liEiii^SBIiMiiiiuiil MpTZwwvmdM Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4, CHAPTER 23. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4, relative to approving eleven certain amendments to the charter of the city of Petaluma, county of Sonoma, State of California, voted for and ratified hy the qualified electors of the said city of Petaluma at a general municipal electioii held therein for that purpose on the tenth day of June, 1913. [Filed with S'^cretary of State April 2, 1915.] Whereas, The city of Petaluma, in the county of Sonoma, State of California, contains a population of more than thirty- five hundred inhabitants, and has been ever since the year 1911, and is now, organized and acting under a freeholders' charter, adopted under and by virtue of section eight of article eleven of the constitution of the State of California, which charter was duly ratified by a majority of the qualified electors of said city at a special election held for that purpose on the fourteenth day of February, A. D. 1911, and approved by the legislature of the State of California on the eighth dav of March, 1911 (statutes of 1911, pa^e 1799) ; and Whereas, The city council of the said city of Petaluma did by ordinance duly adopted by said city council and approved by the mayor of said city on the twenty-first day of April, 1913, and pursuant to section eight of article eleven of the constitu- tion of the State of California, duly propose to the qualified electors of said city of Petaluma, certain amendments to the charter of said city of Petaluma to be submitted to the said qualified electors at a general municipal election to be held in said city on the tenth day of June, 1913 ; said amendments being thirteen in number ; and Whereas, Said proposed amendments were, and each of them was, published for ten days in a daily newspaper printed and published in said city of Petaluma, and having a general circulation therein, to wit : The Petaluma Argus; said publica- tion beginning on the twenty-second day of April, 1913, and ending the third day of May, 1913 ; and Whereas, The city council of said city did by said ordinance, duly adopted by said city council and approved by the mayor of said city, order the holding of a general municipal election in said city of Petaluma on the tenth day of June, 1913, said day being at least forty days after the publication of said proposed amendments for ten days in said daily newspaper of general circulation in said cijv^f I^taluma, to wit : The Peta- luma Argus; and did provide in said ordinance for the sub- mission of the proposed charter amendments numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, to the qualified electors of said city for their ratification at said election ; and Whereas, Said election was duly called and held on said tenth day of June, 1913, and at said election a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon voted in favor of the ratifica- tion of and did ratify eleven of the proposed amendments to said charter; and Whereas, The city council of the said city of Petaluma in accordance with the law in such cases made and provided, did meet on Monday, the sixteenth day of June, 1913, at their usual time and place of meeting, and duly canvass the returns of said election as certified by the election boards, and duly found, determined and declared that a majority of the qualified electors of said city voting thereon had voted for and ratified eleven of said proposed amendments to the charter of said city of Petaluma ; and Whereas, The said eleven subsequent amendments to the charter so ratified by a majority of the qualified electors of said city voting at said election are in words and figures as follows, to wit : charter amendment number one. Section 12 of article 3 of said charter is amended so as to read as follows: Section 12. To lease to corporations or individuals, for purpose of maintenance and operation, of any public utility owned by the city, and to provide for the lease of any land now or hereafter owned by the city. charter amendment number two. Section 65 of article 3 of said charter is amended so as to read as follows : Section 65. May expend such sum or sums, not to exceed in the aggregate, in any one fiscal year, the sum of three hundred ($300) dollars from the revenues of the city for entertainment and promotion, or entertainment or promotion. charter amendment number three. Section 1 of article 4 of said charter is amended so as to read as follows : Section 1. Elections to be held in said city for the purpose of electing officers of said city, and for all other purposes, are to be of two kinds : general municipal elections and special munici- pal elections. The first general election under this charter shall be held on the second Tuesday of April, 1911, and the second general — 3 — election shall be held on the second Tuesday of June, 1913, and all other general municipal elections shall be held on the second Tuesday of June, of each second year thereafter. All general and special municipal elections of said city are to be held in accordance with the provisions of the law of the state governing the holding of general elections. The conduct and carrying on of all city elections shall be under the control of the council and the mayor. The council shall by ordinance make provision for the holding of all city elections and may district and subdivide the municipality into municipal election precincts for the holding of municipal elec- tions and consolidate such precincts in the municipality for such elections, provided no change is made in the boundaries of the election precincts as the same are established by the board of supervisors of Sonoma county. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER FOUR. Section 13 of article 6 of said charter is amended so as to read as follows: Section 13. No action providing for any specific improve- ment or the appropriation or expenditure of any public money, except a sum less than $200 ; for the appropriation, acquisition, sale or lease of public property ; for the granting of any fran- chise, for the establishing or changing of the fire limits ; or for the imposing of any penalty, shall be taken except by ordinance. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER FIVE. Section 22 of article 6 of said charter is amended so as to read as follows : Section 22. If a vacancy shall occur in any elective office, by reason of death, removal, or any cause whatever, the council shall forthwith, at either a regular or adjourned, or a called meeting of the said council, appoint a person to fill such vacancy; provided, lioivever, that the said appointee shall be eligible under the provisions of this charter; and provided, further, that the appointee shall receive the affirmative votes of at least four members of the council. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER EIGHT, Section 9 of article 7 of said charter is amended so as to read as follows: Section 9. There shall be a chief of police. The department of the police shall be under the direction of the chief of police. He shall have all the powers given to peace officers under the laws of this state and he shall perform all duties imposed upon him by the ordinances of the council. — 4 — CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER NINE. Section 111 of article 7 of said charter is amended so as to read as follows : Section 17Z. The mayor of the city of Petaluma shall receive compensation for his services the sum of six hundred dollars per year, and each member of the city council shall receive a compensation of one hundred and fifty dollars per year, which said amount shall be in full payment of all services rendered said city whether as mayor, members of the council or as mem- bers of the board of equalization. The said yearly salary shall be paid in monthly installments. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER TEN. Section 1 of article 11 of said charter is amended to read as follows: Section 1. The council shall by resolution provide for the assessment, levy and collection of taxes, and shall act as a board of equalization in equalizing the value of property listed upon the assessment roll. During the month of September in each year, it shall levy such a tax as may be necessary to raise revenue for the maintenance of the city and the several depart- ments during the fiscal year, but such tax levy, for all municipal purposes, except the payment of interest and principal, on the bonded indebtedness, shall not exceed the sum of one hundred cents for each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation as the same appears upon the assessment roll. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER ELEVEN. Section 5 of article 12 of said charter is amended so as to read as follows : Section 5. No contract for lighting streets, public buildings, places or offices, shall be made for a longer period than five years. All contracts for said purpose or purposes must con- tain a provision that the rate shall not, during the existence of said contract, be in excess of the minimum rate or rates established for the inhabitants of the city of Petaluma. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER TWELVE. Section 1 of article 18 of said charter is amended so as to read as follows: Section 1. This charter may be amended as provided in the constitution of the State of California and in the general laws of said state. CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER THIRTEEN. Section 12 of article 17 of said charter is amended so as to read as follows : Section 12. No person shall be eligible to hold office in the city whether elective or appointive unless he be an elector — 5 — therein, and have resided within its present limits, for at least two years next preceding the dates of such election or appoint- ment, except superintendents, principals and teachers, of the public schools; and city engineers, and as herein otherwise provided. State of California, i County of Sonoma, / ss. City of Petaluma. ) This is to certify that we, A. W. Horwege, mayor of the city of Petaluma, and Frank B. Singley, clerk of the city of Petaluma, have compared the foregoing proposed and ratified amendments to the charter of the city of Petaluma with the original ordinance proposing such amendments and submitting the same to the qualified electors of said city at a general municipal election, called for that purpose on Tuesday the tenth day of June, 1913, and find that the foregoing is a full, true, correct and exact copy thereof and of each of them ; and we further certify that the facts set forth in the preamble preceding such amendments to said charter are and each of them is true. That as to all of said amendments, this certificate shall be taken as a full and complete certification as to the regularity of all proceedings had and done in connection therewith. In witness whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and caused the corporate seal of the city of Petaluma to be attached, this first day of December, 1914. A. W. HORWEGE, [seal] Mayor. F. B. SINGLEY, City clerk of the city of Petaluma. And Whereas, The said proposed amendments to the charter of the city of Petaluma so ratified are now submitted to the legislature of the State of California, for approval or rejection without power of alteration or amendment in accordance with section eight of article eleven of the constitution of the State of California; now, therefore, be it Resolved hy the senate of the State of California, the assembly thereof concurring (a majority of all members elected to each house voting for the adoption of this resolution and concurring therein), That the said amendments to the said charter of the said city of Petaluma hereinbefore set forth as presented and submitted to and adopted and ratified by the qualified electors of said city of Petaluma be, and the same are hereby approved as a whole for, and as amendments to said charter of said city of Petaluma. O 314948 ■r UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY