 12 12 Regimental sergeant major lh Regimental supply ser- ' geant 2 h 2 Battalion sergeant major. . l h 1 2 6 18 2 6 18 1 First sergeant 1 3 9 3 9 Sergeant, first class Sergeant bugler 3 ih lh Color sergeant 2 2 Supply sergeant 1 3 3 3 24 54 3 3 9 6 93 279 3 3 3 24 54 3 3 6 6 6 48 108 6 6 6 6 6 50 108 6 6 27 19 12 186 558 Mess sergeant 1 Stable sergeant. . . l h "V Sergeant Corporal lh Horseshoer Saddler . . 1 Wagoner M 3' h b 7 27 Cook 9 6 93 279 1 18 12 186 558 Bugler Private, first class. . . . Private ^ Medical department.. 23'oh Total enlisted Aggregate 164 7 492 499 513 40 45 998 1,038 23 27 1,061 168 9 504 1,026 1,071 1 , 09S Combat train a M b'l b28 Total mules 8 24 24 112 48 948 330 160 1 161 Rifles... 158 52 112 ...... 474 156 474 165 361 445 30 18 978 348 978 348 816 1,008 1,140 Pistols... . Net length, yards + Combat train... 135 + Field train 160 517 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 33 T A B L E 17. Regimen t of engineers . MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Units. B i u Battalion. Regiment. Remarks. Headquarters. 3 companies. 1 Headquarters. 1 1 Medical Department and Chaplain. 1 Colonel l h 1 1 2 11 12 6 3 1 1 *2 wagons of small- arms ammunition per battalion march ordinarily with the divisional engineer train. b Assigned to compa- nies and battalions from headquarters detachment and ac- company them when detached. To- taled in head- quarters of the regi- ment. Combat wag- ons are furnished by the Engineer De- partment and are permanently as- signed to companies and battalions. Lieutenant colonel Major 1 l h 1 2 8 12 6 2 11 12 6 lh Captain 2 h 3 6 3 4 6 3 3h First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Medical Department. . . lh Chaplain Total commissioned Master engineer, senior grade ~~T 4 2 12 14 28 33 2 4 | 37 ?h 2 Master engineer, junior grade 3 h 3 6 6 2 2 6 18 1 2 6 1 2 2 6 18 1 2 6 6 6 36 72 6 6 27 13 12 114 354 15 Regimental sergeant major 2 h Regimental supply sergeant Battalion sergeant major 1h 1 2 6 18 First sergeant 1 3 9 3 9 Sergeant, first class Sergeant bugler . . . "'ih' 2 Color sergeant Supply sergeant.. 1 I 3 3 3 18 36 3 3 6 6 57 177 3 3 3 18 36 3 3 6 6 6 36 72 6 6 6 6 6 36 72 6 6 27 Mess sergeant ... Stable sergeant . l h Sergeant 6 lh Corporal Horseshoer . . l h Saddler }1 4 b7 27 Cook 6 6 57 177 1 12 12 114 354 13 12 114 354 Bugler 21 h Private, first class Private Medical Department 591 oh 15iih Total enlisted.... Aggregate 109 4 327 331 36 662 698 731 15 19 713 113 6 339 345 b/ 41 16 8 690 750 16 8 3 11 16 Field train ration 8 3 Field train, baggage 27 27 27 210 sT 24~ 24~ 13 28 7 182 195 15 Mules, pack 8 MT itT 48 48 112 ..!... 49 112 Mules draft . Total mules Rifles 8 24 24 112 48 160 i 161 646 259 750 942 1,074 103 39 110 134 -6- 309 117 309 123 350 28 13 618 246 646 259 Pistols Net length, yards 4- Combat train 434 -f Field train 158 506 34 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917, TABLE 18. Battalion of mounted engineers . MAXIMUM STRENGTH. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Units. Company in battalion. Battalion. Remarks. g & 1 W 3 companies. I 1 -o 1 I -2 < Major 1 2 1 1 l 5 7 3 2 a 2 wagons of small-arms ammuni- tion per battalion march ordi- narily with the divisional en- gineer train. b Assigned to companies and bat- talions from headquarters de- tachment and accompany them when detached. Totaled in headquarters of the regiment. Combat wagons are furnished by the Engineer Department and are permanently assigned to com- panies and battalions. 1 2 1 3 6 3 5 7 3 Second Lieutenant Medical department 2 , Total commissioned Master engineer, senior grade . . 4 4 2 12 16 2 2 18 2 6 1 1 3 6 3 3 3 20 34 6 3 12 6 6 60 183 11 Master engineer, junior grade. Battalion sergeant major 6 6 1 Battalion supply sergeant. j 1 First sergeant^ 1 3 6 3 3 3 18 33 6 3 3 6 3 3 3 20 34 6 3 12 Sergeant first class 2 Supply sergeant 1 Mess sergeant 1 Stable sergeant 1 Sergeant ... 6 11 2 2 1 Corporal Horseshoer Saddler . . 1 Wagoner b 4 2 12 Cook 6 6 60 183 6 6 60 183 ...... Bugler . Private, first class 20 61 Private Medical department . Total enlisted 111 25 _=__.: r 29 333 345 358 11 369 Aggregate 115 . : , . i M b b 1 374 5 13 387 5 5 2 Combat train a . 5 5 2 Field train, ration 5 Field train, baggage 2 Total wagons 12 12 12 Horses, riding .- 115 rr * 18 345 363 13 376 37 52 Mules, pack 12 36 36 52 Mules, draft . .. bW 52 Total mules 12 52 36 88 1 ..... 89 Rifles 106 115 140 152 15 17 318 345 333 362 460 520 604 333 363 460 520 604 Pistols Net length, yards + Combat train + Field train TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 35 TABLE 19. Battalion of mounted engineers. MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Units. 1 a I 5 Battalion. Remarks. 3 ! 8 CO I Medical Department. Aggregate. Major i 2 1 ...... 6 3 5 7 3 ""2" 1 5 7 3 2 a 2 wagons of small-arms ammuni- tion per battalion march ordi- narily with the divisional en- gineer train. b Assigned to companies and battal- ions from headquarters detach- ment and accompany them when detached. Totaled in head- quarters of the regiment. Com- bat wagons are furnished by the Engineer Department and are permanently assigned to com- panies and battalions. Captain i 2 1 Second Lieutenant Total commissioned Master engineer, senior grade . 4 4 T 3 1 1 12 16 2 18 1 3 1 1 3 6 3 3 3 12 25 6 3 12 6 6 36 111 1 , 3 Battalion sergeant major ""3" 6 3 3 3 12 24 6 3 1 1 3 6 3 3 3 12 25 6 3 12 : :: Battalion supply sergeant First sergeant 1 Sergeant, first class 2 1 Mess sergeant 1 1 Stable sergeant . . ... Sergeant 4 Corporal ... 8 2 1 1 Horseshoer Saddler Wagoner M 2 2 12 12 Cook 6 6 36 111 6 6 36 111 Bugler Private first class Private 37 ""7 Medical Department Total enlisted 74 78 b 1 bl 19 23 6~ 5 2 222 234 241 7 9 ===== 248 266 __ - ^ 5 5 2 Aggregate. . ... 257 5 5 2 Combat train a Field train ration Field train, baggage ...... Total wagons 12 12 246 36 52 12 TTniNPs riding 78 12 234 36 11 1 257 ^ 37 52 Mules, pack 12 Mules, draft 52 Total mules 16 52 36 88 1 89 Rifles 69 78 95 13 11 207 234 220 245 316 376 ..... 220 246 316 376 460 Pistols Net length, yards + Combat train 107 + Field train 460 36 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. TABLE 20. Field signal battalion. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Units. 1 & Supply section. Wire company. 1 8 8 t 1 3 8. Medical Depart- ment. 4 feb M Remarks. Major 1 i 1 Captain . . . 1 1 l 3 3 First lieutenant 1 2 2 4 9 9 Medical Department 1 1 Total commissioned 2 3 3 5 13 1 14 - 1~h l h 3 3 Sergeant, first class: 1* 1 1 l h 1 1 jj, jj, l h 3 3 " . With companies 4h 5*> 11 11 Sergeant: l h 1 Clerk 1 1 1 With companies 76h 98h 54 h 21 21 Corporals 1513h 14 41 41 Horseshoer 1 1 1 3 3 Cook 2 2 2 6 6 Private, first class: Orderlies . . . 4h 4 4 Teamster 5 6 6 With companies 3Q32 h 0-33 j, 37 5h 111 111 Private 8 h 6 h 12 26 26 Medical Department 6 h 6 Total enlisted 8 6 75 75 75 239 6 245 Aggregate 10 6 ~78 78 80 252 7 259 Combat train 1 2 1 9 9 Fi^ld train ration 3 3 3 Field train, baggage 2 2 4 4 Total wagons 1 5 7 2 1 16 16 Horses, riding 9 1 65 70 18 163 7 170 Horses, draft 12 4 16 16 Total horses 9 1 77 74 18 179 7 186 Mules , pack 12 4 16 1 17 Mules, draft 4 20 4 4 4 36 36 Total mules 4 20 4 16 8 52 1 53 Pistols 10 5 78 78 80 251 251 Net length , yards 276 + Combat train 372 + Field train 450 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 37 TABLE 21. Aero squadron. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 b 6 7 8 9 Units. | 1 0* 1 Supply section. Engineering section. 12 aero sections. 1 H Medical department. Aggregate. Remarks. Major 1 1 1 Captain . .... 1 ., First I'eutenant } i 2 2 12 17 17 j 1 Total commissioned 2 2 2 12 18 1 19 Master signal electrician 4 4 4 Sergeant, first class: Sergeant major 1 1 1 First sergeant 1 1 1 Clerk 2 2 2 Truckmaster 1 1 1 Mechanician 4 12 16 16 Sergeant: Assistant truckmaster 1 1 1 Mess . . . 1 1 1 Supply. ..... 1 1 Mechanic 1 1 1 Photographer . . 1 1 1 Chauffeur 1 1 1 Mechanician .... 5 6 11 11 Corporal .... 4 g 3 18 33 33 Cook 6 6 g Private, first class 2 10 3 24 39 39 Private. 6 24 30 30 Medical Department . . 4 4 Total enlisted 10 37 19 84 150 4 154 Aggregate 12 39 21 96 168 5 173 Motor cars. ... 1 1 1 Motor trucks 1 8 2 12 23 23 Trailers . . 8 4 12 24 24 Repair trucks 2 2 2 Motorcycles.. . . . . .. . 2 2 2 6 6 Aeroplanes 12 12 12 Rifles 10 37 19 84 150 4 154 Pistols . . 12 39 21 96 168 5 173 Machine guns . . 12 12 12 38 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. TABLE 22. Headquarters of a division. INFANTRY OB CAVALR'f. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Units. Commander. 3 ^ General Staff. Adjutant. Inspector. Judge advocate. Quartermaster. Medical Department. Ordnance. U 1 Headquarters troop. 3 "S * Remarks. 1 h i Colonel 1 h i lh l h lh >h 5 Major 1h 1h if. 2h lh ajh 1h 8 The functions of Oh l h 2h lh 6 chief of artillery 1 h lh 2 and chief engi- Second 1 ieutonant 3 lh 4 neer on the staff of the division Total commis- sioned 1 3 3 2 1 1 8 3 1 1 3 27 commander will be performed by Field clerk 1 ' ~ 1 3 of the divisional .... Sergeant major h9h blh blh 4 commander of Sergeant first class 5 h 1>> lh 7 the engineer First sergeant l h troops respec- Mess sergeant lh 1 tively. Supply sergeant l h 1 Stable sergeant lh 1 Sergeant c53h lh 1 h ogSh 13 S u p p 1 v duty Corporal 8h 8 onlv. Hor^eshoer 2h 2 Mechanic lh 1 Saddler l h 1 b Clerks at divi- Cook 2h 2 sion headquar- Bugler 2h 2 ters. Private, first class 1 6 12 34 1 ?5 26 67 627 21 18 Q fi 51 64 106 cars. Aeroplanes 12 12 12 12 Ambulances 48 48 Oiher carriages 282 24 306 323 Horses, riding Horses, draft 130 687" 1,233 2,160 1,541 292 170 1ft .... 4,053 2,176 4,616 2,230 4,525 2,188 Total horses 130 687 3,393 1,541 292 186 6,229 6,846 6,713 Mules, riding ^ 64 12 6 72 224 72 i Miles. Mules, pack 225 6 29 49 17 326 337 337 Mules, draft 20 1,032 272 152 112 36 1,624 4,314 2,178 Total mules 20 1,311 290 187 161 53 2,022 4,875 2,587 54 Q 12 72 92 92 Rifles QS 16,419 13 1,340 978 154 19,002 20,283 20,345 Pistols no 1 818 3,936 1,504 348 ?f>1 178 8,160 8,633 8,651 Net length in column of route, yards. J 200 11,200 9,000 2,500 1,200 500 500 /25, 100 V14.2 34,. 500 120 32,800 119 40 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. TABLE 24. Infantry division Trains. MAXIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Units. Wagon. Motor. Remarks. Headquarters. 1 ammunition train. 1 supply train. 1 sanitary train. 1 engineer train. o 1 ammunition train. 1 supply train. >> C3 eg C3+-- n o C g s's , 10 3 13 12 4 4 4 4 30 60 10 3 18 8 4 40 52 Medical Depart- 49 49 Total com- missioned. 16 8 301 49 4 90 13 18 8 49 4 92 306 13 631 166 1,383 891 306 13 684 324 166 1,480 891 Medical Depart- ment Total en- listed A g g regate com bat- ant 878 878 319 631 301 878 166 2,274 1,413 319 684 324 332 878 166 2,371 316 622 305 170 316 702 170 1,520 Aggregate . . 332 626 309 927 170 2,364 332 702 332 927 170 2,463 324 62 386 180 44 62 62 180 Field tram, bag- 2 9 333 3 26 4 2 26 4 32 Total wag- ons 2 183 26 66 610 2 26 66 94 Guns: 3-inch field 2 2 1 6 41 13 48 17 563 54 2 2 1 28 601 55 48 14 3.8-inch how- itzer 1 1 4 28 10 48 2 13 3 ::::: 15 373 41 7 187 1 4 28 10 48 2 13 3 Motor truck's Motorcycles, with side cars Other carriages... 9 8 24 6 8 Horses, riding 332 68~ 54 23 116 332 116 24 472 Total horses Mules, riding 332 122 23 116 24 617 332 116 24 472 == 102 50 152 11 2,690 Mules pack 3 8 208 " "338' 3 8 11 8 208 " "338" 11 554 Mules, draft Total mules Machine guns 8 1,380 1,482 756 11 806 216 338 2,853 216 338 565 20 20 1,281 473 ftS ^?r^ 20 1,343 491 17,700 |i'4.4 Rifles 1 298 316 400 549 98 4,100 281 26 2,200 1,200 153 33 1,500 298 316 }400 595 107 3,000 297 35 1,600 1,200 153 33 1,500 Pis'ols Net length in col- umn of route, yards. . . Miles. TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES' ARMY, 1017. 41 TABLE 25. Infantry division. MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Units. Headquarters. I b, SH CO I 5 >, 1 a 2 2 >> 1 8 -4J 1 regiment of engineers. 1 field signal battalion. 1 aero squadron. Total division. Aggregate division and trains wagon. Aggregate division and trains motor. Remarks. O/f 471 127 52 33 13 18 738 767 778 Medical Department 3 36 15 6 3 1 1 65 108 101 Chaplain 9 3 1 1 14 14 14 Total commissioned 27 516 145 59 37 14 19 817 889 893 Field clerk 3 3 1 3 3 3 Combatant 114 12. 105 2,583 1,007 698 TCW 150 16, 896 18,001 18,285 Medical Department .. q 189 45 21 15 6 4 289 821 821 Total enlisted 193 12,294 2,628 1,028 713 ?4 t i 154 17 185 18, 822 19,106 Aggregate combatant 138 12, 576 2,710 1,059 731 252 168 17,634 18,768 19,063 Aggregate 15-3 12,810 2,773 1,087 750 259 173 18,005 19,714 20,002 Combat train 72 4 16 q 101 433 163 Field train, ration 3 54 33 13 8 3 114 234 114 Field train, baggage ? 51 11 16 3 4 87 126 115 Total wagons B 177 44 33 27 16 302 793 392 Guns: 3-inch field 48 48 50 50 3.8-inch howitzer 24 24 25 25 Motor cars. 5 1 6 10 32 Motor trucks 1 ?5 26 61 621 Motorcycles, with side cars ?1 18 6 6 51 62 67 Aeroplanes T> 12 12 12 Ambulances 32 8 Other carriages 174 94 198 212 212 Horsec, riding . 130 657 942 1,057 210 170 3,166 3,593 3,509 Horses, draft 1,512 16 1,528 1,582 1,528 Total horses 1 9 657 2,454 1,057 210 186 4,694 5, 175 5,037 Mules, riding 54 6 3 63 184 63 Mules, pack 153 6 29 49 17 254 261 261 Mules, draft . 90 744 188 136 112 36 1,236 3,402 1,742 Total mules 20 951 200 168 161 53 1,553 3,847 2,066 Machine guns 36 6 ^?, 54 74 74 Rifles 98 10,947 13 885 646 154 12,743 13,733 13,986 Pistols .. 130 1,629 2,703 1,025 259 ?51 173 6,170 6,525 6,561 Net length in column of route, yards. 900 8,500 6,700 2,200 1,100 500 500 /19,700 27,800 27,400 i ifi J Miles. 42 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. TABLE 26. Infantry division Trains. MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 L Units. Wagon. Motor. Remarks. 10 3 13 206 13 219 216 1 ammunition train. 1 supply train. 1 sanitary train. .3 I 1 B 1 ammunition train. d _> CO 1 sanitary train. i-l j Combatant 11 3 4 4 4 29 43 10 3 18 8 33 4 40 36 Medical depart- 33 Total com- missioned . . Combatant 14 524 8 209 33 519 4 166 72 1,105 532 13 206 13 18 8 33 4 76 1,380 532 684 324 519 166 Medical depart- ment Total enlisted. Aggregate combatant.. Aggregate Combat train 524 535 209 213 519 166 170 170 1,637 1,134 219 216 684 324 332 332 " '-- - 519 166 170 1,912 1,420 1,988 62~ 702 702 232 538 270 217 552 1,709 332 120 39 232 552 170 62 62 Field train, ration Field train, bag- 120 2 2 8 3 22 4 2 22 4 38 Total wagons . Guns: 3-inch field . . 278 2 1 123 22 66 491 2 4 35 11 32 14 2 22 66 90 2 1 26 595 56 32 14 ' "' 2 3.8-inch how- itzer 1 15 373 44 Motor cars 2 22 8 32 2 13 3 ""s" 7 187 1 2 22 8 32 2 13 3 Motor trucks* Motorcycles, with side cars Ambulances Other carriages . . . 6 6 8 Horses, riding Horses, draft 232" 61 54 23~ sT 24 427 54 232 87 24 343 Total horses... Mules, riding 232 115 == 85 23 36~ 87 - _ - 24 _; :- 481 121 7 2,166 232 87 24 313 ^ Mules, pack } 4 3 8 4 160 " "338" 7 506 Mules, draft Total mules. . . Machine guns... Rifles... 8 1,152 508 1GO 338 11 m 216 300 1,237 544 164 338 2,294 20~ 1,000 355 /S,100 U4.6 11 'm 216 }soo 164 338 513 20 1,243 391 f7,700 \14.-1 20 458 80 3,500 20 595 107 3,000 191 26 1,500 1,300 153 33 1,500 297 35 1,600 1,300 153 33 1,500 Pistols... Net length in col- umn of route, yards Miles. TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 191* 43 TABLE 27. Trains Infantry Division Headquarters and Military Police. STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Units. Company. Headquarters. .1 o H << Remarks. CblOHCl a 1 i 1 Major 1 i 1 Captam 1 1 2 3 3 First lieutenant 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 Medical Department 3 3 Total commissioned i 4 6 10 3 13 1 Battalion sergeant major 1 1 1 First sergeant 1 2 2 2 Mess sergeant. . . 1 2 2 2 Supply sergeant 1 2 2 2 Stable sergeant 1 2 2 2 Sergeant 6 12 12 12 Corporal 11 22 22 22 Ilorseshoer 2 4 4 4 Mechanic 1 2 2 2 Saddler . . 1 2 2 2 Wagoner 1 2 2 2 a Commander o f cool.. ::.": 2 4 4 4 trains. Sec par. Bugler 2 4 4 4 412, F. S. R. Private, first class 15 30 30 30 Private 55 4 110 114 114 Medical Department.... 13 13 Total enlisted 100 6 200 206 13 219 Aggregate 103 10 206 216 16 232 Field train, wagons.. . 2 2 2 Horses, riding 102 12 204 216 16 232 Mules, pack 3 3 Mules, draft....... 8 g g Total mules 8 8 3 11 Rifles 97 4 194 18 198 Pistols 103 10 206 216 ^16 Net length in column of fours, yards 132 20 265 285 285 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 45 91466 17 46 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ABMY, 1911. III TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 47 IS Remarks. ^_, 1 %-" ill! 0) s It c o CO H ro " " assl " a ass 38S i i N 1-H -3 1 t< ,,, , g. .egg CO CO a 1 ||! s *- < cs s i " 1-4 CO i-l ^ iO i- 35 S s III - _ j H * co 04 I ^ < n H ^ *3* 1 . | If < M IN WCSI * M 00 * T!< CS N OON^l< C^OO-^ I 1 - Hi " a H a N 00 o 1 H - ~ -82 s -f ^ * 8 S 11 , a j a a a j .a -a e* a M &** ^ s 3 | III S, &AI, i & S o 9 ss : ij +3 '55 1 i i i | i i i i i f i i l;j I i *a 1 s OT 1 4- ( 3 H 5 ? c | 1 "- H > ! > . II j 1 * PH * Is fl g (z; 48 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. I 5 s s } I. S eq^ nil! ii i i Si Isl Sv 5 ^ W W li -33 vllltl WW SS ^JStfE^ TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 49 fill ;8 llli r ili ob-^ S 00000505N S^J SS' ) 00 1 *! * 00 i- eoco 1-1 -H OOOOOOOON Oi (N [ 03 w o o t~ t- QOOOOOW g^ n i-H rH CO i-H ^ t-H -l N CO 7i~ 2 2 1m Trainmaster Sergeant: 1m 3 3 1 6 3 3 1 6 3 1 97 18 6* 1 6 2 12 6 6 2 12 6 2 194 36 Mess 1m Horseshoer 2m 1m 6 3 3 Farrier Saddler l m Mechanic 1m 2m 3 6 Cook ' Private, first class: Orderly 1* Teamster .... 32 6 1 96 18 Total enlisted 45 9 10 _. .... 135 i 144 13 288 301 45 135 145 j ._T-^~ 90 1 19 290 309 180 3 Wagons cargo 30 90 i 180 2 Wagons^ fieid 30 1 90 91 i 182 183 Horses, riding 8 3 24~ 376 17 6 - ' ' - 48 752 23 Mules riding 124 3 4 21 372 2 4 50 756 Mules draft Total mules 131 7 393 400 6 800 806 82,950 45 248,850 140 4 1,092 497, 700 281 26 2,196 Rifles 5 4 135 1 18 280 8 Pistols Net road length yards 360 52 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. TABLE 33. Trains Infantry division Supply Wagon. MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 8 9 Units. j Company. Supply train. Remarks. Headquarters. 1 Headquarters. 2 companies. 1 Major 1 1 3 4 Or the equivalent in pack trains when the diA-i- sion is operating in areas where pack transporta- tion is necessary. Captain Ik 1 lh 4h 2 Medical Department (veterinarian) Total commissioned 1 1 6 flfc 2 8 Quartermaster sergeant, Quartermaster Corps = 2 4 2 2 4 2 8 4 2 8 4 8 131 24 Sergeant, first class, Quartermaster Corps: Clerk lh jm 1 1 2h ">," 2 2 Wagonmaster Trainmaster Sergeant: Assistant wagonmaster l m 2 2 1 4 2 2 1 4 2 1 65 12 6h 1 4 2 8 4 4 2 8 4 2 130 24 Mess l m "FTnrsftshoflr- 2-n l m 4 2. 2 Farrier Saddler l m Mechanic 1m Corporal, assistant wagonmaster 2m ? 4 Private, first class: Orderly 1* Teamster 32 6 1 64 12 Private, laborer Total enlisted 45 8 90 98 13 196 i 209 Aggregate 45 = 30 9 .... 90 " - 60 99 60~ 19 T_:^r .... 198 120 2 217 Wagons cargo . . 120 3 Wagons, field Total wagons 30 1 " - "- 1 60 61 3~ = 17 252 " .:, ..: 17 122 6~ 123 23~ 36~ 508 Horses, riding s Mules, riding " "": '~ ~ 124 _ 3 4 7 14 248 2 4 34 504 Mules, draft Total mules 131 262 269 , 6 538 544 Net cargo capacity, pounds Rifles 82,950 45 5 4 "90" 165,900 ;.... 95 , 1 4 18 732 'i 94 ?4 ^ fi 6 ? 11 ?? ?? Motor cars 9 ?, ?, Motorcycles ^ ft 6 24 8 64 2 4 4 1 24 8 56 ~8~ 132 Wagons 4 7 14 44 14 52 4 Horses, riding 28 4 8 = 22 8 = = ~8~ 132 1 Mulesi draft 66 30 60 60 16 Total mules 70 140 400~ 140 30 60 220" 60 16 216 Net length vards 30 250 680 30 180 430 50 1,160 56 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917., TABLE 37. Trains Infantry Division Sanitary. MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Units. Motor-driven ambu- 1 lance company. Animal-drawn am- 1 bulance company. Ambulance companies. Motor-driven field hospital. Animal-drawn field hospital. Field hospitals. 4 camp infirmaries. 3 Remarks. Headquar- ters. 2 mo tor- driven. 2 animal- drawn. 1 Headquar- ters. 2 motor- driven. || Cv) t Major... 1 1 13 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 6 2 6 5 13 .... 6 26 1 An officer of the Quar- t e r m aster Corps as sup- ply officer. Captain \ 3 3 1 6 6 Lieutenant .* Total commis- sioned 3 ^ 1 6 4 3 . 1 6 4 1 3 . .--._ .... 6 "IT 12 8 6 '- 2 12 8 2 2 2 2 4 114 15 .M_ - 1- 4 25 16 2 2 2 4 8 222 4 - 2 4 4 4 2 .... 8 8 8 4 8 18 "T 17 = 33 46 16 4 4 4 8 16 409 Sergeant, first class Sergeant . ... Corporal Horseshoer "j 2 2 2 2 4 88 2 2 2 4 8 183 4 Saddler.. . . . 1 1 Farrier < Mechanic... 1 2 1 2 57 4 2 4 104 1 2 46 1 2 44 3 2 4 92 Cook Private, first class . . . Private Total enlisted Aggregate 66 74 5 132 148 285 55 --- 59 --' -' 56 ~60~ =^= 4 - - 6 110 118~ -'-'-- 112 120* 226 8 -- 8 519 552 == 16 22 2 8 16 22 87 4 160 69 3 77 8 138 154 300 244 Motor ambulances 16 16 Motor trucks 4 4 1 9 18 18 Motorcars 1 1 1 Motorcycles 2 4 4 16 4 2 4 4 Ambulances s 16 4 Wagons 9 7 14 38 14 44 4 Horses, riding 7 36 43 19 - - .- 6 -- ^ .- Mules, pack = 9 == =r= 4 4 Mules, draft 4? 84 84 30 60 60 16 Total mules 44 88 240" 88 65> Cook Private, first class: Orderly. . 4h 1 Teamster 29 6 87 18 Private, laborer Total enlisted 42 10 126 136 10 136 137~ 204 Aggregate 42 11 126 137 14 59 207 Wagons, cargo 27 ""i" 81 81 1 81 1 27 1 1 1 1 108 3 1 1 1 Wagons field train 1 Spare guns Spare battery wagons Spare store wagons Horses, riding 5~ 5 5 14 5 18 24 18 Horses draft Total horses 5 5 14 5 23. 42 Mules, riding Mules draft 7 112 3 4 21 336 24 440 .... 24 440 9 116 33 560 Total mules 119 7 357 464 4 464 125 593 Net cargo capacity, pounds . Machine guns 74, 655 223 965 223, 965 18 133 4 74, 655 298, 620 18 176 34 1,366 Rifles 42 7' 4 126 133 4 9S4 1 13 42 17 Pistols Net road length, yards 324 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION; UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917, 65 TABLE 46. Trains Cavalry Division Ammunition Motor. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Units. H 1 CT Small arms. Artil- lery. Aggregate. Remarks. GJ P EC 1. 8 f 2 * 1 o >> * 9 fr Lieutenant colonel 1 1 1 1 6 1 chauffeur in each company to beassigned as messenger. b Transported as trail- ers to trucks. All division trains, in whole or in part, may be assigned to the line of communica- tions if conditions war- rant. Under ordinary con- ditions, one tank truck will be sufficient. Truckmasters to use a light repair truck. Agents to use motor- cycles with side cars. , For space multiply by Major 1 1 Captain 1 Lieutenant 1 l 4 5 i Total commissioned. 1 2 2 4 6 i 9 Battalion sergeant major . . 1 1 1 2 5 5 15 5 5 9 9 10 168 10 47 Regimental supply sergeant: Clerk 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 33 2 9 4 4 12 4 4 4 4 8 132 8 36 4 4 12 4 4 6 6 8 133 8 37 i i 3 1 1 1 1 2 33 2 9 Truckmaster Sergeant : Assistant truckmaster Mess "2" 2 2 "2" 2 1 Agent Corporal agent Cook Private, first class: Chauffeur Assistant mechanic . . Private, assistant chauffeur 1 1 Tota.1 enlisted 55 8 7 220 224 1Q8~ 8 4 4 4 8 227 55 290 299 135 10 6 5 7 20 1 1 '"is 250 49 1,341 \ggrogate 56 27~ 2 1 1 10 9 233 56 2T 2 81,000 108 8 4 4 5 13 Trucks tank Trucks, mess, records, spare parts etc 1 Trucks repair light Motor cars 1 2 1 5 1 5 Motorcycles, with side cars Spare battery wagons ^ | Spare store wagons b Net cargo capacity, pounds Machine guns 81,000 324,000 18 196 28 Ritles 49 7 262 3 7 31 2 7 198 35 1,079 49 7 262 Pistols Net road length yards 66 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. TABLE 47. Trains Cavalry Division Supply Wagon Pack. MAXIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Units. Section. Wagon com- pany. Pack company. Supply train. Remarks. Headquarters. co "3 1 Headquarters. 1 company. 6 pack com- panies.* 1 Major 1 1 2 4 * To be re- placed by wagons when the division is operating in areas where pack trains are not necess- sary. Captain .... 1h i lh 4h 1 Medical Department (veterinarians) Total commis- sioned 6 1 1 1 7 Quartermaster sergeant, Quartermaster Corps 9h 2 3 1 2 6 3 6 1 12 3 3 1 6 9 7 98 60 18 Sergeant, first class, Quartermaster Corps: Clerk 1h l 2h 1 1 Wagonmaster 1m l Trainmaster ?B Pack master lm 6 Sergeant: Assistant wagon- rnast^.r 1m .... 3 3 3 Cargador. . lm 6 Mess l m 1 6 3 3 1 6 3 1 97 ---- 1 6 '6 3 6 3 1 97 Horseshoer 2'n 1 .... 6 3 3 l m 6 Farrier Saddler 1m Mechanic 1"> Corporal, assistant wag- onmaster 2m 3 1h 6 Cook lm 6h 1 6 Private, first class: Orderlv Teamster 32 1 96 Packer 10 60 Private laborer 6 18 18 18 Total enlisted Aggregate 45 9 135 144 145 14 14 13 19 144 84 241 45 10 135 145 84 248 Wagons cargo 30 i 90 90. 1 90 1 90 2 Wagons field 1 Total wagons Horses riding i 30 90 91 1 91 92 ^ 3 1 17 3 6 26 Mules, riding 7 3 21 24 14 50 2 24 84 300 110 300 380 Mules' pack Mules, draft 124 4 7 372 393 376 4 376 Total mules 131 400 64 6 400 384 790 Net cargo capacity, pounds 82,950 45 248,850 140 4 1,092 12,000 .... 18 248,850 140 4 1,092 72,000 i20,850 141 106 1,704 Rifles 5 4 135 Pistols 14 100 84 600 Net road length, yards . . 360 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. 67 TABLE 48. Trains Cavalry Division Supply Wagon Pack. MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Units. , Wagon com- pany. Pack company. Supply train. Remarks. I Headquarters. 2 sections. 1 cr 1 1 company. a-. 88 t 1 (0 5 2 4 To be re- placed b y wagons when the division is operating in areas where pack trams aie not necessary. Captain 1h 1 lh Ah 1 Medical Department Total commissioned j 1 6 1 7 Quartermaster sergeant, - = 9h 2 3 1 2 6 2 6 1 10 2 2 1 4 8 7 66 60 12 Sergeant, first class, Quartermaster Corps: Clerk 1 h 1 1 2h 1 1 Wagonmaster 1 9m Packmaster l m 6 Sergeant: Assistant wagon- m aster l m 2 2 2 i 4 2 2 1 4 2 1 65 l m l m 6 Mess 1m 1 4 2 2 4 2 1 65 Horseshoer 2m lm l m 4 2 2 6 Farrier Saddler l m Corporal, assistant wag- onmaster Cook 2m 2 l h 4 6h 1 lm 6 Private, first class: Orderly 32 1 64 Packer 10m 60 6 12 12 .... 12 Total enlisted Aggregate 45 8 90 ~90~ ~ 98 14 13 98 84 84 195 45 9 99 14 19 | 99 202 Wagons cargo 30 60 1 .... 60 1 60 2 Wagons^ field Total wagons 30 1 60 61 17 61 62 Horses, riding Mules riding 3 |.... 3 1 3 6 26 7 3 14 17 14 50 2 17 84 300 103 300 256 Motes) draft 124 4 248 252 4 252 Total mules Net cargo capacity, pounds Rifles 131 7 262 269 64 6 269 384 659 82,950 45 "5" 4 "96" 165,900 95 4 732 12,000 .... 18 165,900 95 4 732 72,000 ""84" 600 237,900 96 106 1,344 Pistols 14 100 Net road length, yards. . . 360 65 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ABMY, 1917. 69 TABLE 50. Trains Cavalry Division Engineer. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 8 4 I Units. ^ > ft C* Pontoon soot ion J Remarks. Captain lb 1 3 light canvas bridge divl- Fir "t lieutenant l h 1 lr 1 X^ f r^j Total commissioned . 1 1 2 First sergeant lb 1 loaded Battalion supply sfj^eunt 1> 1 Supply sergeant 1 1 Stable sergeant.. . 1 1 Sergean t 3>> 3 Corporal 2 h 6h g Horseshoer. . 1 3 4 Saddler 1 1 plosives etc 2 wagons Wagoner .. 16 43 59 Cook 1 \ 2 Bugler l h l b 2 Entn66ri Total enlisted 23 60 83 Aggregate ... 24 61 85 are includftd in the train Combat train, wagon b 14 39 53 Field train, wagon 1 3 4 in lieu of a wagoner If Total wagons 15 42 57 vehicles to warrant it the Horses, riding. . . 5 11 16 may b fillecl hy a ma- Mules, draft . 56 172 228 chinist and the horse- Rifles 20 59 79 shoer and saddler replaced Pistols ... 6 13 19 by machinist's helpers. Net length yards 180 504 684 ifnecessarv 70 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1917. TABLE 51. Trains Cavalry Division Sanitary. MAXIMUM STKENGTH. 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Units. Motor-driven ambu- lance company. Animal-drawn ambu- lance company. Ambulance com- panies. Motor-driven field hos- pital. Animal-d r a w n field hospital. Field hospitals. 1 ft CO -2 03 % Remarks. Headquarters. 1 motor-driven. 2 animal-drawn. a g Headquarters. 1 motor-driven. 2 animal-drawn. H Major 1 i 16 1 5 1 5 1 al 1 5 2 10 4 16 5 32 i 38 Captain. }' 5 al 1 5 10 Total commissioned Sergeant first class... 5 5 3 5 10 18 6 6 2 6 12 20 ~9~ 19 2 11 6 2 11 6 1 .... 2 11 6 4 22 12 2 2 2 2 6 248 6 34 18 2 2 2 3 9 349 3 6 3 6 .... 3 6 6 12 "T 15 56 18 4 4 4 6 15 555 a An officer of the Quarter- master Corps as supply of- ficer. Sergeant Corporal. . Horseshoer 1 2 2 2 2 4 130 2 2 2 3 6 203 3 Saddler 1 1 Farrier 1 1 Mechanic 1 3 }96 1 3 124 5 1 3 96 1 2 68 1 2 65 5 1 2 68 Cook Private first class Private. Total enlisted. 119 150 6 119 300 425 80 80 6 8 80 160 246 6 ~T 677 Aggregate 124 155 9 124 310 443 86 86 86 172 266 715 Motor ambulances 1?, T> T> 12 14 4 5 24 25 116 Motor trucks 3 ^ 3 ? 11 .... ? 11 .... 11 ? .... Motor cars ? Motorcycles 3 3 3 24 8 64 8 132 2 ? 9 Ambulances 1? 24 8 56 Wagons 4 7 14 44 14 52 3 Horses riding 28 8 .... = 22 8 ' - - ^ Mules pack .... 4 8 132 8 204 Mules draft 66 30 60 60 12 Total mules 70 140 140 30 60 60 12 212 Net length, yards 30 125 400 555 .... .... 30 ~90~ 220 340 40 935 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY. 1917. 71 TABLE 52. Trains Cavalry Division Sanitary' MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 jj 3 a CO 15 i 2 3 16 Units. Motor-driven ambu- lance company. I Animal-drawn ambu- lance company. Ambulance companies. Motor-driven field hos- pital. Animal-drawn field hospital. Field hospitals. Remarks. Headquarters. 1 motor-driven. 2 animal-drawn. 1 1 1 motor-driven. 2 animal-drawn. , Major 1 1 10 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 2 6 4 10 .... 5 20 \ 1 An officer of the Quarter- master Corps as supply of- ficer. Captain I 3 3 1 3 6 Lieutenant Veterinarian Total commissioned Sergeant, first class 3 3 ~T 6 4 3 3 6 12 4 2 4 4 2 .... 4 4 8 14 26 1 6 4 "i" 1 6 4 2 12 8 2 2 2 2 4 114 3 19 12 2 2 2 3 6 170 219 2 4 4 8 6 13 "3" 9 35 12 4 4 4 6 12 310 396 422~ 11 2 4 16 21 87 4 156 160 Sergeant Corporals Horseshoer 1 "i 2 2 2 2 4 88 2 2 2 3 6 137 3 6 :nnr^: 6 Saddler 1 i Farrier 1 i Mechanic 1 1 1 2 52 66 1 2 46 55 i 2 44 56 3 4 1 2 46 Cook .. . 2 }52 2 57 4 5 Private, first class Private . . Total enlisted 66 74 148 55 112 171 Aggregate 8 69 154 231 - .-- 8 59 60 6 59 120 185 Motor ambulances 8 8 Motor trucks 9 2 1 9 q 9 Motorcars . 1 1 1 Motorcycles 2 2 2 16 4 43 1 4 84 88 2 2 Ambulances 8 16 4 36 Wagons 7 14 38 14 44 3 Horses, riding 18 7 = 19 6 Mules pack 9 4 84 88 Mules, draft 30 30 11^ 60 60 60 60 12 12 Total mules 44 Net length, yards. . . 20G 7 1 - = 180~ 440 168 350 36 850 1 72 TABLES OF ORGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1017. TABLE 53. Medical department personnel attached to mobile organizations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ^ Division headquarters. Infantry. Cavalry. Field Artillery. Regiment. Regiment. 2-battalion regiment. 3-battalion regiment. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 6 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 Captain or lieutenant Veterinarian Total commissioned. . Sergeant first class 3 7 3 1 7 4 4 : 1 3 29 6 5 1 2 12 5 1 2 ' 20 6 1 3 17 ft 1 3 29 1 3 17 1 3 17 1 3 29 Sergeant - - - Private, first class, and private Total enlisted 9 9 21 33 == 13 1 21 IT 28~ 2 2 33 39~ 15 23 21 33 39 40 2 2 Aggregate 12 15 12 15 25 13~ 1 20 28 29 2 2 27 Horses riding 40 2 2 21 2 2 28 2 2 Mules pack Pistols 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Engineers. Signal troops. Train and military police. Regiment. Mounted battalion. Field battalion. Aero squadron. Telegraph battalion. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. L/ieutenant colonel Major 1 2 1 2 Captain or lieutenant . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 Veterinarian Total commissioned. . Sergeant, firsst class Sergeant 3 3 ===== 1 2 20 2 ""- 1 1 5 2 ' ___ 1 1 9 1 - ' 1 1 1 =L 3 3 1 2 10 1 2 12 r 2 10 1 5 5 3 1 3 1 5 5 Private, first class, and private Total enlisted 15 18 23 26 14 1 7 9~ IT i 11 ; 13 13~ 1 1 6 7 7 1 6 7 7 1 4 ===== 5 ' 4 5 6 ===== 7 ; 7 6 --.'-' ,. 7 . ,-. 7 13 16 . ._; 16 3 13 16 16 3 Aggregate Horses riding 14 1 Mules, pack Pistols TABLES OF OBGANIZATION, UNITED STATES ARMY, 1911. 73 TABLE 54. Bands. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM STRENGTH. 1 2 3 4 Units. Engineer or Coast Artillery. Band sec- tion, head- quarters company, Infantry, Cavalry, or Field Artillery. Remarks. Band leader 1 1 Assistant band leader 1 1 First sergeant 1 Sergeant buglar 1 Band sergeants 2 2 Band corporals 4 4 Musicians, first class 2 2 Musicians, second class 4 4 Musicians ihird class 13 13 v , Cooks 2 Total enlisted 30 28 INDEX Page. Aero squadron 37 Ambulance company. (See Sani- tary train.) Ammunition train : Cavalry division Wagon Maximum 63 Minimum 64 Motor 65 Infantry division Wagon Maximum 45 Minimum 47 Motor 49 Artillery. (See Field Artillery.) Bands 73 Battalion : Engineers. (See Engineer troops.) Field Artillery. (See Field Artillery.) Infantry. (See Infantry brigade.) Signal. (See Field Signal battalion.) Battery. (See Field Artillery.) Brigade: Headquarters 3 Cavalry. (See Cavalry bri- gade.) Field Artillery. (See Field Artillery.) Infantry. (See Infantry bri- gade.) Cavalry brigade : Maximum 8 Minimum 10 Cavalry Division. (See Division.) Company : Ambulance. (See Sanitary train.) Engineer. (See Engineer troops.) Field Hospital. (See Sanitary train.) Head q uarters Field Artillery. (See Field Artillery.) . Infantry. (See Infantry brigade.) Infantry (in battalion; Ma- chine-gun). (See Infantry brigade.) Motor truck Ammunition. (See Am- munition train Motor.) Supply. (See Supply train Motor.) Page. Company Continued. Supply company Field Artillery. (See Field Artillery.) Infantry. (See Infantry brigade.) Wagon Ammunition. (See Ammu- nition train Wagon.) Supply. (See Supply train Wagon.) Division : Headquarters 38 Cavalry Maximum 57 Minimum 59 Infantry- Maximum 39 Minimum. 41 Divisional trains: Cavalry division Maximum 58 Minimum 60 Infantry division Maximum 40 Minimum 42 Engineer train: Cavalry division 69 Infantry division 54 Engineer troops: Mounted battalion- Maximum 34 Minimum 35 Regiment Maximum 32 Minimum 33 Field Artillery: Corps (brigade) Horse-drawn Maximum 16 Minimum 18 Motor- Maximum 20 Minimum 22 Divisional (brigade) Maximum 12 Minimum 14 Horse (regiment) Maximum 24 Minimum 26 Mountain (regiment) Maximum 28 Minimum 30 H ea vy . ( See C orps . ) Light. {See Divisional.) Field Hospital Company. (See Sanitary train.) Field Signal Battalion 36 75 INDEX. Field Signal Battalion (mounted). (See Field Signal Battalion.) Headquarters: Brigade. (See Brigade.) Division. (See Division.) Headquarters Company: Field Artillery. (See Field Artillery.) Infantry. (See Infantry bri- gade.) Headquarters troop. (See Cavalry brigade.) Heavy Artillery. (See Field Artil- lery.) Horse Artillery. (See Field Artil- lery.) Infantry brigade: Maximum Minimum Light Artillery. (See Field Artil- lery.) Medical Department: Personnel with mobile organi- zations 4 - Sanitary trains. (See Sani- tary train.) Machine-gun company. (See In- fantry brigade.) Machine-gun troop. (See Cavalry brigade.) Military police: Cavalry division Maximum Minimum Infantry division Maximum Minimum Motor- truck company: Ammunition train. (See Am- munition train.) Supply train. (See Supply train.) Mountain Artillery. (See Field Artillery.) Mounted Engineers. (See En- gineer troops.) Mounted Signal Battalion. (See Field Signal Battalion.) Pack-train company: Maximum Minimum Regiment: Cavalry Maximum Minimum . . Page. 73 61 62 4?, 44 Regiment Continued. Field Artillery- Heavy. Horse. Light. Mountain. (See Field Artillery.) Infantry Maximum Minimum Sanitary personnel. (See Medical Department.) Sanitary train: Cavalry division Maximum Minimum Infantry division Maximum Minimum Signal battalion. (See Field Signal battalion.) Squadron: Aero. (See Aero squadron.) Cavalry. (See Cavalry bri- gade.) Supply company: Field Artillery. (See Field Artillery.) Infantry. (See Infantry bri- gade.) Supply troop. (See Cavalry bri- gade.) Supply train: Cavalry division Wagon Pack- Maximum Minimum Motor Infantry division Wagon Maximum Minimum Motor Train guard. (See Military police.) Trains. (See Ammunition, Engi- neer, Sanitary, and Supply trains.) Troop: Cavalry (in squadron). Headquarters. Machine-gun. Supply. (See Cavalry brigade.) Wagon company. (See Ammuni- tion and Supply trains.) 70 7i 55 56 66 67 68 51 52 53 UNIVEKSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. $18)922 SEP I m REC'O LD JUN 5 ft 519710 71 -5PM 1 20m-l,'22 1 YC 62137 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY