ELECTRICAL CHARAGTERISTICS of Transmission Circuits Magnetomotive Force /•"=»! Magnetic Energy Dielectric Flux V Electromotive Force E-=.QIC Dielectric Energy Reluctivity Reluctance R Inductance Ij^^li Reactance .r= wL — \l uiC Elastivity \IK Elastance 5" Capacitance C=V IE - Impedance z = 1/ r' -J- .^^ Conductivity -y Conductance I g=W/E \ 9=rlc Permeability ix = BIH Permeance jW= <^ /4JrF Admittance y=i / :s:ig^^ J b = \/ g' -f- b'-- INDUCTANCE Any moving mass, for instance a flywheel in motion, will resist a change in velocity. That is, the inertia of the moving mass will tend to keep the mass moving when disconnected from the source of power. On the other hand the inertia will oppose any effort to speed up the movement of the mass. In a similar manner, the inductance of an electric circuit resists a change in current. The cause of in- ductance in an electric circuit is the magnetic field which surrounds the circuit. When the current changes this magnetic field changes correspond- ingly, and in effect cuts the con- TABLE B— INCREASE OF EFFECTIVE RESISTANCE DUE TO SKIN EFFECT. proportional to the current. This m.nxf. is of zero value at the center of the conductor and increases as the square of the distance from the center until the surface is reached, i (This statement as well as those following is based upon the assumption of a uniform distribution of current throughout the conductor, the conductor being of non-magnetic material and located i n non-magnetic surroundings, such as air). At the surface it becomes maximum for a given current and remains at this maxi- mum value for all distances beyond the surface. It is customary to think of the magnetic field surrounding conductors as concentric circles of lines of force. A physical picture of the magnetic field density surrounding a current carrying conductor A is shown by Chart I. The magnetic density due to the return circuit (conductor B) is indicated in outline by broken lines. The horizontal divisions represent the distance from the center of conductor A and the height of the I Permittivity A' Permittance I (Capacitance) C Susceptance b=x/:r ductor, producing an e.m.f. in it. This e.m.f. of self induction has such a direction as to resist the change in current. While the cur- rent is increasing, energy is stored in the magnetic field and while the current decreases, the magnetic stored energy is returned to the electric circuit. This effect of the electric current on the surrounding space is termed magnetic induction. Unit of Inductance — When a rate of change of current of one ampere per second produces an e.m.f. of one volt, the circuit is said to have a unit of inductance called a henry. The henry being incon- *Rcfercnccs: — For a bihliography on the subject of skin effect see article "Experimental Researches on Skin Effect in Conductors" by A. E. Kennellv, F. A. Laws, and P. H. Pierce in A. J. E. E. Trans., Vol. 34, Part II of Sept. 1915. .This article ends with a bibliography on the subject embracing a very complete list of articles. "Calculation of Skin Effect in Strap Conductors" by H. B. Dwight in Electrical World, March II, 1916. "Skin Effect in Tubular and Flat Conductors" by H. B. Dwight m A. I. E. E. Trans, for 1918. For various sizes of solid copper rods. For stranded conductors of equivalent cross sectional area the skin effect is practically the same as for the solid conductor. 1! hi = S " *« .5 h si P J'ert-ent Increase of Copper Wires Above the Direct- Current Resistance Due to Alternating -Currents of Different Frequencies Hased Upon Direct Current Re- sistance at 25 Degrees 0. (77 Degrees P.) Baaed Upon Direct Current Re- sistance at 65 Degrees C. (149 Degrees F.) V u si U U >> U (A U Si u 4 4 n u ■2 000 000 1 800 000 1 600 000 1.631 1.548 1.459 1.414 1.342 1.265 2.2 1.8 1.4 6.0 4.9 3.9 14.1 11.7 9.4 28.0 23.7 19.4 78.6 70.4 61.4 1.7 1.3 1.1 4.S 3.7 3.0 10.9 9.0 7.8 22.1 18.5 15.0 67.0 60.0 51.8 1 500 000 1 200 000 1 000 000 1.412 1.263 1.152 1.225 1.096 1.000 1.3 0.8 0.6 3.4 2.1 1.5 8.4 5.5 3.8 17.4 11.7 8.4 67.3 42.7 33.8 0.9 0.6 0.4 2.6 1.7 1.1 6.4 4.1 3.0 13.5 9.0 6.4 47.4 34.8 26.2 •. 50 000 500 000 250 000 0.998 0.815 0.575 0.866 0.707 0.500 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.9 0.4 0.1 2.2 1.0 0.3 4.9 2.2 0.6 20.6 10.1 2.7 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.7 0.8 0.1 1.7 3.7 0.7 1.7 0.2 0.4 16.4 7.7 2.0 curve rneasured vertically the intensity of the field at the corresponding distance. The radius of the conductor has been assumed as unity, and maximum field density (always at the surface of the conductor) as 100 percent. The intensity of the magnetic field starts at zero at the conductor center, and increases (with uniform dis- tribution of current in the conductor) directly as the 4 RESISTANCE—SKIN EFFECT— INDUCTANCE distance from its center until its surface is reached, The intensity of the magnetic field at any point is where it becomes maximum. For distances beyond the proportional to the m.m.f. acting at that point and in- surface of the conductor, the field intensity varies in- versely proportional to the length of its circular path versely as the distance from its center. (magnetic reluctance). Thus at the surface of the TABLE I— RESISTANCE PER 1000 FEET OF COPPER CONDUCTORS AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES STRANDED CONDUCTORS d z CO '^ 00 AREA CIRCULAR MILS OHMS PER 1000 FEET OF SINGLE CONDUCTOR ANNEALED COPPER 100% CONDUCTIVITY HARD DRAWN COPPER 97.3^ CONDUCTIVITY CO 32° F I5°C 59° F 20''C 68°F 25°C 77° F 35°C 95°F 50° C I22°F 65°C 149° F 75°C I67°F 0°C 32° F I5°C 59° F 20°C 68° F 25°C 77° F 35°C 95°F 50°C I22°F 65°C I49°F 75°0 I67°F oooo Zooo ooo 1 fooooa 1 8O0 ooo .oo.^tl .005/2 00SI8 .00S4(. .OOS77 OOS7.B OOSSi .OOS98 OO.S3f 1/9 ./s/ ./90 127 160 202 IZ9 ./63 207 132 /67 Z/ / ■ /3t /73 2/9 /4S /83 23/ /S3 /93 Z44 IS8 ■ '2V2. 4 S 6 41 73S 33 079 Z&. Z44 233 .Z94 ■ 371 .248 ■ 314 39J Z53 3ZO .403 .ZS9 327 4/2 269 .339 427 .294 3S8 4S2 298 376 47S 30ff 388 49/ 239 30Z 3SI 2SS 323 406 260 328 41S 266 336 423 276 348 438 292 368 464 .306 3?^ 488 .3/6 ■ 399 ■ S04 7 8 ZO 822 /6 S/Z ■ 468 .S90 • 497 .628 .>S-07 640 ■S-/9 6S4 S38 678 S69 7/6 S98 7SS 6/8 78/ .482 607 S/Z 646 ■ SZO 6S8 S33 672 SS3 697 .S8S 736 ■ 6/S • 770- 63S 80 2 S( OLID CONDU ICT( DRS oooo ooo 00 zn too H.7 77Z 133 079 04SI .os(,9 07/8 0490 06O6 0764 0490 06I8 0779 OSOO 0630 079S 0S19 06S4 0826 OS48 691 .087/ OS77 0727 09/7 OS96 07S2 0948 0463 OS8S 0738 0493 0623 a78S 0S03 063S 08OO OSI4 .0647 08/7 0^33 0672 OSSO .OS63 .07/0 .0894 0S9Z 0746 0942 .06/2 0772 0974 o 1 z lOSSiO 93i,94 4,^358 .0 90S .114 .144 09 63 .121 .IS3 0983 124 /S6 . /oo ./26 ■ /S9 /04 ./3; ./6S / /O 139 /7S //6 /46 /84 /20 ./SI /to 0930 /17 /48 0988 /24 /S7 /Ol /27 /60 /03 /29 /63 /07 ./34 ./70 1/3 ./43 ■ 180 ./I9 ./SO ■ 189 /2 3 ■ /SS ■ /9S 3 S SZ ^24 •f/ 738 33 088 181 2Z9 289 193 Z44 .307 197 Z48 ■ 313 ZOI 2S3 ■ 319 209 2«3 33 / 220 2 7? ZSO 232 293 368 240 302 38/ /86 23X 297 ■ 198 ZSO 3 IS ZoZ 2SS 32/ 207 260 328 .2/S 270 340 4226 .286 .360 Z38 .30/ .37<' • 246 310 391 7 9 Z6Z4-f ZO 8ZZ /CSJZ ■ 364 4S9 S79 .387 488 .616 .3y>i- 498 .628 403 ■ SO 8 .640 418 S28 66S 442 SS7 70X 4<^ S86 739 49' 606 764 374 47 Z .S9S 398 SOX 633 +07 S/Z 64S 41S S23 6S7 430 ,S-43 .68-S- 4X4 S7Z 7ZZ •477 ■ 602 ■ 7S9 4^4 623 7?^ These resistance values do not take into account skin effect. This should be considered when the larger conductors are used, particu- larly at the higher frequencies. No allowance has been made for increased length due to sag when the conductors are suspended.. The resist- ance values for the stranded conductors are two percent greater than for a solid rod of cross -section equal to the total cross -section of the wires of the cable. ^ The change of resistivity of copper per degree C. is a constant independent of the temperature of reference and of the sample of cop- per. This resistivity -temperature constant is 0.0409 ohm (mil, foot). The fundamental resistivity used in calculating this table is the an- nealed copper standard, viz. 0.15328 ohm (meter, gram) at '20 degrees C. For sizes not given in the table computations may be made by the following formulas which were used in calculating the above table: — Ohms per 1000 feet of annealed copper at 25 degrees C =- 10787 Circ. mils at 65 degrees C — 12457 Circ. mili RESISTANCE—SKIN EFFECT— INDUCTANCE conductor the m.m.f. reaches its maximum because all of the current of the conductor is acting to produi^e m.m.f. at this and all points beyond. On the other hand the circular path subject to this maximum m.m.f. is shortest at the surface, the reluctance a minimum and consequently the field intensity is greatest. For points beyond the surface the length of the circular path through air is proportional to the distance from the center of the conductor. Thus at a distance of ^ from the center the circular path is twice as long as at TABLE II— RESISTANCE PER MILE OF COPPER CONDUCTORS AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES STRANDED CONDUCTORS d z CO AREA CIRCULAR MILS OHMS PER MILE OF SINGLE CONDUCTOR 1 ANNEALED COPPER 100% CONDUCTIVITY HARD DRAWN COPPER 97.3% CONDUCTIVITY 0°C 32° F I5°C 59° F 20°C 68°F 25°C 77° F 35°C 95°F 50°C I22°F 65°C I49°F 75°C I67°F 0°C 32°F I5°C 59° F 20°C 68°F 25°C 77° F 35°C 95°F 50°C I22°F 65''C I49°F 75''0 I67°F 0000 Zooo 000 1 cfoo 000 1 800 000 .ozsa .02,7/ ,02.»* 0x74 OZSi .030,1 .02.79 .0Z94 .0311 .03.iS 03OI 03/7 .OZ7 77Z 13-3079 /OSSlO .3oi .387 488 .326 412 .S20 .333 .42.0 szs .341 .4Z8 S40 .3S3 444 S60 .372 .470 .S9Z 39Z 49s 624 40.S- SI2 64S 3IS 398 SOZ .335 423 J3>J 342 .4-32 S4S 3,J-0 .4-42 ..sss 363 4S7, .S76 383 608 402 SIO 64 4/6 S27 66/ 93 694 £a3S9 SX4,i-f i,/Z .777 9 7^ 6SS .82S / 04 . 66S .840 1 07 682 /.09 708 89S 1 13 74s 942 119 787 99S / 2S 8IS 103 / 30 630 798 / 01 672 84S 107 .68Z .862 J /O 697 883 / /Z 730 .91S //6 766 968 / 22 8IO / OZ / Z9 8as /OS / 33 4 S 417-38 33 079 1 ZZ / Si, 1 9{, 1 31 /.i.6 Z09 1.34 J 69 Z 13 1 37 173 Z.17 I.AZ 1 90 2Z6 LSI 2 3-? / S8 / 99 Z SI /63 2 OS 2 S9 / 27 / 60 ZOI / 3S / 7/ 2/4 / 38 /73 ^,2o /.4I /78 Z.Z4 /.46 / 84 232 /.SS / 9S Z4S /.6/ Z04 Z S8 / 67 2 // 266 7 ZotiZ fi 5IZ Z.49 3tZ Z.63 3 32 Z 68 3 38 Z74 3.46 <284 3-r8 3 01 3.78 3 16 399 3 27 4 13 Z SS 32/ Z.7I 3.41 Z7S 3 48 Z8Z 3 SS %l% 3 09 3. 89 3 2S 4/0 33S 4 24 SOLID CON DUCTORS oeeo 000 00 Zll 1,00 H,7 77Z /33 079 Z38 30 1 3 SO ZS4 320 .40'f .ZS9 327 4IZ 264 333 .420 .274 .346 43i 28^ 3hS 460 30s 384 48S 3 IS 397 SOI 24,r 309 39(3 261 3Z9 .4 IS .266 336 42-a ■2.72. .342 .432 2.82. 3.f,r 4SO .298 .37S 473 3IZ 39s 497 323 408 SIS / Z /OSSiO 93 4,94 (,i.3S9 478 .603 760 S09 .640 808 szo .6SS azs SZ8 666 840 SSO 693 S7Z S8Z 73S .9ZS 6/3 77Z 97Z 63S 798 1 01 492 6I8 783 S22 6SS 830 .S3S 672 .»4.r .S4S .A80 .862 S6S 708 .900 ..r97 .7SS ■ 9SO 628 .793 ) 00 6S0 820 / OS 3 5 SZi,Z4 41 739 33 ogg 9SS 1 Zl 1 S3 / oz 1 04 /3I / 66 / 06 1.34 1 69 1 II 1 39 / 7S 1 16 lA7 I8S / Z3 / SS I9S / 27 2 oz 983 /OS / 32 / 67 I.07 1 3S / 70 / /O 1 38 / 73 /./4 /43 / 80 J /9 /SI / 90 /24 1 S9 2 00 / 30 /64 207 7 s Zi,Z44 ZO 8Z7. 1 93 3 Ot, zos XSB 326 z 09 Z 63 3 33 2 /4 2 6f 33? 2 21 Z79 3 SI Z 33 Z94 3 7/ 2 46 3/0 390 2 S4 3 20 4 04 'z'A 3 '4 Z 10 Z 6S 3 35- z /s a 7/ 341 Z ZO Z 77 347 ■Z-Z7 2 87 3 6Z 2 40 3 OZ 38Z X sz 3/8 40Z 3 29 4 If These resistance values do not take into account skin effect. This should be considered when the larger conductor, are used partica- larly at the higher frequencies. No allowance has been made for increased length due to sag when '*« '^""''"'^'^^ " ^ »P«°''~-„..\''» T"'": anc6 values for the stranded conductors are two percent greater than for a solid rod of cross -section equal to the total crosi • section of the wires of the cable. The change of resistivity of copper per degree C. is a constant independent of the temperature »' "'«"°", J»°^,"' '»'VmT''u th.'^." per. This resistivity temperature constant is 0.0409 ohm (mil. foot). The fundamental re.i.tivity used m calculating this Ubl* is Us u- nealed copper standard, viz. 0.15328 ohm (meter, gram) at 20 degrees 0. RESISTANCE— SKIN EFFECT— INDUCTANCE a distance of i (its surface) and consequently, although the m.m.f. is the same the reluctance is double, per- mitting only one-half as great a flux to flow as at the surface. For a similar reason the density of the field at a distance of lo is one-tenth the surface density; at 50 it is one-fiftieth, etc. The curve of field density be- yond the surface of the conductor therefore assumes the form of a hyperbola. Inside conductor A the field density is represented by a straight line joining the center of the conductor to the apex of the density curve, represented as 100 per- cent. Suppose it is desired to determine the field den- CHART l-INDUCTANCE The m.m.f. resulting from equal currents is the same for all sizes of conductors. Thus the field den- sity at points equally distant from the center of dif- lerent sizes of conductors carrying equal currents is equal provided these points lie beyond the surface of the larger conductor. For points equally distant from the center of different size conductors which lie inside the conductors the density will be different. Thus if the conductor diameter carrying equal current be re- duced to one half, the m.m.f. at its surface will remain the same, but since the flux path at the surface is now only one-half as long, the flux density at the surface rioo% S « PHYSICAL PICTURE ILLUSTRATING THE MAGNETIC FLUX DENSITY SURROUND- ING A CONDUCTOR CARRYING DIRECT CURRENT (SKIN EFFECT ABSENT! WITH EFFECT OF RETURN CIRCUIT IGNORED. DOTTED AREA REPRESENTS THE MAGNETIC FLUX FIELD RESULTING FROM CURRENT IN CONDUCTOR A - THE PORTION OF THIS AREA CONTAINING CROSS SECTION LINES REPRESENT THE FLUX DUE TO CURRENT IN CON- DUCTOR A WHICH IS EFFECTIVE IN PRODUCING INDUCT- ANCE IN CONDUCTOR A. THIS EFFECTIVE FLUX AREA IS DIVIDED INTO THREE SECTIONS: TO THE LEFT THAT EFFECTIVE WITHIN CONDUCTOR A. IN THE MIDDLE THAT EFFECTIVE BETWEEN THE TWO CONDUCTORS AND TO THE RIGHT THAT WHICH IS EFFECTIVE THRU CON- DUCTOR B, FORMULA TOTAL INDUCTANCE iN MILLIHENRIES (L) PER 1000 FEET OF EACH CONDUCTOR L-0.0I6S4- sity at a point midway between the center and surface of the conductor. At this point the length of the cir- cular path is one half its length at the conductor sur- face. Since the current distributes uniformly through- out the cross-section of the conductor, at a point mid- way between the center and its surface, one-fourth of the total current would be embraced by the circle. The m.m.f. corresponding to this point would therefore be one-fourth its value at the surface. With one-fourth m.m.f. and one-half the surface reluctance the result- ing density will be one-half of its surface density as shown by this value falling on the straight line at this distance from the center. 3.1403 LOG 10 R FIG. 6 will be twice as great. In other words, the magnetic field density at the surface of conductors having differ- ent diameters but carrying the same currents is in- versely proportional to their radii. The area indicated by cross-sectional lines on the inductance chart represents the amount of inductance effective in conductor A resulting from current in this conductor. It will be seen that the total area between the adjacent surfaces of the conductors / to 9 below the flux density line is effective. This part of the in- ductance follows a logarithmic curve as illustrated on the chart and is represented by the formula. D-R '~R' L = 0.1403J logn .(/) RESISTANCE—SKIN EFFECT— INDUCTANCE Where L is in millihenries per looo feet of single conductor. The effective flux area departs from the flux den- sity line at E dropping down in the form of a reverse curve and terminating in zero at //. All flux to the right of // cuts the whole of both conductors producing the same amount of inductance in both of them in such a direction as to oppose or neutralize each other. The flux cutting conductor B from p to ii has its full value of effectiveness in producing inductance in conductor A. On the other hand it also produces to a less extent inductance in conductor B but in a direc- tion to oppose that which it produces in conductor A. The difference between that produced in conductors A and B is the effective flux producmg inductance in the circuit and is represented by the shaded portion through conductor B within the area E-p-ii-T-E. To illustrate how the effective flux curved line E-T-ji was deter- mined, suppose it is required to determine the effective flux at the distance lo (center of conductor B). At this point the flux density is ten percent, but since these flux density lines are actually concentric circles, having their center at the middle of conductor A this flux density curve cuts conductor B in the form of an arc (see lower right hand corner of inductance chart). The area of the shaded portion between the two arcs is a measure of the inductance in conductor B at its cen- ter. The difference between this shaded area, and the whole area of B, or the clear part to the right of the shaded portion, is a measure of the difference in induct- ance of the two conductors. In other words, for the spacings shown, approximately 55 percent of ten or 5.5 percent is the value of the effective flux at distance of 10 from conductor A. ,r ■ , , , , ^-■^ If in place of L = o./^oj^ logw = — ^ (/) we take /, = o.r^o^y logm —^ (^) we include all of the inductance area out to the vertical Hne O-io. This would include the area E-O-T but not the area T-io-ii. Since these two areas are equal, the omission of one is balanced by including the other and therefore formula (2) correctly takes into account all of the effective inductance beyond the surface of con- ductor A. The inductance within conductor A is determined as follows : — At a point midway between the center and its surface the flux density is 50 percent as indicated by the straight flux density line of the chart. However at this point only one-fourth of the conductor area is en- closed, so that, measured in terms of its effect if outside the conductor, its effectiveness would be only one-fourth of 50 or 12.5 percent. This is the reason that the so- called effective flux line is curved and falls to the right of the straight flux density line. The area of the trian- gular section O-i-ioo is a measure of the effective in- ductance within conductor A. This is a constant for all sizes of solid conductors and is represented by the constant 0.01524 of the inductance formula based upon 1000 feet of conductor. The fundamental formula for the total effective inductance (within and external to conductor A) ol a. single solid non-magnetic conductor suspended in air >5 therefore : /. = ox)i524 + 0.14037 logm -j^periooo/l. or D (J) L = 0.08047 + 0.7411S logw-/^ per mile (^) It may be interesting to note here that the above described graphical solution for inductance produces re- sults in close agreement with these obtained by the fun- damental formula for inductance. That is, lay out such a chart on cross section paper to a large scale and count the number of squares or area representing the internal and the external inductance due to current in conductor A. It will be seen that the relative values of the ex- ternal and internal flux areas conform with the relative values as determined by the formula. This will also be true in the case of the conductors when so placed as to give zero separation, as illustrated by Fig. 6. VARIATIONS FROM THE FUNDAMENTAL INDUCTANCE FORMULA It has been proven mathematically by the Bureau of Standards and others that the fundamental formula (3) for determining inductance will give e.xact results for solid, round, straight, parallel conductors, provided skin and proximity effects are absent. Proximity ef- fect is the crowding of the current to one side of a conductor, due to the proximity of another current carrying conductor. It is similar to skin effect in that it increases the resistance and decreases the inductance. Proximity effect as well as skin effect changes only the inductance due to the flux inside the conductor. Proxi- mity effect is more pronounced for large conductors, high frequencies and close proximity. For No. 0000 solid conductors at zero separation and 60 cycles, the error in the results (as determined by the fundamental inductance formula) due to skin ef- fect is less than one-tenth of one percent. This error, however, increases rapidly as the size of the conductor increases. Proximity effect cannot be calculated but it is believed to be less than two percent in the above case. Should skin and proximity effect combined, be sufficient to force all of the current out to within a verv thin annulus at the surface of the conductor (a condi- tion obviously never obtained at commercial frequen- cies) their combined effect would be a maximum. In such a case there would be no inductance within the conductors and the first constant 0.01524 would dis- appear from formula (3). Skin and proximity effect are so small in the case of the greater spacings of conductors required for high- tension aerial transmission circuits that they may in such cases be ignored. Even in the case of the close RESISTANCE—SKIN EFFECT— INDUCTANCE O h o D O z o o LJ o z (0 o h LJ U U. O O O cc U Q. U O z < H O U m < UJ >( 3 "^ < 0> I- o < 3 t- O z ^ 8 5 ^ o UJ - ^ < CD O UJ O z < 1- O 00 Ql O H O O z o o CO CO ; i o UJ t s < o UJ X CI z X X o U Q|CC CO Ol CO u. o cc o o- o •-So UJ -J i< 8 o o Z ^. 9. -' '., = o < 5 o (d H UJ ' UJ X I- S o K < (0 QC O I- O z> Q Z o o muj nui I- nuj c«uj »- — UJ CIUJ nnn mi oa«oflo r-t I- H -UJ -UJ 0& i^ I- ^A O— «3 000« cqOo ^c — ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo Ooo 0«rv i-O,0o nsaflo ooo t-looo ooot- on** •ato- o«,^ m>n ■»•+■<- nnn oott*- nn-t nnn o^on Nnn nnn -NN nnn N o — nnn NN« NNN N'0-» NNN OooN NNN NNN OOtOOD tOON **SN vji-i-o nior* nn* «o^ o^— o-oo nrt NNn Nt--o nnn nnn nnn ■♦-«-■*- nnn nnn nnn Nnn nnn nnn ON^ o oo nnn *-^n NNN n+ nNn NNN OINN NNN n0 OMsCo »-on •»Nn ioooo "Olo-" Hon n^«o NNN ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo V)0'0 ^•o'o Vfct. ^•on NCoto nnn Non nnn N — * nnn Nnn nnn nnn n*>'*- NNN sSO^ «ONN NNN NNN ^ton oo NNN ^»on KOoO) n-«o v«»-n Ntttto OOO OOO OOO OOO OpO o>oo "ot-t ->N« %»NN r-JXN nnn i,o>i NftJte nnn CdNOo N»NN nnn nnn oi,- »-o- Nnn sftn— "O-IN NNN jOX> .mN NNN ^nfr- «.oo NN NNf~ 4)0-0- NN* N-^N nNN nn-^ ot-o >-«-o oo- OOo ooo ooo poo "oow, oW nh rt-1- NO." »-f-N ^Nl» Nl-^ e-o-o no N N»N^ ♦tt t^N 10-*^- ?5^ "ol-- +•♦■'»■ oo- »->«n «0fr-O nn't noN Ooft-»- nnn NOOOO nnn *ano *«N0o nnn rN«- lO-A-S nnn -00 lo nnn nooo f4nn nnn 10N«^ nnn -ooio 000,0- nnN ooio nn^ NNN .l«-° N»^ NNOO Nf- t->ov« "0<-<«. o— -, ON*- ONN n«NO sn >.-«n 6 o- »ogo- rtt-t -^ — d WO-.-* ni-^ NT- ooo-o nn^ >»no Noo*- nnn *s^o o-o- n<-^ Novs -ONK nnn NO^» nnn or-^ NNn nnn NO--B oo- nnn OolON NOOO- NNN N*>-6 Ujlo-S NNN "ONO- n-^-t- NNN "♦-— 00 Nnn NNN ON"*- — — N NNN nON o-oo NN Oo"oN *«N0o ^«no ^vn"*- ON J--* NN flOfr* OO " oto^* nNN Nn»- nnfi ^cto •-0- Ooo-Q- fc>y)N Nfc*. NN» t-t-T n— N N»NN NO^^ --N 1--0O n-T i^no- r1 o-« no>- NOlto 0o<5« *-<0-N WON v^N^ ■iNO nt-*o ».v»n NnT NNO OO — o-^n toO-O nnT noN 0OO-9* nnn ^-Oo nOoOo nnn -sno ^N«> nnn nnn \*n o noo*- nnn nn^ lon^ -»NN nnn nnn n-N einn nnn «-o- Nnn now MOOD NNN sAno "o^N NNN V4K0 N-n rn^ oN-« -•no ftN<< oaaNvuJjs Nnn nnn •ON*- i-'o'o nnn ^-ssn o-o- N^n -OoW) 090BO- NNN -«n — io-»N NNN OOW nnt- NNN NN NNN noN o— NNN ••N«n oo»-o -N N»-^ NN* NV- ■*■''>■* "ON*" O— — 0«»- OKK >«NO ■vKn — *n N^^ 8?' o o*^ t-i-n NV>N W^N oto-*- t-tt noN no no N Ptfon -N NO--** nn"t- i--oo o — ■ ■♦-tt Nnn ■»■■»•■«■ t>N»^ O-OO Nt-- o»o--o nnT NJt-O fr-O- nT"*- Noss sSNN nnn No'-a OoO-*- nnn ONf NNn nnn N»-.» oo- nin^ OoVoN NOoo- NNN N»--« loto^ NNN ioN«- n-^t NNN ■<>««- •ANN 0B*-»* O — '-00 Ov-Oo *n\»n ok>>« nNN «-o;~ MNl, «-»-o ODft-«- N»>»- N0»>9 nnO» n-xK -©NN -»--^0o _n- -Nn O^N ■«-rr "on*^ -»NN nnn O00+- ■♦"♦-lo nnn n— '^ Nnn nnn to-4N Nnn nOoOO NNN -•no ■OstN NNN ioN»- NNN ~Cd>o nn^ NNN ^»--<09 io(N NNN «-son 0o«-O N-V- t*5 Nn* v»SO N-n v,<^n n+io »-*N •*oto NN- anos a3ddOO o«»o nNT t,«»-o nnT \40- eoteo- nnn F7 o— »< ■t-tt -V)0o NNto qz^o n-rt TOT W-aN nnn ■♦-ON OoO-O- nnn N»- nnn L,no Nfct- nnn n nn N^oN sSNOO nnn no— nr^o nnn o-t-jn *-7>«N nnn n»-o NNt- nnn Nti:r nnn 0-.N nnn N»- «-«-o NNn _N'<1 ^NOD NNN Won NNN >ooN Nni- Nnn oo- nnn toOgO ^— N Otooo nnCo Nnk) 10«BN OV,00 ■«-r"o lo-n Nn Nt**- ooo Ooo OON OOf Wo"* oon v."on •ooi- t)-- r-no or-^ V»N»~ BYT ♦-Nn Nnr rrr NON Nnn UN«- -NN I-N ITT* N*-5 «-o — nTT nnr fr-s»n N0o«- nnn -aNOo nnn ^QO N nnn ssn— -Nn nnn Nft-w O-tt-O NNn t:-s NNN NNN io-*~ Nnn NNN r^T-~, NNN W)NO a-o- NN NO-tt 00»-O- ^NN TTio »)>0N •-0-; O^- Ooo owo «XN- lyi nV>o -«N0o TTT N<»-V» s9N«N TTT TTt NfO TTt O^L, TTt >^pNV)-to T>^io TTT v-jno nT4 TTT t-*nT TTT o:t;N TTT 'To nn TTt C^no' NnT TTT ooion — Nf» TTT (NNT OoO-o nnT TNn nnn NT- nT"o nnn nON -nN nnn lONlN a-oo Nnn -B'O NNto NNN -8 No Tio-« NNN OoioN NnT NNN -a^oN — Nn NNN Ton o— NNN -«NO .<>->o ♦--an Nn N0»«- ooo Ooo onT N^i-i n4n noO» o r»-Vj -f«»i» Tnn nNN *»*-o '»o^ »7«I N««- TTt nnS? nno» TTT -aNN TTT P7 V>-*N TT^ TTJN nTV) TTT JT --N TTT ONS OO TT'W i^no- NOoto nnn oown WsjN nnn 1,-N nTT (nnn T- -;t^ viN- a30ilOdU\3til331S lAinNiiAimv « oj «i T «y "0 T -- « »« <^ n ^ o n N» Oo n s ^ T N n s N N n -s ^ o •^ n •< o va o( •o N In N O o 1^ ■o N O "■ •o m T N --^ o o T N ^ » n o -s 0^ ^ lo T N < o n o o < m o 2 a ;2 •> — c -■ .. _.^. 1 Conductor Spacings. For three-phase irregula r flat or triangular spacing (Figs. 7 and 8) use D = ^' A B C. For three-phase regular flat spacing Fig. 9 use D ^ 1.26 A. For two-phase line the spacing is the average distance be- tween centers of conductors of the same phase. It makes no difference whether the plane of the conductors with flat spacing is horizontal, vertical or inclined. is equivalent to that of a symmetrical arrangement of greater spacing. Various arrangements of conductors are indicated in Figs. 7, 8 and 9. Many three-phase high tension circuits have the three conductors regularly spaced in a common plane (regular flat spacing) Fig. 9. Beneath these figures are placed statements indicating the de- termination of "effective spacings" for any arrange- ment of conductors. Since the so called "effective spacing" correspond- ing to unsymmetrical arrangements of conductors is usually a fractional number, the line constants for such effective spacing can usually not be taken directly from REACTANCE— CAPACITANCE— CHARGING CURRENT II the tables but may be obtained by the use of the values in columns A and B at the foot of these tables. Example : — It is desired to determine the 60 cycle reactance per mile of a single conductor for flat spacing of 11 ft. between adjacent 0000 solid copper conductors. The effective spacing is 1.26 X II or 13.8 feet. The reactance (Table V) for this conductor at 13 feet symmetrical spacing is 0.820 ohm. The value for A, (bottom of Table V) = 13.8 -^ 13 = 1.06. The value of B corresponding to the value for A of 1.06 is approxi- mately 0.006 which, added to 0.820 gives a reactance of 0.826 ohm for the effective spacing of 13.8 feet. The values of re- actance for all effective spacings not included in the Table may be determined in a similar manner. With an unsymmetrical arrangement of conductors there must be a sufficient number of transpositions of conductors to obtain balanced electrical conditions along the circuit. CAPACITANCE When mechanical force is exerted against a liquid or a solid mass, a displacement takes place proportional to the force exerted and inversely proportional to the resistance offered by the liquid or solid mass subjected to the force. If the mass consists of some elastic ma- terial, such as rubber, the displacement will be greater than if it consists of a more solid material, such as metal. In a similar manner when an e.m.f. is applied to a condenser, a certain quantity of electricity will flow into it until it is charged to the same pressure as that of ihe applied circuit. A condenser consists of plates of con- ducting material separated by insulating material known as the dielectric. All electric circuits consist of conduc- tors separated by a dielectric (usually air) and there- fore act to a greater or less extent as condensers. The ability of a condenser or any electric circuit to receive the charge is a measure of its "capacity" more properly known as its "capacitance". Just as the rubber mass referred to above will, for a given force, permit of greater displacement so will circuits of greater capaci- tance permit more current to flow into them for a given e.m.f. impressed. The process of charging a dielectric consists of set- ting up an electric strain in it similar to the mechanical strain in a liquid or mass referred to above. If an al- ternating voltage is impressed upon the terminals of a circuit containing capacitance, the charging current will vary directly with the impressed e.m.f. There is cur- rent to the condenser during rising and from the con- denser during decreasing e.m.f. Thus the condenser is charged and then discharged in the opposite direction during the next alternation, making two complete charges and discharges for each cycle of impressed e.m.f. (Fig. 10). As long as the e.m.f. at the terminals is changing, the condenser will continue to receive or give out current. The current flowing to and from the condenser, assuming negligible resistance, leads the im- pressed e.m.f. by 90 electrical degrees. DEFINIITION The capacitance of a circuit or condenser is said to be one farad when a rate of change in pressure of one volt per second at the terminals produces a current of one ampere. Stated another way, its capacitance in farads is numerically equal to the quantity of electricity in coulombs which it will hold under a pressure of one volt. The farad being an inconveniently large unit, one millionth part of it, the microfarad, is the usual prac- tical unit. CAPACITANCE TOnUULA An exact formula for the capacitance between parallel conductors must take into account the nonuni- formity of the distribution of charge around the con- ductors. Such a formula* is formed by considering the charges as concentrated at the inverse points of the conductors; thus, — 0.00S46/ C = COih'^-J (10) Where C equals the microfarads per 1000 feet of conductor between two parallel bare conductors in air, D, the distance between centers of the conductors and d, the diameter and R the radius of the conductors, measured in the same units as D. Since Cosk-^ X = loge {X -f- 1 ' A'--/) (//) 0.008462 C = '- (") If— CHAROe- FIG. 10 — CH.^HGINC CURBENT -CNSOHARQEh' Reducing to common logarithms and capitancc to neutral, — 0.00735* (/i) Microfarads 'per 1000 feet of single conductor to neutral. or C = o.o^SSiC) '■"(4+v(^)"-') U4) Microfarads per mile of single conductor to neutral. When D is greater than 10 d, which is always the case in high-tension transmission lines employing bare conductors, the following simplified formulas may be used with negligible error. — 0fiO7354 D Ingvi -^ as) ♦See article by Pender & Osborne in Electrical World of Sept. 22, 1910, Vol. 56. REACTANCE— CAPACITANCE— CHARGING CURRENT bJ O Z < I- o < LI cr u o >- o CM o z < IJ u 52s u CD < e og UJ O OS coZoc O UJ O0DO ~1^ .p)^ •-«•.•- ^»sO ^0- t<'»->i QOO 000 c,too ooo 000 000 000 000 Ooo 000 000 000 OMN S^*. 000 000 000 000 -OQ — 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 4^^ 00- ^oc* ff-OO OsObOb 0-(^ 000^ fntt *-oo ftjO<^ 000 CMnoo oomOD 000 (So- 0-- 000 rtfjr; 00 Pint, o««^o tooooo ^r- «-%»«• 4^N 000 000 ^"2 000 000 000 000 ooo 000 T + t r^»'0 N + ^ Obo^ o*»-^ o 00 0--N 000 Coo ^o<< 000 00 NNOo 000 »-toto fftro 000 000 000 5M o 00 WfHN t-«o NNfc 000 OotoOo *4S ft**-*- 000 000 0«D OnN (SO-O 0^ O»ori NteO 000 ooo 000 000 000 •00 »o - V, 55^ +■♦■♦■ nnp) on* 000 %^-«-o *>oo flodDA» c4 Tf4 or»» 000 000 000 OtftJ 000 000 000 ,.o*>o 'OTT 5Sf 4.HW roP)«n or"* 00 r7r7n TO- TO htof ot*- o"o- OOo Toor) ■M-4 ODte NMJo 000 ~NT 000 §00 00 000 (own (y«-T Iron to<-o -co 0^»-■ 00- DO" 0-00 ■SIT) »T0 00 T*- not- Nt-,n "«)T *T4 000 COT *o>o 00 N0« NioT «r)T 000 o«J- sWvO KoH •OTT *-«-o "1 + fco-o- nno noT tstofc •*^^ ♦•To ^•jS 0^« o-»r/ TTl ,•--1- i^TT OfOP] no**) oipjn rtnn o-»N 00- •«W0o 00 »* <•(«<•( 4 ««c( 10>9M ON»r( «r< To* •«r-09 OOo Oi*>>8 OT*> 35 Ot-M O-- (Vr-p) 00-- »-oo »^o nBNOo TOO 0(>'(-O t - DPjP) (yfon onf^ 00- ciPJrt 00-- Oort ^»-o relate 000 *«KO ««« oaoNvaxs- onn nnn nnn not- rvOBOo PJfOO nn" nnt i-o p>'«-+ r-n»- ntnn p>»->^ 00- nnn •■00 o(«on nn'*J 00- OO't-O >«N0o 00 f*^ n»^ nv.t *-»-0 NP>0 r*nft> n«ot- 00>.«> 000 000 K-fn 000 o«^> OKN NO —sn So, *-»-o OP>^ p)n*^ OoO-«- nnr^ 60V70 O'^cM nnn 0^»N (••JDO -»T«> (TO**) c(0-T 00- rtntn 0>4N (onT ft-»-o o-n ViO>» voo cd%-«- To-« NQqOo TO-0 O<0- 000 'OOM T0o-» OT^O ok>« 5»^ 00 TTt «-QO riTT tVo OMT T-v4 kOdOs &>TO »jTo i-(o-T T-M TIOl^ nn*7 f-T»- OTT niVO nnn c<».T CoTO- t-TV T>04 rJnpv ^«iT rtftJT 00- to" «-«.o NOV N<0«0 NfjOa rtNtO 000 oOon (N«" TegW ~«lsO *>l-n "ot") nr'o anos UBddOa l»l»T T^-» nnn Toto rjpjn OTT nnn i^oo- iTt non OOT oi, nnn •AptTs «>»-»■ T0-» nnn nnn nnn o-»t>l nn'o T«-^ TT^ nnn ^OCo nTT nnn r^ojo «nT nnn T~- o~ nnn «iT«^ toa-T ft(iyf* ri*>T TT" NPlOs Knn Nrvto Kin NN«o nTT •-NP> OoOv9> 000 0«lo nf^ «T •»»o 00- OOO 51,0 "JT- f<«-IO nnn oo- fcTO NfcT nnn 00^ Kfcto nnn 09P)»s nnn o sn nnn Oo^o nnn nnn ^:;jr nnn cl<»T nnn lOOOo nTT nnn nnn «nT nnn rIOoT wcvn nnn o-«W TT'O nnn i.O-» 1^0^ 0-- nnn ToT fr^OO Nnn NOb*- ^no »-o t^nn v>^»^ c(fT >«>IN TT4 — Nn rtrtn Oono «-o- «>».T •sNto TOW 000 ^»n(< NnT 000 Nf»T n>»N nany^y ^§ a30tlOdNiaU133l% MnNivunnv '1 •< T n ■ to (0 <0 N to S •^ N « NO « «s ,13 B^ .s* A Q J3 en 3 o es O cs ,d a* 25 3 U o "a o • ® 5 O BO 'O'— .2 .ri a S «-3 » a 3 a 0) oj « ■a (-2 00 V O 2 MpC >> . .0 ben ^ »-° a o- a»> "So "■-■9 j> •r 5 fc. •^Sg ° §■3-1 " , ^ ^ oj o r 0> " BO ^ ►>" o 9 BO a Q k a », »> ^ £"•5 «S .9 w 2 5 "" 3 " Cm ? ai -^ O ,i ; sb J aj ©M t3 &. 01 *** s -35, 0; = O'S 3 l« .9 oi w •" CS BO CO p« oj "^ o S j; .1-3 -as a » c o S 3 ffl « M eo o ©BO'— ^ s oo o> £ "«■« «2 r~j= I. " » » 2 ° g- 01 3 a ^ » •»f O ee 03 *3 -ij: j: •" « 5 S a " S e , 01.9 —ja ' o 5 0)~ v^ O h O * > • S o» S i? g E s2 'S a a CO rr ^ «2 o ■= " o o fta « « it's 0) 2 » 9 .a-o ■- H 9 >. wVm ta j2-S O'a )»g s- t. "O „ U"^ 0.-S > -o . EB ** » to 2i£ B3 •u 2 " X 9 " IP'S 4) "3 .38 5 REACTANCE— CAPACITANCE— CHARGING CURRENT 13 14 REACTANCE— CAPACITANCE— CHARGING CURRENT o o 10 CM h < LJ o z < I- (0 (0 LJ GC O h UJ o z < h o < UJ u -I o >- o CM L. O o h < Ld -I m < uJ UJ ^ o s > K m o "^ HI O pC Z ll- >• o: I a. O I- Q CO < O 03 UJ O ^ 2 I- Q _ z Q o = o CQ o > UJ UJ o m S9 z < 2 UJ O c g 5 I z ^ "^ £ CO o UJ UJ ° m X "o ^ £ "o > o 03 H Z Z o o 15. UJ O CO w < t> o s i_ lu ^ h- >^ -» z f^ CO t3 = -^ coZccO UJ CO O to CC < H «0Oto 000 000 000 000 00,0 00 (»^i- -^•^P) NNflD 000 000 000 000 80NN 00- (h 03 low teO'+ r^NNS ^^^0'^ nooo ^'^"i" f^rt*^ fOooo '-?NO ONt (SsO-t- flo'on O + Q «0(j. Oo-^>f- — cnN ooa ONN oV)« N(0O 000 000 000 000 ooO Oot^K 000 ooo 000 000 000 0*90 OONN ^"i' N'0 + n Nof "-jMW sS + (^ OoNCo v^OvlO lOoOo t^^-t (Ortr( tJt^to -«-jO ^tYt- t1-^ Oomoo ^w^ K'fi'^t^'^D '^OT -NT 000 000 000 000 000 rnroot N>«0O -oC'O NOP* 000 NfO ogo •ooto o>oo OOON© tONO ,*»-t ■+Oocy >0 ^rr) KKN -r< (Tl-'o •*no G3aNvaxs ooo ONK 0*0 NO+- + (tosS 0-^6j OflONS O^t^ Note OvjN MINO n^^o anos UBddOO Wtori 1.00 r^ "-JlOto mooo qCDnS O0o'>« oOo-« O0o^9 00^ QtO OonO*0 'O + t 0(h-fi 000 000 oocx OO't- oor> N*ion ^i-fo to*— MM Tft-^ «to'4- ^r(0 NY. oo>. JOY- 000 to-'*' (qOO Ynm sonSO (yp)Y ooo 0«Y (^oto 000 NP)Y io>*o -fto'^sS Yfr-^O YfO(^ [Q30UOdNI3U13318 lAinNiiAimv §5 t*. ^ d ! 5-0 4J 0,0 ^,2 ° ' - ■a £ ?o is-" " I g ° SI 5 u o ^ *• ^ .5 ■;:; "^ -■ ^ »-l OJ '••° a, * B i to ^^ ' " © ""^ .2 ^ c= "^ i!^ E"^ >^ s -5 .£ « o ^ « y c *> o o - M ».9 O to M ~ rt _ O i3 CO a a><^ CO 5 = o - t3 to OJ ^ w ^ « ^ > ^- 1: ■ j^ M w J3 2 .2 " ^ S to C bo ,- S ^ °^ g a; a o ^ ^^T3 to ^ « 5 « ® i M o ■-; o fe « t, S -•>«•-. 9 9 (U 4) o « o to P. fe © ^ r; !« no c£» 5« a" So c ■*< _ OJ "•^ ft OfH K " " ^ «S O A REACTANCE— CAPACITANCE— CHARGING CURRENT 15 o o U) CM I- < 111 o z < (0 (0 u cc o h UJ o z < O < bJ GC LJ -I O >• o o (0 Ll O GC LJ m < to 0) H ID §? fe 2 0> O a I I- o O z O S 2 o f g ? 8 to li. 2 C X I- q: O u. s o O to > UJ o 5 z 2 > 5 05 z < H eo z o o ■^ 6 •- UJ Q (C X zOir < O" . UJ r- t^ -< Z fc 05 O - «ZccO UJ CO O to cr < H tN I- (OUJ CIUJ Do+n I- — UJ CMuj lOUJ O\»*0 •^tnn ti-V> cc Uj UJ — e- o H < 3o> o "ON S ?? 8 S3H0NI Nl H3131^Via 3dAl ivia3ivw OOQN Co**"*- NtH^ ^■^N «^(^I< -«ioT tow wo- nooo ^ rt rv now ■TOT 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 oftr- (Of o 00 ooo NNNft KOO OOQ 000 000 000 ooo 000 ^fO ^00 000 Ho"-) V.ON 000 OOO 000 000 odo ooo r<^0 -V l) o OoNsS obtt- oOoiy to** fv 1- otoi- OoO%> 000 000 000 000 000 ^00 00*00 O^Q ^^^c*o OOOOK (Oft)'-) p^oi- OoOON toNK aoNK OOMN Oofnte OotoN 00 v^ NBoto O0D>» f POO ^0— knOd 000 000 ooO ooo 00 o o-oo 0*-%. 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OOO onf 5q f nr f n/l n«trt fr.w nrx-. -•OT f KW 4>on ^nf 000 r^nt- T M-0 n«« 030aOJNI3ai33±S iAinNiMn-iv : I a •0 • • ^ V 5 s .a ^o^** -0 C-- ; fao « ■S5« -s ja iF-;i .2 a i- a - !• 0. ^^::i A ilsiJS sB-t: ^■""ta |s- = s fX &io -2 " ^ .: * ft « iJo" "CS »4 &4 Piin s^S ''a u ^ "-=1 < "is •Si II §,§° -•s P g Iss'^l 5^=2 Sxo .0 MO = » a 2=:=^ a ►.5°-^- S" « ^"3 -'5 >>* 2 a -ir-i 0) 9 M a ^ " = S ta""* m « a I'l 5S *** ^"g-ga •S£?-8 g e k .b S t " a " 3 N crta £ 8 " « p. £ to k a <9 hi M S~^?5 %> S5-3 - 6. ->i ... OS S * » fc » <0 I 2 -3-5 ■si: la II k2~-„ 2 = 3 •= 3 "jo a ■ ^_S =3 ^S ■» =? " a ^* 5 "• S:;^^: ■n-o a,- SE J= tJ i§ = -S8 £ = 5 " >a H' ^° ;=?:-• s-2s£5 •■= a 2S 3 i6 REACTANCE— CAPACITANCE— CHARGING CURRENT O u u o o o UJ GC Q. O h -J (,) < h D UJ D O z o z o o h u < u m o z UJ < (3 z < CO Q. < O UJ m < u! z _i u I 3; tu c X t- < o q: K UJ S > CO < s UJ eo Q. 1 UJ -1 C3 Z CO < o< o o z 8 I o < UJ u. O t- UJ UJ u. o o o a § < u. 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X CO cc o 1- o z> o z o o u. o en a: UJ 1- z UJ O z UJ UJ ? (- UJ OD 5 UJ O z 4 t- CO o 1 1 1- lOUJ am u. rtHH »<«••< ooo 2U 0» EACH CONDUCTOR OF A SINGLE-PHASE OR OF A SYMMETRICAL THREE-PHASE LINE-THE SUSCEPTANCE VALUES WERE DERIVED FRO E CHARGING CURRENT in amperes PER MILE of single conductor to neutral - the (Susceptanoe TRAU X \0~^ J THE SUSCEPTANCE BETWEEN CONDUCTORS EQUALS ONE HALF THE TABLE VALUES COUJ tNUI U. ♦ **« rtrtH ooo 1 •*-' t:c s^ ooo 1- ~ UJ W Ui u. oo»- ♦-»<•- V'*'** •1 "^-^ ^1^* ••%•• *oo • •■•I iSl u. •* + - ♦ ♦ t qQ ♦«♦■ tt3 tr* b. ttrt -.00 0«-» ^1-»« •>«»•• Ss5 1 «it jtt 1- -UJ u. r*^'^ oo». 1««l - N. in" •.•.X 000 u ^ t-o 4*N 000 ^♦•n %-•'*■ oo*. -. - ^ •in*! o..» 1-- 1- -UJ - UJ u. rsWr «-HO t:3 000 u: •IOC •tut 000 1- u. r40O r-r- J ooO • to oo*- olUJ u. HtotO O^W -00 000 »*•*« <<>» •(«l«1 ♦ 1-n n«rt •>(«f •« •HO 1- u. 0«is> otor^ rt 0»- "in oV^o u. 5S3 ooo n« o 00 -*r) Si--* mrtrt r» f* "^ •iWO -B u. -O o 0*)-« o»^» Co MS fmrt 0^0 1- a in*) "IT) of*-* ^ oo •no nor* o» t-OVl IS, *rs ooi. •XOCWt t- u. NT'' Too K'>*0 o»-» o*«- fo.» •(NO 1- u. t,<»JI -oo nTo t-ot o+N ^ o» OBOtN WvO 2f- •tt** s OL9«0 oo5 tt") •TT) no*» oaOoN teOW oo«- <<« -.0 urn'* ♦ «*< •inn no* ^ Wo- rt -o o».te •or* o«.to nno tit i.t" ■•kh CO L»o« 1 1* *«p ON" 5?? o«^ ttt ^o^ nt*t- t-Tt Bist Ot-«i 4«« n^r. HNO - w ^ »of ♦ ^.. ^t:: O'oaH ton*- St** n«^ — KN ^(io 5=; 10 QC O o O z o o gz^3 o 000 Og OO 000 ooo 0»N oo 000 00 ooo Opo 00 ooo ooo ooo ooo «<^o O 00 OOO ooo 000 »oo»o 000 000 0»00 OOO 000 000 v»o*o QOO 000 000 gOO pho ooo 000 000 000 •JON 0«^^ Kf^ ^KO 1-* oto>« ?f%- 0T*> 000 ON 0» on 000 Oh 000 o.nt 000 2?; ON s V a o-*»x nt^ • a 0^C( 1+4 S3H0NI Nl a3X3wvia 5|l 5^3 ■< oo 35J ^oS en fv- o.^.. '**)« «•<« woto 3dAJ. oaaNvaxs anos a30aOdNI3ai33XS nviaiLvw U3dd03 i/\inNii/\imv 5^ -a i8 REACTANCE— CAPACITANCE— CHARGING CURRENT Li. O UJ LJ Q. -J < h D UJ h o z < h Q. UJ D Q Z o o (/) D 0) >- h o < < O UJ -J o >- o o (0 UJ -J m < GC < ffl UJ -I o z (0 UJ I Z o cr u. O UJ > UJ o UJ oc UJ ? CO Ul t UJ o z < a UJ o CO CO 1 UJ I (7 1 UJ z UJ CO < I Q. U UJ CC I h- § a: H Ul 2 S < u. O q: O >^ UJ _i C z CO Q Z o o I o < UJ u. O UJ _i a. UJ a. « O i o c: o 5 GC li. i UJ O CO CO UJ I H 1 < Z) Ul z o CE o 13 O z 8 o z CO u. o UJ _l DC U Q. CO UJ cc Ul Q. s < 2 1- z LJ (£ QC D O o z o (r < o LJ I H d u. n z O h- < o UJ CO UJ 3 < > Ul _J CD < 1- UJ I 1- u. —1 < I Ul z O CO < a UJ CO cr O 1- o Q Z o o z UJ UJ CO UJ O z £ UJ O CO CO UJ I H CD 'o X < o: 1- UJ z O 1- co h- _l o > X UJ -J CD < X CO DC o 1- o 3 o Z o o u. o CO DC UJ 1- z UJ O z Ul Ul 1- ut S Ul O z < co o lOUJ CIUJ ' u. T + r* »o«o'o 3^ OOO 5T? lO"-* OtVPJ ■s»rfn 1- eoui CS'0 •*-n«^ -o»- io*ot -*UJ u. too <^ oo •o^^ Co I-.S* lo'o'o 1-1 PI 10 v,tn « M-O 'o'o'o "a u. 10 s*^ O*0O -;00 toooto nSn oOor- ^1^^ K**^ I^OOd ^*on ^Jo^. 1- u. P(-«0 W Oft- iOo«'« noto OoOoto o*-f' nOQB K«OT CO QOO nixo 5:!!? «-<*;.•• so, tJ 4Krl CM ^+- bo« 0«'« OaSS 00*0 •^rt OofcCO OOft- >^*»o ft^QoOa hrto oJtoOij •)0«J «i-«n C3 •-kV — ■i « 0«a 1^ ONO Oft. toh-o dQ«o4i> CO -.■* "♦• 4t^ -inn HO<» Ool,-. (b-i-o Oo*J o-«o rtO.1, o»»n Qatote < ■- ^«.o ft^floflg "'. o n o t^OOO 1-rt*: nnn Oil- ft- *.ObOB < "S2 •t-00 ft--*--^ tab ^ «-:o rttofO ^"■^ S4^ .^< Ot< ft->«r* ^4T nflot* nrt«i -.-.0 b bft- o C( -o ^^~ »;*•* rt*-"^ o«»^ ,.0* ».nr. -~. >»rt 00b j-.^ -•-,1^ oV»». n<<:^ CJ Vj T t- "inn ..-- ^•^I- ^»ii IxT — ; -. OO 00 to — ♦ «-+ -l^O ♦•nd ft.K.a. nts-W ■- o ooir- b f 6 nn»< on« b %-f- ft "^-^ 00^ o^-'r ft-r-r- n*x»y — lOJ "4 + ctwo »4* o)-^ b n»1- ••Tn nt^t cc o O D Q Z o o ir < 3 < c: o CO -J 5 OO 00 00 OO 00 0»N 000 00 o 00 ooo oO oOo ooo ooo 00 rc^-o OOO O OO OOO 00 ■00*9 000 ooo qOO OOo ©•oo OoNN ooo ooo 000 ooo tooyj ooo ooo ooo ooo oi^o ooo ooo ooo ooO ^#^^0 -sn 01-60 DCON» MKO ONty- NN N«NO ♦ »*• MNO 000 OON Pt- ^ 0^ on 00 Q i^o too.* 000 «<^n nooD 000 ON s ? a 8oo o ° o O-fy •>t4 ogo 0^0< <^i-^ S3H0N B3X3VN Nl ?^5 >«OVJ c^*;-* ^«« <-i^ S55 Oft.*. nN«v •*no «o« 0,»-Ni ▼ft-'^ n-nn •«-o n« oc o oc < I V UJ -I OQ < fe ^5 •* I 1- co < -1 _l UJ 5 Q UJ Q _J z UJ OQ 1- co CO 1- D ir I z < a: OQ -1 _i < I 1- a z UJ _i UJ I 1- S UI z CO z UJ 1- I I UJ oc z UJ Ul I H a u. < > z oc < I Ul I i?i Z 3 i £ Ul uJ Z Ul I H w LJ J >- <0 It f»clM --0O ;5t ?W c« floK OLTAQES AND SPACINGS 3 WILL VARY DIRECTLY AS RAD X (VOLTS TO NEUTR it ?!c »^». t;*^^ K4*; OtoN t?CtJ 5c5 3« it 5"* tt^ 4W* ♦nt* ^°s oo« * It 0.00. •titiK ON Ote«4 NKK noo 4H4 St 9 00 0005 o*^ NtV) OOos 5W rirJo > UJ i < Iz =•0 5 CO a ^0^ 333 Ho- 0^0 0»^«S •0+t 'O'O'O ♦ ft- rtK»> 2i^ S^4 00 <» ■♦•"JO + ■♦'«■ OK** to-* KWK KO«* CHARGING CURRENT PER MILE (EXPRESSED IN KVA 3 PHASE) FOR A SYMETRICAL 3 PHASE CIRCUIT AT THE CONDUCTORS STATED. FOR OTHER ARRANGEMENTS OF CONDUCTORS SEE FOOT NOTES. Xf FOR OTHER SPACINGS T SUSCEPTANCEiVALUES OF THE SPACINGS COMPARED. THE CHARGING K.V.A. 3 PHASE - (CHARGING CURRENT IN AMPEF it If) o^»- •(•OK Mo^ rto'>« to^♦ -« -Q rt*^t ••■NT it: v,rto o».». «.<»<< ?*'*' •.'•»o i i^ 10 .K»4 o-^»- onN ^^0 OQ^ rtr»c< is «0 K tofc^ 6ao rt nnf4 n o9- o«-0b J.N o^«. i i^ 10 N«a 000 inn 0.^0 + ■f ON k^»M tol-O •» + ♦ i;^:- «^'i*< It** u _l >- U) CM it 1060 »o ^^^ 1^-^ v^^ tetods (feto*o 0,4,K N»teK 09NK nto h- KK.K *(>-o KKK Sfcr. -.(00» "Toy) < 00- to«toK pvto 40WW kN-« o«-*» j' u. - - a tetok.. 0to«-) ■t-tt + >♦-« OO't- ^•06. Oi(->» 0*-«B o>«o •iKN ••"OH oo-* ii N-t won h--* ^ no ■••N+ + 'O'n'o "i"jn Oo + K 00*- Nrvt>l ».rtfc o«^*- "J -It St r-^ to "in '^ "in TO"! 000 (0(0") 0(Sfr- OsJW Kcjfcl nD>0»0 06«6K 0100 SO-* *0>0* St 00 no 00 o^t< to-t-O ■~^ oo*< f "On •Mil >#OK it it" 00 «0^ Ni-o oi^l- i£ T>n *^N«<^ ^ -N ~»*M oo« Ori«0 OoWto Qtok OoNS fco-o tono r«-.0 ooW OoNVt Ott-i, 00-%. Wo»» 00*^ it 4o qOO Kr>o o4.Vo S5t «>r)0 o«o it ftrt - -00 o.*^o ^o«^ >»o*< KOo -1-11 is' CO " mi Tit n OK 000 o<*o -in.* 0..W > , ■ St ♦"♦IT -••<«-» *<«« *Flr< sst ?^^ JKO 00 f* « ■«. -*oo 55; «* ^'~"' CO tc f- D Q Z < Ul 2 a: - < r * 000 000 00 QO 0»K ooo 000 000 000 000 000 000 ooo 00 000 000 ooo 000 000 OOO 000 000 00 «) "o tosN 000 00 000 OQO OQO 000 000 000 0*00 000 000 000 owv K^ o*>>« ONK — ••) 0+5 0•>^• N#KO •nt"i 000 oor* DOn •♦'on OQO Ot<)0 ont- r>o*» J ON s Tj a li^ 0.., I*'! 0-^N .ni-^ S3H0NI NI a3i3wvia zH 5S5 «S3 tof9K -Cob ""4 U»- to Koto ;:5 3dAJ. 03aNvai8 anos D3oaojNi3a n33is TViasivw U3ddOO iMnNiiAinnv Pi s hi REACTANCE— CAPACITANCE— CHARGING CURRENT Microfarads per icxx) feet of single conductor to neutral, or 0.03SSJ r = (i<5) logK -jr Microfarads per mile of single conductor to neutral. The above formulas are only applicable to ordinary overhead circuits when the distance from the conductor to other conductors, particularly the earth, is large compared to their distance apart. However, since the effect of the earth is usually small in most practical cases, the formulas give a very close approximation to the actual capacitance of overhead circuits. The values of capacitance in Table VIII were de- rived by using formula (13). For calculating the capacitance for the stranded conductors, the actual overall diameter of the cable was taken. This intro- duces a small error which is negligible except for very close spacings not used in high tension transmission lines employing bare conductors. CHARGING CURRENT RELATION OF CHARGING CURRENTS OF SINGLE AND THREE-PHASE SYSTEMS The diagrams (Fig. 11) may assist in forming a clear understanding of the relation of charging current < I In Table C is in- o dicated the relation g of the total induct- *°g ance and capacitance, j6 o and their product, ~ in two bare par- '' 8 allel conductors in air < 25 a for a circuit one mile < = long. The values for 2C y ^ SUPPLV END DISTANCE IN MILES FROM SUPPLY END 12 — CHARGING CURRENT AT ZERO LOAD FOR VARIOUS LENGTHS At zero load the voltage (on account of the effect of capacitance) decreases as the supply end of the circuit is approached. The charging current at points along the circuit decreases directly as the voltage. If the charging current for zero load is estiinated by the approximate method based upon the receiver voltage being main- tained throughout the length of the circuit the result will be too high. The error will increase as the length of the circuit is increased; it will also increase rapidly as the frequency is raised. The error in the resulting K.V.A. required to charge the circuit will therefore increase very rapidly with an increase in distance or frequency. The curves below represent an approximation of this error. total charging current is therefore sufficiently accurate for most practical purposes. For the purpose of making exact calculation of the total current at the supply end of long circuits, the charging current must be calculated by mathematical formulas which accurately take into account the change in voltage along the circuit at zero load. This will be taken up in a later article. It may be interesting to note approximately, however, how the charging cur- rent and charging k.v.a., as determined by the above method, varies from what it would be if calculated by the rigorous formula. The curves in Fig. 12 represent an approximation to the error when calculating the charging current at zero load by multiplying the total L are in millihenries and for C in micro- farads. Since the formulas by which L and C were calculated account for the flux within the conductors themselves, the prod- uct LC is not a con- stant, as will be seen by the tabulated values, although for the larger spacings such as used in high- tension transmission the product is nearly a constant. TABLE C— PRODUCT OF (TOTAL) L AND (TOTAL) C Solid Conductors a" Induct- ance /. F'ormula (4) C.apac tanc« Size Diam. Inches Formula Product 1000 000 I 000 000 I 000 000 0000 uooo 0000 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 0.46 0.46 0.46 2 24 300 2 24 300 1053 2.653 4.279 1-553 3153 4-779 0.0339S 0.01 1 55 0.00695 0.02079 0.00961 0.00623 0.03S7S 0.03064 0.02974 0.03228 0.03030 a02977 RELATION OF INDUCTANCE AND CAPACITANCE TO LIGHT VELOCITY The propagation of the electric and the magnetic 22 REACT A NCE~CA PA CI TA .V CE—CHA RGING C URREN T fields in a dielectric, such as air, is the same as that of light. Along a transmission line it is retarded only slightly due to losses or the fact that the current is not confined to the surface of the conductors. If the induc- tance inside the conductors is negligible, then the ve- locity of the electric and the magnetic fields is the same as light, that is approximately i86 ooo miles per second or approximately 3 X io^° cm. per second. For high- tension transmission lines of large spacings, the induc- tance inside the conductor is relatively small, so that the speed of the electric field is practically that of light. The following relation exists between inductance L in henries, capacity C in farads and velocity of light V per second: — LC (in air) = -jTT.or, F = ]' LC (17) Thus it will be seen that if either L or C is known, the other may be determined since the velocity of light V is known. If values for L and C are taken which in- clude the inductance inside the conductors, particularly if the conductors are very close together, it would be necessary to assume a velocity of electric propagation somewhat less than that of light. If, on the other hand, the values for L and C external to the conductors are taken, then the above equation is rigidly correct. In Table C, it was shown that for No. 0000 con- ductors, 300 inch spacing, the total values of L and C were for a single-phase line, — L = 0.004779 henries per mile of circuit. C = 0.000 000 006 23 farads per mile of cir- cuit. therefore, 1 = .. , = y o.oo^j/g X 0.000 000 006 2 J 183 000 miles per second (18) which is less than the speed of light. If we take the inductance in the air space between the conductors. Formula (2) ; we arrive at the values, — /- = 0.0046179 henries per mile of circuit. C = 0.000 000 006 23 farads per mile of cir- cuit. therefore T'' = ~ , V ooo,? 6// 9 X 0.000C0000O2J 186 000 miles per second ( 19) which is approximately the spee<.l of light. CHAPTER III QUICK ESTIMATING TABLES FOR every occasion where a complete calculation of a long distance transmission line is made, there are many where the size of wire needed to trans- mit a given amount of power economically is required quickly. This knowledge is, moreover, the basis for all transmission line calculations, as all methods of cal- culating regulation presuppose that the size of wire is known. To determine quickly and with the least pos- sible calculation the approximate size of conductor cor- responding to a given I^R transmission loss for any ordinary voltage or distance, is the function of Tables XII to XXI inclusive. By includmg so many trans- mission voltages it is not intended to indicate that any of them might equally well be selected for a new in- stallation. On the contrary it is very desirable in the consideration of a new installation, to eliminate con- sideration of some of the voltages now in use. This point will be considered later. Since both the power-factor of the load, and the charging current of the circuit, as well as any change in the resistance of the conductors, will alter the PR loss, it is evident that it is impractical to present tables which will take into account the effect of all of these variables. The accompanying tables do, however, give the per- centage I^R loss corresponding to the two temperatures (25 and 65 degrees C) ordinarily encountered in prac- tice and the usual load power-factors of unity and 80 percent lagging, upon which the k.v.a. values of the tables are based. The effect, however, of charging cur- rent, corona or leakage loss is not taken into account In these table values. The latter two (corona and leak- age) are usually small and need not be considered here. The effect of charging current, may, however, with long circuits be material and will be discussed. The values of k.v.a. in these tables are based upon the following percentage PR loss in transmission (neglecting the effect of charging current) : — Percent Percent Loss Loss At 25°C At 6s°C Load at 100 percent P-F. 8.66 lo.o Load at 80 percent P-F. 10.8 12.5 These loss values are based upon the power de- livered at the end of the circuit as 100 percent, and not upon the power at the supply end. If raising or lowering transformers are employed, the loss and vol- tage drop in them will, of course, be in addition to the above. At first glance, some of these tables may appear to have been carried to extremes of k.v.a. values for the conductor sizes. This is because the tables are cal- culated for ten percent loss, (at 100 percent power- factor and 65 degrees C) whereas tne permissible loss is frequently much less than ten percent. As the loss, is directly proportional to the load, the permissible loads for a given size wire and distance can be read almost directly for any loss. Thus for a two percent loss the permissible k.v.a. will be two-tenths the table values. Conversely, the size of wire to carry a given k.v.a. load at two percent loss will be the same as will carry five (1CK-2) times the k.v.a. at ten percent loss. In other words to find the size of wire to carry a given k.v.a. load at any desired percent loss, find the ratio of the desired PR loss to the PR loss upon which the table values are based (corresponding of course to the tem- perature and the load power- factor). Divide this ratio into the k.v.a. to be transmitted. The result will be the table k.v.a. value corresponding to the desired PR loss. For example : — Assume 400 k.v.a. is to be delivered a distance of 14 miles at 6000 volts, three-phase, and 80 percent power-factor lagging, at an assumed temper- ature of 25 degrees C. Table XV indicates that this con- dition will be met with an PR loss of 10.8 percent if No. O copper or 167800 circ. mil aluminum conductors are used. Now assume that the PR loss should not exceed 5.4 percent, in place of 10.8 percent (upon which the table values are based) . 5.4 -;- 10.8 = 0.5 and 400 -i- 0.5 = 800 k.v.a. as the table value corresponding to an PR loss of 5.4 percent. The conductors corresponding to 800 k.v.a. table value (5.4 percent PR loss) will be seen to be No. 0000 copper or 336420 circ. mil alum- inum. If conductors corresponding to 15 percent PR loss are desired the same procedure will be followed : — i5-f-io.8 =1.39 and 400-^-I.39 =287 k.v.a. table value. This table value corresponds to approximately No. i copper or 133 220 circ. mil aluminum conductors. The table k.v.a. values have been tabulated for var- ious distances. Should the actual distance be different from the table values and it is desired to obtain k.v.a. values corresponding to the losses upon which the table k.v.a. values have been calculated, the following pro- cedure may be followed :— For a given PR loss in a given conductor (effect of charging current neglected) the k.v.a. X feet or the k.v.a. X miles is a constant. Thus Table XII indicates that for 2 000 000 circ. mil cable, 756 coo k.v.a. X f^^t is the constant; that is 756 k.v.a. may be transmitted 1000 feet ; 378 k.v.a., 2000 feet, and so on. If the actu;'.l distance to be transmitted is 1300 feet the correspond- ing k.v.a. value will be 756000-7-1300 or 581 k.v.a. Usually the k.v.a. value can readily be approximated 24 QUICK ESTIMATING TABLES for any distance with sufficient accuracy for the pur- pose for which these quick estimating tables are pre- sented. One way of dong this would be as follows: — The k.v.a. value corresponding to 2500 ft. is 302 k.v.a. TABLE XII-QUICK ESTIMATING TABLE CONDUCTORS KILOVOLT- AMPERES. 3 PHASE. WHICH MAY BE DELIVERED AT THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES OVER THE VARIOUS CONDUCTORS FOR THE DISTANCES STATED. BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING |2r LOSS (EFFECT OF CHARGING CURRENT NEGLECTED) ^T^g.^ ^^^^.^ FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF IOO%-8.66% LOSS- 10 0% LOSS d z a> «( m COPPER MEA IN OIROULAfr MIL* ALUMINUIM UEA IN CIRCULAR MILS FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF 8(Wfr-l0.8% LOSS- 12.5 LOSS 220 VOLTS DELIVERED 50 FEET 100 FEET 150 FEET 200 FEET 250 FEET 300 FEET 400 FEET 500 FEET 600 FEET 750 FEET 1000 FEET 1500 FEET 2000 FEET 2500 FEET 3500 FEET 6000 FEET 1 MILE X, eoo 000 1 BOO 000 1 7O0OO0 IS/ZS 13 730 IZ8ZI 7 Sit 6 8iS i^lo S09Z 9S77 9X79 3 781 3-t32 3ZOS 3 02.J Z796 2S69 ZSZI zzas 3/37 / «fo 17 16 I60Z /SIZ 'iViz 1 Z60 //4-1 1 068 / oo« 91S kss Hi 641 SO 9 4 si 9Z7 378 343 jIo 302 274 ZS6 183 ISI /37 IZ8 /43 /30 121 tt>oo 000 /soo 000 /■foo 000 12 loo II3ZI /OS 79 i oso S-iiO SZ99 ■9033 3 779 3SZ6 3 02.S 2 830 2 44-f 2 920 2 on 1 887 1763 /SIZ I9IS 1322 /ZIO 1 I3Z loss /OO8 99 3 806 7SS 70s 60s Sbi SZ9 403 377 3 S3 30Z Z83 Z69 24 Z 226 211 173 I6Z ISI 121 113 106 119 lei 100 /30O 000 1 100 000 /ooo 000 / S9O 000 9 097 B3-tS 7Si2 9SZ3 9 172 3 781 3 OIS 2 782. ZSZI 2 2*2 Z086 1 890 '/in /S/Z /S07 1391 1260 1/3 1 /093 I 99S SS5 7^* 7S3 69S 603 SS6 so 9 4SZ 417 37 S 30/ Z7S ZSZ ZZi. 209 189 181 167 ISI IZ //■ /a fj If 9 so 000 900 00c aso 000 /SIS •oo /\3I 000 1 3SI SOO ^9IO 3 ilZ 3 908 3 20S 2 408 a 272 2 136 / sot /709 / 6oi. /99S /363 /zaz /209, '/'oli Vs\ BOI 722 60Z sta S39 98Z 4S9 9Z7 36/ 34' 320 Z9I 227 219 181 170 /60 'lit 128 If 72 V4 ^5 900 000 7SO 00a 700000 1 Z72 000 1 192. Soo 1/13 000 6 0S0 Si.78 S290 3 0ZS 3 939 Zi-*.S zon 1893 1763 / SIZ /920 /izz /ZIO / /3S /OSS zoos 117 7S6 710 66/ 60S S6g SZ9 S09 -f73 -♦40 40 3 37» 3S3 m ZOZ ISI I9Z 132 12/ 86 1/3 81 lOS 7S io S7 S3 S7 S4 SO isoooo *ooooo S50 000 1 033 SOO 9S9 OOO 87-tSOO 9 119 9S2^ 9 173 Z-*S7 ZZkZ ZoSi /638 /S07 /39I 1 2X4 / 131 /093 983 90S 834 %'/3 69S 6/9 S6S SZZ 491 9SZ ■9 17 347 3Z8 278 Z9i Z09 /69 '1V9 /23 113 109 Vo 83 70 64 S9 4», 4S rz t? soo 000 ■i- so 000 400 000 79S 000 7IS~SOO 800 Zl 1 9SO / iOO /271 /ooft 800 S09 S33 9ZS 336 900 319 2SZ 320 2SS 20Z ^^1 J200 'lit /60 /Z7 /o/ /33 /ol 89 "hi 67 80 so S-i 55 fz 2S 32 23 Zi IS 20 14 16 13 /O ? / Z /0SS60 83C9t it,3S8 167 900 J33ZZO /O^S^SO SCO 63Z SOI 900 3lt zso Z61.* 211 167 200 /S8 IZS /60 /Z6 /oo '/U 83 /oo Vz 90 63 SO 66 S3 9 1 S3 11 — 40 27 Zl 17 20 16 12 /6 IZ. 10 II 9 7 8 6 s ! 3 S2 £24 .33 OSS S3 6-fO £« 370 SZ630 39i 316 ZSI IfS /S8 /2S I3Z lOS 99 if 11 so 66 SZ 92 99 fl Vz ZS 33 26 2/ 26 20 13 lo 8 /O 1 8 6 s £ s 4 1, 2 4. 1 /iS/Z •91 79>o m 11 it if 90 31 2S i! 21 ZS ZO IS ZO /6 /Z 16 13 /o 13 /o 8 /o 1 6 S 4 4" 3 4 i 3 3. 1 1 2 1 1 440 VOLTS DELIVERED 50 FEET 100 FEET 150 FEET 200 FEET 250 FEET 300 FEET 400 FEET 500 FEET 600 FEET 750 FEET 1000 FEET 1500 FEET 2000 FEET 2500 FEET 3500 FEET 5000 FEET 1 MILE Z 000 000 J 900 000 / 700 000 to sot S992' 30 a,so 27961 2Si*Z ZO li,6 IS307 1709s ISIZS 1373 I28ZI / z/00 /0988 /02S7 10 083 9 /S3 es-^7 7S62 6 86S 6910 6osro S99Z S/28 S042 ■9S76 4273 4 033 3 6-t-S 3419 3 02J- Z746 2S69 Z017 / 831 /7/0 /SIZ / 373 1 Z82 / ZIO 'llVi 864 73 Z 60s S49 S/3 48S / AOO 000 / •soo 000 /-♦oo 000 9a4oa 9SZ?i 9Z3I7 2-f 200 Z2i93 21 ISS 16133 /S09S /4I0S 12100 1/322 IOS7f 9680 90S7 e-tts 8066 7S47 70S2 4, oso S66I SZ89 9S40 9SZ8 9Z3I 4033 3 773 sszt 3Z26 30/9 ZSZ/ 2420 Z269 2 //S /6/3 / s/o 1410 12/0 '/iV7 III 646 604 489 4S3 423 4SS 4Zf 400 / zoo 000 1 loo 000 /ooo 000 iS9o oao 3tlS7 3-3 37f 18093 l6tS7 ISIZS IZOiZ II IZ6 /0 083 9097 S3 4^ 7S6Z 7237 6676 6OS0 603I SSi.^ S092 9SZ3 4 /7Z 3 78/ 3 6/8 3 337 3 0ZS 30/S zjaz 2SZ/ 24/2 222.r ZOli 1 ^°t / 668 /SIZ 1 206 1/13 1008 7si 724 66& 60s S/7 477 432 3tZ 334 302 34 3 ?So 000 900 000 aso 000 / SIS 000 1931 000 /3SI Soa ZSS-fi 27 2 68 25*12 I999S 1363', 12921 9632 90S9 8S-*7 722-t 6817 69IO S779 S9S3 SI28 ■48/6 -4 273J 36/Z 3908 320i 2 889 27Z6 ZS69 Z90S ZZ7Z Z/36 I9Z6 IS/7 /709 1 499 I3t,3 1 28Z 96 3 909 8SS 7ZZ 682 641 S78 S9S SI 3 9/Z 3 89, 366 ZS9 2 73 ZS6 243 BOO 000 7SO 000 700 000 1 Z7Z 000 / /9Z soo / / 13 000 ^-♦200 227/0 Zl ISS 12 ZOO I/3SS I0S79 'soii 7S70 70S3 6 OSO S677 SZ89 1890 ■*S9Z 423/ 4033 37as 3S27i 302s 2838 2i-»-» Z9ZO 227/ 2 / /S ZO/i 1 89Z /763 / 613 IS/9 /4/0 IZ/O II3S /OS7 807 7S7 70S- 60s S67 Szi 484 ■4S9 423 346 324 302 242 227 Zl 1 2Z6 z/s 20 1 600 000 ■sso 000 1 033 JOO 9S9 000 879 SOO 19 ASS IS093 It, (.90 9827 9096 839S 6SSZ 603I SS63 9913 9SZZ 9I7Z 3931 3 618 J 3 3? 3Z76 30 /S Z78/ 29S6 ZZCI 20 86 I96S I809 /i6f /63S '/i%l 1 3IO IZ06 I//3 98Z tiss 603 SS6 491 4SZ 417 iVz 334 281 2SS 238 196 /S/ 167 ',^8 •soo 000 ■^ so 000 ■900 000 79s 000 7/,s^oo 636 000 IS/ZS 13 sat I2I3S 7SiZ 6793 t.0t>9 S09Z ■*SZ9 9046 378/ 3oi9 302s 27/7 ZtZJ ZSZI 2Z&9 2023 1 890 1698 /S17 is/z I3S8 1213 /ZiO II3X lOIZ 1008 607 SO 9 4S3 40s 3 78 340 Jo3 302 272 24 3 Z/i /94 173 /S/ 139 12 1 '/t% /'S 3SO 000 •3 00 000 ZSO 000 s^s-6 soo 977 000 397 SOO IOS79 9oti 7S92 SZ89 9S39 3796 3SZi 30Z3 2S3I 24-»4 22^7 1898 2 //S 1 813 / S/8 1763 /SIZ /ZhS /322 1 133 999 /OSS 906 7S9 881 7S6 632 Voi sol SZ9 4 si 379 3S3 302 2 S3 ikl 189 Z/l 18/ /SZ IS/ IZ9 /at lOi n '%t 72 000 00 3.1 1 <>oo 'V77Z /33079 3369ZO 26isoo Zl 1 9S'0 i900 S09S 903-3 3200 ^547 Zolt 213-3 1698 l3-*9 /too IZ73 1008 izao /oi9 eo6 /067 899 67 Z 800 636 ^04 £90 sol S3 3 92s 336 424 3i? 3ZO ZS9 ZOZ ZI3 170 139 —7TS 'iVi 128 lOZ 81 91 73 S8 69 SI 40 38 1 Z /OJ-S40 83699 1^7 eoo /33ZZO /OSS30 3 ZOO 2S30 zooi H.OO IZ6S I003 /066 800 632 SOI 690 so 6 .901 S3Z 922 339 ■AOO 316 2 SO 3ZO 2S3 200 • Z6i /34 /60 /Z7 /OO 107 84 67 1% so 64 S/ 40 46 36 28 32 ii 30 n ^ •sz tz-» •9 1 736 ■3 3oee 83 6-»0 IS Si iZiS I003 SOZ ill 339 396 3/6 ZS3 3/7 2S3 Zpl 269 ZIZ 167 /?8 /S8 /ZS /ss /Zi too /3Z '%% /OS V7 so S3 If Tz ZS 32 2^ 20 ZZ It 14 /i It /« 6 7 3.<>299 ^ogiz ■91 790 S.oo 39S 319 ZSO 2 69 '/ii 197 157 IZS /S8 IZ6 /oo /3d /OS 83 98 78 6Z 11 so 66 SZ 9Z ■ S3 ■91 33 — s? 3Z ZS zi 21 17 20 16 IZ /6 It 10 '4 z. ■ «• 6 •r %■ The heating limitations may, for the shorter distances, particularly if insulated or concealed conductors are employed, necessitate the nae of larger conductors, resulting in a correspondingly less transmission loss. In the case of insulated or concealed conductors, should the It.T.a. values fall near or to the left of the heavy line, consult Table XXV" for insulated or Table XXIII for bare conductors. The reactance for the larger tonductors may be excessive, particularly for eOcycIe service, producing excessive voltage drop. This may be obviated by installing two or more parallel circuits or using three-conductor cables. For single-phase circuits the k.v.a. will be one-half the table values. QUICK ESTIMATING TABLES ^5 Hence the value corresponding to half this distance (1250 ft.) is 604 k.v.a., which is sufficiently accurate for practical purposes. REACTANCE LIMITATIONS The k.v.a. value of the tables naturally do not take into account the reactance of the circuit. It will be TABLE XIII-QUICK ESTIMATING TABLE CONDUCTORS KILOVOLT- AMPERES. 3 PHASE WHICH MAY BE DELIVERED AT THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES OVER THE VARIOUS CONDUCTORS FOR THE DISTANCES STATED. BASED UPON THE FOLLOWINQ |2r LOSS (EFFECT OF CHARGING CURRENT NEGLECTED) AT25"C FOR LOAD POWEB-FACTOR OF IOO%-8 66% LOSS- 10.0% LOSS i 05 m COPPER AREA IN CIRCULAR MII.S ALUMINUM AREA IN CIRCULAR MILS FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF 80%-l0.8% LOSS- 12 5 LOSr 550 VOLTS DELIVERED 50 FEET 100 FEET 150 FEET 200 FEET 250 FEET 300 FEET 400 FEET 500 FEET 600 FEET 750 FEET 1000 FEET 1500 FEET 2000 FEET 2500 FEET 3500 6000 FEET FEET 1 MILE Z 000 000 / aoo 000 / 700 000 94S3I 8oJ3i 47266 42907 A.006t 31S10 Z96oi 3 67/1 X3631 2I4S3 20033 I8906 17/63 /602 6 irytt I4302 l33Si II 816 /0727 looi 6 So 13 7877 7ISI 4677 I 302 S7ZI S342 -♦727 4Z9I 4007 3/SI 2 860 2671 23*3 21+S 2003 189/ 1716 1603 I3S0 94S izai gs» //4 4 got »/S 7^» /8 .5 72 4SZ 426 401 403 390 BOO OOQ 7S0 000 700 000 / Z7Z 000 J /9Z Soo / 1 13 000 378^3 3S4S-t 33060 IS9C7 177*2 I6S30 IZ60* II 82t 11020 9*S3 8S7' azis 7S62 7097 6612 6302 S9I4 SS/O -•72:5 443S 4132 3781 3S48 3306 3 ISI Z9S7 Z7SS 3 S2I 2366 2204 189/ 1774 /6J-3 IZtO //83 fIOZ 94S 15; 7S6 S40 708 SO 7 661 -472 378 3SS 331 3sa 33J 3/3 6 SO 000 ioo 000 yS^OOOO / 033 soo 9S4 000 S74 Soo 307/0 a»27/ 3.t07S IS3Si I4I3S I3039 /0 2 37 9424 8693 7677 70*7 6S20 6/42 S6S4 S2IS SI IS 47/2 -♦3-»« 3S3S 3S32 3260 3 07 J Z8Z7 3607 ZSi9 .J3.r6 .J/73 20 + 7 /8S4 1738 /S3S /4I4 /3a4 /OZ4 %V9 868 707 6S2 6/4 4 3» S6S 404 S22 372 307 zsi 26/ 2»/ 248 247 *soo 000 ^SO 000 4oO OOQ 79SOOO 7/SSOO 636 000 ZI 22s I891S /IS/6 /06I4 94S2 7878 7076 6322 S90S S307 4741 .472* 42-K 3 7^3 3»3f 3S3S 3/il 2fJ-+ .2 6.^3 2370 2363 Z123 /S96 1969 1769 /S80 /S7S /4/S /2 64 //82 /06/ 948 788 708 632 S9I S3I -474 473 42s 379 337 29i 2/2 /90 224 ZOI /to ^so 000 300 obo SSO 000 SS*> SOO ■477 000 3 97 S-OO /&S30 /-f /48 //giS SZ6S 7aS4 S932 SSIO 4723 3 9S4 4132 3S42 2f<< 3306 2823 2 3 72 Z7SS Z36I 1977 2066 177/ 1483 /6S3 7416 1 186 1377 /ISO 98S //03 791 826 708 S93 SS' 473 39S 4/3 3S4 297 331 283 337 236 ZoZ 170 /6S //9 /si 734 //a ooot 000 00 Zll 60O /<,7 77Z /33 079 33i>4-ZO Zbbgoo ZI 1 9SO JO 000 796O i3o2 Sooo 39SO 3ISI 3333 Z6S3 XIO 1 ZSOO 1990 IS7.r 2000 IS92 1260 7666 /327 /O.SO /2S0 99S 787 /OOO 796 ^30 833 ^63 SZS ^i6 S3I 420 SOO 398 ■3IS 333 3tS 3 /O 3sa 199 /SS 200 IS9 126 1 + 3 //3 90 /OO 15 ri 1 i. /o.s'Sio it 358 /67 800 /33 ZZO /0SS30 Sooo 3 9S4 3/34 ZSoo 1977 /S67 /666 1318 /04S IZSO 9»S 783 /OOO 7«/ <27 !5? S22 62i 3 9i. SOO IV3 416 ill 333 2 6-4 Z09 J'So /IS IS7 /66 73 2 /OS /2S Vs /OO 11 71 S6 4S so 40 31 ■47 i* 30 1 oS-Z^Z4 41 735 J3088 93i-fO 6(.370 SZ 6 30 Z479 1977 /S67 1239 98S 7f3 826 6S9 S22 tze 494 392 496 39S 3/3 413 3Z9 Z6/ 310 297 196 Z48 197 /■S6 ^^4 /30 /6S /32 /o4 /Z4 1? u S2 i3 49 39 so 40 31 3S 28 32 2S ZO /6 24 '/J i. I zo si a 41 740 I23J 9S4 7 SO 619 492 390 413 328 2AO 310 Z46 I9S ^■^7 1*7 /S6 Z06 164 /30 /sj- /as 97 123 J03 SZ 6S ^2 6S S2 il 11 41 33 26 Vs 20 zs ZO 16 li 14 II /I /o 8 '4 7 1100 VOLTS DELIVERED 100 FEET 200 FEET 300 FEET 500 FEET 750 FEET 1000 FEET 2500 FEET 4000 FEET 1 MILE \ + MILES 1 jr MILES 2 MILES 2i MILES 3 MILES 3i MILES 4 MILES 6 MILES 2000000 / Soo 000 1 700 000 /tfCiZ I7lt3l /i02I.S 44S3I 8SS/4 80132 630ZI S7ZI0 X3-»il 37812 34326 3^oi^ 2S208 32gg-f 21368 /S906 /7 163 /602i 7S62 6S6S 6410 + 736 +291 4006 3S80 32SO 303S 286.f 3600 2*X% 23gg 2/66 2 02 3 /740 /62S ISI? /432 /300 1214 1194 I083 101 2 /02I 8fc7 89 S 812 7St 7/fc 6.ro 407 /too 000 / .5-00 000 l-^oo oao /SI2S0 141 SZO I372V> 7S62.S' 70760 66120 S04I6 47173 302S0 2 6 304 2.614S 30lkl, iSSiS 1 7631 /SI2S I4IS2 13224 60.5-0 .f66/ S2>9 3781 3S3S 3306 3S6S 2680 ZSOS 2291 2144 2003 / 9/0 /786 7664 /432 /340 /2S2 II4S 1072 1002 ISS 893 834 766 7/6 716 67 «26 .572 .534 >50/ / zoo 000 / joo 000 / 000000 1 Sfo 000 /I3CS4 104310 94S3I S6S42 SZIS-C 472i'S^ 37694 34770 31-^10 22617 ZOS62 l89ol /■soy 8 1390S 12604 1130a 7043I •I4S3. f i23 4172 37SI 2S37 2608 2363 Zl + l 1976 /790 /7/3 ISSO 1+32 /■42« /3I7 /19 + /O70 9SS S9S gS6 790 7/6 714 6si S9 7 4/2 S6S SI2 S3S 499 447 428 19S 3St 9SO 000 900 000 6S0000 / S/S 000 l43t 000 / 3SI SOO 90:1.9s 8 S3. II ao/32 4SI49 42t,3S j^oo6t 30019 28404 26711 ISOSf I7042 16026 12 040 Il3lpl IOiS4 9030 SSZI 800 36/2 340t 320s J2.S7 .3/30 2003 1 710 16/3 /SI 8 /368 1291 121 + 1140 /076 /0I2 SSS 807 7S9 684 6+S <07 S70 S3S SO 6 434 427 3*2 321 303 900 000 7SO 000 700 000 / Z7Z 000 J I9Z SOO / J 13 000 7Si2i 709tS ii,l20 378/4 3S4S4 33061 2S209 Z3iS6 22040 ISI26 14193 133 24 /0083 9462 8Sli 7J63 7097 6612 303.f 3t3f 26-M /S9I 177 + /6S3 1 + 32 /3*+ /2S2 11 + 6 /07S 1002 83i 7/6 672 626 .573 .5-37 SOI 477 ■448 4/7 3St 313 286 268 a SO 4tSo 000 AOO 000 SSo 000 1 033 SOO 9S4-000 974 SOO i,l42l StS42 SZI.S.S 3 07/0 29271 26017 .t047+ 18 847 n3SS I2 2S^ 11308 /043I 8189 7J'3f 6TS4 6142 S6^S4 S2tS Z4S7 3.2(.l 20 si /S3.S\ 1413 1304 //63 7 071 988 790 77 S l's% S82 S3S -♦»♦ 46S 428 3 9S 3 88 3S7 329 JS2 J04 291 267 247 232 ZI+ 197 soo 000 4SOOOO JfOOOOO 79s 000 7/SSOO 636000 3793! .23633 XI228 1 S9iS I.S7SS I-HS2 12 6+4 94SZ 8411 7SS6 6302 S66I S0.i7 -f720 ^S337 Z372S HS30 14168 II S62 11020 9446 790 s i6/2 J-t47 -«7+i 440s 3306 2t33 2372 7332 //33 9+9 az6 70s .r»3 626 3^36 4*^ SOI 430 3S9 417 JSS 300 3/3 26* 22-4 3 SO 3 IS 179 'iff /SO 179 /J-3 /2» /S6 J34 112 /as /»7 8» ooot 000 00 zi 1 too li7 77Z / 33 07f 336420 Z66 900 2 / / 9SO 30000 IS9ZI t2i04 /000a 6302 6666 S307 4201 400a 3I>4 2666 ZIX3 /<80 Zooo IS9Z IZ60 SOO 637 .5-04 soo 3»S 3 IS 378 JO/ 238 303 Z4I 191 ZS2 Zol IS9 /*9 /SO 119 IS2 /ZO 4S IZ6 /OO 7f /a9 86 68 94 7S S9 76 40 47 1 Z / os^to /67 800 /33200 / ,5" J-30 J aooo IV4 sooo 39S4 3134 3333 263£ Z0S9 .2 000 ISSI I3S4 /333 /OS4 83S /OOO 7 9/ 627 -400 3/6 2^-/ i-io I9S /S7 19 /SO 118 /SI /20 9S 126 /OO 79 %'s J9 7S 6e -47 63 S4 42 34 47 Is ■s ■■ SZi>ZA -*/ 736 ■33oSff g3 640 66 370 SZ630 49iS 3fi4 3134 2-^79 1977 /S67 /iS3 /3I 8 991 791 637 661 418 4 96 39S 3/3 /S8 /2i 134 S9 7S 60 47 62 SO 40 -47 J? 37 31 ii 26 21 /7 23 IS 1 + It IS /z J_ 3 6 2-14 zoazz fiSIZ ■4 1740 2479 I9i7 /St' /Z39 9S3 7 So 826 6SS SZO 496 330 Z62 ZOS 197 /S6 ft 78 62 62 -♦» 39 47 37 30 fo Z4 31 zs 20 1i IS '/J IZ /S IZ /a /4- /O 8 12 9 7 9 I The heating limitations may. tor the shorter distances, particularly if insulated or concealed conductors are employed, necessitate the use of larger conductors, resulting in a correspondingly less transmission loss. In the case of insulated or concealed conductors, should the k.v.a. values fall near or lo the left of the heavy line, consult Table XX\' for insulated or Table XXTII for bare conductors The reactance (or the larger conductors may be excessive, particularly for 60-cycle service, producing excessive voltage drop. This may be obviated by inatalling two or more parallel circuits or using three-conductor cables. For single-phase circuit* the k.v.a. will be one-half the table valuai. 26 QUICK ESTIMATING TABLES necessary in some cases of low voltage and single con- ductors^ (where the reactance is high) to use lower values of k.v.a. or even in some cases to multiple cir- cuits in order to keep the reactance within satisfactory operating limits. This will be considered later by ex- amples on voltage regulation. TABLE XIV-QUICK ESTIMATING TABLE CONDUCTORS KILOVOLT-AMPERES. 3 PHASE. WHICH MAY BE DELIVERED AT THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES OVER THE VARIOUS CONDUCTORS FOR THE DISTANCES STATED. BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING |2r LOSS (EFFECT OF CHARGING CURRENT NEGLECTED) AT26"C AT 65- O FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF IOO%-8 66% LOSS- 10.0% LOSS i CO «1 CO COPPER AAEA IN- OIROUUUt ' MILS ALUMINUM AREA IN CIRCULAR MIL* FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF 80%- 10.8% LOSS- 12.5 LOSS 2200 VOLTS DELIVERED 100 FEET 200 FEET 300 FEET 500 FEET 750 FEET 1000 FEET 2500 FEET 4000 FEET MILE MILES MILES 2 MILES 22 MILES 3 MILES 3i MILES 4 MILES 5 MILES 2 OOO OOO I900 ooo /700 ooo 7S6 000 6S6000 641 00c a79ooa 34'3 000 32000c 3S1000 329000 ZI4000 ISIOOO 137000 129000 101000 91 soo SSSoo 7S600 69600 6>* 100 30200 27400 2S6ao ;»Too 17 100 16000 /4300 /3000 /z 100 // 460 10400 97IO 9 sso S670 8100 7/*0 «^oo *070 J-730 S20O 4 ejo 4 770 4330 4ojro 4 o?o 37/0 3470 3SSC 3 2SC 3 04c 2 8*0 2*00 2430 / 600 ooo /^oo ooo /■foo ooo iOSOOO Sttooo SZ^ooa 302000 293000 202000 199000 176000 121000 113000 106000 80 700 7S.sao 70 .soo 6 a SOO S6 600 S2 900 Z4 200 22600 21 10a IS 100 I4IOO I3300 II 400 10700 10 000 9 170 8S80 8 010 7640 7 /SO 6,680 S730 S3k0 SOlO 4S8a 4290 4010 3 82 3.5^70 J340 3 2 70 3 0*0 2 8*0 Z 860 2&SC 2 SOO 2290 Z140 3 oao /zoo ooo 1 /oo ooo / ooo coo / S9Q ooo 4S200O 417000 37900a 226000 iOfOOC^ 19^000 ISIOOO 131000 126000 ^0 SOO 93400 7S6ao 60 300 JS600 S0400 4S2O0 4170a 378O0 I8100 /6700 /J/OO II 300 /0400 9 4S0 8S60 7900 7160 6 SSO 6320 S730 S7/0 SZ70 4 770 42B0 3 9S0 3SZ0 3430 3 160 2860 2 sso 2630 2 390 2 4 SO 2 2^0 2 040 2I40 1970 1 790 mo /SSO / 430 9SO ooo 900 ooo SSO ooo / S/SOOO /43I ooo /3SI soo 361 000 341000 3 2000c ISO 000 170000 l&OOOO 120000 114 000 107000 72200 i>9 100 <-» too 4SI00 4S4oa 42700 36ioa 34100 32 000 14400 /3 600 /2SOO 9030 8S30 SOlO 6 840 &4S0 6070 S470 SI60 4«*0 4 £60 4 300 4 O.S-0 3420 3230 3030 274° ZSSO 2430 Z 280 2 /SO 2020 1 9SO / 840 1 73 17 10 /610 IS2C / 370 I290 12IQ ooo OOO 7SO ooo 700 ooo /Z7Z ooo / I9Z soo / 113 ooo joa 000 ZS^^ooo 264000 ISIOOO 142000 132000 101 000 94 600 99 100 ^osoo S6SOO S290O 40300 37 SOO 3S200 30200 29400 2t400 /2100 I13O0 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I3900 II 800 II 000 13 000 II 000 /0300 n zoo 10300 9SS0 i09oa 9 4J-0 8 9SO 9 300 8SS0 7 9S0 8 370 7700 7 /SO 7 600 7000 LSOO 7 000 L400 S9SO 6 4SO S930 SSOO (3 OOO SSOO Si 00 ■soo ooo ■fSo ooo •400 ooo 79SOOO 7/ S SOO asiooo X/ Soo /^3QO /7300 J8SOO /Ltoa 14 800 / i/00 P9SOO '3 900 /4 300 /3 900 / / .TOO /3 900 // 600 /0300 II 70a /O LOO f t30 I0700 9 700 SLSO 9930 S930 9000 9330 8380 7400 SLoa 7 7SO L 900 90S0 73S0 6 4S0 7 ISO L4S0 S7SO 6 4S0 SSOO S 170 SSSO S300 4 7/0 S3SO 4 SSO -4 3ao 4960 9460 4ooa 9 6IO 4140 3 70a 3 so ooo .300000 :iSoooo SS& SOO 477000 3 9 7 SOO /S/OQ /O900 /Z900 //ooo 9a.ro 1 1300 9 QSO SOSO /oooo SS70 7IS0 9 030 7730 C4SO s 300 70i0 S870 7S2a L430 S3S0 Lfso S930 19/9SO ^ /OO yzio S70Q 7F00 i, 300 ^9oc i SSO S930 4XtO L070 4830 3 SOO S4SO -♦330 3430 4970 3990 3 1 10 4 SSO 3620 3 9SO 4300 3330 2*30 3900 3 100 34SO 3 640 3 890 3 3 80 3430 271 3 140 3 030 2 4'0 1 9oa 3730 3160 1710 3 4 SO 1 9 70 /SSO 3370 1 910 1 420 3 lao 1 660 1310 ' 9SO isso / 230 o / /OS SiO /b7 eoo /33230 /OSS30 4SSO 3S9C 2»^0 3-/OC 3070 3440 3410 31,90 3 I4Q 3030 3390 / 900 3 730 3 ISO / 710 34 to 1 9 bo /SLO 3370 1 900 1430 2 /OO 1 L60 IZ30 1 9S0 ' S90 1330 1 830 1430 1 140 1 7O0 1340 / 070 / SIO 1 300 9 so /360 / 070 8sa 1340 fsa 710 1 1 3a 9oo 7/0 losa 830 66a 9 7S 770 6 10 1 J2 «2-» 4/73g 33099 93i-to i * 370 sa i3o 2 3-50 / ffOO /■9%a /ISO /sjo /aao / iSO /340 / 070 / soo /3O0 9 SO 1 3S0 / ogo esc 1 330 9SS 77» J 1 3a 900 7/0 1030 830 (to 9*0 770 S/0 900 73 J^70 840 680 S30 7S0 600 470 670 -J'-fO -(SO 6/0 490 390 S60 4SO 360 SIO 430 330 -»»o 390 300 15 000 VOLTS DELIVERED 6 MILES 7 MILES 8 MILES 9 MILES 10 MILES II MILES 12 MILES 13 MILES 14 MILES 16 MILES 16 MILES 18 MILES 20 MILES 22 MILES 24 MILES 26 MILES 28 MILES i-SO 000 600000 SSOOOO / 033 000 9S4 000 87-* soo di&OOO 33200 3OLO0 3/ 000 19SOO 2*300 %7 000 X'i'fOO 23000 24 OOO 32200 30S00 2/ LOO 19900 I8400 /9 Soo 18300 /L700 18000 ILioo /S300 /6L00 /S300 I4IOO IS400 14200 /3IOO 14900 /3300 /2 300 /3SOO /2400 /ISOO /3 000 II 1 00 /ozoo 10900 9 9SO 9200 9900 9 100 8 3 SO 9 000 8 3 00 7 6SO S300 7 6SO 7 OSO 7700 7100 SSSO SOOOOO 4SOOOO •qoo 000 7 9SOOO 7/SSoo ^36 000 37 800 3SOO0 22 2 00 23*00 2/-»oo 19/00 30 eoo /8 700 / 4,700 I8LO0 /L700 14 800 IL700 /SOOO 13 300 /S300 /3LOO I3IOO /3900 /3 soa II 100 13 goo /I soo I0300 // 900 /0 7oa 9 S40 11 /OO /OOOO 8 900 /0900 93S0 9340 9300 83S0 7 430 83SO 7SO0 L L70 7 LOO 6 800 L 07a 69SO L3SO SS60 6400 S 7S0 SI30 J9SO S3S0 4 770 3 SO 000 300 000 3.SO 000 SSL Soo 477 000 39 7 soo /94O0 /6600 13900 /6L00 19300 // 900 t4SOO /X-^OO /OAOO 13900 9 3 to 7 810 II LOO 9960 8 330 lo Loo 9 0S0 7S70 9L90 8 390 L940 9940 7660 6410 S-ioo 7 100 S9SO 7 7SO 6 4->o 7 360 6220 ^2/0 6460 SS30 4630 S8IO SOOO 4 1 60 S380 4 S30 3 790 4890 4 ISO 3 470 4 470 3 S30 3 3 00 -* !SO 3 SSO 3990 oooo ooo oo 3.1 / too /t777Z / 33 079 33<, 430 3i6 soo 3 1 1 9SO // 700 9330 73sa / 000 9000 £300 9790 7000 ■SS/o L330 4900 39fO 7O30 J-*oo 4410 i 39o S090 4010 S Sio 4 LLO .? 6 70 S4IO -J 300 339a S030 4 OOO 3 ISO 4 6 80 3 730 29-»0 3 SOO 3 740 3 9 10 3 no 2 4S0 3 SIO Z 800 3 3 to 3300 3S40 3 OOO 3 930 2330 / 840 3 700 2 ISO 1 700 2 SIO 2 000 / S70 o / 2 'OS SiO 83<»-f 3 ISO ■* 3 90 3 ■4-70 27S0 3090 3 9Sa / 940 3SIO 3 7 SO 33IO 3 l9o 3S30 2000 23/0 / S90 3 700 3 190 / 690 19 80 / S70 2 3-tO / 8S0 1 470 2 300 1 740 1 380 1 9SO / S40 1 330 I760 1 390 / 1 00 / 600 I360 /OOO I4LO / / 60 920 1 3SO 1070 SSO / 3 SO 990 7 SO 3 S3i^4 -♦( 73* 3308r S3*-»0 »o ,^ 5 ''""*a''oi8 may, for the shorter distances, particularly if insulated or concealed conductors are employed, necessitate the ase 01 larirer cou/luctors. resultin? in a correspondingly less transmission loss. Tn the case of insulated or concealed conductors should ihfl Kv.a values fall near or to the left of the heavy line, consult Table XXV for insulated or Table XXIII for bare conductors. The reactance for ine larcer conductors may he excessive, particularly for 60-cycle service, producing excessive voltage drop. This may be obviated by installing two or more parallel circuits or usine ihreecondurtor cables. For sinrle-phRse circuits the k.v.a. will be one-half the table values. QUICK ESTIMATING TABLES i9 TABLE XVII-QUICK ESTIMATING TABLE CONDUCTORS KILOVOLT- AMPERES. 3 PHASE. WHICH MAY BE DELIVERED AT THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES OVER THE VARIOUS CONDUCTORS FOR THE DISTANCES STATED. BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING |2rlOSS (EFFECT OF CHARGING CURRENT NEGLECTED) FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF IOO*-8.66% LOSS- lOOTb^^ FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF 80«^I0,8% LOSS- 12 5 LOSS i 0} oil CD COPPER ARIA IN aROULAR MILS ALUMINUM ARIA IN CIRCULAR MIL* 20 000 VOLTS DELIVERED 7 MILES 8 MILES 9 MILES 10 MILES II MILES 12 MILES 13 MILES 14 MILES 16 MILES 16 MILES 18 MILES 20 MILES 22 MILES 24 MILES 26 MILES 28 MILES 30 MILES itso ooo 600 ooo i^SOOOO / 033 OOO fS-iOOO 874 soo SS ooo •So soo 16 900 ■♦7200 -<4 200 11 OOO ■»2 70O 39100 3 b SOO 39 SOO 3S100 32800 31900 32 IOC 29 SOO 3ZOO0 29 SOO 27 300 29 boo 27x00 2S200 27 soo 2S7O0 2S 300 23bOO 23 100121 goo 2 3 600 21 300 22100 19 700 2OS0O I8ZQO 19200 171-OC I7700 /b/OO /61O0 11900 /«ooc I970C /3 60C /4»oo i3iadi/3Soc /3boa 12 7oo\// 80a /3toO /I 70olio9ao .soo ooo •^soooo ^oo ooo 79SOOO 7/S SOO b3bOOO 12 SOO 3»2oO 3 3 9O0 37000 3 3 loo 2f boo 33 OOO 39600 Ztloo Z9700 Zb^oo 23 700 27 000 21300 XI boo 21 700 2X 200 19900 2 2 900 20 SOO 19200 XI 200 19000 16 900 19 Soo 17 800 IS 900 ItSOO 16700 I1800 lb soo 11800 13 200 II8OO I3SOC I3300 12 1 OQ II 800 la Sec IX 3aJfTiToo loioe /1 1001/0200 9 soa 9 890t 9/30 fitta 9900 8 900 ■3SO ooo 3ao ooo 2SO ooo SS6 SOO ■^ 77 OOO 3 9 7 SOO 19 SOO 2S30C 2 1 loo 2S900 22IOO / 8SO0 Z3 OOO 19 70O /blOO X0700 17 700 11 800 19 900 IblOO /3100 1 7 XOO /I 700 /2 3iao IS900 /3 6O0 // 100 11700 12 boo /ObOO /3900 / 1 800 9990 12900 II 000 9260 II SOO 9830 9330 /0 300 9 SSO 7110 9400 80S0 b730 S6/0 7 370 b 170 7 9S0 6 SIC S70C 7 380 6 32C S290 6 990 S900 1910 cooo ooo oo /4,7-r7Z 133 079 33b4XO 3 bb too 2/ / 9SO moo t1 2O0 / 1 2O0 ISbOO /2100 9 800 /3 9O0 // OOO 971 o /3 SOO 9 9 SO 7 910 II 300 9010 7/30 /0100 82BO bS3a 9 b/O 7bS0 b030 8 930 7/10 SbOO 9 330 bb30 SZ30 7 8/0 6220 4900 691 SS 30 4 3*0 bZSO 1970 3 920 ilto 1S2C 3SbC szia IISO 3 270 4 8/0 3 83C 3010 4 4 40 3 SSO 1 170 3 310 1 2 / OJSiO 663Sf /b7 800 /333XO /OSS30 893C 7osa SbOC 7 8io b I70 19oa b91o S190 13bo ^zso 1910 39X0 SbtO 1190 3Sbo S2IO 1110 3 270 ISIO 38IO 1160 3S30 2 800 1 1 70 3290 ZblO 3 9/0 3090 21 so 3470 2 740 2180 3120 2 470 1960 ZSIO 2 boo 2240 20*0 /780 Ib30 2100 1900 1 SIO 2330 /7*a /loo zote /bio / 310 3 ■♦ -♦/ 738- 33 off* 83 bio bb370 SZb30 1130 3S10 2W/0 3 870 3IOO 21b0 3110 27S0 Xiao 3100 2190 /9bO 2920 22SO / 790 ZSfo Zabo /bio Z390 / 900 /SIO 22/0 / 770 /IOC 3 070 /bSO / 310 1910 ISSO 1230 1 720 /3»0 1090 ISSO 1X10 990 1110 IIXO S90 1x90 /O30 930 1190 9S0 7S0 /I/O 891 7O0 /03a sxo bsa 22 000 VOLTS DELIVERED 7 MILES 8 MILES 9 MILES 10 MILES II MILES 12 MILES 13 MILES 14 MILES 16 MILES 16 MILES 18 MILES 20 MILES 22 MILES 24 MILES 26 MILES 28 MILES 30 MILES 6S0 ooo too ooo sso ooo / 033 OOO 9 SI- OOO 87-fSOO a SOO i/200 sbSoo S9 aoo .53 soo 19600 -5"/ 800 17 boo 11 zoo lb boo 1Z800 39700 1x200 38900 3bloo 38 900 3S6O0 33 100 3SB00 3Z9O0 30S00 33 300 30 600 29 100 31 000 27 soo 26 600 29100 2 b 700 21800 2S900 2 3 800 22 1 00 23300 2/400 19 900 XI 100 19100 19 000 /4400 17900 16S00 /7 fOO /»400 IS 200 '6 600 IS 300 11200 /SSOO 13700 I3200 •soo ooo ■tso ooo 3oo 8BOO b9lO SSI a 79/0 bl70 1900 7O30 SSSO 1110 6 390 SOSO 1010 SSbo 4b30 3b70 S1O0 4270 3 3?0 Sozo 3 970 3 ISO 1b90 3 700 29*0 1390 3470 27«0 3910 3090 21S0 asio X790 3x10 3190 2S30 3000 2930 2310 I910 27 00 2110 I690 ZSIO I9SO IS70 3 ■s SX. iS2-» -*' 738 33offy S3e.io *b370 SXb30 S9IO 1610 3b9i -t^ffO 3 980 3 Ibo 13iO 31SO Z760 3 990 3 100 21S0 3 190 z 790 Z2IO 3I70 ZS30 2010 29 10 2320 1 910 2b90 2/40 / 700 2490 /990 /S90 Z310 i860 I170 2190 I710 I3 90 I910 ISSO 1x30 1710 1390 IIOO IS90 /Z70 /OOO 1IS0 II 60 920 1310 /070 SSO l210 990 7*0 33000 VOLTS DELIVERED 12 MILES 14 MILES IS MILES 18 MILES 20 MILES 22 MILES 24 MILES 26 , MILES 28 MILES 30 MILES 32 MILES 36 MILES 40 MILES 44 MILES 48 MILES 62 MILES 66 MILES (>So ooo 600Q00 sso ooo / 033000 9S1000 871SOO 87200 9O2O0 7Sseo 7'» 700 68 800 b1800 bS300 bO ZOO Sb700 SSzoo S3 boo S01Q0 Sz zoo IS zoo 1 S 300 17600 43 900 11 zoo 4 3 700 40200 37700 10 200 37100 31 900 37 400 34400 3240O 31800 32100 30200 J2 6S0 30100 29 300 2-?/J6 300 soo ooo ^soooo '^OO ooo 79SOQO 7'SSOO &3&OO0 6730O boioo SI ooo S7 800 SI Soo 1b3O0 SO boo 1S300 lObOO 1SOOQ 10 ZOO 3bOOO loiao 3b300 3Z100 3 b eoo 33 000 29 soo 3 3 700 JO 200 27000 31100 Z7 900 2SOOO Z9 9ao 3S900 2 3 200 27000 24/ 00 ZI 600 2 5 300 22600 2O300 2 2 SOO 20100 1 9000 xoxoo 1 9 100 IbXOO I9100 I6S00 in 00 /bSoo /tlOO /3SOO 'SSOO 13900 iz soo moo 2?f // 6 10 3SO ooo 300000 2 so OOO SSbSOO ■177000 397 SOO nooo 10200 3 3 700 10 300 31 soo 2 9 800 3S300 30 XOO zszoo 31 100 zb9co 22100 28 Zoo Z1IOO zoxoo 2S700 ZI900 1 9300 23 SOO 20 100 16 SOO zi 700 19600 IS SOO 20200 17300 moo 19 900 IblOO 13 100 17 boo IS 100 IX boo IS 700 13 100 II ZOO 11100 12000 10 100 IZSOO /o9oa 9 /so II TOO /OOOO 81O0 10 Soa 9300 7 7SO 10 100 S6SO 7x00 oooo ooo oo 3.1 1 boo /67 772 /3-iOTf 33b130 a.bb8oo a / / 9SO 283O0 2-2.b00 17 900 21300 I93O0 /S200 2/200 16900 13 300 18 900 IS 000 /I 900 1 7000 ,3 soo lO 7O0 isloo IZ300 9 700 11 200 11300 S900 13 100 10 SOO 8220 IZ200 9t9o 7b20 I1 100 90S0 7120 /O60O 9*SO i 6sa 9 ISO 7 SOO S9oa a soo 67 so S3SO 7700 biso 19SO 7 100 S6Sa 11S0 6 SSO S ZOO 1 1 10 6 loa 1940 3 »/0 o 1 2 /OSSbO bb3Si /b780O /33220 /0SS30 11 ZOO II XOO 9900 /Z200 9 boo 7b20 /O 600 9100 6 blO 91bo 7190 S9Z0 ffSXO b 720 S330 7 7 so bl20 19SO 7100 SbOO 11SO iSSo Sl90 1 100 bo90 19ZO 38 10 S 690 1SOO 3S60 S300 4200 3340 1730 3710 Z960 12bO 3360 2 6 70 3»70 3a 60 X130 3SS0 2900 32 30 3 270 2 S90 2 OSO 3010 2110 1 910 ^3" SXbXI ■91739 33 08f S>3 bio 6b370 7OS0 SbSO -»f 30 ioso 18 SO 39O0 S300 1230 3 330 1700 3760 29*0 1230 3290 X b70 39S0 3090 2*20 3S30 2920 ZX20 32fO ZblO 20S0 3020 2120 1900 2930 2260 1770 2 6SO XI 10 1 660 2 ISO 1990 I1SO 21 10 I690 1330 1920 /SIO / 210 1 760 1110 1110 1 620 1 yoo 1 020 1 SiO 1 XIO rso The heating limitations may, for the shorter distances, particularly if insulated or concealed conductors are employed, necessitate th» ase of larger conductors, resulting in a correspondingly less transmission loss. In the case of insulated or concealed conductors, should the k.v.B. values fall near or to the left of the heavy line, consult Table XXV for insulated or Table XXIII for bare conductors. The reactance for the larger conductors may bo excessive, particularly for eo-cycle service, producing excessive voltage drop. This may be obviated by instaUiii( two or more parallel circuits or using three-conductor cables. For Bin;le-phase circuits the k.v.a. will be one-half the table values. 30 QUICK ESTIMATI.W. TABLES TABLE XVIM-QUICK ESTIMATING TABLE CONDUCTORS KILOVOLT- AMPERES. 3 PHASE. WHICH MAY BE DELIVERED AT THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES OVER THE VARIOUS CONDUCTORS FOR THE DISTANCES STATED. BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING |2r LOSS (EFFECT OF CHARGING CURRENT NEGLECTED) Ajjg.c AT66°0 FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF IOO%-8.66% LOSS- 10.0% LOSS FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF 80%- 10.8% LOSS- 12.6 LOSS CO m COPPER MCA IN cinouLjM MIL* ALUMINUM AREA IN OlltCULAII mxA 40 000 VOLTS DELIVERED 14 MILES le MILES IB MILES 20 MILES 11 MILES 24 MILES 26 MILES 28 MILES 30 MILES 32 MILES 36 MILES 40 MILES 44 MILES 48 MILES 62 MILES 66 MILES 60 MILES iSoooo Aooooa ' 033 ooo ^s^ ooo ST-t SOO //oooo loioao 93foa 99 700 SXOOO SS300 7 SSOO 73 OOQ 74 Soo 70 soo 6 SSOO 70 000 64 Soo S9700 6 4 300 S900O S4-700 S9000 S4SOO SOSOO SSOOO S07OO 4 6 SOO s/3ao + 7300 + 3 700 4 8 000 ++300 + / 000 + 2400 39+00 34.500 38400 3S400 33700 3S0OO 33300 29800 33 /OO 39S00 27 300 2 9^00 27200 2.S2O0 2 7 .TOO 25300 23+00 2.r40O 2 3 400 2/ 800 J-OOOOO •4-SO ooo 400 ooo 79S ooo 7/J'SOO «3»000 S-*6oa 76300 67SOO 74 ooo i^700 S93Q0 6 6 OOO S9300 S3.700 S9200 S3 soo 47 Sao S4aoa 4SS00 43/00 49400 44 Sao 3 9 soo 4S600 41 000 3 4J-00 43 300 38/00 33900 39 £00 3S60O 3/600 e7ooo 33300 29 700 33 000 29400 2 6400 39600 26700 33700 37000 2 + 200 2/400 2+700 22200 /9 800 2 2 80c 20^00 /8200 21 /oa /9oao '6900 /9 700 /78O0 /SSOO 3S0 ooo 300 ooo zso coc SS6 -TOO H77 ooc 3*>7S'oo S9000 SO60C 4 3 300 SI 700 37 OOO 4S900 3930O 3 3 9O0 ■41 300 3S40O 39 600 3 7 400 32aoo 2 4 900 34+00 39sao 34700 31 SOO 27200 2 2 800 39 SOO 3S300 3 1 /OO 37 SOO 23400 /9 700 ZSSOO 22/00 /SSOO 33000 /9 700 /&4O0 3 700 /7 700 /4SOO /SSOO /6/0O /3SOO /7 300 /+700 /2 300 /S90O /3 6O0 //+00 /4700 /3 600 /O600 /3 Soo /I soo 9 SSO oooo OOQ OO XI I 400 /*777J /33079 336-fao 2*& eoo a / / fs'o 3S7O0 XS^OO 3a-*oo 31 S.OO ZASOO /9<»0O 27 SOO 3-X/OO /74O0 2SOO0 /9 900 /S7O0 21700 /8/00 / + 2O0 20 SOO /6 600 /3 /OO /9200 /S300 /X/OO /7S00 /4200 / / 200 /li700 /3200 /0400 /S600 /Z400 tsoo /3900 // 000 8 7/0 /3SOO 9 9 SO 7 840 //400 9040 7/30 /O+OO 8230 4 .S30 96/0 76S0 6030 8 930 7 / /O S60O 8330 4430 .5'230 o / 2 /OSJ^O 6b3Sg /*7 »00 /33 2JO /oss3a 17 SOO /■^ too //30Q /S^OO /2.300 9 900 /3900 / o 900 g 7/0 72 SOO 9 SSO 7?-»0 // 300 S9SO 7/30 70400 S330 6S40 9 620 7S90 6030 8930 7QSO S600 8 330 6SS0 S33a 7 8/0 6 /70 4900 6 940 S49a 4 360 63SO + 9 + 3920 S6S0 4490 3S60 S3/a 4 //o 3370 4 8/0 3 soa 3O30 + + 40 3i30 2 800 4170 3 290 3 6/0 3 ^a4S4 S3A40 0-370 .SX&30 7P40 7070 ,5-4/o 7 7 SO 6190 4»»0 SSOO + 370 csoo ■49SO 3^30 S640 4SO0 3S70 ■sno 4 /3Q J280 4770 3 SIO 3020 4430 3S40 3SIO + /30 3300 2420 3 970 3090 2460 344a 2 7 JO 3 /So 3 /OO 2+80 / 940 2S20 2 2Sa / 790 3 SSo 3 0&0 /640 3 380 / 9/0 7S/0 22/0 / 770 /+00 2 070 / 6SO /3/0 44 OOO VOLTS DELIVERED 14 MILES 16 MILES 18 MILES 20 MILES 22 MILES 24 MILES 26 MILES 28 MILES 30 MILES 32 MILES 36 MILES 40 MILES 44 MILES 48 MILES 61 MILES 66 MILES 60 MILES « ^o ooo oo /«7 77a /33 07f 336 -fao 366800 311 9SO ■i3xoo 3-»-»0o 27 /OO 37900 30/00 2 3 7O0 33700 2 4»00 2 / /OO 30 300 34/00 /9000 37 SOO 3/ 900 /7300 3S3(^ 30 /OO /SSOO 33 300 /SSOO /4600 2/400 /73O0 /3S00 20 200 /6 000 /3 6O0 /S9SO /SOSO // SSO /6S00 /3/4O0 /OSOO /S/oa /3 000 9 Soo /370a /090O S6S0 /3 600 /O 000 790a // 600 92SO 7300 /a soo 8 400 6 7S0 / / 00 800a 6300 o / 2 /OS J to S3 *f-f / 67 800 733S.O0 /ossao 2/700 /7/00 /3S00 I9 90O /■*9oo 1 1 900 /< VOO /3 300 /S-9 0aO S7-tSOO / 73O00 /•Sfooo 1^^000 /44OO0 /33000 /33000 >2-f000 //4ooe /06000 /osooo 99SOO 93 soo f 4000 »».roo 82200 94400 000 sso 000 9S'9 000 87-* .5-00 XlOOOO I93OO0 178 OQO 17* 00c /6/ 000 /48QO0 /So 00c / 39 000 /X70QQ /3/QOO txoooo / / / 000 //&OO0 /07000 99000 /osaoa 94 200 9920C 9S300 3 7 soo 9/ aoQ sysoo 90 soo 80X00 7-f aoo 74 zoo 69 700 7.5'0O0 *ff»oo iZSOC «»»oo tssoa SBooAszsoc 47too 43700I40400 t4300 tOOOO S3 SOO\4»IOO 43 7O0 40/00137/00 S9SOO SSSOO 49 Sao\44iOO 40S0i 37/oo\il-w,° ^So 000 ^00 000 79S 000 7/ SSOO 4>3t>000 f 6/000 J4SOO0 /3OO00 / 34 OQO /xi 000 /08000 / J SOOO /040O0 9X700 /o/ 000 9/ oao 8/000 89 soo 90700 7X000 90 soa 72 700 ASOOO 73 300 4 6 000 ^9000 syaoo iOSOC SI 00a izooo s&ooo so 000 S7t00 SI 900 9&3oa S370C 4* Joe 433O0 ^0^00 44 700 40200 3ttOO 3 3 SOO 31000 4SS00 4O300 3&30O 33000 3OZ00 ZtOOO 40 SOO JtOOO 3ZSOO X9.^oo ZTOae J rnnn 3SO 000 300 000 zso 000 SS4, Soo -*77 OQO 39 7 SOO naooo 94000 80 soo 94000 80000 4>7XO0 90 Soo 49700 S7400 70 Soo 40000 so soo ^2 soo S3 soo 44 700 S4S0O 4 9 000 *O3O0 s-/ soo 43700 3 47O0 47200 ■40000 33ioO 43S00 37000 3/000 40 soa 34 300 XSSOO 3 7 700 3ZOO0 Zt9oo 3SZ0C 3/ ZOO 30 000 Z^7O0 ZSZOO 22300 ZSZOO ZS700 Z3t06 24000 Zl Soo ZOOOO Zl 700 / 8JOO 000 00 /67 77Z /33 079 33h -^ZO a. €6 s-oo a. f 1 9S0 48O00 S4OO0 42 soo S(,7oo 4SO00 3SSO0 49700 39^00 30400 4ZS00 33 900 a.4itOQ 37700 30 too 3.3700 34000 27 /OO 2/300 31 000 24600 /930O 3»3ao ZISOO 17700 Z 6 IQO Zofoo Ii300 Z43O0 I9300 IS^OO ZX700 la/oa /4ZO0 Zl ZOO lt9oo /3 300 /y»oo /sooo 17000 13 SOO /o too ISSOO /2300 9tS0 /4/00 i/zoa SSSO 13000 /O4O0 S ISO 3 /OS-SSO /67 Soa /33 33.0 /ass3o 34 000 Z7000 XI 300 2 9400 xasoo /7 8C0 X4300 /9300 /szoo 2/ 300 /6 800 /3 30O /8 900 /sooo //too /7000 /3S00 /a 400 /SSOO /ZXOO *f700 /4a.oo //zoo S900 /3/QO /0400 9 ZOO /zzoo 9 too 7 too 1 1300 g9oo 7IOO /otoo S400 4.tSO 94SO 7 soo S900 SSOO i7S0 S300 7 7S0 4/00 4 SSO 7/00 stoo 4 4S0 tsso SZOO AlOO -4 4/ 73ff »3 640 4^ 370 /i,8oo /3SQO /400Q // 200 /2 000 9400 /osoo 9400 9 300 7 soo 84QO 6 700 7400 4/00 7000 S600 6400 .5500 tooo ■ffoo Stoo 4SOO SXSO 43.10 4 47o| 4200 3tZ0 3 7SA 337S 3 070 3 soo 38/0 3 2*0 z too 70 000 VOLTS DELIVERED 36 MILES 40 MILES 44 MILES 48 MILES 62 MILES 66 MILES 80 MILES 64 MILES 72 MILES eo MILES 88 MILES 86 MILES 104 MILES 112 MILES 120 MILES 128 MILES 144 MILES ^00 000 1 033 000 fS'f OQO 974 SOO /3000Q IZQQQQ i/XOOO //8OO0 /0 8000 / 00 000 /07000 9 9 soo *f/XOO 99000 90 soo 93 soo 9O40O 83 soo 77 soo 84 000 77S0O 7/ 70^ 7 940Q 7230O 4? 000 73.100 67 700 *i4oo a SSOO &0300 SSSOO S9000 S4000 so 000 S3 soo 4-9 ZOO 4 SiOO 49000 4S10O 4-/ 700 4 J 300 4/ 700 37700 42000 37700 3SSOO 3»3o<: 3^/00 3 3 ZOO 3 4 700 33 SOO 31 300 3Z700 30100 Z7900 soo 000 ■4 so 000 ^00 000 79S 000 7/S SOO 63* 000 /O/OOO 90800 ^0 roo 90 soo B'6oo 7Z 700 82 soo 74 2.00 44/00 7SS00 49x00 4/ XOO S2700 4S/00 37900 49700 4 1 700 34900 4S2O0 39700 3Z400 4X200 34/00 30200 39 soo 33900 ze-aoo ~3SIO0 JO 100 zszoo 3/600 57/00 Z17O0 Z^soo Z4too 2 400 .24400 Z7ioo IS900 Z4300 20 800 /74O0 22 too 19300 It ZOO Zl 100 /SOOO /SIOO 19 TOO /t90o /I Zoo /- too /sooo /ztoo 0000 000 21/ 4>00 /A7 77a /33079 33<» 4-ZO a / 1 9SO -^xsoo 33 900 X47oa 383O0 304OO X4 000 34900 X7 700 2/ soo 3/900 2S400 zoooo 29400 23400 /8400 27300 XI 700 / 7 /OO 2 SSOO 2O3O0 /4 000 ;i3'?oo /9 000 /sooo Zl ZOO /t900 13 300 19 100 /SZOO 12 000 /74O0 /3S00 /090O IS900 iz 700 zoooo 14700 /I 700 fZ40 13 too /0900 SSSO /ztoo 10 100 sooo 1 / 900 9SZO 7SO0 / 4,00 g460 <«70 / 2 /o€fS^O 9Z 69'f «A 3S-9 /67 9oa /33 220 /0^S30 2/200 /6 800 /3300 /f/oo /SJOO /XOOO /7400 /3700 /0900 /S90Q /2 4oo /QOOO /4 700 //600 9240 / 3 6,00 /O8O0 8Sto /Z700 /Q /OO Sooo /3O0O 9-tSo 7S0O /O ^00 8400 4*70 9S70 7S60 OQO 88.500 ^XOOO 8 SSOO 78SQO 72900 77000 7/000 6SS00 70000 t4O00 S9S00 ^4000 S9000 SSOOO S9 000 S4-SOO SO SOO SSOOO so soo 44900 SI 000 47700 •+3*00 4 8 000 44 200 4/ 000 42700 3f 200 34400 Soo 000 •4 so 000 ^00 000 79SOOO 7fSSOO 434000 / 3 3.000 /iSooo 1 OS 000 / /9000 JO7O0O 94900 J 08 QOO 97000 8^300 99000 88 800 79/00 9/S00 32000 73000 &SOOO 76ZQO 47 800 79000 7/000 4 3 300 74200 6i7ao S9300 6 4 000 S920O SX700 S9SOO S3 soa 47400 S4 000 4SSOO 43/00 47 soo 44400 39 soo 45700 ■41 000 3iSO0 42 JOO 38/00 33900 39SOC 3SS0C 3/ too 37/00 33300 Z9tOO 33000 2»400 2 4 300 3SO 000 300 000 2SO QOO SS4 SOO ^77000 39 7 SOO 91 Boo ys&oo ASBOO 9X400 70 900 S9200 7S/00 44300 S3 900 68 9oa S9O00 4 ^400 43400 S4400 4S400 S9000 so soo 42300 SS/OO •47X00 39 SOO S/600 44 zoo 37 000 4S900 393Q0 32900 41 300 3S400 Z9 too 37 soo 3ZIO0 ZC900 34400 Z9SOO 24700 3/ Soo Z7ZO0 2 2 800 29 Soo ZS30O Zt 1 00 27 SOO 2 3400 11700 zo soo ZX 100 1 SSOO 2J»O0 /»40O It400 0000 000 00 2 1 > ^00 /J3 079 33^430 X 1 1 9 SO SSSOO -♦■»J00 So OQO 39900 3/300 4S4O0 36XOO Z8SOQ 'i-l 700 33 100 X4,/OQ 33400 30 600 24 /OQ 3S7ao 2840O ZX400 3 3 300 Z4 SOO xo 9oo 31 ZOO Z4800 1 9 iOO Z78O0 2x100 /7400 ZSOOO 19 900 /SiOO 2 2 700 IS 100 14 ZOO 20 SOO I i^tOO /3 /OO /f 200 /S300 /z 100 1 7 soo 14 ZOO /I 200 It 700 /3Z00 70 400 istoo IZ 400 9 soo 13 900 1/000 8 700 1 /OSS^O S3 69-^ f47 SOO /33 ZZO /o*r^3o Z7B00 3.1900 2SOOO /4700 /S7oa zi 700 /7 900 /4XOO Z0800 /4400 /3 /OO /9200 /SXOO /X /OO J? 900 /4 1 00 / / zoo /4 70a /3 /OO /040a IS 600 /Z 300 9»oo /3900 /a 900 9 7/0 IZSOO 9Sto 7»40 /I 300 8990 7/30 /0400 8230 4 J30 9tio 7 too 6 030 8930 7OS0 SiOO 8330 tsso S330 7 tlO 4 /70 4900 4T40 J-4f0 4340 88 000 VOLTS DELIVERED 36 MILES 40 MILES 44 MILES 48 MILES 62 MILES 66 MILES 80 MILES 64 MILES 72 MILES 60 MILES 88 MILES 96 MILES 104 MILES 112 MILES 120 MILES 128 MILES 144 MILES 4S0 000 400 000 %SSO 000 / 033 000 9S4 000 87'* SOO X07000 /91 OQO I7700Q /86O00 17/ OQQ /S9000 / 49 000 IS400C /■*-*000 /SSOOO /43000 /3Z000 /*3000 /3XO0O /2-2.O0O /33000 12X000 //3000 124000 //4000 /0 4 000 uiooo / 07 000 It soo /03000 9SS0Q 88 200 93O00 SSSOO 79 soo S4S00 7 a 000 72 000 77 soo 7/S00 ^0000 7/ soo tiooo t/000 tiSOO tiooo St soo 4 2 000 S7000 S3 000 Sfoao S3 Sao 49 700 Si Soe 47700 44100 Soo 000 ■9 so 000 4OQ ODO 79s QOO 7/S SOO 434 OQ /S9000 /*300Q /Z8O00 /43000 /X90O0 //SOOO 131 000 //7C00 /05COO /zoooo /07000 94'r>Q0 / 1 1 coo 99000 99700 /0 2O00 ^2000 82 soo 94000 8^000 76 900 90000 Saioo 7ZOOO 90000 7/ SOO 44 000 7/ SOO i4SOO S7SOO issoo SSSOO szsoo to 000 S3iOO 4 SOOO SSSOO 49 soo 44300 51 000 4teoo 4 ' 200 49000 43 000 3S400 4SOOO 903OO 3tOOO 40000 3S700 3x000 3S0 000 300 000 2SO 000 s-s^ Soo •477 000 397SOO 1/ 1000 9SOO0 79SOO lOQOOO 8SSQQ 7 /soo 9/ 200 79000 iSOOO 93 soo 7/SQO S9 9O0 77200 460OO SSOOO 7/40Q 4/XOQ Si QOO k,7000 S72OO 4790a 6X700 ■J3i00 -»■» soo SS800 47700 39 Soo SO 000 42 700 3S 700 4Stoo 39000 3XS00 41 7SO 3S 700 2?fOO 3 stoo 33000 Z7SOO 3 SSOO 30 too zssoo 33SOO zsteo Z390O 3/ 300 24800 J 2400 Z7 90O Z3S00 19900 0000 000 00 Zi 1 AOO /67 7 7Z /33 079 3244ZO 2 6£ SOO X / 1 9SO 47X00 S3 Soo •4Z30Q 6 osoo 49200 39000 SSOOO 43900 3-t^OO sSOSao 40 300 J/ 700 4iX00 37000 29300 43 zoo 34400 27200 40300 32X00 2S400 37 Soo 30Z00 xseoo 3 3 400 X490C 2.1 ZOO 30 ZOO 24/00 19100 Z7SOO 2/ 900 /7300 ZSZOO 20 100 IS Soo 23200 ISSOO /4 too Zl too I7ZOO /3 too ZOIOO li 100 IX 700 / 8 900 IS 100 II 900 itsoo 1340a to too 1 / os-s^o 83 694 / 47 »oo /33 2ZO /OS S30 33700 XCSOO Xl /oo 30 300 X39O0 /9000 X7400 XI700 /7200 2S30O /99QO /S80O 23300 / 9 300 1*600 2I700 /7 000 /3SOO ZQ200 /s 90Q iz 400 /9000 14900 II 900 14900 /J 200 / SOO /SIOO It 900 9 soo 13 SOO 'OS JO 9KiO IZ too 9 too 7900 II too 9 100 7 300 10 SOO SSOO 4700 10 100 7900 t300 9 SOO 7400 S900 8400 t too SZOO The loss due to corona will not be excessive with any of the above conductors used at nea level for the voltaRes slated. For elevatioDi above ses level, checlc the values with Table XXII. especially for the smaller conductors. On lonK circuits of high voltaje, the eflFecl of charging current (also corona and leakage losses) will be to increase or decrease the I R loss, depending on the amount of load and its power- factor. See Fig. 13 32 QUICK ESTIMATING TABLES TABLE XX-QUICK ESTIMATING TABLE CONDUCTORS KILOVOLT- AMPERES. 3 PHASE. WHICH MAY BE DELIVERED AT THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES OVER THE VARIOUS CONDUCTORS FOR THE DISTANCES STATED. BASED UPON THE FOLLOWINQ (Sr lqsS (EFFECT OF CHARGING CURRENT f^E^^EC™ AT25»C ATefi«C FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF IOO%-8.66% LOSS- 10 0% LOSS FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF 80?fr- 1 8% 1 n5'7 000 6 6 000 S9SOQ S3 000 (,2 ooo sssoo 49400 S8000 S2000 •46 300 S/SOO ■4(0600 ■41200 ^(oSOO ■4 1 700 37 100 -J22O0 3»ooo 33700 39700 3-»700 30900 3S700 33/00 2 9 SOO ■3S0 OOO 300 OOO 2SO OOO ■SS6 -SOO -♦77000 397J-00 9f-f00 S'S/OO 7/200 9Z300 7fooo 4.S/00 8h/oo 73700 6/ 700 90700 69/00 S7900 7/ 900 ^/ 400 s/ 400 ^9S00 SS300 ■46300 S9 700 S0 300 •42 / 00 S3 900 46 /OO 38600 *9700 .4 2 SOO 3S 600 46/CO 3 9 SOO 3 3 000 43000 3 4>9oo 30800 ■40300 JfSOO 29900 3S900 30 700 2S700 32 300 27600 33/00 39300 3S/00 31 000 2«foO 23000 /*300 34 SOO Zl ZOO 17 SOO oooo OOO OO 311 too /«7 77» . /33 079 336 -?20 Zii SOO 3/1 9SO 60/00 47S00 37700 SSSao 3SOOQ sz/00 41400 32700 ■49 eoo 38900 30 6>00 43400 34 SOO 27ZOO 39000 3 / /OO 2-4 SOO SSSOO Z8ZOO 2 2 300 32 SOO ZS9oa ::o4oo 30000 23900 /»goo 27 900 22 200 /7 SOO 2 6 000 20700 /6 3O0 24-too I9-400 /s 300 21 700 17 200 /3 600 /9SO0 /SSOO /2 300 n 700 /♦/OO // 100 16 200 /2 900 /0 200 /SOOO II 900 9 4oe o /oS'fto it7 eoo /33 Z30 /0SS3O 30000 33700 /esoo Z7900 ZXOOQ J7SOO 2 4>QQO 3.0^00 /&3O0 24-400 /9300 /S300 21 700 /7/00 /3^0O I9SOO /S400 12 200 / 7 700 /■9OOO // /OO /6>300 / X 900 /0200 /S 000 / / 900 ■?-)00 /3foo // 000 9700 /3000 /0300 9200 / 3300 9600 7600 /OSOO 8600 6 SOO 9 SOO 7700 6 /OO 9900 7 000 S600 S/oo 6-400 S/oo 7 SOO S900 4 7oa 110 000 VOLTS DELIVERED 52 MILES 56 MILES 60 MILES 64 MILES 72 MILES 80 MILES 88 MILES 96 MILES 104 MILES 112 MILES 120 MILES 128 MILES 144 MILES 160 MILES 176 MILES 192 MILES 208 MILES tSO OOO too OOO ^s^o OOO / 033 OOO 9S^ OOO V7-t SOO aa-4000 2.04>000 /7OO0 Sf9oO 70000 &3 000 S^/OO 62SQ0 S600O ■49800 S6O00 So SOO ■4490a SI 000 ■4S900 40800 4 6 700 ■42000 37 400 43000 3»»00 3 4 SOO 3SO o6o 300 OOO ZSO OOO S'St SOO ^77 OOO 3 97 ^OO JXQQOO /0300C 96, /OO III OOO fs^oo so 000 /04000 89Z00 74700 97700 83600 70000 9L900 74-30Q 62 SOO 79/00 66900 S6 00O 7/000 60 800 so 600 6S/O0 ss 700 ■4b600 60/00 S/Soo ■^3 /OO SS900 ■f 7 900 40 000 SZ/QO 44 600 37300 ■48 800 ■41 eoo 3SOOO ■43*00 373/0 3 1 1 00 39/00 33-fOO ZSooo 3SSOO 30^400 3S300 33 SOO 31900 2JJJJ 30000 3S7O0 3 1 SOO oooo OOO OO 211 t,oo /(,7 772 /33 07f 336-J20 z&i, eoo 311 9so 73700 S7 900 ■4SA00 ^7 SOO •S3 700 42300 63OO0 ySO /OO 39 SOO S9 /OO ■^7000 37000 S2Soa ■4/ 900 32900 ■47200 37600 29^00 4-2900 34-200 26900 39400 3 / 300 24 70O 3h300 2S9O0 3 2 too 33700 Z(^9oo 2/ /OO 3 /SOO ZS /OO If 900 39 SOO 2 3 SOO /SSOO 2 6 200 30900 / 6400 2 3 600 19 SOO /■4SOO 2 1 SOO 17 1 00 /3SOO 19 700 /S600 1 2300 IS300 14400 /I 400 /67 ffOO /33a»o 3i30fi 29 700 2(,ioO 3 /SOO Ji49oo 29 SOO Z3 3QO ZhZOO 2070a 2S600 /9600 2/^900 /h900 /9700 /ssoo /% / 00 /-f 300 J6900 /3300 /S700 /Z400 /I 700 II 670 13129 /0300 // 800 9300 / 700 SSOO 9 SOO 7 SOO 9/00 7200 120 000 VOLTS DELIVERED 64 MILES 72 MILES 80 MILES 88 MILES 96 MILES 104 MILES 112 MILES 120 MILES 128 MILES 144 MILES 160 MILES 176 MILES 192 MILES 208 MILES 224 MILES 240 MILES 256 MILES tSO OOO 600 OOO SSO OOO / 033 ooo 'iS^ ooo S7-9 SOO /*?9ooa /S-^ooo /93.00c 177000 /&4000 /73OO0 /4>oooe /48O0O IS700Q I4SOO0 / 34 000 144000 /33OO0 /23000 /3300c J 23000 //3000 123 000 //4OOO /OSOOO /JSOOO 706000 9S,foo /OSooo /OOOOO 9 2 SOO 9^000 ^9 SOO 82000 9^ SOO 9QQQQ 74000 7SSO0 72 SOO (s7O00 72000 &6S00 61 SOO t6SO0 6/SOO S6SO0 6/SOO S7000 S3 SOO -r7^oo ^■3000 ■f9 200 S4 000 SOOOO 46 200 ■SOO OOO 4SO OOO 400 OOO 7?S OOO 7/S SOO 63hOOO /4,7O0O /SO 000 /^3000 /4HOOO /33O0C 1/9000 / 3 3000 /ZOOOO / 0700a /2/O0O /ofooa *f7/00 // / 000 /OOOOO 89 000 /02OOO fzsoo S3 100 9SOOO 8^000 7^300 S9000 JO 000 7/300 Z3SO0 7Saoo 6 6 700 74000 4><,SOO S9300 ^4, SOO 60000 S3 ^00 60 SOO S4SO0 9-SSOO sssoo SOOOO ■4ASOO S/000 46200 ■4 1 /OO 47SO0 4ZOOO 38/00 4 4 SOO 40O00 3S60O 41 700 3 7 SOO 33300 JSO OOO 300 OOO ZSO OOO SStSOO ■^77 OOO 397 SOO //60OO f9ooo 93000 i 03000 8&SOO 74/00 9300a 6 6 7O0 9^ SCO 7Z-^0O 40AOO 77 SOO 4,4,-ioo sssoo 7/ SOO 6/ZOQ S/ZOO 6S-40O Sh9O0 47^00 63 OOO S3/00 ■*1fao ss/00 ■49SOO ■Hiao SI^OO 4-43-00 37 000 46>SOO 39 900 33300 ■42 20a 36 300 30300 39 700 33IOO 27 700 3SSoa 30600 2S6O0 33200 2S-40 2 3 800 31 000 26 SOO 32200 39/00 24 800 20 Sao oooo OOO Zl 1 *oo /6777i J34420 7O300 SiOQO ■4-^ /OO &ZSOO ^9700 39 ZOO S6 2oa 3.530C •s/ too 4-0 700 32 too 46 900 37300 29400 43 2QO 3440Q 27 100 40/00 32000 ZSZOO 3 7S00 39SO0 33SOO 3S/00 29000 33 000 3/ ZOO Z-9 800 /_3^0Q 38/OQ 3Z3Q0 /7 60Q 2 SSOO 30300 /6000 23-4->0 /Shoo I-4700 31 600 17 300 /3SOO 20 100 /6 000 /2600 /S 700 /4 900 /I 700 17 Sao I4O00 II 000 /t7 eoo JS/09 3 tZOO 2.9/ 00 zsi.00 2 3400 Zl 600 2a /OO /8 700 /7SOO /Shoo /4OO0 /3 700 // 700 /o 900 /OOOO 9iao SSOO 132 000 VOLTS DELIVERED 64 MtLES 72 MILES 80 MILES 88 MILES 96 MILES 104 MILES 112 MILES 120 MILES 128 MILES 144 MILES 160 MILES 176 MILES 192 MILES 208 MILES 224 MILES 240 MILES 256 MILES ^SO OOO too OOO ^S^SO OOO 1 033 OOO fS^OOO 97-^ SOO %i.2ooa s.^ 2 000 323000 Z33O00 z/sooa /98OO0 z/0000 /93O0O /78O00 /9/ 000 1 74, 000 /^2ooo /7SOOO /&/ 000 /490OO /b/000 /48000 ,3700a /SOOOO /■a 8 000 /28O00 /■joooo /Z1OO0 jo'fooo /3/ 000 /2/ 000 / 12 ooo i/4>ooo /07 000 99000 /OSOOO 96 SOO S90OO 9SS00 88000 8/ 000 »7J^O0 SO SOO 7-4 SOO ?o^oo 7^+000 69 SOO 7SOOO 69000 64 00a 70 000 A 4 SOO S4SOO 6SS00 6 OSOO S6 000 SOO OOO ■9-Soooo •400 OOO 79s OOO 7/S SOO t36000 Zozooo /8SOOO /h'iOOO / 79 000 /&JOO0 /44000 /&/ 000 /4SOO0 / 29 000 / 47 000 /320O0 //^OOO /3400c /z 1 000 /08000 /240OQ /1 2000 /OOOOO i JSOOO /0-4000 /07000 9 A SOO fi-soe /OlOOQ 9o9qo 9/000 99 SOO 90 SCO 7ZOOO ^OSOO 73 SOO t'^Soa 73 SOO 66000 S9OO0 67000 iosoo S'fOOO 62QOO S6 000 SOOOO S7SOO S2 000 46 300 S3SOO 48 400 43300 SSO SO 4S400 40 SOO 3SO OOO 3QOOOO ZSO OOO SSt SOO ■977 OOO 377v5'O0 / 40 000 JZQQOO /OOOOO fZSOOQ J0700Q S9 300 J/XOOO 9i>000 SO SOO /ozooo 37SOO 73000 9 3 SOO 90000 67000 96 SOO 74000 zooo wo SOO 6S700 ■S7S0 7S0OO £-f 000 .53700 70 300 6,0000 so 200 &ZS00 S3 SOO -44 600 S6000 •i-Sooo ■i-oaoo SI 000 ■4-3700 36S00 ■4t.7SO ■40000 33 SOO ■43 200 37000 31000 ■^0200 343O0 2 8 700 37Soe 32000 36S00 3S/00 30000 3S/00 OOOO z/ / too 336-»20 zttsoo Zf 1 9SO ssooo 7SSOO 60 200 ■47,500 A9000 S-fZOO -42700 S/80O 49300 3W8oa S6 7O0 4S200 3S400 S230Q 41 700 3 2900 -4 9 SOO 3 9 70O 30 SOO -».f300 36100 3tsao 42 SOO 33900 Z6 800 37 700 30/00 Z370O 3-4O0O 27/00 2/300 30900 2-f *00 /9-400 2y3oo 2260a I7800 3 6 /OO 20900 /6^400 24 ZOO /9300 /S200 23 600 /Soao /4300 21200 /69O0 /3 400 140 000 VOLTS DELIVERED 64 MILES 72 MILES 80 MILES 88 MILES 96 MILES 104 MILES 112 MILES 120 MILES 128 MILES 144 MILES 160 MILES 176 MILES 192 MILES 208 MILES 224 MILES 240 MILES 266 MILES 6 so OOO too OOO SSO OOO / 033 OOO 9S-f OOO B7-tSOO 29SOO0 Z73000 ZS/OOO zezooo 242000 3-23000 23 AOOO xnooo 2QIO0O 2/SOOC /470OO /9ZOQO ^9^000 /81OQO /A 7000 /n/000 tia7000 ISSOQC /6900C /S6000 /43Q00 /S7000 /■fSOOO /3-4000 /47000 136000 /26OO0 /3JOOO /2/000 *// 000 //Sooo /oSooo /OOOOO / 07000 9 SSOO ■f/000 9 6000 90SOO S3SOO 90 SOO 8-iSOO 77S00 9-i-ooo 79000 7/SOC 7SSO0 72 SOO 67O0O 73S00 69 000 63 000 SOO OOO ■t-SO OOO ■900 OOO 79S ooo 7/S SOO ^3t OOO 303000 /ejooo 201 000 /»/ 000 i4tlO00 / 9/ Ooo /A3000 /4SOO0 /^sooc /49 OOa /32 OQC /Si 000 /3SOOC 12/ OOO I4000C ISSOOO .'/2 000 /30000 / /600Q J04OQQ /3IOOO /0 9000 969O0 / /3aoo /02000 90900 / 1 000 90400 8Q800 90 700 91-^00 72700 Si SOO 7-»ooo 66/00 7S6CO 67 SOO 60 600 69 SOO 63 600 SS900 ^4 eoo S8/00 Sl 900 60 SOO S4 300 49400 S6700 SO SOO 4S400 3S0 OOO 300 OOO ZSO OOO SS6SOO ■477 OOO 397SOO /58-OO0 /3S-000 //3000 / -40000 120000 /o / 000 /270OO /oSooo 90700 1 /Soao 9 9SOO 9 2 SOO /OSQOO 903O0 7SAO0 97400 9340c &9^oo 90 400 77400 ^4900 e--*-4oo 72200 60 SOO 79/00 4>77O0 S6 700 70 300 60200 ■So 400 63300 S420O ■ts^too S7SOO ■4930a ■41 :ioo S3700 ■4S/00 37 SOO ■49700 ■41 700 3A900 4S2O0 39700 32400 42200 3 6 /OO 3O20O 39iOO 3 3 900 2S3O0 oooo 2// too 336-*20 Ztt ^OO 3 1 / 9SO 'r SS4ao ■43700 C38oa So 9oo '^OOOC S9 90C -4 6900 3 6900 S4700 4 3 €00 34 300 s/000 ■*o6oa 33000 ■47900 39/00 OOOOO 42 SOO 33 900 3 4,700 3 9 300 3OSO0 3-*ooo 3-4SOO X7 700 31 SOO 31900 3S-4oa 30000 39-400 33400 /SSOO 27300 z/9oa /7/00 3 SSOO 20 300 / ioOO 3390O /9ooe /SOOO The loss due to corona will not be excessive with any of the above conductors used at sea level for the voltages stated. For elevations above sea level, check the values with Table XXII, especially for the smaller conductors. On long circuits of high voltage, the effect of charging current (also corona and leakage losses) will be to increase or decrease the I'B loss, depending on the amount of load and its power- factor. See Fin. 13 QUICK ESTIMATING TABLES 33 HEATING LIMITATIONS The k.v.a. values given in these tables do not take into account the heating and consequently carrying cap- acity of the conductors. This may be ignored in the case of the longer overhead high-voltage transmission circuits. For very short circuits (especially for the lower voltages and particularly for insulated or con- cealed conductors) the carying capacity (safe heating limits) of the conductors must be carefully considered. approximately the point at which the carrying capacity of that particular conductor is reached if insulated and installed in a fully loaded four duct line. If the con- ductor is to be installed in a duct line having more than four ducts its Opacity will be still further reduced. The position of this line is based upon the use of lead covered, paper insulated, three conductor, copper cables for sizes up to 700000 circ. mils and of lead covered, paper insulated, single conductor, copper cables for the larger sizes. In other words, the position of this heavy TABLE XXI-QUICK ESTIMATING TABLE CONDUCTORS KILOVOLT. AMPERES. 3 PHASE WHICH MAY BE DELIVERED AT THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES OVER THE VARIOUS CONDUCTORS FOR THE DISTANCES STATED. BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING |2r LOSS (EFFECT OF CHARGING CURRENT FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF IOO%-8 66% LOSS- 10 0% LOSS FOR LOAD POWER-FACTOR OF 8CWfr- 10.8% LOSS- 12.5 LOSS COPPER AREA IN CIRCULAR MILS ALUMINUM AREA IN CIRCULAR MILS 154,000 VOLTS DELIVERED 98 MILES 104 MILES 112 MILES 120 MILES 128 MILES 144 MILES 160 MILES 176 192 MILES MILES 208 MILES 7U MILES 240 MILES 256 MILES 288 MILES 320 MILES 352 MILES 384 MILES, 6S0 000 600 000 SSO 000 / 033 000 954 000 8 74 SOO 237 SOC ZI9 OOO 202 000 2I9SOO 202 OOO 1^7000 203 .SOO IS7i00 1 73 000 190 000 175000 161 SOO I7SS00 I6i000 IS 1 SOO iMsoo I4^.sr:c 134 SOO 142 son :Zi Skiu 121 300 139^0.- 119 SOO 110 200 IISSOO I09S0O 101 000 JO9S00 lot 000 93 30O 102000 93 SOO 96 600 9 J 000 S7J00 80 800 89 000 92000 7S700 7930O 73 000 67300 7/300 H go hr (-^) logv . {21) (e — Co) ^ lo--' {22) F. W. PEEK S CORONA FORMULAE Disruptive Critical Volts, Fair Weather (parallel wires) fo = 2.302 niogo 8 r logm— {20) effective kv to neutral, — Visual Critical Volts — Fair Weather (parallel wires) s r effective kv to neutral Power Loss (fair weather) — P -'f {/ + ^5) ^T kw per mile of each conductor Power Loss {Storm) — Storm power loss is higher and can generally be found with fair approximation by assuming o 46 it If 49 4% 44 73 260 000 676 SEA LEVEL tooo 2000 1 IZ m '09 ll'j /04 "0 '2.4 /2« /IO /2- iii Hi 131 134 137 I4Z 14s /49!'55/6b /27 'Jo I3Z 137 140 /44 '50 /SS liZ IZS /ZS /3Z I3S '3f '45/49 6C00 SOOO ■io ■99 ■9S ■91 SO ■9b 43 SI 48 ^■9 S3 49 ■ft ^•4 SO 44 SS SI ■47 57 SZ 49 58 S9 SS SI 6/ 5-4 J-2 43 SS Sf 4000 eooo aooo 9i 89 83 /Oi '07 94 99 87 9' no 1 13 1 IS loz los 107 94 96 98 /'8 no 101 /ZZ IZS IZ8 '33 13a 113 1 H / 19 '24 '28 /05 '07 "0 114 1 IS lOOOp . ■SOOO •4 000 37 3-t 3i. 3g 3S 33 -40 37 34 ■41 38 3S ■9Z 39 34 43 40 37 44 40 37 45 1? 44 42 39 47 44 40 ^1 42 so ft ■93 10.000 12000 MOOO 77 IL 8/ 75 49 !l 98 SI 75 1% 71 92 94 Io' 97 90 83 99 92 8S /oz lot 94 98 87 91 I/O /ox ff 3 26G filA LEVEL 1000 3000 S7 SS iZ io ss 64 6Z to it it iZ 48 44 43 49 47 44 70 15 72 70 47 74 7* 74 7/ 73 81 79 74 300 000 630 SEA LEVEL ■ 000 2000 IZO /ZS '32 '38 /'6 /24 '28 /34 1 IZ 119 1 ^3 IZi I4Z 145 I4« /38 '40 /43 /32 /3S '38 /Sri '48 /43 'SS 'tl li? '74 'S3 'St /tz Itf I4S 'SO /Si /tX *00O eooo 80O0 SI ■13 S3 ■99 9i SS SI ■97 S7 i'9 S8 54 50 59 5-5 5' 40 J-4 SI 42 5-7 53 S9 iS a/ Si 47 42 S7 70 44 60 4000 6000 aooo 96 //o /I3 /OX /oi 94 97 I'? no '02 '12. '25 '27 '32 /3i 119 Hi "8 '22 /Zi / 05/07 /09 /,3 Hi 139 '43 /5a 129 '3 3 /39 '7? IZ3/2M to 000 12,000 ■4 000 ■to 37 J4 9Z 11 44 90 37 9S AZ 39 44 43 •40 47 4? 44 4/ 49 44 42 S/ 47 43 sz 48 -»5 S3 49 44 SS ■OOOO "laooo MOOO sz 74 70 88 8/ 75 90 77 95" 88 81 97 99 92 85 /02 94 87 /OS 'OS 97 100 90 93 no / 14 lO'i. 'Oi 9S 99 /I9 /IO loz 2 .2G2 SEA LEVEL • 000 JOOO iS i3 Al 6S it <4 li 73 Ik 75 73 70 11 78- V3 SO 7S 75 M 84 8/ 78 87 84 81 90 87 84 350 000 68t SEA LEVEL 1000 2000 /27 /23 119 /35 '4/ /3/ /3i / 2i /3I /■ft 141 /3t 'SI /4i 141 iSS /SS /SO /S3 I4S /4S /63 /f 171 '78 /SS 'tz Its nz 'SZ ISi '40 /44 Iti ISO 174 4000 eooo SOOO Si sz ■*» Si S9 SO S7 SZ 43 SS 54 iS 40 55 it il sr 47 42 57 49 44 S9 70 is ^0 72 47 42 75 49 44 77 72 44 4000 6000 aooo /Ol /O/ 93 //i /Oi /OO IXI 113 /04 IZS /3C 117 IZI /07 III 733 /Z4 /I4 /34 /2 4 II? IfO IA4 '47 'S3 /io 130 I3f i-ij ifX 141 /ZO 123 /Zt 131 /37 •OOOO ■2.000 t4O0O 14 9C. ■93 ■90 ■99 ■9S 9Z SO 44 43 5; 47 44 S3 49 ■4S 53 Vi SS S/ 47 Si SZ 48 S7 51 60 55" SI 42 57 S3 -OOOO 12 000 ■4D00 87 8/ 75 92 84 79 94 Vz IOC 93 Si '03 9i 89 lot 98 f / 109 /oa 93 IIZ 11^ 103 lat 9i 98 ' ' 17 "t /Ol '22 727 "3 "9 /as 'Of 1 332 SU LEVEL ■ 000 20CX) 7i 70 47 7i 73 7 1 79 8' 78 74 ?3 80 77 SS sz 79 87 84 8' S9 Si 83 Vs SS 93 90 87 9t 93 90 /OO 97 93 4t)0 000 728 SEA LEVEL 1000 2000 '35 '43 '3/ /39 '24 /J3 1*9 '44 '39 /SS'io /43 /so /SS /SS /4S /49 '52 /<4 /72 HI lit ISS 74/ 177 I8Z '89 17 1 '74 '83 7 45 / 70 /74 197 19/ 184 4000 8000 eooo iZ S7 S3 iS io Si i8 i3 SS it iS io 7' 44 4/ 73 48 42 If 44 77 7/ 45 78 73 47 80 It 82 '7? 84 80 74 4000 6000 eooo //4 /08 99 IZI II f /OS 128 "9 "0 133 IZf 114 /3S '2S I'S /40 /30 /20 '43 /33 '22 /4S '3S '^? /SZ /S? '63 /4f '42 '44 IS' /SJ /30 134 / 39 /4S 10 000 12 000 MOOO t1 *S A-a. sz 48 44 II SS Si 47 57 52 -♦9 SS s^^ so io SS SI 4/ 54 52 42 SS S3 44 J-9 J-4. 44 4/ 54 48 43 59 •OOOO ■2000 ■4 000 9Z Si 79 If 84 '02 9S 87 /06 V/ / /O '02 94 "Z /03 96 '14 'Oi 97 ''S '09 /O 1 / 22 /IZ '04 'ZS izt lit 'ZO 'O? Ill '35 in .373 SEA LEVEL ■ 000 aooo 79 77 74 ?3 SO 77 87 84 8/ 89 84 83 92 89 84 9-9 91 88 9i 93 89 9? 95 9' /Ol 9S 9^9 /03 /OO 94 /07 /04 /oo / // /°7 '04 460 000 772 SEA LEVEL 1000 2000 /fl /3i '32 '50 /fS /fo '57 /52 /44 /tz IS? ISI /47 'it /Si /7/ /46 /4o '75 181 /75 /49 /S7 '8/ '74 191 /SS '73 '98 207 '92 200 '85 /93 4000 eooo 8000 i3 ss 7/ It i'9 77 7/ 44 79 73 48 SI 82 74 7/ 8* 78 72 Si SI 74 88 82 74 9Z 95 79 9S 11 4000 eooo 6000 / 21 //2 /04 /29 /zo III /35 /39 /25 /29 "i "9 /43 /33 /23 /47 /37 /24 '5/ /40 /29 /54 /i' I4S 149 733 /3S /Cf '53 / 41 ' 70 'SS '44 '78 '45 753 ■0000' laooo •4.000 12 S7 SZ 44 to if 1^ 5i 43 i'9 if S9 SS ii il Si 47 42 5-7 i9 44 S9 70 iS io 73 48 63 74 70 45 10 000 ■2 000 14 000 97 /03 95" 88 /OS /OO 92 / / / /03 95 "S /oi ?8 "7 '09 /o/ /2 // / /03 '24 "S /Ot 'Z8 "9 "0 13 J IZI 1 'Z '34 '24 "6 '41 '32 '2/ 00 ^8 SEA LEVEl lOOO 87 84 81 91 SS 9i 9Z SB 98 9S 9/ 101 98 94 /03 /OO 9i lOS /oz 9S /Of /05 /02 / / 1 107 /Of //■9 I/O /07 l/S /I-9 I/O '22 "8 '/4 boo 000 816 SEA LEVEl 1000 2000 '44 if-t '34 'Si /s/ '44 /43 /SS 'SZ /70 /44 '58 174 /i9 /43 '79 /73 'i? '83 '77 171 '89 '83 '71 /9S '89 ISZ I9t i91 mi X.0 7 zoo 193 2/4 209 Z02. 6000 SOOO i-9 7g 73 i7 SZ 7i 70 84 7C 72 87 S9 Vi Vz 77 94 ¥0 If SZ 9S 9/ Sf 101 94 87 /o5 97 90 4000 6000 8000 •lV7 'OS /34 IZS l/S /fO /30 /2 '46 /36 /ZS 'SO 'ii 'SI 143 /3Z 'SS I4i /3S 'iZ /Si '39 /48 '54 '44 1 7 ' I'S? '*? ■11 'SI /8t /73 '59 lOOOO •2000 14,000 St SS SI iZ SS S3 iS io St. 47 42 J7 69 59 7/ If 72 45 42 li 74 70 iS 78 72 47 8' 75 49 84 77 7/ 10 000 12000 14 000 /OO 93 SS /07 1? "2 /03 94 1/7 /OS /OO "9 //to ni /43 /9f 'ts '7Q SOLID COPPER CONDUCTORS 4' 204 SEA LEVEL • 000 20OO SI *9 ■<7 ^4 SZ SO Si ft SS Si J4 Sf If 40 58 5-4 4' .59 57 43 il S9 44 42 io If 4 ' 48 44 i3 70 48 45 325 SEA LEVEL lOOO 2000 75 72 70 74. 82 79 7i 79 87 It II 83 91 88 85 %7 88 94 91 90 9S 9S 92 10%. 98 95 /OS '?}■ 6000 eooo 44 4) 37 9(. 43 40 48 ■9S 4 ' i2 42 5-' -♦7 43 ■^■9 SZ 49 45 5"4 So ft SS SI 47 J-4 52 48 S8 Sf SO 40 Si SI 4000 6000 BOOO tt SS 48 43 58 70 is 40 73 48 42 75 49 44 76 7/ 44 7? if 8/ 75 49 82 74 7/ ■P* Vz SS 92 75 90 84 77 K)JXX) ■2 000 14 000 Ji 3Z 30 il 32 38 3J- 33 4.0 37 34 40 37 35 41 38 35" 11 34 43 40 37 44 40 37 44. ■91 38 44 43 40 ft 44 fl •OOOO 12 000 ■4 000 SI Sf SO 44 5"4 52 48 58 5^4 SO 40 55 .5/ 4/ 5-4 .92 iZ SS S3 44 40 55 44 4/ 511 47 49 is 40 72 47 il 3 229 SEA LEVEL '000 20Q0 S7 Si io se Si i,3 il S9 44 42 io 45" 43 4/ 47 a 48 44 43 70 48 45 7/ il 73 7/ 48 75 73 70 78 75 73 "*7 42 57 00 365 SEA LEVEL .000 SOOO 83 80 77 8? 85 82 9/ 88 85 94 |8 94 93 90 98 94 9Z loo 9? 93 /04 100 97 /o4 /0 3 94 '09 705 'OX " 2 '08 lOf III 'i'o% 4000 eooo 8O0O 4y IS 4a SI ■4S 44 S9 SO 44 SS s/ 4? 5-4 52 4-8 57 58 S9 SO 40 54 5-/ i/ 57 52 43 58 54 44 3 SI Vt 53 5'4 5"o 44 SS SI ■ 47 S7 S3 49 So ■OOOO 12000 14 000 42 58 53 44 61 Si 49 43 59 I's il 73 47 42 7S 74 70 45 7? 72 47 80 82 74 70 8S 79 73 88 8/ 75 ». 289 SEA LEVEL • ooo 2O0O if ii il 72 47 7S 72 70 77 74 72 79 74 74 8; 78 74 S3 80 77 SS 82 7-9 87 84 81 89 9Z 89 Si 9S- 9Z 9f OOOO SEA LEVEl ■ 000 2000 'OO Ot 02 99 no oi 103 "4 'O 04 / 7 /3 09 120 Hi HZ 22 "8 "4 24 '22 /IS '29 'ZS ZO 32 '27 23 128 4Z 137 '33 woo eooo aooo S9 ss SI i Z 57 S3 44 io SS 44 4/ 5-7 48 43 58 i's io 7/ ii il 73 48 43 7S 74 45 79 73 48 St 7* 7o A60 4000 6000 aooo 84 80 74 9/ as 78 9S SS SI If 84 93 84 03 9i SS OS 97 90 loS 101 93 " / 03 95 "3 /05 97 lis 109 101 XX "3 /OS ■OOOO 19 000 ■4 000 4 1 44 44 9S 4» SI 47 44 53 54 SS S/ 47 57 52 49 58 54 5-0 io SS 5/ 4/ 5-4 52 43 58 5-4 6r io Sb 10 000 12000 t4 00O 4f 59 II 75 70 44 78 V7 80 82 74 70 84 77 r 1 84 to 74 88 82 74 1; 77 1? 80 il X For single phase or 2 phase multiply the 3 phase values by 1.16. The above are the disruptive critical voltage values for fair weather based upon a tt;"»- perature of 25° C. (77° F.) and values for M, of 0.S7 for stranded and 0.% for solid conductors. Derived by Peek's formula: Kilovolts to neutral ^ 2.302 M„ G„ S T = Temperature in degiees P.; B =■ S R I-"K ,. -j^. where G„ — 53.6 Kilovolts per inch; S = Spacing in iiitlies; R = Radius of conductor in inches; S - R Barometer pressure in inches. i7.q B 459+T' CORONA EFFECT 39 to operate the No. o copper conductors at as high a line voltage as too coo volts. If, however, for other reasons, ijoooo is selected as the desirable operating voltage, then either a large diameter copper conductor or an aluminum conductor having a greater diameter hut an equivalent conductivity to that of the No. o copper con- ductor should be selected. TABLE E— COMPARISON OF CORONA LOSS For No. Stranded Copper Conductors 105 S60cir.mil (diameter 0.373 in.) and equivalent Aluminum Conductors 167 800 dr. mil (diametei 0.501 in.) Conductor Spacing (s) Delta - 144 in. Altitude 1000 feet— Barometer 28.9 inches. Calculated from formula (22) Kilovolts Corona Loss in Kw. per Mile for Three Conductors at 60 CycUs Fair Weather- (Formula 22) Stormy Weather— (Formula 22-A) Between Conduct- ors To Neutral No. Copper Radius 0.186 in. Aluminum Radius 0.25 in. No. Copper Radius 0.186 in. Alnroinuro Radius 0.2S in. 0° C 32° F 6-1. OS ««-60.5 25° C 77° F 5-0.967 eo-5S.7 50* C 122° F 5=0.892 eo-51.3 0° C 32° P 5=1.05 eo=77.S 25»C 77° F 5-0.967 eo-71.5 SO* c 122* F 5-0.892 eo-66.0 0* C 32* F 5 = 1.05 «o-48.4 25* C 77° F 5-0.967 eo-44.5 SO* C 122" F 5-0.892 eo-41.0 0* C 32* F S-\.OS (•-62. 2S* C 77* F 5-0.967 eo-S7.2 SO* C 122* F 5-0.892 <.-52 7 100 110 120 57.8 63.5 69.2 0.0 0.3 2.6 0.1 2.3 6.7 0.2 6.0 12.8 0.4 0.3 7.8 14.8 6.S 13 3 22 6 11.3 20.3 32.0 2.0 17 6.2 1.1 4.6 12.6 130 140 150 75.1 80.8 86.7 7.25 13.8 22.4 13.9 23.3 35. S 22.6 34.8 50.2 0.0 0.3 3.3 0.5 3.7 9.9 3.8 10.1 19.7 24.4 35. 8 SO. 2 34. 6 48.7 66. 46. S 63.7 84. 6.7 13 9 24. 13.7 23 8 37 2 23.2 36.4 S3. 3 160 180 92.4 104.8 35.0 66.0 49.8 89.0 67.7 115.0 8.7 29.3 18.7 47.3 32.2 69.5 66. 108. 85. 135. 106 163. 36. 72. 53. 96. 73. I2S. fl + 25 Note: At 25 cycles the losses would be f + 25 25 + 25 50 ■ times the above table values. For conductors in a cow (flat spacing) the 60 + 25 85 corona loss would be reduced below the values for delta or triangular arrangement. For the higher voltages in the above table the conductor spacings would, in aa actual installation, be greater than 144 in. (upon which basis the table values are given) thus giving actually less corona loss for the higher voltages thao indicated by the table values. The accompanying photograph illustrating corona on an experimental line is published with the kind per- mission of F. W. Peek, Jr. Since the formulas pertaining to corona effect are to some extent worked up from test data they may be slightly changed from time to time. In case the problem Jit hand seems vitally near fhe critical point it will be well to consult the latest literature at that time as an additional check on the work. roROX.A .\T 230 Kv. t.ig cm. dt.wietf.r, 0.47" c.\ble, 310 cm. 10 FEF.T SPACING. CHAPTER V SPEED OF ELECTRIC PROPOGATION RESONANCE PARALLELING TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS HEATING OF BARE CONDUCTORS . SPEED OF ELECTRIC PROPAGATION ASTRONOMERS and investigators by various methods of determination have arrived at sHghtly different values for the speed of light. The Smithsonian Physical Tables give i86 347 miles per second as a close average estimate. In electrical engi- neering, the speed of light is usually stated as approxi- mately 3 X io^° centimeters per second. This is the equivalent of 186 451 miles per second. The speed of electrical propogation (assuming zero losses) is the same as .that of light. ELECTRIC WAVE LENGTH Suppose a frequency of 60 cycles per second is im- pressed upon a circuit of infinite length. At the end of one sixtieth of a second the first impulse (neglecting retardation due to losses) will have traversed a distance of 186 347 -f- 60 or 3106 miles. A section of such a cir- cuit 3106 miles long would be designated as having a full wave length for a frequency of 60 cycles per second. In Fig. 14, the dotted line or one cycle wave is shown as extending over a circuit 3106 miles long. In this case, when the first part of the wave arrives at a point 3106 miles distant, the end of the same wave is at the beginning of the circuit. For each half wave length the current is of equal value but flowing in op- posite directions in the conductor. Such a circuit is designated as of full wave length. Since the velocity of the electric propagation is slightly less than that of light, being slightly retarded due to resistance and leakage losses, the actual wave length will be slightly less than 3106 miles. Thus for a 300 mile, 60 cycle, three-phase circuit consisting of No. 000 copper conductors having 10 ft. flat spacing, the wave length is calculated to be 2959 miles. The wave length of such a circuit is in- dicated by the heavy line on the accompanying sketch. In the case of this particular circuit the electric field has been retarded approximately five percent, due to the losses of the circuit, as indicated by the displacement of the dotted and full line curves. QUARTER WAVE RESONANCE If the end of a long trough filled with water is struck by a hammer, the impact will cause a wave in the water to start in front of the point of impact and travel to the far end of the tank. When this wave reaches the far end of the tank it will be reflected, traveling back toward the point of origin, but on account of resistance encountered it will be of diminishing height or ampli- tude. If, at the instant it gets back to the point of origin, the end of the tank is again struck by the hammer, the resulting impulse will be that due to the second hammer blow plus that remaining from the first blow. The re- sult will be that the second wave from the near end of the tank will be of greater amplitude than the first wave. If when the second wave arrives back at the near end, the end of the tank is struck again with the hammer the resulting third impulse will be of greater amplitude than the second impulse. If at the instant of the return of each succeeding impulse the end of the tank is struck, the result will be cumulative and each succeeding wave will be of greater magnitude than the one preceeding until the point is reached where the losses due to resist- ance become sufficient to prevent a further increase in amplitude of the wave. Under certain conditions a similar phenomenon may occur in electric circuits and this is known as "quarter wave resonance". If an electric impulse* is sent into a 1.— WAVE LENGTH lE LOSSES WERE NOT PRESENT TO RETARD TmE ELECTRIC PROPAGATION = 3 106 MILES — »* FIG. 14 — WAVE LENGTH OF 6o CYCLE CIRCUIT conductor, such as a transmission circuit, this impulse travels along the conductor at the velocity of light. If the circuit is open at the other end, the impulse is there reflected and returns at the same velocity. If at the moment when the impulse arrives at the starting point a second impulse is sent into the circuit, the returned first impulse adds itself to, and so increases the second impulse; the return of this second impulse adds itself to the third impulse, and so on ; that is, if alternating im- pulses succeed each other at intervals equal to the lime required by an impulse to travel over the circuit and back, the effects of successive impulses add themselves, and large currents and high e.m.f.'s may be produced by small impulses. This condition is known as quarter wave electric resonance. To produce this condition, it is necessary that the alternating impulses occur at time intervals equal to the time required for the impulses to travel the length of the line and back. For example, the time of one half wave or cycle of impressed e.m.f. *For a complete study of this subject see "Transient Electric Phenomena and Oscillations" by C. P. Steinmetz, from which the above description of quarter wave resonance has largely been taken. PROP AG A TION— RESONANCE— PARALLELING CIRCUITS 41 is the time required by light to travel twice the length of the line, or the time of one complete cycle is the time light requires to travel four times the length of the line. Stated another way, the number of cycles or frequency of the impressed alternating em.f.'s in resonance condi- tion, is the velocity of light divided by four times the length of the line; or to have free oscillation or reson- ance condition, the length of the line is one quarter wave length of light. The cycles at which this condi- tion is reached (if there were no losses present) would be determined as follows: — Pre uen ———^^^l— ' ■' Length in miles ^ '' * Length in miles ^— f Frequency ('4) RESONANCE LENGTHS OF CIRCUITS Commercial frequencies are so low that to reach a quarter wave resonance condition with them the circuit would have to be of great length. The following values, for the sake of simplicity, are based upon the assump- tion that there are no losses in the circuit. Fundamental Frequency Resonance Length Wave Length IS c>xlcs 3106 miles 12434 miles 25 cycles 1863 miles 7452 miles 40 cycles 1165 miles 4660 miles 60 cycles 776 miles 3106 miles The above lengths are based upon the impressed or fundamental frequencies. If these impressed fre- quencies contain appreciable higher harmonics, some of the latter may approach resonance frequency and, if of sufficient magnitude, may cause trouble. Thus the length of circuit corresponding to resonance conditions of various harmonics of the fundamental is given below. Cycles Harmonics | 3rd. 5th. 7th. 15 25 40 60 1035 miles 621 miles 388 miles 258 miles 631 miles 372 miles 233 miles 155 miles 444" miles 266 miles 166 miles III miles Thus an impressed frequency of 60 cycles will not produce quarter wave electric resonance unless the cir- cuit be approximately 776 miles long. If a third har- monic, however, is present in the impressed wave, this harmonic will develop quarter wave resonance in a cir- cuit approximately 258 miles long, a 5th harmonic in a circuit approximately 155 miles long, and a 7th har- monic in a circuit approximately iii miles long. The above values are based upon no losses being encountered in transmission. Obviously this is an in- correct assumption, as electric propagation is always accompanied by more or less loss, depending upon the fundamental constants (resistance and leakage) of the circuit. The effect of such losses is to retard the ve- locity of the electric propagation, usually by an amount of five to ten percent below that of light. The above values of circuit lengths representing a condition for re- sonance may therefore be as much as ten percent above the actual lengths. An investigation of the effects of higher harmonics of the impressed wave is of importance in connection with very long distance transmission systems. PARALLELING TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS Transmission lines are frequently constructed with duplicate circuits which are normally operated in paral- lel. In other cases two circuits may lead from the gen- erating station in divergent directions and at some dis- tant point come together and be connected in parallel. If the two circuits are fed from different genera- tors, or sources of supply, the only condition necessary for paralleling the circuits is that the phase rotation of the two circuits be the same and that the regulation in speed of the prime movers of the generators feeding the two systems can be adjusted so as to bring the phases of the two circuits together for paralleling. If, however, the two circuits which are to be con- nected in parallel are fed from the same source of sup- ply, the case may become involved. There will be no trouble in obtaining the correct phase rotation, for should the circuits not rotate alike, it is only necessary to transpose any two of the connections of either of the circuits (assuming that the circuits are three-phase). The other condition to be met is that the phases of both circuits to be paralleled are the same, i. e., the volt- ages in the phases to be paralleled must pass through their zero and maximum values at the same instant. If neither circuit has transformers between the points where they are to be connected in parallel, their phases will coincide and there will be no trouble about connecting them in parallel. If one circuit has no transformers and the other has transformers, the phase relations of the two circuits will depend upon the kind of transformer connections employed. Suppose it is assumed that the raising transformers are connected delta to star and the lowering transformers are con- nected delta to delta. With these connections the phases of the two circuits will be 30 electrical degrees apart and it will be impossible to parallel the circuits. In other words one delta-star or star-delta transformer connection produces a phase displacement of 30 degrees. It will be obvious that a second delta-star or star-delta connection will restore the original phase relation. A delta-delta connection or a star-star connection does not affect the phase relations. If both circuits have an even number of star and even number of delta wind- ings, the equivalent resultant will be the same as if all the connections were either delta-delta or star-star; hence, there will be no resultant change in phase rela- tions and the two circuits can be paralleled with each other or with a circuit having no transformations. If, however, both circuits have an odd number of delta and an odd number of star windings, any attempt to re- solve them into the equivalent number of delta-delta and star-star connections will leave one star and one delta; the effect is the same as if there was one star- delta connection in the circuits. This will twist the phase relations of the terminals 30 degrees out of phase from the generators. Since both circuits will have an 42 PROPAGATION— RESONANCE— PARALLELING CIRCUITS equivalent phase displacement, they can be paralleled with one another, but since both are 30 degrees out of phase with the generators, they cannot be paralleled with a line having no transformations; nor with a line having an even number of star and delta connections. When the phase angles of the two transmission cir- cuits (receiving their power from a common source) are known to be such as to permit of parallel operation it is then necessary to phase them out before connecting the circuits together. The phase rotation can be checked most readily by means of a polyphase motor connected first to one circuit and then to the other, being careful to connect the leads in the same order in each case. If the motor runs in the same direction from both circuits, the phase rotation of the circuits will be the same. The phase angle can be readily tested by means of a single- phase synchroscope*. In case a polyphase motor and synchroscope are not available, the phasing out of the circuits may be accomplished by the use of a voltmeter and transformer.** As an illustration, assume that from a 4400 volt bus in a generating station a 4400 volt transmission circuit extends for some distance from the station. A second transmission circuit fed from the same bus but containing both raising and lowering transformers is to be paralleled at the farther end with the 4400 volt circuit which contains no transformers. The phase angles of the lines are assumed to be such as to permit paralleling the two circuits, with proper connections. One of the transmission circuits is connected to one side of the paralleling switch as in Fig. 15 and the other circuit to the other side of the same switch. The three terminals on one side of the switch may be tagged 1-2-^. Likewise the three terminals on the other side of the switch may be tagged 4-5-6. Connect any two terminals together (i and 4 in this case) by a jumper. Take voltage readings across the corresponding ter- minals 2 to 5, s to 6, and j to 5, ^ to 6. From these voltage readings it is a simple matter to indicate by a vector diagram the relative phase relations at the switch contacts of the two circuits to be paralleled. In the case illustrated, the readings indicate that the relative voltage relations on the two sides of the paralleling switches are as indicated by the full line delta 1-2-^, and the broken line delta 4-5-6. It will be seen that phase j-j will parallel with phase 4-5, that phase 1-2 will parallel with phase 6-5 and phase .?-j will parallel with phase 4-6. In order to bring about this phase relation it will be nec- essary to change the transformer connections on the low-tension side of the lowering transformers, inside of the delta. That is the 6 end of the transformer windings 5-6 will be connected to the 4 end of transfor- *These tests are described in an article on "Phasing Out High Tension Lines" by E. C. Stone in the Journal for Nov. 1917, p. 448- **This method is described in an article on "Determination of Polarity of Transformers for Parallel Operation" by W. M. McConahey, in the Journal for July 1912, p. 613. See also article on "Polarity of Transformers" by W. M. Dann in the Journal for July 1916, p. 350. mer 4-5. The 4 end of transformer 4-6 will be connected to the 5 end of transformer, 5-6 and the 6 end of transformer 4-6 will be connected to the 5 end of transformer 4-5. These changes will shift the position of the delta 4-5-6 so that it will coincide with delta 1-2-3. -^ further test of voltage between switch term- inals 2X.0 5 and 5 to d should indicate zero voltage across the switch terminals to be connected together, in which case the paralleling switches may be closed. In order to measure the voltage across the paralleling switch con- tacts it will usually be necessary to employ a potential transformer. This transformer and voltmeter should be capable of withstanding 1.73 times the voltage of the circuit for, with the connections given in Fig. 15, one reading gave 7610 volts, whereas the voltage of the cir- cuit was only 4400 volts. In case there is a ground on both systems, the plac- ing of a jumper across two of the switch contacts would result in a short-circuit. This jumper should not be placed across the switch until it b.as been shown by con- necting a transformer across these two contacts that no potential exists between them. HEATING OF BARE CONDUCTORS IN AIR If the circuit is long, the voltage will probably be high and consequently the current to be transmitted -4400 VOLT LINE DIRECT FROM STATION BUS !< 2 TO &-4400 VOLTS 3 TO 6-4400 VOLTS SWITCH ^ 2 TO 6-7610 VOLTS C3) (^ 3 TO 6-ZERO VOLTS FIG. 15 — TEST FOR PHASE SEQUENCE small. In this case, the heating effect of the current will be small and unimportant. If, however, the circuit is short and an unusually large amount of power is to be transmitted, the current will be large. Since the PR loss varies as the square of the current and directly as the resistance, the heat generated, if the current is large, may be sufficient to overheat or anneal the material of the conductors. In some cases of unusually large amounts of power being transmitted short distances, the heating effect of the currents resulting may be sufficient to limit the amount of power that can be transmitted at a given voltage. Table XXIII should be consulted in cases where the circuit is short and the amount of power to be trans- mitted large. In this table are columns containing cur- rent values which have been calculated corresponding to 10, 25 and 40 degrees C. rise in temperature for vari- ous sizes of bare copper conductors suspended in still air at a temperature of 25 degrees C. In other words these current values are based upon absolute temper- atures of 35, 50 and 65 degrees C. The current values corresponding to a temperature rise of 40 degrees C. 1 i ERRATUM The formula used in calculating the values for table XXIII, page 43, embodied the only available information on this subject at the time the values were calculated. Recent exhaustive and carefully conducted tests, made by George E. Luke, indicate a wide difTerence in results from the table values, especially in the larger size conductors. The table values corresponding to 40° C rise should not, therefore, be used. In the April, 1923 issue of the Electric Journal, page 127, appears an article entitled "Current Capacity of Wires and Coils" in which Mr. Luke gives the results of his tests and the empirical formula he developed as a result of the test. 'Oi* o) -, MUTAHfla .ijj PROP AG A TION-RF.SONAXCE-PA HA U.Iil.lSG CIRCUl TS TABLE XXIII-HEATING CAPACITY FOR 40o C. RISE OF BARE COPPER CONDUCTORS SUSPENDED OUT OF DOORS 43 CONDUCTORS AMPERES- BARE APPROXIMATE CARRYING CAPACITY IN TO A TEMPERATURE RISF DP /in r (R/iOcn non K V A 3 PHASE corresponding] > d z CO CD AREA IN CIRCULAR MILS a. CO 1- X u STILL AIR FOR TEMPERATURE RISES STATED .~' '^ .-...r >_.>«, urvt nioo ur- nu o (bAbtU UPO™ MlwrtKtO IIM UULUMN MARKED FOR 40 C RISE ) FOR BARE COPPER CONDUCTORS SUSPENDED IN STILL AlH OUT OF DOORS. 220 VOLTS 440 VOLTS 550 VOLTS MOO VOLTS 2200 VOLTS 4000 VOLTS 4400 VOLTS 6000 VOLTS 6600 VOLTS 6900 VOLTS FOR IO°C RISE FOR 25° C RISE f6r 40°C RISE K.V A. KVA. KVA. KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA O UJ O z < cc H CO / 8o oooo 1 700 ooo /.Sfi /.sot 2/40 1980 / 89a 328C 302C 292c 4050 3760 3600 / 540 /430 /370 3 080 2 860 2 740 3 850 3 580 3420 7 700 7 ISO 6 SSO '5 400 /4 JOO 13 TOO 2 T 900 26 000 24 800 JO 800 2 8 6O0 27400 42 000 39 100 37400 46200 42 800 48 300 44 800 4 3 000 / Soo ooo /-foo ooo lAii. /■HIO 1 720 /i35 Z780 2520 3440 J300 3IOO /3/0 /zso II 80 2 620 2 Soo X360 3 270 3 /40 2 950 6 SSO 6 2 80 S900 13100 13 560 II SOO 2 3 800 22 800 2 / 400 26200 25 '2o 23600 35 800 34 300 J9 200 37 too 41 000 39200 1 /oo ooo / ooo ooo /.2 0? I.ISZ I460 /360 12 70 2 1 CC 1 9S0 2760 3S8C 2420 / OSO 980 I730 2 100 / 960 1 840 2620 2460 2300 5250 4920 1 60O 10 SOO 9 840 9 200 / 9 '00 1 7 eoo 16 700 2 / 000 19 bgo 1 8400 28 700 26 800 25 100 3 1 SOO 39 400 2 7 6 00 3 3 000 JO 800 2 8 800 'too ooo 8SO ooo /.093 /o&z //7S 1/20 18 70 I800 / 720 2330 2220 2/30 8 80 840 8IO 1 760 / 680 1 630 2 200 X 1 1 3 030 4 400 4220 4 O.SO 8 800 8440 8 100 / 6 000 /5 300 14 TOO / 7 boo /6 880 / 6 200 24 100 23 000 2 b 400 25 300 27 700 26500 7 so OOO 700 ooo /03I .998 ?6i /07S /03S 980 /C-^O /S80 IA90 2030 1 940 /8 30 770 740 69 S / S40 /4 80 1 39u / 930 / 840 1 740 3 870 3 690 J 4 80 7740 7380 69 to 14 000 13400 13 UOO 15480 14 760 13 920 Zl 100 20 200 19 000 23 200 22 100 Jo 90a 2 4 200 2 3200 2 / 800 4,00 ooo «fvSO ooo ■ 893 .8SJ, 8 70 8 10 I330 /3SO 1740 1630 /S30 660 62S ctSO 1 320 1 2SO 1 / 60 1 660 / S60 I4S0 3 3ZO 3 IXQ 2 900 6640 6 240 5 800 12 000 1 1 300 1 a 600 13 380 12 480 / 1 &00 1 8 100 1 7 000 's 900 19 aoo 18 TOO 1 7 soo 30 eoo /9600 ^OQ OJO 4 so ooo ■400 OOO 8'S 772 .7Z8 7SS 700 640 //60 /06O 980 1430 /330 I3IO 54 5 SOO 460 1090 /OOO 930 1 360 1 3SO 1 / So 3 730 2 500 X 300 ,5440 5 000 4 600 9 86O q /oo 8 350 10 eso /o 000 9 300 14 900 '3 700 12 600 I6300 IS 100 n /oo 'S 700 I440O 3SO ooo joo ooo zso ooo .68' .630 .S7.S S7S s/s 4Sa 88S 78S 6 8S 1090 970 840 4 IS 370 330 830 740 640 1 O40 930 800 2 OSO / 840 / li,00 4160 3 680 3 200 7 soo 6 TOO 5 800 8320 / 360 6 400 // 300 10 /OO 8 700 13 400 11/00 9 SSO / 3 000 / / boo 10 000 OOO oo 3, 1 / (,00 li,7 77Z /33 or? 528 .-f 70 .418 3^S 33a 2%0 &OS SOS 4ZS 7S0 625 527 28S 238 200 S70 4 75 ■400 71S S9S SOO 1 430 1 / 90 / 000 Z 860 2 3 80 2 000 S 1 70 4320 3 640 5 720 4 760 4 000 7 800 6 SOO 5470 8 550 7 / 30 6000 -8 9SQ • 74S0 6Z80 'z / OS StoO S3 ^9'^ t,(, 3S8 ■373 ■ 332 .29Z Z3S I9S I6Z 360 300 2S0 444 370 307 /70 741 116 336 282 233 423 352 292 846 704 584 1 693 /40S / i6>8 3 ObO ZSSO 2 1 20 3384 28/6 2 336 4 600 3 840 J / 80 SOSO 4220 3SOO S30O 4400 3 660 3 ■4- £Z <,ZA 33 OS8 .Z6o .232 .206 /36 7/4 zio 176 /4 7 258 2 35 I8Z If 69 196 178 138 245 2 24 / 73 490 44? 346 980 896 692 1 770 / 620 / 3&0 / 960 / 792 /384 2 680 2440 / 890 Z940 2 680 208O J 080 2 SOO 2 ISO Q -J O m ooo oo :i 1 1 &0O /6 7 77-2 /33 079 .-f60 .410 ■.3i,S 370 3IO zse S6S 47'S 420 7Z8 S88 49 s Z7S 234 /88 SSO 448 376 690 56 470 /380 / /20 940 3760 Z Z4-0 1 8«0 S 030 406O 34x0 S S30 4 480 376O 7 SSO 6100 SISO 8 300 6,700 S650 8 TOO 7000 S9O0 1 Z lOS s&o ■S3 691 .325 2/S /82 /54 335 Z80 235 41S J48 Z9^ 'S8 ' 3X / IZ 3/6 2 64 2 24 39S 330 280 790 660 S60 / SSO / 320 / 120 Z860 Z400 3 040 3 I60 Z640 2240 4 300 3620 3 060 4 730 3 970 3 370 4 950 4 'SO 3S30 3 ■4 -? / 73S 33 oes- .2 ay .Z04 ./SZ /2'S /08 90 2 00 /67 /40 Z4S Z07 174 93 78 66 /86 IS8 /3Z 233 19 7 /6S 465 39'4 330 930 788 660 / 690 I430 / 300 / 860 / S76 / J30 ZS40 Z ISO I8IO 2 790 2 3 to 19 80 Z920 Z4TO 3 090 10 000 VOLTS II 000 VOLTS 13200 VOLTS 15000 VOLTS 20000 VOLTS 22000 VOLTS 30 000 VOLTS 33 000 VOLTS 50 000 VOLTS 60 000 VOLTS K.V.A. K.V.A. K.VA K.V.A. K.V.A. K.V.A. K.V.A. KVA KVA KVA a UJ O z < z OOO ooo 1 800 ooo 1 700 ooo /.63/ /.5+S A 50-? 2140 1980 1890 3 a SO 3030 Z920 40S0 3760 3600 70 000 65 000 62 300 7 7 000 7/ Soo 68 soo 92.200 8-5500 82 000 1 l'^- 96 XlO 176 /47 ZiS 232. /»2 4460 4 000 3 ISO 4900 4410 3470 S880 S300 4 ISO 6 700 6000 4 700 8930 8000 6300 9 80O 8 840 6 940 '340O IX 000 9400 14 700 I33O0 10400 3XAOO 30 000 IS 300 26 Soo 2 4 000 18 800 oooo ooo oo Zl 1 too /h7 77Z / 33 079 ■fto 410 ZiS 370 310 2S8 S6S 47S 4X0 73» SS» 49S 1x600 /O ZOO 8 SSO /3 800 // aoo ?4oo 16 600 13400 II 300 /8 900 /.s 300 13 900 2 5-200 20400 / 7 / 00 27 600 2 2 400 /8?00 J78O0 30 600 ZS SOO 41 SOO 33500 2 8 200 63 OOO SO 800 43 6O0 TS 600 6/ 300 Si 600 a ■ -J o o 1 z /OS S60 83 694 66 3SS 32S 289 2SS 218 182 /S4 335 230 298 4'S 34S 395 7 1 80 6 0X0 S /OO 7900 6630 scoo 94SO 7fSO 67-iO /O BOO 9 oZ4 4 1 738 3 3 OS 8 239 30'^ /82 I3S 108 90 2 00 /67 /40 3-4S 207 /74 4 3 SO 3 SSO 30^0 4 660 3 940 3 330 S 600 4 700 3970 6 3SO s 370 4 500 8 SOO 7 1 60 6040 9330 7 880 6640 13 700 10 740 9 060 /4000 / / goo 9900 2/ 200 / 7 800 /SOOO 25400 2. 480 /f 000 Formula (from Foster's Hand Book) Amperes = r/M-yj — - for stranded conductors, and Amfirres-tiso-^ -rr- for solid conductors, where 7"=- trmperatare rise is degrees C, D ^ diameter of conductor in inches, and ^ = resistance in ohms per mil foot at the final lcmp«ralure, Basetl on an air temperature of as degrees C. 44 PROPAGATION— RESONANCE—PARALLELING CIRCUITS (absolute temperature of 65 degrees C.) have also been expressed in the form of k.v.a., three-phase values cor- responding to various transmission voltages. Thus No. 0000 stranded bare copper conductors suspended in still air out doors at 25 degrees C. wrill carry 750 amperes with a temperature rise of 40 degrees C. (absolute tem- perature 65 degrees C). If the transmission voltage is 220 volts, the corresponding k.v.a. value will be 285 k.v.a. three-phase and if the transmission voltage is 10 000 volts, 13000 k.v.a. may be transmitted with the same temperature rise. As indicated by foot notes the values of the table were calculated by formulas from Foster's Handbook as follows: — Amperes = Jioo -^ — -— for stranded conductor. .(<5) Amperes = 1250 . -for solid conductor {26) Where T = Temperature rise in degrees C. D = Diameter of conductors in inches. R = Resistance of conductors in ohms per mil-foot at final temperature. CHAPTER VI DETERMINATION OF FREQUENCY & VOLTAGE FREQUENCY DETERMINATION Cost of Transformers — Sixty cycle transformers cost approximately 30 to 40 percent less than 25 cycle transformers ; or stated another way, 25 cycle trans- formers cost approximately 40 to 66 percent more than 60 cycle transformers. The saving in first cost may vary between $1.50 and $2.50 per kv-a. in favor of 60 cycles. Assuming that the total kv-a. of trans- former capacity connected to a transmission circuit is 2.5 times the kv-a. transmitted over the circuit, the sav- ing in favor of 60 cycle transformers would be $3.75 to $6.25 or an average of $5.00 per kv-a. transmitted. As- suming 20000 kv-a. to be transmitted, the saving in cost at $5.00 per kv-a. will be $100000 in favor of 60 cycle transformers. The actual difference in cost will depend upon the type of the transformers, that is, whether water or self-cooled and also upon their aver- age capacity. The difference in cost will be greater for the self-cooled type and for the smaller capacities. Weight and Space of Transformers — The less weight of 60 cycle transformers makes them easier to handle and they require less space for installation. Higher Reactance — Inductive reactance at 60 cycles is 2.4 times its value at 25 cycles. This tends to produce poorer voltage regulation of the circuit. Higher reactance has one advantage for the larger sys- tems in that it tends to limit short-circuit currents and thus assists the circuit opening devices to function properly. By virtue of the higher reactance it might be possible in some cases to obtain sufficient reactance in the transformers without the addition of current limiting reactance coils. Efficiency — The efficiency of 60 cycle transformers is usually 0.25 to 0.50 percent higher than for 25 cycle transformers. Charging Current — At 25 cycles both the charging current and the reactance are approximately 42 percent of their values for 60 cycles. This tends to give better regulation and usually higher efficiency in transmission. On the other hand, the higher transmission efficiency may be offset by the slightly lower eflficiency of 25 cycle transformers. In cases of very long circuits (par- ticularly if the circuits are in duplicate and both in ser- vice) or of transmission systems embracing many miles of high tension mains and feeders, the charging currents may be so great as to limit the choice in transmission voltage. On the other hand large charging currents may be permitted, provided under excited synchronous motors are used at various parts of the transmission system for partially neutralizing this charging current and for maintaining con.jtant voltage. Inductive Disturbances— Lighimng, switching and other phenomena cause disturbances on conductors of transmission circuits. The frequency of these disturb- ances is independent of that impressed on the system. After the removal of the disturbing influence they oscillate with the natural frequency of the line. The natural frequency of the line is far above com- mercial frequencies but, if the transmission line is long, there may be some odd harmonic present in the funda- mental impressed frequency which corresponds with the natural period of the line. This might tend to produce an unstable condition or resonance. This condition is somewhat less likely to occur at 25 cycles. Summary — Although there are a number of large 25 cycle transmission systems in operation, they were mostly installed before the design of 60 cycle converting apparatus and electric light systems had reached their present state of perfection. Unless it is desirable to parallel with an existing 25 cycle system located in ad- joining territory without the introduction of frequency changers, it is now quite general practice to choose the frequency of 60 cycles.* VOLTAGE DETERMINATION From a purely economic consideration of the con- ductors themselves, Kelvin's law for determining the most economical size of conductors would apply. Kel- vin's law may be expressed as follows : — "The most economical section of a conductor is that which makes the annual cost of the PR losses equal to the annual interest on the capital cost of the conducting material, plus the necessary annual allowance for depre- ciation". That is, the economical size of conductor for a given transmission will depend upon the cost of the conducting material and the cost of power wasted in transmission losses. The law of maximum economy may be stated as follows : — "The annual cost of the en- ergy wasted per mile of the transmission circuit added to the annual allowance per mile for depreciation and interest on first cost, shall be a minimum". Attempts have been made to determine by mathe- matical expression the most economical transmission voltage, all factors having been taken into account. There are so many diverse factors entering into such a ♦For a complete discussion of this subject see a paper hy D. B. Rushmore before the Schenectady section A. I. E. E., May 17, IQI2, on "Frequency" and an article by B. G. Lamme on "The Technical Story of the Frequencies" in the Journal. for June, 1918, p. 23a 46 DETERMINATION OF EREQUENCY AND VOLTAGE treatment as to make such an expression complicated, difficult and unsatisfactory. There are many points re- quiring careful investigation, not embraced by Kelvin's law, before the proper transmission voltage can be de- termined. Some of these points are given below. Cost of Conductors — For a given percentage energy loss in transmission, the cross-section and consequently the weight of conductors required by the lower and medium voltage lines (up to approximately 30000 volts) to transmit a given block of power varies in- versely as the square of the transmission voltage. Thus if this voltage is doubled, the weight of the conductors will be reduced to one fourth with approximately a cor- responding reduction in their cost. This saving in con- ducting material for a given energy loss in transmission becomes less as the higher voltages are reached, becom- TABLE E 1— WEIGHT OF BARE COPPER CONDUCTORS b z CO ED AREA IN CIRCULAR MILS WEIGHT IN POUNDS PER 1000 FEET OF CIRCUIT PER MILE OF CIRCUIT NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS ONE TWO THREE ONE TWO THREE 2 000 000 / 900 000 / 800 000 i, I 102 100 100 151 100 135 :> 104 100 160 185 106 100 19s 36s s> 108 100 205 430 »> 5> no 320 650 125 -15 430 1250 150 155 640 3S00 175 255 1600 5500 20c 420 1900 6500 225 2400 7700 ages. Thus, if the transmission voltage is doubled, the current will be halved and for the same spacing of conductors the reactance volts drop will be one half, re- sulting in one fourth the percentage of the reactance- volts drop. Cost of Transformers — If the transmission voltage exceeds 13 200 volts, banks of step-up transformers will, be required of sufficient capacity to transform all of the kv-a. to be transmitted. A still greater capacity of step down transformers will be lequired to reduce the voltage to that suitable for operating motors and lights. In some cases two reductions from the transmission circuit voltage may be required, the first usually re- ducing to 22 000, 1 1 000 or 6600 volts for general dis- tribution and the second reducing from the general dis- tribution voltage to the proper voltage for motors and lights. The net result is that the total capacity in trans- formers connected to a transmission system employing both step up and step down transformers may vary from a minimum of two to a maximum of about four times the kv-a. transmitted over the high-tension cir- cuits. The average condition we will assume as 2.5 times the kv-a. to be transmitted. The cost of power transformers at the present time DETERMINATION OF FREQUENCY AND VOLTAGE 47 for 66 coo volts service will vary between $1.25 to $3.00 for 60 cycle and $2 to $5 per kv-a. for 25 cycle ser- vice, depending upon their type and capacity. The total cost per kv-a. of transformers on a system would therefore be represented by approximately 2.5 times the above costs. The present relative costs of trans- formers for different voltages are given in Table F. For instance if the transmission voltage is increased from 33 000 to 66 000 volts the transformers will cost in the neighborhood of 150 -^ 115 or 31 percent more than they would cost for 33 000 volts. Knowing the amount of power to be transmitted, an approximate estimate may be made as to the additional cost of the necessary transformers for a higher voltage. Cost of Insulators — Table F values indicate a wide difference in the cost of insulators for the higher volt- Efficiency — The efficiency of transformers will be slightly higher for the lower voltages. Small Customers — The furnishing of power to small customers at points along the transmission cir- cuits should receive careful consideration. The cost of switching apparatus, lightning arresters and trans- formers required to permit service being given to such customers will be less for the lower voltage. Charging Current — The amount of current re- quired to charge the transmission circuits varies ap- proximately as the transmission voltage. Therefore the charging current, expressed in kv-a. varies ap- proximately as the square of the voltage. Thus the charging current required for a 33 000 volt circuit is approximately one half and the charging kv-a. one fourth that of a 66 000 volt circuit. TABLE G— FORM OF TABULATION FOR DETERMINING VOLTAGES AND CONDUCTORS BASED ON THE TRANSMISSION OF 10 000 KV-A. FOR TEN MILES AT 80 PERCENT POWER-FACTOR LAQQINQ 60 CYCLES, THREE PHASE VOLTAGE a: o< "-> co^ UJO < CONDUCTORS 1 VOLTAGE DROP AT FIRST COST ANNUAL OPERATING COST FULL LOAD CONDUCTORS AT 25 CTS. PER POUND CO £< Si CO t- z Oco co^ l-H 15 Oco I S UJ ZH H CO -"< CO oc CO z _l 2 si UJ Z CO _l °i CO < *^ 00 cc is 1- Ml 1% COI 03O UJ TOTAL |2rL0SS •INTEREST ON FIRST COST ■ AT 6% DEPRECIATION ON FIRST COST AT 10% |2r LOSSES AT 1 CT. PER KW-HOUR 1 UJ coir UJ — (E UJ UJ CE a. tr > 10.000 KVA 2500 KVA TOTAL LOSS PER YEAR IN KW-HOURS I2 2 lECO go: li.soo VSZi 3 so SOO 000 243 930 i-n 4 30 .5.3 27 / 707470 4.3 2/.7 17.S >60 9SZ *7SO0O *3 000 '1 000 *foo 'nOiiZ 'S4i3 ■'/4OS8'/7075fJ9 720 9.0 45 2 867y50 7.2 22.7 30 3* 470 7SO00 3000 1000 900 116 snd 6994 //6S7 28 580 47 331 "000 iioso 3.S0 /2S« 16.1 20 5 /02 700 /3.9 24.2 as 20 5/2 76 000 3 000 1000 too 100 4li 6 02s 10 041 5/027^ 67091 Z7 fiOO n 702 ZiZ iooooo lAi 670 i.it 403 s.o 2S 1 S9S 700 ■^.0 /2.8 II 36 670 76 500 3 000 loSO 1300 /'« 420 7 lOS //842 /5 987 3-»9* itooo 82 030 3.50 720 9.0 -ts 2 SS7 9SC 7.2 /3.i 14 XOS12 76 SOO 3 000 loso 1 200 /02 362 i, 136 /0 226 28 580 44942 •0 .5/ t30 .j.ii ;/43 14.3 7/ + i34 7M //.5 14-1 I7.S 12 910 76 500 3 000 1 050 1200 94 «0 S 6B0 9466 45 348 60 4f# 33000 I9 0S3 ns »oo ii 100 4.42 -f06 5.1 25 / &09 6SC 4.0 6.S 7.0 16 275 S3S00 3 300 /600 1990 /05 <« 6 340 10 565 16 0?733002 •2 32 -4^0 S.83 8" /O.I 60 3 2/5 iSO 8.0 6.« /0.S 8 117 82500 3 300 1600 /9S0 974V 5 850 9749 33 IS6 47 755 >»+ 20 430 H.I IZfS I6.Z 8/ 5 HO 660 /2.9 7.1 I4.S 5 I07 82 500 3 300 1 600 1920 94 4S7 5 470 944? 5/407 66525 44 000 zs'io-t 131 »2 32 460 8.83 A St S.7 29 / SOS 790 4.6 3.9 6.0 z 117 90 000 34i0 2 300 3960 107721 6 463 /0 772 IS 053 3SZIS\ "■S /i no /7.8 9/6 11.4 S3 3 639 780 9.1 ■4.0 9.S 4 040 90 000 3450 2 200 3960 10 3 tSO 6319 ;0 3t5 36 3»S529«| ages : thus the increased cost of 66 000 volt insulators above the cost of 33 000 volt insulators is stated as 3500 -f- 650 or 540 percent. Cost of Other Apf>aratus — The cost of lightning arresters, high-tension circuit breakers and general in- sulation increase with the voltage. - The increased cost of these items, however, may not have sufficient weight to materially influence the selection of the transmission voltage. Cost of Buildings — Lower voltage transformers, switching equipment and lightning arresters require less space for insulation. If this apparatus is to be placed indoors, the cost of necessary buildings may be less. The amount of real estate required may also be less in case of the lower voltage. • Relative Cost Values- — Table F contains relative co.st values for different transmission voltages. They indicate approximately the variation, at the present time, in cost of the principal material which is affected by a change in transmission voltage. Cost values are very unstable at present but the table will serve in a general way to indicate comparative costs. Summary — In deciding upon the transmission voltage, careful and full consideration should be given to the present (or probable future) voltage of any neighboring or adjacent systems. There is an increas- ing tendency to combine generating and transmission systems for purposes of economy, and insurance against breakdown in service. If a possible future consolida- tion is not kept in mind when selecting the transmission voltage, a voltage may be decided upon which would render it impossible to parallel with a neiglAoring sys- tem, except through connecting transformers. In this case the transformers of the two systems would prob- ably not be interchangeal)le for service on either system. If the contemplated transmission system is remote from any exi.sting system, a study of the initial and op- erating costs should be made corresponding to various sizes of conductors and to various assumed transmission voltages. A suggested tabulation for such compari- sons is shown in Table G. In this table, it is assumed that 10 000 kv-a. (8000 kw at 80 percent power-factor i:igging), is to be transmitted a distance of ten miles at 60 cycles, three-phase for ten hours, followed by DETERMINATION OF FREQUENCY AND VOLTAGE 2500 kv-a. (2000 kw at 80 percent power-factor lag- ging) for 14 hours. Delta spacing is assumed of three feet for the lower two and four feet for the higher two voltages. Raising and lowering transformers will be required of an assumed total capacity of 2.5 X 10 000 or 25 000 kv-a. Conductors of hard drawn stranded copper are employed, the resistance of the conductors being taken at a temperature of 25 degrees C. from Table II. The cost of the pole or tower line, the righi of way, buildings and real estate for buildings is not in- cluded in this tabulation. Neither is the difference in transformer efficiencies taken into account. The differ- ence in these items will not be sufficient in this case greatly to influence the choice of the transmission volt- age, because all of the voltages compared are relatively low. Because of the large amount of power to be transmitted a comparatively short distance, the approxi- mate rule of 1000 volts per mile for short lines does not hold true for this problem. Assuming for the sake of argument that the price values given in this form of tabulation are approxi- mately correct for this problem and that there are no neighboring transmission systems, then the problem re- duces to cost economics. Since both the first and operating costs in Table G are higher for 16 500 volts than they are for 22 000 volts, it is evident that 16 500 volts is economically too low a voltage. ■ In the consideration of 22 000 volts it will be seen that, of the three sizes of conductors, the largest size (300000 circ. mil.) will be the cheaper in the end. Thus, if No. 000 were selected, the first cost would be $16159 less than for 30000 circ. mil conductors, but the operating cost (due to greater loss in transmission) will be approximately $10000 a year more. For a similar reason No. o conductors will be disqualified. In the consideration of 33 000 volts, No. 00 con- ductors will be the choice and in the consideration of 44000 volts. No. 2 conductors will be the choice. The choice then comes down to the following: — Voltage Transmission Conductors Total Cost First Annual Operating Cost 22000 33000 44000 300000 circ. mils No. 00 No. 2 $118420 105655 107 727 $34934 33002 35288 It will thus be seen that a voltage of 33 000 volts and No. 00 conductors are the most economical of those tabulated. The transmission loss will be 5.1 percent, the reactance 6.5 percent and the voltage drop seven percent at full load. The value assigned as the cost per kw-hour for power lost in transmission will obviously have great influence in determining the proper economic size of conductors for any given transmission voltage. The cost of the copper will have a relatively greater im- portance on longer lines. As a matter of fact, a larger s'.ze than any of the conductors listed in Table G would be still more economical, under the conditions given. There have been numerous mistakes made in under-esti- mating the ultimate demand for electrical power and consequently adopting too low a transmission voltage. When in doubt the higher voltage will, in the course of time, most likely justify its adoption by reason of fu- ture growth not apparent at the time the choice is made. The design and construction of transformers, cir- cuit breakers, lightning arresters, etc. for a multiplicity of high-tension voltages is expensive. The manufac- turers of such apparatus are endeavoring to standardize transmission voltages for the purpose of minimizing the number of designs of high-tension apparatus. This point could with mutual profit be taken up with the TABLE H-COMMON TRANSMISSION VOLTAGES Length of Line Voltages I to 3 miles 550 or 2200 volts 3 to 5 miles 2200 or 6600 volts 5 to 10 miles 6600 or 13200 volts 10 to 15 miles 13200 or 22000 volts 15 to 20 miles 22000 or 33000 volts 20 to 30 miles 33000 or 44000 volts 30 to 50 miles 44000 or 66000 volts SO to 75 miles 66000 or 88000 volts 75 to 100 miles 88000 or 1 10 000 volts 100 to 150 miles no 000 or 132000 volts 150 to 250 miles 132000 or 154000 volts 250 to 350 miles 154000 or 220000 volts manufacturers before any particular voltage is decided upon. The amount and cost of power to be transmitted is a very important factor in determining the economic transmission voltage. For average conditions isolated from existing transmission lines the voltages shown in Table H have been quite generally used. For excep- tional cases, exceptional values will be used. For ex- ample if 40000 kv-a. is to be transmitted 20 miles, 66000 volts or higher might be used. On the other hand if a very small amount of power is to be trans- mitted, lower voltages would probably be selected. At the present time the prospects seem bright for the standardization of the following "normal" system voltages. 44000 132000 66000 154000 88000 ♦187000 110000 220 000 ♦The use of 187000 volts is likely to occur only in case it i? found necessary to have a voltage between 154 000 and 220 000 volts. CHAPTER VII PERFORMANCE OF SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES (EFFECT OF CAPACITANCE NOT TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT) THE PROBLEMS which come under the general heading of short transmission lines are those in which the capacitance of the circuit is so small that its effect upon the performance of the circuit may, for all practical purposes, be ignored. The effect of ca- pacitance is to produce a current in leading quadrature with the voltage, usually designated as charging current. This leading component of current in the conductor does not appear in the load current at the receiving end of the circuit. It is zero at the receiving end of the circuit but increases at nearly a uniform rate as the sending end of the circuit is approached, at which point it ordinarily becomes a maximum. The effect of this charging current flowing through the inductance of the circuit is to increase the receiv- ing-end voltage and therefore to decrease the voltage drop under load. Since the charging current is 2.4 times greater for a frequency of 60 cycles than it is for a frequency of 25 cycles, its effect upon the voltage regu- lation will be considerably greater at 60 cycles than at 25 cycles. The effect of charging current upon the voltage regulation will also increase as the distance of transmission is increased. If the circuit were without capacitance, there would be no charging current and consequently the mathe- matical and the two graphical solutions (impedance methods) which follow under the general heading of "short transmission lines" would all produce accurate results. All circuits, however, have some capacitance, and as the length or the frequency of the circuit in- creases, these three methods will therefore yield re- sults of increasing inaccuracy. Some engineers con- sider these impedance methods sufficiently accurate for circuits 20 to 30 miles long while others use them for still longer circuits. To act as a guide. Table J indicates the error in the supply voltage as determined by these impedance methods, for circuits of different lengths corresponding to both 25 and 60 cycle frequencies. These three impedance methods produce practically the same results, and the sending end voltage, as determined by any of these methods, is always slightly high. In other words the effect of the charging current is to reduce the voltage necessary at the sending end, for maintaining a certain voltage at the receiving end of the circuit. The error referred to below for the three methods is expressed in percentage of the receiving end voltage. Thus, for a 30 mile, 25 cycle circuit, the error is 0.04 percent, and for a 30 mile, 60 cycle circuit the error is 0.2 percent. If an error of 0.5 percent is con- sidered permissible, then the Dwight or the Mershon Chart methods, or the corresponding mathematical so- lution, may be used for 25 cycle circuits up to approxi- mately 125 miles, and for 60 cycles circuits up to ap- proximately 50 miles. Of course these impedance methods may be used for still longer circuits by making proper allowance to compensate for the fundamental error. DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING A SHORT TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT Fig. 16 illustrates the relation between the various elements in short transmission circuits, when the effect of capacitance and leakage is not taken into account. The current flowing in such a circuit meets two op- posing e.m.f's. ; i.e. of resistance in phase with the cur- rent and reactance in lagging quadrature with the cur- rent. The upper part of Fig. 16 illustrates such a circuit schematically and the lower part vector ially. The volt- TABLE J Length of Circuit (Miles) Error in Percentage of Receiver Voltage cycles 60 cycles . 20 30 50 100 200 300 -H>.02 -f-0.04 +ai -f04 -fM +3-3 -fa 10 -fas -1-0.5 +1.9 -fao -fi8.o age component required at the sending end to overcome the resistance IR of the circuit is indicated in the vector diagram by a short line parallel with the base line /, representing the phase of the current. These lines are drawn parallel, since the resistance voltage drop is in phase with the current. The voltage component re- quired at the sending end to overcome the reactance IX of the circuit is indicated by a line in quadrature or at right angles, to the phase of the current The reactance is in quadrature with the current for the reason that the rate of change in the magnetic field (consequently the e.m.f. of self-induction or reactance) surrounding the conductor is greatest when the cufrent is passing through zero. The hypotenuse IZ of this small right angle impedance triangle represents the impedance volt- age of the circuit. It represents the direction and value of the resulting voltage necessary to overcome the com- bined effect of the resistance and the reactance of the circuit. The relative values and phases of the receiving and 50 PERFORMANCE OF SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES sending end voltages, and their phase relations with the current /, are also indicated on the vector diagram. This diagram is plotted for a receiving end load based upon 80 percent power- factor lagging. E, represents the value of the voltage required at the sending end of the circuit to maintain the voltage £r at the receiving end, when the impedance of the circuit is IZ and the receiv- ing end power-factor is 80 percent lagging. The phase angle *, indicates the amount by which the current lags behind the voltage at the sending end; cos «, being the power-factor of the load as measured at the sending end. Likewise cos «, is the power-factor of the load at the receiving end. TAPS TAKEN OFF CIRCUIT Usually the main transmission circuit is tapped and power taken off at one or more points along the circuit. The performance of such a circuit must be calculated by steps thus: — Assume a circuit 200 miles long with 10 000 kw taken off at the middle and 10 000 kw at the receiving end. From the conditions known or assumed at the receiving end, calculate the corresponding send- R f X Er NEUTRAL _£_ P. F. OF LOAD=Co> e. EQUIVALENT TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT TO NEUTRAL * ErCoie, ^^ VECTOR DIAGRAM OF TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT FIG. 16 — DIAGRAMS FOR SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES Impedance method, capacitance effect not taken into account ing end conditions, that is the voltage, power and power-factor at the substation in the middle of the cir- cuit. To the calculated value of the actual power in kilowatts add the losses at the substation in the middle of the circuit. Any leading or lagging component in the substation load current must also be added alge- braically, in order to determine the power-factor at the sending side of the substation. This will then be the receiving end conditions at the substation in the middle of the circuit, from which the corresponding conditions at the sending end of the circuit may be calculated. If the sending end conditions are fixed, and the receiving end conditions are to be determined, the substation losses will in such case be subtracted in place of added. CABLE AND AERIAL LINES IN SERIES COMPOSITE LINES In some cases it is necessary to place part of a transmission circuit underground, and in other cases it may be desirable to use two or more sizes of conductors in series. The result will be that the circuit constants will be different for the various sections. If the effect of capacitance be neglected, the combined circuit may be treated as a single circuit having a certain total re- sistance R and a total reactance X. PROBLEMS Later a table will be presented listing a large num- ber of transmission circuits from 20 to 500 miles long, at both 25 and 60 cycles operating at from 10 000 to 200 000 volts. These problems are numbered from i to 64. When a reference is made in the following to some problem number it will refer to one of this list of prob- lems. SYMBOLS The symbols which will be employed in the follow- ing treatment are given below: — FOR LOAD CONDITIONS Kv-Or = (total) at receiving end. Kv-ciro = (one conductor to neutral) at receiving end. Kv-a, = (total) at sending end. Kv-OsB = (one conductor to neutral) at sending end. Kwr = Kw (total) at receiving end. Kwra = Kw (one conductor to neutral) at receiving end. Kw, = Kw (total) at sending end. Kw,n = Kw (one conductor to neutral) at sending end. E, = Voltage between conductors at receiving end. £rii = Voltage from conductors to neutral at receiving end. E, := Voltage between conductors at sending end. £»« = Voltage from conductors to neutral at sending end. I, = Current in amperes per conductor at receiving end. /. = Current in amperes per conductor at sending end. Cos 6, = Power-factor at receiving end. Cos 6, = Power-factor at sending end. FOR ZERO LOAD CONDITIONS The symbols corresponding to zero load conditions are as indicated above for load conditions with the ad- dition of a sub zero. THE FUNDAMENTAL OR LINEAR CONSTANTS The fundamental, or "linear constants" of the cir- cuit for each conductor per unit length are represented as follows: — r := Linear resistance in ohms per conductor mile (taken from Table II) X = Linear reactance in ohms per conductor mile (taken from Table IV or V) b = Linear capacitance susceptance to neutral in mhos per conductor mile (taken from Table IX or X> g = Linear leakage conductance to neutral in mhos per conductor mile. (This represents the direct escape of active power through the air between conductors and of active power leakage over the insulators. These losses must be estimated for conditions similar to these of the circuit under consideration. For all lines except those of great length and high voltage it is common practice to disregard the effects of leakage or corona loss and to take g as equal to zero. z ^ Linear impedance = ]/ r* -|- x* y = Linear admittance = \/ g' -j- b' If the length of each conductor of the circuit in unit length is designated as / we have rl = Total resistance in ohms per conductor = R xl := Total reactance in ohms per conductor = X hi = Total susceptance in mhos per conductor to neutral D gl = Total conductance in mhos per conductor to neutral = G PERFORMANCE OF SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES 51 then, Z = y R' + X' ohms and, Y = \/G' + B' mhos IR = Voltage necessary to overcome the resistance. IX = Voltage necessary to overcome the reactance. IZ ^ Voltage necessary to overcome the impedance. METHODS FOR DETERMINING THE CONSTANTS OF THE CIRCUIT Several different methods for determining the fim- damental constants of the circuit are in use. These methods are illustrated below. Problem — Find the resistance volts IR and the re- actance volts IX in percent of delivered volts £, for the following conditions: — lOO kw active power to be de- livered at looo volts, three-phase, 60 cycles, over three No. 0000 stranded, hard drawn, copper conductors, cir- cuit one mile long, with a symmetrical delta arrange- ment of conductors, two foot spacing, the temperature being taken as 25 degrees C. Resistance of one mile of single conductor = 0.277 ohm (from Table II) Reactance of one mile of single conductor = 0-595 ohm (from Table V) Method No. i — When three-phase circuits first came into use, it was customary (and correct), in de- termining the loss and voltage regulation, to consider them equivalent to two single-phase circuits, each single- phase circuit transmitting one-half the power of the three-phase system. This practice is still followed by some engineers; thus: — 50000 1000 50 amp. per conductor for each single-phase cir- cuit. 0.277 X 2 X SO ^ . ■ , J- '-'-^ — £i-^_ ^ jQQ _ 2.77 % resistance volts drop of '"^^^ single-phase circuit. 0-595 X 2 X 50 ^ jQQ _ 5 55% reactance volts drop of '°'-'° single-phase circuit. Method No. z consists of treating the case as a straight three-phase problem. Thus: —, • = ';7-7'? amperes per conductor of three- 1000 X 1-732 phase circuit. 0.277 X 1-732 X 57-73 y^ ^^ ^ ^.^.^^^ resistance volts i°oo drop of three- phase circuit. 0-595 X 1-732 X 57-73 ... y ^^ _ % reactance volts 1000 ^ ='"" drop of three- phase circuit. Method No. 3 consists in assuming one-third the total power transmitted over one conductor with neutral or ground return (resistance and reactance of return being taken as zero). Such an equivalent circuit is shown by diagram in the upper part of Fig. 16. Thus the circuit constants for the above problem would be determined as follows : — 100 000 Watts per phase = — - — — 33 333 waits. Volts to neutral = 1000 X O-S774 or S77A volts. 33333. _ ^^^^ amperes per cotiducior; {smme as for 577-4 method No. 2) 0.277 X 57-74 . ^ 100 — 2.77% resistance volts drop of 577-4 three-phase circuit. 0-595 X 57-74 y ,00 _ 5.95% reactance volts drop of 577-4 three-phase circuit. It will be seen that all three methods produce the same results. Method No. j seems the most readily adaptable to various kinds of transmission systems and will be used exclusively in the treatment of the problems which will follow. APPLICATION OF THE TABLES Numerous tables of constants, charts, etc., have been presented, and a few more will follow. Chart II plainly indicates the application of these tables, etc. to the calculation of transmission circuits and the sequence in which they should be consulted. GRAPHICAL vs. MATHEMATICAL SOLUTIONS At the time of the design of a transmission circtiit the actual maximum load or power- factor of the load that the circuit will be called upon to transmit is sel- dom known. An unforseen development leading to an increased demand for electrical energy may result in a greatly increased load to be transmitted. The acttial length of a circuit (especially when located in a hilly or rolling country) is never known with mathematical accuracy. Moreover, the actual resistance of the con- ductors varies to a large extent with temperature varia- tions along the circuit. When it is considered that there are so many in- determinate variables which vitally affect the per- formance of a transmission circuit, it would seem that a comparatively long and highly mathematical solution for determining the exact performance, necessarily based upon rigid assumptions, is hardly justified. In many cases the economic loss in transmission will de- termine the size of conductors and, if the circuit is very long, synchronous machinery is likely to be employed for controlling the voltage. Mathematical solutions have one very important virtue, in that they provide an entirely different but parallel route in the solution of such problems, and therefore are valuable as a check against serious errors in the results obtained by the more simple graphical so- lutions. In the following treatment, simple but highly ac- curate graphical solutions will be first presented, for determining the performance not only of short trans- mission lines, but also for long lines. For short lines the Dwight and the Mershon charts will be used. For long lines, where the effect of capacitance must be ac- curately accounted for, the Wilkinson Charts, supple- mented with vector diagrams will be used. These three forms of graphical solutions will, when correctly ap- plied to any power transmission problem, produce re- sults in which the error will be much less than that due to irregularities in line construction and inaccurate as- sumptions of circuit constants. These three graphical solutions will in each case be followed by mathematical solutions. In the case of short lines the usual formulas employing trigonometric functions will be employed, and in the case of long lines the convergent series, and two different forms of hyperbolic solutions will be em- ployed. 52 PERFORMANCE OF SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES GRAPHICAL SOLUTION When the receiving end load conditions, that is, the voltage, the load and the power-factor are known, the IR volts required to overcome the resistance and the IX volts required to overcome the reactance of the circuit, may be readily calculated. On a piece of plain paper or cross-section paper divided into tenths, a vector diagram of the current and of the various voltage drops of the circuit may be laid out to a convenient scale. Whichever kind of paper is used, the procedure will be as in the following example. Single-Phase Problem — Find the voltage at the sending end of a single-phase circuit i6 miles long, con- sisting of two stranded, hard drawn No. ocxx> copper conductors spaced three feet apart. Temperatures taken as 25 degrees C. Load conditions at receiving end assumed as 4000 kv-a (3200 kw at 80 percent power- factor lagging) 20 000 volts, single-phase, 60 cycles. 4000 Kv-ar„ =- Era 2 20 000 2000 kv-a to neutral. 10 000 volts to neutral. 2 000 000 Ir = — — ^ 200 amperes per conductor. The fundamental constants per conductor are: — i? = 16 X 0.277 'from Table II) = 4.432 ohms X = 16 X 0.644 (from Table V) ^ 10.304 ohms and IR = 200 X 4.432 ^ 886 volts resistance drop 886 = ,„,,^ X i«o = 8.86 percent 10000 "^ IX = 200 X 10.304 = 2061 volts reactance drop 2061 ^ , = ,„„^ X 100 — 20.61 percent loooo ' Having determined the above values a vector dia- gram may be made as follows: — Draw an arc quadrant having a radius of 10 000 (the receiving end voltage to neutral) to some con- venient scale, as shown in Fig. 17. The radius which represents the base, or horizontal line will be assumed as representing the phase of the current at the receiv- ing end of the circuit. Divide this base line into ten equal parts. These ten divisions will then correspond to loads of corresponding power-factors. Since a load has been assumed having a power-factor of 80 percent lagging, draw a vertical line from the 0.8 division on the base line, until it intersects the arc of the circle. From this point of intersection draw a line to the right and parallel with the base line. To the same scale as that plotted for the receiver voltage (10 000) measure off to the right 886 volts to D. This is the voltage which, as determined above is required to overcome the resistance of one conductor of the circuit. It is some- times stated as the voltage consumed by the line re- sistance. It will be noted that this voltage drop is in phase with the current at the receiving end. From this point lay off vertically, and to the same scale, 2061 volts which is, as determined above, the volts necessary to overcome the reactance of one conductor of the circuit. This is sometimes stated as the voltage consumed by the line reactance. Connect this last point by a straight CHART II.— APPLICATION OF TABLES TO SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES (EFFECT OF CAPACITANCE NOT TAKEN INTO AC- COUNT) OVER HEAD BARE CONDUCTORS Starting with the kv-a., voltage and power-factor at the receiving end known. QUICK ESTIMATING TABLES XII TO XXI INC. From the quick estimating table corresponding to the voltage to be delivered, determine the size of the con- ductors corresponding to the permissible transmission loss. HEATING LIMITATION— TABLE XXIII If the distance of transmission is short and the amount of power transmitted very large there is a possibility of overheating the conductors — to guard against such over- heating the carrying capacity of the conductors contem- plated should be checked by this table. CORONA LIMITATION— TABLE XXII If the transmission is at 30000 volts, or higher, this table should be consulted to avoid the employment of con- ductors having diameters so small as to result in excessive corona loss. RESISTANCE— TABLES I AND II From one of these tables obtain the resistance per unit length of single conductor corresponding to the maxi- mum operating temperature — calculate the total resistance for one conductor of the circuit — if the conductor is large (250000 circ. mils or more) the increase in resistance due to skin effect should be added. PR TRANSMISSION LOSS Calculate the PR loss of one conductor by multiplying its total resistance by the square of the current — to obtain the total loss multiply this result by the number of con- ductors of the circuit. REACTANCE— TABLES IV AND V From one of these tables obtain the reactance per unit length of single conductor. Calculate the total reactance for one conductor of the circuit. If the reactance is ex- cessive (20 to 30 percent reactance volts will in many cases be considered excessive) consult Table VI or VII. Hav- ing decided upon the maximum permissible reactance the corresponding resistance may be found by dividing this reactance by the ratio value in Table VI or VII. When the reactance is excessive, it may be reduced by instaljing two or more circuits and connecting them in parallel, or by the employment of three conductor cables. Using larger conductors will not materially reduce the reactance. The substitution of a higher transmission voltage, with its correspondingly less current, will also result in less react- ance. GRAPHICAL SOLUTION A simple graphical solution, as described in the text, may be made by which the kv-a, the voltage and the power- factor at the sending end of the circuit may be determined graphically. Or the voltage at the sending end may be determined graphically by the use of either the Dwight or the Mershon chart. With the Mershon chart the power- factor at the sending end may be read directly from the chart. MATHEMATICAL SOLUTION As a precaution against errors the results obtained graphically should be checked by a mathematical solution, in cases where accuracy is essential. PERFORMANCE OF SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES 53 line with the center E of the arc. The length of this line ES represents the voltage to neutral at the sending end which, for this problem, is 1 1 998 volts. The dis- tance this line extends beyond the arc represents the drop in voltage for one conductor of the circuit. The voltage drop for this problem is 1998 X 100 = 19.98 10000 percent of the receiving end voltage. The phase difference between the current and the voltage at the receiver end is e^ = 36° 52'. This is the angle whose cosine is 0.8 corresponding to a power-fac- tor at the receiving end of 80 percent. Likewise the phase difference between the receiving end current and the sending end voltage is *, ^ 42° 13' corresponding to a power-factor at the supply end of 74.06 percent. The difference in these two phase angles (5° 21') repre- sents the difference in the phase of the voltages at the sending and receiving ends of the circuit. The power- I I9»a VOLTS CONDUCTOR DROP e206l VOLTS REACTANCE DROP 2S44 VOLTS IMPEDANCE DROP eee volts resistance drop POSITION FOR load OF 80% UAQGING. /i /* /.?" $ ey 0.a 0.4 06 0.6 0.7 0.8 POWER-FACTOR OF LOAD > CURRENT FIG. 17 — GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR A SHORT TRANSMISSION LINK Capacitance effect not taken into account. factor at the sending end of the circuit may be readily obtained by dropping a vertical line down from the point where the line representing the sending end voltage £5" intersects the arc of the circle, to the base line representing the phase of the receiving end current. Such a line will correspond to a power-factor of 74.06 percent. This assumption that the vector representing the direction of the receiving end current also repre- sents the direction of the sending end current is upon the basis that the circuit is without capacitance. It, therefore, is permissible only with short lines. In Fig. 17 the location of the impedance triangle is also indicated (by broken lines) in positions corre- sponding to a receiving end load of 100 percent power- factor ; and also for a receiving end load of zero lagging power- factor. It is interesting to note that in the case of 100 percent power-factor the resistance drop (at right angle to the arc) has a maximum effect upon the voltage drop; whereas the reactance drop (nearly paral- lel with the arc) has a minimum effect upon the volt- age drop. At zero lagging power-factor load just the reverse is true; namely the resistance drop is nearly parallel with the arc and causes a minimum voltage drop, while the reactance is at right angles and produces a maximum effect upon the voltage drop. VOLTAGE AT SENDING END AND LOAD AT RECEIVING END FIXED In cases of feeders to be tapped into main trans- mission circuits, the voltage at the sending end is usually fi.xed. It may be desired to determine what the volt- age will be at the receiving end corresponding to a given load. This may be obtained graphically as follows: — Draw a horizontal line which will be assumed to represent the phase of the current. (Fig. 17) Since the power-factor of the load at the receiving end is known, the angle whose cosine corresponds may be ob- tained from Table K. This angle represents the phase relation between the current and the voltage af the receiving end of the circuit. For the problem illus- trated by Fig. 17 this angle is 36° 52', corresponding to a power-factor of 80 percent. Having determined this angle, draw a second radial line intersecting the current vector at the angle corresponding to the receiving end load power-factor. This second line will then repre- sent the direction of the voltage at the receiving end of the circuit. If the load power- factor is lagging, this line will be in the forward direction, and if the load power-factor is leading it will be in the backward di- rection from the current vector. Now with the inter- section of the current and voltage vectors as a center, draw an arc of a circle to some suitable scale, repre- senting the voltage at the sending end. Calculate the voltage necessary to overcome the resistance, and also that necessary to overcome the reactance of the circuit Draw a right angle impedance triangle to the same scale, using the resistance volts as a base. Cut out the impedance triangle to its exact size. Keeping the base of the triangle (resistance voltage) in a horizontal posi- tion (parallel with the current vector) move the triangle over the diagram in such a manner that its apex follows the arc of the circle representing the numerical value of the voltage at the sending end. Move the triangle up or down until a position is found where it makes connection with the vector representing the voltage at the receiving end. This is then the correct position for the impedance triangle, and the receiving end voltage may be scaled off. GRAPHICAL SOLUTION BY THE MERSHON CHART The above graphical solution is that employed in the well known chart which Mr. Ralph D. Mershon early presented to the electrical profession, and which is reproduced as Chart III. The Mershon Chart is simply a diagram on cross-section paper with vertical and horizontal subdivisions each representing one per- cent of receiving end voltage. On this chart a number of concentric arcs are drawn, representing voltage drops up to 40 percent. After the reactance and the resist- ance volts have been calculated and expressed in per- 54 PERFORMANCE OF SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES CHART lll-MERSHON CHART DIRECTIONS FOR USING CHART BY MEANS OF THE TABLES CALCULATE THE RESISTANCE VOLTS AND THE REACTANCE. ^VOLTS IN THE LINE, AND FIND WHAT PER CENT EACH IS OF THE E.M.F. DELIVERED ■^AT THE END OF THE LINE. STARTING FROM THE POINT ON THE CHART WHERE ^THE VERTICAL LINE CORRESPONDING WITH POWER FACTOR OF THE LOAD JNTERSECTS THE SMALLEST CIRCLE. LAY OFF IN PER CENT THE RESIS- iJ-ANCE E.M.F. HORIZONTALLY AND TO THE RIGHT^ FROM THE POINT yTHUS OBTAINED LAY OFF UPWARD IN PER CENT THE REACTANCE- THE CIRCLE ON WHICH THE LAST POINT FALLS GIVES DROP IN PER CENT OF THE E.M.F. DELIVERED AT THE THE LINE. EXAMPLE VTHUS A CIRCUIT HAVING 5 PER CENT RESISTANCE D to PER CENT REACTANCE VOLTS HAS WITH LOAD OF lOO PER CENT POWER FACTOR 5^ PER CENT VOLTAGE DROP OR WITH A LOAD OF ao PER CENT POWER FACTOR 10 PER CENT VOLTAGE DROP. RESISTANCE DROP_ .6 .7 .8 LOAD POWER FACTORS 10 20 30 DROP IN PER CENT OF E.M.F. DELIVERED PERFORMANCE OF SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES S5 cent of Ef the impedance triangle is traced upon the chart and the voltage drop in percentage of £, is read directly as indicated by the directions. All values on the chart are expressed in percent of the receiving end volt- age. Single-Phase Problem — Taking the resistance volt- age as 8.86 percent and the reactance voltages 20.61 per- cent of the receiving end voltage, for the above single- phase problem, (Fig. 17) and tracing these values upon the Mershon Chart for a receiving end load of 80 per- cent power-factor lagging, the voltage drop is de- termined as 19.9 percent. The calculated value being 19.98 percent, the error by the chart is seen to be negligible. WHEN THE SENDING END CONDITIONS ARE FIXED When the conditions at the sending end are fixed and those at the receiving end are to be determined, the solving of the problem by the Mershon Chart is more complicated. In such cases, it is usual to estimate what the probable receiving end condition will be. From these estimated receiving end conditions, deter- mine by the chart the corresponding sending end condi- tions. If the conditions as determined by this assump- tion are materially 'different from the known conditions, another assumption should be made. The correspond- ing sending end conditions should then be checked with the known conditions. Several such trials will usually be necessary to solve such problems. GRAPHICAL SOLUTION BY THE DWIGHT CHART Mr. H. B. D wight has worked up a straight line chart, shown as Chart IV, in which the resistance and the reactance of the circuit have been taken into ac- count through the medium of spacing lines marked for various sizes of conductors.* The use of this chart does not, therefore, require the calculation of the re- sistance and reactance or the use of tables of such con- stants. The Dwight Chart is also constructed so as to be applicable to loads of leading as well as to loads of lagging power-factors, whereas the Mershon chart, as generally constructed, is applicable to loads of lagging power-factor only. However the Mershon Chart can be made applicable for the solving of problems of lead- ing as well as lagging power-factor loads by extending it through the lower right-hand quadrant. The appli- cation of synchronous condensers frequently gives rise to loads of leading power-factor. The Dwight Chart is well adapted to the solution of such circuits. Still another feature of this chart is that formulas are given which take capacitance effect into account with suffi- cient accuracy for circuits with a length up to approxi- mately 100 miles. Single-Phase Problem — Find the voltage at the sending end of a single-phase circuit 16 miles long, con- sisting of two stranded, hard-drawn, No. 0000 copper conductors, spaced three feet apart. Temperature *The basis of the construction of this chart 13 described in the Journal for July, 1915, p. 306. * taken as 25 degrees C. Load condition at receiving end assumed as 4000 kv-a (3200 kw at 80 percent power- factor lagging) 20 000 volts single-phase, 60 cycles. From Table II the resistance of No. 0000 stranded, hard-drawn, copper conductors at 25 degrees C. is fotmd to be 0.277 ohm per wire per mile. Lay a straight edge across the Dwight Chart from the resist- ance value per mile 0.277 (^s read on the lower half of the vertical line to the extreme right) to the spacing of three feet for copper conductors and 60 cycles at the extreme left. Along this straight edge read factor V = 0.62, corresponding to a lagging power-factor of 80 percent. This factor V is equivalent to the change in receiving end voltage per total ampere per mile of circuit, due to the line impedance. It will be noted that opposite the resistance values (extreme right vertical line) is placed the correspond- ing sizes of copper and aluminum conductors on the basis of a temperature of 20 degrees C. If the tempera- ture is assumed to be 20 degrees C. it will not be neces- sary to consult a table of resistance values. In such a case, the straight edge would simply be placed over the division of the vertical resistance line corresponding to the size and material of conductors. Marking a resist- ance value on this vertical line makes the chart adapt- able to resistance values corresponding to conductors at any temperature. Had the power factor been lead- ing, in place of lagging, the corresponding resistance point would have been located on the upper half of the vertical resistance line. Continuing following the directions on the chart for short lines, we obtain the following. Since the circuit is single-phase, use 2 V =^ 1.24 ,, ,, , ^ .. , X c lOOOOO X 4000 X 16 X 1.24 Voltage drop in percent of E, = 2ooocf == 19.84 percent The voltage drop, as calculated mathematically, is 19.98 percent representing an error of 0.14 percent by the chart. Three-Phase Problem (No. jj) — Find the voltage at the sending end of a three-phase circuit, 20 miles long, consisting of three No. ocoo stranded, hard-drawn, copper conductors, spaced three feet apart in a delta arrangement. Temperature taken as 25 degrees C. Load conditions at receiving end assumed as 1300 kv-a (1040 kw at 80 percent power-factor lagging) 10 000 volts, three-phase, 60 cycles. From Table II, the resistance per wire per mile is again found to be 0.277 ohm and since the spacing and frequency are both the same as in the case of the above single-phase problem, we again obtain V = 0.62. The voltage drop in percent of £, is therefore 100 000 X 1300 X 20 X 0.62 , ^1 = 16.12 percent 10 000 The voltage drop as calculated mathematically is 16.16 percent, representing an error of 0.04 percent. CAPACITANCE In long circuits the effect of capitance is to de- crease the voltage drop, or increase the voltage rise, as 56 PERFORMANCE OF SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES CHART-IV DWIGHT CHART FOR DETERMINING THE VOLTAGE REGULATION OF TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS CONTAINING CAPACITANCE CORRECT WITHIN APPROXIMATELY ONE HALF OF ONE PER CENT ^ ^0^^ o%^ OF LINE VOLTAGE FOR LINES UP TO 100 MILES LONG AND FOR ,<^V-^ ® *" LOADS GIVING NOT MORE THAN 15 PER CENT RESISTANCE OR REACTANCE VOLTS , ->« ^^NO. 3 ALUMINUM 7 1.7 -p- NO. 6 COPPER (J- o ^o ub ll'*J.4- NO. 2 ALUMINUM g i_ ^NO. 4 COPPER < q: LJli. u Ot3 I ALUMINUM NO. 3 COPPER zz ^NO. ALUMINUM Zi Ld "^NO. 2 COPPER V) _l u q: NO. 00 ALUMINUM NO. I COPPER NO. 000 ALUMINUM Na COPPER NO. 0000 ALUMINUM NO. 00 COPPER 250.000 CM ALUMINUM NO. 000 COPPER ■300,000 CM ALUMINUM NO. 0000 COPPER ■350.000 CM ALUMINUM '250.000 CM COPPER CO IT o Z ^ O < 3 "S it! 3 5 o o ID DIRECTIONS —Q, LAY A STRAIGHT EDGE ACROSS T^i THE CHART FROM THE SPACING POINT TO THE RESISTANCE POINT. AND READ V SHORT LI N ES VOLTAGE DROP IN PER CENT OF E 100.000 KVA X LV 250.000 CM COPPER 1^350000 CM ALUMINUM "^O. 0000 COPPER ^ 300,000 CM ALUMINUM ■ —NO. 000 COPPER ^250,000 CM ALUMINUM NO. 00 COPPER NO. 0000 ALUMINUM NO. COPPER NO. 000 ALUMINUM j^NO. I COPPER ^NO. 00 ALUMINUM J ^NO. 2 OOPPER 'q "^NO. ALUMINUM ^. (yj WHERE DROP IN VOLTS - 1000 KVA X LV "" E KVA - KVA OF LOAD AT RECEIVER END L - LENGTH OF LINE IN MILES E — LINE VOLTAGE AT LOAD OR RECEIVER END V- FACTOR READ FROM CHART. V REPRESENTS A DROP IN VOLTAGE WHEN IT IS READ ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE ZERO LINE AS THE RESISTANCE POINT. AND A RISE IN VOLTAGE WHEN IT IS ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE. LINES OVER 30 MILES LONG FOR LONG LINES. THE LINE CAPACITANCE DECREASES THE DROP, OR INCREASES THE RISE AS FOUND ABOVE. BY / , \2 / i \2 '°° ^ (iooo) ^^^ "^^N"^- °" ^'^(iooo) ^°'-"rS WHERE \'°°"' V"00/ ^=2.16 FOR 60 CYCLES K-0 375 FOR 25 CYCLES THE EFFECTIVE SPACING OF 3 PHASE LINES IS S -^/^^ S - 1.26 A FOR FLAT SPACING. THE ABOVE EQUATIONS ARE FOR 2 AND 3 PHASE LINES FOR SINGLE PHASE USE 2 V1N PLACE OF V COPYRIGHT 1916 BY H. B. DWIGHT ■ ^NO. 3 COPPER ^ . - *^NO I ALUMINUM [J li. < q-q: NO. 4 COPPER 2 _ NO. 2 ALUMINUM ^ jj l-O (0 < u rNO. 6 COPPER NO. 3 ALUMINUM RESISTANCE-OHMS ONE CONDUCTOR PERFORMANCE OF SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES S7 will be explained later. The Dwight and Mershon charts do not recognize the effect which capacitance has upon the voltage drop. In the lower left hand corner of the Dwight Chart, however, there is placed a formula by which a correction may be applied to the voltage drop as given by the chart This correction accounts for the effect of the charging current (resulting from capacitance) quite accurately, provided the circuit is not too long or the frequency too high. The application of this corrective factor will be evident from the follow- ing problem. TABLE K-COSINES, SINES AND TANGENTS ANGLE cos (P F) SIN 8 TAN 0° 00' 1. 000 0.0000 0.0000 8' o6' 0.990 0.1409 0.1423 11° 28' 0.980 0.1988 0.2028 '^o °4' 0.970 0.2430 0.2506 't '5 0.960 0.2798 O.29IS i8° n' 0.950 0.3120 0.3285 '< 56; 0.940 0.3410 0.3627 21° 33 0.930 0.3673 0.3949 < 04 0.920 0.3918 0.4258 24: ^ 0.910 0.4144 0.4554 25„ 50' 0.900 0.4357 0.4841 ^L °7' 0.890 0.4558 O.512I 28° 21' 0.880 0.4748 0.5396 29^ 32' 0.870 0.4929 0.5665 30„ 41 0.860 0.5103 0.5934 31° 47' 0.850 0.5267 0.6196 3^0 si; 0.840 0.5424 0.6457 33 54 0.830 0.5577 0.6720 34° 54' 0.820 0.5721 0.6976 35 54' 0.810 0.5864 0.7239 36 52; 0.800 0.6000 0.7499 37° 48' 0.790 0.6129 0.7757 ^K 44' 0.780 0.6257 0.8021 39° 38 0.770 0.6379 0.8283 40 32 0.760 0.6499 0.8551 K ^ 0.750 0.6613 0.8816 42° 16' 0.740 0.6726 0.9089 43° 06' 0.730 0.6833 0.9358 43° 56' 0.720 0.6938 0.9634 44, 45; 0.710 0.7040 0.9913 "•1° ^ 0.700 0.7141 1.0199 46° 22' 0.690 0.7238 1.0489 47° 09' 0.680 0.7331 1.0780 47 ss; 0.670 0.7422 I.IO74 < 42 0.660 0.7513 1.1383 < 27 0.650 0.7598 1.1688 50° 12' 0.640 0.7683 1.2002 50° 57' 0.630 0.7766 1.2327 5'„° 41; 0.620 0.7846 J.26S5 52° 24' 0.610 0.7923 1.2985 53: °7' 0.600 0,8000 1.3327 S3 SO 0.590 0.8073 1.3680 54 32' 0.580 0.8145 '■4037 55 14' 0.570 0.8215 1.4406 55° 56' 0.560 0.8284 1.4788 56° 37' 0550 0.8350 1.5175 57 18' 0.540 0.8415 1.5577 57° 59' 0.530 0.8479 1.5993 58 40; 0.520 0.8542 1.6426 59 20' 0.510 0,8601 1.6864 60° 00' 0.500 0.8660 1.7320 60° 39' 0.490 0.8716 1.7783 61° 18' 0.480 0.8771 1.8265 61° 57' 0.470 0.8825 1.8768 Three-Phase Problem (No. 45) — Find the volt- age at the sending end of a three-phase circuit, 100 miles long, consisting of three No. 0000, stranded, hard- drawn copper conductors, spaced nine feet apart in a delta arrangement. Temperature assumed as 25 de- grees C. Load conditions at receiving end assumed as 22000 kv-a, 80 percent power-factor lagging, 88chx) volts, 60 cycles. load by the amount of 100 X ^- .y = 2.l6 From Table II the resistance is found to be 0.277 ohm per mile. From Dwight Chart read V = 0.70. Then, the voltage drop in percent of £„ if the line were short, would be, looooo X 22000 X 100 X 0.70 83ooo» = 19.89 percent From directions on the Dwight chart for circuits over 30 miles long, the charging current of this circuit is found to be such as to decrease the voltage drop un- der load conditions or to increase the voltage at zero \/OOOj percent. Hence the voltage at the sending end, under load conditions, will be ip.8p — 2.16 ^^^ 17-73 percent. The actual result as calculated rigorously is 17.94 per- cent. Thus the error by the Dwight graphical solution is approximately 0.21 percent. If the power-factor of the load is assumed as 100 percent (problem 46) in place of 80 percent lagging, we get V = 0.3s and find the error for the Dwight graphi- cal solution of this 100 mile, 60 cycle circuit to be ap- proximately 0.75 percent. It should be noted, however, that the reactance volts are in this case 22 percent of the receiving end voltage. SENDING END CONDITIONS FIXED When the sending end conditions are fixed, a dif- ferent form of solution must be employed to determine the size of conductors corresponding to a given voltage drop. In such cases, the Dwight Chart is particularly applicable. To use the chart for the solution of such problems proceed as follows. First V is calculated by means of the formulas on the chart, and then a straight edge is placed through V (on the line corresponding to the power-factor of the load) and the point for the spacing and frequency to be used, and the required size of conductor can be seen at a glance on the resistance scale at the right. To make this application of the chart clear, the following is given, — Voltage drop in percent of Er ■ Hence 100 000 Kv-a y. L V £,' iiS) V = Voltage drop in percent of Et X E* (^9) 100 000 Kv-a XL Applying (29) to the above problem No. 33 we get 16.12 X 10 000' _ ~iooooo X 1300 X 20 ~ **■ ^ Following the above directions, the resistance per mile is found to be 0.277 ohm and the corresponding size of conductor No. 0000 copper. MATHEMATICAL SOLUTION In order to check any one, or all of the above de- scribed graphical methods, a complete mathematical solution may be made by applying the various trigono- metrical formulas. Fig. 18, to the values of the problem under consideration. These formulas have been ar- ranged to meet the conditions of loads of either lagging or leading power-factors, and for conditions fixed at either the receiving or the senuing ends. There are numerous problems requiring a solution S8 PERFORMANCE OF SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES where the voltage at the sending end, and the kilowatts and the power-factor of the load at the receiving end are fixed. In such cases it is required to determine the corresponding receiving end voltage. This determina- tion can be made mathematically, but such a solution is tedious, since the formulas applying to such cases are cumbersome. Formulas are given at the bottom of Fig. i8 which may be applied to such problems. Time and labor may, however, be saved in solving such problems by the employment of a cut-and-try method usually used in such cases, as follows: — Assume what the voltage drop will be, correspond- ing to the size of conductors likely to be used. On the basis of this assumption the receiving end voltage is fixed; thus, all of the receiving end conditions are as- sumed to be fixed. The corresponding sending end voltage is then readily determined by one of the graphi- cal methods described. If the sending end voltage thus determined is found to be materially different from the fixed sending end voltage, another trial, based upon a different receiving end voltage, will probably suffice. Single-Phase Problem — Find the characteristics of the load at the sending end of a single-phase circuit, 16 miles long, consisting of two stranded, hard drawn, copper conductors, spaced three feet apart ; temperature taken as 25 degrees C ; load conditions at receiving end assumed as 4000 kv-a (3200 kw at 80 percent power- factor lagging) 20000 volts, 60 cycles; transmission loss to be approximately ten percent. Following the procedure given in Chart II, consult Quick Estimating Table XVII for a delivered voltage of 20000. Since the conditions of the above problem are a power-factor of 80 percent, and a temperature 25 degrees C, the corresponding kv-a values are as in- dicated at the head of the table on the basis of 10.8 per- cent loss in transmission for a three-phase circuit. For a single-phase circuit the corresponding values will be one-half the table values. Thus the 4000 kv-a single phase circuit of the problem is equivalent to 8000 kv-a, three-phase on the table. From the table, it is seen that for a distance of 16 miles 7810 kv-a, three-phase can be transmitted over No. 0000 conductors with a loss of 10.8 percent. 7810 kv-a is near enough to 8000 kv-a, and the loss of 10.8 percent is near enough to an assumed loss of ten percent, so we decide that No. 0000 copper • conductors come nearest to the proper size to meet the conditions of the problem. The loss with No. 0000 8000 conductors will be-Q- X 10.8 =11.06 percent, as will be shown later. Table XXIII indicates that there will be no over- heating of this size of conductor. Table XXII indicates that 20 000 volts is too low to result in corona loss with No. 0000 conductors, at any reasonable altitude. Then, — V 4000 Kv-a,n := — ^ 2000 kv-a to neutral. 3200 Kwrm = — — ^= 1600 kw to neutral. Ei, = = 10 000 volts to neutral. 2000000 . . ' ^ ' 10000 = 200 amperes per conductor. The resistance per conductor is i? = 16 X 0-277 (from Table II) = 4.432 ohms. The reactance per conductor is X = 16 X 0.644 (from Table V) = 10.304 ohms. and IR = 200 X 4-432 = 866 volts, resistance drop 886 = X 100 =: 8.86 percent 10 000 ^ '^ IX = 200 X 10.304 = 2061 volts, reactance drop = X 100 = 20.61 percent 10 000 'j E.n = 1/(10000 X 0.8 -I- 866)' 4- (loooo X 0.6 + 2061)' = II 998 volts to neutral (30) ,/ (10 000 X 0-6) +2061 \ «• =''^''-'1(10 000X0.8) -f 886 J = ^2 13 (jO Percent PF. = (Cos. 42° 13' ) X 100 = 7406 percent (3s) Kv-a,a = ^°° 10^ = 2399.6 kv-a per conductor (33) Kw,n = 2399.6 X 0.7406 = 1777-1 kw per conductor (34) 11998— lOOOO ^^ o .. . Percent voltage drop = ^^^ X 100 = 19-98 percent (46) Transmission loss = ^^^^ "^^^ = '77-28 k^ Per conductor (47) 177 28 ^^ 2 Percent transmission loss = " pp X loo = 11.08 percent (4S) Three-Phase Problem (No. 55)— Find the char- acteristics of the load at the sending end of a three- phase circuit 20 miles long, consisting of three stranded, hard-drawn, copper conductors, spaced in a three foot delta. Temperature taken as 25 degrees C. Load conditions at receiving end assumed as 1300 kv-a. (1040 kw at 80 percent power-factor lagging) 10 000 volts, 60 cycles ; transmission loss not to exceed ten percent. Following the procedure given in Chart II, the fol- lowing results are obtained : — Consult Table XV for a delivered voltage of 10 000 volts. Since the conditions of the above problems are, power-factor of load 80 percent, temperature 25 degrees C. the corresponding three-phase kv-a values of the table are on the basis of 10.8 percent loss in transmis- sion. From Table XV it is seen that 1240 kv-a, three- phase can be transmitted over No. 000 conductors, or 15(30 kv-a., three-phase over No. 0000 conductors at 10.8 percent loss. Since the loss for the problem is not to exceed ten percent and 1300 kv-a is to be tnms- mitted, we will select No. 0000 conductors. The loss j-jOO for these conductors will therefore be — —- of 10.8. or 1560 nine percent as will be shown later. Table XXIII indicates that there will be no over- heating of this size of conductor when carrying 1300 kv-a, three-phase. Table XXII indicates that 10000 volts Is too low to result in corona loss with No. OOGG conductors at any reasonable altitude. Then: — J-3QQ Kv-On = — I — = 433.33 kv-a to neutral. Kwt, — — — = 346.6 kw to neutral. and _ lOOOO '■ ~ r.732 ~ 5774 volts to neutral. , 433 333 'r = — = 75.05 amperes per conductor. The resistance per conductor is, — i? = 20 X 0.277 (from Table II) = 5.54 ohms. The reactance per conductor is, — X = 20 X 0.644 (from Table V) = 12.88 ohms. IR = 75.05 X 5-54 = 415-8 volts, resistance drop. 4158 PERFORMANCE OF SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES 59 Transmission loss = ^^"^^ ^^ = 3120 *w per conductor (^) 9.00 percent %t 20 X 1 Percent transmission loss = -^^-^ — ^^"^X lOO = 1040 S774 X 100 = 7.20 percent. OIAORAM FOR LAOQINQ POWEH-FAOTOR MIXED SENDING AND RECEIVING END CONDITIONS FIXED Brancn circuits are frequently run from the main transmission trunk circuit to the center of some local distribution. In such cases the voltage at the sending end and the current or the power and power-factor at -^8 ••CURIJENT DIAGRAM FOR LEADING J>OWER-F ACTOR P^ • V i ' i _i_i i h-jL* K. ERCOsep — -»i ! V EgCOSBg. »J CURRENT LOADS OF LAGGING POWER- FACTOR ^^ LOADS OF LEADING POWER -FACTOR £3= y(ER cos Sr+IR)^ + (Er sin Sh + OCf (30) (ErSIN9r)+1X) WHEN es=TAN-l ,EoCOSeH^+IR) "'* RECEIVING-END V " ") f CONDITIONS % PFs=- COS Og X 100 (32) ARE FIXED KVAcu-LlrSN PER CONDUCTOR (33) ^'^ "iooo KW^K|- KV-Aqki X COS 9<~ PER CONDUCTOR (34) Er- ^(EsCOS6s-IR/ + (EgSINeg-lX)^ (36) (Eg SIN Sg)- IX) WHEN Sr-TAN-I /EgCOS9s)-IR) "" SENDING-ENO ^ '" "11 CONDITIONS % PFr- COS Or X 100 (37) ARE FIXED ,^^ KVAo.," BH PER CONDUCTOR (38) "RN" 1000 KWrm-KVArnX COS Sr per CONDUCTOR (39) Eg- "^CEr COS eR+ 1R)^ + (Er SIN 9r - IX) (40) (ERS.NeR)-DC) WHEN Sg-TAN-* (Er COS 9r)+1R) '*" RECEIVING -END CONDITIONS %PFg-OOS9sXl00 (32) ARE FIXED ^u. l«EsN pER CONDUCTOR (33) SN IOOO KW;„- KVAgfi X COS 9^ PER CONDUCTOR (34) Er- y(Es COS 98 - IR)^ + (Eg SIN 9s-t-lX)^ (4J) (EgSINBs)-t-D<) WHEN On-TAN-< /Vc C03Bc\-IR-> <*» SENDING-ENO " ('^S'-^'S) '") CONDITIONS « pp _ COS 9r X 100 (37) ARE FIXED " " in/.An,i— '"^RN PER CONDUCTOR (38) "" IOOO kWp,,- KVAnfi X COS Br PER CONDUCTOR (39) GENERAL FORMULAS WHEN THE VOLTAGE AT SENDING END AND THE AMPERES AND POWER^^ACTOR AT RECEIVINOEND ARE FIXED Er = - 1 (r COS 9r ±X SIN eR)+ VeI-i' (r^ SIN^ Sr+X^ C0S° 9r)± 2 1^ R X COS 9r SIN 8r (44) * USE + WHEN THE POWER-FACTOR OF THE LOAD IS LAGGING AND - WHEN THE POWER-FACTOR IS LEADING WHEN THE VOLTAGE AT SENDING END AND THE POWER AND POWER-FACTOR AT RECEIVING END ARE FIXED (POWER FACTOR LAGGING) j = A Wit Vl- (R nX')KWRN^XI08 A* COS* Or AT, 1 000 KWru (R cos 9o + X SIN 9r) WHEREA-Eg^yX eilL__a^ ! ,4« i2r % VOLTAGE DR0P= -S~'-R XIOO (46) TRANSMISSION LOSS- j^ KW PER CONDUCTOR (47 > % TRANSMISSION LOSS- - °tOTAl"kWb''*" ^ ' °° ***' FIG. l8 — TRICWNOMETRICAL FORMULAS FOR SHORT TRANSMISSION UNES Capacitance effect not taken into account. IX = 75.05 X 12.88 = 966.6 volts, reactance drop. 966.6 ,, = ■ - X 100 = 16.74 percent. the receiving end are approximately fixed. In such cases the calculation for the voltage at the receiving end , — ^ -,^, , , , , ,^,,, , requires more arithmetical work than is required when £.. = 1/ (5774 X 0.8 -f- 415-8)' -h (5744 X 0.6 -f966.6 "=6707 ,,'. ... ^ a t .x, ■ ■.• c a volts to neutral (30) all the conditions at one end of the circuit are fi.xed. ( 5774 X 0.6 -f 966.6 \ _ o , f ,, Such problems can be more readily solved graphically, S774X0.8 4-41S-8 / ~ ^ " as previously explained, but may be solved mathe- PF. = (Cos 41" 22') X 100 = 75-05 percent (3^) matically by applying formula (44) or (45), Fig. 18. Kv-a„ = —j~ — ^^^ — S03.4 kv-a per conductor (33) To illustrate the application of formula (44) we Kw,. = 503.4 X 0.7505 = 377-8 kw per conductor (3^) will apply the values of Problem jj to formula (44) and Percent voltage drop =-^^^^r=^ X loo = 16.16 percent calculate the receiving end voltage. Thus we have as S774 (.46) fixed conditions: — 6o PERFORMANCE OF SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES En = 6707 volts It = 75-05 amperes ■Cos 0, = 0.8 Sin S, =: 0.6 R ===^ 5-54 ohms X = 12.88 ohms IR = 415.8 volts Then £r = —7505 (5-54 X 0.8 + i2.{ X 0.6) + 1/6707' — 75-05' (5-54' X 0.6 -' + 12.88= X 0.8') + 2 X 7505" X 5-54 X 12.88 X 0.8 X 0.6 U4) = — 913 + F 44983849 — 660242 + 385831 = — 913 + 6637 = 5774 volts. To illustrate the application of formula (45) we v/ill apply the values of Problem 55 to formula (45) TABLE L ILLUSTRATING VARIATION IN REACTANCE Resulting from Changes in the Conductors and Transmission Voltages and calculate the receiving end voltage. Thus we have as fixed conditions : — E.n = 6707 volts ■ Kw,„ = 346.6 kw R = 5.54 ohms X =^ 12.88 ohms Cos 6, ■=: 0.8 Sin Br = 0.6 then A = 6707 -y/ 0.5 loooX 346.6 (5.54 X 0.8 + 12.88 X 0.6) 6707' X 0.8 E,. = AJ^+y i A (5-54' + 12.88') 346.6' X iC A' X 0.8' Us) - 6707 j/'o.s — 0.1172 = 4152 = 41521/ I + 0.936 =: 5774 volts Alternative to (44) and (^5)— The following formulas have been proposed by Mr. H. B. Dwight to meet the mixed conditions referred to, — E,„ := 6707 volts 1000 X Kwr, = 346600 wafts 1000 X reactive Kv-a,^ = 346600 X -^= 260 000 v-a R = 5.54 ohms X = 12.88 ohms L = 346600 X 5-54 + 260000 X 12.88 = 5270000 M = 346600 X 12.88 — 260000 X 5-54 = 3025000 E^ = 0.5 E^^ - L+ o.s VE,* - y E,^ I. - 4 M"- •E = 5774 volts R - R 1- £. J^ ^ - ^'~ E,- E,'~ ^E,^' Ei' 2 E,' 5L^ E,- ~ E,' - E = 5779 volts E,' CONDUCTORS Total I' R Loss (KW) IR IX Approximate Voltage Regulation at Volts Per Cent. Volts Per Cent. 100 Per Cent. Power Factor 80 Per Cent. Power Factor (Lag.) RECEIVING END VOLTAGE — 0600 Single Circuit of three 500,000 circ.mil bare overhead con- ductors 129 123 3.22 622 16.32 4.5 12.8 Two circuits each of three 250,000 circ. mil bare overhead conductors. 129 123 3.22 133 8.73 3.< 7.7 One Circuit of 500,000 circ. mil three-conductor cable. Insulation thickness ij by a inches. 129 1.23 3.22 172 4.52 3.2 5.0 RECEIVING END VOLTAGE — 13 200 Single circuit of three 126,000 circ. mil bare overhead conductors. 129 247 3.22 354 4.M 3.2 5.1 CIRCUITS OF EXCESSIVE REACTANCE If a large amount of power is to be transmitted at comparatively low voltage, particularly if the frequency is high, the reactance of the circuit will be high com- pared with its resistance. If the reactance is excessive (20 to 30 percent reactance volts may in some cases be considered excessive), the voltage regulation of the cir- cuit may be seriously impaired. As will be seen by consulting Tables VI and VII, there is a fixed relation between tlie resistance and the reactance of a circuit for a given frequency, size and spacing of conductors. This ratio is 2.4 times greater for 60 cycle than it is for 25 cycle circuits. For a given size of conductor the reactance can be varied only slightly by changing the spacing of overhead bare con- ductors. Substituting a larger or smaller conductor may change the resistance materially, but this will have little effect upon the reactance. The reactance may be reduced by either or all of the following methods. The circuit may be split up into two or more circuits employing smaller conduc- tors and these circuits connected in parallel. The volt- age may be raised, if the installation is new, and smaller conductors employed; or the overhead conductors may be replaced by three conductor cables. To illustrate the above methods, the following problem has been as- sumed and the results tabulated. A HIGH REACTANCE PROBLEM Table L refers to the following problem — ^,}.ooo kv-a, three-phase, 60 cycles, is to be delivered a dis- tance of three miles over hard-drawn, stranded copper conductors. The PR loss is to remain at 129 kw. The spacing of the overhead conductors assumed as 3 by 3 by 3 ft. Temperature 25 degrees C. It is evident from Table L that if two three-phase circuits, each consisting of three 250000 circ. mil. con- ductors are installed in place of one three-phase circuit, consisting of three 500 000 circ. mil. conductors, the re- actance will be reduced by nearly one half, and a cor- responding improvement in the voltage drop or regula- tion will occur, particularly if the load power-factor is 80 percent lagging. A further improvement along this line will be obtained if a single three-conductor cable is employed. Doubling the voltage for the overhead cir- cuit and employing three 125 000 circ. mil. conductors results in practically as good performance in voltage regulation as for the 6600 volt three-conductor cable. *See article by Mr. H. B. Dwight on "Effect of a Tie Line between Two Substations" in the Electrical Review, Dec. 21, 1918, p. 966. The formulas given in this article make complete allowance for the effect of capacitance and are very similar to the above. CHAPTER VIII PERFORMANCE OF LONG TRANSMISSION LINES (GRAPHICAL SOLUTION) THE E.M.F. of self-induction in a transmission circuit may either add to or subtract from the impressed voltage at the sending end, depend- ing upon the relative phase relations between the cur- rent and the voltage at the receiving end of the circuit. This is illustrated by means of voltage vectors in Fig. 20, in which the phase of the current is assumed to be constant in the horizontal direction indicated by the arrow on the end of the current vector. The voltage at the receiving end is also assumed as constant at 100 volts. The vector representing the receiving end volt- age (Er = 100 volts) is shown in two positions corre- sponding to leading current, two positions correspond- ing to lagging current and in one position corresponding to unity power-factor. The components IR and IX of the supply voltage necessary to overcome the resistance R and the reactance X (e.m.f. of self-induction) of the circuit are assumed to be 10 volts and 20 volts respec- tively. Since the current is assumed as constant. IX and IR are also constant. The impedance triangle of the voltage components required to overcome the com- bined effect of the resistance and the reactance of this circuit is therefore constant. It is shown in five differ- ent positions about the semicircle, corresponding to five different load power-factors. The voltage E, at the sending-end required to maintain 100 volts at the re- ceiving-end is indicated for each of the five positions of the impedance triangle. Counter-clockwise rotation of the vectors will be considered as positive. This means that when th: cur- rent is lagging behind the impressed e.m.f., the voltage vector will be in the forward or leading direction from the current vector as indicated by the arrow. When the current leads the impressed voltage, the voltage vector will be in the opposite, or clockwise direction from the current vector. In other words, assuming the vectors all rotating at the same speed about the poin, O in a counter-clockwise direction, the current vector will be behind the voltage vector when the current is lagging and ahead of it when the current is leading. The alternating magnetic flux surrounding the con- ductors, resulting from current flowing through them, generates in them a counter e.m.f. of self-induction. This e.m.f. of self-induction has its maximum value when the current is passing through zero and is there- fore in lagging quadrature with the current. On the c'iagrams an arrow in the line IX, indicates the direction of the e.m.f. of self-induction. It will be seen that since the direction of the current is assumed constant, the e.m.f. of self-induction acts downward in all five impedance diagrams. The sending-end voltage is therefore opposed or favored by this self- induced voltage (see arrows) to a greater or less extent depending upon the power-factor of the load. Thus at lagging loads of high power-factor, the self-in- duced voltage acts approximately at right angles to the 5ending-end voltage, and therefore requires a small com- ponent of the sending-end voltage to balance or neutral- ize its effect. As the power-factor of the receiving-end load decreases in the lagging direction (upper quadrant of diagram) the sending-end voltage swings around more nearly in line with the direction of the induced voltage, thus requiring a greater component of the send- ing-end voltage to counter-balance its effect. At zero power-factor lagging, the direction of the sending-end voltage and that of the induced e.m.f. are practically in opposition, (as indicated by the arrows), so that the component of the sending-end voltage required to over- come the induced voltage is a maximum, or nearly as much as the e.m.f. of self-induction. It is interesting to note that at zero lagging power-factor, when the effect of self-induction on line voltage drop reaches a maxi- mum, the sending-end voltage component IR necessary to overcome the resistance of the circuit, (now nearly at right angles to the supply voltage), is a minimum. The reverse of these conditions is true for receiv'ng- end loads of power-factors near unity. Now consider receiving-end loads of leading power-factors, (lower quadrant of diagram). It will be seen that the e.m.f. of self-induction does not now oppose the sending-end voltage (indicated by direction of the arrows) but has a direction more or less parallel to that of the sending-end voltage. At high leading power-factors, the e.m.f. of self-induction has little effect on the sending-end voltage, but as zero leading power-factor is approached these two e.m.f.'s more rearly come in phase with each other. At zero power- factor leading, the e.m.f. of self-induction adds almost directly to the sending-end voltage. It will be seen, therefore, that for receiving-end loads of lagging power-factor, the sending-end voltage is greater than the receiving-end voltage, by an amount necessary to overcome the resistance and self-induction of the circuit. For receiving-end loads of leading power-factor, the sending-end voltage is less than the receiving-end voltage, for the reason that the e.m.f. of self-induction is in such a position as to assist the send- ing-end voltage. The following values from Fig. 20 illustrate these conditions : 6a GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LIN EH Power-Factor of Receiving End Load Supply Voltage percent lagging 80 percent lagging ICX) percent 80 percent leading percent leading 120.4 120.4 111.8 98.5 80.6 The condition of leading power-factor at the re- ceiving-end would be unusual in practice, since the power-factor of receiving-end loads is usually lagging. In cases, however, where condensers are used for voltage or power-factor control, the power-factor at the receiving-end may be leading. If the circuit were with- out inductance, there could be no rise in voltage at the '■—M'^OlSG^ ■^P.F O^ LCtf D 80% LAGGING P.F OF LOAD. 80% LEADING BASIS OF DIAGRAM tr HELD CONSTANT AT 100 VOLTS. IR RESISTANCE VOLTS CONSTANT AT 10 VOLTS. IX REACTANCE VOLTS CONSTANT AT 20 VOLTS. .IZ IMPEDANCE VOLTS CONSTANT AT 22.4 VOLTS, -P.F. OF LOAD. 0% LEADING FIG. 20 — EFFECT OF SELF INDUCTION ON REGULATION receiving-end, for in such a case, IX of the diagram would disappear, and the voltage drop would be the same as with direct current. All alternating-current circuits are inductive, and the greater their inductance, the greater will be the voltage drop, or the voltage lise along the circuit. Any alternating-current circuit may be looked upon as containing three active e.m.f.'s out of phase with each other. In addition to the impressed e.m.f. at the send- ing-end, there are two e.m.f 's of self-induction, one as the result of the receiving-end current and lagging 90 degrees behind it and the other as the result of the line charging current and lagging 90 degrees behind it. These two combine at an angle, with each other and with the impressed e.m.f. at the sending-end. CHARGING CURRENT Conductors of a circuit, being separated by a di- electric (such as air, in overhead circuits, or insulation in cables), form a condenser. When alternating-cur- rent flows through such a circuit, current (known as charging current) virtually passes from one conductor through the dielectric to the other conductors, which are at a diflferent potential. This current is in shunt with the circuit, and differs from the current which passes between conductors over the insula- tors etc. (leakage current) or through the air (corona effect) only in that the charging current leads the voltage by 90 degrees, whereas the leak- age current is in phase with the voltage. For a given spacing of conductors, the charg- ing current increases with the voltage, the fre- quency and the length of the circuit For long high-voltage circuits, particularly at 60 cycles per second, the charging current may be as much as the full-load current of the circuit, or more. In some cases of long 60 cycle circuits, where a comparatively small amount of power is to be transmitted, it is necessary to limit the voltage of transmission, in order that the charging current may not be so great as to overload the genera- tors. This charging current, being in leading quadrature with the voltage, represents nearly all reactive power, but it is just as effective in heat- ing the generator windings as if it represented active power. On the other hand, it combines with the receiving-end current at an angle (de- pending upon the power-factor of the receiver load) in such a manner that the addition of the full-load receiving-end current, in extreme cases, may not greatly increase the sending end current. In other words (if the charging current is near full-load current) the current at the generator end may not increase much when full load at the receiver end is added, over what it is when no load is taken off at the receiving-end. Since the e.m.f. of self-induction due to the charging component is proportional to the charg- ing current, its effect upon the voltage regulation of the circuit will also be proportional to the charging current. For a short low-voltage circuit, the charging current is so small that its effect on voltage regulation may be ignored. On the longer circuits, especially long 60 cycle circuits, such as will be considered later, its effect must be given careful consideration. VARIATION IN CURRENT AND VOLTAGE ALONG THE CIRCUIT It was explained above and illustrated in Fig. 20 that with a receiving-end load of leading power-factor. GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES 63 the voltage at the sending-end of the circuit might be less than that at the receiving-end. It was shown that the e.m.f. of self-induction, resulting from the leading current, tends to raise the voltage along the circuit. This boosting effect of the voltage is entirely due to the leading component of the load current. If, now, it is assumed that the power-factor of the receiving-end load is 100 percent, there will be no lead- ing component in the load current, and therefore there can be no boosting of the voltage due to the load cur- rent. Since, however, all circuits have capacitance, and since the current is alternating, charging current Vv'ill flow into the line and this being a leading current, the same tendency to raise the voltage along the circuit will take place as is illustrated by Fig. 20. The upper part of Fig. 21 is intended to give a physical conception of what takes place in an alternat- ing-current circuit. As the load current starts out from the sending-end, and travels along the conductor, it meets with ohmic resistance. This is represented by r in Fig. 21. It also meets with reactance in quadrature to the current. This is represented by jx in the dia- gram. Superimposed upon this load current is a cur- rent flowing from one conductor to the others, in phase with the voltage at that point and representing true power. This current is the result of leakage over in- sulators and of corona effect between the conductors. It is represented by the letter g in the diagrams. Then there is the charging current in leading quadrature with the voltage. This current does not consume any active power except that necessary to overcome the resistance to its flow. In Fig. 21 the four linear constants of the alternat- ing-current circuit, r representing the resistance, jx re- presenting the reactance, g representing the leakage and b representing the susceptance, are shown as located, or lumped, at six different points along the circuit. This i., as they would appear in an artificial circuit divided into six units. In any actual line, these four constants are distributed quite evenly throughout the length of the circuit. VOLTAGE AND CURRENT DISTRIBUTION FOR PROBLEM X The effect of the charging current flowing through the inductance of the circuit gives rise to a very inter- esting phenomenon. In order to illustrate this effect, the current and voltage distribution for a 60 cycle, 1000 volt, three-phase circuit, 300 miles long, is plotted in Fig. 21. This circuit will be referred to as problem X. In such a long 60 cycle circuit, this phenomenon is quite pronounced; so that such a problem serves well as an illustration. The voltage and the current have been determined for points 50 miles spart along the circuit. Values for both the current and the voltage under zero load, also under load conditions have been plotted. The load conditions refer to a receiving-end load of i8ckx) kv-a, at 90 percent power-factor, lagging, 60 cycle three-phase. The voltage is assumed as being held constant 104000 volts at the receiving-end, for both ?:»'-o and full-load conditions. Zero-Load Conditions — Without any load being taken from the circuit, it will be seen that the charging current at the sending-end approaches in value that established when under full load; i.e., 94.75 amperes. The charging current drops down to approximately 50 amperes at the middle, and to zero at the receiving-end of the unloaded circuit. The lower full line curve shows how this current is distributed along the circuit Starting at zero, at the receiving-end of the circuit, it increases as the sending-end of the circuit is ap- proached, at which point it reaches its maximum value cf 87.89 amperes. The voltage distribution under zero- load conditions is some-what opposite to that of the cur- rent distribution. That is the voltage ( 104 000 volts at the receiving-end) keeps falling lower until it reached a value of 84 676 at the sending-end. It should be noted that the voltage curve for zero load condition drops down rapidly as the sending-end is approached. The reason for this is the large charging current flowing through the inductance of the circuit at this end of the circuit. The larger the charging current the greater the resultant boosting of the receiving-end voltage. Load Conditions — When 16 000 kv-a at 90 percent power-factor lagging is taken from the circuit at the receiving-end, the current at this end goes up to 99.92 amperes. As the supply end is approached the current becomes less, reaching its lowest value (approximately 83 amperes) in the middle of the circuit. At the supply end it is 94.75 amperes, which is less than it is at the receiver end. Thus the full line representing the cur- rent in amperes along the circuit assumes the form of an arc, bending downward in the middle of the circuit. The shape of this current curve is dependent upon the relative values of the leading and lagging components cf the current at points along the circuit. The reason that the current is a minimum rear the middle of the circuit, is because this is the point where the lagging current of the load and the leading charging current of the circuit balance or neutralize each other, and the power-factor is therefore unity. Starting at the re- ceiving-end, the power- factor is 90 percent lagging. As the middle of the circuit is approached, the increasing charging current neutralizes an increasing portion of the lagging component of the load current. Near the middle of the circuit, this lagging component is en- tirely neutralized, and the power-factor therefore rises to unity. Passing the middle and approaching the sending-end there is no more lagging component to be neutralized, and the increasing charging current causes a decreasing leading power-factor which, when the sending-end is reached, becomes 93.42 percent leading. It will, therefore, be seen that the power- fac- tor as well as the current and voltage varies through- nut the length of the circuit. The voltage distribution under load condition is indicated by the top broken line. In order that the re- ceiving-end voltage may be maintained constant at 104000 volts, the voltage at the sending-end will vary 64 GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES from 84 676 volts at zero load to 122 370 volts at the pssumed load. THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS With the impedance methods considered under the general heading of "Short Transmission Lines" the cur- rent vifas considered as of the same value throughout the circuit, and the voltage drop along the circuit was considered as proportional to the distance. These as- sumptions, virhich are permissible in case of short Imes, are satisfied by simple trigonometric formulas. The rigorous solution for circuits of great elec- trical length accurately takes into account the effect produced by the non-uniform distribution of the cur- rent and the voltage throughout the length of the circuit. This effect wfill hereafter be referred to as the distribu- tion effect of the circuit, and may be taken into account SENDING END E3 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT TO NEUTRAL r INDICATES RESISTANCE jx REACTANCE jb SUSCEPTANCE AND g LEAKANCE (P.F. OF LOAD.90% LAGGING) _VOLTAOE (LOAD CONDITION) ti! 1 20s SENDINO-END 100 l&O '^00 DISTANCE IN MILES FROM SENDING-END FIG. 21 — DIAGRAMS OF TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT — PROBLEM X 300 miles long, 104000 volts delivered, 60 cycle. The upper diagram gives a physical conception of the conditions along the line. The curves show the variation in current and voltage along the circuit. through the application of the so called auxiliary con- stants of the circuit. The auxiliary constants A, B and C of the circuit are functions of its physical properties, and of the fre- quency only. They are entirely independent of the voltage or current of the circuit. The various solu- tions for long transmission circuits are in effect schemes for determining the values of these three auxiliary constants. Mathematically they may be cal- culated, by hyperbolic functions or by their equivalent convergent series. Graphically they may be obtained to a high degree of accuracy from the accompanying Wilkinson Charts for overhead circuits not exceeding 300 miles in length. Having determined the values for these three constants for a given circuit, the remainder of the solution is just as simple as for short lines It is only necessary to apply any desired load conditions to these constants and plot the results by vector dia- grams. DIAGRAM OF THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS In Fig. 22 are shown voltage and current diagrams lepresenting the application of the auxiliary constants to the solution of transmission circuit problems. To construct the voltage vector diagram, the two auxiliary constants A and B are required, and to construct the current vector diagram, constants A and C are required. Since these diagrams are based upon one volt and one ampere at the receiving-end, it is necessary to multiply the values of the auxiliary constants by the volts or the amperes at the receiving-end, in order to apply the auxiliary constants to a specific problem. Since the diagrams are shown corresponding to unity power-factor, it will also be necessary to change the position of the impedance and charging current triangles in case the power-factor differs from unity. This will be explained later. Constants a■^ and a^ — Refer- ring to the voltage diagram, Fig. 22, if the line is electrically short the charging current, and conse- quently its effect upon the volt- age regulation is small. In such a case the auxiliary constant o^ would be unity, and the auxiliary constant aj would be zero. In other words, the impedance dia- gram would (for a power- factor of 100 percent) be built upon the end of the vector ER, the point coin- ciding with the point R. In such a case, the voltage at the send- ing end, at zero load, would be the same as that at the receiving- end. If the circuit contains ap- preciable capacitance, the e.m.f. of self-induction, resulting from the charging currents which will flow, will result in a lower voltage at zero load at the sending-end than at the receiving-end of the line, as previously explained. Obviously, the load impedance triangle must be attached to the end of the vector representing the voltage at the sending-end of the circuit at zero load. This is the vector EO of the voltage diagram. Fig. 22. This volt- age diagram corresponds to that of a 60 cycle circuit, 300 miles in length. In such a circuit, the effect of the charging current is sufficiently great to cause the shift- ing of the point from R (in a short line) to the posi- tion shown in Fig. 22. In other words, the voltage at zero load at the sending-end has shifted from ER for circuits of short electrical length, to EO for this long 60 cycle circuit. The auxiliary constants a^ and a,, therefore, determine the length and position of the vec- tor representing the sending-end voltage at zero load. Actually, the constant a^ represents the volts resistance drop due to the charging current, for each volt at the 300 VllLES RECEIVING-END GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES 65 receiving-end of the circuit. That is, the line OF equals approximately one-half the charging current times the resistance R, taking into account, of course, the dis- tributed nature of the circuit. If the circuit is short, it would be sufficiently accurate to assume that the total charging current flows through one-half of the resist- ance of the circuit. To make this clear, it will be shown later that, for problem X, the resistance per conductor R = 105 ohms and the auxiliary constant C, = 0.001463. Thus, this line will take 0.001463 ampere charging current, at zero load, for each volt maintained at the receiving-end, and since OF = approximately R 105 /c X — \ve have OF (a^) = 0.001463 X = 0.0768075. The exact value of O2 as calculated rigor- ously, taking into account the distributed nature of the circuit, is 0.076831. Since the charging current is in s VOLTAGE DIAGRAM <- VOLTAGE AT RECEIVING-EN0=ONE VOLT- H CURRENT DIAGRAM -CURRENT AT RECEIVING -END=ONE AMPERE FIG. 22 — DI.\GR.'\MMATIC REPRESENTATION OF AUXILIARY CONSTANTS OF A TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT The vectors are based upon one volt and one ampere being delivered to the receiving end at unity power-factor. These diagrams correspond to those of a long circuit, leading quadrature with the voltage ER, the resistance drop OF due to the charging current is also at right angles to ER, as in Fig. 22. The length of the line FR or (/ — Oj), represents the voltage consumed by the charging current flowing through the indi^ctance of the circuit. This may also be expressed with small error if the circuit is not of X great electrical length as /o X — • The reactance per conductor for problem X is 249 ohms. Therefore FR = 249 0.001463 X 0.182143 and Oi =: i.oooooo 0.182143 = 0.817857. The exact value for o, as cal- culated rigorously, taking into account the distributed nature of the circuit, is 0.810558. The vector FR, re- presenting the voltage consumed by the charging cur- rent flowing through the inductance, is naturally in quadrature with the vector OF, representing the voltage consumed by the charging current flowing through the resistance of the circuit. Constants b^ and b^ represent respectively the re- sistance and the reactance in ohms, as modified by the distributed nature of the circuit. The values for these constants, multiplied by the current in amperes at the receiver-end of the circuit, give the IR and IX volts CONSTANT (A) ~60 Too BO 200 555 5o5 350 400 460 600 TRANSMISSION DISTANCE— MILES CONSTANT (B) 25 CYCLtS bj J5 CVCLES^ SO CYCLES b} SO CYCLES b| 100 1 50 200 250 300 360 400 460 600 TRANSMISSION DISTANCE-MILES CONSTANT (C) 100 150 MO 250 300 360 400 TRANSMISSION DISTANCE-MILES FIG. 23 — VARIATION OF THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS FOR CIRCUITS OF DIFFERENT LENGTHS drop consumed respectively by the resistance and the reactance of the circuit. To illustrate this, the values of R and X for problem X are i? = 105 ohms and X = 249 ohms per conductor. The distribution effect of the circuit modifies these linear values of R and A' so that 66 GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES their effective values are b^ = 91.7486 and b^ = 235.868 ohms. The impedance triangle, as modified so as to take into exact account the distributed nature of the circuit, is therefore smaller than it would be if the circuit were without capacitance. Constants c^ and c^ represent respectively conduct- ance and susceptance in mhos as modified by the dis- tributed nature of the circuit. The values for these constants, multiplied by the volts at the receiving-end of the circuit, give the current consumed respectively by the conductance and the susceptance of the circuit. To illustrate, the value of B for problem X is 0.001563 mho per conductor. The distribution effect of the cir- cuit modifies this fundamental value so that its effec- CONSTANT (A)=(a|i-ja;) V4TH wave 1/2 WAVE %TH WAVE FULL WAVE FIG. 24 — VARIATION OF THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS For a 60 cycle circuit (problem X) up to full wave length, tive value c^ = 0.001463. The value of Cj is so small that its effect is negligible for all except very long cir- cuits. For power circuits it will usually be sufficiently accurate to neglect c^. The value c^ will in such cases represent the charging current at zero load per volt at the receiving-end. Thus c^, multiplied by the receiving- end voltage, gives the charging current at zero load for the circuit. For problem X, c^ = 0.001463, and this, multiplied by the receiving-end voltage to neutral 60044 = 87.85 amperes charging current per con- ductor. VARIATION IN THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS The curves. Fig. 23, will serve to illustrate in a general way how the auxiliary constants vary for t^oth 25 and 60 cycle circuits for lengths up to and includ- ing 500 miles. In other words these curves have been plotted from calculated values for these constants for certain circuits. When the circuit is short, these constants do not vary materially from the linear constants of the cir- cuit, but when the circuit becomes long, they depart rapidly, particularly if the frequency is high. AUXILIARY OONSTANTS WAVE LENGTH OF THE CIRCUIT AND TRANSMISSION DISTANCE-MILES [ '/sTH 'A . %TH Vt .VaTH % '/sTH, FULL 369.9 MILES 1739.8 .MILES' III09.7 MILES 1479.5 MILES. 1849.4 MILES, 2219.3 .MILES 2589.2 MILES 2959 1 MILES ■a, 82 f .7/4 + ,//3 +.323 -.789 + .350 -■9-f2 -.622 -/. /O-f + /./9/ -.938 +1.922 * 105 ••26; * 87 + 428 -77.5 *3S0 -27* + SS.S -330 -330 -/22 -60s + 293 -S60 + &70 -/3S 0, -.000075 +.00/7^ -.00060 +.OOX.'*? -oo/z +.00169 'OPth -.0003Z2 -,00101 -.00Z50 ■*-.ooo7/ -.003S +.O028 -.00233 +.0039 •^.ooo78 (A) .72 5 .323 /9o°oo' .843 //Si' OS' I.Z09 //So'oo' I.IZ9 /zi-fzC /./04 /27d'00' '■SZ8 /32l°ll' I.9ZZ, /3i ,FULL WAVE LENGTH 2959.1 MILES T2.0 CONSTANT (a) %TH WAVE LENGTH I 849.4 MILES %TH WAVE LENGTH 2589.2 MILES 3/4 WAVE LENGTH 2219.3 MILES • •M . 6- FIG. 26 — POLAR DIAGRAM Showing the variation of the auxiliary constant A for hlf*m y nr» *-n full timro 1at->n-fV. .^..lu ,. »»'fe Vil^, Ytli lCH.i»_»ll Ul lilC problem X, up to full wave length. THE WILKINSON CHARTS Mr. T. A. Wilkinson has prepared charts frum v.hich the auxiliary constants may be read directly, thus abridging a great amount of tedious mathematical cal- culation. These charts, are plotted for circuits of lengths up to and including 300 miles.* ♦Similar Charts by Mr. Wilkinson were published in the Electrical World for Mar. 16, igi8. GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES 67 CHART V— WILKINSON CHART A (FOR DETERMININQ AUXILIARY CONSTANTS-ZERO LOAD VOLTAGE) o 00 COOT en O (X O CVCLES RESISTANCE (OHMS) X SUSCEPTANCE ( MlCROr." lOS)- PER MIUE 66 GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES their effective values are b^ = 91.7486 and b^ = 235.868 ohms. The impedance triangle, as modified so as to take into exact account the distributed nature of the circuit, is therefore smaller than it would be if the circuit were without capacitance. Constants c^ and c^ represent respectively conduct- ance and susceptance in mhos as modified by the dis- tributed nature of the circuit. The values for these constants, multiplied by the volts at the receiving-end of the circuit, give the current consumed respectively by the conductance and the susceptance of the circuit. To illustrate, the value of B for problem X is 0.001563 mho per conductor. The distribution effect of the cir- cuit modifies this fundamental value so that its effec- COrslSTANT (A) = (a| <-ia2) '/4THWAVE 1/2 WAVE %THWAVE FULL WAVE KIG. 24 — VARIATION OF THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS For a 60 cycle circuit (problem X) up to full wave length, tive value c^ = 0.001463. The value of c^ is so small that its effect is negligible for all except very long cir- cuits. For power circuits it will usually be sufficiently accurate to neglect c^. The value c^ will in such cases represent the charging current at zero load per volt at the receiving-end. Thus c^, multiplied by the receiving- end voltage, gives the charging current at zero load for the circuit. For problem X, c^ = 0.001463, and this, multiplied by the receiving-end voltage to neutral 60044 ^= 87.85 amperes charging current per con- ductor. VARIATION IN THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS The curves. Fig. 23, will serve to illustrate in a general way how the auxiliary constants vary for t^oth 25 and 60 cycle circuits for lengths up to and includ- ing 500 miles. In other words these curves have been plotted from calculated values for these constants for certain circuits. When the circuit is short, these constants do not vary materially from the linear constants of the cir- cuit, but when the circuit becomes long, they depart rapidly, particularly if the frequency is high. AUXILIARY OONSTANTS WAVE LENGTH OF THE CmOUIT AND TRANSMISSION DISTANCE-MILES | '/sTH 'A . %TH '/2 .%TH % '/sTH, FULL 369.9 MILES 1739 8 MILES' III09.7 MILES 1479.6 MILES, 1849.4 MILES, 2219 3 .MILES 2589.2 MILES 2959.1 MILES ■ai + .7/i +.323 -.789 + .350 -/. 20? -■942 -.iZI -I.I Of *-l.l9l -.953 + /.922 &.■ *■ lOS <-28; + 87 + 428 -77.5 + 350 -Z7i *ss.s -330 -330 -IZi. -60s + Z92 -SiO + &70 -I3S 0, -.000075 +.00/7'* -.00050 -oo/a -onik -.000322 -.OOIOI -.00250 +.0007i -.0035 +.O028 *:0039 -.00233 +.0007S (A) .7ZS .3Z3 / 90^00 .8^3 lis(,° oi 1.2.09 //■ao'oo I.IZ9 /2/3°24' 1.104 /Z7O°C0' '■SZS /32l°ll' I.92Z, /3t0°OO (B) 301.* 1-37 /79°3^' 358.S //02°2'7' 282.3 /ZUg'oT il9.3 /sS8«3-f i-iS.7, /z^rz-i i^2.4 /348-3-f' (C) ■ oon-t-i ■002527. Ooa07i' .00/433 //?/°26' .0027/5 /217'rf .0O3582 /2^l'2f .003i77 /320'IS' ■O03947 /37l°2i' FIG. 25 — VARIATION OF THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS For problem X, up to full wave length. The auxiliary constants have been calculated for problem X up to and including a full wave length, namely 2959 miles. Calculations were made only for distances representing each i/d'th wave, that is each 370 miles. The results are tabulated in Fig. 25, and are plotted graphically in Fig. 24. It is interesting to note how these auxiliary constants vary with increasing negative and positive values as the circuit increases in length. A polar diagram is plotted in Fig. 26, indicat- ing the manner in which the auxiliary constant A and its rectangular co-ordinates vary. Although these ex- treme variations are instructive and interesting, Ihey are not encountered in power transmission circuits, al- though they will be in long distance telephone practice. '/4 WAVE LENGTH. 739.8 MILES %TH WAVE LENGTH MOB. 7 MILES. Vl WAVE LENGTH 1479 5 MILES %TH WAVE LENGTH I 849.4 MILES ■ •/gTH WAVE LENGTH 369.9 MILES P /FULL WAVE LENGTH 2969.1 MILES +2.0 CONSTANT (a) %TH WAVE LENGTH 2589.2 MILES 3^ WAVE LENGTH 2219.3 MILES FIG. 26 — POLAR DIAGRAM Showing the variation of the auxiliary constant A for problem A', up to full wave length. THE WILKINSON CHARTS Mr. T. A. Wilkinson has prepared charts frum v.hich the auxiliary constants may be read directly, thus abridging a great amount of tedious mathematical cal- culation. These charts, are plotted for circuits of lengths up to and including 300 miles.* ♦Similar Charts by Mr. Wilkinson were published in the Electrical World for Mar. 16, 1918. GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES fi7 CHART V— WILKINSON CHART A (FOR DETERMININQ AUXILIARY CONSTANTS-ZERO LOAD VOLTAGE> CVCLES RESIST ANCe""(0HMS) X SUSCtPTANCE (MICR0K;M0S)-PER MILE 68 GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES CHART VI— WILKINSON CHART B 0.90 I op (FOR DETERMINING AUXILIARY CONSTANTS-LINE IMPEDANCE) 2601 CHART B PROBLEM FIND THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS FOR A TH^EE PHASE 80 CVCLE TRANSMISSION CIRCUIT 300 MILES LONO GON3I8TINO OF THSEE *000 STRANDED COPPER CONDUCTORS WITH lO' X Kl' X 20' FLAT SPACING - ^10X10X20-13.6- EQUIVALENT DELTA SPACINGl-FROM WIRE TABLES THE FOLLOWING VALUES PER MILE Of S'NGlE CONDUCTOR ARE OBTAINED, r-0.3B OHM. X- 0.83 OHM TO FIND THE CONSTANTS FROM THE CHART. CONSTANT "b"- FROM THE DOT AT THE RIGHT AT THE INTERSECTION C LINES FOfl 300 MILES AND 60 CYCLES FOLLOW HORIZONTALLY TO THE RiCHT TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE DIAGONAL FOR F- 35 VERTICALLY ABOVE THE LATTER POINT READ THE VALUE OF "b"- D I 7 CONSTANT "b^ -FROM THE DOT ABOVE AT THE INTERSECTION OF LINES FOR 300 MILES AND 60 CYCLES FOLLOW VERTICALLY UPWARD TO AN INTERSECTION WITH THE DIAGONAL FOR X-0 83 HORIZONTALLY TO THE RIGHT OF THE LATTER PQINT READ THE VALUE OF "b'l ■■ 236. CONSTANT (B)- THIS IS THE TQTAl IMPEDANCE PER CONDUCTOR TO THE LOAD CURRENT IT MAY BE READ FROM THE CHART AS FOLLOWS ON THE CIRCUUR ARC IN THE UPPER RIGHT HAND QUADRANT AT THE INTERSECTION OFCOORDINATEa"bj-Bl 7 ANo"b'j- 336 HEAD THE VALUE OF iai->2b2. OOPVRIOHT I9ia BY T, K WILKINSON CYCLES 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 RESISTANCE (OHMS)-PER MILE GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES 69 CHART VII— WILKINSON CHART C (FOR DETERMINING AUXILIARY CONSTANTS-CHARGING CURRENT) 0019- BOO CHART C wtoeiEM riNO TMt 4UKH.IW* CONSTANTS FQI * TMftEE PMASC CO CClC TR*f*SMiSSiON C'«CU'T 300 Mn.es LOhC consisting Of TMBCC ♦000 8TBANDC0 COPPtC CON0UCTO«S WiTm pO'X iO« W'LAT s^fcC-MJ 1- .jToTrSTjo - I 3 8 couivw.cntoclt»sp*c«»«<-»»om-«c TABLES THE FCXLQWtNO VALUES PC" M'LE OT SINGLE CONOUCTO« W>E OBTAINED r-0.36OHiyl.b-» 2'"'C*'0*'**0S^0'«"'"*»- THe«tfO«C rb'.oasKs 7>^ b w TO f INO THE CONSTANTS raQM T>^ CWMT qpNST ANT "c"- f WOM THE OCT AT TmC tCFT AT T*«C »iTEItS£CTK>«Of LINE S FOft JOO MILES AND 80 CtClES f OLLOw mOBi20NTALL' TO '►< lE'T TO»N iNTERSeCTONVWlTH Th| CHACON *L fO*» Ht - » *0 Vt»»TlC*H.* ABOVE TmE LATTEB P0CmT )••» B» r A i*K " "NSON 70 GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES The reading of these charts is simplified by reason of the fact that all three charts are somewhat similar. In following any of therii, the start is made from the intersection of the short arc representing length of cir- cuit and the straight line representing the frequency. From this intersection a straight line is followed tc a diagonal line and thence at right angles to the constant required. Thus in a few minutes the auxiliary con- stants of the circuit may be obtained directly from the chart, whereas by a mathematical solution from 15 minutes to an hour might be consumed in obtaining them. It is not, however, the time saved in obtaining these constants which is most important. The greatest advantage in this graphical solution for the auxiliary constants is that it not only abridges the use of a form of mathematics which the average engineer is inefficient in using, but it tends to prevent serious mistakes being made. In calculating these auxiliary constants by either convergent series or hyperbolic methods, an in- correct algebraic sign assigned to a number may cause a very serious error. Errors of magnitude are less likely to occur when using a comparatively simple graphical solution. In order to determine the accuracy obtainable by a complete graphical solution, using the Wilkinson Charts for obtaining the auxiliary constants and vector dia- grams for the remainder of the solutions, 48 problems were solved both graphically and mathematically. These problems consisted of circuits varying between 20 and 300 miles in length, and voltages varying be- tween 10 000 and 200000 volts. Twenty- four prob- lems were for 25 cycle, and the same number for 60 cycle circuits. The maximum error in supply end volt- ='ge by the graphical solution employing a four times magnifying glass was one-fourth of one percent. A tabulation of the results as determined by various methods for these circuits will follow later. APPLICATION OF TABLES The application of the tables to long transmission lines follows, in general, the same plan as for short lines, published as Chart II, with such modifications as are produced by the effects of distributed capacitance and reactance. The procedure best suited for long transmission lines is shown in Chart VIII. GRAPHICAL SOLUTION OF PROBLEM X Problem X — Length of circuit 300 miles, conduc- tors three No. 000 stranded copper spaced 10 by 10 by 20 feet (equivalent delta 12.6 feet) Temperature taken as 25 degrees C. Load conditions at receiving-end 18000 kv-a, (16200 kw at 90 percent power- factor lag- ging) 104 000 volts, three-phase, 60 cycles. 104000 £r. = = 60046 volts. I, 1732 6000 X 1000 CHART VIM.— APPLICATION OF TABLES TO LONG TRANSMISSION LINES (EFFECT OF DISTRIBUTED CAPACITANCE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT) OVERHEAD BARE CONDUCTORS Starting with the kv-a., voltage and power-factor at the receiving end known. QUICK ESTIMATING TABLES XII TO XXI INC. From the quick estimating table corresponding to the voltage to be delivered, determine the size of the con- ductors corresponding to the permissible transmission loss. CORONA LIMITATION— TABLE XXII If the transmission is at 30000 volts, or higher, this table should be consulted to avoid the employment of con- ductors having diameters so small as to result in excessive corona loss. RESISTANCE— TABLE II From this table obtain the resistance per unit length of single conductor corresponding to the maximum operat- ing temperature — calculate the total resistance for one con- ductor of the circuit — if the conductor is large (250000 circ. mils or more) the increase in resistance due to skin effect should be added. REACTANCE— TABLES IV AND V From one of these tables obtain the reactance per unit length of single conductor. Calculate the total reactance for one conductor of the circuit. If the reactance is ex- cessive (20 to 30 percent reactance volts will in many cases be considered excessive) consult Table VI or VII. Hav- ing decided upon the maximum permissible reactance the corresponding resistance may be found by dividing this reactance by the ratio value in Table VI or VII. When the reactance is excessive, it may be reduced by installing two or more circuits and connecting them in parallel, or by the employment of three conductor cables. Using larger conductors will not materially reduce the reactance. The substitution of a higher transmission voltage, with its correspondingly less current, will also result in less react- ance. I CAPACITANCE SUSCEPTANCE- IX AND X -TABLES From one of these tables obtain the capacitance sus- ccptance to neutral, per unit length of single conductor. Calculate the total susceptance for one conductor of the circuit to neutral. GRAPHICAL SOLUTION From the Wilkinson charts obtain the auxiliary con- stants. Applying these auxiliary constants to the load con- ditions of the problems, make a complete graphical solution as explained in the text. Vector diagrams of the voltage and the current at both ends of the circuit are then con- structed, from which the complete performance can be readily obtained graphically. 60046 = 99.92 amperes. MATHEMATICAL SOLUTION As a precaution against errors in those cases where accuracy is essential, the result obtained graphically should be checked by the convergent series or the hyperbolic method. GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES 71 From tables the following linear constants per mile are determined. — »" = 0-35 ohm (Table No. II) X = 0.83 ohm {Table No. V by interpolation) b = 521 micromhos ( Table No. X by interpolation) ' = {in this case taken as zero) therefore, rb and, rb'- — = 0-35 X S-2I = 1.82 0.35 X 5-2r — 950 The auxiliary constants of the above circuits are now taken directly from the Wilkinson Charts. This problem is stated on the Wilkinson chart. Following AUXILIARY CONSTANTS OF CIRCUIT {CALCUUVTEO RIGOROUSLY BY CONVERGENT SERIES) " (A)- + OS 1 006E ■> j 007883 1 (B)"= ♦ 91.7488 t j 238 8880 (ai + jaj) = (bi + jbj) — 8142 / 6" 24' 53 ' -263 083 /e8'44' 41' OHM81 VOLTAGE DIAGRAM (C) = - CL00004 1 (o,. j(u>oi4e3 iC2) - 0001464 \ 91' 36' 36' MHO RECEIVING-END LOAD OF 99.92 AMPERES AT 90% P.F LAGGING % -48.871 VOLTS =Ern XSi 80.048 VOLTS' CURRENT DIAGRAM VECTOR. OF. reference; S'*-POS1TION OF s ^ FOR LOAD PFr ',\ OF 80* leading FOR ABOVE PROBLEM H .^-<^ .« -(O < u1^ rent calculated rigorously which will appear in a later section. The / terms preceding some of the numerical values in Fig. 27 apply to the mathematical treatment, and have no significance in connection with the graphical solution. VOLTAGE DIAGRAM The vector ER, representing the constant voltage at the receiving-end (for all loads) is first laid off to some convenient scale. Along this vector, starting from E, lay off a distance equal to the receiving-end voltage multiplied by the constant a^ (60046 X 0.810558 = 48,671 volts). This is EE of Fig. 27. From F lay off vertically (to the same scale) the line FO equal to the receiving-end voltage multiplied by the constant a^ (60046 X 0.076831 = 4613 volts). Connect the points O and £ by a line. This line EO represents the voltage at the sending-end at zero load. This voltage vector may, if desired, +18.626 VOLTS bc locatcd by polar co-ordinates in place of rectangular co-ordinates. If it is desired to work with polar co-ordinates lay off the line EO at an angle of 5° 25' in the forward direction from the receiving-end voltage vector ER. (For the graphi- cal solution it is not necessary to take account of seconds in angles) The length of the vector EO will be found by multiplying the con- stant A by the receiving-end volt- age (0.8142 X 60044 = 48889 ^CORRESPONDING TOLOAOpr„90% LAGGING A too ^°o volts). o» VECTOR OF REFERENCE Fir.. 27 GRAPHIC SOLUTION OF PROBLEM X the directions printed on the charts, we obtain for this circuit the following values for the auxiliary constants. o, = 0.81 bx = 91,7 fi = 0.00004 02 = 0.077 bs =^ 235 fs = 0.00146 From this point on, the solution is made graphically as indicated in Fig. 27. It should be noted here that the auxiliary constants obtained from the Wilkinson Charts are practically the same as those stated at the top of Fig. 27, which values were calculated rigorously by convergent series. We will employ the rigorous values in plotting the diagram so that the values on the diagram will agree with the values of voltage and cur- Having located the point 0, the impedance triangle is built upon it in the following manner. Since the power-factor of the load is 90 percent lagging, determine from a table of cosines what the angle is whose cosine is 0.9. This is found (from Table K) to be 25 degrees, 50 minutes. Lay off the line OD an angle with the vector 25° 50' in the lagging di- of OD will be determined at of reference ER of rection. The length by multiplying the current in amperes per conductor by the auxiliary constant fc, (9992 X 91.7486 = 9167 volts). This represents the resistance drop per con- ductor. From the point D thus found draw a line DS .it right angles with OD. This line DS represents the reactance volts per conductor; its length is found by multiplying the current in amperes per conductor by the auxiliary constant b^ (99-92 X 235.868 = 23 568 volts). Connect the point 5 w'ith £, the length of which repre- sents the voltage (70652 volts) at the sending-end for 74 GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES CHART IX-PETER'S EFFICIENCY CHART FOR DETERMINING TRANSFORMER LOSSES AND EFFICIENCIES >i EFFICIENCY IN PERCENT AT LOADS STATED 3 I 1 I: FULL < O 3 .i7o .2 .3 .4 -.5 .6 .7 .8 .9 -1.0 -1.6- -2 »- Z UJ O cc UJ Q. CO CO o _1 cc UJ a. a. o o -2.5 -3.5 -4 -4.5 5% -99 ■98 -97 -96 -95 -94 -93 L92 -91 -99 r98 ^97 r -96 |-95 7 94 -93 -92 -91 -99 -98 -97 -96 95 -94 -93 -92 ■99 -98 -97 -96 -95 •94 -93 -92 li |J- '2 '4 r9i FULL -91 t 3 4 -99 r98 -97 -96 -95 -94 -93 -92 '91 -90 -89 99 r98 =-97 96 |-95 L94 93 f-92 i-91 1-90 i-89 1-88 ^87 i-86 1-85 -84 ■83 .1% .2 .3 .4 .5 ,6 .7 .8 .9 ■I.Oq < O _i hl.5_^ _i u. I— 2 - 2.5 — 3 z UJ O UJ Q. Z .3.5 - CO CO O — 4 i I 2 4 EFFICIENCY IN PERCENT AT LOADS STATED — 4.5 5% z O TO OBTAIN EFFICIENCY AT ANY LOAD LAY STRAIGHT EDGE AT GIVEN IRON AND COPPER LOSS POINTS AND READ THE EFFICIENCY AT REQUIRED LOAD ON THEIR RESPECTIVE SCALES WHERE STRAIGHT EDGE CROSSES THEM. VICE VERSA. TO OBTAIN LOSSES. PLACE STRAIGHT EDGE ACROSS ANY TWO GIVEN EFFICIENCY POINTS AND READ PER CENT IRON AND COPPER LOSS ON THEIR RESPECTIVE SCALES. GRAPHICAL SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES 75 CHART X-PETER'S REGULATION CHART FOR DETERMINING TRANSFORMER REGULATION POWER FACTOR OF LOAD IN PER GENT. 00 95 90 85 80 • 70 60 "T Er~i I— — I 2— »- H z UJ O cc' UJ Q. 3— UJ o z < #^ 33- »^' \ '; VECTOR OF . """■"S" REFERENCE FIG. 29 FIG. 31 V ■ + j3 p -a +j2 P -1 / + jl -3 -2 -1 + 1 1 +2 + 3 ->X -J" P-3 -J2 P-4 -is -Y p-1 5 x-*3, Y-+2 .•.P-I-+3+J2 P-2 : X--3. Y-*2 ,".P-2--3*j2 P-3 } X--3. Y--2 /. P-3--3-J2 p_4 ; X-+3 Y--2 .•.P-4-+3-J2 ADDITION A+B + ^i3 FIG. 30 + j2 \ -3 -2 H ♦1 •? *? ! -jl -j2 -J3 MULTIPLICATION AXB -J FIG. 32 VECTORS A &, B VECTOR (A) -(a| +182)= +4+] 3- S /if 62' VECTOR (B) =(b| + j b2)"*-2 +j4= AA7 /S3i2Sl SUBTRACTION A-B FIG. 34 (A)= +4*j3 -(B)- - 2 - j 4 -CHANGE SIGNS AND ADO. (C)'<-2-il t*j3 (g|= »2<-)4 -12-t-ie (C)=-4+i22 FIG. 36 ./p and F = G -f /B = + /o.oo/5<5? since zero leakage conductance has been as- sumed for this case. Conductance G represents the true power loss in the form of leakage over insulators and of corona loss through the air between conductors. Corona loss corresponding to the assumed atmospheric conditions may be estimated by applying Peek's formula (See Chapter IV on Corona). Insulator leakage may be approximated from the most suitable test data available. It is general practice in the solu- tion of all but the very longest high-voltage circuits to ignore the effect of the losses due 10 leakage and corona effect. These losses will be ignored in this case, so that C becomes zero. After Z and Y have been written down in the form of complex quantities the product YZ should be found as previously described for the multi- plication of complex quantities. The second, third and fourth power of YZ may then te found, if desired. Chart XI shows the fourth power, bur on ali bur the longest circuits a total of four terms will be sufficient, and for most problems three terms will give sufficient accuracy. The range of ciccuracy has been previously indicated for a 300 mile circuit on the basis of any number of terms being used up to and including in- finity. The values in Chart XI are carried out to six decimal places whereas four places will usually give sufficient accuracy ^"r calcf'-ifinfr th*! "tlue* <^i th<» i-""- stants A and B. The smallness of the value of con- stant C may make six places desirable when calculating its value. After the values of YZ, Y^ Z^, 1" Z* etc., have been calculated they are divided by 2, 24, 720 etc., re- spectively, set down and added to i. This gives the value of the auxiliary constant A, as -f- 0.810558 + ; 0.076831 which is also referred to as a^ -j- /oj. The abso- lute value of the constant A = 0.8142 is simply the square root of the sum of the square of a^ and o^. The polar value of A is thus 0.8142 /5° 24' 53". The solution for the constant B is of the same general form as the solution for the constant A, except that the values of YZ, Y^*Z^, and 7' Z' etc., are divided by 6, 120 and 5040 respectively. After these results are added to / they are multiplied by Z, the product be- ing the value of the auxiliary constant B ox h^ -\- ;'&,. The absolute value of B is obtained in the same manner as the absolute value of A. The solution for C is the same as for B except that in place of the constant B series being multiplied by Z it is multiplied by Y and the values of C or c, + /c, obtained. AUXILIARY CONSTANTS OF VARIOUS CIRCUITS In Chart XII are tabulated exact values for the auxiliary constants for the 64 problems to which fre- quent reference will be made. These auxiliary con- stants have been calculated by convergent series, the re- sults having been checked through the medium of three separate calculations made at different times. They are therefore believed exact to at least five significant digits. The results have been expressed in both rec- tangular and polar co-ordinates. CALCULATIONS OF PERFORMANCE In Chart XIII is given the complete calculation of the electrical performance for problem X, starting with 82 CONVERGENT SERIES SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES CHART XI— EXAMPLE ILLUSTRATING RIGOROUS SOLUTION FOR THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS BY CONVERGENT SERIES FOR PROBLEM X. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CIRCUIT -FREQUENCY LENGTH^ 300 MILES. CYCLES, 60. CONDUCTORS — PEIZ • 4 8.3/ 8.5 a'." o .999666 + J.0OO336 = .9996 56 /o' no" 8. 3092 + J 8.4999 = //.886 /4S'3'>'lie + j,oooo 91 -.OOOOBI /^o'o'cr 4 8.3 < 8.-5 8/.0 o o .9996S6 + J.00O336 = .999 6 56 /O' I' 10' S.3083 + J 8.4999 ^ 11.986 /4S'39'/^ 4- jtfOOOO 91 zz.ooooei /9o*o'a' y '0 II IZ SO » OOOO COPl='£f^ H * » 4 ♦ '3.85 /4.I /35 o .999049 -k- j. 000935 = .<»<»/3'/r 4. i.o 00 a 2 6 = .OOO226/?<'"'0'0- n /3 n zo 200 * ft ft II 3<7.2 64.8 4 64 o .98499'+ i. 009049 - .9ff5033 /O'ai'SS" 38.808 + J64.594 - 7^.3 56/5^9«0'/0' — .00000/+ 3,0 00462 = .oon462/f0"7'27-' n 3 9.2 6?.2 434 o o .98-5009+ jiooB464 = .9ff3^05-o/0<'29'J'' 39. 8084+ j 68.965- = 7^/34 /60''37'vr8' — .00000 /+J.0 00432 = .00 04 3 2 /9C'»7'j-4!" Zl aa 14 3oo • * 63^M PLUM, II 44.' * 9/.2 74 7 o o ,966085 + J, 0/6285 = .96AZ3 3/0'S7-/~ 43./033 + j 90.409 - /00./S7 /64'30-36' —.000004 + j.ooo 73 9 = .000 7.^9 /90»/7'/0* Zl 44,; loi 672 o o .96,6319 + J.O'465o = .96 6 330 /o'S3-6" 43.1070 + j 100.077 = I09.966 /«»4/'48' —.000003+ J.0OO664 r.000 6A4 /9cfi/S'Zr is it ^8 4O0 n * * 6 36m flLUM, n .5 8.8 1 30 92 9 o o .940/61 + j. 036738 = .94054; /'<'37'4J- J6.4555 + J 127.927 - /3f^ OLUM, * n 73.^ /63 /'60 o o .906642 + j.o4'299 = .90 7.r»T /^'S^'/.*- 68.928 + 3 '58.928 = /7.-?.J>^ /«<»33''3* -.oooo'6 +j.oo'/24 Zl -ri.S Its * 1 IZO It o .907/09+ 3.03988O = .9079S.^/.J°3''2- 68.9507+ j /63.76 = I77.684 /67'/o'0' -.oooo'S + j.oo 1 09S = .00/08.7 /9o»t -'3 3' 60 CYCLES 33 31 35 36 20 • OOOO COPPC 3 5.54 /2.88 137 o o .999/19+ j, 000379 = .9991 IV /O' I' IE" 5.536 75 + i 1-2.9769 = l^.ni/.7 /6i»4ro' + 1.000 '37 = .(100137/^°"°'°' 3 .5.54 '2.88 137 o o ,999//8+ J.OOO379 = .9991 19 /O'l' IS" 5.5-36 75- + J 11.97^9 = I4.0I67 /«6»44'0' + ..000 ' 37 = .000/17/^'''0'0' 37 38 39 30 OOOO CQPPCR 4 ft 8.3' 2 0.-J 195 o o • 99901 1 + j,ooo8' -.99 9011 /o*a'4 7" 8.299 + 120. 3887 = 2Z.OI4 /6TSI'i- + j.ooo I9S = .nr,n,9' ■4 8.3' 20.4 IfS o o .9990I 1 + j.ooo 8 1 = .9980 /' /0»a'47' 8.299 + ].?0.3 887 = ZZ.OI4 /67»5/'6- + i,OOOl9S = .ooni9i/9o*0-o- 4/ ^3 •50 m 0t OOOO COPPCR ft » * /3.85 1 34-0 324 o .994416+ j. 002539 = .^<7^4 9R /0'7'33' 1 3.79fZ + j 33.9479 = 36.64J^ /«7*52'4r *j,poq323 = .0 00.-»3^/90«0'0' 6 /3.8i * 36.4 30' o .994536+ j,00208; = .0'0" 4S 47 4S /oo m H OOOO COPPfR ^7,7 77.4 If 562 o o .97832+ j,007729 = .9783.C /0'Z7-/a" 27.2996 + i 76.9/16 = 1^1.6,119 /70»2r36' -k0 0ooo/+ j, 00055 8 = ,000,V,T*/?0»6'"- // 2 7.7 'f 7'7.7 ^4 2 o o .97847+ J.007452 = .978498 /0«a6-/4- 2 7.3 02 + j 7 9.196,3 = 83.77/70»58'J IO-44 o o .9 I4SZ4+ j. 0/9876 = .9/474o //•/4'40' 3^.964;+ j H,I.S07 = /6S.t9 /7T6-3I' -»00 000 7+ J ,00 'O (4 = .00/0/4 /9ti'2S4r -J3 SS Si 300 » • 6 3^M f^LUM. 9 • 220 It 1794 o o .8088/6+ 3.03700b = .909663 /Z'iVo' 38.46,55 + 3 206.359 - Zt)9.9/3 /79'Z6-Zg -.000023 + ].0OI 67 9 = .00/67ff/90»47'*' 2f • 44.1 24 3 Ikl4 o o .8IO027+ i,0333O7 = .S/070/ /Z'ZI'M' 38,5002+ J227.9/8 = Z3I.I47 /8o«J4'4J- -.0000/8 + i.OOl SIO = .ao/r/o /9o'4'*- S7 60 AOO H H n 6 3&M f1LUM» n • 58.8 3'4 22IZ ff o ,67/70/ + j .057759 = .674 1 7» /4»54'J4" 45.8726+ J 280.04 = 2 8 3.77/ 80« 4;' JO' -.000044+ j.oo/958 = .oo/9.r9 /9/«/»'0' 2J •5-8.8 322 2/52 1* o o ,672455+ i ,056208 = .i:74»on /4•4«'3r' 45-,90/3+ J287./94 -.000042* j .00/9/2 = .oo/«A-» /9/*/S-Z/' (.1 63 64 ^00 m 636M RLUM, m /' / 7 73.5 3 90 2785 o o .S02772+ J .094-790 = ..C/lja2) = (b| + j b2) = .8142 /s^ 24' 63' = 253.083 /68'44' 41' OHMS PFr = 90.00% LAGGING . I„ = 6 OOP X I OOP = 99.92 AMPERES. SOLUTION FOR E, LOAD CONDITIONS (C)= - .P0004I+ j. 001463 (C, 4-jC2) = .001464 \9I 36 1 8" MHO SOLUTION FOR L .Es=ER(a,*ja2)+lR(coseR£jSiNeR) (b|*ib2)* ls= Ir (cosor ± jSiN0R)(a,^ja2) + Er(c, + jC2)« * i THIS. SIGN IS MINUS WHEN THE P. F. IS LAGGING AND PLUS WHEN THE P. F. IS LEADING (ai+jag) = + .810668 +JJ576831 xE RN 6P046 ErnC^I^J^s) = ■•■ '•Se?! +j 4613 j/i36 (cos Or -j SIN Br) = .9 99.92 »|p(COS0R-jSINeR) = 4 89.93 -J43.56 y(a|+ja2)= + .8 i0558'-j .0768ni - 72.393 *. , 6.909 <■ a347 - ; 35.308 Ip (COS Or- j SIN Or) = + 89.93- j 43.58< X (b| Vj bj) = * 91. 76 tj 235. 87 + 8251 + j 21212 + 10274 - j 3997 |p.(coseR-jsiN0R) (b|*-jb2) = + 18525 t- j 17215 + ERN(a|*-ja2) = <- 48671 + i 4613 ^SN ^ , |p(COS0R-jSlN0f,)(a|*ja2) = -76240 -j:8399 (C|+jC2)= -.00PP4I <-j.POI463 X Erm = 60P46 Ern(C|»JC2) = - 2.4( *■)' 67196 * i 21828 Si+|p|(cosoR-jsiNOR)(a|-ia2) = *76.;4o -,28.399 Iq = t 73.778 *■ j 59.451 lf(8" 96)^ +(21828)^ • 70 662 VOLTS TO NEUTRAL. ■ V(73.778)^+ (69.4511' lg = 94.75 AMPERES. KW,, - '87.1 96 X 73.778) * (2 1.828 X 59.45 I ) = 6.258 KW PER PHASE. EFFICIENCY = ^ ^e" 255 "" ^ 86.33%. KV-A = (70.662 X 94.76) = 6 694 KVA PER PHASE. PF. 6 255 X 100 93-42% LEADING . LOSSff 6255 - 5400 = 856 KW PER PHASE. PHASE ANGLES — at full load the voltage at the sending end leads the voltage at the receiver end by the angle tan „,„° = tan '.325 = i8°oo'. and the current at the sending-end leads the voltage at the receiving -end by the angle 67196 TAN-' ^^-"^ '■ = TAN- 73.778 ,806 = 38" 52'. HENCE THE CURRENT AT THE SENDING-END LEaJs THE VOLTAGE AT THE SENDING-END BY THE ANGLE 38"52' ANGLE I8'00' = 20"52'. THE POWER-FACTOR AT THE SENDING-END IS THEREFORE COS 20° 52' = 93.42% LEADING AT LOAD SPECIFIED. ZERO LOAD CONDITIONS EsNO"=''867l *J46I3 -SNO" ' yi4867l)2-»(46l3l^ = 48 889 VOLTS. SO ■ 2.462 -i 87.85 I = y (- 2.462)^ + 87.85)^ |__ = 87.89 AMPERES. KWs = (48. 57 I X - 2 .462) * (4.6 I 3 X 87. 85) = 285 .43 KW PER PHASE. KV-ArnO"*^'^^^ X 87.89 =4 297 KVA PER PHASE. DC 285.43 X 100 _ ^ nAf i ran.iof- Kh SO = T-mI 6.64% LEADING. REGULATION ARISE IN VOLTAGE AT THE SENDING -END OCCURS OF 70 652-48 889 = 21 763 VOLTS TO NEUTRAL WHEN THE LOAD IS INCREASED FROM ZERO TO 99.92 AMPERES AT 90% POWER FACTOR LAGGING AT THE RECEIVER END WITH CONSTANT VOLTAGE AT THE RECEIVING END. PHASE ANGLES AT ZERO LOAD THE VOLTAGE AT THE SENDING- END LEADS THE VOLTAGE AT THE RECEIVER END BY THE ANGLE TAN"' ^g\'^| °* TAN"' .0947= 5"25' AND THE CURRENT AT THE SUPPLY END LEADS THE VOLTAGE AT THE RECEIVER END BY THE ANGLE TAN"' Sf^ = TAN (-36.7).= 9r 36' -HENCE THE CURRENT AT THE SUPPLY END LEADS THE VOLTAGE AT THE SUPPLY END BY THE ANGLE 19 I' 36)-i5'25 I— 86°ll'. THE POWER FACTOR AT THE SENDING-END IS THEREFORE COS 86" 1 1' = 6.64% LEADING AT ZERO LOAD. load power- factor is lOO percent, this rotating triangle ■will equal / ± j o, hence it has no effect or power to rotate. If the power- factor of the load is 80 percent the rotating triangle would have a numerical value of 0.8 ± j 0.(5. The various phase angles given in Chart XIII show whether the power-factor at the supply end is leading or lagging. These various phase angles are given to make the discussion complete. Actually, in order to determine whether the power-factor at the supply end is leading or lagging, it is only necessary to note if the supply end current vector leads or lags behind the supply end volt- age vector. At the lower end of Fig. 37 combined cur- rent and voltage vectors are shown for this problem, corresponding to both load and zero load conditions. In Chart XIV is given a complete calculation of the electrical performance of problem X, starting with the values for the auxiliary constants and the sending end load condition known. In other words the supply end conditions which were derived by calculation in Chart XIII ii:i\t' in this case been assumed as fixed, and the receiver end conditions calculated. The reason that CONVERGENT SERIES SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES 8S SOLUTION FOR Es Estc" 8° 0*6 EsN~ y + 18 625-' 1 * 11 , ---t-— * -SN;>. 48671 VOLTS r I If.. 67 186 VOLTS If SOLUTION FOR Is ^■.. % I 8M3AMP . ^ jBimi^ »o\ L .810568-a, , 00 1 464= (C) ABSOLUTE, «'i.OOI4e3*C2-<^ d- eoo4«X ls = +76524 AMP. -j2t^399 ls= -Z462 AMP - j 28J99 jj^ *j 87.85 AMPERES * 2.482 AMPERES COMBINED CURRENT AND VOLTAGE VECTORS LOAD CONDITIONS , I 1-18.625 (^'j. 25. >Er^60 046 VOLTS >- -j 43.56 AMPERES a.- ZERO I LOAD CONDITIONS ">« >» -tO r = 48 889 VOLTS t«NO__ C3— S' 25' *E:Rto*°°*«^^s FIG. 37 — GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF PROBLEM X Illustrating rigorous calculations of performance when receiving end conditions are fixed. there is a slight difference between the receiving end conditions as calculated on Chart XIV and the known receiving end conditions is that the value for the sine in the rotating triangle (0.436) in chart XIII was car- ried out to only three places, whereas in Chart XIV it was carried out to four places. If the values for the rotating triangles had been carried out to five or six places in the calculations in both charts, the receiving end conditions would have checked exactly. TERMINAL VOLTAGES AT ZERO LOAD For a given circuit and frequency, the relation of the voltage at the two ends of the circuit is fixed. The ratio of sending end to the receiving end voltage is ex- pressed by the constant A. The ratio of receiving to sending end voltage is expressed by —. . For example, problem X, the sending end voltage under load is 70 652 volts. If the load is thrown off, and this sending end voltage is maintained constant at 70652 volts, the re- 70652 ceiving end voltage will rise to a value of -„ = " ^ 0.8142 86 775 volts to neutral. The rise in percent of sending 100 X 86 775 — 70 652 end voltage is therefore 22.82 percent. 70652 PERFORMANCE OF VARIOUS CIRCUii'S In Chart XV is tabulated the complete performance of the 64 problems for which the auxiliary constants are tabulated in Chart XII. The auxiliary constants in Chart XII were applied to the fixed load conditions as stated in Chart XV for the receiving end, and both load and zero load conditions at the sending end were calculated and tabulated. The object of calculating and tabulating the values for the 64 problems was two fold. First to obtain data on 25 and 60 cycle problems coverin? a wide '■anee which would provide a basis for constructing curves, illustrating the effect that distance in transmission has upon the performance of circuits and upon the auxiliary constants of the circuit. Second, to give the student a wide range of problems from which he could choose, and from which he could start with the tabulated values as fixed at either end and calculate the conditions at the other end. It is believed that such problems will fur- nish very profitable practice for the student and will also serve as a general guide when making calculations on problems of similar length and fundamental or lineal constants. It is not intended that the figures given for longer circuits, included in these tabulations, shall coin- cide with ordinary conditions encountered in practice. 86 CONVERGENT SERIES SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES CHART XIV— RIGOROUS CALCULATION OF PERFORMANCE WHEN SENDING END CONDITIONS ARE FIXED K Ws" 1-8 '85 , Es= I 22 369 VOLTS 3 PHASE . PFs=93 42% LEAOINQ . KV-As=20 082. PER PHASE TO NEUTRAL KV-AsM= ^2^ = 6 694. KWs^,= '^ = 6 265. EsN= ^^f^ = 70 662 . Is° " '70 65 """ ^ ^^-'^ AMPERES. AUXILIARY CONSTANTS OF CIRCUIT ( A) =*■ -810558 + j.076831 ( B) = "►S I-7486 + j 236.868 (a .8142 / 5" 24' 53' (bi * i 62) = 253. 083/[6814414i" OHMS (C)= -.000041 fj. 001463 (0, fjCj) = .001464 \ 9I"36' 18' MHO SOLUTION FOR Er LOAD CONDITIONS SOLUTION FOR ER=Es(ai*ia2)-lsf'^°®^s*iSiNes)(b, + ,b2)* Ir=Is(°°s®s*) siNes)(3, + ja,) -EgCCi^iCj)* * ± THIS SIGN IS MINUS WHEN THE P. F. IS LAOOINO AND PLUS WHEN THE P. f. IS LEADING (^I*ja2)= + .810558 ♦ j.07683 X Ec,, = ^ '0652 Esn(^I*J^2) = *■ 57268 tj 5428 (COSOs ^jSINes) = + .9342 +1,3567 X|< = 4-94.75 Ig (coses •^j SIN 63) = + 88.62+ j 33.8 X (b, + j bj) =■ + 91.75 + 1235.9 8122+ 29882 7<}73 + j 3101 |g(coses + jsiNes)(b|+,b2) EsN(ai*Ja2) = 57268 l3(C0Ses+-jSINag) = + 8S.52 ,j33.8 X (a, +,82) = * .8 I0558+, .076831 + 71.75! + , 6.801 - 2.597 t , 27.397 |g(coses*jsiNes)(a,+ia2) ■ j 34.198 (C|+jC2)= -.00004 1 ».j.00l46o xEc 5428 Esn('-1*)C2) = -2.897 tj 103.36 Ig (cosBs +j siNeg)(a| +ja2) = +69.154 + — |g(coses + jSiNes)(b|+jb2) 149 -j 23983 <- E^RN = *■ 67119 - ) 18555 -CHANGE SIGNS AND ADD- ► -EsN(Cl-iC2)= + 2.897 \ff = 72.05 1 yi57119)^ +(13565)^ Erm - 60 057 VOLTS TO NEUTRAL. K\A/ -(67 119 X 72.06 l) + (I 8.665 X 69. 16) = 6 399 KW PER PHASE, PF„ - 8 TJo°° = 9a0 1% LAGGING . = Yl72.051)^ + lf,9.16l' I - 99.87 AMPERES. KV-A = '60.057 X 99.871 = 6 "^^ "rn KV A PER PHASE. LOSSm= 6 266-6 399 = 856 KW PER PHASE. EFFICIENCY 6 399X100 86.32%. PHASE ANGLES *t full load the voltage at the receiver end lags behind the voltage at the sending-end bythe ANGLETAN-I g|-^ = tan- ' .325 = 18' 0'; AND THE CURRENT AT THE RECEIVER END LAGS BEHIND THE VOLTAGe' AT THE SENDING-END BYTHE ANGLE TAN-' ^^ = TAN-1.959 =43'50'. HENCE THE CURRENT AT THE RECEIVER END LAGS BEHIND THE VOLTAGE AT THE RECEIVER END BY THE ANGLE 43- 60' -ANGLE 1 8"0' = 26° 50'. THE pOWER-FACTOR AT THE RECEIVER END IS THEREFORE COS 25''50' = 90% LAGGING . ZERO LOAD CONDITIONS Erno - gsN0(ai-ia2) ^ 48 898(.81056-1 .07683l) ^ 39635-)3757 _ ^^ ^^^ - j 5667 = 60 058 VOLTS. "^ (a2+a2) (.81056)^ + 1.076831)^ ■''°^'' iso -^s (C| a, + C2a2)+j (C2 ai - c, 37)^ ((-.000041 X. 8 1056 1 + 1.00 1 463 X .07683 ll) +j ((.00 1463 X. 8 1056) .0000 41 X. 076831)). (' I) |„„ =48 898 '•»-0000'92 + i.001189 L/ic 898 (.0001 1 9* j. 00 1 7941 = 48 898 X. 00 I 798-87.92 AMPERES. ISO .6629 REGULATION ARISE IN VOLTAGE AT THE SENDING-END OCCURS OF 70 652-48 898 = 21 754 VOLTS TO NEUTRAL WHEN THE LOAD IS INCREASED FROM ZERO TO 99.87 AMPERES AT 90.0 1% POWER FACTOR LAGGING ATI THE RECEIVER END WITH CONSTANT VOLTAGE AT THE RECEIVING END.' PHASE ANGLES AT ZERO LOAD THE VOLTAGE AT THE RECEIVER END LAGS BEHIND THE VOLTAGE AT THE SENDING-END BYTHE ANGLE TAN"' ^^y =TAN-' .0948-5"25'; AND THE CURRENT AT THE SENOING-END LEADS THE VOLTAGE AT THE SENDING-END BY THE ANGLE CONVERGENT SERIES SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES CHART XV-CALCULATED PERFORMANCE OF VARIOUS CIRCUITS 87 u ffl 0: RECEIVING-END CONDITIONS FIXED SENDING-END CONDITIONS-CALCULATED * LOAD CONDITIONS LOAD CONDITIONS ZERO LOAD KV-A R 3 PHASE ITO NEUTRAL TO NEUTRAL TO NEUTRAL KV-A RN KW RN Ern Ir PFr % KV-A SN SN E^SN Is PFs % LINC DROP IN %or UNC LOSS IN % or KV-A SNO KW SNO ^SNO Iso PF SO % 25 CYCLES / 2 I300 10 000 « 433.3 346.6 433.3 ^ 77-# *• 7.5- * 80 LKO. 100 474.63 465.09 377.i2 464.2/ 6 347 6 202 7'4.7y 74.99 7*il 94.8/ -9.92 - 7.41 8.92 7./ 3 /.96 3 .5 773 • .34 • 3 Sooo 20 000 II / 333.3 IkUi.k // 5SO 100 IS2I.9 1 7J6.3 /44 9..S' / 783.33 12 653 /a 372 I43.99t 144.3% 7 9.i6 49.80 -9.SS -7/2 8.7/ 7.00 7.42 2 ft S'i9 • .66 3S00 20 000 //67 II 93 3 1 1 (nl II SSO n 80 i-flG 100 / 278.6 / J53.5 IOI7.4-S /2SI.22 /2 733 /24 (5 loo.^l 100.97 7y.i8 99.82 -/0.J9 - 7.49 9.0 5 7.2 2 /0.85 u 1 •94 • 7 8 8000 30 000 2667 2/33 2 667 I73ZO It /54 So LIS. /oo 2 ^agj 2 S<«S 2 329.8 2 SiO.S /9 /2i- /8 i40 IS 3.11 / 5 3.96 7f.« 99.6 » -lOAl -7.6 2 9.2 3 7.2 6 24. 2 f 17313 * 9 /o Soo'o So 000 /667 / 333 / 667 n 320 II 96.2 80<-fl 667 (3 333 /6 667 / 16 SOO 144/1 II 80i-/I5 too /'I29S 20 325 14 222 15 066 /27267 IIS 93^ II2.Z2 ni.oi 49.49' 88.90' -10.19 -2.S9 6.6 7 8.4 II OlS 202.04 108 463 101.4 '.84 29 30 IS 000 140 000 SOOO 4000 ^ 000 SO 830 GI.Zb soLfia. 100 6 IS3.S, 8SIS.7 4237 5479 83 04S 78iSS 74.46 /oa3o 4«.32' 64J2- -2.74 *2.i9 5.92 9.5 8 6 665 208.S4 73 360 90.tS 3. '3 3/ 32 40 000 zoo 000 /3 333 /o 667 /3 333 IIS SOO llS.^ II soLue /oo /3 277 / -6.85 + 0.29 6.7/ lO.OS 73 /40 J9S.9 ft /04 J7a '2i.3 3.0/ 60 CYCLES 33 34 1 300 10000 433.3 346.6 433.3 S 774 n 75 If 80 '-"^ 100 499.03 -<<9.oi 377.44 4 64./S 6 702 6 2S9 7-f.46 74.94 7i.A3 98.96 -/6.07 -8.40 8.90 7J3 4.ii8 5 76 9 .79 • 35 36 s 000 20 000 /667 '333 /667 nSSO ft M4.-4 so LUC loo / flWi 1 800.6 I44S.9S 1 783.3 13 333 /2 4 80 /4 3J3 /44.2S 7S.8-i 99.04 -/S44 - 8.0s 8.70 4.98 18.23 v // S40 /.iS • 37 38 3 500 n 30 000 / /67 933 / /67 II 5S0 101 SOLflC, loo / 34 IJ! 1 264.0 / 0/6.8 / 2i/.2 13 482 12 537 99..»7 /0O.83 7i.82 98.99 -liJ3 -8-Si Sit 7.2 2 2S.9 3 II 527 2.2s Z9 40 S 000 1' 30 000 2 667 ^ /33 2 667 17320 IS4 II 8oi.fl<; 100 3 73.« 2 8 '-'.7 2 327.9 2 864./ 20 268 /« 830 ISI.CS IS3.73 7S.74 9 8.94 -(7.07 -8.72 9-/ 3 7.39 58.4 3 '7286 338 4' 42 S 000 f so 000 / 667 If / 333 /667 n 320 fi 9i>.Z f so LHi loo / g79.? / 806./ / 4 56.2 / 794./ 20 33; /8 845 92.43 9S.84 77..90 99.3 3 -/7.3! -8.80 9.24 7.6 2 96.29 .2 2 /722S 5.59 V •2 2 43 44 zoooo io 000 6 667 5333 6 66 7 34 (,iiO 9 801.1s. loo 7.59 7.8 / ? 4 3.0 i 830./ 7 / 80.2 40 97i 37 773 I8S/I2 I9I.7S 74.73 99./ 3 -18.29 -9.0s 9.32 7.70 3 5 7.9 .7S 34 4 50 Jr /0.3<» ■21 4i 46 2 2 000 88 000 7 333 .5 S67 7333 SO 8IO 144.4 If SOLfS. 100 7 5 7S.7 7 t l^.i 6 380/) 7 9/S.3 5 9 92,f 54 869 I2t/n /44.26 g4J8 /oaoo -17.94 -7.99 8.74 7.94 / 409 If -♦9 7/0 2 8.35 m .6/ 47 48 -«4 000 120 000 /3 333 It lOCil 1333-i &9290 If I92.S so Lac, /oo 13 796 /-» 3fe6 II S79 14 3US 81 7/0 74 735^ /fc^SI 192.22 83.93 100.00 -/7.92 -7.86 8-55 7.74 2 528 14^9 ff 6 7 900 37.28 .5 7 49 2.S 000 120 000 If 8 333 II 6 6 2.8/' + 2C9i + 36J0 20j3-i 2*.lO 7 690 998.8 .» / 2 / 3 '2.9< 63 64 40 000 /I 20000c '3 333 10 U7 /3 333 f l£ SCO tt 11S.S SOLUS. /oo J/f-»8 2i 7 SO 13 24* /« 05O 93 72J 80 /06 23*. '7 J7/.J2 5i.8d 7 3.fc6 + /».*■' + 30.*t I4.t2 iojS IS 223 / 907 5 9 07.# * 2i7.7 '2. J J The above performances are based upon values for the auxiliary constant's as Riven on Chart XII CHAPTER X HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS In the consideration of the hyperbolic theory as applied to transmission circuits, the writer desires to express his high appreciation of the excellent literature already existing. Dr. A. E. Kennelly's pioneer work and advocacy of the application of hyperbolic functions to the solution of transmission circuits has been too extensive and well known to warrant a complete list of his contributions. His most important treatises are "Hyperbolic Functions Applied to Electrical Engineering", igi6; "Tables of Complex Hyper- bolic and Circular Functions", 1914; "Chart Atlas of Hyperbolic Functions", 1914, which provides a ready means of obtaining values for complex functions, thus materially shortening and simplifying calculations, and "Artificial Electric Lines", 1917. "Electrical Phenomena in Parallel Conductors" by Dr. Frederick Eugene Pernot, 1918, is an excellent treatise on the subject and contains valuable tables of logarithms of real hyperbolic functions from x := to X =: 2.00 in steps of o.ooi. An article "Long-Line Phenomena and Vector Locus Diagrams" in the Electrical World of Feb. I, 1919, p. 212, by Prof. Edy Velander is an excellent and valuable contribution on the subject, because of its simplicity in explaining complicated phenomena. To employ hyperbolic functions successfully in *ht solution of transmission circuits it is not necessary for the worker to have a thorough understanding of how they have been derived. On the other hand it is quite desirable to understand the basis upon which they have been computed. A brief review of hyper- bolic trigonometry is therefore given before taking up the solution of circuits. CIRCULAR angles derive their name from the fact that they are functions of the circle, whose equa- tion is x" -\- y" =^ I. Tabulated values of such functions are based upon a radius of unit length. The geometrical construction illustrating three of the func- tions, the sine, cosine and fangent of circular angles is indicated in Fig. 38. The angle AOP, indicated by full lines in the positive or counter-clockwise direction, has been drawn to correspond to one radian. The radian is an angular unit of such magnitude that the length of the arc which subtends the radian is numerically equal tc that of the radius of the circle. Thus, the number of radians in a complete circle is 2 t. Expressed in degrees the radian is equal approximately to 57° 17' 44.8". The segment AOP of any angle AOP of one radian has an area equal to one-half the area of a unit square. Therefore the angle may be expressed in radians as, — Length o f arc s X area (radius)' or Circular angle = ■ radians radius Circular functions are obtained as follows,- S X area (radius)' Y_ R R Tangent = -y- Sine = "5" Cosine $ = -5" The variations in the circular functions, sine, cosine and tangent are indicated graphically in Fig. 39 for a complete revolution of 360 degrees. Since for the second and each succeeding revolution these graphs would simply be repeated, circular functions are said to have a period equal to 2 t radians. In other words, adding ^ t to a circular angle expressed in radians does not change the value of a circular function. REAL HYPERBOLIC ANGLES Real hyperbolic angles derive their name because they are functions of an equilateral hyperbola. A hyperbola is a plane curve, such that the difference be- tween the distances from any point on the curve to two fixed points called the foci is constant. In an equi- lateral hyperbola. Fig. 40, the asymptotes OS and OS' are straight lines at right angles to each other and make equal angles with the X-axis. The hyperbola continu- ally approaches the asymptotes, and meets them at infinity. The equation of such a hyperbola is x" — y* The hyperbolic angle AOP of Fig. 40, called for convenience **, has been drawn so as to correspond to an angle of one hyperbolic radian, or one "hyp" as it is usually designated. Hyperbolic angles are determined by the area of the sector they enclose. Thtis the hyper- bolic angle of one hyp AOP, encloses an area AOP of one-half, or the same as the area AOP of the corre- sponding circular angle of Fig. 38. It should be ob- served here that although one circular radian subtends an angle AOP of 57° 17* 44-8", one hyperbolic radian subtends a circular angle AOP of 37° 17' 33.67" (0.65087 circular radian). In the same way as for the circle the hyperbolic angle may be expressed in radians as, — Length of arc 2 X area p "'^ (radius)' where p = the integrated mean radius from to AP. As an illustration, the length of the arc AP, Fig, 4Q *A "hyperbolic angle", in the sense above described, is not the opening between two lines intersecting in a plane, but a quantity otherwise analogous to a circular angle and the argu- ment x of the function sinh x, cosh x, tanh x, etc. The use of the term hyperbolic angle can only be justified by its con- venience of anology. HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS is 1.3167 and the mean integrated radius to arc AP is variations in hyperbolic functions are indicated A-3I&7- aphically in Fig. 41 for hyperbolic angles up to ap- Hyperbolic functions, distinguished from circular proximately 2.0 hyps for the sine and cosine and up to lunctions by the letter h affixed, are obtained as fol- 3.0 hyps for the tangent, lows: — Hyperbolic functions have no true period, but add- y 3Vf + YAXIS YAXIS XAXI3 NOTE ANULb AOP IS DRAWN CORRE8PONDINQ TO ONE y HYPERBOLIC RADIAN OR -HYP" FIG. 38 — REAL CIRCULAR ANCLES X' +¥' = J FIG. 40 — REAL HYPERBOUC ANCLES x* — r = / 1^1 rP 2 7T RADIANS 4 QUADRANTS 360* ONE CIRCULAR RADIAN -< ' FIG. 39 — GRAPHS OF CIRCULAR FUNCTIONS 6.2831863072 = 206264.8062' ■en 7' 44.8" ■ Br.28678 4.0 3.6 2JS c f 62.0 u. 4 7/ ^^ <. ^ ^ -fSSc b?rff mTh) / 5 '1. 6 1 6 2 .0 ,4 6 4. Hyperbolic angle 6 ■■ Cosh e Length of arc AP Length of mean radius X radians. Sink = Tank e = OA y OA Y HYPERBOLIC RADIANS I HYPSl KIG, 41 — GRAPHS OF HYPERBOUC FUNCTIONS ing a i" » ;' to the hyperbolic angle does not change the values of the functions, hence these functions have an imaginary period oi 2 ^ j. Circular functions can be used to express the phase relations of current and voltage, but not the magnitude, or size, whereas hyperbolic functions, continually in- 90 HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS creasing or decreasing, can be used to express the mag- nitude of current in a long circuit. In Fig. 42 is shown a circular angle corresponding to one circular radian divided into five equal parts, each of 0.2 radian. Assuming unity radius, each of the arcs will have a constant length of 0.2 and a constant mean radius of i.e. In Fig. 42 is shown a hyperbolic angle corresponding to one hyperbolic radian divided into five equal hyperbolic angles each of 0.2 hyperbolic radian. In this case the length of the arcs corresponding to each subdivision increases as the hyperbolic angle increases. The lengths of the corresponding integrated mean radii vectors also increase with the angle. By dividing the length of the arc of any of the five subdivisions by the length of the mean radius for that subdivision it will be seen that each subdivision represents 0.2 hyps. From the above it will be evident that in radian measure, the magnitudes of circular and hyperbolic '^>-. 1.000 CIRCULAR RADIAN 000--. VA HYPERBOLIC RADIAN nc. 42 — SUBDnnSIOK OF A CIRCULAR AND A HYPERBOLIC RADIAN INTO FIVE SECTORS OF O.i RADIAN EACH angles are similarly defined with reference to the area of circular and hyperbolic sectors. COMPLEX ANGLES AND THEIR FUNCTIONS A complex angle is one which is associated with both a hyperbolic and a circular sector. If the complex angle is hyperibolic, its real part relates to a hyperbolic and its imaginary to a circular sector. On the other hand, if the complex angle is circular, its real part re- lates to a circular and its imaginary part to a hyper- bolic sector. Complex hyperbolic trigonometry and complex circular trigonometry thus unite in a common geometrical relationship. In the following treatment for the solution of trans- mission circuits by hyperibolic functions, only hyperbolic complex angles will enter into the solution. Such a conTplex angle will then consist of a combination of a "real" hyperbolic sector and a so-called "imaginary" or circular sector. The circular sector will occupy a plane inclined at an angle to the plane of the hyperbolic sector. In other words, the complex angle will be of the three- dimensional order. The construction of such a complex angle may be difficult to follow if viewed only from one direction. In order to illustrate the form that a com- plex angle takes, the construction for the cosine of a hyperbolic complex angle is illustrated by Fig. 43. CONSTRUCTION FOR COSH 6 The construction, Fig. 43, assumes that the real part, that is the hyperbolic sector subtends an angle of one hyperbolic radian and the imaginary part, that is the circular sector, subtends an angle of one circular radian. This hyperbolic complex angle has therefore a numerical value oi I -\- j I hyperbolic radian. These numerical values embrace sectors sufficiently large for the pur- pose of clear illustration. The actual construction for obtaining the complex function cosh (^i -f / 6^) = cosh (i -{• f I hyperbolic radians) may be carried out a.1 fol- lows: — On a piece of stiff card board lay out to a suitable scale the hyperbolic sector d^ = EOC, equal to one hyp as shown in the upper left hand corner of Fig. 43. This may readily be plotted by the aid of a table of real hyperbolic func- tions for say each one tenth of a hyp up to and including one hyp. These are then plotted on the cardboard and joined with a curved line thus forming the arc EC of Fig. 43. The ends of the arc are then joined with O by straight lines. The real part of this hyperbolic complex angle is then cut out of the cardboard. The circular part ; 6^ of this complex angle is traced upon the cardlxjard as follows : — • With radius equal to cosh 0^ (to the same scale as used when trac- ing the hyperbolic sector J draw the arc DOF of a length such that the angle DOF is 57° 17' 44.8" (on: circular radian). Join the ends of the arc to witi straight lines. The circular part j 6 ^ oi this complex angle is now cut out of the piece of cardboard. This gives models of the two parts of the complex angle which may be arranged to form the complex angle I -{- j I hyps. These two models are shown at the top of Fig. 43. The two parts of the complex angle are arranged as follows : — -Upon a drawing board or any flat surface occupying a horizontal plane, place the hyperbolic sec- tor S, in a vertical position. The plane of this hyper])olic sector will then be at right angles to the plane of the drawing board. The circular sector ; B^ is now placed in a vertical position just back of the hyperbolic sector. The toes of each sector will then coincide, as well as the line OD of the circular sector with the line OC of the hyperbolic sector. The top of the circular sector is now turned back so that the plane of the circular sector lies at an angle with the vertical plane occupied by the hyperbolic sector. This displace- ment angle between the planes of the two sectors is HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS QI k COSHO,- 1.643081 V HVPERBOLIO 8E0T0R RADIUS-CCSHe, -1.643081 -■ CIRCULAR SECTOR ^ QUDERMANNIAN COMPLEMENT OF THE COMPLEX HYPERBOLIC ANGLE OF THE CIRCUIT -Bq ^08 80-55^ -SECHe, FRONT ELEVATION LEFT END ELEVATION _COSH^j^008_92__J+x axis) + 6.8337~ VECTOR OF REFERENCE TOP PLAN OF BOARD (MODEL REMOVED) AHOWINO 0O8H (0, ♦{ Og ) TRACED UPON BOARD REAR ELEVATION MATHEMATICAL SOLUTION COSH (e, + j 8] ) - (COSH 8, COS 82 + jSINH 8, SIN Sg) LOa COSH 8, -0.1 88,389 LOG COS 82- T-732.639 7.821.026 LOG SINH 8,-0.070.1 1 2 LOG SIN 82 - T .926,039 1.996,161. COSH (81 + j 82) -0.8337 +j 0.9889 -1, 297 /49* 62' 06' 43 — GRAPHICAL CONSTRUCTION FOE THE HYPERBOLIC COSINE OF THE COMPLEX ANGLE «! + /*i = 1+ ii Hyperbolic Radians. circular sector of this complex angle is moved in the forward direction through an angle of 49° 36' 18" so that the plane of the circular sector assumes an angle of 90° oc/ 00" — 49° 36^ 18" = 40° 23' 42" with the hor- izontal plane of the drawing board. From the end of the cir- cular sector (point F) thus in- clined, a plummet may tie sus- pended until it meets the hori- zontal plane of the drawing board at the point / of the illustration. In other words, the point F is pro- jected orthogonally onto the hori- zontal plane of the drawing board. A top view of the drawing board, with the model removed, is illustrated in the lower left hand corner of Fig. 43. The line OF {1.297 /49° 52' 05'') traced upon the horizontal drawing board, is a vector representing the complex cosine of the com- plex angle 0^ -{- j 6^ — i -\- j i hyperbolic radians. This com- plex cosine has rectangular co- ordinates of -f 0.8337 and -1- ;■ 0.9889. At the bottom of Fig. 43 is given the mathematical expres- sion for the exact solution for the cosine of a complex hyper- bolic angle following the con- struction illustrated. There are numerous other mathematical equations with their equivalent geometrical constructions which will produce the same values for the cosine, but the above is prob- ably as easy to follow as any, and will therefore be used exclusively hereafter. known as the "gudermannian complement" of the hy- perbolic angle d. It will be referred to as 6o- The front elevation of Fig. 43 illustrates how these two sec- tors would appear when viewed from the front. To the right of this illustration is shown how these two sectors would appear when viewed from the left hand end of tlie model. The displacement angle Ba has a value for this particular complex angle of 49° 36' 18". This numerical value is determined by virtue of the fact that this displacement angle has a cosine of •r T = 0.64805 or cosine of 6^ = sech 6^ cosh 611 1.543081 := 0.64805. It has a sine of tanh 6, = 0.76159. The angle whose cosine is 0.64805 and whose sine is 0.76159 is 49° 36' 18". Thus the top part of the CONSTRUCTION FOR SINH 6 The construction for the sine of the complex hy- perbolic angle / + ; / is indicated in Fig. 44. In this case the same construction may be used for obtaining the sinh as for determining the cosh of the complex angle with the following two exceptions. The circular sector is made one quadrant (90°) larger. In other words the angle DOF' is 90° 4- 57° 17' 44.8" or 147° 17' 44.8" as indicated by Fig. 44. It occupies the same plane as when determining the cosh of the angle but is simply extended in the forward di- rection through one quadrant, as indicated by the dotted lines of Fig. 44. The plummet is again suspended, this time from point F' upon the horizontal board, which it HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS meets at point /'. The other difference is that the sine OF' is read off from the Y axis as the vector of refer- ence in place of the X axis as in the case of the cosine. Thus the circular sector has been carried forward through an angle of 90 degrees in the circular angle plane and the vector of reference has been advanced 90 degrees in the horizontal plane of reference. The sine of this angle is 1.446 /63° 56' 3/^ and has rectangular components of 0.6349 -f- ji.sgSs. The mathematical «c^^ \ ■■*r o^ FRONT ' ELEVATION LOG SINH 01=0.070 112 LOO COS 02 - 7.732 638 7,802748 SINH (91+ j 02)- 0.6349 +1 1.2985 - I 446 /e3' 66' 37* NOTE -THE CONSTRUOTJON FOR THE COSINE OF THE COMPLEX HYPERBOLIC ANGLE. MAY ALSO BE USED FOR DETERMINING THE SINE OF THE ANGLE WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANGES: - THE CIR- ~XA-XiS _t:^+x aJ(IS CULAR SECTOR MUST BE EXTENDED THRU ONE QUADRANT AND THE SINE MEASURED FROM THE Y AXIS AS THE VECTOR OF REFER- TOP PLAN OF BOARD (MODEL REMOVED) ENCE IN PLACE OFT HE X AXIS AS IN THE CASE OF THE COSINE. SHOWING 81NH "(©i + jej) TRACED UPON BOARD C FIG. 44 — GRAPHICAL CONSTRUCTION FOR THE HYPERBOLIC SINE OF THE COMPLEX ANGLE 6i + jffi =^ J -^ ji hyperbolic radians. expression for exact solution for the sine of a complex angle likewise accompanies the illustrated geometrical construction. MODEL FOR ILLUSTRATING THE FUNCTIONS OF A COMPLEX ANGLE Dr. Kennelly has recently constructed a model* for illustrating complex angles and for obtaining approxi- mate values for the functions of such angles. Drawings made from photographs of this model are shown in Figs. 45, 46 and 47. The construction of a complex angle as above described is that employed by Dr. Kennelly in building his model. Since the model is applicable to tracing out numerous complex angles, it may seem a little difficult at the start. It was therefore thought desirable to precede the description of the model which is appli- cable to the solution of so many angles with a similar solution of a single definite complex angle. With the procedure for the solution, as given above, for cosh and sinh of I -j- y ^ hyperbolic radians in mind, it is believed *This model was described in a paper read by him at a meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in April 1910. that Dr. Kennelly's description of the model and its appli- cation in determining the cosh and sinh of complex angles may be followed as given in the following paragraphs. DESCRIPTION OF MODEL In this model, the cosine or sine of a complex angle, either hyperbolic or circular, can be produced, by two successive orthogonal projections onto the XY plane, one projection being made from a rectangular hyperbola, and the other projection being then made from a particular circle definitely selected from among a theoretically infinite number of such circles, all concentric at the origin O, which circles, however, are not P coplanar. The selection of the particular circle is deter- mined by the foot of the pro- jection from the hyperbola. This effects a geometrical pro- cess which is easily appre- hended and visualized ; so that once it has been realized by the student, the three-dimen- sional artifice is rendered su- perfluous, and he can roughly trace out a complex sine or cosine on an imaginary draw- ing board, with his eyes closed. The model, however, possesses certain interesting geometrical properties as a three-dimen- sional structure. A drawing made from a photograph of the model is shown in Fig. 45. On an ordi- nary horizontal drawing board 53-5 by 31.8 cm., is a horizon- tal rod AB, which merely serves to support the various brass-wire semicircles, and a semihyperbola, in their proper positions. The axis of AB in the XY plane, on the upper surface of the board, is a line of symmetry for the structure, which, if completed, would be formed by full circles and a complete hyperbola. For con- venience, however, only the half of the structure above the XY plane is presented, the omission of the lower half being readily compensated for in the imagination. The eight wire semicircles are formea with the following 2.0, 1.020. ... 1.081..., 1.185.. MATHEMATICAL SOLUTION . SINH (8| + i 92)=lSINHe,'COS02+jCOSHe.81N Oj) LOG OOSH0| — 0.188 389 LOO SIN 02 - 7.825 039 0.113428 respective radii, in decimeters: 1.337. ••. I-S43---. l.Slo..., ana 2.150..., wmcn are me re- spective cosines of o, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, l.o, 1.2, and 1.4 hyperbolic radians, according to ordinary tables of real hyperbolic func- tions. These successive semi-circles therefore have radii equal to the cosines of successively increasing real hyperbolic angles 01, by steps of 0.2, from o to 1.4 hyperbolic radians, inclusive. All of these semicircles have their common center at the origin O, in the plane X Y, of the drawing board. The planes of the semicircles are, however, displaced. The smallest circle of unit radius (l decimeter), occupies the vertical plane X O Z, XAXIS FIG. 45 — DRAWING FROM A PHOTOGRAPH OF A GEOMETRICAL MODEL For the orthogonal projection of the sines and cosines of complex angles. This model was developed by A. E. Kennelly. HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS 93 in which also lies the rectangular semi-hyperbda X O H. Angular distances corresponding to 0.2, 0.4 14 hyperbolic radians, are marked off along this hyperbola at successive corresponding intervals of 0.2. The cosines of these angles, as obtainable projectively on the O X axis are marked off between C and B along the brass supporting bar, and at each mark, a semicircle rises from the X Y plane, at a certain angle e„ with the vertical X Z plane. This displacement angle i« determined by the relation, — X cus $a ■ ■ ^ seek 01 cosh 81 Where ffi is the partictilar hyperbolic angle selected. This means, as is well known, that the displacement angle 6a between the plane of any semicircle a,nd the vertical plane Z O X 'n equal to the gudermannian of the hyperbolic angle ft. The model is, of course, only a skeleton structure of eight stages. If it could be completely developed, the number of semicircles would become infinite, and they would form a smooth continuous surface in three dimensions. Along the midplane Z O Y, all 01 these circles would have the same level, raised one decimeter above the horizontal drawing board plane of reference X Y. The circles would increase in radius without limit, and would cover the entire X O Y plane to infinity, the hyperbola extending likewise to infinity toward? its asymptote O S, in the X O Z plane. The actual model is thus the skeleton of the upper central sheet of the entire theoretical surface, near the origin. The semicircles are also marked off in uniform steps jf circular angle. Each step is taken, for convenience, as nine degrees, or one tenth of a quadrant. Corresponding angiilar steps on all of the eight semicircles are connected by thin wires, as shown in the illustrations. A front elevation of the model, taken from a point on the O Y axis — 15 units from O, is given in Fig. 46. It will be seen that any tie wire, connecting corresponding circular angular KG. 46 — FRONT ELEVATION OF MODEL From a point on the O 7 axis, — 15 imits from O. points on the semicircles, is level, and lies at a constant height sin ft decimeters above the drawing board. That is, the tie wire that connects all points of circular angle ft, measured from O X positively towards OY , lies at the uniform height sin ft decimeters above the drawing board. A plan view of the model, taken from a point on the Z axis, + 15 units above 0, is given in Fig. 47. It will be seen that each semicircle forms an ellipse, when projected on the Isase plane X O Y. The semi-major axis of this ellipse has length cosh ft, where ft is the hyperbolic angle corresponding to that semicircle. The semi-minor axis is, — cosh ft s'm Oa = cosh ft tank ft = sink ft from the well known relation that exists between a hyperbolic angle and its gudermannian circular angle; namely, — sin ftj = tanh ft All of these ellipses have the same center of reference Any such system, having semi-major axes cosh ft, and semi- minor axes sinh ft, are well known to be confocal, and the foci must lie at the points +1 and — i in the X O K plane, or the points in which the innermost circle cuts that plane. PROCEDURE FOR PROJECTING COSH ( ± ft ± /ft) Thus premised, the process of finding the cosine of a com- plex hyperbolic angle ft + /ft; that is, the process of finding cosh (ft + /ft) is as follows : Find the arc C E, Fig. 45, from C z= -\-i along the rect- angular hyperbola C E H, which subtends ft radians. The hyperbolic sector comprised between the radius, O V, the hyper- bolic arc, and the radius vector E, on this arc from the origin O, will then include-^ sq. dm. of area. Drop a vertical perpendicular from E onto O X. It will mark off a horizontal distance O D equal to cosh ft. Proceed along the circle which rises at D, in a positive or counterclockwise direction, through ft circular radians, thus reaching on that circle a point G wheise elevation above the drawing board is sin ft decimeters. The area cnclo'^ed by a radius vector from the oriein O on the circle, followed between the axis O C and the circular curve, will be — cosh 'ft sq. dms. From G, drop a vertical plummet, as in Fig. 46, on to the drawing board. In other words, project G orthogonally on the plane X O Y. Let g be the point on the drawing board at which the plummet from G touches the surface. Then it is easily seen that Og on the drawing board is the required mag- nitude and direction of cosh (ft + /ft), in decimeters, with reference to O X as the initial line in the plane X O Y. It may be read off either in rectangular coordinates along axes O X and O y on a tracing cloth surface as shown in Fig. 47, or 'n polar coordinates printed on a sheet seen through the tracing cloth. If the circular angle ft, i. e., the imaginary hyperbolic angle /ft, lies between ir and 2t radians, (in quadrants 3 and 4), the point G will lie on the under side of the plane X O Y, and the projection onto g in that plane must be made upwards, instead of downwards. If the hyperbolic angle whose cosine is required has a nega- tive imaginary component, according to the expression cosh (ft — /ft), then starting from the projected point Z), we must trace out the circular angle in the negative or clockwise direc- tion, as viewed from the front of the model. |l||l|||||||l|l||iy|||||iili|||||li 1 mtti BMi ;;;;i-:|.:'j;!;|4:|;;i:i;i:;;i|^' Y ■■'i"i-ii'i''8i'' J'S'STi' m =£=» ■ [444-;2!o|44-ii5|44 iid-j -o'54i4o444*-ci.q4>ji d-frnisl-Lp-^ (H-(+h ""TXt 'iJ- It X A- --- --U- --iJ4--- ' 1 . II AH- - - + -1- -Hi-t+ -t~ c iD-t- . . mil" FIG. 47 — PLAN VIEW OF MODEL From a point on the O 2 axis, 15 units from O. If the real part of the hyperbolic angle is negative, accord- ing to the expression cosh (—ft ± /ft) ; then since cosh — {Bt =!= /ft) = cosh (ft =F /ft), we proceed as in the case of a posi- tive real component, but with a change in the sign of the imaginary component. The operation of tracing cosh ( ± *t ± /ft) on the X Y plane, thus calls for two successive orthogonal projections onto that plane; namely (i) the projection corresponding to cosh (± ft) as though /ft did not exist, and then (2), the projection corresponding to cosh /ft = cos ft independently of ft, except that the radius of the circle, and its plane, are both conditioned by the magnitude of ft. If we trace the locus of cosh (ft ± /ft), where ft is held constant, it is evident from Fig. 47 that we shall remain on one circle, which projects into the same corresponding ellipse on the X Y plane. That is, the locus of cosh (ft i /ft) with ft held constant, is an ellipse, whose semi major and minor diameters are cosh ft and sinh ft respectively. If, on the other hand, we trace cosh ( ± ft -f- /ft) with ft held constant, we shall run over a certain tie wire bridging all the circles In the model, which tie wire is sin ft dm. above the board, and it"s projection on the board. In the plane X y of projection. Is part of a hyperbola. PROCEDURE FOR SINH (ft -f- /ft) It would be readily possible to produce a modification of this model here described, which would enable the sine of a complex angle to be projected on the X K plane following con- structions already referred to. The transition to a new model for sines is, however, unnecessary. It suffices to use the cosine 94 HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS model here described in a slightly different way. One has only to recall that sink e = —i cosh\9 +7-7) or sink (9. + M) = — y cosh [ei+j(6'i + -7)] Consequently, in order to find the sine of a complex hyperbolic angle, we proceed on the model as though we sought the cosine TT of the same angle, increased by -7- radians or one quadrant, in the imaginary or circular component. We then operate with — } on the plane vector so obtained; i. e., we rotate it through one quadrant in the X Y plane and in the clockwise direction. An equivalent step is, however, to rotate the X and Y axes of reference in that plane through one quadrant in the reverse or positive direction."*That is, we may omit the — j operation. It, in dealing with sine projections, we treat O y as an O X axis, and — O X as an O F axis, or read off the projections on the X Y plane to the — Y O Y axis as initial line. The only difference, therefore, between projecting the cosine and the sine of a complex hyperbolic angle in the model, is that in the latter case the circular component is increased by one quadrant and the projected plane vector is read off to the O y reference axis as initial line. The model thus gives the projection of either cosh ( rt Sii ]'$•) or sinh ( ^0i '- j'S-.) within the limits of +1-4 ^nd — 1.4 for 0i, and for fij between the limits + <^ and — a . For accurate numerical work, refer- ence would, of course, be made to the charts and tables of such functions already published, and which enable such functions to be obtained either directly or by interpolation, for all or- dinary values of Si and 62. CHAPTER XI PERFORMANCE OF LONG TRANSMISSION LINES (RIGOROUS SOLUTION BY HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS) AS STATED in the discussion of the convergent series solution, the performance of an electric circuit is completely determined by its physical characteristics; — resistance, reactance, conductance and capacitance and the impressed frequency. These five quantities are accurately and fully accounted for in the two complex quantities. Impedance Z =:: R -^ jX Admittance Y = G + jB Having determined the numerical values for these two complex quantities, no further consideration need be given to the physical quantities of the circuit or to the frequency. In the hyperbolic theory the circuit is said to sub- tend a certain complex angle, 6 = VzK. This quantity represents in a sense the electrical length of the circuit. The numerical value of this angle 6 is expressed in hyperbolic radians. If the circuit is very long electric- ally the numerical value of the angle will be compara- tively large. Conversely, if the circuit is electrically short, it will be comparatively small. The numeiical value of the angle 6 is, therefore, a measure of the elec- trical length of the circuit and an indication of how much distortion in the distribution of voltage and cur- rent is to be expected as an effect of the capacitance and leakance of the circuit. In order to give an idea of the extent of the varia- tion in the complex 6 and its functions cosh 6 and sinh 6 for power transmission circuits o£ various lengths cor- responding to 25 and 60 cycle frequencies approximate values have been calculated, as shown in Table O. This tabulation indicates that for circuits of f -om 100 to 500 miles in length, operated at frequencies of 25 and 60 cycles, the complex hyperbolic angle of the cir- cuit (which is a plane-vector quantity) has a maximum modulus, or size of 0.41 for 25 cycles and of 1.05 for 60 cycles. It has an argument, or slope, lying between 70 and 78 degrees for 25 cycles and between 80 and 85 degrees for 60 cycles. In the convergent series solution, the three so-cr.Iled auxiliary constants A, B and C determine the perfonn- ance of the circuit. These three auxiliary constants are simply expressions for certain hyperbolic functions of the complex hyperbolic angle B of the circuit. Thus A T= cosh r sinh 6 B = sinh >s 7.i = Z' C = Sinn e — r^ — ' z — Z * ADDITIONAL SYMBOLS In addition to the symbols previously listed, the following will be employed in the hyperbolic treatment. a = Linear hyperbolic angle expressed in hyps per mile. It is a complex quantity consist- ing of a real component at and an imaginary component oc i. It is also known as the at- tenuation constant or the propagation con- stant of the circuit. Oi = The real component of the linear hyperbolic angle a, expressed in hyps. It is a measure of the shrinkage or loss in amplitude of the traveling wave, per unit length of line traversed. «i = The imaginary component of the linear hyperbolic angle a, expressed in circular radians. It is a measure of the loss in phase angle of the traveling wave, per unit length of line traversed. • = The complex hyperbolic angle subtended by the entire circuit, expressed in hyps. It differs from a in that it embraces the entire circuit, whereas a embraces unit length of circuit (in this case one mile), $ =: a XL, where L is the length of the circuit expressed in miles. ft = The real component of the complex hyper- bolic angle of the circuit expressed in hyps, and defines the shrinlcage or loss in ampli- tude or size of a traveling wave, in travers- ing the whole length of the line. e, =: The imaginary component of the complex hyperbolic angle of the circuit expressed ia circular radians, expressing the loss in phase angle or slope of the traveling wave, in traversing the whole length of line, e = 2.7182818 which is the base of the Napierian system of logarithms. Logw = 0.4342945. 6, = Position angle at sending end. 6, = Position angle at receiving end. 0p = Position angle at point P on a circuit S z= Impedance load to ground or zero potential at receiving end line, in ohms at an angle. ». =y'-^= Surge impedance of a conductor in ohms at y y. = — = Surge admittance of a conductor in mhos at an angle. Surge adi an angle. TABLE 0~GENERAL EFFECT OF DISTANCE AND FREQUENCY UPON THE COMPLEX HYPER- BOLIC ANGLE AND ITS FUNCTIONS LENQTM Of OlROUrT (MILES) z r «-/Iv COSHt SMH» 25 CYCLES /oo -f,^3, . fP 0.000 230 Lfi?' o.cc«»4\ii«; n. inijir 0.991012' 1 S 0.000 67012c 0.07303\^^£ o.nliS o.v*^,p.y n.iylffl 40O '-♦ 3 , , jfc" 0.000 900 i2Cf 0. /2 »70 VjEA." 0.3* i2i? 0.9^ if.s* 0.3523? ■500 'SAL 2.* 0.00/ /oo ]S^ 0. ' 7/60 \/J7' o.-ti at o.9,li.i^ 0.3* /r9; 6 C Y C L E s 3.00 ■ftsLiL' 0.00/ osow^ 0./73»ia 2' O.tiLL l:"i£i- ' ^'^?yf^' 30O Z-^4179* a. 001 iootSS! 0.3?O.»0Ui i' 0.13 11: O.tf A. J* O.i0 LMSl 400 ^^t.lliL'. 0.002 ISOISS.' 0.70090\^JS^ O.ULt 0. A 7 X.f 0,7* IS^ ■500 'i-OTULO- 0.002 700122" ).osU£ 0.5/ lii." 0.97 LK27 These values are but roughly approximate to illustrate the general effect for certain circuits. 96 HYPERBOLIC SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES DETERMINATION OF THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS It was shown in Chart XI how values for the auxihary constants A, B and C may be determined mathematically by convergent series form of solution, u?ing problem X as an example. Chart XVI gives in- formation as to how these same auxiliary constants may be determined by the use of real hyperbolic functions. The solution for the auxiliary constants by real hy- p-crbolic functions is given completely for problem X in Chart XVI. Vector diagrams are given to assist in following the solution. In the solution for the auxiliary constants by convergent series, the operations were carried out by aid of rectangular co-ordinates of the complex, or vector quantities. In Chart XVI, the op- erations are to a large extent carried out by the aid of polar co-ordinates. In the case of convergent series, most of the operations consist of adding the various terms of the series together. As addition and subtrac- tion of complex quantities can be most readily carried out when expressed in rectangular co-ordinates, this form of expression is used for the convergent-series solution. On the other hand, powers and roots of com- plex quantities are most readily obtained by polar co- ordinate expression. In the solution by real hyperbolic functions Chart XVI, operations for powers and roots predominate, and for this reason polar expressions have been quite generally employed. The solution by real hyperbolic functions is briefly this : — The impedance Z and the admittance Y are first set down in complex form and their product obtained. square root of this product gives the complex angle 6 ==V^zyof the circuit. This angle is then exprested in rectangular co-ordintes as 6^ -)- / 6^ for the purpose of determining the numerical value of its real part 6^ (expressed in hyps) and its imaginary or circular part ^2 expressable in circular radian,^. This circulnr par' 0^ CHART XVI— RIGOROUS SOLUTION FOR AUXILIARY CONSTANTS OF PROBLEM X BY REAL HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS CHARACTERISTICS OF CIRCUIT LENGTH 300 MILES. CYCLES 60. CONDUCTORS — 3 » ODD STRANDED COPPER. SPACING OF CONDUCTORS 10X10X20 FEET. EQUIVALENT DELTA SPACING = l2.e FT. LINEAR CONSTANTS OF CIRCUIT TOTAL PER CONDUCTOR R - 0.360 X 300 = 106 OHMS TOTAL RESISTANCE AT 26° C. X= 0.830X300 = 249 OHMS TOTAL REACTANCE. Q = 6.21 X 300 X 10"^ = .001563 MHO TOTAL SUSCEPTANOE. G = X 300 = MHO TOTAL CONDUCTANCE. g = (IN THIS CASE TAKEN AS ZERO). -ERN> 6 oo 00 00 00 — w ■CO a> 03 o> a> o o> o d — COPYRIGHT 1920 A E KENNELLY To find the vector "correcting factor" corresponding to any complex line angle 0, of a circuit, the angle 6 is expressed in polar form with the slope in fractional degrees. The correcting factor as read from the chart will be in polar form with its slope in fractional degrees. Consult Table P for rapid conversion to minutes and seconds. For example:— = 0.8 /62° . correcting factor = 0.943 /.s" .TO = 0.943 /■;°ii'24'' e = 0.6499 /78" .57 , correcting factor = 0.9365 /i° .6t = a9365 /i°.^6'.^6" leo HYPERBOLIC SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES CHART XX KENNELLY CHART FOR ADMITTANCE CORRECTING FACTOR (FOR ANGLES HAVING POLAR VALUES BETWEEN AND 0.20) 90°- 0.05 0.06 READ POLAR VALUE SIZE' OF CORRECTING FACTOR HERE COPYRIGHT 1920 A. E. KENNEULY HYPERBOLIC SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES lOI CHART XXI KENNELLY CHART FOR ADMITTANCE CORRECTING FACTOR (FOR ANGLES HAVING POLAR VALUES BETWEE;N 0.20 AND 0.50) r80°T0° -2.r u c 111 I (E t- < k. Z 1- u u (E K u >> V oc VJiXl J3 fi-S-S v^ ll o-c'o S S-? A 111 n ^^'^ ^ 3 0) to a r fo then (A u ding pol » is « < Ul K c.E u u c s-s- a orre ress the 'e •0 a ° ,., V 0.2- ^ 4: « c ^-" c ho u recti e an Th cor , th ees. b c« the voctor of a circui ctional dcg u CI C •0*2 t« rt ^i;"** /•^•S^ id = C-- «■ 1 ^ H « 4> u 0. — c V a 3.1 O 19 •o j; ^ •o •- a c 0.9 o y 57 l7h°03'3S' 60 O-fb /O'O'O" a 54294 +^0.436 3 2 = 0.h9i,S4/38°47'lO' 99.92 \2S'S0'3I' -90.00 25 2.7S 0.49/ZO +-;/.// 642 O.ZZ4Z(,+jl.009Z = 1.0339 /77°2S'li' (>l h70 1 l°Z4'4l" 0.4937Z+J0.4S937 = 0.67364/42°59'38' 96.64 \2/'>38'03' -93.33 SO ZSO O.SOIf\+al.lh97l 01= hi" 01' 10' 0.ZO43O+ri 1.0391 = l.0S?O l7S.''5Z'3h' {,3 /73 /Z°49'OI' 0.44 64+30.48/76 = 0.65288/-»7''33'0»' 93.6 6 V7''0-#'33" -94.04 7S ZZS 0.5IZb7^ + ^I.ZZZ7li,'S9' H° I3'24' • 0.3S692+J0.50333 = 0.63480/52° 27'25' 91. 0& \IZ'I0'Z0" -9S.94 100 ZOO O.SZ^^l +3/.Z7Sa7 %= 73' o(>' or O.IS9I7 ■\-jl.0909 = /.IOZ5 /Si'^l'SS' ,65 770 /5°38'20' 0.33139 +J0.S2399 = 0.61999 IST'4I'Z2'' 98.94 \6°56'/9' -97.60 . IZS 17 S O.S34I4 +j/.3Z%9S e^ 7(,°09'3%' = 1.1207 /83° 0/4-3' 66 854 / 7''04'0^ 0.27447+JO-5436/ = 0.(,08/S /63»/2'325'02' -99.90 /so ISO 0.S4-4-S8 + J/.39Z04 Bf" 79° II' 07" O.I073S+;jl.l3n = /./36 8 /S^OS^-'SZ" (>78IS / 8' 31' 17' 0.2/6/8 +0O.S(>I97 = 0.loOZII IhS'sYsT 86.37 h'19'Sl' -99.73 ns IZS O.SSS6I +^I.4-3SIZ 02= S2°/3'36' O.07908+JI.I477 = I.IS04 /Sh'OZ'SO" &8&Z6 /9'S9'S5" O.IS(,i,7 +aO.S7927 = 0.i>OOZO /74°5/'5/' , 86.34 1 10° 14' lb' +99.99 xoo 100 O.S663S +n'/-4S8ZI_ 6^= SS'/i'OS 0.04-9 2i,+,jl.li>07 = l.li,l8 IST'34'II'' 69306 /ir30'3(,'' 0.096 08+JO.S9S0 8 = 0.(,0279 /80''49'42" 86.47 / lb' 12' 01' +99- tt, z%s 7S O.57708 +Hl.Sf-IZ9 0^= ■S'S'irs^ 0.0I79S-^J I.I707 = /./7OS/89°07'/3'' 69S4Z^ //a-os'atr O.03455+JO.6O93? = 0.(,O9i2 /8i°4S'/S' 87.'tS 122' 07'3r +?S.7tf ZSQ SO O.SS78Z+3I.S943S 0;j= 9I''ZI'04'' -0.014-7 1 +J/./775 = I.I 77S l90''4-7:S7" 70243 / I4'39'22' -0.02784 ■*"J0-622O7 = 0.62270 /92°33'44" 89.33 /STSb'oy +97.32 Z7S zs 0.59SSS-^iJl.i,474h Bj= 94''Z3'34' -0.O4863+j'/./8// -I.IBZ/ /qs'zi'zs" 705/7 fli,°l7'S3" -0. 09073 +-J0.63 306 = O.63f53/98"'09'22' , 91.74 /34' ll'4l'' ■\-9S.I7 300 0.boqz9 +JI.700SS 62= 97''2i-'03' -O.OS3^I +J/.ISJ4 = 1.1344 /94°03'28' 70652 /I7°S9'63" -0.IS4I6 +J 0.6422 6 ■= 0. 6 6 5 // 03*2 9'4.S' , 94.75 /38'52'04» + 99.4i 100 GRAPHS OF CURRENT AND VOLTAGE {LOAD CONDITIONS) 100 90 iso 1 70>« 80 a, ui 80 S 0. S 70 < O 60 3 3 60 < 60 50 40 40: g30 ^20 30 10 SENDING END 26 60 75 100 125 160 175 200 DISTANCE FROM SENOING-END (MILES) 225 260 siNH(e|-fje2)=(SiNHe| cos ej+j cosh e, sin 02). co«H(e,+je2)=(cosHe| cosOj+jSiNHe, sinoj). 20 ^ 10 275 300 RECEIVINa END ANGLE AT RECEIVING END 0r«=O. 48047+ 1.06364 ANGLE OF LINE =0 I2882-I- 0.63701 0=0+0 "0.60929+ l.7006f ONE QUADRANT=I.57079632 CIRCULAR RADIANS. S " ONE CIRCULAR RADlAN=20e264.8062'=67* 1 7' 44.8: ^ OC -0.00042939+j 0.002 1 2336 FIG. 51 — CURRENT AND VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION For problem X by position angles (load conditions). io6 HYPERBOLIC SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES k-- f— EsNO CURRENT AND VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION (ZERO LOAD CONDITION) 0(300 MILES) (MILES)- - ■^ (D-X)i(MILES) >i 0pRQ=OC (D-X) *i -i Erno I NEUTRAL 6po~0pRc'''0Ro •PNO SENDING END RECEIVING END (D-XJ MILES X MILES POSITION ANGLE 6pO~0PRO'^0RO SINH 0PO (THE VOLTAGE FOLLOWS THIS COMPLEX FUNCTION) ^PNO VOLTS Z_ COSH0PO (THE CURRENT FOLLOWS THIS COMPLEX FUNCTION) • po AMPERES A. PF-po % O 300 O +J/.57080 0j- 9o'oo'oo' +y/.ooooo = 1.00000 1 <7o° 60 04L> |90° /II'ZS'S^" ZS Z75 0.0/073 +JI.6238S <9?= fs'oz'zr 0.OOO£7+J0.99Si,S = Q.99Si>5 /srSS'o-^ ,59 90 = 0.99460 /B9°S2'09'' £9 803 /O" 07' £1" O./o&98 + ;J0.OZI33 = 0./08U /ll'>Z2'48" /£.&Z \9o''03'08" + 00. /2 7S 225 0.03S ZO +ai.73O04 O.OOS/I +J0.9878S ~0.<7878^ /89°42'l3" £9 317 /0°n'47'' O.ISB(oi> +J0.O3I79 = 0.lkl8l ///Vr-f8" 23.37 \9o''o(>'oa" +00.32. lOO ZOO 0.04294 +y/.7»3/3 6>2= loz'orsf 0.O0 9O6+J0.97S44 = 0.97847 /89°ZS'lsf' 58753 /0'3\'48" 0. 2,IO<70+jo.04/7+j l.'SnbZI 02= /Oi'lZ'Zi" 0.0 1409 +j 0.'J6638 -0..l7 \9o°23'4i>'' + /.4Z 175 IZS 0.Q7SI4 +c//.9^238 02= iifiYzs' 0.0273/ +JO.93436 = o.93^7& /ae''i9'33" £& 129 / 1" 40' 27" 0.3 64 17 +J0.070Oi> = 0.370BSl/0''£3-'Zi' £3.SS \90°3Z'33" +1.98 ZOO lOO 0.0 8SS8+J/.99S-t(, 0^= II4°I9'£4" 0.O3J43+J0.9/4SZ =■ 0.9 1 S ZZ 1 '&7°4h' £-y £4 9£S / 2° 13' 07" 0.41 3S4+J0.0783S = 0.42090 /I0''43'4 i" .60.77 \90°42'/5'' ¥2.iS Z25 75 O.O'jhkl +J2.048S4 e^- II7'2Z'24" 0.04449+ j 0.89218 =0.89328 / 37° 08'4Z" £3 i>38 /Z" SI' 17" 0.4 10194- +J0.0SS93 ^0.4h9 8i> /lO'SZ'K," &7-8S \90''£3'40" 4-3.40 Z50 SO 0.I073S +ds.lOI(>4 ©2= l20°24S-i' O.0S44S+j0.Si,73S = 0. S6 90S /8&°24'28" £2/ 83 /3°36'32' 0.SO9/7+JO.O9Z7S = 0.S/7£S /icn'zi," , 7-5'.73 \9/''0&'30" f 4-33 27 S ZS O./ZSO? i-j 2JS473 02~ /23»27'22'' o.0i,SZS + J0.840 14 = O.Z4Z&7 /SS'SS' 3J" £0 599 /4° 2 6' 2 7" 0.SSSI4+J0.09874 = 0.S6385 /lO'OS'OT' , S/.^2 \9l°20'49" -^^■^' 300 o 0./2 SSZ +j a.2079l 02= IZi?29'Si' O.076&3 + JO.8/OS6 = 0.8/4Z0 /84''36'0S" ■48 889 / £'24' ST 0.£9973-i-jO. 103^4 = O.6 8i,S/9''4 9'Z2' S7.89 , , , \9l''3&'34" +b.h4 GRAPHS OF CURRENT AND VOLTAGE (ZERO LOAD CONDITIONS) SENDING END 50 100 125 150 175 200 DISTANCE FROM SENDING-END (MILES) 225 250 276 300 RECEIVING END SINH(9|+je2)=(SINHe| COS 92+ j COSH e, SIN 82). COSH (e|+je2)=(C0SH e, cos Oj+j sinh e, sin e^). ONE QUADRANT= 1 .67079632 CIRCULAR RADIANS ONE CIRCULAR RADIAN=206264,B062"=57' I T 44.8" OC =0.00042939+j 0.002 1 2336 ANGLEAT RECEIVING END 0Ro= +j 1.57080 ANGLE OF LINE =0. 1 2B82 + J 0.63701 eso=0+0Ro^°'^^^^''j^'^°^®' FIG. 50 — CURRENT AND VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION For pri)I:/cni X by position angles (zero load conditions). HYPERBOLIC SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES 107 PnoBLEM "X" H = IOS OHMS. X=24^**^ Z CQSH(e/2) 0-9S/ 8S94 /I' /2>S4* ■ -= Q.-33S 869 6 i72l±:il±±' TfiNH(6/z)_ 0.33S i(>9(>/77°44'49' e/Z 0.3X4 'fS/ 8 /78° 3^'0-r = 1.033 S9 8 \0''*'I'/S' 9 6 CHECK, SlNH6 = k SINH-^COZHJ = 2X.03I97/07 17 S'sY^^' X Q.9S I SS9t- / 1° I2's^ - 0.608 (iS8-^ / 80°/o'38' bNnicH cM£CKi with *J. PIG. 48 — MATHEMATICAL DETERMINATION OF CORRECTING FACTORS FOR EQUIVALENT IT SOLUTION PROBLEM "X" Z=/OS + ^'Z-4f=Z70-Z'33 /67°08'0B' 0HMS. Y= O +d0.O0ISi>3==O.O0ISi>3\90° MHO. 6= fzY = o./zs8U?+jo.<>37oo9Z Hyp. KV-flf,;^ -6000 00 oV25° 50'3 /' WMTTS. = S 400 00 0~j 2 IdI S 340. Ef^l^= ho 044.4 VOLTS TO NEUTRHL. lf^=99.9z60S \2S° 50'3I" SOLUTION FOB TANH 0. 8 = ^ =&00.888 /2S'S0'3l' OHMS. ^-0 = ^^=4 I 5. ■80S \ll'Z5'S(i," OHMS. -r«MM f) - ^00-SZ8lx£° -SO'^'" = I.44S/Z J37' Ko'27' :^l.l499S+3 O.S7S2Q9 * (Bii-dez) SOLUTION FOR ANGLE 0- TflNH-^{d,±j0,) = iLOGH\UL±%±^ {i-0,f+el + J Tl-TRt^ :-l/^l+l iM + THN' 01-1 ±02 f^ -2 1/ (/- 1.14 99S)Z +o.375Z09^ ^ 2 --^ LOGH 4:&2229+0.7&599 . 80''-67'' So'SS'4-9''43'zO') 9S+jl.06 3S3 97 = O. I Z9 8/ 68-^dO-i>37009Z fis= O.i>0 9 ZSk^4-jl.700S4 89 CHECK SINH 0i^=/.OO6S7Z /7(>'03'34J' COSH e^ =0.i>9i,S3 /38''^7'0?' TMNH 6 = ^'^"^'^ = l-OOi>S7Z /7(,'OZ'3(, ' COSH 9, 0.(>9(>S3 / 3 S'>'^7' 9" — 1.14 9 9S 4-;} O.S7'SZ09 (w«/c« CHECKS vvit»*). FIG. 49— POSITION ANGLE Ob AT RECEIVING-END Mathematical determination at load conditions. io8 HYPERBOLIC SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES CHOICE OF VARIOUS METHODS Two graphical and two mathematical forms of so- lution for circuits of long electrical length have been described thus far. These four methods have been given for the purpose of providing a choice of proce- dure for the beginner. Graphical solutions are more simple and more readily performed than mathematical solutions and, if used correctly and made to a large scale, will yield results well within the limits of per- missible error for power transmission circuits. There is always a possibility of error with any method, even though the solution is carefully checked. For this rea- son it is desirable that errors be guarded against by the use of two different forms of solution. For instance f SENDING wave, then it will be necessary to take their effect into account, if high accuracy is essential. In such a case there is an independent solution required of potential and current ^pr pc^ch single frequency in turn, as though the others did not exist, and then the r.m.s. value at any point on the line is the perpendicular sum of the separate frequency values. A detail discussion of the manner of including the effect of harmonic components in the current and volt- age waves is quoted below from Dr. Kennelly's "Artifi- cial Electric Lines." "The ordinary complex harmonic impressed e.m.f. contains a fundamental frequency associated with multiple frequency harmonics. The nth multiple of the frequency is called the nth harmonic. The fundamental may thus be included as the first harmonic. "In order to deal with the plural-frequency case quantita- tively, it is necessary to analyze the impressed potential wave iiito its harmonic components. As is well known, the complete Fourier analysis of a complex wave may be written SENDINQ-ENO 60 MILES -END GRAPH OF CURRENT (LOAD CONDITIONS) • RECEIVING-END FIG. 52 — POLAR DIAGRAM OF CURRF.NT AND VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION FOR PROBLEM X the first solution could be made by making use of the Wilkinson charts followed by its accompanying graphi- cal solution. The second solution could then be made by means of Dr. Kennelly's ratio charts XVIII to XXI, followed by its accompanying graphical solution. These two methods would then yield results obtained by two entirely different routes and methods of procedure. The use of two such methods would constitute check against errors being made in either solution. EFFECT OF HARMONIC CURRENTS AND VOLTAGES The foregoing discussion is based upon the assump- tion that the fundamental wave is of sine shape and consequently free from harmonics. If harmonics of considerable magnitude are present in the fundamental F, + V'i sin ut + V'i sin 2«/ + V, sin 3"/ + V'4 sin 4w< -h -I- F", COS w/ -f V'\ cos zw/ -I- V", cos zot -i- F"* cos 4w< + v°'*^ ('^ where Fo is a continuous potential, such as might be developed by a storage battery, ordinarily absent in an a. c. generator wave, F'l, F"i, F'2, V'\, etc., maximum cyclic amplitudes of the various sine and cosine components. The even harmonics- are ordinarily negligible in an a. c. generator wave; so that F's, V"2, V\, V",, etc., are ordinarily all zeros. If we count time from some moment when the fundamental component passes through zero in the positive direction, V"i = o and the series becomes F'l sin at -f- V'l sin 3<.)i + V\ sin 5w< + F", cos 3w< + V'\cos. s<^t + .volts (2) Compounding sine and cosine harmonic components into result- ant harmonics of displaced phase, this may be expressed as Fr, sin at + Vn sin (aw* -|- /9.°) + Fr. sin (S«' + P» ) + volts (3) volts (4) where and V., = v"V\' + FV tan ^n = yl numeric (5) ' HYPERBOLIC SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES Formulas (l) and (2) give the wave analysis in sine and cosine harmonics, while (3) gives it in resultant sine harmonics. "When considering a plural -frequency alternating-current line, we require to know the harmonic analysis of the impressed potential, either in sine and cosine harmonics, or in resultant harmonics, the latter analysis is preferable, as being shorter and containing fewer terms. A decision must be made as to the number of frequencies or upper harmonics which must be taken into account. "Ordinarily, the sizes of the harmonics diminish as their order increases; but there are numerous exceptions to this rule, as when some particular tooth frequency in the alternatipg- currciit generator establishes a prominent size for that har- monic. Care must therefore be exercised not to exclude any important harmonics. On the other hand, the fewer the har- monics to be dealt with, the better, because the labor involved in correctly solving the problem increases in nearly the same ratio as the number of harmonics retained. "The rule is to work out the position angle, r.m.s. potential, and r.m.s. current distributions, over the artificial or conjugate smooth line, for each harmonic component in turn, as though it existed alone, and then to combine them, at each position, in the well-known way for root mean squares. "Combination of Components of Different Frequencies into a R.m.s. Resultant. — Let the r.m.s. value of each alternating- current harmonic component be obtained by dividing its ampli- tude withi/^ in the usual way, and let y. =— ir = ^ r " +'^ ° r.m.s. voJts (6) be the r.m.s. value of the «th harmonic. Then the r.m.s. value of all the harmonics together, over any considerable number of cycles, will be V — V TvTTTTTT + r.ni.s. volts (7) or, as is well known, the joint r.m.s. value of a plurality of r.m.s. values of different frequency, is the square root of the sum of their squares. If a continuous potential Fo be present, this may be regarded as a r.m.s. harmonic of zero frequency, and be included thus : V — V Vo + Vi + V' -f F,' + . . .r.m.s. volts (8) Moreover, from (4), it is evident that the squares of the r.m •>. values of the sine and cosine terms of any harmonic may be FIG. 53 — GEOMETRICAL REPRESENTATION OF A JOINT R.M.S. VALUE OF PLURAL-FREQUENCY COMPONENTS DY PERPENDICULAR SUMMATION OR "CRAB ADDITION" substituted for the square of their resultant; or that, in this respect, the sine and cosine terms may be treated as though they were components of different frequencies. "The same procedure applies to plural-frequency currents. Find the r.m.s. resultant harmonics. The r.m.s. value of all together will be the square root of the sum of their squares. A continuous current, if present, may be included, as the r.m.s. value of an alternating current of zero frequency. "Graphical Representation of R.m.s. Plural-frequency Com- bination. — The process represented algebraically in (7) or (8) may be represented eraphirally by the process of successive pf >■ pendicular summation, or "crab addition." An example will suffice to make this clear. A fundamental alternating current of 100 amp. r.m.s., is associated with a continuous current of 50 amp., and with two other alternating currents of other fre- quencies of 20 and 10 amp. r.m.s., respectively. What will be the joint r.m.s. current? Here by (8), », / =\/ 100' -f - 50' + 20' -f 10' = V 10 000 -f 2500 -f 400 + 100 = 1/ 13000 ^ 114.0175 amp. r.m.s. "In Fig. 53, OA represents the fundamental r.m.s. current. AB, added perpendicularly to OA represents the continuous current, or current of 50 r.m.s. amp. at zero frequency. The perpendicular sum of OA and AB is OB = 1 11.8034 amp. Adding similarly the other frequency components BC and CD, 109 the total perpendicular sum is OD = 114.0175 amp. The order in which the components are added manifestly does not affect the final result, and it is a matter of insignificance whether the various frequencies coacting are "harmonic," t. e., are integral multiples of a fundamental, or not, so long as they are different. "The complete solution of an alternating-current line with complex harmonic potentials and currents thus requires an in- dependent solution of potential and current for each single frequency in turn, as though the others were non-existent, and then the r.^n.s. value at any point on the line is the perpendicular sum of the separate frequency values. The powers and energies of the different frequencies are independent of each other, and the total transmitted energy is the sum of the energies trans- mitted at the separate component frequencies. BIBLIOGRAPHY In order to give due prominence to some of the valuable contributions on the subject of performance of electrical circuits and as an acknowledgment to their authors of the assistance received from a study of them, the following publications arc suggested as representing a very helpful and valuable addition to the library of the transmission engineer. They are given in the approximate order of their publication: — Calculation of the High Tension Line and Output and Regulation in Long Distance Lines by Percy H. Thomas. (Published in A. L of E. E. Trans. Vol. XXVIII, Part, I, 1909). The former paper introduces a so-called "wave for- mula" for determining the performance of long lines having considerable capacity which embodies the use of algebra ofoXy. The second paper suggests the use of split conductors in order to adjust the ratio of the capacity and inductance of the line so that the leading and lagging components more nearly neutralize each other. Formulae, Constants and Hyperbolic Constants by W. E. Miller. (Published in G. E. Review, supplement dated May 1910). This is a treatise; upon the subject wherein hyperbolig functions of complex angles are tabulated for sinh and cosh (x + jy) up to X := I, y=: I in steps of 0.02. Transmission Line formulas by H. B. Dwight (Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.). This book introduces what are known as "Dwight's 'K' formulas," which permit the solution of transmission problems without the use of mathematics higher than arithmetic. It also contains working formulas based upon convergent series and the solution of many problems both by the K formulas and by convergent series. Tables of Complex Hyperbolic and Circular Functions by Dr. A. E. Kennelly. (Published by the Harvard University Press). This book gives functions of complex angles for polar values up to 3.0 by steps of o.i and for angles from 45° to 90" by steps of one degree; also functions in terms of reactangidar coordinates x -f- jy to x = 10 by steps of 0.05 and of y virtually to infinity by steps of 0.05. Chart Atlas of Complex Hyperbolic and Circular Functions by Dr. A. E. Kennelly. (Published by Harvard University Press in large charts, 48 by 48 cm.) Presenting curves for M the tables published in above referred to "Tables of Complex Hyperbolic and Circular Functions" for rapid graphical inter- polation. J Constant Voltage Transmission by H. B. Dwight. (Pub- lished by John Wiley & Son, Inc.). Embraces a very complete study of the use of over-excited synchronous motors for con- trolling the voltage of transmission. The Application of Hyperbolic Functions to Electrical Engineering Problems by Dr. A. E. Kennelly. (Published by the McGraw-Hill Book Company). Every student should have a copy of this book because of its simplicity and completeness in explaining the application of hyperbolic functions to trans- mission circuit problems. It also contains a very complete bibliography of publications upon this general subject. Artificial Electric Lines by Dr. A. E. Kennelly. (Published by McGraw-Hill Book Co.). This is a valuable treatise in which the subject is treated in accordance with the hyperbolic theory. , Electrical Phenomena in Parallel Conductors by Dr. F. E. Pernot. (Published by John Wiley & Son, Inc.). Being a very recent treatise, this book contains much practical and many readily understandable explanations for both the beginner and those further advanced in the study of this subject. It contains a six-place table of logarithms of real hyperbolic functions for values of .r from 0.000 to 2.000 for intervals of o.ooi in the argument. This is the most complete table of real hyperbolic functions which the author has seen. tio HYPERBOLIC SOLUTION FOR LONG LINES FABLE P— SUBDIVISIONS OF A DEGREE SECONDS TO DEGRE-:S MINUTES TO DEGREES DEGREES TO MINUTES AND SECONDS 1!= o != o °= f ff °= f If 01 02 03 0.OOO3 O.OOOh o.oooe Ol oz 03 O.OIbJ 0.0333 0. 500 0.00/ 0.002 0.00 3 00 03J, 00 07.2 00 /o.e 0.006 0.007 0.008 00 2/.6 00 25.2 2S.8 04 06 O.OOI 1 0.OO/4 O.OOI7 04 03 06 O.Okh7 0.O833 O.IOOO 0.004 o.oos 00 14.4 00 18.0 0.00 9 0.0 10 00 32.4 00 3t.O 07 OS 09 0.OOI9 o. oozz o.oozs 07 08 09 O.llhl O.I 333 O.I SOO /O // O.0O28 0.OO3I 0.0033 10 II 12 0.li>i,7 0./833 O.2000 0.01 o.oz 00 36 0/ /2 O.SI o.sz 30 36 3/ IZ /3 IS O.OOSi O.0039 0.00-f2 13 14 IS 0.2/67 0.2333 O.2500 0.03 0.04 o.os 01 48 OZ 24 03 00 0.33 O.S4 O.SS 3/ 48 3i 24 33 00 lb n IS 0.00-+4 0.0047 0.00.50 Ih 17 18 0.2667 0.2833 0.3000 O.Oh 0.07 0.08 03 36 04 IZ 04 48 O.Sh 0.57 O.SS 33 36 34 IZ 34 48 / 0.74- 0.7.5 0.76 44 Z4 45 00 4S 36 37 39 0.0I03 0.01 of, o.oioe 37 38 39 0.6/67 0.6333 0.6300 0.27 0.2s 0.29 If, IZ /6 48 17 Z4 0.77 0.7 S 0.79 46 IZ 4l> 48 47 24 -*< ■42 O.O II 1 0.0//4 O.O/ 17 4-0 .41 ■4Z 0.6667 0.6 833 0.7000 0.3O 0.3/ 0.32 18 00 18 36 /9 /2 O.80 0.8I 0.82 48 00 48 36 49 IZ 43 44 ■4S 0.0119 O.OIZZ o.oizs 43 44 45 0.7/67 Q.7333 0. 7.J0O 0.33 0.34 0.35 19 48 ZO 24 Zl 00 0. 83 0.84 O.SS 49 48 50 24 51 00 46 47 48 O.O 128 0.OI30 0.0/33 46 47 48 0.7hh7 0.7833 0.8000 0.36. 0.37 0.38 Zl 36 22 /2 22 48 0.86 0.87 O.SS SI 36 32 IZ SZ 48 .4? 30 J/ O.O 13b o.to;3? O.O 14 1 49 SO. SI 0.8/67 0.8333 0. &30O 0.3 9 0.4:0 ■ 0.41 ■ 23 24 24 00 24 36 0.89 0.90 0.9/ 53 24 34 00 54 36 .>y2 .53 54 O.OJ44 •0.0)47 O.OISO SZ 33 S4 .0,86 6' 7 0.8833 0.9000 0.4Z 0.43 0.44 ZS /2 2S 48 2 6 24 0.9Z 0.93 0.94 SS IZ 55 48 56 34 ^5 Si ,S7 O.OIS3 O.0IS6 O.OIS9 SS Si, 37 0.9 167 0.9333 0.9SOO 0.4S 0.46 0.47 27 00 Z7 36 28 /2 0.9 S 0.96 .97 £7 00 57 36 58 IZ .5? 60 O.OIhZ o.oH,4 o.oihr^ 38 S9 60 0.9667 0.9 833 1 .0000 0.48 0.49 O.SO 2S 48 29 S4 30 00 0.93 0.99 /•oo 58 48 59 S4 60 00 0.^1 = o\oos = CfZ4'3h'^ o'oo' la* (f4i'od'- Cf0933. O'.OIZB. CHAPTER XII COMPARISON OF VARIOUS METHODS The "localized capacitance" or "localized admittance" methods are discussed below lor the t\vo foUowmg reasons. A discussion of them is of academic i^terc^t and a tabulation of the magnitude of the errors in the results as obtained by these approximate methods when applied to circuits of different lengths and frequencies should be helpful. These methods may be carried out either graphically or mathematically, but since thoy are only approximate the simpler graphical solution should suffice. Their principle virtue is the fact that they simplify the determination of performance, but this is obtained at the expense of accuracy. The more accurate of these methods is somewhat tedious to carry out. The graphical solution previously described in connection with the Wilkinson charts will be generally more accurate and shorter than these localized capacitance methods. T HE LOCALIZED CAPACITANCE methods are: — the single end condenser method; the middle condenser or T method; the split con- denser or nominal ir method and Dr. Steinmetz three condenser method. These four lumped capacitance methods assume the total capacitance of the circuit as being divided up and "lumped" in the form of conden- sers shunted across the circuit at one or more points. PROBLEM "X" KV-Aln~ '•°°° "^v* Ern" 80-0** W\.T^ KWln" ''*00 XW pP|^- 90% UQQINO ll_ - 99.91 AMPERES F - SO CYCLES RECEIVING END 98.92 AMPS, methods, usually an approximation to the true value may be obtained. The middle condenser or T method assumes that the total capacitance may be shunted across the circuit at the middle point. On this assumption the total charging current will flow over one half the length of the circuit. This method is therefore more nearly ac- curate than the single-condenser method. The split condenser or ir method assumes one half LINEAR CONSTANTS R - 106 OHMS X - 249 OHMS B -0.001663 MHO Q - (80 THAT Y-B) •g>3'l8' 71' PF^9».9a7*LEAOINO NEUTRAL RESULTS CALCULATED BY RIGOROUS SOLUTION SINGLE END CONDENSER METHOD % ERROR EsN- 70,662 VOLTS 63,329 VOLTS - 10.37% Ig- 94.75 AMPS. 103.038 AMPS + 8.8% PFg- ♦ 93.42% + 99.927% + 7,0% LOSSn-865KW 1120 KW + 30.9% fR-lOJI»VOLT») 93.862 AMPERES FIG. 54 — SINGLE END CONDENSER METHOD Problem X. The single condenser method assumes the total ca- pacitance as being lumped or shunted across the circuit at the receiving-end. On this assumption the total charging current for the circuit would flow over the entire circuit. Actually the charging current is dis- tributed along the circuit so that the entire charging current does not flow over the entire circuit. Obviously the assumption of the total capacitance being lumped at the receiving-end will therefore give over compensa- tion for the effect of the charging current upon the voltage regulation of the circuit. This method of solu- tion yields a voltage too low at the sending end by nearly the same amount that the straight impedance method gives it too high. By averaging the values, as obtained by the impedance and single end condenser the capacitance being shunted across the circuit at each end. In this case one-half of the charging current .flows over the entire circuit. This assumed distribution of the charging current also more nearly represents the actual distribution than the single-condenser method. Dr. Steinmetz has proposed a method assuming three condensers shunted across the circuit. One in the middle, of two-thirds, and one at each end, each of one sixth the total capacitance of the circuit. This method is equivalent to assuming that the electrical quantities are distributed along the circuit in a way representing ap arc of a parabola. This method assumes one-sixth the charging current flowing over one half the entire circuit and five sixth the charging current flowing over the other half of the circuit. This method gives quite 112 COMPARISON OF VARIOUS METHODS accurate results unless the circuit is very long and the fiequency high. Figs. 54-57 show leaky condensers placed at dif- ferent points of the circuits, that is they indicate that there is a leak G, as well as a susceptance B. For sim- plicity pure condensers have been assumed in the ac- companying calculations ; that is we have assumed G=o. This is the usual assumption in such cases, for the reason that G is usually very small, and localized ca- pacitance methods are approximations at best. In the equivalent w solution previously given, we have in- dicated the treatment when the condensers have a leak. In such case, however, the equivalent ir method pro- duces exact results, and the nature of such solution may demand a condenser having a material leak. AUXILIARY CONSTANTS Mr. T. A. Wilkinson and Dr. Kennelly have worked out the algebraic expressions for the auxiliary PROBLEM "X' receiving-end. In such case the entire charging current would flow over the total length of the circuit. Solution by Impedance Method — The diagrams of connections and corresponding graphical vector solution for problem X by the single end condenser method is in- dicated by Fig. 54. The current DN consumed by the condenser (zero leakage assumed) leads the receiving- end voltage OR by 90 degrees and is, — /c = 0.CX)I563 X 60.046 = 93.852 amperes. The load current of 99.92 amperes, lagging 25° 50' 30" (90% power-factor) has a component OA of pp.p^ X o.po^= 89.928 amperes in phase with the re- ceiving-end voltage and a component AD of 99.92 X ^■4359 = 43-555 amperes in lagging quadrature with the receiving-end voltage. This lagging component is ' therefore in opposite direction to the charging current, the effect of which is to neutralize an equivalent amount of charging current. The remaining current AN in leading quadrature with the receiving-end voltage is KV-Aln- 8.000 kva KWln- »-*ookw ^- 89,02 AMPERES Erm- F- 60.048 VOLTS 80% LAQOINQ R ee.siTAMPS. V X ^00000- 46.826 AMPar fl.SeiAMPS. LINEAR CONSTANTS R — 106 OHMS X - 249 OHMS B- 0.001663 MHO Q-0 (80THATY-B) NEUTRAL RESULTS CALCULATED BY NOMINAL SPLIT RIGOROUS SOLUTION CONDENSER METHOD % ERROR EgN- 70,662 VOLTS 72,318 VOLTS *2.3t% Ig- 84.76 AMPS. 81.862 AMPS. -2.84% PFg- + 83.42% -•-83.878% -►0.68* LOSSn' b^skw 861 KW -047% IR- 8.449 VOLTS 60.046 VOLTS 46.926 AMPERES FIG. SS — NOMINAL V OR SPLIT CONDENSER METHOD Problem X. constants corresponding to these four circuits of local- ized capacitance. These are given in Table Q. It may be interesting to observe to what extent each of the four localized capacitance methods takes account of the three linear line constants R, X and B. The rigorous or exact expression for the auxiliary constants is given under Table Q for comparison with the values corresponding to the localized condenser methods. The numerals un- der the algebraic expressions correspond to problem X ; that is, to a certain 60 cycle circuit, 300 miles long. They are given to illustrate for a long circuit, the ac- count taken of the fundamental constants for each of the five methods listed. These numerals may be com- pared with the rigorous or exact values as given under the rigorous expressions at the bottom of the table. SINGLE END CONDENSER METHOD This method assumes that the total capacitance of the circuit may be concentrated across the circuit at the 93.852 — 43-555 = 50.297 amperes. The current ON in the conductor is therefore: — /, = V (89.928 ' -f (50.297)' = 103.038 amperes. The current at the sending-end leads the voltage; at the receiving-end by the angle ^r whose tangent is, — 50-297 „ , ,„ 8^:5^ = ^ '3' 06" The voltage consumed by the resistance, and the re- actance of each conductor is, — IR = 103.038 X 105 = 10 819 Volts (resistance drop) IX = 103.038 X 249 = 25656 Volts (reactance drop) The receiving-end conditions are thus, — /b = 103.038 amperes Or == 29° 13' 06" Cos en — 0.8772 Sin Ob = 0.4881 and from (40) *•- COMPARISON or VARIOUS METHODS "3 £« = V.(60 046 X 0.8727 + 10 819)' + (60 046 X 0.4881 — 25 656)' = 63 329 \3° 18' 27" volts to vector ON = 63 329 /25° 54' 39" voiti to vector of reference. PF, = Cos /3° 18' 27" = 99927 percent leading. KV-A,» =: 103.038 X 63.329 = 6525 kv-a. KU',« = 6S25 X 0.99927 = 6520 kiv. Loss« = 6520 — 5400 =1120 kw. Solution by Complex Quantities — From Table Q the auxiliary constants corresponding to the single end condenser method are found as follows: — fli = I — XB = 0.610813 (h = RB = 0.164115 6j =: /? = 105 ohms. bi = X =^ 249 ohms. c, = c, = B = 0.001563 mho. The voltage at the sending end is determined as follows : — Jv {Cos *L — / Sin Ol) = 89.928 — ; 43.555 X (b, + ;■ b,) —20286 + 1 17819 +£.. (o« + / Os) = 36677 4- / 9854 £.. = 56963 -f- / 27673 J end is completely determined by the load current at the receiving-end and the vector addition thereto of the cur- rent supplied at that end to the condenser under receiv- ing-end voltage. For determining the sending-end volt- age A'y = I -\- YZ and B'y = Z; but for determining the sending-end current A'l = / and C'l = Y. If the condenser were applied would be identical. symmetrically A'y and A'l = 63 329 725° 54' 39" volts. SPLIT CONDENSER OR NOMINAL w SOLUTION This method assumes that the total capacitance of the circuit may be concentrated at the two ends, one- half being placed across the circuit at either end. In this case one-half the charging current flows over the entire circuit. The total resistance and the total react- ance of one conductor is placed between the two ter- minal condensers. With this assumption the current consimied by the condenser across the receiving-end of the circtiit is added vectorially to the load current and the power-fac- tor of the combined currents calculated. With these new load conditions determined the conditions at the TABLE 0— AUXILIARY CONSTANTS CORRESPONDING TO CIRCUITS OF LOCALIZED CAPACITANCE Oa EQUIVAL£NT OONVEROEHT SCRIES FOAM OF EXPRESgKJW n -106 A'-i B'-i C'-o 8INQLE END OONDENSEft € 1 - XB -o.aioeia RB • ♦j0.te4M6 R ■I0> -♦jM» B ♦ J0.00I683 A' - I ♦ »i B' C- DOUBLE END OONOCN8EK (55 XB 9 3 •io.osio» R •lOB 4 - -0.000 0*41 ■-•10.001411 A'-(.»?) B'-z C'-»(i*J?) MIDDLE OONDEN8CA (~) NOMINAL "T Bb J5 -Wj 0.083069 x-|(xa-R2) • *i33e.06( B >jO.OOI6a9 A'-(i+^) B'-z('»^) C" THRCe OONOENBCn ( gift \^ ~lfj g '-¥-i(x'-R») RB RXB^ 2 " 18 '4 JO.O7S5O0I x-|Ua-R2) - ►1236.721 -*jH(x'-R») ♦jO.OOUTM * THE eXACT OR RIOOROUB tXPRCBSlONS FOR THE AUXIUARV 00NSTANT8 ARE OlVtN BE LOW THE NUMERICAL FIOURE8 OORRES»ONO TO PROBLEM "X" A — Vi+ir* 34 + 730 ' 40 330* ' B -*i'* 8 *T3r*ro40*5iO»* ' C — ''('*T^+-i30"+6345*3e5l85* ) -•OOeH8-0.8l068*j007883 — Z.8INHe-8> 74S8*)336880 — T.BINHO- -0.000041 1«| 0.00I4884 which checks exactly with the results as obtained pre- viously by the impedance method. The current at the sending end may be determined as follows: — It. (Cos 0,. — /■ 5"i»i 01.) = 89928 — ; 43-555 -»- £,. (fi -f- ; f.) = o + ; 93852 /• = 89.928 -f- ;' 50.297 = 103.038 /29° 13' 06" amperes. which also checks exactly with the result as previously determined by the impedance method. It should be noted here that in determining the sending-end current, the auxiliary constant (a -f- ; a, did not enter into the calculation as it does in the rigor- ous solution ; this is owing to the inherent dissymmetry of the single-end condenser. This is the only case in which the capacitance is applied dissymmetrically, con- sequently the current entering the line at the sending- *i« sending-end are calculated by the impedance method. I'his is the only calculation required when employing the nominal w method for determining the sending-end voltage. The voltage at the sending-end is therefore more readily calculated by this method than by the T method which requires the calculation of the two sepa- rate halves of the circuit. If, however, the current, power-factor and kw input are required, a second calcu- lation must be made to determine them. In such cases the current consumed by the condenser at the sending- end must be added vectorially to that of the line conduc- tors. Solution by Impedance Method — The diagrams of connections and corresponding graphical vector solu- tions for problem X by the nominal w method is in- dicated in Fig. 55. The charging current consumsd by the condenser (zero leakage assumed) at the receiving- 114 COMPARISON OF VARIOUS METHODS end of the circuit leads the receiving-end voltage by 90 degrees and is, — 0.001563 /cr X 60046 = 46.926 amperes. The current /, in each conductor is the vector sum cf the load and condenser currents and may be deter- mined as follows: — /r = 1/ (9QC)2 X 0.90)' + (/cr + 9992 X -0.4359)' = 89.991 /2° 08' a&" amperes. PFr = Cos 2° 08' 48" = 99.33 percent leading. The voltage consumed by the resistance, and the reactance of each conductor is, — IR = 89.991 X 105 = 9449 volts {resistance drop) IX = 89.991 X 249 = 22408 volts (reactance drop) and from (40), — V'(60046 X 0.9933 -f 9449)" -f (60046 X 0.037458— 22408)' = 72 JI9 /i6° u' 08" volts to current Vector OP. = 72319 /i8° 19' .=i6" volts to vector of reference OR. The charging current consumed by the condenser at the sending-end (zero leakage assumed) leads the voltage at the sending-end by 90° and is, — 0.001563 h, = X 72319 = 56.517 amperes. The current at the sending-end is the vector sum of the current in the conductor and the current con- sumed by the condenser at the sending-end. It may be calculated as follows: — OT = 89.991 (.Cos 16° II' 08") = 86.424 amperes. TP = 89.991 (Sin 16° 11' 08") = 25.085 amperes. TN = 56.517 — 25.085 = 31-432 amperes. therefore, — /. = 1/86.424' + 31-432-' = 91.962 /i9° so' 07" amperes to vector OS. = 91.962 738° 19' 03" to vector of reference OR. rr, — Cos 19° 59' 07" = 93 979 percent leading. KV-A.. = 91-962 X 72.319 = 6651 kv-a. KW.U = 6651 X 0.93979 = 6251 kw. Loss, ::= 6251 — 5400 = 851 kw. 5400 X 100 Eg = 6251 = 86.37 percent. Solution by Complex Quantities — From Table Q the auxiliary constants corresponding to the nominal ir method of solution are found as follows : — XB at = 1 :^— 0.8054065. a, = —^ = 0.0820575. 61 = R = 105 ohms. bt ■= X =: -\-j 249 ohms. B'R Ci ^ — — : — = — 0.0000641 mho. 4 Ci = B — -— — = 0.001411 mho. The voltage at the sending-end is determined as follows : — /i (Cos Oi. — j sin Ov) = 89.928 — /43-S55. X (fti 4- jbi) = 20286 -f yi7 8i9 volts. -t- £ro (Oi + ia,) = 48361 4- i 4Q27 volts. £„ = 68647 -t-y22 746. = 72319 /i8° 19' 56' volts. The current at the sending-end may be determined as follows: — /l (Cos 0L — J sin 6l) = 89.928 — ;43 555- X (0, + jOt) = +76.003 — 727.700 amperes. + £.. (C, + /CO = — 3849 + ;84.7i8 amperes. I, = 72.154 -t- ;57-oi8. =: 91.962 738° 19' 03" amperes. The above results check exactly with those pre- viously obtained by impedance calculations. This agreement indicates that the nominal tt solution may, if desired, be used with complex quantities, assuming values for the auxiliary constants as indicated in Table Q- Convergent Series Expression — Table Q indicates that the nominal tt solution is equivalent to using the following values for the auxiliary constants in the con- vergent series form of solution, — .^-=(. + t?). ^' = z, ^..-O + tJ) We will now show that the above expressions yield the same values for the auxiliary constants as given in Table Q. From chart XI the following values corre- sponding to problem X are taken. ZY = —0.389187 -f /0.164115 therefore, A' = i.ooooooo — O.I94S935 + / 0.0820575 A' = 0.8054065 -1- y 0.0820575 B' = 105 -t- y249 C = i.oooooo —0.0972967 + y 0.0410287 = Y (0.9027033 -f- y 0.0410287) C = — 0.0000641 -|- yo.001411 Thus the values for the auxiliary constants as de- termined by the above incomplete convergent series ex- pression check with those as determined above from the equations in Table Q. COMPARISON OF VARIOUS METHODS 115 MIDDLE CONDENSER OR NOMINAL T METHOD THIS METHOD assumes that the total capaci- tance of the circuit may be concentrated at its middle point. In such a case the entire charging current would flow over half of the circuit. The re- sistance and the reactance on each side of the capaci- tance or condenser is equal respectively to half the total conductor resistance and conductor reactance. From an inspection of the diagram of such a cir- cuit, Fig. 36, it is evident that two calculations will be required. Starting with the known receiving-end con- ditions, the conditions at the middle of ihe circuit are first calculated by the simple impedance method. To these calculated results the current consumed by the condenser shunted across the middle of the circuit must be vectorially added. This will give the load condition at the middle of the circuit from which the sending-end conditions may be calculated. Solution by Impedance Method — The diagram of ctjnnections and the corresponding graphical vector solution for problem X by the nominal T method is indicated by Fig. 56. The electrical conditions at the middle of the circuit may be determined as follows: — /r— = 99.92 X 52.5 = 5246 volts (resistance drop) X 99.92 X 124.5 = 12440 volts (reactance drop) Emu — 1/ (60046 X 0.9 + 5246)- + (60046 X 0.4J59 + 12440)' = 70 753 X33° 04' 36" to current vector OD — 70 753 /7° 14' 05" to vector of reference OR The current consumed by the condenser (zero leakage assumed) leads the voltage OM at the middle of the circuit by 90 degrees and is : — /c = 0.001563 X 70753 = 110.587 amperes The voltage consumed by the condenser current flowing back to the sending-end is : — /c — = 110.587 X 52.5 = 5806 volts (resistance drop) = FC /c — = 110.587 X 124.5 percent. The voltage at the sending-end will therefore be:— £,„ = i/(57j8o X 0.77831 + 5246)' + (57280 X 0.62788 + 12440)' = 69 467 /44° 10' 14" volts to vector OD = 69467 y/iS" 19' 43 " volts to vector of reference OR If desired, the receiving-end current and the con- denser current may be combined and the corresponding impedance triangle for the sending-end half of the cir- cuit constructed on the end of vector OM as indicated by the dotted lines. The current at the sending-end may be determined as follows: — OB = 99.92 cos 33° 04' 36" =^ 83.727 amperes. BD = 99.92 sin 33° 04' 36" = 54532 amperes. BN — 110.587 — 54.532 — 56.055 amper es. I. = ON = V (83.727)' + (56.055)' = 100.76 /33° 48' 06" amperes to vector OB. ■= 100.76 /'41'' 02' 11" amperes to vector of reference OR. The current at the sending-end leads the voltage at the sending-end by the angle 41° 02' 11" — 18° 19' 43"' = 22° 42' 28", which corresponds to a power-factor at . the sending-end of 92.25 percent leading. . The power at the sending-end is: — Kv-a„i = 100.76 X 69467 = 7000 kv-a. Kw,u = 7000 X 0.9225 = 6457 kw. Lossn =6.^57 — 5400 = 1057 kw. Solution by Complex Quantities — From table Q the auxiliary constants corresponding to the nominal T method of solution are found as follows: 13768 volts (reactance drop) = FM The voltage vector OC upon which the impedance triangle corresponding to the receiving-end load cur- rent /r = /l flowing over the sending-end half of the circuit is constructed, may be found as follows: — OC = V' (70753- i3 768)="T-l8o6= = 57 280 /s° 49' 03" volts to vector OM = 57 280 /iz° 03' 08" volts to vector of reference OR The voltage OC leads the receiving-end current OD by the angle 33° 04' 36" + 5° 49' 03" = 38° 53' 39" which angle corresponds to a power-factor of 77-831 O, = I — RB b, = X XB_ 2 RXB 2 V = 0.805 406 5 = 0.082 057 5 = 84.5677 — (X' — R') = 229.081 c. = ci ■= B = 0.001 563 The voltage at the sending-end is obtained as fol- lows : — Ik (cos Sr — / sin Or) = 89.928 — / 43-554 X (fci -f- ih) = 17582 + yi69i8 +Etu (flj + j a,) = 48361 -f- ;4927 £.a = 65943 + /21845 = 69467 /i8° 19' 43 " The current at the sending-end may be calculated as follows: — /u (cos Sn — j sin »r) == 89.928 — / 43-554 X (Oi -f /oj) = 76.0026 — / 27.6994 + Etu (ci + jc) = o + y 93-8519 /, = 76.0026 4- y 66.1525 = 100.76 /4i° 02' 11" amperes ii6 COMPARISON OF VARIOUS METHODS The above results check with those previously ob- tained by impedance calculations. This agreement in- dicates that the nominal T solution may, if desired, be made by complex quantities, assuming values for the auxiliary constants as indicated in Table Q. Convergent Series Expression — Table Q indicates that the nominal T solution is equivalent to using the following values for the auxiliary constants in the con- vergent series form of solution: — =^('-^) B C = Y Comparing the above expressions for the auxiliary constants with the complete expression yielding rigor- ous values the following difference may be noted. For auxiliary constant A' the first two terms in the complete series for the hyperbolic cosine are used and expression!! check exactly with those as determined above from the equations in Table Q. THREE CONDENSER METHOD This method (proposed by Dr. Chas. P. Steinmetz) assumes that the admittance of the circuit may be lumped or concentrated across the circuit at three points, one-sixth being localized at each end and two-thirds at the middle of the circuit. This is equiva- lent to assuming that the electrical quantities are dis- tributed along the circuit in a manner represented by the arc of a parabola. It is evident that this method more nearly approaches the actual distribution of the impedance and the admittance of the circuit than any of the three previously described localized admittance methods, and therefore yields more accurate results. From an inspection of the diagram of such a cir- cuit, Fig. 57, it will be evident that it is necessary to calculate the performance of the two halves of the cir- PROBUEM 'X" KV-Arn- 6,000 KVA Ern •= 80'<'*8 volts * KWrn - 6,400 KW PFr - 90* LAQQINQ \ Ip -89.92 AMPERES F - 60 CYCLES SENDING R X R X,''E°E'^"*° ^ ~ ~ 2 END LINEAR CONSTANTS R - 106 OHMS X - 249 OHMS B - 0.001663 MHO Q - (SO THAT Y-B) NEUTRAL RESULTS CALCULATED BY RIGOROUS SOLUTION MIDDLE CONDENSER METHOD % ERROR EsN- 70.662 VOLTS 69,467 VOLTS - 1.68% Is- 94.76 AMPS. 100.76 AMPS. + 6.34% PFs- + .93.42% * 92.26% - 1.26% LOSS N- 866 KW 1067 KW «■ 23.63% Ir 9 " 12,440 VOLTS > 6246 VOLTS 12,440 VOLTS F0-|c5 - 6806 VOLTS - -■ 13.768 VOLTS FIG. S6 — NOMINAL T OR MIDDLE CONDENSER METHOD all terms beyond omitted. For auxiliary constant B' the first two terms of the complete series are also used except that the coefficient of the second term is given as J4. whereas in the complete series it is i/6. Auxi- liary constant C is equivalent to the first term only of the complete expression. We will now show that the above expressions yield the same values for the auxiliary constants as given in Table Q. From Chart XI the following values corre- sponding to problem X are taken : — Z = 105 + /240 Z y = — 0.389187 -f- ;o.i64ii5 Therefore /4 ' = i.oooooo — O.I 945 935 + ;" 00 820 S7 5 A' = + 0.8054065 -I- ;■ 0.0 820 575 B' = I.oooooo — 0.09 729 675 -I- ;" 004 102 875 = z (0.90270325 + y 0.04 102875) B' = 84.5677 4- / 229.081 C = o + /o.ooi 563 Thus the values for the auxiliary constants as de- termined by the above incomplete convergent series cuit in order to arrive at the sending-end voltage and an additional calculation will be required to determine the sending-end current, power and power-factor. Solution by Impedance Method — The diagram of connections and corresponding graphical vector solu- tion for problem X by the three condenser method is mdicated by Fig. 57. The charging current consumed by the condenser (zero leakage assumed) at the re- ceiving-end leads the receiving-end voltage by 90 de- grees and is: — O.OOI 563 /cr = X 60046 = 15.642 amperes. The current per conductor for the receiving-end half of the circuit is : — /r = 1/ (99.92 X 0.9)" -I- (9992 X 0.4359 — 15-642)' = 94.16 \i7° 14' 38" amperes PF. = Cos \i7° 14' 38" — 95.505 lagging The voltage consumed by the resistance and the reactance per conductor between the receiving-end and the middle of the circuit is: — COMPARISON OF VARIOUS METHODS U7 /r— = 9416 X 525 = 4943-4 Volts (resistance drop) , X /r~= 94-i6 X 124.5 = 11723 Volts (reactance drop) The voltage at the middle of the circuit is from (30):- £mi. = y (60046X 0.95505 + 4943-4)'+ (60046X0.29644+ 11723)" = 68933 /25° 21' 33" volts to current vector OP = 68933 y8° 06' 55" v olts to vector of reference OR The charging current consumed by the condenser (zero leakage assumed) at the middle of the circuit leads the voltage at the middle of the circuit by 90 de- grees and is: — o.ooi 563 The current at the sending-end of the circuit may be determined as follows: — OS = Cos 10° 19' 07" X 90.73 = 89.2624 VS = Sin 10° 19' 07" X 90-73 = 16.2516 A^5" = 16. 2516 + 18.3777 = 346293 amperes. I.=\/ 89.2624' + 34-6293' = 95-744 /2i° 12' 13" to voltage vector OS. = 95-744 /^39° 18' 56" to vector of reference OR. Kv-a,n = 95-744 X 70-548 = 6755 kv-a PF. = Cos (39° 18' 56" — 18° 06' 43") = Cos 21° 12' 13" = 93.23 percent leading Kw,n = 6755 X 0.9323 = 6298 kw LosSu = 6298 — 54CX3 =: 898 kw 5400 X 100 Eff. 6298 85-75 percent. /.„ -X68933 = 71.828 amperes. Solution by Complex Quantities — From Table Q the auxiliary constants corresponding to the three con- The current per conductor for the sending-end half denser method of solution are found to be:— of the circuit may be determined as follows: — XB B' OT = Cos 25° 21' 33" X 94-16 = 85.0867 amperes. PROBLEM 'X' O, -~ + 36 (X' — i?') = 0.808866 KV-Aln" ''""^ '*^* Ern" 60,046 VOLTS II - 99.92 AMPERES F= 80 CYCLES LINEAR CONSTANTS R - 106 OHMS X - 248 OHMS B - 0.001683 MHO O - (80 THAT Y"B) RIGOROUS SOLUTION THREE CONDENSER METHOD % ERROR EsN- 70,662 VOLTS 70,648 VOLTS -0.16% Is- 94.75 AMPS. 96.744 AMPS. •H.06% PFs" ♦ 93.42% •1- 93.23% -0.21% LOSSn- ''''<* 898 KWf ♦ 6.03% l6.e42AMP8.^ riG. 57 — DR. CHAS. P. STEINMETZ S THREE CONDENSER METHOD TP = Sin 25° 21' 33" X 94-i6 = 40.3278 amperes. TV = 71.828 — 40.3 2 78 ^ 3 1.5002 amperes. /m = 1 85.0867-' -I- 31.5002= = 90.73 /20° 18' 55" amperes to voltage vector OM al tniddle. = 90.73 /28° 25' 50" to vector of reference OR The voltage consumed by the resistance and the re- actance per conductor between the middle and sending- end of the circuit is: — /m— X 90.73 X 52.5 = 4763-3 volts (resistance drop) , X /m —' X 90.73 X 124.5 = II 296 volts (reactance drop) The voltage at the sending-end from (40) is: — £«n = V (68933 X 0.93779 + 4763-3)' + (68933 X 0.34719 — 11 296)' = 70548 \io° 19' 07" volts to current vector OV = 70548 /l8° c6' 43" volts to vector of reference OR The charging current consumed by the condenser (zero leakage assumed) at the sending-end of the cir- cuit leads the voltage at the sending-end by 90 degrees and is: — 0.001563 6 b, = R b, c» = — c, — B RB _ RXB'- 2 '18 RXB 0.0785091 = 91.3785 X - -| (X' - R') = 235.7208 5 RB' RXB + 0.0000347 36 ^ 108 " 5 XB' B' ^6~ + 116 <^' - '^'> = + ooo'4794 These values for the auxiliary constants are in close agreement with the rigorous values. /l (Cos 0l — ;" Sin Sl) X (b, + jb,) — 18 484 -I- y 17 218 Em (a, + JO,) = 48569 -I- y 4714 £„ = 67 053 + j 21 932 = 70 548 /iS" 06' 4 3" volts The current at the sending-end is : — /l (Cos Al — y Sin Sl) X (a, + i Oj) = 76.159 — y 28.170 £r. (c, -1- y c) = — 2.084 -I- y 88.832 u. = X 70548 = 18.3777 amperes. I, = 74075 + y 60.662 = 95-744 /i9° 18' 56" amperes By comparing these results with those obtained 118 COMPARISON OF VARIOUS METHODS CHART XXII— COMPARISON OF RESULTS BY VARIOUS METHODS a OD r m s Z p _ Z o •n O 3 o c H 1 S 0) 8 z o c e (0 I z o z ■n m n D m 5 LINEAR TS LOAD AT % error IN RECEIVING-END VOLTAGE AS DETERMINED BY CON STAN RECEIVING-END 3D IS 3o z PI R CI Si 2 8 ? 82 ? » r Z P X V) 3 Z R§ oo 01 z> of" m j> nD 3JZ 3^ !3^ zm if S| in J Is z OD ii oz §5 8 % 3 ■0 m > z n 3 71 H I (3 R X B X I0"< G KV-A • ^R ^RN P F % 'r ^SN % J % ERROf^ERROR % ERROR ERROWERROR % io ERROR ERROR ERROR 25 CYCLES / 2 20 U •oooo COPPEK 3 &s-> S.3i a ■^2 o /j300 10,000 5,774 If 80 100 7S 6,3-^7 6,zoz +.0S +.03 -.0/ -.0/ 3 4 30 ttoooo COPPER 3 It S.S4 S.3t J7.2 o S,ooo z.0,000 lljSSO 80 100 Ml.-t I2,&S3 12,372 -■04 -■OS +.04 +.02 -■01 -■01 -.02 -.02 +.02 +.0Z S 30 *oooo COPPER 4< S.3I • 8.S • »/ o 3,S0O Z0,000 IIjSSO 80 100 10 1 12,733 I2,4IS +■02 +.08 +.06 +.04 -■02 -.02 -.03 -.03 +.04 + .04 I 30 OOOOO COPPER 4 " &3/ 8.i tf ?/ a o 8,ooo 30,000 I7,3Z0 SO 100 IS^t I9,IZS I8,i40 i-os +■08 + ■05 - .0/ +.0/ - .0 3 -.02 +.0 3 + .03 10 SO •oooo COPPER 4- ti I3SS ft 14.1 ft /3.5 o S,ooo 3O,0OO / 7,32 80 100 9i.z 19,184 IS,i8S -■OS -■0 7 -.03 +•03 +.02 -.08 -.OS + 0.1 + 0.1 II So *oooo COPPEP k i3.as /S.I /2,r n O a ZOjOOO tf 60, 000 34ji40 80 ZOO I92.S 3 8,490 3 7^387 -•03 -.02 -.O-f -.03 +•0/ +.0/ -.08 -.07 + 0.1 ra.i 13 14 100 »oooo COPPER 9 27.7 32.2 233 o Z.3,000 If SB, 000 50,810 so 100 tf Si,il9 54,820 -.07 -.02 -.03 -.0.* -.01 -.0/ +.01 + .01 -.31 -.30 + 0,3 + a3 IS U loo *oooo COPPER 27.7 33.2 22^ o a 40,ooo 1X0,000 i?j2?0 80 too l?Sfi 77,147 74,i>fZ -.02 -.02 -■06 -.03 -.01 -.0/ +.02 t.02 -.30 -.3/ + 0.4 *<14 n IS ZOO iOOtOOOCM COPPER 3 T.J * ■»<-f o a ZS,000 ft 120,000 i%Z90 80 100 no.-i 7i,7S4 73,401 +.oi ■¥■05 — 01 -06 -.O.f -.04 +.0i +.06 -/.24 -/.24 '1.4 ■>■ 1.4 11 zo loo 300,000 CM COPPER /7 313 A«2 -f3.f o o 40,000 I'f0,000 It 80,830 80 100 US 9l,7i' 8i,8i3 -.02 -.02 t.os -■01 -.08 +.0/ -.OJ -.04 +.0* +.05 -l.ll -l.lt *■ t.+ f /.4 Zl 300 iSi,0O0 CM. n 44.1 ?/.2 7-*7 o o Z0,O00 izo,ooo if,Z9o If 80 100 9i.l 7S,i8Z 7lt7iZ +.08 +.02 -.0 2 +.0J f.02 -.0? -.08 + ./5 + ./3 -2.8 3 -2.99 + 12 » 3.2 + 3.4 <-3.3 S3 34 300 i3t,O0OCM. RLUMINUM 21 ft *4.l 1 10/ 4 72 o t>OjO0O zo 0,000 IISjSOO 80 100 /73,S IZ8,450 IZO,S74 -.0 + +.0+ -.oi +.03 +■01 -. ( / -. M + .17 +./5 -2.74 -2.82 as 400 Ut.OOO CM- n If 59g 130 ft f2? o x.0,000 140,000 tf 80,830 It 80 100 S7.,S 8i,40^ 81, (-47 -■OS -.06 +.11 +■05 -.19 -.18 +.2t +.23 -5.08 -5-30 1-5.7 *S.7 11 ■too 63<,000CAI. Zl ft SM 13-f » ffW o 50,000 Z00,0OO 115,500 ft 80 100 /■*•*.'* IZ7,Zh7 118,83-3, -■OS -.03 +■09 -.22 -.21 + .32 +.29 -4.80 -4.89 '5.6 + S.i Z9 30 Soo Oa^ooocm: flLUM/ZVOM n ft 73^ * /<3 ft //io ft o o 15,000 140,000 90,830 80 100 i/.Si 83,04S 78,i5S -.06 + .OS +.06 + .0/ -o-o.f -o.o.« -.27 -.23 + .3i +.3/ -8,22 -8.32 + 9-2 + y.3 31 3» 500 fii.OOOCM. fiLUMINU/^ Zl 73^ /if Ilio V o o 40,000 Z00,000 II 5, SOO 80 100 I'S.S 123,401 ns,iiz +-.0S +.08 +.02 -.OJ -O.0-* -O.O.* -.40 -.37 +.50 +•44 -7.65 -5.99 + 9.0 + 9.0 60 CYCLES 33 34 20 KOOOO COPPER 3 5.S1- * /3Jlt 137 • 1,300 10,000 5,774 80 100 7S 6,702 (>,2S9 +.06 -■IS +J3 2 +.02 -.07 -.06 + .07 1- 0./ 35 3« 20 i*oooo COPPER 3 S.S4 /AW >37 • 5,000 Z0,000 ll,SSO 80 100 I4t.-t 1 3, 333 12,480 +.02 +.02 -. 10 ■^■04 -.07 -.07 + 0.' + 0.1 37 38 30 *O000 COPPER 4 8.3/ X0.4 • o o 3jS0O ft Xo,ooo llfSSO 80 100 101 13,482 12,537 +.07 +.OS +.06 +.04 -.IS -■16 + 0:2 + 0.2 39 40 30 IfOOOO COPPER 4 g.3l ao.-f lis o o 2,000 30,000 n,3ZO 80 100 IS4 ZO,Zi8 18,830 +-.0 3 -.03 +.06 ^■■OS + .01 +.02 -.IS -. 16 ta2 + 0.2 41 4i SO ♦»oooo COPPER 4 '3,Si 3 + 31-t o o 5,000 30,000 n,3zo 80 100 9i.Z 20,33/ / «,84S +-08 +■04 — 03 +.03 -.02 -.02 -.02 +.04 +.03 -.42 -.44 +0.5' +a.S 43 44 so *OO0o COPPER 6 I3JSS 3i.* 30/ o o S.0,000 i 0,000 34,i40 80 100 llZf 40,976 37,773 +.03 ■\-.04 -.0/ — 01 +.02 +.03 -.02 -.02 t.03 +.04 -.41 -■4Z + 0.5 + 0.5 4S 4i loo i*oooo CapPEK 9 m 27.7 77.-f J<2 o o 2^,000 8 8,000 S0,8I0 80 100 /-f-f.-f S9,92i S4,Si9 +.03 -■09 -■13 +.0 8 +.05 -.08 -.07 +./3 +./3 -l.il -1.69 + 1.91 + i.9i ■♦7 100 noooo COPPER II 1X7 * 7».7 f-f2 o ■40,000 /zo,ooa 6?jZ?o 80 100 l9Zi f 81,710 74.73 s -.08 -.05 -.04 -./ / -.02 +.0' -.OS -.07 +■14 +.12 -i.to -1.68 -^1.84 +1.92 SO zoo 300,000 CM COPPER )i 3f.2 /Si mi * 2 S,ooo ft /ZO,000 (.?,Z?o 80 100 IZ0.3 79jO00 70,599 +.03 +.08 +./-f +.07 +■18 +■■14 -0.04 -0.04 -■46 -.39 +.6/ +.47 -6.53 -6.99 + 7.8 + 8.1 SI 5i zoo ft 30O,a0OCM COPPER n ft 3f.2 /ii ft % ■40,000 tf M 0,000 80, 830 80 100 US 96,727 84,862 -.07 +.07 ■t-14 +.02 +.22 +.25 -0.04 -0.04 -.51 -.45 +.73 +.62 -5.96 -6.37 + 7.5 + 7-8 S3 54 300 * iSb,000C.TA RLUMINUM II -»-f.' 2X0 ft I7f^ o ZO,000 iz 0,000 i%Z90 80 100 9i.Z 72,747 6 3,810 -.04 -.02 +.05 +.2/ +.46 -.2.S- -0.ZI -O^ZI -I.SI -1.34 + /.34 + /.0I -/5.68 -/6.43 + /9 + 20 ss Si 300 i3i,OO0CiM. RLUMINUM 21 ->*/ It 2 tr Ulf o i0,000 If zoo, 000 115,500 ft 80 100 /73.2 126,541 109,18 9 -.05 -■07 +.25 +.15 +.-f4 +.J/ -O.ZI -0.2/ -I.60 -1.44 + ;.4>o + 1.29 -/4.50 -/5./2 + /8 + /9 57 St +00 i36,oaoc.M. RLUMtSUM '; .J 58 3'4 ZZIZ o o zo.ooo 140,000 80^830 80 100 82.^^ If 74,1 82 64.377 ■i-OI +.03 -.08 .0 -0.7/ -0.7/ -39Z -3.65 +2.15 + /.74 -29.34 -27./6 + 37 + 39 S9 io 400 i36,000C.M. RLUMINUf^ 21 58.8 322 ZIS2 o o SOjOOO 200,000 115,500 so too /-tv 113,606 96,987 -.OS +.0/ — +/.04 -0.7S -0.8/ -4.11 -3.92 +2.9? +2.84 -2.£82 -2?.38 + 35 + 36 (,1 500 If 63i,oooc.ri RLUMlNUtA n 73.i ft 3fo Z7Si I 15,000 140,000 80,830 80 100 il.Si 5 9,04t S 1,337 ^-06 +.06 — -/.47 + .2.f -/.97 -/•S? -9.I8 -9.64 +2.28 +2.54 -40.82 -20.62 + 70 + 73 is 6i soo ft i3i,OO0C.H Zl 73.S 40Z 2690 o o 4-0,000 • zoo, 000 tl 116,500 so too IIS.S 93,725 80,106 +.06 +.06 — -.28 +3.8 -/.84 -I-7Z -9.32 -8.84 + 4.44 + 5-+3 -3S.S4 -/3.53 + 64 + 65 *It would be commercially impractical to transmit such small amounts of power some of the extreme dis- tances indicated by the tabulation. The problems are stated simply for the purpose of illustrating in an approxi- mate manner the effect distance of transmission has upon the voltage drop as calculated by various methods. COMPARISON OF VARIOUS METHODS 119 by the impedance method of procedure, it will be seen that they are in exact agreement. Convergent Series Expression — Dr. F. E. Pemot in "Electrical Phenomena in Parallel Conductors," Vol. I, shows that the above described three condenser solu- tion is equivalent to using the following values for the auxiliary constants in the convergent series form of solution : — A' = (^1 + -^^ + B" 2 36 C 36 ^ 216 / Comparing the above expressions for the auxiliary constants with the complete expressions yielding rigor- ous values, the following differences may be not^d. For constant A' the first two terms are the same as in the complete series, but the third term is less than in the complete series, and all terms beyond the third are omitted. For constant B' the first two terms are the same as in the complete series, but all terms beyond the second are omitted. For constant C both the ZY and the Z- Y= terms are smaller than in the complete series and all terms beyond the third are omitted. The above expressions yield the same values for the auxiliary constants as given in Table Q. Thus from chart XI, the following values corresponding to problem X are taken: — ZY = — 0.389187 + j 0.164115 Z^Y" = + 0.124532 — } 0.127742 Therefore A' = i.oooooo — 0.194593 + J 0.0820575 0.003459 — y 0.0035484 A' = 0.808866 -I- y 0.0785091 B' = I.oooooo — 0.0648645 + j 0.0273525 z (0.9351355 + y 0.0273525) B' = 913785 + y 235.7208 C = I.oooooo — 0.0540538 + j 0.0227938 + 0.0005765 — y 0.0005914 y (0.9465227 -f- / 0.0222024) c = — 0.0000347 -1- y 0.0014794 It will be seen that the above convergent series ex- pression for the auxiliary constants check exactly with those as determined by the equations in Table Q. COMPARATIVE ACCURACY OF VARIOUS METHODS In order to determine the inherent error in various methods of solution, when applied to circuits of in- creasing length; also for frequencies of both 25 and 60 cycles, 64 problems were solved. These problems embrace thirty-two 25 cycle circuits, varying in length from 20 to 500 miles and in voltage from 10 000 to 200000 volts. Fixed receiving-end load conditions were assumed for unity, and also for 80 percent power- factor lagging. These same problems were also solved for a frequency of 60 cycles. These 64 problems with corresponding linear con- stants and assumed load conditions are stated on Chart XXII. This is followed by columns in which have been tabulated the error in voltage at the sending-end of these circuits as determined by nine different methods. The errors are expressed in percent of re- ceiving-end voltage. Obviously the inherent error corresponding to various methods will vary widely for conductors of various resistances and to some extent for different receiving-end loads. The tabulated values should therefore be looked upon as comparative rather than absolute for all conditions. Rigorous Solution — The column headed "Rigorous Solution" contains values for the sending-end voltage which are believed to be exact. These values were ob- tained by calculating values for the auxiliary constants by means of convergent series and then calculating the performance mathematically. The calculations were carried out to include the sixth place and terms in con- vergent series were used out to the point where they did not influence the results. The first values calculated were checked by a second set of values calculated independently at an- other time and where differences were found the cor- rect values were determined and substituted. This corrected list of values was again checked by a third independent calculation. It is therefore believed that the values contained in this column are exact, repre- senting 100 percent. Semi-Graphical Solution— The next column con- tains the error in the results as derived by the combi- nation of an exact mathematical solution for the auxiliary constants and a graphical solution from there on. This combination gave results in which the maxi- mum error does not exceed eight one hundredths of one percent of receiving-end voltage for either frequency. In other words, since the values for the auxiliary con- stants used in this method were exact, the maximum error of eight one hundredths of one percent occurs in the construction and reading of the graphical construc- tions. Complete Graphical Solution — This solution em- ploys Wilkinson's charts for obtaining graphically the auxiliary constants, the remainder of the solution being also made graphically as previously described. It will be seen that the maximum error as obtained by this complete graphical solution is seven hundredths of one percent for the 25 cycle and twenty-five hundredths of one percent for the 60 cycle circuits. These errors represent the combined result of various errors. First there is a slight fundamental error in the basis upon v.'hich the Wilkinson Charts are constructed when used for circuits employing conductors of various sizes ?nd spacings, the introduction of this error making possible the simplification attained. Then there is the in- herent limitation of precision obtainable in the construc- ton and reading of the charts and vector diagrams. These results show that the inherent accuracy of this simplified, all graphical solution is sufficiently ac- curate for all practical power circuits up to 300 miles long. 120 COMPARISON OP VARIOUS METHODS Dwight's "K" Formulas — The high degree of ac- curacy resulting by the use of H. B. Dwight's "K" formulas should be noted. This error is a maximum of eleven hundredths of one percent for these 32 twenty-five cycle problems. The statement is therefore justified that these "K" formulas are sufficiently accur- ate for all 25 cycle power circuits. For the 60 cycle problems the maximum error by the "K" formulas for problems up to and including 200 miles is one-fourth of one percent of receiving-end volt- age. For 300 mile circuits this error is one-half of one percent and increases rapidly as the circuit exceeds 300 miles in length. The accuracy of the "K" formulas for 60 cycle circuits is therefore well within that of the assumed values of the linear constants for circuits up to approximately 300 miles in length. The "K" formulas are based upon the hyperbolic formula expressed in the form of convergent series. In the development of these formulas, use was made of the fact that the capacitance multiplied by the reactance of non-magnetic transmission conductors is a constant quantity to a fairly close approximation. This assump- tion has enabled the "K" formulas to be expressed in comparatively simple algebraic form without the use of complex numbers. To those not familiar or not in position to make themselves familiar with the operation of complex numbers, such as is used in the convergent scries or hyperbolic treatments, the availability of the Dwight "K" formulas will be apparent.* Localised Capacitance Methods — The next four columns contain values indicating the error in results as determined by the four different localized capaci- tance methods previously described in detail. It is in- teresting to note the high degree of accuracy inherent in Dr. Steinmetz's three condenser method. It is also interesting to note that three of these methods over compensate (that is, give receiving-end voltages too low) and one (the split condenser method) gives under compensation. Impedance Method— Th^ values of the sending-end voltage as obtained by the impedance method (which takes no account of capacitance) are always too high when applied to circuits containing capacitance. The results by this method are included here simply to serve as an indication of how great is the error for this method when applied to circuits of various lengths and frequencies of 25 and 60 cycles. Some engineers pre- fer to use this method for circuits of fair length and allow for the error. These tabulations will give an approximation of the necessary allowance to be made. *Thesc have been included with much other valuable ma- terial in "Transmission Line Formulas" by H. B. Dwight, pub- lished by D. Van Nostrand Co. of New York City. CHAPTER XIII CABLE CHARACTERISTICS Heating Limits for Cables THE MAXIMUM safe-limiting temperatures in degrees C at the surface of conductors in cables is given in the Standardization Rules of the A. I. E. E. (1918) as follows: — For impregnated paper insulation (85 — E) For varnished cambric (75 — E) For rubber insulation (60—0.25 E) Where E represents the effective operating e.m.f. in kilovolts between conductors and the numerals represent temperature in degrees C. Thus, at a work- ing pressure of 5 kv, the maximum safe limiting temperature at the surface of the conductors in a cable would be: — For impregnated paper insulation (80 degrees C) For varnished cambric insulation (70 degrees C) For rubber compound insulation (58.75 degrees C) The acttial maximum safe continuous current load for any given cable is determined primarily by the tem- perature of the surrounding medium and the rate of radiation. This current value is greater with direct than with alternating current and decreases with in- creasing frequency, being less for a 60 cycles than for 25 cycles. The carrymg capacity of cables will therefore be less in hot climates than in cooler climates and will be considerably increased during the winter. Cables immersed in water, carry at least 50 per- cent more than when installed in a four-duct line, and when buried in the earth 15 to 30 percent more than in a duct line, depending upon the character of soil moisture, etc. Circulating air or water through conduits containing lead covered cables will increase their capacity. From the above it is evident that no general rule relative to carrying capacity can be formu- lated to apply in all cases, and it is necessary, there- fore, to consider carefully the surroundings when de- termining the size of cables to be used. The practicability of tables which specify car- rying capacity for cables installed in ducts will gen- erally be questioned, for the reason that operating con- ditions are frequently more severe than those upon which table values are based. A duct line may op- erate at a safe temperature throughout its entire length, except at one isolated point adjacent to a steam pipe or excessive local temperatures due to some other cause. If larger cables are not employed at this point, burnouts may occur here when the remainder of the cable line is operating well within the limits of safe operating temperature. The danger in using table values for carrying capacity without carefully consid- ering the condition of earth temperatures throughout the entire duct length is thus evident. HEATING OF CABLES TABLE XXIV The basis upon which the data in Table XXIV has been calculated is covered by foot notes below the table. The kv-a values are determined from the cur- rent in amperes and are based upon 30 degree C rise and a maximum of 3CXX) volts.* Expressing the car- rying capacity of cables in terms of kv-a (corrected for the varying thickness of insulation required for various voltages) may be found more convenient than the usual manner of expressing it in amperes. It will be noted that the kv-a values of the table are on the basis of a four-duct line and that for more than four ducts in the line the table kv-a values will be reduced to the following : — For a 4 duct line — 100 percent. For a 6 duct line — 88 percent. For an 8 duct line — 79 percent. For a ID duct line — 71 percent. For a 12 duct line — 63 percent. For a 16 duct line — 60 percent. When applied to all sizes of cables, the above values are only approximate. The reduction of car- rying capacity caused by the presence of many cables is more for large cables than for small ones. Also, where load factors are small, the reduction due to the presence of many cables is less than the value assigned, although the carrying capacity of a small number of cables is only slightly affected. REACTANCE OF THREE-CONDUCTOR CABLES Tables XXV and XXVI contain values for the inductance, reactance and impedance of round three- conductor cables of various sizes and for the thick- nesses of insulation indicated.All values in the tables are on the basis of one conductor of the cable one mile long. The table values were calculated from the funda- mental equation (4), D L = 0.08047 -f- 0.741 logu—S- where L = the inductance in millihenries per mile of each conductor, R the actual radius of the conductor and D the distance between conductor cen- ters expressed in the same units as R. As indicated in Section I, under Inductance,** this formula has been derived on the basis of solid conductors. In the case of cables, the effective radius is actually slightly less than that of the stranded conductor. The values for ♦These current values are taken from General Electric Bulletin No. .49302 dated March 1917. They are in general slightly higher than those published by the Standard Undei^ ground Cable Company in their Hand Book dated 1906. ♦♦Chapter I. 122 CABLE CHARACTERISTICS TABLE XXIV— CARRYING CAPACITY OF INSULATED COPPER CONDUCTORS The following values for carrying capacity must not be assumed unless it is positively known that the conditions upon which they are based will not be exceeded in service. THREE CON DUCTO R CABLES B & S NO. AREA IN CIRCULAR MILS XX 0*RH»iNG CftPAC'TV IN -AMPERES Direct - CURRENT BASED UPON 30« C « ' S E AND A MAXIMUM OF 3000 rfOLT& PAPER IN. 8ULATION K.V A W LEAD OOVERE THAT ALL DUC FOR A 6 TO 79 PER CE (4 WIDE AND t HIGH MAY BE TRANSMITTED AT THREE PHASE AND THE FOLLOWING VOLTAGES OVER PAPER INSULATED D CABLES INSTALLED IN A FOUR DUCT LINE WITH 30° C RISE IN TEMPERATURE BASED UPON THE ASSUMPTION DTS CARRY LOADED CABLES AND UPON A NORMAL EARTH TEMPERATURE OF 20° C DUCT LINE THESE K.V.A VALUES WOULD BE REDUCED TO APPROXIMATELY 88 PER CENT FOR AN 8 DUCT LINE NT FOR A 10 DUCT LINE TO 71 PER CENT FOR A 12 DUCT LINE TO 63 PER CENT AND FOR A I6 DUCT LINE HIGH) TO 60 PER CENT OF THE TABLE VALUES X X X X . 220 VOLTS 440 VOLTS 550 VOLTS 1100 VOLTS 2200 VOLTS 3300 VOLTS 4000 VOLTS 6000 VOLTS 6600 VOLTS 10000 VOLTS II 000 VOLTS 12000 VOLTS 13200 VOLTS 15000 VOLTS 20000 VOLTS 22000 vQlTS 25000 VOLTS /o is 30 1 It 17 Z3 / 7 Zl 28 1^7 4,f 114 /OS IZS 17 1 IZ4 3oi /8-^ 22.5- J07 202 300 347 jroo 328 S47 3Sk 43S S9S 390 Vsl 438 S3 6 73 il°s ISO .430 7X7 /OZS 693 847 I'SS ■1 70 fS 30 11 38 7i i04 133 l5Z ZOl Z&i ZZ8 314 4O0 37S 378 481 4IO S&2 71 S Vil TVS Li7 iVtI 730 /OOO I37S 793 10 fo 8*7 1190 /S30 9 7S /34O IT 10 iZiS 1740 331s 138a /89S 3410 IS4 2/20 2 700 1 o ISO II 7i t1 il's 133 I90 ZO<) 2-4 7 3&I 418 4fS S4S 7-tO LSS 970 //ZS /330 /OLS /230 l4tO IS8S I840 2/70 1730 zoso ZS70 / 8 90 ZI80 3S80 ZOio 3390 Z830 33IO Zb80 3I70 3000 3480 41 30 3370 3780 *470 34.ro -»2+0 sooo oo OOO oooo /so I70 i.oo 7i 1 ,* ISO IS2 143 liZ I90 ZtS 323 3»o S70 i47 7iO ess t70 II4C /03O II70 I3 7S /S3S I740 Z040 1 7/0 /940 ZZ40 2 5^00 2»f0 3340 Z740 3IOO 3iSO 3970 3370 39*° 33iO 3690 4340 36£o 4ISO 49TO 47SO S37S li37S SI7 S8SO 6900 S770 6 SSO 7700 Z so OOO 300 OOO 3 so OOO Z2S iso a to I's lot I7Z /10 ZIS 2/4 238 24<. -►28 8S7 aso lOiS I39S I430 lioo /SSO I7ZO /93S 2 300 2S60 38io 3 SZO 2 8-00 3I40 37SO 4170 4i70 4100 4 SSO SI 00 ■44SO ■49SO SSSO 4880 S43S i070 S470 ilOO Aexs 7IZS 7TOO 8 SSO 77SO 8600 96SO 86SO 963S /otoo ■too OOO 4So OOO ^ooooo 3/0 3-fO 3tO lit IZi 137 £St zsa Z74 Z^S 32 3 34Z i%°7 6es use IZfS /37 c ■ON *A OP T8 BASED UPON THE ASSUMPTION THAT ALL DUCTS CARRY LOADED CABLES AND UPON A NORMAL EARTH TEMPERATURE OF 20° C FOR A 6 DUCT LINE THESE K.V.A. VALUES WOULD BE REDUCED TO APPROXIMATELY 88 PER CENT FOR AN 8 DUCT LINE TO 79 PER CENT FOR A 10 DUCT LINE TO 71 PER CENT: FOR A 12 DUCT LINE TO 63 PER CENT AND FOR A 16 DUCT LINE (4 WIDE AND 4 HIGH) TO 60 PER CENT OF THE TABLE VALUES x X x x X TABLt » RUBBER INSULATION TABLe a OTHER INSULATION BASED Uf 30-CRISt MAXIMUM 30O0 VOL INSULATION 220 VOLTS 440 VOLTS 550 VOLTS 1100 VOLTS 2200 VOLTS 3300 VOLTS 4000 VOLTS 6000 VOLTS 6600 VOLTS 10000 VOLTS II 000 VOLTS 12000 VOLTS 13200 VOlTS 15000 VOLTS 20000 VOLTS 22000 25000 VOLTS VOITS ',1 lO ii IS JO Z-* JO -fo /'^ 18 23 30 23 28 38 ■ffc 93 114 ISX /37 17/ 33S US ZOh Z7S 34S 3oi 408 270 357 .♦J-o 400 ^00 ii7 +37 S47 730 47 S ■520 ^so 868 sas 73 3 97 S 7.r8 948 I36S 824 /O3o /37» IS4 * 3S so so 70 ss 7S 2 / X8 4Z S7 SZ 7/ /04 I4Z Z09 394 314 438 378 SiS S60 7t,S i_/7 8+2 9_/7 izso /OIO 1270 1 040 I48S 1 I4S /i30 I3A0 1830 IT40 2370 I8_9S ZS8C ZIZO 2890 3 ss Vc to »o /OO tf 3t, 72 to 181 3iZ cT^O is3 970 1 obS isas 1 730 1880 ZObO Z320 JOOO 32T0 3660 Z t o to loo IXS Its ISO ZOO /as /so /70 47 Vs 9S 114 /30 119 /+3 liZ 237 2 8.r J23 47S i'/7 713 8SS 970 860 I030 1 170 IZ7S /S30 1740 140s /68S /910 zogj Z500 2 830 Z280 Z7IS- 31 OO 2480 2970 3370 27/0 3ZiO 369° 30SO 30,0 4ISO 39 SO 4300 SI7C S8SC 4820 S780 6 SSO oo OOO oooo ISO ITS ziS zzs %Vs 200 230 Z70 il ISZ I7S iOS 19° ZI9 3 Si Jfo 437 SI3 /02S //4o /3IO /S40 13 BO /SSO /860 Z040 Z3SO 37to 2280 242C 3030 3330 3 840 4-SOO 3iSO -4200 -f920 39iO 4SSO S3SO 43SO S^OOO SSSO 4880 S(,oo 6 SSO *320 7270 8S30 6 86c 79 30 9300 7700 88(0 10400 a. so OOO 3 00 OOO 3 so OOO Z7S 400 •300 3-»o 390 114 /Zl /••■» ZXS zs? Zgf 3SS 3Z4 342 S70 i-»7 723 1141 /3fS /44S I7/0 /f4c 3l70 3.0i0 Z340 ZhZO 3070 3470 J8SO 3370 3830 4Z70 sooo Si70 A330 ,r-»7o ^200 8SO ^I80 teso 7 SZO 9170 10 ISO 11 ISO 10000 /1 100 IZ ZOO 10900 IZIOO /3ZSO II9S0 I3ZS0 I4SSO 13400 I48S0 I63S0 17400 19300 ZIZOO l89St! Ziooo 23/00 31x00 23 SOO zsaoo 900 000 f OOO OOO i foo OOO too 6 so <90 9ZO /OOO lo^o 73 o 7£o Z74 297 S48 S94 d,es 74 Z /370 I4SO 3740 39to 4I0O 44S0 49 SO •5-3 70 7 3 SO 79SO eioo 87SO IZOOO 13000 /3/SO I4ZOO I43SO IS4SO /SiSO /tiso I7SS0 I9000 ZZ70C 246S0 24800 2^80C Z770C 30IOC i XOOOOQ i 2SOOOO /300 OOO 730 770 nso IZZO ^oo 34Z 6is- 8SS /7/0 34ZO SI3C *200 9X00 loioo IS 000 /i4O0 17 800 I9SSC zitao Z8400 31 000 34700 /'fOO OOO / ^OO OOO / 600 000 810 BSO f»o izto l3to l-*30 <030 39Z F£S 9eo /TlO 3920 S870 7IOO losoo //SSO 173 00 18800 ZO400 2Z400 zsioo 3zioO 3SS00 stFoo / 7SOOOO 1 900 OOO ZOOO OOO /OIO lOSO /no /*7o / I30 izto 430 ■iTo S60 /07S IXOO ZiSO Z400 ■4 3 00 4-SOO &4S0 72.00 7770 sTto /I SSO /zaso /Z7O0 i-iTso /8 800 xTooo aoioo 33 000 Z34O0 3SOOO Z4SOO 27300 Z7SO0 307O0 3S700 3980C 3900a 433ai -f3«04 .233 .39s ,399 .409 ,06X0 ,Oi>2i, ,0642 .177 .24i • 402 .409 .419 .06 30 .0642 .0 6 5S .178 .2oS .242 .4IS .42 1 .430 .0652 .0660 .067S .178 .2 OS .242 .423 .442 .0664 .0675- .0673 • 179, .206 .24.3 oooo ooo oo •470 .27.5 .346 .437 .4 IS .429 .439 .06S2 .0673 .0690 .283 .3.5 3 .44 3 .427 • 440 • 4SS .0673 .0670 .0714 .2 8 3 .3 5^3 .443 .44 1 .4SS .469 .0690 .0714 .073S .2 84 .354 .443 ,452 .466 .483 .0708 .0730 .0758 .28S .3SS .444 o i .373 .332 .292 .SSO .69S .e79 .4S3 .46^ .483 .0712 .0732 .07SS .SS4 .466 .483 .SO 2 .0731 .07S7 .0787 .SS4 .677 .882 .4SS .SOI .S2I .O760 .078S ,OS/6 .sss ■699 .833 .478 ..5/6 .S37 .0780 .08/0 .0843 .ssi .700 .883 1 .260 .232 ./ 84 1,1 1 /,40 2.ZI .499 .SIS .J -5 7 .orez ,oe/3 .0873 l.ll /,4o 3,2 1 .SI9 .S3e •S80 .O814 .oe4S .0910 I.I 1 1.40 2.ZI .S3 8 .SS8 .601 .0 84 5 .087.5 .0743 l.ll 1.40 2.2/ .SS8 .0 8 74- .090s .077.5 l.ll 1.40 2.2/ 1 nv II 64 BY 64 ^BY^ ^BYi| ^BYli IND. M.H. REAC. OHMS IMP, OHMS IND. M.H. REAC. OHMS IMP. OHMS IND. M.H. REAC. OHMS IMP. OHMS IND. M.H. REAC. OHMS IMP. OHMS ■Soo ooo ^So ooo ^oo ooo .SI4 .772 .72S .116 .IZ9 .MS .417 .423 .429 .O&SS .066S .0673 ./33 ./4S .160 .427 .43/ .436 .0670 .067S .06S3 ./33 • I4S .I60 .434 .437 .446 .068/ ,0670 .0700 ./34 ./46 .161 .44/ .447 .457 .067/ .0705 .07/7 .I3S .147 .162 3^o ooo 300 000 ZSO 000 .6S/ .630 .S7S .166 • 194 .233 .436 .444 .4S4 .o6es .0697 .0712 .ISO .206 .244 .446 .4.S6 .4 6S .0700 .07/5 .0730 • ISO .206 .244 .453 .46/ .47J- •07I0 .0722 .074S .ISO .207 .24.r .464 .473 ,486 .0727 .0742 ,0762 ■181 .208 .34S 0000 000 00 .SZ8 .470 ^/■8 •2 7.5- .346 .437 .46S .491 .478 ,0730 .QTSS .0780 .28.i- .3SS .44S .476 .473 • SIO .074S .077S .oeoe <2 8J .3SS •44S .486 • 503 ,S2 1 .0760 .0790 .08 16 .2 86 .3SS .44S .498 .S16 ,S3S .0782 .08/0 .O840 .287 .356 .446 k .373 .331 .292 .sso .69S .879 .SI4 .S3I .SS4 .0 90S .0830 .0970 .SS6 .700 .882 .S28 • S4 6 ,S70 .0838 .OBSS .OS9S .SS6 • 70 .882 .S39 .SS9 .S83 .084S .0877 .091S .SS6 .700 .883 .SS4 .573 .S98 .08 70 .0700 .0738 .557 ■78%% 3 1 .Zio .232 ./84 /.40 X.ZI .S74 .S96 .643 .0900 .093S ,1010 l.ll 1.40 2.2/ .S9I .6/3 .til .0927 •0962 ./037 /.ll /.40 2.2/ .606 .627 .678 .09 SO .0783 ./6 .437 .sn^ ,J36 ..162 *OBIO .O840 .OSiS .287 .3 SI .446 •S3 6 .SSi •S7S .0840 .08 70 .0707 .288 .3.57 .446 .ssi .S7S .S99 .0870 .09OS .0940 .287 .3S8 .447 .573 .572 .618 -0700 .0730 .0770 .270 .360 .448 / z .373 .332 .292 .SSO .69S .■879 .S7S .S98 .623 .0902 .093S .097S .sss .700 .8 84 .60 / .623 .647 .o74i .O980 • ion .558 .700 .8 84 .62/ .64S .674 .0772 .1010 .1060 .SSS .70/ • kes ■.itL .1 OOS .I04S ,I08S .55-7 .702 .886 3 1 .260 .232 ./S4 I.I 1 J.40 2.2/ .&49 .673 .10 19 .loss .II3S 1.41 2,2 2 .674 .701 . 7.S4 .1060 .1100 .1 1 90 I.I 1 r.4i 2.22 .678 .72 5- .780 .I09S .1 138 ,I2XS 1.1 1 1.41 2.2 Z '73. 1 .1130 • 1 no ,1270 1.12 1.41 2.2 2 ♦Resistance based upon loo percent conductivity at 25 degrees C (^77 degrees F), including two percent allowance for spiral of strands and two percent allowance for spiral of conductors. For a temperature of 65 degrees C (149 degrees F) these resistance values would be increased 15 percent. **The inductance is in millihenries; the reactance and the impedance are in ohms. The table values were derived from the equation L = 0.08047 + 0.741 Logi„ -^ where R is the radius of conductor, D the distance between centers of conductors expressed in the same terms as /?. and Z. the inductance in millihenries per mila of each conductor. All values in the table are single-phase and based upon a single conductor one mile long. 124 CABLE CHARACTERISTICS TABLE XXVI— INDUCTANCE, REACTANCE AND IMPEDANCE, AT 60 CYCLES, PER MILE OF SINGLE CONDUCTOR FOR THREE CONDUCTOR CABLES AREA IN CIRCULAR MILS B & S NO. oc CO liJ UJ f-x UJO oz RESISTANCE PER MILE IN OHMS ^ INSULATION THICKNESS IN 64THS OF AN INCH •• 1 ^ BY-^ 4 Qw 4 64 BY 67 ^ BY ^ ^BY^ 1 IND. M.H. REAC. OHMS IMP. OHMS IND. M.H. REAC. OHMS IMP. OHMS IND. M.H. REAC. OHMS IMP. OHMS IND. M.H. REAC. OHMS IMP. OHMS Soo ooo •^So ooo -f oo ooo .8)4 .772 .728 • iz-r .145 .338 .340 .3-»3 .127 .128 .129 .172 .181 .I9S .349 .3SI ,354 . 13 1 .132 .134 .ns ./84 .197 .340 .342 .347 ,/34 .137 .138 .178 .199 .201 .370 ,373 .377 ./40 .141 .142 ./82 •J2V4 3S0 ooo 300 ooo 2.SO ooo .68/ .i30 .S7J ./94 .233 ,3-,^ .349 .3^3 .130 .132 .13 3 .21 1 .235 .2 48 .357 .3 4/ .344 .I3S ./3i .138 .214 .2 37 .27/ .370 .3 74 .3 8/ ,/40 .141 .144 .2/7 .240 .274 .380 -384 .3 94 .143 .14 S .149 .22 .244 ,277 OOOO ooo oo .S28 .470 .418 .275^ .34i, .437 .3.57 .342 .3k9 .I3S .13b .139 .308 .373 .440 .3 72 .379 ,3 88 ,140 .143 .146 .30f .375- .44/ ,387 ,397 ,404 .146 ./SO ./53 .3 13 .378 .4 44 .403 .4 1 1 .423 .152 .ISS .HO .3/6 .381 .466 o / z .373 .331 .a?2 .SSO .69S .879 .377 .384 .393 .142 .I4S .148 .S4>9 .711 .893 .398 .405" .4/7 .ISO ■.'1V7 ,57/ • 4/7 ,429 ,44/ ./57 ./42 .166 .572 .7/5 .896 ,432 ,447 ,4 43 .163 ./48 ./74 .573 .7/4 .896 3 .2«o .232 ./8-f i.2i .403 .4/3 .437 ./S2 .IS6 .Its 1.12 1.41 2.2 2 .43/ .442 .470 ./42 .167 .177 I./3. /.4I 2.22 ,454 .44^ .SOI .171 .177 .189 1.12 /.41 2.2Z .474 .4 94 ,52 9 .18a .186 .200 J.I2 /■t9l 2,2 2 67 BY -^ ^ BY ^ A BY ^ ^BYi^, IND. M.H. REAC. OHMS IMP. OHMS IND. M.H. REAC. OHMS IMP. OHMS IND. M.H. REAC. OHMS IMP. OHMS IND. M.H. REAC. OHMS IMP OHMS •SOO ooo ASo ooo •400 ooo .ZI4 .772 .738 .Hi, .129 .I4S •379 .384 .3 89 ,/43 .I4S .147 ./84 .194 .20h .38-9 ,393 .394 ,/47 .iSl -.2/7 -.197 -.114 .448 .432 .42.S /4/ I3(, 133 JZO .4/3 .S90 .S70 -.I7S -.It9 -.159 ■394 .379 .344 IZ4 119 11-4 Z97 Z-Bi 274 ..S.S.S- ..538 .517 -./S4 -.149 -.142 .354 .343 .329 III /O8 /03 267 259 248 .SOS .488 .4 75 -./3 7 -.130 -.IZS .32/ .309 .300 101 97 94 24i 233 224 sso ooo 300 ooo zso ooo .&10 ,6o6 .SfO -.I7(. -.171 .4/4 .391 .3 80 130 IZ3 /ZO 313 Z94 ZS6 .SbO .S4S .sie -.IS8 -.153 -./42 .359 .34? .330 113 no 104 270 Z49 .50 h .490 .468 -.138 -.13 1 -./ZS .322 .310 .294 / 1 97 93 242 234 223 .440 .446 .427 -.119 -.116 -•I09 .289 .28/ .268 91 88 ?4 2/8 2/2 202 oooo ooo oo .S70 .S3S .513 -.IkO -./47 -./40 .34.5 .34/ .327 / II 107 103 ZkS ZS7 Z4t .soo .A7S .447 -./34 -./25 -.lit .317 ,300 .ZSI 1 00 1% 239 224 ZIZ .44c .420 .398 -.IIS -.107 -.101 .280 .262 .249 88 fl 211 I9S IS! .407 .384 .3 64 -.103 -.09S -.088 .2 55 .239 .226 •go 75 7/ /92 /SO /70 z .■>20 -./23 -.114 '.107 .308 .290 .Z(,3 97 %'3 232 ZI9 1 98 .422 .398 .3 73 -.107 -.099 -.091 .Zit .Z1S .232 83 78 199 /87 / 7,r .3 74 .3.5 4 .3 3 2 -.090 -.o84 -.077 .2 3 2 .22/ .203 7.3 69 64 I7S 1 67 /53 -342 .323 .30s -.08/ -.0 74 -.070 .Zll .198 .187 66 42 59 141 3 6 .402 .378 .3-t2 -.101 -.100. -.08/ .ZSI .23 9 .2/ / Vs 44 IS9 /SO /S9 .362 .330 .30/ -.084 -.077 -.o43 .2/8 .203 ./S2 ■57 /hS /S3 137 .0/4 .Z9S .244 -.072 -.064 - OJ-4 .193 .ISO ./40 6/ 57 SO MS 136 /Zl .284 .270 .239 -.06Z -.059 -.OSO .173 .164 .144 54 52 45 131 124 /OS -^ BY -^ 64 °^ 64 ^ BY ^ ^BY^ JO. RV 10 64 BY g^ CAPACITANCE SUSCEPTANCE TO NEUTRAL CAPAblTANCE SUSCEPTANCE TO NEUTRAL CAPACITANCE SUSCEPTANCE TO NEUTRAL CAPACITANCE SUSCEPTANCE TO NEUTRAL C 1 °I2 c I&2 25 CYCLES 60 CYCLES C 1 c 12 c I&2 25 CYCLES 60 CYCLES 1 C 12 C I&2 25 CYCLES 60 CYCLES C 1 C 12 c I&2 25 CYCLES 60 CYCLCS Soo ooo -4--50 ooo ^oo ooo .468 .454 .442 =:'/f| -.Hi .Z9i .284 .27f 93 II 2 24 ZU ZIO .43.5- .427 .■4IS -.IIS -.107 -,I0S .27.^- .247 .2 40 84 84 82 207 20/ /96 -4/0 .405 .392 -./04 -./03 -.099 .257 .2 54 .245 8/ 79 77 /93 191 /84 .39 i .3SO .368 -.097 -.093 -.090 .244 .236 .229 77 74 72 /84 ','7% 3SO ooo 300 ooo zso ooo .42^ .4/.5 .400 -.108 -.los -.101 .247 .2 60 .ZSO 79 ZOI I9t /ss- .348 .390 .370 -.099 -.o9t ~.OS9 .248 .243 .22'? 78 74 72 IB7 J83 173 .380 .36S .352 -.093 -.089 -.087 .2 3 4 .2 27 .2 19 74 'l'7'l I6S .358 .34? .332 -.osi -.OS 1 -.078 .222 .2/5 .20.S 70 68 4.00 3.6 3 6.hO 6.2 7 S.i7 S.92 S.S7 4.8 7 9.7 S 8.9S S.IS 13.6, 12.8 II. 2 12.8 13.0 /0.8 /S.S I4.S /3.I 20.1 IB-S 16.9 18.8 /7.6 /i.3 60 CYCLES 220 VOLTS A 64 440 VOLTS 4 64 550 VOLTS 4 64 1100 VOLTS 2200 VOLTS 4400 VOLTS 6000 VOLTS 6600 VOLTS 6900 VOLTS JO. 64 a ^ 10 64 J4. 64 soo ooo ASo ooo ■4oo ooo .Oi43 .0/38 .0132 .OS7f .OSS4 ,OS30 ,o8SS .O830 .323 .313 .301 1.17 /.I3 1.01 4.00 3.8 S 3.79 6.sa 6.40 6.20 S.I 3 8.00 7.75 7.53 6.65- 6.4 8 6.2 2 1:41 8.2 2 3SO ooo 3 00 000 ZSOOOQ ,013 1 .0127 ,0120 .OS23 .0510 .0483 .OS18 .0718 .076S •292 .283 .270 1.0 S 1.02 .97S 3.S4 J.3S S.98 S.80 s.ss 4.98 4.7 8 4.S6 7.2.r 7.0 s 6.75 6.07 5.8 5.5 2 7.9 3 7.70 7.37 OOOO OOO oo ,OJ IS .0/0^ .OIOZ .0463 .0437 .0410 .072 S .oi93 .01:43 .2SS .240 .226 .9ZS .870 .820 -3.2 2 3.00 2.80 ^.24 -f.e8 4.SS 4.33 f.'8% 6.3S S.92 S.3Z 5.2 6 S.OO 4.6S 6.93 ifol o i ■ OOft .0090 .DOS') .038S ,03k2 .033Cf .Ot02 .OS66 .OS30 .212 .202 ./ SS .768 .720 .680 2.61 3.48 2.3 -»■ 4.30 4.08 3. so 3.S9 3.4 4 3.19 5.2 2 4.1s ^.6 4.3S 4.17 3.87 S.70 i^ol ,0080 .007-? ,OOh6 .O320 • Qift .026S .OSOO .OliiS .04 IS .176 .US .147 .6 3 2 .600 ..S22 2.18 2.0s 1.82 3.SI 3.37 3.0s 3.0 s 2.87 .?.6 2 4.35 4.0 8 3.70 3.7 3.48 3.17 t4i 4.0 s 60 CYCLES 10,000 VOLTS 12 64 11.000 VOLTS 13.200 VOLTS 16.500 VOLTS 14 64 20.000 VOLTS 22.000 VOLTS IB. 64 25000 VOLTS 12 64 '^ ^ a il 18 64 a 15 tSoo ooo 4SO ooo 400 ooo /&.7 /t.S /S.« 20.1 11.8 11.0 I9.S 18.1 17.3 2 8.1 2g.S 27.2 2 4.9 24.4 23.S 4I.S 40.3 38.8 57.3 S6.0 S4.0 5 3.3 52.0 S0.9 6.f.2 62.7 6/. 3 83.3 8/.5- 7y.5 71.S 77.0 74.0 3£0 ooo 3oo ooo Z30 ooo IS.3 /3.1 18.4 n.i, lt.7 lt.8 lh.1 15.4 2t^ 2S.2 Z4.0 2 2.4 2 1.8 20.S 3 7.6 3 6.0 34.S i'i:°3 48.S 4 6.8 44.3 S6.S 5-3.6 75.8 73.3 a.9.s 72.2 69.0 65.7 OOOO ooo OO /3.1 I2.S 1 1.7 It.l is.o 14.1 14.7 I3.f 13.0 2 3.2 Zl.h 20.2 I9.i, 18.4 17.4 32.e 31.2 29.0 4S.3 4Z.S .40.0 42.5 40.0 37.6 5-/.2 48.3 'fS.4 6 6.S 62.7 S9.0 6 2.7 S9.S SS.7 O i II. 10.4 a.es 13.2 12. S 11.^ 12.1 n.i, 10.8 18.1 17.1 n.o 16.3 /S.S 14.9 27.2 Z6.0 24.1 37.1 3S.6 34.S 35.7 33.^ 3/.7 43.0 40~S 3 8.2 J 6.8 S2.S 41.S S3.3 S0.7 47.6. i ".IS 8.6 S 7.7 i^ II.O 1 0.3 9.7 8.8 IS.8 IS.O /3.-( 14.1 /3.Z ll.-J 23.0 2 1.7 11.8 32.4 30.4 2 6.1 30.4 28 A 2S.6 36.7 34.3 30.9 47.6 44.S 40.2 4ia 42.6 3 8.f The values in Table XXVIII are based upon a value for the dieleclric constant K of 3.5. For all other values of K the table values will change in direct proportion. Values for K will usually be found between the following limits; for impreg- nated paper 3.0 to 4.0; for varnished cambric 40 to 6.0 and for rubber 4.0 to 9.0. 2 Ci-j- 2 Ca = 0.410 mf. per mile (78) And 5 C, + 6 C12 = 0.450 mf. per mile (79) Therefore d = o.z6 mf. per mile C,2 =: — 0.055 mf per mile Numerical Examples — From Table XXVII for a 250000 circ. mil., three-conductor cable having a band of insulation surrounding each conductor of 16/64 of an inch and an insulation jacket surorunding all three conductors of the same thickness, the following values are obtained : — Cx = 0.260 mf. per mile. Cii = — 0.055 '"/. /"''' "I'l^^- Then, in the order in which the capacitance increases, — Capacitance between I and 2 = 0.157 »'/■ per mile (72) Capacitance between i and 2, 3 := 0.210 mf. per mile. . (73) Capacitance betv.een I and S (2 and 3 insulated) = 0.230 mf. per mile (74) Capacitance between I and S, 2 (3 insulated) = 0.248 mf. per mile (75) Capacitance between I and S, 2, 3 ^ 0.260 mf. per mile (76) Capacitance between S and I, 2 (3 insluated) = 0.363 mf. per mite (77) 128 CABLE CHARACTERISTICS Capacitance between I, S and 3, 3 = 0.410 mf. per mile (78) Capacitance between S and i, 2, 3 =: 0.450 mf. per mile (79) COMPARISON OF CALCULATED CAPACITANCE WITH TEST RESULTS The difference between measured results of capaci- tance and the results calculated by the above formulas are given in Fig. 60. It will be seen that in all cases these calculated results are less than the corresponding test results, the discrepancy being greater as the con- ductor becomes larger and the separation less. The dif- ferences vary from zero to as much as eleven percent for the largest cable, at the minimum spacing shown. The discrepancy is greatest with the minimum thickness of insulation. Since such cables would be used only for low-voltage service, the charging current would be small and consequently this error would probably be of little importance. For 6600 volt cables the results by the formula would seem to be approximately five per- cent too low. 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 I r 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 THICKNESS OF INSULATION SURROUNDING CONDUCTOR AND OF JACKET IN 64THS OF AN INCH FIG. 60 — COMPARISON OF CALCULATED AND MEASURED CAPACITANCES Tests made on three conductor paper insulated cables, K = 3.5. The cause of the discrepancy between the formula and test results is as follows: — In order to obtain a mathematical solution, Russell found it necessary to make certain approximations to the true physical condi- tions. Thus the resulting mathematical formula can- not give exact results. The approximation made by Russell is very close to the actual physical fact where the conductors are small compared with the insulation thickness, but it is not very close where the conductors are large compared with the insulation. CHARGING KV-A TABLE XXVIII Table XXVIII contains values for charging cur- rent (expressed in kv-a, three-phase) for three-conduc- tor paper insulated cables, both 25 and 60 cycles, based upon a value for K of 3.5. For other values of K, the table values would vary in proportion. For other thicknesses of insulation, the kv-a values would vary as the susceptance values corresponding to the thickness of insulation (See Table XXVII). In some cases, such for instance, as grounded neutral systems, the thickness of insulation of the jacket may be less than that sur- rounding the conductors. In such cases it might be de- sirable to calculate the susceptance and charging cur- rent, if accurate results were desired. The values for charging current corresponding to two thicknesses of insulation are included for some of the commonly em- ployed transmission voltages. These kv-a values were calculated by using the values for susceptance in Table XXVII which, in turn, were derived from the capacitance in the same table ob- tained by formulae (70) and (71). Thus a 350000 circ. mil cable with 10/64 and 10/64 paper insulation has a 60 cycle susceptance to neutral of 167 micromhos per mile. Since the charging current in amperes to neutral equals the susceptance to neutral X volts to neutral X lo"* and assuming 6600 volts, three-phase between conductors, we have: — 6600 167 X -^-rr^X 10-* = 0.637 amperes to neutral. Charging kv-a — 0.637 X 3815 X 3 = 7-25 kv-a, as indicated in Table XXVIII. VALUES FOR K The capacitance of any cable depends upon the di- electric constant of the insulating material and a dimen- sion term or form factor. The dielectric constant should be determined from actual cables and not from samples of material. The usual range in value for K is given below. Value of K Impregnated Paper 3.0 to 4.0 Varnish Cambric 4.0 to 6.0 Rubber 4.0 to 9.0 All values in Tables XXVII and XXVIII are based upon a value of K of 3.5. For all other values of K all table values will vary in the same proportion as their K values. The actual value of permittivity of most paper insulation runs about ten percent less than the value 3.5 which has been used in calculating the accom- panying table values. The true alternating-current ca- pacitance is always considerably lower than the capaci- tance measured with ballistic galvanometer. REFERENCES "Electric Power Conductors," by W. S. Del Mar. "Electric Cables," by Coylc and Howe, London, England. "The Heating of Cables with Current," by Melsoni & Booth. Journal I. E. E., Vol. 47 — 191 1. "Current and Rating of Electric Cables," by Atkinson S.- Fisher, Trans. A. I. E. E., 1913, p. 325. "The Heating of Cables Carrying Current," bv Dushman. Trans. A. I. E. E., 1913, p. 333. "Effect of Moisture in the Earth on Temperature of Under- ground Cables," by Imlay, Trans. A. I. E. E., 1915, Part I, p. 2^3- "Temperature Rise of Insulated Lead Covered Cables," by Richard A. Powell, Trans. A. I. E. E., 1916, Part II, p. 1017. "The Restoration of Service After a Necessary Interrup- tion," by Rickets, Trans. A. I. E. E., 1916, Part II, p. 635. "The Dielectric Field in an Electric Power Cable," by Atkinson, Trans. A. I. E. E., June 1919. "The Current Carrying Capacity of Lead Covered Cables," by Atkinson, Journal A. I. E. E., Sept. 1920. CHAPTER XIV SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND CONDENSERS FOR POWER-FACTOR IMPROVEMENT BEFORE discussing the employment of syn- chronous machinery for improving the power- factor of circuits, it may be desirable to review how a change in power-factor affects the generators supplying the current. Fig. 6i shows the effect of in-phase, lagging and leading components of armature current upon the field strength of generators*. A single-coil armature is il- lustrated as revolving between the north and south poles of a bipolar alternator. The coil is shown in four positions 90 degrees apart, corresponding to one complete revolution of the armature coil. The direc- tion of the field flux is assumed to be constant as in- dicated by the arrows on the field poles of each illus- tration. In addition to this field flux, when current flows through the armature coil another magnetic flux is set up, magnetizing the iron in the armature in a di- rection at right angles to the plane of the armature coil. This will be referred to as armature flux. This armature flux varies with the armature cur- rent, being zero in a single-phase generator when no armature current flows, and reaching a maximum when full armature current flows. It changes in direc- tion relative to the field flux as the phase angle of the armature current changes. The revolving armature coil generates an alternat- ing voltage the graph of which follows closely a sine wave, as shown in Fig. 61. When it occupies a verti- cal plane marked start no voltage is generated, for the reason that the instantaneous travel of the coil, is parallel with the field flux.** As the coil moves for- ward in a clockwise direction, the field enclosed by the armature coil decreases; at first slowly but then more rapidly until the rate of change of flux through the coil becomes a maximum when the coil has turned 90 degrees, at which instant the voltage generated be- comes a maximum. As the horizontal position is passed the voltage decreases until it again reaches zero when the coil has traveled 180 degrees or occupies again a vertical plane. As the travel continues the voltage again starts to increase but since the motion of the coil ♦For a more detailed discussion of this subject the reader is referred to excellent articles by F. D. Newbury in the Electric Journal of April 1918, "Armature Reaction of Poly- phase Alternators" ; and of July 1918. "Variation of Alternator Excitation with Load". **For the sake of simplicity this and the following state- ments are based upon the assumption that armature reaction does not shift the position of the field flux. Actually, under load, the armature reaction causes the position of the field flux to be shifted toward one of the pole tips, so that the position of the armature coil is not quite vertical at the instant of zero voltage in the coil. relative to the fixed magnetic field is reversed the volt- age in the coil builds up in the reverse direction dur- ing the second half of the revolution. When the coil has reached the two 270 degree position the voltage has again become maximum but in the opposite direc- tion to that when the coil occupied the position of 90 degrees. When the coil returns to its original posi- tion at the start the voltage has again dropped to zero, thus completing one cycle. » If the current flowing through this armature coil is in phase with the voltage, it will produce cross mag- netization in the armature core, in a vertical direction, as indicated by the arrows at the 90 and 270 degree positions. The cross magnetization neither opposes nor adds to the field flux at low loads and therefore has comparatively little influence on the field flux. At heavy loads, however, this cross magnetization has con- siderable demagnetizing effect, due to the shift in ro- tor position resulting from the shifting of the field flux at heavy loads. If the armature is carrying lagging current, this current will tend to magnetize the armature core in such a direction as to oppose the field flux. This ac- tion is shown by the middle row of illustrations of Fig. 61. Under these illustrations is shown a current wave lagging 90 degrees representing the component of current required to magnetize transformers, induc- tion motors, etc. When the lagging component of cur- rent reaches its maximum value the armature coil will occupy a vertical position (position marked start, 180 degrees and 360 degrees) and in this position the arma- ture flux will directly oppose the field flux, as indicated by the arrows. The result is to reduce the flux thread- ing the armature coil and thus cause a lowering of the voltage. This lagging current encounters resistance and a relatively much greater reactance, each of which consumes a component of the induced voltage, as shown in Fig. 62. When the armature current is lag- ging, the voltage induced by armature inductance is in such a direction as to subtract from the induced volt- age, and thus the voltage is still further lowered, as a result of the armature self induction. In order to bring the voltage back to its normal value it will be necessary to increase the field flux by increasing the field current. Generators are now usually designed of sufficient field capacity to compensate for lagging loads of 80 per cent power-factor. If the armature is carrying a leading current this leading component will tend to magnetize the armature core in such a direction as to add to the field flux. 130 SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND CONDENSERS FOR POWER-FACTOR CORRECTION This action is shown by the bottom row of illustrations of Fig. 6i. Under these illustrations is shown a current wave leading the voltage wave by 90 degrees. When the leading component of current reaches its maximum values, the armature coil will again occupy vertical positions, but the armature flux will add to that of the field flux, as indicated by the arrow. The resulting flux threading the armature coil is thus increased caus- ing a rise in voltage. This leading current flowing through the generator armature encounters resistance and a relatively much greater reactance, each of which consumes a component of the induced voltage, as shown in Fig. 62. When the armature current is lead- OROSS MAQNETIZINQ EFFECT OF IN-PHASE ARMATURE CURRENT laUCH U OONSUMCO ST INOANOESCCNT LAMPt' KM 5iB 53 53 EiS SUSTRACTIVE EFFECT OF A LAGGING ARMATURE CURRENT '■UCM M THE MAONrtlliNa CUBOCMT Of TDAMftTOOMIOS AND INDUCTtOH HOTOMi Eia g'S K:3 5 3 E:S ADDITIVE EFFECT OF A LEADING ARMATURE CURRENT itUCH U THI CHUtOlNO OunnCNT OF TRANSMISSION UNU (J* OVM I>OITEX> STN MOTDBS I I I KiS 5S E:B BS E:S FIG. 61- -EFFECT OF ARMATURE CURRENT UPON FIELD EXCITATION OF ALTERNATING-CURRENT GENERATORS ing, the voltage induced by armature inductance is in such a direction as to add to the induced voltage und thus the voltage at the alternator terminals is .still further increased as the result of armature self-induc- tion. In order to reduce the voltage to its normal value it is necessary to decrease the field flux by de- creasing the field current. With alternators of high reaction the magnetizing or de-magnetizing effect of leading or lagging current will be greater than in cases where the armature reac- tion is low. For instance if the alternator is so de- signed that the ampere turns of the armature at full armature current are small compared to its field am- pere turns, the voltage of such a machine would be less disturbed with a change in power-factor of the arma- ture current than in an alternator having armature ampere turns large compared with its field ampere turns. Modern alternators are of such design that when carrying rated lagging current at zero power-factor they require approximately 200 to 250 percent of their no-load field-current and when carrying rated leading current at zero power-factor they require approximate- ly — 15 to -|-I5 percent of their no-load field current. Thus with lagging armature current the iron will be worked at a considerable higher point on the satura- tion curve and the heating of the field coils will in- crease because of the greater field current required. The voltage diagrams of Fig. 62 are intended to show only the effect of armature resistance and arma- ture reactance upon voltage variation. Voltage regu- FIG. 62 — VECTORS ILLUSTRATING THE EFFECT OF ARMATURE REACT- ANCE AND RESISTANCE UPON THE TERMINAL VOLTAGE FOR IN-PHASE, LEADING AND LAGGING CURRENTS lation is the combined effect of armature impedance and armature reaction. Turbogenerators have, for instance, very low armature reactance but their arma- ture reaction is higher, so that the resulting voltage regulation may not be materially different from that of a machine with double the armature reactance. Under normal operation armature reaction is a more potent factor in determining the characteristics of a generator than armature reactance. In the case of a generator with a short circuit ratio of unity, this total reactive effect may be due, 15 percent to armature re- actance and 85 percent to armature reaction. For the case illustrated by V\g. 62 the field flux corresponds to the induced voltage indicated, but the field current does not. The field current corresponds to a value obtained by substituting the full synchron- ous impedance drop for that indicated. SyNCHKONOUS MOTORS AND CONDENSEKS I'OK POWER-FACTOR CORRECTION I3« SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSERS AND I'HASE MODIFIERS The term "synchronous condenser" applies to a synchronous machine for raising the power- factor of circuits. It is simply floated on the circuit with its fields over excited so as to introduce into the circuit a leading current. Such machines are usually not intended to carry a mechanical load. When this dou- ble duty is required they are referred to as synchron- ous motors for operation at leading power-factor. On long transmission circuits, where synchronous con- densers are used in parallel with the load for varying the power-factor, thereby controlling the transmission voltage, it is sometimes necessary to operate them with under excited fields at periods of lightloads. They are then no longer synchronous condensers but strictly speaking become synchronous reactors. Whether synchronous motors for operation at leading power-factor, synchronous condensers or syn- chronous reactors be used they virtually do the same thing, that is; their function is to change the power- factor of the load by changing the phase angle between the armature current and the terminal voltage. They TABLE R— SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSER LOSSES Kv-a Loss (Kw) Kv-a Loss (Kw) 100 12 3500 180 200 18 5000 220 300 22 7500 320 500 3-' lOOOO 420 750 47 15000 620 1000 55 20000 820 1500 70 25000 1000 2000 IJO 35000 1400 2500 130 50000 2000 are, therefore, sometimes referred to as "phase modi- fiers." This latter name seems more appropriate when the machine is to be operated both leading and lagging, as when used for voltage control of long transmission lines. Rating — Sjmchronous condensers as regularly built may be operated at from 30 to 40 percent of their rating lagging, depending upon the individual design. Larger lagging loads result in unstable operation on account of the weakened field. Phase modifiers can be designed to operate at full rating, both leading and lagging, but they are larger, require larger exciters, have a greater loss and cost 15 to 20 percent more than standard condensers. Starting — Condensers are furnished with squir- rel-cage damper windings, to prevent hunting, which also provides a starting torque of approximately 30 percent of normal running torque. They have a pull- in torque of around 15 percent of running torque. The line current at starting varies from 50 to 100 per- cent of normal. The larger units are sometimes equipped for forced oil lubrication, which raises the rotor sufficiently to permit of oil entering the bearing, thus reducing the starting current. Mechanical Load — Synchronous condensers are generally built for high speeds and equipped with shafts of small diameter. If they are to be used to transmit some mechanical power it may be necessary to equip them with larger shafts and bearings, particu- larly if belted rather than direct connected. If a phase modifier is to furnish mechanical energy and at the same time to operate lagging at times of light load for the purpose of holding down the voltage on an un- loaded transmission line there may be danger of the machine falling out of step, if a heavy mechanical load occurs when the machine is operating with a weak field. Losses — At rated full load leading power-factor the total losses, including those of the exciter, will vary from approximately 12 percent for the smallest capaci- ty to approximately four percent for the larger capaci- ty 60 cycle synchronous condensers. The approximate 76 1 00 1 26 FIELD AMPERES FIG. 63— V-CUKVES OF A PHASE MODIFIER values given in Table R may be of service for prelimin- ary purposes. "V" Curves — The familiar V curves shown in Fig. 63 serve to give some idea of the variation in field current for a certain phase modifier when operating between full load lagging and full load leading kv-a.* For this particular machine the excitation must be in- creased from 112 amperes at no load minimum input or unity power-factor to 155 amperes at full kv-a out- put leading or a range of 1.4 to i in. field excitation. For operation between full lagging and full leading, with no mechanical work done, the range of excitation is from 67 to 155 or 2.3 to i. Generators as Condensers — Ordinary alternators may be employed as synchronous condensers or syn- chronous motors by making proper changes in their field poles and windings to render them self-starting ♦These curves have been reproduced from H. B. Dwight's book "Constant Voltage Transmission". 13^ SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND CONDENSERS FOR POWRR-fACTOR CORRECTION and safely insulated against voltages induced in the field when starting. Where transmission lines feed into a city net work and a steam turbine generator station is available these generating units can serve as synchronous condensers by supplying just enough steam to supply their losses and keep the turbine cool. When operated in this way they make a reliable standby to take the important load quickly in case of trouble on a transmiss>on line. Location for Condensers — The nearer the center of load that the improvement in power-factor is made the better, as thereby the greatest gain in regulation,, greatest saving in conductors and apparatus are made since distribution lines, transformers, transmission lines and generators will all be benefited. How High to Raise the Power-Factor — Theoreti- cally for most efficient results the system power factor should approach unity. The cost of synchron- ous apparatus having sufficient leading current capaci- ty to raise the power-factor to unity increases so rapidly as unity is approached, as to make it unecono- mical to carry the power-factor correction too high. Not only the cost but also the power loss chargeable to power-factor improvement mounts rapidly as higher power-factors are reached. This is for the reason that the reactive kv-a in the load corresponding to each per- cent change in power-factor is a maximum for power- factors near unity. It usually works out that it doesn't pay to raise the power factor above 90 to 95 percent, except in cases where the condenser is used for voltage control, rather than power-factor improve- ment. DETERMINING THE CAPACITY OF SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND CONDENSERS FOR POWER-FACTOR IMPROVEMENT A very simple and practical method for determining the capacity of synchronous condensers to improve the power-factor is by aid of cross section paper. A very desirable paper is ruled in inch squares, sub- ruled into 10 equal divisions. With such paper, no other equip- ment is required. With a vector diagram it is .astonishing how easy it is to demonstrate on cross section paper, the effect of any change in the circuit. A few typical cases are indicated in Fig. 64. These diagrams are all based up- on an original circuit of 3000 kv-a at 70 percent power- factor lagging, shown by (i). It is laid off on the cross section paper as follows. The power of the cir- cuit is 70 percent of 3000 or 2100 kw, which is laid off on line AB, by counting 21 sub-divisions, making each sub-division represent 100 kw or 100 kv-a. Now lay a strip of blank paper over the cross section paper and make two marks on one edge spaced 30 sub-divi- sions apart. This will then be the length of the line AC. This blank sheet is now laid over the cross section paper with one of the marks at the edge held at the point A. ■'The other end of the paper is moved down- ward until the second mark falls directly below the point B thus locating point C. The length of the line BC represents the lagging reactive kv-a in the cir- cuit, in this case 2140 kv-a. Diagram (2) shows the effect of adding a 1500 kv-a synchronous condenser to the original circuit. The full load loss of this condenser is assumed as 70 kw. The resulting kv-a and power- factor are de- termined as follows: Starting from the pomt C trace to the right a line 0.7 of a division long. This is parallel to the line AB for the reason that it is true power, so that there is now 2170 kw true energy. The black triangle represents the condenser, the line CD, 15 divisions long, representing the rating of the con- denser. In this case, however, the vertical line is traced upward in place of downward, because the con- denser kv-a is leading. This condenser results in de- creasing the load from 3000 kv-a at 70 percent power- factor to 2275 kv-a at 95.4 percent power-factor. The line AD represents in magnitude and direction, the re- sulting kv-a in this circuit. The power-factor of the resulting circuit is the ratio of the true energy in kw to the kv-a or 95.4 percent, in this case. Since the line AD lays below the line AB, that is in the lagging direc- tion, the power- factor is lagging. Diagram (3) is the same as (2) except that the condenser is larger, being just large enough to neu- tralize all of the lagging component of the load, result- ing in a final load of 2215 kw at 100 percent power-fac- tor. Diagram (4) is similar to (3) except that a still larger condenser is shown. This condenser not only neutralizes all of the lagging kv-a of the load but in addition introduces sufficient leading kv-a into the circuit to give a leading resultant power-factor of 91 percent with an increase in kv-a of the resulting cir- cuit from 2215 of (3) to 2400 kv-a of (4). Diagram (5) illustrates the addition to the original chxuit of a 100 percent power-factor synchronous motor of 600 hp. rating As this motor has no leading or lagging component, there is no vertical projection. The power- factor of the circuit is raised from 70 to y7 percent as the result of the addition of 500 kw true power (load plus loss in motor) to the circuit. A re- sistance load would have this same effect. Diagram (6) shows a 450 kw (600 hp.) syn- chronous motor of 625 kv-a input at 80 percent lead-j ing power-factor added to the original circuit. The input to this motor (including losses) is assumed to be 500 kw. The resulting load for the circuit is 3150 kv-a at 82.5 percent lagging power-factor. The Diagram (7) shows an 850 kw, (1140 hp.) synchronous motor generator of 1666 kv-a input at 60 percent power-factor leading added to the original cir- cuit. This gives a resulting load of 3200 kv-a at 96.9 percent lagging power- factor. Diagram (8) shows the addition to the original circuit of the following loads, including losses. A 550 kw synchronous converter at 100 percent power- factor. A 650 kw inljction motor at 70 percent lagging power-factor. .\ 500 kw '\ iirhronoiis mi>tor. SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND CONDENSERS FOR POWER-FACTOR CORRECTION 133 The resultant load of this circuit is 3800 kw, and if a power-factor of 95 percent lagging is desired the total kv-a will be 4000. The line AD may be located by a piece of marked paper and the capacity of the necessary synchronous motor scaled oflf. This is found to be 1650 kv-a at 30.3 percent power-factor. The Circle Diagram — The circle diagram in Fig. 65 shows the fundamental relations between true kw, reac- tive kv-a and apparent kv-a corresponding to different power-factors, the values upon the chart being read to any desired scale to suit the numerical values of the problem under consideration. This diagram is suffi- - - " r - ' "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 ITT -I -l r-I -1 -T -1 -| -| -[ "T -1 T-| -T-| ~n 1 1 1 1 1 1 SOALC 1 1 1 1 1 1 « fMTH ~ ■fi > ttk V> 1 \ 1 9SO0 in - r * (W» ' rf » ,, A S ,[ " ^ ■ s /I s s % \ s 1 f _i s s '~ s '' s s '~ s s s s M s ^« ~ M £ VV' 1 1 fis 5 *x ■ •7 ^ ">• g *»M A p" ^ ^ ^\ S*r '~ ~ ~ " ■<> "s 3 f Is' ^- '0 * ^M >^ h [_ « "A ? ■n L " 's t* f\ s OROINAl \ r \ WK Aim s S »i V s 1 s ■ — _ r -^ l_J — _ \- "155^= ■-r- - _ - - _ _ - - s r _ - _ _ _ -_ 1 - — ~ "1 < - — - - - — -- - - - - - n - - r •s fn- T - r -- - - -- - -1 s < 't _ _ _ L) % __ ^ _ _ _ __ -_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -, ^ _ ^ &' _ J _ __ - L. - - - ~1 '\ -I ISOO IcOMM KV-A t - - ~ -^ - - - r - ^ - L- - " J >s - h Sj 5?*v (-- - -- -^ 1 '\ E»«ERJ Xi N"! ■ f Aj \ •*\ *s ■ ■?\ ^> laoo K V-A .^3NO£NSER \ s s 1 RAieeS THE P.F.OF THE s IS> s . 1 C>RC-TTo"^0 = ««i. s, s ia:ic 2276 s SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR IftOO KW INPUT ASSUMED) RAISES THE RF ^ A y UPHi i 1 1 N s -v^ 8 3 KV-A STNCHRONOUS 1 . - / - -- '~ . , 1 IN CONDENSErI* rfo _l I-l L2 8 218 KV-A " a a 1 B KW r3 M KW' *i ^ [• •■ A B ™ ^ s \ ^ '1 s \ rf - JL Kl s s, F & ■v v r" \ s I_L- s s ^ V ■■ ■^ 1 ' / f^ 1 »s ■S - — j ' % V j ^ 5> <2 ^ - s "-N / ■[_ ^ r^ > / "' ■ " s "J iijf' J 'X" ♦A V ■' s (71 *i ; _ _ _ - _ _ 1.1) 444- ps __ ._ — _ _ _ _ _ esoKWiiaee KVJk AT0O»l!F,'8TI' s _, _ ^% 'i: _. - --] - 2140 KV A CO NDCNSER \ s ■ „ ~ ~ - - - IIOOO KW INPUT ASSUMED) RAISE B' S - -v - --- =:: laesKv-A 1 STNCHRQ.'JOUa 1 motor-gcnerator[ - - RAI8E8 Tht r.r. «r . ni \ J THE P.F. OF THE CIRCUIT TO ■s:^::^ " / ''J __ \- _ i_ _ _ p. **>'W^ 1 1 1 1 T 1 J- _ ^ _ __ _ 1 [ - 4- I— H - Mil; " < - - h - - ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ 1000 • ■w- - -- " '' ^ ■ " *- ■* IMc .• ' i ,Vtt ' -- ^ -1 1 1 > *J '> \ <*!■ n' t ►1 1 s jyw a\ ' 1 '■ ■*'^ 1 s. r' *- '■ ' 'X J JllL!^ \ fi u X-^' ' ' ■■ " ' 1 ^ ^ ^ 1 \ ~ ~ ^ Up^. 1 ^h ** .^ K DENSER ! - Z * V v li :: A 2 ^4 qf • \ tSftOK>AA AT 3a.3«P.F.- SYNCHROMOUO MOTOR ,- s ^ > f \ I 1, 1 i_,7ll 1 1 1 \ ADD TU IHt UMiMI"-!. \^r«,u. ^ 1 f ^ IWv» ri 1 ,-? >, -600 KW SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR DETERMINE RATING OF SrNCMRONOUS MOTOR -WHICH WILL OrVE A RESULTANT RF. FOR THE CtR. - - _ 1 ■ I ■» •/ 1, 1 n1 '<"f°""':'-|,-'"°,""- .' INOCNKR s SrNCHRONO / . RAISES THE RF. OF THE \ ^ ua ^ V a BOO I cc •NVERTCn ■ j •■ Jn' r OiHCUITTO^^ ■liAWNQ -pp p p ^ - - ^ - - - - - - - V ■ ■ »4000 KV-A AT Sftft KF. - - - - - - « nr 4- +^7^ \-/ - - - - - - -- i»»kWiJ«| r - - - - - - - - - ' h - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ' -- MOTORS AT - »rHCMRONOU» ^ 1 ~ — — -T^-HT" r "■n 1 1 FIG. 64— EXAMPLES IN POWER-FACTOR IMPROVEMENT 134 SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND CONDENSERS FOR POIVER-EACTOR CORRECTION ciently accurate for ordinary power-factor problems. In place of drawing out the vector diagrams as just explained they are traced out with a pin point on the circle diagram. Assume again a load of 2100 kw at 70 percent power-factor lagging, and that the power-factor is to be raised to 95.4 percent as in (2) of Fig. 64, and that the loss in the condenser necessary to accomplish this is again taken as 70 kw. The capacity of the syn- chronous condenser may be traced on the circle dia- gram as follows: From the true power load of 2100 kw (top horizontal line) follow vertically downward of the condenser would be the hypotenuse rather than the vertical projection. The error in assuming the vertical projection as the rating of the condenser is negligible unless the condenser furnishes mechanical power, in which case the hypotenuse should be marked on a separate strip of paper and its length determined from the kv-a scale. ADVANTAGE OF HIGH POWER-FACTOR Less Capacity Installed — Low power-factors de- mand larger generators, exciters, transformers, switch- ing equipment and conductors. Loads of 70 percent 1000 2000 3000 POWER KW 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10.000 % POWER-FACTOR FIG. 65 — RELATION BETWEEN ENERGY LOAD, APPARENT LOAD AND REACTIVE KV-A FOR DIFFERENT POWER FACTORS until the diagonal line representing 70 percent power- factor is reached. This is opposite 2140 kv-a reactive component. From the point thus obtained, go hori- zontally to the right a distance representing 70 kw power. From this point go vertically upward until the diagonal line representing 95.4 percent power-fac- tor is reached. Then read the amount of reactive kv-a (640) corresponding to this last point. The original lagging component of 2140 — 640=^1500 kv-a which is approximately the capacity of the condenser necessary to accomplish the above results. Actually the rating power-factor demand equipment of 28 percent greater capacity than would be required if the power-factor were 90 percent. The cost of apparatus for opera- tion at 70 percent power-factor would be approxi- mately 15 percent greater than the cost of similar ap- paratus for 90 percent power-factor operation, since the capacity of apparatus to supply a certain amount of energy is inversely proportional to the power-factor. Higher Efficiency — Assume that the power-factor of a 1000 kv-a (700 kw at 70 percent power- factor) transmission circuit is raised to 90 percent. As the cop- SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND CONDENSERS FOR POWER-FACTOR CORRECTION '35 per loss varies as the square of the current, raising the power- factor reduces the copper loss approximately 40 percent. If we assume an efficiency for the genera- tor of 93 percent (one percent copper loss) ; for com- bined raising and lowering transformers 94 percent (three percent copper loss) and for the transmission line 92 percent, the saving in copper loss correspond- ing to 90 percent power-factor operation would be as follows : Generators 0.4 percent Transformers 1.2 percent Transmission line .... 3.2 percent Total 4.8 percent or approximately 33 kw. To raise the power-factor to 90 percent would re- quire a synchronous condenser of 375 kv-a capacity. This size condenser would have a total loss of about 30 kw, resulting in a net gain in loss reduction of three kw. Against this gain would be chargeable, the interest and depreciation of the condenser cost with its accessories, also any cost of attendance which there might be in connection with its operation. It is evi- dent that in this case it would not pay to install a con- denser if increased efficiency were the only motive. TABLE S— COST OF POWER-FACTOR CORRECTION WITH SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS Syn. Motor Kv-a Motor Will Furnish Chargeable to Power-Factor Correction Mech. Kw Leading Kv-a Loss Kw Difference in Price 140 280 420 700 1050 1400 100 200 300 500 750 1000 100 200 300 500 750 1000 1.6 2.5 50 8.0 9.0 14.0 $500.00 500.00 500.00 800.00 1000.00 1200.00 The improvement in power-factor can be more cheaply and efficiently obtained by the installation of one or more synchronous motors designed for opera- tion at leading power-factor. Sufficient capacity of these will give, in addition to mechanical load, suffi- cient leading current to raise the power-factor to 90 percent. The extra expense and increased loss of synchronous motors enough larger to furnish the nec- essary leading component for power-factor correction is very small. Table S gives in a very approximate way, some idea of the amount of loss and proportional cost of synchronous motors chargeable to power-factor improvement when delivering both mechanical power and leading current. Thus if a synchronous condenser is used on the above circuit there is a loss of 30 kw, chargeable to power-factor improvement, whereas if a synchronous motor of sufficient capacity (530 kv-a) to give 375 kw mechanical work and at the same time the necessary 375 kv-a leading current for power-factor improve- ment, the extra loss chargenble to power-factor im- provement would be something like six kw. The in- creased cost of a synchronous motor to furnish 375 kv-a leading current in addition to 375 kw power would be about $600 vi'hereas the cost of a 375 kv-a condenser would be in the neighborhood of $4000. Varying costs and designs make cost and loss values unreliable. They are given here only to illustrate the points which should be considered when considering synchronous motors vs synchronous condensers. Improved Voltage Regulation — The voltage drop under load for generators, transformers and trans- mission lines rapidly increases as the power-factor goes down. Table T gives an idea of the variation in volt- age drop corresponding to various power-factors at 60 cycles. Automatic voltage regulation may be used to hold the voltage constant at the generators or at some other point, but it cannot prevent voltage changes at all points of the system. Increased Plant Capacity — The earlier alternators were designed for operation at 100 percent power-fac- tor with prime movers, boilers, etc installed on the same basis. Increasing induction motor loads have resulted in power-factors of 70 and 80 percent. As a result, some of the older generating stations are being operated with prime movers, boilers etc. underloaded because the 100 percent power-factor generators which TABLE T— EFFECT OF POWER-FACTOR ON VOLTAGE DROP Percent Power-Factor. 100 90 80 70 Generators *(oldcr design) Transformers Transmission line S,o 1.2 7-9 4-1 130 1 25.0 4-9 14.2 1 - 5-5 15-2 ihey drive limit the amount of power that can be gen- erated without endangering the generator windings. This condition some times makes it necessary to oper- ate three units, where two might be sufficient to carry the load at unity power-factor. The shutting down of r unit would result in a considerable saving in steam consumption. A recent case came up of a transmis- sion line 30 miles long, fed at each end by a small gen- erating station. On account of heavy line drop it was necessary to operate both stations to furnish the com- paratively light night load. Investigation developed that by installing a synchronous condenser at one of these tenninal stations for reducing the voltage drop in the line, one generating station could be shut down during the night, thereby resulting in a very large annual saving in coal and labor bills. A station may have some generating units de- signed for 100 percent power-factor and other units designed for 80 percent power- factor; or again, where two generating stations feed into the same transmission system, one may have 100 percent power-factor gen- erating units and the other 80 percent power-factor *The present-day design of maximum rated generators with a short-circuit ratio of about unity will barely circulate full- load current with normal no-load excitation. Under such con- ditions the terminal voltage would be practically zero regardless of the oower-factor. 136 SVXCHRONOCS MOTORS AND CONDENSERS fOR POWER-FACTOR CORRECTION generating units. In such cases, the field strength of the generators may be so adjusted as to cause the 80 percent power-factor units to take all the lagging cur- rent, thus permitting the 100 percent power-factor units to be loaded to their full kw rating. BEHAVIOR OF A. C. GENERATORS WHEN CHARGING A TRANSMISSION LINE* It has been shown above how leading armature current, by increasing the field strength, causes an in- crease in the voltage induced in the armature of an alternator and consequently an increase in its terminal voltage. It was also shown that the terminal voltage is further increased as result of the voltage due to self induction adding vectorially to the voltage induced in the armature. If an alternator with its fields open is switched onto a dead transmission line having certain electrical characteristics, it will become self exciting, provided there is sufficient residual magnetism present to start the phenomenon. In such case, the residual magnet- ism in the fields of the generator will cause a low volt- age to be generated which will cause a leading line charging current to flow through the armature. This leading current will increase the field flux which in turn will increase the voltage, causing still more charg- ing current to flow, which in turn will still further in- crease the line voltage. This building up will continue until stopped by saturation of the generator fields. This is the point of stable operation. Whether or not a particular generator becomes self exciting when placed upon a dead transmission line depends upon the relative slope of the generator and line characteristics. In Fig. 66 are shown two curves for a single 45 000 kv-a, 1 1 000 volt generator, the charging current of the transmission line being plotted against genera- tor terminal voltage. One curve corresponds to zero excitation, the other curve to 26.6 percent of normal excitation. A similar pair of curves correspond to two duplicate generators in parallel**. The straight line representing the volt-ampere characteristics of the transmission line fed by these generators corresponds to a 220 kv, 60 cycle, three-phase transmission cir- cuit, 225 miles long, requiring 69 000 kv-a to charge it with the line open at the receiving end. The volt-ampere charging characteristic of a transmission line is a straight line, that is, the charg- ing current is directly proportional to the line voltage. On the other hand the exciting volt-ampere character- istic for the armature has the general slope of an ordinary saturation curve. *For a more detailed discussion of this subject see the fol- lowing articles : — "Characteristics of Alternators when Excited by Armature Currents" by F. T. Hague, in the Journal for Aug. 1915 ; "The Behavior of Alternators with Zero Power-Factor Leading Current" by F. D. Newbury, in the Journal for Sept. 1918; "The Behavior of A. C. Generators when Charging a Transmission Line" by W. O. Morris, in the General Electric Revinv for Feb. 1920. **It is assumed that with the assumed field current such generators can be synchronized p.n<\ held together during the process of charging the line. If the alternator characteristic lie above the line characteristic at a point corresponding to a certain charging current the leading charging current will cause a higher armature terminal voltage than is re- quired to produce that current on the line. As a re- sult the current and voltage will continue to rise until, on account of saturation, the alternator characteristic falls until it crosses the line characteristic. At this point the voltage of the generator and that of the line are the same for the corresponding current. If on the other hand the alternator characteristic falls below the line characteristic the alternator will not build up with- out permanent excitation. As stated previously, whether or not a generator becomes self-exciting when connected to a dead trans- mission line depends upon the relative slopes of gener- ator and transmission line characteristics. The rela- tive slopes of these curves depend upon: — a — The magnitude of the line charging current. h — The rating of the generators compared to the full voltage charging kv-a of the line. c — The armature reaction. High armature reaction, (that is low short-circuit ratio) favors self-excitation of the gener- ators. d — The armature reactance. High armature reactance also favors self-excitation of the generators. Methods of Exciting Transmission Lines — If the relative characteristics of an alternator and line are such as to cause the alternator to he self-exciting, this condition may be overcome by employing two or more 1000 2000 3000 4000 500C CHARGING CURRENT OF LINE (AMPERES PER GENERATOR TERMINAL) FIG. 66 — VOLT AMPERE CHARACTERISTICS OF ONE 45 OOO KV-A, 1 1 COO VOLT generator; TWO DUPLICATE 45 COO KV-A GENERATORS; AND A THREE-PHASE, SINGLE-CIRCUIT, 220 KV TRANSMISSION LINE alternators (provided they are available for this pur- pose) to charge the transmission line. The combined characteristics of two or more alternators may be such as to fall under the line characteristic, in which case the alternator will not be self-exciting. In such case, the alternators could be brought up to normal speed, and given sufficient field charge to enable them to be SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS AND CONDENSERS FOR POWER-FACTOR CORRECTION 137 TABLE U— INSTALLATIONS OF LARGE PHASE MODIFIERS (1921) By American Manufactnrers synchronized and held in step, after which they could Fig. 66, and there were sufficient residual magnetism be connected to the dead transmission line and their to start the phenomenon, the generator voltage would voltage raised to normal. rise to approximately double normal value before the Generators as normally designed will carry ap- point of staple operation is reached. If, however, proximately 40 percent of their rated current at zero two generators having 26.6 percent of normal excita- leading power-factor. If more than this current is tion were paralleled and connected to this circuit, a demanded of them they are likely to become unstable point of staple operation would be reached at a in operation. By modifying the design of normal terminal voltage of approximately 15 500 volts, alternators so as to give low armature reaction, they Actually stable operation would be reached at a some- may be made to carry a greater percentage of leading what less terminal voltage for the reason that the line current. If the special design is such that with zero would probably not be open at the receiving end, but would probably have the lowering transformers con- nected to it. In such case the magnetizing current required for lowering trans- formers would lower the receiving end voltage, re- sulting in less line charging current. In either case the curves of Fig. 66 show that either more than two gen- erators will be required to charge the line when un- loaded, or some other meth- od of charging must be re- sorted to. Reactance coils could be used at the receiv- ing end t ) furnish lagging current for neutralizing some of the line charging cur- voltage field excitation when carrying half the line rent, but there might be difficulty in removing these charging kv-a, the armature voltage will not exceed 70 from the circuit when the line is fully charged At percent of normal, this reduced voltage will result in the present time it is expected that the problem of a line charging kv-a of half of normal value. Spe- charging long transmission lines may usually be solved cially designed alternators usually result in larger and by starting one or more generators with sufficient field more costly machines and the gain resulting in the spe- strength to permit them to be synchronized and held in cial design is usually not sufficient to warrant the extra step. One or more phase modifiers with under-excited ^°^^- , fields may then be connected to the line at the receiving If a single generator with its field circuit open end and brought up to normal speed with the genera- were connected to a dead transmission circuit such as tors. Such a method of solving this problem has been the one whose volt-ampere characteristics are shown in employed by the Southern California Edison Company. Kv-a a.p.M. Volts Cycles No. of Units Pate of Order NAMF. AND LOCATION 80 000 600 6600 50 1 1919 So. Csl. Ed. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 20 000 600 11 000 60 2 1921 Pacific Gas & Elec. 15 000 875 6600 50 1912 Southern Oal. Ed. Co., Los Ang., Cal. 15 000 375 6600 50 1 1912 Pacific Lt. & Pr. Co. 112 500 500 22 000 50 2 1918 Andhra Valley, India 7500 400 6600 60 2 1913 Utah Pr. & Lt. Co., Salt Lake, Utah 7500 400 6600 60 2 1916 Canton El. Co., Canton, Ohio 7500 600 13 800 60 1 1917 Blackstone Valley Gas & Elec. Co., Pawtucket, R. I. 7500 600 13 800 60 1 1917 New England Pr. Co., Worcester, Mass. 7500 720 13 800 60 1 1918 New England Pr. Co., Fitchburg, Mass. 7500 800 11 500 40 1 1918 Adirondack El. Pwr. Corp., Watervliet, New York 7500 750 U 000 50 1 1919 Energia Electrica de Cataluna, Barcelona, Spain 7500 600 11 000 60 1 1920 Duquesne Light Co. 7500 600 1200 60 2 1918 J. G. White, Engineers 7500 600 11 000 60 1 1918 Puquesne Light Co. 7500 600 11 000 60 1 1916 Duquesne Light Co. 7500 600 11 000 60 2 1917 Puquesne Light Co. 6500 750 2200 50 1 1917 Shanghai Municipal Council, Shanghai, China 6000 500 16 500 50 1 1914 So. Cal. Ed. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 5000 600 7200 60 1 1916 Pac. Pwr. & Lt., Kennewick, Wash. 5000 500 6600 50 2 1915 Tata Hydro El. Pr. & S. Co., India 6000 750 6600 50 3 1917 Ebro Irrigation & Pr. Co., Barcelona, Spain 5000 750 11 500 50 1 1919 Societa Lombarda Distribuziona Energia Elettrica Italy 6000 600 2300 60 1 1918 TurnbuU Steel Co., Warren, Ohio 5000 720 2300/ 4000 60 1921 Public Service of N. 111. 5000 720 11000 60 1 1921 Takata & Co., Japan. 5000 600 13 200 60 1 1919 Conn. Lt. & Pr. Co. CHAPTER XV PHASE MODIFIERS FOR VOLTAGE CONTROL WITH alternating-current transmission there is a voltage drop resulting from the resistance of the conductors, which is in phase with the current. In addition there is a reactance voltage drop ; that is a voltage of self-induction generated within the conductors which varies with and is proportional to the current, and may add to or decrease the line volt- age. If the line is long, the frequency high or the amount of power transmitted large, this induced volt- age will be large, influencing greatly the line drop. By employment of phase modifiers the phase or direc- tion of this induced voltage may be controlled so that it will be exerted in a direction that will result in the desired sending end voltage. A certain amount of self-induction in a transmission circuit is. an advantage, allowing the voltage at the re- ceiving end to be held constant under changes in load by means of phase modifiers. It may even be made to reduce the line voltage drop to zero, so that the voltage at the two ends of the line is the same for all loads. Self-induction also reduces the amount of current which can flow in case of short-circuits, thus tending to reduce mechanical strains on the generator and trans- former windings, and making it easier for circuit breaking devices to function successfully. On the ether hand, high self-induction reduces the amount of power which may be transmitted over a line and may, in case of lines of extreme length, make it necessary to adopt a lower frequency. It also increases the ca- pacity of phase modifiers necessary for voltage con- trol. High reactance also increases the surge over- voltage that a given disturbance will set up in the sys- tem. On the long lines, the effect of the distributed leading charging current flowing back through the line inductance is to cause, at light loads, a rise in voltage from generating to receiving end. At heavy loads, the lagging component in the load is usually sufficient to reverse the low-load condition; so that a drop in volt- age occurs from generating to receiving end. The charging current of the line is, to a considerable extent, an advantage; for it partially neutralizes the lagging component in the load, thus raising the power-factor of the system and reducing the capacity of synchron- ous condensers necessary for voltage control. The voltage at the receiving end of the line should be held constant under all loads. To partially meet this condition, the voltage of the generators could be varied to a small extent. On the longer lines, how- ever, the voltage range required of the generators would be too great to permit regulation in this manner. In such cases, phase modifiers operating in parallel with the load are employed. The function of phase modifiers is to rotate the phase of the current at the receiving end of the line so that the self-induced voltage of the line (always displaced 90 degrees from the current) swings around in the direction which will result in the desired line drop. In some cases a phase modifier is employed which has sufficient capacity not only to neutralize the lagging component at full load, but, in addition, to draw sufficient leading current from the circuit to compensate entirely for the ohmic and re- actance voltage drops of the circuit. In this case, the voltage at the two ends of the line may be held the same for all loads. This is usually accomplished by employing an automatic voltage regulator which oper- ates on the exciter fields of the phase modifier. The voltage regulator may, if desired, be arranged to com- pound the substation bus voltage with increasing load. CHECKING THE WORK A most desirable method of determining line per- formance is by means of a drawing board and an en- gineer's scale. A vector diagram of the circuit under investigation, with all quantities drawn to scale, greatly simplifies the problem. Each quantity is thus repre- sented in its true relative proportion, so that the re- sult of a change in magnitude of any of the quanti- ties may readily be visualized. Graphical solutions are more readily performed, and with less likelihood of serious error than are mathematical solutions. The accuracy attainable when vector diagrams are drawn 20 to 25 inches long and accurate triangles, T squares, straight edges and protractors are employed is well within practical requirements. Even the so-termed "complete solution" may be performed, graphically with ease and accuracy. A very desirable virtue of the graphical solution which follows is that it exactly parallels the fundamental, mathematical solution. For this reason this graphical solution is most helpful even when the fundamental mathematical solution is used, for it furnishes a simple check against serious errors. The result may be checked graphically after each in- dividual mathematical operation by drawing a vector in the diagram paralleling the mathematical operation. Thus, any serious error in the mathematical solution may be detected as soon as made.* *A method of cfiecking arithmetical operations which requires little time and is an almost sure preventative of errors is that known as "casting out the nines." This method is given in most older arithmetics but has been dropped from many of the modern ones. A complete discussion is given in Robinson's "New Practical Arithmetic" published by The American Book Company. PHASE MODIFIERS I'OR VOLTAGE CONTROL 139 When converting a complex quantity mathematic- ally from polar to rectangular co-ordinates, or vice versa, the results may readily be checked by tracing the complex quantity on cross-section paper and measuring the ordinates and polar angle, or for ap- proximate work the conversion may be made graphic- ally to a large scale. For instance, in using hyperbolic functions, polar values will be required for obtaining powers and roots of the complex quantity. For approximate work much time will be saved by ob- taining the polar values graphically. In the graphical solution of line performance it will usually be desirable to check the line loss by a mathematical solution in cases which require exact loss values. Since the line loss may be five percent or less of the energy transmitted, a small error in the overall results might correspond to a large error in the value of the line loss. EFFECT OF TRANSFORMERS IN THE CIRCUIT Usually long transmission circuits have trans- formers installed at both ends of the circuit and one or more phase modifiers in parallel with the load. Such a transmission circuit must transmit the power loss of the phase modifiers and of the receiver trans- formers. In addition to this power loss, a lagging re- active current is required to magnetize the transformer iron. A complete solution of such a composite cir- cuit (generator to load) requires that the losses of the phase modifiers and transformers be added vectorially to the load at the point where they occur so that their complete effect may be included in the calculation of the performance of the circuit. A complete solution also requires that three separate solutions be made for such a circuit.* First with the known or assumed con- ditions at the load side of the lowering transformers the corresponding electrical conditions at the high volt- age side of the transformers is determined by the usual short line impedance methods. With the electrical conditions at the receiving end of the high-tension line thus determined, the electrical conditions at the send- ing end of the line are determined by one of the vari- ous methods which take into account the distributed quantities of the circuit. With the electrical condition at the sending end thus determined the electrical con- ditions at the generating side of the raising transform- ers are determined. The above complete method of procedure, is tedious if carried out mathematically, but if carried out graphically is comparatively simple. It is the general practice to neglect the effect of condenser and lowering transformer loss in traveling over the line, but to add this loss to the loss in the high-tension line after the performance has been calcu- lated. If the loss in condensers and lowering trans- formers is five percent of the power transmitted the *A method for calculating a transmission line with trans- formers at each end in one solution is given in the articles by Messers. Evans and Sels in the Journal for July, August, Sept- ember, ct scq. 1921. error in the calculated results would probably be less than 0.5 percent, a rather small amount. In order to simplify calculations, it is the general practice to consider the lumped transformer impedance as though it were distributed line impedance by add- ing it to the linear constants of the line and then pro- ceeding with the calculations as though there were no transformers in the circuit. This simplifies the solu- tion but at the expense of accuracy, particularly if the line is very long, the frequency high or the ratio trans- former to line impedance high. This simplified solu- tion introduces maximum errors of less than two per- cent in the results for a 225 mile, 60-cycle line. It has been quite general practice to disregard the effect of the magnetizing current consumed by trans- formers. The magnetizing current required to excite transformers containing the older transformer iron was about two percent and therefore its effect could generally be ignored. Later designs of transformers employ silicon steel, and their exciting current varies from about 20 percent for the smaller of distribu- tion type transformers, to about 12 percent on trans- formers of 100 kv-a capacity and about five percent for the very largest capacity transformers. The average magnetizing current for power transformers is between six and eight percent. This magnetizing current is im- portant for the reason that it is practically in opposition to the current of over-excited phase modifiers used to vary the power-factor. If in a line having 100 000 kv-a transformer capacity at the receiving end, the magnetizing current is five percent, there will be a 5000 kv-a lagging component. If the capacity of phase modifiers required to maintain the proper volt- age drop under this load is 50000 kv-a the lagging magnetizing component of 5000 kv-a will subtract this amount from the effective rating of the phase modi- fiers, with a resulting error of ten percent in the ca- pacity of the phase modifiers required. In the diagrams and calculations which follow, the transformer leakage, consisting of an in-phase com- ponent of current (iron loss) and a reactive lagging component of current (magnetizing current), is con- sidered as taking place at the low-tension side of the transformers. A more nearly correct location would be to consider the leak as at the middle of the trans- former, that is, to place half the transformer imped- ance on each side of the leak. To solve such a solu- tion it would be necessary to solve two complete im- pedance diagrams for the transformers at each end of the circuit. The gain in accuracy of results would not, for power transmission lines, warrant the in- creased arithmetical work and complication necessary. In the case of lowering transformers, it would seem that the magnetizing current would be supplied principally from synchronous machines connected to the load. If phase modifiers are located near the lowering transformers, the transformers would prob- ably draw most of their magnetizing current from 140 PHASE MODIFIERS FOR VOLTAGE CONTROL them rather than from the generators at the distant end of the Hne. Partly for this reason, but more particularly for simplicity, the leak of the lowering transformers will be considered as taking place at the lead side of the transformers. On this basis we first current also from the low side; that iS from the gen- erators. Both the complete and the approximate methods of solving long line problems which follow, include the effect of not only the magnetizing current consumed by the transformers, but also the losses in TABLE V— COMPARISON OF RESULTS AS OBTAINED BY FIVE DIFFERENT METHODS OF CALCULATIONS 76,000 KW (88,236 KVA AT 85% PF) 3 PHASE 60 CYCLES RECEIVER VOLTAGE HELD CONSTANT AT 220 KV, 60.000 KV-A CONDENSER AT RECEIVING END LENGTH OF TRANSMISSION 226 MILES ALL TABULATED VALUES REFERRED TO NEUTRAL AREA IN CIRCULAR MILS a RECEIVING END TO NEUTRAL 8E1IDINQ END TO NEUTRAL LOSSES IN KW TO NEUTRAL 1 LOW TENSION SIDE OF TRANSFORMERS. HIGH TENSION SIDE OF TRANSFORMERS HIGH TENStON SIDE OF TRANSFORMERS LOW TENSION SIDE OF TRANSFORMERS LOWERING TRANSFORMERS CONDENSER HIGH 1 RAISING TENSION LINEJTRANSFORMERS TOTAL LOSS VOLTS 4MP8 PF. LEAD VOLTS AMPS Ir PF„ LAO VOLTAGE CURRENT PFs LEAD VOLTAGE CURRENT P*bEN LEAD IRON COPPER KW, LOSS %or IRON COPPER KW, LOSS »or EsN % Is % ^GEN-N % 'gen % ioS ooo e 12703.0 4oi.3 ":.'° /27 SSi, 20-f.9 Itts 129 OfO /2-t 247 ;00 963 22 7 8 736S lOO 103-9 9377 73 3A I3(, 970 /2.f t£7 100 ~98.y 22< / 232 3 /OO /~03% 97 *9 9S 1'* 2 35 /30 lt(. /t3-* /J a 3 6 53 172 29 73 3079 302 1 /2 3' /208 II " - 136 783 ?.■ A-,= 10^ 000 10 i 000 X 0.0104 104000 X 0.04S = sy.j amperes 57-7 = 1S.7S ohms resistance = S6.52 ohms reactanee The values to neutral are, as stated above, one- third of the above ; but, for the sake of uniformity in determining values to neutral, should preferably be de- termined as follows: — 6 000 000 ^ . = 99.92 amperes to neutral ^tn = ^Vtn 60 046 X o.oro4 99.92 60046 X 0.0480 99-92 = 6.25 ohms resistance to neutral 2S.S4 ohms reactance to neutral If two or more banks operate in parallel, the re- sulting impedance Z,. can be obtained by taking the re- to the same kv-a base. For instance, if a 6000 kv-a and a 3000 kv-a transformer each have a resistance of 1.04 percent and a reactance of 4.8 percent, their im- pedance is 4.91 percent. Before combining the imped- ances, that of the 3000 kv-a unit should be put in terms of the 6000 kv-a, and the resultant would be: — 4.91 X 9.S2 Zr = ■■ J .27 percent at 6000 kva. 4.91 -f 9.S2 ■ = 0.159 percent resistance volts at 6000 kva. — 3 .'9 percent reactance volts at 6000 kva. If the impedance triangles of the two banks to be paralleled are considerably different (that is their ratio of resistance to reactance) it will be necessary to ex- press the impedances in complex form. We have as- sumed above that the triangles are proportional, other- wise they would not divide the load evenly at all power- factors. Solving the preceding problem for the resultant impedance by complex notation, we get: {1.04^ J4^) X {2.o8-\-J9.6) ^' - {1.04 -h J4.8) -I- {2.0S + J9.6) ^ -43-9'7 -^ j^9.968 3.12 + j/4.4 COMPLETE DIAGRAM FOR SHORT LINES COMPLETC DIAGRAM POB LOWG LINES IMPEDANCe OF RAISING TRANSFORMERS LEAKAGE OF RAISING TRANSFORMERS IMPEDANCE OF RAISING TRANSFORMERS IMPEDANCE OF LOWERING TRANSFORMERS THE BROKEN LINES REPRESENT THE VOLTAGE DIAGRAM FOR THE APPROXIMATE SOLUTION USUALLY employed; THAT IS, WHEN THE IMPEO- ANCE OF THE LOWERING TRANSFORMERS IS ADD- ED TO AND CONSIDERED AS DISTRIBUTED LINE IMPEDANCE-A SIMILAR DIAGRAM MAV BE DRAWN TO INCLUDE THE IMPEDANCE OF BOTH THE LOW- ERING AND THE RAISING TRANSFORMERS- IN THE CASE ILLUSTRATED ' A 220 K« 225 MILE 6Q CYCLE CIRCUIT! THE APPROXIMATE SOLUTION GIVES * VOLTAGE AT THE SENDING END TOO LOW BY t 93% (THE DISTANCE BETWEEN S'- S). FIG. 67 — VECTOR DIAGRAMS FOR SHORT AND LONG LINES ciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual impedance. Thus: — Z\ Zi Zr = Z, -t-Za In the above example Zt = T I.O^ -\- 4.8^ = 4.91 percent . To parallel two banks containing transformers duplicates of the above, we get, by the above rule, the following resultant impedance: — Z,= 4.91 X 4.91 = 2.4^ percent 4-9' -H 4-9' ' Which is just half the impedance of a single bank, as is evident without applying the rule. Where two or more banks are to be operated in parallel consisting of transformers not duplicates, then the above rule must be applied to determine the re- sultant impedance. If the impedances are expressed in percent, as is usual, then they must be both referred ^ 48. 25 \iS5''32'5S" '4.734 /77''46'29" " 3.27 /77''l6'29" ohms = 0.69 + j 3.19 ohms Which checks with the results determined above on the percentage basis. THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS The graphical construction for short lines repre- sented typically by the Mershon Chart is so generally known and understood that a similar construction modified to take into accurate account the distribution effect of long lines will readily be followed. Both the short and the long line diagrams are reproduced in Fig. 68. From these diagrams it will be seen how the three auxiliary constants correct or modify the short line diagram adapting it to long line problems. The two mathematical and three graphical methods of ob- taining the auxiliary constants are Indicated a* the PHASE MODIFIERS FOR VOLTAGE CONTROL 143 bottom of this figure. Since the auxiliary constants are functions of the physical properties of the circuit and of the frequency only, they are entirely independ- ent of the voltage or the current. Having determined VECTORS BASED UPON ONe VOLT AND ONE AMPERe AT B5» POWER f ACTOR BEINO OeUVEREO AT THE RECEIVING END-THE DIAGRAMS CORRESPOND TO A LONG LINE E8-ER(a,*ia2)*|R(t>,*it'2) ls-lR(3fja2)*ER(c,*jC2) QIAORAM rOR SHORT LINES REACTANCE VOLTS OF H T LINE IN QUADRATURE V^iTH CURRENT RESISTANCE rfOLTS OFH.T LINE IN PHASE WITH CURRENT DtAORAM FOR LONG LINES I ZERO LOAD) - CURRENT AT SENDlNG-END ■ CONSTANT (CI ^^^m^^msm^^M^m^^ (VECTOR OF REFERENCE) CHARGING CURRENT RESISTANCE VOLTS OF H,T LINE- R'-F CHARGING CURRENT REACTANCE VOLTS OF H T, LINE - F - R ■ VOLTAGE AT REOEIVtNQ-ENO - 1 VOLT- DIAQRAM FOR LONG LINES (LOAD CONDITION) THE DOTTED LINES CORRESPOND TO A CIRCUIT DEVOID OF CHARGING CURRENT. THAT 18-A SHORT LINE HOW THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS MAY BE OBTAINED = COSHB (BY REAL HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS-SEE CHART XVI) = y^^ - gjg - Iy SINH e (BY REAL HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS-SEE CHART XVI) = Z 51!^ (GRAPHICAL-SEE KENNELLY S CORRECTING FACTOR CHARTS XVIII ■ XIX I - |y SINH e (GRAPHICAL-SEE KENNELLYS CHART ATLAS, HARVARD PRESS) - 1^ SINH e (ALL GRAPHICAL FROM WILKINSON S CHART B' -SEE CHART VI) / \ / \ r YZ Y^Z' Y^Z^ Y*Z* T (CJ-(*=l'i*^)- ^ L" 6'*T20' * 6:3So*362ll8(f ^"'■^J'^^ CONVERGENT SERIES-SEE CHARTXI) SINH 9 ;BY REAL HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS-SEE CHART XVI) 51Mi (GRAPHICAL -SEE KENNELLY S CORRECTING FACTOR CHARTS XVUI ■ XIX ) SINH e (GRAPHICAL -SEE KENNELLY'3 CHART ATLAS. HARVARD PRESS) SINH S (ALL GRAPHICAL FROM WILKINSONS CHART ' C"-8EE CHART Vli ) - Y WHERE 9 - Vz7 1^ FIG. 68 — HOW THE AUXILIARY CONSTANTS MODIFY SHORT LINE DIAGRAMS ADAPTING THEM TO LONG LINE PROBLEMS by any of the five methods referred to, the value for the auxiliary constants corresponding to a given cir- cuit, the remainder of the solution for any receiving end current or voltage is readily performed graphically. Constants Oj and a^ — If the line is short electric- ally the charging current, and consequently its effect upon the voltage regulation is small. In such a case constant a^ would be unity and constant Oj would be zero, and the line impedance triangle would be attached to the end of the vector ER representing the receiving end voltage, since this vector also represents the send- ing end voltage at zero load. If, however, the circuit contains appreciable ca- pacitance, the e.m.f. of self-induction resulting from the charging current will result in a lower voltage at zero load at the sending end than at the receiving end of the line. Obviously, the load impedance triangle must be attached to the end of the vector representing the voltage at the sending end of the circuit at zero load. This is the vector ER' of the long line diagrams of Fig. 68. In such a circuit the effect of the charg- ing current is sufificiently great to cause the shifting of the point R for a short line to the position R' for the long line. The constants Oj and a^ therefore, deter- mine the length and position of the vector representing the sending end voltage at zero load. Actually the constant Oj represents the volts resistance drop due to the charging current for each volt at the receiving end of the circuit. That is, the line FR' equals approxi- mately one-half the charging current times the resist- ance R, taking into account, of course, the distributed nature of the circuit. For a short line, it would be sufficiently accurate to assume that the total charging current flows through one-half the resistance of the circuit. To make this clear, it will be shown later that, for a 220 kv problem, the resistance per conduc- tor is R = 34.65 ohms and the auxiliary constant C^ = O.001211 mho. Thus, this line will take 0.001211 am- pere charging current, at zero load, for each volt main- tained at the receiving end, and since FR' ;= approxi- R mately I^e X — we have FR' or 0.001211 X (A)-(ac*jaj)» [i • y*-54- ♦755"* SOm* "°n'°''°°''^^''°E'''''8E"'E8-8EE0t«RTXI) 34-05 = 0.020980. The exact value of a^ as calculated by hyperbolic functions, taking into account the dis- tributed nature of the circuit is 0.020234. Since the charging current is in leading quadrature with the voltage ER, the resistance drop FR' due to the charg- ing current is also at right angles to ER. The length of the line FR or (one-Oj), represents the voltage consmed by the charging current flowing through the inductance of the circuit. This may also be expressed with small error if the circuit is not of X great electrical length as I^c X — • The reactance per conductor for the 220 kv problem is 178.2 ohms. Therefore, FR = 0.001211 X 178.2 = 0.107900 and a, = I — 0.107900 = 0.892100. The exact value of a, as calculated rigorously, is 0.893955. Constants fc, and b^ — These constants represent respectively the resistance and the reactance in ohms. 144 PHASE MODIFIERS FOR VOLTAGE CONTROL as modified by the distributed nature of the circuit. The values for these constants, multiplied by the cur- rent in amperes at the receiving end of the circuit, give the IR and IX volts drop consumed respectively by the resistance and the reactance of the circuit. To illus- trate this, the values of R and X for the 220 kv prob- lem are 34.65 ohms and 178.2 ohms per conductor. The distributed effect of the circuit modifies these linear values of R and X so that their effective values are b-^ = j^./pS" and tj = 172.094 ohms. The line impedance triangle, as modified to take into exact ac- count the distributed nature of the circuit, is therefore smaller than it would be if the circuit were without capacitance. Constants c^ and c^ — These constants represent respectively the conductance and susceptance in mhos as modified by the distributed nature of the circuit. The values for these constants, multiplied by the volts at the receiving end of the circuit, give the current con- sumed respectively by the conductance and the suscep- tance of the circuit. To illustrate, the linear value of c^ for the 220 kv problem is 0.001211 mho. The distribu- tion effect of the circuit modifies this linear value so that its effective value Cj = 0.001168. The value of c^ is so small that its effect is negligible for all except for long circuits. An exception to this statement would be that if the line loss is very small compared to the amount of power transmitted the percent error in the value of line loss may be considerably increased if the effect of Cj is not included in the solution. If c^ is ignored, Cj will represent the charging current at zero load per volt at the receiving end. Thus Cj multiplied by the receiving end voltage, gives the charging current at zero load for the circuit. For the 220 kv problem Cj = 0.001168 and this multiplied by 127020, the re- ceiving end voltage to neutral, gives 148.36 amperes charging current per conductor. Referring to the formulas at the top of Fig. 68, •'^r (Oi -|- / 02) is that part of E^ which would have to be impressed at the sending end if /r = 0, or the line was freed at the receiving end with E^ steadily main- tained there. It may be called "free" component of £s*. Again /, {b^ -\- j b^) is that other part of £, which would have to be impressed at the sending end, if £r ^ 0, or the line was short-circuited at the receiv- ing end, with I^ steadily maintained there. It may be called the "short" component of E^. Similarly, the term /, (Oi + / a^) is the compon- ent of /s necessary to maintain /, at the receiving end without any voltage there (£, = 0) ; while E^ (q + y Cj) is the component of I^ necessary to maintain E^ at the receiving end without any current there (/, = 0). The reason that c^ is likely to be negative in ordi- nary power lines is because the complex hyperbolic angle of any good power transmission line has a large slope, being usually near 88 degrees. The sinh of such an angle, within the range of line lengths and sizes of 6 ordinarily present, is also near 90 degrees in slope. The surge impedance Zo = -^ — of such a line is not far from being reactanceless ; but it usually develops a small negative or condensive slope. This means that the I surge admittance Fo ^ ^ usually develops a small positive slope. Consequently, C or the product E^ (Tj -}- / '^2) usually slightly exceeds 90 degrees in slope ; or c^ becomes a small negative rectilinear com- ponent. *See paper by Houston and Kennelly on "Resonance in A. C. Lines" in Trans. A. I. E. E. April. 1895 CHAPTER XVI A TYPICAL 220 KV PROBLEM TO illustrate the method of determining the per- formance of long lines requiring phase modifiers for voltage control, the following 220 kv prob- lem will be considered, which is typical of many like- ly to be considered in the near future. A line necessi- tating such large expediture would warrant a thorough investigation before determining the final design. The conclusions are given only for the pur- pose of illustrating the procedure. The Problem — It is assumed that 300000 kw at 85 percent lagging power-factor is to be delivered a distance of 225 miles, at 220 kv, three-phase, 60 cycles. Two lines will be required, so that in case one is under repair, the other will transmit the entire 300000 kw load. Since the self -induced voltage would be exces- sive if the 300000 kw were transmitted in emergency over a single-circuit tower line, we will as- sume that each tower line will support two three-phase circuits. The cost of two three- phase circuits per tower line will not be greatly in excess of a single circuit tower line employing conductors of double the cross-section. On this basis each of the four three-phase circuits will normally transmit 75 000 kw and, under emergency condition, each of the two circuits on one tower line In Table Y is shown a comparison of values of cap- italized losses vs. first costs of conductors for four sizes of aluminum-steel cables considered in connection with this 220 kw problem**. The cost of power losses is based upon rates of 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 cents per kw hour, an average load corresponding to 80 percent of. the full load loss and a capitalization of these losses at 15 percent. The cost of the cables is based upon 29 cents per pound for the complete cable (aluminum plus the steel). All tabulated data is based upon four three-phase circuits. The losses include those in the high voltage line only. If the capacity of transformers or phase modifiers varies materially for different con- ductors, the difference in their losses should be included. If the base load power generated in such a large amount by water power costs 0.3 of a cent per kw-hr., will transmit 150000 kw. Such a transmis- sion is illustrated by Fig. 69* Economic Size of Conductors — For a fixed transmission voltage and material of conductors, the most economic size of conductor will be found by applying Kelvin's law extended to include, in addition to the cost of conductors, that part of the cost of towers, insulators, line construction, phase modi- fiers, etc. which increases directly with the cost of con- ductors. Kelvin's law is as follows: — "The most economical section of a conductor is that which makes the annual cost of the PR losses equal to the annual interest on the capital cost of the conduct- ing material plus the necessary annual allowance for depreciation". Stated another way, "The annual cost of the energy wasted, added to the annual allowance for depreciation and interest on first cost shall be a min- imum". *Tht calculations and the illustrations in this article were made in such a way as to tx? equally suited for the series of articles on "Electrical Characteristics of Transmission Circuits" and the Superpower Survey. Figs. 69, 70, 72 and 75 and Charts XXIII. XXV and XXVII appear also in the report of the latter, which is printed as Pnifcsmmal I'afcr 123 by the United States Geological Survey. Similarly, Charts XXIV. XXVI and XXVIII appear in the Paper bv L. E. Imlav in the Jnitrihil of the A. I. /■:. /•;. for June. 1921. (Ed.) FIG. 69 — THE TR.ANSFORMEE AND CONDENSER ARRANGEMENT UPON WHICH THE CALCULATIONS FOR THE 220KV PROBLEM HAVE BEEN BASED. It is not intended that this arran(cment would, upon a complete study of the problem, be found to be the most desirable. If single-phase transformers were selected, possibly three banks for each double circuit would be found more desirable than four banks, as indicated above. the values in Table Y show that the smallest size cable, 605 000 circ. mil. will be the cheapest to install. At 0.3 cents per kw-hr. the power loss for this cable, capitalized at 15 percent, represents the equivalent of an investment of $2 593 000 for the four three-phase circuits, where- as the cost of the conductors is $3 224000. If the cost of power loss is taken as 0.4 cents per kw-hr., the next larger cable will be the most economical size to use, provided that there is no increased cost of towers, in- sulators, etc. If the losses in transformers or conden- sers vary for the different sizes of cables compared such losres should be included with the conductor losses. There is always a question as to what price should be charged in Kelvin's equation in estimating the cost of power loss. If all power saved could be promptly sold, the cost to allow might be considered the cost at the consumers meter. If, on the contrary', none of the power saved can be sold under any circumstances, **An interesting graphic presentation of Kelvin's Law is .civen in the article by Mr. L. J. Moore in the Electrical World for Sept. 24, 1921, p. 612. 146 A TYPICAL 220 KV PROBLEM then the cost to allow is the cost at the generating (Charts XVIII, XIX, XX and XXI). When using switchboard. Intermediate cases may occur. charts it is desirable to read the results from them, at The conductor losses of Table Y were taken from two different times as a check against errors in reading, the calculated values by the complete method A listed in Table V*. It is usually sufficient to calculate the TABLE Y— APPLICATION OF KELVIN'S LAW Conductors Circ. Mill. Total Loss in 12 Conductors Kw Cost of Power lost In 12 Conductors, Capitalized at isJS Cost of 12 Conductors at 2QC per Lb. At 0.3c per Kw-hr. At 0.4c per Kw-hr. At 0.5c per Kw-hr. ♦605 000 715500 18504 15S40 $2 593 coo $■2 220000 |3 458 000 $2 960000 $\ 322 000 $3700000 $3224000 $3 837 000 795000 954000 14304 II 712 |2 040000 $1 641 COO $2 673 000 $2 188 000 $i 341 000 $2 736 000 $4 244000 $50:1 000 *Thi8 is the smallest conductor which is, in this case, permissible on account of corona limitations. These tabulations are total for four three-phase circuits. It will usually be sufficiently accurate to calcu- late the conductor I'^R loss for one size of conductor and assume that the loss for other sizes will be proportional to their resistances. This assumes that the distribution of current throughout the length of circuit will be approximately the same for the different sizes of conductors compared. The above data is based upon 75 000 kw at 85 percent power-factor, three-phase, 60 cycles, delivered over each of the four circuits a distance of 225 miles at 220 kv with a 50 000 kva condenser in parallel with the load on each of the four circuits and an average load equivalent to 80 per cent of full load. It should be noted that the third, fourth and fifth columns do not give the actual cost of the power lost, but give instead the values at which these losses are capitalized. loss in the conductors for one size of cable and to esti- mate it for other sizes of cable, assuming that this loss varies as the resistance of the conductors, that is, for a given line, frequency, load, delivery voltage and con- denser capacity the current distribution in the line is approximately the same for various sizes of conductors likely to be considered. Since the conductor loss varies as the square of the current and directly as the resistance, it will be sufficient to estimate or the constants may be read from both the Wilkinson and Kennelly charts and the results compared. From Table V we find r = 0.154 ohms, so that R =0.154 'X 225 = 34.65 ohms and x = 0.792 so that X = 0.792 'X 225 = 178.2 ohms. From Table X we obtain b = 5.38 X10-* so that B =: 5.38 X 225 X io-^= 0.001211 mho. G is assumed here as zero. From Wilkinson Charts — fli = 0.892 and since rb = 0.828 32 = 0.020 b\ = 32.2 ohms 62 = 173-5 ohms and since r6^ = 4-457 Ci = (too small to read) C2 = O.OOII75 From Dr. Kennelly's Charts — We must first obtain the hyperbolic complex angle of the circuit as fol- lows : — Z= 34-65 +7178.1 = 181-54 (78 59'46'' Y = o +y 0.00121 1 = 0.00121 1 190° ZY = 0.21984 \i6£s9U§Z e = i/2r = 0.4689 /84'29^53'^ Shift e From Chart XIX, — 7— = 0.964 /o-4° From Chart XXI, Tank 6 6 0.964 /d'lAr'oa'' = 1.0785 \o.88" = 1.0785 \o"52'48" TABLE Z— CABLE AND CIRCUIT CONSTANTS CORRESPONDING TO A THREE-PHASE, 60 CYCLE CIRCUIT, 225 MILES LONG the loss for other conductors as being in- CONSISTING OF FOUR SIZES OF ALUMINUM CABLES OF AN versely proportional to their resistance. ARRANGEMENT EQUIVALENT TO 21 FEET DELTA The various constants corresponding to the four sizes of conductors considered are listed in Table Z. It may be interesting to note the variation in these constants corre- sponding to the different sizes of cable for the high-tension line alone, and also when the transformer impedances are included with the line impedance. SOLUTION OF THE 220 KV PROBLEM Assuming that 605 000 circ. mil. alumi- num-steel cables work out as the most econo- mical size, the next step is the determination of the auxiliary constants A, B, and C for this size of conductor, spacing and 60 cycles. (These constants would have previously been determined when determining the most eco- nomical size). Mathematically these constants may be calculated by real hyperbolic func- tions (Chart XVI) or by convergent series (Chart XI). Graphically, they may be ob- tained from Wilkinson's charts (Charts V, VI and VII) or through the medium of Dr. Kennelly's charts AREA Of CONDUCTORS (C M p DIA OF ALUM COND. STRANDS LINEAR CONSTANTS OF LINE TO NEUTRAL IMPEDANCE TO NEUTRAL 1 OF SO 000 KVA BANK OF | ALUM BTttL TOTAL COPPER EQUIV AL ST r X g .\. R X G B„ ■ 10-8 R,» Xr. Gtn ^i;-. (toS.coc 7B.00O 68 3,iC0 i-fj^j,^ 0.9 SI S* ' 0./34 0.7 •}! 6.38 J-S.*! / '*..- IZ<' 4.37 'f.it o y'i.sQo 9.6 9 o 96-^.000 'i3.7O0 ',07 7. 700 ioo.ooo i.i9(> S4 7 0.097g O.7.. S.58- 2 3.00 '7 '.9 /2S6 i.3r .■«.*■# o c UNEAH CONST AhfTS HYPERBOLIC QUANTITIES AUXILIARY CONSTANTS OF CiRCUiT R 1 X [GLS. e-Yz^ 1 zo-yi (A) 1 (B) 1 (C) ♦ MI0HTlM(OI(l.lN[,tOHCUT«*ii | i^QS.OCQ ^■*^<, '7g3 " >3,> J8 .^93->SS*3.C3o:>3', .•-:;;j,-:^' ~-'°cV.!'^°*\9o-T*''2*-f' 7.2\5'J0'C7- 7/ 5. SCO if-iS ItSt IZ34, .02g,9^J.-,t.99 = .th7b/9S''-> =11 3a = in.oilBa'so'"" -.cao DflJ^j.OO-.Si .'t W*-)5'i5' 79S.OOC Xi33 17^4 c >Z:>S -.^it7/S^^93-Zf 37 = ,ffS,4//-0'/t- .',ycV. I'sV^v^y ::T.-VA9i=f8-s:' 9 6 -f. 000 Z300 mf " /SS6 ■ 039£»-f*j-'*tS'6 ^.Aht.) isJ 3r,z' J7 ■ f939'*t 1 j.O/ai3« .'°oo.°°!'(2^^' (.OS.OOO J?83 3itia IZ:l .0444. 7*3.5. S?f? ■♦3 3*.Sii3^jJ09..J ^3,'.(.7jBC-3i-0i- = .O0.i5«V.'0-Jiil- 7.-t7\-)'53'y«* TS.SOO 3S 6i 3,S?3 ilti =..87079 II' 'i"3f,' 31.837 fjZOt.SfS = ZOI.>.9/i''9t.--1- (f/*" -.^^..,X\9o-iVi*' 79S.COO i9si 3M31 laiS .03S-i*7rj.S'SSf 4'S.-»-#\.}*JiVJ" Ji..*j-fi-»j_jo;.ojfl* -,.e>o,.ai\9o-3-'IS' 9S^.0C0 3S 19 3..U ° l3Si 4/J S3:.1fl->-j3oa.SBB -ao-i.99lsV3rso' - ,oo "01 \90'mi* o/\j-a3-?s' bOS.OOC ',102 IS7 » ,3n ■*«. .f^''f=*J.033Sit- :.89S' fii 31- 3i.»l-*U-'f.93^ -.Z47.l.7/8rZi-3r -.noii99\90-2ro3' .3W3.-..' 7'S.SOO 3S'9S tsss /13(, .O39'Jt3.St/03 s:..S42-f /8fOO^ ■*s .8f 73i-*-j.oaoff-»4 ^.a-Ji /''39'3-il = 3^4.8 ihu£i.t' ~J.OO"l.-i\9'o''s'i-'*3- 79S.0O0 32 7C 3SA 1X3^ = .St3t/g*-'9-SS' ^i5.1^3--fO'*i38.38ff - 1 3 1.86S /|8*00'24* VOLTS Jr(A)-I8I.08-j 23.23 Epf|(C)- -l.03*i 160.24 l3-IB0.06*jl27.0l - 220.34 /36*I2 00* AMPft DETERMINATION OF LOSSES KWln - 26.000 I^WrN - 1 28.830 « 304. 1 7 1003 8' 98' I r) - 26.988 KWg^ - 13l.86a«220.34(OO319* 1 1' 38-) - 27.439 KW(jEN-N" I29.9I6«2I8.88 (00811*62' 28*) - 27.827 LOSSES TO NEUTRAL LOWERING TRANSFORMERS AND CONDENSER 26.988-28.000 - 888 HIGH TENSION LINE 27.430 -26.088 - 1471 RAISINO TRANSFORMERS 27.827 - 27.439 . 888 TOTAL LOSS TO NEUTRAL - 2827 AS A PARTIAL CHECK LOWERING TRANSFORMERS (IRON LOSS 1. 86 XI 27.02 ^- 9SB (COPPER LOSS 204.1 7' x 3. 1 e«) - 132 SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSER ■ SOO RAISINO TRANSFORMERS (IRON LOSS 1.8 I « 129.918)' ■ 19S (COPPER LOSS 220.342x3 186) - 184 HIGH TENSION LINE (VALUE ABOVE ASSUMED AS CORRECT - 1471 2827 1 8.00 AMPS EFFICIENCY CALCULATION FOR GENERATOR VOLTAGE AND CURRENT EFFICIENCY. (HIGH TENSION UNE) EFFICIENCY. (GENERATORS TO LOAD) ' g» 966 ^ ».,.- 27.439 •*"» 26.000 27.827 ' 89 84* Eqen^-V (I3I.868X 94442 + 220.34x3. I86)2*(I3I 868 x 32878-220.34x39 82)2 - 1 29.0 1 6 /l 6* 26 03* VOLTS TO VECTOR Ig • 128.918 /l9*466r VOLTS K V-Ag " 1 3 1 . 868 X 220 34 X 3 - 87. 1 83 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT I^V-Agj^- I 29.9 18x21 8 88 x 3 - 86.308 PER 3 PHASE CIROOIT l^y ./\ QQ-I3I868X|60.24«3- 69.43 1 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT 220.34 (.98394 * j .288 1 3) -21 2.39 ♦i 58.84 . 1.81 -j 13 80 (LIAIOUie OF RAISINO TRANSFORMERS) '0EN-N-"*"*i"°* - 2 1 6.88 /ir62' 28* AMPERES TO VECTOR Eqe^ • 318.88 /3r 38' 26* AMPERES 150 A TYPICAL 220 KV PROBLEM CHART XXIV— 220 KV PROBLEM— NORMAL LOAD (APPROXIMATE SOLUTION) THIS APPnOXIMATC SOLUTION ASSUMES THAT THE IMPEDANCE OF THE LOWERING TRANsroflMERS MAY BC ADDED TO THE LINE IMPEDANCE AND TREATED AS THOUGH IT WERE DtSTRIBUTCO LINE IM< P£DANCE--THIS ASSUMPTION SIMPLIFIES THE SOLUTION AT THE EXPENSE OF ACCURACY (SEE LOWER RIGHT HAND CORNER OF PAGE; ALSO TEXTl.-THE SOLUTION BELOW IS BASED UPON THE VOLTAGE BEING HELD CONSTANT AT THE LOAD SIDE OF THE LOWERING TRANSFORMERS AND AT THE MICH TENSION SIDE OF THE RAISING TRANSFORMCRS.-'IF THE VOLTAGE IS TO BE HELD CONSTANT AT THE GENERATOR BUS, THE IMPEDANCE OF THE RAISING TRANSFORMERS MUST ALSO BE ADDED TO THAT OF THE UNE-ALL LOW TENSION VALUES ARE REFERRED TO THE HIGH TENSION CIRCUIT, RAISING TRANSFORMERS Z-,. = 3, 1 SB + i 39, 82 OHMS HIGH TENSION LINE Z = 34,B6«i I 78.2 OHMS -fj .001211 MHO rr^^^^^ I »»iii)M I '^^^''^TTraiiCOTp^'^^ i »» »M» p^^^ I »»i)Mi) |''^^^ iiWMiiT ^^'^^ I CMMa I '■"■'VApnfjim^w^ 'T T T U. LOWERING TRANSFORMERS Ztn'^'SS^J'^ 820HMS zikjo I I I T I I I SENDING END NORMAL LOAD PER 3 PHASE PER PHA RECEIVING END CIRCUIT TO NEUTRAL KV-Al- 88.236 K V-Aln = 29.4 1 2 K Wl= 76.000 K Wln ■ 26.000 PF|_=86%LAQ. PFln=B6%LAG. El= 220.000 Eln = 1 27.020 1^=231.66 Iln=23I.66 60 CYCLES CONDENSER (ONE REQUIRED! 3 PHASE TO NEUTRAL KV-A(3N=I6.000 ~ 127.020 LINEAR CONSTANTS Z " 37.836 + j 2 1 8.02 OHMS * Y = +j .001 21 1 MHO •k THIS INCLUDES IMPEDANCE OF LOWERING TRANSFORMERS AUXIL IARY CONSTANTS (a) " (3| + j 82) " COSH a = .870783 -» j ,02 1 9 1 I (B) = (b| t j bj) . z ^"^"° = ^ 8INH - 34,6663 ♦ j 208.83 OHMS (C) - (C| + j C2) = Y 5!^ - ^ SINH 9 — .000.009 tj .00 1 1 68 MHO WHERE e- yZY l? TRANSFORMERS (TWO BANKS IN PARALLEL AT EACH END OF THE LINE) ON BASIS OF 1 00.000 KVA RATING FOR TWO BANKS RESISTANCE VOLTS . -0.668% REACTANCE VOLTS =8,225% MAGNETIZING CURRENT =6,300% IRONLOSS =0,706% KV-A R X VALUES TO NELITRAL ,^^-33.333. E.^jj= 127.020 Itn=262.4 00668X127,020 KV-Ao'^ooo Eq= 220.000 'TN 262.4 .08226 X I 27.020 'TN 262,4 ,0630X33,333,333 27,020 IRONLOSS . 00706X33,333,333 , IRON LOSS • 836 KW TO NEUTRAL MAGNETIZING CURRENT = - 3,186 OHMS RESISTANCE 39,82 OHMS REACTANCE 13.9 AMPS AT 1 27,020 VOLTS : 1 ,86 AMPS AT 1 27.020 VOLTS -ON KWo-LO38-l800 KWo_LOSS-N-«<'0 ln-ins.-72 lr'_ins.o-N"*-72 NOTE - THE CONDENSER INDICATED BY BROKEN LINE CIRCLE SERVES AS A SPARE DURING NORMAL OPERATION BUT IS REQUIRED FOR THE EMERGENCY CONDITION. LINE CHARACTERISTICS LENGTH OF TRANSMISSION 226 MILES CONDUCTORS- 3-606,000 CM ST, REINFORCED ALUMINUM DIAMETER OF (XINDUCTORS 963- rfS- MAXIMUM ELEVATION 600 FEET , !# " SPACING- EQUIVALENT TO 2 r DELTA SPADING CALCULATION FOR RECEIVING-END CURRENT , -■l,9e.82-j 1 2 1 .97 AMPS. TO VECTOR Ern |(j- 4.72 tj 1 18.00 •t- lp-203.39-j 17.87 = 204.17 \6'or 16' AMPERES CALCULATION FOR HIGH TENSION CIRCUIT E (A)-ll0.607-Fj 2.783 Id(A) = I 77,60 -( 11,11 Id(B)= I 0.762 -f 1 41,666 • " Es((=l2l,3e9+j44,e39 -129.318 /20'ir36' VOLTS „(C)° -ll4Ti 147,09 = 176,36*1 136,98 = 222.69 /3r Se'Of AMPERES 13,9 AMPS. DETERMINATION OF LOSSES KWln" 26,000 KWrn" 127020X304,17(003 e'OI'IO'l =26,836 KWgN" 129,316 X 222,69 (003 1 7' 2e' 26-) - 27,474 LOSSES TO NEUTRAL CONDENSER ■• " 600 LOWEBINO TRANSFORMERS (IRONLOSS) • "S'' (COPPER LOSS 204, 1 7^x3, 1 86) ». ■ 133 RAISING TRANSFORMERS (IRONLOSS) . " 236 (COPPER LOSS) 222.892x3,185 - IBS HIGH TENSION LINE 27.474 - (25.835 + 1 33) ■ 1 506 TOTAL LOSS TO NEUTRAL - 2887 EFFICIENCY 25.966 2 7,474 EFFICIENCY. (GENERATORS TO LOAD) = jf^ff = 94.52 = 89 7r. KV-As- KV-Aoo" I 29.318 x222.69> 1 29.3 I 8 X 1 47.09 ' ' 86.393 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT ■■ 67.064 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT 4.72 AMPS,- 1 16.00 AMPS' ERROR IN RESULTS VOLTAGE AT SENDING END =-1,93% CURRENT AT SENDING END =+1.06% POWER FACTOR AT SENDING END = *- 1,02% KV-A AT SENDING END =-088% LOSS IN HIGH TENSION LINE -•2.38% / NOTE- THESE PERCENTAGES OF ERROR ARE BASED UPON THTASSUMPTION THAT THE COMPLETE METHOD PRO- DUCES 100% VALUES. -THE MINUS SIGNS SIGNIFY RE- SULTS TOO LOW: THE PLUS SIGNS RESULTS TOO HIGH. A TYPICAL 220 KV PROBLEM iji netizing current were not taken into account, (as it also is in both these methods) the error resulting from the use of the approximate method would be considerably greater than the above values. The simplified graphical approximate solution illus- trated by Chart XXIV will yield results sufficiently ac- curate for preliminary work, although for final results it should be supplemented by a mathematical solution and, in cases of very long lines, a complete mathema- tical solution might be desirable. A complete solution as given by Chart XXIII may be followed as a guide in such cases. The method of obtaining the auxiliary constants corresponding to the approximate solution is given be- low. The linear constants of the circuit including transformer impedance are determined as follows: — A = Sinh 01$ 0.957 /o°27'oo" Tank did 1.098 \i°oo'oo" = 0.8716 /x^^foo" a\ = 0.8713 as = 0.02206 Sinh B = Z = 221.28 feo<'o9'23" X 0.957 fa°vi'oo'' g = 211.76 /io'sG'zf' ohms bi = 34.561 ohms bi = 208.92 ohms C= Y =0.001211 I90 X0.957 MtYoo" Line Transformers Resistance (Ohms) ...34.650 ... 3-i8S Reactance (Ohms) 178.20 39.82 Total 37-835 218.02 Dividing these total values by 225 we obtain the following as the impedance per mile of the combined circuit. r = o.i68i ohms X = 0.969 ohms TABLE ZZZ— AUXILIARY CONSTANTS FOR 220 KV PROBLEM, APPROXIMATE SOLUTION Calculaled From Wilkinson Chart From Keniielly Chart ai = 0.870783 = 100 % aj =^0.02191 1 = 100% bi = 34-5653 = 100% bs = 2o8.83 = ioo% Ci=r - 0.000000 ^ 100 % Ci = 0.001158= 100% 0.8921=102.44% 0.868 = 99.68% (corrected) 0.0221 = 100.86% 34-3 = 99-23% 211.2^ 101.14% -O.OOOOI ^ III. II % o.ooi 163 = 100.43 % 0.8713 = 100.05 % 0.02206= 100.68% 34.561=99-99% 208.92= 100.04% -0.000009 =: 100 % O.OOI 159 = 100.09% The admittance per mile is assumed the same as before namely : — b = = 5- .38 X 10- -'' mh< £r = = 'ilkinson 's Charts «i = 0.892 and since rb ai = 0.904 = 0.121 bi = 34.3 ohms bi = 211. 2 ohms and since rb-' = 4.865 C\ = — 0.000010 1*2 = O.OOI 63 From Dr. Kennelly's Charts z = 37.835 +y 218.02 = 221.28 /8o°09^23''^ Y •= o +y 0.001 211 = 0.001 211 190° ZY = 0.26797 \i7o°09^23" 9 = VTY = 0.5177 |85''04^4l'''' Sinh e from Chart XIX — ■_ — = 0.957 /fo.45° d = 0.957 ^lYoo" TanhO from Chart XXI = 1.098 \i°oo'oo"* = 0.0011589 l90°27^oo^' Ci = — 0.000 009 Ct => 0.001 159 The auxiliary constants as obtained graphically and by exact mathematical results are given in Table ZZZ. The same remarks in regard to use of the Kennelly charts for obtaining the auxiliary constants as given under the complete solution also apply when the ap- proximate solution is used. Wilkinson chart A, if used when transformer impedance is added to the line im- pedance, as in the approximate method, requires a cor- rection to constant a^. Constant a^ as read from this chart will be correct but constant a.^ as read from the chart will be too high for the following rea- son. Constant c^ accounts for the rise in voltage along the line at zero load due to the charging current flowing through the line inductance adding directly to the sending end voltage. The section of Wilkinson chart A applying to constant a^ is based upon dis tance and frequency only, so that values read from this section would be the same for a giv- en distance and frequency regardless of whether or not transformer impedance is included with the line con- stants. This section of chart A therefore takes acount only of the voltage lowering effect of the charging cur- rent flowing through the line inductance. In addition to this, it flows also through the transformer inductance, which further lowers the value of a^. The value of a, read from the chart must therefore be reduced. From the chart, Oj = 0.892 volt corresponding to a voltage rise of 0.108 volt which results from a linear conduct- ance reactance of 178.02 ohms. Actually the reactance of the circuit including lowering transformers is 218.02 ohms or 22.5 percent greater. Increasing 0.108 volt by 22.5 percent we get 0.132 volt rise, so that Oj becomes i.ooo — 0.132 = 0.868, which is 99.68 percent of the calculated results. In the following solutions calculated values for the auxiliary constants are used since exact results are re- quired for the purpose of comparing the results with those previously obtained by the complete solution. ♦This was interpolated since this angle lies beyond the range of this chart. 152 A TYPICAL 220 KV PROBLEM EMERGENCY LOAD COMPLETE SOLUTION The complete solution for emergency load condi- tions shown by Chart XXV follows the same construc- tion as covered by Chart XXIII for normal load. The difference being that the load is doubled and the con- denser capacity for a circuit increased nearly four times. Thus to force double the amount of power through the line and transformer impedance, with the same voltage drop, it is necessary in this case, nearly to quadruple the condenser capacity per circuit. Thus to meet the emergency condition nearly double the total condenser capacity will be required. This large in- crease in condenser capacity necessitated drawing the current vectors to one half the scale used for current vectors in the normal load diagram. EMERGENCY LOAD APPROXIMATE SOLUTION The approximate solution for emergency load shown by Chart XXVI follows the same construction as in Chart XXIV for normal load with the exception of 5 increased load and condenser capacity. ZERO LOAD — COMPLETE SOLUTION The complete solution for zero load is shown by Chart XXVII. In this case y the load is made up of a lagging phase modifier load and the leakage of the low- ering transformers. The same constructions are used as for the other complete solutions. ZERO LOAD APPROXIAIATE SOLUTION The approximate solu- tion for zero load is shown by Chart XXVIII. It may be seen from the tabulated errors that this approximate method produces at zero load larger errors than the cor- responding errors for loaded conditions. This is usual- ly of little importance, however, as the light load con- ditions are generally not important. PHASE MODIFIER CURVES Frequently the normal and maximum amount of power to be transmitted is known ; that is the transmis- sion line, condensers and transformers are designed for a certain maximum load and it is of little importance what condenser capacity would be required for other loads or for various sending end voltages. At other times, especially in preliminary surveys, such data may be very necessary. In Fig. yo are plotted curves* showing the phase modifier capacity required to produce certain voltages at the sending end corresponding to various receiving- end loads at 85 percent power-factor and 220 kv. At 85 percent power- factor and 220 kv 200000 kw is ap- proximately the maximum amount of power which may be transmitted through the lowering transformers and over this line of three 605 000 circ. mil. cables if the sending end voltage is not permitted to exceed 230 lc\'. This is indicated by the fact that the curve correspond- ing to this load becomes flat when it reaches the 230 kv horizontal line. To deliver this maximum load at 220 kv through the impedance of this line will require a total condenser capacity of about 300000 kv-a. The economic capacity of the line is reached at loads very much below the maximum theoretical limit of 200 000 kw. The sending end voltages corresponding to various z ~ r ... z i- \ \ ^ no Z s ^ V X ^ N if, z M ^ s \ \ \ ^ \ \ ^ a fe"" \ \ \ \ ^v '\ k \ ^'( ^. *«« HO "* j^... \ \ K N ^'t ^ f^. V. ^ \ \ ^ \ \ \ \\ ^ ^ ^;^ ' "~ "-^ 3 Q 3*0 z O«o \ \ \ "''l % -«^ .^ ;;;:; ■--, ^ Hi > f<" % '•■ H f*t \ Xl N ■~- L ~ a '"* N N x M o55~ 30 Doa ' 5 ».ooo ■ t lAOl* PHASE MODIFIER CAPACITY REQUIRED-KV-A FIG. 70 — PHASE MODIFIER CAPACITY REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN CONSTANT RECEIVER VOLTAGE. These curves indicate for a constant load power-factor of 85 percent lagging and con- stant load voltage of 220 kv, the amount of energy which may be delivered to the load over one 225 mile, 60 c}'cle, three-phase circuit consisting of three 605 000 circ. mil alumi- num-steel conductors corresponding to various voltages between conductors at the high-ten- sion side of the raising transformers. The values by which these curves were drawn were determined graphically. For 230 kv at the sending end the maximum amount of power which can be transmitted is approximately 200 000 kw and to force this amount of power through the line impedance will require approximately 300000 kv-a capacity in phase modifiers. capacities of phase modifiers in parallel with different receiving end loads for drawing curves such as shown by Fig. 70 are most readily obtained by the following graphical procedure. After auxiliary constants A and B for the circuit under investigation have been deter- mined (preferably through the medium of both the Wilkinson and Kennelly charts) a tabulation of the cur- rent to neutral corresponding to each load for which curves are desired is made. A further tabulation of current to neutral for condensers of various capacities is made. The current to neutral which represents the loss in the various condensers, is also tabulated. The resist- *Such curves were suggested by Mr. F. W. Peek, Jr. in an article on "Practical Calculations of Long Distance Trans- mission Line Characterictics" in the General Electrical Review for June, 1913, p. 430. A TYPICAL 220 KV PROBLEM 155 CHART XXV-220 KV PROBLEM— EMERGENCY LOAD RAISING TRANSFORMEBS Zy^'l 6S26«il9 tlOHMS (COMPLETE SOLUTION) (THIS IS DOUBLE LOAD- 1 50.000 KW AT B5% P F LAQOING) H10H TtNSION UNE 2 " M •» • j I '8.2 OHMS Y • «j 0012 1 1 MHO U3WERIN0 TRANSfORMERS Z-]^"' M36^jl0.9IOHM8 HENDINQ END EMERGENCY LOAD PER 3 PHASE PER PHASE Tl [ T y y 1 T T T T 1 i T T If- TO NEUTRAL NEUTRAL TRANSFORMERS (FOUR BANKS IN PARALLEL AT EACH END OF THE UNE) KV-Al-I'8.470 KWi^- 1 60.000 PF|_-85*LAO. El' 220,000 ||_-463.l KV-Aln= 68.824 KWln"60 000 PFln"86%LAG. Eln-12'020 Iln»483.I 00 CYCLES CONDENSERS R- 1^ = 1 .6926 OHMS RESISTANCE 19.91 OHMS REACTANCE MAGNETIZING CURRENT - 27 8 AMPS ATI 27 020 VOLTS IRON LOSS 3.70 AMPS. AT I 27.020 VOLTS IRON LOSS • 470 KW TO NEUTRAL MAGNETIZING CURRENT IRON LOSS RECEIVING END LINEAR CONSTANTS Z ■ 34 86 « i I 78.2 OHMS V *j .001211 MHO '" ™ AUXILIARY CONSTANTS (a) - (a, ♦ j Sj) . .893,956 * j .020.234 (B) - C"! 'j ''2) " 82.198 ♦} 172.0*4 OHMS \(C)-(C|*J52)-- ooo.ooetj.ooi.i»«i»« FOUR 45.000 KV-A SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSFRS PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT WHEN OPERATING AT FULL LOAD PROVIDE MORE COMPENSATION THAN REQUIRED FOR MEETING THE EMERGENCY CONDITIONS-SINCE BOTH 3 PHASE CIRCUITS ON THE SAME TOWERS WILL BE OPERATED IN PARALLEL 7 CONDENSERS MAY BE USED FOR THE TWO CIRCUITS. THE 8TH CONDENSER BEING AVAILABLE AS A SPARE. UPON THIS BASIS THE CONDENSER DATA PER CIRCUIT IS AS FOLLOWS: KW, I, CALCULATION FO R RECEIVING-END' CURRENT AND VOLTAGE l|_» 393 64 -j 243.94 AMPS. TO VECTOR E| • IS.63tJ4t3.0l T- 3.70 -i 27.80 o-4l3.87 + i 141 27 COS 1 8" 60' 49' = ,94638 SIN 1 8- 60' 49' ".32304 COS 1 4' 68' r SIN I4'68'0I'>. 26828 - 437 32 / 1 8' 60' 49' AMPS. TO VECTOR E, - 437.32 /I4'68"0I AMPS. TO VECTOR OF REFERENCE - 422.49 tj 112.94 Ern " 7 ( I 27.020 X .94638 + 437.32 x 1.5926)^ + { I 27.020 x .32304 - 437.32 x I 9.9 1)2 - 126,152 /l4'680r VOLTS TO VECTOR | CALCULATION FOR HIGH TENSION CIRCUIT 632 jp(A)- 376,42 ♦j I 09.61 Lg^ -1 06,047 ^j 78,876 -I32.l64 /3e'38'3r VOLTS Is»37442tj266 69 '463,40 / 34' 1 9' 44' AMPERES DETERMINATION OF LOSSES KWln . 60.000 '^Wrn - 1 26. 1 62 X 437.32 (COS 14' 68' IT - 82.874 KWgN - 132.184X463.40(008 2" I8•47^ - 69.874 '^Wqei^N- 133.662X460.47(003 9'2400T - 80.871 LOSSES TO NEUTRAL LOWERING TRANSFORMERS AND CONDENSERS 62.874-60.000 - 3874 HIGH TENSION LINE 69.874 -62.874 ■ 7000 RAISING TRANSFORMERS 80.97 1 - 69.874 -__7»7 TOTAL LOSS TO NEUTRAL -10.671 AS A PARTIAL CHECK LOWERING TRANSFORMERS (IRON LOSS 3-7 X 127.02 ." 470 (COPPER LOS3437 32^x1,(936) . J04 SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSERS ._ _- ..^ • 3100 RAISING TRANSFORMERS (IRON LOSS 3,52 X 133,662) - 470 (COPPER LOSS 463 4' X 1 6926) - 327 VIIQH TENSION LINE (VALUE ABOVE ASSUMED AS CORRECT - 7000 413.01 AMPS io«77 i8 53AMPa EFFICIENCY EfflOIENOY (HIGH TENSKW LINE) - |f||J • 88.3I« tFFlOlENCY, (GENERATORS TO LOAD)- |g g°° - 62.41* CALCULATION FOR GENERATOR VOLTAGE AND CURRENT ^OEN-N " Vl 1 32. 1 84 x .999 1 8 ♦ 463.4 x 1 .6926)'' + ( I 32. 1 84 x .040359 t 463.4 x 1 9.9 1 )' =■ 1 33.652 Iff 10' 23" VOLTS TO VECTOR Ig - 1 33.662 Ao' 30' OT VOLTS KV-As" I 32. 1 84 X 463,40 x 3 - I 70.789 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT KV-AgEN" I 33.662 X 460 47 x 3 - | 64.490 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT ■^V-A cc * ' 32' I 84 X 1 48.1 8 X 3 - 67.969 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT 4634 (.9942 -j. 1 0763) = 460.77 -j 48 76 i 28 46 (LEAKAGE OF RAISING TRANSFORMERS) '0EN-N"«4.=9-j76 2l ■ 480.47 \9' 24' 00' AMPERES TO VECTOR Eq£h -4S0>«7 /31'06 07' AMPtRe3 I.S4 A TYPICAL 220 KV PROBLEM CHART XXVI— 220 KV PROBLEM— EMERGENCY LOAD (APPROXIMATE SOLUTION) THIS APPROXIMATE SOLUTION ASSUMES THAT THE IMPEDANCE OF THE LOWERING TRANSFORMERS MAY BE ADDED TO THE LINE IMPEDANCE AND TREATED AS THOUGH IT WERE DISTRIBUTED LINE IM- PEDANCE--THIS ASSUMPTION SIMPLIFIES THE SOLUTION AT THE EXPENSE OF ACCURACY (SEE LOWER RIGHT HAND CORNER OF PAGE; ALSO TEXTl.— THE SOLUTION BELOW IS BASED UPON THE VOLTAGE BEINO HELD CONSTANT AT THE LOAD SIDE OF THE LOWERING TRANSFORMERS AND AT THE HIGH TENSION SIDE OF THE RAISING TRANSFORMERS.--IF THE VOLTAGE IS TO BE HELD CONSTANT AT THE GENERATOR BUS. THE IMPEDANCE OF THE RAISING TRANSFORMERS MUST ALSO BE ADDED TO THAT OF THE LINE-ALL LOW TENSION VALUES ARE REFERRED TO THE HIGH TENSION CIRCUIT. RAISING TRANSFORMERS Z.^"l 6926 + j I9.ai OHMS \l (000000 I HIGH TENSION LINE 34.66 +j 178.2 OHMS +j .001211 MHO LOWERING TRANSFORMERS SENDING END EMERGENCY LOAD PER 3 PHASE PER PHASE T I T T y T 1 1 y I I ' KV-Al= I 76.470 KWl" 1 60,000 PFl=86%LAG. Il=463. I TO NEUTRAL KWln- 60.000 PF|N = e6%LAG. = 127.020 = 463.1 NEUTRAL LINEAR CONSTANTS Z "37.S36+J2I8.02OHMS* Y= +j. 001 21 1 MHO * THIS INCLUDES IMPEDANCE OF LOWERING TRANSFORMERS AUXILIARY CONSTANTS (a) = (3| + j ^2) = COSH e " -870783 + j .02 1 9 1 RECEIVING END TRANSFORMERS (FOUR BANKS IN PARALLEL AT EACH END OF THE LINE) H-jtf" 1 .6926 OHMS RESISTANCE Xt^|= I 9.9 1 OHMS REACTANCE MAGNETIZING CURRENT - 27.8 AMPS. AT 1 27,020 VOLTS IRON LOSS = 3.70 AMPS. AT I 27.020 VOLTS IRON LOSS ..... - 470 KW TO NEUTRAL 60 CYCLES CONDENSERS FOUR 45,000 KVA SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSERS PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT WHEN OPERATING AT FULL LOAD PROVIDE MORE COMPENSATION THAN REQUIRED FOR MEETING THE EMERGENCY CONDITIONS-SINCE BOTH 3 PHASE CIRCUITS ON THE SAME TOWERS WILL BE OPERATED IN PARALLEL 7 CONDENSERS MAY BE USED FOR THE TWO CIRCUITS. THE 8TH CONDENSER BEING AVAILABLE AS A SPARE, UPON THIS BASIS THE CONDENSER DATA PER CIRCUIT IS AS FOLLOWS 3 PHASE TO NEUTRAL 470 aos CONDENSERS LOWERING TRANSFORMERS (IRON LOSS! ~ (COPPER LOSS 437,32' « 1. 6926) ... RAISING TRANSFORMERS (IRON LOSS! .„-■ - 470 (COPPER LOSS) 452.532 X 1. 5925 " 33^ HIGH TENSION LINE 60.248 - (52.570 ♦ 306) ■ 7373 TOTAL LOSS TO NEUTRAL - 1 1 .044 EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY. (HIGH TENSION LINE) , EFFIOIENOV. (CiENERATORS TO LOAD) 62,876 60.248 60.000 , 61.044 87.76* 6I.«I« % ERROR IN RESULTS ■ 1 34.004 /44' 36' 07" VOLTS KV- As = I 34.004 X 462,63 X 3 = I 8 1 .922 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT KV-Aco- 134.004X147.09X3= 69. 1 32 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT VOLTAGE AT SENDING END "+1.39% CURRENT AT SENDING END "-0.20% POWER FACTOR AT SENDING END - - 0,66% KV.A AT SENDING END -+1.18% LOSS IN HIGH TENSION LINE = + 6,33% NOTE - THESE PERCENTAGES OF ERROR ARE BASED UPON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE COMPLETE METHOD PRO- ^— DUCES 100% VALUES, -THE MINUS SIGNS SIGNIFY HE- \ SULTS TOO LOWi THE PLUS SIGNS RESULTS TOO HIGH. ^ie.53AMP3 Note : — Linear constant Z, as used in this chart, incorrectly includes impedance of two banks, whereas it should have included four banks of transformers. This error will not, however, materially affect the result. A TYPICAL 220 KV PROBLEM 155 ance, reactance, iron loss and magnetizing currents of the transformer banks to neutral should also be deter- mined for all capacity transformer banks required. With the above data tabulated any draughtsman can be instructed how to draw vector diagrams of the circuit to determine the sending end voltages corresponding to ficient to locate the curve, although more points were calculated for drawing the curves of Fig. 70. This method of obtaining condenser capacities correspond- ing to sending end voltages is a cut and try method. Il has one important advantage in its favor. That is, the results check each other, so that an error in one CHART XXVM— 220 KV PROBLEM—ZERO LOAD (COMPLETE SOLUTION; (THIS OORRESPONOS TO NORMAL LOW OONNECTJONSI *T ZCRO 1.0*0. WITH 230.000 VOITS MAINTAINED BETWCCN CONDUCTORS (132.T8T VOLTS TO NtUTRALl. AT THE MIGM TENSION SIDE OF THE RAISING TRANSfOHMERS THE VOtTAGC AT THE HIGH TCI*. SION SIDE Of THE LOWERING THANSEORMERS [NEGLECTING THE EFFECT OF THE LAGGING MAGNETIZING CURRENT OF THE LOWERING TRANSFORMERSi WILL RISE TO 230.000 DIVIDED ST Ai- 230,000 DIVIDED ST .89416 ■ 25T.219 VOLTS BETWEEN CONDUCTORS HAB.SIO VOLTS TO NEUTRAL). ACTUALLY THE GREATLY INCREASED LAGGING MAGNETIZING CURRENT OF THE LOWERING TRANSFORMERS WHEN EXCITED BT AB- NORMALLY HIGH VOLTAGE WILL NOT PERMIT OF THE RECEIVING END VOLTAGE REACHING SUCH A HIGH VOLTAGE UNLESS THE GENERATOR VOLTAGE RAISES MOMENTARILY TO A VALUE GREATLY IN EXCESS Of 230,000 VOLTS. IF HOWEVER THE LOWERING TRANSFORMERS ARE DISCONNECTED FROM THE CIRCUIT, THE INCREASED LEADING CHARGING CURRENT OF THE LINE, REACTING UPON THE GENERATOR FIELDS, CCVleiNED WITH A MOMENTARY OVER SPEED OF THE GENERATORS MAY CAUSE THE RECEIVING END VOLTAGE TO GREATLY EXCEED THE ABOVE VALUE. IN ORDER TO HOLD THE VOLTAGE AT THE RECEIVING END CONSTANT AT 220,000 VOLTS BETWEEN CONDUCTORS 1127.020 VOLTS TO NEUTRALI AT ZERO LOAD IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO PLACE AN ARTL FICIAL LAGGING LOAD AT THE LOAD END OF THE LINE--THIS IS ACCOMPLISHED BY OPERATING ONE OF THE SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSERS WITH ITS FIELDS UNDER EXCITED— BY CONSTRUCTING SEVERAL VECTOR DIAGRAMS FOR THIS CIRCUIT EACH BASED UPON DIFFERENT VALUES OF REACTOR LOAD. A CURVE MAY BE DRAWN BY PLOTTING THE REACTOR LOADS AGAINST THE CORRESPONDING BCNOING END VOLTAOCS.— FRON THIS CURVE THE REACTOR CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 23O.0O0 VOLTS BETWEEN CONDUCTORS AT THE SENDING END WILL BE SEEN TO BE APPROXIMATELY 30.000 RV-A LEAKAGE OF RAISING TRANSFORMERS CONDENSER (ONE RE(3UIRED) 3 PHASE TO NEUTRAL KV-A(;= 30.000 KV-AoN = io.ooo Ec=220.000 EcM=U7.O20 0=78,73 KWc KW, 'ON- 0-LOSS-N ' 508 'o-LOSS-N'=*00 LINEAR CONSTANTS Z = 34,66 tj 178,2 OHMS Y= +j .001211 MHO gig 2g AUXILIARY CONSTANTS ?>f, M (a) - (8l +j 82) -OOSH 8 = . 893.966 +j. 020.234" .BS4I8 /l'(7'47' " j _,^ (B).(b|*jbj) = 25Mil=yisiNH6.32.l98tjl72.094OHM8 |S |S ,= -l.04+jl6269 AMPERES 'q£N-N =57.1 I /si'Se'CA" AMPERES PFqen"'*°*i-"°"*° (C)-(c,*jOj).y§^. WHERE 6" fZY = siNH8- -.ooo.ooe+j.ooi,ie8 MHO 5s 0SO" 84- 44' 3 I • PFso - 9 ' ** LEADING /^gen-no" "°-'°° / 0' 30' 1 6" VOLTS ^-(vfclOHOmt^ERENOE) VE,^- 1 27.020 VOLTa "^EgNo " ' CALCULATION FOR RECEIVING-END CURRENT AND VOLTAGE Ico" *00-i'8.e3 COS, 86' 22' 67- -.063096 COS. Be" 21' 27- - .08363 |.^P= 1.86-j 13,90 SIN. 86' 22' 67" =9980 I SIN. 86" 21' 27' - .99798 |p|-l= 6 86- j 92.63 AMPERES = 92.71 \86' 22' 67" AMPERES TO VECTOR E^no i.»7« /0'ir36 ' VOLTS LEAKAGE OF LOWERING TRANSFORMERS Ion - 92.7 I \86'2|-27- AMPERES TO RECTOR OF REFERENCE - 6.89 -j 92.62 AMPERES Erno" 7 " ''•°^° " °"°^5 + 92,7 1 k 3. 1 86)^ + ( I 27.020 « .9980 1 + 92.7 1 « 39.62)^ • 1 30.724 LSS11112i" VOLTS TO VECTOR Ifio CALCULATION FOR HIGH TENSION CIRCUIT DETERMINATION OF LOSSES KWlno -0 I^Wrno - 130.724 k 92.7 1 ((XJ8 6«" 8 r 27n • 7T0 ^'^ma >l32.974K703a((X»W'44'3n - MT KWqe,^.,^- 1 30 206 K67.il (008 8 r 26' 4**) - MOt LOSSES TO NEUTRAL tOWERINO TRANSFORMERS AND CONDENSER - 770 tW3H TENSION LINE 667-770 , " 87 RAiaiNQ TRANSFORMERS I 1 08-867 - 861 'TOTAL LOSSjrO NEUTRAL - 1 108 AS A PARTIAL CHECK -RN0(A)= I 16.861 +j2e46 1ro(B) = ie.iii-ii966 EsNO' 1 32.972 tj 680 Iro(A)= 7.13 - j 8269 ^RN0(C)= - 1.04 *i 162 69 |gn= 8.09 + j 70.10 I C(}S. -.091642 - 132.974 / 0' I 7' 36 ' vni T.-i - 70.36 / 86' 02' 06" AMPERES CALCULATION FOR GENERATOR VOLTAGE AND CURRENT ^QEN-NO- I (I 32,974 X 09 I 642 4. 70,36 K 3, 1 SSl'' * ( I 32,974 x .99679 - 70.36 x 39.82)' LOWERINO TRANSFORMERS (IRON LOSS 1,86X127.02 ... - 93S (COPPER LOSS 82,71 '»1.H6) - SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSER RAISINO TRANSFORMERS (IRON LOSS 1,80 X 130,308) . «. - (COPPER LOSS 70 3«'x3.||6) - HIGH TENSION LINE (VALUE ABOVE ASSUMED AS CORRECT - _ IT •0( iis 16 87 1108 EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY, (HIOH TENSION LINE) "517" ef>.8(» 1 30.206 /84'3r 60' VOLTS TO VECTOR 1 30.206 / 0*30' 16' VOLTS 70.38 (.0963 1 6 -fj. 99646) = 6,71 +j 70,04 - 1,80 -j 13,67 (LEAKAGE OF RAISINO TRANSFORMERS) 'qEN-N- 8 61 *j 66,47 -67,11 /8r26'48' AMPERES TO VECTOR Eqe^-no - 67, 1 I /8I'66'04' AMPERES . (COS. = .096316 I SIN. -.99646 C(3S.SI'26'48'- 14902 KV-Aso° ' 32 974 X 70.36 x 3 - 28.068 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT KV-Aqen-o" ' 30.206 X 67. 1 I X 3 - 22.308 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT KV-Aco" 132.974(001 168 xU8,6IO)x 3 = 69.197 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT * ABASED UPON H.T. LINE BEING OPEN AT RECEIVING END. the various receiving end loads and different phase mod- ifier capacities. The graphical method used in determining the values to plot the curves of Fig. 70, is illustrated by Fig. 71. Three solutions are illustrated, two with condens- ers of different size and one without condensers. Three such solutions for each load will usually be suf- of the graphical constructions corresponding to a given load will be detected, since the point will not lay in the curve and an error in a curve corresponding to a given load will be detected by the curves of Fig. 72. CAPACITY OF PHASE MODIFIERS The curves of Fig. 70 show that, for a constant delivered load, power-factor and voltage, the leading 156 A TYPICAL 220 KV PROBLEM capacity of phase modifiers required goes down as the Hne drop increases. For instance 75 000 kw at 85 per- cent power-factor and 220 kv can be delivered over this line with 230 kv sending end voltage, if 43 000 kv-a condenser capacity is placed in parallel with the load. If, however, a line drop of 20 kv is selected in place of 10 kv, the sending end voltage will be 240 kv and the corresponding condenser load will be reduced to approximately 30000 kv-a. On the other hand this increased line drop will necessitate a greater capacity The dotted line in Fig. 70 is simply the zero load line thrown over to the leading load side to facilitate studv in phase modifier capacity. For instance, projection from the points where the dotted line intersects a load curve will give the minimum capacity of phase modifier on the bottom scale and the corresponding sending end voltage on the vertical scale to the left. Thus with a load of 75 000 kw, intersection of the dotted line with this load curve indicates that 33 000 kv-a phase modi- fier capacity will be required both at this load and at zero CHART XXVMI— 220 KV PROBLEM— ZERO LOAD (APPROXIMATE SOLUTION) (THIS CORRESPONDS TO THE NORMAL LOAD CONNECTIONS) THIS APPROXIMATE SOLUTION ASSUMES THAT THE IMPEDANCE OF THE LOWERING TRANSFORMERS MAY 8E ADDED TO THE LINE IMPEDANCE AND TREATED AS THOUGH IT WERE DISTRIBUTED UNE IM. PCDANCE-THIS ASSUMPTION SIMPLIFIES THE SOLUTION AT THE EXPENSE OF ACCURACT (SEE LOWER RIGHT HAND CORNER OF PAGE: ALSO TEXTI.-THE SOLUTION BELOW IS MSEO UPON THE VOLTAGE BEINC MELD CONSTANT AT THE LOAD SIDE OF THE LOWERING TRANSFORMERS AND AT THE HIGH TENSION SIDE OF THE RAISING THANSFORMERS.-IF THE VOLTAGE IS TO BE HELD CONSTANT AT THE GENERATOR BUS THE IMPEDANCE OF THE RAISING TRANSFORMERS MUST ALSO BE ADDED TO THAT OF THE LINE-ALL LOW TENSION VALUES ARE REFERRED TO THE HIGH TENSION CIRCUIT ■ Ht glhehator BUS. AT ZERO LOAD. WITH ?3O.000 VOLTS MAINTAINED BETWEEN CONDUCTORS (I32.T87 VOLTS TO NEUTRAL). AT THE HIGH TENSION SIDE OF THE RAISING TRANSFORMERS THE VOLTAGE AT THE HIGH TEN- 8.0N SIDE OF THE LOWERING TRANSFORMERS .NEGLECTING THE EFFECT OF THE LAGGING MAGNETIZING CURRENT OF THE LOWERING TRANSFORMERS? vlrLL RISE TO 230 OOOOIvVoEDByTa"/^^^ DmSED BY ■ 7I0S -ZSA.OAS VOLTS BETWEEN CONDUCTORS 152 »5tVOLTS TO NtUTRALi. ACTUALLY THE GREATLY INCREASED LAGGING MAGNETIZING CURRENT OF THE LOWErTnG TRANSFORMERS WHEN EXcfTED BY AB- NORMALLY HIGH VOLTAGE WILL NOT PERMIT OF THE RECEIVING END VOLTAGE REACHING SUCH A HIGH VOLTAGE UNLESS THE GENERATOR VOLTAGE RAISES mSmentARIlV TO A VaIuE GREATLY IN EXCESS OF i^^^.Z:'^'-!^^". 'i?,'lV'«S".J?'„l;?S'=="^;?Jj;''#i?".!t=„"Aj;S.°J^£?~~,'^"^'' = '>/''°" ■'"■^ CRCUIT.THE increased leading charging CURRENT OF THE LIiSe. SeACtIngui^NtSe GENERATOR F|"dS, COMBINED WITH A MOMENTARY OVER SPEED OF THE GENERATORS MAY CAUSE THE RECEIVING END VOLTAGE TO GREATLY EXCEED THE ABOVE VALUE IN ORDER TO HOLD THE VOLTAGE AT THE RECEIVING END CONSTANT AT 220.000 VOLTS BETWEEN CONDUCTORS (127,020 VOLTS TO NEUTRAL! AT ZERO LOAD IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO PLACE AN ARTI. riCIAL LAGGING LOAD AT THE LOAD END OF THE LINE-THIS IS ACCOMPLISHED BY OPERATING ONE OF THE SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSERS WITH ITS FIELDS UNDER EXCITeS .-BY CONSTRlJCTING SEVERAL VECTOR DIAGRAMS FOR THIS CIRCUIT EACH BASED UPON DIFFERENT VALUES OF REACTOR LOAD, A CURVE MAY BE DRAWN BY >Co-fTING THE REACTOR LOADS AcjArNST THE COR^ END "oLTAMB ." FHON THIS CURVE THE REACTOR CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 230.000 VOLTS BETWEEN CONDUCTORS AT THE SENDING END WiLl BE SEEN TO BE APPROXIMATELY 30 OOO RV-A ^ * "* VOLTAWB... CONDENSER (ONE REQUIRED) 'c-LOSS'*<"' to neutral KV-A(;n=i<"""' KW, ON'"" c-loss-n"'"' 'c-Loss-Nr*"" LINEAR CONSTANTS Z ' 37.S36 *j7\ 8.03 OHMS -k Y - +i.OOI2ll MHO 1l THIS INCLUDES IMPEDANCE OF LOWERINO TRANSFORMERS AUXILIARY CONSTANTS (A) = (ai*iaa)=' cosh e = . 670783 -tj. 021 91 1» 87108 /r ae' 7%- SINH6 /•C-SNO (B).(bcjbj).z {C)-(0i*iCs).y5!Mie WHERE e - ^ZY 130.134 • /0"!2II7' VOLTS ■ft SINH e - 34.8883 + j 208.83 OHMS 8INH a " - .000.008 «j .00 1 1 88 MHO. CALCULATION FOR MVECTOR OF REFERENCE) DETERMINATION OF LOSSES KW,«o-o RECEIVING-END CURRENT RNO' I27.030XS2.7I (COS Be' 22' 67-|-743 .0«° pfno 'CO 'to 'ro = 4.00 -j 78.83 • 186-113.80 6.88 -j 92.63 AMPERES 92.7 1 \88'2287- AMPERES CALCULATION FOR HIGH TENSION CIRCUIT LEAKAGE OF LOWERING TRANSFORMERS ErNO (A)= I 1 0,607 +j 2783 lRf%(B)° I9S26-J 1977 ESNO' I30.l32*j 806 = 130.134 /O' 21' 17' VOLTS !ro(A)- Erno^C)= 'so" ■ ),l4+j 147,09 6.98 +j 86.66 88.92 / 84- 62 23' AMPERES KV-A so - I 30. 1 34 X 68.92 X 3 - 26. 1 26 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT KV-A CO = I 30. 1 34 (.00 II 68 X I 62,46 I ) « 3 = 69,5 I 6 PER 3 PHASE CIRCUIT •*■ if BASED upon H.T. LINE BEINQ OPEN AT RECEIVING END. KW, KWjNo" 1 30. 1 34 « 66 82 (008 84"3r08")-B3l LOSSES TO NEUTRAL CONDENSER - 808 LOWERINQ TRANSFORMERS (IR0NL(^8> -» 836 (COPPER LOSS 92.7l'»3.ie6) - ■ «7 RAISING TRANSFORMERS (IR0NL0S3) > ,..- 218 (COPPER LOSS 66 82^x3.186) .» 14 HIGH TENSION LINE 83 1 -(743 + 27) " 6^ TOTAL LOSS TO NEUTRAL - 1080 EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY. (HIOH TENSION LINE) .- ^-92,88% % ERROR IN RESULTS VOLTAGE AT SENDING END " - 2.13% CURRENT AT SENDING END "- 4.86% POWER FACTOR AT SENDING END - ♦ 4,24% KV-A AT SENDING END --- 6,93* LOSS IN HIGH TENSION LINE ..--2088% NOTE - THESE PERCENTAGES OF ERROR ARE BASED UPON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE COMPLETE METHOD PRO- DUCES 100% VALUES.-THE MINUS SIGNS SIGNIFY RE- SULTS TOO LOV*( THE PLUS SIGNS RESULTS TOO HIGH. at zero load in order to maintain 240 kw constant at the sending end. Thus with 230 kv at the sending end, about 30 000 kv-a reactor load will be required at zero load, whereas with 240 kv at the sending end, about 40 000 kv-a reactor load will be required at zero load. Obviously the smallest phase modifier capacity possible to maintain regulation is one in which full ca- pacity leading will be required under maximum load and full capacity lagging under zero load. At half load such a phase modifier would operate at near zero kv-a. load and that the corresponding sending end voltage will be approximately 236 kv. At 100 000 kw load, nearly 50000 kv-a phase modifier capacity will be required, and the corresponding sending end voltage would be 250 kv. As previously stated, phase modifiers which may be operated at rated load both lagging and leading are spe- cial, and cost more than standard phase modifiers. On account of unstable operation due to weakened field, standard condensers usually cannot be operated at lag- A TYPICAL 220 KV PROBLEM 1S7 ging loads above approximately 70 percent of their full load leading rating. To deliver 75 000 kv-a at 85 percent power-factor requires approximately 42000 kv-a in phase modifier capacity with 230 kv at the sending end. To maintain the sending end voltage of 230 kv at zero liMM .^^ — ' A0 >:::; '-^^ *;-. '^ 1 ^^ !< ^ ^_,«^ y ^;:>^ " M BM U which determines the total capacity of phase modifiers, for the 220 kv problem. For instance at normal load, 43 000 kv-a in capacity is required, whereas for the double or emergency load 157000 kv-a capacity (nearly four times) is required This large increase is due to the fact that the line charging cur- rent (which tends to reduce phase modifier capacity under load) has not changed, and that the line impedance volts has become twice as much, making it necessarj' to turn the line impedance triangle through a large angle in the counter-clockwise direction in order that the sending end voltage be not in- creased. PHASE MODIFIER CAPACITTf REOUrRED-KV-A -LEADING FIG. 72 — PHASE MODIFIER CAPACITY REOUIRICD FOR THE VARIOUS LOADS These curves are plotted from values read from the curves of Fig. 70 and are on the basis of a constant load voltage of 220 kv. load requires approximately 30000 kv-a lagging. This is 70 percent of the capacity leading, thus permitting of employing a standard 43 000 kv-a condenser. To provide margin a 45 000 kv-a standard condenser might be selected for this normal load con- dition. Under emergency conditions (that is, double or 150000 kw load at 85 percent power-factor) 157000 kv-a phase modifier capacity will be required if 230 kv is not to be ex- ceeded at the sending end. If the generator can be operated during the emergency condition at increased voltage of, for instance, 240 kv, the phase modifier capacity could be re- duced to approximately 140000 kv-a. However, too much liberty in variation of generator operating voltage should not be taken. If the voltage is held constant at the high- voltage side of the raising transform- ers, the generator operating voltage will have to be varied to compensate for the regulation of the sending end transformers, and to provide a still greater range in generator operating voltage might impose a hardship on the generator designers. The volt- age drop through the transformers is small under load conditions, since the power-factor will be near unity, but under zero load condition the drop will be considerable, due to the low power-factor, especially if a large phase modifier load is re- quired at zero load. It will be seen that it is the emergency condition CONSTANTS E^- VOLTUC AT LOAD HElA OOMSTAnT at 3,0 oOO VOLTS KWt"''00OHW*Ti«PFOON»T*NT 80TMAT 1^ • III \]|-4r*M^ (A) - ••**; 0I03.(S|.j«j) (B) -3J J'ilH0MM8.(b, .jD,) (C) - l»*OT ItEQUmED MEHEt W'TM M OCC KV » COWDENaEI C*y*OITV TRANaroAMER nESlSTANCt - 3 < ■ OHMS TO MFUTWAL TTUNHFOAMER REACTANCE • 3* •] OHMS TQ NEUTRAl TRANSrOAMER LEAKAGE • I » - j 1 3 » AMPS TO NEUTRM. FIG. 71 — GRAPHIC METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE VOLTAGE AT THE SENDING END. Corresponding to different condenser loads in parallel with a constant power load of 75 000 kw at 85 percent power- factor and 220 kv. The results as plotted in Fig. 70 were obtained by similar constructions. LINE 1I2.S MILES LONG (A)-.T..,«.i LINE 22S MILES LONG (A). •••.,«•» (B)-...-, LINE 337.6 MILES LONG E-" FIG. Ti — VECTOR DIAGRAMS SHOW- ING THE EFFECT OF THE LENGTH OF THE LINE ON THE PHASE MODI- FIER CAPACITY REQUIRED The diagrams represent a three-phase, 60 cycle circuit, con- sisting of three 605 000 circ mil aluminum steel reinforced con- ductors, when delivering 75 000 kw at 85 percent lagging power- factor at a load voltage of 220 kv with a sending end voltage of 230 kv. 158 A TYPICAL 220 KV PROBLEM The zero load curve on Fig. 70 is drawn for the normal load connection; that is, for two 50000 kv-a transformer banks in parallel. For the emergency load four transformer banks in parallel will be required. The result of the increased magnetizing current con- sumed by four in place of two transformer banks will be to reduce the capacity of phase modifiers required under zero load. A second zero load line could be added, covering four transformer banks. Such a line would lie directly above the one for two transformer banks but would not materially affect the results. For load conditions of 100 000 kw at 85 percent power-fac- LINC 112.6 MILES LON& PHASE MOOinER CAPACITY RESUIREO-KVA FIG. 74— CURVE SHOWING THE RELATION BET\VEEN PHASE MODIFIER CAPACITY AND SENDING END VOLTAGE For various receiving end loads of 85 percent lagging power-factor and a constant load voltage of 220 ky. These carves apply to a three phase, 60 cycle circuit consisting of three 605 000 circ. mil aluminum steel conductors. The vector construction of these four lines is shown in Fig. 73. tor and above, the points for the curves were determined on the basis of four transformer banks. In the above it was assumed that the power-factoi of the load would be 85 percent lagging. A long line such as this would probably feed into an extended dis- tribution net work, having numerous load centers. At these load centers synchronous condensers would pro- bably be located for the purpose of holding the voltage constant. This would necessitate operating the con- denser leading at heavy loads thus raising the power- factor of the entire system under load, and in effect reducing the capacity of phase modifiers required for voltage control at the receiving end of the line. This point should be investigated where a long line such as this feeds a net work on which condensers are required for voltage control. It may be desired to investigate the effect of line charging current on phase modifier capacity for lines of different lengths. For this purpose the vector dia- grams Fig. 73, and the phase modifier curves, Fig. 74, were prepared. These vector diagrams and curves are based upon a constant load of 75 000 kw at 85 percent power-factor delivered at 220 kv and a line drop of 10 kv. In other words the only variable for the four different lines is the length and this varies in equal in- crements. The vector diagrams of Fig. 73 show the influence of line charging current upon condenser capacity. As the length of the line increases, the influence of the in- — 1 I — ' — ^, sv " ^ F, ■ ?'""" ^ ^ iSM.OW V §344 060 5 |3«0 000 •s, lauooo ^^\ ^ ^-j E»tooo X ^ 'v. * Vl.POO s. s. S ' s ato.oeo flM.OM FIG. 75 — CURVES SHOWING THE VOLTAGE ON EACIt SIDE OF THE RAISING TRANSFORMERS Corresponding to condenser loads of vari- ous capacities in parallel with a constant load of 75 000 kw at 85 percent power factor lagg- ing and 220 kv. The vertical distance between the two voltage lines is the voltage drop or voltage rise through the raising transformers. For condenser loads up to 15000 kv-a there is a drop in voltage through the raising transfor- mers. For condenser loads above 15000 ky-a there is a rise in voltage through the raising transformers. creased line charging current is toward a reduction in condenser capacity; that is the line itself furnishes a large part of the leading current necessary to maintain the proper line voltage drop. If this line were longer than 450 miles, the line charging current at a certain length would be sufficient in itself to maintain the de- sired voltages at the two ends of the line without the aid of condensers. In such a case, however, a large reactor capacity would be required at zero and low loads to hold the receiving end voltage at a constant value. The reason that a short line may necessitate more condenser capacities for voltage control than a long line is simple. For the 112.5 mile line the charging current will be about one half as much as for a 225 mile line. Since the line is only half as long this smaller charging curent will flow through only half the inductance so that the net result of half the line charging current and half the inductance will be about one fourth the voltage A TYPICAL 220 KV PROBLEM 159 boosting effect due to line charging current. On the other hand the line impedance will be only half as grear, but the net result will be more condenser capacity for the short line. A large part of the condenser capacity is required for neutralizing the lagging reactor com- ponent of the load. Auxiliary constant A, as previously explained, ac- counts for the effect of the line charging curent flowing through the impedance of the circuit; that is, the volt- age boosting effect of the charging current. Thus for the 1 12.5 mile line (Fig. 73) a^ which accounts for the line charging current flowing through the inductance of the circuit is near unity and a„ near zero, but for the 450 mile line a^ drops to 0.594 and a, increases to 0.07508. As the length of line increases, constant A moves the line impedance triangle to the left and raises its toe somewhat. The increased line impedance and slightly increased current at the receiving end increases the size of the line impedance triangle. The curves of Fig. 74 show the relation between phase modifier capacity and sending end voltage for dif- ferent receiving end loads of 85 percent lagging power- factor and a constant load voltage of 220 kv. It is inter- esting to note the effect of distance for fixed size con- ductors upon the maximum amount of power which can be transmitted over a circuit, as evidenced by the load curves bending upward as the line length increase. It is also interesting to note the decrease in phase modifiers leading capacity and increase in phase modifier lagging capacity as the line becomes larger, as evidenced of the load curves shifting to the right. The curves. Fig. 75, show the voltage at each side of the raising transformer, corresponding to various condenser capacities in paral- lel with a constant load of 75 000 kw at 85 percent lag- ging power- factor and 220 kw. H. B. DWIGHT'S METHOD. In the various methods for determining the per- formance of transmission lines which are described above, current and voltage vectors or corresponding vector quantities have been employed throughout. It was believed that solutions embodying the use of current and voltage vectors would be the more easily followed by the young engineer, for the assistance of whom this book has been primarily written. H. B. Dwight worked out and published in book form formulas for determining the complete performance of circuits by the employment of quantities not gener- ally employed in the methods described above. These quantities require a new set of symibols applicable to his method. Partly to prevent confusion in symbols but principally because his method has been so completely and clearly set forth and illustrated with numerous ex- amples worked out in the two books referred to his method has not been detailed in this book. To include it here would simply be a duplication of what is al- ready available in very complete form. THE CIRCLE DIAGRAM Various forms of circle diagrams as an aid in determining the performance of short transmission lines have been frequently described by writers, notably by R. A. Philip 'thru the medium of the A. I. E. E. trans- actions of February 1911. Following this H. B. Dwight worked out a solution and construction for a circle diagram which accurately takes into account the effect of capacitance in transmission lines that is, a circle diagram for long high voltage lines. This circle dia- gram consists of curves which indicate the phase modi- fier capacity (leading or lagging) required to maintain a certain reciving end voltage corresponding to all values of delivered load up to the maximum capacity of the line. In other words it gives data such as is given by the curves of Fig. No. 70. The next step in the development of the circle dia- gram was to so alter the constants upon which it is con- structed that it will take accurately into account the localized impedance and loss in raising or lowering transformers or in both. Of course^ the transformer impedance may be added to the line impedance as is frequently done and considered as distributed line im- pedance; Such procedure, will, however, in the case of the circle diagram for the line alone result in objection- able errors in the results. In order to correctly apply the circle diagram to long lines so as to accurately in- clude the effect of transformers in the circuit it is neces- sary to develop new formulas for obtaining values for the constants by which the circle diagram is constructed. See articles on transmission line constants by R. D. Evans and H. K. Sels in the Electric Journal, page 306 July 1921, page 356 August 1921 and page 530 Decem- ber 1921. To the exi>ert who spends much time investigating transmission problems the general use of the circle dia- gram should be of great assistance. It indicates per- formance at all loads, which with other methods would hav^e to be obtained by a separate calculation or vector diasfram construction for each load. ♦Transmission Line Formulas, 1913. D. Van Nostrand Co- New York City and Constant-voltage Transmission, 1915, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York City. INDEX Pages. Accuracy of Various Methods — Comparative 119 & 140 Admittance Correcting Factor for Kennelly Equivalent V Solution— Charts XX and XXI 100-101 Advantages of High Power Factor 134 Angle — Hyperbolic 88 Application of Tables to the Solution of Short Lines — Chart II 52 Long Lines— Chart VIII 70 Armature Current — Effect Upon Field Excitation of A. C. Generators 129-130 Armature Impedance — Effect Upon Voltage of A. C. Generators 130 Auxiliary Constants — Corresponding to Localized Capa- citance methods 1 12-1 13 Comparison of Results When Taken from Wilkinson and Kennelly Charts 146-lSl Definition of 64-142 Determination by Convergent Series 80 & 82 Determination by Hyperbolic Functions 96 Five Different Methods of Determining 143 How They Modify Short Line Diagrams 143 Tabulation for 64 Different Circuits 83 Wilkinson Chart for Obtaining A — Chart V 67 Wilkinson Chart for Obtaining B— Chart VI.../. 68 Wilkinson Chart for Obtaining C— Chart VII 69 Behavior of A. C. Generators when Charging a Trans- mission Line 136 Bibliography on Solution of Circuits 109 On Cable 128 Cables — Capacitance of 3-Conductor 125-126 Capacitance and Susceptance of 3-Conductor — Table XXVir 126 Charging Kv-a for 3-Conductor— Table XXVIII 127 Effect of Stranding and Spiraling Upon Inductance 9 Heating Limits 121-122 Inductance, Reactance, Impedance of 3-Conductor Cable at 25 Cycles— Table XXV 123 Inductance, Reactance, Impedance of 3-Conductor Cable at 60 Cycles— Table XXVI : 124 Reactance of 3-Conductor Cable 121 Capacitance — Charging Current, Inductance — Chapter II 10 Definition of H Formula 11 & 20 Relation to Inductance 21 Susceptance Bare Conductors at 25 Cycles — Table IX 17 Susceptance Bare Conductors at 60 Cycles — Table X 18 Three Conductor Cable 125-126 To Neutral per 1000 Feet of Single Bare Conductor —Table VIII 16 Capacity of Synchronous Motor and Condensers for Power Factor Improvement 132 of Phase Modifiers for Voltage Control Chapter XV 138 of Bare Conductors in air (heating limit) Table XXIII 43 Susceptance to Neutral Per Mile of Single Bare Con- ductor at 25 Cycles— Table IX 17 Susceptance to Neutral Per Mile of Single Bare Con- ductor at 60 cycles — Table X 18 Charging Current — At Zero Load 20 Capacitance, reactance — Chapter II 10 Effect upon Conductor Loss 34 Of Short Lines 62 Relation in Single and Three Phase Circuits 20 Charging Kv-a — In three Phase Circuits Per Mile of 3 Bare Conductors — Table XI 19 of 3-Conductor Cables 127 Charging Transmission Lines — Behavior of A. C. Gen- erators when 136 Chart I Inductance 6 11 Application of Tables to Short Transmission Lines 52 III Mershon Chart for Determining Line Drop in Short Lines 54 IV Dwight Chart for Determining Line Drop in Short Lines 56 Pages. V Wilkinson Chart A for Determining Auxiliary Constants a.^ and aj 67 VI Wilkinson Chart B for Determining Auxiliary Constants K and h, 68 VII Wilkinson Chart C for Determining Auxiliary Constants Ci and Cj 69 VIII Applicatiort of Tables to Long Transmission Lines 70 IX Peters Efficiency Chart for Transformers 74 X Peters Regulation Chart for Transformers 75 XI Determination of Auxiliary Constants by Con- vergent Series 82 XII Auxiliary Constants of 64 Different Circuits 83 XIII Calculation of Performance (Receiver End Conditions Fixed) 84 XIV Calculation of Performance (Sending End Conditions Fixed) 86 XV Calculated Performance of 64 Different Circuits 87 XVI Determination of Auxiliary Constants by Hy- perbolic Functions 96 XVII Equivalent 'V' Solution of Problem X 103 XVIII Kennelly Chart for Impedence Correcting Fac- tor (Angles to .40) 98 XIX Kennelly Chart for Impedance Correcting Fac- tor (Angles .40 to 1.0) 99 XX Kennelly Chart for Admittance Correcting Fac- tor (Angles to .20) 100 XXI Kennelly Chart for Admittance Correcting Fac- tor (Angles .20 to .50) 101 XXII Comparison of Results by Various Methods 118 XXIII 220 Kv. Problem— Normal Load (Complete Solution) 149 XXIV 220 Kv. Problem— Normal Load (Approxi- mate Solution) 150 XXV 220 Kv. Problem— Emergency Load (Com- plete Solution) 153 XXVI 220 Kv. Problem — Emergency Load (Approxi- mate Solution) 154 XXVII 220 Kv. Problem— Zero Load (Complete So- lution) 155 XXVIII 220 Kv. Problem— Zero Load (Approximate Solution) 156 Checking the Work 138 Choice of Various Methods 108 Circuits — Paralleling 41 Electric, Dielectric and Magnetic 1-2 Circular Functions 88 Sines, Cosines, Tangents — Table K 57 Common Transmission Voltages — Table H 48 Comparison — Accuracy of 9 Different Methods 118-119 Accuracy of 5 Methods of Including Transformers.... 140 of Calculated Capacitance of 3-Conductor Cables with test results 128 of 9 Different Methods— Chapter XII Ill Complex Angle — Definition 90 Complex Hyperbolic Functions — Definition 90-94 Dr. Kcnnelly's Model 92 Complex Quantities — Definition 78 Condensers and Phase Modifiers 131 Condensers and Synchronous Motors — For Power Factor Improvement — Chapter XIV 129 Determination of Capacity 132-134 Condenser.? — Generators as 131 Installations of Large Capacity — Table U 137 Location 132 Methods of applying — Chapter XII Ill Mechanical Load Carried 131 Ratings, Starting, "\"' Curves, Losses, Etc 131 Conductors — Capacitance (See Capacitance) Economic Size 45 & 145 Effect of Unsymmetrical Spacing 10 Effect of Stranding and Spiraling upon Inductance 9 Flux Distribution Around 3 Heating of Bare Conductors in Air 42-43 Heating of 3-Conductor Cables 121-122 Inductance (See Inductance) Impedance (See Impedance) INDEX 161 Pages. Reactance (See Reactance) Resistance (See Resistance) Skin Effect (See Skin Effect) Weight of Bare— Table E-1 46 Constants — Auxiliary (See Auxiliary Constants) Methods of Determining the Linear Constants 51 Transformer Constants Taken Into Account 7i & 139 Convergent Series for Determining the Auxiliary Constants 80-82 Copper Loss of Transformers — Table X 141 Copper Conductors (See Conductors) Corona — Effect of — Chapter IV 35 Formulas , 36-37 Voltage Limitation— Table XXII 38 Correcting Factors — Charts for Impedance for Equivalent T Solution Charts XVIII and XIX 98-99 Charts for Admittance for Equivalent ■^ Solution^ Chart XX and XXI 100-101 Mathematical Determination for Equivalent tt Solu- tion 107 Cosines, Sines and Tangents of Angles — Table K 57 Cost — Relative Cost of High Tension Apparatus 46 Power Factor Improvement by Synchronous Motors 135 Current and Voltage Determination Along Circuit — By Auxiliary Constants 62-64 & 76 by Hyperbolic Position Angles 102-106 Degree — Subdivisions of, Table P 110 Determination of — Capacity of Synchronous Motors and Condensers 132-134 Correcting Factor for Equivalent tt Solution Mathe- matically 107 Frequency and Voltage 45 Dielectric Circuit 2 Distribution of Current and Voltage Along the Circuit — By Auxiliary Constants 62-64 & 76 by Hyperbolic Position Angles 102-106 by a Polar Diagram 108 Dwight Chart for Short Lines 55-56 Economies Size of Conductors 45 & 145 Effect of Armature Current Upon Field Excitation of A. C. Generators 129-130 Armature Impedance upon Terminal Voltage of A. C. Generators 130 Corona — Chapter IV 35 Charging Current on Conductor Loss 34 Harmonies in Current and Voltage 108 Power Factor Upon Voltage Drop 135 Spiraling and Stranding of Conductors Upon Induc- tance 9 Transformers in the Line 7i & 139 Corona — Chapter IV 35 Effective Spacing of Conductors 10 Efficiency Chart for Transformer — Peters Chart IX 74 Electric Circuit — The 2 Electric Propogation — Speed of 40 Electric Wave— Length of 40 Equivalent tt Method — Charts for Impedance Correcting Factor— Charts XVIII & XIX 98-99 Charts for Admittance Correcting Factor — Charts XX & XXI 100-101 General 97 Example of Calculation— Chart XVII 103 Mathematical Determination of the Correcting Fac- tors 107 Equivalent "T" Solution— General 102 Estimating Tables — Quick — Chapter III 23 Exciting Transmission Lines — Methods of 136 Field Excitation — Effect of Armature Current Upon 129-130 Flux — Effect of Armature Flux Upon Field Excitation of A. C. Generator 129-130 Distribution Around Conductor 3-6 Formulas 7 & 9 Formulas — Capacitance 11 & 20 Carrying Capacity of Bare Conductors in Air 44 Convergent Series 80 Corona 36-37 Inductance 7 & 9 Transmission Line in Terms of the Auxiliary Con- stants 80 Transmission Lines of Short Length 59 Transmission Line in Terms of Hyperbolic Functions 80 Frequency Determination 45 Pages. FuiKtions— Complex Functions of Hyperbolic Angles 90-94 Circular 88 Hyperbolic— Real 88 Hyperbolic — Complex 91 Sines, Cosines and Tangents of Circular Angles 57 Generators — As Synchronous Condensers 131 Behavior When Charging Transmission Lines 136 Effect of Field Excitation Upon A. C. Generators....l29-130 Graphical Solution (See Solutions) Harmonic Currents and Voltages — Effect of 108 in Quarter Wave Resonance 41 Heating — Bare Conductors in Air 42-43 Limits for Cables, General 121-122 Tabulated Values for Cables— Table XXIV 122 High Power Factor — Advantages 134 High Tension Apparatus — Relative Cost — Table F 46 How High to Raise the Power Factor 132 Hyperbolic Angles — Real 88 Complex 9(^-94 Hyperbolic Functions — Applied to the Solution of Line Performance — Chapter XI 95 Chapter X 88 Complex Angles 91 Formulas for Long Lines 80 for Determining the Auxiliary Constants 96 Symbols Pertaining to 95 Inductance — Capacitance — Charging Current — Chapter II 10 Effect of Spiraling and Stranding of Conductors Upon 9 Formulas 7 & 9 (General 3 Graphic Solution — Chart 1 6 Per 1000 Feet of Single Conductor— Table III 8 Reactance and Impedance of 3-Conductor Cables at 25 Cycles— Table XXV 123 Reactance and Impedance of 3-Conductor Cables at 60 Cycles— Table XXVI 124 Relation to Capacitance 21 Skin Effect and Resistance — Chapter 1 1 Variation from the Fundamental Formula 7 Installations of Large Phase Modifiers — Table U 137 Impedance — Correcting Factor for Equivalent tt Solu- tion—Charts XVIII and XIX 98 & 99 Effect of Armature Impedance Upon Voltage of A. C. Generators „.... 130 Effect of Transformer Impedance in the Circuit 73 & 139 Inductance and Reactance of 3-Conductor Cables at 25 Cycles— Table XXV 123 Inductance and Reactance of 3-Conductor Cables at 60 Cycles— Table XXVI 124 Transformer Impedance to Neutral 141 Iron Loss in Transformers — Table X 141 Kennelly— Charts for Impedance Correcting Factors for Equivalent ,r Solution— Charts XVIII and XIX 98-99 Charts for Admittance Correcting Factors for Equiva- lent T Solution— Charts XX and XXI lOO-lOl Equivalent ,r Solution — General 97 Equivalent ,r Solution— Example of Solution— Chart XVII 103 Model for Explaining Functions of Complex Angles 92 Light Speed — Relation to Inductance and Capacitance 21 Location for Synchronous Condensers 132 Localized Capacitance Methods — Chapter XII Ill Auxiliary Constants Corresponding to 113 Losses in Transformers — Table X „ 141 Synchronous Condensers 131 Magnetic Circuit — The 2 Magnetizing Current of Transformers 141 Mechanical Load Carried by Synchronous Condensers.... 131 Mershon Chart — General 53 Mershon Chart — Chart III 54 Where it Falls in Error When Applied to Long Lines 72 & 143 Methods of Exciting Transmission Lines 136 Solution (See Solution) Middle Condenser or Nominal T Solution 115 Model for Explaining Complex Functions of Complex Hyperbolic Angles 92-94 162 INDEX Pages. Nominal 'V" or Split Condenser Solution 97 & 113 "T" or Middle Condenser Solution 11 S Paralleling Transmission Lines 41 Peeks Corona Formulas 36 Performance of Short Lines — Chapter VII 49 Composite Lines 50 Formulas for 59 Graphical Methods 52 Mathematical Methods 57 Procedure in Determining — Chart II 52 Performance of Long Lines — By Hyperbolic Functions — Chapter XI 95 by Convergent Series — Chapter IX 77 by Graphical Method — Chapter VIII 61 by Localized Capacitance Methods— Chapter XII Ill Equivalent jr Method 97 Procedure in Determining — Chart VIII 70 Tabulated Performance of 64 Circuits — Chart XV.... 87 Typical 220 Kv Problem— Chapter XVI 145 Performance of Long Lines Including Transformers 145 Peters Efficiency Chart for Transformers — Chart IX.... 74 Regulation Chart for Transformers — Chart X 75 Phase Modifiers for Voltage Control — Chapter XV 138 and Synchronous Condensers 131 Installations of 137 Curves of 152 Capacity of 155 Polar Diagram of Voltage and Current Distribution for Problem X 108 Position Angles — Explanation of 102-107 Mathematical Determination 107 Solution for Voltage and Current Along the Circuit by Hyperbolic 102-106 Power Factor — Advantages in High Power Factor 134 Cost of Improvement 135 Examples of Determination of Improvement 133 Effect on Voltage Drop 135 How High to Raise 132 Improvement by Synchronous Motors and Condensers —Chapter XIV 129 Propogation — Speed of Electric 40 Quick Estimating 23-33 Quarter Wave Resonance 40 Quantities — Complex 78 Ratings of Synchronous Condensers 131 Ratio of Reactance to Resistance at 25°C. and 25 Cycles —Table VI 14 60 Cycles— Table VII 15 Reactance and Resistance of Copper and Aluminum Con- ductors at 25 Cycles, Table IV 12 60 Cycles— Table V 13 A High Reactance Problem 60 Reactance — Capacitance and Charging Current — Chap- ter II 10 Inductance and Impedance of 3-Conductor Cables at 25 Cycles— Table XXV 123 Itiductance and Impedance of 3-Conductor Cables at 60 Cycles, Table XXVI 124 Ratio of Reactance to Resistance at 25° C. and 25 Cycles— Table VI 14 Ratio of Reactance to Resistance at 25° C. and 60 Cycles— Table VII 15 Three-Conductor Cables 121 Transformers 141 Regulation Chart — Dwights — Chart IV 56 Mershons — Chart HI 54 Peters Transformer— Chart X 75 Relation of Inductance to Capacitance 21 Inductance and Capacitance to Speed of Light 21 Charging Current in Single and Three Phase System 20 Relative Cost of High Tension Apparatus — Table F 46 Resistance — Copper Conductors — Genera! 2 Copper Conductors — Per 1,000 Feet — Table 1 4 Copper Conductors — Per Mile — Table II 5 and Reactance of Copper and Aluminum Conductors —25 Cycles— Table IV 12 and Reactance of Copper and Aluminum Conductors 60 Cycles— Table V 13 Ratio Reactance at 25 Cycles to— Table VI 14 Ratio Reactance at 60 Cycles to— Table VII 15 Transformers 141 Resonance — Guarter Wave 40 Paces. Self Induction — Effect Upon Voltage Regulation 62 Short Lines — Formulas 59 Performance 49 Symbols 50 Single End Condenser Method 112 Sines, Cosines and Tangents of Circular Angles 57 Skin Effect — In Conductors 2 Resistance and Inductance — Chapter 1 1 Tabulation of Increase in Resistance Due to — Table B 3 Solution— A Typical 220 Kv. Problem 145 Choice of 108 Comparison of Various Methods — Chapter XII Ill Comparative Accuracy of Various Methods 118-119 Comparison of Short and Long Line Diagrams 72 & 142 Complete for Long Lines Including Transformers.... 145 Dwight Chart 55-56 Equivalent ,r — General 97 Equivalent t, — Exainple — Chart XVII 103 Equivalent T 102 Graphical vs. Mathematical 51 Graphical for Short Lines 52 Graphical for Problem "X" 70 Graphical for Long Lines Including Transformers.... 145 Hyperbolic Functions — Chapter XI 95 Localized Capacity — Chapter XII Ill Mershon Chart 53-54 Middle Condenser or Nominal T Method 115 Nominal tt or Split Condenser Method 97 & 113 Position Angles 102-106 Single End Condenser Method 112 Split Condenser or Nominal ^ Method 113 Three Condenser or Dr. Steinmetz's Alethod 116 Typical 220 Kv Problem— Chapter XVI • 145 Spacing of Conductors — Equivalent 10 Split Condenser or Nominal ,r Solution 113 Speed of Electric Propogation 40 Speed of Light — Relation of Inductance and Capacitance to 21 Steinmetz's Three Condenser Method 116 Sub-division of a Degree — Table P 110 Susceptance — Three Conductor Cables — Table XXVII.... 126 Overhead Conductors at 25 Cycles^Table IX 17 Overhead Conductors at 60 Cycles — Table X 18 Symbols — Corona 36 Line 50 Hyperbolic 95 Synchronous Condensers — (See Condensers) Table I Resistance of Copper Conductors at Various Temperatures per 1000 feet 4 II Resistance of Copper Conductors at Various Temperatures Per Mile 5 III Inductance of Single Conductors per 1000 feet 8 IV Resistance and 25 Cycle Reactance per Mile.... 12 V Resistance and 60 Cycle Reactance Per Mile 13 VI Ratio of 25 Cycle Reactance to Resistance at 25° C 14 VII Ratio of 60 Cycle Reactance to Resistance at 25° C. 15 VIII Capacitance of Single Conductor per 1000 feet 16 IX 25 Cycle Capacity Susceptance of Single Bare Conductors Per Mile 17 X 60 Cycle Capacity Susceptance of Single Bare Conductors Per Mile 18 XI Charging Kv-a, 3 Phase Circuits, Bare Conduc- tors Per Mile 19 XII Quick Estimating Table for 220 and 440 Volts 24 XIII Quick Estimating Table for 550 and 1100 Volts 25 XIV Quick Estimating Table for 2200, 4000 and 4400 Volts 26 XV Quick Estimating Table for 6000, 6600, 10000 and 11000 Volts 27 XVI Quick Estimating Table for 12,000, 13,200, 15,000 and 16,500 Volts 28 XVII Quick Estimating Table for 20,000, 22,000, 30,000 and 33.000 Volts 29 XVIII Quick Estimating Table for 40,000, 44,000, 50.000, and 60,000 Volts 30 XIX Quick Estimating Table for 66,000, 70,000, 80,000 and 88,000 Volts 31 XX Quick Estimating Table for 100,000, 110,000, 120,000, 132,000 and 140,000 Volts 32 XXI Quick Estimating Table for 154,000, 187,000 and 220,000 Volts 33 XXII Approximate Voltage Limitations from Corona 38 INDEX 163 Pages. XXIir Heating Capacity for 40° C. Rise Bare Con- ductors 43 XXIV Carrying Capacity of Insulated Copper Con- ductors 122 XXV Inductance, Reactance, Impedance at 25 Cycles, 3-Conductor Cables 123 XXVI Inductance, Reactance, Impedance at 60 Cycles 3-Conductor Cables 124 XXVII Capacitance and Susceptance Per Mile of 3- Conductor Paper Insulated Cables 126 XXVIII Charging Kv-a of 3-Conductor Cables Per Mile 127 Tangents, Sines and Cosines of Circular Angles (Table K) 57 Three Condenser or Dr. Steinmetz Method 116 Transformers — Constants 141 Effect in Circuit 73 & 139 Iron Loss, Impedance, Magnetizing Current 141 Peters Efficiency Chart 74 Peters Regulation Chart 75 Reactance, Resistance 141 Transmission Lines — Behavior of A. C. Generators When Charging 136 Common Voltages 48 Paces. Excitation of 136 Paralleling 41 Performance (See Performance and Solutions) Determination of Frequency and Voltage 45 Typical 220 Kv Problem 145 Symmetrical Spacing of Conductors 10 Various Methods — Comparison of Ill Variation of Current and Voltage Along the Circuit 62-64 & 76 Vector Operations — General 78-80 As Applied to Problem "X" 85 "V" Curve of Synchronous Condenser 131 Voltage — Control by Means of Phase Modifiers — Chap- ter XV 138 Common Transmission 48 Distribution Along the Circuit 62-64 & 76 Effect of Armature Impedance Upon Generator Volt- age 130 Limitations Due to Corona Effect — Table XXII 38 Determination of 45 Wave Length 40 Wilkinson Charts— Charts A, B and C for the Auxiliary Constants 67-69 Weight of Bare Copper Conductors 46 PRINTED IN U. S. A. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW BOOKS REQUESTED BY ANOTHER BORROWER ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL AFTER ONE WEEK. 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