I GIFT or l)y. flAosv\ ThJ^i -?v ** HEBREW AL ?B & B :J3 T 1 K I 5 POWERS OF THE LETTERS AND VOWELS. * ( as uleph) not heard in reading; if it have a vowel, sound the vowel , H au, a. e , N o, !is oo, etc. 3 6 a g Vowels. 1 1 i y 12. m t) D 5 tD sA to 5 6. v 1 1 n 13. fc 2 3? gw n t 7. ^ t 1 V Note. The letters a , a , t , 5 , B , fi , are by some, sounded &A, gh, dh, kh y ph, th, i. e. when they have no point (Dagesh) in them. See 8. ^| is pronounced kau ; as tjVss a-kol-hau ; ^h le-kau; but with ^ , ^j'fia &e- ends a syllable it is sounded ng ; as Jhj rfaw^, not dagn. The dot over to" and to , is often used for the vowel o l (- ), i. e. it answers txco purposes ; as ^toh (kho-shek) for fttoh, "i tu3> gno- slier, iti^ yo-shab, Mto 60-w. * The vowel oo ( !) ) is a dot m the letter i ; the vowel o in bone is a dot over a letter, thus : n o, 'a Jo, a do ; all the other vowels are placed under the letters. , ': .: 'vHSBffiE W : ALPHABET. NAMES OF THE LETTERS AND VOWELS. ^ (auleph) not sounded ; if it have a voioel, sound the vowel. 2 3 ficwf/i- Vowels. 3 3 geemel Xrong-. 4 ^ dauleth Kaumets aw in cawse. 5 H /i Tsaree a in ale. 6 1 vattt? 1 or "" Kho lem o in 6orae. 7 T za ym 1 Shoorek oo in 6oof. 8 Jl khaith h T Khee rek ee in mee/. ''inal 9 20 B loft 3 &o/ ^> laumed 12 maim 3 wocw gnaym B pa D/a tsauda Composite Shevau. Very short vowels. Y 90 By means of these two dots ( : ), called Simple Shevau (see > 7), three composite Shevaus are made ; viz. 100 200 1 razs/i - : Shevau Pat takh,J a in hat. Segole e in met* to seen t: Kau raets o in wof. 300 400 Note. Shevau, when sounded, is a very short e ; as ^ps perca, or p'na. See 7. * Segole is sounded like a in ale, 1. When it stands in a simple (unmixed) syllable ; as Plp.3 ka-seph; 2. Before the quiescents . n 8 ; as hy?5q mik-na, TfD , , N2 ; 3. Before a guttural in which there is an implied Dagesh ; as TftN (for "PnN ) , tP")!->J-i (for tr^nn ). The gutturals and the letter ^ (witli a very few exceptions) do not receive a Dagesh. See 4. f *j stands for 500, ft 600, ? 700, p) 800, y 900, 1000, 2000, etc. 57. 5. J or Khau-teph Pattakb, Khau-teph Segole, Khau-teph Kaumets. MANUAL HEBREW AND ENGLISH LEXICON INCLUDING THE BIBIiICAI CKALDEE DESIGNED PARTICULARLY FOR BEGINNERS. BY JOSIAH W. GIBBS, A. M. PROF. OF SACRED LITER. IN THE THEOL. SCHOOL itf YALE COLLEGE, SECOND EDITION REVISED AND ENLARGED. NEW-HAVEN: PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY HEZEKIAH HOWE *. ALSO BY JONATHAN LEAVITT, NEW-YORK ; CROCKER it. BREWSTER, BOSTON; AND FLAGG & GOULD, ANDOVER. 1832. w&yXMUA mi MA(A) Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1832, by Josiah W. Gibbs, in th< Clerk's office, of the District Court of Connecticut. $ \%^ ^*>-^ <2 ^Urt- <\ Printed by Hezekiah H o \ v PREFACE This Manual is intended to embrace, in a condensed form, all the results of the Hebrew and English Lexicon, published at Andover in 1824. It is de- signed for the use of students in our higher Schools and Colleges, and for all in the first stages of their study. The student will understand the nature of the work, and use it with greater advantage, by attending to the following spe- cifications. 1. It contains all the articles in the larger lexicon, arranged in the same or- der ; of course, all the appellatives, verbs, and particles, even some which are found only in various readings, or in the Keri and Kethib. 2. It contains the more important of the proper names, usually with their ap- pellative signification in a parenthesis. 3. It contains all the variety of significations commonly given in larger lex- icons. Each distinct signification is separated by a semicolon or a longer pause. Each meaning, thus distinguished, has at least one passage to support it in the Hebrew bible. In some cases, for the sake of perspicuity, the different mean- ings or classes of meanings, are numbered by figures in parentheses. 4. In the atfag Xs^o/xsva, or words which occur only once in the Hebrew Scriptures, the passages are uniformly referred to ; and the passage, or pas- sages mentioned, are to be understood as the only passages, in which the word occurs. This will be an important guide to the student. 5. The declension of nouns is uniformly marked by figures referring to the paradigms in Gesenius's and Stuart's Hebrew Grammars. Whenever the de- clension of a noun is not given, it is because it occurs in the Scriptures only in the ground-form. 6. All the conjugations of verbs, as Kal, Niph. etc. are distinctly noticed, so far as they occur in the Bible. 7. Verbal derivatives, which do not retain the three letters of the root, or do not occur in order after their primitives, are uniformly referred to their roots, provided such root occurs in the Bible. If the root does not occur in a mean- ing which corresponds to that of the derivative, then such meaning, for the sake of completeness, is added under the root as being found in the derivatives. 8. "Whenever a verb occurs twice in the lexicon, or whenever a noun is re- peated in the same form, the two articles are to be considered as radically dis- tinct. But all the meanings given under the same article are to be regarded as etymologically connected, although the evidence of it is not there exhibited. 9. All the Chaldaic words which are found in the Chaldaic portions of the Bible, are noticed as distinct articles. 10. This work embraces the improvements in the new edition of the larger lexicon, so far as it is printed, or in a state of preparation, and so far as such improvements fall within the plan of the present work. 11. The plan of this work excludes all supposititious meanings resting only on inference and analogy, as also the quoting and commenting on passages of the Bible. Phrases and idioms are introduced but sparingly. The more dif- ficult and anomalous forms are omitted, as also in the other lexicon. It is in- tended to supply this last defect by an Alphabetical Vocabulary of difficult and anomalous forms, accompanied with a full analysis. Adherence to these rules has cost great labor on the part of the compiler ; but, if his work shall meet the wants of Hebrew students and facilitate their progress, his time will not have been misspent. IV PREFACE. ABBREVIATIONS. In this work, as in the other, I have adhered to the philological principles of Gesenius. Only in a few instances, have I found it necessary to dissent from his opinion. This second edition has been improved and enlarged by a careful revision and comparison with the latest lexicographical works of Gesenius ; and all feminine nouns in n are now referred to the thirteenth declension. J. \V. G. New-Haven, Jan. 27, 1832. ABBREVIATIONS MADE USE OF IN THIS WORK. adj. adv. Aph. apoc. art. c. caus. Ch. collect. com. gen. comp. conj. conjug. const. convers. denom. deriv. e. g. emph. f. fem. fat Heb. Hi. Hithpa. Hithpal. Hithpalp. Hithpo. Hithpol. Ho. Hothpa. ibid. id. i. e. i.q. imper. infin. intrans. Ithpa. Tthpe. int. interj. L. Linn. liter. adjective. adverb. Aphel. apocopated. article or articles. common gender. causative. Chaldaic. collective or collectively. common gender. compare. conjunction. conjugation. construct state. conversive. denominative. derivative or derivatives. for example. emphatic state. feminine. future. Hebrew. Hiphil. Hithpael. Hithpalel. Hithpalpal. Hithpoel. Hithpolel. Hophal. Hothpaal. in the same place. idem. that is. the same as. imperative. infinitive. intransitive. Ithpaal. Ithpeel. interjection. Linnaeus. literal! v. m. masc. masculine. metaph. metaphorically. Ni. Niphal. obsol. obsolete. Pa. Pael. Pi. Piel. Pilp. Pilpel. Po. Poel. Pu. Pual. part. participle. pass. passive. parag. paragogic. pi. plur. plural. pi. excell. pluralis majestaticus or ) excellentiae. ) pi. majest. do. prim. primitive. prob. probably. pr. name, proper name. prep. preposition. q. v. which see. R. Root. recipr. reciprocal. reflex. reflexive. suff. suffix or suffixes, or with ) suffixes. ^ subst. substantive. trans. transitive. The usual abbreviations are also used in referring to the books of the Bible. The figures, usually follow- ing the notice of the gender in any noun, refer to the declen- sions in Prof. Stuart's Gram- mar. This mark (') placed on the left of a single Hebrew letter, denotes that the initial only of the word is given. s stands for "3TO!J any one, Lat. aliquis. HEBREW LEXICON. tf Aleph, in Hebrew V]bti i is sometimes interchanged (1.) with the stronger breathing tl ; (2.) with the kindred guttural 9 { (3.) with the quiescents 1 and i ; (4.) it is sometimes omit- ted at the beginning of words; and (5.) sometimes prosthetic. 5N m. const. 1^8 , with light suff. ^tf , *p38 , pi. DiiiJ , a father ; a fore- father ; metaph. a maker ; a bene- factor; also a title of respect. SAtiBtt ^Stf father of the king, i. e. prime minister. 5t* m. 2. perhaps wish, desire. Job 34 : x 36. R. fttN . 3N m. Ch. suff. ^N , TTniN , pi. IJ-Dtf , a father ; a forefather. SK m. 8. suff. 12^ , greenness, verdure. ntt m. Ch. suff. ,^a:^ , fruit. IS* , fut. 12JT and H5&\ to wander, 'go astray ; to be lo~st or missing ; to perish; to fail; to be frustrated. Pi. and Hi. caus. of Kal. SpaK for Spjatffit Ezek. 28 : 16. SjTTCjfc for ^T-^ Jer * 46 : 8 - ^iN Ch. to perish. Aph. ^ailn to de- stroy; perhaps to perish, Dan. 2: 18. Ho. h&tfl to be destroyed. ISfc m. destruction. Num. 24 : 20, 24. "H3N f. 10. a thing lost or missing ; the region of the dead. jfcDK m. destruction; hades or the region of the dead. 1*in& m. destruction. Est. 9: 5. ytito m. 2. t<7. Est. 8: 6. J-DK , fut. J-qjo , to will or 6e willing ; to consent, obey ; also in the deriv. to wish ; to desire ; to need ; to loathe. $zr\ for ttgim Prov. 1: 10. RttM for !)J3M Is. 28: 12. 1 tlSM m. prob. papyrus, of which boats were constructed. Job 9: 26. "natf m. poverty, misery. Prov. 23: 29. R. JiiN . Dtetf m. const. D^K , pi. suff. *JDH , a stall, crib, or barn. R. SnN . tlftntt f. 10. prob. a threatening, or chastisement. Ezek. 21: 20. D^Jltii^ pi. m. melons. Num. 11: 5. n^att m. an ear of corn. a^attin ttfrh the month of green corn, otherwise called Nisan, answering to part of March and part of April. rtjaa and !|}Ta m. (***# o/ Jehovah) pr. name of a king of Judah. Also called D*atf . "ji^N m. 1. adj. poor, needy ; afflicted, distressed. R. iiatt . tia^aa f- prob. the caper. Ecc. 12: 5. V R- ttaM jb&^SK m. (father of the king) a com- mon title of the Philistine kings ; also pr. name of several persons. nt^asjm. (father of help) pr. name. *vaa m. 3. a mighty one, a hero, as *P*2 *Vty* Me mighty one of Jacob, i. e. Jehovah. R. laft . ^38 m. 1. adj. strong, robust; va- liant ; noble : as a subst. a hero ; a prince, chief ; and poetically, the bull; the horse. ab "yifflg valiant- hearted ; also hard of heart. R. r>^ found only in Hithpa. prob. to roll, as smoke. Is. 9 : 17. blntt, fut. bs* i to mourn, grieve ; to be desolate. Hi. caus. of Kal. Hithpa. i. q. Kal ; also to feign one's self a mourner. N 2 IStf b^K ni. const. b^N , pi. d n b5tf , const. "'bitf, adj. mourning, sorrowful; gloomy, desolate. bSN f. prob. a grass plot. 1 Sam. 6:18. also pr. name of a city, called like- wise FDtfQ p n a bnij and hV2 "bifij . D n trd!n bitt pr. name of a place in Moab. 'Num. 23: 49. tTfclsblnN'pr. name of a village of the Ammonites. Judg. 11: 33. Jlbinfr b^tt pr. name of the birthplace of Elisha, in the tribe of Issachar. D"nftbSN the name of a threshing- floor, near the Jordan. Gen. 50: 11. biN m. 6. sum ^biaa, a mourning, la- mentation, especially for the dead. biN conj. nay rather ; indeed, truly ; but, yet, nevertheless. R. fibs . bitf see b^tf . I^N f. 6. surf. i^K , pi. EPaiM* , a stone; a hailstone;' a -precious stone, a gem ; ore ; metaph. a lump or muss of any ponderous substance ; meton. a weight ; a plummet ; a vessel of stone ; a rock, fortress. ptfb IV n to he petrified with astonishment, spoken of a person. ]5Nil Sb the obdurate heart. It is often used in the sing, collectively. bfNJl *pN' (stone of departure) pr.name. T Sam. 20: 19. "nT2il *ptt (stone of help) pr. name. *JSN c. Ch. emph. fcZK , a stone. p& f. 6. found only in the dual fc^Sitf , a potter's wheel, Jer. 18: 3. a stone bathing trough for parturient wo- men, Ex. 1: 16. I-J33N pr. name of a river. 2 K. 5: 12 Keth. D32K m. 1. a girdle of the priests or other distinguished persons. ^:3N m. (father of light) pr. name of the general of Saul's army. D3N to feed or fatten cattle. n'3>23>iN pi. f. blains. blisters, pustules. Ex.~9:9, 10. pZN only in Ni. to wrestle. Gen. 32 : 25, 26. Denom. from pZtt . pntf m. 4. fine dust. Sipi^f. 11. id. Cant. 3: 6. 1ZN in the deriv. to be strong ; espe- cially to have strong pinions. Hi. to fly with strength. Job 39: 20. *l36t in. a quill or strong feather of the wing ; a wing. n^Nf. 12. id. WrSafc m. (father of a multitude) Abraham, the well known progeni- tor of the Jews. His former name was Qlztt (father of exaltation.) rpStt prob. an Egyptian word denot- ing prostration. Gen. 41 : 43. tnina see aria*. DlbuJStt m. (father of peace) pr. name of a son of David. H8 m. a common title of the Amale- kitish kings. FnAN f. 10. a band, knot; a bunch, bun- dle; a band or body of men; the arch or vault of heaven. tiJtK m. a nut, collect, nuts. Cant. 6: 11. "nitf m. (collected or collector) pr. name. Prov. 30: 1. fl~f"UN f. 10. the name of a small piece lA' money. 1 Sam. 2 : 30. R. *&*. baa m. 6. prob. a reservoir. Job38: 28. D^baN {two pools) pr. name of a village 'm'lVIoab. Is. 15: 8. taatf m. pi. b*5B3*t, const. V2M , a pond, pool, m I, marsh arsh covered with reeds. UM m. 5. adj. sad, afflicted. Is. 19:10. I'lioaM m. a boiling caldron. Job 41 : 12. "pftiN m. a reed, rush ; a rope made of rushes. Denom. from fcwtf a marsh. }IK m. 2. const. ^M , pi. n*ftMti a wash- basin ; a bowl. Lpsatf pi. m. 8. warlike Iwsts or bands. ^JUK , fut. ^jfip , to gather a harvest. ansa f. Ch. "emph. Hn*naX , a letter, epistle. tns 3 ina Sji'liN m. I. the fist. R. pj'na. bti^iiN m. 2. fos//?. Ezra 1 : 9. rna'tf i'. 13. pi. n^3tf , a letter, epis- tle, used especially of official letters or edicts. 1M m. 1. a rising- vapor, a mist, cloud. 5*1$ Hi. infin. yyyjb for VlMt^ to weary out. 1 Sam. 2: 33. d'nfij see d'rJJ . d'"HN see dlN . }Vl*mi. 3. suff. *5*TK, lord, master, ruler ; a possessor. ^iN my lord, in respectful addresses for the pro- noun of the second person. PI. trantf lords ; more frequently as pi. excell. a lord. R. Jn*j . ^Iti pi. excel!, the Lord, used exclu- sively of God. n'-ns see ninitf . 'pltt Ch. adv. of time, then, at that tim,e. *\*1M m. 1. fern. ttTOti adj. great, large ; mighty, powerful ; excel- lent, praiseworthy ; glorious, ma- jestic ; in pi. nobles, princes, leaders. R. -ft* . dTK to be red. Pu. tHN to be dyed or made red. Hi. i. q. Kal. Hithpa. to show itself red, to sparkle. dltt m. {I.) a man, Lat. homo ; collect. "'men ; often with some accessory idea, as other men ; common or wick- ed men ; men of inferior rank, when opposed to tfj^t or d^iD ; also slaves or dependents ; soldiers. (2.) rare- ly a man, Lat. vir. (3.) any one. (4.) pr. name of the first man, unless it be more properly rendered as an appellative, the man. (5.) pr. name of a city. d*iN fa a son of man, i. q. b^ij a man. b*lK ^a men, used as the pi. of b^tf. tm' Wba the poor among men, i. e. the poor. d'ltt m. 8. fern. Sl^tf , adj. red : as a subst. redness. T " dhtf m. (red) Edom, the son of Isaac, more commonly called Esau; his posterity, the Edomites or Jdumeans; their country, Idumea. As the name of the country, it is fern. d^N f.-^e carnelion. dwiam. 8. fern. nmatoa, pi. rrtttwa, adj. reddish. iltt^a f. 11. ertrt/t, the element; Ae ground ; a land, country ; the globe, whole earth. PI. nitt'lK lands, coun- tries. nZD'TK pr. name of one of the cities de- stroyed with Sodom. '^ifc'iN m. adj. red. ">l2hSk m. an Edom He. J'jij m. 0. pi. d^K , const, n*!* , cf fta.se or pedestal, for the support of boards or pillars; the basis or found- ation of a building. 2H& see after JVW ^lTO in the deriv. to be wide, broad ; to be great, large ; to be glorious. Ni. to show 6ne*8 self glorious. Hi. to make glorious. "Titt m. 6. a broad mantle ; greatness, magnificence. -na m. Ch. a threshing-floor. Dan. 2: "35. ^W m. Adar, the name of a month, answering to part of February and part of March. ^HK m. Ch. id. Ezra (>: 15. yi'ygHy* ph m. Ch. chief judges. Dan. 3:2,3. Compounded of ^^and^Ta. K^f tH** Ch. adv. quickly, promptly; or carefully, exactly. Ezra 7: 23. "pS^N m. 1. the Persian daric, a gold coin. jb&^H m. (illustrious king) pr. name of a man ; also of an idol of the Sip- pharenes. yyy* c. Ch. the arm. Ezra 4: 23. n*ria f. 13. suff. Y*Y?8 , strictly adj. fern, of ^itTtt , great, large : as a subst. a broad mantle, a mantle gen- erally ; magnificence, glory. tthij i. q. tfn to thresh. Is. 28: 28. ni and ai-W, fut. ail*0 , (1 pers. sing, at and ailN,) infin. aha and "ttlK }\X {"lintf , to love ; to desire, expect ea- gerly ; to rejoice or delight in a thing. Part. sn& a familiar friend, a confident. ]Ni. part, lovely, amia- ble. Pi. part. !3S"tfcR3 a friend; a lover, paramour. "' n^iTX f. 10. strictly infin. of 5JTH 5 as a subst. /ore ; meton. an object of love, a mistress : as an adv. charm- ingly, elegantly. Claire pi. in. loveliness ; fornication, i. e. foreign alliances. ta'OFJK pi. m. love, sexual enjoyment. Prov. 7: 18. ^n.\ int. expressive of grief, ah! wo! alas ! Kiritt pr. name of a river and country. Via ' i. q. \\* where? Hos. 13: 10. bna , fut. bti&T , to remove, journey, as a wandering shepherd. Pi. fut. brT 1 for bSTttT , to pitch one's tent or re- side in a' place. Denom. from "brT&t. Vnij prob. i. q. "bVn to give light, to shine bright or clear ; not found in Kal. Hi. id. Job 25: 5. brji* m. sufT. iVttbj , TjbSiK [oholcha,] pi. tp^Vrt^i const, and before grave sufi'. "'Vritf , a tent or movable habi- tation ; the sacred tabernacle; the temple ; a habitation generally ; me- ton. the people in a tent or house. tibTiiA f. (she has her own tabernacle) the name of a lewd woman, allegori- cal!)- representing Samaria. S73Pb$TK f- (my tabernacle is with her) the name of a lewd woman, allcgori- cally representing idolatrous Jeru- salem. Woa^FTN f- ij-ofty tent) pr. name of a wife of Esau ; also of an Edomitish tribe. S^biiK pi. m. and. rnbrTtt ph Ugnaloes or aloes wood, an odoriferous wood. *pi"itt m. Aaron, the first high priest of the Hebrews ; also as an appcll. the high priest, Ps. 133: 2. *53 ^pilM , the children of Aaron, i. e. the priests. ta conj. or ; elliptically for 15 "itf or if, but if; also simply if; unless ; perhaps until. When repeated, ta tat either or; whether or. R. perhaps j-pK . IK Prov. 31 :4 Keth. prob. to be read IN i- q- iTTta desire, inclination. R. rvai . Sta m. 1. pi. niiN , a water bag, skin bottle; a necromancer, a conjurer who calls up the dead, to learn from them future events ; the spirit of di- vination in the necromancer ; the apparition or ghost which is rais- ed. rnSta (bottles) pr. name of a place. "bSltf and b^tt m. 2. a river. Dan. 8: \ 3, 6. R.b^ . "ntf m. 1. a firebrand. tlVlta ph f- 10. causes, as rrnta. h$ because of, on account of. J-pN in the deriv. to incline, turn in, X T lodge, inhabit; to incline to or de- sire. Pi. to desire, long for. Hithpa. fut. apoc. "jan* i. q. Pi- nltf in the deriv. to mark out, describe* Hithpa. id. Num.34: 10. imfc f. 10. desire, inclination. Vntt pr. name of a descendant of Jok- T tan. *ta ni. a lamentation: as an int. ex- pressive of grief or of threatening, wo ! alas ! rpta int. id. Ps. 120: 5. ^njs s m. 1. adj. foolish: as a subst. a fool. Sometimes with the acces- sory idea of impiety. ^"O^ m. adj. id. Zech. 11 : 15. Denom. from V")K . Tphfc V^N m. pr. name of a king of Babylon. \>m m. 1. noble, or mighty, 2 K. 24: 15 Keth. the body, Ps. 73: 4. i^ntf adv. perhaps, per adventure: conj. ' if perhaps, if; unless. i^tf Eulaeus, pr. name of a river. nji}8 see ^V38 . CabnK , also fcibtf m. const, tib^ and &^N , pi. tPBbtt, a covered entrance, -iia niK a hall, porch, vestibule ; particularly the porch of Solomon's temple. &b^ (once taVfiO conj. but,yet, never- theless ; for, for indeed, enimvero. nb^iM f. 13. folly; criminal error, wick- edness, sin. nb|jN f perhaps high rank, preceden- cy. Prov. 14: 24. ym m. 6. Buff. ">dn, 5j3*in, pi. ot^n, nothingness, vanity, in which sense it is often applied to idols and idol- atry ; falsehood, deceit; wickedness, iniquity, sin; trouble, sorrow, af- fliction. tzpaitt arf? the bread of sorrow, i. e. a funeral meal. "pa pr. name of a valley in Syria of Damascus, Am. 1 : 5. also i. q. ]itt Heliopolis, Ezek. 30: 17. jitf m. 1. suff. iaitf , pi. EPiitf , power, strength ; particularly the power of procreation ; also wealth, substance. liK and ^ Heliopolis, a celebrated city in lower Egypt. rh^itt pi. f. i- q- rn^tt skips. 2 Chr. 8: 18 Keth. tB^fi* pr. name of a country rich in 'gold, the situation of which is un- known. ^B'lfit , T'SN and IBitt Ophir, a cele- brated gold. country, prob. in Ara- bia. "-plDitt bn3 and simply ^*IH the gold of Ophir. I^H m. 8. pi. d*3B*ttt j cl wheel. yr\# intrans. to be strait, narrow; trans. to straiten, press ; to press one's self, make haste ; to withdraw. Hi. y"\V?l to press, urge, hasten. ^Stftf m. 2. pi. rh^ifcitf , what is laid \v, a stock, store ; a treasure ; a store-house ; a treasure-house ; a cellar; an armory ; a reservoir for water. R. ^tf . *liN , fut. b fiK'' , to be .or become light, to shine ; impers. it is light. Ni. ^itf: , fut. ^ia* , to become light, to be enlightened. Part, ""ntta metaph. illustrious, glorious. Hi. Ttfii to illumine, enlighten ; to instruct'; to shine, liter, to make, (it) light ; to kindle, set on fire. With uS" 1 ^, to enlighten the eyes ; metaph. ta gladden, make joyful. With tD^B to make the face to shine, to make the countenance bright or serene ; construed with btt , "by , or a , to make one's face to shine on any one, to be propitious to him. 'liK m. 1 light; spec, the dawn, day- break ; the lightning ; the light of life, life ; me ton. the sun ; a hea- venly body; a lamp; metaph. fe- licity, happiness, prosperity ; in- struction, guidance ; a teacher. d" 1 ^ h YiK light or serenity of counte- nance ; a propitious or gracious countenance. *-na m. 1. fire. v$ -ntf a flame of fire. tZP^Tltt or tT^tf , sometimes alone, but generally with fcaTarn > prob. pi. excell. light, i. e. revela- tion, and truth, the sacred lot or or- acle of the Hebrews, called in C. V. the Urim and Thummim; also in the pi. Is. 24: 15, prob. the region of light, the east. ^tf only in the phrase ta^toS* ta n*fr Ur of the Chaldees, a city in Meso- potamia. JT-ntf f. 10. light ; metaph. happiness, prosperity. PI. ni^itt herbs, vege- tables. ni^Ptt pl.f.by metath. for nhl^fi* stalls, or 'cribs. 2 Chr. 32: 28. JT*1^ m. (light of Jehovah) pr. name. ttJlN whence tt3tfJiNni"7 , see tths . DIN c. pi. ninfc, a mark or sign by which things are distinguished ; an ensign, flag, standard; a sign, to- ken, memorial, as of a covenant ; a sacred rite, religious institu- tion ; a sign of remembrance, a me- morial, monument, sign of ad- monition or warning; a sign, pledge, omen, that something pro- mised or predicted shall take place ; a sign or proof of a divine mission ; a proof generally ; an emblem, type, symbol, of a future event ; an unus- ual appearance, wonderful event, TN G in vortentum, particularly 1 a miracle. R. ttjij . nifi< INi. din:, 1 pert. pi. fut. niN5, to consent. rftN or nk with suffixes, a sign of the accusative case. See ntf . TM adv. then, at that time, after that, "referring either to past or to future time: as a conj. therefore, on this account; also expletive, before the apodosis or latter member of a sen- tence. wn from ancient times; formerly, long ago. in undent times; from the time, after, since. KTK and tttk Ch. to kindle, or heat. Part, pass." SiTN Dan. 3: 22. iniin. KTft Dan. 3: 19. suff. ftiflfl Dan. 3: 19." TTN Ch. prob. i. q. ^TN to go forth or away. Dan. 2: 5, 8. aiWl ni. hyssop, probably including several other plants, as well as Hys- sopus officinalis. "ViNt m. 1. a girdle; a rope, chain. R. "it* . na adv. i. q. ft} then. Ps. 124: 3, 4, 5. irHdtlt f- 10. a praise offering; re- viembrance offering, sc. that part of the meat offering which was burnt. R. -DT . Vn to go away ; to vanish, fail. VifcWjfor Mbtfij Dent 32: 36. fut. ^Vrnfor ^TKn Jer. 2: 36. ^>TM Ch. imper. ^tk , to go, to go away. hlii Pu. part. VtnNtt something spun or woven. Ezek. 27: 19. }TK in the deriv. to iveigh. Pi. ]TM to examine. Ecc. 12: 9. Hiph. 'pTtfM, see under fT& . ]TK m. 5. a implement, utensil. Deut. 23:14. *jTfc f. 6. suff. isttj , dual tT2tK , *Ae ear. Hence Hi.' pTKSl , denom. from fT& , to give ear, hear, listen ; ap- plied to God anthropopathically, to hear ; also to obey. ptf for 'pTKtt Job 32: 11. -pa for pmtt ProvT 17:4. " Ea^TK i. q. C3^J?T manacles, chains, fetters. Jer. 40: 1, 4. *tt*J fut. ^tP, with suff. ^TH*'* to gird, to gird tip or about ; to gird on. Ni. ^m;: to be girded about. Pi. ^VTtf to gird. Hithpa. to gird or arm bite's self. Sn^Ttf f. I. !. q. Sf-nt the arm. n^tk\ DO. 2. an indigenous tree, a tree which is not an exotic or of foreign growth ; a native, one bom in the cottntry, indigena. R. ri^t "mTtf m. an Ezrahite or descendant Zerah. ru\ s in. const, and before grave suff. T *1K , with light suff. ijia , TprTN , pL tPtlK , const, and before grave suff. *Hfk\ with light suff. ifitt, in pause NTH, a brother ; a cousin or kins- man of any degree ; one of the same tribe, contributes ; a fellow country- .'/ ; an ally, confederate; a friend, companion; a colleague ; a neigh- bor, fellow being ; also expressive of spiritual relationship. When preceded by;ij\N, one another, al- ter alter; the 'same expression is also applied to inanimate objects of the masculine gender. ft$ int. of lament, ah! alas! HK f. a firepan or brasier for warm- ing chambers. Jer. 36 : 22, 23. rtt< m. Ch. pi. suff. tjijna , a brother. "Ezra 7: 18. SijriK m. (father's brother) Ahab, the king of Israel, an idolatrous prince. Q^Fifcpl.'m. prob. martens, a species of quadruped. Is. 13 : 21. nfiK Hithpa. Ezek. 21 : 21 n EM ttj il unite thyself, i. e. collect all thy force. Ittfc m. const, "rtw, fern, rim , in T pause nn*$ , one ; the same ; 'first, only in specifications of time ; some one, a certain one ; any one ; as an indefinite article, a, an ; alone or single in its kind, singular, pecu- liar, unicus. When repeated in different clauses, one the other; tna -ina when repeated in the same clause, one apiece, one by one, one each. IFlttlD as one, together; in the same place. n)"k\ (C25S being under- stood) once. nJli<3 once ; at once, suddenly ; together. PL C^Jfitf the same ; joined in one; some, 'sV- veral, a few. r\ft$ m. grass or sedge, growing in wet grounds. irfftlR f. 10. a declaration, argument, "defense. Job 13: 17. R. ttftll Tvrm f. brotherhood. Zech. if: 14. Denom. from ntt a brother. X {plfjtt f. Ch. an explanation. Dan. 5 : 12. Strictly infin. Aph. from J-nFl . "nitl^ m. 3. the hinder or back part; the west side ; the future, time to come : as an adv. behind, on the back part ; back, backwards ; westward. k. "im . nifiN f. const, and before stiff, nintf , plT sufl". -inin^, etc. also *>n^n^ , jn'pn&t , etc. a sister ; a cousin, kinswoman ; a woman of the same country. Applied metaph. to kin- dred states. Used also as a word of endearment. When preceded by "HS&i one another, altera altera; anVxpression applied also to inani- mate objects of the feminine gender. Denom. from ntf a brother. TfiK , fut. TfjGP, rarely thfcP , to seize, lay hold of; to take, catch, in hunt- ing, fishing ; to hold ; to hold fast, hold on : to annex, join, fasten ; to close, bar ; to bind beams together, to cover, scii. a house ; to draw by lot ; also in the deriv. to possess. Part. pass, with act. signif. nntt hold- ing. Ni. pass, of Ka! ; also to have or take possession. Pi. to close. Ho ph. to be joined. 7ttN m. (holding or possessing) Ahaz, king of Judah. rfttM f. 10. a possession. !"Ptr;K and Wrfta m. '(Jehovah sus- tains) pr. name of the son of Ahab, king of Israel; also of the son of Je- horam, kinar of Judah. STTJTH t Ch. i. q. Heb. jthti a riddle, enigma. Dan. 5 : 12. rjb^-'JlN m. (brother of the king) pr. name of a priest at Nob, friend of David ; also of his grandson, a high priest under David ; also of a Hittite. ">brW and "^Jltf adv. of wishing, O that! would God ! R. prob. J-jbtt to suppli- cate. Utobrw f. the name of a precious stone, prob. the amethyst. Ex. 28: 19. 39: 12. ttnftfltf Ch. Ecbatana, the capital of Media. Ezra 6: 2. IFltt to stay, tarry ; also in the deriv. to be after or behind, Pi. ^fttt to tarry, delay ; to stay long, tarry late ; caus. to make to delay, to re- tard or hinder a person. Hi. to de- lay. 2 Sam. 20: 5 Keri. ^Jta for "IftiW* 1 pers. sing. fut. Kal, Gen. 32: 5. tnfttf for ^nfij* 3 pers. plur. pret. Piel, Judg. 5: 28. nna m. fem. rnna , pi. d^fttf and nilntt, another; sometimes used collectively in the singular : as an adv. elsewhere, to another place. Ca^rwt O^iTbtt other or strange gods, i. e. idols. ^fttf m. strictly a subst. the hinder part : as an adv. of place, behind; of time, afterwards : as a prep. ^HK and pi. "Httgi (suff. 'v-ina, V*taK, etc.) of place, after, behind ; on the west side of; of time, after, since. 'p-'i'nntt upon that, afterwards ; af- ter. HnN and "nritttt from after, away from ; also simply behind, af- ter, (of place and time.) *p i^riMft afterwards. I'nntt b& behind, (ex- pressing motion to a place.) h$ ^flK behind, (expressing rest in a place.) ]i"W m. 1. fem. ti:inn>X , adj. hinder, hinder most ; western, thus fc3*h ^intfil the western sea, i. e. the Mediterranean : subsequent, future ; roa a rat latter, last. Fern. tii.'nrtK as an r -; adv. a second time ; with pref. 2 and b 1 afterwards. PI. t=r:nr>\ they that come after, posterity. ""Ifttt Ch. prep, after, as in Heb. ^nn'tf f. Ch. (for rrnna,) adj. another. f^lli* Ch. adj. preceded by !3> , at last, finally. Dan. 4: 5. rplttN f. 13. the extremity, remotest part; the end of any duration or state of things ; the latter state or condition of a person or thing ; the result or conseqvences of an action or course of conduct, especially a happy end or conclusion ; also futu- rity, what is future or to come, as tT^Sl r^inita in future days or hereafter, a phrase often used in reference to the times of the Messi- ah ; also as a concrete, those that come after, posterity; they that re- main, a remnant. rcnftK f. Ch. the end. Dan. 2 : 28. priNJ m. Ch. adj. another. rPaSnN adv. backwards. di3B"Htt5ft8 pl m - satraps, lieute- nants, officers under the Persian go- vernment. pSftTOfrflR pi. m. Ch. id. ttii^nuirtM m. Ahasuerus, a surname or title (1.) of Astyages, kino of Me- dia ; (2.) of Cambyses, king of Per- sia ; and (3.) of Xerxes, king of Per- sia. <23nu5rtN m. id. Est. 10: 1 Keth. . %. t fi^nizina* pi. m. mules. Est. 8:10, 14.' "' "' nna see nh . t3tf m. 8. suff. *>t:N , pi. fciEK , a speak- ing softly, a grumbling; muttering, only as a concrete, a mutterer, con- jurer, or necromancer ; also a mo- ving or acting softly or slowly; hence t3tf , utfb , tttfb as an adv. softly, slowly ; gently, kindly. "JEN m. the southern buckthorn,ChrisVs T T thorn, (Rhamnus paliurus, Linn.) also pr. name of a place. ptiN m. 1. thread, yam. Prov.7: 16, dEtt to shut, close, stop, e.g. the mouth, ears. Hi. id. ^BK fat itttp , to shut, close. Ps. 69 : ~16. ""itDK m. adj. closed, obstructed, follow- ed by iaW-T , and spoken of one left-handed. Judg. 3: 15. 20: 16. *K adv. of interr. where ? both in the "direct and indirect inquiry. With suff. {13 "'N where art thou? T*tt where is he? With parag. Ji_ , Jtk q. v. Also as a nota interrogationis, connected with adverbs or pro- nouns, and giving them an interro- gative signification ; as Sit "'tt loho ? which ? what ? where ? whither ? """"tt rtJJO whence ? from what ? n&rt P "-a 071 what account ? Other adverbs are joined with "W , but always in one word. "W m. 8. pi. d^K 1 (once ^K ,) habita- ble or dryland, in opposition to wa- ter ; a coast, shore, seacqast ; an island: d* 1 ^ , b^Aii \*K , b*Ji ^K also more particularly the remote coasts and islands of the west. R. *tt m. 8. as a subst. a holding, only as as a concrete, the howler, i. e. the jackal : as an int. wo ! alas ! ^ adv. not. Job 22: 30. Sijtt to be an enemy or adversary to any one. Part. n'ntt an enemy, adversa- ry. Fem. ro^ia a female adversa- ry ; also collect, enemies. Jli' 1 ^ f- 10. enmity, hostility. l*At m. 1. a hardship, calamity ; ruin, destruction. jrrK f. the name of a bird of prey, T prob. the merlin. STtt , pi. fcpVw and JD^N , a ram ; also an obscure term in architecture, perhaps a projection round the door or in the front of a building. y^ m. strength. Ps. 88: 5. b" 1 ^ m. 1. pi. D^K , no&Ze, or mighty; any firm and hardy tree, as an oak, a terebinth or turpentine tree, a palm tree. pttS "b^K pr. name of a place. tZJb'W (perhaps palm trees) pr. name of an encampment of the Israelites, now called Girondel. b*8 c. 1. pi. trWt, a stag, hart; a hind. nVa f. 11. pi. niVa, const. niVw, a hind. I'lb^ pr. name of a city in the tribe of Dan. "jiVtt pr. name of a Levitical city in the tribe of Dan ; also of a city in the tribe of Zebulun. niVN see nb"W . my$ f. 13." strength. Ps. 22: 20. &Vw m. pi. tn^N, ea^Va and niTabtt, perhaps an edging board or projection at the foot of a build- ing. j^K m. Ch. a tree. Dan. 4: 7 ff. n^tt (perhaps a palm tree,) also nib" 1 ** (perhaps palm trees,) Elath, a com- mercial city in Idumea, on the Red sea. rib*8 f. a hind ; also a term of endear- ment. ^THBil nV>** Vj in the in- 2 scription of Ps. Xxn. perhaps after the hind of the dawn, i. e. to be sung after a song or tune so called. D^ m. fern. itEPtt, adj. terrible, dreadful. J-Wa f. 10. fear, terror. With parag. "n , iinE'W id. PI. Ea^K fears, terrors ; also objects of fear or ter- ror, i. e. idols. SaWN and fcPfrK pi. m. (the terrible ones) Emims, the original inhabi- tants of Moab. yix m. 6. const. ptf, (1.) as a subst. nothing, often including the sub- stantive verb to be. (2.) as an adv. not, always including the verb to be in its different persons and tenses. If a personal pronoun is the subject of the proposition, it is suffixed to this particle ; as " , 25" , M / am or was not, ^8 , v , etc. As pH in- cludes in itself the substantive verb, it is regularly joined only with the participle, but is sometimes found with a finite verb, or with ur . pN *fy mihi non est, I have not. Con- strued with h and an infm. it often signifies it is not permitted. pN lira no man or no one is or was. bb *ptf i 'tM *p$ nothing is or was. (3.) pit sometimes includes the pre- dicate of the proposition, when there is no other predicate, and signifies not to exist, not to be in a place, not to be extant; in this sense also with suffixes which express the subject, as V&H* he was no more. (4.) as a prep, without. (5.) combined with prepositions ; as paa before ; with- out ; pK3 nothing was wanting, al- most ; paft to him who is without ; so that there was not; ptfft and pitta because or so that there is not; also simply there is not. ptf adv. of interr. where ? found only with the prefix, pitta whence ? also without interrogation, whence. ptf for pail is there not ? 1 Sam. 21 : 9. iD\S 10 TDK ns\y, more rarely iisa f. 10. an cphah, a measure for dry tilings. SiDTO flSW'l divers ephahs or measures. Jlb* 1 ^ adv. of interr. where ? hoio ? also Mitliout interrogation, where. NiB\\ i. q. Ktefil now, then. j;\\ m. surf, ittj^i pi. d*ttHt, more usually d^ttJa^i const. ^tthi&t , (1.) a ?a/i, Lat. wr ; particularly, when opposed to a female, a male of the human species or of brutes ; when opposed to a wife, a husband ; when opposed to an old man, one in the flower of life ; sometimes a man or having manly courage; when op- posed to the deity or to brute ani- mals, a man, Lat. homo ; when in apposition with other substantives, often nearly pleonastic ; when fol- lowed by a genitive denoting a city, country, or people, an inhabitant or citizen, (in this sense often used col- lectively, and construed either with a singular or plural verb ;) when fol- lowed by a genitive denoting a lead- er, king, or general, a follower, ser- vant, or warrior; when opposed to dnit , a man of higher rank ; some- times as a collective noun, soldiers, warriors. (2.) joined with many substantives, it denotes a possessor of the quality, or some connection with the thing, expressed by the noun; as liat ^H a wicked man, u3\^ nift one worthy of death. (3.) any one, any person. (4.) each one, ev- ery one. (5.) when followed by n& > 9^ or another upac , one another. (6.) used in an impersonal construc- tion, as u3">tfin "WaMTfta men said thus, i. e. it was thus said. (7.) when repeated, *\\ *crtt each one, every one; also one by one, one of each. (8.) BJ^R "3a men of superior rank, when opposed to tJ^tf 132 . \ITtf Hithpalel^ianii to show one's self a man. Is. 46: 8. Denom. from tf5' , K a man. iVtZPtf c. 1. a little man, a mannikin, homulus, thus *ps> fiUTi* the little man of the eye, i. e. the apple of the eye ; metaph. the middle, midst. Dimin. from u3\\ a man. "pn\\ m. an entrance. Ezek. 40: 15 Keri. R. nntf . T T "TPtt Ch. i. q. Heb. J, there is, there are ; there exists, there is found. With 1*3 , / have, est mihi. With the participle it forms a periphrasis for the finite verb. If the subject of the proposition is a pronoun, it is suffixed to in\\ , as rpriW thou art. VttpfPK m. (God is with me) pr. name of a son or pupil of Agur ; also of a Benjamite. IfcrPtt m. (land of palms) pr. name of a son of Aaron. ]n\\ , also ]n\* m. 1. adj. and subst. (1.) constant, lasting, never failing, per- ennis : as a subst. a never failing brook, as o^sriNn n~P the month of flowmg brooks, otherwise called Tis- ri, corresponding to part of Septem- ber and part of October ; also a tide, current. Sometimes used ab- stractly, as )ti*tk ni'ntii streams of constancy, i. e. never failing streams. (2.) firm, strong, mighty: as a subst. firmness, strength. (3.) prob. hard, inflexible, i. e. terrible, pernicious. (4.) a rock, liter, something fast, firm, solid. (5.) pr. name of an Ez- rahite. ?]N a particle of restriction, only ; en- tirely, altogether ;' but, yet, never- theless ; only that, scarcely ; indeed, certainly, surely. T3tf pr. name of a city built by Nim- rod, prob. Nisibis. Gen. 10: 10. if 5tf m. adj. deceitful, used only as a subst. a deceitful brook. R. 2T3 . yTiDK (deceitful) pr. name of a mari- time city in the tribe of Asher; also of a city in the plain of Judah. nT2N m. adj. bold, daring ; hard, cru- el, unmerciful; terrible, pernicious; as a subst. an enemy. "nTSK m. adj. hard, unmerciful ; ter- rible, pernicious. 13H 11 ibx DWflDN f. cruelty, fierceness. Prov. 27: : 4r fttattf. mea*, /ood. 1 K. 19: 8. R. TZJ^fi* m. Achish, a king of Gath. b^ijr fut. tefih and b^ST , 3 pers. plur. sjbsfp for ibplfr, (1.) to ea?, devour, applied both to men and ani- mals ; also metaph. to the sword, fire, hunger, pestilence, disease, di- vine anger, etc. Construed with 2 , to eat or partake of any thing. &nb bs$ (also simply b>Stf) to take food ; to take a usual meal; to feast; also to live. 'ittJa "b^S to eat the flesh of a person, i. e. to seek his life. Tliri2~nN V^tt to eat one's own flesh, i. e. to pine away from grief. (2.) to consume, destroy. t2^*$ bSN to consume the poor, i. e. to prey on their property. (3.) to enjoy good ; to experience ill. (4.) perhaps to taste. (5.) to cut off or take away. Ni. b^\ s 5 pass, of Kal ; also to be permitted to be eaten. Pi. i. q. Kal. lirbDttn (tsachlehu) for fcft&fcfel Job 20: : 26\ Pu. pass. of Pi. to be devoured, consumed. Hi. VTll3 the almighty God. "-nan bis" the mighty God. *\tM* W a strange god. Ca^b^'^S sons of the gods, or of God, i.e. angels, or inferior gods. Whatever was great, excellent, or sacred, the Hebrews were accus- tomed to call divine or from God, as cedars of God, mountains of God. bti i bw\S"T pron. pi. i. q. J-jVn these. btoCh. id. Ezra 5: 15 Keri. btf prep, always with Makkeph ~V& , pi. ^ , suff. bs , tasy%& , etc. (1.) expressing direction, as to, unto, Lat. tfd; to, as a sign of the dative ; towards, Lat. versus ; even to, Lat. usque ad; in addition to, together with, Lat. una cum; into, Lat. in with an accusative ; among, (im- plying motion,) L&t.inter; towards, Lat. erg-a ; against, Lat. contra ; as to, about, concerning, Lat. de ; on account of, because of Lat. propter ; for, expressing the final object. (2.) expressing proximity, as at, by, Lat. juxta, apud ; on, upon; in; among, amidst, between; according to, Lat. juxta, secundum. (3.) in combination with other prepositions it denotes direction to or towards a place, as ^frK simply behind me, "^rttrttt behind me, with motion implied ; but sometimes its force is entirely lost. ttJ^nsb&J m. hail. ta^nuba see tzraaba . ib* 12 ** Jlba denom. from bfc, to affirm by God, to swear ; to invoke the divine malediction, to curse ; to invoke the divine compassion, to lament. Hi. to cause to swear, to require an oath of any one. btt^O fut. apoc. from ftba 8 ' for ttVar , l'Sam. 14 : 24. ilbtt f. 10. const, inbtt , an oath ; a XT T T covenant confirmed by an oath ; an imprecation, curse. iibiO ttiz to enter into an oath, to swear. n^iu5 Fibttii a oath of imprecation. SrpJl Jlbtfb to become a curse, i. e. an ob- T t ; ject of execration. S-fbtt f- 10. any firm and hardy tree, particularly a terebinth or turpentine tree, (Pistacia Terebinthus, Linn.) an evergreen, which attains to a great age, and was often employed, under special names, to denote par- ticular places. JlVtf i fiVWl pron. pi. com. gen. these, used as the pi. of Jit and nKT . When repeated, these those. rt>* Ch. id. rrrN f. an oak. Josh. 24 : 26. tSit m. Ch. emph. K^bN , i. q. Heb. riibtt* a god ; by way of eminence, Jehovah. PI. "prtba gods. !*o phbtt a son of the gods. O^-I'Wsee Iqtfttt. ^btf Ch. i. q. **)& see, behold. VPtt if only in the later Hebrew. nibN m. 1. a god; by way of emi- nence, the true God, Jehovah. PL fcPiTbtf > const, ijfbfi* , (1.) as the or- dinary plural, gods ; also spoken of kings, princes, magistrates, or judg- es, and perhaps of angels. (2.) as pi. excell. a god, or goddess ; some- times applied to an earthly indivi- dual ; preeminently the true God, Je- hovah ; also a godlike form or appa- rition. This pluralis excellentiae is generally construed with singular adjectives and verbs, but there are many exceptions. tPSTbN'ja son of God, or some equivalent expression, is applied in the plur. to angels or inferior gods, also to servants and worshippers of God generally ; in the sing, and plur. to kings and ma- gistrates. Ca^ba u3^ man of God, applied to angels, prophets, and other servants of God. biJYba is sometimes used to express inten- sity or excellence ; as i-ibi^-*^ fwbttb , a divinely great city, i. e. a very great city ; tD'Wba ^lil a . ... mountain of God, i. e. a great moun- tain. blbtf m. 1. vanity, falsehood, Jer. 14: 14 Keth. also the name of a month answering to part of August and part of September, Neh. 6 : 15. jib^ m. 1. any strong and hardy tree, particularly an oak. ]i>N m. 1. any strong and hardy tree, particularly an oak. P]-f?N, also p|?K m. 1. adj. tame, brought up to hand : as a subst. a friend, confident ; also i. q. pfcii an ox ; also, (denom. from S]btt a fami- ly,) the head of a family or tribe, a prince, chieftain. R. ]b*. \L ; lbN pr. name of an encampment of the Israelites. Num. 33 : 13, 14. fibtt Ni. to be corrupted or spoiled, in a moral sense. ^btt i. q. *fy*A perhaps. Gen. 24 : 39. irbfi* if. the fat tail of an oriental spe- cies of sheep. {"pbtt and #vb& m. (Jehovah is my God) Elijah, a celebrated prophet, in the time of Ahab king of Israel; also the name of several other per- sons. ^liT'btt and anFPb&$ m - P r - ame of one of Job's friends and disputants. b^btt m. 1. adj. of nought, nothing- worth, vain, false : as a subst. nothingness, vanity, falsehood. trVba* the nothing-worth, i. e. idols. D^btt rams, Job 42 : 8, see b^tf. a*>* 13 2X JH^fc and ]>K Ch. pron. pi. com. gen. i. q. Heb. iibtt these. d^btt (GW appoints) pr. name of a praefectus palatii under Hezekiah; also of a son of Josiah king of Ju- dah, whose name was afterwards changed into d" , p"HS"P (Jehovah ap- points.) Ttw'bx pr. name of a people and country on the borders of the Medi- terranean sea, perhaps Elis or Hel- las. Sttj^btf m. (God is salvation) Elisha, the successor of Elijah. Tjbtt Ch. pron. pi. m. these. *>bbtt int. of lament, wo! alas! only with "^b , wo to me ! tabi* in the deriv. to bind; to be bound, dumb, silent ; to be solitary, forsa- ken. Ni. to be or become dumb or silent. Pi. to bind. Obfi* m. dumbness. d^p'rn dbtf Tftfh the dumb dove among strangers, prob. the name of a song or tune after which Ps. lvi. was to be sung. Esb&t m. 7. adj. dumb. tabasee oVm. tabtt i. q. Csbia q. v. tabtf see tab" 1 ** . tb>V8C and by metath. tpfciaba pi- rn, a costly wood brought from Ophir, also produced in Lebanon, prob. red sandal or sanders wood, (Pterocarpus santalinus of Spreng- el.) Ylifrbtf pr. name of a people or tribe in Yemen, sprung from Joktan. tVlbtt f. 10. pi. p_ and rri , a sheaf or bundle of corn. ]ttbtt m. adj. deserted^ forsaken, wi- dowed. Jer. 51 : 5. ffabtt m. widowhood. Is. 47 : 9. Ina&ba f. 11. widowed, a widow ; ap- plied metaph. to a state deprived of its king. n'Ofcbtf pi. f. i. q- Vrif*M peaces. Is. 13 I 22. and perhaps Ezek. 19:7. mMObtt f. pi. tntVDSfe* , widowhood ; applied metaph. to a people in cap- tivity. ^atobfi* m. some one, a certain one, al- ways joined with ^bs j^H see yfyji . "H&Vn pr. name of an Asiatic province. Gen. 14 : 1, 9. "ltybtt m. (God helps) pr. name of a son of Aaron. rtbybit and ttb3>btt pr. name of a vil- lage in the tribe of Reuben, now called El Aal. p|btt , fut. p]b*T , to learn ; also in the deriv. to accustom one's self, to be- come familiar or tame ; to combine, associate. -Pi. to teach. |}5)V5!3 part, with suff. for tt5&6tia Hi. fpbittl\ (denom. from Sjbtt a thousand,) to produce thousands. >]bttm. 6. (1.) an ox, animal of the ox kind, used as an epicene noun. (2.) a thousand. Dual tZTsbtt two thousand. PI. tzPDbtf thousands. ilda^ ^sbtt thousands' of ten thou- sands. (3.) a family, a subdivision of a tribe. ^btt and p]btf m. Ch. a thousand. jrjbN see VfkiA . VbN Pi. ybtt to jjress, urge. Judg, "16 : 16. SMpbtf prob. the people. Prov. 30 : 31. I'dpb^ m. an Elkoshite. Nah. 1:1. 'ibinbtt pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah, afterwards assigned to Si- meon. DK f. 8. suff. ^mC pi. nites , a mother ; a female ancestor ; metaph. a bene- factress, or instructress ; a mother or chief city, a metropolis ; also ap- plied metaph. to a people or to the earth. rpnil dK the mother of the way, i. e. the place where the way parts into two. StQK 14 ") d^K Emims, see tTE^t . d^K terrors, i. q. d^tf , see MXftjK dtf (i.) conj. condit. if. (2.) conj. con- cess, although. (3.) adv. of wish- ing, O Zte. (4.) adv. of time, when. (5.) in forms of swearing, the impre- cation being omitted by an ellipsis, and more rarely without the direct form of an oath, adv. of negation, not, (liter, when the ellipsis is sup- plied, if.) (6.) perhaps conj. that, Lat. quod. (7.) adv. of interr. i. q. 5l, Lat. an? also i. q. nVHi Lat. nonne? yea, surely; in the indirect inquiry, whether ; whether not. (8.) when repeated, dN dN , whether or, Lat. sive sive. (9.) when pre- ceded by n , vtrum an ? whether or, both in the direct and indirect inquiry. (10.) bMi i. q. abfl nonne ? ecce ! (11.) eft-D8 if not ;' but ; in forms of swearing, the imprecation, being omitted, and in affirmations generally, yea, surely, (liter, when the ellipsis is supplied, if not ;) also nonne ? rp3K f. suflf. woa, pi. rniiftwNt, const. rnn^K, a handmaid, maid-servant, female slave. SjnEN thy handmaid, in respectful addresses for the per- sonal pronoun /. J-pjtf ~]n the son of a handmaid, a slave. iTN f. 10. i. q. dK a mother, but used only metaph. (1.) the mother of the arm, for the lower part of the arm, the fore-arm, Lat. cubitus. (2.) a cubit, a measure equivalent to about one foot and a half. Dual O^nfttt two cubits. (3.) a mother or chief city, a metropolis. (4.) d^SOiTT nisft prob. the m-others, i. e. the founda- tions, of the thresholds, Is. 6 : 4. (5.) pr. name of a hill, 2 Sam. 2: 24. Ir&DK f. Ch. pi. p9tt , a cubit. ftJQM see WW JlSN f. 10. pi. nifc and IDTBK , a fa- mily, tribe, people. Ita Ch. pi. pjQN , a tribe, people. jifcK m. a workman, artificer, used as an epicene noun. Prov. 8 : 30. R. pidfij m. i. q. *p23rt a multitude of peo- ple. Jer.46:25. 52: 15. "pEN m. Amon, an Egyptian god, only in the compound JTSqh * the name of the city of Thebes in Upper Egypt. Nah. 3 : 8. }tott also 1*3^ m. pi. &3i^, frttfA, faithfulness. R. 'pi* . tt3nK f. 10. firmness, stability, secu- rity ; truth, faithfulness, sincerity, uprightness. R. 1728 . ETfctf see tD^tf . y^N m. I. adj. strong, mAghty, pow- erful ; as a subst. strength. R. re- ^pfctt m. Ae Acad or /op 0/ a free, a Azg-A bough. Is. 17 : 6, 9. R. ^12^ . "bfttt to wither, languish. Pulal Vbfttf to wither or oe withered, to languish; to mourn, lament. Vbtetf for Wftttfr Ps.6:3. ' : T: " bbttN m. 1. adj. languid, feeble. Neh. T 3?34. fftN (1.) in the deriv. stay, support. (2.) to oear or carry a child on the arm. (3.) to nurse, foster, provide for, or bring up a child. Part, "pfc a nursing father, a foster-father. nsfcft a nurse. (4.) in a moral sense, to oe frwe, faithful. Part. pass.pl. OTn&K the faithful. Ni. (1.) to be borne or carried, as a child. (2.) to be firm, stable, secure. (3.) oe durable, lasting, of long continuance. ]fr{ n*3 a durable house, i. e. a lasting posterity. (4.) in a moral sense, to be true, faithful. (5.) to be found faithful or skilful in one's business. (6.) to oe irwe, cer- tam, swe. (7.) to prove true, to be verified or fulfilled. Hi. 'pttittl (1.) to lean or rest on any thing. (2.) to confide, trust. SiiJ-pn 'ii to confide in Jehovah. V*Ti7i '"! to 1128 15 rraa confide in one's life, i. e. to feel se- cure of life. (3.) to believe, to re- gard as true. (4.) intrans. to stand firm, stand still. *J72^ Hi. pfcAttl for "p^iri to go to the 'right. Is. 30: 21. See y& . J5DM Ch. Aph. paifi to confide. Part, pass, 'pijifa faithful, sure, certain. pN m. a workman, artist. Cant. 7: 2. I^tt m. truth, faithfulness : as an adv. of affirmation, truly, certainly, so be it, fiat. *p8 m. truth, faithfulness. Is. 25 : 1. 'jtttf see l!)33$ . S13&N f. security or faith given, a co- venant ; a fixed task, or stated al- lowance ; pr. name of a part of An- tilibanus ; also of a river flowing from it. i-rttttf f. 10. a pillar, or door post. 2K. Y8 : 16. J13^N f. truth, used only as an adv. in truth ; also education, bringing up. EDJfttf and QJ&K adv. indeed, truly, certainly. y$tfj , flit. yftiO , to 5e strong ; to be firm, undaunted, courageous. Pi. to strengthen ; to strengthen or re- pair a building ; to found, establish ; to encourage ; to appoint, choose. aS5~rtfj ptetf to harden the heart. Hi. intrans. to be firm, courageous. Hithpa. to strengthen one's self, to collect one's strength ; to be firm- ly resolved, to be resolute. ynb m. strength. Job 17: 9. p2N m. 8. pi. tTSfctf, adj. strong, swift. nK f. strength, power. Zech. 12 : 5. *patna and 1i"n3W3l masc. (Jehovah strengthens) Amaziah, the son of Joash, king of Jndah. im, fut. -war, also *fc|#, with l conv. lESTT , also ^fcfiri , infin. -\m, "tifltfb, (I.) to say, Lat. di- cere, followed directly or indirectly by the thing said. Very rarely used absolutely, like *i3H to speak, Lat. loqui. Also to call, name ; to ex- hort ; to promise ; to declare, tell. (2.) to think. (3.) to command, ap- point. (4.) to celebrate, praise. Ni. impers. it is said ; used particu- larly in citing books or proverbs ; also in forms of naming, as Uhnp Sb 152N" 1 holy shall be said to him, i. e. he shall be called holy, or be holy. Hi. to cause to say or en- gage. Hithpa. to exalt one's self, to boast. IfcK Ch. pret. fern, n^fctf for nl^ , fut. 'nftiO , infin. "l/oitfiJ ', also "ttjjg , to say ; to command. *\}2$ m. 6. a word, speech. Num. 24 : 16 bN-^fctt oracles of God. Job 20: 29 baft i-|Etf nbrn the lot of his appointment, i. e. his appointed lot, from- God. Gen. 49: 21 "^n&K |ip*3}P? ^Stt3 which speaketh fair words, re- ferring to Naphtali ; others : which bringeth forth beautiful young, re- ferring to the hind, comp. Chald. *\Bti a lamb. Iftjfc m. a word, speech ; a promise ; a triumphal song ; a matter, thing. *M2#, m. Ch. pi. *p^2N , a lamb. irnfctf f- 12. a word, speech. mo* 12. id. Lam. 2: 17. J-j^frtt f. a 'wor^, speech. Deut. 33 : 9 Samar. text. "^EN m. a?i Amorite, collect, the Amo- riies, a powerful Canaanitish tribe, which originally inhabited the moun- tainous district of Judah, and the country north of Moab ; also by syn- ecdoche the Canaanites generally. bc^frtt m. pr.name of a king of Shinar. Gen. 14 : 1, 9. IBJ0& adv. of time, yesterday ; yester- night : as a subst. evening, night, generally. nfttt f. (for fflJDijI from ftttt truth,) suff. infta", (I.) firmness, stability. (2.) certainty, surety. (3.) truth, faith- fulness, with the accessory idea of 13* 16 b:k kindness or goodness. Is. 42: 3 t35tf5 K" , }r ! n nftttb with kindness he announceth the law. (4.) truth, sin- cerity. (5.) integrity, uprightness, in general. (6.) truth, Lat. Veritas; also taken objectively, religious truth, true religion. rifinftN f. 13. a iag" or sack. R. fintt . ^nftN m. pr. name of Jonah's father. ^DEK f. Ch. adj. strong, powerful. 'Dan. 7:7. fN adv. of interr. where ? whither ? when ? ^53 whence ? With n lo- cal, ii2K whither ? where ? also T T without interrogation, whither. ilSNI iirstt hither and thither. y i-' U and ftaHTT* how long ? till when ? JN Heliopolis, see "JIN . |N sorrow, see "jlN . fctttf and ^I2N Ch. pron. /; also lam. M2N (anna) also nth int. gA. / pray you, Lat. aA quaeso. !"i2K i. q. "pK to mourn, lament. JlUK Pi. to put in one's way, to let meet any one. Pu. to be put in one's way, to happen, befall. Hithpa. to put one's self in the way, to seek an occasion against any one. Ji:K whither ? see "IN . M38 1, see K2N . nth cA, J pray yow, see nth . JlSK incorrectly in some manuscripts and editions for nt& whither. T T }2i< pron. we. Jer. 42 : 6 Keth. pSK m. and "psa f. Ch. pron. pi. tfAcy, tfAese. Sometimes used for the sub- stantive verb to be. lz3i5N m. a man, Lat. homo ; collect. men. Sometimes with an accesso- ry idea, as common men, the people at large ; wicked men. Pl.tPuJsN , const. "u3dM , men, Lat. homines ; more commonly men,\joX.viri, used as the pi. of UJ'W. Often in phrases, as tZJ^Si *tt}!3K men of renown. ntti Ni. to sigh, groan. nTtti f. 11. a s/g*A, sighing. KJtoN and J-IjrrtK Ch. we. ^fl3N pron. pi. com. gen. we. "ON, in pause ">3N, pron. com. gen. /. It often includes the substantive verb to be. ^N c. a collective noun, a fleet, navy, ships. I"P3K f. 10. nomen unitatis, a ship. Jl*3N f. mourning, lamentation. R. T T rptt m. lead, only in the sense of a leaden weight or plummet, i. e. a plumb-line or perpendicle. Am. 7 : "02K , in pause "j3a , pron. com. gen. J, often including the substantive verb to be. ]:M-Hithpoel ]5iNn!-r to groan,mourn, murmur, complain. D3N to press, compel. Est. 1 : 8. 02N Ch. id. Dan. 4 : 6. ppN , fut. p]2J , to Z>e angry ; strictly as in the deriv. to breathe strongly, to snort, especially from anger.-- Hithpa. to be angry. pBStt pl ni. Ch. the face, countenance. hB-K f. an unclean bird of several spe- cies, perhaps of the eagle kind. p3M , fut. paar , to groan, cry, e. g. as a wounded person. Ni. zd. r*p3N f- const. np2N, a groaning, sighing; also a species of lizard, so called from its moan or cry. U33K to &e sic&, especially to be danger- ously sick. Part. pass, \in2tt, fern. J-T1D13N, grievous, dangerous, incu- rable ; metaph. sad, sorroivful ; ma- lignant, wicked. Ni. to be very sick. t3 v iZ;2N men, seeu^K andtfjiaa. t-: .- U32i m. Ch. pi. tnu^K, a man. Dan. 7: 13 behold, in the clouds of heaven came one "UJwi* ""D3 like a son of man, i. e. in a human form. Pi OH 17 C| JiniN Ch. pron. m. thou. pnDN Ch. pron. pi. ye. Dan. 2: 8. KStf m. {curing, a physician,) pr. name of a king of Judah. TpDttm. an ointment vessel, oil cruse. 2K. 4:2. R. TjnO . in DM m. Awr, injury, mischief. -n&M m. pi. Sa'ni&a , ft ftcmd, chain. 'H&ftil M" 1 ? , EJP'VlOWj rpa, and by contraction tTuDrt ma ft prison. R. ^IDM . ^DM m. Ch. a bond, fetter. JpDii m. the ingathering of the fruits of the earth, harvest. R. ppN . *>>** m. 3. pi. tl^oa , a prisoner, captive. R. *^DN . *VDM m. a prisoner, captive. R. *&&. tDDN m. 4. pi. to"SN , a storehouse, granary. "MDSDH m. Ch. pr. name of an Assyrian king, or general. Ezra 4: 10. MDtt f. pr. name of the wife of Jo- seph in Egypt. F)ON, fut. tybfri, also p]^ , pi. W&lg , (1.) to gather, collect, assemble, sc. several persons or things. (2.) to take to one's self to receive, even a single person or thing. ns'ia&ti P)t>M to receive one again from his lepro- sy, i. e. to cure him and so restore him to society. (3.) to withdraw, draw or take back.-in^ PpN to draw T I X back one's hand, i. e. to desist. (4.) to take away. Vd)B3 P]0N to take away one^s own life, i. e. to be the occasion of one's own death. (5.) to take out of the way, to kill, de- stroy. (6.) to bring up the rear, to be a rearward. Ni. pass, and re- flex, of Kal. T*53*"4w P]Dfi or prfiafirtfi* to be gathered to one* s people, or to one's fathers, i. e. to go to the regions of the dead where the fathers are. prrt'-Dj? ~b>; Sp&M , also simply ppJO , to be gathered in- to one's grave, i. e. simply to be buried. Pi. to gather ; to receive ; to bring up the rear of an army. 3 Pu. to be gathered together. Ilith- pa. to gather themselves together. j^Stf m. (collector) pr. name of one of David's chief singers, the author of several of the Psalms. P|SN m. 6. an ingathering, harvest. ttSDM f. a gathering together. Is. 24: 227 ISDN f. 10. an assembly, especially of wise men. Ecc. 12 : 11 niBDN ""Vsa masters, i. e. members, of the learn- ed assemblies. lZPBDN pi. m. 8. stores ; storehouses. >|?5DN m. a collection of people, a rab- ble.' Num. 11: 4. IH^BDM Ch. adv. carefully, diligent- ly, speedily. liott , fut. Soa? and Soar , with suff. ttT^tMP , part. act. "Wok poet, for *10K> to bind, fasten ; spec, to bind or confine with bonds ; to take cap- tive, confine, imprison, even with- out bonds ; to bind, harness, or yoke to a carriage ; to make ready a carriage ; metaph. to bind in the cords of affliction ; to bind in the cords of love, to captivate. ^Dtt tTntibft to join battle, to begin the fight. -iaJBi-b^ 10M ^Dij to bind or take on one's self a vow of absti- nence, different from *-H3 ^13 to vow the performance of a thing. Ni. pass, of Kal. Pu. to be taken prU soner. ^DN and -|SM m. 1. a vow of absti- nence. ^DN m. Ch. a prohibition. Dan. 6: 8 ff. I'nn-^DN m. Esar-haddon, the king of Assyria, son and successor of Sen- nacherib. nnON f. (a star) Esther, the heroine of the book which bears her name. Her original name was tt&*rti Ha- dassah. 5>M m. Ch. wood, timber, i. q. Heb. y#. p]M conj. copul. and ; also ; conj. in- tens, yea, even; adv. of preference. "^N 18 pDN how much less ; conj. advers. but, yet ; conj. concess. although ; conj. explet. indeed, truly. *S jqtt also if or when ; after an affirmation, how much more; how much more if or when ; after a negation, how much less; how much less if or when ; also yea; also for *3 p|$il zs i indeed so that ? p]tt Ch. aZso, as in Heb. 5]N m. 8. (contracted for E)3tt) (1.) tfAe nose. p]N Mi5 loftiness of nose, i. e. pride, arrogance. E]N frH breath of the nose, i. e. anger. (2.) anger ; by way of eminence, the anger of God. 5|tf b^n an angry man. Dual Ca^B^ (l.) the nostrils, the nose. ^""EN tVfVk by the breath of thy nostrils, i. e. by thine anger. (2.) anger. ETEtt 12JP impatient, irascible. (3.) Ae /ace, counte- nance. (4.) too persons. 1 Sam. 1: 5 tZPEN nnN Jl3 o portion of two persons, i. e. a double portion. R. m- 'IBN*, fut. *ilMp i to 6w-(Z or g-ird on any one. STJB8 f.. 10. strictly infin. of -JEN , iAe girding on of the ephod ; Ae over- laying or plating of an image with gold or silver. *pB8 m. 6. a palace. Dan. 11: 45. SlDSt, fut. hMP, 3 pers. sing. fern, with suff. ^HEh , imp. pi. JjBK for *IBN , to bake ; also in the deriv. to be well done, to be completed. Tart, masc. iiB&, fem. JiEN, a baker. Ni. pass, of Kal. SlEN see Sttb^ . TEN and NiBtt an expletive and inten- sive particle, now, then. R. Sibn . V.EJ* and ism m. 1. the ephod, a sacer- dotal garment, covering the breast and shoulders ; also a species of im- age or idol. R. 1BN . . b^BN m. 3. adj. late, slow of growth. Ex. 9: 32. p^EK m. 3. adj. strong, mighty : as a subst. a pipe, Lat. canalis; a brook; the bed or channel of a river ; the bottom of the sea ; a valley, dale, wherein a brook collects. R. pEN. p^EK see pBN. ^TESt see ^sitt. bfi)4J m. adj. dark. Am. 5 : 20. bEN m. darkness ; metaph. adversity, misery. Jlbstf f. 10. darkness ; metaph. ad- versity, misery. ]BN see fBia . ]BN m. plur. sufF. TOBft ci suitable time, proper season. Prov. 25 : 11. DBN to cease, fail, have an end. DEN m. 6. an end, extremity, as -^DBN y*\8 the ends of the earth, i. e. re- mote countries ; also defect, defi- ciency, nothingness, nothing : as an adv. of negation, DEN , and with Yod paragogic ^DEN > no more, no farther, Lat. non amplius ; not be- sides, Lat. praeterea non; also sim- ply not ; adv. of restriction, only. bWW3*tfS nothing. DENa for no- thing, without cause ; when there is no more ; also simply without. ^D DEN as a conj. only that, but, yet, nevertheless. Dual tD^DBN extre- mities' or soles of the feet. ' tD*^ DEN pr. name of a place in the tribe of Judah. 1 Sam. 17: 1. 2BN Is. 41 : 24. prob. a corrupt read- ing for DEN" nothingness. JT2BN c. an adder, viper. R. Jii>s . P]EN to encompass, surround. pEN in the deriv. to hold, contain ; to hold firmly, to be strong. Hithpa. to do violence to one's self ; espe- cially to restrain one's self, not to give vent to one's feelings. pEN (strength, or a strong hold,) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Asher, also called p">EN , now Afka ; of a city on the east of the sea of Gali- lee, now called Fik ; also of a city in the tribe of Issachar. ^wS 19 ma J-IpDN pr. name of a city in the hill country of the tribe of Judah. Josh. 15: 53. *)& m. ashes ; applied metaph. to any thing light, futile, or fallacious. ^Dtf m. a headband, turban, covering "fir the head. 1 K. 20: 38, 41. rhstf m. 1. a youngbird. R. n*]B jiins^ m. a sedan, litter, portable couch. Cant. 3: 9. CpBtt m. Ephraim, Joseph's second son; his descendants, the Ephraim- ites or tribe of Ephraim ; the ter- ritory of the tribe of Ephraim, in the middle of Palestine ; also the kingdom of the ten tribes, since Ephraim was the most powerful of these tribes : also the territory of the ten tribes. As the name of a country it is construed as fern. ar&iBN pi- m - Ch. pr. name of a peo- ple, prob. the Persians. Ezra 4: 9. fcTSD^Btt pi. m. Ch. pr. name of a peo- ple. fcTBriD^BK pi. m. Ch. pr. name of a people. Ezra 4: 9. n^BN and rtrnMJ pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah, otherwise call- ed tanb rpa ; also prob. i. q. ir^BN Ephraim, Ps. 132: 6. WTOfil m. an Ephrathite ; an Ephra- imite. tShBN Ch. prob. at last, in the end. Ezra 4: 13. 2a^ f. 2. suff. ^ajite , pi. rite*** , a finger, especially the forefinger ; as a measure, a fingers breadth ; metaph. power, energy ; in pi. fin- gers, the hand. With bs'n , a toe. b^tf m. 3. a side, Is. 41: 9 ^S&tt ynttft the sides of the earth, i. e. the remotest countries : as an adj. firmly rooted, only metaph. of an ancient and noble stock, wellborn, noble, Ex. 24: 11. R. b^K . VSttfm. 1. pi. ta\. and n* , a junc- ture, joint, as *p VXN the joints or knuckles of the hand. The same phrase also denotes the elbow. R. bltf in the deriv. to join, unite : also denom. from "biitt , to lay aside, re- serve ; to take away ; to keep back, refuse. Ni. to be drawn back, con- tracted. Hi. fut. b^tt 11 ")* to take away. bstN, in pause b^tt, pr. name of a place near Jerusalem ; also of a person. b^K m. 6. suff. ^b^N , a side : more frequently as an adv. at the side of, by, near. b^tftt from beside ; be- side, near. !"H2Ml f. strictly a stepping chain, an ornament for the feet, only from analogy a bracelet. R. W . ^K to heap or lay up. Ni. to be laid up. Hi. denom. from liiM , to make treasurer. !TiSiK for Iri^aMMt Neh. 13: 13. T : T 'V lTHj?* m. the name of a precious stone, perhaps a species of ruby. Is. 54 : 12. R. mp x . iptt m. prob. a wild goat. Deut. 14: 5. *l& , see *tfa light, and *|&i a river. *Hf$ prob. i. q. Vfifha a lion of God, i. e. a strong lion, a hero. Is. 33 : 7. n^a, fut. nhso, pi. to^ai, to lay - T H ... * . ... ... J snares, lay wait, or lie in ambush for any one ; in the deriv. to tie, knit, weave, Lat. necterc. Part, i^itf one laying wait ; collect, a party lying in ambush, an ambush ; also a place of ambush. Pi. to lay wait. Hi. to place an ambush, yyn for a**** 1 ) 1 Sam. 15: 5. 2^tf (ambush) pr. name of a city in the hill country of Judah. Josh. 15: 52. n^N I m. a laying wait; a den or lurking place for wild beasts. anfc m. 6. a laying wait, snares. bfiia^fij Hos. 10: 14. see b&3*} rVB . Fia^JK m. the locust, an extensive ge- nus of insects; when connected with other specific names, a particular na* 20 n species, perhaps the common mi- gratory locust. R. fD'n . JTB^fiJ f. 12. pi. const, niSHK, a lay- ing wait, Lat. insidiae. Is. 25: 11. n2~u\* f. 10. a window ; a dove house or window ; a chimney, opening for the smoke ; joined with d^ftdJl or some equivalent expression, a window or sluice of heaven, through which the rain descends. nia'na pr. name of a place. 1 K. 4: 10. *27>\ m. an Arbite. 2 Sam. 23: 35. i'2>\ f. const, 33^8 , and Wa^K m. const. nSa*t8 four; also the fourth. With suff. Canya^it they four. Dualtrnya^K/oVr/oZd.-Pl. tTSa^K forty ; also used, like seven and se- venty, as a round or indefinite num- ber. ?z^N f. tt*2/lK m.Ch. four. "sStt m. (four) pr. name of one of the gigantic Anakims. ~ yiKi fut. aStTS 2 pers. sing. fern. "U^tfn i to twist, plat ; to weave. Part.masc. Shfc fem. S"yifc, a wea- ver. Jl^lK m. something twisted or platted, a texture ; a weaver's shuttle. aii^K pr. name of a district in the kingdom of Bashan; also of a per- son. pPW m. purple. 2 Chr. 2 : 6. yiiyi m. Ch. id. taS m. a box, chest, coffer, on the T side of a wagon. R. prob. W*1 tt3S*TK m. the reddish purple color, or 'reddish purple cloth. This color was obtained from a shell-fish com- mrn on the Syrian coast. ST\K to pluck, pick, gather, e. g. myrrh ; to pluck, strip, e. g. a vine ; also in the deriv. to feed upon, eat of, devour, spoken of animals ; to fay up. !)^K Ch. see, behold. Tna Aradus, a small island on the coast of Phenicia. Ezek. 27: 8, 11. "*THN m. an Arvadite, Aradian. nWtt f. pi. ril*TK , const. rh^N \ a stall, or crib ; a set of horses or other an- imals attached to one stall, i. e. a span or team. R. Jr'-vN f:H8 m. 3. adj. made of cedar. Ezek. 27: 24. Denom. from T*TK . ftMiK and ftb'TK f. 10. a bandage or plaster for a wound ; metaph. heal- ing, reparation, health. R. Tj'lN fifrllN pr. name of a city. Judg. 9 : 41. ta^iSi* pi. m. Syrians. 2 K. 16:6 Keth/ tt^K c. 3. an ark, chest, box ; a mum- my box, coffn.tn^'bix' )'"\^Z*} the ark of God, tmart Ik the ark of the covenant, mWi V the ark of the law, different names for the holy chest or ark, which contained the tables of the law. R. Jl^iJ . p\K m. 6. a cedar, (Pinus Cedrus, Linn.) also cedar work, cedar wain- scotting. FiT^K f. cedar work, cedar wainscot- ing. Zeph. 2 : 14. n^N to go, walk, travel. Part, rnfc travelling, a traveller. rnfc c. pi. hWjg const, rfirTTK f suff. ttrTTK* ^ijSiKi dnrTnKi also ^n'nSfc, ^riWt* dnh^To way, road, path, course ; a traveller ; collect, a caravan ; metaph. walk, conduct, manner of life ; condition, lot, destiny ; a way, manner. Ps. 25: 4 ^wA ^pnirnfc teach me thy paths, i. e. the conduct pleasing to thee. KrnN f. Ch. pi. )m* and jrn&, way, conduct ; way, destiny. JDrHfc f. 10. (fem. of rnfc a traveller,) collect, a company of travellers, a caravan. irfi^tf f. 10. a definite or appointed portion, especially of food regular- ly furnished. *1K and (with parag. ii ) S-p^N m. 6. pi. tZP^N and nV^K , a lion ; me- DIN 2i na taph. a conquering enemy ; a man of violence or cruelty. R. Tt*\$ . bfiT^tf m. a lion of God, i. e. a strong lion, a hero ; also applied to Jeru- salem, as a heroic or invincible city. Compounded of i^a and "btf . bN^N m. an altar of God, applied to the altar of burnt offering; also to Jerusalem, according to some, be- cause the altar of God was there. ST^N m. Ch. pi. fT^N , a Hon. sipa f. pi. const n*p"j, i- q. ttjSa T q. "v. 2 Chr. 9 : 25. rj'THK (lionlike) pr. name of a king of" Ellasar ; also of a captain of the body-guard of the king of Babylon. spTH , fut. Spar , to be or become long, to be prolonged ; also in the deriv. to make long, fit, apply. Hi. to make long, lengthen, prolong ; intrans. to be long ; applied to time, to be prolonged ; to t tarry, delay. HbMd3 T"}^' ^ h. ' t0 oe P atient i long-suffering. tD" 1 ^ ?p*tfti7> also simply Jp'T&ttl, to prolong days ; to live long. fittSb h to stick out the tongue, in derision. Tptt Ch. in the deriv. to be long or prolonged. Part. pass. TpIN fit, meet, suitable, Ezra 4 : 14. Tptt m. 5. adj. found only in the const, state TpN long. -iSNlrT SJTK long of pinions, i. e. having long pinions. d">SN Tptt patient; also patience. TpN pr. name of a city built by Nim- rod, prob. Arecca, on the borders of Babylonia and Susiana. Tpfc m. 6. suff. is^K , length. TpN m. 8. fem. J"i3^N , adj. long, last- ing. aS^N and fI3^N f- Ch. a lengthening, prolongation. Dan. 4 : 24. 7: 12. JlD^J* and (in some editions incorrect- ly) 513^ , see mV-te WlS'TN f. Ch. a knee. Dan. 5: 6. ariS^tt pi. m. Ch. Archevites, in- habitants of Arecca. Ezra 4: 9. "^N m. an Archi-e, inhabitant of Erech, a city on the borders of the tribe of Ephraim. tD^M m. 2. or 8. const. tna , pr. name of a son of Shem ; of a grandson of Nahor ; also of a people and country in hither Asia, Arameans and Ara- mea, or Syrians and Syria. This country in its widest extent included Syria proper and Mesopotamia, but not Phenicia and Palestine ; in a more restricted sense, only Syria proper, and especially Syria of Da- mascus. As the name of a coun- try it is construed as fem. ; also at times when the country is used by a metonymy for its inhabitants. S'ln^-rpa tZJ^tf Syria of Beth-rehob. 2 Sam." 10: ~6.'" ptel b^tf Syria or Syrians of Da- mascus, on the northeast of Pales- tine. FteJtta d'nN Syria of Maachah, a king- dom east of the Jordan, and below Antilibanus. 1 Chr. 19: 6. S^'TS'tt 3*1$ Syria of the two rivers, scil. the Tigris and Euphrates, Me- sopotamia, also called ta^N toB the plain of Syria, and fca'itt rttiB the country of Syria. !"DiS tn$ Syria of Zobah, a kingdom situated northeast of Damascus. ^ysi m - fem - rt !pft*t p 1 - cwffj&vflw Aramean, Syrian. ">5D**1K m. id. but found only in the fem. rPfc^N as an adv. in Aramean, in the Aramean, i. e. Syriac or Chaldaic, language ; also in the Aramean character. ffoy* m. pi. rnift'iN, const. rrtSD^, a palace ; also some part of the royal palace, perhaps the citadel. J*")fc m. the name of a tree, perhaps the ash, Lat. ornus. Is. 44: 14. nin^N f. a hare, used as an epicene noun. Lev. 11: 6. Deut. 14: 7. -na 22 to a 1*13^ pr. name of a valley and brook, formerly the northern boundary of Moab, now called Wadi Mujeb. sntf f. Ch. emph. BtJ^tf , the earth, i. q. Heb. f m SSk : as an adv. below, Lat. infra. n^y^wS* f. Ch. the bottom. Dan. 6 : 25. JB*1N and "*"W pr. name of a city and country in Syria. 1tt5D*TM m. pr. name of a son of Shem. V-)N c. 6. with art. V*lKtt\ with pa- rag. Si, tt3p&, pi. n'lSTltf, const. rnx'ifit (l.) the earth, globe; me- ton. the inhabitants of the earth; also in a bad sense, common or wicked men. (2.) the dry land, in opposition to water; the main- land, in opposition to islands. (3.) a land, country, region ; one's na- tive land ; sometimes by way of eminence, Palestine ; also meton. the inhabitants of a land, a people. (4.) a field, piece of ground. (5.) the ground, soil; meton. reptiles of the earth. (6.) earthy particles, dross. Q^fi yntt the earth on which we live, i. e. the present state of existence. ?jffift yitt the land of darkness, i. e. the regions of the dead. In the form Sl22^N , the Ji is either parag. local, as ninS* to the earth, to the land, or simply parag. as ttsr\k i. q. y^a . Pi. niinK lands ; in the later Hebrew style, other lands, heathen lands, in oppo- sition to Palestine. piN Ch. emph. Kp'lK, the earth, i. q. 3ntf. Jer. 10: 11. ^tt , imp. J-nN and ^M , to curse, execrate. tDi" 1 "* 1 ^^^ those that curse the day, i. e. magicians. Ni. part. "liM cursed. Pi. S*5 to curse; to bring a curse. tDTBii O n *HKttn the waters bringing a curse.- Hoph. "tittf! pass, to be cursed. tniK and D^Jt pr. name of an ele- vated range of mountains in Erivan or Persian Armenia ; of the region contiguous thereto ; perhaps also of all Armenia. to*na Pju una , in full rtiato Sb fena to purchase or betroth for one's self a wife. Pu. to be betrothed. nilj^tf f. a desire, request. Ps. 21: 3. tfnu^nn'-W, also tffcbttJTTfcrw and NntZJtfinmtf Artaxerxes, a surname t : - : : or title given to several Persian kings; namely, (1.) to Pseudo-Smer- dis, the successor of Cambyses, (2.) perhaps to Xerxes, the successor of Darius, (3.) also to Artaxerxes Lon- gimanus. UJN c. (rarely m.) sufF. i&K , tZDUJN , fire ; metaph. ardor or strong pas- sion in men ; wrath or indigna- tion in God ; destructive war ; ruin, destruction; imminent dan- ger ; the scorching heat of the sun; a shining, glittering, as of steel, precious stones. tD" 1 ^*? tf3tf fire of God, i. e. lightning. UJK Ch. emph. &W8 , fire. Dan. 7: 11. tfjitt i. q. 1LJ" 1 there is, Mic. 6:10. when construed with b and an infin. it is permitted or possible, 2 Sam. 14 : 19. UJtt (osh) m. Ch. pi. 'p$N\ a founda- tion. TUJtt m. a pouring out, or flowing down. Num.21: 15 d^bftStt Ti* the flowing down of the brooks, or the place into which the brooks flow down, i. e. the plain or foot of the mountain. sntfa f. ii. pi. rrtiufoti const, niim, a plain, foot of a mountain. 111U3n Ashdod, in Greek *A&wog, a strong city of the Philistines, and seat of the worship of Dagon. Now called Esdud. **ft*tfH m. pi. tzniiircK , fem. pi. n^lilUJN , an Ashdodite. *m 23 ntta rPl'ntfJN adv. in Ashdoditish, in the dialect of Ashdod. Neh. 13: 24. STtSN m. 9. canst. fttBN , pi. const. *&, something set on fire, a fire offer- ing, a general term including every species of offering. ftttjtf and niBN f. const. nU5N , suff. nu:N , *fnri:8 , pi. ta^ipa once htaa Ezek. 23:44. (1.) a woman. Of- ten in apposition before other sub- stantives, as J-i:ftbN rtJtt a widow. Often joined with substantives de- noting quality, as *jrr DUJK a lovely woman. (2.) a female, even in an- imals. (3.) a wife. (4.) metaph. effeminate, timid. (5.) cmy one, any woman. (6.) eac& o/ie, et>ery one. (7.) followed by ninaj or man, one another, altera altera. JlttJN f- i. q. UJ8 /re. Jer. 6: 29 Keth. rt^nittH f- 10. a foundation, support. *Jer7 50: 15 keth. IqitfK m. ft'mc, or perhaps obscurity. P?ov. 20: 20 Keri. ^!)tt?S f. 1. a step, going ; a path, course ; metaph. an action ; con- duct ; also i. q. ^VvSttn sherbin, a species of cedar, Ezek. 27: 6. R. ^tttBJt f. 1. a sej9, going ; metaph. cwi action. R. Titf . ^VrtBit , rarely I^N m. Ashur, the son of Shem; also the Assyrians, or Assyria. As the name of a coun- try it is construed as fern. This name is usually applied to the As- syrian empire, including Assyria proper, Babylonia, and Mesopota- mia ; sometimes to the Babylonian and Persian empires, which suc- ceeded ; in Gen. 2: 14, it appears to be restricted to Mesopotamia. Sa^lSK pr. name of an Arabian tribe. Gen. 25: 3. "Ptto f- 10. a foundation, support. T Jer. 50: 15 Keri. tf^UJN pr. name of an idol of the Ha- mathites. 2 K. 17: 30. rYVWK see rrjtiflf . UTUJtf m. 3. a foundation, ox ruin. Is. 10: 7. Jiu3"ttJK and nibs^N i a stem or stalk with clustering berries or flowers, a bunch or cluster, Lat. racemus, as of the vine, of alhenna, or of the palm ; without addition, a cluster of grapes ; pr. name of an Amorite, who was confederate with Abraham ; also of a valley in the land of Canaan. R. \>dw . t53tf3tf pr. name of a people, prob. in northern Asia. ISttJto m. 2. a reward, gift. ViZJtf m. a species of tamarisk, {Tama- rix orientalis of Forskal ;) perhaps also a tree generally. DttN and du;K , fut. dttJJO , to sin, do wickedly ; to be guilty or obnoxious to punishment ; to feel one's self guilty, to acknowledge one's guilt ; to be treated as guilty, to suffer or be punished for sin. Ni. to be treated as guilty, to suffer or be punished for sin. Hi. to treat as guilty, to cause to suffer, to punish. t3ttifit i. q. tDu3^ and fc3E*z5 to be laid waste or destroyed. Ezek. 6: 6. tDttJM m. 5. adj. guilty ; presenting as a trespass offering. E2tt3N m. 4. a sin, transgression, in- jury ; guilt, guiltiness ; in the He- brew ritual, a species of piacular of- fering, called in the common Eng- lish version, a trespass offering, somewhat different from the ntftsn or sin offering. J-IttuSwNt f. 12. (1.) strictly infin. of &1DN, as iii 'rWffittb to be guilty therein. (2.) as a subst. a sin, trespass, guilt. HEtf 24 nraa (3.) a cause or occasion of sinning. m&VJ naipN the sin of Samaria, i. e. its idols. (4.) a trespass offer- ing, or rather the presenting of a trespass offering. i-rnsuxv, fnfcda, and rnfripK f. const. nntaroaipl.n'HttttJa, a watch, portion of the night, Lat. vigilia. The ancient Hebrews counted on- ly three watches ; namely, u5tfh niTVpiBN the beginning of the watch- cs, rtybWT] rrrt3tt$Ktt the middle watch, t^patt rHatilt the morning watch. R. ^touj . ta^&UJ* pi. m.fat or fertile fields or plains. Is. 59: 10. R. "pto . MttJN m. 8. suff. ^aSttJK, a'lattice, or window. Judg. 5: 38. Prov. 7: 6. jjaJN m. 1. a conjurer, magician. t\wit m. Ch. pi. ptotig , ?U rtSttJK f. 10. a quiver. riz'ZK *3a sons of the quiver, i. e. arrows. IBIDK m. prob. a portion of drink. nfetttt m. pi. nfnftlSM , a dunghill. nbijD^fT IStB and nbttJft ^lzj *Ae riftf // gate. R. nsuj . jibpttJN Askelon, one of the five satra- pies of the Philistines. Now called Askaldn. "^"ibpEtt m. an Eshkelonite. Josh. * 13! & *nTBN to go straight or on, to proceed; also in the deriv. to be straight or erect; to make progress, suc- ceed, prosper, to be happy. Pi. to lead or guide straight or on ; to go on ; to call blessed, pronounce happy. Pu. T&M to be led or guided; to be pronounced happy, to be happy. "1 123 tt m. (happiness) Asher, a son of Jacob ; also a city not far from Shechem. ^Ittjtf m. an Asherite. "Nlitt m. only in the pi. const, "''nirja the happinesses of, i. e. prosperity to (any one,) by way of exclamation. With off. ^i^UJN happy art thou, ?p*3tt5* , TTO&i fc^T^ etc - T&N m. 6. happiness. Gen. 33: 13. 51D8 (1.) pron. rel. indecl. of both genders and numbers, who, which, that. When preceded by preposi- tions, it includes the antecedent, as TlUJiNtb to him, her, or them who. (2.) a sign of relation, giving to nouns, pronouns, and adverbs, the force of relatives ; as IB^TiJ* 111) 8 which dust, ih lUJN to whom. DSfc*T8a ^ttjtf in quorum te rd, tZDU3 Itfjtf where. (3.) b TiZJK (which belongs to) a pe- riphrastic designation of the geni- tive case, especially of the latter of two genitives dependent on one 1 noun, as Jifrbuib rtttJK dS*!rj T*ti a song of the songs of Solomon. (4.) as an adv. or conj. that, how that ; to the end that ; so that ; for the cause that, because ; for ; as ; when ; if; although; where or whither; yea; how, in what man- ner ; also i. q. ^3 before the latter member of a sentence ; so, then ; also pleonastic, in quoting a direct address. (5.) ItfJKa in the place in which, where ; whither ; because. b IttJaa because of. (6.) IttJKS as; as if; because ; if; when, particu- larly after the verb ST 1 ft . Itfjtf see rvitBg *i5n see rmzJN. !rntt5& , rarely tt^ttjfc f- 1. pi. b?hfl?K and n"Htf3tt 9 the name of a Syrian idol or goddess, as it were the god- dess of fortune, (comp. mjtf ,) oth- erwise called rVnfcRCS Astarte. The plur. denotes statues or images of Astarte ; also perhaps images or statues generally. N3TtB&t m. Ch. a wall. Ezra 5: 3, 9. niBN see rTtfK. bi&JrntJi$ pr. name of a city in the tribe of Dan. "^Nrrdtf m. an Eshtaulite. I Chr. 2: 53V 25 nsnntZJK m. Ch. an insurrection, se- dition. Ezra 4: 15, 19. R. *httS . ilfanm and frlfcnttStf pr. name of a sacerdotal city in the tribe of Judah. Dtf c. Ch. i. q. Heb. m'tt a sign, mi- racle. ntf thou (masc.) i. q. JinN. Dtt , in pause DM , more rarely intt and inJ , pron. pers. thou (fern.) It is sometimes used as masc. Dtt m. suff. 'vm , pi. j^ntf and trntf , prob. a hoe, mattock. nfij , before Makk. n^t , with suff. Tifc, *jn& , Dana and tDm , etc. a s-gn of the accus. case, used for the most part before nouns with the article, nouns having a genitive or suffix af- ter them, or before proper names. It is also used, though more rarely, before the nominative. m, before Makk. TiN, with suff. faM , ^ntt , etc. also TiN , ^n* , etc. prep, with, together with ; by, near ; in, on ; towards, Lat. versus ; to- wards, Lat. erga; against; also with some accessory idea, as in ad- dition to, besides ; with the aid of; in accordance with; in favor of; under the care of; in the power or possession of. n*W see "pa. n& a sign, see ni* . nfc with suffixes, see na . tim and ana, fut. irrtfr, ttft*to> N2 ?.!2 n **!;>V *'p*2i etc! imp. pi. :pnK, part. pi. fem.'ni^nk, to come ; to come upon, befall ; to be coming, future ; also to go, pass away ; al- so in the deriv. to enter. Hi. JinlTT to bring. J-jntt and NDM Ch. to come, as in Heb. Infin. Kntt Aph. wtt , infin. ftwh , to bring. Ho. wil to he brought. JinK , in pause JinN , pron. pers. thou (masc.) It sometimes includes the subst. verb to be. ]intf f. 3. a she-ass. pntf m. Ch. a furnace. pwK i. q. p">nN , Ezek. 41: 15 Keth. inN thou (fem.) i. q. ntt q. v. pipM m. 1. an obscure term in archi- tecture. tDPN pron. pers. ye (masc). Used for the feminine, Ezek. 13 : 20. QDN pr. name of a place on the bor- der of the desert of Shur in Arabia ; also of the adjoining desert. biftnN and Vtorttj adv. yesterday; long ago, long before. jna see pMA . ]ntf or fna , also rtjWH and JlSntt pron. pers. ye (fem.) Jl5M^ f- a gift between lovers, in refe- rence to idolatry or spiritual forni- cation. Hos. 2: 14. R. SniDn . T X pnN and pnH m. 8. a gift between lovers ; metaph. the gifts of har- vest, riches generally, regarded by idolaters as presents from their gods. R. rtjn . ^ritt m. Ch. a place; also a track, footstep, see ^nttn . d^Jntf (places) pr. name of a place in the south of Palestine. Num. 21 : 1 . Beth, Heb. rpa , is sometimes inter- changed withi its cognate labials, b, % and ft. a , sometimes before monosyllables a , a prefix prep. (1.) noting the vessel 4 or container, as in, of place, time, or condition, Greek sv ; before a plu- ral or collective noun, among, Lat. inter ; before a noun expressing lo- cal limits, within, Lat. intra; be- -ISO 26 5M fore a noun expressing a limitation of time, within, or at the end of ; before the material, of, out of ; after a verb of motion or implying motion, into, Greek . slg ; among, with mo- tion implied ; through, (implying motion from one side or limit to the other,) Lat. per. (2.) noting proxi- mity, as at, by, near, Lat. apud, jux- ta ; before high objects, on, upon, Lat. super ; before certain other ob- jects, under, Lat. sub ; before, in presence of, Lat. coram; also di- rection or tendency, as to, unto, Lat. ad ; towards, Lat. versus ; on, upon, with motion implied ; to- wards, Lat. erga ; against, Lat. contra ; also in some metaphorical significations, as for, in exchange for, Lat. pro ; for, marking the da- tive case of the Latins ; by, in forms of swearing ; in regard to, as it re- spects ; on account of, Lat. propter; about, concerning, Lat. de ; after, according to, Lat. juxta, secundum; as, Lat. sicut, more ; Beth pleonas- tic before the predicate, called Beth essentiae. (3.) with, noting the man- ner, instrument, concomitance, or aid ; by, through, noting the instru- mental cause, means, or efficient cause : notwithstanding. Also in particular phrases, as i iinu3 to drink out of a vessel; fi^uii Irr^u: year by year; i-ittSin^ Sp3>a both fowl and cattle. With an infin. when, while ; after ; since, because. With suff. , *ja , ?pj , ia, ^n , nsa , tt>a , brta and bz, jfta and 2 Ch. a prefix prep, as in Hebrew. STTN2 f. an entrance. Ezek. 8: 5. R. *02- tthM2 m. Ch. adj. bad, wicked. Ezra 4: 12. R. tifta . ^N2 in the deriv. to dig. Pi. *itt2 to engrave; to explain, comp. Lat. eruo. *iN2 c. suff. ^ntt2 , pi. rri"Wa const. HVlWa , a well ; a pit ; pr. name of an encampment of the Israelites, prob. i. q. &^N ^Na (wells of the nobles ;) also of a place on the way from Jerusalem to Shechem. *tfh "'lib 1K2 (well of life of vision, i. e. where one sees God and yet lives,) the name of a well. 23.113 "iNa (well of the oath) pr. name of a place on the southern boundary of Palestine, now called, according to Seetzen, Bir Szabea. n'"nN2 (wells) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Benjamin. Ipy ^32 ni1iX2 (wells of the sons of Jaakan) pr. name of an encampment of the Israelites. Deut. 10: 6. ' i nh^2 m. a Beerothite. ^2 m. 1. i. q. -112 a cistern. ttfcta , fut. u3tt3"i , to have an offensive smell, to stink ; also in the deriv. to be bad, useless. Ni. to make one's self loathsome or odious. Hi. to cause to stink, to corrupt ; metaph. to render odious ; also intrans. to stink ; metaph. to be loathsome or odious ; also to act basely. Hithpa. to make one's self odious. (25N3 Ch. to be displeasing. Dan. 6: ih. u;K2 (bsosh) m. suff. itfjtts , a stink, stench. u3tf2 m. 3. only in the plur. i^u3tt3 small sour grapes which never come to maturity, or wild grapes. Is. 5 : 2,4. iTN2 f. a useless or noxious plant, a weed. Job 31: 40. ^nK2 Ch. prep, after. Dan. 7: 6, 7. 1122 f. 10. only in the phrase y r>33 the door, i. e. the apple, of the eye, Zech. 2: 12. R. 33J . b22 f. (confusion) Babel or Babylon, the celebrated metropolis of Baby- lonia, situated on the Euphrates, in the vicinity of the modern Hell ah ; the province or kingdom of Baby- TO 27 bm Ion; also the kingdom of Persia, as including that of Babylon. baa f. Ch. Babylon ; Babylonia. ''Via m. Ch. a Babylonian. Ezra 4: 9. 5a prob. food. Ezek. 25: 7 Keth. 153 , fut. laa^ , to act faithlessly or perfidiously ; to be arrogant, wick- ed; to rob, destroy; also in the deriv. to cover. nia c. 6. suff. -naa , ph triaa , const. r. v : t : JM and n'liaa , a cZo/i, covering, especially for a bed ; a garment, especially the outer garment of the orientalist ; also faithlessness, per- fidy ; oppression, robbery. rnTia pi. f. treachery. Zeph. 3: 4. Tfaa m. fern, tili^a , adj. faithless, perfidious. Jer. 3: 7, 10. R. "IM bbaa 071 account of, see bba . 13 m. 8. a separation, division, part, as 133 la pars sicttJ pars, owe partf as another, i. e. in equal portions. 13b as an adv. separately, apart ; only, alone. ] 13b and iabft as a prep, besides, except. b* 13b oe- szrfes. With suff. as "iab *Mt / a/owe or 6y myself, SjiaV nm t&otf aZoTie, 'nab rt^Ja Moses alone. PI. d'Ha boughs, branches ; poles, staves ; bars ; perhaps metaph. princes, leaders. ii5>ii "*13 , and simply b^ia , members or Zzraos 0/ the body. R. 113 . 13 m. 8. pi. d^13 , vain speaking, boasting, lying ; a boaster, liar. la ra. 8. white fine linen. PI. d^la linen garments. Kla to imagine, invent, devise. dTfia for dfipha Neh. 6: 8. TJB in the deriv. to separate one's self. Part. lite solitary, separate, alone. 113 m. only as an adv. lis and nab alone ; sometimes with the accesso- ry idea of desolation. "13 ee "i . V^'a m. 1. stannum of the ancients, plumbum nigrum, i. e. lead sepa- rated from silver ore by fusion ; tin, plumbum album. R. bla Via Hi. to divide, separate ; to make a separation ; to set apart ; to ex- clude ; metaph. to distinguish, dis- cern, with the mind ; to select, ap- point. Ni. to be separated ; to se- parate one's self; to go away ; to be excluded; to be appointed. bla m. 4. a piece, part. Am. 3: 12. tlbl3 m. bdellium, a transparent sweet scented gum. pi3 in the deriv. to tear in pieces ; also denom. from pi a , to repair a breach or a decayed building. 2 Chron. 34: 10. pi a m. 6. a breach, chink. 113 Ch. Pa. to scatter. Dan. 4: 11. 1t13 m. emptiness, desolation ; a deso- late place, a waste. t2ii3 m. prob. a species of marble. E~st. 1: 6. ^il3 f. Ch. haste. Ezra 4: 23. R. bi13. IMa m. adj. bright, shining. Job 37^ 21. bi13 Ni. to shake, tremble ; to be struck with terror or consternation, to be alarmed or confounded; to despond, faint ; to flee in amaze- ment ; to make haste, hasten ; to perish suddenly. Part. fem. as a subst. sudden destruction. Pi. b5l3, fut. bt13^ , to strike with terror or consternation, perplex, confound; to cause to despond; to accelerate ; to be in haste. Pu. to be accelerated or hastened. Hi. to terrify; to be in haste; to drive out in haste. bi13 Ch. Ithpe. infin. ttVttanlTJ as a subst. haste. Pa. to terrify, trou- ble. Ithpa. pass. nblrjs f. 10. terror, consternation ; T T V sudden des ', uction, death. DID 28 tDID rtttrra f. const, nftnz , suff. srrjfcnsf, t : - 1 : : v : pi. rnttiis, const. h'ltoJla, gener. a beast, quadruped ; spec, a domes- ticated or tame beast; a beast of burden; poet, a wild beast. In all these senses, the singular is for the most part taken collectively. PI. rnft!"I3 beasts ; as a pi. excell. (con- strued* witji the masc. sing.) the great beast, behemoth, i. e. the hip- popotamus. jiiz m. pi. nianz , with l* 1 , the thumb; with b^ , the great toe. pn'a m. the name of a harmless erup- tion on the skin. Lev. 13: 39. n*t!na f- pl JVHtia , the white scab in a person suspected of the leprosy. tfiz, pret. Kz, fut. Stili imp. and infin. &oz, (1.) to go or come in, to enter ; to set, go down, spoken of the sun ; to come in, as profit or revenue ; to advance in age. nN Nian to go out and come in, i. e. to conduct or behave one's self. With CD^il "^sb to go out and come in be- fore the people, i. e. to lead or di- rect them. rp^az ttiz to enter into a covenant. (2.) to come; to be coming, future ; to come upon or befall any one ; to come to pass, to be fulfilled. With z , to come with anything, i.e. to bring it. tfzb and job *\9 till one come, i. e. unto ; so *IK3*T$ till thou comest. (3.) more rarely to go ; to conduct one J s self, to act ; with CDS and ntt , to have in- tercourse with any one. Hi. fcoain , 2 pers. pi. dnaaft and dn&OZil , fut. ira" 1 , (1.) to bring or carry in ; to put in ; to pull in ; to cause to set. (2.) to cause to come, to lead, bring; to bring on any one; to let happen, to bring to pass. (3.) to carry ; to lead back; to obtain, acquire. Ho. NZ^tl to be brought in ; to be put in ; to be brought. nnz see aa:. T!)3, fut. T^a^ , to contemn, despise ; to neglect, overlook. Ta for Ta Zech. 4: 10. tna m. contempt; an object of con- tempt ; also pr. name of a son of Nahor, and of a people and country in Arabia. STnaf. an object of contempt. Neh. 3: T 36 -iTia m. a Buzite ; also pr. name. rpa Ni. rpas to be perplexed or in consternation ; to wander about in perplexity. bia m. 1. produce, Job 40: 20. the rain month, answering to part of October and part of November, 1 K. 6: 38. yi> pqflD a stick or log of wood, Is. 44: 19. R. to . p3 see pz to perceive, understand. ora, fut. cna^, part. pi. iz^Diz, to tread or trample on ; especially me- taph. to tread down an enemy. Pilel ODiz to tread under foot or profane a sanctuary. Ho. to be trodden under foot. Hithpalel ODlznil to be exposed to be trodden under foot. "pi a m. byssus, fine white cotton, or fine white cotton cloth. iipiz f. emptiness, desolation. Nah. 2: 11. ""ipiz m. a herdman. Am. 7: 14. De- nom. from ipz . niz m. 1. pi. n"nz, a pit; a cistern; a prison; the grave; the region of the dead. R. 18a . Tia i. q. ^Z q. v. S^B i. q. Ttb to examine: Ecc. 9: 1. u3iz, pret. ujia, ^nujs, fut. iiiia* 1 , to be ashamed ; to be made ashamed, especially to be deceived or disap- pointed in one's expectation ; also spoken metaph. of inanimate na- ture. Pilel \23i23a to delay. Hi. ttS^aii to shame, make ashamed, disappoint; to bring disgrace on any one ; intrans. to act basely, or )m 29 pn shamefully, whence part.'tf^aE base, contemptible, foolish. Another Hi. see under tfja^ . Hithpalel ttuianii to be ashamed. ilttnaf. shame, disgrace. rna Ch. to pass the night. Dan. 6: 19. ta m. 8. suff. ifa , a prey, booty. R. na. T *Ta to spoil, lay waste. Is. 18: 2, 7. ilTa i. q. 133 to despise, esteem light- ly. yvshli hta Ae iAfti lightly es- teemeth his ways, i. e. is indifferent about them. Ni. part, ht33 despis- ed. Hi. i. q. Kal. Hta m. 3. adj. despised. Is. 49: 7. JTTa f. a prey, booty. R. TJa . Tta , fut. tip , to spoil, plunder ; to take as booty, to make spoil of any thing. Ni. laj, fut. tia 1 ; , to be spoiled, plundered. Pu. to be ta- ken as booty. }*PT3 m. contempt. Est. 1: 18. R. nfa . pTa m. lightning. Ezek. 1: 14. pia pr. name of a city. ^Ta , fut. ^fa\ to scatter, Dan. 11: 34. Pi. id. Ps. 68: 31. jifia m. one who examines metals, an assayer. Jer. 6: 27. R. fna . "jllia m. 1. prob. a watchtower, raised by a besieging enemy. Is. 23: 13 Keri. R. ]fia . ^qfia m. pi. ta^na , const, ^ffla , a youth, young man. R. 1fia . tD^nfia pi. m. and ni^na'pl. f. youth, the season of youth. Denom. from "-nfia . Jina Is. 23: X 13 Keth. see )#& . Tfia m. 3. one chosen or elected of God. R. ^fia . bfia to loathe, abhor. Zech. 11: 8. bfia Pu. part. fem. nbfihtt penuri- ously acquired. Prov. 20:' 21 Keth. ffia , fut. 'jlia'] , to examine, try, prove, as metals ; metaph. to fry, prove, e. g. the heart; to prove, tempt, e. g. God ; also in the deriv. to watch, spy. -Ni. metaph. to 6e irz'ed, proved. Pu. impers. a trial is made. "jlna m. a watchtower. Is. 32: 14. ffia m. an examination, trial. Is. 28: ~16. ^ifia j fut. ina 1 ' , to choose, select ; to like, desire ; to prove, examine. Part, ^nfia , pi. const, "nifia , cho- sen, selected ; excellent, beautiful. Ni. "ilna: to be worthy to be cho- sen. Part, ^na: worthy to be cho- sen, choice, excellent ; pleasant, ac- ceptable. Pu. to be chosen. Ecc. 9: 4 Keth. tftta and j-flaa to speak inconsiderately or rashly. Pi. tftaa id. fit: a to confide or trust in any person or thing ; also used absolutely, to be secure, without fear ; sometimes, in a bad sense, to be careless, thought- less. Part. pass, mba confident, trusting. Hi. to cause to trust, to inspire confidence ; to cause to be secure. fflaa m. confidence, security. fiuab a :d fit: a as an adv. confidently, bold- ly ; securely, without fear ; also carelessly, thoughtlessly. fit: a pr. name of a city in Syria. 2 Sam. 8: 8. ilfit:a f. confidence. Is. 30: 15. lifit: a m. confidence ; hope. Difitsa pi. f. security. Job 12: 6. ?t:a to cease, leave off. Ecc. 12: 3. bt:a Ch. id. Pa. btaa , infin. ^tsa to cause to cease, to hinder. ' ]pa f. 6. suff. iiDa , Ae belly, cavity which contains the bowels ; spec. the stomach, bowels ; the womb ; metaph. the inmost part of any thing ; the breast or internal part of a man, as the seat of thought and feeling ; also in architecture, a pro- tuberance in pillars ; also pr. name of a city in the tribe of Asher. i^p ft:a fruit of the womb, i. e. chil- r* 30 rva dren. ""/3K 1^2X3 /ro7/i my mother' s womb, i. e. from my tender years. ta^Ba pi. m. pistach nuts. Gen. 43: 11.* *1 (for ^3>a) a particle of entreaty, I pray you. R. Ji5>3 . pa, pret. ps , WJ, and rtn33, to observe, perceive, with the exter- nal senses ; to attend, regard, con- sider ; to understand ; to know ; used absolutely, to have under- standing, to be wise or intelligent ; also in the deriv. to be distant, sepa- rate, distinct. Part. pi. traa the wise, intelligent. Ni. 'pas to be wise or intelligent. *\3^ ^33 in- telligent of speech, eloquent. Pilel 13*13 to regard, take care of. Hi. *p2!l to explain, interpret ; to teach, instruct ; to make wise; to perceive, with the external senses ; to regard, consider ; to understand ; to know ; to be skilled in any thing. Part. p3/3 wise, intelligent ; skilful, learned. Hithpalel piann to per- ceive, with the external senses ; to regard, consider ; to understand ; to be wise, intelligent. yiL m. 6. const. p3 , the intervening space, interval, as a subst. only in the dual D*<33 the space between two armies, thus d^artttJ'W a middle- man, umpire, champion : as a prep. p3 (with suff. Wa, , *p*3 , i:P3, al- so ^p/ 13 .' Byy* 3 .* etc * and twrty 1 *, OrfiU^a ,) between, among; before a noun expressing a limit of place or time, within. When two persons or things are mentioned, ps being used before the first noun, and WM, b , bl or psb before the se- cond, between and. When thus used after verbs of seeing, under- standing, teaching, etc. it signifies to see, understand, teach, etc. the difference between objects, and may sometimes be rendered whether or, Lat. sive sive. pirt* and ms^a-bN between, among, with mo- tion implied, Lat. ad medium. paa as among. -pa 53 from between, out'of, Lat. e medio. \ nil"* 2)2 from between. 'pa-pS among, with mo- tion implied. pa Ch. prep, between, as in Heb. Sia^a f. 10. the act of understanding ; understanding, wisdom, knowledge; skill; the explanation ox interpre- tation of a vision. n^a f. Ch. understanding. Dan. 2: x 2i. S-j^a f. 10. only in the pi. p^JTfc , an egg- *Va f. i. q. ^$3 a well. Jer. 6: 7 Keri. R. ^aa . rtT*a f. 10. a castle, fortress, citadel, palace ; a temple, as it were the pa- lace of God ; a chief city, metropo- lis. Jll^a f. Ch. a palace, or metropolis. Ezra 6: 2. rpa'-Pa f. 13. pi. nto*Va , a fortress. rpa m. const, rpa , pi. ta^na (bottim,) (1.) a house, dwelling. rpBJTTp & son of the house, i. e. a slave born in the house. rpsft bi> ^UJN one over the house, i. e. a steward. rP3 sometimes for rP33 in the house. With ft local, nm'a , const, rirpa , into the house. (2.) a tent, taberna- cle. (3.) a palace, citadel. ^ttJfc rpaft bsthe overseer of the palace. (4.) a temple. (5.) a sepulcher, mausoleum. (6.) a room, apart- ment, as tza^uhri rpa the harem. (7.) in an extended sense, a place of residence, for men or animals ; a place, space, receptacle, for any thing, as tUBarj ^3 smelling bot- tles, rna^ns rP3 the place where several roads meet. (8.) the inner part, hence as an adv. rirna rp 3/3 , and Sirpan within ; as a prep, b rpa and b rp 3/3 within, b rP 373 btf with- in, with motion implied. (9.) meton. a family, kindred. (10.) descen- ITO 31 03 dants, posterity.--"*? rP5 tt3!3 Jo razse up posterity to any one ; also to give posterity. itt n^a father's house, family, or kindred ; a family, the smaller subdivision of a tribe. (11.) a race or class of people. (12.) means, substance. R. nto "Ptt rpa (house of idols) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Benjamin; also applied, by way of reproach, to the city of Bethel. bttTPS (house of God) pr. name of a city between Shechem and Jerusa- lem, the seat of the worship of the golden calf. bttS^tt nM pr. name of a city. Hos. 10: "14. " ^3*53 bvz rpi pr. name of a place in Moab, now called Maein or Myun. Josh. 13: 17. ills rPS pr. name of a place on the Jordan, (perhaps i. q. B^a|3ara Jo. 1:28.) Judg.7:24. Til rP3 pr. name of a place in the Tribe of Judah. 1 Chr. 2: 51. fi^n T)^-l (temple of Dagon) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah ; also of a city in the tribe of Asher. fi^h D" 1 ^ pr. name of a Levitical city in the tribe of Ephraim ; also of a city on the boundary of the tribes of Ephraim and Benjamin. E2rVb rpS (house of bread) pr. name of a village in the tribe of Judah, the birthplace of David and of our bless- ed Savior ; also of a city in the tribe of Zebulun. aiPE rpS pr. name of a citadel. hPJba rrg pr. name of a city in the tribe of Gad, now called Nimrin. 1^ n^D, pr. name of a city in mount Lebanon, now called Eden. Am. 1:5. *fi*B fi^ pr. name of a city in Moab. *Viit n^i (house of the rock) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah. 5h*} rpi pr. name of a city or pro- vince in Syria, or the north of Pa- lestine. }Nip rPS (house of rest) also ]tt5 rPS and *jtt5 rp!3 pr. name of a city in the tribe of Manasseh, now called Baisdn. U3tf3 rPS (house of the sun) pr. name of a Levitical city in the tribe of Ju- dah ; of a place in the tribe of Naph- tali ; of a place in the tribe of Issa- char or Zebulun ; also i. q. On or Heliopolis, in Egypt. rPS m. Ch. emph. ^n^n, ttmn, pi. . x x : pni ! q Heb. rP5 , a house ; a palace ; a temple ; a room, cham- ber. 1n">n m. 2. const. frPS j a palace. aos m. 4. prob. the baca plant or tfree ; also pr. name of a valley. fiyi , fut. fta^ apoc. ^*> , to wee;?, mourn ; to lament, bewail. Pi. to lament, bewail. J15S m. a weeping. Ezra 10: 1. "rDa m. 1. adj. first-born ; also me- taph. as CD^S " |k liSS ^e first-born of the poor, i. e. the'poorest of all, nifr hteft death's first-born, i. e. a most terrible sickness. R. ^^ . ?T"ft!D3 f. 10. as an adj. first-born : as a subst. earlier birth, seniority, pri- mogeniture ; the right of primoge- niture, birthright. R. ^DS . WYM and !-Tvi3n f. 10. pi. tZP^S and nVviSaj the early fig. CP'ttSd and to^SS pi. m. first-fruits, spoken of fruit and grain ED*!" 1 tS^SSJ- the festival of first-fruits, i. e. pentecost. R. ^a . m^S f. a weeping. Gen. 35: 8. R. J-on. ^m. 6. in pause 13 i , suff. iTDS, a weeping ; an oozing or trickling down of water in mines. R. Ji^i . X X Sl^Si f. adj. oldest, first-born. R. rP55 i. 13. a weeping, mourning. Gen. 50: 4. R. *M". to 32 mba -Da in the deriv. to be early, forward. Pi. to bear early or new fruit; al- so denom. of *rtbfti to constitute first-born, to assign the rights of primogeniture. Pu. to be a first- born or firstling. Hi. to bear for the first time. ^Dp m. 6. and ttias f- a young camel bi m- Ch. the heart. Dan. 6: 15. l?n m. nothing : as an adv. not ; scarce ly : as a conj. lest, that not, Lat. nc R. sibn . hz m. i. q. bs>i J3aaZ, Belus, the princi pal deity of the Babylonians. ttbD Ch. Pa. to wear out. Dan. 7: 25 x ; ptfba m. Baladan, pr. name. sbs Hi. to cause to rise, only meta phorieally ; intrans. to be serene 3vf ul - frbc Pi. fcta i. q. b*lft to terrify. Ez "ra4: 4 Ke'th. Jibs, fut. S-i'bi'i , to wax old, to be worn out, spoken of garments, or of per- sons ; also metaph. of the heavens and earth ; also in the deriv. to be re- duced to nothing. Pi. to wear out, to cause to grow old; to consume, spend, enjoy ; to afflict, oppress. ribl m. 9. fern. libs, old, worn out, : T XT spoken of garments or of persons. ttSlVi f. 11. terror; sudden destruc- tion ; as a concrete, a thing to be de- stroyed. ibi Ch. a tax on consumable articles, excise. R. irba tD^ibi and t^ibri pi. m. 1. old gar- ments, rags. Jer. 38: 11, 12. R. iibl. ^XfijttJDba m. a Chaldean name, given to Daniel in the Babylonian court. ^1 m. destruction : as an adv. of ne- gation, not. ^biS '"bib , also sim- ply " because not. *bz *, till not.R. ftbn . b^S m. 1. mixed provender, meslin, farrago. R. bbi . Jl^bs nothing. Job 26: 7. Compound- ed of ">bs not and Sift any thing. bs>*b:n m. worthlessness, vileness, wick- edness ; ruin, destruction ; as a con- crete, a wicked man ; a destroyer. Compounded of ^^[not and b^" 1 use, worth. bbs , fut. "bi" 1 , to cover with moisture, perfuse, besprinkle ; intrans. to be perfused ; also to mix, confuse, con- found ; also denom. from b^bi, to give fodder ; also in the deriv. to stain, pollute. Hithpoel, to mix one's self, to be mixed. bbi Hi. to wither, fade. Is. 64: 5. dbn to bind, as with a bridle. Ps. 32: 9. Obi to gather, cultivate, or live on figs or sycamore fruit. Am. 7 : 14. 3>bi to swallow, devour ; metaph. to de- stroy. *?!3 to swallow ; metaph. to destroy. ]itf 5>bl2 to swallow iniquity, i. e. to feast upon it. S>biN TD^I and I will destroy, i. e. frustrate, his pur- pose. Pu. Ni. and Hithpa. to be de- stroyed. 3>ba m. 6. sufT. ">5>bs , something swal- lowed ; destruction ; also pr. name of a city on the southern extremity of the Dead Sea. *$?Va and *5fttt- with suff. "^bln, ^p^bi, not or nothing to; with- out; besides. "visbatt without; be- sides. Compounded of ba not and Ig i vtp to. 05>ba m. Balaam, a prophet. pbn to make empty or desolate. Pu. pbl m. Balak, a king of the Moabites. ^Stkiabi and ^&tt5ttba m. pr. name of the last king of the Chaldeans. p 33 rTC "nbn , with suff. ^nba, ^V*, adv. not: as a prep, without ; -besides, except : as a conj. unless; besides that. EZ3ft "Tibi unless ; except, besides. ^nbib before an infin. not to, so that not, lest; before a finite verb, that not, lest ; without that. ^nbaft be- fore an infin. since not. ^nba 1$ till not. Jl. nVi . rtjaaf. 10. pi. nia, T const, m'tti, Tifcn t x * x x x:rr (bomothe,) also in Keth. ViTaa, suff. ^rpttii , a high place, height ; a for- tress, citadel; a consecrated high place ; also i. q. Jlttail rpi a chapel or sacred tabernacle, erected on a high place or elsewhere ; also a grave, monument, mausoleum. tea i. q.'a" , see^a:. ji m. const, p , more rarely '$3j , once 155 , also 135 , suff. 13a , i , ^|33i , pi. tD^n, const, 13a, (L) a son; in pi. also children. (2.) a grand- son ; in pi. also descendants. (3.) a 6oy, youth. (4.) a subject, ser- vant. niJ3"-p a son of death, i. e. one devoted to death. (5.) a foster- son. (6.) a pupil, disciple. 13b 3^53 disciples of the prophets. (7.) &\ b Tbi<"13i son of God, see ft*fa& . (8.) combined with nouns denoting place, as p*2. ">3i children, i. e. inhabitants, of Zion, JiBUJN "^n sons of the quiver, i. e. arrows. (9.) combined with nouns denoting time, as ii3\l3-"j3i son of a year, i. e. a year old, tPSjpt'-'ji'a son of old age, i. e. one born in the old age of his father. (10.) combined with nouns express- ing a quality or condition, as V*rT"}3 a man of courage, rrin^nii "^n sons of suretiship, i. e. hostages, p3tt3 fa *pp a hill, son of fatness, i. e. a fruitful hill. (11.) sometimes nearly redundant, as D^^ft 135 the sons of the Greeks, i. e. the Greeks, ]i" l iN ^331 the sons of the needy, i. e. the needy. (12.) applied to the 5 young of animals, and perhaps to a branch of a tree. R. tt3n . |5 m. Ch. id. only in the plur. *p33i , const. ^331 . TlSVta m. the common name of seve- ral kings of Syria of Damascus. !rj3a, fut. il33r>, W1 1 to build, con- xx : ' v struct, erect ; to build upon ; to build up, rebuild, what has been destroy- ed ; to work, labor ; to form, make ; to strengthen, establish ; metarih. to make prosperous, as persons and nations ; also in the deriv. to beget, bear, have children. "b rpa Sl3S to m ; - xx raise up or give posterity to any one. Ni. to be built ; to be rebuilt ; metaph. to be built up or made pros- perous, to prosper again ; to acquire posterity, !l3n and tf33l Ch. part. pass. il33 , infin. tf3att"and JT33123, to build; to en- large, adorn. Ithpe. pass. m*33l daughters, see n3l . 5"p33i f. a building, structure. Ezek. 41: 13. R.J-J331. tpja see pa . pft^n m. (son of prosperity) Benja- min, the youngest son of Jacob ; al- so the tribe of Benjamin. ^^"fa m. a Benjamite. "p3a m. a building, structure; a wall. R. 51331 . p3a m. Ch. a building. Ezra 5: 4. D3a Ch. to be angry. Dan. 2: 12. D&a see tna Hithpa. "IDS and *nDa m. 6. an unripe grape. 1*3 and *i$1 , with suff. vjW , bWS , etc. prep. (A.) by, near. (2.)behind, after. (3.) about, round about, es- pecially after verbs of closing, etc. (4.) between. (5.) through. "Watt from through or between. (6.) for, Lat. pro. l^a !rpn to become. *)$$ 123 to atone for. "(7.) on account of i!S>3 to make to boil; to search, inquire; also ha the deriv. to request, pray. Ni. to swell out ; to be searched. bn 34 ism ?TO and tfys Ch. to seek ; to request, pray. AW f. Ch. a request, prayer. TftSS m. pr. name of a man. T$b m. pr. name of the husband of Ruth; also of a pillar in front of Solomon's temple. ttSi to kick behind ; metaph. to spurn at, despise. sa m. a request, prayer. Job 30: 34. ' k. rate . ^itfa nul. cattZe. R. ^5>l . btt , fut. bi^ , to rule over, possess ; to take for a wife, marry ; also to loathe, reject. Part, rPPSta as a pi. excell. thy husband. Part. pass. Jibnys] and bsa~nb$a a married woman. Ni. to be taken again for a wife; also applied metaph. to a country. ^SSra. 6. a lord, master, owner, pos- sessor ; a husband ; followed by the name of a city, an inhabitant, citi- zen ; in particular phrases, as V^n B^SI one that hath a lawsuit, Vag p|23 winged; also Baal, the tute- lary god of the Phenicians and Sy- rians, prob. the same as the planet Jupiter ; in pi. images of Baal. The plural is sometimes used as a pi. excell. 15 bs>5 pr. name of a city. pfcil Ss>3 pr. name. Cant. 8: 11. "Jitt^ri bss pr. name of a mount. V^E b5>i pr. name of a place. tD^ii^S bs>3. pr. name of a place. *jiB S^n pr. name of a city in Egypt. ^an bV2 pr. name. Judg. 20: 33. bsn m. Ch. a lord, master. See'&so . Slb^a f- 12. a mistress, female owner or possessor ; metaph. possessed of or endued with any thing ; also pr. name of two cities in the tribe of Ju- dah. nVbsn pr. name of a city. D^b^S m. pr. name of a king of the Am- monites. Jer. 40: 14. n"bs>2 pr. name of a city in the tribe of Dan. 15>i , fut. ^n"" 1 , trans, to burn up, con- sume ; to kindle, set on fire ; in- trans. to be consumed ; to burn ; to take fire, to be kindled ; in the deriv. to feed upon, graze ; also denom. from 'Wft > to be dumb, brutish. Ni. to be. dumb, brutish. Pi. *XB$ , infin. ^$3 , fut. ^5>3? , to feed upon; to kindle, set on fire ; to burn ; to remove, put or take away. Pu. intrans. to be kindled. Hi. to feed upon ; to kindle, set on fire ; to burn ; to remove, put away. ^373 Is. 4: 4. see ^3 Pi. infin. ^3 m. brutish, stupid, like cattle. De- nom. from ^psq . tt13 f. afire, burning. Ex. 22: 5. tttfi^i m. pr. name of a king of Israel. nsa' in the deriv. to be afraid. Pi. ns>3 , fut. DW $ to frighten, terrify; to come upon suddenly. Ni. to fear, be afraid. Sin^Sf. terror. QTiyipl. m. 1. id. yh m. and tt3 f. pi. surf. TIjK!(fl , a marsh, mire. Tin m. 3. a vintage: as an adj. i. q. 112i fortified, strong. R. ^3 . b3m. 6. an onion. Num. 11: 5. 93E1 to break in pieces, bruise, wound ; to be wounded; to rob, plunder; to make gain. t25>i3_ for tDSSS, Am. 9: 1. Pi. to cut off ; to rob, de- fraud, to finish, accomplish, exe- cute. 2>13 m. 6. suff. i93 , rapine, plunder; unjust gain ; gain generally. p2 to swell. DXa m. 5. dough. np:3 pr. name of a place. ^37 fut. '-ten?, to cut off, gather, scil. grapes ; metaph. to cut off, break down ; also in the deriv. to dig out ; to restrain, hold back. Part. xlSt'iS a vintager; metaph. a formidable enemy. Part. pass. npD 35 in "MSa inaccessible, high ; fortified ; metaph. hard, difficult. Ni. to be cut off, interdicted, difficult. Pi. to for- tify. *lia and ^JEl m. 6. gold or silver ore ; also pr. name of a city. T^ita f. a fold, pen ; also pr. name of a city which sometimes belonged to the Edomites, and sometimes to the Moabites. Ji^SSa m. a strong hold. Zech. 9: 12. n^&a f. pi. ni^a , the holding back of rain, a drought. piapa m. 1. a flask, bottle. R. ppa . S-'pa m. 1. a cleft, breach, fissure, es- pecially in a wall. R. Spa . Spi i fut. Spa 11 , to divide, cleave ; to cleave and enter, to break into a camp; to take a city; to cause to break out; to break open or hatch eggs ; to rip up a woman with child. Ni. to divide itself, open; to be rent with noise, shake ; to burst ; to be broken up or taken, as a city ; to break out, as water or light ; to be hatched, come out of the egg. Pi. Spa to cleave, split; to cause to break out ; to hatch eggs ; to rip up; to tear in pieces. Pu. to be rent; to be broken up or taken, as a city; to be ripped up. Hi. to make an irruption. Ho. to be broken up. Hithpa. to divide itself, to be cleft; to be rent. bpa m. a half, especially a half shekel. rrspa f. 12. a valley, low plain. DSpa yfca^rt the valley of Lebanon. iSpa f. Ch. a valley. Dan. 3: 1. ppa to depopulate, plunder; to take away ; intrans. to pour itself out, spread out wide ; also in the deriv. to pour or empty out. Ni. pas , in- fra, pian , fut. pin-" , to be depopula- ted ; to be taken away. Poel, to de- populate. ipa in the deriv. to plough ; to break forth, as light ; to seek, search. Pi. "ipa to examine closely, behold, con- sider : with a , to behold with plea- sure, rejoice in seeing ; also to think on, reflect, meditate ; to take care of, provide for ; also in the de- riv. to punish. "ipaCh. Pa. ^jpa to seek, search. Ithpa. "lgsn^iU npa c. 4. a collective noun, oxen, neat cattle, a herd of oxen, without dis- tinction of age or sex. nibs ^pa milch kine. ^p3""ja a calf. hgb see ^pia. ipa m. 6. (1.) the dawn, morning. *Sia ^ipaa, and b^pab every morning. (2.) i. q. "ifflB tomorrow, the morrow. *lj?ab on the morrow, i. e. soon, suddenly. JTlpaf. 10. the taking care of flocks. Ezek. 34: 12. n^paf. punishment. Lev. 19:20. tfjpa Pi. tt5pa (1.) to seek, inquire af- ter, Lat. quacrcrc.-ft'i S-p ui pa to seek Jehovah, i. e. to turn one's self to him, to supplicate him. (2.) to seek, strive after, L&t.petere. tfJDi UJpa & to seek the life of any one ; also in a good sense, to be zealous for ano- ther's life. a ns^ tfjpa to seek the harm of any one. b iiaiti ttjjpa to seek the welfare of any one. (3.) to require, demand. 'fi l*ft &^ u3pa to require blood from the hand of any one, i. e. to take revenge from him for bloodshed. (4.) to beg, en- treat, pray. Pu. to be sought. JlUJpa f. 10. a request, petition, prayer. ^a m. 7. sufF. ^a , a son. R. *na . -ia m. Ch. suff. frSa , pi. 'psa , a son; a grandson. R. tf Sa . *D m. 8. fem. fna , adj. chosen, belo- ved; pure, clear, unspotted, espe- cially in a moral sense ; empty. R. "vna. ^a and 'na m. corn, grain, which has been winnowed ; also standing corn ; the open field. R. *i^a . ia m. Ch. emph. itt^a, a field, open "country. R. Tia . T ' n-o 36 T 13 m. 1. purity, innocency ; a purify- ing substance, prob. i. q. n n ^h alka- li ; perhaps also borax. R. m . Nil to form, make, create ; also in the deriv. to beget ; to feed, fatten. Ni. to he im&Si created ; to be born. Pi. Nli to hew, cut down ; to de- stroy, 'kill ; to form, engrave, mark ou t. Hi. to fatten, make fat. "i^tobi TIINII m Berodach-baladan, king of Babylon. 2K.20: 12. tTlala pi. m. perhaps geese. 1 K. 5: S. mi . nm to hail, Is. 32: 19. also in the de- riv. to sprinkle. *l*q m. hail. 113 pr. name of a place in the desert of Shur. Gen. 16: 14. ihn m. 8. pi. tTOia, atlj. spotted, speckled, party-colored. JTni to eat ; also i. q. m to choose ; also in the deriv. to cut. Pi. to eat. Hi. to c i> se to eat, give to eat. 3p , Y3 m. (blessed) Baruch, the friend of Jeremiah. fi^XnH pi. m. damask, cloth inter- woven with various colors. Ezek. 27:24. 123 ill m. 1. a cypress ; a cypress lance ; a musical instrument made of cypress. nil! m. 1. i. q. roVna a cypress. Cant. 1:17. rnllf. \3.food. Ps. 69: 22. R. JT. Srn'Ha and vri^S pr. name of a city in Syria, on the northern boundary of Palestine ; perhaps Berytus or Bai ut. btll m. 8. suff. iVtli, iron; an iron tool; iron fetters. flin to pass through, stretch across ; to flee. Hi. rrnSin to stretch across; to put to flight, to chase away. nn see m-is . *m m. fem. trim, adj. i. q. Wfofat. *zek.34:20l : R.nil. ill Job 37: 11, see under "n . arin m. 3. fat, fatted, phi nip, spoken of men, animals, or food. R. 81a . T T J"W13 f. something new or unusual, a ^miracle. Num. 16: 30. R. ana . ftvrq f. meat, food. R. fna. mia and ma m. 1. a fugitive ; also as a poetical epithet for the serpent ; and for the constellation of the ser- pent. R. ma fma m. 1. a bar, partic^arly a cross- bar for the fastening of gates, and a cross-piece for the binding together of hoards ; metaph. a bar of the earth, i. e. of the gates of hades ; also i. q. ma a fugitive. R. ma. !"I3>">13 m. pr. name of a man. rma f. 13. a covenant, league, com- pact ; the token of a covenant ; a promise ; a law ; as a concrete, one that makes a covenant ; the people bound by a covenant. R. ma . rm'3 f. alkali, especially the vegetable alkali, used in connection with oil, for cleansing and washing clothes. Denom. from la. Tpa, fut. rpa^!, to bend the knee, kneel. Part. pass, p'lla blessed, praised, as God by men ; blessed, made happy, as men by God. Ni. to be blessed, prospered, made hap- py. Pi. ?pa, fut. Tf\2), (I.) spo- ken of men, te invoke, bless, praise, scil. God or an idol ; to bless or pray for happiness to another; to bless, pronounce happy, scil. one's self; to bless, consecrate, e. g. a sa- crifice. (2.) spoken of God, to bless, pronounce a blessing upon ; to prosper, make happy, scil. men ; to make prosperous, e. g. the work of men's hands ; to consecrate, scil. the sabbath. (3.) spoken of men, to greet, salute. (4.) spoken of men, also to curse. Pu. T]13 to be prais- ed ; to be made happy. Hi. caus. of Kal, to make to kneel or couch, as aian 37 ro camels to rest. Hithpa. to be bless- ed; to bless one's self. Denom. from !J*J3 7p5 Ch. to kneel. Part. pass. 5p*p blessed, praised. Pa. to bless, praise. spa f. 6. a knee, -Dual p'jyti *fo ibtees ; also in the sense of the plu- ral. Tplor Tpn f. Ch. id. Dan. 6: 11. S-fcna , once Ji^n (Gen. 27: 38.) f. 11. a blessing, benediction, whether of God or men ; an object of blessing, one blessed; a gift, present; also prob. peace. SUd^S f. 10. a pond, pool, where camels kneel. dnl Ch. conj. advers. but, yet. P*0 to lighten, send forth lightning. Ps. 144: 6. P^i m. 4. lightning, a flash of light- ning ; metaph. the glittering of a sword ; a sword ; also pr. name of a Hebrew judge. D'Op'lS pi. m. threshing wagons or sledges. np^iand np^i f. the name of a pre- cious stone, prob. an emerald. 1^1 to separate ; to select, choose ; to appoint ; to burnish or sharpen an arrow ; to cleanse, purify, in a moral sense ; to search out, examine, prove ; also in the deriv. to be emp- ty, vacant. Part. pass. "V)Sl3 as an adv. purely, sincerely. Niph. ^3 to purify one's self. Part. ^3 pure, in a moral sense. Pi. to pu- rify, refine, as metals. Hi. to clear, cleanse, as corn from the chaff; to burnish or sharpen an arrow. Hithpa. to purify one's self ; to con- duct one's self as pure, to show one's self pure. ^iinn for Tiann , 2 Sam. 22:27. ^"111313 pr. name of a brook. mitt) a see j-ntos. t ; t : Qi232 m. 4. a balsam plant. Cant. 5: 1. tDTlJl and bizsa m. 6. sweet odor, spicy fragrance, perfume ; spice, spicery; perhaps a balsam plant. nfttol f. pr. name of two wives of - : it * Esau ; also of a daughter of Solo- mon. ^123 n in the deriv. to be beautiful. Pi. to bear joyful tidings ; more rarely, to bear tidings generally. Hithpa. to receive joy ful tidings. ^itol m. 4. flesh of men or animals ; once perhaps the skin ; the body ; metaph. the fleshly appetites and passions ; something human, frail, or mortal ; by a euphemism, puden- da viri. liDa""bl3 all flesh, i. e. all T X X * creatures ; also all men. *J2%.$ Hi!) 31 , also simply "^i23n , my bone and my flesh, i. e. my relative ; also m.y fellow man. ^iisn m. Ch. flesh. S"niDl3 f. joyful tidings ; a reward for bearing tidings. bttJn to boil, be a boiling ; to become ripe, ripen. Pi. to boil flesh. Pu. to be boiled. Hi. to ripen, as in Kal. bll3n m. fern, SiVi23n, adj. boiled, sod- den. fiCl pr. name of a country beyond Jordan. ftaizjn f. shame. Hos. 10: 6. R. u3il3 . 011313 Poel 0U3"in to tread down, tram- ple upon. Am. 5: 11. ttfafo see*")"*. ni23l3 f. 13. shame ; an idol. R. uiin . nn (far nan) f. suff. ini, pi. nhs, const, man, a daughter; a grand- daughter, female descendant ; a maiden, young woman ; a foster - daughter ; a female disciple or pu- pil ; a female worshipper ; before names of cities, a female inhabitant; also in personifications, as S nn the daughter of Tyre, i. e. the Tyrian state, fiTS ni nb^nn the virgin \X3 38 Sfitt daughter of Zidon ; also in particu- lar phrases, as bs^bs ni a wicked or vile woman, f rb daughter of the eye, i. e. apple of the eye, nisi -ps> daughters of a city, i. e. small villages pertaining to it ; applied to the young of animals ; also perhaps to the branch of a tree. Denom. from ]3 . na c. 8. a 6a^, a measure for liquids. ni Ch. id. Ezra 7: 22. Fins f. desolation. Is. 5: 6. iini f. 1. L Is. 7: 19. ilbnra f. 10. a maid, virgin ; a new- married wife ; also applied to cities and countries, by a personification. Carina pi. m. 1. the state or condition of a virgin, virginity ; the sign or token of virginity ; metaph. freedom from idolatry. tZTnl houses, see mi . T . pna Pi. to slay. Ezek. 16: 40. ^ni and "ini to cut in pieces. Gen. 16: 10. ^ftl Ch. prep, after. Dan. 2: 39. 'ini m. 6. a par, p/ece ; cragginess, abruptness. f'HnS (a craggy valley) pr. name of a valley. 2 Sam. 2: 29. Gimel, Heb. *MDU , is sometimes inter- changed with its kindred palatals 5 and p ; more rarely with the guttu- rals y and ft . N5 m. adj. proud. Is. 16: 6. R. iifiw . ftfitft , fut. Mk:p , to be raised or Zi/fcaa f. curdled milk, cheese. Job 10: T io. : Spaa m. 3. a cup, goblet ; the cup or calix of a flower. -paa m. a ruler, lord. R. ^aa . Fl^Paa f. a mistress, queen. R. *tea . ttjvjl m. crystal. Job 28: 18. baa , fut. "baa* 1 , to bound, limit ; to set, fix, as boundaries ; to border upon; also in the deriv. to twist, wreath. Hi. to set bounds about. "baa pr. name of a Phenician city, now "called Jibla. Ezek. 27: 9. "baa Gebalene, in the southeastern "part of Palestine. Ps. 83: 8. baa see btea . mbaa f. twisted or wreathed work. >baa m. a Giblite. lai m. adj. humpbacked, hunchbacked. Lev. 21:20. d^aa pi. m. knobs, protuberances, hills. 5>aa (a height, hill,) pr. name of a city, also called Geba of Benjamin. J1933 f. 12. pi. nis>as , a hill; also pr. name of several cities. "p3>aa (a hill) pr. name of a city. bi>aa m. the calix or flower-bud of flax. Ex. 9: 31. naa and iaa , fut. ^sa* , to be strong, ; to increase ; to conquer, T-U 40 ru get the upper hand. Pi. to make strong, strengthen. Hi. to make strong, confirm ; also intrans. to be strong. Hithpa. to show one's self mighty ; to conduct one's self proudly or arrogantly. 153 m. 6. a man; a male; a hus- band ; one possessed of manly courage; a soldier; every one. &1153V man by man. 153 m. a man. Ps. 18: 26. 153 m. Ch. pi. t^T&l , a man. 125 m. Ch. mighty. Dan. 3: 20. ViO^ia m. (man of God) pr. name of one of the seven archangels, accord- ing to the conceptions of the later Jews. n^ia f- 13. suff. ">ni53 , a mistress, queen. pnsa pr. name of a Philistine city. 33 m. 8. suff. *>3 a \ pi. niaa , the flat roof of an oriental house ; the top of an altar. 13 m. coriander, a highly aromatic plant ; also the god of fortune, prob. the same with Baal or Belus. R. 11a . 13 m. fortune, prosperity ; also pr. name of a son of Jacob. R. 113 *p1513 pi- m. Ch. treasurers. ?11313 pr. name of a place in the Ara- bian desert. Deut. 10: 7. 113 to press ; also in the deriv. to cut in ; to ordain, decide. Hithpo. 1113n5l to assemble ; to cut one's self in the body, as a superstitious rite, or as a sign of mourning. 113 Ch. to cut or hew down. !113 f. 11 pi. const. nil3 , a bank. 1313 m.pl. d^llia and n "71313, a troop, band, particularly a predatory or plundering party ; an incision in the skin ; a furrow. R. 113 . biia and Via m. 3. const, Vila , Via and tVw adj. great, in quantity, in- tensity, age, influence, rank, charac- ter, importance, etc. As a subst. greatness. niViia mighty deeds, marvellous works, especially of God. R.VjJ. SlVlia , ftfcni and iiVia f. 10. great- ness, majesty ; as a concrete, a mighty deed. R. Via . SplA m. 1. pi. h^W and nis^ia, a re- proaching, reviling. R. &13 . .15113'/. id. Ezek. 5: 15. R.i?)l3 . 113 m. a Gadite. ^13 m. 6. a kid, Lat. haedus. 1*13 f. 10. a female kid, Lat. capella. T Cant. 1: 8. rmi f. 10. a bank, shore. 1 Chr. 12 : T 15 Keth. fi^iapl. m. tufts, tassls; also fes- toons on the chapiter of a pillar. R. via. u5"13 m. apile of sheaves in the field, a stack or shock of corn ; a grave, tomb. Via and Via , fut. Vw , to be or become -X "X ; great, in quantity, intensity, age, in- fluence, rank, character, importance, etc. to be exalted, praised ; to be highly valued ; also in the deriv. to twist. Pi. Via and Via *to make great, cause to grow ; to bring up, educate ; to nourish, support ; to advance, promote ; to exalt, praise. Pu. to be educated. Hi. V^iairr to make great ; to lift up. V^iai and *ns n$ V^iatt to make great one^s mouth, to make arro- gant speeches. Joined with an in- finitive, it is used adverbially, as m"it)S>V V">iaJl to do great things, also to act proudly or insolently. Hithpa. to magnify one's self; to conduct proudly or insolently. Via m. 5. great. Ezek. 16: 26. Via m. 6. suff. iVia , once iVia , great- ness ; honor, majesty 55V Via ar- rogance. Via see Vila. ii >ia see JiV^ia . 5>13 to cut down, destroy; to cutoff; to break in pieces. Pi. to break in ma 41 m pieces, Pu. to be cut down. Ni. to be broken down or in pieces. p*3>ia m. pr. name of a judge in Israel. icpn Pi. ]ia to blaspheme ; to de- spise; also in the deriv. to re- proach, revile. 115 to build a wall ; to wall or close up. Part. lia a mason. Iia c. 5. const. *Vtt , a wall ; a place walled in. illiaf. 10. and 11. a wall; an enclo- sure ; also pr. name of a city. rfH3 f. a wall. Ezek. 42: 12. tia Ezek. 47: 13. prob. a corrupt read- ing for Sit this. Slirra to removeihe bandage of a wound. Hos.5: 13. SiSia f. a removing of a bandage, healing, health. Pro v. 17: 22. ISia to bend one's self down. la m. 8. suff. isja, the back. Tpbtfiil iia^ftttfo cast behind one's self, despise. la m. Ch. const. *\% and with tt pros- thetic aia , suff. frna , ftW , &e mfrf- d7e, midst. la m. 1. suff. -115 , ^e ac&; the middle, midst. tfiaCh. seeia. Sia to pZottg-^, 2 K. 25: 12 Keth. also in the deriv. to cut, divide ; to dig. Si a m. pi. inia , a locust. aia Gog, the prince of the country of Magog. 1W to press. ilia f. *Ae body. Job 20: 25. Slis f exaltation ; pride, arrogance. R. ii*u . illi f. Ch. pride. Dan. 4: 34. toa to pass over or away ; also causat. o bring over. btia m. 2. a young bird ; especially a young pigeon. jtia Gauzanitis in Mesopotamia. rn;> to Z>rea& forth, see ma . 6 ">iam. suff. "jta, pi. fc^a and in Keth. d^ii , const, "^ia , a people, nation ; especially a foreign or gentile na- tion, a nation not Hebrew ; a bar- barous or hostile nation ; a herd or swarm of animals. JT>ia f. 10. tfAc body ; a dead body, car- cass, corpse. bia to rejoice, see b^a . tibia and nba f. as a collective, emi- grants, captives; as an abstract noun, an emigration, removal, cap- tivity. R. iiba . fbia pr. name of a city in Bashan or Batanea, now Joldn. Ifm* m. a pit. Ecc. 10: 8. i>2J , fut. 9jp , to breathe out one's life, expire, die. )ia Hi. to shut, close, Neh. 7: 3. also in the deriv. to be hollow. Sl&ia f. 10. a body, corpse. 1 Chron. T 10: 12. 11 a to sojourn, dwell for a time, live as not at home, sometimes construed with an accusative; to gather to- gether, assemble ; to be afraid ; to reverence. Hithpal. n^ianii* to re- side ; to assemble. Iia m. pi. triia, a young animal, whelp, cub. I s ! a m. a young lion, see la. Wia m. 2. pi. rriWia, a lot; that which falls to any one by lot, a por- tion; lot, destiny. tiiia a clod. Job 7: 5 Keri. ta m. 8. suff. i-ta , the shearing, wool shorn off, fleece ; the mowing of meadows. R. tta T lata m. a treasurer. Ezra 1: 8. hita m. Ch. pi. emph. a**to?*, id. Ezra 7:21. T " ! " ilta prob. to recompense, favor, Ps. 71 : 6. also in the deriv. to cut, hew. !lta f. 10. the shearing, wool shorn off, 1 fleece. Judg. 6: 37 ff. R. Tta . tta , fut. ta" 1 infin. ta and tta', to shear sheep ; to shear or poll the hair of bm 42 &* the head, as a sign of mourning- ; al- so in the deriv. to mow grass. Ni. to be cut off or destroyed, by ene- mies. rPTa f. a hewing ; hewn or square stones. R. nn . bu , fut. bt:P, to toar away, take away by violence ; to pull or strip off, flay ; to take away, carry off ; to rob, plunder ; to oppress, take advantage of. Ni. to be taken a way* bp in. 5 const, bn i robbery, plunder, spoil, Dn m. a species of locust. 3?n m. 6. sufF. i>'p , a stem, stock, or stump of a tree. *1TJl , fut. A and O, to cut asunder, di- vide ; to fell ; to eat, devour; rae- taph. to decide, resolve, decree ; in- tfans. to decrease, fail. Ni. to be separated, excluded, removed; to be cut off or destroyed, perish ; to be decreed. nti Ch. in the deriv. to decide, decree. Part. pi. T^U diviners, astrolo- gers. Ithpe. to be detached, sepa- rated. Ti3 pr. name of a Levitical city. Jmn f. prob. adj. naked, desolate. Lev. l(i: 22. li^n f. Ch. a decree; a thing decreed or appointed, mn f. 10. the body, breast ; also an obscure term in architecture, prob. a court in the northern part of the temple. vna m * tne name of a people between Shur and Egypt. 1 Sam. 27: 8 Keri. P*lTA pi. ni. divided parts, pieces, halves. 1"i na m. 3. tfce 6e%, under part of the body. nbm f. pi. trbm , const, ibrtt , a burn- ing coal. K\1 and "u , also m^ and *i , c. const. ^ and ijj , pi. nlKja and ni" 1 ^, suff. ^niN"^ , valley, especially a val- ley without a brook. d2Jl"]i frOS valley of the son of Hin- nom, on the southeastern side of Je- rusalem. b'Wh&fch J| {valley of beasts of prey) pr. name. 1 Sam. 13: 18. fibft *U valley of Salt, in the neigh- borhood of the Dead sea. T'A m. 1. a, nerve, tendon. ti^A 'and ftfa , fut. rpJT , to ircafc or burst forth; also transit, to f^'aw forth ; to bring forth* Hi. intrans. to arise, rush forth. fpJi or ma Ch. Aph. to break forth, spoken of the winds. Dan. 7: 2. prrs pr. name of a water course near Jerusalem ; also of one of the four rivers of paradise. b" 1 :* and blJ to rejoice, exult ; to trem- ble, quake, fear ; also in the deriv. to move round in a circle. b*^ Sl'iSTa to rejoice in Jehovah. bM m. 1. an age, generation ; joy, ex- ultation. SiVa f. 10. exultation. 13$*^ m. a Gilonitc. 2 Sam. 15: 12. TU m. Zz',7?e. Is. 27: 9. ^vj m. Ch. id. Dan. 5: 5. "TO m. i. q. *u a stranger. 2 Chr. 2: 16. ttjvj m. a clod. Job 7: 5 Keth. bs m. 8. pi. trVa , a Aea/?, especially a Aeap o/ stones ; a running spring. In pi. ruins ; waves of the sea. R, bba. bii m. 8. ft7i oil cruise, oil vessel. Zech. 4:2. R.bbi. aba see rtba. aba m. 1. a barber. Ezek. 5: 1. SPbba pr. name of a mountain. bab'^ m. 8. pi. tpMn* a wheel; a wheel to draw water with ; a whirl- wind ; things driven about by a whirlwind, chaff, stubble. R. bb^ . n^ 43 n^ b^ba m. Ch. a wheel. Dan. 7: 9. bifiS m. 2. a wheel ; also pr. name of a x place between Jericho and the Jor- dan. R.bbj. nbab.1 f. 13. a human scull, from its spherical form ; also a^oZZ, person, individual. R. bbj . -jb* m. 6. suff. "nb:* , a Me, s&in. Job 16: 15. ttbj , fut. rtVsn , apoc. b , *o uncover, *opcn ; metaph. to reveal, make known ; also to emigrate, go into captivity ; metaph. to depart, dis- appear ; also in the deriv. to make smooth. Ni. jrrbtti infim absol. SYbaa , to 6e uncovered, made bare ; to be removed, taken off; to reveal or show one's self, appear ; me- taph. to be revealed; to be manifest or known ; to be carried away. Pi. rt>a , fut. ififf , apoc. b^ , to un- cover, make bare ; to remove, take off ; metaph. to discover, reveal. Pu. to be uncovered ; to be open, manifest. Hi. ttbatt and Slb^ll, fut. apoc. b$*1 , to carry into capti- vity. Ho. to be carried into capti- vity .--Hithpa. to uncover onc^s self; to reveal one's self. Slba and Nbi Ch. to reveal. Aph. ">b^il to carry into captivity. jn'bJi pr. name of a city of Judah. Jlbj f. captivity, see Slbii. Jib} f. 10. a spring ; an oil cup or ves- sel ; also a term in architecture. R. bbj. d^blbil pi- m a nickname or word of derision for idols. R. bbs . dib:Tm. 1. a mantle, robe, covering. Ezek. 27: 24. R. dbj . rnb} and nbj f. const, rnba , captivi- ty, exile ; as a concrete, captives, exiles. R. ftba . TT rnb} f. Ch. captivity. Kmbi "*3a ea> z'Zes. fibs Pi- ftba to shave; also reflex. Jo s/iaue one's seZ/". Pu. Jo 6c shavetf. Hithpa. to shave one's self. ' rt^Jl m. 3. a tablet of wood, metal, or stone, for writing on, Is. 8: 1. PI. ID^DT" 1 ^ prob. mirrors, Is. 3: 23. R.Vibs. T T b" 1 ^ m. 3. adj. turning, easily turn- ed : as a subst. a ring; also pr. name of a country, Galilee. R. bb^ . ftb^ba f. 10. a circuit, district, coun- try. R. bbj . rpba m. Goliath, a Philistine giant. - 1* bbj , pi. nbbj , but in sing. Viibs , in- tin. and imper. b^ , also bs , to roll ; metaph. to roll away ; to devolve, commit ; also in the deriv. to be weighty, important. Ni. bib , fut. b\] , to be rolled together, as a book ; to roll on, as a stream. Po. to be rolled about. Hithpo. to wal- low, welter ; to rush upon. Pilpel baba to roll down. Hithpalp. to rush upon. Hi. b^ir. to roll. bb* m. 3. dung, ordure ; also a mat- ter, cause, only with 2 prefixed, as a prep, bbaa , with ; suff. ^bbsa , d^bbia , on account of. bb} m. Ch. weight, heaviness. bba m. 6. pi. d^bba, const, ^bbi, dung. dba, fut. db:P, to wrap together, 'fold up. 2 K.2: 8. dbj m. 6, an unformed mass or sub- stance. Ps. 139: 16. I^ba m. adj. afflicted, unhappy ; bar- ren, unfruitful. 5>bj Hithpa. to be angry, irritated ; to grow warm. b5>bxpr. name of a son of Machir and grandson of Manassch ; also of a mountain and province beyond Jor- dan ; also of a city in the above men- tioned province. U3b3 prob. to sit, lie down. dA conj. also ; and ; even ; yea, surely ; although ; yet ; sometime* ?M 44 m:> pleonastic. When repeated, both and; as so- *i ttt although. ^m Pi. to swallow. Hi. to let drink. toil m. the Egyptian papyrus plant, so called from its imbibing water. 1a m. a cubit. Judg. 3: 16. d'HSJi pi. m. prob. warriors, heroes, Ezek.27: 11. bnfta m. 1. an action, deed, conduct, merit, desert, good or bad ; a good action ; a recompense. d^UJii b *ibl)aa to render to any one his desert, recompense one's actions upon him. R. bttJ TibVS> f. 10. an action, good or bad ; a recompense. bm , fut. b)2F , *o show or fcrmg- wpon any one, good or evil; especially to show good, treat kindly, favor ; to recompense, requite, good or evil ; also to wean a child from the breast of its mother; to ripen, bring to maturity ; also to grow ripe. Ni. to be weaned. bA c. 8. pi. d" 1 ?*:} , a camel, male or female. *ltta , fut. ^fop , to finish, accomplish, execute ; to come to an end, cease, fail. nm Ch. Part. pass. VJM finished, perfect, in an art or science. Ezra 7: 12. ^ttj Cimbri, Cimmerians, a north- ern nation. p c. 8. surT. ">23 , a garden ; a park. S:a , fut. daJP to steaZ; to ta&e away ; \o deceive. Ni. to be stolen. Pi. to steal ; to deceive, seduce. Pu. to be stolen; to be brought secretly. Hithpa. to act by stealth. 523 m. 1. a thief. IrttlW f. 10. something stolen. ii:i f. 10. a garden. R. "pa . tm f. 10. id. R. JM . tWU pi. m. const. V53 , treasures ; chests. ptaa pi. m. Ch. treasures. Tjwi m. 8. treasure-chambers in the "temple. 1 Chron. 28: 11. "p:t to protect, defend. Hi. fut. ]ip , zd. ftM o Zoiy, bellow, as kine. bs>A to reject, put away, abhor. Ni. to be thrown away. Hi. to cast or throw away. b$l m. abhorrence, loathing. Ezek. "16: 5. 15>a to assail with harsh worts, chide, rebuke ; to restrain. ST!Utt f. 11. a rebuke, reproof ; a threatening, restraining. u35>5 to be moved violently, shake, trem- ble. Pu. iz5i>i id. Hithpa. to be moved, roll. Hithpo. to stagger. ttjjtt pr. name of a mountain, forming a part of mount Ephraim. &p m. 8. the back ; the body. ?p m. Ch. pi. JpBij awing. jE)} c. 6. suff. Kb* , a vine ; especial- ly a grape vine. ISA m. a fir or pine tree. Gen. 6: 14. rPI&jk f. brimstone. *M m. 1. and JY-tf f. 10. an inmate, T TT lodger, sojourner. R. *\H . *0 m. perhaps the foot of a mountain. x Job 28: 4. R. &nj ^ m. 1. a stranger, alien; metaph. a pilgrim, sojourner, in this world. R. TO. ^jm. 1. pi. d^Tyn and ni^i, a whelp, cub. 5^3" m. ^c scurvy, perhaps of a ma- lignant kind. na^jj m. 7. a berry, e. g. of the olive. "Is7 17: 6. R. TJJ . nV"H^ ph f. the neck. R. Tnj. "tfja^}' pr. name of a Canaanitish peo- ple. I^A Hithpa. to scrape one's self. Job "2:8. Jl^iA Pi. n^a to excite or stir up strife. Hithpa. to be excited, an- gry ; to contend, engage in wai Ttt 45 m STnA. f. 10. the cud, food which the ani- mal brings up and chews again, as i"7^3 ilbtfil to ruminate or chew the crad ; a gerah, the twentieth part of the shekel, as a weight and as a coin. R. ^3 . j^ m. 3. const. fi^A, ^e throat, swallow ; the neck. n^3 f. a habitation. Jer. 41:17. R. ma. na Ni. to be cut off, taken away. Ps. "81: 23. "f^p pr. name of a Canaanitish people. ' i 5 Sam.27:8Keth. D'^t'lV Gerizim, a peak of mount Ephraim, over against mount Ebal. "jt^ m. an ax, hatchet. Vu or "by Prov. 19: 19 Keth. prob. a corrupt reading. b^ J m. a lot, see b^iA . b*tt to reserve. Pi. d*U to g-?iaw or orea& in pieces a bone. d*tt m. 6. a force ; the body ; sub- stance, self. &^ m. Ch. a bone. Dan. 6: 25. |hjj m. 6. pi. Mi3^ , const. rfiaTU , arc opera level place, area ; a threshing floor, circular level plat of ground in the open air, where corn was trodden by oxen ; grain of the threshing floor. 0^5 to be bruised, crushed, or broken V in pieces. Hi. to break in pieces. 2^5 to take off the beard, shave ; to take or draw off or away, with- draw ; to diminish, lessen, shorten ; to suck up, draw in, imbibe. Pi. to draw in or up. Ni. to be taken away; to be diminished, lessened, restrained ; sometimes used imper- sonally. p} to carry or wash away. Judg. 5: 21. also in the deriv. to seize ; to shovel away. TO > fut. *&* , "lisp and *yn , to draw, especially to carry off, sweep away ; to bring up again the food, ru- minate ; also in the deriv. to draw with the saw, saw, saw in pieces; to gargle ; to roll. Ni. to bring up again the food, ruminate. Po. to be sawn, Hithpo. to drive. "T-tt pr. name of a Philistine city. tina m. 6. sufF. "tD^ , something pounded or beaten fine. Lev. 2: 14, 16. UJ'na to cZrzzje out ; to drive or carry along with itself, wash away ; to repudiate or divorce a wife ; to empty, strip, pillage ; also in the deriv. to put forth fruit ; to dYz'^e to pasture. Pi. UJ^A to drive away or orc. Pu. u3ia to Z>e driven out. Ni. to 6e driven out ; to be carried or swept along ; to be agitated. una m. produce. Deut. 33: 14. i-jui^u f. 10. an expulsion, exaction. Ezek. 45: 9. dUJ'na m. pr. name of a son of Moses. ^Tilia (a bridge) pr. name of a country in Syria. ""Ttftth pr. name of a people at the root of Hermon ; also of a people near the Philistines. dtih Hi. to cause to rain. Jer. 14: 22. diJa m. 6. pi. b'tottfa, const. ^u3a, a heavy rain or shower, differing from IDft a light rain. du3^ T m. 6. suff. ttav*,id. Ezek. 22: 24. diitt m. Ch. suff. rfctii, fShbttjj, the body. Jttfo; pr. name of a country in Egypt, in which the Israelites dwelt from the time of Jacob to that of Moses ; also of a city and country in the moun- tain of Judah. tfjtfj} Pi. to grope after. Is. 59: 10. m f. 8. pi. nina , a wine press, or ra- ther the trough in which the grapes- were trodden ; also pr. name of one of the five cities of the Philistines. IBh m (dug wine press) a place in the tribe of Zebulun. ran 46 -\y fiE^ na (pomegranate press) a place in the tribe of Dan. Josh. 19: 45. ina m. a Gittite, inhabitant of Gath. mm f. prob. the name of a musical instrument. d^m (two winepresses) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Benjamin. Neh. 11:33. ^m a descendant of Aram, perhaps representing a people of Syria. Gen. 10:23. DalethfHeb. rbl , is sometimes inter- changed with T, and sometimes with its kindred Unguals D and n . in Ch. pron. denom. fem. this.-^til N^b one against another. a&TC to faint, languish. Slain f. consternation, terror. Job 41: ** 14. "pain m. 3. const, ftetin , a languish- ing, faintness, joined with \iis3 . Deut. 28: 65. 3N1 m. a fish, taken collectively /$#. Neh. 13: 16. 3*>n to be afflicted, troubled ; to fear. Mft m. (afflicted) pr. name of an Idu- mean, hostile to David. Jlittn f. affliction, sorrow ; fear, ap- prehension, anxiety. Jrwn. fut. ttffPi apoc. KT, to fly, spoken of the swift eagle, or metaph. of the deity. ilin f- the name of a swift bird of prey. Lev. 11: 14. *l#i see in . ai and an m. 8. an epicene noun, a bear. ta^n pi. f. she-bears. R. ai m. Ch. id. Dan. 7: 5. Kltfj m. 6. rest, death. Deut. 33: 25. aai to flow softly, Cant. 7: 10. in the deriv. to walk softly, creep ; to slan- der. jHSi m. 10. slander, ill report. Ttzi '{OitYn to spread an ill report. IfeLas?.' ST-to f. 10. pi. d"^al , a bee ; also pr. name of a celebrated prophetess in Israel. R. -im . T rial Ch. to sacrifice. Ezra 6: 3. fiai m. Ch. pi. *pmn i a sacrifice. Ezra 6: 3. ETOfttf| pi. m. doves' dung. 2 K. 6: 25 Ken. Tai m. the western part of the tem- ple, called the holy of holies, being the seat of the oracle ; also pr. name of a city of Judah. R. TO . ttirra f. const, nbni , pi. tP^sn , a round cake of dried figs pressed to- gether. Slbai Ezek. 6: 14. prob. a corrupt reading for ftbai Riblah, a city on the northern boundary of Palestine. trnbST and Carter ma pr. name of a city of Moab. p:n and p:n , fut. pal"] , infin. ttjW , to cleave, stick, adhere; to keep fast by any one ; to love or be at- tached to any one; to overtake. Pu. to cleave together. Hi. to cause to cleave or stick ; to pursue ; to overtake ; also causat. to cause to overtake. Ho. to cleave, adhere, pa 1 ! Ch. to cleave. Dan. 2: 43. pai m. 5. part, cleaving, adhering. pa^ m. 6. a soldering or welding of metals. PI. d^pin prob. joints of a coat of mail. ^a^ to speak; also in the deriv. to lead, drive ; to be behind ; to lie in wait, im 47 nm destroy. Pi. *12/} and ^2/1, fut. ^!3V , (1.) to speak, Lat. Zogtti, dif- ferent from Son 'to say, Lat. dicere, which is followed by the words spo- ken. b 2b b^ W9 to spea& kindly or encouragingly to any one. *$m 12b btf to speak to one's heart or one's self, to meditate. aita ""12^ 'b bs> to speak or promise good con- cerning any one, spoken of God. B b$ JT21 TO to s/?ea& or deter- mine evil concerning any one. 'b nK niiita ^sn to speak kindly with any one. bibtfi *jai to speak kindly or peaceably ; to wish peace or prosperity. 8 ntt t:51p^3 *m to pass sentence against any one ; to contend in law with any one. VIZ) 12*1 to utter a song. (2.) to promise. (3.) to destroy. Pu. to be spoken. Ni. to speak together or among themselves. Hi. to reduce to order, subject, subdue. Hithpa. to speak. "12 1 } m. 4. (1.) a word, speech; spec. a command, ; a promise ; a sen- timent, doctrine, instruction; an oracle, revelation ; counsel, advice. (2.) a subject of discourse, affair, matter. J-jfrblp ^*px the affairs of Solomon. bia'ft ^"ppi affairs of the days, journals. Jrtft '121S1 this matter, this. JitJl ^2^3 as this, thus. Tli^H* DTtWrt- *\ftit upon or after this. di^ ^2^ a daily rate or task. (3.) something. *ijft *ptt nothing. ^^-"bs everything] (4.) a state, condition, manner. (5.) a cause, reason. ^21 bs on account of, by reason of ^21 "b$ id. bi> *\W8 "W because. (6.) a suit at law, Lat. causa. b"^^ bi>2 one that has a lawsuit. (7.) sometimes pleonastic. "ft* m. 6. pi. b*13i , destruction, death, pestilence. fttfj m. 6. a fold, pasture. n Vttfl pi. f. floats, rafts. 1 K. 5: 23. STH21 f. 10. a state, condition, man- ner ; a cause, reason ; a suit at law, matter in controversy. JT121 f. Ch. a cause, reason, as bs> *rtl l T3 ! l so that, to the end that. tfW f. 10. a word, command. Deut. 33: 3. ttJSW m. 6. suff. *V22n , honey ; wine sirup, new wine boiled down to the consistency of sirup. nu5sn f. 13. prob. a bunch or protu- berance on the back of a camel, Is. 30: 6. also pr. name of a place, Josh. 19: 11. ;n m. 2. pi. &vn , const. *j| , a /s#. T R. sw. tt:n to increase, multiply. Gen. 48: T f6. ft!tt f. 11. a fish; sometimes as a col- lective noun, fishes. R. Ttn . ]1JTC m. (a great fish) Dagon, an idol of the Philistines at Ashdod. htt to shine, Cant. 5: 11, part. pass, with active signification ; also to praise, celebrate, Ps. 20: 6. Ni. to be provided with flags or banners, Cant. 6: 4, 10. bxn m. 6. suff. fttfj , pi. fcPte 1 const. ^bai a standard, flag, banner. tjn m. 4. cor, grain. R. prob. S"tt*j "W to gather, heap up, applied pa T ti- cularly to a female bird's gathering her eggs or young ones, and brood- ing over them. "H m. 8. dual p^n , the breast. rtfJJ Hithpa. STHf? fo move sZottffy or solemnly, particularly in a festival procession. ]TI , pi. tj^TJ , the name of 1 people and country in Arabia. D^^n pi. m. the name of a people, sit- uated to the west of the Hebrews, Gen. 10: 4. liV} m. Ch. emph. tf2Sri , gold. ni 48 ran KJVJ pl * Ch. the name of a people. Ezra 1: 9 Keri, D!-n Ni. part. fo&en fry surprise, per- plexed, astonicd. Jer. 14: 9. Ilftt to pursue, chase, move quickly, spoken of a horse or rider. Nah. 3: 2. niJTl f. 10. pursuit, rapid movement, haste. Judg. 5:22. a*n i. q. i^ a bear, q. v. IOT Hi. to cause to faint or lan- guish. Lev. 26: 16. 3T3 and ^T to fish. Jer. 16: 16. De- no m. from ;n . X :mm. I. a fisher. rtJW f. a fishing. Am. 4: 2. i't^ m. 1. stiff, also defectively Yft, *rt, owe beloved, a lover; a friend; a father's brother, uncle by the father's side. PL d^li love, ca- resses. W m. 6. pi. tTW , a pot, kettle. Also m. 1. pi. S^-nV, a basket. IT? and vn m. (prob. beloved) David, son of Jesse and king of Israel ; al- so a name given to the expected Messiah. CWW pi. m. baskets ; also the name of a plant having a pleasant smell, and supposed to render barren wo- men fruitful, prob. the mandrake, (Atropa Mandragora, Linn.) Srrti f. 10. a father's brother's wife, father's sister. JrjJJ to be infirm, unwell, sick, parti- cularly as females during their nonthly courses, Lev. 12: 2 ; also in the deriv. to be sad. 1TH m. fern, irn , adj. sick, as females ' m XX J with their monthly courses ; faint, sad, spoken of the heart ; unhappy: as a ubst. a soiled garment. n^n Hi. imii to drive away, cast out ; to wash, purify, a burnt offer- ing ; to wash away bloodguiltiness. ^*n m. const. *11 , sickness, Ps. 41: 4. impurity, loathsomeness, Job 6: 7. R. irn. X X ^Tl m. very sick, faint, spoken of the heart. R. rtn n>1^ m. see n^ . ^n i. q. so 1 } to pound or bruise in pie- ces. Num. 11.8. n&W? f. the name of an unclean bird, perhaps the hoopoe. ITnvn f. the land of silence, region of the dead ; also pr. name of an Ish- maelitish tribe in Arabia. iTO?) silence; silent submission; quietness, peace. EDftn adv. in silence ; submissively, with confidence in God : as a subst. silence, dumbness. ptofc^ i. q. pwn'n Damascus. 2 K. 16: 10. |?N or fi^ prob. i. q. f*n to judge, rule, direct, govern. Gen. 6: 3 fiT^tfb SViyb C^tf! ^rp"n my spirit shall not always rule or aci in man. Jta m. a judgment. Job 19: 29 Keri. Jfc-Yj and tt^j, m. wa2\ yn^ to dance, leap, prance. Job 41: 14. pqi Ch. to fte broken in pieces. Dan. 2: 35. >W to dwe/Z, Ps. 84: 11. also in the de- riv. to mo?;e m a circle. -!^ Ch. to dwell. "to and ^^ m. 1. aw ag*e, generation ; a race or cZass of men ; a dwelling. PI. S3V}*n and frtS^ ages, gene- rations ; future generations, pos- terity. "to or^in, also^n n&5 and "to rries X X pr. name of a city, not far from mount Carmel. *\^m. a circle ; a ball ; a round pile of wood or bones for a fire. K^^n Ch. pr. name of a plain in Baby- lonia. Dan. 3: 1. VD*n and tfji^ to tread down or under foot ; to tread out or thresh corn ; to punish by means of a threshing wag- on armed with iron teeth ; also in the deriv. to leap, spring. Ni. to be trodden down. Ho. to be thresh- ed. tt?ni Ch. to tread under foot. Dan. 7: 23. VI 49 Hm to push down, overturn, over- throw. Ni. to be overthrown ; to be cast out of driven away, as ^tVX2 btt'lto" 1 the outcasts of Israel. Pu. to be thrust down. iTJtn Ch. pi. ytm > cl concubine. Dan. 6: 19. t\m Ni. to be overthrown. Jer. 23: ~12. *^rn m. in pause ifn , a falling, stum- bling. R. iim . Vfn Ch. to be afraid. Part. pass. V^fn terrible. Pa. bfn to terrify. "jni m. a species of millet, (Holcus Dochna, Linn.) Ezek. 4: 9. p]fn Part, ppfn hastened, concitatus. Ni. J^h^j to urge one's self on, make haste. pm to push, press, oppress. Part. pill an oppressor. *H m. 8. const, "wj, sufF. wj, a compe- tency, sufficiency, enough. In the construct state, it is sometimes suf- fixed to the prepositions 2,3, ftt , as ^12 /o?' ; whenever ; * , spring. Pi. id Jib 1 ! to aVrtifl water ; metaph. to draw out; also in the deriv. to hang down. Pi. to draw out, deliver, set free ; also prob. to take away. Mbl f. 1 1. i. q. nbl a door. Is. 26: 20 Keri. fibl f. 10. fine threads, particularly the thrums which unite the web to the beam ; a head of hair ; lowness, poverty ; as a concrete, low or poor people. R. bbl . fib*! to disturb water with the feet. ?Vl m. a bag to draw water with, water bucket. Is. 40: 15. R. nbl . ^bl m. 6 dual suff. pbl , id. Num. 24: T. R.tibl. X T nVbl f (weak, languishing,) pr. name of a Philistine woman. rpbl f. 13. pi. nfrVl , a bough, branch. fiCnVi. X x bbl , pret. nbl , Wbl , and ribbl , Jo be weak, feeble, diminished; to be brought low, afflicted, distressed ; to long, languish ; to hang down, descend. Ni. to be impoverished. >)bl , fut. sybl^ , to drip, have drops falling from it, spoken of a house; to flow in tears, weep, spoken of the eye. p)bl m. a dropping of rain from a roof. pbl , fut. pb"P , to burn ; to pursue ardently or hotly ; metaph. to be fill- ed with anguish. Hi. to kindle ; to heat, inflame. pbl Ch. to burn. Dan. 7: 9. npVj f- a burning fever. Deut. 28: 22. nbl f. suff. *inbl , a door, gate ; a lid of a chest. Dual tpnbl , const. ^ribl , double doors, folding doors, Lat. fores ; also doors generally. PI. rrinb*! c. const, rnnbi , doors, gates ; leaves or folds of a door ; leaves or columns of a roll or book. C21 m. 2. const, L21, suff. fan &Sk1 > T - xv;. (1.) 6Zood. *^p3 Cai innocent blood; also a/i innocent per son.-tZi^$ 31 o/ood of grapes, poetically for wz7ie. (2.) bloodshed, murder, bloodguilti- ness. In pi. blood ; bloodshed, blood guiltiness. &1 or d1 m. similarity, likeness. Ezek. 19~: 10. R.Jlttl. Irjftl to be like, resemble. Ni. to be X X made like. Pi. Stal to liken, com- pare ; to imagine, conceive, think ; to intend, purpose ; to think or make mention of. Hithpa. to liken one's self. SnJQI to rest, cease ; to cause to cease, to destroy, lay waste. Ni. to be de- stroyed, perish. Pi. tVBft to de- stroy. rtfcl Ch. to be like. S1531 f destruction, something destroy- ed. Ezek. 27: 32. R. t=&i . X rrtXn f. 13. a likeness, image; a model, pattern, copy; a form: as an adv. as, like as. R. iifrl to be like. T X iftl m. rest, quiet. Is. 38: 10. R. tifti : J xx o rest. *)31 m. 7'e silent, hold one^s peace ; to be dumb, from ter- ror or amazement ; to rest, be qui- et, keep still; to stand still. (3331 t"ni"pb to trust quietly in Jehovah. Po. tDttll to quiet, compose. Hi. IDI.1 to destroy. -Ni. my , pi. rtfa'ij, fut. ttfaT 1 , also "Va^n , to be destroy- ed, perish, spoken of persons; to be laid waste, spoken of countries. tTnftl f. a silent or gentle breeze. 1*3/7 ni. dung, Pal to weep, shed tears. Jer. 13: 17. pxn m. 6. juice of pressed grapes and olives, wine and oil. Ex. 22: 28. ttsttnf. 12. a tear; as a collective noun, tears. ptol Damascus, the principal city of Syria ; also cm inhabitant of Da- mascus, Damascene. ptttol a kind of cloth, silk tapestry, damask. Am. 3: 12. ft (a judge) pr. name of a son of Ja- x cob, and of the tribe named from him ; also of a city on the northern boundary of Palestine. ft c.Ch.pron. demon. emph.Jim, this. rtU'lS as this, thus, such. J-J31 b# on this account. SniiiD^i pr. name of an Idumean city. bitfpip m. (a divine judge) pr. name of a Hebrew prophet. 3>n m. 7. an opinion. PI. fcw know- ledge. R. 2T 1 . ftSjl! f. 11. knowledge. R. yfi . ttJp Prov. 24: 14, imper. from T , with paragogic rj. TjS^ to fe extinguished, go out. Ni. to be dried up. Pu. to be put out, extinguished. nSH f. 13. a knowing, acknowledg- ment; understanding, intelligence, wisdom. r\21 *^Sa without know- ledge, foolishly ; without knowing it, unawares. R. &\i . T Vi m. in pause isi, prob. destruction. Ps. 50:20. ps*! to drive or wrg'e o/i violently ; to knock at a door. Hithpa. to knock at a door. FTpCI pr. name of a station of the Isra- elites in the desert. Num. 33: 12. pi m. fern, ftpl , adj. small, fine, spo- ken of dust ; something small or Zz&e dust ; also fine, thin, lean ; con- sumptive, or having a withered limb ; light, gentle. R. ppl . py m. something thin, a thin garment. Is. 40: 22. R.ppi. ilbpl pr. name of a country in Jokta- nltish Arabia. Gen. 10: 27. ppl , pret. pi, fut. pi"i , to 6c broken in pieces, to be beat small or fine; al- so trans, to bruise in pieces, beat small. Hi. pih to stamp or 6ea small. Infin. p^rt as an adv. /me, small. Ho. to 6e bruised. pp*i Ch. Aph. pijh to break in pieces. 'npi to thrust through, pierce, stab, as with a sword or spear. Ni. to be thrust through. Pu. id. "m m. prob. pearl stone. Est. 1: 6. 1*1 m. Ch. i.q.?TH em ag-e, generation. TTi see ivi . pan m. 3. contempt. Dan. 12: 2. JW13 m. arc 06/eci 0/* abhorrence or contempt. Is. 66: 24. HSfe*Yl f. 10. a g-ottd", stftne-. Ecc. 12: x irr 11. p'll m. aw ox goad. 1 Sam. 13: 21. SW1 m. pr. name of a wise man. 1 K. "5:11. WYi m. a ra7i& weed, thorn, thistle. ED'H'i m. the south, south country; the south wind. TlTr m. a flowing out spontaneously ; freedom, deliverance ; also the name of a bird, prob. the swallow. n 52 n tt>*p*Vi m. Darius, the common name of several Persian and Median kings ; as (1.) Darius the Mede, or Cyaxares II. (2.) Darius, the son of Hystaspes. (3.) Darius Nothus. tfj'n'Yi prob. a corrupt reading for tfJITT to search. Ezra 10: 16. TpT , fut. TpT 1 , to tread, tread on ; metaph. to tread down or destroy en- emies. With yn , to step forth, arise. ap" 1 Sn*l * fread the wine- press. rPT Spl to fread- olives. DUJp Tp 1 ! to tawd or stretch the bow. tal&fl TpT to stretch the arrows. Hi. to cause to tread or walk, to lead ; intrans. to tread ; to bend, stretch ; also to overtake. jrn c. 6. dual er^Ti , pi. cars^n > const. '^a'Yi a way, path ; a jour- ney ; a walk, course of life, con- duct ; a religious walk, worship ; a way, manner, method ; a work : as an adv. in the way to, towards. \fOSOM% m. i. q. l p3 , Yi8 the Persian da- ric. pi2372^1 i. q. p^ten Damascus. 9*ric* Ch. the arm. Dan. 2: 32. vi , fut. tfW , (1.) to seek, look for, search for.''z> rttTBI Bfttt) J'JJ to see& JAe peace and prosperity of any one. 'e> n91 IJ'Jl to seek the hurt of any one.tPTlbi* tf'JJ to seek God, i. e. to supplicate or wor- ship him. (2.) to seek unto, visit, or frequent a place, especially for religious worship. (3.) to require, demand. -p tn un*T to require blood of any one, i. e. to punish him for bloodshed. (4.) to ask about, inquire into, examine. (5.) to in- quire of or consult Jehovah, an idol, a magician, as an oracle. (6.) to regard, care for. (7) to observe. Ni. to be sought for ; to let one's self be supplicated, to hear, answer. KUH to wax green, flourish. Hi. to cause to flourish, to bring forth. ttUJ*! m. the tender grass, young herb, different from nii)5> a plant bearing seed. fttj 1 ! to wax fat. Pi. to make fat or full of marrow ; to anoint ; to regard or pronounce fat ; also denom. from fttH , to purify from ashes. Pu. metaph. to be abundantly satisfied. Hothpa. to be soiled with fat, spoken of the sword. fun m. 5. adj. fat, fruitful, spoken of the earth ; full of sap, spoken of trees ; rich, opulent, spoken of men. Jttta m. 6. sufT. fttHi fatness; rich food, delicacies; fruitfulness, bless- ings ; ashes. rn f. pi. D^ni , a rule, law ; an edict. x * r rn f. Ch. a law ; a religious rite ; an edict, decree ; a meaning, purpose. Nnn m. Ch. emph. Hfcfi*] , i. q. Heb. Kip 1 ! ayoung tender herb. ^ni m. Ch. one skilled in the law, a judge. pnT (two wells) also ]rp pr. name of a place. in*; m. pr. name of a man. n He, Heb. Nit, is sometimes inter- changed with N and fi , and as a mid- dle radical with 1 quiescent. ft a prefix, contracted for bft used as a definite article, the ; as a de- mon, pron. this ; sometimes as an indef. article, a; before the vocative ; also as a relative, who, which. Ti a prefix, used as a sign of interroga- "' tion, in the direct inquiry, Lat. an ? on 53 iin num? also in the indirect inquiry, whether ; also as Lat. nonne? UN Ch. lo, behold. Dan. 3: 25. T Nil lo, behold. a* Ch. id. Dan. 2: 43. fitti! interj. of joy and scorn, aha ! S!l imper. of Srp q. v. fi^tlirt pi. m. presents, offerings. Hos. 8: 13. R. p . biil fut. baST , to become vain, cher- ish idle thoughts. Hi. to cause to be vain, seduce to idolatry. De- nom. from ball . Vail m. 6. suff. *>3rt, pi. tifff%% const, 'tart 5 ft breath, vapor ; me- taph. something vain, foolish, or o/ 7?o #a/we ; especially icfo/s, idola- try ; as an adv. in vain, to no 'pur- pose ; also pr. name of Adam's se- cond son. bail m. vanity. treSfcJ pi. m. ebony. Ezek. 27: 15. laii Part. plur. tPfttfl prob. astrolo- gers. Is. 47: 13. ttjtt , fut. hyp , to g rowl, spoken of lions ; to mourn, coo, spoken of doves ; to sigh, lament ; to speak, utter ; to praise, celebrate ; to med- itate, particularly in a religious manner ; to remember ; to imagine, invent, devise. Po. iniin. i^h to speak, utter. Hi. part. plur. b^fiTa, to mutter, or to coo, sigh. STirt to separate ; also perhaps to take away. STift m. a murmuring of thunder ; a sighing, mourning ; a thought. httJj f. 13. a thought, meditation. Ps. 49: 4. R. Ji^n to meditate. T T ipail m. 3. a mourning, sighing. J^jtt m. 3. a playing on the harp ; a meditation ; an intention, purpose. R. hah . T T pah m. 3. adj. convenient, fit, suitable. Ezek. 42: 12. ^ii J Hagar, an Egyptian woman, handmaid to Sarah, and mother of Ishmael. vyfil m. pi. d^il and bWFttrt i the name of an Arabian tribe in the east of Gilead. Itt i. q. TPSlj I a rejoicing, shout of joy. Ezek. 7: 7. "piaitt pi. m. Ch. state counselors, ministers, viziers. TJrt m. pr. name of a king of the Idu- means. ITSllll m. pr. name of a king of Syria ofZobah. 2 Sam. 8: 3 ff. fts ay ift pr. name of a place in the plain of Megiddo. Zech. 12: 11. Irttri to stretch out. Is. 11: 8. !fth (for tnijfr) India. D^n^tl the name of a Joktanitish tribe t -; in Arabia. !pSl to overthrow, tread to the ground, "Job 40: 12. Eli! m. Ch. a piece, as |"WJl ias> to hew in pieces. Dliri m. a footstool. Olil m. 8. pi. d^Olil , a myrtle. lOin f. (myrtle) the earlier name of the Jewish maiden Esther. Est. 2: 7. 5] 1ft , fut. Sjii-P , to thrust, strike ; ta thrust down, overthrow ; to thrust away, keep back, withhold ; to drive out. "lift, fut. WF to be wide, broad y high ; to adorn, decorate ; to honor,, respect, reverence ; to have respect of persons, be partial in judg- ing. Ni. to be honored. Hithpa. to make one's self broad, inake a display. Tin Ch. Pa. ^viSi to honor, respect. "Viil m. 4. an ornament ; beauty ; splendor, majesty ; honor, glory. Tin m. honor, glory. Dan. 11: 20. il^nn f. 11. const, n^lti, an orna- ment ; honor, glory. Tin 54 Wl fifi interj. of lament, i. q. piiiNt wo ! alas ! Ezek. 30: 2. in i. q. "nil interj. aZas / Am. 5: 16. tftltt pron. of the third person sing. masc. he ; as a neuter it ; also self, same, selfsame; as a pron. demon. this ; that. It often includes the substantive verb to be ; and some- times simply expresses this verb. fcfth Ch. id. Dan. 2: 21. ion Job 37: 6, see J-pfi . tf5tt Ch. see Jiin . x.-j -: 'lit! m. 1. ornament, decoration / splendor, glory, majesty ; bloom of youth, blooming countenance, come- liness. Flirt and Kin , i. q. rt"*Jl to be ; also XT XX XX in the deriv. to fall ; to desire. mn and torn Ch. i. q. Heb. J-pSi Jo 6e. T Fut. hlti\ with the prefix b sig- nifying ifiat, sometimes omits its preformative, as "Jlrtb that they may or might be. imrt f. 10. a/a/Z, rra, destruction ; wickedness ; lust, desire. Jllh f. i. q. !mil destruction, calamity. #! interj. of threatening, grief, and exhortation, wo / aZas / come on ! rj^n Ch. fut. rjfT , infin. -pT50*i *o go. nVbin f. 10. foolishness, madness. n^jfcl f7l3. td. Ecc. 10: 13. R. V?n . fibiil (Milel) participle with accent drawn back, from fcbrt q. v. S^!n to confound, throw into conster- nation. Ni. fut. EDi"P , to be thrown into commotion. j^rr in the deriv. to live at ease or lux- uriously. Hi. to regard as a light thing, lightly esteem. prt m. 1. riches, wealth, substance : as an adv. enough, sufficient. Sift and ^Sn m. i. q. *nJi a mountain, Gen. 49: 26, according to the more probable punctuation ; also pr. name of a mountain on the borders of Edom, now called Jebel Nebi Ha- run and Sidna Harun ; and of a northeastern branch of Lebanon. S>u3*in m. (deliverance) the earlier name of Joshua ; also the name of a king of Israel ; and of a prophet. mil or nnii Pilel or Poel, to rage agai?ist. Fs. 62: 4. JrrtJri to dream, speak in one's sleep. Ys. 56: 10. *ft m. a measure for liquids, contain- ing 12 logs [tSPXlb .) ^iil Hi. to amaze, stun. Job 19: 3. il^SSl f. 10. a discovery, acknowledg- ment. Is. 3: 9. R. TM . bh Deut. 32: 6, (according to the MSS. which write separately Siiil" 1 Vir) adv. of interrogation, an ? num 1 ttbil Ni. part. fem. iiNb^SSl the far removed, used collectively. Mic. 4:7. ttbln found only with He parag. Sitfbn as an adv. to a distance, farther, be- yond, onward, spoken of space or time. b Snttbilfa as a prep, beyond. ta^bnVtt pi. m. a joyful feast, thanks- giving festival, at the gathering in of the fruits of the year. R. bbil ttftil see S&ftl . TVrt c pron. demon, this. hiVh m. pron. demon. /ws. Wh f. pron. demon, fti*. Ezek. 36: 35. rpbil or Jpbft m. pi. d^^il , a step. Job 29: 6. R. rjbSi . i-ja^tl f. 10. a way, going ; proce- dure, conduct ; a company of tra- vellers, caravan. R. nbll . ?|bft , fut. qjjg , T|V} , also rfbiY] , im- per. T]"b ? infin. absol. ^"ibil infin. const, rpb , with suff. TiaS , part. 7jbi*7, (deriving a part of its forms from obsol. Tjb* 1 ,) (1.) to g-o, in va- rious manners, e. g. as an ark float- ing, as a boundary extending itself, as a report spreading. With an accus. to go to or through a place. With a to go with any thing, to bring or carry it. With &5> or ntt (nN ,) to associate or fe conversant with. With i^nN to g-o a/tor, /oZ- Zow; to persecute. With a pleonas- tic dative, ib 5jbjT| to 6e g-owe. (2.) to act, conduct, live. (3.) to depart, die. (4.) to pass away, disappear. (5.) to rim, flow, spoken of water ; also of the place down which the water flows. (6.) to go on, continue, last, as in phrases like the follow- ing, Gen. 26: 13 Vol SjVrt sjVl cmd Ae waxed greater and greater. Gen. 8: 3 y^an bi>^2 d^ftii 13U3*"? aiuil Tp"bin arcd ^e waters ran off continually from the surface of the earth. 1 Sam. 17: 41 ^nu5"b5S"l TjVo 3lp*J TfVil a?^ ^e Philistine drew nearer and nearer. Ni. Sjbtta to pass away, disappear. Pi. r|Vll to go, walk ; to pass away. Part. zfPtlto a highwaym,an, robber, or a vagrant. Hi. 5|**blft and JftVh, part. pi. d^dbilfc i to make or cause to go, to lead ; to bear, carry ; to cause to perish, to destroy ; to cause to flow ; to cause to run off. Hithpa. TjViintl to walk; to ivalk abroad; to take a walk ; to march up -and down ; metaph. to act, conduct, live. Part, rpiinfr a robber, or a va- grant. Tjbln Ch. Pa. to go, walk. Aph. id. rjbii m. 6. a traveller, stranger, 2 Sam. 12: 4. a stream, 1 Sam. 14: 26% rjbn m. Ch. toll. b^Jl to shine, give light ; to be haugh- ty, arrogant, wicked. Pi. V?il to make to shine, to praise, commend, celebrate ; also intrans. to glory, boast. Pu. bVtl to be praised or celebrated. Part, b^ilfa worthy of praise. Hithpa. to be praised, de- serve praise ; to glory, boast. Po. Win , fut. VbW , to make foolish, deprive of reason ; to show to be foolish, to shame, disgrace. Part. Vbinfr made foolish, mad,raving. Hithpo. to be or become mad or fool- ish ; to feign one's self mad. Hi. to cause to shine ; also to shine. M I 56 -jsn &bn to strike, smite ; to beat down, break in pieces ; to stamp or strike the ground, spoken of the hoofs of horses ; to be scattered, dispersed, spoken of an army. * TOtiVr smitten by wine, drunken. tt'brt adv. of place, here ; hither. -^ frbir hither. nnttbil f. a hammer. Judg. 5: 26. &n or dn pr. name of a place. Gen. "l 1: 5. X firt or &n prob. i. q. pain a multi- tude. Ezek. 7: 11 B fttl ft Ej prob. for &J"pana from their multitude. R. ttortT" Sin and nail pron. of the third pers. plur. masc. they ; as a demon, pron. tMese ; also used for the substantive verb in the third person plural, and sometimes in the second person. Sometimes used for the feminine. nail fut. nan" 1 , to growl, as bears ; to howl, as dogs ; to mourn, coo, as doves ; to sigh, mourn, lament ; to make a noise, bluster, rage, roar, bt in commotion, spoken particular- ly of waves, or of a great multitude of people ; to be noisy, clamorous ; to be agitated, disquieted, spoken of the soul. in in see pail'. pain c. 3. a sound, noise, as of rain, of music ; bustle or tumult of a crowd of people ; a multitude or crowd of people ; a warlike host, army ; a multitude of waters ; a multitude of possessions, abund- ance, riches ; inward commotion. |iah and lain Ch. pron. of the third pers. plur. masc. i. q. Heb. din they. ivaft f. 10. a sound or noise of musi- cal instruments. Is. 14: 11. R. inain. T X JT^JBJl and rtVi&tt f. prob. a noise, T : -J T -; bustle, tumult. tDam , fut. ah" 1 , to drive on ; to ter- T T rify, confound, discomfit ; to con- sume entirely, destroy. fan m. i. q. pain a raging. Ezek. 5: 7 ta^iain fa taaaajn ]3 0GCause f your raging more than the heathen. fain m. pr. name of a Persian noble- man. Tpaaii or Tpaain m. Ch. a chain for the neck or arm. LD^Oain pi. m. brushwood, small sticks. Is. 64: 1. fin pron. of the third pers. plur. fern. "they. Sometimes used in reference to men. fin , with Makk. -jhi see, behold; also if; whether. fn Ch. if; whether; fortfbin nonne? as a strong affirmation. When re- peated, whether or. inan pron. of the third pers. pi. fem. they : as an adv. hither ; here ; at this time, now. insim train hither and thither ; here and there. nstl rarely TliTi , interj. see, behold. Often with suffixes, as ^5 sn behold me, or see, (here am) 1. nftain f. a permission to rest, rest. Esth. 2: 18. R. ma . 3>am pr. name of a city in Mesopotamia, prob* Ana. SnDln Pi. to be silent. Imper. Din as an exclamation, hush, be still ; as an adv. silently. Hi. to make silent, to quiet, still. ftMfcrt f. 10. an intermission, cessa- tion. Lam. 3: 49. R. aid . !]Din , fut. Tjs!"P , trans, to turn, turn about ; to pervert words ; to over- turn or destroy a city ; to change ; intrans. to turn one's self, turn; to turn about, flee, retreat; to be changed ; to be perverse. Ni. TjEina to turn one's self, turn about ; to be .turned ; to be perverse ; to be over- turned ; to be changed ; to be changed for the worse, degener- ate. Ho. to be rolled. Hithpa. to turn one's self, turn; to change itself; to roll down. nn 57 ^nn ?jDlrT and Tj&Ji m. the contrary, oppo- site. Ezek." 16: 34. SrjSBii f. a destruction, overthrow. Gen. 19: 29. TjSODil m. adj. crooked, perverse. Pro v. 21: 8. Jlbstil f. deliverance. Est. 4: 14. R. bis. 1S.1 m. prob. weapons, or a warlike force, army. Ezek. 23: 24. ^jrt m. with the article ^Ttft , with ft local, once tt*1tt, in other places "Httil , pi. O^n , a mountain, X X X " T hill ; a chain of mountains, moun- tainous country. In'PfP *lSi the mountain of Judah, a chain of mountains, in the south of Palestine, in the tribes of Judah and Simeon, also called by way of eminence ^lin . G^Dtt ^ft the mountain of Ephraim, in the tribes of Ephraim and Benjamin. irrf^Si 1H\ the mount of God, i. e. Sinai. yn l^tpn the holy mount, on which the temple was built. *Vr? see ^ift. D**ttl ^51 (mount of the sun) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Dan. Judg. 1:35. tP^lsn ^rt see W K^Jl pr. name of a country to which the Israelites were carried away by the Assyrians. 1 Chr. 5: 26. "b&^'n (mount of God) a name given to the altar of burnt-offering. Ezek. 43: 15. Z^n , fut. 3S?1 * , to kill, slay ; to de- stroy. Ni. to be slain. Ho. JHft id. 5*1^1 m. slaughter. TOfta f. slaughter. m^ftn JT3 ^e valley of slaughter. Ti^ft tv conceive, be or become preg- nant. Part, l-n^ft one that bears, a mother. Pu. to be conceived. Po. ill*!, infin. 'Hh , to conceive. Jl^Sl m. fem. n^Ji , adj. pregnant. PI. "Pri'T^ft their women with child. T T ^fr^rt m. Ch. a thought, imagination. r>an.4:2. X\yn m. 1. pregnancy. Gen. 3: 16. T X p*Th m. conception. R. mn . htD" 11 !^ f. 10. something torn down, a ruin. Am. 9: 11. R. D^irj. rnD^M f. 13. destruction. Is. 49: 19. pfc^Jl.m. prob. i. q. p'ja'TN a citadel. Am. 4: 3. D*Jjj fut. phST and DhFP , *o tear dow?i houses, walls, cities ; to beat in the teeth ; to lay waste a country ; to destroy a people ; intrans. to break through. Ni. to be thrown down. Pi. to tear down. 0*\n m. destruction. Is. 19: 18. The true reading is prob. D^H q. v. YjSj m. 4. suff. ^il , and *Wh m. 6. suff. i^n , pi. 'const. *rjri , suff. vTOv?. a mountain. i^nii and in^ft m. a mountaineer of X - X X mount Ephraim, or Judah. myfrtpSl f. a causing to hear, mak- ing known. Ezek. 24: 26. R. S>ftUJ . X Tpnh m. a melting. Ezek. 33: 33. R. bnh Pi. brift , infin. bnft , fut. "bnj-r and bnSl" 1 , to mock, deride ; to de- ceive. Pu. bmSl to be deceived. trViift pi. m. mockings* revilings. Job' 17: 2. IDT 58 1- 1 Vav, Heb. n , occurs very rarely as the first radical in Hebrew, since in this dialect all verbs T D exchange it for * , in all the forms which should regularly begin with 1. "j a prefix conjunction, copul. and, also; intens. yea; disjunct, or; ad- vers. but ; yet ; otherwise ; concess. although ; causal, for, Lat. enim ; since, because ; illative, wherefore ; compar. as, so ; eventual, that, so that; final, that, to the end that; exeg. namely, or it may be omitted in English ; also before the apodosis, or closing member of a sentence, even when the former member consists merely of a nominative absolute or of a circumstance of time, then, or it may be omitted in English ; before the beginning of a speech, referring to some thought not ex- pressed, then, or it may be omitted in English. When repeated both and; whether or. 1 a prefix, as in VdJP^T he killed, usu- ally called Vav conversive of the fu- ture. It often includes the force of Vav copulative, which is never writ- ten before it. j*l1 pr. name of a place in Arabia. r fezek.27: 19. iJlT a doubtful reading. Num.21: 14. The true reading is perhaps Slnntt in one word, Aramean Hithpa. of S!T to give. n m. pi. &i"n , a nail, hook. ^tl m. adj. guilty, laden with trans- gression. Prov. 21: 8. lb") m. a son, child. Gen. 11: 30. R. jbi m. id. 2 Sam. 6: 23. R. iV . Zain, Heb. f^t , is sometimes inter- changed with T , and sometimes with its kindred dentals S: , D , and to. SKt m- ! a wolf ; also pr. name of a Midianitish prince. riNT f. pron. demon, this. See Jit . lit to present with a gift. Gen. 30: 20. lit m. a gift, present. Gen. 30: 20. *M\ m. 1. a fly, gadfly. mja ijpat poisonous flies. Itot h$3. Fly- Baal, an oracular deity of the Ekronites. "btot and Vnt m. 1. a dwelling, habi- tation, especially of God. R. bit . pbnnt, fbtot and^bit m.(a dwelling) pr. name of a son of Jacob ; also of the tribe named from him. 3^Dt m. aZebulonite. nit to slai;, kill ; io slay for sacrifice, sacrifice. Pi. fiat , fut. Man , id. nit m. 6. suff. "ifiit , pi. trStSt, const. Tilt , once nirdt , an animal killed, repast on animals killed ; a sacri- fice, partly in opposition to the un- bloody offering (Sirj2 ,) and partly in opposition to the burnt-offering (SlViS ,) embracing the sin, trespass, and thank offering. "bit. to dwell, cohabit. Gen. 30: 20. W see Jbtot . Jq>aT see ^VlSt . jit Ch. to buy, gain. Dan. 2: 8. it m. the external transparent skin of the grape. Num. 6: 4. ^t m. 1. adj. arrogant, wicked, pro- fane. R. *nt or Tr nit 59 1*1 Jilt m. 3. const. Jilt , arrogance, pride ; wickedness, impiety ; as a concrete, proud. }-jt m. and ntft f- pron. demon, this ; sometimes with an implication of contempt ; more rarely in poetry as a pron. relat. who ; also as a mere sign of relation ; as an adv. here ; as an intensive particle, now, then. When repeated, one the other. STT53 hence. rifnft how then 1 why then ? ftta here ; then. Sitai ilte so and, so, thus and thus ; also this as well as that. n^t3 also, like- wise. m f. this, Jer. 26: 6 Keth. Hr f. this, i. q. nKT . ailt m. 4. const, aim > once niTT, gold; metaph. the golden splendor of the firmament; gold-colored oil.T^itty 2fiT ten (shekels of) gold. dht Pi. to ZoafAe, aMor. Job 33: 20. T hilt Hi. hWtt intrans. to be bright, shine ; also trans, and metaph. to teacA ; to warn, admonish. Ni. to oe instructed ; to receive instruc- tion or counsel ; to take warning. "ThT Ch. Part. pass. hW admonish- ed, cautious, prudent. Ezra 4: 22. hilt m. 6. the brightness of the firma- ment. it f. i. q. Jit and nttt , this ; also as a relative, which. It c. for Stjt and rtftt , as a pron. demon. this; more frequently as a relative, who, which ; also as a sign of rela- tion. TT or "Pt m. the second month of the Hebrew year, answering to part of April and part of May. ait to flow, spoken of water, and espe- cially of the catamenia or monthly courses in women ; also spoken of the place in which any thing flows ; to have the monthly courses, as wo- men ; to labor with the gonorrhea, as men ; also to pine away, die. ait m. 1. the gonorrhea in men; the monthly courses of females. lit see T\ . trtlt pi. m. a people on the borders of Palestine. Gen. 14: 5. JTOt f. 10. a corner ; a corner pillar. bit to empty out. Is. 46: 6. Jrblt f. 10. only in the construct state Yiblt, and with surf. Vlblt, SjnVlT *- # t ' ; it as a prep, besides, except ; only. }lt in the deriv. to nourish. Ho. part. pi. &W)q well fed. Jer. 5: 8 Keth. m Ch. Ithpe. to be nourished. Dan. 4:9. J131T f. a harlot, part. fern. from, j-jat T TT q.v. *# to mr;?jc one's *e(f ; to tremble, be moved with alarm. Pilp. part. PWjJQ , to trouble, vex. *}t Ch. to tremble, be afraid. SWT f. an O0j>c of oppression or z'ZZ treatment ; terror. hit or hit to press or squeeze togeth- er, crush ; to be pressed together, as the lips of a wound. hit to g*o oac& or away; to depart from God, sin ; to be strange or a stranger ; also in the deriv. to de- part from truth, lie. Part, ht a stranger; a foreigner, one not an Israelite ; an enemy, barbarian ; another, in opposition to one's self. ht btf a strange god.- fciht strange gods. Jr-jhT UJN other, i. e. unconsecrated, fire. frht the wife of another, in opposition to one's own wife, i. e. an adulteress. fciht other men, i. e. adulterers. tPUa d^ht strange children, i. e. children born out of wedlock. Ni. to go away. Ho. part, htltt estranged. Ilhlt f. that which is crushed. Is. 59: 5. ntlt Ni. to mofle one's self, move from one's place. "bfit to cree/> ; to /ear, >e afraid. *PT in Kal and Hi. to 6oz7 ; to deaZ proudly or presumptuously ; to sin boldly. IDT 60 pi *PT or in Ch. Aph. to deal proudly. Dan. 5: 20. 1 t i ta !"t m. 1. adj. proud <, swelling: Ps. 124: 5. TT m. Ch. brightness, splendor. In pi. a bright or healthy countenance. Vt m. Vr and Si5i>bt f. 11. heat, glow; hot anger. IftBT f. 10. a plan, purpose ; wicked- ness, mischief, crime ; especially unchastity. R. dfat . JT2T f. 10. a plan, purpose. Ps. I7i 3. R. dftf. j-niftt f. 10. pi. d^Et a branch of the vine ; a branch generally. R. d"V3TttT pi. m. the name of a race of gi- ant's in Palestine. Deut.2:20. R.dfrT- VftT m. the time of pruning the vine. Cant. 2: 12. R. *$& . *yq&t n pi- ni^T , a so/ig-; especial- ly a song of praise ; a song of tri- umph. R. ^nl . dm , pret. ^fifcttt and "TH^t fut. dr, pi. tifrp for'ntoP, to think on; to : x x purpose, resolve ; especially to pur- pose evil ; to plot, lie in wait. dftt m. 4. a plan, purpose. Ps. 140: 9. 'pV Pu. part. pi. d^&Tfc and Miktfc appointed. pit Ch, Ithpa. |55tJ"1 to wee, agree, concert. Dan. 2: 9Keri pn^^T^ye A,ft2)e agreed. jtit m. 8. pi. d^aat", a & especially aw appointed time. 13T 61 IP* ]T and ft m. Ch. emph. ^t pi. pifat a h'rae, appointed time; a sa- cred time, festival. In pi. times, repetitions, Lat. wees. ^ikt to prune the vine ; also in the de- riv. to cut ; to dance, leap. Ni. to be pruned. Pi. Tfifrt to sing, sing praises, celebrate ; to play on an in- strument. ^ftt m. the name of a species of stag or gazel. Deut. 14: 5. ^Vrjf m. Ch. instrumental music. *"! t m. Ch. a singer. Ezra 7: 24. JT'toT f. 10. a so7?g* ; the sound of mu- sical instruments. V^Kin D^ttT ^e song of the land, i. e. its most cele- brated and valued productions. ^J21 m. (my song) pr. name of a king of Israel ; also a Zimranite. *pftT pr. name of an Arabian tribe. hSttt f. i- q.'rt*j!3t a song. ft m. 7. pi. d^it ', a manner, sort. ft m. Ch. 2T f- 10. i. q. yv sweat. Gen. 3: 19. R.^T. ftlST f. by metath. for J-j5>Tf , an object of oppression or ill treatment. R. *P91 m. a little. Job 36: 2. Wt m. Ch. adj. small. Dan. 7: 8. ?pt Ni. to be extinguished or extinct. 'Job 17: 1. d3>t ta be angry or indignant ; to pun- ish with indignation ; to curse, ex- ecrate. Ni. to be angry. dST m. 6. anger, especially the puni- tive anger of God ; pride. , p|ST to be angry ; to be or look sullen or sad. d^S^t tTDS) a sad or sunken countenance, from the want of nour- ishment. 5]3>T m. adj. angry, displeased. F|S>Tm. 0. anger, rage; agitation, as "of the sea. p5>T , fut. pi>p , imper. ps>t , infin. pbt , i. q. pSX. to call or cry out, especial- ly from pain or sorrow. Ni. to be called together ; to gather together, assemble themselves. Hi. to call to- gether, assemble ; as in Kal, to call or cry. p3>t Ch. to cry. Dan. 6: 21. p5>T m. 6. a cry. Is. 30: 19. rtJWC 11. aery. did ng*T *Ae ery concerning Sodom. ll^BT pr. name of a city in the north of Palestine. Num. 34: 9. n&Tf. pitch. Ex. 2: 3. Is. 34: 9. tPpT pi. m. i.q.;nip" l T burning arrows, fiery darts. Prov. 26: 18. R. pit . d*!pt pi. m. fetters, chains. R. ppt . ]pt c. 4. a bearded chin, beard, lit 62 mt jpt , fut. fpn , to 6e old. Hi. intrans. to wax old. fpt m. 5. const, fpt , pi. d^pt , const. njpt i o/d, ag-ed. baito 1 ; ^pt , W?t i IPISUdi ^e elders, i.e. chiefs, magistrates, 0/ Israel, of Egypt, of the city. PI. fern. n'i5j?t old women. fpt m. oZd ag-e. Gen. 48: 10. Ji;pT f. 10. id. d^pt pi. m. 1. id. d^pt fa a son be- gotten in old age. apt to raise up one bowed clown. j]pt Ch. to raise up, suspend, as on an upright stake. Ezra G: 11. ppt to pour out ; to refine metals ; also in the deriv. to bind, fetter. Pi. ppt to purify or refine gold. Pu. to be refined, spoken of wine or of me- tals. It m. 1. a crown, wreath, border, e. g. "of a table, chest. Nit f. for nit , loathsomeness. Num. 11: 20. dlt Pu. to be straitened, spoken of streams. Job 6: 17. bdslt m. Zerubbabcl, a descendant of David, and leader of the first Jewish colony which returned from the Ba- bylonish captivity. lit m. pr. name of a valley and brook, now called Wadi Karrak. nit to scatter, disperse, cast away ; especially to winnow, i. e. to throw grain against the wind for the pur- pose of cleansing it; metaph. to win- now or scatter vanquished enemies ; also in the deriv. to extend. Pi. nit to scatter, frequently to scatter or disperse a people ; to spread abroad ; to fan, winnow ; to sift, understand. -Pu. to be scattered ; to be spread ; to be winnowed. -Ni. to be scattered. Silt c. 1. pi. d"\- and ni, an arm; a shoulder or fore leg in animals ; me- taph. strength, force ; a military force, army ; violence ; help, as- sistance ; as a concrete, a helper. "rb Silt NS'I , idu5 , ana , to break in pieces the arm of any one, i. e. to take away his power. S^lt m. 1. what is or should be sown. PI. dr^lt seed sown. R. Sit . >pt1t m. a violent shower. Ps. 72: 6. 1*nt m. found only Prov. 30: 31 d^ntt l^tlt the girded on the loins, a poetical epithet for the war horse. MIT to rise, as the sun, the light, or the majesty of Jehovah ; to break out, as the leprosy ; also in the de- riv. to spring up, as plants ; to break out, as a child from the womb. nit m. 6. a rising ; also pr. name of a son of Tamar. tZ21t to overflow, carry away, Ps. 90: 5. Po. to pour out, Ps. 77: 18. tZ3lt m. a violent rain, sudden shower. TIB tDlt a shower of hail. tlttlt f. 10. an emission of seed. Ezek. 23: 20. Sit , fut. Sin , to sow ; to spread, dif- fuse ; metaph. to sow, i. e. to do, good, or evil ; to scatter, disperse ; to set out or plant a branch or slip ; to plant or establish a nation. Ni. to be sown ; to be spread abroad ; to be made fruitful, conceive, as a woman. Pu. to be sown. Hi. to spread, diffuse ; to conceive. Sit m. 6. const, sit and sit , seed of plants ; corn, grain ; seed-time, winter ; fields of corn ; a plant ; also semen virile ; children, poste- rity ; a child ; a race, tribe, peo- ple. tD^SI^ Sit a race of evil do- ers. Sit m. Ch. seed. Dan. 2: 43. tPSIt and td^SIt pi. m. food from the vegetable kingdom, vegetables, Dan. 1: 12, 16. pit, fut. pin, to sbatter, as things dry ; to sprinkle, as water, blood ; intrans. to be scattered, diffused. Pu. pit to be sprinkled. lit Po. Ili't to sneeze. 2 K. 4: 35. nit f. a span. R. nit . ton 63 -on Heth, Heb. rPJ] , in the kindred dia- lects is sometimes, though very rarely, interchanged with Ji. in m. 8. sun. !ah , the bosom. Job 31: 33. R.iin." iOn Ni. to be concealed, conceal X T one's self ; to be restrained; also used adverbially. Pu. to creep away. Hi. R^anrt to hide, conceal. Ho. to be hidden. Hithpa. to hide one's self. iin to love. Deut. 33: 3. T "Dn i. q. Nin to hide one's self. Im- X X * X X > per. ian . Ni. infin. ilinii , icZ. ftb^in f. Ch. a fault, crime. Dan. 6: 23."'R. bin, ^.nfi. Chaboras, a river of Mesopota- mia, which rises in mount Masius and empties itself into the Euphrates at Circesium. i-mzfi; and iT-nan f. 10. a wound, X T _. ? bruise, sore. R. *iin . fcin , fut. tJZin^ , to teb$n, a pain or Jftroe of "a* woman in child- birth ; a fetus ; pain generally. Usually in the plural. bah c. 6. suff. >bah , pi. ea^an, const. "'bill and 'bin , a line, rope, cord ; a measuring-line ; a portion of land measured out and assigned by lot ; an inheritance, possession ; a tract of country, district; a snare, net ; a band or company of men. bin m. a pawn, pledge. bin m. Ch. hurt, injury. Dan. 3: 25. bin m. Ch. injury. Ezra 4: 22. ban m. found only Pro v. 23: 34. a part of a ship, prob. the mast. bin m. a shipman, seaman. ftb'nn f. 10. a pawn, pledge. Ezek. T 18?7. Wbatah f. the name of a flower, prob. meadow-saffron, (Colchicum autum- nale, Linn.) pnnin Kal. and Pi. to embrace, twine round. ninem, *tt^pah they embrace the rock, the dunghill, a proverbial phrase for they lie on the rock, or on the dunghill. tzPT pin to fold the hands, spoken of the idler. pan m. 1 . a folding of the hands. pnpinm. (an embracing) Habakkuk, a prophet. *lin to be joined or bound together ; to be confederated, spoken of nations ; also in the deriv. to be marked with stripes or streaks. ^in ^in to practice magic or exorcism, by means of magical knots. Pi. "nn to bind, join. Pu. ^snto be joined. Hi. to join, combine. Hithpa. to join one's self. nzn m. 1. a companion, or a magi- cian. Job 40: 30. lin m. 5. adj. associated together : as a subst. an associate, companion. linm.Ch. an associate, companion. Iin ni. 6. a company, society ; magic, enchantment. -an 64 vin nVl2l*t5n pi. f. 10. the variegated spots of'tne leopard. Jer. 13: 23. {T"D)H f. Ch. a female companion. Dan. 7: 20. n*"Qh f. company, society. Job 34: 8. plirjP 1 '* name f an ancient city in the tribe of Judah, also called Kir- jath-arba, now El Khalil. nian f. 13. a female companion, wife. Mai 2: 14. n^Sh f. a joining, juncture. . x ; v Tin pr. name of a city of Benjamin. "pin pi. m. Ch. the breast. bin and bin , fut.-bin^, to cease, de- sist, leave off, from doing any thing; to omit, forbear, not to do ; to stop, cease, as rain ; to quit, let alone, de- sert, give up ; to beware, or be cau- tious ; to be idle, rest, keep holy day ; to cease to be, to fail, be wanting. bin] m. 5. adj. forbearing ; frail, transitory. PU;"W""bin forsaken by men. bin m. a place of rest, the region of the dead, hades. Is. 38: 11. pin Mic. 7: 4. and pin Prov. 15: 19. a species of thorn or thorn-bush, perhaps Solanum insanum, Linn. bpin Tigris, the name of a river. im found only Ezek. 21 : 19 S^n dtlb nllhtt the sword which lieth in wait 'for them. Also in the de- riv. to inhabit. Iin m. 6. const, ^in, suff. iiin, pi. trnin, const. *"]in', an inner apart- ment or chamber of a tent or house; mn G5 yin a bedchamber ; a woman's cham- ber ; a bridechamber ; a store- chamber. fttrr^n the remotest south, 'penetralia austrL fttlir^ltl the innermost parts of the soul. m^~" ,ta i k ]n the chambers of hades. pr. name of a great city, east of Damascus, giving name to the sur- rounding- country. Zech. 9: I. UJntl in the deriv. to be new. Pi. to renew, make new; to rebuild,, re- pair. Hitjipa. to renew one's self. 35*ttl m. 4. adj. new ; fresh ; unheard of. htClh something new. unn m. 0. the new moon, first day on which the moon is visible, kept, by the Israelites as a festival ; a month, which the Hebrews began with the new moon. tT&i ttJTh a month t r long-, a wh,:c month. rm m. Ch. adj. new. Ezra 6: 4. son see s-nn. am Pi. i*H to make guilty, to cause to owe. Dan. 1: 10. Sin m. a debtor. Ezek. 18: 7. rinin pr. name of a place north of Da- mascus. Gen. 14: 15. toft to draw a circle, measure with a compass. Job 26: 10. toft m. a circle, arch, as of heaven, or of the earth. Hn always joined with JTTfi , to pro- pose a riddle ; to propose an alle- gory. rnn Pi. i-nn i. q. nuM fo s/iow, dc- ftlft or ion Ch. Pa. Kjrj zU Aph. ?U. rtjri f. (&/e) pr. name of the first wo- man. fttoft pi. f. 10. villages of movable tents, encampments of wandering shepherds. rnn m. pi. WftSft and D^mn , a thorn, thorn-bush ; also i. q. tin a hook, or perhaps a ring, such as was put through the no^e of great fishes, to let them down again into the water: 9 also a similar instrument used for the confining of prisoners. t^n Ch. Aph. to repair a wall. Ezra 4: 12. tD^n m. a thread ; a line, cord ; a band, fillet. ^tltlie Rivites, a Canaanitish tribe. i"tb"Hn pr. name of two districts in Ye- men, the one inhabited by Handles, and the other by She mites ; also of an unknown gold country. ton and b^n to be pained ; to he in la- bor, to travail ; to tremble, as a wo- man in labor ; to bring forth ; to dance ; to rush or fall upon ; to be strong, lasting, peimanent; to prosper; to wait, tarry ; also in the deriv. to whirl round Hi. to shake. Ho. to be brought forth.- r- Pilel bbin to dance in a circle ; to trem- ble ; to bring forth ; to form, make; to cause to bring forth ; to wait, tarry. Pulal Vbin to be born. Hithpal. bbinnil to be pained or tor- mented ; to rush ; to wait, tarry. Hithpalp. brjbhnrt to be pained or grieved. bin m. sand ; perhaps also aphenix. toft the name of an Aramean people. Gen. 10: 23. din m. adj. black. Gen. 30: 32 if. rvyyn f. 10. a wall. Plur. niftin (with sing, signification) a wall. pa d^niftin between the two walls of Je- rusalem. Din , fut. Din^ , Drp , also bflf , to have compassion, to pity ; to be grie- ved or troubled; to spare. Siftn ^toS mine eye jnticth, spareth, or is grieved. S^in and qh m. 1. a coast, shore. ymm. 1. pi. rhSMfl and rYlSfcrj i as a subst. what is without the house, the street; what is without the city, fields, pastures, deserts : as an adv. without, abroad, denoting the place where, or whither. With ft parag. ft^ft without, abroad. ysifia with- out, in the street. yinb , tts^jrib nm 06 r n id. ynftft from without, outward- ly, the opposite of n^2 . y^tli-TSQ and y^njj ]/J id. b y*ri as a prep. without. brtainfitU VysiMJa b , to assist. pin m. 4. adj. strong, mighty, vehe- ment; firm, fytrd. *br*p?n , ~^pm n^to stiff-necked, obdurate. ptn ni. adj. id. pip m. 6. guff, iptfi , strength, help. Ps. 18: 2. pth in. 6. id. ttptft f. 10. strictly an infinitive from prn , a becoming strong ; an urg- ing on ; a strengthening one's self. npinf. (1.) force, violence, as nptna by force or violence ; vehemently, mightily. (2.) the repairing of a building. ftjRWl ancJ liT'ptFim. (strength of Je- hovah) Ilezekiah, a king of Judah. also called STppTrT 1 . nn m. suff. inn , pi. diftn, a ring, such as was put through the nose of wild animals, or passed through the jaws of sea monsters ; a nose ring, an ornament for females. inn m. 8. pi. d^nn , i. q. nn a ring. Ezek. 29: 4 Kethl ittjrt , fut. tfOrT , to s#p, stumble ; to miss, n$t to find; metaph. to sz'ft, virtue being regarded as a path on which the sinner slips or stumbles ; to owe, forfeit. Pi. atari to suffer or be punished for any thing ; to offer as a sin-offering ; to purify or cleanse persons or things. Hi. tfittnn to miss the mark, spoken of archers ; causat. to cause to sin, to seduce ; to pronounce guilty, con- demn. Hithpa. to lose one's self, from anguish, terror ; to purify onc*s self. Nan m. suff. ifittsrl , pi. tJiittjn, const. "Wan, a sin, transgression. iNtsn m. 1. a sinner ; one liable to pun- ishment, a sufferer. ntftjn f. a sin. "HJtari f. a sinful woman ; a sin; pun- ishment. nKtan f. Ch. a sin-offering. Ezra (>: 17 Keri. man f. 13. const. n&an , pi. rritfteti , a fall, misfortune ; a sin ; a cause or occasion of sin ; an expiation, purification ; a sin-offering ; pun- ishment. t3t3n to hew, form by hewing. Pu. to be hewn out. niapn pi. f. variegated coverings. Pro'v. 7: 16. titan f. 10. pi. tT- and *p_ , wheat. The singular denotes the plant, the plural the grain. iBnonan m. Ch. suff. TfOY\, a sin. X Dan.4 T :24. ST tan f- Ch. a sin-offering. Ezra 6: 'lfKeth. dun to m&fce owe's se//" tractable, re- strain one's self. Is. 48: 9. >pn to seize, take. ntpfa id. tf rod ; a branch, twig. in m. 8. const, in, fern, i-pn , pi. d^n, const, i*n , adj. living, alive ; ac- tive*, strong ; fresh, flowing, spoken of water ; raw, spoken of flesh ; re- viving, returning : as a subst. life. nbns in (by) the life of Pharaoh. nin" 1 in as Jehovah liveth. PI. d^n and 'p'n life ; means of living, sustenance ; refreshment ; happi- ness, prosperity.- d^n tnft the way to happiness. R. nn in m. Ch. emph. N*n > pl-'pn, adj. liv- ing. PI. n^n also as a subst. life. nvn f. 10. an artifice, stratagem ; a riddle, intricate speech ; a proverb ; a parable ; a song ; an oracle, vi- sion. in in iin to* ive out a rid- dle. iwnn-p-in to solve a riddle. R.^n.'" j-pn , fut. n^n* 1 , apoc. ini , to live ; to be in good health, thrive ; to conti- nue alive ; to come to life again ; to revive ; to be restored to health. Pi. in in to make alive, restore to life ; to permit to live, preserve *m 68 MH alive; tori build; to make happy. 3HJ n*ri to preserve secd.^ps. i-pfi to raise cattle.* M j-pn to raise ' T T T corn. Hi. to restore to life ; to save alive ; to save life. T\j\ and *rrr CI), to live. Aph. part. totV2 preserving- alive. rVri m. 9. ])]. fern, nV*h , adj. lively, strong, vigorous. Ex. 1: 19. rWjf. 10. const, rpfi, also v ,n" , n , an animal, collect, animals ; as an ab- stract noun, life, soul; strength, power ; also a hand or company of men. yvtiffPtgi fttteft tn*r} the beasts of the field, often opposed to tame animals, but sometimes inclu- ding' them. IJ. ^n . toft} and nrn f. Ch. emph. ,\n^n , an animal. nvh f. life. 2 Sam. 20: 3. R. ^n . ^M . prct. ^Ji , i. q. J-pn to lire ; to be cured. Vn see bin . Vn m. 6. const, "b^n, pi- tpyri, (1.) poieer, strength, courage. Into? v T T V*rl<0 show courage, do valiantly. (2.) a military force, host, army. b^nn TJ a captain of the host. bni kn. and nb^n f. pain, especially of childbirth ; trembling, fear. rWti Ps. 48: 14, according to the usu- al punctuation, i. q. b^n a bulwark. But the more con ect reading is pro- bably rib^n her bulwark. dVh and b&jbil pr. name of a city not far from the Euphrates. jVh pr. name of a city. 1 Chr. 6: 43. pn m. i. q. ]n grace, beauty. Job 41: 4. y-]r\ m. a wall. Ezek. 13: 10. Jis^n m. fern. n5ii2 n n adj. o?jtor, ex- ternal; civil, in opposition to sa- cred. "p^nb without. Denom. from yrjn . p^r] , rarely pn , m. 1. /?e bosom or Zap o/ a garment ; /ie bosom of men; m eta ph. tfAe breast, heart; the hollow cavity of a chariot or wagon ; the cavity of an altar where the lire burns. ui^tn i- q. ttnfl to 5e tfl haste. Ps. 71: 12 Keth." izj^nadv. in haste, soon. Ps. 90: 10. TjSn m. 8. suff. ^sn /* *- n '- rtcfte*, wealth. b^n ttip* to acquire \ ttVWl {)r * name of h Ilill# wealth. (4.) metaph. integrity ? vir- ty^nm. Ch. wise; amagian. 1 mVbzn f. o5scttf%, confusion, as of Vn rvaJi* virtuous woman. b"Tl"]2 hon^i, virtuous. b">n rttoS to act virtuously. (5.) Ae strength or /rtw* of a tree. b^n m. Ch. strength ; a host. b"Tl antlbn m. 1. ft &ost,* also i. q. Lat. poinoerium, a space without the wall of a city, but considered as a part of its defense, perhaps some- what raised, like a small wall ; me- teph. a. protection, defense. the eyes from drinking wine. Prov. 23: 29. ^b-'bsn m. obscure, confused, as the eyes from drinking wine. Gen. 49: 12. dDn , fut. tZDSn" 1 , to be or become wise, act wisely ; to acquire by wisdom. Pi. to make wise. Pu. part, as an adv. dextrously, wisely. Hi. to make wise. Hithpa. to think one's self wise ; to act wisely. nbn 69 *n EDSfi m. 4. adj. skilful, dextrous; wise, intelligent, prudent; artful, cun- ning ; learned, abounding in knowledge ; virtuous. PL t3" l ?JStl wise men in a royal court, states- men, philosophers, magi. rhfasn women skilled (in lamentation.) il^n f. 10. skill, dexterity ; wisdom, intelligence. ftfe&rt f. Ch. wisdom. ni^sn f. wisdom. Construed some- times as a singular, and sometimes as a plural. rn'ftSft f. wisdom. Prov. 14: 1. Con- strued as a singular. bn see bTj . bb m. 1. profane, common, in opposi- tion to holy or consecrated. R. bbft. Kbn i. q. iibn to be sick, diseased. 2 Chr. 16: 12. i"K\bn f. 10. rust, as of brazen pots. Ezek. 24: 6 ff. iZP^bfi plural of ^"bn q. v. abft m! 4. const, nbftj sufF. ^nbtt , ww7&, sweetf milk, different from ir^lEfi . abn and abn m. 6. suff. iabri |, pL Q^bri , const, ^"bn , /c z7, God forbid, (liter, pro- /czwe, wicked.) ^ ftb^ft construed with tia and an infinitive, or with tztf and a finite verb,/ar be it from me to do so. R. Vbrf. MB^brt f. 10. a change, alternation. K52S1 n^p^Vh changes and armies, i. e. armies constantly recruiting. TiS^bn my change, i. e. the happy change of my destiny. PI. rnc^bn as an adv. by courses, alternately. K. pjbn . n^bn f. 10. spoils stripped from an enemy, booty. R. ybft J-Dbfl (for fiobrt) in. in pause J-isbfi , pi. DWsbfi , a quadriliteral adj. poor, unfortunate. bbfi to be pierced or wounded. Pi. to wound, smiie; to break or violate a covenant ; to make common, pros- titute ; to profane, pollute, defile, e. g. a priest, the sanctuary, the sab- bath, the name of God, the bed of one's father ; to profane a vineyard, which had been consecrated, by gathering its fruits ; to cast down ; also denom. from Vbft , to flute, pipe. Pu. to be smitten ; to be pro- faned. Poel, to pierce, wound. Poal, to be wounded. Ni. bris (for bnj ,) infin. Vrjrt , fut. brn , bfin , to he profaned. Hi. bflil to loose, set free ; to break or violate a promise ; to profane; to open, begin. Ho. to be begun. Vbft m. 4. adj. mortally wounded; slain, in battle ; profane, unholy. SJ'Ttfl ^t! si* 1 i^ith the sword. !a:s> ta )"""'bbn slain with hunger. Fem. ilbbri a defiled, i. e. defloured, virgin. fcbfi , fut. tlbrp , to be strong, healthy ; to dream. hSb'n bbh a dreamer of dreams, i. e. a prophet. Hi. to re- cover ^restore to health ; to cause to dream. &bn m. Ch. emph. ttttbft , a dream. mfcVri f. jirob. pUrslain, a plant. Job tthJaVfi m. a -quadriliteral, flint. Pjbn , fut. Sfbrn , to go or pass by ; to go on ; to disappear, perish ; to transgress a law ; to pierce ; to at- tack, assail; to put forth new shoots, become verdant, renew itself. Pi. to change one's garments. Hi. to change, exchange ; to alter ; to cause to grow ; to sprout, grow ; to renew one's strength. rjbrr Ch. to pass, spoken of time. qbtt as a prep, for, in exchange for. ybfi to loose or pull off the shoe ; to draw out the breast; to withdraw one's self. Pi. to pull out, e. g. stones from a wall ; to deliver / to rob, plunder. Ni. to be delivered. ybn to arm, prepare for action. Ni. to prepare for action, arm for bat- tle. Hi. to strengthen. tT^bn dual, 4. the loins. pbn , fut. p'birp , to be smooth, flatter- ing ; to divide; to divide, share, among themselves, or with others. S? pbn to share with any one. b pbn to divide to any one. Ni. to divide one's self; to be divided out. Pi. to divide, distribute ; to scat- ter. Pu. to be divided. Hi. to smooth, labor, spoken of an artificer; to procure a share or portion ; with littib or d^ftK to make smooth one's tongue, one's words, i. e. to flatter. Hithpa. to divide for themselves. pbn m. adj. smooth ; without hair ; uncovered, as a mountain ; flatter- ing ; false, deceitful. pbn m. Ch. a part, lot, portion. pbn m. 6. suff. ^jpbti , pi. const, with Dagesh euphonic, *ptyli smooth- ness ; flattery ; a part, portion ; spec, a portion of booty ; a portion of land, afield ; land, in opposition TOT n ^n to sea ; lot, destiny. ntf pbn " l b tth ^ ibs / have a portion with any one ; I have to do with any one. pbtl dps*" 1 the portion of Jacob, i. e. Je- hovah, the object of their worship. pVrt m. 1. adj. smooth. 1 Sam. 17: 40 d^dN "'pbn tttS/Brl /foe smooth among the stones, i. e. five smooth stones. npbn f. 12. smoothness ; flattery ; a part or portion of land. PI. nipbn smooth or slippery places ; flattery. npbn f. 10. a division. 2Chr. 35: 5. n'ipbn pi. f. flatteries. Dan. 11: 32. ^pbn and ^n* pbn m. (portion of Je- hovah) Hilkiah, a highrpriest under king Josiah ; also the father of Je- remiah. n'lpbpbn pi. f. slippery places ; flat- teries, arts of dissimulation. Vib'n , fut. tfibfp , to discomfit, defeat ; also fut. ttSbrP , to be weak or frail, pass away. Il3>n m. weak, feeble. Joel 4: 10. dn m. irreg. sufF. *[*)#] , n^an , a /a- X ' X X X ^ ther-in-law. dn m. 8. pi. d^an , adj. hot, warm ; also pr. name of a son of Noah, from whom most of the southern nations were descended ; also a poetical name for Egypt. R. dan . dh m. heat, warmth. R. dan'. Nan f. i. q. nan anger. Dan. 11: 44. Nan and Nan f. Ch. i. q. Heb. nan heat, anger. nw\an f. fHc& or curdled milk ; cheese. In the poetic parallelism, perhaps the same as dbn . X X ian , fut. narr , to desire, covet, lust after, strive for ; to take pleasure or delight in. Sometimes with a pleonastic dative ib . Part. *nan pleasant, beautiful. Ni. part, ^afp lovely, pleasant, desirable.; costly, precious. Pi. to desire. nan m. pleasantness, beauty. T^to ian pleasant fields. n^an f. 12. a wishing, desiring, long- ing ; an object of desire ; pleasant- ness, preciousness. nian ^bs cost- ly vessels. n*han and nVnfcPT pi. f. precious- ness; precious things. n'liip'n "Hia costly garments. m'^an dnb rich food. nrnfcrj ttJ'W a man greatly beloved, favorite. nan f. 10. warmth, heat ; in poetry, the sun. R. dan . nan (for nw)"f. 11. const, nan, /ie&, anger ; poison. R. t^n* 1 . nan f. i. q. n^an mtTfc. Job 29: 6. V"ian m. an evildoer. Is. 1: 17. R. pan. ptian m. 1. a circuit, compass. Cant* 7:"2. R.pan. nian and nan m. 1. a he-ass ; a heap. R. nan . nnian f. 10. aheap. Judg. 15: 16. R. nan*. X N nian f. 13. a mother-in-law. Denom. X from dn . X C2ah m. prob. a species of lizard. Lev. 11: 30. y^an m. adj. salted. Is. 30: 24. R. yan. *ttj>fct* and v$tift m. n\- f. fifth. n^an a fifth part. "PI. Trypan its fifth parts. Denom. from tzjan .' ban i fut. barr , infin. nban , to pity, have compassion ; to spare, save ; to withhold. nban f. 10. pity, mercy, kindness. dan , fut. dh' 1 , to be or become warm. X X di^n dhd at mid-day. Impers. ib dn he 'had heat. Ni. fut. pi. qarn , part. pi. d^ans , to be hot, with zeal or passion. Pi. to warm. Ilithpa. to warm one's self. d^an pi. m. J. idols, images. R. dan. rann 72 aan DJari fut. Dfam , to frra 10 //A. violence, oppress, injure ; to violate oxtrans- gress a law ; to tear off, pluck, e. g. fruit, foliage. Ni. to be made bare by force. Ottft m. 4. violence, wrong f ill-gotten wealth. 0n yjftn a violent man. Dfttt *W a false witness. iDfch wrong done to me. y&n , fut. yttfn i infiii. tt239fj , to 5c leavened, as bread ; to 5c red ; to a-c with violence, as yftn an evildoer ; also in the fleriv. to be sour, as vin- ^^gar ; to Z>e bitter, as salt. Hi. part. nJ^Fl'S something leavened. Hith- pa. to be imbittcred, pained, or red. ynfi m. something leavened ; also prob. ill-gotten wealth. yah m. vinegar. pan to go away, depart. Hithpa. to go about, wander. ^an to ferment, foam, as wine, the sea ; also in the deriv. to be red ; to heap up ; also denom. from Tian to cover with pitch. Pualal *iy>pn to be inflamed, as the bowels from pain ; to be made red, as the coun- tenance by weeping. -iSn m. asphalt, Jews 1 pitch, a com- bustible bitumen found on and near the Dead sea, and in the neighbor- hood of Babylon, which the ancient Babylonians used for mortar. -T-fi m. wine. lanm. Ch. emph. anan , id. "ftjfa m. 6. a foaming, raging, of wa- ters ; clay, loam, as a cement for building ; potter's clay ; clay for re- ceiving impressions ; mud, mire; a heap ; a homer, a larger measure, containing ten baths in liquid, or ten ephahs in dry measure. Dtth f. const, ttjtth, and ttWJQM m. const. DttJah , five. Sometimes as a round number. PI. d^ujan fifty. tTUJan lip a captain of fifty. ttiafi Pi. ttJan to cause to pay one fifth part as a tithe or tax. Gen. 41: 34. Denom. from u3an . tt3ah m. a fifth part, paid by the Egyptians as a tribute. Gen. 47: 2(5. Denom. from u3an . W2n m. the belly, abdomen. v aan see "^att . El'JttJJbn pi. m. adj. armed, in battle-ar- ray, spoken of an army. FtfDn m. const, rttttl and nan , a leath- ern bag or bottle. nan and nan Ilamath, a city on the northern boundary of Canaan, and residence of a king, by the Greeks called 'Ecrt(pavsia. ^nan m. a Hamathite. Gen. 10: 18. "jM m. 8. suil. *Sfi , grace, favor, kind- ness ; gracefulness, loveliness ; an ornament ; supplication. fti ftSta D " i :' , ^2 to jf.?td favor in the eyes of any one, i. e. to obtain his favor. R.jan. Ji:n, fut. apoc,. jn*V, to decline; to station one's self, pitch one's tent ; to encamp ; to be pitched, as a tent ; to dwell ; with b^ > to encamp against any one ; with b , to encamp about any one, for his protection ; also in the deriv. to bend. Jlih f. 10. pi. m*Sh, grace, compas- sion ; supplication ; also Hannah, the mother of Samuel. R. pn . Tji^m m. {initialed or initiating) pr. name of a son of Cain, and of a city named from him ; also of the father of Methuselah, taken away on ac- count of his piety. JflSft m. adj. merciful, gracious, spo- ken of God. R. yjn. rn:h f. 13. pi. m\:m, a shop, ceil, dwelling. Jer. 37: 16. t33n to embalm ; to ripen or render fragrant. &*DpM pi. m. an embalming. Gen. 50^3. tpn 73 non pD3fl pi. m. Ch. i. q. Heb. D^tsn wheat. Tpan m. 3. initiated, experienced, proved. Gen. 14: 14. R. Tjan . "Wan f. grace, favor. Jer. 16: 13. R. roan f. 13. pi. trrran and nwan , a dart, javelin, spear, lance. R. nan . ?yan i fut. pi. JDan^ , to instruct, teach ; to initiate, consecrate, e. g. a house, temple ; also in the deriv. to /mpc tosto. il3an f. 10. a consecration ; a conse- cration-offer ing. rrsan f. Ch. d. dsn adv. (from "Jrt , by adding the ter- mination d- ,) without recompense or reward, for nothing ; without cost ; without cause or occasion, un- deservedly ; in vain, to no purpose. tlStl '721 innocent blood. bftlTl m. a quadriliteral, prob. ants. 13H , fut. 1h* and ttjrp , with sufF. ^m for *p*Ti infin. taaaaan and ft33)rf, to be favorable or gracious, have compassion ; to give graciously. Ni. pa to 6e pitied, or deserving of pity. Pi. to mn , const. ">^cn , adj. willing, desiring, delighting. yen m. 6. suff. ^pfl , pleasure, de- light; wish, desire ; preciousness, costliness ; a business, concern, af- fair. PI. C3*2fcE>n costly things. isn , fut. Ibn^ , to dig a well, a pit ; to scrape, paw, as a horse in the ground ; to dig a pit or lay snares for any one ; to espy, discover ; to explore. non , fut. ^9tV and nsrr , to be put to shame, or frustrated in onc^s expectation. Hi. to cause shame, act shamefully ; also to be put to shame. Hon see zrhsisri. "nsn (a well, pit,) pr. name of a Ca- naanitish royal city. SIDil m. Hophra, a king of Egypt. Jer. 44: 30. niisisn pi. f. rats, or moles. So prob. Is. 2: 20, according to the most correct reading. toSfi to search after, into, or out. Ni. to be searched through. Pi. to search for ; to search through ; to make search. Pu. to be sought out or devised ; to be concealed. Hith- pa. to disguise one's self ; to be changed. tofcr] m. a device, purpose. Ps. 64: 7. UJDM in the deriv. to be spread out; to be prostrate, weak. Pu. to be set free. Lev. 19: 20. ttSfih m. a spreading. Ezek. 27: 20. SlUJon f. liberty, freedom. Lev. 19: 20. "UiDH m. pi. D^Dft, adj. prostrate, weak ; free, not a slave nor a pri- soner ; free from taxes?. rPJDOn and TOttNDM f- sickness. yn m. 8. suff. "^n , pi. tzrstt , an ar- row ; a wound. rP2Fii"i" yfi "the iron point of a spear. tD^^h-^b^^ archers. P. y^M . iirn and SSfi, fut. n'SfP , to hew, hew out, especially stones ; metaph. to destroy, kill; to scatter. Ni. to be engraven. Pu. to be hewn out or formed. Hi. to destroy, kill. ft2ri to halve, divide into two parts ; to divide.^-Wi. to divide itself or be divided. "ifiaWl (a court) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Naphtali ; of a city in the tribe of Benjamin ; also of a country in Arabia. rt^iii^h f. a trumpet, see ftlJIJBri . niiin f. 13. the middle, midst. R. nsn 75 mn 1 and rtt m. 6. const. "^ft , suff. iiSftl, the' middle, midst; half; also i. q. yn an arrow. R. iri^n . -PSri m. i. q. *-|3fc1n a cowrtf. Is. 34: 13. l^iSrt m. 3. grass ; gar lick. yjih and JJttl m. 6. /k? bosom, folds of the dress covering the breast. S]Stt Ch. Aph. part, strict, urgent, hasty. y^tl intrans. to be divided. Pi. part. pi. Q^SShtt prob. those loho divide the prey. Pu. to be allotted, as- signed. y22M m. 4. small stones, gravel stones; also i. q. yn an arrow, lightning. *Vfar*ftitSEli, "Tbn-^SttWl (pruning of the palm) pr. name of a city in the desert of Judah. tt*tittaN and fnitiim f. 10. a trumpet. R : . -ikn . ^2rt Psoel and Pilel in Keth. or Pi. and Hi. in Keri, to call together, blow the trumpet. ^Jl c. 5. pi. tJi_ and ni , a court be- fore a building, especially before the tabernacle and temple ; a small place, village ; a movable village of Nomades. "Hi* 1ri (court of Addar) pr. name of a place on the borders of the tribe of Judah. Num. 34: 4. I'linJl 1iln (the middle court) pr. name of a place on the borders of Aura- nitis. Ezek.47: 16. rt&*lb *$&\ and tzpDnD *NBt\ (court of horses) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Simeon. f\VKf "tittT and pi ^n* (court of wells) pr. name of a place on the northern boundary of Palestine. bs^\25 ^5n (court of foxes) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Simeon. rnlS&n pr. name of a station of the Is- raelites in Arabia. rnfa^iiwri (court of death) pr. name of a district of Arabia, now called Ha- dramaut. pn the bosom, see p^fi . ph ni. 8. before Makk. "pri , suff. WJ, ^pri , pi. CTptl , const ipjin , some- thing fixed or appointed ; an ap- pointed labor, task ; a bound, goal ; definite time ; a law of nature or of God ; a custom, usage ; an ora- cle. R. ppn . tlptl Pu. part. Jrprifr something por- trayed or painted ; something en- graven. Hithpa. to draw a mark or bound. Slpln f- 10. a law of nature or of God ; a custom, usage. R. pptl . ppTi to engrave a writing or picture ; to hew out ; to paint ; to arrange, establish ; to resolve, decree. Part. pph a ruler, leader, prince. Pu. part, pptlte law, right. Ho. to be engraven or written down. Po. to resolve, decree. Part, pphlE a law- giver ; a leader ; a scepter. ppft m. 6. pi. const. "^ppFl a resolve, decree. Iptl, fut. IpJTS to search, examine, search out. Pi. to search out. Ni. to be searched out or estimated. "npn m. 6. an examination ; a consul- tation, deliberation ; what requires examination, the secret or inmost part. -ipri "pat unsearchable ; in- numerable. *lh m. 1. found only in the pi. d^b and fa^iri the noble, freeborn. R. ^h a hole, see ^nfi . *\T\ fine linen, see ^nft . CTinrt pi. m. dung. Is. 36: 12 Keth. znfi , fut. y^n* 'and snrp , to be dry or dried up ; to be desolated or laid waste ; to be destroyed ; to be aston- ished, confounded ; trans, to de- stroy. Ni. to be laid waste ; recipr. to seek each other's destruction, con- tend, fight. Pu. to be dried. Hi. to dry up ; to lay waste ; to destroy. Ho. io be laid waste. inn 76 mn n-in m. 5. fcm. rnnn, pi. nto^ri, adj. dry ; desolate, waste. 3-tfi f. 0. a sword ; also other instru- ments for cutting, as a knife, a ra- zor, a pickax, a battering- ram ; also dryness, drought. n*Vn and d*nn pr. name of the north- eastern summit of mount Sinai. inn ni. dryness ; heat ; desolation, as snh "n* desolate cities ; a deso- late place, waste. fisnn f. 12. pi. rrin^fi, a desolation, waste. iTS^n f. dry, especially the dry land. ]innn m. 3. drought, heat. Ps. 32: 4. :nn prob. to fear, tremble. Ps. 18: 46. 5a"nri m. a species of eatable locust. Lev. 11:22. -nn or "nn , fut. nnfP , to be terrifi- ed, tremble, quake ; to be concerned for any one; to hasten. Hi. to put in consternation, make afraid. nnn m. 5. adj. timid, timorous ; fear- ing, reverencing, in a religious sense. n-nn f. 11. const, rn^n , fear, terror, trembling ; care, concern ; also pr. name of a station of the Israelites. nnn , fut. i-nrn , apoc. *tv , t> burn, b - kindled, spoken of anger ; also used impersonally, p)N being under- stood ; also to be angry. Wi. to be angry. Hi. to be hot, ardent, zeal- ous ; to cause to burn, to kindle, e. g. anger. Hithpa. to become angry. d^T^nn pi. m. chains, of pearls, corals, or the like. Cant. 1: 10. b*nn m. 8. pi. D" , ?" , n j a thorn, thorn- bush. jinn m. 3. a burning ; anger. fpyn 5]N glow of anger, i. e. fierce anger. p-in m. 3. pi. nisnn, adj. sharp, pointed, as the threshing wagon : as a subst. a threshing wagon ; a trench ; a sentence, judgment ; al- so in poetry, gold. 11. ynn . ytllfi m. 1. adj. industrious, diligent. ^rHft m. an inflammation, fever. "ijeut. 28: 22. R.^Jj. X2^f\ m. ft chisel; a pen or s/y/e, for writing on a tablet. ta^Tatsin ;> m. sacred scribes, persons skilled in hieroglyphics, in the Egyptian and Chaldean courts. "p^ann pi. m. Ch. id. T\n m. Aca of anger. R. !"Hn . *lh m. tc&ite or wheaten bread. Gen. *40: 1G. R.*V)h. "nh ni. (dwelling in caverns) the name of a people dwelling in mount Seir. b^ "nn pi. m. doves' dung. 2 K. 6: 25 Keth. CHn m. 3. a money bag, purse. ynn m. 3. a cut, slice ; also i. q. ysrnn a threshing wagon, thresh- ing machine. B. y^Jl . It^Th m. 3. a plowing, time of plow- ing. R. unn. "MB^tl m. adj. prob. still, quiet. Jon. 4: 8 rpuj-nn d^p rn^i a s^/ZZ or sw/- Tpn to catch, seize. Pro v. 12: 27. ?pn Ch. Ithpa. to be singed or ft^r/i- crf. Dan. 3: 27. ta^Sin pi. m. lattice windows. Cant. 2! 9." tsnn in the deriv. to devote, conse- crate. Hi. Q^nrtn to devote to Je- hovah, so as not to be redeemed ; to devote to destruction, put under a curse. Ho. tZDirift to be killed or destroyed; to be forfeited or devo- ted to God. t^nfi Part. pass, flat nosed, mutila- ted in the nose. Lev. 21: 18. Qnn m. 6. suff. "Wn , something de- voted to Jehovah, so as not to be re- deemed ; an anathema, curse. taMFl m. 0. a net of a flshcr or fowler. nann (a curse) or. name of a Canaan- itish royal city, afterwards allotted to the tribe of Simeon. fifain pr. name of a ridge of Antili- banus, now called Jebel El Sheikh. dftnn m. a sickle. ]nn pr. name of a city in Mesopota- mia. Thlh m. an inhabitant of Horonaim. C^hn (two caves) pr. name of a Mo- abitish city. Din m. with parag. Ji , MD^Jl , the itch; the sun. niO^n or n^Din f. pottery. Jer. 19: 2. ppn , fut. pprTJ i to mock, reproach^ revile ; also in the deriv. to pick, pluck; also as a denom. from Sp'n, to winter, pass the winter. Pi. spin to mock, reproach, revile; to lightly esteem, expose. Ni. part, yielded up, betrothed. 5ph m. 6. autumn, or rather autumn and winter together ; metaph. ma- ture years, manhood. jS|1hiTTP3 the winter palace. Wlfl f. 11. pi. rns-ifi, scorn, re- proach, contumely ; shame, dis- grace ; an object of scorn or de- rision ; the private parts, pudenda. qton no fut. en tive, diligent FTSto wound; to point, metaph. to be quick, ac- to determine, de- cide, decree ; also in the deriv. to cut of ; to dig; to be sour. JNi. part, nstins land n"in: as a subst. something decreed, sentence of pun- ishment. ynn Ch. i. q. Heb. tZP^bn the loins. Dan. 5: 6. niacin pi. f. tight cords or bands, Is. 58: 6. pains, torments, Ps. 73: 4. "JSt^n m. 8. sour unripe grapes. Num. T <5:4. pin, fut. phm "inn to he hot. as to gnash. inn to be hot, as metals ; to be burned or dried up ; also in the deriv. to be noble or free born. Ni. *jtt2 and ins , fut. m\ to be burned or dried. Pilp. infin. Win to kindle con- tention. fia^Hn pi. m. dry or parched places. Jef.H: 6. iz)in m. a sherd, potsherd; an earth- en vessel; metaph. something vile or insignificant. uiin , fut. izJIfP , to cw, cw in, en- grave ; to work, labor ; to plow, till ; to invent, devise ; also fut. ID in" 1 , to be silent, inactive, inat- tentive ; to be deaf. Ni. to be plowed. Hi. to invent, devise ; to be silent, keep silence ; to conceal or be silent about any thing ; to keep still, be inactive ; to be deaf. Hithpa. to keep still. u5nn m. const, unn , pi. tzpuiin , const. ^iz3in , an engraver; a ivork- man, in stone, wood, or metal ; me- taph. a contriver, deviser. ttjltt m. 7. pi. CD^uiln , adj. deaf; me- taph. obdurate, disobedient. tfjltt m. 6. mechanic work ; perhaps artifices, magic arts : as an adv. silently, secretly. ttj^ri m. 7. an instrument. Gen. 4: 22. UJIh m. 6. pi. tD^Uiin , a thick wood*. t t: thicket. With parag. ti , JruJlh in- to the wood. Jmuiha in the wood. main f. a working* in wood or stone, Sj^rt nttJin pr. name of a city in the north of Palestine. nin i. q. linn, to engrave. Ex. 32: 16, Spionm. 1. or S] "nun m. 3. found only 1 K. 20: 27 tW ^Pton nil) two small flocks of goats. R.'fjiuh . ?)Wti, fut. rjtun" 1 , to hold back, re- strain ; to deliver ; to withhold, de- ny ; to keep back, spare ; to use tenderly, pity. Ni. to be assuaged* spoken of pain ; to be reserved. Pjipn , fut. ^tirr , to strip of bark or foliage ; to make bare, uncover ; ta T^n 78 nnn remove a covering ; to draw up or out ; also in the dcriv. to separate. 5tf5n,^fut. StfJfP , with an infin. to think, intend, purpose ; with an ac- cus. to imagine, invent, devise, ge- nerally in a bad sense ; to think, reckon, or account as anything; to esteem, regard highly ; to impute ; to invent, devise, as a mechanic. Part, n'ijn an artificer; a weaver, worker of damask. Ni. to be re- garded or esteemed as any thing ; to be reckoned, counted; to be count- ed or assigned to any thing ; to he imputed to any one. Pi. nujft to think, intend; to imagine, invent, devise ; to esteem, regard ; to reck- on, count ; to reflect on, consider. Hithpa. to reckon one's self. arc ft Ch. to reckon, esteem. Dan. 4: 32. Sirri m, the girdle of the high priest's ephod. jinuirt m. wisdom, understanding ; al- so pr. name of the chief city of the Amorites, subsequently reckoned sometimes to Gad, and sometimes to Reuben, now called Hu'sbdn. fiiTE'fi m. 3. pi. rniin'&ft , a warlike machine or engine, for casting stones or darts ; an artifice, device. ft&ft to be silent ; to keep still, be in- active. Hi. nu5nn, part, fitting, to be silent; to be still, inactive; also trans, to quiet, appease. rpuirt m. Ch. darkness. Dan. 2: 22. fcPJ? Wft see ippiftl . ftttft Ch. to think necessary, Dan. 3: 16. to be necessary, Ezra 6: 9. mftttft f. Ch. need. Ezra 7: 20. WM see S-D^n. JjUJft , fut. Tjttifp , to be darkened, ob- scured, dim. Hi. to make dark ; metaph. to censure ; intrans. to be dark. Tjiljfim. 8. pi. biSttftl, adj. obscure, mean. TjUJft m. 6. darkness ; meton. the re- gion of the dead, hades ; metaph. adversity, misfortune; sorrow, sad- ness ; ignorance ; concealment ; obscurity. ftiuift and ttyie.ft f. 10. pi. d^iuft, darkness. ftSBJft f. 10. id. Ps. 18: 12. ftsujn f. id. Mic. 3: 6. bttft Ni. part. pass. d^bttJMS the fee- ble, exhausted. Deut. 25: 18. bu3ft Ch. to bruise in pieces. Dan. 2: 40. bft'pft or; btexoft m. with parag. in , ftbftUJft or ftbfttiJft , prob. a bright metal compounded of gold and sil- ver, much esteemed in ancient times. tP3fc'iL ! ft pi. m. prob. princes. Ps. 68: 32. s ' Ittjft m. 6. in full ds ttjfcrt 1'dn the at- 1 . > x : . i v tire of judgment, a kind of gorget of the high priest, which received the Urim and Thummim. p\l3n to incline or be attached to any one, in heart and affection ; to de- sire to do any thing. Pi. pttjft to bind, join, connect. Pu. pass. pittft m. 6. desire, pleasure. b^p'AJft and tTpViift pL m. 1. poles or rods, by means of which the upright pillars or lathes of the court were joined together at the top. tTpUift pi. m. 1. spokes of a wheel, which connect the nave and felly. 1 K. 7: 33. imu5nf. 10. or irrrizjfi f. 11. a collec- tion. 2 Sam. 22: 12. tD^'iEft pi. m. 1. naves of wheels. IK. 7: 33. UJttjft m. hay, dried grass. ii3il3n ftiftb hay set on fire. ' nft m. 8. suff. QSnft , pi. 2">nft , adj. broken, spoken of the bow ; terri- fied, dismayed : as a subst. fear, dread. R. nnft . nn m. the name of a Canaanitish tribe. ftnft to take from an hearth, as fire or coals ; to seize, lay hold of. roa 79 ma j-inn f. 10. terror. Gen. 35 : 5. R. nnn. Vinft m. a bandage for a wound. Ezek. 30: 21. R. bnn . nnnnm. 8. pi. Q^nnnn, adj. fearful, terrible. Ecc. 12: 5. R. nnn . ^nn m. pi. tz^nn , a Hittite ; also a Canaanite generally. rpnn f. 13. terror, fear.tDt^r\r] the fear of them. R. nnn . ?jn5l Ni. to be determined, destined. Dan. 9: 24. bnn Pu. and Ho. to be wrapped in swaddling- clothes. Ezek. 16: 4. llVnn f. 10. a swaddling-band. Job 38: 9. fbnrt pr. name of a city in Syria of Damascus. canfi, fut. .tinn* 1 . to seal, seal up; metaph. to complete, finish, fulfill ; to impress, inculcate. Ni. to be sealed. Pi. to shut up. Hi. in- trans. to be closed or stopped up. tan ft Ch. to seal. Dan. 6: 18. tanh a seal, see tsnin . nttn'n f. id. Gen. 38: 25. Inn Part. masc. |nh a father-in-law, namely, a wife's father, (a hus- band's father in Hebrew Is ton .) Fern, n^nh a wife's mother, mo- ther-in-law. Hithpa. to contract affinity by marriage, namely, by marrying the daughter of any one, or by giving one his own daughter in marriage. infi m. 4. a son-in-law ; a kinsman by marriage ; a bridegroom. }nrt tz^Ja^ a bloody bridegroom. ftsnn f- 10. a marriage, wedding. Cant. 3: 11. pjnM i. q. Ppft to lay hold of, seize. Job fc 12. pjnn m. a robber. Prov. 23: 28. ftnn to break through or into ; to row, i/e. to break through the waves. nnn to be confounded or put to shame. Ni. nns (not to be confounded with nrn from nrn ,) fut. nrn , pi. ^nn* 1 , to be broken or shattered in pieces ; to be terrified, despond, be afraid ; to be confounded. Pi. in- trans. to be broken in pieces ; trans. to terrify. Hi. nnft , ^nnftij , to break in pieces; to terrify, make afraid ; to make ashamed. nnnm. terror. Job 6: 21. "J Tct, Heb. CPI3 , is sometimes inter- changed with its kindred Unguals i and n. As a numerical sign it de- notes 9. In composition 1 D denotes 15, (9+6.) MjK3 Ch. to be glad. Dan. 6: 24. tttttttt see ana . its m. Ch. adj. good. tPbtati pi. m. bandages, headbands, turbans. Ezek. 23: 15. n^zD m. 1. a height, hill, mountain. nilD to slaughter, kill, especially for the table ; to cut down, massacre. fiats m. 1. a cook ; a headsman, execu- tioner, usually in the east one of the king's body guard. d^nnt: Sft and d^nzall nu) the captain of the body- guard, or the king's chief execu- tioner. nzti m. Ch. an executioner, member of the body-guard. Dan. 2: 14. nnt2 m. 6. a slaughter ; a massacre or destruction of men ; cattle for slaughter, meat for the table. ftnStt f. 10. cattle for slaughter, meat for the table ; a slaughter. nro 80 liTO Mnzt: f. 10. a female cook. 1 Sam. 8: Ys'. nrptt pr. name of a city in Syria of Zobah. 1 Chr. 18: 8. b3<3 , fut. bsE" 1 , to dip in, immerse. JNi. pass. S3t3 to W/?/r, e. g. into the mud, into a pit ; to penetrate ; also in the de- riv. to seal. Pu. to sink. Ho. to sink ; to settle down, subside. nsata f. 13. pi. nisstt , const. ni3>:na , a signet, seal-ring ; a ring. naD pr. name of a place. Judg. 7: 22. naa the name of the tenth month, cor- responding to part of December and part of January. Est. 2: 16. Ittlta m. 3. const. 1hD and -**RJ > adj. pure, unmixed, as gold ; clean, not dirty; clean, in a ceremonial sense ; pure, in a moral sense : as a subst. purity. R. ^fiu . Tilnta to &e or become pure, in a physi- cal, ceremonial, or moral sense. Pi. nSTB , fut. "tfitF , to purify, e. g. a people, country; to pronounce clean or pirn?, spoken of the priest. Pu. to be cleansed. Hithpa. IhtSft and ^JiEil to purify or cleanse one's self. *Thfa m. 6. purity, brightness, clear- ness, as of the firmament; purifica- tion. *l!"T<3 m. 1. majesty, glory. Ps. 89: 45. FTtHo f. 10. purity, purification. ftttB or NiB Pilp- NBNB to remove dirt, sweep out or away. Is. 14: 25. 3ii3 , pret. 3iD , siSb, to 6c g'ooa', used impersonally, as b 3ltt it goeth well with a person, or it benefits him, "*3*Wa 3itt ^ pleaseth me ; also to 5e /tftr, lovely ; to be serene, joyful, spoken of the heart. Hiph. 3" , 13il to do well ; to do good, benefit ; to make fair or beautiful ; to make joyful. 3lBm. 1. fern. ttSitt>adj. (I.) good. ^b 3iD iV^n it is well with me* lib 3*1 tab that it may be well with us. ^b 3"ib happy am I. Xpf$ 3'it: that which pleaseth me. 3lta tt'b not good ; also evil, wicked. Also as an adv. loell ! come on ! and as a subst. something good, goodness. 3ltab for good, for the most part in phrases otherwise ambiguous. (2.) fair, beautiful, applied to persons and things. (3.) pleasant, lovely ; of a pleasant smell, fragrant. (4.) joyful. (5.) happy, prosperous. (6.) great. (7.) ps 3iD having a com- passionate eye, merciful. (8.) pr. name of a country beyond Jordan. 31B m. 1. goodness ; what is good or best, the best part ; the best produc- tions of a country ; goods, riches ; joyfulness of the heart ; prosperity, happiness ; beauty, glory. Jl3lta f. 10. (1.) goodn ess. i-i3l!3b for good, often in phrases otherwise ambiguous. (2.) blessing. (3.) goods, riches. (4.) happiness, prosperity. Jim to spin. HiD , pret. nta (as if from nnta ,) to co- ver or close the eyes ; to plaster over or whitewash a wall. Ni. to be plastered over. nistaita pi. f. bracelets, frontlets, phy- lacteries, consisting of strips of parchment with passages of the Mo- saic law written upon them. Vita Hi. b^tail to throw, cast ; to cast out of a country ; to send a wind. Ho. to be cast, spoken of a lot ; to be cast down ; to be cast out. Pilp. btabta to throw or cast away. "I^ita m. 1. a row; a wall, border, boundary. ^nt: m. Ch. a mountain, rock. fcnta to fly. Job 9: 26. niB Ch. adv. with j'asting. Dan. 6: X 19. Sinta Pil- part, in the phrase "TIMO nu3p the archers. Gen. 21: 16. pfit: m. a mill, handmill. Lam. 5: 13. It. )tro . KEB 81 nro d^ffla pi. m. 1. a difficulty in going to stool, tumors on the fundament, hemorrhoids, piles ; or the funda- ment itself, as the seat of disease. Dint: pi. f. the reins. R. rpD . nnD see nno. fnu Zo grind, bruise in pieces. "jnta "Oy *58 to grind the face of the poor, i. e. to oppress them. ttanta f. a *#/. Ecc. 12: 4. rPD m. the plaster or whitewash of a ~ wall. Ezek. 13: 12. R. rntt D5p m. cZay, potters' clay; mud, mire. "pD m. Ch. cZay. Dan. 2: 41, 43. XT-PB f. 10. a farm with conveniences for cattle, or a village of Nomades ; a wall ; a tower, citadel. bt3 m. 8. in pause bt: , suff. ?jjD dew. "bD m. Ch. id. iOB Part. pass. $n"bB spotted, party- colored. Pu&\ part, patched, mended. trejbta see "Vp . J-jbB jp. 9. a tender lamb. SlbB^t: f. a throw, cast. Is. 22: IT. R. ^btt m. 6. pi. d'WbB , a tender lamb. Is. 40: 11. "bbt: Pi. VjjB ^o cover wftA a roof. Neh. 3: 15. Vbtt Ch. Aph. bbpti to lie in the shade, rest. Dan. 4: 9. db>B pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah. Josh. 15: 24. W2V , infin. MttftB Zo oe or become un- clean or impure, especially in a ceremonial sense. Pi. aatt to rerc- der unclean, defile, profane ; to pronounce unclean, spoken of a priest ; to perm/it to be polluted ; to dejlour or ravish a woman. Pu. to be polluted. Ni. watM and Ilithpa. ttfaBft to defile or pollute one's self ; to be defiled by adultery. Hothpa. tf73BM to be defiled. 11 NttB m. 5. fern, StNBO , adj. unclean, impure, in a ceremonial or moral sense. tt&fctt f. 10. impurity, uncleanness, pollution ; something unclean. 1^)2X2 Ni. to be unclean. *pu to conceal or bury in the earth ; io hide, conceal; to reserve, lay up; to put or dig-in. "b ns fEB to hide a snar for any one. Ni. to fo'dc orce's self. Hi. to AZde, conceal. iMB m. 6. a basket. >pB Pi. to pollute, make dirty. Cant. ~5 T : 3. Sl^B Hi. to c#?jse to err, to seduce. Ezek. 13: 10. d3>B to tosto, fry fAe taste of any thing; to taste, cat a little of any thing ; to toste, enjoy the taste of any thing ; metaph. to perceive, enjoy, experi- ence. b9 Ch. -Pa. to cawse to eat, to feed. d2B m. 6. taste of food ; pleasant taste, savor iness ; metaph. intel- lectual taste, discernment, wisdom ; also a royal decree, edict. d5>B m. Ch. will, command. d3>B m. Ch. taste, particularly pleasant taste ; wisdom, understanding ; will, command, edict ; a matter for royal decision ; a reckoning, ac- count ; regard, respect. di-B ba>3 a master of the rolls, under the Per- sian government. pt3 to load. Gen. 45: 17. 1?tt Pu. to be thrust through. ^q m. 8. suff. ibb a collective noun, ZiWZc owes, children ; often in a wider sense, one's whole family. R. qcu . MSB Pi. MSB to spread out, extend ; also denom. from J"I5B , to Z>er 7/?)o/t, /^e arms. J15B m. 6. pi. niftSB , a palm, hand- breadth, a measure of length ; also in architecture, prob. a coping, cor- bil, projecting stone on which a tim- ber is laid. 82 by nz'u m. a handhreadth. b^TTBD pi. m. a hearing or nursing of children. Lam. 2: 20. b^U to invent, contrive. ^iDDD m. p|. 0"nDED > the name of a military officer among the Assyrians and Modes. ENDQ to take many and short steps, trip, mince. Is. 3: 16. -iU m. Ch. pi. t^WO i iwtl on the hand or toe; a claw of an animal. CSO to he stupid, insensible. Ps. 119: 70. nta to run constantly. T'na Ch. to thrust forth, drive out. dVTO i. q. tnu ltd* ye/. Ruth 3: 14 Keth. mt3 Hi. prob. /o precipitate, throw down. Joh37: 11. mb m. 6. a burden, trouble. "nt3 ni. 8. tcm - irt^'nta , adj. fresh, ap- plied to a wound, or to a jaw bone. fc^tt adv. not yet. fiitia and d~rt: Wic/i 7io/ yet, before. Ppt3 , fut. pt^ , once ppt^ , to tear in pieces, raven, spoken of wild an- imals, also of the deity ; also in the deriv. to he fresh, new. Ni. and Pu. to be torn in pieces. Hi. to cause to eat, to feed. ppt: m. io , litf" 1 , once ^ m. 1. a river, a word of Egyptian origin, and used almost exclusively of the Nile. PI. b^iP brooks, streams, canals, used especially of the canals and arms of the Nile.' U;^" 1 Ni. to despair ; also used impers. there is no hope. Part. u3^'"i3 one in despair. Pi. infin. tfjjo to cause to despair. ijt^'&N' 1 m. (Jehovah heateth) pr. name of a king of Judah. SH" 1 Pi. 5zP to call, cry aloud. Judg. "5:28. bto" 1 m. 1. the produce of the earth ; wealth, riches, substance. 11. b^P . D12P the ancient name of Jerusalem. "'Cto' 1 m. a. Jehu site ; an inhabitant of Jerusalem ; also Jerusalem. ttTi" 1 see u3i" . blT in the deriv. to flow, run, as wa- ter ; to spring up, as plants ; per- haps to suppurate. Hi. b^iil to bring, lead, as persons; to bring, ttDi 83 present, as gifts, offerings. Ho. b^il to be brought, led, spoken of persons; to be brought, as a pre- sent ; to be carried to the grave. b^ Ch. Aph. *ptt to bring. bb* m. 4. a stream ; also pr. name of a descendant of Cain. "bn" 1 m. fem. fVbip , adj. having excres- cences, Mains, or warts, spoken of cattle. Lev. 22: 22. tz^bn* 1 (the people wasteth away) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Ma- nasseh. Di" 1 m. 4. a brother-in-law, or hus- band's brother, Lat. levlr. LSi" 1 Pi. bz^ denom. from bb^ , to T T T perform the duty of a husband's brother or of a levir. VttXX] f- 13. sum jn&a' 1 , a sister-in- law, or brother's wife ; also a broth- cr-in-lavSs wife. biOn^ (God buildeth) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah ; also of a city in the tribe of Naphtali. "13 3** pr. name of a city in Philistia, on the Mediterranean sea. 2 Chr. 20: 6. pin" 1 pr. name of a river, flowing into the Jordan, below the sea of Gali- lee, now called Wadi Serka. ti& , fut. tt>aw , pi. WZ"] , iniin. absol. u5i3"> , infin. const, linn* 1 and nuii" 1 , to be or become dry ; to wither, dry up, as from the palsy. Pi. ilia" 1 and Hi. ttj^ijiji to make dry, dry up ; intrans. to be dried up ; metaph. to vanish, disappear. un" 1 Hi. ttj^rt i. q. iijtrti from ttjia, to shame or make ashamed ; intrans. to be brought to shame or disap- pointed ; to feel ashamed or dis- graced ; to become a disgrace, per- ish ; also to conduct shamefully. S3" 1 m. 5. fem. rtttJl"] , adj. dry : pr. name of a city in Gilead, also written JHZin" 1 f- the dry land. rtttJa'3 on dry ground, with dry feet. rupa" 1 f. id. n"c3z , f. Ch. emph. Knfl5s , id. Dan. 2:~10. 3:p Part. pi. tra^P ploughmen, hus- bandmen. 3:P m. 5. a held. Jer. 39: 10. Wisa' 1 pr. name of a city in Gad. iTP Pi. Sim to afflict, prievc. Ni. XT T M part. t\W1 afflicted, grieved. Hi. SlSin to afflict, grieve, vex. ftjp Hi. n:nii to separate, remove. 2 T am. 20: T 13. p'^" 1 m. 3. affliction, sorrow. R. p;p to afflict. 3P;p m. 3. adj. wearied : as a subst. labor, particularly fatiguing labor, strenuous exertion ; what is produ- ced or earned by labor, a possession, substance, wealth. R. yjp . T n&i* f. 10. fatiguing labor, weari- ness. Ecc. 12: 12. R. y;p . svp , fut. $i** , to labor, exert one's self ; to be wearied ; to be weary of a person. Pi. to fatigue, make weary. Hi. sn^O^r to load, burden ; to weary, grieve. i"] m. what is produced or earned by labor. Job 20: 18. Sip m. 5. adj. wearisome, tiresome ; also weary, fatigued. *iy m. Ch. a hill, heap of stones. Gen. 31: 47. ^jp , 2 pers. pret. n^U* 1 , to fear, be afraid of. ^:P m. adj. or part, fearing. T c. 2. const. r< , Miff. * , bS^P , (1.) Ae Aad. D DN *1* my hand (is) w/Z/t awy cme, i. e. I assist him. 13a 3 tlfPIn my hand is against any one, i. e. I bring evil upon him. ftfpft "b$ SriiT 1 *P *^e AcmtZ o/ Jehovah came upon any one, i. e. God inspir- ed him as a prophet. "p Jrj3 to ^ 84 nrp give the hand, i. e. to promise or confirm by striking hands ; also to submit, yield. Y2 tt'b without human aid. *pb Y from hand to hand, i. e. from generation to gen- eration. TS in, into, or through the hand of any one ; also simply with, by ; through; under the pow- er or charge of; before, in the 'pres- ence of; because of. -pa and "y3a /rofll or out of the hand or hands of any one; also simply from, out of. *F by and it bs into the hand or hands of way one ; under his direc- tion ; through. (2.) metaph. might, power, aid, succor ; a mighty deed. -pn with might or power. (3.) a viodc, manner. (4.) a side. (5.) a place, (ft.) a part (7.) a monument, trophy. -Dual D" 1 *!* 1 Aawtfs ; perhaps arms ; also metaph. m ight, power ; sides; places. PI. nTY tenons, in timber; axle-trees; ledges, borders; side railings ; parts; times. Y> c. Ch. emph. tfY , suff. TIT, bhT, - t : ' t : : v dual ]""T , i. q. Heb. T ^e Aa/id. ITP Ch. Aph. part. \KVHTtQ and triia praising, giving thanks. YY t ci. JiT to throw, cast, as lots. - T * TT rTT to throw, cast. Pi. fut. :jto for Vf1i infin. niT , to cast; to cas down. !TT Hi. rnirr to OTt'77, acknowledge, confess ; to praise, especially Jeho- vah. Hithpa. iiTDS": to confess, make confession ; to praise. J^mT and "prOY m. pr. name of a Levite, one of David's choristers ; also his descendants, the Jeduthu- nitcs, likewise musicians. YT m. 3. 0715 beloved, a friend, fa- vorite ; also spoken of a people ; as an adj. lovely, pleasant. PI. m*T>T; loveliness. niTI" 1 f. an object of love or affection. Jer.12: 7. ,TTT m. (favorite of Jehovah) the name given to Solomon at his birth. 9 Sam. 12: 25. 3>Y , fut. 3>Y , once W , infin. absol. SH* 1 , const. n5>1 , to know, under- stand, Lat. scire ; to know, be ac- quainted with, Lat. noscere ; to learn to know, become acquainted with ; to perceive, observe, discern ; to learn by information or experience; to imagine, suspect; to regard, be concerned for ; to esteem, rever- ence, love ; to be wise, intelligent ; to have sexual intercourse. 3H^ ^72 who knoweth, construed with a fu- ture, a mode of expressing a weak or doubtful hope. btfja 2Y to know by name, i. e. intimately. Part. pi. tD^YP the wise, skilful ; acquaint- ances, friends. Part. pass. 9qft* known, respected, distinguished. Ni. yi*ia to be known ; to be recogni- zed ; to be made to feel. Pi. to make to know. Pu. to be known. y?"5a an acquaintance. Po. to ap- point, direct. Hi. s^Ylit , imper. yrin , to cause to know, to show ; to instruct ; to cause to feel, to punish. Ho. STiinand 3>Yin to be known. Hithpa. ^Tiii to make one's self known ; to reveal one's self. 3Hi Ch. fut. W*> , to know ; to learn or be informed ; to understand. Aph. ytift, fut. anVTVi to show, make known. ; 2i^ m. pi. tr^Y , a wise man, soothsayer ; a spirit of divination. fti m. Jah. an abbreviation of rVirV Je- hovah, or rather (as it was anciently pronounced) YiVrV or rriiT. P2 ittttj Jah or Jehovah is his name. ill irp Pa Jehovah is a Jehovah, i. e. an unchangeable, eternal God. Slrr to give, appoint. Imper. nil give, give here ; place, appoint ; come on.^n for TDlnN, Hos. 4: 18. irp 85 ar apfi Ch. to gwe ; to g-^e up ; to lay, place. Ithpe. $T*ntt to be given or given up. 1ST Hithpa. IfpnH denom. from T^JT> , to profess Judaism. Esth. 8: 17. : tfrjj-p m. pr- name of a king of Israel ; also of an Israelitish prophet. tftttjiT* m. (Jehovah holdeth) pr. name of a son of Jehu, king of Israel ; also of a son of Josiah, king of'Judah. IBKIFP m. pr. name of a son of Ahazi- ah, king of Judah ; also of a son of Jehoahaz, king of Israel. "nl-p m. Ch. the land of Judah, Judea. JTMiTi m. (praised) pr. name of the fourth son of Jacob, and of the tribe descended from him ; also after the division of the kingdom in the time of Rehoboam, the kingdom and peo- ple of Judah, consisting of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, and also of a part of Simeon and Dan ; after the captivity, the whole country of Israel. "'infp' m. a gentile noun, pi. d^iT and d^W , fern. ftWJrT? and n n - , a Jew or Jewess, one belonging to the tribe of Judah ; a citizen of the kingdom of Judah ; after the cap- tivity of the ten tribes, an Israelite, Hebrew. Fern. n^UST as an adv. in the Jewish or II brew language. TWfP m. Ch. pi. l p&tts\J'P , emph. N'y-nl-p , a Jew. S"rt?1^ m. the proper name of iLe deity among the ancient Hebrews. This word, as it occurs in the bible, has not its original punctuation, but de- rives its vowels from the word ^'li* X ~| which the Jews were accustomed to read instead of it. The ancient punctuation was prob. SlW or Sri ST. ]:niST m, (Jehovah is gracious) pr. name of a general under Jehosha- phat. 2T"irT m. (Jehovah knoweth) pr. name of a distinguished priest ; also of several other persons. J"*b*iT< m. (Jehovah dppointeth) pr", name of a son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah. He is also called "pd^T, r^XD'* , siiradi and tfTSS . t ; t : x : x : x : T D^iST m. (Jehovah raiseth up) pr. name of a son of Josiah, king of Ju- dah, at first called b^^K . d^Tl'lT and S^VT m. (Jehovah con- tendeth for) pr. name of a distin- guished priest in Jerusalem. dliiiT and Jaiai"* m. (Jehovah urgeth on) pr. name of a Rechabite. MIST and fniDT m. (Jehovah giveth) pr. name of a son of Saul, celebra- ted for his heroic friendship towards David ; also of several other per- sons. S|&W' for *|DV, Ps. 81: 6, here de- noting Israel. dTiST and dlT m. (Jehovah is exalted) pr. name of a king of Judah ; also of a son of Ahab, king of Israel. JtottJiiY 1 f- (oath of Jehovah) pr. name of a daughter of king Joram, wife of the priest Jehoiada, also written 3>*biiT and 5HJ37V m. (help of Jehovah) pr. name of a son of Nun, the suc- cessor of Moses, and leader of the Israelites, also called T^iil and Sntf}"! ; also of a high-priest after the exile, who was likewise called s^up. t2dtt3iiT m. (Jehovah judgeth) pr. name of a son of Asa, king of Judah ; also of a valley between Jerusalem and mount Olivet, named after this king. TJT m. adj. proud, arrogant. d^Jl-i m. the name of a precious stone, perhaps a diamond. R. db)l . VST and titty pr. name of a Moabi- tish city, which was afterwards reck- oned to the tribe of Reuben, but al- lotted to the priests. b^T 1 m. (Jehovah is God) pr. name of a prophet. Joel 1:1. dT m. pr. name of a son of Issachar. Gen. 46: 13. 3^ 86 in* aa*P (he name of an Arabian tribe, of r the race of Joktan. "b^i" 1 c. 7. the name of a wind instru- ment. ba")?)-? nrti and simply ba^ the year of jubilee, every 50th year, which, according to the Mosaic law, was a year of general release. ba^p m. driver, or wet ground; also pr. name of a son of Lamech, the inventor of the harp and cornet. R. brr. dT m. I. a day ; a day of misfortune or calamity ; a day of slaughter ; referring to God, a day of judgment or punishment ; more rarely, a day of prosperity or rejoicing, festival day; one's birth day; time of the fulfillment of tin oracle; also time rierally. h^ij this day, to-day; now; i /n mediately ; once, former- ly, i. e. on a certain day. d"Ta on the day ; also simply as soon as, when. di'a on that day ; immedi- ately, on the same day. d'Pa now; first. frtrr &i*3 now; at thai time; hereafter. d*n fiyi , dPa "dP dai- ly. D'T73 from the day on, since. dT 1 as an adv. by day. Dual b^i"* two days. PL d^tt" (from an obso- lete sing. Jd^,) also p^" 1 , const. ** , rarely rfitt'' , days, especially days of one's life ; days of divine judgment or punishment ; time ge- nerally ; some or several days ; .,ie or a considerable time ; also definitely a year. tDi" 1 m. Ch. pi. 'pftii , emph. N*lgfiP , const, ntti" 1 and ^tt"> , ct day, as in Heb. pjjl' 1 adv. by day. ftM>1 SttV 1 6y day a#d 5y night. JfP Javan, lonians, Greeks ; Ionia, Greece ; also perhaps a city in Ara- bia Felix. JYi m. const. |!p , ?n/rc. p*Ji ti^D f&c rtjV 1 f. 10. pi. ca*I^I% a dove ; some- times a word of endearment ; also pr. name of a celebrated prophet. ^p m. pi. d^TS an Ionian, Greek. Joel 4: 6. pq'-p in. and njjO l P f- 13. a sprout, shoot, sucker. R. p^ . p|Di^ m. pr. name of the youngest son (except Benjamin) of Jacob. Vff)\ ?]S : P ^as and pp"p rpa /ie ftuo Zrzies of Ephraim and Manasseh ; after the division of the kingdom under Rehoboam, the kingdom of the ten tribes, kingdom of Israel; Israel- ites generally. ^STP m. 7. a potter, see *-)^ . *l5fc^ m. perhaps i. q. *q&Mfl a treasure, or treasury. Zcch. 11: 13. n^i" m. the early rain, which in Pa- lestine falls in November. R. IT-p . Dili 1 in. pr. name of a son of Azaiiah, king of Judah. ^ni** and ^n 51 m. advantage, preemi- nence : as an adv. more, further ; too much, over much ; besides. R. nini" 1 f. prob. the great lobe of the liver. tap Gen. 11:6, see tattj . }n see *pT. W* m. sweat. Ezek. 44: 18. biCnp and btt^P (God soweth) pr. name of a city in Manasseh, for some time the residence of the kings of Israel. In its neighborhood was btti^t" 1 p)M> the valley of Jezreel, in later times called Esdrelon. Also pr. name of a town in the hill coun- try of the tribe of Judah. ^JT , fut. ifp , to be united, joined. Pi. *\t\* to unite. "jrp m. 6. union ; as an adv. together, with one another, in the same place; at the same time ; all together ; en- tirely. With suff. V*#n and "nrn together, in the same place ; mutu- ally ; at the same time ; all together. a&ptlrp m. (God strengthened) pr. name of a well known prophet. atj. 87 -b' PFpTTF m. (Jehovah strengthen eth) i.q. Jl^pin Hezekiah, king of Judah, q.V IW m. 3. fem. J-HW , adj. alone, on- ly, used particularly of an only child ; solitary, forsaken, desolate. Fem. ^i^prr a poetical expression for one's self,R. ^m . b^rP m. adj. waiting- or hoping for. Lam. 3: 26. R. brn bl"P Pi. brp to waftf ; to hope ; also trans, to cause to hope, to inspire hope. Hi. Vrriin to wait; to be pained. Ni. bm*2 , fut. brp? , to wait. Sz^n* 1 , fut. tzirp and Srt" 1 , to be or be- come warm, ; to glow with anger ; to rut, copulate, as animals ; some- times used impers. as "ib tun^ , an 1 he is warm. Pi. to copulate, spo- ken of animals ; to conceive, spoken of a woman. "nJaFP m. an animal of the deer kind, prob. a fallow deer. R. prob. "VJfi . ?))rn m. adj. barefoot. frp to delay. 2 Sam. 20: 5 Keth. irp m. a generation, family. IJence the denom. Hithpa. torrntt to be en- tered or enrolled in a family regis- ter. Infin. torpnn as a subst. a re- gister, catalogue. iD^ , fut. n ta jv; , 5Q-1 , once ^Q^FJ , (1.) to be good ; sometimes used impers. as ib 5LP" 1 it shall be well with me, "Wa &B*2 and * pleased me. (2.) to be joyful, spoken of the heart. Hi. T&t} , fut. W , more rarely S"^ , once y*&ii , to ?/ia&e g"ood, do well ; to conduct well ; to benefit or do good to any one ; to make joy- ful ; to adjust, prepare; also in- trans. to be good; with b\, to please. Infin. absol. 20*rt as aii adv. well, exactly, carefully, diligently ; act- ing well, rightly. 3tT Ch. fut. 3Q^ , io be good or pleas- ing. Ezra 7: 18. !"inat3" pr. name of a station of the Is- raelites in the desert. inD'' m. pr. name of a son of Ishmael, and of his posterity, the Itureans. y m. 6. wine ; intoxication. ^2 1 Sam. 4: 13 Keth. an evident cor- ruption for *p on the side, which stands in the Keri. tV?* Hi. rt?bfrl to show, prove ; to correct, convince, confute; to blame, rebuke, reprove, censure ; to revile ; to chastise, punish, spoken particu- larly of God; to judge, decide, spo- ken of a judge ; to do justice to any one ; to appoint or destine for any one ; to contend with any one. Ho. to be punished. Ni. HDia to be con- futed; recipr. to contend with any one. Hithpa. nsontl to contend. bb** r , rarely b"b;, fut. b^" 1 (strictly fut. Hophal,) infin. absol. bis* 1 , const, Vibb^ , to be able, either phy- sically or morally ; to be permitted by law ; to be able to endure, to suf- fer ; to prevail or obtain the mastery over any one ; to comprehend ; to prevail, succeed, execute one's pur- pose. b^ and b:r Ch. fut. b^ and bi^ , to be able ; to prevail over. *jy and ^b" 1 , fut. nb], infin. absol. tV and nib i const, nib , once nb , with suff.^nib, to bear, bring forth, as a mother ; to beget, as a father ; to lay eggs ; metaph. to bring about, effect; to make, create, appoint. Part. fem. rVlb'F one that brings forth, used poetically for a mother. Ni. ibia to be born. Pi. lb" 1 to help to bring forth, to deliver, as a midwife. Part. fem. rrib^S a mid- wife. Pu. ^Vn and "ibv*ti be horn ; metaph. to be made or produced. Hi. n^blVr to cause to bring forth children or fruit ; to beget, as a Hi- ther ; metaph. to form, make. mfin. rribii and JTlb^ , to he Hithpa. ib^nn io be enrolled in c 88 W the family registers. The word ton or sons is often omitted both with the active and passive conjuga- tions. *lV m. 6. pi. const. ^V and ^V , ft boy, young man ; a child; a son of the king ; the young of animals. P*
b to speak incon- siderately or rashly. Prov. 20: 25. nab" 1 f. a kind of itching scab or tetter. pb" 1 m. a species of locust. fcipb" 1 m. a sack, pouch, bag. 1 Sam. 17740. R.t3b. iT m. 8. const, tr and tp , pi. &% , a seft, lake; a large river, as the Nile or Euphrates ; the west, the Mediterranean being situated to the west of Palestine. m:3""iZP the sea of Chinnereth, afterwards called the lake of Gennesarct, or sea of Ga- lilee. nb/^ll ED" 1 the Salt sea, also called nin^n ~ZP the sea of the De- sert. vjnS'O" 1 the sea of Reeds, the Red sea. The Mediterranean sea was called HD*t"jby way of eminence, b"H-irr tD'n the Great sea, and Q^n J'HfWttl the Western sea. EP rnn ft west wind.tvz''* towards the west. XT tZP on the west. nipfiSn & the brazen sea, a great basin in the priests' court of the temple Pi. tpja]] streams, as of the Nile ; also a sea, as in the sing. Qi m. Ch. emph. HEP , a sea. ni?:" 1 plur. of tzn'iq. v. tZPft" 1 plur. of CsP q. v. tDTJ" 1 pi. m. prob. hot springs. Gen. 3(j:' 24. pfc" c. 3. (1.) the right side. pjQj bi> and simply "pfci o/t the right ; to the right. (2.) the right hand. (3.) the south side, south : as an adv. in the south. R. JJqi . "^IP^ i. q. "253^ right, situated on the right hand. ^JD^-ja ft Benjamite, a gentile noun from pfr-on Benja- min. With the article, ^"i^PSTfz the Benjamite. PI. wn*> ^n' Ben- jam, ites. R. fta** . |p Hi. "p^i"! and ]iftn to ^wrn o fie right ; to use the right hand ; be right-handed. ">3?;P m. fern, rP2P , adj. right, situa- ted on the right hand. R. ]7:p . ta )/:P Hi. n^Ft to change, exchange, Jer. 2: 11. Hithpa. ""^P^ to ex ~ change or take the place of any one, Is. 61: 6. ttjfci i. q. UJttJjQ Hi. to touch. Judg. "lt>: 26 Keth. f-rt' 1 , fut. {id" 1 " 1 , to exercise violence, XT '.* oppress; to annihilate, destroy. Hi. in: "in , fut. nS"P , to oppress any one in civil matters ; to overreach, in buying and selling; to oppress a people ; to dispossess. m*P {he resteth) pr. name of a place on the borders of Ephraim and Ma- nassch. HIP Hi. r^irt to lay, set, place ; to deposit before Jehovah ; to erect or set up an idol ; to remove, transfer ; to throw out or away, as ashes ; to cast doiun ; to leave behind ; to leave ci&- 89 sr undisturbed, let alone ; to ivithdraw, withhold; to forsake; to give over to any one ; to leave remaining ; to permit ; to pacify. Ho. rpStl to be placed. Part. n3ft left remaining. ilp^ f. 10. a sprout, shoot, sucker. Ezek. 17: 4. R. p^ . pD" , fut. ps' 1 '* , to swcfc; metaph. to ezyo?/. Part, par a suckling, suck- ing child. Hi. pyfift to give suck, suckle, as women or female ani- mals ; metaph. to cause to enjoy. Fart. nj?.!p& a 1 n P.r.?. ' uitu sul *'- inp^fc, pi. nip^E, a nurse, pptUJ^aiid fcpujj^ ni. a species of bird, perhaps a/* ew -jD" 1 to found or fay the foundation of a building, of the earth, or of the heavens ; metaph. to prepare, ap- point, ordain ; also to throw up. Ni. *jDi3 to be founded, spoken of a kingdom ; also denom. from^it), to sit and take counsel together, to plot. Pi. ID*" to found a building ; me- taph. to appoint, ordain. Pu. nD"> to be founded. Ho. id. Infin. ^o^r\ a foundation. *7pp m. a foundation, beginning. Ezra "7: 9. lio* 1 m. 1. pi. CD" 1 - and ni , a basis, foundation; metaph. a prince. R. rWO* 1 f. 10. a foundation. Ps. 87: 1. R. 10; . ^liO^ m. a censurer, rcproacher. Job 40: 2. R. *& . inO^ m. 4. one who departs. Jer. 17: 13 Keth. R. *we . ?|0* found only Ex. 30: 22 SJO 1 * ft shall be poured. jpi in Kal and Hiphil, fut. j^Di" 1 , %QV i ?]D^ , infin. EpQlSl , part. jjoii and jpoifc , to add; to increase, en- large; to give or bestow in abun- dance 4 to exceed ; with an infin. of another verb, or with a finite verb with and without a copula, it ex- 12 presses the repetition or continu- ance of an action, and nay be ren- dered in English by various adverbs, as again, a second time ; further, longer ; the more. The futures p|0fiT and JfjO'P are sometimes in- terchanged in signification. Ni. SpiD to be added, add or join one's self; to be increased, increase. Part. ni&DiD accessions of misfor- tune. ^D^ Ch. Ho. SjOltt to be added. Dan. ~4: 33. HO" 1 j fut. 'nb" 1 , part. ^D s , also Pi. -|D*> , fut. *toyi , infin. ^D" 1 , n^D^ and liD" 1 , to instruct, admonish ; to correct, chastise. Hi. to chastise. Ni. ^512 and Nithpa. ^&rii to be warned, receive warning. sn in. 1. a shovel. R. ttjn. X TT IS* , fut. is^ , to fix, appoint, a time or place ; to appoint or threaten a punishment ; to fix upon or betroth a wife or concubine. Ni. ty'ft re- flex, to ??ieei5 im'tfA. any one by concert or appointment ; recipr. to meet to- gether by concert or appointment ; to come together ; to conspire. Hi. T^irt to appoint a day, summon to trial. Ho. tobe placed ; to be direct- ed, spoken of the countenance. ^^3?' , to clear or sweep away. Is. 28: 17. O'n*! jn pi. m. i. q. trw woods. Ezek. 34: 25 Keth. Tsn Ni. part, tsii wicked. Is. 33: 19. ^T^^ an( l ^Jtl P r * name of a city in the tribe of Gad, now called Szdr. ttsn to clothe. Is. 61: 10. T Bjn Ch. Part. asp a counselor, min- ister of state. Ithpa. to consult to- gether. bap Hi. b^i !n to ;?7*o/i, help ; also to receive profit, gain. h$i m. 5. pi. tfiVg , const, ibsn, a wild he-goat, or chamois. Jlb^" 1 f. 10. a ?w7d she-goat, or chamois, as an epithet to denote a lovely fe- male. Prov. 5: 19. nz* 90 tf^ p* 1 as a prep, on account of, because \ of: as a conj. because ; to the end j that. *i*| JSn because, even be- cause, as an intensive. R. n:i? . T T J3P m. 5. an epicene noun, an ostrich. La ni. 4: 3 Keri. tiz$l f. only in the phrase tta*^j na , pi. tw ni22, an ostrich. p"> , t'ut. ^jyi , io be weary, fatigued, by running or hard labor ; also in the deriv. to run swiftly. Ho. part. qyft run /ting swiftly. Jgp m. wearied, fatigued. . 5]3n m. rap/d course. Dan. 9: 21. pp , fut. pn 1 * , imper. *3UJ (from "p?,) . to advise, give advice ; to form a purpose, purpose, resolve ; to con- sult or provide for any one ; to pre- dict, foretell. Part, ysi" 1 an advi- ser ; a benefactor; a counselor, minister of state ; also in the poetic parallelism, a prince, king. Ni. ySHD reflex, to receive advice or counsel; recipr. to consult togeth- er, advise mutually ; to conclude, resolve. Hithpa. to consult togeth- er. Spy* m. (a supplanter) pr. name of the second son of Isaac and proge- nitor of the Israelites. 3j?an WS the God of Jacob, Jehovah. rpa 2'p'J^ and simply ijp*?" 1 the Israelites; rarely the kingdom of Israel, (in op- position to that of Judah,) or the kingdom of Judah. Sometimes it denotes the land of Israel. *V^ n;. 6. pi. tl v V i & wilderness, rough country full of rocks and thickets ; a wood, forest ; metaph. a powerful enemy ; also pr. name of a city. ^sn rpz the house of the fo- rest, and more fully "jiSiVtl ^i?" 1 rpz th house of the forest of Lebanon, the arsenal of king Solomon. J-nsn f- 12. a honey-comb ; a forest. ns" 1 , fut. nc" 1 * 1 , Epj , to be fair, beau- tiful. Pi. to make beautiful, adorn. Popaal iTD-'SP to be very beautiful. Hithpa. to adorn one? s self. rTfi* in. 9. const, lis" 1 , fern. Stjet const. no - ] , surf. ViS" 1 , adj. fair, spoken of persons, animals, or countries ; proper, suitable, becoming. rW"SW f. adj. beautiful. Jer. 46: 20. i2"i and ^ i iD , (beauty) pr. name of a city on the Mediterranean, now called Jaffa. HD" 1 Hithpa. to breathe with difficul- ty, sigh. Jer. 4: 31. fit)" 1 m. adj. breathing out. Ps. 27: 12. m and id* m. 6. in pause &% suff. i^D" 1 , beauty. R. hb" . :t t r 3>2i Hi. 3^Din to shine* give light; io appear in brightness, shine forth, spoken of Jehovah; to cause to shine. J"I"p f. 10. brightness, beauty. DSP (enlargement) pr. name of a son of Noah, progenitor of the northern and western nations. nns" 1 (he openeth) pr. name of an Is- raelitish judge. tt^ , fut. KX] , imper. Mi: , infin. absol. K2f , const. TtiRS. , to go out, go forth ; also s, oken of the object, out of which any thing proceeds, as 5)bwNs nas^n *vwj a cit y which go- etii out by thousands ; also to arise, spoken of the sun and stars ; to arise, spring, spoken of a river ; to spring up, spoken of plants ; to be descended or spring from any one; to expire, be finished, spoken of time; to finish, spoken of persons; to run out, extend itself, as a boun- dary ; to become free, spoken of persons and things ; to be laid out or expended, as money ; to escape, be delivered; to escape, in the draw- ing of lots ; to go forth, to battle ; to come out, surrender ; to be pro- nounced, as the sentence of a judge. Hi. *Tiii to bring, lead, or draw rth or out persons or things ; to cause to spring up, to produce ; io PS" 91 r spread an ill report ; to lay or charge an expense on any one. Ho. to be brought out. 8'*l Ch. Shaph. KSFlO or ^afcifj to bring- to an issue, finish. Ezra 6: 15. asp Hithpa. aSJpnJi to place or pre- sent one's self; with b:s> , to rise up against any one ; with Win' 1 bs> to present one's self before Jehovah; with ijjob and vjfca , to stand before any one, either in battle, or in a ju- dicial tribunal ; with b , to stand by, assist. aSF Ch. Pa. to tell the truth. Dan. 7: 19. ^l~ Hi. JP3ttt to cY/wse to stand, to establish ; to leave behind ; to place, set, persons or things ; to lay, spread. Ho. fut. ifci , to be left behind. ^tilST m. oil. R. *tfi3j . prr^"], also pnip 1 ] m. (Ac laugheth) pr. name of the son of Abraham and Sa- rah ; sometimes the Israelites. SOS^ m. 3. proceeding, descended. 2 Chr. 32:21. R.N2T. a^J m. Ch. adj. valid, established ; true, certain. ^&2 V 2 c& rtainly, truly. jij c. a story, floor. Only in Keri. R. 2iT . T W Part, jfsistj a fod, cumcA ; war- 7'^e 6ed ; & story, floor. Hi. s>in to spread out, make for a bed. Ho! to lie. p& , fut. pi^ , once pas^ , imper. p and p'sp , infin. np , to pour forth *\& , fut. -isr" , ^2r i also ^Sfe* , to T V form, make, create ; to institute, ap- joint; metaph. to, imagine, devise. Part, n^i" 1 a potter. ^i" 1 *bs an earthen vessel. Ni. to be formed. Pu. 'ni ,! ' to be appointed, destined. Ho. to be formed. *I2" , fut. ^irs pi. snsfci, to be strait- ened ; sometimes used impers. as ib lit*] Ac loos straitened, it went ill with him ; he was distressed ; he took it ill. ^iSp m. 6. suff. l H2r< , something form- ed by an artificer, a form, frame ; metaph. an imagination, thought, device. b nh }3T pi. m. a form, frame, of the body. Job 17: 7. D^" , fut. n^" 1 , to set on fire ; intrans. to be burned. Ni. n2 to be burned or laid waste by fire ;, to fre kindled, spoken of anger. Hi. n^tt and rP2i"T to set on fire. ap 1 * m. 6. /ie wine-fat, into which the wine flowed from the press ; the wine-press. btfSSp* 1 (God will collect) pr. name of a city in the south of Judah. Neh. 11:25. "Ij?^ , fut. 1g^ and np"^ to kindle, burn. Ho. ^rpin to to*?i, >e kindled; metaph. spoken of anger. ip 11 Ch. Part. fern. tXpHfp and KnTfn burning. nip^ f. Ch. gi in. adj. pn , to be wrenched, disloca- ted, or put out of joint ; metaph. to be alienated. Hi. snpin to suspend on a stake. yp_^ , fut. yp^ , fp , once ypv i to 'awake. r>gj, fat "ip^ , also *lgvj and *qp , to be difficult, incomprehensible ; to be dear, costly, precious ; to be ho- nored, respected. Hi. Tpill to make, rare. *lp.^ m. fern. trip"* , adj. dear, costly, precious; esteemed, honored; mag- nificent, majestic; rare; perhaps *\so quiet. ti"yp^ V3R used collect- ive! v, costly stones, either precious stones, or valuable stones for build- ing. *npi m. worth, costliness; honor, re- spect ; magnificence, splendor ; price ; as a concrete, a precious thing. ^pi m. Ch. costly things; honor, ma- y e sty. "dp" 1 , 1 pers. ^nurp"' , to lay snares. Fart. tL : p i P a fowler. Ni. irpi2 to be ensnared, taken; to ensnare one's self ; metaph. to be seduced. Pu. part. pi. d'\tt?p ! P for d , 1Dp ! PJ3 ensnar- ed. ?w\np" 1 pr. name of a city in the tribe of Jutlah ; also of an Arabian city. NT , fut. NT 1 ; ' inapcr. NT , infin. NT, and with b, NT> for NT^i otherwise JiNT , to fear, be afraid; to honor, fear, reverence, one's pa- rents, a leader, a sanctuary, an oath. trn'bN HN NT to fear God, either in a more natural, or in a more spiritual sense. Ni. NTi to be feared. Part. NTS fearful, ter- le ; worthy of reverence, holy; wonderful, great, noble; shining, splendid. Plur. niNT,: wonderful deeds, particularly of God ; as an adv. in a wonderful manner. Pi. NT to terrify, make afraid. NT- m. 5. const. NT , fearing ; fear- ful. Joined with personal pronouns it forms a periphrasis for the finite verb, as *Sj}N NT I fear. ttNT f. 10. strictly infin. of NT- ; as a subst. fear ; holy fear, reverence ; piety, religion; dreadfulness ; al- so as an adverbial accus. from fear. 5T m. an adversary, hostile. b*3T in. (Baal contendeth) a name given to Gideon. E^iT m. (the people are many) pr. name of the first king of the ten tribes, and author of the worship of the golden calves; also of a son of Joash, likewise king of Israel. TV , fat. IT and TV , T>] , more rarely W, imper. Tl .Tn and TV , infin. absol. *iT , once ftTl , infin. const, nili with suff. ^nTn, to go down, descend, particularly into Egypt, into Philistia, and the country on the sea, towards the south, to a sea, river, or spring, from Jerusalem to Samaria, or from a city, or out of a ship ; to lead darn, ws ;i road ; to extend down, or southwardly, as a boundary ; to de- cline, as the day; to flow down, as a stream ; to descend, as rain ; to flow down, as the object from which any thing flows ; to fall, spoken of a wall, of a wood which is felled, or of a besieged city ; metaph. to fall, in wealth, or in outward circum- stances. Hi. TTfT to make to go down, to bring down, either persons or things ; to let down, by a cord ; to take down ; to cast down ; to bring down a citadel ; to conquer a people. Ho. T^lJl to be brought down. plT Jordan the largest river of Pa- lestine, now called El Sharia. plT VnN the country on, the Jor- dan. S-tT , infin. TV , niT and NiT , im- per. TV , fut. nT" 1 , to throw, cast, as a lot, or an arrow ; to lay a foun- 311 93 Tu^ dation ; to raise a monument ; to sprinkle, wet. Part. rTTP an arch- er ; the early rain. Ni. fut. STl*"], to he shot through with arrows. Hi. S-nin , fut. apoc. *rt*2 ? to JArow, cas, especially an arrow ; to sprin- kle, wet; to point out, show ; to in- struct, teach. Part, FHifc an arch- er ; the early rain. T t *\i to be confounded. Is. 44: 8. bt(W pr name of a desert. 2 Chr. 20: "l6. : pi'-ii m. something green. Job 39: 8. bVnw"^ and aiV^^i f. Jerusalem, the chief city of Palestine, situated on the borders of the tribes Judah and Benjamin. &bu3^ n and D^'tthV Ch. id. m^ m. 5. the moon. m^ m. 6. a month, Hebrew lunar month ; also pr. name of a country of Arabia. m* 1 m. Ch. a month. ifi'v, also itl-H'; and JlfcT^Vi Jericho, a celebrated city of Palestine, not far from Jordan and the Dead sea. t2-p , fut. p*Y* , to throw or cast down, Job 16: 11. to be corrupt, 'perverse, Num. 22: 32. i 1 ^" 1 m. 3. an opponent, adversary. it k*\ . im^ sec irrp . S-Ii?^^"> ;f. 10. a curtain'; a tent cover- ing ; tapestry. R. 5>*r . spy f. 5. const. ?pi , suff. yshp , a thigh, hip, loins ; a side of a tent, or of an altar ; also that part of a candlestick where the feet join the main shaft. J13T 1 f. 10. a side, as of a country. Dual &^n:D b "P , const. inS'V , a side, especially the hinder, i. e. western, side ; the hindmost, innermost, or deepest part ; the remotest coun- tries. n=>-H f. Ch. a thigh. Dan. 2: 32. m53*V pr. name of a city in the plain of the tribe of Judah. rt*tt*V and m*>J2^ {Jehovah setteth up) pr. name of a celebrated prophet. 3>*"p , fut. SH" 1 , to be evil, wicked; to be envious, spoken of the eye ; to be sad, spoken of the countenance or of the heart ; to be pernicious, hurt- ful. "ib S^" 1 it shall go ill with me. ^^a ^TH it appeared ill to me, it displeased me. yp to be fearful, timid. Is. 15: 4. also in the deriv. to obstruct the view, by a curtain. pi** to spit. p'-p m. 4. greenness ; an herb, vege- table. p**p m. greenness, verdure, foliage. "2XD9 jyvrVlD every green herb. lipT m. paleness of countenance ; a blasting or withering of plants. P^)p^ m. 8. greenish, yellowish, spo- ken of clothes infected with the le- prosy ; yellowness, yellow color of gold. UJn" 1 and "d-p , fut. , ^l3n' ,( , , imp. ui*i and. ttJS, infm. nia'n, with suff. inu;^,, to take into possession ; to possess ; to inherit ; to be one's heir ; to drive from a possession, dispossess, dis- inherit ; to make poor. y^K u3l^ to possess the land (quietly,) i. e. (in the mind of a Hebrew) to be blessed or happy. Part, to^i" 1 an heir. Ni. to be disinherited, become poor. Pi. tfJT to take into possession. Hi. ^nii"! to give for a possession, make to possess, bequeath ; to take into possession, as a country, a city, or a mountain ; to dispossess, drive out ; to cast out ; to make poor ; to destroy. nu3"P f. and ino-p f. 10. a possession. pnu)'] see pnar . ditt" 1 , fut. &ur*n , to be set, placed. b^ntr in. (a wrestler with God) Is- rael, a name given to Jacob. ^23 ^ 91 nim fcflttto^ and simply ^N^to" 1 Israel- ites, or the land of Israel ; after the division of the kingdom under Re- hoboam, the kingdom of the ten tribes, in opposition to the kingdom of Judah ; in the poetic parallelism, and in the books of Chronicles, the kingdom of Judah ; after the exile, the Jewish nation. " I \\ ta li2;'> m. a gentile noun, an Israel- ite.- Fem. n' 1 ^*!^" 1 an Israelitess. *"D& : $ >1 m. pr. name of the fifth son of Jacob and of the tribe named from him. fth m. with Makk. -& , with suff. ^vi^ , &^!1 W3* wealth, sub- stance : as an adv. there is, there are, there was, there were. Joined with a participle it forms a periphra- sis for the finite verb. uS-i izj^ it is certainly so. ">b ttj 1 * Ihave. n^ji , fut. SttJ" 1 , infin. absol. Sftth , const. nSHD , with suff.irtatt; , imper. 53* lTT!3ttJ, to seat one's self sit; to sit as judge or regent ; to sit in ambush, lie in wait ; to sit still, be quiet; with ds> , to have intercourse with any one ; also to continue ; to dwell, inhabit; to be inhabited or habitable, spoken of a city or coun- try. Ni. S'&i3 to be inhabited. Pi. to set up a tent or habitation. Hi. shttftfl to cause to sit or dwell, to set; to make to be inhabited ; to let dwell with one's self, marry. Ho. to be made to dwell ; to be inhabited. 5~V^ m. Joshua, the successor of Mo- ses ; also the name of a high-priest after the captivity. iWtB"] f. 10. (1.) help, deliverance, salvation. JiiiT] nSHD 11 help ob- tained from Gad. As a concrete, something safe or delivered. (2.) victory. (3.) prosperity, happiness. R. i>u3"> . n^* 1 m. 6. empty stomach, emptiness of the belly. Mic. 6: 14. Dti}* 1 Hi. LTtaiil to stretch out. jift v ^ in. a waste, desert. R. tsui" 1 . n , l2J ,1 tf} ,, pi. f. destruction. Ps. 55: 10 Kcth. hVfc^S^rPa {house of the desert) pr. name of a place not far from the Dead sea. R. dup . UJ"HZ;i m. 3. an old or aged man. dttT 1 , fut. duin , pi. jrrttttt^n , to be de- solate. \\^U3" 1 m. (God heareth) pr. name of the son of Abraham by Hagar, and progenitor of many Arabian tribes. tD^b^^^J'vli" 1 pi. m. Ishmaelites, Arabi- ans. pzJi in the deriv. to be old. Ni. ]u3i3 to remain long in a land ; to be deep- ly rooted, become inveterate, spoken of the leprosy ; to grow old, spoken of grain. ]tt3"> , fut. 1'^^ , infin. rtB}*i , to sleep, fall asleep ; also applied to the sleep of death. Pi. to cause to sleep. jtf^ m. 4. fem. i"l3U3^ , adj. old, spoken of grain, of a gate, of a pool, etc. JUJ" 1 m. 5. fem. ha^i , pi. const, ^ip* , sleeping. Joined with pronouns and substantives it forms a periphrasis for the verb. 3>Up Hi. v itl to help, succor ; to give or get the victory, spoken of Jehovah : to deliver, set free. Ni. to be aided, assisted ; to be freed, delivered. Part. yuJii victorious. $u;i and fr* m. 6. suff. wtf*i., Tf^u3"> , help, salvation, deliverance ; pros- perity, happiness. nt-r^U;" 1 (salvation of Jehovah) Isaiah. The most celebrated person of this name is the prophet. inStf;" 1 and SnDU;' 1 m. jasper, a precious stone of different colors. ta y 4 z3' 1 , fut. ta iu5" 1 ' 1 , once *)& , to be straight, even ; m eta ph. to be right, pleasing ; perhaps to be prosperous, happy. Pi. to male straight or even, as a path; to make prosper- ous ; to lead, direct, a water course, the thunder ; to observe strictly. Pu. part. "lttpfc beaten out, thin. 95 n*o Hi. fut. ^piU^ , to make straight ; in trans, to look straight. ta yi3 -1 m. 4.. fern. TT)^ , adj. straight; right, pleasing ; righteous, upright, virtuous ; true, faithful, spoken of God ; happy, prosperous. As an abstract noun, righteousness. *S0$i m. 6. straightness ; right ; duty ; righteousness, uprightness. fnur or t-nu;' 1 f. 10. or 11. const. mtf3"' , uprightness. 1 K. 3: 6. "pT^" 1 m. Jeshurun, a poetical name for Israel. tzr^ m. i. q. uj^ui" 1 old. 2,Chr. 36: 17. n" 1 Ch. i. q. Heb. ntt a sign of the ac- cusative case. Dan. 3: 12. in" 1 Ch. to seat one's self, sit ; to dwell. Aph.srnn to cause to dwell, spade, shovel. din" 1 m. 3. an orphan ; also simply fatherless. to set. w f. 5. const, w , pi. niirr , a peg, pin, to be driven into the wall ; a tent pin ; metaph. a firm dwel- ling-place ; a superior, chief; a ^1 m - P 1 *- name of the father-in-law ^n#] m. (after the form tnpi ,) what one spies out or finds. Job 39: 8. R. !vtn ^^n^ m. Ch. adj. very great, eminent, extraordinary. ttlW as an adv. very, exceeding. TlV] pr. name of a city in Judah. 'irp to remain, be left. Hi. ^rn'in to let remain, leave ; to make to abound ; intrans. to have the prefer- ence. Ni. I in s l3 to be left ; to stay behind ; to acquire the superiority or victory. Part. 'irrtD , fern, mrr.3, the rest. "VP m. 6. suff. Tin' 1 , the rest, remain- der ; abundance, superfluity ; ex- cellence, dignity ; as a concrete, first, excellent : as an adv. eminent- ly, very much : as a prep, besides. *irp m. 0. a cord ; a string of a bow ; a bridle. iTirP f. 10. remainder, abundance. of Moses, also called ^n" 1 and aSift . ]i-)rr m. advantage, profit; excel- lence. Caph, Heb. t|3, is sometimes inter- changed with the palatals a p and "> , and more rarely with the guttur- als ft and 2> . 3 , sometimes before pronouns 3 , a prefix prep, and conj. (contracted for "jS so,) as, even as; according to, after, Lat. secundum ; before words of number* measure, or time, about, nearly, almost ; sometimes redundant and to be omitted in trans- lating. Before an infinitive, more rarely before a participle or verbal noun as ; when. When repeated, as so ; also so as. D li^n to be like. cayaa , see t32tt . With suff. , DDS and to*}3 , irii ., also biis and Clili/JiD . For ^^ , ifti , see ft) and ift .' tt3 , fut. 5O n , to have pain, either of body, or of mind. Hi. to occa- sion pain, make sad ; to mar, de- stroy. S&3 m. 1. pain, grief. TOE Hi. to make sad, as the heart. T X Ni. to be driven out ; to be grieved, humbled. 133 96 JTK3 m. adj. dcsj^onding, unhappy* Ps. 10: 10 Keri. But the reading of the Kethib is preferable. See fDbfl. 133 and "153 , fut. ItiS] , to be heavy ; to he grievous^ spoken of sin; to lie or fall heavily on any one, be bur- densome or troublesome to him ; to be dull of hearing or of vision ; to be hard, obdurate, spoken of the heart; to be Iwnored, respected, powerful ; to be or become violent or vehement. Pi. H23 to harden, make obdu- rate; to honor, reverence. Pu. to be honored. Hi. to make heavy or grievous ; to oppress a people ; to make hard, heavy, or obdurate, as the ears, or heart ; to make to be honored or distinguished ; intrans. to seek honor. Ni. to be rich or abundant in any thing; to be hon- ored; to be glorious; reflex, to show one's self great or glorious, glorify one's self. Hithpa. to mul- tiply one's self, be numerous ; to honor one's self, be proud. 1S3 m. 5. const. *i!3 and ^33 , adj. heavy ; burdensome ; laden ; se- vere, sore ; sluggish, slow, of speech; unintelligible ; great, nu- merous ; rich, abounding : as a subst. the liver. 133 m. 8. fem. FTC'OS , adj. glorious, magn if cent ; also collect, costly ar- ticles, valuables. 133 m. weight, heaviness ; violence, vehemence ; heat ; a multitude. nVCtiD f. difficulty. Ex. 14: 25. Jl33 to go out, be extinguished, spo- ken of a fire or light ; also metaph. of the anger of God. Pi. to extin- guish, put out. *n33 c. 3. (1.) honor, praise. -"11:23 Vinto" 1 the honorable of Israel. (2.j majesty, glory. ""nSSfi [Tf^JS the glorious or majestic king. "7133 tli ir the glory of Jehovah, i. e. the shining splendor which surrounds the deity, when he appears to men, called by the Rabbins the Shechinah. (3.) abundance, riches. (4.) in poe- try, the heart, soul. R. Ti3 . trn33 see f33. "^33 pr. name of a district of Galilee, which Solomon gave to king Hiram, 1 K. 9: 13. also of a city in the tribe of Asher, Josh. 19: 27. T>5ia m. 1. adj. great, mighty ; many, much. R. ^33 . ^iS m. something twisted or platted, a quilt, matrcss. R. ^33 . ^33 m. 0. a fetter. 333 Part. 33i3 a washer, fuller. Pi. to wash, cleanse ; metuph. to purify the heart. Pu. and Hothpa. to be washed. "133 in the deriv. to twist, weave ; to be great or numerous. Hi. to make many, 'multiply. -Part. ^33)2 abun- dance. 133 adv. already, formerly, long ago : also as a subst. Chaboras, a river in Mesopotamia, otherwise called !m33 f- a sieve. Am. 9: 9. TTSJD f. 10. a measure of length, the exact extent of which is not known. \Z)33 m. 6. a lamb of one year and up- wards. !"!il)33 and niD33 f. 12. an ewe lamb x : x about a year old. 12533 , fut. ^isS" 1 , to trample upon, disregard ; to suppress ; to subdue, subject, subjugate ; to force or vio- late a woman ; also in the deriv. to subdue metals in a furnace. Pi. to subdue. Ni. to be subdued ; to be violated. iz;33 m. a footstool. 2Chr. 9: 18. 1^33 m. a furnace, smelting oven, different from ^sn a baker^s oven. 13 f. 8. pi. 3^13 m. a pail, bucket, for carrying water, or for keeping meal. 313 m. Ch. fem. S1313 , adj. lying, false. Dan. 2: 9. ^13 see 73 j ^13 see **i . nn 97 DID ibTD m. the name of a precious stone. nb adv. (1.) of manner, thus. 'nbz Slba in this manner, in that man- ner. (2.) of place, here ; when re- peated, here, there. Sib^n? hither, or rather thither. J-jbi Sib hither and thither. (3.) of time, now, as Jlb"*!^ to the present time, hitherto. i"liD~*j3n iibji-' so and so long, i. e. in a short time. Jl3 Ch. adv. now. Dan. 7: 18. rtlT3 to be weak, dull, dim, as the eves ; to despond, relax ; also in the tleriv. to expire, go out, as a light. Pi. i-r^s and 5-j^3 intrans. to become pale, disappear, spoken of the spots of the leprosy ; metaph. to be low-spirited or desponding, faint ; trans, to chide) rebuke. ilft3 m. fern. nrrs , adj. expiring, go- ing out, spoken of a lamp ; weak, spoken of the eyes ; diminishing, disappearing ; desponding. J-i,-T3 f. a healing, or alleviating. Nah. 3." 19. bi!3 Ch. to be able. 1J-I3 in the deriv. to be a mediator. Pi. ]!ri3 to be or become a priest ; to serve as priest, administer the priest's office ; to adorn. ]ri3 m. 7. a priest. tfjjhfr JJT3, frph iVtth and rptfjftrr ]^bft fee Afg-A- pWes-Z. "jiis m. Ch. emph. fittrts , pi. jnjjns , a priest. J-r:JlS f. 10. ^e priesthood, office (f priest. 13 m. Ch. pi. *p3 , a window. Dan. "6: 11. 5*3) pr. name of a southern country mentioned in connection with Egypt and Ethiopia. Ezek. 30: 5. 5>ii3 m. 2. pi. d^lais, a helmet. rtj3 in the deriv. to brand. Ni. to be burned. Jtd and fib m. 1. power, strength, might; ability, aptness, fitness; 13 means, goods ; the strength or pro- duce, of the earth ; also the name of a species of lizard. 5"P}3 f. a branding, mark burnt in. 'Ex. 31:25. K. JrTO. S313 m. 2. a star ; metaph. a mighty prince. bi3 to measure. Pilp. bsbs to com- prehend, contain ; to support, main- tain, provide with the means of liv- ing ; to hold out, endure ; to hold up, sustain, defend. Polpal ^3^3 to be nourished or supported. Ili. b^3h to contain ; to hold out, en- dure. V215 m. prob. a bracelet or necklace of T gold balls: fyp in the deriv. to stand up. Pilel J5*I3 to raise up, erect, as a throne ; to establish, confirm ; to found, as a city, the earth, or the heavens ; to direct, as an arrow ; to attend, pur- pose ; to prepare, form, make. Pulal ]; , 13 to be established; to be prepared. Hi. }^h to raise up, erect, place, as a seat ; to establish ; to strengthen ; to appoint to an office ; to found ; to direct, as an arrow, the countenance, the heart ; to attend, purpose ; to prepare. Ho. to be erected ; to be appointed ; to be prepared. Ni. to be placed up- right, stand ; to stand firm, abide ; metaph. to be becoming, right, suit- able ; to be upright ; to be fast, firm ; to be confident, fearless ; to be. certain ; to be prepared, ready. Hithpalel Jinsnir and ^nsii to be founded, established ; to make one's self ready, prepare. ftS pr. name of a Phenician city. 1 Chr. 18:8. Ji3 m. 1. a small cake, wafer, offered to the gods. Di3 f. pi. ni&b, a cup. Jehovah is often represented as holding an in- toxicating cup in his hand, from which he lets the nations drink. 013 the name of a bird, perhaps an owl, or a pelican. o 98 "TO *W3 perliaps to bore through, pierce, Ps. 22: 17. in the dcriv. to ro# to- gether i to be round; to bind to- gether ; to an Ethiopian. JttJia f. i- q. BJ}3 Ethiopia. ITab. 3: 7. ft'TO'b f. 10. prosperity, affluence. Ps. 08: 7. R.*UE3. rns and !ini3 the name of an unknown country. rnn\s see rnnb. 3T3 to /':". Pi. 3T3 to //> ; to deceive, \ disappoint. Hi. to male a liar, convict of lying. Ni. to be proved false. 3T3 m. 4. a /iV, deception ; something false, as an idol. ittTb 1 Chr. 4: 22. prob. i. q. ^TS 3.^3 Gen. 38: 5. prob. i. q. SFTSa in Judah. TVS strength, see hftl InS Pi. ^)13 to hide, conceal; to de- ny. Hi. TTn to hide, conceal; to annihilate, destroy. Ni. to be concealed ; to be destroyed. bri3 to paint the eyes with stibium or black sulphuret of antimony. Ezek. 23: 40. '713 to waste away. Pi. u3ri3 to lie ; to leny; to dissemble, flatter, feign S'f.b miss ion ; to waste away, fail. Ni. and Hit 1 , pa. to dissemble, fatter, or feign submission to a conqueror. iLtTSt m. 6. a //>, deception, hypocrisy; leanness, 'iL : lTT3) m. 1. a //rtr, lying. Is. 30: 9. ^3 (for ^13) m. a mark burnt in, brand. Is. 3j 24. R. !T)3 "3 in its primary acceptation a pron. relat. i. q. ^ujfc w/tt, which, what; 1 in t in use for the most part a conj. that, Lat. quod; so that, Lat. acfeo i ; because, since, Lat. quia ; for, Lat. enim; when; if; but; nay rather ; yet, nevertheless; although; as an intensive, yea , surely ; also used at the beginning of the apodo- sis or latter member of a sentence, after a nominative absolute, after a formula of swearing, and before a direct address, in which cases it may be omitted in translating. When repeated, for and. dK ^3 (1.) when the two particles refer to dif- ferent propositions, and each has its own meaning, that if ; that since ; for if; but if . (2.) when both par- ticles refer to one proposition and contain one idea, unless, except, if not; but; yet, nevertheless ; that, Lat. quod; for; if; therefore. j3~'b}> ,| 3 since, because. "1*13 m. 1. destruction, misfortune. Job 21: 20. niTVS ni. 1. a spark. Job 41: 11. ]i"T3 ni. a dart, javelin ; also pr. name of a country. TWa ni. prob. the tumult of war. Job 15:' 24. pvg ra. pr. name of a god worshipped by the Israelites in the desert, per- haps the planet Saturn. Am. 5: 26. "-n* 3 and ^pS m. 1. ph d\- and ni, a basin, particularly for washing; a round stage or scaffold. ujtf ^3 a pan of fire. R. ^ns. "b^S and ib 3 m. a deceiver, fraudu- lent man. nic^ 3 pi. f. hammers, or hatchets. Ps. 74: 6. tVTte f. the Pleiads, Seven Stars. 3">3 m. a bag, purse. 3^3 ^3N the weights of the bag. &" ,b -P3 dual, an apparatus for cooking, consisting probably of two pans. Lev. 11:35. R. ^3. nb3 99 Dfc ?rtha m. a (f *>*/. Pro v . 3 1 : 1 9. ft. JlDS adv. i. q. ,13 or Jib f/fcttS. 13S c. 2. a ctrcuit or iraci q/" cow/i- 27 y ; with Snb, round cake or /otf/; also as a weight, a talent. Dual d*n33 two talents. p-pJi 133 the country on the Jordan, now called Elgaur. R. -ns. 133 f. Ch. pi. "pis 3 , a talent. Ezra 7: 22. bb na. 8. once bis, before Makk. bs , suft*. ibs j followed by the article, all ; the whole ; not followed by the article, every one ; any one, any thing; every kind or- sort: as an adv. altogether, entirely. R. bbs . bs m. Ch. with Makk. "bs , emphat. ttbs , id. As an adv. it is sometimes v r nearly pleonastic. Nbs to hold back, restrain, retain ; to withhold; to shut up, confine; in- trans. to shut itself up ; also in the deriv. to separate. Ni. to cease. This verb often borrows its form from Jibs , and on the contrary sometimes has the signification of Jibs T . tfbs m. 6. suff. ittbs , a prison. TP3 abs id. V V dWbs dual, of two kinds. sbs na. 6. a dog; also used as a ward of reproach ; also putr mollis, scor- tum virile. sbs m. pr. name of a companion of Joshua. Jibs to be completed or finished ; to be over or past ; to be ready, threaten, impend ; to be consumed or all gone ; to waste away, vanish, dis- appear ; to faint, languish; io be destroyed, perish ; to be fulfilled, spoken of a prophecy. Pi. Jibs to complete, finish ; to cease ; to pre- pare, devise ; to spend, c.msumc ; to cause to languish ; to cat up, de- vour ; to destroy ; to fulfil a proph- ecy. Jibs 13> and Jibsb~lS> even to destruction. Pu. Jibs and Jibs to be finished or ended. Some forms of Jibs borrow their signification from Nbs q. v. Jibs no. fem. Jibs , adj. languishing, jailing, as the eye. Deut. 28: 32. Jibs f. 11. destruction : as an adv. en- tirely, wholly, altogether. Tib Db id. Jibs f. 10. a bride; a daughter-in- law. R. bbs . Nibs m. i. q. Kbs ci prison. Found only in Keri. K. ftbs . Slbs m. a basket ; a bird-cage. Dib^bs pi. f. the state or condition of a bride. Jer. 2: 2. Denom. from libs. T Jibs m. full age ; also pr. name of an Assyrian city. ">bs m. irreg. in pause ->b3 , suff. ^bs, pi. d^bs , const, ^bs , a vessel, uten- sil ; an instrument, tool ; a vessel, boat ; a weapon ; a garment ; me- taph. means. JiVu "'bs furniture for travelling. isj ^bs a marts garment. R. Jibs . ibs see "^S. iobs na. a prison. Found only in Kethib. R. abs . jTbs f. 12. pi. n'pbs , const, ni^bs , the reins, kidneys ; meton. the in- ward part, heart, soul. R. Jibs . }i*>bs m. 3. const, fi^bs , a languish- ing of the eyes; destruction. R. Jibs. T T b">bs m. 3. adj. perfect, complete : as a subst. the whole: as an adv. whol- ly, utterly : also i. q. Jibi^ a whole burnt-offering. R. bbs . bbs to complete, make perfect; also in the deriv. to adorn. bbs Ch. Shaph. bbsttj to finish. lthshaph. bbsnu:** to be finished. bbs lli. d^bsJi and d-'bsJi to put to shame or confusion ; to disgrace any one ; to reproach ; to hurt, in~ 100 "3D jure. Ho. to be made ashamed or disappointed ; to be hurt, injured. Ni. to be or feel ashamed ; to be dis- graced ; to be insulted. llgVs pr. name of a place, prob. in Arabia. Ezek. 27: 23. JUste f. 10. shame, reproach. nr^3 f. id. .lev. 23: 40. ttfe , J-rtbs and isbs pr. name of an Assyrian city, prob. Ctesiphon. T,'23 to long- or languish after any "thing. Ps. 03: 2. nft3 see fit . ftji , 1^3 i. q. 3 as ; when. Before substantives it is used only in poetry; but before most of the suffixes it is the usual form for 3 . ttftfc m. the name of the national god of the Moabites and Ammonites, un- der Solomon, worshipped also at Je- rusalem. J733 m. cumin, (Cuminum sativum, Linn.) 03 to hide, conceal. Deut. 32: 34. n':3 in the deriv. to be sad, mourning ; to be hot. Ni. Sfcpa to be burned ; metaph. to be kindled, excited, spo- ken of love or compassion. VES m. 0. pi. d^SS , a priest, parti- cularly of idols. ^1*33 m. 1. a violent heat, sultry or burning wind. Job 3: 5. 13 m. 1. adj. upright, hone at; the same : as an adv. and conj. right, rightly; thus, so; then, therefore; before the apodosis of a sentence, so, then. p ""DTK and }3 I'ifta upon that, afterwards ; after. toa then, upon that. ]db therefore, on this account; because that; also (compounded of K^ not, and ]3 so) but, yet. I3""b9 therefore, on this account; because that. p"li> till now, as yet. R. ]13. J3 m. 8. suff, iS3 1 a place ; a frame, stand, basis. R. ]:3 "73 m. 8. pi. &iS3 j & gnat, Culex rep- tans, Linn, or Culex molestus, Forsk. r*J-3 Pi. to address in a friendly or flattering manner ; to flatter. J123 pr. name of a city, prob. a con- traction of 512D3 Ctesiphon. Ezek. 27: 23. i-123 Ps.80: 16. see ^3. rm:3 see r-123 p32 Ch. see D23 Ch. '-IISS m. 1. pi. IT- and rVh a stringed instrument of the Hebrews, celebra- ted for its having expressed the pi- ous feelings of David, a harp. d23 f. i. q. JT23 gnats. Ex. 8: 13, 14. 60D53 adv. Ch. thus, in this manner. p3 , imper. J-J-3 , to cover, protect. Pa. 80: 16. also in the deriv. i. 333 to humble one y s self before any one ; to be subdued. ft*33 or 1-12-3 f. 10. or 11. goods, suh- \ stance. Jer. 10: 17. I t*D3 m. 2. pr. name of a son of Ham, and progenitor of the Canaanites ; also the country and people of Ca- naan, including what was afterwards called Pale -line and Phenicia ; in a more restricted sense, the country west of Jordan, (in opposition to Giload ;) Phenicia; Phili.stia : al- so i. q. p;3 '\\ s a Canaanite; a merchant. "^z^ n&iB the language of Canaan, i. e. the Hebrew, which the Hebrews adopted from the Ca- naanites. ^SSJS m. a gentile noun, fern. nPSWtS) pi. iratta , a Canaanite ; a mer- chant, dealer. *to 101 ^.\ 5)33 in the deriv. to cover. Ni. prob. to hide or conceal one's self. Is. 30: 20. 5p3 c. 4. a wing of a bird, and metaph. of the wind, or of the morn; a corner or skirt of a garment or bed cover- ing; a wing of an army; an end, corner, boundary ; a battlement or pinnacle of the temple. Dual bni'JS , const. iB23 , often with a plural signif. Plur. niD33 skirts of a garment ; ends of the earth. rnS3 rrn33andrvHS3 pr. name of a city on the sea of Galilee, which was hence called fi^SS &"> . tt3J3 Ch. to collect. ith pa. to assem- ble, meet. niS m. 13. pi. ni-3 , an associate, col- league. Ezra 4: 7. D33 m. Ch. pi. |133 , t& 33 m. Ex. 17: 16. prob. a corrupt read- ing for 33 a banner, standard. K33 and ^53 m. 2/ie fttiie of full moon. 833 , twice J-7S3 , m. 7. suff. ^NDSD , pi. rrttfDS , a seof, particularly a raised seat, of a high-priest, or of a judge ; a throne. v*S3 m. Ch. a Chaldean. Ezra 5: 12. i~;33 to cover. Pi. inS3 to coccr , to cozjc?* or clothe one's self; to con- ceal, keep secret; to 'withhold '; to cover or pardon sin ; also to disco- ver one's self or to commit one's self secretly. Pu. rt33 and J-rcs to be covered. Ni. id, Hithpa. to clothe one'* self. 1">S3 i. q. 833 q. v. rtrTI&S Is. 5: 25, see rtfiiD . fcjOS m. 3. a covering. R. Ji33 . mD3 f. 13. a covering ; a garment. R. : ttD3 . M33 to ct*J of or down. V*D3 m. 1. rt fool; also the name of a constellation, perhaps Orion. In plur. constellations. R. b53 . nfc"D3 f. folly. Prov. 9: 13. F. bD3 . ^33 to be foolish. Jer. 10: 8. also in the deriv. to 5c firm, strong. ^33 m. 6. pi. PbD3, the flank; the inward part ; hope, confidence ; fol- ly. SlbSS f. hope ; folly. 1^03 m. the ninth month of the He- brews, answering to part of Novem- ber and part of December. D^ftbSS pi. m. a people, spoken of as a colony of the Egyptians. DS3 to shear. Ezek. 44: 20. n&2> f. ph b'TOS i speZ?, Triticum Spelta, Linn. 333 to reckon, count. Ex. 12: 4. 5)33 , fut. ^b^" 1 to to/10- or 5c greedy for any thing ; to pity, have com- passion ; also in the deriv. to be pale. Ni. to be pale, from shame ; to toftg* /or. 5)53 m. G. silver; money. In plur. pieces of money. 5)33 m. Ch. emph. 8233 , /dT. fcf&OS pr. name of a country, perhaps the countrv on the Caspian sea- Ezra S: 17.* FlOS f. 13. pi. rnr03 , a cushion^ pil~ low. R. ^703 . p3"Ch. adv. ??o?tf. riband n*3 Ch. adv. .90, fa stjcA a manner. 023 , fut. o^S^ , to be grieved, dis- pleased, out of humor ; to be angry. Pi. 323 and Hi. pWft to ca?/,;3 . 5)3 f. 8. suff. ^23 , o pofm, /rnwrf ; in animals, a paw ; withblh or &2E , the sole of the foot. *ir5jD3 HtPitfk " 1 S3i I took my life in my hand, i. e. I put it at hazard. Dual D^BS m 192 Pl-15 also with a plural signification. PI. rrtfclD palms ; hands of an idol ; handles ; soles of the feet ; pans, dishes. 3>bjv!T"S]3 the hollow or cav- ity of a sling. jji*tt~S|3 the socket of the hip-bone. b'nan nics paZ??i branches. R. P]33 . Sp m. 1. pi. d*D5 , a roefc. S1&S to tome, subdue. Prov. 21: 14. JlDS f. 10. a palm branch; a branch. fimfrO !"J53 palm branch and rush, a proverbial expression for highest and lowest. R. 5)23 1iD3 m. 1. a cup, bowl ; hoar-frost. R. 133. 0"*D3 m. fl cross-beam, rafter. Hab. 2: ii. 1*^33 m. 1. a young lion, that goes abroad for prey ; metaph. a danger- ous enemy ; a young hero or de- fender of a state. !-?1^33 pr.name of a city of theHivites, I allotted to the tribe of Benjamin. ^33 to double. Ni. to be doubled. T bS3 m. 6. a doubling. Dual d^b33 double, twice as much. teS to long for, desire. Ezek. 17: 7. 103 m. hunger. &33 to 6e7?rf, &ottf down ; intrans. to Z>ow owe's seZf down. Ni. to ioiy cfoum or humble one's self before any one. 133 to cover, overlay. Pi. 133 , fut. 133^ , to pardon ox forgive an o fense, or a offender ; to expiate an offense ; to ?7i&&0 aft atonement for an offender ; to appease or pacify a person offended, or his anger ; to purify or cleanse sacred things ; to expiat or az?er a threatening ca- lamity. Pu. to be blotted out, as a writing ; to be expiated, as an of- fense ; to be purified, cleansed. . Hithpa. issnJ"! and Nithpa, 1333 to be expiated, spoken of an offense. irr m. 4. a village. 133 m. 6. a village; pitch; a ran- som ; also the alhenna of the Arabi- ans, {'Laivsonia inermis, Linn.) 3" | 133 pi. ni. an atonement, expia- tion. D*H33 Ji di" 1 the day of atone- ment. n^23 f. the cover or lid of the ark of the covenant. ni'33il ma the place of the ark of the covenant, i. e. the most holy place. U5t>3 Hi. to cover, cover over, with ashes. Lam. 3: 16. H33 Ch. Pret. Peil to be bound. Pa. to bind. 1inS3 m. 1. pi. d^lhSS , a knob, pro- tuberance, an ornament on the gold- en candlestick; a knob or capital of a pillar ; also pr. name of a country and people, whence the Philistines are said to have origina- ted, prob. Crete. 13 m. 2. pi. 3"n3 a pasture or fat I lamb; a pasture; a battering ram. R.113. 13 in the phrase bttail ^3 a cameVs saddle, cameVs tent, a small tent fastened on the back of a camel, in which the women sat. Gen. 31: 34. R. 113. 13 see "^13 . 13 m. 1. a measure for things both li- quid and dry, containing 10 ephahs or 10 baths. R. 1^3 13 or 1i3 m. Ch. pi. "plte id. Ezra 7: 22. K13 Ch. Ithpe. to be grieved. Dan. 7: T ih. Va*" a quadriliteral. Part, passive "%"D Clothed: 1 Chr. 15: 27. ttbais f. Ch. a mantle, cloke. Dan. 3: 21. !ni3 to dig, a well, a pit; metaph. to plot, devise, evil ; to bore through, open. J-J13 to buy, purchase ; to give a feast, prepare a banquet. Jll3or ills f. 11. pi. const. ni3 , a well, cistern. rfi 103 'IDS rrl3 f. a feast, banquet. 2 K. 0: 23. avo na. 1. pi. &^nl3 i a cherub, a po- etical being, in the writings of the ancient Hebrews, whose form was compounded of that of a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle, the well known symbols of might and power. Til3 m. Ch. emph. avii3 , a herald. Dan. 3:4. R.ro " 113 Aph. to maA-e 'proclamation. ~f)an. 5: 29. Ffljp pi. na prob. headsmen, execution- ers, members of the body-guard un- der the Israelitish kings. f"P"V3 pr. name of a brook by which Elijah dwelt. 1 K. 17: 3, 5. mrPl3 and nrPl3 f- 13. a divorce. 2313 m. 8. sufK 12313 , a?i enclosure, border, ledge. &313 m. yellow root, Indian saffron. da'nt. 4: 14. tP ^tt S' Tfl pr. name of a city on the Eu- phrates, prob. Circesium. riii3l3 pi. f. camels, dromedaries. Is. 66:20. R. yyg. &13 c. 6. a vineyard. rTT tD13 flft olive -yard. 313 m. 7. a vine-dresser. ^13 m. crimson color or cZoiA. ^313 m. 8. suff. i?ft13 , an orchard, garden of trees ; perhaps peeled grain ; also pr. name of a fertile promontory on the Mediterranean sea, on the southern boundary of the tribe of Asher ; and of a city on the west of the Dead sea, now call- ed El Kirmel. ""bftlS m. fern. r^-. , a gentile noun, a Carmelite, or Cai'melitess. fettpSm. Ch. suff. S5PO*73, pi. JlblS, a seat, throne. 3313 to lay waste, root up, spoken of a boar. Ps. 80: 14. 3>13 to bend or bow down, either from reverence, for repose, from weak- ness, or as a woman in travail ; to bend or bow down, spoken of the knees. tVEM -by 213 comprimere feminam. Hi. to cast down an en- emy ; to afflict. tb^ynQ dual f. the legs. 'OWpljine white linen or cotton cloth. Est. 1: 6. 113 Pil. 1313 to dance. to 13 m. the belly. Jer. 51: 34. U3lb m. Cyrus, king of Persia. D13, fut. ni3"S to cut. cut off, as a part of a garment, a branch of a tree, the prepuce ; to chop off, the hands or head ; to hew down, as wood in a forest, images ; to root out, destroy. rpiz ni3, ttjtoa z, i^'s, and simply D13 , to make an agreement or covenant, strike a league, like opxia rs'jju/siv, icere foedus, a phrase- olotrv derived from the custom of cutting in pieces the victims, on oc- casion of making a covenant. Ni. to be cut down or off ; to be separa- ted, separate itself ; to be banished ; to be consumed ; to be rooted out, de- stroyed ; to perish ; to be frustra- ted, as a hope. Hi. to root out, de- stroy ; to separate, withdraw. Ho. r,l3ti to be cut off. Dims pi. f- hewn timber. T1I3 m. pi. bWXB a headsman, execu- tioner, member of the body guard under David ; also a gentile noun, a Philistme, or perhaps an inhabitant of only the southern and maritime parts of Philistia. 3^3 m. and Jistos f. by metath. for ^33 a lamb. "JIBS) m. pr. name of a son of Nahor and nephew of Abraham. Gen. 22: 22. ^p3 m. Ch. pi. "panto, emph. tt^ipS, a Chaldean ; an astrologer. tD^iZ33 pi. m. a gentile noun, Chalde- ans, the inhabitants of Babylon and Babylonia ; also astrologers. yitt Ca^tps and simply ES^^iBD f- Chal- deu. JiJD^jiDS to Chaldea. In its widest sense Chaldea included Me- sopotamia. b 104 S"tfD3 *o fo covered with fat. Dent. 32: T i5. b*'3 m. an a?i hatchet. Ps. 74: G. R. bttJ3 , fut. bittiS" 1 , to shake, totter, be- come weak or feeble ; to stumble, trip in walking ; to fall, sink. Ni. btt)33 , fut. VvL : 3* , to totter ; to stumble, fall ; m eta ph. to be render- ed unhappy. Pi. and Hi. to cause to totter, to make feeble ; to cavse io stumble or fall ; metaph. to cause to err, to seduce. Ho. to be over- thrown. -fibusm.afall. Prov. 16: 18. ?]'&S Pi. P|s to practice magic . Part. masc. ^iD': a magician. Fem. rtOUJiE a sorceress. PJV33 m. 0. magic. t)3 m. 1. a magician. Jer. 27: 9. 1ttJ3 , fut. ^ttj^'' , *o ic right, proper, suitable ; to prosper. Hi. to give success. j"TV3 m. success, prosperity, happy course ; gain, advantage. ins , fut. ini" 1 , to write ; to pre- scribe ; to describe, write down ; to mark out; to ordain, resolve Ni. to be written. Pi. to ordain, re- solve. ins Ch. fut. ini" 1 to write. ins m. 1. a writing ; a book; a cata- logue. ins m. Ch. a writing ; a precept, pre- scription. n^ns f- a writing, marling. Lev. 19: 2s: D*ni and tD^ns pi- m. a gentile noun, the name of a western people and country, prob. Cyprus ; also used sometimes for the west generally. nTCD ni. beaten oil. R. nns . bnb m. 6. a wall. Cant. 2: 9. bns m. Ch. pi. K*bns , id, Dns in the deriv. to hide, lay up ; to write. Ni. to be dirty, black. Jer. 2: 22. dns m. gold, used only in poetry. n:ns and n:ns f. 13. pi. ni:ns and niins , const, n'n^ns , suff. dnisns , an under garment, close coat, tu- nic. Pjns f. 5. const. >]ns , a shoulder ; the back, in animals ; a side, of a build- ing, of the sea, of a city or country. PL nisns , const, nisns, suff. VDns , sides ; shoulder-pieces of the high-priest's ephod ; shoulders of the axle-tree. -ins Pi. to surround, especially in a hostile manner ; also to wait. Hi. to surround ; in trans, to be sur- rounded or crowned. nns m. a crown or diadem of the Per- sian king or queen. n^ns and n^nis f. 13. pi. ni^inb, the capital of a pillar. \L : ns to pound, bruise. Prov. 27: 22. nns , fut. nb" 1 , to hammer, beat, forge ; to break in pieces ; metaph. to scatter an enemy. Pi. nns to beat ; to break in pieces. Pu. to be destroyed.-- -Hi. fut. rins" 1 to scatter or beat down an enemy. Ho. fut. ns" 1 , to be broken down or destroyed, spoken of images or of persons. b Lamed, Heb. ifth , is sometimes inter- 1 1? , before a tone syllable b , a prefix- changed with the other semivowels, preposition, contracted for bit, (1.) : , n , and 72 . I to, a sign of the dative case ; more uh 105 dm rarely a sign of the genitive, (for b Ttftt ,) particularly the genitive of possession, of the material, also in marking dates, and after adverbs, which then acquire the force ot pre- positions ; also in the later Hebrew before the nominative and accusa- tive ; to, unto, Lat. ad ; even to, Lat. usque ad; into, noting the state or condition, into which a transition is made ; as to, about, concerning, Lat. de ; as it respects, in relation to ; on account of ; for, in favor of. (2.) expressing proximity, as in, at, on, in specifications of time and place ; in, expressing a state or con- dition ; according to, after, Lat. juxta ; as, as if, Lat. quasi, tan- quam ; by, through, Lat. a, per, marking the efficient cause, the means, or the author ; before pre- positions, sometimes pleonastic. Before a verb in the future tense, as a conj. that. Before an infinitive, to ; till that ; so that ; because ; when, while; as though. With suff. ft , ^ and !nab ?ft , ft , fi& . nft , &ab , Wab , &iib, IS-rb . These X V X X V T V X ' V X pronominal datives are used pleonas- tically after many verbs, especial- ly in the imperative and future. ForittV see i ft. b Ch. a prefix prep, as in Hebrew, to, a sign of the dative case ; also a sign of the accusative ; also to, un- to, Lat. ad : as a conj. before the fu- ture, which then rejects the prefor- mative, that. Before an infin. to. ttb> more rarely i*ft, adv. of negation and prohibition, not ; nay, no ; also, the interrogative !rr being under- stood, i. q. tfbil nonne ? as a subst. nothing : as a pre. i. q. aba with- out: as a conj. lest, that not. In combination with nouns, it gives them a negative signification, as &b ?S> not strong, feeble, T&fi ttb merci- less, ui"^ tt'b without inhabitant, 121 ttb nothing, bb ttb no one, btt~tt'b that which is not God, an idol, y$ ft'b that which is not wood, 14 a man, ttJHI K'b that which is not man, GW. aba without; so that not. a K'b without. tfbil nonne ? behold, surely. N*bb without. The word tt'b stands in some places for ft to him, prob. merely an incor- rect orthography. Kb Ch. not : as a subst. nothing. ^a^ tt'b (without pasture) pr. name of a* place in Gilead. 2 Sam. 17: 27. also written ^a*! ft . Jl^b in Kal and Ni. to labor, exert one's self; to be wearied, exhaust- ed ; to be tired or wearied of any thing ; to loathe, a&Aor. -Hi. STttbfr to make weary, exhaust ; to weary or tire out the patience of any one. tttft i. q- oft to cover. 2 Sam. 19: 5. tittb Job 15: 1 1. see EK . tattb adv. gently, see DN . Dttb i. q. tab ; hence tittba secretly, privately, Judg. 4: 21. R. taft . Sift m. 8. suff. *a& , pl/tTBtfb , a peo- ple, nation; also pr. name of an Arabian tribe. ab m. 8. before Makk. -&$ , suff. ^ab , also sab m. 4. const, nab, pi. d^aab and niaab, the heart, in the physical sense ; metaph. the heart, soul, Lat. anima, as the seat of life ; the heart, as the seat of sensations, affections, and passions ; courage, spirit ; the heart, as the seat of moral charac- ter ; the heart, will, as the seat of volitions and purposes ; the heart, understanding, as the seat of ideas and perceptions ; the middle, midst, as of the sea, of heaven. ab") aba with a double or deceitful heart. Sometimes with suffixes simply a periphrasis for the personal pro- noun. ab m. Ch. id. Dan. 7: 28. D^ab and niaab , see *ab . aab Ni. denom. from ab , to become wise, acquire understanding. Pi. aab denom. from nb, to steal or lA 100 ofib wound the heart of ;i lover ; also de- noiu. from Sia^ab , to make cakes. aab m. Me heart, see ab Sab m. Ch. suff. ?pab , ttaab , iU iab rt/o/ie, see ^3 . ' fiib (for nzrrb) f. 10. a /?. Ex. 3: 2. fiab f. 10. Me heart. Siaiab see frjab . tt3iab and tijab m. 1. a garment; mag- nificent dress; a spouse, consort. R. ttb . tthab m. Ch. rr garment, Dan. 3: 21. Bab Ni. to fall, perish. 11 ab , pi. masc. DNab Ztons, plur. fern. nitfab lionesses. arab Ji*0, perhaps a lioness. Found only in poetry. K*ab (for i-pab) f. a lioness. Fzek. T l ( .i: 2. nia^lb pi. f- a kind of soft cake or pud- ding.' Denom. from ab trab see tra^ib . jab in the deriv. to be white ; also de- nom. from ii:ab , to make bricks. Hi. trans, to purify, cleanse ; in- trans. to he white. Hithpa. to puri- fy or cleanse one's self. pb m. 4. fern. Ji:ab , adj. white. pb m. 5. const, ~pb adj. white. (Jen. " 49: 12. fi:ab f. Me moon. Found only in po- etry. roabf. 11. pi. IT- , a brick, made of clay dried in the sun and then burnt. !rj3ab m. prob. a storax-tree. !l3ab f. 10. clearness, transparency; also pr. name of a city of refuge in the tribe of Judah; and of a station Of the Israelites in the desert. n*ab and tl^iab f. 10. incense ; also pr. name of a city near Shiloh. "j'naab Lebanon, pr. name of a great range of mountains between Syria and Palestine, consisting of two principal chains, the proper Leba- non or Libanus, and Antilibanus. naab see niab ^irruj . tt3ab and ttJab fut. iziab" 1 , to put on a garment ; to clothe ; metaph. to put on, be clothed or covered, with flocks, worms, shame, terror, right- eousness, salvation, majesty, etc. al- so to clothe or invest any one, spo- ken of the Spirit of God. Pu. part. O^ttJabfc clothed, scil. in royal or priestly garments. Hi. to clothe any one ; also to put on a garment; metaph. to clothe one with salvation. u3ab Ch. fut. \paSi , to be clothed, A ph. \i3^abi"7 to clothe. u3absee u^ab. 3'bm. a smalt measure for liquids, con- taining the 12th part of a hin. Tb Lydda, a large village in the tribe of Benjamin, in later times the seat of a Rabbinical school, now called Lodd. fib Ch. i. q. Kb nothing. Dan. 4: 32 Keth. Jib i- q. Kb not. Deut. 3: 11 Keth. arib m. 0. also rtartband nafib f. 11. pi. niairb , const, rnainb , aflame ; the flaming or glittering part of a spear or sword, i. e, the point or blade. d^ailb pi. m. prob. i. q. tra^ib JJbyxws. ih'n. 10: 13. jtf-rVm. stiidij. Eec: 12: 12. infib i. q. HfrVb to be wearied, exhaust- ed. ttfib Hi th palpal part. Iribilbnto prob. an insane or mad man. ttinb to burn, flame ; metaph. to breathe out flames. Pi. X2rib to burn, consume ; to cause to burn, to kindle. EJlb m. the flaming part or blade of a sword. Gen. 3: 24. Q s t3fib pi. m. 6. i. q. fc-'Db magic arts, enchantments. 1 x. 7: 11. nb 107 nnh drib Hithpa. part. pi. traiibntt what is eagerly swallowed, dainty bits. fftb ow this account, therefore. Ruth 1: 13. fl-lb Ch. id. Also (compounded of Kb not and fti (/",) unless, except ; but. SlpiTb f. 10. prob. a congregation, company. 1 Sam. 19: 20. ib for tf'b ?*o. "fil ib see ^m Kb . %V a particle, if; O that! O si ! uti- nam ; perlmps ; also O that not ! R. tf }b i/q. A *// O ikf / R. fijb . d^anb and dmb pi. m. Libyans, al- ways joined with Egyptians and Ethiopians. 1?lba people of Shemitish origin, ac- cording to Josephus, Lydians ; al- so *nb and fcfHfc a people of Egypt or Africa. J-nb to adhere to any one ; to borrow; also in the deriv. to bind, weave. Ni. to be joined to any one. Hi. to lend. ftb to depart. Ni. part, tibi per- verse, corrupt ; perverseness. Hi. fut. pi. fjpVj , to depart. ttb m. an almond-tree ; also pr. name of a city, afterwards called Bethel ; and of another city. mbm. 1. pi. nimb, a tablet, of stone, of wood, and metaph. of the heart ; a folding door. Dual trnbb wain- scoting of ships. rpftlb pr. name of a Moabitish city. t^b to cover, wrap up. Hi. id. ttib m. a covering, veil ; also pr. name of the nephew of Abraham. *nb m. pr. name of a son of Jacob by Leah; also a Levite. Plur. tr^Yb Lcvitcs. ^?b in. Ch. pi. ttyih , a Levite. Srp'lb f. 10. a crown, garland. R. }T)b Irplb m. a great sea monster, particu- larly a great serpent, a crocodile ; often a the symbol of a hostile kingdom. R. Jrrb . blbm. 1. pi. b^Vib, a winding stair. 1 K. 6: 8. ' ttb^b and ^bnb unless. "pb and pb , to pass the night, remain through the night, spoken of per- sons ana* things ; to lodge, dwell; to turn in, in order to lodge ; to abide, continue, remain. Hi. to cause to abide. Hithpa]. to lodge, dwell. pb Ni. to murmur. Hi. id. i>^b to swallow, swallow down. Obad. 16. also perhaps to be loathso?ne. y=lb to scorn, deride. Part, yb a scof- fer, scorncr, particularly one who ridicules things sacred. Hi. to in- terpret an unknown language; to act as a mediator, internuncio, or ambassador ; also to mock, deride. Hithpal. yssnbnSl to show one's self arrogant or wicked. ti^b to knead. mbCh. prep. with. Ezra 4: 12. R. Vnb. tb see tbil . Jltb seertt Vft . titb see wbh . mtb f. perverseness, frowardness. Prov. 4: 24. ttbm. 1. pi. b^ftb, adj. moist, green, fresh, as wood or grapes ; new, not used, as cords. fib m. 1. freshness, activity, vigor. ~Deut. 34: 7. t^fib or tnfib m. sufT. *>?2lrib or ifcnttb , food; flesh, body. R. dnb "'fib f. 6. iii pause ^fib , sufifiifib , dual b^Jjb , const, ^tlb , a cheek; a jaw- bone ; also pr. name of a country on the borders of Philistia. :]b to lick. Pi. Jjrtb to lick ; to lick up, cat off. Dfib > fut. dfiV , to cat, consume ; to war, fight. -Ni. tDribi , infin. absol. tDhbi , to fight, contend. 5* 108 Mb bfib or dtlb m. a contest, siege. Judg. 5:8. &nbc. 6. (l.j/oocZ.- tmba drib /bod o/ God, i. e. offerings. iftrib:! *p> a ( ree im'JA. its food, i. e. fruit. dnb JlJlEJl the food of the governor, i. e. the allowance for his table. (2.) bread, particularly wheat- drf? ft^Bh ^e show-bread. drib ~" i nu3 fruw (loaves) of bread.- dftb bdi* to eat bread, i. e. to take a meal. (3.) ^nb for SjfcrYb *ttfoa they that eat thy bread. drib m. Ch. food, a meal, feast. Dan. 5: 1. SlDfib f. Ch. a concubine. ynb , fut. ynb" 1 , to press, squeeze ; to oppress. Ni. to press one's self. ynb m. 6. oppression ; affliction, dis- tress. UJnb Pi. to conjure, practice magic. Hithpa. to whisper. uifibm, 6. a whispering, sighing, or praying for help ; magic, conjura- tion ; a charming of serpents; a charm, amulet. ftb m. 1. adj. secret, private, as p^a in secret, secretly, softly. PL d^ttb secret or magic arts. R. t^b . to' 1 ? m. a fragrant gum, which collects on the leaves of the Cistus ladanife- rus, or C. Creticus. frlNtob f. prob. a species of lizard. Lev. 11: 30. tzjtab , fut. titob" 1 , to hammer, forge ; to sharpen ' by hammering, as a plowshare, a sword ; to sharpen. Pu. to be sharpened. j"P*b (for J-plb) f. a garland, festoon, in architecture. R. Srjb . b^b m. with parag. It, ilb^b , const. Vb , pi. rnb^b i a night ; metaph. misfortune, adversity.-^b^b, rnVb and nW? by night. SiMm tDti^ by day and by night, 'frbh this night, iob^b m. Ch. a night. rpb^b f ft nocturnal specter, a creature of Jewish superstition. Is. 34: 14. pb see Jtflp tt5"b m. ft foVm ; also pr. name of a city on the northern boundary of Pales- tine, otherwise called Ban. lib , fut. TbV] , to take, catch, in a net, in a pit ; to take prisoner ; to take away ; to take or break into a city ; to take, choose, by lot. Ni. pass, of Kal. Hithpa. to hold or hang to- gether. T^b m. ft being taken. Prov. 3: 26. Jrob strictly imper. of rf^ , go thou ; also as an interj. of exhortation, up, come on. Sldb i. q. ^b to thee. Gen. 27: 37. ti3"Ob pr. name of a city in the plain of the tribe of Judah. )dh see 13 . niabb pi. f. 11. const, niabb, loops, for the taches or hooks, by which the curtains of the tabernacle were fastened together. *jftb , fut. "jttb" 1 , to accustom one^s self ; to learn; also in the deriv. to strike, smite. Jlfrfibft *ltfflb skilful in war. Pi. Tftb to teach, instruct. Pu. to be accustomed, inured ; to be skilful, expert. i-jttb , !TV and j-pab , see S"flQ . i^b in poetry for b , see itt . TOb and Tttb ra- 1. adj. accustomed, practiced ; a scholar, disciple, fol- lower. R. ib . 1?ab see ya . 15>5ab on account of, because. Sfee i$xj , 5'b m. 1. ft throat, swallow. Prov. " 23: 2. R. Sjft . ^3>b Hi. to mock, deride. 2 Chron. "36: 16. }5>b to laugh at, mock, deride. Ni. to speak in a foreign or barbarous tongue. Hi, to mock, deride. npb 109 T* 55>b m. 6. scorn, derision ; a cause or occasion of derision ; a wicked or blasphemous speech. 55>b m. 5. adj. speaking in a foreign or barbarous tongue ; a scorner. T3>b to speak unintelligibly or in a for- eign language. Ps. 114: 1. t35>b Hi. to eat, particularly with greediness or daintiness. Gen. 25: 30. tl53>b f. wormwood ; ako prob. poison. Tsb m. a torch; aflame. *JtoV see ZP32\ nsb , fut. nbV] , to 6ewd, fow. Ni. to feftd owe's se//; to tarra on one's way. flisb m. scorn, derision, contempt of every thing good. ^"b ^UJStt i. q. D^b scorner s. R. Iffo . ^ib i. q. y^b to scorrc. Hos. 7: 5. ngb , fut. nj?" 1 , imper. np ? more rare- ly npb , infin. absol. ttiipb const. mp , to to&e ; to to&e or marry a wife ; to seize, lay hold of; to take away ; to take to one's self ; to take, capture ; to captivate, win ; to re- ceive, obtain ; to admit, receive, Counsel, a prayer ; to take under one's protection ; to perceive ; to fetch, cause to be brought ; to lead, bring ; to bring for an offering ; sometimes nearly pleonastic. Ni. np"b3 to be taken away; to be brought. Pu. npV and Ho. fut. np7 , to be taken ; to be taken away ; to be received. Hithpa. part. fern. nfipbnft continuous. npb m. 6. doctrine ; speech ; knowl- edge ; fair speech, flattery, by which one captivates another. Dpb in Kal and Pi. to collect, gather, especially from the ground. Pu. and Hithpa. to assemble, come to- gether, as men. tipb m. a gleaning of fields and vine- yards. ppb , fut. p*V , to lick, spoken of dogs; to lap, as a dog when drinking. Pi. to lap. u3pb to glean, gather the last fruits ; also in the deriv. to be late in the season. u3p*b m. later grass, aftermath. Am. 7:1. Ittjb m. 8. sap, life-blood, vital power. jptiTt' T^b an oil cake. *piz5b c. 3. a tongue ; meton. a speech; a prayer ; a language ; a people speaking one language. "b*>3 "jittiVil a conjurer, exorcist. tfj 1 ^ pttjb a man of an evil tongue, slan- derer. niiDfin ]itt3b a perverted or false tongue. n!"JT "J*ittJb a bar of gold. tttf ]ittib aflame of fire. tzn^T ]iu;b and simply ytfb a tongue of the sea, i. e. a bay or gulf. Jl3U3b f. 12. a chamber, cell ; a dining- room ; an office or chamber for bu- siness. fctfib m. the name of a precious stone, perhaps an opal; also pr. name of a city, otherwise called uj^b and ^ . I'llib denom. from 'jiuib. Po. to slan- ~der, Ps. 101: 5 Keth. Pi. id. Ps. 101: 5 Keri. Hi. id. Prov. 30: 10. jtijb c. Ch. a tongue, people speaking one language. 2U3b pr. name of a place. Gen. 10: 19. 7jrVb m. the name of a measure, a half- homer. Hos. 3: 2. ran no DB a Mem, Heb. fifc , is sometimes inter- changed with its cognate labials, es- pecially a and d , and also with the liquids 5 and b . .33 i. q. )l/3 q. v. 43 out of, from. Sec the full form fn . &J2 Ch. i. q. Ji73 , as *1 K/3 that which, Ezra 6: 8. DWKa m. 1. a barn, granary. Jer. 50: 26." R.OSM. X 1N73 m. 1. strength, force : as an adv. exceedingly, very, especially. IN/3 *TN/33 exceedingly, vehemen- tissime.- ifebV-'lJj id. Ito-TO exceedingly ; forever. rMXn f. 11. const. DN/3 , (1.) a hundred. !"TN/3 and ntt/3 a hundred times. !-i3tt3 SiHfc and hSttS DN72 a hundred XX X" XX ; years. Dual tPnfitta two hundred. PI. rrK/3 and rri\V/3 hundreds; " x : also a hundred. (2.) prob. interest, usury, rate per cent. (3.) pr. name of a tower in Jerusalem. i"tf/3 f. Ch. a hundred. Dual "pnJtta x : " x two hundred. IT'ltfa pi. m. 8. desires. Ps. 140: 9. R." i^N . X T d^tt/3 m. a s/>o, blemish. nttntf/3 something. ^iN/3 in. 3. pi. ED" 1 - and ni, Kg**; a light, luminary ; a candlestick. tZPS-^ ^11^/3 N . r&bma f. *U R. 33** . npDi\/3 f. 13. pi. rri?3tt?3, an instru- ment for eating, knife. R. bitf . tZT/3tt73 pi. m. 8. substance, trea- sure's. R. yj38 . ^ftKto m. 2. a word, command.. R. "l&attTm. Ch. id. fN/3 m. Ch. a vessel. 1$tt Pi. 1^73 to refuse, decline. ]N/3 m. adj. refusing. Joined with the personal pronouns it forms a periphrasis for the finite verb. JW3 m. pi. tb^Wg , id. Jer. 13: 10. DN/3 , fut. DK73^ , to reject ; to despise, not regard'. Infin. DJtf/3 as a subst. contempt. Ni. to be despised. DN73 Ni. to melt away, disappear. ?ipW2 m. 9. something baked. Lev. 2: 4."R.Ji5N. 3SN73 m. darkness. Josh. 24: 7. t-P33K/3 L deep darkness. Jer. 2:31. nK/3 Hi. ^Pttttirj to cause severe pain. S'lWg m. 2. a'lurkingplace, place of ambush; a party in ambush. R. i-ntt/3 f. 10. a curse. R. ^N . Dtttt compounded of ]73 or -/3 and ntt . See "p . rrfr*3fi pi. f. separate places. Josh. 16:' 9. R.Vjz. *in/3 c. 3. pi. d"\- and ni, an entrance. BttJh K3-73 the setting of the sun, west ; towards the west. R. ttia. !uDto/3 f. 10. consternation, perplexi- ty. R.rjria. b^Z73 m. a flood, deluge, inundation. R~3:r. x 3 ^1553 pi. m. teachers. 2 Chr. 35: 3 KetiJ. ixn in nn riDiaft f. a treading down or under foot. R. 0*131. 5*l3)g m. 1. pi. tn- , rt spring, foun- tain. R. $55. JtPtoJa f. emptiness, desolation. Nah. 2: 11. tZPttiatt pi- m. 3. the secret parts, pu- denda. Deut. 25: 11. R. \z5ia. ""rinaft m. the choicest, best. R. ^fta . ^tfjatt m. 2. z J. R. ^na . Dfi53 m. 1. ft/? object of hope or expec- tation. R. t:aa . Da m. 1. hope, expectation. Zech. 9: . R. aaa. a'0172 m. 1. something rashly said. R. fittja . nt2i^ T m. suff. ih&i& , pi. cnaaa and OYltaafc , confidence ; an object of confidence ; safety, security. R. riDs. T rprtaia f. 13. serenity, satisfaction, consolation. Jer. 8: 18. R. aba . iiaaft m. 9. a building. Ezek~.40: 2. R.iiaa. T X ^SJttJ m. 2. pi. CD" 1 - , once rri , ft/or- //?erZ place, fortress. R . SlSJa . rnatt m. 2. a fugitive. Ezek/l7: 21. R. Yna . rriV&aft pi. f. places for boiling, fire- places. Ezek. 40: 23. R. btta . aft a Persian or Median priest, ma- gian. Jer. 39: ft biW see bfiW ... _ T rnVa:ift pi. f. twisted or wreathed work. Ex! 28: 14. R. bav. il^a^J f. 10. a cap or turban of the common priest, different from njD5JQ a turban of the high-priest. WE m. 6. costly or precious gifts, par- ticularly of nature. 'Ttotl and JYMS pr. name of a fenced city belonging to the tribe of Manas- seh, but within the limits of the tribe of Issachar. V*#a p&* the plain or valley about Meg iddo. V*3E TO /te waters of Megiddo, i. e. the brook Kishon. Vn^tt and b'M/Q pr. name of a city in Egypt, not far from Pelusium, called in Copt. Meshtol. b^tt m. 2. pi. E3\. and ni, a tower, particularly a tower for defense ; a watchtowcr, in a vineyard, or by a herd ; a high scaffold, stage, pul- pit ; an espalier ; metaph. mighty men. R. b*W W Vnto (tower of the flock) pr. name of a place near Bethlehem. Di^ft pi. f. costly or precious things. Denom. from 'Ufa . ^12 the name of a northern people, obscurely known to the Hebrews. I^ft m. 3. a dwelling. In plur. a so- journing, residence among stran- gers, pilgrimage ; metaph. one's residence on earth. R. 1^. -fatt m. 3. pi. tD^ttfc 5 fear, terror. R x . "m STjWO f. 10. id. Prov. 10: 24. R. **. il^mtt f. 10. a storehouse ; fear, or cm o&/ec of fear. R. ^. SnUXi f. 11. ft ax for felling wood. 2 Sam. 12:31. R. >-\n . bi53 m. a sickle. ft;?3fa f. 10. a roZZ, 5oo&, volume. R. rt >#Q* f. Ch. (7. Ezra 6: 2. STaJifc f. 10. a troop, multitude. Hab. T: b. m fiT2 Pi. iJtiQ to g-zre, deliver ; to make. jjtt c. 8. suff. isajo , pi. 013353 , const. ^JJJJQ , a shield, prob. of a smaller kind; metaph. protection; a pro- tector. ^53 ttJ^M ftft armed man, i. e. a robber. R. "pa . 513353 f. 10. found only Lam.3:G5 -rm/3 ab a covered or obdurate heart. n^Stt/a f. a rebuke or cz/rse of God. Deut. 28: 20. R. 1*5 . STTD 112 ^TO ?it)$J2 f. 10. an overthrow, discomfit- ure ; a plague sent by God. R. ppi . *-\M Part. pass, ^mto thrown down or prostrated. Pi. ^12 to throw down. ^Utt Ch. Pa. ^3a to throw doion, de- stroy. Ezra 6: 12. ftttiO f. 10. a saw. R. '-na . ivio pr. name of a city in the tribe of Benjamin. n'isiaa pi. f- narrowings, narrowed rests, rcbatements. 1 K. 6: 6. R. insi:tf3 f. a Zw??7,p or cZod 0/ earJA. Joel X l: 17. R.P13. ttJ^Afc m. 2. pi. Q^- , once ni , strict- ly an Aramean infin. of ttjia ; also a pasture, or a vacant or empty place, about the temple, about Jerusalem, about Tyre, and particularly about the Levitical cities. 1X3 c. 8. suff. 13JB and rjd , pi. tZP^tt and "pitt , a measure; a garment. R. ra . fialfc m. Ch. an altar. Ezra 7: 17. R. "riii. ^alJa'm. 2. (1.) arc uncultivated and comparatively barren country, pas- ture, heath. (2.) a waste, wilderness, desert. iiEtt5 1aT3 a desolate wil- derness. 'laTatt the desert, i.e. the desert of Arabia, portions of which occur under different names, as pDi 'yo, -flttj, TyX*' etc. triniT 1 '"la^fr ^e desert of Judah. (3.) /te instrument of speech, lips. R. -fig jTB , pret. *Tti3 , also irnfc , infin. ^73, fut. "ifa"* , fo measure ; metaph. to recompense ; also in the deriv. to stretch out, extend. Ni. to be mea- sured. Pi. to measure. Po. id. Hithpo. TlSonh to stretch one's self. T^n m. prob. an escaping, feeing away. Job 7: 4. R. -jni . mfa f. 10. extension, great extent ; a measure, length measured out ; also i. q. *xn a garment ; also as in Chald. tribute. R. TtJj . rT#Q and JniJa m. Ch. tribute. iTT3tTi53 f. found only Is. 14: 4. perhaps exactress of gold, (spoken of Baby- lon,) as if a denom. from arn=at"rt gold, and formed in the Iliph. part, fern. There is another reading 1-jnii^ft oppression, (from ain^,) which is preferred by Michaelis, Ge- senius, and others. FlJa ni. 6. pi. suff. SBJTVtfQ , a gar- ment. ttTtia m. 9. sickness, disease. R. !7T*. tprmfa pi. m. seductions. Lam.2: 14. R. rro . I'llfc m. pi. ta^l^rti, strife, conten- tion, dissension'; an object of con- tention. R. l-ii . filft m. extension, extent. 2 Sam. 21: 20 Keri f'-nfa &}*& a man of stature. S>*n wherefore ? on what account ? also without an interrogation. ^iift m. Ch. a dwelling-place, resi- dence. R. *w FTTH& f. 10. a pile of wood. R. "-m Ini23ni7a f. 10. wta is threshed or iro- ien.Is.21: 10. R. urn. JlfTift m. ruin, destruction. Prov. 26: 2& R. sirn. ntem| ph'f. Aaste. Ps. 140: 12 nisVntob 2*w Aaste, speedily, urgent- ly. Ripjrn. 153 f. Media ; the Medes. i^fr m. a gentile noun, a Mede. ^53 Ch. Media. Hp Ch. emph. ilfij'ifc or aoitt , a Mede. Dan. 6:1. " i^ft a contraction of ^"httjwAflf is 'enough. 2 Chr. 30: 3? n)q see *? . j^a m. pi. tD"yi33 , sr//e, conten- tion. R. J"v?. p^lD m. pr. name of an Arabian tribe, near mount Sinai, and on the east side of Canaan, near the Moabites, TO 113 Amorites, and Amalekites. In some passages the terms Midianite and Ishmaelite appear to bs almost syno- nymous. ftJ*W3 f. 10. a jurisdiction, province, e. g. of the Persian empire ; a land, country. ttfHffch aa Me children of the province, i. e. 'the Israelites who returned from the province! of Persia. R. p^ . **J**!*J f - Cn - fl province ; a land, coun- try. *V*tb m. fem. h^J'ja, a Midianite, or Midianitess. T n^Jtt f. a mortar. Num. 11: 8. JXPia pr. name of a city in the terri- tory of Moab. Jer. 48: 2. ^V?.^ ** a dung-hill, dung-heap, Is. 25: 10. also pr. name of a city in the tribe of Benjamin, Is. 10: 31. De- nom. from *p^ . tawja pi. m. i. q. ta^jnja and ewia, strife, contention, discord. R. |*^ . *J and J^g m . 2. knowledge;' a thought. R. 5Ti . yita see 5>nift . * ' nilplft pi. f. II. piercings. Prov 12- Tltt m. Ch. a dwelling. Dan. 2- 1] ^i^T- f# 10 * a c ^ precipice. SJYjS m. 2. a />7ace to frea d upon, foot- ing. Deut. 2: 5. R. sj-yq . ttnTO m. 2. a?z exposition, interpreta- tion. R. uj'-n . ttfc , -lift , and fl , wto f without an interrogation, W/c^, what; any thing, any thing whatever ; before substantives, what ? of what sort ? as an adv. how ? wherefore ? not. J-JfcQ whereby; why? wherein? !Tte5 how many ? also without an interrogation, so many ; how long? what, how great ; how often. ^j^ (Mitel) and rfch (Milra) wherefore? also without an interrogation, where- fore ; lest, that not, Lat. ne.?V2?)ti lb" lest, that not, Lat. nc. frtob twice, because. J-fatf how long ? Utt-b? wherefore f This word is sometimes united both in pronun- ciation and orthography with the following word, as hjfc what is this ? rl Ch. what, as in Heb. with and with- out an interrogation. ** ftfc Vi , yib and ypft m. an acquaint- ance, friend. R. S> V . nyfifc f. 13. id. Ruth 5: 2. R. y^ . t:i73 , fut. t2n' 1 , in Kal and *Ni. to move, quake, tremble, spoken of mountains, of a country or kingdom, of persons, of the foot. Hi. to cause to fall, to let come down. Hithpal. to quake, tremble. 0*173 m. 1. a moving, shaking, trem- bling ; a bar, pole; a frame, car- riage, consisting of several bars or poles ; a yoke. !lt:i73 f. 10. a bar, pole ; the bow of a yoke ; a yoke. ^n)3 to be reduced in circumstances, become poor. bV2 to circumcise the foreskin ; me- taph. to purify, cleanse. Ni. pret. Vl733 , to be circumcised ; to purify or cleanse one's self. Pil. to cut off. Hi. to destroys, people. Hithpal. VbittnSi to be cut off or blunted, spoken of arrows. V)73 , more frequently bl73 , prep, be- fore ; over against. *bl73 btt over against, towards. ^dd Vn73 "btt be- fore. b=l 73 "3 from before; over against. J-nVl73 pr. name of a city in Judah, af- terwards transferred to Simeon. rnVi73 f. 13. pi. D'nViTS , birth, origin, descent ; native land ; kindred, fel- low countrymen ; children, posteri- ty, descendants. R. lb" 1 . InVifc f. 10. circumcision. Ex.4: 20. X Eft 33 m. 1. a bodily injury, blemish, defect ; a moral stain or blemish. 0>|Ja m. the circuit of a house. Ezek. "41:7. R.SiD. 1D*l m. 2. pi. frVlDto , const. *i&fc , rh1Di73, a founding ; a foundation, of a building, of the earth, of the heavens ; also a ruin. R. TO'' . ^0^73 m. 2. id. R. -jo; . SYiDlfc f. 11. a foundation; an insti- XX J tution or appointment of God. R. id;. 7jD?i73 m. 2. a covered walk. 2 K. 16: 18 X Keri. R. 7|D5 . ^Di73 (for (p r D*to) m. pi. b\- and ni , bonds, fetters. ^o'M2 and rn^Di73 pr. name of a station of ^ the Israelites in the desert. R. IDtt . SIB 115 -na 'lDsitt m. 2. instruction, warning; a warning or instructive example; knowledge, wisdom ; correction, chastisement, punishment. II. "lD^ . TSHfa ra. 7. aw appointed or definite time ; in the language of prophecy, a year ; a festival ; a festival sa- crifice, victim ; an assembly, meet- ing ; an appointed place of meet- ing ; a concerted sign, signal. 1S'T bfib the tent of meeting, ta- bernacle of the congregation. ns^.fc bitt the place of meeting with God, i. e. the temple. R. ^ . Wfc m. 7. a slipping. Job 12: 5. R. TWO. T^nfa m. 2. prob. a collection, congre- gation, host. Is. 14: 31. R. ^ . }"H3>i f. pi. n Wi , a festival. 2 Chr. 8: 13. R. ^ . TiSift f a place fixed upon for safety, place of refuge, asylum. Josh. 20: 9. r. n^j . rW5Q see T3H3 . pp=i'fr m. darkness. Is. 8: 23. R. Epp . WWflS f. 11. pi. ni:3>itt,a counsel, plan, purpose, devise. R. yan . Slp^fa f. aw oppressive burden. Ps. 66: 11. R. pw. DB/ifc m. 7. a .92^-7? o/ admonition or warning ; a sign,, pledge, omen ; an emblem, type, symbol ; a wonder- ful event, miracle. nBifa "U52N ty- picdl or symbolical men. yqJ3 in the deriv. to separate. Part. yft an oppressor. Is. 16: 4. yifr cAffl^, see yja. tf itt m. 1. a going out ; a risi?ig, as of the sun ; a splendid appearing of Jehovah ; a spring or fountain of water.; the place of rising, of the sun or of the moon ; the east ; a mine ; a door ; that which comes out, as from the lips ; origin, de- scent, race. R. as* 1 tlttliift f. 10. origin, descent, Mic. 5: 1. PI. niK^ift a privy, sink, 2K. 10: 27 Keri. R. a^ . p3M73 m. a pouring out or casting of metals, 1 K. 7: 37. something cast or solid, Job 38: 38. 11. pSF . pS^fa m. in pause pitiTa , straitness, oppression. R. piss,. rtp5l)a f. 10. a tunnel, funnel. Zech. 2. R.pir. Pl5a Hi. piftil Jo mimic, mock, deride, Ps. 73: 8. ' " npift m. 7. Aea, burning ; materials for burning, brush, dry wood. R. !TipiE tfAe p/ace ow JAe altar where the victim was burnt, perhaps the pile of wood. Lev. 6: 2. R. *jp^ . Ujpifc m. 7. pi. tT. , once ni, a snare, springe ; metaph. an object by which any one is seduced and caused to fall. R. ujpi . *)! see ^72. Tift Hi. *i^&n and "TO^h to change, exchange ; to undergo change, suf- fer alteration. Ni. 'niaa to be al- tered. fitl'ia m. 2. fear; an object of fear or reverence; something astonishing or wonderful. R. tf'v . ynftja m. 8. pi. b^Witt arid trwflfci a threshing sledge or aVa?/, a plank armed with iron or sharp stones, drawn by oxen over the grain. Tnift m. 2. a descent, declivity. *\*Y\12 iliD^J work hanging down, festoons. R. *w . tT*1^553 m. an archer ; the early rain; a teacher ; wise ; also pr. name of a man. R. jt^i . {-Tna m. a razor. R. JTnio to graze. JTnift Ps. 9: 21 Keth. i. q.'^^Ja fear, terror, which is the reading of the Keri. tt^ntt m. destruction. Is. 18: 2, 7. R. fts'TfeB see Irp^fa . T T . TU^iifc m. const, ttj^a i pi. const. "ttJ'-fiJa, a possession. ">iib ' 1 tt3 l "tf possessions, i. e. fondest hopes, of 2112 116 1TB my heart. R. ttH? . rt^^o f. mL R. j*v[, ni ntfi-Vitt pr. name of a city in the neighborhood of Eleutheropolis, the birthplace of the prophet Micah. Mic 1: 14. "mania m. a Morasthite. TBI a to depart ; causat. to put away, remove. Hi. to depart, cease ; cau- sat. to remove, withdraw ; to let es- cape. Vhtt to feel, touch. Gen. 27: 21. auJia m. 2. a seat, stool; a company or circle of persons sitting together; a habitation, dwelling ; the time of dwelling ; inhabitants ; situation of a city. R. S\zj^ . rrtDttftfc ph f- bands, fetters. Job 38: 31. R. Tju373. ni3?tf5ia pi. f. deliverance, salvation. ma , pret. na , ">na , to die, as men, animals, plants ; to lie unfruitful, as the ground ; to be destroyed, perish, as a state ; to be wretched or unfor- tunate. Part, na ft corpse, either of a man or woman. Pil. nnia and Hi. n^DSl to kill, slay. Part."tPnaa destroyers, prob. angels of death. Ho. na^M to be killed. nia ni. (5. with Ji parag. Sin Tail , const. "nia,pl. a^nia, {\.)dcath. ma ^ deadly weapons. nifi |\D^ Jo fecp & sZcep of death. h"JJD"1a and ttJ'W n*ia one condemned to die. (2.) the region of the dead, subterranean world, hades. ma-^iytfj gates of hades. ma^n chambers of hades. (3.) adversity, ruin, destruc- tion. (4.) pestilence. nia m. Ch. death. Ezra 7: 20. inia m. 2. preeminence ; abundance. R. -in; . haw m. 7. const, Rata , ph ninata , an altar. SittaTMtt on the altar. nbiSSi Mara the altar of burnt-of- fering, also called nu5fi*H Fttt the brazen altar, in front of the temple or tabernacle, in the open air. , nnbjpin HatJa the altar of incense, also called the golden altar, in the sanctuary. R. na? . 3T3Q ni. mixed wine, spiced wine. Cant. " 7: 3: Jlta m. 0. adj. found only Deut. 32: 24 as>n *"^5a exhausted or consumed by hunger. T?a m. 6. pi. &"nta , a garner. Ps. 144: 13. ttnta f. 10. a door r post. pf m.food. H. "jnT . jiTa m. Ch. id. 1W0 ni. 3. a binding up; a wound. R. ^!jt to press together. "-nta m. a snare, fraud. Obad. 7. R. m? to g"tf iacA:. ma and rPta ni. ft girdle; a yoke, oppression. abta m. a flesh-hook, flesh-fork. rubra f. 11. pi. rrtj&ta , ?. niVta pi. f. Ae constellations of the zodiac. 2 K. 23: 5. Jiata f. 10. a thought; a plan, pur- pose, device, particularly in a bad sense ; as a quality of mind, wisdom, discretion ; craft, maliciousness ; wickedness. R. fiat . T "rtata.m. 1. ft song. R. nat . Sinata f- 1 1. ft pruning-knife. R. nat. niiaia pi. f. knives, or rather snuffers, as appurtenances of the candlestick. R. nat . ns>?a adv. ft Z/tfZe, in small quantity or number. tt*1ta m. ft winnowing fan or shovel. R.'iim. ninta pi. f. prob. i. q. niVta 2/*e co?z- stellations of the zodiac. Job 38: 32. D"nta pi. m. prob. the scattering, scil. winds, i. e. the north winds. Job 37: 9. R. tilt. iffiD 117 ama mttt m. 2. Ae sunrising, east. rnta* J^irj n^T, w?3flQi and tf3ft\z3 Sin^Ttt towards the east. R. 3>1t53 m. a sown field, standing corn. 'is. 19: 7. R. JW . p^Tfc m. 2. pi. d" 1 - and n\i a 7arg*e dtsA or basin; a drinking vessel. R-pit. M73 m. 1. a fatling ; rich, opulent. T\i2 m. marrow. Job 21: 24. Nfift to smite together, clap. Pi. id. Nfttt Ch. to smite. Pa. Kfitt to stay. Ithpe. to be fastened, nailed. 0(2tV2 m. a hiding-place, lurking- "place. Is. 32: 2. R. JOfi . T T dWhfitt pi. m. 1. lurking-places. 1 Sam! 23: 23. R. ttatt nilafift pi. f. beams ; iron hooks. R. n^ana f- 13. a place of joining, junc- ture. R. 'nan . naWQ (for nijarCQ) f. a frying or 6a- Armg* pan. n ^P2 * fl girdle. Is. 3: 24. R. *un . Siritt to w/pe, was/i ; to wzjye or was/i off or cr/zmy ; to blot out or erase from a book ; to Wo out sin ; to de- stroy, a city, a state, the remem- brance of a person. Ni. fut. apoc. TVl"] for rift"] , to be destroyed. Hi. fut. apoc. f})an , to wrcpe or 5Zo out. ilfifr Pu. part. pi. d^ftftfr taken from the marrow bones. ilfia to strike, reac/t to. Deut. 34: 11. T T rtjja m. fern. fiUfc , adj. destroying. Pro v. 31: 3. mfifc f. a compass, instrument for drawing circles. Is. 44: 13. R. inn. Tina m. 3. a seacoast. Ps. 107: 30. V]fta m. 3. a dance. R. b^fi . nVinft or nVn)3 f. 10. f. R. "bnn . ttttta m. 9. a sight, vision. R. J-jfri . fttrb f. aidindow. R. Jrm. *p in* 6. a smitUig. Ezek. 26: 9. R. FPFR3 f- 10. preservation of life ; means of living, support. R. Jrpft . Fpfifc f- 10. a s/g7i, mark, indication. ^priia m. 1 a price; a reward. irbfitt m. 9. sickness, disease. R. J"j^ft . sfcrra f. d. R. iibn . t -; T T i-6h*3 see tTbiftft . ttjpfijQ f. 10. a hole, cave. Is. 2: 19. R. d^bfitt 'pi. m. sicknesses. 2 Chr. 24: 25/R.nbn. V\bri72 m. 2. a knife. Ezra 1: 9. R. pfeft. nisbfift pi. f. 11. braided locks or ta/te o/ AU5 . d'vaytsfc pi. m. and ni733>t:23 pi. f. dkw'ft- fo'es, savory meats. R. ES>t3 . r)TBO?a f. 13. pi. ninety , a wide gar- ment for women, mantle. R. FiSD . IDft Hi. TDfaSl to cause to rain ; applied also to the sending of hail, lightning, manna, and the like. Ni. to be rained upon. *ypto m. 4. pi. const, nilttfc i rain. ttltsfa f. a mark) object. Lam. 3: 12. x fj^tsft f. & prison ; an aim, mark, ob- ject. R. ^DS . "V2 pron. interr. who, with and without an interrogation ; whoever : as an adv. how ? fiO^rtt pr- name of a city in the tribe of Reuben, now called Mddaba. TOV2 m. 2. the best part of any thing. biO*^ m. (w/to z's as God ?) Michael, one of the seven archangels before the throne of God, and particular patron of the Jewish people. JlS^JD m. Micah, a prophet'. bw" 1 ^ m. a small brook; also f. pr. name of a daughter of Saul, and wife of David. tzPfr pi. m. irreg. const. , also *Wn, sufF. ^ft" 1 *: , water, or waters ; me- taph. affliction, adversity ; also i. q. 3nr seed. &*rl EF53 living, i. e. fresh, water. tZ3^u3np ta^a holy wa- ter. It is sometimes construed with a verb in the singular. *p3fl m. 1. a sort, kind, sprcies. flpIPfc a nurse, see pa*i . JD^JD m. a covered walk. 2 K. 16: 18 Keth. R. ?]DD. nS^X) and rtfBfi a Levitical city in the tribe of Reuben, also written n^Difr . yi^ m. 1. a pressing, wringing, churning. Prov. 30: 33. R. yifc . fittjiTa m. a JeueZ country, plain; par- ticularly a plain in the tribe of Reu- ben ; right, righteousness : as an adv. righteously. R. 1U3 11 . 3"mz3"> pi. m. 1. straightness ; right- eousness, as of a judge ; right, jus- tice ; unity, peace. Ea^tt^Jfla and CD^UTfr righteously, rightly; sin- cerely. R. T^ . ^rpfc m. 2. a string of a bow ; a tent cord. niKSft and SkSpa'm. 1. pi. tZP- and ni, pain; metaph. sorrow, grief. R. SK3.. TinDft abundance, see k ii3 . *)Z5hm. 2. a grate, lattice-work. R. T *125E m. something woven, a ma- tress, or perhaps a fly net. 2 K. 8: i5. r. *a& . 113ft f. 10. pi. tj" 1 - and rrt, fl smiting, stripe ; a plague sent by God ; an overthrow, slaughter ; a wound, hto53 tD^tsn usually rendered as if i.q. trt&fc ^tafJ wheat beaten orthresh- ed out, but prob. to be read rfefa . R. nsa.' TT FPStt f. 10. a ^Zaee or spo burnt. R. T T 'JilDJQ m. 3. a place ; a duelling-place of Jehovah ; a foundation. R. 1*. tta'M and tvb)2 f. 10. a place; a stand, base ; also pr. name of a city in Judah. R. ]. ftaiPyQ f. 10. a place, or foundation. T Zech. 5: 11. R.^2. tt*tfp f. and STTDJO f. 10. foWA, on- g-fli. R. ^3. ^"Oft m. (sold) pr. name of a son of Manasseh, father of Gilead ; also used in poetry for Manasseh. ^5J2 m. a Machirite. T 71*3)2 to sink, be overthrown. Ni. fut. rpa" 1 , to sink, settle down, spoken of a building. Ho. pret. plur. *t35B)"T for 5)3^)1 fAey sink away. nao 120 *6 nb:??3 (for frt6a) f. 10. pi. rrttftaa, a pen, fold, for sheep. 11. ta'b'D ^i^Dfc m. perfection, perfect beauty. K : .bbD. ni"b=>*3 pi. f. perfection. 2 Chr. 4: 21. R : . f-fe . X T ' V^!D33 m. 2. perfection, the most per- Je'ci. Ps. 50: 2. R. bb3 . tpVbofr pi. m. costly garments. Ezek. 27i24. R.bb3. nVsia (fornbbwa) f.food. 1 K. B: 25. R."Vdn. ta^fcSfc pi. m. 8. treasures. Dan. 11: * - DESft", tbttStt and ibESft (a treasure) pr. name of a place in the tribe of Benjamin, on the east of Beth-aven. lODfc and ")BD?3 m. a net, snare. irnJODJQ and n^EDtt f. a nei, drag. OJaiaseeOttDa.' x ; t : D3D73 , dual const. ''DSDtt , breeches of the priests. D3?3 m. 6. a tribute. R. t>03 . SlDDE f. 10. number ; amount, price* R.D03. i"7D3*3 m. 9. a covering, of a tent, or of a ship. R. ir03 . A XT F70323 m. 9. a covering; the fat caul over the inwards, t omentum. R. Slbss^ f. (a doubling) pr. name of a district near Hebron, where Sarah was buried. ^373 , fut. ^b^ , to sell ; to give in x : a marriage, as a father the daughter ; to deliver up to one's enemies. Ni. 13233 to be sold ; to be delivered over to the enemy ; to sell one^s self for a slave. Hithpa. to be sold ; to sell or give up one's self. tfjU m. 6. sum ^323 , any thing pre- sented for sale, merchandise ; price or worth of any thing ; also prob. property, substance. H373 m. 1. an acquaintance, friend. R. -Si. 111373 m. 9. a pit, mine. Zeph.2: 0. R. T X fi1373 r. 10. prob. a sword, weapon. Gen. 49: 5. R.^3. ^itfi373 m. 1. a stumbling block or stone; metaph. a cause of falling or of misfortune ; a seducement, cause of sin, idol ; an offense of heart, scruple of conscience. R. bu53. - SlbttJStt f. 10. a ruin ; a cause of stum- bling, seducement to sin, idol. R. buJ3. 3n373 m. 1. a Writing ; a letter, epis- tle ; a song. R. 3n3 . }in373 f. 10. a breaking in pieces. Is. 30: ; 14. R. nn3 . X fin 5tt m. prob. i. q. 3n323 a song, po- x : A x t " em. \l)n373 m. a mortar; also prob. the cavity for the teeth ; also prob. pr. name of a place in or near Jerusa- lem. R. uJn3 Nbft and abtt , fut. ibw , infin. na*b , xt "x x t : intrans. to be or become full; to be fulfilled or completed, as a period of time ; to be fulfilled or satisfied, as a desire ; trans, to fill, with an ac- cus. of the place, spoken of the thing which fills ; also to make full, fill, with a double accus. spoken of a person. Ni. to be filled or full; to be fulfilled or completed, as a peri- od of time ; to be satisfied, as a de- sire ; to come to an end, perish. Pi. ?, rarely fc&B, infin. kV and niK?73 , fut. J,>30^ , once rtVjQ"' , fo j6ZZ, with a double accus. or with an accus. of the place and ]73 of the thing, spoken of a person ; to ful- fill, complete, or pass a period of time ; to cause to pass or be comple- ted ; to satisfy a desire, hunger, or the like ; to fulfill a petition, a pro- mise, a prophecy ; to make com- plete in number. ^b " ,k T 1 ~nN tittya to fill the hand of any one, i. e. to transmit to him the office of priest. ni t-r*b i^-na a ?& to fill one's *6e 121 r\bi2 hand for Jehovah, i. e. to give to him liberally. d^SN *tya to se or erc- cAase precious stones. VF R^JQ D'il3pi to fill one's hand with the bow, i. e. to take the bow in hand. Mfcft nttjprt to bend the bow. When con- nected with another verb, it serves sometimes for a periphrasis of the adverb fully. Pu. to be set or en- chased. Hithpa. to assemble or come together in full number. tibii Ch. to fill. Ithpe. to be filled. tAfs m.5. fern. JiNbtt* adj. intrans.jfaZZ; trans, filling : as a subst. fullness : as an adv. fully ; with a full voice. tt'bfr , Hib'D , once ibfa m. 1. that where- with any space is filled, generally to be expressed in English by the word or syllable full ; a multitude. riKb'n f 10. fullness, abundance, plen- ty, of grain and wine, presented as tithes or first-fruits. "ttt^JS f. 10. a setting or enchasing of precious stones. d\^?ft and d"Wi;rft pi. m. 1. a consecra- tion or initiation into the priests office ; a consecration-offering ; also i. q. ftd&ti a setting of precious stones. x " 5]Nbtt m. 2. a messenger ; particularly a messenger of God, whether an an- gel, a prophet, priest, or the Isra- elitish people. nsaVa f- 11. const, roabtt, suff. ^n&$b, pi. const. rrteaVa, (l.) business. (2.) work, labor, of an artificer, mechanic. (3.) goods, substance, particularly cattle. "VIS rDabfc any thing made of skin. t?\JT rpa ns&bfc work on the house of Jehovah.'nbtibiz'n h$ "nipN the overseers of the work. 5itoi> i"Dtfbfcft one concerned in public bu- siness ; dn overseer of the royal treasury ; a laborer. rnSKbfc f. 13. const, rnsabtt , a mes- sage. Hag. 1: 13. Dertom. from 16 ^ti&n m. {angelical) Malachi, a prophet. Mai. 1:1. n$?J2 f. fullness, perfect beauty. Cant. 5 : 12. ttJiabfc m. 1. a garment. R. u5ab fablo m. a brickkiln. Denom. from rtVlfl f. 10. pi. tP_ and 'p., , a word, speech ; a proverb, by-word ; a thing. R. Vb . ttV&f. Ch. emph^nV^, pi. f^Tt word, speech ; a thing. fta , Nibft . see tibn . JKfftlQ m. pr. name of a fortress at Je- rusalem, or of some part of the for- tifications. &*fcsfr3a see b^fl Tyivft m. orach, (Atriplex Halimus, Linn.) a plant resembling lettuce. Job 30: 4. Denom. from fibfr rtSlVjq f. a kingdom. rD^feSl ^2 the' royal pity. ftSnTwa?! Tit the royal line. l-j^bto fti&s'to exercise T x x dominion, reign. R. TlbTD . )ihJ2 m. 3. a lodging-place, inn. R. #>. ha^ba f. a shed, lodge, for a watch- man in a garden ; a hanging bed. R.^b. rh)2 to salt. Pu. to be salted. Ho. fibril , infin. absol. nb^irr , to be washed with salt water, spoken of a new born child. Denom. from tb)2 Ni. to depart quickly, pass away. Is. 51: 6. lnb m. 6. salt. rhftTt fcP the Salt sea. rYbtt am the valley of Salt. rPla fibfr a covenant of salt, i. e. a solemn covenant, in which the contracting parties partook of salt. nbft ">: a pillar of salt. rto m. 6. or rta m. 4. pi. &**&&, a rag, or torn garment. UbJ2 Ch. to eat salt. Ezra 4: 14. De- nom. from T\bl2 . 0T2 122 rbn nV: m. Ch. salt. Ezra 1: 14. nVnni. 1. a mariner. Denom. from ftTtbJO f. salted or unfruitful land. Sometimes joined with ^TH . frflorjbfc i once nJort^jg f. 1 l. suff. nb, pl. rnfcnbfc i war ' a making war ; a battle, slaughter ; nieton. a wea- pon. Jtfofrbtt uj'Si a mail of war, warrior; an enemy in war. R. BVtt -Pi. D^tt and Jalpja to let escape, save, deliver ; to lay eggs. Hi. to deliver ; to bear, bring forth. Ni. to be delivered ; reflex, to deliver one's self, escape; to hasten, go quickly. Hiihpa. to escape; to fly out. ttbtJ m. mortar, cement. Jer. 43: 9. fty*bQf. 10. an car- of corn. Deut. 23: 2(5. R. prob.br:. !W*bJ3 P. an enigma, riddle, dark say- ing ; a satire. R. y^b . Tjbtt , fnt. if?!!** 1 to reign, be king ; to become ling. Hi. to make king. Ho. Tjb^tl to be made king. Ni. to consult, take counsel. T]V: m. 6. suff. *^btt , pl. Sa^bfc, once 1*0 Vj , and once 63*3*^50 1 a 'king ; frequently used of Jehovah or idols. tD^sbto 7|b/3 king of kings, a title of the king of Babylon. Tjbft m. Ch. emph. ttebfc , fJ3%3B pl. ]^bE , also O^bft ,' a king'. Tjbft K^btt king of kings, a title of the Persian and other Asiatic monarchs. Pl. j^btt also kingdoms. Tjbft m. Ch. suff. "^btt , advice, coun- sel. Dan. 4: 24. ' rjV/3 m. always joined with the article T>V':rt if he king) Molech, an idol of the Ammonites. .Ksbft (. Ch. etuph. Khaba , a queen. Dan. 5: 10, fTibVo f. 13. a net, snare, for taking animals. Job 18; 10. R. 12b. fftbte f.12. a queen.-P]. rrisbft queens, sultanas of princely blood, different from C^uJJiVb idbp f. Ch.' const. rVDbfc, emph. arn^btt , pl. HniDb)3 , reign, rule, dominion ; a kingdom. mab/Q f. 13. pl. hVgba , royalty, roy- al dignity or authority, reign ; roy- al ap/arel; a kingdom. Denom. from ^btt . p'ljt ^bfc m. (king of righteousness) Melchizedek, a king of Salem, and priest of Jehovah. &3btt m. i. q. QbblE and ?|VJa, an idol of the Ammonites and Moabites ; also pr. name of a man. tDbbtt m. Milcom, i. q. Molech, an idol of the Ammonites. robtt f. a queen, found only in the phrase ta^fctiJSi robiQ ^ ie aucen of heaven, i. e. the moon, or Astarte. bbft to speak ; also in the deriv. to cut off. Pi. to speak ; to declare. For the forms btf"] and bbift? , see bttS andblft. bba Ch. Pa. bbft to speak. 'isbfr m. 2. a goad, for driving oxen. T Judg. 3: 31. R. 1V. ybto Ni. to be pleasant. Ps. 119: ~103. ^bft'm. with the article ""l^b/Sil , the steward, in the Babylonian court. pbft to break, but without separating entirely. rrtpbft m. 1. prey, booty, spoil, but strictly only of living animals. Dual tD^tyipbftjaws. R. njpb . uiipbto m. the latter rain, which in Pa- lestine falls in the months of March and April, before the harvest ; me- taph. forcible speech. R. trpb . t^ftpbtt dual, m. pincers, tongs; snuffers. R. jnpb tDTipbtt dual, m. 1. snuffers. R. npb. Jlfinbtt f. a chamber in which clothes are kept, wardrobe. 2 K. 10: 22. rata 123 P ntenba P 1 - f - n - *** Ps * 58:7# rt*ttifc f. 10. a store-house, granary, "corn loft. Joel 1: 17. Denom. from irfjtta . tD'^5353 pi. m. 8. measures, measu- ring rods. Job 38: 5. R. Tl53. rri5353 m. 3. pi. tPrfifcfc , death; as a concrete, one killed. R. nitt -tf 5j52 m. ft bastard ; metaph. a stran- ger, foreigner. "1353 5a m. 2. a sale; any thing sold ; any thing for sale. R. *Y353 . n*l35353 a sale, selling. Lev. 25: 42. R. h^/a . *-Db/3/a f. 11. const. rDVfcBi with suft'. ''itob&to , pi. rrtsbttij , a king- dom ; royal authority or dominion, reign. R. Tjbtt. n^b'a^a f. 13. const. rvDb53 53 , a king- dom. R. rib 53 . ' T 7JD53 53 m. mixed wine, spiced wine. ^JOtt m. bitterness, affliction, grief. Prov. 17: 25. R. >Vtt . tt^tttt m. pr. name of an Amorite, confederate with Abraham ; also of a place near Hebron. tD^h/att pi. m. bitterness, hitter lot. Job 9? 18. R. *n& . ntf553 53 m. extension, measure. Ezek. 28: 14. R.HUJ53. T VttSBB m. 2. dominion. PI. trbtf3 53 53 rulers, princes. R. "bu3?a ttbiBtt'a f. dominion. Mic. 4: 8. R. bu??a. nbuj a a f. 1 3, pi. rfhti J3 a and nftti ?a )a , rw/e, dominion ; * a kingdom, do- minion ; as a concrete, leaders, princes, chiefs, the general staff. R.bu3>a. Ptea ml 2. found only Zeph. 2: 9 Vntl pub ft 53 a ;;/ce possessed by nettles. BhgQM pi. m. 8, sweetness. R. pn53. JB m. 2. or 8. sufl'. ^253 or IpO , mm- na, a sweet gum, which oozes from the leaves of several trees. 15a Ch. before Makk. -]53 , who, what, with and without an interrogation. T"1J3 whosoever. p m. a part, portion, in the composi- tions "^53/3 a parte mea, i. c. from me, *}> a parte ejus, i. e. from him, etc. and in the prep. Its itself; see "j/3 , and comp. especially the plural form of the prep. ^252 PI. d"i253 and "^253 strings, stringed in- struments. jfc , (strictly the construct state of the preceding article *p ,) in poetry >253 and ^2 53, a separate particle, and -53 , before gutturals 53 , more rarely 53 , with suff. "'253 '3 , in poetry i253 and ^253 , ^/2>3 , in pause *72l2 , 7)5353 , TOB& , in poetry lilStt and wi , hwtt , wa , &353 , blrrfc , in poetry DS1253 , "jVjfc , a prefix ; as a prep. (1.) noting a part taken from the whole, of; sometimes retaining the force of a noun, as some or se- veral of; one of; something or any thing of. It is used in this sense af- ter partitives and after verbs of giv- ing, taking, obtaining, leaving be- hind, remaining, eating, drinking, filling, etc. Sometimes it appears nearly pleonastic. (2.) noting mo- tion, derivation, or distance from a place or object, whether upwards or downwards, as from, particularly after verbs of departing, fleeing, protecting, concealing, resting, dif- fering, revolting, taking revenge ; also after verbs of fearing, trem- bling, being innocent or guilty, in which cases it may be rendered be- fore ; and after verbs of taking heed, warning, resisting, sinning, in which cases it may be rendered against ; also by, through, marking the efficient cause or the means; on account of, because of; accord- ing to ; abouty concerning ; fa^ MB 121 130 from, away from; without; be- sides ; next to ; from, or through a door or window ; sometimes a pe- riphrasis for the genitive case. With 1S> following, both and ; af- ter a negation, either or. (3.) no- ting a very short distance from an object, by, at, on, in specifications of the place where. (4.) in reference to things which before wore in a certain place or state, out of, Lat. ex, particularly after \ r erbs of going or bringing out, delivering, con- suming, etc. also out of, consisting of, expressing the material of which any thing is made. (5.) noting a comparison, more than, in compari- son with, after adjectives and verbs. (<>.) before specifications of time, from, since; after, immediately af- ter ; at, on. (7.) Before an infin. because ; after that, since ; so that not; more than. (8.) Before a finite verb in the future tense, as a conj. so that not. (9.) Before adverbs and prepositions, as *iriK53 and ,h iriN3a from after, away from ; al- so simply behind, after. b^Ntt from beside ; also simply beside, near. T&N73 as a conj. because. WWg i. q. u22>73 from the side of; also from with, from, of, particu- larly after verbs of receiving, buy- ing, asking, rendering, etc. jiafc from between, out of. -*^273 see "^2 .- "V&aUa see rhz. 12273 from be- tween, out of. ^50 see "^ . 13*73 from over agalnst.-^nfrom above, from upon; from by or near.-u2$iz from with. nnn73 from under. Jb}> i. q. 1*3. 1*3 Ch. with sun", ^ag , rjStt , ma , fi373 or M273 , "Jinstt , jrff** id. When repeated, partly, partly. iip be- cause, since. a*3fci""*jtt, t3iyj?""|53 certainly, truly. N373Ch. seeii373.* rriN373 see D373 . tt3**33B f. 10. a satire. Lam. 3: 63. R. 18 ST1373 f. Ch. i. q. JTOtt tribute, cus- tom. R. Tift . JWO m. Ch. i. 'q. Heb. 2173 know- ledge, intelligence ; understanding, mental faculties. R. 21^ . M3 72 to count, number, a people ; to levy, muster, an army ; to appoint. Ni. to be numbered, counted; to be reckoned, accounted. Pi. to ap- point, assign ; to destine, order ; to set or appoint over any thing. Pu. to be appointed. J1373 and tf3 73 Ch. to count, number. Part. pass. M373 numbered. Pa. ">273 to appoint to an office. JlDft m. 9. a maneh, a Hebrew weight, prob. containing 100 shekels. !1323 f- 10. and 11. a part, portion, particularly of food ; also i. q. pbft lot, destiny. ttafa m. 9. found only in the pi. D'ftfa times, Lat. vices. 5?i:fc m.2. a driving of a chariot. 2K. T 9:20. R.3513. i-niijft f. 10. a cavity, hollow. Judg. r &.2. R.^JTJ. 11373 m. 3. found only Ps. 44: 15 T)373 tBfiH a shaking of the head, i. e. an object at which the head is shaken. R.113. _ JTI373 m. 3. pi. QV11373 , a resting place, rest ; also provision for a wo- man by marriage. R. iil3 . J-jfi 13 73 f. 10. a resting place ; a dwell- ing; rest, state of quietness ; par- ticularly the quiet possession of Ca~ naan. rhmsfr 173 still waters. R. rti3. 1*1373 m. prob. a child, son. Prov. 29: 21. Di373 m. 3. suff. ^01373 , u flight ; a re- fuge. R. 013 . J1D1373 f. 10. a flight. R. C13 . p3 125 HDE ^212 m 3. only in the phrase *r3fc t2*U^8 a weaver's beam. R. prob. IrfVflfc. f. 10. a candlestick, particu- larly the great candlestick or cAcwi- delier in the tabernacle of the con- gregation. Denom. from ^ . ta^TSttpl. m. 1. chief s, princes. Nah. 3:' T lV. R. -it;. rtfOfi f. 12. a -present) gift; particu- larly a present or offering to the de- ity ; in the Mosaic ritual, a meat or a drink offering, such as were brought with the animal sacrifice ; also a tribute, custom, paid or given to a ruling nation. nnstt f. Ch. an offering. ^12 the goddess of destiny, the same with the planet Venus. Is. C5: 11. R. M3ft . X X ^tt Armenia, or more prob. a province of Armenia. Jer. 51: 27. ^Stt and ^223 poetic forms for p q. v. ">2ft and d^sft siri7tgs, see fa . rrP3>o-seen3J3 pafc m. Ch. a number. Ezra 6: 17. R. rPSXi pr. name of a place in the coun- try of the Ammonites. ilbitt m. 9. a jjossession, property. Job 15: 29. R. Jibs . XX $212 to hold back, stop, check ; to with- hold. Ni. to be held back or stop- ped ; reflex, to hold one^s self back, forbear; to be withholden or de- nied. bn^fr m. 1. a bar. R. V23 . bwi m. 2. id. Deut. 33:25. R. b*5 . d">723>3 pi. m. 8. dainties, delicacies. Ps. : ~l41:4. R.d*3. x d^33>3 pi- m. the name of a musical instrument, perhaps timbrels. 2 Sam. 6: 5. R. ^3. rpj?3 f. 13. pl.rniBlMa, a dish or bowl, for receiving the blood of victims. fijrjpb f. a 2U6' /iwsc ; see p3^ . ft&Sttm. (causing to forget) Manas- seh, the son of Joseph, who, being adopted by his grandfather, shared equally with the sons of Jacob. The territory of this tribe lay one half on the east, and one half on the west of Jordan. *UfaH m. a Manassite* TWO (for nfittfc) f. irreg. pi. rnK3*3 and rri">3, a part, portion, particularly a portion of food. R. Ji3fr . Dft m. adj. unhappy, afflicted, cast down. Job 6: 14. R. D5fr . QJ2 m. 8. pi. d^Dft , tribute, socage. . Dab rt^rt to become tributary, be obliged to serve. Ofab fDS , &*iiz>. 0b, and bs Da ton to to impose a tri- bute on any one, to make tributary. Prob. contracted for D3fc;q. v. ddft m. 8. pi. D^aOfc and ntaDJa , a cir- cle of persons sitting together, di- van : as an adv. round about. ^sO&n and niaOft as a prep, round about. R.dSD.' ' *ViOm. a smith; a place of confine- ment, prison. R. lab... rHa073 f. 13. pi. ttf'WTJ , a prison ; a border, ridge ; also an ornament or decoration of the brazen bases or- stands for the molten sea. R. ^aD . 3tt m. a foundation of a building. TK. 7:9. R.*!D;. "ji^Dtt'm. a colonnade, porch, portico^ Judg. 3: 23. Denom. from 'Vifc . ttDH Hi. fut. apoc'Dftrn > to cause to xx - 1 V dissolve or ?'7m dow/i ; metaph. to throw into consternation. rt&fi f. 10. const. nofc, enough, suffi- cient. Deut. 16: 10 ^"Slipa n&ft s m uch as thy hand can give. Prob. contracted for J"jd3523 . x : j-jDft f. 10. a temptation, spoken of the miracles of Jehovah, by which he tried the Israelites, also of the mur- murings of the Israelites against him ; an affliction or trial from God ; also pr. name of a place in the desert. R. ftDB ooa 1*26 nj>a JTiOE m- a covering, veil. ftbioft f. i. q. ftOliDtt a thorn hedge, quick hedge. Mic. 7: 4. ftOft m. a keeping off. 2K. 11: 6. R. H03 . T inOtt m. 2. traffic, commerce. 1 K. 10: x l5. R.mo. TjOft to m?'x ; to pour out. rjD)3 m. mixed wine, spiced wine. Ps. 75: 9. SjDfc m. 2. const. t|&&, a covering; particularly the curtain before the door of the tabernacle of the congre- gation, and before the gate of the court. R. TpD . ft30>3 f. 10. aVovering. Ezek. 28: 13. ftOOft f. 10. a casting or pouring out of metal ; a molten image ; a cove- nant, making of peace. R. 7j03 [to powr ow. ftOOft f. a covering. Is. 25: 7. R. ?]03 to couer. fO0?3 m. adj. poor, unfortunate. R. "i=V m300?3 f poverty, want. Deut. 8: 9. Denom. from fOOfc . rn3O0 pi. f. stores, magazines. rDDtt f. threads of yarn, a web, per- haps more particularly fo warp, or the woof. R. r|03 ft? 033 f. 10. away, highway; a flight of steps, staircase ; metaph. a man- ner of life. R. V30 . bl^O/3 m. a way, pafA. Is. 35: 8. R. *fco. b*l&OJD and n'TifcOS, ff^llODSa and rriSfcOfc pi. nails, pegs. 0073 to dissolve, melt, faint. Niph. 0733 , in pause 0733 , fut. 073^ , infin. "X X XX - 073ft j to meZ, dissolve, flow asunder or dowm , metaph. to despond, faint, from fear or alarm ; to waste away, from pain or sorrow ; to melt away, disappear. Hi. to cause to faint, to discourage. 2073 m. a dart. Job 41: 18. T 3>073 m. 2. a removing, breaking up, of a Nomadic company ; a march, journey ; a station, encampment; a quarry. R. 3>03 . 13>D73^m. a support, balustrade. 1 K. T 10: 12. R. njO . nD)Q m. 7. const WM3 , suff. ^1B0 , a lamentation. R. ISO . ttiSOTa m. fodder, provender, for cattle. rn MBD33 pi. f. 11. cushions, or cover- itigs, to sleep upon. R. fiBO . nriEOtt f. i. q. nnBO Jfte scao. R. n&O. 1E073 m. 2. (1.) a number : as an adv. T t m or by number, after the number. ^B073 "pa , 1E07J 'pttb and 'ptf-'-J* "1B0J3 without number, innumera- ble.' lEOft ? 3N , b "V}5B /ew peo- ple. isOTS b^W a few' days. (2.) a relation, narration. R. IDO . 1073 in Kal only Num. 31: 16~107jb ftiirpz b^n to dare or venture re- bellion against Jehovah; but the true reading is perhaps Vyfab Ni. to be counted, levied, Num. 31: 5. 1073 m. 2. warning, instruction. Job 33: 10. R. *\&. T n*Voft (for r^btffc) f. 13. fl oonrf, /ci- ter. Ezek. 20: 37. R. ION . Tnn073 m. 1. fl place of concealment, covert, refuge. Is. 4: 6. R. mo . In073 m. 2. a place of concealment, lurking-place, place for lying in wait. R. inO . 12273 m. 1. an action, deed, work. Job 34: 25. R. t& . 73U83 m. Ch. id. Dan. 4: 34. R. W ftii'73 m. 9. thickness. 1 K. 7: 46. ft. ftny . X X 125*73 m. 2. a ford, shallow part of a river ; a narrow pass ; an entrance. R. *fc* ft'jattg f. pi. nil23>73 and nTOSJfc , const. hVWtt , a ford, passage of a river ; a narrow pass. R. liy . B?B 12' hm ba*tt m. 2. pi. &\_ and rrt a track of a carriage ; a path; metaph. a man- ner of life. Denom. from Slbj* . bwn m. and ftl)*yj f. a bulwark or fortification formed by the carriages of an army. Denom. from Ji^i> Wn to totter, slide, slip. Hi. to cause to shake. ni215>^ pl m. bands. Job 38: 31. 63>IWg , also fcPWft 'and rrtWtt pi. delight, joy; delicate food, dain- ties : as an adv. with delight, cheer- fully. R. ftp. *VJ3>:a m. a mattock, weeding-hook, hoe. is.~7: 25. R. W. Tl$)2 f. 1 1 . a small stone, gravel stone. Yi 48: 19. rt^a m. 9. pi. ta'Wfc , bowels ; a womb; metaph. inward parts, the heart ; also a belly, body. tttj m. a cake. R. jns> . Ti2 m. 8. rarely Ti3 , suff. ">OT , "WJQ , pl.fc'n**: , a fortress, forti- fication ; metaph. a defense ; an asylum, refuge. t]i-T$5a ^irbtt the god of fortresses, a Syrian deity. R. tttj fiSJtt m. 3. pi. t3*W&, a dwelling, habitation ; a refuge ; as an adv. in the dwelling ; also pr. name of a city in Juclah ; and of a people. JlJiSft and Ji3$)a f. 10. a dwelling, habitation ; a refuge. ftn see fi s> b?3 , and fl* bs>a rPa. 5)^tt m. 3. darkness. Is. 8:22. R. j|^. ^tfSfc m. 3. pi. tJ^i$)a , the private parts, pudenda. Hab". 2; 15. R. "Mf $ Wft see ti2>23 . 132ft to be little, small, few in number; tobecomefew; also in the deriv.fo be smooth, sharp. Pi. wq to be few. Hi. tt^BFl to make small or few, diminish ; to give little or less. t3fc , rarely &S& m. 8. smallness, fewness ; as a concrete, a little, a few : as an adj. little, few : as an adv. a little while, short space ; a little way. ti5>ft v$J2 gradually. t25>223 i. q. ttStt little', few ; a little way ; almost; soon, shortly ; scarce- ly ; suddenly ; as little, i. e. little worth. t33>53 m. 8. fem. !nt35>tt , adj. smooth, glittering, sharp. Ezek. 21: 20. iiatfft m. 9. a garment, covering. Is. 61:" 3. R.SiD*. !"lS>t2S>tt f. 10. a mantle, or wider tu- Vic.'ls. 3. 22. R. qq*\ ^53 m. a heap of rubbish, ruins. Is. 17: 1. R. sro. b^ft m. 1. a?i upper garment, worn by women, magistrates, kings and priests. R. prob. Vi>tt . Ersfc bowels^ see 81*30. p*& pi. m. Ch. a belly, body. Dan. 2: '32. pPtt m. 2. const. Ji*)B and with i para- gogic i3^ , suff! irsm, pi. IWtfb and Diri>b, const.'^ifc andrii^lb, a place of springs or fountains ; a spring, fountain. Denom. from y>$. Tp> to press, squeeze, crush ; to cas- trate. Pu. to be pressed. ftbJHQ and rDSJQ pr. name of a city and country at the foot of mount Hermon, not far from Geshur. "nSS/a m. a Maachathite. *bs>73 i fut. b*p1 and Vsiqi , to sin, trans- gress, deal faithlessly, particularly against God ; prob. also in the de- riv. to cover. h$)3 m. 6. a sin, transgression. bs>tt adv. found only with prefix -ft and with Tl local. bP&Q from above; above. \> bi>ftfr as a prep, above, upon ; by, about. With ft local, ribyn upwards ; above ; forward, afterwards ; when repeated, higher and higher. Jib^ftb upwards ; above, over. "J53 tiis>lA besides. ilhvftbft from above. R. Jibs* . bs>b T m. 'a lifting up. Neh. 8: & R. Wfl 128 WK b*)3 m. Ch. pi. pbsfc , ^e setting of "the snn. Dan. 6: 15. R. bb*. 5*53 see b* . "rbyn m. 9. a rising, place of rising; a raised place ; a hill, ascent. R. rtb*. Sa^a'npS trbs>to (hill of scorpions) pr. name of a place in the south of Pa- lestine. rtb^Ja f. 10. arc ascending, going up ; height, high degree or estate ; a step, stair ; a degree, on a sundial ; a loft, story ; metaph. a rising, in the mind. In plur. also a sundial. rrtb$9*l ^tfj a designation of cer- tain psalms. R. J-ib^ . WW m. i. q. bb$J3 a deed, action. Zech. l:4Ket R.bb*. bbSHQ m. 2. a deed, work, action ; par- ticularly a zreat deed, miracle. R. "123272 m. 2. G7i establishment, ofjice, station. R. nas. *1X35>73 m. a pZizce for standing, hot- lorn. Ps.69:3. R.1&*. ffDftStt f. a burden. Zech. 12: 3. R. tZP|?ttS>tt pi. m. S. depths. R. p?:s> . pft m. found only with the prefix b > p>fab 5 as a prep, before substantives, 077. account of, for the sake of; be- fore an infin. in order that; per- haps merely so that: as a conj. be- fore a finite verb, in order that ; per- haps merely so that. riNT f^fcb on this account. ^lttiN "pfcb ft order that, Lat. w. fiasa m. 9. an answer ; a hearing ; a refutation, confutation ; an end, ob- ject. R. Si3i> . ttXfti f. 10. a furrow. R. in?; iWtt f. a dwelling, see ir^Wa : n^ft f- a furrow. Ps. 129: 3 Keri. R.iw. T T S-Ii^ytt f. sorrow. Is. 50: 11. R. n^i? . T - - T -&M2 m. a?? ax, hatchet. "rtUWa m. a restraint, hinderance. 1 Sam. 14:6. R.-|i?. 'iSrStfa m. a restraint. Prov. 25: 28. R. IS*!. T 1j?$E m. a battlement, balustrade. Deut. 22: 8. ta^p^fc pi. m. crooked paths. Is. 42: IJa m. nakedness; vacant space. R. n^S>tt m. 2. traffic, commerce, ex- change ; merchandise. R. a^5> . 3is>a m.2. /ze place where the sun sets, west. R. n^i> . ST^WQ f. f Is- 45: 6. R. ms> . iT^E* m. 9. an open place, plain. Judg. 20: 33. R. JTJJ . iYjja f. io. const, nym , pi. rrt*frb , a Ao/e, cave, cavern ; also perhaps pr. name of a place. rh15>7J Jpl. f. perhaps bands, compa- nies. 1 Sam. 17:23 Keth. The read- ing, however, is probably a corrup- tion for nis^ft*. 'pltffc m. I. fear, reverence, or the object of fear or reverence. Is. 8: 13. rpE | m. 2. a disposition, purpose. rw. 16: i. R.nV. nS^fr f. 11. an arranging, setting in order ; order of battle, battle-ar- ray ; an army. R. ffyp rD'iSfc f. 13. an army in battle-array ; a row of the show-bread. toftb Di^^Sl and simply rD^tt the show-bread. R. ?p3> . tb^Ta ^5>ft "pi. m. 8. the naked. 2Chron. 28: 15. Rife**'. ttSt^Sfc f. sudden violence, terror. Is. 10:33. R. f&, SliDSia m. 9. a deed, action, concern, business ; a mighty deed, as of Je- hovah ; a crime ; also a work, labor, something done or wrought ; a po- etical work; produce of the field; pea 129 cattle. md*l JlWa latticework. R. nto*. nto^sa m.Y const. "tllwai suff. V^hwd, pi. ni'ntoS'fc , a tenth part, tithes. *ito3>;e?T"n!itB the year of tithes. Denom. from ^t)5> . n'lpttte/a pi. f. oppressions. R. pujsj . p]73 Memphis, an Egyptian city, other- wise called 5]b. Hos. 9: 6. yaBfa m. aw attack, or an object of at- r tack. Job 7: 20. R. 5>35 . fiBft m. bellows. Jer. 6: 29. R. ftcs . riBfc m. 2. a breathing out, expiring. Job 11: 20. R. riBJ. y^Bfa m. a hammer, battle hammer, maul. Prov. 25: 18. R. yns. bsfa m. 2. wAatf hangs down or /aZZs o/. Job 41: 15 "lftja ibsft /esAy dewlaps. Am. 8: 6 ^n 5X3 refuse of the wheat. R. b&3*. i"Nb&to f. 11. a wonderful work, mira- cZe. "job 37: 16. R.^bs. SiabDft f. 10. a class, division. 2 Chr. T 35:12. R.^bB. ilbsfr and Sibsfr f. a building fallen down, ruin. R. bB3 . ttbsfa m. aw escaping, feeing away. Ps. 55: 9. R. t&O . D^bBtt f. 13. aw image, idol. 1 K. 15: 13J R. ybs . tobsa m. 2. a waving, balancing, spo- ken of the clouds. nbsfa f. 13. fall, ruin, destruction ; a fallen trunk ; a dead body, corpse. R.bBJ. b^Bfr m. 2. and i-ib^Btt f. 11. a work. R.b*B. rtfBtt see m yBtt m. a hammer. Jer. 51: 20. R. ysfr m. 2. a smiting in pieces. Ezek. 9i2. R.ysi. MpDti m. 2. a numbering or census of the people ; a command ; an ap- pointed place. np&fcft ^*tti the "'" "17 nxn name of one of the gates of Jerusa- lem. R. ^ps . yiB53 m. 2. a haven, harbor, inlet. Judg. 5: 17. R. y^B . np^Bfr f. 13. the neck. 1 Sam. 4: 18. R. p'lB . tJ^Bfr m. 2. a stretching out, spread- ing ; a flag, banner. R. to^B . !"75>toBtt f. Ae Aip, thigh, haunch. 1 Chr. 19: 4. R. snps . fip.Btt m. a key. R. nriB . fiPB^ m. 2. a?i opening. Prov. 8: G. R. fins . ]T\t))2 m. 2. a s?7Z, thrcshhold. y, once yift m. c^fl^. fitijfci fat. JttK0*i imper. tfiift , infin. tt^tt , to _/md; to find out, discover, comprehend, by the mind; to get, ob- tain, acquire ; to meet with trouble or affliction ; to befall or happen to any one ; to come upon any one ; to suffice, be sufficient; to seek. Ni. NXtta to be found; to be, be present; to be found of men, i. e. to hear or answer them, spoken of God ; to be acquired or possessed by any one. Hi. ar^fcrt to cause to find or participate ; to cause to come, to de- liver up ; to present. n-fr m. 2. const. Sft , a place, posi- tion ; metaph. an office, station ; a military post, garrison. R. 5S3 . aat!Q m. a military post, garrison. Is. 29: 3. R. sett'. rtajWb f. id. 1 Sam. 14: 12. R. ni2 . fnitt: f. id. Zech. 9: 8. R. S5 . ftJStta f. 11. const. niSUa.i something raised up, a pillar, monument ; an idol, image, statue. R. iisa . fiS^fr f. 13. a pillar, monument ; a stock, trunk, root. R. sjw . ISfc , once iStt m. 1. pi. rriTSWa , fAc summit or top o/a mountain ; a for- tress, strong hold. R. "nS . in^fc to squeeze or wring out moisture ; to swallow down, drink with eager- rus 130 1S13 ?jf$s. Nk to be wrung out, spoken of blood ; to be swallowed down. tt73 f. 10. something unleavened. (nplur. unleavened bread. R. y^fr. rtJKtl f. strife, contention. R. rt3 . X - -rx nbftaCQ f. 11. a neighing, snorting. 1^3BQ m. 3. a catching, hunting; a net ; a fortress, fortification. R. llSJa n. ftef. Job 19: 6. R. *i3 . IXftXQ f. 10. a net; a fortress, hold. V.- tail JTMJBO f. 10. rr?/, Jooty; a net, snare; the summit or fop o/a moun- tain ; a castle, fortress; metaph. a defense, refuge. R. "jsflp . M1SCQ f JO. a command. R. J-p . X XT ft^SJQ and ftVtittJ 10. ffo ttepJA. p'l^V 11 - oppression, affliction, strait- ness. R. pi. plttb m. 3. a pi'ZZar or foundation of the earth ; a pillar, steep mountain. R.piX. iipn^ft f. 10. straitness, affliction, trcu- lic.'R. pis. itett m. 3. const. ^istt , suft*. *-na3 ; straitness, affliction ; a siege ; a wall or bulwark against a city be- sieged ; a fortification., fortress. "iVCS T* a fortress, fenced city. fiXEJia fctfa to be besieged, spoken of a city. R. *v%t . ^"latfc i. q- tT^3K3 Egypt, the name of a country. tT"fttt 10. a wall or bulwark against a city besieged ; a fortress, citadel. s-nixza "n? and nVrfltio "n* /ew- ccd cities. R. "nn^ . m73 f. 13. i. q. !nStt strife, conten- tion. Is. 41: 12. R. nxa. fi^tt m. 6. sufF. "iftifto , 2f . X - -T ^Stt m. 2. a step, going, course. p^SSfcfcs at his steps, i. e. in his train. X tt'Watfc f. adj. t?m/ small. Dan. 8: 9. Compounded of p and rt^VWfc . ^5>ifc73 m. 2. something small or insig- nificant ; a short time; a small number ; also prob. pr. name of a peak of mount Libanus. R. 15>2 . JriDSTTa m. 9. a high place affording an extensive prospect, watch-tower ; al- so pr. name of a city in the plain of Judah ; of a city in Moab ; of a val- ley in the region of mount Libanus ; of a city in the tribe of Gad, other- wise called JiD^fr ; and of a city in the tribe of Benjamin, otherwise called rtBXJa. R. ^S^ nsitft (a high place, watch-tower,) pr. name of a city in Gilead, beyond Jordan ; also of a city in Benjamin, where assemblies of the people were often held. d^BStta pi. m. 1. hidden places. Obad. 6\ JEL }iDX . V5W3 to suck, to sip with pleasure. Is. 66: 11. also in the deriv. to be sweet. 1SM3 m. pi. Q^Stt , const. "nStft , a strait, affliction, distress. R. Tnit . nsto m. pi. er-iSMa , fem. h^ttd . an Egyptian man or woman. d^SE) dual, f. Egypt, the name of a country ; also Egyptians. Pp nv a crucible. R. ppst . ^12 131 m pjQ m. rottenness, corruption. R. pj?fc. fttpti f. 10. a hammer. R. Sp3 . nipJQ f. a hammer ; a hollow or cleft of a rock. R. ipa . Slip 5a pr. name of a city in the plain of the tribe of Judah. ttfopjB m. 2. suff. iu3^p^ "?and iizr^jp^a , a holy place, sanctuary, spoken of the tabernacle of the congregation, of the temple, or of a hall of the temple ; something consecrated or to be consecrated ; an asylum, place of refuge. PI. ED^mpTa sanctua- ries, spoken of the temple, and of high places. Tjbxs tt)1p5a a place consecrated to the king.K. ttj*|fi Ertfjja pi. m. and nibrip7a pi.* f. places of meeting. The latter also pr. name of a station of the Israelites in the desert. R. "blip . $Op?a m. a caravan, collection of men and animals. 2Chr. 1: 16. "Pptt 9. hope, expectation ; an ob- ject of hope or confidence ; a collec- tion of water ; a caravan, collection or company of men and animals. J-npTa f. a place of collecting, reser- voir. Is. 22: 11. R. t-pp . taipa c. 3. pi. niftipft, a place; a dwelling place ; a city, village : as an adv. instead of R. top . ^ip/a m. 3. a weZZ) fountain. ^iptt D^l] a fountain of happiness. to" 1 ^ "tfpfc ^e fountain of blood, muliebria pudenda. bttltoV ^ppfc fAe sfocA- of Israel. R. ^*p" . np7a m. 2. a taking, receiving. 2 Chr. *19:7. R.npb. ninptt pi. f. wares, articles for sale. Neh. 10: 32. R. fipb . ")t:p/a m. 2. a burning of incense. Ex. 30:1. R.-itpj?. rnapfc f. 13. a denser. R. ^ap . ^i?.? m * 7> Wttrt. bptt and bptt , pi. nibp?a, staff. ^ bga a toirf- sta^, a kind of weapon. ttbpJO m. 2. a-M asylum, place of pro- tection, for the manslayer from the avenger of blood. fcbpft **S fttuw o/ refuge. R. tabp . ns>bp/a f. 13. pLf-ftbpiB, const. rri3>bp7a, a sculpture, carved work, graving. R. \>p . rr:p^3 m. 9. something bought ; a pos- session, property, or rather cattle, which among Nomadic tribes is the principal and almost the only pro- perty. R. nap. Jl2p)a f. 10. a buying, purchasing ; something bought; price of pur- chase ; a possession. R. ftDp . dDpfr m. 2. a divining, divination. R. Vop T . inp7a m. 1. pi. b^_ and ni , a corner. H$9&$! f. 10. prob. a plane, or some similar instrument. Is. 44: 13. R. nijpft'f. a part. R. rtsp . pp_te Ni. p^ 3 * / ozy or rww down ; to consume, waste away. Hi. p?aii to cause to waste away. Kipfc m. 1. a calling together ; an as- sembly called together, assembly, meeting ; a place of meeting ; also a reading. R. tf'np . n^p?a m. 9. an accident, chance ; fate, destiny. R. Jrip . ?"Hp m. a timber of a house. Ecc. 10:18. R.J-Hj?. !TTng5a f. a cooling, coolness. R. *V3p. !iu5pfr m. turned ox twisted work. Is. 3:' 24. nirp72 f. turned or rounded work. !Tpfr (for ftNUJpto) m. a cucumber or melcn garden. Is. 1:8. Denom.from ^?a m. pi. d"n?j , const. *^)3 , as a subst. tf d?*op ; bitterness ; painfulness ; sorrow : as an adj. fern. jrnfc , bitic, ; briny, spoken of water; painful, afflictive ; destructive, pernicious ; troubled, afflicted ; bitter, lamcnta- ma 132 rra ble ; violent, cruel: as an adv. bit- terly. R. 1173 . 172 and "fia m. 1. before Makk. "173, myrrh, a white balsam, which in Arabia distils from a small prickly tree like the acacia. R. 1173 . &"V3 in the -ieriv. to digest well ; to be fat; to be strong, manly. Hi. to whip one's self on. Job 39: 18. rrtflifr rebellious, Zeph. 3: 1. for i-jii'ft , see ,1173 . N1"3 m. Ch. a lord. R. anft . n^? =n*^*? m " P r * name f a Baby- lonish king. Is. 39: 1. ftiVyi m. 9. a looking, seeing; a sight, vision ; an appearance, form. R. X X fttfUn f. 10. a sight, vision ; a mirror. n^'i^ n k"?73 nightly visions. a^'bi* rntti'3 visions sent from Go'd.R. rum . SWttJ f. 10. a crop of a bird. Lev. 1: 10. R. K173 . rtlDKIJQ and HiZJUQ pr. name of a fenced X "X X X city in the plain of the tribe of Judah. ni"w\\n"3 pi. f. 10. place of or about the head : as an adv. at the head, i. e. near or under the head. Denom. from ;l : ni . nrc3ai>3 pi. f. 11. id. Jer. 13: 18. De- nom. from K1 . 1T13172 pi. m. 8. coverings, matr esses. R. nil . Haifa f. as a concrete, large, ample. Ezek. 23: 32. R. iiai . iiaift m. 9. greatness, increase, mul- titude. R. Jrai . X T rpaift f. 13. greatness, multitude ; the greatest part ; increase of a family, of spring ; usury, interest. R. Sini . falfa m. a place to lie down in, couch- ing place. Zeph. 2: 15. R. yi-\ . yalfa to. 2. id. Ezek. 25: 5. R. yzn . pais m. a place of fattening, stall. 5Hal73 m. rest, resting place. Jer. 6: " 1B.~R.M1. ni^lfa pi. f. 10. place of or about the feet : as an adv. at the feet. Denom. from bai . J1733173 f. a heap of stones. Prov. 26: 8/R.D^. J"mi73 f. rest, quiet dwelling. Is. 28: t i2:~r.^i. 1173 , fut. TW* , to revolt, rebel, as subjects or tributaries from their masters. iiiJ-pn 1173 to decline from or rebel against Jehovah, by the practice of idolatry. 1173 m. rebellion. Josh. 22: 22. 1173 jh. Ch. rebellion. Ezra 4: 19. 1173 m. Ch. fern. K1173 , emph. anilfc, TX_ XXT X ; X adj. rebellious. mi173 f. rebellion, refractoriness. 1 Sam. 20: 30. rplft m. pr. name of an idol of the Babylonians, prob. the planet Mars. Jer. 50: 2. *DVW 111. pr. name of a Jew living in Persia, who wa3 the foster-father of Esther, and afterwards vizier or prime minister in the court of Aha- suerus. pnifc m. persecution. Is. 14: 6. R. 't|TV H173 to be refractory, perverse, rebel- lious ; also in the deriv. to rub, graze. tflH* ^BTitf STJD to rebel against the command of Jehovah. Hi. rt1!QJi , fut. apoc. l73nT , to con- tend with any one ; to be rebellious. Irrttt 1 n E""ntt ifVXl to rebel against the command of Jehovah. Hn?3 to be bitter. 2 K. 14: 26. M173 f. only in dual d\l1fa (double re- bellion) a prophetical name of Baby- lon. Jer. 50: 21. 11173 (bitterness) pr. name of a place in the desert of Arabia, so called from the bitterness of its waters. J1173 (morra) f. 10. griif, sorrow. Prov. 14: 10. R. 1172 . aift 133 3HB m?2 f. 10. id. Gen. 26: 35. R. ^ia . *W*\12 m. 3. persecution. PI. ta^ 1 -)^ persecution ; as a concrete, the per- secuted. R. fh 1YV2 pr. name of a city in the north- ern part of Palestine. Judg. 5: 23. fii^tt m. 3. broken, bruised. Lev. 21: " 2L R. tirto . Jzrnfcm. 3. pi. QTaTift and nWn&i const. "la'Hft , a height, high place, particularly heaven ; something re- mote or far off; high, most high; high ones, princes : as an adv. on high ; proudly, arrogantly. R. Wlfc (a height) pr. name of a lake, called in Greek Samochonitis. yi'lto m. a race, course. Ecc. 9: 11. R'.*yn. mvinf. 10. id. R. y?n. TCsHtt f. oppression. Jer. 22: 17. tEPpftta pi. m. 1. a purifying, cleans- ing. Est. 2: 12. R. pnft . n'T-YE (bitternesses) pr. i ame of a city in'judah. Mic. 1: 12. fiT^tom. an outcry, lamentation. Jer. "i<5: 5. ntHjtf m. 2. a?i outcry, rejoicing. Am. T bV7. H'liJa to n/,5 or spread over. Is. 38: 21. also in the deriv. to rub, bruise. tirTtia m. 2. a broad place; metaph. enlargement, happiness. R. SJYi . PtTlft' m. 8. remoteness, a remote p/ace. pfi*153 yna a distant land. Pi. ca^rnn , also oigrriib yia and y>N"" l J?nn^, distant lands. R. prn,' ptT-\T2 m. 8. zd. R. j7rn . ntftftia f. a vessel for boiling or fry- ing. R. ujrn . tnfcto ma&e smooth, sharpen, a. sword; to make smooth the head, pZwc& off the hair. Ni. to become bald.Fxi. to be smooth or polished ; to be sharpened, spoken of the sword. ta'ia Ch. to pluck. Dan. 7: 4. "ntt* m. 6. in pause i^fc , suff. Sp**TO , tD* 1 ^^ , obstinacy, rebellion ; as a concrete, obstinate, rebellious. R. J*nft to Z>e rebellious. f ->^tt m. bitterness. Job 23: 2. R. STTO to be bitter. iO^tt m. I. fat, well fed, spoken parti- cularly of oxen. R. tf-) . ttla^fc f. 10. strife, contention. ^ja SUn* 1 -}^ (waters of contention) pr. name of a spring in the desert of Zin, where the people contended against Jehovah. R. n" 1 ^ ; lTT* , l5a and Sn^^T?^ f. pr. name of a hill in Jerusalem,- on which Solomon built the temple. tD" , "n^ f. {their rebellion) Miriam, the sister of Moses, a musician and pro- phetess. mTHE f. sorrow, trouble. Ezek. 21: 11.' fa.-. i^'nft m. adj. bitter, poisonous. Deut. 32:*24. Rr^fc. Q" 1 ^" see h^ttS . 7j-]72 m.fear. Lev. 26: 36. R. !JD^ . SS^k m. 2. a chariot, wagon ; the seat of a chariot. R. SD^ . hMna f. const. rtts*ia , suff. iflssna , pl. n 8 ! j3^ , const. ntasH& , a cha- riot, wagon ; a chariot of war. R. nbb^?2 f. 13. a market, place of traffic. Ezek. 27:24. R. 1 ?^. JTft^fc f. 10. deception; metaph. goods unjustly acquired Ffla'Tfc ^SH false weights. R. IrjJbl . SE^tt m. what is trodden under foot. R. Dttn . T snfrm. l.suff. aJW^fcj pl. Cj^^t), a friend, companion. i-jsnft m. 9. fodder or pasture for cat- tle! R. fun . rP3H)a f. 13. a feeding, pasturing ; a herd. R. h5>h . SEE 134 tm tfS^tt and FlD^ft m. a healing, cure ; health, vigor; deliverance; a reme- dy, 'means of cure. It. tf>*i . ttfe*ti3 m. 1. quietness, calmness, gen- tleness. R. KS^ . t3El73 m. 2. fouled or troubled water. Ezek. 34: 19. yi5a Ni. to be powerful or grievous. Hi. to excite, embolden. 2X,*V2 m. an awl. R. 3>**Vi fiD-tf: f. a pavement. 2 K. 16: 17. R. p'lJa to scour, polish, furbish, as me- tal; also in the deriv. to cleanse, purify. Pu. p^72 to be cleansed. p^tt m. 4. broth, soup. Plpta m. 2. aw aromatic herb. Cant. 5: Y R. rijP^ . Jlflp^ f. ointment ; also perhaps a pot of ointment. It. fjp^ . nrtp*"ifa f. a seasoning or preparing with spices ; ointment. R. npl . "Tnfc to be bitter ; to be grieved, used impersonally ; to be irritated, exas- perated ; also in the deriv. to flow, distil. Pi. fut. I^^"", to make bit- ter, imbitter; to irritate, provoke. Hi. TOrt , infin. "tt)?i , to imbitter; with "b, to afflict ; *3a being omitted, to wee/> bitterly. ^n for "van Ex. 23: 21, derives its signification from tWa Hithpalp. to be provoked, ir- ritated. For Ni. ^fas , see ^tt . fTVja f. 10. gall. Job 16: 13. JTVnft f. 10. pi. n'TYVa, bitterness; metaph. calamity; also g*aZZ; poi- son. &^h?2 pi. m. 3. bitter herbs. nun*: see intt3*n . nyuJ^tt f. as a concrete, wicked. 2Chr. ~24:*7. R.yun. T Kteft m. 1. a bearing; a burden; a proverb, saying, particularly an oracle ; a present, gift ; also per- haps a song. tfteftb ri^Tl to become a burden. ujm tttofc that to which the heart cleaves. R. i*iD3 . Mtott (masso) m. 2 Chr. 19: 7 d^D Ktott partiality, respect of persons. R~ KU53 . SlNiBfcif. cl burning, conflagration. Is. 30:~27. R.ato;. nitftoft pi. f. Ps. 74: 3, according to some editions ; see ni*^ natott f. const, ntfipft , pi.' nktott , a lifting up ; a burden ; a mounting up, as of smoke ; a banner ; a con- tribution, tax ; a proves b ; an ob- lation, present ; a mess, portion, set before a guest. rrtKUJfa Ezek. 17: 9, is the Aramean infinitive from riaim/m. 8. suff. 'ttStDfc, height; a refuge. R. n^to. fi^to^jX 10. a thorn-hedge. R. -JJjtD. ^$12 mia saw. Is. 10: 15. JT"ftlD)9 f. a measure for liquids. OTtDtt m. 3. joy ; a rejoicing; an ob- ject of joy. R. tD'jto. pritofr m. an object of laughter or scorn. Hab. 1: 10. R. prriu. Flttttta f. a snare, fetter, Hos. 9: 8. destruction, ruin, Hos. 9: 7. R. C3t2ip. Vste a sowg-, see VsiD. rPSibtt f. 13. a /orm, figure, linage ; an idea, thought. rP3ta ^fi chambers of imagery, i. e. chambers whose walls were painted with idol- atrous figures. fP3JD5Q friN and rrpSto stones with idolatrous fi- gures. rr*lbtD5a f. 13. a reward. R. ^SMD. niSftta pi. f. nails. Ecc. 12: 11. riBi25*73 m. a shedding of blood. Is. 5: 7. It rrssto. T JYltofc f. dominion, government. R. rnto. rriS^ipft pi. f. 10. a burning, as of lime; a burning, as of corpses. It. J^to. tP?j niD^tiJfr (flowings of water) pr. name of a city or country near Sidon. VM 135 raw mittfa m, a pan. 2 Sam. 13: 9. B$Ja pr. name of a people and country, prob. to the north of Nisibis, near mount Masius. Gen. 10: 23. K125fa pr. name of a place on the borders "of Joktanite Arabia. Gen. 10: 30. K'tilz m. usury ; a debt, obligation. R. K123J. 3ttl25fa m. 8. a water trough. Judg. 5: 11. R. aairi. inKi&fa f. a debt, obligation. R. gtii . "JiNtfjfa m. fraud, deception. Prov. 26: 26." R. fttb . tt&Ufid Ps. 74: 3. see triwntib * btttfjfa , once ^i23fa , pr. name of a Le- T ; XT vitical city in the tribe of Asher. JlbtfiDfa f. 11. a petition, request. R. Va u3 . n^NUifa f. a kneading trough, or rather a wooden dish to contain dough. rnlfcaiBfa pi. f- cloth embroidered or in- terwoven with gold threads; ouches, cavities, in which precious stones are set. R. ysu; ^3123 fa m. the entrance of the womb, matrix. R. ^i^3 laittfa m. 2. the entrance of the womb, matrix. In pi. waves, breakers, billows. R. *-)ntt5 X trn 311)53 pi. m. .8. destruction, ruin. Lam. 1: 7. R. nnu3 . fra 12373 m. an error, oversight. Gen. 43:' 12. R. mti. X X fii23fa to draw, draw out. Hi. id. !ni23fa m. Moses, the great leader and lawgiver of the Israelites. ft$ m. 9. a debt. Deut. 15: 2. R. X X i"IN'"H23fa f. desolation ; a desolate place. rr\fa and rnaujfa pi. f. n/ww. t"D}U3fa f. 10. a?z. apostasy, rebellion, falling away, particularly from Je- hovah; as a concrete, rebellious. R. aw . fttn&fca f- 10. an error. Job 19: 4. fciitffa m. an oar. Ezek. 27: 29. R. cnu5 . BilBfa m. 1. aw oar. Ezek. 27: 6. iTO^fa f. plunder, booty. Is. 42: 24 Keth. tll23fa, fut. Rtt}?P, infin. htt? and Sifiipfa, to rvo oi)cr toftt o/Z, anoint ; to con- secrate by unction, a priest, a pro- phet, a king ; to consecrate ; to rub over with paint, paint ; also in the deriv. to measure, stretch out. nil) 53 m. Ch. oil. Jini2)fa f. 12. an anointing ; a part, portion. ttniDfa f. an anointing ; a part, por- tion. rpniDfa m. 1. destruction, desolation; a trap, snare, which takes and de- stroys ; a company, in ambush. rpni23fan ^nthe mount of corruption, a name given to mount Olivet, and also to the kingdom of Babylon. R. nnu3 . ^ni23fa m. the dawn. Ps. 110: 3. De- x ; nom. from ^nu3 . nnittfa m. 1. destruction. Ezek. 9: 1. R. nnia . nnu3fa m. destruction, something de- stroyed. Is. 52: 14. R. nni23 . nni23fa m. 2. corruption, something corrupted. Lev. 22: 25. R. nni2) nit3l23fa and nt3!2)fa m.2. the place where any thing is spread or stretched out. R. nt3U3 . ^titofa m. 2. dominion. Job 38: 33. R. itia m- silk. "Ezek. 16: 10, 13. R. per- haps i-n25fa . XX rpM m . 3. anointed : as a subst. an anointed one, as a prince, king, pro- phet, priest, patriarch. R. ni23fa . Tjl2)fa , fut. SHtitf] , (1.) to seize, take. (2.) to hold, hold fast. (3.) to draw. bai^Jl ?|i23fa to blow the jubilee horn. MU3jPlrt T\ 123 fa to draw or stretch the bou>. STTft TJ 123 fa to draw out seed, i. e. to sow it in long fur- rows. G'5t5fcV"nW i"J T ^*3 he stretches out his hand with scorners, btbE 136 3>tt)& i. e. he becomes their companion. (4.) to take or snatch away. (5.) to draw out, extend, prolong-. (6.) to make firm, strengthen. (7.)to spread out. Ni. to be put off, prolonged. Pu. to be drawn out, delayed ; to be strong, courageous, mighty. Tjtt)53 m. a possession ; a drawing out or scattering of seed ; also pr. name of a nation inhabiting the Moschian mountains between Iberia, Armenia and Colchis. niSUJtt see htettftJQ i3U)b m. 2. a lying down, for rest, or as a sick person ; a lying together, copulation ; a couch, bed ; a coffin. R. M*j\ 5312333 m. Ch. a bed. } 3 1*353 m. 2. pi. d" 1 - and ni , a dwelling; a tent ; particularly the tabernacle of the congregation in the wilderness; the grave. ni JT ni33l23)3 the dwell- ings of Jehovah, i. e. the temple, a poetical use of the plural. R. 'pu} . Vt23/3 , fut. ViDE' 1 , to rule, be master ; to be placed over any thing ; with \ and an infin. to have power to do any thing ; to rule tyrannically ; also denom. from bi2)73 , to utter a meta- X X phor or comparison ; to utter a pro- verb ; to sing satires. Ni. to be or become like or similar. Pi. to speak in parables. Hi. to cause to rule, to appoint rulers ; to compare. Infin. bl23/3!rt as a subst. dominion. Hithpa. to be like, similar. "312353 m. 6. dominion ; something like or similar. bltttt m. 4. a comparison, similitude, parable ; a sentiment, maxim ; a proverb ; a song, poem ; a satiric song, song of triumph, over the destruction of one's enemies. Vl2353 as a subst. an object of satire. Job 17:6. Fibi2353 m. 2. a place of sending or driving ; with *p and PT , that to which one puts his hand, business. R. fibfc . rrbitia and ffibttto m. a sending ; with -p , that on which one lays his hand, booty. R. rfp_lI3 . nribl23)3 f. a sending ; a dismission, from service or from captivity. R. nVuU 123^12353 see 1233123 . : x !"T73l23/3 f. 10. a desolation ; an asto- nishment. R. diaui . J53tt333 m. 8. fatness. PI. d^a53lZ353 fat or fertile parts of a country ; fat, muscular, or stout ones, spoken of warriors. R. 1 33123 . d^33l2353 pi. m.fat or dainty bits. Neh. 8: 10. R.^iiJ. S53U333 m. 2. a hearing, what is heard. Ts.'ll: 3. R. 253123. X n9 53 1*3 53 f. 13. the private audience of monarchs ; also as a concrete, obe- dient, subject. R. 3>33123 ^12^12 m. 2. a post, place where one keeps watch ; persons watching, a watch ; custody, confinement, a pri- son ; that which one keeps or pre- serves, a treasure ; what is observ- ed, a custom, usage ; a leader, com- mander. R. "nfttfi . rn53i*353 f. 13. pi. 2-11*1)3123)3 , a watch, watching ; a place where one keeps watch; persons keeping watch; a keeping, preserving ; what is kept or preserved ; what is observed, a law, command, usage ; care, ser- vice ; the side or party of any one. R. -tiaib . J-ja 123)3 m. 9. the second place, in succes- sion or rank ; as a concrete, the se- cond, particularly the second bro- ther ; of a second quality or good- ness; the second division of the city; a doubling, double ; a duplicate, copy. R. rtatt) n&l23)3 f. 10. plunder, booty, prey. R. t)Dl23 . bis>i23)3 m. a narrow path, hollow way. Num. 22: 24. "^123)3 m. a cleansing, purification. Ezek. 16: 4. nttft 137 nnft piriJ2 m. 2. a stay, staff, support ; me- taph. a helper, supporter. R. "jyttj . pttjfc m. and rtiSfaJB f- *& R. 7tt? n^ttJa f. a staff. R. ftfttJ . hhirtto f. 11. const, nncip^, suff. ^nhsuJ^,pl-niriEUj^,const.'nirisip^, a species, kind, of animals or of inanimate things ; a tribe, nation ; a subdivision of a tribe, a family, among the Israelites. BO IBM m. 2. a judgment, or ac o/ judging, particularly a sentencing to punishment ; a judgment, or j^- dicial decision, particularly a sen- tence of punishment ; guilt, liabili- ty to punishment ; a cause or suit at law ; a right, privilege, prero- gative, particularly a legal right ; right, righteousness, justice ; a law, particularly a divine law ; a custom, usage ; a mode, manner. R. S2DU: . trnBttJfc dual, pr ob. folds for cattle. ptfift m. prob. i. q. jjiaia a possession. Gen. 15: 2. p'&fa m. 2. a running about. Is. 33: 4. R'.p PJ lJ. Snpujfr m. 9. a cupbearer ; drink ; a well watered country. R. Srrpu3 . VipiDfc m. weight. Ezek. 4: 10. R. ^>pu3. pjiptfjfc m. the lintel, timber over the door-posts. R. p]p\i5 . bpttjfc m. 2. weight. R. "bpu: . nSpttJfc and nbpUJE f. a perpendiclc, plummet. R. bp\D 5>pUJ7J m. 2. a pool, pond, where water "subsides. Ezek. 34: 18. R. fp& . ST"NZJ53 f. 10. a solution, liquor. Num. 6: 3. R. rTyti . tfrPpiT^ft f. Ch. a pipe, reed, flute. 'i2Ju3to to touch, feel. Pi. to feel, exa- mine ; to grope in darkness. Hi. to feel. irjfitfjft m. 9. a drinking ; drink ; a banquet. R. J-jntiJ . rtnttJJQ m. Ch. emph. irnttjfc , a drink- ing. Dan. 5: 10. DXD m. a dead person, corpse. PI. trnft dead idols. R. n*i7a na or n-m. pi. trntt and drift, a man. I^nft m. a &eap of straw. Is. 25: 10. Denom. from fan 3nft m. 6. suff. ian i # bridle. pintt m. 3. fem. rt|?nn pi. B^plM i adj. sweet ; as a subst. sweetness. R. pntt. nnft to stretch out. Is. 40: 22. Tift adv. when, with and without an interrogation. ^nftb and ^nfc**!* Aoi0 Zowg" ? nabnfc f. 13. measure ; daily task, tale. nfcbnft Mai. 1: 13, a contraction of ilNbn-Jfft what a weariness ! rftsrtna pi. f. teeth. thJJ ni. something sound or uninjur- ed. R. iDftn . tD'nfr Judg. 20: 48, prob. a false read- ing for tDDfa men. inft m. 1. a gift, present. R. "jn5 . mnft f. Ch. ti present. R. -jro . rt5F>5a f. 11. a gift, present; a bribe ; an offering; also pr.name of a place. taenia dual, m. the loins, upper part of the hip. pnfa , fut. pn33*s to be or become sweet; to feed sweetly. Hi. to sweeten ; in- trans. to be sweet. pn73 m. sweetness ; metaph. pleasure. pnfam. id. Judg. 9: 11. ttpntt pr. name of a station of the Is- raelites in the desert. Num. 33: 28. nntt (for nanfr) f. a gift, present. R. "fe- te "\Vj 138 ^j Nun, Heb. "p: , is sometimes inter- changed with the other liquids b , 12 and ^ ; and also, as the first radical, with . tt3 a particle of respectful entreaty or 'exhortation, / pray you, now. 83 m. adj. raw, half-boiled. Ex. 12: 9. K3 , in full 1i2tf"*0 , Thebes, the an- cient capital of Upper Egypt. lw\ ; 3 , once TIK2 m. 1. pi. n'TiNS , a leathern bag or bottle. tltf3 Pilel Sima to be fair, beautiful ; to be becoming; suitable. f7N3 f. 11. pi. const. rntf3 , a dwelling, habitation ; a grassy place, green, pasture. !-ntf2 m. 9. fern, !^1N3 and J11N3 , adj. fair, beautiful ; fit, becoming, suit- able. R. ST8C . T T fctf3 to utter, utter an oracle. Part, pass, const. jtf: as a subst. an ora- cle. 5)tf: , fut. V$W\ , and Pi. pjM , part. PlNafc , to commit adultery ; metaph. to apostatize from Jehovah. tP&q&to pi. m. 1. adultery. Hos. 2: 4. tTEK3 pi. m. 1. id. y^3 , fut. yN3^ , to drsvise, contemn, scorn ; to reject with contempt. Pi. yS3 , fut. y^ , to despise, con- temn ; causat. to give occasion to despise or blaspheme. Hi. fut. yw* , intrans. to be despised. Hithpo. part, yastt for yNbna de- spised, blasphemed. H!N3 f- reproach, bl isphemy. fiitto f. pi. nYsaw , suff. ^niiZtfj , id. pM2 i. q. p3tf to groan, lament. !npN3 f. 11. const. npN3 , a groaning, lamentation. 1N3 Pi. Ttf3 to abhor, reject. U i pr. name of a city in the tribe of Benjamin. nib to Nob. N33 in the deriv. to announce, show. Ni. 833 to deliver an oracle from God, speak as God's ambassador ; to prophesy, predict future events in the name of God ; to sing songs or hymns. Hithpa. tf33n?l , once M3|il , infin. niasnrt , to speak as God's ambassador ; to act like a madman. N213 Ch. Ethpa. ^3 3 nil to prophesy. Ezra 5: 1. 333 in the deriv. to hollow out, make T an opening. Part. pass. 3123 hol- low ; metaph. empty-headed, stupid. Jin'3 see 33. 133 pr. name of an idol of the Chalde- ans, prob. the planet Mercury ; also of a mountain over against Jericho ; of a city in the tribe of Reuben, near mount Nebo ; and of a city in the tribe of Judah. ftfittlM f. 1.0. a prophesy ; a work or writing of a prophet. !-tt{Sfc3 f. Ch. id. Ezra 6: 14. "1^3^33 and ^s&niStea m. Ne- buchadnezzar, king of Babylon. list 23 or ^3t23 f. Ch. a present, gift. r : : t : it : - 1 t -' ^ fi33 to bark. Is. 56: 10. 133 pr. name of a city in Gilead. TFI213 pr. name of an idol of the Avites. 2K. 17:31. t33: Pi. t333 to look. Hi. t^art to look, direct the eye, behold ; to re- spect, regard ; to regard with fa- vor ; to see, perceive with the eye / with 3 , to see with satisfaction ; trans, to let or cause to see. j>033 m. 3. an interpreter of the divine will to men ; a friend or confidant of God; a prophet, one inspired of TO 139 5tt3 God to foretell future events ; a prophet of the false gods. ^a T0323 sons, i. e. disciples, of the prophets. R. K53 . ^333 m. Ch. id. !"WT:M f. a prophetess, woman that foretells future events ; the wife of a prophet ; a poetess, female musi- cian. R. *3l3 . ni' ,, 3l3 pr. name of an Arabian tribe of the race of Ishmael, Nabatheans. !]3i3 m. 6. perhaps a spring, fountain. Job 38: 16. ^313 ' ^ ut - ^2" 1 , to wither, fall off, as leaves and flowers ; to sink down, be exhausted ; to act foolishly or wick- edly. Pi.bn3 to lightly esteem, re- ject ; to disgrace, dishonor. ^33 m. 4. a fool ; a wicked or ungod- ly man. baa and bi3 m. 6. pi. t^bSD , const. ^3 , a leathern bag or bottle ; an earthen bottle or vessel; also the name of a kind of harp or lyre. !"ib:i3 f. folly-, foolishness; punish- ment of folly ; wickedness ; a wick- ed deed. Tib^ f. const, nbi3 , suff. TbXl and inb33 , a corpse or carcass of men or animals ; used also, by way of re- proach, of idols. mbiM f- 13. the private parts, pudenda. Hos. 2: 12. 253 to spring, flow. Hi. s^nif to pour or let flow forth or out ; to pour forth wicked words ; to cause to ferment or become corrupt ; to an- nounce. Kljttnas f. Ch. a candlestick. Dan. 5:5. 553 m.' *Ae south. -333 f*J8 and sim- ply 553 a sot/iA country ; the south- ern part of Palestine ; Egypt. With Tl local, ttaJ3 to the south. ^53 in the deriv. to be before. Hi. i\nii to declare, show, make known ; to announce, publish ; to publish with commendation, praise ; to betray; to solve a riddle. Ho. nan , fut. "HP , infin. pleonast. ^ail , to be told or made known. *ltt Ch. to flow. Dan. 7: 10. 1M ni. 6. wAatf is before or zVt front : as an adv. o^er against; against, in opposition. ^sb and iaa as a prep, before, Lat. coram ; over against, Lat. e regione ; against, Lat. contra ; near, in the neighbor- hood of. TAaJb as a prep, from be- fore. T^333 as over against him, i. e. suited to him. 153 Ch. prep, over against. Dan. 6: 11. ritt to shine, beam, give light. Hi. to cause to shine ; to enlighten. W3 f. 6. brightness, shining. ft33 f. Ch. emph. ii!"tt3 , brightness, shining, of the dawn. Dan. 6: 20. JTfrpS f. 10. brightness. Is. 59: 9. H53 , fut. flip , to push or strike with the horn. Pi, to push or strike with the horn ; to overthrow nations. Hith- pa. to carry on war against any one. H.T3 m. 3. apt or wont to push. *P53 m. 3. a prince ; an overseer ; a captain. In plur. chiefs, nobles ; excellent or noble things. R. ^53 . 113^3 f. 10. a stringed instrument of music ; music on a stringed instru- ment ; a song for a stringed in- strument ; a satiric song. R. p3 . ]53 Kal and Pi. to play on a stringed instrument. 5tt3 , fut. 5>.r , infin. S>j3 and nS>3 , with sufT. i3>33 , to touch ; to injure ; to lie with a woman ; to touch or affect the heart ; to blast, as a noxious wind; to reach unto any thing; to come to a person or thing ; to arrive, come, as a period of time ; to smile, spoken particularly of God. Ni. to make as if beaten. Pi. to smite. Pu. to be smitten. Hi. to touch ; to reach unto ; to come to ; to befall, happen ; to possess, acquire ; to come, spoken of persons or of time ; to cause to touch. ma 140 rra 3^3 111. 6. suff. is>33 , pi. trwa , const. W5 > a stroke, blow, wound ; collect. blows ; a plague sent by God; as a concrete, a person or garment in- fected with a plague. n^SS S>}3 and simply 3>S3 a plague of leprosy. f)33 i fut. pj|* , to smite, particularly as Jehovah, with a plague ; to push, thrust; to stumble, knock against any thing. Ni. p|53 to be smitten. Hithpa. to stumble. F|33 tn. a plague or destructive calami- ty sent by God; a stumbling, offense. ^33 Ni. to 6e poured out, flow away ; to be stretched out. Hi. TWl to pour out ; to throw down ; to give or deliver up. Ho. to be poured out or thrown down, spoken of water. tott , fut. UJi-P , once tolas" 1 , to urge, press, or drive on to labor ; to press a debtor ; to exact tribute. Part. iZJJrta a taskmaster, bailiff; a driver of cattle; an exactor of tribute; a ruler. Ni. toJO to be hard pressed; to press one another ; to be oppress- ed, injured ; to be wearied out. U;33 , fut. il : 5"] , imper. u?.n , iiuia , also TL : a , infin. nttfa , and Ni. pret. "53 , to draw near, approach ; to- have conjugal intercourse witha woman ; to draw near or turn to Jehovah ; to draw back. Hi. tthJlh to lead; to bring near ; to offer, present ; in- trans. to draw near. Ho. \l5ail to be brought near. Hithpa. to draw near. 13 m. aheap or pile of waters. R. 113. in 3 Hi. to drive away, remove. 2 K. 17: 21 Keth. 3113 to drive or urge on, excite. Hith- pa. to show one's self willing, act voluntarily, particularly in reference to military service ; to give freely or willingly, bring a voluntary gift; to serve voluntarily. 3113 Ch. Ithpa. to be willing or dis- posed for any thing ; to give volun- tarily. mil 3 nil what is given freely. S13H3 f. 11. voluntariness, freewill ; a voluntary gift, freewill offering ; a present for the temple ; copiousness, plenty: as an adv. freely, volunta- rily. ^213 m. Ch. a wall, structure. Ezra fo'4. 113 , pret. t)H3 , infin. 113 , fut. "tffl -t x :it : and IT* , trans, to move, e. g. the wing ; intrans. to wander about ; to flee ; to fly away ; also in the deriv. to loathe, abhor. Part. His a wan- dering fugitive. Poal 1113 to flee away. Hi. I3!i to frighten, chase away. Ho. lift , fut. W , to be thrust away ; to be frightened away, flee. Hithpo. to flee. 113 Ch. to flee. Dan. 6: 19. JZ3^113 pi. m. tossings of a wakeful person on his bed. Job 7: 4. 1113 Pi. ni3 to remove ; to cast out, TT T exclude. Jll3 m. a liberal gift, present, as the price of prostitution. Kzek. 16: 33. J113 f. 10. impurity, uncleanvcss, in a physical and moral sense ; unclcan- ncss of a woman arising from her monthly courses ; the monthly cour- ses ; something unclean or abomi- ii able, as idolatry; an abominable deed, as incest. tiiSH"^ the wa- ters of impurity, i. e. the water of purification. ni3 , fort rrP i to push, thrust, expel ; to bring in or apply an ax. Hi. rplll to throw or cast down ; to cast out, eject, expel; to drive out or scatter a flock ; to urge on, seduce ; to bring a calamity on any one. Ni. fjl3 to be driven out; to be driven away, as safety ; to wander about, go astray, as cattle ; to be seduced or led astray ; to be applied, as the hand or a weapon. Part. ni3 one driven out, a fugitive ; collect, fu- VW 141 re gitives. Pu. to &e pushed or dW- 2)67?. Ho. part, jrnfr chased, driven. S^a m. 3. voluntary, giving volunta- rily ; liberal ; noble, noble minded : as a subst. one noble in rank, a prince ; also a tyrant. R. S'la . iria^a f. wo&to ra7i&, or prosperity. Job 30: 15. pa m. 4. a sheath. 1 Chr. 21: 27. pa m. 4. a liberal gift or present, as the price of prostitution. Ezek. 16: 33. rtana m. Ch. a sheath or covering of the soul, f/ie My. Dan. 7: 15. Spa , fut. q^Ji and (tip , to dWrce fl&owi, as stubble, smoke ; to put to flight, overcome. Ni. >pa to fie driven or blown about. *rp , fut. w , ~\r*2 , ^nrn , to vow, make a vow, for the performance of any thing. *pa and i yg m. 6. sufT. vyij , pi. O^ia , const, "^a , a vow ; an of- fering promised by vow. fta m. prob. greatness, excellence, beauty. Ezek. 7: 1 1 . afta , fut. aW , to guide, lead, as a flock ; to drive a beast of burden ; to drive a chariot ; to lead away, as prisoners ; to cleave or be accus- tomed to any thing. Pi. afta , fut. Siiia? , to lead ; to bring ; to cause to drive ; to take away. ana Pi. to sigh, pant, gasp. Nah. ~2: 8. nina to lament. Ni. to assemble. TT ^ina m. Ch. light. Dan. 2: 22 Keri. Rl Trta . iJia m. in pause Ma, a lamentation. k. una . XX i-piia f. a lamentation. Mic. 2: 4. R. fTJia . rri-ja Prov. 13: 19, is part. xx x ; . l fern. Ni. from S-pii . X X "Piia m. Ch. light. Dan. 2: 22 Keth. r: ^u . i^piia or :T-pna f. Ch. illumination, wisdom. Dam 5: 11, 14, R. 1W. bna Pi. Via , fut. Vp^ , to lead, guide ; to protect ; to support, pro- vide for. Hithpa. to march, pro- ceed. Vblna m. 1. prob. a pasture ; also pr. name of a city in the tribe of Zebu- kin. dra , fut. dn^ , to roar, as a lion ; to x : rage, foam, as the sea ; to sigh, groan. tDlna m. a roaring of a lion. !n?2Jia f. 11. const. Viftiia , a raging of the sea ; a groaning. pJia , fut. piia^ , to bray, as a hungry- ass ; to en/, as a hungry rabble. "llna to collect together, as nations ; al- so in the deriv. to run, fiow, as a stream. ^liia to rejoice, have a serene counte- nance ; also in the deriv. to shine, be clear, bright. ^ro m. 4. pi. tzn^iia and rftttti , const, ni^fia , a stream, river ; a current in the sea ; metaph. ahun- dance. niB ^!na , also simply ~i!lS5l the river Euphrates. Dual tD" 1 ^?"^ the two rivers, i. e. Tigris and Euphrates. Sria m. Ch. a stream. i-Hfra f. light, light of the sun. Job 3: T 4. ttia to turn away, seduce. Hi. araft to hold back, forbid, make of no ef- fect ; to cause to turn away from any one ; intrans. to refuse. ma to sprout, shoot, germinate; to grow, increase, as riches ; to utter, bring forth, as the mouth. Pilel Ilia to make to sprout, cause to flourish. nia or ma Is. 57: 19 Keth. i. q. ^5 q. v. "Hi to shake, as a reed ; to wander about, as a fugitive ; to jflee ; to va- msA, disappear; to pity, console ; to 3>1D 142 P" mourn, lament. Hi. main to move, shake ; to cause to wander about, frighten or chase away. Hithpa- lel lliann to shake, reel to and fro; to shake the head ; to lament. 113 Ch. to flee. Dan. 4: 11. fQ m. a wandering; banishment ; al- so pr. name of the country to which Cain fled. m- to dwell, keep quiet. Hab. 2: 5. ma Hi. to exalt, praise. Ex. 15:2. ma m. const. ma , sufF. Tpa , ima , vx : ' ;rr -t CITJ 2 > a dwelling, habitation ; a pasture. ma f. 11. a dwelling ; a pasture ; a female inhabitant. ma (for maa) f. adj. beautiful. Jer. T U:2. ma , fut. ma" 1 , to rest, settle down, as the ark of Noah ; to encamp, as an army ; to descend on any one, as the Spirit of God ; to rest, repose ; to have rest from trials ; to abide, continue ; to be still, silent. Some- times used impersonally. Hi. trail to let or set down ; to make or cause to rest ; to give rest. inttri frail to cool or abate one's anger. Ho. n; 1 )!! there is rest given. rfia m. 1. suff. xjrttt , rest. Una to be moved, shake, tremble. Ps. 99: 1. ifo^a and ^a f. Ch. a dunghill. C^ta to sleep, slumber, particularly from indolence. TtflV f. sleep, sluggishness. Prov. 23: 21. to Ni or Hi. to flourish. Ps. 72: 17. D^a to flee ; to make haste, drive swift- ly. Pilel ODia to chase, drive. Hi. O^af"! to put to flight ; to save by flight, remove secretly. Hithpalel ODianii to flee. yfl to move or be moved, as the lips ; to shake, tremble ; to be giddy, stag- ger ; to move with a waving mo- tion ; to wander. jti. to be shaken ; to be sifted. Hi. to shake ; to sift ; to disquiet, disturb ; to cause to rove ox wander, to drive about; to cause to stand, though in a tottering manner. Spa to besprinkle ; also in the deriv. to be high or lifted up ; to swing or ' move the hand: Hi. jfpaii to move to and fro, wave, shake ; to sift, winnow ; to lift up or brandish a weapon ; to move or put in a sickle ; to wave, move this way and that way, (perhaps also up and down,) as a ceremony of the ritual law ; to scatter in small particles, sprinkle. Ho. fta'frl to be waved, as a reli- gious ceremony. Pilel p)Qia to shake. ^ia m. height, elevation. Ps. 48: 3. pa to flee, wander about in flight. Hi. y*a^r to flourish. ll^ia and [irirb f. a quill or strong feather of a wing. P^3 Hi. to suckle. Ex. 2: 9. ma f. Ch. fire. ujria to be sick or grieved. Ps. 69: 21. ma , fut. apoc. t*1 and T?*) , to spout, spatter, be sprinkled. Hi. Irtn , fut. apoc. p1 ? to cause to leap for joy or admiration ; to sprinkle. T>ta m. 3. pottage. mta m. 3. one consecrated to God, a nazarite ; metaph. a vine not pru- ned ; also a prince. R. nT3 . fVta , fut. br , to run, flow, as waters ; T to run, flow, as the place from which any thing runs ; to flow, as speech or odors ; also in the deriv. to de- scend, turn in, dwell. Part. pi. C^tia the flowing, a poetical epi- thet for streams, brooks. Hi. b^tft to cause to flow. For this form also see Vat . eta m. . suff. iata , pi. c^ta, const. "^ta , a nose or ear ring. pta Ch. to suffer injury. Aph. ptali to injure, endamage. pta m. injury, damage. Est. 7: 4. in: 143 nna It 3 Ni. to separate one's self ; to ab- stain or refrain from any thing ; to consecrate one's self. Hi. ^TJi to cause to avoid ; to consecrate ; in- trans. to abstain ; to consecrate or devote one^s self ^ip m. 6. a diadem of the king or of the high-priest; a consecration, par- ticularly of a nazarite ; meton. a consecrated head of a nazarite ; an unshaven head of hair. {tftt in Kal and Hi. to lead, guide ; to transfer, place. ta^FD or tD^rtU pi. m. consolation ; compassion. R. tans u5nn3 m. adj. made of brass, brazen. Job 6: 12. Denom. from nttJns. ttttfara f. i. q. nuJTO brass. rtVlp (for rtVrt3) f- 10. the name of a musical instrument, perhaps a flute. Ps.5:l. R. bbh. T tD^J"!3 pi. m. nostrils. Job 41: 12. \>rp to acquire an inheritance, inherit; to acquire for a possession, pos- sess ; to divide for a possession. Pi. Vftj to divide for a possession. Hi. WW?! to leave behind as an in- heritance ; to divide out an inheri- tance ; to give into possession ; to divide out a land. Ho. to acquire for a possession. Hithpa. to ac- quire for a possession, possess ; trans, to leave as an inheritance. b)T) m. 6. a valley with a brook; a stream, brook ; a torrent; also prob. the perpendicular descent or shaft of a mine. Jl^rtD (Milel) m. i. q. *brr3 a stream, Vrook. Ps. 124: 14. Jlbfti f- 12. an inheritance; a proper- ty, possession ; a taking posses- sion; lot, destiny. VflpbfD (valley of God) pr. name of a station of the Israelites in the de- sert. Num. 21 : 19. nbnaf. i. q. JibFti an inheritance. Ps. T 16:6. OfTi Ni. to have pity, compassion, or sympathy ; to feel regret, re- pent ; to console or comfort one's self ; to take revenge, avenge one's self. Pi. tart!} to show sympathy, comfort, console ; to be gracious. Pu. to be comforted. Hithpa. drrtnlr ; once Dnsll , to have com- passion ; to repent ; to console one's self ; to take revenge. Drtb m. repentance. Hos. 13: 14. MSJ13 f. 10. comfort, consolation, Wti i. q. lifDtf we. yrij Part. pass. ysjfta pressing, ur- gent. 1 Sam. 21: 9. "ttTJ m. 6. and fchtft f. 11. a snorting of a horse. tfrtj Pi. ilJrp to divine, augur ; to re- gard as ominous ; to perceive, dis- cover, find out. tt5rt3 m. 6. divination, magic ; an omen, augury. ttjft3 m. 4. a serpent; the serpent or dragon, a constellation ; also pr. name of a city. U3rt2 m. Ch. brass. tlttjtta c.13. suff. SJftttSft! j brass; money; a brazen fetter. Dual tTftttJJPti fetters for both hands or feet. ^ntpSTTD m. adj. brazen, spoken parti- cularly of the brazen serpent. 2 K. 18:4. rfffl, fut. tifti) and nlTj, to descend, come down. Ni. ntl3 to come down. Pi. nfl3 to press down or stretch a bow.; to settle down or level fur- rows. Hi. to bring down. nttJ Ch. to descend. Aph. fut. nil" 1 , imper. nfttt, part, nftfttt, to bring or carry down ; to deposit, lay up. Ho. nfttll to be deposed or thrown down. rirta m. a descent, coming down; a set- ting down, what is set down. nffi f. rest, quietness. R. rt13 . nns m. 8. pi. d">nW , adj. descending. 2 K. 6: 9. cpa 144 T3 J1B3 , fut. h1 i apoc. t3 # "J , tt1 , "ISM i to stretch out; to spread out; to spread or prolong itself; to in- cline ; to incline itself; to turn, lead; to turn one's self; to go away, depart. Ni. to he stretched out ; to extend itself. Hi. Sitall $ fut. tt&\ a P 0C - D _ ' l ' D I3 ' imper. apoc tan i *o stretch out ; to stretch itself out; to spread out ; to incline, bend down, as the ear, the heart ; to seduce; to incline or show favor ; to turn away ; to lead astray ; to lead aside ; to put away, cast off; to de- part ; to bend, pervert ; to oppress in judgment. Ho. part, rttttt used as a subst. see Sitptt . TiBiBa m. a Netophathite. Vtaum. laden. Zeph. 1:11. R. to DiSPtaa pi. f. ear-pendants, particular- ly of pearls. R. p]B3 . rrt^D3 pi. f- branches. R. UJt33 . btaa , fut. Vita" 1 , to take up ; to lay upon or before any one. Pi. to bear. to Ch. to lift up.Ye\\ pret. to be lifted up. *5taa m. heaviness, weight. Prov. 27: 3. sua , fut. SW , infin. 3>itaa and D3>ta , to plant ; to set with plants ; metaph. to settle or establish a people ; to drive in a nail : to set up an image ; to pitch or erect a tent ; to plant or establish the heavens. 2K33 m. 6. suff. ?j*t , pi. ta^taa. , const. "^taa , a plant ;' a planting ; a place planted, plantation. 3>taa m. 4. a plantation. Is. 5: 7. b^tta pi. m. plants. Ps. 144: 12. R. to. Spa 1 fut. pjb*" , to drop, jfaZZ m drops, distil; sometimes spoken of the object whence any thing drops. Hi. to let or cause to drop ; metaph. to speak, prophesy. pjtaa m. 4. a drop ; also the name of a fragrant gum. fTSba pr. name of a city near Bethle- hem. Itaa , fut. lb" 1 , once ^itaa* 1 , to watch, guard ; to keep, retain ; also in the deriv. to aim. -itaa Ch. to lay up. Dan. 7: 28. ttJBa , fut. u3iC3^ , to forsake, reject; to leave under the care or protection of any one ; to let go, give up as lost ; to let lie without using ; to let go or remit a debt ; to leave off; to suffer, allow, permit; to throw down, cast away; to spread out, scatter; to extend itself; to draw out a sword. Ni. to be loosed, spo- ken of cords ; to be thrown down ; to spread itself out. Pu. to be for- saken. *a (for ^Ina) m. a lamentation. Ezek. '27: 32. "JR. WJ. ma m. 1. fruit, produce. trn&tp ma fruit of the lips, i. e. praise, thanks- giving. R. ma . ma m. consolation. Job 16: 5. R. T)3 . Irrma (for i-na) i.an abomination. Lam. Vs. rVPa or rri'na (dwellings) pr. name of a place in or near Ramah. rfrpa m. sweetness, pleasantness, only in the phrase rYrpa im^ a pleasant smell. R. ma . n'rra m. Ch. a sweet odor, pleasant smell. pa m. 1. offspring, posterity. R. "pa . ina^a Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, now a village called Nunia. ma m. i. q. Da fleeing. Jer. 48: 44 Keth. R. O^a . jD^a m. Nisan, the first month of the Hebrews. VWa m. a spark. Is. 1: 31. R. y^a . ma to dig up, cultivate. '-pa m. 1. i. q. ^a a light, lamp. 2 Sam. 22: 29. ma m. land first broken up for tillage, new ground. T3 in. 1. posterity. tea 145 DD tt333 For ^333 Job 30: 8, see JiNS". K333 m. 5. fern. Sitf333 > adj. smitten or broken down, contrite. ^ K333 m. 4. pi. O'WSS , adj. beaten down, in rut7is. Is. 16: 7. n#b3 f. a sort of spice. "7333 m. 6. offspring. "7333 m. perhaps wretchedness, misery. Job 31: 3, in some copies. H333 Hi. J-rsJl imper. ftStt and T]rj , fut. rtS" 5 513* "5 and jM , to smite, as the hands, an enemy, a hostile army or city, the produce of the field, with sickness or a plague, with a sword, with an arrow or sling stone; to slay, kill ; to tear in pieces, as a beast of prey ; to thrust through ; to push with the horn ; to smite, as the sun or moon ; to touch or affect one's feelings ; with tp'ijittj , to take root. Ho. ftsn , once Inianft i to be smitten ; to be slain ; to be smitten by the sun. Ni. to be smitten. Pu. to be smitten. J1333 m. 9. adj. smitten, wounded; rae- taph. contrite. J1333 m. 9. pi. b">333 , adj. reviling, slan- dering. Ps. 35: 15. i333 and inb3 m. Necho, king of Egypt. 1*153 (prepared) pr. name of a thresh- ing-floor. 2 Sam. 6: 6. fibs m. 3. fem. J-jfibD , adj. right, up- right, straight. hb^, !lttb3 , and pi. nifibs as a subst. right, jight- eousness. ft333 m. as a prep, against, over against ; before. fDbb as an adv. straight forward : as a prep, before; for, in behalf of. H333 m. 6. suff. i)n333 , as a prep, over against. *?333 to act deceitfully. Pi. to practice deceit against any one. Hithpa. id. bS3 m. 6. pi. const. ">b333 , craft, cun- ning, deceit. Num. 25: 18. 19 053 m. 6. pi. CD "D 33 3 , rices, trea- sures, goods. 0333 m. Ch. pi. ^0333 , id. 1333 in the deriv. to be strange. Ni. 133 to be known or recognized ; to let one's self be unknown, dissem- ble. Pi. 133 to gaze on, regard ; to mistake ; to despise, reject. Hi. T33!l to regard; to discern, disco- ver ; to own, acknowledge ; to know, recognize, Lat. noscere ; to know, understand, Lat. scire ; to be concerned or care for any one. Hithpa. to be known, discovered ; to dissemble. 1333 m. 2. const. 1333 , foreignness, a strange place; any thing strange or foreign. 1333~]2 a stranger ; .an enemy. 1333 and 1333 m. misfortune, destruc- tion. "11333 m. fern. J-P1333 , pi. fc)">1333 , adj. strange, a stranger. In fem. also an adulteress. nb3 m. 1. prob. treasures, only in the phrase finb3 rp:n his treasure- house. ft"b3 in the deriv. to acquire. Hi. prob. to finish, cease. . !"TT 31*33 i. q. JT5;323 contemptible, mean, of little worth. 1 Sam. 15: 9. The form perhaps has arisen from com- bining two different readings .1T323 or J-jT3a3 and rtta r}233 For the forms S|JB" and :i33teil, see rj33ft . "bfr3 , fut. Iffi* , to be circumcised ; to be cut off; to wither. For the forms Ni. pret. bift3 and part. pi. fcEP&ftto , see V] . .lb^3 f. pi. ta'fyoa , an ant, pismire. 1*33 m. 5. a leopard. 1&5 m. Ch. id. Dan. 7: 6. 11)05 Nimrod, the founder of the king- dom of Babylon. 03 m. 8. suff. iD3 , a high pole ; a flag of a ship ; a standard, banner; me- taph. a warning, example. R. 003 . POD 146 -w J12D5 f. a turn or change of things, Vvent. 2 Chr. 10: 15. R. S3i5 . }D3 i. q. :nD to make ivay, depart. Hi. }VdH to take back or away ; to re- move a boundary. Ho. aoti to be turned back ; to be 'perverted. Sl53 Pi. J-JS3 to try, tempt, ixiakc trial, put to the test. HD: , fut. HD" , to pluck or tear away ; to tear down. Ni. to be torn away or driven out. nts Ch. Ithpe. to be torn down. Ezra ~C5: 11. p02 m. 3. a drink-offering ; a molten image; one anointed, a prince. R. ?|w-a to pour, powr out ; to make a li- bation, in honor of a deity ; to melt, cast, found; to anoint a king. ?p3 riDS".: to make a covenant by liba- tions. Ni. to be anointed. Pi. to make a libation of any thing. Hi. id. Ho. to be cast or molten. ?p3 i. q. -pDD to cover. Id. 25: 7. also in the deriv. to weave. Tp: Ch. Pa. to pour out as a liba- 'iion. Dan. 2: 46. ?pj and rpD m. 6. suft". *$&2 , pi. S2"2D: , const. 13 Da , a drink-offer- ing ; a molten image. TJD2 m. Ch. emph. K3;D3 , a drink offer- ing. Ezra 7: 17. " JWD3 seefttS. E>3 to waste away, be sick. Is. 10: 18. CD2 in the deriv. to lift up. Hithpo. to lift itself up. Zech. 9: 16. 253 to tor ow, pluck up, as the door posts, tent pins ; to break up, re- move, spoken of a Nomadic horde, an army ; to set forward, as a tent ; to arise, as a wind ; to march, jour- ney. Ni. to be broken up or remo- ved, spoken of a tent ; to be torn away. Hi. **ft to tear up, as a tree or a vine ; to dig out, as stones; to fo or cause to remove ; to lead, guide; to bear away, remove. po3 to asoend, mount up. Ps. 139: 8. p&a Ch. Aph. p^rj , infin. rtJJDSSl , to to/re ^p. Ho. pDIrr to Z>e toJre7i wp. ?p&a pr. name of an idol of the Nine- vites. 2 K. 19: 37. n3 For the forms n^S* 1 , n^Dfa , see two ni W3 pi. f. 3/owM. Jer. 32: 30. De- nom. from li>D . tSP'Ytta pi. m. 1. childhood, boyhood; youth, state or condition of a young man ; metaph. infancy of a nation. Denom. from ^5?a . &">i?a m.3. adj. pleasant, lovely, agree- able ; gracious, merciful. PI. tD" , )J" l i>3 pleasant places ; prosperi- ty, pleasure. rnft-^a pleasure. R. CSW te to bolt, bar ; to shoe, furnish with shoes. Hi. to shoe. te f. 6. pi. taT- and ni, a shoe, san- dal. Dual ca^b^a metaph. some- thing small or trifling. tD5>a , fut. t^a" 1 , to be pleasant, lovely. Sometimes used impersonally. fcasb m. pleasantness ; beauty, majes- ty, glory ; grace, mercy. ]S>3 m. 2. pleasantness. Is. 17: 10. "Wa^a m. a gentile noun, a Naama- thite. ym$z m. 1. a place set with thorns. ^23 to shake out; to shake off; to roar, as a lion. Ni. to shake off from one's self, as bonds ; to be driven out.Fi. to drive in. Hith- pa. to shake one's self free from any thing. *na>3 m. 6. a boy, child, even a suck- ling ; a young man ; a servant, attendant; a warrior; also some- times in Keth. a damsel, young wo- man. *)$> a m. wandering, straying, as cat- lie. Zech. 11: 16. ^S>3 m. youth, state or condition of a young man. Slisa f. 12. a young female, damsel; a maiden; a handmaid, maidser- htt 147 nDD vant ; also pr. name of a city on the borders of the tribe of Ephraim. fVTlW f. tow, coarse part of flax. p|b Memphis, a city in Egypt. f7D2 f. 10. a sieve-, winnowing fan ; al- so a height, in the proper name in~r33 or ^'TTVnBi a city near mount Oarmel. R. jpa . TO i. q. rp$ to breathe, blow ; to blow or kindle a fire ; to blow away; with u5es , to breathe out life. j~nS3 TH a boiling or Aoi caldron. Pu. to be kindled. Hi. to let or cause to ex- pire ; metaph. to lightly esteem, de- spise. HDb pr. name of a city beyond Jordan. "Num. 21: 30. d^y M pi. m. giants. R. Stfl *. TjSb m. the name of a precious stone. ** , fut. "bb"] , infin. Vd: , to fall, as a house or city, as men in war ; to fall sick or on a bed of sickness ; to fall on any one, as sleep or terror, as a lot ; to fall away, revolt ; to descend, as a revelation; to fall to any one, in a division, or by lot ; to fall out, happen ; to be inferior to any one ; to be frustrated in one's purposes ; to fail, as a promise ; to fall, be gloomy, as the countenance ; to waste away, rot, as the body ; to be unfortunate ; to throw or cast one's self; to fall down, prostrate one's self ; to fall on or attack any one ; to leap down, alight ; to en- camp, as an army ; to dwell, as a people; to be presented, as a prayer; to be accepted, as a prayer. Part. b^ fallen, lying ; asleep; infe- rior. Hi. to let fall; to throw down or to the ground ; to fell, as trees ; to cast, as the lot ; to distri- bute ; to leave or cause to be unful- filled ; to present a prayer ; to let sink or make the countenance gloo- my ; to bring forth; intrans. to leave off, cease. Hithpa. to throw one's self down ; to fall on any one. bp_3 Ch. fut. p& , to fall ; to fall down, prostrate one's self; to be cast ; to fall out, happen ; to descend, as a revelation. bB3 m. 6. an untimely birth, abortion. Via: a quadriliteral, or Pilel from "&3 , to fall. Ezek. 28: 23. VB3 i. q. "pis, to dash or break in pie- ces ; to scatter, disperse ; reflex, to scatter or spread itself abroad ; al- so in the deriv. to overflow. Pi. to dash or break in pieces ; to disperse or scatter a people. Infin. yD3 as a subst. the dispersed of the Jews. Pu. to be broken in pieces. y*B2 m. a violent shower, flood. Is. 30: 30. pB3 Ch. to go forth, proceed ; also in the deriv. to be expended. Aph. p>3!rr , p" 1 ^ to bring out. NpBD f. Ch. emph. Knj?B3 , expense, cost, what is paid out or expended. ttisn Ni. to take breath, refresh one's self, after fatigue. tt5l& c. 6. stiff, 'nzftg , pi. rrttftt , once QEPtttea [ i (1.) breath. (2.) life, soul, vital principle in animal bodies. tf;B3 bit for life, to save one's self. IBB 3 a at the hazard of life ; fcr the life.Vpl rT3il io sm ^ te dead. (3.) heart, soul, spirit, as the seat of vo- litions, affections, and bodily appe- tites ; a soul, as separated from the body. With suffixes, it forms a pe- riphrasis for the personal pronouns, as ^tf333 /; J myself. (4.) feelings, desire ; particularly desire of eat- ing, hunger ; desire of revenge ; meton. an object of desire; that which satisfies hunger. (5.) a living being, that which has life ; in the Mosaic laws, any one, any person ; in enumerations, a person, indi- vidual ; a slave. nft UJB3 and sim- ply ttJDJ a dead body, corpse. (6.) fragrancy, perfume. tf;B3 ""nil smelling bottles. n&3 f. prob. a,n elevation, height. Josh. 17: 11. R. prob. ppj . DBb f. honey in its natural state. R ijtt n23 148 ;p ti^iriBa pi. m. wrestlings. Gen. 30: 8. R. bns . b^rtntt pi. m. the name of an Egyp- tian people. ^bnsa na. pr. name of a son of Jacob byBilhah. y3 m. 8. a blossom, flower ; a hawk. R. yxs .. **^- T t0 fly* fly away. Jer. 48: 8. 3 Ni. n3 to be set or placed over any thing ; to place or present one's self; to stand; to stand firm. Part. SS3 an overseer, officer. Hi. S^lKSl to make or cause to stand ; to place, set; to straighten, point, shirpen; to fix, establish, as boun- daries. Ho. n^M and nssi to be pla- ced ; to be planted ; also prob* to be fixed or determined. n3 m. a haft or handle of a dagger. Judg. 3: 22. !rr22: f. Ch. emph. anaSia , firmness, strength. Dan. 2: 41. ' 3S3 see;^. -r -t ns: Hi. Snili-i to contend, strive ; to carry on war. Ni. |-i>; to contend with one another. Till to be laid waste. Ni. id. XX i"3 f. 10. a blossom, flower. R. y3 . !T2 f. 10. dirt, filth, in the crop of a bird. Lev. 1: 16. R. prob. Kir . J"l3 f. a feather of a wing; see ir^. n^3 in the deriv. to be faithful, co<>- stant. Pi. rr3 to preside over or have the oversight of any thing; in reference to music, prob. to preside over or lead in singing. fi323 an overseer ; a precentor, chorister. Ni. part. fern. nrt3 absolute, entire. M^3 Ch.^ Ithpa. to conquer, surpass. Dan. 6: 4. ft3 and tt3 m. 6. suff. Tt3 , perma- nency, perpetuity, eternity ; hope, confidence ; truth, uprightness ; glory, praise ; perfection, com- pleters . TiZlb and ft^D as an adv. forever ; entirely. fT3 m. 6. juice which spatters from pressed grapes. ri^iM m. 1. apillar ; a military post or station ; a garrison ; an overseer. R. 3i3 . T 'ViS m. 3. preserved. Is. 49: 6 Keth. b3 Pi. to take, take away ; to rob any one ; to tear away from dan- ger, save. Hi.iV*3fcft to take away ; to deliver,. free. Ho. biri to be drawn out. Ni. to be delivered or saved ; reflex, to deliver one's self. Hithpa. to take away from one's self, put off. \ ?3 Ch. Aph. b^n to deliver, free. ]3'm. 2. a flower.' Cant. 2: 12. R. i>3 see }>< . y3 to shine, sparkle ; also in the de- riv. to blossom ; to fly. p2J see JMfc^ . TOfl , fut. *-|2T , more rarely *YX3* , to watch, guard, as a vineyard ; to protect, defend, preserve ; to watch for any one ; to keep, observe, as a covenant or a precept ; to hide, con- ceal ; to watch or besiege a city. ^3 m. a bough, branch; a sprout ; a shoot from the root ; metaph. a de- scendant. nj see n^ . Kjpa m. Ch. pure. Dan. 7: 9. 32p3 , fut. Sjp and i|Po"> , to bore f to bore through, pierce ; to distin- guish, specify, name ; to curse, ex- ecrate, blaspheme. Ni. to be speci- fied or named. np; m. 6. prob. a casket. Ezek. 28: 13. n3lp3 f. a female, the appropriate de- signation of sex in men and animals. ijpa m. 8. pj. h^lpj , speckled, spotted, spoken of sheep and goats. 1p2 m. a herdsman, oumer of cattle. rnps f. 10. a point, dot, on a gold or penrl chain. Cant. 1:11 "1M 149 Mtt3 B^fpP or tJ^JJS pi. m. crumbs of bread; small cakes. Jlp3 to 5e pwre, innocent ; also in the deriv. to wia&e a libation. Ni. J"jp3 to be pure, innocent; to be free from, punishment, go unpunished, without the idea of innocence ; to be free from an oath or obligation ; to be stripped or laid waste, spoken of a city ; to be destroyed or rooted out. Pi. irpa to pronounce innocent, acquit ; to let go unpunished, remit, forgive. nj? j see n|pb . I2p3 to loathe or be weary of any thing. "Job 10: 1. ij?3 m. 8. pi. d^pa , adj. pure, inno- cent ; free, clear, from responsibili- ty or obligation. R. STp3 . *Tp3 i. q. -p3 jowre, innocent. ]i" | pD m. 3. purity, cleanness; moral purity, innocence. R. Jipa p^p3 1. m. or p^33 m. 3. a cleft. d5, inlin. taipa , fut. t3lp> to avenge, revenge, take revenge. Ni. to revenge one's self. Pi. to avenge, revenge. Ho. fut. tDp" 1 , to be revenged ; to suffer revenge, be punished. Hithpa. to revenge one's self. Part. tupDn^ revengeful, vindictive. &P3 m. 4. and in^p3 f. 1 1. sufl". ini?3 , pi. Tr\l2p} , revenge ; desire of re- venge. Jpp3 to be alienated. p||?3 to make a circle, go round, re- volve, spoken of time. Hi. $pph to surround, compass ; to elapse, spo- ken of time ; to round, make round. Infin. Ppp1 and pjpJi as an adv. round a no in. P)p3 Pi. P)p3 to cut down a thicket ; also prob. to destroy. S]p*3 m. a beating of an olive tree. 1Bp3 f . a cord. Is. 3: 24. hj, fut. ^ip 1 ] , and Pi. ^p3 to fore, pierce, bore out, dig out. Pu. to be dvsr out. }-nj?3 f. 11. or ft^pa f. 10. a cfc/V, ca- vity. *kl3p3 to 6e ensnared. Ni. to &e e- snared, seduced. Pi. to lay snares. Hithpa. to lay snares, lie in wait. Z3p3 Ch. to smite, strike. Dan. 5: 6. 15W. 1. pi. ni'-O , a Zzg7tf, lamp ; me- taph. a man of distinction; prospe- rity. 13 m. prosperity. Prov. 21: 4. bi^3 pr. name of an idol of the Outli- nes. 2K. 17: 30. *!$*} Il5 bail m. pr. name of a Baby- lonian. 1*H3 m. a slanderer, tale-bearer. ni3 m. suff. ^3 , pi. S^ti , nard, a fragrant shrub, (Andropogon Nar- dus, Linn.) fctiPjj , fut. ttiiT , infin. fM, with a prefix ntttob rarely fitfpa , infin. ab- sol. *r,ip2 5 (1.) to Z(jfr or razse wp, as an ensign, the feet, the eyes, the hand, the heart or desire, one's head, the head of another, the voice, a tong; to utter, speak ; to begin ; to excite, arouse ; to elate ; to put or , set upon any thing ; in trans, to raise one's self, rise ; to be placed or weighed, in a balance. ($,) to bear fruit, as a tree ; to bear away ; to suffer, endure; to bear the guilt of any person or thing ; to bear or suf- fer for one's own guilt ; to suffer* be punished ; to fetch, bring. (3.) to take ; to take or marry a wife ; to regard, accept ; to take away ; to carry away by force or violence ; to< takeaway or forgive guilt; to take the number of any thing ; to receive. Part. Q^D tf ii233 esteemed, hon- ored, honorable. Ni. ittiD3 to raise T one's self, be raised up or elevated ; to be borne ; to be carried away. Part, tfte 3 lifted up, exalted. Pi. fiti&2 and tfu$3 to lift up, exalt; to di- rect the soul to any thing ; to assist,, help ; to wake presents ; to take away. Hi. N^tBtt to let any one bear iniquity ; to set or apply to any ^ti3 150 ina thing. Hithpa. Ktoanll and NiuaJi to lift one's self up, rise ; to act proudly. Nto3 Ch. to take ; to take or carry away, spoken of the wind. Ithpa. to lift one's self up against any one. ntffca f. a gift. 2 Sam. 19: 4'?. 3to2 Hi. $^Dft to reach unto, over- take ; to befall or fall upon any one; to acquire, obtain ; to become rich ; causat. to bring. atoa Hi. :pil3ii to remove a boundary. "Job 24: 2. ' fttniDa f. 10. what is carried, a load, burden. Is. 46:1. R. Ntoa . *TiBa m. 3. a prince. PI. &Nfr*tp3 va- pors, clouds. R. Ntoa . p'jOJ Hi. p^toSi to kinkle. Ni. to be kindled. lL : a f. 2. found only in the plur. SS^ttJi. women, employed as the plural of au;a Hi. fcfOtt to deceive ; to seduce. Ni. to be deceived. &u;a to lend on usury. Part. NUJa a 'creditor. Hi. to press, spoken of a creditor. a*5S to blow, spoken of the wind. Hi. to let blow ; to drive away by blow- ing. JlUJa to forget ; to forsake, neglect. JNi. to be forgotten. Pi. to cause to forget. Hi. i-j^Sl to cause to for- get. 511132 with an accus. to borrow ; with 2, to lend, loan ; to receive as usury. Part. nuja a creditor ; an usurer. Hi. to lend or loan to any one. J-ju3s m. prob. nervus ischiaticus. Gen. 32: 33. VBa m. 6. a debt. 2 K. 4: 7. R. fttia . ST*fc f. forgctfulness. Ps. 88: 13. R. ire: . x r iip^u;: f. 10. a kiss. R. p$3 . ^\zja , fut. S'] and TfttT , to fo'to ; me- taph. to oppress, vex ; to take as usury. Pi. to bite. Hi. jpran to lend on usury. t]ti5a m. 6. interest, usury. t"J3UJa f. 12. a small chamber or cell in the temple. bu3a , fut. b.i$3 , to pw q^*, as a shoe ; to cast out a nation;' to slip off; in- trans. to fall off, as berries from an olive-tree. Pi. to drive out. QttJa , fut. fcaiBN, to puff, be angry. Is. 42: 14. also in the deriv. to breathe. J-jftUJa f. 11. breath; life, vital prin- ciple in the human body ; a living being ; the rational soul. Ktttfja f. Ch. the breath of life, life. Dan. 5: 23. p]U3: to breathe, blow. p]ttia m.G. suff. isu3a , evening twilight; darkness, night; morning twilight. pu;3 , fut. p\P and piip , to put in or- der, arm; to 'kiss ; intrans. to di- rect one's self. Pi. to kiss. Hi. to touch. puis and ptoa m. armor ; an armory, arsenal. ^tt?3 m. 0. an eagle. In common life, also a vulture. ^tt5a m. Ch. pi. !f*}tJa , id. rnoa to dry up, become dry. Ni. to be- come dry, spoken of water. pftttJa m. a letter, pnu3a m. Ch. a letter. tra'ina ph m. Nethinims. Ezra 8: 17 Keth. tin: Pi. nna to cut in pieces, parti- cularly an animal. rtna m. 6. pi. bW3 , a piece cut off, particularly of flesh. rw m. 3. and nyna f. 10. pi. rrtarna, adj. beaten, trodden : as a subst. a beaten path ; a way, path. D^aVia pi. m. Nethinims, servants that performed the inferior services in the sanctuary and temple. R. fna . pS^ria pi. m. Ch. id. Ezra 7: 24. iOD 151 rise ?jnD , fut. Jjr** , to be poured onflow. Ni. to be poured out ; to melt, dis- solve Hi. rpnX once infin. Tprtfft, to pour out ; to melt. Ho. to be melted. jn5 , fut. frn , "jn^i , imper. in , ttan , infin. absol. |*ina , const, nn (for D5P,) with sufF. ^nn, rarely "jh3 to g-^e ; to Zaz/, set, place ; to make, do ; to permit, allow, grant ; to give forth, yield, utter ; to strike the timbrel ; to hold, regard ; to teach ; intrans. to arise. ]rP ^Ja who will give ? O that! \aX.utinam. rP'na IMS to establish a covenant. h$ ]n3 to place or appoint over any thing. Ni. to be given, placed, made, etc. Ho. fut. Jntf id. jna Ch. fut. irij* 1 , infin. teJ3\ to give, as in Heb. DD3 to to#r wp. Job 30: 13. 3>n3 Ni. to 6e stricken out. Job 4: 10. fna , fut. ytp , to tear down, destroy; to break or strike out. Pi. to tear down, destroy. Ni. Pu. and Ho. to be torn down or destroyed ; to fall down. pm to pluck or tear of; to draw off. Part. pass, pqna castrated. Pi. to tear up or asunder. Hi. to draw off ; to separate. Ni. to be broken ; to be torn away ; to be withdrawn ; metaph. to be frustrated. Ho.pnqln to be withdrawn. pnD m. the scall, leprosy of the head and beard; one infected with the scall. nn.3 i fut. ^rP , to quake, tremble, as the heart. Pi. to spring, leap, as the locust. Hi. to cause to quake ; to strip or break off ; to set free. 1D3 Ch. Aph. to shake or strip of. Dan. 4: 11. *nn3 m. nitre, mineral alkali. U3n3 , fut. iz5n" , to destroy, a city, idols ; to drive out nations. Ni. to be destroyed; to be driven out; to dry up, spoken of water. Ho. to be plucked up. Samech, Heb. spD is sometimes in- terchanged with its kindred dentals to, t , and , and more rarely with tfj. fitfO f. 10. pi. d^D , fl measure ; also the name of a definite measure, con- taining the third part of an ephah, a seah. Dual dTi&D two seahs. !iK0ND:n for ftND tiNDa according to measure, equitably. fiNO m. a shoe, or rather a greave of a warrior. Is. 9: 4. ]8D Part. I^b wearing greaves, a soldier. ilKSKD Is. 27: 8. see J-jtfD . *C& to drink to excess. Part. NliD a drunkard. Pari. pass. a tod drunk- en. *WD i. q. KSiD a drunkard. Ezek. 23: 42Keri." Nib m. 6. wine ; a banquet. iOD the name of a people and country. ^PADD pi. m. Sabeans. Is. 45: 14. SSD , pret. toiD and iniad , infin. 33D and nb, fut. lb" 1 , also 3&i , pi. %ib% to tar7i one's self, turn ; to turn about, go back ; to go about, be con- stantly turning one's self; to go through ; to go round a place ; to surround, encompass ; to surround or sit about a table ; to be changed ; to be the occasion of any thing ; to be brought ; sometimes to be ren- dered as an adv. again ; round about. Ni. id: , fut. as^ % tnD"; , to turn one's self, turn ; to surround. bDD 152 1HD Pi. aaD to change, alter. Po. aniD to go about; to go through ; to go round or compass a place % , to surround, enclose. Hi. aD!"7, fut. 5D" 1 j causat. to cause to turn about ; to turn about ; to bring about ; to go round a place ; to surround ; to cause to surround, to carry round ; to change, alter. Ho. aD^ift , fut. SEn" 1 , to turn, as the valves of a door ; to roll, as the threshing wa- gon ; to be surrounded ; to be chang- ed. iiaO f. a turn of events. IK. 12: 15. R. aao . i^D m. 3. a circuit. a^aOft and a^aD T T . T as an adv. round about. b a-'aD as a prep, round about. PI. m. tra^aD persons round about, neighbors ; the country round about : as a prep. round about. PI. f. nia^ao the country round about : as a prep. round about. R. aaD . r rpD to interweave, fold together, as branches. Pu. to be interwoven. TpO m. 1. branches interwoven, a thicket. Tpb m. 6. suff. iaaO , pi. const, iaao , ''id. *OaD and fcbafc f. Ch. the name of a three-cornered stringed instrument, similar to the harp. baD , fut. VSfly* , to bear, particularly a heavy load ; metaph. to bear the guilt of any one ; to endure pain. Pu. part, fruitful, prolific, spoken of cattle. Hithpa. SanDrt to be bur- densome. bnD Ch. Poal to be erected. Ezra 6: 3. bac m. a porter. VaO ni. a burden. bnb m. 6. suff. ibap , a burden. ftbaO f- 10. or JibaO f. 11. pi. const. nibas, a burden, oppressive ser- viced nbao the Ephraimitish pronunciation for nbatfj an ear of corn. Judg. 12:6.' ' *-ia& to think, or hope. Dan. 7: 25. tTlnO pr. name of a city of Syria, be- tween Damascus and Hamath. Ezek. 47: 16. ftnao and tfnnD the name of a people or country. rtSniD and[&onn& the name of a peo- pie or country. 3D m. pi. fca^D, see ytf. 13D , fut. -jii&i , to fall down, worship, before idols. "BO Ch. fut. 150'] , id. ^i^D m. an enclosure ; fine gold ; also perhaps a lance, spear, or a battle- ax. R. -uo . T W?1D f. 10. a possession, property, treasure, fao m. 4. or fao m. 6. pi. t3*M& , a deputy, lieutenant ; a prefect, over- seer. pD m. Ch. a deputy, overseer, gover- nor. "130 , fut. 1 naD' , , to shut, close; intrans. to be shut up. Part. pass. ^50 laid up, costly. Ni. to be shut, spoken of doors or gates ; to be shut in, spo- ken of persons ; reflex, to shut one's self in. Pi. laD to deliver, give up. Pu. to be shut up. Hi. to shut up a house ; to shut in a person ; to deliver, give up. ^iO Ch. to shut. Dan. 6: 23. ta p ta iaD m. rain. Prov. 27: 15. ID m. stocks, a prison for the feet. "pID m. 3. a linen under- garment, a kind of shirt or shift worn next the skin. tn& Sodom, one of the cities sunk in the Dead sea. *f(Q m. 6. order. Job 10: 22. ^ftD m. a rounding. Cant. 7: 3. IJib m. a castle, fortress, tower. 11D 153 -in& ttto m. pr. name of an Egyptian king, contemporary with Hoshea king of Israel. 2 K. 17:4. 3TD or jno to go back, depart, particu- larly from God. Ni. 5iDD , fut. ^iS", fo decline, fall away, particularly from Jehovah. $r\t> to hedge round, encompass. Cant. 7:3. :nD i. q. dross. Ezek. 22: 18 Keth. ftanD m. a prison, cage, for lions. "Ezek. 19: 9. R. *& . "nD m. 1. a circle or company of per- sons sitting together ; an assembly; a council, body of counselors ; a common consultation of many per- sons together ; confidential talk or intercourse ; a secret. fti i"P *riD close intercourse with Jehovah, his confidence. R, n&^ . ftftsiO f. sweepings, dirt, filth. Is. 5: 25. TpD to anoint, as the body after wash- ing ; reflex, to anoint one's self. The part. SpOtt derives its significa- tion from ?ps , and is equivalent to STQfc&lD and &**5fcP0 f. Ch. a bag-pipe. ft^D Syene, the southernmost city in Egypt. 0}D m. 1. a horse ; a swallow. ftD^iD f. a mare. Cant. 1: 9. 5j!|& to cease, come to an end. Hi. to cause to cease, to put an end to any thing. p]S|0 Ch. to be fulfilled, as a prophecy. Aph. to put an end to any thing. SjlDm. 1. suft'. ido, an end; the rear of an army. pjiD m. Ch. emph. NBiD , id. S]!)D m. sea grass ; also a reed found in the Nile, called by the Egyptians shari ; also pr. name of a place. ft>lD f. 10. a violent wind, hurricane, whirlwind. TlD , fut. mc w i tn 1 conversive ftD'1 , to turn away, depart ; to de- cline, degenerate; to be removed; 20 to be gone, pass away ; to escape ; to turn in or lodge with any one ; to approach to any thing ; to have access.. Hi. ^Dft , fut. *-p&i , with 1 conversive ^iD'T , to turn away; to take off ; to put off one's clothes ; to take away, remove ; to let any thing be brought. Ho. ^D^lft to be taken away. Pilel ftft'ib to cause to deviate, to turn aside" *V|CI m. fern. ft-nD , strictly part. pass. driven out, exiled ; a revolter ; also prob. a wild shoot or branch of the vine ; also the name of a gate of the temple. mDorrPD Hi. D^Dft and rnsft, fut. n^D' 1 and n^D" 1 , part. rPSfc", to take or drive away; to urge, induce, persuade ; to entice to evil, seduce ; to excite or stir up against any one. mO t,\.u garment. Gen. 49: 11. R. prob. ftD3 SftD to draw or drag away. ftSfiD f. a torn garment. ftfiS Pi. to wipe or sweep off. Ezek. 26:4. TiD'hi. sweepings, something of little worth. Lam. 3: 45. R. ftfiD . T T 'd^miD m. that which grows up of itself the third year after sowing. 2 K. 19: 29. p]fiD to inundate. Ni. to be swept away. "iris to go or move about ; to pass through or traverse a land ; to go about as a merchant. Part. ^Tib a traveling merchant, pedlar. Pea- lal ^ri^riD to flutter, palpitate, spo- ken of the heart. ^ftO m. 4. a place of trade, mart, em- porium; something acquired by trading, merchandise. ^fi5 m. 6. something acquired by tra- ding, merchandise ; an acquisition. ftfthD f 10. as a concrete a trader. Ezek. 27: 15. . S-nnb f. a shield. Ps. 91 : 4. ISO 154 1*0 rnnb f. the name of a substance em- ployed in a pavement. Est. 1: 6. trt:S pi. m. sins', transgressions. Ps. 101:3. 3P0 m. 1. pi. D^:pO or b.^O , dross, re- crcment. R.:nD. p*& the third month of the Hebrew year, corresponding to part of May and part of June. Esth. 8: 9. i prPO m. pr. name of a king of the Amorites. yo Prhisium, a city in Egypt, on its eastern boundary. t pO~ ta ia fc i& the desert of Sin, a part of the desert of ; Arabia towards Egypt. *5*Q i usually *^D ^M mount Sinai, a well known mountain in Arabia de- serta, having three summits. i^O the name of a people in the re- j gionof mountLebanon. ft^D f^ I a country very remote from Pales- tine, prob. China. 0*0 ni. a swallow. Jer. 8: 7 Ken. NnO^D m. (order of battle) Sisera, a general under Jabin, king of Ca- naan. ST3fc*0 D an - 3: 10 Keth. see !TJ3fe&e j ^jjc'l. pl.tD" 1 - and ni, a thorn ; a fishhook, angle. R. *n0 . ^PS c 1. pi. ni^PD <* pott kettle, cal- dron; a basin. sp m. a multitude of people. Ps. 42: 5. R. prob. 5J3JD rp m. 8. suff. teO , once isiD, a booth, tent, dwelling ; a thicket. R. 7J50 . j-jSS f. 10. a booth, tent, tabernacle, made of leaves and bushes ; a small house ; a hedge, enclosure, for cat- tle ; a shelter, shed, dwelling ; a thicket. R. T|35 n'i3D {booths) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Gad ; also of the first en- ; campment of the Israelites in their march out of Egypt. rn:n ni3D j (booths of the daughters) an object of idolatrous worship among the Babylonians. n^DD f. 13. a booth, tabernacle. Am. 5: 20. tt'watD pi. m. the name of an African people. 2 Chr. 12: 3. TpD to weave ; to cover, spread over ; to protect ; to hide or conceal one's self Part. TpiD something which protects or defends, a movable roof employed by assailants. Hi. ?|Drt to hedge about ; to cover, protect. vb^p Tptn to ease nature. Ho. to be* covered. Pilp. 7j050 prob. to arm. "*33D Pi. to make any one appear Yoolish, frustrate. Hi. to act fool- ishly. Ni. to act foolishly ; to sin. b3D m. 4. foolish, a fool. Vpp m. as a concrete, fools. Ecc. 10: 6. n&b f. folly. pO i it. "jSO" 1 , to be useful or profita- ~ble; intrans. to receive profit, be profited ; also in the deriv. to be poor. Part. ta pb a steward. Fart, fern. n23b ol nurse. Ni. to be in danger. -Pit. part. ^Cft i. q- |5jDa ^ oor . Hi. 'PSOir! to be'wont or ac- customed ; to become acquainted with any thing. "0& Ni. to fee stopped or shut up. Pi. to deliver up. *DS to A/re, &W6c. Ezra 4: 5. rDD Hi. to 6c 9feft*. Deut. 27: 9. *jO m. 8. pi. t=nV& i a basket. N?D pr. name of a place near Jerusa- lem. 2K. 12:21. abD Pu. to 6e weighed. Lam. 4:2. T T ^q pi. perhaps to fee burned or coti- sumed. Job 6: 10. nb5 to reject, despise. Pi. id. Pu. "to be weighed or valued. mfcfc (Milel) a musical term, prob. de- noting an interlude or afterpart with musical instruments. rt^D m. a J/iorrc, brier. Ezek. 28: 24. ppDm. \.id. Ezek. 2:6. 1D 155 nEo nbD , fut. nbD" 1 , to forgive. Ni. to be forgiven. ftVo m. forgiving, ready to forgive. Ps. 80: 5. J-ffrVlD f- 10. forgiveness. R. Jibs . FDbo pr. name of a city on the eastern boundary of the kingdom of Bashan, now. called Salkhat. bbD to raise, throw, or cast up ; to raise, build, or throw up a way. Pilp. to raise up, exalt. Hithpo. bbinDlrr, denom. from ttbbb, 'to make one's self a wall, oppose one's self J-jbbb f. 10. a mound, rampart. 3 ?b m. a ladder, flight of stairs or steps. Gen. 28: 12. R. bbo . rnbobD pi. f. baskets. Jer. 6: 9. Sfbo m. 6. & rocA: ; metaph. a refuge ; also pr. name of the ancient capital of Edom, afterwards called Petra. C2S>bD ni. a fonrfooted, winged, eata- ble species of locust. Lev. 11.22. ^bD Pi- to pervert ; to overturn, root up ; to overthrow, destroy. >\bp m. rudeness of speech ; perverse- ness, falsehood. pbs Ch. to mount up. Peil pret. id. nbb c. 6. meal. Iz^tsfi nbb wheat flour. tziD m. 8. pi. tJa'W , sweet spices. *H!D m. a vine-blossom. TpD , fut. TJ73D" 1 , to lay or rest on any- thing ; to lie on any one ; to uphold, support ; to nourish, sustain ; io draw near.-r- Ni. to be supported ; to support one's self. Pi. to re- fresh. bfcDand bftS m. an image, statue. *VtiO Ni. part. "jD3 described, marked 'out. Is. 28: 25/' *-!&& to shudder, shiver ; also in the deriv. to fasten by nailing. Pi. to stand on end, as the hair. ^tiO m. adj. having rough or bristly Yair. Jer. 51: 27. ttKJO pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah. ttb^D Sanballat, a Persian deputy or governor. Sl50 m. a bush, thorn-bush. JfpD pr. name of a rocky cliff over against Gibeah. 1 Sam. 14: 4. b^ttD^pL m. blindness. Sl^ttafij m. Sennacherib, king of Assy- ria. b" l 305D pi. m. branches or leaves of the palm-tree. Cant. 7: 9. 'VfciO m. a fin. DD m. a moth. Is. 51: 8. X *W>0 , fut. ^y&i , to stay, sustain, hold- up ; to aid, assist ; to refresh one's self sb ^s>o to stay, i. e. to refresh, the heart, by taking food. T^D Ch. to help, aid, assist. Ezra 5: 2. Jli>b found only Ps. 55: 9 ti3>b fm 1 "! a T T ^ T sweeping tempest. SpSO m. 1. a fissure, cleft ; a branch. P]3>D Pi. denom. from pp$D , to cut off branches. Is. 10: 33. P]5>D m. 7. pi. d^p , perhaps hesita- ting or sceptical in religion. Ps. 119: 113. SlBSD f. 10. pi. niE2D , ft branch. ^lD2?b f. 10. pi. EWIS&'i a division, sect, ^ party. 1 K. 18:' 21. ^0 to raoi;e w^A violence, rage ; to be tossed about, by affliction. Ni. to be moved or disquieted. Pi. ^$& to disperse or scatter a people. Po. to 6e blown away. ^D m. 6. a storm, tempest. rWOf. il.iU p]D m. 8. suff. ^CO, pi. faftab and niBD, a threshhold ; abasia. p)b see JT|10 *1D0 fut. 'isD^ , to mourn, lament, be- wail. !"IDD to to&e ojf the beard ; to to/;e 01A^ life ; to destroy ; in trans, to e toAew away, perish. Ni. to fo seized or snatched up; to perish. Hi. to bring together, heap Up, -)D 156 mo flBO to add ; to increase. T T J1BO m. a covering or ceiling of the temple. 1 K. 6: 15. R. fDO . STT1DD f. 10. a number. Ps.71: 15. R. W . JlBD Ni. to be joined, cleave, ad- here. Pu. to be gathered. Hithpa. to adhere, abide. MBS to anoint, consecrate ; also in the deri.v. to spread out. Pi. to pour out. nftBD f. the scab. rpDD m. the grain which springs up of itself the second year after sowing; an overflowing. R. ftBO . tt^BD f. a ship. Jon. 1:5. R. "jBO . "V&O m. 1. pi. a - *- , a sapphire. bBD m. a d/s#, bowl. fBD , fut. "jbD"] , to cover ; to cover with boards, wainscot; to conceal, lay up. p]BO Hithpo. >]BinDil dcnom. from J]D , to stand on the threshhold, be a doorkeeper. Ps. 84: 11. pBD , fut. pB^" 1 , to smite ; to chastise. SFF b^ D to smite one's self on tJic thigh. ^zs-nx pBO to smite the hands together. pBO to vomit. Jer. 48: 20. pso m. 6. abundance. Job 20: 22. *1B0 , fut. ^EO" 1 , to count, number. Part. IB o a writer; a secretary of state; in the later writings, one skilled in the law or the scriptures, a scribe ; in a military sense, an in- spector general. Ni. to be number- ed, counted. Pi. to number, count; to relate, tell; to announce with commendation, praise ; to speak, talk. Pu. ^Bp to be related, told. ^BD m. Ch. a writer, scribe ; one learned in the scriptures. *MDO m. 6. suff. V}B&, pi. ta^lBD , const. i^BD , writing ; a writing, something 'written ; a book ; the book of the law ; a letter, epistle. D"HBS the (holy) scriptures. ^BD m. Ch. pi. ^ i a book. ^BD m. a numbering; also pr. name of a place on the bounds of Joktanitish Arabia. T^BS pr. name of an unknown coun- "try. Obad. 20. irnBD f. a book. Ps. 50: 9. tTI'IBO pr. name of an Assyrian city- prob. Sipphara, in Mesopotamia. &^"HBD or tl^SD pi. m. inhabitants of btpphara. bpD to stone. Ni. to be- stoned. Pi. to stone, overwhelm with stone* ; to free from stones. Pu. to be stoned. ID m. fem. rt^O, adj. discontented, dis- pleased, sullen. R. ^0 . a^D m. 1. refractory, rebellious. Ezek. : 6. b2*)D m. Ch. wide Persian hoscn or *br~eeches. Dan. 3: 21, 27. tfa'lO m. pr. name of a king of Assy- ria". Is. 20:1. iinS f. a deviation from the law, sin ; declension or apostasy from Jeho- vah ; cessation, intermission. R. "mo. FH5 to pour or stretch out ; intrans. to stretch itself out ; to be superfluous, hang over. Ni. to be poured or shaken out. TCSO m. a superfluity, something hang- ing over, Ex. 20: 12. JV^O m. 1. a coat of mail, brigandine. 0"nb m. const. D^D, pi. C^D'nB, < onst. ^ni and ^D^D , an eunuch ; a courtier, chamberlain. T^O m. Ch. pi. pb^d*, an overseer, prefect. Dan. 0: 3 ft". pO m. 0. pi. tzPSnO , const. ^; ta i& , an axle-tree ; a prince or satrap of the Philistines. riBSnS f. 10. a branch, bough. Ezek. 3~1 : 5. S]^5 Pi. part. V\"}pJ2 a turner of hu- man corpses, kindler of a funeral pile. Am. 6: 10. DJ 157 1D5 IBIS m. the name of a plant. Is. 55: I Ya 11D to 6e refractory, rebellious, per' j perse. 1DD or vnD m. winter. Cant. 2: 11 . tDDD to stop up ; to close up, keep se- cret. Part. pass. tDTDD a secret. Ni. to be closed. Pi. to stop up. inO to hide or conceal one's self. | Ni. to be concealed ; to hide one^s i self. Part. fern. pi. rriinS3 secret ! things ; secret sins. Pi. to hide, conceal. Pu. to be concealed, se- cret. Hi. Tn&ii to cover, hide ; to keep secret or concealed ; to protect, defend. Hithpa. innDil to hide one's self. inD Ch. Pa. to conceal ; to destroy. in6 m. 6. suff. ->inO , a covering ; se- crecy, a secret place or thing ; a shelter, protection. SlinS f. a shelter, protection. Deut. 3i; 38. Ain, Heb. *py , is sometimes inter- changed with N , 3 , Di p , and is. 59 m. prob. a threshhold. 59 c. const. 59 , pi. Sa^S , const. ^59 , and ni59 , darkness ; a cloud ; a thicket of a wood. 11. 5^)9 59 m. 8. pi. 53^29 , i. q. 29 ft thresh- hold. Ezek. 41: 2(5. 159 , fut. iby , to labor ; to labor up- on, cultivate; to labor for or serve anyone; to be tributary ; with a, to impose labor or service on any one ; to worship or reverence Jeho- vah or idols ; to offer or present to God ; also in the deriv. to make, do. Ni. to be labored; to be cultivated; to be served, honored. Pu. to be la- bored ; to be imposed on any one, as labor. Hi. to cause to work, to keep at work ; to cause to serve ; to make tributary; to cause to wor- ship ; to weary out or fatigue by hard labor, or otherwise. Ho. to serve. 159 Ch. to make, do ; to treat or deal with any one. Ithpe. to be made, take place, happen. 129 m. 6. a servant. 3" 1 159 129 a servant of servants, i. e. a most ab- ject servant. rfbfc 159 a courtier, military officer. hSJT 159 a ser- vant, minister, or worshiper of God ; one whom God employs to ex- ecute his loill ; often used collect- ively. Thy servant is often used by inferiors for the personal pro- noun /. 159 m. Ch. id. 129 m. 1. a work, deed. Ecc. 9: 1. ill'29 f. 10. labor ; a work, business; tillage, cultivation of land, ag- riculture ; service ; implements, utensils, appurtenances ; conse- quence, effect. J1129 f. a body of servants or domes- tics, Lat. fam ilia. ]il29 pr. name of a Levitical city in the tribe of Asher. mi59 f. 13. servitude, state of a ser- vant. Ezra 9: 8, 9. ^159 and rp159 m. (servant of Jeho- vah) pr. name of several persons. PT59 to be thick, fat. til 59 m. 1. a pledge. R. 1359 . *W2> m. found only with a prefix, 15)592 as a prep, on account of '; for. in exchange for : as a conj. be- cause ; so that ; so long as, while. R. 159 . *Yi59 m. 3. grain. Josh. 5: 11, 12.. R. 159. -n? 158 t333> , fut. t333^ , to give a pledge, bor- row by giving- a pledge. Pi. to change, alter. Hi. to loan, lend. B^tiSS m. debt, criminality, {fob. 2: 6. 133* m. thickness. R. ii33> . ^33? m. 0. suff. im3>, thickness. R. !i33>. ; r xt JTT'aS f. Ch. wwrA-, Za5or ; business', T ... especially public business. R. ^33* . ^33>, fut. Tk$i, (1.) to pass, -o or 7?a-ss on. rp~i32 ^iSS to e??er zwto a covenant. ^n'y >]&3 current money. (2.) o g"0 or pass through a place. (3.) fo pass 6y ; /o elapse, spoken of time. fttiB b$ ^33> to pass oy sin, i. e. to forgive it. (4.) to pass over. (5.) to transgress a law. (0.) to overflow, spoken of water ; to lay waste, as an army. (7.) to pass away, depart; to disappear, perish. (8.) with b" , to come on any one ; to be laid oji any one. (9.) to drop, ooze out. (10.) to alienate. Ni. to be passed over, as a river. Pi. to bar ; to conceive, become pregnant. Hi. *V33'o to bring, present, con- secrate ; to cause to pass, to con- duct ; to cause to be heard ; to cause to pass by ; to forgive sin : to car- ry over a river ; to transfer ; to cause lo transgress ; to carry away ; to put off a garment, or a ring ; to remove ; to turn away. Ilithpa. to be arrogant, haughty ; to become wroth or angry* ^33> m. 0. suff. i^33>, what is on the other side ; sometimes that which is on this si le ; a side, quarter. Tn33>*~3323 on all sides. "ft* btf over against. "iji ^dS b$ in front, before. 133-" is also the proper name of the progenitor of the Hebrews. -133> m. Ch. id. J-n33> f. 11. a ferryboat ; a plain. !Tl3*"tf. 12. excess ; arrogance, pride; 'wrath, anger, particularly divine wrath. *n33> m. pi. iD^S" and tF**}S$ , fcm. -*-\5V, pi. flfl^MPi a Hebrew or Bebrewess. 3^33?, in full tO^WJThSl mount Abarim, a range of mountains be- yond Jordan, over against Jericho. f-tfh^ pr. name of a station of the Is- raelites on the coast of the Red sea. Num.33: 34. ^33> to rot, become rotten or mouldy. Joel 1: 17. rii3> in the deriv. to be twisted or wo- ven. Pi. to perplex, pervert. Mic. 7:3. n'33> m. 8. fern. i"7n337 , adj. bushy, co- vered with foliage. n*33> c. 1. pi. tnn'33j; and nh'33> , a line, cord ; wreathe n work ; a thick branch. 333> , fut. 333 , ' ,,| , to love, especially in a bad sense. tD^laaS pi. m. loveliness, pleasantness; what is pleasing to God. i-7333' f. 11. or i-1333? f. 10. lust, lewd- ness. Ezek. 23: 11. TiW and ft$? f. 10. a small cake baked under the ashes. R. In? . *WJl3? ra. the name of a bird of passage, perhaps the crane. 3^3" CO. 3. a ring, particularly an ear- ring. b'yj m. 8. fern. J-j?33 r , adj. round, rounded. 1 K. 7: 23 if. bi3> m. 6. suff. ">?337 , pi. const. ^33; , and ilbw f. 10. a calf, male or fe- male ; a bullock, a heifer. 1^33? d^^ the bullocks of the nations, i. e. their leaders, princes. nb33> j-p^iViZ; a three year old, i. e. un- broken, heifer, as an emblem of Mo- ab. i-ib33' f. 11. suff. inb3>; a cart, wagon. 333 v to be sad, sorrowful. Job 30: 25. ^V_Ni. to stay. Ruth 1: 13. iVnh (1.) eternity. TJ"! Sbi3>b for ever and ever. tj *"W to eternity. ^"^ViS?"^ to eternal ages. (2.) booty,' prey. (3.) as a prep. pi. ^1V , MW.if*T?i unto, even to, of 159 Tl? space; also simply to, of direction; until, of time ; even to, of degree ; even, so much as ; like as ; during; while. ftl&m* how long-? when? INttmy exceedingly. (4.) as a conj. until ; so that ; during, while. R. ,my . iy Ch. prep, unto, until, of space and time ; during : as a conj. until ; during, while. iy m. 1. a witness; testimony ; a commander. R. "ny . 11*75? f. pi. d^y the monthly courses in females. Is. 6^: 5. 1'y yet, see liy . my . For m'y to razse i/p, see -ny . !my to go or pass oy ; to adorn or a- ta're one's self; also in the deriv. to fall upon in a hostile manner. "Hy Sny to put on ornaments. Hi. to remove, put off; to adorn. S*ny and jqy Ch. fut. frfa^ , tVtiF , to g*o or come on any one ; to go away, depart ; to pass away, be abolished, spoken of a kingdom, or of a law. A ph. to take away ; to depose. m$ f. 11. const. ni5> , a collection, congregation, particularly of the Is- raelites ; in a bad sense, a gang, faction ; also those pertaining to one's household, a family ; a swarm of bees. R. iy> . my f 10. pi. niiy , a female witness ; testimony ; an institution, ordi- nance, precept. R. my . nW f. pi. Dili* (edwoth,) an ordi- nance, precept ; by way of emi- nence, the law, tablets of the laio ; also the name of a musical instru- ment, or of a song adapted to this instrument. R. "rtJfr. *19 m. 6. in pause *tJ> , suff. my , old age ; an ornament ; the harness of a horse. R. ,my piy m. 3. fem. i-rimy, adj. luxurious, given to pleasure. Is. 47: 8. R. "pi*. p^y m. 3. perhaps a striking. 2 Sam. 23: 8 Keth. d 3iy pr- name of a city in the plain of Judah. py Hithpa. to c njoy or delight one's 'self. Neh. 9:25. py and py m, 6. pleasure, loveliness; also pr.name of the country in which the garden of our first parents was placed ; and of a country of Meso- potamia or Assyria. py and Inaitf", a contraction of my rit'n , fo'/Z ?zow, hitherto, yet, Ecc 4: 2, T 3. rmy f. pleasure. Gen. 18: 12. py m. Ch. to say repeatedly, affirm, testify ; also in the deriv. to return, repeat. Pi. *ny to surround. Hi. -pyJi to testify, give evidence ; to call or take to witness ; to affirm solemnly, protest ; to admonish ; to chide, re- buke, upbraid; to command, ordain, prescribe ; to praise. Ho. ly'iii to be shown, testified. Pilel my to raise up, strengthen. Hithpalel, to stand upright. yi* 160 "TO l"iy , more rarely "ft , originally infin. absol. from *W3> , but used only as an adv. again, a second time ; repeat- edly, continually ; yet more ; fur- ther, moreover ; yet. With a nega- tive, no longer ; no more. 1*1 yps so long as, all the while that. 1193 while yet ; within. "riSE) since. !"P3> to deal perversely, sin. Ni. to be bowed down, from grief, or as a woman in childbirth ; to be pervert- ed. Pi. to turn up. Hi. to pervert; to act perversely or wickedly. Fn? and tt*i9 pr. name of a city from which colonies were sent to Samaria. in 2 f. destruction. Ezek. 21: 32. I'-HSj see fis . tte strength, see is . Tte to flee. Hi. to cause to flee, to bring into a place of safety ; intrans. to flee. <*J|S m.pl.tD' 1 '!?, a gentile noun, Avites, the original inhabitants of Philistia, before the Philistines came from Caphtor ; also inhabitants of Ava ; and pr. name of a city in the tribe of Benjamin. an* or N"09 f. Ch. pi. pi* , perverse- ness, sin. Dan. 4: 24. Ft. rtl* . V^l? m. unrighteous, ungodly. Job 16: 11. R.Vp. Vis m. i. q. Vl2 a child. Job 21: 11. perhaps also 19: 18. R. V s !* . n" , 127 pr. name of a city in Edom. Vi3> or "b^9 to give milk, suckle, spoken of animals. Part. fern. pi. nibs* (ewes) giving milk, (ewes) that have young. Vl3> m. 1. a child. Vl? Pi- V=]3> to act unrighteously or wickedly. V|* m. wicked, unrighteous. Vp and Vp m. 6. with suff. ibp , Mif- <7?f%, injustice. Vp JiiD2 to ^rac- tise iniquity. J-tVp f. 12. with 5l parag. SinVp , un- righteousness ; as a concrete, an unrighteous man. i-lVl* (for tiVp) f. 10. with Ji parag. SinV]?, iniquity, unrighteousness. R. X V-)i> . T ilVi5> a burnt-offering, see tibi> ... VVi3> m. 7. pi. t=pVy#, and bVl* m. 2. pi. ta^Vbiy , a child, male or fe- male. R. VVs> . rfiVVi* gleanings, see rfiVbb . tDbi? , rarely taV*, m. 2. (1.) eternity; also a 7(mg- period. It refers to time to come or to time past. oV]3> b5> A,e people of former times, i. e. the manes of the dead. PI. C3^Vi^ eternity, and as an adv. eternally. (2.) the world, worldly-mindedness, love of the world. R. 3^2 . pi> m. envious. 1 Sam. 18: 9 Keth. fl* m. 3. rarely fll* , pi. t3^ and rri^ , sin, guilt, iniquity ; punish- ment for sin, suflering, affliction. R. sw . 113 ii> f. 10. cohabitation, duty of mar- riage, Ex. 21: 10. also a furrow, Hos. 10: 10 Keri, according to the usual punctuation rrttf but the more probable punctuation is rriip . Q^iy pi. m. perverseness. Is. 19: 14. R. n^. p]:i5> to _/fy ; to fly away ; trans, to let fly. Pil. pjQiy to fly ; to brandish a sword. Hi. to let fly. Hithpalel to fly away, disappear. tp9 to be darkened, be in darkness or adversity ; to be faint, weary. fti3> m. collect, birds, fowls. jrpS> m. Ch. id. y^y to advise, consult. yw f. Vz, a people and country, prob. in the northern part of Arabia De- serta, between Palestine on the west and Mesopotamia on the east. p} 2 or p^5> to be pressed down. Am. 2: 13. Hi. to bow or press down. ibid. liy m. or c. 1. the human skin ; the hide or skin of an animal ; leather; the body. T? 161 W *M3> to be awake, watch ; to awake from sleep, arise, get up; caus. to stir up. llDin "1$ the watching and the an- swering, prob. a proverbial phrase for every living being. Ni. 1i^3 , fut. ^psn , to be waked or roused from sleep ; to be stirred or raised up, rise up ; also perhaps to be let fly, as an arrow. Pil. nnii> to awa- ken from sleep ; to stir up or excite contention ; to call forth strength ; to charm a serpent ; to throw into consternation ; to lift up, brandish, a spear, a scourge. Hi. to awaken from sleep ; to stir up ; to raise up any one, spoken of Jehovah ; in- trans. to awake. Hithpal. to awake, rise up ; to rejoice, be elated. TiW in the deriv. to be naked or made bare. Ni. to be made bare. Wm. Ch. chaff. Dan. 2: 35. *TO Pi. *)t\!> to blind, deprive of sight; metaph. to blind or pervert the understanding. *WJ m. 7. adj. blind ; metaph. blind of understanding. ft* ro. 6. pl.^^-py, a young ass. Is. 30: 6 Keth. '^"' fiTM m. blindness. rTW f. id. Lev. 22: 22. ttft3> to assemble or gather together. Joel 4: 11. rfiS prob. to strengthen, support. Is. 50:4. M13J Pi. rnp to bend, make crooked, pervert ; to subvert any one in his cause. rj^n MS* to pervert the way of any one, lead astray. Pu. part. crooked. Hithpa. to bend one's self, bow down. ?WJS f. wrong, oppression. Lam. 3: 59. 72 m. 8. fern, iw , pi. &>* , adj. strong, mighty ; well fortified ; hard, cruel, arrogant : as a subst. strength. R. vn> 21 V? f. 8. pi. tTTJJ , a goat.ttw Til ^ &/d. ta^T^ rtto aw- animal of the goat kind. PL tD" 1 *^ goats 1 hair. TJ> f. Ch. pi. J**?* , a g-oa*. Ezra 6: 17. Ti? , rarely Ti3> m. 8. before Makk. "Ti?, sufT. "Mrar also n*, *$, |3Wi .... . T i ; T strength, might, power; security; a refuge, protection ; glory, ma- jesty ; the ark of the covenant ; praise : as an adv. with strength, powerfully.' CP3B 1'9 an arrogant or wicked look. R. TT5>\ bttft* m. Lev. 16: 8, 10,~26. a difficult word, rendered in the common Eng- lish version, a scape-goat. Some critics have supposed it to mean the place in the wilderness, whither the second goat was sent. Others, the name of an evil demon, to which this goat was devoted. St* , fut. ^7^" , to leave or forsake a place, person, or thing ; to leave be- hind; to leave or commit to any one ; to leave off or cease to do any thing ; to leave off or intermit any thing ; to set free ; intrans. to commit one^s self. aiWl ^ftSfc* the shut up and the set free, i. e. the bond and the free, a proverbial expression for all even to the lowest. Ni. to be forsa- ken. Pu. to be forsaken. JinT^ m. 3. pi. taijtaV9| a market place, bazar, fair ; merchandise. JW Gaza, a city on the southern boun- dary of Palestine, one of the 5 prin- cipal cities of the Philistines. rt!MW f. a forsaking or leaving deso- late. Is. 6: 12. R. 5TS> . T tW m. adj. strong ; collect, the strong, mighty. R. tt . ftf* m. 1. strength. R. ft? . TT2 , fut. ft* , infin. fits* , to be or show one's self strong or mighty; caus. to make strong or mighty. Hi. TJJrt , joined with Ca^iS , to put on a fierce or arrogant countenance. JV-T3> and s)SW5> (strength of Jehovah) rjr. name of a king of Judah, also called jrp^ttfand tff^jr. y^j 16' trolly f. prob. the ospray or sea-eagle. pi* Pi. pT^ to J/> aio/. -Is. 5: 2. also in the dcriv. to dig in, engrave. xpis> f. Ch. a seal-ring. Dan. 6: 18. Tt^y pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah. -)t^ , fut. *\iy* , pi. ^\^ i'to help, aid, assist; also perhaps in the deriv. to inclose. Ni. to be helped, obtain help, get the victory. Hi. to help. -\\y in. 6. suft'. ^\iy , help ; as a con- crete, a helper, whether male or fe- male. Nil 2 m. pr. name of a well known priest and scribe, who was very ac- tive in promoting the return of the Jews. mu; f. 12. and n^TS? f. with n parago- gic Jin^t? , help. j-nr? f. a court ; a settle or terrace of the altar. ^nT3> m. an inhabitant of Gaza. tzy m. an iron style or pen for wri- ting ; prob. also a reed for writing. Kt32 f. Ch. counsel, understanding, wisdom. Dan. 2: 14. R. BS*" 1 . j-;t33> to seize, lay hold of. For the form rttMMB , see DJ0B . S"lD3 to cover ; to cover or clothe one's self, put on a garment. Fart. fern. ft^pS a covered female, i. e. a mourn- er, or else a harlot, who were distin- guished by their dress. Hi. J-jnsr; to cover. pt3S m. 1. perhaps a side. Job 21: 24. tttzjius m. 10. a sneezing. Job 41: 10. 5|Vt:s> m. 7. a bat. rpy , fut. Spy , to cover, clothe ; to be covered or concealed ; to faint, lan- guish, waste away. Part. pass. S|1t33> wasted, weak, feeble. Ni. to faint, languish. Hi. to be weak, feeble. Hithpa. to faint, languish. ^Xiy to surround, in a hostile manner, or for protection. Pi. '-fey to crown. Hi. to distribute crowns. ft*J3* f. 11. const. D^fey , pi. n\mp , a crown, diadem ; metaph. praise, glory. n'TntS^ (orowns) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Gad ; of another in the tribe of Ephraim. "S pr. name of a city on the northern boundary of the tribe of Benjamin, also called try and n*y . ijp m. 8. pi. tZT*3> , a heap, ruin ; also pr. name of a part of mt. Abarim ; also of a city in the tribe of Judfh. R.iir?. 5TO see an 9 . h^y pr. name of an Arabian tribe ; al- so of the northern peak of mount Ephraim. ji'i? (ruins) pi\ name of a fortified city in Naphtali. r\^y pr. name of a city in Edom. 1 Chr. 1: 46 Keth. D** to become wroth, fall into a pas- sion. 1 Sam. 25: 14. C3> m. 0. a ravenous beast ; a rave- nous bird ; collect, birds of prey ; metaph. a conqueror. LZXl^y pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah. tzriVy m. i. q. abi3> eternity. 2 Chr. 33: 7. tb"^ pr. name of a people and coun- try in the south cf Media, in the classic writers Elymai?, now Khu- sistan. tzi^y ardor, violence. Is. 11: 15. p5? c. 6. dual ta" 1 ^, (I.) an eye. p3>b JlK^i to see with the eye. D "'j'^b before the eyes of any one. h i^ys, in the eyes, i. e. in the judgment or opinion, of any one. b W913 behind the back or without the knowledge of any owe. tTJptf pa between the eyes, on the forehead. by ps> tTtb to fix the eye on any one, usually to regard him with favor, but sometimes otherwise. Since many of the passions, such as envy, pride, pity, desire, are expressed by T? 163 the eye, so in the biblical style they are often ascribed to this organ, though strictly applicable only to the person.- niftl Q^S* proud eyes, i. e. pride, arrogance. fia'H 313 1$ pride, arrogance. (2.) a bead or bubble in wine. (3.) a look. (4.) /*a J* face to face. (5.) /Ac surface. (6.) appearance, form. (7.) with a plur. rnr? , const, ni^s? , a spring; fountain. (8.) pr. name of a Leviti- cal city in the tribe of Simeon ; also of a city in the northeast of Pales- tine. Vat** (fountain of the kid) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah. ^ttl ti*9 and yn 'p:> pr. name of a city in the tribe of Manasseh. l3GU3/2 pS (fountain of judgment) pr. name of a fountain in the desert of Sin. Gen. 14: 7. tzrb^ p* (fountain of two calves) pr. name of a place on the northern point of the Dead sea. Ezek. 47: 10. b:n *ps (fountain of the fuller) a fountain on the southeast of Jerusa- lem. J2> m. looking askance, envious. 1 Sam. 18: 9 Keri. Denom. from *p3> . tZPa 1 ^ and tan" 1 ? pr. name of a place in the tribe of Judah. pp:> to be wearied, exhausted. Jer. 4: "81, 5)1^ m. 5. fern. W& , adj. wearied, ex- hausted, languishing, from fatigue, hunger, and particularly from thirst. hEP* f. with rr parag. tins? , darfc- ncss ; also pr. name of a Midianitish country and people. R. Jtf&\ *yyt m. 6. ra sfYj(i pi. p^Sa , young ass, ass colt. T3ft pi. tzr^J, once d^-ps , (1.) a ctfy. tzWbtf *-py the city of God, and tthptt "P* *Ae holy city, i. e. Jerusalem. -tz^ti T* the city of wa- ters, a part of the city of Rabbah. (2.) anger, hostility ; anguish. ftbftft "T^ (*Ae city of salt) pr. name of a city in the desert of the tribe of Judah, near the Salt sea. Josh. 15: 02. tZP^nn T (the city of palms) Jeri- cho, so called from the multitude of palms growing there. ** m. Ch. a watcher, a name given to angels in the later Jewish theology, because, as in the doctrine of the Persians, they watch over the souls of men. R. ^2 . Ch* 1 ^ and tzh3> m. 8. pi. tZW^* adj. naked: as a subst. nakedness. R. t=n? . T 'Q*2 the constellation of the bear, see TBS. ft* 2 pr. name of a city, see *y . ttj^as? m. a spider. ^laiy m. 2. a mouse, particularly a field-mouse ; also prob. other eatable animals of the glis genus. 122 Acco, a city and haven in the tribe of Asher, now St. Jean d'Acre. Judg. 1:31. ^i^i> (troubling) pr. name of a valley not far from Jericho. ]SS> m. pr. name of an Israelite. WD* m. 6. a fetter for the foot. PI. tZ^DSy bracelets or rings for the ankles, a female ornament, which oc- casioned a clinking in walking. D3S> Pi. to adorn one's self with ankle rings, or to make a tinkling with them, to excite attention. Is. 3: 16. ""by to trouble, occasion unhappiness. Ni. to be excited, spoken of grief; to be brought into adversity or de- stroyed. iVti'zy m. a quadrilitcral, an adder. Psl"l40: 4. b^ (for libs) m. whatever is high or uppermost : as an adj. high : as an adv. above. ^9)2 from above; also simply above. R. tibi* . bi> prep. plur. const. ibs (used only in poetry,) with suff. ^ , Sp^P , "Pb^ , nb? 164 *bv frtg, *rtj", CB&^i bSTb*, po- etically ifc^bs , (1.) upon, used par- ticularly after verbs of clothing, and commissioning, and to express a du- ty or obligation, a weight or load. (2.) over, above, particularly after verbs of covering, protecting, and ruling ; before ; for, in favor of; for, in exchange for ; more than ; beyond, of time ; about, concerning. (3.) by, at, near ; with ; in the pow- er of, Lat. penes. (4.) i. q. btt to, hat. ad; towards; into; against; towards, Lat. crga ; in the later He- brew, i. q. b the sign of the dative case. (5.) in, within. (6.) in addi- tion to. (7.) notwithstanding. (8.) after, according to. (9.) on account of, because of. (10.) as a conj. al- though ; because. *y&N bs> because. b^ from above or on; also from by or near. b bjMO above, over ; by, near. R. fib? . b* prep. Ch. with suff. 'Wibs , Wb, tafr^b* i i. q. Heb. b^ upon ; over ; more than; on account of; i. q. bx to, Lat. ad; also i. q. b the sign of the dative case. bi> m. 8. more rarely hfc , suff. ibs> , a yoke, a crooked piece of wood ifas- tened to the pole of the carriage and laid upon the necks of the team, by which they draw ; metaph. bond- age, servitude. ttbr Ch. above, over, followed by tta . Dan. 6: 3. X$9 m. 7. adj. stuttering, stammering. Is. 32: 4. Sib? , fut. flbi^ , to go up, ascend, mount ; to go from a lower country to one situated higher, or regarded as such ; to lead, as a way; to stretch or extend itself, as a country ; to come out, as a lot ; to ascend in flames, as a city ; to shoot, grow up, as plants ; to be used or employed, as a razor ; to be put on, as a gar- ment, or a bandage ; to rise, in- crease, advance, spoken of a battle, of one increasing in wealth ; with by , to excel ; to enter or be sug- gested to the mind ; to be taken away ; to be inserted or entered ; also to go up, ascend, spoken of the object on which any thing ascends. Ni. to-be brought up ; to he driven away ; to be led away ; to be exalt- ed, spoken of God. Hi. to lead or bring up ; to present an offering on the altar ; to take away ; to enrol. Ho. iib^'r; (for i-;bs>i-l) to be brought up ; to be presented ; to be entered, inserted, recorded. Hithpa. to exalt one's self, glory. Jib* ni. 9. const. ;ibs> > leaf, collect. leaves. JlV^ f. Ch. a cause, occasion, pretext. Ilb'y, more rarely Sibi^ f. 10. a burnt- offering ; a step. Jib's* f. i. q. Sibl^ unrighteousness, in- iquity. ttbs f. Ch. emph. ftnby", a burnt-offer- ing. Ezra 6: 9. ITiby f. i. q. )ribyj iniquity. Hos. 10: 9. D^'Jlb^ pi. m. youth, state or condi- tion of a young man or woman ; also metaph. infancy of a nation. Denom. from Dbs> . J"7p?)b3> f. a horseleech, or more proba- bly a creature of oriental supersti- tion, like the vampire. Prov. 30: 15. tb? to be glad, exult, rejoice ; to re- joice from arrogance. fb3> m. adj. rejoicing. Is. 5: 14. FTttb* f. thick darkness. T T -J ibs? m. Eli, a well known high-priest. *b* m. a pestle. Prov. 27: 22. R. J-jb^. -ib 9 m. fem. t)^9 adj. upper. R. Fiba*. "iVi> m. Ch. adj. upper, highest. 1-^'J f. 10. aloft, upper chamber, co- vered place on the flat roof of an oriental house ; a step, ascent. yfo* m. 1. fem. iia'pbs , adj. upper, Higher; metaph. exalted; the Most High, i. e. God. R. i"ibs? . )>h9 m. Ch. plur. majest. "p^bs the Most High. i2yj 105 2? fj?S m. 1. rejoicing, joyful ; rejoicing from pride or arrogance. R. Vbs> . b^bi* m. a work-shop. Ps. 12: 7. R. ilb^b? f. 10. an action, deed, work. R. i-pb-'by f. i. q. ."ib^bs a work of God. T Jer." : 32: 19. ms^b* (.13. joy, rejoicing. Hab.3: 14. R. fty . rpbs* f- Ch. an upper chamber. Dan. 6:11. Vby in the deriv. to glean ; to do or perform any thing, either good or bad. Poel bbi^ to make a glean- ing, glean ; to do, set, place ; to conduct ill towards any one, evil entreat.-Pa.rt. bbi^ft a child. Poal, to be brought on any one. Hithpa. bb^nii to perform a mighty deed, spoken of God ; to treat any one ill ; to do violence to a woman. Hithpo. to execute, perform. bb? Ch. to go in, enter ; to set, as the sun. Aph. to bring in. Ho. to be brought in. rnbb's* pi. f. const, nibbi?, a gleaning. tibv Part. pass. pi. fciftbs* concealed or secret (sins.) Ni. bb$3 to be concealed, hidden.--Ta.vt. pi'. "D'V-bJPS disguised men, dissemblers. Hi. fc^bsjrt to conceal ; to hide or with- draw the eyes from any one; to cover or close the ear ; to obscure; perhaps intrans. to conceal one^s self. Hithpa. to conceal one's self. bbs> m. Ch. emph. Kftbi> , eternity, a long duration, either future or past. tabs m. a lad, young man. ftfcbs f-12. a young worn an, marriage- able girl. Yti&9 pr. name of a place in the tribe of Benjamin, Josh. 21: 18. also call- ed nfc bs> . tt^nb^T^fibS! pr. name of a station of the Israelites. Num. 33: 46. fttob? ph f. a kind of tune or harmony in music, perhaps the female voice or manner. mfc^S Ps. 9: 1. perhaps i. q. the pre- ceding article, in which case b^ is to be supplied. In Ps. 48: 15, the context requires that it should be read as two words ft*}53by even un- to death. jqb* m. Ch. pi. KJI&Jfi an Elamile. Ezra 4: 9. f}&>* see fi&V; . Db# to exult, rejoice. Ni. to be nim- ble or joyful. Hithpa. to rejoice, take pleasure. S>b2 Pi. to swallow down, drink. Job "39:30. *b* c. Ch. a great tooth, tusk. Dan. "?: 5. p)bs Pu. to be covered; to swoon away, faint. Hithpa. to cover or disguise one's self; to faint, from heat or thirst. ttsbi? m. fainting, sorrowful. Ezek. 31 : 15. y^XP i fat. y'b"" , , to exult, rejoice, be glad. Jrij-pa ybs to rejoice in Je- hovah. With b , to exult or rejoice over any one's calamity. l)^ and dy c. 8. suiT. ifts , a people ; sometimes emphatically nobility r gentry ; people, subjects, in opposi- tion to rulers ; a land, country ; a swarm or flock of animals. ^fcS "53 the sons of my people, i. e. my fel- low countrymen. %$ rs the daugh- ter of my people, i. e. my people or country. PI. fa***, also b^JOJjJ, const. "TOS , peoples, nations, some- times the tribes of Israel. But D'Wrl and y^'n ^5 denote o/Aer nations besides the Jews, gentiles. The plural also is often used for the singular. Di> m. Ch. emph. tm , pi. ftoiti* , emph. tfsttb'S 1 & people. It) 3? 106 tW :y , with sufl". y& , ^pg* , hay , *55ID3> , CDay, t^J|? and SZiay, prep. (I.) with; against, Lat. contra; to- wards, Lat. erga; as, like as. (2.) />y, wea7* ; ut Ae power of, Lat. pe- 7*es, either physically or morally ; before, in the presence of; in the house of; among; notwithstand- ing. (3.) as an adv. also, at the same time. u3ail3 Sy so long as '"AT the sun endures. tzjya from with or by ; from the house of; from the power or possession of; from the midst of. t^y prep. Ch. with ; so long as; in, of time. nay, fut. 172^ , to stand; stay ; to stand still; to stand firm, abide; to con- tinue ; to continue to live ; to stand up, arise; to be set, placed, ap- pointed. With "asb, to stand be- fore, serve ; to withstand, resist ; also in reference to copulation. With by , to stand by, assist ; to rest or rely on any thing ; to rise against any one. Hi. n'Wil to make to stand, to place ; to fix or settle one's countenance on any one; to cause to endure, to preserve ; to establish, confirm ; to confirm or fulfill a vision ; to place or appoint to an office ; to raise up, erect ; to stir up, excite; to ordain, establish; intrans. to continue. Ho. to be pla- ced or presented. nay Hi. to cause to shake. Ezek. 29: ~7. nay found only with the suff. "L. , *TO3Ji prep. i. q. Ejy with ; in, within. nay m. 6. a place ; a pulpit, stage. Jnnay f. 10. an abiding place, dwell- ing. Mic. 1 : 11. nay , found only in the const, nay , also nayb , with suff. "nayb , once niayb, prep, nearby; against; over against ; as, like as. nay*"bs exactly as. nay':? a near by. n^ay m. 1. a pillar ; metaph. a pillar of heaven or of the earth ; also a stage, pulpit. R. nay . pay m. pr. name of a son of Lot. "pay "an and simply "pay , the Am- monites,?*, people which dwelt north- east of the Moabitcs from the Arnon to the Jabbok. ^:iay m. fern, n^iay, an Ammonite or Ammonitcss. Siay Amos, a well-known prophet. p^ay m. Ch. adj. deep, unsearchable. Dan. 2:22. n^ay m. a sheaf. R. iay . n^ay m. 3. community, neighborhood ; a friend, neighbor, fellow-man. bay , fut. bay" 1 , to labor, particularly to weariness ; with 3, to labor on any thing. bay m. 4. wearisome labor, toil ; irk- t r someness ; fruit of labor ; trouble, adversity ; iniquity, injustice. bay m. 5. adj. wearying one's self ; afflicted, unhappy : as a subst. a workman ; affliction, unhappiness. pbay and D^pbay m. Amalek, Amalc- kites, a people on the southwest of Palestine, between Edom and the borders of Egypt, also on the east of the Dead sea and mount Seir, and intermingled with the Canaanites. day to excel ; to be obscure, unknown. Ho.Qy^Jn to be obscured, tarnished. tzraay pi. m. nations, peoples ; see &y x . : ]">aay pi. m. Ch. see &y . btf^ay (God with us) the symbolical and prophetical name of a child, whose birth was to indicate the li- beration of the Jewish state. Day, fut. bfe**, to lift up, carry; to load or lade a beast of burden. Hi. D^ayJn , to load or' burden any one. pay to be unsearchable. Hi. to make deep ; to keep deep, conceal ; often to be rendered as an adv. deep ; out of the deep. pay or pay m. 4. adj. unintelligible. paVm. 8. fern, tnpay , adj. deep ; me- taph. unsearchable. nw 167 IV p733> m. 6. suff. ^72-J , a valley, low plain ; an inhabitant of a valley. ptiv m. depth. Prov. 25: 3. *V2$ in the deriv. to bind. Pi. ya* to bind sheaves. Ilithpa. to make a slave of any one. "flA m. 6. pi. ta^tt* , a sheaf; an omcr, a measure containing the tenth part of an ephah. IJjym. Ch. wool. Dan. 7: 9. fn&> Gomorrah, one of the cities sunk in the Dead sea. *n?33> m. pr. name of a king of Israel. to* to bear. Neh. 4: 11. 232 T m. 4. pi. b*M const. **; a grape. 33 3> Pu. to be delicate. Hithpa. to be delicate ; to rejoice in any thing ; to sport or make one's self merry about any thing. *hS m.8.fem.jrtf3 9, adj. delicate, luxu- rious. lai m. pleasure, enjoyment, luxury. *\22 to bind on. ^72 3> to answer ; to hear or answer a prayer, spoken of God ; to impart or grant any thing; to begin to speak ; to address any one ; to give testimony, testify ; to pass sentence, spoken of the judge ; to announce an oracle ; to cry, shout, for the on- set or for victory ; to cry, as the jackal ; to sing ; to praise or cele- brate by singing ; in the deriv. to have in view. Ni. to be answered ; to be heard; to answer. Pi. to sing. Hi. prob. to answer. StJ* to bestow labor or toil on any thing, busy one's self therewith ; to suffer, be bowed down or oppressed. Ni. to be bowed down ; reflex, to bow down, humble one's self. Pi. to oppress, afflict, humble ; to de- flour or ravish a woman ; to afflict or mortify the soul. Pu. to be op- pressed, humbled. Infin. ins? his affliction. Hi. to afflict, humble. Hithpa. to humble one's stlf ; to be afflicted. ' il3S>Ch. to answer ; to begin to speak. rt5* Ch. to suffer. Dan. 4: 34. 133? m. 4. pi. tZj* 1 "):^ , con3t.,"n3SJ , adj. afflicted, oppressed, poor, unhappy ; meek. y>\~" H3S> the poor of the earth. R. JW .' |-j"!39 f. 11. humility ; mildness, good- ness, spoken of God. R. H3S> . tT)23> f. mildness. Ps. 45: 5. R. ftzy . P^ see p33> . n3 f. \:i.' : affliction. Ps. 22: 25. R. ^33>m. 8. fem. S-p33>, pi. EFWi const. 1*29, adj. poor, helpless; humble, lowly. R. JiDi> . ^:i> m. 0. in pause *J& iffo*MP , af- fliction, oppression, suffering, mi- sery. ^3S> 132 children of afflic- tion, i. e. the afflicted. ^2'v taftb the bread of affliction. R. jrjas VS9 m. i.q. 132 meek. Num. 12: 3Keri. 1*2 9 m. 2. business, employment, la- bor ; an affair, concern, matter, thing. R. 112 $ . tZPErt3> pi. m. the name of a people of Egyptian origin. Gen. 10: 3. tfWB33> m. pr. name of an idol of the Sippharencs. 2 K. 17: 31. ]3 9 m. 4. const, fxf , a cloud ; metaprh adversity ; a multitude of people. ]2 9 m. Ch. pi. const, ^^i a cloud, X Dan. 7: 13. py Pi. py., denom. from W?, to gather clouds. Gen. 9: 14. ps Kal, and Jato Po. fut. JtrtJT , part. *p*"\S33, to fascinate, enchant, be- witch. rl22 9 f. collect, clouds. Job 3: 5. a 5* J m. sufF. CD5B3S , a bough, branch, Spy m. Ch. id. ?\2 2 m.full of branches. Ezek. 19: 10, $29 to surround like a necklace. Hi. p^S^l to load on any one. P3 5> m. pi. ta*'- and nij a necklace, or- *nament for the neck; also p3 3>, ISP 168 ns? piD^, pa ^a, ?*$ i etc. 4wa- fctm, an ancient race of giants. ttJa* i fut. uj^^" to amerce or je any one ; to exact from a conquered en- emy ; to punish ; to suffer, be pun- ished. Ni. to be amerced or fined ; to suffer, be punished. 'Cl'J m. a fine, contribution ; a punish- ment. UJ3$ m. Ch. a mulct, fine. Ezra 7: 26. t\z;j Ch. seen: *3 . DinDS? pr. name of a Levitical city in the tribe of Benjamin. Wns? m. an inhabitant of Anathoth. 2 Sam. 23: 27. SW m. 3. new wine. R. 35? . DS5? to Jread dow?z. Mai. 3: 21. *W Po. 'w? to raise a cry. Is. 15: 5. But the reading is probably cor- rupted. inES? see J-jd^ . *dJ m. 6. pi. Q*WP** a bough, branch, 'foliage. Ps. 104? 12. isy m. Ch. fl bough, branch. ^09 in the deriv. to be swollen. Pu. to be arrogant, contumacious, rash. Hi. id. ^2$ m. a hill. "basil (the hill) pr. name of an eminence on the eastern part of mount Zion. PI. O^SS or tD^D^ tumors on the. fundament, hemorrhoids. Only in the Kethib. tpifc^M pi. or C3"]B*W dual, const. *3?B2? > eyelashes. Shtt) 'BSB* ^e eyelashes of the dawn, i. e. the beams of the rising sun. ^B9 m.4. pi. const. rrilBS, dust, earth; rubbish; ore. *})*> V* 3BU5 to Zze in the dust or grave* T ^5 Pi. to corer with earth. 2 Sam. 16: T3. HB'tf m. 6. A , const. 2ttJ , a tree ; wood ; also a post, gibbet, gallows. In plur. logs, pieces of wood. 3^i> to grieve, afflict; also in the de- riv. to labor, make, form ; to per- form hard or fatiguing labor; to suffer pain. Ni. to hurt one's self; to grieve or vex erne's self. Pi. to make, form; to grieve, vex. Hi. to vex, excite to anger, e. g. the deity; perhaps to serve, worship. Hithpa. to grieve or trouble one's self ; to be angry. S5M> Ch. Part. pass. ^$3 troubled, 'evicted. Dan. 6: 21. S5fc$ m. 8. pi. Ca'VaS* const. IjiXg , an idol, image. 5X9 m. pi. surf. BB"^^, a laborer, servant. Is. 58: 3. BS> and ni5> m. 6. fatiguing labor, toil; pain of a woman in childbirth; sorrow, affliction, bitterness ; an earthen vessel. -Pi. Bftalfc* hard earnings. iSfr m. 6. an image ; pain. B3> Jp** idolatry. ]iB3> m. 3. const. IfteX.? , labor, toil ; pain. nsWH tgtoiy thy pain and y thy conception, i. e. the pain of thy conception. r&lfclP f- 13. const, nasty, pi. const. rriB2 , an idol; pain, suffering; affliction, sorrow, Tl^'j to shut or close the eyes. Prov. 16: 30. ft}S> m. the chime, spine, backbone. Lev. 3: 9. 'n'2.9 f. collect, wood. Jer. 6: 6. Srj^y f. 11. const. n3> , counsel given or received ; purpose, design, plan ; wisdom, reflection. *>nsy tti'W the man whom I have selected for my purpose. R. Yt? apjp 169 EP? D^i23> m. 3. strong, mighty; nume- rous. PI. tFJSMfc* the strong ones, a poetical epithet for strong mem- bers, teeth, claws. R. &2 . ^23 |1*5fc* {spine of a man) pr. name of a haven in Idumea, on the Ela- nitic gulf, now Aziun. h'$ Ni. to be slothful. Judg. 18: 9, bz$ m. slothful, sluggish, lazy. ttbat* and rnb^ f- sfo^, idleness. Dual d^nbifc^ double, i. e. great, idle- ness. &9 and &ii2> to 6c strong, mighty ; to become mighty ; to be numerous ; to shut or close the eyes. Pi. &S> to shut or close the eyes ; also de- nom. from QSSP , to gnaw flesh from a bone. Hi. to make strong. EattS f. 6. pi. &%* and niSZ* i a bone ; body, form, appearance ; the same, very, itself, in reference to things; also pr. name of a city in the tribe of Simeon. E32tS> m. 6. strength ; body, frame. !l2Z* f. 10. strength ; multitude. pftiiy pr. name of a city on the south- ern boundary of Palestine. rnS3> pi. f. strong reasons, argu- ments. Is. 41: 21. yip prob. a spear. 2 Sam. 23: 8. ^2 , fut. ^19* andj-tean ; , to stop, hold back, detain ; to shut \up ; to im- prison ; to rule. Jib ^2 to retain strength, have power, be able. Ni. to be stopped ; to be shut up, spoken of heaven ; to be assembled. *& m. 6. a shutting up, oppression. "12Z5> m. government, restraint. Judg. ''18: 7. ST^y and tiftSEf f. 11. an assembly ; a festival meeting of the people ; by way of eminence, the festival meet- ing of the people on the seventh day of the passovcr, or on the eighth of the feast of tabernacles. Spy , fut. span , io hold by the heel ; to trip up the heel, act deceitfully : al- 22 so in the deriv. to be or coma be- hind. Pi. to stop, hold back. Spy m. const, apy , pi. const. rnpa> or "OpS> , and ninpy , the heel; the hoof of a horse ; a footstep, trace ; me- taph. the hinder part of an army ; a Her in wait. Spy m. 8. an eminence, hill : as an adj. deceitful ; niarked, tracked. npS> m. an end, extremity ; a reward, recompense. Spy Va> and spy as an adv. to the end, forever ; on account of, for the sake of: as a conj. be- cause that. tlSpa* or ttap* f- fraud, deceit. 2 K. JO: 19. *jpS , fut. ipS^ , to bind. Gen. 22: 9. ipa> m. 8. pi. trips* , adj. striped, co- vered with rings or bands. j-jpy f. 10. oppression. Ps. 55: 4. R. bp5> Pu. part, perverted, perverse. Hab. 1:4. bpbps m. 8. adj. crooked: as a subst. a by-way. "JinVpy m. crooked, spoken of the ser- pent*. Is. 27: 1. ips> to root out, pluck up ; also in the deriv. to be barren. Ni. to be de- stroyed, spoken of a city. Pi. to hough, hamstring, disable by cut- ting the sinews of the ham. *\p9 Ch. Ithpe. to be plucked up. Dan. f: 8. ^ps? m. a stock, family. Lev. 25: 47. ^pj* m. fern. Jl^pa* and fififgP adj. bar- ren, unfruitful, spoken of a man or a woman. ( ^py m. Ch. a stock, stump. S^ipa* m. 8. pi. tZPz'lpy , a scorpion ; a whip or scourge armed with knots and thorns. VtP$ P r name of one of the five cities of the Philistines. *pa> to distort, pervert. V i. to pervert. Ni. to be perverse. m? 170 vi? Ujp5> m. 7. adj. perverse, fr award ; false. u$j?3>nn"b a perverse heart. ttVntigy perverse of heart. TnBto u;jpa? perverse in his lips, i. e. of a false speech. mU5j>5> f. 13. perverseness, deceitful- ness. 3P m. (a city) pr. name of the metro- polis of Moab, now Rabba. 1?m. 1. an enemy. *)$ m. Ch. an enemy. Dan. 4: 16. i^y to exchange, barter ; to be surety fur any one ; to pledge, give as a pledge ; to be sweet, pleasant ; also in the deriv. to mix, mingle. Hith- pa. to interfere, intermeddle ; to be familiar or have intercourse with any one. n^5> to remove, pass away, disappear; to grow dark, become evening. Hi. to do at evening. n^i> Ch. Pa. to mix. Dan. 2: 43. Ithpa. to be mixed, ibid. 3^9 m. sweet, pleasant, acceptable. nh9 m. the name of an insect, perhaps ittatta orientalis seu Aegyptiaca, Linn. 313> and a^S f. Arabia. van? and ^yj m. pi. ttW* and tohkfSPl* an Arabian ; a wander- ing shepherd. a^9 m. as a collective noun, stran- gers, those who do not belong to a people but have mingled with them ; allies, tributaries ; also a woof, weft. 3*1* c. 6. pi. finals, the evening : as an adv. at evening. Dual tP2*T3 only in the phrase J3*3*Wj pa between the two evenings, when the paschal lamb was slain and the evening of- fering presented. 3"V or W m. pi. frsyj , const. s n^, a willow, willow-tree. D^a^" br13 (the brook ofioillows) pr. name of a brook on the southern boundary of Moab. Vp m. 7. pi. tTa'nb, a raven ; also pr. name of a Midianitish prince, and of a rock named from him. ^3*12 f. 11. a plain ; a waste, desert ; by way of eminence, the country east of Jordan and the Dead sea to the Elanitic gulf; also the plain of the tribe of Judah ; also pr. name of a city in Benjamin. tVD^MP f. 10. bail, surety ; a pledge. "jims? m. a pledge. Vtons m. an Arbathite. 2 Sam. 23: 31. :ns> ,' fut. ^ns*" 1 to look up with long- ing, long for ; also in the deriv. to mount up. TlS pr. name of a Canaanitish royal city. ^HS 1 m. Ch. i. q. I'l^P a wild ass. Dan. 5:21. SYnS in the deriv. to be naked. Pi. T T m? , fut. with Vav convers. ^m , to make bare ; to strip ; to destroy ; to empty, pour out. Hi. to make bare ; to pour out, give up. Ni. to be poured out. Hithpa. to make one's self bare ; to pour or spread one 1 s self out. m,"j f. 10. pi. nil" , an open place, place naked of wood. Is. 19: 7. Jm*"!" f. perhaps an espalier. R. y-\$ . lil^ m. a wild ass. Job 39: 5. !Tn" f. 10. nakedness ; metaph. the exposed part of a country ; the pri- vate parts, pudenda ; ojjensiveness, shamefvlness. R. tfv$ . ttTTS f. Ch. injury, dishonor. Ezra 4: T l : 4~. Di^tf m. 8. pi. D^W, fern. ttJB'W adj. naked ; poorly clad ; stripped of one's upper garment, having on on- ly an under garment. R. D^P . &s"tf m. 3. cunning, crafty; wise, prudent. R. tn? . Din? see tn^S . TPVv anc l iSHSMn. needy, driven out; also pr. name of a city on the river Arnon, now called Arair ; of ano- on? 171 DTO ther city farther to the north ; and of a place in the tribe of Judah. R. VW or yili> m. something terrible or aw/i/Z. Job 30: 6. R. yn*. i-p^y f. nakedness. R. }-nS> . X ; V XX HD 1 ^* f. 10. prob.yZowr, ?/iea/. d^^ pi. m. prob. clouds, heaven. Is. 5:30. R.j^j*. y^m. 1. strong, mighty, spoken of Jehovah : as a subst. a tyrant, op- pressor. R. yis . n*n2 m. 1. pi. tT- , adj. solitary, for- saken, childless. R. ^s* . 5J3*i fut. 'Tp^S (1.) to set right, arrange, prepare. tt&b*3 TpS> to arrange the battle, i. e. to put one's self in battle-array. grafty and *5*& llfalnbfr jtw tM battle-array. *fy? &"*? and simply [rp^ to prepare or wtter words. t23"&ft rptiP to order or t : * - x exhibit one's cause. (2.) intrans. to put or setf one's self in battle- array. (3.) with b , to compare, li- ken. (4.) to value, esteem, regard. Hi. to value, appraise. ?pS> m. 6. suff. "'3 k i5> , whatever is ar- ranged or put in order, a roio ; ar- mor ; valuation, estimation ; price of valuation; worth, suit of clothing. Vv denom. from iib^5> , to regard as x x ; x uncircumcised or unclean, reject ; also in the deriv. to be uncircum- cised. Ni. to show one's foreskin. b*l9 m. 5. const, "b^y and "b^ , uncir- cumcised, often an epithet of re- proach ; metaph. unclean, impure. ijinsiB b*\$ of uncircumcised lips, not eloquent. tih'-)j> f. 11. pi. n*lbh* ^e prepuce, foreskin ; also applied to the fruit of the three first years, because it was regarded by the law as unclean; also metaph. impurity, unclean- ness. d""^ to be crafty, prudent ; also in the deriv. to make bare. Hi. to be tmaa^j a crafty; to be wise, prudent; to make crafty. by Ni. to be heaped up. Ex. 15: 8. dh3> m. naked, seefti^P . XlM9 m. 6. cunning, craftiness. Job 5: 13. rV?2'-)$ f. craft, deceit; wisdom, pru- dence.' IVyytt. 10. pi. ni, once d" 1 - , a heap. pfcn^ m. 1. Z/ie plane-tree, oriental maple, (Platanus orientalis, Linn.) ^isny i. q. ^si^ pr. name of a city. Judg. 11:26. ISns* m. adj. poor, forsaken. R. *f\ . *Vfnp. see ^i'-iy . 5p? to drop. J!p9 to oreaA: the neck of an animal, de- collate ; metaph. to throw down. Denom. from ppb. p|*nb m. 6. ^e nec/f. ppb |JT2 to tarra the back, turn away. ppy ftjjn and *)*T& rjDIi to flee. bD*l* m. a quadriliteral, thick mist, darkness. y^5j , fut. yh^ , to fear, be afraid ; trans, to terrify, make afraid. Ni. part. y^i>: fearful, to be feared or reverenced. Hi. caus. to inspire fear, make afraid; intrans. to trem- ble, be afraid. y^5> to resist, withstand. Is. 47: 12. p^i? to flee. Part. pi. trp^'y veins, ar- teries. ip^5> m. a gentile noun, an Arkite, in- habitant of Arce in Syria. Gen. 10: 17. "HS* to be naked ; also in the deriv. to be solitary, forsaken. Poel, to make bare, destroy. Pilp. ^S'is and Hithpalp. ^^Wirt to be made bare or destroyed to the foundation. iZW f. 6. pi. n'nfcns a bed, couch. Stoym.O. sufF.Dstoi>, pi. const. nil2to2, an herb, collect, herbs, particularly for fodder, or for the table. StjW> m. Ch. emph. Kaip? , id. m 172 nto? rtioa? , tut. ?71D2 , apoc. ; ^in , to form, make ; to do, act ; with b , to rfo to or deal with any one, well or ill ; with D9 , to /rare business with any one ; with 2 , to /a&or in any thing ; also to execute, accomplish ; to pre- pare, get ready ; to dress food ; to trim the beard ; to pare the nails ; to acquire riches ; to pass or spend time ; to fteeji one's self, abide ; to produce or bear fruit; to put forth branches ; to g-it> e milk ; to offer, present ; to appoint to an office ; to celebrate or focp a festival. Ni. tttpW 1 fern. rtfttDW , to be made ; to be done. Pu. to be made. JT9 in Kal and Pi. to press, squeeze. TtM ni. Esau, the son of Isaac ; some- times the posterity of Esau, Idume- ans. "TniD* m. 1. ten; tenth. Tito* bS3 T T and ")M09 a Aarp of ten strings. "n^iD* m. tenth. Fern. rta*Vlp$ and rP^PiB* a tenth part. puji? Hithpa. to strive, contend. Gen. 26: 20. ^^i? f.and M'YtfSMii. const, n'n^y, ten; sometimes as a round number. PI. n*HiDS tens. ^fcfS m. and !T"tfD$ f. ten, but used only in composition with the units to ex- press the numbers from 11 to 19, as in the masc. *y&j> ft*ahK , in the fern. *Tip9 3>a^a , fourteen ; also fourteenth. Pl.'if^to? c. twenty ; twentieth. -r:::> f. and tirfU* m. Ch. ten. PI. y^illZ twenty'. Ifey, fut. "ttDJ* 1 , to impose tithes, take the tenth part of any thing. Pi. to pay tithes or a tenth part. Hi. to pay or give tithes. Denom. from it}2 . !-ni3> see %& . rt^ii see -\vy . Jl^te* m. 3. pi. D^rt^ttt* 1 a ton^/z part, a measure of grain. jj m, a fgoik, U;3> , also u;^ f. /ie constellation of the bear. Job 9: 9. p'ru? m. aw oppressor. Jer. 22: 3. R. fca^plttJ* ph m. oppressions, violent acts. R. pii3s> . niUJ5> m. adj. forged, labored, wrought. Ezek. 27: 19. R.nu*. ^lu;^ m. 3. ?*/c^ ; proud, arrogant. R.^ttJ^. *JU3^ , fut. IttiSj'^i to smoke; also used metaph. of the divine anger. pj5$ m. 5. adj. smoking. f\zJ3> m. 4. const. Jttjj" , smoke, vapor. pttJ3> , fut. pin":*' 1 , to press or extort from any one ; to cAeaf, defraud ; to oppress, exercise violence or injus- tice ; to oppress or ZoorZ with guilt ; to overflow its banks, spoken of a river. Pu. part. fern, lip 83*53 op- pressed, de floured. p m p9 m. oppression, extortion ; what- ever is obtained by oppression or extortion; unrighteous gain ; anx- iety, grief ; unrighteousness, vio- lence. ifptiJs f. distress, anguish. Is. 38: 14. ^tti , fut. ytj?* to oe or become rich. Hi. to enrich, make rich; intrans. to become rich. Hithpa. to repre- sent one's self as rich. ^V m. 6. riches. ttJ'JJ? to oe consumed, waste away. nx$ to s/ize ; also in the deriv. to T make smooth, labor. Hithpa. to think or oe mindful of any one. H1DS or n n ttJ0 Ch. to think, purpose. Dan. 6: 4.' "'" n*dS9 f. artificial work. Cant. 5: 14. mwp f. 13. a thought. Job 12:5 . *j2jiu5 mnuJsb in the thought of him that is at ease. inu;2 c. adj. one, but only in combina- tion with the numeral ten, as Jngjjp ^itoy m. and Sl^ipy ">nu3^ f. eleven ; eleventh. I as> 173 nats ntafcttto pi. f. thoughts, purposes. Ps. 146:4. rnnipy f. Astarte, a Phenician god- dess. PI. ni^inui^ linages or s-ta- tues of Astarte ; also pr. name of a city in Bashan. ]tf* rtf^ttWfc the in- crease of the flocks. ni> c. 8. before Makk. ~n* , sufF. fas , pi. dW and rrtns , time ; particu- larly a time of prosperity or adver- sity : as an adv. a long time ; now. ni> tt'b before the time. n S>3 7iow, or soon. ti^Fl9 ' , ^ ta I^ , ^ey that know the times, i. e. astrologers. Pl.fcm:> and nin^ destinies ; times, Lat. vices. R.' S-pjs . nJ? Ch. see ni>3. irtj Pi. to prepare, make ready. Hithpa. to be prepared, ready, de- stined. riftV and n*, in pause *m (Milel,) adv\ now, at this moment ; soon, shortly, presently. Denom. from "Tiny m. 1. a he-goat; metaph. a lead- er of the people, prince. liny i. q. tw q. v. W m. adj. present, or fit. Lev. 16: 21. Denom. from n^ . *y*r\9 and "nrr* m. 3. ready; skilful, PI. rtffW whatever is impend- ing, things destined ; goods, riches, substance, what one has acquired for himself. R. ^tt? . TW m. Ch. ready. Dan. 3: 15. pin^ m. adj. beautiful, shining. Is. 23: 18. p">ni> m. 1. adj. weaned ; old. R. pn# P"W m. Ch. old. driP Ni. perhaps to be darkened. Is. ~9: 18. pn^ , fut. pn^i , to be removed or transferred from a place ; to growr old. Hi. to remove ; to remove one's tent, break up, spoken of a Nomade; to transcribe, copy, compile ; to take away. pni? m. adj. bold, wicked. pns> m. adj. beautiful, shining. Pro v. : 18. nns> , fut. ^n^ , to pray, supplicate, entreat. Ni. to hear or be entreated by any one. Hi. to pray, suppli- cate. "in^ Ni. to be rich, abundant. Hi. to make abundant. ^n$ m. 4. a suppliant. Zeph. 3: 10. *-in$ m. 4. prob. scent. Ezek. 8: 11. Dlny f. riches, abundance. Jer. 33: 6. Pe, Heb. 2*5 , is sometimes interchang- ed with its cognate labials a and . Kb i. q. Tib here. Job 38: 11. i-TNS Hi. to scatter. Deut. 32: 26. X X M8J5 f. 11. const. nKBi a s^e, gwar- ter ; a region, country ; a corner. lKl\l r '^ the corner or extremity of the beard, i. e. prob. the musta- ches. n^S ismp-bs all whose mustaches are shorn, a reproachful description of some Arabian tribes. Sfcift TiN5 the two sides of Modb. ^iKS Pi. *WS to adorn, beautify, glo- rify; also denom. from StSife, to search the branches, glean. Hith- pa. to be adorned, beautified, glori- fied ; to boast one's self, glory. ^B m. pi. tP^Ks , const, vyfo and "Sns ) a head-dress, turban: *TT&8 and Iri^B f. 10. pi. rn4fc}iJ (for ITihttB ,) a branch or bough with leaves. I^NS m. beauty, shining counte- nance. ns: 174 yi& pN3 pr. name of a desert, not far from mount Sinai. 3D m. 8. pi. Ca^B , a small unripe fig, growing over winter. Cant. 2: 13. "bias m. 10. adj. impure, abominable, spoken of food ; as a subst. abomi- nation. "53 to meet with, light upon ; to fall on any one ; to hill, slay ; to reach to, border on, be contiguous, spoken of a territory ; to address with a pe- tition ; to supplicate, entreat ; to visit, regard with favor. Hi. to cause to fall, to let fall ; to fall on, seize, attack ; to supplicate, en- treat. 9iM m. an occurrence, incident. *"B Pi. to be weary, faint. *n^E m. 6. pi. const, i^JB , a corpse, carcase ; the stump of an idol. tt/JS , fut. toSS"' , to meet ; to fall on, attack. Ni. to meet together. Pi. to meet. ST1B to redeem, ransom ; to permit to be redeemed, to set free, let go, spoken of the priest ; to free from slavery ; to deliver. Ni. to be re- deemed ; to be freed from slavery. Hi. tofift to cause to be redeemed. Ho. to be redeemed. tS^mB pi. m. 1. ransom, price of de- liverance ; also as a part. pass, the delivered. R. iris . flVTB deliverance, redemption. R. rns. ta^B and 1**TB m. a ransom. R. FHB. ; . 7 ; . t r pi 3 m. 2, a plain, field. 2ns i. q. ST7B to deliver. Job 33: 24, according to the usual reading. *V13 m. 6. suff. i^H3 j fat, grease. t!3 m. const, ^d , sufF. "*B (my mouth,) SpB , V3 , n^T3 , tD!-p3 , poet. ift^3, pi. Q^S and rj*i*B , Ae mouth ; an aperture, opening; the edge of a sword or the like ; a side, border ; a part. ii3 b>N 113 mouth to mouth, orally. nfitt ttB with one accord. pBa to his mouth, i. e. to his taste. *B bs> according to the word or oracle ; by the testimony ; by the command ; according to. is bs> tZP^niin according to the thing it- self, as the truth is. n3b hfB and J-J3 btt tWtia from one side to the other. "133 according to the word ; according to, in proportion to ; like, as ; so that. ^itun ">33 because. "Db according to ; before an infin. according as, when. J-J3 and is adv. here; hither. istt hence. :n3 to be cold, lose one's animal warmth ; to relax, be wearied ; to be inactive. Ni. to be weak, feeble. fi:n3 f. 10. rest, relaxation. Lam. 2: T 18. fns i. q. tt53 to blow. Hi. to blow through or upon ; to kindle a fire ; metaph. to put in commotion ; to breathe out, utter ; to hasten ; to puff at. l2^3 pr. name of an African people. TTQ *C\B m. Poti-pherah, the father- in-law of Joseph. IS^is m. Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh's body-guard. Gen. 39: 1. !pB m. an ornament, decoration ; eye paint, stibium. bi3 m. a bean. bns pr. name of a people remote from Palestine ; also of an Assyrian king. tDis and &S m. Ch. emph. tfE3 , a mouth ; an aperture, opening. MB to be distracted. Ps. 88: 16. ft^B pr- name of a city in Idumea, be- tween Petra and Zoar, celebrated for its mines. y^3 to scatter one^s self, go astray, spoken of a flock, or of a people ; to overflow ; also in the deriv. to break in pieces. Ni. to be or become scattered. Pilel y3 to break in pieces. Pilpel PBSB to dash in pieces. Hi. trans, to scatter ; to me 175 W2 chase, drive ; intrans. to be scatter* ed, rush out. Hithpalel, to be bro- ken in pieces. Tiphel, to scatter. VtlS m. 1. dispersion. Zeph. 3: 10. p:i2 to stumble. Hi. id. p5]S Hi. to give out, afford, supply ; to cause a person to give, to get or acquire from him ; to let or cause to be accomplished. JrjpiB f. a stumbling-stone, offense. 1 Sam. 25: 31. *y& and ^HB to break, rive, shatter. Pilel or Poel *VVlB to divide the sea. Hithpal. or Hithpo. to be broken, shattered. Pilpel ^B^B to break in pieces. Hi. y^l and ^BiT, in pause ^SfT , to break or violate a co- venant or law ; to frustrate, defeat, bring to nought; to annul, make void or of none effect ; intrans. to come to nought, fail. Ho. to be frustrated or brought to nought. TB m. 1. a lot. &**TWrt ifcji and sim- ply ttf^B the feast of Purim, cele- brated on the 14th and 15th of the month Adar. ?T*ViB f. a wine-press. 8?!)B and ttJ^B , to leap proudly or wan- tonly. *3 Ni. to be scattered, spread abroad. Nah. 3: IS. TS m. pure gold. R. TTS\ TTB in the deriv. to purify. Ho. part. TEWS purified. TIB Ni. to be strong. Pi. to leap nimbly. *\1 B to scatter. Pi. to scatter ; to dis- perse, give bountifully. Ni. and Pu. to be scattered. fis> m. 8. pi. D^HS , const. *ftB , a net, snare, gin ; metaph. an object which causes to fall or brings into misfor- tune ; ruin, destruction. PI. CpfiB prob. crooked lightning ; also thin plates. R. nfis . -ins , fut. ^ftD* 1 , to tremble, be afraid ; to tremble for joy ; to hasten. Pi. intrans. to quake, tremble ; to be cau- tious, circumspect. Hi. to cause to shake. nriD m. 6. suff. 'nrifi , fear, terror ; re- verence ; an object of fear or reve- rence ; verenda, pudenda. Irnfts f. 12. fear, terror. Jer. 2: 19. iifiB m. const, nns , suff. ^nfts , dfis , pl. nitis , const, niins , a satrap, governor, deputy, viceroy, under the ancient Chaldean and Persian mo- narchs. i-ins m. Ch. const, rftis , pi. amns\ tins to be proud, vainglorious ; to be arrogant, rash ; also in the deriv. to boil over. ttis m. a boiling or flowing over, as of water. Gen. 49: 4. rmttiB f. 13. vainglory, boasting. Jer. 2^32. fins in the deriv. to spread out ; to make thin. Hi. HDil denom. from H2 , to confine in snares or fetters. IsT 42: 22. BftB m. a black coal; a burning coal. ^Hs m. Ch. a potter. Dan. 2: 41. tins m. 6. pl. dwn$ , a pit. | nnris f. a hole. Lev. 13: 55. miZB f. the name of a precious stone. *r*DB m. 3. free. 1 Chr. 9: 33 Keth. bT -cb . ^t3B m. a hammer ; metaph. a rava- ge. j3">t23 m. Ch. an undergarment. Dan. 3: 21 Keth. |"tt3B fo cleave, burst open, as flowers ; trans, to let break open, let loose ; metaph. to let loose, set free, dis- miss ; intrans. to go or slip away r withdraw. Hi. to open wide the mouth. "IDS m. 6. what first breaks through ; a firstling. STTOB f. 10. id. Num. 8: 16. lliUD m. Ch. an under garment. Dan. 3: 21 Kcri. te 176 bbs i see fiB a mouth. hD5T% pr. name of a city in Egypt, prob. Bubastos. Ezek. 30: 17. TB m. 1. calamity , destruction. JTB f *Ae eeZg-e of a sword. Judg. 3. 16. niTl"!^""^ (opening of caverns) pr. name of a place on the Red sea. rP3 m. dust, ashes. R. rlns . tt^Vs a concubine, see ttJiVs tt^B . fat, fatness. Job 15: 27. n^JP^B pi. f. double edge, two edges. p^B m. a tottering. Nah. 2: 11. R. p. fiUTS pr. name of a river, which issued from Eden. R. tthg . Tjp m. a vial, flask, bottle. R. IrDB. MBB Pi. to run or _/?ow o. Ezek. 47: 2. ttbs Ni. fo 5e greaZ or extraordina- ry ; to be difficult to do or conceive of; to be wonderful. Part. pi. fern. rrtK^ca wonderful deeds, marvellous works ; as an adv. wonderfully, marvellously. Pi. to consecrate, solemnize. Hi. firbDfl and KbBii to consecrate, set apart; to make great or extraordinary ; to make wonder- ful ; to deal wonderfully. arbsSib and tfb&rt as an adv. wonderfully. Hithpa. to show one's self great or powerful. aba m. 6. suff. wbs , something great or wonderful, a wonder, miracle : as an adj. wonderful, extraordinary. PI. d'^B as an adv. wonderfully. riifcbB wonderful events. \\*bs m. 8. fern, irpabs , adj. wonder- ful. Only in Kethib. ibs Ni. to be divided. Pi. to divide. JlSsCh. id. Dan. 2: 41. sbs m. 6. a brook. jfitB m. Ch. half. Dan. 7: 25. n'lsbB pi. f- brooks. rjabs f. 10. a division or class of the priests. 2 Chr. 35: 5. mbsf. Ch. *U Ezra 6: 18. Ub?B and TZJaVs , of the common gen- der or epicene, pi. trubb^B , a con- cubine ; a paramour. fTjbB f. 12. iron, steel. Nah. 2: 4. Jibs to be separated ; to be distin- guished. Hi. to separate ; to make a distinction ; to distinguish; to make great. fibs to cleave, cut, furrow. Pi. to di- vide, cleave, as an arrow ; to cut up fruit ; to let break forth, bring forth. hbs Ch. to serve God or idols. fibs m. a piece or slice cut off ; a mill- stone. jnbs m. Ch. worship, service of God. Ezra 7: 19. tabs to escape. Pi. to deliver; intrans. to escape, be delivered ; to bear, bring forth. Hi. to deliver; to bear away the prey. X2TB m. deliverance. "^D m. iu pause "b>5 , adj. wonderful. Judg. 13: 18Keri." R. tfbs. fi^Vs m. fern. 1-tfrbD , adj. wonderful. Ps. 139:6Keri. R.ttbfi. t^Vs ar >d trtfi m - 3. pi. trt^bB and tPBbs const, "tpbs , suff. TtrbB , o??e escaped, a fugitive. R. tabs . Jlu^bB and ^ttbs f. 10. deliverance ; thai which escapes or is delivered ; also collect, a part saved, remnant of men escaped. R. tabs b^bs m. 3. pi. trV^B, a judge. R. bbB T . flb*?bs f. justice, equity, righteous- \ess. Is. 16: 3. R. bbs . ^b-'ba m. adj. pertaining to a judge. Fem. i-p'robs as a subst. judgment. Denom. from b^bs . t]bs m. 0. suff. iBbs , a district, circle, circuit, small province ; a spindle ; a staff, crutch. bbs in the deriv. to decide. Pi. bbs to judge ; with b , to adjudge to H3B 177 ^ any one ; to think, believe. Hithpa. to pray. "'afaVs m. a certain one, some one. Dan. 8: 13. Compounded of *fy& and ^SjfeVfc q. v. ^'bs m. a certain one, some one, al- ways followed by "ofabtt. R. prob. dbs in the deriv. to weigh. Pi. to make straight, smooth, even ; to weigh out; to observe, ponder. dbs m. scales, a balance, perhaps steelyards. fbs Hithpa. to be shaken, quake, tremble. Job 9: 6. msbs f. a quaking, fear, trembling. Uibs Hithpa. to cover or sprinkle one's self. miibs f. Philistia, pr. name of a coun- try in the southwestern part of Pa- lestine. ">nu3bs m. pi. tPntiVs , also tP*nu5bs , a Philistine. ^nbs> m. royal messengers, state cou- riers, who, with the *ni3 headsmen, formed the body-guard of the He- brew kings. J m. i. q. rtss a corner. Prov. 7: 8. I (always with Makkeph following,) conj. that not, lest, Lat. ne, ne forte; that not, Lat. quod non : as an adv. not. R. perhaps ftJB . 53S prob. a kind of pastry. Ezek. 27: "l7. rtis , fut. apoc. Jtn , also ]Dn , }&& , to turn, turn away ; to go or pass away ; to turn one^s self to any one to approach, draw near ; to turn one's eyes, look ; to look graciously regard with favor ; to be turned to wards a place ; trans, to turn, in dine. Pi. ft*B to destroy ; to clear empty. Hi. ti2Dln , fut. apoc. ts*l trans, to turn, incline ; intrans. to turn one's self. Ho. to be turned, look ; to turn one's self. 23 MS f. 10. pi. ni, once d\- , a corner; a battlement in a wall; metaph. a head or leader of a people. bfittSS and btt"OS (face of God) pr. name of a place beyond Jordan. D'wjJB pi. m. prob. corals. Prov. 3: 15 Keth. D^s pi. m. const. r:s, (1.) a face, countenance ; also faces. btf trus- tzPSB face to face. Q^BH tzfib the show-bread. fia^Brt "jflbtB the table of show-bread. b d" 1 : d^to to direct one's face to any thing, have it before him. -btt d'Os tiro to direct one 1 s face or look to a place. 2 d" 1 : dr& to direct one's anger against a person. z d^is ln3 to set or execute o?ie 1 s anger against a person. (2.) appearance, looks ; state, condition. (3.) surface, as of the earth, the water. (4.) a mode, manner. (5.) the front, forepart ; the front or van of an army ; as an adv. before. trssb forwards ; in ancient times, 'formerly. tp:B?73 from ancient times. (6.) the edge of iron. (7.) a person, personal pre- sence. Hence it serves for a peri- phrasis of the personal pronoun, par- ticularly in a reflexive sense. (8.) With prefixes, ^:E~bi^ to the pre- sence of, to meet ; before ; on the surface. i5a"Ytft before. ^BT\M2 from before. "^fta before. "^sb, with suff. ''icb, *pSfcV, etc. under the oversight of any one ; in the judgment or opinion of any one ; before, of space ; east of ; wore than ; in or into the hand of any one; against; before, of time; af- ter the manner of, as ; for, on ac- count of; with an infin. before that. "SD.Sfc away from- ; on account of T3 E53 from, away from, ; through; before, of space ; on account of ; to- wards. ^tt5fi* "353 conj. because. 158 b# upon ; over ; before, of time ana 1 space ; in preference to ; east of; with, together with ; after, ac- 1?B 178 :pD cording to ; towards ; against. " i :3"b3>?J from upon ; from before. p:5> and StJq^b adv. within, inwardly. Slfc^Bb id. b hti^Bb as a prep. within . fiJ2^ B53 /row within. n 5a n i8 ni. fern, n" 1 - i adj. inner. De- nom. from tP^o D^iS pi. in. a costly article, prob. co- rals. p:s Pi. to bring up delicately, spoil by tenderness. Prov. 29: 21. cs m. 8. prob. an extremity, a hand or foot, found only in the phrase n*n3 SS^&S a garment covering the ex- tremities. R. prob. 5t3 . Cs m. Ch. joined with tt^p , the palm of the hand. SOD Pi. a&s to consider. Ps. 48: 14. rlSOB pr. name of a mountain peak, in the territory of Moab. JTS5 f. 10. prob. an abundance. Ps.72: To. n0s> to pass by, spare ; also in the deriv. to pass over. HDs to waver, vacillate. Pi. to limp, halt. Ni. to become lame. HSd m. 6. the paschal lamb, offered in commemoration of the sparing of the Israelitish firstborn in Egypt ; the feast of the passover. H05 m. 7. lame. Vfis m. 1. or VOS m. 3. an image, idol ; perhaps a quarry. R. bOS . bOS , fut. bbs" 1 , to cvt or /jcw o, of stone. bos m. 6. suff. ^DS , a graven image; an idol. TOD&B and ^SDB m. Ch. a psaltery, a stringed instrument like the harp. 00b' to cease, fail, disappear. Ps. 12:2. rtSfe to cry, as a woman in childbirth. Is. 42: 14. also in the deriv. to hiss, as a serpent. 3*B see ^e . *ri S>S m. pr. name of a mountain in the territory of Moab. li^s-b^n and simply ^i^s the name of a Moabi- tish idol, in honor of which the young women of Moab prostituted themselves. i$B and sj^b pr. name of a city in Idu- mea. b*B , fut. b^B" 1 , to do, make, prepare ; especially to do good or evil. bs>b m. 6. suff. ?ibjs , Tjbss (poolcha,) more rarely '"\b$p, pi. &^bs>5 , a, work or operation of God ; a wor&, thing made ; a moral action ; par- ticularly an evil action ; a reward of labor ; an acquisition. rV?*B f. 10. a work, action ; a reward, wages. 0?D to cZrz^e or urge on ; also in the deriv. to strike, smite. Ni. to &e pushed, driven about, be disquieted. Hithpa. id. DS>S c. 6. pi. tT^D and n*lB*B a/oof; a footstep ; a track, mark'; an an- vil ; a time or repetition of a thing. nrtttj &S>D orace; ctf once. Dual many times ? tassrt iAts fa'wie ; now- -!35>Da to^BS ZAis ta'rae as i^e other, as at other times. 3Ss re- peated, sometimes, at other times. f\J39B m. 1. aieZZ. ^i?S joined w ith J- and rta , to o^e7i liwfe the mouth, as an expression of longing desire, or of ravenous vora- city. ftSfcB fut. ftXp* , to opera the mouth ; to tear away, save, deliver. ft^s to Z>rea& out into rejoicing. Pi. to break in pieces. rt^Sttl f. bluntness, obtuseness, dull- ness. 1 Sam. 13:21. b^D Pi. to peel or j?z'ZZ. nib^B pi. f. places pilled. d2 Pi. to break, cleave. Ps. 60: 4. 3>iD to wound, mutilate. npD 179 nfi 3>s m. 6. sufi'. *$%b , a wound, braise, contusion. ^S or ^d , fut. ^ST , to press or urge any one. Hi. infin. ""l^DiHr as a subst. stubbornness, willfulness. IpS , fut. IpD" 1 , to look on or after ; to visit ; to examine, prove ; to visit, punish ; to number, review, muster; to miss in reviewing ; to lay the oversight of any thing on a person, to appoint; to charge, command, prescribe ; to deposit, lay up. Ni. to be punished ; to be missed ; to be appointed. Pi. to muster. Pu. to be numbered ; to be made to miss, to be deprived of. Hi. to appoint ; to deposit, lay up ; to commit. Ho. IpBrt part. Ipsa , to be punished ; to be appointed or set over a thing ; to be deposited with a person. Hithpa. and Hothpa. to be number- ed, reviewed. J-npS f. 10. care, providence ; punish- ment ; a counting, reckoning ; an oversight, office, business ; as a con- crete, an officer ; collect, officers ; a watch; persons keeping watch; substance, goods. I'VlpB m. what is laid up, a deposit. mips f. an office, employment. Jer. 37: 13. 1i p3 m. punishment, as an allegorical name of Babylon ; as a concrete and collect, officers. R. 'ips . D^pB pi. m. commands, precepts. R. nps*. ftps to open the eyes or ears. ftps bi> Y^S to open one's eyes on a per- son, be gracious to him. w tips D to give sight to one blind ; to im- part supernatural vision to any one. Ni. to be opened, as the eyes of the blind. ftps m. 7. adj. seeing, not blind ; in- telligent, wise. nps m. (an opening, deliverance,) Pc- kah, a king of Israel, contemporary with Isaiah. tt^HpS m. (deliverance of Jehovah) pr. name of a king of Israel. flip-ftps m. deliverance from prison. Is. 61:1. It should be written as one word. "pps m. 3. an overseer, officer. R. IpB. rrtJPjpB ph f wild cucumbers. 2K. 4: 3 . Y*1B m. const. fHs, pi. Eb*&i*li , const, ^jfls , adj. violent, ravenous. R. fjs". 7}*\2 m. rigor, tyranny, oppression. n^hs f. the curtain between the holy and the holy of holies, in the tent of the congregation. 3^3 fut. Shs* , fo fear or rend gar- ments. D*TB to break, divide ; to distribute bread. Hi. denom. from ns^s , to have a split hoof, part the hoof, for the most part joined with tiD^s . DID Persia, Persians. T 01s Ch. to divide. S^B a species of eagle, perhaps the sea-eagle, ospray. Lev. 11: 13. n&^D f. 12. pi. ni , once tP- , the hoof of a horse ; a split hoof, clo- ven foot. "W3 m. a Persian. Neh. 12: 22. "'DSd rr.. Ch. emph. *TD^S , id. Dan. *6:~29. 2*12 to set free, make lawless ; to for- sake, reject ; to remit punishment ; to make bare, uncover, the head ; to lead, command, in war. Ni. to be lawless. Hi. to cause to be lawless or unbridled ; to let rest from la- bor. S^B m. 0. pi. niSIs , a lock or bush of hair ; a prince, noble. \nfr*B m. Pharaoh, the name of nearly all the kings of Egypt, which are mentioned in the Old Testament, strictly a mere title of royalty. ttJJPlJ m. a flea. 1 Sam. 24: 15. "prions pr. name of a city in the tribe of Ephraim. Judg. 12: 15. "1B/TB pr. name of a small river, in Sy- ria, now called Al Faigc. 2 K. 5: 12. Y*\B fut. y^B* , to tear or break forth; to break down a wall ; to scatter ; intrans. to spread itself, increase ; to break in ; to cause an overthrow ; to urge with entreaties ; to over- flow, abound in any thing ; to act with violence. Ni. part. y^ci spread abroad, common.- Pu. to be broken down. Hithpa. to break away. yis m. 6. pi. tS" 1 - and "vi, a gap, breach, in a wall ; a breaking out of water ; an overthrow. fnf y~]S (overthrow of Uzzah) pr. namg of a place. P^iB to break off; to tear in pieces ; to snatch away, deliver. Pi. to rend or tear in pieces ; to tear off. Ilith- B 181 ins pa. to be broken in pieces ; to break off from one's self. pis Ch. to redeem, expiate. Dan. 4: 24. plsm. 4. const, pis, fo'ctfA. Is. 65: 4 Keth. pis m. violence, robbery ; a cross- way. IIS see lis. tols, fut. tons' 1 , tfo break, divide in pie- ces ; to spread or stretch out ; to show, exhibit. Ni. to be spread abroad or scattered. Pi. to is to spread out ; to scatter. to IS to specify, explain. Ni. perhaps to be scattered. Pu. to be specified, explained. tolbft exactly, or lite- rally. Hi. to wound, sting. tols Ch. Pa. part. pass. tolSfc exact- ly, or literally. Ezra 4: 18. tols m. const, tols, pi. tZPtols , a horse; a horseman. S^tolsri "^a horsemen. tols m. G. suff. itols, filth, dung. JTtolS f. 10. declaration, specification. tiSJlB and JJtDttB m. a copy. "] 5 1 to ism. Ch. a copy. I^tois or !i2iY&1s prob. dung. Judg. 3: 22. Vtols a quadriliteral, to spread. Job "25: 9. nlS Euphrates, the name of a river. MIS i. q. Mis part. act. fern, from !~1s q. v. ta^&niB pi. m. princes, nobles, among the Persians and Jews. iltos to spread, as the leprosy. Lev. T 13: 5 ff. Stos to go. Is. 27: 4. 5>tos m. a step. 1 Sam. 20: 3. ptos to spread asunder, open widely. Pi. id. tos m. arrogance, wickedness. Job 35: 15. R. u;ns. fttos Pi. to tear in pieces, lacerate. Lam. 3: 11. ItfTtos pr. name of a priest and over- seer of the temple in the time of Jeremiah. bttJS , fut. atoS" 1 , to put off a garment; to fall upon, pillage, plunder ; to spread one's self out. Pi. to strip or plunder the slain. Hi. to cause to put off, strip a person ; to flay cattle. Hi thpa. to strip one's self 2tos to fall away, revolt, rebel ; to apostatize from God ; to sin, trans- gress. Ni. part. 5M&B3 offended. 5>toS m. 6. suff. "^tos , revolt, sedition ; sin, transgression, crime ; pun- ishment for sin ; a sin-offering. Itos Ch. to interpret or explain dreams. Pa. id. Itos m. Ch. emph. ttltos, an explana- tion, interpretation. Itos m. id. Ecc. 8: 1. Juntos m. 9. flax, linen. nnuJs f. 10. pi. tznnips , flax, linen ; a light, lamp, from its linen or cot- ton wick. y^ii ^tos cotton. ns f. 8. suff. tfos , pi. E^ns , a piece, crum, morsel, of bread. R. nns . ! ns m. suff. Inns , pudendum mulie- bre. PL n^ns, the hinge of a door, or rather the hole in which the hinge moves. | trans pi. cf ^ns q. v. j dtfns adv. in a moment, suddenly ; as a subst. suddenness. 3zns m.2. costly food, delicacies, from the royal table. bans m. Ch. emph. KJQSftB , a word ; an order, edict ; a letter, epistle ; a matter, thing. Dans m. 1. an edict, sentence. iins to be open, wide; to be open- hearted, easily enticed, or seduced. Part. Sins simple, easily seduced. Ni. to be persuaded, in a good sense ; to be enticed to evil. Pi. to persuade ; to entice, seduce ; to sax 182 2KS dissemble. Pu. to be persuaded; to i "\ns m. Ch. siiff. tfJtJB , w?M, breadth. graven work, be enticed, seduced. Hi. to make wide, enlarge. mnD m. 1. a graving, " sculpture. R. fins . ^ins pr. name of a place in Mesopota- mia, on the Euphrates, the residence of Balaam. Dins m. 1. i. q. ns a piece. Ezek. 13: 19. R. nns . fins to open, as the mouth, the hand, etc. to draw the sword ; to surren- der, as a city ; to disclose, utter, be- gin ; to set free, dismiss. Ni. to be opened or open ; to be loosed ; to be set at liberty. Pi. to open ; to loos- en, unbind; intrans. to open itself; to plow, furrow ; to engrave, on wood or precious stones ; to cut precious stones. Part. nn5/3 one who loosens his girdle, i. e. returns from battle. Pu. to be engraved. Hithpa. to loose from one's self. fins Ch. to open. fins m. 6. suff. inns , pi. tPfWiB, const. ^nns, a door; a gate. finS2 and simply nns before or at the door. fifiS m. the opening or insight inipart- ~ed. Ps.119: 130. *jifins m. 3. const, "jinns , an opening. T m. 6. in pause \ns , pi. d^ris and DWns , simplicity, folly : as an adj. simple, inexperienced, open to eve- ry impression, easily seduced. R. tins. K.nns. b^ns Ugirdle for females. Is. 3: 24. m ^ns f. as a concrete, simple. Prov. 9:" 13. R. fins. nin^ns pi. f. drawn swords. Ps. 55: 22. R. rins "b^ns m. 3. a thread, string, cord. R. bns . bns in the deriv. to twist, spin. Ni. to wrestle, struggle ; to be pervert- ed, false, deceitful. Hithpa. Vnsnfi and "bsnfi to show one's self false. bnbns crooked, perverse, false. Deut. 32: 5. dns pr. name of an Egyptian city. Ex. 1: 11. fns m. G. pi. d^ns , an adder, a spe- cies of poisonous serpent. 3>nB m. as an adv. in a moment, sud- denly ; unintentionally, undesign- edly. ^ins , fut. ^nsi , to interpret or ex- plain dreams. fi ^ins m. 1 . an interpretation. dinns Pathros, South or Upper Egypt. d^Dnns pi. m. inhabitants of Pathros. Gem 10: 14. I^UJns m. a copy, see l^"? 3 nns to break. Lev. 2: 6. Tsade, Heb. ^St , is sometimes inter- changed with a, n, to, 0,T, ? . fiK f. 10. dung, filth, excrement. R. ton. ^ifi^iTiT q. ]$" s?aZZ ea#&. Ps. 144: 13 Keth. EPbltS pi. m. lotus bushes. Job 40: 21, 22.'"' I^st c. an epicene noun, a collective denoting small cattle, i. e. sheep and goats, particularly sheep. pfiC and pit pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah. D*fitattJ; pi. m. 1. const, i^-, produc- tions of the earth ; metaph. children, offspring. R. KiT . MX 183 ptS SJ m. 8. pi. t^aifc , a kind of chariot or litter; also a species of lizard. ttS to go forth or march out to war, carry on war ; to go forth to the service of the temple. Hi. to lead out to war. JttniS m. 4. pi. niWnS , (1.) a host, ar- x x * ' : my. tt^itil ^to the general of the host. tfi^ii ^ttJ3J* the soldiers, war- x x : riors. K!2 tfi to go forth to war. X X XX lJ (2.) trMtt tflis the host of heaven, i. e. either the host of angels, the stars, or angels and heavenly bo- dies. nitfns "ffba, n^x rrtif t : -.-j x : x ; and nitf i tPJTPtf GW of the heaven- x ; | ^ ly hosts. (3.) warfare, hard ser- vice, affliction. triOSt and nifrOST gazels, see iSS . *tt Ch. fut. aaJSP , to will, choose. trifcS , ta^h^S and fca^hSt pr. name of a city sunk in the Dead sea. nSS i. q. tt51 to go forth to war, carry on war. Is. 29: 7. also in the deriv. to shine. iTSSt to swell. Hi. to make to swell. X X i"TS m. fern. fta* , adj. swelling. Num. 5l 21. !)2! f. Ch. a matter, business, concern. l!)an. 6: 18. SteS m. a hyena, or a wild beast. Jer. " 12: 9. *S m. 6. in pause i^B , (1.) honor, majesty, glory. tfisbftQ iHJfc ^e glory of kingdoms, i. e. Babylon. "n-Sil y^tf and simply *j ^e g-Zorz- ows Zawt/, i. e. the land oi' Israel. lij'ip ''iSt *tin the glorious holy mount, i. e. the mount of the temple. (2.) a gazel. PI. tarjiS , SaiJ^fci ta^iit and DittiS* gazelles. ft. X X ^PilS f. a female gazel. D^hfc see b\\h: . unit, fut. bis**, fo reacA, W<2 aa/. "Ruth 2: 14. : ' 5>i5 Ch. Pa. to wet, moisten. Ithpa. tt&SM to be wet. 922, m. 6. what is colored, a party- colored garment. Judg. 5: 30. Sa^hS (hyenas) pr. name of a valley and of a city in the tribe of Benja- min. "ttS , fut. *)2%1 , to heap up. t^^aaj pi. m. heaps. 2 K. 10: 8. rq m. 6. or nS m. 4. pi. Ca^nSSS:, a sheaf, bundle. Ruth 2: 10. *j2 m.8. suff. ^ , pi. ^- , (1.) a side. IE b$ at the side. -j^ft by the side. (2.) the left side. (3.) an ad- versary, opponent. *72 Ch. *jst5a oTi Ae part of, in respect to. lifcb against. fil^iS m. Ch. a purpose, intention, Dan. 3l 14. T18 or il^llfc pr. name of a place on x : x x : * the northern boundary of Palestine. STiSt to lie in wait. Ni. to be laid X X waste. SYjS see STi^S . "P13 f. a purpose, intention, design. R.Vns . X X pi^iS m. 1. adj. he that has a right- eous cause; innocent, just, right- eous; blameless, virtuous, pious; true, faithful : as an adv. rightly, truly. R. pn2 . p"i2 , fut. ptiSty to have a just or righteous cause ; to be right, in an assertion ; to be just, righteous ; to be innocent, blameless ; to be justi- fied, justify one's self; also in the deriv. to be straight. Ni. to be jus- tified. Pi. to justify ; to esteem or pronounce just. Hi. to pronounce innocent, acquit, absolve ; to make righteous, lead to righteousness. Hithpa. p^BSSft to justify or defend one's self. P'-jiS m. 6. suff. *T$) str aightness ; what is right, right; righteousness, justice ; innoccncy, blamelessness ; a just or righteous cause ; truth ; nix 184 nns deliverance, salvation, prosperity, as the consequence of righteousness. rtpIS f. 11. wAaJ zs Wg-Af or fit ; a right or interest in any thing; righteousness, justice ; bla?neless- ?iess, innocency ; a just or right- eous cause ; merit, desert of good ; favor, beneficence ; salvation, deli- verance, prosperity ; victory. !T7p*J f. Ch. beneficence, alms. Dan. 4: 24. nrpp'iS (righteousness of Jehovah) pr. name of a king of Judah. SfT Ho. part. Sl-rsft shining like 'gold. Ezra 8: 27.' ' 2ri m. gold-colored, yellow. Lev. 13: 30 ff. "buz, to neigh; metaph. to rejoice. Pi. to cry aloud. Hi. to cause to shine. 1JT22 in the deriv. to shine. Hi. de- nom. from ^rT^" , to make or press oil. Job24:llV "lil'2 m. 6. a light, window. Dual O^nMS noon, midday ; also as an emblem of prosperity. Q^ilista at noon, i. e. suddenly. ) and is m. a precept. R. ms . fttfX m. 1. dirty. Zech. 3: 3, 4. HNi2 f- 10. dirt, filth ; metaph. impu- rity, sin, guilt ; also in the Keri, human dung. tfWX and "fl S m. 2. const. -ia> a , the neck. PI. E^-Jfin , const. flttiS , used of an individual. frt*Wl32 necks. JKliE and rini^ pr. name of a city in Mesopotamia, otherwise called Ni- sibis or Antiochia Mygdoniac. *l<2 to hunt or take wild beasts ; to lay snares for birds ; to lie in wait ; al- so in the deriv. to fish. Pi. to lie in wait. Hithpa. WMKl , see *pa . Jl}X in the deriv. to place, erect. Pi. rn to command; to commission, depute, send ; to appoint ; to de- cree, ordain. irpsb Jl*3 to put one's house in order, give one's last charge to his family. Pu. to be commanded. mst Jo shout, for joy. Is. 42: 11. rtniat f. 11. a cry, either of joy or sor- row. Jlb^iS f. the depth or bottom of the sea. Is. 44: 27. Qq to fast. Oi2 m. 1. pi. n^teiX , fasting, a fast. "W^S see l, ute J]12C to overflow. Hi. to cause to over- flow ; to make to swim. P]1S m. 10. pi. fiJTOes , liquid honey. pflt to pour out ; also in the deriv. to place, erect. P=i22 Hi. p^rr to straiten, afflict, op- press ; to urge. Part, p^fca an op- pressor. pis m. oppression, affliction, trouble. Dan. 9: 25. Mpnjg f. oppression, compression, af- fliction, trouble. t*flt see yis . -ri and ^i Tyre, a celebrated com- mercial city in Phenicia. -flS , pret. n^S, fut. n^" 1 , apoc. im, T ; T * T Jo bind together ; to press, straiten, besiege ; to cause to straiten ; to press, persecute ; to make hostile, instigate ; to form, make ; in the deriv. to cut. -)*X m. 1. pi. niTiX , a stone ; collect. stones; a rock; metaph. a pro- tector ; sharpness, edge ; form. ^ s the neck, see ^W s . WnXt 10. form. Ezek. 43: 11. tWtt pi. m. the neck. Cant. 4: 9. n ? , Hi. to kindle, set on fire. Is. 27:4. J12 m. 8. adj. shining white ; shined "upon by the sun, hot, bright, clear ; metaph. clear, spoken of words. R. rtftk. tlttX m. 9. adj. dry, parched. Is. 5: 1?. px 185 nbs fifiS to be white and shining- Lam. 4: "t* also in the deriv. to fee sunny. rpftSt m. 1. shined upon and burned by the sun, parched. R. nn . ttFPriS f o> dry land, parched country. Ps. 68: 7. R. rm . Wtt m. pi. ta^- adj. sunny, hot. *Neh. 4:7Keth.' R. firjS . rVTVS. f. 10. an ill savor, stink. Joel 2: 20~ n'lM^n^ pi. f. parched countries. Is. 58: Yi. R.nrt^. ptrat to laugh. Pi. to jest, joke, sport; to mock, insult; to play, dance with music. p'nism. laughter. *tflS2 m. a dazzling whiteness. Ezek. 27: 18. ^hS m. 3. adj. white. Judg. 5: 10. ^itm. pl.tD^and &*", a ship. R. "pit m. 6. a hunting ; game, venison; prey, booty ; food ; particularly jfood for a journey. R. -n . *P2 Hithpa. TttiSii denom. from T'SI *0 furnish one's self with pro- vision for a journey. tTP5 and !TtS5 f. food ; food for a jour- ney. R. 1$iS . VSS m. 1. a hunter. Jer. 16: 16. R. |Vt*M f. (a fishing) Zidon, a celebrated commercial city in Phenicia, now called Said. ** i P2 m. a Zidonian. J*pl f. 10. dryness, aridity. J-pii: V-iK and simply Jt5fc a dry Zarcd, desert. *ji">i m. a dry Zawd. |*|3t f. ^Tiem, a part of Jerusalem, con- sisting of the more elevated south- ernmost mountain and the upper part of the city. In the poets and prophets it is often used for Jerusa- lem. Also the inhabitants of Zion or Jerusalem. 24 iipttm. 1. a sign, memorial, stone set up. 5fc m. 8. pi. &*', an inhabitant of the desert, either man or wild beast. Denom. from S-px . *p:and f Zin, a desert in the south of Palestine, towards Idumea. p!P2 m. a prison. Jer. 29: 26. y2fc > pret. V , fut. y^* 1 , to shine; to put forth flowers, blossom ; metaph. to flourish. Hi. to peep, look se- cretly. p m. pi. tT252 , something shi- ning, particularly the gold plate, which the high-priest wore on his forehead ; a flower ; a wing. tt2T2 f. 10. a flower. Is. 28: 4. n^ a forelock; a fringe, tassel, such as the Israelites wore on the corners of their upper garments and esteemed sacred. abjy'Jfc , 3hp*X abpS pr. name of a city in the tribe of Simeon. IPX Hithpa. ^tJXh denom. from *V: , to set out on one's way. Josh. 9: 4. But the various reading with % as in verse 12, is to be preferred to the common reading. ^p^m. 1. an idol ; form. R. ^^ . ^Xm. 1. a messenger. ^PX m. 1. a hinge of a door ; a throe or pang of a woman in childbirth ; metaph. terror. bat m. 8. sufF. "Va| , a shadow ; metaph. something frail ; protection, shel- ter. R. bbi . T ttbSE Ch. Pa. to pray. i-jbx to roast. X X "bubx. or b^bx m. 1. prob. a cake. Judg. 7: 13. : 1^36 m. 3. roasted. R. Sibx]. rVbifc to go through, pass over ; to fall upon ; to prosper, flourish ; to suc- ceed in an undertaking ; to be fit, useful. Hi. trans, to make pros- perous, bless ; to accomplish or ex- ecute happily or prosperously ; in- "1^ 186 nfcX trans, to prosper, spoken of an un- dertaking ; to prosper in an under- taking. nb^Ch. Aph. fibril trans, to bless, prosper, promote ; to execute pros- perously ; intrans. to succeed, pros- per ; to be promoted. nn?s f. pi. ninbs , a dish, bowl. prrrS* f. id. 2 K. 2: 20. yb2 s 'ee bibs bbS to tingle, as the ears; metaph. to quiver, as the lips. bbs to Sintfr. Ex. 15: 10. bb to be shaded or dar&. Hi. part. b?3 shadowing-. bbifm. 6. suff. hbbi , pi. EPbba , a shadow. tzbi m. 6. suff. ittbs, fl shadowy image, shadoio ; a form, image, likeness ; an idol ; metaph. an ima- gination, fancy. tabafc and ob m. Ch. emph. Kttbtf , aw image, idol. "nftb^ pr. name of a mountain in Sa- maria, not far from Sichem. iliittblS pr- name of a station of the Israelites in the desert. Num. 33: 41. m?3b f. death-shade, thick darkness. Compounded of bi and rn?3 . yb to halt, limp, incline to one side. Part. fern. JTsV^il used collective- ly, those that halt. 2>b m. 6. a halting, falling. 3*5x f. 4. const. 3>bs and 3>b22, suff. vbs <*> Tib ; a side ; a side-cham- ber of the temple ; collect, a whole story of side-chambers, or even the three stories; also pr. name of a city in the tribe of Benjamin, where Saul was buried. PI. &">s>b m. sides or leaves of a folding door ; boards. PI. rri^bs , const. rns>bs , sides, of the altar, or of the ark of the covenant. b^b m. 4. const, b^bi , a rattling, rustling ; a cricket, the name of an insect; a fish-hook. -PI. CFbfchjfc, const. ibitb^ i a cymbal, similar to what is now used in field music. R. bb*. tz322 see ta'VaX fittait, fat'ttbap , to thirst; metaph. to desire ardently. Ntt2 m. 4. thirst. W2X m. 5. adj. thirsty. ftK&St f. 5? to 6eracZ, incline, tilt, a vessel of liquor ; to 5e forci do?0 by fetters ; to Zzc (Zoww, in reference to copula- tion ; also perhaps to go with neck bent back, walk proudly. Pi. to in- cline a vessel. I^Xffl. 3. i. q. ^vps small. Only in Kethib. EpSPS m. 3. a veil, covering. TOi m. 3. smaZZ ; young ; low, of lit- tle influence ; despised ; also pr. name of a place. R.^i?^ . WWE f. 10. minority, youth. Gen. 43: 33. Denom. from T , } , 22 . T ]3>1 to wander, remove, spoken of the Nomades. Is. 33: 20. f$'X Zoan, an ancient city in Lower Egypt. SD'WfcOTfc pi. m. the work of a sculptor, statuary. 2 Chr. 3: 10. p222 to cry, particularly for help. Pi. id. Hi. to call together. Ni. to be called or come together. tip #12 f. 11. a cry, particularly for as- sistance. IZX to oe brought low or debased ; al- so in the deriv. to Z>e small. t ltS^L and *isi (smallness) pr. name of a city on the southern extremity of the Dead sea. -JS2J to adhere, stick fast. Lam. 4: 8. MDS to 7oo& afoz^, particularly from a height ; to look out after oracles ; to observe narrowly ; to lie in wait ; to select. Part. f75i a watchman in a tower or steeple ; metaph. a prophet. Pi. to look about; to over- lay. Part. !lSfr a watchman ; a prophet. Pu. to be overlaid. JlDlt f. 10. a swimming. Ezek. 32: 6. R. p)t . "^SSif m. a metallic overlaying or co- vering. R. hsi2 . jpBSfc c. 3. ^e Tior^A , the north wind ; the northern hemisphere, poetically for the whole heaven. R. "ibs . >3&E m. adj. denom. from ntftti 3t see aVp*^ , liVp^m. a bag, pouch. 2K.4:42. IS and ^ m. suff. i^fc, pi. tr^ , const. **)X , an adversary, enemy, persecutor ; affliction, distress ; a stone. R. *VWt ^ m. fern. Jf^iS , adj. narrow. R. "VS m. a stone ; a knife ; also i. q. 1i22 Tyre, yp. Ni. to be burned. Ezek. 21: 3. n^itf. adj. burning, scorching. Prov. l&Vff. rQ^St f. ^ mark, scar. !TTli pr. name of a city in M anasseli, not far from Scythopolis. Jl^iS f. 10. a rival ; distress, trouble ft ^ . rT"ti2 to cry aloud ; in the deriv. to stand open. Hi. to shout for bat- tle. *H2 m. a Tyrian. 1*1 and "ns: m. in pause ^% the juice of the balsam tree, a production of Gilead, used for the healing of ex- ternal wounds. FPliS: m. 3. a high building, palace, tower. R. ft1 . T srnSS m. 6. need, necessity. 2 Chr. 2: 15. 3>^!: Part. pass. ysHS and Pu. part. y*T!fift3 smitten or scourged of God, leprous. tt3^3t f. prob. tz hornet. tty^SS pr. name of a city in the plain of Judah. ns>^ f. 13. f/te leprosy, either in men, or in houses and garments. bnp 189 "OP VfyZ , fut. ;p n , to refine precious metals ; meta'ph. to purify ; to try, examine, prove. Part. J^is a workman in gold and silver. Ni. to be purified. Pi. part. V(y&2 a re- finer. DD^ a contraction of n5S*122", with : it ' ' : n parag. ftnB^ , Sarepta, a Phe- nician city between Tyre and Sidon, now Sarfend. 1^2 , pret. ^ , imper. *\% to bind up or tog-ether, in a cloth or bundle ; to embrace, holdfast ; to shut up ; to be hostile, persecute ; to be jealous, be a rival ; in trans, to be narrow or straitened. 1*5 *i lam in a strait or in trouble ; I am much griev- ed. Hi. ^Sft , infin. *\&rt , trans, to oppress, distress, afflict ; in trans, to be distressed. JTtJKO fiWti a woman in childbirth. *lME and ^rns rn. pi. rrtSh" , a bun- dle, pack ; a purse or bag for mo- ney ; a bunch ; a stone, small stone ; a grain, kernel. TC^St and fn^Sfc i. q- JTJ^B pr. name of a city. Koph, Heb. p]ip , is sometimes inter- changed with its kindred palatals & and 5 . Np m. 1. a vomit, matter thrown from "the stomach. Prov. 26: 11. R. Nip * Dtfp f. with the article ntfplri , const. ritp , the name of a water fowl, prob. the pelican. R. Nip . ip m. a cab, a measure containing the sixth part of a seah. 2K. 6: 25. Sip to execrate, curse. i-jsp f the stomach or maw of animals that chew the cud. Deut. 18: 3. Fttp or imp f. suff. i^nSp , prob. the t t't: t t'x: fundament. Num. 25: 8. R. prob. {nap f. # sleeping chamber. Num. 25: 8. Viap m. 1. a company, multitude. Is. 57: 13. R. ^ . ttnap f. 10. a grave, scpulcher. R. bap Pi. bap to fa&e ; to receive ; to learn ; to adopt. Hi. to stand over against one another. bip Ch. Pa. to receive. bip and bip m. Ch. only with a prefix bapb , with suff. ^jbapb , as a prep. before ; over against ; on account of, because of. *i bipb as a conj. because that. "h bap~b3 because that ; wherefore ; as. JiD^ bip~b3 for this cause. bap. or bap (kobal) prep, before. 2K. T 15: 10. T T bip m. suff. ibip T or i Va[? (kabollo,) a warlike engine. Ezek. 26: 9. 3>ap to defraud ; to rob, spoil ; also in the deriv. to cover. nsap f. a kind of cup. yap , fut. yap* 1 , to gather together. Ni. to gather one's selves togeth- er, assemble. Pi. to assemble, gather together ; to draw in, gather in, the harvest ; to collect waters ; to draw in, withdraw, lose. Pu. to be gathered together. Hithpa. to gather one's selves together. Vfi$3KJg i. q. bNaj?^ pr. name of a city. n^np f. 10. a collecting, gathering. Ezek. 22: 20. R. yap x . >-iap , fut. ^ap/; , to bury. Ni. to be buried. Pi.' to bury. Pu. to be bu- ried. ^P m. 6. suff. "nagi pi< tt^KjR* const, ^nap , and rrilip , const. n'"Hap , (i grace sefiulchet. Dip 190 ttHP ftJNnil "n'rop (graves of lusting) pr. name of a place in the desert. 11|?, fut. ijp, pi. ^i, to incline, bend, bow ; also in tne deriv. to di- vide. Slip f. Ae Arabian cassia. R. lip . O^lp pi. m. found only Judg. 5: 21 Catnip bfta perhaps the brook of ancient' days, i. e. celebrated from ancient days, or, brook of slaugh- ters. Onii? and uhj? m. 3. adj. holy, spoken of Jehovah, of the people, and of sacred places. Pl.ta^tfjilp angels; the pious ; the Jews ; also as plur. excell. Jehovah. R. tt5lp\ flip to kindle, cause to burn ; to catch fire, burn. nrnp f. a hot fever. Q^lp m. what is before or in front ; the east ; the east wind; metaph. a thing of nought, vanity. R. taip . fog m. Ch. adj. holy. PI. p^lp angels; Jews. , pa , bs "HD^ip the saints of the Most High. Clip Pi. tDIp to precede, go before; to be beforehand, anticipate ; to fall upon ; to do early, rise up early ; to help, assist; to meet, befall; with a to bring ; with an infin. of another verb, as an adv. before, late- ly. Hi. to fall upon ; to be first or beforehand. taig m. 6. the east, east country; former times : as an adv. before, in front ; aforetime ; a long while : as a prep, before. tD1j? on the east ; from ancient times! b D*1JP!0 on the east of. Saip *3a sons of the east, i. e. Bedouin Arabs in the deserts east of Palestine. ta'Vaip the beginning, commencement. dip m. only with ft local, ftfrlp to- wards the east. dip and dip Ch. prep, before, of space and time. dip jftfrom before. ftftlp f. 10. only in const, state, as a prep, to the east of. ftftlp f. 10. origin ; former state. Also in const, state, as a conj. be- fore that. iiftip Ch. rtjT"nnj?53, naig^o ft'ai before this', aforetime. ]ift1p m. 1. fern. ft. , adj. eastern. Ezek. 47: 8. Denom. from dip . ^afolp m. fem. rp- , adj. front, fore ; eastern ; ancient, belonging to for- mer times. Plur. fem. rn'Ofalp things of old. Also pr. name of a Canaanitish people. Denom. from dip. >231p m. Ch. adj. first. ipi[? m. sufF. ilj?1p , the crown, head. R. T lip T . lip to be black or darkcolored; to grow black; to be dirty, muddy, turbid ; to go in dirty garments, be in mourning. Hi. to make dark ; to cause to raoimi.-Hithpa.to black- en one's self, become black. ^ip m. pr. name of a son of Ishmael ; also of a tribe of Arabian Nomades descended from him. li^lp (turbid) pr. name of a brook and valley between Jerusalem and mount Olivet. n^HIp f. blackness, darkness. Is. 50:3. n"*J*"rtp adv. mournfully, in sadness. Mai.' 3: 14. ttjlp and tthp , fut. ittip" 1 , to be sacred or holy ; to become sacred or holy ; to be consecrated, fall to the sanctu- ary. Ni. to be sanctified ; to be re- garded or treated as holy, be hal- lowed ; to show one's self holy or glorious in any one, either by bene- fits, or by judgments. Pi. UJlp to make holy, consecrate, dedicate, sanctify ; to regard as holy ; to pronounce holy ; to appoint, insti- tute, proclaim, any thing holy ; to separate as holy. Pu. to be sancti- fied ; to be appointed. Hi. to sanc- tify ; to regard as holy ; to pro- Dip 191 V? nounce holy ; to set apart, appoint. Hithpa. to sanctify or purify one's self; to show one's self holy or glorious ; to be kept or cele- brated. ttSlg m. 5. a male prostitute, sodomite. Fern. SittHp a prostitute, harlot. iznp and #pa ttJIp pr. name of a place in the desert. tl5"jp pr. name of a city in the south of Judah ; of another in the tribe of Naphtali ; and of a third in the tribe of Issachar. vZi'ip m. 6. once tfhip , suff. "tfj'ip, pi. tTUHp > also tD^U^Ip (kodashim,) holiness ; a holy place, sanctuary ; what is holy or sacred ; something consecrated, a sacred gift. iti'ip CD^UJ^p what is very holy ; the holy of holies in the temple. Sll-rp to be blunted. FL'ftSip idL blip Hi. to assemble, call together. Ni. to come together. bilp m. 4. an assembly, congrega- tion ; particularly of the Israelitish people. Sl?iTj? f. 10. a congregation. nbflp c. Koheleth, the name by which Solomon is designated in the book of Ecclesiastes. ip and ip m. 8. suff. top , a cord, line ; a measuring cord or line ; metaph. a rule, precept ; a sound; strength. R. JTjp . Nip to vomit, spew out. Hi. id. 3>nip m. a helmet. Imp in Kal and Piel, to wait or look for, wait on ; to lie in wait ; also in the deriv. to bind, twist ; to be strong. TlStT] ttjjj and h^W p to wait on Jehovah. Ni. to gather themselves together. Irijg m. i. q. ip a line. 1 K. 7: 23 Keth. Jlip Is. 61: 1. see ftipftps . C35lp to loathe, abhor, be grieved. Ni. id. Hithpal. tDUpnJl to be grieved. mp or oip to oe cut off. Job 8: 14. Vip m. 1. pi. nibip and ni"bp, a wm?e ; a report, rumor; a sound, noise, of inanimate things. irttf Vip with one voice, i. e. with one consent. niJ"P bip Ae uot'ce of Jehovah, i. e. thunder. top , fut. top; , apoc. tDpl , taj?*l ,. pret. once to*p to stand or g-e -w^, rise, arise ; to last, endure ; to prosper ; to come to pass, to be ful- filled ; to be legal, valid, spoken of testimony ; to stand by, assist ; to stand before, resist ; to be fixed or set, as the eyes ; to be made sure or confirmed ; also in the deriv. to live. Pi. top to confirm, establish, ra- tify ; to lay or impose on any one ; to perform or keep an oath ; to bring to pass ; to preserve alive. PiL tD^ip to raise up ruins ; intrans. to rise up. Hi. topil to raise up persons or things ; to appoint ; to make to stand still, to check, quiet ; to accomplish or fulfill an oath or promise ; to make valid, establish. Ho. to be raised up; to be ap- pointed ; to be accomplished, ful- filled. Hithpal. tDftipnil to rise up. , *7373 s ipn my enemy, top Ch. to rise up ; to stand. Pa. top to issue or establish a decree. Aph. d^p5l to raise, set up; to appoint. Ho. to stand. ilfaip f. 10. height ; stature. mfafrip adv. upright. Lev. 26: 13. pp Pil. *pip to set up a lamentation^ lament, Sip see ODp. 9ip m. a prince, nobleman. Ezek. 23: ' 23. p]ip m. 1. an ape. yr\p to loathe, abhor ; to be afraid. Hi. ypti to throw into fear or con- sternation, besiege. ynp Hi. y^pin intrans. to awake ; to awake from the sleep of death. yip or yip to summer, pass the sum- mer. Is. 18: 6. Denom. from y^p . &7 192 nbp yip m. 1. a thorn. rrtBMfc pi. f. 10. locks. Cant. 5: 2, 11. *np to dig\ Hi. to Zef spring up. Pilp. ^p^p denom. from "-pp , to destroy.'' ' fillip pi* m. 1. Jfo're threads, a web. iTrip f. 10. a fteam ; a house. u3ip to Zay snares. Is. 29: 21. also in the deriv. to be crooked. Bj? seeBlp . dBp and dBp m. 6. suff. ^5Bp (kotob- cha,) destruction, devastation ; pes- tilence, contagion. irTriBp f. incense. Deut. 33: 10. R. TO? BBp Ni. to loathe. Ezek. 6: 9. bBp , fut. Vup" 1 ', to kill, slay. "bap Ch. id. t*a. b^Bj? ^- Ithpe. and Ithpa. to Je slai/i. bBp m. slaughter. Obad. 9. 1'Bp , fut. fttp^ , to Z>e small, little. Hi. to make small. jBp m. 8. fern. itSttj? , pi. tPSBp , adj. small; young; insignificant, un- important: also as a subst. small- ness. f'Bp m. const. f'Bp, suff. *JOp , adj. id. also as a subst. the little finger. 5]Bp , fut. J]bp") to pZwc& o/ or i/p. Ni. to Z>e cm o/. *^Bp Pi. ^Bp to burn incense in honor of a deity. Part. pi. fern. Di'lBpXD altars of incense. Pu. part. fern. ITiBpfc incense. Hi. to burn incense. Ho. ^iBpJi to be burned, as incense. Part. '"iBpfc incense. ^iBp m. Ch. pi. 'p'iBp , knots, joints ; metaph. difficult problems. ^tjj? found only Ezek. 46: 22 hWfcft Di'nBp prob. uncovered courts. nhBp f. 13. suff. "'n'lBp , incense ; an offering. *rp m. 1. a vomit. R. Kip . il^p to vomit. Jer. 25: 27. B**g m. Ch. summer. Dan. 2: 35. TlB^p m. s??io&e ; vapor. R. nBp . d^p m. 1. collect, adversaries, ene- mies. Job 22: 20. R. dip . d*p m. Ch. an order, edict. R. dip . d^p m. Ch. adj. established, sure. R. X d^P il&^p f. 10. a rising up. Lam. 3: 63. R. dip . ttiWg see ttJteg", *pp m. 6. a spear ; also pr. name of a son of Adam ; and of a people. "tj^p f. 10. pi. d\- andrri, a lamenta- tion. R. "pp . T2 ^.i?. ' anc * ^P ^ c Kenites, a Ca- naanitish people. pp see pp. y^p m. 6. summer, warm season of the year ; fruit harvest ; fruit, dri- ed fruit, particularly figs. I'lUf'p m. fern. Jlji^p , adj. last, up- permost. Denom. from yp . 1i"P c. 1. once ^p , pi. hWj? > a wall, as of a house, an altar, a city ; also pr. name of a city in Moab ; and of a people and country under the do- minion of the Assyrians. 'jiUJ-'p pr. name of a brook. Ohrpp m. Ch. a harp. Only in the Kethib. bp m. 8. fern, rtbp", pi. t^bj? , adj. light, swift : as a subst. a swift an- imal : as an adv. swiftly, speedily. bp m. Ch. a voice. bp see bip . tlbp to roast in the fire ; to burn at the stake. Ni. part. ilbp3 a burned place, burn, inflammation. J-jbp Ni. to be lightly esteemed, de- spised, disgraced. Hi. to lightly esteem. nftp 193 P 1*1 Vp m. 3. contempt; reviling; shame, disgrace ; pudenda muliebria ; a shameful deed. R. Tibp . and sobp m. roasted grain or "ft R. rt*j? pwZse. nnVp f. a ^of, &e^Ze, t2*bp in the deriv. to receive a fugitive. Part. pass, tt^bp unusually small, dwarfish. Lev. 22: 23. Vbp * fat. bp" 1 1 to oe lessened or a6tf- ted ; to oe small, mean, vile ; to be swift. Ni. Vp3 and bps , fut. pi. nVp"* , to oe easy, light ; to be small, trifling, or insufficient ; to be de- spised or lightly esteemed; to be swift. Part, "bp: , fem. tl?pi , small, easy. ttVPS bs> slightly. Pi. V?p to curse, blaspheme ; to contract a curse. Pilp. bphp to move, shake ; to smooth, polish, sharpen. Hi. hp*n , infin. "bpSl , fut. bp" 1 , to fflflie light ; to despise, con- temn. Hithpalp. to move one's self, tremble. Vbp m. adj. prob. smooth, polished. Jnbbp f. 11. const. nVbp , a reviling ; a curse ; as a concrete, one accurs- ed. -Pi. to mock, scorn, deride. Hithpa. id. Obp m. scorn, derision. T\iy?7>i.id. Ezek. 22:4. 3>pp to throw, sling ; to cast out ; to cut in, engrave. Pi. to throw, sling. 3>bp m. 6. a sling ; a curtain, hang- ing ; also 1 K. 6: 34, a corrupt read- ing for 3>b a valve or leaf of a fold- ing door'. ' 3>>p m. 1. a slinger. 2K. 3: 25. bp'bp m. mean, vile, spoken of food. "Num. 21: 5. R. bbp . -'t fitfJVp m. a pointed or pronged instru- ment. 10. standin, Dbp- -*T hi? f. standing. R. top corn, a crop ye 25 ttftfcj? and ttJWj? m. pi. traiB73j> , a prickly plant, as the nettle, thistle. np m. 6. 7/2caZ. t353p to fetter, bind hands and feet. Pu. to be carried away in fetters. \>1ip to become sickly and die, spoken of plants. Vttp to to;&c, particularly ?z7A a full hand. y^p m. 6. suff. irap , a handful ; a sheaf, bundle of ears which one takes in his hand. Jtttej? see ftjDg . ]P m. S. const. )p , suff. isp , a bird's nest ; nestlings, young birds; me- taph. a dwelling. PI. psp cells, a dwelling. - small dwellings. &ip Pi. N2p to be zealous, defend with zeal ; to be jealous ; to be en- vious ; to emulate; to be indig- nant; trans, to excite to jealousy. Hi. to excite to jealousy. SOp Ch. to buy, purchase. Ezra 7: 17. &tp m. jealous, one who permits not his rights to be injured. Slfittp f. 12. zeal, ardor ; ardent love; jealousy; envy; anger, indigna- tion. M2p, fut. ttffiP't apoc. }p/], to gain, earn by labor; to buy; to re- deem, ransom ; to get, obtain ; to own, possess; to prepare, form, make. Hi. prob. to buy, purchase. Jrj2p Hi. to excite to jealousy. Ezek. t' t 8:3. H5p m. 9. pi. d\. and ni, a cane, reed; sweet cane, sweet calamus, (Acotus Calamus, Linn.) a stalk of corn ; a measuring reed or rod ; a measure of six cubits ; the beam of a balance, or a balance ; the upper bone of the arm ; a branch of a candlestick. ft5j? rnri the wild beast of the reeds, i, e. the croco- dile. tttop m. jealous. R. Kip. tip pr. name of a descendant of Esau. 'Tip m. a Canaanitish people. YP 194 ttp "3g see irp . 1^:p m. 2. that which one gets or ac- quires; a possession, substance, property; perhaps a creature. II. jV:2jp m. const. top , cinnamon. ^p Pi. ]sp to wesf, fttafc a nest. Pn. id. Denom. from "jp . S3J? Job 18: 2. see yp . n:p (possession) pr. name of a city in Gilead. DDp , fat. bbp^ , to divine. QDp m. 6. divination ; the wages of divination ; also prob. in a good sense, an oracle. C5p Po. DDip to cut of. Ezek. 17: 9. nOJ? f. ft vessel, cup, as *l*j"bj1 n&g ft writer's vessel, inkhorn. i"Vi>p pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judab. vpt'p m. a mark cut or burned in the 'skin. Lev. 19: 28. i-n?p f. 11. const, nnyp, pi rrnyp, const. rrt"Wj? , a dish, charger. NBp to Z>c congealed, spoken of the floods ; to draw in one^s self, sit with one's fret under him. Hi. to make to curdle. }i\*2p m. ice, frost. Zp m. an end. fi^p f. 11. pi. const, niitp , an end, extremity ; the su?n, crowd, mass. 12p m. 6. an end. R. ftxp . smg f. 12. pi. niiitp , id. n::p m. black cumin, nigella melan- t hium. *p^p m. 3. ft judge, magistrate ; a ge- neral, captain ; a prince, chief. rris^p pi. f. the Arabian cassia, (Lau- rus Cassia, Linn.) Ps. 45: 9. R. *?R *YXp in. 3. harvest ; the grain gather- ed in ; collect, the reapers ; also a bough, branch. R. "isp . 3>p in the deriv. to cw o^*. Hi. to scrape. Ho. part. pi. f. rriSSfcpttfc corners. ^p , fut. ?rjbp" , to be wroth or angry; also in the deriv. to be brittle. Hi. to provoke to anger. Hithpa. to be angry. 5]p Ch. to be angry. Dan. 2: 12. pj^p m. 6. suff*. isss p , wrath, anger; a chip, splinter. SiD^p f. ft fragment, broken piece. Joel 1: 7. y^p /o cw a/. Pi. yip and ysp to cwi oj"; fo t'wi into threads ; to strip. Pu. to be cut off. yp Ch. Pa. to cutoff. Dan. 4: 11. 12ip , fut. ^kp" 1 , to cut down, mow, reap ; also ^istp , fut. ^p"] , intrans. to be short ; to be weak, feeble ; to be impatient, grieved, vexed. Pi. to shorten. Hi. to shorten ; to reap. n? 195 mp *))p m. 5. short i in pa- weak, feeble tient, irascible, passionate. *l5p m. 6. impatience. Ex. G: 9. ri22p f. aw end. R. ftJ? . np f. Ch. const, n^j? , a part ; an md. qilict. ^p m. pi. trip , adj. cold, cool -ip see *Tp . ip m. cold. Gen. 8: 22. fc^p to call ; to call out ; to call to or on any one, particularly for help ; to call together ; to invite, bid ; to announce, proclaim ; to preach ; to celebrate, praise ; to choose, appoint ; to call on, invoke ; to name ; to read. Ni. to be called ; to be named; to be read. Pu. &Hj? to be called ; to be named. *{^p i. q. i-np to meet or befall any one. Infin. nK^pb , with sufF. ntfnpb, dSnsnpV, as a prep, to meet, Lat. obviam ; over against. Ni. to meet, fall in one's way ; to happen, be by chance. Hi. to cause to happen. a^\p Ch. fut. inp 1 ] , j-np^ , to call ; to read. a^p m. a partridge. n^jP and a^j? , fut. s^p* , infin. ahp , also FD'np , to approach, draw near ; to draw near with help ; to draw near for sexual intercourse ; to draw near in a hostile manner, advance ; with an infin. of ano- ther verb, to be near ; also to stand off. Ni. to come near. Pi. s^p to bring near ; to grant access ; to let advance ; to bring or join together ; with an infin. of another verb, to be near. Hi. to let draw near ; to cause to come near ; to give access; to bring ; to bring or join together; intrans. to draw near, approach ; with an infin. of another verb, to be near doing a thing 1 . nnp m. 5. adj. approaching, drawing near. S^p "Ch. pi. to"\p , to draw or come near. Pa. to bring, offer. Aph. to bring near ; to bring, offer. nip m. 1. war, battle, contest. n^p m. Ch. id. Dan. 7: 21. n^p m. 6. suff. ^2-\p , the middle or in- nerpart; the bowels, inwards ; the heart, as the seat of thought and af- fection. traip f. 11. const, ni^p , a drawing near. ja'np m. const. |spj>, pi. suff. brvjaHp, an offering, oblation. "js^p in. 2. a presenting or offering. t^np m. 8. suff. SlSrflfc , pi. &V and ni, an ax. nnp T f. 10. ecld. 1-j^p , fut. fnp^ apoc. ip"< , to meet or befall any one ; to happen, Ni. to meet ; to be by chance. Pi. Jinp to frame or lay beams for a house or gate; to construct, build. Hi. to cause to meet ; to make a suita- ble selection. J-np m. 9. pollution. Deut. 23: 11. S'lSp m. 3. adj. near, in space or time; > kindred, allied ; short, of short con- tinuance. hV^pw/or a short time; shortly, soon; perhaps lately. K. H^p to make Smooth, shave, make a bald place. Ni. impers. a baldness is made. Hi. to make bald. Ho. part, mp shorn, made bald. mp m. ice ; crystal ; cold. n^p m. 6. ice, or rather hail ; alsopv. name of a son of Esau ; of a descend- ant of Eliphaz ; and of a Levite who conspired against Moses. fi^p m. one who has a bald spot on the hind part of his head, bald-pated. Jin^p , once KJi^p , f . 10. a bald spot on the back part of the head ; also a bald spot on the forehead. nrnp f. 13. a bald spot on the back part of the head; metaph. a bareness of hair on the back side of cloth. np IDG WP *^p m. in pause *hO , contrariness, opposition. R. n^p . N^p m. 3. called, invited, deputed. u. amp . JlJO'np f. a preaching; proclamation. Jon. 3: 2. R. *1jJ . i-T^p f. 10, a c%. R. j-np . *?*?** *^P P r - name f a city, after- wards called Hebron. rttXmnrpSj? (c% o/ streets) pr. name of a city in Moab. Num. 22: 39. Di^yi-W^j? ( c % of forests) pr. name of a city in Judah. rrSD~n^p (city of the law) and n^p ^35 (c% of writing*) pr. name of a city in Judah, otherwise called t3*n^j? (double city) pr. name of a ci- ty in Reuben ; also of a city in Naph- ydi. t3*np to corer ; intrans. to be covered. f^p f. G. a horn ; a vessel made of horn, or a horn used as a vessel ; a horn, as a musical instrument; a horn, as a symbol of strength ; also in several phrases where we use head ; the top or summit of a moun- tain, a peak ; a horn or projecting point, on the corners of an altar ; a beam, ray, flash. ^v** fnfp the horn of my deliverance, i. e. my mighty deliverer. *pp to emit rays, shine. Hi. to have horns. y\p f. Ch. emph. K3*1g , a horn. >1p to be bowed down. Is. 40: 1. D^p m. 6. a hook or pin, connected with a loop. ES^tpg pi. or tSlVgng dual, prob. ankles. y"jg to rend, tear in pieces ; to tear open ; to tear off or away ; to cut in pieces; to cut out; to revile. Ni. to be rent. tZD'^p pi. m. pieces of a garment, rags. V^p to bite ; to wink. Pu. to be nip- ped or broken off. y*)p m. destruction. Jer. 46: 20. ynp m. Ch. a piece, found only in the phrase "*i ^1p blDN to eat the pieces of a person, i. e. to slander or inform against him., 2p*yp m. a quadriliteral, the floor or pavement of the tabernacle or tem- ple ; "the bottom of the sea. ttHp m. 6. a board or plank. n^p f. a city. R. Ifjp ]mp pr. name of a city in Naphtali. Josh. 21: 32. fftop and ?!V22p_ f. pi. Irtltop , const. nVvUp , a bowl, dish. TU^top f. prob. the name of a coin or weight. ryjpipp f. pi. tZPtoptop and nitopipp", a scale. "&p m. straw, halm; stubble ; flying stubble, chaff. R. t&'&p . pi. m. a species of melons or cucumbers, a pumpkin, (Cucumis Chate, Linn.) Num. 11: 5. attjp to give attention, hearken. Hi. with and without iSTN, to incline one's ear attentively, luarken. Sttjp m. attention. $isp m. 1. adj. attentive. S"p m. adj. fern, rfi'&p , attentive. inuip to be hard, harsh; to be cruel, terrible ; to be heavy, difficult. Ni. paru Sl^p2 burdened, oppressed, troubled. Pi. to make hard or hea- vy. Hi. JT^pil, fut. apoc. lL : p^2 to harden, render obdurate ; to make heavy or grievous. Jl^p adj. 9. fern. tT&fct (1-) hard; with 5p>, stiff necked; with t3 n 3S , of a bold front, impudent, shame- less ; with $b , of a hard or inflexi- ble heart. (2.) heavy, difficult. (3.) firm. (4.) violent. (5.) powerful, mighty. B'mjp m. Ch. frui&. 0*npp "|?3 *a tettrt, uDW&p nan 197 an fitirp Hi. to harden the heart ; to treat harshly, Dttip and t2tf3p m. Zrw^A. *tt).p m. hardness, obduracy, stubborn- ness. Dent. 9: 27. nuip , fut. ItPp^i to bind, fetter ; to connect closely ; to enter into a conspiracy, conspire. Part. pass. *]Wp bound, close, strong. Ni. to be closely connected ; to be joined together, be closed. Pi. to bind. Pu. part. pi. fem. rnTuip 12 the strong (ewes.) Hithpa. to enter into a con- spiracy. Tii3p m. G. suiF. 'nuip , a conspiracy. iD"Hip ph in. a girdle. Uitfjp to gather together. Po. u3il3ip to search after, collect. Hithpo. to gather together. nu5pc.pl. rrtnuip , const, nirrtpp, a bow ; a bow, as the symbol of strength; collect, archers; a rain- bow ; also the title of an elegy. tv&p m. an archer. Gen. 21: 20. De- nom. from niBp . Diinp m. Ch. a harp. Only in the Kc-ri. Resh, Heb. fl)*^ , is sometimes inter- changed with the other liquids "b and 2 . It also assimilates itself occasion- ally to the following letter, and is sometimes inserted between the first and second radicals, so as to form a quadriliteral. !-l*n , fut. Sajpll , apoc. &* , with Vav convers. |H*1 , Nim , infin. absol. oN^, ~i&-\, const, nifrn, to see, perceive with the eye; with 2, to view with interest or feeling, see with satisfaction or with grief; to look upon, view, consider ; to look to or take care for any thing ; to know, discern ; to visit ; to choose, select; to experience good or evil, to enjoy or suffer; to partake of; to learn by experience. Ni. to be seen ; to show one's self, appear ; to be provided for. iiii-p i^B-WN $#*& to appear before Jehovah, i. e. to vi- sit his sanctuary. Pu. to be seen. Hi. ttfiHrt and ST&hiT, fut. apoc. NTH j to cause to see, to show ; to cause to experience good or evil. Ho. to be shown, be w,ade to see. Hithpa. JiN^-inn to look on one ano- ther ; to try one another's strength in battle. tlMI m. 9. adj. seeing. Job 1C: 15. tlHT) Deut. 14: 13. prob. a corrupted reading for J-itf'} q. v. JHflp m. 9. a seer, prophet ; a vision. plttn m. Reuben, the eldest son of Ja- cob. ftWi iafin. Kal from J-j*n . Ezek. 28: Tf. m&nf. a seeing. Ecc. 5: 10 Ken. R. \\ >b -i m. a mirror. Job 37: 18. R. |t*1 . : t t \*n m. in pause *wh, a sight, vision ; an appearance, form ; a spectacle* gazing stock. R. ftW) D**n see p*n ptfflp i. q. Jtyftft the first* Only in> the Kethib. n\\n f. a seeing. Ecc. 5: 10 Keth. t^fin to be high. Zech. 14: 10. Sin , uZi^n and fcST] m. pi. t^VD/f} and tPft-i, a buffalo or wild ox. niSO pi. f. the name of a costly arti- cle, prob. red corals ; also pr. name of a city in Gilead ; and of another in Issachar. V8*\poor, see UJI^. m 198 im u;N*i m. i. q. tt3**i poverty. Prov. 30: 8. TDK*! m. Ch. a head ; the sum, amount. PI. 'p'ffin and p$h heads; chiefs. ttJiH m. pi. 5*^\\*i , suff. once VtDtH , a head ; the best of its kind ; a chief leader; a chief city, metropolis ; the highest place, first rank ; the top or highest part, as of a moun- tain, pillar ; the first, in number ; the beginning; the sum, whole number; a company, multitude, host ; a person, individual. UJN1 and UJl *l m. the name of a poi- sonous plant, perhaps night-shade ; also poison. u5*H the name of a Scythian people. !TN*l f. 10. pi. rn"N*l , a beginning. Ezek.36: 11. rtttJJTl f- the first place. Zech. 4: 7. JitfJin m. fem. |-j:ilitt*l , adj. the first, in time, order or dignity. PI. EPJtMt^ the forefathers. Fem. J-jr&K^ as an adv. first, foremost ; before. De- nom. from rcsH . "oiz;"tf*l adj. fem. n\- , id. Jer. 25: 1. rriiL : K*i see rrtujtfniB 1 . n v J3K*l, oncen v *i, f.13. abeginning; earlier state ; earlier time ; the first in its kind, a firstling, first- fruits. Denom. from lcaH . 5*1 adj. 8. in pause i"n , fem. tta 1 ! , pi. tr:n, much, many, numerous; great, mighty; old, aged: as a subst. much, sufficient, enough ; great- ness ; a chief, captain, leader, prince. 5*1 ^t) anc ^ n ?^ as an adv. much, exceedingly. Pi. tF3n the mighty; the aged. R. 55*1 . 5*1 m. 8. prob. an arrow, or an archer. "Job 16: 13. R. 55*1 . 5*i m. Ch. pi. l p5*i5'l . great ; as a subst. a chief, head, captain. bVft *5*l5*i to speak great things, i. e. to make arrogant or blasphemous speeches. 5*1 see 5**1 . 5h, also 5i*l m. 8. before Makk. -5*1, T suflf. &2*i , a multitude, number ; greatness ; in poetry, the whole. 5*ib abundantly, very much. R. 55*1 to be or become many or nume- rous. Pu. denom. from Si55*i , to be increased to myriads. 55*1 or 55*1 to shoot arrows. Gen. 40: "23. il55*i f. 11. a myriad, ten thousand. PI. ni55*i myriads, for the most part as a round number. 15*1 to cover, overspread, Prov. 7 : 16. also in the dcriv. to bind. Srj5*i , fut. apoc. 5*1"* and 5*-p , to be T T J or become many or numerous, in- crease ; to be great ; to become great, grow. Pi. fts*1 to make numerous, increase ; to nourish, bring up. Hi. *72*l* , l, fut. Its*!" 1 , apoc. 5T 1 j imper. apoc. 5*1*1 , infin. absol. Jia*iS"r and *"5*iJ-i, infin. const. ni 2*1*1, to make numerous, in- crease ; to make great, enlarge ; to have much or 'many ; to give much; joined with an infin. of ano- ther verb, it forms a periphrasis of the adv. much. Infin. absol. *12*1*1 as an adv. much. Infirt. const. ni aitt as a subst. multitude. Jl5*i Ch. to be or become great. Pa. to make great, exalt. **I2*1 (chief city) pr. name of the me- tropolis of the Ammonites; also of the metropolis of the Moabites. 12*1 and Niz*i f. 10. pi. nit\5*i , ten thousand, a myriad. R. 55*1 12*1 f. Ch. pi. *15*l or *55*l , id. Dan. 7: 10. sin*! f. Ch. emph. tfm5*i i greatness. ii. *75*1 Di2*l f- ten thousand, a myriad. Dual izDTris*! two myriads. R. 55*1 . tm 199 fin trn*^ pi. m. showers of rain. R. PI*! m. 3. a chain, necklace. It. "Q^ jnyi m. 1. adj. fourth. Fem. Ifflj^yi fourth ; a fourth fart. Denom. from 5>s>y . yW Ch. fern. Hjyai adj. fourth. Tp."\ Ho. part, mixed or mingled with a liquid. flbi^ pr. name of a city on the north- ern boundary of Palestine. 3>n^ to copulate or lie with ; also in the deriv. to lie down. Hi. to let copu- late or gender. yi^ Part. pass. Waft and Pi. part. $3^72 four cornered, foursquare. Denom. from 5>a^N ym m. 6. suff. "jfai , a lying down. "Ps. 139:3. 3>n^ m. 6. a fourth part ; a side, quar- ter. Denom. from Wyk 3>ni m. a fourth part ; a' multitude of people. Denom. from ^a'lN . tTSa^ pi. m. posterity in the fourth generation. Denom. from 3>s1N yai , fut. ya^P , to lie on the breast with ths forefeet stretched out, as quadrupeds ; to fall down ; to lie down ; to lie, as waters ; to rest, as a curse; to lurk or lie in wait. Hi. to cause to lie down or rest ; to lay stones in cement. Vnl m. 6. a place of lying down, for herds ; a dwelling place, for men. npil f Rebckah, the wife of Isaac. Wj see a^ Ch. fn^n^ m. Ch. a noble. a;n or a^n m. 6. a lump or clod of earth. Ol , fut. ta'V , to quake, tremble ; to quake for joy ; to be thrown into commotion ;. to be disturbed ; to be grieved ; to be angry ; to rage. Hi. to make to tremble, to shake ; to disturb, disquiet; to provoke, ex- cite to anger. Hithpa. to rage against a person. WP1 Ch. Aph. to excite to anger. ' fczra 5: 12. Wi m. Ch. anger. Dan. 3: 13. Ol m. trembling. Deut. 28: 65. Oh m. 6. disquiet, trouble ; a raging; anger. j-jni f. a quaking, trembling. Ezek. T 12: 18. ba^ to calumniate, slander. Pi. to calumniate ; to spy out. Part. bsStt a spy. Denom. from ^'i . Vi'n c. 6. sufF. ^pjh , a foot ; a step, pace. DualtnS^, also used in a plural sense. Pi. h*b**) times, Lat. vices. *Hh or bah c. Ch. afoot. ^JH m. afoot soldier. d^S to stone ; to throw stones at any one ; also in the deriv. to heap up. rtJOA'n f. 10. a crowd, press, band. Ps. ^ m. 6. a moment ; as an adv. in a moment, suddenly. tPSJHb every m-oment, repeatedly ; suddenly. ttjy^ to rage, tumultuate. Ps. 2: 1. tib 1 -! Ch. Aph. to run together in a tumult. ttJah m. and J-jtib^ f. 10. a bustling multitude, a multitude. Ti^ to subject, subdue ; also in the de- riv. to spread. Hi. to overlay with gold. SWl , fut. apoc. W , to tread ; to sub- jugate, rule over. Hi. to cause to rule. !Yi^ to take, take away. Judg. 14 : 9. ni 200 ni"i V"n m. 3. a large thin vpper gar- ment. R. Til . tni Ni. n*"0 to lie in a deep sleep ; to sink down stupefied or senseless. D" , 2 fc n the name of a western people, prob. the Rhodians. 1 Chr. 1: 7. pi, fut. ft^T, to run or follow after ; metaph. to follow after righteous- ness, peace, the wind ; to persecute ; to chase, put to flight. Ni. to be persecuted. Part. ppia prob. that which is past. Pi. to run after a person or thing ; to persecute. Pu. to be chased. Hi. to persecute. ^n"\ to urge, press upon, attack ; also perhaps to fear. Hi. to disconcert or embarrass ; to strengthen. Sill m. 6. rage, insolence, pride ; al- so a poetical name for Egypt. 2*rn m. 4. proud, haughty. Ps. 40: 5. 2J-n m. 6. an object of pride. Ps. 90: "lO. rt?n see ?r-p . T T T D!n m. 6. a watering-trough for cat- tle. In plur. prob. braided locks. t^fll m. a ceiled or arched covering. Cant. l:17Keri. n m. Ch. form, appearance. R. JiNI . nil see nh. n^seen^. mi to wander, rove ; also in the deriv. to persecute. Hi. to wander about; to desire, seek, strive to accom- plish. Jmi to be abundantly supplied with drink, drink to satiety ; to enjoy or take pleasure in any thing. Pi. intrans. to be satisfied with drink ; trans, to water, wet, moist- en ; to satisfy, refresh. Hi. to sa- tiate with drink; to water a field ; to satisfy with fat. T\Vy m. 9. satisfied with drink, drunk- en ; well watered, spoken of a gar- den. t'PVl f. abundance of drink, plenty of water. R. Nri . rtVl Hi. mitt to smell, see mi . mi c. 1. pi. rrimi , (1.) a wind, air in motion ; a quarter of the heavens. di^n mi the windy or cool part of the day, i. e. the evening. (2.) a breathing or exhalation, breath; metaph. frailty, vanity ; vital breath in men and animals. (3.) a snuf- fing of the nose ; metaph. anger. (4.) the anima or animal soul, vital principle of animals which was placed by the ancients in the breath, spirit, life ; metaph. a (miraculous) principle of life, in things otherwise inanimate. (5.) the animus or rational soul, mind, intellect, spirit ; metaph. a disposition, inclination ; a desire ; courage. (6.) irJ-rbfc tril or ftqi Slim the spirit of God or of Jeho- vah, more rarely, by way of emi- nence, min or mi the spirit, or r^p mi his (God's) holy spirit. By this name is denoted the life- giving breath or power of God in men and animals, which moved over the chaos at the creation, and ope- rates through the universe, and pro- duces whatever is noble and good in man, by making him wise, and leading him to virtue, and by gui- ding him generally. But it is espe- cially applied to extraordinary pow- ers and gifts ; e. g. of the artificer, of the warrior, of the ruler, of the prophet, of the interpreter of dreams; and personified, as it were, this in- spiring or prophetic spirit is repre- sented as passing from one person and resting on another. tVWft 8hR a prophet. (7.) it sometimes forms a mere periphrasis of the personal pronoun. mi c. Ch. a wind ; a spirit. mi to be or become wide, used imper- sonally. Pu. part. Fnlfr wide, spa- cious. mi m. width, space ; relief, enlarge- ment. nmi f. 10. relief. ?"n 201 am Din , fut. a?)*p , apoc. dh^ , with Vav convers. D*"m , to be high, lifted up, exalted, elevated ; to be ela" ted, with pride; to grow up; to be raised or built, as a way ; to be extolled or praised, spoken of God ; to exult or triumph over any one ; to be '/nighty or victorious, pre- vail ; to be remote or distant from doing a thing. Part, tn also dan, fern, 'iW\ , high, exalted, lifted up; triumphant ; presumptuous ; great of stature ; mighty; loud; proud; difficult to be comprehended. EDDl the heights of heaven. Ni. see un- der ttol. Pilel 1373*11 to raise, lift up ; to assist one that is low or oppressed ; to place in safety, make secure ; to let conquer ; to erects, building; to exalt, praise; to cause to grow ; to bring up, nourish, educate. Pulal E7311 to be exalted. Hi. to lift up ; to erect a banner or monument ; to lift up the voice ; to raise or levy a tribute ; to bring or offer gifts in the temple ; to give largesses to the people ; to bring upon the altar ; to take away. Ho. to be offered or presented ; to be taken away. Hithpal. 1 pers. sing. fut. BttilB (for dfciina,) to ex- alt one^s self. tftl Ch. Part. Peil bl lifted up. Pal. D7311 to exalt, praise. Aph. to lift up. Ithpal. to lift one's self up. &^m. height ; pride, arrogance. D 5 ) 1 m. Ch. id. &11 and H73i1 as an adv. on high, proudly, haughtily. Tim 1 pr. name of a place. 2 K. 23: 26. fiilm. 2. pi. const, ni 737211 , exalta- tion, praise. rm&trt^f. 13. a lifting up. Is. 33: 3. "pi For the fut. yiTN see tol. Hithpal. to be overcome. Ps. 78: 65. 211 to be evil, pernicious, wicked; to be disagreeable or unpleasant ; to be envious or jealous ; to be sad. Ni. fut. 3>iV, to degenerate, be- 26 come worse; to experience ill, suffer injury. Hi. ?in and 3>lii , (as if from S>JP1 ) to make evil ; to act wickedly, sin ; to do or treat ill. Hithpal. 2S>i inr*. to experience ill, suffer injury. ir1 or am Hi. s^iii to cry aloud; to rejoice, exult ; to lament ; to shout for battle ; to blow with a trumpet. Pul. JNPl to be celebrated with re- joicing. Hithpal. to rejoice. y^n to run ; to move quickly or cheer- fully j to rush upon, assail. Part. plur. D^l and T*3S1 runners, X I T state-couriers, among the Hebrews and Persians.Pilel ysnl to run. Hi. to cause to run, put to flight; to fetch in haste, bring or carry quickly. Several forms of y=i1 have their signification from y1 q. v. p^nseep-n. HI to run or ooze out. Lev. 15: 3. 1 1 poison, see thfoi 11 to be poor or in want. Part. uji, also u3&1 , poor, needy. Hithpal. to appear poor. nil f- Ruth, the heroine of the small book which bears her name. T1 m. Ch. a secret. X J-IT1 to waste away or destroy ; also in the deriv. to be or make lean.- Ni. to become lean. ,1T1 m. 9. lean. '.' X fill m. leanness, consumption; de- structive disease ; diminution, smallness, scantiness. R. tiT^ . T T finm. a prince. Prov. 14: 28. R. ifl m. destruction, wo. Is. 24: 16. R. ' mi . X X t3T1 to wink with the eyes. Job 15: 12. ^Tl in the deriv. to be grave or digni- fied. Part. ]fi a prince or king. ihl to be wide, broad, large; to be en- larged with joy. Ni. part, wide, :m 202 racn large. Hi. to enlarge; to male room for any one; to deliver from affliction ; to open wide ; to enlarge one's desire ; to open the heart to knowledge ; intrant, to be enlarged. 2m m. 4. adj. wide, broad, large ; puffed up, proud, arrogant ; also a? a subst. arrogance. 5m m. 6. breadth ; a broad place. inn m. G. breadth of space ; largeness of understanding. irn and nhm cl . pi. ni S'rn , a street; the open space before the gate of an oriental city, where courts were held, and bargains made, the orien- tal forum ; also pr. name of a city in Asher ; and of a Syrian district or people. rril'rn (room) pr. name of a well. Gen. 20: 22. W nta'm (streets of the city) pr. name of an Assyrian city. Gen. 10: 11. *l!"!-f"r rrtahn pr. name of a city on the Euphrates. Gen. 36: 37. ttKtfp m. (enlargement of the people) Rehoboam, the son of Solomon and first king of the two tribes of Benja- min and Judah. dim m. adj. merciful, compassionate, spoken only of God. R. dm . pirn m. 3. adj. remote, distant, in space or time : dear, costly, as to price ; as a subst. remoteness, dis- tance. R. pm . trtn Cant. 1: 17 Keth. prob. a cor- rupted reading for Btfl , which is found in the Keri. E^Fn dual, a handmill, consisting of two stones, of which the upper one turns round on the lower. p^m m. Ch. far, distant, remote. Ez- ra 6: 6. R. pm . bm f. 5. an ewe ; a sheep ; also pr. name of the wife of Jacob. dm or dm to love. Pi. &m to have - r t - compassion, pity. Pu. dm to find mercy. dm or dm c. G. the womb ; a maiden, female. dm m. and rrsm the carrion-kite, ( Vultur Pcrcnopterus, Linn.) rtfcrj 1 ! f- a maiden. Judg. 5: 30. d*93m pi. m. 1. the chief intestines, as the heart, liver, etc. Lat. viscera ; tender love or affection, particularly towards relatives ; favor, grace ; mercy, compassion. p?Jm pi. m. Ch. id. Dan. 2: 18. "zftm m.8. adj. merciful, compassion- ate. Lam. 4: 10. >|m to shake, totter. V\. to hover, flut- ter ; to brood. ym , fut. ym^ , infin. irom , to wash or cleanse the body or other flesh ; to wash one's self, bathe. Pu. ytn to be washed. Ilithpa. to wash one's self. ym m. 6. a washing. yrn Ch. Ithpe. to trust. Dan. 3: 28. florin f. a bathing or washing place. pm , fut. pm* , infin. ttpfrl , to &e re- moved, distant; to withhold aid; to abstain, avoid. Pi. pm to put far away. Hi. to put far away ; in trans, to be or go far off. Infin. pfHh as an adv. at a distance, far off." pm m. 5. adj. removing one's self. Pr. 73: 27. m to swell or boil up. Ps. 45: 2. nm f prob. # winnowing shovel or /aw. Is. 30: 24. Denom. from rm . 5121 1 fnt dtt'V i to fre 7#e or soaked through. Job 24: 8. also in the de- riv. to be moist, juicy. ibl m. moist, juicy, in fresh verdure. Job 8: 16. rtBTl see m* . BtT) m. fear, terror. Jer. 40: 24. lEBm a quadriliteral, to revive, he- come fresh again. Job 33: 25. tijm Pi. to dflsA in pieces ; to strike to the ground. Pu. to be dashed in pieces. V 203 tn >-> m. rain. Job 37: 11. 11. UTi . n*n , pret. in , nS/l , also niS'n , infill, absol. ahi to contend or strive with any one, in words or actions ; to manage the cause of any one, p/ead for or defend him. Part. SI a defender. Hi. to contend, strive. S" 1 ^ , rarely S^ , m. 1. pi. tT- and ni, a strife, contention ; a cause, mat- ter of contention. S"n ttJ^H one that has a strife ; an adversary. rm Hi. ft"nrr to smell ; with a , to take delight in smell in, smell with pleasure ; me la ph. to take de- light in a thing 1 in any way. De- nom. from fiq*Y. rj" 1 ^ m. 1. exhalation, scent, smell; metaph. the scent of water. rp^m. Ch. id. Dan. 3:27. b*n a buffalo, see dan . 3p*} see sn *) . 3^ m. 1. i. q. 2n a neighbor, friend. " Job 6: 27. ni"n bruised corn. nC" 1 "] pr. name of an unknown people. p" 1 ^ Hi. to empty; to leave empty or unsatisfied; to pour out; to un- sheathe or make bare the sword ; to draw out an army. Ho. to be pour- ed out. p"n m. adj. empty ; as a subst. an emp- ty or vain thing, vanity ; as an adv. in vain, to no purpose. pv?) and p^ m. 1. adj. empty ; unsatis- fied; vain, futile ; poor, stripped of every thing ; base, wicked. Dj?*^ adv. with empty hands; in vain, without success ; without cause. *Y*1 m. 1. spittle. R. *vh . tt'n , tt5^ and ui8*) m. 1. poverty. R. i'lU:^ i. q. ptfth former, first. Job 8:8. rjn m.8. fern. JiS'l , adj. tender; delicate, delicately brought up; soft, flatter- ing ; wcak.nh sp fearful, timid. R. rjD^ . 33^ , fut. S2tp , to ride, on the back of an animal ; to ride, in a vehicle. Hi. to cause to ride, on the back of an animal ; to cause to ride, in a vehicle ; to set or place in a cart or wagon ; to place, set. S5^ c. 0. cavalry, including the rider and the animal rode upon ; a cha- riot, wagon ; collect, chariots, a train of chariots, particularly war- chariots; also the horses or the men and horses belonging to a, chariot ; the upper mill-stone, the runner. 35*) in. pr. name of the progenitor of the Rechabitcs, a wandering tribe of Kenites. S3"^ m. 1. a horseman ; a charioteer, driver of a war-chariot. 3*0*1 m. 1. a chariot. Ps. 1G4: 3. R. ttjqyi and u3s^ m. 1. substance, goods, possessions. R. ttfs^ . V:n m. calumny, slander. b^*\ ribi"! to go about as a talebearer' It" T rjin to be tender, soft, or soften- ed; to be delicate; to be supple, smooth. Ni. fut. jj*j^ , to be fearful or afraid. Pu. to be mollified or softened. Hi. to terrify, make afraid. Vs'n to go about as a trader, trade, traffic, also in the deriv. to go about as a talebearer. Part, "boh a tra- der, merchant. nbsh a female merchant. tt>2h f. 10. trade, traffic. DSn 'to bind on ; also in the deriv. to throw down. K3h m. 6. a conspiracy, plot, or cords, snares: Ps. 31: 21. fc^DD^ pi. m. rough or steep places. H 40: 4. UJSn to get, acquire. uiin m. a horse, perhaps of a peculiar breed. b-\high, see dnn . Di a buffalo, see tttp . be-. 204 n JT50^ to throw ; to shoot with a bow. Pi. ST2^ to deceive, beguile. rtb*i f. 10. a height, high place ; also pr. name of a city in Benjamin ; of another in mount Ephraim, the birth-place and residence of Samu- el ; and of another in Napthali. R. tnn. ttDStt f)5D*1 (height of the watchtower) pr. name of a city. Josh. 13:26. *T}b D~i (height of the jaw-bone) pr. name of a place. Judg. 15: 17. tfQh or Kjyi Ch. to throw, cast ; to set, place, erect ; to lay or impose a tri- bute. Ithpe. to be cast. fUDl f. a worm ; collect, worms. I'l^m.l.d pomegranate ; also as an ornament in architecture ; a pome- granate tree ; also pr. name of a city in Simeon ; and of a rock not far from Gibeah. n'nan (heights) pr. name of a city in Gilead, otherwise called rfiJQfin X W ni^^i (heights towards the south) pr. name of a city in Simeon, other- wise called aaa~TlK"1 1 Sam. 30: 27. " " n"*:\ f. high heaps of corpses. Ezek. 32:5. R.tnn. tXSh m. G. pi. &*Wi , a spear, jave- lin. Wj m. pi. &*gh , a Syrian. 2 Chr. *22: 5. rt*X3 i 1 f. deceit ; slackness, remiss- ness ; as an adv. remissly. R. TP21 . J r x rpi f. 1. a mare. Est. 8: 10. tr:n, pret. pi. 9fc*\ and *&% to be high, exalted. Part. fern. ft)3/3 5 H high, exalted. Ni. imper. pi. ^oshm , fat VSTV i to be lifted up, rise. S"jn, fut. D5a"P, to fr7?ad tt>&A fcfce feet ; to tread down, trample on ; to oppress. Ni. to be trodden down. ten , fut. tDtJlT , to move ; to move or be alive with any thing ; to creep, as worms. to/0*1 m. fActf which moves on the earth, fourfooted beasts, in opposition to fowls ; worms. *p m. 8. ft ^/iowi 0/ Joy, rejoicing. Ps. 32: 7. R. jyj . tt5*i rattle, as arrows in a quiver, or whiz, as arrow's shot from the bow. Job 39: 23. Irrsn f. 10. a cry; a rejoicing, shout ^ of joy. R. i"^. ]:^ , fut. "p^ , once |st*V (as if from faSt) fo cry aloud, particularly for help ; to raise a shout of joy, re- joice, exult. Pi. pn to shout, re- joice ; to praise or celebrate with joy. Pu. to be celebrated with joy. Hi. p3*"til rejoice ; trans, to make to rejoice. Sl-an f. 11. a rejoicing. d**33*? pi. c. prob. a poetic word for ostriches. Job 39: 13. !iS^ pr. name of a station of the Isra- elites in the desert. d'Wrt pi. m. 1. drops. Cant. 5: 2. R. OD-Y. fc^On pi. m. ruins. Amos C: 11. 1 m. 0. a bridle ; the inner part of {lie jaw, corner of the mouth ; also pr. name of an Assyrian city. D5^ to wet, moisten. Ezek. 46: 14. P*1 and 3>*) adj. fem. Jiy^ , pi. D" 1 ^ , bad, of a. bad quality ; morally bad, evil, wicked ; ugly, illfavored; dis- pleasing; unfortunate, calamitous; pernicious, dangerous ; sad. p*i *p? having an evil eye, envious. ^^\ and fjyn as a subst. wickedness, evil; X X adversity, trouble. 2^ m. 1. a cry, shout ; a sound, noise. ' R. W. 1 m. 1. a companion, acquaintance, " "friend; one beloved, a lover, spouse, husband ; a neighbor, fellow be- ing ; another ; a thought, will, pur- pose. I'y^ &W one another, appli- ed to persons and things. R. ft9"l* 1 and 9S"\ m. badness, bad quality : in a moral sense, wickedness, evil ; I*? en 205 an ugliness; sadness. ab 21 sadness of heart. 121 , fut. aa'T , to be hungry, hun- ger ; to suffer from famine, be famished. Hi. to cause to hunger. 121 adj. 5. fem. ^121 , hungry ; con- sumed or weakened by hunger. H m. 4. hunger ; a famine. firzsn m. 3. id. *yy*\ to quake, tremble. Hi. id. IjH m. and *rrt21 f. a quaking, trem- bling. tl21, fut. apoc. yri, (1.) to feed a flock, Lat. pascerc; to wander about as a nomade ; metaph. to lead or guide a people ; to protect or pro- vide for any one ; to teach. Part. tl2l, fem. Styi, a shepherd, or shep- herdess ; a ruler ; a protector ; a guide, teacher. (2.) to feed, graze, Lat. pasci, spoken of cattle ; me- taph. to eat up, consume ; to op- press. (3.) to support, nourish, spo- ken of food. Hi. to lead, guide. T t 21 to associate with any one ; to pur- sue after or seek any thing. Pi. Ti21 to choose or treat as a friend. Hithpn. to have intercourse or make friendship with any one. MJ^ f. 10. evil, adversity, destruction ; see 21 . T>21 m. a companion, acquaintance, friend. H^l f. 10. a female companion. t">21 f. a breaking. Pro v. 25: 19. R. 22l\ n^l f. a female friend or companion ; a desiring or striving after any thing. ftnW hlBa owe another. R. 1-:^ . x s T ' msn f. Ch. will, pleasure. R. ir*^ . h m. a pasture. 1 K. 5: 3. R. tt*1 . ^jp m. pertaining to a shepherd ; a shepherd. Denom. from ^121. !W"1 f. 10. a female friend or lover. R? Man . j'PJiPl m. desire, endeavor, exertion. 1*1^*1 m. Ch. a thought ; dream. b21 in the deriv. fo tremble, shake. ~Ho. id. Nah.2:4. bs^ m. 6. giddiness, intoxication. PI. nibsn t^z'Zs. tttp to 5e agitated, tremble ; to roar, rag-c. Hi. to cawse it to thunder, to thunder, spoken of Jehovah ; to provoke to anger, to cause to fret. 121 m. 6. a raging, tumult ; thunder. ^21 f a trembling, shivering ; also pr. name of a city or country belong- ing to the Cushites. ODdPl and &&!oyi pr. name of a city and country in Lower Egypt. J21 Pilel ^21 to be green or cover- ed with leaves. jz21 m. 2. green ; fresh. )l2im. Ch. flourishing. Dan. 4: 1. 221 , fut. 21^ , infin. 1-i^n , to break or dash in pieces ; intrans. to be broken in pieces. Hi. 211i to make evil, deriving its signification from $yy q. v. Hithpo. MJ1*tf)?1 to be violent- ly shaken or thrown down. 221 Ch. to break in pieces. Dan. 2: 40. "Pa. id. Dan. 2: 40. ?\21 , fut. ?\211 , to drop, distil. Hi. to let drop, spoken of the heavens. f21 to break or dash in pieces ; me- taph. to oppress, vex. B5S*J to wave, shake ; to quake, trem- ble. Ni. to be shaken. Hi. to shake, put in motion ; to make to tremble ; to cause to leap or spring. '&21 m. 6. a shaking ; an earthquake ; tumult, noise ; a trembling. fcn to cure or heal ; metaph. to re- store ; to forgive, pardon ; to com- fort. KDh a physician. -Ni. to be mended or repaired; to be healed ; to be made drinkable. -Pi. to repair; to heal ; to make wholesome or pota- ble ; trans, to cause to be healed. Hithpa. to let himself be healed. Dm 206 SIS") as^ m. found only in the plur. t3*NKlh the weak ones, i. e. the shades, in- habitants of hades. DINS*") f. a healing, recovery. Prov. 3: : 8. rnap^ pi. f. medicine. Wl found only in the plur. HT8*} 5 a gentile noun, the Rephaims or sons of Raphah, a Canaanitish race of giants. ^5^ , fut. TBhP t to spread out. Pi. to spread a bed or couch ; to support or refresh a wearied person. JlS^ , fut. apoc. tW* i *o &e *?/ar or ;;>/cce of silver. Ps. 08:31. R. yrn. yn m. a runner, see yi^ . ttn i. q. Vn*"l to r/m. Ezek. 1: 14. *i-\ Pi. to look askance, be envi- Vus. Ps. 08: 17. iTTSh to be well pleased with or take delight in any person or thing ; to accept graciously a person offering a prayer or present ; to be on good terms or in friendship with any one ; with an infin. to be pleased to do any thing ; to be gracious ; to pay off, discharge. Ni. to be well pleasing or graciously received, spoken of an offering ; to be paid off or discharged. Pi. to seek the fa- vor of or conciliate a person. Hi. to pay off. Hithpa. to make one's self pleasing. *pn m. 3. acceptance, delight, satis- faction ; what is acceptable, an ob- ject of delight, particularly what is acceptable to God ; grace, favor, good-will, of God or a king ; an ex- pression of favor, benefit ; will, pleasure ; self-will, wantonness. T X n^ to slay, kill ; in the deriv. to wound, bruise. Ni. to be killed. Pi. to dash in pieces, destroy ; to slay, kill. }i^ m. a wounding, slaying, slaugh- ter. 5>i^ to pierce, bore through. Ex. 21: 6. >]n to arrange with art, a pavement or woodwork. Cant. 3: 15. ^j"i m. 6. a hot stone used in cooking ; also pr. name of a city subject to the Assyrians. 207 im f7321 c. 10. ft hot stone ; a pavement. y^n, fut. yi^-p (as if from yil,) to sr/i/to or dash in pieces, bruise ; raetaph. to oppress, treat with vi- olence ; also in trans, to be bruised or broken. Ni. y'Tna (as if from y^ ,) to be broken. Pi. ysi to dash in pieces ; metaph. to oppress. Po. y^in to oppress, treat with violence. Hi. fut. yin (as if from yV%) to dash in pieces. Hithpo. to struggle. P*l m. 8. as an adj. thin ; as an adv. only ; after a negation, except ; at the beginning of a sentence, indeed, certainly, surely. pi empty, see p^l . pn m. 8. suff. *jpi , spittle. R. pp^i . ipl , fut. lapT , to be worn-eaten, rot, spoken of wood ; also metaph. of one's reputation. 5pi m. 4. a being eaten by worms, rottenness ; an internal wasting of the bones. fiSpl ni. rottenness. Job 41: 19. "I pi to skip, dance. Pi. to leap, dance ; to jolt, bound, as a swift chariot. Hi. to cause to skip. ttBl f. 10. the temples; poetically the cheeks. npl to spice, season, particularly oil for ointments. Part, hph a maker of ointments, an apothecary. Pu. to be seasoned. Hi. to spice or sea- son flesh. fipl m. a spicing or seasoning. Cant. 8:2. fiph m. 6. that which is seasoned, an ointment, confection. fipi m. I. a confectionary, apothecary. ta^ftpl pi. m. 1. ointments, perfumes. Is. 57: 9. Sppi m. 3. in full derail sppi *Ac ea> panse, arch or ttawZ of heaven. P. pipi m. 3. a Jfo'rc cake, wafer. uDpl Part, bpn owe fAol works cloth with various colors. Pu. to be cu- riously wrought. ttpH f. 12. a variegation of color ; a party-colored cloth or garment, 3>p1 to stamp with the feet, to express indignation, or joy ; to spread out ; to tread down. Pi. to beat or ham- mer out metallic plates ; to overlay with metallic plates. Pu. part, beat or spread into plates. Hi. to spread out. trs>pl pi. m. 1. metallic plates. Num. 17: 3. pp^ to spit on. Lev. 15: 8. ttJi poor, see tthl- J'PttJI m. 1. a grant, permission. Ezra 3 S :7. rptfJI a beginning, see h^ttJitl . btt3l to Tzoto, wnto (foww. Dan. 10: 21. dttJI Ch. to write, subscribe. Part. Peil fc^uil written. UJ1 to 6e 'guilty, or Z/ao/e to ;?tm- ishment ; to be wicked, act wick- edly. Hi. to pronounce guilty, condemn ; intrans. to be wicked, act wickedly ; also prob. to conquer, be victorious. W&y m. 4. one that has an unrighteous cause ; guilty, punishable ; wicked, ungodly ; as a subst. a wicked or ungodly person ; a pagan or hea- then. 3>iL1 m. 6. sufF. "Wizji, unrighteous- ness, injustice ; wickedness. iisjun f. 10. guilt ; wickedness, 5|ttn m. 6. # jflme, strong heat ; the flame of Jehovah or lightning ; a burning pestilence. nttfp ^aijl *A.e lightnings of the bow, a poetical expression for the arrows. *aa U;u5l Po. to orea& tn pieces, de- stroy. Pu. to 5c broken in pieces. nttJI f. 6. suff. inttil ne; net-work, lattice work. R. uSl* . p'mi m. and ilpirh 10. cWfi. R. pni. atta 208 -rro fin*! in the deriv. to boil. Pi. to cause to boil. Pu. to be agitated. Hi. to cause to boil. TTC\ m. 6. a boiling. Ezek. 24: 5. np^rn f. a chain. 1 K. 6: 21 Keth. R. &m to yo&e or harness, Mic. 1: 13. al- so in the deriv. to bind. ann c. 6. pi. trarn prob. broom, (spartium junceum, Linn.) pm in the deriv. to bind, chain. Ni. prob. in a privative sense, to be loosed or unbound. Pu. to be bound, fettered. niprn pi. f. chains. Is. 4C: 19. nrn m. i. q. DOS terror. Hos. 13: 1. St* is sometimes interchanged with o. ^fciD m. leaven. ritf ; i> m. 1. sufl". "*rMp,J0y or elevation of* countenance ; a rising' or swel- ling on the skin ;. exaltation, dig- nity; a judicial sentence. R.fittoD. rp'U m. 2. a lattice. 1 K. 7: 17. FDUtD f. 10. a 7ie ; a lattice, lattice- work. JOafc) f. Ch. Ae sambuca, see tf32D . D3tb and JiMtB pr. name of a city in the tribe of Reuben, abounding in vines. 2>aiD and 3?ni2: to be satisfied, satiated, filled, strictly with food, but some- times in reference to drink ; metaph. to be satisfied or filled, as with con- tempt, adversity ; to be tired, weary, disgusted. d"^ 3>ntfJ to be full of days. Pi. to satisfy. Hi. to sa- tisfy. 3>nfcJ m. 5. adj. full, satisfied ; tired, weary ; rich or abounding in any thing. 3>ito ro. abundance, plenty. 3ltD m. 6. satiety ; fulness. il3>nto ancfrtiftlD f. 10. fulness, satiety. *&) to observe, view. Pi. to wait ; to hope ; also perhaps to praise, an- nounce with praise. 'Dto or , "iiii) m. 6. suff. **"&to^ hope. 4WU) Hi. to make great,, exalt. &3ip Ch. to be or become great. StttD to rise, mount ; to be fast, strong, invincible. Ni. to 6e A?g7i ; to be exalted, spoken of God ; to be in- comprehensible, inconceivable ; to be protected, safe. Pi. to strength- en ; to protect, deliver. Pu. to be protected, safe. Hi. intrans. to be exalted. 3.ytf Pilpel $iti$W to cause to grow. Is. 17:11. rtJtD to become great, grow. Hi. to make great, increase. VPr& m. great. R. $&&. &i*ttl m. Ch. greetf ; much, many ; as an adv. very. "liz: or ?nto see D*Hto. TTtD Pi. to harrow. STito m. 9. pi. niliZJ, const, always **ltoj a j^eZd^, j^iece o/ cultivated ground ; a field generally ; a coun- try, territory ; a plain. ^nto m. afield. b*?to, in full fc^tort pfcS the vale of Siddim, which afterwards became the Dead sea. .fYTtD f. 10. an order, row. t-jiD c. irreg. const. SrfcJ, suff. i^tp and qJT*iD owe of ^e smaller cattle, a sheep or g-octf. ftfcn inters irto fc*f J> a sAeep awd a g-oa. TJnto m. 7. a witness. Job 16: 19. fitrmiiiz) f. Syr. and Ch. testimony. Gen. T 31:47. mtt 209 tf^tD d^hilto pi. m. small ornaments in the form of a half-moon, worn on the neck by men and women, also by camels. dnto to have gray hairs, see d^to. Tpito m. 6. i. q. Tjdb JAicA: branches, a 'thicket. 2 Sam. 18: 9. MiB Ni. to tarn oac&. 2 Sam. 1: 22, where, however, several MSS. and editions read it with o. *fttB to whitewash, plaster, see -pto. n^ito to meditate, or toJ:e a wa7&. Gen. " 24: 63. Brtb or D*1D to incline to any thing. Ps. 40:5. Tjito to Aedg-e m, Aedg-e round, in or- der to protect, or oppress. Pil. Tpito to twist, weave. ?jito m. 1. and hD'ltb f. 10. a- bough, branch. J"D'lto pr. name of a city in the plain of the tribe of Judah. Josh. 15: 35. tM and d^to, fut. d^to" 1 , apoc. dto"S dto*") , once dlto" 1 , imper. d-'to, infin. absol. dito, const, dito, rarely d^to, to Zay, se, place, put; to arrange or draw up an army ; intrans. to set or />Zace one's self ; to ordain, es- tablish ; to appoint ; to impose or lay upon any one ; to impute or charge to any one ; to put on a gar- ment ; to give a pledge ; to plant ; to attend, consider ; to heap up ; to make, perform ; to give. b dto dito to give a name to any thing. dito d" 1 ^ to beget children. -B 'Wta dito to instruct a person about any thing. ib dito to attend, consider. dito db bs> to Zay to heart ; to purpose, resolve. tFSB dito to direct one's face. b *pS> dito to direct one's eye to any one. Hi. to ;p7ace one's se//; to regard. Ho. to be placed. dito Ch. to se, pw, place ; to appoint; to issue an edict. b*> d5>tt dito to regard. b bz dito to 6e concerned for any one. b "H dto dito to name a person. 27 *nto i. q. "WO to tarrc away, depart. Hos. 9: 12. ^ito to exercise dominion, rule; to contend. Hi. 'Vtott to appoint princes. ^VifcJ to saw. 1 Chr. 20: 3. J-nito f. a row. Is. 28: 25. X P2MB see p^to. tolto and b*tDi fut. teMD^i once fDS&J, imper. to">to, infin. absol. tolto, const. to lit), to rejoice. hW*8 tolto tore- joice in Jehovah. nto m. 1. a thought. Amos 4: 13. R. rnto. rtfito to swim. Hi. to make to swim. X X into (Milel) f. a swimming. Ezek. 47: 5. pinto see pnto. tsnto to press, press out. Gen. 40: 11. pnto to laugh, smile ; to laugh at, deride ; to dance. Pi. pnto, fut. pnto" 1 , to mock, deride ; to play, sport ; to dance, with vocal and in- strumental music. Hi. to deride. phto and pinto m. a laughing; an object of laughter or derision ; a sport* tato m. pi. d^Dto, a transgression. Hos. 5: 2. R. aito. SittiUi fut. apoc. tato^ , to deviate from a way ; to be unfaithful, spoken of a married woman. dttto, fut. dbto'S to hate, persecute ; also in the deriv. to put in irons. jtato to oe hostile, oppose, persecute. ttsto m. cm adversary, opponent; with the article, ffcton *Ae adversary by way of eminence, Satan, an evil an- gel, who excites men to evil, and accuses them before God. Jiatjto f. an accusation ; alsopr. name of a well. bl2p m. fern. m_ , adj. left, situated on the left. Denom. from Woto. lift to a lid ftftto, fut. ftfcfor , to be joy- ful, rejoice. Srii-p3 TVtfB to rejoice in Jehovah. Pi. Hteto to gladden, make joyful, make to rejoice. Hi. to make to rejoice. fito m. 5. pi. const. *f!5eftj and ^inftto, adj. joyful, rejoicing. linttto f- 12. joy, rejoicing ; festivity, mirth ; a loud shout, joyful accla- mation. ^D^to f. a matress, covering. Judg. 4: 18. bftto, see under *W3lp. "V53to situated on the left, see *^ttftto. flb&to fc 12. a garment, particularly the broad robe of the orientalist, VJ} 211 TIE which served him also for his bed- covering. ITVO&to f. a species of poisonous lizard. Prov. 30: 28. fitttp, fut. tour , infin. fitoto, to hate; to love less, slight. Part. RtfiB a hater, enemy. Ni. to be hated. Pi. part, tfata an enemy. 83 to Ch. Part. N3to an enemy. Dan. 4: IG. t"j*Mto f. 10. strictly infin. of fioto ; also as a subst. hatred. f3tD pr. name of a ridge of mountains usually called Hermon. It is also used in a more restricted sense and distinguished from Hermon. Wt) m. 3. hairy, rough ; a buck, he- goat. PL tr*TOt3 inhabitants of impassable deserts, which dance and call to each other, perhaps wild men in the form of he-goats, like the Grecian satyrs ; also showers. R. X TSto (hairy, or woody,) pr. name of a Horite ; also of a mountainous coun- try on the south of Palestine and the Dead sea, now called Jebdl. SfTOto f- 10. a she-goat; also pr. name of a place. R. ^9p. tnpp pi. f. I. i. q. D^nto thoughts. 1S>iD to shudder, shiver, from fear or alarm ; to fear, reverence ; to rage, roar, assail with violence ; also in the deriv. to stand on end, be rough or bristly. N\. to rage, be tempestu- ous. Pi. to carry away in a storm. Hithpa. to storm, rage like a storm. ^S>u) m. 6. a shuddering, horror ; a storm, tempest ; hair. "WiO m. 4. const, 1$p, suff. ii^ia , hair, for the most part collectively. ^3>U3 bvz tt^K a hairy or rough man. *\yiD m. Ch. id. nn^u: f. a tempest. im$tD f. 12. a hair ; collect, hair. rnirtf f. 10. pi. b^iWu, barley. In the singular it denotes the plant as it grows ; in the plural, the grain. ftsip f. dual trnsip, const. iriBto, sun". Tnsto, plur. const. ninsiD*, a lip ; words, speech ; a language, dia- lect ; an edge, border ; a shore ; a boundary. trn>i2) tfj"^ a babbler. riDto Pi. fiDUJ to make bald. Is. 3: 17. &SiD m. 4. the beard, perhaps the whole chin. JOtD to cover, hide, conceal. Deut. 33: ~19. pDto to clap the hands. Job 27: 23, ac- cording to several MSS. Hi. to en- ter into a covenant. psto to suffice. 1 K. 20: 10. pfcto m. a stroke or chastisement of God. Job 36: 18. pip m. 8. suff. Tjpt?, pi. d^ptf), coarse or hair cloth ; a bag made of coarse or hair cloth ; a mourning gar- ment made of coarse or hair cloth ; also a garment of a prophet. TpiD Ni. to be fastened or bound. Lam. 1: 14. ^pto Pi. to wink, or ogle. Is. 3. 16. 'nil) m. ph d^toj a captain, command- er, chief; an overseer; a prince, courtier ; an archangel. R. *nto. X^iQ in the deriv. to interweave. Pu. X to be interwoven. Hithpa. to be in- terwoven or fastened. into to escape, flee, after a general overthrow. Josh. 10: 20. I^ito m. cloth woven in a particular manner. ftfD m. prob. the name of a pointed instrument. Is. 44: 13. i"nt3 to contend, struggle ; also in the deriv. to rule. JYliD f. 10. a princess ; a concubine of noble birth; also pr. name of the wife of Abraham. TrtStD m. a shoe-latchet. R. If^O* d^prntJ pi. m. 8. noble shoots or ten- drils of the vine. Is. 16: 8. DOT) 212 nam B^to to make an incision. Ni. fo tear or fa/.r orae's seZ/. taito m. and nttlto f. an incision. ilto f. iSaraz, the wife of Abraham. S^JPlto pi. m. 1. vine-branches. R. r plto m. 3. one surviving or escaping after a general overthrow ; collect. survivors, a remnant. R. Tito. p">lto combed, verbal adj. from plto q.V. spto in the deriv. to interweave, make intricate. Pi. id. 3>1to Part. pass, 2nlto having a mem- ber preter naturally large. Hith- pa. to stretch one's self out. fcv^lto pi. m. 8. thoughts. ppto, fut. Ppto"] , to Jwrra, e. g. cities, houses, altars, a dead body, bricks. Ni. to be burned. Pu. to be burned. 5pto m. 4. a species of poisonous ser- pent. PI. D^Dlto a kind of angel or symbolical being, with 6 wings, and a voice with which they praise God. 5Tl : to f. 10. a burning, conflagration ; a solemn burning of a corpse ; matter to be burned, fuel for the fire. tlSlto 111 a burned or deso- late mountain. plto to comb or hatchel flax. Is. 19: 9. also in the deriv. to empty out. plto and plito m. and ftp^to f- a spe- cies of vine, whose grapes have very small and scarcely perceptible stones, and which at this day in Mo- rocco is called serki ; also pr. name of a valley between Ascalon and Ga- za. R. pit). plto m. S. pi. fcTglto , reddish, fox- colored, spoken of horses. Zech. 1:8. 11 to to have dominion, bear rule. Hithpa. to make one's self a ruler. 1'itoto m. 3. const. 1*itoto,.;oy, gladness. jUDtD "pto oil of joy, wherewith guests were anointed. nto (for nNto) f. a lifting up. Job 41: "16. dnto to stop or shut up. Lam. 3: 8. into Ni. to be split, break out. 1 Sam. 5: 9. S^Vi, Heb. *pto ( is sometimes inter- changed with to, n , T , and as. .tD , more rarely -u> and to , a contrac- tion of Itotf , but found only in later Hebrew, and in the poetic style, (1.) a relative pronoun, who, which, what. to3 i. q. Itott3 as. (2.) a sign of relation, as fctottJ whither. (3.) with b following, it makes a pe- riphrasis of the sign of the genitive case, as iVto "'ftlS my vineyard. (4.) as a conj. that ; because ; for. to 129733 scarcely that. to~19 until that. 5172? to lest, that not. nttto , fut. SKtoN , to draw water. ># to , fut. JNto 1 ; , to roar, spoken of the lion, of the thunder, or of savage en- emies ; to groan. JTttWJ f. 11. const. mNto , a roaring; a groan, groaning. iltfto and tfito to be destroyed with noise or crashing ; also in the de- riv. to make a noise or tumult, spo- ken of water, of a multitude ; to shout ; to crash ; to be tempestuous; to be laid waste. Ni. to make a noise or tumult ; to be laid waste. Hi. to lay waste. Hithpa. HN s ntoii to gaze, wonder. fiKto see SiNito . "MB 213 as fTlHtf f. i. q. Mtfitf} destruction. Prov. T f:*27 Keth. T bitttt and^NW c. the lower world, re- gion of ghosts, orcus or hades of the Hebrews. bWW3 m. (demanded) pr. name of the first king of Israel ; of a king of the Edomites ; and of a son of Simeon. *ptt'*z5 m. 3. noise, tumult, of the sea, of war, or of a multitude ; destruction. R. $u3 . ENU5 m. 1. suff. ^Utttt5 , contempt. R. Bra . JTOWi f. a cras/L Is. 21: 12. R. iitf to . t ; x X Vtf u3 and pJWJ , fut. hlX&l , to ask, de- mand, require, seek; to ask, beg, petition, request ; to inquire of, in- terrogate ; to consult, as an oracle; to borrow, ask as a loan ; to beg, ask alms. b di^yib bfcttJ to inquire after the health of any one. Ni. to ask for one's self. Pi. "bttttj to ask, inquire ; to beg. Hi. to lend. bit'p Ch. to ask, beg, request ; to in- quire. Slbtttf3 f. suff. "nbttS , also tm^ftttJ and T\rbV) , a petition, request ; what is lent, a loan. tfbtftf} f. Ch. emph. tfnbttttJ , an affair, matter, concern. JJJUJ Pilel Jjattj to be at rest, live qui- etly. IJNiB m. 8. pi. SngJWJ , adj. quiet ; living in peace, security, or 'prospe- rity ; careless, proud, arrogant : as a subst. pride, arrogance. DNi!) see DDU? . ?]ttilj to snuff up the wind ; to gape, aspire or long for ; to strive for ; to hasten after ; to snort at, assail with violence. ^Ntf3 to remain. Ni. to remain, be left; to continue. Hi. to let re- main, leave; to leave behind; in- trans. to be left, remain. ^Ktf3 m. the rest, remnant, remainder. *OT m. Ch. const. *)Nu3 , id. 3Stt}i "lNtti (the remnant shall return) the symbolical name of a son of the prophet Isaiah. I3. 7: 3. *1fi,U5 m. 1 . flesh ; one related by blood. !"n^u5 f. kindred. Lev. 18: 17. fp^tfiu and rpltf) f. 13. a remnant of people, particularly after a general overthrow. nttUJ f. destruction. Lam. 3: 47. R. X X AOUJ Sabea, or the Sabeans, (as the name of a country, fern, as the name of a people, masc.) a people and country in Arabia Felix, celebrated for its incense, spicery, gold and precious stones. B'^ttj pi. m. small pieces. Hos. 8: 6. rtSO , fut. apoc. zu:" 1 , to take prisoner, carry away captive ; to carry away cattle or other substance. Ni. to be carried away captive. iiti) m. the name of a precious stone. btoip or Viiip m. 1. a way, path. Jer. 18:15Ket'h. R,*Djtf, Jtttt} f. const, jnaid , dual b^jttJ , pi. m.d^lUJ, pl.f. niJO)& const. ni^u3 r seven days, a week ; seven years, a week of years. SWStf and tii>iUJ f. 10. an oath ; a co- venant or confederacy ; an oath of imprecation, curse. R. 5>iu5 . nnStd and n^iiD f. 13. captivity ; as a concrete, captives. mSttJ 5W to* bring back the captives of a people ; metaph. to bring back to former- prosperity. R. j-jnu3 . )"DU3 Pi. ftniD to praise, commend* particularly God ; to pronounce hap- py. Hithpa. to praise one's self, glory. tfoVb Pi. to check, still, quiet. Hi. id. T\*2'ti Ch. Pa. ti2il3 to commend, praise. EStt3 and D^lUJ c. 6. sufF. ^taatB , pi.. tTBS'ip , const. !*CDttJ , a stick; staff],, rod; a rod of correction ; a staff of a ruler, scepter ; a portion, lot, in- yara 214 nniD heritance ; a spear, javelin ; a tribe of the Israelites ; also a family, sub- division of a tribe. taittj c. Ch. a tribe. Ezra 6: 17. ua'di m. the eleventh month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year. Zech. 1: 7. att) m. 6. in pause ^*jlj , suff. nrra, rj^UJ, as an adj. fem.J-paui, captive, a prisoner : as a subst. captivity ; as a concrete, captives, prisoners. R. i-iau5 . a^i'tf m. 3. aflame. Job 18: 5. anaia m - Cn - *<* fl^atD f. captivity, captives. R. ttattj . S^atu m. 1. a way, />aA. iD^auJ pi. m. caps of network, cauls. Is. 3: 18. iyaHJ m. fern, n" 1 -, an ordinal adj.se- venth. Denom. from *atD . rp1$ f. captivity, i. q. mauj q. v. ba;z3 m. pi. const, ^aiD, a branch. Zech. 4: 12. bato m. a fra/Z or raz*7i of a garment. Is. 47: 2. 3 s ] 5ii!J m. prob. a snail. Ps. 58: 9. nbzTiH. pi. tPbati , an ear of corn; a stream. Kja3 and Sljati (blooming) Shebna, a prefect of the palace under Heze- kiah. JEHD Part. pass, with act. significa- tion, swearing. Ni. 22 tf: 5 swear. Hi. to make to swear, ' bind by an oath; to adjure, beseech solemnly, beg earnestly. Prob. denom. from *aj . S?au; t const. 92X0 , and fWllZJ m. const. n^a"25 , se^e^ ; serera times. The Hebrews employed seven as a round or indefinite number, to express a small number; also as a sacred num- ber. Ito* rt*aip m. and tTyB3> 3>att3 f. seventeen. Dual D^n$aia*sce7*- fold or seven times. PI. b^auj seventy, for the most part as a round number. rJ3tt5 pr. name of a well. Gen. 26: 33. iwau3 m. seven. Job 42: 13. yau3 Pi. worZ: with checker-work. Pu. to be set, as precious stones. y^u3 m. prob. the cramp, ov giddimss. YSam. 1:9. pau3 Ch. to leave. Ithpe. to 5e Ze/. jaw , fut. ^atp' 1 , to break in pieces; to tear in pieces, spoken of wild ani- mals ; me-taph. to break or wound the heart ; to assuage or quench thirst ; to destroy ; to measure off, appoint ; also denom. from l-jjjtfj , to buy or sell grain. Part, ^natzj iro- &e?i, maimed, Ni. to be broken in pieces ; to founder, as a ship ; to be torn ; to be hurt, injured ; to be contrite or penitent, spoken of the heart; to be broken in pieces or over- thrown, spoken of an army ; to be destroyed, perish, spoken of a state, or of individuals. Pi. "-jaia to break or smite in pieces. Hi. to let break through, in reference to the birth of a first child ; also denom. from "^attj, to sell grain. Ho. to be wounded, hurt, spoken of the heart. *tSid and "fcSi m. 6. suff. ihatB , a breaking; a wound, injury, breach; metaph. a breach or wound of a state; contrition, penitence; ruin, destruction ; a solution or explana- tion of a dream ; grain. PI. p^att5 terror. ttTttti m. 3. a breaking ; destruction. ati Ch. Ithpa. to be perplexed or troubled. nnu3 , fut. ninu;' 1 and nz'ti** , to cease to do any thing ; to rest from labor, keep holy day ; to lie uncultivated, as a country ; to rest ; to cease to be, have an end. Ni. to cease to be, have an end. Hi. to make to cease from doing any thing ; to let rest or cease; to still, quiet ; to make to cease, put an end to, e. g. a war, contention, rejoicing; to put away, remove. nau3 m. 6. sufl*. ">nau3 , a ceasing ; an interruption, loss of tune. nm 215 ym WnttS infin. of 5^ , to dwell, q. v. nau3 c. const, nauj , suff. inau: , pi. rrtnatt) , const, rnnau} , a day of . rest, sabbath, the 7th day of the week among the Jews. tP33 nau3 the sabbatical year, every seventh year which was a year of release. jinauj m. id. 3JHl5 to err, transgress, from mistake or ignorance. SlWttJ f. 11. an error, mistake, inad- vertency. Snu3 to wander about ; to go astray ; to transgress, do wrong, with the accessory idea of inadvertence or mistake ; to be giddy or intoxicated, from wine, or from love. Hi. to lead astray ; metaph. to let wander; to seduce, entice. fttttS Hi. to look, see, view. rtX^US f. 10. a transgression from ig- norance or inadvertence. Ps. 19: 13. yp.TizJ m. 3. pi. rto'TUtt) , a song, ode. bauS to lie with or dishonor a woman. -r Ni. and Pu. to Z>e dishonored. VittS f- royaZ spouse, queen. bJi f. Ch. & 5>^u3 in the deriv. o 5e wiad. Pu. part. yswi mad, raving ; an enthusiast, fanatic. Hithpa. to rave, make one's self a mad man. flMttJ m. madness. *tiXD m. const, "tttd , fl?i offspring, young. Vd5 m. dual b^iu; , const, i^tt) , /ie breast of men or animals. itf m. pi. tnu3 , arc idol. ^uj m. a mother's breast. niD , once *rtH3 , m. violence, oppres- sion ; goods obtained by violence ; desolation, destruction. R. Tito TluJ fo oppress, destroy ; to desolate, lay waste. Ni. to be laid waste. Pi. to oppress, spoil. Pu. "pjttj and VND to be laid waste. Po. to de- stroy. Ho. TttJnh to be spoiled. ttatt) f. 10. a wife, concubine. 1*7 tt5 m. the Almighty, an epithet of Je- hovah. The form is that of the plu- ralis excellentiae. R. TTiZ3 pltt} or f^ttS /ia /tere is a judgment. Job 19: 29. Compounded of the pref. tt5 i. q. ^UJtf and *p^ or ^judgment. Sia^ttJ f. bligfited grain. Is. 37: 27. ttjoya f. 11. pi. rrtJanti , const. n*iwra?, a field ; a corn-field ; a vineyard. jpuj to blast, blight. rtn f. blighted grain. 2 K. 19:26. liSTiiJ m. a blasting of corn or grain. ^WIJ Ch. Ithpa. to exert one's self. "iJan. 6: 15. dJiili m. the name of a precious stone. IttS i. q. Ott5 vanity. Job 15: 31 Keth. fctftfj see Srriju3 . itViS m. 1. rwm, destruction. Ps. 35: 17. Ott3 (shav) m. what is vain, vanity ; what is useless, to no purpose, or in vain; what is false or deceitful, a lie, falsehood ; wickedness ; trou- ble, affliction, destruction. rtfitfaj f 10. a storm, tempest ; sudden destruction, ruin ; desolation ; a desolate country. asiizj, infin. absol. aittj, fut. S*fltf* apoc. aiD" 1 , to turn, turnback, return; to convert one's self; to cease; to apostatize ; to come back to the pos- session of any thing ; to be turned into any thing again ; to be given back to its former owner ; to be re- called, continue unfullfilled, as a command or prophecy ; to be reco- vered or restored ; to lead or bring back; to restore; with another verb, it forms a periphrasis of the adverbs again, anew. Pil. aiitfj to lead or bring back ; to convert ; to make rebellious, pervert; to restore; to animate or invigorate the soul. Pul. part. fern. nSa t R2}JP brought back, escaped, delivered. Hi. a^tl, fut. a"" 1 ^" 1 , apoc. nil3% 3tt51 to bring or lead back ; to drive back, keep off, hinder ; to turn away the face "JVtf 216 TltD of any one ; to bring back the life of any one ; to refresh ; to still or as- suage anger ; to give back, restore ; to make good, replace ; to compen- sate, recompense ; to return word or answer ; to bring again, bring repeatedly ; to recall, revoke ; to turn, direct, apply ; to repent. Ho. -ztofn to be brought, led, or given back, 55iu5 m. 2. adj. rebellious, backsli- ding. SSVtf m. fem. irDSitf} , adj. rebellious, backsliding. Tlttj desolation, see ^io" . *rnz5, fut. ifltfi , to lay waste. Ps. 91: 6. JTPtfJ to be equivalent or equal ; to be like or similar ; to be sufficient, sa- tisfy ; to be suitable, useful. Pi. to make plain or even ; to quiet or compose the mind ; to quiet or com- pose one's self ; to place, put; to give ; to make ; to prepare. Hi. to compare, liken. Slltf Pi. to terrify, Job 30:22Keth. Nithpa. to be feared, Pro v. 27: 15. ttlttJ oriOtfJCh. Part. Peil -iiz5 like, Dan. 5: 21 Keth. Pa. ijtf to make like, Dan. 5: 21 Keri. lthpa. to be made into any thing, Dan. 3: 29. TJttJ (plain) pr. name of a valley. Gen. "l4: 17. ftntt) to sink down ; to be bowed down. ftW m. pr. name of a son of Abraham ~ by Keturah. Gen. 25: 2. HTOD m. a Shuhite. fifinE f. a pit, abyss. fiTuJ to 7*010 i to run to and fro, go through a country ; also in the de- riv. to whip. Pil. DOW to run to and fro ; to run through or exa- mine a writing. Hithpa. to run to and fro. tWtf3 ? part. ta&tlj 1 to despise, contemn. ttftt) m. I. a whip, scourge; the scourge of God, with which he pun- ishes men. biu3 m. 1. a hem ; a train or trail of a garment. "bbiu3 m. stripped, naked, or perhaps barefooted ; also captive, prisoner. r. y?tf5 . rpBblttJ f. Shulammith,^. maiden whose praises are sung in the book of Can- ticles. Ltttt5 m. 1. garlic. Num. 11: 5. daw pr. name of a city in the tribe of Issachar. , %j3l'd m. fem. n\- , a Shunammite. anu; or s^u; Pi. *J*a3 to cry, particular- ly for help. *faj and snuj m. a cry for help. 2Vtf3 , also Pntf, m. 1. ricfc, opulent; noble, liberal, magnanimous : as a subst. riches. yrti m. 6. and ITI9H5 f. 10. a cry for help, supplication. b^\z5 m. 1. a fox. This name perhaps included the jackal. ^iSHU; m. 7. a porter. Denom. from V\W to break or smite in pieces; to smite, strike, wound; also perhaps to press. ^Diu; m. 2. pi. rri^i&i"^ , a horn, trum- pet. P"ltt3 in. I. a leg, thigh ; a hind leg of an animal. -p** b^ piu3 hip and thigh, i. e. altogether. PI8J in the deriv. to run ; to run after, desire. Hi. to run over, overflow. Pil. ppittJ to cause to overflow, to water abundantly. pW m- 6. pi. tPpJttJ a street. ^iu3 m. 6. pi. t^iia , an ox, animal of the ox kind, without respect to age or sex. litf) , fut. Tnii* , to see, behold, view ; to look down; to look graciously ; to lay wait ; to regard. TllD or l -pu3 to go, travel, journey. *fit& to sing, see Tti3 . ^1U3 m. 1. an enemy. Ps. 92: 12. nnE 217 nnra *\W m. 1. pi. iVlTflri > a wall ; also pr. name of a city on the borders of Egypt towards Palestine, prob. Pe- lusium. ^Vlttj m. Ch. a wall. ]u3iu3 ra. 8. in pause 'pti'tttSi and Ji;u3ii^, "f.10. pl.tratzftiB, a Uly.ytivti tVDZft lily-work, ornaments on the pillars of the temple. mi? f^ltt? and tTOtiStti the name of a musical in- strument. IffiqiB as a proper name, Shushan or S^sa, on the river Cho- aspes, the metropolis of Susiana and winter residence of the Persian kings. N^aizSntB Ch. a gentile noun, inhabi- tants of Susa. Ezra 4: 9. DW to set, place, see rPtf; . STILJ Ch. found only in the uncommon conjug. sn^ or n">pu3 to free, de- liver. ^Tiz} to see, behold, look upon. mu; Ho. part./Trtfift twisted. )TiZ3 m. bowed down, cast down. Job 22: 29. R. nnui . ^fttfj to give a present, particularly for freeing a person from punishment ; to load with presents. inili m. a gift, present; a bribe. R. ninu: to bow down ; also in the deriv. to sink down. Hi. jrrtittJJrt to cause to bow down. Hithpaf. JTinnttJin , fut. apoc. ^nnuj" 1 , in pause nnnip"' (Milel,) infin. J-mttntftt, to bow down, prostrate one's self, as a tes- timony of respect and reverence ; to worship, adore, with or with- out prostration ; to do homage. fcrPlttPttto Ezek. 8: 16, is probably a corrupted reading for tu'nrjnttJJa . ^inui see "ftfpuj . mnu5 f. 13. a pit. Prov. 28: 10. R. ttfraJ. nriu3 to stoop, couch, bow down, as ani- mals lurking for prey ; to be brought low, be bowed down ; to bend or bow 28 one's self; to be bowed down with sorrow ; to sink. Ni. to be bowed down ; to be depressed or made low. Hi. to bring or throw down. Hithpo. to be cast down, spoken of the soul. ttfitt) to slay animals, particularly for sacrifice ; to kill, murder.- iit, tsnnu? prob. gold mixed with alloy. prill) m. 1. a bile, sore, ulcer. yt}p tD" 1 ^^ the botch of Egypt, prob. the elephantiasis, which is endemic in Egypt. D^FHZJ m. that which grows up of itself the third year after sowing. Is. 37: 30. SpfjUJ m. thinness. Ezek. 41: 16. rpirij f. 13. pi. nirpftti ,, a pit. R. "bnu3 m. a lion. nbnu: f. prob. onycha, an odoriferous muscle shell. Ex. 30: 34. pjhttj m. the name of a bird, perhaps a sea-gull. Lev. 11: 16. nDrtiD f. a consumption. ytlUJ m. majesty, pride. pn\D to pound or bruise in pieces ; to wear away. prTtt) m. 6. dust ; a cloud ; the hea- vens, sky. inu5 to be black. Job 30: 30. -irriz) to seek. Pi. ^tfiu) to seek. "liltf} m. the morning light, dawn ; metaph. commencing prosperity ; as an adv. in the morning, early.-*- ^nu5~}2 the morning star. "VnttJ and '"rtfittj m. 3. adj. black. *Ynu5 m. blackness. Lam. 4: 8. ^hU3 see "ifr^iB rnlfitfj f. youth. Ecc. 11: 10. ^ft^ritfj m. fern. n'lh'nttiZJ , adj. black f spoken of the countenance. Cant. 1:6. ntlUJ Pi. nttttJ trans, to destroy ; to lay waste ; to break down ; to cast off, renounce ; intrans. to behave wickedly, sin. Hi. to destroy, lay rra 218 mo waste ; to kill, slay ; to make wick- ed, act wickedly. nnrcn btf prob. the beginning of some song. Ho. nnuJn to be corrupt. Ni. to be mar- red or spoiled ; to be laid waste or desolated ; to be corrupt, in a moral sense. rihtt Ch. Part. pass, false, corrupt ; as a subst. wickedness, crime. ntlttJ m. corruption, putrefaction. nrrd f. 13. cupit ; a miry pit, ditch; the grave. R. ttW. FtfiHE f. acacia, (Mimosa Nilotica, Lino.) PI. tPttti acacia wood; also pr. name of a valley in the territory of Moab. FlOTD to spread out, enlarge ; to spread out or scatter on the ground. Pi. stretch out the hands. DOtD m. a whip, scourge. Josh. 23: 13. K. B*fa5. F}DV)i fut. >pv^ , g"MS& or stream out, flow in abundance ; to over- flow, overwhelm, inundate; to sweep or wash away; to bring with a flood; to wash, rinse ; metaph. to rush, as a horse. Ni. to be overrun by an army ; to be washed or rinsed. Pu. to be washed or rinsed. Jltttfj and JJOID m. a pouring out of wa- ters, of anger, or of an host; a flood, inundation. ^C2;z3 Part. iDtfj an overseer, officer. -IljTD Ch. Dan. 7: 5. prob. a false read- ing for *1D1D a **fc which is found in several AISS. and editions. "'IB m. a present. FD'nri f. 10. *Aose Jfta* return. Ps. 126: T l." R/bw5. ttVttJf. 10. a dwelling, residence. 2 Sam. 19:33. R.ntP. JT>*j3 prob. forget, neglect. Deut. '32: 18. at^ttJ to free, deliver, see ntu3 . iirpizj f. 10. a & R. rpiu5. S*irp3 , Tin, and ^hj m. SiAdr, a name of the river Nile. nilb '"VrPttJ (glass river) pr. name of a river on the borders of the tribe of Asher. Josh. 19:26. truj m. a whip, scourge ; an oar. R. SYVti , Hb' , iV'ttJ, or .^a3 m. prob. restf, or as a concrete, iAe prince of peace. Gen. 49: 10. R. H7XD . I^ttj, ib'J: , and rTVi5 (place of rest) pr. name of a city in the tribe of Ephraim, where the tabernacle of the congregation was set up. y?iti m. naked. Mic. 1: 8 Keth. R. \fi . ">:'b"i;zj m. a gentile noun, a Shilonite, inhabitant of Shiloh. rU3 or "ptt3 m. 1. pi. S^* 1 ^ , urine. Is. '36: 12."' N^UJ Ch. to finish, see tti . ^puj , rarely iijuj, smg* to praise, celebrate. Pilel *\y6id. Ho. to be sung. *THtj m. 1. a song; a song of joy ; a choir of singers ; instrumental mu- sic. Sa^lBjl *"Ptt5 the song of songs, i. e. the most beautiful song, as the title of a book. JT-pti; f. 10. a song. iD^ui white marble, alabaster. 1 Chr. 29:2. p'lO^tiJ m. pr. name of a king of Egypt, in the time of Jeroboam. rpizj , fut. rru3^ , apoc. tnth n^i in_ fin. absol. rrizj, to lay, put, set, place; to arrange an army; to set one's self in array ; to constitute, ap- point ; to lay or impose on any one; to charge, impute, make responsi- ble ; to compare ; to apply the mind ; to join hands with any one ; to di- rect one's face or eyes ; to put on ornaments ; intrans. to be put ; to make, work, do; to give ; intrans. to be given, prepared. Ho. to be laid or imposed. rrvzj m. 6. suff. in v IJ , a thorn ; a thorn hedge. R. rptfj . rPU) m. 1. dress, attire. R. w6. bm 219 j&ti X$ seeTpttj . 55125 , infin. and imper. 3JDU?, fut. astf}'', to Ztfy one's seZ/ dWn for sleep, or in death ; to lie; to lie quietly ; to rest ; with Di> and ntt , to lie with one of a different sex. Hi. to cause to lie, to cast down ; to lay down ; to cause to rest. Ho. iiuirt , part. S3XD23 i to he laid ; to lie. S5\z3 Hi. to pour out. Job 3S: 37. JfiSUJ f. 11. a lying; copulation; emission of seed. nibtt) f. 13. copulation ; emission of seed. hDttS Hi. to wander about with de- sire. Jer. 5: 8. "bi 5*d) m. the loss of children ; a forsa- king; abandoning. R. "bb'GJ . bl3tl5 m. 1. robbed of children or young; without young. R. bbu5 . "JtettJ and "fbi m. 1. fem. ftSbttJ , adj. drunken, intoxicated. R. ^u; . fi5u5 and fiSttJ , fut. IrDttJI , to forget ; to leave from forgetf illness. Ni. to be forgotten. Pi. and Hi. to cause to forget. Hithpa. to be forgotten. rtetti m. 5. pi. const. tfptf , adj. for- getting, forgetful. fiSto Ch. Ithpe. Wpn^ft to be found. Aph. rt3U3ii to find; to obtain, ac- quire. ?]5U3 , infin. Jjttj , to settZe, subside, as water or anger ; to bow down, stoop. Hi. to still an uproar. bbiij , fut. bsiIJ'i , to Zose children, be- come childless ; also in the deriv. to plant. Part. pass. fem. Sn&lSti childless Pi. Vs-ttS to mfl&e cAz'ZJ- Zess; to miscarry, cast one'' s young; metaph. to Z>e unfruitful, spoken of a vine ; trans, to occasion abortions. Part. fem. rfeu373 an abortion. Hi. to destroy young men in war ; to miscarry. tpbtotj pi. m. 1. a childless state or condition. Is. 49: 20. bbiuj see bbs . D5il5 Hi. a^S'^n to rwe up early ; to urge with ardor or earnestness ; sometimes to be rendered as an adv. early ; earnestly. dlDtf} m. 6. in pause bill) , suff. iESUJ, the shoulder, upper part of the back; a part, portion; also pr. name of a city on mount Ephraim, now called Nablus. tVi'DXO f. the neck or shoulder. Job 31: 32.' |btt3 and fy&, fut. jittJ"' , to Ze z'toeZ/ down, rest ; to encamp ; to lie qui- etly, rest; to dwell; to inhabit; pass, to be pitched or set up, as a tent ; to be inhabited ; metaph. to possess ov be familiar with a thing. Part. pass. ^'DXO dwelling. Pi. to cause to dwell. Hi. to cause to dwell ; to set up or pitch a tent ; to prostrate. "J5ip Ch. to dwell. Pa. ]3U5 to lot dwell. *p123 m. 5. C7i inhabitant ; a neighbor ; adjacent, adjoining. pttj m.6. suff. i23tt5, a dwelling. Deut. 12:5. ^DUJ, fut. ^stp , to drink to the full ; to drink to hilarity ; to be intoxica- ted ; to be hardened and careless. Pi. and Hi. to make .drunken, ine- briate ; to make hardened and care- less. Hithpa. to act like a drunken person. hblljj m. strong or intoxicating drink. Vr^&XB m. drunkenness. bu3 m. an error, fault. 2 Sam. 6: 7. R. 2tt3 a particle, compounded of -12J i. q. Tiitt and b . Only with a prefix, V&2 on account of; and 'ittia bti32 although. pttV&J m. adj. at ease, quiet. Job 21: T 2i?r sV& Pu. part. pi. fem. rr\ajttj53 $tfr- aZZeZ. fc^bttj pi. m. ledges, corner ledges. jbtD ,'sec:i>tf3 IP 220 apS &flfm, snow. Hence the denom. in Hi. :pbtt3ft to be covered with snow. Ps. 68: 15. mV(J and Vbtt to ta quiet, particularly to enjoy quiet prosperity, Tibiti Ni. to err, fail, transgress. Hi. to lead astray, deceive. ilbtfj to draw out. Job 27: 8. J"?;p Ch. to be at rest. Dan. 4: 1. SlVtiS f. Ch. an error, something- amiss. Dan. 3: 29 Keth. iibu; 1 Sam. 1: 17. see nVaS SYbtt? pr. name of a city, see'^VttJ nntiViD f. d flame. WTrlJlbtf or "PnSlibttJ a flame of Jehovah, i. e. a most vehement flame. S!>ttj pr. name of a city, see i^ui . *blb Ch. see mVti ibui m. 5. fem. !T)Vd3 , pi. const. ">i"bil3 , adj. quiet, peaceable ; living quiet- ly; also in a bad sense, careless, wicked, forgetful of God: as a subst. rest, quietness. R. tibuj ibUJ m. 6. quietness, rest, uninterrupt- ed prosperity. Ps. 30: 7. R. ftbtf . !T)blB f. 12, quietness, peace, prosperi- ty ; also in a bad sense, careless- ness, criminal security, forget] 'ill- ness of God. R. rtbti . rtlbti f. Ch. res?, tranquillity, Dan. 4: 2i fcVTiVtt/ pi. m. \. a dismission, send- ing off j a bill of divorce ; a gift on occasitn of a daughters marriage. R. rbti . tflVtZJ m. 3. as an adj. prosperous, in health, well, sound ; in full num- ber, the whole ; safe, secure ; peace- able ; friendly, peaceably disposed: as a subst. health, soundness ; pros- perity, a prosperous event ; peace ; friendship, good understanding. ib Dib'l3?"i is he well? the usual form of inquiry concerning the health of an absent person. *rS fcibu; , &3b peace be to thee or to you, the lan- guage of consolation and encourage- ment. R. tjbuj . El?;!? recompense, see bVu; . ftibtfj three, see uibttj . rnb&j or tibtti f. Ch. an error, fault. R^bti. T hb5 , fut. ftbu;'; , infin. absol. hfoflj , const, rrbtt), once ftbttj , to send; ^to send a commission or charge ; to commission, intrust; to stretchout, put forth; to set free, let loose. a *T )"lbtt5 to lay the hand upon any person or thing ; to injure or do vi- olence to any one ; to plunder, take unjustly. Part. pass. rnbtfi stretched out, slim, slender. Ni. infin. frtVttJS i to be sent.Fi. nbtij to send ; to let go, dismiss / to mar- ry off a daughter; to set free or loose ; to occasion strife ; to accom- pany one departing, send forward; to chase or drive away ; to divorce a wife ; to let hang down ; to let down by a cord ; to give or yield up ; to throw off, rid or divest one's self of any thing; to throw ; to push away; to stretch out; to spread out; to spread out or enlarge a people. tfgs ftVttj to set on fire. Pu. to be sent ; to be put away; to be driven out ; to be forsaken ; to be let loose, set free. Hi. to send. hbtt3 Ch. fut. {ibttT , to send; to stretch out. ribuJ m. 6. sufT. i fibttJ , a sprout, shoot; a spear, dart, sword ; also pr. name of a son of Arphaxad ; and of a con- duit and pool near mount Zion. rjbuj Siloah, a spring and conduit on the southwest of Jerusalem. Is. 8:6. ninbtZJ pi. f. shoots, branches, ten- drils. Is. 16: 8. Jflbtp m.2.pl. nisribtti, a table. fribtf CPSBtt the table oj show-bread '. ttbttJ , fut. tib'ti* , to rule or have pow- er over any person or thing. Hi. to let rule ; to give power or per- mission. fibttJ Ch. fut. tb"^" 1 , to rule or have power ; with 2 , to fall on, attack. A ph. to appoint ruler. bbti 221 xbv ttbui m. 6. pi. d^bto , const. ^t:btf3 , a shield. "fitib'ti m. mighty, powerful. I'lDbuJ m. Ch. an officer, ruler. ItibizS m. Ch. const. Itabui , might, power, dominion; a territory, king- dom. naVtf} f. see tt^ttj . ">b'vl3 m. in pause "^ , res, quiet, still- ness. 2Sam.3:27. R. nVp . J-f^bu3 f. 10. the after-birth* beut. 28: T 57. R.M^. *pbttj and T*pti5 m. adj. ^w/ef, a ease. R. rtW. tt^ttj m. 1 . fem. nta 5tt5 adj. powerful or possessed of power ; wicked, shame- less : as a subst. a mighty ox power- ful man, ruler. R. tabtti I2^D m. Ch. adj. mighty, powerful, ha- ving power ; permitted to be done : as a subst. a powerful man, ruler, officer. UJ^ttJ and u3b\l3 m. 1. a hollow mea- sure of unknown dimensions ; a mu- sical instrument, mentioned in con- nection with tabrets, perhaps a tri- angle ; also a distinguished kind of warriors or combatants, perhaps a rider in a war chariot. In plur. also excellent things. Denom. from "125*>VttJ an ordinal adj. fem. {"pttj^ttj and rpttj^tp , pi. tPUJVtJ , third. In fem. also the third part ; the third time ; the third day, day after to-morrow ; also as a part of a pro- per name. rjVi; Hi. to throw, cast ; to cast away ; to expel, banish; to reject ; to cast down, destroy ; to deliver ; to commit, commend. Ho. Tybil3i-r and ?tbt5rt to be cast ; to be cast out; to be cast down. Tjb'ti m. prob. a plungeon, cormorant, (Pelecanus Bassanus, Linn.) rD*tt5 f. the falling of a tree ; also pr. name of a gate of the temple. bVi: to draw out or off; to plunder, "spoil Yy bbtti to make booty. Hithpo. bVintt58 to be spoiled, be' come a prey. VbwD m. 4. a prey, spoil, booty ; gain, profit. -bb'JD p\T) to divide the spoil. VbttJ 1U353 Sb W*ti he shall have his life as a booty, i. e. it shall be preserved to him. dbu3 1 fut. dbu;* 1 , to be completed or finished, as a building ; to be past or elapsed, as time ; to live in peace or affluence, prosper ; to have peace or friendship. Part. pass, d^ibttj peace- able. Pi. dVdi to complete or finish a building; to preserve, keep unin- jured; to restore, make good; to pay, perform ; to recompense, re- quite, reward ; to grant, impart. Pu. to be paid, discharged, spoken of a vow ; to be recompensed ; to obtain recompense ; to live in friendship. Hi. to complete, exe- cute, perform; to make an end of any thing ; to make or have peace ivith any one ; to m,ake peace by submitting one's self; causat. to make a friend of any one. Ho. to be at peace with any one. dbtfj Ch. Part. Peil d^btt) completed. Aph. to restore, give back ; to make an end. dbtf3 m. Ch. prosperity, peace. bbttj m. 5. fem. ft'zhp , adj. completed, finished; complete, full; uninju- red, safe ; unheum, spoken of stones; at peace, friendly ; devoted, particularly to God; also a proper name, i. q. dbtiJW Jerusalem. dVttS m. 6. a thank-offering. drttj m. recompense. Deut. 32: 35. tJJUS and dlbttj m. 1. id. tjbttj m. pr. name of a king of Israel. "TfcVttj f- 10. recompense, punishment. Ps.91:8. ttfcfbttS m. (peaceable) Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel. jllb'ti and *"lOK25DVra m. pr. name of a king of Assyria between Tiglalh-pi- leser and Sennacherib. DTD 222 em tD^2bbu5 pi. m. rewards, bribes. Is. 1: 23. : " SjbttS , fut. 5)^125^ , to draw owi or off. 5]Vj3 pr. name of a people of Arabia Felix. cVd and u3i"bu3 f. 3. const. tt5btti*i be- fore Makk. "ttibttj , and frrfljbuj m. x : t : 11. const. nuiVtt/S three; three times. PI. b">tt)|btt3 c." thirty ; thirtieth. Xobti see tthbttj . VttJ Pi. to divide into three parts ; to repeat the third time ; to do on the third day. Pu. to be triple, three- fold ; to be three years old. De- nom. from 'clb'O X tPVfyVI pi. m. posterity of the third generation, great grand-children. Denom. from, 'db'ti X Jnu3bu5 pr. name of a district in Pales- tine. 1 Sam. 9: 4. DxVl3 adv. three days ago, the day be- fore yesterday. Always joined with bin. Denom. from. pttj. 6*3 adv. of place, there ; also i. q. SffiBflS thither; also of time, then. &1S73 thence ; from that time ; also of it, of them. ]U;~"i'L : ^ where; whither. DU3 bttJ here, there. IrrBtt) (sham- ma) thither; more rarely i/iere. rrrJ *i5a whither, where. X X -; J3TD m. 7. const. , before Makk. -fitt? , sufl". njpxtj , Sj&ti , bSfcitJ , pi. rrtbtD , const. rrtJQSJ # aic ; a- thority ; fame, renown ; a good name; a rumor, report; a monu- ment; Jehovah; also pr. name of a son of Noah. Snirt" 1 btt3 the name of Jehovah ; the authority of Jeho- vah; the praise or glory of Jeho- vah ; Jehovah, considered as the ob- ject of prayer, worship, or praise ; the presence of Jehovah, or Jehovah considered as every where present, or as present and mighty to help. ic m. Ch. sufT. W3W pi fiTaC > a name. *iiau3 Hi. i^JBttJIrr to destroy. lnfin. Itt3rt as a su'bst. destruction. Ni. to be laid waste ; to be destroyed. *lJ3tt5 Ch. Aph. to destroy. Dan. 7: 26. J"flauj f. 10. a desolation ; astonish- ment, amazement ; an object of as- tonishment. R. dtotfj . X Jftfcttj Ch. names, see trip . 3fcstfttD m. {heard of God) a proper name, Samuel, son of Elkanah, a judge and high-priest in Israel. IWJOtf and Ji5>72UJ f. 10. news, tidings, either of good or of evil ; particu- larly a message from God ; instruc- tion, doctrine ; a rumor, report. R. t352RZ) to rcmi'J a debt ; to cause to rest, X to let lie uncultivated, as the ground ; to cease from any thing ; to cause to fall, to throw down ; to break loose, set 07ie''s self free. Ni. to be scat- tered. Hi. to release, remit. S-jE-JU; f. a remission, release. d^fcttJpl. m. const, i&ttj , the heaven or heavens. With ft parag. Wa^5D$rt to or towards heaven. D'VJ'&tl 'W'bN *Ae God o/ heaven. ~^tth b^fctt) d^?:'d!n Ae heaven and the heaven of heavens, a rhetorical expression for the highest or most holy heavens. ysti pi. m. Ch. emph. JTfttfJ , the hea- vens ; also God. ^fcttj an ordinal adj. fern, n" 1 - , eighth. In fem. also in reference to music, a particular tone. Denom. from *TJQ^3 m. 3. a thorn, thorn hedge ; me- taph. a dangerous enemy ; also a diamond ; also pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah ; and of another in mount Ephraim. R. *&ti . dfcflj 1 imper. fail), fut. &h , pi. "l/atthj Jo fte Za/rZ waste, made desolate ; trans, to Za?/ waste ; to be solitary, single, spoken of women ; to be amazed, astonished. Part. bXnttJ desolate ; faint, desponding ; a de- solater, ravager. Ni. Iduj5 to be tfa 223 1* laid ivaste, made desolate ; to faint, languish ; to be solitary, deserted ; to be amazed, astonished. Po. part. d53ii2373 a desolater, ravager ; solitary, or astonished. Hi. dttjrt , fut. tTh, infin. d73U3rt, part, d ^3125 73, to lay waste ; to be amazed, asto- nished, confounded; to amaze, asto- nish. Ho. Qttjrt (hosham,) pi. :i73l25n , to be waste, desolate ; to be amazed, astonished. Hithpo. !Zj73ini23ii , fut. once tsfrtfj' 1 to de- stroy one's self; to be astonished, amazed, confounded. S3?Bti3 Ch. Ithpo. tSSttfPl^N to be asto- nished, amazed. Dan. 4: 16. 373125 rn. 5. adj. desolate, waste. ilfcJQttS f. 11. desolation; a waste; amazement, astonishment. rtftaizj f. 10. id. lSifoiD. m. amazement, astonishment. "puj or fi!W3 , fut. )J2p^ , to be or be- come fat. Hi. to make fat ox obdu- rate; to become fat. ]73123 m. 5. adj./a ; stowi, robust ; fer- tile ; rich, spoken of food. yatf c. 6. suff. ^73123 , pi. CreM i fat, fatness ; oil ; spiced oil, ointment. la* 1 273 123 pi. m. 8. fat, fatness. ttabaS f. and S-I273123 m. const. HSfalti , e/g-fa. PL fcP3?2tf3 c. eighty. 3>73123 and 273125 to /tear ; with a , to hear with pleasure or satisfaction ; also to listen, be attentive ; to hearken, obey; to hear, answer, spoken of God ; to understand. Part. 3>73i23* prob. intelligent, understanding. Ni. to be heard ; to show one's self obedient or submissive. Pi. to cause to hear, to announce ; to sum- mon together. Hi. to cause to hear or be heard ; to announce ; to call together or upon by proclamation ; also in reference to music, intrans. to sing ; to play ; to sound on a high note. 973123 Ch. to Aear. Ithpe. to show one's self obedient or submissive. 273123 m. 6. suff. ^JQ5 , a hearing ; a message, intelligence, news ; a re- port, rumor ; also in reference to music, a high sound or note. 973123* m. 6. report, fame. jnawoaS see swatei . 1*1273125 m. (a hearing) Simeon, a son of Jacob by Leah. y73i25 m. s/tort g-ercZZe sound, whis- pering. tt53tt5 f. aw overthrow. Ex. 32: 25. ^ u5 , fut. ^73 125"] , to fteep, watch, guard ; to preserve, lay up ; to keep in memory ; to retain anger ; to mark, observe ; to lie in wait for any one ; to observe, keep ; to wor- ship, reverence ; to besiege ; to be- ware of. Part. ^73123* a watchman, guard ; a shepherd ; symbolically a prophet. Ni. to be guarded, pre- served ; reflex, to take heed, beware; to be cautious or careful; to ab- stain, hold back. Pi. to reverence. Hithpa. to be observed; to take heed, beware. "taiO m. 6. pi. fivyati , lees or dregs of wine ; wine kept on the lees. it "173 125 f. 10. an eyelid. Ps. 77: 5. h^73u5 f. a watch. Ps. 141: 3. d^33i25 m. the observance of a festival ; a festival. Ex. 12: 43. 1*1^73125 f. Samaria, the metropolis of the kingdom of Israel and the royal residence ; also the name of the country. TlfrUJ Ch. Samaria, the name of a city. TlJ&iU Ch. Pa. 12353125 to serve, wait upon. Dan. 7: 10. 12373125 c. 6. suff. >1 U573U5 , the sun ; me- taph. a source of prosperity. PI. 21112373125 battlements, pinnacles, tur- rets. "1112573125 Samson, an Israelitish judge. JTD c*. 8. before Makk. "]123 , suff. 12123 , a tooth ; an elephant's tooth, ivory ; a sharp cliff; also pr. name of a place. Dual d^aia teeth. R. "J3125 . OB 224 ]* itauj to be changed. Pi. to change.- Pu. to be changed. to be changed or N3u5 Ch. fut. N2u3^ altered ; to b& disfigured, lose its brightness ; to be different, diverse. Pa. to change, alter, transform ; to violate, transgress. In part. pass, different, diverse. Ithpa. to change itself, be altered ; to be dis- figured. Aph. to change, alter ; to transgress. fKa/lJ m. a repetition. Ps. 68: 18. N3u5 f- sleep. R. JSP . fitati f. Ch. see ii3u3 . ttaizj > fut. rtatt}* 1 , to alter, change, or 6e changed ; to be different, diverse; to be of a different opinion ; to re- peat, do a second time. Ni. to be repeated. Pi. rM'ti to change, al- ter ; to pervert ; to change gar- ments ; to change or disfigure the countenance ; to remove, change the place of any thing. -ritt rtWJ iasta to dissemble one's understand- ing, i. e. to act like a madman. Hithpa. to disguise one's self. rW f. 11. pi. d^3tf5 and rrtattJ , a year ; metaph. the produce of the year. ttaizj Fiauj , siauta Mau3 , and rtaic ''ja naizJai from year to year. n:u3 fc^irvZJ the year two, i. e. the seconcl year. natD nitftt '&ti naiea in the six hundredth year. PI. tT*}XB some years. Dual d^natfj two years. f73"d f. sleep ; a dream. R. y&i . i"i:u3 f. Ch. pi. p3J, a year. R. n:\i3 . tia*ii3 f. Ch. sleep. Dan. 6: 19. R. pu"' . b^sSiattJ pi. m. elephant 1 s teeth, ivory. ^aaj m. crimson ; crimson colored c/o trauj m. rT"]UJS> trnuj f. twelve. R. Jia'iD . Iia^aip mockery, scorn, derision. R. auj jaup to sharpen. Part. pass. Jsjatf sharp. Pi. to inculcate. Hithpo. to 6e penetrated or pierced with pain. COVJ Pi. DSttJ to g-W w/>. 1 K. 18: 46. "Vatd Shinar, the country of Babylon. nau3 f. sZeep. Ps. 132: 4. R. jujt . rtOttJ to spo-7, plunder. Part. pi. &->Dto spoilers. Po. Jiiuiu; (for JiDiu3) W. &0U3 , fut. Dti" 1 id. Part, fcttui (for Ni. to be plundered DOto) a spoiler. of spoiled. 20 & to wia&e aw incision, cleave, split. Pi. to break, rend ; to tear in pieces ; metaph. to cfo'de, rebuke. 3>Stf3 m. a cZe/fc. Pptfj Pi. to Aewj zn pieces. 1 Sam. 15: '33. ft*; to ZooZ:, see ; to regard gracious- ly ; to look with confidence ; to look away ; to look about for help. Hi. imper. PttifJ (as if from a>i>^3,) to look away. Hithpa. fut. apoc. pati** , to Zoo& around for help, oe disinayed; to look at each other. f7?il3 to oe spread over, closed. Is. 32: 3. FPU) f- Ch. emph. ana>tt5 , JinSJUJ , a short time, moment ; perhaps also an hour. SltaSttJ f. 10. a stamping. Jer. 47: 3. Kt39t3 m. cZo^A made o/ different threads. b^iz: m. suff. i"bi>u3 , pi. d^u5 , const. - x: t x t : ^$ttj , the hollow hand, a handful. b^5>u5 m. pr. name of a country. 1 Sam. 9: 4. d^aV^ui and 'pabaUD pr. name of a ci- ty in the tribe of Dan. I^tt) Ni. to lean, rest ; metaph. to re- ly upon, trust in ; to lie down, rest; E?D 225 DID also in a geographical sense, to bor- der or bound on a country. 3Wi5 to &e overspread, closed. Hi. iraper. 3>tt3tt , to overspread or cZose the eyes. Pilp. yt53>ttj to rejoice, delight ; to delight one's self ; to play, sport. Palp. 5>tfJ3>tt5 to be flat- tered, caressed. Hithpalp. SttJStnttJtt to delight in any thing ; to be daz- zled or blinded. 1Stt3 to think, estimate. Prov. 23: 7. *-\$'u3 fTiifinrt the first gate. (7.) the fish- gate. (8.) /ie sheep-gate. (9.) \d Hj?fit3!p1 ^c review-gate. (10.) *Ae horse-gate. (11.) Ae water-gate. (12.) ^u3 or ^intfj m. 2. pi. B^Stfj , ttz'/e, mean, detestable. Jer. 29: 17. )mWtt5 f. something terrible, horri- ble''' ^n^SttJ m. adj. terrible, horrible. Jer. 18:" J l"3. &^2UJ (Zww gates) pr. name of a city in Judah. JPMfaHtf pi. m. 1. pleasure, delight ; an object of pleasure or delight, Lat. deliciae. R. 3>2tt5 . 29 flBUJ in the deriv. o 5c 6a/d; Jo cw 2W pieces. Ni. part, naked, or iaZd. Pu. to be made bare. ftSMD or fiBUJ f. found only in the phrase *lpaJl niBUJ cheese of kine. tDiBUi m. 1. pi. trtMBUJ , punishment. R." ttBUJ . iiJiBUJ f. pi. nifrBUJ , a maidservant, handmaid. t3BU5 , fut. bfettT 1 , to judge, act as um- pire ; to do justice to any one ; to plead for any one ; to condemn, pun- ish ; to command, rule. Part. t3Bti a judge ; a ruler. Ni. to be judg- ed ; to contend with any one ; to ex- ecute punishment, punish, spoken of Jehovah. Po. to judge. DB\z3 Ch. Part. ttBUJ a judge. Ezra 7: 25. tt&ttj m. 6. pi. tTttBtt} , a judgment, punishment. iDU3 m. 6. pi. D^BUJ , baldness, naked- ness ; a hill, particularly one that is open or not covered with wood. ttfcifcttj m. a species of serpent, per- haps a horned serpent or cerastes. Gen. 49: 17. Tsitt m Ch. adj. pleasant, fair. *W& m. pr. name of a place. Mic. 1: if. TjBtt) , fut. SJDTIJ'S to pour, pour out ; to shed blood ; metaph. to ^t?owr out one's soul in tears and lamentations, or one's anger ; to throw up a wall. Ni. to be poured out. Pu. id. Hithpa. to be poured out ; to pour itself out in lamentations ; to be breathed out, expire. rjB'JD m. 6. a place of pouring out. Lev. 4: 12. fTBB'iZJ f. the privy member, penis. Deut. 23: 2. ^BU3 , fut. bBU3*> , infin. ^Btt5, to be made t : : low ; to be overthrown ; to be sup- pressed or depressed ; metaph. to be humbled. Hi. to make low, bring down ; to bring to the ground, throw down ; intrans. to be brought Cisa 226 qpa low or cast down ; in connection with other verbs, to be rendered as an adv. Zow. ^DtB Cb. Aph. /f> bring down ; to op- press, subdue ; to humble. Vdu3 m. 4. adj. lew, deep, sunk down ; mean, contemptible ; metaph. hum- ble, lowly. bfittj in. Ch. low. Dan. 4: 14. *>Vif m. 6. loudness, a low place or cem- diti.on. S"ibBc3 f. lowncss, a low place. Is. 32: nb^'d f. 10. a low country, particular- ly the southwestern part of Pales- line, between the mountains and the Mediterranean sea. rnbs5 f- joined with J^T , a slacking 1 or letting' down of the hands, idle- ness, remissness. Ecc. 10: 18. bSTD pr. name of a place in the tribe of Judah. 1SV m. the name of a quadruped, perhaps a jerboa, (Mus jaculus, Linn.) SDtt3 m. and fjsstj f. 10. a multitude ; a multitude of people ; abundance, superfluity. *(Ditj to be fair, shining, pleasant, ac- ceptable. Pi. to adorn, garnish. -- Ch. fut. *> , to be fair, plea- sant, acceptable. ^Bip m. fairness, pleasantness ; also pr. name of a mountain in Arabia doserta. TnD'd or '"i^B'SJ m. 1. a covering, canopy. Jer. 43: 10. N^TS^SUJ m. Ch. the dawn of the morn- \ng. 'Dan. 6: 20. nsiz; , fut. nbup , to set, put, place ; to give. D*Wa5 dual, m. folds for cattle; also prob. stalls, in the courts of the tem- ple, where the sacrificial victims were fastened. D"2'j3 m. an effusion, pouring out. Is. ^54: 8. pu3 m. the leg or thigh. JjPtt), fut >tp& to be sleepless; to watch, be watchful ; to watch over any thing ; to lie ill wait. Pu. part, denom. from "ipui , having the form of almond flowers. ip'CJ m. 5. an almond-tree ; an al- mond. in the deriv. to drink. Hi. to make to drink, to water. Part. P'tlft a cup-bearer. Ni. see 5>pu5. -Pu. to be watered, moistened. m. 1. drink. Ps. 102: 10. R. !nj?tt? fipu}. ' r T ^p m. 1. pi. npu; b M iptl5| drink, mois- ture. R. VnjPttS ar.d f pu3 m. 1. an abomination, particularly in a religious sense. R. "Zp'ti , tut. tipuji , to rest, haverepose ; to have rest or peace, be free from war ; to keep quiet ; to be still from fear ; to be inactive, so as not to grant assistance. Hi. to give rest; to still or appease strife ; intrans. to keep still, be quiet ; to make still and sul- try. In fin. tipujin as a subst. rest. ttpuj m. rest, peace. 1 Chr. 22: 9. bgttj'i fut. "bpu;" 1 , to weigh; to weigh out ; to pay. Ni. to be weighed or paid out. bpuj m. 6. a weight of the Hebrews, supposed to equal 240 grains of Troy weight, and used particularly for weighing uncoined gold or sil- ver ; also price. ftttptf f- pi. d^piD and rnftpuJ , a sy- camore tree. yptu to sink, sink down ; to be over- flown ; to burn down, as a fire. Ni. pret. fern. Sl^pttJS or rij?UJ3 , to be overwhelmed. Hi. to let sink ; to let down, sink. TrYVftfP'ti pi. f- cavities, hollow pla- ces. Lev. 14: 37. Jipu5 in the deriv. to overlay; to roof or cover a house. Ni. and Hi. to bend forward, in order to see, n 227 En look for any thing ; to project, stick out ; to threaten. >]pu3 m. a covering. 1 K. 7: 5. b^Dpip pi. m. timber overlaid. ypuj in the deriy. to be abominable, loathsome. Pi. yp' to loathe, abo- minate ; to make unclean, pollute. ypu5 m. an abomination, particularly what is ceremonially unclean. yp\t5 see yiptt. ppu3 , fut. piz3"% to run about, run to and fro ; to be desirous, eager. Hithpalp. p^pP'vpii to run to and fro. ^pu5 , fut. ^p^ , to lie ; to deceive. Pi. to lie ; to deceive ; to be treach- erous or false. ^pu3 ra. 6. a lie, falsehood, deception ; a vain thing ; also a liar ; also as an adv. in vain, to no purpose, with- out cause. nj?iu f. pi. const. ninpu3 , a watering- trough. R. lipiij . T*25 or 1W& f. pi. rriT^J a wall. Jer. 5: 10. * *{ri m. 8. suff. Tptfj , a nerve, sinew, muscle ; the navel. Nlttj and M^iUJ Ch. to loosen, solve, ex* plain ; to turn in, lodge, dwell. Pa. to loosen, solve, explain ; to be- gin. lthpa. to be loosed. n^Ttf m. pr. name of a son of Sen- nacherib, king of Assyria. 5^U3 m. the heat of the sun ; the parch- ed ground or glimmering waste. D'^aflUJ m. a scepter. t-j^iizi in the deriv. to dissolve; to begin. Pi. ft*"^ to loosen or sot free. Jer. 15: 11 kek o^tf} f. pi. rri~T^ , chains, bracelets. Is. 3: 19. 'pTlJ Sharon, a plain in Palestine, ex- tending from Joppa to Cesarea, abounding in fruitful fields and rich pastures. rrtp^tt pi. f. a hissing. Jer. 18: 16 Ketli. mTl3 f. a beginning. Jer. 15: 11 Keth. R. !-h*3 T T im^ui f. "J^C and fY^u} m. 1. pi. tT_ and ni, a coat of mail, habergeon ; also tt'Httl the name of mount ^3tti among the Sidonians. nip" l Ti3 pi. f. a hissing, derision ; rt fifing, piping. R. j^ti . VlSS m. 3. Aflrd, jrm, solid. Job 10: 10. rWY^Tp f. obduracy, stubbornness. Denom. from ^PTIJ . rr^ro see rp-itftp . rVRTjai pi. f. Jer. 31:40 Keth. prob. only a false reading for n*i22TlJ fields, which is read in the Keri, in MSS. and several editions. y^U? , fut. yhtt" 1 , to multiply or pro- pagate itself abundantly, spoken of men and animals ; to creep, crawl, sioarm, spoken of worms and small- er fishes ; to swarm or abound with any thing, spoken of a place. ynu5 m. 6. a worm, reptile ; smaller fishes. p*Vii3 , fut. phuLi* 1 , to hiss, lure by hiss-* ing ; to hiss, deride ; also in the de- riv. to pipe, npSflD f. a hissing, derision, scorn. ITtf Part, TttB an enemy. . "nil; m. 6. the navel. Cant. 7: 3. tt5*N0 m. 6. pi. tpfc?*is5 (shorashim,) a root ; what springs up from the root, a shoot, branch ; a descendant; offsprings posterity ; the foot of a mountain ; the bottom of the sea ; the sole of the foot ; a plantation, settlement, colony; the ground of contention or complaint. Sib Pi. ttHffl to root up or out. Pu. ttj^aj to be rooted out. Pool "iZniD io take root. Poal, id. Hi. io take root ; m eta ph. to prosper. unizi m. Ch. a root. iiu3^*d f. 10. pi. const. niu3n*i ahaiv> Ex.* 38: 22. -an 228 \STi TElia (shsroshu) or 'ttHtJ (shsroshi) f. Ch. a banishment. Ezra 7: 26. iTnunu} f. a chain. rntB Pi. n*TO to serine, wa# upon. S"n!"P""ntf TVy& to serve or minister unto Jehovah, spoken of the priests. TfDti see tiD\l3 . T T T T tfjtzj m. white marble ; byssus, fine white Egyptian cotton, also cloth made of it; also perhaps linen. tt5u5 f. and JtcJUJ m. const. Mi& , s/:r. PI. D"ttJU5 c. t&fy. Kljjttj Pi. fittftii to Zead aoowf. Ezek. 39: 2. TlSftttJtt) a proper name, prob. the Per- sian name which Zerubbabel bore in the Persian court. 19J Pi. to divide into six parts, pay a sixth part. Ezek. 45: 13. Denom. from u5u5 . ttj m. i. q. vvfine cotton. Ezek. 16: 13 Keth. ^ttjttj m.fem. nV an ordinal adj. s/.ri/i. In fem. also Ae sixth part. Denom. from ttJtf . rjUJui Sheshach, another name for Bab- ylon. ^'d m. in pause T'l3 , a red color, perhaps red earth, ruddel. D TB m. pi. rrtnttJ , a pillar of a state, a prince, noble. R. n ,, *ij . nti m. pi. ninii; , /ie posteriors, but- tocks ; also Se/j, the third son of Adam. nil3 f. a contraction of ntfttj , the noise or tumult of war. Num. 24: 17. R. hfitai . nttJ and nu5 Ch. six. PI. 'pfitfj sixty. t"inu3 , fut. tinu:*' , apoc. tW^ , to drink ; with a , to enjoy drinking} metaph. to drink in iniquity, damage, the wrath of the Almighty ; also to sit at table, banquet ; also in the deriv. to weave. Ni. to be drunk. linuJ and ptnti Ch. to drink. Din ID see nu5 . inu3 m. a drinking, banqueting ; the warp in a web. R. tinui . X X M*nu3 f- a drinking. Est. 1:8. R. QTr,:: f. m?o, see d^attj . brnz5 , fut. bnu3" , to plant. bnu3 m. 1. a tog", branch, plant. Ps. 128: 3. bMd prob. fo ope??. jnU3 Hi. fa make water. *Vjpa ftfflto a raZe. pryij , fut. prr!}" 1 , to be still, rest. "^Tia ^nu; m. [a shining star) pr. name of a Persian governor. f\r\vn to set, place. n Tar, Heb. 1ft, is sometimes inter- changed with tt. iWjra.l. pi. D^n , once rriKft , a cham- ber. atfft o desire, long for. aan Pi. part, a&nfc abhorring. Am. ~6 T : 8. 5ia^n f. a desire, longing. Ps. 119: 20. ST^ri Pi. fut. pi. ntfnr? , to mark out, describe. ii\m and N'in m. a species of gazel or wild goat. rtWj f. 10. a wish, desire; a thing desired ; lust, lusting, concupis- cence ; a thing lusted after ; something desirable, pleasant, or lovely. R. JTitt . ditfpl m. 1. pi. also bftin, const. ''JMtt'b a twin. R. bHp. pnn 229 arm ilbttft f. 10. a curse. Lam. 3: 65. R. T T fitfnfo 6e doubled. Hi. to bear twins. }"j3ttn f. 10. sexual desire or Aeai in animals. Jer. 2: 21. R. prob. M2^ . rtin f. 10. pi. tnan, a jig-tree ; a jig. TftUft f. a;* occasion. Jud? . Jrjapl f. 10. a vessel, boat, ship, e.g. that of Noah, and that wherein Moses was exposed when an infant. SlJWaft f. 10. produce, increase ; gain, profit ; metaph. the fruit or conse- quences of any thing. R. tfia. pan m. 3. wisdom, understanding. Hos. 13: 2. R. pa . In^in f. 10. wisdom, understanding. x : In plur. also, arguments, proofs. R.pa. ilD^an f. 10. a treading down, ruin, destruction. 2Chr. 22:7. R. ^,a. "nan pr. name of a mountain in Gali- lee, on the borders of the tribes Zrbulun and Naphtali ; also of a grove in Benjamin. b^n f. the earth, globe, world ; the in- habited earth ; the inhabitants of the earth ; a land, country. R. per- haps ba^ . pan m. a shameful pollution, wick- ed crime. R. bbs . ban see basa. n^ban f. 13. destruction, annihilation. Is! 10: 25. R. fiba . V?an m. having a white spot. -Lev. 21: : 20. R.bba. X fan m. straw. n"^an a style or mode of building ; a' model, pattern ; an image, like- ness. R. Tfin . iTn^an (aburning) pr. name of a place in the desert. yan pr. name of a place not far from Sichem. ian Ch. Part. Tan broken. ^Dttbs nbon m. Tiglath-pileser, a king of Assyria, contemporary with Ahaz. This name is also written nban ">sbs , TO^bs nabn , and mbn bWn in*. 1. a benefit. Ps. 116: 12. R. bm. SY"On f 10. strife, contention. Ps. 39: IV. R. h^ . " XX tt&^an and iTalsin pr. name of a X : x ;- A northern country. ftfTin m. the name of a tree, perhaps a plane-tree. R. ^ni . tt^Pin t Ch. a going round in a cir- cle, continuance. "lSO'in pr. name of a city built by Solo- mon, on a fruitful spot surrounded by barren deserts, between Damas- cus and the Euphrates. TSin m. emptiness, desolation; a de- sert ; metaph. vanity ; something vain or of no value : as an adv. in vain. dirrn c. 1. pi. n^fcftn , a flood, deep water ; the abyss. ttbttn f. 10. pi. a\- and ni, praise* glory ; an object of praise, some- thing praised ; a ground of praise or boasting ; a song of praise. It. bbM . nbrmf. smi, folly. Job 4: IS. R. bbi"7 . Sia^bnn f. 10. a procession, company, 'guard. Neh. 12: 31. R. rjbii . Jia^D^n f. pervcrscness, folly ; false- hood, deceit. 11. rjsi-r . ?in 230 Ein jn m. a mark, sign ; the signature or subscription of a complaint, or a complaint. R. JYJft . fcrtn see i^n iw Ch. fut. i^n"! , Jo return. A ph. EFVlft cawse ro return, to restore, give or serad &ac&. dans i*Vtt to return answer, answer. bnnn and bin. fAc Tibarenes, a people of Pontus in Asia Minor. t""p "b^n Tubal-cain, a son of Lamech, the inventor of smithery. Gen. 4: 22. fttlMn f- 10. wisdom. Job 26: 12Kelh. ftitfa f. 10. gr?'e/, sorrow. R. ST3* tW'U'in see SWlJfa. SniF. f. 10. a confession, acknowledge- ment ; praise, thanks, thanksgiv- ing; a thank-offering ; a choir of singers. R. ITT 1 . Bflfi Ch. o 6e astonished, terrified, tremble from fear. Dan. 3: 24. ttlFl Pi. to mae a 7?iar& or sign. T Hi. id. STJF Hi. to cause to repent, or to he grieved. Ps. 78: 41. nb"nnf. 13. a hope, expectation. K. 'Yrr. Jpfi m. 6. const. 7]in, suff. *^in, ^c middle, midst. T^nn in 2fo midst ; among ; in ; through the midst. rprT3 from the midst; out of j from. Tjin "btf into the midst of. *jnn m. oppression, see rjfci. {"ittDin f. 10. chastisement, punish- ment. R. ftb* . riiDi^ f- 13. sutf. ^nDin, pi. nirDin, a proving, proof, demonstration ; a warning, admonition ; censure, re- proach, reproof; an accusation, complaint ; a chastisement, punish- ment. In plur. arguments, proofs ; contradictions ; reproofs ; punish- ments. R. fO* 1 . IT'S IP. peacocks; seed^SF. jVif. pr. name of a city in Simeon, 1 r Chr. 4: 29. nhVlP pi- f 10. families, generations ; a family history of any kind ; a his- tory in a still wider sense. R. ^b" 1 . VbiP m. 3. a vexer, tormenter. Ps. 137: x 3. R.bV. ^Vip m.andrujVto, nAfof-pLroVtai a worm ; particularly a kermez, turtle insect, also the color prepared from it, and cloth colored therewith. Qqft . From this root are derived some forms, which have the signification of dftF . fc-^iP twins, see DiKF . "pnn Gen. 36: 15 Keth*. prob. a corrupt- ed reading for "j^F . MiSipf. 11. const, iW/lP, an abomi- nation ; an abominable deed or practice. R. h&ft Jl^iP, f. apostasy from God ; a hurt, in- jury. R/Srbp*. rnE^iP pi. f- 11. swift course, swift- ness ; also prob. earnings, posses- sion, substance, treasure. R. Wp . rrittStapl* f. 11. aplace of going out, gate ; a place of rising, a spring ; an extremity, limit; metaph. de- liverance. R. tf2" | \ tffi m. 1. a turtledove ; also a word of endearment to one beloved. "ym m. 1. a row, order, turn; a row or string of pearls or metallic beads. Tin a mode, manner. 1 Chr. 17: 17. ^lin m. Ch. pi. fHfci an ox. TIP. to spy out ; to search out, disco- ver ; metaph. to examine ; to go about, as a merchant; with ^riN' , to follow. -Hi. to spy out; to direct, guide. tt*rtpi 10. instruction, doctrine, pre- cept, admonition ; a revelation, ora- cle ; a law of Moses ; collect, laws; a mode, manner ; a rule, direction, for building a house. R. ST"T . att)*lft m. 1. a sojourner, stranger dwelling in another country with- out the rights of citizenship. R. nnn 231 tan iT^m f- help, deliverance, salvation ; wisdom, understanding ; a pur- pose, plan. finin m. a club, cudgel Job 41: 21. Ttn see T">n rn3Tnf. 13. spiritual fornication, ido- latry. R. M2T . nibznn and nib^zinn pi. f. 10. lead- ing, guidance, direction; particu- larly the guidance or management of a state ; a wise plan or counsel; a wicked design. R. "bin . ninn Ch. prep, under. ftVnn f. 10. a beginning. R. Vbn bftfttan pi. m. 1. sicknesses, diseases; as a concrete, sick, famished. R. It!*}; bftnn m. the name of an unclean bird. R. DJttj\ J-lSMn f. 10. favor, pity, compassion ; a prayer, supplication. R. "pn . BfaWftn pi. m. 1. prayers, supplica- tions. R. 13M . niS^nn pi. f. 10. supplications. Ps. 86: fc! R. gft . niahn pi. f. a place of encamping, camp. 2 K. 6: 8. R. ftjfl . cnasnn, onssnn and Dpsnn pr. name of a city in Egypt, prob. Daphne. Also DSsnn pr. name of an Egyptian queen." Nltirt m. a linen coat of mail or haber- geon. M^nn to emulate, vie, contend. Strict- ly Tiphel offflTF. tt3nn m. 6. the name of an animal, of a color, or of a preparation of leather, most probably the first. iDnn^Tl^ tahash skin or leather. ni^iS* tTiUfin tahash skins. nnn m. 6. suff. njhp , rww , nsnn , iisnnn i bnnn > wto w under or 6e- Zow ; a pZace, spot ; also pr. name of a station of the Israelites : as an adv. below, beneath : as a prep, un- der ; among ; instead of; for, in exchange for ; also after particular verbs, as those of pressing down ; before an' infin. because. b nnn as a prep, under. nnn.tt as an adv. be- neath, under ; as a prep, from un- der ; also simply beneath, under, below. b nnnfc as a prep, beneath, under, below. nnnbtf under, with and without the accessory idea of di- rection to a place. ^tda nnn as a conj. instead that ; because. nnn 13 as a conj. because. nnn Ch. prep, under. Dan. 4: 11. finnnm. fem. J-ttinnn, adj. low, infe- rior. Denom. from nlnn Wn m. fem. ft*- and n" 1 - , adj. low, inferior. VyrTfttfm the lower or lowest parts of the earth, i. e. hades. Denom. from nnn rn Hi. tnrt (as if from rm) to cut off. Is. 18:5!" yoyfi m.fem. rtaib'Wadj. middle, in the middle. Denom. from Tp.n. Kfcin and Kftn pr. name of a country and people in the northern part of Arabia deserta. To^fi c. the south ; the south wind ; al- *so pr. name of a city, district and people in the east of Idumea r named after }Tn a grandson of Esau. R. rTWnf. 11. a pillar of smoke. ttJVTO an( i *5*VTI m 1. new w^e, must; the 'juice in the grape. R. t5*T . O'Vn m. the name of a northern tribe of the race of Japheth. tt$*R m. 6. pi. tfntJT!* a buck, he-goat. Hn and rjin m. oppression, violence. *l2fi p u . to rest, be encamped. Deut. 33: 3. ftiHSft f. 10. fi >Zace, sea*. Job 23: 3. R. fb. ft2Dn f. 10. arrangement, structure; ^costliness, costly apparatus. R.]3n- d^Sn and b^ain pi. m. prob./)eacocA-5. man pi. m. oppressions. Prov. 29: 137 iibsn f. completeness, perfection. Ps. "lib: 96. R.nb3. in 232 lan fl^VlDPl f. 13* completion, perfection ; an end. R. libs . Kbdn f- bluish purple, also c7o/i or thread colored therewith. *pn to prove, try, examine accurately. ~ Ni. fo&e leveled, spoken of a way, and metaph. to be right, spoken of an action. Pi. ]Sft to level horizon- tal objects ; to measure or mete out; to fix, establish ; to lead, direct. Pu. part, weighed out, spoken of money. pn m. a task, portion of labor mea- sured out ; a measure. rpjdn f & measure, pattern, struct- ure; ornament, beauty. Tp^On m. a mantle, wide garment. Est" 8: 15. bnm. 8. suff. ^Vn, a hill; a heap of stones or rubbish. R. Vbn T n^K bl 9 (Aeap o/ ears o/ corn) pr. name of a place in Mesopotamia, perhaps Thallabba. Ezek. 3: 15. tftt-iribn (hill of the wood) pr. name of a place in Babylonia. fibtt bn (hill of salt) pr. name of a place in Babylonia. abn Part. pass, tf sjbfi suspended ; z'rc- clined. iltfbn /aooT*, trouble, distress. R. *sab . ft^aiSfi t dryness, drought. Hos. 13:5". ^liBtfbn and ^tobn pr. name of an As- syrian province. rittJaVfi f- & garment, clothing. Is. 59: 17. : * R. abb . sbn rn. Ch. swow. Dan. 7: 9. ^ba mbn see e nbaa . rtbfc ' to A"bin, clothed in crimson. Nah. 2: 4. For ntebrtO , see under 12 . "^bn m. 8. adj. deadly, destructive, a poetical epithet for a weapon. Cant. 4:4. "itobn see ^uabn nbft . Ch. fern, ttnbn, adj. Mree. PI. "pnbn *fo>fy. nbn m. Ch. emph. tfnbn, Me fA/rtZ rcmA: ; third in rank. ^nbn m. Ch. third. Dan. 5: 7. tpVplbfl pi. ni. waving palm branches. Cant. 5: 11. dpi m. 8. fem. [h)Bhi adj. innocent, blameless, upright, righteous ; as a subst. innocency, uprightness. Fem. iniftn my innocent one, a word of endearment to one beloved. R. dn adv. Ch. with ft parag. ft?an , Merc. d v :n pi. m. a contraction of d^ftttn , doubled, double. R. dttn . dn, once din, m. 8. before Makk. dn , suff. "ten , fullness, completion ; safety, security, prosperity, in a moral sense, innocency, integrity, uprightness ; freedom from design. PL d^an rwM, light, revelation, prob. an oracular image. R. dfrn . ftitta see a tt^n ftSfti 10. innocency, uprightness, in- tegrity. R. dn . nfan to wonder, be astonished; to be in consternation. Hithpa. id. WISR ni. Ch. a wonder, miracle. til-ran ni. 3. astonishment, fear, terror. ttftn m. a deity of the Syrians. Ezek. 8? 14. :"Dr. 233 ;3n VMOfi adv. yesterday. WnXDTI f- 10. 2ftp! f pr. name of the concubine of filiphaz, the son of Esau. Jinafcn pr. name of a city in the terri- tory of the Philistines. Z*)T] Man and ITnD~M5aft pr. name of a city in mount Ephraim. 30 Dttri m. a dissolving, melting, wasting away. Ps. 58: 9. R. OS73 . ^frp m. 4. a palm-tree, date-palm, {Phoenix dictylifera;) also pr. name of a place on the southern boundary of Palestine ; also i. q. ^fa^n Pal- myra. "YQn ni. a palm-tree, or a pillar. Jer. 10:5. i-hfcn f. 10. pi. a^van and ni^an , palm branch, as an ornament in ar- chitecture. p^nfan m. 1. pi. Dip^an, a purifica- tion, cleansing ; precious oint- ments for purification ; metaph. means of purification or amend- ment. R. p'nfr . Q^ln^^p pi. m. bitterness : as an adv. bitterly. R. *^e . d* |ta i^*TSFI pi. m. erect pillars, probably for way-marks. Jer. 31: 21. p^Snm. means of amendment. Prov. 20:~ 30 Keth. JP or ]n m. 8. pi. a^sn and yip, a jackal, wild dog. tt3Pl to give, distribute presents. Pi. to praise, celebrate. Hi. to pro- cure by presents. IriSftf. 10. pi. ni2n, a dwelling, Mai. *!s 3. ftltfian f. 10. a forsaking, withdraw- ing ; hostility. R. tfiu . tt!M3Pl f. 10. fruit, produce, increase, T R.a. !J|3J?| m. joined with ftk, the tip of the ear. t"ln:n f. 10. sleep, slumber, particular* ly from laziness or inactivity. R, iTC^-n f. 10. a lifting up or shaking of the hand ; tumult, commotion ; a waving or moving this way and that way before Jehovah, a ceremo- ny of consecration. R. p]*ij. ^SRm. a baking oven. tPSlWfl pi. ra- 1. consolations, com- fort ; pity, compassion. R. D)tt3 . :?n 231 BF1 h^rWjR pi. f. 10. consolations. R. am". S^n m. sing. Ezek. 29: 3. a great serpent, sea monster, i. q. *psn , which is the reading of several MSS. ^:n m. 1. pi. D^SB , a great fish, sea monster; a serpent ; a dragon; symbolically Egypt. pan Ch. second. Dan. 7: 5. hWin Ch. adv. a second time, again. Dan. 2: 7. D23ttJ2PI f. the name of an unclean quadruped, perhaps a chameleon ; also of an unclean water-fowl, per- haps a pelican. R. &u;D . 22P. Pi. ZVPito loathe, abominate, ab- hor ; to make to be abhorred, to pol- lute. Hi. to make abominable or shameful. Ni. to be an aversion, abhorrence. p;2n , fut. iTPrP , apoc. yrr , to wander about ; to wander through a place ; to be giddy ; metaph. to br disqui- eted ; to go astray ; to be unfortu- nate, wretched. Ni. to stagger, be giddy ; to err, go astray, in a moral sense. Hi. fut. apoc. "n** , to cause to wander ; to cause to stagger ; to lead astray, as a flock ; metaph. to seduce ; also prob. intrans. to err, go astray. ftinSft f. an oracle or precept from God; a law, custom, usage. R. tiistn f- 10. const. rYbST! , a channel, t t : - x ; trench ; a conduit, water-course ; a plaster or bandage for a wound. r. fito . Z'Vb"- pi. m.l, an evil destiny, which befalls a per. on; i. q. fVb-? chil- dren, babes, ft. V?2 . rrrbi'n f. 10. what is hid or concealed. In plur. secrets. R. bVjP i'.zvr, m. 1. pi. b\. and rn, pleasure, Juxuriousness ; delight, desire. R. rp:$n f.13. self-mortification, fasting. Ezra 9: 5. SWFl and -TDiWl pr. name of a city in Manasseh, on this side of the Jor- dan. $$p Pilp. SWft to mock, deride. Hithpalp. id. nik*n pi. f. strength. Ps. 68: 36. R. 1i?n m. 6. suff. ni'n , a sharp knife, razor ; the sheath of a sword. R. prob. J-W . WlSffi f. 10. suretyship. R. TW . tJWW pi. m. deception. R. JttJR . >}h m. 8. pi. b^n , the tabret or kettle- drum of the orientals ; a casket. rnssn and rnasn f. 13. smf. irna&n, ornament, splendor, beauty ; glory, praise, honor; a boasting ; an ob- ject of boasting ; metaph. the ark of the covenant. n ? ,En m. 1. an apple; an apple-tree ; also pr. name of a city in the tribe of Judah ; and of another on the bounds of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. R. fie: . ll^cnf. 10. a scattering, dispersion. Jer. 25: 34. But the reading is doubtful. R.^s. STa^Dn pi. m. 1. takings, or baked pie- ces. Lev. 6: 14. R. prob. ftfcft . 2p, m. what is unseasoned or unsa- vory ; metaph. what zV insipid, foolish, absurd; lime, whitewash, to spread over walls. bfcfa pr. name of a place in the desert. Deut. 1:1. F&DPI f. what is insipid, absurd f fool- ish. rrVsp, f. 10. a prayer ; an ode, song of praise. R. Vbs . nttbfiPl f. 13. fear * terror. Jer. 49; 16. R-Ybs . fi&Eft Thapsacus, a considerable city on the western bank of the Euphra- tes. R. hoe fttn fo .s7/7/ t v, strike. Po. to beat. ?pn '233 mn *np to sew together. Pi. id. to&n,fut. JDDTT , to /ay hold of; to take prisoner ; to take or capture a city ; to have possession of, hold ; to handle, guide, manage ; to set, enchase. a* , J"rt>K dili ftsp to take in vain the name of God, i. e. to deny or abjure him. Ni. to be taken. Pi. to touch. ri2n f. with parag. n , ttnsn , what causes loathing or vomiting, an ab- horrence ; also pr. name of a place in or near the valley of Hinnom, celebrated for the worship of Mo- loch. *m5n pi. m. Ch. the name of certain officers or magistrates among the Chaldeans, prob. lawyers, or judges. STipn f. 10. a cord, line ; an expecta- tion, hope } an object of hope or ex- pectation. R. J-pp . tt&3pfi f. a withsta?iding, resisting. Lev. 26: 37. R. fc*p . D53*lpft m. 7. one that rises up, an ene- "my. Ps. 139: 2L R. Wfi . S>ipp pr. name of a village, southeast of Jerusalem. SlBlpft f. 10. a going round, circuit, ofthe sun, or of a period of time. tppp, m. adj. strong, mighty. Ecc. 6: 10. R-sga. ppSpl m. Ch. hard, strong; mighty. R- >)pP "bpn Ch. Part. pass. bpPl weighed. Peil pret. to be weighed. *jpn to be or become straight. Pi. to make straight ; joined with trbiBtt to compose proverbs. jpp Ch. Ho. to be restored, re-esta- blished. Dan. 4: 33. rpp to strike, smite, clap, particularly the hand, as a sign of joy, of scorn, or as a sign of becoming surety ; to smite or drive in a nail; to fasten by nailing ; to pitch or strike a tent; to thrust in a spear, sword ; to cast, throw ; to blow with a trumpet. Ni. to put in surety ; to be blown. 3?gn and Sipp m. a blowing with the trumpet. *]pn to prevail over or oppress any one. app Ch. to be or become great or strong ; to be arrogant. -Pa. to confirm, establish. 7|Pn m. 6. power, authority. Pljpn m. Ch. emph. NEpP , id. ^h a turtledove, see ^ip. mzlP f. 13. offspring, brood, prob. a word of contempt. Num. 32: 14. R. ma^P f. interest, usury. R. Sf!3^ baPP a quadriliteral, to teach to go, to guide the steps of a person. Hos. 11:3. Denom. from b:n . fc-np Ch. a quadriliteral. Part. pass. d't^n": interpreted. Ezra 4: 7. i"7E~nn f. 10. deep sleep ; sluggish- ness, inactivity. R. DTP . ftpST^fl m. Tirhakah, a king of Ethi- opia. njQsnfl f- 10. a present, gift ; a gift to the priests or temple, offering ; particularly a heave-offering. !^1B ftffrhW fields of first-fruits, i. e. where the first-fruits grow. R. tPF\ . STft'HP f. adj. what pertains to an of- fering. Ezek. 48: 1 2. Sl^ttR f- 10. a cry of jubilee ; a shout for' battle; the sound of a trumpet* R. *K . ilWTPl f. a healing, or refreshment- Ezek. 47: 12. P:?Pp f. the name of a tree, perhaps a x lwlly. Is. 44: 14. PPP (delay) pr. name of a station of the Israelites in the desert. -p-vp m. Ch. const, "np , fern. ~fP : ~^- two. rr:nn i- a Uc,dtceit. Judg. 0: 31. R. Jer. 14: 14 Kelh. n-^^p f. deception. r!*wv n^r^p f. deception. R. r,"2"> mr, 236 yen J^h m. (i mast of a ship ; also prob. a flag', banner. y^Fi m. Ch. a gate, door, opening; the porte or palace of eastern kings. 3>^n m. Ch. a porter, watchman at a gate. Ezra 7: 24. Denom. from snn. lb*^Pi f- giddiness, intoxication. R. T tTDIP pi. m. a kind of penates or household gods, which the super- stitious used for domestic oracles. frEHP (pleasantness) pr. name of a city, the residence of the kings of Israel from Jeroboam to Omri. u: v wD^n Tartessus, a city and country in Spain, the most celebrated empo- rium in the west with which the Phenicians and Hebrews traded ; in the later Hebrew, a distant country generally ; also the name of a pre- cious stone procured from Tarshish, perhaps a topaz. UP^nn rrt3fc ! large merchant ships bound on long voyages, (perhaps distinguish- ed by their construction from the common Phenician ships,) even though they were sent to other countries than Tarshish. Nnunn a title given to Nehemiah. teftft m. Tartan, an Assyrian general, under the kings Sargon and Senna- cherib. pft^P pr. name of an idol of the Avites. 2K. 17: 31. n^ton f- a deposit, trust. Lev. 5: 21. R. bra. rrtJRttffl. pk f. noise, clamor ; bustle or tumult of a multitude; a crashing noise. R. tifiiti . ^aUJn m. a gentile noun, a Tishbite. yzftp m. cloth worked in checkers or "ceils. Ex. 28: 4. R. yzu . rt'aiufpi f. 10. a return ; an answer. R. nw . tWtir-P f. 10. help, deliverance, salva- tion ; victory. rrpniirn f.10. a desire, longing for. R. pnuj". fHT^P f. a gift, present. 1 Sam. 9: 7. R. **WJ . VPfi m. fem. rp- an ordinal adj. ninth. Denom, from 3>u;p. 2tt:pf. const. 5>ttjp, and nsrapm. const. PU;p i nine ; also ninth, in specifi- cations of time. Pl.trs>iL : pc.7mzety. GENERAL LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall I lApr'55VL| MAR l5hn'59CSZ nftDB fc'fr JAM i 22^1 W> 21-100ml,'54(1887al6)476 MflHM ^ 50435 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY