MINUTES of Commissioners for Conspiracies Frontispiece, Vol. i First Page of Original Minutes, written by Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and signed at different times by Commissioners of Conspiracies (One-half reduced) MINUTES of the Commissioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK ALBANY COUNTY SESSIONS, 1778-1781 Edited by VICTOR HUGO PALTSITS, State Historian VOLUME 1:1778-1779 PUBLISHED by the STATE OF NEW YORK, ALBANY, 1909 Univ. Library, Univ. Calif., Santa Gig REPORTED TO THE LEGISLATURE April sth, 1909 Albany, N. Y. J. B. Lyon Company, State Printers 1909 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1 Table of Contents 5 Introduction Chapter I: Inquisitorial Bodies of New York during the American Revolution Origin of the Commissioners for detecting and defeating Con- spiracies Their legal Status Development of their Authority and Powers Complaints against their Jur- isdiction Repealed and vested in Courts 9 Introduction Chapter II: Operation of the Function of the Commissioners as revealed by the Proceedings of the Albany County Board. General Statement of Or- ganization Counterfeiters Deserters Murders Passes Prisoners Protection Rangers Relations with other Boards and with Local Committees Rob- beries and Plunder Toryism and Disaffection Treason 35 The Manuscript 63 List of Commissioners for Conspiracies 67 Schedule of Meetings 69 Record of Attendances 73 Half-Title to Manuscript, Volume 1 77 Minutes 79 Half-Title to Manuscript, Volume II 297 Minutes (Continued) 299 Half-Title to Appendixes 775 Appendix I : Laws 777 Appendix II: Financial Accounts 803 Appendix III : Miscellanea 829 Analytical Index Volume III FACSIMILES. First page of the Minutes, exhibiting the Oath, in the hand- writing of Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, signed at different times by the Commissioners Frontispiece to Vol. I. Page of Minutes written by Mathew Visscher and Leonard Gansevoort, Jr Vol. I, opposite p. 94 Gansevoort's Oath as Secretary, entirely in his own hand- writing Vol. I, opposite p. 292 First page of rough draft (an insert) in the second manu- script volume, with emendations by Leonard Gansevoort, Jr Frontispiece to Vol. II. Page of the clean copy of the second volume, showing Ganse- voort's reappointment as Secretary. Vol. II, opposite p. 440 Gansevoort's full Bill for Services as Secretary to the Albany Board Vol. II, opposite p. 803 INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. INQUISITORIAL BODIES OF NEW YORK DURING THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ORIGIN OF THE COMMISSIONERS FOR DE- TECTING AND DEFEATING CONSPIRACIES THEIR LEGAL STATUS DEVELOPMENT OF THEIR AUTHORITY AND POWERS COMPLAINTS AGAINST THEIR JURISDICTION REPEALED AND VESTED IN COURTS. It is not the design of this introduction to hold a brief for the defense of the laws of the State of New York and their operation against toryism, nor to analyze the virtues or vices of the loyalist contingent during the American Revolu- tion. An attempt is made here to analyze the laws passed for the repression of disaffection in the State, particularly as related to the Commissioners for detecting and defeating conspiracies, whose Albany minutes form these volumes, and to digest some of the main features of the proceedings of these commissioners, as operated under the laws by which they were to be governed. The spectacular and dramatic conflict between whigs and tories; the philosophical speculation as to the probable economic and political gain or loss to the State by this conflict and its determination, and an impassionate estimate of loyalism as a principle, have been presented ably io State of New York by Van Tyne 1 and by Flick. 2 There is also a superabundance of biased or partizan literature, on both sides, and pens and printing presses are yet overworked in reproducing such opinions. On February 5, 1778, during its first session (1777-1778), the legislature of New York passed its first bill for the creation of a body of " Commissioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies " in the State and declaring their powers. The idea was not a new one, for in conserving the State, against the machinations of disaffected, disloyal or even decidely inimical persons, progressive media had been determined and executed by local and county committees, by the Provincial Congresses and Convention and otherwise. " There was a definite relationship among all the bodies growing out of the revolution. The Continental Congress stood at the head; then came the Provincial Congress or Convention, then the general committee on tories, then the county committees, and at the base, the district committees/' 3 These various bodies varied in size, authority, procedure and effectiveness. With the erection of constitutional government in the State, toryism was more clearly defined and handled in more summary fashion. "The inquisitorial methods and machinery developed previous to the Declaration of Inde- pendence were continued by the Constitutional Convention and by the new state government." 4 1 Van Tyne (Claude H.) The Loyalists in the American Revolution. New York and London, 1902. 2 Flick. Loyalism in New York during the American Revohdion. New York, 1901 (Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, vol. xiv, no. i). In this work the whole system of the inquisitorial bodies of New York is given in admirable detail. * Ibid, p. 79. * Ibid, p. 117. Introduction 1 1 The Provincial Congress had appointed a committee in May, 1776, to deal with " intestine enemies." As the trial of persons accused as tories consumed much time, a standing committee of five was appointed, on May 27, 1776, to hear all cases of those arrested by the Congress or by the committee of safety. But this committee was so deluged with arduous duties, that a new committee consisting of nine members was constituted and given enlarged powers. This last-mentioned general committee was appointed to execute the resolves of June 5, 1776, and lasted until dissolved by the Convention, which " itself took cognizance of all urgent cases." The invasion of New York by the British army at the south and the threatened invasion from the north, coupled with the difficulties imminent from a dangerous toryism, determined the Convention to constitute a new inquisitorial committee of seven members, on September 21, 1776, which was given a perfected organization, and to which the county committees became subordinate. This committee, after sitting almost daily, adjourned on the last day of the year, reported to the committee of safety within a week's time, and was dissolved in February, 1777, only to be succeeded by another committee of three. The powers and duties of the seven fell upon these three men, who acted under instructions from the Convention. They were, however, soon enlarged to five members, and, on August 28, 1777, were again augmented to a membership of nine men, being known as " Commissioners for detecting and defeating all Conspiracies " when vested anew by the newly-chosen legislature, on October 7, 1777, as an emergency provision. They moved from place to place and, aided by armed forces, sought out and arrested the enemies of the State. It was deemed particularly important at this time that 12 State of New York domestic foes should be suppressed or reclaimed, before coping with Burgoyne's invasion. 1 In the original legislative act creative of the commissioners whose Albany proceedings constitute these volumes, the reasons given are "the present invasion of this State;" " the disaffection of sundry of the Inhabitants of the same," and to guard and secure effectually the peace of the State " against the wicked Machinations and Designs of the Foreign and Domestic Foes thereof/' 2 The governor, lieu- tenant governor or president of the senate, whichever at the time administered the government of the State, was authorized and empowered, from time to time, to appoint by a commis- sion " by and with the Advice and Consent of the Council of Appointment, so many Persons, not exceeding ten, as he shall think proper, to be Commissioners." 3 Any three of the com- missioners constituted a quorum for carrying out the pro- visions of the act. Their function was defined as having power " to send for Persons and Papers, and administer Oaths; and to apprehend and confine, or cause to be appre- hended and confined, in such Manner, and under such Restrictions and Limitations, as to them shall appear necessary, for the public Safety, all Persons, whose going at large, shall, in the Judgment of the said Commissioners, or any three of them, appear dangerous to the Safety of this State. To take Bonds and Recognizances, from Time to Time, to the People of this State, for the good Behaviour, safe Custody, or Appearance of such of the said Persons, and of all others, now confined for the like Cause, as they may 'Summarised and adapted from Flick, pp. 66, 67, 119, 120, 123, 127, 128, with revisions. The designations " board ", " commissioners " and " com- mittee " were used interchangeably as early as 1777. 2 Appendix I: Laws, Feb. 5, 1778. *Ibid. Introduction 13 think proper, in such Sums, and upon such Conditions, as unto them shall appear expedient; and the said Bonds and Recognizances, if forfeited, to prosecute or to cancel and release, upon such Terms and Conditions; and to discharge from Confinement, any of the said Persons absolutely, and without any Terms or Conditions, as they may think proper. And also, from Time to Time, to make such Provision, for the safe Custody, and comfortable Subsistence of all Persons, who may from Time to Time be so confined as aforesaid, in such Manner as they may think proper. " Provided always, That by Reason or Colour of any Thing herein contained, the said Commissioners, or any of them, shall not be empowered to inflict any corporal Punishment, upon any or either of the said Persons confined as aforesaid." It was moreover provided " That no Judge or Magistrate, shall bail any of the Persons, who may be confined by Authority of the said Commissioners; and that no Court shall deliver any of the Gaols, within this State, of any Person or Persons, so confined as aforesaid, unless such Persons, shall have been indicted, and tried for the Offence or Offences, for which he or she, shall have been respectively committed." Before entering upon his duties, each commissioner was obliged to take the prescribed oath of office to " faithfully execute and perform, for the Benefit and Advantage of the People of the State of New- York, all and singular the Powers and Authorities, by Force and Virtue of the said Act " given to him. They were authorized to draw upon the public treasury for sums of money, from time to time, not to exceed in the whole the sum of five thousand pounds, and were ordered to render a just and true account of their expendi- tures, and to keep regular minutes of all their proceedings, 14 State of New York to be submitted, if required, " to the Consideration of the Senate or Assembly, or to such Person or Persons, as shall be, for that Purpose appointed." For each day that he would be actually engaged with the business of his trust, each com- missioner was to receive the sum of twenty shillings. The act was made operative until November I, 1778, " and no longer/' 1 Now, although the act became operative on February 5, 1778, the proceedings of senate and assembly reveal that the subject had been under careful consideration for some time before, and had been interrupted by reverses of the war. On September 23, 1777, Egbert Benson, assembly- man from Dutchess County, asked and was given leave to introduce in the assembly a bill for appointing "Commis- sioners for Conspiracies, &c. and declaring their Powers," which was presented the following morning, read and ordered to a second reading. It was read a second time on September 25, and committed to a committee of the whole house, whence it was reported by Ezra L'Homme- dieu, of Suffolk County, on the 26th, with several amend- ments and two added clauses; was passed up, read a third time and ordered engrossed. The engrossed bill was "read a third Time," so called, and passed in the assembly on September 27, from whence it was now conveyed to the senate for concurrence. On the last-mentioned day the senate received the bill. It was read and ordered to a second reading, which took place on the 29th, and was then committed to the committee of the whole of the senate. On October 3 Senator Jonathan Lawrence reported that the bill had made some progress in the committee of the Appendix I: Laws, Feb. 5, 1778. Introduction 15 whole, but that leave to sit again was desired. On that afternoon the senate, having again resolved itself into a committee of the whole, requested permission for further consideration of the bill. On the next day the bill was reported with several amendments, was read and ordered to be engrossed. Senator John Morin Scott, on October 6, was ordered to carry the amended bill to the assembly for its concurrence. That was as far as it got for some time, because the news of the reduction by the British of Fort Montgomery and its dependencies in the Highlands reached both branches of the legislature at noon of October 7, which induced many of the senators and assemblymen, who held military commissions, to leave Kingston forthwith for service, whilst others went away to conserve the safety of their own households. But the legislature, on that day, revived all of the county and district committees and the former commissioners for conspiracies, both as to powers and persons. Governor Clinton, on December 15, 1777, issued a proclamation for reconvening the legislature on January 5, 1778; but quorums of both houses did not materialize before the I5th. On January 28, the assembly again took up the engrossed amended bill, referred back to it by the senate in the preceding year (October 6, 1777), and concurred on the next morning. The amendments had so defaced the bill that the assembly, on January 31, ordered a newly engrossed copy, and on February 2, in its new form, it was transmitted to the senate, where it passed the next morning. The bill was returned to the assembly, where it had originated. Having now been passed in both houses, it was ordered, on the 4th, to be transmitted to the council of revision, which gave its approval on February 5, 1778, the date of actual enactment, yet a record of this cer- 1 6 State of New York tification was made in the senate only on the loth of the month. 1 Senator Abraham Yates, on March 20, 1778, asked formal leave to introduce a bill amendatory of the act of February 5. In the committee of the whole his bill was altered in title and amended in body; it was passed by the senate on April 2, and forwarded by the hand of Senator Levi Pawling to the assembly for concurrence. The house by unanimous consent at once referred it to the committee of the whole, where it was considered favorably and without alteration. The bill passed the assembly on the 3d, not however with- out debate and opposition, five votes being on record against it. It was returned to the senate immediately and ordered by that body to be carried by Pawling to the council of revision, where it received approval at once. 2 By this act of April 3, 1778, the legislature authorized enlarging the number of commissioners "not exceeding twenty/' or thirty altogether. As many quorums of three as were necessary, at any time or place, were deemed legal for the execution of the powers and authorities delegated to them. 3 Because it had been found that there were divers dis- affected and dangerous persons and families, resident at or near the several posts and passes within the State, of 1 Votes and Proceedings of the Senate of the State of New- York, First session. Fish-Kill: Samuel Loudon, 1777, pp. 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 44, 53-54; Votes and Proceedings of the Assembly of the State of New- York, First session. Kingston: John Holt, 1777, pp. 17, 18, 19-20, 28, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45. The title-pages of the votes were printed with the first signatures and before a volume was completed; hence they actually bear dates earlier than the contents of their respective volumes. This accounts for what might seem to be an incongruous citation. ' Senate Votes, cited supra, pp. 90, 91, 106, 108; Assembly Votes, cited supra, pp. 104, 105, 106, 107. 'Appendix I: Laws, April 3, 1778. Introduction 17 whom there was " great Reason to believe " that they com- municated material information to the enemy, the legis- lature, on April I, 1778, passed an act 1 empowering the governor or " person administering the Government " of the State for the time being, to exercise his judgment " for the public Safety, to cause all such dangerous disaffected Per- sons and Families, as now are, or hereafter shall happen to be resident at or near any Post, Pass or Encampment, within this State, to be removed to such other Place or Places within the same, as he shall deem expedient." He was obliged to " certify the Names of such Persons so removed, and a Description of the Houses and Farms, from which they shall be removed respectively, to the Commissioners of Sequestration of the County, to which such Persons shall be removed." These persons were to be put in posses- sion of sequestered farms or houses in the new county, upon a moderate rental, and with due regard of the value of their own farms or houses which they had left behind them; but they were in no wise to gain a residence in the new district, nor become a charge for maintenance therein. The application of lenient measures for the suppression of disaffection was ineffectual. It was found that many persons had " affected to maintain a Neutrality," which there was " Reason to suspect was in many Instances, dictated by a Poverty of Spirit, and an undue Attachment to Property." Divers of them " advocated the American Cause till it became serious," then broke their paroles and dissipated the forbearance of their countrymen, having " ungratefully and insidiously from Time to Time, by artful Misrepresentations, and a subtle Dissemination of Doc- trines, Fears and Apprehensions false in themselves, and 'Appendix ! Laws, April i, 1778. 1 8 State of New York injurious to the American Cause, seduced certain weak minded Persons from the Duties they owed their Country/' Hence the legislature, by the act of June 30, 1778,' judged that the welfare of the State " loudly " demanded that some decisive measures should be taken against them, and that the State should no longer grant shelter to persons who " not only refuse to assist in rearing," but daily endeavored to undermine and subvert the patriot government. By this act passiveness was no longer to be respected. An out and out patriotism was to be made manifest. All persons " of neutral and equivocal Characters " were to be summoned before quorums of the commissioners for detecting and defeating conspiracies, whenever they believed any of them to have " influence sufficient to do Mischief," and were to take the new oath of allegiance or, if Quakers, to affirm. By this oath or affirmation they declared, "without any mental Reservation or Equivocation whatever," that the State of New York was of right a free and independent State, and that no authority or power could of right be exercised in and over the State, save such as was granted by or derived from its people. Every subscriber swore to do his duty as became a " good Subject of the said Free and Independent State of New York," to the best of his knowl- edge and ability. Persons summoned or brought before the commissioners and who refused to take the oath or to affirm, were to be forthwith removed " to any Place within the Enemy's Lines," and their names were to be certified by the commissioners to the secretary of the State, who was required to record and file the certificates. Neutrals who absconded or absented themselves to avoid the oath, were to be summoned before the commissioners by publication, 1 Appendix I: Laws, June 30, 1778. Introduction 19 to appear at a designated place within twenty-one days from the date of the said publication in the newspapers. Their default was adjudged equal to a refusal of the oath or affirmation. Those who were removed or who defaulted were declared as banished from the State; if discovered in any part thereof, they were, upon conviction, to be adjudged guilty of misprision of treason. All lands held in the State by persons attainted, "on the twenty-sixth Day of June Instant [1778], in Fee Simple or Fee Tail, or which may hereafter be acquired by, or devised, granted, or descend" to any of them, were forever thereafter to "be charged with double Taxes, in whosesoever Hands the said Lands may hereafter be." The immediate execution of this last man- date was prevented by subsequent tax acts, which provided that only a single tax should be collected on lands of per- sons removed within the enemy's lines, until such time as the legislature should make another provision for the collec- tion of the said extra taxes. 1 While the act of June 30, 1778, indicated removal forthwith within the British lines, it provided a reservation, lodged in the governor or "Per- son administering the Government" for the time being, who was to be notified by the commissioners prior to the removal of persons, and who could detain and confine those whom he adjudged proper for exchanges. All magis- trates, sheriffs and constables were ordered to assist the commissioners in expediting the execution of the act. As the first term of the commissioners was to expire on the first of November, an act 2 was passed, October 29, 1778, continuing them "until twenty Days after the next 1 Laws of New York. Poughkeepsie: John Holt, 1782, pp. 96, 114. 1 Appendix I: Laws, Oct. 29, 1778. See also Assembly Voles. Pough- keepsie: John Holt, 1779, pp. 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30; Senate Votes. Fish-Kill: Samuel Loudon, 1777, pp. 141, 143, 147. 2O State of New York Meeting of the Legislature, and a Quorum of both Houses shall be convened/' and an appropriation, not to exceed the sum of three thousand pounds, was authorized. It was at this time (November 2, 1778) that a regular night watch was ordered by statute 1 for the counties of Ulster, Tryon, Charlotte, Dutchess and Albany, because the provisions of the militia law had proved to be inefficient. Every able- bodied male inhabitant, between the ages of sixteen and sixty years, slaves and Indians excepted, was ordered to do watch duty when called upon by the captain of a com- pany, beat or district, wherein he resided. Each watch was to be composed of eight men. Certain persons were ex- empted from duty, among them commissioners for con- spiracies, save in the city of Albany and the town of Sche- nectady, where clergymen alone were excepted. Later, on October 13, 1779, the act was amended, 2 extending its operation to Westchester and Orange counties. The senate, on February 12, 1779, passed the following order, 3 viz: "Whereas the Commissioners for detecting and defeat- ing Conspiracies, are by Law required to keep regular Minutes of all their Proceedings, in Order that the same may be submitted to the Consideration of the Senate or Assembly; and although no Complaints have been made to this Senate of any Misconduct in the said Commissioners, or any of them, nor has this Senate any Reason to believe there are any Grounds for such Complaint, yet as the Execution of their Office is of the utmost Importance to the Weal of this State at this critical Juncture. 1 Laws of New York. Poughkeepsie: John Holt, 1782, pp. 46-47. * Ibid, p. 80. ^Senate Votes. Fish-Kill: Samuel Loudon, 1777, p. 173. Introduction 21 " Ordered, therefore, That the said Commissioners lay their Proceedings before this Senate, with all convenient Speed, to the End, that the Legislature may make further Provision, if necessary, with respect to dangerous and dis- affected Persons within this State." The act of June 30, 1778, in so far as it bade immediate removal within the British lines, worked harshly in some cases. By the act of February 17, 1779,* the legislature sought to hold open the door of recantation from toryism to the last moment, averring it as a " sound Policy and common Chanty " to permit every person, who had refused or might thereafter refuse to take the oath or affirmation, and who would voluntarily offer to take it " before the Commencement of his or her Removal," to be fully and wholly absolved from the penalties of the law; except persons detained or confined as exchanges. This act also recited the continuation of the commissioners in the terms of the act of October 29, 1778. When the bill was under discussion in the Senate, on Febru- ary 12, it contained a paragraph in amendments submitted by the assembly, which directed the treasurer of the State to advance to the commissioners, or any three of them, such further sum or sums as they should from time to time require, not exceeding three thousand pounds. From this, Senators Richard Morris and Ebenezer Russell dissented, averring that as former allowances had not been accounted for, it was presumptive evidence that the whole amount had not as yet been spent; that there had been no requisition for more Appendix I: Laws, Feb. 17, 1779. A similar bill was rejected by the assembly in the preceding November, notwithstanding that the commis- sioners for conspiracies had found such a provision desirable. See also Assembly Votes. Poughkeepsie: John Holt, 1779, pp. 14, 17, 21, 24-5, 34, 37. 5 r 53. 59. 63, 74; Senate Votes. Fish-Kill: Samuel Loudon, 1777, pp. 164, 165, 166, 168, 171, 172, 175-6, 178. 22 State of New York money from the commissioners to the senate hence the granting of large sums of money to any office or officer unasked, would be unprecedented and might, at some future day, be dangerous to the revenues of the State. They believed that a sufficient appropriation could be made at another time, when suggested by exigencies, and that the bill would be a proper subject for immediate legislation with the omission of the extra grant. 1 It is apparent that the argu- ments did not appeal to the senate, as the act retained the grant of three thousand pounds. * The committee for inquiring what laws were expired or near expiring apprised the senate, on September 2, 1779, that the expiration of the commissioners for conspiracies was close at hand, and recommended their continuance. Accordingly a bill was introduced at once; was amended in title and body, engrossed, and passed the senate on the 8th. On the following day in the assembly, whither it was referred for concurrence, a motion was made to reject it, but failed of passage. Yet again, in the committee of the whole house, Egbert Benson sought to have the last recital and clause expunged, and this was also defeated, only five other as- semblymen standing with him. However, an amendment made in assembly was accepted by the senate. When the bill reached the council of revision, they objected, " because it appears from the Preamble, that the Laws, by the said Bill intended to be continued, are already expired by their own Limitation; and the enacting Clause containing no Words of Revival or Re-enaction, the whole Law becomes nugatory, as that cannot be continued which does not exist." Whereupon, a bill to meet this criticism was introduced and became law 1 Senate Votes. Fish-Kill: Samuel Loudon, 1777, pp. 172, 175-6. Introduction 23 on October I, 1779.* This law revived the commissioners and continued them until twenty days after the first day of the next meeting of a quorum of senate and assembly, and appropriated a sum not to exceed four thousand pounds. As they had performed " divers Acts, Matters and Things " ad interim, the legislature in this act validated them. Former acts made no provision for the removal of a commissioner or filling of vacancies, which authority was now vested in the council of appointment. The appropriation bill, enacted October 25, 1779, granted to the commissioners, or any three of them, an additional sum of money, not to exceed in all three thousand pounds, " to defray the Expence of the Business committed to them." 2 An attempt made in assembly, on February 18, 1780, to introduce a bill for reviving the commissioners, the act of October I, 1779, having expired, was defeated. 3 Among certain resolutions passed in assembly, on March 10, 1780, was one recommending the creation of a joint committee of three assemblymen and two senators, to examine and adjust particular public accounts during the recess of the legislature, including the accounts of the commissioners for conspiracies. The intention was to have this committee render a report to the next meeting of the legislature. When it reached the senate, only one member, Sir James Jay, voted in the affirma- tive. 1 'Appendix I: Laws, Oct. i, 1779. See also Assembly Votes, Fish-Kill: Samuel Loudon, 1779, pp. 20, 22, 29, 33, 36, 37, 41, 47; Senate Votes. Fish- Kill: Samuel Loudon, 1779, pp. n, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30. * Laws of New York. Poughkeepsie: John Holt, 1782, p. 99. See also Assembly Votes. Fish-Kill: Samuel Loudon, 1779, pp. 79-80. Assembly Votes. Fish-Kill: Samuel Loudon, 1779, p. 117. * Assembly Votes. Idem, p. 149; Senate Votes. Idem, pp. 101-102; Assem- bly Papers Miscellaneous, vol. 2, p. 196. 24 State of New York On March 13, 1780, an act 1 was passed, relative to British deserters. The laws affecting the authority of the com- missioners, as already stated, had expired meanwhile. De- serters from the British lines who had come within any county and were confined there in a common jail, could be released by any two justices of the peace of the said county, by entering into a recognizance, either with or without surety, as the particular two justices might determine. It was provided, however, that such persons should appear " at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Goal Deliv- ery " to be held in that county, and remain, meanwhile, within the bounds limited to them by the justices. In certain cases the justices could enlarge a person upon promise of good behavior during the war. This jurisdiction did not apply to persons who were in custody by virtue of a warrant from a judge of the supreme court, nor to those whose release from jail would be dangerous to the State. Nor was the privilege of release to be construed as excusing any person, so enlarged, from the performance of duty in the militia of the State, and absence from the limited confines, when upon such militia duty, was not deemed a breach of a person's recognizance. Deserters from the British army, who surrendered voluntarily to a justice of the peace, were to be dealt with in all respects as provided for persons in actual custody. If they were guilty of an offence committed after leaving the British lines, the law could be invoked against them. This act also revived certain powers of the commis- sioners for detecting and defeating conspiracies, relative to persons formerly confined by their order, or bound by them by recognizances. Any three of the former board were em- powered to release, in the usual manner, those whom they 1 Appendix I: Laws, March 13, 1780. Introduction 25 had confined, or discharge the said recognizances; but ap- pearance of the respective persons before the courts of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery was imposed as an imperative obligation. This act 1 remained in force " until thirty Days after the rising of the Legislature, at their next Meeting." A few weeks before the termination of its third session, the legislature again revived the former laws relating to the commissioners, by the act of June 14, i/So. 2 The reasons supplied in the act demanding their revival were apprehension " that Emissaries from the Enemy are lurking in different Parts of the State, and that the disaffected Inhabitants are conspiring against the public Peace and Safety/* The commissioners were now to " continue and be in full Force during the Continuance of the present War with Great Britain;" were to receive each for a day's actual service the sum of fourteen shillings " of the Money to be issued, agree- able to the Resolutions of Congress, of the eighteenth Day of March last" [1780]; and the State treasurer was authorized to advance money to them for their expenses, not to exceed in the whole the sum of two thousand pounds. On the day preceding the adjournment of its third session, namely on July I, 1780, the legislature passed an act pertain- ing to the removal of the families of persons who had joined the British. 3 Their habitations served to harbor secret emissaries or conceal members of their families who had come surreptitiously from the British lines " to gain Intelli- gence and commit Robberies, Thefts and Murders " upon 1 Appendix I: Laws, March 13, 1780. 2 Ibid, June 14, 1780. See also Senate Votes. Fish-Kill: Samuel Loudon, 1779, pp. in, 112, 114, 119. The Assembly Votes of the third sitting of the third session (May 23-July 2, 1780) were not printed. 3 Appendix I: Laws, July i, 1780. 26 State of New York the inhabitants of the State. The deportation involved wives and, " at their Discretion," all or any of their children not above the age of twelve years. Their departure was conditioned to be within twenty days after notice. This notification was to be given by the justices of peace resident in each ward, town, manor, precinct and district or, in the absence of or for want of a justice, by the supervisor, and in lieu of both by the commissioners for conspiracies. But any three commissioners could issue permits and put an estoppel upon removal. As soon as a justice of the peace or a super- visor notified persons to depart, certification of their names and characters was to be given to some one board of the commissioners. The next year, by the act of March 22, 178 1, 1 the commissioners, and each of them, or such person or persons as were authorized by the governor, had power to order the wives of tories to depart the State, in like manner entrusted to justices of the peace and supervisors by the act of July I, 1780. This new function gave them authority " to take and sell all the Goods and Chattels in the Possession of the Wives of Persons who have voluntarily gone over to and joined, or shall hereafter go over to and join the Enemy, and to apply the Monies arising therefrom, to defraying the Expence of removing such Wives, and such of their respective Children as are not above twelve Years of Age, within the Lines of the Enemy." An accounting of such sales and expenditures was required to be lodged with the auditor- general of the State. During the second meeting of the fourth session a number of representations, which ventilated grievances, were re- ceived by both houses of the legislature from different districts and precincts of the State. Among them was one 1 Appendix I: Laws, March 22, 1781. Introduction 27 signed by a committee of twenty-three persons chosen by the inhabitants of several of the precincts of Dutchess county. It recited fourteen specific grievances as causing embarrass- ments to the State, the second of which was directed against the commissioners for conspiracies and their powers. Upon its reception by the senate, on February 9, 1781, that body sent it to the committee of the whole. Similarly a committee from several districts of Albany County signalized the legislature by a representation of seventeen grievances, dated February 16, which was smothered on the iyth by reference to the committee of the whole house. The fifth grievance stated that " the Star Chamber Court of commis- sioners for detecting & defeating conspiracies ought to be abolished & that three men or more should be appointed in each District by the civil Magistrates and field officers of said District which men so appointed ought to be authorized & required by Law to examine all persons of suspicious appear- ance & characters and detect, and prevent all conspiracies and combinations against the good people of this, and the United States by apprehending and bringing before the civil magistrates all enemies to and Disturbers of the common- wealth with the witness against them." 1 The nature and multiplicity of these grievances precluded separate con- sideration, whereupon both houses agreed to the appoint- ment of a joint committee " to prepare and report the Draft of an Address from the Legislature to their Constituents, on the subject of the several Matters, suggested as Grievances in the Representations to the Legislature." 2 This address 1 These original representations are in Assembly Papers Miscellaneous, vol. 2, pp. 1 8, 38. 1 Senate Votes (fourth session), pp. 43, 46, 50, 64, 69; Assembly Journal, 1781 (Albany, 1820), pp. 29, 31, 52, 54. The address of the legislature was printed in pamphlet form by Samuel Loudon at Fishkill, for official circulation among the people. 28 State of New York was presented and read in the senate on March 13, 1781, and is a masterful document. It answered the complaint against the commissioners for conspiracies in the following manner, viz.: "The extraordinary Powers given to Commissioners for defeating Conspiracies, may undoubtedly be justified by our peculiar Situation, and by the Practice of all Nations under similar Circumstances. On this Occasion, we are again impelled to call on your Candour, and to ask (beset as we are by avowed Enemies, and infested with concealed Traitors, who with Facility maintain criminal Intercourse, scatter the Seeds of Disaffection, and take Advantage of the Credulity of the Honest, but uninformed) whether it is not absolutely necessary, to be attentive to their Motions, to compare Intelligence received from different Quarters, to counteract the various Machinations they are incessantly practising to subjugate us to British Tyranny, that the Legislature should delegate such powers as these Com- missioners are invested with. From a Persuasion that you conceived their Proceedings may, in some Instances, have been improper, we do you the Justice to believe, that hence your Complaints have originated; and we flatter our- selves, that on a more serious Consideration, you, as Friends to your Country, will be impressed with the Necessity of such Powers, and that they will be obnoxious to none but the Disaffected. The Proceedings of these Commissioners will, however, be submitted to the Inspection of a Com- mittee of both Houses, in Order to discover whether they have abused their Authority." 1 Quite in contradistinction to some of the complaints was a petition received in the assembly, on March 5, 1781, from the field officers and 1 Senate Votes (fourth session), pp. 72-76. Introduction 29 other officers of the militia, and sundry other inhabitants of the east district of the manor of Rensselaerwyck, against a number of inimical persons who had convened there, advising the inhabitants to lay down their arms and give submission to the government of the King of Great Britain. These petitioners requested that the commissioners for conspiracies be given legal authority " to send such disaffected persons to serve on board of the fleet of his most Christian Majesty, or of the United States." 1 On February 20, 1782, a memorial to the legislature was drawn up by Fonda, Beeckman and Stringer, commissioners for conspiracies in Albany County, praying that provision be made for defraying contingent charges and for compensating them for their services. It was presented in both senate and assembly and referred to special committees. 2 Copies of a petition were circulated among the inhab- itants of Westch ester County early in 1782, directed against the commissioners for conspiracies. It recited that, while the extraordinary powers with which they were invested might have been justified and permissible at an early period of the war, when a constitutional form of government did not exist, they were now but " a dead Cost to the Public and entirely unnecessary." The petitioners believed that through the vigilance of that county's whig population and the zeal of its civil and military officers, toryism would be repressed more effectively. They conceived the existence of commissioners for conspiracies to be contrary to the intent of the constitution of the State, which " declares the civil and military Authority sufficient to govern the People, where each Subject may have a fair and impartial Trial by Jury; That grand Bulwark is here taken away by that 1 Assembly Journal, 1781 (Albany, 1820), p. 50. * Senate Voles (fifth session), p. 39; Assembly Votes (fifth session), p. 52. 30 State of New York Board of Commissioners or otherwise may be deem'd a Tribunal with absolute and despotic Power." Seven copies of this petition, 1 signed by about 215 persons, were received in the assembly on March 19, 1782, and, after being read, the joint petition was referred to a special committee, which reported the next day as its opinion, that the act of June 14, 1780, relative to the commissioners, should be repealed. This committee stated that it had prepared the draft of a bill for that purpose and requested leave to present it to the house. The title of the bill was " An Act to authorise any two Justices of the Peace, to enlarge Persons who shall desert from the Enemy, and to repeal the Law appointing Commissioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies." It was ordered to a second reading. Meanwhile, on March 21, the assembly received a petition 2 from Ebenezer Purdy, Nathan Rockwell and Israel Honeywell, three of the com- missioners in Westchester County, dated the 4th, which was referred to another committee. These commissioners alluded to " some persons " who were " Clamorous as to their powers." They did not " wish to Insinuate a desire of Continuing in the Exercise of the office of Commissioners, it being a very disagreeable task and Subject to Aspersions." They sought means for resigning and for justifying their conduct before the legislature. On the 22d the aforesaid bill was read a second time and sent to a committee of the whole house. Assemblyman John Williams, of Charlotte County, on April 2, reported that some progress had been made on the bill, but that the committee of the whole house wished leave to sit again, which was granted. Evidently this was as far as it proceeded, and it was not enacted into law. 3 1 Assembly Papers Miscellaneous, vol. 2, pp. 294-311. 1 Idem, vol. 2, p. 312. 3 Assembly Votes (fifth session), pp. 67, 69, 71, 72, 86. Introduction 31 A joint committee of the legislature was appointed, on January 28, 1783, to inquire into the receipt and expenditure of public money, etc., which reported to the assembly on the 3 1st. Several resolutions grew out of this report, among them one requesting the commissioners for conspiracies to lay before the legislature at its next meeting "a State of the Prisoners under the Care of their Boards respectively; a general State of their present Business as Commissioners; the Amount of their unsettled Claims, Expences and Receipts; and a List of such Recognizances entered into before them, as have been forfeited." 1 On February 7, 1783, Assemblyman Jacob Ford, of Albany County, introduced a bill for the repeal of the laws relating to the commissioners for conspiracies, which was read a second time on the 8th and referred to the committee of the whole house, which on the 2Oth reported progress and de- sired leave to sit again. It was reported out on March 13 with an altered title and amendments, and ordered engrossed; was read a third time on the I5th, when debates arose, and was passed by a vote of nineteen as against sixteen, or a ma- jority of only three votes; was sent at once to the senate for concurrence; reported back on March 25, with amendments made in senate, which were agreed to by the assembly; whereupon the bill was sent again to the senate for final pas- sage the next day. The council of revision gave its approval on March 27, I783. 2 Thus, on the day before this sixth leg- islative session terminated, the powers of the commissioners were repealed 3 and vested in magistrates and courts. Recog- nizances taken by them, and not forfeited, were to be de- 1 Assembly Votes (sixth session, second meeting), pp. 99, 101, 102. * Assembly Votes (sixth session, sixth meeting), pp. 107, 109, 124, 154, 155, *59> I 73 J 76, 178; Senate Votes (sixth session), pp. 142 (two), 156, 160, 163. 'Appendix I: Laws, March 27, 1783. 32 State of New York livered to the clerks of the courts of general sessions in the respective counties where they had originated, to be estreated or discharged in like manner as if entered into before such courts. Forfeited recognizances were to be given to the clerk of the supreme court to be prosecuted. The accounts of the commissioners were to be exhibited to the auditor of the State before the first Monday of August, 1783, to be re- ported by him to the next legislature. On or before May I, 1783, the commissioners were required to make a return to a justice of peace in the respective counties in which they re- sided, of the names of the persons committed by them and the causes of such commitment, and no person committed could be discharged before the last-mentioned date. If any- one came meanwhile within the State from the British lines, a justice of the peace could cause his arrest and demand security for his appearance at the next court of general sessions to be held in the county where the offender was apprehended, or in- carcerate him in a common jail until security was procured or until the next meeting of the general sessions. By the latter court the offender was subject to be committed again to jail until the meeting of the next court of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery in the county, there to plead his cause. Numerous petitions were sent to this last session of the legis- lature during the war, requesting that certain persons, who had adhered to the British cause, and who in consequence had been removed by order of the commissioners for conspiracies and in accordance with the law, might be permitted to return. In every case, so far as ascertained, the legislature rejected the prayer of the petitioners by a unanimous vote. 1 1 For example, a number of petitions were signed by a considerable number of inhabitants of the districts of Claverack, Kinderhook, Hillsdale and Kings, and presented in senate on March 13, 1783. Senate Votes (sixth session), p. 140. Introduction 33 The execution of the duties imposed by extraordinary laws upon the commissioners for detecting and defeating con- spiracies, involved most uncongenial tasks. How they operated from time to time, as revealed in the proceedings of the Albany County board, the most important and active part of this official body of the State, is the subject-matter of the next chapter. CHAPTER II. OPERATION OF THE FUNCTION OF THE COMMISSIONERS AS REVEALED BY THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ALBANY COUNTY BOARD. GENERAL STATEMENT OP ORGANIZATION COUNTERFEITERS DESERTERS MURDERS PASSES PRISONERS PROTECTION RANGERS RELATIONS WITH OTHER BOARDS AND WITH LOCAL COMMITTEES ROBBERIES AND PLUNDER TORYISM AND DISAFFECTION TREASON. The men, who from time to time had been empowered to exercise the judicial function as commissioners for conspira- cies in the several boards of this inquisitorial body, were persons fitted by former service for the new tasks. Several of them had already gained experience as members of com- mittees or other bodies organized earlier in the war for the suppression of disaffection. Among their number were judges of various courts, and those who were, or had been, recorders, court clerks, coroners, surrogates and county, city or town clerks. It was not unusual to find the same in- dividual engaged in several of the civil offices coterminously, whilst holding as well a commission in the militia, or rep- resenting a constituency in the legislature. For example, Egbert Benson was a member of the assembly and attorney, solicitor and advocate-general of the State. In the preceding chapter the legal status of the com- missioners for conspiracies has been traced. Their selection was distributive among the seven counties of the State under 35 36 State of New York patriot control, and they sat generally as boards in the counties of which they were residents; but the authority of each commissioner extended over the entire State, and he might sit with any board whenever he happened to be present in any county. Moreover, there was considerable intercourse between the boards, and especially was this true of those of contiguous counties. Each quorum or board was required by law to keep exact minutes of its proceedings. So far as is now known, no regular minutes are extant, save only those of the Albany County board, and they extend to August 30, 1781, end abruptly and, manifestly, are incom- plete. The meetings of this board were held mainly in the city of Albany; yet, on occasion, the central board or some of its members as sub-boards, met in the Helderbergs, at Stillwater, at Saratoga and elsewhere in the county. The activities of the whole body in the seven counties are reflected in pay-bills and other vouchers, State auditor's accounts, State treasurer's books and other records, now in the office of the State comptroller or among the archives of the New York State Library. 1 It has been deemed pertinent to give in this chapter a partial analysis of the ramifications of the procedure revealed by the Albany minutes. The results are presented as types, derived from a carefully indexed analysis of the minutes for the year 1778, and are supple- mented by very material variations of later date. On April 24, 1778, Leonard Gansevoort, Jr., was appointed clerk or secretary to the Albany County commissioners, and took his oath of office, promising to "keep secret all such Matters as should be given him in Charge," until discharged therefrom by the board. John M. Beeckman, one of the commissioners, acted for a time as treasurer of the board, 1 For financial materials see Appendix II. Introduction 37 until August 6, 1778, when Gansevoort was charged also with that trust. 1 In the beginning, the salary of Gansevoort was ten shillings for every day's entry in the minutes. On August 3, 1778, his pay was raised to twenty shillings per day, "it being the same Pay allowed by the Commissioners at Poughkeepsie." Evidently, this extra allowance had also some relation to his enlarged duties, committed to him three days later. Expenditures by the secretary-treasurer were authorized or approved by the commissioners in session, and to them he was obliged to report. When the commissioners entrusted funds to any of their own members or to military officers, they were likewise required to make an accounting. 2 Jacob Kidney was doorkeeper to the board. 3 He also served warrants upon recalcitrant citizens, apparently in the ca- pacity of a constable. 4 Counterfeiters By an act of March 8, 1778, it was made a felony without benefit of clergy to counterfeit any true bill of credit issued by or thereafter to be issued by the authority of Congress, or by the authority of any provincial congress or any convention of the State of New York, before or since the Declaration of Independence, or by authority of the legis- lature of any other of the States since July 4, 1776, or to alter by raising the amount of any true bill of credit, or to attempt to pass such paper, or bring into the State any such paper, knowing the same to be counterfeit or altered. 5 The same substance was contained in the similar act of March 27, 1781 . 6 By the act of November 20, 1781, counterfeiting French 1 See May 23; June 18; July 29; August 6, 1778; June 28, 1780. 1 August 14; September 15; December i, 1778. ' February 15; June 30, 1779; June 28, 1780. 4 January 29; July 10, u; August 15, 1780. 5 Laws of New York. Poughkeepsie: John Holt, 1782, p. 60. 6 Ibid, p. 1 88. 38 State of New York crowns or silver French crowns was likewise constituted a felony without benefit of clergy. 1 The offence was extended, by an act of April 1 1, 1782, to cover counterfeiting, raising or passing with knowledge notes of the Bank of North America. 3 In such cases the commissioners for conspiracies issued a warrant to the constable of the particular district for appre- hending and committing the culprit, and the warrant also commanded the keeper of the jail to receive him into his custody. 3 When guards were placed over such prisoners, the commissioners paid them. 4 The discovery of counterfeit money upon the person of the accused prisoner led to an ex- amination, which was reduced to writing, and was followed by close confinement. 5 If the prisoner had also good money in his possession, it was used toward reimbursing those whom he had defrauded with counterfeits. This good money was deposited with the treasurer of the board. 6 The commission- ers advertised in the newspapers, even those of other States, calling upon persons, who had been imposed upon, to bring the counterfeit money to them, in order to receive in lieu thereof good money. 7 If they came from a distance, as was often the case, the board allowed them an additional amount to reimburse them for their expenses in coming before the commissioners as witnesses. 8 They summoned a man for "endeavoring by every Means in his Power to depreciate the Credit of the Paper Currency emitted by the Congress of the United States," and put him under a bond of 5,000, 1 Laws of New York. Poughkeepsie: John Holt, 1782, p. 210. *Ibid, pp. 236-237. May 13, 1778. June 4, 1778. November 13, 1778. November 14, 1778. 'November 21, 1778; February 22, 1779. November 19, 1778. Introduction 39 "neither by himself or his Agents to raise an Exhorbitant Price on the Sale of any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes or Purchase or sell any at an exhorbitant Price or unjust Profit." 1 Deserters Persons who had been taken as prisoners by Brant's party and effected an escape, appeared before the commissioners, from time to time, to exonerate themselves from the suspicion of toryism. Others, who had started on their way to join Brant, reported, returned to their abodes and were placed under a recognizance and bail for their appear- ance at the next supreme court of judicature to be held at the city hall of Albany, whilst some were closely confined. Not a few of those whom the board released, and who re- turned to their homes, were afterwards implicated in rob- beries or proved to be otherwise troublesome. The board even granted a gratuity to a deserter from Brant and Butler for important information imparted by him and for his offer to go out again as a spy, to discover the future movements of the enemy. 2 Deserters, who had joined Burgoyne, requested reinstatement in their country's favor and took the oath of fidelity, or were put under a recognizance for their future good behavior and monthly appearance before one or more of the commissioners. Similarly, Hessians and other deserters from Burgoyne's army, or other British attachments, upon taking the oath, were given a pass to go at large in Albany County; were put under a recognizance or, when considered dangerous to the State, were confined. Intercession on be- half of these persons was sometimes made by some of the principal people of a locality, who requested that a domicile January 4, 12, 13, 1779. *For examples see October 31; November 4, 21; December 4, 1778; May 27, 1779. 40 State of New York amongst them be granted. Some of the Hessians to whom favor had been shown, were later discovered as perpetrators of robberies, and were recommitted. The board would not liberate one of Burgoyne's German allies, because he was a prisoner of war and " under the direction of the Military power." Deserters from the American army were turned over to the military authorities. 1 Murders It does not appear that the commissioners had extra-judicial authority over persons suspected of murder. They were concerned with their arrest, and ordered the release upon recognizance of such a person who had been indicted, tried and acquitted. 2 Passes The commissioners issued passes to enable per- sons to enter an American camp or place under patriot con- trol, whether in or outside of the State. They also made operative passes to Canada that had originated with military officers, but which, meanwhile, had lapsed. Upon receiving a request for a pass from a wife, for herself and family, to go into the British lines of New York City, the board gave her a certificate, which stated that the commissioners did not object to the granting of her request for removal. In another case, a pass was refused because the granting of it lay prop- erly with General Stark; yet the board recommended to Stark that the person be given permission " to go to Cherry Valley to fetch from thence his Family and Effects." But the board refused an appeal from a tory's wife, on the ground that no permit or indulgence could be given " to any part of a Family whereof the Husband or Master" had "so far deviated from humane principles as to associate with Barbarians & as- 1 For examples see April 14, 15, 16, 18, 29; June i, 9, 10, 15, 25, 29; July 16; August 12, 13, 15, 21 ; September 4, 14; November 17, 21, 1778; January 25; February 2, 12; June 2, 3, 5, 9, 30; July 2, 9, 10, 1779; July 5; August 26, 1780. *June 13, 17, 1778. Introduction 41 sisting in Imbruing his hands in the Blood of Women and Children and peaceable Inhabitants.'* Military prisoners who wished to make a direct appeal to Governor Clinton for their exchange, were granted passes as far as Poughkeepsie. A sloop was allowed to go down to New York City, on pro- viso that the owner procured a sufficient bail for its im- mediate return. An applicant for a pass to Charlotte County was told to apply to the board there. Passes were granted to other States, for example to New Jersey and Penn- sylvania. The board refused a pass to Bennington, Vermont, unless the applicant could furnish a favorable recommenda- tion from a known whig. In another case, favorable consider- ation was contingent upon an acceptable certificate from an officer of the militia. On July 28, 1779, the board ordered that in future no passes would be granted, unless by vote of three commissioners, and only then upon a proper recom- mendation. Similar procedure was requested by the board of the justices of peace in Albany. A person apprehended for forging a pass was closely confined by the board. 1 Prisoners The arrest of persons suspected or known to be guilty of disaffection varied in procedure. Generally the commissioners ordered their arrest by rangers or other military authorities, by individual citizens, and by publi- cation in the newspapers. A warrant for arrest was issued in most cases after charges preferred by some whig. It was of course the duty of every true citizen of the State to reveal the identity of disloyalty in any form. When persons re- fused to reveal information which was requested of them, they were themselves sent to prison. 2 Under these circum- 1 For examples of the different cases see under June 10, 22, 24; August 12, *3> 1 5 *7> 2I 3 1 ; September 7, 14, 18, 29; October i, 6, 10, 13, 15, 1778; January 4, 5, 8; February 15; April 9; June 8, 18, 19; July 28, 1779. 2 July 3, 1778. 42 State of New York stances it was not unusual that suspicious persons construed Dame Rumor to the damnation off their neighbors, and that revengeful spirits were afforded an outlet. But the commis- sioners for conspiracies discharged many unfortuate indi- viduals in whom they found no fault of disloyalty. Charges were also preferred against persons on the initiative of those who had arrested them, and without previous order from the commissioners. Some suspects surrendered themselves. When ordered by publication to appear at a designated time, default was punishable in like manner as provided by law for persons of equivocal and suspected characters. 1 The opera- tion of discharges of prisoners varied greatly. Accused per- sons were fully exonerated, or allowed to go at large on their honor, or were kept within certain bounds, or were put under recognizance and bail for their future good behaviour, or required to appear before the board or a commissioner daily or monthly or when called upon, or to present themselves at the meetings of designated courts. Some were enlarged on condition of their joining the continental army. Bail varied all the way from 40 to ^5,ooo. 2 The obligation of appearance at stated times of those under recognizances was not always heeded; hence, on August u, 1779, the Albany commissioners ordered advertisements to be posted through- out the county, commanding all persons under such a release to appear before them on the last day of that month, or suffer prosecution. During the summer of 1780, many persons were required to enter into new recognizances, at an enlarged amount, on account of the depreciated state of the continental money. In August of that year, the commissioners ordered the appearance of bailed prisoners, accompanied by their For examples see August 13, 25; September 24; October 2, 6, 13, 1778. January 13, 1779. Introduction 43 sureties, and in case of failure, they were to be proceeded against for the amount of the surety. The board was not always certain of the sufficiency of those who offered to go bail, and in such cases accepted the recommendation of a local committee. After June 30, 17/8, the oath was made the supreme test. 1 By an act of April i, 1778, affirmation by raising of hands, a concession to Quakers, was permissible. 2 But the Quakers piteously objected to the wording of the oath and petitioned the legislature for relief. 3 When the commissioners began their work in Albany, on April 13, 1778, they received a return of the prisoners who were confined in the city jail, and ordered letters to be written to the several district committees from whence these persons had been sent, and requested an account of the crimes for which they had been committed. The board found that local committees, for example in Saratoga district and Charlotte County, were exercising functions which be- longed properly to commissioners for conspiracies, and stopped them. But when two military officers reported the names of certain persons who had joined Burgonyne's army, yet were believed likely to return to their allegiance to the State, the commissioners authorized these officers to examine them and make out recognizances at Ballston. 4 Moreover, the board objected to the over-zealous action of certain whigs who, not authorized by law, attempted to order dis- affected persons " to move off", and who threatened them in case they procrastinated. The board adjudged that such 1 Appendix I: Laws, June 30, 1778. 1 Laws of New York. Poughkeepsie: John Holt, 1782, p. 25. 1 Assembly Papers Miscellaneous, vol. i, pp. 49-62. See also for Shakers, who refused to bear arms, July 7, n, 17, 24, 26; August 26; December 4, 1780. 4 April 15, 1778. 44 State of New York disaffected persons must be brought before the commis- sioners, accompanied by the charges against them. 1 When in doubt as to the propriety of permitting particular persons to take the oath of allegiance, the commissioners resolved to take the opinion of the judges of the supreme court. 2 The board could issue a mittimus to a sheriff for committing a prisoner; and also abrogated and voided a mittimus so as to enable judges to issue habeas corpuses. 3 Judges and magistrates were prevented by law from bailing any person committed by a mittimus issued by the commissioners. Paroles were issued, and at times provided with restrictions upon opinion of the governor. Paroles were also disallowed. 4 Petitions were received from prisoners, heard and disposed of, 5 and were sometimes referred by the legislature. 6 The board took cognizance of defamation of military officers or its own members, by binding the guilty party, or exacting a satisfactory concession. 7 When General Stark discharged a negro, a prisoner of war, and said he had done it by consent of the commissioners, they disowned it and immediately in- formed the sheriff that the negro was in no wise under their directions, hence they could not give their " assent or dissent to his discharge." 8 In May, 1778, Stephen Bell, the Albany jailer, reported that the jail was overcrowded, whereupon the board ordered the removal of a number of prisoners to the fort. Prisoners were sent to Albany from Dutchess and other 1 July 3" August 8, 1778. August i, 1778. June 14, 24; September 10, n, 1778. See also July 13, 1780. 4 September 28; October 30, 1778; January 12; February 22, 1779. October i, 31, 1778. Votes and Proceedings of the Assembly. First session. Kingston: John Holt, 1777, p. 15. 7 June 24, 1778; May 27, 1779. September 14, 1778. Introduction 45 counties. 1 A tory from Hartford, Conn., who held a major's commission in the British service, was sent from Northamp- ton jail by the council of Massachusetts to be confined by the Albany board, 2 and was released on December I, 1778, on a bond of 1,000, because the board believed he had under- gone " Imprisonment sufficiently long". An ensign from Sir John Johnson's corps apprehended at Danby, in Char- lotte County, was brought before the Albany board, and was examined and committed. 3 In a letter to Massachusetts, about a person concealed somewhere near Worcester, the board requested that the man be " instantly apprehended if possible " and sent to Albany.* A prisoner confined by a court martial was brought before the board, examined, dis- charged and given a pass to go to Hartford, Conn. 5 A num- ber of persons were captured by the Oneida Indians and were sent to the board. They were examined and discharged forthwith, with or without bail, in virtually every case. 8 Women as well as men were sent to prison. 7 On April 20, 1778, the board protested to the commanding officer against the undue liberty granted to prisoners in the garrison. Six months later Governor Clinton wrote the board that he had learned that patriot prisoners were being treated with less rigor than formerly by the British, and requested that cer- tain tory prisoners in Albany " be released from their present Confinement and placed in another as easy and mild as the board could possibly make it to them." 8 In June, 1778, the 1 April 23, 30, 1778; September 10, 1779. *July 10, 1778. 1 September 4, 1780. 4 September 4, 1778 September 14, 1778. October 23, 27, 31; November 2; December 10, 1778. T August 10, it, 1778. 8 October 27, 1778. 46 State of New York board ordered the arrest of a person employed as a secret express in conveying letters from New York City to tories, and that the papers or their contents be revealed immediately. 1 By the act of June 30, 1780, all persons who came from the British lines and were found lurking secretly in any part of the State, were to be tried by courts martial as spies. 3 Overcrowded jails were not conducive to health, and many prisoners became ill. Usually the jailer recommended their removal to the hospital, which was followed by an order from the board to the director of the hospital. They included wounded, "exceedingly ill" persons, and smallpox cases. Sickness was a good plea for liberation and such requests were not infrequent, and were sometimes granted. In a particular case, the request was refused, but a weekly allow- ance was given for the subsistence of the person during his illness, because he was one "whose Evidence may be of the utmost Consequence to the State". Dangerous persons were also allowed to be removed to the hospital. In such a case General Stark was requested by the board "to order a Gentry to be placed at the Door of the Room". Other pre- cautions were taken against escape, by requiring the director of the hospital to report, from time to time, the condition of the health of certain confined prisoners. When he reported their recovery, they were at once ordered to be remanded to the jail. On September 4, 1778, the board ordered Dr. Joseph Young, the director of the Albany Hospital, "to re- ceive into the Hospital such State Prisoners" as the board might send him "and provide them with such Things as he shall think necessary for their Nourishment and Recovery of their Health, and keep an accurate Account of the whole, 1 June 1 8; 20, 23, 1778. 8 Laws of New York. Poughkeepsie: John Holt, 1782, p. 143. Introduction 47 which we will pay either in Money at the Current Price of the Articles expended, or return the like Quantity and Quality to the issuing Commissary of the Northern Department, as may best suit the Director of the Hospital for the Time being." A very sick woman was allowed to be removed to a house in the city, and a husband and his "very" sick wife were released on a recognizance, not to go out of the city's limits, and to "appear once a Day" before the board. A prisoner on parole in Schodack district was allowed to return to his home in Kinderhook for a few days because his wife was "exceedingly ill", yet he was not to exceed the limits of his farm while there. Another prisoner whose wife was "in a very distressed condition" and "shortly to be brought to bed", was released on recognizance and bail. 1 Protection In the case of a person who desired to go to the German Flats, but who was apprehensive of being mal- treated by inhabitants of Tryon County, protection was given him for his security. 2 When appealed to for protec- tion by the wife and family of a tory confined in jail, the board enjoined "all officers both Civil and Milatary [sic] & all other Persons whatsoever" from molesting them. 8 Rangers Captain John Ryley 4 and fifteen men were employed, on May 1 1, 1778, by the Albany commissioners for conspiracies "for the Purpose of ranging about the Woods 1 For examples see May 6, n, 13, 21, 22; August 3, 14, 19, 22, 29, 31; Sep- tember 3, 4, 7, 10, 18, 19, 22, 24; October 8, 19; November 3, 1778; June 19, 1779; August 2, 24, 31; September 23; October 7, 1780. 4 October 7, 1778. 'September 14, 1778. 4 Ryley had served at the head of a similar contingent of rangers for the Committee of the City and County of Albany, from August, 1777, until January 10, 1778. He sought at various times to collect the amount of his pay-roll, and as late as January 13, 1789, he petitioned the legislature in the matter. He signed his name " John Reilay." Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 22, State Comptroller's office. 48 State of New York and doing such Services as should be requested of them", until the last day of October following. They were to re- ceive six shillings per day and one ration of provisions, and promised "to obey the Orders of said Commissioners or any three of them and the Orders of such Officers as they may think proper to set over us." Before entrance upon the serv- ice, each member was required to take the oath of allegiance. On May 18, Ryley and his men appeared before the board to receive their instructions, and were sent to Kinderhook, there to await orders from one of the commissioners, before pro- ceeding to Coxsackie to execute them. From time to time Ryley was instructed to apprehend persons, particularly those suspected of or known to have taken part in robberies, and to search for stolen property. He also brought in Hessian deserters and others on his own account. On June 13, the board notified the commissioners at Poughkeepsie that it had been "under Necessity to raise a Party of 15 Rangers", to whom was paid six shillings per day and rations, and asked how much allowance the Poughkeepsie board made "to such Parties of the Militia as bring in Prisoners'*. On the same day application was made for a party of continental troops as an additional guard, to be under the direction of Captain Ryley, and for a bateau for the guard. Two hun- dred dollars were ordered to be paid to Ryley on account, on June 1 8. The board applied to the assemblymen from Albany County, on June 20, "to endeavour to procure an Act for the Purpose of raising another Company of Rangers", to be under their command. On June 22, Captain Ryley presented a pay-roll to date of 283 IQS., which was allowed, minus the amount paid before on account. When Ryley was sent to ferret out tories in the Helderbergs and at Oniskethau, he was told that he might apply to the militia officers for rein- Introduction 49 forcements, in case his own contingent was insufficient. The board, having received a letter from the commissioners at Poughkeepsie, on July 1 8, ordered that Ryley's rangers be discharged, and that he be served with a copy of the resolu- tion. On the 2oth Ryley was ordered to appear immediately before them, and he, presenting himself, received his dis- charge with his company. On August 12, Ryley was granted fifty pounds for his men, to be deducted from his pay-roll. Mathew Aerson, ferryman, was granted 8 ijs 4d., for services in ferrying Ryley's company across the Hudson River at various times. The full pay-roll was presented by Ryley on September 18, and amounted, "from the Time of their Inlistment being the n*/ 1 May 1778 till 20^ Day of July now last past," to 460 1 8s. 4d., part of which, as already shown, was paid before on account. He was also paid a gratuity for apprehending a person who committed a robbery. 1 The Albany board continued to employ rangers or militia detachments a practice not uncommon among the boards throughout the State, as is witnessed by pay-bills or vouchers yet in existence. On May 18, 1779, the Albany commission- ers ordered the payment of an account of 25, presented by Captain Stephen Hayt, for bringing from Claverack to Albany the company of Captain Smith's rangers, together with a number of robbers and tories. On the 27th of the same month, the board made out instructions for a volunteer company of rangers, raised by the inhabitants of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck, residing on the east side of the Hudson, to be commanded by Captain Jacob De Forest, and to be under the direction of the board. On June 9, General Ten 1 May ii, 18, 27; June 3, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 22, 29, July I, 14, 18, 20- August 12; September 15, 18; October 3, 1778. 50 State of New York Broeck was requested to furnish ammunition to this con- tingent, which operated for the safeguarding of its own home territory. The frequency of robberies in the Helderbergs and contiguous regions induced the board, on July 2, 1779, to consider the raising of another company of rangers, to be under the command of Lieutenant Thomas Ismay. Orders for this body were issued on August 2 and 8, and at other times. On September 14, 1779, the board discharged De Forest's rangers, because their services were no longer needed; and on February 9, 1780, certified the pay-roll of Ismay's rangers, amounting to 91 195. 6d., "being the full Amount of the Pay and Subsistance Roll of the Party of Militia" under his command. The disturbances occasioned by disaffected inhabitants of Albany County, and the crying demand for enforcing the laws against them, determined the board, on June 30, 1780, to authorize Lieutenant Philip Staats, of Colonel Killian Van Rensselaer's regiment, to engage "about ten men", who were to provide themselves "with a good Horse & proper Arms and Accoutrements", and who were to be allowed the same pay as given to the cavalry of the army of the United States, together with an allowance for horse-hire and subsistence. Samuel Stringer, one of the members of the board, was requested, on August 1 1, 1780, to propose to John Tillman that he raise a company of rangers, to be under his command and under the direction of the commissioners. 1 Relations with other Boards and with Local Committees The Albany board was appealed to for funds by the Charlotte County board at New Perth, and agreed to forward the amount requested from one thousand pounds to be drawn 1 As under dates cited in the text. Introduction 51 from the State treasurer. It also recommended to the latter board to exercise "the Utmost Frugality," otherwise the allowance made by the State would be insufficient and deficiencies might be made good only "attended with the greatest Difficulties." 1 It also advised that board as to its conduct toward certain families who had returned to their habitations under a tie of neutrality to the British king. These families were too numerous to be removed or dealt with in a rigorous manner, hence the Albany commissioners counseled humane treatment of women and children "who otherwise might be culpable for the Crimes of their Parents & Husbands," and that they be summoned before the mem- bers of the Charlotte County board, to be by them examined, instructed as to their obligations to the State, and other duties necessary to their reinstatement "in the Benefits and Priveledges that every faithful Subject will enjoy under a free Constitution." 2 The Albany board received into custody prisoners sent by other boards and by local committees, and likewise sent persons to be committed in other places. A correspondence was kept up with the Poughkeepsie board in particular, and with those of Charlotte County, Tryon County and other places in general. Letters sent or received are noted in the minutes as having passed between the board and many local committees, all the way from Bennington, Vermont, to Fredericksburgh, Dutchess County. Much of this intercourse related to prisoners and arrests. 3 The State funds for the use of the Albany board were often forwarded through the commissioners at Poughkeepsie. >May 15, 1778. *May 15, 1778. For examples see April 21; May i, 2, 19, 20; August 14; September n, 30; October i; November 23; December 9, 1778; April 20; May 4; June 2, 19; July 14; September 22, 1779; July 21, 1780; January 29, 1781. 52 State of New York Robberies and Plunder The apprehension of robbers formed one of the earliest and most urgent activities of the commissioners for conspiracies of the Albany County board. Arrests were made by rangers and detachments of militia, and even men of the line were detailed by their commanders upon request of the board. Not infrequently persons were brought before the board under allegations of being con- cerned in certain robberies, or of being able to give material information against perpetrators. In a large number of cases no evidence was procurable, or innocence was proved, and the accused were discharged. In a lesser number of in- stances the evidence was conclusive, and prisoners even con- fessed their guilt. Likewise, persons who acted as fences for robbers were seized and confined. The Albany board took cognizance of robberies committed in Dutchess County, and requested the removal to Albany of a person under arrest at Bennington, Vermont, for a robbery committed in Dutchess County. 1 Those who had suffered from robberies in this county were granted permission to go to Albany, there to interrogate the thieves concerning the places where the stolen effects had been secreted. This investigation was done in the presence of one of the commissioners. 2 The board directed search to be made for stolen property, even when the robbery had been committed a long time prior to the apprehension of the thief. 3 When stolen money or other personal property fell into the hands of the board, it was placed in the custody of the treasurer of the board, or of some officer or citizen designated for that purpose, or was returned by an order to the rightful owner. From the minutes of July 27, 1778, we learn that there had been fre- 1 April 21, 1778. See also April 27, 30, 1778. September 25, 30, 1778. May 27, 1778. Introduction 53 quent complaints of robberies committed on the east side of Hudson River, which had "become intolerable". It was believed that the ringleaders might be apprehended, and the board requested Captain Jacob DeForest to collect a com- pany of militia, not to exceed fifty men, "to go in Quest of the Perpetrators" and "apprehend and safely convey them" to the board. He was also authorized to search "in every sus- pected House for Papers & stolen Goods," whereof he was to make a true return to the board; and "to apprehend all Strangers" who had not "sufficient Authority to be at large in the Compass of the Rout" taken by him and his men. The Helderbergs and adjacent regions were regular nests of robbers and hatcheries of treasonable designs. 1 When a militia contingent seized or plundered the effects of certain people, "scarce leaving them wherewithal to cover them- selves", the board wrote the commanding officer "to order the Goods taken" to be immediately returned to the owners. 2 The commissioners promised to intercede with Governor Clinton for the pardon of an accomplice in a robbery, who offered to turn State's evidence. 3 In another case, that of a man who had been condemned to death for robbery, but whom the governor had pardoned, they would not permit his release, because they believed it desirable to obtain evidence from him against persons confined for robberies and other offences. Therefore, he was continued in confinement, but with a weekly allowance of two dollars. 4 In another case, that of a prisoner who broke jail, but who later sur- rendered himself and imparted information about secret ex- 1 June 7; July -2, 1779. 1 October 31, 1778. For another case see December 14, 1778. 'October 16, 1778. 4 August 1 8, 1778. He remained in confinement until released on a recog- nizance of fifty pounds, on November 5. 54 State of New York presses from New York to Brant and Butler, the board set him loose in order to capture the secret emissary from the British. 1 In its address to Governor Clinton, September I, 1779, the senate said: "We participate in your Excellency's Pleasure, on the Suppression of Robberies and other atrocious Offences, by the regular and assiduous Administration of Justice; in which we find additional Reasons for admiring that happy Constitution, under which we enjoy domestic Peace amidst the Horrors of War; notwithstanding the Patronage that Robbers and Assassins have so frequently received from degenerate Britons." 2 The concordant opinion of the governor and senate in favor of a more judicial and constitutional procedure in dealing with robberies and other felonious acts, bore fruitage in a series of enactments, as we shall see. On October 15, 1779, an act to prevent robberies was passed by the legislature, and stated the nature and dispo- sition of robberies and of the seizure of stolen goods. 3 When this act was revived, on July I, 1780, it included a new section relative to stolen horses.* The frequency of rob- beries, particularly in the east district of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck, gave birth to another act, which provided for the employment of rangers and made an appropriation of 1,500 for that service. Payment of the rangers was made by a supervisor, with the approbation of any two resident justices of the peace, and an accounting was rendered to the next meeting of the county supervisors. 5 This act was re- 1 April 21, 1779. * Senate Votes. Fish-Kill: Samuel Loudon, 1779, p. 9. 1 Law* of New York. Poughkeepsie: John Holt, 1782, pp. 81-82. * Ibid, p. 144. Ibid, pp. 125-126. Introduction 55 vived and amended on September 21, I780. 1 By an act of November 21, 1781, accessories as well as principals were to suffer death without benefit of clergy. 2 Trial of felons was by jury before county courts of oyer and terminer. A joint resolution of the legislature in October, 1779, ordered the governor to issue a proclamation forbidding the plundering of any place held by the British, or of any in- habitant of the State, or of any of the United States within the power of the enemy, declaring such acts contrary to the law of nations and the rights of war. Offenders were to be apprehended and handed over to the commissioners for con- spiracies. The governor was also requested to ask the executives of New Jersey and Connecticut to issue similar proclamations. 3 That there was a dire need for such legis- lative action is evident from the barbarous offences that must have become notorious. For example, a number of persons, under pretense of revenge against an alleged tory, committed depredations against his wife, by pulling down her house and destroying her furniture and clothes. 4 Toryism and Disaffection In the first chapter of this introduction the earlier attitude of the laws against disaffec- tion is revealed. By an act of March 30, 1781, provision was made "more effectually to punish Adherence to the King of Great-Britain". Those who were found "adhering to the Enemies of this State" were declared to be guilty of high treason. Anyone who maliciously by preaching, teaching, speaking, writing or printing maintained that the King of Great Britain had or of right ought to have authority or 1 Laws of New York. Poughkeepsie: John Holt, 1782, p. 149. * Ibid, p. 215. Assembly Votes. Fish-Kill: Samuel London, 1779, p. 47; Senate Votes, Ibid, pp. 1 6, 30. 4 July 19, 1779- 56 State of New York dominion in and over the State, or who seduced or persuaded or attempted to persuade or seduce any inhabitant to re- nounce his or her allegiance to the State, and who himself or herself maliciously or advisedly declared or affirmed allegiance to the King or Crown of Great Britain, was guilty of a felony without benefit of clergy. But the court had latitude, in- stead of giving judgment of death, to direct that the convict should serve three years on board of any ship of war of the State, or of the United States, or of an ally of the United States. Desertion from such service invited the death penalty. 1 There were indeed examples of hotheaded dis- affection that inspired such legislation. On July 10, 1780, a witness accused one of these persons of saying in his presence, " that the French Fleet was come to carry off the Damned Rebel Officer Washington, who was afraid he would be hanged, and the Rebel Congress; that the Whigs were all a set of scoundrels and Rascals, and that he was persuaded the British Troops would in a fortnight's time march through the City of Albany." This obstreperous tory, George Rodgers by name, was apprehended and put in close confinement. 2 The troublous characters in and around Newtown, in the summer of 1780, led the Albany board to erect a sub-board at Stillwater, in order to employ rigorous measures against them. This sub-board met there on July 19 and 20, during which time persons were summoned, examined and bound by recognizances and bail in various sums. 3 The Albany board, when desirous of learning who had gone over to the British interest, ordered the militia officers to make a return " of the Names of the Persons within their 1 Laws of New York. Poughkeepsie: John Holt, 1782, p. 189. *July 10, ii, 22, 1780. 'July 22, 1780. See also August 19; September 7, 1779, for a similar sub-board at Saratoga. Introduction 57 respective Beats" who had "lately gone over and joined the Enemy/' 1 Tories who had been judged in Vermont were, in the opinion of General Stark, not under the jurisdiction of the commissioners for conspiracies of New York, even when these prisoners were brought into the State; whereupon the Albany board wrote to the governor and informed him that Stark had told them it was none of their business to interfere with tories from another State. 2 A few days later, 3 they wrote again to Clinton about seven more persons " sent down by the pretended State of Vermont to be forwarded to the Enemies Lines by General Stark," and stated that from the "first Reception" they met with from Stark, they thought it "needless to remonstrate with him any farther about the Matter." Subsequently,* when Stark asked them to commit a prisoner sent from Bennington, they complied and issued a mittimus to the jailer to receive the prisoner into his custody. Persons who were to be removed to the British lines were each to be served with a notice by the secretary of the board, 5 and were required to pay the costs of transportation for themselves and families, and to provide provisions for all sufficient as a supply for fourteen days. They were allowed to take with them all of their clothing and household fur- niture. Their names were sent to the governor, to enable him to order the detention of any of them for exchanges. 9 When several of these people requested a temporary sus- pension, to afford them an opportunity to ask the permis- 1 September 21, 1778. 'July 15, 1778. July 24, 1778. August 7, 1778. 5 July 20, 1778. i 6 August i, 3. 22, 26: September 3; October 29, 1778. See also th\ act of March 20, 1781, in relation to exchanges. Laws of New York. Pough- keepsie, 1782, pp. 179-180. 58 State of New York sion of Governor Clinton to petition the legislature for an exemption from the penalties, the board informed them that their request could not be granted. 1 Two women who asked permission to join their husbands in New York City and Canada, respectively, were recommended favorably to General Stark for a pass, because the board thought it would be better for the State to grant the request than to keep the women as a charge upon the community. 2 A man ordered to be removed, but at the time under a recognizance as a witness in a trial for a capital offence, was respited until the court should discharge him, the board averring its unwillingness to deprive the person on trial for his life "of the Benefit of so favorable a Witness." But the murderer escaped subsequently, and the witness was put on parole. 3 When the commissioners were in doubt as to their authority for permitting the return of persons previously deported, or for sending away certain people, they wrote to Governor Clinton for an opinion. 4 It has been shown that Governor Clinton might order the detention of tories as exchanges. In such cases they were held subject to his order, or were taken down to Pough- keepsie, from thence to be sent under a flag to New York or elsewhere, as he might determine. 5 When a tory civilian asked for the exchange of himself and family, the board answered that it had no authority to arrange exchanges, and referred him to the governor. On the other hand, a captured lieutenant was granted a pass to Poughkeepsie, to solicit from the governor his own exchange with a patriot July 29, 1778. * October i, 1778. * September 7, 1778; January 13, 21, 1779. 4 November 2, 1778. 'September 3, 22; November 20, 1778. Introduction 59 officer of equal rank. 1 On occasion, Governor Clinton requested the Albany board, in conjunction with General Schuyier and General Clinton, to arrange for the exchange of inhabitants of Cherry Valley, who were in captivity in Canada. 2 During the course of the war, and particularly after 1778, petitions were presented to the legislature by the inhabitants of various sections on behalf of persons who had been sent within the British lines. In these memorials the petitioners begged that these particular deported persons be allowed to return to their original domiciles. They were usually rejected by both houses or, what was the same thing, ordered to lie on the table. 3 Treason In an act of March 30, 1778, the operation of the English law, so far as it related to the manner of putting offenders to death, was characterized as " marked by Circum- stances of Savage Cruelty, unnecessary for the Purposes of public Justice, and manifestly repugnant to that Spirit of Humanity, which should ever distinguish, a free, a civilized, and Christian People." Instead thereof, the judgment was to be hanging by the neck until death. The legislature also abolished the barbarous punishment inflicted upon persons arraigned for felony, who refused to put themselves on ordinary trial, but who obstinately stood mute the form known as peine forte et dure, cominonly pressing to death by great weights put upon the prostrate body. Refusal to plead was to be adjudged a denial of the facts alleged, and such persons were to be tried in regular form, as though they had 1 October 7, 10, 1778. 2 December 28, 1778; January 2, 1779. 1 Examples of these petitions are in Assembly Papers Miscellaneous, vol. i, pp. 161, 169. Their disposition by the legislature can be traced in the printed Votes of both senate and assembly. 6o State of New York duly pleaded their cause. 1 Thomas Cummings, convicted of treason, was pardoned by a special act of October 8, I779- 2 The relations of the commissioners for conspiracies to phases of felony and treason have been shown under former topical headings. The Albany board summoned persons to give testimony which might convict others of high treason, 3 and even required enlarged persons to make known all treasonable acts and deeds that might come to their knowledge at any time. 4 The temper of one loyalist, who refused to take the oath, is revealed by his open declarations. He said that if he took the oath, " he would perjure himself and that none but Rogues and Fools would or could take it." He was declared guilty of " a high Contempt and Insult upon the Authority of this State in General and this Board in particu- lar," and was sent to jail to await the pleasure of the com- missioners. 5 The board sought to ferret out spies from the British lines, as well as secret emissaries at home, and ordered the examination of witnesses against them. 6 An item of more than passing interest came up before the board, on October 5, 1780. Philip Van Rensselaer had received a letter from Colonel Richard Varick, who had been aide-de- camp to Benedict Arnold at the time of the treason of the latter. As this letter was reported to contain " Expressions which would tend to discover some of the persons concerned with Arnold in his Villanous Plot," the board requested 1 Laws of New York. Poughkeepsie: John Holt, 1782, pp. 21-22. For the powers of judges of the supreme court and courts of oyer and terminer in certain cases of felony, see ibid, p. 115. * Ibid, p. 77. 'October 13, 1778. * June 24, 1778. 'July 23, 1778. 'September 22, 1779; July 29, 1780. See also this chaptei under " Pris- oners." Introduction 61 Van Rensselaer to come before it at his earliest convenience, and exhibit at that time the contents of that letter. It is regrettable that the subject-matter is not revealed. A perspective view has been presented in these chapters of the magnitude of the work with which commissioners for detecting and defeating conspiracies were entrusted by the legislature of New York. It is a soul-harrowing picture in the annals of the American Revolution. VICTOR HUGO PALTSITS. March 17, 1909. THE MANUSCRIPT The manuscript minutes of the Albany County board of commissioners for detecting and defeating conspiracies in the State of New York, are contained in two small folio volumes, foolscap size of the period. The paper is a good linen texture, of three kinds of stock. The watermark of the first volume (pp. 1-244), is tne " P ro Patria " inscription and the Dutch lion rampant in a stockade, having a sabre in his right fore paw and a brace of seven arrows in his left fore paw, with a liberty bell hanging at the gate of the enclosure. The second volume is a composite, of which pp. 1-79 and 135-489, as well as blank leaves, contain only the conventional water- lines from top to bottom; pp. 80-134, an insert, have a water- mark with the letters " O G R." The contents of the volumes, blank pages not counted, are as follows: Vol. i. Minutes from April 13, 1778, to December 8, 1778, on pp. 1-239; oaths, on pp. 240-243. Vol. 2. Minutes from December 9, 1778, to August 30, 1781, on pp. 1-489. Manifestly, the minutes are incomplete, and end abruptly on August 30, 1781. Leonard Gansevoort, Jr., took his oath of office on April 24, 1778, and was to be paid " whenever an Entry is made in this Book ". His pay-bill* for services in the secretarial capacity, from April 13, 1778, to April 22, 1780, and from June 28, 1780, to April 29, 1783, was certified by members of the Albany County board on 1 Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 161, in State Comptroller's office. For a reduced facsimile see in the second volume. 63 64 State of New York October 22, 1784, making together the sum of 535 6s. 6d. The act which finally repealed the commissioners was passed on March 27, 1783. It is regrettable that the minutes for the period after August, 1781, are not available, because the proceedings printed in these volumes are the only minutes of any of the seven county boards now, so far as known, extant. There are many references in these extant minutes to collateral papers on file, which are not known to be in existence. It is well-nigh inexplicable that so little remains of the vast amount of minutes and related records of this State body, existent in seven counties and operative during about five years of the war. The several boards were obli- gated by statute to keep accurate minutes of all of their proceedings, subject to review by higher authority. In the office of the State Comptroller, the pay-bills and other vouchers are preserved with creditable fullness, in vol. 40 of Revolutionary Manuscripts, though somewhat disarranged. The minutes of the Albany County board were retained by its secretary. After his death they came into the posses- sion of his grandson, the late Thomas Hun, M. D., of the city of Albany, by whose generosity they were presented to the New York State Library in 1850.* Inquiry of Marcus T. Hun, Esq., a son of Dr. Thomas Hun, who very kindly instituted a search among family papers, for the possible existence of collateral or other records of the board, pro- duced negative results. The first page of the first volume is wholly in the hand- writing of Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, except the signatures to the oath, which are autographs of the commissioners, that were written in at various times. During the month 1 Annual Report of the Trustees of the State Library of the State of New- York. Made to the Legislature, on the 10th of February, 1851. Albany, 1851^.209. The Manuscript 65 of April, 1778, occasional headings and items were written in by Van Rensselaer. But most of the minutes of that month are in the handwriting of Mathew Visscher, 1 who also wrote occasional minutes, from time to time, in 1778, apparently during the temporary absence of the secretary. Apparently Gansevoort wrote all of the minutes, with the exceptions mentioned, save a portion of the rough minutes, which begin on June 29, 1779, in a handwriting that has not been determined; but interpolations and other revisions of this drafted section are Gansevoort's. A large part of the minutes, especially pp. 1-79 and 135-489 of the second volume, is wholly a clean secretarial transcript. There are a number of psychological evidences of transcription, such as erratic copying which required erasures, and the dating of a board meeting of June 28, 1779, as June 28, 1782, with a correction to agree with the former date. From this we may reasonably conclude that some of the clean copy, at least, was done in 1782. There is also another entry in which the year 1780 is written erroneously as 1781. The inserted rough minutes, pp. 80-134 (modern numera- tion) of the second volume, the transcriber had begun to copy, but he did not get beyond the heading of June 30, 1779, on p. 80, which has a contemporary designation as p. 49. In addition to the financial accounts, already alluded to, and more specifically correlated in foot-notes to this work, we find among the George Clinton Papers, in the archives of the New York State Library, a few original letters that were sent by the Albany commissioners to Governor Clinton, 1 Mathew Visscher had tyeen secretary of the Committee of the City and County of Albany, prior to his appointment as a member of the Albany board of commissioners- 66 State of New York and a small number of drafts of his official correspondence with them. These are likewise brought into juxtaposition to the minutes in the annotations. The collection of original official papers, known as New York Colonial Manuscripts, has only a few pieces. 1 The entire copy for these volumes has been carefully revised with the original manuscripts by the State Historian, who has likewise read the printers' proofs with the originals in their final revision. Human frailty is a sure thing, but can find no justification in the shirking of painstaking endeavor in historical documentation. 1 See Appendix III: Miscellanea. LIST OF COMMISSIONERS FOR CONSPIRACIES NAMES Counties Dates of Appointment JOHN M. BEECKMAN Albany April 4, 1778' July i, 1780. JEREMIAH VAN RENSSELAER u April 4 1778' July i 1780 ISAAC D. FONDA a Resignation accepted March 26, 1781. April 4., 1778' Tulv i, 1780. MATHEW VISSCHER a April 4 1778* July i, 1780 HUGH MITCHELL u Resignation accepted March 26, 1781. April 4, 1778* Tulv i, 1780. CORNELIUS HUMFREY u April 4, 1778. JOHN McCLUNG 2 tt April 4, 1778* July i, 1780* PETER WYNKOOP, JR u superseded April 12, 1782. April 4, 1778. SAMUEL STRINGER u k October 2^. 1770' Tulv i. ABRAHAM OOTHOUT u 1780. July i 1780 REYNIER MYNDERSE u July i, 1780. STEWART DEAN u March 26, 1781, in place of PELATIAH FITCH' u Mathew Visscher, re- signed. April 12, 1782, in place of ALEXANDER WEBSTER Charlotte. . . John McClung, declined. April 4., 1778. ALEXANDER MCNITT u April 4, 1778' July i, 1780. EBENEZER CLARK u April 4., 1778* Tulv ! 1780. BRINTON PAINE u Tulv i. 1780. JOSEPH McCRAKEN u March 30, 1781 ZEPHANIAH PLATT Dutchess . . . April 4.. 1778. EGBERT BENSON u April 4 1778' July i 1780 ISRAEL THOMPSON.. a but declined to qualify and appointment an- nulled Sept. 29, 1780. April 4.. 1778. 1 Compiled from the original manuscript minutes of the Council of Appoint- ment, vol. i, pp. 48, 165, 198, 211, 217, 222, 246-7, 249. This volume is in the archives of the New York State Library. The varying spelling of sur- names has been reduced to the best form in use, especially by the individuals themselves. 1 Active in Charlotte County board, at New Perth. Ibid. 67 68 State of New York LIST OF COMMISSIONERS FOR CONSPIRACIES Concluded NAMES Counties Dates of Appointment WILLIAM DUER HENRY WILLIAMS ROBERT HARPUR GILBERT LIVINGSTON. ABRAHAM SCHENCK. . . JACOB GRIFFIN Dutchess . ABRAHAM WYCOFF HENRY WISNER THOMAS MOFFAT GILBERT CUYPER (or Cooper)' MOSES HATFIELD WILLIAM WILLS SOVERINAS COCK JAMES McMASTER LAWRENCE GROS. . . Orange. Tryon. PETER VAN WAGGONER, JR. . WILLIAM PETRY.. SAMUEL CLYDE ANDREW FINCK, JR. JACOB GARDINIER CORNELIUS E. WYNKOOP CORNELIUS C. SCHOONMAKER PETER CANTINE, JR JOSEPH GASHERIE ISRAEL HONEYWELL JONATHAN G. TOMPKINS JOSEPH STRANG Ulster. Westchester. EBENEZER PURDY. . . NATHAN ROCKWELL. PHILIP LEEK. . 1 His own signature is invariably " Cooper." July i, 1780. July i, 1780. July i, 1780. July i, 1780. July i, 1780. July i, 1 7 80, but declined to qualify and appointment annulled Sept. 29, 1780. July i, 1780. April 4, 1778. April 4, 1778; July i, 1780. April 4, 1778; July i, 1780. July i, 1780. April 4, 1778. April 4, 1778. April 4, 1778. July i, 1780; suspended March 30, 1781. July i, 1780; suspended March 30, 1781. July i, 1780; suspended March 30, 1781. March 30, 1781. March 30, 1781; resigned July 10, 1782. March 30, 1781. April 4, 1778; July i, 1780. April 4, 1778; July i, 1780. April 4, 1778. July i, 1780. April 4, 1778; July i, 1780. April 4, 1778. April 4, 1778; July i, 1780; resigned March 26, 1781. July i, 1780. March 26, 1781 ; in place of Joseph Strang, resigned. July 10, 1782, in place of Andrew Finck, Jr.j of Tryon County, resigned. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS 1778 1778 1778 1778 April 13 May 29 July 1 8 September 3 14 30 20 4 *i5 June i 21 5 *i6 a 23 7 17 3 24 8 *i8 4 25 9 *2O 5 27 10 *2I 6 28 ii *23 9 2 9 14 *2 4 to 30 15 25 ii 31 17 27 12 August i 18 29 13 3 *9 30 15 4 21 May i 16 5 22 2 17 6 24 4 18 7 25 5 19 8 28 6 30 10 2 9 7 22 ii 30 8 23 12 October i 9 24 13 2 ii 25 14 3 12 27 '5 6 13 29 17 7 14 30 18 8 15 July i 19 10 16 2 20 12 17 3 21 13 18 6 22 15 19 8 24 16 20 9 25 19 21 10 26 20 22 ii 28 21 23 '4 29 23 25 15 31 24 26 16 September i 26 27 17 2 27 * A. M. and P. M. State of New York 1778 1779 1779 1779 October 28 January 23 June 2 August 5 29 25 3 6 30 27 5 7 3i 28 7 8 November 2 29 8 10 3 February 2 9 ii 4 6 10 14 5 12 ii 17 9 13 12 18 13 15 M 19 H 19 IS 26 16 22 18 27 I? March 2 19 September i 19 22 20 2 20 23 21 7 21 29 22 8 23 April i 23 10 24 9 24 ii 25 10 28 H 26 12 2 9 15 27 15 30 16 December I 20 July 2 i? 4 21 3 18 5 22 5 20 7 25 6 22 8 27 7 23 9 28 8 24 10 May i 9 25 14 3 10 30 15 4 13 October i 21 7 14 9 26 8 16 ii 28 10 19 November 2 ii 21 9 1779 12 22 10 January 2 15 23 15 4 18 24 16 5 19 27 27 7 21 28 December i 8 24 29 7 12 26 31 24 13 27 August 2 3i 15 28 3 21 20 4 Schedule of Meetings 1780 1780 1780 1780 January 3 August 2 September 25 November 20 5 3 26 21 H 4 27 22 21 5 28 23 26 8 October 2 24 February I 9 3 25 2 10 4 26 5 ii 5 27 6 12 6 28 7 13 7 29 8 H 8 3 9 '5 9 December 2 14 16 10 4 April 22 7 ii 5 June 28 18 H 6 29 19 15 7 30 22 16 ii July I 23 i7 12 3 24 18 13 4 25 19 H 5 26 20 16 6 28 21 18 7 29 22 21 10 30 23 22 ii 31 24 23 12 September i 25 25 13 2 27 27 14 4 28 28 15 5 29 try 29 *7 18 7 }** 31 1781 19 8 November 6 January a 21 ii 7 3 22 12 8 5 23 13 9 8 24 15 10 9 2t i 16 ii 10 26 18 12 12 27 19 13 16 28 20 14 17 29 21 15 18 30 22 16 20 31 23 17 26 August I 24 18 2 7 State of New York 1781 1781 1781 1781 January 29 March 20 May 8 July 10 30 21 9 ii 3i 22 12 16 February i 23 4 19 2 24 15 20 3 26 16 21 5 27 17 23 6 28 18 24 7 2 9 . 22 25 8 30 24 26 9 3i 25 27 13 April 2 26 28 15 3 28 30 16 5 29 31 17 6 30 August 2 19 7 3i 4 20 10 June i 6 21 ii 2 7 22 12 3 8 23 13 4 9 27 14 5 10 28 15 6 ii March I 16 9 12 2 17 13 13 3 18 14 14 5 19 15 16 6 20 16 17 7 21 18 18 8 23 19 21 9 25 21 22 10 26 26 23 12 27 28 24 13 30 2 9 25 14 May I 30 27 15 2 31 28 16 3 July 5 2 9 17 vfi 4 6 30 la 9 5 7 8 RECORD OF ATTENDANCES OF COMMISSIONERS FOR CONSPIRACIES AT SESSIONS OF THE ALBANY COUNTY BOARD BEECKMAN (John M.) 1778: April 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30; May i, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ii, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30; June i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, n, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30; July i, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31; August i, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31; September i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30; October i, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 2 9> 3. 3 1 ; November 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27; December i, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15. *779 : January 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29; February 2, 6, 12, 13, 15, 19, 22; March 2, 22, 23, 29; April i, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28; May i, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, n, 12, 15, 18, 19, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29; June 2, 3, 5. 7> 8, 9, 10, ii, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30; July 2, 3, 5 6. 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31; August 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, ii, 14, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27; September 2, 7, 8, 10, ii, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30; October 9, ii; November 2, 9, 10, 15, 16, 27; December i, 7, 24, 31. 1780: January 3, 14, 21, 26; February 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14; April 22; June 28, 29, 30; July i, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, ii, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31; August i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, ii, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31; September i, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, n, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28; October 2, 3, 4 5 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ii, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 2 9 3. 3 1 ! November 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; December 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, ii, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29. 1781: January 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31; February i, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 27, 28; March i, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 2 9 3. 3 1 ; April 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, n, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 30; May i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31; June i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 26, 28, 2 9 3; J^y [i]> 5 6, 7, 8, 10, n, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31; August 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ii, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30. 73 74 State of New York BENSON (Egbert), of Dutchess County Board. 1778: July 28, 29. 1779: April 27. CANTINE (Peter, Jr.), of Ulster County Board. 1778= July 23. DEAN (Stewart) 1781: March 28, 29, 30, 31; April 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, n, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 30; May i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31; June i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 28, 29; August 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30. FONDA (Isaac D.) 1778: April 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30; May i, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, it, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30$ June i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, n, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30; July i, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, n, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31; August i, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, n, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 31; September i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30; October 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31; November 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27; December i, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 21, 26, 28. *779 : January 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29; February 2, 6, 12, 13, 15, 19, 22; March 2, 22, 23, 29; April i, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28; May i, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29; June 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30; July 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31; August 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, n, 14, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27; September i, 2, 7, 8, 10, n, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25; October i, 9, n; November 2, 9, 10, 15, 16, 27; December i, 7, 24, 31. 1780: January 3, 5, 14, 21, 26; February i, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14; April 22; June 28, 29, 30; July i, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31; August 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29; September i, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, n, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26; October 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, n, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30; November 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30; December 5, 6, 7, n, 13, 29. 1781: January 3, 10, 17, 18, 27, 29, 30, 31; February i, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28; March i, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31; April 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, n, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27; May i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31; June i, 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 26, 28, 29, 30; July h], 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, ii, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31; August 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30. Record of Attendances 75 HUMFREY (Cornelius) 1778: April 24, 25; May 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; June 3, 4, 5, 6, 24, 25; July 29, 30, 31; August i, 13, 14; September 30; October i, 2, 3. I 779 : April 22. McCLUNG (John), of Charlotte County Board. 1778: April 18, 20, 21, 23; May 14, 15; August 28. 1779: June 18; August n. McM ASTER (James), of Tryon County Board. 1778: April 23, 24, 25; May 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; December 5. MITCHELL (Hugh) 1778: April 16, 21, 23, 24, 25, 29; May 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 25; June 25; July 14, 16, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31; August i, 8, 14, 15, 21, 24; September 7, u; October 15. *779 : January 28; May 10, 19; June 2, 3; August 18. 1780: July 28; August 9 1781: March 8. MYNDERSE (Reyneir) 1781 : January 26. STRINGER (Samuel) 1780: July [10], u, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31; August i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, n, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31; September i, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, n, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28; October 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31; November 10, n, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30; December 2. 4, 5, 6, 7, ii, 12, 13, 14, x6, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29. 1781: January 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 20, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31; February 2, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28; March i, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, iS, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31; April 2, 3i 5 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 30; May i, 2, 3. 4. 5. 7. 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31; June i, 2, 3 4. 5. 6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 26, 28, 29, 30; Jv.ly [i], 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, ii, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31; August 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ii, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30. VAN RENSSELAER (Jeremiah) 1778: April 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 29, 30; May i, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, ii, 15, 16, 17; July 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31; August i, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, n, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, iG, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31; September i, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10; October 7, 10, 12, 13, 16; December 21, 26, 28. 7 6 State of New York VAN RENSSELAER (Jeremiah) Continued 1779: January 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29; February 2, 6, 12, 13, 15, 22; March 2, 22, 23, 29; April i, 9, 12, 15, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, May 3, 4, 26, 27; June 2, 3, 5, 8, 29, 30; July 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 27, 28, 29, 31; August 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 17, 27; September i, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 30; October i. 1780: January 5; February i, 2, 5, 9; June 28, 29, 30; July i, 3, 4, 7, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30; August i, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, n, 12; September 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28; October 4, 5, 22, 27, 30, 31; November 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26; December 6, 16, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29. 1781: January 2, 16; February 3, 7; March 10, 14. VISSCHER (Mathew) 1778: April 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 27; May i, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, n, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30; June i, 2, 9, 10, n, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30; July i, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, ii, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30; August i, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31; September i, 2 i 3> 4. 5i 7 > 8, 9, 10, n, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30; October i 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31; Novem- ber 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27; December i, 4. 5 7. 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 21, 26, 28. 1779: January 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29; February 2, 6, 12, 13, 15, 19; March 2, 22, 23, 29; April i, 9, 10, 12, 15, 21, 25, 27, 28; May i, 3, 7, 8, 10, n, 12, 15, 18, 19, 21, 24, 27, 28, 29; June 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, ii, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28; July 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24; August 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, ii, 14, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27; September i, 2, 7, 10, ii, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30; October i, 9, ii; November 2, 9, 10, 15, 16, 27; December i, 7, 24, 31. 1780: January 3, 5, 14, 21, 26; February i, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14; April 22; June 28, 29, 30; July i, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 30; August 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, ii, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31; Sep- tember i, 2, 4, 7, 8, ii, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28; October 2, 3i 4t 7. 8, 9, 10, ii, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 29; November 10, ii, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29; December 2, 4, 12, 14, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29. 1781: January 2, 5, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 26, 27, 29, 31; February i, 3, 15, 21, 22, 23, 28; March 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23. WILLS (William), of Tryon County Board. 1778: April 29, 30; May i, 2, 27. 1779: June 24. WYNKOOP (Petrus, Jr.) 1778: May 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 22, 23, 25; June 3, 4, 5, 6, 24, 25; July 17, 18, 29, 30, 31; September i, 2, 3, 15; October 6, 7; November 17. 1779: May 26. MANUSCRIPT MINUTES VOL.1. 77 [i] At a Meeting of the Commissioners Appointed by the J778 Legislature of the State of New York for Enquiring into detecting and Defeating all Conspiricies which may be formed in the Said State Against the Liberties of America 13 th April 1778 Present John M Beeckman ) ( Mathew Visher Jer V Rensselaer j ( Isaac D Fonda Mess 1 ? Rensselaer & Visher laid before this Board a letter from Egbert Benson Esq r dated 7 Instant, Inclosing two Certifyed Copies of two Acts of the Legislature passed in their late Sessions, 1 and Copy of a Commission Isued in Consequence thereof Appointing us the Said John M Beeckman, Jer V Rensselaer, Isaac Fonda, Mathew Visher, Hugh Mitchell, John M c lung, Cornelius Humphryes and Peter Wynekoop, Commissioners for Conspiracies, which Said Letter Acts and Commission are in the woords fol- lowing (prout) After the perusal and Examining of which Said acts and Commission the Commissioners present took the following oath as is described by one of Said Acts to Wit I, A.B one of the Commissioners According to the form and Effect of an Act Entitled an Act for Appoint- ing Commissioners for detecting and defeating Con- spiracies and Declaring their powers Appointed do in the presence of Almighty God most Solemnly promice and Swear that I will to the best of my Knowledge and Ability faithfully Execute and perform for the 1 The laws of February 5 and April 3, 1778, relating to the commissioners. See Appendix I. 79 8o State of New York 1778 benefit and Advantage of the People of the State of New York all and singular the powers and Authorities by force and Virtue of Said act unto me Given So help me God John M c Clung Jer V Rensselaer James M c Master Mat: Visscher [Signed :\ Cornelius Humfrey Isaac D Fonda Willm Wills John M: Beeckman PetF Wynkoop Jun r Hugh Mitchell Samj Stringer Stewart Dean 1 [2] A Return of the prisoners Confined in the City Gail being laid before this Board and thereupon Resolved that Letters be wrote to the district Committees from whence Said prisoners were Sent, to furnish the Commissioners with their Several Crimes which was wrote in the woords following (prout) As als[o] Letters to the Commissioners Appointed in Tryon County, and those in this & Charlotte County, in the woords following (prout) Requesting their Speedy attendance at this place Resolved That a Letter be prepared to Mess 1 ? Benson, Platt and Cantine, acknowledging the Receipt of the Acts and Commission and requesting them to receive for and transmit to the Commissioners of this County the Sum of one thousand Pounds out of the Treasury of this State which Letter is in the following words to wit (prout) 1778 April 14^ Apr. 14. Present John M Beeckman ) ( Jer V Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda ) 1 Math w Visher 1 These signatures were attached to the oath from time to time, whenever a commissioner qualified. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 81 A petition from the officers of Cambridge district & a J 778 Letter from John Younglove in Behalf of Ebenezer Allen, who had been a prisoner with Burgoyne's Army, and deserted from thence, Imediately after the Second Battle of Sarratogo: presented by himself praying to be Rein- stated in his Countery's favour, thereupon Resolved, that he be dismissed from any farther prosicution he taking the Oath of fidelity to the State It appearing to this Board that the Committee of Saratoga District had ordered several of the Inhabitants of that Dis- trict to depart the same, and otherwise proceeded illegally against Persons suspected, to be Inimical to the Cause of America Thereupon Resolved [3] That a Letter be prepared to said Committee which was done in the words following to wit (prout) Rec d the proceedings of a Committee from Charlottee County ordering Titus Meriman & Another to Convey from this Goal one William Tiler to be tryed before S d Committee which Said order being taken Into Consideration thereupon Resolved that the Requisition Cannot be Complied with A Letter was prepared Stating the Objections and for- warded to them in the woords following (prout) Also A Letter was forwarded to John M c Crea EsqT ordering him to deliver into this Goal W M c Crea, who was permitted to absent himself on Bail of the S d John M c Crea, in the following woords (prout) April 15** 1778 1778 1 1 Apr. 15. rresent John M Beeckman ) ( Mathew Visher Isaac D Fonda j { Jer V Rensselaer Nicholas Hagerman from Balls town was Brought before this Board, & Being Charged with deserting from Said 82 State of New York Apr 7 ?s District on a Supposition to go to the Enemy but no direct proof appearing therefore ordered that S d N Hager- man be permitted to Return home on Bail of Christopher Hagerman : Coll Gordon & Cap* Collins appeared before this board & Represented that Robert Russell, Roger Hyatt, John Smyth, Archibald M c Nue M c Night James Robison, John Fairman, George Gardner, Jonathan Tuttle, Study Scranton, Henry Bolton & George Bolton, person[s] now again Residing in Ballston, after having taken up arms against the United States with Gen 1 Burgoyne, & from appearences they Judge that the above person's will Return to their duty, thereupon Resolved that Col 1 Gordon & Cap* Collins be Requested to Cause the Said Offenders to appeir before them to Enter into Bail for their future Good Conduct. A Coppy of a Recog- nizanc[e] for that purpose was furnished them. [4] William Reside and William M?Auley were brought before this Board on suspicion of having been with the Enemy and no direct proof appearing against him [sic] Ordered that they be permitted to go at large upon their entring into Recognizance for their future good behaviour and appearance Monthly before any one of the Commissioners William Reside was bound in the Sum of 200 John Miller, .his Bail, .in 100 William M?Auley in 200 John Miller, .his Bail, .in 100 all of Cambridge District in the County of Albany The examination of William Reside appears on file marked N?i. John Karns and James Asquith were brought before this Board, and it appearing that they were Deserters from the Enemy, and that they had during their Residence in this Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 83 County peaceably behaved themselves and showed a desire . . , . Apr. 15. and willingness to remain in the Country Ordered Thereupon that they be permitted to return to their place of Residence in Hosick District Adjourned till 2 OClock P M. Met according to Adjournment Present John M. Beeckman ) J Jer Van Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda j ( Matthew Visscher [5] Henry Van Hining having some time since been Com- mitted on a Suspicion of having been enlisted in the service of the Enemy was brought before this Board, and it appearing from the information of several principal Inhabitants of this County That during the last Campaign he had acted as a Guide to the Scouting Parties of our army, and it also appearing from his examination under Oath That he is a friend to the Cause of America, and that he does not know of any Plots or Conspiracies formed or forming in this State against the Liberties of America Ordered thereupon That he be Liberated from Confine- ment upon his entring into Recognizance with Surety for his future good behaviour and Monthly appearance before any one of the Commissioners Henry Van Hining of Stillwater in ........ 200 David Young ofSchaghtekoekehis Bail ...... 100 Coenraedt Hail, George Miller, George Lucka Henry Spengler, John Burgdorf, Johan George Jost, and Christo- pher Forman, Deserters from the Brittish army, were brought before this Board, and it appearing that they had peaceably demeaned themselves 84 State of New York 1778 Ordered Thereupon that the said Persons be permitted to return to their places of Residence The same with respect to Dennis Dunn, Robert [6] Crothers and Evans Jacob Ball Jun* having for a long time been confined as a Suspected Person, and nothing specially appearing against him Ordered Thereupon that the said Jacob Ball Junr be permitted to return to his place of abode upon entring into Recognizance with Surety for his appearance before any one of the Commissioners on the last day of every Month or sooner if required, Himself was bound in 100 and Gisbert Fonda of Albany his Bail 100 Christiaen Cray and Jacob Phillips, having been set at Liberty by the Committee of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck upon their entring into Bond with Surety for their future good behaviour, which Security having delivered them up, and they being willing to enter into the Continental Service and give Security for their future good behaviour but requested time till Saturday to procure them Ordered thereupon if Cap* Visscher under whom they intend to enlist will become Security for their appearance on Saturday next That they be permitted They were accordingly bound each in the Sum of 100 and Cap* Teunis T. C Visscher in the Sum of 100 Adjourned till 9 OClock A.M. J 778 [7] Met according to adjournment i6 th April 1778 Apr. 10. Present John M. Beeckman ) ( Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac D Fonda ) ( Matthew Visscher Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 85 William Moore and Christopher Lake were brought before I778 6 this Board on suspicion of having been with the Enemy and no Positive proof appearing either as to their having been there, or that their going at large might be dangerous to the State Therefore Resolved That they be permitted to return to their usual place of abode upon entring into Recognizance with Surety for their future good behaviour and appearance Monthly before any of the Commissioners in this County or sooner if required They were accordingly bound as follows Viz* William Moore in 100 Christopher Lake, .in 100 John Johnson of Hosick their Bail 100 Jonathan Brown and John Wiltsie charged the same, as above, were also permitted to return to their usual Places of abode as the last abovementiond Jonathan Brown was bound in. . 100 Caleb Brown his Bail in . . 100 John Wiltsie was bound in. . 100 Abner Pease his Bail in. . 100 All of Phillips Town John Scott, Adam Johnson, Peter Johnson, William Bris- bin and Rowland Perry were brought before this Board for having remained on their Habitations when General [8] Burgoyne penetrated into the County, and it appearing to this Board that the said Persons above named, had not the means wherewith to move their Families and effects, and they having previous to that time, and since Burgoynes Captivity evinced their friendliness to the Cause of America Ordered Thereupon That they be permitted to return to 86 State of New York X 778 their usual places of abode and that passes be granted accordingly Mr Hugh Mitchell appeared, took the Oath prescribed in the Act and took his Seat as a Member Mett According to Adjournment Present TT i TV/T- i 11 > I Isaac D Fonda Hugh Mitchell ) ) T w T i TV/T r> i f "{ J er " Rensselaer John M Beeckman J ( Mat: V i SS cher Josiah Butler Appearing before this Board, & Gave Information of the Treachery of Thomas Valk Emrick Plass and Barent Hainer Ju? All of Rensselaerwyck file N2 Carle Koening, Jacob Eckert Carlolus Rackenso Henry Miller, Michael Willman, John Butler James Nowels and John Needing Deserters from the Brittish Army were brought before this Board and it appearing that they were willing to remain in this County, and had During their Stay behaved friendly to the United States Ordered Thereupon That they be permitted to remain in this County, and permissions were accordingly granted [9] William Rogers, Matthias Rose and Simon Earhart were brought before this Board for having been with the Enemy, and it appearing from the information of Major General Schuyler, that they had been seduced to go off by Jessup and Jones and that he conceived they might with Safety be permitted to return to their place of abode Ordered Thereupon that they be permitted to return to their places of abode upon entring into Recognizance for their future good behaviour and appearance Monthly before any one of the Commissioners Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 87 They were accordingly bound in 100 each, and live at . 7?8 Apr. 10. Saratoga Stephen Hooper, John Hooper, John Conklin Joseph Deval, James Conklin, Joseph Conklin Joseph Conklin Jim? John Conklin Junf Thomas Purchase, Abraham Ostrander and John Keurden, having formerly been appre- hended by the Committee of Albany in Consequence of a request from his Excellency Governor Clinton, as being Persons enlisted in the service of the King of Great Brittain Ordered Thereupon that a Mittimus be made to detain the above Persons untill they have been Indicted and Tried, or untill they are by this Board or any other Three of the Commissioners discharged [10] Moses Dorman, Robert Ferguson, Martin Galer JunF Mattice Galer, Stoffel Galer, James Esman David Michel Silvan Galer and Henry Salsbury being committed by the Committee of the District of Kinderhook and it appearing that they are disaffected Persons whose going at large may be dangerous to the Liberties of America Ordered Thereupon that a Mittimus be made out ordering them to be Confined untill discharged by this Board or any other three of the Commissioners Adjourned till 9 OClock A M. Met according to Adjournment 17 th April 1778 Z 778 Present John M Beeckman ) ( Jer. Van Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda j ( Matthew Visscher Archibald Campbell, William Blake, George Telford and William Robisson were brought before this Board for having remained on their Habitations, and going to the Enemy, State of New York '778 and it appearing from their examinations as well as from the information of Cap* John M c -Kellop that they had previous to the Enemies penetrating the Country proved friends to the Country, and that their only inducement to go in was to save their Families from being Scalped by the Indians, and that they remained but a few days with the Enemy and bore no Arms, and it farther appearing from their examinations that they conceive themselves to owe allegiance to the State of New York, and declaring [n] their readiness and willingness to do their duty as good and faith- ful Subjects of this State Ordered Thereupon that they be permitted to return to their places of abode, on their entring into Recognizance with surety for their future good behaviour as good and faithful Subjects and Monthly appearance before any one of the Commissioners They were accordingly bound in 100 each and Cap* John M?Kellop their Bail in 100 all live in Cambridge in this County James Green the same in all respects himself was bound 100 and Thomas Green his Bail in 100 both of Cambridge I77 8 Albany i8 th April 1778 Apr. 18. Present, John M. Beeckman } T rt r j I |er. Van Rensselaer Isaac L>. ronda > 1 ,, , T7 . , T u A/rc/^i \ ( Matthew Visscher John M c Clung j John M c Clung one of the Members of the Board appeared, was sworn to the Execution of his Office and took his Seat Samuel Willson having been Confined by the Committee for having been with the Enemy and it appearing that he had been seduced to go to them, and while with the Enemy Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 89 had not taken up Arms against the Country, and it appear- J 7?8 ing from his own Confession as well as from the informa- tion of other Persons that he acknowledged his Crime and was willing to make Amends to his Country for his [12] past Conduct, by entring into the Service, and offered Bail for his good behaviour Ordered Thereupon that he be permitted to enlist with Cap* Van Iveren upon Cap* Van Iveren's entring into Recog- nizance for the good behaviour of said Samuel Willson and appearance when required They were accordingly bound himself in 100 and Cap? Rynier Van Iveren in 100. Abijah Ketcham having been confined by the Committee of Schaghtekoeke, and no Crime alledged against him, and he being willing to enter into the service Ordered Thereupon That he be discharged from Con- finement upon enlisting in the Batteau service with Cap* Teunis H. Visscher Jacob Hoffman and Gotlieb Klouse Deserters from the Brittish Army were brought before this Board, and it appearing that they lived in Families well attached to the Cause of America Ordered Thereupon that they [be] permitted to go at large in this County James M c Cormick, William Tyler, William Sanders Daniel Bass, John Cobham, John Cowan, Daniel Fraser Johannis Schaver, William Price, John Rogers, John M c Dowell, Peter M c Dougall, Benjamin French, John Shaver, George Cochel, John Hart, James Hart William Rogers Nicholas Bass, William Rogers Jun, Thomas Fraser, Greger Van Iveren and John Schaver having some time since been Confined by the Committee of the County of Albany for being Persons disaffected to the Cause of America and [13] whose going at large may be dangerous to the State, 9 State of New York Ordered Thereupon That a Mittimus be made out to keep them confined till such time as they be discharged by this Board or any other three of the Commissioners John Werner, Isaac Valkenburgh and Arent Halenbeeck were brought before this Board, and nothing appearing against them, their examination appear in N? 3. Ordered That they be permitted to return to their place of abode Adjourned till 2 OClock P.M. Met according to Adjournment Present. Ter. Van Rensselaer } . T ~ . T u iv>r r> i ( lsaac O. Fonda lohn M. rJeeckman V s -.. . __. T u iv/rcoi I ( Matthew Visscher John M c Clung ; Christiaen Schoolcraft and James Small were brought before this Board, and nothing appearing against them Ordered That they be discharged and permitted to return to their usual place of abode Henry Van Corlaer was brought before this Board for having been with the Enemy and it appearing that he was a Young Man who had been seduced thereto by evil and designing Men Ordered Thereupon That he be also discharged and permitted to return to his usual place of abode upon entring into Recognizance for his future good behaviour and Monthly appearance before one of the Commissioners He was accord- ingly bound in 100 1778 [14] April 20 th Apr. 20. Present John M Beeckman ) j John M^Clung Isaac D Fonda f 1 ler V Rensselaer Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 91 Adam Vrooman Appearing before this board, & Charged 1778 with Going of to the Enemy, but no prof [sic] Appearing that he had taken an active pai;t against the States & he being willing & offered to take the Oath of Alegiance, was thereupon permitted to Return upon Bail to his place of Abode Adam Vrooman 200 Wouter Vrooman his Bail 200 it has been frequently Sugested that the Great Liberty Granted to the prisoners in this Garrison is attended with Evil Consequences to the Un[i]ted States, & the Same being taken in Consideration & thereupon agreed that the following Letter be wrote to the Commanding officer prout) mett acording to Adjournment John Snyder, Frederick Kaltoven, Frederick Flintye, Johan Roliff, Christopher Sackman, deserters from the British Army, permitted to go at Large in this County April 21 s * 1778. 1778 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( Jhn M'Clung Isaac D Fonda \ 1 J er Van Rensselaer ( Hugh Mitchell Jonas Earle appearing before this board and no Sufficient Cause produced to detain him any Longer in prison, ther- upon Resolved that the Said Jonas Earle be permitted to Return to Cambridge upon Bail himself in.. 100. Samuel Hodge his Bail 100. the Examination of S d Earl Respecting Cap* John Wood, to be transmitted to the Board of Commissioners at pough- kepse on the file N 4 92 State of New York 1778 Information being Given to this board that a Certain ADT 21 - Riddeng now in Custody at Bennington for Stealing of horses from one Simmons in dutches County, the following Letter was wrote Requesting from the Committee that the S d Ridden to Conveyed to this place in the words following (prout) [15] Joshua Wrathbone, being Called before this board for Being with the Enemy. it appearing that he was taken prisoner and afterwards did duty with them, therefore agreed that the S d Wrathbone be permitted to go at Large in Cambridge he appearing to the board to be an Ignorant man Joshua Wrathbone .................... 100. Elisha Allen, .his Bail ................. 100. Mett according to adjournment Present T L A/T r> i ( T er Van Rensselaer ohn JVL Joeeckman ) \ -L LcD Fonda } the Examination of Jonas Earle taken this fore noon, touching the Case of John Wood. Inclosed to the Commis- sioners at poughkeepse by Letter Requesting them to Call on his Excell? the Governour for the Charge against Sundry persons appreh[end]ed by his order & now in Confinement in the woords following (prout) 1778 April 23. 1778 A " r - Present T . * T> i ( Hugh Mitchell John M Beeckman ) \ _ , & ,, _.. Lac D Fonda j John M'Clung { Jer V Rensselaer Received a Letter from the Commissioners at pough- keepse of 17 th April together with II prisoners Sent by them Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 93 & Committed to this Goal & Eight Examination taken A 1778 before Said Board upon file Carle Miller N? 5. Philip Singer N 6 Isaac Scowton N 7 Cha[r]les DeBo N 8 Asa Flint N 9 John Wick- hoffs 10 Philip Switzer N? II & Beriah Chelson N 12 Jonathan Chase, Daniel Chase, & James Lake were Liberated by this Board because no Material Crimes were al[le]dged ag* them. Dan- Chase in Recognizance 100} David Sprague his Bail 100 ) Jonathan Chase 100 ^ David Sprague his Bail 100 ! James Lake 100 f [blank] his Bail 100 J [16] mett according to Adjournment Present John M Beeckman } ( Jer V Rensselaer Isaac D Fonda I -j Hugh Mitchell John M c Clung ) ( James M c Master James M c Master According to Letters Directed to the Commissioners in Tryon County appeared in the Board, tuck [took] the Oath prescribed & his Seat accordingly Daniel Mosher & Ishmeal Rynolds being Brought before the board for having been in the Enemys Camp were per- mitted to take the Oath of Aligeance & Entered into Recognizance for their future Good Behaviour. Daniel Mosier "100 William Brown his Bail 100 Ishmeal Rynolds 100 Benj? Reynolds his Bail 100 94 State of New York 1778 Patrick Buchannan appearing with the above having Gen 1 Gates Protection against the Melitary & Con- fessed that he had Joined the Enemy, & Owed Aliegence to the British King & was Included in the Convention at Sarratoga the Board taken the Same into Consideration. Resolved, that the [said] Rynolds 1 Is a Dangerous person & Should not be permitted to [go] at Large. A mittimus was therefore made out & he orderd to Confinement untill Discharged by a Board of Commissioners Adjourned till 9 OClock A.M. 1778 M et according to Adjournment 24 April 1778 Apr* ^4* Present John M. Beeckman "j f Matthew Visscher Isaac D Fonda > < Cornelius Humphrey James M c Masters ) ( Hugh Mitchell ColP Cornelius Humphrey agreeable to notification appeared, took the Oath of Office, and his Seat as a Member An account of Isaiah Butler and Ebenezer Baker for services performed in making [17] discoveries of the Com- binations of the disaffected in this County was laid before this Board amount to 10 which was paid. 2 It having appeared to us from the information of sundry Persons that Emerich Plass, Matthias Coons, David Crank- heydt, Philip Tater, Thomas Blewer, John Dorn, Thomas Wood Junf Frederick Weager and Henry Plass are Per- sons disaffected to the Cause of America and whose going at large may be dangerous to the State Ordered That an order issue to Cap* Scharpe or the next 1 An error in the original manuscript for Buchanan. *The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 146, State Comptroller's office. Opposite Vol. i, p. 94 ' ______ ^ Minutes written by Mathew Visscher and Leonard Gansevoort, Jr. (One-half reduced) Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 95 Commanding Officer of his Company to order a Party to *778 apprehend and secure the said Persons and fort[h]with bring them before this Board. Adjourned till 2 OClock P.M. Met according to adjournment Present. John M Beeckman \ ( James M?Masters Isaac D. Fonda > < Cornelius Humfrey Hugh Mitchell ) ( Matthew Visscher Leonard Gansevoort Jun? appointed by us as Clerk to this Body took an Oath 1 that he would keep secret all such Matters as should be given him in Charge until discharged from such Injunction by us and for his Services he is to receive ten Shillings per Day whenever an Entry is made in this Book [18] William Loucks and Hendrick Weaver having some Time since been committed by the Committee of Schohary District as Persons disaffected to the American Cause and having since received Information that their Suspicions were rather groundless Therefore Resolved that they be permitted to return to their usual Places of Abode upon entering into Recognizance with Surety for their future good Behaviour & Appearance Monthly before any of the Commissioners in this County or sooner if required They were accordingly bound as follows viz* William Loucks in Recognizance 500 Peter Loucks his Bail 500 Hendrick Weaver on Recognizance 500 Hendrick Weaver Jun? his Bail $oo All of Schohary 1 See Appendix III: Miscellanea 96 State of New York 1778 John Rogers from the Beverdam was librated no Material Evidence being produced against him John Rogers on Recognizance ............. 100 Isaac Valckenburgh his Bail ............... 100 Gabriel Groat from the little White Creek was librated on Condition of his going to Claverack District with his Son and engaged that his future Behaviour would be good and that he would appear on the last Day of every Month or sooner if required Gabriel Groat on Recognizance for ...... 100 Nicholas Groat his Bail ................ 100 Ordered that John M'rCrea Bail for William M c Crea Deliver up the said William M?Crea on Tuesday next & that Mf John M?Crea be notified of this Resolution Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning P ursuant to Adjournment 25* I 1 April 1778 Present John M. Beekman } , T _. ^ >, r TT r (Isaac D. .bonda Cornelius Humtrey V ! TT ,,,., T A/rcivyr I ( Hugh Mitche James M?Master J John Hart from the Nine Partners was set at Liberty on entering into Recognizance and engaging to go [to] Kinder- hook and being under the Direction of Col 1 Humfrey John Hart on Recognizance in ............ 100 Cornelius Humfrey his Bail in ............ 100 Isaac Schouten appeared was ex'? and his ex 1 ? appears N? 15. Adjourned till 9 OClock Monday Morning Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 97 Met pursuant to Adjournment 27*? April 1778 A 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( A/r , T7 . t i T^ T- i r - i Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Jbonda ) ( Ordered That the Clerk make a Copy of Isaac Scouting's Deposition to be laid before the Grand Jury Christopher Bennet from Parmertown being confined in Goal, and extreamly 111 was permitted to go with Jonathan Pettit, until he was recovered who entered into Recognizance to deliver up the said Bennet when he should be so re- covered Jonathan Pettit as Bail for Christopher Bennet in 100 [20] Andries Tollhamer from Nistigeune was permitted to go at large on his Father Barent Tollhamer' s becoming his Bail for future good Behaviour & Monthly Appearance Andries Tollhamer on Recognizance in. . 100 Barent Tollhamer his Bail in. . 100 Samuel Perry and John Perry having some Time been confined by the Committee of the District of Saragtoga and the said Committee having requested that they might be released from their Confinement and nothing material having appeared against them they were eliberated on their future good Behaviour and Mont[h]ly Appearance Samuel Perry & John Perry on Recog- nizance each in 100 Edw Baker and Josiah Benjamin their Bail each in 100 Information being received that Alexander Campbell had passed through this City on Horseback with large Bundles along Side of his Horse, which it is supposed are some of State of New York 1778 the Goods lately stolen in the lower Parts of this County the following Letter was wrote to the Committee of the District of Saragtoga requesting them to apprehend the said Campbell & if they suspect him to have stolen the Goods he has in his Possession, to send him immediately to us together with the Goods which Letter is in the Words following (prout) Peter Livingston Jun?, Wilhelmus Dillenback, Philip Coock, and Jacob Fraley, were brought before the Board and nothing specially appearing against them they were permitted on entering into Recognizance for future good [21] Behaviour and Monthly Appearance to go to their usual Places of Abode Peter Livingston Jun. r on Recognizance in 100 Wilhelmus Dillenback on Recogni- zance in 100 Philip Coock on Recognizance in.. . . 100 Jacob Fraley on Recognizance in.. . . 100 Adjourned till the Day after to Morrow 9 OClock 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment 29^ April 1778 Present T u A/T D i ( Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beekman } I __ T u \7 o i t i Hugh Mitchell Jeremiah V. Renselaer ( ) ( William Wills John Gold a Deserter from the British Army was per- mitted to go at large in this County on his taking the Oath of Allegiance William Wills according to Letters directed to the Com- missioners from Tryon County appeared & having taken the Oath prescribed, took his Seat Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 99 Alexander Campbell from Dutchess County was appre- A 1778 bended and brought before the Board for travelling without a Pass, and for carrying Letters from MT Banyer to David Van Schaack and from Van Schaack to Henry Cuyler Ordered that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to take the said Alexander Campbell and closely confine him [22] James Agan was permitted to return to Pittstown the Place he resided at, on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance James Agen on Recognizance in 100 Nicholas Demoray his Bail. . . in .... 100 Nicholas Demoray of Tomhenick was laid under Re- cognizance to appear before the Grand Jury and give his Evidence respecting a Robbery committed on the Goods of the Widow Elizabeth Williams Nicholas Demoray on Recognizance in . 40 Ordered that a Letter be wrote to the Commissioners of Conspiracies at Pougkeepsie requesting them to confine several Persons about Fishkill against whom we had received Information of their intending to go to New York and also to have apprehended Josiah Talmadge and David Chase as notorious Offenders which Letter is in the Words following (prout) Adjourned till 9 Oclock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment 3O t - h April 1778. 1778 Apr. 30. Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) j Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beekman ) ( William Wills Ordered that a Letter be sent to the British Officers and Doctors ordering them not to take the Liberty of Going at ioo State of New York large in this City notwithstanding the Order of the General by which they claim this Privilege which Letter is in the Words following (prout) [23] John Wilsie from Philipstown Jonathan 1 Brown from Philipstown Hendrick Van Hening Jonathan Brown and Adam Vrooman made their Appearance according to Recognizance On Information received of a Robbery committed at the House of Jacob Hogstrasser at the Helleberg Ordered that an Officer with a Party of Men be dispatched to en- deavor to apprehend the Villians In Consequence of the Information received respecting Alexander Campbell wrote a Letter to Gen! Schuyler requesting him to have the said Alexander Campbell secured and sent down to us, which Letter is in the Words following (prout) William M'rKensie, Zachariah Overmagh, John Sparding and Daniel Marsh Prisoners taken at Tieconderoga and Residents of this State and Charles M'rArthur a Deserter from the Enemy and also Resident of this State were sent to us by Egbert Benson and Peter Cantine Junf Commis- sioners &c Ordered that a Mittimus be made to the Sheriff to take the said William M'rKensie Zachariah Overmagh John Sparding Daniel Marsh & Charles M'rArthur and closely confine them In Consequence of Application of Dr. Hayes to this Board to ascertain the Limits of his Confinement. Ordered that neither Doctor Hayes nor his Mates go to any Place in this City but where their Business as [24] Surgeons or Purveyors wants their Presence but on no Terms or Conditions to go beyond the Limits of the City, without 1 Substituted for " John," which is stricken out. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 101 first obtaining Leave for that Purpose from Time to Time A 1778 from the Commanding Officer or any three of the Commis- sioners Ordered that a Letter be wrote to the commanding Officer to request him to issue his Orders to the Guards for securing all State Prisoners and Criminals to prevent it possible Escapes for the future Adjourned till 9 O'Clock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment if May 1778. 778 SHa.y I* Present T . , T 7 r> i ( Isaac D. Fonda eremiah van Renselaer) \ __,.. __.... T u A/T r> i f "{ William Wills John M. Beekman \ } _, __. , { Mathew Visscher Received a Letter from the Chairman of the Committee of Claverack District covering 92 Continental and six hard Dollars one half Johannis and one Guinea which was taken from one John Snyder whom the said Committee sent to us Prisoner, and the said Committee have also [sent to] us, Stephen Dukelon as a Prisoner Ordered that the said Money be deposited in the Hands of the Treasurer and that a Mittimus be made out to the Sheriff to take the said John Snyder and Stephen Dukelon and closely confine them Ordered that the Treasurer pay to Gerrit Van Hoesen and others 7-0-0 for their Expences and Pay in conducting to this Place from Claverack John Snyder and Stephen Dukelon according to the account delivered in * [25] Ordered that a Letter be wrote to the Committee of Claverack acknowledging the Receipt of their Letter and 'The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 166, State Comptroller's office. It is made out to Gerrit G. Van Hosen, and is signed " for myself & assosiates " by " Justis Vanhoesan Jun." iO2 State of New York 1778 informing them what was done in Consequence of it, which Letter is in the Words following (prout) John Curden of Schatikook District was permitted to go to his usual Place of Abode on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour & Mont[h]ly Appearance he engaged to send a good and sufficient Bail upon which Promise he was discharged John Curden on Recognizance in 100 Philip G. Viele his Bail ... in 100 Nothing special having appeared against John Van Hening of Newtown he was permitted to return to his usual Place of Abode on entering into Recognizance for future good Be- haviour & Monthly Appearance and on taking the Oath of Allegiance John Van Hening on Recognizance in. 100 John Concklin of Newtown was permitted to return to his usual Place of Abode on entering into Recognizance for future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Conklin on Recognizance in .... 200 Peter Van Campen his Bail ... in .... 200 Received a Letter from the Hon b .l e Major General Schuyler respecting Simon Earhart and William Rogers informing that he had great Need of them and requesting [26] us to dispense with their Appearance on Condition of their appearing before him, which Request the Board have thought proper to comply with Ordered that a Letter be wrote to General Schuyler informing him that the Board have thought proper to comply with his Requisition which letter is in the Words following (prout) Daniel Campbell EsqT and James Ellice were brought Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 103 before the Board for speaking Words that in the Opinion of the Board might have a dangerous Tendency & prove detrimental to the Liberties of America Ordered that they be respectively held in Recognizance in 500 each Daniel Campbell on Recognizance in. 500 -- James Ellice on Recognizance. ... in. 500 -- Charles Near having some Time since been sent to Hart- ford and having returned with a Recommendation & Permit from the Commissary of Prisoners at Hartford Ordered that the said Charles Near be permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour & Monthly Appearance Charles Near on Recognizance in. ... 100 -- Johannis Hiedley his Bail ---- in. ... 100 -- Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning [27] Met pursuant to Adjournment 2 n f May 1778 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) T n i? j Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Isaac D. Fonda >- -j J A/r u \T- u I ( William Wills Matthew Visscher J Received a Letter from the Chairman of the Committee of Claverack informing that he had received a Letter from the Chairman of Cooksakie informing him that there is a Person who offered to become State Evidence respecting the late Robberies Ordered that a Letter be wrote to the Chairman of Cooksakie District desiring him to send up the said Person instantly to us and offering to grant him a Pardon in Case he will make up a full Confession which Letter is in the Words following (prout) -- 104 State of New York Ordered that a Mittimus be made out for Tom the Negro Man of Henry Hogan directed to the Sheriff commanding him to take the said Tom into Custody Nothing special having appeared to us against Nicholas Boss he has permitted to return to his usual Place of Abode on taking the Oath of Allegiance and entering into Recogni- zance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Nicholas Boss on Recognizance in .... 100 -- Humphrey Davenport his Bail in. ... 100 -- Andrew Liddle having some time since been confined by the Committee of Schenectady and nothing specially appear- ing against him Ordered That the said Andrew Liddle be permitted to go at large on entring into Recognizance for his good behaviour [28] and Monthly appearance before any one of the Commis- sioners Andrew Liddle on Recognizance in.. ...... 100 Jesse Fairchild his Bail ........ in ........ 100 John Myers who was some Time since sent to Wethers- field in Connecticut having now returned by Permission of the Deputy Commissary of Prisoners Ordered that he be permitted to return [to] his usual Place of Abode on entering into Recognizance for future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Myers on Recognizance in. ... 100 Johannis Tater his Bail ..... in .... 100 u Isaac Hops also his Bail ..... in. ... 100 u 8^ May 1778 Joh? Tater & Isaac Hops delivered up Johannis Myers * J This paragraph is an insertion in the manuscript at this place. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 105 John Kortz JunF of the East Camp in the County of M 1778 Albany was permitted to be confined to the House of James Bingham on his entering into Bond not to exceed the Limits prescribed to him in the said Bond nor to hold any Corre- spondence with any disaffected Person and for the strict Performance thereof he and his Bail have bound themselves Jointly and severally in the Sum of 1000 -- Adjourned till 9 OClock on Monday Morning Met pursuant to adjournment 4 th May 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( *",' , Mathew Visscher \ ] Jer. Van Rensselaer ( Cornelius Humfrey John Kelly, Philip Herrewig and others this day brought in and delivered to the Board the following Persons to wit, Emmerigh Plass, Michael Plass, John [29] Dorn and John George Emmerigh as Persons disaffected to the Cause of America and whose going at large might be dangerous to the State, together with the Arms of Emmerigh Plass, Michael Plass and John Dorn Ordered That the said Emmerigh Plass Michael Plass, John Dorn and John George Emrigh be confined till farther orders, and that the said Arms be deposited with M? John M Beeckman till farther orders Wrote a Letter to the Chairman of the District of Schohary requesting the Committee to send down William Schermer- horn and those others that have been lately taken by the Continental Troops in that Quarter which Letter is in the Words following (prout) Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning io6 State of New York ^1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment 5 th May 1778 Present John M. Beekman } ( Isaac D. Fonda Cornelius Humfrey > < Petrus Wynkoop Jun r James MeMasters ) ( Hugh Mitchell Joseph Devall of Newtown being brought before the Board and nothing appearing specially against him he was permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Joseph Devall on Recognizance in.. 100 u Philip Bovie his Bail 100 u Petrus Wynkoop JunT according to Letter directed to him appeared and having taken the Oath prescribed took his Seat [30] Job Wright was brought before the Board and the Board thinking that the Subject Matter of his Confinement came more properly before the Court, on Application of Col! Humfrey to the Court and requesting to know their Opinion on the Matter they were of Opinion that he should be abso- lutely discharged ordered therefore that the said Job Wright be permitted to go at large Received a Letter from Col? Robert Van Renselaer informing us that John Lendertse Van Hoesen and his Son Jacob Van Hoesen had been apprehended on Suspicion of having been concerned in the Robbery of Henry Van Ren- selaer and that he sent them to us under Guard ordered that the Treasurer pay the Guard 3 u for their Trouble and Expences l and also 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 166, State Comptroller's office. It is made out in favor of Jonathan Becraft and Peter Bont, and is receipted by the former. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 107 Ordered that a Mittimus be made out to the Sheriff to -_ May 5. take the said John Lendertse Van Hoesen & Jacob Van Hoesen and closely confine them Ordered that a Mittimus be made out to the Sheriff to take into his Custody Emmerigh Plass Michael Plass John Dorn and John George Emmerigh and closely confine him [He] - Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment 6 t : h May 1778 1778 May 6. Present John M. Beekman Cornelius Humfrey , TT , , ,. , L -( Hugh Mitchell James M?Masters Petrus Wynkoop Jun! ( Isaac D. Fonda I Mathew Visscher [31] Stephen Bell the Goaler appeared before the Board and informed Us that Christopher Galer was very sick and that it would be more convenient at the Fort for him Ordered that the said Christopher Galer be conveyed to the Fort and that a Mittimus be made out to Volckert Dawson to receive the said Christopher Galer into his Custody Benjamin Baker was brought before the Board and nothing specially appearing against him, we have thought proper to set him at Liberty on his entering into Recogni- zance and enlisting in the Continental Army Benjamin Baker on Recognizance in.. 100 u George Snyder was brought before us and w[e] having no Proff of any particular Crime by him committed (save that of going to the Enemy) we have thought proper to io8 State of New York 1778 l et him go at large on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance George Snyder on Recognizance in ... 100 a James Youngs & Simon Snyder Bail each in ......................... 100 u Wrote an Order to Johannis Tater and Isaac Hops order- ing them to deliver up to this Board John Myers for whom they lately became Bail ordered that Cap* Riley deliver the Order to MT Tater and MT Hops Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 9 OClock 1778 b 2 ] Met pursuant to Adjournment ; th May 1778 May 7. r, Present Hugh Mitchell \ flsaac D. Fonda Cornelius Humfrey 1 I Mathew Visscher John M. Beekman F j Peter Wynkoop Junf James M^Masters J t Jeremiah Van Renselaer Stephen Scott of Pitstown was brought before the Board and nothing specially appearing against him he was per- mitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Stephen Scott on Recognizance in. . . 100 /y James Brown Junf his Bail in... 100 Stephen DuCalon was brought before the Board and was examined with Respect to the Robbery committed at Arent Van Schaack's at Cooksakie, but as he would not give any Satisfactory Answers to such Questions as were put to him he was remanded back to Prison Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 109 James MfMaster Petrus Wynkoop Jun[ Cornelius Humfrey John M. Beekman Isaac D. Fonda Hugh Mitchell Jeremiah Van Renselaer Mathew Visscher Received a Letter from William Dietz Esq? at Schohary informing that he sent down William Schermerhorn and [33] Henry Quant and John Thomason supposed to be guilty of the Robbery lately committed at the House of Jacob Hogstrasser Ordered that a Mittimus be made out to the Sheriff to take the said William Schermerhorn Henry Quant and John Thomason and closely confine them Harmanus See was brought before us and we having en- quired into the Nature of his Crime and finding nothing special against him (save that of being with the Enemy) he was permitted to go and work with Col? Humfrey and on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Harmanus See on Recognizance in ... 100 /7 John Stiles of Parmertown was permitted to return to the usual Place of his abode and his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Stiles in Recognizance in 100 " Peter Winne his Bail in 100 a Johannis Tater appeared before the Board and delivered up Johannis Myers for whom he and Isaac Hops had become Bail in discharge of their Recognizance We do therefore discharge the said Johannis Tater and Isaac Hops from the Recognizance entered into by them Met pursuant to adjournment 8 l : h May 1778 Present 1 10 State of New York 1778 Ordered that a Mittumus be made out to the Sheriff to May 8. take the said Johannis Myers and closely confine him Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 [34] Met pursuant to Adjournment 9^ May 1778 May 9. Present John M. Beekman Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer Hugh Mitchell ( Petrus Wynkoop Jun* ( James M'rMasters Joseph A. Concklin of Newtown was permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Joseph A Concklin on Recognizance in 100 u Thomas Smith Diamond his Bail in.. . 100 u Adjourned till 9 OClock Monday Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment ii 1 ? May 1778 May xi. Present John M Beekman ) f Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda j \ Jeremiah Van Renselaer George Cochel was brought before us on Suspicion of being disaffected to the American Cause but no material Evidence appearing against him we have thought proper to eliberate him on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour George Cochel on Recognizance in ... 100 H Asa Flint of Cambridge District was eliberated on his en- Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 1 1 1 taring into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly M 1778 Appearance Asa Flint on Recognizance in 200 Cornelius Doty his Bail ... in 200 u [35] George Wilson of Cambridge District was permitted to return to his usual Place of Abode on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appear- ance George Wilson on Recognizance in ... 200 u James Ashton his Bail in ... 200 u Thomas Lake of Cambridge District was eliberated on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Thomas Lake on Recognizance in ... 200 u Benjamin Tiffany his Bail in ... 200 u Mr John Ryley appeared before the Board with a Number of Men whom he had enlisted for the Purpose of ranging about the Woods and doing such Services as should be requested of them by the Commissioners the Form of which Inlistment is in these Words "We the Subscribers do voluntarily inlist ourselves into the ranging Service under the Command of Cap? John Ryley and to continue in said Service until the last Day of October next unless sooner discharged by the Commissioners ap- pointed for detecting & defeating all Conspiracies which may be formed in this State or any three of them or any legal Authority for which Service we are to receive from the said Commiss" six Shillings per Day & one Ration of Provisions and we do hereby promise and engage to obey the Orders of said Commissioners or any three of them and the Orders of such Officers as they may think proper to set over us" 1 1 2 State of New York Ma 77 ii [^ O r d ere d a ^ so t ^ iat a Warrant be made out to the said John Ryley to take the Command of the said Company which Warrant is in the Words following (to wit), By Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, John M. Beekman, Isaac D. Fonda, and Mathew Visscher Commis- sioners for defeating all Conspiracies which may be formed in this State against the Liberties of America To John Ryley Gentleman We reposing special Confidence in your Prudence Valour & Patriotism do hereby nominate constitute and appoint [you] to the Command of a Party of Rangers to be em- ployed in such Services as we shall from Time to Time direct and you are hereby required & commanded from Time to Time to do and perform such Services as shall be required from you by us or any three of the said Commissioners Given under our Hands at Albany this 1 1 Day of May 1778 Ordered further that the said Cap* John Ryley and the Men under his Command shall previously to their entering upon Duty take the Oath of Allegiance Joseph Concklin of Newtown was eliberated on enter- ing into Recognizance for good Behaviour & Monthly Appearance Joseph Concklin on Recognizance in . 100 u Martin Boskerk his Bail ......... in . 100 u John A Concklin of Newtown was eliberated on enter- ing into Recognizance for good Behaviour & Monthly Appearance John A. Concklin on Recognizance in 100 u William Barton his Bail .......... in 100 u [37] Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 113 Met pursuant to Adjournment 12 May 1778 if Present J hn , M " Beekman 1 ( Matthew Visscher ) ( John Hooper was brought before us and having examined into the Reasons of his Confinement and finding nothing special against him we have thought proper to eliberate him on entering Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Hooper on Recognizance in ---- 100 Francis Waggoner his Bail .... in .... 100 a John Concklin otherwise called Pinkey John was eliberated on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance & procuring a sufficient Bail --- John Concklin on Recognizance in ... 100 tl John Dusenbury of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck appeared before the Board according to a Citation dated 6 th May 1778 and we having interrogated him respecting the Charges alledged against him Ordered that the said John Dusen- bury be permitted to return to his Place of Abode on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appear- ance and engaging to procure a good and sufficient Bail -- John Dusenbury on Recognizance in . 200 a Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning [38] Met pursuant to Adjournment 13*!* May 1778 1778 May 13. Present John M. Beekman ) I Isaac D. Fonda ) ( H4 State of New York 1778 It appearing from a Number of Affidavits that Hendrick May 13. Yager had offered in Payment and passed and paid false & Counterfiet Bills as and for true Bills of Credit emitted by the Authority of Congress of the United States of America knowing them to be counterfiet and forged Ordered that a Warrant be made out to Christopher Hawk Constable of the District to apprehend and commit the said Hendrick Yager and the Keeper of the Goal was by the said Warrant commanded to receive the said Yager into his Custody Johannis Shaver of Schohary was eliberated on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour Johannis Shaver on Recognizance in . 500 Gysbert Fonda his Bail in. 500 u John Rogers and Christian Warran were cited to appear before the Board to give Evidence John Kortz Jun?" who according to his Bond was to have the Liberty of James Bingham's House Yard & Stable in- formed us that he had removed to the House of Henry Van Wie in this City and requested the Approbation of this Board to such Removal which we have thought proper to grant [39] Upon the Information of Stephen Bell the Coaler that Beriah Chelson had got the small Pox and was dan- gerously 111 and that his Situation was very uncomfortable in goal and that his Removal to the Hospital was highly necessary Ordered that the said Beriah Chelson be removed and that the Director of the Hospital be requested to receive him and take him under his Care James Concklin of Newtown was permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour & Monthly Appearance Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 115 James Concklin on Recognizance in . . 100 tl Dirck Heemstrat his Bail in ......... 100 tl Johannis Shaver JunT was permitted to return to his Place of Abode on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour [and Monthly Appearance] 1 Johannis Shaver JunT on Recog- nizance .............. in .......... 300 tl Johannis Shaver his Bail in .......... 300 u John Vincent was permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Vincent on Recognizance in .... 100 u Nicholas Teachout his Bail ---- in ---- 100 u Adjourned till 9 O Clock to Morrow Morning [40] Met pursuant to Adjournment 14^ May 1778 *778 iua j 14* Present John M. Beekman | j Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda j ( John M'Clung Arent Van Corlaer was brought before the Board and we having enquired into the Nature of his Commitment and finding no material Charge against him (save that of gowing to the Enemy last Summer) we have thought proper to set him at Liberty he behaving as becometh & conforming to the Laws & Customs of the State of New York & entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour & Monthly Appearance Arent Van Corlaer on Recognizance in 100 u Baltus Van Benthuysen his Bail ---- in 100 u M?Grigor Van Iveren of Schohary was permitted to [go] at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance before any of the Justices of Schohary i The words here within brackets have been scored out in the manuscript. 1 1 6 State of New York 1778 M?Gngor Van Iveren on Recogniz- May 14. 5 . r ance in 100 a William Price of Schohary was brought before the Board and we having examined into the Nature of his Offence and finding no material Charges against him we have thought proper to set him at Liberty on his entering into Recog- nizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance before One of the Justices of Schohary William Price on Recognizance in .... 100 H Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 [41] Met according to adjournment 15 th May 1778 Present Tohn M. Beeckman } , T u Tv/rcr-i { ( j John MClung er. Van Rensselaer V \ A/r ^ , -r r , J ( / Matthew Visscher Isaac D Fonda } Received a Letter from John M^CIung, Alexander Web- ster, Alexander M c Nitt, & Ebenezer Clark informing us that they had opened a Board in New Perth Charlotte County and proceeded to Business but being destitute of Money and unable to carry into Execution their Designs for the want thereof, they beg to have it drawn out of the Treasury and transmitted to them, in Answer to which the following Letter was sent to them John M^Clung Esq? one of the Commissioners exhibited to this Board a Letter wrote by himself & three other Com- missioners of Charlotte County requesting the Sum of four hundred Pounds to defray Expences by them incurred and also to answer such Demands as the Service of the State may require in that Part the Board in Answer thereto ac- quaint the Gentlemen that the said Sum shall be remitted to Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 117 them as Part of One thousand Pounds drawn for from the lur I ' 778 - May 15. Treasury as soon as the Money may arrive & an Opper- tunity offers & transmit the same with Safety, this Board beg Leave to suggest to their Brother Commissioners that the Utmost Frugality shall be adopted by them in expending the said Money for they conceive if such a Caution is not ob- served that the Allowance made by the State will be far from being sufficient & if the said Sum should be exceeded in Expenditures by us we conceive that the setling the re- maining Accounts will be attended with the. greatest Diffi- culties [42] Respecting the Situation of the Families in Argile who have returned to their respective Habitations and are under a Tie of Nutrality to the British King it is the Opinion of this Board that their Numbers are too large to be removed or dealt with in a rigorous Manner therefore as Humanity has always been the particular Character of Americans and Freedom incompatible with using Severity to Woomen and and Children who otherwise might be culpable for the Crimes of their Parents & Husbands it may be justifiable in the Opinion of this Board to cause the said Delinquents (who have been regardless of their Country's Freedom & destitute of Feeling for their Posterity) to come before them and represent to them their Crimes and the Difficulties that will attend their being reinstated in the Benefits and Prive- ledges that every faithful Subject will enjoy under a free Constitution also to enquire if any have engaged to take up Arms against the united States & finally to take an Oath of Nutrality from them in Behalf of the States whereby they must engage if possible to give every Aid and Assistance in their Power to the States excepting bearing Arms and by no Means to give or cause to be given any Aid or Comfort to the Enemies of the States but from Time to Time give such n8 State of New York 1778 Intelligence to the Authority of the State as may come to their May 15. ^ 11 j T Knowledge respecting all and every .transactions as may come to their Knowledge of the Enemy their Emisaries Aiders Abettors or Spies James Robins of the Manor of Renselaerwyck was brought before the Board and we having examined into the Charges alledged against him have thought proper to eliberate him on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance before One of the Justices of Ulster County and on his going to Kingston [43] to work as a Carpenter in Col! Wynkoop's Employ James Robins on Recognizance in. ... 200 u Mathew Watson his Bail in 200 u Sampson Dyckman his Bail ... in 200 a Moses Cowan, Ichabod Cook, and John Elder were brought before the Board and were permitted to return to his [sic] usual Place of Abode on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Moses Cowan on Recognizance in 100 /; Robert Cowan his Bail in 100 u Ichabod Cook on Recognizance in 100 u Christiaen Schoolcraft his Bail, in 100 tl John Elder on Recognizance . . in 100 tl John M?Cool . . his Bail in 100 u Stephen Hooper and Thomas Purchase of Newtown were liberated on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour & Monthly Appearance Stephen Hooper on Recognizance. . in 100 u John Hooper his Bail in 100 u Thomas Purchase on Recognizance in 100 M Peter Van Campen his Bail in 100 H Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 119 Met according to Adjournment 16^ May 1778 Present Jer. Van Rensselaer } f Isaac D Fonda John M Beeckman j \ Matthew Visscher Cap* George White and MT Isaac Sheldon appeared before this Board and informed that on their way home they stopped at Nicholas Michal's to refresh, that during their Stay four Men who were Secreted on the Garret came down [44] in the Room armed, Assaulted beat and abused them together with one Pease and Robbed them of all the Money they had with them together with their Horses, and led them a Considerable distance into the Woods and there threatned to take their Lives, and they farther inform that they suppose the said Michal and Henry Shans know who the perpetrators of this Robbery were Ordered Thereupon that Coll 1 K. Van Rensselaer be re- quested to detach a Party of his Regiment to apprehend and secure all such Persons who are supposed to be concerned in said Robbery and them safely convey to this City, and also immediately to apprehend and send to this Board Nicholas Michal and Jeremiah Shans Resolved That Gen? Conway be requested to order a Party of ten Men with an Officer to assist Coll 1 Rensselaer' s Party to apprehend the Persons above named Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment 17*? May 1778 I77 s May 17. Present John M. Beekman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer J 1 Mathew Visscher A Letter from John Younglove with two Affidavits in- 120 State of New York M 1778 closed were delivered to the Board respecting James Noels who was sent to us under Guard Ordered that the said Affidavits be sent to Col. 1 Humfrey and that he be requested to [45] transmit them after Perusal to Col. 1 Robert Van Rensselaer which Letter and Examinations are in the fol- lowing Words (prout) Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning May 7 18. Met P ursuant to Adjournment i8* : h May 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) f A/r , ^ r , ^ -^ , r i Mathew Visscher Isaac D. J^onda j (. Cap* John Ryley appeared before the Board with the Party under his Command to receive Orders from us Or- dered that the said Cap* Ryley with his Party proceed by the Way of Michels to Kinderhook & there await the Orders of Col 1 Humfrey and from thence go to Cooksakie and ex- ecute such Orders as shall be given them by Col. 1 Van Ber- gens as by the said Orders may more fully appear Nicholas Michels Wife who was supposed to be Accessory to the Assault lately committed on Cap* George White was permitted to return Home John Thomas was brought before the Board and we having enquired into the Nature of his Offence & finding nothing material against him have thought proper to let him go at large on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour & Monthly Appearance John Thomas on Recognizance in. ... 100 u Philip Gregory his Bail ....... in .... 100 /y [46] Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 121 Met pursuant to Adjournment 19^ May 1778 Present Hugh Mitchell ) | IsaacD . Fonda John M. Beekman ) ( David Wyng and John Powers were brought before the Board and having enquired into the Nature of their Offences and nothing appearing against them (save that of going to the Enemy) they were permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour & Monthly Appearance David Wyng on Recognizance in 200 u John Powers on Recognizance in 200 /y William Powers their Bail in 200 u Ordered that a Mittimus be made out to the Sheriff to take William Smith, Benjamin Best, Philip Shaver, John Shaver, and Nicholas Michel into his Custody and closely confine them On Information that there is at Schenectady one John Davis who says that he is lately come from General M'rDugall Head Quarters and whose Character is suspicious Ordered that a Letter be wrote to the Commissioners at Fishkill requesting them to enquire respecting him without Delay which Letter is in the Words following (prout) Received a Letter from Humfreys informing that he sent to us under Guard Peter Cole his Son and the Widow Taylor and her two Daughters Accessaries to the Robbery at Henry Van RensselaerV Ordered that a Mittimus be [47] made out to the Sheriff to take them into Custody Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1 They were brought to Albany by Jonathan Chapman, who was paid 4, or ten dollars. The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 1 66, State Comptroller's office. 122 State of New York 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment 20^ May 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) f A/T u \r- u * -. , r 1 Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Jbonda ) (. Received a Letter from Col 1 Robert Van Rensselaer in- forming that he sent to us under Guard the Widow Mesick one of her Sons Hendrick Skinkle and John Flyn who are supposed to be privy to the Robbery at Henry Van Renselaer John Michel Dorn who was confined for Disaffection was permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John M. Dorn on Recognizance in.. . . 100 u Robert Machesny his Bail in 100 u John Myers who was taken up on Suspicion of being con- cerned in the Robbery of M? John Van Ness at Kinderhook was permitted to go at large on entering into Recognzance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Myers on Recognizance in 100 u Jacob Springer his Bail in 100 u Jeremiah Shans was permitted to return to his usual Place of Abode on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour & Appearance at the next Inferior Court of Common Pleas Jeremiah Shans on Recognizance in. . 100 u Absalom Woodworth his Bail in. . 100 {l [48] Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment 2 if May 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) f A/r , Tr . , : > Mathew Visscher Isaac D. tonda J Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 1 23 Emerigh Plass who was confined for Disaffection was M I77 | brought before the Board and we having enquired into the Nature of his Offence and finding nothing material against him we have thought proper to set him at Liberty on enter- ing into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance first App: to begin on the last Day of June next Emmerigh Plass on Recognizance in. . 100 1{ Archelus Linn his Bail in. . 100 u M? Mathew Aerson appeared before the Board and re- quested from them an Order to ferry over Cap* John Ryley and his Men Ordered that M? Aerson ferry over no Person belonging to Cap* Ryley's on the Commissioners Account without an Order from One of them or from Cap* Ryley Ordered that Daniel Bass be sent down to the Commis- sioners at Fish Kill by the Troops that are going down to the Highlands Christina Taylor, Nancy Taylor & Catharine Taylor were brought before the Board and examined Ordered that they be recommitted William Tyler and Bethuel Huntley were ordered to be removed to the Fort on Account of their being sick Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning [49] Met pursuant to Adjournment 22" d May 1 778. 1773 May 22. Present John M. Beekman \ ( Petrus Wynkoop Jun? Isaac D. Fonda ) (. Mathew Visscher Johannis Van Hoesen JunF and Jacob Van Hoesen were brought before the Board and examined with Respect to the 1 24 State of New York 22. 1778 Robbery committed at Henry Van Renselaer s to which J J they were supposed to be Accessory and finding the Supposition rather groundless we have thought proper to set them at Liberty on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour Johannis Van Hoesen Junf on Recog- nizance in ....................... 50 u Jacob Joh? Van Hoesen on Recog- nizance in ....................... 50 u Received a Letter from Col? Robert Van Rensselaer in- forming that he sent to us under Guard Peter Mesick & Dirck Vosburgh Ordered that they be committed to Prison & also ordered that the Treasurer pay Eight Dollars to the Guard as Part of their Pay and take their Receipt 1 Nicholas Lake was permitted to return to his usual Place of Abode on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Nicholas Lake on Recognizance in. . . 100 u Abraham Schuyler his Bail ..... in ... 100 a Michael Plass was brought before the Board and we having examined into the Nature of his Offence and finding nothing special against him we have thought proper to set him at Liberty on entering into Recognizance for good Be- haviour and Monthly Appearance Michael Plass on Recognizance .in. . . 100 u Bastian Visscher his Bail ....... in ... 100 u [50] John Brock of Cinkaik was permitted to return Home on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance >The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 163, State Comptroller's office, made out in favor of Peter Bont. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 125 John Brock on Recognizance. . . in ... 100 u John Forgason his Bail ......... in ... 100 tl William Tyler being very sick was ordered to be conveyed to the Hospital and the Director of the Hospital was re- quested to take him into his Care Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment 23*? May 1778 1778 Present John M. Beekman ] ( Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda j ( Peter Wynkoop JunT Received a Letter from Egbert Benson EsqT dated Poug- keepsie 22 n - d Instant accompanying 1000 which he had re- ceived from the Treasury of this State in Consequence of the order of this Board Ordered That the said one thousand Pounds be deposited in the Hands of M? John M Beeckman one of the Members of this Board and be applied from time to time as this Board shall order and direct Received a Letter from Major Goes informing that he sent to us under Guard Abraham Lot and Charles Simmon who are concerned in the Robbery at Van Ness's at Kinder- hook Ordered that the said Abraham Lot & Charles Miller 1 be closely confined and that the Sec?", acknowledge the Delivery of those Persons [51] Ordered also that the Treasurer pay to Cap* Clauw Eight Dollars for his arid his Partys Pay for bringing up the forementioned Persons 2 Received a Letter from William Dietz Esq? informing that 1 An error in the original for Simmon. 'The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 162, made out in favor of " Burgar Claw." 1 26 State of New York 1778 he sent under Guard Christopher Hot and William M^Col- lock for Disaffection Ordered that they be committed Ordered that Daniel Bass who is sick be conveyed to the Hospital and that the Director be requested to take him into his Care m8 Albany 2 5 th May 1778- [Present] John M. Beeckman 1 ( " u h Mi ' che11 Isaac D. Fonda I 1 Matthew V.sscher { Petrus Wynkoop JunT John Sealy who was confined for going to the Enemy was brought before us and we having examined him and judging from his Appearance that he had been seduced by others from his Allegiance Ordered that he be permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Sealy on Recognizance in ....... 100 a David Arnold his Bail ..... in ....... 50 tl John Hincocks his Bail. ... in ....... 50 u David Miller was permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance which Term is to commence on the last Day of June David Miller on Recognizance in ..... 100 tl Isaac Garnsey his Bail ....... in ..... 100 tl [52] Gerrit Miller and Philip Switzer were brought before the Board and we having enquired into the Nature of their Offences have thought proper to let them go at large on their entering into Recognizance to appear before the Com- missioners of Charlotte County and there give such Security for their good Behaviour as the said Commissioners should think proper Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 127 Gerrit Miller on Recognizance, in. . 100 .. J 778 May 25. Philip Switzer on Recognizance in. ... 100 u Peter Switzer their Bail in .... 100 u Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment 26^ May 1778 Present John M. Beekman \ ( Isaac D. Ponda ) ( Henry Quant from the Helleberg confined in this Goal was permitted on his entering into the Continental Service to go at large Zachariah Overmagh who was confined was brought be- fore the Board and we having enquired into the Cause of his Commitment and finding nothing special against him (save being with the Enemy) we have thought proper to eliberate him on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour & Monthly Appearance Zachariah Overmagh on Recogni- zance in 200 Benjamin Baker his Bail in 200 Francis Brock of Cinkaick was brought before the Board and finding nothing very material against [53] him we have thought proper to let him go at large on his entering into Reocgnizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Francis Brock on Recognizance in 100 Nathan Armstrong of White Creek his Bail in 100 George Fisher, Benjamin French, J ohn Cowen Bethuel Huntly and John M'rDugall of Saragtoga John Wykoff of Ballstown and Peter Buchanon, Peter M'Dugall and James 1 28 State of New York 1778 Blackley of Cambridge District confined in this Goal against whom we have no particular Charges Ordered that Letters be wrote to the Chairmen of the different Committees from whence those Persons are come, to send to us such Charges as they may have against them Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment 27^ May 1 778 May 27. Present John M. Beekman | ( Mathew Visscher Isaac D.Fonda j ( William Wills Samuel Perry John Perry and John Stiles of Parmertown who were heretofore eliberated on entering into Recognizance made their Appearance Information was given to the Board by the Widow Baker the [sic] Lenah Cronkheydt has in her Possession a Pair of Silver Shoe Buckles and other Things her Property which was last Summer Stolen from her, and it appearing also probable that some essential Evidence might be got from her if [54] properly examined concerning the Robberies committed in the East part of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck last Summer Ordered Thereupon that Cap* Ryley cause the said Lenah Cronkheydt to be apprehended and brought before us, and also to apprehend and bring before us one Martinus Kimmel to give Evidence against the said Lenah Cronkheydt On Suggestion of Stephen Bell the Goaler that the Goal is so crouded as to render the Situation of the Prisoners very disagreeable Ordered therefore that the following Persons be removed to the Fort and that M^ Volckert Dawson be requested to receive them Alexander Anderson, David Michael, John Mills, William M c Kinsie, Daniel Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 129 Marsh, John Shaver, John George Emmerigh Duncan 1778 Campbell, Martin Galer, Martinus Galer, & John Snyder May 27< Cap* John Riley having apprehended Henry Hoogteling for having been concerned in the Robberies committed at Van Ness's and Van Alstyne's, and his Wife and his Brother Abraham Hoogteling Ordered that Henry Hoogteling be closely confined and His Wife and Abraham Hoogteling remain in the City until they shall be called for Patrick Buchanon of Cambridge District was eliberated on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Patrick Buchanon on Recognizance in 100 Archibald MfVickers his Bail .... in 100 u [55] Dirck Vosburgh who was confined was permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance to appear when- ever called for and in the mean Time to keep the Peace Dirck Vosburgh on Recognizance in. . 100 Jacob M. Vosburgh his Bail in.. 100 u Hugh Eraser, John Murry, Walter Turnbull, and Dougall M'rAslin were brought to us by a Party of Continental Troops stationed at Schohary Ordered that they be committed Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment 29 May 1778 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( A/r , xr . , :! \ \ Matnew Visscher Isaac U. ronda ) ( Duncan Campbell who was confined for Disaffection was brought before the Board and we finding nothing material against him have permitted him to go at large on his enter- 130 State of New York 1778 ing into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Duncan Campbell on Recognizance in 100 Peter Schuyler his Bail in 100 John Mills of Hosick who was confined was permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Be- haviour and Monthly Appearance John Mills on Recognizance in 100 Hezekiah Mosier of Cambridge his Bail 100 - [56] Daniel Bass was brought before the Board and we having examined into the Nature of his Offence and finding that he was some Time ago Apprehended for being in Company with one Betties who enlisted Men for the Serv- ice of the Enemy and it having appeared that he was not Accessory thereto and it appearing also from a Certificate from the Chairman of the Committee of Dutchess County that he has always behaved him well and had rendered Personal Service to the State in a Military Capacity Ordered therefore that the said Daniel Bass be permitted to return to Dutchess County on his entering into Recognizance before the Chairman of the said Committee of Fredericksburgh there to be dealt with as the said Chairman of the Com- mittee of Fredericksburgh should think proper Daniel Bass on Recognizance ... in. 50 Nathaniel Finch his Bail in. 50 M. Catharine Mesick of Claverack was permitted to return home on entering into Recognizance for good Be- haviour and Appearance when called upon Catharine Mesick on Recognizance in. 50 John Van Hoesen his [sic] Bail .... in. 50 - Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 131 On Information of Stephen Bell the Goaler that Benjamin T? u i i_ 11 r> r rench is taken with small rox Ordered that the said Benjamin French be removed to the Hospital and that the Director be requested to receive him [57] James Sloan and Marte Freligh were brought before the Board for Offences heretofore committed by them Ordered that they enter a Recognizance to appear on Tuesday next with a good and sufficient Bail James Sloan on Recognizance. ..in . . 100 Marte Freligh on Recognizance in . . 100 M[ Peter Ten Broeck confined in this Goal was brought before the Board and on General Ten Broeck's and M? John Ten Broeck's entering into an Obligation to see him forth- coming when called upon and his confining himself to a House and Yard in this City and on his signing a Parole to observe the Restrictions above mentioned and not to hold any Correspondence or Conversation upon Political Matters with any Person or Persons adhering to the King of Great Britain Hendrick Skinkle of Claverack who was confined on Sus- picion of being Accessory to the Robbery committed at Henry Van Renselaer was permitted to return Home on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Hendrick Skinkle on Recognizance in 100 Abraham Van Valkenburgh his Bail in 100 Mathewis Van Valkenburgh also his Bail in 100 Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 132 State of New York 1778 [58] Met pursuant to Adjournment 30 May 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) (\/TL w L 1 ^ Y 4 Mathew Visscher Isaac D. ronaa. ) ( Bethuel Huntley confined in Goal in this City who was apprehended for having been with the Enemy last Summer was brought before the Board and upon Examination of the Proffs [sic] finding no other material Charges against him, and Joseph Smith of New London County of the State of Connecticut having engaged to enter into Bonds in the sum of Forty Pounds Current Money of New York as Security for the said Bethuel Huntley for his Appearance before the Honorable Mathew Greswold Esqf Lieu* Governor of the State of Connecticut who is to lay him under such Restric- tions as he may conceive necessary Ordered therefore that the said Bethuel Huntley repair to the State of Connecticut and there make his Appearance before the Lieutenant Governor and that upon a Certificate of the Lieutenant Governor of the Appearance of the said Bethuel Huntley as aforesaid the said Joseph Smith be dis- charged from his Recognizance Bethuel Huntley on Recognizance in .... 40 Joseph Smith his Bail in .... 40 Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment I s ? June 1778 June i. Present John M. Beekman ) f _ , Isaac D. Fonda f \ MatheW Vlsscher 1 No meeting reported for May 31. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 133 [59] Three Persons were brought to us under Guard who upon Examination we found to be Robert Sloss, John Sloss and Archibald M'rMullen who were all three concerned according to their own Confession in the Robbery of Henry Van Renselaer and Arent Van Schaack and [Isaac] Shelden their Confessions were taken down in writing and filed they were all three closely confined Ordered that the Treasurer pay to Lieu* Joseph GifFord ^i7 y/ 2 /y 4 for victualling the said Robert Sloss John Sloss, and Archibald M;Mullen and for himself and Nine Men Guarding the said Persons to Albany 1 Ordered also that the Treasurer pay to Jacob Van Valken- burgh 12^16^0 for apprehending the said Robert Sloss, John Sloss, and Archibald M'rMullen and also for appre- hending and securing James Noels who is also concerned in the abovementioned Robberies 2 Received from John M^Clung, Alexander M?Nitt and Alexander Webster a Draught for Four hundred Pounds and requested us to pay it to John Rowan Ordered that the Treasurer pay to the said John Rowan the four hundred Pounds drawn for and take his Receipt for the same 3 Christopher Witting a Hessian Deserter from the British Army was permitted to go at large in this County on Zachariah Veller of the Manor of Renselaerwyck entering in Recognizance for his good and peaceable Behaviour Zachariah Veller on Recognizance in . . 40 a [60] Robert Sloss on being searched was found to have with him twenty two Dollars which was supposed to be >The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 164, State Comptroller's office. 2 Ibid, p. 163. 1 Ibid, p. 1 76 134 State of New York 1778 Part of the Money he had stolen Ordered that the said June i. Money be taken and deposited in the Hands of John M. Beekman the Treasurer Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment 2^ June 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( A/T , w . , J V Mathew Visscher Isaac D. ronda ) Melchert Fill 1 and Robert Machesney were brought before the Board and requested to become Bail for James Sloan and Marte Freligh Ordered that they be laid under Recognizance, for Monthly App: & good Behaviour James Sloan on Recognizance, in. . . 100 u Robert Machesny his Bail in. . . 100 u Marte Freligh on Recognizance in.. . 100 Melchert Fill his Bail in.. . 100 Henry Groat of Cambridge District was permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Henry Groat on Recognizance in. ... 100 Nathan Smith his Bail in .... 100 Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 Met ^ Tune 1778, 5 OClock P.M. June 3. J J 1 1 * j Present John M. Beekman | f Isaac D. Fonda Cornelius Humfrey j \ Petrus Wynkoop Junr 1 So written in original for File. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 135 [61] Amos Lucas appeared before the Board and pro- *778 f June 3. duced a Recommendation from the Committee of Kings- bury setting forth that he has a good Estate and that they think him sufficient as a Bail and the said Amos Lucas requesting us that William Tyler of Kingsbury might be released on his becoming Bail for him Ordered that the said William Tyler be permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appear- ance Amos Lucas Bail for William Tyler.. 100 u Ordered that the Director of the Hospital be requested to deliver William Tyler to his Bail Amos Lucas Major Hale the Commissary of Prisoners appeared before the Board and informed that Thomas Man was exchanged and requested that he might be permitted to go down to the Highlands Ordered that the said Thomas Man be discharged and that the Goaler be ordered to discharge him John Showers was apprehended on Suspicion of being concerned in the Robbery at Van Ness's Ordered that he be committed and that the Sheriff be ordered to take him into Custody and closely confine him On Information that there is a Barrel of stolen Goods concealed in the Barn of Joe Primmer Ordered that Cap* Ryley be requested to detach a Party to go and make Search in Joe Primmer' s Barn and if they find any Thing there to bring Primmer with them Charles Stevenson Charles Gray and George Hill who were some Time since confined in this Goal on Application [62] of Doctor Hayes were sent down to the Highlands in Order to be exchanged Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 136 State of New York 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 4^ June 1778 J ""* ^ Present John M. Beekman } j Cornelius Humfrey Isaac D. Fonda j 1 Petrus Wynkoop JunT It is ordered by the Board that Christian Smith appear before the Board by to Morrow Morning and that the said Christian Smith be served with a Copy of this Rule Hugh Paul a British Soldier was brought before the Board Ordered that the Officer of the Guard at the Fort be requested to receive him into his Custody go*; 11 May 1778 were brought up under Guard before the Board John J Vosburg and Lourence Scharp both of Kin- derhook for passing Counterfiet Money it was Ordered that they should be confined and that the Treasurer should pay to Jacob Wiltsie and two others who came up with them as a Guard ^4//o // o and that he should take their Receipt for the same * Daniel Marsh of Socialburg in Charlotte County was brought before the Board and we having examined into the Nature of his Offence and finding no particular Charges against him have thought proper to let him return to his usual Place of abode on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and engaging to procure a sufficient Bail in fourteen Days Time and Archibald Campbell became his Bail for that Time Daniel Marsh of Recognizance in ... 50 u Archibald Campbell his Bail . . in ... 50 u [63] Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 161, State Comptroller's office. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 137 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 5? June 1778 f^l\ Present John M. Beekman ) j Cornelius Humfrey Isaac D. Fonda ! ( Petrus Wynkoop Jun? Daniel Marsh who was Yesterday discharged on entering into Recognizance to procure a sufficient Bail appeared before the Board and offered as his Security One Ichabod Bump and Cap* John Younglove having certified that the said Ichabod Bump is a Freeholder & as such is a sufficient Bail Ordered that the said Ichabod Bump enter into Recognizance for the future good Behaviour of the said Daniel Marsh and that Archibald Campbell be discharged from his Recognizance Daniel Marsh on Recognizance in ... 50 Ichabod Bump his Bail in. . . 50 John Sloss James Noels and the two Daughters of the Widow Taylor were examined with Respect to the Robbery committed at Henry Van Renselaers and after being so examined were Ordered to be recommitted Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 6 June 1778 Tune 8 6 Present John M. Beekman ) j Isaac D. Fonda Cornelius Humfrey j ( Petrus Wynkoop ]un T . Isaac Shelden Constable appeared before us and delivered to us a Silver Watch 2 Silver Buckles 2 Gold Hat Bands I Gold Hat Loop and One hundred and Five [64] Dol- lars Ordered that a Receipt be drawn acknowledging the Receipt of those Things and that the Money be delivered 138 State of New York 1778 into the Hands of the said Isaac Shelden and that he June 6. be accountable therefor to this Board the above Articles were taken by Virtue of a Warrant from George White Esqf I the Subscriber do hereby acknowledge to have received of the Commissioners One hundred and Five Dollars which I promise to be accountable for when called upon [Signed:] Isaac Shelden Constable Several Articles that were stolen from Henry Van Ren- selaer were Ordered to be delivered to the said Henry Van Renselaer and his Receipt taken therefor Ordered that the Treasurer pay to Isaac Shelden ^a lQ tP for taking the Stolen Effects of Henry Van Renselaer con- cealed in the House of Daniel Folger according to his Account delivered in l Henry J. Mesick who was some Time since confined on Suspicion of being concerned in the Robbery at Henry Van Renselaer's was permitted to go at large on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Appearance at the next Supream Court * Henry J. Mesick on Recognizance in. 500 Lewis Footie his Bail in. 500 delivered to MT Peter W. Douw i Bank Note of 600 Dollars N? 208 I light Blew Coat 3 Pair of Stockings about a Yard of White Linnen which the said Peter W. Douw has given his Receipt for and for Which he promises to be accountable, the above are supposed to belong to Arent Van Schaack & are supposed to be stolen [65] M T . Peter Ten Broeck who was some time since 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 163, State Comptroller's office. The pay was for mileage from Albany to Philips Town, thence to Cinkaik and to Saratoga, in search of the stolen goods. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 139 apprehended, was Liberated upon his entring into Bond with two Sureties each in the Sum of 500, for his appear- ance when called for, and not to exceed the Limits of the Houses of John Ten Broeck, Wessel Ten Broeck, Jacob Ten Broeck and the Rev'? M c Cock - Albany o th Tune 1778 *779 Present- June 9 John M Beeckman ) ( Matthew Isaac D ronda ; William M c Kinsey was brought before the Board and upon examining into the Nature of his Offence, find no particular Charge against him Ordered Thereupon that he be Liberated from confine- ment upon entring into Recognizance with surety for his future good behaviour and monthly appearance before one of the Commissioners he was accordingly Bound himself in ........................ 100 Phineas Babcock his Bail of Queensbury. . . 100 Whereas it appears probable in the opinion of this Board, that divers of the Subjects of this State, have lately gone over to and joined a Party of Savages who have [lately] 1 committed the Depredations at Schoharry Therefore Resolved That it be and it is hereby [66] most earnestly recommended to the Coll? or Commanding Officers of the respective Militia Regiments in this County fortwith to order the Captains or Commanding Officers of Companie 1 to make immediate returns to this Board of the Names of such Persons of their respective Companies who have during the Alarm at Schoharry been and are still absent from their respective Places of abode 1 This word is scored out in the manuscript. 140 State of New York 1778 Peter Meesick JunT who was some time since confined June 9. . on suspicion of being concerned in the Robbery at Henry Van Rensselaer's, and it appearing that the Suspicion was not so well founded Ordered That he be Liberated from Confinement upon entring into Recognizance with Surety in the Penal Sum of 500 each his future good behaviour and Monthly appearance before any one of the Commissioners He was accordingly bound into Recognizance himself in . 500 Jacob Vossburgh of Claverack his Bail in. 500 Jonathan Wears, and Thomas Hastle two British Prison- ers who had for some time been in the Country were brought before the Board Ordered That they be sent to the Main Guard there to be kept untill such Time as an oppertunity offers to send them [67] to Major Hale Commissary of Prisoners Jacob Cluet was apprehended for uttering Sentiments unfavorable to the American Cause and for insinuating that he knew of and was Accessory to Plots & Conspiracies formed and concerted by the Tories & was brought before us and we having examined the Persons who were brought as Evidences against him Ordered that the said Jacob Cluet be permitted to return Home on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Appearance next Friday Eight Days Jacob Cluet on Recognizance in 100 a Gerrit Cluet his Bail in .... 100 a William Ellison presented an Account of Cornelius C. Miller which was attested to, for victualling lodging &c Five Prisoners and several Persons as a Guard which amounted to Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 141 Ordered the Treasurer pay the above Sum to William _ I 778 . . June 9. Ellison for the said Cornelius C Miller and take his Receipt therefor 1 Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met lo? June 1778 2 OClock Post Merediem j 8 lo . Present John M. Beekman ) f ,, , xr , 1 _ _ h { Matthew Visscher Isaac L). ronda ) ( Daniel Folger of Saragtoga District in whose Possession was found a Watch belonging to Henry Van Renselaer and which was stolen by Robert Sloss and One hundred Dollars in Money was brought before us and we having examined him have thought proper to permit [68] him to return Home on entering into Recognizance to appear at the next Supream Court to give his evidence Daniel Folger on Recognizance in ... 50 William Coffin of Saragtoga District his Bail in ... 50 Thomas Martin and Hugh Paul were brought before us and it appearing that they were Deserters from the British Army and that they had peaceably behaved themselves during their Residence in this Country Ordered that they be permitted to go at large on behaving themselves in a peaceable and quiet Manner John Flinn who was some Time ago confined on Sus- picion of being concerned in the Robbery of Henry Van Renselaer was examined and his Examination being taken in Writing and attested to before John M. Beekman EsqT 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 166, State Comptroller's office. 142 State of New York 1778 Ordered that he be permitted to [go tol his usual Place of June 10. r . Abode on entering into Recognizance to appear at the next Supream Court John Flinn on Recognizance in 50 tl Daniel Folger delivered to the Board 6 Silver and 25 Continental Dollars which he said he had received of Robert Sloss Ordered that the Treasurer take the Money into his Custody Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 [69] Met pursuant to Adjournment n^ June 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( AT u \T- u | > -j Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda John Lorentz Corres a Hessian Deserter from the British Army appeared before the Board and it appearing that he had hitherto conducted himself in a peaceable Manner during his Residence in the County he was permitted to go at large throughout the County Received a Letter from Hugh Mitchell informing that the Revl Mf Stewart the Indian Minister had removed from Fort Hunter to Schonectady with his Family that he conceived M. T . Stewart would have it in his Power to convey Intelligence from that Place to the Indians and as MT Stewart has always been a declared Enemy to the Liberties of America he thought it would be necessary to Order him down the Country Received a Letter from Robert Yates Esq? informing that there is a certain Thomas Anderson in the Manor of Livingston a Blacksmith who is charged by D^ Latham with encouraging Negroes to desert from their Masters to go Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 143 over to the Enemy and forging a Pass under the Signature of Captain Solomon Strong Ordered that a Warrant be made out to apprehend the said Thomas Anderson and commit him to Goal & that the Keeper of the Goal be required to take him into his Custody Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning [70] Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 12^ June 1778 I77 g June 12. Present > -I Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda It having been suggested to us that John Smith who stands charged with having committed several Robberies is at present at his Fathers Jurrie Smith's in Livingston's Manor and that Jonathan Wickwire who is an Accomplice with the said John Smith also lurks somewhere in that Quarter Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Petrus Wynkoop JunT Esq^ requesting him to have the said John Smith and Jona- than Wickwire instantly apprehended and sent to this Place as by the said Letter will appear Ordered that Captain John Ryley apprehend and commit to Goal Hugh Frere Thomas Wood Junf of New Britain Martinus Kimmel and Frederick Querin of Poesten Kill who stand severally charged with having committed several Rob- beries and the Keeper of the Goal was ordered to receive them The Board was informed that Thomas Garnet and others keep at a place called Peesink and there plunder and distress the good and faithful Subjects of this State Ordered That Cap* Ryley and his Rangers immediately be sent for, to go in quest of said Garnet and others, and 144 State of New York , that Matthias Boom be sent for as a Guide, and that the Tune 12. said [71] Matthias Boom be ordered to attend this Board to Morrow at four OClock Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Time 7 ! ^ et P ursuant to Adjournment 13^ June 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( A/r i TT- r * _ _ f i Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Wrote a Letter to the Commissioners at Pougkeepsie informing them that Jacob Cortman who stands charged with the Murder of Abraham Van Ness is somewhere in the Nine Partners and requesting them to have him apprehended also that the Board have been under a Necessity to raise a Party of 15 Rangers whom they have been under a Neces- sity of Paying 6/ a Day besides their Rations and requesting to know from them what allowance they make to such Parties of the Militia as bring in Prisoners which Letter is in the Words following (prout) Ordered that Cap* John Ryley with his Party of Rangers proceed with all possible Secrecy & Dispatch in a Batteau to Coyemans and from thence to a place about five Miles above Peesink, and there endeavour to apprehend Thomas Garnet, Roeliff Van der Kar John Stoner, John Cafort, Stephen Miller and others Ordered that Application be made to the Commanding Officer for a Party of Continental Troops as an Additional Guard to be under the Direction of Cap* Ryley [72] Ordered that Application be made to Col! Lewis for a Batteau for the Guard Wrote a Letter to D? Stephen M^Crea informing that as to his Brother he stood Indicted for having heretofore been Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 145 a Militia Officer and afterwards going over to the Enemy J 778 and accepting under them a Commission of Ensign and that Thomas Man who was lately exchanged stood charged with having taken an Oath not to give any Aid Comfort or Intelligence and afterwards going over to them and accepting under them an Ensigns Commission which Letter is in the Words following (prout) The[n] Adjourned till next Monday Morning 10 OClock Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 15^ June 1778 r^ 78 Present John M. Beekman ) f T\T u ir u :; c i Mathew Visscher Isaac D. tonda j (. Received a Letter from George White EsqT informing that he sent to us under Guard John Lary who was taken up by him for travelling without a Pass and we having examined him and finding that he is a Deserter and as such belongs to the Military Ordered that the said John Lary be delivered over to Brigadier General Starks to be dealt with as he may think proper Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning [73] Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 16 June 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) f A/r , -rr L * T-. T- i r i Mathew Visscher Isaac D. .Fonda ) ( Cloude Van Deusen and William Beacraft two Constables of Claverack District appeared before us with Thomas Anderson who they had apprehended by Virtue of a Warrant from under our Hands 146 State of New York 1778 Ordered that the said Thomas Anderson be Closely confined and that the Treasurer pay to the said Cloude Van Deusen and William Beacraft 4/^0 for their Expence and Trouble in apprehending the said Thomas Anderson according to their Account delivered in 1 James Farguson who was last Night apprehended by the City Guard was brought before the Board and we having examined him and finding that he has no Pass and appears to be a suspicious Person Ordered therefore that the said James Farguson be closely confined Adjourned until 9 OClock to Morrow Morning I77 8 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 17 June 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda | (. Major John Van Renselaer appeared before the Board and informed that he had found at the House of the Widow Johnson I Scarlet Cloack & 2 Shirts Marked H V R [74] the Property of his Father Henry Van Renselaer and also I Black Silk Gown which was given him by One Townsend and also informed that One of the Shirts which his Father had given his Receipt for did not belong to him and that he was willing to deliver it up when called for A certain Gillmore who was some Time since confined for travelling without a Pass and appearing to be a sus- picious Person was brought before us and we having exam- ined him have thought proper to permit him to enlist in the Continental Service David Michael of the Manor of Renselaerwyck who was 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 163, State Comptroller's office, signed " Gloudey Vandeusen." Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 147 confined on Suspicion of being concerned in the Murder and Robbery of John Van Ness and who was indicted and tried and on his Trial was acquitted was brought before us and we thinking he might be released have permitted him to go at large on entering into Recognizance for his good Behav- iour and Monthly Appearance David Michael on Recognizance in.. . 100 -- Jurie Michael his Bail .......... in. . . 100 -- Peter Cole was brought before the Board and we having examined him with Respect to the Goods stolen of Henry Van Renselaer which were left with him in Order to be secreted was ordered to be recommitted Then Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning [75] Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 18^ June 1778 *778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( AT , \T- r * r "i Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda ) ( It having appeared to us by the Information of two Persons that Hans Riemer is employed an Express to convey Letters from New York to the Tories and particularly from Abraham Cuyler to One of the Glens at Schonectady Ordered therefore that a Letter be wrote to Hugh Mitchell EsqT one of the Commissioners at Schonectady to endeavour by every Means in his Power to cause the said Riemer to be apprehended or such Dispatches as may be sent to Schonec- tady to be secured and immediately to inform us of the Nature of them John Boyd JunT and Alexander M^Auley who were apprehended by a Party of Continental Troops at Jessup's 148 State of New York 1778 Patent on their Way to Canada were brought before us and June 18. . J we having examined them have thought proper to have them closely confined Ordered that John M. Beekman EsqF the Treasurer to this Board pay to Cap* John Ryley two hundred Dollars for and on Account of the Company of Rangers under his Command James Blakely was liberated on his entering into Recogni- zance for good Behaviour & Mont[h]ly Appearance James Blakely on Recognizance., in. . 100 John Boyd his Bail in . . 100 [76] Jacob Finehout who was apprehended and brought before us by Captain Ryley we have thought proper after examining to permit to return Home on his entering into Recognizance to appear when called for Jacob Finehout on Recognizance in., . 100 Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment io th Tune 1778 June 19. Present. John M. Beeckman ) ( A/r , \r \, * \ \ Matthew Visscher Isaac Do Fonda ) ( Jacob Cluet who was bound in Recognizance to appear this Day appeared and it being suggested to us that he it knowing to and Accessory to a Robbery committed as Cornelius Steensberg Ordered that he be closely confined and that the Goaler be ordered to receive him into his Custody until further Orders from us or any other three of the Commissioners and that his Bail Gerrit Cluet be discharged Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 149 Benjamin French of Saragtoga who was confined for last u j Summer going to the Enemy was brought before us and we having examined him have thought proper to eliberate him on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and his Appearance when called upon Benjamin French on Recognizance in . . 100 -- [77] On Suggestion to us by the Widow Baker that Lena Cronkheydt has a Pair of Buckles the Property of the said Widow Baker which it is supposed she has taken out of the House of the said M 1 ? Baker last Summer when she fled on Account of the Tories Ordered that Captain John Ryley bring the said Lena Cronkheyt before us Nicholas Michael who was confined for being Accessory to the Assault and Robbery committed on George White Esqf and others was brought before us and we having examined him with Respect to the Charge alledged against him have permitted him to return Home on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Appearance at the next Supream Court Nicholas Michael on Recognizance in. 100 -- Andries Michael his Bail ......... in. 100 -- Frederick Boonstel who was confined for going to the Enemy last Summer was brought before the Board and we having examined him have thought proper to eliberate him on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Appearance when called upon Frederick Boonstel on Recognizance in. 100 -- Nicholas Michael his Bail ......... in. 100 -- Then Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 150 State of New York 1778 [78] Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 20^ June 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) f A/r , , T . , :: ~ > { Mathew Visscher Isaac D. ronda j ( On Information that Hans Riemer who came as an Express from New York with Dispatches for the Tories had in passing through Niscutaw put up at the House of Albert Van Der Zee Ordered that the said Albert Van Der Zee appear before us to give us Information respecting this Matter Ordered that Cornelius Steenberg appear before us to give us Information respecting the Robbery committed at his House last Summer Teunis Slingerlandt was cited to appear before the Board next Wednesday Wrote a Letter to the Commissioners in which was inclosed a Description of several Persons supposed to be those who have lately committed the Robberies in Living- ston's Manor and requesting them to have them appre- hended and secured Also wrote a Letter to the Representatives of the City and County of Albany in Assembly to endeavor to procure an Act for the Purpose of raising another Company of Rangers to be under the Command of this Board [79] Wrote another Letter to Cornelius Humfrey EsqF One to Hugh Mitchell Esql and another to Petrus Wyn- koop EsqT requesting their Attendance next Tuesday Ordered that Col! Van Bergen be requested to detach a Party to the House of Hans Riemer to endeavour if possi- ble to apprehend the said Hans Riemer and send him to us Then Adjourned till 9 OClock Monday Morning Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 151 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 22 Tune 1778 1778 June 22. Present John M. Beekman ) f Ayr , ,,. . ; ~ T, f i Mathew Visscher Isaac D. ronda j ( The Board were informed that one Nicholas Kerglaer could give information respecting Thomas Garnet and others who keep in the woods Ordered Thereupon that he cited to appear before this Board on Wednesday next which was done accordingly The Board were informed that Johannis Landtman Johannis Ruyter and others who last Year went to Canada, had returned and were now about their respective places of abode, and that Abraham Bovie could give informa- tion concerning them and direct where they may be found Ordered That Cap* Ryley be directed fortwith to repair with the Rangers under his [80] Command repair to Hosick, and endeavour to apprehend said Landtman, Ruyter and others, and that he call upon Bovie for directions Michael Plass made application to the Board for a Pass to go down to the East Camp Ordered that a Pass be made out for the said Michael Plass Cap* John Relay 1 presented to the Board a Pay Roll for the Company of Rangers under his Command amounting in the whole to two hundred and Eighty three Pounds Nineteen Shillings which said Pay Roll is made out to this Day and commences from the Time of their Inlistment Ordered that the Treasurer pay to the said Cap? John Ryley two hundred and three Pounds Nineteen Shillings which together with the Eighty Pounds paid him on the 1 So written in original for Ryley or Reilay. 152 State of New York 1778 jgth June 1778 amounts to 283^19^0 the Amount of the Pay Roll - Abel Eastwood was brought before the Board for having been with the Enemy, and we having examined him and it appearing therefrom as also from the information of John Younglove Esq? that he had been seduced to go to the Enemy by evil designing Persons Ordered That he be Liberated from Confinement upon his entring into Recognizance for his good behaviour and appearance when called for, and also not to depart the Limits of the District of Cambridge without leave in writ- ing from one of the Commissioners or from the said John Younglove Esq? Abel Eastwood on Recognizance in.. 100 [81] Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment 23 rd June 1778 23* Present John M. Beeckman ) ( A/1 , w i * _ . [ < Matthew Visscher Isaac JD. ronda j (. Wrote a Letter to Major Jansen at Livingston's Manor requesting of him to inform the Board what Character Thomas Anderson who is at present confined in Goal has hitherto sustained and in what Manner he stands affected to the American Cause Cap? Henry Ostrom appeared before us and exhibited a Complaint against Johannis Vanake for being disaffected to the Cause of America and traducing his Character Ordered that a Warrant be made out to apprehend the said Johannis Van Ake and that he be brought before us Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Philip Conine Esq! Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 153 requesting him to endeavour by every possible Means to 1P 7?8 apprehend Johannis Riemer who is employed by the Enemy to carry Dispatches to the Tories and that if he should be fortunate enough to take him to send him together with such Papers as should be found in his Possession to us immediately Peter Farguson of Beekman's Precinct Dutchess County who was confined in this Goal on Account of being of a suspicious Character as he was found in Company with Persons who had committed Robberies and other Mis- demeanors on Application of Stephen Farguson he [82] was permitted to return to his usual Place of Abode on his entering into Recognizance with the said Stephen Farguson as his Bail to appear before the Commissioners at Pough- keepsie there to abide by such Restrictions as the said Commissioners should think necessary to impose upon him Peter Farguson was bound by Re- cognizance in 100 Stephen Farguson his Bail in 100 Ordered that a Letter be wrote to the Commiss 1 ? at Poughkeepsie to inform them what Steps had been taken with respect to the said Peter Farguson and stating the Charges against him and requesting of them to lay him under Restrictions Jonathan Wears and Thomas Hastings two British Sol- diers who were apprehended and confined were brought before the Board and examined Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Major Hale informing him that we have sent down those Persons in Order that they may be dealt with as Prisoners of War Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 154 State of New York 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 24^ June 1778 Present John M. Beekman \ ( Cornelius Humfrey V -< Petrus Wynkoop Jun? Isaac D. Fonda ) Isaac Shelden Constable appeared [before] the Board with One George Richardson whom he had taken up on Suspicion on his Examination we find that he has passed through [83] the Country under a fictitious Name and with a Pass supposed to be forged under the Signature of Israel Lucas EsqT & that he is a Soldier belonging to Cap- Ger- shom Motts Company of Artillery Ordered that he be closely confined and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler safely to keep him John M*rDole of Saragtoga District who was confined for going to the Enemy last summer was brought before the Board and we having examined him have thought proper to eliberate him on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance, his first Appear- ance to commence with the last Day of July now next ensuing John M'rDole on Recognizance in ... 100 John Mahany his Bail in ... 100 A Habeas Corpus issued out of the Supream Court of Judicature for the State of New York allowed by the Hon^r 6 Robert Yates EsqF one of the Justices of the said Court was exhibited to this Board whereby the Sheriff of the City and County of Albany was commanded to have the Body of William Smith who was committed to the Prison of the said County by Virtue of a Mittimus from this Board and whereas by an Act of the People of the State of New York entitled "an Act appointing Commissioners for detecting Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 155 and defeating Conspiracies and declaring their Powers" it is enacted that no Judge or Magistrate shall Bail any of the Persons who may be confined by Authority of the said Commissioners [84] Resolved that the said Mittimus so far as it respects the said William Smith be abrogated and void Resolved that the Sheriff be directed with the Body of the said William Smith to Claverack and do as he is com- manded by the said Habeas Corpus Albert Van Der Zee who was cited to appear before the Board appeared according to the Citation and we having examined him with Respect to Hans Riemer's being at his House and he having given satisfactory Answers to such Questions as were asked of him he was discharged Johannis Van Ake was brought before the Board by Virtue of a Warrant for that Purpose and we having heard the Charges exhibited against him by Cap* Ostrom do therefor Resolve that the said Johannis Van Ake do make Conces- sions to the said Cap* Ostrom for traducing his Character and that he [be] bound in Recognizance for his future good Behaviour Johannis Van Ake on Recognizance in. . 50 Evan Davis of the Manor of Renselaerwyck was brought before the Board for propogating Reports Injurious and detrimental to the State and having examined him we have thought proper to bind him by Recognizance to make known all Treasonable Actions and Doings which may come to his Knowledge and to do his Duty as a good and faithful Subject to the State Evan Davis on Recognizance in 100 [85] Jacob Cluet who was confined on Suspicion of being concerned in the Robbery of Cornelius Steenberg was 156 State of New York 1778 brought before the Board and we having examined him June 24. e . & and finding that the Presumption against him is not so strong but that he might be bailed Ordered therefore he be discharged from his Confine- ment on entering into Recognizance for future good Be- haviour and Appearance when called upon Jacob Cluet on Recognizance in ..... 100 Dirck Cluet his Bail ......... in .... 100 Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning P ursuan t to Adjournment Albany 25 June 1778 Present John M. Beekman ^ ( Isaac D. Fonda Cornelius Humfrey > < Hugh Mitchell Petrus Wynkoop Junf ) [ Mathew Visscher Coenrad Quant of the Helleberg who was confined for Dis- affection was brought before the Board and we having examined him have thought proper to eliberate him on his entering into Recognizance for future good Behaviour and Appearance when called upon Coenrad Quant on Recognizance in. ... 40 -- Richard Bronck presented to the Board an Account for bringing up to Albany from Cooksakie William Barton and Alexander Penman [86] Ordered that the Treasurer pay to the said Richard Bronck ^3/^/0 according to the Account delivered in and take his Receipt therefor 1 On Suggestion to the Board that there is at the Helleberg a Hessian who appears to be dangerous Ordered that a i The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol.. 40, p. 164, State Comptroller's office, signed " Reitsent Bronck." Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 157 Letter be wrote to Cap * John Van Wie requesting him to rl 778 bring down the said Hessian when he the s { Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda j ( Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 163 Ordered that Jacob Ball Junf and Gysbert Fonda appear '778 before us on Tuesday next to shew Cause why the Recogniz- ance by them entered into should not be forfieted Ordered that Philip Cogh, Peter Livingstone ]un r . and Jacob Freligh appear before us next Tuesday to shew Cause why the Recognizance by them entered into should not be forfieted [94] Ordered that Charles Near and Johannis Heidley appear before us on Tuesday next to shew Cause why the Recognizance by them entered into should not be for- feited Ordered That a Letter be prepared to John M?Clung Esq? one of the Members of this Board requesting him to make a return of his proceedings with all Convenient Speed Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment 3 rd July 1778 1778 July 3. Present John M. Beeckman ) ( ,, , -r 7 . , J > < Matthew Visscher Isaac D. tonda j ( John Boyd Jun? and William M c Auley who had been some time since apprehended near Jessups Patent and supposed to be on their Way to the Enemy in Canada, were brought before the Board and examined and it having appeared to us as well from their examination, as other Persons that their intention only was to go to Crown Point to endeavor to get a Sum of Money due them from Persons living at that Place and that they are Persons who have heretofore in many instances evinced their Attachment to the United States of America They were thereupon Liberated upon entring into Recog- 164 State of New York nizance each in the Sum of 200 with sufficient Surety for future good behaviour and Monthly appearance [95] J onn Boyd JunT on Recognizance in ... 200 John Graham D? of Albany Bail in. . . 200 Alexander M?Auley on D? in. . . 200 John Boyd on D? Bail in. . . 200 Petrus Cole and Gerrit Cole were again brought before the Board and examined, and they still continuing to be disposed not to give the information, which from the Evidence of James Noels it appears, they have in their power Ordered thereupon that they be recommitted John Johnson was brought before the Board and examined, and he not giving satisfactory answers to such Questions as were proposed to him respecting M'rMullen's leaving Goods in his Care Ordered that he be remanded to Prison Resolved That a Letter be prepared to the Secretary of the State requesting him to furnish this Board as soon as Convenient with the Act passed in the last Sessions of the Legislature respecting Persons of a Neutral and Equivocal Character 1 Adjourned till 9 OClock Monday Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 6* : h July 1778 Present John M Beekman ) { Matthew Visscher Isaac D. ronda ) (. Elsie Primmer was brought before the Board and we having interrogated her respecting a Barrel of stolen Effects - The act of June 30, 1778. See Appendix I. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 165 which were buryed near her Father's under Oath [06! and J 7?8 . July 6. she having returned satisfactory Answers thereto Ordered that for the present she be discharged Ordered That Duncan Campbell be and he is hereby absolutely discharged from his Recognizance Martin Galer who was some Time since confined for conveying Intelligence to the Enemy was brought before the Board and we having examined him respecting the Charges alledged against him and finding the Suspicion against him rather ill grounded Therefore Ordered that he said Martin Galer be dis- charged from his Confinement on entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Martin Galer on Recognizance in. . . 100 John Manger his Bail in ... 100 Adjourned till 9 OClock Wednesday Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 8^ July 1778 Julys Present John M. Beekman ) ( Ayr , T7 . , - ^ > < Mathew Visscner Isaac U. .Fonda ) ( Received a Letter from John Lansing JunF Esqf request- ing the Enlargement of Lawrence Scherp and John J. Vosburgh on their procuring sufficient Bail, and we having taken the Matter into our Consideration and finding that the Crimes w[h]erewith they severally stand charged are [97] f sucn a Nature as that they cannot with consistency be bailed therefore Ordered that the said Lawrence Scherp and John J. Vosburgh be continued in their Con- finement William Showers who was some Time since confined in Goal was brought before the Board and we having examined 1 66 State of New York 1778 into the Charges against him and finding them rather July 8. groundless Ordered therefore that the said William Showers be discharged from his Confinement on entering into Recog- nizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance William Showers on Recognizance in. 100 Johannis J. Muller his Bail in. 100 Then Adjourned till 2 O' Clock to Morrow Afternoon 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 9^ July 1778 July 9. Present John M. Beekman ) ( Mathew visscher Isaac D. ronda ) ( Received a Letter from the Commissioners covering a[n] Act passed by the Legislature at their late Sitting entitled "an Act more effectually to prevent the Mischiefs arising from the Influence and Example of Persons of Equivocal and suspected Characters in this State" and pointing out the Mode of Proceeding they intend to pursue and recom- mending a similar One to this Board * [98] James Farguson who was some time since taken up by the City Guard and ordered in Close Confinement for not having no Pass was again examined and having given sufficient proof of his being a Deserter from the Enemy and sustaining a good Character Ordered That he be Liberated John Van Der Karr in Consequence of a Citation from the Board appeared and he having given satisfactory answers to such Questions as were proposed to him was permitted to return to his usual place of abode Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1 Appendix I: Laws, June 30, 1778. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 167 Met pursuant to adjournment io th July 1778 Present John M Beeckman ) ( A/r , , 7 . , i _ _ \ \ Matthew Visscher Isaac D. .Fonda j ( Wrote Letters to Cornelius Humfrey, Hugh Mitchell, and Petrus Wynkoop JunT requesting their Attendance at this Board next Tuesday Morning as the Board then intend to proceed upon the Act respecting Persons of equivocal and suspected Characters Col? Elisha Porter appeared before the Board with Zadock Wright heretofore a Justice of the Peace under the King of Great Britain and an Inhabitant of Hartford near Connecticut River in this State who went over to [99] the Enemy last July and was under them constituted a Major as he pretends and who was lately taken and brought to Northampton! Goal and was by the Council of the Massachusetts Bay sent to us Ordered that the said Zadock Wright be closely confined, and that John M. Beekman EsqT pay to the said Col? Elisha Porter for his Wages and Expence in bringing from North- ampton to this Place the said Zadock Wright the sum of thirty six Pounds as ^ Account Frederick Wormer in Consequence of a former Order was brought before the Board, and Ordered to be closely confined Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment II th July 1778 Tuiy 7 ?i. Present John M. Beeckman ) j Mathew ^^ Isaac D. Fonda ) 1 68 State of New York 1778 Hendrick Hooghteeling was again brought before the Board and examined respecting Thomas Garnet and others and also respecting the Goods by them stolen at Freehold, and it appearing therefrom that Peter Stoner can give a more a satisfactory account thereof Ordered That Daniel G. Van Antwerp his Bail be directed fort[h]with to deliver up the said Peter Stoner Christopher Tipper in Consequence of a [100] former Citation appeared and was examined and nothing mate- rial in his examination appearing Ordered That he be Liberated Johannis George Hindsauce and Johannis George Timbel were in Consequence of a former Order of this Board brought before them and upon examination Ordered to be committed till further orders Johannis Frederick Hendel and Paul Drew were also brought before the Board and after examination Ordered to be Committed till farther orders Adjourned till Tuesday next 1778 Met pursuant to adjournment 14 th July 1778 Present John M Beeckman ^ , TT , A ,. , T T^ T- i ( Hugh Mitchell Isaac D ronda > 1 i\/r u w u ( ( Matthew Visscher Jer. Van Rensselaer ; Johannis George Timbel a Hessian Deserter from the British Army who was lately confined was brought before the Board and we having again examined him and rinding the Charges against him unsupported Ordered that he be permitted to go at large in this County Cap* Ryley brought before this Board a certain Philip Shaver who from his examination appears to have been Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 169 with the Enemy Ordered thereupon that he be closely _ *7 confined till farther orders [101] Daniel Campbell, James Ellice, and John Visger were severally cited to appear before this Board on the sixteenth Instant at 10 OClock in the Forenoon of that Day to render Satisfaction to us touching their Conduct during this War conformable to the Act lately passed respecting Persons of Neutral and equivocal Characters William Bowen who was some Time since apprehended was liberated upon his entering into Bond with a sufficient Surety in the sum of Five hundred Pounds for his Appear- ance when called for and Not to exceed the Limits of the Township of Schonectady Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 15^ July 1778 1778 Present John M Beeckman ) Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) Mf Benjamin Colvin Junf appeared before the Board in Behalf of a Number of Persons who were sent Down to this Place from Bennington under the pretended Authority of the State of Vermont in Order to be sent to the Commander in Chief of this Department to be by him sent to the Enemies Lines Ordered that Jeremiah Van Renselaer and John M. Beekman wait upon General Starkes in Order to enquire of him the Nature of the several Offences those Persons stand charged with They Report that upon Application to general Starkes to the above Enquiry he [102] the said General informed them that he conceived that the Commis- sioners could not take Cognizance of their Crimes the Delinquents being judged by the Court of Vermont as 1 70 State of New York TuSy 7 is Dangerous Persons to the Wellfare of their State & there- fore ordered them to be sent to Albany that he might forward them to General Gates to be by him sent to the Enemies Lines with which Request from the State of Vermont he conceived it was just to comply and would order the same to be put into Execution Peter Finehout who was some Time since confined in Goal was brought before the Board and we having examined into the Nature of his Crime, have thought proper to eliberate him on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Appearance when called upon Peter Finehout on Recognizance in.. 100 Jacob Finehout his Bail in. . 100 Reuben Grippen of Kinderhook also his Bail in . . 100 Ordered that a Letter be wrote to his Excellency the Governor informing him that in Consequence of the Appli- cation made by the Person above mentioned in Behalf of those Persons sent from Bennington we waited on General Starkes who informed us that it was none of our Business to interfere with Tories from another State which Letter is in the Words following (prout) 1 Richard Cartwright, Henry Ten Eyck, John Van Alen, and Henry Staats and Gysbert G. Marselis were cited to appear before this Board on the Sixteenth Instant at ten OClock in the Forenoon of that Day to render Satisfaction [103] to us touching their Conduct during this War con- formable to the Act lately passed respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1 In George Clinton Papers, no. 1584, archives of the New York State Library. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 171 Met pursuant to adjournment 16 July 1778 Present John M. Beeckman } . TJ u AT- u n J r T _ ._ f Hugh Mitchell er. Van Rensselaer V ITV/TI \r i -> TV T^ i ( Matthew Visscher Isaac U. ronda. ; In pursuance of the order of Yesterday Richard Cart- wright appeared before the Board and was agreeable to the Act of the Legislature of this State Tendered the Oath therein mentioned which he refused taking John Van Alen, Gysbert G. Marselius, and Henry Staats in Pursuance of an Order of Yesterday also appeared before the Board and were agreeable to the Act of the Legislature of this State tendered the Oath therein recited, and they having requested to consider till next Monday Morning Ordered that Time be given them till then and if they do not appear, that their Non Attendance will be construed into a Refusal Duncan M'rDugall of Schohary who was some Time since confined for Disaffection to the American Cause was brought before the Board, and it appearing from a Recommendation of a Number of respectable Inhabitants of Tryon County that he had always behaved himself well, and it also appear- ing from a Certificate of Coll Harpur that he had last Year kept back a Party [104] of Indians who were coming to make him Prisoner we are induced by those Considerations to eliberate him on his taking the Oath prescribed by the Act lately passed by the Legislature of this State and entering into a Recognizance not to exceed the Limits and Bounds of the Farm of his Brother Donald MjDugall at Canajohary in Tryon County Henry Van Schaack, Peter Van Schaack, Peter Vosburgh, Lowrence Goes, Harmen Pruyn, John Thurman and William 172 State of New York T 1 7?8 6 ^ ea were severa ^7 c i te d to appear before this Board on the Eighteenth Instant to render Satisfaction to us touching their Conduct during this War conformable to an Act of the Leg- islature lately passed respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters James Ellice appeared before the Board according to the Citation served on him and the Oath as prescribed in the Act being tendered him he refused to take it Ordered that the said James Ellice hold himself in Readi- ness to go off in Eight Days Frederick Crans appeared before the Board and made Application to have Johannis Hendersans released Or- dered that he be liberated on his engaging to behave himself in a becoming Manner Frederick Bremerman a Hessian Deserter from the British Army appeared before the Board and we having examined him and finding nothing special against him have thought to let him go at large in this County Dirck Heemstraet was cited to appear before this Board on Saturday next at One of the Clock Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 [105] Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany if 1 ? July 1778 Present John M. Beekman } , A , , \r \, J I ( Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Renselaer > < r> fc \\r i T r ^ ( retrus Wynkoop un r Isaac D. Fonda Daniel Campbell, and John Visger of Schonectady app < \\t \ T r J Petrus Wynkoop Jun. Isaac D. Fonda ) Ordered that Daniel Campbell, James Ellice and John Visger hold themselves in Readiness by next Wednesday to be removed within the Enemies Lines agreeable to the Act lately passed by the Legislature and that they be served with a Copy of this Resolution Jeremiah Van Renselaer laid before the Board an Account 1 74 State of New York T R ^ two R eams f Pap er purchased by him amounting to 2O a o a o ordered that the Treasurer pay to the said Jeremiah Van Renselaer the said 20 Isaac D. Fonda laid before the Board an Account of Cor- nelius Van Deusen for going as an Express to Coyemans for Mathias Boom amounting to i6/ Ordered that the Treas- urer pay the same 1 In Consequence of a Letter received from the Commis- sioners at Poughkeepsie respecting the Rangers Ordered that the said Company of Rangers be discharged and that Captain John Ryley be served with a Copy of this Resolution Benjamin Morrison was apprehended as a Suspicious Person and we having examined him and finding from a Paper in his Possession that he holds a Correspondence with the Enemy, and that he in the State [107] of Connecticut has always borne the Character of a disaffected Character Ordered that he be closely confined and that a Mittimus be made out to the Sheriff to take him into his Custody Peter Van Schaack and John Thurman appeared before the Board according to the Citation served on them and being tendered the Oath prescribed by the Act they both refused Peter Vosburgh, Lowrence Goes William Rea and Harman Pruyn also appeared before the Board and were tendered the Oath which they requested Time to consider of till next Tuesday Morning which was granted them and Ordered that their Non Attendance at that Time be construed into a Refusal to take the Oath Then Adjourned till 9 OClock Monday Morning 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 164, State Comptroller's office. It is for the arrest of " Matthyse Bondt ", and is signed " Cornells Vandeuse." Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 175 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 20^ Tuly 1778 *778 July 20. Present John M. Beekman ) f Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j ( Mathew Visscher John Van Alen and Henry Staats appeared and being ten- dered the Oath they both refused to take it Gysbert G. Marselis also appeared and being tendered the Oath he refused to take it Cornelius Van Schelluyne was cited to appear before the Board to render Satisfaction to us touching his Conduct during the present War conformable to an Act of the Legis- lature lately passed respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters at 2 OClock this Afternoon [108] Ordered that Captain John Ryley immediately appear before this Board, and bring with him Egbert Ostrander and his Wife Ordered that a Certificate be sent down to John Morin Scott Esqf Secretary of the State of New York certifying that James Ellice of Schonectady Merchant on the sixteenth Day of July Instant Daniel Campbell EsqF late Judge of the Inferior Court and John Visger late Justice of the Peace of Schonectady on the Seventeenth, John Thurman late Mer- chant of New York Peter Van Schaack Attorney at Law on the Eighteenth and John Van Alen late Justice of the Peace Henry Staats Merchant and Gysbert G. Marselis late Alder- man of the City of Albany on the Twentieth did appear be- fore us and that the Oath as prescribed in the Act was ten- dered to them which they refused to take Ordered that a Letter be wrote to his Excellency the Gov- ernor informing him of the Names of the Persons who have refused to take the Oath and requesting to know when we must send them and who he purposes to detain for an Exchange 1 76 State of New York 1778 Cornelius Van Schelluyne appeared according to Citation and being tendered the Oath by the Act prescribed he re- quested Time till next Wednesday to consider of it which was granted him Ordered that Daniel Campbell, John Visger, John Van Alen, Gysbert G. Marselius John Thurman, Peter Van Schaack and Henry Staats prepare & hold themselves in Readiness to be removed into the Enemies Lines by next [109] Saturday and that the Secretary cause the said Notice to be served on each of the foregoing Persons Ordered that a Letter be wrote to the Commissioners at Poughkeepsie informing them that a Number of Persons who we have cited before us agreeable to the Act respecting Per- sons of neutral and equivocal Characters pretend that they do not come under the Act as they have taken an Oath some Time ago which they say exempts them from complying with the Act and requesting their Opinion on the Subject Cap* John Ryley appeared before the Board and was dis- charged with the Company under his Command from further Service Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 21** July 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j ( Matthew Visscher Richard Cartwright having been cited to appear before the Board and refusing to take the Oath tendered him agreeable to the Act Ordered that he prepare and hold himself in Readiness to be removed into the Enemies Lines on Saturday next and at any Time thereafter on the shortest Notice Ordered that John Johnson the Widow Johnson and her Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 177 Daughter be Liberated from Confinement nothing specially u j u having appeared against them [no] Ordered that Mr Barent Van Der Pool, Andries Huyck and Walter Carpenter of Schodack be cited to appear before this Board to give Satisfaction to us touching their Conduct during the present War agreeable to the Act of the Legislature lately passed respecting Persons of Neutral and equivocal Characters Albert Van Der Zee and Philip Spawn of Niscutaw and Benjamin Baker of the Manor of Renselaerwyck were also cited to appear agreeable to the Act lately passed N B. these Citations were not served Peter Vosburgh, Lowrence Goes, William Rea and Harmen Pruyn, who were given Time to this Day to appear and take the Oath prescribed by the Act, not appearing Ordered that they hold themselves in Readiness to be removed into the Enemies Lines by Saturday next Adjourned till 9 OClock Thursday Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 23*? July 1778 1778 Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer \ ( Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda V -< Hugh Mitchell John M. Beeckman ) (. Peter Cantine Junr 1 Barent Van Der Pool and Andries Huyck appeared before the Board according to the Citations served on them and they being tendered the Oath prescribed by the Act lately passed by the Legislature absolutely refused to take it Benjamin Baker also appeared before the Board according to Citation and the Oath by the Act prescribed he refused to take it and declared that if he did he would perjure himself 1 Cantine was one of the commissioners of the Poughkeepsie board. 178 State of New York and that none but Rogues and Fools would [ml or could July 23. take it Thereupon resolved that such Declaration is a high Contempt and Insult upon the Authority of this State in General and this Board in particular and that therefore in the Judgment of this Board it is inconsistent with the Safety that 1 the said State that the said Benjamin Baker should be permitted to go at large Therefore ordered that he be com- mitted to the Goal of this Place until further Order of this Board John Stevenson, Henry Van Dyck, Cornelius Glen, Henry Ten Eyck and James Dole were severally cited to appear before this Board to give Satisfaction touching their Conduct during the present War agreeable to the Act lately passed respecting Persons of neutral & equivocal Characters Henry Van Dyck, Cornelius Glen, Henry Ten Eyck and James Dole appeared before the Board and being tendered the Oath by the Act prescribed they unanimously refused to take it Received a Letter from his Excellency the Governor dated the 15!^ Instant which is in the following Words to wit (prout) 2 Michael W. Frazer was brought before the Board and was charged with using Expressions inimical to the American Cause Ordered that he be bound in Recognizance to appear when called and for his future good Behaviour Michael W. Frazer on Recognizance in . . 40-0-0 John Glen, John Duncan, and Robert Clench were cited to appear before this Board to give Satisfaction to us touching their Conduct during the present War [112] agreeable to an 1 Mistake for " of ". 'Evidently, this entry should bear the date of July 21, when Clinton answered their letter of the i5th. Both of them are in the George Clinton Papers, nos. 1584, 1599, in archives of the New York State Library. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 179 Act of the Legislature lately passed respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters on the 25^ Day of July Instant at 10 OClock in the Forenoon Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 24^ July 1778 T * 7I 7 8 Present John M. Beekman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j ( Mathew Visscher William Harpur appeared before the Board and entered a Complaint against Peter Fitzpatrick and John Waters as Persons whose going at large may prove of dangerous Con- sequence to the Safety of the State Ordered that a Warrant be made out to apprehend and commit to Goal the said Peter Fitzpatrick and John Waters John Waters was brought before the Board and he being examined in Mr Harpurs Presence and we judging from his Examination that he might be permitted to remain in this City on his entering into Recognizance Ordered that the said John Waters be eliberated on his entering into Recognizance not to depart the Limits of this City and appear when called upon by us John Waters on Recognizance in 100 Ordered that a Letter 1 be wrote to the Governor informing him of the Arrival of seven Persons in this City who are sent down by the pretended State of Vermont to be forwarded to the Enemies Lines by General Stark and that from the first Reception we met from General Stark we think it needless [113] to remonstrate with him any farther about the Matter Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1 In George Clinton Papers, no. 1606, archives of the New York State Library. i8o State of New York 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 25^ July 1778 Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) ( T ^ ^ , T i * n i c i Isaac D. ronda John M. Joeekman j ( John Glen, and Robert Clench appeared before the Board and being tendered the Oath prescribed by the Act lately passed by the Legislature respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters which they requested Time to consider of Ordered that they have Time till next Wednesday & that their Non Attendance at that Time will be construed into a Refusal John Duncan who was cited this Day to appear informed the Board by Letter that he was so indisposed as to be unable to attend as directed by Citation Adjourned till 9 OClock Monday Morning Tul 77 27 ^ et P ursuant to Adjournment Albany 27^ July 1778 Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer ] f T ^ ^ , T i ** n i f i Isaac D.ronda. John M. Beekman j ( Absolom Woodward was cited to appear before the Board to render Satisfaction touching his Conduct during the present War agreeable to an Act of the Legislature lately passed respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Charac- ters immediately Absolom Woodward appeared according to Citation and being tendered the Oath as by the Act prescribed he re- quested Time to consider of it till next Wednesday which was granted him [114] John Witbeck, and Volckert Van Veghten were Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 181 cited to appear before the Board to render Satisfaction J 7 touching their Conduct during the present War agreeable to the Act lately passed by the Legislature to Morrow Morning at 10 of the Clock Marte Van Buren and George Falensby were cited to appear next Wednesday for the purpose of giving to the Board Satisfaction touching their Conduct during the present War agreeable to the Act Whereas the Complaints of the frequent Robberies com- mitted on the East Side of the River are become intolerable and by the Representation of Col? Henry Van Renselaer & several others, it is probable that some of the Ringleaders may be apprehended therefore it is the Opinion of this Board That Cap* Jacob De Forest be requested to collect as many of the Militia as he can speedily procure of Coli Schuyler's and Col? Renselaer's Regiments not exceeding 50 to go in Quest of the Perpetrators of those Crimes and apprehend and safely convey them to us and during his Rout the said Cap*. De Forest is hereby authorized to examin in every suspected House for Papers & stolen Goods and thereof make true Return to us the Cap? is ordered not to suffer any Outrages to be committed on any of the Good Subjects of this State, he is also requested to apprehend all Strangers who have not sufficient Authority to be at large in the Compass of the Rout he may take, he is also to bring with him Egbert Ostrander and his Wife and for his so doing this shall be his suf- ficient Authority Given under our Hands the Day above written David Van Schaack, Cornelius Van Schaack, Derick Gar- dinier, John D. Goes, Mathew Goes Junf & Lambert Bur- gart [115] all of the District of Kinderhook, Peter W. Yates of Kats Kill, Dirk Delamater of Claverack, and Richard Minifee of the Manor of Renselaerwyck were cited to appear 1 82 State of New York Before the Board to render Satisfaction respecting their Con- duct during the present War agreeable to the Act lately passed by the Legislature they were ordered to appear on the 30^ Day of July Instant Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning July 7 28. Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 28^ July 1778 Present John M. Beekman j ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer > < Egbert Benson 1 Mathew Visscher ) ( Hugh Mitchell John Witbeck, and Volckert Van Veghten appeared be- fore the Board and being tendered the Oath prescribed by the Act they both refused to take it Philip Swawn, Albert Van Der Zee, Gerrit Van Sante, Jacob Ball, William Monk, Hendrick Appley, Andries Ten Eyck, Jacob Legrange and Jellis Legrange were cited to appear before the Board on the Thirteenth Day of July Instant to render Satisfaction touching their Conduct during the present War agreeable to the Act lately passed by the Legislature respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters William Monk one of the Persons above named who was cited to appear next Thursday, being in Town he was warned to appear before us immediately and on his Appearance he was tendered the Oath prescribed by the Act which he re- quested Time to consider of Ordered that he have Time till next Thursday Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1 Benson was a commissioner of the Poughkeepsie board. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 183 [116] Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 29^ July 1778 Present John M. Beekman "1 f Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer I J Egbert Benson Hugh Mitchell ( j Mathew Visscher Cornelius Humfrey (^ Petrus Wynkoop Jun r John Henry Lake a Hessian Deserter from the British Army appeared before the Board and it appearing that he had during his Residence heretofore behaved himself in a becom- ing Manner ordered that he have Leave to go at large in this County Marte Van Buren appeared according to Citation and being tendered the Oath prescribed by the Act he refused to take it Ordered that he prepare and hold himself in Readiness to be removed into the Enemies Lines on the shortest Notice Received a Letter from the Commissioners of Charlotte County informing that they sent to us under Guard William Moffat who was last Summer with the Enemy and whose re- maining there may prove dangerous to the Safety of the State Ordered that he enter into Recognizance to remain in this City and to behave himself in a becoming Manner William Moffat on Recognizance in . . . 100 Received a Letter from Col! Peter Vrooman informing that he sent to us under Guard John Howard who was appre- hended somewhere to the Westward that he looks upon him as a very suspicious Character and therefore requests that he may be closely confined Ordered that the said John Howard be taken into Custody and that the Goaler be re- quested to receive him [117] Leonard Gansevoort Junf Secretary to this Board 1 84 State of New York J 778 presented an Account of sundry Articles purchased for the Use of the Board amounting to 16^1^4 Ordered that the Treasurer pay the same and take a Receipt * A Petition was presented to the Board from Gysbert G. Marselis, Daniel Campbell and others reciting that by Reason of the late Orders of this Board for their Removal they are under the greatest Anxiety and requesting a Tem- porary Suspicion 2 of Proceedings against them until they can make Application to his Excellency the Governor for his Permission to petition the Legislature for an Exemption from the Penalties of the Act Ordered that a Letter be wrote to the above Gentlemen informing that their Requisition cannot be complied [with] (which Letter is in the following Words (prout) Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning July 7 3o Met P ursuant to Adjournment Albany 30^ July 1778 Present John M. Beekman . A/r , w . , J ( Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Renselaer I J , D F d Cornelius Humfrey ) n ^ T , T TT J ( Petrus Wynkoop Jun r Hugh Mitchell J Ordered that a Letter 3 be wrote to his Excellency the Governor inclosing Copy of Henry Cuyler's Parole & re- questing to have him removed, and also requesting that those Women whose Husbands are with the Enemy may be sent to the Enemies Lines which Letter is in the Words following (prout) 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 160, State Comptroller's office. See also bill of James Caldwell for writing paper, included in Gansevoort's statement, in ibid, p. 160. 2 Should be " Suspension." In George Clinton Papers, no. 1618, dated July 29, 1778, in archives of the New York State Library. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 185 Fii8] A Paper was laid before the Board under the Sie- . uy 3. nature of John Patan and others setting forth that a Petition was carrying round in their Neighbourhood for the Liberation of one Simon Frazer and declaring their Uneasiness thereat and entering into a Combination to lessen the Number of the disaffected by sending them Orders to move off & threatning them to Abide by the Consequence in Case of Neglect The Board took the same into Consideration and thereupon are of Opinion that such Declarations are unwarrantable and tend to sap the Foundation of all Law and good Government Resolved that the said Patan and others be informed that this Board will receive into their Custody & Charge all such disaffected Persons who upon Proof can be convicted of any Crimes against the Liberties of America and that if they send any Persons to the Care of this Board that they send with them the Charges against them properly attested It having been suggested to us that Jacobus Williamson, William Moore, and Daniel Halenbeck of Maple Town Mat- hew Howard and James Blackley of Pits Town and Philip Ember of Pownal are Material Witnesses against Simon Frazer Ordered that Jacob Coons of the District of Hosack Constable be ordered to summon the above Persons to appear before the Grand Jury on the thirty first Day of July Instant to give their Testimony against the said Simon Frazer Albert Van Der Zee, William Monk, and Hendrick Appley who were cited to appear this Day appeared according to the Citation and it being suggested to us that they have last [119] Summer taken the Oath of Allegiance before the Committee of the District of the Manor of Renselaerwyck ordered thereupon that they be discharged Walter Carpenter and George Falensby were also cited to appear and it also appearing that they had taken the Oath of Allegiance they were discharged 1 86 State of New York July 7 William M c Cullock who was confined in Goal for Dis- affection to the American Cause was brought before the Board and we having enquired into the Nature of his Offence have thought proper to eliberate him on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance when called upon William McCullock on Recognizance in 40 o - Egbert Ostrander who was apprehended on Suspicion of being concerned in or privy to a Robbery some time since committed was brought before the Board, and we having ex- amined the Proofs alledged against him Ordered that he be committed and that a Mittimus be made out to the Sheriff to take him into his Custody Philip Spawn who was cited to appear according to the Act lately passed respecting neutral and equivocal Characters appearing, and he making it appear that he had already taken an Oath of Allegiance was discharged Dirk Delamater who was cited to appear this Day appeared and he informing us that he had heretofore taken an Oath of Allegiance Ordered that he procure thereof a Certificate and deliver the same in to this Board Richard Minifee appearing according to Citation and being tendered the Oath by the Act prescribed he refused to take it [120] Dirk Gardinier, Mathew Goes Jun% & John D. Goes appeared before the Board according to the Citations served on them and they being tendered the Oath by the Act prescribed they requested Time to consider of the same which was granted them till next Tuesday and that their Non- Appearance at that Time will be construed into a Refusal which they agreed to Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 187 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 31*? July 1778 Jlilj Present John M. Beekman ^ Jeremiah Van Renselaer [ ( Cornelius Humfrey Hugh Mitchell | Petrus Wynkoop ]un r . Isaac D: Fonda Col! Humfrey laid before the Board an Account of Services performed by Lieutenant Jonathan Chapman with a Party of Militia under his Command amounting to 14^0^8 Ordered that the Treasurer pay the same Col! Humfrey also laid before the Board another Account amounting to 6^0 for his victualling the above Party Ordered that the Treasurer pay the same John Showers who was confined in Goal was brought before the Board and we having examined him do resolve that he be permitted to go at large on his entering into Recognizance for his good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Showers on Recognizance in 40 William Showers his Bail in 40 Jellis Legrange appeared before the Board according to the Citation served on him and being tendered the Oath pre- scribed by the Act he requested Time to consider of it [121] till next Tuesday which was granted them [sic] Peter Drummond who was last Fall confined for being with the Enemy was brought before the Board and he requesting to be eliberated Ordered that this Requisition be complied with on his entering into Bond with a sufficient Surety until his Exchange can be procured Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1 88 State of New York ]y[ et p urs uant to Adjournment Albany if August 1778 Present John M. Beekman N . Jeremiah Van Renselaer I ( Cornelius Humfrey Hugh Mitchell f { Matthew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda J Christopher Hawk Constable of the District of Kinderhook presented to the Board an Account for apprehending and bringing to Goal Hendrick Yager which amounts to i6/ Ordered that the Treasurer pay the same 1 Gysbert Fonda who was heretofore cited to appear before this Board appeared and the Oath being tendered him he refused to take it John Stevenson and Absolom Woodward who were here- tofore cited to appear before the Board appeared and the Oath being tendered them they refused to take it Cornelius Van Schelluyne who had Time allowed him to this Day to consider of the Oath tendered to him at the Time when he appeared according to the Citation served on him appeared again this Day and being again tendered the Oath as by the Act prescribed he declared his willingness to take it & it was accordingly administred to him [122] John M'rCrea appeared before the Board and informed us that the Court was willing to eliberate his Brother William M'iCrea on his entering into Recognizance with sufficient Surety provided we would withdraw our Mittimus Ordered that the said Mittimus be withdrawn, and it is withdrawn Charles M'rKinstrey appeared before the Board and made Application to have Benjamin Morrison eliberated Or- dered that the said Benjamin Morrison be eliberated on the 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 163, State Comptroller's office, and is signed " Chris to Haak." Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 189 said Charles M c Kinstrey's entering into a Recognizance to A 1778 deliver him into the Hands of Ezekiel Williams high Sheriff of the County of Hartford Charles M'rKinstrey on Recognizance in 300 John Glen, Rutger Bleecker, and Robert Clench appeared before the Board, this Day being allowed them to give a final Answer whether they would take the Oath as pre- scribed by the Act or not and they declaring their Willing- ness to take it it was accordingly administred to them John Duncan who was cited to appear before this Board appeared and being tendered the Oath as by the Act pre- scribed he requested Time to consider of it till this Day Eight Days which was granted him Hendrick Frey of Tryon County and Nicholas Stevens of Schonectady were cited to appear before this Board on the Eighth Day of August Instant to render Satisfaction touching their Conduct during the present War agreeable to the Act lately passed by the Legislature Daniel Campbell, John Visger, James Ellice and Cor- nelius Glen & Gysbert Fonda appeared before the Board and declaring their Readiness to take the Oath by the Act prescribed provided [123] the Board would grant them the Indulgence and we being of Opinion that they could not be permitted have resolved to take the Opinion of the Judges of the Supream Court thereon Ordered that Notice be given to Daniel Campbell, James Ellice, John Visger, Peter Vosburgh, Lowrence Goes, Harme Pruyn William Rea, Barent Van Der Pool Andries Huyck, Marte Van Buren, John Thurman 1 and Peter Van Schaack 'Isaac A. Fonda was paid 21 45. on August 13, 1778, for conducting Thurman and others to Fishkill. The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 163, State Comptroller's office. 190 State of New York 1778^ to appear on Friday the 14^ Day of August Instant at the Court House in the City of Albany with 14 Days Provision for themselves and such of their Families as they chuse should accompany them (Persons capable of bearing Arms excepted) They are also if they think proper to take with them all their Cloathing and Household Furniture The Charges of Transportation to the Enemies Lines is to be defrayed by themselves Ordered that an Advertisement be sent down to Samuel Loudon Printer to be inserted in his next Paper 1 requesting David Van Schaack, Cornelius Van Schaack and Lambert Burgart of Kinderhook & Peter W Yates of Catskill to appear before us at the City Hall in this City on Thursday the thir- teenth Day of August Instant at 10 of the Clock in the Fore- noon of the same Day in Consequence and by Virtue of an Act passed by the Legislature at their last Sessions entitled "An Act more effectually to prevent the Mischiefs arising from the Influence and Example of Persons of equivocal and suspected Characters in this State The[n] Adjourned till 9 OClock Monday Morning 1778 [124] Met pursuant to Adjournment Aug. 3. Albany 3? August 1778 Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer | ( Mat. Visscher Isaac D. Fonda j | John M. Beekman Mathew Watson and John Roff appeared before the Board and expressed a Desire of becoming Sureties for the eliberation of Peter Drumond Ordered that the said Peter Drumond be discharged from his Confinement and per- mitted to go at large on the said Mathew Watson and John 1 New York Packet and American Advertiser. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 191 Roff's entering into Recognizance for his good Behaviour and his punctual compliance with such Restrictions as shall from Time to Time be imposed upon him by this Board. Peter Drummond on Recognizance in 500 Mathew Watson his Bail .......... in 500 John RofF also his Bail ............ in 500 Christian Sandt appeared before the Board and requested that Christopher Hutt of the Beverdam might be eliberated on his the said Christian Sandt' s entering into Recognizance for his good Behaviour & Mont[h]ly Appearance which Re- quisition was complied with on the said Recognizance being entered into Christian Sandt on Recognizance., .in 100 Ordered that Notice be given to Richard Cartwright John Van Alen, Henry Staats, Gysbert G. Marselius Benjamin Baker, Henry Van Dyck, James Dole Henry Ten Eyck John Stevenson, Absolom Woodward, Cornelius Glen, and Gys- bert Fonda to appear at the City Hall in this City on Friday the i^J 1 Day of August Instant with fourteen Days Provision for themselves and [125] such of their Families as they chuse should accompany them (Persons capable of bearing Arms excepted) they are also permitted to take with them all their Cloathing and Household Furniture The Charges of Transportation to the Enemies is to be defrayed by themselves Application being made to the Board by James Knowles to be eliberated on Account of his being sick and he being a Person whose Evidence may be of the utmost Conse- quence to the State Resolved therefore that the said James Knowles be continued in Confinement and that a Weekly Allowance of 2 Dollars for his Subsistence be given him during his Illness 192 State of New York 1778 The Board taking into their Consideration the Allowance Aug. 3. made to their Secretary and judging the same inadequate to his Services do resolve that he be allowed from the Time of his entering into our Service and during his further Con- tinuance therein the Sum of Twenty Shillings per Day it being the same Pay allowed by the Commissioners at Pough- keepsie * Then Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Aug 78 d Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 4 t . h August 1778 Present John M. Beekman | ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j | Mat. Visscher f John Waters who was some Time since bound by Recog- nizance not to depart beyond the Limits of this City appeared before the Board and informed us that he had procured a sufficient Bail Ordered that he [126] together with his Bail be bound by another Recognizance and permited to go at large in this County on his good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance and that the first Recognizance be utterly void and of no Effect John Waters of Recognizance in. ... 100 John Correy his Bail in. ... 100 Isaac Man was cited to appear before the Board to render Satisfaction touching his Conduct during the present War agreeable to the Act lately passed by the Legislature and he appearing was tendered the Oath by the Act prescribed which he refused to take John Cumming was also cited to appear before the Board 1 Gansevoort's full bill for services as secretary, from April 13, 1778, to April 29, 1783, is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 161, State Comp- troller's office, and amounted to .535 // 6s. a 66., for eight hundred days. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 193 and appearing he was tendered the Oath which he refused A 1778 to take Ordered that the said Isaac Man and John Gumming appear at the City Hall of the City of Albany on Friday the 14^ Day of August Instant it being the Time appointed for their being removed within the Enemies Lines with 14 Days Provision for themselves and such of their Family as they chuse should accompany them (Persons able to bear Arms excepted) they are also permitted to take with them all their Cloathing and Household Furniture Ordered that Volckert Van Veghten also appear at the City Hall in this City on Friday the 14^ Day of August Instant to be removed into the Enemies Lines and to be equipped in the same Manner as the Persons abovemen- tioned [127] Alexander White made Application to the Board by Letters requesting to be brought before us and his Request being complied with he desired that the Act lately passed respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters might be extended to him and we having tendered him the Oath therein prescribed he refused to take it Ordered that he hold himself in Readiness to be removed to the Enemies Lines on Friday the 14^ Day of August Instant and that he be bound by Recognizance with a sufficient Surety to remain within the Limits of this City until his Removal Alexander White on Recognizance in. 100 o George Smith his Bail in. 100 o John Kortz JunF was cited to appear before the Board and being tendered the Oath prescribed by the Act he refused to take it Ordered that he hold himself in Readiness to be removed 1 94 State of New York J 7?8 to the Enemies Lines on Friday the i^ Day of August Instant George Snider who was some Time bound by Recogniz- ance to appear on the last Day of every Month appeared and surrendered himself in Discharge of his Bail Robert Youngs Ordered that he be committed and that the said Robert Youngs be discharged from his Recognizance Then Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 5. Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 5^ August 1778 Present John M. Beekman } f Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j | Mat Visscher [128] Dunham Pettit appeared before the Board and made Application for the eliberation of George Snider who was Yesterday confined and engaged to become his Surety Ordered that the said George Snider be permitted to return Home on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance George Snider on Recognizance in. . 100 Dunham Pettit his Bail in. . 100 John Hagaman and Gideon Towner were cited to appear before the Board to give their Testimony against Egbert Ostrander and his Wife Volckert Van Veghten having heretofore been cited to appear and tendered the Oath which he refused to take again appeared and informed us that having reconsidered it he was willing to take the same provided the Board would grant him the Indulgence Ordered that he be informed that the Board will take the same into their Consideration Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 195 Neal Taylor was apprehended by Cap? John Smith and a *778 Party of Militia under the Direction of Col 1 . Humfrey was brought before the Board and we having examined him do order that he be committed and that Cap? Smith and his Party allowed as a Gratuity for apprehending him no Dollars 1 The Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 6^ August 1778 A 17 * 8 * Present John M. Beekman ") | Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j j Mathew Visscher Dirk Delamater of Claverack produced to the Board a [129] Certificate subscribed by Richard Esselstyne Esq^ Justice of the Peace of his having taken the Oath of Allegiance to the State Ordered thereupon that he be discharged John M. Beekman Esqf heretofore appointed Treasurer to this Board in whose Hands was deposited the Sum of One thousand Pounds produced to the Board Vouchers to the Amount of Eight hundred and Ninety nine Pounds two Shillings and four Pence Ordered that the said Vouchers together with the Sum of One hundred Pounds and seven- teen Shillings and eight Pence the Remainder of the said One Thousand Pounds be deposited in the Hands of Leonard Gansevoort Junr Secretary to this Board who by Order of the said Board is appointed Treasurer in the Stead of the said John M. Beekman and that he be accountable to the Board for the same The[n] Adjourned till to Morrow Afternoon 2 OClock 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 165, State Comptroller's office, made out for 4.0, equal to one hundred dollars. 196 State of New York 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 7* : h August 1778 Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) { -\ < Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Tonda j ( Jenny Clement who was apprehended on her Way to Kortright's Patent by a Party of Lieu* Colonel Butler's Men, and by him sent to General Stark who had her com- mitted to Goal, was brought before the Board and we having examined her and finding her Answers no Way satisfactory ordered therefore that she be recommitted Received a Letter from Peter W Yates informing us that he had never been summoned and had before he knew of any Citation being sent for him taken the Oaths of Alle- giance and Office also two several Letters the One from Walter Livingston EsqF the other from Judge Yates which said Letters are in the Words following, to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Peter Cantine JunF Esqf One of the Commissioners at Poughkeepsie which Letter is dated 7 * h August 1778 and is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Adjourned till 9 OClock to [Morrow] Corning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany n^ Aug* 1778 A l77 f x Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer Isaac D. Fonda Received a Letter from Col! Cornelius Humfrey inform- ing [134] that he sent to us Mf Cole the Person at whose House Neal Taylor was apprehended and who there is the greatest reason to suppose has been privy to most of the 'By an error in the original " Morning " is duplicated. 200 State of New York 1778 Robberies committed by the said Neal Taylor, which Letter Aug. ii. f J is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that M" Cole be carried to the Fort and there closely confined and Mf Volckert Dawson be ordered to take her into Custody Resolved that Stephen Bell the Goaler be ordered to let John Taylor EsqF examine Zadock Wright confined in Goal, at such Times as he may think proper to call upon him for that Purpose Peter Van Schaack Esqf appeared before the Board in Behalf of a Number of Persons who are to be removed to the Enemies Lines next Friday and requested of the Board to consider whether they were comprehended within the Meaning of the Act as they had taken an Oath before the Committee of this Place not to aid or assist the Enemy and if the Board should be of Opinion that they do, that then they might be indulged with some longer Time as the Time fixed for their Departure is so short as to put it out of their Power to settle their necessary Affairs Ordered that he be informed that the Board will take the same into their Consideration Ordered Hendrick Hoogteling, Egbert Ostrander, Archi- bald Mf Kellop and Daniel Frazier be removed from the City Hall to the Fort on Account of their being sick Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 [ J 35] Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 12*? August 1778 Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer j ( Isaac D. Fonda (. Received a Letter from Peter W Yates dated n^ August 1778 which Letter is in the Words following, to wit (prout) Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 201 The Board having taken into their Consideration the , A. tier 12 Application made Yesterday by Peter Van Schaack Esq r in Behalf of a Number of Persons who are to be removed to the Enemies Lines and are of Opinion that those Persons are clearly comprehended within the Act, and that we cannot prolong the Time fixed for their Removal and ordered that they have Notice given them of this our Determination Ordered That the Secretary pay Cap? John Ryley on Account of his Ranging Company fifty Pounds and to be deducted from his Pay Roll Ordered That MT Visscher acquaint Mr Yates that it is their Opinion he ought to come up and Qualify before the Board Ordered That John Van Alen be informed that in Case he is inclined to take his Sloop to New York that he pro- cure a sufficient Bail by to Morrow Morning at lo.OClock for it's immediate Return George Westhoff, Andries Bottger, Ernst Rhahia Johan- nis Mollner, Frederich Gleygsman, Andries Wolders, Con- rath Albers, Henrich Schinniman Hendrick Browman, Christiaen Brows, Lutwig Bruemer Lutwig Garth and three others lately belonging to Burgoyne's Army and who [136] had for some time lived at Schoharey were brought before the Board, and requested leave to remain in Schoharey and this being also requested by some principal People of Schoharey. Ordered that they be permitted to return there upon their taking an Oath of Neutrality, which they accordingly did and had Certificates therof Rebecca Clark appeared before the Board and made Application to have her Son Thomas Clark eliberated whereupon the said Thomas Clark was brought before us 2O2 State of New York 1778 and we having examined him and finding no particular Charges against him Ordered that he be discharged from his Confinement on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Thomas Clark on Recognizance in . . 100 Rebecca Clark his Bail in . . 100 Ordered that the Secretary pay to [blank] Hainer the Sum of 1^0 for apprehending and bringing to Goal John Myer 1 Esack Mosier. who was apprehended by a Party of Cap* Van Aernam's Men was brought before the Board and we having examined him find that he has been Principal in all the Robberies lately committed Ordered that he be confined Then Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 13^ August 1778 Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) ( Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda j ( Cornelius Humfrey David Van Schaack appeared before the Board in Con- sequence of a Notice published in Louden's 2 Paper and being tendered the Oath prescribed by the Act he refused to take the same [137] John Van Alen according to the Appointment of Yesterday appeared before the Board with Barent Van Alen and Philip Van Renselaer as Sureties for the Return of his Sloop from New York Ordered that a Bond be drawn from the said Sureties to us in the Sum of 1500/^0 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 161, State Comptroller's office receipted by John Reilay for Wilhelmus Haines. * Samuel Loudon. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 203 Philip Hoffer and Andries Heyneman two Hessian A 1778 Deserters appeared before the Board and requested to be protected by us Ordered that they have Permission to go at large in this County Received a Letter from Christina Tice & others dated II 1 ? August 1778 and also One from Peter Van Schaack Esqf dated 10^ August 1778 which Letters are in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Received a Letter from Henry Ten Eyck Esqf dated the 12^ Instant requesting to be permitted to take the Oath formerly Tendered him which said Letter is in the follow- ing Words to wit (prout) Ordered That Instructions be made out for Mr Isaac A. Fonda who is appointed to superintend the removal of the Persons who have refused to take the Oath from the Dis- tricts of Kinderhook, Manor of Rensselaer and Coxackie which said Instructions are in the following Words to wit (prout) Mess 1 ? Henry Van Dyck, Henry Staats, Absolom Wood- worth, James Dole, and John Van Aelen appeared before the Board and laid before them their Objections to the Oath Tendered them which Paper is on file and dated this day Rece? a Letter from Petrus Wynkoop Junr dated II th Instant which Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) [138] Cornelius Van Schaack and Lambert Burghart appeared before the Board in Consequence of a Notice published in Louden* s News Paper and being tendered the Oath they requested Time to consider of the same till 21 s * Instant which was granted them Ordered that their Non Attendance on that Day will be construed into a Refusal to take the said Oath Ordered that Doctor Tidmarsh be cited to appear before 204 State of New York 1778 the Board on the 1$^ Instant to render Satisfaction touching Aug. 13. his Conduct during the present War agreeable to the Act lately passed by the Legislature Received a Letter from Major Schermerhorn respecting a certain Hugh M'rColly who was sent to us wherein he informs us that on Examination he finds the said Hugh M'rColly to be a very suspected Person, that he found with him Continental Dollars to the Amount of 180 Dollars Ordered that the same be delivered into the Hands of the Secretary and that the said Hugh M'rColly be closely con- fined Julis Eggers, John Otto Meynecke, Andrias Kogh, George Peatzhold, Godfred Israel, Christian Smith, Frederick Nease, Frederick Kepping, Johan Eylers, Christoph Papist Hendrick Hoffman, Hendrick Greykenbom, Jacob Sierenger Cunrad Beeler, Michael Norff, George Aple, Johannis Plugh Hendrick BurghdofF, Christian Just, Henrich Kogh, Carle Weegener, Henrick Henicke, John Wheather, Frederick Westfallen Carle Meyer, John Ledeke, Adolph Bruns, Christoph Keenholtz and Gebhard Cool man Hessians lately belonging to Burgoyne's Army were brought before the Board and being tendered an Oath of Neutrality they unanimously declared their [139] Willingness to take the same Ordered that it be administred to them and that Certificates thereof be given them Then Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning I77 g Met pursuant to Adjournment Au s- J 4- Albany 14*? August 1778 Present ( Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Renselaer | 1 Comelius Hu mfrey Isaac D.Fonda ( Hugh Mitchell Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 205 It being represented to us by the Goaler Stephen Bell A 1778 that Esek Hosier lately brought to Goal is dangerously wounded and that from the Want of necessary Attendance he greatly suffers Ordered that he be removed to the Hospital and that Doctor Young be requested to take him under his Care Ordered that Instructions be made out to Coll John Fisher who is appointend [sic] the Removal of the Persons who have refused to take the Oath from the City of Albany which Instructions are in the following Words, to wit, (prout) Received a Letter 1 from his Excellency the Governor dated 12^ August 1778 which Letter is in the Words following to wit, (prout) Received also a Letter from the Commissioners at Pough- keepsie dated the I if August 1778 which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Jacob Ostrander, Moses Benton, and Ephraim Knowlton appeared before the Board and made Application for the eliberation of Egbert Ostrander and it appearing from the Information of the Goaler that he is very sick Ordered that he be discharged from his Confinement on the above named Jacob Ostrander Moses Benton and Ephraim Knowlton' s entering into [140] Recognizance for the Ap- pearance of the said Egbert Ostrander at any Court of Judicature and General Goal Delivery which may here- after call upon him, and for his Monthly Appearance before us Jacob Ostrander Bail for Egbert Ostrander on Recognizance in the Sum of 100 o Moses Benton also his Bail, .in 100 o Ephraim Knowlton his Bail in 100 o 1 In George Clinton Papers, no. 1648, archives of New York State Library. 206 State of New York J 778 In Consequence of the Letter received from his Excellency lCr 14. the Governor Henry Cuyler, James Ellice, James Dole and Alexander White were brought before the Board and in- formed of the Directions the Board had received from him Whereupon Ordered that they be severally closely confined Peter W Yates appeared before the Board according to the Order received from us and being tendered the Oath pre- scribed in the Act he requested Time to consider of the same which was given him Ordered that the Secretary pay to Col? John Fisher i2 a o#o to be by him accounted for to this Board Then Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 15? August 1778 Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer } ( Isaac D. Fonda Hugh Mitchell j ( Mathew Visscher Ordered that a Letter 1 be wrote to his Excellency the Governor requesting of him to grant M^ White Permission to go to New York to sollicit an Exchange for her Husband which Letter is in the Words following, to wit (prout) Ordered that a Pass be given to Mr! White to go down to Poughkeepsie for the above Purpose [141] Mi" Nicholas Stevens who upon his Appearance requested Time till this Day to consider of the Oath then tendered appeared and the Oath being again tendered him he refused to take the same Received a Letter from John Duncan Esqf which is dated I3 t : h Instant respecting Stutley Scrantum which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) 1 In George Clinton Papers, no. 1655, archives of New York State Library Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 207 Stutley Scrantum was brought before the Board and we A 1778 having examined into the Nature of his Crime do find that he last Summer went over to the Enemy, in Consequence of the above Letter Ordered that he be permitted to return to his Place of Abode on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Study Scrantum on Recognizance in. . 100 o o Mathias Van Den Bergh appeared before the Board and requested from us a Pass to go to Livingston's Manor and the Nine Partners in Pursuit of some stolen Effects of his Father said to be there secreted Ordered that a Pass be made out accordingly Christian Bartram of the Helleberg appeared before the Board and requested the eliberation of John Frederick Hendle a German Deserter from Burgoyne's Army and the said John Frederick Hendle being brought before us and we having examined him Ordered that he be discharged from his Confinement and that a Pass to go at large in this County be given him Then Adjourned till Monday Morning 9 OClock [142] Met pursuant to Adjournment J 778 Albany if? August 1778 Present John M. Beekman } j Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j | Mathew Visscher Henry Van Schaack of Kinderhook who was heretofore summoned to appear before the Board and whose Appear- ance was dispensed with till this Day on Account of his being sick appeared and being tendered the Oath as prescribed in 208 State of New York the Act lately passed by the Legislature he refused to take Aug. Iy i the same At the Request of General Stark Ephraim Marsh John Shelden, Nicholas Schuyler and Benjamin Lull who were apprehended to the Westward by Cap* Ballard and brought to this Place were brought before the Board and severally examined Ordered that they be recommitted Elizabeth Crothers appeared before the Board and laid before us two Passes she had heretofore obtained the One from General Gates the other from the Committee of this Place granting to her Permission to go to Canada at the same Time informing us that after procuring them she was by unavoidable Delays prevented from going & praying Permission to go with the Flag that is shortly to set off for that Quarter Ordered that the Board will take the same into their Consideration Adjourned till 2 OClock to Morrow Afternoon 1778 ]\/[ et; pursuant to Adjournment Albany iS^ August 1778 Present John M. Beekman | j Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j | Mathew Visscher [143] Received a Letter from P. Wynkoop Junf dated I7* : h Instant which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) In Consequence of the above Letter Martin M<:Gee of Kinderhoc k who was last Week confined was brought before the ^oard and we having examined him and finding his Answers to such Questions as were put to him satisfactory we have thought proper to discharge him from Confinement The Requisition of Elizabeth Crothers to the Board Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 209 Yesterday was taken into Consideration Ordered that she . I778 * . Aug. 18. have Leave to go with the next Flag to Canada Ordered that John Stevenson, Richard Cartwright, John Van Alen and Isaac Man be warned to prepare and hold themselves in Readiness to be removed by a Flag within the Enemies Lines to Morrow Morning John Sloss who was condemned to be executed and has since received a Pardon was brought before the Board and examined and his Examination committed to Writing 1 and filed after which he requested to be discharged from Im- prisonment and he being a Person whose Evidence may be of great Consequence to the State therefore resolved that the said John Sloss be continued in Confinement and that a Weekly Allowance of 2 Dollars be given him during his further Confinement Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 19^ August 1778 Au 77 ? Present John M. Beekman } ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j ( Mathew Visscher [144] Ordered that Instructions be made out to Lieutenant Isaac Bogert who is appointed to superintend the Removal of John Stevenson, Richard Cartwright, John Van Alen, and Isaac Man Persons who have refused to take the Oath as prescribed by the Act, from this Place to the Northward within the Enemies the Lines which Instructions are in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Received a Letter from Ebenezer Clark, Alexander M?Nitt and Alexander Webster Commissioners for the County of 1 A copy of his examination is in George Clinton Papers, no. 1669, archives of New York State Library. 2io State of New York 1778 Charlotte dated 14^ August 1778 informing that they sent to us under Guard a certain Andrew Stephenson an Inhabitant of that County who in June last went to Canada and lately returned and voluntarily surrendered himself and took the Oath of Allegiance to the State Ordered that the Board will take the said Andrew Stephenson's Case into Consideration and that he attend before us to Morrow Morning at 10 OClock John Cowin praying to be eliberated from his Confine- ment on Account of his being sick and the Goaler appearing before us and confirming this Assertion Ordered that he be released from his Confinement on Stephen Turtle's entering into Recognizance for his good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Stephen Tuttle Bail for John Cowin in 100 o Frederick Wurmer was brought before the Board and we having examined into the Nature of his Crime and finding nothing special against him have thought [proper] to eliber- ate him on his entering into Recognizance for good Behav- iour and Monthly Appearance Frederick Wurmer in Recognizance in 100 John Groat his Bail in 100 o [145] Whereas by a Verbal Order from General Stark the Commissioners were acquainted that no more Provision could be issued to the State Prisoners whereby the Board conceive it necessary that some Provision be provided for such State Prisoners as are not able to procure the same for themselves and for that Purpose that an Egreement [sic] be entered into with John 5 Lansing for supplying them with such a Proportion of Bread 1 as the Commissioners from 1 Bills for supplying flour and bread by John 5 Lansing, for the use of State prisoners, are in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, pp. 169, 170, State Comptroller's office. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 211 Time to Time shall judge Necessary, and that they also agree with the issuing Commissary for such Quantity of Beef (to be returned to him) as they may require for the Purposes aforesaid Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 2O*! 1 August 1778 A I778 Present John M. Beekman ] ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j | Mathew Visscher William Rogers was brought before the Board and we having enquired into the Nature of his Crime and finding no special Charges against him have thought proper to permit him to go at large on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance William Rogers on Recognizance and Philip Ryley his Bail each in 100 o Wrote a Letter to Lieu* Coll Butler at Schohary enclosing an Oath of Allegiance which Letter is in the Words follow- ing, to wit, (prout) Received a Letter from Coll Cornelius Humfrey which is dated iS 1 ? August 1778 which Letter is in the Words follow- ing, to wit, (prout) Wrote a Letter 1 to his Excellency the Governor inclosing Information from the Commissioners of Charlotte [146] County which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Joseph Lull, John Brook, Elisha Marsh, John Bullock, Ebenezer Knap Nathan Lull, Richard Brooks William 1 In George Clinton Papers, no. 1679, archives of New York State Library. 212 State of New York 1778 Tunnicliff, and John Tunnicliff who were apprehended to the Westward by Capf Ballard were brought before the Board and severally examined Ordered that they be recommitted Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning 1778 ]y[ e t pursuant to Adjournment Albany 21 s * August 1778 Present T u iv/r r> i ( Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beekman ) I T . , T 7 T> i r { Mathew Visscher leremian Van Renselaer I I Hugh Mitchell Andrew Stephenson appeared before the Board accord- ing to Order this Day and we having taken his Case into Consideration do order that he have Permission to return to his usual Place of Abode and that a Pass for the Purpose be given him A Petition signed by William Printup, James Hare, John Fillone, Samuel Gardinier, Jacob Vrooman Caspard Van Der Werke, John Penn, Cornelius Mills, and John Heat was laid before the Board setting forth that they are con- fined in Johnstown Goal that they almost all of them have Families who suffer greatly through the Means of their Confinement and praying in Order that they may be released on procuring sufficient Bail for their future good Behaviour The Board taking the above Petition into Consideration do order that a Letter be wrote to Anthony Van Veghten Esq. r . high Sheriff" of the County of Tryon [147] requesting him to furnish us with Copies of their Mittimus's and if he has none, then to send us the Names of the Persons who have committed them Ordered that a Letter be wrote to General Stark request- ing him to deliver up the Prisoners that have been examined Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 213 by us, such as are Subjects of this State and also an Account of the Cattle Sheep &c which have been taken from those Persons and where the same are kept Johan Hendrick Rensard, and Jacob Loevenstern two German Deserters from Burgoyne's Army appeared before the Board and claimed Protection from us and the Oath of Allegiance being tendered them they declared their Willingness to take the same and it was administred to them accordingly Ordered that they have Permission to go at large and that a Pass for that Purpose be given them Then Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 22^ August 1778 A 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) (ATI TT- u J r 1 Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda j ( Ordered that Notice be given to Dirck Gardinier Mathew Goes JunT, John D. Goes, David Van Schaack, Henry Van Schaack, Cornelius Van Schaack, Lambert Burghart all of the District of Kinderhook and Nicholas Stevens of Schonec- tady to appear on Saturday the Fifth Day of September next at the Court House in the City of Albany [148] with 14 Days Provision for themselves and such of their Families as they chuse should accompany them (Persons capable of bearing Arms excepted) as it is the Day appointed for their Removal within the Enemies Lines they will be permitted to take with them all their Cloathing and Household Furni- ture, the Charges of Transportation whereof must be borne by themselves Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Lieu? Col' Butler at Schohary requesting him to furnish us with the Crimes 214 State of New York 1778 wherewith Tohannis Docksteder and John Service stand Aug. 22. charged as soon as possible John Tunnicliff, William Tunicliff, Richard Brooks, Nicholas Schuyler, Elisha Marsh, Ebenezer Knap, John Brooks, Benjamin Lull, Joseph Lull, Nathan Lull and John Bullock who were examined by us were this Day by Order of General Stark delivered over to us Ordered that a Mittimus be made out to the Goal Keeper to receive them into his Custody and closely confine them Received a Letter from General Stark informing that he meant to detain One of the twelve Prisoners who were Yesterday requested should be delivered over to us, as a Prisoner and that a Return of the Cattle Sheep &c taken from the above Persons should be sent to us as soon as he could procure the same Ordered that Charles M^Arthur, John Schultz Archibald Thompson, Water Trumble, John Service, John Goold and Janet Clement be removed to the Hospital on Account of their being sick and that General Stark be requested to order a Gentry to be placed at the Door of the Room in which they are to be put [149] M Parmateer who was some Time ago confined on Suspicion of being Accessory to several Robberies committed last Year was brought before the Board and she being examined and nothing special appearing against her Or- dered that she be permitted to go at large on procuring a sufficient Bail by Wednesday next John Wiess a Prisoner lately taken at Crown Point was by Order of General Stark brought before us and we having examined him Ordered that he be again sent to General Stark John Seton appeared before us and informed us that Captain Jacob De Forest has in his Possession a Watch Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 215 taken by the said Jacob De Forest from Eseck Mosier which . J 778 nUfiT 22 the said John Seton claims as his Property Ordered that the [said] Jacob De Forest be requested to deliver up the said Watch provided the said John Seton shall prove him- self to be the lawful Owner thereof Captain John Ryley and John Seton appeared before the Board with a certain Jacob Cronkheyt who last Winter made his Escape from Prison and who they had appre- hended in the Nine Partners and it appearing that the said Jacob Cronkheyt stands indicted for a Robbery by him committed Ordered that the said Jacob Cronkheyt be closely confined 1 Cornelius Van Schaack and Lambert Burghart who on their Appearance before us requested Time till this Day to consider of the Oath then tendered to them and who at that Time agreed that their Non Attendance [150] should be construed into a Refusal to take the said [oath] and they not having appeared Ordered that their Refusal be accordingly entered Adjourned till Monday Morning next Met pursuant to Adjournment 24 th Augf 1778 A 1778 Present John M. Beeckman ] j Matthew Visscher Jer. Van Rensselaer j [ Hugh Mitchell Received a Letter from Lieu? Colll Butler dated 22 nd Aug st Ins* which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) In Consequence of which said Letter John Docksteder was brought before the Board and examined and nothing specially appearing therefrom, he was Liberated upon 1 John Seton was paid 5 on this day for assisting in conveying " Frederick Cronkheydt " to jail. The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 167, State Comptroller's office. 216 State of New York Aug 7 L Hendrick and Frederick Docksteders entring into Recog- nizance for the said John Docksteders future good behaviour Hendrick Docksteder Bail for 50 Frederick Docksteder Bail 50 Received a Letter from Peter Van Schaack EsqF dated Pough- keepsie 19 th Aug 5 * Instant inclosing a Certificate from his Excellency the Governor dated the same day which said Let- ter and Certificate are in the following Words to wit (prout) Joseph Greenman and Benjamin Greenman JunF were brought before the Board and upon examination it appeared that they had been with the Enemy at Rhode Island and had been seduced thereto by their Father, that they upon the first oppertunity offering made their escape from the Enemy and prayed that they might be admitted as Sub- jects of the State [151] Ordered that the Special Oath of Allegiance be Tendered to them, which they accordingly took Benjamin Lull was brought before the Board and again examined, and nothing specially appearing therefrom Ordered that he be Liberated upon entring into Recog- nizance with sufficient Surety for his future good behaviour and Monthly appearance Benjamin Lull on Recognizance in 100 John Brown Bail 100 Richard Brooks was also brought before the Board and examined Ordered that he be Liberated in the same manner as above Richard Brooks on Recog? in 250 William Shepherd ) r> -i u . \ j- Bail each in 250 George Smith. . . . ) Adjourned till to Morrow Morning Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 217 Met pursuant to Adjournment 25 th Aug* 1778 Au 77 fs Present John M Beeckman ) ( A , , Tr , ; __ _ > 4 Matthew Visscher Jer. Van Rensselaer ; ( Nicholas Schuyler, Joseph Lull, Ebenezer Knap Nathan Lull and Elisha Marsh were brought before the Board and examined and nothing appearing therefrom worthy of Notice Ordered that they be Liberated upon entring into Re- cognizance with Surety for their future good behaviour and Monthly appearance George Smith & ) -, - r> M i r \ their Bail each in ... 50 Joshua Bloore ) [152] Ordered that Andries Ten Eyck and Jacob Lagrange be Notified in the public Prints to appear before the Board on the II th day of September next, and that in default of such appearance they will incur the Penalties in the said Act mentioned Adjourned till to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment 26 th Augf 1778 Aug. 7 26. Present Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( A/r , ,,. , T , A* i \ \ Matthew Visscher John M Joeeckman ( Received a Letter from DF Erastus Serjeant respecting DF Tidmarsh dated Stockbridge Aug?^ 19^ 1778 which Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Received also a Letter upon the same Subject from Timothy Edwards Esq r dated 2O th Instant which Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) The order for the removal of Henry Van Schaack David 218 State of New York 1778 Van Schaack, Dirck Gardinier, Matthew Goes JunF John D. Goes, Lambert Burghart and Nicholas Stevens, not having been forwarded to them, Ordered that a Notice be forwarded to them requiring them to be in readiness for removal on Wednesday the ninth day of September next and that Notice be given thereof to his Excellency John Scheffer was Liberated upon entring into Recogni- zance for the Surety for his future good behaviour and Monthly appearance himself in .............. 100 Hendrick Apple ......... 100 [153] Adjourned till the 28 th Inst. 7 2 ^ et P ursuant to Adjournment 28 Augf 1778 Au28 Present Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ] [ Matthew Visscher John M. Beeckman j \ John M c Clung Nicholas Stevens appeared before the Board and prayed that he might be permitted to go to Canada and offered to Swear that he would not by any means in his power endeavour to stir or set up the Indians against the United States of America nor that he himself would take a part against the same, which he accordingly did Ordered therefore that his request be granted Received a Letter from Leon d Gansevoort Tun? Esq? dated the 26 Instant which said Letter is in the following Words to wit (prout) Johan Jost Schuyler appeared before the Board and was examined touching the Cattle & which has been drove off by the Troops stationed at Cherry Valley, his examination is on file Ordered Thereupon That Lieu? Isaac Bogart be requested Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 219 to proceed with all Convenient dispatch to Cherry Valley A I778 and there by all possible means in his power endeavour to obtain the Number of Cattle brought in by the Troops, and the number by them Killed for their use Whereas it is Suspected that John Wood of S*. Coyck, Cambridge district with an appearent View absconds himself to avoid the force of the late Act therefore Ordered that the Said J Wood be Summoned to Appair before this Board on 3 d of Sepf [154] Adjourned till to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment 29 Aug st 1778 A 1778 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T w T> i r. . TT . t i jer. Van Rensselaer Matthew Visscher ) ( Paul Drew one of the Prisoners being very Sick Ordered that the Goaler remove him to the Hospital, and that the Director thereof be requested to inform this Board from time to time his State of Health, that he may not have it in his power to make his Escape Adjourned till Monday Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment 311* Augf 1778 Present Jeremiah Van Rensselaer } ( Isaac D. Fonda John M. Beeckman ) "[ Matthew Visscher John Park, John Murrow and John J. Vossburgh being very Sick Ordered that they be removed to the Hospital and that the Director thereof be requested to inform the Board from time 220 State of New York 1778^ to a me tne situation of their Health, that provision may be made to prevent their escape Melchert File and his Son who were some time ago confined were brought before the Board and examined Ordered that they be recommitted untill farther orders from us or any other three of the Commissioners [155] M 1 ? Debby Wall appeared before the Board and applied for a Pass to go to Unadilla to her Husband Ordered that she be informed that no permit or Indulgence can be given by the Board to any part of a Family whereof the Husband or Master has so far deviated from humane principles or to associate with Barbarians & assisting in Imbruing his Hands in the Blood of Women and Children and peaceable Inhabitants Ordered that Barnet Stillwell and William Prendergast be summoned to appear before the Board on Saturday the fifth day of September next in order that the oath prescribed in the late Act of the Legislature of this State may be tendered them Ordered That Cap* Van der Hoof be requested to cause Neal McNeil (mentioned in Morgans examination) to be apprehended and fort[h]with send him to the keeper of the Common Goal Adjourned till to Morrow Morning Sept 78 i. Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany I st Sept? 1778 Present John M. Beekman ^ / A/T u AT u J ( Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Renselaer /- i r> w i T r J f ( PetrusWynkoop Junf Isaac D. ronda ) Cap* John Smith appeared before the Board with William Leonard, Frederick Felt Bartholemewis Van Valkenburgh, Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 221 Hendrick Skinkle Jim? Jacob Livingston Peter Plass, a 1 * 7 / 8 Daniel Price, Peter Wheeler Jacob Halenbeeck Jun% Jurie Wheeler, David Price Nathaniel Morgan, Bartholemewis Hess Mary Wheeler and Ariantie Schuck who were sent up Prisoners by the Board of Commissioners lately sitting at Claverack Ordered that they be committed [156] Nathaniel Morgan, Bartholemewis Hess, Philip Sniffer and Ariantie Schuck were brought before the Board and we having examined them Ordered that they be recommitted An Account of Cap? Abraham Fonda for going to Barring- ton and bringing from thence Nathaniel Morgan with a Party of Men was laid before the Board amounting to j a 2#8 Ordered that the same be paid A Letter was laid before the Board from Ezekiel Williams acknowledging that Charles M^Instry had delivered over to him Benjamin Morrison Ordered that in Consequence thereof the said Charles M'rlnstry be discharged from his Recognizance An Account was laid before the Board by Cap* John Smith for Cash paid by him for Provision for a Guard of Fifteen Men and Fifteen Prisoners from Claverack to Albany amounting to 6^8 Ordered that the same be paid l John Cobham heretofore confined in Goal by Order of the Committee of the City and County of Albany was brought before us and he praying to be released from his Confinement on giving sufficient Bail Ordered that he be set at Liberty on his entering into Recognizance for good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Cobham on Recognizance in.. . 200 o James Caldwell his Bail in ......... 200 o Adjourned till 2 OClock to Morrow Afternoon 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 164, State Comptroller's office. 222 State of New York Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 2 n ~ SeptF 1778 Present John M. Beekman | j Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda j { Petrus Wynkoop JunT [157] M~ Davis appeared before the Board and requested from us a Pass to go to Poughkeepsie Ordered that the same be given her Doctor James Latham who from the Examination of Bartholemewis Hess it appears has harboured Tories who concealed themselves in the Woods in Order to escape the Hand of Justice appeared before the Board at Claverack to answer to the Charge alledged against him and that Board not having Time sufficient to hear his Defence bound him by Recognizance to appear on the seventh Day of September Instant before this Board that we might take his Case into our Consideration and judge of the same James Latham was bound by Recogni- zance in ........................ 500 o Walter Livingston his Bail in ....... 500 o John S. Bradt and David Ralyie were cited to appear before the Board on the Fifth Day of September Instant to give their Testimony respecting a Number of Tories who were lately at their Houses Received a Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esq? which Letter is in the Words following (to wit) (prout) M Tice appeared before the Board and requested Per- mission for herself and her Children to go to Canada with the next Flag Ordered that the Board will take her Request into Consideration Adjourned till 2 OClock to Morrow Afternoon Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 223 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 3*? Septf 1778 ,JJ f 78 , Present ( Isaac D. John M. Beekman ) T u \r r> i r ~( Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Kenselaer j j V Petrus Wynkoopjunf [158] Martin Crom who was by the Board of Commissioners lately sitting at Claverack adjudged a Person of a neutral and equivocal Character and was in Consequence of such Adjudication cited by them to appear before this Board on this Day appeared and he being tendered the Oath as pre- scribed by the Act lately passed by the Legislature respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters requested Time to consider of the same till the 14^ Day of this Month which Request was granted on his consenting that if he did not appear on that Day his Non Attendance should be con- strued into a Refusal Stephen Bell the Goaler appeared before the Board and informed us that Hendrick Van Salsbury a Prisoner confined in Goal is very sick Ordered that he be removed to the Hospital and that Df Young be requested to receive him into his Care Ordered that the Names of Henry Van Schaack David Van Schaack, Cornelius Van Schaack, Lambert Burghart, John D. Goes, Mathew Goes ]un T . Derick Gardinier and Nicholas Stevens be transmitted to his Excellency the Gov- ernor that he may if he thinks proper detain any of the said Persons for the Purpose of an Exchange The[n] Adjourned till 2 OClock to Morrow Afternoon Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 4^ SeptT 1778 1778 Sept. 4. Present John M. Beekman | j Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j ( Mathew Visscher 224 State of New York 1778 Christian File who was some Time since confined was oept. 4- brought before the Board and examined after which Ex- amination [159] he was permitted to go at large on his entering into Recognizance for his future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Christian File on Recognizance in... . 50 o The Board having been informed that Thomas Wood Junf keeps himself concealed somewhere near Worcester in the State of Massachusett's Bay Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Levy Lincoln EsqF to have the said Thomas Wood JunF instantly apprehended if possible and conveyed to us together with John Snyder now confined in Worcester Goal which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that Doctor Joseph Young be requested to receive into the Hospital such State Prisoners as we may send him from Time to Time and provide them with such Things as he shall think necessary for their Nourishment and Recovery of their Health and keep an accurate Account of the whole which we will pay either in Money at the Cur- rent Price of the Articles expended or return the like Quantity and Quality to the issuing Commissary of the Northern Department as may best suit the Director of the Hospital for the Time being John Kogh a German Deserter from Burgoyne's Army appeared before the Board and requested from us a Pass to go at large in this County which was granted him Ordered that the same be. made out On Suggestion to the Board by the Goaler that Peter Cole and his Wife confined in Goal are sick Ordered that they be removed to the Hospital and that Doctor Young be requested to take them into his Care [160] Adjourned till 9 OClock to Morrow Morning Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 225 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 5^ Septr 1778 T? j i, . TT- i r 1 Isaac D. .bonda Mathew Visscher ) ( John Lilley alias dictus James MfCormick who was by an Order of a Court-Martial confined in Goal was brought before the Board and we having examined him do order 1 Ibid. 232 State of New York s JI 778 that the said John Lilley be discharged from his Confine- ment and that a Pass be given him to go to Hartford in the State of Connecticut Received a Letter from Col? Frederick Fisher which is dated the 23? August 1778 which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Whereas General Stark has discharged from Confinement a Negro Man named Prince as being a Prisoner of War and in his Discharge to the Sheriff has set forth that he has done it by Consent of this Board and as no such Consent was at any Time obtained from us Ordered therefore that as the said Negro Man Prince is in no Wise under the Directions of the Commissioners of Conspiracies we cannot give our Assent or Dissent to his Discharge from [168] the Custody of the Sheriff, and that the Sheriff be immediately served with a Copy of this Order Received a Letter from Caleb Stark Brigade Major to Gen- eral Stark informing us that two Men Inhabitants of this State who have deserted from Canada are confined in the Guard House and that by applying to the General we might have them delivered over to us Ordered that the General be immediately requested to deliver over the said Prisoners Isaac Lawson and Robert Harbert the two Prisoners delivered over to us by General Stark were brought before the Board and examined Ordered that a Mittimus be made out to the Sheriff to receive them into his Custody Jeremiah Marinus with three other Men as a Guard appeared before the Board and delivered as Prisoners Adam Paps and Rudolph Paps who stand severally charged with having advised a Number of Men to go to the Indians and have themselves gone Part of the Way with them Ordered that they be confined and that a Mittimus be made out to the Sheriff to take them into his Custody Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 233 Received a Letter from M Gumming informing; us that J 778 Sent 14. a Report prevails in her Neighbourhood that a Party of Rangers are coming that Way to apprehend disaffected Persons and secure their Property and as Mf Gumming is confined in Goal for Disaffection is apprehensive they may disturb her and her Family and take away their Property Ordered that this Board grant a Protection to the said M" Gumming and that all Officers both Civil and Milatary & all other Persons whatsoever be strictly enjoyned and for- bid not [169] to molest the said Mf? Gumming or Family either in Person or Property on Pain of being prose- cuted with the utmost Severity of the Law Then Adjourned till to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 15*.** SeptT 1778 1778 Present John M. Beekman \ ( Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscher j ( Petrus Wynkoop Jun' It having appeared to us by the Information of Nathaniel Morgan that Johan George Fought and Coenradt Johnson were knowing to the Robberies committed by the said Nathaniel Morgan and others Ordered that they be severally cited to appear before the Board on the Eighteenth Day of September Instant Mathew Aerson laid before the Board his Account for ferrying across the River Cap* John Ryley and the Company of Rangers under his Command at different Times amount- ing to ;8 /y i7 /y 4 ordered that the same be paid l Ordered that Jeremiah Marinus bring before the Board as soon as possible the two Persons who can give Evidence X 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 162, State Comptroller's office, signed " Matth Arsin." 234 State of New York 1778 against Adam Paps and Rudolph Paps and that a Copy of this Resolution be sent to him Ann Lane and Ann Liddle appeared before the Board and requested Permission to go with their Families to Canada Ordered that they be informed that the Board will take their Request into Consideration Ordered that the Secretary pay to Isaac D. Fonda EsqT one of the Members of this Board the Sum of 40^0 to be by him accounted for to this Board Then Adjourned till next Thursday Morning 1778 [jyo] Met pursuant to Adjournment 17 ' Albany 17*? SeptT 1778 Present Tohn M. Beekman ) ( T i- T? j */r i v u 1 Isaac D - Fonda Mathew Visscher ) ( Received a Letter from Lieu? Col! William Butler dated Schoharie i^ September 1778 wherein he requests us to release from his Confinement John Service on Account of the helpless Situation of his Mother the Widow Service, which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) In Consequence of the above Letter John Service was brought before the Board and after being examined he was discharged from Prison on his entering into Recognizance with a sufficient Surety for his future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Service on Recognizance in.. 100 o Jacob Creef of Johnstown his Bail also in ............................. 100 o Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Michael Van Der Cooke requesting him to inform us as soon as possible whether Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 235 the Citation which was sent with him for William Fender- 1778 grast [sic] has been served Orderd that Col' Lewis Deputy Quarter Master General be requested to furnish Wood for the Use of the Prisoners confined in Goal, and that we will pay for the same in Money or return him a like Quantity of Wood when he shall demand the same from us Martin Crom who on his Appearance before us on the 3? Instant requested Time till the 14.^ to consider of the Oath (as prescribed in the Act respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters) then tendered him, and agreed that his Non Appearance on that Day [171] should be construed into a Refusal to take the said Oath and the said Martin Crom not having appeared on that Day according to Agreement Therefore ordered that his Refusal to take the said Oath be entered Adjourned till to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 18^ Sept r 1778 1778 Sept. 1 8. Present John M. Beekman ) (ATI IT- i i _. > Mathew Visscher Isaac JD. fonda ) ( John Wykoff who was some Time ago confined in Goal for Disaffection to the American Cause was brought before the Board and at the Solicitation of several of his Friends permitted to go at large on his entering into Recognizance with a sufficient Surety for his future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Wykoff on Recognizance in.. 100 o o Benjamin Rodgers appeared before the Board and re- quested from us a Pass to go to Little East Hosack at which 236 State of New York 1778 Place he informs us he intends to reside Ordered that a Sept. 18. . rass be given him On Suggestion of the Goaler Stephen Bell that Jacob Halenbeeck Jun* is sick it is ordered that the said Jacob Halenbeeck Jun? be brought before the Board and that Doctor Samuel Stringer be sent for to examine him Upon the Report of the said Samuel Stringer that the said Jacob Halenbeeck ]un r . is very sick and that by his remaining in Confinement his Life will be endangered It is ordered that the said Jacob Halenbeeck Jun* be released from his Confinement on his entering into Recognizance with [172] a sufficient Surety to remain within the House of Samuel Pruyn in this City Jacob Halenbeeck Jun? on Recogni- zance in 300 Jacob Ten Eyck of the City of Albany Yeoman his Bail 30 Captain John Ryley laid before the Board a Pay Roll of the Company of Rangers under his Command from the Time of their Inlistment being the ii* May 1778 till 20^ Day of July now last past amounting in the whole to 460^18^4 and the Money heretofore advanced him being substracted therefrom there remains a Ballance due of [blank] Or- dered that the same be paid to him Then Adjourned^ till to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany ig^ Sept r 1778 Present John M. Beekman | j l saac D . Fonda Mathew Visscher ) (. Received a Letter from Robert Benson EsqT private Sec- retary to his Excellency the Governor which is dated the 17^ Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 237 September 1778 informing us that Henry Cuyler is exchanged for Stephen Lush, James Dole for Abraham Mabie and Alexander White for Cornelius Van Tassel and that it is the Desire of the Governor that they should be released from their Confinement on their Parole In Consequence of the above Letter it is Ordered that the said Henry Cuyler, James Dole and Alexander White be immediately discharged from their Confinement Received another Letter 1 from Robert Benson Esqr dated 16^ Instant which is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) [173] Coenradt Johnson who was cited to appear before the Board this Day appeared and he being interrogated as to the Charges alledged against him by Nathaniel Morgan made such satisfactory Answers that he was permitted to return Home It having been suggested to the Board by the Goaler that M" Cole is very 111 and that her Life is greatly endangered by Reason of her Confinement Ordered that she have Permission to remove to some House in this City until she shall again have recovered her Health Then adjourned till next Monday Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 2i s . t SeptT 1778 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( T r\ T- j ;, . x 7 . , r 1 Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscner } ( M^ s Wrag of Fort Miller, Catharina Rederpach and Mary England whose Husbands are at this Time with the Enemy at Canada made Application to the Board for Permission to go to Canada with their Families and it having appeared to us that those Women are become chargeable to the Districts i In George Clinton Papers, no. 1761, archives of New York State Library 238 State of New York 1778 in which they severally reside and that they together with their Families are subsisted at the public Expence Ordered that on Account of the Reasons above assigned it be recom- mended to General Stark to send a Flag to Canada with them Dr James Latham who appeared before the Board on the 7 t . h Instant and was then tendered the Oath by the Act of the Legislature prescribed to be taken by Per- sons [1/4] of neutral and equivocal Characters and who requested Time till this Day to consider of the said Oath again appeared and the Oath being again tendered him he requested some further Time to consider of it which was allowed him Received two Letters the One from Robert R. Livingston Esqr which is dated 13^ Instant and the other from James Duane Esq? both which Letters are concerning Dr James Latham and are in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Cornelius Groesbeck laid before the Board an Account for serving Citations on several Persons at Niscutaw and at the Helleberg amounting to 4^2 Ordered that the same be paid * It has been represented to the Commissioners that divers of the Subjects of this State lately residing at Niscuthaw and other Places in this County have lately gone over to and joined the Enemy Therefore resolved that it be and it is hereby most earnestly recommended to all Officers of Militia in this County forthwith to make a Return to this Board of the Names of the Persons within their respective Beats that have lately gone over and joined the Enemy The adjourned till to Morrow Morning 1 The original voucher, which gives the names of the seven persons on whom a summons was served, is hi Revolittionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 165, State Comptroller's office. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 239 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 22" d Septf 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) I A/r , w . , :; c i Mathew Visscher Isaac D. ronda ) ( In Consequence of a Letter 1 received by Major Lush from his Excellency the Governor wherein he desires that [175] Henry Cuyler, James Dole and Alexander White may be instantly removed down to Poughkeepsie which Letter having been laid before us It is ordered thereupon that the said Henry Cuyler, James Dole and Alexander White set off to Morrow for Poughkeepsie and there deliver themselves up to the Persons administring the Government of this State Nicholas Wheeler appeared before the Board and offered to become Security for Peter Wheeler a Prisoner now con- fined in Goal and it having appeared to us that the said Peter Wheeler is at this Time sick, it is therefore Ordered that the said Peter Wheeler be released from Confinement on the said Nicholas Wheeler's entering into Recognizance for the Appearance of the said Peter Wheeler when called for and his future good Behaviour Nicholas Wheeler of the Manor of Livingston Farmer Bail for Peter Wheeler in 100 o o Philip Viele and Peter Rode both of Livingston's Manor appeared before the Board and offered to become Sureties for Daniel Price a Prisoners now confined and it having appeared to us that the said Daniel Price has lately received a Fall on his Breast which it is supposed will be the Occasion of his Death It is therefore ordered that the said Daniel Price be released from his Confinement on the said Philip 1 In George Clinton Papers, no. 1776, archives of New York State Library. 240 State of New York 1778 Viele and Peter Rode's entering into Recognizance for the Appearance of the said Daniel Price at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Goal Delivery to be held at the City Hall in this City on the 29^ Day of this Instant Month of September Philip Viele Bail for Daniel Price in 200 o o Peter Rode also Bail for Daniel Price in 200 o o [176] Ordered that a Certificate 1 be made out and trans- mitted to John Morin Scott Esq^ Secretary of the State of New York certifying that in Pursuance and by Virtue of of an Act of the Legislature entitled "An Act more effectually to prevent the Mischiefs arising from the Influence and Example of Persons of equivocal and suspected Characters in this State we did cause to come before us David Van Schaack of the District of Kinderhook on the thirteenth Day of August last Nicholas Stevens of the Township of Scho- nectady on the Fifteenth Day of August last Henry Van Schaack on the Seventeenth Day of August last and Lambert Burghart of the District of Kinderhook on the twenty first Day of August last, Alexander Campbell of Schonectady on the Seventh Day of September Instant and Martin Crom of Claverack District on the Fourteenth Day of September In- stant and offered to administer to them respectively the Oath in the said Act prescribed which they severally refused to take Received a Letter 2 from his Excellency Governor Clinton which is dated 2O t : h Instant wherein he again informs us (in Concurrence with what his Private Secretary Robert Benson EsqT had wrote us in a Letter dated 16^ Instant) that it is his Desire that Henry Van Schaack David Van Schaack, 1 In New York Colonial MSS., vol. 101, p. 149, archives of New York State Library. In George Clinton Papers, no. 1777, archives of New York State Library. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 241 Lambert Burghart, John D. Goes, Mathew Goes Jim? and X 778 Dirck Gardinier should be immediately confined in Goal and detained for an Exchange which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that the Request in the above Letter be complied with and that the said Henry Van Schaack David Van Schaack Lambert Burghart, John D. Goes, Mathew Goes Junr and Dirk Gardinier be put in close Confinement [177] Henry Van Schaack appeared before the Board and laid before us a Note directed to us from his Excellency the Governor in the following Words "The Commissioners at Albany on the Arrival of M r Henry Van Schaack at that Place will please to take his Parole and permit him to repair to this Place to deliver himself up to the Person administring the Government without Delay Ordered in Compliance with the above that Henry Van Schaack' s Parole be taken which is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Jurie Pater and Regina Parkerson appeared before the Board at Witnesses against Adam Paps and Rudolph Paps and the said Jurie Pater and Regina Parkerson having been examined were discharged Then Adjourned till the Day after to Morrow Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 24^ Sept? 1778 1778 Sept. 24* Present Tohn M. Beekman } f T T^ T? 4 ;, _ [ 4 Isaac D.Fonda Mathew Visscher ) ( Received a Letter from General Stark wherein he informs us that he has in Confinement as a Prisoner who is an In- habitant of this State named Alexander Anderson who was taken and sent down to him by Coll Aden Ordered that the 242 State of New York J 778 General be requested to deliver into our Hands the said Sept. 24. n Alexander Anderson Alexander Anderson having been by Order of General Stark delivered over to us was brought before the Board and examined Ordered that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to take the said Alexander Anderson into his Custody [178] Received a Letter from Dr Joseph Young informing us that Paul Drew who was some Time since sent to the Hospital is so well recovered from his Illness that he may with Safety be again confined Ordered that the said Paul Drew be immediately sent for and recommitted to Goal Adam Paps and Rudolph Paps were brought before the Board and nothing special having appeared against them from the Examinations of Jurie Pater and Regina Parkerson who were produced as Evidences against them It is there- fore ordered that they be discharged from Confinement on their entering into Recognizance for future good Behaviour and Appearance when called for Adam Paps on Recognizance ... in ... 100 o Rudolph Paps on Recognizance in 100 o Ordered that a Notice be sent down to Samuel Louden to be inserted in his next News Paper notifying Jacob Legrange of the Norman's Kill and John Wood and William Pender- grast [sic] of Cambridge District to appear before this Board on the Tenth Day of October next at the City Hall of the City of Albany for the Purpose of administring to them respectively the Oath as prescribed in the Act of Legislature entitled an Act more effectually to prevent the Mischiefs arising from the Influence and Example of Persons of equivo- cal and neutral Characters in this State Adjourned till 2 OClock to Morrow Afternoon Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 243 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 25 t . h Sept r 1778 J 778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( T T-V T- i *. . T _. , > { Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscher ) ( Whereas it has been represented to this Board that Jacob [179] Johannis Vrooman is in Custody of the Sheriff of Tryon County and that the said Jacob Johannis Vrooman is very desirous of having a Hearing before us It is therefore ordered that the said Sheriff of Tryon County deliver the said Jacob Johannis Vrooman into the Hands of Simon Job?. Vrooman together with the Cause of his Caption and Detention as specifyed in the Mittimus whereon he stands committed and that he be brought before us on the [blank] Day of [blank] that we may take the Cause of the Committment of the said Jacob Joh?. Vrooman into our Consideration Received a Letter from Peter Cantine Junf Esq? which is dated S*. 11 Day of September Instant wherein he requests us to grant Permission to David Knap and Daniel Annin (who have been great Sufferers by the late Robberies in Dutchess County) to examine certain of the Prisoners in Goal respecting the Places where they have secreted stolen Effects Ordered that the said David Knap and Daniel Annin have free Access to such Prisoners as they shall conceive it necessary to examine William Smith of the Manor of Renselaerwyck appeared be- fore the Board and complained of Samuel Rock as being a Per- son inimical to the American Cause and dangerous to the Safety of the State Ordered that Major BarentStaats be requested to have the said Samuel Rock apprehended and sent to us Ordered that a Letter 1 be wrote to his Excellency Governor Clinton informing him of the Cause why the Notice of the [180] Removal of Henry Van Schaack and others was not 'In George Clinton Papers, no. 1791, archives of New York State Library. 244 State of New York 1778 sooner transmitted him and also assigning a Reason why the Flag passed Poughkeepsie without stopping to know his Excellencys Pleasure concerning the said Persons which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Then Adjourned till next Monday Morning ^1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 2$^ Septf 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ) A , , ,,. , L > > Mathew Visscher Isaac U. Jbonda ) ) Ordered that a Mittimus be made out to Volckert Dawson to receive in his Custody David Van Schaack, Mathew Goes JunF, Lambert Burghart and Dirk Gardinier and closely confine them Rudolph Schoonmaker of the German Flatts appeared before the Board and complained that Jurie Wever with a Party of Men had seized all his Effects on Pretence of their being forfieted to the State, the Board having taken the above Complaint into Consideration do order that the said Jurie Wever keep in his Hands the said Effects until he shall re- ceive Orders from any three of the Commissioners of Con- spiracies and if he shall presume to dispose of the same or any Part thereof he may depend upon being prosecuted with the utmost Rigour of the Law Ordered that a Parole be drawn up and signed by Henry Cuyler, James Dole and Alexander White which Parole is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that a Letter 1 be wrote to his Excellency Governor Clinton inclosing Copies of the Paroles 2 of Henry [181] Cuyler, James Dole and Alexander White which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) 1 In George Clinton Papers, no. 1809, archives of New York State Library. Ibid. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 245 Ordered that Instructions be made out to Captain Edward Willet to take into his Care Henry Cuyler, James Dole, and Alexander White which Instructions are in the Words follow- ing, to wit, (prout) Then Adjourned till to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 29^ Septf 1778 se\ 7& 2 Present John M. Beekman ) f * i_ TT* i_ :: _^ . > x Mathew Visscher Isaac U. ronda ) ( Hugh Alexander who was taken above Schohary in Com- pany with Janet Clement laid before us a Number of Cer- tificates from Persons well attached to the American Cause from which it appears that the said Hugh Alexander is a Per- son who has in many Instances evinced his Attachment to the Cause of America It is therefore ordered that a Pass be granted him to go to Schohary Received a Letter from James M^Master which is dated the 25 t . h Instant which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Received a Letter from General Stark informing us that three Prisoners who are Inhabitants of this State are con- fined in the Main Guard whose Names are William Gorden, James Parks, and John Chitchiverell who have been taken and sent down to him from the Westward, and who he will deliver over to us provided we apply for them Ordered in Consequence of the above Letter that the Gen- eral be requested to deliver over to us the said [182] William Gorden, James Parks and John Chitchiverell and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to receive them into his Custody and closely confine them Then Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 246 State of New York 1 t 78 o ^ et P ursuant to Adjournment Albany 3O th Septr 1778 Present John M. Beekman } ( Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscher j | Cornelius Humfrey Burnet Miller Esqf from Dutchess County appeared before the Board and informed us that some Time in the latter End of July he was robbed by a Party of Men and had Goods taken from him to a great Amount Part of which Goods he informed Us he had heard were at present in the Possession of Captain Jacob De Forest who had found them with Eseck Mosier when he was apprehended Ordered that the said Captain Jacob De Forest deliver such of the said Goods to the said Burnet Miller as he shall by proper Descriptions prove to be his Property Received a Letter from Egbert Benson & Peter Cantine Jun* Esqf? dated 26 t . h Instant wherein they request us to per- mit Richard Hart the Bearer of the said Letter to examin[e] Eseck Mosier respecting a certain Silas Duel who is con- fined in Dutchess County Goal on an Examination taken from the said Eseck Mosier when he was first apprehended wherein he charges the said Silas Duel with having been privy to the Robberies by him committed Ordered that the said Richard Hart have Leave to examine the said Eseck Mosier and that John M. Beekman EsqF One of the Mem- bers of this Board and also a Justice of the Peace be present at such Examination [183] Ordered that Lieu* Col! Barent Staats do make a Return to this Board as soon as possible of all such Persons belonging to his Regiment as have gone off to the Enemy and are at this Time absent from their respective Places of Abode Ordered that Mathew Visscher one of the Members of Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 247 this Board inform the Commissioners at Poughkeepsie that Mosier has been examined respecting Silas Duel and that upon such his Examination he denied that Duel had advised him to rob or counselled him in it but that he had informed Duel he had been with Burgoyne's Army and was fearful to be apprehended and that Duel had thereupon advised him to go to New York Then Adjourned till to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany if Octf 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( ^ ,. TT c i. . TT- i r 1 Cornelius rlumrrey Mathew Visscher ) ( Mr Visscher reported that in Consequence of the Order of Yesterday he had wrote a Letter to the Commissioners at Poughkeepsie acquainting them with the Substance of Mosier's Examination respecting Silas Duel A Petition was laid before the Board signed by a Number of Persons living at Spencertown wherein they set forth that Thomas Clark who was some Time since discharged from Confinement by us is a Person who from his Conduct last Year in going to the Enemy has [184] rendered himself so odious to the Inhabitants of that District that they are deter- mined not to let him remain among them, that his Behaviour since he has been liberated from Confinement in associating with Persons who are notoriously disaffected has given 1 them further Cause for Disatisfaction and praying us that we may order the said Thomas Clark to be again imprisoned ordered that the Prayer of the said Petition be taken into Consideration The above Petition having been considered and we finding 1 Erroneously written " gavin " in the manuscript. 248 State of New York *778 it altogether Inconvenient to confine the said Thomas Clark Oct. i. on Account of the Infectious Distemper at this Time pre- vailing in the Goal and of the great Number of Persons con- fined It is therefore ordered that the said Thomas Clark return to Spencertown and there make such Concessions to the Inhabitants of that District as they shall think proper to require of him and that it be recommended to the Inhab- itants of the said District to consent to his remaining among them on his making the said Concessions Mr? McDonald and Miss McDonald of Johnstown ap- peared before the Board and requested from us Permission to go the former to New York the latter to Canada Ordered that their request be taken into Consideration The Board having taken the above Request into Consider- ation and judging that it would be more benificial to the State to permit the said Mr? McDonald & Miss McDonald (whose Husband and Father are gone over to the Enemy) to go there also than to keep them here do order that it be recommended to General Stark to grant them Passes for the above Purpose [185] Mr? Waltimyer and Mr? Nancy Fairchild (whose Husbands are both gone to New York) appeared before the Board and requested Permission from us to go to New York Ordered that their request be taken into Consideration Then Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 2^ Octf 1778 vJCt 2* Present John M. Beekman | j Mathew Visscher Cornelius Humfrey j* ( Isaac D. Fonda Col! Humfrey informed the Board that having received Information that there is at Kinderhook a certain Daniel Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 249 Dobs who appeared to be of a suspicious Character and n 1778 whose going at large in that Quarter might be attended with dangerous Consequences, he ordered the said Daniel Dobs to be apprehended and brought before him that on examining him he found that he was last Year a Prisoner on Board the Fleet Prison and that he made his Escape from the Guard who conducted him to Hartford last Fall, that in Con- sequence of the above Confession he had bound the said Daniel Dobs in Recognizance in the Sum of 20- o- o and Casper Shaver as his Bail in the like Sum to appear when called upon by the Commissioners of Conspiracies John Purves, John Murray, John Howard and Dugal M'rAslin who were some Time ago committed to Prison were brought before the Board and the Nature of their several Crimes being enquired into and we having found nothing special against them do order that they be severally dis- charged from Confinement on entering [186] into Recog- nizance with a sufficient Security for their future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Purves on Recognizance in 200 John Murray on D? in 200 John Howard on D? in 200 Dugal M'Aslin on D? in 200 - John Boyd as Bail for each of them severally in 200 Jacob Johannis Vrooman was brought before the Board according to the Order of the 25^ Day of September last and the Mittimus whereon he was committed to Prison having been sent to us by the Sheriff of the County of Tryon and it appearing therefrom to us that the Cause of his Commitment is rather trivial It is therefore ordered that he be discharged on his entering into Recognizance with a sufficient Security for his future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance 250 State of New York Jacob Johannis Vrooman on Recog- nizance in 100 o Abraham Wemple his Bail in 100 o Peter Mesick JunT who stands accused by the Examination of Nathaniel Morgan with having been privy to a Robbery committed on Arent Van Schaack at Cooksakie and with secreting the Goods there stolen made his appearance before the Board and delivered himself up as a Prisoner Or- dered that the said Peter Mesick JunF be committed to Prison and that a Mittimus be made out to the Sheriff to receive him into his Custody Andries Ten Eyck who was some Time since Notified in the Publick News Papers to appear before this Board this Day appeared and the Oath as prescribed by the Act to be taken by Persons of Neutral and equivocal Characters [187] having been tendered to him he requested Time to consider of the same till 12^ Instant which was granted him Ordered that the Secretary pay Coll Humfrey Four Pounds it being Money advanced by him to the Person who gave Intelligence of Neal Taylor's being at Kinderhook on which Information he was taken l Ordered that Daniel Kittel be allowed for bringing from Kinderhook to Albany with his Waggon and Horses a Party of Captain Smith's Men and Neal Taylor as a Prisoner ^3;/ // an d that the Secretary pay the same 2 Ordered that there be allowed to Christopher Hawk for his Trouble and Expence in serving Citations on Peter Vosburgh and John Thurman and several other Persons 3 // 4 // an d that tne Secretary pay the same 3 Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. i6y State Comptroller's office. 2 Ibid, p. 162. Taylor is n-rmed " Cornelius Taylor " in this voucher. J Ibid, p. 162. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 251 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 3 Octf 1778 Present John M. Beekman | j Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda ) | Cornelius Humfrey Hugh M'rColley who was some Time since confined by Major Schermerhorn and was shortly after such Confinement discharged by us appeared before the Board and requested that the Money taken from him by Major Schermerhorn and left in our Hands amounting to One hundred and Eighty Dollars might be redelivered him and nothing having ap- peared against the said Hugh M^Colly since his having been released Ordered therefore that the Secretary deliver the said One hundred and Eighty Dollars to the said Hugh M*:Colly taking his Receipt therefor [188] Ordered that the Secretary, pay to Captain John Ryley for his Expence and Trouble in apprehending and bringing to Goal from the Nine Partners to Albany Jacob Cronkheyt one of the Persons guilty of the Robbery of John Van Ness 7^16^0- Bartholemewis Hess was brought before the Board and examined and his Examination committed to writing Or- dered that he be recommitted Philip Sniffer was brought before the Board and ex- amined Ordered that he be recommitted Ordered that the Secretary pay to Captain Coenradt Cline and Captain James Robison for their Trouble and Expence in going to Barrington to examine Nathaniel Morgan and for apprehending a Number of Persons who were Accessories to the Robberies committed in Livingston's Manor, Claverack and other Places 26 4I 8 a o- 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 162, State Comptroller's office. 252 State of New York 1778 Ordered that the Secretary pay to Jacob Cline for his Trouble and Expence in apprehending and bringing to Claverack a Number of Inhabitants of Livingston's Manor who had harboured and concealed the Robbers 11 ,,0^0- 1 John Hogle and Elizabeth Gowey appeared before the Board according to Order and they having been examined in the Presence of Neal Taylor and it appearing from the Charges of the said Ncal Taylor against them that they were privy to the Robberies committed by him Mosier and others It is ordered that the said John Hogle and Elizabeth Gowey be committed to Prison and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to receive them into his Custody Then Adjourned till next Teusday [sic] Morning [189] Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 6 t : h Octf 1778 Present Mathew Visscher ) r> \\T i T r retrus Wynkoop un? Isaac D.Fonda j Ordered that a Citation be made out for Catharine Hickety to appear before this Board on the Eighth Day of October Instant, and that the same be immediately served on her Mr? Sarah M'rMichael appeared before the Board and prayed that a Pass might be granted her to go with her Fam- ily to New York and as a Reason to induce us to grant her such Permission she alledged that one of her Sons is in New York and that she looks upon him as her greatest Support Thereupon Ordered that a Certificate be granted her signi- fying that this Board have no Objections to her going to New York with her Family Then Adjourned till to Morrow Afternoon 1 Ibid, p. 1 66. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 253 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 7 t . h Octf 1778 n 1778 Present John M. Beekman ^ _ ~ . T i TT r> i f Isaac U. .Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer v 1 . ^, , TT- i ( retrus Wynkoop jun^ Mathew Visscher An Account was laid before the Board of Samuel Louden for inserting in his Publick News Papers several Notifications to Persons of Neutral and equivocal Characters amounting to 6 u 8 H o Ordered that the Secretary pay the same l Rudolph Schoonmaker appeared before the Board and informed us that he was desirous of going to the [190] German Flatts but under Apprehensions of being Illtreated by some of the Inhabitants of Tryon County Ordered that a Pro- tection be given to the said Rudolph Schoonmaker, and that a Letter be wrote concerning him to Christopher P. Yates Esqf which Letter and Protection are in the Words follow- ing, to wit, (prout) A Letter was laid before the Board from Peter Ten Broeck requesting that himself and his Family might be exchanged for some Person at present in New York which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that the same be taken into Consideration The Board having taken the Subject of the above Letter into Consideration Ordered that the Board have no Authority to exchange M? Ten Broeck the Application in their Opinion ought to be to his Excellency Governor Clinton Ordered that David Smith be cited to appear before this Board to Morrow Afternoon at 2 OClock Then Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 1 The original voucher, for 2 8s., or " Six Dollars ", is in Revolitiionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 169, State Comptroller's office. Evidently, the amount in the minutes is incorrect. 254 State of New York Oct 7 ! ^ et P ursuant to Adjournment Albany 8^ Oct r 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( A , , , r , :: ^ r 1 Mathew Visscher Isaac L). l*onda ) Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Christopher P. Yates Esq r in Tryon County which Letter is in the Words follow- ing, to wit, (prout) David Smith who was Yesterday cited to appear before this Board appeared Ordered that he be ex- amined, the said David Smith having been examined was discharged It being suggested to the Board by the Goaler that Mary Wheeler the Wife of Jurie Wheeler (who are both in close [191] Confinement) is very sick and the said Jurie Wheeler having requested the Board that him- self and his Wife might be released from Confinement on finding a sufficient Security Ordered that they be discharged on the said Jurie Wheeler's entering into a Recognizance to remain within the Limits of this City and appear once a Day before us Jurie Wheeler on Recognizance in . . 200 o o Coenradt Cline of Livingstons Manor his Bail in 200 o o Catharine Hickety who was summoned to appear before the Board this Day appeared and was examined Ordered that she again appear before us next Monday Morning Michael Stopplebeen one of the Prisoners taken at the Unadilla was brought before the Board and examined Ordered that he be recommitted Then Adjourned till Saturday Morning Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 255 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany lo*! 1 OctT 1778 o 1778 Present John M. Beekman | Jeremiah Van Renselaer j Received a Letter from Lieutenant Col? Philip Van Alstyne dated at Schohary 8^ Instant wherein he informs us that he sends to us under the Care of Ensign MofFat two Prisoners whose Names are Jacob Angle and Lodiwick Stull formerly Inhabitants of the Bever Dam who were appre- hended upon the Information of Lieu* Mathew Shulter and Ensign Adam Dietz for going off to the Enemy with Jacob Ball which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) [192] In Consequence of the foregoing Letter the said Jacob Angle and Lodiwick Stull were brought before the Board and examined, and after such Examination It was ordered that the said Jacob Angle and Lodiwick Stull should be committed and that a Mittimus should be made out to the Goaler to receive them into his Custody Lieutenant Peter Drummond who was formerly eliberated from Confinement by this Board appeared before us and requested a Pass to go down to Poughkeepsie in Order to sollicit from his Excellency the Governor an Exchange for some Officer of equal Rank with him in the Power of the Enemy Ordered that a Pass be given to the said Peter Drummond for the above Purpose Then Adjourned till next Monday Morning Met pursuantto Adjournment Albany 12^ October 1778 1778 Oct. 12. Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) ( T r\ T? j A/T i TT- i r { Isaac JD. fonda Mathew Visscher j ( 256 State of New York 1778 David Price who was some Time since confined on a Oct. 12. Suspicion of having been concerned in the Robberies com- mitted by Morgan and others was brought before the Board and no other Proff [sic] having yet appeared against the said David Price except the Information of the said Morgan and there being the greatest Reason to suppose that the said David Price is not guilty of the Crime laid to his Charge It is therefore ordered that the said David Price be discharged from Confinement on his entering into Recognizance to answer every Summons from any of the Courts of Judicature which shall be served upon him for the Term of one Year from this Day and in the mean Time keep the Peace and do his Duty as a good [193] and faithful Subject of this State - David Price on Recognizance in.. . 100 o o Coenradt Cline of Livingston's Manor his Bail in 100 o o Paul Drew having been brought from the Westward some Time ago upon Suspicion of being a Person dangerous to the Safety and Wellfare of this State was brought before the Board and we having examined him and finding nothing material against him do order that the said Paul Drew be eliberated from Confinement on his entering into Recog- nizance with a sufficient Security for his future good Be- haviour and Monthly Appearance Paul Drew on Recognizance in. ... 100 o o Hendrick Frey of Tryon County his Bail in 100 o o Jacob Angle who was last Saturday brought down from Schohary and confined was brought before the Board and examined and his Examination committed to Writing Ordered that he be recommitted Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 257 Lodiwick Stull who was also last Saturday brought down 1778 from Schohary was brought before the Board and we having examined him and his Examination being committed to Writing Ordered that he be recommitted ' Then Adjourned till to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 13^ OctT 1778 oV 78 Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) ( , ~ ~ . A/T L T7- i_ r 1 Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscher ) ( It having appeared to the Board that Duncan M'rDugal is able to give Information against Jurie Man [194] which will serve to convict him of High Treason ordered there- fore that the said Duncan M'rDugal appear before this Board on Saturday next to give his Testimony against the said Jurie Man Ordered that a Pass be given to Jacob Man to go to Tryon County for the Purpose of serving the above Cita- tion on the said Duncan M'rDugal Jacob Legrange who was some Time since notified to appear before this Board in the Publick News Papers this Day appeared and the Oath as prescribed in the Act to be taken by Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters being tendered him he requested Time to consider of the same till next Monday which was granted him Andries Ten Eyck who on his Appearance before the Board on the 2^ Instant requested Time to this Day to consider of the Oath then tendered him appeared and on his informing us that he had still some Doubts remaining upon' his Mind respecting the said Oath he was allowed further Time to consider of it till next Monday Then Adjourned till Wednesday Morning 258 State of New York 1778 Met pursuant to Ad iournment Albany 15*? Octf 1778 Present Hugh Mitchell ) f T iv/r i. \T- L r { Isaac D. Jbonda Mathew Visscher ) ( Isaac Fonda laid before the Board an Account of his Trouble and Expences in going down with a Number of disaffected Persons who refused to take the Oath of Alle- giance from Kinderhook to Poughkeepsie amounting to 21 //40O 1 Ordered that the Secretary pay the same [195] Ebenezer Knap appeared before the Board and requested from us a Pass to go to Cherry Valley Ordered that he be informed that this Board cannot take upon them- selves to give him such a Pass but that his Application lies properly to General Starks and further ordered that it be recommended to the General to grant him Permission to go to Cherry Valley to fetch from thence his Family and Effects Alen McDonald Appeared before the Board and requested Permission to go to Canada and it appearing to us from his own Information that his Relations who are with the Enemy are Men of Influence and as such have it in their Power to procure some Person to be exchanged for him ordered there- fore that the said Alen McDonald be informed that the Board cannot grant him such Permission Then Adjourned till to Morrow Morning I778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 16^ Octf 1778 Present Teremiah Van Renselaer ) ( T T^ T? j ^ f 1 I saac *J. .bonda Mathew Visscher ) ( 1 The original voucher, in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 163, State Comptroller's office, states that he conducted John Thurman and others to Fishkill. His name was Isaac A. Fonda. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 259 A Letter from John S chuck was laid before the Board ... . . Oct. 16. setting forth that he is willing to give Information how and in what Manner the Principal Robbers may be apprehended and will surrender himself Prisoner provided he can have any Encouragement of Favour The Board having taken the same into Consideration and considering that the Persons alluded to [196] in Schuck' s Letter are the authors of all the Robberies that have been committed this Summer are thereupon of Opinion that the said Schuck be informed that upon his making the necessary Discoveries and his aiding & assisting by all the Means in his Power to have the said Persons referred to in his Letter apprehended this Board will intercede with his Excellency Governor Clinton for a Pardon for the said John Schuck and which they doubt not but they will obtain Ordered that it be earnestly recommended to all Officers both Civil and Military to afford Cap* Shaver who is to go in Search of the above Robbers such necessary Assistance as he shall require of them The Board judging that by discharging Ariantie Schuck the Wife of John Schuck from her present Confinement the said John Schuck might be induced the Sooner to surrender himself therefore ordered that she be discharged and that a Pass be given her to return Home Then adjourned till next Monday Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany ig^ Octf 1778 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( T -n -c j r. * r i Isaac D. ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( Bartholemewis Van Valkenburgh who was some Time ago confined by Order of the Board of Commissioners at Claver- 260 State of New York 2Lck on the Information exhibited against him by Nathaniel Morgan was brought before the Board and it appearing to us that the said Bartholemewis Van [197] Valkenburgh is verf sick and that by a longer Confinement his Life may be endangered therefore ordered that he be discharged from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance with a suf- cient Surety for his future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance Bartholemewis Van Valkenburgh on Recognizance, ........... in ...... 100 o Joachim Van Slyck his Bail in ...... 100 o Andries Ten Eyck and Jacob Legrange who were allowed Time to consider of the Oath prescribed to be taken by Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters appeared and the Oath being tendered them they severally refused to take the same Ordered that they hold themselves in Readiness to be removed within the Enemies Lines on the shortest Notice Johan Jurie Fought who was some Time ago confined on the Information exhibited against him by Nathaniel Morgan was brought before the Board and we having considered the Charge alledged against him and Judging from Circum- stances that the said Johan Jurie Fought is not so guilty as was at first apprehended do therefore order that he be discharged from Confinement on his entering into a Recogni- zance for his future good Behaviour and Monthly Appear- ance before one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies Johan Jurie Fought on Recognizance in ............................. 200 o George Shufelt his Bail ..... in ..... 100 o Silvester Salsbury also his Bail in ..... 100 o Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 261 [198] Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 20^ 1778 Present John M. Beekman } f A/T u 17- u ! _ _ r i Matnew Visscher Isaac D. .tonda j ( Lieutenant Samuel Shaw laid before the Board an Account of Services performed by himself and four Men in endeavour- ing to apprehend John Ruyter and others from Canada amounting to ^5^16^0 Ordered that the Secretary pay the same 1 Elizabeth Gowey heretofore committed by this Board on Suspicion of her having received some of the Goods stolen by Eseck Mosier was brought before the Board and it appearing that no further ProfF [sic] can be obtained against her except that of the said Eseck Mosier it is therefore ordered that she be discharged from Confinement on her entering into Recognizance with a sufficient Surety for her future good Behaviour and Appearance before any judicial Authority when called upon George Young Bail for Elizabeth Gowey in . . 100 o o William Leonard who was some Time since confined by Order of the Board of Commissioners at Claverack as a suspicious Person was brought before the Board and nothing special having as yet appeared against him he was ordered to be discharged from his Confinement Philip Shiffer was brought before the Board and [199] examined and his Examination reduced to writing Or- dered that he be recommitted Then Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 166, State Comptroller's office. 262 State of New York 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 2i s . t Octf 1778 Oct. 21* Present John M. Beekman ) ( T ,^ ^ , in i TT- r i Isaac U. ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( John Tunnicliff appeared before the Board and informed us that he had left all the Deeds of his Lands concealed near the Butternutts and is desirous of going up in order to fetch them away Ordered that the Secretary acquaint General Stark that we have no Objections to his going up for this Purpose Col 1 . John Visscher laid before the Board an [account] for his Trouble and Expence in going down with a Number of disaffected Persons at different Times from Albany to Poughkeepsie amounting in the whole to 34*1640 Ordered that the Secretary pay the same l Received a Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esqf dated 19^ Instant which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Then Adjourned till the Day after to Morrow 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 23? Oct? 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( T T^ T- j r, . TT . r i Isaac D. ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( John Schultz who was some Time ago brought [200] from the Helleberg and confined was this Day brought before the Board and he expressing a Desire of Inlisting in the Con- tinental Army and there being no particular Charges against him we do therefore order that the said John Schultz be released from his Confinement 'The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 164; State Comptroller's office. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 263 Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Col 1 Peter Bellinger in *77 8 Oct. 23. Tryon County which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Benjamin Lull and Caleb Lull who were lately taken by a Party of Oneyda Indians at the Butternuts and brought down to this Place as Prisoners were brought before the Board and it having appeared to us that the said Benjamin Lull and Caleb Lull were taken at their respective Places of Abode and were not known to have acted Inimically to the American Cause therefore ordered that they be dis- charged from Confinement Received a Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esq? dated i6 t . h Instant which is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that a letter be wrote to Hugh Mitchell Esqf in Answer to the above which Letter is to be in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Complaint having been made to the Board by Frederick Berringer that Cap* John Ryley retains and keeps in his Hands several Articles which the said John Ryley as Captain of a Ranger Company has [201] taken from suspected Per- sons and which the said Frederick Berringer claims as his Property ordered therefore that the said John Ryley be cited to appear before this Board on Wednesday next to render an Account of the above Goods Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 24* h Oct r 1778 1778 \sCt* 24* Present John M. Beekman ) ( Isaac D FonThe original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 161, State Comptroller's office. * In George Clinton Papers, no. 1869, archives of New York State Library. 266 State of New York 1778 it to them which Letter is in the Words following, to Oct. 27. . , N 5 ' wit, (prout) Ordered that the Board take into their Consideration the above Letter and fix upon a Place to remove the said Henry Van Schaack, David Van Schaack, Dirk Gardinier Mathew Goes Junr and Lambert Burghart to [204] Barnabas Loughley one of the Persons lately taken by the Oneyda Indians and brought by them to this Place as a Prisoner and confined was brought before the Board and it having appeared to us that the said Barnabas Loughley was taken at his Place of Abode and no Proff [sic] having as yet appeared against him of his having acted any Way inimically to the American Cause therefore ordered that the said Barnabas Loughley be discharged from his present Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient Surety to appear at the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace to be held at the City Hall in the City of Alb any on the third Tuesday in Janu- ary next or before oneof the Commissioners when called upon Barnabas Loughley on Recogniznace in 50 o Joshua Bloore his Bail in 50 o Isaac Lawson who was some Time ago taken a Prisoner to the Westward and sent down to this Place was brought before the Board and it appearing that the said Isaac Law- son has been with the Enemy and did desert from them and was on his Way to surrender himself a Prisoner when he was apprehended therefore ordered that the said Isaac Lawson be discharged from his Confinement on his entering into a Recog- nizance to appear on the last Day of every Month before one of the Commissioners and for his future good Behaviour Isaac Lawson on Recognizance in. . 100 o o Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 267 [205] Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 28^ Octf 1778 - Present John M. Beekman ) ) Mathew Visscher ) ) Stephen Bell laid before the Board an Account for Neces- saries by him purchased for the Use of the State Prisoners amounting to i6 a j^ Ordered that the Secretary pay the same * Robert Herbert who was some Time since taken a Prisoner to the Westward and sent down to this Place was brought before the Board and it appearing that the said Robert Herbert has been with the Enemy and did desert from them and was on his Way to surrender himself a Pris- oner when he was apprehended therefore ordered that the said Robert Herbert be discharged from his present Confinement Isaac Bogert laid before the Board an Account of his Wages for going with a Number of disaffected Persons who refused to take the Oath of Allegiance from Albany to Fort Edward and also for Services by him performed in going to Cherry Valley to receive Information respecting the Seizure of a Number of Cattle by the Continental Troops which they had advertised for Sale the whole amount- ing to 27 /; 6 /y o Ordered that the Secretary pay the same 2 Then Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 1 The original voucher, for salt and mutton, is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 167, State Comptroller's office. 2 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p 166, State Comptroller's office. 268 State of New York 1778 [206] Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 29^ Octf 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( T T^ T? j ;_ T _. r 1 l saac D. ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( Ordered that a Letter be wrote to the Members of the Senate and Assembly of the City and County of Albany respecting Cornelius Glen, Daniel Campbell and a Number of other Persons who after their Refusal to take the Oath as prescribed by the Act to be taken by Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters offered to take the same which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that a Letter be wrote to John Taylor Esq? which is in the following Words, to wit, (prout) Ordered that the Secretary transmit to his Excellency Governor Clinton the Names of Andries Ten Eyck and Jacob Legrange who have refused to take the Oath of Allegiance as prescribed in an Act of the Legislature respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters that his Excellency may if he thinks proper detain them for the Purpose of an Exchange Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to .Adjournment Albany 30^ Octr 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( T r\ r? j -[ > 4 Isaac D. ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( Hugh Frazer who was some Time ago brought [207] down from Harpersfield and confined was brought before the Board and he having produced a Number of Certificates in his Favour from a Number of Persons well attached to the Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 269 American Cause and no special Charges having been alledged J 778 as yet against the said Hugh Frazer therefore ordered that he be discharged from his present Confinement on his entering into Recognizance to appear at the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace to be held at the City Hall of the City of Albany on the third Tuesday in January next or before one of the Commissioners when called upon Hugh Frazer on Recognizance in ... 100 o o Frederick Beecker his Bail . . . .in. . . 100 o o The Board having taken into Consideration the Subject of the Letter from his Excellency Governor Clinton of the 1 6^ Instant 1 respecting Henry Van Schaack, David Van Schaack, Dirck Gardinier, Mathew Goes Jun? and Lambert Burghart are of Opinion that they do forthwith repair to Schodack and there remain and abide by such Restrictions as shall be enjoined them by a Parole to be by them entered into Ordered that a Parole be drawn up and signed by Henry Van Schaack, David Van Schaack, Dirk Gardinier, Mathew Goes Junf and Lambert Burghart which is to be in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning [208] Met pursuant to Adjournment Oct 7 fi Albany 31? Octf 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( T ^ ^ , ATI TT- i r i Isaac D. ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( Nicholas Dygert who was some Time ago taken a Prisoner by Brant's Party and made his Escape from them appeared 1 Should be 26th. The letter alluded to is in George Clinton Papers, no. 1869, archives of New York State Library. 2 jo State of New York Oc/ 78 i before the Board according to Order and was examined and his Examination reduced to writing whereupon ordered that he be discharged A Petition of Johannis Beecker, Paul Siekeler and Johan- nis Bearhouse was laid before the Board setting forth that about four Weeks ago a Party of Coll Bellinger's Regiment of Militia came to their Habitations about Daybreak under a Pretence of searching for some Persons who they said they were informed were there concealed and after a short Search they plundered them of all their Effects scarce leaving them wherewithal to cover themselves Ordered that the above Petition be taken into Consideration The Board having taken the Subject of the above Petition into Consideration do thereupon order that a Letter be wrote to Coll Bellinger requesting him to order the Goods taken from the above mentioned Persons to be immediately returned to them which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) William Hutton who was some Time ago sent down to this Place by the Commissioners of Charlotte County in Order to remain here till we should see fit to permit him again to go to his Place of Abode at Skeensborough [209] appeared before us this Day and requested Permission from us to go to his Family Ordered that a Letter be wrote to the Commissioners of Charlotte County recommending to them if they think the Situation of that Part of the Country will admit of it to permit the said William Hutton to go and remain with his Family at Skeensborough John Harrison one of the Persons lately taken by the Party of Oneyda Indians a Prisoner and brought by them to this place and confined was brought before the Board and we having enquired into the Nature of his Offence and finding nothing special against him do therefore order that Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 271 Received Copy of an Authenticated Act 1 of the Legislature of the State of New York for continuing the Powers of the 1 Appendix I: Laws, October 29, 1778. he be discharged from Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient Surety for his future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance John Harrison on Recognizance in . . 100 o o John Haswell his Bail ......... in . . 100 o o Brigadier General Hand acquainted the Board by Letter that there were confined in the Guard House five Persons whose Names are Samuel Bagnell John Seaback, John Dove, Charles M'rCollister and Hector, Southerland who have been taken Prisoners and as they are Inhabitants of this State he is willing to deliver them over to us Ordered that the above Persons be sent for and committed to Goal and that the Goaler be ordered by a Mittimus to take them into his Custody [210] Albert Van Der Werken having been apprehended for being disaffected to the American Cause and confined in Tryon County Goal made Application to us to be released from his Confinement and a Number of Certificates having been produced in Favour of the said Albert Van Der Werken from Persons well affected to the American Cause therefore ordered that a Letter be wrote to Zepheniah Batchelor and Andrew Wemp requesting them to cause the said Albert Van Der Werken to come before them and enter into a Recogni- zance for his Appearance at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer to be held in and for the County of Tryon and for his Appearance before any One of the Commissioners when called upon which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) 272 State of New York 1778 Commissioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies till twenty Days after the next Meeting of the Legislature passed 29^ October 1778 in Consequence of which the following Members met Albany 2"? November 1778 John M. Beekman Mathew Visscher Volckert P. Douw, Harmen Gansevoort and a Number of other Persons appeared before the Board and requested that Henry Van Dyck and the other Persons late Inhabitants of this City by us removed within [211] the Enemies Lines might be permitted to return to their respective Places of Abode under such Restrictions as we might think proper except taking the Oath prescribed for neutral Characters Ordered in Consequence of the above Application that a Letter 1 be wrote to his Excellence the Governor informing him of such Application which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Received a Letter from John Adam Deputy Commissary of Prisoners at Peeks Kill informing us that he had received Orders to send into New York all the British Officers Prisoners of War and also the Officers belonging to the New Levies who are in our Possession which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) The Board having taken into Consideration the Letter of John Adam Deputy Commissary of Prisoners and as most of the Officers belonging to the New Levies are indicted for High Treason against the State and as the Board are doubtful as to the Propriety of sending away Persons so circumstanced therefore ordered that a Letter be immediately wrote to l ln George Clinton Papers, no. 1879, archives of New York State Library. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 273 his Excellency the Governor on the Subject of the above Request and that a Return of such Officers be inclosed which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) 1 John Park who was some Time since brought down from Harpersfield and confined for Disaffection to the American Cause was brought before the Board and we [212] having examined him and finding nothing speciall against him Therefore ordered that he be discharged from Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour and [Monthly] 2 Appearance before the Com- missioners when called upon John Park on Recognizance ---- in. . . 100 o o Jeames Beaty of Harpersfield his Bail in ............................. 100 o o Walter Elliot of D? also his Bail in. .. 100 o o Moses Thirsty One of the Persons taken by the Oneyda Indians and brought down to this Place a Prisoner and con- fined was brought before the Board and it having appeared that the said Moses Thirsty was taken at his Habitation an no ProfF [sic] having been adduced of his having acted any Way inimically to the Cause of American [sic] therefore ordered that he be discharged on his entering into a Recogni- zance with a sufficient Surety for his future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance before one of the Commissioners when called upon Moses Thirsty on Recognizance in 100 o o James Furnival his Bail ....... in 100 o o William Gordon lately residing at Unadilla and brought down a Prisoner to this Place was brought before the Board and examined and No Proff [sic] having appeared against 1 In George Clinton Papers, no. 1882, archives of New York State Library. * This word is scored out in the manuscript. 274 State of New York 1778 him of his having acted any Way unfriendly to the American Cause therefore ordered that he be discharged on his entering into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance William Gordon on Recognizance in. . 50 o Hugh Jalley his Bail in . . 50 o [213] Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning 8 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 3? Novf 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( T T^ T? j J r 1 Isaac D - Fonda Matnew Visscner ) ( Whereas it has appeared to this Board that M? Goes the Wife of Mathew Goes JunT is exceedingly 111 and the said Mathew Goes Junr being by Parole restricted to certain Limits within the District of Schodack has it not in his Power to go and see the said M- Goes therefore ordered that the said Mathew Goes JunF have Leave to go to his former Place of Abode at Kinderhook and there remain on his Farm and by no Means exceed the Limits thereof till next Monday when he is again to return to Schodack and that the said Mathew Goes Jim? while he shall so remain at his Place of Abode at Kinderhook shall strictly adhere in all Things to his Parole Jurie Wheeler of Livingston's Manor who was some Time since confined by Order of the Board of Commissioners then sitting at Claverack as an Accessory to the Robberies committed at Claverack was brought before the Board and the Grand Jury having found no Bill against the said Jurie Wheeler therefore Ordered that he be discharged on his entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient Security for his Appearance at the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace to be held for the City and County of Albany on the Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 275 third Tuesday in January next and for his Appearance N 1778 [214] before any One of the Commissioners when called upon and future good Behaviour Jurie Wheeler on Recogniza . nee in .... 100 o Jacob Blatner his Bail in. ... 100 o Jacob Livingston of Livingston's Manor who was also some Time since confined by Order of the Board of Com- missioners then sitting at Claverack was brought before the Board and the Grand Jury not having Indicted him as an Accessory to the Robberies committed at Claverack and other Places (the Crime for which he was committed) there- fore ordered that he be eliberated from Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance for his Appearance at the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace to be held on the third Tuesday in January next and for his Appearance before any One of the Commissioners when called upon and future good Behaviour Jacob Livingston on Recognizance in. 100 o Jacob Blatner his Bail in . 100 o Peter Plass of Livingston's Manor who was also confined by Order of the Commissioners at Claverack as an Acces- sory to the Robberies committed at Claverack and other Places was brought before the Board and the Jury not hav- ing found a Bill against him therefore ordered that he be discharged from Confinement on his entering into a Recog- nizance to appear at the next Court of General [215] Ses- sions on the third Tuesday in January next and for his appearance before any one of the Commissioners when called upon and future good Behaviour Peter Plass on Recognizance in. . . 100 o o Jacob Blatner his Bail in. . . 100 o o Duncan M'rDugall who was heretofore liberated from 276 State of New York 1778 Confinement on his taking an Oath of Allegiance to the State of New York and who was restricted to the Bounds and Limits of the Farm of his Brother in the County of Tryon appeared before the Board and requested us to take off the Restriction imposed upon him and we having heard no Complaints alledged against the said Duncan M'rDugall since the Time of his being released therefore ordered that the Restriction under which the said Duncan M'rDugall has hitherto laid be and is hereby taken off John TunniclifF, John Bullock John Johnson Barney Laughlin and John Brooks who were some Time ago apprehended and put in Confinement and have since been liberated upon giving Surety for their future good Behaviour applied for Permission to go to the Butternuts & in Search of Deeds and some other Effects there concealed by them Ordered that they be and they are hereby permitted to go to Cherry Valley and there to consult with BrigadierGeneralHand respecting the Propriety of their going to the Butternuts [216] David Miller who was some Time since liberated from Confinement appeared before the Board and informed us that William Green of Saragtoga District was willing to become his Bail in the Stead of [blank] Garnsey his former Bail and the said William Green having a sufficient Free- hold Estate ordered that he enter into a Recognizance for the future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance of the said David Miller William Green Bail for David Miller in 100 o John Hogle who was confined on the Information of Eseck Mosier as an Accessory to the Robbery of a certain Bacon was brought before the Board and the Grand Jury having found no Bill against him and the said Eseck Mosier being dead and no other Evidence having appeared against him Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 277 whereon he could be convicted of the Crime alledged against - 1778 him therefore ordered that be be liberated from Confine- ment on his entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient Surety for his future good Behaviour and Monthly Appear- ance before any One of the Commissioners John Hogle on Recognizance in 100 o Peter Hogle his Bail in 100 o Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning [217] Met pursuant to Adjournment JXOV.A. Albany 4^ NovT 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( T ^ ,-, , i f . XT- i r } Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscher j (. Jacob Angle who was apprehended and confined for going off with an Intention to join Brant's Party was brought before the Board and it having appeared to us that the said Jacob Angle did after he had proceeded two Days on his Journey towards the Enemy again return to his Place of Abode Ordered therefore that the said Jacob Angle be dis- charged from his Confinement on his entering into Recogni- zance with a sufficient Surety to appear at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be held at the City Hall of the City of Albany on the third Tuesday in January next (or where- soever the said Court should then be held and to appear before any one of the Commissioners when called upon Jacob Angle on Recognizance in.. . 100 o o Peter Angle his Bail in. . 100 o o Lotham Stull who was also apprehended and brought . from the Helleberg and confined for going off with an Intention to join Brant's Party was brought before the Board and it having appeared to us that the said Lotham 278 State of New York 1778 Stull did after he had proceeded two Days on his Journey towards the Enemy [218] return again therefore Ordered that he be discharged from his Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient Surety for his Appearance at the next Supream Court of Judicature to be held at the City Hall of the City of Albany on the third Tuesday in January next or wheresoever the said Court shall then be held and before any one of the Commissioners when called upon Lotham Stull on Recognizance in. . . 100 o Adam Dietz his Bail in. . . 100 o Peter Mesick Junf of Claverack who was apprehended on Suspicion of being Accessory to the Robbery committed on Arent Van Schaack was brought before the Board and the Grand Jury having found no Bill or Indictment against the said Peter Mesick JunF therefore ordered that he be discharged from Confinement with a sufficient Surety for his future good Behaviour and Appearance at the next Court of General Ses- ions of the Peace to be held at the City Hall of the City of Albany on [the] third Tuesday in January next or before the Commissioners of Conspiracies when thereunto required Peter Mesick Jun?" on Recognizance in . 500 o Henry J Mesick his Bail in . 500 o Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning [219] Met pursuant to Adjournment 1778 Albany 5** Nov^ 1778. Present John M. Beekman ) ( T r T? j J \ { Isaac D. ronda Mathew Visscher ) David Van Renselaer laid before the Board an Account of Monies paid out at different Places in bringing to Goal John Sloss, Robert Sloss and others who had been guilty Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 279 of several Robberies the whole amounting to 15^14^8 1778 ordered that the Secretary pay the same 1 The Worshipful John Barclay Esqf laid before the Board two Papers the one being a Remonstrance presented to him by George White Esq?" and a Number of other Persons setting forth that Aron Hammond the Person therein men- tioned is a Person disaffected to the Cause of America and praying that he may not be permitted any longer to keep a Tavern, the other being a Recommendation from a Number of Persons in Favour of the said Aron Hammond The Board having taken the above Recommendation and Remonstrance into Consideration do order that a Letter be wrote to the said George White requesting him to appear before the Board on Friday the thirteenth Day of November Instant in Order to support the Charge by him alledged against the said John Hammond John Sloss who was to have been executed for a Robbery by him committed and received a Pardon from his Ex- cellency the Governor was brought before the Board and it appearing to us that the said John Sloss is a [220] Person whose Testimony may be very material in Order to convict several Persons now confined in Goal of Robberies and other Offences therefore ordered that the said John Sloss enter into a Recognizance to appear at the next Supream Court to be held at the City Hall of the City of Albany on the third Tuesday in January next or wheresoever the said Court shall then be held 2 John Sloss on Recognizance in 50 o 1 The original voucher, receipted for David Van Rensselaer by John Van Rensselaer, Jr., is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 166, State Comp- troller's office. 2 John Sloss receipted for sixteen shillings, on September 19, 1778, for a weekly allowance made to him by the Albany commissioners, while he was in prison. Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 167, State Comptroller's office. 280 State of New York James Knowles who was apprehended and confined for the Robbery of Henry Van Renselaer and was made use of as an Evidence for the State was brought before the Board and the said James Knowles being an Evidence against several Persons now confined in Goal Ordered therefore that the said James Knowles do enter into a Recognizance to appear at the next Supream Court to be held on the Third Tuesday in January next at the City Hall in this City or wheresoever the said Court shall then be held James Knowles on Recognizance in . . 50 o Hendrick Skinkle who was confined on the Information of Nathaniel Morgan as an Accessory to the Robbery of Arent Van Schaack was brought before the Board and it having appeared to us that the said Hendrick Skinkle has not been indicted by the Grand Jury therefore ordered that he be discharged from his present Confinement on entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient Surety for his Appearance at the next Supream Court to be held on the Third Tuesday in [221] January next at the City Hall in this City or wheresoever the said Court shall then be held or before any One of the Commissioners when called upon Hendrick Skinkle on Recognizance in 200 o Peter Van Valkenburgh his Bail ... in 200 o The Board then adjourned 1778 Met Albany 9^ November 1778. Present John M. Beekman ) ( A/r , w . , ? > -j Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Received a Letter from his Excellency the Governor Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 281 dated the ^. h Instant which Letter is in the Words follow- . ', N Nov. 9. mg, to wit, (prout) 1 Received a Letter from the Honorable Mathew Greswold Esqf Lieutenant Governor of the State of Connecticut dated 24 t j 1 October 1778 wherein he informs us that pursuant to an Order of this Board Bethuel Huntley had appeared before him and that after he had examined the said Bethuel Huntley he had confined him to the Limits of the Town of Lime in the State of Connecticut which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Received a Letter from Stephen Lush EsqF Private Secretary to his Excellency George Clinton Esq! wherein he informs us that it is the Desire of the Governor that Andries Ten Eyck who has refused to take the [222] Oath as prescribed by the Act respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters should be sent with the next Flag to New York and that Jacob Legrange who has also refused to take the Oath should be confined for Exchange which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) The Board then Adjourned Met Albany 13^ Novf 1778. 1778 Nov. 13. rresent John M. Beekman ] ( T ^ ^ . r. . TT' i f i Isaac L). ronda Mathew Visscher ; Ordered that a Letter be wrote to John Cummings in Pursuance of the Letter received from his Excellency the Governor of the 5^ Instant 2 informing him that it is the Determination of the Governor not to exchange him until the Enemy shall consent to exchange Henry Van Schaack 1 In George Clinton Papers, no. 1891, archives of New York State Library 2 See Ibid for the governor's letter. 282 State of New York 1778 and the other State Prisoners for such of the Subjects of Nov. 13. J this State as are now confined in New York which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) William Bulla and Thomas Woodward were apprehended for knowingly passing Counterfiet thirty and forty Dollar Bills and the said William Bulla and Thomas Woodward having been searched a Number of Counterfiet Bills were found in their Possession It was thereupon ordered that the said William Bulla and Thomas Woodward should be examined and [223] the same reduced to writing which Examinations are in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered also that the said William Bulla and Thomas Woodward be put into close Confinement and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to receive them into his Custody Then Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 14^ NovF 1778. Present Mathew Visscher ) ( T L A/T r> i T _^ _ , > { John M. beekman Isaac D. ronda ) ( Received a Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esqf which is dated the 9^ Instant which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) William Bulla was Yesterday confined for giving out in Payment Counterfiet Bills as for good and true Bills emitted under the Authority of the United American States was brought before the Board in Order to be again examined and the Board conceiving it proper that those Persons to whom the said William Bulla has gaven [sic] in Payment other Counterfiet Bills should be repaid out of such good Money as the said William Bulla yet has in his Possession therefore ordered that the said good Money be taken from Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 283 him which amounts to 191 Dollars and be deposited in the 1778 Hands of the Secretary for the above Purpose [224] Thomas Woodward who was also Yesterday confined for giving in Payment Counterfiet Bills as for good and true Bills emitted under the Authority of the United American States was brought before the Board in order to be again examined and the Board conceiving it also proper that those Persons to whom the said Thomas Woodward has given in Payment other Counterfiet Bills should be repaid out of such good Money as the said Thomas Woodward has yet in his Possession therefore ordered that the good Money which he yet has amounting to 86 Dollars be taken from him and delivered to the Secretary for the above Purpose The Board then adjourned Met Albany 16^ November 1778. J " Nov. 16. rresent Mathew Visscher ) ITU TV/T D _ _ _ \ \ John M. Beekman Isaac L). ronda ) | John Received a Letter from Zepheniah Batchelor and Andrew Wemple Esq- two of the Justices of the County of Tryon dated the 9^ Instant inclosing a Recognizance which accord- ing to our Directions they have taken from Albert Van Der Werken whereby the said Albert Van Der Werken has bound himself in the Sum of 200- o- o with two Sureties who have each bound themselves in the like Sum to appear at the next Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Goal Delivery to be held in the County of Tryon and also to appear before any one of the [225] Commissioners when thereunto required and to keep the Peace and do his Duty as a good Subject of the State Received a Letter from the Commissioners at Pough- 284 State of New York keepsie dated the n^ Instant wherein they inform us that Hov. 1 6. J they send us 500- o- o which they have drawn out of the Treasury for the Use of the Board, which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that the above sum of 500- o- o be de- posited in the Hands of the Secretary to be by him accounted for to this Board Then Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 17*^ NovF 1778. Nov. 17. [Present] John M. Beekman ] ( Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscher j ( Petrus Wynkoop Junf Isaac Lawson who was some Time since liberated from Confinement and restricted to the Limits of this City appeared before the Board and requested from us Permission to return to his usual Place of Abode in the County of Tryon ordered that he be informed that the Board will take his Request into Consideration Received a Letter from Frederick Fisher Col' of a Regiment of Militia of Tryon County dated 10^ Instant informing us that he sent down to us [226] a certain Peter Davis lately an Inhabitant of Tryon County who went ofF and joined the Enemy last Year & now came over from them and surrendered himself to him in Hopes of being pardoned for his Offence ordered that the Subject of the above Letter be taken into Consideration The Board having taken into Consideration the Request of Isaac Lawson and also the Letter from Col? Fisher re- specting Peter Davis do order that a Letter be wrote to Zepheniah Batchelor and Andrew Wemple requesting them to take from the said Isaac Lawson and Peter Davis a Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 285 Recognizance to appear at the next Court of Oyer and N Terminer to be held for the County of Tryon and for their Appearance before one of the Commissioners when there- unto required Received a Letter from Henry Van Schaack dated i6 t : h Instant which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that an Answer be wrote to the above Letter of Henry Van Schaack which is to be in the Words following to wit, (prout) Ordered that Andries Ten Eyck and Jacob Legrange be cited to appear immediately before this Board and that the Secretary notify them of this Order forthwith The Board then adjourned [227] Met Albany 19^ November 1778. Present John M. Beekman ) ( Mathew Visscher ) (. Thomas Steenbergh appeared before the Board and pro- duced a 30 Dollar [bill] which he had received in Payment for a Watch from Thomas Woodward Ordered that the Secre- tary pay to the said Thomas Steenbergh out of such Money as was taken from the said Thomas Woodward thirty Dol- lars and that an Allowance of six Dollars be made to the said Thomas Steenbergh for coming from Eusopus to Albany which Allowance was agreed to by the said Thomas Woodward Peter Gunsalis laid before the Board an Account of Beef furnished by him for the Use of the State Prisoners amounting to 92^1 5 /; 6 ordered that the Secretary pay the same l Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 165, State Comptroller's office. 286 State of New York 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 20^ Novr 1778. Present John M. Beekman ) (ATI \r u :: r i Mathew Visscher Isaac D. ronda ) Ordered that a Letter be wrote to John M'Clung Esq* requesting him to procure an Affidavit of the Service of the Citation on John Wood to appear and take the Oath as prescribed to be taken by Persons of neutral and equivocal [228] Characters which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered also that a Letter be wrote to Michael Van Der Cook requesting him to procure an Affidavit of the Service of the Citation on William Prendergast to appear and take the Oath prescribed for neutral and equivocal Charac- ters which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Andries Ten Eyck who refused to take the Oath as pre- scribed by the Act of the Legislature to be taken by Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters appeared before the Board according to the Order of Yesterday Ordered that he be informed that it is the Determination of his Excellency Governor Clinton that he be sent with the next Flag to New York which is to set off from Poughkeepsie on the 27* h Instant and that he hold himself in Readiness to be removed to that Place on Monday next Jacob Legrange who also refused to take the Oath as prescribed by the Act of the Legislature to be taken by Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters appeared before [the Board] according [to] the Order of Yesterday Ordered that he be informed that it is [the] Determination of his Excellency the Governor that he be detained for exchange and that in the mean while he be restricted by a Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 287 Parole to the Limits and Bounds of this City and that 1 1 +K T '1.1 he appear again on the 24 f Instant to enter into the said Parole Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning [229] Met pursuant to Adjournment Hov 7 2i Albany 21 s ? Nov? 1778. Present John M. Beekman ) f T ^ ^ , , it i XT- . f 1 Isaac D - Fonda Mathew Visscher j ( Two Prisoners brought down from Schohary by Order of Brigadier General Ten Broeck were brought before the Board (whose Names are Adam Brown and Andries Cline) and were examined and it appearing from the Examination of the said Adam Brown that he has been with Brant's Party and lately returned from them and it also appearing that the said Andries Cline is a German Deserter from Burgoyne's Army and is of a suspicious Character Ordered that they be con- fined and that a Mittimus be made out to the Sheriff to take them into his Custody Ordered that an Advertisement be drawn setting forth that whereas William Bulla and Thomas Woodward have been apprehended and confined for passing Counterfiet Continental thirty and forty Dollar Bills and requesting all Person or Persons who have been imposed upon by the said William Bulla and Thomas Woodward by receiving from them any Counterfiet Bills to bring the same to us that they may receive in Lieu thereof good Money and that Copies of this Advertisement be sent to Pensylvania Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Jonathan D. Serjeant [230] informing him of the Apprehension of William Bulla and Thomas Woodward and requesting him to make im- 288 State of New York !778 mediate Enquiry respecting them which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Then adjourned till the Day after to Morrow 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 23^ NovF 1778. Present John M. Beekman ) ( T r> T- j r, . T7 . r i Isaac D. fonda Mathew Visscher ) Andries Ten Eyck appeared before the Board according to the Order made on the 20^ Instant Ordered that In- structions be made out to Isaac A. Fonda who is appointed to superintend the Removal of the said Andries Ten Eyck which Instructions are in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that a Letter be wrote to the Commissioners at Poughkeepsie respecting the said Andries Ten Eyck which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 24^ Nov? 1778. Present John M. Beekman ) ( T ^ r, , J \ \ Isaac L). ronda Mathew Visscher j ( Jacob Legrange appeared before the Board according to the Order made on the 20^ Instant Ordered that a Parole be drawn whereby the said Jacob Legrange is [231] to be restricted to the Limits and Bounds of the City of Albany and that he is not to hold Correspondence upon political Matters with any Person or Persons whatsoever nor do or say any Thing in Opposition to the Measures pursued or which may be pursued by the Congress of the Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 289 United States of America or by the executive or Legislative _ J , 6 Nov. 24. Powers of either of them and that He shall remain under these Restrictions until exchanged or discharged therefrom by his Excellency Governor Clinton or any three of the Commissioners which Parole is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Whereas it has been represented to the Board that Alex- ander Anderson who was lately liberated from Confinement is gone over to and has joined the Enemy Ordered therefore that his Security Peter M'rKotchen deliver him up forthwith or that a Prosecution be commenced against him on his Recognizance Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 25^ NovF 1778. Present John M Beekman ) Mathew Visscher j George White Esq^ who was cited to appear before the Board to support the Charge of Toryism by him alledged against Aaron Hammond this Day appeared and informed us that he compromised the Matter with the said Aaron Hammond and that it was setled [232] in such a Manner as was satisfactory to them both whereupon Ordered that the said George White be discharged Adam Brown who was lately brought to Goal from Schohary and examined was this Day again brought before the Board in order to be reexamined and we having examined him ordered that he be recommitted Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning 290 State of New York 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 26^ NovF 1778. Present John M. Beekman Mathew Visscher Adam Brown was this Day again brought before the Board and we having considered the Nature of his Offence and judging that he might become a good Subject to the State should he be released under certain Restrictions ordered therefore that he be discharged on his entering into a Recognizance with sufficient Sureties for his future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance before one of the Commissioners Adam Brown on Recognizance in 100 o Michael Brown his Bail in 100 o Jost Brown also his Bail in 100 o Jacob Kidney laid before the Board an Account of Ser- vices by him performed as Marshal to the Board amounting to 49 /; 4 u o Ordered that the same be paid by the Secretary [233] Helena Bogert appeared before the Board and in- formed us that she supposed there was a dangerous Cor- respondence kept up with the Enemy by Duncan Campbell and Catherine Coney Ordered that the Examination of the said Helena Bogert be taken Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning I77 8 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 27^ NovF 1778. Nov. 27. _, rresent John M. Beekman | ( Mathew Visscher ) (. Upon the Information of Helena Bogert Yesterday deliv- Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 291 ered in to the Board respecting a Correspondence help up by Duncan Campbell and Catherine Coney with the Enemy Ordered that a Warrant be immediately made out for the Apprehension of the said Duncan Campbell and Catharine Coney Cornelius Van Den Bergh laid before the Board an Account of Beef purchased from him for the Use of the State Prisoners amounting to 63 u 13 u 6 ordered that the Secretary pay the same * Duncan Campbell and Catharine Coney for whom a Warrant was issued were in Consequence of the Order therein contained brought before the Board Ordered that they be severally examined and the said Duncan Campbell and Catharine Coney having been examined ordered that they be [234] committed and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to receive them into his Custody Received a Letter from Cornelius Humfrey Esqr dated 24*^ Instant which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Then adjourned till I s * December Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany if Dec? 1778. 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) ( ^^ visscher Isaac D. ronaa. ) ( John Lansing JunF Esqr laid before the Board an Account of 20 tl o u o which he had paid as a Reward to Lieu- tenant Swits for apprehending and bringing to Goal Philip Shaver and his Son who were on their Way to Canada in order to join the Enemy ordered that the Secretary pay the same ' The original voucher, signed " Cornelius C. Van Den Bergh ", is in Revo- lutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 166, State Comptroller's office. 292 State of New York 1778 Leonard Gansevoort Jim?" Secretary to this Board laid before us an Account of Paper and other Articles purchased by him for the Use of the Board amounting to 18 u o u o ordered that the same be paid Abraham Lansing and Abraham Van Den Bergh laid before the Board their Joint Account for Beef purchased from them by us for the Use of the State Prisoners amount- ing to g$ a 5 a o ordered that the Secretary pay the same * [235] Zadock Wright who was on the 10*? Day of July last sent by the Council of Massachusetts Bay to this Board and was by our Order confined was brought before the Board and as we conceive that the said Zadock Wright has undergone an Imprisonment sufficiently long therefore ordered that he enter into a Bond with his Brother Moses Wright as his Security in the Sum of 1000 o o for remaining within the Limits and Bounds of King's District and observing such other Restrictions as are specified in the said Bond which Bond is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered also that the said Zadock Wright repay to this Board 36 o o which Sum was allowed to Col' Elisha Porter for bringing the said Zadock Wright from North- ampton Goal in the State of Massachusetts Bay to this Place 2 The Board then adjourned 1778 Met Albany 4 Deer 1778. Dec - 4 ' Present John M. Beekman ) ( T r\ T? j ^ > < Isaac D. I'onda Mathew Visscher ) (. 1 The original voucher, signed by " Lansingh," is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 165, State Comptroller's office. 2 See the minutes of July 10, 1778. Opp. Vol. i, p. 292 I -o O A 1 I 02 Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 293 Received a Letter from Ebenezer Clark Esqr One of the Dec. 4. Commissioners for the County of Charlotte wherein he informs us that he does not think it advisable to permit William Hutton to go to Skeensborough at this Time and requesting us to detain him as heretofore until a Change of Circumstances in that Quarter shall [236] render it expedient for him to go and reside there Alexander Anderson who we were informed was gone over to and joined the Enemy this Day appeared before us and informed us that he had been with Brant & Butler when they were at Chamunk in Order to look for some Horses that had been taken from his Farm and the said Alexander Anderson having given us some important Information respecting the Enemy and offering to go to them again in Order to learn the Intention of their future Movements it is thereupon ordered that the Sum of 8 u o u be allowed him as a Gratuity 1 for the Information given by him and that a Letter be wrote respecting him to Col! Butler of Schohary which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Johannis Cough a German Deserter from Burgoyne's Army was brought before the Board as being of a sus- picious Character ordered that he be confined Thomas Staats who was of Brant's Party and deserted from him and came over to us was brought before the Board and we having examined him ordered that he be confined and that the Goaler be requested to receive him into his Custody Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning iThe original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 165, State Comptroller's office. 2 9 4 State of New York 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 5 t . h DecF 1778. Present John M. Beekman | ( Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscher ) ( James M'rMaster Catharine Coney who was lately by an Order of this Board committed was brought before us and we having [237] examined into the Nature of the Information on which she was committed and finding the said Catharine Coney not so culpable as we at first imagined therefore ordered that she be discharged from Confinement Andries Cline who was some time ago brought from Scho- hary with Thomas Staats and confined was brought before the Board and we having examined into the Nature of his Commitment and finding no material Charges against him ordered that he be discharged from Confinement Duncan Campbell who was lately confined on the Informa- tion of Helena Bogert was brought before the Board and it appearing to us that the said Duncan Campbell is not guilty of the Charges alledged against him therefore order[ed] that he be discharged from his present Confinement Johannis Cough who was Yesterday confined on Suspicion of his being a Person whose going at large might be danger- ous to the Safety of the State was brought before the Board and we having examined him and finding the Suspicion to be rather Illfounded do therefore order that he be dis- charged from Confinement Then adjourned till the Day after to Morrow 1778 Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany 7^ Decf 1778 Dec. 7. Present John M. Beekman Mathew Visscher Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 295 John Gumming who refused to take [the Oath] as pre- D 1778 scribed to be taken [238] by Persons of Neutral and equivocal Characters & was in Consequence thereof to be removed within the Enemies Lines but was detained by his Excellency the Governor for Exchange made Application to the Board to be permitted to go and reside at Kats Kill with his Family and their being no Prospect of an Exchange taking Place as yet for the said John Gumming therefore ordered that the said John Gumming enter into a Parole to remain within the Limits and Bounds of the District of Grote Imboght and abide by such Restrictions as are in the said Parole specified which Parole is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Received a Letter from John Adam Deputy Commissary of Prisoners dated 30^ November 1778 wherein he importunes us to send down the Officers belonging to the New Levies in Order that he may send them to New York agreeable to the Order of his Excellency General Washington which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Abraham Yates Jun? Esq? laid before the Board a Letter received by him from Col* Levy Pawling at Marble Town wherein he requests him to interceed with this Board for the liberation of John Maginness from Confinement if the Cause of Commitment on which he is confined will admit of it as the said John Maginness may be very serviceable at Kings- ton in Ulster County as Carpenter where Workmen are much wanted [239] Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that the above Letter be taken into Consideration Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning Met pursuant to Adjournment Albany S^ DecF 1778 Present John M. Beekman ) f T r\ -c j ^ } i Isaac JD. .bonda Mathew Visscher 296 State of New York 1778 Received a Letter from Coll Hay Deputy Quarter Master General wherein he informs the Board that Mr Shurtliffe an Assistant Quarter Master to him was in the Execution of his Office taken a Prisoner at the Time Col 1 Baylor's Regiment was surprized by the Enemy in the Jersies and requesting Us to bring about an Exchange for him if possible which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Received a Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esqf dated 27^ November 1778 which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Jotham Bemus for the Apprehension of whom a Warrant was issued some Time since was this Day brought before the Board ordered that the Charges alledged the said Jotham Bemus be taken into Consideration Then adjourned till to Morrow Morning MANUSCRIPT MINUTES ,. VOL. II. 397 [i] Met Albany 9^ December 1778 '778 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T T^ T? j ATI T7 i f ) Isaac U. Jbonda Mathew Visscher ) ( The Board having taken into consideration the Letter received from John Adam Esq- Deputy Commissary Genaral of Prisoners respecting Peter Ten Broeck and others and as the Officers belonging to the New Levies are peculiarly circumstanced being most of them indicted for high Treason therefore resolved that a Letter be wrote to the Commissioners at Poughkeepsie containing the perticular charge against each of them and requesting their Opinion as to the Propriety of complying with the request of the said Commissary of Prisoners which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) Resolved that an order be drawn on Gerard Bancker Esqs Treasurer of this State for One thousand Pounds to defray the Expences of this Board and that he pay the same to John McKesson Esq^. The Board having taken into Consideration the charges alledged against Jotham Bemus and being of Opinion that his going at large may prove dangerous to the Safety & wellfare of the State therefore resolved that he be confined and that a Mittimus be made out for him Adjourned Met Albany 10^. December 1778. 1778 Present Dec ' I0 ' John M. Beeckman ) Mathew Visscher j 300 State of New York Dec 77 io ^ Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esq- dated 4^? [2] Instant was laid before the Board which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on file). Samuel Bagnell who was some time ago taken a Prisoner by a Party of Continental Troops was brought before the Board and examined and on his Examination says that he is a Soldier in Sir John Johnson's Regiment & that he at this Time considered himself as such ordered that he be recommitted. James Mar who was taken a prisoner by the Indians at the Destruction of Cherry Valley appeared before the Board and was examined after which he was discharged. Adjourned. Met Albany 14* December 1778 Present John M. Beeckman | ( Mathew Visscher ) ( The Board having taken into Consideration the Letter of Col- Pawling respecting John Maginness and finding nothing particular against him do therefore resolve that he be liberated from Confinement on entering into a Recogni- zance with a sufficient surety to appear before any one of the Commissioners for Conspiracies or any Judicial Authority when called upon and for his future good Be- haviour untill discharged by this Board John Maginness on Recognizance in 100 James Caldwell his Bail in 100 Elizabeth Bagnell wife of Samuel Bagnell ap- [3] peared before the Board and informed us that Captain Ballard of Col 1 - Alden's Regiment with a Party of Men had been at her Habitation taken from thence all her Cattle Household Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 301 Furniture and Cloathing disposed of the same and converted _ the Money to his own use and that she has at this time nothing werewith to support herself and four small Children resolved that the Conduct of Cap- Ballard be represented to the Honorable Brigadier General James Clinton Elisha Marsh who was by a Party of Continental Troops taken at the Butternuts and brought down as a Prisoner to this place requested Permission from the Board to enlist in the Continental Army & there being no perticular Charge against the said Elisha Marsh resolved that Leave be granted him accordingly and that the Goaler be ordered to discharge him from Confinement. Adjourned. Met Albany 15^ December 1778 Dec^s. Present Tohn M. Beeckman ) f T ^ ^ , r, . ,,. , h 1 Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscher j ( Resolved William Sanders be liberated from Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour and Monthly Appearance before any one of the Commissioners for Conspiracies untill discharged by this Board William Sanders on Recognizance in ....... 100 Johannis Heemstraet his Bail ... .in ....... 100 Adjourned. [4] Met Albany 21- December 1778. 1778 J-/6C. 21* Present Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( T r>i T- i A/T r w i f 1 Isaac D. tonda Mathew Visscher ) 302 State of New York .^1778 An Affidavit was laid before the Board of George Bartow a Private of Coll Gansevoort's Regiment wherein he deposes that on the 18 Instant being at the house of James Furn- wall Innholder in this City the said James Furnwall urged the said George Bartow to join the British Army and offered him Money to carry him to the Enemies Lines and the Board having taken the Charges in the said Affidavit alledged against the said James Furnwail into Consideration do thereupon resolve that a warrant be made out for the im- mediate Apprehension of the said James Furnwall and that the Goaler be ordered to take him into his Custody. A Petition of Jotham Bemus was laid before the Board ordered that he be informed that the Board will take the same into Consideration Adjourned. Met Albany 26- December 1778 Present Jeremiah Van Rensselaer \ ( j n F H Mathew Visscher j ( The Board having taken into Consideration the Infor- mation exhibited against James Furnwall by George Bartow and they having Reason to suspect the truth of the said Information do therefore resolve that the said [5] James Furnwall be discharged from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his Appearance before any One of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon and for his future good Behaviour untill discharged by this Board. James Furnwall of the City of Albany Inn- keeper on Recognizance in 500 Adjourned. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 303 Met Albany 28^? December 1778 ^ T. ' ' ' Dec. 28. Present Teremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( T r\ & j *_ TT- i f 1 Isaac D. .Fonda Mathew Visscher ( The Board having taken into their Consideration the Prayer of the Petition of Jotham Bemus do resolve that the Secretary make out the Charges and Allegations exhibited before us against the said Jotham Bemus & deliver him a Copy of the same and also notify him that the Board will on monday the 4- day of January next hear such Evidence in his defence as he may conceive will exculpate him from the Charges alledged against him and that the Secretary also give timely notice to the Persons who have given Infor- mation against the said Jotham Bemus to appear on the above day and in order to give the said Jotham Bemus a better oppertunity to collect his Evidences It is resolved that he be liberated from Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance with sufficient surety for his Appearance on the said fourth day of January next & for his abiding by such order as the Board shall then make respecting him [6] Jotham Bemus of Stillwater on Recog- nizance in.. . . 500 Job Wright of the same place his Bail in ... 500 A Letter 1 from his Excellency Governor Clinton dated the 23- Instant was laid before the Board wherein he requests the Members of this Board in Conjunction with General Schuyler and General Clinton to take such Measures as will be most likely to effect an Exchange for the unfortunate Inhabitants of Cherry Valley who are in Captivity with the enemy in Canada. Adjourned. 1 In George Clinton Papers, no. 2001, archives of New York State Library. 304 State of New York Met Albany 2?"? January 1779. Present Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( T T^ T- j i/r w u f 1 Isaac D - Fonda Mathew Visscher ) ( A Letter from Jonathan D. Serjeant Esqr Attorney Gen- eral for the State of Pensylvania respecting William Bulla and Thomas Woodward was laid before the Board which Letter is dated the 9- December 1778 and is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on File). The Board having taken into Consideration the subject of the Letter received from his Excellency the Governor do order that in Compliance with the Request contained in the said Letter Jeremiah Van Rensselaer and Isaac D. Fonda two of the Members of this Board wait on General Schuyler and General Clinton in order to bring about if possible the Exchange proposed by his Excellency Adjourned [?] Met Albany 4* January 1779 Present Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( T r\ T- j */r i TT- i r 1 Isaac L). ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( The Board having been informed that Tom the Negro Man of Henry Hogan who was by the Committee of the City and County of Albany confined for seducing a Number of Negroes to join the Enemy and was some time since on Account of his Indisposition released from Confinement is endeavouring to Stir up the minds of the Negroes against their Masters and raising Insurrections among them Re- solved in Consequence thereof that a warrant be made out for the Apprehension of the said Negroe Man Tom and that the Goaler be ordered to take him into his Custody Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 305 The Board having been informed that John Roff is endeavouring by every Means in his Power to depreciate the Credit of the Paper Currency emitted by the Congress of the United States which Conduct having a dangerous Tendency resolved therefore that the said John Roff be cited forthwith to appear before this Board. Jotham Bemus who by an order of this Board was to appear this day appeared with George Palmer Esq- , Eben- ezer Marvin, George Easton, Peter Maginness and [blank] Parks as his witnesses in order to invalidate the charges alledged against him Ordered that the Enquiry into the Charges against the said Jotham Bemus be postponed till to Morrow Morning as the Witnesses against the said Jotham Bemus have not yet appeared. [8] John Roff refusing to appear agreeable to the order of this Board It is therefore resolved that a warrant be made out directed to Jacob Kidney forthwith to apprehend and bring before us the said John Roff. John Roff having been apprehended was brought before the Board and having exculpated himself from the charge alledged against him and making a satisfactory Conces- sion for his not appearing according to our order he was discharged. John M. Dorn and Barber Dorn his wife were brought before the Board and charged with having secreted a Number of stolen Effects and they being severally examined resolved that the said John M. Dorn be confined and that the said Barber Dorn be discharged and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to receive the said John M. Dorn into his Custody. William Hutton who some time since received a Pass from this Board to go to the Board of Commissioners for Con- spiracies at Charlotte County to sollicit a Pass from them to go 306 State of New York 1779 to his former place of abode at Skeensborough appeared again before this Board with a peremptory Order from the said Commissioners not to appear again in that Quarter ordered in Consequence thereof that the said William Hutton continue and remain within the Limits of this City and not depart the same without Leave previously obtained of this Board for that Purpose Adjourned. j? 9 5. t9] Met Albany 5* January 1779. Present Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) C Mathew Visscher ) ( Resolved that a Letter be wrote to the Commissioners for Conspiracies of Charlotte County requesting them to transmit to this Board the Charges exhibited before them against William Hutton. Whereas it has been represented to this Board that George Herchemer of Tryon County has been restricted to his Farm by William Wells Esq r under a Pretence of disaffection to the American Cause and it appearing to us from sundry Circumstances that the going at large of the said George Herchemer will not endanger the safety of the State therefore resolved that the said George Herchemer have Permission to go at large untill the further order of this Board. The witnesses Yesterday produced by Jotham Bemus were this day again brought before the Board resolved that their Examinations under oath be taken and that the Examination of Hezekiah Dunham the Person who gave information against the said Jotham Bemus be also taken. The Board having taken into Consideration the Evidence produced by Jotham Bemus and the information of Hezekiah Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 307 Dunham against the said Jotham Bemus do resolve that the J 779 said Jotham Bemus enter into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour and appearance when called upon untill discharged by this Board. Jotham Bemus of Stillwater in 500 Ebenezer Marvin of the same place his Bail in 500 [10] Resolved that Citations be made out and sent to Frederick Berringer, Christian Cooper, Peter Scherp, John Kelly, Johannis Ostrander, Philip Herreway, and Jurie Emmerigh commanding them to appear before this Board on the 8*. h Instant to give their Testimony against John M. Dorn now in Confinement. Adjourned. Met Albany 7^ January 1779. *779 _ Jan* 7 rresent John M. Beeckman } ( Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Mathew Visscher j | Isaac D. Fonda An Account was laid before the Board by Major Isaac Goes of Necessaries provided by him for the Party of Men who apprehended Neal Taylor amounting to 5^ resolved that the same be paid. It was also resolved that the Secretary pay to Isaac D. Fonda Esq- one of the Members of this Board the sum of 100. in Part Payment for his wages as Commissioner for Conspiracies. 1 A Letter from John Kortz Jun- dated 21 December last was laid before the Board which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) 1 Fonda's full bill for services, between April 13, 1778, and April 29, 1783, amounting to ,467 a igs. //6d., is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 160, State Comptroller's office. 308 State of New York 1779 A Letter from Major Jacob Schermerhorn dated 4- Instant was also laid before the Board which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on File). Adjourned. 1779 [n] Met Albany 8^ January 1779. jati. o Present John M. Beeckman ) j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j \ Isaac D. Fonda James Robins who was heretofore liberated from Con- finement on Recognizance appeared before the Board and requested Permission to go to Philadelphia resolved that a Pass for that Purpose be granted him on his entering into a Recognizance to return again to this Place within the space of three weeks. James Robins on Recognizance in 100 Mathew Watson of the City of Albany his Bail in 100 It is ordered that they [sic] Secretary pay Mathew Visscher Esq- 100 in Part Payment of his wages as Commissioner for Conspiracies. Ordered that they [sic] Secretary take out of the Money by us deposited in his Hands in Part Payment of his wages as Secretary to this Board the sum of "150 Frederick Berringer, Christian Cooper, Peter Scherp, John Kelly, Johannis Ostrander, Philip Herreway, and Jurie Emmerigh who were cited to appear before the Board to give their Testimony against John M. Dorn appeared & were examined and the said John M. Dorn confessing the Charges alledged against him thereupon resolved that he be recommitted. Adjourned. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 309 [12] Met Albany 12- January 1779. i?79 Present John M. Beeckman ) j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer f ( Isaac D. Fonda. Major Jacob Schermerhorn appearing before the Board requested Permission for Dirck Gardinier (who is confined by Parole to Schodack) to accompany him to Kinderhook to transact some Business in which the said Dirck Gardinier* s Presence is absolutely requisite and as every Mark of Attention is due to the said Jacob Schermerhorn on account of his uniform Attachment to the American Cause therefore resolved that the said Dirck Gardinier have Leave granted him accordingly and that he return to the Limits prescribed by his Parole when the said Business shall be compleated Stephen Bell laid before the Board an Account of Wood by him Purchased for the use of the State Pris- oners amounting to 24^,12 ordered that the same be paid 1 The Board having a few days since sent for John Roff on a Complaint entered against him for depreciating the Credit of the Paper Currency and not being possessed of sufficient Proffs at that time discharged him but having since been informed that John Bartel is able fully to prove the said Charge against him thereupon ordered that the said John Bartel and John Roff be cited to appear before the Board at 10 OClock to Morrow Morning. Adjourned. >The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 169, State Comptroller's office- 310 State of New York 1779 [13] Met Albany 13^ January 1779 Jan. 13. Present John M. Beeckman ) j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer } ( Isaac D. Fonda. John RofF and John Bartel appearing before the Board according to the order of Yesterday and the said John Bartel being examined and it appearing from his Examination that the said John RofF has endeavoured by every means in his Power to depreciate the Credit of the Continental Currency thereupon resolved that the said John Roff enter into a Bond with sufficient sureties in the sum of 5000 neither by him self or his Agents to raise an Exorbitant Price on the Sale of any Goods Wares or Merchandizes or Purchase or sell any at an exorbitant Price or unjust Profit His Excellency the Governor having by Letter signified to us that John D. Goes with Henry Van Schaack & others should be detained for Exchange and the said John D. Goes having at the time he was to have been removed within the Enemies Lines been detained for the Purpose of giving his Testimony in Favour of a Person confined in the Goal in this City who was to be tried for a Capital Offence & the said Person having since made his Escape from Prison It is resolved that the said John D. Goes be cited forthwith to appear before this Board. Adjourned. 1779 Met Albany ic January 1770. Jan ' IS - Present John M. Beeckman } ( Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Isaac D. Fonda [14] John Wood who was by the Board adjudged to be a Person of a neutral and equivocal character and was in Con- Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 311 sequence thereof cited to appear to take the Oath prescribed by an Act of the Legislature of this State appearing laid before the Board a Certificate signed by Peter Cantine JunF Esq- setting forth that the said John Wood has in October 1777 taken before him the oath of Allegiance resolved in Con- sequence of the said Certificate that he be discharged. Ordered that the Secretary pay to Cornelius Humphrey Esqf One of the Members of this Board the sum of 42. on account of his wages as Commissioners for Conspiracies 1 Ordered that the Secretary pay to John M. Beeckman EsqF one of the members of this Board the sum of 100 on Account of his Wages as Commissioner for Conspiracies. 2 Adjourned. Met Albany 21^ January 1779. Jan 77 ?i. Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T TA T- j ;_. > Isaac L). Tonda Mathew Visscher j (. John D. Goes who was cited to appear before the Board appearing resolved that a Parole be drawn restricting the said John D. Goes to certain Limits at Schodack in the Manor of Rensselaerwyck which Parole is in the words following (to wit) (see Parole on File) An Account was laid before the Board by John H. Beeck- man Esq- for Beef purchased from him for the Use of the State Prisoners amounting to 19 u 16 a o u ordered that the same be paid 3 [15] A Letter from John M^Clung Esq^ One of the Com- 1 A voucher which includes this payment is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 160, State Comptroller's office. 1 A bill for his services, between April 13, 1778, and April 29, 1783, is in ibid, p. 1 60. The voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 166, State Comp- troller's office. 312 State of New York m ^ ss ' oners f r Conspiracies of Charlotte County dated the l6^ Instant was laid before the Board which Letter is in the following words (to wit) (see Letter on File). Adjourned. J 779 Met Albany 22- January 1770 " 23 ' Present John M. Beeckman ] j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Isaac D. Fonda A Letter from Lambert Burghart confined on Parole to Schodack was laid before the Board wherein the said Lam- bert Burghart informs us that his Mother in Law who re- sides at Kinderhook is Extreamly 111 and requests Permis- sion for a few days to go and visit her and the said request being taken into Consideration resolved that he have Per- mission granted him accordingly for the space of Six days. Resolved on Application of John Lansing Jun- Esq- that the Mittimus of this Board against George Mar be withdrawn. Adjourned. Met Albany 25 January 1779. Present John M. Beeckman ) j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j ( Isaac D. Fonda. Joseph Shannon a Deserter from the British Army having been apprehended and brought before the Board was exam- ined and he appearing to be a person whose going at large may prove detrimental to the safety of the State resolved [16] that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to received him into his Custody. Cap- Moses Wright of Brattleborough appeared before the Board with a Petition signed by a Number of the Inhabi- tans of Cumberland County containing a request that Major Zadock Wright restricted by Parole to Kings District may Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 313 be permitted to remove to the Town of Brattleborough in *779 the said County of Cumberland and the Board having taken the same into Consideration do resolve that the Prayer of the said Petition cannot be granted Cap* Robert Woodward appearing informed the Board that a Number of disaffected Persons frequently resort to the House of Mathewis Van Valkenburgh residing in the Manor of Rensselaerwyck that at a late Meeting of the said Persons at which were present John Van Valkenburgh, John Rysdorp, Leonard Rysdorp, Thomas Witbeeck, Jacobus Pool, John Pool, Harmanus Salsbury, Hendrick P. Van Buren, Peter Van Buren, Joachim Van Valkenburgh, Ger- rit M. Pool, and Jacob Skinkle, he the said Robert Wood- ward together with his Brother in Law Joseph Fitch went to the House of the said Mathewis Van Valkenburgh in order to disperse them and that when they came there the above mentioned Persons did violently assault and beat them resolved in Consequence of the said Information that a warrant be made out directed to the said Robert Wood- ward to apprehend and forthwith bring before us the said Persons. Adjourned. [17] Met Albany 27^? January 1779. *779 Present John M. Beeckman } ( Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j ( Isaac D. Fonda Captain Robert Woodward to whom a warrant was di- rected to apprehend a Number of disaffected Persons ap- peared before the Board with Mathewis Van Valkenburgh, John Van Valkenburgh, John Rysdorp, and Leonard Rys- dorp and Jacobus Pool and they being severally examined 314 State of New York T I77 27 res l vec l th a y De confined resolved that the Secretary to this Board inform the said Mathewis Van Valkenburgh and the other persons above mentioned that the Board will hear and examine all witnesses who they shall think necessary to produce in order to invalidate the Charges alledged [against] them Adjourned T i779 Met Albany 28^ January 1770. Tan. 28. r> j j j i ii Present Mathew Visscher ) ( T r\ v j TT , A>T- L 11 f 1 Isaac D> Fonda Hugh Mitchell ) ( A Letter from Dirck Gardinier dated 26- Instant was laid before the Board wherein he requests Permission to come to Albany for a few days to settle some very urgent Business and the Board having taken the said Request into Considera- tion resolved that the said Dirck Gardinier be informed that his Request cannot be complied with and that the Board are deter- mined to grant no Indulgence of that Nature in future Ordered that the secretary pay to Hugh Mitchell Esq [18] the sum of 43 u on account of his Wages as Commis- sioner for Conspiracies. 1 An Account was laid before the Board of Arent Wempel for serving a Citation on Hendrick Frey at Canajohary amounting to 4 u ordered that the same be paid 2 An Account of Robert Smith for serving a Number of Citations at Schenectady was also laid before the Board amounting to i u 4 u o a ordered that the same be paid 3 Adjourned 1 The original voucher of this payment and his full bill for services are in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 158, State Comptroller's office. * His correct name is Myndert Wemple. The voucher is in ibid, p. 161. The voucher, containing the names of seven persons served, is in ibid, p. 1 68. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 315 Met Albany 29^ January 1779. 1779 Present Jal John M. Beeckman ] ( Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j | Isaac D. Fonda Mathewis Van Valkenburgh, John Van Valkenburgh, John Rysdorp, Leonard Rysdorp, John Pool & Jacobus Pool were this day brought before the Board to answer the Charge alledged against them by Captain Robert Wood- ward and having heard the Evidence adduced by Captain Woodward in support of the said Charge and having also heard the Testimony of the Persons who were produced by the said Mathewis Van Valkenburgh and the other Persons above mentioned to invalidate the said Charge and having considered the same resolved that they said Mathewis Van Valkenburgh, John Van Valkenburgh, John Rysdorp, Leon- ard Rysdorp, John Pool and Jacobus Pool be severally bound by a Recognizance with sufficient sureties to appear before any one of the Commis- [19] sioners for Conspiracies when called upon or any Judicial Authority when there- unto required and for their future good Behaviour untill discharged by this Board Mathewis Van Valkenbourgh of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Blacksmith on Recog- nizance in 200 William Van Wie of the City of Albany Carpenter his Bail in 100 John Van Valkenburgh of the Manor of Rensselarwyck Cordwainer on Recog- nizance in 200 Peter P. Van Valkenburgh of the same place Farmer his Bail in 100 3 1 6 State of New York 1779 John Rysdorp of the Manor of Rensselaer- Jan. 29. J J . wyck farmer on Recognizance in 200 Leonard Rysdorp of the same place Farmer D in 200 Henry K. Van Rensselaer of the same place Farmer their Bail in 200 John Pool of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck Farmer on Recognizance in 200 William Seton of the same place Farmer his Bail in 100 Jacobus Van Der Pool of the Manor of Rens- selaerwyck Farmer on Recognizance in . . 2 oo Isaac Joachim Van Valkenburgh of the same place Farmer his Bail in 100 Jacob Skinkle of the District of Claverack Farmer on Recognizance in 50 Adjourned Met Albany 2- February 1779 Present John M. Beeckman | j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j ( Isaac D. Fonda Resolved that Richard Maginness be liberated [20] from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance with a suffi- cient sureties for his appearance before any one of the Com- missioners for Conspiracies or before any Judicial Authority when thereunto required until discharged by this Board Richard Maginness late of Unadilla on Recognizance in 150 Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 317 Richard Esselstyne of Claverack District Farmer his Bail in 150 Thomas Lottridge of the City of Albany Yeoman also his Bail in 150 A Letter from CoU Cornelius Humphy 1 dated I- Instant was laid before the Board wherein he informs us that he sends to us Timothy Scott who pretends to have deserted from New York and the said Timothy Scott being brought before the Board and Examined and appearing to be of a Suspicious Character therefore resolved that he enter into a Recognizance to remain within the Limits of this City until this Board or some other Judicial Authority shall make some further Order respecting him and that he shall appear before this Board when called upon and keep the Peace and do his duty in all Respects as a good and faith- ful subject of the State untill Discharged by this Board Timothy Scott on Recognizance in 100 Mathew Scott of Kinderhook District Mer- chant his Bail in , 100 Resolved that Christian Smith and Jonathan Farguson be cited to appear before this Board on Saturday the 6 day of February Instant at the City Hall in this City and that they bring with them the Rifle Gun which Neal Taylor has committed to their care Adjourned [21] Met Albany 6^? February 1779 1779 Feb. 6. Present Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ] [ Mathew Visscher John M. Beeckman j ( Isaac D. Fonda 1 Humfrey. 3i 8 State of New York Feb 7 6 ^ W0 Betters fr m Col 1 ; Humphrey both dated 5^ Instant were laid before the Board respecting Christian Smith and Jonathan Ferguson which Letters are in the words follow- ing (to wit) (see Letters on File) Christian Smith who was cited to appear before the Board appeared and brought with him the Rifle Gun of Neal Tay- lor & the said Christian Smith being Examined resolved that the said Rifle Gun be detained by this Board untill the said Christian Smith shall make it appear that he came honestly by the said Rifle Gun Resolved that an answer be wrote to the Letter received from Coll Humfrey in the words following (to wit) (see Copy Answer on File) Adjourned 1779 Met Albany 12^? February 1770 Feb. 12. r> J 111? rresent John M. Beeckman ] f Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) \ Isaac D. Fonda Nicholas Kittle formerly an Inhabitant of Kinderhook who in the Year 1776 joined the enemy and in the Month of November last again deserted from them and surrendered himself to the Commissioners for Conspiracies at Pough- keepsie was brought before the Board by Col 1 - Philip Van Aulstine of Kinderhook and the said Nicholas Kittle being examined [22] and answering satisfactorily to such Ques- tions as were put to him resolved that he be permitted to return to Kinderhook on his entering into a Recognizance with sufficient sureties for his Appearance before the Com- missioners for Conspiracies or any other Judicial Authority when called upon and for his future good Behaviour and doing his Duty as a Subject of the State until discharged by this Board Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 319 Nicholas Kittle on Recognizance in ........ 200 John Kittle his Bail ............ in ........ 200 Cornelius Vosburgh also his Bail in ........ 200 A Letter from Leonard Gansevoort Esq? was laid before the Board wherein he informs us that his Excellency the Governor has determined in Case no Act is passed for the Relief of Cornelius Glen, Henry Ten Eyck and others to proceed according to the Directions of the said Act and cause them to be removed within the Enemies Lines which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) Ordered in Consequence of the said Letter that Cornelius Glen, Henry Ten Eyck, and Gysbert Fonda be requested to appear before this Board to Morrow Morning in Order that the Contents of the said Letters may be made [sic] communicated to them Adjourned %. Met Albany i^ February 1770 1779 Present Feb - '* John M, Beeckman } ( Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Mathew Visscher ) ( Isaac D. Fonda Volkert Dawson laid [before] the Board an [23] Account for necessaries provided for the state Prisoners in the Fort amounting to 13^17^4 ordered that the Secretary pay the same l Cornelius Glen, Henry Ten Eyck, and Gysbert Fonda, in Consequence of the Notice Yesterday given them appeared before the Board resolved that the Contents of the Letter from Leonard Gansevoort Esq- be communicated to them Adjourned 1 The original voucher, which states that payment was for keeping the tory jail in the fort and tending the prisoners from July 30 to November 12, 1778, is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 4.0, p. i 67, State Comptroller's office. 320 State of New York *779 Met Albany 15^? February 1770 Feb - IS ' Present John M. Beeckman | j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j \ Isaac D. Fonda A Letter from John Boyd was laid before the Board re- questing Permission to take with him to Philadelphia Janet Clement heretofore bound by Recognizance for her Monthly Appearance and good Behaviour and having taken the said Request into Consideration resolved that Permission be granted accordingly Leonard Gansevoort Jun- laid before the Board an Ac- count of his wages as Secretary to this Board amounting to 196 u o a o ordered that the same be paid Ordered that the Secretary pay to the respective Mem- bers of this Board for their services as Commissioners for Conspiracies the following sums To John M. Beeckman ................ 187 a o To Isaac D. Fonda ................... 204 /7 o Mathew Visscher ...................... 185 u o Jeremiah Van Rensselaer .............. 95 u o [24] Jacob Kidney laid before the Board an Account of Wages as Door Keeper to this Board amounting to 60 a i2 a o Ordered that the same be paid * Adjourned 1779 At a meeting of the Commissioners for Conspiracies held at the City Hall in the City of Albany on the 19^? day 01 February 1779. Present John M Beeckman Mathew Visscher 1 The voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 169, State Comp- troller's office. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 321 Resolved that Michael Stopplebeen be liberated from Confinement on Jacob Platner JunF of the district of Claver- ack entering into a Recognizance for the future good Be- haviour of the said Michael Stopplebeen and appearance when called upon and remaining within the District of Claverack aforesaid until discharged by this Board Jacob Platner Jun- of Claverack District Farmer on Recognizance as Bail for Michael Stopplebeen in ......................... 200 Adjourned Met Albany 22- February 1770 1779 Present Feb '"- John M. Beeckman ) f ]saac D Fon rresent John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j ( Mathew Visscher 1 Greaton. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 323 Whereas this Board have received Information that a v 1 ' 7 ' 79 Mar. 22. Number of disaffected persons who have been With the enemy are now returned to their Places of Abode at Pecsinck and Places Adjacent and as it is highly Necessary that the said persons should be apprehended and punished accord- ing to Law It is therefore resolved that application be made to the Honorable Brigadier General Clinton for a party ol Men to go in search of the said persons and also resolved that Edward Archer be requested to go with the said party as a guide Adjourned Met Albany 23^ March 1779 1779 Present Mar - 2 3- John M. Beeckman } ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j ( Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer Esq- informed the Board that agreeable to the Resolution of Yesterday he has made Application [27] to General Clinton who has ordered Lieu 4 Conine with a Party of Men to be readiness to carry the same into Execution Resolved that Lieu- Conine be directed to go immediately to Pocsinck and apprehend such persons who have been with the Enemy all others who appear to him to be suspicious and that Instructions be made out for the said Lieu? Conine as follows (to wit) (See Instructions on file) Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Major Church at Schohary requesting him to send a Party of Men to Schohary Creek as far as Beakabeen to intercept every person who may take his rout that way from Pocsinck which Letter is in the Words following (to wit) (see draught Letter on file) Also resolved that a letter be wrote to Col Vrooman at Schohary requesting him to consult with Major Church 324 State of New York 1779 with respect to the carrying the above into Execution which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Draught letter on file) Adjourned M *779 Met Albany 29^ March 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) \ Mathew Visscher The Board having received information from Cap- Robert Woodward, and William Brisie that Myndert Van Hoosen, William Bartel, Jeremiah Miller, Stephen Miller, Tobias Salsbury, James Hayes and Mathias Pool have held a Correspondence with several disaffected persons now With the enemy and have harboured and concealed Tories who to avoid Punishment secreted themselves and it being highly necessary that the said persons should be apprehended [28] and punished therefore resolved that a warrant be made out directed to Martin Vinhagen one of the Constables of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck forthwith to apprehend and bring before us the said Myndert Van Hoosen, William Bartel, Jeremiah Miller, Stephen Miller, Tobias Salsbury, James Hayes and Mathias Pool Also Resolved that Citations be made out and sent to Gabriel Bresie, Hendrick Bresie, Janakie Breise, Benjamin Briese and Christyntie Ostrander commanding them to appear before the Board at the City Hall in this City on Tuesday the first day of April next to Testify to such Matters as they may know respecting the said Myndert Van Hoosen, William Bartel, Jeremiah Miller, Stephen Miller, Tobias Salsbury, James Hayes and Mathias Pool Adjourned Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 325 Met Albany I s ? April 1779 J779 Present Apr * 1U John M. Beeckman ) j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j (. Isaac D. Fonda Martin Vinhagen appeared before the Board and informs that agreeable to a warrant from this Board he has appre- hended Myndert Van Hoesen, Jeremiah Miller, William Bartel, Mathias Pool, and Tobias Salsbury, and they being brought before the Board and severally Examined and Hendrick Bresie Janake Bresie, Benjamin Bresie, and Christyntie Ostrander being examined as to the Charge alledged against Myndert Van Hoesen and the other Persons above mentioned resolved on considering the same that the said Myndert Van Hoesen, Jeremiah Miller, William Bartel, Mathias Pool, and Tobias Salsbury take the oath of Allegiance to this State and that they then be discharged [29] The Board having received information from George White Esq- that Robert Martin is a person disaffected to the American Cause and that he has drank the King's Health resolved in Consequence of the above Information that the said Robert Martin be cited to appear before this Board on the third day of April Instant to answer to the above charges alledged against him Adjourned Met Albany 9^ April 1779 1779 Present Apr ' 9 * John M. Beeckman ] ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j (. Mathew Visscher The Board having received information that Nicholas Kittle who is bound by Recognizance for his good Behaviour and appearance when called upon has associated with Per- sons disaffected to the American Cause and that he has 326 State of New York *779 exceeded the Bounds and Limits prescribed him by the said Recognizance & the said Nicholas Kittle being cited to appear before this Board and appearing and being Examined resolved that the said Nicholas Kittle remain within the Limits of this City until discharged by this Board William Hutton appeared before the Board and applied for a Pass to go to his former place of abode at S keens- borough resolved that he be informed that no Pass can be given him for that purpose by this Board and that he be directed to apply to the Commissioners of Charlotte County Adjourned 1779 Apr. 10. Met Albany 10^ April 1779 Present John M. Beeckman j. f Mathew y.^^ Isaac D. ronda ) ( [30] Captain Robert Woodward having apprehended and brought before [the] Board Thomas Witbeeck one of the Persons who was present at the Meeting at Mathewis Van Valkenburgh's and the Examinations respecting the said Meeting being read and it appearing that the said Thomas Witbeeck Altho present at the said Meeting did not assist in assaulting the said Cap* Woodward Joseph Fitch & the other Persons who attempted to disperse them whereupon it is resolved that the said Thomas Witbeeck be discharged and cautioned against such company in Future A Letter from Mathew Goes Jun- was laid before the Board dated 4* h I[n]stant which Letter is in the words follow- ing (to wit) (see Letter on file) Ordered that the subject of the above Letter be taken into Consideration Adjourned Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 327 Met Albany 12*- April 1770 , *779 Present Apr - "* John M. Beeckman ] ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j ( Mathew Visscher A Petition signed by Col 1 . Abraham Van Alstyne and Col 1 . Philip Van Alstyne and a number of other Persons of Kinderhook District was laid before the Board by Nicholas Kittle setting forth that the conduct of Nicholas Kittle during the Time he has been at Home since his Return from New York has been altogether unexceptionable and praying that he may again be permitted to return Home under such restrictions as the Board shall think proper to impose upon him which Petition is in the words following (to wit) (see Petition on File) [31] In Consequence of which Petition resolved that the said Nicholas Kittle have leave to return Home and that he be cautioned not to exceed the Limits prescribed him by his Recognizance Adjourned Met Albany ic^ April 1770 Present John M. Beeckman ] f Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j | Mathew Visscher From the frequent complaints which are exhibited to this Board that the wives of such disaffected Persons who are gone over to the Enemy daily harbour Persons who through fear of being punished for their Crimes against the State conceal themselves & their holding Correspondance with their Husbands it is conceived necessary that some mode should be adopted to prevent this evil & as the removing them within the Lines of the enemy would , be the only 328 State of New York 1779 effectual Remedy to prevent such Practises in future there- fore Resolved that a Letter be wrote to his Excellency the Governor on this subject which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) Resolved that a Letter be wrote to the Commissioner[s] for Conspiracies at Poughkeepsie which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (See draught Letter on File) Adjourned X 779 Met Albany 20^ April 1770 Apr - " Present John M Beeckman | j Isaac Q Fonda Jeremiah Van Kensselaer ) ( A Letter from Lieu* Philip Conine of Colonel [32] Ganse- voort's Regiment was laid before the Board informing us that he has been at Pecsink in search of a Party of Robbers and is returned to Niscuthaw and requesting the further direction of this Board which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on file) Resolved that an Answer be wrote to the Letter received from Lieu- Conine in the words following (to wit) (see on File) A Letter from his Excellency the Governor dated 17- Instant was laid before the Board on the Subject of the Letter wrote to him on the 15^ Instant which is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) A Letter from Robert Harper Esq- one of the Commis- sioners for Conspiracies at Poughkeepsie dated 17 th Instant was laid before the Board which Letter is in the words follow- ing (to wit) (see Letter on File) A Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esq- r dated 17^ Instant was also laid before the Board which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 329 A Party of Continental Troops having apprehended & A 1779 taken Prisoners James Kelly, Francis Fall, Adam Haines and Hendrick Stater who were on their way to Join the Enemy & they being delivered over to this Board by the Honorable Brigadier General Clinton and being examined and it appearing from the Examination of James Kelly that Anthony Kersikon has advised him the said James Kelly to go to the Enemy and the said Anthony Kersikon being now Confined in Goal by Virtue of a Civil Process resolved that the Goaler be directed to detain the said Anthony Kersikon in his Custody notwithstanding a discharge from the Process on which he is now Confined [33] J onn Caine having been apprehended as a suspicious Person by Naning Visscher Esql Justice of the Peace was brought before the Board and not being able to give a good Account of himself therefore resolved that he be confined and that a Mittimus be made out for him Adjourned Met Albany 21?* April 1779 A J779 Present Teremiah Van Rensselaer ) f , , T7 . , ; < Mathew Visscher Isaac D. ronda ) (. Peter Seger who sometime since was confined for being concerned in a Robbery committed on Teunis Van Slyck and has since broke Goal came this day and surrendered himself a Prisoner to this Board and informed that Hans Waltymier is lately comes from New York as an Express with dispatches for Butler and Brandt and that he will provided the Board give him his Liberty undertake to apprehend the said Waltimyer with his dispatches and bring to us and having, great Reason to suppose the above Intelligence to be true Apr. 21. 33 State of New York 1779 do therefore resolve that the said Peter Seeer have Permission ADI* 2 x to go at Large for the Purpose of Executing the above A Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esq- was laid before the Board inclosing the Affidavits of John Mynderse and John Post wherein they swear that Jacob Glen of Schenectady did in there Presence drink success to the British Army and wished they might conquer America with many other Ex- pression's inimical to the American Cause Ordered that the above Letter and Affidavits be taken into Consideration [34] A Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esq- respecting Abraham Hait was also laid before the Board which Letter is in the Words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) Adjourned 1779 Met Albany 22^ April, 1779 Apr. 22. Present John M. Beeckman ) f Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) (. Cornelius Humfrey A Letter from the Commissioners for Conspiracies of Charlotte County dated 19- Instant was laid before the Board wherein they inform that they have apprehended Thomas Down and William Poor two Persons who they suspect are come from New York and are on their way to Canada resolved in Consequence of the above Letter that they be committed and that a Mittimus be made out for them Resolved that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler commanding him to detain and keep in close Confinement John Frobert, Peter Finehout, Abraham Hoogtaling, Abra- ham Hayt, Anthony Kersikon, James Kelly, Francis Fall, Abraham Haynes, and Hendrick Stater until they are Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 331 severally discharged therefrom by any three of the Com- A 1779 missioners for Conspiracies or due Course of Law It being suggested to this Board that Henry Van Dyke of the District of Kinderhook declines to do Militia Duty on Account of certain Restrictions heretofore laid upon him by the Committee of the City and County of Albany where- upon it is resolved that the said Restrictions be taken off and that he be at Liberty to do his duty as a subject of this State and that a Copy [of] this Resolution be immediately transmitted to him Adjourned [35] Met Albany 25*? April 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Remselaer j ( Isaac D. Fonda William Hoogteling having been concerned in different Robberies and being apprehended by a Party of Continental Troops 1 & brought before the Board was Examined and his Examination is as follows (to wit) (see Examination of File) Resolved that he be committed and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to take him into his Custody and closely confine him A Letter from Major John L. Bronck dated 23? Instant was laid before the Board wherein he informs that he sends to us a Prisoner named Edward Finn who from the Exami- nations inclosed in the said Letter appears to have been concerned in some of the Robberies lately committed at 1 The board paid 100 on May isth to Lieutenant Philip Conine for him- self and men, as a reward for this capture. Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 169, State Comptroller's office. 33 2 State of New York 1779 Lonenburgh which Letter & the Examinations are in the words following (to wit) (see on File) Resolved in consequence of the above letter that a Mit- timus be made out to the Goaler to take the said Edward Finn into his Custody & closely confine him A Letter was laid before the Board from John Meyers dated 20 41 ? Instant inclosing a certified Copy of the Act of the Legislature passed in their last Sessions entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled an Act more effectually to prevent the Mischeifs arising from the Influence and Example of Persons of equivocal and suspected Characters in this State and for continuing the Powers of the Com- missioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies'* Which Act is as follows (to wit) 1 [36] Whereas by the Terms of the said Law the Com- missioners therein mentioned are required on refusal of any Person or Persons to take the Oath or affirmation therein prescribed forthwith to remove the said Person or Persons so refusing to any place within the Enemies Lines. AND WHEREAS sound Policy and common Charity require that every Person so refusing should be admitted to take the said Oath or Affirmation if he or she shall notwithstanding such refusal, voluntarily offer to take the same, before the Commencement of his or her Actual removal I BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly and it is hereby enacted by the Authourity of the same, that every Person who has already refused, or shall hereafter refuse to take the said Oath or Affirmation and shall before the actual Commencement of his or her removal as aforesaid voluntarily offer to take said Oath or Affirmation before any three of the said Commissioners shall be admitted to 1 Appendix I: Laws, February 17, 1779. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 333 take the same and on taking thereof shall be and hereby is declared to be fully and wholly absolved from all the Penalties of the said Law, such former Refusal or any Thing in the said Law, to the contrary in any wise Not- withstanding. PROVIDED ALWAYS that nothing herein con- tained shall extend or apply to the Cases of those who by virtue of the said Law now are or shall hereafter be detained and confined by the Person administring the Government of this State for the Time being for the Purpose of Exchang- ing them for any of the Subjects of this State in the Power of the enemy. 2^ AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the Authority afore- said that all and singular the Powers and Authorities vested in the [37] said Commissioners are hereby continued until twenty Days after the next meeting of the Legislature and a Quorum of both Houses shall be convened on Business in like Manner as the same are continued in and by an Act entitled An Act for Continuing the Powers of the Commis- sioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies passed the 29- day of October last; and the Treasurer of this State shall be and he is hereby authorized and required to pay to the said Commissioners or any three of them such further sum or sums as they shall from Time to Time require to defray the Expence of the business committed to them so as the Amount of such further sum or sums shall not in the whole exceed the sum of three Thousand Pounds Adjourned Met Albany 27- April 1779. 1779 Present Apr ' 27 ' John M. Beeckman | Mathew yisscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer > j j n F d Egbert Benson J 334 State of New York 1779 John Bradt of the Verebergh who was robbed a few Nights ago appeared before us with a certain William Howard who he informed us he had apprehended on Sus- picion of his being concerned in the Robberies committed on himself and Michael Halenbeeck and the said William Howard having in his Possession at the Time he was taken sundry Articles belonging to Michael Halenbeeck which were taken from him on the night he was robbed therefore resolved that he be committed and a Mittimus made out to the Coaler to take him into his Custody and closely confine him [38] Major Ezekiel Taylor Cap- Van Den Bergh and Samuel Ten Broeck appeared before the Board and informed that William Sanders, John Concklin and Abraham Names are dangerous and disaffected Persons who are endeavour- ing by every Means in their Power to injure the American Cause resolved that the said Information be reduced to Writing and filed Adjourned I?79 Met Albany 28^? April 1779 Apr. 28. Present John M. Beeckman Mathew Visscher Isaac D. Fonda The Board being informed by Major Ezekiel Taylor that Daniel Frazer who last Fall broke Goal is at this Time at his Home with his Family and as the said Daniel Frazer stands indicted for high Treason Therefore resolved that Major Taylor be requested by a Letter to send a Party of Men to apprehend the said Daniel Frazer and forthwith bring him before this Board The Board taking into Consideration the Petition of several of the Inhabitants of the Manor of Livingston and Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 335 a Recommendation from Jacob Shaver Esq- Justice of Peace presented to this Board on the 22- d day of February last do resolve that John Smith have Permission to remain at Home unmolested on his entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour and Appearance before any one of the Commissioners for Conspiracies or any other Judicial Authority when called upon untill discharged by this Board John Smith of Livingston's Manor La- bourer in 200 John Decker Robison of the same place Farmer his Bail in 200 Bastian Beam of the same place Farmer also his Bail in 200 Adjourned [39] Met Albany 12* May 1779. i 779 May i. Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T n T? j r. . XT- i f ) Isaac D. ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( William Howard who a few days ago was apprehended on suspicion of being concerned in the Robberies com- mitted on Michael Halenbeeck and John Bradt was this day again brought before the Board and examined which Examination is as follows (to wit) (see Examination on File) Albartus Van Loon appearing before the Board was Examined as to the Robbery lately committed on himself and Coenradt Flake which Examination is as follows (see Examination on File) Ms Luke the wife of Jacob Luke having been requested to appear before the Board for the Purpose of being examined 336 State of New York 1779 as to the Robberies committed at her House appeared and was Examined which Examination is as follows (to wit) (see Examination on File) Adjourned Met Albany 3^ May 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Mathew Visscher In Consequence of An Act of the Legislature for enabling the Commissioners for Conspiracies to Administer the oath of Allegiance to those Persons who have refused and after- wards offered to take the same 1 It is resolved that Henry Ten Eyck, Cornelius Glen & Gysbert Fonda be cited to appear before the Board in order that the said Oath may be Administered to them The Board having taken into Consideration the [40] In- formation received from Major Ezekiel Taylor Cap- Van Den Bergh and Samuel Ten Broeck on the 27- day of April last do in Consequence of the said Information resolve that Joseph Concklin with his son John Concklin be ordered to be and appear before this Board on Friday next Adjourned I779 Met Albany 4? h May 1779 4- Present John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Col- Peter Gansevoort appearing informed the Board that he has received Information from Michael Henry a Soldier belonging to his Regiment now confined in Goal for desertion that the Party of Robbers to which William 1 Act of February 17, 1779. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 337 Hoogtaling (who is now under Sentence of death) belonged have hid and secreted in a House near Pesink Goods to a very great Amount and also a Quantity of Hard and Con- tinental Money and the said Michael Henry in Consequence of the above Information being brought before the Board was examined which Examination is as follows (to wit) (see Examination on File) Resolved that the Secretary deliver into the Hands of Egbert Benson Esqr the sum of seven hundred and Fifty one Dollars of the Emission of the 2O? h May 1777 and the n? h April 1778 to be by him Lodged in the Hands of the Treasurer of this State for the purpose of Receiving in Exchange for the same Continental Bills of Credit of another Date to the same Amount Adjourned [41] Met Albany 7^? May 1779 1779 May 7. Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T ^ T? j ;_,__. > 1 Isaac D. ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( A Letter from Peter R. Livingston Esq- Justice of the Peace was laid before the Board wherein he informs that he sends several Examinations respecting William Lee and that he also sends to us as a Prisoner the said William Lee who he had caused to be apprehended as a disaffected and dangerous Person and the said William Lee being brought before the Board & examined confessed the Charges alledged against him in the said Examinations but denied his being an Enemy to the American Cause and said the words spoken by him were not with a bad design but that he intended thereby to become acquainted with the Politi- cal Characters of the Persons with whom he was in Com- 338 State of New York *779 pany resolv[e]d that the said William Lee remain within the Limits of this City till this Board shall have made some further Order respecting him. Resolved that William Adams be liberated from Confine- ment on his entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient surety for his future good Behaviour & Appearance before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required until discharged by this Board William Adams of the City of Albany Cooper in 100 James Green of the same place Yeoman his Bail in 100 William Hoit who was some Time since confined was this day brought before the Board in Consequence of a Letter from Col- Gordon in which Letter he informs us that the [42] said William Hoit has always behaved himself well notwith- standing his having for some Time past been reputed a disaffected Person and that he thinks the said William Hoit may with safety be liberated from Confinement resolved in Consequence of the said Letter that the said William Hoit be liberated accordingly on his entering into Recognizance for his future good Behaviour and appearance when called upon before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies untill discharged by this Board William Hoit on Recognizance in. . 100 William Ward his Bail in. . 100 Adjourned 1779 Met Albany 8^ May 1779. May 8. Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T r\ & j ^ ) Isaac JJ. ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 339 Ensign Peter Magee of Col? Gansevoort's Regiment laid before the Board an Account of Monies by him laid out for his Expences when after a spy from New York at Hosick by our order and also for Money advanced by him to a Guide when after a Party of Robbers in the whole amounting 27 io s 8 d ordered that the Secretary pay the same l Lieutanant Jonathan Sever laid before the Board an Account of his Services when after a spy from New York with Ensign Magee amounting to 2 o o ordered that the Secretary pay the same 2 A Letter from David Van Schaack (confined on Parole to certain Limits at Schodack) was laid before [43] the Board wherein he requests us to allow him Permission on Account of his 111 State of Health to ride on Horseback a Mile or two beyond the bounds prescribed him by his Parole resolved that he be informed that the Board will take the same into Consideration at some future day Adjourned Met Albany lo*. 11 May 1779 1779 Present Ma ? 10 - John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscher ) ( Hugh Mitchell William Lee who was on the 7!!? Instant brought before this Board in consequence of a Letter from Peter R. Liv- ingston Esq- and was then ordered to remain within the Limits of this City and to appear before this Board when called upon appeared this day and laid before the Board a Recommendation signed by Major Samuel Ten Broeck and Hendrick Pulver Esq- by which the[y] certify that they have been acquainted with the said William Lee upwards of 1 The voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 154, State Comp- troller's office. *Ibid, p. 152. 34-O State of New York 1779 Eighteen Months & have always during that Time found his Conduct unexceptionable and that they look upon his to be a true Friend to the American Cause resolved in Consequence of the said Recommendation that the said William Lee be permitted to return to his Place of Abode in Livingston's Manor on his entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour and to appear when called upon untill discharged by this Board William Lee of Livingston's Manor Yeoman on Recognizance in .................... 100 A Negro Man of Hendrick Appley having been confined a few days since on Suspicion of being concerned in the [44] Rob- bery committed on Michael Halenbeeck was brought before the Board and Nancy Stewart on whose Testimony he was confined being Examined and the Proff appearing to be insufficient therefore resolved that he be discharged from Confinement A Letter from John D. Goes dated y* h Instant was laid before the Board wherein he prays Permission for a few days to go and see his family and as this is the first Application of this nature that has been made by the said John D. Goes therefore resolved that Permission be granted him accordingly for six Days Adjourned I779 Met Albany 11^ May 1779 May ii. Present John M Beeckman ) j Mathew Visscher ) ( A Letter from Col- Abraham Van Alstyne of Kinderhook was laid before the Board wherein he informs that Mathew Goes (the Father of Mathew Goes Jun- confined by a Parole to Schodack) is extremely 111 and that he is very desirous Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 341 of seeing his son and requesting us to indulge the said Mathew M 1779 Goes Jun- with Permission for a few days to go and see his Father which Request being taken into Consideration resolved thereupon that the said Mathew Goes Jun* have Permission accordingly until next Saturday Cap- Deitz of the Bever Dam laid before the Board certain Proposals which were made to him by the Tories Inhabiting the Beverdam, Hellebergh, Pocsink and other adjoining places wherein they engage to prevent the Robberies daily committed in that Quarter provided those Persons [45] who have gone off to the Enemy be permitted to return Home and remain unmolested at their Habitations ordered that the same be Filed The Board having received Information that John Donald- son is endeavouring to alarm the Minds of weak and ignorant People by propogating groundless Reports It is therefore resolved that the said John Donaldson be cited to appear before the Board to Morrow Afternoon at 2 OClock A Letter from Richard Esselstyne and Lowrence Fonda Esq r : s Justices of the Peace was laid before the Board wherein they inform us that in Consequence of the Information of Mf Van Loon (whose Examination they have transmitted us in the said Letter) they have caused Francis Barbo to be apprehended and the said examination being read and it appearing that the said Francis Barbo has been concerned in the Robbery committed on Albartus Van Loon therefore resolved that he be committed and that a Mittimus be made out for him Adjourned Met Albany 12- May 1779 B/[Iy 7 ?2. Present John M Beeckman Mathew Visscher 34 2 State of New York M I779 2 Lambartus Van Alstyne appearing Informed the Board that Francis Barbo (who was Yesterday confined in Conse- quence of a Letter from Richard Esselstyne and Lowrence Fonda Esq-) is altogether innocent of the Crime laid to his charge and the said Lambartus Van Alstyne declaring on oath that at the Time the Robbery happened at Albartus Van Loon's the said [46] Francis Barbo was at his House Resolved that the said Lambartus Van Alstyne be informed that as soon as the Board are well certified of the said Francis Barbo' s Character they will liberate him from Confinement John Donaldson who was cited to appear before the Board appearing and being examined as to the charge alledged against him and it appearing that he is innocent of the said Charge therefore resolved that he be discharged Resolved that a Mittimus be made out for Duncan MfCon- nelly and William Flood ordering the Goaler to detain and keep them in his Custody untill discharged by any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies Adjourned 1779 Met Albany 15 May 1779 John M. Beeckman ) ( T T- i? j t* i TT- i 1 Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscher ) ( Peter W Yates appearing before the Board for the Purpose of taking the Oath prescribed in an[d] by An Act of the Legislature of this State respecting Persons of neutral and equivocal Characters resolved that the said oath be admin- istred to him accordingly. Cornelius Glen, Henry Ten Eyck, and Gysbert Fonda who were on the 3? Instant cited to appear before the Board to take the above mentioned Oath appearing resolved that the said oath be administred to them accordingly. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 343 Frederick Wurmer appeared before the Board [47] accord- M ing to order and was examined with respect to John Cittimon who is now confined in Goal which Examination is as follows (to wit) (see Examination on File) Thomas King appearing informed the Board that John Owens is a dangerous and disaffected Person resolved that the said Information be reduced to writing & filed Adjourned Met Albany i8* h May 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T r^ T? j r, . TT- i f i I saac t/ ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( A Letter from Col! William B. Whiting of Kings District dated 12 th Instant was laid before the Board wherein he informs us that Major Zadock Wright confined on Parole to Kings District is very desirous of going to his Family in Cumberland County and there to remain under such Re- strictions as this Board shall think proper to impose upon him and he further informs us that it is his Opinion that the said Zadock Wright might with safety be indulged in his Request as he has during his Residence in Kings District behaved himself in the most unexceptionable Manner and strictly adhered to his Parole. Resolved that Isaac D. Fonda Esq? wait on Brigadier General Clinton and consult with him as to the Propriety of indulging the said Zadock Wright in the above request. Isaac D. Fonda Esq- reported that he had waited on General Clinton who on Representation of the Case of the [48] said Zadock Wright advices that he be continued on his Parole in King's District untill an Exchange for him can be effected . Resolved that a Letter be wrote to CoU Whiting informing 344 State of New York 1779 him that the Board have determined to continue Major May 18. J Wright on his Parole in King's District until he is Ex- changed. Capi Stephen Hayt laid before the Board an Account for bringing from Claverack to Albany Cap* Smith's Company of Rangers with a Number of Robbers & Tories amounting to 25. ordered that the same be paid * Adjourned Met Albany I9 t . h May 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscher ) ( Hugh Mitchell Daniel Campbell and James Ellice having been cited to appear before the Board in Consequence of the Act of the Legislature of this State entitled An Act to amend an Act more effectually to prevent the Mischeifs arising from the Influence & Example of Persons of equivocal & suspected Characters in this State by which the Commissioners for Conspiracies are authorized to administer the Oath of Allegiance in the said Act contained to those Persons who after refusing have offered to take the same, and the said Daniel Campbell & James Ellice appearing this Day according to order and the said Oath being tendered to them they respectively took the same resolved that Certificates be [49] given to the said Daniel Campbell and James Ellice of their having taken the above mentioned Oath Resolved that the Secretary pay to John 5 Lansing 2 , 4 o for Bread provided for the State Prisoners. 1 The voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 165, State Comp- troller's office, signed " Stephen Haight ". The rangers were commanded by Captain John Smith. * This numerical designation of John Lansing, innkeeper, is not uncommon in the records. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 345 Nehemiah Sealy appeared before the Board & accused M 1779 Duncan MfConelly who is now confined in Goal with having spoken disrespectfully of the Congress of the United States of America and making use of other Expressions reflecting the greatest Contempt on the American Cause and the said Information being reduced to writing ordered that the same be Filed. Adjourned. Met Albany 21?* May 1779 May 7 2i. Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T TA T? j ; i l saac *> ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( Joseph Concklin who was ordered to appear before the Board with his son John Concklin appeared this day and informed us that the said John Concklin his son is drafted in Col 1 Van Schoonhoven's Regiment to serve as a Soldier till the first day of January next whereupon resolved that the said John Concklin be discharged and ordered to appear again with his son whenever he shall have procured his Discharge from the said Regiment. Cap* Cumstead of Col 1 Greatan's Regiment appearing before the Board informed us that there is at present in Con- finement a certain Anthony Kersiken a Soldier belonging to CoU Greatan's Regiment and requesting us to [50] discharge the said Anthony Kersiken from Confinement in order that he may join his Regiment. Resolved that the Goaler be directed to deliver over the said Anthony Kersiken to Cap- Cumstead whenever he shall think Proper to apply to him for that Purpose Adjourned 346 State of New York 1779 Met Albany 24- May 1770 May 34 " Present John M. Beeckman Mathew Visscher John Visger of Schenectady having been cited to appear before the Board in Consequence of an Act of the Legislature of this State entitled An Act to amend an Act more effectually to prevent the Mischeifs arising from the Influence and Example of Persons of equivocal and suspected Characters in this State by which the Commissioners for Conspiracies are authourized to administer the Oath of Allegiance in the said Act contained to those Persons who after refusing have offered to take the same and the said John Visger appearing this day according to order and the said Oath being tendered to him he took the same whereupon resolved that a Certifi- cate be given to the said John Visger of his having taken the said Oath. Application was made to the Board by Cap- Cumsted for Permission to take with him William Poor and Thomas Down Soldiers belonging to the Continental Army who were appre- hended on their way to Canada & send down to us by the Commissioners of Charlotte County resolved that the Goaler be [51] directed to deliver over to Cap- Cumstead the said William Poor and Thomas Down. Adjourned. 1779 Met Albany 26^ May 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Petrus Wynkoop JunI A Letter from Johannis Van Deusen Esq- Justice of the Peace dated 23f Instant was laid before the Board inclosing Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 347 an Examination of Susannah Parie the Wife of Joseph I 779 Pane of Claverack District in which said Examination the said Susannah Parie deposes that she has lived in the House of Teunis McDonald in Livingston's Manor that the said Teunis McDonald during her Residence with him did harbour and conceal such Persons who went to and came from the Enemy and that she has seen Neal Taylor with a Captain belonging to the British Service at the said McDonalds who came from Burgoyne's Camp and that Jacob Bush who came from New York with the said Neal Taylor was taken sick at McDonald's and that Df Thompson of Livingston's Manor attended the said Jacob Bush during his Illness Resolved in Consequence of the above Examination that Citations be made out for the said Teunis McDonald & Doctor Thompson to appear before the Board on Wednesday the Second day of June next and that Petrus Wynkoop Jun- Esq- be requested to have the said Citations served on them A Letter from Mathew Goes Jun- dated 25 Instant was laid before the Board which Letter is in the Words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) Resolved that the Subject of the said Letter be postponed Adjourned [52] Met Albany 2; th May 1779 1779 May 27. Present John M. Beeckman ) ( Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Isaac D. Fonda The Inhabitants of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck residing on the East side of the River having for their own Defence raised a Company of Men to be under the Directions of this Board and Cap- Jacob DeForest commanding the said Company appearing requested from the Board Instructions 348 State of New York 1779 for his Conduct as Cap- of the said Company resolved that Instructions be made out accordingly which Instructions are as follows (to wit) (see Copy Instructions on File) Hugh Denniston & Neal Shaw were ordered to appear before the Board for making Use of Expressions Derogatory of the Authourity of this Board and for traducing the Char- acters of the Members thereof as Publick Officers and the said Hugh Denniston & Neal Shaw appearing and making Satisfactory Concessions were discharged Resolved that Frederick Warmer be liberated from Con- finement on his entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour and Appearance before any one of the Commis- sioners for Conspiracies on the first day of every Month untill discharged by this Board Frederick Warmer of the Hellebergh Farmer on Recognizance in. . 100 Hendrick Shaver his Bail in. . 100 Adjourned '779 [53] Met Albany 28^? May 1779 Present John M. Beeckman Mathew Visscher ) ( ) ( Mathew Visscher Esq- informed the Board that on a Settlement with Bethuel Washburn Assistant Commissary of Issues he had found due to this Board a Ballance of three hundred and eighty one Pounds of Beef Lieu- John Hoogkerk having been cited to appear before this Board was Examined with respect to Duncan M^Con- nelly and the Examination of the said John Hoogkerk agreeing in every perticular with that of Nehemiah Sealy Ordered that the same be reduced to Writing and filed Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 349 John Cittamon 1 who was last year with Brant & who , J 779 . . May 28. since his return home has been concerned in several Rob- beries having been apprehended and confined was brought before the Board and examined ordered that he be recommitted Col' Henry Van Rensselaer appeared before the Board and requested us to liberate from Confinement Archibald M;Neal as the said Archibald M?Neal is desirous of enlisting in the Regiment of New Levies now raising in this State and we having taking [sic] the request of the said Henry Van Rensselaer into our Consideration and no perticular crime being alledged against the said Archibald M?Neal There- fore resolved that he be discharged from Confinement accordingly on his Enlisting in the said Service Adjourned [54] Met Albany 29^ May 1779 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( Mathew Visscher ) ( A Letter from Peter Silvester Esq- dated 28- Instant was laid before the Board informing us that he is appointed an Executor to the Estate of his Father in Law Cornelius Van Schaack deceased that he is unable without the Assistance of Henry Van Shaack and David Van Shaack who are con- fined on Parole at Schodack to make any Division whatever of the said Estate and that as the necessary support of a Number of Orphans depend on a Settlement thereof he prays that they may be permitted for a few days to come 1 Lieutenant William Colbrath was paid a reward of fifty dollars for appre- hending John Citnam alias John Cittemon, on May 8, 1779. Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 168, State Comptroller's office. 350 State of New York 1779 to Kinderhook to complete that Business Resolved that May 29. . . r the Consideration of the said Letter be postponed A Letter from Cornelius Humphrey Esq- dated 27 Instant was laid before the Board wherein he prays that the Board if they consistently can will indulge Mf Silvester in his request resolved that the Consideration of the said Letter be postponed An Act 1 of the Legislature of this State for continuing the Powers of the Commissioners for Conspiracies having Authorized the said Commissioners to draw on the Treas- urer of the said State for three thousand Pounds resolved in Consequence of the said Act that an order be drawn on Gerard Bancker Esqf for fifteen hundred Pounds to defray the necessary Expenditures of this Board 2 Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Dirck Gardinier from this Board who has had Permission to go to Kinderhook on Account of the difficult Situation of his Family to repair forthwith to Schodack the Place of his Confinement Adjourned [55] Met Albany 2 n - d June 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Hugh Mitchell Cap- Nicholas Staats appearing before the Board informed us that he has seen a certain Jurie Kolenbergh a Deserter from Burgoyne's Army in the Woods in Company with two Persons who he suspected to be Spies from the Enemy Resolved in Consequence of the above Information that a 1 Appendix I: Laws, February 17, 1779. *The original receipt is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 157, State Comptroller's office. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 351 Warrant be made out directed to the said Nicholas Staats _ X 779 June 2. forthwith to apprehend and bring before us the said Jurie Kolenbergh A Letter from Cornelius Humphrey Esq- dated I?* Instant was laid before the Board which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) Resolved that an answer be wrote to the above Letter of Mf Humphrey in the words following (to wit) (see Copy Letter on File) A Letter from the Commissioners for Conspiracies of Charlotte County was laid before the Board wherein they inform us that an Express from New York is lately gone to Canada and requesting our Advice in what Manner it would be best to proceed to apprehend the said Express in his Return to New York Resolved that the said Commissioners be informed that the Board will enter into the Consideration of their Letter and will endeavour to devise means to apprehend the above mentioned Express [56] In Consequence of the Information of George White Esqf a Warrant having been made out directed to Isaac Sheldon Constable for the Apprehension of Robert Martin and the said Isaac Sheldon having agreeable to the said warrant apprehended and brought before the Board the said Robert Martin Resolved that the said Robert Martin be committed and that a Mittimus be made out for him Adjourned Met Albany ? d Tune 1770 i779 Present June * John M. Beeckman j ( Hugh Mitchell Jeremaih Van Rensselaer V -\ Mathew Visscher ) 352 State of New York 1779 Ordered that Citations be made out for Joshua Griffith, June 3. . J John Feries, Martha Besset and John French who the Board are informed are able to prove the Charges alledged against Robert Martin commanding their appearance before us on Saturday the 5* h Instant June Kolenbergh having been apprehended by Cap- Staats and brought before the Board was Examined and it appearing from his Examination that he is innocent of the Crime alledged against him therefore resolved that he be discharged Resolved in Consideration of the Letter of Peter Silvester Esq- to this Board for the Reasons therein assigned that Permission be granted to Henry Van Shaack and David Van Schaack to go to Kinderhook till [57] next Saturday at the Expiration of which time they are again to return to Schodack A Letter from John Tillman dated 2^ Instant was laid before the Board wherein he recommends to us two Hessian Deserters from Burgoyne's Army and they appearing before the Board and being desirous of remaining here resolved that Permission be granted them to pass unmolested through this County Dirick Sluyter and Timothy Boin appearing before the Board exhibited to us a Complaint against John Dusenbury, John Bocchus, Ebenezer Knap, and Ezra Knap of their being Persons disaffected to the American Cause & of harbouring and Concealing Persons from the Enemy resolved in Con- sequence of the said Information that a Warrant be made out directed to the said Timothy Boin forthwith to appre- hend and bring before us the said John Dusenbury, John Bacchos, Ebenezer Knap, & Ezra Knap A Letter directed to Stephen Tuttle who is gone to the Enemy having been intercepted was laid before the Board Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 353 Resolved that a Copy thereof be transmitted to the Honorable *779 Major General Schuyler at Saragtoga Peter Seeger appeared before the Board in Order to give some material Information respecting the Robberies com- mitted on Jacob Luke and others and his Examination being taken is as follows (to wit) (see Examination on File) Adjourned [58] Met Albany 5* h June 1779 *779 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) I Isaac D. Fonda Able Mills appearing before the Board informs us that he has taken in his Custody a certain Robert Brisben who is lately come from Can[a]da from whence he pretended to have deserted and that he has the said Robert Brisben ready to produce to the Board & the said Robert Brisben being brought before us and Examined Resolved that be be dis- charged on his entering into a Recognizance to continue within the District of Saragtoga and not depart the same unless by Permission or order of this Board or some other Civil or Military Authority and for his good and peaceable Behaviour and Monthly Appearance before one of the Commissioners for Conspiracies until discharged by this Board Robert Brisben of Saragtoga Yeoman in.. . . 200 Able Mills of the same place Farmer his Bail in 200 Edward Archer laid before the Board an Account of Services performed by him and his two sons as Guides to the Scouts that were sent to the Hellebergh in the whole 354 State of New York June 9 s amount ing to 22 u io s tl o d ordered that the same be paid 1 Joshua Griffith, John Farre, Martha Basset and John French who were on the third Instant cited to appear before the Board as Witnesses against Robert Martin now Confined in Goal appeared this day agreeable to our [59] order and the said Joshua Griffith, John Farries, Martha Basset, and John French being Examined with respect to the Conduct of the said Robert Martin they say as follows (see their Examinations on File) A Letter from Petrus Wynkoop JunS Esq- dated 2^ Instant was laid before the Board informing us that he has been unable to have the Citations on Df Thompson & Teunis McDonald served on Account of the Absence of the said Df Thompson Ordered that the said Letter be filed Adjourned Met Albany 7^ June 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T T^ T? j ~ r . TT . , t 1 Issac D. ronda Mathew Visscher ) ( In Consequence of the Act of the Legislature for enabling the Commissioners for Conspiracies to administer the Oath of Allegiance to those Persons who had refused and after- wards offered to take the same resolved that Volkert Van Veghten be cited to appear before the Board to take the said Oath As the Robberies at the Hellebergh and the adjacent Places still continue notwithstanding the unremitting En- deavours used by this Board to put stop to the same and as most of the well affected subjects in that Quarter unless 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 169, State Comptroller's office. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 355 a speedy Alteration takes place must enevitably be ruined and forced to quit their Habitations therefore resolved that Mathew Visscher Esqf one of the members of this Board do immediately wait on the Honorable Brigadier General Clinton and advise with him what Steps are most proper to be taken towards [60] apprehending the Persons who commit the said Robberies Abraham Wendell of this City having industriously propogated Intelligence respecting the Enemy which tho' false may nevertheless tend to dishearten weak and ignorant Persons Therefore resolved that Jacob Kidney bring the said Abraham Wendell forthwith before this Board Mf Visscher reports that he has waited on General Clinton who says he [is] unable at this Time to afford us any assistance towards apprehending the Robbers at the Hellebergh as he intends in a few days to go on Western expedition Abraham Wendell being agreeable to Order brought before the Board : was Examined with Respect to the News by him circulated Whereupon resolved that he be injoined not to spread any such Reports in future Adjourned Met Albany 8^ June 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Rensselaer ) ( Isaac D. Fonda Samuel M'rFarlan being looked upon as a Person of a Suspicious Character was apprehended, brought before the Board and Examined and on his Examination confesses he once belonged to the Continental Army but says he was regularly Discharged from the same, and that Cap- Parr now at Schohary can Testify to the same he also says he lately 356 State of New York 1779 made his Escape from New York to which place he was taken June 8. as a Prisoner when the Enemy last Spring made a descent on Elizabeth Town and that he in his way up to this [61] place he delivered Letters from Governor Livingston to General M c Dugall resolved that the said Samuel M c .Farlan be Con- fined till the truth of the above can be ascertained and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to receive him into his Custody Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Cap- Parr at Schohary respecting Samuel M'Farlan which Letter is to be in the words following (to wit) (see Copy Letter on File) William Marran appeared before the Board and made application for a Pass to go to Bennington resolved that he be informed that no pass can be granted him unless he obtain a Recommendation in his Favour from some Person who is known to be a Friend to the American Cause Timothy Boin appeared before the Board and informed us that agreeable to our warrant he had apprehended John Dusenbury, John Bocchus, Ebenezer Knap and Ezra Knap and they being brought before the Board and it appearing from the Examination of Elias Palmer that the said John Dusenbury, John Bocchus, Ebenezer Knap and Ezra Knap are disaffected to the American Cause and the Board being of Opinion that their going at large may prove dangerous to the Safety of the State Therefore resolved that they be committed and that a Mittimus be made out for them Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Johannis Van Deusen Esq- at Claverack inclosing Citations for D[ Thompson and Teunis McDonald to appear before the Board on the 20 Instant and that the said Johannis Van Deusen be re[quested] [62] to have them served Adjourned Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 357 Met Albany 9^? June 1779 1779 Present June John M. Beeckman ) ( T ^ ~ , ^ , , XT. i r 1 Isaac L). .bonda Mathew Visscher ) ( Cap- James Magee having been cited to appear before the Board appeared and was examined with respect to Ebenezer Knap and Ezra Knap who are now in Confinement Col! Peter Yates and Major Groesbeeck of Schatikoke appeared before the Board and i[n]formed us that several Persons are lately come to reside in their Neighbourhood some of whom they are utter Strangers to & others are Per- sons who when Burgoyne came down collected a number of Cattle to drive to his Army and that those Persons daily obstruct the Execution of the Orders of the Militia Officers and secrete the internal Enemies of the State and as the said Persons have never yet been called upon to answer for their Conduct; they conceive it would be proper to have them brought before this Board and laid under restrictions for their good Behaviour in future the Names of the Persons areas follows (to wit) Alexander Wright, [blank] Caldwell, Benjamin Ward, [blank] Bernet, George Wetsel, Hendrick Grawberger, & Hendrick Miller On Considering the above Information of CoU Yates and Major Groesbeeck resolved that a warrant be made out and directed to Col! Yates to apprehend the said [63] Persons and forthwith bring them before us Col! Yates also informed the Board that a certain Jacob Halenbeeck living at Schatikoke has been appointed a Lieu- in his Regiment, of Militia and being required to Qualify accordingly to the Directions of the Militia Act he had notwithstanding his being duly notified never qualified and that the[y] attributed his refusal to his being an Enemy 358 State of New York J 779 to the American Cause and as such prayed that he might be cited to appear before this Board to answer for his Conduct Resolved that a Citation be made out for the said Jacob Halenbeeck to appear before us on Saturday next The Party of Rangers raised in the East District of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck for the security of the Inhabitants of the said District being destitute of Ammunition Resolved that Brigadier General Ten Broeck be requested to issue his Order for such a Quantity of Ammunition as may be neces- sary of the said Ranger Company Resolved that the Secretary pay Timothy Boyn for apprehending and bringing to Goal John Dusenbury and others the sum of 12 o o William Morall having been apprehended by a Party of Capi Jacob DeForest's Company of Rangers was brought before the Board and the said William Morall being Ex- amined confesses that he has belonged to General Burgoyne's Army Resolved that he be confined and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to receive him into his Custody and Confine him Adjourned Ju 7 ?o. N] Met Albany io^ h June 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T r\ & i ~, . .,. . r { Isaac D. >onda Matnew Visscher ) ( An Account was laid before the Board of David Gibson for riding Express from this place to Poughkeepsie with Letters to his Excellency the Governor Resolved that the secretary pay the same l 1 The original voucher for 28 a 143. is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, voL 40, p. 168, State Comptroller's office. It is signed by Maritie Gibson, wife of David Gibson. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 359 Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Major General M'rDu- _ J 779 3 June 10. gall respecting Samuel M'rFarlan who is now in Confinement which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Copy [of] Letter on File) Volkert Van Veghten of Greenbush having been cited to appear before the Board in Consequence of the Act lately passed entitled an Act to amend an Act more effectually to prevent the Mischief's arising from the Influence and Ex- ample of Persons of equivocal & suspected Characters in this State by which the Commissioners for Conspiracies are authourized to administer the Oath of Allegiance in the said Act contained to those Persons who after refusing have offered to take the same appeared this day according to Order and the Oath being tendered to him he tooke the same Resolved that Duncan M'rConally be discharged from Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient security for his good Behaviour and appearance on the last day of every Month before one of the Commis- sioners for Conspiracies until discharged by this Board [65] Duncan M'rConelly on Recognizance in. . 100 James Caldwell of the City of Albany Merch- his Bail in ..................... 100 Adjourned Met Albany nl h June 1779 - Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T T\ v i i TT- r 1 Isaac D. londa Mathew Visscher ) ( Cap! M*:Clure appeared before the Board and informed us that he had taken from Samuel M'rFarlan who he had apprehended and who is now in Confinement as a Deserter 360 State of New York 1779 from the Continental Army four Hundred and Fifty Dollars ne ii. * & a Silver Watch by way of security for the said Samuel M'Farlan's remaining in this City till he should produce a regular discharge from the Continental Service and the said Samuel M'rFarlan being now a Prisoner by Virtue of a Mittimus of this Board and the said Cap- M^Clure being desirous of delivering up to us the said Articles by him taken from the said Samuel M'rFarlan resolved that the Secretary take Charge of the same The Honorable Brigadier General Clinton having directed the Officer of the Guard at the Fort to deliver over to this Board Alexander Carson, Thomas M'rMichin, Hugh Rose, Angus M^Intash, and Walter Trumble as being Offenders who came properly under our direction Resolved in Conse- quence thereof that Jacob Kidney immediately go to the Fort and their receive from the Officer of the Guard the said Alexander Carson, Thomas M'rMichin, Hugh Rose, Angus M'rlntosh, & Walter Trumble and bring them before us [66] Alexander Carson, Thomas M?Michin, Hugh Rose, Angus M'rlntosh, and Walter Trumble having been brought before this Board and severally Examined Resolved that they be committed and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to receive and take them into his Custody A Letter from George White Esqf respecting Ebenezer Knap & Ezra Knap was laid before the Board which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) Adjourned 1779 Met Albany I2? h Tune I77Q ~ " Present John M. Beeckman 1 ( Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 361 George Wetsel, Hendrick Crawberger, Hendrick Miller T and Benjamin Ward having by Virtue of Warrant directed to Col- Yates been apprehended and brought before the Board were Examined and the Charges alledged against them not being properly supported and they producing Certificates of their having taken the Oath of Allegiance to this State Resolved that George Wetsel, Hendrick Crawberger and Hendrick Miller be discharged and that Benjamin Ward enter into a Recognizance with a sufficient surety for his good Behaviour and his Appearance before any one of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon until discharged by this Board Benjamin Ward on Recognizance in ........ 100 George Wetsel his Bail ____ ..... in ........ 100 [67] Jacob Halenbeeck who was cited to appear before the Board & produced a Certificate of his having taken the Oath of Allegiance to this State whereupon resolved that he be discharged Adjourned Met Albany 14^ June 1779 1779 Present J" 116 J * John M. Beeckman ) ( A , , A7 . , ~ _ _ , V i Mathew Visscher Isaac D. tonda ) ( James M^Masters Esq- informed the Board that Daniel M?Kinney an Inhabitant of Tryon County has been taken a Prisoner by a Party of Coll Gansevoort's Men Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Brigadier General Clinton request- ing to be informed what the nature of the said Daniel M? Kinney's Crime is that we may be able to determine whether he comes properly under the Civil or Military Authority 362 State of New York Time 7 ? ^" KiN* an Van Rensselaer appeared before the Board and requested us to liberate from Confinement Robert Martin on Account of the suffering Condition of his Wife and Children and having taken the said Request into Consider- ation resolved that the said Robert Martin be discharged from his Confinement on entering into a Recognizance with the said Killian Van Rensselaer as his security and not to depart the Limits of his Farm (unless it be to take care of such Grain as he may have on the Land of other Persons) and for his future good Behaviour until discharged by this Board Robert Martin on Recognizance in ...... 100 Killian Van Rensselaer his Bail in ...... 100 A Letter from Major General Schuyler dated at [68] Sarag- toga which Letter is in the Words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) Resolved that the Consideration of the said Letter be postponed Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Col! Hardenbergh at Kingston in Ulster County requesting him in Case He thinks the situation of the Country in that Quarter will admit of it to permit John Harrison to go with the first Scout that may be sent to the Westward to fetch his Family Resolved that Ebenezer Knap be discharged from Con- finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour and appearance before any one of the Commis- sioners for Conspiracies when called upon until discharged by this Board Ebenezer Knap on Recognizance in.... 100 Reuben Knap his Bail .......... in.... 100 Resolved that Ezra Knap be discharged from Confine- ment on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour and appearance before any one of the Commissioners for Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 363 Conspiracies when called upon until discharged by this *779 Board- JUMI - Ezra Knap on Recognizance in 100 Reuben Knap his Bail in 100 Adjourned Met Albany itf h Tune 1770 1779 Present *" ' s ' John M. Beekman ) (TV/TI TT- i :? TN T. r i Mathew Visscher Isaac D. ronda ) ( A Letter from Richard Esselstyne Esq- was [69] laid before the Board wherein he informs that he sends to us under Care of Cloude Van Deusen and Peter Bunt a cer- tain Thomas Murphy who he has caused to be apprehended as a dangerous Person and the said Thomas Murphy being examined resolved that he be confined and that a Mittimus be made out for him Resolved that the Secretary pay to Cloude Van Deusen and Peter Bont the sum of j 8 H o for bringing from Claverack the above mentioned Thomas Murphy l Cap* Demoray appeared before the Board and informed us that he had brought with him the above mentioned Thomas Murphy from Poughkeepsie and that he had promised the Commissioners for Conspiracies at that Place to return to them the said Thomas Murphy and that he has entered into a Recognizance before the said Commis- sioners for the good Behaviour of the said Thomas Murphy and requesting for those Reasons to discharge him from Confinement Resolved on considering the above Request that the said Thomas Murphy be discharged accordingly 'The original voucher is signed " Gloudey Van Deusen " and is in Revolu- tionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 168, State Comptroller's office. 364 State of New York 1779 A Letter from CoU Lewis DeBois dated at John^sTown in Tryon County was laid before the Board informing us that he sends to us under Guard by order of Brigadier General Clinton the following Persons (who were confined in Tryon County Goal and for want of a sufficient Guard to take Care of them at that Place he now sends to us to have confined here (to wit) Henry Merkle, Jacob Merkle, Derick Merkle, Godfrey Supher, Peter Schuyler, David Barber, John Staring, George Fikes, John Kitman, Julius Bush, Dedirick Louks, William Empey [70] Nicholas Shafer, Adam Shafer, John Shafer, John Alt, Nicholas Alt, Jacob Broadhower, Michael Cochnought, John Van Sela, John Devoe, Job Bullingham and John Waters Resolved that they be confined and that a Mittimus be made out for them Resolved that Letters be wrote to Col- Klock, CoU Vis- scher and William Harper Esq- requesting them to trans- mit to this Board the Crimes with which the above Persons severally stand charged Adjourned _ 1779 Met Albany i8* h Tune 1770 June l8 ' Present John M. Beeckman ) j Isaac D. Fonda Mathew Visscher ) ] John M'rClung 1 Ensign Tucker of CoU Alden's Regiment appeared before the Board with two Men belonging to the said Regiment who he informed us he had about a Fortnight since been sent to the Hellebergh in search of a Deserter, that they had returned this day and informed him that they have been taken Prisoners by a Party of Robbers who before they discharged them made them take an Oath not to take 1 McClung was a commissioner of the Charlotte County board. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 365 up Arms during the present War and it being probable that -. J 779 some very material Information may be collected from their Examinations therefore resolved that they be severally examined Jeremiah Johnson appeared before the Board & made Application for a Pass to go to New Jersey resolved that he be informed that no pass can be granted him unless he brings [71] a Certificate of the officer under whom he does Militia duty that he is a Friend to the American Cause and has contributed his Proportion towards raising Men for the nine Months Service Upon the Representation of Major Schermerhorn that Lambert Burghart lies dangerously ill of the Yaws, and that unless he be permitted to receive the benefit of the Assistance of his Family, his Life will be endangered re- solved that the said Lambert Burghart have Permission to go and reside with his Family at Kinderhook during his present Ailment Adjourned Met Albany 19 th June 1779 I779 Present J 11116 *9- John M. Beekman ) ( T r\ -r? j r'. c i Isaac D. ronda Mathew Visscner ) ( John M'rClung one of the Commissioners for Conspiracies for the County of Charlotte made application to the Board for the sum of one hundred Pounds to defray the necessary Expences of the Board held in the said County of Char- lotte Resolved that the Secretary pay him the same Benjamin Glazier who was Yesterday examined was again brought before the Board and examined his Examination is as follows, (to wit) (see Examination on File) 366 State of New York 1779 Jeremiah Johnson appeared before the Board and pro- duced to us a Certificate signed by Lieu* Isaac Lansing [72] certifying that he has always behaved himself as a good and faithful subject of the State Resolved in Consequence of the said Certificate that a Pass be granted to the said Jere- miah Johnson to go to New Jersey and to return again to this place by the I2* h day of next Month Adjourned 1779 Met Albany 2O* h June 1779 June 20. p resent John M. Beeckman } ( T T^ i/r L w f 1 Isaac D - Mathew Visscner j ( John Wheeler appeared before the Board and informed us that a Party of Robbers had last Night been at the House of his Father in Law Jacob Cooper at the Hellebergh and that in their attempting to break into the House the said Jacob Cooper had shot and killed one of them and requesting us to send a Scout to that Quarter to go in Search of the said Robbers. The Board on taking the above Information and Request into Consideration resolved that Application be made to Col? Henry K. Van Rensselaer the commanding Officer for a Party of Men to go to the Hellebergh for the above purpose : and also resolved that Instructions be made out for the Officer who is to command the said Scout in the following Words (to wit) (see Copy of Instructions on File) Resolved that Application be made also to Colj Jacob Lansing to detach a Party of Men of his Regiment to the Helleberg in search of the Robbers above mentioned and that Instructions be made out to the Officer who is to command the said Detachment [73] in the Words following, (to wit) (see Copy of Instructions on File) Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 367 Resolved that this Board do immediately proceed to the J 779 . June 20. Hellebergh in Order that the above Business may be the more expeditiously carried into Execution Adjourned Met at the House of Jacob Cooper at the Hellebergh j^e^i the 2if June 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) f T r T? j r . . TT . r i Isaac D. ronda Mathew Visscher j ( Charles Rosseter a Deserter from Burgoynes Army having been apprehended and brought before the Board and it ap- pearing from the Information of sundry well affected In- habitants that since the Time of his Desertion he has be- haved himself in a becoming manner Whereupon resolved that it be recommended to him to remove from this Part of the Country on account of it's dis- affection. Adjourned Met at the Hellebergh 22? d June 1779 June 7 22 Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T r\ T? j ~ r 1 Isaac L). ronda Mathew Visscher ; (. Derick Van Der Wilger being brought before the Board and it appearing from his examination and the Informa- tion of his Neighbours that by Reason of his Illness and the distresses of his Family he has not been able to render his Country the services he otherwise might have done and that he had taken the Oath of Allegiance resolved that he be discharged [74] Jan Bradt being brought before the Board on being 368 State of New York '779 Examined says that he was informed by Jacob Halenbeeck & Mathew Halenbeeck that a Party of Robbers intended to Robb him the said Bradt and Isaa[c] Price That the said Halenbeeck' s are disaffected Persons that they have a Brother whose Name is Arie Halenbeeck and who is married to Wormer's Daughter who keeps in the Woods and has understood that the said Arie Halenbeeck has been on his way to the Savages as far as Schohary Kill that he has also been informed that Anthony Lane and Bob Ruff are among the Robbers. Gerrit Seeger being brought before the Board was examined upon his Examination says That last Sunday forthnight he was at Harmanus Van Alstyne's where he found a Serjeant and Corporal of Colj Alden's Regiment who said the[y] came in search of Van Alstyne's Son who had deserted their Regiment that after a little while the said Van Alstyne who they came in search of Frederick Oliver and two others came up to the House armed and took the said Serjeant and Cor- poral Prisoners & carried them off and that he has not heard of them since that Time. Adjourned 1779 Met Albany 23? Tune 1770 June " Present John M. Beeckman ) f T T^ ^ * -* } Isaac L). fonda Mathew Visscher ( Samuel Stringer Esqf one of the Aldermen for this City appearing before the Board informed us that he has [75] by Virtue of a Law of this State confined Barent Whitacre for the space of twenty Days for refusing to furnish his Waggon and Horses for transporting Stores &? to the Westward for the purpose of the Western Expedition and also for not paying Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 369 the sum of ten Pounds as a Fine imposed on him for such _ J 779 June 23, his Refusal and that the said Barent Whitacre now consents to pay the said fine whereby he will obtain his Release from Confinement and as the said Barent Whitacre is a dis- affected Person whose going at large may be dangerous to the State he therefore recommends it to us to detain the said Barent Whitacre in Confinement resolved in Conse- quence of the said Information that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to detain the said Barent Whitacre in his Custody. A Letter from William Harper Esqf one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Tryon was laid before the Board containing the Crime of John Waters now in Con- finement & as the said Crime is not of such a Nature as to come under the Cognizance of this Board therefore resolved that the Mittimus of this Board against the said John Waters be withdrawn George Grant being looked upon as a Person of a sus- picious Character and having been ordered to appear be- fore this Board appeared resolved that he be discharged on his enrolling himself in some Militia Company in Col? Lan- sing's Regiment and entering into a Recognizance to do his Duty as good & faithful subject of the State and to keep the peace towards all and every the good subjects of the State and to appear before this Board when called upon George Grant on Recognizance in ... 50 u o u o [76] Resolved that Permission be granted to John D. Goes confined in Parole at Schodack on account of the Illness of his Child to go to Klyne Kill in Kinderhook Dis- trict until the 28? h Instant Adjourned 37 State of New York _ J 779 Met Albany 24* h Tune 1770 June 24 - Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T 17M1 . Tiri , ;: _ . > < William Wills Isaac D. ronda ) (. Hugh Rose, Thomas Mf Michin and Alexander Coarson who were lately brought from Schohary and confined were brought before the Board and exam[in]ed and it appearing that notwith- standing their being disaffected they have always demeaned themselves in a peaceable Manner therefore resolved that they be severally discharged from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance to appear before any one of the Commissioners for Conspiracies or any judicial Authority when called upon and for their good Behaviour until discharged by this Board Hugh Rose on Recognizance in. . . 100 Thomas M'rMichin on Recognizance ..in... 100 Alexander Coarson on Recognizance . .in. . . 100 James Boyd his Bail in. . . 100 Alexander M^Key also his Bail in. . . 100 The Board having received Information that James Flah- arty a Prisoner of War living at Hutchinsons at the Nor- man's Kill has of late associated with disaffected persons who s[e]creat themselves in the Woods and the said Flaharty being apprehended [77] was brought before the Board and Examined resolved that he be committed and that a Mit- timus be made out for him. Adjourned. Jxi 7 e 7 ?8. Met Albany a8f h June 1779' Present John M. Beeckman ) ( T T\ v i r, . TT- i r 1 A saac t>. J^onda Mathew Visscher ) ( 'This year had been written 1782 in the manuscript and was altered to 1779, which would seem to indicate that the clean copy of the minutes was made in 1782, Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 371 A Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esq dated 24* h -Instant was 1779 laid before the Board wherein he informs us that agreeable to the Resolution of this Board he has ordered the Reverend Mf Stuart to repair forthwith to Schenectady there to remain till the further Order of this Board A Letter from Coll Jacob Klock of Tryon County dated the 23f Instant was laid before the Board respecting the Prisoners lately sent from that County by order of Brigadier General Clinton which Letter is in the Words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) A Letter from Colj Frederick Visscher dated the 2O? h In- stant was laid before the Board containing the Charges ex- hibited before him against John Van Sela which Letter is in the Words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) A Letter from Col| Frederick Fisher, Zepheniah Batchelor, Andrew Wemple and John Fanda Esq- dated Tryon County I2* h Instant was laid before the Board containing the Charges against Philip Helmer of Tryon County now in Confinement which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (see Letter on File) Whereas Information has been given to this [78] Board that a Quantity of Flour is secreted in the woods on the West side of the River near the mouth of Niefies Kill by a certain William Harrison with an Intention to transport the same to the Eastern States contrary to a Law of this State and whereas this Board are in great want of Bread to sup- ply the prisoners confined in Goal. Therefore resolved that M- Cornelius Swits of this City be requested to proceed to Schodack there to apprehend the said William Harrison and convey him to the Prison in this place provided he will not discover the flour concealed by him on the West side of the River and in Case of its being removed to give Information where it is to be found. And 372 State of New York 1779 the said Cornelius Swits is hereby empowered to seize the said Flour and forthwith remove the same to this Place. Whereas Information has been exhibited to this Board that James Bruce, Zachariah Butler, Zopher Brotherton, John Brotherton, Michajah Brotherton, and Jesse Casey did lately rescue Elisha Rodgers belonging to the nine Months service from an Officer who had him in Charge and that they are Persons whose going at large unless under proper Re- strictions from their Disaffection to the American Cause may prove dangerous to the State. Resolved therefore that Timothy Bowen and Silas Morey be authorized and commanded to apprehend the said above mentioned Persons and them to bring forthwith before this Board Adjourned 1779 [79] Met Albany 29* h June 1779 Present John M. Beeckman ) f T r\ T? j J r 1 Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Rensselaer j ( Joseph Concklin of New Town having been apprehended for declaring that he was a friend to the King of Great Britain and making use of other Expressions which plainly evinced his Disaffection to the American Cause and being brought before the Board resolved that he be committed and that a Mittimus be made out for him Angus M'rlntosh having some Time since been taken a Prisoner some where near the Head of Delaware River and confined in Goal was brought before the Board and we being of opinion that his going at large will not endanger the safety 1 The clean copy of the minutes for June 29 and 30 begins at this point, and the rough draft begins on p. [80] of the composite manuscript. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 3 73 of the State therefore resolved that he be liberated from Con- _ J 779 r> rr - June 29. finement on hts entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient security for his future good Behaviour & appearing before any one of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon until discharged by this Board Angus M^Intosh on Recognizance in 200 James Bell his Bail in 200 Adjourned. Met Albany ?o* h Tune 1770. *779 Present Jlme 3 ' John M. Beeckman Jeremiah Van Rensselaer [80]' Met Albany 2 9 th June 1779. Present John M. Beekman | Jeremiah Van Renselaer j Joseph Concklin of New Town having [several Times heretofore been ordered to appear before the Board\ been apprehended for declaring that he was a friend to the King of Great Britain and making use of other Expressions which plainly [denoted the strongest Attachment to his Cause & the said Joseph Concklin having at the Time he was liberated from Confinement entered into a Recognizance whereby he engaged to appear before any one of the Members of this Board when called upon and the said Joseph Concklin not having complied with the Terms of the said Recognizance therefore Ordered that the said Joseph Concklin pay the Sum of ioo specified in his Recognizance and that he be committed for the 1 The rough draft begins at this point. Italicized words within brackets represent portions scored out in the manuscript during revision by Leonard Gansevoort, Jr., the secretary. 374 State of New York 1779 above mentioned Declarations and ordered] evinced his Dis- affection to the American Cause & being brought before the Board resolved that he be committed & that a Mittimus be made [out to the Cooler to take him into his Custody] out for him. Angus M'rlntosh having some Time since been taken a Prisoner somewhere near the Head of Deleware River and confined in Goal was brought before the Board and [it appearing to us from the candid Confession of the said Angus M c .Intosh that no danger is to be apprehended from his being released from his Confinement] being of Opinion that his going at large will not endanger the Safety of the State therefore [ordered] resolved that he be liberated from Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient Security for his future good Behaviour and appearance before any one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies when called upon until discharged by this B1 Angus M'ilntosh on Recognizance in . . 200 : o : o James Bell his Bail in . . 200 : o : o [The Board then] adjourned X* X i f i Isaac D. Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer ; ( James Bruce who was apprehended by Silas Morey ap- peared before the Board & requested to be admitted to Bail and offered as such William Baker and the Board having taken the said Request into Consideration Ordered that the said James Bruce be discharged on entering into a Recognizance to deliver up to Col? Henry K Van Renselaer on or before the third Tues- day in this Month Samuel Turner a Draught belonging to the nine Months Service whom the said James Bruce has induced to desert from the said Service and secreted in his House & for his Appearance at the next Supreme Court of Judi- cature to be held at the City Hall in this City on the Last Tuesday in this Month in the mean Time to keep the Peace James Bruce on Recognizance. . .in. . . 200 : o : o William Baker his Bail ......... in ... 200 : o : o Micajah Brotherton who was apprehended by Silas Morey appeared before the Board & requested to be admitted to Bail and offered as such Samuel Ingols & the Board having taken the said request into Consideration, Ordered that the said Micajah Brotherton be discharged on entering into a Recognizance to deliver up to Coll Henry K Van Renselaer on or before the third Tuesday in this Month Elisha Rodgers a Draught belonging to the nine Months Service, whom the said Micajah Brotherton rescued from the Officer who had him in Charge and in the mean Time to keep the Peace. Micajah Brotherton on Recognizance in ............................ 200 o o Samuel Ingols his Bail ............ 200 o o The Board then adjourned Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 379 Met Albany 5* July 1779 Present John M Beekman ) j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) 1 Isaac D Fonda Zachariah Butler who was apprehended by Silas Morey appeared before the Board & requested to be admitted to Bail & produced John Sacket & Joel Curtis who engaged to become Sureties for him and we having been certified of their sufficiency do thereupon order that the said Zachariah Butler be discharged on entering into [84] a Recognizance to deliver up to Col* Henry K Van Renselaer on or before the third Tuesday in this Month Elisha Rodgers a Draught belonging to the nine Months Service whom the said Zachariah Butler rescued from an Officer who had him in Charge & to appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held at the City Hall in this City on the last Tuesday in this Month & in the mean Time to keep the Peace. Zachariah Butler on Recognizance in 200 : o o John Sacket his Bail in 200 o o Joel Curds his Bail in 200 o o John Brotherton & Zopher Brotherton were each of them permitted to return to their Places of Abode at Stephen Town on entering into a Recognizance for their Appearance before any one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies when called upon & to keep the Peace towards all & every the Good Subjects of this State and to do their Duty when called on for that Purpose John Brotherton on Recognizance in. 100 o o Zopher Brotherton on Recognizance in 100 o o John Sacket Bail in 100 o o Joel Curtis Bail in 100 o o The Board then adjourned. 380 State of New York 1779 Met Albany 6^ h July 1770 Present John M. Beekman } j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Renselaer j ( Isaac D. Fonda Received a Letter of Col? Klock of Tryon Dated 3 rd Instant inclosing a Number of Examinations and Charges against the prisoners sent down by order of General Clinton & who are now here confined which Letter is in the Words following, to wit (prout) It appearing in Consequence of one of the Examinations in the above Letter alluded to that John Van Seyla' s Crime is of such a Nature as to admit of his being bailed therefore ordered that the said John Van Seyla be brought before the Board & that he be discharged from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance with a sufficient Security for his future good Behaviour and Appearance before any one of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon. John Van Seyla on Recognizance in. 100 o o Jacob Gardineerhis Bail in. 100 : o o [85] Frequent Complaints having been of late exhibited against William Sanders who was some Time since liberated from Confinement the Board do therefore order that John Devoe who became Bail for the said William Sanders be and is hereby strictly enjoyned and Commanded to deliver up to us the said William Sanders on or before Saturday next and that in Case he does not obey this Order that his Recognizance be instantly prosecuted. John Dusenbury was brought before the Board and lib- erated from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour & Appearance before any one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies when called upon. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 381 John Dusenbury on Recognizance. 200 o o Jacob Filkins his Bail ...... in ... 100 o o Benjamin Lister his Bail also, in. . . 100 o o The Board then adjourned. Met Albany 7* July 1779 Present John M Beekman | j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Renselaer j ( Isaac D Fonda A Request was made to the Board by Col 1 . Killian Van Renselaer Lieut? Col 1 - John H Beekman & Major Jacob Schermerhorn for Permission for Henry Van Schaack & David Van Schaack to go & remain for a while at Kinder- hook to adjust some Necessary Business which without their Presence could not be compleated Ordered that the said Request be taken into Consideration. Received a Letter from Hugh Mitchell Esq? one of the Members of this Board dated 5* h Instant respecting a cer- tain Butler Shehen who lately made his Escape from the Guard at Stillwater & who he has caused to be appre- hended which Letter is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that an Answer be wrote to the above Letter in the Words following, to wit (prout) Received a Letter from Zephaniah Batchelor Esq r & Col' Frederick Fisher of Tryon County respecting the removal of the prisoners by the Honourable Brigadier General James Clinton which Letter is dated the 3^ Instant & is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) The Board then adjourned. 382 State of New York Met Alban 7 8 - h J ul y 1 779 Present John M. Beekman ) (A/TI. 17- L ^ . , TT T> i f 1 Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Kenselaer ) Jacob Broadhower One of the Prisoners sent down from Tryon County by order of General Clinton was brought be- fore the Board & it appearing to us from the Certificates produced in favour of the said John Broadhower that he may with propriety be let to Bail do therefore order that he be liberated from Confinement on entering into a Recog- nizance for his future good Behaviour and Appearance when called upon by any one of the Commissioners of Conspira- cies or other Judicial Authority. Jacob Broadhower on Recogniz- ance in.. 100 : o : o Nicholas Broadhower his Bail in.. 100 o o Johannis Alt, Nicholas Shafer, Michael Van Cougnont & Johannis Shafer who were also sent down from Tryon County Goal to be here confined by order of General Clin- ton were all of them brought before the Board & it appear- ing from a Certificate signed by John Fonda & Andrew Wemp 1 Esq* two of the Justices of the Peace of the County of Tryon that the said Persons above mentioned may with Safety be discharged from Confinement on Bail therefore or- dered that they the said John Alt, Nicholas Shaver, Michael Van Cougnont & Johannis Shaver be severally liberated from Confinement on their entering into a Recognizance to appear before Zephaniah Batchelor & the said John Fonda EsqT? each of them with a good & sufficient Security & be- fore them the said Zephaniah Batchelor & John Fonda 1 Wemple. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 383 enter into a Recognizance for their Appearance when called upon before any one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies and for their good Behaviour. Johannis Alt on Recognizance ... .in 100 o o Nicholas Shaver on Recognizance in 100 : o : o Michael Van Cougnont on Recog- nizance in 100 : o : o Johannis Shaver on Recognizance in 100 o o Nicholas Broadhower their Bail .. in 100 : o : o John Shaver Also their Bail in 100 : o : o Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Zepheniah Batchelor & Isaac Fonda 1 Esq." to take the Recognizance of the above mentioned Persons agreeable to the above Entry and transmit them to us as soon as possible which Letter is in the Words following, to wit (prout) Walter Trumble some Time heretofore confined was brought before the Board & Cap* Hager certified to us that it is his Opinion that the said Walter Trumble may with safety be bailed and no particular Charge appearing against him Ordered that he be liberated from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his future good [87] Be- haviour and appearance when called upon before any one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies. Walter Trumble on Recognizance in. . . 100 : o : o Robert Trumble his Bail in. . . 100 : o : o Alexander Magee also his Bail . . .in. . . 100 : o : o The Board then adjourned. Met Albany 9^ h July 1779 T *779 Present Mathew Visscher John Fonda 384 State of New York Tu 779 J onn More was brought before the Board in Consequence of a Certificate of John Fonda, Volkert Veeder & Andrew Wemple Esqr? Justices for the County of Tryon wherein they certify that the said John Moore has heretofore always behaved himself as a peaceable Subject of the State & that they Imagin that his late Misconduct has proceeded from the Insinuations of some designing & deceitful Persons & recom- mending it to us to admit the said John More to Bail & we having taken the same into Consideration do order that the said John More be liberated from his Confinement on enter- ing into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour & appearance before any one of the Commissioners of Con- spiracies or any judicial Authority when called upon. John More on Recognizance in 200 : o : o Jacob Frey his Bail in 200 0:0 George Any was brought before the Board in Consequence of a Certificate of John Fonda, Volkert Veeder, & Andrew Wemple Esq Justices for the County of Tryon wherein they certify that the said George Any has heretofore always be- haved himself as a peaceable Subject of the State & that they Imagin that his late Misconduct has proceeded from the Insinuations of some designing & deceitful Persons & recommended it to us to admit the said George Any to Bail and we having taken the same into Consideration do order that the said George Any be liberated from his Confinement on entering into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour & Appearance before any one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies or any judicial Authority when called upon. George Any on Recognizance in. ... 200 : o : o Godfrey Any his Bail in 200 0:0 Johannis Groenenfragh, Johannis P. Wighman, Casper Smith and Frederick Mouche four German Deserters from Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 385 Burgoyne's Army having been concerned in several Rob- T 1779 beries and having been of the Party who made an Attempt to rob Jacob Cooper were apprehended & brought before the Board & severally examined Ordered that they be [88] confined and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to receive them into his Custody and safely keep them. The Board then adjourned. Met Albany io th July 1779 1779 Present J ul ? I0 - Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) j j D F d Mathew Visscher j ( As the German Prisoners Yesterday confined are not able to express themselves so as to be understood by any of the Members of this Board thereupon Ordered that John Roorback Esq^ be requested to attend this Board immediately for the purpose of examining the said German Prisoners. John Roorback attending in Consequence of the request of this Board proceeded to the Examination of Johannis Groenenfragh, Johannis P. Wighman, Casper Smith and Frederick Mouche and having reduced their Several Exami- tions to writing Ordered that they be recommitted. The Board then adjourned Met Albany I? July 1779 T 1779 Present July ' 3 ' John M Beekman ) ( T T\ i? j * r . _.. r -{ Isaac U Tonda Mathew Visscher ) (. Adam Shaver, Nicolas Ault & Peter Fikes who were sent down from Tryon County by Order of General Clinton to be here confined were all of them brought before the Board and it appearing to us from the Conduct heretofore sustained 386 State of New York Tul 77 ? ^7 tne sa id Persons that no Danger to the publick Safety is to [be] apprehended from them therefore Ordered that they the said Adam Shaver, Nicholas Ault and Peter Fikes be severally liberated from Confinement on their entering into a Recognizance to appear before Zephaniah Batchelor & John Fonda Esq^? each of them with a good & sufficient Security & before them the said Zepheniah Batchelor & the said John Fonda Esq rs enter into a Recognizance for their Appearance when called upon before any one of the Com- missioners o Conspiracies & for their good Behaviour. Adam Shaver on Recognizance in. ... 100 : o : o Nicholas Ault on Recognizance in. ... 100 : o : o Peter Fikes on Recognizance. . in. ... 100 : o : o John Shaver their Bail ....... in. ... 100 : o : o Johannis Ault also their Bail. . in. ... 100 : o : o The Board then adjourned. 1779 [89] Met Albany 14 th ' July 1779 Present John M Beekman ) ( T\T i -vr- i :; > 4 Mathew Visscher Isaac D ronda ) (. Zachariah Butler appeared this Day before the Board with Elisha Rodgers a Draught from Col- Killian Van Renselaer's Regiment belonging to the nine Months Service who the said Zachariah Butler by a Recognizance entered into before this Board engaged to deliver up Ordered that the said Elisha Rodgers be delivered over to Coll Henry K Van Renselaer Commanding the Regiment of new Levies. An Extract from the Minutes of the Committee of the City and County of Albany was laid before the Board wherein they recommend to us to cite before us John Klock an Inhabitant of this City who they look upon as a Person Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 387 extremely dangerous to the State on Account of his Utter J 779 Disaffection to the American Cause Ordered on Consid- ering the same that the said John Klock be cited to appear before the Board this Afternoon. Another Extract from the Minutes .of the Committee of the City and County of Albany was laid before the Board wherein they recommend to us an Enquiry into the Con- duct of John Cobham & Ivy Chambers who are prisoners of War and who they conceive as such ought not to be trusted with so much Liberty as they at present do each of them enjoy Ordered also that they be severally cited to appear before the Board this Afternoon. The Board then adjourned. Met Albany i# h July 1779 jul? 7 ?6. Present John M Beekman ) ( T r\ r? i ATI TT- i f i Isaac D. Jbonda Mathew Visscher j Jacobus Hoogtaling one of the Party of the Robbers in- festing the Neighborhood of Pocsink Hellebergh &c who has been with Brant and Butler at the Destruction of the Settlements on the Mohawk River having been apprehended was brought before the Board Ordered that he be examined. Jacobus Hoogtaling having been examined Ordered that he be committed & that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to take him into his Custody. A Letter from George Herchemer, George H Bell & Warner Dygert dated the I3* h Instant was laid before the Board wherein they request the Liberation of Peter Schuyler & John Jost Schuyler from Confinement which Letter is in the words following (to wit) prout Ordered that the above Letter be taken into Consideration. 388 State of New York 1779 Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Brigadier General Clinton inclosing a Copy of the Examination of Jacobus Hoogtaling which Letter is in the Words following (to wit) prout The Board then Adjourned. [91 Met Albany I 9 ^ h July 1779 Present John M Beekman f f T r\ T? j :[, . TT . < Isaac D Fonda. Matnew Visscher (. ( A Recognizance of Michael Van Coughnot taken before Zepheniah Batch elor Esq r was laid before the Board Or- dered that the Secretary file the same. An Affidavit was exhibited by [sic] this Board by Cath- arine Simpson living at Schohary setting forth that a Number of Persons a few Days ago came to her House and under a Pretence of her Husband being a Person disaffected to the American Cause did forcibly pull down her House and dis- troy her Furniture and Cloaths Ordered on Consideration of the same that a Letter be wrote to Johannis Lawyer & Jonas Vrooman Esq" two Justices of the Peace at Scho- hary recommending it to them to make an enquiry into the Root above mentioned and bind over such Persons as are concerned in it to the Peace to appear at the next supreme Court. Jacob Haines having been heretofore confined for enter- taining the Robbers at Pocsink &c and supplying them with Provisions was now brought before the Board Or- dered that he be discharged from his Confinement on his taking an Oath that he will not Aid Comfort or assist any Person or Persons whom he knows or Suspects to be Rob- bers or who are disaffected to the American Cause or who in Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 389 Order to screen themselves from doing Milatary Duty keep Tu J 779 & skulk in the Woods or who have deserted from the Con- tinental Service & that he will upon Discovery of any of those Persons immediately give Notice thereof to the Com- missioners of Conspiracies or some other Authority in this State & on his entering into a Recognizance for the next two Years to keep the Peace and appear before any one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies when called upon. Jacob Haines on Recognizance in 200 : o : o Albert Bradt of Niscuthaw his Bail in 200 : o : o The Board then adjourned Met Albany 21 st July 1770 *779 Present **> John M. Beekman ) ( . , , * 7 . , 1 ^ r I Mathew Visscher Isaac D ronda ) ( Asa Richardson having some Time ago by Order of this Board been confined in Goal for Disaffection to the American Cause was brought before the Board & we jud[g]ing that his Confinement has been sufficiently long do therefore Order that he be liberated from Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour & Appearance before any one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies when- ever called upon in two Years from this Day Asa Richardson in Recognizance in. ... 100 Samuel Sherwood his Bail in. ... 100 [91] Henry Stater having also been confined for Dis- affection to the American Cause was brought before the Board and on his Offering good Security for his future good Behaviour & Appearance before any One of the Commis- sioners of Conspiracies when called upon within the next two 390 State of New York 1779 Years he was discharged on entering into a Recognizance to adhere to the Restrictions Henry Stater on Recognizance in. ... 100 Cornelius Van Der Zee of Niscuthaw his Bail in 100 Adam Haines having been confined for Disaffection was also liberated on entering into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour & Appearance before any One of the Com- missioners of Conspiracies when called upon within the next two Years he was discharged on entering into a Recognizance to adhere to the Restrictions Adam Haines on Recognizance in. ... 100 William Van Alen his Bail in. ... 100 Mary Herchermer Wife of Johan Jost Herchermer made Application to the Board for Permission to go to Canada to her Husband. Ordered that she be informed that this Board have no Authority to grant her Request but that we will make known her Application to his Excellency Governor Clinton Abraham Hoogteling was ordered to be brought before the Board and examined after which he was ordered to be recommitted Jacobus Hoogteling was also examined and afterwards Ordered to be recommitted. A Letter from David Smith dated the 5* h July directed to this Board was read & is in the Words following, to wit, (prout) Ordered that the same be filed The Board then adjourned 1779 Met Albany 22 nd July 1779 July 22. p resent John M Beekman ) ( A/r , w u J y -j Mathew Visscher Isaac D Fonda J ( Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 391 Johannis Groonenbagh was brought before the Board y 1 , 779 and Examined ordered that he be recommitted Ordered that Nicholas C. Van Den Bergh be cited to Appear before the Board on Saturday the 24 of July Instant to support the Charge of Disaffection to the American Cause by him exhibited against Isaac Fonda [92] Received a Letter from Volckert Veeder Esq- One of the Justices of the Peace of Tryon County respecting the Liberation of sundry Persons now here Confined in Goal ordered that the same be taken into Consideration A Letter from Peter Ehl Cornelius Smith and Volckert Veeder Dated 19 July 1779 was read and is in the Words following (to wit) (prout) ordered that the same be filed and that the Consideration thereof be postponed to a future Day Henry Rush having been confined as a suspicious Person was examined and afterwards ordered to be recommitted Adjourned Met Albany 23 d Tuly 1770 _ ^779 r, J J J ' ' 7 July 23. rresent John M Beekman ) ( A/T u \r u - 1 [ -j Mathew Visscher Isaac D Fonda ) ( James Bruce who Was bound by a Recognizance to Appear at the next Supreme Court of Judicature to be holden on the last Tuesday of this Month in this City and to Deliver up to Col 1 - Henry K Van Renselaer Lemuel Turner a Soldier en- listed in the nine Months Service who had Deserted & whom the said James Bruce had Secreted & harboured, appeared this Day and proved by a Certificate that the [sic] had De- livered up the said Lemuel Turner where upon In Con- sequence of a Recommendation of Sundry well affected persons It is ordered that the said James Bruce be Discharged 39 2 State of New York ^ rom t ^ lat ^ art ^is Recognizance which requires his Appear- ance at the Supreme Court Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Lieu^ Thomas Ismay in the following Words (to wit) see Letter of this Date on the file 1 A Reward of two Hundred Dollars having been offered to any Persons who would apprehend Johannis Groonenbagh Johannis P Weeghman Casper Smith & Frederick Mouche & Ensign Hendrick Shaper 2 having with a Party of Men apprehended & brought to Goal the said Person[s] It is therefore ordered that the above Reward be paid to [93] the said Hendrick Shafer M^ Halenbeeck Wife of Michael Halenbeeck Appeared before the Board according to Order whereupon she was examined as to the Robbery Committed on the said Michael Halenbeeck and then Discharged John Clock being a Person Disaffected to the American Cause as has appeared to this Board from the Information of sundry respecttable Persons was cited to appear, on his appearance avowing his Principles ordered that he be Confined and a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to take him into his Custody 1779 Met Albany 24 th July 1779 July 24. Present John M Beekman ) f Ayr , T7 . , :: _ ._ . > ( Mathew Visscher Isaac u Jbonda ) ( An Account of John Ja: Beekman was laid before the Board for hire of his Waggon to Saratoga and Helleberg Amounting to 24.^1 o s ordered that the same be paid. 1 Ismay was paid 2 u 25. in this month for dieting and lodging Peter Seeger and for his own services in search of robbers. Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 171, State Comptroller's office. 8 So written erroneously for Shafer. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 393 Ordered that Bethuel Washburn Commissary of Issues be *779 paid 197 for Bread furnished by him for the State Prisoners 1 Nicholas C Van Den Bergh appearing according to Order produced Several Witnesses in Support of his Charge of Disaffection against Isaac Fonda on hearing of which it is resolved As the Opinion of this Board that the Charge against the said Isaac is ill founded Met Albany 27 July 1779 .W> Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) ( T T\ T? j T i TVT r> i f 1 Isaac D I'onda John M JtJeekman ) ( Zachariah Butler & Micajah Brotherton who were Sev- erally bound by Recognizance for their Personal Appearance at the next Supreme Court of Judicature to be held in this City on the last Tuesday of this Instant Month of July Appeared before the Board and in Consequence of a Recom- mendation from sundry well affected Inhabitants [94] of Stephen Town they were Discharged as to that Part of their Recognizances requiring their Appearance at the next Suoreme Court but Continued as to the remainder Met Albany 28 th July 1770 1779 Present JlUy 28 " Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) j j D F r! John M Beekman ) ( Major Samuel Ten Broeck appeared [before] the Board with a certain Wendel Yager who he had apprehended on Suspicion of being co[n]cerned in a robbery committed in Livingston's Manor ordered that he be confined and that a 1 The voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 167, State Comp- troller's office. 394 State of New York 1779 Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to take him into his July 28. Custody An Account was laid before the Board of Cornelius Cuyler for Flour purchased of him for the Use of the State Prisoners ordered that the same be paid It is ordered that in future no Pass be given to any Person Except with the Consent and approbation of three of the Members of this Board It is further ordered that the Committe[e] now sitting in this City be requested not to grant any Passes in future to any Person or Persons whatever except on a Recommendation of this Board And also resolved that the same Request be made to the Justices in this City Information having been exhibited to this Board by Jere- miah Van Renselaer Esq- one of the Members that Stephen Van Dyck of Lenenburgh has been ascessery [sic] to the Escape of Samuel M-Farland who had broke out of the Goal in this City & the said Stephen. Van Dyck being a Disaffected Person therefore resolved that a Warrant be made out forthwith to apprehend the said Stephen Van Dyck It appearing to this Board by Information of Casp* 1 Cline that Peter Lempman Jun- of Livingstons Manor who has been bound by a Recognizance to appear on the last Day of every Month before any one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies is unable on Account of an Ailment to perform [95] that part of his Recognizance which requires his Monthly Appearance before the Commissioners Therefore ordered that he in future make his Appearance Before the said Capi Cline Adjourned An error for " Cap* " Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 395 Met Albany 29 th July 1779 T niv 7 ?n Present John M Beekman ) f T r\ v j T u \T r> i f 1 Isaac D Fonda Jeremiah Van Ranselaer j ( William Flood having been some Time ago confined in Goal as a Person Disaffected to the American Cause whose going at large might prove dangerous to the Safety of the State and application being now made by Joseph Jadwin for the Liberation of the said William Flood and as his Confinement has been of Sufficient Duration thereof ordered that he be Discharged on his entring into a Recognizance with the said Joseph Jadwin as his Surety for his future good Behaviour and remaining on the Farm of the said Joseph Jadwin & appearing before any three of the Com- missioners of Conspiracies when called upon in the next three years from the Date hereof William Flood on Recognizance ...in.. 100 o Joseph Jadwin of Schatikoke Yeomen his bail in 100 o Whereas there are many disaffected Persons residing at Stillwater in this County Some of whom have been with the Enemy and others by their Conduct and Conversation give Offence to the good People of the said Place therefore ordered that a Warrant be made out Directed to Cap- Job Wright Commanding him to apprehend Isaac Bryant & such other Disaffected Persons as have been with the Enemy & have not entered into Recognizance before this Board and forthwith bring them before us and also that the said Cap- Wright be directed to seize the Cattle of the said Isaac Bryant & keep [96] them in his Possession untill he shall receive Directions from this Board in what Manner to Dispose of them Adjourned 39 6 State of New York '779 Met Albany 3 i st July 1779 Present John M Beekman ) ( T ^ ^ . . , w _ [ < Isaac D Fonda Jeremiah Van Ranselaer ) ( Jeremiah Van Ranselaer j Philip Empey one of the Prisoners sent from Tryon County as being a Disaffected & Dangerous Person was brought before the Board and examined and he appearing Determined to attone for his former bad Conduct by rendering the State every Service in his Power therefore ordered that he be Dischar[g]ed from his Confinement on his entering into a Recognizance with John Empey as his Surety for his remaining within the Limits of the Township of Schnectady for his future good Behavior & appearance before any three of the Commissioners of Conspiracies when Called upon Philip Empey on Recognizance in 200 John Empey his bail in 200 Ordered that [blank] Davis be examined and his Examina- tion be reduced to writing & filed Adjourned I779 Met Albany 2 nd Aug^ 1779 Aug. 2. Present John M Beekman ) f T r\ t? j T u v -D i f 1 Isaac D Fonda Jeremiah Van Ranselaer j ( Information having been exhibited to this Board by John Lendert that some of the Goods Stolen from him the said John Leonard are at present in the Possession of Evert Sixby and Roeliff Seger therefore ordered that a Warrant be made out and Directed to Li Thomas Ismay to search the Houses of the said Evert Sixby & Roliff Seger and if they find any goods which they suspect to be Stolen to bring Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 397 the same together with the Persons in whose Possession the A J 779 Aug. 2. goods are found before us forthwith [97] The Board having received Information that William Schermerhorn is at present lurking some where about his Farm It is therefore ordered that a Letter be wrote to Lieu- Thomas Ismay to go with his Party of Men to Pec- sink and there endeavour to apprehend the said William Schermerhorn Adjourned Met Albany 3 d August 1779 J 779 Present John M Beekman ) ( T T-V T? j T u T/ r i f 1 Isaac D Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) ( The Board having received Information that Walter Norris of this City is able to give some Intiligence with Respect to the secreting Samuel M - Farlan who broke out of Goal a few Days ago and he being sent for and examined and it appear- ing from his Examination that Jeremiah Johnson of this Place was privy to the Concealing of the said Samuel M-- Farlan Therefore ordered that the said Jeremiah Johnson be ordered to attend this Board to Morrow Morning Received a Letter from David Smith of Cambridge District dated the 5 th Day of July 1779 respecting a certain Charles Church which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (prout) ordered that the said Letter be filed and that the subject Matter thereof be taken into Consideration at a future Day Jesse Fairchild Laid before the Board an Account of Serv- ices performed by him towards securing the State Prisoners amounting to 222 16 ordered that the same be paid l 1 The original voucher, for handcuffs, etc., is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 171, State Comptroller's office. For a statement of his services from July 2, 1779, to March 6, 1780, amounting to 838 6s. H iod., see ibid, p. 172. 39$ State of New York Lieu- Thomas Ismay by a Letter informs us that he sends Hannah Seeger in whose Possession were found some of the stolen Goods of John Lendert ordered that she be confined and that [a] Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to take her into his Custody Adjourned [9^ Met Albany 4 th August 1779 Present John M Beekman ) j Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Renselaer j ( Isaac D Fonda In Consequence of the Order of this Board of Yesterday Jeremiah Johnson appeared ordered that he be examined on Oath Jeremiah Johnson being examined denies the Charge alledged against him but says that John M-Dole and Alexander M-Elhany were both of them concerned in har- bouring and Secreting Samuel M-Farlan after his Escape from Goal whereupon ordered that the said John M-Dole & Alexander M-Elhany be cited to appear before this Board forthwith Ordered that the Secretary to this Board Deliver up to Janet Clement the Power of Attorney belonging to the said Janet Clement Lodged in his Hands It is Ordered that Hanah Seeger now confined in Goal have Permission to return Home until she be called upon by any one of the Members of this Board The Board taking into Consideration the Letter Yester day received from David Smith do in Co[n]sequence thereof Order that Charles Church mentioned in the said Letter be apprehended and Confined Adjourned Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 399 Met Albany 5 th August 1779 Present ug * 5 * John M Beekman ) f Mathew Visscher Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) 1 Isaac D Fonda William Halenbeeck having by Order of this Board been apprehended by Lieu- Thomas Ismay for harbouring a Party of Robbers and being Accessary to a Number of Robberies by them committed was brought before us and examined and the Proffs alledged against the Said William Halenbeeck not being sufficiently Clear so as to justify his further Confinement [99] Therefore Ordered that he be Discharged on his taking an Oath in future to harbour no Tories or Robbers and to give Notice to this Board of all such Persons of that Denomination as may come to his House It is Ordered that Lieui Thomas Ismay deliver up to William Halenbeeck the Gun which he has taken from him Ordered that the Secretary pay to Hendrick Bliss for bringing up from Livingstons Manor to his Place Wendell Yager the sum of 3-4-0 Adjourned Met Albany 6 th A[u]gust 1779 1779 Present Au e- John M Beekman ) ( T r> T- j ATI TT- r i Isaac D I'onda Mathew Visscher ; ( Joseph Concklin having been confined some Time ago by Order of this Board was brought before us and on acknowl- edging his Fault and asuring us of his Amendment in future Therefore ordered that the said Joseph Concklin be Dis- charged from his Confinement on entering into a Recog- nizance for his future good Behaviour Doing his Duty as a good and faithful Subject of the State of New York and 4oo State of New York for his Appearance before any one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies when thereunto required within the next three Years from this Day Joseph Concklin on Recognizance ..... in. . 100 Peter Van Campen of Newtown his Bail in. . 100 Adjourned Met Alban 7 7 th August 1779 Present John M Beekman ) ( T r\ T? j J [ 1 Isaac D Fonda Mathew Visscher ) (. Received a Letter from Zepheniah Batchalor Esq- of Tryon County dated the 6- I[n]stant which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (prout) Ordered that the same be filed [100] The Board taking into Consideration the Charge alledged against Johannis Kitman of Stone Arabia in Tryon County and finding no Meterial Evidence against him do therefore order that he be discharged from his Confinement on entering into Recognizance for his future good Behaviour and Appearance before any one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies or any Judicial Authority in the next three Years Johannis Kitman Principal on Recognizance in .................................... 500 Jacob Kits of Cagnuago his Bail in ........ 500 Adjourned 1779 Met Albany 8 th August 1779 Au - * Present John M Beekman ) ( Isaac D Fonda Jeremiah Van Ranselear j ( Mathew Visscher Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 401 The Hon^ Brigadier General Ten Broeck laid before the Board a Letter received from his Excellency Governor Clinton wherein he informs him that he has received Infor- mation that a Large Party of the Enemy intend to attack Kats Kill & Schohary and that Hans Seger is Collecting a Party of Men to go off & join them On Consideration whereof resolved that it be recommended to General Ten Broeck to order out one eighth Part of the Militia of his Brigade Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Lieu- Thomas Ismay requesting him to send out Peter Seeger to make Discovery of the Enemy and also to send two or more Persons of his Company to the Roe Kill and Batavia and to keep Con- tinually in the night Scouting Parties about the Different roads to take up all Strangers & to report to us from time to time Adjourned Met Albany io th August 1770. . T 77o Present John M Beekman ) ( A , , xr , L > 4 Mathew Visscher Isaac D ronda ) ( Nicholas Schuyler of Tryon County appeared before the Board and made Application to have his Father [101] Peter Schuyler liberated from Confinement Ordered that he be informed that his father cannot be released unless at the Request and upon the Recommenda- tion of some of the Principal well affected Inhabitants of Tryon County and that untill this is procured all Applica- tion in his favour is needless John Frederick having been apprehended was brought before the Board as a Suspicious Person on being examined he Confesses he has been with the Enemy last Summer and 402 State of New York *779 that he has since been Confined in Goal at Poughkeepsie Aug. 10. from where he has made his Escape Ordered that he be confined and that a Mittimus be made out for him Adjourned Met Albany II th August 1779 Present John M Beekman ) ( Mat: Visscher Isaac D Fonda j ( John M-Clung Whereas this Board have received Information that many Persons who have entered into Recognizance Before us for their good and peacable Behaviour and Appearance on the last day of every month have not Appeared agreeable to the Tenor of their said Recognizance and in Order that the same may be perticularly enquired into resolved that Advertisements be put up in Different Parts of this County notifying every Person who has Entered into Recognizance to appear before this Board on the last Day of August Instant & that such Persons as do not appear will be procecuted on their said Recognizances In Consequence of the Order of the 4 Instant [102] commanding the Appearance of Alexander M^Elhany the said M-Elhany appeared and was examined as to his being concerned in favouring the Escape of Samuel M-Farland from Goal and as it appears that he was not concerned in the same therefore Ordered that he be discharged Jonathan Pettit was also sent for and examined as to Samuel M-Farlan's Escape from Goal and then discharged Isaac Bryant having a few Days ago been confined was this Day brought before the Board and Examined Resolved that as nothing special appears against him that he be discharged until called upon by any three of the Members of this Board Adjourned Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 403 Met Albany 14 th August 1779 A Present John M Beekman ) f T r* TP j AT i TT- r 1 Asaac U ronda Mathew Visscher ) (. Wendell Yager who was some time ago committed by Order of Major Samuel Ten Broeck on Suspicion of his being Concerned in Some of the Robberies committed in Livingstons Manor was brought before the Board and Examined and as nothing Special appears against him Therefore Ordered that he be Discharged from his Con- finement on his entering into a Recognizance to appear at the next Supreme Court of Judicature to be held at the City Hall in this City on the third tuesday in October Next or Sooner if required before any three of the Commissioners of Conspiracies & in the Mean Time to be of the good Behaviour and remain Within the Limits of District of Livingstons Manor and not Depart the Same without the Permission of Major Ten Broeck Wendell Yager of Livingstons Manor La- bourer in Recognizance in .............. 500 Hendrick Yager of the Same Place Yeoman his Bail in ............................ 500 William Becker D Yeomen also his Bail in . . 500 [103] A Letter from Major Samuel Ten Broeck at Roelif Janses Kill dated n*! 1 Day of August Instant was laid before the Board which Letter is in Words following (to wit) (see Letter on the File) Adjourned Met Albany I7? h August 1779 Au 77 ? Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) ( Isaac D Fonda John M Beekman j ( Mathew Visscher 404 State of New York A certain John M^Cullock was apprehended and brought before the Board and it appearing by a Certificate signed by Lieu* Col- Stephen S* John dated at Norwalk that the said MfCullock is a Deserter from the British Army & there being great Cause of Suspicion against him Therefore ordered that he be taken to the Guard House & there detained untill discharged by an Order of this Board Jeremiah Van Renselaer Esq- one of the Members of this Board informed us that Stephen Van Dyck of Lonenburgh had been aiding & assisting Samuel M- Farlan to make his Escape after he had broke out of Prison and Justice Van Hoesen being charged with advising Continental Soldiers to Desert to the Enemy Resolved that a Warrant be [made] out to apprehend the said Stephen Van Dyck & Justice Van Hoesen and trans- mitted to Col-- Robert Van Renselaer requesting him to deliver the said Warrant to some Constable of Claverack District and cause it to be Served Adjourned l 10 ^ ^ et Albany 1 8 th August 1779 Present John M Beekman ) j Mathew Visscher Isaac D Fonda j ( Hugh Mitchell Cap- Noble of a Regiment of Levies Stationed at Schohary appeared before the Board and informed us that he had apprehended George Atkin as a dangerous and suspicious Person whereupon ordered that he be brought before us The said George Atkin being produced and examined and he not giving a satisfactory Account of himself resolved that he be confined and that a Mittimus be made out to the Goaler to take him into his Custody Adjourned Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 405 Met Albany 19 th August 1779 Ai Present John M Beekman ) f , , , w . , > < Mathew Visscher Isaac D i*onaa ) (. A Letter from the Honourable Major General Philip Schuyler dated at Saratoga the i8 th Instant was laid before the Board wherein he informs us that he has received Informa- tion that Several of the Inhabitants of Palmertown have been guilty of harbouring and concealing a Party of Men from the Enemy and requesting us if Possible to come up to Saratoga to open a Board there for the Purpose of investi- gating this Matter On considering the Above Letter it is unanimously resolved that a Board be formed with as much Dispatch as possible at Saratoga Adjourned Met Albany 26 th August 1779 1779 Present Aug. 26. John M Beeckman | Isaac D Fonda ) [105] The Board having received Information that George Atkins who was on the 18 Instant confined is not so danger- ous a Character as was at first apprehended It is therefore resolved that he be liberated from Confine- ment on entring into a Recognizance with a Sufficient Surety for his future good Behaviour and Appearance before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called upon George Atkins on Recognizance in 100 Wilhelmas Osterhout his Bail, .in 100 Evert Wynkoop also his Bail. . in 100 406 State of New York I saac Bryant whom we requested Capi Job Wright to have apprehended was brought before us and examined resolved that he be committed An Account of Ezra Buel for Services performed by him for this Board was laid before us amounting to 8 ordered that he be paid * Information being given to this Board by Edmund Green of the Manor of Renselaerwyck that Caleb Brown, Caleb Brown Jun- Jonathan Brown Peter Brown and Abijah woodward are dangerous and disaffected Persons whose going at large unless under proper Restrictions may prove of dangerous Consequence to the State It is therefore resolved that a Warrant be made out for their immediate apprehension The said Caleb Brown Caleb Brown Jun? Jonathan Brown Peter Brown & Abijah woodward being apprehended were Brought Before us ordered that they be severally con- fined until they procure good Sufficient Bail for their good Behaviour & appearance before us when called upon Justice Van Hoesen and Stephen Van Dyck for whose apprehension a warrant was made out on the ij th [106] Instant were brought before us Ordered that the[y] be confined and a Mittimus made out for them It having been suggested to us Seth Perry of the Manor of Renselaerwyck is able to give some Material Information against Caleb Brown & the other Persons above Mentioned who were this Day committed to Goal It is therefore ordered that the said Seth Perry be sent for and examined Seth Perry on his appearing being examined resolved that 1 The original voucher, signed " Ezra Buell ", is in Revolutionary Manu- scripts, vol. 40, p. 169, State Comptroller's office. Payment was made for serving warrants on Jeremiah Taylor, Holtham Dunham, William Magee and Isaac Bryant. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 407 he enter into a Recognizance to appear at the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace to be held at the City Hall in this City on the first Tuesday in October next and there to testify to such Matters as he may know respecting Caleb Brown and the other Persons above mentioned & not to depart the Court without Leave Seth Perry of the Manor of Renselaerwyck Black Smith on Recognizance in .......... 50 Hendrick Ten Eyck of the Manor of Renselaerwyck ap- peared before the Board according to order it is resolved that the said Hendrick Ten Eyck enter into a Recognizance to appear at the next Court of General Session[s] of the Peace to be held on the first Tuesday in Oct- next at the City Hall in this City to answer to such matters as shall then and there be alledged against him & not to depart the Court without Leave Hendrick Ten Eyck of the Manor of Ren- selaerwyck on Recognizance in ........... 300 Thomas Burnsides of the same place Yeomen his Bail in ........................... 150 Adjourned [107] Met Alba[n]y 27 August 1779 1779 Present John M Beeckman ) ( Isaac D Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j (. Mathew Visscher Received a Letter from John Beaty Esq Deputy Com- missary of Prisoners dated at Head Quarters the 23 d Aug.* 1779 requesting from us a Return of the Prisoners of war under our Directions which Letter is in the words following (to wit) (See Letter on the File) 4-o8 State of New York 1779 John Smith a Deserter from Col- Gansevoorts Reg- having been a long Time with the Party of Robbers in the woods at Peesink & Hellebergh and there being a Probability of his making Some important Discoveries with Respect to the said Robbers therefore Ordered that he be brought before the Board and examined John Smith having been brought before the Board and examined Ordered that he be recommitted Caleb Brown Caleb Brown Jun- Peter Brown Jonathan Brown and Abijah Woodward were brought before the Board and the cause of Complaint as exhibited to this Board by Edmund Green being heard and their Defence to the same ordered on considering the same that they the said Caleb Brown, Caleb Brown Jun- Peter Brown, Jonathan Brown and Abijah Woodward be severally discharged except Caleb Brown Jun- who having at the time General Bur- goyne come down from Canada gone over to and joined him and as it is Necessary that the [said] Caleb Brown Jun- should be under Restrictions for his future good Behaviour therefore ordered that he be bound in a Recog- nizance for his future good Behaviour and appearance before any one of the Commiss- of Conspiracies when called upon for the next three Years [108] Caleb Brown Junior on Recognizance in 100 Abijah Woodward his Bail in 100 Holtham Dunham and Jeremiah Taylor having been cited to appear before the Board to give their Information respecting the Conduct of Jotham Bemus at the Time Gen- Burgoyne came from the Northward ordered that the[y] be severally examined and that their examinations be reduced to writing which examinations are in the words following (to wit) (see Examinations on the File) Adjourned Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 409 Met Albany I st September 1779 Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) f A/r , w . , L f 1 Mathew Visscher Isaac D ronda ) (. The Board conceiving that the Commitment of Stephen Van Dyck has been sufficient long we do therefore order that he be brought before us, On his Offering sufficient Surety for his future Good Conduct it is resolved that he be liberated on his entering into a Recog- nizance for his future Good Behaviour and appearance when called upon by any one of the Commissioners of Conspiracies Stephen Van Dyck on Recognizance in 200 Hendrick A Van Dyck his Bail in .... 200 Adjourned Met Albany 2 nd September 1779 1779 Present *# 2 ' John M Beeckman | ( Isaac D. Fonda ) ( Justice Van Hoesen who was a few days ago con- fined for persuading Soldiers to desert from the Conti- nental Service was Brought before the Board and the Persons charging him with the [109] same being produced and examined and it appearing that the Accusation against the said Justice Van Hoesen is false and without any the least Foundation therefore Ordered that the said Justice Van Hoesen be immediately discharged from Confinement Ordered that the Secretary pay to Peter Seeger as a Reward for giving Information respecting the Robbers 4io State of New York infesting the Helleberg Peesink and the Places adjoining the Sum of 2o and take his Receipt for the Same l Then Adjourned J 779 Met Albany 7 th September 1770 7 " Present John M Beeckman ) j Mathew Visscher Isaac D Fonda j (. JeremiahVan Renselaer An Account was laid before the Board of Jeremiah Van Renselaer for Cash Advanced by him for the Expences of the Board of Commiss- at Saratoga amounting to 15 12 s ordered that the Secretary pay and take a Receipt for the same Another Acount was laid before the Board of Jacob Slingerlandt for Services performed at our Request amount- ing to 2% tl I2 ordered that the same be paid 2 Johannis Staring having some Time since been sent down from Tryon County and here confined was brought before the Board and their being no particular Charges as yet exhibited Before us against him therefore ordered that he be liberated on entring into a Recognizance for his future good Behaviour and doing Militia Duty and for his remain- ing within the Limits of the Township of Schenectady and appearance before any One of the Commissioners of Con- spiracies when called upon Johannis Staring on Recognizance in 100 Arent N Van Petten his Bail in 100 1 The original voucher is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 169, State Comptroller's office. "Ibid, p. 169. Payment was for riding three commissioners to Sara- toga, etc., and his mother, Eve Slingerlandt, signed the receipt with a mark. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 411 [no] Met Albany 8 th September 1779 Sept. 8. Present John M Beekman ) ( T u w T> i i > -< eremiah Van Kenselaer Isaac D Fonda j ( J Rachel Farguson having been some time since Confined for harbouring & entertaining a Number of Tories who come down from Canada with an inte[n]tion of Murdering the Defenceless Inhabitants on the Western Frontiers or this State was brought before the Board order[e]d that she be liberated from Confinement on entering into a Recog- nizance for her future Good Behaviour and appearance at the next Court of General Sessions of the peace to be Held for the City & County of Albany at the City Hall of the said City on the first Tuesday in October & then & there to answer to such Charges as shall be alledged against her & not to depart the Court without Leave Rachel Farguson on Recognizance in 200 Robert Yates her Bail in 200 Nicholas Howe D? 200 Stephen Howe D- 200 Adjourned Met Albany lo* 11 September 1779 s/T 79 Present John M Beekman ) f T T^ T? j r, . TT- i f 1 Isaac U. Jbonda Mathew Visscner j ( Application was made to the Board by George Hercher- mer Hendrick Bell & Warner Dygert Esq-of Tryon County for the liberation of Peter Schuyler and his Son from Con- finement and the said George Herchermer Hendrick Bell and Warner Dygert offered to give us any Security that 412 State of New York 1779 Could be demanded for the future good Behaviour of the Sept. 10. said Peter Schuyler & his Son Resolved that they be informed that this Board are not Sufficiently acquainted with the Charges alledged against them and therefore cannot yet liberate them Resolved that a Letter be wrote to William Wills Esq^ one of the Commissioners for Conspiracies for the County of Tryon requesting him to make perticular Enquiry of and collect all the Charges against the several Persons from Tryon County now here Confined and transmit the Same to us with all possible Dispatch Adjourned Se X t 7 ii t 111 ] Met Albany II th September 1779 Present John M Beekman ) f T r\ T? j i, . ,T. i r 1 Isaac D ronda Mathew Visscner J Moses Coarson having been apprehended on Suspicion of his being a Spy from the Enemy was brought before the Board and being examined Confessed that he has been a Captain in Col- M c Keys Regiment and deserted to the Enemy in 1777 at Bound Broock that he has acted while with the Enemy as a Volunteer in the Artillery till two or three Days after they landed at the Head of the Elk that he then left them and went to his Place of Abode where he was made a Prisoner and carried to Canada from whence he run off and Came to this town but not as a Spy Resolved that Col- Van Schaack be requested to furnish a Guard to Convey the said Moses Coarson to the Army there to be delivered to the Order of his Excellency General Washington Adjourned Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 413 1779 Sept. 14. Teremiah Van Renselaer ) ( T i A/T r> i ? f 1 }ohn M Beekman Isaac D Fonda ) (. It appearing from the Examinations of Walter Morris Jeremiah Johnson and Alexander M-Elhany that John M-Dole of this City has been aiding and assisting Samuel M-Farlan who was apprehended as a Spy from the Enemy in Making his Escape from this Goal & has after his Escape harboured & Secreted him in his House order'd that the said John M - Dole be cited to appear before the Board to answer the above Charges John M c Dole appearing and being examined and denying the Charge alledged against him ordered that the [sic] enter into a Recognizance for his Appearance at the next Supreme Court of Judicature to be held for the State of New York at the City Hall of this City on the third Tuesday in October next & not departing the Court without Leave John M^Dole of the City of Albany on Recognizance in 300 [112] Resolved that the Company of Rangers raised under the Direction of this Board Commanded by Cap 1 Jacob De Forest be discharged from this Day as their Services are not any Longer necessary 1 Adjourned Met Albany i<; th September 1770 1779 Present * ' John M Beekman ) ( Isaac D Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) 1 Mathew Visscher 1 A bill for services of De Forest and eight men, from September 20 to 23, I 779 giving their names, is in Revolutionary Manuscripts, vol. 40, p. 171, State Comptroller's office. 414 State of New York 1779 Resolved that a Letter be wrote to his Excellency Governor Clinton requesting him to remove to Canada MS Tuttle whose Husband Stephen is gone off to the Enemy Some time ago which Letter is in the following words (to wit) 1 (see Letter on the File) Resolved that William Foster & Benjamin Richmond be severally examined respecting the Conduct of Amos Moore John Miller & Lucas Moore and it appearing from their Examinations that the Said Amos Moore John Miller & Lucas Moore have been with the Enemy therefore Ordered that the[y] be Severally Committed & that a Mittimus be made out for them Resolved that Citations be made out and sent to Nathaniel Grummond Seth Hull Isaac Howe Noah Olmstead Benjamin Brown & Job Elsworth to appear before us on Friday next to testify to such Matters as they may know respecting the Conduct of the above Mentioned John Miller and also Resolved at the Request of Amos Moore that Citations be made out and sent to William Rhodes Elisha Andrew & Mathew Edmund to appear before us on Friday next to Give their Evidence respecting the said Amos Moore Adjourned Se I77 ?6 [ JI 3] Met Albany 1 6 th September 1779 Present John M Beekman | j Isaac D Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j ( Mathew Visscher John Hunter appearing before us according to order was examined as to the Charge alledged against him of his having been with the Enemy & he having entered into a Recogni- 1 In George Clinton Papers, no. 2526, archives of New York State Library, where the answer is also to be found. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 415 zance before M r Justice Roorbeeck to appear at the next s 17 ? 9 6 Supreme Court was permitted to go at large till that time Nicholas Sixby being also Suspected of having been with the Enemy & having in Consequence thereof been Cited to appear before us appeared and denying the Charge alledged against him & offering an Oath to prove his Innocence resolved that he be permitted to go at large on entering into a Recognizance to appear before the Board on or before the first day of next Month then & there to dispose the Same by Sufficient Witnesses Robert Davis being Charged with encouraging Conti- nental Soldiers to desert was cited to appear before the Board on his appearing and denying the Charge Resolved that he be discharged on his entering into a Recognizance with Sufficient Sureties for his appearance before us on Wednesday next & disproving the Above Charge by Sufficient Evidence or that in Failure hereof he Surrender a Prisoner to the Goaler of this City and County of Albany Adjourned Met Albany i; th September 1779 Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer ) ( Isaac D Fonda ) (. In Consequence of the Citations from this Board to W- [114] Rhodes Elisha Andrew & Mathew Edmund they Severally appeared before us & were examined as to the Charge against Amos Moore which Examination is in the following Words (to wit) (See Examination on the File) 416 State of New York 1779 Benjamin Brown Isaac Howe Noah Olmstead & Seth Sept. 17. * Hull Severally [appeared] before us Agreeable to the order of this Board the 15 th Instant & were examined as to the Charge alledged against John Miller which Examination is in the following Words (to wit) (see Examination on the File) Adjourned 1779 Met Albany i8 th September 1779 Se >*- 18 - Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer 1 Isaac D ponda. ) Col- Schonhoven & Major Taylor preferred a Verbal Complaint to this Board against old John Concklin & Daniel Nettleton Daniel Frazer Jacob Wiltcee John Mud Concklin James Van Driesen Long John Concklin Tunis Van Camp John Nessley Barent Nessley Jonathan Lossing John Todd Joseph Nap & John Coughin Some of whom are prisoners of War that the[y] have the Greatest Reason to Believe they are in League with the Scouting parties of the Enemy & that if some Remedy is not devised that the Whole Whig party of the Inhabitants will be Necessitated to Remove Numbers of them that have Exerted themselves in the present war are at present Compelld to procure private Guards to Secure their persons & Property from the Violence of the Tories & others are th[r]ough Dread Obliged to betake themselves at Night to the Woods Resolved that Col- Schonhoven and Major Taylor be informed that this Board will take the Same into Considera- tion & Afford them all the Assistance in their Power towards punishing the Said persons & endeavouring effectually to put it out of their Power to give them any Disturbances in future Minutes of Gommissioners for Conspiracies 417 Dr Miller made application for the Liberation of his c J 779 Sept. 1 8. Brother John Miller & tendered Security for his appearance and [115] Behaviour Resolved that D- Miller be informed that the Crime with which the said John Miller is Charged are such that the Board Cannot at present Consent to admit the said John Miller to Bail Adjourned Met Albany 20 th September 1779 Se I7 t 79 Present John M Beekman | ( Isaac D Fonda Jeremiah Van Renselaer j ( Mathew Visscher The Board having taken into Consideration the Complaint Exhibited to them by Col? Schonhoven & Major Taylor on the 1 8 th Instant Respecting a Number of disaffected Inhabitants of Newtown do in Consequence thereof Resolve that Col- Stephen J. Schuyler be requested to order a Party of Men of his Regiment to proceed to Newtown and there Endeavour to apprehend the Persons Complained of that the Officer who is to Command the Party be informed of the Business he is to go upon and he be Charged to Communicate his Instructions to no person Whatever Adjourned Met Albany 22^ September 1779 1779 Present ^P'- 22 - John M Beekman ) f A/r , \ 7 - r 1 y { Mathew Visscher Isaac D Fonda j ( Information having been given to this Board that Black- man Browning who is now [in] Cambridge District has been with Burgoyne & was sent for by Major Skeene as a Spy into ^ General Stark' s Army for which Piece of Service he received 4i 8 State of New York 1779 twenty Dollars & that he has from the Commencement of the present Contest been Disaffected to the American Cause Resolved in Consequence of the above Information that a Warrant for the immediate apprehension of the said Black- man Browning be made out & inclosed in a Letter to John Younglove Esq- [116] requesting him to have it Served & desiring him to bind over such Witnesses as are able to prove the above Charges against the said Browning to appear at the next Supreme Court of Judicature Resolved that a Letter be wrote to Major Esselstyne at Claverack inclosing a Warrant for the Apprehension of Jacobus Hoagteling & that he be requested to have the Same Served It having been Suggested to the Board that there is now residing with MT Trimper at Eusopas a Man whos[e] name is Carel Koning whom there is the Greatest Reason to suspect as one of the Robbers that are daily plundering the good people of this State Therefore ordered that a letter be wrote to the Commis- sioners at Eusopus requesting them to have the said Carel Koning immediately apprehended & Sent to this Board with all his Apparel Adjourned Sept. 23. n rresent 1779^ Met Albany 23 th September 1779 ent lohn M Beekman ) f A/I- u \T- u J r i Mathew Visscher Isaac D Fonda ) ( Casper Smith Peter Miller was ordered to appear before the Board & examined which Examination is in the following words (to wit) (See Examination on the File) Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 419 Resolved that a Warrant be issued to apprehend Umfreys r 779 Wright for Encouriging Soldiers belonging to the Continental Army to desert & to Rob & plunder the well affected Inhabitants & that immediately on his apprehension he be brought before us Adjourned Met Albany 24 th September 1779 *779 Present John M Beekman ) f A , , \r i_ J V < Mathew Visscher Isaac D ronda ) (. The board having Received Information that Nic- Cole, Samuel Cooper, William Cooper, Symon Snyder, John Snyder John P Snyder Abraham Sea [blank] Odell, Stephen Myers, & Jacob Miller are dangerous & disaffected Per- sons and there [117] being great Reason to Suspect them of having harboured & secreted Parties from the Enemy Therefore Resolved that a Warrant be made out directed to Ensign Reuben Wright forthwith to apprehend the said Persons and bring them before us Adjourned i *7r?Q Met Albany 25 th September 1779 Sept. 25. Present John M Beekman } \ A/r L T/- L J [ 4 Mathew Visscher Isaac D Fonda ) ( Resolved that Hendrick Merkle enter into a Recognizance with a Sufficient Surety for his remaining within the Limits of the City of Albany behaving himself as a good & faithful [subject] of this State & for his Appearance before the Commissioners for Conspiracies whenever thereunto required during the next two Years from this Date & that in Conse- 420 State of New York J 779 quence of his entering into Such Recognizance he have Per- mission to return to his Place of Abode Hendrick Merkle on Recognizance in 1000 John Roff of the City of Albany hisBail in. 1000 Adjourned *779 Met Albany ?o th Septf 1779 Sept ' 3 - Present Jeremiah Van Renselaer John M Beekman Blackman Browning having been Confined some Time ago on a Charge against him of his having been guilty of Several Misdemeanors & we having examined the Witnesses pro- duced in Support of the above Charge We do resolve that the said Blackman Browning be liberated from Confinement on his entering into a Recog- nizance with a Sufficient Surety for his good Behaviour & remaining within the Limits of this City & appearing before this Board when thereunto required Blackman Browning on Recognizance in 500 Cornelius Dotey his Bail in 500 1779 fiiSl Met Albanv I st October 1770 Oct. i. Present Isaac D Fonda | j Jeremiah Van Rense l ae r Mathew Visscher ) ( A Petition of John Cobham was laid before the Board praying to be admitted as a Subject of this State and Offer- ing to take the Oath of Alligence prescribed by Law which Petition was Accompanied by a Request of Leonard Gansevoort Robert M-Clallen & sundry other respectable Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 421 Inhabitants] of this City that the prayer of the said Pettition 1779 might be Granted On Consideration Whereof it is Resolved that the same be Complied with & that the Oath of Alligence be admin- istred to the Said John Cobham Coll Van Schaack informed the Board that Samuel Wil- liamson of this City made use of Several Expressions tend- ing to injure the American Cause Ordered in Consequence of the Said Information that a Warrant be made out for the immediate Apprehension & Confinement of the Said Samuel Williamson Adjourned Met Albany f/ h October 1779 Present John M Beekman ") ( , _ T T-i T- j r i Mathew Visscher Isaac u ronda j ( A Certificate of Sundry of the well affected Inhab- itant[s] of Tryon County was laid before the board wherein they Certify that the[y] have no Objection to the liberation of Peter D. Schuyler & Johan Jost. Schuyler from Confinement Resolved in Consequence thereof that Peter D Schuyler & Johan Jost Schuyler be liberated from Confinement on their Severally entering into a Recognizance with Sufficient [119] Sureties for their good Behaviour appearing before this Board when Called upon and remaining within the Limits of this City which Restrictions they are to Observe for the next two years from this Date Peter D Schuyler of Tryon County Farmer on Recognizance in ^5 Barent Roseboom of the City of Albany his Bail in 500 422 State of New York J 779 Richard Loucks of Tryon County now here Confined in Goal for Disaffection to the American Cause was brought before the Board & as nothing Material has yet been pro- duced against him therefore Resolved that he be liberated on entring into a Recognizance with Sufficient Surety for his good Behaviour [and] appearan[c]e before this Board when thereunto required & remaining within the Limits of the Township of Schenectady during the next two Years unless Sooner Discharged Richard Loucks of Tryon County on Recog- nizance in 500 Christopher Zeven his Bail in 500 Adjourned 1779 Met Albany ii th October 1770 Oct. ii. r> Present John M Beeckman | Isaac D Fonda ) The Act for Continuing the Powers vested in this Board having Expired twenty Days after the Meeting of the Legislature, an Act for a further Continuation of the said Powers passed on the first Day of October Instant was transmitted to us by his Excellency the Governor which act is in the words following (to wit) 1 An Act for reviving the Powers of the Commissioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies and for orhet Purposes therein Mentioned [120] Whereas the Act of the Legislature of this State entitled "An Act for appointing Commissioners for detect- ing and defeating Conspiracies and declaring their Powers" and the Act entitled "An Act for increasing the Number of Commissioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies 1 Appendix I: Laws, October i, 1779. Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 423 within this State" did expire in twenty days after the pres- ent Meeting of the Legislature and a Quorum of both Houses Convened to proceed on Business. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York represented in Senate and Assembly and it is hereby enacted by the Authority of the Same that the said two Acts and the Powers & Authorities by them or either of them granted to the said Commissioners or any and every three of them Shall be and are hereby revived & shall Continue & be in full Force until twenty Days after the first day of the next Meeting of a Quorum of the Legislature & the Treasurer of this State is hereby Authorized and required out of such Monies as may be in the Treasury to pay to the said Com- missioners or any three of them such further Sum or Sums as they Shall from time to time require to defray the Expence of the said Business Committed to them So as the Amount of such Sum or Sums Shall not in the whole Exceed the Sum of four thousand Pounds And whereas the Said Commissioners or some Quorum or Quorums of them may have done and performed divers Acts Matters and things in & respecting their Several & respective Offices and Places since the Expiration of the Said Laws & by Reason thereof the Legality and Volidity or [sic] the said Acts Matters and Things may be drawn into Question be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all and Singular the said Acts Matters & things Shall be as good valid and effectual in the Law to all Intents Constructions & Purposes whatsoever as if the said Laws had not expired by their own respective Limitations [121] but been in full Force and Effect at and immediately before the passing of this Law any thing in the said Laws or either of them to the Contrary hereof in any wise Notwithstanding And whereas in and by the said two recited Acts no Pro- 424 State of New York 1779 vision is made to enable the Council of Appointment from Time to Time to remove any one or more of the Said Commissioners and appoint other or others in his or their Stead. Be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the said Power and Authority of Removal and appointment is and are hereby fully vested in the said Council to be exercised by them from time to time in their Discretion to all Intents Constructions and Purposes in the Law Whatsoever Adjourned Met Albany 2? d November 1779 Present John M Beekman ) f T n T? j j } Isaac D ronda Matnew Visscher ) ( A Pettition of John and Arent Ratcliffe Sons of Rykert RatclifF was laid before the Board Setting forth among other things that thro the artful persuasions of one Smith & others they had been induced to leave their Father's Service and went with said Smith to Unadilla but soon discovering for what purpose they had been deluded they returned Home and begging for favour and protection which said Petition being read and filed, and the Board being otherwise informed of the truth of several of the Matters Contained in the Petition Resolved that if the said Arent and John Ratcliffe Appeal- before this Board on Thursday next & give us a just and true State of such Matters as they may know that they will (on the [122] Said John & Arent giving proper Security) not Cause them to be apprehended but Suffer them to remain at their Homes unmolested Adjourned Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 425 Met Albany o th November 1770 '779 T^ J 7 ' ' ' NOV. Q. rresent John M Beekman ) ( T r\ i? j ;_ . TT . f i A saac D ronda Mathew Visscher ) (. Resolved that Charek Schoommaker of the Bever Dam be discharged on entring into a Recognizance with a Suffi- cient Surety for his good Behaviour and appearing before any three of the Commissioners of Conspiracies for the Term of one year from this Day Charek Schoomaker of the Bever Dam in the County of Albany on Recognizance in . 400 Egbert Schoomaker of Sagerties in the County of Ulster his Bail in 400 Julius Bush of Tryon County having been confined for dis- affection to the American Cause was brought before the Board Resolved that he be discharged from his present Con- finement on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour & rema[i]ning within the Limits [of] this City to the North, East & west, and as far as Philip Van Ren- selaers to the South and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when called for and during the Term of one Year from this day Julius Bush of Tryon County on Recog- nizance in 200 John Ristyne of the Manor of Renselaer- wyck his Bail in 100 Adjourned [123] Met Albany io th November 1770 *779 Nov. 10. Present John M Beekman ) f A/r , xr , -; \ \ Mathew Visscher Isaac D tonda j 426 State of New York i779 Samuel M-Farlan who was some Time since Confined by Nov. 10. an order of this Board on Suspicion of his being a Spy from the Enemy and who after his Commitment broke Goal, this Day appeared before us and p[r]oduced proper Credentials of his Character which being Satisfactory ordered that he be discharged Godfrey Sybert of Tryon County having been Confined for Disaffection to the American Cause was brought before the Board Resolved that he be discharged on entering into a Recogni- zance for his Good Behaviour Appearance before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies whenever thereunto required and remainig within the Limits of the Township of Schenectady Godfrey Sybert of Stonearabia in Tryon County Farmer on Recognizance in 500 Andrew Wrymer of the same Place his Bail in 250 Adjourned 1779 Met Albany ic th November 1770 NOT - '* Present John M Beekman ) ( , , . T7 . . T ~ ^ . f { Mathew Visscher Isaac \J ronda j ( Julius Bush who was on the 9 th Instant liberated from Confinement on entering into a Recognizance with John Ristine [124] as his Surety appeared before the [Board] and requested that the said John Ristine might be discharged from his said Recognizance and Christopher Ceron of Schenectady accepted in his Stead as Surety for him Resolved that the said John Ristine and he is hereby discharged from his Recognizance and that the said Julius Bush enter a Recognizance of anew for his good Behaviour Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 427 Appearance before any three of the Commissioners for *779 . . . Nov. 15. Conspiracies whenever thereunto required and for his re- maining within the Limits of the Township of Schenectady and not departing the same without Leave obtained for that purpose from the Board Julius Bush of Tryon County on Recogniz- ance in 500 Christopher Ceron of Schenectady Joiner his Bail in 250 Hendrick Merkle who was on the 25 th September last discharged from Confinement on entering into a Recogni- zance for his remaining within the Limits of this City appeared before us this day and requested to be Confined to the Limits of Schenectady Resolved that the former Recognizance of the said Hendrick Merkle be discharged & that he enter into a new Recogni- zance for his remaining within the Limits of the District of Schenectady for his good Behaviour & appearance before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required Hendrick Merkle of Tryon County on Recognizance in 1000 John Roff of the City of Albany Merchant his Bail in 500 Adjourned [125] Met Albany 1 6 th November 1779 N I779 6 Present John M Beekman | ( Mathew visscher Isaac D Fonda ) ( Resolved that Peter Van Campen be discharged on entering into a Recognizance for his good Behaviour doing 428 State of New York NoV 79 6 ki s Duty as a Subject of this State ought to do and appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies when thereunto required Peter Van Campen of Newtown Farmer on Recognizance in 100 Henry Brevoort of the same Place Farmer his Bail in 50 Stephen Ladue of same place Farmer also his Bail in 50 Adjourned 1779 Met Albany 27 th November 1770 *<" *> Present John M Beekman ) ( A , , xr , :: _^ _, > < Mathew Visscher Isaac D ronda j ( Joseph Concklin of Newtown having some time since been Confined for Disaffection to the American Cause was this Day brought before the Board offering good Security for his future good Behaviour Resolved that he be discharged on his entering into a Recognizan[c]e for his Good Behaviour doing his Duty and Appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Con- spiracies when thereunto required Joseph Concklin of Newtown Farmer on Recognizance in 200 John Ja : Ostrander of the same place Farmer His Bail in 100 Derek Heemstraet of the same place Farmer also his Bail in 100 Resolved Peter Drummond be & is hereby discharged from the Recognizance by him entered into before this Board & that his Bails be discharged in Like Manner Adjourned Minutes of Commissioners for Conspiracies 429 [126] Met Albany I st December 1779 1779 Present John M Beeckman ) ( T TA T- j r. . T- i r 1 A saac *) ronda Mathew Visscher ) (. a Letter from CoU Jacob Clock & Peter S Dygert Esq- respecting Peter D Schuyler and Johan Jost Schuyler was laid before the Board in Consequence whereof resolved that the said Peter D Schuyler and Johan Jost Schuyler enter into Recognizance for their Appearance before the said Col- Clock and Warner S Dygert in ten Days from this Day and that they give such Security for their future good Conduct to the said Col! Clock and Warner S Dygert as they May require of them and that during the above time they be of the good Behaviour towards all the Liage Subjects of this State Peter D Schuyler of Tryon County Farmer in 500 Johan Jost Schuyler of the same place Farmer in. 500 Abram Schuyler of the City of Albany Merchant their Bail in 500 Adjourned Met Albany 7 th December 1779 1779 n J ' Dec. 7. Present John M Beeckman ) ( T r^ T? j j r "i Isaac D Jbonda Mathew Visscher j Resolved that John Overhart Unger be discharged on entering in a Recognizance with a Sufficient Surety for his good Behaviour doing his Duty as a faithful Subject of the State & appearing before any three of the Commissioners for Conspiracies whenever thereunto required 43 State of New York I 779 Johan Overhart Unger on Recognizan[c]e in 500 John Tillman Sen^.of the City of Albany Inn- keeper his Bail in 500 Adjourned 1779 [127] Met Albany 24 th December 1779 Dec. 24* Present John M Beekman ) ( T r> T? j A/T L xr L f 1 Isaac D Fonda Mathew Visscher J ( Cornelius Doty who some time Since became Surety for the good Behaviour and Appearance of Blackman Browning when called upon appeared before the Board and requested to be discharged from the Recognizance by him entered into for the said Blackman Browning and we having considered the said request and the Reasons in Support of the Same do thereupon resolve that the said Cornelius Doty be and is hereby discharged from the Recognizance entered into by him as Surety for the said Blackman Browning Adjourned J779 Met Albany 3 I st December 1779 Present John M Beeckman ) f A/r , \r L :: r i Mathew Visscher Isaac D Jbonda ) ( The Board having received Information that Isaac Lamb of the Manor of Renselaerwyck who joined Burgoyne's Army in the Year 1777 is lately come from the Enemy and is now at his former Place of Abode resolved that a Warrant be made out for the immediate Apprehension of the said Isaac Lamb Adjourned See Analytical Index Vol. III. 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