Ube Zubov ^facsimile ^eyts #rr ^ml of gristoiti Z)ai^ of the only known edition, 1605 (B.M. C. 34, b. 6.) Reproduced in Facsimile, 1912 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER #ir Paid n| %mim 1605 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXII 1605 This facsimile is from a copy of the only known edition, now in the British Museum. One other copy is known to be in the Bodleian. The play was registered with the Stationers' Company on February 8th, 1605, and was probably played at Hampton Court early in October, 1604. An exhaustive and valuable monograph on the play was issued by Mr. Quinn in 1902 under the auspices of the University of Pennsylvania. Having regard to the extremely poor and difficult condition of the original — badly printed on thin and now over-stained paper — this reproduction has been carefully and successfully executed. Here and tJtere is observable the barest tendency to excess in tone, but beyond that there is little on which to comment. JOHN S. FARMER. 241568 ' f/rv-'i-i"-^'' THE FAIRE MAIDE ofBriflovv. ■^"- ^ %. ' As it was plaidc at Hampton,£(trorc the king and Queenes moft exoellcne , tviaicftics. ■> ■ ^^veucltn{p|»n:gt)t,. ^ V> crtjis ift^U btrti) 08p»nD )>« tDctconiB til, i^air Anabell^lB Daagtjtctla mglont, "^ S^m(^alttt)ou(eett)e3Ku)llofinptl^O0^t, 1 i^aicel5;iaotDsmiro2anoitiplMiil0tKke^t. r Vai. jFcenDChallcuer, 3l)Donotratt0i'^amo), SCO Dote fo mac^ oner tt^ie fcitnle tiino, ITbat cbarms tt)? feiKu mab«0 tb? t(e Ofti^t Uinir. , Chal. s^oaartanenemptotDomenitiU, 1 ' 3P2ett)eelD4atDoti)beaaisrdetotti)t|)«. Vai. Co ftt m?i)oano0,toct>afe(|)efliIlofDD«re, f> torampfactfonaribettepactnngeoeao. r to beace mv tio:fe Car ftre, to D;inb full tealtt|0, |. ^ ano not line pokngfo; announce of liBeaatp, ' Chal. lUuetofsmp^oonMatlDrUflfltb^', ^ 9pl)0jre,mp faction, ant) beaitbegto^entlnK rented, ^ Sat abooe all mpmiOna 3 prefer, l^tje f0 the fetorlt tli>ati»tb beate ttip blow, , flno Vftnfoit Vailcn ger, toj n?p fake gM aNOf«,tbe8allant0loiUbe(jeretoni0bt, Val. Vfaiti; poobino me to a migbtp taflt 31e fa pour ilabp. ano poor Haoieo mante, ; t;>enp}ett^peacel)etefBiilfuebecpeoarffan»* r Chal. fojbpfbeEhnmtbei^afterBarcat^iflnO. i' . . Enter Sir G«dfrcy,Vmphrcvil, his wifc,hJ$daHghtrt, and the Maskers to dattnce. I .■ ■ as God; r ^ — r, 1 God. i^(o8enfl?tmny^arte«lc«m»tom^(ottre, €(a)Dntai(t»CbalWnec anavotir (yottCf^iW)} ^ ace poiMirpoiiB gaBaihtiMiin»0Jte ~ ~ ' S&ot toe foijtt ODC feloef, boto? of me, V/a\)ne br Q^tfe luuiltf, to^iat Hall hic ^afIe ^ baancingflaerftloner (flBo,bpu»i4^ l|ttii>I(t, 3rtbet>^i»otneoiDit()i(i,anh come ,e«VlLam>jtniiDtopottcodnaagitne. , -^ •'«•"> llere they dance and VaIIe«ger ipcalt. VaI.iPaIf^fon8ttat(^ktftubbUtrpbcii)flietf)e» "^ Chal. lpelD Dott tton Khe Dtp loue note Vallengci^ , Val. iS)(l|)(KfbmRtanb3beaimUct^>»aU. - ''• Chal. B>ot(V;tfolBi?sUibtrfrtloto,P)e^Tpeaife,^'' [ Val. a t^qfimo, 3 mna t»eiuc o} cUe mp |»«rt ttrifi ijbHt. Exit. Chnl. JBQiatmtflmf m^ fWnbin(toc|>ar|^tinio>8e^ JlebnotDtiK caofc befe;e BUeane litoiro, ; •::''■■ z Exit Ctuieoer, aod Vallcn ger. Here the danace ta^ God. o;iei' '-'•'^ ' tai. a:o oiia^ i^ee sriDtau to Ume^r mo;e* -h. f i »ak 3 lottejer notu, tfjcrc oje t^p lone is tame. Ch al iFo^jftu^aie to name f>cc cl c tijou art m? :b?. val. ifoj Uicaceiii?; Cabell, tjcnce sctart go, Cha', p.:epc:ce tljtc aallcner it Js DcecaO» ipo^ ^nabcll, 0) tiK)u o; 3 mutt bian i va!. ^it fsit tia luelcoine pace not but tir^uS trome* ] Here they figiit, vallengcr tails downe. And Challenrr flics aw ay, vallcnger cats For hclpe, Sii God frey , his wtfe,and hi* Daughters, comes forth withlights. val. ^otne <3tadom HSofiv ^dpeme 31 am flaihe. Goii. mi^Q 'e tfjat iuljif ^ cal5 o.j Ijelp,goDB piftr totfe> fl^fjc (Bcuf leman, lies blusJUins tjcccc f ^at came toitijitiatOecCijallen. 3lp.iap&ic peabcto!)ofjaf^|>urtpeff)us» val. 27)0 ^illeit Cwlcjtcc batlj alawtt flaineint. Gnd Cballenec, iMljr J fj^ug^t pou Ijao bin fcienos. tpijat iuas llje ntatteu &ir mxy> i bnoia it ? val, 0boutt?oui;Daugf)tci-,anDiu?)ilci]^etDa0 Darning. 3 pjapfeo b« gettucc aiiD fjec comelp gtace, SiButsaallengecmoahbea libecaabiUatne^ ' 2>io gtuc bee 'canoclas Jignoblc tcrmes, mijicb 3 tefauUcD bim o;s iobcrcupon, tmt d;cUi ouc iiieapons, J by cbaunce being irotone, SDbe coiuaco 'oiltainc f bus fjaf () iDounDeo me. God. ]$o\si 'a)> pou toifc^ Dio not ^ fa? fo fnutfj, !^etuas a Cuttec am a fiuaggerei;, ^c baueinv' cljilD, no>no, fje aj?jnes aim ^c, ©0 p:e entlg ma'ke 'eaccf) tijjugbout tfjc €ittv, tsmbcuc cce vou fino bim caccic l)m ftuaigljt to p;f oit, JLffllte to biin, tonic feic, fiiuc pouc burt MVac absHt m? giilc, pou l^all not Ytam mr ijoufe till rou are tijp;oUi tuljolc ThefkireMaid - 1 val. a tftanb poa Cr, 1 ammnf!) boanb to pott . God. Come CismptDiftnttftmi' Daughter (baibe • pfiptfttcflcon,comcvclpe(jii«in:foftli>hn«oc83!f^.' Enter Hatberr, fentloe, and Florence aCourtizan. ' Har. 31 pjctb« &«ntloc leaue U)tB SioellUff, EbatiDilltjnDmtbeHftljoufoUolDCBit, . , art trjoD fo fono oucr fo ligbt a tljing, £Dott U)oa ecfpcct^er l«a bcfo;t trp lone £Dofttl)Ounot fee tbp Cwno? P^tt^p Ojamc, SLbPreputation,l)onoj,ro?tbpnRnie. Seiic. 3 pi«tt)CCl)arbftrtpcacttomctittt)Prel», Ibe totjom 3 lone , tbou fceQ louea me againe, thinkfltboutljai Bfolongbancfwn tbetoojlw, anoDo not bnoUJinpfcenonoU) from uip foe. _^^. ^ Har. ©betD^oVDtboutbmbft toilp:oactbPBCC«e8rifeiW, !Xlill pjoiie a ferpent mio a cotlwtcptc : fti\ tobat 16 0).- but a tommon ttall, that loaeatbecfoitbi'come.notfojtbp name, , Sucl) lone is beaOlp, rotten. bUno, anb lame. Sctu. f oibcarc me tbia, anb tbio me foj oog^t clfe, Har. Lcanct^ifl.anDbncirtahclbbatliliBtbcebeff, iteauc ber, auD tbcn mv tbougbta U»U be at reO, Flo, artb lubo Cc If auc me. fo? your tcmpnnle, atooulo tbP lo"c toerc equali bnto mine, tbcn &entio ttjoulD be furc be bab a ftcno. Har aatbine.Jseratbctbonfim^'slft'- fecnttoe Icauc Cnslane foj a Uttlc f pace, CPoc to bjaue ISicbacD intbe boHc llano, tbetDacrestDilltcacbtbcetofojgcttbPtoue. Flo. ^iU fmtlolcaw bir tbatbotblooc Ijwn w. to; tbp fahc toiUI go In rolRt, ' ' jtf l..t.:^..;.:. 'ofBriflow. ],v inacoitese,eattDbat fo t^on plcafe, ISat^f r t|)cn 3 tnill toant tbp companie, 3 U)iU br come 30 tnflb ano Dnctpfatl . 86 euer (jE^rUTeU toaBtinto btr I07D , • anDfbjtnpconSaiKte^acLucrccfnaer, anD if tj^ar&entlo tDtU but liae initi) mt» . Scnt'3lbnou)itfio(iet,tD(>m3fromtt)d;Wtnn:f, ' Shen let tnp Lube tDarmebl(rao,fa)fat(empt)art, Harbert 0)u tDjoug me to abure ber tfiua. ! ^ Har. fl:bou)o;on0St^prelft,me,am)8Ut^pfttnM, SBut if tbon b)iU not leaoe ber company 3 boto mp ArenbHitp to tb* ia COI0. 3le icaue tbee to tbe bamo]0 ( tbp pouttr, Co one (bat b^ no} boneOie no} f rntb* I ' Sent. (saabatooatbontbKatenme.gofD^trponpteare, i l^arbartponrcompaniecontenta.notme, I 3Leaueme,ileIcauetbceBrff, anb f fartoell : conu loue leta denn* : • fiCotBjtaoiotDiUlDegfO, } ' iRabocarc8tDberel^acbartbeo;rrenbo;foe. ' Har. ]^boiDf)!ib;ioelebi«tbecourreofpon$« SCbal tabea bi0 ftenb to be b« greatrtt foe, anotblniiatbecaiinreUtbatfbont&bobimgoo t ILitepotfon, 0} 80 tbe berbe Dracoms, taaeotbo tboufcometbp ftenotbat boiD«t(>eebear^ |)e toiUnet leane tbtt in ei;treamttp, sq^on art gene to S;UI olo, tbelb«c tDiU 3 so» C3aberaj(ti)ia^;oaea(teiu«iiDnotaroe. - EotcrSJrgodfr€y,va!lingcr,hI»wifc,,«tdhi» ■ ■ . /daughter* y Boi* l&ir Jamgto poa ace fo toeli cecoaercb. Maid »f ^itD fb? f 1)0 nwtiott toljtcl) poa ma!)e to uw» JDoucljingMt? ctiOo, J pjoirafe ?ou ttulp ^ic> 31 00 not bnovu t!)^ man in li3:Ut>), ^jiat I a «t jnoje t^cn J oo ?our elft. Coal ^ic3ll^ne ouiiDtt;ant)3[U)i(^3maie ^afeeati action oiroucgoDtegato, ^at> louing care tljat rou tjauf tia3 nte, ^0 pica c vou &ic to bnoto pour oauglitcw tmtti ^^1^ U)a^ i)ec niatocn tt)ougl)t0 ace moQ mcUnB; hntcra nnflcnpcf vMihalcttct, Val. iFrcmU)f)omtljelicttcc. Mef ifcointouc atljct^tc, He reads tlic Lettfr. Go(U Co!itci)ctI)Ct tuifc, ;)augl)tn a \DOin U)it|> ^a, 3 bnotD tijat once tljcu oioctt louc Cijallcmx, JBut t)c IB flco, t\)Ou orft a Uingccins • cUoto, ^cU inc WTi sit e Vuilt tljou be tulco bp me, ant) ilepwuiDi: a manfiit o: tt)r tucnc. Ana f[m\) )iA)o'atac: v'ou (l^all tfimttc meet. C od . CJTi?)^ ti)4t0 U)cl fcD mp ti)cnc^,tijer fpott an angel ILfflke ^omet lu^at aitt tijou to rong Vaiicngtr, ^ciflamanactVBCvecomplcato toaw, ,^tB atljer ut an ^ono jablc bniglit, a vl Ijallcneu, a Wit ttocU to ttits, JLouc Ijhn tnv grtlc, rot as 3B i avs no* ^ Aiu 3ii7ruci; IjcatC n atljct labour mojc, ^^ torn Ijtfi oaugfttci: tljat tuaa tocon before. ? .W*"! Daugljtcc U)f)at ap i!OU to tout'atljCT. ^-•rTod. cafjT' \ut c 5 fer.oUi tyljat llje UjouIO at! alceaaf , ll^c Ivit^ loue^Ctianencf. iino U'OuU) tljinbe, 4^cj; oBti in icauwg !)un o foue to <|>u eanot!)ec, ' jano tliinks iuc Ukju'.c be angi:v> «f(bcloueflaallCrtgec,tutl3etl)i?mtnB . Ana. ifaf ^ec, 3 fenotu t!)t;5 U«;w aw r4l ''"*£j*Jjj t4^ ofBriftow. ^itfttt cttcn 06 it [&at ton bdt M^affagrouClEUcnuo^cuiwtagca. ^ -^ Wcm . caatiat liis ^ou f too, is neuct CajJte» ^tne ie tije care, but voucs ut^e loflie. God ^otomatltetcaallenga^ goo nelu0aigotis name if com tofictttc 10 tijaf Ictt^c ^fema? J knotn, ifatiier ^ic^totjo to ino}totDConte0 to)l5^tlfa»* ;anO tneanes to (iBtocne i)(cce alt tlw iomtec tune* God . !^e fijail be fudcomt, 31 tooulo m); liouiiEr msttt^uffytfttun^tnttttiimttnt, 4i5nt on>rotna?3|canfonnoto) ;atiD if ttyat ^0 agm ^to ai? ^ou (»<{• vffi. ^(c H tot(^tttu<£etomg^beio^to ino;et0fiB, iSno b? ¥oucBatq|;;tec0 leaue,r0ate it to^ tl)t0ktQe* God. mtVUb^axtB^duUnetxtthz^onfitiCt IUt0mtftj(et8tt^m)i0ta»ii>m«0. ' , EmetChallerer,KUftKitBdtGe«Iein«n ;, ', of Brift«>w. CM- 9ibOm8iftecCf)aB*ec0, VMrUnleome ^fi;fo lUnbon, tv)Suian;iwttenM atll&j4|0 ^out^an^beuf) ^"^ Cham {|^.C!)aUwec,«Uliifll,CQf»ltenb0at«&;ffi0, ' ^HltOBfo bg fliao to ft tw- . '^ chai Bmooio 3 bate rtoeai:e tbat 31 i^atie totoB fcienbes S^cce^but among all, |)0lD00t^^njstlMUr.iSPt^ '^ Cham. ^^ei|UaJll?OB||BCJ^ Chal. d^uenl^ee. • ^ Cham ettabingtoeWAe t0 at J&tt <59b''f»K« ^»*» ;. anai0«ni^.^?iw^tob«0J]?o«jeD, • v r SobattfotwAoaiiditi^olb&ntd^baBsl^tftv'*^ * f* JB Chal. «tii i>ii rr TTtcfaire Maid {-■- 0m) pU^Set^ tTM^oiuit jooeanD fop UitQuvy • .' '. v ,. ■ FjctrgetjtJcman* eha, ifanxanjibeaiwrrieiito tialUngec, Bfianab^mameoloiaaltaiffecf: : ;a istttilas 6ionian,|(9QtW«s> aiiD tmUn^ v ;. : . ^iiSontwttiaUMaoo k|bot»,klftUttetiltlai»^ ^ Spaoxwo to JBlalUnget, kiM to nrji. oft * r ? u^:^ i'^' J5? ^wuai if aU iitt jipeaU^ totK in tijr 'ea!^ -^ • ' • ' ur ian>)jte4JE>efpMtw lukefcjes^ansbate, 3t tooolftnot tral «rp|mtc^ (lattesBtdb m? ^art, ;as tt)is '^ nefDMtOMi ataU otaUmcs . la. W^c^(inieBi9ain4t|^n«aMfae oCaV ^ let f)ec 80 mo» ioendties ma^ b0 tiab. cha* ^0 none itbe^et, but slutUficaig^t rcom|ience> ^laiitti usu olvn^inn; 9n, if 0? tinto IB^illstu totU Uie tuttl) ali fpoD, ^oe4o<i»^ t^^;(09«8c«fR^i»ibjt^eSff9D^ ' ;rt0,fo)tiMi!itgtrtiiei:^ ' ■ Ex'itOmnety taics Semlo, an^Har^fl^ djigijHed lie ; - - -. - • Seruiugman* ... ,' . ■»•-;♦*•:;. •.^^•-^ • ■.■ ■' '.-:>f J ' ■ Blu, )^iD t^wlt sou, ^e toU> me lis .it tt in t\fi letttsi • Scnt» ^i Su.: r" rBrifl: orDriitovv. Sent* SDoS tl)ou bnoti) iuW "^ W^ ia^itttn ^cte* <>eor.^acef)e80Ccesmeasc« iteno.iea ^im biunt, f^cumat't ^cu toil, i?ou toil not goumsv Scm, 5pjet^tD|)atal^, 0? a0 tt toece to Y Corac>o?app;oatct^toDtnnet;2D^i8uraU&ir« i - . Scn% 3llSlunt. . I . Blurt. «0(^enotaMi;^o?ef11^UBb«0l? f«W«» St)i0 fdlotu iDOft rent mc fcoin a rpctiall fncnti SC^o l)C be blunt tct u Dfc^ fonclt. flo. 3 toulD be content to louc ^im tusU cnous^, ^a i)e coulS affo;:o ine better U)o.:b0. Blu. Well 31 lutl rpeabe na mo:e luijat i^l offimb ^tt 3Let0 goedDoet bart, tbece^jc blunt come goe ?ou alotig> ^tc goDfcep dates , tbccofo;e tor DO Irto tujong, Sciit. SDbou U);ongea tbF feU^* gobfeno ttia to am^D 0no tDOoloettoo fatten hmt not tat 1^^ fneito. FKftOmncs. Enter Sir godftey, Sir Euftace, MotlianO t^ fOEU cmnpanf * l^otu tt gbUNGf olDt^uaacc t)3Ucnsn %o dt^iB gfflO ocaGon of out mtct(). ^ab mp OalO tew tNKteO S a ra I^UIST) 3D) b^iae riaene t§e iitan»se i)fc bmv ^n ;ano in foe ijiDtt 9Mb 1ino>llim>^ a ltodt> . /8«otUOvmphrcvilics:tQeUtU)au9atwnsl»i j(^ fatt) ttw Rott ; 901 ouiD ^oriifl^ eU» MtttfOttte loatnns flilU Worn. (^tK»at]ii«an&l;ettindKirRtleiiomaii jEE^po^elafltlapto. Odd. tt)fl(i; itr? ct;il» tnill irmtatr^ ftep0t Ei»^, CimKitaabslit;)OttnotomHatiimi?tiMfe> irr- y.--ft oFBril tow. ""^^ Jl^S \vl?aii% 8n» tttp |>oufe ittpo;, ano all, 3 itnoto t()ou iMttbtn bcea tip o;i a !)u:iuire) SC^? l)u(ba)tDs a Uitlo bo? 3| confeji. 3l5ut let {nui fta? atto hccp ttjee companse ^;i bs tf)e i)Oli) ODDet^ noCtea not ^eec. l!3ut b^otij^c, bc^< an ^talUan boctcc t!HXt< coui' ' menOeD to te b? cTpeciall fcteniut, Wt)om toe itntS tntertame tutti) 000 ccgacD* 1^0, tvlK) e tottii in tt^ere ^ . Eiitetvallcnger,ChaIlinerIikeaDo£ler,Seutlo, Anabell, Floience. val.jBDo) 70a call ^dtcf Kii. iFp, iptc» Ned i?ou trifle out tl)e tijne. vai. ^ic 31 loas lueUoming t^ia sentlcmanij 21^16 CDentelUioman, anb ti)U3 ooctcc> )15eing Ittangecs bc^cc in BciltoU). god. ^ignco; Bjulio 31 bnoetltanb ^ouc calleb Qr. Docc 2Dbat IB m^ name ^ic. God. ]$tgbt ceuecent jaDodec ^ouc moQ ioeUom fiet^^Cs ^B l)Ou e, 0^ tutjat el e, is at roue coimnano* £u(i. STbelibefa^ 3 fit, be boulo tbcccof Doa. s^oft i}ono;eo bntgbt0 Uibatroeucc lies in mee, Contmauno mi? beS inbeuec £uA. Commilti:eireiflojanc«^oamuft6nol06 SDiiat ^ur come to }l5;(iltoU). jlSnQmuff nolD b^ to gcate out IBjibe, Fio OTttb all mi? b^ct ^ic Eui^ace at Ijec reuticc V3. ^ii-, maiacc ^entloe t5 tl^eman | c|m c> SDo intettotnc tbe b^voe, be giuc0 me leaue 2Do iuelcomc Spiftccs if lo;jancc. god. Coinc bjatbec pou ano 3ilc con'cc \6 C^. SDcctcc* Flo. ^liat on ?ouc UieDDins oap ano cljanse, J0 3* 3!^ »« Tlielarr e M ai3^ v,% 2:|jei5ttttjat&ucttJ5t|)c bittn- ^anto*ltottccii tKaijentljat Ijc tonics to f aft t{)C Jatolct Wotif Munt \)t$ fotittc; foo a« tc«flj anl> tMcUca SCJjou art tj^e ajiDtet tije bitter ^^lo* f^oe, - . ;- 3 blmo be 6?e, bat noto mineegca IKT^ ftt,' Oo(::v. 31 ouoijacD tlte, t|joa bafe saalUngoi. 2D!?atrucbffrtaHgcHl^U>immcct|)ectic«>, • ILo linbc ^cc ei.e to tbat tit att tiou men ate 10 Deceit nU, 23jat Ibtts a ^(Bie tuiU cremt U)fjat lyju Cag^ tu0. csi^pj^CDtirfiatmcanctttbfiu * vn. ^tc but onetDOjD toitt) s^atta ©otor, 31 com^ ( 25!leU3itotUCom?ajctljfctol>atfocuctbefal. Exit alUnjtvalltn^r, and ThcDcnftcr* Sent, mta dnctt^t b;fceW)tf> giuc mc Iwfw^ 3.1c bcc- boulb as fa^ane al&aiuc. - ^% J?otfcr, b;itai:c tu&;ineto Bftefle, 315u t fttrttin: mc ant) fecpe inp counfril, 3n tbattufiitb 3 l^all Ijerc impart to f b*, ^no Jjle gtuE tfja ai^ano:eo poanos in gouJD. . co(i, &irijetfsntrb'inB,tobat ocu0tlWinme» fou Iball comano m? bart ano cacCe, £ to enoucb tfjcn ©ortpr tfjns mucb fenottf, S^ljo |>3jq>el!! »t mau feme Cranng to ttjce* .■* " . *- W'lMW'J •.■■T»- ' '"■.-;t*l, 'L ■■! ofBriftovv. El>Rf art mv marriage Dap 3 fl^oulu {rwirgreDre &3 farajt noto 31 muS rcarale^o ftidc, SiJut tt)Uifeft3lotie,faImD loue tt)atUaDs mt en, ffi&at fbnqocrs y5oos, anb mac^ mojc mojtall met?. do6t. SDelap not fin bat fpcafee vonrwinDat fulU - va. 5;i}cn tbu3 m il5:jcfc andbcl IS mp tDlft, 3i5af fforence ts tb&^iflriB ofittP bart, 3 Icae Jjer tDotfat.DoQ tljou tonfcfinc mcnotD, doft. l^oU)iD3alopOB 3Hljoutot»eIpiJontii tjerlonc, ©l^p note tt>OH tommett tmto ibe t)f n» maiae. va. 2E^oafenotoea|>€rftoeetl)artS>emlo,fta8tl^clce». do£t. ^HBtb^attsMiptDoato^oti^aae^imremoucti. va. iiaaijw popfoneft man, a UWc D:am ttiiU cmtc. doJl. popfoncO feir^alae pou knoVD tia Bcat^. ya. 31 if it be bnouine but tljaf (^ ncnrr be, £>peahe|)oneaS>act3;U)iUf^oai)aite fo;mc, doa, &irfo; yoarratscalt^oaglJ it touci) mwiaete, ^dcrs inp (lanp tie ocDte. va. CntDocterneaeffeare. C^olD teill Hilu^ all, anD t^at t^on Q{de not leant. I doa. gdr B(e ftretfl nnne art to do pou $m, Sl^o t^entrtng To it COS mp oeaced blouo, val. t^anltedgentIeiS>£flin:ijoe tofiorehce 0}aite, Wl^\) in tbia ^oace 3|ie in tbe gcatoen teaite, (bcre buns t^eratoiie, ipentloe to rur(, Sldb as b;( Anabal ber tl^oagbtes be pare, dentloe onrs^ocao, SDo(t:r '^oa ttnotoeS m^ min(> i^aiti) anabeimje OaitB notlong be binbe, ' €^oD E>3Ct£r faUt not, 3 matt no to to dinner. Exit. d^a. iPu»f]}!}eaaenfo2siactb6 tbfpernitiocsfiniteft 0potron &cn toe,notai tbe lo2&ro}fenD. tb itfarb atbcusbt <%onIOcnter in mp b;eff, JBlefftB be f be time 3 tmSe a SDoctcrc ftjape, ^0} bp tbtfl mcanss ^nUoc &i«i Dcat^ (^aU rt«qp0) ane ThefaireMaid iSnu louel^ anrtrll Ijrt life Irt ft*, .^alfc aallcngcr i^aUtco«ctu*iibpm», iina tfjat occcit IB laiufuU buiD anDtuft, SItiat Dot^ p;cufnt IjwnnirUct ano fjinluff, Sno t^o 3 tiauc fattc labels tout lott, |?rt caallcngcr l^all m ttjw ute be ccoft. Enter Frog and douse. Frog, Come Bou'ci^otD toe fjaw time ano place a* EHjcp ap, 3 purtb* b cmc totfb no oela?, tout ftUl raf , 00 not ap rou iuiU not baue me, ^oto becaufc 3 am none of rout butsets, 13ut S)outc a© 3 am baftic ret 3 am not tbe balhcil, ^no tt)ougft 3 am trttr> ?ct j am not lotxrfic, j9nD of one tbat cannot talftcmuctj, ^0 J (oue to fpcabc Itttie, fo: ob t^it mo;ti;s ptjilo opljet Hcdor fegj ttie toojBU iDt t\)c Vuifc Do ofitno ttic fcoUfl^, (O Douce in fclu too ^fie ''oner tbe better troo, jtoora? jdowfc, fo^af tf^ob 'aeingtf, l^e t^ liatf) a gsio Dinner, fcnotuM better tbe iooe So upper : bat do wfr, Uie tufll be ounxieb a (atiOa?> ;3nD tbat toe toiU be fpotteu to brltbecall, tliiSeele giueten grote< to tbe pioje : toi^ tfHf ^}oniib, tM if toe neeoe it, toede l^aae ionc ten ]n»at0 agin* doau 4 bat aftecloar&f toiQ i^u not p^9» tMdm^ i frog. I^Ui dowie bnttino < tSiSiien tinfieci leaqe to b;ii^ gob ale, dnb S»otdbier0 of ttcir Itwapons fade» janotoattrts mo^ebeacetbenfadi, mben $^^omaber0 9;fntM tbat i0 fittaH, 0ht ]iaU)ier0 bow no ton0ue« at all, ti!S>)en ifencec0 lesueofgtcingfcnocto, 0n&^oungmenbatefiiires^#itsenitrmod(i> WL^m D^nn&eibs fco^e a copar nob, ^b HBotc^eM nere mense lotifie $ot^ (T^ 1 hetoeMaid •l^cti i^cogQjait|i;onc DnWnotoSDotofi, ana fofmeet-lrart lets goeanototjj, ^ ; flnDaftectottnuier&mitlientobeit. : , ^ £xie» i - Enterthedo(5tcran(lhi$man. do«fV, ©0 ^icrtja at tl)e ba* dmje, ' JIBjingnoftoBAuabei^mafec^jaaatuajf* < -. la. Jtoarcant^afeit. " -^ Exit* mrcll Vaiicnger if alKfjmga fiall out tig»>t t ?ou ^>a« Ijaae little caufc to tljanfte 2I^eS>o(tct:, but ^ixce {;$ come0. val, !^0toU0tojaE>0ttct,tuiwttBtU Florence come, T>oi\, j&l)ei»tllbeljaetefti fln^jnobta. •;ait0^er;3|iarenot(a;()er,bBrfaf^enni89et{^ Enter anabell* i^tD Imt^ a to(n iD^at to^icle toino Ud&f oo^t^^ Ana.. 3 t^arompiaiiHenserioaji alldohe, 3f3Pfiien0t(}alone,Uettrat(|(^tbeeone> * pet J bnratjyecSapan&irpoapkare* . flo. lOallnigcrtlOijat nftibes ^ocmMen^dRe^ (nil|^aceponiealboa0t)uflBi{eiDit|)a(Wir^ V Ana. 3l p^op poa gcntttootnan be not offienDeo« jaieaftpannpboflMOOanB ailQeUbe ttienOfO. Va* 0«0p get bone} o} 3 Qiaa ret poo fsMttQ* ' flo.Sbatttan^chanoiritfalloatrig^t, jii|iaUmoae|rer patience ere Qe part fconleiiee* - ■ An»rt|)oaarttome>a0baDtetot[)e ronle, '" ^UfrtoDeatbtDitbouttbpcompanie. ; &o, 3opmptntbt)ttni0ane]»eUctitcebato« . tSBoid&9ba^i>4r>ane. ^ '^/^ '. va, ftifteiiiftbeeitiiSciff latere fate tt.tf tPojretuiQfenie roptfartv. Aiia«iiiaittaUiiipb(ulitteemiQri0ta6ei(, at borne 3 bmcn better^ pfeafe pott to 6oe 13Htbmstlt8iiftit?ott. Flo^ Igiitrefa ioonoecfbU gob falbtotmgoiDn, , ' 3lDe rioe mp bogfo tfoemp mUles ib} (bcb anotben ',' , va. ^urtoiiie,]bnca(e,atDO}triDinjCmiepoo»;timie» ! ana. iSHtbatS^aoefineetiiSalUitgetiBtbine, ^ anbtDbatistbtne,tbonbolblpinatabeSotii» > I (0tnealliltpaae,on^rere(aetbpreUiB« i; . , ' anogenaeuio w wp i tt p ttig.eflatfe, f^- ' fbinbtbat3|an8foomana9)'onrfelfe, l!^i»toii »l>H(b8«b<|iat poaionebto cwV ' ^■''4 -■■'"'>' !?. The fairc Maid j9nt) feeanoeiyec cob ^ou of liu |>act, mroDlD tt not gdcue-^ou f |>£0 3 fertofo ft Imllj va. OSoe, get too Ijaicf > o; dfe ite fen»Foa t^ckins* Ana. 3UnUrti»ettone,anDtol)eteroci«t^ount» <[^oo ^0 tifee iteuec a IcOe loittng ^act Exit. Eater Semloe ftndBIunr. Sent, vailenger, vomnn&totnttottemctfyut, v9. Senti ,nrei)iUaine3it|u0U)backasaine, 0nt) toiU mamtatne mote 1)0110} tuUb m^ rbMjA> |D[>;atu vallcngcryOite of ouc Oeottw t» n^. Here they drawr, Blaot audthe Oodl^coimesbecweeae »hem, ; Blunf. but oatill can bo mo;<^ J^eece i0 a tRtepatenie» a commonfubfi^. spiftoustubatnttanevni^ matltofo pact in (U(| titasf* flo . if 0) otb tbe dSentleman is 3uniou0> %ut3i\)iO\x\9quiaAfvtb^imottltatj(eattf - ;ino if tt)ou tMQtiUKS agUmtbatcon^sKtioi^ «»» Blum. ^ IL. _U-..-l>« ••■ --——«-' IWf ^.i-^i ofBriftovv. ^all oialie me Qacft in tubat mstv p;ofit poa, jQU^agb FoaffiUtliougbtttiat 31 toaeD pounot. flo. /^U> ISInnt 31 fde it, ano lotU report tti? lotie> 9ni)ro}aSgnei)&retalfet1)ic(parfe orgolo, ^Sm noVD but nurUe tlie iffuc of mp purpofc. SD^oa &(eatt)at<^cnt :o(0cotne:bcgiiu totDcar^ dnb'«i3aUcngerts eoen not» on (t)efpar, 2no fo: ntprabe iDiUemptp allijis treafnre> And iDbat 9 i}aue 3 btill impact tp ttjd, 3l5ttt mamec ^entto, t^^en is if lo;encB ftdr» Blunt, (piffrus ift^fftfl^ulo be Don?) flcrafli ofroar office toere not catt atoa?. flo. i^eace not IBlcmttoe toll not Stcb fo; t^at. BluDE. Hien \i&ttB mv |)ano,befo;e t|)e fun go fttfxmt, 3Re 00 ttjc oMe denflo (ball (boiilv die. flo. 8])e D^DbeingDonecomepjefentl^tome, SInD toe iMll fcotUcb (n ^ tragebp* Exhflorcnce* Blu. ® femilo, tocrt not foi ttv frtcnj, ^otD m&np oaagecs baoeS (l^ou blUn into, ti^t mifdjic f 2 note ab^oaii) 31 bio fo^etclU ifo; bg m? meanea t^p^life in fafttp btoelles. ExitKntloc*. The dtunkea minh. EatersitCodfcey^Cuftice, and the do^er, Anabcl in herwaftcote. God. £D nip biintbaae^ter bote cotiItr|)et)(ef^d; tftnsi euft. i(^p fon rob tb* of tl^f hits, ^;namefltd. God. 3in) (b^arOrmi^ettf (cue, ^ (000, 1^ <£>oo. euft. S>plit foalea fanoer, tbat tt)p fons To bilo. Cod. <^ tat miil3iU)(9sit CaOicejas Ott is, ^3 ja ■Jn The faire Maid ja tjertnous mato Difljonojf a bv tW^'otu cuH ©mcntcui? on,tljat3marpum'(l^^tm, God. aiacfe gmD bntgljt, 3 mahc jnp monc to t^a, ^no tI)ou in ttue loue canQ but pittp me. Eufi. fllas groD knigtjt, mp grtcfe fo iumps toitf) t\)UK, Z'^&t 08 3 tuape o; t^a, fo pittt: nrinc. Enter ihcMotlifr. Mo. VM^ttt is «n? cIjilD, tDljccc is mp 0nabdl ^ God. l^ttt luifc, let tfi t)oli) l)anDs,anD in tlj;a;pai:f0, nets flng acounfi, onD Co tuocp out ouc t)aitB. Md. i^otuco(ilotfjciu;etc!)(DcatC;oulc)abu'c tijde fo. ina. Call biin notiDzetcj), ficis lo^tcijcD but bp inc. 3n inceconiii^ ttie cau cof alltljiB luo> iFaitc Florence i5tbcmitttia of ^ifiljatt> . 2v0 1)ec 31 awbutas a Countccfit, iKatfjcc 31 aatcn et^yop, '■oule,Dciojm*o ^D ttwcefo^c IjafeD of mp aalUngcc. Dodt. £D 13cautiou0 uwiD, bicmift) not tfj? name, Sljou act i^caucnlp b;igijt, aiiD Oic as blach as l)eU. God, $&ljoabanpbutm^anabcllfa^ro, 2>f)0 age twtjj fct fHfl fmte tjpon nip bacb, 3 U)ou(D matntaine ttjp TB&qat^y &>tjjMcetl)ou iDcttfaire, iiiap mo}et\)cn tijat, ocfeno iftuif^ nvn ftoojo. cuft. $)ic(I5oo4tcp,:otooulD3i,bp l)6auen3i tuoulD, 3 > tjjett agamff ti)at f ugcrtue inp ;on, ffusctine in foifafeing of t)t8 toifc STo leaD.tt^e raceo :'an tntcinp;iat Ufe» Mo. ij^pMremcbiit one toojB, gentle matttcrS?odcr, C\)t Lo;d be toitlj tljc tjcctuotw Cljallenev toJjere ece tie y^$,^t l)c fijoulo l)iiuc Ijao ms tljilo, «.-.t QiDri ;anO H cepetrt me tiue;if p I)ui«i?c3 ttme«, ^0 >n^ SCDOnKiii ro<:rcDt(i tnoulD heeDs spabc tjp f^emafcf) ImtF) t()t? lametjutfjjtff, jano nolB ?ou fc^ IjotD Ijc Dot^ tjfe mp cfjilD, ala«« Doift. S^^istfl fomc cam o>t in tfjtB ocptl) of tDO^ JDljp tjcrtuc is p jefcTO be oic tfj? foe, t32l|)? tben tell tijeitt botolt? U)e;o tf)ou acf > /flo bctttlltficJiDocfer, Ijolo tfjp roat'c began, 2Cf)ere ifi mo;e a fmte, tl)cn tuill in Ijall be Done. | eu(l. ISiottjec, if C^all be ro, ()£ C^all not Ijaue ;a gcaue cojme of m^ JUno. God. ^e fpenOB no goDUB of urine bpon Ifis ttulU cuft. Cut otf all matntcnanfe,t{)ati8fl)eU)a? . JCo make Ijim foe l)is On. ana. €» fa? not fo, teecc fatljec Ijecle ccpent, )3ni> 31 fl^all t)aue a I)uf bano o'^netu bicti). god. dl^irle, t^otratt to fffllill), fo ace tue to lotts> j&uSecance in tljis mai? gcoto to f uctljer tu^ong. Do6^. JTo fuctbettn jonj inDecfljfa.i' Vallcugcr l^att) ^tceb me to popfon i^nabcll. cuft. castjat fjis ttue tjacten iuifc i Doa. ©clag 10 too^JE to Dangec, ccebit me,, Slntt bg ttiat plot feenflo muft Ubciutrc Hie. god. ilBlcrrett betlje^oucefltjatcucrf tamff tobjitla.; euft. ^jar>oitet:oFmo<;eI)onc(tgtl)ece lines net. god, tffllecefjcoucronatfjouanotimes,^ OTemtift not let fjim be a mutOecct. ana. dDroo i?atl)ec let it fu!fice poufenotu it, 0nl) ma^ p;euent it foUotn it tt^en no futtpzu ', DoiS. il) f (jou tl)at tules tlje lotetrg 0: life, WXtw l^oulo a bno man l)aue a bectuous tui c, ^z a bao 11)1*^6, Ijauc a tufbano tf}at is gCDb, S)ott ti)ou Delight in a)ntcat;^eties> JEfjett' "^ ThefaireMaid~Tl Wiitn ^erf 0^ do toe ffritie f o; tertae Sill, Ol^cn toeare inaiOreobpagrcatct to;(l, ComegmoolD man,comenip2ro:iof traetDin(0, iD let mpljarttDitI) poor bario fimpat^ifc, altbous^ 3 am no binfmaii to lament, 3|n pouc Diffrce lu^ gric fc ae oarpJp fpc nt God. Decter,l)2Otl)cr,\Dbat0tobeiione. , "* cuft. (£5oOfimclDeptuagonpp:fbcnDbiml!raif. ,i] god. EberctunoDalipingmamattersfrat^tDait, / anotJ)erifjjcletb3notbcnacbinibtB. ^ curt, i3Q.noein ) Cii0fl)t(rio«ntcp(bjtb, .' (^au b^ecs Tome mifcbiefe, £!:bcrcfo}e (All tbcm bacbagafne. Mo. Cbou art to f jdUH) gtrle, let them cro, « tbou f(Tb5 bis li>ur, tt)at i« t(}p ir o)tall foe. Doi>,uD tbou art ftamo of conOancie tbvfelfc, i <:|)AUcnrrU)batatciucnDit)eQttiouIoaiE^ 1 XBpnjoinuitbntoUjpfaittjlcflfntno, 'j nno bolD Ubc Oiioire Dotb be ncc ount ofit, Come bf r ;uoa0 maiom iDipr ttjcfc crpthall citi, tt^ou tDcrpcsfoj loacof bim tPb^cb loaeocSts, iletsintofounrelilDbatnnpbcttrcUetie, . CSa^cre tcores anD(o;rotD0iue0incncaQreto griew. / EzitOmnes, Enter vallcn^cr. , — i ■ --— ; '<'^' "-■■•■•■ ' ofBriflow. ano to mp father all mp plots reucaUo, tlI2Ht>o flat Denies mc fufco; oj reliefs, 3 oafenetBl be fane teitijfn ttjccUti?, foi tijcn t^cre w no toap bat Qraigljt to pjifost, .3IIe taU to mitfcts Ploitmc 3 tntoto t^at ke is bmD;> to l^cc (le fbtHoi mp griefe ano mp Qcb niino, i^o>miari0^lo)encr. Encer Florence, Flo. JSaijofet^m, ftDdet 51! alUnger ifl thee, mt)v ooSt^on toberoraD,beh) fatrMmp Dearer . , Va. ^faiti) neaec too^Te, but all mp bopes in ttn^ Ho, ©Hbaf teti ftuat 31 i»tll not m fe? t^a :• Va. ^p fattier anDmplJDifeknotoe0 alt ni?0;ifi; UttD all inrageD, t[);eatend to be reoenge, i^no tuill not let me bane no maintenance, Wat (beares to plague mtfai mp totct»9ne0o Flo. fs tbc tolno in tbat omje, QSnbat tDoalo pon taue me bo :> Ta . Eo let me liue toitb tbae altttle rpace, ^ntill 31 b^ne obtaineo mp jFatbers grace, ^ben tobat 31 baae fio^t miOns (ball be tbinc. flo. :anb lobat Djall 3 do, beg tbe MjUe, S^o snallengec pour occeaueo in me, tbinh yon tbatile be p)iup to pour ploteg, (0 b;ing mp felfe in Danger of tbe ^ato, CotopoottoifBflnotbetifi&betatbowe,. • 3 boflot li&e tbere loanton bnmo^ 31. va. Blbopeftusti^lo^encetbatpottbobtttieaf. flo. }15e(lj}olDmpbarttben,Donottabettfo, fP?8Pleaue mpboof? , featt pour fatber come. - va, ^m m boafe^*© wic i^lo jencebnt to ms% Ho ^e fairelvlaid Flo, j^3t an tiottte, t&all J ^aae mp reputation STcuctjeo foi t^a,if POP Hrtgcr bare, 3le fcno fo? tbc emcet« to cifcljarg irp frifc, Vai, it is com tijas, toel! ic^at rcmcap : ia,ic m ti^e eclcs iujct* , t[jttc D'Jpoire anu ofc Flo, ]^?ap S)$n ail m^ ^pc0 are lotf . EflterElunr, 1 Flo. l^afej MotD Biunt to^af nct»e« # Blu. ScmJoba!bi))ai;bbt9lalI,tbcBaBii}6one. FJo, SLbcnatctoctJMojte-Bluat? Blu. SllbPitobmfojc. Flo, s:{)Bpa)icDeiectcDVkJlcnpcr toa0t?drr(s 26 ajv as ouO »iot Ic ft a Ongle Dopt, J^ta father faotoes to fo;lotD lam crijtm, OJIIrll, iDoalD tljat Sf nt!o tDcre aiiuc agauie. Blu. EUfl Done, ano tljcn fojc notD t^MC ie no tielp. Flo, ^C5 Blunt, tfjcrs help, bnt mcrfee a iDomaofl toCf , Vallergcrie batncto gene out of ocuics, Oa foUoto bint, ano math iobcre be Uc8 boU)nc> 2nDif ti)oa f4a be 15 indinDc to fieepe, 3Lap fecntloe« marwcis beor bare bp binr, |3(o(t oatbiBftoojD.anoaHbc bloaDp it, anD tb?n ctv muroer ap If be ops t^c 0*5, 2bout (t Bhmt, Do not tbc fame ncglert , SntJ tbentDe ttuo are fra from all fufpcc?. I Flo. ifeare not ttjw i^fllbc ccnc cffccfuallp. flo, Ebcn faretaill, come to me tobtn lis Done, i)|^nctDbil«il«{jcme,anD(!arnotoatofia5;f. E»iR Biu. S:bt8i«cltt«Se tbre fc; a filtbP u?boiC, Sboa srt apt encasb (n mmroer, anD in lu£t, 25ut Ute a ttoHe in an^ tbing is boneC, J ofBriftovvJ ©Stell, ett fo nwjratu man? t^ntgee toill clianff, ST^ar DeaD men HjoiUd reutue, it IdouI^ Ca:me8(ttT|f, ^olD aftec Vallenger 3 msau to goc, Exit/ ' Enter Scnclo very droufic* Sent. 31 tDomier !^at 31 ant To dull ano ^eatir* f^p (»te Dot| aamblc, as 31 go fileng, ^ine sies twangs Dotune, as if 31 l)3t) not flcpt l^MUientp DaiC0,p;sv soo it be fi^; gcco. i&tUI mo;e ano mo^e : toell, 31 maO neeps Ue botone^ JSnomabe Bipi?illoiuoftt)egi;aQreanogrouno» Helicsdowneandfallcsafleepc, ' Enter Valknger. #pcliecb50obloi9jfi)jtobcl)olDti)eft5ies, ^ ^ 49et|)(nti0 t^e ^emtenB notlj t obone t)pon m^ Gn, ^no to repentance bibs mp l)art begin, tbe eartl) do bnme nip fejete bitt^ fcojcbingfire, }^ecaaretl)at all as ^ottoasmp Deuce, i ^0 [jeauen ano eartb> mp p;acti(e Dotb tonibtinQ, l^et muQ 3! be bef) olDlng to tbe erounD, ^P griefe us b^r> fl£ep ootb foUoln f o?roiD, J leepe ceS ti^p tn^cte^eo cacbas till to ino;co to. Here he lies downe to flecp^, Enter Blunt, , BIu 2C')i8Ujap^etoenf,an5bm^ctslatoCo0eepe, pit. ipoto The faire Maid i^otD H^rbart Oitf e tf)(Kt ^ai(f oon ^Hm all tt)if %«Hh J^o; once be alitteUlatttD^ of tt)p bioo. Heerehe ftabs his arme, and Wodies Sendees facjt^'« and pluckcs cut fallingers fwordand^blodies it,and]aiesitbyhitxi»/ Bio. Cbe )^on 31 gaue sentloe to t}(nb, SDotti mabe btm feroie to all as be fnerc beao> anDpetblfitfmefBnotcomctotoate : i^otDloill BlEOirettie tDacti.ipntwr,nmrBcr. ' £ut» Vallingcrftartcsyp. val. Mlbat noire is tbat affnte« mine eated VQttb mtirber, 3 laib me Dotoneto fldrpe, Mlbata bere : ffi^ nooixt nttbont on( anb blob? anbbecea a gentleman nefo marb}ib, &ome biUaine ftirelp tbat batb bon tbta b&b, l^att) latb tbia nnirb^o boov bere bp me, &o bp tbat meanea li\mtt\k mtgbt be ^oagt)t Air. 3f it be (b, h)bp tben moa bapie 3I, tf^atbateato Uae,anb batb racbmeaneato b^« Enter the Conftable and officer*. Con. ^ berea t^e mnrojeb bob?, anb bece t|ie mnrbjii^ 31 4Ktrbge pon (n tbe btnga name S>eUaer bp pom; foeapona : 9nb goe along ioitb bs mi^ all mp bart, fee tber mp toeapona are, Snb carp me fobeKefoere pott pleafe Exit with vallinger. Con. <0oeto pjifon toitl) bim pjefenflp, fie reS b;tng in tbia nniTb;eb boep. cntesi L ofBriftow. Enter Blunt in his owne flbape. Bio. dE'Oi)faficpmifl[r,36ettitrMmojeti, | agentlcman is flame. Coo, 31 fir a proper man, ann ijcrc Relies. Bio : £) nabU ftnUoe ooS !p foe lotne, 35;ealte I^act affonbcr t^at t|^ fcetou Qainf. Con. ^c,Do ^00 bnotne tties^nilcman'. Bio. ^esfic,!^ tDos mploufngftienD, ;9ni>loe af orM fedotu ^upel0tD anb 31 amfo)p ta tin ponr beanitU0* Bio. &o t^itf goeit inell, once Bftebeblontagattu ExUconflable* |fo}iioii)|||(timi»b;(afiDe8onof^ufi(iDabe. Scntteerifes. Sent. 31 netter flept tnojefbtmblv in tin's Uf^i IBntOap.bofi' «>nie0 mp banb0fae blobp, ^ U m^ face, me $inte0,aa? Iieres m? man. Enter blunt amafcd* m\i^ \)0\o noD) blonf ln^p Sare0 tl^ou ft bpon m^^ Bio., are ?ou aliae fir. Senr. SDiBft tbouf et anp bobp to hill mr ♦ Blo«.j|iot|l(tcbnttD(cb«oiFIo2ancebi9, < Da 0nb E»ti The faire Maid Sfno ^a&ca bin flainp, Ijnfi if not bid fo; me, S&cntloc bct>onlD tljOU Harbert atiD tf)p fricttD, Ebat f^og barb inapteo on tbee libe t^p man, SCo faae tta from a tboofmra miUme, Sent. 31 am a mafD, am) bnoUic not iob^t to fap £D mp Dcare Harbart : q mp loning frtnD. Harb. iteaucof (mbwcmetitBtil! fomeofljicrtitne, JEbcbfngtscomto ]E;iaolu,iictoIplanoeo, ^icuc0 me fo} tt^cnoblegcntltmen. god. lop bu (T.-D fraint ^atite mp Uebg 31 cannot b;o6 it to ice mp cbilD, mp aire, mp Anabcll, tbt0bc£re:h!bat ato:etcb tvBB'ti)i8^ iJ!ou» bp faint Cbati-P if 3 toe« tobge, a baUcr tocrc tbc IcaO fljoulo bsmpcr bim. fuH. £1)0 nature ivj AITU0 Uiitb n\2 Mm ccatbtii - and of Briftovv. anbtDillc0 m: pita b foj lutrdc fo? mp fotr, pet iuOif e tdit^ impartial Winja mute, iT0p <^O!tg!)t0 fco.ti ptttp, ati& jnp Ujojds fo^ rigfit, H^v licDg to mafee an entrance to pour fame, Kegaio Vmphrevilcs tojong, puntflj mpfon^ 3 cannot lofc fjim better tijcn bp Into , i^j(Bl)cIoat{jtiiootf)icrampIcginc, £)frtBstamenO0to rac^ as lenol^ Utse. Kiiig. Qlertue fommcntis t^? catirfc,aKtt patisncc (jte, 3n bctif 31 pittp, tojjat pou botf) oefire, 3lf wRicecoulo be glafcD toiti) pittiesMnge, Call fc? t^c pjif oner, let fas ccotonc t\)t time, mitt) iHttice, foj tijefc liono?ab(e men. Ana. ^8Qc mcrcp KicbarD, mercp in a hijTff, 3!s !ihe ffje p^relcfi SDiamonD fst in golo, ;) fecoutofcnupano offorpfpcaU0, 3 out of loue anb palTion p!eaD fo? ^im» K/:ig. 5H3^8tpIeaGngaDaocnteftatl)pittpraif'D, Ze plcao tfje pjtfoncra caofe, l)imfelfc not [l)f re. Ana. £Dnct^stDot^ bearctfjeflrcateffewfeofaU, 2EtJC^ap!C0 toifc of toofall Vallengcr. King. !Rl3!)pt&oaart!tJjon8'c,tbcrfojcl3&oalDeff riaimj, l&tutn$ fc; ti)k, anbfuSice fo; tbp l^ufbanb. Ana. ISeuEDg fo? tuc mp !Lo?c, nap tt>at cannot be, H)nU0aOr8ngacmirionntapbe^ao, ., JFo; g tJjat am as narelp bnit to Vallcnger as boDte to tt)t fonle, cannot fuppote an tninrp,li5ut t^inb bi0 lo^C^> 2Eo be jnp mifcfie ano cbufctt croffir* God. l93tl)[5cnotfougbttljpbloaDtb«ufm!(l5giclC/ Ana lt^:foit£ljtnomo:ctbcn3canfccclp5iue, ant) facrcfifc to beatb fo f)c map ItJif. Mo. SDib bcnotfeccpe al)aclot to oefpigljt &&. ana. ;3inii i(i)C m$no t^at fault §c (sine map rist;t me. God* pj--^ The faire Maid God. l^egauetf)poniamen(cfolrcch^(«trall. Ane. anDmpconfeiitD(otatefiel)tBfl«ift. Mo. Mc\\ie^ute6t\)ei. Ana. Eotrpmp patience, all tl)at^c tie o;gaue, il>? Dla contriue confctnett) uje, (jis net toas my allowance. ipolD fiitcc mp felfe, accufe not, bnf trcoff . diace f^e ttiat U)a8 fupporcD to be tD;onBCO, E)otl) rigUt t^at tD;ong, Uc iuH atto fct ^im fttt, i^o; Bl p;otea 3 Unoto no tninrp. God. £>!;ehnoU}esnoitttm'ie, mpil03ti((elie£(. King. fe(r t^oa^frep Once pour Daughter OotJ) ^emit^is fault, ractt)inUspou {^oulDfo;gtue^tm, god. pbiziw ^im.no not 3 t^e tDjetc^ (^allncnec boff, ST^atbc ^atfj l);aueD oloGod-frey (n a tnS flno Iponeflcaufc. $lt touct) ^im 31, 3lanDttic(;^imfotbeqnicb, 00 Icire tben fb; I) is necb brcfe toill ^tonc^ ^im, 2I>o(tcr Qane foo;tt) anD to my p;incc ano ptirrcB, ^ap \n\}at tifoa bnoto'S of ^cntlocs blouop oeat^ Cha. C^cn tl)ifl JtJotobcfoje poncqjaiettp, Cbat Clallengcr to^rupteD me br golo, topoifon Anabel,aiiD&>entIoetb. Ana. gnttnts arenoltjlng tlU ttjcpcomc toad«. god. ano mitttis is not ^cntloc ticao in act. Har. i&cnrlocisT)caD,iTipmfiiaer0blouDp teat(f, njouloquicticniuQtcoinpaurmaieap. King, tboa Qjaltbane iaOue to tbp otsne content. Cha, O IjotD SBgrieae to fa tjec bnmlft tcare, tSHatectije Cnmfon rofca ofber c^fths . Har. ^aD not mp tstt p^eucnteo tbis bcfojc> iPo; ^ou no;: fbe, \}e» ncccr fo^rottieD mo?e. £uft. ?9oncomempfon:tobatfato35'i^otpf^aine: O let^iidbloaomp lic&gGreDsmet^efame. Kii^. [^ pp^ ofBriftovv.- Enter vallcngcr and officers* King, ^wg ti^allengcc tl)pa act liate, ^acculeOfoi^nabell, 0nD mucDecing ^entloe tijat is Of at), ^peak, act t^ou gthlti! . 31 o;( noe. va. (£iuitts in boti; m^ llo;o, aiib ^cete fo^ boti) •Kcaap to pap tfjc penallf t» of mg Ufc, 2Ct)0 in ms ioule ano confctcurc 3j am cleecc, i^f &entloe0 ocati), ^ct loclcome ^appte lot, SLljat :o f^allnD mp Itfe of ttjatfoulcfpot. ana. 0la0 pai;e foulc, liotu gctcfe anD lits Dtfgra(e> JDotl) make (jun Dcfpciatc, bcljolo 1)13 fate. .-;, if com tljencc rpcafe0 tcutlj, as fcom an ^iatbik, %^at t)e is mnocent, ti)o Ijis tuo^os accu 'c ^tm« king, WicW JUallcnget: atcno f {ip (entente, Har. I^jonounte not Tentence pet, cig^t copall king* . Icing, tliaaijat latohill Hap can0 t^ou impact to t)0. Har. ftag to ftcaigljtcn iuftice ano tlje tcutl^, gp^ con'ctcncecljncgeu tottlj ttjijJ ijainoua ccimc, j§afecBiwcon'c ctljotomjljactfltcuegcicfe, JEljat b^ tfjinticenxcnts or IctnD iflojence ano bet; gut'ttf, 31 (bouli) bauc macD^eo^cntlo, mp oeece matttec, 3 tljeccfo^e tljinb tljat tfj^ougb bee iutcbcimes ^i)C t$ t!)e raufc of dll tbcfe t)iUainte0. king. Pod officecs, auo tlrtcb b^ to our p;tefente« va. atuMbebelaptobinoctmB avongtattb. Go,. jeu3itboua[btt!j=iti^aclottuoulab0one* ^»boU)tt)atbolD aceicatattliUeab^tDc. , Enter florence. fl^' ^eiUb to tbcfeing, gcDb fortune to tljc paces. Mjui. 4 boulocj: qucaii t!)cc liuoenot tliig man-L't::icsP. dS king. ._J j The faire Maid ^ King. O^v pearcing laDgment, t^iooQ]} tfee bjitttc glaflf, £>f t^atfrailc bcautp,j)oU> 6efetne[jcrlo)fene0, 3Laop ftanD fojtt^. Flo. 3lcntrctainct^atnamcmQlIropaUbt«iff, aoD bolclu come tore to elate orp felfc, ff)f anptl)lng tijatl^all be laio againO me. Kuig, J950 ate Jjcerc acufco aa atccffarfe, ^•1(0 i&cntloes Deat^ , r^r abc are vou snilt^ $ o; no. Flo, jpot^ tf)tB mfgrac eD fon of iljat piouo man, Cbarg mch)i Ij itjjrefurmtrcBbf fj;ctt)Chmg. Va. 3liool)attnotmurtuct)^im,liutmpteBotane, ^i60catt),(^fdbanompDear) of fametiot^ toouno. Cha. Sltius lua mabefi pongmens mifllect ^cclaU* ' Flo. Mftotl^cn Dare* tuctjmprcpntaion? EuU Leaht mcrt on ■\jvdxcv^tt,\%fit\$ht, Flo. Jr.^iBrojiQjlumpcofQ H),tijifiQ>aj^alrt>fl«Wj EuH. ^plu tt)p fpsct) p}ont iDoman to t\)t plii», I- ^peabe rcoerrntlp in pjcfctice of tbc ^ing. Kiag. iLaop boe ffano not bpon tus;D0, )5ot one tt)e pjofR;, ano rfftmatc of rigiyt, 1 /&trtb8,Oanofb?tl):anDfralpfpcabctt)etraHj. j Har. Cf^etD^eti^mpILojBtbatncucrDlDoffenD, I 5PcacfinottoDie,3Btt)argetl>ai*lojcntc iSXmv maidcre oentlj : ^e:ffiDtr, Stt^arg t^k \ £t)atVDttb ftitsporreofmadugoU) ; Ktiou DiOO b?ibe me, £0 muroec Semloc, Scmlo {|}at is Drab. I . fio. 31bnbeti;(?,ta)i!t)ta)batMrc;t)0DD&o(ttf)oaf)rsenie. Har. Hct vHiaUctigcr be of brb u>bat porTe t^is ie, 3L(Dbeonit&.aDies,mar({eit fo:poubno]»it. I Ana Cbii pmteiuafimtnc. '. va. in'iigput(c5gauctoflo:cncc. King. S^jcn tuttb tbt£ parfc, toe bolDl|> map undote tbatC^c IHO bAtx SBlant to muToer Semloc. ' Eufl. , ._!l ofBriftovvJ Eud. Holtcon^er face m^ l,o:&,|;crcoaUe( tWsttllfi flo, 0m Bl tiicxirst, flijall poniier toiilSi 0aue» S5^ bkibtng tongae totng me to infant?, ^0 t^o 3 aiTure mp Deat^, ilt further t)(0. God. l^onr anffucre ^Io;race, fot^at Debate pon t^txt^ flo. £^p anftDere (^a(l be refolnte and tme, C!3Io}t{)P tbe batio} of fl tDomans mino, jETo bao fo) tbce, ti)oa luntpe of (nfamv. Euft. i^of^ttig but baoneB 10 from bao Oer(neO. do. £^Itmigbtpbin0.31fiaI?t)otonfe0, SEbatcutfeo Hnntconrentco to mucoec ^nttoe, £it6 i0 tt)e trotb of aO, tiae 31 0; Die. Har. ^ctuD 10 i)tx MU nvg fi.o;b^nD lore ^ tmS* kia^» IQeUtabet^emaOoe, 3hi /Mo^ence Bfobferae btrtmpnoence, Sin tOkiUenger Difpairejin }i5lant remo}(e, Hn tbefe tb}tt lad front terro;, Call tbem agen , attmo poor fentence alt) i^irff vSallenger, t^on (bnsbteQ to poifon janabet! t|^ fvifr^ ^incebpaparentp;offe&entloi0fl.'unq, £>ticfentencet0refpecttuefo}tb?eso» a noble oestb : t^e lofre of tbp Utoo |caD| SSlnnr, ana tbis boneft i^lojence, S5otb fo; commuting aho concealing rnnrtcr, ^nCiOne tbe 88llotDC0 Die, tbie isoor femencCc Har. i^oattispjoneoinmenub-ropallbing. King i^cr 1X10)00 app^oae tbp act, tbp act bcc trilU Har. fpp fiiulta 10 tn confcalmmt, not attt mpt, flo. l^is fatiit is mnrtrr, hang b0 all mp iio^. Euft, HarbaiT foj alipoar ftinDncs to mp(cn> 3|lef4 poo Ifeojfipcapcrin atojD. flo &«tbcti poo bang t)0cloft'p,t^enmpILoj6, SD) bis in oeatb, as toe banc biQ in life. Ana,|5oanott|)^(bame,no:d^amet^ontDoman!;(DD; ^- "TKefaireMaEid Flo. 51latb got) gofi, l^otu 5oI^ is fl^e gcotnm, l^eloaetf tijc flell^, ^rt Daces not maljc it bnoUine. ya, siDo hntiacc tl)c latu, a0 plea cb to DiF, if atl)cr fozgiuc tjjc 'elites of mr sout^, liainp|)20t)ill,lctm0bearcto l)taacn ■ ;spon tljc tDtn35 o 'in^ tjnfatnco ccpenf ante, S^^ fo:cotu Ijeete tnOaitcD in m? teats, anotl^outnoueotoouDccoftl)? eye, if ojgiuc tlje tuioags tljat 3 l)aue Done to tijee, jbliat 31 maf go U)tf f) peace tjuto m^ Deati). king. 9U)a?ijDitf)tf)em, SLo mo?rotD 'a erccutton be perfo;>mt), ^ Ana. i© mcccp UicljatD, fl)olu fomcimwpr t!!i!!{ill aallengct itt (ilence loITe l)is on, ^nu Ijattiet tljcn tlje Pencdan Mcfees, /^cuecbcpcttt, aitbougl) tt)c jfsi^tt tnill not, Hicljmono pleaD t Sim if tijat Huljmono Dace not, ilietto; fpcab, ^ fee t^e time fists f)cn cc Id itt) ^Inolloes tuings, SCtme tuns : )© CScatious Uing be mcccifull. king. ILaDi? 3 cannot b:caljc tljcliinites of t^e laii), jatoilfulhnucDctmtjft be paio luitb bcaflj, I |3et b:ing me a man tfiat iuillinglr tuill rcelD I ^uftetance of Dcatl),to fauc yong Clallcngec, ! - 3nDl)cfl)allliur,elfcf)opcnoructl;ccgcacc; 3tcnD ouc tetter plcafucs at t^c coutt. ana, %'t}ia IS fome comfojt, Ijappie anabcll, 0a\}ii f^oU) thp ccaD? ano tDs iuomans iuit. Ch ai . i^oiD fl^all be liuc in one U)ill Die fo,: l)ijn,. OTell caallengec, i' tbou banc foclj, a ftienD; Sutjou act ^appie, but 33 tnean to fa f Ije enD» ExitCIiallcncr, Enter ^ J ^FBrifto'vvV •^ 'Enter ScHtloe like a frier. Sent. SCIias Iiftc a ftfcr J^aoc DifgaifeD mp fel(^, I Co f^wi^tcere fricno, ttjat IjatftfaueD mp life, ■ ant) ttjat fame Crumpet t^at « Wloaln daae canfeo mp Deatf;. i ^aclot0 loue, f s libe a ct^imnep fmo&t, t£Dnfnertng in f ^e aire beltuff ne ttDO blaflfd of fointe, ■^ IBojneljare ano t^ere bp either of tfje fame, f" anop?operlv»tononcofboH)infl(no, [, V*atc,finODifpaire,i0pa(nteofnttjfircfes, !B?eceit, anotrcafon, in ttjcir boffome lies : ., 2[l)etrp:omlfes.aremaDe of brittle glaCTe, €>roun&likea pbilKP'to tt;c3neS onff, [ Scheie fl)oagl)tBUbettrc8minsr(uer0ftt)iftIppflflfe^ ! IC^eiclDOjbsafeoBlfjanopettbcpgeat^ertutt, ^ fl:rucarct{)epncuerfoanD,butinbntcaf^t ^ € onOant in noag^ f> but in bnconttancte : EJeaonringcanbars of maniB liberty, 5Bdt flap :3l am ^tt[)epjl(on gate, - | tM\)m are yon l!sper,let me fpeate toi^^oti/ keep, ffina^o bttottus tl>ere ^ Sent, afrper tometo confel!iepoorpjifoner»» Keep, ^tap ile b?ing tbera to pou p^cfentlp. Enter V9llengerjfIorencc,.andBIuiit»anJ ' ' , " • thekeepcr, Sentv )$c^iolH9 plate i Or, let we (^fee foit^ potr, 35Qjwrtto "nou, Hije time D;iatu5 ntiee of erecution, Ca^at is it mate 3 goc along iuit^ ?oa ; Har. igcntU^cntloc, anQ tl)? .detail fee j St^t ocretme ttoipt lutt, an6 clja(litB Enterameflcnger. Mff. ^oumtiftb.ungt^cpji'onct«atijar» tljebtng ano pecces ace alccaop fet. keep. Sa>apU3cnwUeaUt^cfpaeU)cma?. flo. Come noble liarts, lets feacies mawlj atoap* little twanging tmU oifpatci) \)S alU ExkOmneS) Enter the king, Richmond, Licftfl: Sir Euftice, ^ *. ofBriftow. ? Eufiicf, sir Godfrey, to the • execution. kinp. J&tcGodfrfy,an0^ttHufiiecva!!engcr, fovK ^tlact fjatrea O^uloc tcadj voulpattcncc; siacb ga>D ^nigl^t, tt^ou tuc^s in binnc, J5ut noiD t^ctc i» no ^clpe. fciift 3. 31j m^ ^ouccainc iuff tec en m? (on, ^c Ijatj) Dsrerueo o^at^, mn let l)im l;auc tt« king. ^irgodfrev,t)att)^out:Qaug|)tcc?et ifouno out a man iutll Die o; aallcngcc, ^ucl) toas our p;umnre in tesaco o tjcc, ;anD ttnce ouc Uio;o ts paft, toe gcaunt it I)tin. god /^o, no, in^ ^ouecatnc, 3 Dauc ^aiO, amanlJcgcD bp nci'.cGtv to Icao ^is reno, ^? to ceottmc ^is pccTon luitt) i)i0 otonc, ^ut to finD one toill Die fo? a rreno, Sl^^ts age toe liue in Jat^ not nolu a 'o;d. Enter the officers with the prifoners. km^, E>ifpofc ^tns iSlallengec tlje &tft to Dcafi), SC!)atDone, ienDljcnce tt)cott;cctot!)eic I'entence oomti va. Cec 3 a cnD t^is ttage \D^tte 31 muft act, %^je InttSt pecioD o t^is U% o ; mine, iftctt let mc Do ms Deaf? to m^ prince, ^ert^nto t?oa, to mucfj bp mc orfcnDcfl, ^oiu ttep, fap ftcp, as 'S a eno tfjis place, ^onnt tt)oa mp Toule into t\)c ttjiotone o grace> 3I< m?o lencetnigtjt be ro:gtuen on eactl;, 31 tuould a:i^ patDon o . uis D^eao Hini;. The faire Maid fpp parents, atiompfaift, Ctjatmuafo^guicnic, JiButmp^atcfuUUft ' ''• ffJatlj fo be blotco ano bcfmcrf D mj? faulf, JTIjatlubcH 3 come to affe tlje Utt (oigiwnts, SCbcptuillnofltflrapfutc, ^ojpctregaroit. Eutcf at one doorc,' Anabell difguifcd iike a man,and ac another Challcner, Ana. fetap : ^&rc is one toil! Die fbj ballctigcr; Ciial. i^ap l)ff re is one toUl Ote foj Vallcngcr. God. iBeblinDmmceiCB,2)tcrtaoti6Challenen Come to reOffrti: \)ts cncmp from Dcatl>. (to ff)«; val. £D Challcner, bPtl)f Dap lu;ot1!JS tljatSJjaUCDonc ^ biOc tb V face, t^p lojUes arc far moje bcene, Cbcn is tljc are, mua Orihc tbc fatall ttrobe : foi tfjcc ftoect votitl) , ti)oa canff aUogc no reafon CClbp tbou i^oulstt Die fo; me, ySt itiS il) bmg, iJSo to: mcnt U)o:fc, fbcn fruitles Hngcrinff. King. Difpatrb tbcm crccationtr : Difpaftl^. ana. &tap crccutioncr :Do mcioOfcebinff, tbp luojD is paQ tl)3t vallcngcr fljallliue, 3lf atip one toill Icofe i)is life foj bim, flno tbat luill 31 : ile ov f j: vallcngcr, Chal. /|5an fjcercif one, tbat fj;iftelowcl)e!iearc», to Anabell, but not £cbim,tpUl Die fojval'enger. ana. 09? pica Vuas cntrcD firff, mp claime muff ffan'o. cha. S:Ilme but lubat tbon art, raflj pongman, tbat Dares enter wto tbic pFacc bcfojc me : |[jwmaimttjOet^tcafl;t^cctl)oucucrt^onloff ^ ' '"• 1 nelairelVlai^^ .-^ Come tsallerrget, mt Ijapp? ftauo of t^uie,, i**T ^tiall '^auc tf)p U t aiiD matie an cno or imitpi val. iTo tttifec t^c ftcobe, to mucDcr anabcH, iftrtt Irt m? CouU findj to tt)c pit of lirfU Ch 3. 3 ntan t!)c £t:«utione!; of l)iB toi 'c, . 3l0fot)n^umametljatamo.jlalleig WoulD cucn be bloutiO^co to bcfjolo tfje 'ajjic^ SCfjecc o;e D.:cao btng Ipt mc Die 'o^ botl^, 3l5ut to Qc'eno fo fcanorius an att : ^no 30 fo; t^ky J \)Btt t\)ff. CSallengcf , anb totilft be iuril content toit^all mt? Ijart, ; 3Co be tbP oeatljcB man , fo; tijou Ijateft me,, JBefios, ret aalenger conGDcc tfjie, i^auing a \mft o faite as anabetl, iBeloucD of mc tfjp foe, ano fo iiUietlp, JDfjat 31 Bo offer bp mp li'^c fo; Ijcm, ^tloulD merc^ pacbon noU) U)hat lata botlj tl);catcn, r| JCIjounmatmmaginiftljattDetmliuc, - |r 3iff'llf^oulDgoabonttomutDci:tl)ce, SCo intop tlj? iDt c, toljom 3 fo niucfj bo louc, t!)ete'o;e begof tfje bing tijat onelp 3 map Die, to faue Ijec bono :, ana tt)p in 'amie. Blu. l^ack rou fjuflui' e, bo pou Ijcate all tfji» t SDotfj not popt fjatt melt at tljiB amis. Flo . i]pclt iBlunt pcK, anD Dotb Uwcpe bjiniflj tcac%, to Tec lul;at rames tl)nn, anD Dot!) mc con:ounD, li^ate IB a glaffc fo; facb aa liucfi bp luff, ^ec VD^iat tw to Ic ljonctt,tut)at tifi to be tuff. Die. ^b? tt)U! is tucl: nolo ^ouei;aine tjeac me fpeab , 3|fl)e tbat is 'upportD flame Dotb line, ^bt^'t > cienblp map lue ccconnie tbe e tars, kino. £)\.it lab) Dcetb ligbt on none, but fuilt^ itimti'. 3nD tfjat It pimtn^ctb ^no l^entloe toljict) bs me (^ottio t)aue bin flatite^ 31 faoeo bun b^ sn ^oneft ppltcte. , ano nolD altne p;erent bim to ^out figbt> S^ wal^e a ptesCng enb or tbB(^(^ fisl'^* Hccre Scntloe {jattctli off his vvbod and kiKcles downc. flIlU b;eatb«iTetD If fe info mp bates barf . Val. &&jeet be{iutiou0 Iette0, (beiaafecofmp Cittart, 5Fo?Bttin mc, tobat 3 banc Done amfffe, ' )3no feak iti^ paroon loitb one balm^ btCfe l^pp foule«pents ber Ictoo injpvctlc. Ana. ^i)touD0tt0rrefoia(c,anom? bed content ^p Ondp Dire cOamcD Vallcngcr, ^ ^t all tbe ttw^lo being tomeb into plcafnrt, Coolo giue nip^tefncb f kjofftcontenteo treafnre, SEboti art mo;e betrc, mo^e pleaflng to mv m\,m, tbcn at fb.e fn^Q • b^^e ttjon p;oaeQ bnbinD, tts inQoeht fo; vons n nine Ions togctber, ano map ntucr fate, tbtsneto to^nD league ofmarriage Tcpcjate. Har. Ebe Ube fap 3, to tbec tl)a^no\u batb ttt?cb, frienDs ficme faitb, tbat nctbing tan Dcotbe. Sent, tbctubtcb 3 toill inbcutctoDcfcrue, 0[nD notfo mncb ai; once in tbong^tto^toerue. if a - ' * TTiefaireMaid 9 king. &inccatl * if "J? iljaf f^'op Florence t^cce, bccau'e loc fee, (^ :o}ioi\its fointfjinjj ^o; f)cc follies paff, ILet pec be IjaD among tf)c Conucrtines. ^nD as \)ct faults Ojall tjanif^ o? clfc ttap, jLcc Ijec be T) CD acco;Dtnglv. iituap tutt^ l)n:, i CDlao patents, anu glao rccnBs, I 35n i3;iftoii) l)ctc a tujjilc cue fclues iuill ffaf, ^nt» 'pcno fome fpojtfull Ijouccs to ccotunc ^oin; ioi» ^ttx \o man? tcoubles, ano tt:cco annop. ' . HxitOmncs. I FJNIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. TJun'SCi P REC'D LD P28 70 -9 AM AU|3 28'33 JUL i; 1993 NOV 14196^ 20^PT'63TO^ jaw / i^ APR 31970 'I LV 21-100m-ll,'49(B7146sl6)476 CDBiaiblMb _.-/-/ .j.:j.^^ UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY