:-NRLF aas "CO r- LD C\j o ALVMNVS BOOK FYND f) THE jftevtanttle *acfW3 OR A GUIDE PRACTICAL BOOK-KEEPING COMPRISING THREE SETS OF BOOKS. The First Set, applicable to the Retail Trade; the Second, to the "Wholesale Dealer; and the Third, to the Business of an Agent or General Merchant. WITH AN APPENDIX; ON MERCHANTS ACCOUNTS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, AND MERCANTILE LETTERS. Being an Extension of the Pla.i of *he Author's Popular of iSbo BY JAMES MORRISON, ACCOUNTANT; AND PRIVATE TEACHER OF COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, FOREIGN EXCHANGES, AND MERCANTILE BOOK-KEEPING. \ LONDON: , PRINTED FOR W. JOY, *66 7 ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. 1829. * g'loiitoA 3H JL t II8I fii fe^iii?rld0q -taift : . -, . , >, . , . .-, / . T. C. Hansard, Printer, Pater-noster-row, London. PREFACE. JL HE Author's " ELEMENTS OF BOOK-KEEPING,'* first published in 1811, has been considered by com- petent judges as the best Text-Book on the subject which has hitherto appeared, and therefore has been very generally introduced into Schools.* The present Work is an extension of the plan, and consequently an improvement upon that publication, and lays claim to the following advantages : First The system of SINGLE ENTRY is complete on that branch of Book-keeping, and therefore supplies the defect complained of by several Teachers, namely, " That no Text-Book is to be met with, in which Single Entry is so fully treated of, as to initiate Youth into the form or mode of keeping Accounts followed in the Retail and Inland Trade of this Country." Second In DOUBLE ENTRY, the First SET, which is adapted to the Wholesale Dealer, or Manufacturer ', the transactions rise in a regular gradation, and such as have occurred in actual business ; and the Plan of writing the JOURNAL from the Subsidiary Books is so simplified, as not only to lessen the labour of the Teacher, but greatly to facilitate the progress of the Student. " ;'9 * Vide COLLINS and CATLOW'S Guide, for Teachers and Guardians of Youth, in their Choice of Elementary School Books. vi PREFACE. Third In the following SET, which is applicable to those whose views are more extended, Agency and Company Accounts are introduced. This SET rises upon the preceding, in order to show the method of transferring the Balances of the Accounts from one LEDGER to another, and of continuing the Business. A complete Course of BOOK-KEEPING is compre- hended in the Three Sets contained in the Work. The several Titles, by which the SETS are dis^ tinguished, will enable the Teacher to direct the attention of his Pupils to the System that is appli- cable to that line of business which he intends to follow. To conclude the present Work makes its appear- ance at the request of several Professional Men, at whose request the Writer has incorporated every im- provement which his farther experience and information have suggested. London, August, 1829. . N. B. The PUBLISHER has prepared paper Books^ neatly Ruled, and at an easy Cost, adapted for the respective SETS contained in the WORK $ which will enable the Pupil to exhibit his improvement at School, as a qualification for preferment in tfie Counting- house. ifioilqqis'ai HVidV JTaS'gfllwblfoi sHi" nl . ''.fabaaJi m^xv tironirnis. . < ^P?. . ,:?{. ^^S ^.* BOOK-KEEPING defined ......... ....... .......... 1 SINGLE arcd DOUBLE ENTKY described ............ ib. PART I. SINGLE ENTRY. SET I. APPLICABLE TO THE RETAIL TRADE. Definition of the several BOOKS , ................. 2 Explanation of the terms D r and C r .* ........ ...... 3 Directions for Posting the LEDGER. ............... ib. Directions for Balancing ......... \ ........ ....... 4 DAT-BOOK ............................ ....... 5 Cash-Book ...... ............. , ......... ....... 21 Bill-Book ............ ........................ 26 LEDGER ............... , ............ .......... 29 Stocky or Warehouse Book ....... ................. 43 Inventory of Goods on hand ................ ...... 55 PART II. BOOK-KEEPmG BY DOUBLE ENTRY. SET II. ADAPTED TO THE WHOLESALE DEALER. The Additional BOOKS described .................. 59 Explanation of the LEDGER ACCOUNTS ............ ib. GENERAL RULES for Journalising .... ............ 61 PARTICULAR RULES.. ..... . .. ....... ... ........ ib. viii *' - CONTENTS. h*. DAY-BOOK , 67 Bill-Book 79 Cash-Book 87 RULES for JOURNALISING the Subsidiary Books . . . . 93 JOURNAL 95 LEDGER * 105 Balancing, and Closing the Accounts 130 SET III. COMPRISING THE BUSINESS OF AN AGENT OR GENERAL MERCHANT. DAY-BOOK 133 Bill-Book . 151 Cash-Book 159 Invoice-Book, or Book of Shipments 167 Sales-Book, or Factory- Book 175 RULES for Journalising the INVOICE and SALES BOOKS 183 JOURNAL 185 LEDGER 205 The Reason of the Proof of Book-keeping by DOUBLE ENTRY 1 st , From a, view of the Merchant's former Effects and Debts, and 2"*, From the present State of his Affairs ...... 66 APPENDIX. On BILLS of EXCHANGE, MERCHANTS' ACCOUNTS, and MERCANTILE LETTERS 243 254 THE MERCANTILE TEACHERS ASSISTANT, BOOK-KEEPING is an Art which teaches to record Transactions in Trade in such a manner as to afford a ready reference for any Statement, or Balance, of the Owner's affairs. BOOKS may be kept either by Single or Double Entry, the principles of which are as follow : SINGLE ENTRY means, that each Sum or Amount is entered only once in the Ledger, and therefore it is the most concise and simple method ; but it is imperfect, since it embraces but a part of the Accounts of a Concern. The LEDGER contains no Accounts of Property, nor Nominal ones, without which no effectual check upon the posting can be easily and satisfactorily obtained ; for instance, at taking a Balance, we can only take the difference of each Account, being the DEBTS owing to, or by us ; but if any of these have been omitted, or its amount incorrectly taken off, or if any of the Goods have been embezzled, none of these can easily be detected where the Business is extensive. To remedy this last defect, a Stock, or Warehouse Book, is usually kept, in which is entered the quantity and kind of Goods bought and sold, in order at any time to shew the quantity on hand. In DOUBLE ENTRY, for every Sum entered on one side of an Account in the Ledger, the same Amount must be entered to some other Accounts, and from this it follows that an error or omission cannot easily pass undetected, because the amount of the debit and credit sides must agree. The Ledger INTRODUCTION : exhibits not only the Debts due to, or by, the owner of the Books, as in SINGLE ENTRY ; but also the amount of the Cash and Bills, of the Purchases and Sales, the value of the quantity of Goods on hand, the gain or loss on each article, or on the whole. PART I. SINGLE ENTRY. In SINGLE ENTRY the following Books are used : I. The DAY-BOOK, in which are entered the Purchases and Sales on credit, together with such transactions as are connected with the settlement of these. II. The LEDGER, which contains an Account for every Person or Customer with whom you have dealings on credit. The sums for which the Person becomes accountable to you are entered on the D r or left-hand page ; and those Sums for which you are accountable to him are placed on the C r or right-hand page. Therefore, when the D r side of any Person's Account is greater than the C r side, the difference or Balance is a debt owing to you ; and, on the contrary, when the C r side exceeds the JD r , the Balance is a debt owing by you. The above two Books are always the principal ones, and in some cases may be sufficient; but when the business is in any degree extensive, the following will be necessary : 1. A Cash-Book; on the D r side of which is entered the sums you receive, and from whom, or on whose account. On the C r side the sums you pay, and to whom, or on whose account : the difference of the two sides shews the Balance of money on hand. 2. A Bill-Book, in one part of which are recorded all Bills which you receive, and therefore they are called Bills Receivable ; and in the other part all Bills which you accept and of course have to pay, and are called Bills Payable. Tfois Book is generally of an oblong form, and is ruled with a number of columns for entering the different clauses of the Bill, such as the date when received or accepted, and on whose account ; the term or time of payment, and whether discounted, paid, or protested. SINGLE ENTRY. 3. A Stock, or Warehouse Book, which is kept for Stock of Goods on hand at any time. In it is entered the quan- tity of each kind of Goods bought or sold ; and exhibits, at a general Balance, the gain or loss on each kind. The form of this Book which we have given, is preferable to that in which the quantity of the Goods bought and sold is entered on opposite pages, since it requires less writing, and exhibits the Stock on hand at the time of every purchase or sale. EXPLANATION of the TERMS D T and C r . By D r , or Debtor, is meant, the Person who owes you any thing ; or who is accountable to you for the value of any article which you have delivered to him, or on his Account. By C r , or Creditor, is meant, the Person to whom you owe any thing ; or to whom you are accountable for the value of any article which you have received from him, or which he has delivered on your Account. Also, By Debiting is meant, any thing entered on the Debit or left-hand side of the Ledger ; and, By Crediting is meant, any thing entered on the Credit, or right-hand side of the Ledger. DIRECTIONS for POSTING the LEDGER. First, write an Account for each Person as they occur in the Day -Book; and allot such space as you may think suffi- cient for subsequent entries. The titles of the Accounts are written in a Half-text hand for distinction, and entered in an Index.* Next, Debit, or Credit, the person for the amount stated in the Day-Book, that is, write the date of the Entry on the margin, and say on the D r side, To Goods . . if Goods have been sold ; or, To Cash . . if Cash has been paid ; or, To Bill if a Bill has been accepted. * The Titles of the Accounts are entered alphabetically in the Index, that is, Personal Accounts by the first letter of the surname ; Companies by the surname of the person who stands first in the Firm, and every other Account by the first letter of the first word. B 2 INTRODUCTION. On the C r side of the Person's Account, By Goods . . if Goods have been bought ; or, By Cash . . if Cash has been received ; or, By Bill. ... if a Bill has been received. Then insert in the Day-Book the folio of the Ledger in which you have posted the Entry, and in the Ledger, the page of the Day-Book, from which the Entry is taken. When the space allotted for any Account is filled up, it must be opened a-new in another folio. Either the Amounts, or the difference of the two sides of the former Account, may be inserted in the new folio. DIRECTIONS for BALANCING. In order to take a General' Balance ; rule a sheet of paper in the form of D r and C r similar to the Ledger, and proceed as follows : Add up every Account in the Ledger, and take the differ- ence between the D r and C r sides. When the IF side is greater than the C r , place the difference on the D r side of the Balance Sheet; and when the C r side of the Account is greater than the D r , place the difference on the C r side of the Balance Sheet. After you have gone through all the Accounts in this manner, add up the two sides of the Balance Sheet ; the sum of the D r side of which will sLow the amount of the debts due to you, and the C r side those due by you in open Accounts. To the D T side of the sheet add the Cash and Bills in? hand, taken from the Cash and Bill Books, and the value of the Goods, #c., unsold, taken by an Inventory, or from the Stock or Warehouse Book. Then on the C r side of the sheet add your Bills under Acceptance; after which the difference of the two sides shews the nett capital you have at present in Trade, which, compared with the money you commenced with, will shew the gain or loss since that period. Vide BALANCE ACCOUNT, folio 6. (SET I.) , :: O 7 2? single .J^ .' ' -> Milner & Gale. To Cas^ paid J. Bean on their Account . February, 1829- 21 r Richard Latimer. To 15 y ds Black Silk Velvet @ 15/9 fll/,16,,3 196 Gingham, Blue, @ 1/5 .. 13,/17,/S 280 ditto, Pink, @ 1/10 . . 25//13//4 -24- C r Henry Hume. By his Bill, N 3, due 18th April D r Henry Hume. To 5 Pieces 4 Muslin, q* 120 y ds @ 1/5 8//10//- 4 4 ditto, - 40 @ 2/6 5// - //- 25- D r Palmer & Son. To 3 Pieces Linen, N 2, q 1 75 y ds @ 3/10 14,, 7,,6 2 Cambric, N 2, q' 40 y ds @ 3/4 . . 6//13//4 s. 16 10 53 51 15 13 10 21 10 DAY-BOOK. 13 4 February, 1829. 0^ s. <*. s 4 AI C r Palmer & Son. By their Bill, N 4, due 21 st April 54 9 2 I D r Milner & Gale. To Cash paid them 78//17//- my Bill, N 4, due 23 rd March. . 110//15//6 Discount 20//10//3 210 10 9 SP March. i ... ., , JL D r CASH. To 9^ y^ Broad Cloth, Black, @ 22/ 10 Id 6 5 C r Charles Williams, Kendal. By Amount of 61 Pieces Flannel @ 37/6, and Packing 15/3 115 2 9 4 C r Mrs. J. Robinson. 11 fi 4 D r Mrs. J. Robinson. To 1 Piece 4 Muslin, q' 24 y ds @ 4/6 1,,16,,- 15 yds Q reen Velvet, @ 20/6 15,/ 7/,6 1 H 6' Q I 1 i 3 D r John Edwards. To 3 Pieces Linen, N 1 , q l 75y ds @ 2/9 flO/,6,,3 15 Quiltings, N 1, q 1 180 y ds @5/ 45 // - // - 55 6 3 14 DAY-BOOK. (10 X 5 D r Charles Williams. To Cash, paid J. Smith ^ order. 4 O John Edwards. By Cash, received in full till 3 rd ins* 44, / 6,,* Discount * 2//6,/* D r John Thomson, Islington. To 8^ Pieces Sarcenet, q* 165 y ds @ 6/6 6 1 March, 1829. D T Benj n Browne. To 4 Pieces Dimity, q* 240 y ds @ 1/3* l5 // 10//~ 5 Calico,- 140 1/8 11//13//4 D r Charles Williams. To my Bill N 5, due 5 th May D r Robert Jenner. To 1 Piece, Narrow Cloth, Blue, q* 37iy ds @8/4 2 - ditto, Olive, q* 79y ds @9/ 35,/H/,- D r Mrs. Martin. To 1 Piece Sarcenet, q* 20 y ds @ 6/8 6,/13,/4 1 4 Muslin, - 24 1/5 1 ,,14,,- . 32 10 46 53 13 12 27 57 10 51 11) DAY-BOOK. 15 CASH. By 18 Pieces Kerseys, q 1 360 y ds @ 4/10*. 8 Palmer & Son. By their Bill N 5, due 24 th April D r Palmer & Son. To 4 Pieces * Muslin, q* 96 y^ig 1/5 6//16,/- 1 Cloth, Bottle plain, 40 y ds @ 8/3 le^lO March, 1829. 7 D r CASH. To 1 Piece Fine Lawn, q i 20 y ds @ 6/ 6 //-,/- 2 Cambric, N 1,40 2/1 4 // 3,/4 (ent* C.-B.) Abated C r Charles Williams. By 20 Pieces Shalloon, q* 560 y ds Packing . 31, /10,/- - // 7//3 -10- D r George Newham. To 5 Pieces Linen, N 1, q* 125 y ds @2/4 10 Calico, 280 y ds @ 1/8 23 7/ 6,/8 d. 87 45 15 10 23 10 31 17 3718 16 DAY-BOOK. (12 1 March, 1829. 11 - Exchanged 10 p s Shalloon, q^SOy 18 And 5 p s Calico, q* 140 y ds @ 1/5 . . 9,,18/y 26,,16,,8 Per 2 p s Broad Cloth, Brown, q* 42 y ds @ 13/9 28//17//6 C r CASH, paid the difference , D r John Thomson. To 3 Pieces Gingham, Blue, q< 84 y ds @ 1/5 5//19//- 2 ditto, Pink, qt56y*@l/10j. 5,, 5,,- 4 Cambric, N 1, q* 80 y ds @ 2/4-i- 9//10 -13- D r P. Armitage. To my Bill, N 6, due 16 th April D r CASH. To 1 Piece Twilled Sarcenet, q* 20 y ds @ 6/8 6//13 12 y ds Fine Lawn @ 6/10 . ..... 4// 2,/- 10//15//4 -14- / r J. Devon & Co. Bloomsbury Sq. By Amount of Goods, as & Bill of Parcels . . 10 20 14 17 10 10 79 IB) DAY-BOOK. 17 d. D r Charles King & Co. To 10 Pieces Calico, q 1 280 y ds @ 1/9 f 24//10//- 2 Cloth, Bottle plain, 40y ds @8/6 17 ,/- March, 1829. 15 D r Miss Goldsmith. To 2 Pieces I- Muslin, q* 20 y ds @ 2/9 2,,15,,- 10 y ds Black Silk Velvet @ 15/6. . 7//15,,- C r Charles King & Co. . By Cash received in full 50 //5//- Discount 5//5//9 -16- C r CASH. By 13 Pieces Dimity, q* 780 y^ 17 D r CASH. To 15 y ds Tweeled Sarcenet @ 5/9. . 4,/ 6//3 16 Fine Lawn @ 6/6 5// 4//~ Abated . 9//10//3 -18- r J. Blackburn & Son. To Cash paid them 52//14 // 6 To my Bill, N<> 7, due 28 th May . . 78,, 5 /r - Discount 6//17//9 s. 10 10 55 10 41 10 37 10 137 17 IS DAY-BOOK. (14 Peel & Ainsworth, Stockport. By 30 Pieces -f- Muslins, q* 720 y d % as & B. P. 20 D r Samuel Jackson. To9PiecesDimity,q t 540y ds @l/3i34, / 6 f , 3 10 Shalloon, 280 @ 1/5.. 19//16// 8 12iy ds Broad Cloth, Brown, @ 15/8 9//11//11 Samuel Jackson. By Cash received in part of the above 1 March, 1829. 18 Benjamin Browne. By Bill N 6, due 20 th May 21 D r Daniel Campbell, Wapping. To 7 Pieces Flannel @ 43/6 r CASH. Received. Mar. 1 2 3 S 1 3 5 7 2 H 3 24 27 000 10 11 44 10 65 10 50 9 45 54 74 49 ' 7 15 s. 6 4 d. 9 6 // 8 H H H 10 H 6 To Broad Cloth received for 9 yds. @ 22/ ...... To Mrs. J. Robinson, received payment of former 6 6 3 iO 15 5 10 H 9 10 2 10 2 To Bills Receivable, received payment of N 1 .... To Samuel Jackson, in part To Bills Receivable, received payment of N 4 .... To ditto ditto, discounted N 6 ............ 1458 11 3 4) CASH-BOOK. 25 1829. CASH. Paid. Mar. 3 By Charles Williams, paid J. Smith W order. . . , 4 By Carriage of Flannel from Kendal 7 By Kerseys, paid for 360 yds, @ 4/1 0| . 9 By Repairs to Warehouse, $* Tradesmen's Bills 10 By Carriage on Shalloons from Kendal 11 By Broad Cloth, paid difference of Barter 14 By Bills Payable, paid N 1, I. Inglis & Co 16 By Dimity, paid for 780 yds. @ life? 1 8 By Carriage, on Muslins from Stockport ...... By J. Blackburn & Son, paid them in full, ^ D.-B. By Bills Payable, paid N 3, A Heron & Co. .... 21 By John Saleman, to account 22 By Discount on Bill N 6 23 By Bills Payable, paid N 4 By a Quarter's Rent and Taxes, due this day . , 29 By Charges on Goods shipped by the Ann 30 By Bills Payable, paid N 2 31 By Family Expenses, paid this month ......... By Petty Charges, ditto By Balance on hand 3210 11 87 19 2 4510 37 11 14 11015 37 11 10 812 81316 45811 3 d. 26 BILL-BOOK. Bills SH When received, and from whom. On whom drawn. Place. Date. 1 Jan. 18 Samuel Jackson Henry Venn Richmond Jan. 8th 2 3 28 Robert Jenner Himself Camden Town 14th Feb. 24 Henry Hume Thos. Smith Woolwich Feb. 15th 4 5 25 S Palmer & Son Geo. Gates Edgeware Jan. 19th March Ditto J. Birch Ditto Feb. 21st 6 20 Benjamin Browne Himself London March 17th 7 24 John Thomson A. Smith Islington 20th 8 27 Richard Latimer R. Benson High gate Feb. 20th 9 28 Henry Hume Himself London March 28 th Bills 6 a When accepted. By whom drawn. Payable to. Place. Date. i Jan. 30 James Inglis & Co. Wm. Hall Glasgow Jan. llth 2 3 * Ditto I.Inglis&Co. Ditto 27th Feb. 13 Arch. Heron Co. Their Order London Feb. 15th 4 5 27 Milner & Gale Edw. Cooke Leeds 20th March 6 Charles Williams Thos. Jones Kendal March 2nd 6 IS P. Armitage Ben. Fox Dublin 13th 7 IS J.Blackburn & Son Henry Venn Leeds 25th BILL-BOOK. 27 Receivable 1829. Time. When due. Sum. When and How disposed of. 2 Months llth March 65 s. 10 ct. a March 11 Received payment 6 Weeks 28th Feb. 72 17 11 Feb. 28 ditto 2 Months 18th April 67 15 // Feb. 25 Discounted 2 Months 22nd March 54 9 10 10 March 22 Received payment 2 Months 24th April 45 6 2 Months 20th May 74 10 a March 22 Discounted at Bank 1 Month 23rd April 74 6 6 4 Months 23rd June 58 12 // 1 Month 1 st May 74 8 8 Payable 1829. Time. When due. Sum. When and To whom Paid. 2 Months 14th March 45 10 , March 14 G. Glyne fy Co. 2 Months 30th .... 71 15 6 6 30 Jones 8f Co. I Month 18th 93 4 18 Smyth 4' Payne I Month 23rd .... 110 15 6 23 Rothschild fy Son. 2 Months 5th May 57 10 a 1 Month 16th April 83 17 10 2 Months 28th May 78 5 a c2 H? JtLt Single Entry. INDEX. A. Armitage, P. 1 J. Jenner, Robert, 1 Jackson, Samuel, 2 B. Blackburn, J. & Son, 3 Browne, Benjamin, 4 Balance, 5 K. King, Charles & Co., 4 L. Latimer, Richard, 3 C. Coleman, Henry, 2 Campbell, Daniel, 5 M. Milner & Gale, 1 Martin, M rs , 2 D. Dobson, Miss, 3 Devon, John & Co., 5 N.. Newham, George, 1 Nightingale, Lady, 3 E. Edwards, John, 3 P. Palmer & Son, 4 Peel & Ainsworth, 5 F. Freeman, Jos. & Son, 1 Fleming, David & Co., 5 R. Robinson, M rs J., 4 G. Goldsmith, Miss, 2 S. Saleman, John, 2 Somerville, Joseph, 5 H. Heron, Arch d & Co., 1 Hume, Henry, 4 Hazard, John, 5 T. Thomson, John, 5 I. W. Inglis, James & Co., 2 Williams, Charles, 5 30 LEDGER. (1 1829 Feb. Mar. Jan. Mar. Feb. Jan. Mar. Feb. 23 27 13 31 7 10 16 11 6 13 D r Milner & Gale, To Cash paid J. Bean ^ order .... To Cash and Discount 8 12 6 1 11 7 1 10 6 53 99 110 s. 8 7 15 10 d. n 3 6 9 To Bill to E. Cooke, N 4. . A 263 83 79 162 17 1 19 10 8 6 D r P. Armitage, To Bill, payable to B. Fox, N 6 To Balance due him. .transfer 11 to folio 13 37 15 18 4 D r George Newham, To ditto 51 13 4 80 7 17 3 1 4 11 6 5 D T Jos. Freeman & Son, To Cash and Discount 72 51 D r Robert Jenner, To Goods .....*....... To ditto 124 93 105 4 13 6 6 D r Arch d Heron & Co. To Bill N 198 18 \ 1) LEDGER. 31 1829 Jan 3 Leeds. C r By Goods 4f^ Invoice ..*** 1 f ^63 5. 10 d. 9 Jan. 5 Dublin. C r 1 169 19 6 Mar 93 Cheapside. C r H 51 13 4 Jan 10 Manchester. C r 1 RO 7 4 Jan. 98 Camden Town. C r 3 70 17 11 Mar. 31 By Balance due me fol. 5 51 3 6 124 1 5 Jan. 13 Wood Street (Cheapside). C r 9 1Q8 18 32 LEDGER. 1829 Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Mar. Jan. Jan. Mar. Jan. Mar. Feb. 14 11 21 31 14 15 30 18 20 25 7 7 14 D r John Salernan, To Cash, in part, 10 Mar. 9,0 By Cash, in part 13 45 " 31 fi 34 l'fi 10 145 8 10 Feb 14 City Road. C r By Cash and abatement 6 1 18 4 Mar 31 By Balance due me fol. 6 8 7 4 21 5 8 ~ Jan. 9.7 Cateaton Street. C r By Goods 4p Invoice. ..... 3 84 5 .c 5 LEDGER. (3 1829 Jan. 98 D r Lady Nightingale, 3 10 s. 8 <*. 6 Feb. 91 To ditto 7 7 10 // 17 18 6 Feb. 1 D r John Edwards, To Goods 4 18 6 8 13 To ditto , 6 9 8 6 8 Mar 3 To ditto O ^5 6 3 101 19 7 Mar. 18 D r J. Blackburn & Son, To Cash, and Discount 1 KQ 1 o To Bill, N 8, to H Venn i o oy 7Q 1-4- II /O // 137 17 3 Feb 4 D' Miss Jane Dobson, To Goods 1 fi *>0 To ditto 7 13 7 Mar 07 To ditto Q 10 34 15 7 Feb. ft D r Richard Latimer, To Goods $ 96 4 11 9^ To ditto 8 />! 7 3 v 77 12 2 3) LEDGER. 35 1829 Feb. Mar Mar. Feb. Feb. 6 25 c 31 4 20 31 27 // Park Crescent. C By Cash in full z 14 9 6 4 7 6 15 // 10 s. 8 10 18 d. 6 // 6 By ditto 17 46 55 13 6 D r Henry Hume, To Goods .... f 89 1? "M To ditto 8 13 10 Mar i/^ To ditto . . * 14 46 10 149 13 L Fph 16 D r Palmer & Son, To Goods 67 g 6 07 91 10 Mar To ditto 10 93 6 111 15 Feb. 9, D r Mrs. J. Robinson. To Goods t 11 6 if Mar To ditto c 17 3 6 28 9 6 m LEDGER. 37 1829 Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Mar 20 31 11 15 31 24 28 25 7 31 o 31 Kentish Town. C r By his Acceptance, N 13 6 r 12 6 8 15 8 10 6 9 6 74 30 s. 10 10 d. u 9 9 // g // 9 105 50 55 41 // // 10 10 // Greenwich. C r By Cash in part By Cash and Discount By Balance due me fol* 147 67 81 15 18 // 4 Woohvich. C r By Bill on T. Smith, N 4 By his Acceptance, N 9, and Discount 149 13 4 54 45 11 111 9 10 15 15 10 6 // 4 // 6 6 Edgeware. C r By Bill on G. Gates, N 3 By ditto on J. Birch, N 5 By Balance due me fol. 11 17 6 3 9 New Road. C By Cash for Goods on 21 st Feb 28 38 LEDGER. (5 1829 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 6 31 4 11 31 31 21 23 29 31 D r Charles Williams. To Cash paid J. Smith ............ 9 10 6 9 11 6 6 13 14 15 6 32 57 57 s. 10 10 // // d. n i/ if if 6 // 6 To Bill to J h Jones, N 5 To Balance due him fol 147 53 20 12 14 D T John Thomson, To ditto 74 6 79 48 19 K J> 1 -I 8 *; CO a 00 a> 5 a o 1 1 9i u 3 A V 5 CM o ft) > 'x 3 -3 X W Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. 16 20 21 a 24 1 2 7 8 15 18 28 31 16 Bought .... 480 150 10 .... \ 3 2 13 1 1 6 2 1 s. 8 12 15 10 16 14 16 15 6 d. 4 H t , , f p gold 48 140 Sold 20 432 Sold 120 120 40 On hand .... Sold 312 24 80 Sold 288 24 Sold 264 96 Sold 20 720 168 60 Taken 24 On hand ... Amount of Sales 144 yds. @ 1/1 60 2/1 Value 01 Invoice ^ D.-B. Box 5/6 and Can 144 60 720 36 13 18 15 4 , 7.10,- 6 * Og- # i hand 50 43 13 10 4 9 .41,12,6 1,18,3 .. iage.. 7 2 '7 WAREHOUSE-BOOK. 49 Ginghams. Yards, Blue. Yards, Pink. Sales. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. 16 21 23 1 11 31 16 23 476 196 644 84 7 39 11 & 14 11 4 d. t H a Sold Sold 560 1 280 ! 280 84 280 56 Sold 196 224 58 27 9 16 6 196yds.Biue, @ I/H .. \\ lt 0, 6 224 Pink, 1/6 - .... 16,16, - Invoice and Box 6/ 15* 7, 6 V, 3,10 86 77 5 a 6 4 2 . 8 14 Flannels. Pieces Sales. Jan. Mar. Jan. Mar. 22 1 21 29 22 I 4 Bought 9 61 . 15 143 . 4 6 d. 6 6 Ditto Sold 70 7 Shipped off . 63 63 Amount of Sales .... 158 130 11 17 * 8 14,, 3,6 115, 2,9 Ml*5 Ditto Carriage CrQtft . 27 13 4 50 WAREHOUSE-BOOK. Feto. Yards, Black. Yards, Green. c ales. Jan*- 07 54 42 S. d. 28 Sold 6 6 6 " Feb. 1 54 36 9 6 19 6 4 Sold 45 13 13 6 6 flO Sold 5 23 4 1 3 W Sold 40 15 11 16 3 Mar. ] On hand 25 23 2 Sold 15 15 7 6 14 Sold 10 8 7 15 " 31 15 8 Amount of Safes . . 65 12 15yds. Black 12/6 .. 8 Green 15/ .. $ ,7*6 15 7 6 Jan. 07 Invoice ^ Day Book . 80 65 19 5 6 ... 15 14 6 Dimity. Yards. s ales. Jan. 30 Bought 240 s d. Mar. 4 Sold 240 15 10 16 Bought 780 90 Sold 540 34 6 3 35 Sold 240 240 15 11 " Amount of Sales . . 64 16 Jan. 80 .\% u 10;, Mar. 1(i Ditto . 37 7//6 49 17 g ... 14; 18 9 WAREHOUSE-BOOK. 51 Latvn. Yards. Sales. le current prices at the i at prime cost; for the o soon as the prices rise, at which price the. Stock Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. 27 28 1 4 15 18 20 1 8 13 17 27 31 27 18 Bought . . . . . 80 11 4 2 J3 4 6 4 5 4 s> 2 16 13 4 a 2 .4 4 d, 6 4 " | 6 4 Sold On hand .... Sold 69 8 Sold 61 40 Bought ..... Sold * In estimating the value of the Goods on hand at Balancing, attention should be paid to t time. It is much more correct to value the Goods at the prices at which we can purchase, thai design of affixing any value is, to point out the gain or loss ; and the gain is in reality obtained g or the loss suffered so soon as they fall. In the above instance, the price of Lawns is supposed to have fallen from 4/2 to3/ li* yard, OH' nitftti 18 Vftr ItCu. 21 320 341 12 On hand .... Sold 329 20 300 12 Sold Sold 297 16 281 13 268 Sold On hand .... Ammmt of Sa 268 yds. @3/ * Invoice . . .'19, Ditto.... 66, les.. ISA . -f 44 40 6 4 84 85 1 10 13 3 4 4 c\ WAREHOUSE-BOOK. Calico. Yards. j Jales. Feb. g 840 S. d. Mar. 4 Sold 140 11 13 4 10 Sold 700 280 23 1 s 11 420 140 9 18 4 16 Sold 280 280 24 10 " Feb. 9 Amount of Sales .... 69 56 8 17 4 6 ^ 12 10 10 Sarcenet. Yards. < >ales, Feb. q Bought 300 s. d. 15 Sold 80 26 Mar. 1 220 4 Sold 165 53 1ft 6 7 Sold 55 20 6 13 4 13 Sold 35 20 6 13 4 17 Sold 15 15 4 6 3 Feb. q Amount of Sales. Cost of 97 71 5 5 5; . 26 5 10) WAREHOUSE-BOOK. 53 Narrow Cloths. Yards, Bottle Plain. Yards, Light Olive. Yards Dark Blue Saks. Feb. Mar. Feb. 4 7 15 16 1 6 8 16 23 24 6 15 120 40 79 4 158 225 75 47 & 6 S 3 10 H 15 10 <& 8 6 Q Sold 80 150 75 67 51 16 17 16 30 Sold 237 79 80 158 79 75 37 Sold Sold 40 * f 9 9 79 37 Sold 40 40 Sold 39 . . .... Sold 39| 39| Amount of , Sales . 246 198 15 12 2 11 . S 137*17, 3 1,10, 8 Received in Barter. . . , Gain . , 139, 7,11 59, 5 a - 48 2 3 WAREHOUSE-BOOK. Shalloon. Yards. Sales. Mar. ^lar. 9 11 20 9 Bought 560 280 280 280 16 19 s. 18 16 d. 4 8 Exchanged .... Sold Sales Cost .. 36 31 15 17 3 .. 4 17 9 Russia Sheeting. Pieces. Sales. Mar. Mar. 14 21 25 14 15 5 15 31 & 15 10 d. e Sold Sold 10 10 Sales 47 39 5 7 H 6 Gain ...... .. 7 17 6 Cotton Checks. Pieces. Sales. Mar. 14 29 14 56 56 52 40 s. 10 12 d. H Cost .. 11 18 H INVENTORY OF GOODS, TAKEN FROM THE PRECEDING WAREHOUSE-BOOK. [0)i hand 31s* March, 1829.] BROAD CLOTHS 42 yds. Brown, @ 13/4 45| Black - 18/9 of' A tl. 28,, - - 42 17,- 10 = 70 . s. 17 <& in IRISH LINENS. . 75 yds. N 1, @ 2/2 . . 75 2, -3/3.. 8, 2, 6 12, 3, 9 90 CAMBRICS , * . . 60 yds. N ], @ 1/8 . . 160 2, - 2/6 . . 40 3, - 3/9 .. 5,, - - 20, - - 7,10,- 32 10 MUSLINS .... 144yds. width @ 1/1 fiO 6 - /l 7*16 /x - 6 5 4 Z/l 720 | ^ Invoice 48, 5,10 '//I I// 8 63 18 6 GINGHAMS. ... 196 yds. Blue, @ 1/1. . 224 Pink, - 1/6 ll,,-,/ 6 16,16,- 27 16 g VELVETS .... 15 yds. Black, @ 12/6 8 Green, - 15/ 9, 7, 6 6, - , - 15 (j L\WN 268 yds. @ 3/ 40 4 March 3lst .. Value of GOODS on hand 271 7 FURNITURE in fVttrehousv* cost 68 10 6 Amount of Goods and Furniture ...... of 339 11 ] p PART IT. BOOK-KEEPING BY DOUBLE ENTRY. INTRODUCTION. BESIDES the BOOKS mentioned under Single Entry, the following are found requisite when the BOOKS are kept on the principles of Double Entry. 1. An Invoice-Book, or Bought-Book, which contains the particulars of the Goods. Sometimes this Book is dispensed with, by having the original papers filed, and the Sellers 9 Names, with the Amount, entered in the DAY-BOOK. This plan we have adopted, as it is found convenient, in the practice of teaching, to curtail the number of Subsidiary Books as much as possible. In FOREIGN TRADE. 2. An Invoice-Book Outwards, or Book of Shipments, is kept, in which is entered an Account of such Goods as are sent off, either in consequence of an order from the Person to whom they are ad dressed, and at his risk ; or Consigned to him for Sale. In AGENCY BUSINESS. 3. A Sale^Book, in which are entered the Sales of Goods consigned to us, and the several Charges laid out or incurred on them ; such as Carriage or Freight, Warehouse Rent, Porterage, &c., and Commission, with the Net Proceeds due to the Consigner. 4. The JOURNAL, which contains all transactions designed to be posted into the LEDGER with the D rs and C rs pointed out, in order that they may be easily entered at the proper sides of the respective Accounts. EXPLANATION of the LEDGER ACCOUNTS. In DOUBLE ENTRY, the ACCOUNTS of the LEDGER are of three kinds, viz. PERSONAL ACCOUNTS ; ACCOUNTS of PROPERTY, as Cash, Goods, Houses, Lands, or the like ; and NOMINAL or FICTITIOUS ACCOUNTS, as Stock, Profit and Loss, or some of its subsidiary Accounts, as Interest, Commission, Charges, &c 60 INTRODUCTION ; The STOCK ACCOUNT contains, on the D r side, the amount of yojir Debts, and on the C r side, your Effects. CASH on the JK, the money on hand at opening the Books, and the Sums which you receive ; on the O side, the Sums you pay. GOODS on the D r , the quantity on hand, and all Pur- chases and charges; on the C r side, the Sales, or other returns, as bounties or drawbacks. A. B.j or any personal Account, contains on the D r , the Sums by which he becomes indebted or accountable to you ; and on the C r side, the Sums by which you become indebted or accountable to him. BILLS RECEIVABLE on the D r , contains the Bills you receive for any Debt owing ; and on the C r side, such of these Bills as you receive payment of, or discount, or pay away. BILLS PAYABLE on the O side, contains the Bills you accept for any Debt you contract; and on the D r , those you have paid. PROFIT AND Loss on the D', contains every article of loss or charge ; and on the C r side, every article, of gain arising from the business. Charges on the D r 9 are entered all Expenses paid or incurred on the business, which do not belong to any par- ticular Account ; and on the C r , the Sums you charge your Employers for shipping, or selling Goods on Commission. Interest on the D r , all Sums paid or incurred by you for Interest or Discount, on Bills or Accounts paid before they are due ; on the O side, the Sums for interest or discount allowed you for the same. House Expenses on the D 7 , the Sums of money, or the value of any article taken for private use. If there are any entries on the O side, it must be a part of a Sum which was withdrawn, and not expended at the time of taking a General Balance. Commission on the C r , are entered the Sums you charge as an allowance for transacting business for your Correspond- ents. If there be any entries on the D r side, it must be Commission which we owe to others. Insurance This Account is made D r for the Sums insured with others, and O when these are charged to the respective Accounts in which they are due. DOUBLE ENTRY. 61 From the preceding explanation of the LEDGER AC- COUNTS, the following practical Rules are inferred : I. GENERAL RULES. 1. PERSONAL ACCOUNTS Are Debited, when They become indebted to You, And Credited, when You become indebted to Them. 2. ACCOUNTS of PROPERTY Are Debited, when Property comes into Your possession, And Credited, when Property goes out of Your possession. 3. PROFIT & Loss ACCOUNT (Or its Subsidiary Accounts) Are Debited, for every Loss or charge against the Business, And Credited, for every Gain or advantage arising from the Business. II. PARTICULAR RULES. RULE I. When You purchase Goods. 1. If on Credit GOODS D r to A. B. the Seller. 2. If for Cash Credit CASH * By Goods. Note. When you pay charges on Goods, such as carriage, freight, or duty, Credit CASH By Goods, paid charges. RULE II. When You sell Goods. 1. If on Credit . . ... A. B. the Buyer D r to Goods. 2. If for Cask Debit CASH* To Goods. Note. When You take any Goods for your own use, enter House or Private Expenses D r to Goods, for the value, either at prime cost or at the current price. RULE III. When you exchange one kind of Goods for another, * We may here observe, once for all, that no Cash Transactions are inserted in the Day-Book, but at once entered to the proper side of the Cash-Book, with the exception of a Sale or a Purchase of Goods. 62 INTRODUCTION : 1. If the Goods exchanged be of equal value; enter GOODS received D r to Goods delivered. 2. If the value You RECEIVE be greater, and the differ- ence paid, Besides the above Journal entry, Credit CASH- By Goods. 3'. If the value You DELIVER be greater, and the differ- ence received, Besides the Journal entry, GOODS received D r to Goods delivered, Debit CASH To Goods received, difference of barter. Note. In cases of bartering Goods, where the Values are unequal, and the difference not settled at the time, such transactions are entered as a Purchase and Sale, by making GOODS D v to A. B. for the value you receive, and then, A. B. D r to Goods, for the value you deliver to him. RULE IV. When You receive payment of an Account. 1. If no discount or abatement is allowed to the Payer, Debit CASH To A. B. the Payer. 2. If you allow a discount or abatement. First, Debit CASH To A. B. for the whole Sum; then, Credit CASH By Interest for the discount. Note. This method of entering money received on dis- count is stated as if you received the full sum, and returned the discount. RULE V. When You pay an Account. 1. If no discount is allowed you, Credit CASH By A. B. the Receiver. 2. If you are allowed a discount or abatement, First, Credit CASH By A. B. for the whole Sum ; then, Debit CASH To Interest for the discount. Note. By entering the discount in the Cash- Book in the above manner when money is received or paid, on discount, no Journal Entry, as when it is stated in the Day-Book, is necessary to bring the discount to the proper side of the person's Account in the LEDGER. DOUBLE ENTRY. 63 RULE VI. For Bills you receive for Debts owing to you, enter BILLS RECEIVABLE, D r to A. B. (from whom or on whose Account the Bill was received). RULE VII. When You receive PAYMENT of a Bill. Debit CASH To Bills Receivable. RULE VIII. When You DISCOUNT a Bill. 1. Debit CASH TO Bills Receivable for the Sum. 2. Credit CASH By Interest for Discount. RULE IX. When You Endorse or pay away a Bill. A. B. (to whom Endorsed) D r to Bills Receivable. RULE X. When You Protest a Bill -not being paid. A. B. (from whom received) D r to Sundries. To Bills Receivable for N not paid. To Charges for Expenses of Protest. RULE XI. For Bills You Accept for Debts owing by you, enter A. B. (to whom, or on whose Account Accepted) D r to Bills Payable. RULE Xll. When You pay a Bill Credit CASH By Bills Pay able paid N RULE XIII. When You pay Money not connected with any particular Account. Credit CASH By House Expenses (if for Money drawn for Private or Family use) ; or By Charges (if for incidental expenses on the Business) <^f Petty CASH-BOOK. 64 INTRODUCTION: 9rf> V> 3 We it no ao JV* 9, * BALAKC1NG 68 DAY-BOOK. (2 I Owe as follows : Richard Blake Bristol . . . Smith, Davis, & Co. ...... London James Penning & Co Ditto J. Hazard & Co Ditto Michael Watson Ditto George Bowie & Co Aberdeen Peter Drinkwater Manchester BILLS PAYABLE for the following BILLS accepted by me : N57. ToDenison&Co due Jan. 2 ..^ISo,!!, 10 65. J. Penning Feb.5 .. 112,15,- 68. Jos. Hume & Co. . . Jan. 25. . 178, 4, 6 71. Blakey&Co Feb. 22.. 210 ,13, - 74. H. Clinto* Mar.20.. 184,16, 8 76. Dale & Moore ... 25., 243, 6, 6 156 619 436 12 17 370 460 210 10 1125 3387 13 3) DAY-BOOK. LONDON, January, 1829. s. d. Sold William Simkin, Water Twist ... 75 Bundles . . . @ 6 months d 116 12 6 Bought of Thos. Bateman & Co. Mule Twist 399 Ifo @ 6 mo. 124 10 8 Sold Wills & Ainsworth, Madder 2 Casks ........ @ 4 mo 98 2 4 7 Sold Cooke & Girdwood, Cotton 2 Bales ........ @ 4 wo. 41 6 7 Sold Todd & Shortridge, Madder . . 3 Casks. ....... @ 4 mo 117 a 10 Received from Peter Drinkwater, Mule Twist, 495 ife amounting ^f Invoice to 2 mo. and Bill @ 2 mo. payable in London. 19- 119 4 6 14 Sold John Copeland, Mule Twist . . 220 ft . . @ 6 wto. 71 2 3 70 DAY-BOOK. (4 January, 1829. 14 _ The Jessie is arrived from Rotterdam, and has brought me 9 Casks Madder from Scruton and Campbell & my Order, amounting " Invoice to 302 13 6 Bill @ 3 mo. from 8 th Feb. 15 . Sold Thomas Bateman & Co. Cotton 6 Bales @ 4 mo, 1143 1 Sold William Stevins & Sons, Madder 6 Casks @ 3 mo. 17- EiTected Insurance at J. Hazard & Co.'s Office, on 1 10 Barrels Ashes, by the Francis, D. Browne Master, from New York, on 395, @ 2 guineas ^ Cent, Policy and Stamp, 22/ 9711 Sold for Cashy Mule Twist 34 ft, and Water Twist . . 19 Bundles Cash- Book Campbell, Dale, & Co, Water Twist. ... 108 Bundles @ 6 mo, 37 162 17 d. 5) DAY-BOOK. 71 January, 1829. s. d. Sold Dixon & Payne, Mule Twist ...... 60 fb @ 6 mo. 14 9 10 00 Received & my Order, from Blackey Hardisty, & Co. Water Twist, 220 Bundles, Am* ^ Invoice 5 3$* Cent, discount for a Bill @ 2 TWO. 316 7 - Sold Thomas Bateman & Co. Cotton ...... .7 Bales ... @ 4 wo. 236 18 00 Sold John Palmer & Son, Cotton 7 Bales @ 4 TWO 204 4 February. \ Sold William Freeman, Water Twist 97 Bundles @ 6 wo. 146 7 Effected Insurance at J. Hazard & Co.'s, on 15 Casks Madder, by the Susanna, from Rotterdam, on 550, at 2 guineas <^ Cent. Policy 27/6 . 12 7 6 72 DAY-BOOK. February, 1829. 4 s. d. Sold Campbell, Dale & Co. Water Twist 48 Bundles @ 6 mo. a 77 3 6 Sold Richard Edmonds, Mule Twist 162 Ifo @ 6 mo. 57 17 5 Q Sold William Glyne & Co. Madder 4 Casks @ 4 mo. 153 19 Q n Bought of James Penning & Co. Water Twist 90 Bundles @ 6 mo. 129 // // Sold Cooke Girdwood, Cotton ....... 4 Bales @ 4 wo 95 10 10 Sold William Simkin, Water Twist 56 Bundles @ 6 mo. Ifi 86 6 6 The Francis, from New York, is arrived, anc has brought me 110 Barrels Ashes from Mayne & Rowley, amounting ^ Invoice to 385 8 11 BAY-BOOK. Mfl February, 1829. 18 Sold Wills & Ainsworth, Ashes 24 Barrels Pot .... @ 4 mo. _ 20 Bought of William Stevens & Sons, Printed Goods for Exportation, 200 Pieces, 6 mo. 22- Newman and Browne's Bill, N 159, due this day, not being paid, I have protested the same 145 1 1 23 Shipped on board the Atlantic, J. King, Master, for New York, by order of Mayne^fy Rowley, Merchants there, for their Account and Risk, and to them consigned, 3 Trunks, q< 140 Pieces, Printed Goods . . 335 10 Charges at Shipping 113 Commission, 2J ^ Cent. Insured with J. Hazard & Co. on 355, @ 2 guineas -| 3$* Cent 115 355 19 // .25 ' Sold Kibble, Forster, & Co. Madder 5 Casks @ 4 mo. 20519 Ashes 13 Barrels ditto 61 15 26715 129 492 s. 19 d. 74 DAY-BOOK. (8 February, 1829. K s. d. Sold Dixon & Payne, Mule Twist 55 lb @ 6 mo 1 A i c\ fi 14t 1U Sold Michael Watson, Leith. Ashes 20 Barrels Pearl 1 1O 1 3f e Twist * . 50Q ft . , 5 ' *>' For Sums Paid this Month. ; ;*"* ^ Bills Payable N 65 ...'. ^112^15^ - 21st. ditto 71 210//13//- 8 ft James Penning & Co. 323 ncA 8 i n I 1? 8 Interest .... for Discount ftu //10 ^ 14th ditto la 9// 6 19th ditto 2//11// 7 IP 5 10 1 11 tf |QO H W 9 Newman & Browne .... Protesting their Bill ...... loo 1 A a ?6 9 O I 10 a 1 f\ ?8 8 ol OA 4 10 8 i n H JU 917 17 1 102 JOURNAL. 2 V ' 210 31< < [4 .9 y 9 *r / 2 7 10 10 3 7 510 2 7 510 ) 4 2 9 Ml 9 8 9 5 March, 1829. 542 452 ,432 118 575 602 s. 6 g I 19 7 7 d. a a // ( Goo^s D r to Sundries. For /y-c/taf^Ithis. Mouth. To Scruton & Campbell . . To Peter Drinkwater To Hose Bank Spinning- Co To James Penning & Co To Rose Bank Spinning Co. . . . To Geo. & Richard Denison 2723 13 2 EXPORT GOODS D r to Sundries. For Amount Bought this Month. To William Glyne & Co 245 389 635 19 4 J // To Todd & Shortridge SUNDRIES D rs to Goods. For Sales this Month. 63 207 196 114 137 196 273 282 166 10 2 11 1 13 13 16 11 9 9 1 1 4 6 7 6 8 6 3 6 Todd & Shortridge . . . . Kibble, Forster & Co 638 HUNTER, ROBINSON, & Co. For Goods <$* the Isabella, for Hamburgh. To Export Goods ^334/x //8 357 17 // Po Charges 3/, - ,,3 To Commission 11//12//1 ro .7. Hazard fy Co 9,, 4,,- JOURNAL. 103 March, 1829. 1211 DEBENTURES D r to Export . Goods. For Drawback on Goods ^ the Isabella 55: 3 4 1611 WM. TAIT & Co. my A/C. D r to Sundries. For Goods consigned them ^ Jessie. 9 To Export Goods ^403,, 8,1 8 To Charges 5,,15 // 8 5 To J. Hazard & Co. .. for Insurance .. 3/, 6/,- 1 412 9 9 26 4 HENRY CLINTON D r to Sundries. For Amount Shipped ^ the HopewelL 2 To Goods 580 Bundles Yarns. ^. . . . 887//12,,6 8 To Charges 9,, 5 A 9 To Commission 4//12//6 5 To J. Hazard fy Co. .. for Insurance .... 22 3//6 9231310 26 9 NEWMAN & BROWNE D r to Interest, For Amount included in their Bills 4 7 4 1 BILLS RECEIVABLE D r to Sundries. For Bills Received this Month. 7 9 To William Glyne & Co N 190 153J19 9 7|To Cooke & Girdwood 191 13617 5 vr 2!To William Simkin 192 -86 6 6 9|To Kibble, Forster & Co 19,3 i 267 15 2 13 7 To Wills, Ainsworth & Co 194 129 2 20 9 To Newman & Browne 195,196,197 150; 9 92410 6 SUNDRIES D rs to Bills Payable. For Bills Accepted this Month. 1 1 5 James Penning 8s Co N 86 129 7 William Stevens & Sons 87 49219 2 18 6 Peter Drinkwater 88 .. 119, 4 6 104 JOURNAL. (10 5 8 11 a 12 16 4 6 5 11 12 26 31 1 1 2 3 2 5 3 1 2 8 6 8 o 11 8 March, 1829. of 1805 4 146 57 112 77 s. 8 1 7 17 1 3 d. 3 g H 5 it 6 CASH D r to Sundries. For Sums Received this Month. To Bills Receivable . . paymtof N J 80.. . 264, 0, 9 6th ditto disct 188.. 204,13, 4 12th ditto ditto 187.. 236,18, 6 19th ditto ditto 178,191 377*12,11 26th ditto ditto 172,172 722, 2, 9 To Goods. . . . received for Yarns $" D.-B To Michael Watson To Campbell, Dale & Co 2202 18 2 SUNDRIES D rs to Cash. For Sums Paid this Month. Goods . . paid for Carriage on Yarns . . . . 1 ,/ 1 5,2 20th .... Freight on Madder. . . . 13, 10//3 15 34 584 27 8 212 47 5 12 10 5 8 6 11 5 4 10 // H II 3 Interest for Discount 2,13,9 llth ditto .... 9, 9,5 1 2th ditto 6,14,- 16th ditto 3//17//6 1 9th ditto 4, 2,4 26th ditto 7//15//4 Bills Payable. . . . paid N 77 156, 7,8 20th ditto 74 184,16,8 25th ditto 76 243, 6,6 30th ditto . . ... 15, - ff - Furniture in Warehouse .... desk END OF JOURNAL. 929 18 10 (SET II.) THE LEDGER is divided into several ACCOUNTS, for the purpose of arranging the different branches of the Business under distinct heads. The difference between the D r and C r sides of any Account is called the Balance. RULES for POSTING the LEDGER. 1. In JOURNAL ENTRIES, where there is only one D r and one C r . Debit the D r ACCOUNT, and say, To the C r ACCOUNT; then turn to the O ACCOUNT, and say, By the D r Account* EXAMPLE GOODS D r to A. B. By the help of your Index ; turn to the Account of GOODS and say, To A. B. for the Amount; then turn to A. B.'s Account, and say, By Goods for the Amount, prefixing the Date of the Entry in both cases. 2. In JOURNAL ENTRIES, where there are more than one D r or more than one C r . As GOODS D r to Sundries (i. e. Sundry Accounts). Debit GOODS Account, and say, To Sundries, for the whole Amount, and Credit the several C rs Accounts; and say, By Goods, for the respective Sums. Again, 106 LEDGER. SUNDRIES D rs to Goods. Credit GOODS Account, and say, By Sundries, for the Amount ; then Debit the several D r Accounts ; and say, To Goods for the respective Sum. 3. In JOURNA'L ENTRIES, where (for the sake of brevity) several D rs and C rs are combined into one post.* First, Debit each D r ACCOUNT, and say, By Sundries, for their respective Amounts. Then, Credit, the several C rs ; By Sundries, for their Sums. * Fide Shipments, and return of Premium for Convoy and Arrival, m Journal, Set III., pages 8, 9. ( 107 ) INDEX. A. Armour, William, 3 B. Bills Receivable, 1 Bateman, Thomas, & Co., 4 Blake, Richard, 5 Bowie, George, & Co., 6 Bills Payable, 6 Blakey, Hardisty, 6 Balance, 12 C. Cash, 1 Campbell, Dale, & Co., 3 Copeland, John, 3 Clinton, Henry, 4 Cooke & Gird wood, 7 Charges, 8 Commission, 9 D. Drinkwater, Peter, 6 Dixon & Payne, 7 Denison, Geo. & Rich., 10 Debentures, 1 1 E. Edmonds, Richard, 2 Export Goods, 9 F. Furniture in Warehouse, 3 Freeman, William, 3 Fenning, James, & Co., 5 G. Goods, 2 Graham, Geo. & Son, 4 Glyne, William, & Co., 9 H. Hume, Joseph, & Co., 3 J. & Co., 5 House Expenses, 8 Holdsworth, Hen. & Co., 10 Hunter, Robinson, & Co., 11 J. Johnston, D. & Son, 4 I Interest, 8 K. Kibble, Forster, & Co., 9 Kingan, John, 10 M. Mayne & Rowley, 8 N. Newman & Browne, 9 0. Ogle & Denham, 11 P. Palmer, John, & Son, 8 Penman & Browne, 10 Profit & Loss, 1 1 R. Rose Bank Spin. Co. 10 S. Stock, 1 Simkin, William, 2 Smith, Davison, & Co., 5 Scruton & Campbell, 6 Stevens, William, & Sons, 7 T. Todd & Shortridge, 7 Tait, Wm. & Co., m/a 11 W. Wilson, Robert, & Co., 4 Watson, Michael, 5 Wills & Ainsworth, 7 108 LEDGER. (1 1829 Jan. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar. 1 31 1 31 28 31 1 31 28 31 Stock. D r To Sundries Debts 2 12 1 r C 6 10 1 r c 6 9 3387 3977 s. 13 4 d. 4 9 To Balance .... Net Capital ...... 7364 18 1 1054 998 1333 2202 17 18 1 18 16 6 7 10 2 1 Cash. Z> To Stock .... Balance on hand .... To Sundries .... received this Month To ditto ditto To ditto ditto 5589 2210 1318 1686 924 16 L a 10 i Bills Receivable. D r To Stock Bills on hand To Sundries .... Bills rec d this Mo. To ditto // 9 9 6 To ditto // 6139 12 4 LEDGER. 109 1829 Jan. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Feb. Mar. 1 31 31 28 31 // 31 28 22 31 // Contra. O 1 11 4 7 10 12 c 6 // 10 12 6986 377 s. 19 18 d. 10 3 3y Profit 8f Loss .... Net Gain . . 7364 18 1 553 917 929 3188 19 17 18 // 7 1 10 7 Contra. C r By Sundries .... paid this Month . . By ditto ...... ^v .... // By ditto // By Balance on hand ...... fol 5589 16 1 843 1205 145 1805 2139 11 1 11 8 19 12 7 10 8 3 // Contra. C By Cash . . Bills discounted or paic % ditto . // By Newman & Browne, their Bill not p d By Cash . . Bills discounted or paid Bv Balance .... on hand fol 6139 4 110 LEDGER. (2 1829 Jan. 1 31 17 31 Goods. D* To Stock . . on hand <$* Inventory . . To Sundries . . purchases this Month To J. Hazard & Co. . . Insurance . . To Cash .... paid charges 1 2 3 4 1676 862 9 17 s. 3 15 7 7 d. S 8 11 10 Feb. 28 4 <>fi To Sundries . . purchases this Month To J. Hazard & Co. . . Insurance . . To Cash .... paid charges ..*..... 5 // 7 514 12 81 8 7 4 'i 10 Mar. 31 4 To Sundries . . purchases this Month To Cash .... paid charges 8 10 2723 15 13 5 2 rj 31 To Profit fy Loss .... Gain 11 490 4 % . 6402 19 c\ Jan ] Furniture in Warehouse. D r To Stock <^f valuation ........ ^ ... 1 171 14 Mar 19 To C^ish .... paid for desk ...... 10 8 8 180 2 11 FPITI i Richard Edmonds. D r To Stock ] 72 11 6 A To Goods 116 ]9 6 Feh ] ] To ditto 5 86 6 6 275 10 6 tan ] Campbell, -Dale, & Co. D r To Stock . . ,, 1 113 19 f> Feb 5 To Goods g 57 17 5 171 16 11 LEDGER. Ill 1829 Jan. Feb. Mar. Contra. Sales this Month received for Yarns Sales this Month 31 By Sundries 17 By Cash ... 28 By Sundries 31 By ditto 26 By Henry Clinton, ^ Hopewell 8 By Cash .... received for Yarns 31 By Balance .... Value on hand Contra. C r Mar. 31lBy Balance 12 180 2 Contra. O Feb. 16iBy Bills Receivable, N 185 6 189 4 Mar. ]2JBy ditto 192 9 86 6 6 275 10 6 Contra. C Feb. 14 By Cash , 6 11319 6 Mar. 11 By ditto 10 5717 5 1418 37 1140 1638 887 3276 6402 171 19 16 d. 2 11 112 LEDGER. Campbell, Dale, & Co. D r 1829 Jan. 1 To Stock 1 17 To Goods 2 Feb. 4 To ditto William Freeman. D Jan. 1 To Stock i 1 4ToGoods John Copeland. D r Jan. 1 To Stock 1 12To Goods 2 Mar. 2 To ditto 8 Joseph Hume & Co. D Jan. iTo Stock v 1 William Armour. D Jan. 1 To Stock . 1 LEDGER. 113 1829 Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Mar. Jan. Mar. Jan. Jan. 8 6 16 14 11 12 31 7 5 Contra. C r By Bills Receivable N 177 ...... 3 6 10 3 10 3 12 3 3 126 246 77 s. 14 19 3 d. n a 6 By ditto // 182 By Cash 450 16 6 117 146 10 7 // // Contra. C r By Cash By ditto 263 17 // 264 63 // 10 10 9 1 Contra. C r By Bills Receivable, N 180 By Balance ... 327 10 110 4 // Contra. C r By Bills Receivable, N 176 145 10 // Contra. C r By Bills Receivable, N 175 114 LEDGER. 1829 Jan. Jan. Feb. Jan. Jan. Mar. Jan. Mar. 1 1 15 25 4 1 1 19 1 26 Geo. Graham & Son, D r To Stock 1 1 2 // 6 1 i 1 9 240 s. 15 d. 6 163 114 236 124 4 3 18 10 8 1 6 8 Thomas Bateman & Co. D r To Stock To Goods To ditto To Bills Payable, N 82 638 16 1.1 172 9 10 Robert Wilson & Co. D r To Stock 95 282 377 6 11 17 // 6 6 D. Johnston & Son, D r To Stock To Goods 237 923 12 13 4 10 Henry Clinton, D r To Stock To Sundries To Cash . . Bills paid this Month . . To ditto . . To ditto . . // To Balance) Bills not due or p d . . fol. 4177 1 | 302 542 13 6 19 il 16 7 6 // 6 // // // Scruton & Campbell, D r To Bills Payable, N 83 .......... To Balance .. . fol 844 300 15 Blakey, Hardisty & Co. D r To Bills Payable, N 85 To Interest Discount . . . . . 316 LEDGER. 119 1829 Jan. 1 Aberdeen. O By Stock ,^MM*M***%^ 2 460 s. 15 d. 10 Jan. 1 Manchester. O By Stock 9, 210 10 // 10 By Goods 119 4 6 Mar. 4 By ditto 8 452 8 // 782 2 6 Jan. 1 Contra. O By Stock. .Bills under Acceptance . . By Sundries, Bills Accepted this Mo. By ditto By ditto .... ;/ 2 3 6 9 1125 1197 1113 741 7 14 4 3 6 10 1 8 4177 10 1 Jan. 14 Rotterdam. C T ^09 1 Q 6 Mar 4 By ditto 8 ^49 g // 844 19 6 Jan. 22 Kesivicfc. O By Goods 2 316 7 120 LEDGER. (7 1829 Jan. Feb. Jan. Feb. Mar. Jan. Mar. Jan. Mar. Jan. Feb 4 18 7 11 8 7 12 3] 15 11 21 25 Wills & Ainsworth. D r 2 K *J 2 *J 8 2 8 12 2 9 2 5 98 129 s. 2 2 d. 4 8 To ditto , 227 c // 41 95 114 6 10 1 7 10 6 Cooke & Girdwood. D r To ditto To ditto 250 18 11 117 196 192 5 13 10 MHT 2 6 6 Todd & Shortridge. D T To Goods To ditto To Balance ..,.., 506 9 2 241 492 3 19 // 2 W m Stevens & Sons. D' To Goods , To Bills Payable, N 87 734 2 2 14 14 9 8 10 10 Dixon & Payne. D r To Goods , To ditto 2818 8 7) LEDGER. 121 1829 Feb. Mar. Mar, 12 13 12 31 9 9 20 3 31 Contra. C r y By Bills Receivable N 184 6 9 9 12 6 8 AJ 6 12 98 129 s. 2 2 d. 4 8 By -ditto // 194 227 5 // 5 6 136 114 17 1 Contra. C r By Bills Receivable, N 191 250 18 _ 11 = 2 // 117 389 5 4 Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar. Contra. C r By Bills Receivable N 183 By Export Goods. 506 9 2 2 // 492 241 19 3 Contra. O By Export Goods By Bills Receivable, N 181 734 2 2 28 18 8 Contra. C r LEDGER. 1829 John Palmer & Son. D Jan. 28 To Goods 2 Interest. D r Jan. 31 To Cash . . discounts this Month . . 4 Feb. 28 To ditto 7 Mar. 31 To ditto 10 House Expenses. D Jan. 31 To Cash this Month 4 Feb. 28 To ditto // 7 Mar. 31 To ditto 10 Charges. D Jan. 31 To Cash, ^f Petty C.B.... 4 Feb. 28 To ditto 7 Mar. 31 To ditto // 10 Mayne & Rowley. D 1 Feb. 23 To Sundries ^ the Atlantic To Bills Payable N 84 6 LEDGER. 123 1829 Feh 17 26 8 26 31 31 23 12 16 26 31 16 31 Contra. j C r By Bills Receivable N 1 88 6 6 if 9 11 11 < u 8 9 // 11 12 204 s. 13 d. 4 Feb. Mar. Mar. Feb. Mar. Feb. Mar 15 14 4 22 16 // 7 13 // 6 4 1 Contra. C' By Blakey, Hardisty & Co. discount By Cash . . . for ditto By Newman & Browne . . interest . . By Profit and Loss fol. 56 17 68 e To ditto 480 18 9 196 11 4 John Kingan. D r To Goods 137 13 7 Penman & Browne. D r 10) LEDGER. 127 1829 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 12 13 14 31 31 31 Contra. C r 8 // 8 12 12 12 432 575 s. 5 7 d. if 6 By ditto 1007 12 6 602 7 3 Contra. C r 480 18 9 Contra. C r By Balance fol 196 11 4 Contra. C r By Balance fol- 137 13 7 Contra. O 128 LEDGER. 1829 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 12 12 16 26 31 Hunter, Robinson, & Co. D r To Sundries 3$ the Isabella 8 9 9 10 8 // // 1 357 s. 17 d. a 55 3 4 Debentures. D r To Export Goods * 412 9 9 William Tait & Co. MIA & 212 6 // Ogle & Denham. D r To Cash paid their Bill N 163 22 68 47 377 13 /r o 16 18 3 // 5 3 Profit & Loss-. D r To House Expenses To Charges ... To STOCK Net Gain 516 12 11 11) LEDGER. 129 1829 Mar 31 Hamburgh. C 19 f 357 s. 17 d. Mar. 31 Contra. C P 55 4 Mar. 31 Glasgow. C r 19 412 Q Q . Mar, 31 Contra. C' 19 219 6 Mar. 31 Contra. C r By Goods, Gain on this Account, .fol. 1 Q 490 26 4 8 3 8 516 12 11 130 LEDGER. (12 1829 ^lar. 31 /; u ii U a n ii n u n H H II H H BALANCE. D r To Cash . . . Balance on hand .......... fol. 1 J 2 3 3 4 4 7 7 8 c 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 3188 2139 1276 180 63 282 923 114 28 355 166 480 196 137 357 55 412 212 s. 19 3 2 10 11 13 1 18 19 9 18 11 13 17 3 9 6 8 d. 7 u 5 a 1 6 10 6 8 9 L 7 H i To Bills Receivable .... Bills due tome .... To Goods .... On hand, <$* Inventory To John Copeland To D. Johnston & Son To Henry Clinton To Cooke & Gird wood To Dixon & Payne To Mayne & Rowley To Kibble, Forster, & Co To Henry Holdsworth, & Co. To John Kingan To Penman & Browne >........ To Hunter, Robinson, & Co To William Tail & Co. tnfa 9 w To Ogle & Denham ... 10572 12) LEDGER. 131 1829 Mar.c Contra. C 1.% s. 19 d. tj 315 14 a By James Penning & Co i 118 19 t n By J. Hazard & Co 65 u g 6 452 8 u A / By Bills Payable . . Bills under Acceptance . . 6 fi 2895 542 14 6 11 g / By Todd & Shortridge 192 I< 6 i By William Glyne & Co, q 245 19 3 I' 1007 12 6 i By George & Richard Denison 10 602 7 2 6595 ,s 10 1 r By STOCK .... Net Amount of my Capital .... 1 3977 4 9 10572 8 7 ( 132 ) TRIAL BALANCE (31s* March). D r PROFIT & Loss Sheet. C r 22 68 47 s 13 5 16 d. 3 n 5 490 26 s. 4 8 d, 3 8 Charges Net Gain ...... 138 377 14 18 8 3 516 12 11 516 12 11 D r BALANCE Sheet. & 3188 2139 1276 180 63 282 923 114 28 355 166 480 196 137 357 55 412 212 10572 : 1 i? '? 18 19 9 18 H 13 17 3 9 6 ~* d. 7 5 u 1 6 10 6 8 H 3 9 4 7 4 9 7 Richard Blake 156 315 118 65 452 2895 542 192 245 1007 602 s. 12 14 19 H 8 14 6 10 19 12 7 d. ;; 11 // 6 6 Smith, Davison, & Co. James Penning & Co. J. Hazard & Co Peter Drinkvvater . . Bills Payable John Copeland ...... D. Johnston & Son . . Scruton & Campbell .. Todd & Shortridge . . Wm. Glyne & Co. Rose B. Spinning Co. Geo. & Jl. Denison . . v STOCK .. Net Capital Cooke & Gird wood .... Mayne Rowley .... Kibble, Forster & Co. Hen. Holdsworth & Co. 6595 3977 10572 3 4 8 10 c 7 Penman & Browne .... Hunter, Robinson & Co. Wm Tait & Co (SET III.) INVENTORY. The following is an INVENTOR? of my Effects, both Real and Personal, being a list of the Balances in my favour and against me, transferred from the preceding Ledger, dated 31st March, 1829. IhaveinCASH 3188* 7 BILLS RECEIVABLE ....for Bills due to me W B. B. .... 2139 19 oo DS on hand ^ valuation, viz. Cotton Yarns ,438 , Cottonwool 346, 7,3 Dutch Madders 329, 3,6 Pot Sc Pearl Ashes , 162,-,- 1276 3 Furniture in Warehouse, valued at * 180 2 John Copeland owes me 63, 10, 1 D. Johnston & Son . . ditto 282, 11,6 Henry Clinton ...... ditto 923,13,10 Cooke Girdwood ditto 114,1,6 Dixon & Payne ditto 28,18,8 Mayne & Rowley .... ditto 355,19,- Kibble, Forster&Co... ditto 166, 9, 3 Hen. Holdsworth & Co. ditto 480, 1 8, 9 John Kingan ditto 196,11,4 Penman & Browne .... ditto 137,13, 7 Hunter, Robinson & Co. ditto 357,17,- Debentures ditto 55,3,4 William Tait & Co ditto 412,9,9 Ogle&Denham ditto 212,6,- 3788 3 7 Amount of my Effects 10572 8 7 Ent d ty JOURNAL, page 1 Carried forward. 134 DAY-BOOK. INVENTORY, continued. 156 315 118 65 452 2895 542 192 245 1007 602 s. 12 14 19 H 8 14 6 10 19 19 d. H H H 11 H 6 6 I OWE AS FOLLOWS I To Smith, Davison, & Co. . . . ditto To James Penning & Co. . . . ditto .*. ....,.., To Peter Drinkwater * . ditto .............. To Bills Payable, for Bills accepted and not due, ty B. B. To Tocld & Shortridge ........ ditto . ... To William Glyne & Co. ... ... ditto To George & Richard Denison . . ditto 7 3 t=s 6595 Ent d V JOURNAL, page%. Insured at J. Hazard & Co.'s, On 100 Barrels Ashes ^ the Nancy, from New York, 410, at 3 Guineas ^ Cent.; Policy 27/6 Sold Penman & Browne, Mule Twist 90 lb @ 6 months. 5 LONDON, April, 1829. 2 Received & my order, from Peter Drinkwater, Manchester, 2 Bales Georgia Twist, q 1 900 Ifo as Cent, on 455, Insured on 12 Casks Madder. . . . 11 11 // 144 DAY-BOOK. (12 May, 1829. 31 s. d. Ogle & Denham being Bankrupts, have obtained a discharge for 1 1/6 ^f ; I have agreed to the same, and their final dividend of 8/ ^ and Placc> By whom drawn. To whom payable. 8.9 Apr. 6 William Glyne& Co. London rhemselves Their Order 90 11 Jos. Hume & Co. Ditto Ditto Edw. Wells 91 13 Rose Bank Spin. Co. Ditto Ditto Their Order 92 19 Richard Blake Bristol Himself Wm. Bayley 93 * Peter Drink water Manchest. Ditto Hill & Forbes Bills 6 ft When accepted. On whose Accoant, aud Place. By whom drawn. To whom payable. 94 May 8 Peter VVoode New York Himself Jones & Co. 95 11 Scruton & Campbell Rotterd. Themselves Rich. Kempt 96 // T. Bateman & Co. Penrith Ditto Their Order 97 15 Win. Stevens & Sons London Ditto Ditto 98 -26 Peter Drinkwater Manchest Himself Barelay&Co. Bills 1 When accepted On whose Account, and Place. By whom drawn. To whom payable. 99 June 6 Wm. Stevens & Sons London Themselves Their Order 100 b William Wright Manchest Himself Sharpe&Sons 10] It Jas. Penning & Co. London Themselves Their Order 3) BILL-BOOK. 157 Payable 1829. Date. Term. When due. Sum. When, and to whom paid. April 6 6 Months Oct. 9 245 1* 19 d. 3 June 28 P d to them on Discount. 11 3 ditto July 14 371 6 6 10 6 ditto Oct. 13 1007 12 6 June 28 Paid on Discount. 17 3 ditto July 20 156 12 // Mar. 16 3 ditto Ent d 22 JOUR./?. 5. 452 8 18 u 1 2233 1 Payable 1829. Date. Term. When doe. Sum. When, and to whom paid. May 8 60 Days July 10 o 495 s. 15 " 31 oOT 2K 1 A By Charges . . . . ty Petty C. B. iq 1 U 1O OA1 e / ZU1O 3866 13 1 Ent d JOUR, page 12 1 164 CASH-BOOK. (3 CASH. D> *. d. Received, in JUNE, 1829* June 1 To Balance ... from last Month . . . . 2015 9 3 4 To Bills- Receivable . . discounted N 2 1 , 1 1 4 9//8 m i 214 294//12//2 409 1 10 6 To Interest . . discount on Todd & Co.'s Account . . 20 8 8 8 To Dixon fy Payne . . reed, payment till this date 83 11 3 ilO To Interest . . discount on W. Stevens' Account .. 7 18 6 12 To Debentures, .reed, bounty on Goods ^ the Triton 23 8 // To Bills Receivable . , received payment of N* 183. . 117 5 2 15 To Neivman fy Browne . .reed. payt. of their Account 69 1 8 To Bills Receivable .... discounted N 204 ...... 196 13 g 18 To Interest . . discount on Rose Bank Co.'s Account 14 /; 6 20 To Interest., ditto on J. Kingan's e ,. 7 11 // 21 To Bills Receivable . . received payment of N 194 129 2 8 24 To Sales on Commission . . received for Cotton Yarns 39 5 7 ^D. B. 28 To Interest . . . . discount on 2 B*51ls taken up .... 18 8 // * * 3151 5 7 Ext d JOUR, page 17- 3) CASH-BOOK. 165 CASH. C r s. rf, Paid in JUNE, 1829. June 4 3 18 10 6 By Todd fy Shortridge . . paid them for Parcel of loth April 408 13 8 8 By Interest. . discount on Dixon & Co.'s Account . . 2 1 6 10 By Wm. Stevens fy Sons . . pd. their parcel 26th April 158 9 10 19 By Bills Payable . . . paid N 80 134 5 10 15 By Interest . . disct. on Newman & Browne's Acct. 3 9 2 By Interest .... paid discount on a Bill 1 10 P 18 By Rose Bank Spinning Co. . . pd. their Account of 280 10 // 90 By John King an .... paid him balance 1,51 .3 24 By Charges . . paid Rent & Taxes for last half-year 87 10 // 28 By Bills Pay able, pd.on disct. BillN' 89 245 1 9 ,,3 , u 91 1007,12/6 1^53 30 By Charges . . . . ^ Petty C. B 17 1 ^ By House Expenses .... this Month 31 10 6 616 15 r| 5 3151 7 fini* JOUR, page 18. IM^OICJE-BOOK. INVOICE of Printed Goods Shipped on Board the TRITON George Bell, Master, for Philadelphia, on Account and Risk of Joseph Taylor $ Sons, of New York, and Con- signed by their Order to J. Gordon, of Philadelphia. LONDON, 13 th April, 1829. No. 1 Cambric Handkfs. Black grd. 47*4 ditto ditto Blue .... 90 ,,8 13Sdoz.@2]/ Calico, Olive ground, 51 pieces, 1428 yards, @ 1/7 Muslin, Yellow ground, 10 pieces, 280 yds. @ 1/6. . Fine Calico, Black .... 5 140 Cambric, Blue ground, 20 560 ditto Fancy Checks, 17 // 476 ,, @1/11| @1/10 CHARGES. Packing, Cartage, and Wharfage . 3,, 1 ,,3 Sundry Shipping Charges , -//16//9 Entry Bond, and Bills of Lading -//12,,6 Commission on ,314^5,3, @ 2^ ^ Cent I 7 17 Premium of Insurance on ^335, @ 2| ^ do.^7,, 10,9 Policy and Duty, 5/6 ^ Cent. ...... 1 2 /x - Commission on ditto 1 ,,13,,6 10 6 3 412 8 5 By Bounty allowed at the Custom House ^23* 8,,- By Drawback ditto 56//11//9 7919 9 Ent d JOUR, page 3. 144 113 21 64 46 389 IS d. 332 8| 8 168 INVOICE-BOOK. INVOICE of Printed Goods Shipped on Board the MARY )c /br. Leith, Consigned to William Tait 8f Co., Glasgow, to sel on my Account. LONDON, \T h April, 1829. Ko. of $ d. 1 Fine Calico, Black grd.2Q pieces, 480 yds. @ 1/11 46 a * ditto Dove ', 15 360 do. @ 1/11 1 35 /' ! Cambric Handkfs. J?/w*, 45 90doz.8 ,/ 2J/,. 95 4 "\ 80 Muslins, Yellow ground, 20 pieces, 560 yds. @ 1/5 39 13 4 Calico, Black % Blue . . 43 , 1204 do. @ 1/7 95 6 L Cambric, Blue $ Yeltou^ 11 , 308 do. @ 1/11 29 10 I 74 340 19 " ' CHARGES. Cartage & Wharfage -, 1 6,9 Sundry Shipping Charges .,..,.... 1^ 3/ - ] 10 9 342 18 <} jB/ d JOUR. jpg" 4. INVOICE-BOOK. 169 INVOICE of Goods Shipped & the Dolphin, J. McLean Master, for Hamburgh, Consigned for Sale to Rook $ Co. Merchants there, on Account and Risk of William Rainey and the Shipper, each a half share. LONDON, 3 rd May, 1829. Box. 1 f Muslins and Cambrics, Printed, qt. 50 pieces, as ^ enclosed Bill of Parcels. . 109,,13 4 Box and Cordage, &c. .. - //15// 9 of 1 If) S. fj d. 2 | Fine Calico .... 50 pieces, as ^ ditto 140 // -// - Box, &c - ,,16,,- 14( 16 3 | Fine Cambric . . 53 pieces, as ^ ditto 159, - ,/ - Box &c. - ,,J8,, 6 4 | Cambric 52 pieces, as ^ ditto 154,, 1 4,, - 159 18 6 Box &c - // 1 7// 6 5 Calico & Cambrics, 53 pieces, as F ditto 1 64 // 1 4,, - Box, &c - //19// 3 155 11 6 165 13 q 6 |CambncHandkfs.l39doz.&5,as^do. 159, 2,11 Box, &c - // 18// 9 \(\( ] 8 Deduct i ^ Cent, allowed for damages on Boxes 1,2, & 6 4 a \ lt 9 Drawback allowed at the Custom House 84// 18,, 7 892 CO 10 | " CHARGES. Fees of Entry, and Bond of Certificate 1//10,/ 6 Cartage, Wharfage, and Porterage .... -//15,, C 803 9 8 3 3 g flO 1 10 Prem.of Insurance on ,,850, @ 2 Guineas 1 7// 17,/ - Policy, 5/6 ^ Cent 2,/ 9 /7 6 ^4 1 g Ent d JOUR, pages 7 fy 8. 851 6 6 I r t- 170 INVOICE-BOOK. INVOICE of 150 Bundles Cotton Yarn, Shipped on board the Dolphin, M'Lean, for Hamburgh, by order and for Account of Henry Somerville, at his Risk and to him consigned. LONDON, 3 rd May, 1829. s. 1@3 Cotton Twist, N 20 .... 50 Bundles @ 29/ 72 10 1. 20 .... lOditto 29/ 1410 2i .... 40 ditto ,29/9.... 5910 2. 21 .... 10 ditto 29/9 .... 1417 6 22 . . . . 40 ditto tt 30/6 .... 61 3. 150 Bundles. 222 7 6 CHARGES. Entry Bond & Fees o-//H //3 Packing, Cartage. & Wharfage -// 15,,9 Bills of Lading & Agency 1 4/,6 211 6 Premium of Insurance on ^235, at 2 guineas ^ Cent. 4, 18 ,,8 Policy & Duty 5/6 - 16,6 Commission | ^ Cent 1 // 3//6 618 8 Eni d JOUR, 23l|l7 8 INVOICE-BOOK. 171 INVOICE of Sundry Goods Shipped on board the Betsey, W. Lucas, Master, for New York, by Order, on Account, and Risk of Mayne fy Roivley, Merchants there, and to them consigned. LOXDOX, 24' fe May, 1829. d. M. R. | White Cambric, Tamboured, 1 @ 3 20 pieces, qt. 560 yards @ 2/2 .60^13^4 1. Box & Cord.... -,14,8 61 8 | Fine Cambric, Olive ground, 30 pieces, qt. 720 yards @ 2/4 .... 84, - ,,- Box, &c -,17*3 8417 | Fine Calico, Blue & Red ground, 25 pieces, qt. 600 yards @ 2/3 67,, 10,- Cambric, Olive & Yellow, 15 pieces, qt. 360 yards @ 2/5| .... 44,, 5,,- 3. Boxes, &c \ it 1,2 11216 259 1 5 CHARGES. Custom House Entry - 7,/6 Cartage, Wharfage, &c 1 3,,2 Bills of Lading -J2,6 Packing, Shipping Charge?, &c S/,19,,6 6 2 Commission, 2| F Cent 6 9 6 Premium of Insurance on ,280 @ 2 ^ Cent. 5, 12,,- Policy, 5/6 F Cent. - , 16,^6 Commission ty Cent 1 /, 8,,- 716 Ent* JOUR, page 8. 279 10 1 i 2 172 INVOICE-BOOK. (6 [NVOICE of Sundry Goods Shipped on board the Betsey, W. Lucas, Master, for New York, by Order and for Account and Risk of Henry Clinton, Merchant there, and to him consigned. LONDON, 24" 1 May, 1829. Cambric bordered Handkerchiefs : Black 91 doz. &6 Red 42 do. &6 134 dozen @ 21/ ,140,14, - Box & Cordage.... - ,19,10 1411310 White Cambric Tamboured, 20 Pieces, qt 560 yards @ 2/2 60,13,4 Box,&c -,ll//8 61 5 3 Boxes Saddlery as f B. P. enclosed 67 // 6 CHARGES. Cartage & Wharfage -// 9,3 Bills of Lading -,10,6 Sundry Charges at Shipping I// 3//5 Commission 2 ty Cent 615 Prem. of Insurance on ,285 @ 2 ^ Cent. .5, 14,- Policy&Stamp -//16,6 Commission ^ Cent 1 // 8,6 719 Ent d JOUE. page 8. 28616 7) INVOICE-BOOK. 173 INVOICE of Sundry Goods Shipped on Board the Betsey, W. Lucas, Master, for New York, by order, and on Account and Risk of Joseph Taylor fy Sons, Merchants there, and to them consigned. LONDON, 24' ft May, 1829. s. (I. | Fine Calico, Blue & Red, 25 ps. 600 yds. 2/3^67,10,,- Cambric, Olive & Yellow, 15 , 360 yds. @2/5i 44,, 5,,- 40 Box and Cordage . . 1 /, 1 //2 112 16 2 | Muslin Hdkfs. Blue, 15ps.28doz.8,@20/ 28,,13,4 Cambric do. Black, 16 28 2 28/ 39 8 ,,8 31 Box, &c - ,,14,,6 68 59 61 16 16 18 5 9 6 6 // 8 |Cambr.Hdkfs.Blue,20ps.39doz.6,@30/ 59,, 5,,- Box, &c //13//6 f White Camb.Tamb. 20ps. 560yds. @ 2/2 60,, 13,4 Box, &c r. -,,11,8 One Box Saddlery, as & enclosed B. P CHARGES. Cartage, Wharfage, & Porterage 1 3,,9 319 3 7 9 5 9 \9 12 10 3 & Shipping Charges and Bills of Lading . . 2,, 5,,6 Prem. of Insurance on ^340, @ 2 ^ Cent. 6//16,,- Enl d JOUR, page 8. 340 6 9 SALES of 92 Bundles Cotton Yarns, on Account of William Wright, Manchester. 1829 s. d. May 2 Mule Twist .... N 40 @ 44, 32 Bundles, qt. 320 Ibs 67 1 8 3 Ditto ditto .... N 40 @ 45, 30 Bundles, qt. 300 Ibs 63 3 7 9 Ditto ditto N 47 @ 50, 30 Bundles, qt. 300 Ibs 64 12 19417 3 CHARGES. Commission & Risk 5 f Cent. ,9, 14,, 10 Carriage, Postages & Porterage 5* 16,, 3 1511 1 179 6 2 Deduct 5 $* Cent, for Bill at 2 mo.../ 819 2 Net Proceeds 170 7 Ent d JOUR, page 10, SALES of 114 Bundles Cotton Yarns, on Account of Thomas Pollock fy Co. Glasgow. 1829 s. d. May 9 Mule Twist .... N 70 @ 75, 70 Bundles, qt. 350 Ibs 92 11 24 Ditto ditto . . . . N 83 @ 90, 44 Bundles, qt. 220 Ibs....' 69 1 161 12 8 CHARGES. Commission & Insuring Debts $ 9//4 Carriage, Porterage, &c 1 #12*4 8 1 8 6 mo. fron 4 th June. Net Proceeds .... 153J1 1 Enl d JOUR, page 10. I I 176 SALES-BOOK. SALES of Cotton Goods, 300 Pieces, on Account and Risk of Gordon, Barron 8f Co. Aberdeen. , * d May 4 Sold Kibble, Forster $ Co Bill @ 6 mo. I Cossaes, 200 Pieces, qt. 5,600 yards @ 13tf. . . 303 6 8 8 Sold TTz'Z/s 8f Ainsworth Bill @ 6 mo. | Shawl Cloths, 100 pieces, qt. 100 dozen @ 18/6 I 92 10 395 16 8 CHARGES. Carriage 82 Porterage, &c 3 lt \3 n 3 Postages & Bill Stamps -//ll// 7 Warehouse & Insurance against Fire .... -// 9// 1 1 Commission 2| ^ Cent 9 ,,17*1 J 1412 8 Net Proceeds 381 4 Ent d JOUR, page 10. SALE of 50 Pieces Cossae Muslin, on Account and Risk of Thomas Marshall, Perth. 829J s. d. May 8 Sold Wills $ Ainsiuorth Bill @ 6 mo I Cossaes, 50 Pieces, qt. 1400 yards, at I/ 70 CHARGES. Carriage & Porterage, c \ 3//9 Postages & Bill Stamp -,, 5,,6 Warehouse Rent & Insurance against Fire - Commission 2% ty Cent 1 // 15,,- 3 6 Net Proceeds 6614 Ent d JOUR, page 10. 3) I SALES-BOOK. 177 SALE of 30 Bundles Cotton Yarns, on Account and Risk oj Smith Sf Townley, Manchester. 1829 May 13 Sold Newman $ Browne Bill @ 6 mo. Georgia Twist, N 130 132 134 136 25 Ibs. . 40 . 20 . 35 . 30 ,14, 2, - 23,, 7// 2 12* 1, 5 21*16, 5 CHARGES. 9012 d. 11 Carnage, Porterage, &c. . . . . . 2, 3/, 10 Warehouse Rent, and Bill Stamp -,,10,, - Commission 2 W Cent 2, 5, 4 ( 4 iy Proceeds 85; 13 Ent d JOUR, /># 3 14 14 11 :> 16 5 6 10 15 7 8 June, 1829. of 239 395 70 90 s, 1 16 12 11 d. Q 8 11 1 Gordon, Barron, & Co. for Kibble, Forster &Co.>s.. < 303,, 6,8 for Wills & Ainsworth's 92,, 10,,- Thomas Marshall . . // ditto Smith & Townley . . // Newman & Browne's ...... frs 795 95 143 303 162 90 795 6 15 6 10 12 6 // 8 // 11 1 To Kibble, Forster fy Co To Wills fy Ainsworth 92 // 10 // - 70 WM. TAIT & Co. D r to Ditto M/A Consig ts . J87 15 j// 165 12 3 J. STIRLING & Co. D r to W. Tait Co. M/^ Co?is% fs . For the remainder of the Consignment put into 8 12 9 J. HAZARD & Co. D r to Jos. Taylor $ Sons. For Premium and Policy on '335, on Goods by the Triton, for Philadelphia, settled this 296 221 4 3 7 6 6 SUNDRIES D rs to Sales of Cotton in Co. For Amount Sold the following Bills @ 4 mo. Rose Bank Spinning Co 10 Bales Thomas Bateman & Co 10 , 517 1 JOURNAL* 199 15 SALES OF COTTON IN Co. D r to Sundries. For the following Entries to close that Account. ;To ADVENTURE OF COTTON IN Co C 1316,,18,, 6 16 To Charges 5* I// 4 1 1 |To Commission 42,, 1 ,/ 1 16 To Profit Sf Loss., my one-third of gain 4S,/18 // 1 1 l7;To Joseph Bankes . . his one-third .... 48,, 1 8,, 1 1 17 To Thomas Dunlop . . his ditto .... 48,, 1 8,, 1 1 June, 1829. 7ROAK & Co. D r to Sundries. For Net Proceeds of Account Sales. 1 3JTo Adventure to Hamburgh in Co. my half 253 S 13 ( To William Rainey .... his half 253 50616 20 16 PROFIT & Loss D r to Adventure to Hamburgh in Co 13 For my half of the loss by the above Sales 60 17 10 27 12 JOSEPH HUME & Co. D r to Sundries. For their Bill on Baines. 1 To Bills Receivable .... N 201 ,246 ,,18,,- 16 To Charges for Protest 10,,- 247 8 I 14 SUN DRIES D rs to Sales on Commission. For Amount Sold this Month. 16 3^Kibble, Forster & Co 366 ,,3, A 18 3 Ditto 108 474 3 4 19 4JPenman & Browne 83 3 9 3Dixon&Payne 39 9 1510 18 596 10 200 JOURNAL. 14 16 15 18|17 19*5 2415 30 !l6T< 11 JAS. DENNY & Co. D r to Bills Receivable. For Bills N 209 & 219 owing by them, they having failed Amount June, 1829. V SALES ON COMMISSION D T to Sundries. For Net Proceeds, fyc. of Sales this mo. F S. B, To Thomas Marshall due him To Stewart & Black due them To Thomas Pollock & Co To Smith & Townley ~*o Charges To Commission 16 PROFIT & Loss D r to Sundries. 9 To J. Denny & Co. for my loss on their Debt @ 7/6 W< 12 To Jos. Hume & Co. for a supposed loss on do. @ 5/ . . BILLS RECEIVABLE D r to Sundries. For Bills Received this Month ty B. B. 5 12 To Willam Armour N 21 8 To James Denny & Co 219 7 5 To Henry Clinton 220 8 3 To Henry Holdsvvorth & Co. 221 To Cooke & Girdvvood 222 1 10 To Joseph Taylor & Sons . . 223 15 4 To D. Johnston Son 224 23 7 To Rose Bank Spinning Co. 225 , 30 8 To Thomas Bateman & Co. . . 226 , vr\ ' 17) JOURNAL. 201 6 8 16 4 6 8 12 8 9 14 6 1 1 12 : 14 June, 1829. 205 170 339 s. 11 7 7 5 d. t 10 SUNDRIES D rs to Bills Payable. For Bilk Accepted this Month ^ B. B. William Stevens & Sons N 99 , William Wright 100.. 715 852 68 83 23 69 39 3 6 11 8 1 5 2 8 3 8 7 CASH D r to Sundries. For Sums Received this Month F C. B. To Bills Receivable . . N 210 & 214 . . . . .409,, 1 10 12th ditto 183 117* 5,, 2 15th ditto 204 196//13/, 6 21stditto. 194 129,2/8 To Interest .... for discount .......... 20// 8// 8 18th ditto t . ditto 14/, - // 6 20th ditto., ditto 7*11*- 28th ditto., ditto .. 18,/ 8,,- To Debentures . . . . V Triton 1135 16J 4 202 JOURNAL. (1 4 10 12 IS 20 24 30 30 1 P June, 1829. 11 408 158 1387 280 151 105 31 s. a 13 9 17 10 3 10 9 H 14 Wills & Ainsworth, 14 Watson, Michael, 16 208 LEDGER. (1 J { I 1829 Stock. D' s. d . Apr. June 1 30 To Sundries . . Amount of my Debts To Profit & Loss .... for Loss. . . . 1 16 6595 33 3 17 10 11 // To BALANCE . . .. Net Capital . . 19 3943 6 10 I! 10572 8 7 Cash. D' Apr. 1 To STOCK .... Balance on hand . . 1 3188 // 7 30 To Sundries . . received this Month 6 578 8 3 Aiav QI To ditto ditto H 2036 6 8 30 To ditto ditto 17 1135 16 4 6938 11 10 - Bills Receivable. D r Apr. 1 To STOCK .... Bills on hand .... 1 2139 19 // 30 To Sundries . . Bills rec d this Month 5 2538 8 11 lY/To^r 31 To ditto ditto 11 2076 17 4 lillflR 30 To ditto ditto 16 2657 }*> 7 9412 17 10 1) LEDGER. 209 1829 Contra. C r s. d. Apr. i By Sundries . . Amountof my Effects 1 IOS72 8 7 10572 8 7 ~~ ij j Contra* C r Apr. 30 By Sundries .... Paid this Month 6 1936 2 5 May 51 By ditto .......... ditto 1 i &i 3 10 June QQ By ditto ditto 1 8 2534 q L\J 10 By Balance .... on hand IP 616 9 6938 11 10 Contra. C r Apr. 30 By Sundries .... Bills endorsed . . 5 832 12 7 23 By Cash .... Bills discounted .... 6 460 11 6 May 11 By Scruton & Campbell . . N 212 endorsed them 9 355 19 31 By Cash . . Bills discounted and paid 11 1636 18 ff June 27 By Jos. Hume & Co. N 201, not p d 15 246 18 ii 30 By James Denny & Co., N 209 & 219 . . owing 16 250 2 9 7/ By Cash . . Bills discounted and paid 17 852 3 2 H By Balance .... for Bills on hand 19 4777 12 10 1 I 9412 17 10 210 LEDGER. 1829 Apr. 1 Goods. D r To STOCK .... 9 Contra. C r By Cash By Balance 122 // 389 165 166 303 705 14 13 9 6 7 11 6 3 3 8 10 Contra. C r By Export Goods .... By ditto By Bills Receivable, N 206 By Sundries Bill ^ By Balance , 1730 6 480 294 808 18 12 17 9 2 8 Contra. O By Bills Receivable, N 207 By ditto N214 ...... By ditto N 221 1584 8 7 214 LEDGER. (4 1829 Apr. May June Apr. June Apr. Apr. May 1 8 20 I 3 9 19 1 1 9 John Kingan, D r To STOCK 1 7 18 1 3 3 15 1 i 1 7 10 ' 196 32 151 s. 11 15 3 d. 4 // // To Goods To Cash 380 9 4 137 23 131 83 13 13 19 3 7 6 10 9 Penman & Browne, D r To STOCK To Goods To ditto To Sales on Commission . 376 10 8 212 6 // Ogle & Dunham, D r 282 49 157 11 7 3 6 8 // D. Johnston & Son, D r To STOCK To Goods . . , To Sales on Commission .......... 489 2 2 LEDGER. 215 1829 Apr. May 8 10 9 10 30 25 // 31 15 15 Contra. C r By Bills Receivable N 199 5 7 5 11 19 6 9 11 K rj 16 196 183 s. 11 18 d. 4 i/ By Export Goods ................ Apr. May June Apr. May Apr. June 380 9 4 137 155 83 13 13 3 7 4 9 Contra. C r By Bills Receivable, N 200 By ditto // 213 ...... By Balance 376 10 8 37 90 84 3 4 18 // 7 K tj Contra. C r By Cash . . Dividend of 3/6 Apr. May June Apr. Apr. 1 30 1 o Contra. C By Export Goods 9 496 10 6 njji. ?fi By ditto . . . . u 158 9 10 May 5 By ditto 7 241 11 2 6 By Bills Receivable, N 21 0,211 .. 11 274 C/ 4 1171 II 10 Vlav 4 Contra. C r By Bills Receivable N 209 1 1 186 10 9 T J June 6 5 By Sundries. . .*. . . Bill By Bills Receivable, N 219 14 16 143 63 15 3 // 7 30 ff By Profit & Loss . . Loss of 7/6 Transferred to folio 16 68 4 9 Commission. -D 18 IftO 1 1 o Old / 16C 1 William Tail & Co. ale. D Apr Jun 1 1 To W. Tait & Co. m/a consig" proceed To ditto ditto . . // 4 14 44 18 4 1 r ! 63 19 // 11) LEDGER. 229 1829 Apr. May Apr. May June Apr. June ;J 13 17 3 // // 24 31 13 3 // // 24 31 17 27 30 8 5 Contra. C" By Joseph Taylor & Sons 3 4 7 8 // // 10 16 3 7 8 // // 10 13 15 16 5 14 4 1 1 1 2 11 15 s. 10 19 16 16 11 15 13 d. 6 9 9 9 6 1 8 By Wm.Tait & Co. m/a Consignments By Adventure to Hamburgh in Co. . . Bv William Rainey . . . By Henry Somerville By Sundries <$* Betsey By Sales on Commission Transferred to folio . . 40 4 // 9 12 12 1 25 38 2 42 16 10 3 3 3 14 16 16 1 // 11 8 5 5 6 8 10 7 10 3 Contra. C' Bv Joseph Taylor & Sons By Adventure to Hamburgh in Co. . . By William Rainey By Henry Somerville By Sundries <$* the Betsey By Sales on Commission By Goods . . W. Wright's Sales. . . . By Sales of Cotton in Co By Sales on Commission 160 2 445 187 4 15 19 // // // Glasgow. C r By Bills Receivable, N 198 By ditto 218 632 230 LEDGER. (12 1829 Apr. May 13 11 11 2c 31 30 // 2 Jl 4 William Armour. D To Interest in Bill N 198. . . . To Cash . . paid his Bill 175. ... To Goods i 10 6 12 18 // 5 15 9 20 2 14 2i 67 s. 1 1C 16 1 Q 11 240 9 ( Apr. May June Apr. May une Vlay une // 5 15 11 102 135 12 2 17 // 11 5 6 c 11 ti 4 tnterest. D 1 To J. Hume & Co...di/. of Interest To Cash . . discount on Bills ...... To Ditto ...... discounts To Ditto ^ . ,/ To Profit Sf Loss 371 95 247 714 6 6 8 I 6 6 // // Joseph Hume & Co. D r To Bills Payable, N 90 ^o Sales on Commission To Sundries . . Bill N 201 not paid 20 46 5 19 4 H 6 6 Condon Assurance Co. D r ^o Sundries . . return of Premium. . ^o Balance 67 12) LEDGER. 231 1829 Apr. June Apr. May June Apr. June Apr. May 8 5 8 6 31 7 17 30 11 // 6 30 // 9 24 Contra. C r Bv Bills Receivable, N 198 5 16 4 6 10 11 13 17 4 $ 15 16 19 4 9 147 92 s. 11 18 ; 9 d. 6 // 6 By ditto .... // 218 240 2 25 8 27 2 68 1 8 19 15 13 6 5 To Sundries <$* Journal 508 19 6 103 7 2 Michael Watson, D r To Goods . . 10 19 6 William Simkin. D r To Goods . 165 12 3 J. Stirling & Co. D r To Wm. Tait & Co. m/a . . Consign* 16) LEDGER. 239 1829 May June June June June June 31 17 27 // 30 u 27 30 // 30 30 30 Contra. C r By Amount transferred from . . . .fol. By Goods .... Postages 11 13 15 // 16 18 15 1 ' 19 19 19 40 if 5 a 6 121 s. 4 1 1 10 19 3 d. it 4 4 // 6 7 By Sales of Cotton in Co By Joseph Hume & Co. . . Protest . . By Sales on Commission By Profit 8f Loss 173 19 9 48 426 33 18 2 17 11 8 11 Contra. O By Sales of Cotton in Co. my J of Gain By Sundries <$* Journal By Stock . .for Loss since I st Apr. . .fol. 508 19 6 103 7 2 Leith. , C r By Balance ,. 10 19 6 Contra. C r By Balance .... 165 12 3 Glasgow. C r 240 LEDGER. (17 1829 June June June June June 30 20 30 30 30 Stewart & Black, D r 20 20 20 19 395 s. 2 d. 506 16 // Roak & Company, D r To Sundries . . Proceeds of Sales . . 48 18 11 Joseph Bankes. D r 48 18 11 Thomas Dunlop. D r 10211 9 5 Balance. D r To Sundries. .Amount of my Effects 17) LEDGER. 241 1829 June June June June June 18 30 27 27 30 // Perth. C' By Sales on Commission 16 19 15 15 20 1 1 395 s. 2 d. 506 16 // Hamburgh. C 48 18 11 Contra. C r By Sales of Cotton in Co 48 18 11 \ Contra. C' By Sales of Cotton in Co 6268 3943 2 6 9 7 10 Contra. C r By Sundries . . Amount of my Debts By Stock. . . . Net Capital foL 10211 5 M END OF THE BOOK-KEEPING. ON BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND MERCHANTS' ACCOUNTS : CONTAINING The Form and Method of drawing BILLS of EXCHANGE, and making dut such Accounts which usually occur in business. In. explaining these Mercantile Precedents, the catechetical manner of Question and Answer is adopted, from a conviction of its being better calculated to impress on the mind of the pupil, information, than the usual way of writing in a regular narrative. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. L INLAND BILLS. 1. tyA*What is meant by a Bill? Am. A Bill is a written obligation to pay a certain Sum at a specified time. 2. Qu. How many kinds of Bills are there 9 Ans. Two : Inland Bills and Foreign Bills. 3. Qu.What is an Inland Bill? Am. A Bill payable in the same Country where it was drawn.* 4. Qu. How are Inland Bills distinguished ? Ans. Into Drafts and Promissory Notes 5 the former containing an order , and the latter a promise. FORM or A DRAFT. 185,10/ LONDON, 25* May, 1829. Two months after date, pay to my order, one hundred and eighty-five pounds, ten shillings, value received. HENRY WILLIAMS. Messrs. Joseph Hume ^ Co. f Accepted, Jos. Hume & Co., N , Cheapside. \ payable at Jones & Co. FORM OF A PROMISSORY NOTE. ^ISZttW/ LONDON, 25 th May, 1829. Two months after date, we promise to pay Mr. Henry Williams, or order, at Messrs. Jones $ Co. Bankers, one hundred and eighty-five pounds, ten shillings, value received. JOSEPH HUME & Co. * For a definition of Foreign Bills, v ide page 546, M 2 244 nvr . .APPENDIX: 5. Qu. How many Persons are generally concerned in an Inland Sill ? Aur-TwQ* the Drawer and Accepter. 6. Qu. Who is meant by the Drawer* of a Bill? Ans. The Person to whose order the Bill is made payable^ or who receives the sum or value. 7. Qu. Who is meant by the Accepter of a Bill? Ans. Tiie Person on whom the Bill is drawn, and who pays the value when due. 8. Qu. /r/m* is meant by Accepting a Bill f Ans. Signing }'our name under that of the Drawer, or through, pr across the body of the Bill, by which you bind yourself to pay it when due. 9. Qu. What is meant by Endorsing a Bill? Ans. The Holder of a Bill, before he can pay it away, must write his name on the back of it, (across the paper and against the end of the line,) being in effect a promise to pay the Bill should the Accepter fail. 10. Qu. How many kinds of Endorsations are there f $fa Ans. Two: Blank and Special. ] 1. Qu. What is meant by a Blank or General Endorsement? two. Ans. Writing your name only on the back of the Bill. 12. Qu. What is meant by a Special Endorsement ? Ans. When the Holder names the person to whom it is endorsed, "the Bill is said to be specially endorsed. 13. QVL. IP/rich of the two Endorsements are to be preferred in, remitting Bills ? Ans. A special Endorsement ; because, should the Bill fall into improper hands, the person's name to whom it is endorsed must be forged before it can be negotiated, and consequently fraud or imposition is prevented as much as possible. 14. Qu. When the Term of a Bill is expressed in Months, whether are Calendar or Lunar Months understood? Ans. Calendar months are always understood. 15. Qu. Explain thts by an Example. Ans. Suppose a Bill dated on the 1st January, and made payable at one month after date, the term or month expires on the 1st February; and if a Bill be dated on the 29th, 30th, or 31st of January, at one month's date, the term expires on the last, or 28th day of February, in common years, and on the 29th in leap years. 16. Qu. What is understood by Days of Grace f Ans. Days of Grace are a certain number of days granted after the term of the Bill has expired. In Britain, 3 days are allowed. 17. Qu. Are days of Grace allowed on Bills drawn at Sight? Ans. The general opinion is, that no days should be allowed ; and therefore they must be paid or protested when presented for payment. * in the above BILL, Henry Williams is the Braver, and J. Hume & Co. are the Acceptors. ON BILLS OF EXCHANGE. 245 18. Qu. Is a Bill drawn on an irregular Stamp valid? Ans. A Bill drawn on a stamp of /upvalue than the Act requires is not valid ; though a Bill drawn upon a stamp of greater value is valid. 19. Qu. Is it proper to date a Bill on a Sunday 9 Ans. A Bill drawn on a Sunday is considered irregular, and therefore not negotiable. 20. Qu. If a Bill falls due on a Sunday or any Holiday t when must it le paid 9 Ans. It must be paid on Saturday, or the day before the Holiday. 21. Qu. JVkat is meant by getting a Bill Discounted? Ans. To discount a Bill means to procure Cash for it before it becomes due. 22. Qu. How is this done 9 Ans. By endorsing a Bill to any Person or Banking House who pays the money, deducting Interest for the time it has to run. 23. Qu. IVlien a Bill is made payable at so many Weeks after date, 7ioiv is the time of payment known f Ans. By allowing seven days to the week, and reckoning the number of days from the date of the Bill. 24. Q\i.W7iat is meant by Protesting- a Bill 9 Ans. A Protest is an instrument* in writing (taken by a Notary Public) in favour of the Holder of a Bill which is not duly Accepted or Paid. 25. Qu. When ought a Bill to be presented for payment 9 Ans. Upon the last day of Grace, and within Bank hours. 26. Q\i.lVhen ought a Bill to be Protested, if not paid 9 Ans. On the evening of the day on which it falls due, or the last day of Grace. 27- Qu. JVhai is the consequence should the Holder neglect to Protest the Bill in due time f Ans. He loses recourse against the Drawers and Endorsers, and can sue the Accepter only for Payment. 28. Qu. When ought Inland Bills not paid be returned? Ans. Inland Bills may be kept 14 days, but not longer. 29. Qu. How soon can payment of a Bill be enforced after it has teen Protested 9 Ans. A charge may be given immediately, and in . six days thereafter, the Accepter, or his property, may be attached. 30. Qu, For what length of time is a Bill in farce 9 Ans. A Bill continues effectual for six years, although not regularly protested, and forty years when duly protested. * A PROTEST is taken in the presence of two witnesses, and contains a copy of the Bill, a relation that Acceptance or Payment has been demanded and refused, and for what reason, If any be assigned, and a declaration that all parties concerned shall be accountable for the valne and damages. A'Protest is absolutely necessary on a Foreign Hill, when it has been refused Acceptance or Payment, in order to charge the DRAWER., 246 APPENDIX : II. FOREIGN BILLS. 31. Qu. What is meant by a Foreign 'Bill of Exchange 9 Ans. It is a written Order from a person in one country addressed to another in a different country, requiring him to pay a certain Sum. to a third person, or to his order, and that either on demand or at a specified time. FORM OF A FOREIGN BILL. ,357, 10/ <2W~w ^et<9k*^: HAMBURGH, May 1**, 1829. (%t USANCE^ pay to the order of Messrs. Hunter, Robinson, fy Co. three hundred and fifty-seven pounds ten shillings Sterling, value received, and charge the same to the Account of MESSRS. JONES & Co. > JOSEPH VANDERKEMFT. London* > 32. Qu. What is meant by Usance 9 Ans. USANCE* is the usual Time at which Bills are drawn at certain places, such as One, Two, or Three Months after date, or after Sight. 33. Qu. How many Persons are generally concerned in a Foreign An s. Sometimes Three, but generally Four; viz. Two at the place where the Bill is drawn and Two in the Country where it is " 34. Qu. How are these Persons named 9 Ans. The Drawer, Payee, Drawee, and Holder. 35. Qu. Who is meant by the Drawer? Ans. The Person who makes out the Bill. 36. Qu. Who is meant by the Payee f Ans< The Person to whose Order, or in whose favour the Bill is drawn. 37. Qu. Who in meant by the Drawee? Ans. The Person on whom the Bill is drawn ; or, in other words^ to whom it is addressee!. 38. Qu. Who is meant by the Holder of a Bill? Ans. The Person to whom the Bill is endorsed, or in whose possession it remains at the time of payment. 39. Qu.Who is meant by the Endorser ? Ans. The Person who first writes his name on the back of the Bill. 40. Qu. Who is meant by the Endorsee f Ans. The Person to whom the Payee has endorsed the Bill 41. Qu. What is meant by a Set of Exchange ? Ans. Two, or Three Bills drawn at the same time, at so many e one month, 15 days are allowed for half Usance. ON MERCHANTS' ACCOUNTS. 247 FORM OF A SET OF EXCHANGE. N' i._ .^360. NEW YORK, May 29< fe , 1829. SIXTY days after sight, pay this my first of Exchange (second and third of the same tenor and date unpaid) to the order of Mr. A. B. three hundred and sixty pounds Sterling, value received as advised* MESSRS. DRAWEE & COMPANY, > DANIEL DRAWEE. Lombard Street, London. > NO II. ^360. NEW YORK, May 29 t/l , 1829. SIXTY days lifter sight, pay this my second of Exchange (first and third of the same tenor and date unpaid) to the order of Mr. A. B. three hundred and sixty pounds Sterling, value received as advised. MESSRS. DRAWEE & COMPANY, ? DANIEL DRAWER. Lombard Street, London. J NO III. ^ 360. NEW- YORK, MAY 29< ft , 1829. SIXTY days after sight, pay this my third of Exchange (first and second unpaid of the same tenor and date) to the order of Mr. A. B. three hundred and sixty pounds Sterling, value received as advised. MESSRS. DRAWEE & COMPANY, > DANIEL DRAWER. Lombard Street, London. J Accepted 12th July. Drawee & Company. 42. Qu. For what purpose are these Bills so drawn 9 Ans.To be sent by different Ships or Posts, as a security against accidents and delays ; and when one of them is Accepted and Paid, the others are of no use. 43. Qu. How is the Time of Payment fixed on Bills drawn after Sight ?* Ans.&he Accepter marks the date of his acceptance, and the term of the Bill is computed from the time it was accepted, and not from the time it was drawn. 44. Qu. tPhen ought Foreign Bills not paid to be returned to. the Party from whom they were received 9 . Ans. Foreign Bills should be returned in course of Post, or, at all events, within three Posts. MERCHANTS' ACCOUNTS. I. BILLS OF PARCELS. 1. Qu.What is meant by a Bill of Parcels ? Ans. A Bill of Parcels is a Note of the quantity and value of Goods Sold; delivered by the Seller to the Buyer, along with the Goods. * Bills from America and the West Indies are generally drawn at so many days or months sight, on account of the uncertainty of their coming to hand at any fixed time. 248 APPENDIX: 2. Qu. How is a Bill of Parcels made out 9 Ans. When it is a Copy of the Goods Sold, and delivered at the time of Purchase, the expression is, BOUGHT of A* B. FORM or BILLS OF PARCELS. N 1. LONDON, May 15"', 1329'. Messrs. Lawrie & Hamilton, BOUGHT of James Penning fy Co. 60 pieces, Muslins, qt 1680 yards @\\d. Tj ff - - 50 ditto 1268 ditto 13rf. ...... 65, - - 1 f . Calico 1420 ditto 14rf. ...... 83,6,- ^225, 6,- N" 2, LONDON, jJ% 25'*, 1829. Messrs. Lavvrie & Hamilton, BOUGHT 6//- 25, To ditto ditto ...... 205,6,- ^430,12,- REMARKS. When an Account or Bill of Parcels is to be settled either by Cash or Bill t a Receipt is given at the foot. If a partial payment be made, it is subtracted; and if several partial payments be made, they are short extended, and their Sum subtracted. If a Person purchase Goods without agreeing for the Price, he is liable for thg ordinary Market Price at the time of Purchase. If the Buyer prove Insolvent before delivery, the Seller is not bound to deliver the Goods without Payment or Secnrity. ON MERCHANTS' ACCOUNTS. 249 Lff II, INVOICES. 4. Qu. What is an Invoice ? Jns. An Invoice is on Account of Goods generally sent off by Sea, either in consequence of an 0;vforfrom the Person to whom they are sent, and at his risk ; or consigned to him for Sale at the risk of the Shipper. FORM OF AN INVOICE. INVOICE of Loaf Sugar Shipped on board the Mermaid, Capt- Bowling, for Jamaica, on Account and Risk of John Stirling, Esq. Merchant there. LONDON, April 3 rd , 1829. f"^> Jj.S.J * MVV 3 In Sixteen Puncheons. Cwt. qr. Ib. Cwt. qr. Ib. N 1 .... 4,2,27 N 9 .. 4,3,26 2 .... 5,-, 6 10 .. 5,-, 5 3 4,3,17 11 .. 4,3,20 4 4,3,16 12 .. 4,3,27 5 5,-, 1 13 .. 4,3,14 6 5,-, 1 14 .. 4,3,- 7 5,-,19 15 .. 4,3,13 8 5,-,17 16 .. 5,-, 6 s. d. 39,3,20 39,-,27 on 07 79,-,19 @92/FCwt... c 364, 3,7 Cost of 16 puncheons, @"27/ .. 21,16,- 385 19 7 CHARGES. Freight of 16 puncheons, @ 30/ ...... 24, - , - Commission 21 ^ Cent 30 10 c 8 9 1 em Insurance on o460, @ 3 Guineas .... 14, 9,1( Policy duty, 5/6 ^ Cent, on ^500 1, 7* 6 Commission 4 ^ Cent. 2, 6, - 18 j444 r C 14 4 9 LAURIE & HAMILTON, * For the Letter to accompany the above Invoice, see N II,, page 254. 250 5. Qu. On what Sum does an Agent charge his Commission for Purchasing and Shipping off Goods ? Ans. On the Cost of the Goods, including all Charges. 6. Qu. For what purpose is the clause " Errors Excepied" prefixed to INVOICES and other ACCOUNTS ? Ans. That the* Subscriber may have it in his power afterwards to correct Errors , should any be discovered. III. ACCOUNT SALES. 7. Qu. What is an Account Sales 9 Ans. It is an Account of Goods Sold on Commission, drawn out by the Agent, and sent to his Employer who made the consignment. 8. QU. When the Debts ure not guaranteed by the Agent, but ure at the Risk of the Employer, how should he make out the Account Sales ? Ans. In the Preamble it may be stated at whose Risk the Goods have been, sold; or, the Agent should prefix to his signature "Bad Debts Exceptedf otherwise in strictness he becomes accountable for the same. 9. Qu. When the Agent guarantees the Debts, is it necessary to mentian in the Account Sales the Names of the Purchasers 9 Ans. Although in many instances this is done, it is not necessary; because it is a matter of indifference to his Employer to whom he sold the Goods ; besides, it unnecessarily lays open his business to his Employer. 10. Qu. On what Sum does the Agent charge his Commission on an Account Sales f , . Ans. On the Gross Amount of the Sales. 3 1. Qu. What is meant by the Net Proceeds 9 Ans* The Sum which remains after all Charges attending the Sales have been deducted, and which Sum is due to the Consigner. 12. Qu.What is the duty of an Agent ? Ans. An Agent should procure the best intelligence of the state of Trade at the place where he resides ; of the quantity and quality of the Goods in the Market; their present Prices, and the probability of their rising or falling : to pay exact obedience to the orders of his Employers; to consult their interest in matters referred to his discretion i to be early in his intelligence, and distinct and correct in his Accounts. ON MERCHANTS' ACCOUNTS. 251 FORM OF AN ACCOUNT SALES. SALE of Ten Puncheons of Rum "ty the Hercules, from Jamaica, on Account and Risk of J. $ D. Kinsey, Esqtdres, there. Apr. 26 Sold James Forbes & Co , . Bill @ 4 Months 196 37 s. q o 16 rf. 6 1 N 10 109 16 .... Ill 11 112 17 .... 112 12 114 18 .... 113 13 110 19 .... 113 J4 112 15 115 449 672 672 == 1121 Galls. @ 3/6 CHARGES. Freight on 1121 Gallons, @ 6d . . . .^28,, - ,6 Import Charges and Delivery, 7/3 ty pun. 3, 12//6 Cellar Rent 1 /, 5 /; - Commission, 2 ty Cent 4// 18// 1 To J. & D. Kinsey, Esqrs. for Net Proceeds 158 7 5 LONDON, 1** May, 1829. LAURIE & HAMILTON. $3= For the Letter to accompany the above Account-Sales, see N III. page 254. IV. ACCOUNTS CURRENT. 33. Qu. What is meant by an Account Current? Ans. It is a state of our Mercantile Transactions with any Person, drawn out in a plain circumstantial manner, arranged in the form of D r and (7 r , and it exhibits the state of their affairs up to the time to which it is made up. 14. Qu. Does it require a knowledge of Book-keeping to understand the nature of an Account Current ? Ans. Yes ; because the particulars are narrated as expressed in the JOURNAL and Subsidiary Books; and where the collective term Sundries occurs in the LEDGER, every reference is supplied. 252 APPENDIX : 15. Qu. How is Interest calculated m Account Current f . ' Ans. The usual method is to compute the Interest on each Sum respectively, on the D r and C r sides of the Account ; but this is very laborious without Interest Tables. The best method is to add and subtract the Sums on the D r and & sides of the Account, as they become due ; and then multiply the several Balances by the days which intervened between each transac- tion ; and if the Balances be due at one time to the Merchant, and at John Stirling, Esq., in Account Current, JAMAICA, 1829 Jan- Mar. June 10 1 8 30 To Cash) paid your Bill for Hill this day 200 459 50 3 103 s. 14 1 16 10 15 3 d. 3 6 o 10 6 To Goods ty the Jessie, as $* Invoice, due 4th June To Cash, paid J. Carr ^ Order To Commission on ^251 ,10,6 paid, and on 450, - - received, 701, 10,6 @J f Cent LONDON, 30 e/l June, 1829. 818 1 3 H 8 10 7 H 4 1 H 2 1 14 12 15 14 11 D r INTEREST On ,200, 14/ for 171 days to 30th June 459, 1,3.. 26 H to ditto 50,16,6.. 114 to ditto 189 *17,,6.. 105 u to ditto off Balance of Interest carried to A-l Current 11 8 = \ For the Letter to accompany the ON MERCHANTS' ACCOUNTS. 253 another to his Correspondent, extend the products in separate columns, and compute the Interest on the difference of the sums of these columns. l SirfJ Jtfd {JmjOOOA difjt 10 S9hf8 ^bas *G. 90 16. Qu. Wh-y_ should a preference be given to this last method ? Ans. Because it is not only more expeditious, by reducing the calculation of the Interest to one operation, but this method exhibits, at the different, dates, the Balance due to the respective parties. with Lawrie 8f Hamilton, LONDON. 1829 Jan. June 1 4 10 30 By Balance at this date 176 450 189 s. 12 H 17 11 d. 9 6 H By your Bill on Lewis, & Co., due 8th March By Net Proceeds of Cotton ^ Cuba, due 13th Oct. Errors Excepted. LAWfRiE & HAMILTON. 818 i 7 1 7 3 7 6 ACCOUNT. C r On-^176,12,9 for 181 days to 30th June 11 8 = 1 above Account-Current, see N IV., page 254. 254 , 8 TD3i, MERCANTILE LETTERS. OOHOg FORMS OF LETTERS TO ACCOMPANY THE PRECEDING ACCOUNTS. NO I. ORDERING GOODS. GENTLEMEN, JAMAICA, January \Q th , 1829. I will thank you to Purchase on my Account about Eighty Cwt of Fine Loaf Sugar, the Price not to exceed 93/ & Cwt^ and Ship the same in strong Hogsheads by the first Vessel from your Port^ effecting Insurance on the lowest terms. I rely upon your attention to my Interest, and am, GENTLEMEN, Your most Obedient Servant^ Messrs. Lawrie * Hamilton, > JOHN STIRLING. LONDON. N II, SHIPPING GOODS. (Executing the above Order). SIR, LONDON, April 24< h , 1829. Agreeably to your kind Order of Ihe 10* fc January , we have Shipped by the Mermaid, Captain Bowling, for Jamaica, Refined Sugars asty Invoice annexed, Amount) with Charges and Insurance, ) 444 tf l4 / /9 at your debit, payable at 3 months. This Sugar is at such a Price, and of such a qualify, as, we trusty will give entire satisfaction. Waiting your farther commands, We remain^ SIR, John Stirling, Esq. > Your's very respectfully, JAMAICA. > LAWRIE & HAMILTON. J'lde page 249. N III. FURNISHING ACCOUNT-SALES. Messrs. J. 4* D. Kinsey, Esqrs. LONDON, 30 th April, 1829. GENTLEMEX, We have the pleasure to hand your Account Sales of your Ten Puncheons Rum ^ the Hercules. Net Proceeds \58,,7 l ,5 which we hope you will find correct. Any Drafts which you may have on Messrs. J. Forbes fy Co. for the Amount of the proceeds of the Rum, will, I hope, meet with due Iwnour. We are, GENTLEMEN, Your's, respectfully t LAWRIE & HAMILTON. Vide page 251. N IV. RENDERING AN ACCOUNT-CURRENT. SJR, LONDON, July 2 nrf , 1829. Annexed you have a Copy of your Account Current for the last Six Months; Balance in your favour ^103^3^6, which is placed to your Credit in New Account. We remain, John Stirling, Esq. ) Your most Obedient Servants, JAMAICA. J LAWRIE & HAMILTON. Vide page 252. SCHOOL BOOKS ON COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS. By the same Author. I. THE YOUNG LADIES' PRACTICAL GUIDE to FIGURES and ACCOUNTS ; containing the Necessary Rules of ARITHMETIC, with Examples and numerous Practical Exercises ; and a short and easy Set of BOOK- KEEPING, applicable to Domestic Economy, &c. To which is added, the Method of making out Accounts, and of Writing Bills and Receipts, with Forms of Complimentary Notes. Designed as a Text-Book for Ladies' Schools and Private Tuition. Price 3$. 6d. II. THE MERCANTILE LETTER -WRITER ; or, COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENT 1 : containing a series of Letters, written in the technical style of Real Business. For the use of Young Persons designed for Trade. Second Edition, improved, price 2s. 6d. . Preparing for the Press. III. THE MODERN TUTOR: an Improved System of PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC ; containing all the RULES necessary for Mer- cantile Practice) with the most concise methods of calculating as used in the first Counting-houses, illustrated by Examples from REAL BUSI- NESS. To which is subjoined an APPENDIX, containing RULES of less general utility, but usually taught in Schools, as preparatory to the Mathematical branches. N. B. The plan and arrangement of this Work have met the appro" bation of experienced Teachers, and also of several eminent Account- ants in Public Offices, who were formerly Teachers. CARD. COMMERCIAL INSTRUCTION. Mr. J. MORRISON, Accountant, Teaches Young Gentlemen the shortest and neatest methods of performing the various CALCULATIONS which occur in Business, and the most approved modes of arranging and keeping MERCANTILE BOOKS ; and also gives general instructions respecting all branches of knowledge necessary to qualify Young Gentlemen for managing the Concerns of the Counting -House. 0^ BOOKS written up, and DISPUTED ACCOUNTS examined. Terms and other particulars may be known ly applying at 3, PAUL- STREET, FINSBURY. LATELY PUBLISHED BY W. JOY, 66, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH- YARD. Price 2s. neatly bound, A TREATISE on PRACTICAL ARITHMETIC and MENSURATION, adapted to the Use of Schools and to Private Tuition; on a New and Improved Plan, designed to accelerate the improvement of the Learner. The part on Mensuration is accompanied by Copper-plate Engravings. Third Edition, greatly enlarged, con- taining a variety of Useful and important Information, never before published, and concluded with about Three Hundred Promiscuous Questions for the Examination of Learners during their progress through the work. By S. P. REYNOLDS, Accountant, and Teacher of Mathematics. Also, A KEY, containing the SOLUTIONS of the QUESTIONS worked at length. Price 3*. neatly bound. ' This is a useful and unpretending little compilation, recommending itself by simplicity of style and cheapness of form." Monthly Critical Gazette, Feb. 1825. " A youth of moderate capacity, if intent on acquiring arithmetical knowledge, will find this to be one of those works which will enable him to make a proficiency in learning, without any other aid." Imperial Magazine, Nov. J82~. " This unpretending volume contains much valuable matter, carefully digested in small space, and expressed in clear and simple terms." Weekly Revieu\ Aug. 30, 1828. " We can recommend this little book to the attention of tutors, for the simplicity and clearness of its arrangements. The improvements in this edition are worthy of particular notice, and the engraved plates, illustrative of the study of mensuration, will be found to afford considerable facilities to the learner." Atlas, Sept. 7, 1828. " This little volume embodies a mass of instruction in a narrow compass, it offers greater facilities for a youth in pursuing the dry study of arithmetic, than any book of the