JC-NRLF 273 25fl GIFT OF A*N Visions and ^Memories The Golden Gate 'Visions and Memories CALIFORNIA NINETEEN HUNDRED & FIFTEEN BY MARY LYMAN BOOTH The Golden Gate at twilight seems to rest cAnd watch the ships like ghosts upon the sea; We dream and see sweet Nature at her best oAn earthly vision of Eternity ! SAN FRANCISCO: JOHN J. NEWBEGIN PUBLISHER 1915 Copyright, by Mary Lyman Booth Printed by The Blair- Murdock Company San Francisco Court of the Four Seasons, Panama- Pacific International Exposition 'Visions and ^Memories T AHE Golden City welcomes all the world, And waves the Starry Banner in the breeze; O'er hundred hills you see the Stripes unfurled, Proclaiming now the Wedding of the Seas! The hills of San Francisco hold to-day A new-born city built from flames of fire; Our gallant heroes fell amidst the fray, More brave than those who fought for ancient Tyre. 325715 ^Visions and ^Memories Machinery Palace, Panama- Pacific International Exposition And fitting is the place the Nation chose, A land whose scenic beauties now enthrall And fill with joy the throbbing hearts of those Who blazed the trail the Panama Canal! Nine years ago this Golden City lay In burning ruins and hopeless misery, But optimism bid the people stay And profit by the world's sweet charity. Achange has come. Thosedayshavepassedandgone, And now we celebrate the World's Great Fair That raised our Western city on a throne, Forgetting those dark days of vain despair. ^Visions and ^Memories Palace of Education, Western Facade, Panama- Pacific International Exposition The State of California homage gives To all the honored Nations gathered here, Where man is always free, where no one grieves The mental anguish born of morbid fear. The world now celebrates a great event! Our ocean ships will sail uncharted routes, Leading the way for friendly sentiment That aids the arbitration of disputes. We've undergone a crucial test, indeed, In making this a real Hesperian land; We won at last the glories that we need To make the Exposition great and grand. ^Visions and ^Memories Palace of Horticulture, Panama- Pacific International Exposition The brazen pioneer spirit of old Still burns within our dauntless manly hearts, Increasing our strength a thousandfold And giving us the joy that ne'er departs. Our tourist friends can come and feast their eyes On California's hills and valleys green, Reflecting all the beauties of the skies The loveliest sight that human eyes have seen! In San Francisco's island-dotted Bay Are found the ocean hounds and the big ships That carry the world's traffic of to-day And give the greetings of some unknown lips. ^Visions and ^Memories Palace of Fine Arts, Panama- Pacific International Exposition The ocean liners pass through Golden Gate, The laden ships from Richmond's busy wharf, Thus showing the swift progress of the State, A progress that man's passion cannot dwarf! In Petaluma and Sonoma are The argosies that ply San Pablo Bay; And Napa's laden vessels near and far Are ploughing the blue waves from day to day. And Mare Island keeps our men-of-war, The cruisers that protect the Nation's life; Vallejo was the chieftain brave of yore Whose courage never failed in every strife. ^Visions and ^Memories Old State Capitol, Benicia, California The rushing, crystal tides of Carquinez Reflect the colors of the sun-kist hills Which lie serene in somber happiness, And music give from all its rocks and rills. Benicia wears the robes of ancient Rome! On verdant hills she stands majestic, grand! Martinez 'cross the water like a gnome In pensive silence lies near at hand. Mount Diablo rises high above the plain Just like a sphinx, a philosophic sage; Its flaming, fiery crater once did rain Hot melting lava in volcanic rage! Visions and ^Memories Blossom Time in the Valleys Far up the rocky, winding pathway lies A quiet retreat where silence now doth reign, And one may gaze with real admiring eyes On blossoms sweet and fields of waving grain. We see these wonder-cities as we go Along by Suisun's Bay so deep and wide; And here the waters of two rivers flow In one "The Parting of the Tide!" A stretch of useful land has been reclaimed By rising dykes like Holland's, broad and strong, Where Nature's fertile soil has been proclaimed With all the pomp of pride and hymnal song. Visions and ^Memories Stanford University, Palo Alto, California Where 'er the tread of human feet is seen We see the marks of sane modernity; Our people's soul is great they always mean To do the work that spells prosperity. The sacred shrines of El Camino Real Are balsam for the hearts of those who pine; Not e'en the far-famed hills of old Montreal Display the growth of verdant leaf and vine. Among the plains of San Mateo stands The Stanford College where impulsive youth Infuse their hearts with love that understands The blessings sweet that come from virtuous truth. Visions and ^Memories Lick Observatory, Mount Hamilton, California The fertile vale of Santa Clara yields The wealth of California's sun and clime; Mount Hamilton unfolds the heavenly fields, Giving watchful vigil to this land sublime. In Santa Cruz, the realm of mystic dreams, Lulled by the ocean waves of opal-blue, Are Sequoia trees and pines that give us gleams Of blissful visions kindling hearts anew. Inspiring are the scenes of Monterey Where humming-birds join chorus with the seas, And where the flowers are in bright array Together with symbolic cypress trees. 'Visions and ^Memories Cypress Trees, found only in Palestine and Monterey A serpent railroad runs to Tamalpais Whose beauty strives to make some gain of loss ; Mount Sinai's twin! Its trees like candles rise Exalting Him who died upon the Cross! Where rustling branches of the tall madrones Vie with the laurel's glistening tint of green, Are leaves and ferns not found in other zones, Save where Lake Lagunitas sleeps serene. And Sausalito, Larkspur, San Rafael, In Marin's bosom keep their life and love, While Belvedere, like perfumed asphodel, O'er Tiburon keeps watch with stars above. Visions and ^Memories Lake Merritt, Oakland, California Far out the surging ocean's pathless way, Where foreign vessels hail the Golden Gate, The Farallones are standing dark and gray To watch the warbling sea-birds find their mate! Near foaming waves that kiss the rocky shore The sea-lions reign far from the common herd; The constant chant of sea-gulls with the roar Of blaring fog-horns from the ships is heard! Fair Oakland, rising city of the Bay, Is famed for climate, schools and industries; While Alameda's peaceful homes display Her civic deeds and pleasant memories. ^Visions and ^Memories Greek Theatre, Berkeley, California And on the "dry amendment" Berkeley stands, The prohibition champion! Temperance Is here the queen no Bacchus now demands The brimful cup of fickle Circumstance! The University of the State is found Among the Berkeley hills that seem to kneel Before Athena's shrine. This sacred ground Is Wisdom's ship with Wheeler at the wheel. Our ferries show the ceaseless human tide That daily moves across the silver Bay; The fleeting ferry-boats all seem to glide Like sirens on a sea of gold and gray. 'Visions and ^Memories Court of Palms, Panama- Pacific International Exposition Eschscholtzia is the emblem of the State Where bloom the Cups of Gold of brilliant hue; These flowers greetings send from Golden Gate, Illumined by the shifting skies of blue. Our city is a modern Mecca where The Briton meets his friend from Hindustan; The Nations gather at the World's Great Fair, Including Argentina and Japan. The Jewel City rises 'neath the wings Of the protecting Eagle. Liberty Pays homage to the Nation that now sings And waves the Glorious Banner of the Free! 'Visions and ^Memories Festival Hall, Panama- Pacific International Exposition The Bear Flag, too, is waving in the breeze, And welcome gives to California's friends The multitude that came from distant seas With mutual love that really comprehends! The martial strains of Sousa's noted band Have raised the Stars and Stripes above unfurled; Our efforts made the Exposition grand A gift of California to the world! *mm 'Visions and <$Vtemories Court of the Ages, Panama- Pacific International Exposition YB 12076 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY