/e^';?. Because the commodity doth not countervail the discommodity ;
for the inconveniences which thereby do arise are much more many ; for
it is a fit house for an outlaw, a meet bed for a rebel, and an apt cloak
for a thief. First, the outlaw being, for his many crimes and villanies,
banished from the towns and houses of honest men, and wandering in
waste places, far from danger of law, maketh his mantle his house, and
under it covereth himself from the wrath of Heaven, from the offence of
the earth, and from the sight of men. When it raineth, it is his pent-
house ; when it bloweth, it is his tent ; when it freezeth, it is his
tabernacle. In summer he can wear it loose ; in winter he can wrap it
close ; at all times he can use it ; never heavy, never cumbersome. Like-
wise for a rebel it is as serviceable ; for in this war that he maketh (if at
least it deserves the name of war), when he still flieth from his foe, and
lurketh in the thick woods (this should be black bogs) and straight
passages, waiting for advantages, it is his bed, yea, and almost his house-
hold stuff. '
tertainment ever was heard of in the country ; not a man
could stand after supper but Sir Patrick himself, who could
sit out the best man in Ireland, let alone the three kingdoms
itself. 1 He had his house, from one year's end to another,
as full of company as ever it could hold, and fuller ; for rather
than be left out of the parties at Castle Rackrent, many
gentlemen, and those men of the first consequence and landed
estates in the country — such as the O'Neills of Ballynagrotty,
and the Moneygawls of Mount Juliet's Town, and O'Shannons
of New Town Tullyhog — made it their choice, often and often,
when there was no room to be had for love nor money, in
long winter nights, to sleep in the chicken-house, which Sir
Patrick had fitted up for the purpose of accommodating his
friends and the public in general, who honoured him with
their company unexpectedly at Castle Rackrent ; and this
went on I can't tell you how long. The whole country rang
with his praises ! — Long life to him ! I'm sure I love to look
upon his picture, now opposite to me ; though I never saw
him, he must have been a portly gentleman — his neck some-
thing short, and remarkable for the largest pimple on his nose,
which, by his particular desire, is still extant in his picture,
said to be a striking likeness, though taken when young. He
is said also to be the inventor of raspberry whisky, which is
very likely, as nobody has ever appeared to dispute it with
him, and as there still exists a broken punch-bowl at Castle
Rackrent, in the garret, with an inscription to that effect — a
great curiosity. A few days before his death he was very
merry ; it being his honour's birthday, he called my grand-
father in — God bless him ! — to drink the company's health, and
filled a bumper himself, but could not carry it to his head, on
account of the great shake in his hand ; on this he cast his
joke, saying, ' What would my poor father say to me if he
was to pop out of the grave, and see me now ? I remember
when I was a little boy, the first bumper of claret he gave me
after dinner, how he praised me for carrying it so steady to
my mouth. Here's my thanks to him — a bumper toast.'
Then he fell to singing the favourite song he learned from his
father — for the last time, poor gentleman — he sung it that
night as loud and as hearty as ever, with a chorus :
1 See Glossary.
lie that goes to bed, and goes to bed sober,
Falls as the leaves do, falls as the leaves do, and dies in October ;
But he that goes to bed, and goes to bed mellow,
Lives as he ought to do, lives as he ought to do, and dies an
honest fellow.
Sir Patrick died that night : just as the company rose to
drink his health with three cheers, he fell down in a sort of
fit, and was carried off; they sat it out, and were surprised, on
inquiry in the morning, to find that it was all over with poor
Sir Patrick. Never did any gentleman live and die more
beloved in the country by rich and poor. His funeral was
such a one as was never known before or since in the county !
All the gentlemen in the three counties were at it ; far and
near, how they flocked ! my great-grandfather said, that to
see all the women, even in their red cloaks, you would have
taken them for the army drawn out. Then such a fine
whillaluh ! l you might have heard it to the farthest end of the
county, and happy the man who could get but a sight of the
hearse ! But who'd have thought it ? Just as all was going on
right, through his own town they were passing, when the body
was seized for debt — a rescue was apprehended from the
mob ; but the heir, who attended the funeral, was against that,
for fear of consequences, seeing that those villains who came
to serve acted under the disguise of the law : so, to be sure, the
law must take its course, and little gain had the creditors for
their pains. First and foremost, they had the curses of the
country : and Sir Murtagh Rackrent, the new heir, in the next
place, on account of this affront to the body, refused to pay a
shilling of the debts, in which he was countenanced by all the
best gentlemen of property, and others of his acquaintance ;
Sir Murtagh alleging in all companies that he all along meant
to pay his father's debts of honour, but the moment the law
was taken of him, there was an end of honour to be sure. It
was whispered (but none but the enemies of the family believe
it) that this was all a sham seizAire to get quit of the debts
which he had bound himself to pay in honour.
It's a long time ago, there's no saying how it was, but this
for certain, the new man did not take at all after the old
gentleman ; the cellars were never filled after his death, and
no open house, or anything as it used to be ; the tenants
1 See Glossary.
even were sent away without their whisky. 1 I was ashamed
myself, and knew not what to say for the honour of the
family ; but I made the best of a bad case, and laid it all
at my lady's door, for I did not like her anyhow, nor anybody
else ; she was of the family of the Skinflints, and a widow ;
it was a strange match for Sir Murtagh ; the people in the
country thought he demeaned himself greatly, 2 but I said
nothing : I knew how it was. Sir Murtagh was a great
lawyer, and looked to the great Skinflint estate ; there, how-
ever, he overshot himself; for though one of the co-heiresses,
he was never the better for her, for she outlived him many's
the long day — he could not see that to be sure when he
married her. I must say for her, she made him the best
of wives, being a very notable, stirring woman, and looking
close to everything. But I always suspected she had Scotch
blood in her veins ; anything else I could have looked over
in her, from a regard to the family. She was a strict observer,
for self and servants, of Lent, and all fast -days, but not
holidays. One of the maids having fainted three times the
last day of Lent, to keep soul and body together, we put a
morsel of roast beef into her mouth, which came from Sir
Murtagh's dinner, who never fasted, not he ; but somehow
or other it unfortunately reached my lady's ears, and the
priest of the parish had a complaint made of it the next day,
and the poor girl was forced, as soon as she could walk, to
do penance for it, before she could get any peace or absolu-
tion, in the house or out of it. However, my lady was very
charitable in her own way. She had a charity school for
poor children, where they were taught to read and write
gratis, and where they were kept well to spinning gratis for
my lady in return ; for she had always heaps of duty yarn
from the tenants, and got all her household linen out of the
estate from first to last ; for after the spinning, the weavers
on the estate took it in hand for nothing, because of the
looms my lady's interest could get from the Linen Board to
distribute gratis. Then there was a bleach- yard near us,
and the tenant dare refuse my lady nothing, for fear of a
lawsuit Sir Murtagh kept hanging over him about the water-
course. With these ways of managing, 'tis surprising how
cheap my lady got things done, and how proud she was of
1 See Glossary. - Ibid.
it. Her table the same way, kept for next to nothing ; l
duty fowls, and duty turkeys, and duty geese, came as fast
as we could eat 'em, for my lady kept a sharp look-out,
and knew to a tub of butter everything the tenants had, all
round. They knew her way, and what with fear of driving
for rent and Sir Murtagh's lawsuits, they were kept in such
good order, they never thought of coming near Castle Rack-
rent without a present of something or other — nothing too
much or too little for my lady — eggs, honey, butter, meal,
fish, game, grouse, and herrings, fresh or salt, all went for
something. As for their young pigs, we had them, and the
best bacon and hams they could make up, with all young
chickens in spring ; but they were a set of poor wretches,
and we had nothing but misfortunes with them, always
breaking and running away. This, Sir Murtagh and my
lady said, was all their former landlord Sir Patrick's fault,
who let'em all get the half-year's rent into arrear ; there
was something in that to be sure. But Sir Murtagh was
as much the contrary way ; for let alone making English
tenants 2 of them, every soul, he was always driving and
driving, and pounding and pounding, and canting 3 and cant-
ing, and replevying and replevying, and he made a good
living of trespassing cattle ; there was always some tenant's
pig, or horse, or cow, or calf, or goose, trespassing, which
was so great a gain to Sir Murtagh, that he did not like
to hear me talk of repairing fences. Then his heriots
and duty-work 4 brought him in something, his turf was cut,
his potatoes set and dug, his hay brought home, and, in
short, all the work about his house done for nothing ; for
in all our leases there were strict clauses heavy with penalties,
which Sir Murtagh knew well how to enforce ; so many days'
duty- work of man and horse, from every tenant, he was to
have, and had, every year ; and when a man vexed him,
why, the finest day he could pitch on, when the cratur was
getting in his own harvest, or thatching his cabin, Sir Murtagh
made it a principle to call upon him and his horse ; so he taught
'em all, as he said, to know the law of landlord and tenant.
As for law, I believe no man, dead or alive, ever loved it
so well as Sir Murtagh. He had once sixteen suits pending
at a time, and I never saw him so much himself: roads,
1 See Glossary. - Ibid. 3 Ibid. 4 Ibid.
lanes, bogs, wells, ponds, eel - wires, orchards, trees, tithes,
vagrants, gravelpits, sandpits, dunghills, and nuisances, every-
thing upon the face of the earth furnished him good matter
for a suit. He used to boast that he had a lawsuit for every
letter in the alphabet. How I used to wonder to see Sir
Murtagh in the midst of the papers in his office ! Why, he
could hardly turn about for them. I made bold to shrug my
shoulders once in his presence, and thanked my stars I was
not born a gentleman to so much toil and trouble ; but Sir
Murtagh took me up short with his old proverb, ' Learning
is better than house or land.' Out of forty-nine suits which
he had, he never lost one but seventeen ; l the rest he gained
with costs, double costs, treble costs sometimes ; but even
that did not pay. He was a very learned man in the law,
and had the character of it ; but how it was I can't tell,
these suits that he carried cost him a power of money :
in the end he sold some hundreds a year of the family
estate ; but he was a very learned man in the law, and I
know nothing of the matter, except having a great regard
for the family ; and I could not help grieving when he sent
me to post up notices of the sale of the fee simple of the
lands and appurtenances of Timoleague.
'I know, honest Thady,' says he, to comfort me, 'what
I'm about better than you do ; I'm only selling to get the
ready money wanting to carry on my suit with spirit with
the Nugents of Carrickashaughlin.'
He was very sanguine about that suit with the Nugents
of Carrickashaughlin. He could have gained it, they say,
for certain, had it pleased Heaven to have spared him to
us, and it would have been at the least a plump two thousand
a year in his way ; but things were ordered otherwise — for
the best to be sure. He dug up a fairy-mount - against my
1 See Glossary.
2 These fairy-mounts are called ant-hills in England. They are held
in high reverence by the common people in Ireland. A gentleman, who
in laying out his lawn had occasion to level one of these hillocks, could
not prevail upon any of his labourers to begin the ominous work. He
was obliged to take a lay from one of their reluctant hands, and began
the attack himself. The labourers agreed that the vengeance of the
fairies would fall upon the head of the presumptuous mortal who first
disturbed them in their retreat.*
See Glossary.
advice, and had no luck afterwards. Though a learned man
in the law, he was a little too incredulous in other matters.
I warned him that I heard the very Banshee l that my
grandfather heard under Sir Patrick's window a few days
before his death. But Sir Murtagh thought nothing of the
Banshee, nor of his cough, with a spitting of blood, brought
on, I understand, by catching cold in attending the courts,
and overstraining his chest with making himself heard in one
of his favourite causes. He was a great speaker with a
powerful voice ; but his last speech was not in the courts
at all. He and my lady, though both of the same way of
thinking in some things, and though she was as good a wife
and great economist as you could see, and he the best of
husbands, as to looking into his affairs, and making money
for his family ; yet I don't know how it was, they had a
great deal of sparring and jarring between them. My lady
had her privy purse ; and she had her weed ashes, 2 and her
sealing money 3 upon the signing of all the leases, with
something to buy gloves besides ; and, besides, again often
took money from the tenants, if offered properly, to speak
for them to Sir Murtagh about abatements and renewals.
Now the weed ashes and the glove money he allowed her
clear perquisites ; though once when he saw her in a new
gown saved out of the weed ashes, he told her to my face
(for he could say a sharp thing) that she should not put
on her weeds before her husband's death. But in a dispute
about an abatement my lady would have the last word, and
Sir Murtagh grew mad ; 4 I was within hearing of the door,
and now I wish I had made bold to step in. He spoke
so loud, the whole kitchen was out on the stairs. 5 All on
a sudden he stopped, and my lady too. Something has
surely happened, thought I ; and so it was, for Sir Murtagh
in his passion broke a blood - vessel, and all the law
in the land could do nothing in that case. My lady sent
1 The Banshee is a species of aristocratic fairy, who, in the shape
of a little hideous old woman, has been known to appear, and heard
to sing in a mournful supernatural voice under the windows of great
houses, to warn the family that some of them are soon to die. In
the last century every great family in Ireland had a Banshee, who attended
regularly ; but latterly their visits and songs have been discontinued.
2 See Glossary. s Ibid.
* Ibid. ° Ibid.
for five physicians, but Sir Murtagfa died, and was buried.
She had a fine jointure settled upon her, and took herself
• J/t told Iu> to my /act that she should not put on her weeds before
her husband's death.'
Copyright 1894 by Uacmillan &• Co.
away, to the great joy of the tenantry. I never said any
thing one way or the other whilst she was part of the family,
but got up to see her go at three o'clock in the morning.
'It's a fine morning, honest Thady,' says she ; ' good-bye to
ye.' And into the carriage she stepped, without a word more,
good or bad, or even half-a-crown ; but I made my bow, and
stood to see her safe out of sight for the sake of the family.
Then we were all bustle in the house, which made me
keep out of the way, for I walk slow and hate a bustle ; but
the house was all hurry-skurry, preparing for my new master.
Sir Murtagh, I forgot to notice, had no childer ; x so the
Rackrent estate went to his younger brother, a young dashing
officer, who came amongst us before I knew for the life of me
whereabouts I was, in a gig or some of them things, with
another spark along with him, and led horses, and servants,
and dogs, and scarce a place to put any Christian of them
into ; for my late lady had sent all the feather-beds off before
her, and blankets and household linen, down to the very knife-
cloths, on the cars to Dublin, which were all her own, lawfully
paid for out of her own money. So the house was quite bare,
and my young master, the moment ever he set foot in it out
of his gig, thought all those things must come of themselves,
I believe, for he never looked after anything at all, but
harum-scarum called for everything as if we were conjurors,
or he in a public-house. For my part, I could not bestir
myself anyhow ; I had been so much used to my late
master and mistress, all was upside down with me, and the
new servants in the servants' hall were quite out of my way ;
I had nobody to talk to, and if it had not been for my pipe
and tobacco, should, I verily believe, have broke my heart for
poor Sir Murtagh.
But one morning my new master caught a glimpse of me
as I was looking at his horse's heels, in hopes of a word from
him. < And is that old Thady ? ' says he, as he got into his
gig : I loved him from that day to this, his voice was so like
the family ; and he threw me a guinea out of his waistcoat-
pocket, as he drew up the reins with the other hand, his horse
rearing too ; I thought I never set my eyes on a finer figure
of a man, quite another sort from Sir Murtagh, though withal,
to me, a family likeness. A fine life we should have led, had
he stayed amongst us, God bless him ! He valued a guinea
as little as any man : money to him was no more than dirt,
1 Childer: this is the manner in which many of Thady's rank, and
others in Ireland, formerly pronounced the word children.
and his gentleman and groom, and all belonging to him, the
same ; but the sporting season over, he grew tired of the
place, and having got down a great architect for the house,
and an improver for the grounds, and seen their plans and
elevations, he fixed a day for settling with the tenants, but
went off in a whirlwind to town, just as some of them came
into the yard in the morning. A circular letter came next
post from the new agent, with news that the master was sailed
for England, and he must remit £s°° to Bath for his use
before a fortnight was at an end ; bad news still for the poor
tenants, no change still for the better with them. Sir Kit
Rackrent, my young master, left all to the agent ; and though
he had the spirit of a prince, and lived away to the honour of
his country abroad, which I was proud to hear of, what were
wc the better for that at home ? The agent was one of your
middlemen, 1 who grind the face of the poor, and can never
bear a man with a hat upon his head : he ferreted the tenants
out of their lives ; not a week without a call for money, drafts
upon drafts from Sir Kit ; but I laid it all to the fault of the
agent ; for, says I, what can Sir Kit do with so much cash,
and he a single man ? But still it went. Rents must be all
paid up to the day, and afore ; no allowance for improving
tenants, no consideration for those who had built upon their
farms : no sooner was a lease out, but the land was advertised
1 Middlemen. — There was a class of men, termed middlemen, in
Ireland, who took large farms on long leases from gentlemen of landed
property, and let the land again in small portions to the poor, as under-
tenants, at exorbitant rents. The head landlord, as he was called,
seldom saw his under-tenants; but if he could not get the middleman to
pay him his rent punctually, he went to his la/nl, and drove the land for
his rent ; that is to say, he sent his steward, or bailiff, or driver, to the
land to seize the cattle, hay, corn, Hax, oats, or potatoes, belonging to
the under-tenants, and proceeded to sell these for his rents. It sometimes
happened that these unfortunate tenants paid their rent twice over, once
to the middleman, and once to the head landlord.
The characteristics of a middleman were servility to his superiors
and tyranny towards his inferiors : the poor detested this race of beings.
In speaking to them, however, they always used the most abject language,
and the most humble tone and posture — 'Please your honour; and
please your honour s honour,' they knew must be repeated as a charm at
the beginning and end of every equivocating, exculpatory, or supplicatory
sentence ; and they were much more alert in doffing their caps to those
new men than to those of what they call good old families. A witty
carpenter once termed these middlemen journeymen gentlemen.
to the highest bidder ; all the old tenants turned out, when
they spent their substance in the hope and trust of a renewal
from the landlord. All was now let at the highest penny to
a parcel of poor wretches, who meant to run away, and did
so, after taking two crops out of the ground. Then fining
down the year's rent came into fashion 1 — anything for the
ready penny ; and with all this and presents to the agent and
the driver, 2 there was no such thing as standing it. I said
nothing, for I had a regard for the family ; but I walked
about thinking if his honour Sir Kit knew all this, it would go
hard with him but he'd see us righted ; not that I had any-
thing for my own share to complain of, for the agent was
always very civil to me when he came down into the country,
and took a great deal of notice of my son Jason. Jason
Quirk, though he be my son, I must say was a good scholar
from his birth, and a very 'cute lad : I thought to make him
a priest, 3 but he did better for himself ; seeing how he was as
good a clerk as any in the county, the agent gave him his
rent accounts to copy, which he did first of all for the pleasure
of obliging the gentleman, and would take nothing at all for
his trouble, but was always proud to serve the family. By
and by a good farm bounding us to the east fell into his
honour's hands, and my son put in a proposal for it : why
shouldn't he, as well as another ? The proposals all went
over to the master at the Bath, who knowing no more of
the land than the child unborn, only having once been out
a-grousing on it before he went to England ; and the value
of lands, as the agent informed him, falling every year in
Ireland, his honour wrote over in all haste a bit of a letter,
saying he left it all to the agent, and that he must let it as
well as he could— to the best bidder, to be sure— and send
him over ^200 by return of post : with this the agent gave
me a hint, and I spoke a good word for my son, and gave
out in the country that nobody need bid against us. So his
proposal was just the thing, and he a good tenant : and he
got a promise of an abatement in the rent after the first
year, for advancing the half-year's rent at signing the lease,
which was wanting to complete the agent's .£200 by the
return of the post, with all which my master wrote back he
was well satisfied. About this time we learnt from the agent,
1 See Glossary. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid.
as a great secret, how the money went so fast, and the
reason of the thick coming of the master's drafts : he was
a little too fond of play ; and Bath, they say, was no place
for no young man of his fortune, where there were so many
of his own countrymen, too, hunting him up and down, day
and night, who had nothing to lose. At last, at Christmas,
the agent wrote over to stop the drafts, for he could raise
no more money on bond or mortgage, or from the tenants,
or anyhow, nor had he any more to lend himself, and desired
at the same time to decline the agency for the future, wishing
Sir Kit his health and happiness, and the compliments of
the season, for I saw the letter before ever it was sealed,
when my son copied it. When the answer came there was
a new turn in affairs, and the agent was turned out ; and
my son Jason, who had corresponded privately with his
honour occasionally on business, was forthwith desired by
his honour to take the accounts into his own hands, and
look them over, till further orders. It was a very spirited
letter to be sure : Sir Kit sent his service, and the compli-
ments of the season, in return to the agent, and he would
fight him with pleasure to-morrow, or any day, for sending
him such a letter, if he was born a gentleman, which he
was sorry (for both their sakes) to find (too late) he was not.
Then, in a private postscript, he condescended to tell us
that all would be speedily settled to his satisfaction, and we
should turn over a new leaf, for he was going to be married
in a fortnight to the grandest heiress in England, and had
only immediate occasion at present for ,£200, as he would
not choose to touch his lady's fortune for travelling expenses
home to Castle Rackrent, where he intended to be, wind and
weather permitting, early in the next month ; and desired
fires, and the house to be painted, and the new building to
go on as fast as possible, for the reception of him and his
lady before that time ; with several words besides in the
letter, which we could not make out because, God bless
him ! he wrote in such a flurry. My heart warmed to my
new lady when I read this : I was almost afraid it was too
good news to be true ; but the girls fell to scouring, and it
was well they did, for we soon saw his marriage in the
paper, to a lady with I don't know how many tens of
thousand pounds to her fortune : then I watched the post-
office for his landing ; and the news came to my son of
his and the bride being in Dublin, and on the way home
to Castle Rackrent. We had bonfires all over the country,
expecting him down the next day, and we had his coming of
age still to celebrate, which he had not time to do properly
before he left the country ; therefore, a great ball was ex-
pected, and great doings upon his coming, as it were, fresh
to take possession of his ancestors' estate. I never shall
forget the day he came home ; we had waited and waited
all day long till eleven o'clock at night, and I was thinking
of sending the boy to lock the gates, and giving them up
for that night, when there came the carriages thundering up
to the great hall door. I got the first sight of the bride ;
for when the carriage door opened, just as she had her
foot on the steps, I held the flam : full in her face to light
her, at which she shut her eyes, but I had a full view of
the rest of her, and greatly shocked I was, for by that light she
was little better than a blackamoor, and seemed crippled ; but
that was only sitting so long in the chariot.
' You're kindly welcome to Castle Rackrent, my lady,' says
I (recollecting who she was). ' Did your honour hear of the
bonfires ? '
His honour spoke never a word, nor so much as handed
her up the steps — he looked to me no more like himself than
nothing at all ; I know I took him for the skeleton of his
honour. I was not sure what to say next to one or t'other,
but seeing she was a stranger in a foreign country, I thought
it but right to speak cheerful to her ; so I went back again
to the bonfires.
' My lady,' says I, as she crossed the hall, ' there would
have been fifty times as many ; but for fear of the horses,
and frightening your ladyship, Jason and I forbid them,
please your honour.'
With that she looked at me a little bewildered.
'Will I have a fire lighted in the state-room to-night?'
was the next question I put to her, but never a word she
answered ; so I concluded she could not speak a word of
English, and was from foreign parts. The short and the
long of it was, I couldn't tell what to make of her ; so I
left her to herself, and went straight down to the servants'
1 See Glossary.
hall to learn something for certain about her. Sir Kit's
own man was tired, but the groom set him a-talking at last,
and we had it all out before ever I closed my eyes that
night. The bride might well be a great fortune — she was
a Jewish by all accounts, who are famous for their great
riches. I had never seen any of that tribe or nation before,
and could only gather that she spoke a strange kind of
English of her own, that she could not abide pork or
sausages, and went neither to church or mass. Mercy upon
his honour's poor soul, thought I ; what will become of him
and his, and all of us, with his heretic blackamoor at the
head of the Castle Rackrent estate ? I never slept a wink
all night for thinking of it ; but before the servants I put
my pipe in my mouth, and kept my mind to myself,
for I had a great regard for the family ; and after this,
when strange gentlemen's servants came to the house, and
would begin to talk about the bride, I took care to put the
best foot foremost, and passed her for a nabob in the kitchen,
which accounted for her dark complexion and everything.
The very morning after they came home, however, I saw
plain enough how things were between Sir Kit and my lady,
though they were walking together arm in arm after breakfast,
looking at the new building and the improvements.
' Old Thady,' said my master, just as he used to do, ' how
do you do ? '
' Very well, I thank your honour's honour,' said I ; but
I saw he was not well pleased, and my heart was in my
mouth as I walked along after him.
' Is the large room damp, Thady ?' said his honour.
' Oh damp, your honour ! how should it be but as dry
as a bone,' says I, 'after all the fires we have kept in it day
and night ? It's the barrack-room : your honour's talking on.'
' And what is a barrack-room, pray, my dear ? ' were the
first words I ever heard out of my lady's lips.
' No matter, my dear,' said he, and went on talking to me,
ashamed-like I should witness her ignorance. To be sure,
to hear her talk one might have taken her for an innocent, 2
for it was, ' What's this, Sir Kit ? and what's that, Sir Kit ? '
all the way we went. To be sure, Sir Kit had enough to do
to answer her.
1 See Glossary. - Ibid.
'And what do you call that, Sir Kit?' said she; 'that —
that looks like a pile of black bricks, pray, Sir Kit ? '
' "Where are the trees" said she, "my dear?"—" You are blind, my dear"
says he ; " what are these under your eyes ?
Copyright 1S94 by Macmillan & Co.
' My turf-stack, my dear,' said my master, and bit his lip.
Where have you lived, my lady, all your life, not to know
a turf-stack when you see it ? thought I ; but I said nothing.
Then by and by she takes out her glass, and begins spying
over the country.
' And what's all that black swamp out yonder, Sir Kit ? '
says she.
1 My bog, my dear,' says he, and went on whistling.
' It's a very ugly prospect, my dear,' says she.
'You don't see it. my dear,' says he, 'for we've planted it
cut ; when the trees grow up in summer-time ' says he.
' Where are the trees,' said she, ' my dear ? ' still looking
through her glass.
' You are blind, my dear,' says he ; ' what are these under
your eyes ? '
' These shrubs ? ' said she.
'Trees,' said he.
' Maybe they are what you call trees in Ireland, my dear,'
said she • ' but they are not a yard high, are they ? '
' They were planted out but last year, my lady,' says I, to
soften matters between them, for I saw she was going the way
to make his honour mad with her : ' they are very well grown
for their age, and you'll not see the bog of Allyballycarrick-
o'shaughlin at-all-at-all through the skreen, when once the leaves
come out. But, my lady, you must not quarrel with any
part or parcel of Allyballycarricko'shaughlin, for you don't
know how many hundred years that same bit of bog has
been in the family ; we would not part with the bog of
Allyballycarricko'shaughlin upon no account at all ; it cost
the late Sir Murtagh two hundred good pounds to defend
his title to it and boundaries against the O'Learys, who cut
a road through it.'
Now one would have thought this would have been hint
enough for my lady, but she fell to laughing like one out of
their right mind, and made me say the name of the bog over,
for her to get it by heart, a dozen times ; then she must ask
me how to spell it, and what was the meaning of it in English
— Sir Kit standing by whistling all the while. I verily believed
she laid the corner-stone of all her future misfortunes at that
very instant ; but I said no more, only looked at Sir Kit.
There were no balls, no dinners, no doings ; the country
was all disappointed — Sir Kit's gentleman said in a whisper
to me, it was all my lady's own fault, because she was so
obstinate about the cross.
*7 C
' What cross ? ' says I ; ' is it about her being a heretic ? '
' Oh, no such matter,' says he ; ' my master does not mind
her heresies, but her diamond cross — it's worth I can't tell you
how much, and she has thousands of English pounds con-
cealed in diamonds about her, which she as good as promised
to give up to my master before he married ; but now she won't
part with any of them, and she must take the consequences.'
Her honeymoon, at least her Irish honeymoon, was
' Came down herself into the kitchen to speak to the cook ahout the sausages.'
scarcely well over, when his honour one morning said to me,
< Thady, buy me a pig ! ' and then the sausages were ordered,
and here was the first open breaking-out of my lady's troubles.
My lady came down herself into the kitchen to speak to the
cook about the sausages, and desired never to see them more
at her table. Now my master had ordered them, and my
lady knew that. The cook took my lady's part, because she
never came down into the kitchen, and was young and
innocent in housekeeping, which raised her pity ; besides,
said she, at her own table, surely my lady should order and
disorder what she pleases. But the cook soon changed her
note, for my master made it a principle to have the sausages,
and swore at her for a jew herself, till he drove her fairly out
of the kitchen ; then, for fear of her place, and because he
threatened that my lady should give her no discharge without
the sausages, she gave up, and from that day forward always
sausages, or bacon, or pig-meat in some shape or other, went
up to table ; upon which my lady shut herself up in her own
room, and my master said she might stay there, with an oath :
and to make sure of her, he turned the key in the door, and
kept it ever after in his pocket. We none of us ever saw or
heard her speak for seven years after that : 1 he carried her
1 This part of the history of the Rackrent family can scarcely be
thought credible ; but in justice to honest Thady, it is hoped the reader
will recollect the history of the celebrated Lady Cathcart's conjugal im-
prisonment. The editor was acquainted with Colonel M'Guire, Lady
Cathcart's husband ; he has lately seen and questioned the maid-servant
who lived with Colonel M'Guire during the time of Lady Cathcart's im-
prisonment. Her ladyship was locked up in her own house for many
years, during which period her husband was visited by the neighbouring
gentry, and it was his regular custom at dinner to send his compliments
to Lady Cathcart, informing her that the company had the honour to
drink her ladyship's health, and begging to know whether there was any-
thing at table that she would like to eat? The answer was always, ' Lady
Cathcart's compliments, and she has everything she wants.' An instance
of honesty in a poor Irishwoman deserves to be recorded. Lady
Cathcart had some remarkably fine diamonds, which she had concealed
from her husband, and which she was anxious to get out of the house,
leit he should discover them. She had neither servant nor friend to
whom she could entrust them, but she had observed a poor beggar
woman, who used to come to the house ; she spoke to her from the
window of the room in which she was confined ; the woman promised to
do what she desired, and Lady Cathcart threw a parcel containing the
jewels to her. The poor woman carried them to the person to whom
they were directed, and several years afterwards, when Lady Cathcart
recovered her liberty, she received her diamonds safely.
At Colonel M'Guire's death her ladyship was released. The editor,
within this year, saw the gentleman who accompanied her to England
after her husband's death. When she first was told of his death she
imagined that the news was not true, and that it was told only with an
intention of deceiving her. At his death she had scarcely clothes sufficient
to cover her ; she wore a red wig, looked scared, and her understanding
seemed stupefied ; she said that she scarcely knew one human creature
from another ; her imprisonment lasted above twenty years. These
dinner himself. Then his honour had a great deal of
company to dine with him, and balls in the house, and was
as gay and gallant, and as much himself as before he was
married ; and at dinner he always drank my Lady Rackrent's
good health and so did the company, and he sent out always
a servant with his compliments to my Lady Rackrent, and
the company was drinking her ladyship's health, and begged
to know if there was anything at table he might send her,
and the man came back, after the sham errand, with my Lady
Rackrent's compliments, and she was very much obliged to
Sir Kit — she did not wish for anything, but drank the
company's health. The country, to be sure, talked and
wondered at my lady's being shut up, but nobody chose to
interfere or ask any impertinent questions, for they knew my
master was a man very apt to give a short answer himself,
and likely to call a man out for it afterwards : he was a famous
shot, had killed his man before he came of age, and nobody
scarce dared look at him whilst at Bath. Sir Kit's character
was so well known in the country that he lived in peace and
quietness ever after, and was a great favourite with the ladies,
especially when in process of time, in the fifth year of her
confinement, my Lady Rackrent fell ill and took entirely to
her bed, and he gave out that she was now skin and bone,
and could not last through the winter. In this he had two
physicians' opinions to back him (for now he called in two
physicians for her), and tried all his arts to get the
diamond cross from her on her death-bed, and to get her
to make a will in his favour of her separate possessions ; but
there she was too tough for him. He used to swear at her
behind her back after kneeling to her face, and call her
in the presence of his gentleman his stiff-necked Israelite,
though before he married her that same gentleman told me
he used to call her (how he could bring it out, I don't know)
' my pretty Jessica ! ' To be sure it must have been hard for
her to guess what sort of a husband he reckoned to make her.
When she was lying, to all expectation, on her death-bed of a
circumstances may appear strange to an English reader ; but there is
no danger in the present times that any individual should exercise such
tyranny as Colonel M 'Quire's with impunity, the power being now all in
the hands of Government, and there being no possibility of obtaining from
Parliament an Act of indemnity for any cruelties.
broken heart, I could not but pity her, though she was a
Jewish, and considering too it was no fault of hers to be
taken with my master, so young as she was at the Bath,
and so fine a gentleman as Sir Kit was when he courted her ;
and considering too, after all they had heard and seen of him
as a husband, there were now no less than three ladies in our
county talked of for his second wife, all at daggers drawn with
each other, as his gentleman swore, at the balls, for Sir Kit
for their partner — I could not but think them bewitched, but
they all reasoned with themselves that Sir Kit would make a
good husband to any Christian but a Jewish, I suppose, and
especially as he was now a reformed rake ; and it was not
known how my lady's fortune was settled in her will, nor how
the Castle Rackrent estate was all mortgaged, and bonds
out against him, for he was never cured of his gaming
tricks ; but that was the only fault he had, God bless him !
My lady had a sort of fit, and it was given out that she
was dead, by mistake : this brought things to a sad crisis for
my poor master. One of the three ladies showed his letters to
her brother, and claimed his promises, whilst another did the
same. I don't mention names. Sir Kit, in his defence, said he
would meet any man who dared to question his conduct ; and
as to the ladies, they must settle it amongst them who was to be
his second, and his third, and his fourth, whilst his first was
still alive, to his mortification and theirs. Upon this, as upon
all former occasions, he had the voice of the country with him,
on account of the great spirit and propriety he acted with.
He met and shot the first lady's brother : the next day he
called out the second, who had a wooden leg, and their place
of meeting by appointment being in a new-ploughed field, the
wooden-leg man stuck fast in it. Sir Kit, seeing his situation,
with great candour fired his pistol over his head ; upon which
the seconds interposed, and convinced the parties there had
been a slight misunderstanding between them : thereupon they
shook hands cordially, and went home to dinner together.
This gentleman, to show the world how they stood together,
and by the advice of the friends of both parties, to re-establish
his sister's injured reputation, went out with Sir Kit as his
second, and carried his message next day to the last of his
adversaries : I never saw him in such fine spirits as that day
he went out — sure enough he was within ames-ace of getting
quit handsomely of all his enemies ; but unluckily, after hitting
the toothpick out of his adversary's finger and thumb, he
received a ball in a vital part, and was brought home, in little
better than an hour after the affair, speechless on a hand-
barrow to my lady. We got the key out of his pocket the
first thing we did, and my son Jason ran to unlock the barrack-
room, where my lady had been shut up for seven years, to
acquaint her with the fatal accident. The surprise bereaved
her of her senses at first, nor would she believe but we were
putting some new trick upon her, to entrap her out of her
jewels, for a great while, till Jason bethought himself of taking
her to the window, and showed her the men bringing Sir Kit
up the avenue upon the hand-barrow, which had immediately
the desired effect ; for directly she burst into tears, and pulling
her cross from her bosom, she kissed it with as great devotion
as ever I witnessed, and lifting up her eyes to heaven, uttered
some ejaculation, which none present heard ; but I take the
sense of it to be, she returned thanks for this unexpected
interposition in her favour when she had least reason to
expect it. My master was greatly lamented : there was no
life in him when we lifted him off the barrow, so he was laid
out immediately, and ' waked ' the same night. The country
was all in an uproar about him, and not a soul but cried shame
upon his murderer, who would have been hanged surely, if
he could have been brought to his trial, whilst the gentlemen
in the country were up about it ; but he very prudently with-
drew himself to the Continent before the affair was made public.
As for the young lady who was the immediate cause of the
fatal accident, however innocently, she could never show her
head after at the balls in the county or any place ; and by the
advice of her friends and physicians, she was ordered soon
after to Bath, where it was expected, if anywhere on this side
of the grave, she would meet with the recovery of her health
and lost peace of mind. As a proof of his great popularity,
I need only add that there was a song made upon my master's
untimely death in the newspapers, which was in everybody's
mouth, singing up and down through the country, even down
to the mountains, only three days after his unhappy exit. He
was also greatly bemoaned at the Curragh, 1 where his cattle
were well known ; and all who had taken up his bets were
1 See Glossary.
particularly inconsolable for his loss to society. His stud sold
at the cant l at the greatest price ever known in the county ;
his favourite horses were chiefly disposed of amongst his par-
ticular friends, who would give any price for them for his sake ;
but no ready money was required by the new heir, who wished
not to displease any of the gentlemen of the neighbourhood just
upon his coming to settle amongst them ; so a long credit was
given where requisite, and the cash has never been gathered in
from that day to this.
But to return to my lady. She got surprisingly well after
my master's decease. No sooner was it known for certain that
he was dead, than all the gentlemen within twenty miles of us
came in a body, as it were, to set my lady at liberty, and to
protest against her confinement, which they now for the first
time understood was against her own consent. The ladies too
were as attentive as possible, striving who should be foremost
with their morning visits ; and they that saw the diamonds
spoke very handsomely of them, but thought it a pity they
were not bestowed, if it had so pleased God, upon a lady
who would have become them better. All these civilities
wrought little with my lady, for she had taken an unaccount-
able prejudice against the country, and everything belonging
to it, and was so partial to her native land, that after parting
with the cook, which she did immediately upon my master's
decease, I never knew her easy one instant, night or day, but
when she was packing up to leave us. Had she meant to
make any stay in Ireland, I stood a great chance of being a
great favourite with her ; for when she found I understood
the weathercock, she was always finding some pretence to be
talking to me, and asking me which way the wind blew, and
was it likely, did I think, to continue fair for England. But
when I saw she had made up her mind to spend the rest of her
days upon her own income and jewels in England, I considered
her quite as a foreigner, and not at all any longer as part of
the family. She gave no vails to the servants at Castle Rack-
rent at parting, notwithstanding the old proverb of ' as rich as
a Jew,' which she, being a Jewish, they built upon with reason.
But from first to last she brought nothing but misfortunes
amongst us ; and if it had not been all along with her, his
honour, Sir Kit, would have been now alive in all appearance.
1 See Glossary.
Her diamond cross was, they say, at the bottom of it all ; and
it was a shame for her, being his wife, not to show more duty,
and to have given it up when he condescended to ask so often
for such a bit of a trifle in his distresses, especially when he
all along made it no secret he married for money. But we
will not bestow another thought upon her. This much I
thought it lay upon my conscience to say, in justice to my
poor master's memory.
'Tis an ill wind that blows nobody no good : the same wind
that took the Jew Lady Rackrent over to England brought
over the new heir to Castle Rackrent.
Here let me pause for breath in my story, for though I had
a great regard for every member of the family, yet without
compare Sir Conolly, commonly called, for short, amongst his
friends, Sir Condy Rackrent, was ever my great favourite, and,
indeed, the most universally beloved man I had ever seen or
heard of, not excepting his great ancestor Sir Patrick, to whose
memory he, amongst other instances of generosity, erected a
handsome marble stone in the church of Castle Rackrent,
setting forth in large letters his age, birth, parentage, and
many other virtues, concluding with the compliment so justly
due, that ' Sir Patrick Rackrent lived and died a monument
of old Irish hospitality.'
Sir CONDY RACKRENT, by the grace of God heir-at-law to
the Castle Rackrent estate, was a remote branch of the
family. Born to little or no fortune of his own, he was bred
to the bar, at which, having many friends to push him and
no mean natural abilities of his own, he doubtless would in
process of time, if he could have borne the drudgery of that
study, have been rapidly made King's Counsel at the least ;
but things were disposed of otherwise, and he never went the
circuit but twice, and then made no figure for want of a
fee, and being unable to speak in public. He received his
education chiefly in the college of Dublin, but before he
came to years of discretion lived in the country, in a small
but slated house within view of the end of the avenue. I
remember him, bare footed and headed, running through the
street of O'Shaughlin's Town, and playing at pitch-and-toss,
ball, marbles, and what not, with the boys of the town,
amongst whom my son Jason was a great favourite with him.
As for me, he was ever my white-headed boy : often's the
time, when I would call in at his father's, where I was always
made welcome, he would slip down to me in the kitchen, and,
love to sit on my knee whilst I told him stories of the family
and the blood from which he was sprung, and how he might
look forward, if the then present man should die without
childer, to being at the head of the Castle Rackrent estate.
2 5
This was then spoke quite and clear at random to please the
child, but it pleased Heaven to accomplish my prophecy
\ p8L if-
' Love to sit on my knee whilst I told him stories.'
afterwards, which gave him a great opinion of my judgment
in business. He went to a little grammar-school with many
others, and my son amongst the rest, who was in his class,
and not a little useful to him in his book-learning, which he
acknowledged with gratitude ever after. These rudiments of
his education thus completed, he got a-horseback, to which
exercise he was ever addicted, and used to gallop over the
country while yet but a slip of a boy, under the care of Sir
Kit's huntsman, who was very fond of him, and often lent him
his gun, and took him out a-shooting under his own eye. By
these means he became well acquainted and popular amongst
the poor in the neighbourhood early, for there was not a
cabin at which he had not stopped some morning or other,
along with the huntsman, to drink a glass of burnt whisky
out of an eggshell, to do him good and warm his heart and
drive the cold out of his stomach. The old people always
told him he was a great likeness of Sir Patrick, which made
him first have an ambition to take after him, as far as his
fortune should allow. He left us when of an age to enter the
college, and there completed his education and nineteenth
year, for as he was not born to an estate, his friends thought
it incumbent on them to give him the best education which
could be had for love or money, and a great deal of money
consequently was spent upon him at College and Temple. He
was a very little altered for the worse by what he saw there
of the great world, for when he came down into the country
to pay us a visit, we thought him just the same man as ever —
hand and glove with every one, and as far from high, though
not without his own proper share of family pride, as any man
ever you see. Latterly, seeing how Sir Kit and the Jewish
lived together, and that there was no one between him and
the Castle Rackrent estate, he neglected to apply to the law
as much as was expected of him, and secretly many of the
tenants and others advanced him cash upon his note of
hand value received, promising bargains of leases and lawful
interest, should he ever come into the estate. All this was
kept a great secret for fear the present man, hearing of it,
should take it into his head to take it ill of poor Condy, and
so should cut him off for ever by levying a fine, and suffering
a recovery to dock the entail. 1 Sir Murtagh would have
been the man for that ; but Sir Kit was too much taken up
philandering to consider the law in this case, or any other.
These practices I have mentioned to account for the state of
his affairs — I mean Sir Condy's upon his coming into the
1 See Glossary.
Castle Rackrent estate. He could not command a penny of
his first year's income, which, and keeping no accounts, and
the great sight of company he did, with many other causes
too numerous to mention, was the origin of his distresses.
My son Jason, who was now established agent, and knew
everything, explained matters out of the face to Sir Conolly,
and made him sensible of his embarrassed situation. With
a great nominal rent-roll, it was almost all paid away in
interest ; which being for convenience suffered to run on,
soon doubled the principal, and Sir Condy was obliged to
pass new bonds for the interest, now grown principal, and so
on. Whilst this was going on, my son requiring to be paid
for his trouble and many years 5 service in the family gratis,
and Sir Condy not willing to take his affairs into his own
hands, or to look them even in the face, he gave my son a
bargain of some acres which fell out of lease at a reasonable
rent. Jason set the land, as soon as his lease was sealed, to
under-tenants, to make the rent, and got two hundred a year
profit rent ; which was little enough considering his long
agency. He bought the land at twelve years' purchase two
years afterwards, when Sir Condy was pushed for money on
an execution, and was at the same time allowed for his
improvements thereon. There was a sort of hunting-lodge
upon the estate, convenient to my son Jason's land, which he
had his eye upon about this time ; and he was a little jealous
of Sir Condy, who talked of setting it to a stranger who was
just come into the country — Captain Moneygawl was the man.
He was son and heir to the Moneygawls of Mount Juliet's
Town, who had a great estate in the next county to ours ; and
my master was loth to disoblige the young gentleman, whose
heart was set upon the Lodge ; so he wrote him back that the
Lodge was at his service, and if he would honour him with his
company at Castle Rackrent, they could ride over together
some morning and look at it before signing the lease.
Accordingly, the captain came over to us, and he and Sir
Condy grew the greatest friends ever you see, and were for
ever out a-shooting or hunting together, and were very merry
in the evenings ; and Sir Condy was invited of course to
Mount Juliet's Town ; and the family intimacy that had been
in Sir Patrick's time was now recollected, and nothing would
serve Sir Condy but he must be three times a week at the
least with his new friends, which grieved me, who knew, by
the captain's groom and gentleman, how they talked of him
at Mount Juliet's Town, making him quite, as one may say,
a laughing-stock and a butt for the whole company ; but
they were soon cured of that by an accident that surprised
'em not a little, as it did me. There was a bit of a scrawl
found upon the waiting-maid of old Mr. Moneygawl's youngest
daughter, Miss Isabella, that laid open the whole ; and her
father, they say, was like one out of his right mind, and
swore it was the last thing he ever should have thought of,
when he invited my master to his house, that his daughter
should think of such a match. But their talk signified not
a straw, for as Miss Isabella's maid reported, her young
mistress was fallen over head and ears in love with Sir
Condy from the first time that ever her brother brought him
into the house to dinner. The servant who waited that day
behind my master's chair was the first who knew it, as he
says ; though it's hard to believe him, for he did not tell it
till a great while afterwards ; but, however, it's likely enough,
as the thing turned out, that he was not far out of the way,
for towards the middle of dinner, as he says, they were
talking of stage-plays, having a playhouse, and being great
play-actors at Mount Juliet's Town ; and Miss Isabella turns
short to my master, and says :
' Have you seen the play-bill, Sir Condy ? '
' No, I have not,' said he.
' Then more shame for you,' said the captain her brother,
'not to know that my sister is to play Juliet to-night, who
plays it better than any woman on or off the stage in all
' I am very happy to hear it,' said Sir Condy ; and there
the matter dropped for the present.
But Sir Condy all this time, and a great while afterwards,
was at a terrible nonplus ; for he had no liking, not he, to stage-
plays, nor to Miss Isabella either — to his mind, as it came out
over a bowl of whisky-punch at home, his little Judy M 'Quirk,
who was daughter to a sister's son of mine, was worth twenty of
Miss Isabella. He had seen her often when he stopped at her
father's cabin to drink whisky out of the eggshell, out hunting,
before he came to the estate, and, as she gave out, was under
something like a promise of marriage to her. Anyhow, I could
not but pity my poor master, who was so bothered between
them, and he an easy-hearted man, that could not disoblige
nobody — God bless him ! To be sure, it was not his place to
behave ungenerous to Miss Isabella, who had disobliged all
her relations for his sake, as he remarked ; and then she was
locked up in her chamber, and forbid to think of him any
more, which raised his spirit, because his family was, as he
observed, as good as theirs at any rate, and the Rackrents a
suitable match for the Moneygawls any day in the year ; all
which was true enough. But it grieved me to see that, upon
the strength of all this, Sir Condy was growing more in the
mind to carry off Miss Isabella to Scotland, in spite of her
relations, as she desired.
' It's all over with our poor Judy ! ' said I, with a heavy
sigh, making bold to speak to him one night when he was a
little cheerful, and standing in the servants' hall all alone with
me, as was often his custom.
' Not at all,' said he ; 'I never was fonder of Judy than at
this present speaking ; and to prove it to you,' said he — and
he took from my hand a halfpenny change that I had just
got along with my tobacco — ' and to prove it to you, Thady,'
says he, ' it's a toss-up with me which I should marry this
minute, her or Mr. Moneygawl of Mount Juliet's Town's
daughter — so it is.'
' Oh — boo ! boo ! ' 1 says I, making light of it, to see what
he would go on to next ; ' your honour's joking, to be sure ;
there's no compare between our poor Judy and Miss Isabella,
who has a great fortune, they say.'
' I'm not a man to mind a fortune, nor never was,' said
Sir Condy, proudly, ' whatever her friends may say ; and to
make short of it,' says he, ' I'm come to a determination
upon the spot.' With that he swore such a terrible oath as
made me cross myself. ' And by this book,' said he, snatching
up my ballad-book, mistaking it for my prayer-book, which
lay in the window, — ' and by this book,' says he, ' and by all
the books that ever were shut and opened, it's come to a toss-
up with me, and I'll stand or fall by the toss ; and so Thady,
hand me over that pin 2 out of the ink-horn ; ' and he makes a
1 Boo! boo! — an exclamation equivalent to pshaw or ?ionsense.
2 Pin, read pen. — It formerly was vulgarly pronounced pin in Ireland.
cross on the smooth side of the halfpenny; 'Judy M'Quirk,'
says he, ' her mark.' l
God bless him ! his hand was a little unsteadied by all the
whisky-punch he had taken, but it was plain to see his heart
was for poor Judy. My heart was all as one as in my mouth
when I saw the halfpenny up in the air, but I said nothing at
all ; and when it came down I was glad I had kept myself to
myself, for to be sure now it was all over with poor Judy.
'Judy's out a luck,' said I, striving to laugh.
' I'm out a luck,' said he ; and I never saw a man look so
cast down : he took up the halfpenny off the flag, and walked
away quite sober-like by the shock. Now, though as easy a
man, you would think, as any in the wide world, there was no
such thing as making him unsay one of these sort of vows, 2
which he had learned to reverence when young, as I well re-
member teaching him to toss up for bog-berries on my knee.
So I saw the affair was as good as settled between him and
Miss Isabella, and I had no more to say but to wish her joy,
which I did the week afterwards, upon her return from Scotland
with my poor master.
My new lady was young, as might be supposed of a lady
that had been carried off by her own consent to Scotland ;
but I could only see her at first through her veil, which, from
bashfulness or fashion, she kept over her face.
1 Her mark. — It was the custom in Ireland for those who could not
write to make a cross to stand for their signature, as was formerly the
practice of our English monarchs. The Editor inserts the facsimile
of an Irish mark, which may hereafter be valuable to a judicious
antiquary —
Judy X M'Quirk,
In bonds or notes signed in this manner a witness is requisite, as the
name is frequently written by him or her.
- lows. — It has been maliciously and unjustly hinted that the lower
classes of the people of Ireland pay but little regard to oaths ; yet it is
certain that some oaths or vows have great power over their minds.
Sometimes they swear they will be revenged on some of their neighbours ;
this is an oath that they are never known to break. But, what is infinitely
more extraordinary and unaccountable, they sometimes make and keep
a vow against whisky ; these vows are usually limited to a short time.
A woman who has a drunken husband is most fortunate if she can prevail
upon him to go to the priest, and make a vow against whisky for a year,
or a month, or a week, or a day.
'And am I to walk through all this crowd of people, my
dearest love ? ' said she to Sir Condy, meaning us servants and
tenants, who had gathered at the back gate.
" Fm out a luck" said lie.'
Copyright 1894 by Macmillan &■ Co.
'My dear,' said Sir Condy, 'there's nothing for it but to
walk, or to let me carry you as far as the house, for you see
the back road is too narrow for a carriage, and the great piers
have tumbled down across the front approach ; so there's no
driving the right way, by reason of the ruins.'
' Plato, thou reasonest well ! ' said she, or words to that
effect, which I could noways understand ; and again, when
her foot stumbled against a broken bit of a car-wheel, she
cried out, 'Angels and ministers of grace defend us!'
Well, thought I, to be sure, if she's no Jewish, like the last,
she is a mad woman for certain, which is as bad : it would
have been as well for my poor master to have taken up with
poor Judy, who is in her right mind anyhow.
She was dressed like a mad woman, moreover, more than
like any one I ever saw afore or since, and I could not take
my eyes off her, but still followed behind her ; and her feathers
on the top of her hat were broke going in at the low back door,
and she pulled out her little bottle out of her pocket to smell
when she found herself in the kitchen, and said, ' I shall faint
with the heat of this odious, odious place.'
' My dear, it's only three steps across the kitchen, and
there's a fine air if your veil was up,' said Sir Condy ; and
with that threw back her veil, so that I had then a full sight
of her face. She had not at all the colour of one going to
faint, but a fine complexion of her own, as I then took it to
be, though her maid told me after it was all put on ; but even,
complexion and all taken in, she was no way, in point of good
looks, to compare to poor Judy, and withal she had a quality
toss with her ; but maybe it was my over-partiality to Judy,
into whose place I may say she stepped, that made me notice
all this.
To do her justice, however, she was, when we came to know
her better, very liberal in her housekeeping — nothing at all of
the skinflint in her ; she left everything to the housekeeper,
and her own maid, Mrs. Jane, who went with her to Scotland,
gave her the best of characters for generosity. She seldom or
ever wore a thing twice the same way, Mrs. Jane told us, and
was always pulling her things to pieces and giving them away,
never being used, in her father's house, to think of expense in
anything ; and she reckoned to be sure to go on the same
way at Castle Rackrent ; but when I came to inquire, I
learned that her father was so mad with her for running off,
after his locking her up and forbidding her to think any more
of Sir Condy, that he would not give her a farthing ; and it
33 D
was lucky for her she had a few thousands of her own, which
had been left to her by a good grandmother, and these were
very convenient to begin with. My master and my lady set
out in great style ; they had the finest coach and chariot, and
horses and liveries, and cut the greatest dash in the county,
returning their wedding visits ; and it was immediately re-
ported that her father had undertaken to pay all my master's
debts, and of course all his tradesmen gave him a new credit,
and everything went on smack smooth, and I could not but
admire my lady's spirit, and was proud to see Castle Rack-
rent again in all its glory. My lady had a fine taste for build-
ing, and furniture, and playhouses, and she turned everything
topsy-turvy, and made the barrack-room into a theatre, as she
called it, and she went on as if she had a mint of money at
her elbow ; and to be sure I thought she knew best,
especially as Sir Condy said nothing to it one way or the other.
All he asked — God bless him ! — was to live in peace and quiet-
ness, and have his bottle or his whisky-punch at night to him-
self. Now this was little enough, to be sure, for any gentle-
man ; but my lady couldn't abide the smell of the whisky-punch.
4 My dear,' says he, ' you liked it well enough before we
were married, and why not now ?'
' My dear,' said she, ' I never smelt it, or I assure you I
should never have prevailed upon myself to marry you.'
' My dear, I am sorry you did not smell it, but we can't
help that now,' returned my master, without putting himself
in a passion, or going out of his way, but just fair and easy
helped himself to another glass, and drank it off to her good
All this the butler told me, who was going backwards and
forwards unnoticed with the jug, and hot water, and sugar,
and all he thought wanting. Upon my master's swallowing
the last glass of whisky-punch my lady burst into tears, calling
him an ungrateful, base, barbarous wretch ; and went off into
a fit of hysterics, as I think Mrs. Jane called it, and my poor
master was greatly frightened, this being the first thing of the
kind he had seen ; and he fell straight on his knees before
her, and, like a good-hearted cratur as he was, ordered the
whisky-punch out of the room, and bid 'em throw open all the
windows, and cursed himself : and then my lady came to
herself again, and when she saw him kneeling there, bid him
get up, and not forswear himself any more, for that she was
sure he did not love her, and never had. This we learned
from Mrs. Jane, who was the only person left present at all
' My dear,' returns my master, thinking, to be sure, of Judy,
as well he might, ' whoever told you so is an incendiary, and
I'll have 'em turned out of the house this minute, if you'll
only let me know which of them it was.'
' Told me what ? ' said my lady, starting upright in her
• Nothing at all, nothing at all,' said my master, seeing he
had overshot himself, and that my lady spoke at random ; ' but
what you said just now, that I did not love you, Bella ; who
told you that ?'
' My own sense,' she said, and she put her handkerchief
to her face, and leant back upon Mrs. Jane, and fell to sobbing
as if her heart would break.
' Why now, Bella, this is very strange of you,' said my
poor master ; ' if nobody has told you nothing, what is it you
are taking on for at this rate, and exposing yourself and me
for this way ?'
' Oh, say no more, say no more ; every word you say kills
me,' cried my lady ; and she ran on like one, as Mrs. Jane
says, raving, ' Oh, Sir Condy, Sir Condy ! I that had hoped
to find in you '
' Why now, faith, this is a little too much ; do, Bella, try
to recollect yourself, my dear ; am not I your husband, and
of your own choosing, and is not that enough ?'
' Oh, too much ! too much !' cried my lady, wringing her
' Why, my dear, come to your right senses, for the love
of heaven. See, is not the whisky-punch, jug and bowl and
all, gone out of the room long ago ? What is it, in the wide
world, you have to complain of?'
But still my lady sobbed and sobbed, and called herself the
most wretched of women ; and among other out-of-the-way pro-
voking things, asked my master, was he fit company for her, and
he drinking all night ? This nettling him, which it was hard to
do, he replied, that as to drinking all night, he was then as sober
as she was herself, and that it was no matter how much a man
drank, provided it did noways affect or stagger him : that as
to being fit company for her, he thought himself of a family to
be fit company for any lord or lady in the land ; but that he
never prevented her from seeing and keeping what company
she pleased, and that he had done his best to make Castle
Rackrent pleasing to her since her marriage, having always
had the house full of visitors, and if her own relations were
not amongst them, he said that was their own fault, and their
pride's fault, of which he was sorry to find her ladyship
had so unbecoming a share. So concluding, he took his
candle and walked off to his room, and my lady was in
her tantarums for three days after ; and would have been
so much longer, no doubt, but some of her friends, young
ladies, and cousins, and second cousins, came to Castle Rack-
rent, by my poor master's express invitation, to see her, and
she was in a hurry to get up, as Mrs. Jane called it, a play
for them, and so got well, and was as finely dressed,
and as happy to look at, as ever ; and all the young
ladies, who used to be in her room dressing of her, said in
Mrs. Jane's hearing that my lady was the happiest bride ever
they had seen, and that to be sure a love-match was the only
thing for happiness, where the parties could any way afford it.
As to affording it, God knows it was little they knew of the
matter ; my lady's few thousands could not last for ever,
especially the way she went on with them ; and letters from
tradesfolk came every post thick and threefold, with bills as
long as my arm, of years' and years' standing. My son Jason
had 'em all handed over to him, and the pressing letters were
all unread by Sir Condy, who hated trouble, and could never
be brought to hear talk of business, but still put it off and put it
off, saying, ' Settle it anyhow,' or, ' Bid 'em call again to-morrow,'
or, ' Speak to me about it some other time.' Now it was hard
to find the right time to speak, for in the mornings he was
a-bed, and in the evenings over his bottle, where no gentle-
man chooses to be disturbed. Things in a twelvemonth
or so came to such a pass there was no making a shift
to go on any longer, though we were all of us well
enough used to live from hand to mouth at Castle Rackrent.
One day, I remember, when there was a power of company,
all sitting after dinner in the dusk, not to say dark,
in the drawing-room, my lady having rung five times for
candles, and none to go up, the housekeeper sent up the foot-
man, who went to my mistress, and whispered behind her
chair how it was.
' My lady,' says he, ' there are no candles in the house.'
' Bless me,' says she ; ' then take a horse and gallop off as
fast as you can to Carrick O'Fungus, and get some.'
' And in the meantime tell them to step into the playhouse,
and try if there are not some bits left,' added Sir Condy, who
happened to be within hearing. The man was sent up again
to my lady, to let her know there was no horse to go, but
one that wanted a shoe.
' Go to Sir Condy then ; I know nothing at all about the
horses,' said my lady ; ' why do you plague me with these
things ? ' How it was settled I really forget, but to the best
of my remembrance, the boy was sent down to my son Jason's
to borrow candles for the night. Another time, in the winter,
and on a desperate cold day, there was no turf in for the
parlour and above stairs, and scarce enough for the cook
in the kitchen. The little gossoo?i x was sent off to the neigh-
bours, to see and beg or borrow some, but none could he
bring back with him for love or money ; so, as needs must,
we were forced to trouble Sir Condy — ' Well, and if there's
no turf to be had in the town or country, why, what signifies
talking any more about it ; can't ye go and cut down a tree ? '
' Which tree, please your honour ? ' I made bold to say.
' Any tree at all that's good to bum,' said Sir Condy ;
' send off smart and get one down, and the fires lighted, before
my lady gets up to breakfast, or the house will be too hot
to hold us.'
He was always very considerate in all things about my
lady, and she wanted for nothing whilst he had it to give.
Well, when things were tight with them about this time,
my son Jason put in a word again about the Lodge, and
made a genteel offer to lay down the purchase -money,
to relieve Sir Condy's distresses. Now Sir Condy had it
from the best authority that there were two writs come
1 Gossoon : a little boy — from the French word gargon. In most
Irish families there used to be a barefooted gossoon, who was slave to
the cook and the butler, and who, in fact, without wages, did all the
hard work of the house. Gossoons were always employed as messengers.
The Editor has known a gossoon to go on foot, without shoes or
stockings, fifty-one English miles between sunrise and sunset.
down to the sheriff against his person, and the sheriff, as
ill-luck would have it, was no friend of his, and talked how
he must do his duty, and how he would do it, if it was
against the first man in the country, or even his own brother,
let alone one who had voted against him at the last
election, as Sir Condy had done. So Sir Condy was fain
to take the purchase -money of the Lodge from my son
Jason to settle matters ; and sure enough it was a good
bargain for both parties, for my son bought the fee-simple
of a good house for him and his heirs for ever, for little or
nothing, and by selling of it for that same my master
saved himself from a gaol. Every way it turned out
fortunate for Sir Condy, for before the money was all gone
there came a general election, and he being so well beloved
in the county, and one of the oldest families, no one had
a better right to stand candidate for the vacancy ; and he
was called upon by all his friends, and the whole county I
may say, to declare himself against the old member, who
had little thought of a contest. My master did not relish
the thoughts of a troublesome canvass, and all the ill-will
he might bring upon himself by disturbing the peace of the
county, besides the expense, which was no trifle ; but all
his friends called upon one another to subscribe, and they
formed themselves into a committee, and wrote all his
circular letters for him, and engaged all his agents, and
did all the business unknown to him ; and he was well
pleased that it should be so at last, and my lady herself was
very sanguine about the election ; and there was open house
kept night and day at Castle Rackrent, and I thought I
never saw my lady look so well in her life as she did at
that time. There were grand dinners, and all the gentlemen
drinking success to Sir Condy till they were carried off ;
and then dances and balls, and the ladies all finishing with
a raking pot of tea in the morning. 1 Indeed, it was well
the company made it their choice to sit up all nights, for
there were not half beds enough for the sights of people
that were in it, though there were shake - downs in the
drawing-room always made up before sunrise for those that
liked it. For my part, when I saw the doings that were
going on, and the loads of claret that went down the throats
1 See Glossary.
of them that had no right to be asking for it, and the sights
of meat that went up to table and never came down, besides
what was carried off to one or t'other below stair, I
couldn't but pity my poor master, who was to pay for all ;
but I said nothing, for fear of gaining myself ill-will. The
day of election will come some time or other, says I to
myself, and all will be over ; and so it did, and a glorious
day it was as any I ever had the happiness to see.
' Huzza ! huzza ! Sir Condy Rackrent for ever ! ' was the
first thing I hears in the morning, and the same and nothing
else all day, and not a soul sober only just when polling,
enough to give their votes as became 'em, and to stand the
browbeating of the lawyers, who came tight enough upon us ;
and many of our freeholders were knocked off, having never
a freehold that they could safely swear to, and Sir Condy
was not willing to have any man perjure himself for his sake,
as was done on the other side, God knows ; but no matter
for that. Some of our friends were dumbfounded by the
lawyers asking them : Had they ever been upon the ground
where their freeholds lay ? Now, Sir Condy being tender
of the consciences of them that had not been on the ground,
and so could not swear to a freehold when cross-examined
by them lawyers, sent out for a couple of cleavesful of the
sods of his farm of Gulteeshinnagh ; 1 and as soon as the
sods came into town, he set each man upon his sod, and
so then, ever after, you know, they could fairly swear they
had been upon the ground. 2 We gained the day by this
piece of honesty. 3 I thought I should have died in the
streets for joy when I seed my poor master chaired, and he
bareheaded, and it raining as hard as it could pour ; but all
1 At St. Patrick's meeting, London, March 1806, the Duke of
Sussex said he had the honour of bearing an Irish title, and, with the
permission of the company, he should tell them an anecdote of what
he had experienced on his travels. When he was at Rome he went to
visit an Irish seminary, and when they heard who it was, and that he
had an Irish title, some of them asked him, ' Please your Royal Highness,
since you are an Irish peer, will you tell us if you ever trod upon Irish
ground?' When he told them he had not, 'Oh, then,' said one of
the Order, 'you shall soon do so.' They then spread some earth, which
had been brought from Ireland, on a marble slab, and made him stand
upon it.
- This was actually done at an election in Ireland.
3 See Glossary,
the crowds following him up and down, and he bowing and
shaking hands with the whole town.
4 Is that Sir Condy Rackrent in the chair?' says a stranger
man in the crowd.
'The same,' says I. 'Who else should it be? God bless
him ! '
' And I take it, then, you belong to him ? ' says he.
' Not at all,' says I ; ' but I live under him, and have done
so these two hundred years and upwards, me and mine.'
' It's lucky for you, then,' rejoins he, 'that he is where he
is ; for was he anywhere else but in the chair, this minute he'd
be in a worse place ; for I was sent down on purpose to put
him up, 1 and here's my order for so doing in my pocket.'
It was a writ that villain the wine merchant had marked
against my poor master for some hundreds of an old debt,
which it was a shame to be talking of at such a time as
' Put it in your pocket again, and think no more of it
anyways for seven years to come, my honest friend,' says I ;
' he's a member of Parliament now, praised be God, and
such as you can't touch him : and if you'll take a fool's
advice, I'd have you keep out of the way this day, or you'll
run a good chance of getting your deserts amongst my
master's friends, unless you choose to drink his health like
everybody else.'
' I've no objection to that in life,' said he. So we went into
one of the public-houses kept open for my master ; and we
had a great deal of talk about this thing and that. 'And
how is it,' says he, ' your master keeps on so well upon his
legs ? I heard say he was off Holantide twelvemonth past.'
' Never was better or heartier in his life,' said I.
' It's not that I'm after speaking of,' said he ; ' but there
was a great report of his being ruined.'
' No matter,' says I, ' the sheriffs two years running were
his particular friends, and the sub -sheriffs were both of
them gentlemen, and were properly spoken to ; and so the
writs lay snug with them, and they, as I understand by
my son Jason the custom in them cases is, returned the
writs as they came to them to those that sent 'em — much
good may it do them ! — with a word in Latin, that no such
1 To put him up ; to put him in gaol.
person as Sir Condy Rackrent, Bart., was to be found in
those parts.'
' Oh, I understand all those ways better — no offence — than
you,' says he, laughing, and at the same time filling his glass
to my master's good health, which convinced me he was a
warm friend in his heart after all, though appearances were a
little suspicious or so at first. ' To be sure,' says he, still
cutting his joke, ' when a man's over head and shoulders in
debt, he may live the faster for it, and the better if he goes
the right way about it ; or else how is it so many live on so
well, as we see every day, after they are ruined ? '
'How is it,' says I, being a little merry at the time — 'how
is it but just as you see the ducks in the chicken-yard, just
after their heads are cut off by the cook, running round and
round faster than when alive ? '
At which conceit he fella-laughing, and remarked he had never
had the happiness yet to see the chicken-yard at Castle Rackrent.
' It won't be long so, I hope,' says I ; ' you'll be kindly wel-
come there, as everybody is made by my master : there is not
a freer-spoken gentleman, or a better beloved, high or low, in
all Ireland.'
And of what passed after this I'm not sensible, for we
drank Sir Condy's good health and the downfall of his
enemies till we could stand no longer ourselves. And little
did I think at the time, or till long after, how I was harbouring
my poor master's greatest of enemies myself. This fellow had
the impudence, after coming to see the chicken-yard, to get
me to introduce him to my son Jason ; little more than the
man that never was born did I guess at his meaning by this
visit : he gets him a correct list fairly drawn out from my son
Jason of all my master's debts, and goes straight round to the
creditors and buys them all up, which he did easy enough,
seeing the half of them never expected to see their money out
of Sir Condy's hands. Then, when this base-minded limb of
the law, as I afterwards detected him in being, grew to be sole
creditor over all, he takes him out a custodiam on all the
denominations and sub-denominations, and even carton l and
half-carton upon the estate ; and not content with that, must
have an execution against the master's goods and down to the
furniture, though little worth, of Castle Rackrent itself. But
1 See Glossary.
this is a part of my story I'm not come to yet, and it's bad to
be forestalling : ill news flies fast enough all the world over.
To go back to the day of the election, which I never think
of but with pleasure and tears of gratitude for those good
times : after the election was quite and clean over, there comes
shoals of people from all parts, claiming to have obliged my
master with their votes, and putting him in mind of promises
which he could never remember himself to have made : one
was to have a freehold for each of his four sons ; another was
to have a renewal of a lease ; another an abatement ; one
came to be paid ten guineas for a pair of silver buckles sold
my master on the hustings, which turned out to be no better
than copper gilt ; another had a long bill for oats, the half of
which never went into the granary to my certain knowledge,
and the other half was not fit for the cattle to touch ; but the
bargain was made the week before the election, and the coach
and saddle-horses were got into order for the day, besides a
vote fairly got by them oats ; so no more reasoning on that
head. But then there was no end to them that were telling
Sir Condy he had engaged to make their sons excisemen, or
high constables, or the like ; and as for them that had bills to
give in for liquor, and beds, and straw, and ribands, and horses,
and post-chaises for the gentlemen freeholders that came from
all parts and other counties to vote for my master, and were not,
to be sure, to be at any charges, there was no standing against
all these ; and, worse than all, the gentlemen of my master's
committee, who managed all for him, and talked how they'd
bring him in without costing him a penny, and subscribed by
hundreds very genteelly, forgot to pay their subscriptions, and
had laid out in agents' and lawyers' fees and secret service
money to the Lord knows how much ; and my master could
never ask one of them for their subscription you are sensible,
nor for the price of a fine horse he had sold one of them ; so
it all was left at his door. He could never, God bless him
again ! I say, bring himself to ask a gentleman for money,
despising such sort of conversation himself; but others, who
were not gentlemen born, behaved very uncivil in pressing him
at this very time, and all he could do to content 'em all was
to take himself out of the way as fast as possible to Dublin,
where my lady had taken a house fitting for him as a member
of Parliament, to attend his duty in there all the winter. I
was very lonely when the whole family was gone, and all the
things they had ordered to go, and forgot, sent after them by
the car. There was then a great silence in Castle Rackrent,
and I went moping from room to room, hearing the doors clap
for want of right locks, and the wind through the broken
windows, that the glazier never would come to mend, and the
rain coming through the roof and best ceilings all over the
house for want of the slater, whose bill was not paid, besides
our having no slates or shingles for that part of the old building
which was shingled and burnt when the chimney took fire, and
had been open to the weather ever since. I took myself to
the servants' hall in the evening to smoke my pipe as usual,
but missed the bit of talk we used to have there sadly, and
ever after was content to stay in the kitchen and boil my little
potatoes, 1 and put up my bed there, and every post-day I
looked in the newspaper, but no news of my master in the
House ; he never spoke good or bad, but, as the butler wrote
down word to my son Jason, was very ill-used by the Govern-
ment about a place that was promised him and never given,
after his supporting them against his conscience very honour-
ably, and being greatly abused for it, which hurt him greatly,
he having the name of a great patriot in the country before.
The house and living in Dublin too were not to be had for
nothing, and my son Jason said, ' Sir Condy must soon be
looking out for a new agent, for I've done my part, and can
do no more. If my lady had the bank of Ireland to spend, it
would go all in one winter, and Sir Condy would never gain-
say her, though he does not care the rind of a lemon for her
all the while.'
Now I could not bear to hear Jason giving out after this
manner against the family, and twenty people standing by in
the street. Ever since he had lived at the Lodge of his own
he looked down, howsomever, upon poor old Thady, and was
grown quite a great gentleman, and had none of his relations
near him ; no wonder he was no kinder to poor Sir Condy
than to his own kith or kin. 2 In the spring it was the villain
that got the list of the debts from him brought down the
1 My little potatoes. — Thady does not mean by this expression that his
potatoes were less than other people's, or less than the usual size. Little is
here used only as an Italian diminutive, expressive of fondness.
2 Kith and kin : family or relations. Kin from kind; kith from we
know not what.
custodiam, Sir Condy still attending his duty in Parliament ;
and I could scarcely believe my own old eyes, or the spectacles
with which I read it, when I was shown my son Jason's name
joined in the custodiam ; but he told me it was only for form's
sake, and to make things easier than if all the land was under
the power of a total stranger. Well, I did not know what to
think ; it was hard to be talking ill of my own, and I could
not but grieve for my poor master's fine estate, all torn by
these vultures of the law ; so I said nothing, but just looked
on to see how it would all end.
It was not till the month of June that he and my lady came
down to the country. My master was pleased to take me
aside with him to the brewhouse that same evening, to complain
to me of my son and other matters, in which he said he was
confident I had neither art nor part ; he said a great deal more
to me, to whom he had been fond to talk ever since he was
my white-headed boy before he came to the estate ; and all
that he said about poor Judy I can never forget, but scorn to
repeat. He did not say an unkind word of my lady, but
wondered, as well he might, her relations would do nothing for
him or her, and they in all this great distress. He did not
take anything long to heart, let it be as it would, and had
no more malice or thought of the like in him than a child
that can't speak ; this night it was all out of his head before
he went to his bed. He took his jug of whisky-punch — my
lady was grown quite easy about the whisky-punch by this
time, and so I did suppose all was going on right betwixt them,
till I learnt the truth through Mrs. Jane, who talked over the
affairs to the housekeeper, and I within hearing. The night
my master came home, thinking of nothing at all but just
making merry, he drank his bumper toast ' to the deserts of
that old curmudgeon my father-in-law, and all enemies at
Mount Juliet's Town.' Now my lady was no longer in the mind
she formerly was, and did noways relish hearing her own
friends abused in her presence, she said.
' Then why don't they show themselves your friends,' said
my master, 'and oblige me with the loan of the money I
condescended, by your advice, my dear, to ask ? It's now
three posts since I sent off my letter, desiring in the postscript
a speedy answer by the return of the post, and no account at
all from them yet.'
' I expect they'll write to me next post,' says my lady, and
that was all that passed then ; but it was easy from this to
' " Dear ma'am, and ivhat's the matter ? " says I.
" Matter enotigh," says she.'
Copyright 1894 by Macmillan &■ Co.
guess there was a coolness betwixt them, and with good
The next morning, being post-day, I sent off the gossoon
early to the post-office, to see was there any letter likely to set
matters to rights, and he brought back one with the proper
post-mark upon it, sure enough, and I had no time to examine
or make any conjecture more about it, for into the servants'
hall pops Mrs. Jane with a blue bandbox in her hand, quite
entirely mad.
' Dear ma'am, and what's the matter ?' says I.
' Matter enough,' says she ; ' don't you see my bandbox is
wet through, and my best bonnet here spoiled, besides my lady's,
and all by the rain coming in through that gallery window
that you might have got mended if you'd had any sense,
Thady, all the time we were in town in the winter ? '
' Sure, I could not get the glazier, ma'am,' says I.
' You might have stopped it up anyhow,' says she.
' So I did, ma'am, to the best of my ability ; one of the panes
with the old pillow-case, and the other with a piece of the
old stage green curtain. Sure I was as careful as possible all
the time you were away, and not a drop of rain came in at
that window of all the windows in the house, all winter, ma'am,
when under my care ; and now the family's come home, and
it's summer-time, I never thought no more about it, to be
sure ; but dear, it's a pity to think of your bonnet, ma'am.
But here's what will please you, ma'am— a letter from Mount
Juliet's Town for my lady.
With that she snacches it from me without a word more,
and runs up the back stairs to my mistress ; I follows with
a slate to make up the window. This window was in the
long passage, or gallery, as my lady gave out orders to have
it called, in the gallery leading to my master's bedchamber
and hers. And when I went up with the slate, the door
having no lock, and the bolt spoilt, was ajar after Mrs. Jane,
and, as I was busy with the window, I heard all that was
saying within.
'Well, what's in your letter, Bella, my dear?' says he:
' you're a long time spelling it over.'
' Won't you shave this morning, Sir Condy ? ' says she, and
put the letter into her pocket.
' I shaved the day before yesterday,' said he, ' my dear,
and that's not what I'm thinking of now ; but anything to
oblige you, and to have peace and quietness, my dear' —
and presently I had a glimpse of him at the cracked glass
over the chimney-piece, standing up shaving himself to please
my lady. But she took no notice, but went on reading her
book, and Mrs. Jane doing her hair behind.
' What is it you're reading- there, my dear ? — phoo, I've cut
myself with this razor ; the man's a cheat that sold it me, but
I have not paid him for it yet. What is it you're reading
there ? Did you hear me asking you, my dear ? '
' The Sorrows of IVerter,' replies my lady, as well as I could
' I think more of the sorrows of Sir Condy,' says my
master, joking like. ' What news from Mount Juliet's Town ? '
' No news,' says she, ' but the old story over again ; my
friends all reproaching me st^ll for what I can't help now.'
'Is it for marrying me?' said my master, still shaving.
' What signifies, as you say, talking of that, when it can't be
help'd now ? '
With that she heaved a great sigh that I heard plain
enough in the passage.
' And did not you use me basely, Sir Condy,' says she,
' not to tell me you were ruined before I married you ? ;
' Tell you, my dear ! ' said he. ' Did you ever ask me one
word about it. And had not your friends enough of your own,
that were telling you nothing else from morning to night, if
you'd have listened to them slanders ? '
' No slanders, nor are my friends slanderers ; and I can't
bear to hear them treated with disrespect as I do,' says my
lady, and took out her pocket-handkerchief; 'they are the
best of friends, and if I had taken their advice But
my father was wrong to lock me up, I own. That was the
only unkind thing I can charge him with ; for if he had not
locked me up, I should never have had a serious thought of
running away as I did.'
' Well, my dear,' said my master, ' don't cry and make
yourself uneasy about it now, when it's all over, and you have
the man of your own choice, in spite of 'em all.'
' I was too young, I know, to make a choice at the time you
ran away with me, I'm sure,' says my lady, and another sigh,
which made my master, half-shaved as he was, turn round upon
her in surprise.
' Why, Bell,' says he, ' you can't deny what you know as
well as I do, that it was at your own particular desire, and
that twice under your own hand and seal expressed, that I
should carry you off as I did to Scotland, and marry you
'Well, say no more about it, Sir Condy,' said my lady,
pettish-like ; ' I was a child then, you know.'
'And as far as I know, you're little better now, my dear
Bella, to be talking in this manner to your husband's face;
but I won't take it ill of you, for I know it's something in that
letter you put into your pocket just now that has set you against
me all on a sudden, and imposed upon your understanding.'
' It's not so very easy as you think it, Sir Condy, to impose
upon my understanding,' said my lady.
' My dear,' says he, ' I have, and with reason, the best
opinion of your understanding of any man now breathing ; and
you know I have never set my own in competition with it till
now, my dear Bella,' says he, taking her hand from her book
as kind as could be — ' till now, when I have the great advantage
of being quite cool, and you not ; so don't believe one word
your friends say against your own Sir Condy, and lend me
the letter out of your pocket, till I see what it is they can have
to say.'
' Take it then,' says she ; ' and as you are quite cool, I hope
it is a proper time to request you'll allow me to comply with
the wishes of all my own friends, and return to live with my
father and family, during the remainder of my wretched exist-
ence, at Mount Juliet's Town.'
At this my poor master fell back a few paces, like one
that had been shot.
' You're not serious, Bella,' says he ; ' and could you find
it in your heart to leave me this way in the very middle
of my distresses, all alone ? ' But recollecting himself after
his first surprise, and a moment's time for reflection, he
said, with a great deal of consideration for my lady, 'Well,
Bella, my dear, I believe you are right ; for what could
you do at Castle Rackrent, and an execution against the
goods coming down, and the furniture to be canted, and an
auction in the house all next week ? So you have my full
consent to go, since that is your desire ; only you must not
think of my accompanying you, which I could not in honour
do upon the terms I always have been, since our marriage,
with your friends. Besides, I have business to transact at
home ; so in the meantime, if we are to have any breakfast
this morning, let us go down and have it for the last time in
peace and comfort, Bella.'
Then as I heard my master coming to the passage door, I
finished fastening up my slate against the broken pane ; and
1 / "wiped down the window-seat with my wig; find bade
him a "good-morrow" as kindly as I could.'
when he came out I wiped down the window-seat with my
wig, 1 and bade him a 'good-morrow' as kindly as I could, seeing
1 Wigs were formerly used instead of brooms in Ireland for sweeping
49 E
he was in trouble, though he strove and thought to hide it
from me.
'This window is all racked and tattered,' says I, 'and it's
what I'm striving to mend.'
'It is all racked and tattered, plain enough,' says he, ' and
never mind mending it, honest old Thady,' says he ; 'it will
do well enough for you and I, and that's all the company we
shall have left in the house by and by.'
' I'm sorry to see your honour so low this morning,' says I ;
' but you'll be better after taking your breakfast.'
' Step down to the servants' hall,' said he, ' and bring me
up the pen and ink into the parlour, and get a sheet of paper
from Mrs. Jane, for I have business that can't brook to be
delayed ; and come into the parlour with the pen and ink
yourself, Thady, for I must have you to witness my signing a
paper I have to execute in a hurry.'
Well, while I was getting of the pen and ink-horn, and
the sheet of paper, I ransacked my brains to think what
could be the papers my poor master could have to execute
in such a hurry, he that never thought of such a thing as
doing business afore breakfast in the whole course of his life,
for any man living ; but this was for my lady, as I afterwards
found, and the more genteel of him after all her treatment.
I was just witnessing the paper that he had scrawled over,
and was shaking the ink out of my pen upon the carpet, when
my lady came in to breakfast, and she started as if it had
been a ghost ; as well she might, when she saw Sir Condy
writing at this unseasonable hour.
' That will do very well, Thady,' says he to me, and took
the paper I had signed to, without knowing what upon the
earth it might be, out of my hands, and walked, folding it
up, to my lady.
or dusting tables, stairs, etc. The Editor doubted the fact till he saw a
labourer of the old school sweep down a flight of stairs with his wig ; he
afterwards put it on his head again with the utmost composure, and said,
' Oh, please your honour, it's never a bit the worse.'
It must be acknowledged that these men are not in any danger of
catching cold by taking off their wigs occasionally, because they usually
have fine crops of hair growing under their wigs. The wigs are often
yellow, and the hair which appears from beneath them black ; the wigs
are usually too small, and are raised up by the hair beneath, or by the
ears of the wearers.
'You are concerned in this, my Lady Rackrent,' said he,
putting it into her hands ; ' and I beg you'll keep this memo-
randum safe, and show it to your friends the first thing you do
when you get home ; but put it in your pocket now, my dear,
and let us eat our breakfast, in God's name.'
'What is all this?' said my lady, opening the paper in
great curiosity.
'It's only a bit of a memorandum of what I think becomes me
to do whenever I am able,' says my master ; ' you know my
situation, tied hand and foot at the present time being, but
that can't last always, and when I'm dead and gone the land
will be to the good, Thady, you know ; and take notice it's
my intention your lady should have a clear five hundred a
year jointure off the estate afore any of my debts are paid.'
' Oh, please your honour,' says I, ' I can't expect to live to
see that time, being now upwards of fourscore years of age,
and you a young man, and likely to continue so, by the help
of God.'
I was vexed to see my lady so insensible too, for all she
said was, ' This is very genteel of you, Sir Condy. You
need not wait any longer, Thady.' So I just picked up the
pen and ink that had tumbled on the floor, and heard my
master finish with saying, ' You behaved very genteel to me,
my dear, when you threw all the little you had in your
power along with yourself into my hands ; and as I don't deny
but what you may have had some things to complain of,' — to
be sure he was thinking then of Judy, or of the whisky-punch,
one or t'other, or both, — ' and as I don't deny but you may
have had something to complain of, my dear, it is but fair you
should have something in the form of compensation to look
forward to agreeably in future ; besides, it's an act of justice
to myself, that none of your friends, my dear, may ever have
it to say against me, I married for money, and not for
' That is the last thing I should ever have thought of saying
of you, Sir Condy,' said my lady, looking very gracious.
' Then, my dear,' said Sir Condy, ' we shall part as good
friends as we met ; so all's right.'
I was greatly rejoiced to hear this, and went out of the
parlour to report it all to the kitchen. The next morning my
lady and Mrs, Jane set out for Mount Juliet's Town in the
5 1
jaunting-car. Many wondered at my lady's choosing to go
away, considering all things, upon the jaunting-car, as if it
was only a party of pleasure ; but they did not know till I
told them that the coach was all broke in the journey down,
and no other vehicle but the car to be had. Besides, my
lady's friends were to send their coach to meet her at the
cross-roads ; so it was all done very proper.
My poor master was in great trouble after my lady left us.
The execution came down, and everything at Castle Rackrent
was seized by the gripers, and my son Jason, to his shame be
it spoken, amongst them. I wondered, for the life of me,
how he could harden himself to do it ; but then he had been
studying the law, and had made himself Attorney Quirk ; so
he brought down at once a heap of accounts upon my master's
head. To cash lent, and to ditto, and to ditto, and to ditto
and oats, and bills paid at the milliner's and linen-draper's,
and many dresses for the fancy balls in Dublin for my lady,
and all the bills to the workmen and tradesmen for the scenery
of the theatre, and the chandler's and grocer's bills, and
tailor's, besides butcher's and baker's, and, worse than all, the
old one of that base wine merchant's, that wanted to arrest my
poor master for the amount on the election day, for which
amount Sir Condy afterwards passed his note of hand, bearing
lawful interest from the date thereof; and the interest and
compound interest was now mounted to a terrible deal on
many other notes and bonds for money borrowed, and there
was, besides, hush-money to the sub-sheriffs, and sheets upon
sheets of old and new attorneys' bills, with heavy balances, ' as
per former account furnished,' brought forward with interest
thereon ; then there was a powerful deal due to the Crown for
sixteen years' arrear of quit-rent of the town-lands of Carrick-
shaughlin, with driver's fees, and a compliment to the receiver
every year for letting the quit-rent run on to oblige Sir Condy,
and Sir Kit afore him. Then there were bills for spirits and
ribands at the election time, and the gentlemen of the com-
mittee's accounts unsettled, and their subscription never
gathered ; and there were cows to be paid for, with the smith
and farrier's bills to be set against the rent of the demesne,
with calf and hay money ; then there was all the servants'
wages, since I don't know when, coming due to them, and
sums advanced for them by my son Jason for clothes, and
boots, and whips, and odd moneys for sundries expended by
them in journeys to town and elsewhere, and pocket-money
for the master continually, and messengers and postage before
his being a Parliament man. I can't myself tell you what
besides ; but this I know, that when the evening came on the
which Sir Condy had appointed to settle all with my son
Jason, and when he comes into the parlour, and sees the sight
of bills and load of papers all gathered on the great dining-
table for him, he puts his hands before both his eyes, and
cried out, ' Merciful Jasus ! what is it I see before me ? '
Then I sets an arm-chair at the table for him, and with a deal
of difficulty he sits him down, and my son Jason hands him
over the pen and ink to sign to this man's bill and t'other man's
bill, all which he did without making the least objections.
Indeed, to give him his due, I never seen a man more fair and
honest, and easy in all his dealings, from first to last, as Sir
Condy, or more willing to pay every man his own as far as he
was able, which is as much as any one can do.
' Well,' says he, joking like with Jason, ' I wish we could
settle it all with a stroke of my grey goose quill. What
signifies making me wade through all this ocean of papers
here ; can't you now, who understand drawing out an account,
debtor and creditor, just sit down here at the corner of the
table and get it done out for me, that I may have a clear view
of the balance, which is all I need be talking about, you
know ? '
' Very true, Sir Condy ; nobody understands business better
than yourself,' says Jason.
' So I've a right to do, being born and bred to the bar,'
says Sir Condy. ' Thady, do step out and see are they
bringing in the things for the punch, for we've just done all
we have to do for this evening.'
I goes out accordingly, and when I came back Jason was
pointing to the balance, which was a terrible sight to my poor
' Pooh ! pooh ! pooh ! ' says he. ' Here's so many noughts
they dazzle my eyes, so they do, and put me in mind of all I
suffered laming of my numeration table, when I was a boy
at the day-school along with you, Jason — units, tens, hundreds,
tens of hundreds. Is the punch ready, Thady ? ' says he,
seeing me.
' Immediately ; the boy has the jug in his hand ; it's
coming upstairs, please your honour, as fast as possible,' says
I, for I saw his honour was tired out of his life ; but Jason,
very short and cruel, cuts me off with — 'Don't be talking
of punch yet awhile ; it's no time for punch yet a bit — units,
tens, hundreds,' goes he on, counting over the master's
shoulder, units, tens, hundreds, thousands.
' A-a-ah ! hold your hand,' cries my master. ' Where in
this wide world am I to find hundreds, or units itself, let
alone thousands ? '
' The balance has been running on too long,' says Jason,
sticking to him as I could not have done at the time, if you'd
have given both the Indies and Cork to boot ; ' the balance
has been running on too long, and I'm distressed myself on
your account, Sir Condy, for money, and the thing must be
settled now on the spot, and the balance cleared off,' says
' I'll thank you if you'll only show me how,' says Sir Condy.
' There's but one way,' says Jason, ' and that's ready
enough. When there's no cash, what can a gentleman do
but go to the land ? '
' How can you go to the land, and it under custodiam to
yourself already ? ' says Sir Condy ; ' and another custodiam
hanging over it ? And no one at all can touch it, you know,
but the custodees.'
' Sure, can't you sell, though at a loss ? Sure you can sell,
and I've a purchaser ready for you,' says Jason.
' Have you so ? ' says Sir Condy. ' That's a great point
gained. But there's a thing now beyond all, that perhaps
you don't know yet, barring Thady has let you into the
' Sarrah bit of a secret, or anything at all of the kind, has
he learned from me these fifteen weeks come St. John's Eve,'
says I, 'for we have scarce been upon speaking terms of late.
But what is it your honour means of a secret ? '
' Why, the secret of the little keepsake I gave my Lady
Rackrent the morning she left us, that she might not go
back empty-handed to her friends.'
' My Lady Rackrent, I'm sure, has baubles and keep-
sakes enough, as those bills on the table will show,' says
Jason ; ' but whatever it is,' says he, taking up his pen, ' we
must add it to the balance, for to be sure it can't be paid
1 No, nor can't till after my decease,' says Sir Condy ; ' that's
one good thing.' Then colouring up a good deal, he tells Jason
of the memorandum of the five hundred a-year jointure he had
settled upon my lady ; at which Jason was indeed mad, and
said a great deal in very high words, that it was using a
gentleman who had the management of his affairs, and was,
moreover, his principal creditor, extremely ill to do such a
thing without consulting him, and against his knowledge and
consent. To all which Sir Condy had nothing to reply, but
that, upon his conscience, it was in a hurry and without a
moment's thought on his part, and he was very sorry for it,
but if it was to do over again he would do the same ; and he
appealed to me, and I was ready to give my evidence, if that
would do, to the truth of all he said.
So Jason with much ado was brought to agree to a com-
' The purchaser that I have ready,' says he, ' will be much
displeased, to be sure, at the encumbrance on the land, but
I must see and manage him. Here's a deed ready drawn
up ; we have nothing to do but to put in the consideration
money and our names to it.'
' And how much am I going to sell ? — the lands of
O'Shaughlin's Town, and the lands of Gruneaghoolaghan, and
the lands of Crookagnawaturgh,' says he, just reading to him-
self. ' And — oh, murder, Jason ! sure you won't put this in
— the castle, stable, and appurtenances of Castle Rackrent ? '
' Oh, murder ! ' says I, clapping my hands ; ' this is too
bad, Jason.'
' Why so ? ' said Jason. ' When it's all, and a great deal
more to the back of it, lawfully mine, was I to push for it.'
' Look at him,' says I, pointing to Sir Condy, who was
just leaning back in his arm-chair, with his arms falling be-
side him like one stupefied ; ' is it you, Jason, that can stand
in his presence, and recollect all he has been to us, and all we
have been to him, and yet use him so at the last ? '
' Who will you find to use him better, I ask you ? ' said
Jason ; ' if he can get a better purchaser, I'm content ; I only
offer to purchase, to make things easy, and oblige him ; though
I don't see what compliment I am under, if you come to that.
I have never had, asked, or charged more than sixpence in
the pound, receiver's fees, and where would he have got an
agent for a penny less ? '
' Oh, Jason ! Jason ! how will you stand to this in the face
of the county, and all who know you ? ' says I ; ' and what will
' " Look at him," says T, pointing to i,'ir Concty.'
people think and say when they see you living here in Castle
Rackrent, and the lawful owner turned out of the seat of his
ancestors, without a cabin to put his head into, or so much as
a potato to eat ?'
Jason, whilst I was saying this, and a great deal more,
made me signs, and winks, and frowns ; but I took no heed,
for I was grieved and sick at heart for my poor master, and
couldn't but speak.
' Here's the punch,' says Jason, for the door opened ;
' here's the punch ! '
Hearing that, my master starts up in his chair, and recollects
himself, and Jason uncorks the whisky.
' Set down the jug here,' says he, making room for it be-
side the papers opposite to Sir Condy, but still not stirring the
deed that was to make over all.
Well, I was in great hopes he had some touch of mercy
about him when I saw him making the punch, and my master
took a glass ; but Jason put it back as he was going to fill
again, saying : ' No, Sir Condy, it shan't be said of me I got
your signature to this deed when you were half-seas over : you
know your name and handwriting in that condition would not,
if brought before the courts, benefit me a straw ; wherefore,
let us settle all before we go deeper into the punch-bowl.'
1 Settle all as you will,' said Sir Condy, clapping his hands
to his ears ; ' but let me hear no more. I'm bothered to death
this night.'
' You've only to sign,' said Jason, putting the pen to
' Take all, and be content,' said my master. So he signed ;
and the man who brought in the punch witnessed it, for I was
not able, but crying like a child ; and besides, Jason said, which
I was glad of, that I was no fit witness, being so old and doting.
It was so bad with me, I could not taste a drop of the punch
itself, though my master himself, God bless him ! in the midst
of his trouble, poured out a glass for me, and brought it up to
my lips.
' Not a drop ; I thank your honour's honour as much as if I
took it, though.' And I just set down the glass as it was,
and went out, and when I got to the street door the neighbours'
childer, who were playing at marbles there, seeing me in great
trouble, left their play, and gathered about me to know what
ailed me ; and I told them all, for it was a great relief to me
to speak to these poor childer, that seemed to have some
natural feeling left in them ; and when they were made sensible
that Sir Condy was going to leave Castle Rackrent for good
and all, they set up a whillaluh that could be heard to the
farthest end of the street ; and one — fine boy he was — that my
master had given an apple to that morning, cried the loudest ;
but they all were the same sorry, for Sir Condy was greatly
beloved amongst the childer, for letting them go a-nutting in
the demesne, without saying a word to them, though my lady
objected to them. The people in the town, who were the
most of them standing at their doors, hearing the childer cry,
would know the reason of it ; and when the report was made
known, the people one and all gathered in great anger against
my son Jason, and terror at the notion of his coming to be
landlord over them, and they cried, ' No Jason ! no Jason !
Sir Condy ! Sir Condy ! Sir Condy Rackrent for ever ! ' And
the mob grew so great and so loud, I was frightened, and
made my way back to the house to warn my son to make his
escape, or hide himself for fear of the consequences. Jason
would not believe me till they came all round the house, and
to the windows with great shouts. Then he grew quite pale,
and asked Sir Condy what had he best do ?
' I'll tell you what you had best do,' said Sir Condy, who
was laughing to see his fright ; ' finish your glass first, then
let's go to the window and show ourselves, and I'll tell 'em —
or you shall, if you please — that I'm going to the Lodge for
change of air for my health, and by my own desire, for the rest
of my days.'
' Do so,' said Jason, who never meant it should have been so,
but could not refuse him the Lodge at this unseasonable time.
Accordingly, Sir Condy threw up the sash and explained
matters, and thanked all his friends, and bid them look in at
the punch-bowl, and observe that Jason and he had been
sitting over it very good friends ; so the mob was content, and
he sent them out some whisky to drink his health, and that
was the last time his honour's health was ever drunk at Castle
The very next day, being too proud, as he said to me, to
stay an hour longer in a house that did not belong to him, he
sets off to the Lodge, and I along with him not many hours
after. And there was great bemoaning through all O'Shaughlin's
Town, which I stayed to witness, and gave my poor master a
full account of when I got to the Lodge. He was very low,
and in his bed, when I got there, and complained of a great
pain about his heart ; but I guessed it was only trouble and
all the business, let alone vexation, he had gone through of
late ; and knowing the nature of him from a boy, I took my
pipe, and whilst smoking it by the chimney began telling him
how he was beloved and regretted in the county, and it did
him a deal of good to hear it.
' Your honour has a great many friends yet that you don't
know of, rich and poor, in the county,' says I ; ' for as I was
coming along the road I met two gentlemen in their own
carriages, who asked after you, knowing me, and wanted to
know where you was and all about you, and even how old
I was. Think of that'
Then he wakened out of his doze, and began questioning me
who the gentlemen were. And the next morning it came into
my head to go, unknown to anybody, with my master's com-
pliments, round to many of the gentlemen's houses, where he
and my lady used to visit, and people that I knew were his great
friends, and would go to Cork to serve him any day in the
year, and I made bold to try to borrow a trifle of cash from
them. They all treated me very civil for the most part, and
asked a great many questions very kind about my lady and
Sir Condy and all the family, and were greatly surprised to
learn from me Castle Rackrent was sold, and my master at
the Lodge for health ; and they all pitied him greatly, and he
had their good wishes, if that would do ; but money was a
thing they unfortunately had not any of them at this time to
spare. I had my journey for my pains, and I, not used to
walking, nor supple as formerly, was greatly tired, but had the
satisfaction of telling my master, when I got to the Lodge, all
the civil things said by high and low.
'Thady,' says he, 'all you've been telling me brings a
strange thought into my head. I've a notion I shall not be
long for this world anyhow, and I've a great fancy to see my
own funeral afore I die.' I was greatly shocked, at the first
speaking, to hear him speak so light about his funeral, and he
to all appearance in good health ; but recollecting myself,
answered :
' To be sure it would be as fine a sight as one could see,
I dared to say, and one I should be proud to witness,
and I did not doubt his honour's would be as great a funeral
as ever Sir Patrick O'Shaughlin's was, and such a one as that
had never been known in the county afore or since.' But I
never thought he was in earnest about seeing his own funeral
himself till the next day he returns to it again.
1 Thady,' says he, ' as far as the wake * goes, sure I might
without any great trouble have the satisfaction of seeing a bit
of my own funeral.'
'Well, since your honour's honour's so bent upon it,' says
I, not willing to cross him, and he in trouble, ' we must
see what we can do.'
So he fell into a sort of sham disorder, which was easy
done, as he kept his bed, and no one to see him ; and I got
my shister, who was an old woman very handy about the sick,
and very skilful, to come up to the Lodge to nurse him ; and
we gave out, she knowing no better, that he was just at his
latter end, and it answered beyond anything ; and there was
a great throng of people, men, women, and childer, and there
being only two rooms at the Lodge, except what was locked up
full of Jason's furniture and things, the house was soon as full
and fuller than it could hold, and the heat, and smoke, and
noise wonderful great ; and standing amongst them that were
near the bed, but not thinking at all of the dead, I was startled
by the sound of my master's voice from under the greatcoats
that had been thrown all at top, and I went close up, no one
' Thady,' says he, ' I've had enough of this ; I'm
smothering, and can't hear a word of all they're saying of
the deceased.'
'God bless you, and lie still and quiet,' says I, ' a bit longer,
for my shister's afraid of ghosts, and would die on the spot
with fright was she to see you come to life all on a sudden
this way without the least preparation.'
So he lays him still, though well nigh stifled, and I made
all haste to tell the secret of the joke, whispering to one and
t'other, and there was a great surprise, but not so great as
we had laid out it would. ' And aren't we to have the pipes
and tobacco, after coming so far to-night ? ' said some ; but
they were all well enough pleased when his honour got up to
drink with them, and sent for more spirits from a shebeen-
1 A 'wake' in England is a meeting avowedly for merriment ; in Ireland
it is a nocturnal meeting avowedly for the purpose of watching and
bewailing the dead, but in reality for gossiping and debauchery. See
house, 1 where they very civilly let him have it upon credit.
So the night passed off very merrily, but to my mind Sir
Condy was rather upon the sad order in the midst of it all,
not finding there had been such a great talk about himself
after his death as he had always expected to hear.
The next morning, when the house was cleared of them,
and none but my shister and myself left in the kitchen with
Sir Condy, one opens the door and walks in, and who should
it be but Judy M 'Quirk herself! I forgot to notice that she
had been married long since, whilst young Captain Moneygawl
lived at the Lodge, to the captain's huntsman, who after a
whilst listed and left her, and was killed in the wars. Poor
Judy fell off greatly in her good looks after her being married
a year or two ; and being smoke-dried in the cabin, and
neglecting herself like, it was hard for Sir Condy himself to
know her again till she spoke ; but when she says, ' It's Judy
M 'Quirk, please your honour ; don't you remember her ?'
' Oh, Judy, is it you ? ' says his honour. ' Yes, sure, I
remember you very well ; but you're greatly altered,
' Sure it's time for me,' says she. ' And I think your
honour, since I seen you last — but that's a great while ago —
is altered too.'
' And with reason, Judy,' says Sir Condy, fetching a sort
of a sigh. ' But how's this, Judy ? ' he goes on. ' I take
it a little amiss of you that you were not at my wake last
' Ah, don't be being jealous of that,' says she ; ' I didn't
hear a sentence of your honour's wake till it was all over,
or it would have gone hard with me but I would have
been at it, sure ; but I was forced to go ten miles up the
country three days ago to a wedding of a relation of my own's,
and didn't get home till after the wake was over. But,' says
she, ' it won't be so, I hope, the next time, 2 please your
1 That we shall see, Judy,' says his honour, ' and maybe
1 ' Shebeen-house,' a hedge alehouse. Shebeen properly means weak,
small-beer, taplash.
2 At the coronation of one of our monarchs the King complained of the
confusion which happened in the procession. The great officer who pre-
sided told his Majesty that ' it should not be so next time.'
sooner than you think for, for I've been very unwell this while
past, and don't reckon anyway I'm long for this world.'
'At this Judy takes up the corner of her af>ron, and puts it first to one eye
and then to t'other.'
Copyright 1894 by MacmiUan and Co.
At this Judy takes up the corner of her apron, and puts
it first to one eye and then to t'other, being to all appearance
in great trouble ; and my shister put in her word, and bid
his honour have a good heart, for she was sure it was only
the gout that Sir Patrick used to have flying about him, and
he ought to drink a glass or a bottle extraordinary to keep it
out of his stomach ; and he promised to take her advice, and
sent out for more spirits immediately; and Judy made a sign
to me, and I went over to the door to her, and she said, ' I
wonder to see Sir Condy so low : has he heard the news ?'
' What news ?' says I.
'Didn't ye hear it, then?' says she ; 'my Lady Rackrent
that was is kilt x and lying for dead, and I don't doubt but it's
all over with her by this time.'
' Mercy on us all,' says I ; ' how was it ? '
' The jaunting - car it was that ran away with her,' says
Judy. ' I was coming home that same time from Biddy
M'Guggin's marriage, and a great crowd of people too
upon the road, coming from the fair of Crookaghnawaturgh,
and I sees a jaunting-car standing in the middle of the
road, and with the two wheels off and all tattered. " What's
this ?" says I. " Didn't ye hear of it ?" says they that were
looking on ; " it's my Lady Rackrent's car, that was running
away from her husband, and the horse took fright at a
carrion that lay across the road, and so ran away with the
jaunting-car, and my Lady Rackrent and her maid screaming,
and the horse ran with them against a car that was coming
from the fair with the boy asleep on it, and the lady's petti-
coat hanging out of the jaunting-car caught, and she was
dragged I can't tell you how far upon the road, and it all
broken up with the stones just going to be pounded, and one
of the road-makers, with his sledge-hammer in his hand, stops
the horse at the last ; but my Lady Rackrent was all kilt and
smashed, 2 and they lifted her into a cabin hard by, and the
maid was found after where she had been thrown in the
1 See Glossary.
2 Kilt and smashed. — Our author is not here guilty of an anti-climax.
The mere English reader, from a similarity of sound between the words
1 kilt' and ' killed,' might be induced to suppose that their meanings are
similar, yet they are not by any means in Ireland synonymous terms.
Thus you may hear a man exclaim, ' I'm kilt and murdered ! ' but he fre-
quently means only that he has received a black eye or a slight contusion.
' I'm kilt all over' means that he is in a worse state than being simply
' kilt.' Thus, ' I'm kilt with the cold,' is nothing to ' I'm kilt all over with
the rheumatism.'
gripe of a ditch, her cap and bonnet all full of bog water,
and they say my lady can't live anyway." Thady, pray now
is it true what I'm told for sartain, that Sir Condy has made
over all to your son Jason V
'All,' says I.
'All entirely?' says she again.
' All entirely,' says I.
' Then,' says she, ' that's a great shame ; but don't be telling
Jason what I say.'
' And what is it you say ?' cries Sir Condy, leaning over
betwixt us, which made Judy start greatly. ' I know the time
when Judy M 'Quirk would never have stayed so long talking
at the door and I in the house.'
' Oh !' says Judy, 'for shame, Sir Condy; times are altered
since then, and it's my Lady Rackrent you ought to be thinking
' And why should I be thinking of her, that's not thinking
of me now ?' says Sir Condy.
' No matter for that,' says Judy, very properly ; ' it's time
you should be thinking of her, if ever you mean to do it at all,
for don't you know she's lying for death ? '
'My Lady Rackrent !' says Sir Condy, in a surprise ; ' why
it's but two days since we parted, as you very well know,
Thady, in her full health and spirits, and she, and her maid
along with her, going to Mount Juliet's Town on her jaunting-
' She'll never ride no more on her jaunting-car,' said Judy,
' for it has been the death of her, sure enough.'
' And is she dead then ?' says his honour.
' As good as dead, I hear,' says Judy ; ' but there's Thady
here as just learnt the whole truth of the story as I had it,
and it's fitter he or anybody else should be telling it you than
I, Sir Condy : I must be going home to the childer.'
But he stops her, but rather from civility in him, as I could
see very plainly, than anything else, for Judy was, as his honour
remarked at her first coming in, greatly changed, and little
likely, as far as I could see — though she did not seem to be
clear of it herself — little likely to be my Lady Rackrent now,
should there be a second toss-up to be made. But I told him
the whole story out of the face, just as Judy had told it to me,
and he sent off a messenger with his compliments to Mount
Juliet's Town that evening, to learn the truth of the report, and
Judy bid the boy that was going call in at Tim M'Enerney's
shop in O'Shaughlin's Town and buy her a new shawl.
' Do so,' said Sir Condy, ' and tell Tim to take no money
from you, for I must pay him for the shawl myself.' At this
my shister throws me over a look, and I says nothing, but
turned the tobacco in my mouth, whilst Judy began making
a many words about it, and saying how she could not be
beholden for shawls to any gentleman. I left her there to
consult with my shister, did she think there was anything in it,
and my shister thought I was blind to be asking her the
question, and I thought my shister must see more into it than
I did, and recollecting all past times and everything, I
changed my mind, and came over to her way of thinking, and
we settled it that Judy was very like to be my Lady Rackrent
after all, if a vacancy should have happened.
The next day, before his honour was up, somebody comes
with a double knock at the door, and I was greatly surprised
to see it was my son Jason.
' Jason, is it you ?' said I ; ' what brings you to the Lodge ? '
says I. ' Is it my Lady Rackrent ? We know that already
since yesterday.'
' Maybe so,' says he ; ' but I must see Sir Condy about it.'
' You can't see him yet,' says I ; ' sure he is not awake.'
' What then,' says he, ' can't he be wakened, and I standing
at the door ? '
' I'll not be disturbing his honour for you, Jason,' says I ;
' many's the hour you've waited in your time, and been proud
to do it, till his honour was at leisure to speak to you. His
honour,' says I, raising my voice, at which his honour wakens
of his own accord, and calls to me from the room to know
who it was I was speaking to. Jason made no more ceremony,
but follows me into the room.
'How are you, Sir Condy?' says he; 'I'm happy to see
you looking so well ; I came up to know how you did to-day,
and to see did you want for anything at the Lodge.'
' Nothing at all, Mr. Jason, I thank you,' says he ; for his
honour had his own share of pride, and did not choose, after
all that had passed, to be beholden, I suppose, to my son ; ' but
pray take a chair and be seated, Mr. Jason.'
Jason sat him down upon the chest, for chair there was
65 F
none, and after he had set there some time, and a silence
on all sides,
' What news is there stirring in the country, Mr. Jason
M 'Quirk ?' says Sir Condy, very easy, yet high like.
' None that's news to you, Sir Condy, I hear,' says Jason.
1 1 am sorry to hear of my Lady Rackrent's accident.'
' I'm much obliged to you, and so is her ladyship, I'm sure,'
answered Sir Condy, still stiff; and there was another sort of
a silence, which seemed to lie the heaviest on my son Jason.
1 Sir Condy,' says he at last, seeing Sir Condy disposing
himself to go to sleep again, ' Sir Condy, I daresay you
recollect mentioning to me the little memorandum you gave to
Lady Rackrent about the ^500 a year jointure.'
1 Very true,' said Sir Condy ; ' it is all in my recollection.'
' But if my Lady Rackrent dies, there's an end of all
jointure,' says Jason.
' Of course,' says Sir Condy.
' But it's not a matter of certainty that my Lady Rackrent
won't recover,' says Jason.
• Very true, sir,' says my master.
' It's a fair speculation, then, for you to consider what
the chance of the jointure of those lands, when out of custodiam,
will be to you.'
' Just five hundred a year, I take it, without any speculation
at all,' said Sir Condy.
' That's supposing the life dropt, and the custodiam off, you
know ; begging your pardon, Sir Condy, who understands
business, that is a wrong calculation.'
' Very likely so,' said Sir Condy ; ' but, Mr. Jason, if you have
anything to say to me this morning about it, I'd be obliged to
you to say it, for I had an indifferent night's rest last night,
and wouldn't be sorry to sleep a little this morning.'
' I have only three words to say, and those more of conse-
quence to you, Sir Condy, than me. You are a little cool, I
observe ; but I hope you will not be offended at what I have
brought here in my pocket,' and he pulls out two long rolls,
and showers down golden guineas upon the bed.
'What's this?' said Sir Condy; 'it's long since' — but his
pride stops him.
' All these are your lawful property this minute, Sir Condy,
if you please,' said Jason.
' Not for nothing, I'm sure,' said Sir Condy, and laughs a
little. ' Nothing for nothing, or I'm under a mistake with you,
' Oh, Sir Condy, we'll not be indulging ourselves in any
unpleasant retrospects,' says Jason ; ' it's my present intention
to behave, as I'm sure you will, like a gentleman in this affair.
Here's two hundred guineas, and a third I mean to add if you
should think proper to make over to me all your right and
title to those lands that you know of.'
• I'll consider of it,' said my master ; and a great deal more,
that I was tired listening to, was said by Jason, and all that,
and the sight of the ready cash upon the bed, worked with
his honour ; and the short and the long of it was, Sir Condy
gathered up the golden guineas, and tied them up in a handker-
chief, and signed some paper Jason brought with him as usual,
and there was an end of the business : Jason took himself away,
and my master turned himself round and fell asleep again.
I soon found what had put Jason in such a hurry to
conclude this business. The little gossoon we had sent off
the day before with my master's compliments to Mount Juliet's
Town, and to know how my lady did after her accident, was
stopped early this morning, coming back with his answer
through O'Shaughlin's Town, at Castle Rackrent, by my son
Jason, and questioned of all he knew of my lady from the
servant at Mount Juliet's Town ; and the gossoon told him my
Lady Rackrent was not expected to live over night ; so Jason
thought it high time to be moving to the Lodge, to make his
bargain with my master about the jointure afore it should be
too late, and afore the little gossoon should reach us with the
news. My master was greatly vexed — that is, I may say, as
much as ever I seen him — when he found how he had been
taken in ; but it was some comfort to have the ready cash for
immediate consumption in the house, anyway.
And when Judy came up that evening, and brought the
childer to see his honour, he unties the handkerchief, and — God
bless him ! whether it was little or much he had, 'twas all the
same with him — he gives 'em all round guineas apiece.
' Hold up your head,' says my shister to Judy, as Sir Condy
was busy filling out a glass of punch for her eldest boy —
' Hold up your head, Judy ; for who knows but we may live to
sec you yet at the head of the Castle Rackrent estate ? '
' Maybe so,' says she, ' but not the way you are thinking of.'
I did not rightly understand which way Judy was looking
when she made this speech till a while after.
' Why, Thady, you were telling me yesterday that Sir
Condy had sold all entirely to Jason, and where then does all
them guineas in the handkerchief come from ? '
' They are the purchase-money of my lady's jointure,' says I.
Judy looks a little bit puzzled at this. ' A penny for your
thoughts, Judy,' says my shister ; ' hark, sure Sir Condy is
drinking her health.'
He was at the table in the room, 1 drinking with the excise-
man and the gauger, who came up to see his honour, and we
were standing over the fire in the kitchen.
' I don't much care is he drinking my health or not,' says
Judy ; ' and it is not Sir Condy I'm thinking of, with all your
jokes, whatever he is of me.'
' Sure you wouldn't refuse to be my Lady Rackrent, Judy,
if you had the offer ? ' says I.
' But if I could do better ! ' says she.
' How better ? ' says I and my shister both at once.
' How better ?' says she. ' Why, what signifies it to be my
Lady Rackrent and no castle ? Sure what good is the car, and
no horse to draw it ? '
' And where will ye get the horse, Judy ? ' says I.
' Never mind that,' says she ; ' maybe it is your own son
Jason might find that.'
'Jason!' says I ; 'don't be trusting to him, Judy. Sir
Condy, as I have good reason to know, spoke well of you
when Jason spoke very indifferently of you, Judy.'
' No matter,' says Judy ; ' it's often men speak the contrary
just to what they think of us.'
'And you the same way of them, no doubt,' answered I.
' Nay, don't be denying it, Judy, for I think the better of ye
for it, and shouldn't be proud to call ye the daughter of a
shister's son of mine, if I was to hear ye talk ungrateful, and
anyway disrespectful of his honour.'
' What disrespect,' says she, ' to say I'd rather, if it was my
luck, be the wife of another man ? '
' You'll have no luck, mind my words, Judy,' says I ; and all
I remembered about my poor master's goodness in tossing up
1 The room — the principal room in the house.
for her afore he married at all came across me, and I had a
choking in my throat that hindered me to say more.
' Better luck, anyhow, Thady,' says she, ' than to be like
some folk, following the fortunes of them that have none
' Oh ! King of Glory ! ' says I, ' hear the pride and ungrati-
tude of her, and he giving his last guineas but a minute ago to
her childer, and she with the fine shawl on her he made her a
present of but yesterday ! '
' Oh, troth, Judy, you're wrong now,' says my shister, looking
at the shawl.
' And was not he wrong yesterday, then,' says she, ' to be
telling me I was greatly altered, to affront me ? '
' But, Judy,' says I, ' what is it brings you here then at all
in the mind you are in ; is it to make Jason think the better of
you ? '
1 I'll tell you no more of my secrets, Thady,' says she, 'nor
would have told you this much, had I taken you for such an
unnatural fader as I find you are, not to wish your own son
prefarred to another.'
1 Oh, troth, you are wrong now, Thady,' says my shister.
Well, I was never so put to it in my life : between these
womens, and my son and my master, and all I felt and
thought just now, I could not, upon my conscience, tell which
was the wrong from the right. So I said not a word more,
but was only glad his honour had not the luck to hear all
Judy had been saying of him, for I reckoned it would have
gone nigh to break his heart ; not that I was of opinion he
cared for her as much as she and my shister fancied, but the
ungratitude of the whole from Judy might not plase him ; and
he could never stand the notion of not being well spoken of or
beloved like behind his back. Fortunately for all parties
concerned, he was so much elevated at this time, there was
no danger of his understanding anything, even if it had reached
his ears. There was a great horn at the Lodge, ever since
my master and Captain Moneygawl was in together, that
used to belong originally to the celebrated Sir Patrick, his
ancestor ; and his honour was fond often of telling the story
that he learned from me when a child, how Sir Patrick
drank the full of this horn without stopping, and this was
what no other man afore or since could without drawing
breath. Now Sir Condy challenged the gauger, who seemed
to think, little of the horn, to swallow the contents, and had it
filled to the brim with punch ; and the gauger said it was
what he could not do for nothing, but he'd hold Sir Condy a
hundred guineas he'd do it.
1 Done,' says my master ; 'I'll lay you a hundred golden
guineas to a tester 1 you don't. 5
' Done,' says the gauger ; and done and done's enough
between two gentlemen. The gauger was cast, and my master
won the bet, and thought he'd won a hundred guineas, but by
the wording it was adjudged to be only a tester that was his
due by the exciseman. It was all one to him ; he was as
well pleased, and I was glad to see him in such spirits
The gauger — bad luck to him ! — was the man that next pro-
posed to my master to try himself, could he take at a draught
the contents of the great horn.
' Sir Patrick's horn ! ' said his honour ; ' hand it to me :
I'll hold you your own bet over again I'll swallow it.'
' Done,' says the gauger ; ' I'll lay ye anything at all you
do no such thing.'
' A hundred guineas to sixpence I do,' says he ; ' bring me
the handkerchief.' I was loth, knowing he meant the handker-
chief with the gold in it, to bring it out in such company, and
his honour not very able to reckon it. ' Bring me the handker-
chief, then, Thady,' says he, and stamps with his foot ; so with
that I pulls it out of my greatcoat pocket, where I had put it for
safety. Oh, how it grieved me to see the guineas counting
upon the table, and they the last my master had ! Says Sir Condy
to me, ' Your hand is steadier than mine to-night, old Thady, and
that's a wonder ; fill you the horn for me.' And so, wishing
his honour success, I did ; but I filled it, little thinking of what
would befall him. He swallows it down, and drops like one
shot. We lifts him up, and he was speechless, and quite black
in the face. We put him to bed, and in a short time he
wakened, raving with a fever on his brain. He was shocking
either to see or hear.
1 Tester: sixpence; from the French word tete, a head — a piece of
silver stamped with a head, which in old French was called un testion,
and which was about the value of an old English sixpence. ' Tester' is
used in Shakspeare.
4 Judy ! Judy ! have you no touch of feeling ? Won't you
'■'Judy! Judy ! have you no touch of feeling* Won't you stay to help
us nurse hint t " '
Copyright 1894 by MacmiUan and Co.
stay to help us nurse him ? ' says I to her, and she putting on
her shawl to go out of the house.
'I'm frightened to see him,' says she, 'and wouldn't nor
couldn't stay in it; and what use? He can't last till the
morning.' With that she ran off. There was none but my
shister and myself left near him of all the many friends he
The fever came and went, and came and went, and lasted five
days, and the sixth he was sensible for a few minutes, and said to
me, knowing me very well, ' I'm in a burning pain all withinside
of me, Thady.' I could not speak, but my shister asked him
would he have this thing or t'other to do him good ? ' No,'
says he, 'nothing will do me good no more,' and he gave a
terrible screech with the torture he was in ; then again a
minute's ease — 'brought to this by drink,' says he. 'Where
are all the friends ? — where's Judy ? Gone, hey ? Ay, Sir
Condy has been a fool all his days,' said he ; and there was
the last word he spoke, and died. He had but a very poor
funeral after all.
If you want to know any more, I'm not very well able to
tell you ; but my Lady Rackrent did not die, as was expected
of her, but was only disfigured in the face ever after by the fall
and bruises she got ; and she and Jason, immediately after
my poor master's death, set about going to law about that
jointure ; the memorandum not being on stamped paper, some
say it is worth nothing, others again it may do ; others say
Jason won't have the lands at any rate ; many wishes it so.
For my part, I'm tired wishing for anything in this world,
after all I've seen in it ; but I'll say nothing — it would be a
folly to be getting myself ill-will in my old age. Jason did not
marry, nor think of marrying Judy, as I prophesied, and I am
not sorry for it : who is ? As for all I have here set down from
memory and hearsay of the family, there's nothing but truth
in it from beginning to end. That you may depend upon, for
where's the use of telling lies about the things which every-
body knows as well as I do ?
The Editor could have readily made the catastrophe of Sir
Condy's history more dramatic and more pathetic, if he thought
it allowable to varnish the plain round tale of faithful Thady.
He lays it before the English reader as a specimen of manners
and characters which are perhaps unknown in England.
Indeed, the domestic habits of no nation in Europe were less
known to the English than those of their sister country, till
within these few years.
Mr. Young's picture of Ireland, in his tour through that
country, was the first faithful portrait of its inhabitants. All the
features in the foregoing sketch were taken from the life, and
they are characteristic of that mixture of quickness, simplicity,
cunning, carelessness, dissipation, disinterestedness, shrewdness,
and blunder, which, in different forms and with various success,
has been brought upon the stage or delineated in novels.
It is a problem of difficult solution to determine whether
a union will hasten or retard the amelioration of this country.
The few gentlemen of education who now reside in this country
will resort to England. They are few, but they are in nothing
inferior to men of the same rank in Great Britain. The best
that can happen will be the introduction of British manu-
facturers in their places.
Did the Warwickshire militia, who were chiefly artisans,
teach the Irish to drink beer ? or did they learn from the Irish
to drink whisky ?
Some friends, who have seen Thady's history since it has been printed,
have suggested to the Editor, that many of the terms and idiomatic
phrases, with which it abounds, could not be intelligible to the
English reader without further explanation. The Editor has
therefore furnished the following Glossary.
Page I. Monday morning. — Thady begins his memoirs of the
Rackrent Family by dating Monday morning, because no great
undertaking can be auspiciously commenced in Ireland on any
morning but Monday morning. ' Oh, please God we live till
Monday morning, we'll set the slater to mend the roof of the house.
On Monday morning we'll fall to, and cut the turf. On Monday
morning we'll see and begin mowing. On Monday morning, please
your honour, we'll begin and dig the potatoes,' etc.
All the intermediate days, between the making of such speeches
and the ensuing Monday, are wasted : and when Monday morning
comes, it is ten to one that the business is deferred to the next Monday
morning. The Editor knew a gentleman, who, to counteract this
prejudice, made his workmen and labourers begin all new pieces of
work upon a Saturday.
Page 3. Let alone the three kingdoms itself. — Let alone, in this
sentence, means put out of consideration. The phrase, let alone,
which is now used as the imperative of a verb, may in time become a
conjunction, and may exercise the ingenuity of some future etymologist.
The celebrated Home Tooke has proved most satisfactorily, that the
conjunction but comes from the imperative of the Anglo-Saxon verb
(beoulan) to be out ; also, that if comes from gif the imperative of the
Anglo-Saxon verb which signifies to give, etc.
Page 4. IVhillaluh. — Ullaloo, Gol, or lamentation over the dead —
Magnoque ululante tumultu. — Virgil.
Ululatibus omne
Implevere nemus. — Ovid.
A full account of the Irish Gol, or Ullaloo, and of the Caoinan or
Irish funeral song, with its first semichorus, second semichorus, full
chorus of sighs and groans, together with the Irish words and music,
may be found in the fourth volume of the Transactions of the Royal
Irish Academy. For the advantage of lazy readers, who would rather read
a page than walk a yard, and from compassion, not to say sympathy,
with their infirmity, the Editor transcribes the following passages : —
'The Irish have been always remarkable for their funeral lamenta-
tions ; and this peculiarity has been noticed by almost every traveller
who visited them ; and it seems derived from their Celtic ancestors,
the primaeval inhabitants of this isle. . . .
' It has been affirmed of the Irish, that to cry was more natural to
them than to any other nation, and at length the Irish cry became
proverbial. . . .
' Cambrensis in the twelfth century says, the Irish then musically
expressed their griefs ; that is, they applied the musical art, in which
they excelled all others, to the orderly celebration of funeral obsequies,
by dividing the mourners into two bodies, each alternately singing
their part, and the whole at times joining in full chorus. . . .
The body of the deceased, dressed in grave clothes, and ornamented
with flowers, was placed on a bier, or some elevated spot. The
relations and keepers (sitiging mourners) ranged themselves in two
divisions, one at the head, and the other at the feet of the corpse.
The bards and croteries had before prepared the funeral Caoinan.
The chief bard of the head chorus began by singing the first stanza, in
a low, doleful tone, which was softly accompanied by the harp : at
the conclusion, the foot semichorus began the lamentation, or Ullaloo,
from the final note of the preceding stanza, in which they were
answered by the head semichorus ; then both united in one general
chorus. The chorus of the first stanza being ended, the chief bard of
the foot semichorus began the second Gol or lamentation, in which he
was answered by that of the head ; and then, as before, both united in
the general full chorus. Thus alternately were the song and choruses
performed during the night. The genealogy, rank, possessions, the
virtues and vices of the dead were rehearsed, and a number of interro-
gations were addressed to the deceased; as, Why did he die? If
married, whether his wife was faithful to him, his sons dutiful, or good
hunters or warriors? If a woman, whether her daughters were fair or
chaste ? If a young man, whether he had been crossed in love ; or if
the blue-eyed maids of Erin treated him with scorn ? '
We are told, that formerly the feet (the metrical feet) of the
Caoinan were much attended to ; but on the decline of the Irish bards
these feet were gradually neglected, and the Caoinan fell into a sort
of slipshod metre amongst women. Each province had different
Caoinans, or at least different imitations of the original. There was
the Munstcr cry, the Ulster cry, etc. It became an extempore per-
formance, and every set of keepers varied the melody according to
their own fancy.
It is curious to observe how customs and ceremonies degenerate.
The present Irish cry, or howl, cannot boast of such melody, nor is
the funeral procession conducted with much dignity. The crowd of
people who assemble at these funerals sometimes amounts to a
thousand, often to four or five hundred. They gather as the bearers
of the hearse proceed on their way, and when they pass through any
village, or when they come near any houses, they begin to cry — Oh !
Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Oh ! Agh ! Agh ! raising their notes from the first
Oh ! to the last Agh ! in a kind of mournful howl. This gives notice
to the inhabitants of the village that a funeral is passing, and im-
mediately they flock out to follow it. In the province of Munster it
is a common thing for the women to follow a funeral, to join in the
universal cry with all their might and main for some time, and then
to turn and ask — 'Arrah ! who is it that's dead? — who is it we're
crying for ? ' Even the poorest people have their own burying-places —
that is, spots of ground in the churchyards where they say that their
ancestors have been buried ever since the wars of Ireland ; and if
these burial-places are ten miles from the place where a man dies, his
friends and neighbours take care to carry his corpse thither. Always
one priest, often five or six priests, attend these funerals ; each priest
repeats a mass, for which he is paid, sometimes a shilling, sometimes
half a crown, sometimes half a guinea, or a guinea, according to their
circumstances, or, as they say, according to the ability of the deceased.
After the burial of any very poor man, who has left a widow or
children, the priest makes what is called a collection for the widow ;
he goes round to every person present, and each contributes sixpence
or a shilling, or what they please. The reader will find in the note
upon the word Wake, more particulars respecting the conclusion of
the Irish funerals.
Certain old women, who cry particularly loud and well, are in
great request, and, as a man said to the Editor, ' Every one would
wish and be proud to have such at his funeral, or at that of his
friends.' The lower Irish are wonderfully eager to attend the
funerals of their friends and relations, and they make their relation-
ships branch out to a great extent. The proof that a poor man has
been well beloved during his life is his having a crowded funeral. To
attend a neighbour's funeral is a cheap proof of humanity, but it does
not, as some imagine, cost nothing. The time spent in attending
funerals may be safely valued at half a million to the Irish nation ; the
Editor thinks that double that sum would not be too high an estimate.
The habits of profligacy and drunkenness which are acquired at wakes
are here put out of the question. When a labourer, a carpenter, or a
smith, is not at his work, which frequently happens, ask where he is
gone, and ten to one the answer is — ' Oh, faith, please your honour,
he couldn't do a stroke to-day, for he's gone to the funeral.'
Even beggars, when they grow old, go about begging for their own
funerals ; that is, begging for money to buy a coffin, candles, pipes,
and tobacco. For the use of the candles, pipes, and tobacco, see
Those who value customs in proportion to their antiquity, and
nations in proportion to their adherence to ancient customs, will
doubtless admire the Irish Ullaloo, and the Irish nation, for per-
severing in this usage from time immemorial. The Editor, however,
has observed some alarming symptoms, which seem to prognosticate
the declining taste for the Ullaloo in Ireland. In a comic theatrical
entertainment, represented not long since on the Dublin stage, a
chorus of old women was introduced, who set up the Irish howl
round the relics of a physician, who is supposed to have fallen under
the wooden sword of Harlequin. After the old women have con-
tinued their Ullaloo for a decent time, with all the necessaiy
accompaniments of wringing their hands, wiping or rubbing their eyes
with the comers of their gowns or aprons, etc., one of the mourners
suddenly suspends her lamentable cries, and, turning to her neighbour,
asks, ' Arrah now, honey, who is it we're crying for ? '
Page 5. The tenants were sent away without their whisky. — It is
usual with some landlords to give their inferior tenants a glass of
whisky when they pay their rents. Thady calls it their whisky ;
not that the whisky is actually the property of the tenants, but that
it becomes their right after it has been often given to them. In this
general mode of reasoning respecting rights the lower Irish are not
singular, but they are peculiarly quick and tenacious in claiming these
rights. ' Last year your honour gave me some straw for the roof of
my house and I expect your honour will be after doing the same this
year.' In this manner gifts are frequently turned into tributes. The
high and low are not always dissimilar in their habits. It is said,
that the Sublime Ottoman Forte is very apt to claim gifts as tributes :
thus it is dangerous to send the Grand Seignor a fine horse on his
birthday one year, lest on his next birthday he should expect a similar
present, and should proceed to demonstrate the reasonableness of his
Fage 5. He demeaned himself greatly — means, he lowered or
disgraced himself much.
Fage 6. Duty fowls, duty turkeys, and duty geese. — In many leases
in Ireland, tenants were formerly bound to supply an inordinate
quantity of poultry to their landlords. The Editor knew of thirty
turkeys being reserved in one lease of a small farm.
Page 6. English tenants. — An English tenant does not mean a
tenant who is an Englishman, but a tenant who pays his rent the day
that it is due. It is a common prejudice in Ireland, amongst the
poorer classes of people, to believe that all tenants in England pay
their rents on the very day when they become due. An Irishman,
when he goes to take a farm, if he wants to prove to his landlord that
he is a substantial man, offers to become an English tenant. If a
tenant disobliges his landlord by voting against him, or against his
opinion, at an election, the tenant is immediately informed by the
agent that he must become an English tenant. This threat does not
imply that he is to change his language or his country, but that he
must pay all the arrear of rent which he owes, and that he must
thenceforward pay his rent on that day when it becomes due.
Page 6. Canting — does not mean talking or writing hypocritical
nonsense, but selling substantially by auction.
Page 6. Duty work. — It was formerly common in Ireland to insert
clauses in leases, binding tenants to furnish their landlords with
labourers and horses for several days in the year. Much petty
tyranny and oppression have resulted from this feudal custom. W hen-
ever a poor man disobliged his landlord, the agent sent to him for his
duty work ; and Thady does not exaggerate when he says, that the
tenants were often called from their own work to do that of their land-
lord. Thus the very means of earning their rent were taken from
them : whilst they were getting home their landlord's harvest, their
own was often ruined, and yet their rents were expected to be paid as
punctually as if their time had been at their own disposal. This
appears the height of absurd injustice.
In Esthonia, amongst the poor Sclavonian race of peasant slaves,
they pay tributes to their lords, not under the name of duty work,
duty geese, duty turkeys, etc., but under the name of righteousnesses.
The following ballad is a curious specimen of Esthonian poetry : —
This is the cause that the country is ruined,
And the straw of the thatch is eaten away,
The gentry are come to live in the land —
Chimneys between the village,
And the proprietor upon the white floor !
The sheep brings forth a lamb with a white forehead,
This is paid to the lord for a righteousness sheep.
The sow farrows pigs,
They go to the spit of the lord.
The hen lays eggs,
They go into the lord's frying-pan.
The cow drops a male calf,
That goes into the lord's herd as a bull.
The mare foals a horse foal,
That must be for my lord's nag.
The boor's wife has sons,
They must go to look after my lord's poultry.
Page 7. Out of forty-nine suits which he had, he never lost one
but seventeen. — Thady's language in this instance is a specimen of a
mode of rhetoric common in Ireland. An astonishing assertion is
made in the beginning of a sentence, which ceases to be in the least
surprising, when you hear the qualifying explanation that follows.
Thus a man who is in the last stage of staggering drunkenness will, if
he can articulate, swear to you — ' Upon his conscience now, and may
he never stir from the spot alive if he is telling a lie, upon his con-
science he has not tasted a drop of anything, good or bad, since
morning at-all-at-all, but half a pint of whisky, please your honour.'
Page 7. Fairy Mounts — Barrows. It is said that these high
mounts were of great service to the natives of Ireland when Ireland
was invaded by the Danes. Watch was always kept on them, and
upon the approach of an enemy a fire was lighted to give notice to the
next watch, and thus the intelligence was quickly communicated
through the country. Some years ago, the common people believed
that these barrows were inhabited by fairies, or, as they called them,
by the good people. ' Oh, troth, to the best of my belief, and to the
best of my judgment and opinion,' said an elderly man to the Editor,
• it was only the old people that had nothing to do, and got together,
and were telling stories about them fairies, but to the best of my
judgment there's nothing in it. Only this I heard myself not very
many years back from a decent kind of a man, a grazier, that, as he
was coming just fair and easy (quietly) from the fair, with some cattle
and sheep, that he had not sold, just at the church of , at an
angle of the road like, he was met by a good-looking man, who asked
him where he was going ? And he answered, " Oh, far enough, I
must be going all night." " No, that you mustn't nor won't (says the
man), you'll sleep with me the night, and you'll want for nothing, nor
your cattle nor sheep neither, nor your beast (horse) ; so come along
with me." With that the grazier lit (alighted) from his horse, and it
was dark night ; but presently he finds himself, he does not know in
the wide world how, in a fine house, and plenty of everything to eat
and drink ; nothing at all wanting that he could wish for or think of.
And he does not mind (recollect or know) how at last he falls asleep ;
and in the morning he finds himself lying, not in ever a bed or a house
at all, but just in the angle of the road where first he met the strange
nnn : there he finds himself lying on his back on the grass, and all his
sheep feeding as quiet as ever all round about him, and his horse the
same way, and the bridle of the beast over his wrist. And I asked
him what he thought of it ; and from first to last he could think of
nothing, but for certain sure it must have been the fairies that enter-
tained him so well. For there was no house to see anywhere nigh
hand, or any building, or barn, or place at all, but only the church and
the mote (barrow). There's another odd thing enough that they tell
about this same church, that if any person's corpse, that had not a
right to be buried in that churchyard, went to be burying there in it,
no, not all the men, women, or childer in all Ireland could get the
corpse anyway into the churchyard ; but as they would be trying to
go into the churchyard, their feet would seem to be going backwards
instead of forwards ; ay, continually backwards the whole funeral
would seem to go ; and they would never set foot with the corpse in
the churchyard. Now they say that it is the fairies do all this ; but
it is my opinion it is all idle talk, and people are after being wiser now.'
The country people in Ireland certainly had great admiration
mixed with reverence, if not dread, of fairies. They believed that
beneath these fairy mounts were spacious subterraneous palaces,
inhabited by the good people, who must not on any account be
disturbed. When the wind raises a little eddy of dust upon the road,
the poor people believe that it is raised by the fairies, that it is a sign
that they are journeying from one of the fairies' mounts to another,
and they say to the fairies, or to the dust. as it passes, 'God speed ye,
gentlemen ; God speed ye.' This averts any evil that the good people
might be inclined to do them. There are innumerable stories told of
the friendly and unfriendly feats of these busy fairies ; some of these
tales are ludicrous, and some romantic enough for poetry. It is a
pity that poets should lose such convenient, though diminutive
machinery. By the bye, Parnell, who showed himself so deeply
'skilled in faerie lore,' was an Irishman ; and though he has presented
his fairies to the world in the ancient English dress of ' Britain's isle,
and Arthur's days,' it is probable that his first acquaintance with them
began in his native country.
Some remote origin for the most superstitious or romantic popular
illusions or vulgar errors may often be discovered. In Ireland, the
old churches and churchyards have been usually fixed upon as the
scenes of wonders. Now antiquaries tell us, that near the ancient
churches in that kingdom caves of various constructions have from
time to time been discovered, which were formerly used as granaries
or magazines by the ancient inhabitants, and as places to which they
retreated in time of danger. There is (p. 84 of the R. I. A. Trans-
actions for 1789) a particular account of a number of these artificial
caves at the west end of the church of Killossy, in the county of
Kildare. Under a rising ground, in a dry sandy soil, these sub-
terraneous dwellings were found : they have pediment roofs, and they
communicate with each other by small apertures. In the Brehon
laws these are mentioned, and there are fines inflicted by those laws
upon persons who steal from the subterraneous granaries. All these
things show that there was a real foundation for the stories which
were told of the appearance of lights, and of the sounds of voices,
near these places. The persons who had property concealed there,
very willingly countenanced every wonderful relation that tended to
make these places objects of sacred awe or superstitious terror.
Page 8. Weed-ashes. — By ancient usage in Ireland, all the weeds
on a farm belonged to the farmer's wife, or to the wife of the squire
who holds the ground in his own hands. The great demand for
alkaline salts in bleaching rendered these ashes no inconsiderable
Page 8. Sealing money. — Formerly it was the custom in Ireland
for tenants to give the squire's lady from two to fifty guineas as a
perquisite upon the sealing of their leases. The Editor not very
long since knew of a baronet's lady accepting fifty guineas as sealing
money, upon closing a bargain for a considerable farm.
Page 8. Sir Murtagh greiu mad — Sir Murtagh grew angry.
Page 8. The whole kitchen -was out on the stairs — means that all
the inhabitants of the kitchen came out of the kitchen, and stood upon
the stairs. These, and similar expressions, show how much the Irish
are disposed to metaphor and amplification.
Page 12. Fining doivn the year's rent. — When an Irish gentle-
man, like Sir Kit Rackrent, has lived beyond his income, and finds
himself distressed for ready money, tenants obligingly offer to take
his land at a rent far below the value, and to pay him a small sum
of money in hand, which they call fining down the yearly rent. The
temptation of this ready cash often blinds the landlord to his future
Page 12. Driver. — A man who is employed to drive tenants for
rent ; that is, to drive the cattle belonging to tenants to pound. The
office of driver is by no means a sinecure.
Page 12. / thought to make him a priest. — It was customary
amongst those of Thady's rank in Ireland, whenever they could get a
little money, to send their sons abroad to St. Omer's, or to Spain, to
be educated as priests. Now they are educated at Maynooth. The
Editor has lately known a young lad, who began by being a post-boy,
afterwards turn into a carpenter, then quit his plane and work-bench
to study his Humanities, as he said, at the college of Maynooth ; but
after he had gone through his course of Humanities, he determined to
be a soldier instead of a priest.
Page 14. Flam. — Short for flambeau.
Page 15. Barrack-room. — Formerly it was customary, in gentle-
men's houses in Ireland, to fit up one large bedchamber with a
number of beds for the reception of occasional visitors. These rooms
were called Barrack-rooms.
Page 15. An innocent — in Ireland, means a simpleton, an idiot.
Page 22. The Curragh — is the Newmarket of Ireland.
Si G
Page 23. The cant. — The auction.
Page 27. And so should cut hint off for ever by levying a fine, and
suffering a recovery to dock the entail. — The English reader may
perhaps be surprised at the extent of Thady's legal knowledge, and at
the fluency with which he pours forth law-terms ; but almost every
poor man in Ireland, be he farmer, weaver, shopkeeper, or steward,
is, besides his other occupations, occasionally a lawyer. The nature
of processes, ejectments, custodiams, injunctions, replevins, etc., is
perfectly known to them, and the terms as familiar to them as to any
attorney. They all love law. It is a kind of lottery, in which every
man, staking his own wit or cunning against his neighbour's property,
feels that he has little to lose, and much to gain.
' I'll have the law of you, so I will ! ' is the saying of an English-
man who expects justice. ' I'll have you before his honour,' is the
threat of an Irishman who hopes for partiality. Miserable is the life
of a justice of the peace in Ireland the day after a fair, especially if he
resides near a small town. The multitude of the kilt (kilt does not
mean killed, but hurt) and wounded who come before his honour with
black eyes or bloody heads is astonishing : but more astonishing is
the number of those who, though they are scarcely able by daily
labour to procure daily food, will nevertheless, without the least
reluctance, waste six or seven hours of the day lounging in the yard
or court of a justice of the peace, waiting to make some complaint
about — nothing. It is impossible to convince them that time is
money. They do not set any value upon their own time, and they
think that others estimate theirs at less than nothing. Hence they
make no scruple of telling a justice of the peace a story of an hour
long about a tester (sixpence) ; and if he grows impatient, they
attribute it to some secret prejudice which he entertains against
Their method is to get a story completely by heart, and to tell it,
as they call it, out of the face, that is, from the beginning to the end,
without interruption.
'Well, my good friend, I have seen you lounging about these three
hours in the yard ; what is your business ? '
' Please your honour, it is what I want to speak one word to your
' Speak then, but be quick. What is the matter ?
' The matter, please your honour, is nothing at-all-at-all, only just
about the grazing of a horse, please your honour, that this man here
sold me at the fair of Gurtishannon last Shrove fair, which lay down
three times with myself, please your honour, and kill me ; not to be
telling your honour of how, no later back than yesterday night, he lay
clown in the house there within, and all the childer standing round,
and it was God's mercy he did not fall a-top of them, or into the fire
to burn himself. So please your honour, to-day I took him back to
this man, which owned him, and after a great deal to do, I got the
mare again I swopped {exchanged) him for ; but he won't pay the
grazing of the horse for the time I had him, though he promised to
pay the grazing in case the horse didn't answer ; and he never did a
day's work, good or bad, please your honour, all the time he was with
me, and I had the doctor to him five times anyhow. And so, please
your honour, it is what I expect your honour will stand my friend, for
I'd sooner come to your honour for justice than to any other in all
Ireland. And so I brought him here before your honour, and expect
your honour will make him pay me the grazing, or tell me, can I
process him for it at the next assizes, please your honour ? '
The defendant now turning a quid of tobacco with his tongue into
some secret cavern in his mouth, begins his defence with —
' Please your honour, under favour, and saving your honour's
presence, there's not a word of truth in all this man has been saying
from beginning to end, upon my conscience, and I wouldn't for the
value of the horse itself, grazing and all, be after telling your honour
a lie. For, please your honour, I have a dependence upon your
honour that you'll do me justice, and not be listening to him or the
like of him. Please your honour, it's what he has brought me before
your honour, because he had a spite against me about some oats I sold
your honour, which he was jealous of, and a shawl his wife got at my
shister's shop there without, and never paid for ; so I offered to set the
shawl against the grazing, and give him a receipt in full of all demands,
but he wouldn't out of spite, please your honour ; so he brought me
before your honour, expecting your honour was mad with me for
cutting down the tree in the horse park, which was none of my doing,
please your honour — ill-luck to them that went and belied me to your
honour behind my back ! So if your honour is pleasing, I'll tell you
the whole truth about the horse that he swopped against my mare out
of the face. Last Shrove fair I met this man, Jemmy Duffy, please
your honour, just at the corner of the road, where the bridge is broken
down, that your honour is to have the presentment for this year — long
life to you for it ! And he was at that time coming from the fair of
Gurtish.innon, and I the same way. " How are you, Jemmy?" says
I. "Very well, I thank ye kindly, Bryan," says he ; "shall we turn
back to Paddy Salmon's and take a naggin of whisky to our better
acquaintance ? " "I don't care if I did, Jemmy," says I ; " only it is
what I can't take the whisky, because I'm under an oath against it
for a month." Ever since, please your honour, the day your honour
met me on the road, and observed to me I could hardly stand, I had
taken so much ; though upon my conscience your honour wronged me
greatly that same time — ill-luck to them that belied me behind my
back to your honour ! Well, please your honour, as I was telling you,
as he was taking the whisky, and we talking of one thing or t'other,
he makes me an offer to swop his mare that he couldn't sell at the fair
of Gurtishannon, because nobody would be troubled with the beast,
please your honour, against my horse, and to oblige him I took the
mare — sorrow take her ! and him along with her ! She kicked me a
new car, that was worth three pounds ten, to tatters the first time I
ever put her into it, and I expect your honour will make him pay me
the price of the car, anyhow, before I pay the grazing, which I've no
right to pay at-all-at-all, only to oblige him. But I leave it all to
your honour ; and the whole grazing he ought to be charging for the
beast is but two and eightpence halfpenny, anyhow, please your
honour. So I'll abide by what your honour says, good or bad. I'll
leave it all to your honour.'
I'll leave it all to your honour — literally means, I'll leave all the
trouble to your honour.
The Editor knew a justice of the peace in Ireland who had such a
dread of having it all left to his honour, that he frequently gave the
complainants the sum about which they were disputing, to make peace
between them, and to get rid of the trouble of hearing their stories
out of the face. But he was soon cured of this method of buying off
disputes, by the increasing multitude of those who, out of pure regard
to his honour, came ' to get justice from him, because they would
sooner come before him than before any man in all Ireland.'
Page 38. A raking pot of tea. — We should observe, this custom
has long since been banished from the higher orders of Irish gentry.
The mysteries of a raking pot of tea, like those of the Bona Dea, are
supposed to be sacred to females ; but now and then it has happened
that some of the male species, who were either more audacious, or
more highly favoured than the rest of their sex, have been admitted
by stealth to these orgies. The time when the festive ceremony
begins varies according to circumstances, but it is never earlier than
twelve o'clock at night ; the joys of a raking pot of tea depending on
its being made in secret, and at an unseasonable hour. After a ball,
when the more discreet part of the company has departed to rest, a
few chosen female spirits, who have footed it till they can foot it no
longer, and till the sleepy notes expire under the slurring hand of the
musician, retire to a bedchamber, call the favourite maid, who alone is
admitted, bid her put down the kettle, lock the door, and amidst as
much giggling and scrambling as possible, they get round a tea-table,
on which all manner of things are huddled together. Then begin
mutual railleries and mutual confidences amongst the young ladies,
and the faint scream and the loud laugh is heard, and the romping for
letters and pocket-books begins, and gentlemen are called by their
surnames, or by the general name of fellows ! pleasant fellows !
charming fellows ! odious fellows ! abominable fellows ! and then all
prudish decorums are forgotten, and then we might be convinced how
much the satirical poet was mistaken when he said —
There is no woman where there's no reserve.
The merit of the original idea of a raking pot of tea evidently
belongs to the washerwoman and the laundry-maid. But why should
not we have Low life above stairs as well as High life below stairs ?
P a g e 39- We gained the day by this piece of honesty. — In a dispute
which occurred some years ago in Ireland, between Mr. E. and Mr. M.,
about the boundaries of a farm, an old tenant of Mr. M.'s cut a sod
from Mr. M.'s land, and inserted it in a spot prepared for its re-
ception in Mr. E. 's land ; so nicely was it inserted, that no eye could
detect the junction of the grass. The old man, who was to give his
evidence as to the property, stood upon the inserted sod when the
viewers came, and swore that the ground he then stood upon belonged
to his landlord, Mr. M.
The Editor had flattered himself that the ingenious contrivance
which Thady records, and the similar subterfuge of this old Irishman,
in the dispute concerning boundaries, were instances of Muteness
unparalleled in all but Irish story : an English friend, however, has
just mortified the Editor's national vanity by an account of the
following custom, which prevails in part of Shropshire. It is dis-
creditable for women to appear abroad after the birth of their children
till they have been churched. To avoid this reproach, and at the
same time to enjoy the pleasure of gadding, whenever a woman goes
abroad before she has been to church, she takes a tile from the roof of
her house, and puts it upon her head : wearing this panoply all the
time she pays her visits, her conscience is perfectly at ease ; for she
can afterwards safely declare to the clergyman, that she ' has never been
from under her own roof till she came to be churched.'
Page 41. Carton, and half-carton. — Thady means cartron, and
half-cartron. 'According to the old record in the black book of
Dublin, a cantred is said to contain 30 villatas terras, which are also
called quarters of land (quarterons, cartrons) ; every one of which
quarters must contain so much ground as will pasture 400 cows, and
17 plough-lands. A knighfs fee was composed of 8 hydes, which
amount to 100 acres, and that is generally deemed about a plough-
land. '
The Editor was favoured by a learned friend with the above extract,
from a MS. of Lord Totness's in the Lambeth library.
Page 60. Wake. — A wake in England means a festival held upon
the anniversary of the saint of the parish. At these wakes, rustic
games, rustic conviviality, and rustic courtship, are pursued with all
the ardour and all the appetite which accompany such pleasures as
occur but seldom. In Ireland a wake is a midnight meeting, held pro-
fessedly for the indulgence of holy sorrow, but usually it is converted into
orgies of unholy joy. When an Irish man or woman of the lower
order dies, the straw which composed the bed, whether it has been
contained in a bag to form a mattress, or simply spread upon the
earthen floor, is immediately taken out of the house, and burned before
the cabin door, the family at the same time setting up the death howl.
The ears and eyes of the neighbours being thus alaimed, they flock to
the house of the deceased, and by their vociferous sympathy excite and
at the same time soothe the sorrows of the family.
It is curious to observe how good and bad are mingled in human
institutions. In countries which were thinly inhabited, this custom
prevented private attempts against the lives of individuals, and formed
a kind of coroner's inquest upon the body which had recently expired,
and burning the straw upon which the sick man lay became a simple
preservative against infection. At night the dead body is waked, that
is to say, all the friends and neighbours of the deceased collect in a
barn or stable, where the corpse is laid upon some boards, or an un-
hinged door, supported upon stools, the face exposed, the rest of the
body covered with a white sheet. Round the body are stuck in brass
candlesticks, which have been borrowed perhaps at five miles' distance,
as many candles as the poor person can beg or borrow, observing
always to have an odd number. Pipes and tobacco are first distributed,
and then, according to the ability of the deceased, cakes and ale, and
sometimes whisky, are dealt to the company —
Deal on, deal on, my merry men all,
Deal on your cakes and your wine,
For whatever is dealt at her funeral to-day
Shall be dealt to-morrow at mine.
After a fit of universal sorrow, and the comfort of a universal dram,
the scandal of the neighbourhood, as in higher circles, occupies the
company. The young lads and lasses romp with one another, and
when the fathers and mothers are at last overcome with sleep and
whisky {vino et somno), the youth become more enterprising, and are
frequently successful. It is said that more matches are made at wakes
than at weddings.
Page 63. Kilt. — This word frequently occurs in the preceding
pages, where it means not killed, but much hurt. In Ireland, not only
cowards, but the brave 'die many times before their death.' — There
killing is no murder.
'Are you to be at Lady Clonbrony's gala next week?' said
Lady Langdale to Mrs. Dareville, whilst they were waiting for
their carriages in the crush-room of the opera house.
1 Oh yes ! everybody's to be there, I hear,' replied Mrs. Dare-
ville. ' Your ladyship, of course ? '
' Why, I don't know — if I possibly can. Lady Clonbrony
makes it such a point with me, that I believe I must look in
upon her for a few minutes. They are going to a prodigious
expense on this occasion. Soho tells me the reception rooms
are all to be new furnished, and in the most magnificent style.'
' At what a famous rate those Clonbronies are dashing on,'
said Colonel Heathcock. ' Up to anything.'
' Who are they ? — these Clonbronies, that one hears of so
much of late ? ' said her Grace of Torcaster. ' Irish absentees,
I know. But how do they support all this enormous expense ? '
' The son will have a prodigiously fine estate when some
Mr. Quin dies,' said Mrs. Dareville.
'Yes, everybody who comes from Ireland will have a fine
estate when somebody dies,' said her grace. ' But what have
they at present ? '
' Twenty thousand a year, they say,' replied Mrs. Dareville.
' Ten thousand, I believe,' cried Lady Langdale. ' Make it
a rule, you know, to believe only half the world says.'
1 Ten thousand, have they ? — possibly,' said her grace. ' I
know nothing about them— have no acquaintance among the
Irish. Torcaster knows something of Lady Clonbrony ; she
has fastened herself, by some means, upon him : but I charge
him not to commit me. Positively, I could not for anybody —
and much less for that sort of person — extend the circle of my
acquaintance. 5
' Now that is so cruel of your grace,' said Mrs. Dareville,
laughing, ' when poor Lady Clonbrony works so hard, and
pays so high, to get into certain circles.'
' If you knew all she endures, to look, speak, move, breathe
like an Englishwoman, you would pity her,' said Lady Lang-
' Yes, and you cawnt conceive the fteens she teekes to talk of
the tcebles and cheers, and to thank Q, and, with so much ieeste,
to speak pure English,' said Mrs. Dareville.
' Pure cockney, you mean,' said Lady Langdale.
1 But why does Lady Clonbrony want to pass for English ?'
said the duchess.
'Oh! because she is not quite Irish bred and born — only
bred, not born,' said Mrs. Dareville. 'And she could not be
five minutes in your grace's company before she would tell you,
that she was Henglish, born in Hoxfordshire?
' She must be a vastly amusing personage. I should like to
meet her, if one could see and hear her incog.,' said the duchess.
' And Lord Clonbrony, what is he ? '
'Nothing, nobody,' said Mrs. Dareville;' 'one never even
hears of him.'
' A tribe of daughters, too, I suppose ? '
' No, no,' said Lady Langdale, ' daughters would be past all
' There's a cousin, though, a Grace Nugent,' said Mrs.
Dareville, ' that Lady Clonbrony has with her.'
' Best part of her, too,' said Colonel Heathcock ; 'd — d fine
girl ! — never saw her look better than at the opera to-night ! '
' Fine complexion / as Lady Clonbrony says, when she
means a high colour,' said Lady Langdale.
' Grace Nugent is not a lady's beauty,' said Mrs. Dareville.
' Has she any fortune, colonel ?'
"Pon honour, don't know,' said the colonel.
' There's a son, somewhere, is not there ? ' said Lady
' Don't know, 'pon honour,' replied the colonel.
'Yes — at Cambridge — not of age yet,' said Mrs. Dareville.
' Bless me ! here is Lady Clonbrony come back. I thought
she was gone half an hour ago ! '
' Mamma,' whispered one of Lady Langdale's daughters,
leaning between her mother and Mrs. Dareville, ' who is that
gentleman that passed us just now ?'
' Which way ? '
' Towards the door. There now, mamma, you can see him.
He is speaking to Lady Clonbrony— to Miss Nugent. Now
Lady Clonbrony is introducing him to Miss Broadhurst.'
' I see him now,' said Lady Langdale, examining him
through her glass ; ' a very gentlemanlike-looking young man,
' Not an Irishman, I am sure, by his manner,' said her
' Heathcock ! ' said Lady Langdale, ' who is Miss Broad-
hurst talking to ? '
1 Eh ! now really — 'pon honour — don't know,' replied
'And yet he certainly looks like somebody one certainly
should know,' pursued Lady Langdale, ' though I don't
recollect seeing him anywhere before.'
' Really now ! ' was all the satisfaction she could gain from
the insensible, immovable colonel. However, her ladyship,
after sending a whisper along the line, gained the desired
information, that the young gentleman was Lord Colambre,
son, only son, of Lord and Lady Clonbrony — that he was just
come from Cambridge— that he was not yet of age — that he
would be of age within a year — that he would then, after the
death of somebody, come into possession of a fine estate, by
the mother's side — ' and therefore, Cat'rine, my dear,' said
she, turning round to the daughter, who had first pointed him
out, ' you understand, we should never talk about other
people's affairs.'
• No, mamma, never. I hope to goodness, mamma, Lord
Colambre did not hear what you and Mrs. Dareville were
saying ! '
' How could he, child ? He was quite at the other end of
the world.'
' I beg your pardon, ma'am, he was at my elbow, close
behind us ; but I never thought about him till I heard some-
body say, " My lord " '
' Good heavens ! I hope he didn't hear.'
' But, for my part, I said nothing,' cried Lady Langdale.
'And for my part, I said nothing but what everybody
knows ! ' cried Mrs. Dareville.
'And for my part, I am guilty only of hearing,' said the
duchess. ' Do, pray, Colonel Heathcock, have the goodness
to see what my people are about, and what chance we have of
getting away to-night.'
' The Duchess of Torcaster's carriage stops the way ! ' — a
joyful sound to Colonel Heathcock and to her grace, and not
less agreeable, at this instant, to Lady Langdale, who, the
moment she was disembarrassed of the duchess, pressed
through the crowd to Lady Clonbrony, and, addressing her
with smiles and complacency, was ' charmed to have a little
moment to speak to her — could not sooner get through the
crowd — would certainly do herself the honour to be at her
ladyship's gala on Wednesday.' While Lady Langdale spoke,
she never seemed to see or think of anybody but Lady Clon-
brony, though, all the time, she was intent upon every motion
of Lord Colambre, and, whilst she was obliged to listen with
a face of sympathy to a long complaint of Lady Clonbrony's,
about Mr. Soho's want of taste in ottomans, she was vexed
to perceive that his lordship showed no desire to be introduced
to her, or to her daughters ; but, on the contrary, was
standing talking to Miss Nugent. His mother, at the end
of her speech, looked round for Colambre — called him twice
before he heard — introduced him to Lady Langdale, and to
Lady Cat'rine, and Lady Anne , and to Mrs. Dareville ;
to all of whom he bowed with an air of proud coldness,
which gave them reason to regret that their remarks upon his
mother and his family had not been made sotto voce.
' Lady Langdale's carriage stops the way ! ' Lord
Colambre made no offer of his services, notwithstanding a
look from his mother. Incapable of the meanness of voluntarily
listening to a conversation not intended for him to hear, he
had, however, been compelled, by the pressure of the crowd,
to remain a few minutes stationary, where he could not avoid
hearing the remarks of the fashionable friends. Disdaining
dissimulation, he made no attempt to conceal his displeasure.
Perhaps his vexation was increased by his consciousness that
there was some mixture of truth in their sarcasms. He was
sensible that his mother, in some points — her manners, for
instance — was obvious to ridicule and satire. In Lady
Clonbrony's address there was a mixture of constraint,
affectation, and indecision, unusual in a person of her birth,
rank, and knowledge of the world. A natural and unnatural
manner seemed struggling in all her gestures, and in every
syllable that she articulated — a naturally free, familiar, good-
natured, precipitate, Irish manner, had been schooled, and
schooled late in life, into a sober, cold, still, stiff deportment,
which she mistook for English. A strong, Hibernian accent,
she had, with infinite difficulty, changed into an English tone.
Mistaking reverse of wrong for right, she caricatured the
English pronunciation ; and the extraordinary precision of
her London phraseology betrayed her not to be a Londoner,
as the man, who strove to pass for an Athenian, was detected
by his Attic dialect. Not aware of her real danger, Lady
Clonbrony was, on the opposite side, in continual apprehension,
every time she opened her lips, lest some treacherous a or e,
some strong r, some puzzling aspirate, or non-aspirate, some
unguarded note, interrogative or expostulatory, should betray
her to be an Irishwoman. Mrs. Dareville had, in her
mimickry, perhaps a little exaggerated as to the tecbles and
cheers, but still the general likeness of the representation of
Lady Clonbrony was strong enough to strike and vex her son.
He had now, for the first time, an opportunity of judging of
the estimation in which his mother and his family were held
by certain leaders of the ton, of whom, in her letters, she had
spoken so much, and into whose society, or rather into whose
parties, she had been admitted. He saw that the renegado
cowardice, with which she denied, abjured, and reviled her
own country, gained nothing but ridicule and contempt.
He loved his mother ; and, whilst he endeavoured to conceal
her faults and foibles as much as possible from his own heart, he
could not endure those who dragged them to light and ridicule.
The next morning the first thing that occurred to Lord
Colambre's remembrance when he awoke was the sound
of the contemptuous emphasis which had been laid on the
words IRISH absentees ! This led to recollections of his
native country, to comparisons of past and present scenes, to
future plans of life. Young and careless as he seemed, Lord
Colambre was capable of serious reflection. Of naturally
quick and strong capacity, ardent affections, impetuous temper,
the early years of his childhood passed at his father's castle in
Ireland, where, from the lowest servant to the well-dressed
dependant of the family, everybody had conspired to wait
upon, to fondle, to flatter, to worship, this darling of their lord.
Yet he was not spoiled — not rendered selfish. For, in the
midst of this flattery and servility, some strokes of genuine
generous affection had gone home to his little heart ; and,
though unqualified submission had increased the natural
impetuosity of his temper, and though visions of his future
grandeur had touched his infant thought, yet, fortunately,
before he acquired any fixed habits of insolence or tyranny,
he was carried far away from all that were bound or willing
to submit to his commands, far away from all signs of
hereditary grandeur — plunged into one of our great public
schools — into a new world. Forced to struggle, mind and
body, with his equals, his rivals, the little lord became a
spirited schoolboy, and, in time, a man. Fortunately for him,
science and literature happened to be the fashion among a set
of clever young men with whom he was at Cambridge. His
ambition for intellectual superiority was raised, his views were
enlarged, his tastes and his manners formed. The sobriety
of English good sense mixed most advantageously with Irish
vivacity ; English prudence governed, but did not extinguish his
Irish enthusiasm. But, in fact, English and Irish had not been
invidiously contrasted in his mind : he had been so long resi-
dent in England, and so intimately connected with Englishmen,
that he was not obvious to any of the commonplace ridicule
thrown upon Hibernians ; and he had lived with men who
were too well informed and liberal to misjudge or depreciate a
sister country. He had found, from experience, that, however
reserved the English may be in manner, they are warm at
heart ; that, however averse they may be from forming new
acquaintance, their esteem and confidence once gained, they
make the most solid friends. He had formed friendships in
England ; he was fully sensible of the superior comforts, re-
finement, and information, of English society ; but his own
country was endeared to him by early association, and a sense
of duty and patriotism attached him to Ireland. And shall
I too be an absentee ? was a question which resulted from these
reflections — a question which he was not yet prepared to
answer decidedly. In the meantime, the first business of the
morning was to execute a commission for a Cambridge friend.
Mr. Berryl had bought from Mr. Mordicai, a famous London
coachmaker, a curricle, "warranted sound, for which he had
paid a sound price, upon express condition that Mr. Mordicai,
barring accidents, should be answerable for all repairs of the
curricle for six months. In three, both the carriage and body
were found to be good for nothing — the curricle had been re-
turned to Mr. Mordicai — nothing had since been heard of it,
or from him — and Lord Colambre had undertaken to pay him
and it a visit, and to make all proper inquiries. Accord-
ingly, he went to the coachmaker's, and, obtaining no satis-
faction from the underlings, desired to see the head of the
house. He was answered, that Mr. Mordicai was not at
home. His lordship had never seen Mr. Mordicai ; but, just
then, he saw, walking across the yard, a man, who looked
something like a Bond Street coxcomb, but not the least like
a gentleman, who called, in the tone of a master, for ' Mr.
Mordicai's barouche ! ' It appeared ; and he was stepping
into it when Lord Colambre took the liberty of stopping him ;
and, pointing to the wreck of Mr. Berryl's curricle, now stand-
ing in the yard, began a statement of his friend's grievances,
and an appeal to common justice and conscience, which he,
unknowing the nature of the man with whom he had to deal,
imagined must be irresistible. Mr. Mordicai stood without
moving a muscle of his dark wooden face. Indeed, in his face
there appeared to be no muscles, or none which could move ;
so that, though he had what are generally called handsome
features, there was, all together, something unnatural and
shocking in his countenance. When, at last, his eyes turned,
and his lips opened, this seemed to be done by machinery,
and not by the will of a living creature, or from the impulse
of a rational soul. Lord Colambre was so much struck
with this strange physiognomy, that he actually forgot much
he had to say of springs and wheels. But it was no matter.
Whatever he had said, it would have come to the same thing ;
and Mordicai would have answered as he now did —
'Sir, it was my partner made that bargain, not myself;
and I don't hold myself bound by it, for he is the sleeping
partner only, and not empowered to act in the way of business.
Had Mr. Berryl bargained with me, I should have told him
that he should have looked to these things before his carriage
went out of our yard.'
The indignation of Lord Colambre kindled at these words
— but in vain. To all that indignation could by word or look
urge against Mordicai, he replied —
' Maybe so, sir ; the law is open to your friend — the law is
open to all men who can pay for it.'
Lord Colambre turned in despair from the callous coach-
maker, and listened to one of his more compassionate-looking
workmen, who was reviewing the disabled curricle ; and, whilst
he was waiting to know the sum of his friend's misfortune, a
fat, jolly, Falstafif looking personage came into the yard,
accosted Mordicai with a degree of familiarity, which, from a
gentleman, appeared to Lord Colambre to be almost impossible.
' How are you, Mordicai, my good fellow ? ' cried he,
speaking with a strong Irish accent.
' Who is this ? ' whispered Lord Colambre to the foreman,
who was examining the curricle.
' Sir Terence O'Fay, sir. There must be entire new
1 Now tell me, my tight fellow,' continued Sir Terence,
holding Mordicai fast, / when, in the name of all the saints,
good or bad, in the calendar, do you reckon to let us sport the
suicide ? '
Mordicai forcibly drew his mouth into what he meant for a
smile, and answered, ' As soon as possible, Sir Terence.'
Sir Terence, in a tone of jocose, wheedling expostulation,
entreated him to have the carriage finished out of hand.
'Ah, now! Mordy, my precious! let us have it by the birth-
day, and come and dine with us o' Monday, at the Hibernian
Hotel — there's a rare one — will you ? '
Mordicai accepted the invitation, and promised faithfully
that the suicide should be finished by the birthday. Sir
Terence shook hands upon this promise, and, after telling a
good story, which made one of the workmen in the yard — an
Irishman — grin with delight, walked off. Mordicai, first
waiting till the knight was out of hearing, called aloud —
' You grinning rascal ! mind, at your peril, and don't let
that there carriage be touched, d'ye see, till further orders.'
One of Mr. Mordicai's clerks, with a huge long-feathered pen
behind his ear, observed that Mr. Mordicai was right in that
caution, for that, to the best of his comprehension, Sir Terence
O'Fay and his principal, too, were over head and ears in debt.
9 6
Mordicai coolly answered that he was well aware of that ;
but that the estate could afford to dip further ; that, for his
part, he was under no apprehension ; he knew how to look
sharp, and to bite before he was bit. That he knew Sir
Terence and his principal were leagued together to give the
creditors the go by, but that, clever as they both were at that
work, he trusted he was their match.
1 Will you be so good, sir, to finish making out this estimate
for me ? ' interrupted Lord Colambre.
1 Immediately, sir. Sixty-nine pound four, and the perch.
Let us see Mr. Mordicai, ask him, ask Paddy, about
Sir Terence,' said the foreman, pointing back over his
shoulder to the Irish workman, who was at this moment
pretending to be wondrous hard at work. However, when
Mr. Mordicai defied him to tell him anything he did not know,
Paddy, parting with an untasted bit of tobacco, began, and
recounted some of Sir Terence O'Fay's exploits in evading
duns, replevying cattle, fighting sheriffs, bribing subs, managing
cants, tricking custodees, in language so strange, and with a
countenance and gestures so full of enjoyment of the jest, that,
whilst Mordicai stood for a moment aghast with astonish-
ment, Lord Colambre could not help laughing, partly at, and
partly with, his countryman. All the yard were in a roar of
laughter, though they did not understand half of what they
heard ; but their risible muscles were acted upon mechanically,
or maliciously, merely by the sound of the Irish brogue.
Mordicai, waiting till the laugh was over, dryly observed
that ' the law is executed in another guess sort of way in
England from what it is in Ireland'; therefore, for his part,
he desired nothing better than to set his wits fairly against
such sharks. That there was a pleasure in doing up a debtor
which none but a creditor could know.
' In a moment, sir ; if you'll have a moment's patience, sir,
if you please,' said the slow foreman to Lord Colambre ; ' I
must go down the pounds once more, and then I'll let you
have it.'
' I'll tell you what, Smithfield,' continued Mr. Mordicai,
coming close beside his foreman, and speaking very low, but
with a voice trembling with anger, for he was piqued by his
foreman's doubts of his capacity to cope with Sir Terence
O'Fay; * I'll tell you what, Smithfield, I'll be cursed, if I
97 H
' "No, sir, no!" cried Lord Colambre, holding Jinn the paper.'
Copyright 1894 by Macmitlan &• Co.
don't get every inch of them into my power. You know
how ? '
' You are the best judge, sir,' replied the foreman ; ' but I would
not undertake Sir Terence ; and the question is, whether the
estate will answer the lot of the debts, and whether you
know them all for certain ? '
' I do, sir, I tell you. There's Green — there's Blancham —
there's Gray — there's Soho — naming several more — and, to
my knowledge, Lord Clonbrony '
' Stop, sir,' cried Lord Colambre in a voice which made
Mordicai, and everybody present, start — ' I am his son '
' The devil ! ' said Mordicai.
'God bless every bone in his body, then! — he's an Irish-
man, ' cried Paddy ; ' and there was the nzson my heart
warmed to him from the first minute he come into the yard,
though I did not know it till now.'
'What, sir! are you my Lord Colambre?' said Mr.
Mordicai, recovering, but not clearly recovering, his intellects.
' I beg pardon, but I did not know you was Lord Colambre.
I thought you told me you was the friend of Mr. Berryl.'
' I do not see the incompatibility of the assertion, sir,'
replied Lord Colambre, taking from the bewildered foreman's
unresisting hand the account, which he had been so long
' Give me leave, my lord,' said Mordicai. ' I beg your
pardon, my lord, perhaps we can compromise that business
for your friend Mr. Berryl ; since he is your lordship's friend,
perhaps we can contrive to compromise and split the difference?
To compromise and. split the difference, Mordicai thought were
favourite phrases, and approved Hibernian modes of doing
business, which would conciliate this young Irish nobleman,
and dissipate the proud tempest which had gathered and now
swelled in his breast.
'No, sir, no!' cried Lord Colambre, holding firm the
paper. ' I want no favour from you. I will accept of none for
my friend or for myself.'
' Favour ! No, my lord, I should not presume to offer
But I should wish, if you'll allow me, to do your friend justice.'
Lord Colambre recollecting that he had no right, in his
pride, to fling away his friend's money, let Mr. Mordicai look
at the account ; and, his impetuous temper in a few moments
recovered by good sense, he considered that, as his person
was utterly unknown to Mr. Mordicai, no offence could have
been intended to him, and that, perhaps, in what had been
said of his father's debts and distress, there might be more
truth than he was aware of. Prudently, therefore, controlling
his feelings, and commanding himself, he suffered Mr.
Mordicai to show him into a parlour, to settle his friend's
business. In a few minutes the account was reduced to
a reasonable form, and, in consideration of the partner's
having made the bargain, by which Mr. Mordicai felt himself
influenced in honour, though not bound in law, he undertook
to have the curricle made better than new again, for Mr.
Berryl, for twenty guineas. Then came awkward apologies to
Lord Colambre, which he ill endured. ' Between ourselves,
my lord,' continued Mordicai
But the familiarity of the phrase, ' Between ourselves ' — this
implication of equality— Lord Colambre could not admit ; he
moved hastily towards the door and departed.
patience, with which she at last accomplished her purpose, and
prevented Lady Clonbrony from doing anything preposterously
absurd, or exorbitantly extravagant.
Lord Colambre was actually sorry when the business was
ended — when Mr. Soho departed — for Grace Nugent was then
silent ; and it was necessary to remove his eyes from that
countenance, on which he had gazed unobserved. Beautiful
and graceful, yet so unconscious was she of her charms, that
the eye of admiration could rest upon her without her perceiving
it — she seemed so intent upon others as totally to forget herself.
The whole train of Lord Colambre's thoughts was so com-
pletely deranged that, although he was sensible there was
something of importance he had to say to his mother, yet,
when Mr. Soho's departure left him opportunity to speak,
he stood silent, unable to recollect anything but — Grace
When Grace Nugent left the room, after some minutes'
silence, and some effort, Lord Colambre said to his mother,
'Pray, madam, do you know anything of Sir Terence O'Fay?'
' I ! ' said Lady Clonbrony, drawing up her head proudly ;
1 1 know he is a person I cannot endure. He is no friend of
mine, I can assure you — nor any such sort of person.'
' I thought it was impossible ! ' cried Colambre, with exulta-
' I only wish your father, Colambre, could say as much,'
added Lady Clonbrony.
Lord Colambre's countenance fell again ; and again he was
silent for some time.
' Does my father dine at home, ma'am ? '
' I suppose not ; he seldom dines at home.'
' Perhaps, ma'am, my father may have some cause to be
uneasy about '
'About?' said Lady Clonbrony, in a tone, and with a look
of curiosity which convinced her son that she knew nothing
of his debts or distresses, if he had any. ' About what ? '
repeated her ladyship.
Here was no receding, and Lord Colambre never had
recourse to artifice.
'About his affairs, I was going to say, madam. But, since
you know nothing of any difficulties or embarrassments, I am
persuaded that none exist.'
' Nay, I caw?it tell you that, Colambre. There are difficulties
for ready money, I confess, when I ask for it, which surprise
me often. I know nothing of affairs — ladies of a certain rank
seldom do, you know. But, considering your father's estate,
and the fortune I brought him,' added her ladyship, proudly,
' I cawnt conceive it at all. Grace Nugent, indeed, often talks
to me of embarrassments and economy ; but that, poor thing,
is very natural for her, because her fortune is not particularly
large, and she has left it all, or almost all, in her uncle and
guardian's hands. I know she's often distressed for odd money
to lend me, and that makes her anxious.'
' Is not Miss Nugent very much admired, ma'am, in
London ? '
' Of course^in the company she is in, you know, she has
every advantage. And she has a natural family air of fashion
— not but what she would have got on much better, if, when
she first appeared in Lon'on, she had taken my advice, and
wrote herself on her cards Miss de Nogent, which would have
taken off the prejudice against the Irirism of Nugent, you
know ; and there is a Count de Nogent.'
' I did not know there was any such prejudice, ma'am.
There may be among a certain set ; but, I should think, not
among well-informed, well-bred people.'
' I big your pawdon, Colambre ; surely I, that was born in
England, an Henglish-woman baivn / must be well infaivmed
on this pint, anyway.'
Lord Colambre was respectfully silent.
' Mother,' resumed he, ' I wonder that Miss Nugent is not
married ! '
' That is her own fau't, entirely ; she has refused very good
offers — establishments that, I own, I think, as Lady Langdale
says, I was to blame to allow her to let pass ; but young tedies,
till they are twenty, always think they can do better. Mr.
Martingale, of Martingale, proposed for her, but she objected
to him on account of he's being on the turf; and Mr. St.
Albans' £7000 a year — because — I reclly forget what — I
believe only because she did not like him — and something
about principles. Now there is Colonel Heathcock, one of the
most fashionable young men you see, always with the Duchess
of Torcaster and that set — Heathcock takes a vast deal of
notice of her, for him ; and yet, I'm persuaded, she would not
have him to-morrow, if he came to the pint, and for no reason,
reelly now, that she can give me, but because she says he's a
coxcomb, Grace has a tincture of Irish pride. But, for my
part, I rejoice that she is so difficult, for I don't know what I
should do without her.'
' Miss Nugent is indeed — very much attached to you,
mother, I am convinced,' said Lord Colambre, beginning his
sentence with great enthusiasm, and ending it with great
' Indeed then, she's a sweet girl, and I am very partial to
her, there's the truth,' cried Lady Clonbrony, in an undis-
guised Irish accent, and with her natural warm manner. But
a moment afterwards her features and whole form resumed
their constrained stillness and stiffness, and, in her English
accent, she continued — •
' Before you put my idees out of my head, Colambre, I had
something to say to you — Oh ! I know what it was — we were
talking of embarrassments — and I wished to do your father the
justice to mention to you that he has been uncommon liberal
to me about this gala, and has reelly given me carte-blanche ;
and I've a notion — indeed I know— that it is you, Colambre, I
am to thank for this.'
' Me !— ma'am ! '
' Yes ! Did not your father give you any hint ? '
' No, ma'am ; I have seen my father but for half an hour
since I came to town, and in that time he said nothing to me
— of his affairs.'
' But what I allude to is more your affair.'
' He did not speak to me of any affairs, ma'am — he spoke
only of my horses.'
' Then I suppose my lord leaves it to me to open the matter
to you. I have the pleasure to tell you, that we have in view
for you — and I think I may say with more than the approba-
tion of all her family — an alliance- '
' Oh ! my dear mother ! you cannot be serious,' cried Lord
Colambre ; ' you know I am not of years of discretion yet — I
shall not think of marrying these ten years, at least.'
' Why not ? Nay, my dear Colambre, don't go, I beg — I
am serious, I assure you — and, to convince you of it, I shall
tell you candidly, at once, all your father told me : that now
you've done with Cambridge, and are come to Lon'on, he
agrees with me in wishing that you should make the figure
you ought to make, Coiambre, as sole heir-apparent to the
Clonbrony estate, and all that sort of thing. But, on the other
hand, living in Lon'on, and making you the handsome allow-
ance you ought to have, are, both together, more than your
father can afford, without inconvenience, he tells me.'
' I assure you, mother, I shall be content '
' No, no ; you must not be content, child, and you must
hear me. You must live in a becoming style, and make a
proper appearance. I could not present you to my friends
here, nor be happy, if you did not, Coiambre. Now the way
is clear before you : you have birth and title, here is fortune
ready made ; you will have a noble estate of your own when
old Quin dies, and you will not be any encumbrance or incon-
venience to your father or anybody. Marrying an heiress
accomplishes all this at once ; and the young lady is every-
thing we could wish, besides — you will meet again at the gala.
Indeed, between ourselves, she is the grand object of the
gala ; all her friends will come en masse, and one should wish
that they should see things in proper style. You have seen
the young lady in question, Coiambre — Miss Broadhurst.
Don't you recollect the young lady I introduced you to last
night after the opera ? '
' The little, plain girl, covered with diamonds, who was
standing beside Miss Nugent ? '
' In di'monds, yes. But you won't think her plain when
you see more of her — that wears off; I thought her plain, at
first — I hope '
' I hope,' said Lord Coiambre, ' that you will not take it
unkindly of me, my dear mother, if I tell you, at once, that I
have no thoughts of marrying at present — and that I never
will marry for money. Marrying an heiress is not even a new
way of paying old debts — at all events, it is one to which no
distress could persuade me to have recourse ; and as I must,
if I outlive old Mr. Quin, have an independent fortune, there is
no occasion to purchase one by marriage.'
'There is no distress, that I know of, in the case,' cried
Lady Clonbrony. ' Where is your imagination running,
Coiambre ? But merely for your establishment, your in-
' Establishment, I want none — independence I do desire,
and will preserve. Assure my father, my dear mother, that I
* " Then, Colambre, you are very disobliging." '
Copyright 1894 by Macmillan &• Co.
will not be an expense to him. I will live within the allowance
he made me at Cambridge — I will give up half of it — I will
do anything for his convenience — but marry for money, that I
cannot do.'
' Then, Colambre, you are very disobliging,' said Lady
Clonbrony, with an expression of disappointment and dis-
pleasure ; ' for your father says, if you don't marry Miss
Broadhurst, we can't live in Lon'on another winter.'
This said — which, had she been at the moment mistress of
herself, she would not have let out — Lady Clonbrony abruptly
quitted the room. Her son stood motionless, saying to
himself —
' Is this my mother ? — How altered ! '
The next morning he seized an opportunity of speaking to
his father, whom he caught, with difficulty, just when he was
going out, as usual, for the day. Lord Colambre, with all the
respect due to his father, and with that affectionate manner
by which he always knew how to soften the strength of his
expressions, made nearly the same declarations of his resolu-
tion, by which his mother had been so much surprised and
offended. Lord Clonbrony seemed more embarrassed, but not
so much displeased. When Lord Colambre adverted, as
delicately as he could, to the selfishness of desiring from him
the sacrifice of liberty for life, to say nothing of his affections,
merely to enable his family to make a splendid figure in
London, Lord Clonbrony exclaimed, ' That's all nonsense !
— cursed nonsense ! That's the way we are obliged to state
the thing to your mother, my dear boy, because I might talk
her deaf before she would understand or listen to anything
else. But, for my own share, I don't care a rush if London
was sunk in the salt sea. Little Dublin for my money, as Sir
Terence O'Fay says.'
' Who is Sir Terence O'Fay, may I ask, sir ? '
' Why, don't you know Terry ? Ay, you've been so long at
Cambridge, I forgot. And did you never see Terry ? '
' I have seen him, sir — I met him yesterday at Mr.
Mordicai's, the coachmaker's.'
' Mordicai's ! ' exclaimed Lord Clonbrony, with a sudden
blush, which he endeavoured to hide by taking snuff. ' He is
a damned rascal, that Mordicai ! I hope you didn't believe a
word he said — nobody does that knows him.'
' I am glad, sir, that you seem to know him so well, and to
be upon your guard against him,' replied Lord Colambre ;
' for, from what I heard of his conversation, when he was not
. bi a'iin.: <:■■ MM/
^L V^> ' ' " MordicaSs ! " exclaimed Lord Clonbrony, with a sudden
blush, which he endeavoured to hide by taking snuff.'
aware who I was, I am convinced he would do you any injury
in his power.'
' He shall never have me in his power, I promise him. We
shall take care of that. But what did he say ? '
Lord Colambre repeated the substance of what Mordicai
had said, and Lord Clonbrony reiterated — ' Damned rascal !
■ — damned rascal ! I'll get out of his hands ; I'll have no more
to do with him.' But, as he spoke, he exhibited evident
symptoms of uneasiness, moving continually, and shifting from
leg to leg like a foundered horse.
He could not bring himself positively to deny that he had
debts and difficulties ; but he would by no means open the
state of his affairs to his son — ' No father is called upon to do
that,' said he to himself; 'none but a fool would do it.'
Lord Colambre, perceiving his father's embarrassment,
withdrew his eyes, respectfully refrained from all further in-
quiries, and simply repeated the assurance he had made to his
mother, that he would put his family to no additional expense ;
and that, if it was necessary, he would willingly give up half
his allowance.
' Not at all — not at all, my dear boy, 5 said his father ; ' I
would rather cramp myself than that you should be cramped,
a thousand times over. But it is all my Lady Clonbrony's
nonsense. If people would but, as they ought, stay in their
own country, live on their own estates, and kill their own
mutton, money need never be wanting. 5
For killing their own mutton, Lord Colambre did not see
the indispensable necessity ; but he rejoiced to hear his father
assert that people should reside in their own country.
' Ay,' cried Lord Clonbrony, to strengthen his assertion, as
he always thought it necessary to do, by quoting some other
person's opinion. ' So Sir Terence O'Fay always says, and
that's the reason your mother can't endure poor Terry. You
don't know Terry ? No, you have only seen him ; but, indeed,
to see him is to know him ; for he is the most off-hand, good
fellow in Europe. 5
' I don't pretend to know him yet,' said Lord Colambre.
' I am not so presumptuous as to form my opinion at first
'Oh, curse your modesty ! ' interrupted Lord Clonbrony ; ' you
mean, you don't pretend to like him yet ; but Terry will make
you like him. I defy you not. I'll introduce you to him — him
to you, I mean — most warm-hearted, generous dog upon earth
— convivial — jovial — with wit and humour enough, in his own
way, to split you — split me if he has not. You need not cast
down your eyes, Colambre. "What's your objection ? '
1 1 have made none, sir ; but, if you urge me, I can only say
that, if he has all these good qualities, it is to be regretted
that he does not look and speak a little more like a gentleman.'
' A gentleman ! he is as much a gentleman as any of your
formal prigs — not the exact Cambridge cut, maybe. Curse
your English education ! 'Twas none of my advice. I
suppose you mean to take after your mother in the notion that
nothing can be good, or genteel, but what's English.'
' Far from it, sir ; I assure you, I am as warm a friend to
Ireland as your heart could wish. You will have no reason, in
that respect at least, nor, I hope, in any other, to curse my
English education ; and, if my gratitude and affection can avail,
you shall never regret the kindness and liberality with which
you have, I fear, distressed yourself to afford me the means
of becoming all that a British nobleman ought to be.'
• Gad ! you distress me now ! ' said Lord Clonbrony, ' and
I didn't expect it, or I wouldn't make a fool of myself this way,'
added he, ashamed of his emotion, and whiffling it off. 'You
have an Irish heart, that I see, which no education can spoil.
But you must like Terry. I'll give you time, as he said to me,
when first he taught me to like usquebaugh. Good morning
to you ! '
Whilst Lady Clonbrony, in consequence of her residence in
London, had become more of a fine lady, Lord Clonbrony,
since he left Ireland, had become less of a gentleman. Lady
Clonbrony, born an Englishwoman, disclaiming and disen-
cumbering herself of all the Irish in town, had, by giving
splendid entertainments, at an enormous expense, made her way
into a certain set of fashionable company. But Lord Clon-
brony, who was somebody in Ireland, who was a great person
in Dublin, found himself nobody in England, a mere cipher in
London. Looked down upon by the fine people with whom
his lady associated, and heartily weary of them, he retreated
from them altogether, and sought entertainment and self-
complacency in society beneath him — indeed, both in rank and
education, but in which he had the satisfaction of feeling him-
self the first person in company. Of these associates, the first
in talents, and in jovial profligacy, was Sir Terence O'Fay — a
H.1 I
man of low extraction, who had been knighted by an Irish
lord-lieutenant in some convivial frolic. No one could tell
a good story, or sing a good song better than Sir Terence ;
he exaggerated his native brogue, and his natural propensity
to blunder, caring little whether the company laughed at him
or with him, provided they laughed. ' Live and laugh — laugh
and live, 5 was his motto ; and certainly he lived on laughing,
as well as many better men can contrive to live on a thousand
a year.
Lord Clonbrony brought Sir Terence home with him next
day to introduce him to Lord Colambre ; and it happened
that on this occasion Terence appeared to peculiar disad-
vantage, because, like many other people, ' II gatoit l'esprit
qu'il avoit en voulant avoir celui qu'il n'avoit pas.'
Having been apprised that Lord Colambre was a fine
scholar, fresh from Cambridge, and being conscious of his
own deficiencies of literature, instead of trusting to his natural
talents, he summoned to his aid, with no small effort, all the
scraps of learning he had acquired in early days, and even
brought before the company all the gods and goddesses with
whom he had formed an acquaintance at school. Though
embarrassed by this unusual encumbrance of learning, he
endeavoured to make all subservient to his immediate design,
of paying his court to Lady Clonbrony, by forwarding the
object she had most anxiously in view — the match between her
son and Miss Broadhurst.
'And so, Miss Nugent,' said he, not daring, with all his
assurance, to address himself directly to Lady Clonbrony —
' and so, Miss Nugent, you arc going to have great doings,
I'm told, and a wonderful grand gala. There's nothing in the
wide world equal to being in a good, handsome crowd. No
later now than the last ball at the Castle — that was before I left
Dublin, Miss Nugent— the apartments, owing to the popularity
of my lady-lieutenant, was so throng — so throng — that I
remember very well, in the doorway, a lady — and a very
genteel woman she was too, though a stranger to me — saying
to me, " Sir, your finger's in my car." " I know it, madam,"
says I, " but I can't take it out till the crowd give me elbow
1 But it's gala I'm thinking of now. I hear you are to have
the golden Venus, my Lady Clonbrony, won't you ? '
• Sir ! '
This freezing monosyllable notwithstanding, Sir Terence
pursued his course fluently. ' The golden Venus ! — Sure, Miss
Nugent, you, that are so quick, can't but know I would apos-
trophise Miss Broadhurst that is, but that won't be long so, I
hope. My Lord Colambre, have you seen much yet of that
young lady ? '
' No, sir.'
' Then I hope you won't be long so. I hear great talk now
of the Venus of Medicis, and the Venus of this and that, with
the Florence Venus, and the sable Venus, and that other
Venus, that's washing of her hair, and a hundred other
Venuses, some good, some bad. But, be that as it will, my
lord, trust a fool — ye may, when he tells you truth — the
golden Venus is the only one on earth that can stand, or that
will stand, through all ages and temperatures ; for gold rules
the court, gold rules the camp, and men below, and heaven
' Heaven above ! Take care, Terry ! Do you know what
you're saying?' interrupted Lord Clonbrony.
'Do I ? Don't I ?' replied Terry. 'Deny, if you please,
my lord, that it was for a golden pippin that the three
goddesses Jit — and that the Hippomenes was about golden
apples — and did not Hercules rob a garden for golden apples ?
— and did not the pious Eneas himself take a golden branch
with him, to make himself welcome to his father in hell?'
said Sir Terence, winking at Lord Colambre.
1 Why, Terry, you know more about books than I should
have suspected,' said Lord Clonbrony.
' Nor you would not have suspected me to have such a
great acquaintance among the goddesses neither, would you,
my lord ? But, apropos, before we quit, of what material,
think ye, was that same Venus's famous girdle, now, that made
roses and lilies so quickly appear ? Why, what was it, but a
girdle of sterling gold, I'll engage ?— for gold is the only true
thing for a young man to look after in a wife.'
Sir Terence paused, but no applause ensued.
' Let them talk of Cupids and darts, and the mother of the
Loves and Graces. Minerva may sing odes and dythambrics,
or whatsoever her wisdomship pleases. Let her sing, or let
her say she'll never get a husband in this world or the other,
without she had a good thumping forlin, and then she'd go
off like wildfire.'
' No, no, Terr)', there you're out ; Minerva has too bad a
character for learning to be a favourite with gentlemen,' said
Lord Clonbrony.
' Tut — Don't tell me ! — I'd get her off before you could
say Jack Robinson, and thank you too, if she had fifty
thousand down, or a thousand a year in land. Would you
have a man so d — d nice as to balk when house and land is
a-going — a-going — a-going ! — because of the encumbrance of
a little learning ? I never heard that Miss Broadhurst was
anything of a learned lady.'
'Miss Broadhurst!' said Grace Nugent; 'how did you
get round to Miss Broadhurst ? '
' Oh ! by the way of Tipperary,' said Lord Colambre.
' I beg your pardon, my lord, it was apropos to a good
fortune, which, I hope, will not be out of your way, even if
you went by Tipperary. She has, besides ^100,000 in the
funds, a clear landed property of £ 10,000 per annum. Well /
some people talk of morality, and some of religion, but give me
a little snug PROPERTY. But, my lord, I've a little business
to transact this morning, and must not be idling and indulging
myself here.' So, bowing to the ladies, he departed.
' Really, I am glad that man is gone,' said Lady Clonbrony.
' What a relief to one's ears ! I am sure I wonder, my lord,
how you can bear to carry that strange creature always about
with you — so vulgar as he is.'
'He diverts me,' said Lord Clonbrony, 'while many of your
correct-mannered fine ladies or gentlemen put me to sleep.
What signifies what accent people speak in that have nothing
to say — hey, Colambre ? '
Lord Colambre, from respect to his father, did not express
his opinion, but his aversion to Sir Terence O'Fay was stronger
even than his mother's ; though Lady Clonbrony's detestation
of him was much increased by perceiving that his coarse
hints about Miss Broadhurst had operated against her
favourite scheme.
The next morning, at breakfast, Lord Clonbrony talked of
bringing Sir Terence with him that night to her gala. She
absolutely grew pale with horror.
' Good heavens ! Lady Langdale, Mrs. Dareville, Lady
Pococke, Lady Chatterton, Lady D , Lady G , his
Grace of V ; what would they think of him ? And Miss
Broadhurst to see him going about with my Lord Clonbrony ! '
— It could not be. No ; her ladyship made the most
solemn and desperate protestation, that she would sooner give
up her gala altogether — tie up the knocker — say she was sick
— rather be sick, or be dead, than be obliged to have such a
creature as Sir Terence O'Fay at her gala.
' Have it your own way, my dear, as you have everything
else !' cried Lord Clonbrony, taking up his hat, and preparing
to decamp ; ' but, take notice, if you won't receive him you
need not expect me. So a good morning to you, my Lady
Clonbrony. You may find a worse friend in need, yet, than
that same Sir Terence O'Fay.'
' I trust I shall never be in need, my lord,' replied her
ladyship. ' It would be strange, indeed, if I were, with the
fortune I brought.'
1 Oh ! that fortune of hers ! ' cried Lord Clonbrony, stopping
both his ears as he ran out of the room ; ' shall I never hear
the end of that fortune, when I've seen the end of it long
ago ?'
During this matrimonial dialogue, Grace Nugent and Lord
Colambre never once looked at each other. Grace was very
diligently trying the changes that could be made in the
positions of a china-mouse, a cat, a dog, a cup, and a Brahmin,
on the mantelpiece ; Lord Colambre as diligently reading the
' Now, my dear Colambre,' said Lady Clonbrony, ' put down
the paper, and listen to me. Let me entreat you not to
neglect Miss Broadhurst to-night, as I know that the family
come here chiefly on your account.'
' My dear mother, I never can neglect any deserving young
lady, and particularly one of your guests ; but I shall be careful
not to do more than not to neglect, for I never will pretend
what I do not feel.'
' But, my dear Colambre, Miss Broadhurst is everything
you could wish, except being a beauty.'
' Perhaps, madam,' said Lord Colambre, fixing his eyes on
Grace Nugent, ' you think that I can see no farther than a
handsome face ? '
The unconscious Grace Nugent now made a warm eulogium
of Miss Broadhurst's sense, and wit, and independence of
' I did not know that Miss Broadhurst was a friend of
yours, Miss Nugent ? '
' She is, I assure you, a friend of mine ; and, as a proof, I
will not praise her at this moment. I will go farther still — I
will promise that I never will praise her to you till you begin
to praise her to me.'
Lord Colambre smiled, and now listened, as if he wished
that Grace should go on speaking, even of Miss Broadhurst.
' That's my sweet Grace ! ' cried Lady Clonbrony. ' Oh !
she knows how to manage these men — not one of them can
resist her ! '
Lord Colambre, for his part, did not deny the truth of this
' Grace,' added Lady Clonbrony, ' make him promise to do
as we would have him.'
' No ; promises are dangerous things to ask or to give,'
said Grace. ' Men and naughty children never make promises,
especially promises to be good, without longing to break them
the next minute.'
' Well, at least, child, persuade him, I charge you, to make
my gala go off well. That's the first thing we ought to think
of now. Ring the bell ! And all heads and hands I put in
requisition for the gala.'
The opening of her gala, the display of her splendid reception-
rooms, the Turkish tent, the Alhambra, the pagoda, formed a
proud moment to Lady Clonbrony. Much did she enjoy, and
much too naturally, notwithstanding all her efforts to be stiff
and stately, much too naturally did she show her enjoyment
of the surprise excited in some and affected by others on their
first entrance.
One young, very young lady expressed her astonishment so
audibly as to attract the notice of all the bystanders. Lady
Clonbrony, delighted, seized both her hands, shook them, and
laughed heartily ; then, as the young lady with her party
passed on, her ladyship recovered herself, drew up her head,
and said to the company near her —
' Poor thing ! I hope I covered her little naivete properly ?
How new she must be !'
Then, with well-practised dignity, and half-subdued self-
complacency of aspect, her ladyship went gliding about — most
importantly busy, introducing my lady this to the sphynx
candelabra, and my lady that to the Trebisond trellice ; placing
some delightfully for the perspective of the Alhambra ;
establishing others quite to her satisfaction on seraglio ottomans ;
and honouring others with a seat under the statira canopy.
Receiving and answering compliments from successive crowds
of select friends, imagining herself the mirror of fashion, and
the admiration of the whole world, Lady Clonbrony was, for
her hour, as happy certainly as ever woman was in similar
Her son looked at her, and wished that this happiness could
last. Naturally inclined to sympathy, Lord Colambre re-
proached himself for not feeling as gay at this instant as the
occasion required. But the festive scene, the blazing lights,
the ' universal hubbub,' failed to raise his spirits. As a dead
weight upon them hung the remembrance of Mordicai's
denunciations ; and, through the midst of this Eastern magnifi-
cence, this unbounded profusion, he thought he saw future
domestic misery and ruin to those he loved best in the world.
The only object present on which his eye rested with
pleasure was Grace Nugent. Beautiful — in elegant and
dignified simplicity — thoughtless of herself — yet with a look
of thought, and with an air of melancholy, which accorded
exactly with his own feelings, and which he believed to arise
from the same reflections that had passed in his own mind.
' Miss Broadhurst, Colambre ! all the Broadhursts ! ' said
his mother, wakening him, as she passed by, to receive them
as they entered. Miss Broadhurst appeared, plainly dressed —
plainly, even to singularity — without any diamonds or ornament.
' Brought Philippa to you, my dear Lady Clonbrony, this
figure, rather than not bring her at all,' said puffing Mrs.
Broadhurst ; ' and had all the difficulty in the world to get her
out at all, and now I've promised she shall stay but half an
hour. Sore throat — terrible cold she took in the morning. I'll
swear for her, she'd not have come for any one but you.'
The young lady did not seem inclined to swear, or even to
say this for herself; she stood wonderfully unconcerned and
passive, with an expression of humour lurking in her eyes, and
about the corners of her mouth ; whilst Lady Clonbrony was
'shocked,' and 'gratified,' and 'concerned,' and 'flattered';
and whilst everybody was hoping, and fearing, and busying
themselves about her — ' Miss Broadhurst, you'd better sit
here ! '— ' Oh, for Heaven's sake ! Miss Broadhurst, not there ! '
' Miss Broadhurst, if you'll take my opinion ; ' and ' Miss
Broadhurst, if I may advise '
' Grace Nugent ! ' cried Lady Clonbrony — ' Miss Broadhurst
always listens to you. Do, my dear, persuade Miss Broadhurst
to take care of herself, and let us take her to the inner little
pagoda, where she can be so warm and so retired — the very
thing for an invalid. Colambre ! pioneer the way for us, for
the crowd's immense.'
Lady Anne and Lady Catharine H , Lady Langdale's
daughters, were at this time leaning on Miss Nugent's arm,
and moved along with this party to the inner pagoda. There
was to be cards in one room, music in another, dancing in a
third, and, in this little room, there were prints and chess-
boards, etc.
' Here you will be quite to yourselves,' said Lady Clonbrony ;
* let me establish you comfortably in this, which I call my
sanctuary — my snuggery — Colambre, that little table ! — Miss
Broadhurst, you play chess ? Colambre, you'll play with Miss
Broadhurst '
'I thank your ladyship,' said Miss Broadhurst, 'but I
know nothing of chess, but the moves. Lady Catharine, you
will play, and I will look on.'
Miss Broadhurst drew her seat to the fire ; Lady Catharine
sat down to play with Lord Colambre ; Lady Clonbrony with-
drew, again recommending Miss Broadhurst to Grace Nugent's
care. After some commonplace conversation, Lady Anne
H , looking at the company in the adjoining apartment,
asked her sister how old Miss Somebody was, who passed by.
This led to reflections upon the comparative age and youthful
appearance of several of their acquaintance, and upon the care
with which mothers concealed the age of their daughters.
Glances passed between Lady Catharine and Lady Anne.
' For my part,' said Miss Broadhurst, ' my mother would
labour that point of secrecy in vain for me ; for I am willing
to tell my age, even if my face did not tell it for me, to all
whom it may concern. I am past three-and-twenty — shall
be four-and-twenty the 5th of next July.'
' Three-and-twenty ! Bless me ! I thought you were not
twenty ! ' cried Lady Anne.
' Four-and-twenty next July ! — impossible ! ' cried Lady
' Very possible,' said Miss Broadhurst, quite unconcerned.
' Now, Lord Colambre, would you believe it ? Can you
believe it ? ' asked Lady Catharine.
'Yes, he can,' said Miss Broadhurst. ' Don't you see that
he believes it as firmly as you and I do ? Why should you
force his lordship to pay a compliment contrary to his better
judgment, or to extort a smile from him under false pretences ?
I am sure he sees that you, ladies, and I trust he perceives
that I, do not think the worse of him for this.'
Lord Colambre smiled now without any false pretence ;
and, relieved at once from all apprehension of her joining in
his mother's views, or of her expecting particular attention from
him, he became at ease with Miss Broadhurst, showed a desire
to converse with her, and listened eagerly to what she said.
He recollected that Grace Nugent had told him that this
young lady had no common character ; and, neglecting his
move at chess, he looked up at Grace as much as to say,
'•Draw her out, pray.'
But Grace was too good a friend to comply with that
request ; she left Miss Broadhurst to unfold her own character.
' It is your move, my lord,' said Lady Catharine.
' I beg your ladyship's pardon '
' Are not these rooms beautiful, Miss Broadhurst ? ' said
Lady Catharine, determined, if possible, to turn the conversa-
tion into a commonplace, safe channel ; for she had just felt,
what most of Miss Broadhurst's acquaintance had in their turn
felt, that she had an odd way of startling people, by setting
their own secret little motives suddenly before them.
' Are not these rooms beautiful ? '
' Beautiful ! — Certainly.'
The beauty of the rooms would have answered Lady
Catharine's purpose for some time, had not Lady Anne impru-
dently brought the conversation back again to Miss Broad-
' Do you know, Miss Broadhurst,' said she, ' that if I had
fifty sore throats, I could not have refrained from my diamonds
on this GALA night ; and such diamonds as you have ! Now,
really, I could not believe you to be the same person we saw
blazing at the opera the other night ! '
' Really ! could not you, Lady Anne ? That is the very
thing that entertains me. I only wish that I could lay aside
my fortune sometimes, as well as my diamonds, and see how-
few people would know me then. Might not I, Grace, by the
golden rule, which, next to practice, is the best rule in the
world, calculate and answer that question ? '
' I am persuaded,' said Lord Colambre, ' that Miss Broad-
hurst has friends on whom the experiment would make no
' I am convinced of it,' said Miss Broadhurst ; 'and that is
what makes me tolerably happy, though I have the misfortune
to be an heiress.'
' That is the oddest speech,' said Lady Anne. • Now I
should so like to be a great heiress, and to have, like you, such
thousands and thousands at command.'
'And what can the thousands upon thousands do forme?
Hearts, you know, Lady Anne, are to be won only by radiant
eyes. Bought hearts your ladyship certainly would not recom-
mend. They're such poor things — no wear at all. Turn them
which way you will, you can make nothing of them.'
' You've tried then, have you ? ' said Lady Catharine.
' To my cost. Very nearly taken in by them half a dozen
times ; for they are brought to me by dozens ; and they are so
made up for sale, and the people do so swear to you that it's
real, real love, and it looks so like it ; and, if you stoop to
examine it, you hear it pressed upon you by such elegant
oaths — By all that's lovely ! — By all my hopes of happiness !
— By your own charming self ! Why, what can one do but
look like a fool, and believe ; for these men, at the time, all
look so like gentlemen, that one cannot bring oneself flatly to
tell them that they are cheats and swindlers, that they are
perjuring their precious souls. Besides, to call a lover a
perjured creature is to encourage him. He would have a
right to complain if you went back after that.'
'Oh dear ! what a move was there !' cried Lady Catharine.
' Miss Broadhurst is so entertaining to-night, notwithstanding
her sore throat, that one can positively attend to nothing else.
And she talks of love and lovers too with such connoissance
defeat — counts her lovers by dozens, tied up in true-lovers' knots !'
' Lovers ! — no, no ! Did I say lovers ? — suitors I should
have said. There's nothing less like a lover, a true lover,
than a suitor, as all the world knows, ever since the days of
Penelope. Dozens ! — never had a lover in my life ! And
fear, with much reason, I never shall have one to my mind.'
' My lord, you've given up the game,' cried Lady Catharine ;
' but you make no battle.'
' It would be so vain to combat against your ladyship,' said
Lord Colambre, rising, and bowing politely to Lady Catharine,
but turning the next instant to converse with Miss Broadhurst.
' But when I talked of liking to be an heiress,' said Lady
Anne, ' I was not thinking of lovers.'
' Certainly. One is not always thinking of lovers, you know,'
added Lady Catharine.
1 Not always,' replied Miss Broadhurst. ' Well, lovers out
of the question on all sides, what would your ladyship buy with
the thousands upon thousands ? '
' Oh, everything, if I were you,' said Lady Anne.
' Rank, to begin with,' said Lady Catharine.
' Still my old objection — bought rank is but a shabby thing.'
' But there is so little difference made between bought and
hereditary rank in these days,' said Lady Catharine.
' I see a great deal still,' said Miss Broadhurst ; ' so much,
that I would never buy a title.'
'A title without birth, to be sure,' said Lady Anne, 'would
not be so well worth buying ; and as birth certainly is not to
be bought — ■ — '
'And even birth, were it to be bought, I would not buy,'
said Miss Broadhurst, 'unless I could be sure to have with it
all the politeness, all the noble sentiments, all the magnanimity
— in short, all that should grace and dignify high birth.'
' Admirable ! ' said Lord Colambre. Grace Nugent smiled.
' Lord Colambre, will you have the goodness to put my
mother in mind I must go away ? '
' I am bound to obey, but I am very sorry for it,' said his
' Are we to have any dancing to-night, I wonder ? ' said Lady
Catharine. ' Miss Nugent, I am afraid we have made Miss
Broadhurst talk so much, in spite of her hoarseness, that Lady
Clonbrony will be quite angry with us. And here she comes ! '
My Lady Clonbrony came to hope, to beg, that Miss Broad-
hurst would not think of running away ; but Miss Broad-
hurst could not be prevailed upon to stay. Lady Clonbrony
was delighted to see that her son assisted Grace Nugent most
carefully in sJiawling Miss Broadhurst ; his lordship conducted
her to her carriage, and his mother drew many happy auguries
from the gallantry of his manner, and from the young lady's
having stayed three-quarters, instead of half an hour — a circum-
stance which Lady Catharine did not fail to remark.
The dancing, which, under various pretences, Lady Clon-
brony had delayed till Lord Colambre was at liberty, began
immediately after Miss Broadhurst's departure ; and the
chalked mosaic pavement of the Alhambra was, in a few
minutes, effaced by the dancers' feet. How transient are all
human joys, especially those of vanity ! Even on this long
meditated, this long desired, this gala night, Lady Clonbrony
found her triumph incomplete — inadequate to her expectations.
For the first hour all had been compliment, success, and smiles ;
presently came the buts, and the hesitated objections, and the
' damning with faint praise.' All that could be borne. Every-
body has his taste — and one person's taste is as good as
another's; and while she had Mr. Soho to cite, Lady Clonbrony
thought she might be well satisfied. But she could not be
satisfied with Colonel Heathcock, who, dressed in black, had
stretched his ' fashionable length of limb ' under the statira
canopy upon the snow-white swan-down couch. When, after
having monopolised attention, and been the subject of much
bad wit, about black swans and rare birds, and swans being
geese and geese being swans, the colonel condescended to
.rise, and, as Mrs. Dareville said, to vacate his couch, that
couch was no longer white— the black impression of the colonel
remained on the sullied snow.
' Eh, now ! really didn't recollect I was in black,' was all
the apology he made. Lady Clonbrony was particularly vexed
that the appearance of the statira canopy should be spoiled
before the effect had been seen by Lady Pococke, and Lady
Chatterton, and Lady G , Lady P , and the Duke of
V , and a party of superlative fashionables, who had
promised to look in upon her, but who, late as it was, had not
yet arrived. They came in at last. But Lady Clonbrony had
no reason to regret for their sake the statira couch. It would
have been lost upon them, as was everything else which she
had prepared with so much pains and cost to excite their
admiration. They came resolute not to admire. Skilled in
the art of making others unhappy, they just looked round with
an air of apathy. 'Ah! you've had Soho! — Soho has done
wonders for you here ! — Vastly well ! — Vastly well !- — Soho's
very clever in his way ! '
Others of great importance came in, full of some slight
accident that had happened to themselves, or their horses, or
their carriages ; and, with privileged selfishness, engrossed the
attention of all within their sphere of conversation. Well,
Lady Clonbrony got over all this, and got over the history of
a letter about a chimney that was on fire, a week ago, at the
Duke of V 's old house, in Brecknockshire. In gratitude
for the smiling patience with which she listened to him, his
Grace of V fixed his glass to look at the Alhambra, and
I2 5
had just pronounced it to be ' Well ! — very well ! ' when the
Dowager Lady Chatterton made a terrible discovery — a dis-
covery that filled Lady Clonbrony with astonishment and in-
dignation — Mr. Soho had played her false ! What was her
mortification when the dowager assured her that these
identical Alhambra hangings had not only been shown by Mr.
Soho to the Duchess of Torcaster, but that her grace had had
the refusal of them, and had actually rejected them, in conse-
quence of Sir Horace Grant the great traveller's objecting to
some of the proportions of the pillars. Soho had engaged to
make a new set, vastly improved, by Sir Horace's suggestions,
for her Grace of Torcaster.
Now Lady Chatterton was the greatest talker extant ; and
she went about the rooms telling everybody of her acquaint-
ance — and she was acquainted with everybody — how shame-
fully Soho had imposed upon poor Lady Clonbrony, protesting
she could not forgive the man. ' For,' said she, ' though the
Duchess of Torcaster has been his constant customer for ages,
and his patroness, and all that, yet this does not excuse him — ■
and Lady Clonbrony's being a stranger, and from Ireland,
makes the thing worse.' From Ireland ! — that was the
unkindest cut of all — but there was no remedy.
In vain poor Lady Clonbrony followed the dowager about
the rooms, to correct this mistake, and to represent, in justice
to Mr. Soho, though he had used her so ill, that he knew she
was an Englishwoman. The dowager was deaf, and no
whisper could reach her ear. And when Lady Clonbrony was
obliged to bawl an explanation in her ear, the dowager only
repeated — ■
' In justice to Mr. Soho ! — No, no ; he has not done you
justice, my dear Lady Clonbrony ! and I'll expose him to
everybody. Englishwoman! — no, no, no! — Soho could not
take you for an Englishwoman ! '
All who secretly envied or ridiculed Lady Clonbrony
enjoyed this scene. The Alhambra hangings, which had been,
in one short hour before, the admiration of the world, were
now regarded by every eye with contempt, as cast hangings,
and every tongue was busy declaiming against Mr. Soho ;
everybody declared that, from the first, the want of proportion
had 'struck them, but that they would not mention it till
others found it out.'
People usually revenge themselves for having admired too
much, by afterwards despising and depreciating without mercy
— in all great assemblies the perception of ridicule is quickly
caught, and quickly too revealed. Lady Clonbrony, even in
her own house, on her gala night, became an object of ridicule — ■
decently masked, indeed, under the appearance of condolence
with her ladyship, and of indignation against ' that abominable
Mr. Soho ! '
Lady Langdale, who was now, for reasons of her own, upon
her good behaviour, did penance, as she said, for her former
imprudence, by abstaining even from whispered sarcasms.
She looked on with penitential gravity, said nothing herself,
and endeavoured to keep Mrs. Dareville in order ; but that was
no easy task. Mrs. Dareville had no daughters, had nothing
to gain from the acquaintance of my Lady Clonbrony ; and,
conscious that her ladyship would bear a vast deal from her
presence, rather than forego the honour of her sanction, Mrs.
Dareville, without any motives of interest, or good -nature of
sufficient power to restrain her talent and habit of ridicule, free from
hope or fear, gave full scope to all the malice of mockery, and
all the insolence of fashion. Her slings and arrows, numerous
as they were and outrageous, were directed against such petty
objects, and the mischief was so quick, in its aim and its
operation, that, felt but not seen, it is scarcely possible to
register the hits, or to describe the nature of the wounds.
Some hits sufficiently palpable, however, were recorded for
the advantage of posterity. When Lady Clonbrony led her to
look at the Chinese pagoda, the lady paused, with her foot on
the threshold, as if afraid to enter this porcelain Elysium, as
she called it — Fool's Paradise, she would have said ; and, by
her hesitation, and by the half-pronounced word, suggested the
idea — ' None but belles without petticoats can enter here,' said
she, drawing her clothes tight round her ; ' fortunately, I have
but two, and Lady Langdale has but one.' Prevailed upon to
venture in, she walked on with prodigious care and trepidation,
affecting to be alarmed at the crowd of strange forms and
monsters by which she was surrounded.
' Not a creature here that I ever saw before in nature !
Well, now 1 may boast I've been in a real Chinese pagoda ! '
'Why yes, everything is appropriate here, I natter myself,'
said Lady Clonbrony.
'And how good of you, my dear Lady Clonbrony, in
defiance of bulls and blunders, to allow us a comfortable
English fireplace and plenty of Newcastle coal, in China ! —
And a white marble — no ! white velvet hearthrug, painted
with beautiful flowers — oh, the delicate, the useful thing ! '
Vexed by the emphasis on the word useful, Lady Clonbrony
endeavoured to turn off the attention of the company. ' Lady
Langdale, your ladyship's a judge of china — this vase is an
unique, I am told.'
' I am told,' interrupted Mrs. Dareville, ' this is the very
vase in which B , the nabob's father, who was, you know,
a China captain, smuggled his dear little Chinese wife and all
her fortune out of Canton — positively, actually put the lid on,
packed her up, and sent her off on shipboard ! — True ! true !
upon my veracity ! I'll tell you my authority ! '
With this story Mrs. Dareville drew all attention from the
jar, to' Lady Clonbrony's infinite mortification.
Lady Langdale at length turned to look at a vast range of
china jars.
• Ali Baba and the forty thieves ! ' exclaimed Mrs. Dareville ;
' I hope you have boiling oil ready ! '
Lady Clonbrony was obliged to laugh, and to vow that
Mrs. Dareville was uncommon pleasant to-night. ' But now,'
said her ladyship, ' let me take you on to the Turkish
Having with great difficulty got the malicious wit out of
the pagoda and into the Turkish tent, Lady Clonbrony began
to breathe more freely ; for here she thought she was upon
safe ground : ' Everything, I flatter myself,' said she, ' is
correct and appropriate, and quite picturesque.' The com-
pany, dispersed in happy groups, or reposing on seraglio
ottomans, drinking lemonade and sherbet — beautiful Fatimas
admiring, or being admired— ' Everything here quite correct,
appropriate, and picturesque,' repeated Mrs. Dareville.
This lady's powers as a mimic were extraordinary, and she
found them irresistible. Hitherto she had imitated Lady
Clonbrony's air and accent only behind her back ; but, bolder
grown, she now ventured, in spite of Lady Langdale's warning
pinches, to mimic her kind hostess before her face, and to
her face. Now, whenever Lady Clonbrony saw anything
that struck her fancy in the dress of her fashionable friends,
she had a way of hanging her head aside, and saying, with a
peculiar sentimental drawl —
' How pretty ! — how elegant ! Now that quite suits my
teeste / This phrase, precisely in the same accent, and
' " How fretty i—haw elegant .' Now that quite suits my teeste ! "'
with the head set to the same angle of affectation, Mrs.
Dareville had the assurance to address to her ladyship, apropos
to something which she pretended to admire in Lady
Clonbrony's costume — a costume which, excessively fashionable
in each of its parts, was, all together, so extraordinarily
unbecoming as to be fit for a print-shop. The perception of
129 K
this, added to the effect of Mrs. Dareville's mimicry, was
almost too much for Lady Langdale ; she could not possibly
have stood it, but for the appearance of Miss Nugent at this
instant behind Lady Clonbrony. Grace gave one glance of
indignation which seemed suddenly to strike Mrs. Dareville.
Silence for a moment ensued, and afterwards the tone of the
conversation was changed.
' Salisbury ! — explain this to me,' said a lady, drawing Mr.
Salisbury aside. ' If you are in the secret, do explain this to
me ; for unless I had seen it, I could not have believed it.
Nay, though I have seen it, I do not believe it. How was that
daring spirit laid ? By what spell ? ;
' By the spell which superior minds always cast on inferior
' Very fine,' said the lady, laughing, ' but as old as the days
of Leonora de Galigai, quoted a million times. Now tell me
something new and to the purpose, and better suited to
modern days.'
' Well, then, since you will not allow me to talk of superior
minds in the present days, let me ask you if you have never
observed that a wit, once conquered in company by a wit of a
higher order, is thenceforward in complete subjection to the
conqueror, whenever and wherever they meet.'
' You would not persuade me that yonder gentle-looking
girl could ever be a match for the veteran Mrs. Dareville ?
She may have the wit, but has she the courage ? '
' Yes ; no one has more courage, more civil courage, where
her own dignity, or the interests of her friends are concerned.
I will tell you an instance or two to-morrow.'
'To-morrow ! — To-night ! — tell it me now. - '
' Not a safe place.'
' The safest in the world, in such a crowd as this.
Follow my example. Take a glass of orgeat — sip from time
to time, thus — speak low, looking innocent all the while
straight forward, or now and then up at the lamps — keep on in
an even tone — use no names — and you may tell anything.'
'Well, then, when Miss Nugent first came to London,
Lady Langdale '
' Two names already — did not I warn ye ? '
' But how can I make myself intelligible ? '
' Initials — can't you use — or genealogy ? What stops you V
— It is only Lord Colambre, a very safe person, I have a
notion, when the eulogium is of Grace Nugent.'
Lord Colambre, who had now performed his arduous duties
as a dancer, and had disembarrassed himself of all his partners,
came into the Turkish tent just at this moment to refresh
himself, and just in time to hear Mr. Salisbury's anecdotes.
' Now go on.'
' Lady Langdale, you know, sets an inordinate value upon
her curtsies in public, and she used to treat Miss Nugent, as
her ladyship treats many other people, sometimes noticing,
and sometimes pretending not to know her, according to the
company she happened to be with. One day they met in some
fine company — Lady Langdale looked as if she was afraid of
committing herself by a curtsy. Miss Nugent waited for a
good opportunity ; and, when all the world was silent, leant
forward, and called to Lady Langdale, as if she had something
to communicate of the greatest consequence, skreening her
whisper with her hand, as in an aside on the stage,— 'Lady
Langdale, you may curtsy to me now — nobody is looking.'
'The retort courteous!' said Lord Colambre- -' the only
retort for a woman.'
'And her ladyship deserved it so well. But Mrs. Dareville,
what happened about her ? '
' Mrs. Dareville, you remember, some years ago, went to
Ireland with some lady-lieutenant to whom she was related.
There she was most hospitably received by Lord and Lady
Clonbrony — went to their country house — was as intimate with
Lady Clonbrony and with Miss Nugent as possible — stayed at
Clonbrony Castle for a month ; and yet, when Lady Clonbrony
came to London, never took the least notice of her. At last,
meeting at the house of a common friend, Mrs. Dareville could
not avoid recognising her ladyship ; but, even then, did it in
the least civil manner and most cursory style possible. ' Ho !
Lady Clonbrony ! — didn't know you were in England ! — When
did you come ? — How long shall you stay in town ? — Hope,
before you leave England, your ladyship and Miss Nugent
will give us a day ? ' A day .' — Lady Clonbrony was so
astonished by this impudence of ingratitude, that she hesitated
how to take it; but Miss Nugent, quite coolly, and with a
smile, answered, ' A day ! — certainly— to you, who gave us a
month ! '
' Admirable ! Now I comprehend perfectly why Mrs.
Dareville declines insulting Miss Nugent's friends in her
presence.' . -
' " Lady Latlgdale, you may curtsy to me now — nobody is looking' "
Copyright 1804 *>' Macmillcm &■ Co.
Lord Colambre said nothing, but thought much. ' How I
wish my mother,' thought he, ' had some of Grace Nugent's
proper pride ! She would not then waste her fortune, spirits,
health, and life, in courting such people as these.'
*3 2
He had not seen — he could not have borne to have beheld
— the manner in which his mother had been treated by some
of her guests ; but he observed that she now looked harassed
and vexed ; and he was provoked and mortified by hearing
her begging and beseeching some of these saucy leaders of the
ton to oblige her, to do her the favour, to do her the honour,
to stay to supper. It was just ready — actually announced.
' No, they would not — they could not ; they were obliged to
run away — engaged to the Duchess of Torcaster.'
' Lord Colambre, what is the matter ? ' said Miss Nugent,
going up to him, as he stood aloof and indignant : ' Don't look
so like a chafed lion ; others may perhaps read your counten-
ance as well as I do.'
'None can read my mind so well,' replied he. 'Oh, my
dear Grace ! '
' Supper ! — supper ! ' cried she ; ' your duty to your
neighbour, your hand to your partner.'
Lady Catharine, as they went downstairs to supper, observed
that Miss Nugent had not been dancing, that she had kept
quite in the background all night — quite in the shade.
' Those,' said Lord Colambre, ' who are contented in the
shade are the best able to bear the light ; and I am not
surprised that one so interesting in the background should
not desire to be the foremost figure in a piece.'
The supper room, fitted up at great expense, with scenery to
imitate Vauxhall, opened into a superb greenhouse, lighted
with coloured lamps, a band of music at a distance — every
delicacy, every luxury that could gratify the senses, appeared
in profusion. The company ate and drank — enjoyed them-
selves — went away — and laughed at their hostess. Some,
indeed, who thought they had been neglected, were in too bad
humour to laugh, but abused her in sober earnest ; for Lady
Clonbrony had offended half, nay, three-quarters of her guests,
by what they termed her exclusive attention to those very
leaders of the ton, from whom she had suffered so much, and
who had made it obvious to all that they thought they did her
too much honour in appearing at her gala. So ended the
gala for which she had lavished such sums ; for which she had
laboured so indefatigably ; and from which she had expected
such triumph.
' Colambre, bid the musicians stop ; they are playing to
empty benches,' said Lady Clonbrony. ' Grace, my dear, will
you see that these lamps are safely put out ? I am so tired,
so worn out, I must go to bed ; and I am sure I have caught
cold too ! What a nervous business it is to manage these
things ! I wonder how one gets through it, or why one
does it 1 ;
Lady Cloxbronv was taken ill the day after her gala ; she had
caught cold by standing, when much overheated, in a violent
draught of wind, paying her parting compliments to the I
of V . who thought her a and wished her in heaven
all the time for keeping his horses standing. Her ladyship's
illness was severe and long ; she was confined to her room for
some weeks by a rheumatic fever, and an inflammation in her c
Even- day, when Lord Colambre went to see his mother, he
found Miss Nugent in her apartment, and even* hour he found
fresh reason to admire this charming girl. The affectionate
tenderness, the indefatigable patience, the strong attachment
she showed for her aunt, actua . Lady Clonbrony in her
son's opinion. He was persuaded she must surely have some
good or great qualities, or she could not have excited such
strong affection. A few foibles out of the question, such as her
love of fine people, her affectation of being English, and other
affectations too tedious to mention. Lady Clonbrony was re
a good woman, had good principles, moral and religious, and,
selfishness not immediately interfering, she was good-natured :
and though her soul and attention were so completely absorbed
in the duties of acquaintanceship that she did not know it, she
really had affections — they were concentrated upon a few near
relations. She was extremely fond and extremely proud of
her son. Next to her son. she was fonder of her niece than
of any other creature. She had received Grace Nugent into
her family when she was left an orphan, and deserted by some
of her other relations. She had bred her up, and had treated
her with constant kindness. This kindness and these obliga-
tions had raised the warmest gratitude in Miss Nugent's heart :
and it was the strong principle of gratitude which rendered her
capable of endurance and exertions seemingly far above her
strength. This young lady was not of a robust appearance,
though she now underwent extraordinary fatigue. Her aunt
could scarcely bear that she should leave her for a moment :
she could not close her eyes unless Grace sat up with her
many hours every night. Night after night she bore this
fatigue ; and yet, with little sleep or rest, she preserved her
health, at least supported her spirits ; and every morning,
when Lord Colambre came into his mother's room, he saw
Miss Nugent look as blooming as if she had enjoyed the most
refreshing sleep. The bloom was, as he observed, not
permanent ; it came and went, with every emotion of her
feeling heart ; and he soon learned to fancy her almost as
handsome when she was pale as when she had a colour. He
had thought her beautiful when he beheld her in all the
radiance of light, and with all the advantages of dress at the
gala, but he found her infinitely more lovely and interesting
now, when he saw her in a sick-room — a half-darkened chamber
— where often he could but just discern her form, or distinguish
her, except by her graceful motion as she passed, or when,
but for a moment, a window-curtain drawn aside let the sun
shine upon her face, or on the unadorned ringlets of her hair.
Much must be allowed for an inflammation in the eyes, and
something for a rheumatic fever ; yet it may seem strange
that Lady Clonbrony should be so blind and deaf as neither to
see nor hear all this time ; that, having lived so long in the
world, it should never occur to her that it was rather imprudent
to have a young lady, not eighteen, nursing her— and such a
young lady ! — when her son, not one-and-twenty — and such a
son ! — came to visit her daily. But, so it was. Lady
Clonbrony knew nothing of love — she had read of it, indeed,
in novels, which sometimes for fashion's sake she had looked
at, and over which she had been obliged to doze ; but this was
only love in books — love in real life she had never met with —
in the life she led, how should she ? She had heard of its
making young people, and old people even, do foolish things ;
but those were foolish people ; and if they were worse than
foolish, why it was shocking, and nobody visited them. But
Lady Clonbrony had not, for her own part, the slightest notion
how people could be brought to this pass, nor how anybody
out of Bedlam could prefer to a good house, a decent equipage,
and a proper establishment, what is called love in a cottage.
As to Colambre, she had too good an opinion of his under-
1 For a moment, a window-curtain drawn aside let ihc sun shine upon kerjace. '
standing — to say nothing of his duty to his family, his pride,
his rank, and his being her son — to let such an idea cross her
imagination. As to her niece ; in the first place, she was her
niece, and first cousins should never marry, because they form
no new connexions to strengthen the family interest, or raise
its consequence. This doctrine her ladyship had repeated
for years so often and so dogmatically, that she conceived it to be
incontrovertible, and of as full force as any law of the land, or
as any moral or religious obligation. She would as soon have
suspected her niece of an intention of stealing her diamond
necklace as of purloining Colambre's heart, or marrying this
heir of the house of Clonbrony.
Miss Nugent was so well apprised, and so thoroughly con-
vinced of all this, that she never for one moment allowed
herself to think of Lord Colambre as a lover. Duty, honour,
and gratitude — gratitude, the strong feeling and principle of
her mind — forbade it ; she had so prepared and habituated
herself to consider him as a person with whom she could not
possibly be united that, with perfect ease and simplicity, she
behaved towards him exactly as if he was her brother — not in
the equivocating sentimental romance style in which ladies
talk of treating men as their brothers, whom they are all the
time secretly thinking of and endeavouring to please as lovers
— not using this phrase as a convenient pretence, a safe mode
of securing herself from suspicion or scandal, and of enjoying
the advantages of confidence and the intimacy of friendship,
till the propitious moment, when it should be time to declare
or avow the secret of the. Jieart. No ; this young lady was
quite above all double-dealing ; she had no mental reservation
— no metaphysical subtleties — but, with plain, unsophisticated
morality, in good faith and simple truth, acted as she pro-
fessed, thought what she said, and was that which she seemed
to be.
As soon as Lady Clonbrony was able to see anybody, her
niece sent to Mrs. Broadhurst, who was very intimate with the
family ; she used to come frequently, almost every evening, to
sit with the invalid. Miss Broadhurst accompanied her
mother, for she did not like to go out with any other chaperon
— it was disagreeable to spend her time alone at home, and
most agreeable to spend it with her friend Miss Nugent. In
this she had no design, no coquetry ; Miss Broadhurst had too
lofty and independent a spirit to stoop to coquetry : she thought
that, in their interview at the gala, she understood Lord
Colambre, and that he understood her — that he was not
inclined to court her for her fortune — that she would not be
content with any suitor who was not a lover. She was two
or three years older than Lord Colambre, perfectly aware of
her want of beauty, yet with a just sense of her own merit, and
of what was becoming and due to the dignity of her sex. This,
she trusted, was visible in her manners, and established in
Lord Colambre's mind ; so that she ran no risk of being
misunderstood by him ; and as to what the rest of the world
thought, she was so well used to hear weekly and daily reports
of her going to be married to fifty different people, that she
cared little for what was said on this subject. Indeed,
conscious of rectitude, and with an utter contempt for mean
and commonplace gossiping, she was, for a woman, and
a young woman, rather too disdainful of the opinion of the
world. Mrs. Broadhurst, though her daughter had fully
explained herself respecting Lord Colambre, before she began
this course of visiting, yet rejoiced that, even on this footing,
there should be constant intercourse between them. It was
Mrs. Broadhurst's warmest wish that her daughter should
obtain rank, and connect herself with an ancient family : she
was sensible that the young lady's being older than the gentle-
man might be an obstacle ; and very sorry she was to find
that her daughter had so impmdently, so unnecessarily, declared
her age ; but still this little obstacle might be overcome ; much
greater difficulties in the marriage of inferior heiresses were
every day got over, and thought nothing of. Then, as to the
young lady's own sentiments, her mother knew them better
than she did herself ; she understood her daughter's pride, that
she dreaded to be made an object of bargain and sale ; but
Mrs. Broadhurst, who, with all her coarseness of mind, had
rather a better notion of love matters than Lady Clonbrony,
perceived, through her daughter's horror of being offered to
Lord Colambre, through her anxiety that nothing approaching
to an advance on the part of her family should be made, that
if Lord Colambre should himself advance, he would stand a
better chance of being accepted than any other of the numerous
persons who had yet aspired to the favour of this heiress. The
very circumstance of his having paid no court to her at first,
operated in his favour ; for it proved that he was not mercenary,
and that, whatever attention he might afterwards show, she
must be sure would be sincere and disinterested.
'And now, let them but see one another in this easy,
intimate kind of way, and you will find, my dear Lady Clon-
brony, things will gt> on of their own accord, all the better for our
— minding our cards — and never minding anything else. I
remember, when I was young — but let that pass — let the young
people see one another, and manage their own affairs their own
way — let them be together — that's all I say. Ask half the
men you are acquainted with why they married, and their
answer, if they speak truth, will be: "Because I met Miss
such-a-one at such a place, and we were continually together."
Propinquity! propinquity! — as my father used to say —
and he was married five times, and twice to heiresses.'
In consequence of this plan of leaving things to themsel
every evening Lady Clonbrony made out her own little card-
table with Mrs. Broadhurst, and a Mr. and Miss Piatt, a
brother and sister, who were the most obliging, convenient
neighbours imaginable. From time to time, as Lady Clonbrony
gathered up her cards, she would direct an inquiring glance to
the group of young people at the other table ; whilst the more
prudent Mrs. Broadhurst sat plump with her back to them,
pursing up her lips, and contracting her brows in token of
deep calculation, looking down impenetrable at her cards,
never even noticing Lady Clonbrony's glances, but inquiring
from her partner, ' How many they were by honours ? '
The young party generally consisted of Miss Broadhurst,
Lord Colambre, Miss Nugent, and her admirer, Mr. Salisbury.
Mr. Salisbury was a middle-aged gentleman, very agreeable,
and well informed ; he had travelled ; had seen a great
deal of the world ; had lived in the best company ; had
acquired what is called good tact ; was full of anecdote, not
mere gossiping anecdotes that lead to nothing, but anecdotes
characteristic of national manners, of human nature in general,
or of those illustrious individuals who excite public curiosity
and interest. Miss Nugent had seen him always in large
companies, where he was admired for his scavoir-7'ivn\ and for
his entertaining anecdotes, but where he had no opportunity of
producing any of the higher powers of his understanding, or
showing character. She found that Mr. Salisbury appeared to
her quite a different person when conversing with Lord
Colambre. Lord Colambre, with that ardent thirst for know-
ledge which it is always agreeable to gratify, had an air of
openness and generosity, a frankness, a warmth of manner,
which, with good breeding, but with something beyond it and
superior to its established forms, irresistibly won the confidence
and attracted the affection of those with whom he conversed.
His manners were peculiarly agreeable to a person like Mr.
Salisbury, tired of the sameness and egotism of men of the
Miss Nugent had seldom till now had the advantage of
hearing much conversation on literary subjects. In the life
she had been compelled to lead she had acquired accomplish-
ments, had exercised her understanding upon everything
that passed before her, and from circumstances had formed
her judgment and her taste by observations on real life ; but
the ample page of knowledge had never been unrolled to her
eyes. She had never had opportunities of acquiring literature
herself, but she admired it in others, particularly in her friend
Miss Broadhurst. Miss Broadhurst had received all the
advantages of education which money could procure, and had
profited by them in a manner uncommon among those for
whom they are purchased in such abundance ; she not only
had had many masters, and read many books, but had thought
of what she read, and had supplied, by the strength and energy
of her own mind, what cannot be acquired by the assistance
of masters. Miss Nugent, perhaps overvaluing the informa-
tion that she did not possess, and free from all idea of envy,
looked up to her friend as to a superior being, with a sort of
enthusiastic admiration ; and now, with ' charmed attention,'
listened, by turns, to her, to Mr. Salisbury, and to Lord
Colambre, whilst they conversed on literary subjects — listened,
with a countenance so full of intelligence, of animation so
expressive of every good and kind affection, that the gentle-
men did not always know what they were saying.
'Pray go on,' said she, once, to Mr. Salisbury; 'you stop,
perhaps, from politeness to me — from compassion to my
ignorance ; but, though I am ignorant, you do not tire me, I
assure you. Did you ever condescend to read the Arabian
tales ? Like him whose eyes were touched by the magical
application from the dervise, I am enabled at once to see the
riches of a new world — Oh ! how unlike, how superior to that
in which I have lived ! — the GREAT world, as it is called.'
Lord Colambre brought down a beautiful edition of the
Arabian tales, looked for the story to which Miss Nugent had
alluded, and showed it to Miss Broadhurst, who was also
searching for it in another volume.
Lady Clonbrony, from her card-table, saw the young people
thus engaged.
1 1 profess not to understand these things so well as you
say you do, my dear Mrs. Broadhurst,' whispered she ; ' but
look there now ; they are at their books ! What do you expect
can come of that sort of thing ? So ill-bred, and downright
rude of Colambre, I must give him a hint.'
' No, no, for mercy's sake ! my dear Lady Clonbrony, no
hints, no hints, no remarks ! What would you have ? — she
reading, and my lord at the back of her chair, leaning over —
and allowed, mind, to lean over to read the same thing. Can't
be better ! Never saw any man yet allowed to come so near
her ! Now, Lady Clonbrony, not a word, not a look, I
' Well, well !— but if they had a little music.'
' My daughter's tired of music. How much do 1 owe your
ladyship now ? — three rubbers, I think. Now, though you
would not believe it of a young girl,' continued Mrs. Broad-
hurst, ' I can assure your ladyship, my daughter would often
rather go to a book than a ball.'
' Well, now, that's very extraordinary, in the style in which
she has been brought up ; yet books and all that are so
fashionable now, that it's very natural,' said Lady Clon-
About this time, Mr. Berryl, Lord Colambre's Cambridge
friend, for whom his lordship had fought the battle of the
curricle with Mordicai, came to town. Lord Colambre intro-
duced him to his mother, by whom he was graciously received ;
for Mr. Berryl was a young gentleman of good figure, good
address, good family, heir to a good fortune, and in every
respect a fit match for Miss Nugent. Lady Clonbrony thought
that it would be wise to secure him for her niece before he
should make his appearance in the London world, where
mothers and daughters would soon make him feel his own
consequence. Mr. Berryl, as Lord Colambre's intimate friend,
was admitted to the private evening parties at Lady Clon-
brony' s, and he contributed to render them still more agreeable.
His information, his habits of thinking, and his views, were
all totally different from Mr. Salisbury's ; and their collision
continually struck out that sparkling novelty which pleases
peculiarly in conversation. Mr. Berryl's education, disposition,
and tastes, fitted him exactly for the station which he was
destined to fill in society — that of a country gentleman; not
meaning by that expression a mere eating, drinking, hunting,
shooting, ignorant country squire of the old race, which is
now nearly extinct ; but a cultivated, enlightened, independent
English country gentleman — the happiest, perhaps, of human
beings. On the comparative felicity of the town and country
life ; on the dignity, utility, elegance, and interesting nature
of their different occupations, and general scheme of passing
their time, Mr. Berryl and Mr. Salisbury had one evening
a playful, entertaining, and, perhaps, instructive conversation ;
each party, at the end, remaining, as frequently happens, of
their own opinion. It was observed that Miss Broadhurst
ably and warmly defended Mr. Berryl's side of the question ;
and in their views, plans, and estimates of life, there appeared
a remarkable, and as Lord Colambre thought, a happy coin-
cidence. When she was at last called upon to give her
decisive judgment between a town and a country life, she
declared that ' if she were condemned to the extremes of either,
she should prefer a country life, as much as she should prefer
Robinson Crusoe's diary to the journal of the idle man in the
' Lord bless me ! Mrs. Broadhurst, do you hear what your
daughter is saying ? ' cried Lady Clonbrony, who, from the
card-table, lent an attentive ear to all that was going forward.
' Is it possible that Miss Broadhurst, with her fortune, and
pretensions, and sense, can really be serious in saying she
would be content to live in the country ? '
' What's that you say, child, about living in the country' ? '
said Mrs. Broadhurst.
Miss Broadhurst repeated what she had said.
' Girls always think so who have lived in town,' said
Mrs. Broadhurst. ' They are always dreaming of sheep and
sheep-hooks ; but the first winter the country cures them ; a
shepherdess, in winter, is a sad and sorry sort of personage,
except at a masquerade.'
' Colambre,' said Lady Clonbrony, ' I am sure Miss Broad-
hurst's sentiments about town life, and all that, must delight
you ; for do you know, ma'am, he is always trying to
persuade me to give up living in town ? Colambre and Miss
Broadhurst perfectly agree.'
1 Mind your cards, my dear Lady Clonbrony,' interrupted
Mrs. Broadhurst, 'in pity to your partner. Mr. Pratt has
certainly the patience of Job — your ladyship has revoked twice
this hand.'
Lady Clonbrony begged a thousand pardons, fixed her eyes
and endeavoured to fix her mind on the cards ; but there was
something said at the other end of the room, about an estate
in Cambridgeshire, which soon distracted her attention again.
Mr. Pratt certainly had the patience of Job. She revoked, and
lost the game, though they had four by honours.
As soon as she rose from the card-table, and could speak to
Mrs. Broadhurst apart, she communicated her apprehensions.
' Seriously, my dear madam,' said she, ' I believe I have
done very wrong to admit Mr. Bcrryl just now, though it was
on Grace's account I did it. But, ma'am, I did not know Miss
Broadhurst had an estate in Cambridgeshire ; their two estates
just close to one another, I heard them say. Lord bless me,
ma'am ! there's the clanger of propinquity indeed ! '
' No danger, no danger,' persisted Mrs. Broadhurst. ' I
know my girl better than you do, begging your ladyship's
pardon. No one thinks less of estates than she does.'
' Well, I only know I heard her talking of them, and
earnestly too.'
' Yes, very likely ; but don't you know that girls never
think of what they are talking about, or rather never talk of
what they are thinking about ? And they have always ten
times more to say to the man they don't care for, than to him
they do.'
' Very extraordinary I ' said Lady Clonbrony. ' I only hope
you are right.'
' I am sure of it,' said Mrs. Broadhurst. ' Only let things
go on, and mind your cards, I beseech you, to-morrow night
better than you did to-night ; and you will see that things will
turn out just as I prophesied. Lord Colambre will come to a
point-blank proposal before the end of the week, and will be
accepted, or my name's not Broadhurst. Why, in plain
English, I am clear my girl likes him ; and when that's the
case, you know, can you doubt how the thing will end ? '
Mrs. Broadhurst was perfectly right in every point of her
reasoning but one. From long habit of seeing and considering
that such an heiress as her daughter might marry whom she
pleased — from constantly seeing that she was the person to
decide and to reject — Mrs. Broadhurst had literally taken it
for granted that everything was to depend upon her daughter's
inclinations : she was not mistaken, in the present case, in
opining that the young lady would not be averse to Lord
Colarnbre, if he came to what she called a point-blank proposal.
It really never occurred to Mrs. Broadhurst that any man,
whom her daughter was the least inclined to favour, could
think of anybody else. Quick-sighted in these affairs as the
matron thought herself, she saw but one side of the question :
blind and dull of comprehension as she thought Lady Clonbrony
on this subject, she was herself so completely blinded by her
own prejudices, as to be incapable of discerning the plain
thing that was before her eyes ; videlicet, that Lord Colarnbre
preferred Grace Nugent. Lord Colarnbre made no proposal
before the end of the week, but this Mrs. Broadhurst attributed
to an unexpected occurrence, which prevented things from going
on in the train in which they had been proceeding so smoothly.
Sir John Berryl, Mr. BerryFs father, was suddenly seized with
a dangerous illness. The news was brought to Mr. Berryl one
evening whilst he was at Lady Clonbrony's. The circumstances
of domestic distress, which afterwards occurred in the family of
his friend, entirely occupied Lord Colambre's time and atten-
tion. All thoughts of love were suspended, and his whole mind
was given up to the active services of friendship. The sudden
illness of Sir John Berryl spread an alarm among his creditors
which brought to light at once the disorder of his affairs, of
which his son had no knowledge or suspicion. Lady Berryl
had been a very expensive woman, especially in equipages ; and
Mordicai, the coachmaker, appeared at this time the foremost
and the most inexorable of their creditors. Conscious that the
charges in his account were exorbitant, and that they would not
be allowed if examined by a court of justice ; that it was a
debt which only ignorance and extravagance could have in the
first instance incurred, swelled afterwards to an amazing amount
by interest, and interest upon interest ; Mordicai was impatient
to obtain payment whilst Sir John yet lived, or at least to obtain
legal security for the whole sum from the heir. Mr. Berryl
offered his bond for the amount of the reasonable charges in
145 L
his account ; but this Mordicai absolutely refused, declaring
that now he had the power in his own hands, he would use it
to obtain the utmost penny of his debt ; that he would not let
the thing slip through his fingers ; that a debtor never yet
escaped him, and never should ; that a man's lying upon his
deathbed was no excuse to a creditor ; that he was not a
whiffler, to stand upon ceremony about disturbing a gentleman
in his last moments ; that he was not to be cheated out of his
due by such niceties ; that he was prepared to go all lengths
the law would allow ; for that, as to what people said of him,
he did not care a doit — 'Cover your fare with your hands, if
you like it, Mr. Berryl ; you may be ashamed for me, but 1
feel no shame for myself — I am not so weak.' Mordicai's
countenance said more than his words ; livid with malice, and
with atrocious determination in his eyes, he stood. ' Yes, sir,'
said he, 'you may look at me as you please — it is possible — I
am in earnest. Consult what you'll do now, behind my back
or before my face, it comes to the same thing ; for nothing
will do but my money or your bond, Mr. Berryl. The arrest i^.
made on the person of your father, luckily made while the
breath is still in the body. Yes — start forward to strike me,
if you dare — your father, Sir John Berryl, sick or well, is my
Lady Berryl and Mr. Berryl's sisters, in an agony of grief,
rushed into the room.
' It's all useless,' cried Mordicai, turning his back upon the
ladies ; ' these tricks upon creditors won't do with me ; I'm
used to these scenes ; I'm not made of such stuff as you think.
Leave a gentleman in peace in his last moments. No ! he
ought not, nor shan't die in peace, if he don't pay his debts ;
and if you are all so mighty sorry, ladies, there's the gentleman
you may kneel to ; if tenderness is the order of the day, it's for
the son to show it, not me. Ay, now, Mr. Berryl,' cried he, as
Mr. Berryl took up the bond to sign it, ' you're beginning to
know I'm not a fool to be trifled with. Stop your hand, if
you choose it, sir — it's all the same to me ; the person, or the
money, I'll carry with me out of this house.'
Mr. Berryl signed the bond, and threw it to him.
' There, monster ! — quit the house ! '
v Monstei- is not actionable — I wish you had called me
rascal] said Mordicai, grinning a horrible smile ; and taking
up the bond deliberately, returned it to Mr. Berryl. ' This
paper is worth nothing to me, sir — it is not witnessed.'
Mr. Berryl hastily left the room, and returned with Lord
Colambre. Mordicai changed countenance and grew pale, for
a moment, at sight of Lord Colambre.
' Well, my lord, since it so happens, I am not sorry that
you should be witness to this paper,' said he ; ' and indeed not
sorry that you should witness the whole proceeding ; for I trust
I shall be able to explain to you my conduct.'
' I do not come here, sir,' interrupted Lord Colambre, ' to
listen to any explanations of your conduct, which I perfectly
understand ; — I come to witness a bond for my friend Mr.
Berryl, if you think proper to extort from him such a bond.'
' I extort nothing, my lord. Mr. Berryl, it is quite a
voluntary act, take notice, on your part ; sign or not, witness
or not, as you please, gentlemen,' said Mordicai, sticking his
hands in his pockets, and recovering his look of black and
fixed determination.
'Witness it, witness it, my dear lord,' said Mr. Berryl,
looking at his mother and weeping sisters ; ' witness it,
quick ! '
' Mr. Berryl must just run over his name again in your
presence, my lord, with a dry pen,' said Mordicai, putting the
pen into Mr. Berryl's hand.
' No, sir,' said Lord Colambre, ' my friend shall never sign
' As you please, my lord — the bond or the body, before
I quit this house,' said Mordicai.
' Neither, sir, shall you have ; and you quit this house
' How ! how ! — my lord, how's this ? '
' Sir, the arrest you have made is as illegal as it is in-
' Illegal, my lord ! ' said Mordicai, startled.
' Illegal, sir. I came into this house at the moment when
your bailiff asked and was refused admittance. Afterwards,
in the confusion of the family above stairs, he forced open the
house door with an iron bar — I saw him — I am read}' to give
evidence of the fact. Now proceed at your peril.'
Mordicai, without reply snatched up his hat, and walked
towards the door ; but Lord Colambre held the door open —
the door was immediately at the head of the stairs — and
Mordicai, seeing his indignant look and proud form, hesitated
to pass ; for he had always heard that Irishmen are 'quick in
the executive part of justice.'
' Pass on, sir,' repeated Lord Colambre, with an air of in-
effable contempt : ' I am a gentleman— you have nothing to
Mordicai ran downstairs ; Lord Colambre, before he went
back into the room, waited to see Mordicai and his bailiff
out of the house. When Mordicai was fairly at the bottom
of the stairs, he turned, and, white with rage, looked up at
Lord Colambre.
'Charity begins at home, my lord,' said he. 'Look at
home — you shall pay for this,' added he, standing half-shielded
by the house door, for Lord Colambre moved forward as he
spoke the last words ; ' and I give you this warning, because
I know it will be of no use to you — Your most obedient,
my lord.'
The house door closed after Mordicai.
'Thank Heaven !' thought Lord Colambre, 'that I did not
horsewhip that mean wretch ! This warning shall be of use to
me. But it is not time to think of that yet.'
Lord Colambre turned from his own affairs to those of hi=>
friend, to offer all the assistance and consolation in his power.
Sir John Berryl died that night. His daughters, who had lived
in the highest style in London, were left totally unprovided for.
His widow had mortgaged her jointure. Mr. Berryl had an
estate now left to him, but without any income. He could not be
so dishonest as to refuse to pay his father's just debts ; he could
not let his mother and sisters starve. The scene of distress
to which Lord Colambre was witness in this family made a
still greater impression upon him than had been made by the
warning or the threats of Mordicai. The similarity between
the circumstances of his friend's family and of his own struck
him forcibly.
All this evil had arisen from Lady Berryl's passion for
living in London and at watering-places. She had made her
husband an absentee — an absentee from his home, his affairs,
his duties, and his estate. The sea, the Irish Channel, did not,
indeed, flow between him and his estate ; but it was of little
importance whether the separation was effected by land or
water — the consequences, the negligence, the extravagance,
were the same.
Of the few people of his age who are capable of profiting
by the experience of others, Lord Colambre was one. ' Ex-
perience,' as an elegant writer has observed, ' is an article
that may be borrowed with safety, and is often dearly bought.'
In the meantime, Lady Clonbrony had been occupied with
thoughts very different from those which passed in the mind
of her son. Though ^he had never completely recovered from
her rheumatic pains, she had become inordinately impatient of
confinement to her own house, and weary of those dull evenings
at home, which had, in her son's absence, become insupportable.
She told over her visiting tickets regularly twice a day, and
gave to every card of imitation a heartfelt sigh. Miss Pratt
alarmed her ladyship, by bringing intelligence of some parties
given by persons of consequence, to which she was not invited.
She feared that she should be forgotten in the world, well
knowing how soon the world forgets those they do not see
every day and everywhere. How miserable is the fine lady's
lot who cannot forget the world, and who is forgot by the
world in a moment ! How much more miserable still is the
condition of a would-be fine lady, working her way up in the
world with care and pains ! By her, every the slightest failure
of attention, from persons of rank and fashion, is marked and
felt with jealous anxiety, and with a sense of mortification the
most acute — an invitation omitted is a matter of the most
serious consequence, not only as it regards the present, but the
future ; for if she be not invited by Lady A, it will lower her in
the eyes of Lady B, and of all the ladies of the alphabet. It
will form a precedent of the most dangerous and inevitable ap-
plication. If she has nine invitations, and the tenth be want-
ing, the nine have no power to make her happy. This was
precisely Lady Clonbrony's case — there was to be a party at
Lady St. James's, for which Lady Clonbrony had no card.
' So ungrateful, so monstrous, of Lady St. James ! — What !
was the gala so soon forgotten, and all the marked attentions
paid that night to Lady St. James ! — attentions, you know,
Pratt, which were looked upon with a jealous eye, and made
me enemies enough, I am told, in another quarter ! Of all
people, I did not expect to be slighted by Lady St. James ! '
Miss Pratt, who was ever ready to undertake the defence
of any person who had a title, pleaded, in mitigation of
censure, that perhaps Lady St. James might not be aware
that her ladyship was yet well enough to venture out.
'Oh, my dear Miss Pratt, that cannot be the thing; for,
in spite of my rheumatism, which really was bad enough last
Sunday, I went on purpose to the Royal Chapel, to show
myself in the closet, and knelt close to her ladyship. And, my
dear, we curtsied, and she congratulated me, after church,
upon my being abroad again, and was so happy to see me
look so well, and all that — Oh ! it is something very extraor-
dinary and unaccountable ! '
' But, I daresay, a card will come yet,' said Miss Pratt.
Upon this hint, Lady Clonbrony's hope revived ; and,
staying her anger, she began to consider how she could
manage to get herself invited. Refreshing tickets were left
next morning at Lady St. James's with their corners properly
turned up ; to do the thing better, separate tickets for herself
and for Miss Nugent were left for each member of the family ;
and her civil messages, left with the footman, extended to the
utmost possibility of remainder. It had occurred to her lady-
ship that for Miss Somebody, t/ie companion, of whom she
had never in her life thought before, she had omitted to
leave a card last time, and she now left a note of explanation ;
she further, with her rheumatic head and ami out of the
coach-window, sat, the wind blowing keen upon her, explain-
ing to the porter and the footman, to discover whether her
former tickets had gone safely up to Lady St. James ; and on
the present occasion, to make assurance doubly sure, she slid
handsome expedition money into the servant's hand — ' Sir,
you will be sure to remember.' — ' Oh certainly, your ladyship ! '
She well knew what dire offence has frequently been taken,
what sad disasters have occurred, in the fashionable world,
from the neglect of a porter in delivering, or of a footman in
carrying up one of those talismanic cards. But, in spite of
all her manoeuvres, no invitation to the party arrived next day.
Pratt was next set to work. Miss Pratt was a most con-
venient go-between, who, in consequence of doing a thousand
little services, to which few others of her rank in life would
stoop, had obtained the entree to a number of great houses,
and was behind the scenes in many fashionable families.
Pratt could find out, and Pratt could hint, and Pratt could
manage to get things done cleverly — and hints were given, in
all directions, to ivork round to Lady St. James. But stiil
they did not take effect. At last Pratt suggested that,
perhaps, though everything else had failed, dried salmon
might be tried with success. Lord Clonbrony had just had
some uncommonly good from Ireland, which Pratt knew Lady
St. James would like to have at her supper, because a certain
personage, whom she would not name, was particularly fond
of it. — Wheel within wheel in the fine world, as well as in
the political world ! — Bribes for all occasions, and for all
ranks ! The timely present was sent, accepted with many
thanks, and understood as it was meant. Per favour of this
propitiatory offering, and of a promise of half a dozen pair of
real Limerick gloves to Miss Pratt — a promise which Pratt
clearly comprehended to be a conditional promise — the grand
object was at length accomplished. The very clay before the
party was to take place came cards of invitation to Lady
Clonbrony and to Miss Nugent, with Lady St. James's
apologies ; her ladyship was concerned to find that, by some
negligence of her servants, these cards were not sent in proper
time. ' How slight an apology will do from some people ! '
thought Miss Nugent ; ' how eager to forgive, when it is for
our interest or our pleasure ; how well people act the being
deceived, even when all parties know that they see the whole
truth ; and how low pride will stoop to gain its object ! '
Ashamed of the whole transaction, Miss Nugent earnestly
wished that a refusal should be sent, and reminded her aunt
of her rheumatism ; but rheumatism and all other objections
were overruled — Lady Clonbrony would go. It was just when
this affair was thus, in her opinion, successfully settled, that
Lord Colambre came in, with a countenance of unusual seri-
ousness, his mind full of the melancholy scenes he had
witnessed in his friend's family.
' What is the matter, Colambre ? '
He related what had passed ; he described the brutal
conduct of Mordicai ; the anguish of the mother and sisters ;
the distress of Mr. Berryl. Tears rolled down Miss Nugent' s
cheeks. Lady Clonbrony declared it was very shocking;
listened with attention to all the particulars ; but never failed
to correct her son, whenever he said Mr. Berryl.
' Sir Arthur Berryl, you mean.'
She was, however, really touched with compassion when
he spoke of Lady Berryl' s destitute condition ; and her son
was going on to repeat what Mordicai had said to him, but
Lady Clonbrony interrupted —
' Oh, my dear Colambre ! don't repeat that detestable
man's impertinent speeches to me. If there is anything really
about business, speak to your father. At any rate, don't tell
us of it now, because I've a hundred things to do,' said her
ladyship, hurrying out of the room. ' Grace — Grace Nugent !
I want you ! '
Lord Colambre sighed deeply.
' Don't despair,' said Miss Nugent, as she followed to obey
her aunt's summons. ' Don't despair ; don't attempt to speak
to her again till to-morrow morning. Her head is now full of
Lady St. James's party. When it is emptied of that, you will
have a better chance. Never despair.'
' Never, while you encourage me to hope — that any good
can be done.'
Lady Clonbrony was particularly glad that she had carried
her point about this party at Lady St. James's ; because, from
the first private intimation that the Duchess of Torcaster was
to be there, her ladyship flattered herself that the long-desired
introduction might then be accomplished. But of this hope
Lady St. James had likewise received intimation from the
double-dealing Miss Pratt ; and a warning note was despatched
to the duchess to let her grace know that circumstances
had occurred which had rendered it impossible not to ask
the Clonbronies. An excuse, of course, for not going to this
party was sent by the duchess — her grace did not like large
parties — she would have the pleasure of accepting Lady St.
James's invitation for her select party on Wednesday the ioth.
Into these select parties Lady Clonbrony had never been
admitted. In return for her great entertainments she was
invited to great entertainments, to large parties ; but farther
she could never penetrate.
At Lady St. James's, and with her set, Lady Clonbrony
suffered a different kind of mortification from that which Lady
Langdale and Mrs. Dareville made her endure. She was
safe from the witty raillery, the sly innuendo, the insolent
mimicry ; but she was kept at a cold, impassable distance, by-
ceremony — 'So far shah thou go, and no farther' was ex-
pressed in every look, in every word, and in a thousand
different ways.
By the most punctilious respect and nice regard to pre-
cedency, even by words of courtesy — ' Your ladyship does me
honour,' etc. — Lady St. James contrived to mortify and to mark
the difference between those with whom she was, and with
whom she was not, upon terms of intimacy and equality.
Thus the ancient grandees of Spain drew a line of demarcation
between themselves and the newly-created nobility. Winn
ever or wherever they met, they treated the new nobles with
the utmost respect, never addressed them but with all their
titles, with low bows, and with all the appearance of being,
with the most perfect consideration, anything but their equals ;
whilst towards one another the grandees laid aside their state,
and omitting their title-, it was, 'Alcala — Medina — Sidonia —
lnfantado,' and a freedom and familiarity which marked
equality. Entrenched in etiquette in this manner, and mocked
with marks of respect, it was impossible either to intrude or to
complain of being excluded.
At supper at Lady St. James's, Lady Clonbrony's present
was pronounced by some gentleman to be remarkably high
flavoured. This observation turned the conversation to Irish
commodities and Ireland. Lady Clonbrony, possessed by the
idea that it was disadvantageous to appear as an Irishwoman,
or as a favourer of Ireland, began to be embarrassed by Lady
St. James's repeated thanks. Had it been in her power to
offer anything else with propriety, she would not have thought
of sending her ladyship anything from Ireland. Vexed by the
questions that were asked her about her country, Lady
Clonbrony, as usual, denied it to be her country, and went on
to depreciate and abuse everything Irish ; to declare that
there was no possibility of living in Ireland ; and that, for her
own part, she was resolved never to return thither. Lady St.
James, preserving perfect silence, let her go on. Lady
Clonbrony, imagining that this silence arose from coincidence
of opinion, proceeded with all the eloquence she possessed,
which was very little, repeating the same exclamations, and
reiterating her vow of perpetual expatriation ; till at last an
elderly lad)-, who was a stranger to her, and whom she had till
this moment scarcely noticed, took up the defence of Ireland
with much warmth and energy : the eloquence with which she
spoke, and the respect with which she was heard, astonished
Lady Clonbrony.
'Who is she ?' whispered her ladyship.
'Does not your ladyship know Lady Oranmore — the Irish
Lady Oranmore ? '
' Lord bless me I — what have I said ! — what have I done !
Oh ! why did not you give me a hint, Lady St. James ?'
' 1 was not aware that your ladyship was not acquainted
with Lady Oranmore,' replied Lady St. James, unmoved by
her distress.
Everybody sympathised with Lady Oranmore, and admired
the honest zeal with which she abided by her country, and
defended it against unjust aspersions and affected execrations.
Every one present enjoyed Lady Clonbrony's confusion, except
Miss Nugent, who sat with her eyes bowed clown by penetra-
tive shame during the whole of this scene ; she was glad
that Lord Colambre was not witness to it ; and comforted
herself with the hope that, upon the whole, Lady Clonbrony
would be benefited by the pain she had felt. This instance
might convince her that it was not necessary to deny her
country to be received in any company in England ; and that
those who have the courage and steadiness to be themselves,
and to support what they feel and believe to be the truth, must
command respect. Miss Nugent hoped that in consequence
of this conviction Lady Clonbrony would lay aside the little
affectations by which her manners were painfully constrained
and ridiculous ; and, above all, she hoped that what Lady
Oranmore had said of Ireland might dispose her aunt to listen
with patience to all Lord Colambre might urge in favour of
returning to her home. But Miss Nugent hoped in vain.
Lady Clonbrony never in her life generalised any observations,
or drew any but a partial conclusion from the most striking
' Lord ! my dear Grace ! ' said she, as soon as they were
seated in their carriage, ' what a scrape I got into to-night
at supper, and what disgrace I came to ! — and all this because
I did not know Lady Oranmore. Now you see the inconceiv-
able disadvantage of not knowing everybody — everybody of a
certain rank, of course, I mean.'
Miss Nugent endeavoured to slide in her own moral on the
occasion, but it would not do.
' Yes, my dear, Lady ( Manmore may talk in that kind of
style of Ireland, because, on the other hand, she is so highly
connected in England ; and, besides, she is an old lady, and
may take liberties ; in short, she is Lady Oranmore, and that's
The next morning, when they all met at breakfast, Lady
Clonbrony complained bitterly of her increased rheumatism, of
the disagreeable, stupid party they had had the preceding
night, and of the necessity of going to another formal party
that night, the next, and the next, and, in the true fine lady
style, deplored her situation, and the impossibility of avoiding
those things,
Which felt they curse, yet covet still to feel.
Mi^s Nugent determined to retire as soon as she could
from the breakfast -room, to leave Lord Colambre an oppor-
tunity of talking over his family affairs at full liberty. She
knew by the seriousness of his countenance that his mind was
intent upon doing so, and she hoped that his influence with
his father and mother would not be exerted in vain. But
just as she was rising from the breakfast-table, in came Sir
Terence O'Fay, and, seating himself quite at his ease, in spite
of Lady Clonbrony"s repulsive looks, his awe of Lord Colambre
having now worn off —
'I'm tired,' said he, 'and have a right to be tired ; for it's
no small walk I've taken for the good of this noble family this
morning. And, Miss Nugent, before I say more, I'll take a
cup of ta from you, if you please.'
Lady Clonbrony rose, with great stateliness, and walked to
the farthest end of the room, where she established herself at
her writing-table, and began to write notes.
Sir Terence wiped his forehead deliberately.
' Then I've had a fine run — Miss Nugent, I believe you
never saw me run ; but I can run, I promise you, when it's
to serve a friend. And, my lord (turning to Lord Clonbrony),
what do vou think I run for this morning — to buv a bargain
— and of what ? — a bargain of a bad debt — a debt of yours,
which I bargained for, and up just in time — and Mordicai's
ready to hang himself this minute. For what do you think
but that rascal was bringing upon you — but an execution ? —
he was.'
1 An execution ! ' repeated everybody present, except Lord
'And how has this been prevented, sir? - * said Lord
1 Oh ! let me alone for that,' said Sir Terence. ' I got a hint
from my little friend, Paddy Brady, who would not be paid for
it either, though he's as poor as a rat. Well ! as soon as I
got the hint, I dropped the thing I had in my hand, which was
the Dublin Evening, and ran for the bare life — for there wasn't
a coach — in my slippers, as I was, to get into the prior
creditor's shoes, who is the little solicitor that lives in Crutched
Friars, which Mordicai never dreamt of, luckily ; so he was
very genteel, though he was taken on a sudden, and from his
breakfast, which an Englishman don't like particularly — I
popped him a douceur of a draught, at thirty-one days, on
Garraghty, the agent ; of which he must get notice ; but I
won't descant on the law before the ladies — he handed me
over his debt and execution, and he made me prior creditor in
a trice. Then I took coach in state, the first I met, and away
with me to Long Acre — saw Mordicai. "Sir," says I, "I
hear you're meditating an execution on a friend of mine."
" Am I ? " said the rascal ; " who told you so ? " " No matter,"
said I ; " but I just called in to let you know there's no use in
life of your execution ; for there's a prior creditor with his
execution to be satisfied first." So he made a great many
black faces, and said a great deal, which I never listened to,
but came off here clean to tell you all the story.'
' Not one word of which do I understand,' said Lady
' Then, my dear, you are very ungrateful,' said Lord
Lord Colambre said nothing, for he wished to learn more of
Sir Terence O'Fay's character, of the state of his father's affairs,
and of the family methods of proceeding in matters of business.
' Faith ! Terry, I know I'm very thankful to you — but an
execution's an ugly thing — and I hope there's no danger '
' Never fear ! ' said Sir Terence : ' haven't I been at my wits'
ends for myself or my friends ever since I come to man's estate
— to years of discretion, I should say, for the deuce a foot of
estate have I ! But use has sharpened my wits pretty well for
your service ; so never be in dread, my good lord ; for look
ye ! ' cried the reckless knight, sticking his arms akimbo — ' look
ye here ! in Sir Terence O'Fay stands a host that desires no
better than to encounter, single witted, all the duns in the
united kingdoms, Mordicai the Jew inclusive.'
'Ah ! that's the devil, that Mordicai,' said Lord Clonbrony ;
1 that's the only man on earth I dread.'
'Why, he is only a coachmaker, is not he?' said Lady
Clonbrony : ' I can't think how you can talk, my lord, of
dreading such a low man. Tell him, if he's troublesome, we
won't bespeak any more carriages ; and, I'm sure, I wish you
would not be so silly, my lord, to employ him any more, when
you know he disappointed me the last birthday about the
landau, which I have not got yet.'
' Nonsense, my dear,' said Lord Clonbrony ; ' you don't know
what you are talking of. Terry, I say, even a friendly
execution is an ugly thing.'
' Phoo ! phoo ! — an ugly thing ! So is a fit of the gout —
but one's all the better for it after. 'Tis just a renewal of life,
my lord, for which one must pay a bit of a fine, you know.
Take patience, and leave me to manage all properly — you
know I'm used to these things. Only you recollect, if you
please, how I managed my friend Lord ; it's bad to be
mentioning names — but Lord ci'erybody - knows-who — didn't I
bring him through cleverly, when there was that rascally
attempt to seize the family plate ? I had notice, and what did I
do, but broke open a partition between that lord's house and
my lodgings, which I had taken next door ; and so, when the
sheriffs officers were searching below on the ground floor, I
just shoved the plate easy through to my bedchamber at a
moment's warning, and then bid the gentlemen walk in, for
they couldn't set a foot in my paradise, the devils ! So they
stood looking at it through the wall, and cursing me, and I
holding both my sides with laughter at their fallen faces.'
Sir Terence and Lord Clonbrony laughed in concert.
'This is a good story,' said Miss Nugent, smiling; 'but
surely, Sir Terence, such things are never done in real life ?'
' Done ! ay, are they ; and I could tell you a hundred better
strokes, my dear Miss Nugent.'
' Grace ! ' cried Lady Clonbronv, ' do pray have the good-
' " So they stood looking at it through the wall." '
ness to seal and send these notes ; for really,' whispered she,
as her niece came to the table, ' I cawnt s/ca, I cawnt bear that
man's vice, his accent grows horrider and horrider ! '
Her ladyship rose, and left the room.
' Why, then,' continued Sir Terence, following up Miss
Nugent to the table, where she was sealing letters, % I must
tell you how I served that same man on another occasion,
and got the victory too.'
No general officer could talk of his victories, or fight his
battles o'er again, with more complacency than Sir Terence
O'Fay recounted his civil exploits.
'Now I'll tell Miss Nugent. There was a footman in the
family, not an Irishman, but one of your powdered English
scoundrels that ladies are so fond of having hanging to the
backs of their carriages ; one Fleming he was, that turned spy,
and traitor, and informer, went privately and gave notice to
the creditors where the plate was hid in the thickness of the
chimney ; but if he did, what happened ? Why, I had my
counter-spy, an honest little Irish boy, in the creditor's shop,
that I had secured with a little douceur of usquebaugh ; and
he outwitted, as was natural, the English lying valet, and gave
us notice just in the nick, and I got ready for their reception ;
and, Miss Nugent, I only wish you'd seen the excellent sport
we had, letting them follow the scent they got ; and when they
were sure of their game, what did they find ? — Ha ! ha ! ha !
— dragged out, after a world of labour, a heavy box of — a
load of brickbats ; not an item of my friend's plate — that was
all snug in the coal-hole, where them dunces never thought of
looking for it. Ha ! ha ! ha !
' But come, Terry,' cried Lord Clonbrony, ' I'll pull down
your pride. How finely, another time, your job of the false
ceiling answered in the hall. I've heard that story, and have
been told how the sheriff's fellow thrust his bayonet up through
your false plaster, and down came tumbling the family plate —
hey, Terry ? That hit cost your friend, Lord everybody -
knows -who, more than your head's worth, Terry.'
' I ask your pardon, my lord, it never cost him a farthing.'
'When he paid £~jooo for the plate, to redeem it ?'
' Well ! and did not I make up for that at the races of
? The creditors learned that my lord's horse, Naboclish,
was to run at races ; and, as the sheriff's officer knew he
dare not touch him on the race-ground, what does he do, but
he comes down early in the morning on the mail-coach, and
walks straight down to the livery stables. He had an exact
description of the stables, and the stall, and the horse's body-
1 60
' I was there, seeing the horse taken care of ; and, knowing
the cut of the fellow's jib, what does I do, but whips the body-
clothes off Naboclish, and claps them upon a garrone that the
priest would not ride.
' In comes the bailiff — " Good morrow to you, sir," says I,
leading out of the stable my lord's horse, with an ouhi saddle
and bridle on.
' " Tim Xeal," says I to the groom, who was rubbing down
the garrone's heels, " mind your hits to-day, and weJl wet the
plate to-night."
' " Not so fast, neither," says the bailiff — " here's my writ
for seizing the horse."
' " Och," says I, " you wouldn't be so cruel." '
' " That's all my eye," says he, seizing the garrone, while I
mounted Naboclish, and rode him off deliberately to '
' Ha ! ha ! ha ! — That was neat, I grant you, Terr)-,' said
Lord Clonbrony. ' But what a dolt of a born ignoramus must
that sheriffs fellow have been, not to know Naboclish when he
saw him ! '
'But stay, my lord — stay, Miss Nugent — I have more for
you,' following her wherever she moved. ' I did not let him
off so, even. At the cant, I bid and bid against them for the
pretended Naboclish, till I left him on their hands for 500
guineas. Ha ! ha ! ha ! — was not that famous ? '
' But,' said Miss Nugent, ' I cannot believe you are in
earnest, Sir Terence. Surely this would be '
'What ? — out with it, my dear Miss Nugent.'
' I am afraid of offending you.'
' You can't, my dear, I defy you — say the word that came
to the tongue's end ; it's always the best.'
• I was going to say, swindling,' said the young lady,
colouring deeply.
' Oh ! you was going to say wrong, then ! It's not called
swindling amongst gentlemen who know the world — it's only
jockeying — fine sport — and very honourable to help a friend
at a dead lift. Anything to get a friend out of a present
pressing difficulty.'
' And when the present difficulty is over, do your friends
never think of the future ? '
' The future ! leave the future to posterity,' said Sir Terence ;
' I'm counsel only for the present ; and when the evil comes.
161 M
it's time enough to think of it. I can't bring the guns of my
wits to bear till the enemy's alongside of me, or within sight
of me at the least. And besides, there never was a good
commander yet, by sea or land, that would tell his little
expedients beforehand, or before the very day of battle.'
' It must be a sad thing,' said Miss Nugent, sighing
deeply, 'to be reduced to live by little expedients — daily
Lord Colambre struck his forehead, but said nothing.
1 But if you are beating your brains about your own affairs,
my Lord Colambre, my dear,' said Sir Terence, ' there's an
easy way of settling your family affairs at once ; and, since you
don't like little daily expedients, Miss Nugent, there's one
great expedient, and an expedient for life, that will settle it all
to your satisfaction — and ours. I hinted it delicately to you
before, but, between friends, delicacy is impertinent ; so I tell
you, in plain English, you've nothing to do but go and propose
yourself, just as you stand, to the heiress Miss B , that
desires no better '
' Sir ! ' cried Lord Colambre, stepping forward, red with
sudden anger. Miss Nugent laid her hand upon his arm —
1 Oh, my lord ! '
' Sir Terence O'Fay,' continued Lord Colambre, in a
moderated tone, ' you are wrong to mention that young lady's
name in such a manner.'
' Why, then, I said only Miss B , and there are a
whole hive of bees. But I'll engage she'd thank me for what I
suggested, and think herself the queen bee if my expedient
was adopted by you.'
' Sir Terence,' said his lordship, smiling, ' if my father
thinks proper that you should manage his affairs, and devise
expedients for him, I have nothing to say on that point ; but I
must beg you will not trouble yourself to suggest expedients
for me, and that you will have the goodness to leave me to
settle my own affairs.'
Sir Terence made a low bow, and was silent for five
seconds ; then turning to Lord Clonbrony, who looked much
more abashed than he did —
' By the wise one, my good lord, I believe there are some
men — noblemen, too — that don't know their friends from their
enemies. It's my firm persuasion, now, that if I had served
you as I served my friend I was talking of, your son there
would, ten to one, think I had done him an injury by saving
the family plate.'
' I certainly should, sir. The family plate, sir, is not the
first object in my mind,' replied Lord Colambre ; ' family
honour Nay, Miss Nugent, I must speak,' continued his
lordship, perceiving, by her countenance, that she was
' Never fear, Miss Nugent dear,' said Sir Terence ; ' I'm as
cool as a cucumber. Faith ! then, my Lord Colambre, I
agree with you, that family honour's a mighty fine thing, only
troublesome to one's self and one's friends, and expensive to
keep up with all the other expenses and debts a gentleman
has nowadays. So I, that am under no natural obligations to
it by birth or otherwise, have just stood by through life, and
asked myself, before I would volunteer being bound to it,
what could this same family honour do for a man in this world ?
And, first and foremost, I never remember to see family honour
stand a man in much stead in a court of law — never saw family
honour stand against an execution, or a custodiam, or an
injunction even. 'Tis a rare thing, this same family honour,
and a very fine thing ; but I never knew it yet, at a pinch,
pay for a pair of boots even,' added Sir Terence, drawing up
his own with much complacency.
At this moment Sir Terence was called out of the room by
one who wanted to speak to him on particular business.
' My dear father,' cried Lord Colambre, ' do not follow
him; stay for one moment, and hear your son — your true
Miss Nugent went out of the room, that she might leave
the father and son at liberty.
' Hear your natural friend for one moment,' cried Lord
Colambre. ' Let me beseech you, father, not to have recourse
to any of these paltry expedients, but trust your son with the
state of your affairs, and we shall find some honourable
means '
'Yes, yes, yes, very true; when you're of age, Colambre,
we'll talk of it ; but nothing can be done till then. We shall
get on, we shall get through, very well, till then, with Terry's
assistance. And I must beg you will not say a word more
against Terry — I can't bear it — I can't hear it — I can't do
without him. Pray don't detain me— I ran say no more —
except,' added he, returning to his usual concluding sentence,
' that there need, at all events, be none of this, if people would
but live upon their own estates, and kill their own mutton.'
He stole out of the room, glad to escape, however shabbily,
from present explanation and present pain. There are persons
without resource who in difficulties return always to the same
point, and usually to the same words.
While Lord Colambre was walking up and down the room,
much vexed and disappointed at finding that he could make
no impression on his fathers mind, nor obtain his confidence
as to his family affairs, Lady Clonbrony s woman, Mrs. Petito,
knocked at the door, with a message from her lady, to beg, if
Lord Colambre was by himself, he would go to her dressirig-
room, as she wished to have a conference with him. He
obeyed her summons.
' Sit down, my dear Colambre ' And she b<
precisely with her old sentence —
'With the fortune I brought your father, and with my lord's
estate, I caitmt understand the meaning of all these pecuniary
difficulties ; and all that strange creature Sir Terence says is
bra to me, who speak English. And I am particularly
sorry he was let in this morning — but he's such a brute that
he does not think anything of forcing one's door, and he tells
my footman he docs not mind not at home a pinch of snuff.
Now what can you do with a man who could say that sort of
thing, you know — the world's at an end.'
• I wish my father had nothing to do with him, ma'am, as
much as you can wish it,' said Lord Colambre ; ' but I have
said all that a son can with propriety say, and without effect.'
' What particularly provokes me against him,' continued Lady
Clonbrony, ' is what I have just heard from Grace, who was
really hurt by it, too, for she is the warmest friend in the
world : I allude to the creature's indelicate way of touching
upon a tender/?';;/, and mentioning an amiable young heiress's
name. My dear Colambre, I trust you have given me credit
for my inviolable silence all this time upon the pint nearest
my heart. I am rejoiced to hear you was so warm when she
was mentioned inadvertently by that brute, and I trust you
now see the advantages of the projected union in as strong and
agreeable a pint of view as I do, my own Colambre ; and 1
should leave things to themselves, and let you prolong the dees of
courtship as you please, only for what I now hear incidentally
from my lord and the brute, about pecuniary embarrassments,
and the necessity of something being done before next winter.
And indeed I think now, in propriety, the proposal cannot be
delayed much longer ; for the world begins to talk of the thing
as done ; and even Mrs. Broadhurst, I know, had no doubt
that, if this contretemps about the poor Berryls had not occurred,
your proposal would have been made before the end of last
Our hero was not a man to make a proposal because Mrs.
Broadhurst expected it, or to marry because the world said he
was going to be married. He steadily said that, from the
first moment the subject had been mentioned, he had explained
himself distinctly ; that the young lady's friends could not,
therefore, be under any doubt as to his intentions ; that, if
they had voluntarily deceived themselves, or exposed the lady
in situations from which the world was led to make false con-
clusions, he was not answerable : he felt his conscience at ease
— entirely so, as he was convinced that the young lady her-
self, for whose merit, talents, independence, and generosity of
character he professed high respect, esteem, and admiration,
had no doubts either of the extent or the nature of his regard.
' Regard, respect, esteem, admiration ! — Why, my dearest
Colambre ! this is saying all I want ; satisfies me, and I am
sure would satisfy Mrs Broadhurst and Miss Broadhurst too.'
• No doubt it will, ma'am ; but not if I aspired to the
honour of Miss Broadhurst's hand, or professed myself her
' My dear, you are mistaken ; Miss Broadhurst is too
sensible a girl, a vast deal, to look for love, and a dying lover,
and all that sort of stuff; I am persuaded — indeed I have it
from good, from the best authority— that the young lady — you
know one must be delicate in these cases, where a young lady
of such fortune, and no despicable family too is concerned ;
therefore I cannot speak quite plainly — but I say I have it
from the best authority, that you would be preferred to any
other suitor, and, in short, that '
' I beg your pardon, madam, for interrupting you,' cried
Lord Colambre, colouring a good deal ; ' but you must excuse
me if I sav, that the only authority on which I could believe
this is one from which I am morally certain I shall never hear
it — from Miss Broadhurst herself.'
' Lord, child ! if you would only ask her the question, she
would tell you it is truth, I daresay.'
' But as I have no curiosity on the subject, ma'am '
' Lord bless me ! I thought everybody had curiosity. But
still, without curiosity, I am sure it would gratify you when
you did hear it ; and can't you just put the simple question ?'
' Impossible ! '
' Impossible ! — now that is so very provoking when the
thing is all but done. Well, take your own time ; all I will
ask of you then is, to let things go on as they are going —
smoothly and pleasantly ; and I'll not press you farther on the
subject at present. Let things go on smoothly, that's all I ask,
and say nothing.'
' I wish I could oblige you, mother ; but I cannot do this.
Since you tell mc that the world and Miss I'.roadhurst's friends
have already misunderstood my intentions, it becomes neces-
sary, in justice to the young lady and to myself, that I should
make all further doubt impossible. I shall, therefore, put an
end to it at once, by leaving town to-morrow.'
Lady Clonbrony, breathless for a moment with surprise,
exclaimed, 'Bless me! leave town to-morrow ! Just at the
beginning of the season ! Impossible ! — I never saw such a
precipitate, rash young man. But stay only a few weeks,
Colambre ; the physicians advise Buxton for my rheumatism,
and you shall take us to Buxton early in the season — you
cannot refuse me that. Why, if Miss Broadhurst was a dragon,
you could not be in a greater hurry to run away from her.
What are you afraid of?'
'Of doing what is wrong — the only thing, I trust, of which
I shall ever be afraid.'
Lady Clonbrony tried persuasion and argument — such
argument as she could use — but all in vain — Lord Colambre
was firm in his resolution ; at last, she came to tears ; and her
son, in much agitation, said —
' I cannot bear this, mother ! I would do anything you ask,
that I could do with honour ; but this is impossible.'
1 Why impossible ? I will take all blame upon myself ; and
you are sure that Miss Broadhurst does not misunderstand
you, and you esteem her, and admire her, and all that ; and
all I ask is, that you'll go on as you are, and see more of her ;
and how do you know but you may fall in love with her, as you
call it, to-morrow ? '
• Because, madam, since you press me so far, my affections
are engaged to another person. Do not look so dreadfully
shocked, my dear mother — I have told you truly, that I think
myself too young, much too young, yet to marry. In the
circumstances in which I know my family are, it is probable
that I shall not for some years be able to marry as I wish.
You may depend upon it that I shall not take any step, I shall
not even declare my attachment to the object of my affection,
without your knowledge ; and, far from being inclined to follow
headlong my own passions — strong as they are — be assured
that the honour of my family, your happiness, my mother, my
father's, are my first objects : I shall never think of my own
till these are secured.'
Of the conclusion of this speech, Lady Clonbrony heard
only the sound of the words ; from the moment her son had
pronounced that his affections were engaged, she had been
running over in her head every probable and improbable person
she could think of ; at last, suddenly starting up, she opened
one of the folding -doors into the next apartment, and
called —
' Grace ! — Grace Nugent ! — put down your pencil, Grace,
this minute, and come here ! '
Miss Nugent obeyed with her usual alacrity ; and the
moment she entered the room, Lady Clonbrony, fixing her eyes
full upon her, said —
' There's your cousin Colambre tells me his affections are
1 Yes, to Miss Broadhurst, no doubt,' said Miss Nugent,
smiling, with a simplicity and openness of countenance which
assured Lady Clonbrony that all was safe in that quarter : a
suspicion which had darted into her mind was dispelled.
' No doubt. Ay, do you hear that no doubt, Colambre ? —
Grace, you see, has no doubt ; nobody has any doubt but
yourself, Colambre.'
'And are your affections engaged, and not to Miss Broad-
hurst ? ' said Miss Nugent, approaching Lord Colambre.
' There now ! you see how you surprise and disappoint
everybody, Colambre.'
'I am sorry that Miss Nugent should be disappointed,'
said Lord Colambre.
'But because I am disappointed, pray do not call me Mi
Nugent, or turn away from me, as if you were displeased.'
' It must, then, be some Cambridgeshire lady,' said Lady
Clonbrony. 'I am sure I am very sorry he ever went to Cam
bridge, — Oxford I advised : one of the Miss Berryls, I presume,
who have nothing. I'll have nothing more to do with those
Berryls — there was the reason of the son's vast intimacy.
Grace, you may give up all thoughts of Sir Arthur.'
'I have no thoughts to . ma'am,' said Miss Nugent,
smiling. 'Miss Broad hurst,' continued she, going on eag
with what she was saying to Lord Colambre — ' Miss Broad-
hurst is my friend, a friend I love and admire ; but you will
allow that I strictly kept my promise, never to praise her t<>
you, till you should begin to praise her to me. Now recollect,
last night, you did praise her to me, so justly, that I thought
you liked her, I confess ; so that it is natural I should feel a
little disappointed. Now you know the whole of my mind ; I
have no intention to encroach on your confidence ; therefore,
there is no occasion to look so embarrassed. I give you my
word, I will never speak to you again upon the subject,' said
she, holding out her hand to him, ' provided you will never
again call me Miss Nugent. Am I not your own cousin
Grace ? — Do not be displeased with her.'
' You are my own dear cousin Grace ; and nothing can be
farther from my mind than any thought of being displeased
with her ; especially just at this moment, when I am going
away, probably for a considerable time.'
' Away ! — when ? — where ? '
'To-morrow morning, for Ireland.'
'Ireland! of all places,' cried Lady Clonbrony. 'What
upon earth puts it into your head to go to Ireland ? You do
very well to go out of the way of falling in love ridiculously,
since that is the reason of your going; but what put Ireland
into your head, child ? '
'I will not presume to ask my mother what put Ireland
out of her head,' said Lord Colambre, smiling ; ' but she will
recollect that it is my native country.'
'That was your father's fault, not mine,' said Lady Clon-
brony; 'for I wished to have been confined in England; but
he would have it to say that his son and heir was born at
Clonbrony Castle — and there was a great argument between
him and my uncle, and something about the Prince of Wales
and Caernarvon Castle was thrown in, and that turned the
scale, much against my will ; for it was my wish that my son
should be an Englishman born — like myself. But, after all, I
don't see that having the misfortune to be born in a country
should tie one to it in any sort of way ; and I should have
hoped your English cdkation, Colambre, would have given you
too liberal idears for that— so I reelly don't see why you should
go to Ireland merely because it's your native country.'
' Not merely because it is my native country ; but I wish to
go thither — I desire to become acquainted with it — because it
is the country in which my father's property lies, and from
which we draw our subsistence.'
'Subsistence! Lord bless me, what a word! filler for a
pauper than a nobleman — subsistence ! Then, if you are going
to look after your father's property, I hope you will make the
agents do their duty, and send us remittances. And pray how
long do you mean to stay ? '
' Till I am of age, madam, if you have no objection. I will
spend the ensuing months in travelling in Ireland ; and I will
return here by the time I am of age, unless you and my father
should, before that time, be in Ireland.'
' Not the least chance of that, if I can prevent it, I promise
you,' said Lady Clonbrony.
Lord Colambre and Miss Nugent sighed.
'And I am sure I shall take it very unkindly of you,
Colambre, if you go and turn out a partisan for Ireland, after
all, like Grace Nugent.'
' A partisan ! no ;— I hope not a partisan, but a friend,' said
Miss Nugent.
' Nonsense, child !— I hate to hear people, women especially,
and young ladies particularly, talk of being friends to this
country or that country. What can they know about coun-
tries ? Better think of being friends to themselves, and friends
to their friends. '
' I was wrong,' said Miss Nugent, ' to call myself a friend
to Ireland; I meant to say, that Ireland had been a friend to
me; that I found Irish friends, when I had no other; an Irish
home, when I had no other ; that my earliest and happiest
years, under your kind care, had been spent there ; and that I
can never forget that, my dear aunt — I hope you do not wish
that I should.'
' Heaven forbid, my sweet Grace ! ' said Lady Clonbrony,
touched by her voice and manner — ' Heaven forbid ! I don't
wish you to do or be anything but what you are ; for I am
convinced there's nothing I could ask you would not do for
me ; and, I can tell you, there's few things you could ask, love,
I would not do for you.'
A wish was instantly expressed in the eyes of her niece.
Lady Clonbrony, though not usually quick at interpreting
the wishes of others, understood and answered, before she
ventured to make her request in words.
' Ask anything but that, Grace. Return to Clonbrony,
while I am able to live in London ? That I never can or will do
for you or anybody ! ' looking at her son in all the pride of
obstinacy ; ' so there is an end of the matter. Go you where
you please, Colambre ; and I shall stay where I please : — I
suppose, as your mother, I have a right to say this much ? '
Her son, with the utmost respect, assured her that he had
no design to infringe upon her undoubted liberty of judging for
herself; that he had never interfered, except so far as to tell
her circumstances of her affairs, with which she seemed to be
totally unacquainted, and of which it might be dangerous to
her to continue in ignorance.
' Don't talk to me about affairs,' cried she, drawing her
hand away from her son. 'Talk to my lord, or my lord's
agents, since you are going to Ireland, about business — I know
nothing about business ; but this I know, I shall stay in
England, and be in London, every season, as long as I can
afford it ; and when I cannot afford to live here, I hope I
shall not live anywhere. That's my notion of life ; and that's
my determination, once for all ; for, if none of the rest of the
Clonbrony family have any, I thank Heaven I have some
spirit.' Saying this, with her most stately manner she walked
out of the room. Lord Colambre instantly followed her ; for,
after the resolution and the promise he had made, he did not
dare to trust himself at this moment with Miss Nugent.
There was to be a concert this night at Lady Clonbrony's,
hich Mrs. and Miss Broadhurst were, of course, expected.
That they might not be quite unprepared for the event of hei
son's going to Ireland, Lady Clonbrony wrote a note to Mrs.
Broadhurst, begging her to come half an hour earlier than the
time mentioned in the cards, ' that she might talk over some-
thing particular that had just occurred.'
What passed at this cabinet council, as it seems to have
had no immediate influence on affairs, we need not record.
Suffice it to observe, that a great deal was said, and nothing
done. Miss Broadhurst, however, was not a young lady who
could be easily deceived, even where her passions were con-
cerned. The moment her mother told her of Lord Colambre's
intended departure, she saw the whole truth. She had a strong
mind — was capable of drawing aside, at once, the curtain of
self-delusion, and looking steadily at the skeleton of truth —
she had a generous, perhaps because a strong mind ; for,
surrounded, as she had been from her childhood, by every
means of self-indulgence which wealth and flattery could
bestow, she had discovered early, what few persons in her
situation discover till late in life, that selfish gratifications may
render us incapable of other happiness, but can never, of
themselves, make us happy. Despising flatterers, she had
determined to make herself friends — to make them in the
only possible way — by deserving them. Her father made
his immense fortune by the power and habit of constant, bold,
and just calculation. The power and habit which she had
learned from him she applied on a far larger scale ; with him,
it was confined to speculations for the acquisition of money ;
with her, it extended to the attainment of happiness. He was
calculating and mercenary : she was estimative and generous.
Miss Nugent was dressing for the concert, or, rather, was
sitting half- dressed before her glass, reflecting, when Miss
Broadhurst came into her room. Miss Nugent immediately
sent her maid out of the room.
'Grace,' said Miss Broadhurst, looking at Grace with an
air of open, deliberate composure, ' you and I are thinking ot
the same thing — of the same person.'
'Yes, of Lord Colambre,' said Miss Nugent, ingenuously
and sorrowfully.
' Then I can put your mind at ease, at once, my dear friend,
by assuring you that I shall think of him no more. That I
have thought of him, I do not deny — I have thought, that if,
notwithstanding the difference in our ages, and other differ-
ences, he had preferred me, I should have preferred him to
any person who has ever yet addressed me. On our first
acquaintance, I clearly saw that he was not disposed to pay
court to my fortune ; and I had also then coolness of judgment
sufficient to perceive that it was not probable he should fall in
love with my person. But I was too proud in my humility,
too strong in my honesty, too brave, too ignorant ; in short, I
knew nothing of the matter. We are all of us, more or less,
subject to the delusions of vanity, or hope, or love 1 — even
I ! — who thought myself so clear-sighted, did not know how, with
one flutter of his wings, Cupid can set the whole atmosphere
in motion ; change the proportions, size, colour, value, of every
object ; lead us into a mirage, and leave us in a dismal desert.'
' My dearest friend ! ; said Miss Nugent, in a tone of true
' But none but a coward, or a fool would sit down in the
desert and weep, instead of trying to make his way back
before the storm rises, obliterates the track, and overwhelms
everything. Poetry apart, my dear Grace, you may be
assured that I shall think no more of Lord Colambre.'
' I believe you are right. But I am sorry, very sorry, it
must be so.'
' Oh, spare me your sorrow ! '
' My sorrow is for Lord Colambre,' said Miss Nugent.
' Where will he find such a wife ? — Not in Miss Berryl, I am
sure — pretty as she is ; a mere fine lady ! Is it possible that
Lord Colambre ! Lord Colambre ! should prefer such a girl
— Lord Colambre ! '
Miss Broadhurst looked at her friend as she spoke, and
saw truth in her eyes ; saw that she had no suspicion that
she was herself the person beloved.
• I'll me, Grace, are you sorry that Lord Colambre is
! away ? '
• \", I am glad. I was sorry when I first heard it; but
now I am glad, very glad ; it may save him from a marriage un-
worthy of him, restore him to himself, and reserve him for
the only woman I ever saw who is suited to him, who is
( qua! to him, who would value and love him, as he deserves to
be valued and loved.'
4 StO]», my dear; if you mean me, I am not, and I never
can be, that woman. Therefore, as you are my friend, and
wish my happiness, as I sincerely believe you do, never, I
conjure you, present such an idea before my mind again — it is
out of my mind, I hope, for ever. It is important to me that
you should know and believe this. At least I will preserve
my friends. Now let this subject never be mentioned or
alluded to again between us, my dear. We have subjects
enough of conversation ; we need not have recourse to per-
nicious sentimental gossipings. There is a great difference
between wanting a confidante, and treating a friend with con-
fidence. My confidence you possess ; all that ought, all that
is to be known of my mind, you know, and Now I will
leave you in peace to dress for the concert.'
' Oh, don't go ! you don't interrupt me. 1 shall be dressed
in a few minutes ; stay with me, and you may be assured, that
neither now, nor at any other time, shall I ever speak to you
on the subject you desire me to avoid. I entirely agree with
you about confidantes and sentimental gossipings. I love you
for not loving them.'
A thundering knock at the door announced the arrival of
' Think no more of love, but as much as you please of friend-
ship — dress yourself as fast as you can,' said Miss Broadhurst.
' Dress, dress is the order of the day.'
' Order of the day and order of the night, and all for people
I don't care for in the least,' said Grace. ' So life passes ! '
' Dear me, Miss Nugent,' cried Petito, Lady Clonbrony's
woman, coming in with a face of alarm, ' not dressed yet !
My lady is gone clown, and Mrs. Broadhurst and my Lady
Pococke's come, and the Honourable Mrs. Tremblcham ;
and signor, the Italian singing gentleman, has been walking
up and down the apartments there by himself, disconsolate,
this half-hour, and I wondering all the time nobody rang for
me — but my lady dressed, Lord knows how ! without anybody.
Oh, merciful ! Miss Nugent, if you could stand still for one
single particle of a second. So then I thought of stepping in
to Miss Nugent ; for the young ladies are talking so fast, says
I to myself, at the door, they will never know how time goes,
unless I give 'em a hint. But now my lady is below, there's
no need, to be sure, to be nervous, so we may take the thing
quietly, without being in a flustrum. Dear ladies, is not this
now a very sudden motion of our young lord's for Ireland ?
— Lud a mercy ! Miss Nugent, I'm sure your motions is sudden
enough ; and your dress behind is all, I'm sure, I can't tell
' " If you could stand still for one single particle of a second." '
Copyright 1894 by Macmitlan &■ Co.
how.' — ' Oh, never mind,' said the young lady, escaping from
her ; ' it will do very well, thank you, Petito.'
1 It will do very well, never mind,' repeated Petito mutter-
ing to herself, as she looked after the ladies, whilst they ran
downstairs. ' I can't abide to dress any young lady who says
never mind, and it will do very well. That, and her never talking
to one connW«tially, or trusting one with the least bit of her
secrets, is the thing I can't put up with from Miss Nugent ;
and Miss Broadhurst holding the pins to me, as much as to
say, Do your business, Petito, and don't talk. — Now, that's
so impertinent, as if one wasn't the same flesh and blood,
and had not as good a right to talk of everything, and hear of
everything, as themselves. And Mrs. Broadhurst, too, cabinet-
councilling with my lady, and pursing up her city mouth when
I come in, and turning off the discourse to snuff, forsooth ; as
if I was an ignoramus, to think they closeted themselves to
talk of snuff. Now, I think a lady of quality's woman has as
good a right to be trusted with her lady's secrets as with her
jewels ; and if my Lady Clonbrony was a real lady of quality,
she'd know that, and consider the one as much my parapher-
nalia as the other. So I shall tell my lady to-night, as I
always do when she vexes me, that I never lived in an Irish
family before, and don't know the ways of it — then she'll tell
me she was born in H Oxfordshire — then I shall say, with my
saucy look, " Oh, was you, my lady ? — I always forget that you
was an Englishwoman : " then maybe she'll say, " Forget ! —
you forget yourself strangely, Petito." Then I shall say, with
a great deal of dignity, " If your ladyship thinks so, my lady,
I'd better go." And I'd desire no better than that she
would take me at my word ; for my Lady Dashfort's is a much
better place, I'm told, and she's dying to have me, I know.'
And having formed this resolution, Petito concluded her
apparently interminable soliloquy, and went with my lord's
gentleman into the antechamber, to hear the concert, and give
her judgment on everything ; as she peeped in through the
vista of heads into the Apollo saloon — for to-night the Al-
hambra was transformed into the Apollo saloon — she saw that
whilst the company, rank behind rank, in close semicircles, had
crowded round the performers to hear a favourite singer, Miss
Broadhurst and Lord Colambre were standing in the outer
semicircle, talking to one another earnestly. Now would
Petito have given up her reversionary chance of the three
nearly new gowns she expected from Lady Clonbrony, in case
she stayed ; or, in case she went, the reversionary chance of
[ 75
any dress of Lady Dashfort's except her scarlet velvet, merely
to hear what Miss Broadhurst and Lord Colambre were saying.
Alas! she could only see their lips move; and of what they
were talking, whether of music or love, and whether the match
was to be on or off, she could only conjecture. But the
diplomatic style having now descended to waiting-maids, Mrs.
Petito talked to her friends in the antechamber with as
mysterious and consequential an air and tone, as a ch
d'affaires, or as the lady of a charge d'affaires, could have
assumed. She spoke of hex private belief; of the impression
left upon her mind; and her confidantial reasons for thinking
as she did; of her 'having had it from the fountain's head ; '
and of 'her fear of any committal of her authorities.'
Notwithstanding all these authorities, Lord Colambre lett
London next day, and pursued his way to Ireland, determined
that he would see and judge of that country for himself, and
decide whether his mother's dislike to residing there was
founded on caprice or reasonable causes.
In the meantime, it was reported in London that his
lordship was gone to Ireland to make out the title to some
estate, which would be necessary for his marriage settlement
with the great heiress, Miss Broadhurst. Whether Mrs. Petito
or Sir Terence O'Fay had the greater share in raising and
spreading this report, it would be difficult to determine ; but
it is certain, however or by whomsoever raised, it was most
useful to Lord Clonbrony, by keeping his creditors quiet.
The tide did not permit the packet to reach the Pigeon-house,
and the impatient Lord Colambre stepped into a boat, and was
rowed across the bay of Dublin. It was a fine summer morn-
ing. The sun shone bright on the Wicklow mountains. He
admired, he exulted in the beauty of the prospect ; and all the
early associations of his childhood, and the patriotic hopes of
his riper years, swelled his heart as he approached the shores
of his native land. But scarcely had he touched his mother
earth, when the whole course of his ideas was changed ; and
if his heart swelled, it swelled no more with pleasurable
sensations, for instantly he found himself surrounded and
attacked by a swarm of beggars and harpies, with strange
figures and stranger tones : some craving his charity, some
snatching away his luggage, and at the same time bidding
him 'never trouble himself,' and 'never fear.' A scramble in
the boat and on shore for bags and parcels began, and an
amphibious fight betwixt men, who had one foot on sea and
one on land, was seen ; and long and loud the battle of trunks
and portmanteaus raged ! The vanquished departed, clinching
their empty hands at their opponents, and swearing inex-
tinguishable hatred ; while the smiling victors stood at ease,
each grasping his booty — bag, basket, parcel, or portmanteau :
'And, your honour, where will these go? — Where will we
carry 'em all to, for your honour ? ' was now the question.
Without waiting for an answer, most of the goods were carried
at the discretion of the porters to the custom-house, where, to
his lordship's astonishment, after this scene of confusion, he
found that he had lost nothing but his patience ; all his goods
were safe, and a few tinpennies made his officious porters
happy men and boys ; blessings were showered upon his
177 N
honour, and he was left in peace at an excellent hotel in
Street, Dublin. He rested, refreshed himself, recovered his
good - humour, and walked into the coffee-house, where he
found several officers — English, Irish, and Scotch. One
English officer, a very gentleman-like, sensible-looking man, of
middle age, was sitting reading a little pamphlet, when Lord
Colambre entered ; he looked up from time to time, and in a
few minutes rose and joined the conversation ; it turned upon
the beauties and defects of the city of Dublin. Sir James
Brooke, for that was the name of the gentleman, showed one
of his brother officers the book which he had been reading,
observing that, in his opinion, it contained one of the best views
of Dublin which he had ever seen, evidently drawn by the
hand of a master, though in a slight, playful, and ironical style :
it was ' An intercepted Letter from China.' The conversation
extended from Dublin to various parts of Ireland, with all
which Sir James Brooke showed that he was well acquainted.
Observing that this conversation was particularly interesting
to Lord Colambre, and quickly perceiving that he was
speaking to one not ignorant of books, Sir James spoke of
different representations and misrepresentations of Ireland.
In answer to Lord Colambre's inquiries, he named the works
which had afforded him most satisfaction ; and with discrimin-
ative, not superficial celerity, touched on all ancient and
modern authors, from Spenser and Davies to Young and
Beaufort. Lord Colambre became anxious to cultivate the
acquaintance of a gentleman who appeared so able and willing
to afford him information. Sir James Brooke, on his part,
was flattered by this eagerness of attention, and pleased by
our hero's manners and conversation ; so that, to their mutual
satisfaction, they spent much of their time together whilst they
were at this hotel ; and, meeting frequently in society in
Dublin, their acquaintance every day increased and grew into
intimacy — an intimacy which was highly advantageous to Lord
Colambre's views of obtaining a just idea of the state of
manners in Ireland. Sir James Brooke had at different
periods been quartered in various parts of the country — had
resided long enough in each to become familiar with the
people, and had varied his residence sufficiently to form
comparisons between different counties, their habits, and
characteristics. Hence he had it in his power to direct the
attention of our young observer at once to the points most
worthy of his examination, and to save him from the common
error of travellers — the deducing general conclusions from a
few particular cases, or arguing from exceptions as if they were
rules. Lord Colambre, from his family connexions, had of
course immediate introduction into the best society in Dublin,
or rather into all the good society of Dublin. In Dublin there
is positively good company, and positively bad ; but not, as
in London, many degrees of comparison : not innumerable
luminaries of the polite world, moving in different orbits of
fashion, but all the bright planets of note and name move and
revolve in the same narrow limits. Lord Colambre did not
find that either his father's or his mother's representations of
society in Dublin resembled the reality, which he now beheld.
Lady Clonbrony had, in terms of detestation, described Dublin
such as it appeared to her soon after the Union ; Lord
Clonbrony had painted it with convivial enthusiasm, such as he
saw it long and long before the Union, when first he drank
claret at the fashionable clubs. This picture, unchanged in
his memory, and unchangeable by his imagination, had
remained, and ever would remain, the same. The hospitality
of which the father boasted, the son found in all its warmth,
but meliorated and refined ; less convivial, more social ; the
fashion of hospitality had improved. To make the stranger
eat or drink to excess, to set before him old wine and old
plate, was no longer the sum of good breeding. The guest
now escaped the pomp of grand entertainments ; was allowed
to enjoy ease and conversation, and to taste some of that feast
of reason and that flow of soul so often talked of, and so
seldom enjoyed. Lord Colambre found a spirit of improve-
ment, a desire for knowledge, and a taste for science and
literature, in most companies, particularly among gentlemen
belonging to the Irish bar ; nor did he in Dublin society see
any of that confusion of ranks or predominance of vulgarity of
which his mother had complained. Lady Clonbrony had
assured him that, the last time she had been at the drawing-
room at the Castle, a lady, whom she afterwards found to be
a grocer's wife, had turned angrily when her ladyship had
accidentally trodden on her train, and had exclaimed with a
strong brogue, ' I'll thank you, ma'am, for the rest of my tail.'
Sir James Brooke, to whom Lord Colambre, without giving
tip his authority, mentioned the fact, declared that he had no
doubt the thing had happened precisely as it was stated ; but
that this was one of the extraordinary cases which ought not
to pass into a general rule — that it was a slight instance of that
influence of temporary causes, from which no conclusions, as to
national manners, should be drawn.
'I happened,' continued Sir James, 'to be quartered in
Dublin soon after the Union took place ; and I remember the
great but transient change that appeared. From the removal
of both Houses of Parliament, must of the nobility, and many
of the principal families among the Irish commoners, either
hurried in high hopes to London, or retired disgusted ami in
despair to their houses in the country. Immediately, in Dublin,
commerce rose into the vacated scats of rank ; wealth rose
into the place of birth. New faces and new equipages ap-
peared ; people, who had never been heard of before, started
into notice, pushed themselves forward, not scrupling to elbow
their way even at the Castle ; and they were presented to
my lord- lieutenant and to my lady - lieutenant ; for their
Uencies, for the time being, might have played their vice-
regal parts to empty benches, had they not admitted such
persons for the moment to fill their court. Those of former
times, of hereditary pretensions and high-bred minds and
manners, were scandalised at all this ; and they complained,
with justice, that the whole tone of society was altered ; that
the decorum, elegance, polish, and charm of society was gone ;
and I among the rest (said Sir James) felt and deplored their
change. But, now it is all over, we may acknowledge that,
perhaps, even those things which we felt most disagreeable at
the time were productive of eventual benefit.
' Formerly, a few families had set the fashion. From time
immemorial everything had, in Dublin, been submitted to their
hereditary authority ; and conversation, though it had been
rendered polite by their example, was, at the same time, limited
within narrow bounds. Young people, educated upon a more
enlarged plan, in time grew up ; and, no authority or fashion
forbidding it, necessarily rose to their just place, and enjoyed
their due influence in society. The want of manners, joined
to the want of knowledge in the new set, created universal
disgust : they were compelled, some by ridicule, some by
bankruptcies, to fall back into their former places, from which
I So
they could never more emerge. In the meantime, some of the
Irish nobility and gentry who had been living at an unusual
expense in London — an expense beyond their incomes — were
glad to return home to refit ; and they brought with them a
new stock of ideas, and some taste for science and literature,
which, within these latter years, have become fashionable,
indeed indispensable, in London. That part of the Irish
aristocracy, who, immediately upon the first incursions of the
vulgarians, had fled in despair to their fastnesses in the country,
hearing of the improvements which had gradually taken place
in society, and assured of the final expulsion of the barbarians,
ventured from their retreats, and returned to their posts in
town. So that now,' concluded Sir James, 'you find a society
in Dublin composed of a most agreeable and salutary mixture
of birth and education, gentility and knowledge, manner and
matter ; and you see pervading the whole new life and energy,
new talent, new ambition, a desire and a determination to
improve and be improved — a perception that higher distinc-
tion can now be obtained in almost all company, by genius
and merit, than by airs and dress. ... So much for the higher
order. Now, among the class of tradesmen and shopkeepers,
you may amuse yourself, my lord, with marking the difference
between them and persons of the same rank in London.'
Lord Colambre had several commissions to execute for his
English friends, and he made it his amusement in every shop
to observe the manners and habits of the people. He remarked
that there are in Dublin two classes of tradespeople : one, who
go into business with intent to make it their occupation for life,
and as a slow but sure means of providing for themselves and
their families ; another class, who take up trade merely as a
temporary resource, to which they condescend for a few years,
trusting that they shall, in that time, make a fortune, retire,
and commence or recommence gentlemen. The Irish regular
men of business are like all other men of business — punctual,
frugal, careful, and so forth ; with the addition of more intelli-
gence, invention, and enterprise than are usually found in
Englishmen of the same rank. But the Dublin tradesmen pro
tempore are a class by themselves ; they begin without capital,
buy stock upon credit in hopes of making large profits, and, in
the same hopes, sell upon credit. Now, if the credit they can
obtain is longer than that which they are forced to give, theygo on
and prosper ; if not, they break, turn bankrupts, and sometimes,
as bankrupts, thrive. By such men, of course, every short cut
to fortune is followed ; whilst every habit, which requires time
to prove its advantage, is disregarded ; nor with such views
can a character for punctuality have its just value. In the
head of a man who intends to be a tradesman to-day, and a
gentleman to-morrow, the ideas of the honesty and the duties
of a tradesman, and of the honour and the accomplishments of
a gentleman, are oddly jumbled together, and the characteristics
of both are lost in the compound.
He will oblige you, but lie will not obey you ; he will do you
;i favour, but he will not do you justice j he will do anything to
serve you, but the particular thing you order he neglects; he
asks your pardon, for he would not, for all the goods in his
warehouse, disoblige you ; not for the sake of your custom, but
he has a particular regard for your family. Economy, in the
eyes of such a tradesman, is, if not a mean vice, at least a
shabby virtue, which he is too polite to suspect his customers
of, and particularly proud to prove himself superior to. Many
London tradesmen, after making their thousands and their tens
of thousands, feel pride in still continuing to live like plain men
of business ; but from the moment a Dublin tradesman of this
style has made a few hundreds, he sets up his gig, and then
his head is in his carriage, and not in his business ; and when
he has made a few thousands, he buys or builds a country-house
— and then, and thenceforward, his head, heart, and soul are
in his country-house, and only his body in the shop with his
Whilst he is making money, his wife, or rather his lady, is
spending twice as much out of town as he makes in it. At the
word country-house, let no one figure to himself a snug little
box, like that in which a warm London citizen, after long years
of toil, indulges himself, one day out of seven, in repose —
enjoying from his gazabo the smell of the dust, and the view
of passing coaches on the London road. No : these Hibernian
villas are on a much more magnificent scale ; some of them
formerly belonged to Irish members of Parliament, who are at
a distance from their country-seats. After the Union these
were bought by citizens and tradesmen, who spoiled, by the
mixture of their own fancies, what had originally been designed
by men of good taste.
Some time after Lord Colambre's arrival in Dublin, he had
an opportunity of seeing one of these villas, which belonged to
Mrs. Raffarty, a grocer's lady, and sister to one of Lord Clon-
brony's agents, Mr. Nicholas Garraghty. Lord Colambre was
surprised to find that his father's agent resided in Dublin : he
had been used to see agents, or stewards, as they are called in
England, live in the country, and usually on the estate of which
they have the management. Mr. Nicholas Garraghty, however,
had a handsome house in a fashionable part of Dublin. Lord
Colambre called several times to see him, but he was out of
town, receiving rents for some other gentlemen, as he was
agent for more than one property.
Though our hero had not the honour of seeing Mr.
Garraghty, he had the pleasure of finding Mrs. Raffarty one
clay at her brother's house. Just as his lordship came to the
door, she was going, on her jaunting-car, to her villa, called
Tusculum, situate near Bray. She spoke much of the beauties
of the vicinity of Dublin ; found his lordship was going with
Sir James Brooke and a party of gentlemen to see the county
of Wicklow ; and his lordship and party were entreated to do her
the honour of taking in his way a little collation at Tusculum.
Our hero was glad to have an opportunity of seeing more of
a species of fine lady with which he was unacquainted.
The invitation was verbally made, and verbally accepted ;
but the lady afterwards thought it necessary to send a written
invitation in due form, and the note she sent directed to the most
right honourable the Lord Viscount Colambre. On opening it
he perceived that it could not have been intended for him. It
ran as follows :
My dear Juliana O'Leary,
I have got a promise from Colambre, that he will be with us at
Tusculum on Friday the 20th, in his way from the county of Wicklow,
for the collation I mentioned ; and expect a large party of officers ; so
pray come early, with your house, or as many as the jaunting-car can
bring. And pray, my dear, be elegant. You need not let it transpire to
Mrs. O'G ; but make my apologies to Miss O'G , if she says
anything, and tell her I'm quite concerned I can't ask her for that day ;
because, tell her, I'm so crowded, and am to have none that day but
real quality. — Yours ever and ever, Anastasia Raffarty.
P.S. — And I hope to make the gentlemen stop the night with me ;
so will not have beds. Excuse haste, and compliments, etc.
Tusculum, Sunday 15.
After a charming tour in the county of Wicklow, where the
beauty of the natural scenery, and the taste with which those
natural beauties had been cultivated, far surpassed the sanguine
expectations Lord Colambre had formed, his lordship and his
companions arrived at Tusculum, where he found Mrs. Raffarty,
and Miss Juliana O'Leary, very elegant, with a large party of
the ladies and gentlemen of Bray, assembled in a drawing-room,
tine with bad pictures and gaudy gilding ; the windows were
all shut, and the company were playing cards with all their
might. This was the fashion of the neighbourhood. In com-
pliment to Lord Colambre and the officers, the ladies left the
card-tables ; and Mrs. Raffarty, observing that his lordship
seemed partial to walking, took him out, as she said, ' to do
the honours of nature and art.'
His lordship was much amused by the mixture, which was
now exhibited to him, of taste and incongruity, ingenuity and
absurdity, genius and blunder ; by the contrast between the
finery and vulgarity, the affectation and ignorance of the lady
of the villa. We should be obliged to stop too long at
Tusculum were we to attempt to detail all the odd circum-
stances of this visit ; but we may record an example or two
which may give a sufficient idea of the whole.
In the first place, before they left the drawing-room, Miss
Juliana O'Leary pointed out to his lordship's attention a picture
over the drawing-room chimney-piece. ' Is not it a fine piece,
my lord ? ' said she, naming the price Mrs. Raffarty had lately
paid for it at an auction. — ' It has a right to be a fine piece,
indeed ; for it cost a fine price !' Nevertheless this fine piece
was a vile daub ; and our hero could only avoid the sin of
flattery, or the danger of offending the lady, by protesting that
he had no judgment in pictures.
'Indeed, I don't pretend to be a connoisseur or conoscenti
myself; but I'm told the style is undeniably modern. And was
not I lucky, Juliana, not to let that Medona be knocked down
to me ? I was just going to bid, when I heard such smart
bidding ; but fortunately the auctioneer let out that it was
done by a very old master — a hundred years old. Oh ! your
most obedient, thinks I ! — if that's the case, it's not for my
money ; so I bought this, in lieu of the smoke-dried thing, and
had it a bargain.'
In architecture, Mrs. Raffarty had as good a taste and as
much skill as in painting. There had been a handsome
portico in front of the house ; but this interfering with the
lady's desire to have a veranda, which she said could not be
dispensed with, she had raised the whole portico to the second
story, where it stood, or seemed to stand, upon a tarpaulin
roof. But Mrs. Raffarty explained that the pillars, though
they looked so properly substantial, were really hollow and as
light as feathers, and were supported with cramps, without
disobliging the front wall of the house at all to signify.
' Before she showed the company any farther,' she said, ' she
must premise to his lordship, that she had been originally
stinted in room for her improvements, so that she could not
follow her genius liberally ; she had been reduced to have
some things on a confined scale, and occasionally to consult
her pocket-compass ; but she prided herself upon having put
as much into a light pattern as could well be ; that had been
her whole ambition, study, and problem, for she was deter-
mined to have at least the honour of having a little taste of
everything at Tusculum.'
So she led the way to a little conservatory, and a little
pinery, and a little grapery, and a little aviary, and a little
pheasantry, and a little dairy for show, and a little cottage for
ditto, with a grotto full of shells, and a little hermitage full of
earwigs, and a little ruin full of looking-glass, ' to enlarge and
multiply the effect of the Gothic' ' But you could only put
your head in, because it was just fresh painted, and though
there had been a fire ordered in the ruin all night, it had only
In all Mrs. Raffarty's buildings, whether ancient or modem,
there was a studied crookedness.
' Yes,' she said, ' she hated everything straight, it was so
formal and unpicturesque. Uniformity and conformity, she
observed, had their day ; but now, thank the stars of the
present day, irregularity and difformity bear the bell, and have
the majority.'
As they proceeded and walked through the grounds, from
which Mrs. Raffarty, though she had done her best, could not
take that which nature had given, she pointed out to my lord
' a happy moving termination,' consisting of a Chinese bridge,
with a fisherman leaning over the rails. On a sudden, the
fisherman was seen to tumble over the bridge into the water.
The gentlemen ran to extricate the poor fellow, while they
heard Mrs. Raffarty bawling to his lordship to beg he would
never mind, and not trouble himself.
When they arrived at the bridge, they saw the man hanging
from part of the bridge, and apparently struggling in the water ;
but when they attempted to pull him up, they found it was
only a stuffed figure which had been pulled into the stream by
a real fish, which had seized hold of the bait.
Mrs. Raffarty, vexed by the fisherman's fall, and by the
laughter it occasioned, did not recover herself sufficiently to be
happily ridiculous during the remainder of the walk, nor till
dinner was announced, when she apologised for 'having
changed the collation, at first intended, into a dinner, which
she hoped would be found no bad substitute, and which she
flattered herself might prevail on my lord and the gentlemen
to sleep, as there was no moon.'
The dinner had two great faults — profusion and pretension.
There was, in fact, ten times more on the table than was
necessary ; and the entertainment was far above the circum-
stances of the person by whom it was given ; for instance, the
dish of fish at the head of the table had been brought across
the island from Sligo, and had cost five guineas ; as the lady
of the house failed not to make known. But, after all, things were
not of a piece ; there was a disparity between the entertainment
and the attendants ; there was no proportion or fitness of things
— a painful endeavour at what could not be attained, and a
toiling in vain to conceal and repair deficiencies and blunders.
Had the mistress of the house been quiet ; had she, as Mrs.
Broadhurst would say, but let things alone, let things take
their course, all would have passed off with well-bred people ;
but she was incessantly apologising, and fussing, and fretting
inwardly and outwardly, and directing and calling to her
servants — striving to make a butler who was deaf, a boy who
was hare-brained, do the business of five accomplished footmen
of parts and figure. The mistress of the house called for
' plates, clean plates ! — hot plates ! '
' But none did come, when she did call for them.'
Mrs. Raffarty called ' Larry ! Larry ! My lord's plate, there !
— James ! bread to Captain Bowles ! — James ! port wine to
the major ! — James ! James Kenny ! James ! '
' And panting James toiled after her in vain.'
At length one course was fairly got through, and after a
torturing half-hour, the second course appeared, and James
Kenny was intent upon one thing, and Larry upon another, so
that the wine-sauce for the hare was spilt by their collision ;
but, what was worse, there seemed little chance that the whole
of this second course should ever be placed altogether rightly
upon the table. Mrs. Raffarty cleared her throat, and nodded,
and pointed, and sighed, and set Larry after Kenny, and
Kenny after Larry ; for what one did, the other undid ; and at
last the lady's anger kindled, and she spoke :
' Kenny ! James Kenny ! set the sea-cale at this corner, and
put down the grass cross-corners ; and match your macaroni
yonder with them puddens, set — Ogh ! James ! the pyramid in
the middle, can't ye ? '
The pyramid, in changing places, was overturned. Then it
was that the mistress of the feast, falling back in her seat, and
lifting up her hands and eyes in despair, ejaculated, ' Oh,
James ! James I '
The pyramid was raised by the assistance of the military
engineers, and stood trembling again on its base ; but the
lady's temper could not be so easily restored to its equilibrium.
The comedy of errors, which this day's visit exhibited,
amused all the spectators. But Lord Colambre, after he had
smiled, sometimes sighed. — Similar foibles and follies in
persons of different rank, fortune, and manner, appear to
common observers so unlike, that they laugh without scruples
of conscience in one case, at what in another ought to touch
themselves most nearly. It was the same desire to appear
what they were not, the same vain ambition to vie with
superior rank and fortune, or fashion, which actuated Lady
Clonbrony and Mrs. Raffarty ; and whilst this ridiculous
grocers wife made herself the sport of some of her guests,
Lord Colambre sighed, from the reflection that what she was
to them, his mother was to persons in a higher rank of fashion.
— He sighed still more deeply, when he considered, that, in
whatever station or with whatever fortune, extravagance, that
is the living beyond our income, must lead to distress and
meanness, and end in shame and ruin. In the morning, as
they were riding away from Tusculum and talking over their
visit, the officers laughed heartily, and rallying Lord Colambre
upon his seriousness, accused him of having fallen in love with
Mrs. Raffarty, or with the elegant Miss Juliana. Our hero,
who wished never to be nice overmuch, or serious out of
season, laughed with those that laughed, and endeavoured to
catch the spirit of the jest. But Sir James Brooke, who now
was well acquainted with his countenance, and who knew
something" of the history of his family, understood his real
feelings, and, sympathising in them, endeavoured to give the
conversation a new turn.
1 Look there, Bowles,' said he, as they were just riding into
the town of Bray; 'look at the barouche, standing at that
green door, at the farthest end of the town. Is not that Lady
Dashfort's barouche ? '
' It looks like what she sported in Dublin last year,' said
Bowles ; ' but you don't think she'd give us the same two
seasons ? Besides, she is not in Ireland, is she ? I did not
hear of her intending to come over again.'
' I beg your pardon,' said another officer ; ' she will come
again to so good a market, to marry her other daughter. I
hear she said, or swore, that she will marry the young widow,
Lady Isabel, to an Irish nobleman.'
4 Whatever she says, she swears, and whatever she swears,
she'll do,' replied Bowles. ' Have a care, my Lord Colambre ;
if she sets her heart upon you for Lady Isabel, she has you.
Nothing can save you. Heart she has none, so there you're
safe, my lord,' said the other officer ; 'but if Lady Isabel sets
her eye upon you, no basilisk's is surer.'
' But if Lady Dashfort had landed I am sure we should
have heard of it, for she makes noise enough wherever she
goes ; especially in Dublin, where all she said and did was
echoed and magnified, till one could hear of nothing else.
I don't think she has landed.'
' I hope to Heaven they may never land again in Ireland !'
cried Sir James Brooke ; ' one worthless woman, especially
one worthless Englishwoman of rank, does incalculable
mischief in a country like this, which looks up to the sister
country for fashion. For my own part, as a warm friend to
Ireland, I would rather see all the toads and serpents, and
venomous reptiles, that St. Patrick carried off in his bag, come
back to this island, than these two dashers. Why, they would
bite half the women and girls in the kingdom with the rage
for mischief, before half the husbands and fathers could turn
their heads about. And, once bit, there's no cure in nature or
' No horses to this barouche ! ' cried Captain Bowles. —
' Pray, sir, whose carriage is this ? ' said the captain to a
servant who was standing beside it.
' My Lady Dashfort, sir, it belongs to,' answered the
servant, in rather a surly English tone ; and turning to a boy
who was lounging at the door — ' Pat, bid them bring out the
horses, for my ladies is in a hurry to get home.'
Captain Bowles stopped to make his servant alter the girths
of his horse, and to satisfy his curiosity ; and the whole party
halted. Captain Bowles beckoned to the landlord of the inn,
who was standing at his door.
' So, Lady Dashfort is here again ? — This is her barouche,
is not it ? '
'Yes, sir, she is — it is.'
' And has she sold her fine horses ?
' Oh no, sir — this is not her carriage at all — she is not
here. That is, she is here, in Ireland ; but down in the
county of Wicklow, on a visit. And this is not her own
carriage at all ; — that is to say, not that which she has with
herself, driving ; but only just the cast barouche like, as she
keeps for the lady's maids.'
' For the lady's maids ! that is good ! that is new, faith ! —
Sir James, do you hear that ?'
' Indeed, then, and it's true, and not a word of a lie ! ' said
the honest landlord. ' And this minute, we've got a directory
of five of them abigails, sitting within in our house ; as fine
ladies, as great dashers, too, every bit as their principals ; and
kicking up as much dust on the road, every grain ! — Think of
them, now ! The likes of them, that must have four horses,
and would not stir a foot with one less ! — As the gentleman's
gentleman there was telling and boasting to me about now,
when the barouche was ordered for them, there at the lady's
house, where Lady Dashfort is on a visit — they said they
would not get in till they'd get four horses ; and their ladies
backed them ; and so the four horses was got ; and they just
drove out here, to see the points of view for fashion's sake, like
their betters ; and up with their glasses, like their ladies ; and
then out with their watches, and " Isn't it time to lunch ?" So
there they have been lunching within on what they brought
with them ; for nothing in our house could they touch, of
course ! They brought themselves a picknick lunch, with
Madeira and Champ.igne to wash it down. Why, gentlemen,
what do you think, but a set of them, as they were braj
to me, turned out of a boarding-house at Cheltenham, last
year, because they had not peach-pies to their lunch! — But
here they come ! shawls, and veils, and all ! — streamers fl\
But mum is my cue t— Captain, are these girths to your fancy
now ? ' said the landlord, aloud ; then, as he stooped to alter a
buckle, he said, in a voice meant to be heard only by Captain
Bowles, 'If there's a tongue, male or female, in the three
kingdoms, it's in that foremost woman, Mrs. Petito.'
' Mrs. Petito ! ' repeated Lord Colambrc, as the name caught
his car ; and, approaching the barouche in which the five
abigails were now seated, he saw the identical Mrs. Petito,
who, when he left London, had been in his mother's service.
She recognised his lordship with very gracious intimacy ;
and, before he had time to ask any questions, she answered all
she conceived he was going to ask, anil with a volubility which
justified the landlord's eulogium of her tongue.
' Yes, my lord ! I left my Lady Clonbrony some time back
— the day after you left town ; and both her ladyship and
Miss Nugent was charmingly, and would have sent their loves
to your lordship, I'm sure, if they'd any notion I should have
met you, my lord, so soon. And I was very sorry to part with
them; but the fact was, my lord,' said Mrs. Petito, laying a
detaining hand upon Lord Colambre's whip, one end of which
he unwittingly trusted within her reach, — ' I and my lady had
a little difference, which the best friends, you know, sometimes
have ; so my Lady Clonbrony was so condescending to give
me up to my Lady Dashfort — and I knew no more than the
child unborn that her ladyship had it in contemplation to cross
the seas. But, to oblige my lady, and as Colonel Heathcock,
with his regiment of militia, was coming for purtection in the
packet at the same time, and we to have the government-yacht,
I waived my objections to Ireland. And, indeed, though I was
greatly frighted at first, having heard all we've heard, you
know, my lord, from Lady Clonbrony, of there being no living
in Ireland, and expecting to see no trees nor accommodation,
nor anything but bogs all along ; yet I declare, I was very
agreeably surprised ; for, as far as I've seen at Dublin and in
the vicinity, the accommodations, and everything of that
nature, now is vastly put-up-able with ! ' — ' My lord,' said Sir
James Brooke, ' we shall be late.' Lord Colambre, shortly
withdrawing his whip from Mrs. Petito, turned his horse away.
She, stretching over the back of the barouche as he rode off,
bawled to him —
1 My lord, we're at Stephen's Green, when we're at Dublin.'
But as he did not choose to hear, she raised her voice to its
highest pitch, adding —
' And where are you, my lord, to be found ? — as I have a
parcel of Miss Nugent's for you.'
Lord Colambre instantly turned back, and gave his direction.
' Cleverly done, faith ! ' said the major. ' I did not hear
her say when Lady Dashfort is to be in town,' said Captain
' What, Bowles ! have you a mind to lose more of your
guineas to Lady Dashfort, and to be jockied out of another
horse by Lady Isabel ? '
' Oh ! confound it — no ! I'll keep out of the way of that —
I have had enough,' said Captain Bowles ; 'it is my Lord
Colambre 's turn now ; you hear that Lady Dashfort would be
very proud to see him. His lordship is in for it, and with such
an auxiliary as Mrs. Petito, Lady Dashfort has him for Lady
Isabel, as sure as he has a heart or hand.'
' My compliments to the ladies, but my heart is engaged,'
said Lord Colambre ; ' and my hand shall go with my heart, or
not at all.'
' Engaged ! engaged to a very amiable, charming woman,
no doubt,' said Sir James Brooke. ' I have an excellent opinion
of your taste ; and if you can return the compliment to my
judgment, take my advice : don't trust to your heart's being
engaged, much less plead that engagement ; for it would be
Lady Dashfort's sport, and Lady Isabel's joy, to make you
break your engagement, and break your mistress's heart ; the
fairer, the more amiable, the more beloved, the greater the
triumph, the greater the delight in giving pain. All the time
love would be out of the question ; neither mother nor daughter
would care if you were hanged, or, as Lady Dashfort would
herself have expressed it, if you were d — d.'
' With such women, I should think a man's heart could be
in no great danger,' said Lord Colambre.
' There you might be mistaken, my lord ; there's a way to
every man's heart, which no man in his own case is aware of,
but which every woman knows right well, and none better than
these ladies — by his vanity.'
' True,' said Captain Bowles.
' I am not so vain as to think myself without vanity,' said
Lord Colambre ; 'but love, I should imagine, is a stronger
passion than vanity.'
' You should imagine ! Stay till you are tried, my lord.
Excuse me,' said Captain Bowles, laughing.
Lord Colambre felt the good sense of this, and determined
to have nothing to do with these dangerous ladies ; indeed,
though he had talked, he had scarcely yet thought of them ;
for his imagination was intent upon that packet from Miss
Nugent, which Mrs. Petito said she had for him. He heard
nothing of it, or of her, for some days. He sent his servant
every day to Stephen's Green to inquire if Lady Dashfort had
returned to town. Her ladyship at last returned ; but Mrs.
Petito could not deliver the parcel to any hand but Lord
Colambre's own, and she would not stir out, because her lady
was indisposed. No longer able to restrain his impatience,
Lord Colambre went himself — knocked at Lady Dashfort's
door — inquired for Mrs. Petito — was shown into her parlour.
The parcel was delivered to him ; but to his utter disappoint-
ment, it was a parcel for, not from Miss Nugent. It contained
merely an odd volume of some book of Miss Nugent's which
Mrs. Petito said she had put up along with her things in a
mistake, and she thought it her duty to return it by the first
opportunity of a safe conveyance.
Whilst Lord Colambre, to comfort himself for his disappoint-
ment, was fixing his eyes upon Miss Nugent's name, written
by her own hand, in the first leaf of the book, the door opened,
and the figure of an interesting -looking woman, in deep
mourning, appeared — appeared for one moment, and retired.
' Only my Lord Colambre, about a parcel I was bringing
for him from England, my lady — my Lady Isabel, my lord,'
said Mrs. Petito. Whilst Mrs. Petito was saying this, the
entrance and retreat had been made, and made with such
dignity, grace, and modesty ; with such innocence, dove-like
eyes had been raised upon him, fixed and withdrawn ; with
such a gracious bend the Lady Isabel had bowed to him as
she retired ; with such a smile, and with so soft a voice, had
repeated ' Lord Colambre ! ' that his lordship, though well
aware that all this was mere acting, could not help saying to
himself as he left the house :
'Ihe figure of an interesting-looking woman,
in deep mourning, appeared.'
Copyright 1894 by Macmillan &■ Co.
1 It is a pity it is only acting. There is certainly something
very engaging in this woman. It is a pity she is an actress.
And so young ! A much younger woman than I expected.
A widow before most women are wives. So young, surely she
cannot be such a fiend as they described her to be ! ' A few
193 O
nights afterwards Lord Colambre was with some of his
acquaintance at the theatre, when Lady Isabel and her mother
came into the box, where seats had been reserved for them,
and where their appearance instantly made that sensation which
is usually created by the entrance of persons of the first
notoriety in the fashionable world. Lord Colambre was not
a man to be dazzled by fashion, or to mistake notoriety for
deference paid to merit, and for the admiration commanded
by beauty or talents. Lady Dashfort's coarse person, loud
voice, daring manners, and indelicate wit, disgusted him almost
past endurance. He saw Sir James Brooke in the box opposite
to him ; and twice determined to go round to him. His lord-
ship had crossed the benches, and once his hand was upon the
lock of the door ; but attracted as much by the daughter as
repelled by the mother, he could move no farther. The
mother's masculine boldness heightened, by contrast, the
charms of the daughter's soft sentimentality. The Lady Isabel
seemed to shrink from the indelicacy of her mother's manners,
and seemed peculiarly distressed by the strange efforts Lady
Dashfort made, from time to time, to drag her forward, and
to fix upon her the attention of gentlemen. Colonel Heath-
cock, who, as Mrs. Petito had informed Lord Colambre, had
come over with his regiment to Ireland, was beckoned into
their box by Lady Dashfort, by her squeezed into a seat next
to Lady Isabel ; but Lady Isabel seemed to feel sovereign
contempt, properly repressed by politeness, for what, in a low
whisper to a female friend on the other side of her, she called,
' the self-sufficient inanity of this sad coxcomb.' Other cox-
combs, of a more vivacious style, who stationed themselves
round her mother, or to whom her mother stretched from box
to box to talk, seemed to engage no more of Lady Isabel's
attention than just what she was compelled to give by Lady
Dashfort's repeated calls of —
« Isabel ! Isabel ! Colonel G Isabel ! Lord D
bowing to you. Belle! Belle! Sir Harry B Isabel, child,
with your eyes on the stage ? Did you never see a play before ?
Novice ! Major P waiting to catch your eye this quarter
of an hour ; and now her eyes gone down to her play-bill ! Sir
Harry, do take it from her.
' Were eyes so radiant only made to read ?'
Lady Isabel appeared to suffer so exquisitely and so natur-
ally from this persecution, that Lord Colambre said to himself —
1 If this be acting, it is the best acting I ever saw. If this
be art, it deserves to be nature.'
And with this sentiment he did himself the honour of hand-
ing Lady Isabel to her carriage this night, and with this senti-
ment he awoke next morning ; and by the time he had dressed
and breakfasted he determined that it was impossible all that
he had seen could be acting. ' No woman, no young woman,
could have such art. Sir James Brooke had been unwarrant-
ably severe ; he would go and tell him so.'
But Sir James Brooke this day received orders for his
regiment to march to quarters in a distant part of Ireland.
His head was full of arms, and ammunition, and knapsacks, and
billets, and routes ; and there was no possibility, even in the
present chivalrous disposition of our hero, to enter upon the
defence of the Lady Isabel. Indeed, in the regret he felt for
the approaching and unexpected departure of his friend, Lord
Colambre forgot the fair lady. But just when Sir James had
his foot in the stirrup, he stopped.
' By the bye, my dear lord, I saw you at the play last night.
You seemed to be much interested. Don't think me imper-
tinent, if I remind you of our conversation when we were riding
home from Tusculum ; and if I warn you,' said he, mounting
his horse, ' to beware of counterfeits— for such are abroad.'
Reining in his impatient steed, Sir James turned again and
added, ' Deeds not words, is my motto. Remember, we can
judge better by the conduct of people towards others than by
their manner towards ourselves.'
T 95
OUR hero was quite convinced of the good sense of his friend's
last remark, that it is safer to judge of people by their conduct
to others than by their manners towards ourselves ; but as
yet, he felt scarcely any interest on the subject of Lady Dash-
fort or Lady Isabel's characters ; however, he inquired and
listened to all the evidence he could obtain respecting this
mother and daughter.
He heard terrible reports of the mischief they had done in
families ; the extravagance into which they had led men ; the
imprudence, to say no worse, into which they had betrayed
women. Matches broken off, reputations ruined, husbands
alienated from their wives, and wives made jealous of their
husbands. But in some of these stories he discovered ex-
aggeration so flagrant as to make him doubt the whole ; in
others, it could not be positively determined whether the
mother or daughter had been the person most to blame.
Lord Colambre always followed the charitable rule of believ-
ing only half what the world says, and here he thought it fair
to believe which half he pleased. He further observed, that,
though all joined in abusing these ladies in their absence, when
present they seemed universally admired. Though everybody
cried ' shame ! ' and ' shocking ! ' yet everybody visited them.
No parties so crowded as Lady Dashfort's ; no party deemed
pleasant or fashionable where Lady Dashfort or Lady Isabel
was not. The bo7i-mots of the mother were everywhere re-
peated ; the dress and air of the daughter everywhere imitated.
Yet Lord Colambre could not help being surprised at their
popularity in Dublin, because, independently of all moral ob-
jections, there were causes of a different sort, sufficient, he
thought, to prevent Lady Dashfort from being liked by the
Irish ; indeed by any society. She in general affected to be
ill-bred, and inattentive to the feelings and opinions of others ;
careless whom she offended by her wit or by her decided tone.
There are some persons in so high a region of fashion, that
they imagine themselves above the thunder of vulgar censure.
Lady Dashfort felt herself in this exalted situation, and fancied
she might ' hear the innocuous thunder roll below.' Her rank
was so high that none could dare to call her vulgar ; what
would have been gross in any one of meaner note, in her was
freedom, or originality, or Lady Dashfort' s way. It was Lady
Dashfort's pleasure and pride to show her power in perverting
the public taste. She often said to those English companions
with whom she was intimate, ' Now see what follies I can lead
these fools into. Hear the nonsense I can make them repeat
as wit.' Upon some occasion, one of her friends ventured to
fear that something she had said was too stro?ig. ' Too strong,
was it ? Well, I like to be strong— woe be to the weak.' On
another occasion she was told that certain visitors had seen
her ladyship yawning. ' Yawn, did I ?— glad of it — the yawn
sent them away, or I should have snored ; — rude, was I ? they
won't complain. To say I was rude to them would be to
say, that I did not think it worth my while to be otherwise.
Barbarians ! are not we the civilised English, come to teach
them manners and fashions ? Whoever does not conform, and
swear allegiance too, we shall keep out of the English pale.'
Lady Dashfort forced her way, and she set the fashion :
fashion, which converts the ugliest dress into what is beautiful
and charming, governs the public mode in morals and in
manners ; and thus, when great talents and high rank com-
bine, they can debase or elevate the public taste.
With Lord Colambre she played more artfully ; she drew
him out in defence of his beloved country, and gave him
opportunities of appearing to advantage ; this he could not
help feeling, especially when the Lady Isabel was present.
Lady Dashfort had dealt long enough with human nature to
know, that to make any man pleased with her, she should
begin by making him pleased with himself.
Insensibly the antipathy that Lord Colambre had originally
felt to Lady Dashfort wore off; her faults, he began to think,
were assumed ; he pardoned her defiance of good breeding,
when he observed that she could, when she chose it, be most
engagingly polite. It was not that she did not know what
was right, but that she did not think it always for her inl
to practise it.
The party opposed to Lady Dashfort affirmed that her wit
depended merely on unexpectedness ; a characteristic which
may be applied to any impropriety of speech, manner, or con-
duct. In some of her ladyship's repartees, however, Lord
Colambre now acknowledged there was more than unexpected-
ness ; there was real wit ; but it was of a sort utterly unfit for
a woman, and he was sorry that Lady Isabel should heir it.
In short, exceptionable as it was altogether, Lady Dashfort's
conversation had become entertaining to him ; and though he
could never esteem or feci in the least interested about her, he
began to allow that she could be agreeable.
'Ay, I knew how it would be,' said she, when some of her
friends told her this. ' He began by detesting me, and did
I not tell you that, if I thought it worth my while to maki
like me, he must, sooner or later. I delight in seeing people
begin with me as they do with olives, making all manner of
horrid faces and silly protestations that they will never touch an
olive again as long as they live ; but, after a little time, these
very folk grow so desperately fond of olives, that there is no
dessert without them. Isabel, child, you are in the sweet line
— but sweets cloy. You never heard of anybody living on
marmalade, did ye?' — Lady Isabel answered by a sweet
smile. — ' To do you justice, you play Lydia Languish vastly
well,' pursued the mother; 'but Lydia, by herself, would soon
tire ; somebody must keep up the spirit and bustle, and carry
on the plot of the piece ; and I am that somebody — as you
shall see. Is not that our hero's voice, which I hear on the
stairs ? '
It was Lord Colambre. His lordship had by this time
become a constant visitor at Lady Dashfort's. Not that he
had forgotten, or that he meant to disregard his friend Sir
James Brooke's parting words. He promised himself faith-
fully, that if anything should occur to give him reason to
suspect designs, such as those to which the warning pointed,
he would be on his guard, and would prove his generalship by
an able retreat. But to imagine attacks where none were
attempted, to suspect ambuscades in the open country, would
be ridiculous and cowardly.
' No,' thought our hero ; ' Heaven forfend I should be such
a coxcomb as to fancy every woman who speaks to me has
designs upon my precious heart, or on my more precious
estate ! ' As he walked from his hotel to Lady Dashfort's house,
ingeniously wrong, he came to this conclusion, just as he
ascended the stairs, and just as her ladyship had settled her
future plan of operations.
After talking over the nothings of the day, and after having
given two or three cuts at the society of Dublin, with two or
three compliments to individuals, who, she knew, were favourites
with his lordship, she suddenly turned to him —
' My lord, I think you told me, or my own sagacity dis-
covered, that you want to see something of Ireland, and that
you don't intend, like most travellers, to turn round, see nothing,
and go home content.'
Lord Colambre assured her ladyship that she had judged
him rightly, for, that nothing would content him but seeing all
that was possible to be seen of his native country. It was for
this special purpose he came to Ireland.
' Ah ! — well — very good purpose — can't be better ; but now,
how to accomplish it. You know the Portuguese proverb says,
" You go to hell for the good things you intend to do, and to
heaven for those you do." Now let us see what you will do.
Dublin, I suppose, you've seen enough of by this time ;
through and through — round and round — this makes me first
giddy and then sick. Let me show you the country — not the
face of it, but the body of it — the people. Not Castle this, or
Newtown that, but their inhabitants. I know them ; I have
the key, or the picklock to their minds. An Irishman is as
different an animal on his guard, and off his guard, as a miss
in school from a miss out of school. A fine country for
game, I'll show you ; and, if you are a good marksman, you
may have plenty of shots " at folly as it flies." '
Lord Colambre smiled. 'As to Isabel,' pursued her lady-
ship, ' I shall put her in charge of Heathcock, who is going
with us. She won't thank me for that, but you will. Nay, no
fibs, man ; you know, I know, as who does not that has seen
the world, that though a pretty woman is a mighty pretty thing,
yet she is confoundedly in one's way, when anything else is
to be seen, heard — or understood.'
Every objection anticipated and removed, and so far a pro-
spect held out of attaining all the information lie desired, with
more than all the amusement he could have expected, Lord
Colambre seemed much tempted to accept the invitation ; but
he hesitated, because, as he said, her ladyship might be going
to pay visits where he was not acquainted.
' Bless you ! don't let that be a stumbling-block in the way
of your tender conscience. I am going to Killpatrickstown,
where you'll be as welcome as light. You know them, they
know you ; at least you shall have a proper letter of imitation
from my Lord and my Lady Killpatrick, and all that. And as
to the rest, you know a young man is always welcome every-
where, a young nobleman kindly welcome, — I won't say such
a young man, and such a young nobleman, for that might put
you to your bows or your blushes — but nobilitas by itself,
nobility is enough in all parties, in all families, where there are
girls, and of course balls, as there arc always at Killpatricks-
town. Don't be alarmed ; you shall not be forced to dance,
or asked to marry. I'll be your security. You shall be at
full liberty ; and it is a house where you can do just what you
will. Indeed, I go to no others. These Killpatricks are the
best creatures in the world ; they think nothing good or grand
enough for me. If I'd let them, they would lay down cloth of
gold over their bogs for me to walk upon. — Good-hearted
beings!' added Lady Dashfort, marking a cloud gathering on
Lord Colambre's countenance. ' I laugh at them, because I love
them. I could not love anything I might not laugh at — your
lordship excepted. So you'll come — that's settled.'
And so it was settled. Our hero went to Killpatrickstown.
4 Everything here sumptuous and unfinished, you see,' said
Lady Dashfort to Lord Colambre, the day after their arrival.
' All begun as if the projectors thought they had the command
of the mines of Peru, and ended as if the possessors had not
sixpence ; des arrangemens prffvisatoires^ temporary expedients ;
in plain English, make-shifts. Luxuries, enough for an English
prince of the blood ; comforts, not enough for an English
woman. And you may be sure that great repairs and altera-
tions have gone on to fit this house for our reception, and for
our English eyes ! — Poor people ! — English visitors, in this
point of view, are horribly expensive to the Irish. Did you
ever hear that, in the last century, or in the century before the
last, to put my story far enough back, so that it shall not touch
anybody living ; when a certain English nobleman, Lord Blank
A , sent to let his Irish friend, Lord Blank B , know
that he and all his train were coming over to pay him a visit ;
the Irish nobleman, Blank B , knowing the deplorable
condition of his castle, sat down fairly to calculate whether it
would cost him most to put the building in good and sufficient
repair, fit to receive these English visitors, or to burn it to the
ground. He found the balance to be in favour of burning,
which was wisely accomplished next day. 1 Perhaps Killpatrick
would have clone well to follow this example. Resolve me
which is worst, to be burnt out of house and home, or to be
eaten out of house and home. In this house, above and below
stairs, including first and second table, housekeeper's room,
lady's maids' room, butler's room, and gentleman's, one
hundred and four people sit down to dinner every day, as
Pctito informs me, beside kitchen boys, and what they call
c/iar- women— who never sit down, but who do not eat or waste
the less for that ; and retainers and friends, friends to the
fifth and sixth generation, who " must get their bit and their
sup;" for, "sure, it's only Biddy," they say,' continued Lady
Dashfort, imitating their Irish brogue. 'And, "sure, 'tis
nothing at all, out of all his honour, my lord, has. How could
he feel it ! 2 — Long life to him ! — He's not that way : not a
couple in all Ireland, and that's saying a great dale, looks less
after their own, nor is more off-handeder, or open-hearteder,
or greater open-house-keepers, nor s my Lord and my Lady
Killpatrick." Now there's encouragement for a lord and a
lady to ruin themselves.'
Lady Dashfort imitated the Irish brogue in perfection ;
boasted that ' she was mistress of fourteen different brogues,
and had brogues for all occasions.' By her mixture of
mimickry, sarcasm, exaggeration, and truth, she succeeded
continually in making Lord Colambre laugh at everything at
which she wished to make him laugh ; at every thing, but not
every body j whenever she became personal, he became serious,
or at least endeavoured to become serious ; and if he could
not instantly resume the command of his risible muscles, he
reproached himself.
'It is shameful to laugh at these people, indeed, Lady
1 Fact I " Feel'xX: become sensible of it, know it. 8 Nor: than.
Dashfort, in their own house — these hospitable people, who are
entertaining us.'
'Entertaining us! true, and if we are entertained, how can
we help laughing ? '
All expostulation was thus turned off by a jest, as it was
her pride to make Lord Colambre laugh in spite of his better
feelings and principles. This he saw, and this seemed to him
to be her sole object ; but there he was mistaken. Off-handed
as she pretended to be, none dealt more in the impromptu fait
a loisir ; and mentally short-sighted as she affected to be,
none had more longanimity for their own interest.
It was her settled purpose to make the Irish and Ireland
ridiculous and contemptible to Lord Colambre ; to disgust him
with his native country ; to make him abandon the wish of
residing on his own estate. To confirm him an absentee was
her object previously to her ultimate plan of marrying him to
her daughter. Her daughter was poor, she would therefore
be glad to get an Irish peer for her; but would be very sorry,
she said, to see Isabel banished to Ireland ; and the young
widow declared she could never bring herself to be buried alive
in Clonbrony Castle.
In addition to these considerations, Lady Dashfort received
certain hints from Mrs. Petito, which worked all to the same
'Why, yes, my lady; I heard a great deal about all that
when I was at Lady Clonbrony's,' said Petito, one day, as she
was attending at her lady's toilette, and encouraged to begin
chattering. ' And I own I was originally under the universal
error, that my Lord Colambre was to be married to the great
heiress, Miss Broadhurst ; but I have been converted and
reformed on that score, and am at present quite in another
way and style of thinking.'
Petito paused, in hopes that her lady would ask, what was
her present way of thinking ? But Lady Dashfort, certain that
she would tell her without being asked, did not take the trouble
to speak, particularly as she did not choose to appear violently
interested on the subject. — ' My present way of thinking,'
resumed Petito, ' is in consequence of my having, with my own
eyes and ears, witnessed and overheard his lordship's behaviour
and words, the morning he was coming away from Lunnun for
Ireland ; when he was morally certain nobody was up, nor
• Ejaculating over one of Miss Nugent s gloves t which c\'^' X . ]Jh ^
he had picked tip.' J '
id picked tip.
Copyright 1894 by Macmillan Sr Co.
overhearing, nor overseeing him, there did I notice him, my
lady, stopping in the antechamber, ejaculating over one of
Miss Nugent's gloves, which he had picked up. " Limerick I "'
said he, quite loud to himself; for it was a Limerick glove, my
lady, — " Limerick ! — dear Ireland ! she loves you as well as I
do ! "■ — or words to that effect ; and then a sigh, and downstairs
and off. So, thinks I, now the cat's out of the bag. And I
wouldn't give much myself for Miss ljtoadhurst's chance of
that young lord, with all her bank stock, scrip, and annum.
Now, I sec how the land lies, and I'm sorry for it ; for she's
no fortin; and she's so proud, she never said a hint to me of
the matter ; but my Lord Colambre is a sweet gentleman ;
and '
' Petito ! don't run on so ; you must not meddle with what
you don't understand: the Miss Killpatricks, to be sure, are
sweet girls, particularly the youngest.' — Her ladyship's toilette
was finished ; and she left Petito to go down to my Lady
Killpatrick's woman, to tell, as a very great secret, the schemes
that were in contemplation among the higher powers, in favour
of the youngest of the .Miss Killpatricks.
'So Ireland is at the bottom of his heart, is it?' repeated
Lady Dashfort to herself; ' it shall not be long so.' From this
time forward, not a day, scarcely an hour passed, but her
ladyship did or said something to depreciate the country, or
its inhabitants, in our hero's estimation. With treacherous
ability, she knew and followed all the arts of misrepresentation ;
all those injurious arts which his friend, Sir James Brooke,
had, with such honest indignation, reprobated. She knew
how, not only to seize the ridiculous points, to make the most
respectable people ridiculous, but she knew how to select the
worst instances, the worst exceptions ; and to produce them as
examples, as precedents, from which to condemn whole classes,
and establish general false conclusions respecting a nation.
In the neighbourhood of Killpatrickstown, Lady Dashfort
said, there were several squireens, or little squires ; a race
of men who have succeeded to the buckeens, described by
Young and Crumpe. Squireens are persons who, with good
long leases, or valuable farms, possess incomes from three
to eight hundred a year ; who keep a pack of hounds ; lake
out a commission of the peace, sometimes before they can
spell (as her ladyship said), and almost always before they know
anything of law or justice ! Busy and loud about small
matters ; jobbers at assizes; combining with one another,
and trying upon every occasion, public or private, to push
themselves forward, to the annoyance of their superiors, and
the terror of those below them.
In the usual course of things, these men are not often
to be found in the society of gentry ; except, perhaps, among
those gentlemen or noblemen who like to see hangers-on
at their tables ; or who find it for their convenience to
have underling magistrates, to protect their favourites, or
to propose and carry jobs for them on grand juries. At
election times, however, these persons rise into sudden
importance with all who have views upon the county. Lady
Dashfort hinted to Lord Killpatrick, that her private letters
from England spoke of an approaching dissolution of
Parliament ; she knew that, upon this hint, a round of in-
vitations would be sent to the squireens ; and she was
morally certain that they would be more disagreeable to Lord
Colambre, and give him a worse idea of the country, than
any other people who could be produced. Day after day
some of these personages made their appearance ; and Lady
Dashfort took care to draw them out upon the subjects on
which she knew that they would show the most self-sufficient
ignorance, and the most illiberal spirit. This succeeded
beyond her most sanguine expectations. ' Lord Colambre !
how I pity you, for being compelled to these permanent
sittings after dinner!' said Lady Isabel to him one night,
when he came late to the ladies from the dining-room.
' Lord Killpatrick insisted upon my staying to help him to
push about that never-ending, still -beginning electioneering
bottle,' said Lord Colambre. ' Oh ! if that were all ; if
these gentlemen would only drink ; — but their conversation !
I don't wonder my mother dreads returning to Clonbrony
Castle, if my father must have such company as this. But,
surely, it cannot be necessary.'
' Oh, indispensable ! positively indispensable ! ' cried Lady
Dashfort; 'no living in Ireland without it. You know,
in every country in the world, you must live with the
people of the country, or be torn to pieces ; for my part, I
should prefer being torn to pieces.'
Lady Dashfort and Lady Isabel knew how to take
advantage of the contrast between their own conversation,
and that of the persons by whom Lord Colambre was so
justly disgusted ; they happily relieved his fatigue with wit,
satire, poetry, and sentiment ; so that he every day became
more exclusively fond of their company ; for Lady Kill-
patrick and the Miss Killpatricks were mere commonplace
people. In the mornings, he rode or walked with Lady
Dashfort and Lady Isabel : Lady Dashfort, by way of
fulfilling her promise of showing him the people, used fre-
quently to take him into the cabins, and talk to their in-
habitants. Lord and Lady Killpatrick, who had lived always
for the fashionable world, had taken little pains to improve
the condition of their tenants ; the few attempts they had
made were injudicious. They had built ornamented, picturesque
cottages, within view of their demesne ; and favourite followers
of the family, people with half a century's habit of indolence
and dirt, were promoted to these fine dwellings. The con-
sequences were such as Lady Dashfort delighted to point
out ; everything let to go to ruin for the want of a moment's
care, or pulled to pieces for the sake of the most trifling
surreptitious profit ; the people most assisted always appearing
proportionally wretched and discontented. No one could,
with more ease and more knowledge of her ground, than
Lady Dashfort, do the dishonour of a country. In every
cabin that she entered, by the first glance of her eye at
the head, kerchiefed in no comely guise, or by the drawn-
down corners of the mouth, or by the bit of a broken pipe,
which in Ireland never characterises stout labour, or by the
first sound of the voice, the drawling accent on ' your honour,'
or, 'my lady,' she could distinguish the proper objects of
her charitable designs, that is to say, those of the old
uneducated race, whom no one can help, because they will
never help themselves. To these she constantly addressed
herself, making them give, in all their despairing tones, a
history of their complaints and grievances ; then asking them
questions, aptly contrived to expose their habits of self-
contradiction, their servility and flattery one moment, and
their litigious and encroaching spirit the next : thus giving
Lord Colambre the most unfavourable idea of the disposition
and character of the lower class of the Irish people.
Lady Isabel the while standing by, with the most amiable
air of pity, with expressions of the finest moral sensibility,
softening all her mother said, finding ever some excuse for
the poor creatures, and following with angelic sweetness to
heal the wounds her mother inflicted.
When Lady Dashfort thought she had sufficiently worked
upon Lord Colambre's mind to weaken his enthusiasm for
his native country, and when Lady Isabel had, by the
appearance of every virtue, added to a delicate preference,
if not partiality, for our hero, ingratiated herself into his
good opinion and obtained an interest in his mind, the
wily mother ventured an attack of a more decisive nature ;
and so contrived it was, that, if it failed, it should appear
to have been made without design to injure, and in total
One day, Lady Dashfort, who in fact was not proud of her
family, though she pretended to be so, had herself been
prevailed on, though with much difficulty, by Lady Killpatrick,
to do the very thing she wanted to do, to show her genealogy,
which had been beautifully blazoned, and which was to be
produced as evidence in the lawsuit that brought her to
Ireland. Lord Colambre stood politely looking on and
listening, while her ladyship explained the splendid inter-
marriages of her family, pointing to each medallion that
was filled gloriously with noble, and even with royal names,
till at last she stopped short, and covering one medallion
with her finger, she said —
' Pass over that, dear Lady Killpatrick. You are not
to see that, Lord Colambre — that's a little blot in our scutcheon.
You know, Isabel, we never talk of that prudent match of
great-uncle John's ; what could he expect by marrying into
that family, where you know all the men were not sans fteur,
and none of the women sans reproche?
1 Oh mamma ! ' cried Lady Isabel, ' not one exception ?'
'Not one, Isabel,' persisted Lady Dashfort; 'there was
Lady , and the other sister, that married the man with
the long nose ; and the daughter again, of whom they con-
trived to make an honest woman, by getting her married in
time to a blue-ribband, and who contrived to get herself into
Doctors' Commons the very next year.'
' Well, dear mamma, that is enough, and too much. Oh !
pray don't go on,' cried Lady Isabel, who had appeared very
much distressed during her mot peech. 'You don't
know what you arc saying ; indeed, ma'am, you don't.'
' Very likely, < hild ; but that compliment I i an return to you
on the spot, and with i ; em to me, at tins
instant, not to know either what you are saying or what you
arc doing. I ■ »me, i ome, ej plain.'
• • Hi no, ma'am I 'ray say SO no more ; I will explain myself
another time.'
1 Nay, there you are wrong, Isabel; in point of good-breed-
ing, anything is better than hints and mystery. Since I have
been so unlucky as to toui h upon the subje< t, better k" through
with it, and, with all the boldness of innocence ask the question,
Are you, my Lord Colambre, or are you not, related or con-
nected with any of the St. < "mars ?'
'Not that I know of, 1 said Lord Colambre; 'but I really
am so bad a genealogist, that I cannot answer positively.'
■ Then 1 must put the ■ of my question into a new
form. Have you, or have you not, a cousin of the name of
Nugent ': '
'Miss Nugent! Grace Nugent! Yes,' said Lord Colambre,
with as much firmness of voice as he could command, and with
as little change of countenano blej but, as the qui
came upon him so unexpectedly, it was not in Ins power
to answer with an air of absolute indifference and
'Ami her mother was ' said Lady Dashfort.
1 My aunt, by marriage ; her maiden name wis Reynolds,
I think. But she died when I was quite a child. I know-
very little about her. I never saw her in my life; but I am
certain she was a Reynolds.'
'Oh, my dear lord,' continued Lady Dashfort; 'I am
perfectly aware that she did take and bear the name of
Reynolds ; but that was not her maiden name — her maiden
name was ; but perhaps it is a family secret that has
been kept, for some good reason from you, and from the poor
girl herself; the maiden name was St. Omar, depend upon it.
Nay, I would not have told this to you, my lord, if I could
have conceived that it would affect you so violently,' pui
Lady Dashfort, in a tone of raillery ; ' you see you are no
worse off than we are. We have an intermarriage with the
St. Omars. I did not think you would be so much shocked
at a discovery, which proves that our family and yours have
some little connexion.'
Lord Colambre endeavoured to answer, and mechanically
said something about, ' happy to have the honour.' Lady
Dashfort, truly happy to see that her blow had hit the mark
so well, turned from his lordship without seeming to observe
how seriously he was affected ; and Lady Isabel sighed, and
looked with compassion on Lord Colambre, and then reproach-
fully at her mother. But Lord Colambre heeded not her
looks, and heard not of her sighs ; he heard nothing", saw
nothing, though his eyes were intently fixed on the genealogy,
on which Lady Dashfort was still descanting to Lady Kill-
patrick. He took the first opportunity he could of quitting the
room, and went out to take a solitary walk.
' There he is, departed, but not in peace, to reflect upon
what has been said,' whispered Lady Dashfort to her
daughter. ' I hope it will do him a vast deal of good.'
' None of the women satis reproche .' None ! — without one
exception,' said Lord Colambre to himself; 'and Grace
Nugent's mother a St. Omar ! — Is it possible ? Lady Dashfort
seems certain. She could not assert a positive falsehood —
no motive. She does not know that Miss Nugent is the
person to whom I am attached— she spoke at random. And
I have heard it first from a stranger — not from my mother.
Why was it kept secret from me? Now I understand the
reason why my mother evidently never wished that I should
think of Miss Nugent — why she always spoke so vehemently
against the marriages of relations, of cousins. Why not tell
me the truth ? It would have had the strongest effect, had
she known my mind.'
Lord Colambre had the greatest dread of marrying any
woman whose mother had conducted herself ill. His reason,
his prejudices, his pride, his delicacy, and even his limited
experience, were all against it. All his hopes, his plans of
future happiness, were shaken to their very foundation ; he felt
as if he had received a blow that stunned his mind, and from
which he could not recover his faculties. The whole of that
day he was like one in a dream. At night the painful idea
continually recurred to him ; and whenever he was falling
asleep, the sound of Lady Dashfort's voice returned upon his
ear, saying the words, ' What could he expect when he
209 P
married one of the St. Omars ? None of the women sans
reproche. 1
In the morning he rose early ; and the first thing he did
was to write a letter to his mother, requesting (unless there
was some important reason for her declining to answer the
question) that she would immediately relieve his mind from a
great uneasiness (he altered the word four times, but at last
left it uneasiness). He stated what he had heard, and besought
his mother to tell him the whole truth, without reserve.
One morning- Lady Dashfort had formed an ingenious scheme
for leaving Lady Isabel and Lord Colambrc tclc-u-tctc ; but
the sudden entrance of Heathcock disconcerted her intentions.
He came to beg Lady Dashfort's interest with Count O'Halloran,
for permission to hunt and shoot on his grounds. — ' Not for
myself, 'pon honour, but for two officers who are quartered at
the next town here, who will indubitably hang or drown them-
selves if they are debarred from sporting.'
'Who is this Count O'Halloran?' said Lord Colambrc.
Miss White, Lady Killpatrick's companion, said 'he was
a great oddity;' Lady Dashfort, 'that he was singular;' and
the clergyman of the parish, who was at breakfast, declared ' that
he was a man of uncommon knowledge, merit, and politeness.'
'All I know of him,' said Heathcock, 'is, that he is a great
sportsman, with a long queue, a golddaced hat, and long skirls
to a laced waistcoat.' Lord Colambrc expressed a wish to see
this extraordinary personage ; and Lady Dashfort, to cover her
former design, and, perhaps, thinking absence might be as
effectual as too much propinquity, immediately offered to call
upon the officers in their way, and carry them with Heathcock
and Lord Colambre to Halloran Castle.
Lady Isabel retired with much mortification, but with
becoming grace ; and Captain Benson and Captain Williamson
were taken to the count's. Captain Benson, who was a famous
whip) took his seat on the box of the barouche, and the rest of
the party had the pleasure of her ladyship's conversation for
three or four miles : of her ladyship's conversation — for Lord
Colambre's thoughts were far distant ; Captain Williamson had
not anything to say ; and Heathcock nothing but, ' Eh ! re'lly
now ! — 'pon honour ! '
They arrived at Halloran Castle — a fine old building, part
of it in ruins, and part repaired with great judgment and taste.
When the carriage stopped, a respectable-looking man-servant
appeared on the steps, at the open hall-door.
Count O'Halloran was out a-hunting ; but his servant said
'that he would be at home immediately, if Lady Dashfort and
the gentlemen would be pleased to walk in.'
On one side of the lofty and spacious hall stood the skeleton
of an elk ; on the other side, the perfect skeleton of a moose-
deer, which, as the servant said, his master had made out, with
great care, from the different bones of many of this curious
species of deer, found in the lakes in the neighbourhood. The
brace of officers witnessed their wonder with sundry strange
oaths and exclamations. — 'Eh! 'pon honour — re'lly now!'
said Heathcock ; and, too genteel to wonder at or admire
anything in the creation, dragged out his watch with some
difficulty, saying, ' I wonder now whether they are likely to
think of giving us anything to eat in this place ?' And, turning
his back upon the moose-deer, he straight walked out again
upon the steps, called to his groom, and began to make some
inquiry about his led horse. Lord Colambre surveyed the
prodigious skeletons with rational curiosity, and with that sense
of awe and admiration, by which a superior mind is always
struck on beholding any of the great works of Providence.
'Come, my dear lord: - ' said Lady Dashfort; 'with our
sublime sensations, we are keeping my old friend, Mr. Alick
Brady, this venerable person, waiting, to show us into the
The servant bowed respectfully — more respectfully than
servants of modern date.
' My lady, the reception-room has been lately painted — the
smell of paint may be disagreeable ; with your leave, I will
take the liberty of showing you into my master's stud).'
He opened the door, went in before her, and stood holding
up his finger, as if making a signal of silence to some one
within. Her ladyship entered, and found herself in the midst
of an odd assembly : an eagle, a goat, a dog, an otter, several
gold and silver fish in a glass globe, and a white mouse in
a cage. The eagle, quick of eye but quiet of demeanour, was
perched upon his stand ; the otter lay under the table, perfectly
harmless ; the Angora goat, a beautiful and remarkably little
outstretched amis.'
Copyright 1894 by Macmiilan & Co.
creature of its kind, with long, curling, silky hair, was walking
about the room with the air of a beauty and a favourite ; the
dog, a tall Irish greyhound — one of the few of that fine race
which is now almost extinct — had been given to Count
O'Halloran by an Irish nobleman, a relation of Lady Dash-
fort's. This dog, who had formerly known her ladyship,
looked at her with ears erect, recognised her, and went to
meet her the moment she entered. The servant answered for
the peaceable behaviour of all the rest of the company of
animals, and retired. Lady Dashfort began to feed the eagle
from a silver plate on his stand ; Lord Colambre examined
the inscription on his collar ; the other men stood in amaze.
Heathcock, who came in last, astonished out of his constant
' Eh ! re'lly now ! ' the moment he put himself in at the door,
exclaimed, ' Zounds ! what's all this live lumber ? ' and he
stumbled over the goat, who was at that moment crossing the
way. The colonel's spur caught in the goat's curly beard ;
the colonel shook his foot, and entangled the spur worse and
worse ; the goat struggled and butted ; the colonel skated
forward on the polished oak floor, balancing himself with out-
stretched arms.
The indignant eagle screamed, and, passing by, perched on
Heathcock's shoulders. Too well-bred to have recourse to the
terrors of his beak, he scrupled not to scream, and flap his
wings about the colonel's ears. Lady Dashfort, the while,
threw herself back in her chair, laughing, and begging Heath-
cock's pardon. ' Oh, take care of the dog, my dear colonel ! '
cried she ; ' for this kind of dog seizes his enemy by the back,
and shakes him to death.' The officers, holding their sides,
laughed, and begged — no pardon ; while Lord Colambre, the
only person who was not absolutely incapacitated, tried to
disentangle the spur, and to liberate the colonel from the goat,
and the goat from the colonel ; an attempt in which he at last
succeeded, at the expense of a considerable portion of the goat's
beard. The eagle, however, still kept his place ; and, yet
mindful of the wrongs of his insulted friend the goat, had
stretched his wings to give another buffet. Count O'Halloran
entered ; and the bird, quitting his prey, flew down to greet
his master. The count was a fine old military- looking
gentleman, fresh from the chace : his hunting accoutrements
hanging carelessly about him, he advanced, unembarrassed, to
the lady ; and received his other guests with a mixture of
military ease and gentleman-like dignity.
Without adverting to the awkward and ridiculous situation in
which he had found poor Heathcock, he apologised in general for
his troublesome favourites. ' For one of them,' said he, patting
the head of the dog, which lay quiet at Lady Dashfort's feet,
' I see I have no need to apologise ; he is where he ought to
be. Poor fellow ! he has never lost his taste for the good
company to which he was early accustomed. As to the rest,'
said he, turning to Lady Dashfort, ' a mouse, a bird, and a
fish, are, you know, tribute from earth, air, and water, for my
conqueror '
' But from no barbarous Scythian ! ' said Lord Colambre,
smiling. The count looked at Lord Colambre, as at a person
worthy his attention ; but his first care was to keep the peace
between his loving subjects and his foreign visitors. It was
difficult to dislodge the old settlers, to make room for the new-
comers ; but he adjusted these things with admirable facility ;
and, with a master's hand and master's eye, compelled each
favourite to retreat into the back settlements. With becoming
attention, he stroked and kept quiet old Victory, his eagle, who
eyed Colonel Heathcock still, as if he did not like him ; and
whom the colonel eyed, as if he wished his neck fairly
wrung off. The little goat had nestled himself close up to
his liberator, Lord Colambre, and lay perfectly quiet, with his
eyes closed, going very wisely to sleep, and submitting philo-
sophically to the loss of one half of his beard. Conversation
now commenced, and was carried on by Count O'Halloran
with much ability and spirit, and with such quickness of dis-
crimination and delicacy of taste, as quite surprised and
delighted our hero. To the lady, the count's attention was
first directed : he listened to her as she spoke, bending with
an air of deference and devotion. She made her request for
permission for Major Benson and Captain Williamson to hunt
and shoot in his grounds ; this was instantly granted.
' Her ladyship's requests were to him commands,' the count
said. ' His gamekeeper should be instructed to give the
gentlemen, her friends, every liberty, and all possible assist-
Then turning to the officers, he said he had just heard that
several regiments of English militia had lately landed in
Ireland ; that one regiment was arrived at Killpatrickslown.
He rejoiced in the advantages Ireland, and he hoped he
might be permitted to add, England, would probably derive
from the exchange of the militia of both countries ; habits
would be improved, ideas enlarged. The two countries have
the same interest ; and, from the inhabitants discovering more
of each other's good qualities, and interchanging little good
offices in common life, their esteem and affection for each
other would increase, and rest upon the firm basis of mutual
To all this Major Benson and Captain Williamson made no
'The major looks so like a stuffed man of straw,' whispered
Lady Dashfort to Lord Colambre ; 'and the captain so like
the knave of clubs, putting forth one manly leg.'
Count O'llalloran now turned the conversation to field
sports, and then the captain and major opened at once.
'Pray now, sir?' said the major, 'you fox-hunt in this
country, I suppose ; and now do you manage the thing here
as we do? Over night, you know, before the hunt, when the
fox is out, stopping up the earths of the cover we mean to
draw, and all the rest for four miles round. Next morning we
assemble at the cover's side, and the huntsman throws in the
hounds. The gossip here is no small part of the entertain-
ment ; but as soon as we hear the hounds give tongue '
' The favourite hounds,' interposed Williamson.
'The favourite hounds, to be sure,' continued Benson;
'there is a dead silence, till pug is well out of cover, and the
whole pack well in ; then cheer the hounds with tally-ho !
till your lungs crack. Away he goes in gallant style, and the
whole field is hard up, till pug takes a stiff country ; then
they who haven't pluck lag, see no more of him, and, with a fine
blazing scent, there are but few of us in at the death.'
'Well, we are fairly in at the death, 1 hope,' said Lady
Dashfort ; ' I was thrown out sadly at one time in the chace.'
Lord Colambre, with the count's permission, took up
a book in which the count's pencil lay, Paslcy on the Military
Policy of Great Britain j it was marked with many notes of
admiration, and with hands pointing to remarkable passages.
'That is a book that leaves a strong impression on the
mind, ' said the count.
Lord Colambre read one of the marked passages, beginning
with, 'All that distinguishes a soldier in outward appearance
from a citizen is so trifling ' but at this instant our hero's
attention was distracted by seeing in a black-letter book this
title of a chapter :
' Burial-place of the Nugents.'
1 Pray now, sir,' said Captain Williamson, ' if I don't inter-
rupt you, as you are such a famous fox-hunter, maybe, you
may be a fisherman too ; and now in Ireland do you, Mr. '
A smart pinch on his elbow from his major, who stood
behind him, stopped the captain short, as he pronounced the
word Mr. Like all awkward people, he turned directly to ask,
by his looks, what was the matter ?
The major took advantage of his discomfiture, and, stepping
before him, determined to have the fishing to himself, and went
on with — ■
' Count O'Halloran, I presume you understand fishing loo,
as well as hunting ? '
The count bowed : ' I do not presume to say that, sir.'
' But pray, count, in this country, do you arm your hook this
ways? Give me leave;' taking the whip from William-
son's reluctant hand, ' this ways, laying the outermost part of
your feather this fashion next to your hook, and the point next
to your shank, this wise, and that wise ; and then, sir, — count,
you take the hackle of a cock's neck '
'A plover's topping's belter,' said Williamson.
'And work your gold and silver thread,' pursued Benson,
'up to your wings, and when your head's made, you fasten all.'
' But you never showed how your head's made,' interrupted
' The gentleman knows how a head's made ; any man can
make a head, I suppose ; so, sir, you fasten all.'
' You'll never get your head fast on that way, while the world
stands,' cried Williamson.
' Fast enough for all purposes ; I'll bet you a rump and
dozen, captain ; and then, sir, — count, you divide your wings
with a needle.'
'A pin's point will do,' said Williamson.
The count, to reconcile matters, produced from an Indian
cabinet, which he had opened for the lady's inspection, a little
basket containing a variety of artificial flies of curious con-
struction, which, as he spread them on the table, made
Williamson and Benson's eyes almost sparkle with delight.
There was the dun-fly, for the month of March ; and the stone-
fly, much in vogue for April ; and the ruddy-fly, of red wool,
black silk, and red capon's feathers.
Lord Colambre, whose head was in the burial-place of the
Nugents, wished them all at the bottom of the sea.
'And the green-fly, and the moorish-fly!* cried Benson,
snatching them up with transport ; 'and, chief, the sad-yellow-
fly, in whic h the fish delight in June ; the sad-yellow-fly, made
with the buzzard's wings, bound with black braked hemp, and
the shell-fly, for the middle of July, made of greenish wool,
wrapped about with the herle of a peacock's tail, famous for
creating excellent sport.' All these and more were spread
upon the table before the sportsmen's wondering eyes.
'Capital flies ! capital, faith ! ' cried Williamson.
'Treasures, faith, real treasures, by G — !' cried Benson.
' Eh ! 'pon honour ! re'lly now,' were the first words which
llcathcock had uttered since his battle with the goat.
'My dear Hcathcock, are you alive still?' said Lady
Dashfort ; ' I had really forgotten your existence.'
So had Count O'Halloran, but he did not say so.
'Your ladyship has the advantage of me there,' said
Heathcock, stretching himself; 'I wish I could forget my
existence, for, in my mind, existence is a horrible bore?
' I thought you icas a sportsman,' said Williamson.
' Well, sir ? '
' And a fisherman ? '
'Well, sir?'
' Why, look you there, sir,' pointing to the flies, ' and tell a
body life's a bore.'
'One can't always fish, or shoot, I apprehend, sir,' said
' Not always — but sometimes,' said Williamson, laughing ;
' for I suspect shrewdly you've forgot some of your sporting in
Bond Street.'
' Eh ! 'pon honour ! re'lly now ! ' said the colonel, retreating
again to his safe entrenchment of affectation, from which he
never could venture without imminent danger.
' 'Pon honour,' cried Lady Dashfort, ' I can swear for
Heathcock, that I have eaten excellent hares and ducks of his
shooting, which, to my knowledge,' added she, in a loud
whisper, ' he bought in the market. 5
' Empium aprum / ' said Lord Colambre to the count, with-
out danger of being understood by those whom it concerned.
The count smiled a second time ; but politely turning the
attention of the company from the unfortunate colonel by
addressing himself to the laughing sportsmen, ' Gentlemen,
you seem to value these,' said he, sweeping the artificial flies
from the table into the little basket from which they had been
taken ; ' would you do me the honour to accept of them ?
They are all of my own making, and consequently of Irish
manufacture.' Then, ringing the bell, he asked Lady Dashfort's
permission to have the basket put into her carriage.
Benson and Williamson followed the servant, to prevent
them from being tossed into the boot. Heathcock stood still
in the middle of the room taking snuff.
Count O'Halloian turned from him to Lord Colambre, who
had just got happily to the burial-place of the Nugents^ when
Lady Dashfort, coming between them, and spying the title of
the chapter, exclaimed —
' What have you there ? — Antiquities ! my delight ! — but I
never look at engravings when I can see realities.'
Lord Colambre was then compelled to follow, as she led
the way into the hall, where the count took down golden orna-
ments, and brass-headed spears, and jointed horns of curious
workmanship, that had been found on his estate ; and he told
of spermaceti wrapped in carpets, and he showed small urns,
enclosing ashes ; and from among these urns he selected one,
which he put into the hands of Lord Colambre, telling him
that it had been lately found in an old abbey-ground in his
neighbourhood, which had been the burial-place of some of the
Nugent family.
' I was just looking at the account of it, in the book which
you saw open on my table. — And as you seem to take an
interest in that family, my lord, perhaps,' said the count, ' you
may think this urn worth your acceptance.'
Lord Colambre said, ' It would be highly valuable to him
— as the Nugents were his near relations.'
Lady Dashfort little expected this blow ; she, however,
carried him off to the moose-deer, and from moose-deer to round-
towers, to various architectural antiquities, and to the real and
fabulous history of Ireland, on all which the count spoke with
learning and enthusiasm. But now, to Colonel Heathcock's
great joy and relief, a handsome collation appeared in the
dining-room, of which Ulick opened the folding-doors.
' Count, you have made an excellent house of your castle,'
said Lady Dashfort.
' It will be, when it is finished,' said the count. ' I am
afraid,' added he, smiling, ' I live like many Other Irish gentle-
men, who never are, but always to be, blest with a good
house. I began on too large a scale, and can never hope to
live to finish it. - '
' Ton honour ! here's a good thing, which I hope we shall
live to finish,' said Ileathcock, sitting down before the
collation ; and heartily did he eat of grouse pie, and of [ri >h
ortolans, which, as Lady Dashfort observed, 'afforded him
indemnity for the past, and security for the future.'
'Eh! re'lly now! your Irish ortolans are famous good
eating, 9 said I teathcock.
'Worth being quartered in Ireland, faith ! to taste 'em, 1
The count recommended to Lady Dashfort some of ' that
delicate sweetmeat, the Irish plum.'
' Bless me, sir — count ! ' cried Williamson, ' it's by far the
best thing of the kind I ever tasted in all my life : where could
you get this ?'
' In Dublin, at my dear Mrs. Godey's ; where only, in his
Majesty's dominions, it is to be had,' said the count. The
whole dish vanished in a few seconds. — ' Ton honour ! I do
believe this is the thing the queen's so fond of,' said Heathcock.
Then heartily did he drink of the count's excellent I lungarian
wines ; and, by the common bond of sympathy between those
who have no other tastes but eating and drinking, the colonel,
the major, and the captain were now all the best companions
possible for one another.
Whilst ' they prolonged the rich repast,' Lady Dashfort and
Lord Colambre went to the window to admire the prospect ;
Lady Dashfort asked the count the name of some distant hill.
' Ah ! ' said the count, ' that hill was once covered with fine
wood ; but it was all cut down two years ago.'
' Who could have been so cruel ? ' said her ladyship.
' I forget the present proprietor's name,' said the count ;
'but he is one of those who, according to the clause of distress
in their leases, lead, drive^ and carry away, but never enter
their lands ; one of those enemies to Ireland — these cruel
absentees ! ' Lady Dashfort looked through her glass at the
mountain ; — Lord Colambre sighed, and, endeavouring to pass
it off with a smile, said frankly to the count —
' You are not aware, I am sure, count, that you are
speaking to the son of an Irish absentee family. — Nay, do not
be shocked, my dear sir ; I tell you only, because I thought
it fair to do so ; but let me assure you, that nothing you could
say on that subject could hurt me personally, because I feel
that I am not, that I never can be, an enemy to Ireland. An
absentee, voluntarily, I never yet have been ; and as to the
future, I declare '
' I declare you know nothing of the future,' intermpted
Lady Dashfort, in a half-peremptory, half-playful tone — ' you
know nothing ; make no rash vows, and you will break none.'
The undaunted assurance of Lady Dashfort's genius for
intrigue gave her an air of frank imprudence, which prevented
Lord Colambre from suspecting that more was meant than
met the ear. The count and he took leave of one another
with mutual regard ; and Lady Dashfort rejoiced to have got
our hero out of Halloran Castle.
Lord Colamdre had waited with great impatience for an
answer to the letter of inquiry which he had written about
Miss Nugcnt's mother. A letter from Lady Clonbrony
arrived ; he opened it with the greatest eagerness — passed
' Rheumatism — warm weather — warm bath— Buxton balls
— -Miss Broadhurst — your friend^ Sir Arthur Berryl, very
assiduous !' The name of Grace Nugent he found at last, and
read as follows :
Her mother's maiden name was .9/. Omar : and there was A faux
pas, certainly. She was, I am told (for it was before my time),
educated at a convent abroad ; and there was an affair with a Captain
Reynolds, a young officer, which her friends were obliged to hush up.
She brought an infant to England with her, and took the name of
Reynolds — but none of that family would acknowledge her ; and she
lived in great obscurity, till your uncle Nugent saw, fell in love with
her, and (knowing her whole history) married her. lie adopted the
child, gave her his name, and, after some years, the whole story was
forgotten. Nothing could be more disadvantageous to Grace than to
have it revived : this is the reason we kept it secret.
Lord Colambre tore the letter to bits.
From the perturbation which Lady Dashfort saw in his
countenance, she guessed the nature of the letter which he
had been reading, and for the arrival of which he had been
so impatient.
'It has worked!' said she to herself. '■Pour le coup
PJiilippe je te tiens ! '
Lord Colambre appeared this day more sensible, than he
had ever yet seemed, to the charms of the fair Isabel.
' Many a tennis-ball, and many a heart is caught at the
rebound,' said Lady Dashfort. ' Isabel ! now is your time ! '
And so it was — or so, perhaps, it would have been, but
for a circumstance which her ladyship, with all her genius
for intrigue, had never taken into her consideration. Count
O'Halloran came to return the visit which had been paid to
him ; and, in the course of conversation, he spoke of the
officers who had been introduced to him, and told Lady
Dashfort that he had heard a report which shocked him
much — he hoped it could not be true — that one of these
officers had introduced his mistress as his wife to Lady
Oranmore, who lived in the neighbourhood. This officer, it
was said, had let Lady Oranmore send her carriage for this
woman ; and that she had dined at Oranmore with her lady-
ship and her daughters. 1 ' But I cannot believe it ! I cannot
believe it to be possible, that any gentleman, that any officer,
could do such a thing ! ' said the count.
'And is this all?' exclaimed Lady Dashfort. 'Is this all
the terrible affair, my good count, which has brought your
face to this prodigious length?'
The count looked at Lady Dashfort with astonishment.
'Such a look of virtuous indignation,' continued she, 'did
I never behold, on or off the stage. Forgive me for
laughing, count ; but, believe me, comedy goes through the
world better than tragedy, and, take it all in all, does rather
less mischief. As to the thing in question, I know nothing
about it : I dare say, it is not true ; but, now, suppose it was —
it is only a silly quiz, of a raw young officer, upon a prudish
old dowager. I know nothing about it, for my part ; but,
after all, what irreparable mischief has been done ? Laugh at
the thing, and then it is a jest — a bad one, perhaps, but still
only a jest — and there's an end of it ; but take it seriously,
and there is no knowing where it might end — in half a dozen
duels, maybe.'
' Of that, madam,' said the count, ' Lady Oranmore's
prudence and presence of mind have prevented all danger.
Her ladyship would not understand the insult. She said, or
she acted as if she said, "Je ne veux rien voir, rien ccouter,
rien savoir" Lady Oranmore is one of the most re-
spectable '
' Count, I beg your pardon ! ' interrupted Lady Dashfort ;
' but I must tell you that your favourite, Lady Oranmore, has
1 Fact.
behaved very ill to me ; purposely omitted to invite Isabel to
ber ball ; offended and insulted me : — ber praises, therefore,
cannot be the most agreeable subject of conversation you
can choose for my amusement ; and as to the rest, you, who
have such variety and so much politeness, will, I am sure,
have the goodness to indulge my caprice in this instance.'
' I shall obey your ladyship, and be silent, whatever pleasure
it might give me to speak on that subject,' said the count ;
' and I trust Lady Dashfort will reward mc by the assurance
that, however playfully she may have just now spoken, she
seriously disapproves and is shocked.'
' Oh, shocked ! shocked to death ! if that will satisfy you,
my dear count.'
The count, obviously, was not satisfied ; he had civil, as well
as military courage, and his sense of right and wrong could
stand against the raillery and ridicule of a fine lady.
The conversation ended : Lady Dashfort thought it
would have no further consequences ; and she did not regret
the loss of a man like Count O'Halloran, who lived retired in
his castle, and who could not have any influence upon the
opinion of the fashionable world. However, upon turning
from the count to Lord Colambre, who she thought had been
occupied with Lady Isabel, and to whom she imagined all this
dispute was uninteresting, she perceived, by his countenance,
that she had made a great mistake. Still she trusted that her
power over Lord Colambre was sufficient easily to efface what-
ever unfavourable impression this conversation had made upon
his mind. He had no personal interest in the affair ; and she
had generally found that people are easily satisfied about any
wrong or insult, public or private, in which they have no
immediate concern. But all the charms of her conversation
were now tried in vain to reclaim him from the reverie into
which he had fallen.
His friend Sir James Brooke's parting advice occurred to
our hero ; his eyes began to open to Lady Dashfort's character;
and he was, from this moment, freed from her power. Lady
Isabel, however, had taken no part in all this — she was blame-
less ; and, independently of her mother, and in pretended
opposition of sentiment, she might have continued to retain
the influence she had gained over Lord Colambre, but that a
slight accident revealed to him her real disposition.
It happened, on the evening of this day, that Lady Isabel
came into the library with one of the young ladies of the
: " / detest that Lady de Cresey to such a degree." '
Copyright 1894 l>y Macmillan &• Co.
house, talking very eagerly, without perceiving Lord Colambre,
who was sitting in one of the recesses reading.
' My dear creature, you are quite mistaken,' said Lady
Isabel, 'he was never a favourite of mine; I always detested
225 Q
him ; I only flirted with him to plague his wife. Oh that wife,
my dear Elizabeth, I do hate ! ' cried she, clasping her hands,
and expressing hatred with all her soul and with all her
strength. ' I detest that Lady de Crcsey to such a degree,
that, to purchase the pleasure of making her feel the pangs of
jealousy for one hour, look, I would this moment lay down
this finger and let it be cut off.'
The face, the whole figure of Lady Isabel at this moment
appeared to Lord Colambre suddenly metamorphosed ; instead
of the soft, gentle, amiable female, all sweet charity and tender
sympathy, formed to love and to be loved, he beheld one
possessed and convulsed by an evil spirit — her beauty, if beauty
it could be called, the beauty of a fiend. Some ejaculation,
which he unconsciously uttered, made Lady Isabel start. She
saw him — saw the expression of his countenance, and knew
that all was over.
Lord Colambre, to the utter astonishment and disappoint-
ment of Lady Dashfort, and to the still greater mortification of
Lady Isabel, announced this night that it was necessary he
should immediately pursue his tour in Ireland. We pass over
all the castles in the air which the young ladies of the family
had built, and which now fell to the ground. We pass all the
civil speeches of Lord and Lady Killpatrick ; all the vehement
remonstrances of Lady Dashfort ; and the vain sighs of Lady
Isabel. To the last moment Lady Dashfort said —
' He will not go.'
But he went ; and, when he was gone, Lady Dashfort ex-
claimed, 'That man has escaped from me.' And after a pause,
turning to her daughter, she, in the most taunting and con-
temptuous terms, reproached her as the cause of this failure,
concluding by a declaration that she must in future manage her
own affairs, and had best settle her mind to marry Heathcock,
since every one else was too wise to think of her.
Lady Isabel of course retorted. But we leave this amiable
mother and daughter to recriminate in appropriate terms, and
we follow our hero, rejoiced that he has been disentangled from
their snares. Those who have never been in similar peril will
wonder much that he did not escape sooner ; those who have
ever been in like danger will wonder more that he escaped at
all. Those who are best acquainted with the heart or imagina-
tion of man will be most ready to acknowledge that the com-
2.? 6
bined charms of wit, beauty, and flattery, may, for a time,
suspend the action of right reason in the mind of the greatest
philosopher, or operate against the resolutions of the greatest
of heroes.
Lord Colambre pursued his way to Castle Halloran, de-
sirous, before he quitted this part of the country, to take leave
of the count, who had shown him much civility, and for whose
honourable conduct, and generous character, he had conceived
a high esteem, which no little peculiarities of antiquated dress
or manner could diminish. Indeed, the old-fashioned politeness
of what was formerly called a well-bred gentleman pleased him
better than the indolent or insolent selfishness of modern men
of the ton. Perhaps, notwithstanding our hero's determination
to turn his mind from everything connected with the idea of
Miss Nugent, some latent curiosity about the burial-place of
the Nugents might have operated to make him call upon the
count. In this hope he was disappointed ; for a cross miller,
to whom the abbey-ground was let, on which the burial-place
was found, had taken it into his head to refuse admittance, and
none could enter his ground.
Count O'Halloran was much pleased by Lord Colambre's
visit. The very day of Lord Colambre's arrival at Halloran
Castle, the count was going to Oranmore ; he was dressed,
and his carriage was waiting ; therefore Lord Colambre begged
that he might not detain him, and the count requested his
lordship to accompany him.
' Let me have the honour of introducing you, my lord, to a
family, with whom, I am persuaded, you will be pleased ; by
whom you will be appreciated ; and at whose house you will
have an opportunity of seeing the best manner of living of the
Irish nobility.' Lord Colambre accepted the invitation, and
was introduced at Oranmore. The dignified appearance and
respectable character of Lady Oranmore ; the charming un-
affected manners of her daughters ; the air of domestic happi-
ness and comfort in her family ; the becoming magnificence,
free from ostentation, in her whole establishment ; the respect
and affection with which she was treated by all who approached
her, delighted and touched Lord Colambre ; the more,
perhaps, because he had heard this family so unjustly abused ;
and because he saw Lady Oranmore and her daughter, in
immediate contrast to Lady Dashfort and Lady Isabel.'
A little circumstance which occurred during this visit
increased his interest for the family. When Lady tie Cresey's
little boys came in after dinner, one of them was playing with
a seal, which had just been torn from a letter. The child
showed it to Lord Colambrc, and asked him to read the motto.
The motto was, 'Deeds, not words' — his friend Sir James
Brooke's motto, and his arms. Lord Colambre eagerly in-
quired if this family was acquainted with Sir James, and he
soon perceived that they wire not only acquainted with him,
but that they were particularly interested about him.
Lady Oranmore's second daughter, Lady Harriet, appeared
particularly pleased by the manner in which Lord Colambre
spoke of Sir James. And the child, who had now estab-
lished himself on his lordship's knee, turned round, and
whispered in his ear, ' 'Twas Aunt Harriet gave me the seal ;
Sir James is to be married to Aunt Harriet, and then he will
be my uncle.'
Some of the principal gentry of this part of the country
happened to dine at Oranmore one of the days Lord Colambre
was there. He was surprised at the discovery, that there were
so many agreeable, well-informed, and well-bred people, of
whom, while he was at Killpatrickstown, he had seen nothing.
He now discerned how far he had been deceived by Lady
Both the count, and Lord and Lady Oranmore, who were
warmly attached to their country, exhorted him to make him-
self amends for the time he had lost, by seeing with his own
eyes, and judging with his own understanding, of the country
and its own inhabitants, during the remainder of the time he
was to stay in Ireland. The higher classes, in most countries,
they observed were generally similar ; but, in the lower class,
he would find many characteristic differences.
When he first came to Ireland, he had been very eager to
go and see his father's estate, and to judge of the conduct of
his agents, and the condition of his tenantry ; but this eager-
ness had subsided, and the design had almost faded from his
mind, whilst under the influence of Lady Dashfort's misrepre-
sentations. A mistake, relative to some remittance from his
banker in Dublin, obliged him to delay his journey a few days,
and during that time Lord and Lady Oranmore showed him
the neat cottages, the well-attended schools, in their neighbour-
hood. They showed him not only what could be done, but
what had been done, by the influence of great proprietors
residing on their own estates, and encouraging the people by
judicious kindness.
He saw, he acknowledged the truth of this ; but it did not
come home to his feelings now as it would have done a little
while ago. His views and plans were altered ; he looked
forward to the idea of marrying and settling in Ireland, and
then everything in the country was interesting to him ; but
since he had forbidden himself to think of a union with Miss
Nugent, his mind had lost its object and its spring; he was
not sufficiently calm to think of the public good ; his thoughts
were absorbed by his private concern. He knew, and repeated
to himself, that he ought to visit his own and his father's
estates, and to see the condition of his tenantry ; he desired
to fulfil his duties, but they ceased to appear to him easy and
pleasurable, for hope and love no longer brightened his
That he might see and hear more than he could as heir-
apparent to the estate, he sent his servant to Dublin to wait
for him there. He travelled incognito, wrapped himself in a
shabby greatcoat, and took the name of Evans. He arrived
at a village, or, as it was called, a town, which bore the name
of Colambre. He was agreeably surprised by the air of neat-
ness and finish in the houses and in the street, which had a
nicely-swept paved footway. He slept at a small but excellent
inn — excellent, perhaps, because it was small, and proportioned
to the situation and business of the place. Good supper, good
bed, good attendance ; nothing out of repair ; no things
pressed into services for what they were never intended by
nature or art ; none of what are vulgarly called makeshifts.
No chambermaid slipshod, or waiter smelling of whisky ; but
all tight and right, and everybody doing their own business,
and doing it as if it was their everyday occupation, not as if
it was done by particular desire, for first or last time this
season. The landlord came in at supper to inquire whether
anything was wanted. Lord Colambre took this opportunity
of entering into conversation with him, and asked him to whom
the town belonged, and who were the proprietors of the
neighbouring estates.
1 The town belongs to an absentee lord — one Lord Clon-
brony, who lives always beyond the seas, in London ; and
never seen the town since it was a town, to call a town.'
' And does the land in the neighbourhood belong to this
Lord Clonbrony ?'
' It does, sir ; he's a great proprietor, but knows nothing of
his property, nor of us. Never set foot among us, to my
knowledge, since I was as high as the table. He might as
well be a West India planter, and we negroes, for anything he
knows to the contrary — has no more care, nor thought about
us, than if he were in Jamaica, or the other world. Shame
for him ! — But there's too many to keep him in countenance.'
Lord Colambre asked him what wine he could have ; and
then inquired who managed the estate for this absentee.
' Mr. Burke, sir. And I don't know why God was so kind
to give so good an agent to an absentee like Lord Clonbrony,
except it was for the sake of us, who is under him, and knows
the blessing, and is thankful for the same.'
' Very good cutlets,' said Lord Colambre.
' I am happy to hear it, sir. They have a right to be good,
for Mrs. Burke sent her own cook to teach my wife to dress
' So the agent is a good agent, is he ? '
' He is, thanks be to Heaven ! And that's what few can
boast, especially when the landlord's living over the seas : we
have the luck to have got a good agent over us, in Mr. Burke,
who is a right bred gentleman ; a snug little property of his
own, honestly made ; with the good will and good wishes,
and respect of all.'
' Does he live in the neighbourhood ? '
'Just convanienty At the end of the town ; in the house
on the hill, as you passed, sir ; to the left, with the trees about
it, all of his planting, finely grown too — for there's a blessing
on all he does, and he has done a deal. — There's salad, sir,
if you are partial to it. Very fine lettuce. Mrs. Burke
sent us the plants herself.'
' Excellent salad ! So this Mr. Burke has done a great
deal, has he ? In what way ? '
' In every way, sir — sure was not it he that had improved,
and fostered, and made the town of Colambre ? — no thanks to the
proprietor, nor to the young man whose name it bears, neither 1 ;
1 Convenient: near.
' Have you any porter, pray, sir ?'
' We have, sir, as good, I hope, as you'd drink in London,
for it's the same you get there, I understand, from Cork. And
I have some of my own brewing, which, they say, you could not
tell the difference between it and Cork quality — if you'd be
pleased to try. Harry, the corkscrew.'
The porter of his own brewing was pronounced to be
extremely good ; and the landlord observed it was Mr. Burke
encouraged him to learn to brew, and lent him his own brewer
for a time to teach him.
' Your Mr. Burke, I find, is apropos to porter, apropos to
salad, apropos to cutlets, apropos to everything,' said Lord
Colambre, smiling ; ' he seems to be a non-pareil of an agent.
I suppose you are a great favourite of his, and you do what
you please with him ? '
' Oh no, sir, I could not say that ; Mr. Burke does not have
favourites anyway ; but according to my deserts, I trust, I
stand well enough with him, for, in truth, he is a right good agent.'
Lord Colambre still pressed for particulars ; he was an
Englishman, and a stranger, he said, and did not exactly know
what was meant in Ireland by a good agent.
' Why, he is the man that will encourage the improving
tenant ; and show no favour or affection, but justice, which
comes even to all, and does best for all at the long run ; and,
residing always in the country, like Mr. Burke, and understand-
ing country business, and going about continually among the
tenantry, he knows when to press for the rent, and when to
leave the money to lay out upon the land ; and, according as
they would want it, can give a tenant a help or a check properly.
Then no duty-work called for, no presents, nor glove-money,
nor sealing-money even, taken or offered ; no underhand hints
about proposals, when land would be out of lease, but a con-
siderable preference, if desarved, to the old tenant, and if
not, a fair advertisement, and the best offer and tenant
accepted ; no screwing of the land to the highest penny, just
to please the head landlord for the minute, and ruin him at
the end, by the tenant's racking the land, and running off with
the year's rent ; nor no bargains to his own relations or friends
did Mr. Burke ever give or grant, but all fair between landlord
and tenant ; and that's the thing that will last ; and that's
what I call the good agent.'
Lord Colambre poured out a glass of wine, and begged the
innkeeper to drink the good agent's health, in which he was
heartily pledged. ' I thank your honour ; — Mr. Burke's health !
and long may he live over and amongst us ; he saved me from
drink and ruin, when I was once inclined to it, and made a
man of me and all my family.'
The particulars we cannot stay to detail : this grateful
man, however, took pleasure in sounding the praises of
his benefactor, and in raising him in the opinion of the
'As you've lime, and are curious about such things, sir,
perhaps you'd walk up to the school that Mrs. Burke has for
the poor children ; and look at the market-house, and see how
clean he takes a pride to keep the town ; and any house in the
town, from the priest to the parson's, that you'd go into, will
give you the same character as I do of Mr. Burke : from the
brogue to the boot, all speak the same of him, and can say no
other. God for ever bless and keep him over us ! '
Upon making further inquiries, everything the innkeeper
had said was confirmed by different inhabitants of the village.
Lord Colambre conversed with the shopkeepers, with the
cottagers ; and, without making any alarming inquiries, he
obtained all the information he wanted. He went to the
village school — a pretty, cheerful house, with a neat garden
and a play green ; met Mrs. Burke ; introduced himself to her
as a traveller. The school was shown to him : it was just
what it ought to be — neither too much nor too little had been
attempted ; there was neither too much interference nor too
little attention. Nothing for exhibition ; care to teach well,
without any vain attempt to teach in a wonderfully short time.
All that experience proves to be useful, in both Dr. Bell's and
Mr. Lancaster's modes of teaching, Mrs. Burke had adopted ;
leaving it to ' graceless zealots ' to fight about the rest. That
no attempts at proselytism had been made, and that no illiberal
distinctions had been made in this school, Lord Colambre was
convinced, in the best manner possible, by seeing the children
of Protestants and Catholics sitting on the same benches, learn-
ing from the same books, and speaking to one another with the
same cordial familiarity. Mrs. Burke was an unaffected,
sensible woman, free from all party prejudices, and, without
ostentation, desirous and capable of doing good. Lord Colambre
was much pleased with her, and very glad that she invited him
to dinner.
Mr. Burke did not come in till late ; for he had been
detained portioning out some meadows, which were of great
consequence to the inhabitants of the town. He brought home
to dine with him the clergyman and the priest of the parish,
both of whom he had taken successful pains to accommodate
with the land which suited their respective convenience. The
good terms on which they seemed to be with each other, and
with him, appeared to Lord Colambre to do honour to Mr.
Burke. All the favourable accounts his lordship had received
of this gentleman were confirmed by what he saw and heard.
After the clergyman and priest had taken leave, upon Lord
Colambre's expressing some surprise, mixed with satisfaction,
at seeing the harmony which subsisted between them, Mr.
Burke assured him that this was the same in many parts of
Ireland. He observed, that 'as the suspicion of ill-will never
fails to produce it,' so he had often found, that taking it for
granted that no ill-will exists has the most conciliating effect.
He said, to please opposite parties, he used no arts ; but he
tried to make all his neighbours live comfortably together, by
making them acquainted with each other's good qualities ; by
giving them opportunities of meeting sociably, and, from time
to time, of doing each other little services and good offices.
' Fortunately, he had so much to do,' he said, ' that he had no
time for controversy. Lie was a plain man, made it a rule not
to meddle with speculative points, and to avoid all irritating
discussions ; he was not to rule the country, but to live in it,
and make others live as happily as he could.'
Having nothing to conceal in his character, opinions, or
circumstances, Mr. Burke was perfectly open and unreserved
in his manner and conversation ; freely answered all the
traveller's inquiries, and took pains to show him everything
he desired to see. Lord Colambre said he had thoughts of
settling in Ireland ; and declared, with truth, that he had not
seen any part of the country he should like better to live in
than this neighbourhood. He went over most of the estate
with Mr. Burke, and had ample opportunities of convincing
himself that this gentleman was indeed, as the innkeeper had de-
scribed him, ' a right good gentleman, and a right good agent.'
He paid Mr. Burke some just compliments on the state of
the tenantry, and the neat and flourishing appearance of the
town of Colambre.
' What pleasure it will give the proprietor when he sees all
you have done ! ' said Lord Colambre.
'Oh, sir, don't speak of it! — that breaks my heart; he
never has shown the least interest in anything I have done ;
he is quite dissatisfied with me, because I have not ruined
his tenantry, by forcing them to pay more than the land is
worth ; because I have not squeezed money from them by
fining down rents ; and — but all this, as an Englishman, sir,
must be unintelligible to you. The end of the matter is, that,
attached as I am to this place and the people about mc, and,
as I hope, the tenantry are to me— I fear I shall be obliged to
give up the agency.'
'Give up the agency ! How so ? — you must not,' cried Lord
Colambre, and, for the moment, he forgot himself; but Mr.
Burke took this only for an expression of good-will.
' I must, I am afraid,' continued he. ' My employer, Lord
Clonbrony, is displeased with me — continual calls for money
come upon me from England, and complaints of my slow
' Perhaps Lord Clonbrony is in embarrassed circumstances,'
said Lord Colambre.
' I never speak of my employer's affairs, sir,' replied .Mr.
Burke ; now for the first time assuming an air of reserve.
' I beg pardon, sir — I seem to have asked an indiscreet
question.' Mrs. Burke was silent.
' Lest my reserve should give you a false impression, I will
add, sir,' resumed Mr. Burke, ' that I really am not acquainted
with the state of his lordship's affairs in general. I know only
what belongs to the estate under my own management. The
principal part of his lordship's property, the Clonbrony estate,
is under another agent, Mr. Garraghty.'
' Garraghty ! ' repeated Lord Colambre ; ' what sort of a
person is he ? But I may take it for granted, that it cannot
fall to the lot of one and the same absentee to have two such
agents as Mr. Burke.'
Mr. Burke bowed, and seemed pleased by the compliment,
which he knew he deserved — but not a word did he say of
Mr. Garraghty ; and Lord Colambre, afraid of betraying himself
by some other indiscreet question, changed the conversation.
2 54
. i -.
"See the reward of all your services, indeedl
What an -unreasonable, ungrateful man /"'
That very night the post brought a letter to Mr. Burke,
from Lord Clonbrony, which Mr. Burke gave to his wife as
soon as he had read it, saying —
' See the reward of all my services ! '
Mrs. Burke glanced her eye over the letter, and, being
extremely fond of her husband, and sensible of his deserving
far different treatment, burst into indignant exclamations —
' See the reward of all your services, indeed ! — What an
unreasonable, ungrateful man ! — So, this is the thanks for all
you have done for Lord Clonbrony ! '
' He does not know what I have done, my dear. He never
has seen what I have done.'
; More shame for him ! '
1 He never, I suppose, looks over his accounts, or under-
stands them.'
' More shame for him ! '
' He listens to foolish reports, or misrepresentations, perhaps.
He is at a distance, and cannot find out the truth.'
' More shame for him ! '
' Take it quietly, my dear ; we have the comfort of a good
conscience. The agency may be taken from me by this lord ;
but the sense of having done my duty, no lord or man upon
earth can give or take away.'
' Such a letter !' said Mrs. Burke, taking it up again. ' Not
even the civility to write with his own hand ! — only his signa-
ture to the scrawl — looks as if it was written by a drunken
man, does not it, Mr. Evans?' said she, showing the letter to
Lord Colambre, who immediately recognised the writing of Sir
Terence O'Fay.
1 It does not look like the hand of a gentleman, indeed,'
said Lord Colambre.
' It has Lord Clonbrony's own signature, let it be what it
will,' said Mr. Burke, looking closely at it ; ' Lord Clonbrony's
own writing the signature is, I am clear of that.'
Lord Clonbrony's son was clear of it also ; but he took care
not to give any opinion on that point.
'Oh, pray, read it, sir, read it,' said Mrs. Burke, pleased by
his tone of indignation ; ' read it, pray ; a gentleman may
write a bad hand, but no gentleman could write such a letter
as that to Mr. Burke — pray read it, sir ; you who have seen
something of what Mr. Burke has done for the town of
Colambre, and what he has made of the tenantry and the
estate of Lord Clonbrony.'
Lord Colambre read, and was convinced that his father had
never written or read the letter, but had signed it, trusting
to Sir Terence O'Fay's having expressed his sentiments
As I have no further occasion for your services, you will take
notice, that I hereby request you will forthwith hand over, on or before
the 1st of November next, your accounts, with the balance clue of the
hanging-gale (which, I understand, is more than ought to be at this
season) to Nicholas O'Garraghty, Esq., College Green, Dublin, who in
future will act as agent, and shall get, by post, immediately, a power
of attorney for the same, entitling him to receive and manage the
Colambre as well as the Clonbrony estate, for, Sir, your obedient
humble servant, Clonbrony.
' Grosvenor Square.'
Though misrepresentation, caprice, or interest, might have
induced Lord Clonbrony to desire to change his agent, yet
Lord Colambre knew that his father never could have
announced his wishes in such a style ; and, as he returned the
letter to Mrs. Burke, he repeated, he was convinced that it
was impossible that any nobleman could have written such a
letter ; that it must have been written by some inferior person ;
and that his lordship had signed it without reading it.
' My dear, I'm sorry you showed that letter to Mr. Evans,'
said Mr. Burke ; ' I don't like to expose Lord Clonbrony ; he
is a well-meaning gentleman, misled by ignorant or designing
people ; at all events, it is not for us to expose him.'
'He has exposed himself,' said Mrs. Burke; 'and the
world should know it.'
' He was very kind to me when I was a young man,' said
Mr. Burke ; ' we must not forget that now, because we are
angry, my love.'
' Why, no, my love, to be sure we should not ; but who
could have recollected it just at this minute but yourself? — And
now, sir,' turning to Lord Colambre, ' you see what kind of a
man this is : now is it not difficult for me to bear patiently to see
him ill-treated ? '
1 Not only difficult, but impossible, I should think, madam,'
said Lord Colambre ; ' I know, even I, who am a stranger,
cannot help feeling for both of you, as you must see I do.'
' And half the world, who don't know him,' continued Mrs.
Burke, ' when they hear that Lord Clonbrony's agency is taken
from him, will think, perhaps, that he is to blame.'
' No, madam,' said Lord Colambre ; ' that you need not
fear ; Mr. Burke may safely trust to his character ; from what
I have within these two days seen and heard, I am convinced
that such is the respect he has deserved and acquired, that no
blame can touch him.'
' Sir, I thank you,' said Mrs. Burke, the tears coming into
her eyes ; ' you can judge — you do him justice ; but there arc
so many who don't know him, and who will decide without
knowing any of the facts.'
' That, my dear, happens about everything to everybody/
said Mr. Burke ; ' but we must have patience ; time sets all
judgments right, sooner or later.'
' But the sooner the better,' said Mrs. Burke. ' Mr. Evans,
I hope you will be so kind, if ever you hear this business
talked of '
' Mr. Evans lives in Wales, my dear.'
' But he is travelling through Ireland, my dear, and he said
he should return to Dublin, and, you know, there he certainly
will hear it talked of; and I hope he will do me the favour to
state what he has seen and knows to be the truth.'
1 Be assured that I will do Mr. Burke justice — as far as it
is in my power,' said Lord Colambre, restraining himself much,
that he might not say more than became his assumed character.
He took leave of this worthy family that night, and, early the
next morning, departed.
' Ah ! ' thought he, as he drove away from this well-regulated
and flourishing place, ' how happy I might be, settled here
with such a wife as — her of whom I must think no more.'
He pursued his way to Clonbrony, his father's other estate,
which was at a considerable distance from Colambre ; he was
resolved to know what kind of agent Mr. Nicholas Garraghty
might be, who was to supersede Mr. Burke, and by power of
attorney to be immediately entitled to receive and manage the
Colambre as well as the Clonbrony estate.
Towards the evening of the second day's journey, the driver
of Lord Colambre's hackney chaise stopped, and jumping off
the wooden bar, on which he had been seated, exclaimed —
' We're come to the bad step, now. The bad road's begin-
ning upon us, please your honour.'
' Bad road ! that is very uncommon in this country. I
never saw such fine roads as you have in Ireland.'
' That's true ; and God bless your honour, that's sensible of
that same, for it's not what all the foreign quality I drive have
the manners to notice. God bless your honour ! I heard you're
a Welshman, but whether or no, I am sure you are a gentleman,
anyway, Welsh or other.'
Notwithstanding the shabby greatcoat, the shrewd postillion
perceived, by our hero's language, that he was a gentleman.
After much dragging at the horses' heads, and pushing and
lifting, the carriage was got over what the postillion said was
the worst part of the bad step ; but as the road 'was not yet to
say good,' he continued walking beside the carriage.
' It's only bad just hereabouts, and that by accident,' said
he, ' on account of there being no jantleman resident in it, nor
near ; but only a bit of an under-agent, a great little rogue,
who gets his own turn out of the roads, and of everything else
in life. I, Larry Brady, that am telling your honour, have a
good right to know, for myself, and my father, and my brother.
Pat Brady, the wheelwright, had once a farm under him ; but
was ruined, horse and foot, all along with him, and cast out,
and my brother forced to fly the country, and is now working
in some coachmaker's yard, in London ; banished he is ! — and
here am I, forced to be what I am — and now that I'm reduced
to drive a hack, the agent's a curse to me still, with these bad
roads, killing my horses and wheels — and a shame to the
country, which I think more of — Bad luck to him ! '
' I know your brother ; he lives with Mr. Mordicai, in Long
Acre, in London.'
' Oh, God bless you for that ! '
They came at this time within view of a range of about four-
and twenty men and boys, sitting astride on four-and-twenty
heaps of broken stones, on each side of the road ; they were
all armed with hammers, with which they began to pound with
great diligence and noise as soon as they saw the carriage.
The chaise passed between these batteries, the stones flying
on all sides.
'How are you, Jem? — How are you, Phil?' said Larry.
' But hold your hand, can't ye, while I stop and get the stones
out of the horses' feet. So you're making up the rent, are you,
for St. Dennis ?'
' Whoosh ! ' said one of the pounders, coming close to the
postillion, and pointing his thumb back towards the chaise.
' Who have you in it ?'
' Oh, you need not scruple, he's a very honest man ; — he's
only a man from North Wales, one Mr. Evans, an innocent
jantleman, that's sent over to travel up and down the country,
to find is there any copper mines in it.'
' How do you know, Larry ? '
' Because I know very well, from one that was tould, and I
seen him tax the man of the King's Head, with a copper half-
crown, at first sight, which was only lead to look at, you'd
think, to them that was not skilful in copper. So lend me a
knife, till I cut a linch-pin out of the hedge, for this one won't
go far.'
Whilst Larry was making the linch-pin, all scruple being
removed, his question about St. Dennis and the rent was
'Ay, it's the rint, sure enough, we're pounding out for him ;
for he sent the driver round last-night-was-eight days, to warn
us old Nick would be down a'-Monday, to take a sweep among
us ; and there's only six clear days, Saturday night, before the
assizes, sure ; so we must see and get it finished anyway, to
clear the presentment again' the swearing day, for he and
Paddy Hart is the overseers themselves, and Paddy is to swear
to it.'
' St. Dennis, is it ? Then you've one great comfort and
security — that he won't be particular about the swearing ; for
since ever he had his head on his shoulders, an oath never
stuck in St. Dennis's throat, more than in his own brother, old
'His head upon his shoulders!' repeated Lord Colambre.
1 Pray, did you ever hear that St. Dennis's head was off his
shoulders ? '
' It never was, plase your honour, to my knowledge.'
' Did you never, among your saints, hear of St. Dennis
carrying his head in his hand ? ' said Colambre.
' The rael saint ! ' said the postillion, suddenly changing his
tone, and looking shocked. ' Oh, don't be talking that way of
the saints, pl^se your honour.'
' Then of what St. Dennis were you talking just now ? —
Whom do you mean by St. Dennis, and whom do you call
old Nick?'
' Old Nick,' answered the postillion, coming close to the
side of the carriage, and whispering — ' Old Nick, plase your
honour, is our nickname for one Nicholas Garraghty, Esq., of
College Green, Dublin, and St. Dennis is his brother Dennis,
who is old Nick's brother in all things, and would fain be a
saint, only he is a sinner. He lives just by here, in the
country, under-agent to Lord Clonbrony, as old Nick is upper-
agent — it's only a joke among the people, that are not fond of
them at all. Lord Clonbrony himself is a very good jantleman,
if he was not an absentee, resident in London, leaving us and
everything to the likes of them.'
Lord Colambre listened with all possible composure and
attention ; but the postillion having now made his linch-pin of
wood, and fixed himself, he mounted his bar, and drove on,
saying to Lord Colambre, as he looked at the road-makers —
' Poor cratures / They couldn't keep their cattle out of
pound, or themselves out of jail, but by making this road.'
' Is road-making, then, a very profitable business ? — Have
road-makers higher wages than other men in this part of the
country ? '
'It is, and it is not — they have, and they have not — plase
your honour.'
' I don't understand you.'
' No, becaase you're an Englishman — that is, a Welshman —
241 R
I beg your honour's pardon. But I'll tell you how that is, and
I'll go slow over these broken stones, — for I can't go fast : it is
where there's no jantleman over these under-agents, as here,
they do as they plase ; and when they have set the land they
get rasonable from the head landlords, to poor cratures at a
rack-rent, that they can't live and pay the rent, they say '
' Who says ? '
1 Them under-agents, that have no conscience at all. Not
all — but some, like Dennis, says, says he, " I'll get you a road
to make up the rent : " that is, plase your honour, the agent
gets them a presentment for so many perches of road from the
grand jury, at twice the price that would make the road. And
tenants are, by this means, as they take the road by contract, at
the price given by the county, able to pay all they get by the
job, over and above potatoes and salt, back again to the assent,
for the arrear on the land. Do I make your honour sensible ? x '
' You make me much more sensible than I ever was before,'
said Lord Colambre ; • but is not this cheating the county ? '
' Well, and suppose,' replied Larry, ' is not it all for my good,
and yours too, plase your honour ? ' said Larry, looking very
' My good ! ' said Lord Colambre, startled. ' What have I
to do with it ? '
' Haven't you to do with the roads as well as me, when
you're travelling upon them, plase your honour ? And sure,
they'd never be got made at all, if they weren't made this ways ;
and it's the best way in the wide world, and the finest roads we
have. And when the rael jantlemen's resident in the country,
there's no jobbing can be, because they're then the leading men
on the grand jury ; and these journeymen jantlemen are then
kept in order, and all's right.'
Lord Colambre was much surprised at Larry's knowledge of
the manner in which county business is managed, as well as by
his shrewd good sense : he did not know that this is not un-
common in his rank of life in Ireland.
Whilst Larry was speaking, Lord Colambre was looking
from side to side at the desolation of the prospect.
' So this is Lord Clonbrony's estate, is it ? '
' Ay, all you see, and as far and farther than you can see.
My Lord Clonbrony wrote, and ordered plantations here, time
1 Do I make you understand ?
back ; and enough was paid to labourers for ditching and
planting. And, what next ? — Why, what did the under-agent
do, but let the goats in through gaps, left o' purpose, to bark the
trees, and then the trees was all banished. And next, the
cattle was let in trespassing, and winked at, till the land was all
poached ; and then the land was waste, and cried down ; and
St. Dennis wrote up to Dublin to old Nick, and he over to
the landlord, how none would take it, or bid anything at all for
it ; so then it fell to him a cheap bargain. Oh, the tricks of
them ! who knows 'em, if I don't ? '
Presently, Lord Colambre's attention was roused again, by
seeing a man running, as if for his life, across a bog, near the
roadside ; he leaped over the ditch, and was upon the road in
an instant. He seemed startled at first, at the sight of the
carriage ; but, looking at the postillion, Larry nodded, and he
smiled and said —
' All's safe ! '
' Pray, my good friend, may I ask what that is you have on
your shoulder ? ' said Lord Colambre.
' Plase your honour, it is only a private still, which I've just
caught out yonder in the bog ; and I'm carrying it in with all
speed to the gauger, to make a discovery, that the jantleman
may benefit by the reward ; I expect he'll make me a com-
' Get up behind, and I'll give you a lift,' said the postillion.
' Thank you kindly — but better my legs ! ' said the man ;
and turning down a lane, off he ran again as fast as possible.
' Expect he'll make me a compliment,' repeated Lord
Colambre, ' to make a discovery ! '
'Ay, plase your honour ; for the law is,' said Larry, ' that, if
an unlawful still, that is, a still without license for whisky, is
found, half the benefit of the fine that's put upon the parish
goes to him that made the discovery ; that's what that man is
after, for he's an informer.'
' I should not have thought, from what I see of you,' said
Lord Colambre, smiling, ' that you, Larry, would have offered
an informer a lift.'
' Oh, plase your honour ! ' said Larry, smiling archly,
' would not I give the laws a lift, when in my power ? '
Scarcely had he uttered these words, and scarcely was the
informer out of sight, when across the same bog, and over the
ditch, came another man, a half kind of gentleman, with a red
silk handkerchief about his neck, and a silver-handled whip in
his hand.
' Did you see any man pass the road, friend ? ' said he to
the postillion.
'Oh! who would I see? or why would I tell?' replied
Larry, in a sulky tone.
' Come, come, be smart ! ' said the man with the silver whip,
offering to put half a crown into the postillion's hand ; ' point
me which way he took.'
'I'll have none o' your silver! don't touch me with it:'
said Larry. ' But, if you'll take my advice, you'll strike across
back, and follow the fields, out to Killogenesawee.'
The exciseman set out again immediately, in an opposite
direction to that which the man who carried the still had
taken. Lord Colambre now perceived that the pretended
informer had been running off to conceal a still of his own.
' The gauger, plase your honour,' said Larry, looking back
at Lord Colambre ; 'the gauger is a still-hunting P
' And you put him on a wrong scent ! ' said Lord Colambre.
' Sure, I told him no lie ; I only said, " If you'll take my
advice." And why was he such a fool as to take my advice,
when I wouldn't take his fee ? '
' So this is the way, Larry, you give a lift to the laws ! '
' If the laws would give a lift to me, plase your honour,
maybe I'd do as much by them. But it's only these revenue
laws I mean ; for I never, to my knowledge, broke another
commandment ; but it's what no honest poor man among his
neighbours would scruple to take — a glass of poi 'sheen.'
'A glass of what, in the name of Heaven?' said Lord
1 Potshcen, plase your honour ; — becaase it's the little whisky
that's made in the private still or pot ; and s/ieen, becaase it's
a fond word for whatsoever we'd like, and for what we have
little of, and would make much of: after taking the glass of it,
no man could go and inform to ruin the craturesj for they all
shelter on that estate under favour of them that go shares, and
make rent of 'em — but I'd never inform again' 'em. And,
after all, if the truth was known, and my Lord Clonbrony
should be informed against, and presented, for it's his neglect
is the bottom of the nuisance '
' I find all the blame is thrown upon this poor Lotd
Clonbrony,' said Lord Colambre.
' Becaase he is absent,' said Larry. ' It would not be so was
heprisinf. But your honour was talking to me about the laws.
Your honour's a stranger in this country, and astray about
them things. Sure, why would I mind the laws about whisky,
more than the quality, or the judge on the bench ? '
' What do you mean ? '
' Why ! was not \prisint in the court-house myself, when the
jidge was on the bench judging a still, and across the court
came in one with a sly jug of potshcen for the jidge himself,
who prefarred it, when the right thing, to claret ; and when I
seen that, by the laws ! a man might talk himself dumb to me
after again' potsheen, or in favour of the revenue, or revenue-
officers. And there they may go on, with their gaugers, and
their surveyors, and their supervisors, and their watching-
cfficers, and their coursing- officers, setting 'em one after
another, or one over the head of another, or what way they
will — we can baffle and laugh at 'em. Didn't I know, next
door to our inn, last year, ten ivatcJiing-cfficci-s set upon one
distiller, and he was too cunning for them ; and it will always
be so, while ever the people think it no sin. No, till then,
not all their dockets and permits signify a rush, or a turf.
And the gauging rod even ! who fears it ? They may spare
that rod, for it will never mend the child.'
How much longer Larry's dissertation on the distillery laws
would have continued, had not his ideas been interrupted, we
cannot guess ; but he saw he was coming to a town, and he
gathered up the reins, and plied the whip, ambitious to make a
figure in the eyes of its inhabitants.
This toiun consisted of one row of miserable huts, sunk
beneath the side of the road, the mud walls crooked in every
direction ; some of them opening in wide cracks, or zigzag
fissures, from top to bottom, as if there had just been an earth-
quake — all the roofs sunk in various places— thatch off, or
overgrown with grass — no chimneys, the smoke making its way
through a hole in the roof, or rising in clouds from the top of
the open door — dunghills before the doors, and green standing
puddles— squalid children, with scarcely rags to cover them,
gazing at the carriage.
' Nugent's town,' said the postillion, ' once a snug place,
when my Lady Clonbrony was at home to whitewash it, and
the like.'
As they drove by, some men and women put their heads
through the smoke out of the cabins ; pale women with long,
black, or yellow locks — men with countenances and figures
bereft of hope and energy.
' Wretched, wretched people ! ' said Lord Colambre.
' Then it's not their fault neither,' said Larry ; ' for my own
uncle's one of them, and as thriving and hard a working man as
could be in all Ireland, he was, «/wr he was tramped under foot,
and his heart broke. I was at his funeral, this time last year ;
and for it, may the agent's own heart, if he has any, burn '
Lord Colambre interrupted this denunciation by touching
Larry's shoulder, and asking some question, which, as Larry
did not distinctly comprehend, he pulled up the reins, and the
various noises of the vehicle stopped suddenly.
1 1 did not hear well, plase your honour.'
'What are those people?' pointing to a man and woman,
curious figures, who had come out of a cabin, the door of
which the woman, who came out last, locked, and carefully
hiding the key in the thatch, turned her back upon the man,
and they walked away in different directions : the woman
bending under a huge bundle on her back, covered by a yellow
petticoat turned over her shoulders ; from the top of this
bundle the head of an infant appeared ; a little boy, almost
naked, followed her with a kettle, and two girls, one of whom
could but just walk, held her hand and clung to her ragged
petticoat ; forming, altogether, a complete group of beggars.
The woman stopped, and looked back after the man.
The man was a Spanish-looking figure, with gray hair ; a
wallet hung at the end of a stick over one shoulder, a reaping-
hook in the other hand ; he walked off stoutly, without ever
casting a look behind him.
' A kind harvest to you, John Dolan,' cried the postillion,
' and success to ye, Winny, with the quality. There's a luck-
penny for the child to begin with,' added he, throwing the
child a penny. ' Your honour, they're only poor cratures going
up the country to beg, while the man goes over to reap the
harvest in England. Nor this would not be, neither, if the
lord was in it to give 'em employ. That man, now, was a good
and a willing slave in his day : I mind him working with my-
self in the shrubberies at Clonbrony Castle, when I was a boy- — ■
but I'll not be detaining your honour, now the road's better.'
The postillion drove on at a good rate for some time, till he
came to a piece of the road freshly covered with broken stones,
where he was obliged again to go slowly.
They overtook a string of cars, on which were piled up
high, beds, tables, chairs, trunks, boxes, bandboxes.
' How are you, Finnucan ? you've fine loading there — from
Dublin, are you ? '
' From Bray.'
' And what news ? '
' Great news and bad, for old Nick, or some belonging to
him, thanks be to Heaven ! for myself hates him.'
'What's happened him ?'
' His sister's husband that's failed, the great grocer that
was, the man that had the wife that ow'd 1 the fine house near
Bray, that they got that time the Parliament flitted, and that I
seen in her carriage flaming — well, it's all out ; they're all
done up.'
' Tut ! is that all ? then they'll thrive, and set up again
grander than ever, I'll engage ; have not they old Nick for an
attorney at their back ? a good warrant ! '
' Oh, trust him for that ! he won't go security nor pay a
farthing for his s/u'ster, nor wouldn't was she his father ; I
heard him telling her so, which I could not have done in his
place at that time, and she crying as if her heart would break,
and I standing by in the parlour.'
' The negcr ! 2 And did he speak that way, and you by ? '
' Ay did he ; and said, " Mrs. Raffarty," says he, " it's all
your own fault ; you're an extravagant fool, and ever was, and
I wash my hands of you ; " that was the word he spoke ; and
she answered, and said, " And mayn't I send the beds and
blankets," said she, " and what I can, by the cars, out of the way
of the creditors, to Clonbrony Castle ; and won't you let me
hide there from the shame, till the bustle's over?"— "You
may do that," says he, " for what I care ; but remember," says
he, "that I've the first claim to them goods ;" and that's all he
would grant. So they are coming down all o' Monday — them
are her bandboxes and all — to settle it ; and faith it was a pity
1 Owned.
2 Neger, quasi negro ; meo periculo, niggard.
of her ! to hear her sobbing, and to see her own brother speak
and look so hard ! and she a lady. 1
' " Jf/s. Raffarty" says he, " ifs all your- o-wn fault.
Copyright 1894 by Macmillan 3- Co.
1 Sure she's not a lady born, no more than himself,' said
Larry ; 'but that's no excuse for him. His heart's as hard as
that stone,' said Larry ; ' and my own people knew that long
ago, and now his own know it ; and what right have we to
complain, since he's as bad to his own flesh and blood as
to us ? '
With this consolation, and with a ' God speed you,' given
to the carman, Larry was driving off; but the carman called to
him, and pointed to a house, at the corner of which, on a high
pole, was swinging an iron sign of three horse-shoes, set in a
crooked frame, and at the window hung an empty bottle,
proclaiming whisky within.
'Well, I don't care if I do,' said Larry; 'for I've no other
comfort left me in life now. I beg your honour's pardon, sir,
for a minute,' added he, throwing the reins into the carriage to
Lord Colambre, as he leaped down. All remonstrance and
power of lungs to reclaim him vain ! He darted into the
whisky-house with the carman — reappeared before Lord
Colambre could accomplish getting out, remounted his seat,
and, taking the reins, ' I thank your honour,' said he ; 'and I'll
bring you into Clonbrony before it's pitch-dark yet, though it's
nightfall, and that's four good miles, but ." a spur in the head
is worth two in the heel."'
Larry, to demonstrate the truth of his favourite axiom,
drove off at such a furious rate over great stones left in the
middle of the road by carmen, who had been driving in the
gudgeons of their axle-trees to hinder them from lacing, 1 that
Lord Colambre thought life and limb in imminent danger ; and
feeling that at all events the jolting and bumping was past
endurance, he had recourse to Larry's shoulder, and shook and
pulled, and called to him to go slower, but in vain ; at last the
wheel struck full against a heap of stones at a turn of the road,
the wooden linch-pin came off, and the chaise was overset :
Lord Colambre was a little bruised, but glad to escape without
fractured bones.
' I beg your honour's pardon,' said Larry, completely
sobered ; ' I'm as glad as the best pair of boots ever I see, to
see your honour nothing the worse for it. It was the linch-
pin, and them barrows of loose stones, that ought to be fined
anyway, if there was any justice in the country.'
' The pole is broke ; how are we to get on ? ' said Lord
1 Opening ; perhaps from lacker, to loosen.
'Murder! murder! — and no smith nearer than Clonbrony ;
nor rope even. It's a folly to talk, we can't get to Clonbrony,
nor stir a step backward or forward the night.'
' What, then, do you mean to leave me all night in the
middle of the road ? ' cried Lord Colambre, quite exasperated.
' Is it me ! please your honour ? I would not use any
jantleman so ill, barring I could do no other,' replied the
postillion, coolly ; then, leaping across the ditch, or, as he
called it, the gripe of the ditch, he scrambled up, and while he
was scrambling, said, ' If your honour will lend mc your hand
till I pull you up the back of the ditch, the horses will stand
while we go. I'll find you as pretty a lodging for the night,
with a widow of a brother of my shister's husband that was, as
ever you slept in your life ; for old Nick or St. Dennis has not
found 'em out yet ; and your honour will be, no compare,
snugger than the inn at Clonbrony, which has no roof, the
devil a stick. But where will I get your honour's hand ; for
it's coming on so dark, I can't see rightly. There, you're up
now safe. Yonder candle's the house.'
'Go and ask whether they can give us a night's lodging.'
'Is it ask? when I see the light! — Sure they'd be proud
to give the traveller all the beds in the house, let alone one.
Take care of the potato furrows, that's all, and follow me
straight. I'll go on to meet the dog, who knows me and
might be strange to your honour.'
' Kindly welcome,' were the first words Lord Colambre
heard when he approached the cottage ; and ' kindly welcome '
was in the sound of the voice and in the countenance of the
old woman who came out, shading her rush-candle from the
wind, and holding it so as to light the path. When he entered
the cottage, he saw a cheerful fire and a neat pretty young
woman making it blaze : she curtsied, put her spinning-wheel
out of the way, set a stool by the fire for the stranger, and
repeating, in a very low tone of voice, ' Kindly welcome, sir,'
' Put down some eggs, dear, there's plenty in the bowl,'
said the old woman, calling to her ; ' I'll do the bacon. Was
not we lucky to be up ? — The boy's gone to bed, but waken
him,' said she, turning to the postillion ; ' and he'll help you
with the chay, and put your horses in the bier for the night.'
No ; Larry chose to go on to Clonbrony with the horses,
that he might get the chaise mended betimes for his honour.
The table was set ; clean trenchers, hot potatoes, milk, eggs,
bacon, and ' kindly welcome to all.'
1 Set the salt, dear ; and the butter, love ; where's your
head, Grace, dear ? '
' Grace ! ' repeated Lord Colambre, looking up ; and, to
apologise for his involuntary exclamation, he added, ' Is Grace
a common name in Ireland ? '
' I can't say, plase your honour, but it was give her by Lady
Clonbrony, from a niece of her own that was her foster-sister,
God bless her ! and a very kind lady she was to us and to all
when she was living in it ; but those times are gone past,' said
the old woman, with a sigh. The young woman sighed too ;
and, sitting down by the fire, began to count the notches in a
little bit of stick, which she held in her hand ; and, after she
had counted them, sighed again.
' But don't be sighing, Grace, now,' said the old woman ;
' sighs is bad sauce for the traveller's supper ; and we won't be
troubling him with more,' added she, turning to Lord Colambre
with a smile.
' Is your egg done to your liking ? '
' Perfectly, thank you.'
' Then I wish it was a chicken for your sake, which it
should have been, and roast too, had we time. I wish I could
see you eat another egg.'
' Xo more, thank you, my good lady ; I never ate a better
supper, nor received a more hospitable welcome.'
' Oh, the welcome is all we have to offer.'
' May I ask what that is ? ' said Lord Colambre, looking at
the notched stick, which the young woman held in her hand,
and on which her eyes were still fixed.
' It's a tally, plase your honour. Oh, you're a foreigner ; — it's
the way the labourers do keep the account of the day's work
with the overseer, the bailiff; a notch for every day the bailiff
makes on his stick, and the labourer the like on his stick, to
tally ; and when we come to make up the account, it's by the
notches we go. And there's been a mistake, and is a dispute
here between our boy and the overseer ; and she was counting
the boy's tally, that's in bed, tired, for in troth he's overworked.'
' Would you want anything more from me, mother ? ' said the
girl, rising and turning her head away.
1 Ah, these red check curtains," said she, letting them down.'
' Xo, child ; get away, for your heart's full.'
She went instantly.
' Is the boy her brother ? ' said Lord Colambre.
' No ; he's her bachelor,' said the old woman, lowering her
1 Her bachelor ?'
' That is, her sweetheart : for she is not my daughter,
though you heard her call me mother. The boy's my son ;
but I am afeard they must give it up ; for they're too poor,
and the times is hard, and the agent's harder than the times ;
there's two of them, the under and the upper ; and they grind
the substance of one between them, and then blow one away
like chaff: but we'll not be talking of that to spoil your honour's
night's rest. The room's ready, and here's the rushlight.'
She showed him into a very small but neat room. ' What
a comfortable-looking bed ! ' said Lord Colambre.
' Ah, these red check curtains,' said she, letting them down ;
' these have lasted well ; they were give me by a good friend,
now far away, over the seas — my Lady Clonbrony ; and made
by the prettiest hands ever you see, her niece's, Miss Grace
Nugent's, and she a little child that time ; sweet love ! all
gone ! '
The old woman wiped a tear from her eye, and Lord
Colambre did what he could to appear indifferent. She set
down the candle, and left the room ; Lord Colambre went to
bed, but he lay awake, ' revolving sweet and bitter thoughts.'
The kettle was on the fire, tea-things set, everything prepared
for her guest by the hospitable hostess, who, thinking the
gentleman would take tea to his breakfast, had sent off a
gossoon by the first light to Clonbrony, for an ounce of tea,
a quarter of sugar, and a loaf of white bread ; and there was
on the little table good cream, milk, butter, eggs — all the
promise of an excellent breakfast. It was a fresh morning,
and there was a pleasant fire on the hearth, neatly swept up.
The old woman was sitting in her chimney corner, behind a
little skreen of whitewashed wall, built out into the room, for
the purpose of keeping those who sat at the fire from the blast
of the door. There was a loophole in this wall, to let the light
in, just at the height of a person's head, who was sitting near
the chimney. The rays of the morning sun now came through
it, shining across the face of the old woman, as she sat knitting;
Lord Colambre thought he had seldom seen a more agree-
able countenance, intelligent eyes, benevolent smile, a natural
expression of cheerfulness, subdued by age and misfortune.
'A good-morrow to you kindly, sir, and I hope you got the
night well ? — A fine day for us this Sunday morning ; my Grace
is gone to early prayers, so your honour will be content with an
old woman to make your breakfast. Oh, let me put in plenty,
or it will never be good ; and if your honour takes stir-about,
an old hand will engage to make that to your liking, anyway;
for, by great happiness, we have what will just answer for you
of the nicest meal the miller made my Grace a compliment of,
last time she went to the mill.'
Lord Colambre observed, that this miller had good taste ;
and his lordship paid some compliment to Grace's beauty,
which the old woman received with a smile, but turned off the
conversation. ' Then,' said she, looking out of the window,
' is not that there a nice little garden the boy dug for her and
me, at his breakfast and dinner hours ? Ah ! he's a good boy,
and a good warrant to work ; and the good son desarves the
good wife, and it's he that will make the good husband ; and
with my goodwill he, and no other, shall get her, and with her
goodwill the same ; and I bid 'em keep up their heart, and
hope the best, for there's no use in fearing the worst till it
Lord Colambre wished very much to know the worst.
' If you would not think a stranger impertinent for asking,'
said he, ' and if it would not be painful to you to explain.'
' Oh, impertinent, your honour ! it's very kind — and, sure,
none's a stranger to one's heart, that feels for one. And for
myself, I can talk of my troubles without thinking of them.
So, I'll tell you all — if the worst comes to the worst — all that is,
is, that we must quit, and give up this little snug place, and
house, and farm, and all, to the agent — which would be hard
on us, and me a widow, when my husband did all that is done
to the land ; and if your honour was a judge, you could see, if
you stepped out, there has been a deal done, and built the
house, and all — but it plased Heaven to take him. Well, he
was too good for this world, and I'm Satisfied— I'm not saying
a word again' that — I trust we shall meet in heaven, and be
happy, surely. And, meantime, here's my boy, that will make
me as happy as ever widow was on earth — if the agent will let
him. And I can't think the agent, though they that know him
best call him old Nick, would be so wicked to take from us
that which he never gave us. The good lord himself granted
us the lose j the life's dropped, and the years is out ; but we
had a promise of renewal in writing from the landlord. God
bless him ! if he was not away, he'd be a good gentleman, and
we'd be happy and safe.'
' But if you have a promise in writing of a renewal, surely
you are safe, whether your landlord is absent or present ?'
' Ah, no ! that makes a great differ, when there's no eye or
hand over the agent. I would not wish to speak or think ill
of him or any man ; but was he an angel, he could not know
to do the tenantry' justice, the way he is living always in Dublin,
and coming down to the country only the receiving days, to
make a sweep among us, and gather up the rents in a hurry,
and he in such haste back to town — can just stay to count over
our money, and give the receipts. Happy for us, if we get
that same ! — but can't expect he should have time to see or
hear us, or mind our improvements, any more than listen to
our complaints ! Oh, there's great excuse for the gentleman,
if that was any comfort for us,' added she, smiling.
' But, if he does not live amongst you himself, has not
he some under-agent, who lives in the country ? ' said Lord
'He has so.'
' And he should know your concerns : does he mind
them ? '
' He should know — he should know better ; but as to
minding our concerns, your honour knows,' continued she,
smiling again, ' every one in this world must mind their own
concerns ; and it would be a good world, if it was even so.
There's a great deal in all things, that don't appear at first
sight. Mr. Dennis wanted Grace for a wife for his bailiff, but
she would not have him ; and Mr. Dennis was very sweet to
her himself — but Grace is rather high with him as proper, and
he has a grudge agairf us ever since. Yet, indeed, there,'
added she, after another pause, • as you say, I think we are
safe ; for we have that memorandum in writing, with a pencil,
given under his own hand, on the back of the lase, to me, by
the same token when my good lord had his foot on the step of
the coach, going away ; and I'll never forget the smile of her
that got that good turn done for me, Miss Grace. And just
when she was going to England and London, and, young as
she was, to have the thought to stop and turn to the likes of
me ! Oh, then, if you could see her, and know her, as I did !
That was the comforting angel upon earth — look and voice,
and heart and all ! Oh, that she was here present, this minute !
— But did you scald yourself? ' said the widow to Lord Colambre.
' Sure you must have scalded yourself ; for you poured the
kettle straight over your hand, and it boiling ! — O deear ! to
think of so young a gentleman's hand shaking so like my
Luckily, to prevent her pursuing her observations from the
hand to the face, which might have betrayed more than Lord
Colambre wished she should know, her own Grace came in at
this instant.
' " Then., I'm tired."*
Copyright 1094 by Macmillan &• Co.
'There it's for you, safe, mother dear — the /ase/' said
Grace, throwing a packet into her lap. The old woman
lifted up her hands to heaven, with the lease between them.
— ' Thanks be to Heaven ! ' Grace passed on, and sunk down
on the first seat she could reach. Her face flushed, and,
looking much fatigued, she loosened the strings of her bonnet
and cloak — ' Then, I'm tired ; ' but, recollecting herself, she
rose, and curtsied to the gentleman.
' What tired ye, dear ? '
' Why, after prayers, we had to go — for the agent was not
at prayers, nor at home for us, when we called — we had to
go all the way up to the castle ; and there, by great good
luck, we found Mr. Nick Garraghty himself, come from Dublin,
and the hue in his hands ; and he sealed it up that way, and
handed it to me very civil. I never saw him so good — though
he offered me a glass of spirits, which was not manners to a
decent young woman, in a morning— as Brian noticed after.
Brian would not take any either, nor never does. We met
Mr. Dennis and the driver coming home; and he says, the
rent must be paid to-morrow, or, instead of renewing, he'll
seize and sell all. Mother dear, I would have dropped with
the walk, but for Brian's arm.' — ' It's a wonder, dear, what
makes you so weak, that used to be so strong.' — ' But if we
can sell the cow for anything at all to Mr. Dennis, since his
eye is set upon her, better let him have her, mother dear ; and
that and my yarn, which Mrs. Garraghty says she'll allow me
for, will make up the rent — and Brian need not talk of
America. But it must be in golden guineas, the agent will
take the rent no other way ; and you won't get a guinea for
less than five shillings. Well, even so, it's easy selling my
new gown to one that covets it, and that will give me in
exchange the price of the gold ; or, suppose that would not do,
add this cloak, — it's handsome, and I know a friend would be
glad to take it, and I'd part it as ready as look at it — Any-
thing at all, sure, rather than that he should be forced to talk
of emigrating ; or, oh, worse again, listing for the bounty — to
save us from the cant or the jail, by going to the hospital, or
his grave, maybe — Oh, mother ! '
' Oh, child ! This is what makes you weak, fretting. Don't
be that way. Sure here's the lose, and that's good comfort ;
and the soldiers will be gone out of Clonbrony to-morrow, and
2 5 8
then that's oft* your mind. And as to America, it's only talk —
I won't let him, he's dutiful ; and would sooner sell my dresser
and down to my bed, dear, than see you sell anything of yours,
love. Promise me you won't. Why didn't Brian come home
all the way with you, Grace ? '
' He would have seen me home,' said Grace, ' only that he
went up a piece of the mountain for some stones or ore for
the gentleman — for he had the manners to think of him this
morning, though, shame for me, I had not, when I come in, or
I would not have told you all this, and he himself by. See,
there he is, mother.'
Brian came in very hot, out of breath, with his hat full of
stones. ' Good morrow to your honour. I was in bed last
night ; and sorry they did not call me up to be of sarvice.
Larry was telling us, this morning, your honour's from Wales,
and looking for mines in Ireland, and I heard talk that there
was one on our mountain — maybe, you'd be citrous to see,
and so I brought the best I could, but I'm no judge.'
' Nor I, neither,' thought Lord Colambre; but he thanked the
young man, and determined to avail himself of Larry's miscon-
ception or false report ; examined the stones very gravely, and
said, ' This promises well. Lapis caliminaris, schist, plum-
pudding stone, rhomboidal, crystal, blend, garrawachy,' and all
the strange names he could think of, jumbling them together
at a venture.
' The lase ! — Is it ?' cried the young man, with joy sparkling
in his eyes, as his mother held up the packet. ' Then all's
safe ! and he's an honest man, and shame on me, that could
suspect he meant us wrong. Lend me the papers.'
He cracked the seals, and taking off the cover, — ' It's the
lase, sure enough. Shame on me !— But stay, where's the
memorandum ? '
' It's there, sure,' said his mother, ' where my lord's pencil
writ it. I don't read. — Grace, dear, look.'
The young man put it into her hands, and stood without
power to utter a syllable.
' It's not here ! It's gone ! — no sign of it.'
' Gracious Heaven ! that can't be,' said the old woman,
putting on her spectacles ; ' let me see — I remember the very
' It's taken away — it's rubbed clean out ! — Oh, wasn't I fool ?
But who could have thought he'd be the villain ! ' The young man
seemed neither to see nor hear ; but to be absorbed in thought.
Grace, with her eyes fixed upon him, grew as pale as death
— ' He'll go — he's gone.'
' She's gone ! ' cried Lord Colambre, and the mother just
caught her in her arms as she was falling.
' The chaise is ready, plane your honour,' said Larry, coming
into the room. ' Death ! what's here ? '
' Air !— she's coming to,' said the young man — ' Take a drop
of water, my own Grace.'
' Young man, I promise you,' cried Lord Colambre (speak-
ing in the tone of a master), striking the young man's shoulder,
who was kneeling at Grace's feet ; but recollecting and restrain-
ing himself, he added, in a quiet voice — ' I promise you I
shall never forget the hospitality I have received in this house,
and I am sorry to be obliged to leave you in distress.'
These words uttered with difficulty, he hurried out of the
house, and into his carriage. ' Go back to them,' said he to
the postillion; 'go back and ask whether, if I should stay a
day or two longer in this country, they would let me return at
night and lodge with them. And here, man, stay, take this,'
putting money into his hands, ' for the good woman of the
The postillion went in, and returned.
' She won't at all — I knew she would not.'
'Well, I am obliged to her for the night's lodging she did
give me ; I have no right to expect more.'
' What is it ? — Sure she bid me tell you — " and welcome to
the lodging ; for," said she, " he is a kind-hearted gentleman ; "
but here's the money ; it's that I was telling you she would not
have at all.'
'Thank you. Now, my good friend Larry, drive me to
Clonbrony, and do not say another word, for I'm not in a
talking humour.'
Larry nodded, mounted, and drove to Clonbrony. Clon-
brony was now a melancholy scene. The houses, which had
been built in a better style of architecture than usual, were in
a ruinous condition ; the dashing was off the walls, no glass in
the windows, and many of the roofs without slates. For the
stillness of the place Lord Colambre in some measure accounted,
by considering that it was Sunday ; therefore, of course, all the
shops were shut up, and all the people at prayers. He alighted
at the inn, which completely answered Larry's representation
of it. Nobody to be seen but a drunken waiter, who, as well
as he could articulate, informed Lord Colambre that ' his
mistress was in her bed since Thursday- was- a- week ; the
hostler at the wash-woman's, and the cook at second prayers.'
Lord Colambre walked to the church, but the church gate
was locked and broken — a calf, two pigs, and an ass, in the
churchyard ; and several boys (with more of skin apparent than
clothes) were playing at hustlecap upon a tombstone, which,
upon nearer observation, he saw was the monument of his own
family. One of the boys came to the gate, and told Lord
Colambre ' there was no use in going into the church, becaase
there was no church there ; nor had not been this twelve-
month ; becaase there was no curate ; and the parson was
away always, since the lord was at home — that is, was not at
home — he nor the family.'
Lord Colambre returned to the inn, where, after waiting a
considerable time, he gave up the point — he could not get any
dinner — and in the evening he walked out again into the town.
He found several ale-houses, however, open, which were full of
people ; all of them as busy and as noisy as possible. He ob-
served that the interest was created by an advertisement of
several farms on the Clonbrony estate, to be set by Nicholas
Garraghty, Esq. He could not help smiling at his being witness
incognito to various schemes for outwitting the agents and
defrauding the landlord ; but, on a sudden, the scene was
changed ; a boy ran in, crying out, that ' St. Dennis was
riding down the hill into the town ; and, if you would not have
the license,' said the boy, ' take care of yourself. 5
' If you wouldn't hai'e the license,' Lord Colambre per-
ceived, by what followed, meant, ' If you have not a license. 1
Brannagan immediately snatched an untasted glass of whisky
from a customer's lips (who cried, Murder !) gave it and the
bottle he held in his hand to his wife, who swallowed the
spirits, and ran away with the bottle and glass into some back
hole ; whilst the bystanders laughed, saying, ' Well thought
of, Peggy ! '
' Clear out all of you at the back door, for the love of
heaven, if you wouldn't be the ruin of me,' said the man of the
house, setting a ladder to a corner of the shop. ' Phil, hoist
me up the keg to the loft,' added he, running up the ladder ;
'and one of yees step up street, and give Rose M'Givney
notice, for she's selling too.'
The keg was hoisted up ; the ladder removed ; the shop
cleared of all the customers ; the shutters shut ; the door
barred ; the counter cleaned. ' Lift your stones, sir, if you
plase,' said the wife, as she rubbed the counter, 'and say
nothing of what you seen at all ; but that you're a stranger and
a traveller seeking a lodging, if you're questioned, or waiting
to see Mr. Dennis. There's no smell of whisky in it now, is
there, sir ? '
Lord Colambre could not flatter her so far as to say this — he
could only hope no one would perceive it.
' Oh, and if he would, the smell of whisky was nothing,' as
the wife affirmed, ' for it was everywhere in nature, and no
proof again' any one, good or bad.'
'Now St. Dennis may come when he will, or old Nick him-
self ! ' So she tied up a blue handkerchief over her head, and
had the toothache, 'very bad.'
Lord Colambre turned to look for the man of the house.
' He's safe in bed,' said the wife.
'In bed! When?'
' Whilst you turned your head, while I was tying the
handkerchief over my face. Within the room, look, he is
And there he was in bed certainly, and his clothes on the
A knock, a loud knock at the door.
'St. Dennis himself! — Stay, till I unbar the. door,' said the
woman ; and, making a great difficulty, she let him in, groaning,
and saying —
' We was all done up for the night, plase your honour, and
myself with the toothache, very bad — And the lodger, that's
going to take an egg only, before he'd go into his bed. My
man's in it, and asleep long ago.'
With a magisterial air, though with a look of blank
disappointment, Mr. Dennis Garraghty walked on, looked into
the room, saw the good man of the house asleep, heard him
snore, and then, returning, asked Lord Colambre ' who he was,
and what brought him there ? '
Our hero said he was from England, and a traveller ; and
. w ^*~n*J»^*«^*~> mm ** a * tMX
now, bolder grown as a geologist, he talked of his specimens,
and his hopes of finding a mine in the neighbouring
mountains ; then adopting, as well as he could, the servile tone
and abject manner in which he found Mr. Dennis was to be
addressed, ' he hoped he might get encouragement from the
gentleman at the head of the estate.'
' To bore, is it ? — Well, don't bore me about it. I can't
give you any answer now, my good friend ; I'm engaged/
Out he strutted. ' Stick to him up the town, if you have
a mind to get your answer,' whispered the woman. Lord
Colambre followed, for he wished to see the end of this
'Well, sir, what are you following and sticking to me, like
my shadow, for?' said Mr. Dennis, turning suddenly upon
Lord Colambre.
His lordship bowed low. 'Waiting for my answer, sir,
when you are at leisure. Or, may I call upon you to-
morrow ? '
' You seem to be a civil kind of fellow ; but, as lo boring, I
don't know — if you undertake it at your own expense. I dare
say there may be minerals in the ground. Well, you may
call at the castle to-morrow, and when my brother has done
with the tenantry, I'll speak to him for you, and we'll consult
together, and see what we think. It's too late to-night. In
Ireland, nobody speaks to a gentleman about business after
dinner — your servant, sir ; anybody can show you the way to
the castle in the morning.' And, pushing by his lordship, he
called to a man on the other side of the street, who had
obviously been waiting for him ; he went under a gateway
with this man, and gave him a bag of guineas. He then
called for his horse, which was brought to him by a man
whom Colambre had heard declaring that he would bid for
the land that was advertised ; whilst another, who had the
same intentions, most respectfully held St. Dennis's stirrup,
whilst he mounted without thanking either of these men. St.
Dennis clapped spurs to his steed, and rode away. No
thanks, indeed, were deserved ; for the moment he was out of
hearing, both cursed him after the manner of their country.
' Bad luck go with you, then ! — And may you break your
neck before you get home, if it was not for the lose I'm to
get, and that's paid for.'
Lord Colambre followed the crowd into a public-house,
where a new scene presented itself to his view.
The man to whom St. Dennis gave the bag of gold was
now selling this very gold to the tenants, who were to pay
their rent next day at the castle.
The agent would take nothing but gold. The same
guineas were bought and sold several times over, to the great
profit of the agent and loss of the poor tenants ; for, as the
rents were paid, the guineas were resold to another set, and
the remittances made through bankers to the landlord ; who,
as the poor man who explained the transaction to Lord
Colambre expressed it, ' gained nothing by the business, bad
or good, but the ill-will of the tenantry.'
The higgling for the price of the gold ; the time lost in
disputing about the goodness of the notes, among some poor
tenants, who could not read or write, and who were at the
mercy of the man with the bag in his hand ; the vexation, the
useless harassing of all who were obliged to submit ultimately
— Lord Colambre saw ; and all this time he endured the smell
of tobacco and whisky, and of the sound of various brogues, the
din of men wrangling, brawling, threatening, whining, drawling,
cajoling, cursing, and every variety of wretchedness.
' And is this my father's town of Clonbrony ? ' thought
Lord Colambre. ' Is this Ireland ? — No, it is not Ireland.
Let me not, like most of those who forsake their native
country, traduce it. Let me not, even to my own mind,
commit the injustice of taking a speck for the whole. What
I have just seen is the picture only of that to which an Irish
estate and Irish tenantry may be degraded in the absence of
those whose duty and interest it is to reside in Ireland to
uphold justice by example and authority ; but who, neglecting
this duty, commit power to bad hands and bad hearts —
abandon their tenantry to oppression, and their property to
It was now fine moonlight, and Lord Colambre met with a
boy, who said he could show him a short way across the fields
to the widow O'Neill's cottage.
ALL were asleep at the cottage, when Lord Colambre arrived,
except the widow, who was sitting up, waiting for him ; and
who had brought her dog into the house, that he might not
fly at him, or bark at his return. She had a roast chicken
ready for her guest, and it was — but this she never told him —
the only chicken she had left ; all the others had been sent with
the duty /owl, as a present to the under-agent's lady. While
he was eating his supper, which he ate with the better appetite,
as he had had no dinner, the good woman took down from the
shelf a pocket-book, which she gave him : ' Is not that your
book?' said she. 'My boy Brian found it after you in the
potato furrow, where you dropped it.'
' Thank you,' said Lord Colambre ; ' there are bank notes
in it, which I could not afford to lose.'
'Are there?' said she ; 'he never opened it — nor I.'
Then, in answer to his inquiries about Grace and the young
man, the widow answered, ' They are all in heart now, I thank
ye kindly, sir, for asking ; they'll sleep easy to-night anyway,
and I'm in great spirits for them and myself — for all's smooth
now. After we parted you, Brian saw Mr. Dennis himself
about the lase and memorandum, which he never denied, but
knew nothing about. " But, be that as it may," says he, " you're
improving tenants, and I'm confident my brother will consider
ye ; so what you'll do is, you'll give up the possession to-
morrow to myself, that will call for it by cock-crow, just for
form's sake ; and then go up to the castle with the new lase
ready drawn, in your hand, and if all's paid off clear of the
rent, and all that's due, you'll get the new lase signed ; I'll
promise you that upon the word and honour of a gentleman."
And there's no going beyond that, you know, sir. So my boy
came home as light as a feather, and as gay as a lark, to bring
us the good news ; only he was afraid we might not make up
the rent, guineas and all ; and because he could not get paid
for the work he done, on account of the mistake in the over-
seer's tally, I sold the cow to a neighbour — dog-cheap ; but
needs must, as they say, when old Nick drives] said the widow,
smiling. ' Well, still it was but paper we got for the cow ;
then that must be gold before the agent would take or touch
it — so I was laying out to sell the dresser, and had taken the
plates and cups, and little things off it, and my boy was
lifting it out with Andy the carpenter, that was agreeing for
it, when in comes Grace, all rosy, and out of breath — it's a
wonder I minded her run out, and not missed her. " Mother,"
says she, " here's the gold for you ! don't be stirring your
dresser." — "And where's your gown and cloak, Grace ?" says
I. But I beg your pardon, sir ; maybe I'm tiring you ?'
Lord Colambre encouraged her to go on.
' " Where's your gown and cloak, Grace ? " says I. — " Gone,"
says she. " The cloak was too warm and heavy, and I don't
doubt, mother, but it was that helped to make me faint this
morning. And as to the gown, sure I've a very nice one here,
that you spun for me yourself, mother ; and that I prize above
all the gowns ever came out of a loom ; and that Brian said
become me to his fancy above any gown ever he see me wear ;
and what could I wish for more ?" Now I'd a mind to scold
her for going to sell the gown unknown'st to me, but I don't
know how it was, I couldn't scold her just then, so kissed her,
and Brian the same, and that was what no man ever did
before. And she had a mind to be angry with him, but could
not, nor ought not, says I ; "for he's as good as your husband
now, Grace ; and no man can part yees now," says I, putting
their hands together. Well, I never saw her look so pretty ;
nor there was not a happier boy that minute on God's earth
than my son, nor a happier mother than myself ; and I thanked
God that had given them to me ; and down they both fell on
their knees for my blessing, little worth as it was ; and my
heart's blessing they had, and I laid my hands upon them.
" It's the priest you must get to do this for you to-morrow," says
I. And Brian just held up the ring, to show me all was ready
on his part, but could not speak. " Then there's no America
any more ! " said Grace, low to me, and her heart was on her
lips ; but the colour came and went, and I was a feard she'd
have swooned again, but not for sorrow, so I carried her off.
Well, if she was not my own — but she is not my own born,
so I may say it — there never was a better girl, nor a more
kind-hearted, nor generous ; never thinking anything she
could do, or give, too much for them she loved, and anything
at all would do for herself ; the sweetest natured and tempered
both, and always was, from this high ; the bond that held all
together, and joy of the house.'
' Just like her namesake,' cried Lord Colambre.
' Plase your honour ? '
'Is not it late?' said Lord Colambre, stretching himself
and gaping ; ' I've walked a great way to-day.'
The old woman lighted his rushlight, showed him to his
red check bed, and wished him a very good night ; not with-
out some slight sentiment of displeasure at his gaping thus
at the panegyric on her darling Grace. Before she left the
room, however, her short-lived resentment vanished, upon his
saying that he hoped, with her permission, to be present at
the wedding of the young couple.
Early in the morning Brian went to the priest, to ask his
reverence when it would be convenient to marry him ; and,
whilst he was gone, Mr. Dennis Garraghty came to the cottage,
to receive the rent and possession. The rent was read)-, in
gold, and counted into his hand.
' No occasion for a receipt ; for a new hisc is a receipt in
full for everything.'
' Very well, sir,' said the widow ; ' I know nothing of law.
You know best — whatever you direct — for you are acting as a
friend to us now. My son got the attorney to draw the pair
of new lases yesterday, and here they are ready, all to
Mr. Dennis said his brother must settle that part of the
business, and that they must carry them up to the castle ;
'but first give me the possession.'
Then, as he instructed her, she gave up the key of the
door to him, and a bit of the thatch of the house ; and he
raked out the fire, and said every living creature must go
out. ' It's only form of law,' said he.
' And must my lodger get up and turn out, sir ? ' said she.
' He must turn out, to be sure — not a living soul must be
left in it, or it's no legal possession properly. Who is your
lodger ? '
On Lord Colambre's appearing, Mr. Dennis showed some
surprise, and said, ' I thought you were lodging at Brannagan's ;
are not you the man who spoke to me at his house about the
gold mines ? '
' No, sir, he never lodged at Brannagan's,' said the widow.
' Yes, sir, I am the person who spoke to you about the
gold mines at Brannagan's ; but I did not like to lodge '
' Well, no matter where you liked to lodge ; you must
walk out of this lodging now, if you please, my good friend.'
So Mr. Dennis pushed his lordship out by the shoulders,
repeating, as the widow turned back and looked with some
surprise and alarm, ' only for form sake, only for form sake ! '
then locking the door, took the key, and put it into his pocket.
The widow held out her hand for it : ' The form's gone through
now, sir, is not it ? Be plased to let us in again.'
' When the new lease is signed, I'll give you possession
again ; but not till then — for that's the law. So make away
with you to the castle ; and mind,' added he, winking slily,
— ' mind you take sealing-money with you, and something to
buy gloves.'
' Oh, where will I find all that ? ' said the widow.
' I have it, mother ; don't fret,' said Grace. ' I have it — the
price of — what I can want. 1 So let us go off to the castle
without delay. Brian will meet us on the road, you know.'
They set off for Clonbrony Castle, Lord Colambre accom-
panying them. Brian met them on the road. ' Father Tom
is ready, dear mother ; bring her in, and he'll marry us. I'm
not my own man till she's mine. Who knows what may
happen ? '
' Who knows ? that's true,' said the widow.
' Better go to the castle first,' said Grace.
' And keep the priest waiting ! You can't use his reverence
so,' said Brian.
So she let him lead her into the priest's house, and she did
not make any of the awkward draggings back, or ridiculous
scenes of grimace sometimes exhibited on these occasions ;
but blushing rosy red, yet with more self-possession than
could have been expected from her timid nature, she gave her
1 What I can do without.
hand to the man she loved, and listened with attentive devo-
tion to the holy ceremony.
' Ah ! ' thought Lord Colambre, whilst he congratulated the
bride, ' shall I ever be as happy as these poor people are at this
moment ? ' He longed to make them some little present, but
all he could venture at this moment was to pay the priest's dues.
The priest positively refused to take anything. ' They are
the best couple in my parish,' said he ; 'and I'll take nothing,
sir, from you, a stranger and my guest.'
' Now, come what will, I'm a match for it. No trouble can
touch me,' said Brian.
' Oh, don't be bragging,' said the widow.
' Whatever trouble God sends, He has given one now will
help to bear it, and sure I may be thankful,' said Grace.
' Such good hearts must be happy — shall be happy ! ' said
Lord Colambre.
' Oh, you're very kind,' said the widow, smiling ; ' and I
wouldn't doubt you, if you had the power. I hope, then, the
agent will give you encouragement about them mines, that we
may keep you among us.'
' I am determined to settle among you, warm-hearted,
generous people ! ' cried Lord Colambre, ' whether the agent
gives me encouragement or not,' added he.
It was a long walk to Clonbrony Castle ; the old woman,
as she said herself, would not have been able for it, but for a
lift given to her by a friendly carman, whom they met on the
road with an empty car. This carman was Finnucan, who
dissipated Lord Colambre's fears of meeting and being re-
cognised by Mrs. Raffarty ; for he, in answer to the question of,
'Who is at the castle?' replied, 'Mrs. Raffarty will be in it
afore night ; but she's on the road still. There's none but old
Nick in it yet ; and he's more of a negcr than ever ; for think,
that he would not pay me a farthing for the carriage of his
s/n's/er's boxes and bandboxes down. If you're going to have
any dealings with him, God grant ye a safe deliverance ! '
' Amen ! ' said the widow, and her son and daughter.
Lord Colambre's attention was now engaged by the view
of the castle and park of Clonbrony. He had not seen it
since he was six years old. Some faint reminiscence from his
childhood made him feel or fancy that he knew the place. It
was a fine castle, spacious park ; but all about it, from the
broken piers at the great entrance, to the mossy gravel and
loose steps at the hall -door, had an air of desertion and
melancholy. Walks overgrown, shrubberies wild, plantations
run np into bare poles ; fine trees cut down, and lying on the
' The priest positively refused io take anything;
Copyright 1894 by MacmU'an &• Co.
gravel in lots to be sold. A hill that had been covered with
an oak wood, in which, in his childhood, our hero used to play,
and which he called the black forest, was gone ; nothing to be
seen but the white stumps of the trees, for it had been freshly
cut down, to make up the last remittances. — ' And how it went,
when sold ! — but no matter,' said Finnucan ; ' it's all alike. —
It's the back way into the yard, I'll take you, I suppose.'
And such a yard ! ' But it's no matter,' repeated Lord
Colambre to himself; 'it's all alike.'
In the kitchen a great dinner was dressing for Mr.
Garraghty's friends, who were to make merry with him when
the business of the day was over.
' Where's the keys of the cellar, till I get out the claret for
after dinner,' says one ; ' and the wine for the cook — sure
there's venison,' cries another. — ' Venison ! — That's the way
my lord's deer goes,' says a third, laughing. — ' Ay, sure !
and very proper, when he's not here to eat 'em.' — ' Keep your
nose out of the kitchen, young man, if you ftlase,' said the
agent's cook, shutting the door in Lord Colambre's face.
' There's the way to the office, if you've money to pay, up the
back stairs.'
' No ; up the grand staircase they must — Mr. Garraghty
ordered,' said the footman ; ' because the office is damp for
him, and it's not there he'll see anybody to-day ; but in my
lady's dressing-room.'
So up the grand staircase they went, and through the
magnificent apartments, hung with pictures of great value,
spoiling with damp. ' Then, isn't it a pity to see them ?
There's my lady, and all spoiling,' said the widow.
Lord Colambre stopped before a portrait of Miss Nugent. —
' Shamefully damaged ! ' cried he. ' Pass on, or let me pass,
if you filase,' said one of the tenants ; ' and don't be stopping
the doorway.' ' I have business more nor you with the
agent,' said the surveyor; 'where is he?'
' In the presence-chamber? replied another; 'where should
the viceroy be but in the p?esence-chamber f
There was a full levee, and fine smell of greatcoats. — ' Oh !
would you put your hats on the silk cushions ? ' said the
widow to some men in the doorway, who were throwing off
their greasy hats on a damask sofa. — ' Why not ? where else ? '
' If the lady was in it, you wouldn't,' said she, sighing. —
' No, to be sure, I wouldn't ; great news ! would I make no
differ in the presence of old Nick and my lady ? ' said he, in
Irish. ' Have I no sense or manners, good woman, think
ye ? ' added he, as he shook the ink out of his pen on the
Wilton carpet, when he had finished signing his name to a
paper on his knee. ' You may wait long before you get to
the speech of the great man,' said another, who was working
his way through numbers. They continued pushing forward,
till they came within sight of Mr. Nicholas Garraghty, seated
in state ; and a worse countenance, or a more perfect picture
of an insolent, petty tyrant in office, Lord Colambre had never
We forbear all further detail of this levee. ' It's all the
same ! ' as Lord Colambre repeated to himself, on every fresh
instance of roguery or oppression to which he was witness ;
and, having completely made up his mind on the subject, he
sat down quietly in the background, waiting till it should come
to the widow's turn to be dealt with, for he was now interested
only to see how she would be treated. The room gradually
thinned ; Mr. Dennis Garraghty came in, and sat down at the
table, to help his brother to count the heaps of gold.
' Oh, Mr. Dennis, I'm glad to see you as kind as your
promise, meeting me here,' said the widow O'Neill, walking
up to him ; ' I'm sure you'll speak a good word for me ; here's
the loses — who will I offer this to ? ' said she, holding the
glove -money and sealing- money, — 'for I'm strange and
' Oh, don't be ashamed — there's no strangeness in bringing
money or taking it,' said Mr. Nicholas Garraghty, holding out
his hand. ' Is this the proper compliment ? '
' I hope so, sir ; your honour knows best.'
' Very well,' slipping it into his private purse. ' Now,
what's your business ? '
' The loses to sign — the rent's all paid up.'
' Leases ! Why, woman, is the possession given up ? '
' It was, plase your honour ; and Mr. Dennis has the key of
our little place in his pocket.'
' Then I hope he'll keep it there. Your little place— it's
no longer yours ; I've promised it to the surveyor. You don't
think I'm such a fool as to renew to you at this rent.'
' Mr. Dennis named the rent. But anything your honour
ptoses — anything at all that we can pay.'
' Oh, it's out of the question — put it out of your head. No
rent you can offer would do, for I've promised it to the
' Sir, Mr. Dennis knows my lord gave us his promise in
writing of a renewal, on the back of the ould lose.''
' Produce it.'
273 T
' Here's the lose, but the promise is rubbed out.'
' Nonsense ! coming to me with a promise that's rubbed
out. Who'll listen to that in a court of justice, do you think?'
' I don't know, plase your honour ; but this I'm sure of, my
lord and Miss Nugent, though but a child at the time, God
bless her ! who was by when my lord wrote it with his pencil,
will remember it.'
1 Miss Nugent ! what can she know of business ? — What
has she to do with the management of my Lord Clonbrony's
estate, pray ? '
' Management ! — no, sir.'
* Do you wish to get Miss Nugent turned out of the house ? '
' Oh, God forbid ! — how could that be ? '
1 Very easily ; if you set about to make her meddle and
witness in what my lord does not choose.'
'Well then, I'll never mention Miss Nugent's name in it at
all, if it was ever so with me. But be plased, sir, to write over
to my lord, and ask him ; I'm sure he'll remember it.'
' Write to my lord about such a trifle — trouble him about
such nonsense ! '
' I'd be sorry to trouble him. Then take it on my word,
and believe me, sir ; for I would not tell a lie, nor cheat rich
or poor, if in my power, for the whole estate, nor the whole
world : for there's an eye above.'
• Cant ! nonsense ! — Take those leases off the table ; I never
will sign them. Walk off, ye canting hag ; it's an imposition
— I will never sign them.'
'You will then, sir,' cried Brian, growing red with indigna-
tion ; ' for the law shall make you, so it shall ; and you'd as
good have been civil to my mother, whatever you did — for I'll
stand by her while I've life ; and I know she has right, and
shall have law. I saw the memorandum written before ever
it went into your hands, sir, whatever became of it after ; and
will swear to it, too.'
' Swear away, my good friend ; much your swearing will
avail in your own case in a court of justice,' continued old Nick.
' And against a gentleman of my brother's established
character and property,' said St. Dennis. ' What's your
mother's character against a gentleman's like his ? '
' Character ! take care how you go to that, anyway, sir,'
cried Brian.
' " Let him speak," said Lord Colambre, in a tone of authority?
Copyright 1394 by Macmittan &• Co,
Grace put her hand before his mouth, to stop him.
'Grace, dear, I must speak, if I die for it; sure it's for
my mother,' said the young man, struggling forward, while
his mother held him back ; ' I must speak.'
'Oh, he's ruin'd, I see it,' said Grace, putting her 1
before her eyes, ' and he won't mind me.'
'Go on, let him go on, pray, young woman,' said Air.
Garraghty, pale with anger and fear, his lips quivering ; ' 1
shall be happy to take down his word ;.'
' Write them ; and may all the world read it, and welcome ! '
His mother and wife stopped his mouth by force.
'Write you, Dennis,' said Mr. Garraghty, giving the pen
to his brother; for his hand shook so he could not form a
letter. 'Write the very words, and at the top' (pointing)
after warning, with malice prepense. 1
' Write, then — mother, Grace — let me,' cried Brian, speaking
in a smothered voice, as their hands were over his mouth.
4 Write then, that, if you'd either of you a character like my
mother, you might defy the world ; and your word would be as
good as your oath.'
'■Oath! mind that, Dennis,' said Mr. Garraghty.
'Oh, sir! sir! won't you stop him?' cried Grace, turning
suddenly to Lord Colambre.
' Oh clear, dear, if you haven't lost your feeling for us,' cried
the widow.
' Let him speak,' said Lord Colambre, in a tone of authority ;
Met the voice of truth be heard.'
* Truth V cried St. Dennis, and dropped the pen.
'And who the devil are you, sir?' said old Nick.
' Lord Colambre, I protest ! ' exclaimed a female voice ;
and Mrs. Raffarty at this instant appeared at the open door.
' Lord Colambre ! ' repeated all present, in different tones.
' My lord, I beg pardon,' continued Mrs. Raffarty, advancing
as if her legs were tied ; ' had I known you was down here, I
would not have presumed. I'd better retire ; for I see you're
' You'd best ; for you're mad, sister,' said St. Dennis,
pushing her back ; ' and we are busy ; go to your room,
and keep quiet, if you can.'
' First, madam,' said Lord Colambre, going between her
and the door, ' let me beg that you will consider yourself as
at home in this house, whilst any circumstances make it
desirable to you. The hospitality you showed me you cannot
think that I now forget.'
' Oh, my lord, you're too good — how few — too kind —
kinder than my own,' and bursting into tears, she escaped out
of the room.
Lord Colambre returned to the party round the table, who
were in various attitudes of astonishment, and with faces of
fear, horror, hope, joy, doubt.
' Distress/ continued his lordship, ' however incurred, if not
by vice, will always find a refuge in this house. I speak in
my father's name, for I know I speak his sentiments. But
never more shall vice,' said he, darting such a look at the
brother agents as they felt to the backbone — 'never more
shall vice, shall fraud enter here.'
He paused, and there was a momentary silence.
' There spoke the true thing ! and the racl gentleman ; my
own heart's satisfied,' said Brian, folding his arms, and stand-
ing erect.
'Then so is mine,' said Grace, taking breath, with a deep sigh.
The widow advancing, put on her spectacles, and, looking
up close at Lord Colambre' s face — ' Then it's a wonder I didn't
know the family likeness.'
Lord Colambre now recollecting that he still wore the old
greatcoat, threw it off.
' Oh, bless him ! Then now I'd know him anywhere. I'm
willing to die now, for we'll all be happy.'
' My lord, since it is so — my lord, may I ask you,' said
Mr. Garraghty, now sufficiently recovered to be able to articu-
late, but scarcely to express his ideas ; ' if what your lordship
hinted just now '
' I hinted nothing, sir ; I spoke plainly.'
' I beg pardon, my lord,' said old Nick ; — ' respecting vice,
was levelled at me ; because, if it was, my lord,' trying to
stand erect ; ' let me tell your lordship, if I could think it
was '
' If it did not hit you, sir, no matter at whom it was
' And let me ask, my lord, if I may presume, whether, in
what you suggested by the word fraud, your lordship had any
particular meaning ? ' said St. Dennis.
'A very particular meaning, sir, — feel in your pocket for
the key of this widow's house, and deliver it to her.'
'Oh, if that's all the meaning, with all the pleasure in life.
I never meant to detain it longer than till the leases were
signed,' said St. Dennis.
' And I'm ready to sign the leases this minute,' said the
' Do it, sir, this minute ; I have read them ; I will be
answerable to my father.'
' Oh, as to that, my lord, I have power to sign for your
father.' He signed the leases ; they were duly witnessed by
Lord Colambre.
' I deliver this as my act and deed,' said Mr. Garraghty ;
—'my lord,' continued he, 'you see, at the first word from you;
and had I known sooner the interest you took in the family,
there would have been no difficulty ; for I'd make it a principle
to oblige you, my lord.'
'Oblige me !' said Lord Colambre, with disdain.
' But when gentlemen and noblemen travel incognito, and
lodge in cabins,' added St. Dennis, with a satanic smile, glan-
cing his eye on Grace, 'they have good reasons, no doubt.'
' Do not judge my heart by your own, sir,' said Lord
Colambre, coolly; 'no two things in nature can, I trust, be
more different. .My purpose in travelling incognito has been
fully answered : I was determined to see and judge how my
father's estates were managed ; and I have seen, compared,
and judged. I have seen the difference between the Clonbrony
and the Colambre property ; and I shall represent what I have
seen to my father.'
' As to that, my lord, if we are to come to that — but I trust
your lordship will suffer me to explain these matters. — Go
about your business, my good friends ; you have all you want ;
— and, my lord, after dinner, when you are cool, I. hope I shall
be able to make you sensible that things have been represented
to your lordship in a mistaken light ; and I flatter myself I
shall convince you I have not only always acted the part of a
friend to the family, but am particularly willing to conciliate
your lordship's goodwill,' said he, sweeping the rouleaus of
gold into a bag ; ' any accommodation in my power, at any
' I want no accommodation, sir, — were I starving, I would
accept of none from you. Never can you conciliate my good-
will ; for you can never deserve it.'
' If that be the case, my lord, I must conduct myself
accordingly ; but it's fair to warn you, before you make any
representation to my Lord Clonbrony, that if he should think
of changing his agent, there are accounts to be settled between
us — that may be a consideration.'
1 No, sir ; no consideration — my father never shall be the
slave of such a paltry consideration.'
' Oh, very well, my lord ; you know best. If you choose to
make an assumpsit, I'm sure I shall not object to the security.
Your lordship will be of age soon, I know — I'm sure I'm satis-
fied — but,' added he with a malicious smile, ' I rather appre-
hend you don't know what you undertake ; I only premise
that the balance of accounts between us is not what can
properly be called a paltry consideration.'
' On that point, perhaps, sir, you and I may differ.'
' Very well, my lord, you will follow your own principles, if
it suits your convenience.'
'Whether it does or not, sir, I shall abide by my principles.'
' Dennis ! the letters to the post. — When do you go to
England, my lord ? '
1 Immediately, sir,' said Lord Colambre ; his lordship saw
new leases from his father to Mr. Dennis Garraghty, lying on
the table, unsigned.
'Immediately!' repeated Messrs. Nicholas and Dennis,
with an air of dismay. Nicholas got up, looked out of the
window, and whispered something to his brother, who instantly
left the room.
Lord Colambre saw the post-chaise at the door, which had
brought Mrs. Raffarty to the castle, and Larry standing beside
it ; his lordship instantly threw up the sash, and holding
between his finger and thumb a six -shilling piece, cried,
' Larry, my friend, let me have the horses ! '
' You shall have 'em — your honour,' said Larry. Mr. Dennis
Garraghty appeared below, speaking in a magisterial tone.
' Larry, my brother must have the horses.'
• He can't, plase your honour — they're engaged.'
' Haifa crown ! — a crown ! — half a guinea !' said Mr. Dennis
Garraghty, raising his voice, as he increased his proffered bribe.
To each offer Larry replied, ' You can't, plase your honour,
they're engaged;' — and, looking up to the window at Lord
Colambre, he said, ' As soon as they have eaten their oats,
you shall have 'em.'
No other horses were to be had. The agent was in
consternation. Lord Colambre ordered that Larry should
have some dinner, and whilst the postillion was eating, and the
horses finishing their oats, his lordship wrote the following
letter to his father, which, to prevent all possibility of accident,
he determined to put, with his own hand, into the post-office
at Clonbrony, as he passed through the town.
My dear Father,
I hope to be with you in a few days. Lest anything should
detain me on the road, I write this, to make an earnest request to you,
that you will not sign any papers, or transact any farther business with
Messrs. Nicholas or Dennis Ganaghty, before you see your affectionate
son, Colambre.
The horses came out. Larry sent word he was ready, and
Lord Colambre, having first eaten a slice of his own venison,
ran down to the carriage, followed by the thanks and blessings
of the widow, her son, and daughter, who could hardly make
their way after him to the chaise-door, so great was the crowd
which had gathered on the report of his lordship's arrival.
1 Long life to your honour ! Long life to your lordship ! '
echoed on all sides. 'Just come, and going, are you?'
' Good-bye to you all, good people ! '
' Then good-bye is the only word we wouldn't wish to hear
from your honour.'
1 For the sake both of landlord and tenant, I must leave
you now, my good friends ; but I hope to return to you at
some future time.'
' God bless you ! and speed ye ! and a safe journey to your
honour ! — and a happy return to us, and soon ! ' cried a multitude
of voices.
Lord Colambre stopped at the chaise-door, and beckoned
to the widow O'Neill, before whom others had pressed. An
opening was made for her instantly.
' There ! that was the very way his father stood, with his
feet on the steps. And Miss Nugent was in W
Lord Colambre forgot what he was going to say — with some
difficulty recollected.
' This pocket-book, 1 said he, ' which your son restored to
me — I intend it for your daughter — don't keep it, as your son
kept it for me, without opening it. Let what is within-side,'
added he, as he got into the carriage, ' replace the cloak and
gown, and let all things necessary for a bride be bought ; " for
the bride that has all things to borrow has surely mickle to
do." — Shut the door, and drive on.'
' Blessings be wid you,' cried the widow, • and God give
you grace ! '
Larry drove off at full gallop, and kept on at a good rate,
till he got out of the great gate, and beyond the sight of the
crowd ; then, pulling up, he turned to Lord Colambre — ' Plase
your honour, I did not know nor guess ye was my lord, when
I let you have the horses ; did not know who you was from
Adam, I'll take my affidavit. 9
• There's no occasion,' said Lord Colambre ; ' I hope you
don't repent letting me have the horses, now you do know who
I am?'
' Oh ! not at all, sure ; I'm as glad as the best horse I ever
crossed, that your honour is my lord— but I was only telling
your honour, that you might not be looking upon me as a timc-
' I do not look upon you as a time-sarver, Larry ; but keep
on, that time may serve me.'
In two words, he explained his cause of haste ; and no
sooner explained than understood. Larry thundered away
through the town of Clonbrony, bending over his horses,
plying the whip, and lending his very soul at every lash.
With much difficulty, Lord Colambre stopped him at the end
of the town, at the post-office. The post was gone out — gone
a quarter of an hour.
' Maybe we'll overtake the mail,' said Larry ; and, as he
spoke, he slid down from his seat, and darted into the public-
house, reappearing, in a few moments, with a copper of ale and
a horn in his hand ; he and another man held open the horses'
mouths, and poured the ale through the horn down their throats.
' Now, they'll go with spirit ! '
And, with the hope of overtaking the mail, Larry made
them go ' for life or death,' as he said ; but in vain ! At the
next stage, at his own inn-door, Larry roared for fresh horses
till he got them, harnessed them with his own hands, holding
the six-shilling piece, which Lord Colambre had given him, in
his mouth, all the while ; for he could not take time to put it
into his pocket.
' Speed ye ! I wish I was driving you all the way, then,'
said he. The other postillion was not yet ready. ' Then
your honour sees,' said he, putting his head into the carriage,
' consuming of them Garraghties— old Nick and St. Dennis —
the best part, that is the worst part, of what I told you, proved
true ; and I'm glad of it, that is, I'm sorry for it— but glad your
honour knows it in time. So Heaven prosper you ! And may
all the saints {barring St. Dennis) have charge of you, and all
belonging to you, till we see you here again ! — And when will
it be?'
' I cannot say when I shall return to you myself, but I will
do my best to send your landlord to you soon. In the mean-
time, my good fellow, keep away from the sign of the Horse-shoe
— a man of your sense to drink and make an idiot and a brute
of yourself ! '
' True ! — And it was only when I had lost hope I took to
it — but now ! Bring me the book, one of yces, out of the
landlady's parlour. — By the virtue of this book, and by all the
books that ever was shut and opened, I won't touch a drop of
spirits, good or bad, till I see your honour again, or some of
the family, this time twelvemonth — that long I'll live on hope —
but mind, if you disappoint me, I don't swear but I'll take to
the whisky, for comfort, all the rest of my days. But don't
be staying here, wasting your time, advising me. Bartley !
take the reins, can't ye ? ' cried he, giving them to the fresh
postillion ; ' and keep on, for your life, for there's thousands of
pounds depending on the race — so, off, off, Bartley, with
speed of light ! '
Bartley did his best ; and such was the excellence of the
roads, that, notwithstanding the rate at which our hero travelled,
he arrived safely in Dublin, and just in time to put his letter
into the post-office, and to sail in that night's packet. The
wind was fair when Lord Colambre w r ent on board, but before
they got out of the bay it changed ; they made no way all
night ; in the course of the next day, they had the mortification
to see another packet from Dublin sail past them, and when
they landed at Holyhead, were told the packet, which had left
' Garraghty started dock.'
Ireland twelve hours after them, had been in an hour before
them. The passengers had taken their places in the coach,
and engaged what horses could be had. Lord Colambre was
afraid that Mr. Garraghty was one of them ; a person exactly
answering his description had taken four horses, and set out
half an hour before in great haste for London. Luckily, just
as those who had taken their places in the mail were getting
into the coach, Lord Colambre saw among them a gentleman,
with whom he had been acquainted in Dublin, a barrister, who
was come over during the long vacation, to make a tour of
pleasure in England. When Lord Colambre explained the
reason he had for being in haste to reach London, he had the
good-nature to give up to him his place in the coach. Lord
Colambre travelled all night, and delayed not one moment, till
he reached his father's house in London.
' My father at home ?'
'Yes, my lord, in his own room — the agent from Ireland
with him, on particular business — desired not to be interrupted
— but I'll go and tell him, my lord, you are come.'
Lord Colambre ran past the servant, as he spoke — made his
way into the room — found his father, Sir Terence O'Fay, and
Mr. Garraghty — leases open on the table before them ; a candle
lighted ; Sir Terence sealing ; Garraghty emptying a bag of
guineas on the table, and Lord Clonbrony actually with a pen
in his hand, ready to sign.
As the door opened, Garraghty started back, so that half
the contents of his bag rolled upon the floor.
' Stop, my dear father, I conjure you,' cried Lord Colambre,
springing forward, and kneeling to his father ; at the same
moment snatching the pen from his hand.
'Colambre! God bless you, my dear boy ! at all events. But
how came you here ? — And what do you mean ? ' said his father.
' Burn it ! ' cried Sir Terence, pinching the sealing-wax ;
' for 1 burnt myself with the pleasure of the surprise.'
Garraghty, without saying a word, was picking up the
guineas that were scattered upon the floor.
'How fortunate I am,' cried Lord Colambre, 'to have
arrived just in time to tell you, my dear father, before you put
your signature to these papers, before you conclude this
bargain, all I know, all I have seen, of that man ! '
'Nick Garraghty, honest old Nick ; do you know him, my
lord ? ' said Sir Terence.
1 Too well, sir.'
' Mr. Garraghty, what have you done to offend my son ?
I did not expect this,' said Lord Clonbrony.
' Upon my conscience, my lord, nothing to my knowledge,'
said Mr. Garraghty, picking up the guineas ;' 'but showed him
every civility, even so far as offering to accommodate him with
cash without security ; and where will you find the other
agent, in Ireland or anywhere else, will do that ? To my
knowledge, I never did anything, by word or deed, to offend
my Lord Colambre ; nor could not, for I never saw him, but
for ten minutes, in my days ; and then he was in such a
foaming passion — begging his lordship's pardon — owing to
the misrepresentations he met with of me, I presume, from
a parcel of blackguards that he went amongst, incognito, he
would not let me or my brother Dennis say a word to set
him right ; but exposed me before all the tenantry, and then
threw himself into a hack, and drove off here, to stop the
signing of these leases, I perceive. But 1 trust,' concluded he,
putting the replenished money-bag down with a heavy sound
on the table, opposite to Lord Clonbrony, — ' I trust, my Lord
Clonbrony will do me justice ; that's all I have to say.'
' I comprehend the force of your last argument fully, sir,'
said Lord Colambre. ' May I ask how many guineas there
are in the bag ? I don't ask whether they are my father's or
' They are to be your lordship's father's, sir, if he thinks
proper,' replied Garraghty. ' How many, I don't know that I
can justly, positively say — five hundred, suppose.'
' And they would be my fathers if he signed those leases
— I understand that perfectly, and understand that my father
would lose three times that sum by the bargain. — My dear
father, you start — but it is true. Is not this the rent, sir, at
which you were going to let Mr. Garraghty have the land ? '
placing a paper before Lord Clonbrony.
' It is — the very thing.'
' And here, sir, written with my own hand, are copies of
the proposals I saw, from responsible, respectable tenants,
offered and refused. — Is it so, or is it not, Mr. Garraghty?
— deny it, if you can.'
Mr. Garraghty grew pale ; his lips quivered ; he stammered ;
and, after a shocking convulsion of face, could at last articulate
— only —
1 That there was a great difference between tenant and
tenant, his lordship must be sensible, especially for so large a
rent.' — 'As great a difference as between agent and agent, I
am sensible — especially for so large a property ! ' said Lord
Colambre, with cool contempt. ' You find, sir, I am well
informed with regard to this transaction ; you will find, also,
that I am equally well informed with respect to every part
of your conduct towards my father and his tenantry. If, in
relating to him what I have seen and heard, I should make
any mistakes, you are here ; and I am glad you are, to set me
right, and to do yourself justice.'
' Oh ! as to that, I should not presume to contradict anything
your lordship asserts from your own authority : where would
be the use ? I leave it all to your lordship. But, as it is
not particularly agreeable to stay to hear one's self abused —
Sir Terence ! I'll thank you to hand me my hat ! — And if
you'll have the goodness, my Lord Clonbrony, to look over
finally the accounts before morning, I'll call at your leisure to
settle the balance, as you find convenient ; as to the leases,
I'm quite indifferent.'
So saying, he took up his money-bag.
' Well, you'll call again in the morning, Mr. Garraghty ! '
said Sir Terence ; ' and, by that time, I hope we shall under-
stand this misunderstanding better.'
Sir Terence pulled Lord Clonbrony's sleeve : ' Don't let him
go with the money— it's much wanted ! '
' Let him go,' said Lord Colambre ; ' money can be had by
honourable means.'
' Wheugh ! — He talks as if he had the Bank of England
at his command, as every young man does,' said Sir Terence.
Lord Colambre deigned no reply. Lord Clonbrony walked
undecidedly between his agent and his son — looked at Sir
Terence, and said nothing.
Mr. Garraghty departed ; Lord Clonbrony called after him
from the head of the stairs —
' I shall be at home and at leisure in the morning.' Sir
Terence ran downstairs after him ; Lord Colambre waited
quietly for their return.
' Fifteen hundred guineas, at a stroke of a goose-quill !
— That was a neat hit, narrowly missed, of honest Nick's ! ' said
Lord Clonbrony. ' Too bad ! too bad, faith ! — I am much,
very much obliged to you, Colambre, for that hint ; by to-
morrow morning we shall have him in another tune.'
'And he nui^t double the bag, or quit,' said Sir Terence.
'Treble it, it" you please, Terry. Sure, three times five's
fifteen ;— fifteen hundred down, or he does not get my signature
to those leases for his brother, nor get the agency of the
Colambre estate.— Colambre, what more have you to tell of
him ? for, since he is making out his accounts against me, it is
no harm to have a per contra against him that may ease im-
'Very fair! very fair I ' said Sir Terence. 'My lord, trust
me for remembering all the charges against him — every item ;
and when he can't clear himself, if I don't make him buy a
good character clear enough, why, say I'm a fool, and don't
know the value of character, good or bad ! '
' If you know the value of character, Sir Terence,' said Lord
Colambre, ' you know that it is not to be bought or sold.'
Then, turning from Sir Terence to his father, he gave a full
and true account of all he had seen in his progress through
his Irish estates ; and drew a faithful picture both of the bad
and good agent. Lord Clonbrony, who had benevolent feelings,
and was fond of his tenantry, was touched ; and, when his son
ceased speaking, repeated several times —
'Rascal! rascal! How dare he use my tenants so — the
O'Neills in particular! — Rascal! bad heart! — I'll have no
more to do with him.' But, suddenly recollecting himself, he
turned to Sir Terence, and added, ' That's sooner said than
done I'll tell you honestly, Colambre, your friend Mr.
Burke may be the best man in the world — but he is the
worst man to apply to for a remittance, or a loan, in a HURRY !
He always tells me " he can't distress the tenants." ' — ' And
he never, at coming into the agency even,' said Sir Terence,
' advanced a good round sum to the landlord, by way of
security for his good behaviour. Now honest Nick did that
much for us at coming in.'
'And at going out is he not to be repaid?' said Lord
'That's the devil!' said Lord Clonbrony; that's the very
reason I can't conveniently turn him out.'
' I will make it convenient to you, sir, if you will permit
me,' said Lord Colambre. 'In a few days I shall be of age,
and will join with you in raising whatever sum you want, to
free you from this man. Allow me to look over his account ;
and whatever the honest balance may be, let him have it.'
' My dear boy ! ' said Lord Clonbrony, ' you're a generous
fellow. Fine Irish heart ! — glad you're my son ! But there's
more, much more, that you don't know,' added he, looking at
Sir Terence, who cleared his throat ; and Lord Clonbrony, who
was on the point of opening all his affairs to his son, stopped
' Colambre,' said he, ' we will not say anything more of
this at present ; for nothing effectual can be done till you are
of age, and then we shall see all about it.'
Lord Colambre perfectly understood what his father meant,
and what was meant by the clearing of Sir Terence's throat.
Lord Clonbrony wanted his son to join him in opening the
estate to pay his debts ; and Sir Terence feared that, if Lord
Colambre were abruptly told the whole sum total of the debts,
he would never be persuaded to join in selling or mortgaging so
much of his patrimony as would be necessary for their payment.
Sir Terence thought that the young man, ignorant probably of
business, and unsuspicious of the state of his father's affairs,
might be brought, by proper management, to any measures
they desired. Lord Clonbrony wavered between the tempta-
tion to throw himself upon the generosity of his son, and the
immediate convenience of borrowing a sum of money from his
agent, to relieve his present embarrassments.
' Nothing can be settled,' repeated he, ' till Colambre is of
age ; so it does not signify talking of it.'
' Why so, sir ? ' said Lord Colambre. ' Though my act, in
law, may not be valid, till I am of age, my promise, as a man of
honour, is binding now ; and, I trust, would be as satisfactory
to my father as any legal deed whatever.'
' Undoubtedly, my dear boy ; but '
' But what ? ' said Lord Colambre, following his father's eye,
which turned to Sir Terence O'Fay, as if asking his pennission
to explain.
'As my father's friend, sir, you ought, permit me to say, at
this moment to use your influence to prevail upon him to throw
aside all reserve with a son, whose warmest wish is to serve
him, and to see him at ease and happy.'
' Generous, dear boy, ' cried Lord Clonbrony. ' Terence,
289 U
I can't stand it ; but how shall I bring myself to name tht
amount of the debts ? '
' At some time or other, I must know it,' said Lord
Colambre ; ' I cannot be better prepared at any moment than
the present ; never more disposed to give my assistance to
relieve all difficulties. Blindfold, I cannot be led to any
purpose, sir,' said he, looking at Sir Terence; 'the attempt
would be degrading and futile. Blindfolded I will not be — but,
with my eyes open, I will see, and go straight and prompt as
heart can go, to my father's interest, without a look or thought
to my own.'
' By St. Patrick ! the spirit of a prince, and an Irish prince,
spoke there,' cried Sir Terence ; 'and if I'd fifty hearts, you'd
have all in your hand this minute, at your service, and warm.
Blindfold you ! after that, the man that would attempt it
desarves to be shot ; and I'd have no sincerer pleasure in life
dian shooting him this moment, was he my best friend. But
it's not Clonbrony, or your father, my lord, would act that way,
no more than Sir Terence O'Fay — there's the schedule of the
debts,' drawing a paper from his bosom ; ' and I'll swear to the
lot, and not a man on earth could do that but myself.'
Lord Colambre opened the paper. His father turned aside,
covering his face with both his hands.
' Tut, man,' said Sir Terence ; ' I know him now better
than you ; he will stand, you'll find, the shock of that regiment
of figures— he is steel to the backbone, and proof spirit.'
'I thank you, my dear father,' said Lord Colambre, 'for
trusting me thus at once with a view of the truth. At first
sight it is, I acknowledge, worse than I expected ; but I make
no doubt that, when you allow me to examine Mr. Garraghty's
accounts and Mr. Mordicai's claims, we shall be able to reduce
this alarming total considerably, my dear father. You think
we learn nothing but Latin and Greek at Cambridge ; but you
are mistaken.'
' The devil a pound, nor a penny,' said Sir Terence ; ' for you
have to deal with a Jew and old Nick ; and I'm not a match
for them. I don't know who is ; and I have no hope of getting
any abatement. I've looked over the accounts till I'm sick.'
' Nevertheless, you will observe that fifteen hundred guineas
have been saved to my father, at one stroke, by his not signing
those leases. 5
1 Saved to you, my lord ; not your father, if you plase,' said
Sir Terence. ' For now I'm upon the square with you, I must
be straight as an arrow, and deal with you as the son and friend
of my friend ; before, I was considering you only as the son
and heir, which is quite another thing, you know ; accordingly,
acting for your father here, I was making the best bargain
against you I could ; honestly, now, I tell you. I knew the
value of the lands well enough ; we were as sharp as Garraghty,
and he knew it ; we were to have had the difference from him,
partly in cash and partly in balance of accounts — you compre-
hend — and you only would have been the loser, and never would
have known it, maybe, till after we all were dead and buried ;
and then you might have set aside Garraghty's lease easy, and
no harm done to any but a rogue that desan>ed it ; and, in the
meantime, an accommodation to my honest friend, my lord,
your father, here. But, as fate would have it, you upset all by
your progress incognito through them estates. Well, it's best
as it is, and I am better pleased to be as we are, trusting all to
a generous son's own heart. Now put the poor father out of
pain, and tell us what you'll do, my dear.'"
' In one word, then,' said Lord Colambre, ' I will, upon two
conditions, either join my father in levying fines to enable him
to sell or mortgage whatever portion of his estate is necessary
for the payment of these debts ; or I will, in whatever other
mode he can point out, as more agreeable or more advantageous
to him, join in giving security to his creditors.'
' Dear, noble fellow ! ' cried Sir Terence ; ' none but an
Irishman could do it.'
Lord Clonbrony, melted to tears, could not articulate, but
held his arms open to embrace his son.
1 But you have not heard my conditions yet,' said Lord
' Oh, confound the conditions ! ' cried Sir Terence.
' What conditions could he ask that I could refuse at this
minute ? ' said Lord Clonbrony.
' Nor I — was it my heart's blood, and were I to be hanged
for it,' cried Sir Terence. ' And what are the conditions ? '
'That Mr. Garraghty shall be dismissed from the agency.'
' And welcome, and glad to get rid of him — the rogue, the
tyrant,' said Lord Clonbrony ; 'and, to be beforehand with you
in your next wish, put Mr. Burke into his place.'
'I'll write the letter for you to sign, my lord, this minute,'
cried Terry, ' with all the pleasure in life. No ; it's my Lord
Colambre should do that in all justice.'
' But what's your next condition ? I hope it's no worse,' said
Lord Clonbrony.
'That you and my mother should cease to be absentees*'
1 Oh murder ! ' said Sir Terence ; ' maybe that's not so
easy ; for there are two words to that bargain.'
Lord Clonbrony declared that, for his own part, he was
ready to return to Ireland next morning, and to promise to
reside on his estate all the rest of his days ; that there was
nothing he desired more, provided Lady Clonbrony would
consent to it ; but that he could not promise for her ; that she
was as obstinate as a mule on that point ; that he had often
tried, but that there was no moving her ; and that, in short, he
could not promise on her part.
But it was on this condition, Lord Colambre said, he must
insist. Without this condition was granted, he would not
engage to do anything.
' Well, we must only see how it will be when she comes to
town ; she will come up from Buxton the day you're of age to
sign some papers,' said Lord Clonbrony; 'but,' added he, with
a very dejected look and voice, ' if all's to depend on my Lady
Clonbrony' s consenting to return to Ireland, I'm as far from all
hope of being at ease as ever.'
' Upon my conscience, we're all at sea again,' said Sir
Lord Colambre was silent : but in his silence there was
such an air of firmness, that both Lord Clonbrony and Sir
Terence were - convinced entreaties would on this point be
fruitless — Lord Clonbrony sighed deeply.
' But when it's ruin or safety, and her husband and all
belonging to her at stake, the woman can't persist in being a
mule,' said Sir Terence.
' Of whom are you talking ? ' said Lord Colambre.
' Of whom ? Oh, I beg your lordship's pardon — I thought I
was talking to my lord ; but, in other words, as you are her son,
I'm persuaded her ladyship, your mother, will prove herself a
reasonable woman — when she sees she can't help it. So, my
Lord Clonbrony, cheer up ; a great deal may be done by the
fear of Mordicai, and an execution, especially now the prior
creditor. Since there's no reserve between you and I now,
my Lord Colambre,' said Sir Terence, ' I must tell you all,
and how we shambled on those months while you were in
Ireland. First, Mordicai went to law, to prove I was in a
conspiracy with your father, pretending to be prior creditor, to
keep him off and out of his own ; which, after a world of
swearing and law — law always takes time to do justice, that's
one comfort — the villain proved at last to be true enough, and
so cast us ; and I was forced to be paid off last week. So
there's no prior creditor, or any shield of pretence that way.
Then his execution was coming down upon us, and nothing to
stay it till I thought of a monthly annuity to Mordicai, in the
shape of a wager. So, the morning after he cast us, I went to
him: "Mr. Mordicai," says I, "you must be plased to see a
man you've beaten so handsomely ; and though I'm sore, both
for myself and my friend, yet you see I can laugh still ; though
an execution is no laughing matter, and I'm sinsible you've
one in petto in your sleeve for my friend Lord Clonbrony.
But I'll lay you a wager of a hundred guineas in paper that a
marriage of his son with a certain heiress, before next Lady-
day, will set all to rights, and pay you with a compliment too.'
' Good heavens, Sir Terence ! surely you said no such
thing ? '
' I did — but what was it but a wager ? which is nothing but
a dream ; and, when lost, as I am as sinsible as you are that it
must be, why, what is it, after all, but a bonus, in a gentleman-
like form, to Mordicai ? which, I grant you, is more than he
deserves, for staying the execution till you be of age ; and even
for my Lady Clonbrony's sake, though I know she hates me
like poison, rather than have her disturbed by an execution, I'd
pay the hundred guineas this minute out of my own pocket, if
I had 'em in it.'
A thundering knock at the door was heard at this moment.
' Never heed it ; let 'em thunder,' said Sir Terence ;
' whoever it is, they won't get in ; for my lord bid them let
none in for their life. It's necessary for us to be very particular
about the street-door now ; and I advise a double chain for it,
and to have the footmen well tutored to look before they run
to a double rap ; for a double rap might be a double trap.'
' My lady and Miss Nugent, my lord.' said a footman,
throwing open the door.
'My mother! Miss Nugent!' cried Lord Colambre, spring-
ing eagerly forward.
'Colambre! here I J said his mother ; 'but it's all too
late now, and no matter where you are.'
Lady Clonbrony coldly suffered her son to embrace her ;
and he, without considering the coldness of her manner,
scarcely hearing, and not at all understanding the words
she said, fixed his eyes on his cousin, who, with a countenance
all radiant with affectionate joy, held out her hand to him.
' Dear cousin Colambre, what an unexpected pleasure ! '
He seized the hand ; but, as he was going to kiss it, the
recollection of St. Omar crossed his mind ; he checked
himself, and said something about joy and pleasure, but his
countenance expressed neither; and Miss Nugent, much sur-
prised by the coldness of his manner, withdrew her hand,
and, turning away, left the room.
1 Grace ! darling ! ' called Lord Clonbrony, ' whither so
fast, before you've given me a word or a kiss ? '
She came back, and hastily kissed her uncle, who folded
her in his arms. ' Why must I let you go ? And what makes
you so pale, my dear child ? '
' I am a little — a little tired. I will be with you again soon.'
Her uncle let her go.
' Your famous Buxton baths don't seem to have agreed
with her, by all I can see,' said Lord Clonbrony.
' My lord, the Buxton baths are no way to blame ; but I
know what is to blame, and who is to blame,' said Lady
Clonbrony, in a tone of displeasure, fixing her eyes upon
her son. ' Yes, you may well look confounded, Colambre ;
but it is too late now — you should have known your own
mind in time. 1 see you have heard it, then — but I am sure
I don't know how ; for it was only decided the day I left
Buxton. The news could hardly travel faster than I did.
Pray, how did you hear it ?'
' Hear what, ma'am ? ' said Lord Colambre.
' Why, that Miss Broadhurst is going to be married.'
' Oh, is that all, ma'am ! ' said our hero, much relieved.
' All ! Now, Lord Colambre, you reelly are too much
for my patience. But I flatter myself you will feel, when
I tell you, that it is your friend, Sir Arthur Berryl, as I
always prophesied, who has carried off the prize from you.'
' But for the fear of displeasing my dear mother, I should
say, that I do feel sincere pleasure in this marriage — I always
wished it : my friend, Sir Arthur, from the first moment,
trusted me with the secret of his attachment ; he knew
that he had my warm good wishes for his success ; he knew
that I thought most highly of the young lady ; but that I
never thought of her as a wife for myself.'
1 And why did not you ? that is the very thing I complain
of,' said Lady Clonbrony. ' But it is all over now. You
may set your heart at ease, for they are to be married on
Thursday ; and poor Mrs. Broadhurst is ready to break
her heart, for she was set upon a coronet for her daughter ;
and you, ungrateful as you are, you don't know how she
wished you to be the happy man. But only conceive, after
all that had passed, Miss Broadhurst had the assurance to
expect I would let my niece be her bridesmaid. Oh, I flatly
refused ; that is, I told Grace it could not be ; and, that there
might be no affront to Mrs. Broadhurst, who did not deserve
it, I pretended Grace had never mentioned it ; but ordered
my carriage, and left Buxton directly. Grace was hurt, for
she is very warm in her friendships. I am sorry to hurt
Grace. But reelly I could not let her be bridesmaid ; — and
that, if you must know, is what vexed her, and made the
tears come in her eyes, I suppose — and I'm sorry for it ;
but one must keep up one's dignity a little. After all, Miss
Broadhurst was only a citizen — and reelly now, a very odd
girl ; never did anything like anybody else ; settled her
marriage at last in the oddest way. Grace, can you tell the
particulars ? I own, I am tired of the subject, and tired of
my journey. My lord, I shall take leave to dine in my
own room to-day,' continued her ladyship, as she quitted
the room.
' I hope her ladyship did not notice me,' said Sir Terence
O'Fay, coming from behind a window-curtain.
' Why, Terry, what did you hide for ? ' said Lord Clon-
' Hide ! I didn't hide, nor wouldn't from any man living,
let alone any woman. 1 Hide ! no ; but I just stood looking
out of the window, behind this curtain, that my poor Lady
Clonbrony might not be discomfited and shocked by the
1 Leaving any woman out of the question.
sight of one whom she can't abide, the very minute she
come home. Oh, I've some consideration — it would have put
her out of humour worse with both of you too ; and for
that there's no need, as far as I see. So I'll take myself
off to my coffee-house to dine, and maybe you may get
her down and into spirits again. But, for your lives, don't
touch upon Ireland the night, nor till she has fairly got the
better of the marriage. Apropos — there's my wager to
Mordicai gone at a slap. It's I that ought to be scolding
you, my Lord Colambre ; but I trust you will do as well
yet, not in point of purse, maybe. But I'm not one of
those that think that money's everything — though, I grant
you, in this world, there's nothing to be had without it —
love excepted — which most people don't believe in — but not
I — in particular cases. So I leave you, with my blessing, and
I've a notion, at this time, that is better than my company —
your most devoted '
The good-natured Sir Terence would not be persuaded by
Lord Clonbrony to stay. Nodding at Lord Colambre as
he went out of the room, he said, ' I've an eye, in going, to
your heart's ease too. When I played myself, I never
liked standers-by.'
Sir Terence was not deficient in penetration, but he never
could help boasting of his discoveries.
Lord Colambre was grateful for his judicious departure ;
and followed his equally judicious advice, not to touch upon
Ireland this night.
Lady Clonbrony was full of Buxton, and he was glad to
be relieved from the necessity of talking ; and he indulged
himself in considering what might be passing in Miss Nugent's
mind. She now appeared in remarkably good spirits ; for
her aunt had given her a hint that she thought her out of
humour because she had not been permitted to be Miss
Broadhurst's bridesmaid, and she was determined to exert
herself to dispel this notion. This it was now easy for her
to do, because she had, by this time, in her own imagination,
found a plausible excuse for that coldness in Lord Colambre's
reception of her, by which she had at first been hurt ; she
had settled it, that he had taken it for granted she was of
his mother's sentiments respecting Miss Broadhurst's marriage,
and that this idea, and perhaps the apprehension of her
reproaches, had caused his embarrassment — she knew that
she could easily set this misunderstanding right. Accordingly,
when Lady Clonbrony had talked herself to sleep about
Buxton, and was taking her afternoon's nap, as it was her
custom to do when she had neither cards nor company
to keep her awake, Miss Nugent began to explain her own
sentiments, and to give Lord Colambre, as her aunt had
desired, an account of the manner in which Miss Broadhurst's
marriage had been settled.
' In the first place,' said she, ' let me assure you that I
rejoice in this marriage ; I think your friend, Sir Arthur
Berryl, is every way deserving of my friend, Miss Broadhurst ;
and this from me,' said she, smiling, ' is no slight eulogium.
I have marked the rise and progress of their attachment ;
and it has been founded on the perception of such excellent
qualities on each side, that I have no fear for its permanence.
Sir Arthur Berryl's honourable conduct in paying his father's
debts, and his generosity to his mother and sisters, whose
fortunes were left entirely dependent upon him, first pleased
my friend. It was like what she would have done herself,
and like — in short, it is what few young men, as she said, of
the present day would do. Then his refraining from all
personal expenses, his going without equipage and without
horses, that he might do what he felt to be right, whilst
it exposed him continually to the ridicule of fashionable young
men, or to the charge of avarice, made a very different
impression on Miss Broadhurst's mind ; her esteem and
admiration were excited by these proofs of strength of
character, and of just and good principles.'
' If you go on, you will make me envious and jealous of
my friend,' said Lord Colambre.
' You jealous ! — Oh, it is too late now — besides, you cannot
be jealous, for you never loved.'
'I never loved Miss Broadhurst, I acknowledge.'
' There was the advantage Sir Arthur Berryl had over
you — he loved, and my friend saw it.'
' She was clear-sighted,' said Lord Colambre.
'She was clear-sighted,' repeated Miss Nugent; 'but if
you mean that she was vain, and apt to fancy people in
love with her, I can assure you that you are mistaken.
Never was woman, young or old, more clear-sighted to the
views of those by whom she was addressed. No flatter)',
no fashion, could blind her judgment.'
1 She knew how to choose a friend well, I am sure,' said
Lord Colambre.
• And a friend for life too, I am sure you will allow — and
she had such numbers, such strange variety of admirers, as
might have puzzled the choice and turned the brain of any
inferior person. Such a succession of lovers as she has had
this summer, ever since you went to Ireland — they appeared
and vanished like figures in a magic-lantern. She had three
noble admirers — rank in three different forms offered them-
selves. First came in, hobbling, rank and gout ; next, rank
and gaming ; then rank, very high rank, over head and ears
in debt. All of these were rejected ; and, as they moved off,
I thought Mrs. Broadhurst would have broken her heart.
Next came fashion, with his head, heart, and soul in his
cravat — he quickly made his bow, or rather his nod, and
walked off, taking a pinch of snuff. Then came a man of
gallantry, but,' whispered Miss Nugent, 'there was a mistress
in the wood ; and my friend could have nothing to do with
that gentleman.'
1 Now, if she liked the man,' interrupted Lord Clonbrony,
' and I suppose she did, for all women, but yourself, Grace,
like men of gallantry, Miss Broadhurst was a goose for
refusing him on account of the mistress ; because she might
have been bought up, and settled with a few thousand
' Be that as it may,' said Miss Nugent ; 'my friend did not
like, and would not accept, of the man of gallantry ; so
he retired and comforted himself with a copy of verses.
Then came a man of wit — but still it was wit without worth ;
and presently came " worth without wit." She preferred " wit
and worth united," which she fortunately at last found, Lord
Colambre, in your friend, Sir Arthur Berryl.'
' Grace, my girl ! ' said her uncle, ' I'm glad to see you've
got up your spirits again, though you were not to be brides-
maid. Well, I hope you'll be bride soon — I'm sure you ought
to be — and you should think of rewarding that poor Mr.
Salisbury, who plagues me to death, whenever he can catch
hold of me, about you. He must have our definitive at last,
you know, Grace.'
• First came in, hobbling, rank and gout ; next, rank and gaming.'
Copyriglit 1894 by Macmillan &■ Co.
A silence ensued, which neither Miss Nugent nor Lord
Colambre seemed willing, or able, to break.
' Very good company, faith, you three ! — One of ye asleep,
and the other two saying nothing, to keep one awake.
Colambre, have you no Dublin news ? Grace, have you no
Buxton scandal ? What was it Lady Clonbrony told us you'd
tell us, about the oddness of Miss Broadhurst's settling her
marriage ? Tell me that, for I love to hear odd things.'
' Perhaps you will not think it odd,' said she. ' One
evening — but I should begin by telling you that three of
her admirers, beside Sir Arthur Berryl, had followed her to
Buxton, and had been paying their court to her all the time
we were there ; and at last grew impatient for her decision.'
' Ay, for her definitive ! ' said Lord Clonbrony. Miss
Nugent was put out again, but resumed —
' So one evening, just before the dancing began, the gentle-
men were all standing round Miss Broadhurst ; one of them
said, " I wish Miss Broadhurst would decide — that whoever she
dances with to-night should be her partner for life ; what a
happy man he would be ! "
' " But how can I decide ?" said Miss Broadhurst.
' " I wish I had a friend to plead for me ! " said one of the
suitors, looking at me.
' " Have you no friend of your own ? ; ' said Miss Broadhurst.
' " Plenty of friends," said the gentleman.
' " Plenty ! — then you must be a very happy man," replied Miss
Broadhurst. " Come," said she, laughing, " I will dance with
that man who can convince me — that he has, near relations
excepted, one true friend in the world ! That man who
has made the best friend, I dare say, will make the best
husband ! "
' At that moment,' continued Miss Nugent, ' I was certain
who would be her choice. The gentlemen all declared at first
that they had abundance of excellent friends — the best friends
in the world ! but when Miss Broadhurst cross-examined
them, as to what their friends had done for them, or what they
were willing to do, modern friendship dwindled into a ridicu-
lously small compass. I cannot give you the particulars of
the cross-examination, though it was conducted with great
spirit and humour by Miss Broadhurst ; but I can tell you
the result — that Sir Arthur Berryl, by incontrovertible facts,
and eloquence warm from the heart, convinced everybody
present that he had the best friend in the world ; and Miss
Broadhurst, as he finished speaking, gave him her hand, and
he led her off in triumph So you see, Lord Colambre, you
were at last the cause of my friend's marriage ! '
She turned to Lord Colambre as she spoke these words,
with such an affectionate smile, and such an expression of
open, inmost tenderness in her whole countenance, that our
hero could hardly resist the impulse of his passion — could
hardly restrain himself from falling at her feet that instant, and
declaring his love. ' But St. Omar ! St. Omar ! — It must
not be ! '
' I must be gone ! ' said Lord Clonbrony, pulling out his
watch. ' It is time to go to my club ; and poor Terry will
wonder what has become of me.'
Lord Colambre instantly offered to accompany his father ;
much to Lord Clonbrony's, and more to Miss Nugent's
' What ! ' said she to herself, ' after so long an absence,
leave me ! — Leave his mother, with whom he always used to
stay — on purpose to avoid me ! What can I have done to
displease him ? It is clear it was not about Miss Broadhurst's
marriage he was offended ; for he looked pleased, and like
himself, whilst I was talking of that ; but the moment after-
wards, what a constrained, unintelligible expression of counte-
nance — and leaves me to go to a club which he detests ! '
As the gentlemen shut the door on leaving the room, Lady
Clonbrony wakened, and, starting up, exclaimed —
'What's the matter? Are they gone? Is Colambre
gone ? '
'Yes, ma'am, with my uncle.'
' Very odd ! very odd of him to go and leave me ! he
always used to stay with me — what did he say about me ? '
' Nothing, ma'am.'
' Well, then, I have nothing to say about him, or about
anything, indeed, for I'm excessively tired and stupid — alone
in Lon'on's as bad as anywhere else. Ring the bell, and we'll
go to bed directly — if you have no objection, Grace.'
Grace made no objection ; Lady Clonbrony went to bed
and to sleep in ten minutes. Miss Nugent went to bed ; but
she lay awake, considering what could be the cause of her
cousin Colambre's hard unkindness, and of ' his altered eye.'
She was openness itself; and she determined that, the first
moment she could speak to him alone, she would at once ask
for an explanation. With this resolution, she rose in the
morning, and went down to the breakfast-room, in hopes of
meeting him, as it had formerly been his custom to be early :
and she expected to find him reading in his usual place.
No — Lord Colambre was not in his accustomed place, read-
ing in the breakfast-room : nor did he make his appearance
till both his father and mother had been some time at
' Good morning to you, my Lord Colambre,' said his
mother, in a reproachful tone, the moment he entered ; ' I am
much obliged to you for your company last night.'
1 Good morning to you, Colambre,' said his father, in a
more jocose tone of reproach ; ' I am obliged to you for your
good company last night.'
' Good morning to you, Lord Colambre,' said Miss Nugent ;
and though she endeavoured to throw all reproach from her
looks, and to let none be heard in her voice, yet there was a
slight tremulous motion in that voice which struck our hero
to the heart.
' I thank you, ma'am, for missing me,' said he, addressing
himself to his mother ; ' I stayed away but half an hour ; I
accompanied my father to St. James's Street, and when I
returned I found that every one had retired to rest.'
' Oh, was that the case ? ' said Lady Clonbrony ; ' I own
I thought it very unlike you to leave me in that sort of way.'
' And, lest you should be jealous of that half-hour when he
was accompanying me,' said Lord Clonbrony, ' I must remark,
that, though I had his body with me, I had none of his mind ;
that he left at home with you ladies, or with some fair one
across the water, for the deuce of two words did he bestow
upon me, with all his pretence of accompanying me.'
' Lord Colambre seems to have a fair chance of a pleasant
breakfast,' said Miss Nugent, smiling ; ' reproaches on all
' I have heard none on your side, Grace,' said Lord
Clonbrony ; ' and that's the reason, I suppose, he wisely
takes his seat beside you. But, come, we will not badger you
any more, my dear boy. We have given him as fine a
complexion amongst us as if he had been out hunting these
three hours ; have not we, Grace ? '
' When Colambre has been a season or two more in
Lon'on, he'll not be so easily put out of countenance,' said
Lady Clonbrony ; ' you don't see young men of fashion here
blushing about nothing.'
' No, nor about anything, my dear,' said Lord Clonbrony ;
' but that's no proof they do nothing they ought to blush for.'
' What they do, there's no occasion for ladies to inquire,'
said Lady Clonbrony ; ' but this I know, that it's a great
disadvantage to a young man of a certain rank to blush ; for
no people, who live in a certain set, ever do ; and it is the
most opposite thing possible to a certain air, which, I own,
I think Colambre wants ; and now that he has done travelling
in Ireland, which is no use in pint of giving a gentleman a
travelled air, or anything of that sort, I hope he will put
himself under my conduct for next winter's campaign in town.'
Lord Clonbrony looked as if he did not know how to look ;
and, after drumming on the table for some seconds, said —
' Colambre, I told you how it would be. That's a fatal
hard condition of yours.'
' Not a hard condition, I hope, my dear father,' said Lord
' Hard it must be, since it can't be fulfilled, or won't be
fulfilled, which comes to the same thing,' replied Lord
Clonbrony, sighing.
' I am persuaded, sir, that it will be fulfilled,' said Lord
Colambre ; ' I am persuaded that, when my mother hears the
truth, and the whole truth— when she finds that your happiness,
and the happiness of her whole family, depend upon her
yielding her taste on one subject '
' Oh, I see now what you are about,' cried Lady Clonbrony ;
' you are coming round with your persuasions and prefaces to
ask me to give up Lon'on, and go back with you to Ireland,
my lord. You may save yourselves the trouble, all of you,
for no earthly persuasions shall make me do it. I will never
give up my taste on that pint. My happiness has a right to
be as much considered as your father's, Colambre, or any-
body's ; and, in one word, I won't do it,' cried she, rising
angrily from the breakfast-table.
'There! did not I tell you how it would be?' cried Lord
' My mother has not heard me, yet,' said Lord Colambre,
laying his hand upon his mother's arm, as she attempted to
pass ; ' hear me, madam, for your own sake. You do not
know what will happen, this very day — this very hour, perhaps
— if you do not listen to me.'
' And what will happen ? ' said Lady Clonbrony, stopping
' Ay, indeed ; she little knows,' said Lord Clonbrony,
' what's hanging over her head.'
' Hanging over my head ? ' said Lady Clonbrony, looking
up ; ' nonsense ! — what ? '
' An execution, madam ! ' said Lord Colambre.
' Gracious me ! an execution ! ' said Lady Clonbrony,
sitting down again ; ' but I heard you talk of an execution
months ago, my lord, before my son went to Ireland, and it
blew over — I heard no more of it.'
' It won't blow over now,' said Lord Clonbrony ; ' you'll
hear more of it now. Sir Terence O'Fay it was, you may
remember, that settled it then.'
' Well, and can't he settle it now ? Send for him, since he
understands these cases ; and I will ask him to dinner myself,
for your sake, and be very civil to him, my lord.'
' All your civility, either for my sake or your own, will not
signify a straw, my dear, in this case — anything that poor
Terry could do, he'd do, and welcome, without it ; but he can
do nothing.'
' Nothing ! — that's very extraordinary. But I'm clear no
one dare to bring a real execution against us in earnest ; and
you are only trying to frighten me to your purpose, like a
child ; but it shan't do.'
' Very well, my dear ; you'll see — too late.'
A knock at the house door.
' Who is it ? — What is it ? ' cried Lord Clonbrony, growing
very pale.
Lord Colambre changed colour too, and ran downstairs.
' Don't let 'em let anybody in, for your life, Colambre ; under
3°5 x
any pretence,' cried Lord Clonbrony, calling from the head
of the stairs ; then running to the window, ' By all that's
good, it's Mordicai himself! and the people with him.'
' Lean your head on me, my dear aunt,' said Miss Nugent.
Lady Clonbrony leant back, trembling, and ready to faint.
' But he's walking off now ; the rascal could not get in —
safe for the present ! ' cried Lord Clonbrony, rubbing his
hands, and repeating, ' safe for the present ! '
' Safe for the present ! ' repeated Lord Colambre, coming
again into the room. ' Safe for the present hour.'
' He could not get in, I suppose — oh, I warned all the
servants well,' said Lord Clonbrony, ' and so did Terry. Ay,
there's the rascal, Mordicai, walking off, at the end of the
street ; I know his walk a mile off. Gad ! I can breathe
again. I am glad he's gone. But he will come back and
always lie in wait, and some time or other, when we're off our
guard (unawares), he'll slide in.'
' Slide in ! Oh, horrid ! ' cried Lady Clonbrony, sitting up,
and wiping away the water which Mi^s Nugent had sprinkled
on her face.
1 Were you much alarmed ? ' said Lord Colambre, with a
voice of tenderness, looking at his mother first, but his eyes
fixing on Miss Nugent.
'Shockingly! 1 said Lady Clonbrony ; L I never thought it
would reelly come to this.'
' It will really come to much more, my dear,' said Lord
Clonbrony. ' that you may depend upon, unless you prevent
' Lord ! what can I do ? — I know nothing of business ;
how should I, Lord Clonbrony ; but I know there's
Colambre — I was always told that when he was of age every-
thing should be settled ; and why can't he settle it when he's
upon the spot ? '
'And upon one condition, I will,' cried Lord Colambre;
'at what loss to myself, my dear mother, I need not mention.'
' Then I will mention it,' cried Lord Clonbrony ; ' at the
loss it will be of nearly half the estate he would have had, if
we had not spent it.'
' Loss ! Oh, I am excessively sorry my son's to be at such a
loss — it must not be.'
'It cannot be otherwise,' said Lord Clonbrony: 'nor it
can't be this way either, my Lady Clonbrony, unless you
comply with his condition, and consent to return to Ireland.'
' I cannot — I will not,' replied Lady Clonbrony. ' Is this
your condition, Colambre ? — I take it exceedingly ill of you.
I think it very unkind, and unhandsome, and ungenerous, and
undutiful of you, Colambre ; you, my son ! ; She poured
forth a torrent of reproaches ; then came to entreaties and
tears. But our hero, prepared for this, had steeled his mind ;
and he stood resolved not to indulge his own feelings, or to
yield to caprice or persuasion, but to do that which he knew
was best for the happiness of hundreds of tenants who de-
pended upon them — best for both his father and his mother's
ultimate happiness and respectability.
' It's all in vain,' cried Lord Clonbrony ; ' I have no re-
source but one, and I must condescend now to go to him this
minute, for Mordicai will be back and seize all — I must sign
and leave all to Garraghty.'
' Well, sign, sign, my lord, and settle with Garraghty.
— Colambre, I've heard all the complaints you brought over
against that man. My lord spent half the night telling them
to me ; but all agents are bad, I suppose ; at any rate I can't
help it — sign, sign, my lord; he has money — yes, do; go
and settle with him, my lord.'
Lord Colambre and Miss Nugent, at one and the same
moment, stopped Lord Clonbrony as he was emitting the
room, and then approached Lady Clonbrony with supplicating
looks ; but she turned her head to the other side, and, as if
putting away their entreaties, made a repelling motion with
both her hands, and exclaimed, ' No, Grace Nugent ! — no,
Colambre — no — no, Colambre ! I'll never hear of leaving
Lon'on — there's no living out of Lon'on — I can't, I won't
live out of Lon'on, I say.'
Her son saw that the Londonomania was now stronger
than ever upon her, but resolved to make one desperate
appeal to her natural feelings, which, though smothered, he
could not believe were wholly extinguished ; he caught her
repelling hands, and pressing them with respectful tenderness
to his lips —
' Oh, my dear mother, you once loved your son,' said he ;
' loved him better than anything in this world ; if one spark
of affection for him remains, hear him now, and forgive him,
if he pass the bounds — bounds he never passed before — of
filial duty. Mother, in compliance with your wishes my
father left Ireland — left his home, his duties, his friends, his
natural connexions, and for many years he has lived in
England, and you have spent many seasons in London.'
' Yes, in the very best company — in the very first circles,'
said Lady Clonbrony ; 'cold as the high-bred English are
said to be in general to strangers.'
'Yes,' replied Lord Colambre ; 'the very best company
(if you mean the most fashionable) have accepted of our
entertainments. We have forced our way into their frozen
circles ; wc have been permitted to breathe in these elevated
regions of fashion ; we have it to say, that the duke of this,
and my lady that, are of our acquaintance. YYe may say
more ; we may boast that we have vied with those whom we
could never equal. And at what expense have we done all
this ? For a single season, the last winter (I will go no
farther), at the expense of a great part of your timber, the
growth of a century — swallowed in the entertainments of one
winter in London ! Our hills to be bare for another half century
to come ! But let the trees go ; I think more of your tenants
— of those left under the tyranny of a bad agent, at the expense
of every comfort, every hope they enjoyed ! — tenants, who
were thriving and prosperous ; who used to smile upon you,
and to bless you both ! In one cottage, I have seen '
Here Lord Clonbrony, unable to restrain his emotion,
hurried out of the room.
'Then I am sure it is not my fault,' said Lady Clonbrony ;
' for I brought my lord a large fortune ; and I am confident
I have not, after all, spent more any season, in the best
company, than he has among a set of low people, in his
muddling, discreditable way.'
' And how has he been reduced to this ? ' said Lord
Colambre. ' Did he not formerly live with gentlemen, his
equals, in his own country ; his contemporaries ? Men of the
first station and character, whom I met in Dublin, spoke of
him in a manner that gratified the heart of his son ; he was
respectable and respected at his own home ; but when he
was forced away from that home, deprived of his objects, his
occupations induced him to live in London, or at watering-
places, where he could find no employments that were suitable
; Oh, mother: " cried Lord Colamb
n; throwing himself at Lady ClotibroH.y'sftet:
Copyright 1894 by Macmillan &■ Co.
to him — set down, late in life, in the midst of strangers, to
him cold and reserved — himself too proud to bend to those
who disdained him as an Irishman — is he not more to be
pitied than blamed for — yes, I, his son, must say the word —
the degradation which has ensued ? And do not the feelings,
which have this moment forced him to leave the room, show
that he is capable? — Oh, mother!' cried Lord Colambre,
throwing himself at Lady Clonbrony's feet, 'restore my
father to himself '. Should such feelings be wasted ? — No ;
give them again to expand in benevolent, in kind, useful
actions ; give him again to his tenantry, his duties, his
country, his home ; return to that home yourself, clear
mother ! leave all the nonsense of high life — scorn the im-
pertinence of these dictators of fashion, by whom, in return
for all the pains we take to imitate, to court them — in return
for the sacrifice of health, fortune, peace of mind, they bestow
sarcasm, contempt, ridicule, and mimickry ! '
' Oh, Colambre ! Colambre ! mimickry — I'll never believe
1 Believe me — believe me, mother; for I speak of what I
know. Scorn them — quit them ! Return to an unsophisticated
people — to poor, but grateful hearts, still warm with the re-
membrance of your kindness, still blessing you for favours
long since conferred, ever praying to see you once more.
Believe me, for I speak of what 1 know — your son has heard
these prayers, has felt these blessings. Here ! at my heart
felt, and still feel them, when I was not known to be your son,
in the cottage of the widow O'Neill. '
' Oh, did you see the widow O'Neill ? and does she remember
me ? ' said Lady Clonbrony.
' Remember you ! and you, Miss Nugent ! I have slept in
the bed — I would tell you more, but I cannot.'
1 Well ! I never should have thought they would have
remembered me so long ! — poor people ! ' said Lady Clonbrony.
' I thought all in Ireland must have forgotten me, it is now so
long since I was at home.'
'You are not forgotten in Ireland by any rank, I can
answer for that. Return home, my dearest mother — let me see
you once more among your natural friends, beloved, respected,
happy ! '
' Oh, return ! let us return home ! ' cried Miss Nugent, with
a voice of great emotion. ' Return, let us return home ! My
beloved aunt, speak to us ! — say that you grant our request ! '
She kneeled beside Lord Colambre, as she spoke.
' Is it possible to resist that voice — that look ? ' thought Lord
' If anybody knew, - ' said Lady Clonbrony, ' if anybody
could conceive, how I detest the sight, the thoughts of that old
yellow damask furniture, in the drawing-room at Clonbrony
Castle '
' Good heavens : ' cried Lord Colambre, starting up, and
looking at his mother in stupefied astonishment ; ' is that what
you are thinking of, ma'am ? '
' The yellow damask furniture ! ' said her niece, smiling.
' Oh, if that's all, that shall never offend your eyes again. Aunt,
my painted velvet chairs are finished ; and trust the furnishing
that room to me. The legacy lately left me cannot be better
applied — you shall see how beautifully it will be furnished.'
'Oh, if I had money, I should like to do it myself; but it
would take an immensity to new furnish Clonbrony Castle
' The furniture in this house ' said Miss Nugent, looking
' Would do a great deal towards it, I declare,' cried Lady
Clonbrony ; 'that never struck me before, Grace, I protest — and
what would not suit one might sell or exchange here — and it
would be a great amusement to me — and I should like to set the
fashion of something better in that country. And I declare,
now, I should like to see those poor people, and that widow
O'Neill. I do assure you, I think I was happier at home ; only,
that one gets, I don't know how, a notion, one's nobody out of
Lon'on. But, after all, there's many drawbacks in Lon'on — and
many people are very impertinent, I'll allow — and if there's a
woman in the world I hale, it is Mrs. Dareville — and, if I was
leaving Lon'on, I should not regret Lady Langdale neither — and
Lady St. James is as cold as a stone. Colambre may well say
frozen circles — these sort of people are really very cold, and
have, I do believe, no hearts. I don't verily think there is one
of them would regret me more Hey ! let me see, Dublin
— the winter — Merrion Square — new furnished — and the
summer — Clonbrony Castle ! '
Lord Colambre and Miss Nugent waited in silence till her
mind should have worked itself clear. One great obstacle had
been removed ; and now that the yellow damask had been
taken out of her imagination, they no longer despaired.
Lord Clonbrony put his head into the room.
' What hopes ? — any ? if not, let me go.'
He saw the doubting expression of Lady Clonbrony's
countenance — hope in the face of his son and niece.
1 My dear, dear Lad\- Clonbrony, make us all happy by one
word,' said he, kissing her.
'You never kissed me so since we left Ireland before,' said
Lady Clonbrony. ' Well, since it must be so, let us go,'
said she.
'Did I ever see such joy!' said Lord Clonbrony, clasping
his hands ; ' I never expected such joy in my life ! — I must go
and tell poor Terry ! ' and off he ran.
' And now, since we are to go,' said Lady Clonbrony, ' pray
let us go immediately, before the thing gets wind, else I shall
have Mrs. Dareville, and Lady Langdale, and Lady St. James,
and all the world, coming to condole with me, just to satisfy
their own curiosity ; and then Miss Pratt, who hears every-
thing that everybody says, and more than they say, will come
and tell me how it is reported everywhere that we are ruined.
Oh ! I never could bear to stay and hear all this. I'll tell you
what I'll do — you are to be of age the day after to-morrow,
Colambre — very well, there are some papers for me to sign —
I must stay to put my name to them, and that done, that
minute I'll leave you and Lord Clonbrony to settle all the rest;
and I'll get into my carriage with Grace, and go down to
Buxton again ; where you can come for me, and take me up,
when you're all ready to go to Ireland — and we shall be so far
on our way. Colambre, what do you say to this ? '
'That — if you like it, madam,' said he, giving one hasty
glance at Miss Nugent, and withdrawing his eyes, 'it is the
best possible arrangement.'
1 So,' thought Grace, ' that is the best possible arrangement
which takes us away.'
' If I like it ! ' said Lady Clonbrony ; ' to be sure I do, or I
should not propose it. What is Colambre thinking of? I
know, Grace, at all events, what you and I must think of — of
having the furniture packed up, and settling what's to go, and
what's to be exchanged, and all that. Now, my dear, go and
3 12
write a note directly to Mr. Soho, and bid him come himself,
immediately ; and we'll go and make out a catalogue this
instant of what furniture I will have packed.'
So, with her head full of furniture, Lady Clonbrony retired.
'I go to my business, Colambre ; and I leave you to settle
yours in peace.'
In peace ! — Never was our hero's mind less at peace than
at this moment. The more his heart felt that it Mas painful,
the more his reason told him it was necessary that he should
part from Grace Nugent. To his union with her there was an
obstacle, which his prudence told him ought to be insurmount-
able ; yet he felt that, during the few days he had been with
her, the few hours he had been near her, he had, with his
utmost power over himself, scarcely been master of his passion,
or capable of concealing it from its object. It could not have
been done but for her perfect simplicity and innocence. But
how could this be supposed on his part ? How could he
venture to live with this charming girl ? How could he settle
at home ? What resource ?
His mind turned towards the army ; he thought that abroad,
and in active life, he should lose all the painful recollections,
and drive from his heart all the resentments, which could now
be only a source of unavailing regret. But his mother — his
mother, who had now yielded her own taste to his entreaties,
for the good of her family— she expected him to return and live
with her in Ireland. Though not actually promised or
specified, he knew that she took it for granted ; that it was
upon this hope, this faith, she consented ; he knew that she
would be shocked at the bare idea of his going into the army.
There was one chance — our hero tried, at this moment, to
think it the best possible chance — that Miss Nugent might marry
Mr. Salisbury, and settle in England. On this idea he relied as
the only means of extricating him from difficulties.
It was necessary to turn his thoughts immediately to
business, to execute his promises to his father. Two great
objects were now to be accomplished — the payment of his
father's debts, and the settlement of the Irish agent's accounts ;
and, in transacting this complicated business, he derived consider-
able assistance from Sir Terence O'Fay, and from Sir Arthur
BerryPs solicitor, Mr. Edwards. Whilst acting for Sir Arthur,
on a former occasion, Lord Colambre had gained the entire
confidence of this solicitor, who was a man of the first
eminence. Mr. Edwards took the papers and Lord Clonbrony's
title-deeds home with him, saying that lie would give an
answer the next morning. He then waited upon Lord
Colambre, and informed him, that he had just received a letter
from Sir Arthur Berryl, who, with the consent and desire of
his lady, requested that whatever money might be required by
Lord Clonbrony should be immediately supplied on their
account, without waiting till Lord Colambre should be of age,
as the ready money might be of some convenience to him in
accelerating the journey to Ireland, which Sir Arthur and
Lady Berryl knew was his lordship's object. Sir Terence
O'Fay now supplied Mr. Edwards with accurate information
as to the demands that were made upon Lord Clonbrony, and
of the respective characters of the creditors. Mr. Edwards
undertook to settle with the fair claimants ; Sir Terence with
the rogues ; so that by l lie advancement of ready money from the
Berryls, and by the detection of false and exaggerated charges,
which Sir Terence made among the inferior class, the debts
were reduced nearly to one half of their former amount.
Mordicai, who had been foiled in his vile attempt to become
sole creditor, had, however, a demand of more than seven
thousand pounds upon Lord Clonbrony, which he had raised
to this enormous sum in six or seven years, by means well
known to himself. He stood the foremost in the list, not from
the greatness of the sum, but from the danger of his adding to
it the expenses of law. Sir Terence undertook to pay the
whole with five thousand pounds. Lord Clonbrony thought it
impossible ; the solicitor thought it improvident, because he
knew that upon a trial a much greater abatement would be
allowed ; but Lord Colambre was determined, from the present
embarrassments of his own situation, to leave nothing undone
that could be accomplished immediately.
Sir Terence, pleased with his commission, immediately
went to Mordicai.
' Well, Sir Terence,' said Mordicai, l I hope you are come
to pay me my hundred guineas ; for Miss Broadhurst is
married ! '
' Well, Mister Mordicai, what then ? The ides of March
are come, but not gone ! Stay, if you plase, Mister Mordicai,
till Lady-day, when it becomes due ; in the meantime, I have
a handful, or rather an armful, of bank-notes for you, from my
Lord Colambre.'
' Humph ! ' said Mordicai ; ' how's that ? he'll not be of age
these three days.'
' Don't matter for that ; he has sent me to look over your
account, and to hope that you will make some small abatement
in the total'
' Harkee, Sir Terence — you think yourself very clever in
things of this sort, but you've mistaken your man ; I have an
execution for the whole, and I'll be d — d if all your cunning
shall MAKE me take up with part ! '
' Be asy, Mister Mordicai ! — you shan't make me break your
bones, nor make me drop one actionable word against your
high character ; for I know your clerk there, with that long
goose-quill behind his ear, would be ready evidence again' me.
But I beg to know, in one word, whether you will take five
thousand down, and GIVE Lord Clonbrony a discharge ? '
' No, Mr. Terence ! nor six thousand nine hundred and
ninety-nine pounds. My demand is ,£7130, odd shillings:
if you have that money, pay it ; if not, I know how to get it,
and along with it complete revenge for all the insults I have
received from that greenhorn, his son.'
' Paddy Brady ! ' cried Sir Terence, ' do you hear that ?
Remember that word, revenge! — Mind, I call you to witness !'
'What, sir, will you raise a rebellion among my
workmen ? '
' No, Mr. Mordicai, no rebellion ; and I hope you won't
cut the boy's ears off for listening to a little of the brogue —
So listen, my good lad. Now, Mr. Mordicai, I offer you
here, before little goose-quill, ^5000 ready penny — take it, or
leave it ; take your money, and leave your revenge ; or, take
your revenge, and lose your money.'
4 Sir Terence, I value neither your threats nor your cunning.
Good morning to you.'
' Good morning to you, Mr. Mordicai — but not kindly !
Mr. Edwards, the solicitor, has been at the office to take off
the execution ; so now you may have law to your heart's
content ! And it was only to plase the young lord that the
oidd one consented to my carrying this bundle to you,'
— showing the bank-notes.
' Mr. Edwards employed ! ' cried Mordicai. ' Why, how
the devil did Lord Clonbrony get into such hands as his ?
The execution taken off! Well, sir, go to law— I am ready
for you ; Jack Latitat is a match for your sober solicitor.'
1 Good morning again to you, Mr. Mordicai ; we're fairly
out of your clutches, and we have enough to do with our
'Well, Sir Terence, I must allow you have a very
wheedling way Here, Mr. Thompson, make out a
receipt for Lord Clonbrony : I never go to law with an old
customer, if I can help it.'
This business settled, Mr. Soho was next to be dealt with.
He came at Lady Clonbrony's summons ; and was taking
directions, with the utmost sang froid, for packing up and
sending off the very furniture for which he was not paid.
Lord Colambre called him into his father's study ; and,
producing his bill, he began to point out various articles which
were charged at prices that were obviously extravagant.
' Why, really, my lord, they are abundantly extravagant ;
if I charged vulgar prices, I should be only a vulgar trades-
man. I, however, am not a broker, nor a Jew. Of the article
superintendence, which is only .£500, I cannot abate a doit ;
on the rest of the bill, if you mean to offer ready, I mean,
without any negotiation, to abate thirty per cent ; and I hope
that is a fair and gentlemanly offer.'
' Mr. Soho, there is your money ! '
' My Lord Colambre ! I would give the contents of three
such bills to be sure of such noblemanly conduct as yours.
Lady Clonbrony's furniture shall be safely packed, without
costing her a farthing.'
With the help of Mr. Edwards, the solicitor, every other
claim was soon settled ; and Lord Clonbrony, for the first time
since he left Ireland, found himself out of debt, and out of
Old Nick's account could not be settled in London. Lord
Colambre had detected numerous false charges, and sundry
impositions ; the land, which had been purposely let to run
wild, so far from yielding any rent, was made a source of
constant expense, as remaining still unset : this was a large
tract, for which St. Dennis had at length offered a small rent.
Upon a fair calculation of the profits of the ground, and
from other items in the account, Nicholas Garraghty, Esq.,
appeared at last to be, not the creditor, but the debtor to Lord
Clonbrony. He was dismissed with disgrace, which perhaps
he might not have felt, if it had not been accompanied by
pecuniar)' loss, and followed by the fear of losing his other
agencies, and by the dread of immediate bankruptcy.
Mr. Burke was appointed agent in his stead to the Clonbrony
as well as the Colambre estate. His appointment was announced
to him by the following letter : —
To Mrs. Burke, at Colambre.
Dear Madam,
The traveller whom you so hospitably received some months ago
was Lord Colambre — he now writes to you in his proper person. He
promised you that he would, as far as it might be in his power, do
justice to Mr. Burke's conduct and character, by representing what he
had done for Lord Clonbrony in the town of Colambre, and in the
whole management of the tenantry and property under his care.
Happily for my father, my dear madam, he is now as fully
convinced as you could wish him to be of Mr. Burke's merits ; and
he begs me to express his sense of the obligations he is under to him
and to you. He entreats that you will pardon the impropriety of a
letter, which, as I assured you the moment I saw it, he never wrote
or read. This will, he says, cure him, for life, of putting his signature
to any paper without reading it.
He hopes that you will forget that such a letter was ever received,
and that you will use your influence with Mr. Burke to induce him
to continue to our family his regard and valuable services. Lord
Clonbrony encloses a power of attorney, enabling Mr. Burke to act in
future for him, if Mr. Burke will do him that favour, in managing the
Clonbrony as well as the Colambre estate.
Lord Clonbrony will be in Ireland in the course of next month,
and intends to have the pleasure of soon paying his respects in person
to Mr. Burke, at Colambre. — I am, dear madam, your obliged guest,
and faithful servant, Colambre.
Grosvenor Square, London.
Lord Colambre was so continually occupied with business
during the two days previous to his coming of age, every
morning at his solicitor's chambers, every evening in his
father's study, that Miss Nugent never saw him but at break-
fast or dinner ; and, though she watched for it most anxiously,
never could find an opportunity of speaking to him alone, or
of asking an explanation of the change and inconsistencies of
his manner. At last, she began to think that, in the midst of
so much business of importance, by which he seemed harassed,
she should do wrong to torment him, by speaking of any small
disquietude that concerned only herself. She determined to
suppress her doubts, to keep her feelings to herself, and to
endeavour, by constant kindness, to regain that place in his
affections which she imagined that she had lost. ' Everything
will go right again,' thought she, ' and we shall all be happy,
when he returns with us to Ireland — to that dear home which
he loves as well as I do ! '
The day Lord Colambre was of age, the first thing he did
was to sign a bond for five thousand pounds, Miss Nugent's
fortune, which had been lent to his father, who was her
• This, sir, I believe,' said he, giving it to his father as soon
as signed — ' this, I believe, is the first debt you would wish to
have secured.'
' Well thought of, my dear boy ! — God bless you ! — that has
weighed more upon my conscience and heart than all the rest,
though I never said anything about it. I used, whenever I
met Mr. Salisbury, to wish myself fairly down at the centre of
the earth ; not that he ever thought of fortune, I'm sure ; for
he often told me, and I believed him, he would rather
have Miss Nugent without a penny, if he could get her, than
the first fortune in the empire. But I'm glad she will not go
to him penniless, for all that ; and by my fault, especially.
There, there's my name to it — do witness it, Terry. But,
Colambre, you must give it to her — you must take it to Grace.'
' Excuse me, sir ; it is no gift of mine — it is a debt of yours.
I beg you will take the bond to her yourself, my dear
' My dear son, you must not always have your own way,
and hide everything good you do, or give me the honour of it —
I won't be the jay in borrowed feathers. I have borrowed
enough in my life, and I've done with borrowing now, thanks
to you, Colambre — so come along with me ; for I'll be hanged
if ever I give this joint bond to Miss Nugent, without you along
with me. Leave Lady Clonbrony here to sign these papers.
Terry will witness them properly, and you come along with
' And pray, my lord,' said her ladyship. ' order the carriage
to the door ; for, as soon as you have my signature, I hope
you'll let me off to Buxton.'
1 Oh, certainly — the carriage is ordered —everything ready,
my dear.'
'And pray tell Grace to be ready,' added Lady Clonbrony.
' That's not necessary ; for she is always ready,' said Lord
Clonbrony. ' Come, Colambre,' added he, taking his son
under the arm, and carrying him up to Miss Nugent's
They knocked, and were admitted.
' Ready ! ' said Lord Clonbrony ; ' ay, always ready — so I
said. Here's Colambre, my darling.' continued he, ' has
secured your fortune to you to my heart's content ; but he
would not condescend to come up to tell you so, till I made
him. Here's the bond ; put your hand to it, Colambre ; you
were ready enough to do that when it cost you something ;
and now, all I have to ask of you is, to persuade her to marry
out of hand, that I may see her happy before I die. Now my
heart's at ease ! 1 can meet Mr. Salisbury with a safe conscience.
One kiss, my little Grace. If anybody can persuade you, I'm
sure it's that man that's now leaning against the mantelpiece.
It's Colambre's will, or your heart's not made like mine — so I
leave you.'
And out of the room walked he, leaving his poor son in as
awkward, embarrassing, and painful a situation, as could well
be conceived. Half a dozen indistinct ideas crossed his mind ;
quick conflicting feelings made his heart beat and stop. And
how it would have ended, if he had been left to himself,
whether he would have stood or fallen, have spoken or have
continued silent, can never now be known, for all was decided
without the action of his will. He was awakened from his
trance by these simple words from Miss Nugent —
1 I'm much obliged to you, cousin Colambre — more obliged
to you for your kindness in thinking of me first, in the midst
of all your other business, than by your securing my fortune.
Friendship — and your friendship — is worth more to me than
fortune. May I believe that is secured ? '
' Believe it ! Oh, Grace, can you doubt it ?'
' I will not ; it would make me too unhappy. I will not.'
' You need not.'
3 J 9
' That is enough — I am satisfied — I ask no farther explana-
tion. You are truth itself — one word from you is security
sufficient. We are friends for life,' said she, taking his hand
between both of hers ; ' are not we ? '
' We are — and therefore sit down, cousin Grace, and let me
claim the privilege of friendship, and speak to you of him who
aspires to be more than your friend for life, Mr. '
1 Mr. Salisbury ! ' said Miss Nugent ; ' I saw him yesterday.
We had a very long conversation ; I believe he understands my
sentiments perfectly, and that he no longer thinks of being
more to me than a friend for life.'
' You have refused him ! '
'Yes. I have a high opinion of Mr. Salisbury's under-
standing, a great esteem for his character ; I like his manners
and conversation ; but I do not love him, and therefore, you
know, I could not marry him.'
' But, my dear Miss Nugent, with a high opinion, a great
esteem, and liking his manners and conversation, in such a
well-regulated mind as yours, can there be a better foundation
for love ? '
' It is an excellent foundation,' said she ; 'but I never went
any farther than the foundation ; and, indeed, I never wished to
proceed any farther.'
Lord Colambre scarcely dared to ask why ; but, after some
pause, he said —
' I don't wish to intrude upon your confidence.'
' You cannot intrude upon my confidence ; I am ready to
give it to you entirely, frankly ; I hesitated only because
another person was concerned. Do you remember, at my
aunt's gala, a lady who danced with Mr. Salisbury ? '
' Not in the least.'
'A lady with whom you and Mr. Salisbury were talking,
just before supper, in the Turkish tent.'
'Not in the least.'
' As we went down to supper, you told me you had had
a delightful conversation with her — that you thought her a
charming woman.'
' A charming woman ! — I have not the slightest recollection
of her.'
' And you told me that she and Mr. Salisbury had been
praising me a Penvie I'une et /'autre.'
' Oh, I recollect her now perfectly,' said Lord Colambre ;
' but what of her ? '
' She is the woman who, I hope, will be Mrs. Salisbury.
Ever since I have been acquainted with them both, I have
seen that they were suited to each other ; and fancy, indeed I
am almost sure, that she could love him, tenderly love him—
and, I know, I could not. But my own sentiments, you may
be sure, are all I ever told Mr. Salisbury.'
' But of your own sentiments you may not be sure,' said
Lord Colambre ; ' and I see no reason why you should give
him up from false generosity.'
' Generosity ? ' interrupted Miss Nugent ; ' you totally mis-
understand me ; there is no generosity, nothing for me to give
up in the case. I did not refuse Mr. Salisbury from generosity,
but because I did not love him. Perhaps my seeing this at
first prevented me from thinking of him as a lover ; but, from
whatever cause, I certainly never felt love for Mr. Salisbury,
nor any of that pity which is said to lead to love ; perhaps,'
added she, smiling, ' because I was aware that he would be so
much better off after I refused him — so much happier with one
suited to him in age, talents, fortune, and love — " What bliss,
did he but know his bliss," were Ms .' '
' Did he but know his bliss,' repeated Lord Colambre ;
' but is not he the best judge of his own bliss ? '
' And am not I the best judge of mine ? ' said Miss Nugent ;
' I go no farther.'
' You are ; and I have no right to go farther. Yet, this
much permit me to say, my dear Grace, that it would give me
sincere pleasure, that is, real satisfaction, to see you happily —
' Thank you, my dear Lord Colambre ; but you spoke that
like a man of seventy at least, with the most solemn gravity of
' I meant to be serious, not solemn,' said Lord Colambre,
endeavouring to change his tone.
1 There now,' said she, in a playful tone, ' you have seriously
accomplished the task my good uncle set you ; so I will report
well of you to him, and certify that you did all that in you lay
to exhort me to marry ; that you have even assured me that
it would give you sincere pleasure, that is, real satisfaction,
to see me happily established.'
7,21 Y
1 Oh, Grace, if you knew how much I felt when I said that,
you would spare this raillery.'
' I will be serious — I am most seriously convinced of the
sincerity of your affection for me ; I know my happiness is
your object in all you have said, and 1 thank you from my
heart for the interest you take about me. But really and truly,
I do not wish to marry. This is not a mere commonplace
speech ; but I have not yet seen any man I could love. I like
you, cousin Colambre, better than Mr. Salisbury — I would rather
live with you than with him ; you know that is a certain proof
that I am not likely to be in love with him. I am happy as I
am, especially now we are all going to dear Ireland, home, to
live together : you cannot conceive with what pleasure I look
forward to that."
Lord Colambre was not vain ; but love quickly sees love
where it exists, or foresees the probability, the possibility of its
existence. He saw that Miss Nugent might love him tenderly,
passionately ; but that duty, habit, the prepossession that it was
impossible she could marry her cousin Colambre — a pre-
possession instilled into her by his mother — had absolutely
prevented her from ever yet thinking of him as a lover. He
saw the hazard for her, he felt the danger for himself. Never
had she appeared to him so attractive as at this moment,
when he felt the hope that he could obtain return of love.
' But St. Omar ! — Why ! why is she a St. Omar ! — illegiti-
mate ! — " No St. Omar sans rcfiroche." My wife she cannot
be — I will not engage her affections.'
Swift as thoughts in moments of strong feeling pass in the
mind without being put into words, our hero thought all this,
and determined, cost what it would, to act honourably.
'You spoke of my returning to Ireland, my dear Grace.
I have not yet told you my plans.'
' Plans ! are not you returning with us ? ' said she, precipi-
tately ; 'are not you going to Ireland — home — with us ?'
'No — I am going to serve a campaign or two abroad. I
think every young man in these times '
' Good heavens ! What does this mean ? What can you
mean ? ' cried she, fixing her eyes upon his, as if she would
read his very soul. ' Why ? what reason ? — Oh, tell me the
truth — and at once.'
His change of colour — his hand that trembled, and with
, i ,„W she stortcd back ; her face grew crimson, and, in
' As itflaskea across her mind, sue siarw , _
A J the same instant, pale as death.
drew from hers — the expression of his eyes as they met hers —
revealed the truth to her at once. As it flashed across her
mind, she started back ; her face grew crimson, and, in the
same instant, pale as death.
'Yes — you see, you feel the truth now,' said Lord Colambre.
' You see, you feel, that I love you — passionately.'
' Oh, let me not hear it ! ' said she ; ' I must not — ought not.
Never, till this moment, did such a thought cross my mind —
I thought it impossible — oh, make me think so still.'
' I will — it is impossible that we can ever be united.'
' I always thought so,' said she, taking breath with a deep
sigh. ' Then why not live as we have lived ? '
'I cannot — I cannot answer for myself — I will not run
the risk ; and therefore I must quit you — knowing, as I do,
that there is an invincible obstacle to our union, of what
nature I cannot explain ; I beg you not to inquire.'
'You need not beg it — I shall not inquire — I have
no curiosity — none,' said she, in a passive, dejected tone ;
' that is not what I am thinking of in the least. I know
there are invincible obstacles ; I wish it to be so. But,
if invincible, you who have so much sense, honour, and
virtue '
' I hope, my dear cousin, that I have honour and virtue.
But there are temptations to which no wise, no good man will
expose himself. Innocent creature ! you do not know the
power of love. I rejoice that you have always thought it im-
possible — think so still — it will save you from all I must
endure. Think of me but as your cousin, your friend — give
your heart to some happier man. As your friend, your true
friend, I conjure you, give your heart to some more fortunate
man. Marry, if you can feel love — marry, and be happy.
Honour ! virtue ! Yes, I have both, and I will not forfeit them.
Yes, I will merit your esteem and my own — by actions, not
words ; and I give you the strongest proof, by tearing myself
from you at this moment. Farewell ! '
' The carriage at the door, Miss Nugent, and my lady
calling for you,' said her maid. ' Here's your key, ma'am,
and here's your gloves, my dear ma'am.'
' The carriage at the door, Miss Nugent,' said Lady
Clonbrony's woman, coming eagerly with parcels in her
hand, as Miss Nugent parsed her and ran downstairs ; ' and
3 2 4
I don't know where I laid my lady's nianbreUa, for my life — do
you, Anne ? '
' No, indeed— but I know here's my own young lady's
watch that she has left. Bless me ! I never knew her
to forget anything on a journey before.'
' Then she is going to be married, as sure as my name's
Le Maistre, and to my Lord Colambre ; for he has been
here this hour, to my certain Bible knowledge. Oh, you'll see,
she will be Lady Colambre.'
' I wish she may, with all my heart,' said Anne ; ' but I
must run down— they're waiting.'
' Oh no,' said Mrs. le Maistre, seizing Anne's arm, and
holding her fast ; ' stay — you may safely — for they're all
kissing and taking leave, and all that, you know ; and my
lady is talking on about Mr. Soho, and giving a hundred
directions about legs of tables, and so forth, I warrant — she's
always an hour after she's ready before she gets in — and I'm
looking for the numbrella. So stay, and tell me — Mrs. Petito
wrote over word it was to be Lady Isabel ; and then a
contradiction came — it was turned into the youngest of the
Killpatricks ; and now here he's in Miss Nugent's dressing-
room to the last moment. Now, in my opinion, that am not
censorious, this does not look so pretty ; but, according to
my verdict, he is only making a fool of Miss Nugent, like
the rest ; and his lordship seems too like what you might
call a male cockct, or a masculine jilt.'
' No more like a masculine jilt than yourself, Mrs. le
Maistre,' cried Anne, taking fire. ' And my young lady is
not a lady to be made a fool of, I promise you ; nor is my
lord likely to make a fool of any woman.'
' Bless us all ! that's no great praise for any young noble-
man, Miss Anne.'
' Mrs. le Maistre ! Mrs. le Maistre ! are you above ? '
cried a footman from the bottom of the stairs ; ' my lady's
calling for you.'
'Very well! very well!' said sharp Mrs. le Maistre;
1 very well ! and if she is — manners, sir ! — Come up for one,
can't you, and don't stand bawling at the bottom of the
stairs, as if one had no ears to be saved. I'm coming as
fast as I conveniently can.' Mrs. le Maistre stood in the
doorway, so as to fill it up, and prevent Anne from passing.
' Miss Anne ! Miss Anne ! Mrs, le Maistre ! ' cried another
footman ; 'my lady's in the carriage, and Miss Nugent.'
'Miss Nugent! — is she?' cried Mrs. le Maistre, running
downstairs, followed by Anne. ' Now, for the world in
pocket-pieces wouldn't I have missed seeing him hand Miss
Nugent in ; for by that I could have judged definitively.'
' My lord, I beg pardon !— I'm afeard I'm late,' said Mrs.
le Maistre, as she passed Lord Colambre, who was standing
motionless in the hall. ' I beg a thousand pardons ; but I
was hunting high and low, for my lady's numbrella.'
Lord Colambre did not hear or heed her ; his eyes were
fixed, and they never moved.
Lord Clonbrony was at the open carriage -door, kneeling
on the step, and receiving Lady Clonbrony's 'more last words'
for Mr. Soho. The two waiting -maids stood together on
the steps.
'Look at our young lord, how he stands,' whispered
Mrs. le Maistre to Anne, 'the image of despair! And she,
the picture of death ! — I don't know what to think.'
' Nor I ; but don't stare if you can help it,' said Anne.
' Get in, get in, Mrs. le Maistre,' added she, as Lord Clon-
brony now rose from the step, and made way for them.
'Ay, in with you — in with you, Mrs. le Maistre,' said
Lord Clonbrony. ' Good-bye to you, Anne, and take care
of your young mistress at Buxton ; let me see her blooming
when we meet again ; I don't half like her looks, and I
never thought Buxton agreed with her.'
' Buxton never did anybody harm,' said Lady Clonbrony ;
' and as to bloom, I'm sure, if Grace has not bloom enough
in her cheeks this moment to please you, I don't know what
you'd have, my dear lord — Rouge ? — Shut the door, John !
Oh, stay ! — Colambre ! Where upon earth's Colambre ? ' cried
her ladyship, stretching from the farthest side of the coach
to the window. — ' Colambre ! '
Colambre was forced to appear.
' Colambre, my dear ! I forgot to say that, if anything
detains you longer than Wednesday sennight, I beg you will
not fail to write, or I shall be miserable.'
' I will write ; at all events, my dearest mother, you shall
hear from me.'
' Then I shall be quite happy. Go on ! ;
The carriage drove on.
' I do believe Colambre's ill ; I never saw a man look so
ill in my life — did you, Grace ? — as he did the minute we drove
on. He should take advice. I've a mind,' cried Lady
Clonbrony, laying her hand on the cord to stop the coachman —
' I've a mind to turn about, tell him so, and ask what is the
matter with him.'
I Better not !' said Miss Nugent ; 'he will write to you, and
tell you — if anything is the matter with him. Better go on
now to Buxton ! ' continued she, scarcely able to speak. Lady
Clonbrony let go the cord.
' But what is the matter with you, my dear Grace ? for you
are certainly going to die too ! '
I I will tell you — as soon as I can ; but don't ask me now,
my dear aunt ! '
' Grace, Grace ! pull the cord ! ' cried Lady Clonbrony —
' Mr. Salisbury's phaeton ! Mr. Salisbury, I'm happy to
see you ! We're on our way to Buxton — as I told you.'
' So am I,' said Mr. Salisbury. ' I hope to be there before
your ladyship ; will you honour me with any commands ? — of
course, I will see that everything is ready for your reception.'
Her ladyship had not any commands. Mr. Salisbury drove
on rapidly.
Lady Clonbrony's ideas had now taken the Salisbury
'You didn't know that Mr. Salisbury was going to Buxton
to meet you, did you, Grace ?' said Lady Clonbrony.
' No, indeed, I did not ! ' said Miss Nugent ; ' and I am
very sorry for it.'
'Young ladies, as Mrs. Broadhurst says, "never know, or
at least never tell, what they are sorry or glad for," ' replied
Lady Clonbrony. ' At all events, Grace, my love, it has
brought the fine bloom back to your cheeks ; and I own I am
' GONE ! for ever gone from me ! ' said Lord Colambrc to
himself, as the carriage drove away. ' Never shall I see her
more — never will I see her more, till she is married.'
Lord Colambre went to his own room, locked the door, and
was relieved in some degree by the sense of privacy ; by the
feeling that he could now indulge his reflections undisturbed.
He had consolation — he had done what was honourable — he
had transgressed no duty, abandoned no principle —he had not
injured the happiness of any human being - he had not, to
gratify himself, hazarded the peace of the woman he loved —
he had not sought to win her heart. Of her innocent, her warm,
susceptible heart, he might perhaps have robbed her — he knew
it — but he had left it untouched, he hoped entire, in her own
power, to bless with it hereafter some man worthy of her. In
the hope that she might be happy, Lord Colambre felt relief ;
and in the consciousness that he had made his parents happy,
he rejoiced. But, as soon as his mind turned that way for
consolation, came the bitter concomitant reflection, that his
mother must be disappointed in her hopes of his accompanying
her home, and of his living with her in Ireland ; she would be
miserable when she should hear that he was going abroad into
the army — and yet it must be so — and he must write, and tell
her so. ' The sooner this difficulty is off my mind, the sooner
this painful letter is written, the better,' thought he. ' It must
be done — I will do it immediately.'
He snatched up his pen, and began a letter.
' My dear mother — Miss Nugent ;
He was interrupted by a knock at his door.
' A gentleman below, my lord,' said a servant, ' who wishes
to see you.'
' " My dear count I the greater pleasure Jor being unexpected."'
' I cannot see any gentleman. Did you say I was at home ?'
' No, my lord ; I said you was not at home ; for I thought
you would not choose to be at home, and your own man was
not in the way for me to ask — so I denied you ; but the gentle-
man would not be denied ; he said I must come and see if you
was at home. So, as he spoke as if he was a gentleman not
used to be denied, I thought it might be somebody of conse-
quence, and I showed him into the front drawing-room. I think
he said he was sure you'd be at home for a friend from Ireland.'
'A friend from Ireland! Why did not you tell me that
sooner ? ' said Lord Colambre, rising, and running downstairs.
' Sir James Brooke, I daresay.'
No, not Sir James Brooke ; but one he was almost as glad
to see — Count O'Halloran !
1 My dear count ! the greater pleasure for being unexpected.'
' I came to London but yesterday,' said the count ; ' but I
could not be here a day, without doing myself the honour of
paying my respects to Lord Colambre.'
' You do me not only honour, but pleasure, my dear count.
People when they like one another, always find each other out,
and contrive to meet even in London.'
1 You are too polite to ask what brought such a super-
annuated militaire as I am,' said the count, ' from his retire-
ment into this gay world again. A relation of mine, who is
one of our Ministry, knew that I had some maps, and plans,
and charts, which might be serviceable in an expedition they
are planning. I might have trusted my charts across the
channel, without coming myself to convoy them, you will say.
But my relation fancied — young relations, you know, if they
are good for anything, are apt to overvalue the heads of old
relations — fancied that mine was worth bringing all the way
from Halloran Castle to London, to consult with tete-a-tete. So
you know, when this was signified to me by a letter from the
secretary in office, private, most confidential, what could I do,
but do myself the honour to obey ? For though honour's voice
cannot provoke the silent dust, yet " flattery soothes the dull
cold ear of age." — But enough, and too much of myself,' said
the count : ' tell me, my dear lord, something of yourself. I
do not think England seems to agree with you so well as
Ireland ; for, excuse me, in point of health, you don't look like
the same man I saw some weeks ago.'
' My mind has been ill at ease of late,' said Lord Colambre.
' Ay, there's the thing ! The body pays for the mind — but
those who have feeling minds, pain and pleasure altogether
computed, have the advantage ; or at least they think so ; for
they would not change with those who have them not, were
they to gain by the bargain the most robust body that the
most selfish coxcomb, or the heaviest dunce extant, ever
boasted. For instance, would you now, my lord, at this
moment change altogether with Major Benson, or Captain
Williamson, or even our friend, " Eh, really now, 'pon honour"
— would you ? — I'm glad to see you smile.'
' I thank you for making me smile, for I assure you I want
it. I wish — if you would not think me encroaching upon your
politeness and kindness in honouring me with this visit You
see,' continued he, opening the doors of the back drawing-room,
and pointing to large packages — ' you see we are all preparing
for a march ; my mother has left town half an hour ago — my
father engaged to dine abroad — only I at home — and, in this
state of confusion, could I even venture to ask Count O'Halloran
to stay and dine with me, without being able to offer him
Irish ortolans or Irish plums — in short, will you let me rob you
of two or three hours of your time ? I am anxious to have
your opinion on a subject of some importance to me, and on
one where you are peculiarly qualified to judge and decide for
' My dear lord, frankly, I have nothing half so good or so
agreeable to do with my time ; command my hours. I have
already told you how much it flatters me to be consulted by
the most helpless clerk in office • how much more about the
private concerns of an enlightened young— friend, will Lord
Colambre permit me to say ? I hope so ; for though the length
of our acquaintance might not justify the word, yet regard and
intimacy are not always in proportion to the time people
have known each other, but to their mutual perception of certain
attaching qualities, a certain similarity and suitableness of
The good count, seeing that Lord Colambre was in much
distress of mind, did all he could to soothe him by kindness ;
far from making any difficulty about giving up a few hours of
his time, he seemed to have no other object in London, and no
purpose in life, but to attend to our hero. To put him at ease,
and to give him time to recover and arrange his thoughts, the
count talked of indifferent subjects.
' I think I heard you mention the name of Sir James Brooke.'
' Yes, I expected to have seen him when the servant first
mentioned a friend from Ireland ; because Sir James had told
me that, as soon as he could get leave of absence, he would
come to England.'
'He is come; is now at his estate in Huntingdonshire;
doing, what do you think? I will give you a leading hint;
recollect the seal which the little I)e Cresey put into your hands
the day you dined at Oranmore. Faithful to his motto,
" Deeds not words," he is this instant, I believe, at deeds, title-
deeds ; making out marriage settlements, getting ready to put
his seal to the happy articles.'
' Happy man ! I give him joy,' said Lord Colambre ; ' happy
man ! going to be married to such a woman — daughter of such
a mother.'
'Daughter of such a mother! That is indeed a great
addition and a great security to his happiness,' said the count.
'Such a family to marry into ; good from generation to genera-
tion ; illustrious by character as well a- by genealogy; "all
the sons brave, and all the daughters chaste."' — Lord
Colambre with difficulty repressed his feelings. — ' If I could
choose, I would rather that a woman I loved were of such a
family than that she had for her dower the mines of Peru.'
' So would I,' cried Lord Colambre.
' I am glad to hear you say so, my lord, and with such
energy ; so few young men of the present day look to what I
call good connexion. In marrying, a man does not, to be
sure, marry his wife's mother ; and yet a prudent man, when he
begins to think of the daughter, would look sharp at the
mother ; ay, and back to the grandmother too, and along the
whole female line of ancestry.'
' True— most true — he ought — he must.'
' And I have a notion,' said the count, smiling, ' your
lordship's practice has been conformable to your theory.'
' I ! — mine ! ' said Lord Colambre, starting, and looking at
the count with surprise.
' I beg your pardon,' said the count ; ' I did not intend to
surprise your confidence. But you forget that I was present,
and saw the impression which was made on your mind by a
mother's want of a proper sense of delicacy and propriety —
Lady Dashfort.'
' Oh, Lady Dashfort ! she was quite out of my head.'
' And Lady Isabel ? — I hope she is quite out of your heart.'
' She never was in it,' said Lord Colambre.
' Only laid siege to it,' said the count. ' Well, I am glad
your heart did not surrender at discretion, or rather without
discretion. Then I may tell you, without fear or preface, that
the Lady Isabel, who " talks of refinement, delicacy, sense," is
going to stoop at once, and marry — Heathcock.'
Lord Colambre was not surprised, but concerned and dis-
gusted, as he always felt, even when he did not care for the
individual, from hearing anything which tended to lower the
female sex in public estimation.
' As to myself,' said he, ' I cannot say I have had an escape,
for I don't think I ever was in much danger.'
' It is difficult to measure danger when it is over — past
danger, like past pain, is soon forgotten,' said the old general.
' At all events, I rejoice in your present safety.'
' But is she really going to be married to Heathcock ? ' said
Lord Colambre.
' Positively ; they all came over in the same packet with
me, and they are all in town now, buying jewels, and equipages,
and horses. Heathcock, you know, is as good as another man,
a peu prh, for all those purposes ; his father is dead, and left
him a large estate. Que voulez vousf as the French valet
said to me on the occasion. C'est que monsieur est un hotnme de
Inert : il a des Mens, a ce qu'on dW
Lord Colambre could not help smiling.
1 How they got Heathcock to fall in love is what puzzles
me,' said his lordship. ' I should as soon have thought of an
oyster's falling in love as that being ! '
' I own I should have sooner thought,' replied the count,
' of his falling in love with an oyster ; and so would you, if you
had seen him, as I did, devouring oysters on shipboard.
' Say, can the lovely heroine hope to vie
With a fat turtle or a ven'son pie ?
But that is not our affair ; let the Lady Isabel look to it.'
Dinner was announced ; and no farther conversation of any
consequence passed between the count and Lord Colambre
m m bt •■■*■
mediately to Spain. I will have the thing done for you, if you
request it.'
' First, give me your advice, Count O'Halloran ; you are
well acquainted with the military profession, with military life.
Would you advise me — I won't speak of myself, because we
judge better by general views than by particular cases — would
you advise a young man at present to go into the army ? '
The count was silent for a few minutes, and then replied :
' Since you seriously ask my opinion, my lord, I must lay aside
my own prepossessions, and endeavour to speak with
impartiality. To go into the army in these days, my lord,
is, in my sober opinion, the most absurd and base, or the
wisest and noblest thing a young man can do. To enter into
the army, with the hope of escaping from the application
necessary to acquire knowledge, letters, and science — I run
no risk, my lord, in saying this to you — to go into the army,
with the hope of escaping from knowledge, letters, science,
and morality ; to wear a red coat and an epaulette ; to be
called captain ; to figure at a ball ; to lounge away time in
country sports, at country quarters, was never, even in times
of peace, creditable ; but it is now absurd and base. Submit-
ting to a certain portion of ennui and contempt, this mode of
life for an officer was formerly practicable — but now cannot
be submitted to without utter, irremediable disgrace. Officers
are now, in general, men of education and information ; want
of knowledge, sense, manners, must consequently be immedi-
ately detected, ridiculed, and despised in a military man. Of
this we have not long since seen lamentable examples in the
raw officers who have lately disgraced themselves in my
neighbourhood in Ireland — that Major Benson and Captain
Williamson. But I will not advert to such insignificant
individuals, such are rare exceptions — I leave them out of the
question — I reason on general principles. The life of an
officer is not now a life of parade, of coxcombical, or of
profligate idleness — but of active service, of continual hardship
and danger. All the descriptions which we see in ancient
history of a soldier's life — descriptions which, in times of peace,
appeared like romance — are now realised ; military exploits fill
every day's newspapers, every day's conversation. A martial
spirit is now essential to the liberty and the existence of our
own country. In the present state of things, the military must
till the cloth was removed and the servants had withdrawn.
Then our hero opened on the subject which was heavy at his
' My dear count — to go back to the burial-place of tlie
Nugents, where my head was lost the first time I had the
pleasure of seeing you — you know, or, possibly,' said he, smil-
ing, ' you do not know, that I have a cousin of the name of
' You told me,' replied the count, ' that you had near
relations of that name ; but I do not recollect that you
mentioned any one in particular.'
' I never named Miss Nugent to you. No! it is not easy
to me to talk of her, and impossible to me to describe her.
If you had come one half-hour sooner this morning, you would
have seen her : I know she is exactly suited to your excellent
taste. But it is not at first sight she pleases most ; she gains
upon the affections, attaches the heart, and unfolds upon the
judgment. In temper, manners, and good sense, in every
quality a man can or should desire in a wife, I never saw her
equal. Yet, there is an obstacle, an invincible obstacle, the
nature of which I cannot explain to you, that forbids me to
think of her as a wife. She lives with my father and mother :
they are returning to Ireland. I wished, earnestly wished, on
many accounts, to have accompanied them, chiefly on my
mother's ; but it cannot be. The first thing a man must do
is to act honourably ; and, that he may do so, he must keep
out of the way of a temptation which he believes to be above
his strength. I will never see Miss Nugent again till she is
married ; I must either stay in England, or go abroad. I have
a mind to serve a campaign or two, if I could get a commis-
sion in a regiment going to Spain ; but I understand so many
are eager to go at this moment, that it is very difficult to get a
commission in such a regiment.'
' It is difficult,' said the count. ' But,' added he, after
thinking for a moment, ' I have it ! I can get the thing done
for you, and directly. Major Benson, in consequence of that
affair, you know, about his mistress, is forced to quit the
regiment. When the lieutenant-colonel came to quarters, and
the cast of the officers heard the fact, they would not keep
company with Benson, and would not mess with him. I know
he wants to sell out ; and that regiment is to be ordered im-
mediately to Spain. I will have the thing done for you, if you
request it.'
' First, give me your advice, Count O'Halloran ; you are
well acquainted with the military profession, with military life.
Would you advise me — I won't speak of myself, because we
judge better by general views than by particular cases — would
you advise a young man at present to go into the army ? '
The count was silent for a few minutes, and then replied :
' Since you seriously ask my opinion, my lord, I must lay aside
my own prepossessions, and endeavour to speak with
impartiality. To go into the army in these days, my lord,
is, in my sober opinion, the most absurd and base, or the
wisest and noblest thing a young man can do. To enter into
the army, with the hope of escaping from the application
necessary to acquire knowledge, letters, and science — I run
no risk, my lord, in saying this to you — to go into the army,
with the hope of escaping from knowledge, letters, science,
and morality ; to wear a red coat and an epaulette ; to be
called captain ; to figure at a ball ; to lounge away time in
country sports, at country quarters, was never, even in times
of peace, creditable ; but it is now absurd and base. Submit-
ting to a certain portion of ennui and contempt, this mode of
life for an officer was formerly practicable — but now cannot
be submitted to without utter, irremediable disgrace. Officers
are now, in general, men of education and information ; want
of knowledge, sense, manners, must consequently be immedi-
ately detected, ridiculed, and despised in a military man. Of
this we have not long since seen lamentable examples in the
raw officers who have lately disgraced themselves in my
neighbourhood in Ireland— that Major Benson and Captain
Williamson. But I will not advert to such insignificant
individuals, such are rare exceptions — I leave them out of the
question — I reason on general principles. The life of an
officer is not now a life of parade, of coxcombical, or of
profligate idleness — but of active service, of continual hardship
and danger. All the descriptions which we see in ancient
history of a soldier's life — descriptions which, in times of peace,
appeared like romance — are now realised ; military exploits fill
every day's newspapers, every day's conversation. A martial
spirit is now essential to the liberty and the existence of our
own country. In the present state of things, the military must
be the most honourable profession, because the most useful.
Every movement of an army is followed, wherever it goes, by
the public hopes and fears. Every officer must now feel,
besides this sense of collective importance, a belief that his
only dependence must be on his own merit— ami thus his
ambition, his enthusiasm, are raised ; and when once this
noble ardour is kindled in the breast, it excites to exertion, and
supports under endurance. But I forget myself,' said the
count, checking his enthusiasm ; ' I promised to speak soberly.
If I have said too much, your own good sense, my lord, will
correct me, and your good-nature will forgive the prolixity of
an old man, touched upon his favourite subject — the passion of
his youth.'
Lord Colambre, of course, assured the count that he was
not tired. Indeed, the enthusiasm with which this old
officer spoke of his profession, and the high point of view
in which he placed it, increased our hero's desire to serve a
camp. oad. Good sense, politeness, and experience of
the world preserved Count O'Halloran from that foible with
which old officers are commonly reproached, of talking con-
tinually of their own military exploits. Though retired from
the world, he had contrived, by reading the best books, and
corresponding with persons of good information, to keep up
with the current of modern affairs ; and he seldom spoke of
those in which he had been formerly engaged. He rather
too studiously avoided speaking of himseli ; and this fear of
egotism diminished the peculiar interest he might have in-
spired : it disappointed curiosity, and deprived those with
whom he conversed of many entertaining and instructive
anecdotes. However, he sometimes made exceptions to his
general rule in favour of persons who peculiarly pleased him,
and Lord Colambre was of this number.
He this evening, for the first time, spoke to his lordship of
the years he had spent in the Austrian service ; told him
anecdotes of the emperor ; spoke of many distinguished
public characters whom he had known abroad ; of those
officers who had been his friends and companions. Among
others he mentioned, with particular regard, a young English
officer who had been at the same time with him in the
Austrian service, a gentleman of the name of Reynolds.
The name struck Lord Colambre ; it was the name of the
officer who had been the cause of the disgrace of Miss St.
Omar — of Miss Xugent's mother. ' But there are so many
He eagerly asked«sthe age — the character of this officer.
' He was a gallant youth,' said the count, ' but too ad-
venturous — too rash. He fell, after distinguishing himself in
a glorious manner, in his twentieth year — died in my arms.'
' Married or unmarried?' cried Lord Colambre.
' Married — he had been privately married, less than a year
before his death, to a very young English lady, who had been
educated at a convent in Vienna. He was heir to a con-
siderable property, I believe, and the young lady had little
fortune ; and the affair was kept secret from the fear of
offending his friends, or for some other reason — I do not
recollect the particulars.'
' Did he acknowledge his marriage ? ' said Lord Colambre.
' Never till he was dying — then he confided his secret
to me.'
' Do you recollect the name of the young lad}- he married ? '
'Yes — a Miss St. Omar.'
' St. Omar ! ' repeated Lord Colambre, with an expression
of lively joy in his countenance. ' But are you certain, my
clear count, that she was really married, legally married, to
Mr. Reynolds ? Her marriage has been denied by all his
friends and relations — hers have never been able to establish
it — her daughter is My dear count, were you present at the
marriage ? '
' Xo,' said the count, ' I was not present at the marriage ;
. I never saw the lady, nor do I know anything of the affair,
except that Mr. Reynolds, when he was dying, assured me
that he was privately married to a Miss St. Omar, who was
then boarding at a convent in Vienna. The young man
expressed great regret at leaving her totally unprovided for ;
but said that he trusted his father would acknowledge her, and
that her friends would be reconciled to her. He was not of
age, he said, to make a will ; but I think he told me that his
child, who at that time was not born, would, even if it should
be a girl, inherit a considerable property. With this, I cannot,
however, charge my memory positively ; but he put a packet
into my hands which, he told me, contained a certificate of
his marriage, and, I think he said, a letter to his father ; this
337 2
he requested that I would transmit to England by some safe
hand. Immediately after his death, I went to the English
ambassador, who was then leaving Vienna, and delivered the
packet into his hands ; he promised to have it safely delivered.
I was obliged to go the next day, with the troops, to a distant
part of the country. When I returned, I inquired at the con-
vent what had become of Miss St. Omar — I should say Mrs.
Reynolds ; and I was told that she had removed from the
convent to private lodgings in the town, some time previous
to the birth of her child. The abbess seemed much scandalised
by the whole transaction ; and I remember I relieved her
mind by assuring her that there had been a regular marriage.
For poor young Reynolds's sake, I made farther inquiries about
the widow, intending, of course, to act as a friend, if she was
in any difficulty or distress. But I found, on inquiry at her
lodgings, that her brother had come from England for her, and
had carried her and her infant away. The active scenes,' con-
tinued the count, ' in which I was immediately afterwards en-
gaged, drove the whole affair from my mind. Now that your
questions have recalled them, I feel certain of the facts I have
mentioned ; and I am ready to establish them by my testimony.'
Lord Colambre thanked him with an eagerness that showed
how much he was interested in the event. It was clear, he
said, either that the packet left with the ambassador had not
been delivered, or that the father of Mr. Reynolds had sup-
pressed the certificate of the marriage, as it had never been
acknowledged by him or by any of the family. Lord Colambre
now frankly told the count why he was so anxious about this
affair ; and Count O'Halloran, with all the warmth of youth,
and with all the ardent generosity characteristic of his country,
entered into his feelings, declaring that he would never rest
till he had established the truth.
' Unfortunately,' said the count, ' the ambassador who took
the packet in charge is dead. I am afraid we shall have
' But he must have had some secretary,' said Lord
Colambre ; ' who was his secretary ? — we can apply to him.'
' His secretary is now charge d'affaires in Vienna — we cannot
get at him.'
' Into whose hands have that ambassador's papers fallen —
who is his executor ? ' said Lord Colambre.
' His executor ! — now you have ity cried the count. ' His
executor is the very man who will do your business — your
friend Sir James Brooke is the executor. All papers, of
II: now joyfully and rapidly went on
course, are in his hands ; or he can have access to any that are
in the hands of the family. The family seat is within a few
miles of Sir James Brooke's, in Huntingdonshire, where, as I
told you before, he now is.'
' I'll go to him immediately — set out in the mail this night.
Just in time!' cried Lord Colambre, pulling out his watch
with one hand, and ringing the bell with the other.
' Run and take a place for me in the mail for Huntingdon.
Go directly,' said Lord Colambre to the servant.
'And take two places, if you please, sir,' said the count.
' My lord, I will accompany you.'
But this Lord Colambre would not permit, as it would be
unnecessary to fatigue the good old general ; and a letter from
him to Sir James Brooke would do all that the count could
effect by his presence ; the search for the papers would be
made by Sir James, and if the packet could be recovered, or
if any memorandum or mode of ascertaining that it had actually
been delivered to old Reynolds could be discovered, Lord
Colambre said he would then call upon the count for his
assistance, and trouble him to identify the packet ; or to go
with him to Mr. Reynolds to make farther inquiries ; and to
certify, at all events, the young man's dying acknowledgment
of his marriage and of his child.
The place in the mail, just in time, was taken. Lord
Colambre sent a servant in search of his father, with a note
explaining the necessity of his sudden departure. All the
business which remained to be done in town he knew Lord
Clonbrony could accomplish without his assistance. Then
lie wrote a few lines to his mother, on the very sheet of paper
(in which, a few hours before, he had sorrowfully and slowly
begun —
My dea?- Mother — Miss Nugent.
He now joyfully and rapidly went on —
My dear Mother and Mis^ Nugent,
I hope to he with you on Wednesday se'nnight ; but if unforeseen
circumstances should delay me, I will certainly write to you again. —
Dear mother, believe me, your obliged and grateful son,
The count, in the meantime, wrote a letter for him to Sir
James Brooke, describing the packet which he had given to
the ambassador, and relating all the circumstances that could
lead to its recovery. Lord Colambre, almost before the wax
was hard, seized possession of the letter ; the count seeming
almost as eager to hurry him off as he was to set out. He
thanked the count with few words, but with strong feeling.
Joy and love returned in full tide upon our hero's soul ; all the
military ideas, which but an hour before filled his imagination,
were put to flight : Spain vanished, and green Ireland re-
Just as they shook hands at parting, the good old general,
with a smile, said to him, ' I believe I had better not stir in
the matter of Benson's commission till I hear more from you.
My harangue, in favour of the military profession, will, I fancy,
prove like most other harangues, en pure perfe.'
In what words of polite circumlocution, or of cautious
diplomacy, shall we say, or hint, that the deceased ambas-
sador's papers were found in shameful disorder. His excel-
lency's executor, Sir James lhooke, however, was indefatigable
in his researches. He and Lord Colambre spent two whole
days in looking over portfolios of letters and memorials, and
manifestoes, and bundles of paper of the mo^t heterogeneous
sorts ; some of them without any docket or direction to lead to
a knowledge of their contents ; others written upon in such a
manner as to give an erroneous notion of their nature ; so that
it was necessary to untie every paper separately. At last,
when they had opened, as they thought, every paper, and,
wearied and in despair, were just on the point of giving up the
search, Lord Colambre spied a bundle of old newspapers at
the bottom of a trunk.
' They are only old Vienna Gazettes ; I looked at them,' said
Sir James.
Lord Colambre, upon this assurance, was going to throw
them into the trunk again ; but observing that the bundle had
not been untied, he opened it, and within -side of the news-
papers he found a rough copy of the ambassador's journal,
and with it the packet, directed to Ralph Reynolds sen., Esq.,
Old Court, Suffolk, per favour of his excellency, Earl ,
a note on the cover, signed O'Halloran, stating when received
by him, and the date of the day when delivered to the ambas-
sador — seals unbroken. Our hero was in such a transport of
joy at the sight of this packet, and his friend Sir James
Brooke so full of his congratulations, that they forgot to curse
the ambassador's carelessness, which had been the cause of so
much evil.
'o7« explained, thai she " a»«# ««/ ww, «u> s&VTWWg ft * c, jii/ £iW Colambre, kneeling beside her.'
will I — though I long to talk to the darling girl myself; but
she is not equal to it yet.'
When Grace came to herself, she first saw Lady Berryl
leaning over her, and, raising herself a little, she said —
' What has happened ? — I don't know yet — I don't know
whether I am happy or not.'
Then seeing Lord Colambre, she sat quite upright. ' You
received my letter, cousin, I hope ? — Do you go to Ireland
with my aunt ? '
' Yes ; and with you, I hope, my beloved friend,' said
Colambre ; ' you once assured me that I had such a share
of your esteem and affection, that the idea of my accompanying
you to Ireland was not disagreeable to you ; you flattered me
that I formed part of your agreeable associations- with home.'
' Yes — sit down by me, won't you, my dear Lady Berryl —
but then I considered you as my cousin, Lord Colambre, and I
thought you felt the same towards me ; but now '
' But now, my charming Grace,' said Lord Colambre,
kneeling beside her, and taking her hand, ' no invincible
obstacle opposes my passion — no i?ivincible obstacle, did I
say ? let me hope that I may say no obstacle, but what
depends on the change in the nature of your sentiments.
You heard my mother's consent ; you saw her joy.'
' I scarcely knew what I heard or saw,' said Grace, blushing
deeply, ' or what I now see and hear ; but of this I feel secure,
before I comprehend the mystery, before you explain to me
the causes of your — change of conduct, that you have
never been actuated by caprice, but governed by wise and
honourable motives. As to my going to Ireland, or remaining
with Lady Berryl, she has heard all the circumstances — she is
my friend and yours — a better friend cannot be ; to her I
appeal — she will decide for me what I ought to do ; she
promised to take me from hence instantly, if I ought to go.'
' I did ; and I would do so without hesitation, if any duty
or any prudence required it. But, after having heard all the
circumstances, I can only tell you that I willingly resign the
pleasure of your company.'
' But tell her, my dear Lady Berryl,' said Lord Colambre,
' excellent friend as you are — explain to her you can, better
than any of us, all that is to be known ; let her know my whole
conduct, and then let her decide for herself, and I shall submit
to her decision. It is difficult, my dear Grace, to restrain the
expression of love, of passion, such as I feel ; but I have some
power over myself — you know it — and this I can promise you, that
your affections shall be free as air — that no wishes of friends,
no interference, nothing but your own unbiassed choice will I
allow, if my life depended upon it, to operate in my favour.
Be assured, my dearest Grace,' added he, smiling as he
retired, ' you shall have time to know whether you are happy
or not.'
The moment he had left the room, she threw herself into
the arms of her friend, and her heart, oppressed with various
feelings, was relieved by tears — a species of relief to which she
was not habituated.
' I am happy,' said she ; ' but what was the invincible
obstacle ? — what was the meaning of my aunt's words ? — and
what was the cause of her joy ? Explain all this to me, my
dear friend ; for I am still as if I were in a dream.'
With all the delicacy which Lady Clonbrony deemed
superfluous Lady Berryl explained. Nothing could surpass
the astonishment of Grace, on first learning that Mr. Nugent
was not her father. When she was told of the stigma that had
been cast on her birth ; the suspicions, the disgrace, to which
her mother had been subjected for so many years — that mother,
whom she had so loved and respected ; who had, with such
care, instilled into the mind of her daughter the principles of
virtue and religion ; that mother whom Grace had always seen
the example of every virtue she taught ; on whom her daughter
never suspected that the touch of blame, the breath of scandal,
could rest — Grace could express her sensations only by
repeating, in tones of astonishment, pathos, indignation — ' My
mother ! — my mother ! — my mother ! '
For some time she was incapable of attending to any other
idea, or of feeling any other sensations. When her mind was
able to admit the thought, her friend soothed her, by recalling
the expressions of Lord Colambre's love — the struggle by which
he had been agitated, when he fancied a union with her
opposed by an invincible obstacle.
Grace sighed, and acknowledged that, in prudence, it ought
to have been an invincible obstacle — she admired the firmness
of his decision, the honour with which he had acted towards
her. One moment she exclaimed. ' Then, if I had been the
daughter of a mother who had conducted herself ill, he never
would have trusted me ! '
The next moment she recollected, with pleasure, the joy she
had just seen in his eyes — the affection, the passion, that spoke
in every word and look : then dwelt upon the sober certainty,
that all obstacles were removed.
' And no duty opposes my loving him ! And my aunt
wishes it ! my kind aunt ! And I may think of him. — You,
my best friend, would not assure me of this if you were not
certain of the truth. — Oh, how can I thank you for all your
kindness, and for that best of all kindness, sympathy. You
see, your calmness, your strength of mind supports and
tranquillises me. I would rather have heard all I have just
learnt from you than from any other person living. I could
not have borne it from any one else. No one else knows
my mind so perfectly — yet my aunt is very good, — and my
dear uncle ! should not I go to him ? — But he is not my
uncle, she is not my aunt. I cannot bring myself to think
that they are not my relations, and that I am nothing to
' You may be everything to them, my dear Grace,' said
Lady Berryl ; ' whenever you please, you may be their
Grace blushed, and smiled, and sighed, and was consoled.
But then she recollected her new relation Mr. Reynolds, her
grandfather, whom she had never seen, who had for years
disowned her — treated her mother with injustice. She could
scarcely think of him with complaisancy ; yet, when his age,
his sufferings, his desolate state, were represented, she pitied
him ; and, faithful to her strong sense of duty, would have
gone instantly to offer him every assistance and attention in
her power. Lady Berryl assured her that Mr. Reynolds had
positively forbidden her going to him ; and that he had assured
Lord Colambre he would not see her if she went to him.
After such rapid and varied emotions, poor Grace desired
repose, and her friend took care that it should be secured to
her for the remainder of the day.
In the meantime, Lord Clonbrony had kindly and judiciously
employed his lady in a discussion about certain velvet furniture,
which Grace had painted for the drawing-room at Clonbrony
In Lady Clonbrony's mind, as in some bad paintings, there
was no keeping ; all objects, great and small, were upon the
same level.
The moment her son entered the room, her ladyship
exclaimed —
' Everything pleasant at once ! Here's your father tells me,
Grace's velvet furniture's all packed ; really, Soho's the best
man in the world of his kind, and the cleverest — and so, after
all, my dear Colambre, as I always hoped and prophesied, at
last you will marry an heiress.'
'And Terry,' said Lord Clonbrony, ' will win his wager from
' Terry ! ' repeated Lady Clonbrony, ' that odious Terry ! —
I hope, my lord, that he is not to be one of my comforts in
' No, my dear mother ; he is much better provided for
than we could have expected. One of my father's first objects
was to prevent him from being any encumbrance to you. We
consulted him as to the means of making him happy ; and the
knight acknowledged that he had long been casting a sheep's
eye at a little snug place, that will soon be open, in his native
country — the chair of assistant barrister at the sessions.
"Assistant barrister!" said my father; "but, my dear Terry,
you have all your life been evading the laws, and very frequently
breaking the peace ; do you think this has qualified you
peculiarly for being a guardian of the laws ? " Sir Terence
replied, " Yes, sure ; set a thief to catch a thief is no bad maxim.
And did not Mr. Colquhoun, the Scotchman, get himself made
a great justice, by his making all the world as wise as himself,
about thieves of all sorts, by land and by water, and in the air
too, where he detected the mud-larks ? — And is not Barrington
chief-justice of Botany Bay ? "
' My father now began to be seriously alarmed, lest Sir
Terence should insist upon his using his interest to make him
an assistant barrister. He was not aware that five years'
practice at the bar was a necessary accomplishment for this
office ; when, fortunately for all parties, my good friend, Count
O'Halloran, helped us out of the difficulty, by starting an idea
full of practical justice. A literary friend of the count's had
been for some time promised a lucrative situation under
Government ; but, unfortunately, he was a man of so much
merit and ability, that they could not find employment for him
at home, and they gave him a commission, I should rather say
a contract, abroad, for supplying the army with Hungarian
horses. Now the gentleman had not the slightest skill in horse-
flesh ; and, as Sir Terence is a complete jockey, the count
observed that he would be the best possible deputy for his
literary friend. We warranted him to be a thoroughgoing friend ;
and I do think the coalition will be well for both parties. The
count has settled it all, and I left Sir Terence comfortably pro-
vided for, out of your way, my dear mother, and as happy as
he could be, when parting from my father.'
Lord Colambre was assiduous in engaging his mother's
attention upon any subject which could for the present draw
her thoughts away from her young friend ; but, at every pause
in the conversation, her ladyship repeated, ' So Grace is an
heiress, after all — so, after all, they know they are not cousins !
Well ! I prefer Grace, a thousand times over, to any other heiress
in England. No obstacle, no objection. They have my con-
sent. I always prophesied Colambre would marry an heiress ;
but why not marry directly ? '
Her ardour and impatience to hurry things forward seemed
now likely to retard the accomplishment of her own wishes ; and
Lord Clonbrony, who understood rather more of the passion
of love than his lady ever had felt or understood, saw the
agony into which she threw her son, and felt for his darling
Grace. With a degree of delicacy and address of which few
would have supposed Lord Clonbrony capable, his lordship
co-operated with his son in endeavours to keep Lady Clonbrony
quiet, and to suppress the hourly thanksgivings of Grace's
turni7ig out an heiress. On one point, however, she vowed she
would not be overruled — she would have a splendid wedding
at Clonbrony Castle, such as should become an heir and
heiress ; and the wedding, she hoped, would be immediately on
their return to Ireland ; she should announce the thing to her
friends directly on her arrival at Clonbrony Castle.
' My dear,' said Lord Clonbrony, ' we must wait, in the first
place, the pleasure of old Mr. Reynolds's fit of the gout.'
' Why, that's true, because of his will,' said her ladyship ;
' but a will's soon made, is not it ? That can't be much delay.'
' And then there must be settlements,' said Lord Clon-
brony ; ' they take time. Lovers, like all the rest of mankind,
must submit to the law's delay. In the meantime, my
dear, as these Buxton baths agree with you so well, and
as Grace does not seem to be over and above strong for
travelling a long journey, and as there are many curious and
beautiful scenes of nature here in Derbyshire — Matlock,
and the wonders of the Peak, and so on — which the young
people would be glad to see together, and may not have
another opportunity soon — why not rest ourselves a little?
For another reason, too,' continued his lordship, bringing
together as many arguments as he could — for he had often
found, that though Lady Clonbrony was a match for any single
argument, her understanding could be easily overpowered by
a number, of whatever sort — ' besides, my dear, here's Sir
Arthur and Lady Berryl come to Buxton on purpose to meet
us ; and we owe them some compliment, and something more
than compliment, I think ; so I don't see why we should be in
a hurry to leave them, or quit Buxton — a few weeks sooner or
later can't signify — and Clonbrony Castle will be getting all
the while into better order for us. Burke is gone down there ;
and if we stay here quietly, there will be time for the velvet
furniture to get there before us, and to be unpacked, and up
in the drawing-room.'
' That's true, my lord,' said Lady Clonbrony ; ' and there
is a great deal of reason in all you say — so I second that
motion, as Colambre, I see, subscribes to it.'
They stayed some time in Derbyshire, and every day Lord
Clonbrony proposed some pleasant excursion, and contrived
that the young people should be left to themselves, as Mrs.
Broadhurst used so strenuously to advise ; the recollection of
whose authoritative maxims fortunately still operated upon
Lady Clonbrony, to the great ease and advantage of the lovers.
Happy as a lover, a friend, a son ; happy in the conscious-
ness of having restored a father to respectability, and persuaded
a mother to quit the feverish joys of fashion for the pleasures
of domestic life ; happy in the hope of winning the whole
heart of the woman he loved, and whose esteem, he knew, he
possessed and deserved ; happy in developing every day, every
hour, fresh charm in his destined bride — we leave our hero,
returning to his native country.
And we leave him with the reasonable expectation that he
will support through life the promise of his early character ;
that his patriotic views will extend with his power to carry
wishes into action ; that his attachment to his warm-hearted
countrymen will still increase upon further acquaintance ; and
that he will long diffuse happiness through the wide circle,
which is peculiarly subject to the influence and example of a
great resident Irish proprietor.
Letter from Larry to his brother, Pat Brady, at
Mr. Mordicai's, coachmaker, London.
My dear Brother,
Yours of the 16th, inclosing the five pound note for my father,
came safe to hand Monday last ; and with his thanks and blessing
to you, he commends it to you herewith inclosed back again, on
account of his being in no immediate necessity, nor likelihood to want
in future, as you shall hear forthwith ; but wants you over with all
speed, and the note will answer for travelling charges ; for we can't
enjoy the luck it has pleased God to give us without yees : put the
rest in your pocket, and read it when you've time.
Old Nick's gone, and St. Dennis along with him, to the place
he come from — praise be to God ! The onld lord has found him
out in his tricks ; and I helped him to that, through the young
lord that I driv, as I informed you in my last, when he was a Welch-
man, which was the best turn ever I did, though I did not know
it no more than Adam that time. So ould Nick's turned out of
the agency clean and clear ; and the day after it was known, there
was surprising great joy through the whole country ; not surprising
either, but just what you might, knowing him, rasonably expect.
He (that is, old Nick and St. Dennis) would have been burnt that
night — I mane, in effigy, through the town of Clonbrony, but that
the new man, Mr. Burke, come down that day too soon to stop it,
and said, ' it was not becoming to trample on the fallen,' or some-
thing that way, that put an end to it ; and though it was a great
disappointment to many, and to me in particular, I could not but
like the jantleman the better for it anyhow. They say, he is a very
good jantleman, and as unlike old Nick or the saint as can be ;
and takes no duty fowl, nor glove, nor sealing - money ; nor asks
duty work nor duty turf. Well, when I was disappointed of the
e ffigy* I comforted myself by making a bonfire of old Nick's big
rick of duty turf, which, by great luck, was out in the road, away
from all dwelling-house, or thatch, or yards, to take fire ; so no
danger in life or objection. And such another blaze ! I wished
you'd seed it — and all the men, women, and children in the town
and country, far and near, gathered round it, shouting and dancing
like mad ! — and it was light as day quite across the bog, as far as
Bartley Finnigan's house. And I heard after, they seen it from
all parts of the three counties, and they thought it was St. John's
Eve in a mistake — or couldn't make out what it was ; but all took
it in good part, for a good sign, and were in great joy. As for St.
Dennis and ould Nick, an attorney had his foot upon 'em, with
an habere a latitat, and three executions hanging over 'em ; and
there's the end of rogues ! and a great example in the country.
And — no more about it ; for I can't be wasting more ink upon them
that don't desarve it at my hands, when I want it for them that do,
you shall see. So some weeks past, and there was great cleaning
at Clonbrony Castle, and in the town of Clonbrony ; and the new
agent's smart and clever ; and he had the glaziers, and the painters,
and the slaters up and down in the town wherever wanted ; and
you wouldn't know it again. Thinks I, this is no bad sign !
Now, cock up your ears, Pat ! for the great news is coming, and
the good. The master's come home — long life to him ! — and family
come home yesterday, all entirely ! The ould lord and the young
lord (ay, there's the man, Paddy !), and my lady, and Miss Nugent.
And I driv Miss Nugent's maid, that maid that was, and another ;
so I had the luck to be in it along wid 'em, and see all, from first
to last. And first, I must tell you, my young Lord Colambre
remembered and noticed me the minute he lit at our inn, and con-
descended to beckon at me out of the yard to him, and axed me —
'Friend Larry,' says he, 'did you keep your promise?' — 'My oath
again' the whisky, is it?' says I. ' My lord, I surely did,' said I;
which was true, as all the country knows I never tasted a drop
since. 'And I'm proud to see your honour, my lord, as good as
your word too, and back again among us.' So then there was a
call for the horses ; and no more at that time passed betwix' my
young lord and me, but that he pointed me out to the ould one, as
I went off. I noticed and thanked him for it in my heart, though
I did not know all the good was to come of it. Well, no more
of myself, for the present.
Ogh, it's I driv 'em well ; and we all got to the great gate of
the park before sunset, and as fine an evening as ever you see ;
with the sun shining on the tops of the trees, as the ladies noticed ;
the leaves changed, but not dropped, though so late in the season.
1 believe the leaves knew what they were about, and kept on, on
purpose to welcome them ; and the birds were singing, and I stopped
whistling, that they might hear them ; but sorrow bit could they
hear when they got to the park gate, for there was such a crowd,
and such a shout, as you never see — and they had the horses off
every carriage entirely, and drew 'em home, with blessings, through
the park. And, God bless 'em ! when they got out, they didn't
go shut themselves up in the great drawing-room, but went straight
out to the ///-rass, to satisfy the eyes and hearts that followed them.
My lady lotting on my young lord, and Miss Grace Nugent that was,
the beautifullest angel that ever you set eyes on, with the finest
complexion and sweetest of smiles, laning upon the ould lord's
arm, who had his hat off, bowing to all, and noticing the old tenants
as he passed by name. Oh, there was great gladness and tears in
the midst ; for joy I could scarce keep from myself.
After a turn or two upon the //rrass, my Lord Colambre quit his
mother's arm for a minute, and he come to the edge of the slope, and
looked down and through all the crowd for some one.
' Is it the widow O'Neill, my lord ? ' says I ; • she's yonder, with the
spectacles on her nose, betwixt her son and daughter, as usual.'
Then my lord beckoned, and they did not know which of the tree
would stir ; and then he gave tree beckons with his own finger, and
they all tree came fast enough to the bottom of the slope forenent my
lord ; and he went down and helped the widow up (Oh, he's the true
jantleman), and brought 'em all tree up on the tirrass, to my lady and
Miss Nugent ; and I was up close after, that I might hear, which
wasn't manners, but I couldn't help it. So what he said I don't well
know, for I could not get near enough, after all. But I saw my lady
smile very kind, and take the widow O'Neill by the hand, and then
my Lord Colambre Produced Grace to Miss Nugent, and there was the
word namesake, and something about a check curtains ; but, whatever
it was, they was all greatly pleased ; then my Lord Colambre turned
and looked for Brian, who had fell back, and took him with some
commendation to my lord his father. And my lord the master said,
which I didn't know till after, that they should have their house and
farm at the ould rent ; and at the surprise, the widow dropped down
dead; and there was a cry as for ten herrings . 'Be qui'te,' says I,
' she's only kilt for joy ; ' and I went and lift her up, for her son had
no more strength that minute than the child new born ; and Grace
trembled like a leaf, as white as the sheet, but not long, for the
mother came to, and was as well as ever when I brought some water,
which Miss Nugent handed to her with her own hand.
' That was always pretty and good,' said the widow, laying her
hand upon Miss Nugent, 'and kind and good to me and mine.'
That minute there was music from below. The blind harper,
O'Neill, with his harp, that struck up ' Gracey Nugent.'
And that finished, and my Lord Colambre smiling, with the tears
standing in his eyes too, and the ould lord quite wiping his, I ran to
the linsLSS brink to bid O'Neill play it again ; but as I run, I thought I
heard a voice call Larry.
'Who calls Larry?' says I.
' My Lord Colambre calls you, Larry,' says all at once ; and four
lakes me by the shoulders and spins me round. ' There's my young
lord calling you, Larry — run for your life. '
So I run back for my life, and walked respectful, with my hat
in my hand, when I got near.
' Put on your hat, my father desires it,' says my Lord Colambre.
The ould lord made a sign to that purpose, but was too full to speak.
'Where's your father?' continues my young lord. — * He's very ould,
my lord,' says I. ' I didn't ax you how ould he was,' says he ; 'but
where is he ? ' — ' He's behind the crowd below, on account of his
infirmities ; he couldn't walk so fast as the rest, my lord,' says I ;
' but his heart is with you, if not his body.' ' I must have his body
too, so bring him bodily before us ; and this shall be your warrant for
so doing,' said my lord, joking ; for he knows the nat»r of us,
Paddy, and how we love a joke in our hearts, as well as if he had
lived all his life in Ireland ; and by the same token will, for that
rasoti, do what he pleases with us, and more maybe than a man twice
as good, that never would smile on us.
But I'm telling you of my father. ' I've a warrant for you,
father,' says I ; 'and must have you bodily before the justice, and my
lord chief-justice. ' So he changed colour a bit at first ; but he saw me
smile. 'And I've done no sin,' said he; 'and, Larry, you may lead
me now, as you led me all my life.'
And up the slope he went with me as light as fifteen ; and, when
we got up, my Lord Clonbrony said, ' I am sorry an old tenant, and a
good old tenant, as I hear you were, should have been turned out of
your farm.'
' Don't fret, it's no great matter, my lord,' said my father. ' I
shall be soon out of the way ; but if you would be so kind to speak a
word for my boy here, and that I could afford, while the life is in me,
bring my other boy back out of banishment '
'Then,' says my Lord Clonbrony, ' I'll give you and your sons three
lives, or thirty-one years, from this day, of your former farm. Return
to it when you please.' 'And,' added my Lord Colambre, ' the flaggers,
I hope, will be soon banished.' Oh, how could I thank him — not a
word could I proffer — but I know I clasped my two hands, and prayed
for him inwardly. And my father was dropping down on his knees,
but the master would not let him ; and obsarjed, that posture should
only be for his God. And, sure enough, in that posture, when he was
out of sight, we did pray for him that night, and will all our days.
But, before we quit his presence, he called me back, and bid me
write to my brother, and bring you back, if you've no objections, to
your own country.
So come, my dear Pat, and make no delay, for joy's not joy
compkte till you're in it — my father sends his blessing, and Peggy her
love. The family entirely is to settle for good in Ireland, and there
was in the castle yard last night a bonfire made by my lord's orders of
the ould yellow damask furniture, to plase my lady, my lord says.
And the drawing-room, the butler was telling me, is new hung ; and
the chairs with velvet as white as snow, and shaded over with natural
flowers, by Miss Nugent. Oh ! how I hope what I guess will come
true, and I've rason to believe it will, for I dreamt in my bed last
night it did. But keep yourself to yourself — that Miss Nugent (who
is no more Miss Nugent, they say, but Miss Reynolds, and has a new-
found grandfather, and is a big heiress, which she did not want in my
eyes, nor in my young lord's), I've a notion will be sometime, and may-
be sooner than is expected, my Lady Viscountess Colambre — so haste
to the wedding. And there's another thing : they say the rich ould
grandfather's coming over ; — and another thing, Pat, you would not be
out of the fashion — and you see it's growing the fashion not to be an
Absentee. — Your loving brother,
Larry Brady.
Printed by R. & R. Clark. Limited, Editifatrgk.
Crown 8vo, Cloth, 2s. 6d. Peacock Edition, Cloth Elegant,
Gilt Edges, 3s. 6d.
With Introductions by Austin Dobson.
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. With Illustrations by Charles
E. Brock.
With Illustrations by Hugh Thomson.
Illustrated by H. M. Brock.
THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS. With Introduction by
Mowbray Morris.
Illustrated by C. E. Brock.
With Introductions by Anne Thackeray Ritchie.
ORMOND. Illustrated by Carl Schloesser.
Illustrated by Chris Hammond.
With Introductions by David Hannay.
Henry M. Brock.
JACOB FAITHFUL. Illustrated by Henry M. Brock.
PETER SIMPLE. Illustrated by J. Ayton Symington.
MIDSHIPMAN EASY. Illustrated by Fred Pegram.
THE KING'S OWN. Illustrated by F. H. Towusend.
THE PHANTOM SHIP. Illustrated by H. R. Millar.
SNARLEY-YOW. Illustrated by H. R. Millar.
POOR JACK. Illustrated by Fred Pegram.
by E. J. Sullivan.
MASTERMAN READY. Illustrated by Fred Pegram.
FRANK MILDMAY. Illustrated by H. R. Millar.
NEWTON FORSTER. Illustrated by E. J. Sullivan.
With Introductions by George Saintsbury.
trated by H. R. Millar.
Illustrated by F. H. Townsend.
WESTWARD HO ! By Charles Kingsley. Illustrated by
C E. Brock.
HANDY ANDY. By Samuel Lover. Illustrated by H. M.
Brock. With Introduction by Charles Whibley.
TOM CRINGLE'S LOG. By Michael Scott. Illustrated
by J. Ayton Symington. With Introduction by Mowbray Morris.
ANNALS OF THE PARISH. By John Galt. Illustrated
by Charles E. Brock. With Introduction by Alfred Ainger.
Disraeli. Illustrated by F. Pegram. With Introduction by H. D.
LAVENGRO. By George Borrow. Illustrated by E. J.
Sullivan. With Introduction by Augustine Birrell, Q.C., M.P.
James Morier. Illustrated by H. R. Millar. With Introduction
by Lord Curzon of Kedleston.